Grand Traverse Herald, June 06, 1912

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Grand Traverse Herald, June 06, 1912


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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and Xravaraa









etU^priaing people or Cleo
Leke. AntAm coustr.vheve Unded
•TATK Oe^ARTMKNT HONORD aeltlng ctBOoo for Ui^r toim. T
becked >»' Great.
Been A Oo- or Chlcego. Some reei
ego Uila vllleire wee Importent et
lumber center end aov It l« comtac i


Blag factory secured some yean alaee
has eaioyed great prosnerlty. aad It
Is now believed that the addillon oT
raltlnc atatiob wlU help to produce
good Bsri«l tor tbe prodorts of tbe
haarby fams. There era maoy
u to believe that Central lAke will
m becoBe one of the imporiaat aguliural markets of Antrim county.

On* MHIIm tiMnd* eT
aim ImImM III tf>« tot*. COA-

le d —Tbe eteie tfetbotlaed the war de• the BppUeetion of
DkBt ter S.OM rUea



Uea wkkS era Vbe
ralifefi Bbd the |
Srilienilliiii oweera to protect tbeir

r PrcllmlrMry Teyeut


By WiateHa Rebekah Lodge thuriday Evening.

Last NlghL
Provemont. June 4.—Miss to
tAfflle pad AUred Richard, both
Is place were married last evening
the bride's home. The bride wore
gown of while embroidered voile
d while veil. She was aiieuiied bv
her elsler, Miss C|xirabelle. wbo we>
dressett in pink silk. The groom s
brother. Ik)ul«. ecied as best man
Iher Rensinmn offlciaied. The ronple
left Ibis morning on a short wenldlng
trip and will vlsil friends ot Heaver
IslsBda and other points. Mr. Richard
ta a farmer and.the couple wilt reuirn
shortly to lake up their vesldeuce on
the farm.



Country PeopU Cen meurt Cat L.
ae Lew ae-C^y Ret-

WaahlDKton, June
When tlie m
val Inapectinn board arrived at Rock
land. Me, Iasi ttigfat to conduct the of
fleial trip or the big bettlcKhip A
kaaaaa. they (onod that when paasll
through Two Bnab channel eatrahto l>HnobarDt bay Buuday afiernooti.
the Arkanaas had touched the bottom
Caplaln Fetchler. prealdeut of
trial board, reported to tjie navy de
tertmeut today ibal the ship struck
about obe->|usner of the way from her
bow OB Ibe left hand aide, just uader
tbe tarn 6f the bilge eod agala close
the keel.
U the boilers tbe sblp'A atruclure
is divided into a great number
amali cotupartmeau w'hldi extend
refcTblican national commit­
ly hMf way across the bottom of
The- accident U similar to that of
the Titanic. Naval conatrnetora said,
(iriay that had
Aricantaa not

The regular'meeitng of Wlsterta Re^kab lodge No 4:.’> was brid la'ibelr
ball Thursday evening, ai wbteb time
officer* were elected for the ensuing MARINES HAVE BEEN LANDED
year ,.s tollows:
Noble Grand—Sarah Tompklas.
Vire Graud-Edith Burgnt.
Recording nerretery—Dell .M. Mclchrr.
Treasurer—Emma I^emcool. •
Repreeentoilvee-Dnil Meicber and
Bessie McMIcliaeL
AIieraatM—CUra Koch and Maude
.'loe. .
IVpitty—Tom Fitzgerald.
Pianist-Nellie Kusselt
PraetdaM Oemra flemra ttetete t
Capinln of degree staff—4'hss Edgeandle tbs RabeHlew or Pternriih; .

Washington. Jnoe 4.- Caatied dayigbt " Is an lllumliiailng faveutfoti of
Prof. Waller O. Snelllng. of I’ltlsmrgli. former ex|iert of the dp|*nor agrtruliure. He ia atartling
Washington scientist* and gV manuarturlng experts wilh dcmonalnilians
n( Ills new- "sunshine* maker, carried
I a small buhVc.
Liquid ga* Is Prof Snelllng's Inven»D. It la maniiractnred (rom wrast<‘d
ises and valors of oil wells, cheap
Iirmliice. easily -condensed
iransported. That It wlU revolulloaUe farm lUumliutlon Is predicted..^'
Us inveuor. Ills aaiKWM "gaa pUni
ie ei
lartlos raough material lo ligM a
room for Iwd tC-eeks. wliho>it rej-Ieuishlng. at a co*C of about tl.
"Canned* gas. Prof. Snelllng says, Victory of Tn« en National Commit«*n be supplied farmers at a cost
tee ie Admittod By CoMmltteeiboiuaad feel as low n tbw city den­
man Today.
izens DOW pay. In a single eonminer.
two' ihnusand feet, nearly a monib's
Chicago, June 5.-The attempt of
supply . Is hew In liquid form, to be
liberated when bulbed as needed. Roosevell faUow-ert to neat tbe newly
The liquid g&9 .leveloiia a heating and elected commitieemen from
llgbilng power of S.tmi Brliisl
Kepubhean nallonal
Work Muat Be Finiehed In Time For
Taft men failed. - Comi
Temporary Roll Call In the
CenvtMien When It














I the leteat
tm of aWtflU riSee. almUer to
.tee IMM etewrfr MppUed'to the
Maaj'poinU ot latereat are being gone to the bottom slam
cSiSm aim/. «>teiuwmatonad
brought out by Sapenateiideat ot Pnb- a%e Arkansas baa not been turned
tmA eneejMM sot be wld wtUwot
aeiloB L. L. WrlgbL la re­ ore^Ho tbe government by the New
•xpeeaa «tkeMtr from eoegreea, ai gard to Ibe coDduct ot district ecbools York SbipbuilJiug rompany of Cam­
ea It wooM teko aeoe tlaw to seem that fbould be given careful aiody by den, whose-employee were'lu charge
tbe eiiiragy lenelatloii. tbe'Cubaa the TsHoua ’ boards. The 'dUirlet of the vessel when she sirucfc.
•oranHBMt deelded to ecoept Krac- boards have almost coawlete taxiog I Therefore the company will make
Tannin rltei laataad. Tbase
power, tbe electore of a sebool dlatrtct good tbe damage aad tbe repairs will
■ pcMtteear ■»» weepooa, harlm been
legally able to vote monev only probably eoninme a momb.
aiPSHiS «llk MW berreb end put
tor tbe ere^a of.acbool bouses, buy(beRink erSer wbea tbep were withot sites sad tbe paymeai ot to/-:
Chicago. HU June Ti.—Rj aclically 1
Slews trera tbe reculer armr eod eet tlOB In eieeaa ot f» per pupa Taxes
of Ibe members of tbe Repnblieaa N
episit to tera) e Poeerre eupply
for all other purpoiea ere voted by
'^lll be In Race (or t
lloual committee are in Chicago
ebeet IMAM eUed to equip e relaa- the eobool board. Tbe board la to
luew to bekln the bearing of de.
teer enep te ceae of sa^ Tbs weap- BBS iu own judgment as to tbe auoonl
OM sin be ecu t* tbe Cnbaa
of taxes aeceenry for repelra'oa
MRt at abeet |i eplees ptu ezpreet ■cbooi property, new ecbooi. equlptoel, teeefaera wages, water sup­ Tbe followiag cases have been
ply. beetlng plants, and aU ether equlp- ed tor trial at tbe June term or tbe advance who are to have aeata when
e primary eomest In Augutt >
the cooveaUrn it <alted to order. I;
lucb ei Bbede and ombolldlnia, rircalt court, whk* will convmie
r tntenilua i^oHunteg.- ^ring 11
other worda. It makea up the tempei past tour .veara he has Blled Ibe poalleacM aad other aeoeeeltira The elec­ Monday. - The 'most Imporiaat
tors of a district have no rlgbt to lat srlU be that of Wllllsm and lAura an ttjll. Tbe work It eepeclally in
of umieraherllT and given satlseontraeu for fuel or anything else, nor Wilts, who will be tried on a charge portam thia year, becatiae of the ui fartioD. This eziterienee will l>e.valu­
H«« FliMPte fUttanbury and Merria
usually large number of cooieau. With able to him In the conduct of. ibe
dktaU M to the eelectlon
Martin Were Hamad Thursday
upwards of Sr.u coniesta tu consider
Criminal Caaee.
teachers or the amount ol their
r he should be elected. - H* l<»*
Th# People vs. William Wllle and and act upon. It is likely that th?
ages. Bueb business la left entirely
a resident ol tbit county tor tbe
Laura Wine; manslaughter. P. H committee will And it necessarv1 tbe boerd.
past iwenty-flve year* and his acPratt: Caderwood * Uulor.
coniinue Ita bearings almost up to the qualnum-e among the people of the
J«M at tbe aaoetb ot weddlnpi «
Tbe quallflcaUoiia of electore
Tbe People vs. Roy Evans: carping dty the convenllon assembles.
tonaeUy qMwrad la Thuraday evi
school meetlugs la aln being strictly
city and country will prove a great
In bearing the contesta. the Nation­ help to him in bis Tsmpalgn. .Mr.
tec wbee tbe Sm or e aunbar oebod- deflned. afe U has been^-^nd that meraled wcapoas. T. 11 ITait.
al Committee wlll'sll aa a court
Issues of FecL
Cameron will make a fearless and coo
oM to oeevr witbia tbe asn three tbere are many illegal vetcra exerdaBarah Wlslaa vs. Grand Rapids A tornoys will tvproactil tbe oppoelog ecientloua officer and wlU give the
weeks was aqlMBlaed at tbe bon
ing tbHr fraaefaiae at sebool electlona
ladiaBa Railway Co : cose. Barger A ddea. and tbe> will argue tbeir rase county a good admlnlairailoB strictly
There la no sex dliUnetion.
Mr. end Mrs. J. M. Retuabarr.
Weal Bleeeetb HreeL when tbeir
lime will permit, both in tbe form ot
daaebter. Mlaa blereniw J. who baa
Joseph E. Ikigle vs. Maalatee A affldavlis and of oral wltneaeea.
base OM of tbe
feted tollowitig proriakm la quoted (rom tba
the leailmony Is all in the 1
adiool lasra relative to ibe quallUra- Korihrasiern Railroad Cd: asanmiwii.
hrlSeVMMl ter a anmber or
Ooveil A Cross: Wilaon A Wilson.
s will sum up in riualdk argumeots,
eoea. bpeem tbe wite rrf Mon UOB of voters:
Fkraers' Sui>ply Co. vs. Henry la- and then it will be left to the rommii
*'No pertoD baa a right to vole Uneta Msrtte ef Bagteaw.. Tbe deoora
assiuninit. John W. tee, byjnajorily vole. In executive ee«
tleaa af tb^-fooaw were cerrtad out leas be or she la tbe parent or gnar- glewrlgbt:
BloD. to determine which eidn le right;
aloeg cnramlr aliople Itaec, yat tbe dian ot children wboee namei ere on Patebla: Parm C. OMbert.
DeWlit Coonine and' Rdwia P .Con- l-'rom the oommlllee's drclston ihen Defeated Hia Enetnlea in the Ohio
ramt.'ifM eberaiag oa tbe wbote. the achool census or has property aaappeal, for tbe comuilllee must
Bptrea: daiatp elaee of amllax. white ■raaed tor school taxes. In addHlon nlua VI. Blanche Itouglas: replevin.
make up the temporary roll rail ol
lUeoA fma aad manaorltM oom- voter* mutt be ciutena of tbe Tnlldd
Ibe convenllon. and there van be no
bteed to preSnoe tbe floral Mte. eech Butte, twenty-one yenn of pge and bert J. Engle.
Toledo, O., June i.—Governor liarIssues of Fact—Nengury.
regularly organized. convention uniil
in be paftleolar style fmleblng Joet raaUaata of the dlatrlct at least three
BEie Saxton va. Wm. L. Gregory. the committee'* roll Is siilmiltled and
tbe needed food (or tbe room on ootbs preceding the election.*
Hiram L. UBar and Gllet E. HodgM: adopted.
paeb a bappy ooeaatoa.
The law excludes all mra and
« by organ­
Gaffney A Mllluer; - Pralt A
Tbe .Vailonal Cnrnmliiee is mnipnsAX atlht a'eloek to tbe atralaa ot man wbo are not parents or guart
t ol flfty tbrei> members. ou« from izing tbe body with George 6. txmg
MeBdatawbal wedding nnrrb. pleywl of riilldren on tbe wnaus lUt or
of Trov-. private secrelsry to the gov­
BpringflcldTIre A Marine Insnrance earb or ihe forty-eight aiaiet, and
by Mint derate Broaeon. ibe bridal do not pay school taxes, regardless of
rroni Ibe Ulnirict of Columbia.
party MSM down tba stair* aad look theb- other quallScationa. Observance
Atlee Pomcre. who was aisled
their pUera betore a bank ot (erne of the Uw will dlHrmadilse faun- way Co.; trespass. Sawyer A Penuy: Alaska. H.vwaii, the Pbllippliie*
imra H. Campbell.
Porto Rico. Much speculation ha* as permanent cliairtnan. was defeated
and white Bbwm in tbe living room.. drads wbo prevknaly have .voted.
Francis E. Brown vs. Grand Trav iwn indqiKed lu concerning ihe le-rThe greona&aa, BobeH Sdwards. ot
eree County; case. C<ivi-ll A Croxs: aoiial preferences of the coimullle^ ganlzalion lor ihe house by a vole ul
this diy. hM tbe croom at ibe ImproFred H. Prait.
men on the iiur-liun of the presidenK. Hodges vs.' Dennis Dlllinomination. The- majority ha*
snmpalt. Farm C. Gllhen:
claimed for both Taft and Rooer
last came tba brMe with her father.
On tbe other band, those who
Mra. Martla wore a simple gown of
are best aequaJnted with Hid high perwhite Bwtat OTU aad carried iUlee of
s. Snperioiendeais of the 1*001: as- idnnel of Ibe comnilure are of
tba VBltar, ^Ig Miss HcMichael
Eves Cenventien Con
ampalt. J. J- Twe.ldlei Fred H. j>plnloti that earil rvoiest will be
wora'VMte aorge aad carried aa arm
elded upon the evidence. They be­
John H. Crise vs. Guy Tippin: at- lieve that the cases will be settled a-<
lacbment. Parm C. Gilbert; W.
they wtiuld be aeltled In a coui
Columbus. June 4.—The republican Crolaer.
Bruce Ismay
and that ihe delegates enillled . 1.011'Ion. June. r.
oopAl rteg aarrtea. Daring tbe
Stole cenveatlon elected alx Taft deletoU Ihe Brl'ilsli r
of Inquiry yev
Barhsra Bremer vs. Ole larson and In seals in ihe <-ofi vent Ion will be
atety Mira Braaaan aeftly piared the
gatea to Chicago by a vote of 5»0H to Sam Anderaoa. and -the .Michigan
ptoane.1 to
tn a general way Senator UIxoa (rctay ihai h had
bridal itaena tiara Wahengrte'e weddrive
SCH Tbe eonveailoB endorsed Pres­ Bonding and Surety Co., a
and JieprvsentaUve MiKluU-y, Ihe
ident Tan. Tbe prcaldent's forces
few fsvoralile boui of 4u na
Parm C. Gilbert; .
rampaii » managers, will look after
were la. complete eonirol. including Patebla.
asid^ <
the conteeu. to those more directly trip and that he consid.
ttte convention eommitteee. ■
Barbara Bremer va. Ifb J. Oeuster in charge will be ex-Senaior Cbarles Smith riilly justified lo
speed through the ice region. eo‘ long
and Ole larsoa. and .'the Michigan Dick of Ohio, who will look oui
gaeata. aboM U la all wbe
Bonding sad Surety Co-, acorpora- tl|e Inieresis of President Taft, anj as weather raaailiont made It possled at sraan tablee. Miaara' Clara
j see ice ahead.
ik>a. Paira C Gilbert; Jobn
W. Onnaby B. McHarg of New Tork who
Mtera. Btbal Savage. Olive Blrdeall.
serve in a similar capacity (or
HtaMe Oetraader aad
Colonel Rooeevelt. '
bad Cham at tbe nerving.
Harvey Morrison vs. Queen City
Mr. and Mrs. Martin left today for
Electric Llaht. A Power Co.: InjaorBagteew. Wbara thsy will make their
a H. Day. preeldeDi of the Western
Jobn W. Patchin. H -C. DaVls.
George J. Dell and Stella Skebe Mar.
Parm C- Gilbert; Covell A Cross.'
ried fucaday Night '
ihrongb the city Thnraday on bit war Oeotge W. Steward va. Trarerae
V vatae baa been a«^ apprw
Chicago, where be U transecting City State Bank. et. al : seitlemiot of
•teted by the people ofTreverae City boslheet to behalf of wesu-rn ute^
decree. Coveil A Cross: Parm C.
George J. Dell of tbU rlly ahd MUs
ter eoraa tlSH. Bbe paid her frienda gan and lia proaiwrUy.
PUnt, Micb.. June 4.—Dr. F. B SielU Sitebo or Cedar City were mara tawtty coatetenrat when she raag
Prealdent Da), while In tbe dty
Crilaa.StoSord vs. Miles Stafford Clark, head of tbe ^llchlgan School for
K tbe residence of the brHe. 4«:
aaag er twa tarn ev«iing just betore staled that the putlook for a good
aad Frank Stafford: accouoiing. Parm tbe peuf. scouu the Idea that tbe in- North Cedar atreet. Tuesday evening
the gaeete were leering.
frail crop In the Gian Lake section ot C-GUher^oha W. Pairhin.
siltutloa will be connected wfth the Tba boBsc waa decorated witk red.
Tba ouiwf-tewn gneets were Mra. wratera Micfaigmn Is
N^thdUei Johnson va Gertrndc School for the Blind at L«nsing.
white had htee crepe paper, wuh carManta. Mlrara Klaa and Beeete Mar- good Ibis year. The trees la hu
shasoa: divorce. Coonlee A Coa•Tbe pian to eonaolldaw the two aailoBa as the prevailing flower, and
tin. raothar and atatera of tba grooo. shards have been heavily loaded with
nine: tCoveil A Crosa.
preecBied a very pretty appearance.
schools would be Impncikwl and
tt m BapM, Mira Jaaate Roasman bloeeoma. and tbe rams tblog Is true
ItocbM Pepper vs. James O. Pe(x consider It blgfaly Improlmble,*' an
There were twenty couple preeent to
af triaad aiTMie. uary Buttars ot »( tbe trees la tbe ether oirberds la
per; divorce. J. J. Tweddle; Parm-C. Dr. Clark, dlscusalng the report of the
the tTriaity of Clea Lafca





WeabteroB. Jrate B.—Tba Cdraa
situatioa has raddraly aasamed tba /1
most aeriona aspect ateea tbe racro V i
re^UloB becan. Tbe Prairie bae mM
4M mariOM aabore at G
to ^nsrd tee Irairl
can laterrau to the vleteity. Begatte
from all pane of the «-t—A toflirate
that tbe 'aittiaUoB la wUteg beytrad
President Oomaa'a ousUoL
Will Protect •-rtiriNg
Havana. June 5.—It it reported that
American raariiua ka*o «TM*d tote
'Oban terrltorr from the Owgteaarao
aval atoilon to protest the ttva^.OBfl
liropmy of for
The rai9cih<^and baratefl by ascra
rebeia oMhe rifttes.^JIaraterara. aa
Important coffee omter naaifl a de­
mand by American ptaaten tbte laerines be sect to protect thoBL to rotpooee 450 marinea were seat (rora

TIMATED AT 12,000.
Will Have Entire State Oelapatlen to
Cenventien. Oemoeratie Out­
come in Doubt.
Skius Cliy. June^ .'..-Incomplete
irns from yesirrdey-'a prinieries Indlate tbal Huooevelt will have ihe
Roosevelt's eeunutMl plurality Is IZ.OOO. arconllns
relljrns from 2&0 of Ibe l.MO

Thp •

trd of

TraM Will Seen Begli
Tfeket Sale.

ve preperailons. for the summer
Fhautauqua have been begun by tbe
board-of trade, with ihe end In view
of making It the greatest success
las ever been carried out In tbe
Tickets ore hriug printed and a
thorough canvuM of lb- city niadejn
days. This i« an enierprise In
which every ciliten should be Inter­
ested. a* it is seldom that such talenl
V been secured appeeri upon a
. in a loe-n ot this size. Tbe
• will cost several hundred dolUrs more Itiao Ibe one last year and
III eoUKisl of correapondlngly better
tolenl. Tbe eniertolnmeiiis will be
held in the lent on tb* Central ecjieol
grounds ea heretofore and it la the In­
tention of the promoter* lo have tbe
packed at every enlertolomenL


Education Desfile
Great Handicap.


New Tork. June r..—Among the gra­
duates who received degrees al the
Cnlumhia rnlveealty cvnimencei
today were three young m.-u wlic.
totally blind. The three md only
ceeded in completing the col
course with as high standing as 1
more fortunate classmatea. but each
of (be three was obliged during bis
college career to eke oui a slender Inby doing private tiimring ajiil
other work.,' '


African Hunting Taboeefl by Omratp
DetrolL Jutte #.-Wlira agkel ahctet
the report (rom UaateB that he le i I
planning an Afrieu hnttag trip arat
winter. Oovertior Oabon agld tedsp?
"iVhy. there'e no more koattefl to
Africa any more. Ttaa's w tea tbara
Yon dont have to look tor
even. li'i parfaetly rate for a
tody CO go ont buatteg to that ootmuoai of tba aUra that ate
bronght 001 of Africa era from aiL
mai* that are kilted by the ratlraad
"I hnated there 20 yean SBO, hafore Teddy Rodaevrit leazaed how to
aim a gon. I wu ateat the Firahral
and saw that catutzr pretty tbnraaih
lAULa I btwt I «aat to an wkara'
ran do rame hoatlnt of ■sm.*'
Tbe gorernor’a Meads warp W
arauaed by bia dcoertpUea e< bifl
bunUog la tbe dark eoatteaat that
thsy augeated be write a nveaty *a
thill raaUme tor rame magatlna

The wedding of Mr*. Emma Caster
and James B. AnBlUge. botb of this
city, waa aolemateed at the hem* of
Mr. and Urw Wesley Wtedovor. TM
SeooDd nroet. at 8 o'clock Wsdaraday
morning. Rev. B'. J. Coates of tbs Aabnry M. E. church oflUSatlaH Tba
rooms were decorated with a praCib
aten of Jlleco. pentlee and qolaoa MoeTo the Btrmlsa Of Mendetesoha'a
wedding march, played by Hr*. W. J.
Coates ,ihe teldal pariy «atrr«d tbe
room.- Tbe bride wore a becoralBff
gown of tan silk and earrted lOlM of
the valley. Mr. and Mrs. Wteflovar
acted a* attendants. Directly toUe*.
log tbe ceremony a wedding broaktest
was served.
.Mr. and Mrs. ArmJtage left today
...r a few weeks' trip lo Detroit and
eutern polntq, after which Utey wm
borne to (rteeda at Ml Wayaa
I. Ibis city.


Changes tewpeesd' to


Speaker le Choice
Uttle Rock. Ark, June 4 —Tba Deocret stale oonveotlqn of Arkanaas
gatee to tbe national coavebUon.
Champ nark leeds In the number of
iDstrncied delegntcs to tbe slate coeventloo and bla aupporti
ful ibtt tbe deiegatitm to Baltimore
w ill be Instraeted to vote (or him ter
tbe prealdtelial noralra

bero today and proeaedad to ocffiate*.
A number of qeeottaaa bava bora mggeeted tor tbe eoaaideratloa of tba
convesUoa. bet tbo only oora that
adoptloB ot a abort boBot tei 1
the oast of elicfkrae water the 1
Priury ayttera bar to toroB

jrw’term «jfli the eertaln knotrtediw that they will never have to

• Grand Tjtaverse Herald
and Tw^'Bay Eagk

rote for him again.'


That vouM almoat atvm to W the niilleDPta] perioil that
v«ad about in the Uood B>Mik.

Post of Marta rtiy.

Jenog* from aekhbor* an4 eoHetie*
tesllflM to (be hljth remrd ebtertalDed for this .llsllnausbcl i toocer.
Ltbrary Report.
port for Ibe Month u( Hay. I9t!

hofaed Cost of IMng

....Vlca Piwi. and See.

Refeiring again

to a somewhat


; snhjeet. the


creased eost of living, recent siatisties show that the average cost
of living is today 4iboirt.,1en per cent, higher than it was a year

ago. *nd never Iwfore. except poasibly during the fivil war. have
.................... Beth pfeoaai No. 23
prieea'ranged ao high. Alt food products are today costing more


than ever before knowiK not ex^<‘p«i»g wir-tim.-

tea. sugar.«. riee. beans and p«aa. rang--* lower than some
other oriieh-s.^ut they are <^«nsid<:rn>>l.v higher'tlmn a year ago.
while wheat, corn. uais. barley, dour and grains



nearly mie-lhihl more.
The ax'crage, <-*ait

CvcuUtioBdua week 2.900

of all food pniducis is nearly twenty lo-r

rent, more than a.>vnr ago.

Thesi- figim« are taken from the r«--

isirts from New York inarketi within the last week and may be
etmsiden-d fairly tis-urafe.


Kr«^ent n*ference to this eondition

d«K-s not itake agreeable le ading. Imt ns we have pointed out b<>fore.' it is a <-oiidi!ioii which •unfronls us and mus! <s>nfmtit us for


yearn to come.

It is wi‘U for our i>eoj>|e generally 1.1 undtfrsiuml

At the time aitproarhea for the nejnibliean Xational eottven- that then- is uo iminisliale Jio|te of aulwtaiitial reduction in the inist
lion, the talk ia revivni of a bolt on th» )uirt of Mr. Roosevelt and of living. "Wt must pre|»an‘ ourselves for this and must iN-gnliily
mir manner of living to m'eet-these I'ondkiniis.
Poasihly. a f<-w
fthrfrieadd in caae bo should not n-roive the D6uinatiou.
of the luxuries ean he eliminated, and when it comes doivn to the
We have said before and we aay it again—Ur. H«MK..veU
eost of the
Bepublicaii. He dtwa not approve of aonie of the aela of l*reaident actual cost of living, which means lai^elv ..................
- liatt and he ia not the only one.-Jtut .Mr. Ronaevelt will never tdlnw fotid.y'e eat, we must either aeeustom oiirselv<-s to a plainer diet
' Mb Mgie th ron on an independent or boiling tirket. Mr. Roosevelt or else pay tlu- price of the dainty things that '«.■ like-to have ujhui
blMpDialre, often titnea nnreaaonable. and falls far short-of realin^ thi- tablc.i We eat too much nuj wny. iinsl a wliob- lot cun 1m* saveil
iag onr itUals of what a atateamiio. and the president of the I'nitisi by cutting nut the fancy stiilT tiiat <l<u-orates. to too great an ex­
States shoold represent, but we cannot and we do not believe that tent. our tables, and gives iw the stomiieli ai^-, nisi sitlisiiiuic pliiin-be anil nn«a an inilepondent ticket, should he fail in .reeeivo the er and more ntitritiouii food.
bBWbiltiM at rbicagn.

Dedine to SabseHbe

'•’ffto qoMtion*. and many of them are not nearly so important

Is .i^ not iKMsihIo that

aa aonh people would try to make us believe, that are disturhing

qU'.imrtMa today, will be arttle<{ inside one |wrty or the other—4he Red Cnm>

splendid nil organi/ation as 1

■iety is making a mistake in


Inmdnsl.s .

of dollars in the t'nited States and s<-iidiiig the iiioii
the Demoeratir. We have before remarked in
MhBU*‘tbat there ean be but two great partira in this .■oiintry— to tUilna to rtdievelhe starving joo.r
While they ar^ doing this, the governineiii flself. through Yuani
If \he Repnl.lieans make

lalm or'thd other will tlwaj-S prevail.

blnsd^ tbat will demand sueh a relmke from the voters of the

i SW Hi. is using tens of millinns of dollars in trying to mkln-

awlrr M .would rvault.iu the defeat of their party, that defeat will

in a t^ubiie that China will not l«* ready for a luuidred .venrs to




Thia ia oqtully true of the Itemneratie {wrt;


When.we talk about a'Chinese repuidie. after lO.tVk) years

ire or less of the great«*st despotism that the world lia-s ever knomi.

the Republicana have the sitHation in hand if they k/bw

bow to nae their opportunities.

youlmiist understand it ennnnt he done in

If they <lo not. iJiey deserve





It is a vulgar way of espreasiiig it. hut "you must not Chinese government is abb-, finani iall.v. to aecouiplish aueh a re­

jHakry with the bnu

sult as this in a few iiioiiths' tiroi .'we believe it is also able (o take


- i .Stbr platfurma of both parties this year uiust he jMisitive and rare of its stoning eitkens,

Thi-r.- is plenty of work, and good

work, world-wide work, for the Red Cross to do. but onr, people

Miftbittr. «nd niMt advoeate only the ehatiges that seem to be in

’Sw'imbik mind neeeaaar>- in the inangeiiu-nt of puhlie'affaini. and should not be eBlb*ii iiiHUi to send bundnsU of thous.-inds of dollars
wlm theae platfomia are made, the eandidates must he able

to CliiiiH just at ibis time.


We det-lim* to unbuerihe Jo this fund.

pledge tbeiiiBr1ve)i emphrrtieell.v to the sup|Hirt of tln' measures advoeatad.

Tfe Wild nun from Borneo is ^)ead Again

There must 1h* ao half-way work; there imist !«• tio r*--

aervutiana on their part: and the iwople must he satisfied that the.

Hoys, do you rememiKT the wild man fio*/llnni.-«



nee who are tbiq ple'dging themsi-Ives will carry out to the extent here with the eiiviis last summer? You re.-itgnkisl him ns th*- same
It. therefotv. becomes wild man frtim Htirneo «hn was.hen- a year or two before in tin-

B(-^eir abilities, the mrasurc-s ndvoeatwl.

laifsljr a taatter of |>rnonal roiitidenoe in the eandidat<«. namedr
.4bM>oblio auat believe that the randidate of their


> or Bumc other sho\v. only Im-i year b- seetmsl to Ih- a little

will wilder than b. fore.

-•■r.0^ Uw-wiabeB of the party as expreaaed in the platform.

You will 1m- sorry to kuow that this wild’inan

fnmt Borneo, who hus given us so miieh oiitcrtaimnent in years

' ■■urn «iUwp eonvention ariopu a platform that ia not in harmony past, died tho other ilay on his farm in Imlimin where he was lH«rii.
Djlh |be knows wtahM of the party, then that party will auffer Hut do not despair—if is already ammimced that another wiki man
jtt.^ba polU. .Beretofore. party platforms have not been i<onsidered

of Traverae <'ti> Pnblic’iJbmrx.
'Juvenile ilrtlon. 637?

i Ilonieu has lM*eii disesiven-d in the swumjM of New Jersey, and

s «l kitAiimportMiee.

That time ia paai. This .rear party platforms this tvonderful erealiire will maiu- jon forget the Imiiana wild ninn
h»a.t«tAo Bland for aomething the people wantaoineth'in'^ihey fniin Borneo'for the new wild man Borneo has wings like a
ptlMialy deiBHtd; aonteUring they will have. The day of platiluilo an^ legs like a eentipe<le. and iluis far he has only been

The man who eomes hefon* the }>eople able to bjizx, but it is ho|ied that his langiiuge will bn-oiiK- more
.Maynnat be able to secure the eonfidence of the voters in advanee intelligihb- aa he miuglw with eivilkisl soeioty in the circus
af Section day. If he cannot aeeiire tfab confidonee, the votera will amm us the campaign is .over, he will he pm into training, but until
' look dor aoneb
November hk lime is fully neeupied.

Douglass '& Kellogg

Oksb nhwittm

.teTMT Caaa and front tvMia. l>wv«rae CHy, Mteh.


phlkaophy. 11: rellKM.
pbllocy. 7: natoral sdeare. 22:
naetul ana 17; fine ana U: Jlteraiurt,

In the hialonr e( our 'morekavc we he« oUs to ^ so

4i: bUtory. t<; {ravel, 22: blolosy.

mm.y GOOD SHOES m now

aeneral workh. V».


Tiul numb.-t of books Issued. l.t'Sk:

The increaswl e<«t of meat, eggs, butter, fish. ...................................

a matur Harcli a. IMt. ai the poatenea a
• An ^ CongreM ot Mareh 2^87>.

Many floral of-

Wc all ho|>r to lire tu reii>i<-e in that

be at real.


at (h* IMM. AmoBg iho Urce gaibcrlDc.vare raoBy repmematires of'
Ibc Emrtrr tirance ami the Artaj:

tim- when quarreling idiall eeaae among luilitiral r«tididat<ii and the
PaUlaM TiwaUy and Tbataday at TrarerM City. Utchlcaa. by

nOft T. BATB8.


daily avense in booka 73.
Number of men in reading room,
tl: namber of aomen in readlnc

No *oe«.r,oa

oiff fheivet dmi does lut ^ ieod.««iue.
poor the lactonr geti ihea back.

II ^ cow

IW1 only wkyw

trade b mcreoiiad so last

»m. 1S4: children,
Total nstuber Ui reading
ling room, li^
dail* avemge in rcsdlng
Default having ts-en ma-le In the
IVcfau'.; ha> log Is-cn aiwdc |a ih.
•aw Kla OppeititKlty.
rondiiiODs of a ecnain moncage
moncace made
made'iotiU.uuij* of a certaiu mongaae mad..
n told bta tberd'wcre doaena ol
Utcar JI. .Morae and Parah
Ranh J. ■I-: .V Jones and Myra H. Jooea
rte. hl» »ifc. Jointly, of Tmverae. t
John JoDca said mortMXe beuu
CItv. Michigan, to Richard liurll.ut of dal*tl
d -• Ms* • -................ ..
took blsi down a peg or two."
llade County, hlorida. dated
lug re.s*rded 1 Ibe otri.. o ibe Realsier V
auesa It didn't. He started right o
div of flci ifWibcr. •
-e.-ordcd In the offii. ..
____ Grand I
to And them acd borrow money.”
or I>ccds lor the stenolr oL the 2Mh day ot Xln>, A
Beuston Post
Itrand Tnv- rrc and ttlatc of Mtrhl- liber
.»f mortgage* .
day of Scpteoiliiterest upon said aiortgage U
Hsvaras Kick.
iiM-r c.* of mortIt per sDBom in
Jcalour doesn't tats mneb to aUit gages, on I*age 7s. on «li|rh nrangage SOKWDt of ngbl
ir Dollars ilBC OOi
Ja> rUlO-vd
Is l« due Bl the date
and BetblBg to ktep K g«lnc.>a-”‘
of ituii notih* the sum of Sevenieen
Dollars and rirty-Three Cents, and an
nltorcr: '* fee of T»enty PIk- Itollats. tereot said mortgagee Isaoihortsod un­
Kind Wa OonA FcrgeL
pranded for in aatd vmnaue. and nn der Ibe terms of said nturigagwiu
- "Sball tb« blonde girl beeoma
suit or i-roi-ccdtnas at laa hating hern M-II the property Ihernn descrlbedlo
metaory?” asks an exchange, to recover the luoney* se satisfy) the amouni so due aod ont«KL
have ala-ays beard that tney are >
.-utci liv said mortgage or any iiart
■tore Itkcly to become UiaL—Uetroll
eQuIly having been Insitiuted te leNon. Iherefprc. by vlttu*
Ittii* of
0 the po»
• the debt secured tberrii* or soy
fr-4>S sale r.ln-.alnefl in said
thereof notice la hereby
‘t a**ea
WA8HI««TOS-The money irual and tke staiite In sui-h rase
t by Virtue Of i!
tower of
ot sale
notice. Is hereby given
iDvesiUcaiion «lll be taken up In Se*- pro* Med. notice
tsia^ in said 1
la), the ..............................
Fifieentli day o! l'•><llplll(nre with th* Hatuter m
on Saiurd:
ifl such
Vork TbUjgdHy. -The iiank and
June, A. .), 1912. at t.-n oVtoek tn the
■di- and provided iberi
re win be
rency tomtomee of th aouse .
shall w-il at iiublic auction
foreitoon, -I .....................
PuUlc auction to tbe falghesi
to that declalOB today.
Prellmlnan' to the highest bl-M<-r. at .the Noith
hearings will be held In the Nea York Front doer'ef the Ceiiri House In the
Tta»e_____ __ rav
House in the niy ol
the. place »
. .. Mlrtilgan ithat beln. ...
said Count;
pia'f where the rlrvult ctsim
___ ____
Graud Tra*erse County U beldl. the
WASHINGTON. 1). l-.-A 'speel-I
..._____ __ .so much iben-of
premises demribed In said niungage
cotton report issued h.s the depar:i..-vs!-ar) to jja:- the nmounl dn. or s-v much thereof as may be »n-est ol agricultural today estimated
said nioricage. sith seven per cen' sary to aatUfy th* snioant then doe
tbat on May !o the coiidn crop's it>n- imerest, and all legal costs, lokeihe- together with the costa of such fofyw
with an artorney't iec of TaenU n»e •l.isure and. sale and |he sttorsej'i
diUon was 7S.9 per cent of noriual.
Dollars, as provided by law -aod o.provided for h.* law. Bald sale
us compared wl-h on.May S, laM
veaanted for therWn. the iiremise
-•f said -prembtA win be made here,
year and kt 5, the I'sjear averaae
ipg drsiT(W
>a>ti tiiortgaae a: uml- r suhJMt to AVia^cigal amount
[loss, to wit:
Tlie hbiM . Thin*
•ecured by said morifiMjuu) yet u>
■ Three and One-Thtrd
Fe.-l ot lx
tM-i-oau- due la amount of Twelve.
Fonv-Three ns* of Oa's Helthis A'.Mi
Hundred Ikdisrs ltl240.Mli. The pr.s
'lion to the ru.> of Treverre City, ar
iilses to lie sold are described' hi the
to report favorably the senate bll
<-ordlng te the recorded plat Ibervol
said mortgage es the Weal owe-half
the Coont.v of CrAod Tra» ers* anstowing; the thanks of eoDgreas and
Ibe West floe-hair <%) of Ibe
«tf ot Jli-'hlgan.
isl one-nuarier lAl of Beclkvo
a dt.Oft*) gold medal upon rape.';
Halc-d af Traverse CJRr, VlJilgan,
|2Ci and the Buulheast one.
Rostton of the steamer Csrpathta tor
U> of the Southwest onehis resc-tw of the Tiuolr survh
*41 of Bectloa Tmentyfive
■own Twe
Twenlr-fiva CJi Nonh
lUge Nine <1*1
Went and

jid the bat
one half 141 of the West
est iMse^air
141 of the Norihetsi
It you want in Auctioneer that will
•« I of- fWllon
Iny-six (*(3C> and- Ihv
et the prices call and aeo thaw
-nehulf.’Si of iJie flnniheast
> i.f iiecilon
Tweet*J27 S- I'Dlon St, Travetae City. MIc*
I all IS
Twenty fire
<2-1 North Range Niaa
QUxeni pbone No R232. Bell ISl.
firand Traverse Coanty-. :
leb 13-lhura-if
Dated Ma> 2'i. 1912.

and ia

• \'Z\

r'Ti','/ !

M. C. Oviatr, Candidate
Judge ol Probate


We pay hlahe.
Vrile or rail us by eilhe^-hoi;

'ts(M is politka ia paat.

It theif convention iii Chieago. the T>emn. ‘^ki M their eeovention
n in Baltimore, should flrat of all make their
Then they ahould Dominate

1 candidate to stand ujwn

thai^Utform, and they ahould.nominate a man whom the |H-uple
hativve4riU harry out the dedarations made at their respective eou■


WmismAlden Smith
1>0 nut Ik*aunpriseil if the nanm of William .Uden Smith slmuM
be prominently meiiiioiH’d at the Chiengo eonvention for the mmii...................... .. viee-pr.-si.b-iu.

Senator Snuth's splendid oork oi| the

Titanic iiivestigarion eommitlc* has given him not « country­

• Were "wUl be no bolting from the RepublieHn eonvention. There
he gw MtiBg from the Demoeratie eonvention.

One or. the

wide, but world-wide. w*b*brity and this work, .-ritieis-il soni.-whiu
at the lime, is b**eommg lM*n.-r undenitmMl anil better api«-.-.-iale,l.

other of the men named at these conventions will h.< ihe'next presi­

We doubt if the Si*uator woukl care to change his presont

de of the Viflited fttatCB.

position on liie aenat.* floor for the vi,-..ljJb..sidentinl .-hair, but th>-

Thia^year the ptatfo^i should he every­

thing—the mao, a minor oonaideration. hut the man must lu*
whom the people have confidence.


I* fael that hN "«me is alr.-ady being s.-riously .s.nsid.-red is a
compliineiit in liia ahiltiy and a .H)mpliment to the state of Mich­

And Ytt 0 iMtU WftOt Longer
-For the next two or three wee^.. g<*neral interest tlirougiioul

Mast Be True

the hOQ^tty will be centered in the two great National eouventious
ts be.hl^.Ihe fiepubliean in Chicago, the Demoeratir in Italtimnre.


if osr readen are tired of this matter, ao are we. hut as Inug


b.-gin to h.-lieve tJ.-,

I and a nnt

-Mrs. Ellraticih C. Dorre. |*eicclullv
T^r .»dir. Saft.aecnrcd the six delegat.-s at large from Ohio in the

lefflrtwatrol Ihb National eonvention.

Mr. Roosevelt says thoat.-

;lB0ba ahoold belong to fcim. but aoineway he didn’t get thi-ni.
..kAdaeiana that it makca-fio differentv; that he has tin- convention

Now you can take your eboiee and awah resuKs. Mr. Taft hat scored <me over Mr. Hoosevrit, in Asking the Na3^0^ eomraittec to admit the press to all the romuiittee meetings
Odtete the two hundred aud odd eoutt-sta front the differ>-ut states
will be tkraahed out

lie aaj-a. “Take the public into jwnr eonfi-

He is perfectly willing that these meeting of the commit-

tOOAhali be open.

We consider this rather unfortunate for the

pttUte became we shall have to submit to colnmnii np»n' eolnmny
of irrele\-aut matter that must iieeesaarily hi* published n.s the re..Awta of these meetings.

It will make ao difference in the end.

ne pubUe will have no influimee whatever.

.The press rrpresen-

.tativM will wear out their pcneilsi the linofyjM* eompomtora
wao'utrong language; the publishers of the daily |wper» will do
'ttdat^, or fed like it; the poor e<litors wij! Iwve to grind out stuff

k'lueh they take no iuterest: and the pnblie will have to submit,
.hUMoae thia ia a part of American politit*. and jtwt nt.w it is all the
< dglamBd weainat keep right up with h. btu really, it is weariac»roe
BMwrbsa the c;^e of the Tnited StatM get to a point where tiiey
. dot aUkd it-Bo longer, they will give the pirsideot a six, or eight

10 ihc other home 1m,

Id the year of tsr.t she came


>f a .reciee of the ClrIn purstia
mil Cou« 101 the eoimty'of Gralid
Traverse Jo chancery,
made 1
tered on the Tlh day ol May,
1912. w herein Kraocis <i. Rltcr
plalnanl an.i .Ada F FaMon. » llity (•
Hoitermund. Frank .Vilen am I - hJIet
Allen are ('.<-:-n>lams.
Noflce Is liereh* gh-eft. thai
subscriber, a circuit <-oiiri coiiimlssiiir,-

big farm home, tiought by the wtr ret
••ran, John Horsey, ot the soeriinscnt

The Llttte Wonder

. ut yuMic auMioi.
hishes! l-idd-r 31

A SVi ti. p. «o«Hfte Eofitao
Cylladce bora. 4 Ineba; stroko 41b

ly of Tra*Ti
Grand 1
tdaie of ho
said coun::
of June A 0. t
the ferenoen of ia*(9 day. all t*iasi- i>


Ellia^Ih Dorsey was one .

Good design, best NaurteL

lloppor cooled. Weight. 300 Iba. Starts
easily, runs steadily; is aeoaoteUaL
reliable, durable aod eoaplaw with

,he deed of which was signed
by President Hurhanan-is locate.1 1
■ ifenmere, four miles from Empire.

Havw tbe tetaat imprewed ma­
in up-UMlata daaifos from ttm
Trompt attesttan
given all orders no
cw matter bow
small. CaU
iU or write for prices.

Moth pbosas Se. «I0.


Titer.- is .Mr, Ilrj-^u and tier.- is .Mr, D. bbv


jpat ao lon» m«»t they submit to the intlietion that w»*

Thia encourages him in the belief thst ho

tha ''Ka-oUr’'HMtbod
I eaa ra
movs those aching* teeth aliaohKal?
wlibnut tain, and without tna use o' 1
druxs to produi-o uo-.-ODsciuasoess.
People of nervous leinperanieut aiK
orltb weak beans wilt apprectats tbe'
"Ka-olar” nstbod of palnlaas aztrae j
XOC-SOI WUbelm Block, with Dr.
worth. TrsTsne City, MJehh

Eminent seientisla hme declared tlial life may b.- p-rman-iil:
that a man's .-nergj- and aiirbiiions should go >.n iml-tiiiitc*lv.

a the-paaple of the rnU<
’niled Ntat<s will insist upon having

ebiivetton held Tnesday.

Tccfh Extractor AImoU
. ly Wlik0«t Pols

pulley. gosoUce tank, batterr. coU asd
switch, wired rasdf to nin your sep- .
srator. wood taw
V or pil
pump or do any
other duty witbia
a the a
lapwntT of >4
-• feet.
Price I7i.
h p.; occupier 2x24
.Vati-jfactured hy
WM. JACKSON. Traverse Chy, Mteh.

lows. tO-VIT
BegintiiiiK a

Clen Arbor from her blrthi.Uce
the.volunteer i>hy-*lclan-nur»e*
Salem, New York, in company wiih'neer liiues.
Fhe was a woman of
,«.-ice~»ou:h »«
tanilb'. Mr. and Mrs. xmiaai H. sterilng chararirr. a k»al frend.
VoggsUall, an.l two Msiers Imter
Imtcr sli& .tlevoled mother. She was inn-nselj in
atiende-i s. Port in Empire. W
Wlsconsih. lerealed In ever* advance movement.
east alone saiJ qwrter
thy place for whteb Empire.
-. y;tchtacan. and helj>ed to organize I.eelansu qyan- line 12 anu OKf - hains :•■ a sidieTT
U named.
Sbonty after he’r _______ ly's first grange
rrhalt;- Wes’ Of the centef
One of her chief
2f: «h
She married John Uorwey. ihe second pleuufes w-as the posaeaeion and <arc qiurier pest o
north I” .hain
whin- settler In the region between of rare flowers. Her home an<l the
>; 24. at a i«in(' 1
Traverse ^fty and Fianklon. who home ground* were filled with tfu-se
.ail:r we*.’ t’? the qnar'er
lert on I'ye seetion 1‘ae
Arbor about Ibe month floral JMKS an.l it was flneuli|^l' apIT-IO*"* rlia;n«
ot May and ia the year ISM. To this proiulale (hat her teat days shouM InI«j-t on Grna-f’ Traverwe hay: thence
pioneer c^ple came sr»en sons and spent amid a w-orld of freshest ereen xnith f>- djurce*
along th.daughter. . The daughter. Alice, and riotous bloom.
*bore to a pitut 1” and 39-)<>.> chains
vert of the <a»t line above desoribe-1:
died in infancy. Six soos are living
Kev. Haskins of Empire condixted
thence-south about 24 ehains to center
ll.-»ry and George are tuarrle.! and
he funeral services, which w-re held of the hilrtiway; Ihenee south 43 de­
live near the oHginat home. whSe the
grees 43<i ^0 aiautes West. •: and 32
th^ married son. .Arthur, resides
and 4 ore hundredths chains to rte
wdfh his fainil) at Walloon Lake. Harplace of (tegisninc. in the eounl* <
Berause■ they !
Grand Traverse and state of .Mich
Dorsey, masur o! the hinplrr
Grange and road vomniissioaer. live- RIl'K F SlT.AR-rOATRI PII.I.'S
Iteted Mar A. D., 1<*!2. .c^
!>eer used bv more than thr»--- gmerathe C.lenmm home.
With him
lions for retie* mg biRouaness. -Iiso'rhis brgstfi^ Ralph hud Volney, deeed •lomach and (oasM|>atloB. Tha)
rirc'jlt Co'irt OomiiusaloDcr.
COA FU. A CROe-.-t.
nephew. Ahmld^ and his nh*<^. are CO ibis da* the main dependence
BoUcRon- for ro-ntelaapt
Mary. Tw^sislera survive. Mrs. Mai^ In thoiinods opOn thoosands of fam­
Buaineas address. Traver-r Cit;
<hitgarel lave^x ot Praokforf aod Mrw.
dr*-t h<alth.v and vlgo»»«l*t- Price 2
•arob Miller ot Traverse Oily. Tbe etv Sold by Aseritan Drag Sitre.

Where Quality Counts




■......... ■ Ci.-.

IV.- merit your .-oDUeoce.' «ad <ai


Cer. Frost mmA Umloa Sis.



^ a J

>• J


Ano^er to i^^pear In
r^ext Tuesday’s Issue
Of The Herald
A*»lher Whal? AnoOwr mg Coaaau. Watcb lor B. Nan It aad Us*
Evcry Onclo mglit. Malie Them Win YoaOaeolIke
meganl CilnneU Bras.' (own make) Pianos.

' No Extra Pa|>mlo Be Sold


acTM wOl be ttmmk

Fife Lake Department
Conducted by MIm Mu Dewey.
, )
Wa wsBt to Bske this DopsrtMBt .of tkdr*tMt pndWhlB vslBo to sU CBeemad sB4i to
tiUi end Kqoest thst sU it«s of poneosl sa4
e«Mnl ifiterat be tint to lEa BoirtT to be
taoorpontod is tbe Depsitmest. 'We espedsUr
sdt thst (tarohM. fnicEMl societies sad tbs
OtBBfe foniib ttosu of nterest is tbtir twpeotive argsaiatioiM. Hews of 8odaa ereots ssd en.
tsinmrnts, iaprorasssta beisf sisde or eontoBpbted, and boduss chssm sod trsatfen is
nsl ertste ia town udranatiT sre wpeeisSy
lu’t osl/ to tbe
rffisfeadKe lake, bat to
tiy.— Editor Bersld.

aed there ts a afttca acre t—
falta growing oleeJy


Brora of Cbeseae-m'lhe a

l^iT itartMlM iTiXi
dayaxtt Tieeeiae Ov.
Mtarae iJly MlUtagwa a
Utobc* aro vMtIhs. « BiK <■

for Fine

. »—


lor .aa eauhM VHU «3th.>
1. Okhan. leA amt

_____ ^1

Plexibk Asphalt
Stadc Shingles


•PtBVmOL' - l li

Memorial Day Fittingly Obasrvp
Uuuald. came up from Walton Thurs­
<$-Tom yiSa ■ u . I , ■ ■
Memorial day. aiay Svtli. «aa
day to Spend the day with 3Ir. and
Mtaa Aram ttahl^ b« Aifngly observed by the people of Fife Mrs. 1. $■: Judkjaa—/
tnm a t«« wocka vlaft
«ikc) FIAN6a. each one worth $400 and never gold for. taae- Cra
Lake and vldnjty.
ia OeirMt and JeataoR
Mrs. -ft KYuiddtacome has been
nail Irea. <awn make) ^lanaa we nat awalied by Aijr other plane on tbe market.
uenred at 10;S0 a. ui.. «Kb the
Hr*. Ml* Oartead q
much wur*e-4be past week
o the ivmeier,. eonpoaed o.
Mr. and Ur* Will Holbnwk wvr.
her nephew. Cny KatL k
THttCE DIAMONDS, each worth $80, and THREE WATCHES, each worth $30. a
IIBereui orders and schuul children, iB 4-adlUac this week aad bought ,i
C'htragD whetw they wfl h
led by the G A K and VI
wm or yo'nng burse*
J week* vtalUeg. '
Five per cent Caah Commiaalera—
J I». lorekard ts doing ibe maaoitbe M * N. K. f<
' the t eiepant prfaee. Tula Groat Frue C
ork oo Warren Sperry's-new home.
tSerw-wtU take tbe
d you of winning o
lirerted the decorating of the grates
awartfa and at leaat of being paid for any effert'you put forth.
Floyd Rader is qalie 111 at this «ni
G. W. Ahhett r
Shori memurial s<Tvkes were read
at Rowley ibia in
Mile* Bryant and 1 BattenSetd
Mrs Clareace Clark aud daughter
ritU here.
Proyw was oEered b> Rev. A W. Peart, of Cadillac, were here to aticod
Remvta rwrarwedheata-M*
Mra. Fred M'.area. Coder No. 2.. 96715
““j^tab'tahsg t«s.
Jetaie Newman. Maple City R 2 967SSt Raker. 'On reiutnltif to the Grange me.XK)rtal senlras
ley IhU moral
fneludec all territory outolde
II. coffee was serted by the Buard
Mrx 0. Keever, Empire........... 847561
Mra. WilBcm of Kalkaska, was the
bnrtnest trip le thtaf ettr. . .
Traverse City and west and north
Mr*. Minnie Clark. T. C. R. $rr 837r
Trtde. After dinner tbe senkv* guest ofVMri. I'has Stafford. Mouday.
Hie* Ctata I
Katc Birdtty. Emoirc ............. 837'
the Fcra Marquette R. H.
were <ipi-ued b> G. VV. WilUid. lolMis* Martha Bernstvlne Is heme for'
rtslttng retaUra* In
Mra. Myrtle Gretn*T. C. R. 7... .8136$
Jennie Farrant. Empire R. 1___fSS84S dre. E. Ray. GIcnmere___... 79615 lowtd with prayer by Rev. Baker. _ the summer tacallon. from South
Menuiee for tbe peel fwo «
inehidoo all terrttory Inelde -the elty Suite Ferguoon. Cedar.............. 13425$ Emma
bt Jllas Winifred Hodges follow Boardman. school being •loaed.
McManus, T. C R. 1....... 7578$
luraed tbta noruaf 9e bar I
tlBlta of Travaraa City. .
Attorney Pa’rfaln of Trarersi
Caroline Delzell, Cedor RFO 2.13367$ Kittie Golden. Old bllaalon....T13SS
Mrs. Ceerg* Kimball is, te:
Cera Fearaon. t»i Waah..........14SS7S Ada Burkett. Cedar Run
Cilt, delivered the memorial addresi with lenallitia
Mr*. A Leemli
leio SeaRel^ tt22^lnaula. .1<
which .was very inapirttg'and
Ida Weller. Cedar............................JS3W
Misses Goldie and E1U UgMbeiser
Us -today OB a e
, Mra. Anna IJom. 1«4. E. «h..14538$ Charlotte Tmee, T. C. R. 5.'... 13269!
appreciated by all The pape:
Includes all territory euttida
of Traverse City. *ei;e., boi
Mrs. Amll F. Nartli^sr I
Ceell Van Natter. 42$ 2nd........14481$ hire. Atkincon. Burdickvillc... 132t»$ raveroe City .and South and east
with her imieui*. 3lr.
by Ur U. E. Hills, wa. also ti
for Craad Baidte xrta
'■ V- urulng
Foy Ottlnger. 925 State..............14448$ Sarah Wiloon, Empire R....... ,.13167* tlia perc Marquette R. R.
lere.llag and folly appre'.lau
Mary Jaquieh. Sendon .............. 12976$
SsnTorxl Fuller aud daughter. 3tisa
111 spend iwe weeks, the swM
Dor»thy Maeocnle^ 429 8th...1443SS Mn. N. ShMer. T. C. RFO... 12976$
those ■ present. The progrsm wmm Sarah of Traverse City, visiled her
.Mr*. StoBel ami children 'arrtved parenU. Mr. aad Mrs. W. P. '
Mra. Fredrlckaon, Noithport... 12975$ Ray Taylor. T. C. R. 4...............13371$ closed 1>> America, led b.c (be seboo brother, W R. Fuller -and family here laat week from Chicago aad are
Lelln Copeland. Wilhamoburg .12735$ Ida Whitten. Batee.................... 13279$ children.
iUlng In Walton Ralsy'a bouae.
orer Sauday,
^thorine Ftffheueen. When Bk. iia/ie Mri. Rpbt. Lackey. Old Micaion 12674b Mra. 0- Pray. Wiliiameburg.... 13247$
Ajfany CMWlalMg aJ Oeiari
Cemmcncsrosin Eacreiscs.
Mra. W. H. Brown. 802 Front.. 137295 * IdieChaoe. Levering, R. 1.. 116715
Mr*. Henry Taber* was Ukl
CtauJ CortU of MaiHon._j»»*-8al- taem Mr. and Mrs. Oei
Carlbaek. F'
-------•Thl*a,Carroll. 828 8. Union. 1387S8
('ooHUencemrnt exercises of
na Garland. T. C. ft.
HI Riindav evening.
unlay to *,«nd a week with relative* xnd Ur*. Bran* went la
orate Taylor. T. C. R. 4............ISO
Mra 1^ SHder, Randolph.. 13S8$5
lia Eolee. Satee........................ ......... Iva Bogart. Klngaley .................129
Fife l-ake High school, bHd It
Bornlng to utend ih
Mca. A. LaFonUtc. Ill Front 13S2H
na Heirr«N Old IMaaion........12476$ Adeline Mallory. T. C. R. S....129
Grange hall on Thursday etening
day utt a busiaew* irt|i.
ly ^Uer at this writing.
Temple. Wilhelm Blk..134899
Ima Gee. Elk RapWe. RFO .123785
Leggett. Grawn. R. 1..129
Slsy'Mruh, under ihe direction of Pre'
Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Bennett,
jrgorw Wiloon. T. C. R. 1..' Jennie
Mr.-aad Mra B. J. Hannon moved tO: Hr*. Jam** Omn. sT I
laggie Domine. T. C. H...........
--------- --- .. ..r Ook A 2nd______ Mre. F. R.
. _______
vvillanl, were well attended panted their guests.
drawn Monday to stay for tbe aamCity..126825
spending a few. days, 1
Jeoali Brrghu
.....................- 2.123476 ilnnle -8 — :ing«ley.>H RFD..12746S
Rhoo UOtariuo. 206 EImvmod. I3475S Jeoolo
Maple City R.
The march u-s played by iirs. AlU
n and Scoit to Traverae. CWy. Tuv*:
vMilBg frietUa and i
M^ Doty, 116 Monr«c............. 133673, Mrt, Kelderhouee, Maple City..12274$ Genevieve Davit. T. C. R. 7..125975 Dongherty. Rev R, a. Hllla of Jli
• 1^ Afward. 403 W. 9th........... 13237$ [ Sdrab Dunn. Bordldwllle..... 12074$ Florence Scon. T. C. R. 2........125375
Mr*. W. H. C
■aryl Farico. 2281 ISth.
Mrs W T.- Held ’of Acme
oaring. T. C. H. 3............ 12042$ Alice Schell. Kingeiey................12476$ PletMm pruncuuced tbe Invocation
Graeo McMIehatl. 307 W
Following this was a solo by MIm
- LIbbie
- bbie Arnold, aatee.......
Lulu E. Thomaa.
60$ W.. 11th..127MS
127MS Mro.Roy
" Peaae. Uland............... 11664$ Mre. Van Oe Boggart Rendon.’23415 erle lK-»e<. Miai Uluncbe .Vewel
Helen Whitaon. -Batee................123395
A.-Baker and Edaon Va
Voro Oob«m. 208 W. 12th....
. . ....
126315, Hattie
Mia* Sadie R
ey. Old
MItaien...11638$ Mre. Ellia NewcIL F. Lake'R 1.12161$ gate the rlaas hiatory and Bernhart seeks with her'father. J Myera and
old uelgbbora. .’
holding meeUnga at Maple HilL
Lotto Giwon. 1028 Webeter___126385, CclU Seott. Northport
- .- X._____...116825
Floranoo Winiwa, 6 I Wobator. 124835 Nora Raylc. Lake Ann. RFD... .116745 Mre. Carl Hlehirdeon T. C. R. 2.12079$ R"insteln the < Ians iirophei y.
Dhttuary.G. C. <-Uurch iefi-.Tuveday
Mre. M. Artlip. Grawn.............U972Sl VVlalfred Hodges sang a solo, alter
|ding of ber brotber Henry.
. 1243SSI Charlotte Monro. Elk Rapid* .11674$
(Ha r. IJmchlua' was born June 5$.
business trip Vo .Manieluua. Aldcu
Mra. A. Stewart, Grown ......... 11962$
Hernahy wrem i
Rtbal Edwarda, .
.123755jElale Sipne. Old Mlaalon ......11495$
IBCa aad. pasaed away alter a long
Mary MeCIH. T. C. R. 2..........11941$ which the address of Ihe evening
and Snuaffakr. to l>e Sonf- a week.
18ra. LewIt'Culman. 876 E.
..12038$ Mre. F. Wllaon, Lake Ann RFO.11474$ Oore Davit. T. C. R. 4........ 1K73S giteu by Rev. 11 A. Hills.
I morning to attead the P
ilftie.-re. Wednesday night. 3lay Sf.
». 'dau*
Edwina Whitt. 519 6th...
■H6S8S Mrs. Ruegsecser. Mapte City-.114376
Lyman Daily and Jemea f
Mre. T. Toner. Grown.............. 1144S* $la>ani yirescbled the diplomas Mem
Ibe agr ot *4I yeara, Il.tiiunlhs and
9*Tb. Frod BoHIn.I. 838
836 E.
E. 8th..11487$
8th..11467$ Varna Kennody, Kewadin..........
Empire. i«ssed Uumifh the «
A- Sih........... 01389$ Ar,^€ttt^"na*"oir«!IriTn......Wclliameburg.. .143755
bers t)f the class were Blanch .'Cewel; Kimball, anived here TuewUr night tour daya
■monilni from s
E. aui.'iir-Alts Thorne. Karnid Wearer. Hern
To tiieiu six children
Katkaska. tu vtali their parenU.
............... iinn'S;:
’,2:^ Lari Hcuiiaielii and FYank Walter !ro:ii
were'born. « which Bve aurrtve him. leral points atamg tbe G. R. A I
Mr anil Mrs. Jleb Kimball.
I F.. W. Oedferd ef Odeno. I
>l^iiibers of libe Stfa grade t>
Mabel Laraon.(9n St
.108766 ssi.";’:,.'?'!- c
i-":? ■ ■
IIB June 1st. K \juop sds transfer­
s.v Sicel. Tra<-> Sewell. Gertrude red Irtiu R R. Xo : to R. «- Vo. 1. Fife l.ake. and Irene of CadllUc. The‘ Itbrangh Utt city today
Mrv L. Newberry, 713 E. 6lh. .T02485
Beriisleine. IL-ssle Hodges. Neva whleb was vacateji by- ihe deatli
funeral was held at ibe M. E. church okm. erbere be wlU ■
Francee Chervehka, 530 Bay...100715
Grunt. Haifie Grants ilarie' Ratten Howard lamks R R No. : waa gir
Tlmrsda'. Mav 3uih.
Kro. Fred Elmderf, 413 E. tth. 98866
Mies Lottis MeOerry e( HdS
Mra. Chaa. Docker. 233 Boy.... 93678
Eeld. Glad.'a Rechsieine. ,BlUa West, I O. I. Boynioo.
Mitoon 106485 Mre. Louis Oerter. Benden .
. A. W. Baker ofllcUiing Mill
sped the day here on hwlMZ
Matilda Klinkor. 413 E. Mh.:.. 9248$ Mre. G. A. Shearer. T. C. R. 2 103675
er, Percy Slrahan. Harry and HerJlUa fginley- MrOee oTBo.vne City. Hotchics. of Gary. |nd . brother of dtMro. Harrloen Virrton. Wynkoop 91375 Mre. Leon Hirtl. Empire ......... 103535 Mary Green. Acme .................
Mrs. J. N. Reuse ef Kln|aA
ben Ho**e.
as the guest of Miss E(u Bent. ceased. a.vumpaiiied the remains
Mrw Mark Craw. 225 Waah... 86974 Gladyi Shugg. Wllliamiburg R1.10246$ Mre. Earl Gilmore. Fife Lake
lurhed home tbta morale M
.Mre* Nora Herrie returned
Thursday. .
Oht.1, lur InleroM-iit.
UUMn Nolaon, 914 Wwh......... 81346 Mre. Lola EnnI*. Elk Rapida R 1 9945$ Grace Spaulding. T. C. R- 4...
her bomwhold tDOda flW|«inll
RIM Hankinaen. 436 State....... 69425 Mra. G RIehardten. T. C. R. 2 . 98745 Myrtle Wckoft. Summit City.
home In Harrielta. Monday.
T*e_ ritlzens Rank Co., have
Mattie Hopklna. Mayfield..........$3415
ITof.' VMlIarxl end {>. i. Tiffant ■able 'nim uwned by tbe Say
lexsnder Harper died Monday moving to ttita etty.
have turned their attention to farm- Kingsle.v. near the '..Id oUll site and firbi.
Ighl. Hay JT, i;.;:, from Ike' effe.ta A Loemta wrerrt te Soeth BiJi
morning on a (c* days b
■fralytli stroke, at the'age of69
again at wju-k aawlug tbe remain'
E. P. Quackeiibush wus'ln l adiltac
He served in the :6ih Ohio IP.
of tbe log*,
Mr*. FrtUKi* Sarnebi a IBt 4
■ufaaerlptlan rataa of the Recetd-Eagie and number of vatta givtn ea
looking after bualucts. Monday.'
ummltokiher A. T. Clark of I nlon. lufu.ljy. Jle was laid tu rest Wed
each payment:
Mr* A K. Frank of HelUilrc, is the
nesdx^ iiwraing. Slay
by bis O. passed tbRMgh thpeftrOOkEai^
The followiDfr sralf of votes b in force from ilaj- 18
real of the P. II. Bernstlne fauily.
-sdes. iu the remetery near to SL Joseph, wbara An *
up to aud iudndiiiK June 8.
friends for a abort Ume.
Mr*. Jas. 'Slradilen aud mother.
• A^iuialake waa .iiade In pilntlns t
Misa Vinnta Van ML a
laii iti-iu* from, llonroe Ceelcr. whlrti Mr* Furmeii ui Itawley. attended^ the
K- church.
atatrtl that thr s^nse bad added fi>*- raeiuorial servhi-s here Tuesday.
Juue <^th. Babbath acbool at 11:30 [by ber niece Helen Van Part ta |
g ber vacaUoB <
bee- meinbfra to their ll«. It should^ Mr. aud Mrs. J'nung and grandson
l-!iiworib l.eague
South Boardman. mere liuslneB*
have Ueen fort>.|1ve oexr uieiiiUera. Ai
■True -Wisdom is JYom Go-1 ra. Wm Homna a
.Mrs. Valleau and daughter of Ti
16.00 .......................13,600 vota................... .'i.TfQ- voles
Mtae Efiurta walker «
!br b*t nii-eilos. Tueaday eveninc taller* here Friday.
lur Those Who tVill Re.viie
•se City, visited Mrs. Ugitbl
Mr*. $>ed Hale of KIk Rapids, on SuodayMa>: ;T.|li.-'.upper ea. eerved by the
>SB I;;’0-1I; 1 Cut. 2:1216 llsd ttala towvlag to rWt I
At Hew
As Old .
few daya.
BMiUraen ^ the *raB«e, «hi<-li, it |. ■ent Thursday and .Friday with her
Freatdilng al 7:3o p. ni. by Rev. A.
Mlsa Goldie l.igbthiaer baa a p
« KonUu poo .................. 1,800 toU<................. 000 vot«
moili.-r. lira, loireiu EUlotL
Hrn. Oertrada MUie «e
uea-dlees ti> bay.. *aa
Very niu(ji t
JO iu Uwyer A. F. .Verlinger'a
1 Yesr 12.00 ........... :... 4,600 votes................. 2,260 votes
Heiiiils Hilton was home from
Joyed b>, the ladiei
r of an In tbe city i
2 T«Bn HOD ................. 13,800 vote*.................6.760 volei
Frederic, for memorial.
me te ber bMe in Me
>lla» ilartba Vaadam relurued
Mr. and 3Ir*. 31. 'WooderJIni etH
Mr*. Frank O. aetah, «
Tra^ersi- rii> .MonUay after a week's
Mr .Anusirong, trwrelling ralei
As Hew
As Old
talDed 3Iesdaoie* M. Ksat and M.
:4i! »l:h friend* at the Ceuicr,
r Ihe Johnson Caody Co., tranaacted TtalUag twr aaotber, Mrs. Lor^ ■
1 Te« 11X0 ................... 1,800 votes................ 900 votei
Young of Grand Rapids, last week.
|erta..went to CbKmno today. -T
j llot.iratioo Jhiy waa .observed
buailiees heie Tuesday.
2 Tesn HOO ...,^........... 4,800 votes.................2,260 votes
John Jors Louglit so acres u( Ian?
by r.irkins on,their luta ui
J. Howard who has been wurklag Bakb «tn retsrn in ebgrt£ ten 4
Then the onmber of vota given on subscription psvments
-uni Abner BattenCeld. rercully.
arampanled by ber i
■r Chaa .Mljlei on bu form tm Miller
“Msde sfter June 8th will be decrcssed suotber one-tenth.
I^iriiie Daria of Klngaley. visited
i'liOind Mra., JlarriD Jlc JIaliaii of
Hill, Is DO* employed al Oaiiiegatcbie Ur* L, r. Tftom
TM>erae ■Ti,
tbe week end E. E. Price's, a few days this week.
rm bavlng-nraved bit family here.
Mtaa Helee Itoera whe ft
' Olive Mills and. Willie I
ifl'las Mr. am] Mra: Clim CopeUnd
311SS Ida Fsmui returned tu spend Fort Sheridan. Rl.
3Irs. Julio Faler went to Traverse
more.' tisiied at
HeliMr't in i’.
aoJ tuber frlenda at the Center.
ily, M-mdaf. "■ be with her brother e summer with her etottr, Mr* D weeks. rrtorMd borne tbta ■
Miv Ita'vii. Mrs. AVageer and MUs lilac, over Sunday.
Mrs. Reland •enslttqn fed J
red Mang. while undergoiot
Mr*. Mae Kimball of Boyne <1
JIabel UeUroat were t-allera at Trav
yperaiKin fur apitendintis.
Mrs Wm. Beiinell and daugbler, ra Robert, of Fort SherMaa, I*
erae city $Tldir.
la the guest of 3lr. and Mrs. Ce^rae
l*s Carrie are vUlitng with Ward rived today to spend the a( '
and Mr*. Cbas. ftiicon
•Harry Vamlam ef Trateive Clti KimbalL
. Bennett at I'harletoft^
Mr* Bougbion's moeber.
■s .MiMred Carotber* and Ijuda
Mias M«be1 rhHsDd reiunied tu her
called tin friends at the treater SonMiss l.ydi* Rpwell of Empire Is Uoere.
son of Cadillac, were guests
Tbe Bersid tnd BecoM Oo. nsno Oratot.
borne In Klngaley. Saturday.
tisltlng ai the borae of Steven I>ubn
Edward Curtta And D4(
LaBars Tburaday.
Mrs. 1>Ruy 31axam and Miss Nora
R. Ftiller mod nle.e, 3Ls* Sarah
Kchuol closed lost week and ibc laa lift today for Batee i
To be veted on «r befere June 11th.
Berrle. were in Traveiwe City. Bat •uller. went to Kaikatka TuWday. to teacher. Miss Hilda Johnson., returned III atiead a Datrym^a
the graduating exercises of I her home In Traverae-City.
Mrs. Geo Teal of Sonib the Xonnal from which his sun,
Geo loukey irt Traverae <’iiy
M-isa Pkebe Marvin, wh
There Were tew -that «,..nt te tb< Boardman. were guests ac F. ft Ursnge gradunes
Istiendlng sebeefl la this cltr, r
I here last M'eidsy driving a |
Hager*, on Monday.
rt'ineiery here on Decoration'day.
’ irav'elllug men around the born In 1 Ibis afteraooo to ber b
Maosc Dance.
Wilber Qaarkenbnab came butne The annnal Mo.t*e pariy. gUen ai IS Ford car.
liarl Cray |* able to be oat again
T to spend ber VaraiioB.
.ttvood Lake of inland «as the ora Cadillac, Saturday.
Karl AodRsseu of Gleu Arbof la A. L. Jeyse M epending
Siange hall, mn ihe'eVeoiog <if .May
Fill in the niine of the for wlmm
v<m dntre
The Service Guild will n>eet with
im .T<m
ucat of tViil |.ake last Ttmraday.
is reponeqa complete sutces*. employeef in Day'a stni.. ,
Vote sn^'jilkwriit to Tliv llrraM and T
R.,l offieo o
Mias Susan Shuit of Inland and their president. Mrs Viols Clark, on The ball was d«=»rated In evergreens
I). H. flay la In Chicago this week
Hiss Medellne Trvmen m
lor Junu 11. Tbb UA* saiMd *111 then i wire 10-votes l
ft- Han of Indiana
united in rmny sftentoon. June Tth.
iDd Mooae roloi^ Tbe Ctdillic attending the annual mcrtlng M
toskey this aftei
c trbet* a
Miss Mabel aetaBd reiunied to tloooe orchestra fuiWhrt the music. National Hardwmd l.umbetman's m*- mske her faton
larrlage Uat Thor«iq/erenltig All
Trim sround black line.
i»!i them mu.hTjoy ai:d happtnee* Kingsley Saturday.
Mrs. J. C Cen
The . free trout *upp>nra the fta- Boctaikiu..
I E. J. Bahcrofi and IMrl- nre of th* evening amt waa highly
thruiigh life T^ey left for their fu
B. L. Bortce and wife have prrived CcMwater to vitat trtafUs a
ire home in Indiana last Sacdrda.v.- Ing of Traverae ni>. were guests of 'omplitnented. the success beltic di
□01 Chicago. lu lake cJiarg' of I'edsc
Mr*. H. S. Ohemr J
.Ml*. R K: Rales was tbe guest o! Mrs. EUa White, a few daV* ihU n Chef Waliie Bine and 1* aaatalanl Spring loidge for fhe aeaaon.
MISS Pauline left l
>ir*. Ai*-|wd Uke Frtda> evwaing. goI. I- .SItght of Oswsgatcble farm Is
served from the
Kdanaii. o . where they s
rrem there to her son Carrs at
enienalnlDg bis parents who reside te
vakfh hoefcet. presided over by
{ Mlaaea Blanch l.enicoolAad loei Barleast ibroe weeks, the g
her sister in-law.
AmM Wlu^bo hu been apendtnq tati did sbopplng tn Tnnerae tTir ThotnpeDnillle Saturday.
mmg ladies. About M were present -Masun ixiuniy.
The Mis»wirl discharged a quantiit
ilr* Jennie McMaqier* will leave of Traverse City- ' , •
acme time with Mr. tick aaS family IVednepdajroa Cadillac, and a*
Mrm A. Medfsen retaraa t
J Colebun of-East Board- ora aear-by towns
’ freight .in'lodll.g two motor hoaia. iernooB to ber borne'at BttScy. J
r her home in Grand Rapids ;
the geest of 3lrs. KlU
I tailing with her daughter. Mra. Syl1 Mrs. WQUe Bogan reiaroMiss Jiarton Dickerwon tame home 3* tor the. mu- of (hr Sleeping Bf6r
ahert visit ber*.
Matrbett Sonday.
tester Retd for two weeks this morn­ White Tuesday.
Ufe Ssvtne Matloa. and one for
om Wademaa Frtda.v.
ad to ibeir borne la aarteroU Thura-i
Mr. Tkiyeart's
IndUna ing. Monday.
Mollie Clark wettl^ Cadillac
I Mannou..
Dan Kent was In l.«etBVlUe a cdui-le
him. .
- prraiperts (or fruK In this vldMira Theo Burlingame of ThoiBR
day* this week.
Mrs. Amoa Boa and daughter. Gen^
Csrteten.Nelaon *
l«nah‘Box, Ui*ce Pecre-FJKfda Pet­ eontlile was vlsltln;; ,,th Mrs. Ijisj daya.
.re verv en.xiu.-aging. The peach hUi home at Grand ■epida.
Armor FTallck has boogbt
ra *sal to Traverse City TburstUy.
rie. Brnfst Wheat. EUo Craiio ami
-Mn. Ortn Hmehlna of Rapid Chy A'lTka fmrm
ur<hards bid fair lu yield a fair rrop. abort visu bme.
Mra. John Taylor baa been alck the Willard Bower* received their dtplo- 'Urk ian »eek.
aa visiting retaUve* aad friends:
large orchard on Oswegatebie
Ig and L'bl
Henry Rea
paat fa* days.
maa laat week.
here for a fe» day*
farrw has a beiler showing than ever BeUeIre tbta afieneen by the d
Mr, and Mr*. Hoyt of Summit City
Mr*. Gtbhe and Mr* Pe-.iy drove ..
Miss Blossom Morrta.of CopeaiisA
Mr*. Bert Baraore U on tbe skk before. Other products of tb* soil ef berh
- eallad te thlt nelsbborbood Snaday. Traverse City Tueaday (o attend ^
has been spending the week at Cedar tat ikta week.
«isg planted In quantaiea.
Maadames A. B. Milte. B. A ^Vali. •meeting or their church.
CreekMn Unda Lockwood airtted here the above- mewlooed farm one h*iK this afteraeen. where abed
afterward aa wlioeatea-niegsa
Im .^chbtL M. J- Taylo^and the
League waa well aitended laat nteht^y^^^
Mra Tqgpbr JoOiu aad Utile aoa OB KaosMi. to •poU'Uie auuDer dfed acret have beta planted to .
resUe for (he taure.
OfMt CBmoalgn CIom* Two Wcccko Fro
lUadr Hr Their Owners

I Ne« $otuTdoy~June 22 tht Date—All


Valuable • AwanJe


I ai


tssvr»““-t^c'^T"" JSiii






.Qraha Traverse Region

koop and sons. Md aadAioaUs. ■
have taken uit rUluis there

daatkot.Pisnk Aduna, which ocmrred sod hla >Uc of Trsvene aiy. 8saat PeiTls. California
Adama warn




and Mr

llenile count «j



inhor of Stotl-

1 reslrtenis “kod hete
friend. j.iue. ,, Tteltlns Her daufbter. M.»(Mrs. Adams and two children survive'r jiallory

The U. & UuUes- Al.l sold Ire
Ate Burkert. B>r P»*eU kiM tou. are apeninnx sooe time bere as
Mr. and
Mrs henry
omm at G. B. BaUvln'a Saturday
» crmduaM from tb* eUbib
, .
'called at Alfred Herkoer'e Sundu)
eranlDK. '
Alberts Crain.
Emeat Harr tST Crawn haded Jo«s
Mr and Mrs. Kale Bajl.v of Alniln
Elale Conklin U vi.iiinB ber t
Trarerae Cjts am rbnnlns ibtdr mill
^rners were seen on our Mrrets Sun- here for Kins * <>>■ 0^ Holland last
daughter in Traverae City lor a
■ daya.
■r. Cwl reettrad • fecood elui
Mm. A. 8. Pray went-to Kalkaska
■geveraJ from iha. Island Brance atPrank Gibbt returned from North
> (or harlnc next to (be
(oday to attend the Normal exercise*
Sarhileben and
K nTomte Mandlnx of the ooon- Manliou UUnd Satnrdaj. wtere be tended Pomona sianse at lake AniT thls'evenlns
, children, were callers at f. E. Mai'evenlns•I paplla Is tbe eUbtb srsde: has been Iboktns u|i blrd>e>'e maple. Prlday aqd Salorter.
romtnissioner Wofdon Is in.l.rotin,,'*'^^
Emeat Cnnls ban gone to noutbem
.Mr and Jdrs Omer SMver rislied
ioe. •stlilliK bio to one
aPeodlUB tbe'j
frac tnlttaa. All nre ren- tbsnk- Mr. and Jin. Tom Skiver of Lone Mlcbtuaa to vlstt Ms
James Wauoii. Tom Pray and week in TrayerK fit,..|
wbo U Carr sl. k.
a te M BerMlte. nor Un iMober. l,sk« Sdbdsy.
Uoyd fibbed on the Boardiuan
Joe Perry look
■V steod lescber ssd
X H. MrConslts'ii have
City flihertneii
h UB wail.
Bd McCunc has nearly comitete-l
morla) day.
9 Bklm. 8*nos and - Basil Wynkoop'a property.
Willard Wuubura. who
le basetnent wall ^or
Jin. Nellie
Kimble Is home aaaln efier
There wan a ball same here Sunday
m okBa ^1^s— (roBi Trsrcrae CItr
vlsltlnp In Traverse City the past
. ,
spendine tbe winter In
southern Brown's new bam.
I 80^ witk tbnb- tornnu. between tbe Cedar and fedar Run
Tbeodore Staennan (wm to Board- week, returned borne daiurday even .
nines. ThB ae®fe
7 to 8 In favor’
Ws. OOln iidcrsoe of ffSTcme
•liie In bis auto. He was a.-comi»ni. /
an Sunday.
of Cedar Rns.
r «Mn« Mr CMibar, Mrs. D. <J.
A- G- Fairbanks of Traverae City Is,by
by Jlra.
Jlrs. Wui-zburg's
Wui-zbure's cousin. Jllsa
Jllsa ila<Warren Depew bns moved Into (he Traverae City callers last week.
r. Bsndsr.
mn Brown of Kllbouru. . Wis.. In lb4 ne'Jchborbood this week.
X C. Wynkoop renldeoce.
Traverae j
Bolsmier was
j Btesr. A H. l««rer sad Wifi
town Uit week on business He
Cmiintenceiuent eaercisea «
Nell. Doran nnd wife of near Em­
r tewec to Trsrerse OHr Uter- pire twssod tbrousb here ihu ludro. left (or bU Kalkaska-farm Saturday. Cliv vUlt^ Mondj
Rob Clow of V
Clande Worden and famll) auended
»■ las.
4-1 it
Joe Burkert U about tbe teme, sa the eUbth Brade rally at Honor Sat­ bere Sunday.
Rev. Rtekea of
urday. His son. Slewtrt. was amotiB
L am bam tWUbs- relaUrea for a n.„.i mu week.
lD>ochtk>n-~Ue\. C E Tbit-s
Mrs. Wynkoop and son Temiule
Ocielte—J, JUttbews. B. R«nu. C i
. Mn. Ttenk Uarwey and son. Waliar.' have enne to Canada to Join Mr. WyoThirs. 1. Rogers. 1. Dame. K. Clark. S ,


A Urge nmcxcrkas btes plated at my ditpeaal (b Ute on raal —
■t C par tent^^H per east lor SSM nod over. 7 par eent nadar SMI

and daaftMor. I^rl. of .N'onb Msnl


C^. Hammond

Mmtf N.ConniM



Kingsley Department

Conducted by Mlu Edna Wall.
The people of Kiagiley ud tbe gun-oinidliic
country are eU intmeted in thii Depurtment.
We shfill be ^«d to heve indiridufili, chnrchci,
the Grange, fratemfil godetite nad.ili Dther orgBnigfitioBi hand in itemi of newg, pedi^idg, ..
UBonneomenU of meetingB, notteas of entertainaenta, buinegi cbaaaet, public improremenU
being done or contemplfited, tfila of retl eeUte
and any other itemi of genkU items to Miii Edu Widl.
hu chtrge of tbe


Poitci. A. Beotall.
I’resemallon of - dii.lanwa—E. I'
The .JId wtR mccl with Mrs., Georsc ('lark, suiieiinlcndem.
Piano trio—WlDogcnc Elleii-Kiiiuia
Kreeuian.' Ibis we.-k Thureday.

The Rainy Day Necessity

Tbe cBildrto of .Mr. .Moor a
ler. but -Mrs. is <iu;t.- put
Tho-sc wbo cillcd at E •' Uarling*

j Wilson. Mr*. E CUrk.
Addreaa—G. A. Masselink.
yuartette—Gciirudc. Cbrlsllue. Jlo-

>inU and family. JJi% .J. Sayerv.
Mrs J Stafford, of Btexcr Islam!
R. Mitchell. Bruce laye-'a and Jli.a
.todersou. .Mrs. DujtiiB.treated them arrtte.l W'edoeaday for a tlslt wIili
ber parents. Jlr. and Mrs. U Bourlsto Ice cream.
Jiw Vulce-bail ibc-iuifturtune t.
icobs alipl famllv of lini'ire
niiD his ankle Sunday wliHe plaj
arc here visiting her imreots. .Mr. and
ig ball. He "III 'h- laid up Icr sonii
I'g. .1- Anderson.
The Alumni aswu-latlon .gave Its ah-

The New Slip-on Coats

Tlie Big Store
belfbody am have one." We have one we are selline npecial at


Buckley v*. Kingalcy.

Uin unable to walk for a fed- 'days,
i I* ibuiighi be (Hu be able to ^
■ul playing is a lew day*.

again played Klngaley. on Oie home

ri and Anna Garthe.
Music—Orcbeura. ,

Wednesday cveuiu^ aerc John

nual ieci.|>ilon to tbe graduates
bbe «IH be Brcnjlj
Satiirda*'evening at the town ball
liic -Aid.
the form of ,a gardmi pkrty. A deJohn Perbrtll .....I faniili. also Jobu
lightfnl iirogram
given, after
HurcauRC am! lamlly-Mailed at Georc wblrti brick ice cream and assone.1
Kuadh's Sunday.
i*ke* were served bv
the Junior
Ji s. K. Vofe- a..4 CUI1.1...I. visited
Mts. Kiank Pre-mat. Sunda-.
.Mis* l.miati lluniineh. w)u> SM<rnt
Jlis Slltliu- two cfcIMrcn a
the winter In Grand Rapids, seianied
with s.arlct (ever
e last »<wk.
Mrs. Rl.Uard Si-arlinx of 8l.«.-r.
rS. O. K -Dame, who has been
is v.bliinB iricndh uml relative-, hei-.visiting la Constaniiiie the luist
(or a Willie.
weeks, returned boine Tues-lay eventilwla Clark will star. wort. ^


The game, wiy* Mmewba*

’The u-vaiii sliow is lu town. aSd
X|>rcis to show all week.' They colM
of ibe .teiy* wi
here liigbly retoiiuiicRiled.
itir dinner.
The game proved
U. C. Haves »A wile Went to Tnving up 10 the sixth IbnlBg. which
erai- trit.v. Saij^ay. on business..
finished with a tie of I and
Mra. NHlIe Belle and chUdreo-^nd
Tbeu tbe game went lu pieces, ns
Mias Haiti.- Koehlmcr went (u Trav- .
■he first l»an of the game the hdys
erse Ciiy^iiodav <n buHnesa.
forgot to pracUce grandstand play*
I’ele -Mulli and family visited Ms.
The game ended with
the acore of H and 11 In favor of the

alsti-r, Jtra

vUltlng team, but on account of

held Sunday.

he Buckley

Waytie Msulgold of May-

boys baling halted

JIrs. .Arthur I'brlalufferarn and'JIre.
Will Stclnmlller of Buckley were the

• played by Utr

gui-Eis of the former's cousin Edu
-Wall Fi Wsy.

The next i

tvw) lesiu* will

.Mrs. Barton of Buckley attcuded tha
hoover makes te«x first score in
given ball game bere Pridd;*
next dtnnie. rtUls: gMrae'WllI be gl
Mra. Ilorney Nelsou u
in row II

Decoration Day Exereliea.

Wednesday mentng of last

Week to aiteud Ibe Uaptlauial exer>

Decoration day was observed 1

In the morfilng Claes St the Uaplisl teurch.
Mis* Ethel Hackman of HaaUfe .
(Ire school chnareii aud (old) 'aoldlera.
new bant today lor .\1i. Mckeiami.
ass <la> program was given led by iJu- marshal and brass bkodt. visited friends in town over fftf1liai>
went of Kinxsley. Jan.l« .Ei.iter la
bv the graduates of IMJ Wednesdsy marrbed to the retneiery where the
noit.x ,o work- with
evening at the town hall. Jhe pro- graves of the fallen heroes were
John I'crh.-ill and .Jllas Andcrs.i.i
rani was as follows:
-nraied and ni ibe'mvin hour the n
Piano solo—Mrs. J. Si-lilffenedcr.*
people ^lio came from out of i


l-:diiCHllon—Raymond I~ Bartlett .
Mr -and .Mi,

/That is equal in quality antflooks to those that some get ^7.50 and $10.00 for

Msma .tsii-d ai

Koan s. Suoilay .M-Icnte Ptercc and


Vocal duet-Jljx I* Wuniburg. MraItUcy


City visited ihetr daughter. Ura.
their dlnnera. in tbe grove,
afternoon Prof. T'yb’r of Traverse j. S. Ilruwo and lamily Tueteay.
Glen Rial lias acn-pled n paaittun
gsve a lecture which was



as appreuilce In IbcCotuicr oClee.
mm h ap|>re>-laled by every one.
Iranree Nelson.
A1 Rial went to Traverao City Sum
Thurston gsve a short talk. Then the
Uuattei—E. Rofer>. E. P. Clark. A.
day where be has work on tbe road.
choir, comjNjsed of Measn. Clark :
Bemnti an'.l I. Rogers.
Mr Clark took the graduating rtaaa
Fehion. .Mesdamea Feulou ted 0.
of Traverse City Jlonday to have

Wert- Traverae I'ltt •atb-rs. Salurday
June J.

Doable Textere, full 52-iiicb long, seams stitchedand cemented, military
ooUan. Good ^ulteria^and well made throughout.

usual way Thursday.

Mr. am! Mrs. .Ad:.m S..l.-V.-r have Kcril
■ .
appropri^. (u the occas­
IHano d'.tet—.Anna Garlhe. Mrs. E. I’,
ion. after which IbeAraai
M.-S.-S I'liaminii-.v m.L-t Armc, «lsl!
a roncert..1 H.-hi, Vrotlier-Cl.'mi's, Somisy
Prrsevcrani-.—Eric E. .Humt*»'la
Threc Baptiaec
Tiiv dan.v at Jol.ii Kt.lxsh* >1
Violin duet —Mr» I. U Hamc. Henry
Utt Wednewlay evenin
lUy iilybt Kjs'.i-II ylia:ideil at:d all llarkee.
from Borkley drove over,
MU* Mafisa Kchl- who wa* home
attend the Bainismal ex^cii
Lw ami bb. urrMidtather. !or «s>nia;e»<-.-incnl. retnrne-l
In the, Baptist churrh. ^blch were
t-tu.ned Thnradav. ai,.-,- maH«
arr .Monday ntcrnlua
sboil visit with frlcmU.-::'im-.
.'ir and M'*. E P. Clark Mi Mbn- conducted by the'Ci
Slia.-r of llucilcy, assist
Miss .Mary Siii-l-.v. sp-ia 8 inday ■biy for tile eeiiihein tart ol the Mate,
sitic to lh‘trolt lor a sliorl visit



their ph-iiires taken.
K-irl Case and wife spent tbe last
cf Hie week In Grand Rapids.
, Personal and Csnsral.
Mr. Doak of Grand lUpIda was la
tlyw n on biislni-ss the drat of (he week.
C, V. Motkly toadc a buslneea trip
to Traverse City Monday.

Mr and Mra. Mike. M.^'artAy rel.iinrd inini Grand Knplds Sunday,
w-h.-re they ha.l Wn to attend ten
wbcir llicy will e|wni! i!i- if-vi H-rec «.d-4iy Rev. llrl4ic>.*ai<T iK'v. Sllu-r (iineial of . Hie lorflu-r'* kistcr. Mrs.
gave a vi-ry Inia-reMitig. as well a* In
Ifcarv &ii!ilU-beti hii.I :ii- iiii.lnr;
lainningB. vibo Ims lM*-n III (or the
..tne t.. lo«e-a valuable l.-rse ..........a-.
i.Kmg btrurtlve iK-niion the ba|iti*in
of three girls Irum linckic.v. He gav<•Mi. ai:d .Mrs. K.ti! Ktis-mail s|).u;
•l<v Al>l*.ti eame liome ftom Big
the story of Nalmmar In a slmplifii-l
Siimln: at Ml n,.miner's
l<M{.i>lh Jlond.iy lor a short vacatloo
i'icil .Jcre,s eutertajiiol .M'
'The JtiniorK cnieiiaincd ilic
aii'r>i*ll with his pareuls. Joo ha#
even the uiiuilcM child coiiIdFpindrrIt'l:- It) a rl'-nlc tlmilcr Jlonday
att.uidfttg tee Perns lusUteta
aiand - lit* scriuoii was all of ilie
ban'nearly complt^od t>h> bual‘ .\lra. H,itlicri H.-SbHT nt .Mltsimkee. modem wav* and nleas i^m.-cmiaa
roiH-se. but owing to his tasv.
IJc spusi- of ilicTli li nun irylui
who vteilctl Mr*.
.1 jmslllon at i'eBtwaler offered
I' Ills wav Into lii-ati-’i,
to hu'
st-ck. leii lot Sim.
bini be will flnlsli next xfloter. Ho U
M.W. lie << jlo ilial-.
B>- boys who have loll
Isler of .ibla kind in
tbe home town and are getting a high-'
tbe pei.ple of today tliaii iliv i*
er eduratlon than Jt given here and
expects Hie iiiwdcrn man to aii-ept
.line** of her
wilt make eometelng of ibemseln-s.
.\U*-r the sermon
Scliool eloaed Wcdne*day after a aaclent te.e-U'aia*
Jlr* E. J. Fischer vlaH.-d li.-r aunt
SImrj liaptised tlirtwi girlw. whip
Jlrs ll'sll of Traverse City last week.
tw It >oitic.’-ie<l some tlme*aiA>
John JI.-rarHiy atleodod the funw.i; 1/ il.t-m wcie under the age
1-aniiinga of
Ii, !-jid. iliey were girls who a1 of bis amn. JIrs.


Men’s $18, $20, and 822.50 Suits
at |t3.6S and $16.30

,The growth of Steinberg Bros.' Men’s Clothing business is
based on merit: on giving at least a hundred cents' worth of value
lot srvwy dollar of tbe customer's money—and at times (as today)
much more
a hundred ceats' worth for the dollar.


bad hci’ii working m (he teurrh for Graitd lUpIds the last of the wc'-k


liust itiree years and be tbotigbl

Travuive Cityy >Saturil' '■
-litv with bl* eapont*



>K Sa:::

Everybedy knowa that w« seem
itred fbe Jlcna Kaabion Shop alocka—
iliful high rlaaa men's wear wat merged
that thia sDUra eoUeettoa df bteui
with (wr own stock aad crowded our fidtor and table space to Ifae limit,
X having a aocceaaful aale that la helping to relieve ua of this
8ulU are'golni
Idly—.nxtcmiiT* muc
•cted Ii
ibe best makers in ibc lai
: od. tor tbotr gamenu were aelectnl
nakw as -Oaraon-Uey er. Woodhull. Qvwdale A Btul. -aolhcs of Qualily. "
' because denignetl and made
etc, being Included. Clothe* that abi
hr saperta at every atage of making................
through to the final cTtetlng of the iroutcra

Hr* IU> lU


Pierce .e


*|.em Sm..’a- *rl, 1..*
Mr* ,!.vte Kl.iskt. e lt„ ka- In*
the.M'k llv’ loraoi'ie Hn>'- i» i‘»
n Son:!:-)

•right Otflnttlen.
A toaetwr asked a boy tbs dlShP
nn hstween an Island and a penlnaulSL
The boy replied;
‘Taks a
C. R. ttnyder ami latnily a|M'iil Sou gltst of water and a glass of milk.
•) at their iiiuagc. 'Dew Drop luii,“ Catch a fly and put it lo tbs water; It
•HI bw »n
Lecauts It (■ OBttte
.Aru-Jius l„ake.
A numU.r of young peAplv Iron ly surrouniled by water. Put U Is the
milk and it will be a pealosula, b»
iwii spent Sunday allernoou at th.
es-jse' It U negrly aurrousded W **•
Sflyiler cottage at Arbutus lake.
ter.Ilenrx Secgmiller sod family dmv.
tiu-ir luiar. lives would make
more happiDoss aud

W»;i, Well- !ui* l.cvl.

t, e'lle t

from I'adllh
t'Bdlllac Timrada.v In Hx-lr in
i(ud spent ithe day wiih relative*.
\ IJi:
IkMltiVail l(niW-tX Mill .rf .1
wa**. .j.iito

fhCK are Hundreds ol These Suits
at S1S.6S and S16.50

Mrr. t'ha* C-ok' a..
Wi-,*...t .ailed eii .'M,. -Wt.,


^turday by


ZTir:::ris's Tigris: s,::';"

i-'-t.lay afti rnoen.
FIX, „x..„


aBd«V6iyimei8 on $18.00 suit or a $20.00 suit or a $22.50 Suit
Some are twoiuece suits: some have vest.
Coots are quarter-lined or half-lined or fair-lined with Silk
«rHoh^. and in two or three button English or cofiservative



Unrn to Mr. anti Mr*
* l-.v. J.m,. IM

.!• hti l.iri
Fi»*lief Ml

'!!** Mamie L..!..e.';i.m
Pleaaatn W the suijmer va- a'lon
Every -ne report, a fine t.m- st the
dance given bv

I. Iirvnviis, and l«P«.
ige. ITaettcalir all

Grand K.pi.l

Poky Tuesday l
f so Inpg It

Nell;v,'<>se of Trwver** City.

tbe Odd Fellow, in la tee guest, of Harold SUwn.
Frank Erbnh made a basiuess trip

tbeir new hal: laai. Fr.dsy. nigh'

> Trsver** c.Tj. .Moadsy
g_,Uttl» MoffU Savior got



hi* foot
tee stage at all this year, eh?- ElUsbethan Jlanager—-Nq! We'd produce
[..IFF log up St the depot' He Mid s num­
EngUsb plays, but we simply essT.get
ber of bis little pls tustas were plsy.|
i; Ai: the suctesses of tbe **►
ing aruund the depot sboBt'tbe H-urk«|

F.1S,..X,-...1 .V.

. ...d iXmllW .1.1IM1 XI


'uuile-bjirtly t.tirt Monilsy while pis;:

■Bd Id soiffe wav, the truck fell on

cnpjled foot and he has



H___ ^MiNaiM

Riu hewd the Ujtal r
M ehe mbed tbroaib the buUob
pr peee.
nu. She boK-op bor
. iB« ai the U«1d vti

I Bboot
to BUrt
— ---------------gBlB«4 ab plitfor
-one of ibe Uti
soe^ She tried to opeo (be door,
bdt It vee emrelr locked. At tbe
tret Ituie rillacc. the tnle etopprd
•M Rite VM Bboot to deeoend the
•tope esd make ber war to eseOicr
ooBCfa. vbes a men evimc on to tbe
' ' ^atform beetde ber.
"Will [ bare rime.*' ebe asked tsxl•oelp. “to so to tbe nen eerr
“I *caB let poo to tbU war.” be
■eld. BBlocklBf tbe door.
It was qolu dark aod Rita eoold
OBlr dlacera e UH. atralsbt flSuiv la
the desk. She conaldered (bat he vat
a railviD' oflcUl. aed folleved him
tato tbe eoeeb vbleb vaa eooeeapled.
“I bellere tba other cen are ell
wovded." be remarked, “hot poo ere
velecme to ride la mp prireto ear."
He leroed la tbe alele to race ber
“Ob. btr. Maavelir ebe cried deUshledlp. -dool poo remember me?"
He looked tatereetodlp loio tbe
btonaat little face optoraad
•ad a look of pleaeed reo
Usbted bta epoa.
“ladoed 1 do!
Ton are RIU Col-

eoerie I bare ebaaged > abd Aroim
•p." ebe remarked.
“I dao*t baHere pm bre ebaased
meeh.’' be replied, at he.arraased ber
lamse aad took a wmt bealdo ber.
T harea-t diaasad Ja «• raapeet’
■ Ibe ohaerred vlib a atph. “Too kacw
aip propeaaltp for alvapa satoas
.ampaat I am atOI delfc fbe earn.
“So I iaiaslBed.'' he lausbed. “Will
PM ten me, whp I Bad poo at dink
•toae M tbe putfom of.a lo^od
-So lonuaata.- ab* remarked IrNtoTtaUp. -that it vea pov ooaek.

‘Aa^ 1 vmr •hf su*« •low- *1


-TOt I Ulk to r«» »Wi>l7. Bit»«a I wobM to lUl^rotr
nv." «bo tald IB • lev tooe.
,\T UHl OlOQMUr b* UM bofore ber tbo ooOMqawoM of bw foiWbea he paaead.abe looked op
Im. Km- face vaa tbe more via9 that Ha riraeltp had beea rv
triaced bp a aafl aad aveM espreaaloa.,
Her epM looked rMdp for taare. __ |

l| -All the eaeaM. n he home te
I' Norambar. aad I dao^ bare to leara
bmD Uartb. vhM va St o« tbe
' -Mart*r Her epaa aoeattooad hU
golcklp. TfaoalpJIaoambaraov.'Arapea ftod. Obayr ha ba«
tbouEbt mapbe ve qpeM be married
bp Cbriatmaa. aad Fd bo^that hill

TAUflTB. 9


Her epta gleamed at too
ary of Daaa Vfliafi atotta. Sbadaak
TiU^Hopal^to admire tog add
eelor acbei^abe KMaeted.
“TM-vmSd mlia^ moi* »omp
•a a aaodel—tbaa jm do as a atreat
- - • tow her at be p«
trnanttoa. ... .......................................

•eto -Hosvy and LIgM VsHmIm WW
•a UM TMe tiiiis Wide RsMd*


aitte vaa poor as to potve; b«r
-^•hai ape poo—bp prafemtonr
beutp Up la a riekaeaa of spirit, aa
VUUr avtug bU medel-i pUtferio
auabldtnc lore ter ber fellov men.
into tbe fan fading light aad pUmd
tl'ben she drew near tbe teeemcat
a toalr on It.
(COBilder ber soldea ess that bad p« tluM«b tbemveary vaek. Aad that vaa ber home ber beari •eoairact- j Jane smiled aUvlp. Tm-Jow a
tnroed l8to ao cotarip a chick, “flat poe eoold keep m vrittag poetrp If ed patafullp. A child.''not m<
.7” i ragsbood.' ebe aald. aad Tlllar (anted
ten. was huddled a^last the
.1.^ L‘“
«««m*clooa papilUr of tbe doervap. eetolng abelter
vord. ni koep avi
rtbos la Jaae'e epea.
take the narr exa
He drew t quick btoatb: tba girt
•ivaps klad of Uked good iben I guess l‘d ai voomebaek.child bad taken eS her ova
vat beovUfnl.
“r- Salfaborp vonM pot lo
______ a
, ,
d alienee. Olorp coat aod It lap cuddled or<
- If POU will coma to toe autdri
avlaglng oae foot back bad stepped aborL PDetrp soamod a ■mailer form to ber arma
1 BOW. please—’ When be look
... ,i..
Tbe rpea of a hunted
nnimal ,
rcTT ataall raaUer semabov la tbo
bp (be baad 10 aaalM ber to (be
lid swing out I jeneral ecbeme ol^ «fe at that mo- gleamed forth from tbe ai BaU.plncbed ^ aland a dull c^or swept the
face vbeo Jane stopped
girl's face. WbOe be draped a eoft
*.?• *^'***‘ * ®*“Dare's tape.
vaa as old as Glon tbere."
toe clear light In tala apes ai
bre^ relret orer ber abeulders na
"What la It. child? No, doat be
"Now. father, deo'l boittor Olorp toep looked %ovB Into ber own.
maailen kept ber epes
op lo ber DOBaeoae. Bbe'a made up
"And pon rrani me to UII fm---------- afraid-—for the child had made
poetrp ever alace she could ellaib Ibe
"OIot Ann. poull catch cold out inroluMarp awremest aa If to Se
Tinsr’e eyes never tart the perteri
"gtre me (be bsbp and came with me;
big plee. and swing np and down on
beto bllh tbo from coming." called
oral of her face; it was framed la
pen are eoM threngb and torougb."
iU btMchea when tbe vud blew..
saiiaburp abrillp
rito amseee of red-gold hair and tbe
"I dainl go borne UU I get
And the eaat cook, nor new. nor pUn po„*. -come la aad all bp tboSre."
dellcsie flush eirayed up until it met
doIUri.- tbe child said mecbaalcsllr
“la a mlBiae.
tbe sbadowe beacsth her ooft gray
•a abe foUoved laae into tbe
ivpHed. eltortp.
tie down noma dap."
"Oh. I know vbp pou caat make meat butMlag aad up (be stone etalre.
"You are far too beautiful to be a
Through ber apttop. brought on bp
mind; umrp.
Olorp." vent oa
on toe
^ ‘
'*.orp Aaa , up pmir mm«;
—vigabeod." VIlUr found It dlStauH
"Wl* dovn."_Glorp
«"• «t»cbleroualp. “Phtoep-a gp-^ bop. entsblag Ma. cap In bl» atrong I
IZ to uee the word'la coaaceUea
‘“P *<>
»*• P‘»* row to imnda. "you knew me toe veU. sad !***?'*?? I®
• •nopaihp.
Td get bis model.
Jane's easy Sow of spaich carte
two doIUrs. and 1 ain’t got qotbla' but
back to ber when VlUsr bad returned

Chriitmai Mto and stuff pou'Vrile. bad an through ..,
coppert—tweolp-four of ibem."
to fata csael and sbe told him of tbe
*»*<"» «o*U. and write poetrp all pM keep wondering when tbe fellov
"Per>r little dear." said Jane, mad
mp life, mt^er dear."
little children aad tbMr aigsu ae*d
*“ | pou
^ call
„n pour
r™r prince
w.,; la
I. coming along.'i
to wall for mm.
, ,
of meaey.
i (be infant to Bleep on ber own coach,
anch a ^loUuUo^ asked Hn.
know o
The arilst-s band stopped OflM durj
She eenld not afford to make np tug ber story sad tt sosmod to ktm
the other for anre. I voi
"If ha donT hell bleat Qtorp Ann dangto areuad tor yeari after aap tbe
«“• difference
«*"««■>=# in
in moncp
moncp to
to tbe
toe chnd.
enuo. that (be eatlre varmUi sad glow ot
«“f‘>ov. So dont fret. Ljddp.- to# giri on earth whlU She makes up ber
veto limited. tbs Mttlag mu Bad entorod wpM
Jaae. Tbs radlane* of a Brest soul
bad entered hie etodlo.sad VUUr veiherpoet^p. and r«able orer toe hllli me; right Dov^rp ABB------- She vent about prepariag food for eomed its coming.
II* paoMd sad
looked at (he girt who had brought
toemi things late hU Ufa. His baad
tberaselrea. ^Dreaais_____ _________
ber, ...
but tbs bop's epes, •• b
wa. stm so long tost Jsiw voadorod
Sang out tha
K.. ‘ _______ .L...
“Ctalldren of tbe poor mb Mt anp- at It.
"«=n.™.orw-nb. sb. kMw b,,
-So. I gaaaa I'd bettor.go.- ha add- 'W"«
tbonght Janw and
"Am I not Boldlag to* poser tba
ed. after a pausA
amlle plaped abeot her queatloBed.
abe vmtmed
ViUsr did not stBrile ber with the
plaaaad to go out into tbo world on
Olorp Ann stretchbd both haada
, .ctorp. .and when tbe fcaoviedge tbit sbe was taeUUag Us
a wild g«u ebaao after tortnao'a out to Slid bla It) tbe '

sro Idfant tna again asleep JaM>apeka UBlrcns In her hsadm Isstesd he
SrlBg beelt.^ was enoogh to atop
re." abo vhito

ts Re Kmptayed iMMlwriy

V-___ ...___. rrnrharbfnllr
cha,tto;d at UeTbSSit .bat be bad
«.& a fool Of bl».e1f--pM told me
____vere niablag avap.
"And ao I am. I vai rovlag ©a tbe
.»m a
. boat
DOU «m4. me
river peaterdap vbea
a pooBB onpie
aixed. ItbappMed'totoaa
ter for me to roseae Aem. but erer>'
oae vea fooliab eooogb to trp to m^«
a bwolBe out of me.
rimers Seeds aad grateful reUUrea
besieged am Mill I could auad tbe
Mirieip ae longer, eo I—bolted."
“Whp didn't pou eiplalB of Srat."
be asked etiap. tbe
he bad mads blmsHf ridiculous and


«U m. ;j~f.

"I Juren't eaplalnad “t
pet. When ~1 VM at school and Marga
Ulked to much ot Tou aad then
vbea you came lo New York
lorelp to ua and «r-i- when
paaaod tboao two weeks ai pour
..---------- mp
pou became
knov stooolgiris bare to bare a ban
ona bp vbom to set their
d. I thought eboot pou a great
deal, last tpring I did bara a aulter
whom father nhur.-j a. Aid .11


•befa an act. and aomebov I felt
.... tb.t m ...u J..I ,b.
t was Btbamed of mp JcmpUUoa and
:aro It up
one vbo made (be proprval. aod I
I h.rt
I bad only Imairined pou Bigtai aap.
"RIU." be aald, bii face aglow vlto
plaaanre asd-aometolag elaa. "do pou ,
kaov that tor toe Ian two pcara when
1 bape been inclined to bo epslca] and !
blase and to think that ererpione vai '
setSto and Inriacere. I bare recalled'
toe happr-hearted. dear, little echool-'
girl iwbo sued our bouse vtto such
•untolne ez» Batter time."
tYbea tbep came from the train at.
Buffalo. RlM’a father haataoed toward


aUk marqnlaetlee wUl amk* Vsaic*
laree greet lavoritos.
itaeutlfut psttoraa of laoe ee em­
broidered derigoe OB Blet aet* nr* to
be bad wUto. wbew comblasd with
marqulaeries ot Bttwr .to^ materlala.
produce eoiae eluaelag effects Rssl
handmade Blet Ucee may be had with


ttoo* nra very ttmUsr. sad (bsse ar*
the goods (hit wlU be boogbt bp Pmel
womea. Merrsms. Irtafc cc«cb« gRd
Onay will be much used.
Ught laree, such at mallBM. or
shadow laces, aad the cMntllUot. drill
be os<d eloae sag la ruttolUBilubwIto
tbs besrier types of tacos. FloaMM
•ad bands of whit* shade* isee via
bs oxtestlvel) taed -on govm of sstla
or abeer fabrlrs. Tunics sad trans­
parent eeait ef shadow lace or Cbanillly win be sees is efsTp vsrtatjr of
8o«e of them tares will be
seen Is vUMIy dyed Mtats ss wsU
as black sad vbito.
Wide bsadt is sU klada of Isoee hm
be tiaed egtaaalvely oa dreeaew aad

vBiat front sad on tbs stawrm.'
The peputariiy of tbsM wide iaads.
which may be bad ta wldib qp id
wlgbieen Inches, has broagM ent seme
in besry destgas
tost are ladori! snmalBC,.,
Jabots or tiUeaed'ire-erTTiHy «ld*
and tang.
In toe maforiiy draihM
they extead to the WBtat line Bad ovm
aa far SI tbe shoulder. The shsp* ta ,
generally broader at toe top tosa at
tbe bottom.
Sleevee for evosing wraps are made
very targe, sad smenc tbe new mod­
els are tboee
baring toe loag toeultor llee ulto tbe elewvee atuebo^
Draped Bklna are •• yet only mod-

i; I
slag when tbe call came to her.
| Don't all sallort' vtraa lore to waitit'
‘Tbep deal pay mbdi. aoama to (be ablpo come homer
j Pennies for pou. You must etap ber*
b,, nmtber would aap, but tba;
----------------------------------| until 1 return.” Jwia'i order vm not
"t don't be^rii^ vimt to bo a
model," abe sald.^—
VlUar looksd at ber s momeat. toM
eaid gravely, “Nor do 1 waat you to
beAmo B modeL’ He smitad tbea
sad esme over and saak down la
whlmalml abBadenmeat beride ber,
'Let us bf seaslble. my lady Jaaa."
be laid, nstag. toe name abe Bad giv­
en him. -1 knew aad I britave you
know that la time, you—do. deal
leere me
Dont yea know It? Aa-

it la -Said That Many Reraorm At«^ \
Not Reulng guffielentip In This

Ape ef Ovaework.


"Oh. UaxwolC” ba cried heartllp,
“vbat a relief to see you! When I saw ]
nip Utile banim scarum approaching
with a man. I feared U might be-“
"You needn't ever fear anpthlag
lo.- coinddod Maxwell
sell ompbulo-.
Blip, -pou needn't ever fear anything
llkeitou again."

-- • “"«>■

Every ladlcsiWa points to • trewM
dous laerMM In the popularity af
tacM. U> pndictod toM net only
vUl toe besrisr type* ot lse«s b*
UMd durtag (b* winter sesmia. hot
tost evea tbs very ligtat rsrieUee will
b* dmpleyad bmw* siUarivaly as tba
Bias on advsacws Hesvy isces. eiirh
aa t*sl Vealc*. Cluar. Blet aad Iriib
effecia, will be mucb worn, aa well aa
toe Btocblne-made Imlteitont qf (hem



In toe preaent ag* of orerwork and
artlSdal excltemeU tbere are aumerous people who Bed it very ditSculi to
get suBclent sleep.
included in this category are thesa
who suffer from alto hoadatoe, byalerieal aed eeqjBUbcatc
tkoaa undu toe inSuenee ef some ob•esalon. and melaacliolic and scuro>
patble aublecit of all Undi.
Sleep may be obtained by almple
means. It la enough to '•« upon tbe
brain by means ot physical agenia.
Tbe patient may be Induced lo fall
asleep by some eontinuoua. monotooout exdiemesit. a prolonged use of
too aense of tLgbt. as. for Instance,
as Sxatloa of tome briUianl oblecl or
ed tbe eeose of bearing bp means of
Ucktag of a peodnlum.
When too doctor has succeeded In
making the patieut fait asleep be endeareri ta cause bim to Bleep aa long
as peatlbie. Tbia Is a dlIBcolt mat­
ter In cities where netaes

**5' ’"*■
Jans's bmto came quiekly. “Tea,'
yea—1 do kaov—but I
to bars
a desire to escape—to>
. Vlltar took ber baad flrmly bcti
bis OVB.
“Never do tosL Jsa«. ‘Hie meet]
wenderiol ihtag ta too world has |
ymne to oa and toe Mring ta to It Is I
only s Buttar ef Umm Tm can fmri
U—and fight li and eoeape-^or a*
time, but in tbe s^pi-lB toe amd—eb.'


RKala Father Haatonod T^Mnsri Timm.
repeated—(bd girl vaa only gratedal
Alter an. Ilka the popular aoreli. I
Ihe eUquette and aerrlco of tha age
to bare a abelter from tbe cold.
elvapa Mme out all right 1 vaa forere rerp elaborate; toe books of
Out in the street Jaae'i brew puck­
' tunate in not being aeea vbaa I beeid- ceuneip. of earring and (be anineroos
A Ramble Over the HUa.
ered. How eould abe get too aoeoa' ed too tiala aad etlli more fortuoato vorfcsma auBBers that Sll tbe period
•arp money?
..J .u
old mao would adjosi bla a
, la soearing a aoat avap from curioui
A aireet ringeria releo cau^' ber
I with Bagen that ebook from axdto- eoaao «
ti durina
epM la pour car. U aap oae purana
attention. Tbero was an Idea! PenIndlTrsLl t^»\,r^w.r%™a. ml*®"*r.tdnglp they recall to tbe nsrroua »"«
9^ «e bell hardlp look for me berA”
I *.1^_____
**“ **** *^*‘“‘
busing, his occupatlAs
Then poo are—"
ipi and tbe aundird of bouse- i
Muirml eight.
; and serial obllgalloca.
hdd'eoraTort and cleanllneaa verr low
_ aad
________Jane brlleved her own i
"Angela couWoT cull mo better."
The physical
Ta tbere a-HMe^tho cater he (at vIlacM tbe bouaebold books of
he'd aay. ".My, my. loot at on
our glri'a «hlcb are'tbe Incrittble'imtMaeBces
•“ mooWtrp ralue 1
baked gravelp, girlag ber a eMrcbiag Hearp TIH.I. aim toe
I ririllxiilon-must be,
111. .. >.t — u b... b... m^ta, “?• "O'
roe* mftly. and sUpped couaieracted hr sleep, which while re-1
Wocka In order
8be blushed aad dropped her epw. muck harder oa women than oe men.
___________ Joor. li was early er*ri. Pairing the' nerrous waste
CMtige to lift up her voice
win atoo
Btoo ^;
"Rita," be asked eteralp, "where Helw Hay WUaou wrltet Iv Harper'a.
riding high s'rengthc
. moM
— was
sad tompsr tbs nerrous *» '
Tbe leducatlon pt womea wit In pre- lag. A -young
are pou golngr
la toe clear winter ekp. The grounl
“To Atoalo." abe replied fa a atSU. portion as good as (bat ef men aad
.. <l>>*
____ __purp • aclMtlSe Bmtbeds
-v-w- n—- ‘
carried ee in much tbe same wap. Aad iras bard wlih frost, but there was ao
•mall redee.
Down at tbe base of tbe bifl “re balng dcriaed tod apidtod In too enttoin* »■ ««>•• hundreds of win"Tm used to eonSde in me." be •a men impfAred vemen tmprvred
toe brook msdp a tlgaag Hno of black ertabllsbmeai of homes for mstaeat
Hmldly to
•aid repraacbrullp. "and I beod to vitb.,them. ti-ben the moral force eami
mesns of h sleep “core" rmsoto
the Handard of women's education was la (he moonlight. Down the rood tbo
Wppoo. Mamt.ldoaoBovr
Dr raUs RMuann hi i
Mrange mlaaion.
raisril at once. Tba Princess EUaabeih hoard the sound of a barso's hoofs,
-Uapba I am bepond balp sow;
** unnsQal emotion took hold
was men ikilled In Creek and Utla and hesitated until tbetoder came in •“ ehcelleot article oa this tub>oct. I
•aid with a doleful al^.
sight, and drew up beside tbe bars.
from which tbe infatmaliOB hareglree
bundlee of peanlei
"Rita. I iaalst upon pour telUag aud Lady Jane Greys devoted tludral
"ll'e only Dave," Olorr Ann calM '• *«racted. sap* toe European edition ®r “Ickels or dimes dropped down
ot nt'.o. This Is Harrison'a deecripElisabeth'• court, and Harrl- bsck orer her ehoulder. lo wbero b«r «>f 'to New York Herald, epesks In the from surreptlHouelp opwied windoi
"Well, aa ueoal I aoled m tbe Ish
.highest lermi of s sanitarium founded D“fdr« long Jane had enough aed
I. I« ua remember, was a contem- motber stood la tbe doorway.
pelse of the momeni aad tolafiv
"ArenT you golog to visit a little. *“r tbe purpose by Dr. Lemesle of
*®r the emtU children wslilng
atp of Knox.
“Ther* are rery
to Butalo that I would be m this
for Ber reinnu
------------------------few.V be says, of our courtier* (of both Gloryr toe bey sskwd uastesdlly. “I,
I left a note at toe bouts
Dusk was coming on elowly. but
•oxcfl who bav, not the use aad skill
-vher* I was risitlag aartag that I bad
tilkifia b« ri.ii.rnit
«> «>• “»re build-But I don't want to visit." Sung
of evodry tpeecbee, betides in excel­
boe« Mliod swap. Aad 1 came.
lent > rein of wrlUof beforeUme not back Glory
PM toaad maregarded. . . . Truly li It s tsre going for a walk."
_ _
He vailed for more eenUeace. ... thing wlib us DOW to hear of s cenr^««rie ber reason told ber that her* was s
going, too." b*
perstotod.'mstolM which jeatonsly witches top.
•a abe oeemod to liaTo told him all Ucr which bstb but bit own Isngusgv
demJdle of great eonls. '
keeping besltle her. afUr be bad Cat- ml>k from cow to pan. from pail to
The unntusl etraln bad begun to
. . . -Msny gentlewomen tnd ltdies
ed the bei«e to tbe bar posL. -*TTe Mrp. from dairy to sterlUnr. trem
tell In Jane's roloc, and ebe was not
there arc that, besides eouud knowl­
-for you. ITe got my ap- sicrillxer to separator, from saps
t llltle weary when
edge of toe Greto and Uiln longues,
f* .the doorway and etood deliberately
rmteradwtbelr oM rriendlp footiag. •re thereto no lew skillful In the SptnThen anddenlp he dropped hie CMV- lah, iltsllsn and rrcnch. 1 sm per­
leaa. cMrMlIenal tOM.and torved to suaded (bat aa the noblemen aud geePhillip, in her Ufe. They had been I
Ton pres. * button. Pour cow. sr* '
«« her
ber a faee mu of reaolute purpoee.
tlnaeB do autmount In thU behalf, to
piaymatce. s< boolmsics. and Isn of electlcally milked almolianrously. aad ]
Bnltbedi the
"RUa. I am gelBg to .be dlaagree- thcae come very UtUe or Botblng beall sweetbeatti. in a,way. Bhe knew eM this happen.. AtidBot n gene, hot
•bU." be aaU earMlp. “1 am griag blBd them for their parts; which In•be bad spoken carelcMly when to* » molecule ofcootamlnatlon. This is iter; i, w.s a gentle voice nnd fuUof
to talk to pou •• I VMid to Maiwani duaigy." addi the worthy paruon. "Gojl
boy had asked ber to be bis wife a ““ *r* «f
choloM for tbe —“ *
were abe In poor piece, m I hope
linue aad aecompllab that which while
It bad ecemed almost,*h^ve» hrallh aad beauty equSlly.
"I will give you i:s If you will p
'••me oUw men woald sdrlae her otherwise la waatlag."
pHlful that after years of poeuF
“f Die future It not an for me for an hour." the mss said.
vere 1 not with ber. I have beard
Dave sbouid be the oely prlnee To '“*P‘DBg speculation, but (be most
A Oeod Figura.
•ematoing of pen ta toe lati two
come wooing
Now rite remembered ewDirile persoa csbboi prsMrre a •Urtls Jane, but to* sirasgeo*** of
Robert Herrick. Tbe noted aatoor.
peat*. 1 bBov that last wriag pen
the look in hU e>es. and bU premise. 1
sedlmeat In his glass ber expericu.-e
brought the slow,
. *CM rwMiriBg bttaMloM from a
was lalklBg nt a luBcheoa la Chicago
He would net let bis Ufe be ruined ^
whtmskal smile to ber eyes. While
to vbom pour fathM^ atRNglp cbpecl- •bout litervip Sgurwt.
lust because t girt didn't -kaow ber
abo was stilt etudylag toe man's face
“Flgntea." be aald. -are o*lr good
own miDd
He loved ber. and she
when they Hlumiiiate. when tbep un,, "Tom." abo admlltod.
knew jt. He would take fau examlBsThe Tomslns of toe
-Ton will be doing me a gr«st fs
"So I am forced to draw mF~eoe- dersoer* or Italkiso oae'a mMaiag.
Ileus Just (be same, and try for too toe ecketin In tbe museum, "wer* ror-1 must bsve • auidel toulgbt"
' chmloas. BIU; caperianp vbea .
"As I passed a building operation
appotoimeot ss mate on tbe IsIem. .teand buried in sa Iceberg."
"I hsve nerer posed—but 1 bcUere
toll me that pou raa avap from too tbo other dap. I heard a foreman emAnd wbea hit boat rouuded tbo: "H-m." reepooded tb* msa
from 1 could ell ettll ter so boor." Jsae
. ^ee pou were rutttoraad tou you plop aa «XMllaBt Sgure.
straiu be vosJd look out toward tbo rtalesgu. -That cold storage Uenin't
sod rather «n>oyed the pro^
-'What are p* detn' ap there.
piae«i«wBed bills south ef Msek- so new. sfter aU."
peri of sitting quietly. She was more
Bmitor ba aboutad.from to* pan*- iBsc. sad think of Glory Ann. but be
tired thae she bad realised.
• looked up. tuabed aad c
>“• Itosri over ber.
-You will have s rest every Sfteeo
"Xayia' bricks, of eocra*'.'
-Whft are you leavisg. Dtr*r
City Guest ui brsuklast)—
-.inntes.- tbe srtlat (old her sad mar-Well, vbat are poor coMhmieBi?“*W*U. by goto!- mM
esked Olorp Ann. faintiv. -I'm sw- fresh fowl have you?
|vel(d at the rsSaed. sweet charm ef
'Tbu PM are pliaBlag to olope Trem p«r bUmc* p* might ba lapih' fully gud fm >0«. WlU you bs gou
‘.Sp^c sass. eurrsat JoU.ibe
be street singer.
He led tbe way,.
0 (be elevsror and Jsae followed.
e pruae*.—Usrpsr's BaaBs^

an,.- -O



erairiy aueeeseful M toit side of toe
water, tboughtoolr pepalarity ia Farts
|« t*rp groBl.
favor lor mllliaerp.


la tbs Only Hufitor Ti^ Uom .Cp*.]
•Ipht to Quito HM in too
•oareh tor HI* P|r*p.
SpOMing. properly spedkJag. moaas
following fooiprtnu; buL tbe Urm
^mtaonly Impllee much met* than!
(bat. sad slgatBee holding tbe trail by
meeae of the msny marks sn salmsl
iesrei behind ofi tU path.
It it essnttally trseklag bp tighi
when the qutrrp Itself it hidden from
view; snd It U ibta nm ef ^be epee
slono In the purtult ot lorislbta game
tost dlitlngultbet man. too huator.
from other anlmslt,
TbM* U BO iwetoo to tolBh toot swp
•nlmst, other tbtn man. emptaps eyeslCbt to any mtierial oxitot for this
Ceaspicwoui tricks. It U
irao, may catch tbo eye of toe eiosi
wolf queoUng for prey, sad draw
•ueuilOB to tbe fs« tost n posribta
rirttm bat patted hr.
But it U btrdly to be beUevsd tost
either ef thcM toimtlt. high though la
certain ptrtiriilsra bis latelllgenco be.
knowledge of (be tbspe
ttructuru of (be feet such ss is »
tsry for telling tbe nature of (be ppehse left tbe spoor and of toe
direction it hat taken.
These., oseenilslt are tasrut by tbe
tenee of'•Bell
Smell win tell the
ttost If tbe tracks are those of • bar*
It would be proflubta to pursue or of
would be unwise to foUow;
and (be gndosl vaiing or vanlnc of
the scent la (his or tost dlrecUos will
tindlcste the course tost tos to be
tocMB If ths quost to to bo cro
To mss akme, than, is eesBaed too
power of kaovlag those tblngt by eye.
toai Ibe knowledge to lotUnctive,
rmrto b# acquired bp ttreaoon
plication and long practice; and only
the Indirldusi with keen risuaBriag
power Bad sound Judgment can bopw
to make a succeotful trtr ker am
tala pt«Beieaey 1b tbe ecienem
In Unique •weleees.
Mrs. BUen Bose of Buesa Vtata. Fa.
1a carrying eO a uatque basin see
«BK»g womea—pomplag tasd and
roa*l from tbe betidm of tbe fiusqo*banna river' Allhoagh Mrs Boee bat
passed her eeveattato rmr. the diroris
Bar force of fiftees workmes penostlly. going out with them every merw
Ag aed riri'lBg them arverul times a
■tap to ace tost oesrptolBg ta galas

Gdrsl-pinh aua's velllag end silk are
eomblsed la UU dainty liuta dreee.
Tie material for ekln U eet ta boxpirats etch ride, front and bark, a
de^p -hand of rilk being told betweeo
(b/. pletit at the foot; the material
fo< bodice It atae anuased la pleUs.
Wrtb tlik tald.-betveeB; too sgiall
ytoe it of pteee tace.
Httertalt required: SS yarto «
leebee wire, l yard altk }J loehee
wide, It yard piece Isee » laches

•eri Re«>eos(.
t pctilroat to wear oader tbo
pltln e arrow skirt ef the 'Wtaier cloth
suit ■ heavy eMna tUk. is a sbado
matrblng'tbe suit, it on* ef tho bmt
matortaU poetlble.
Taffria. becaoao
of tu rustle, la do longer eoatldered while the weft miln nklnt do
BOt wear well. There It paretlealip on
w eight 10 toe ehlaa silk, and (t wears
well. Some of tbe sklrU sru made
werely wttb a wide beta, while noc
le or ftouBM
vtto b tow pig ti
B a crimatov m otoora.

New Ciarttae Tops.
fiome new cusbtM tops to be worked
in iapeoirp tmlers bsve tbe psoents
worn la rotors la tbe esavas. Tbs
deslgBs sad colors are takoa team old
Cermaa tspettrioa.


eiuD Tuvnu hxuu>. un> tutbu
i MtL.GlUF.
^rt. BanCCM «r CI«Bn ' Ari»r wrlarf -auitHv to «W( kM
Mr^ OWU«>- UrtSwi.
i™. Rote TkompklM to| eBterUl»
tag bar sllfor ftota traTer«e Ciijr.
.4^a. Jl LM«h«M hu Mrtrod froo
JqPtW. Uk !• •»»< the muwr
t» Mr. u4 Hta. CUmtcc 1^
die «t OU MMtIwi MM WedDoMMr. •
Mr beyMM- AM eodetr *01 »e<t MKt
Wetaetar etarxxM wUk Mr^^rtuk


eCAKE^oirriiicrNO.-e «

Traaaaf. ft'an'a. * ,

«SrS»a.aadttetI«aae^*ythe Baur Decocatloa day.
doeuwefebraaie catarrh. MyhsUwad
C »V. Baraard who baa beea vl*l^
wu e^ ef aalbiaa. ary daapbier at tag Ua daasbuc. Ura. Alt* SauadM-^
earaebaaad catarrh of tbeawarb, aad '
•Arrhonbetbroat. Wbw
g»,u„ o; ,a»rrtoch«»
I eaaiiol tbaak yo* eaoueh for your
**» • Trmrefae City call^rlc& Hay Oed plre yoa a leap lUa or Maoday.
Mra. unu arrtved rviday (rom Booa
aad biaa year w«k.MldL. la rlBit her dauphter. Mrs.
■fc.' Mr. and Mi^ raaouap bare
Mlsa Milled Orcacher left fur East
apeat the paa wiater la tbe eaat vlalt- Jordan rrlday to spend ber tacailOB.
top amoap reUUraa and rrlcnda, are
MlH Delcle TruiUma /«Sht to Inhere apala to spaad the tumiaer at terlerbcD Pri-lay to attend the school
lelr oU bMBO. bofore colas to tbeir picnic.
■w home la <roiado. Ohio.
Mrs. John Barber was tbe poest M
Mr. aad Mia. Albert Haywood apeoi ber dauabter bt Bendou last week.
Sunday at RUey'a.
Mrs. Petrotk# of'Bay CUy was the
»l^ O. K Caae and children id ruest of Mrs. ht Ooldrn.
Mrs. Mary Waoders aad Mrs. U'O
Trarene CUy apeat laat weeh with

Six 10-inch doubie-&ced reconls. 75c.
Your own chdee.

macot» MMVu
nndyfini^widdh^iymade. Holds
10 records. $1.50.
im NMim. wy best qunlity................................ ............................... .$$c
KeceeJ Ocascr, e necessaix erticle in prodndng the
bestmndcal results, 1$C*

BMWeeaait, - - • SS1.75 .

Hear dm magnificent ^ctrola TODAY in our store, and examine this at­
tractive new cQBibination outfit. We have a large assortmente)f Victrola goods.
bitfUiMBta and-Records always on Jiand, and access to one of the largest stocks
in the country. We can easily please you. whatever your choice.
TMe •wim Years torU^ Weckly
Vktaca,$10to $100
Vkooiaa. K5 to $200


BairndwMrs. McRlII baa opeMd a baaa Mi^|
afT.jB tba Dewd stare wh«e abe wW
keep aO IMds of Macy bnba |oa«a
fM>aala.'aaHday *a tSm Mast
W^ikeep themta (Sehoeaetoeaeaer ' iQawn. Jaae 4.—Ura. Sa>-an«1ett ket ertR epen np ta the
■ww»lty« IwaereMorediobeBltlihf' i^-'rnartBelM Seaday allae weedlap
tktt ■oAelM, aad Dr. Hhrtnaa’e M
O-,-. o-u. »u.;

► ♦♦t . - .

Line l«fce. out. No. 4. -lone S.—
Tho MeotcrUI ootvIcm at lh« koM
Me teera bell Ma>- so, vu well v*Mded. A lee VNfrua wu Mlored
by ell.
HIn MBdfod Pe»er-of Tr»T«w
( her TaeetloB with
City 1
MM boMIe Cbeee of icreriiix U
rta4ti« trlcade and reUUree at ihu
Mr. aad Mn. Tord f-'anaiOK vuited
M Mr. and Ura. Bmcbo Caeca Uat

BJWji'TBUMUT, nnn i, uu.

.'ber aUtcf-hafare kanap (or »»r he* M» nrdilpgi «r TiarffM CMp apBM<
Oecomtioa day la town cniBap an’ oH
. home la Kalamaioc.
Sir. and Mra.'Cari Milter are the friewSa.



, Here are toee aTades very moeb In de­
mand on every farm In tbe next lew months.
At DO time or place wiD you have the iq>poituDily d buy­
ing them things at anywhere near the prices we are now making
on them.
you lealize that we positively close oir
▼▼ doms on JULY 20, and diat these goods mutt
be sold before that time, then you will see it’s not a question
afpn&twithui,butwtowai Aey sdl for, and it's your
We have in our entire stock about Ten Buggies, about half
^ mnnber are sin^e seat
buggies, othen of various kinds.
Eveqronei^ these buggies must be closed out, and l}ie prio6 we
have oa diem will mare them. WiD you get yours?
There are many ether things here you m^ need that we
are npking great sacnEee on that we have not mendanbf-liitt
tbe prices wilt smpdse. Remendier from now until JULY 20

'ne F»imr^ Sup^ jCompany
M-U8 Stott St. Travmc Qtr. Mkh.

THCiM0ira cteMns.

*. Mid whn mod in K C Dam


TbompaM's enraem iaae t.—Weddtap be'U bar# boM rtaMap la- ear
uldK ainiB and
for the tope to eakbcal* with clrc«Mr wwe. puoe end tww brtw
Married May 9*. at tbe home of tbe
brUe'e paiwiitB. M.‘- and Mrt- Wm.
Befautt. Oreo Mart of lAScoator, lod,
and UUa Suaie Staurr. They were
lapiTled by tbe Rev. fiuMoo «f loland. Tbe eoopie went to
Saturday, wberu Ocy URend
tbetr futare bMoe
out Thurpdty eveulnp » help, tbem
cMebrate tbe happy event. Tbe
waa tnwted to lee cream and cake and
cimrs. All report a Sae time.
Mra. Unie Utke a»d Grace Lake
caned OU Mn. M. M Bre^ Friday
while on ibeir way to .All>a
»«e tradlap.
Oar dwot >a beiap bulb at |
needed h«r« ytty aui^
Mn. Jake (thua called oa
btooha Friday altenmun.
Gnat Brooka purchased a
y<^ of axaa of Mr. Ueo. A. Peck at
renter Monday.
Mr. and Mn. Jud Andrsm aad Mla«
ilsy Thompson of Inland visited

cwAiwv n/ i-ttrr,- X
Toledo. June 5.—Whcnl, Il.tdua.



roer Hat be wean.
Correct Shapes; meifium|
SZS^aSiaM^&JZ: crowns. Also Telescope

and cat k pseoa. T« kafce. hare a
slow oresi aatfl the mwOns doaUe in
bsok, Ibn incsiMbamjn take and We are Aowing all Stylcs (f I

Straws, from Siao up.


Local Markets

printed in nine I

■fc w to mtort^^and adbam


Mn rbestcr ElUoit from Oktohoou
Willlsmstets. June 3.—Mr. and Mn.
i* cxpcslcd to srriTC-tbU week to
Gilbert Pny went Sunday at Alden
kpmid tbe summer. Her husband has
tbe suwta of Mr. and Mra. Emory
been here far some
Mr and Mn. Carl
Mr. and Mn. Jamra FnBett of Delmorelt into Zon Hi
laire wen gtweu of trtenda here laet
for the satniDcr. until their own bosme
Thp sndaaUus cxcrcism wore held
Mr. and lOw. Josepb Scbivlad vUh
at tbe {burcb here laat Priday. A
cd at E. B. DurTM'a tost Saudsy.
rlaaa of nine meoihcn compoelnp the '2^ ■ ............................
A ainc pound boy arftvrd st tbe psrtenth pnde and aevenlh and eUbth..
senape Jane 1st. to bripblso the borne
Tbe botldMp was csnwded to Ita caof Mr. and Mrs. Carl Miller.
.......................^■■■...............1................. ■
by reUtIvre and fMends o.' tbe
The work of the church at ibis ptoeq
mens peaple. md - tbe-onsian-num­
to In a 'aaarisblBp roadltlaobers wera lietened to with src« In­
terest. beb on of tbeae takinp pan
vice to V y cuosmOB. The b. 8- work
did excepUonally wrtU and Mr. Tyler'a
is also cefr eecouraptop. eblldrea
ipceeb was fun of rood Utnpa
coming for miles. A class of U nomMn. Wat. Klnp waitL a -eoopie of
ben w«« reedred Into the ebareb
de.n at Kalkaska laat waA.
s recent service.
Ur. and Mn. H. Kopuae Hill of
tbe home of Etwyn HIK
TbMptottoMto Oar eatofp
Mn. Mapple ScoBeU to quite 1ft
Haag a danBtraaa mm*
[n^aaa enrtaeled as msrfcet caries.
Wni J. ^ay spent Sunday si
tamadia « to Baa. pay oMen
Charles Eaton borne rattunlap to'hto HMre ........................................SliOlOc an bat tola doapw-Matbe* U
>me at DeUaIre Mooda.'.
Mrs. Mary K- <*risp M last Tborti> to speod the auminer wUb relaswu In HUtodatc.

Oabotiu May W.-Mn. James WlF
M and aons. mHi Mn Aenie Adana
aad baby ctotod on tbeir atowr. Mri.
w, tt Baaamn -tTranday artonoon.
Cbariea Vlaooton of Glea Lnbe visit
ed at the boibe of W. H. Beatoaa Batstdar nlpbt and Sunday.
Mrs. S'. P- Beeman and Mn. WftL
elderbotme totaled heme tram KalBtSDo Wednitidby after an ntotoee
' a week eldtttop wRb
that Ptocw
, Marry Oaok. of Oabun was tAe
•aest af bar anele at Oriaa Tbwp
dav. Mr. Fred BetoBan.
rbe boa aerial at the school I
Dlstriri NP a. Saturday nlpbt wm
lartrir attoeded aa tbe boxes nOH
nettnd tBnn about $2Sto aod aO bat

groond ready for tote pouioea.

■ndareripci byMra.Jenct
HID. of the world ^ms Beaton Cooktnp^Sduml Mimriar.
. VoammaecarenomrREBbvsewd.
lap tba cokwad rirriifnti gacked in 23-

infaeu ...................
FARM FROOUCS>-eayl^ Friem
Pried. «m«ed uacb Monday and
day' evealnp.

Wm. SbnU took bU dauphior aad aach day tbertsiler U narkot carjan.
ber hoabaad to Bendoo Saturday Potatoes ........................................... toe!
morulas ao aa to catch tbe d o'clock Butter........................................
tnin for the
p'p p p p
MUa Grace rornell of near lloapr
Uns iJtke. Jnoe 3.—Mn. Nellie C-cs
rlalted over Saaday with 'Mr. John
to on tbe eick lUt IbU week.
Pea-lB'a famOV.
Bennie Hartp from - WillUmaburp
♦ ♦ ♦ • ♦TTTTwWTto ♦ ♦ • ♦
was cslhnp on friends la this nrlp^
borbovd tost Mooday. .

Osborn. June S.—The prasi
have put in tbeir appearanee sipaiB
ptocas they aeea to be
verj thlekaad Mn. Jei<a i.aDibkin sad
re Esvi of fbnpire calM
borne I'f IV.Ti. ilcs-nisii Sunday. They
were "Hinole for Traserw fllyTboiuas ItceriUk. Jr. U E. rolllni:
M, Bridleman and tor. Shank's
luailng can passed ibrpayh Osboro
Saiunto.'. eoroote for Empire.
Mn. Will Kelderboooe and sou and
Mrs. W. H Bewniu retamed benne
(torn their visit st KalsmasoD tVedns*
day after aa nbmre of a week
lap their retotires thereFred Beeman baa parrbtsed a'^^
Bw happy. It took, as thoqpb they
could CD aotne now. aa they have
Sae dHtIbp bona ,
Apala deaib baa risitod our com.
muolty aad tabea (ran our mldat law
our tod frmm
John Donty of Olen Lake and Witte
Reed of Empln elllace

PAnama Hat|
appeal* to the
man wbo is a iitUe par-

Suitable for all oeco
Come here for any tbe New 1
Style Caps for Autoing. I
Fishing. Sailing or 'm


CaflurD SUrt
is making a great bitlaundry bills: a great
Shirts b-otn $1.00 to $3.00.

Hons«wife Get Busy.

. . AT THE - -


91G st^E
WE nttST Qwmr a yeaks.
Juicy, Ripe, Seraet,

and High


$l.i5 if»fek DOZ. for 30’..
$1.50 ,.
„ „
24 a

TttE JbifitNAjB & LAY

Coat Shirts
are now tbe Dress Shirts J
Culls attached are proper. I
Soft Shirts. wiA or mthout I
collars.Tans. Blue«.White^ I
Grays. Stripes.

in vague, C
lars liki
I Shirts ol


for any S
Wear in|
eludes S
Collars. Un­
de r w e a r|
Single 1





We furnished several horned last week at June"
----———-—working wonders—----------------

If you have a tew rooms to farnisb or a whole house, now Is the tine to let ns help yau do it.
The Newest Styles, the seaseo’s:best, and the most
Seasonable Merchandise, at under prices.
An nnnsnal Sale this is and a bnyl|^t opporloolty, that you cannot afford to miss. Whether you are exhericnced. In
fnniHifre buyinc or not, we^lend you every hand Jn making proper selw^toiM; not the bufaest priced or thejpwest, but the medium..that which wears and
looke good and will give you the seridee through IHe. . Come and Visit our Store before you buy. get acquahft^wUh us. get our prices and talk the situation
You’ll find that our Jude Under-prices mean a lot to those who •« «*«“t *<>
housekeeping. -«ead every word In this ad. today.
Its Just a key
to our large and weH-fflM Store, showing a few of the many splend^ June offerings.
Stock up now. don’t wait for midsummer or
Take advantage of
our large and complete assortment of Housefumtsblhg at June Undenrricee.
If you haven't the ready cash you can have what you want just the ^me.
“Gaey Way to Pay” |dan k alevays at your service* and we charge you nothing extra'buying this way.

Smrna^^ Cook[Stoves
We've Vvwything in kerosene,
sroKiie, gawlene
and ,aIcoBd cook stoves, All sizes, styles
and^etc. *
Whatever you need in
this line >c6me in and look
over our large and com­
plete stock. We have one
two and 3 bumerrizes and
one am' two burner ovens, so your baking canbe
drae just as satiafactbrily as your cobking.


This is fine weather for
.-CKe baby to take a ride
'bveiV day.
'.rOnt large stodt of Gothits, Oatrlages. Sulkies.
Exnrass Wqgons, Veloceet&. afford an ex­
variety of chil­
l’s vehicles, so you
get just what baby
^eeds. Come in and look
them over^ Our June underprioee* will save you
something on everything
you want in this line.

Walcb tor Itae Green Tags

Candidates, Listen!
As there are now only 31 more days to cast votes for the $350.00 free Piano
we are going to give double values in certificates with every article in our
"htpre which is marked with a green tag. Now candidates get busy and get
your friends to come to the J. W. Slater store and buy anything and every­
thing for their home and ask them to give their certificates to you and help
you win the Piano.

Tills Great Contest
is being watched with much interest by the people ofTraverse City and the
entire Grand Traverse Region: end who ever bustles the most and gets the
most certificates is going to be the proud possessor of this magnificent Piano.'
Remember we give these certificates with eWry purchsse of 5c or over and
these certificatds cannot be seiiursd at any other place but W. J. Sloter's store.

Look for the Big Green Tags
Now hiuUe,do your best and don’t gel left wlUi some oi the rest


OtontodRocton. Dn'ihtgaito

Dm-i l>>r
Jeee efemit. We .R loder wp^toit
»litoeiM R<W Md
‘'-tat CatuBB, uid dajr are ocSaiBljr die be' vaioc* evrr oicred.

We give Coupons
with every purriiase
which apply toward
a Beautiful French
De Luxe China Set

The ^largest and finest assortment
in Northern Michigan. Prices range
from 75c for a hammock worth $1.(M)
up to $8.50 for a hammock worth



■ -jp





Haaunoeks CRM HI


The J. W. Slater Store
Also see our leather couches
and Sanitary Steel Daven­
ports and couches $$.$• ap.


Window Sereois.
AH sizes of the best adjustable
Screens, from 25c to-75c. Its time
now to get the screens to your win­
dows and the fleas and mosquitoes
Ice Cream Freezers.
Fine triple motion Freezers, up
from $1.45. Get one of these freezers
and make your own ibe cream. Its
not only less expensive bur for

Babb. Ctoto. Recb.
Soi irabCtotoa Pto.
Umb. Bsd etordtos
you need m this line.
We carry a
large collection of Wash Machine and
sell them on trial. Come and look them
over today.

needs one of our Labor Saving
Kitchen T^atnnets. They save
miles ofstepsand dollars'worth
of provisions. Let us show you
our many different styles, be­
ginning in price as low as $6.00.
We have a large collection of
Cabinets. So you can find just
what you went at any price you
feel like paying.
KiktoBO«>boaitoMdMASB(ti. We

cam B toiB Mck of GpbMidi BiBi SbI«

Look for Green Tags
'fHE^maanwe giveyou double values in cer* tiflcaiesfor .the nW Fhae PlBM. You’ll
find some extra good values when yoo foe the
green tags, too. Be sure and lookforth^ and
ask about them.

Garden Hose.
We selLthe kind that is absolutely
the best and is fully warranted. Ail
lengths and sixes. If you want to
repair your hose get one of our repair
outfits, 2Sc.

DwMe SaBifactiwi'

Jkis Handsome
Sf«cZ Range
(Exactly like cut)

Is one of the best .values.ever offered. It is
large. Well made and practical in every
way and for the price we have never seen
its equal. The oven is 18-inch wide and is
reinforced throughouL It has duplex grates
for burning either coal or wood. Tlie flues
Other Things.
are lined with heavy asbestos board and
Such as Lavm Mowers. Porch reservoir and higbwarming closet are large
Swings. Camp Stools. Lawn Chairs. and roomy. This range is positively worth
Refrigerators. Oil and Gasoline Cook $45.00; Our June yunder-price
Steves. Croquet Sets. etc. We are
OUR>MASCOTbeadquarteiB for all this kind of sum­
mer merchandise and can save you
money onit

J. W. Slater
Yonr ReUaUe Hometnmlslier

* "V -

A t«o-fold ideBtare U
nan when no oim s
Beldirg-HBlI One-Pifca
.Seanlrn Pon»l<.jn Lioed
tb. pcrfwt iMiilaliM In r’rrr
Bri£^-iUII bBlUB M. U.I It
W t4 or at hog n lorcn-hnl
CBB't erm, IB. coM cmn I (Ttout
-il't hard *itb
iaowf.wB.te, III
___ > r»BB4 BBrBBra-ao
erwk. no etooieo. Bo phea tm
ItelaMt liul«d>rt(.ttick.
.y.. ^

:j. W. SUter’a

Mail Orders Filled
W/E FILL mail orders and gaarantee perfect
^ satisfaction. If you cannot visit our store
write and tell us what you are interested iitand
we will gladly submit prices, descriptions, etc:

«usTuvna«uua iiiii niiiHii utua

IB early JUM.
' hbop MenehemaHtPrlfielplae IbHom#.
Ob tbp paaeh to In plak and la. «blie «
la lha ebarry.
The Tolle«le« anide. ahlrt to
Asd the ulpe«( Ibe Mneblrd to melkiw taken from tbe Molh«r « btasailBa.-of
nd Benr.
Chleate. to vrlttea by II. K. HatbaAMd tlia Httto trac* cheap
«ay. trbo to awoclate.1 with Ur. KradABd the baby bode peep.
ertek Wlaalow Tarlor. ibe fouader of
Mi tba doway claadi lie In tbe bine BciaetlAc Maueenieat. Mr. Hathawar
^ Bat aelaep
In*tailed wleoilflr maitaieipent In
At the adca of tba wood bow tba ntoar of tba torgex mantifacinrln*
(aapie U glowlnA.
Plante in (be I'nltad Utatea, and to
Md ffveat wild flowera nod to tbe dee pnaldeni and naliaiter of a torga
lowk in lie Sowing.
‘ ntonolactoitni oompanr in PblladalAhd tba o«> niibatb fre«,
I***. *•»« hte tbeoriea of aeleailBe
la tba b«rt •< ead. ifM.
«acMBm*ot bare ^a tried and
Aad the tlOto toaeoa laugb In'-tfaalr proven.
naau at) a«to<a
ijlH enl tba ereeb aniwera Sowing.
~W<Knan‘* work to never dona.'
a which, wben talerpreik haBtMl,


D Umi It •booid. M tb« Mn»
m • «Mrtcr.
h *p«Ma har Maardb aahlaet. «M tha «<m tototoKato«tteh.litottag
rtw. haT«.bM0M U Bit H
BUlil. dBBM her pWBB.
eircle ot ai
altod oat totod whan ha Ihfriimia da. waatoeagwhOto tor Mhr ae nk»fl
PBdWct BBd completB bb le Icb»b m
SnanU. <tpt^ h*r h«B>l ha*
la manotoetntlnc ptohta nta andar hMadf rawmlnad » aak -p T
dothi to
aaaa a( nL. dtW^
AH lor iBBprorwoant: re* In spite of
Ellbth. not. In her pane,
Sctyntlfl* Managamaat. far aaeh oper.
when ha Satohad. *«shtf«n MDIen aa aalmato or hwmoM. N
at a mttida • T1
the rlBk«r doeelBC bd-bcH wtib thMa Ntath. efaMM her hoad bait.
Bdon to ba prrformad an laatraetlon
womea gat ap avery winratog |a the naad be thrawa la the larbag. Ae '
»he -raah BTbere aoceU fear u> T«alh. reoelTea her ehaase.
■nrd to mada ant U adraaea. thUlag
UaKad sutrm aaeh (a cat braaktaat ta-rtA'ihaaa aarpaaa tha ardlnarr
traad.’' aad altbongb I have no d'ealre
KleTBBih. opFDi ber bead feeiK.
lor the aiact ainoaat «d aach kind of ^svr pmone.' ba aaU. -and ll,aao.- Torkieb e
or Uaeaea lo poie aa aa authoi^tr on
Bpt why go lanber. yoa have prob- material
to oomd
b to tootod
amilan partalnlog to bewekaaplag. I ably beard tba aama etory. ae perbape advaare from tba w
Ptoea of tanltaTo: nrat r
hope to abow that K to % teld oter- did ooT giaadpormta. l^t ■■ take a method to be loUewad__________ _
to a dntdgary ^ paint by MTwbMng ilia piaee wHb
Inc. a* great opportuntitos lor Sden- ebaritaSle riew: maybe aho didat detail, and every tool andImpiement banded
lyewatar. I'er a braah- aad ba car*-'
tide MaMcemral ae any of (be ladue- have a hand bag. and evan If ebe dM. needed
i and iwoeated <
trio, to wMfh U ba« been appllad.
.b« maV have bad a nichhl Inttaad of from tbe tool room before otartlng the end year, ago MIU pnvaa and tbafa toi not la cat tba water aa tba baala.
far It Wfu Mka them aoro. Thto wW
Amw oor aarltoM ebildbood reo a qoaner. Aftar all. In Ibto caoe It iob. Tha.. when the workman atarte why tbe kitebeo to tba tone of a wo- ^
olloctlane are article, la ibe uaga- made no dlBerence how many aanee- • lob. there te no time loat Sndihc out maa'i extotenc*.tinea and In which. If we e«ar> motion, -are indnlged to., ba- wbat U to be done
„ or bo*
_ to do It!
Mr. Banard know, that
«arad. a>d .. a._
are to believe (be buawrtote. cblldtoae ranee abe had a
[ elae to da. aad tviiea the lob to nnder way he doee net ba—bacauea be itted IL After c^ate of r-*-t ar earatoh.
imgaa told bow to bring ap ebUdrmt. „ j^iped ,o p.„ .n, time
not Bnd. at a crtticl potnt that a tool yaara ot e
K be hai foond
impeennlomi flnanrieiw bow to an^
Oar dear frteM. Mark Twala. bow- u nerted. and have to atop hto work tUt honeei™

not be care.
a aompataoce. and Afnaem dwelton ever, nppreetoted tba poealWUtlee of while be ptwcorea It Aa a raoait of at all but Plaaauraa.
one eaa of potash. Melt Bva ponnd.
la axpenaive hotels bo* s famll) of BelaaUflc Msnagaraent in tbe home sueb carelul ntonnine si!!s..r...r.tu«n
xep. sna w.««* moMoe. "
Inkawarm. add ena
emu conld live on eto when be prapaoed balMIng a ba«»r ii.e sorkman to ansbltd. with laas ex- make htrasekeepei* alavaa dmdt- '•**‘«*«**« o'
hhd one ttbledoilaia a week. Bat ouulde of an oc- with a UUhen -Ib the fnmt to mate the pendliure of eaergv and with Uas an- err I knom a woman who bad to walk •'‘“oo'”' *“ anMnoata. Pomr la tbe dia- ^
caaional paragm>b comatolng dlre^ sertaei. tbe troableor walking to tbe no.vanre, to tnm out n.ocb more work . taondrwd (eat to gat to her refriger- •"!’'•*

lions for mnklnc an Ice box ont of ,*rlor window, when . rmmSe wen. than If these many detail, wee* let. s.«r ..d back and In m« own home
It to of
tbe Uteften range, or perhap. It -a. by.
to be seul«l wben emoummed.
before we snUd the mlm of -P “
t»a It Im. ,
a not recall (bat much
table, aerrlng pieato.
An boor dsllr BpewTET^annin*
Id axiine t
baa been giren by and cIcMlng o8 the t
next day.,
nmke aad servo a alagto
Min. Iba
feet twice.
iba followfol
writerm on domeatlc economy to tba’ there
_ _ _ _
_ _ _
_ _ _ .-bergy
_ _ _ _ m_ _ _
to _probably
Ing day-a
cap of tea
toniea making puddloga and «nae*«
saving of energy or moiton in the
„j iu„i^nialda itira. .hoiitd more than
-'ll took forty s(e|is lo'nit ud sorve
aad bm-sewlve. rxrSr day than wooM. much time, and i«y added dividend,
plate Mf bread. II) a allibl rear- mix (be Soar ter carasigreh) and aMar loccther. awl avpld Ima
Almoat every manufacturtwXwto Id Ihe ,«(regaie. r.-pre«eBt the work lb iiea.w of mind
Bupplle.. etc,, rangemml
doors we
The plee. of work T
nnSa or heara of SeiontlSe Manage- of
i«> people lor a day of MgtH should be cheeked up. and the order* ea three feet from the'dlnli

•Ping tba orooo aiiua.
,____ In otbar line, of liidDairy. mys, "li to aitnmptlou (bat ten uunoremsary irii« nnd tbe randlestirk maker, wriiion ... . le bremi pUle and (he bread all hi
^ *“
a One Iblng. and li sboqtd be adopied are made daily tretwern Ibe hltcben or ao that lb<-> ran Iw haaded to (be<n I
In many line*. b«i ii would never pawn or dining room, each one ran- wben they call, and not trade up from i
work In my , biiaioeas, which to pw naiplBg six hmidrxdUu of k mlnnie. niemory wbiie in ihe mida; of
A wheeled serrlng tray makaa
§«-. i_ eji. ovan. ara
collar In Its nature, and so aiurh more In live million homra.
.lung on the table «id ctoariw
•onr In tho ov,^ aM than
Even trip te be thirty feet—flfleeo earh way keeper
afford to have ber at- •
« ininlas. dUi roa over try '
Mr. Tajlor was in a way gtiUty of tBli -It would repraaeni a (oul distance lenilon dlverfw
brmaktoat to cooked
C a
• brick
hoi aad wlac
. U (or *
PWwwMty. Wben grading tbe Mte for wWkwl of S.TM mllra. a dtoiaace equal
advance tbe order In on tbi. Herrin* tray right beXdv the brailag
baa btantlful borne at chestnut Hill, to ihat from New York City i
a-ni,* work U to be doae-progrgm to dlnlag room table, aad (Imre to no year Iron aiaait The tnS'will Ibna
keep hot much -tocAtr.
A mtw Vwi. f
ef. !«»«■
-I H- bouu- PbUadalphla. n Urge bellow was to Idabc
be followed in performing tbe various walking aluut at All (or (hat ainpke
dinira ,underuklhga pUnned for tbe day—to morning msal
ki ul M.
Bh iSrXhlhlKnr'ttkfSHMwaJaa-iwiThree are qaMUoaa that eoocera other part of the grounds, aad It was nop and a good-Mrad tray. If prop awtber Imporiani ^'ai.-u ot Bclei' The urratMt i.hor-..;i» m.e.ii.
Uh«ly »•
oat. on Uo trader
^ atValike tbe boouwUe who does bar pwa not untU he raw that the coat wouU «ly uied. would aave theiwunoeces- „oc .Manag^t. This to wj^ to
to ^har ..
is vr.
to tbe flrrleaa stde ibsy wU| toot (wtea aa toms
u. termed This
' '. jlanard
“ _.™
Sattoa^'e^ U So mawaln!
work, and (hose who oaudoy aumer- be rninoui i( It were done In the way sary/iripa, or. In a larwe (amllr. bel-• ramtnonly
•-■Order of .«,ker
He alwi
enumerated the irany
-4iw*«r Field ahfl Far*, oaa aerranta Studsnu aad invaatt,.-e - v.:\ -y • ■
oitara of the probirm of aoplylU did It oew to him to pmetlco at tkide or Tour ahelvra could be used. » pgr, of ',he day s pij-.i.., ai (bat
-- °
pgtUog them oa U boll.
s tbe borne aro
of tbe belief (bat (be appilcatlOB o(
• To koM ay bMith!
'tobep" Add other Apactol effidoaey
• «o«t4rfo(k!
prtaeipleA to hourakaoplnc to Mt oalr i onty-Boo rants per cubic yard
the boaltb.
•RiSSoillffoir and gala aad* pomibto bat
• praapertiy aM bapplnoat of ibo moB.
We ail resent. Insilncilvety.
iven proper attention 4a bousekBep- ato wiro'oui tnlng to make a itvlnA
* * Noivy to Ieoh
me tbr an ■ on home, whon (be vast snmber
thing in the way of Innovation, and mem. 4 rannot rememuer ever semra ing.

and men have .ufferod for It.
kitchen 4»
4. whleb
wblcb .ultable
Aultable pravtolon
.!‘T akon effl- Tou ran bava tho m—
> hoarl^^
‘new devlcoa and aHtUanraa aio nuo- fb^hoorakaeper to not different from a kitchen
Braoomy of m*oy. _________
or matorlato.
ihlnklii.^ Cto
» te wife IB yioHemand to walk *
ll>maoi.lacturar who ba. for war. -as made for (be ranvenlem storage wWch to the aame thin*, ba. tbrsnigb I-.e^ev
bow aec^mad to seeing thing, of cooking and other ntenslU. They n*crasfty be*«m. . part of oor daily cm* h. lb. factor, WHb web mie- Or K TOO want Ua dairy mkd.
• . ta power.- ■

have begun to ask tbe women wbo don't boor w«m yoo bbiMr.
• M Blwayo frondng fornard to * tbaa at* all skopa almlto^ bu Ur. A»». la a cmtaln way, whicb araly.l. are uaaally placed In cupboards, one
„ ^milled im« oor minds wh. they donVapply tbe rame thing o.
same Ulni Oo ool to CaHo’t h

fho liB^c
* Fradarick W. Taylor, the emlnont dial mar show to be bigfaly Inefficient. an<l l«ck of ai
from cblMbood. while It to only within ip-bousekaeplng-and now they
they arc.
•'AHmyo Bad Sways taefau toward * eoverar aod adapur of the prlaciplaa

* Of Bdentlflc ManageiiieBt. rontands

- -vOarlotiaParklw StMspB. * that there to a grrat science of Induoo^ata
try »blcb apidtiw to every abop and bl. workmen to the new method, and torn Hlere. Knlvra. brating fork, big .,d«„tlon a. thl. new type of aran- S mTto Im^lB, ywHlrv"
- Is to k«ei> (be a
I i '
to every workinra. Bni that was oaly
(rouble in brlngtra about siumra. rarkscress. and other small
^ ^ran accorted. has bean on talUy. Sever etand np to do what you
■ And then let Uc bed-pehc
V phyelcal c
a part of the dlecovery. (or tbe prlacfbe to raluci- articles, some osed frequently, and tbe'part of maaafaniirara and others can alt "down and do
'pM of BcientMc Manacemeot laM mot to Baaume the rcsimaslMllly .ud wyme Infrcjnimlly. arc oaually fouad
„ .j,„ , moaatorr valnf ,-uh rec-asc. (o. test aad (he boose,s ________ _____ ' —
down by Dr. Taylor apply to (ba homo, pum Off the task preaealml and dora. all mlwd tora.ber In a drawer of the
the la- kc.wr. whether a xwv.nt girt or the
to the kltc^. tbe dining toon, tba
kitchen 'iresser. eu ilie shelves of creased *
^ p, waab-boaiB,
recresiton. or ,m..fc.s hcnielf. must have a mind
r aad the attic quite as much a** .vasrs ago a friend of mine wbl.b arc stored U. oww aUlde arilpublic Improvxneot tbs. tree from worry. The aervant girl w-t luw l
'-A Iba waab'-maa).'
>AWn‘.lidAUMa a.eorpilglbglr ibormartloe .bop. the rat- booght as Iminored tre idck. which . les o^ In cooking, vritbovt any reavailable by ban., man- ,i>oaU bev. • plearant room, aad the
Md oneqt
or-tbooght aad ran'mltU or the prlntlnf .hop.
W moch rastor to uw. .nd more cf- gar^ convenience:
agemcni in our priv.i kffatr^,‘as ot kitchen abould be i ptora ot prara and tvB,. vwr drarara all ora to the
-stay ^Oir,.tho u»a or edowtlc
Ttoprovethto. bpwever.UUpreee- loeilve tbaa the ooe ibai bad been In siiclr a wav that It to espectolly diffi- *,eapnt tu our privaie.affalra. aa of .,ulet"
orooaoa au ara m toe
w«fh, .la. 0^'Bald of tobpr. dwlng aary to tuakc eome espUnailoD «( tli
- thO-M faw mra. First came a awn
fgr «|,|eh setootiBc Manage- (used to oae K. ramalBlng conaiani to olonAlt,.
eronomicsl use ot malertatot
Idea of a man giving advice along tbe Vonll have to a...............................
who tHaidMy rewlottonUod Immeneq
^toU,- mawta. fe'r with Uto new- • be awk4
I'BUailv (here to lo (he MICben a
^ And ailll woar tba lawamawo
bqrtaaww byihowlBg *ho ownara tbe
,, ,he sctencee. definition altar
stand to support ibe Ironiiig ^ntlc tabic used for all purposes, and ibe wurkman and the worts» v> ibuwe who *H1 racognlM tbe ramnion
ffraU BldimBT « lino which wns loet d«fiQttk» win U none toe much. If we board whan In os* was bought, and ccnvenlcnt for none. Where there la whom we spoke In (ba begii
I We
of bl. remark., Tbe fact (bat |,
by nididoyea. net becauae of oeglect.
„.er.v workman nnd acwafaUy rejected for (be I.hs iwcure .ugw^Bl room, a table ehouM be lo- are IvglDtring to reaUao that 1* to |*rof Banard to •npertatendeal of (be
ao aUly;
bat-bpanoea Uey did nor conaerra »ortcwomaB-o*lii* ihow terms la tbe aad losa Inoonvenlxit method of ptornear the raoga. oo w hich could worih wbi)e -to let eur bead rav« «gr N„tong| Houtwkraplng Kiperimew
tbWr' oaef^N nad aeve mMOdea and broad^t aansa-uaderataiid wbat we lag the boanl across the back of iwo be prepared ami idaced the tbiaga to heels' and "lo mis our, colors with Hutto^ at Darien. COnn, lends welgbi ' You aee.1 oaly ranUBower.
' Or lettuce, pkralUU.
waaia ^i^w«a.
mean by Selemifk HananeoM-al.
hiteban cbslrs.
be cooked, the mral baving bew prebrains."
(o bto suggentioha. All that la sow
SlDCa Mr. Brandeis ^.atanled (be
.Thii Up# oc Kwir to ao toacor a
Thto to the aplrlt that oposed tbe vidusly pUmicd, and materials gotien
Sdentifle Maoagameot, rtgblly atud- eat In the art of bousekwpiBC to tried ,, ______ w.,.. ^ i. mtdmr
itotoXv n to MviaA mOUora of dob■ ,country-b}- bto ttatembnt before (bg tetrodoetlon of Jahra ravtog nwchln- ready. I rmenrt, read an n^uni of irf and rightly u^ will bria* any ou, by binT and hi. .••totants and. If And^jbTtob raUi
IM 10^ tor -vast'
-vtat raterprisaa.
ramrprlaaa. 'bo-.imer
bo-. i
Stata Commerce Cemmtoaloa on-, that opposes the IntredurUon of g bwdel kitchen planned hj- Mra, Anna
tbroogb Ibe da>'a fouad of e«ooomlr woiUrpoostd on ti
m^^bi •tow; Mantra raved by oae that tha railroads might
Bdantitfc Uanagemem In manufactur- ». scoti. au eminent autborlty on work wiu a new Inieresi to life, aad ibr iwblleL Doubilesa many wo»«
m boom ABd day* of ato Uoa dolUn a day Urongli tba adep- IV ooubltobmeaia and will ptotanbly household .-raoom}. la whicb a "cook a new viewpoint. Ferbapa no better would w-iilingl) ebangv plarea witi And let Ibe r
'1 ilon’of wbat to kBowa as Bcloatlfle Mfca
difficult lu application tu
,a, dracribed. having ao dveiv idealil could close tbto paper tbaa
than ibt
tba Prof
Fyof BeoanUor
Beoa«,or any other
oibi man. wbo „ ^ ^ la tiniest
? ^2^/
brad rack from whlci, wore bung (be.conception of tha workman reinrBln* i, amply appplieJ with equipment aad and tbe haai laab. by Uo palL
Mow naBMB tha tavaalea of tba every UoeMva been appOIng Ua prtnIn tba tndaairira 1^ *hh b it ha.
appliance, tbai uraally are fra.n bto wlebtlOrally managed day la iMtocovering way. to rava do^^.^,^11 or^wamT
miM Hr Ue petoatlBc audfat. ft to elptos. ABd'Vtrtvin* te offret ocoao- ^ iT^i' '"rn*^*' *^“"'7
Jumbled together In a draww. Thto the ahop-friwh aad uctlTbd by bla slept and sirenrh. for Us woman
-----------uT^ tor Uo old fimor. Ua blAt> mica tba iwaalbUlty of whkt bad aot faetwlb, SclenilBc Mwiagamant Have ^
,urh a drawer da,'. tai«r-io bl. --------------- ------- tbre*
-----------^ dx com ro and BgduoaM.
who --fiUns end—-.......
bagad Vtokor |a a rwh lo laagb and bran apparent uaiU brought to Itobt MM been BCbleved aa a rculi of OO. „ ,
4„*er ' la ibla same mod fiv^h and
Hired by ber day's work |>er day. waataew dUhen, rlraaa bouse.
grrat Improve
crUlotoa aal nay ttot Uo prtactplq freoi tbto new polni of titlen.
l"t el kitrhra was a serving table, having In the bune-. Pur
Fur happloM with most ca'res for (be rblldrN. the cblckena.
fQijp aerow Uo MtOla.
V and atleo- ,_.. npper deck or shelf, (bto table to- of us dura, after all. depend to no the cqws. Ihe garden and the buadred- There MIU »o iraraa ti to wOlt.—
"ll^jaTlr to baalnma bat not to Ue
For lu objerto. Bclenilllr -ManagaL_
lag used for placing ibe tblngs cook- i^mall degree on tbose qnalllles of ami-one duties of everyday farm life Bell-pulla or iBl tooUrawolaa.
1 Ibe ^ iireparaiory l ex^vlng them, and rest And (reehoeea of outlook. loot II is In a miabty*luod poaitioii lu gira
Moa. Uaa wbat tot
' ,«oBi Lool la Fbrm UfA
ellmlnatloe of waste, aad Uo le­
third table used as a servanta' wrorih wblle to try to gain (bat Meal prariiral ad>lce to any kind of g protUBrato «f dOBMgUc eeoBbmy
an t'belT UMIeet U Uo proto cfra*c of tbe world's oreedU Tenillng
I In -your bumc. ‘
Tbe edHer Pint OMo.
laa U ttatr oadaavM to abow booae- <»»«» irrater productivity of joap and
-----^------------- T-'tor would meeuiy auggesi that ifooa- -Beat to tOM troth, ott ogga.’ bra
average home klichee there I*
kaoBM Wbera they can tava time and WM-Worry- Thrae It alma to arbtovfc ^ad la applying its principles in tba
The Pragraaetva HeraaBalA
veuient a few of tbe Ubor-eavlag ap«hat. *
A4.MIOCU ara (iuUdtbg «» dM-b Indratry to which it I. a> - ^
room, -u.iu
while .u...
such .a .wu
took latrie —
as -—
rile progressive tonnvr Would not |,iuores to- gi«»-n a trial. They are. Ob, Wbat to aUlT I MOW Fra triad
— WhsralB so oaeleat alepi
tbtougb bringing to bear upon
Tba ssaon|lal fratun-s of Ai lenilOc 4e,rrlbed, togetber with ooa to be eiie<t i-rup n-luraa If be bad to nac
,»,u.csIVh in raiwpartooa wlU
^ of
problem Ibe analjlkal meUoda TcanagameW that seem moai awillra, variety of |•urposc*. would the fanning equipment ctramoo In tb* ,,,..4, leai.sonh
Brat Ibom aatil Fra roallr *M
Baod W Mub b.„-_ — ---------ble 10 housekeeldog are:
be moM deelraWe. in many modern days of bto forefsihcrs. He would v 4
marhlne baa l-qg beoB
a'traetisu u—.
-.-Uim. -«ra
the M»#Mer'a trade are airanged o'
let. Careful idanniag In advance
1, room for but <^e.
think you craty it you suggeated that du,.|,ied a uFowaliy. A waeUag ma- Tet I dooT >—■ for eortalB U
of ibo work to be done, .-oterlng;
Yfhere thto to tbe case, a porialdc he mljihl as well dq bto pluming elU
XiooM be ln_every horae whet* Tlier'ro aUr------ If -T
<al What to do.
baring large raaterw (hat would an l*i‘ plow, save hla team by walk- ,he Sundry
permit Its being easily moved from Ing. do hla mowing with a scjih* or Bi.agle (or tbe Oat Idecra or an electaSrlTtJr ti
«lu ^
-n,!. 1. . iraul lb) Ho* to do It.
Next quichtr eraam row ansr aad
(« Whan U do It.
,,i*ee te pUce. U an effective com-j-radle. bis ihre.hiog with a Balt, and
„ raectrlc power 1a avatUble
Your batter.’' Tos: that will be
<dl Wbat equipment to use.
thaqaave monev iBslead cf apendina _,| aot. a rbarcoal Iron will brip wonoaay.
MO HBBir win Ua village or diy wo„^„,Mntgad. ProririoB of the proper Implej,,,,
4^0^ |n
rase by the U lu>mo.lerT. ........meat.
derfully to do away with the rfradaer* lot must I erou it wKb oto band.
rara rat ra wlU a
princlplea. as sev
UUe, and keeping them rradlly ac—*4 « maanfacturar who wna
The busiurss niaa In hi. office
uopdr, work.
Making my Bogera moist and
maolUe. and in good condition.
oNIgad. Utttngh Ue anddaa departure would think you n.m ccmiid. rarotts If
* grei„. cooker for ate*, and tbe
tbe -know- “lM«- «*•
. graaayT

Eqva] dlvialen of reeporalbUUy ba• Praparatlon before atartlng
4^ her ovrn cooking you hinied'ibst be might Jnal ie^^l Biany dlshra that rxiulre long, alow i '.imply
hate hla .'or.e.|«iud#itc* wrllloB with j^ing «||| prove a wise Inveutmeet a katfe or fort might do—TU aea.
__________ maid could be secured.
.« u » Si». t.,s.. tb- ...
a qtiHI |»n in or.lrr loaave Ibaroat cf The wheeled tray on which may tw
(MH to Blwaye and only Ue man'a U
dally nUBU. deciding what aweepin*. p,p,. „p , hook on Brieniillc Manage- u ttpcwnicT
carried all (be disbra aes-esaar, tor Sotblnct tbit
tbli srapM book oxplalna
la A «ady Which BBPaMa to U. worionnJiig. oic.. la to be done, what-ma^ beet
by her busToo cfien i>rt<gtv-*s la Iba eqalpmca*
«u| Ugfai^t; tbe work of ad-Add a few gralao of eiwmof Uto
mu kmuU. Juuu It U UrrtT b«
« O. loriala ara to be ordered, etc.
library ubie. and beoouiJ Sheri al (ba Urn
utd rluarlng ibc tabic .The cirttf."'
t tosU. aa for tratasra. wbra she__________ _
in ptannlag bo* to do tbe varicos
intereetcd. she derided to try' tomse Ml. hm I.U.; rriihuaad away p^ .*,*,*r or vacuum clram-r save. It rays. Ooght ew te mraoTi graUa
rara tram oaa ood of the low boose a to iBsur
Ulaga decided upon, the greatesi op- ,y,roagh tbe apidlcalloB of Its teach l>v a wonien s : «r Of speadlag moBey
ellmlaaiei dust A low rorkor bsH. or qwrUrt
to iMtotb^a^ tlj^ in tb.
devateped. ponnnlty .Is aSordetl lor economy of
,pBie Of the encigy. aad whi. h she Irli 'lgh>-he raved (or eU
foot rest ptoced near a wcO. well: Aa lew as I dwT too*
room of bra awoolBB*. becrame Ue
j,,. Tailor ha. sl.tml the.* btdgd motlOB. "Motiot Study 'to the analysis
,h, incooveolen<-e*
lncoovenlen<-e* that do- .-r uwre i-icMtug needf. forgetting ........................................
t^py, ,,hirh may....be_ maoe
. . of a m
eras, gad *oB^ H—oor
broofi WM Ml at ooe
princlplea ao cooclsely that It la din- ef wort (Ot^be purpose oyieteviliig mg her own work btoughi to light A ib.i he. owu braltb bad Mreogth gry oods
l^ M Ue olber. aad tbe duwet* in
one who ba. not etudlH Ue
unnecsBsary motions, pt tboae whlrh „rpi-Dtcr was broiighi In, and the weie snuvna ibe uhvsIlamoagni \hlng* n»ak"-» the work otl<ecllng potatoes -yjj ,u together pour U (la." '
sotajrat to TcaUae tbelr magpltude am> ba elimlaated b/ better orranpc
tnuuloiwd; riveUe. and *u l«- ••u.We.rd Mae llmra out ol ,,4 p,,p,nw vegetable, and fruit
,, ,4,
or (he Oder
Heme Cheer girae thto week ibree ^eb-M« mav be eapanded almost ifa- meat of equipment, or change lo the rack, were built sp lhal al.nslto .twld lcu ti.c «>*u ot Hie (atm wouM be p.^rti rasier than if done Xandlng up. j»,n,p,r that owbt te ho gboved loT
* ' ~
1 and
id latereetlng
Utcreetmg OpgsHely.
order of doing (blags.
' h* pUred where they .-ould he had aUd to l-u« UW< aatlBd appHanoc
and Flrl.'. Itoa Franctoa.
-B,ke h*jj oa b*grj** How 4aeic
artMog. arrttttb by people who ire dw
n, ,^ulu both the emptoyer and
lot the w»u>ro (oiks If aob lb* case
Indeed, motion study play. 00 small ,
votlw tbgtf entire Uv» to tbe «»dr ,a,,,ioy, partldneie. end if. as appears pan In Bcleoi'tflr ktanagemeoi. and it ,
resirangcd ^ ihst cell wcio p.rsewiod is ib. same bu-laera
Uariul ritraa.
To koo* hla Hgtlo WtlB *W make,
and opgUeatloa of the domeotlc proto probable. It* adeptloD becomee geo- U aorpriaing bow i
acceptlbto -wiHmut ««.iog like ilu-'eraMua. «BkiVB.-| larrwaslaa
To remove -coirh irom broad, .-ook^
ggqli * (araly rake!
UBL Bvarg PBbaciJbbr of Home Cheer „al. It to dlfflruU to see tbe «pI of movrmaau are made la pertomlng Mv^at iblnas lo ae< tbe one-wanted tnaaMei ibst ihe uiodetn laigi and ol m. eshee. etc. cae a grater, it leaves _yp4«]iae ^rttea. te OoW Hott
te urged to peed them all. evet,- woid
Ur-rraeblw beueflta to bumanliy aby idece oT work that baa not he«« and a atap (bai could he nw»ed nui of
II. ■ spi>iiao<es bat e been • mr* smooth sratsrc. aad dora am w—.a.,
W thou BM ranke ber own attpUca„„„
Tbli Is a aubjeri carefully pUn^.
tbe way when net in use pri.tiSetl m>
A tow date sae f'el Cbas lUnald. break Ibe feed aa a knife dora. a
wwld Bt the eora of oae
I recently beard a aiory. which, al- ,hat the arttrlse on the «•'!■
<u sdSiraeiaJ some Pto women as fel thet. Is no waste
woold Wt to helpful (or aaMhar. and
q„,, pp, ^ ,b, nivrted iBdnstriefof
Uoagb I regard il as s slaodertma 11 «( ,h, drwseerowM ba rra.b-« fbuo ew touMraMiwi. slated ibal II Wen
When iroalw tbe chltdrea'a clotbra.
peel ran Uat *• Bi» kf
we wuei. every one of ua. work out herw- bel. win serve as an illustration 1i aceded
<-.,i v h.ige t.rihe h.Ptrawa.k tor wea pUve (hem la 1*0 !•(>« to avoid Be- trattoo. bags sW teea. BtiwW (oofo«r own aalvBMon. Tbe Important boaa^keeiHng-xme oiibc eUcM Indao
I oomng them Inter. Fat (bone wbkb tags pot soly ktaet ora bodily proe.. la effect, that when a woman
Her eSons proved a Bitwaslul and s sKuii iluie latwr saving •
thtw to,the oeceoaity of Brat beam^nirb man. or mere properir
I meodiag to ooe lot aod th* orara. bra tlwy NM ogoB Uo Mbd
( her fare oc a street car.
telerrailw ihnt nh. darlded
ing tMraaraed. thw icatdtaB and raiMy- ^nan. has dbgapad: «al«4atlat-btiaIt w
to -foay
to ohd maho Mo worU »rio* or B^ Belinne witboal g matd., gsvw
hnva wpbai
rti* i-.i.avw.
i>n»aat aMu
gud «.i.
dintgbcea »v-.*-. — wwir V... - •••a noetber.. >.
nrat. abe opeoa her tand hi
wr»» uwm*m*r*ww
ing. and Bhally applyiw the prlnel- baMry
maoraarturiag coiumarca.
Second, lakra not ber parse

raber of ral>be. ra.tol dltei, W ra s.inuaed >hnt .teiCrarigg wraJd ooUce n tom ptoPe or b batlon off
Idoa ot Ub raw and neodad btnioaaa
tadeeB. every form of humaa ac
niaC'cloaes her band hag
*h«. Iroolw
stons. nod eeUbltobrd<1 in bet 0-wc. a heito-oide. of the day
of hooMlMagUg teoraHvag.
ilvky. rave htraUng. It wowld (bevw ^fcraU.opcasherparBe. ^
• MoOsrtraFiOA
ab oM «Uta boBspreod mabra op.
- Iluasekeeping Wlcteoe,- *ra Nr.
Darp 4d
paopjla talk H while
they frottc eg day fasi.
8U i uu goo nty hnidder. dat If.
MPd'rftob far as,

Of Ibe abw> vbtoh begins aad anSa
*l»b the blow of the fanory wbtotto.
ScJaailSr maBagemeoi ha. rwlurod
tha work of (be factory 4o Amb asearacy that falda from ni^artnii ram-

' .........






. ........ ^



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