Grand Traverse Herald, December 19, 1912

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Grand Traverse Herald, December 19, 1912


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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city, grand



fitaamahlp France Ruahes Pstoswgirs

New York. Dec. 17.-To enable ttovelers to reach Parts and other pntnts
tbe Ctontlneol -in Ume for Ute
Christmas bolldays. the steamship
Prance, tbe premier TeHel of tbe
French line, aalled for C^rbonrg tbit
morning Instead ot acting nnUl
Tbursday, the regular sailing date.

WMblnrtoa. D. C„ Dec 17.—Ttie
But«n PniU Crowen' Ask>cM1oq befu lu aaniul neettnc »t lAe R«leifii
bMel t«U7 vlth A Urxe And rM>reINO A COMMIMION
Tbe pTACUeAl
Aide ef rniit crovlns In All iU pbrneeA
tr Mpenn darins
Ibe neverml «lAre'

WnilO- BE mi SAYMG


tocalAT meelini; of tbc council
«u held lAAt evenlns and very Tittle
boBlneae of ImportADce waa tranMcted. AB tbU'ls the oB ACason to city actlTliy. The queAtJon of appolnilnit a
ceminiAAlon to bare In rharice tbc r««KlatloD and Inipenkin of idmoblns la
the dtr vaa bronsht up and tbc ordlmtalttee
look Into tbe natter and report at tbe
seat meeUss of tbe council. Action
of tblA kind li neceeury on acorunt
of tbe Infertor work that la being turn '
«d oto la nany Inatancoa and tbe cw
la which tbe aeoer syetem and other «'ork of tbe city baa
been handled lb the iiact. It ban been
the ciutom mben UpplaK a aewer. If
the tap could not be found to break
the plpea in tbe lalereiR and stick the
eonnectloD tbroogh, rcsarillew of how
tar it protruded into tbe aewer. Thla
jtranice baa reaulted in tnekinc aone
of tbe aewera practically uacleea. as in
aonie Inataoeea breaks oere not used
and never even covered up with the
result that theaewera are now In some
cases half Clled with aand. one twelve
Inch sewer in the heart of'tbe city
baWnc nine Inches of sand almost Its
estlio lonstbu A plumblnc commission
made up of tnaater tdumbers and city
oSIclala would be tbe means of dcrins
away with tbU haphazard kind
work and place tbe plnmblnK In the
city on a baala of efficiency with other
a of tbe syne size in Cie atate.
Several etber reasons were advanced
at tbe maeUug in favor of reculallon
along this line.
The question of helping <
D building
eotmiy TMd cot
tbe road Into the city fr«n tbc Den
Barnw pUc« past the -asylum v
brought up and the council voted
allow the enqimlrsloarra to lake
gravel from tbe city pit free ot
charge to complete the road Into lb<
city, as it Is an Improvement that the
4|ty will profli greatly by on accouni
of the road being where the Htv
teams will oenslantly pass over It In
■ bringing gravel Into the city.'
The commilloe on licenses re»-o^i
•nded that the plumbers' license
Klmer llearb bo granle-l and Ihrir
I was arce|>tod.
Tbe bills of T- <1. Rhll#otr\Ior |7«i
■Bd that ef W. W. Itoan for
makinn assMament rolls were turned
bark to them to bo Itemliad.
ommendatMi of the. commit
claims and accoui
R. Qualt was ai.polnte.1 spoctal po
llccman and eottflmied by the council

Applet Figm I
DefenM Will Atte«npt to Shew Sleek
Hand Letter Wee Only a
(From Tuesday's Record-Eakle.)
The KTcaler part of yesterday aflemooD |ad some little lime tta
morning mb uken up In seenring
Jury for tbe ease of the people* vs.
Josepb D. Hex. bUckmail. wbicta began In circuit 'court yesicrdHy. The
courtTOOID was (tiled to capacity this
af'emuou and It seems there Is
great- deet of Interest being uken in
tbe case by' tbe people in general.
Tbe first witness called by tbe pro­
secution was William if. H. Hrown
son. the man wfacm. it is alleoed. re­
ceived a black band letter, and
which,, it is alleged, was ewi by Bex.
Mr. tirownaoii Is 72 .'caw old and
since early (bis (oitimkid han Uen ou
the sUnd. The dc-fcilse cross <|ues
tioned this nfternpon and It seemed
rather tiresome work for the old
tieman to t«e piled by qiW-Kiinn after
question, and the trial baa only be­
gun. The Ibie of defense, it aotild
seem, is to show that the >ouni:sters
of tbe nelghborbood had sought at
different times to bother the elderly
man and Ms wife by playing pranks
pf different kinds, and iocldenuHy to
prove If possible that .11 was cnorc
than likel.r that the blaik band Iciter they received, was put ifcere by
le of these.
The Jury was chosen as follows;
James Hutton, tleorge Kq^-h. Myron
Cunningham. f-Vanlc Krakel. Artbnr
Sorlb. O. K. Helres. Augustns lM>b
Ixisis WcUb. Ed
Ar^ur nrnnet. Frank n>wlor . and
John H. Hagar. There pill be a aura
her of witboues for both sides.

PelMton. Mi<b„ Dee. 17.—Things
bappNied In the Pc-Uston oMinqil at
lU laat meeting. First the resignation
of Airman Bert U Jobnaon was aclopted. and'following tbis bis resignnaa Ht^cf cnglnoT das actwpted.
Jaini-B It. Bryant wns then made his
•or. and following this. It being
shown that Village rroaldent l-lagene
C. Rust has coaaed to lio a n-sldcat,
Kdwin C. Bogardos was made new
president, and hls^ place as alderman
was im-<l by NIcbolas Sage. Thei
led Btiqdien
A. Johnson chief engineer to fill that
vacant office. foHowIng which be df^
dared |h<' oftlce of street
er vacant and appointed Tboniaa H.

Thos. T. Dates, pr«-sldent of the bnrinvzs of he lleruld. whidi dcnifti-l’
Merwld A Rr<-«rd Co. an<ri-.llior of the ,.il bir iluie.
was for /cvcnil years
Rccord-Ksgle. died at Ms home.'4i:t
the luwushlp ati'l n>unt>
SM> he- wus chosen a
laic iciilral coniinil’
il siTvi il ten •■oiisceIhc longest ennjWJtlve
r, r-tes was iK.m
given by any nieinbcr o
r 13. isti, at KecscdUc, Kr- > i rv Ice c
U.- repre».cnt<-(i hi" district
sex county. New Yoik. HU father was 1
D tliu Republican nittlonal
Rev. Merritt Bates and bis niotlior as ddi^i
coDvcmioi 1 1KS3. an-l was made seeRllxa A. Tomlinson, both M-lng of
reury of Ihi dclcniion.
English aneestn-. The father was a
r. Bales was appointed a
Methodist KpUoopal dergyman, and
in active and umvnil’rotuislng anti- nii-cil-o" ot (be l>o.'vhl of lr.ust«<ea o(
lavery man through all the thiny- the Norther 1 Mirliigan Asylum, now
ive years prece<ltng the Civil war. A the Travers - City Stale Hospital, loravprse City, and whlcfc
man of strung <-onvlctlons and crest esied
vtpeni-d to palii-utB that year. H«
ability, be occapied a prominent plsee
In his church, and liv(vl>io m-e the waa r.vappe inted in INSP and .again
iu l»ni and again In
triumph of the cau»c to -ttich be Im.l in >»»■'>. a
d on the board until
given the beM years of Ms life. Ills itHiT. and
mother was of the old New York taju- bis death, This is tilt- lonyst ■•'rjiveu
by any lueiulicr ol
ily of TomlInKiDs. proinlnciit In Nt'w
York city In Uevoliitioiisrv times «ti I nil} tKiard < f roanacers of t

Thoiuas T. Bales was cdunitcd jn
the public scboolB. At slsK-v-n be twllfc fo^ himself, di-rkinc at «m
dollar a week and boarding hlnisdr. A
year later he wa* general helper in a
hank at Glens FSIla. New York. At
eighteen he ocenpied an tnjiwinaiii ivi
Klllon In a banking house in Mem
phis, Tennew-ee, but eanje north s»
tbe outbreak of the ,«ar. He reniovei
to Travenie (^lly In IKCS, was csshi..
for Hannah. I^ay & Com|.any Iwt.
years, and resigned to oiwo a real es
ute office with Hon. B. C.‘l.eadi.
whose Interest In the business he
bought In 1*171. In IkSK hls unde.
» «f Kind IR DakeU Hon. Morgan Bates. eaiaMlshcl th.
Grand Traverse Herald, and sold the
4, T. Strtlae Claimed He is Ifmoeeni
paper In ikkT to Hon. D. C. l-cach
Fbrgo. N. 1).. Dec. 17.-North Da- Thomas T. Bates, who had had the
•r Evsry InserlminMlng Chan
kou'a But country life
nanagement since
bought tbi
voned at the ainle^rimltural oollege BeralH of Mr. I^Mch in ikTt. and since
1. D*c. 17.-J. T.'Butter, here today, and all continue In
that Ume been Its edlior. IBs wife
termerlr et Duflsio. and first vice until Friday. The program providea Mrs. M. E. r. Bal^s. was for man>
president ef tbe I rot. Workers' union for tbe diamaslon of all phaace of years assodate editor, hhi daughter.
took the srltness sUnd In hla own be rural Ute Improvement by men and Miss Msbd. now Mrs. Msivd Bale.
women well qualified to speak on too Williams, of Denver, Colorado. Weal
bait In tbe drnamlu trUI todvMr denied
InscrimlnaUw: ■ubjccu assigned .them. The initial land society editor and associate mao
sessions today were devoted to the ager, and since the death of Mrs
of the country gtbool as Dates'edltpr of the Home IWpartmeni
a social cs-nier.
of the Herald and Evening Etecord
while, alnns her mother'a death. Mias
Clara Bates has been indent of tbe
Rapvbileaa UMNre Meet in Chleage
Herald Young Fhlks..............................
and editor of Uial department in tbc
Had Dean Directed to De It by Herald.
Mr. Bates has always been active In
Cbleago, Dot 17.—Nnmarona ropnb
polities. He was promtoent In eastern
Ucaa leadera tnm down tbs suto
New York In 185S. when only flftcwi
^wed up to town today- to anticlOsroean. MIth.. Dec. 17.—Verna
minier. devh in Herbert Comas' drug years old. to the youths' organlxstlon
pathm o( tka
fereace wMeh As eehednled to be held store to tbls dty. was fined $100 and of “The Rocky Mountain Boys ' in the
(he HotM Itofisll* tomorrow. Roy!maced U probadon for one year by Fremont campaign. HU firwl presldep
O. WeeL TUtooAa aathmal cominltlee- judge Miner Cor aUeged violation of tlal vole was tor Lincoln to 1$$A. and
be has never mtaeed voting a atralght
man nnd Mat* cbnlrman. Is respon- tbe local option law. In •
He has never
the ODort dedared that from p«^
Mbto for the toand-OD. Bs expects an
ntt^anos «d Mveral hundred party wmal tovestlgatloe be had teara*d been a poUUcal officer bolder, with tbc
that Ftmaer bad'been dUweted by oth- excepUoa of that
«C the AegtoAaiare and dIsMot and eito to Mil tbe wblaker and toat he Traverse Oty. lWl-». resigning the
waa not attodetber to Uame. ‘
jmKAm OB Moout Ot the iBcro













n to Uee Gnvel From


TEAYtasE COrSTY. SIK-mGAN, Tlil RSDAY. DEC. 19, 1912

ISliJ. and 1 gain from I!*tiT l
In Iho rail of !*83 he was hJso ap; lepibor of Uic Boord ol
i-ra for the
Building C.
Ml (be vucum.}' caused
gnatloD of Him- Perry
by the
Hunnah. nnU was at once cbo4cn
-hnirninn of Ibe'lioard, serving In this
;ll the ivtmpli-llmi <»f thlapwliy
I iiT (he foil
ivnrk of til
was elected seereUry of
»f ISW.
the ’Travv-ri.- City HallTOsd eomi»any
oil In IS7I and
capacity nntU the
road was. liRiii-d to the Grand Rapids
ft !ndla|lH jltailroad company; was
then placed; upon the hoard of direc­
tors of Ihq Tra«-rse City lUllrood
company and sUlI holds (he position,
and tor sctjeral year* was presMei
of tbi- loniMtiy. For several yes;
111- was a BKtnbcr of and president
(bn BooM of library Tnu-ec« of
Traverse Ctiy. Fw a numlier of years
be was preidrat <rf tb» Traverse CBv
UuslAiw .\^u's Assoclstjlon. which
was iDstruiaental in locoung at that
point of
hnportant ntanurariaring
a of Travanw* Cily.
US* be *BUbllahed tbe Evening
Record and tbe cnteiWtoe
been very anccessful.
In .1904
tbc bnatniNis waa incorporated as
the Herald] A Rertird Company and
Mr. Uatee )ia». been president of the
company ajne© lu
1910 the Sagle .Preea. dally,
weekly and' Job depanmenL was
soUdsted viltb the Herald A Rseord
Company. ^ were also the Fife Lake
Monitor and Kingsley Erira. both
weekly paper* pabUabed to the eoo'

son. and which took place July 6 ot
IS<» be was appolntod'by tbc
-nor one of the Michigan
bera of the Uncoln NUIoBal Memor­
ial ArsodatioD to arrange for the ob­
servance of (he Itvih annlveraary of
Uic birth i-f Abroh^ Lincoln at Uir
birthplace ©f the martyred president
provide for a national inonu
meat on the spot to commeiaoraU
the event
Mr. Bates was married in IK7 to
Miss Martha E. Cram, danghtei
Cram, who for many yeara was
IdenOlled with, the early history of
A'ayne ahd Genesee counties, and
who was also one of ^e pioneers of
Grtnii Traverse county. Mrs. B»l<
died In m:-. The family conalsU of
dsogbiers. Mrs. Mabel Bates
W'lniams and Mias Clara, and a
George G.. who for many years was
>c puMisfaing busineas to Chk'^
and who la now s resident of
Trarervie City and is vice iwcsldcni
and actively Interested in the Merald
A Record Company.

Rev. A. Benull of Nortbport made
a great bit at LudlngtOn last week
Uic horticultural speaker at the HaBus county farmers' Instltme. He took
tbe idace of Faut*Rosc. wbo waa
able to be present becanse of Him
Kev. Benull dls<-ussed tbe varlons
phases of fnilt growing and ssllslled
the Mason couniv fruit men that the
Norihpon growers' assorlsilon U dcIrK business on a sound lu<t Some
years ago'tbe Mason county people
a pcarb ahlpplng assotiation but
11 few seasons. R.-v BetiiaTl is
preparing addreestw nm'. talk?, to
l-e given at other Insli'tit? lueeliage
during the coming winter. When
spilnB oiK-ns up hr and bU brntber-inlaw. Charles lUy. will go to work upthe five crchsrds which they have
rctiK-d for ihc pnniose of growing
fruit. The yield from these orchards
will be snSIcIcnt to keep a small site
bliipl'lng association busy.
Her. Benull Is In receipt of
r from 8. R. Reich, a grocer In Matn. 111. The letter reads: “Referring
the Inclosed sutemen
that I bought a l>arrri of apples In the
Chicago market at fJ.fih. They
flnil class condition, not a bad apple
in the barrel." The barrel was one of
carload that came from the It. E.
Griffes Talman ' Sweet orchard at
Omena. The trees In this orchard
duced on the average four bar^ls
each. The above Icller Is but one of
a number * hlch ‘have Iw-en reci-lved
■Ince the apples perc sent out a few
weeks Mnce.
AgrlcuUore la 1>elng UOgbt to the
Buttons Bay HIgfa school, one year In
the high achool couiae being devoted
this BUblert. The money for the
eqnlpmq^nt of tbe labontory
cured bj) the means of socials. A text
book and bnllctiiiB from tbe agricul­
tural deparitnent are used to giving
Tbe superintendent
this school Is Mr. T. SI. Wnlklns. who
ry enthtisissllc over the progress
that Is being raad^

Oangsr From ChrlMmea Trees Can be
Avowed by Ualefl Eleetrie Lanpa.
During the holiday season there
tendency toward
decorallng ,l«oth
stores and residpneos with InDanmable maii-riki which every year Is the
cause of thousands of dollars worth of
damage. Tbls year any pereen using
Infiainmable . materUl for decorallng.
either on Clirlsitnas treee
other way. or who dresaee himself In
U violaUng (be
law and toys himself liable for
viidailon. There are nnaieroua tin
sels end other trimmings whieb
and a iltUe prreana now may prevent a dUasUoua

Tbe Canse of tbe greeteeA nnaiber
of fires is tbe time honored Christmas
The decotwtkw of the evergreen
uBUBllr cMsUU of a draping ot most
with small can­
dles dtatributed abont It In order that
it may be given every poaalble ehawce
of becoming Ignlud.' If poaalble the
beat scArama U to lil^t tha Uwe.witb
email incaadescaat lampa. hot if can­
dles arc to be used care to placlag
them wnoM toaaea' tha danger to a
graat extent Tha nsna! RaaU Claas
"i..1904 ^r. Bates wu a me
of the exeduUve ebamdUee hartog is eorinme coaslaUng of taba witlakers
asd a salt trimmad with cottoa or
charge tbe tcelebratlon ot the Mtb
nlvertary of the blrib of the repob aimUsr amtorial shnnld ant U asod
Uosp party>Uaaar tbo Oaka" at Jack- andar any eonaideraUoD.


I'nder the new larcels |iost system.

. Have Rom HeM WMb
Object ef Orpaatolng to be la
ftoatfiMM WhM Nrss Admiatotratiofi Comes.
Washington. Dec. 17.—Tha
wHhln tbe Democratic party .for eoatrol ot tbe senaU under the next ad­
ministration has Uken definite torai
within the last tew daya. as the rnsuit of concened actloa by a assail
body of DcmocraU toward laying the
basis tor what they term “progreevc" contrel to tbe next coapesa
A series of eoeferenoes, eotoileetin: ^ a dinner yoaterday, at vfalcb
cst. Lave resulted to a general nndc.'standlog f^ a nneral reorgaaldesigned to toinre
tbc contro: of legislation and poUtion
after March 4 by senators to full sympailiy with tbe views of President­
elect Wilson.
No deUlled program has been oollined, bnt tbe enmpnlgn Is understood
to Involve the entire snbpect of sescontrtd. tbe direction
aSslns by
senators approved by the present renisaUon and tbe esUbUshmat of
a new system of i
menu Uiai triU (
committee pUces alike to men new
and old to tbs services of the senata
Those wbo bnvo participaled in the
conference thu far are Senators Lea
of Tenneesee, Smith of Georgia.
Smith of South Chroltoa. Myers of
Newlands of Nevada. Aahurst of Arizona. Gore and Owen ot
Oklahoma. Stone of Hlssonri. O'CAorman of New York. Marrine of New
Jersey and Represenutlve Morris
Sheppard of Texas, prospective saocessor to Senator Bailey.

. \




Grangers Atoe
Five CandMatsa.


Old Mission. Dec. 17.—PantenIa
grangp held lu annual meeting ywste^
day. 'in tbe inoralng five new momhers were Initiated, srhieh was toUnwotu dtoBM^.
ed at noon by a sumpluot(f
rejected to
The following officers wereV
the sfterncon;
Mazier—K. O. Udd.
OverHcer—Mro. Daaa.
lonlurer—Mrs. A. A. Leighton.
Sieward-i-M. J. Oilsors.
Assistant stewanl-sA. M, WlSoboa.
rbaplalD—Mrs. Alice Warner.
Treasurer-^Mra. M. O. OUmors.
SecreUry-MUa Nellie Stone.
Gatfkeeper—Marray TomikAni.
Ceres—Mrs. Eugene RnsselL
Pomona—Mrs. B. O. ladd.
Flora—Mrs. G. H. Jamlem.
asslsunt stewanl Emily
Muslclan-Mrs. J. 0. MIIU.’

- 4


(he packages and If they are not
the pefkage will be held for posuge.
pc new postal tow
that there
rauat be room on tu? uii|>er rlgj' hand
corner of all mall for tbe stamp and
liortmark. The iiostoffice aOthorlties
advise patrons wim. do not wish
hear tbc rmlltog clerk swear, and wbo
wish their parrels to receive prooip
and careful atteoilon to use the irroji
of sump, and not t(
AriuMM Cleane OM
cent alamps wiiv.i a
to required, l-arcels should also be mailed to plonty of
IJiUe Rock. Ark, Deo. 17.—Ooveraer
time to insure ihoir delivery and tl.c Donoghey today pardcaud $t« cute
sender's name must be on the |>aik and 44 county conricU aa a proUet
agolnA tbe system of leasing coavlcto.
The several denomlnsMons of the
The governor
new rrarcels post suraia are illus• (or tritial efuntod with the following suhJocU;
ns. As a rseult of (he pardoga
^oe rent. |iostofflce cl^k.
three sUi» umvlrt camps will be
Two cent cHy carrier.
Btrallsbod. Beene of the men gutidoaed
Three cent, railway mail clerk.
tere sentenced to Urme ot 19 yean.,
F.-j»ir cent mral rarrter.
Five c*nt. mall traiiv
Tea eent, steamship and msU ten­
antomobfie sarrice tenCai^ .Low ef IMOP on Hevee aad
Twenty cent aem
Petoekey. Dec. 17.—Fire to a eoatTwanty-llvo cant i
dence owned by Wataon A Rayder '
RRy cent dairying.
and oeenpled Uv J- ^maa cagaM
Beventyfive oMl, harvwttag.
One dollar, tndt growlrA
All tha draomlaatlona are red-'n Fismes caught (tom chimney whleh_
ran ihrongfc a bed room. Wbea Kra.'
The-parcels post doe stamps, wbleb | Feldman wu notlfled hr n nalgkhor
are green to eoler, are alt printed that her boose was on Ere she wesdd
with the words. D. 8. ParoeU Post od not bellove him oatfl toe flamw hwAe
them to denomtoatloM of t. t. 8. 1$ into the mom where she wns workias-


m ATJIBSfflf

Um to tolly oovered hy iasmianA .




Grand Triiverie

tnA'U|e drl apeeelin tfait fra lillir|>otM to luYe

nd T;i<wMr
« TimIp aa« tknwAj at Timfmm Ottjr, WwfclaM. kr





read by'
she entitled
thoia to .horn it k Kot. ItWWthM'o.
to'eertajn priTilegt* tliat.are not aeeorded other citiMca, bnt if
aaeh k the eaed theee farora ihonld be limited ao that ^e people
will not have to bear the burden too heavily in eampaigna. Js
lie iBBtanem eoagrcaanieo are reported to have jaeatt <mt matter
by ear loads to help oat their elwneea for re>«leetion bat fall, and
the bill had to be footed by the government. Another thing that
hu vorled'odl td Ae detriment of the poatoffice ia the free need
graft, which, tboogfa old, it atill worked to good ddvahtage by
the'meinhen of congress Original^ thin waa a gi^ plan, but
with the growth of the county and the public Acmand, i| hat be«ome a nuitanee aa Well at a heavy expense. The original plan
was to diriribnte oidy new and rare seeds among th^ farmera for
but at the present time the only rare thing about the seeds
ttiat are aent out is that they ocurionally tom out true to name
^ have real germinating power. Instead of beji^ new and rare
■farietim the goremment goes into'and’bOys the
seeds from the aeedsman or other indlviddlllB wlio'^wiil fhnisb

|M. U. V.—R. & McMkhseL
lat V.—M. B. BaskaO.
eaerat«7—H-D. CamtdtdL
Traasarer—‘IPea. T. Bates.
Baiitinal-T. Petertyl
The Torch Ixko prepertr Is advertM for sale, ceuUtt^ of store,
saw nOr ,tas. serenl sens of Uo«
sad tH\nr prepettr. all tor tM.WO. . W.
p. Hsrshs of Traversa Olty has
matter la charts '


Ihxas Ja Oediliae are s
headrod per cent than last r«hr. sad
the maeUac of tasparwa «aa ealM
vhkb proteau were entered and a
coauslttee'apnoloted to lav'cstlxate
tbe record and
dlfcover y.*rrra If snr.

From the baby to grandma would like
a pair of our Slippers as a Christmas pre­
sent They are the most nn>reciated
gifts because they are-useful add last so
long. A little Xhristmas money ^go% a
long vmys at Dou^asa & Kellogg’s! ^

Voice ft Son of klaple City, who are
isnubcturiug «>Ued hoope at that
ptace. mm with a lost of over 18.000.
which were thrown overboard when
Aem at a aatiafactory prire. TbA’fi^ls^d nky' or the eieamer Lawrence was on her bat
may not be true to name and hafe aidointely'noritlng tb eemmim'd' tHp to Cbleago during a severe storm.
them to tbe grower. If the pracKbe' ii'to be maintaSnwI tiSe orirfbial
idea shottld be retoraed to, and if this cannot be' done the best
riling to do ia to abolish tiiih cUHbm' entirdy: The people who
have been in the habit of receiving tbe seeds will be just m well
satisfied and a great burden will be lifted from tbe postofilee de- have
purtment in handling thW tbnh of seeds riiat are shln^ broadcast
over the eountiy every siihlDg'. In riiniiing the depi^ent corners
have to be ent off, and'as fiibfe two pihjeet altogeriier too far to
Many TPoMshda of New Trees Have
be profitable in any vriiy It' uriiuld be a good plan to lop both of
Bern tet Oia->AprkitlAcm off and use the' nibhry spent in the work in making more
tu'rS is Booming.
effective other departhifenW of the mril service.


sent secret service operatives have suCThe eorik 'of |
eeed^i in locating 60,000 tons of batter which is being hrid in
^rage by the butter trust for the purpose of creating a scarcity
•lid giving an opportunity to raise the price of the commodity.
Thb investigation waa conducted in connection yrith the suit that
has been filed by the attorney general against the Elgin board,
which fixes arbitiwrily the price of butter in the United States.
This quantity of butter is sufficient to supply the needs of the
: ciaium for several weeks, and if placed on the market at the pre/ Tailing price in the large cities will give a profit to the trust of
from «11/)00,000 to >17,550,000. It is planned by those who Ofmtrol this vast amonnt of hotter to gradually release it for con>
iompfion gt an advance -over its aetnal value of from' ten to fifteen
cents per poundl The supply will be doled out' in small quantities
•0 that it will not unsettle the market during the cold weather.
The price is at present two cents per pound higher than it was
a year ago, and it is reported that at this time last >'ur there were
SS.000.000 poonds more in sight than there is at the present time,
so' that it is easy to see what the amount of tribute will be that
& exacted from the public by the trust magnates. The Elgin
batter board is blamed directly for tfiis situation by the governBwnt officials, and before the investigation is through it may result
hi the wiping out of this organisation by Uw at least One fav­
orable feature in connectlon^with the sitnation is that the board
is divided uikm Ih^ question of holding up the public in this high­
handed manner, there being tome of the members whose consciehecs
•re more tender than others, and they have been fighting fdr some get the other members to see the folly of exicting such
enormous tribute from ibe people of the nation. With this dis■ebition within the board it will be easier for the government to
get bdld of the evidence in regard to the dealings of the board that
they are after and thus convict the hold-up gang that is at present
*it| control of the organization and thus secure the dissolution of
the trust. Butter is a neceasity, and for this reason the holding
e( the price at the figore tliat it is at preaent is a high crime
•ofi ahoold be panltbed as it deserves. Any body of men who force
the price of a necessity of this kind are more hardened criminals
than the mpn who breaks in and steals at night, becaose they do
not need, and when it ia taken know that it is bfood
■ ■mney wrung from those who caJ the least sflo^ to part with
H during the cold ^aeason of the year, when all
ill {hat
that can
be ob­
tained is required to keep the family warm. It ia to be
the case the government has started is strong enough to put the
muiben of the boaid who arc rcaponsible for this eobditiob behind
the bsra where they belong, and stop the practice of holding up
the price of one of the greatest necessities.

JMnmis Cvdtss
In the annual report of the Intcratate Commerce Cc
rabmitted to congress is contained some important information that
iBould be carefully considered by the people of this country. It
is plainj^ shown in the report that carelcamces on the part of the
railroad companies ia largely resiMnaible for the heavy death toll
thM'is esaeted eveVy year, and thousands of injofrd who will have
• to go through life the rCat of their-riaja in a crippled condition.
The figures show thit during the past year theje were 8,215 de­
railments, ],877 of which were caused by defecta in the roadway,
ftod 3,847 which were due to defective equipment. These figures
show an increase over the previous year of 652 in the dcrailrocnta.
due to bad roadway and 1,028 from bad equipment The number
of easlifilliea daring the ytax Were 180,123, of which 10,585 were
. peraons kQlcd and 169,5:t8 were injured. The figUru show an
increase in the number of killed over' last year of 189, and an
foefrasG in injured of 19,379. Carelcsaneai in taking' care of tbe
roadbed and lack of sufficient devices and equipment on Ibo trains
for saving life and preventing aeeidenta arc the greatest caosea
/ tbe wrecks and lost of life. It is apparent that the roads are
trying'to opeiwte as cheap aa poasiblc, not' Udring into eobsiderafton
tlje enormous number of accidenU that follow up rim system. The
wUi«h for speed is-another cause of many of the disasters, this
edndition being due to the competition of the roads and the grow­
ing dwire of people to get to their destination in the quickest
- pqasiU* time. Tbe commiaiion is trying to s&Dw the managers of
thb roads that the inereaaed speed .of trains over defective fraeks
•l^rbaffbeds must be cat down in order to prevent a large number
iort£i’aoriden<s, andulao the nebcasity of^iroriding the trains with
e of the devices that insure the safety of the passengen. ft
is • gn«t problem that faces the commission and. they are doing
their pest to remedy the present conditions ind thereby conserve
‘ fie li^ of eibpIo>-es and passengers.

* Now that tiie R^eU post has become a reality and is liable
for’ a time at least to cause a deficiency in the postoffice departMDt, steps should be Uken to pot a stop to the franking privilege
that Is at present eujoyed by members of eongrem and tbe free
1 of aeods, whirii has of late become nothing but a
)ehe in the ^sl of the nation. Aeeording to the figures famished
hr Postmaster General Hitchcock, the department lest 86,000.000
thfi'Ialit oMwpaig" by having to carry the speeches and other public
ifoeuaiiehta that were sent through the malls to help in the election
of msmbisi <rf congress and others. This matter that ia franked
SO libenfiy is of no earthly good, for tbe people are too busy to

To ^op Gambling'
The prevalence of’the' ganlbUng eva throughout the United
States has resulted in' the laUb'chlng of a nation-wide crusade to
stop the practice, and before tiie work is ended tbefr will be some
interesting developmentt! Tt'e elferts of the promotors are directed
agaiiut all kinds of gsiilbk eff'chance, frmu stock gambling to the
petty graft of candy ai'S jfipti raffles that are oftcq met with
in towns where the officials fall to enforce the IsW; The practice
of gambling has become so eo'mmbn iU some parts of the country
that small children are eveU pOMeMed with the Alania, and the
result is already apparent upon' thb' rUing gencrkilon. It is for
the good of all concerned thaf the chtaadfe hag been stiuted, and
with the backing that the movemenC bhs it is evidwt that many
will be caught in the meshes of the laW before the' work is fin­
ished. Gambling under the state law eonsista <ff playing aUy
game where the one who puts in his money does not gist value
received for ever)' cent that is spent. Any device ithat is worked
where the patron draws a blank ia a gamblibg outfit and
has no right to bo in any public or pri%-atc place, a>d those caught
with machines of this kind in their possession are liable to prose­
cution -for conducting gambling placa. The nation-wide nature
of the moreiQcnt can be seen from the fact thal although but
.1____.u. ____________________________ _
about a week old the crusade baa already ^nliribd the aupport
of the'gdremors of eight states, including Ooveriior Osborn of
kriebigan. The mo%-cment was atafted in Chicago by a fraternal
society as a protest against the practice of lodge^ churches and
other .organizations holding raffles for the purpose of raising
money tor carrying on their work, and the idea |was so popular
that it was taken up all over the country. Texas has been enforcing the law for some time, and u si result man}- gamblers have
beeb convicted and ifiaced behind the bara for varying periods.
The movement is a timely one and hM behind it sufficient backing
to make it effective in the states where it has been endoraed.

Eidio« Frott Ths
aden Times
Takaa frsm OreM TnrtisfM Hsrald of
TWrty Yak™ AflU:

A recant laventory
opnant In weaters Idicbignn ' shows
thnt splendid
idl'd progress b being made.
Since tha Western Michigan Develop­
ment bureau began work less than
four years ago the outgoing stream of
arttlen has been changed Into an In­
coming stream. Tbe proof of thb b
to be found In » repoqa recently re­
ceived from 94 of the SIO organised
townships in tbe territory. The figaboa^ihat 1<93I eettlera have lo­
cated In tbe 94 townships In'the pasl
three years. It these figures are a fair
average for all of western Michigan—
and they probably are. as tbe returna
In every one of the
twenty eenntles comprised In the
weetern Michigan territory—the grand
total of newcomers li not far from
During tbe period covered by the re­
turns. twelve big orchard propositions
have been started. The setting of
date, by five of these propo­
sitions amounts to 69.000 trees. Four
of the other propositions have Improved. or are now Improving.
800 acres. Another proposition which
U being pushed celb for the desHng
and the setting to apples of one thou­
sand acres.
But the above flgnres do not begin
I* tell the story. In the past three
years eight western MIehleaa bi.:b
schools have added coarsca In agrirt:!Thirteen granges have been
gantsed, as have also five horticul­
tural societies, five poultry assoebilons and two agricultural societies.
Purthennore three federal farm man­
agement acenu have been ^t to work
and are giving their entire time
the promotion of agricullnre. and
fourth man w11 aoon be in tho field.
Western Michigan U destined
of the
Important aectiooa of the entire mid­
dle west, n has th? dinaie. tb' sol'
sad tbe locatlou to ensure a brlxbt
future, and-ft b now'derelupinz tbe
men and women who wit) make
OM< a certalrty.
School Report
Report of the Sparling achool. Dlat.
No. 3, Pandlae lownafalp. for the
month ending Dee. IS. ISIS: .St
of days ttu^t. 18; nianbcr at pupils
enrolled. 24: number of boys
rolled. II; number of flris enrolled.
IS; ererare dally ettendsnci

Daetfnbar ia. ’
Hoxle Bros, hare pat oa a new Mae
of Stases between thU place and Elk
Raplda'and. are j ulof a vehicle la
which one can ^ aa comrortabla ai
by onu' flresldq it la entirely eacloaed and carrlat a ainaU coal store.
more cold flnaers or cold toes,
ne stace leaves Tmvetaa City
Uoamiy. Wednesday and Friday nwm.
-Ing been tnadd ,
candtlloBs of a certain iDortgage made
Tbs 8. 8. 8 meetTBC last evmlBK in» ratnrnlaa bom Elk RajUda
tbur HInadiU and Qb HlDs4ilL
by Arthur
of theae Toaaday, Thursday and Saturday.
bit wife, to Maacy M. lllnadm, dated
gaidierlnas thla season. - Tom Nobla
the 11th day of October. A. D, 1907.
A raiT plaaaapt social arant waa a and recorded b the offlce-«t tbe regb
Jaa. Mwls. Dr. CooUln and B. Hlokos,
I Alary .Nabla and Joale ealabratlOD of tbe TCth birthday of tar of deeda for Ibe county of Grand
id' auu of Michigan, on
Davit of SIk HapMs and mist Mary Mra. R. A. CamjibaU. Sr., ai the home
lltb da.v of October. A. D.. 1907,
of bar ton. R. A CampbaU, Jr., kn liber
Nohla of Fllot wart preaeaL
■T SS of mortgaget, on pegs SSI.
ESI. on
Monday evanlna'of thla week. A Urse which mortgage there b eblmed to be
of thb notice, for prlnfitaala ft Tttw have aiSd Uia & Wlaim of
bora of Mr. and Mra. CampbaU ware
1 to Oao. A sad Cbaatar Bryan praaaat to randar their ooDgratala- f|iS8X&) Dolbrs. and aa atterner't
tor 11.600 «aSh. as acrat. Inclodlns a Hone and good Mhea. Mrs. Camp- fee of Twenty-Flve ffSS.001 Dolbrs.
<na also UA
t raelpint
of aoreral aa provided for In said mortgage, and
valaabla watsr povar. It U Um lano antt or sinceediaga -m bw having
tandoa of Mfsara. ^yaa to pot la a
the flmneya
caMlna BiU and la the ntar BiWa
Many pooltry rabere ta tbe Grand
they wm Pond a waolcB mill
Trararae ragloa kwt aU their fowb
Notice b hereby gives that by
It of X. V. Daria aa bat winter by <±Ukoo cholera, and tue of the power of eab oostalne
tald mortgage, and the autute It-aneb
dtotrtet depoty for tha couotiaa of the diaaaaa b now aprsadlng In mnny ease made and provided, on Fridar.
Oraad Trararaa sad Laalibaa nafta pans of thb state tn a mtnl an
tbe! 10th day of January. A
A. DVl*'
2 o'clock In the afternoon, the vntt BBMwaiT 8>r him to raslsa aa w. It b worth noftea that Oaorga WU_____ led will
Ibe eoert hobsc la
C. T. of nstns Star Lodsa of L 0. 0. Ibma. a chieiken fkoeiar of graai ra- the city of Traverse City, that being
T. at Lons laha Oa eatarday last mfwo U Iteial Oak. Oakland coimty, tbe.plaee where the clrcuK oourt for
Henry Zlamatmaa waa alec led W. C. says that oaleaa cbom>ad tea and fad the county of Grand Traveree b held.
T. add doly lasuuad with the district to the fo>wb b a aara ewa for thb
" tea. 'it oocasioB anaaa 1st onr falddrr, the pewnla* described in said
or eo
BO. mott
mo^ tberwf
therwf aa may
famen try thb remedy sad report mortgage,
be accessary to'pay the amount so aa
aforesaid due on said mortgage, srl^
V. Bstaicyl ft Company Para lost remHs.
twoaaatad tatBlly slalih.
together with said atteneyh
At tbs Ian fegute maaQig of TrsW coem.
U la smasiy boot and oemloriabia:.
tea. to-srlt: Lots cwenty-tteoe fS)
amd b as PandaOma a ilc as anyeos WSe aty ChaWdr No. m. K. A- 'ir. sad tweaty-lbar 424) of Sm tour
(4). la Perrr Bananh's Third fSN)

cetdd wish <D be tha owner of.
Addltloa to tbe Otty of ~
. jdse Campbell Jobs' Ibdclpher ud
8. rrasknn. couaty btlliUnf commit­
tee appointed at tSe last neeUns of
the board ot aopervlaors. are ihU
«e(4 la the aouth part ot tha state
' couaty bttJMlmcs praparatory to tnaUsK tbalr report la Jaawy.

(& l^Uogg
cash Shoe Stora.
Cofuee C«M and FraM Braeta, Travaiw CRy, MMh

fireoLCT. UNsrr ft uuS***

Attewnera for Maacy Rteidm.'
SSB»40 HneiimaU Btasia*, Ocead
T. 14.». ». dee

Tttooe who were neither tardy nor abeent during the month wcre« Homer
Saxton. George Sparling. }.ectie Sparlinx MalUe Sparling. Les;cr aeUnd.
l.«e Sakton. WUIb Saxton. Henry
Sedr.v, Ida Newmarefa. Lnora KeSer.
SlyrUe Wyckoff. teacher.

since hr b<y»n using MAllVIJLI/S
CONDmO.N POWDER. U ki-cpe' hb
,V ■


general coodtthwlng
«lng ppowder fbr co*
boreea. wt>rk rattle,
ittle. asheep, bogs m
poultry. Price 23 cts. ■ Id by 1

f^*That girt baa rejected me three
tlmm.'* confided the dlaeonsobte
youth. “Well." replied Miss Cayenne,
“you should frel encouraged. A girl
who wlU listen to three proposata
from the same man must think some­
thing of him."

Akfotalcly wnkowi Mil
he "Ka-olar~ metiiod I ran reBy the
tboee aching teeth absolutely
without pain, and without tbe use of
drugs to j>roduce unconsclouaneaa.
People of nervooa temperament and
with weak hearts win appreciate the
"Ka-olar" method of painless extneUon.
worth. Traverse City. Mfct

Uava tbe lataat improved maebinery andawnofactuK my work
in np-toAate designa from tbe
roogta Biaae.
Shane. rrompt
Prompt anention
ftivea all ordm no matter how
amaU. Call or write for pricce.
Tvmvera* City, mwk.
Both phones Mo. «M.
. ......M J Bin, MIBIIMIBI-yuaB MJY W|W

Deliwies Each Wednesday
det oar "Inetrnctions for Killing and

Wtil Pay Hlglkeat
Prices for



732 E. Frtml Sl

Both Pkmtea.

The Little Wonder
h. p. Oaeeltne EnglM
CTyUnder bora. 4 Incbea; atroks 414
Inebea. Good design, bast matertsL
Hopper cooled. WelghL SOO lbs. Starta
easily, ruas steadily; b •
reibble. durable and compbta with
pulley. gaaoUne ask. batbry. ooli and
ewitch. wirad reedy a nii* your eep
arator. wood saw or pump or do any
other doty within tbe capacity of 2H
h. p.; ocroples !tx21k feeL Pries |?6.
UanufactniTd by
WM. JACKSON, Traveree CRy, MIoh.

All Ready


liBH lM-.-n qiiil.' I.risik n1 our Kt<«n' <«iir liiii-s ar.-

still nuitc coiiijilrfi-nml we can siiil'iimst BU.T ^iiirs*- "r fiiiii-y.

TOILET UTS, 3fan»pur»-'
Ni ls, MiliUtry S*-U, Slirrora,
Hniilii-K, ptr.. ill Solid Elmny,

Ivory, ongiiie

Silver, etc.; finest;

miBvl diirHbliatockfd.

line -b'c ever

' LEATHEEOGOMfroin the
In-bt lunkiTM; Pdeket Ituiikji,
Hand Ua|t". Trawling
I'ard Sot*. I*unw«, etc.; all
pricea and styles; an entire
m-w lino.
Wc have the Gilbert and
liclle >lcad lines in fine
oandy—ou belter made—14lb. to 3-lb. boxes.
' '

. KODAKS-Why ii..t buy
the 1)(iy or girl ii lirt.wuM —
♦ l.nO |i> vHl.OU—tvi' liiivtlK'
iiml trill
be glad to show it to yon.
SjM-cial help l« "how
lin.of faiiey HtHlioiiery in lo-Ht
holiday i.Bfka«wi; all n''"'
this month; inexpeiwive, loo,
2Tn' to 81.66.
PKBmCB—The very heat
French and Amcricmi IVrfumes and Toih-t Wat«-rs in
tine holiday parkagps; not
poor.-gtuff, bnt the best and
taust-lasting odors in the
Biariiti't, 10c to 83.00.

Iltimlreda of other itoms that we haven’t apace to menti^.
Conic sod a« for youim-lf.








WaihlRROB. D. C.. Dec. IL-Oon•reaa wBl WUoam uuDorrov for the
CONriBENCt hblldaja. ttt belag the Brut ouHnrd
alcB that Clitiatihis la near at hanC
Some p( the nemhera are lioliic boBe.
but the larger ma}oHt)' Ini/nd to reR^ID here dnHna the receaa. Year by
year the aocUl attnetlons of the cap
the Yuletide seaaon have becone inhre auneruus and brilliant,
HAVE- NOT and the women of the
circle. i>arllLiaarlv iboae with aoelal
ambltlanii. are reluctant to leave even
for a brief period.
Intelocking DirwetoMtaa MMte Ranks,
Thto ForwMfi Brok* Uf'
WNhoift R*w>lta-8«|wr«t* BfOm Orest SyMom of Buab


lilts QUfT ID G8MS


.LoBdott. Dee. IT.—Tbe Turkish end
Greek Beets ere esnsed Id sDotber
betile -St the eMruce oT Ibe LMrdaRelies. eccordlBK to • dls|«ub rtceived here. The news, arrited duriBs the Balkan peace coor«mirc and
increased the friUloa bel«'
Turkish and Greek enro}-8.
Looiloir, Dec. IT.—Decause of |>n>testa h)' the Turklab entxos aKalnct
the presfuce of the Onwk iilont|>olentlariea at the pm.'p c-onreronce.
sessMB latted ohl> three hours.

The Turks refusid to.recoRaize the
Greeks iM-cause Greece has not alsued
the amiistlce. .The Turkish dcleeates
threatened to srlthdraw unlcsa the
Greeka were'eztduded. The Ualkan
envoys tbdar agreed to walk out of
the conference if Turkey rvfuwd to
currrnder Adriaiu>|>lel
The Turkish delentcs nnd Ualkne
euvoj-s held se|iarat« confcrencea this
nflcntoun. Aiiiouk the
jnilltar.r exis-rta It In lM-ll<-vcd that
iHWce i>rospt'cts are none B*o bright.
The deieeali-s agreed to ar<k Sir Kdward Gte.v. fbe nriiinh foivlsn min­
ister .to apiMilnt an Kagllshntan
reUry of*the conference. It was
leanioE todar.tbal all tbe^ovoya )>ear
l•Ieui|>utenUary i>ow'i-rs.
Tliey can
aim n Anal treaty as well as in-Kutlate
for peace.

M wnsp

^'aahlngtoB. Dec. 17.—T^e dmlaation of B^venty-flve billion, three hun­
dred tweniy-nve tnlUlon ckillara ot the
natloo’a wealth by eighteen leading
ireau WHI Take Charge . of All BMUu-lal firms
evidmeu pertaining to show the artmil
SartU Claua Lettern-OMtrkt *
of a moiK'y trust.
Nurse Busy.
Diuee loWith Christiaas but seven days
S«ay and with inauy ihiD^ to look
after and phn for. the lluroau of As­
sociated CharitUu is <iu'ile the busiest
place In the city thli woel:. If the
eencral public would atop (or Just one
moment and conaldw the aioount of
work that has been carried on by the
bureau this year, the atnmim of %ork
that must necesaaiily be dune for the
C'hrisiDiss ioy of hundreds ctf ehlUn-n.
the lUUc time in which there
do It. the;y would be Kunutaed.
With a list of foriv-IU- fatuities now.
which RiUKt be |irorIdi-d for. aiid with
the iiciiuiihility of nearly as many more
which will eume to the notice of Ibe
bureau jhU week through Kants
Oaus lellf-rs sent by little chlldreB.
be rciidilv uudersiotal lltal there
lias gut to be Home husilins dnae

F^ve firms, Morgan Company. Gaar(
anty Trust. Itankers’ Trust. F*lrsl NaUonal and XaUqgal City Bank
said to have 3<l dlrectora in li: coraggregate rewoureea of
twenty-two billion, two hundred forty
million duUarw.
The- firm ot J. T. Jiorgan & Oompany
ik held up aa.Uie "heart'' of the al-;
eged combination. The data .pre­
sented to ibe cuuuiiRlee
thi. work of liilny expert me
Sutiaili* showed that 180 ma
great banks and trust nmipaales: M
directorahlpe in II giant Inwrance
cotuiKuilt-s: i;» diri'ctofwhipw li

take dlty, Dec.
O. QaEney
(d CkdillM baa
Judge Lmob
act as ptoaeentor of
...----- jjnuary 1.
yeMorSvr wrolo a totter
to Governor Oeborn in wbfrii he cengiR«d him for remoring Praaeeuting
H«ry kmtner. Sheriff Wnitain H.
Brog-n and Poor
Jamea bJ Wright and untD Satnnbiy
held tbeioplDloB Miamokee wnnty
Services WUi be HgW Fri^ Aftorneeded M> tyooecator onfll January,
when the' new nan will talM the oath
Mmabwa of Biahiin' Will
of office i

EtEdCr lOSTtCEi^

Chotoe Wa* Ntoda by CRy C<
F«a af Papular

-C. L. MeAhrey of the ‘Welle Htgii^
ompeny, returned tost algbt from a
FMkY buUnato trip la tbe aoatbmg
part «( tbe Mato.


Va. arrived to (be elty toiay to d»M«.
tbt,«oUdaya at ber iMto* berm -




tlrafion Hae Bmr SUrted to
Ftod Out Cauae of the
AeelduH '

Ashubala. Dee. 17.—An laveatlgatioo has been atarted to place the reaponalbllity for U« night’s week,
when eight Uvea were loet.
•ay the grade croealag
wore not towered,
lAke Shore freight to d
Ashtabula street car. The hoiUM of
eight vlcdmaWrere recovered from the
WTwlutm: thla afienxxML

JsAaoB. Mick, Dee. 17,-Cnpttln
Frank Blnrttmna of tbe MIehtoaa Nattoaal Guard, of tbU city, wbo waa
•ome time ago arreeted In
with the deaw of John BMy, wbo was
shot near the pMltenttory daring the

Mia A c. DaMelpb toft today

HoUead where abe wlU. visit tar •
short time with trtandA
a C. HammI ef OattoH arrived ui
the city today for a abart vtolt with
cMy, hr the eonmoa oouacfl, to SB
J. V. CdgawQod. who baa beaa hi
London. Dec. IS.—It was definitely tbe racobey oauaed by tbe teelgaale dtp fw.abiMi time te.rgttopal
decided today that th^ body of the ttoa of Oereeee H. BaaeiU. wbo wUI
to ble heMh «t'Ttttc.TMk*«lty.
Mte WhIteUw Reid. Amerkmn
become Judge of proheie.
A A Jehaeen mid •^"-toft toMy
sador to England, wlD leave DorcheaIt U cowldered ittbee raai
r BtottW wbetn toey wtU
> at IS a. m. Satantoy
tountey to America aboard a British
warship. Mr*. RsM pians to toave for which was aroaned during
Amsric* aboard the Hear
irouhU. As It wiA It was only aftar
day. None of the Reid fam­ five faallou had beM taken that , tbe here for a sboH tine before lekriag
tor e wwkY Ytalt ek Chahaygab.
ily win accompany the body on the dedsloa wu reached. The vote
P. L. Pigaae* ef tbe PreneN Patof
hattlnhlp. '"
nine to eeven. la Blackman's favor, oa
Co, ot TetodA ia to tbe etty. tv a
United Slates embaaay in London wUI the fifth helloL
days oa 1
probably accompany the bodn
The office pays a aalary of (900 per
O. T. Yaimg «f ftotoap. vdie Mr
rial servlcea win he held Friday aftyear, which, toretber with tbe feee
been TisiUng to tbe» aty for tbA pav
tbe office, aanent to
few days toft tbia momtog fer TVaepabout 11,400 per year. Blackman wU
r up betore tbe people at tbe
U I. Miller toft today far
apring toeettoto bet It le ibeuiAt that
witb hla victory la the couaeU be win wbva be win be tor A tow

The Madeets



stand a fair dmaee at tbe popMar
Rto >edirMB aitownd to hto hento
et Bay Oty today after a ebort tIMt
In-tbe dty with trteeda.
Prtcas eorrocted each day by wtre
roa ChleacA DeOvHt. TdUdo and
(Pri» Wedaeedayb BedorMntfAl
luSato through Dalted Pttm
E- o. Itodimeei toft tfdb awMAg
graph oerrMA
Chartea 8. HanltMi le Dead at Orand tor his hoM at DMiwit after a taw
dera la the tdty m Vr^hi .
0. F. Hill left Able atorwtat ibe
Grand Rapids. Dee. il.-Cbartoe 8. Grand RapOds wbsew be wIB »* lv
4^ heed ot the HazeF ahoat a wedk oa imiiiM.
tone. PerklBi Drug oomimny.
1. Merten ef i
four dimtorahipe In one
and premlneat In many Graad Rapito bee* la tbe (dty for a ahert tteP oh
company, while (faeee "Inlertocklag
eaterpriaea. died laM night of hrighth haaliMto toft tbto mornlag for Cbd&>
> Weetem Michigan Next
dlreitmtcs'; wei» tmlng «bown. J. I*.
Ml HaxohoD* was eonnl to Mb lacc.
Ian under PreaWant Ctovstand.
The bureau will lake care of all Morgan awaited examinatloo by tho
ChaA Peek and wife toft fer thatr
survived by a widow amt tour
Santa I’lauK IcUera. On Saturday romaiUtee.
Secrelairy John I. Glbaou, of the
Chicago. Dec, IS,—WbenL 8«c. Com, daughter*, one of whom la tho CoantIlnge crowda beedged the commit­
Glen? Were A large number of them.
we^Y visit wtGi trtoada la lb*
M Montgelas of Berlin.
are i>ouriug tutu .MIm Knec-^ tee numa and women foagbt for reau has' received a letter from
utitre- each da.v. Some ofAhe rrciursl choice aeeu while hnndreds were tkNtdwto.iuf the firm of J. A H. Goo(|-^
beneter RehL Waltar toft tbter
pre very modest, otheru are pitiful, tiimed awB.v.
Boralng for DetreiL
Chicago. Dec. 18.—PoUloee quoted
J. P. Morgan arrived at the immey win of Haacbeater. England to whom
while Kiill otbers r«me (torn children
Butler left this awmiflg on •
■net committee room shortly before Ihe apples from Rent county were at42<r4Sc
who only think It the pru|>er thing
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦«♦♦♦♦♦ week'i haalaato trip through ladiashlp|<ed. Saying ibat the spies tn the
prepared to uke
Event Waa ''Celebrated
.(Prom Tueeday's Record-Eagle.)
trrite the good old Santa Ki fill their
and Keatatfty.
coDsIgnment were Ibe finest that they
sloc-klugs on ObrUtmaii eye wliii all etaml. lie will Im* called late today.
HrA John Iwiie at Mertbpwt; ■
Arthur L. ’
se<-n and reminded them
I.. "and then
The big rush U sttB on at the grtat visiting ber etater Mr*. BneTT, whp
the gItiK the kcmIk i>ruvide,
made bis headquarter* la thla dty
the tamu|iB S))ics that they used to nrlYla. u the farmers are getting all
: I*ec. l«.- On Doscni. aoiiie." Tlieai- letters ^uuiit all be in
U el Mra Hardy's beapkal on Bevtime baa been removed to
thirty year* ago from the tliclr grain in tbesf good daya The
ber IS. is::. l.«vlala 6mllh and Kitl- teetlxined. the right llcings Imiighl for
euth atrecL
i»f OnUrio. when that see­ b(«n market U fairly good and the
-inorp Buck wt-rc married ut llinlsuli the right lillle hi'} or girl, and the
Mr. aed Mm r. W. Pehly ef OroeA
C. a Perry left tbia merdag far
the k-adiug ni>|>le cuuulry l>rice remains the same. Three hon*
Mlth.. and to celebrate tb-lr 40th on- right stcK-king filled with the right
Elk Rapidi where be wfll he ftp a
.\mi-rlcan coailneat. The dred and fifty bushels were received wood. SL Cnair county, ^ch..
nivi-rsaiT of that happy oent.
tbingK. The burt-uu will be gralefiA
Sides to III- xUipmeat sold for UM )<'St<-RUy'- Doe man had one hundred gueeu of KoT. I». H. Pohly at the Bv- abort Ume on boaineas.
Dielr <dd-Um« frh-wla an-I-aeliil-bcrs
one «(id
angelical paieoBage.
E. W. Wither end wife ratemed
per burr^ ami
■tlKfucior) and nine fnmhela in hU toad.
aiuoug wliuu) were klra. .MII<e Buck will be glad to answer all calls.
lest night from Bagfaaw where they
that thi- rm decided to send tw
aud <fi>luren oT'<NRdam>e. S|W M<
The pouto market was a utUn tfsjr,
Just now there are a wmlH-r of
Statesmen to Form a
have been rtoltliic with reUUvee tor
perieuivd apple puckerK from Kng- ot so many teams were la. Only SOS vlaUing in the clg- for a few days.
and Mrs. Wolf of Heed CU.v. gslheted
en and women ou the emidoyim-iit
New Cabinet.
C. W. Ashton of Grand RapMa wbe the past few day*
land into W'esicr* Michigan next bushels were *-elgbed.
at Uielr new farm borne near Wtl- list 3t the bureau, wbu are IcwAitig (or
A L. Tyler, wtm hae been In the
to been in (he city for a few days
i-lr own expense to overaee
tuowluirg Saturday.
work, eaiieelally liu-n. They will clgi
ToVio. Dec. 17.—Prince Taro Kal- iho pack Qg of Bhlpuents that they
left this moming for Cadillac where city for tome time oe hoainaw toft
The bouae waa .beautifully decotut- odd Jobs, uke a job b.v the day. week
ira wa< ti’.l:i) ajipeiiitod premier'l>> will mak next Keasou. Tltls action
he wni be for a abort time on basl- yesterday for CedilUc where be wIU
ed. the color arhocne heiaa n-d and
month- while the women will dn the
siKwial priK'lumuiiun of the emrlalt for a abort time before retar**
the fact (list jiome of the
Itiven, evergreen and bells belug
me in alnioal every iiratnuce. There piTor. The emiwror look the matter
appU-K in liie slilpment sent tfal*
T. & Blaekman toft this memii« tog to hU home at Mtoam. Fla.
used prutusely.
Ik always mere or leas cwtra wcu-k
bis own hands when the cider
Georg* E. Culver left tMe moming
for hU home at Pontiac after a two
found lu be too loosely lulck
A iNwntiful dinner waa served, afler during the Christmas week In the
atalesnien fallcl to form.a lablncl.
bis home at Manistee after e abort
a result they were sev«s-*woHoi’ visit with reiatlTe* aag friaoda
which mash-, readings and redtatlons boiiK-s ami alorc-a of the cltv. and the
Kuifura iuix hell] the same cQii^ ibctime to the dty.
in tbe city.
In truuUt Apples for the
■were 111 order, ibb
bureau urSPDlly rc-gueats that ancone
Mm. T. RanUna toft tMe emmlng
E. E. Coltmae and wife, who have
BngUah tgarket are aU packed la Ui
Deeding help will please nollf/lbe
was-tery evMeul that the elderLv general sujierlntendcmt. who tnay ativli. box^ fruit not fladlag favor a
been viaiUag with retotlvea in tbe tor e few days vlaft wlGi trtoods and
elty for tbe past few days left lb relaUves to Maalatee.
*'grouiD~ yvas more pnuid of
be readied b.v phone No. 3TI. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ yet in ll e t-yes of the buyer on lb
Harry CHspen, whe hea been.vlelt.
Bornlng (or their boaie at Cadillac.
"bride.'' with ber pink cheeks and and' she will supply the,»i
other Kll^ Of tthe water.
O. A Fwnter retumad to hla honw iiig with friendi and ratotives la tbe
IcMUful auow-4^aw hair, as
UnaB<-il Hrow-n has moved into the
city for tbe paM few days left tU*
mov^ amnog her guests, then be
Aan Arbor (hla moralag after
A word about Ibe niedfr*! laKpecBioraing (Or bis borne at Hart.
could have bee* 10 years ago. when tloD of Oie achoniK in whk-fa the bu­ olJ'Wm. <YlKp bouse, now owned by
few da.v* In the city on buelnesa.
K. K. Scofield.
a O. Hamilton and Chea CereeH
she stood at the nhar and proculsed
Mra. T. W. Flehar left Ibla morn­
ll ibtereatc-d Ik'not amiss at thlc
Itovid Itolfe returned last week
to love, boour and <«artah blui through lime. For each school building in the
ing for'^prand Raplda where she will left this moraing tor Toledo where
d In tha -flex Case
visH for'aboBt e week wtth relatlTM. tbw will be tor aome time oa .beelcity, there Is a volunteer idiysiciBi
lulled by the lllnesa of hla brothMr. and Mr*. Ilu^ were reaWenU who coea once each w.-ek to (be build­
R. A Olpao^ e( White Ctoed le In
lie left him much improved
C. a Brown end wlfo toft thle
of Bk Itaplda :j years ago. and atlll ing to Inspe-S In general, and In par-,
the I'lty for a abort ume on husloesa.
Sheriff, Sbnter and Jim McCoy have
number their frienda by their aequalo- tb-ular .the case* which have l>een
M. D. Flake ef the Orand Trwrerea morning (or Otaad BapMi gbere
oei'Upied'tfae wFinesu stand the great­
twried during the week by tlie dialrirt
Auto 0>.. has returaed troa^a -trip they will vUit tor a few daya
er part hf today In the case iff the
T. F. Btapleton ef Oatrell. wfw Itoe
At the Hose of the dv Uie Ru«sU nur-e. as reqalriag special att-uSton.
FARM FROMICCthrough bis lerritofT sad reports a
Northpiiri i.vKi weidt FYi-d Avery, also people vi. Joseph D. Rex. Both w
beaa to tbe dty tor aevonl days oa
'tlc^arlod for their homew. each
For inch school Vmt la
» s»-hool
Price* corrected every day.
number of Ford aalcA
pearing to wltneaaeg for the prasooipreaalng the earhrat -wish that k(e visitor, whose duty U la to l.'Bm,lroro left for the aame ^ace Thursday.
.-OTA. McKMey toft yeetarday for r> riaeas Ml this atoratog for CedUtloo. and both will prove Important
where Le wiU be tar a abort Ume
uilght -W fcermitied to attend the the liwcher which children show lack
'Detroit'where he will be for a
berere rrtuming to*>la boate.
golden wedding annlreraary ot Ibeli of pco|K-r ikime care, who In Inm re- rived home Thursday night fi
day* oi^ buslneaa.
As evlkeoce In coon there nve sev­
short bridal trip to ('eiitraJ lAk« to
hoat and hoateas.
the vlsllng
eral aniplea of grearing npparel,
Thla waa one of the tnosthdelighl- whom thcie is abo one for each ward, find the house filled with friend*
bu been In the dty for aome tlSM ber home at Zeeland this moralag
coat and hat among them, that are
Dll galhering U has ever i>een the good aud who goes to theme dlfferent.lwme* find the bouae tilled with about,'»
oa hualneto Uft this moming tori after a few deyr vfeit wiU (NMMe
post-d to have bee* worn 4>y Rex
fortune' of the gneata to attend.
to asvist and teach the mother who is of the friends and neighbor* of the
Maalatee. where be wltt be fw a few to tbe city.'
nigbi It is aUeged be was prowF
W. A Btohferd ef KlagMy regara*
Iiurdeaed with the care of a home and
ORAiPt—Hannah A, Lay Oa
to hte boma
come them. All wished them a happy
rbibiren *h<> Ji>csinot. In so
A E. Loowe rwtwiwd to hlo homo ed to hle .boae tbeee tbto tooratag
booty to-‘be pul under the porch, u
life together.
sianrea.NiDuw' Iwiw to-care for
after a abort time to tbe eity oa '
: Mt. Fleaaant Ibla morning after
Ura Mltea Buck and two chlMrea answer to a threatening letter
alMUild. This work baa all been Inweek la tbk cNy.
to Mr. irowtoon. Mr. McCoy said
troduci>d this year ami the reanlt* arrived lust week: fre
- Decker of i
YowitE Higliwaymen Sentaneed
K. A Boulton and wife left this
(hat (he: gnrmepu were tlmilar to
have Ix-cn BUirrlKiag. In some In- ■pend the boHdsya at the Back home
Carrying Weapotw.
moraing for a weekY vWt with rela- baa returned to bis home there after
those worn by ttox. so far u he bonid
stancestthe moiheia hare confessed, here.
e tew days to the cUy ea haditoe,
Uvee al ManMae.
Iktrnlc Cooper bad moved his fam­ diailagui^ on that evening. ,Mr. Me
Clileago. Doc, 17.—The new law fix­ after working undw the new |dan.
C. C KeHar left tor hie heme at
ily from Traverse ffty into the tenant Coy acroBpaaled Sheriff Shtiter when
visiting wttb releUvee to tim etty fur
ing the iH-naliy for rbbbery wiili deacT- that they bad kaowa they were doing
went'oa the trail of the black
Port Haron this moraiag after sev­
houM- on the Fox (am.
tew dajA
>y weatsHis wsk Invoked here when wrong, but they had never had anyhan^ letter writer.
eral days la (be city
M. J. Oxterd left today for Me
two young higliwaymcta were sen­ ouc slmw.tbeni any dlffeienL
Byroe Lyke ef MiMiepeftA in I"
old neighbors gathered at the F. C.
tenced III life lenns by Judge Durfce.
tbe dty rlsttbig et tbe beeto of hla borne at Oraad Rsglto, alter a weMi
Itnck home la« Satarday
Juaeih WitUaiiiK'and George Jtebler.
la to dty Ml ImMnme
denghter. Mr*. Joha NTlto.
Mr. and Mrs. Buck in relebrattog their
Wootfetl and uRfe tmue heconteased bandilK. are Just 21 yrars
Mra Chto. Mabem ef Kelt
flUh wedding anaiverwary. A fiao dlaold and Judge liurke rommented on
toraed ftem CtodnnaU, wbaaa they
been le the city Tor the past few days
to those pr^t and Care SheuM be Taken in Wrtting Adthis In Imisislng sentenres.
have beaa vMttMg; tat the pM|-td»'
several redtUloua by Hr. Power*
> "it Is a sad iblng.' he.aald, *bet so MACfelNAC TRANSFORTATION CO.
were very murii enjoyed. Many wlafaei
Jaa. Ouan hj a left tor FlerMe whmY
rlety moat be prolecied. Here we have
MfA W. T. HeaMey. a*e IVE*iaii
Bittoe ^ poMolffce at Uantoton. <
for many more of these aanivermries
he. wUI spend the wtalto.
two nbli"bodlc'd yomg meu who have
rtoiUng la <b etty PV a dew tma.
has bsM
were expressed by Mr. and Mra Buck.
J. H. LudHTom ef Oetrok. le to the
Hides ..
cast aside every |>rx>s|iM-t In life, but
bee returned to bv botoe at
Another one of the seriH of parties all mall Which Is addressed to klaple- OOf ...
JuKUce can only say (hat tbs severity Charge Too Much for Carrying Paabeing given to the ntombers of -*------- toB geesito the Hapletoa postoffice in Tallow .
W. B. Btenlay left thle mendng tor
of the punlsbaent la fiticMl to- the
A V. jehneea left ladey ter Manto
sengem Over StraHa of
No. 2 and 3 of the Sunday achool wa* Iron eotoaty. upper- peninsula. The Na 1 b
....«Ud Md <m lUriPor Btock. whtoe be wlO vlaU 9m- Hque, where be win be tor tbe fw '
Mackinac. '
Cbriatmaa party held last Wednfs- mall for the
a few days hetoto toevlag for CbUaday night at the R. 8. Oov bem^ proper R. J* D. route u|ion k In order
V Rtoa HfedM to IR
get to the addiwaa. Tbere iv also
Mr* Clow and Hr*. Charlea Eaton
D. E. Owdgeon and wife of leiiltt toe dty tor a few daye oa badMH,
me mtol recelred addreeaed to tmag
were the bosU-ssea. The house
end retnraad to tbtor booae at tbeee
a a MiMiiinisi ad EBt RMRtf
decorated Ih red and green, wtth a Lake, and as tbsre la no' jMstolflci at
tbia moratog after a weekY rtdt with arvtved to tbe dty today far a ^rt|
• Wan One of^Mrolfe WoaHhk
Oabom Asked the <
mlnUioM Christma* tree whldt held the U>ng Imke near the dty/tMs mail
relatives and friends la tbe dty.
f te bto bMp tt
the Long Lake poMoffice In
veitleate (he charge.t
Lwda for the gueau. ApH. W. Lattts lettFwed in Me heme Bey City.
the aouthem part of the statA
Mackinac propriste dtriatnu
ratem are charged by
at Holland this morning after a weto
Mm. A C Cask V RMtolm. to !•
. Delioit, Dec. IT.-Mr*. Helen Ilan Trausiioriatloa cumpaay* for carrying played and an iatonnnl program glv-'
ta tbe ettr oa
too dty (or a tow d^ ridt
dy Newbmy, widow of the Iat**3abo iwBspngera acroas the atiaita. The
IJght T^reehtaenU were perved
w. T.
Fred C Lemmem ef CMeoRi |g M
Btughtoa Newherrr. died or hi-arij n».-roor iiointed oat that the present during the evening. It U hoped to
from Detroit where be bee bev tor tbe dty tor a tow dope OR tm^m.
fallur* today. She waa o* of Dc ' rate was over Mx ceaU a mile. Gov
tbe post lew days aa laRiiiiA
A F. VeadHtoel bee rotoraed «g>trvdt's beat kno«» women ift w«al(hL-ri>or Dsborn advocated a three dbt
X a Wyaa. who baa baaa la the hto hoaie at Whgeetoadeg aftor « and norial pnaHtoR.
dty for dome Ome vtoUtog wKk rd- Nkort TtoU to the dty.
. :-',g






Local Markets'


Z--..... .........



N. C. I
______ _____
thg^u tbe eMt ftp tkrgpM tew dob
toft tbli moralag fot bla





HEW uwmyoe



HilL ^mmiD


^..................... g!
^ ..................... S



...^V • .


Kingsley Department

Fife Lake Department
Conducted by MIm Ma^wey.

Conducted by MIm Edna Wall.

We witBt to make tkis Depettment-o( the
grsAtost poadUe nine to all BOBOdnnd and- tp
this end request that all items of personal au.'
^gaeral intowft he eent to Misa Dewey to be- '
iaompmated in the Detriment We eepecially
ask that churches, fraternal societies amlt ^
Orange famish items of interest in tinlr respeetiwe MgMixations. News of social erents and
entertainments, improvements being made or eonmd bostnen Ganges and tmufers is

The people of Kiagtley and the sniroasdinf
toimtiy are all iDtentted is thii Departmest.
We -ihall be ^Ad to have mdiridiudi. churches,
■the Oraafe, fr&tersal societies aod sU othCT or•
• tA___
1 •b&sd- is
of news,:____
' I of meetings, notices .erf entertain­
ments, bssinen changes, public
being done or contemplate^ sales of real estate
in town or country, and any other items of gen. enl interest. Send all Hems to
Edna Wall,
who has diarge of. tb» Department.—Editor
Mr.'and Mrs. Gmi. F^rrinsUw and
.Ur. >'arr of l-eKor, Rich, buuxlit
aoe Raymond wera Traverse City Rapids ut U>o lioepimJ,, U wme U*tu-r
calk-rs last Wednesday.
jat present
Mr. snd Mrs. W. Sorensen visited
Isaac Nesma^
Arthur in TrsTerse Cliy City today <» .bus
Thursday and Ftldar.
Pred llsllaila^ returned from Purls,
liOuU Ylnirtlna took a car load of MIrh.. last PYldayi whero he was atcstOo to Detroit todsy.
I t,-ndlnK to some business for his son
Mr. Ornober of Ttsverso City wssjBnrlas.
In town on business Monday.
j Mam' .Vlbripht Is here visitins his
Mr. Psrr of l^Rcy. MIcOu bouKht'
Mow.inl Dunn, lie has
two car loads of rafUe. hues and Jusi •i.'iumed rr.«n,
sheep and shipped them lo Detroit' -ti.-t. Issbier Is assIsUne with the
■ wuiv at iIk- bumv of Mrs. Cluis.'
Adolpi|MW.dl(.-n went to Deirtili
day. sb^ he expects io wutlt thu' -Mr. Fenton, who has Ix-eii vert- slik
jwiih <iuiusy for the past wc-k. is
t^-eroK Koan. who has bo|n wort- some belter,
ins. in IVtrolL h;u b.-.-n hoow- for a’ .The Baptui LodW Aid will confew days with liU family. returnInK dmi their wilt- Ihreo thiys >he la*i
jot Ibis we-k.
Miss FMiih Voehiiitr and Ed Mo.x
gchanks and Sliss Jesvero muted In msTThtae at the BapUsi iwrsoBare bun lYIday evenins. , pan „ts at aty Sunday. '

Horn to Mr. notl Ut>.. V.rn Rich- . Tli- n«» She-cSi
nrdson, ou lYUay. IK-r. GHj. a son.
on Mundat. Iie<
Mrs. Ta. ,tt Green, mss in <«IIIsc
from Monday uutilH''rldii> evruiiiit.
, teacher.
K t'lendcotton
Tlbblta traiuarCed tmsiiii«M in
Mantofi from Wednewlay unitl Baiar- ItidleiKiuxh Man
farm, which be

srlKiol.was oiu-Ut-d
iSth. for ■- *'- •
Reid of Amte s
s mpvM froni'M^
iiu ihcCbas Ikg^
s reiiic-d'lor

Miss Ixntise niiUhHi^ Is III, witli
.\all«r has
Kalnds and has ^Kbl
. .Mr-'. G. <’. Oii-.nh ••f \lon«*loiia was
aud luuK
In lewD-aticmliny tu luibiii* -^i matter^ WednwCa' lie
ihl.-'. week. '
Mnt. R. E. Wallers aii-l i»u wins]I Mrs. l» K I Ills and SMS. David
nrnisl home Tuesday
^■irt lu Tra^y-se t'i.) Salurday.
- jt and StfWHnI.
-mhlLa-jsli ai Rehoulcrafi.
Mm. .MUHs<iit III Traverse City vU-^
.Mm. Ttlfaiiy uiu' «u.«t. Misx Ha
r»l her dauKht-r. Mis. Klmer U.-a<^-.|
ialkask'a tiaiurilay
.rise *
over ibinda.v.
MI1.K l-Mna. whose
Kalkaska meet her danaM
Horaee Flan-lers was
-liool cloM-d o: IViday,'
raller Sal unlay.
med Satnrday
ni' .Alex l.yle n t imed
Sirs. K. C. Hrowtr reiurni-d from
w>-,-ks' vacatioL
dark, on Tues lay eveuini:.
( bar. H|:in,iir Kalkaska was In town ipenl with reli Ilv.-H and friends
Sarnia and Fei olia. Oetarlo. :
Tucsdiiv on ^sinesa.
1-M .Mills aM mildly luive move.1 ‘ iron
!>ort Huron,
Huron. i:
I>twiol; and Grand Ka|>jiT^*! nt^ «lier*
^ number of the friends of Mr. from Siwinabi'ld into the ludlebanph ids.
Mm. Mamie Wtese and Will Pick
•Ihftt tenlev la oalto al<-k at Ihbi
JU-. and.Mm. Gray of Manlon were ens were niarrl.^ ai ibe home of the
im.ln. .. ,1,. !«»,.
rii'-ri.s of .Mr, lind Mm. Jas. I.yle at Rroom's motli.-r. Mrs. Chat.-DeHart.
rtlW™. .|.« S.«d., Till.
Tl..;l iv,.l„.l
kill- r>iv buiel OUT Sunday.
Thurwduy. IkT. 1
naik was in ' Trayerae t’iry | furl (’amplkJi
... 1___ ______ ___
. ' .1-..
.day from .lennii
Mrs. f'hxs. foo's. who has heeil
-»ol>nBon of Reed f.ty WM •?. MomUi-. iransaciiri;
Mm. Knighi of Ijiki- in the Wood.., Fi-.i Bim.alV
very 1111 the last wvek. is eome U--ter at this willing.
Huron f-hij:ine A Thri-shcr Miiim-soia. Is here visiting rolatU-iK j Iha-ly Clark h
ami friends f<’i it few vui-kiC
> IP--, sur-.t vor oc
Mr. and Mrs. Ib-ier M.iili and l-Mii:-.- <’»w|Kitiy of I'ort Hun.n.
Miss la-la Brower nrii»ed hoim- hisnsfislatiUter NIU w<-re Traverse risy visitors
1’--n Hayes V.-ni r. Mmilori or. bos|TWt dav-* v<liins to
her hoiida.' T The
over Sunday.
} ireos Saturday.
was tilled by
Eniertainiiiciit i-imrs
v.icatlitll l.iilii I!i1l:-!a1e ■-ollege.
Andrew Sarr. win. has been :.i His
Ih-o. /T.

Our Holiday Sale Brings
Many Specials in Women’s Wear

Our Premiums
make the best oi


There never was a Clirisimas Season when you could huy Winter Garments
of such h'lgh-jirade, at such low .prices. Holiday Sale
a cent of cost
Prices prevail throughout the entire department. ■
to you, these tickets given
vi-liy -01
.bouc-loK. plnxli. tsiratul. l*tr»iaii lonih.
with every 50c purchase.
__________ ___ _
xHoiir. eir.

Women’s Coats

CHINCHILLA^niid Coals at $9.50, $11Aa $14. $1€.S0 and $tS.S0: wc.nh sirr.o 10 J3--.O0.
CARACUL .-.lilt irony Skin Coats atSS.BO, $12.50, $14 and $1A50. vorih
fij.-o to
PLUSH ana I't-rsian l,ai<;b Toxtilo FaituMils .-a $13.50. $16.50. $24.50 and
$35j wiinli a |!ro.vt d.-al more,'
............ ..
•AJAAA. \Coats
\fU,0 .,1
and $«.|h.
Alt now.-i.t Stjlf* of »ilk.
v.-lvi'l drt-sses In this s.-alc at rcduriid
jirlc- .

Women’s Dresses
Ladi^* Soils
N.w.-*i Fall and


Ladles’ For Sets
i Klk-

I $8.50. $11.50. $14.50, $19.50.

Always make food gifts.
' f rard relectrer
‘s ^dn>
men’s na
5c. lOe. 1

5?f rs

Here is wrat yeu;ga Free v
. Premium Tic-tlfc:

DOLL CUTlhito.
sunI (CASEJi
CHE8 ‘,
riiu mooSe.

Gloves ao4 Hosiery

Tickets will be
good all next year.

Every kind and IStyle for men.
.-•omcr and children.
cbildrcr. Wool gloves,
knit., glevts. tur lined glovu, kid
glovrt. ttc. Silk hose, wool hose.
*’I price!. Many
put up II Christmas-b


There Is no easier way for you to save from $2.50 to $8.50 than
to come to this store tonight or vrithin the next feW'days and Invest
In one of our good winter OverxoaU at these exceptional Holiday
Sale Prices.

These Overcoats are
$10 to $28 Values
. made up In the very but
styles; long 50 and 52-inch oaaU In both light and dark patterns of
swell novelty cloths, sa well as nrford and plain black; coats with the
convertible storm cellars: neat 46-inch length coats with the dreuy
velvet collar^—coats that are eW’a good value-at $10. $15, $18, $20.
$25.00 and $28.00. We’re selling the'entire line at pHcu never before
offered on garmenig of like quafity^730. .49.60.' $10.90. $13.65. $16.50,
and $19A0.

Boy’s Oncosts at $160* Sf.95j $2.40* $39S
$4.90 and $6.0it
W.j give Premium Tickeu with every ,60c purchase.

aade of good Irish Frietc, wiUi
storm collsra thv way ytri
.like them, at s|k^;1cI prices,
$4.50 and $7.50.


Store Open Evenings.

^ good

Traverse City

for 10Ml—the beet t^k tnoney ou
buy. at spcdal prlcae.
$3.95. $4.95, $6A0 and $7.50
Sn~’p lined vests at» awl $3.5$.

Impereooator Wsworth ______
•who Is an artMt in his Use. The
tertalnmeat was enjoyed hr aO wrfao
Uyron Newell leaves tor Toledo on
Thursdsy. where he baa employment.
Hlgli aelwol.
Bad roads and westber U canslns


Edha Teacbovt ai^ Tracy Sewell
are aUunt from echoid on aeeosnt of
Half a dosen new chairs and lum­
ber for tRbfet has arrived for bookWu4B. Co
keeplaR purpoaea
The seventh and elphth eradesgroRrapby elanc-s are making a careful
study *»f Cbiaa. *
niy Saturday to do her Chriatmaa ^rthiort High sChodL A i»t-lnck dlnThe tenth Rrade general h^ry shopping.
,.er was aervt-d .«t4*.:piIo.k. The.
dahs are making a special eiuby of
Miss Wlnoifred Reardkt wlU have -u-nlns was speo^'-A
the relliflousiibaBe of the Preach re- her Christmaa tree and A program
J. Jm kacn left lg« week
seek fjr
fSrW^, ■
1 Christmaa eva AH an welcome where te will sjieiid the winter.
A. Bentall and fnniHy hare moved
Inteemetflete Department
> attend.
Flomle Clark 1^ on the sicfc list.
Mrs. Uraee WUaon was the gveaf nio the llemnll farm, which la about
a mile south of town.
One of our hoys bad to learn-the of-Mra. I.. E. Bales Monday, a
that the frosty axe and a warm
Faed tVllaon west to Traverse City
thngue will KiUk together. He prob­
Monday on apecial buainiwa.
ably-will bo wiser hel-eaflhr.
Mrs. Eddie I.ake Is on the gain
DavM mils is'back to tx-htwl again
Miss Mary Stpiley spent Sand^- at
All hope fur her speedy retovho'.
after a lens atua-ni-i- on a visit
her home.
Bohoolcrnfl. Belding. Gr<-enville and'
Mr. Schneider of l.ake Ani^wl
Mrs. Harry Ultrlan left faturday
Grand Rapids, v
be at nit residence oa Tuesdays a=d for VUni to vh'.l he- ihiugbl^r, .Mm’
l-'ridaya to recelie the taxes
PHrrary Department.
Another puidl. Orland liamm, has
Mr nnd Mrr IM Corbet acd rbiP
Mrs. Viola i.ak<>. <'c9. I.ake. Mrs dr- n U 'tt-i Sunday at C. K. Mallory'*.
enrolled n-i-klr..; S. for liiia
Vivian Baker Is back to cchool Crat-e Wilson and Mrs. I.aura Bates
Ml*. Kdlh- Fnetnan was hun uoiie
again after an ahio-iire. Nlic will go'were the gueiits of Mra. Floia A scrloiailj- Kilday evening when her
Rood City JYidaj for an extouded l.*ke the past week, also Mrs. Myrtl- horiM- ran away sad throw her out of
tho edttar.
An assoitniom of piilori- ' of hohies
Mr. nod Mrs. Ry. R. llat-s .and r.
Mrs. E .R. Arthiir of Scourille is
has iH-eii gaihcred lj> dlTirent pujiUx. W. Rothgeb droji over to see
bi-r daughter. Mra. C. B. MaP
Wheeler-Murphy Wedding.
lund Mrs. Carl J; Bates Sunday.
Mrs. l.e»ls I'lueUmanti-l and Miss
■ One of the mos.1 elaborate weddlags
rin ifar went to' Kal:
of ihV season took place oa Sunday; UTnitred Benedict were «t Trau-rtc wedk.'where he has a
cooking la
l>ec. tf'lh, at the home of .Mr. and Mrs. Ciiy Saturday. .
John Mathes In SpiingfleM. when
Her Id. .
Mra: Sophia KuhrahABd Miss Mary
.Miss lila-lys Murphy, daughter of Mrs.
Smiley v{.-.itcd the school Saiutda^
Malbes. and Forest Wln-eh-r
married in the pn^pme of :i<)'Invited
Robert Duller and fRoy 'Conlon
Ml<w Era Mallory is keeping booxe
RUi-sis by the ----Rev.-----------lame of-----------Manton
have gnic to lomslog for the winfAr for Ur*. Whelan vbllr hhe U at Flint.
i;3u p: til. Tl* hrije-an.! groom 1* j|r. and Mm. Henry HIn are vis
Frank KuN-*b I* busy getting out
jwere aiiended by Mi-v* Wilma Blake itbig hn- niuUier. Mrs. I#wbi llripgs tlmlicr for a nca- ham.
'and Clifford fionid *The bride wore' jn** Ruby Slite* ram.- home froir
Doc. 17.
a U-amllul gown of iwh- blue lu.wna-' to suy <ner Sunday wi}h her
,Mne trinitiied In cream colore-l Uce.\,K,thej- aud.faliier.
;ri.e l.ri<l.-sm:.ld wore jole bln.-, jwdln j gu* DUm* has Iwen hauling woinl
Ambruie Milk* and hi* brother. P»also lriiiin!c.l in iTcani la>e. The wed- foj- the last few days.
. <r. hdi fiir^amda last week.
dhiB nunch was played by Mrs. Kvt' Miss l-ipinda Briggs went to WIIEarl Newman-b .-ailed on Kart Star­
ling. Who lias just resumed from the
.lint: .KtintT was
'aUer which
a large trowd from here
.. west, Sunday.
III.’) w,.in to the S|.rlngB.-lil churrb, Tfaversc Qty to do fhriatmas shop
Clara Ilea tailed OD klrt. Geo. Campj alien- the march wax again played a pine.
bell Thiirs^y.
the bridal i«riy marched in.
Mr. and Mrs. Si^ort railed «« Mr
5Ir. hlycrs of Kingsley called on A.
Church Servieea.
T. Neaniarth Monday.
and Mrs Arthur Stilee Sundar.
I’raycr moeting o
Sir*. }Holmes, Mrs, Plsh.'IUss DalA. 7,. Gn-cnc and bis gang'sre fln
the M. K. church. Sun- tshing the eute reward road.
eira$d M
Mr*. Tyler all wait to KingscL.i scluiol hoard im-t-tiug irnmedihU’ly
John Jllltes yit shot In the leg today
_ inlay.
while he was h.-Jping fats broib.-.-^
Gea.^nBrtK-it of Ceniral Lake ralleJ
Fnnilay souirct Dec. 23- Preaching but^h.-r some hopa.
^n T.vhr Saturday and Sunday.
.-bur: h at M :i" a. ui . wiihj 7,„. i,,i,.piK)n.- gang from Elh lUr
I. .town today.
I. imitiiiniiun * l'l\i<‘C folP-“'tn— I-'* If.'V* I i.i .
W. liak.-r. |-.-ii-ror. SahbatK lUhool
Joi(ii U>m.jn went to Traverse t il;
His Part In the Affair.
iai llrr-miu.
I husim-s* Saturday. al Ok- Prc.-hylerlxti
Mr. and Mrs. Anhiir Slile* and replied the paUenl father; “hat 1 am
i.hur.b al 3 p. III. by Rev. long of fomll. are p. hip tii Manltou the olM who Is furnishing the expea•Ivc blodiDt; luaivrlLl and the gilt dofr
! Manloii.
Island to stay for the winter.
oration."—UuHala CointuurciaL
j Kpaunh U-apue ut 6:30 p. m.: lopU-.
Myrlln I.Mity Is home from TrarlOliilHinasi.
"The Trancllg
a- t’ity to bi:.j eiiu;.. time.
ih. IlirtIXt. 17.
Hazol-Mohtlud Plntrton
.--I Kxjir.-»*Um of Tniih. Matt.
EagetiTvly tell- vo jNua. The soothiag ef.
f:*X.f M. ntbu.1 an onirkly fsRin'Back.
ach--. BJiramaUxai. Sciaues
Miaiica and otfa-t
Dec. IT. .
Mrs.,Clark aud Infant daiiKhti-r of paioAlsderli -tu. Tard ruUs $1.00; i _
Grand Uapids are the gue.-ts of .Mr. larwnSie. Alldra6K“t»‘’fdirectbyiaaiL
Oa<t>*U>T-vr«ls.. .No YsX.
and Mr*, p. H. Griffin..
retifraix from
R. .11., Revmo'.ds has retiiniMj
Mrs. Geo. DutUrs. who hss been vU
vl*U at Unslng and oiber poiuis. iling in Grand Ra|>ld* for a few da\*.
He uticoded iStato Grange at Sault rciamed home Friday evening.
Fii-. klarie.
Mr.-ail'd Mrs. O, E. .Dane- s|Mi
\V. 1». Kriincy of Ixmg loiko spent Tuewlay tho’iiplng
Ing In Trs
Traveiwe City.
Sjmlay wRh .Mrs. Wm. Dexter aud
.Mis> Doruthy Sli-elo was ph-axaiilf)
irjirir-eil Wedi)Malay evening by a
• Mrs. Sarah Siriikler returned Fri­ nuynber of friendt. Tlie eteniae war
day from Ik-r.-oiL-Fbcve she has been :pent In playing'game*, after which
visitinp her son. kUrley K.-oney.
Rphl rdfreshiuent* were Si-ned
Mrs. Ji>e Feiry left today fcr Ben­
MISB .^fa^)- nuirars 1* sivtidliiB
in HnlUor. where she will visit rcla■
a:: d»lrrs.

IlK-e during tire holidays.
■ mm A umgeacc ca. Bse T*>L ■
K. H.arier uf'lilp Rapids Is vlsltlns ejse'tniy.
Ms dsuplil'T. Mr*, th-iie Took.
Waiuirllartli h-fi Til-day of-lam
Mr, and .Mrs. ilorac<- Slarrow hav.’. wok ror Si. .lAnl -. al:ri>- <10 will lisil
l.-lurnwl mini Sault Sle, Marie, where
few days.
they w.-ui os dclepnt<«
{Campbell. Icit Tu
J.-ffi-rsm Fliinn was In Traverse wbftre she will Usit her .abler. Mrs.
City on buelncss for A. Allen.
The M: K. rtiimljy seht>ols<i^of In-; Mr. and Mrs. F i. Stlkes and famlas exercl*ei'
land are preparing CliriKmas
Uy have reul«-d the lackey hume
cs for Chrlsttuas «vo. Kvery one is'ihe hill sonili of town. Mr. Silke..rdlally invited .to rofhe and enjoy a j|| >tan n iit " livery liarn here lo
these exercises
few weeks. Ml* dsughter.
Mario, t
■ left today for Ta- Icn-d the Hplith grade klondav..
Mr. atfl Mr*. Oscar Slebbln.* left
Thuixla) luoruinp for Harbor Springs
whore they *111 *|vml a few day*
I>. H Power of iroiitlar s|iem a fo*
Iti'-hard Ik ran will soon leave here
for Deinili. where bt- expetts to And days in loan last week.
(I. M. HaiiK'. »l>o hs-i apent fie- i>:»<
HuliL Paviu. and soo tb>r art) help we«’k here atlh hi* Tanilly. loti Mou
Ing J. OHbnm hod p<«da'
Aupurt Humimoh, whe had a ain-kr
milk Paj nient U Inadtag rye here
of larnlysl* Friday nveninp. I* a Hub
for A. H Case at Honor.
A nice t-towd attended the sorprine iMtii-r at fill* wrliiny.
fb’hjsmln Berkhiad hax <>|uuted ii|
laiiy Wrdni-silay I' on Richard
drut: store In O fluslalTs bniid
Doran, dosplie the weather. Daaclng
the prlBolpal feature, and refrert-'lng.
inonis were servedMrs. Stanley Hawkins spent a fes
J. Oshom is loading his goods and dayTVvlsIUnp at Frankfort last week
for Grand Ledge.' A. BenuU. who spent a faw days at
• leave
Liidlngton last week, ret raed homr
wberi- he will make his fatttre
W. B. I*ayne. !.g>ltIo and Elbert Salurday ovealnK.
Tlllko Palmer returned lo F-ari Jor
Payne were gurats of J. Osborn at
.Ian laat Tbursda.v. after a few days
dinner Sunday.
UD<I M U this policy rigidly fol­
Sira. Floyd Hull'la on the sick lliL viBli here with friend*.
lowed which bos rasde this
The InMallatkm of offltw of the
elihoogb some better at this wrlUag.
Baiik'ibo Finaaiial Olbralur of
.....____ _ ..
of FTOeport. T. O. O. F. lodge Iskes place in JanaMrs.
lil. is visiting her brolhera. Uxja aad ary. The followlnp are the nrw offlci-rii for the enimlng term: Noble
prand. Charles John; vice grand. Os­
car Bartlett: r«-eor.riag atwreUry. Wal­
ter Voice: finaaclal secretaiT, E. MldALMIRA
Mr. aad Mra. WUI Lake and Prarl dleton; Iroapurer. Geo Dralie.
lUMtlow drisve op to Traverae CTiy) Miss l-Fdla Btelflnj was pl^
1-oTprl.ed Tnesday evenl-r by








Mlu j<arr WUUes^ WM In Tr*rMC CKr eatnrdar. '
Rra. Bertha Hctae am « Trarane
City «allv Batsmr.
Urn. AagnMt mOts " Tlaittd bar
tfan|Mar, M.ra. Bence, at Fife Lake
o«er Snndar.
Atra. Florane* vliltad her hrothere
Jhn and arorer Hller on kloaday.
Mr. WUhane had company from
Winiainabnrs taai week.
HatUe Klncln from Fltat haa been
hoam on e visit.
Mr. and Mrs. O. Orean were In
Traverre t,uy today.
Mn. Jodaon U. In town dolns i
tboppinjc today.
Dec. 17.


«t the City

Book Store

•When veu Han



el^t teeC When fnU grown It cloeea tatbar to slave elone In hi* misery.
"I know what the women do before
they go away." went on Mtoe FbUerat koneet and eerie tu twig*
ahape of plgtaiU. When tbw tne has shall *They hava'aB the heavy fur>
thna aettled Iteelf for lU night’s aleep Blture put Into itwebud cretonne ailpa
U U aald that tf tonched it wiU flut­ and the shades puUed down so
ter a* It aglttted /or ImpaUent at the rooms are elwsya dim and oool.
Pye aleepe till 8 o'clock or ao. beeanre
mnee. The 4ft«ner. Jt
the foliage U moleeted. the more vio­ the bouse to so atm. and than '
nT have to wait for any om to get
lent wlU become the ahaklBg ot the
brenches. Finally. It to further al­ otR of the bathroom. Heeplaabeaand
leged. If the ehaklng he eonUnned. the Bhavea at hi* latonre and makes
mess he looses by throwing
length emit a naneeatlng
odor qtate anOclent to indM a etotbas aionnd. beceuM the woman
headache In the eaae at the pereon who come* In dally to take care o! bis
bedroom and bath doesn't dare scold
dtotarhtng the tree.
la lAaho tt la edited the "angry him for It as Mre. Pye would do. Then
tree" and It to mid that It wai dtoeov. he annntete out, looking like e treebly
sod milUonalre, and has a poor
ered by men who. oo mahlag camp
for the nlghcptoeed oae end of a oanvaa covering
one of the aeneltlve
brencbci. Being It for a enpport. Im
the tree began to )erk Ita
branches eharply. The motion eonUa- er 81 tor a 81.80 feed. Then get*
the OSes abniu 11 o'clock wearing
ued. with increasing
nnUI at last came a sickening odor pale and troubled look.
"•Good morning!' anye Mr. Pye gen­
that drove the tired oempera
erally. He gates at ns gently, as U he
mehdiy lo^aUon.
CuriocUy prompted aa InveitlgaUoA. were due to die In five minutes or so
Onp of the "angry trees" wae dog np and wanted to leave a good
ABd thrown to one side.
■Good morning!
upon being removed tram the ground feeUng wall—t'm aU In BiyeML Tbto
It to said that the tree opened Hi having no home and tralUng aU
leaves, iu twig* loet their plgtaU* and town tor breakfast take* it out of a
tor something over an hour and n
takto It otrt! Yet I
half the outraged bruchea showed plain, because 1 dooT want to deny
tbelr Indignation by a aeries of q«*h- my family. What!
The tbermom*-


When In doubt alve hooka.
Nowben- fall l»e found a
creaier raiiety than ia aboa-Q
h.-re. Ilaluty 4 lilUlrvn'o atoriea
fruu Ibc to
Ulg line

Many Super
' ound the Marriape
Especially in Olden Timee.

popular copj
ioc. embraci
llti.utmnd and more t^Je* br
Ainert^i'a .luOsl eminent noihoia. late book* by Ralph
t'oiini.r. Harold Bell WrlKhi.
^oreiio' liarrlac.
Karriac. Uenc StralOD Porter am] otht-rn nt


r clustered round

world fa:i>oui * Voland and
nUo liavii line of ChrlaUnaa
lx>iten and Poetcarda. Tbeae
r.rc the oricinal hi£b grade
Rood* and tiiiliallou* are bnl

Tbd 1PI3 GdMen ThiHirhi*
ralrnd;:r-rAle«Ur «f the
Hrijtliler Side. PeriodJeal f'alendar. tUiiidar
«f ' Sew
ThouKhi andraleAdarofl^oce

nri' Jiiat mazy orer tho»e bl«pretlv d'dle. the new lb4nn>
medium pr1<fd line of Ihme
lUKida i* In lie fuund here
Ilian .-lee. All w«u
___ L. t.


' ..HRlnal aelf-mier. Ttii*
year we hard them aa low
n» tl
.vir» :i -Kood Mne of peart
hnndlml Rii1d nonntcid pens
... tl.(e> and op.
Aaenrv also for the faweaia
tdoal -

floainr -<el aib- on alt
> hitia—dluiiuiil from
moat et< r-ih'pi.Ueaullfiil
Hand Painted
Bread and BoUer- PJsto* at

. Star ent bell shape Tnmblera 10c each.

Id this
ubir' ware
Manlrure and
Totlet BetA Po® Boaea. etc.
A<r.n a fuU Une of Silver
'Hanicuree. ToIlcU Seta., etc.


Then It wa* curiomary tor the bride
to present her future hashend with a
bunch ot roaemary, Ued np wtth ribbon*, on bl* Orst
wedding montog. This was supposed
insure his love and lofalty. and to
make her happy forever.
In Yorkshire the old
etui abound* that nothing mors
lucky oould happen than for a newly
made bride to leave the chnreh by e
dlSetent door Trom that by whl^ she
Another qoalnt enstom. tor lAleh
there to no known origin, to that
practiced In some of the midland and
northern couoUee. This to to ring a
merry peal of the ebureb bells at the
first reading of the banns ot an In­
tending matrimonial couple. It to
called the "spur peaL" which la old
Anglo-Saxon mean* simply "ask.*’
Of eeuree It Is well known that ir
to the bylfbt of lack tor the brtda-toactual ceremony. So much was.
this Idea bolieved In that many girls
* tolry talsa before going
to rieep.—Anawera,




atda fiancee about throogb the holtd'
Inc. It baa hew gradaally home In
upon me that eomethlng Wonld be
dma to iMtove the Mghtta] aUatn andar erhleh the hnalnme man anSme.
*Tn winter tt iaa’t ao bad. All ba
haa to do then to to get down to hSi
deak at 8 o'clock, dictate a oonpte ot
bandied ieUeia, tioae aevenl deeto
erlth wealthy old sklnfllnta. who naU
down every dollar thay own eed dare

all fleroe men, who want to
•everel thoeeand d^lare' worth
hOle and generally wreetle wtth the
oflee force. Bat theae warn da*a.
In Idaho them aMsts a epeeiaa-ot It to dlBerenL Uoaeatly. aomeUnM
aly heart «cbea for Hr. Pye and Mr.
the acacU tree whiMi la entttled ti
IV* a wonder to me that
ed aa one of the wondere

B eaallr at
And .when Tou
t alfui for the whole tan
at trouble,
with li
r counicra
era and table
hl^ with the
bite of dellchlfal
ieUnaB t>lU« that Santa
nau* could aak for.

bad always loved. Tear* ago. vrhsa
the had fliut com* to Uv* with them,
e BtUe feetom klddto, orphaned end
with an oo* bet hto father to aot aa.
guardlaa. she bad loved that eatoL
and always sang u at hotly ttosa. He
beard ber veto* now and gripped ''
bands as ba Itotaned.
nark, tb* baraVaac*
Otocr to Ua aewkera
Psaea ea aeith sad m—w —
8ba «w bit flgura nflaetad to the
^ -kd roaa urttk a bM^'

•■BMleTe ma," aaU Ntoa Itoarito Fhh
«ar£u aa aha daftly raadjaatad the
Mt «v^ her perteetly Mtflhd goUea



t ww only a

Hto Wish** Carried Out. Old Porglco. tbs Sool^ indge.dled
In 1727. Dr. Clerk, who attended bl*
lurdsblp to tho last, <calUng on tali
patient the day be died, was admitted
b> tbe Judge's cld servant and clerk.
David Reed. "How does esy lord dot"
inquired the doctor. “1 houp 'he's
weell" responded the old man. whose
voice and Wnner at one* explained
hto meaning. With tear* atreamlng
down bis face, be conducted Dr. Clerk
Into a room where there two dozen
boiUes of wipe nndenieath the table.
Other gentlemen preaenUy arrived,
and having partaken of a gla« or two
of wine, while they listened to Devldb eoeount of hto master's
boors, they all rose to depart. "No,
no. genUemen; not ao." aald the eld
tactotom'. "it was the exprw ot the
deceased that I ahenld flU >e a' too.
maun fnlflll tbe will o' the
dend.*! Dr. aerk used to add. when
relating the atory. "end. Indeed, he
did fnlflll the wUI of tbe dead, tor
before the end ot them we*
bf u able to bile hto eln thoombl"
End ef-a Noted Felly.
TTte monocle has Icng elne* been
on: of tnshluD In En|iaDd. and to'eoon
to dtoappear from Part*, which has
bece 111 last atroughold. It was inveBt-i by a Dutch dandy, and tt* evQ
eScu* upm the eye were at once
noted by ocultoU. Tbe monocle first
appeared at tbe congree* ot Vienna
In 1814. when It waa worn by lU toventor. One foDy. at least, has had
only about a entary of Ufa.

Tbed he fadee eway Into hi* pri­
vate efiee and site down where two
electric tan* beat upon hi* fevemd
brow. Five minute* later, when 1 tim­
idly kpprocch wtth three lettera to my
hands, he removee hto feet tnm the
dtok. bbakee hto newspaper
frown*. 'Mtoa Paueruhall.' be uaye to
me tn a Unguid vote*, 1 nppoe* them
ry. ao that you
aren't disturbing me ueeleesly.
- r. Oh.
rell, ghe them herel’
"He look* them over and writes •yea'
or *no’ on the backs and ten* mr to
USB my own Judgment and- i
them myself.
"Than another overworked
calls him on the phone end went* him
Ith bustDSHB, but if H 1* a poasibte thing he-U
try and Join him. *But IVs always
boStnesB first, my boy]' be reminds
bl* friend.
"After that bo drugs blmaetf over to
the club for lunch. This to another
floesy repast, all rulfled np with Tars'
ley and everything Iced and with tat
elgaiu after IL He beats It back
the office about two o'clock and tell*
the head clerk not In bother him about
eueb a trifle aa a 818.000 order'—what
on earth to he hired tor but to attend

feet you dooH MIevc It to
vrearing on bis bead a
that set him back about 880. 'Pye. old
man,' nays be, *whal's tbe use of^working yourself to death In this sort ot
weathert Ton owa tt to yooreelf to
get a lltUe rest and recreation. Ton'U
b« haring beat proetruUon
thing like
that If yonI don't take e
of yourself. Come, tot's go to the ball


"DeaX dear." ba . ssM.
hunrytog to meet ber. He torgnt
Bob and an be bad beard, and saw

only ber. n Just get to-aobody

know* 1 aa her* yM—wh^ dear—

com." He attoptad to langh.
A qnlck color erlmaoned Eaeanorhi
leeks. "An engagement ring to at-.
ways very pioctoot,* she put to banrtodly. "I tbaakjycu
mine." Her eonjuslea
mentioned ber occupation. "Tsra'aaa
HE spirit of Chrlft- I have entire ^rge of my tarfesyu
and It mnri have been to the mixing
wbar*. to tbsgreat of tbelr food that my amethyet drop-.


Bbe'ws* aobbtog o* his shoulder,
lur hands, wrenched from his grasp,
held his bead against ber Mieek.
CUT* saw aba was dressed in white
non aatlB that crushed under
bat If* bully to
ace you bom* again.
Three years atnee
you walked on this
old ptottorsa, wait­
ing tor tbs down
train. How bav*
they treated you
"Fine, thaoka,
answered beanlly.
1 want to load up
-Ouctt Ton’U baVe to. It's In your
wn family.
family Bob finally got ber."
Cllre turaed quickly as the old sta­
tion agent went ekuskllng toward the
express office irundUhg a truck of
baggage. He followed bio. Us dark
eye* keen and troubird.
"Got whom, Mr. DnnUeyT I havent
beard any news from home tor weeks
I've been ebroad Mnee June, and Just
got back In lime to catch tbe express
west for ChrlBtraaa. So yon see It's
"Surprise to all the town. Never
thought Bob had tbe nerve to aak a
to marry him. let atone that
■punky mua La'
The name Mruek CUve Ilka a Whip
lash. Hs called goodnight and ho^
rted oTur to whar* the old sutton
lai^ wufted.
The driver oalled a cheery Christmas greeting to him. and be
■wered It, but as they swpng up the
tong rock hill toward the town, be
leaned back and Shut hto eye* and
wished be had never come heck.
Not that be had any bold on ber.
There bsd never been a formal
right to
ask e girt to mai^
ry him when he
was only n youhg
cub Just out of
college with his
ffrst^Bttt She bad
known, eh. hut
she had known
well where be
stood, end bow;
be toved her. He
could see
smaU and
slender’ at sixteen, atilt
abort aklrta, ber
dark curls flyiug
In the wind, deep dlaplee
naiu of ber
flashing ainlle that eye* and mouth
and dimple* Jotoed to. Yet It had

The memory of that look had biou^
him back over the sm. to flad bar
this Christmas and taB bar that bow
be tonld claim tor.
BobL StoUd. good edd Bob. While
to tod bMn playing globe troUer,
trying to estto the flying boeto ot a
madcap, waywaril fortune. Bob had
stayed qnletly at home and won the
girl he kirod.
There In the dingy, chilly Interior
of the old hack CUve fought out hi*
batUe with himself. He woeld be
gsme. he said; to would sot'mar
tbelr hapless with one word or
look. He could mol go back. There
waa hU mother. Ha could not give
up seeing her morMy beeanse Fbta
bad given him a knotooto Mow. not
exseUy In the aoUr ptogna, but a

robbing Bob. and yet there
tb* dear old room they both knew so
wen. to tbe tender winter gtoom, be
held ber ctose. and kissed hef-^lpa,
balr, wet eyelids—end forgot an e»^
oept tb* splendor of tb* might ^vs'


e safe dlstaaoe. "I'm ao aorty-but
you Bee I was thinking ot yea. and—
and wanting to see you ao. and then
"And too tote." be added biOeriF,
“Oh. BO. you're not. CUve." abi
. “They haven't
been married yet"
"TheyT Whor.
■ "Boh and Oretchen."
IVbo the devfl
GretchenT I b«« your pardon. Fay
—you don't know what I've uaBered
—IsnT Bob going to marry youT"
She looked at him ter a moment
In utter aboeked etlence. then tough­
ed ber old ringing, gay tough that to
"t many Bob-^bt You alBy,
Illy, - i"
"Oo ahead. CaB me what
Ilka. TTbo'a this panaq Oretehaa,
"Sbe'B my ooualn. Oreteben Lawrenoe. She eame to spend ber
mer vaeatlon
With me. and pob
f*B to love
her. That's
-Ahr Clive
elghed and drew
ber Into hto arm*
again. Thay
would make It e
double wedding
Just to pay him
took for the nttoary of the last
they woBld. And
he’d go bask mod
panto that old
down at the lUUon for not tsIUi

"1 know sB about It" aald CUve.
eomfortably. He raised ber chin
gently and looked Into the dear, (rue
eyee be hrd tromed. .Pay did not
know all that lay behind that kwX
bow, monUIIy, b* knrit to all bamll-

ring tn wbleb a ys'WBtog atovlty mart-,
•4 the toes ef a aatttog.
"No." be aald Enallr. "I..kivf!
brought thla!" Ha held up tho aa»-|
tkyat and watched the girth too*.
great Ught leapt Into her eyes.
' "Bow pertly weodertul!"
dalmed EtoaMT Dean*. "But tMl asa
—whers dli yon find tt and bowr
Bar qoeattoM tombtod tram imtBug!
"to the crop ot a tnriccT." Godfrey'
totormedher. Tbas deeplt* hi* better
Indgment be added, -n* bird was



bop* the turkey Mn.—
She pensed In eonfuaton.
spirit, had eome np
"Mr*. Btone—my mother." Godfrey
from her domain helped her oot Iben beeenM there
and stood IB the aeemed nothing mom to say and bedoorway yot the cause he seemed strangely depreeead.
rlth IR
drawing ihom with
Godfrey made his depertur*.
large, red hand
"Well!" demanded Mi^ Stone
when ber brotber'agato sat by bis osm
"1 wa* aflher Are. “Isn't she lovely, and did yon BoEndin' this in the Ue* that sad look to ber cyeaT. I beard
turkey, mum.** she in the rilUge that the resaon ah* took
aald. "It midland
raising turkeys Is beeauM she wan
engaged to some ekate of a man—•"
-Mary! What languagot" axpoatnebaln. wtth Chitotmas greena, toned lated her mother.
qnestlcmlng eyas on Bridget
"Wa*r Godfrey tried to kedp tbe "What u
Bridget?" Mrs. Stone ton* of hto voice normal. The ame­
hnmored the cook.
thyst was the Betting from hpr en‘A bit of purple ^aas with
t—eh* must be slBl *«•
pleture* on It mom." Bridget having gagedr
done ber doty returned to her r«Mm*
Unaware of the tenston with which
her brother awaited her answer, Mary
"What to tt. matarr Godfrey Btone eald ligbUy. "Well-maybe eh* etBl
naked larily..
is—but the story to tho vlBsgs Is that
After a mdmant of eloee tospeeUon. she broke off «1th him."
by the window. During dinner Godfrey .twmarked
of cxdtement
eesually: "Mother—do you think Dud
"It to a rare amethyst with an Inl- haa don* enough for hto toetory hands
ttol engraved on It!"
Christmas? 'Wouldn't It be ruthn scent.a mysleryl" laeghed bar cr a good idea to send a basket to
son. rising to inspect the etone. Tbe ich of the tamOiesr
Initial to f Does your batcher hapr
Mrs. Slone, rejoicing that tbe pMlanChrople spirit was being made mnnl"Ob. mamma, to this the tuikey yoo
to her son. smiled bat^. "It
got from tbe farm I told you otr
Id bs. lowly, dear—I wifl Jsst bond
chlmod to tbs eldest daughter, “be
Ittls farm
cause If tt to—we oould easUy truee
"No. nt^Perktos knows nothing
over today-—
about tnrkaya!- Godfrey said wttbont
"Not on your life! Christmas Ere gtonctog to bto ristarto dlrscUon. "I
to not the day to ehaaa around aU the -1 go over tomorrow for soou birda
turkey farm* to th* vUtogs."
tbe New Yet
Hto Stour’S sye twlnUsd.
"Chrtotms* to not the day to chess
would be out of tbe bog** by this around all the turkey farms to th* vUUge." quoted Usiy.
Christmas day was crisp and spar­
kling when Oodfre
the tiny farm. The fairy unsen open­
ed the door and a tinge of odor cam*
swmiy to her ehe^
she lecog-.
ntoed ber vtottor.
Godfrey, using sB hto oommom'
mss. fltat msnUonsd the -isetoir'
hands and the taikeya that hs want*
ed for them.
Ton know," Etoanor tdd him. "that
the birds have to be taken away wham
they are Bvtog-^ can't bear to bav*
tt otherwlee. I ssem to tov* every'
hhd." Bbe kwked appealingly np ut
Godfrey and toughed trsmuioualy. "I
have a good weep nfur each gobbtoria



Godfrey tamed swiftly sway, than
impsttontly back. -TFhy do yoo------■
Seanor smBad wtottuBy and a tltda
slow shrug crept over ber ebouldem.
"If you cere to bear wby-^ wlB UB
you." Bbs said.
"I oare-rvery much.- Oodfray tw
tnmed. and k^ th* tonderaeas out
of hto vole*.
thing." aha said. *1 have been an or­
phan tor many, many ysan and tor
almost as many years I bav* bssn ongaged to a Mr. Jams* yane. Jimmy
and I grew op togsthsr and bav* bssm
•wasthee^ always. I new asvsd
any moocy—becsss* Jimmy elways
had j....................................

Papular Chri

• Plant Is a Parssito
Tima* Was CoaUk* B Fsiry-Picture.

Altbougb to the majority of AmeriAnd
can and BngUab home* mistletoe to
dUplayed at ChrtoUnsa Ume. tt to remarimble bow UtUe to known of this
dIant, kmgtog for. yat taartal oC. th*
curioQ* plant MtoUetoe to a paru- . "So mueb ao that I had fslriy to finish ot ber story.
drag Jim away whan I took him wtth
"WaO-Jlmmy was one ot the lAo
apple tree*, although tt to also me to select onr turkey.'
rich and to looking for a pastime took,
found on everfreens and on poplar,
to gambling. B* hat bean gsmbang
towthon. pear and oak Arwes, but
evdr atnee.*"
very rarely on tbe tost named. It to Cbrtotms* mors happy If th* ston*
Godfrey tamed hto eyas from tb*
en evergreen bush, about tow feet happened to be hers and was rstsm- sorrow to Elesnori* tnea; then h*
and Imve a lot ot work standing.
In length, thickly crowded wtth od to ber." .
apok* alond the worda hto haart was
Jawn.' says hA things stop on a dead
brunehes and leevea. DnUke aU oth­
Tour Christmas spirit to very
asking: T>o yoo—love him—now?"
center whenever I'm aot bera. you
"Yes. I tor* Jimmy and always wtD
-AH out.' abouM the driver Jovtol- er plaoto. tta leave* extend down as
know. Ob. well, 1 bat* to
well as up, The pUnt flowen every
ifrey toughed and took the stona tov* hlm-bot not----- " Bb* found it
yon. Mnce'youV. come,-way up'h^
on with Oodtrayto
mansion on the hm. with tta bar­ year, but does not bear the UtUe whiu from his mother. *Whars to this tori Impossible to
few me.' So he reluetantly gtube
lah berries until It to four years did. key farm. Star
I eyes fixed to In dtotariitoc n wn>
panama and they float out to taka the
"On the old farm mad-yoo cant npou ber.
heavy sow with The mistletoe proper 1* u native of
touring ear.
Europe, eepeclaliy of England
mtoa It."
‘Not bowr he demandail
"Later on to has another meal aj a
Nor did Godfrey mis* the UtUe farm | "As a huahnsd------" Etoanor repitod
in Bob PmiersoB’s Normandy, to olden times It was
roof garden Or a nmmer garden with
that stood like a fairy picture among faintly,
boots tOBigbt aidered a sacred plant beeanse
muste, and tbe check for him and
berriee grow to clnstere of thn
groves ot fir treea. The
a uoy
oettag* | Thn why wear hto ring!" Oedtonf.
Turned on
Jawn to somewhere around 810. Tbe
and with thetr hea^ thatch of enow | n told Jimmy, wbn h* naked m»
dent Celts used to bang sprig*
there among the crysUl hung to. that I would wear tt ont of anti,
listen to the band. mistletoe around thsir necks as
disturbed elember that he may rest
Thnnk you. air. safeguard from' wiicbe*. The maid branches of giant 8r tree* that war* meat entB——" Etonasr' knew she
up for anolbcr wearing day.
That give* the mto- that was cot caught and klasad under wonderful. Godfrey felt llko a traa- would bav* to flntob bor aantonoB. no
"Ob." ended Miss FUttershaB, 1
tb* mtotletoc at Cbrtotmas would net psaaar to tb* realm of talrlaa.
| ah* berriadly did wbat bto eyee asked,
could Just cry over the way that poor
boma a Uttla ex- be married wtthto tbe year, ee tb* I Tb* Impraaalon was aot withdrawn "utttO—I loved aom* ms bettor tU»
man to drtvon wtth worki looMd!"—
IradtUen goes. According to the old when the door ot tb* oottag* swung I loved bim."
Chicago DaOy Newa.
CUv* ptokad np ’Tula* tb* oareraoay was not property open. Tbe IWry Queen atood lhar*. | -Wdl." Godfrey decided slowly,
vVisbls two suit------- p»r«wBie« uomw b anrry
»'u wwanecweepniriiise tibod
ot -you
t mine
now thstb
Had Is Watt
V^and Bwnng op tba'o* hner each kla* and preaeatod to draama; instead. *b* waa the ambodl- the aattlng to ont-wtU yoar
Faddy DolsB bought n wuteb from
Xgravol path, best- th* maiden. When aB tb# berries meal ot life and tbrtU* and Joy. Ood-J "It to my birtbstoM and tt m«___
tb* fcteal Jewaler wtth a gnaran'tas to
Utod nt sight ot
««>• th* prirflag* esassd.
I froy was deddedly dtocouceried. bat contontmest." ■ennor rotomed dm*
kaep it In etdar tor II meatba.
tbe hriUtantly light■
| th# giri's amlle. together with her murely.
About aU months nftar Paddy took , ed
^ rooms, and tamed quietly around
Ohriatmae Freaents.
! words, drew him wtthto th* ttoy oot-, Godfrey toughed h^pOy sad Bam
It back beeausa It had stopped.
to tb*^ door that Im ___
It batter
to gM
oo-1 thoogbt
1 thoogbt
It batter
to you
gri aomm'tog*.
you aomm tag*. Oulalde all was white; In^d* nor Jotoad him. Tb* Cbitotom* nhlw
"Ton aeem to have bad an aeeb eealon
__________________ _
time hatw*
oaafnL" said
Mr. Dobb
wi_ to
_ Tcteaa thrOtod Itewogh the ttflf
. .
by tb*toradbto
dant wtth It" said the Jewelsr. _ 1 wban b* had been ont tots torktog. 1 *«*.“*> t Bv* bought yoo n coupto nn opan flr*.
"A amaB
It was uatoelud. and them wasno'*'hroema tor------ Tb* glrt'a gantto vote* brokt God"i am nt paoM tor the Snt HM
Aboot two months ago I was teedlog ^a to ■»g4»« R wan sUB aarty, shoot
■ freys very erident oonfuaton.
tn my Ufa.” Oodfray anM aofUy. "Aad
f:i8. Ptotobly the ton^W at
vory thoimhtfal of yoo.
"Did yoo want to toqotm shoot tori tt la aU bacMS* tt to Christmas nM
-Bat TOO ■beald hnvo
It ha- gjaM,., ym aaaaa on* wm ptoylag w dear." replied Mr*. Dobb. n shara keya?" She mottonad klm to th* Mg my mothsr bengbt n torkay Chat hM
< .eni, to th* tow ante mem sooth of
>d«u. ud have hnagfal q goad. k>* chetr by &* ftro. In ao dedne, nwaBowod nh nmsChyat IkM bMsMaC
-Bor*, year honv, thremght tt ae th* tUonry. He stood to th* *»ly,««« eoalwccttl# te fou to arty up Oodfray
Oadtrey caught eight of bar
bm laR
led hand.
hand, to-yon."
a, eaBar to.*
•Mfl aa t eaoM. IT* eriy kfllad the
g|g ni-r-^"
- '

QatUnfl tbs Bant of tt.
a wtomt BM *Fo>d toohs n good
Mb If ba onald tiuda oB what he
« tor whnl ha doesn't know.


DMIy TbooflM.

•tmnt Vasa* «orm^

Ttoa ^whM


M. T—•owr u—. mlMn u.





which <h cObUbw the w«t irf ^Hd-


Empire aute. It Mlefal«Bn .would
pioprtete '«xcn $2,000,000 for aueb
work |B tbU atate It would Elan «ii«
opd roads'fDOYcmeat en irresiatlble

i«x». Ouifrty
b€idm«'ot'lh« r««l rmliii.
> wuBtr. hu ne tnni»M0Der*.luiT» b>d
»)»i.0W f«r
j mcwM I« Uj^ «tnl« lltgLMT cM^-_
%»Brt County
■ '
WItt UiaoUterewonI moDoyaftdod.' Ttc C«ti«oe ownty roid WbudU
Bmadk cxwBtj board of road conmit*expended IU.7JT oa road wor;
atooerawm hare «hn^ot$51.*W JOT m
ob compared wilt f],4«2
H« tsiUal »ork on tbe ro4da of - Ibat'in Odober. 1911.
4a-.wy. TbeeoBuniaeton bus mapped I Tbe KUBi SapInaw Imnk blgiiwcy

.Meoghtan County
The Hoiuchinn county togd ccunmia«loa baa comMeied iu road vorh f<«
Ocaana Cbunty ,
The tatrnttlp <Jf Elbridge, Occinu
eobBty. hap built lour mllea of macailaiu road at a total edit of $14,794.
and haa drawn down $4,000 In aUta
reward. Ninety per cent of the anoner
**!?*•' S'"
“>nnir uaed. outside of that paid tor ma<
^ to Uii> SaKinaw roaitty line. It fa «x- rhiBery, has gone Into the pockets of
peded A^Ea^aw coumy'a end of realdcntB W tbe townablp.
ibo road trill bo rompleted early neKt


«Maa«a' nippMprtettoB ot
f UQ|.Mph seat «e buUt frtvB
two miles at what *e eoniidered fair
ly road, craad read, ■beaihm inah»^
raoetul repalsB.- Tlm^fcrnknu*anfB«
tbe beneflu of tbia new idea, became
tr^re intcreat^ la tbe building of a
better, more anbatantlal i^oim road
At tbe auBual townablp ueettus fr
iMIl. un appraprlBtMn of fl.MO
build one mile of state reJwwrd grarel read. ' Thia
pMed at a cost of $!.$75. and deduct­
ing $a0e auie reward made tbe net
cost IU7S. A dUciusiOD of the good
tckads prt9aeltlcn at oar annuo} township meeting this year rceulied In
resoluthm being adopted to poittoy
sttme cniahlift jdant at
‘ ooA of $4.0». Thla plant is now In
suceesaful operation under the super
j vision of our hlgfawsr xunmitsloner. A.
j. Manin. who baa completed a mile
>f luac^m road. .Thia plant, a
tirtieg of a 10-ton atoam roUor.
r<Do crusher with a capacity of >C
tuna per hour, and peruble Una. has
proven very a^itlsfaetory.
“1 believe that good roods have
raine beyond our -ordinary coneepttoes—that It means better mltlvsted
the very 'life of tbo farms, .prospedty to tbe farmer and
roada are the an^
wblc^'Sapd's the Ufee oonanmor ns well gs tbe producer.




or ECZEMA waasB


car aatnrday night uhd eleeted ot&Annie dale went to Trave Oty Prl-

ddr htd-letuTBed Wradar;^ —

Herman 'aocoiBpealef hts
,Mn. Allen of UVler lini.
to the eeoth part of the stMe. where
ae lAar reaain and attend stoooL
<ktra. Win Chase end Mrs. John
;!• Cedar
Cbeeter Heatoem has bra haaliag
wood to Cedw. .
Warren Dlckeonan especU to have
a telepbono Instailed in faU new bouse
this week.
dlelghing lAKM^ by aun and rain.
Dee. IS.-*'

TOO. I wn.1---------hlanlstee County
Mias Dorapy spent Saturday siuid
The hands of the MsnUice road
(owDihlp. It'-nr!e cotinty, hiu
Suaday in Traverto City..
o htrive been preUy well tied
> bond (or i:.(i00 for
Qnaitorty meeUng «t the BvauKelV
attoR $i;*J00, maiurl^
cal church ovtr Sunday. eomatenHug
y TrM Mid Frldaj' evening.
Canaaea County .
{•.btW Feb. 1. 1914. and-fl.OCfi Keb of Bu.> parJeuIar'road is conrenrned
ProverrliT Hundfvds
The (Moeaeo roumy road eommU- }. lOlC. Interest at the rale of £■ The iKJtrd of supervlrorr smi
Moses Cate. Jr, «eM 8x nday At
utont 520.o0i> for road waric Instead of ■Lli
BioB BOW haa six DdleB of the Sootta per uBnm.
150.000 aaked by the eonpulasion. and
Kt-nlua road completed, nnmltiR direct
Mias Annie Cate visited in Traverse
directed that the apmuprlMlou lw‘
Ir out of Fenton aorth, The Nortb
City over Suuday. retuMUag this mottl­
spreud pro roU orer the S^s marked
Featon road la roiuplcted except two
ing. Bather White aoewupaaied her
>f a tew days’ rfslt with reUtivea.
The hlanisu.-e board of anpervlaoRi
T. W. Good is Improving this fine
wlH not decide until tbe Jnnuary ses- ®
weatber by bevlag help to finish bis
r.lun »-I:eilier it will aobrntt a prop­
Law Should Bo PoMed
silo and ban.
lie 6ouaty
Oakland soperTtsdn: brre declared
osition tu (be taxpayers to bond fer
, Fred Wares li aleddlag logs tor W.
vW. n. Howl It. supervisor of FOylemaclvea iu favor of the passage of
good roads. .
J- Chase.
cue, linisdali coDnir«4l«hBer good
law by the next aeualon of tbe
Mro. M. A. W%Mo sad two dilldfin
~ sayisC: “There has
Will Work Prisoners
, !
spent Setnrday aad Saucsy in Trav(Irand T»‘.-ice supemisora have been a grout innge of sentiment
moneys rereived from auto lleenses b«
erse City, the guesu of bar aUter.
.M«l to work lire county prisoners '1>p PfoPl'^ In'the past few years in turned over to tbe atate highway deMn. Miser.
X th.x highwnya.
*■<«"<< “> ««*>
®“d now wahl
**•“- partment Bertlen rouiiy «pmis«,' i
The Bnnday sebort and day aiAool
Mcoonxb .«a.ty U also working her 1» uppermost ,IB
i In tbe minds of t^e
Uie ^,,3
^hUlon. I
are Joining with the Chrtstmus outerprlsuncrsou the
roads. Jackson.
Kmx* fnnxs r* nod liuslneas
men Is. namely, ..very county should get bosy. and
.........• .
talament. which will be held at Clear
and Jlason .■oimties liavc aUo adopted ‘b® construetipn of etate reward roads ,4^
leglslsuire to pass theOaw,
Monday eveoing.
----------------- adaiHed to oar traf- •
tho.plan of V,«jiht"Baw.
T. R. WhUe has uommenced work
;fp and I
uae. Fayc.te 1
on hli last piece of timber, bis sugar
t for Good ftosdi
|fU|- adopted j thti.jwh ro:i system^
♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦I
ulWABHria»ur.wW.»as.UB|^ , bush. I am afraid more than ouc will
Spcafclns of the good roods muve- jvci after ti| lWof'1903 wcc mto ©
Bios the good tiaiea sugaring off when
no fav<vrKl-iiu be| Clear
.. .................WoodbrlUsc
—-..................S' tffecl. In unW
, ibki
-.--rBrook8oudaystooolvoWlo-B,^Sj5.~^^SiiS3t*'‘*^- *• ibe Ume cornea.
tnWiishIr una
uni divided
...............Into ditoand at the ead of this duaner fo'i

\ Ft rria aaya that he haa been thor- mown, the• tn|msh1r
Sometimea in the kitchen or elsewhere you r.tcd a lamp held
Bli Miser was called to Southern
'oughly.and ktsUngl.v eontortod,to the mj.«* distrlns sad mi cpiaT the reet of the winter.
high, where it will light the v.?h&:e reem, cr.J tw cut of the
. 1=
Michigan to aumsd tbe funeral of hts
'muxonk-m by the exjxerlenre of living. a:u(ii-at uns hoted fur uscJi iIUlil-.L| Cfaaa. iievelbymcr hu been belpiag
rwdirof children.
In flB aatomdhileOitripg his
---------_ ^
Frank Mcachem cut loga
The Rayo Bradcet Lamp irmodc for exactly this purpose. It is
r«c. 1C.
©ne of the fiunoos Rayo Family—the best hefosenc lamps made;
. . i.
/ _■
,.1_____ ) Clear Brook has Christfcaa exerelaea'
' •
. . . bxmeket, easily
“I am amarej." be said, -thai any |
WOTHERC^T^ to be Id charge of Mrs. John WTilte.
Raesenable atipulatleii.
I farmer nui l»- found who Is xtgainst,
SWwm' POWDERS l Jehn Fergusou did a Job of euttiag
•’SbaU we admH Wombat to our SUM
|good roads: but 1 am moiv.amazex!;
FOR CHILDREN, [wood for Frank kfeurtiem with his' doors and other jobs that kept them
Umated Order of the Kibosh* He aV
;at the aftlluile of stolid lnilllIiTem-«‘'
ibaxx Caw last week.
oae day. They returned Wednesday ready betonga to acves aeowt soclo
cities to this ihusi Important
‘ Cixartle HouUon came out witta tVo night
ties ’' “Pm In favor of admitting blm
|qursiion. It is tbe rntejn-riiy of thei
from town'and nnlsbed sld-l
8. B. Cate end W. O. Dickeman at­ If tbetu-e enougb of blm left to work
larmer, hut it is niorv than that ulOiJ
Ing Uckerman'a boos* and hnag tbe tended Maroabee meeting at Maple
r ritual on."—Kanaaa City Jounua
Emmett County
Emmett eouDiT «m apleod $24,000
no lur raada In i»!S, the faU Umit
oi apt>ro|truiUuu i>uruutU-d by ia».


pr isi'

Light Your Kit<Jien with a
Bracket Lamp





Fine Belts—
Cloth, Fur and
The Very Finest

Fine quality,
plain and initial

entire new line. Silks
in individual boxes

i>0rtptg Irattb

IOC, 15c, 35c, 50c

Fine assortment
at ntoderate

House 'Coats
Bath Robes
Nev/ Patterns and
Styles at populai
prices- MUFFLERS
Gxmplete line 25c
tD '$1.50; k^t or silk

Kid. silk lined,








A new line of Bags
just in.
Best made.

Stiepmaii fit Huntei*


J. W. Satcr’s. Tie XBas Present Store




Quick IVfeal HSfccl
an- ill a <lawi by th»‘jiiS4flvc-s. Itoirif; built with thf view of iimkiug
the best that skill ami mom-y <-ombi«utl Vau prudufe
A Kaiifte built with bht few Rivets.
A ItaiiRi- with Autoiualic Expansion Tub™ that caunnt warp.

Riy Store has arivmys been the
headquarters for dhfistmas pressents for the line I carry is the
kind that gives the lucky recipient
the best satisfaction, but never be­
fore have I ,had the assortment
that I have this year and the
prices that f arh making will save
the purchaser at least one-third
of their money.
Only One-Motion
Bed Made

IS-lb. felted cotton'
rMBOvablcmattreaa. Vetyeamfoetabk. Yoodo
BotriewoBtheDpholateriog. Pleotyof room for
ecnSiSacL It k nwcliwBeaily perfeet-on'r

Rugs and


.Muki- a iH-uutiful uml lasting Christmas present.


A KaD|!C that takiui inon- Ijraiin than hauiiiu-n to utAe.

I'hey t-onsbit of the new.-st aiid U-st paU*-nw a^tl a' large

A Kanct* that i-uts your fuel bill in half.
A RaiMte that will «k> tlu- work a-s represented, wear as n-pn-sented. and Ik as n-pn-sentejl—first elaas in ev«-ry. respect



' jfSss r

J P»liiiE]:

There is nothing that pleases the young peo­
ple and helps them t6 take heedthy exercise more
than a good coaster 4led or a good pair of skis.
Wo have the finest line of coaster sleds that we
have ever shown. Also an assort^ment of all sizes
of the Northland Ski Co.’s skies—the best ski
made. We also have a large line of coaster wa­
gons, velocipedes, and toy carts.

varioty of iffad-w and the priees are exwptiobidly rcaaouable.


9x12 .\xtniiwter .............................$17.76 up to $30.00
9x12 Velvet ........ .................$12.60 vf to $88.00
9x12 Wilton Velvet................$88.00 up to $52.00

It surely would please j-nur wife or muth>T to p-1 her
a niist, useful kiteben eabinei.

We are showing a large

line ranging right up in price fnim $4.<ri to ^8,.‘i0.

At Tills
GenulM solid oak IMoeess Xlreascr.

It is always <|uiie. a iH-rph-xiiiR 'im-Ktion to tell jiwt wliat to
pel ^-oiir friends for tliristuiaa preaenta.

We would

like lo have you iiispcet our eollcelitmQ^f^Mir eoverings.

This is easily w»lv.^ if

iOiiil) be ded Preoeb

plat« mirror,

you pet a GhiW-Wernieke M-etioul hookeaso.. You ean start iq
this t*hriHtmaa with the top imd base and aertioiiB enough to bold

ibree dra wen; for only $10.73. worth

a hundred Ixwia or more, for from |i6.00 to M.Od.


Then all th»t

you have ,to do ever.VrhfisImas is to wnd one or two more s*-*.*-

Jg»t rerctrod In tine for wtae ThriftTbea «e have several styles i
•u bu.vcrs. Fifty ne* s>tu|>lc rockand then- is iinlhinp in the world that mallm a more aeeeptaMc
n nnd luorrlf chain from the Trav- iiiK rUbtjop to a beautiful serpentine
preaent. Evit.vouV 1ms a (<‘W iHioks. Tiie seetioiM. make a beau­ •se City Chflr Coniwiiy to t>e aold at front, quonered oqk drecsei
tiful eaie-. no matter wbetber it is large or small, and tbi-y e.r' IBMOH' roft. The*© are all lam-, na*- proporUo^te prire.
build unto it just as they like. We have them in diffc-mU finisliei five rorkers—Iota of them in Mild.
CenulM oak Ind lialution quarter
Mwed. npbotet<-rcd in beat Chaitc
leather, with aprins aeat.
tiona, whieh'will.lM- froio ^a.rjl^np'as high %s you want to go.

These rockers wifi be sold (or Irsi
louey ibaa other doafers wlU ehat Rc
yim for coomon. ebaap rockers. Just
Me M>rne of the prices: .
A taive. naMlte rodter. ceqnlne
-tiuarterad oak . npholatered In bewt
Chase leatbM-, for only M.lh. wnrth IT.


Then we have them nngliw rlsht
alDUK In dlCerent prices—qpmc for
«e.00. worth »10.00. up to some for
413.4N). worth $».<>«. Cone la aad se­
lect one while the aseorment Is lood.
We vui More tb«B for you f^ of
ehane nntfl Christmas.

Some BeaulifotB Well
Made LiBiwry Tables

whih,to p-1 a lady friend a niee present, dhere
Dresser like cnl. 3*x*g oval mirror,
B nothing ahe will appreciate more than a niee writing
III serpentine, MUd quartered ^
desk. We have huiue i-xceplional bargains in thute; a beau-'
tiful, |K>liabed. ipiartiT-sawed oak .Writing desk for only
A ennd nreaent for sone-


$r>.76,17.7$ aad I9.7S. Titey
are worth al«leaAt onathird

Just received two dosen new pedestak in assorted p^ttenM and desigus.

Solid oak

pedestaL 18-in. top, 4-in. piUar, stands 24lin. high, poiiahed finished. $1.75.

Special while they -last.

on cup bell, baa oval glass over beautiful; Persian pattern dial: our. special



Sllv^rwarie andCCut Qlass^
Silverware make* a very, acceptable present and used every
day is a consUnt reminder of'the girer.

$8.00 manUe; cloet^ atrikes hoar on Cathedral gong, half hour

Olh»,..t R75; t3JB, .»7.50 Md <8.00.,

Several olher atyies at the aame propottioDa] prices.

for three peojde to sit comforrahly, and they are as
beauUfuJ aad showy a idee#
of fsraltur* as a -peracn
could put in their home 1m
twice the money.' At
price We are eMlIng them.
iDey wlU not last lo


. American quarter4awod oak. fine fioiali, , 24x40-in. top, large
drawer, wood Mobs; nice enough for aojr Ubrv^*; apecUl prk-v,

A .hvge line of library tables ranging in any prior you want
to pay. In American quacter-sawed oak, mabogany, withered
and Early Engliah.
W«- will aave you from $3.00 to J6.00 oil anything you want
in a library table.


one at a very tow espeoae:
We have a Urse Hue of aenW vine oak settees, weathered
r oak. BpttoUlerad la
t <^te leather, large enou^

price $3.25.

Huy your ailVesware at J. W. Slater's and get the beat at the
lowest possible cost.
We alan ait.^pwiitg a.fiite liigi.ol cat ^aas and faaor diabes.


ouun) nuTBn Bmiu> An> TBAviin bet beou, teusidat, dbo.


A* ♦ ♦ ♦

♦ rauB.



ara Uadtcd there are
. tblnf* OM can do recitbont
■onay and Wliboot prioe." If the heart
____ ■ Sva.
Wm whether at hand or tar away. For 1* WJ of loro for otbarm. Perhapa
Whaa Ckrtraaae heOa ara riBKiBC.
‘hoaa at borw- It U alwar* now'.'a -a there b aoaw one to whom a leUer
AadCbrlalnaa chain ara atogtof, Itotf aone Uttle tblag raady, If k l< fan of lore and hope and cbaar wwrtd
And toraat graaa naraa erary cAorch p ’*hln*: more thari a rteJNe >;kelet.— do mnch good, and perhapa yon are
a aweei and Ncrad wood..
rrtm: Tha Uplift
tha oaa to wHla that hot agato. If
Ut wrary aonl ha ewMitog
•*» hbla, open the pane and dbWith toy that hae no tailing.
Sonw bacd Chrlatfnaa Hlnta.
bounty. ‘It b more

WatAad ChrlKBat tkla. are darkling.

Do a. Bnch work tha^for. a.
rrrHti^ t.? iT? i ■. ■ n n ^
^ But aU of the wbola year through.
poatible. gat the rageubiat «»dr ^ha toy that you give to othert,

L«t an the world be eoietog
A rapturtnii rejoicing.
And fakh dod bope^ jublbnt be- ,
cawa the Lord b hcml
Goom hlMt .fid k.nnv ,. r.., -

In’ cSld «ter^
? ’*' " k
a It Ja ao much
Pranch dresalng—a mlztnra
aad rlnegar-Ht beat

Reumt to niaka yon glad.
Our actual aad inazcutable wrong,
r we keep tapaat**
" CbrUlma. ratumi. b
the diUdren
rtUdrVn Vhe
•“ emphaablng lo the
the Im-


WIU thought of tha great U»e to ^
Heaven ihaf etoopad our human
1^' ”
«*•» an eacallBit aabd portMcpof receiving, while wethongbtlAt no tone fall or falter.
l-aMr Pu.h to tha background the
IE. aure. however,
K........ to
Make every win an altar •
dinner. Be
of giving. The good Saint
TO offer i»a.
praise wra
and aisaneei
gbdnaai lor
for ine
fUvor to the aalad use Nlcholaa need, a boat of helper., Wa
have made an advance to recent years
Light of Chrlstmaa Day!

• ■"■W'"”"

_______________ _

-Round the world, and (brongh •
the world.
. .
All apace aad dblanee
scorning. •
• nmaib far apart heart apeak, to •
pea*. » .^
. ,
tlita Berry Chriataas

Tl» AteratlM «r tti« wia# Mm.
WM tW an had l«R Ua •»«•.

qirl««. .... >l«. «M7

Tta«rt tta

li«l» tb« pn-b< tt. b.11 .< ».

Witbow wtag aarthlac aboal tt.
aoaie of the yoanc paaifte eaaa tofather a »e»k or two m ad*aaee. and
- •• *
-------------- ----------Jttat at dawn, there ran* oat oa-the
frotty air the word! of the tHd carob
that the walta hareanag ao Many oaatarlao- to England—“Ood «aat Ton
Merry. Oantlamaa.- and an U. olh.
art. It waa a St and baanUfal awahaalag to tha Boat haatnlfol day to the

whi pawed; and it wai not tha teat
striking baente Jt ehone from a boiwe
•bare a toaaly jold lady kept Chrtot.
mu by herealt.
ABshg Ihoaa ^ho
the wreath
and the tlgn waa eoa of MIb Thomat' oalgbbon. O'
etopi>ed. turned ronnA weol back to
boor all
own home,
ani to
half an boor

Ilk. «].« w»I

tWr MMVd U troadar.
01 lhar aia waU brewaad; thaa dipttoeai Into nteltad cbooMata loadaat,
t and frelt >niiTt»4*«i M doamay’d oa by {data and Bonatala.
dal|oloBa — — ..... —------o^i hoIt ChlUt
iMB. IB a kaiUa twa eanTiD they iaaad the Holy ChUd?
made by placlag to a katUe two eap.k-,
.ti »k-<, .\2e1m
tub of granabtad aoMr, a baU^p M
goMan aom aymp. and a
plaA et
craam of tartar. BoU mtll It ^aa a
hard hall when dropped toto «otd watiara ins myrra in onanagi
tar. In the maanUBa heat ap ^ Snow ye aot that lowly Baby
Wat the bright ud Boralag star,
of ^iia. He who came to light the Oantllee.


Wdad toto toBllf portion Uha a tamp Mde thMr hBuaa. il.a ,-ople htv. pot
that light, only a little home clrcla. «««htog onttlde lor ar.ryhody to «“»»toa4. Pour tha mlxtnr. orar tha
w„. ----------------’
.k- «k»,. .-.,b “T T.------------------------- he.t«i white, of a«*t. and • beat op

It the toy that
The poor tnd lonely and red.

'• ___


Oae ChrfaUaaa atorala#. a fe* yin
a«o. paeide who paaed the Tboaiaa
hoaae notload two lUUa Chrlataae
traaa efaodlaf m on each aide of the
oU4aabloaad floot door: and on the
doer RneH hnof a wreath with a pb.
card Inalda It on which waa latterad
bi*a aad pbtot
A Marry Chrbinlaa to Yob.
Erery oae who taw it teemad to

wA ateate. aad rrti tmto

th* to»«: tba p»*d«U of Ughtod » N« <««. « b»4. br UWm Baw




Uto voiMB. ud ab« li K l*d ta tt* iteUiBbMMt at aaeO>t d»t*t




u, bring the people toto-Bora friendly
baglne to he^ a lltOe. d^ frem
raution. with one uothar, and to » »I»«» »■ ****^ P*P«*'
them laa. aalf.canlafad. Parhapt P^t*- The frok can be omtttod. If
I, ha. abo helped iham to carry the
^ T«y prrtty ^ U
_________ _feeling
a lUU. farther .tong
through tha ywr.
fmlta. chopped candled cherrlai are

•aw Thraa SMpa.

I aaw thraa aUpa eosa nUlng In.
♦ .t
1* .tA!
A dallctoua new ............
fruit nnd nut c«aOn ChrtatBa. Day to tha BOihlng.

♦ tJiiiaTiiAt
tha bural wraathe which, with Ihalr ♦
A t “*> ** "“'‘•'*^ **"“*
k. k
••..j'.km. ki
bow, of r«l ribbon, had been hanging ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ^ ti.t.-tnk
I »««^***
‘ ^
aaUad tboa., .Mp. all
. ,.MM~wkf*rni of butthraa
Inside hb
ware hangtog
to Delight—Soak oae-naii a
On Chrbtaas Day. an CfarlstBaa
aimllar poMUoni
on tha ouUlda. He
alao hung a fdacard on hb door:



ton jnloe,
maa In the Sunday echool and the day
Durlnif the d^ two or three other
Ibh or black walnut meaU that have
On Chrlattnaa Day to the aorhiwf
The sweet or white pcuioes should «j,ool There b atill room lor kn- houses btoaeomM out with a bit of ‘*®
through a Beat chopper.
• -•
*» «*>'«> thetday before. Got them provement to the Indlrtdoal home. I greenery. One in particular was madet ——— ^

«!law» rvur
P®“" ODio
®”‘® .
• P**”*^’» nnu nMvu Mm.
**“ vui ,
®*> rmaj to
'® brown
Drown at the
tee laai mo- ««« toU you of neighborhood aatueaetila- attractha
attractlta by laMoona
feafUtona or
of uarai
UnrM draped r
riH dbJwS *"‘®
snit sa ssva rImA
I. .KII.
_ pretty colored
__ Oeaoe
____ pa•»««.•»«»••«
time ymt
not Antv
only In
to Vhsi
tha ____._
menb toMWt.k.
chll- from tt».
the tnn
top nf'CK.
of the Vwknf
W Ar^r
door In
lo *h»
the '
*VA|f«*tatto b tlwroogh^ per. than In
On Chrtatmaa Day. on Cnrtattaa.
gebtto. atlr until gebtto b
p,,. j,
choeobte caramel b made
Praprarion. but to the ctoanln.
very pw,r. Although they top. of the gatapoeta.
.k^Lii- mm B-hbh-n
P®“' «
by pbeing'ln
up ^
aa well. p^,
Peel the eQuaah or tu^
ellnted often a,
ae to food and Are.
The neat year marked a decided <»•«»»•«.
Ptoelng'ln a kaiUe one cup
cop of Oh.
Oh^ they aellad Into B^labam
nips early In the morning wash and oft« u to ctoihtoA and always as to gain. This Umc the deeoratloBs be“*'•>' “ **®*- *
* brown sugar and one cup of goMea
On ChrUtmaa Day la tha Boralng.
__ _soak
I. them
_ ._tn_ cold
... ._(or_ an_ hoar.
_ _ pUyihtogs

and luxuriM. tbeaa ehn- gao to'
are encouraged to make an ef- before ChrlstBae,—a great many of
oune« of roeltod cboeolato.
ihen'ibrow tbaor Into boUlng, nnaaliad
On C^laMto* D®r> ®® Christmaa
w^r. Bcfl aa hour, drain and
to bringing a lliUe hk of Chrtot- tha houeea dtopUyed them, aad there P®ratura and htunl^D ^ .iLTaid ®®”
Or01>|JW Into
iULU cold
lAUU water;
«Sk«. ■ k
«k eboold
VMW.M be
,™«. Ik. .««. Ik tk. b.Hkl .l.k
------------------------------------------------------------------------------>oy to other..
The aplrii
of was
much diversity
and aome originalA A.
-f. dropped
while over the Aia And ell the liMto/on eerth shall ring
With a layer of engar between aacb chrletmae ie tbeire to beewwel of ky in the devices.

k««-m the levers
Chrtstnm. Day In the momlng.
layer of allcas. then add a cupful of ,ain«a and kind words and gentle acta.
One of the moat attractive was a
**1**'^ naiwaan uc imy
exactly a.
butterad Uoi one Intdi deep.
water, cover the dbh and bake alowly
they __ _ have
nothing mera ________________________-............_
unall Santo Cblu. about a foot fat^
ir root, and
cut Into small equarw aad And all the aneeU In Heaven sbaB
for about one boor cr an hour and a ,o giv«. Prom home, of comfort chll- atonding to a gibat wreath on a front abovA but omit Ue
■ — wrap each ore to waxed paper.—fct“I®*
The hoautlful, deep, apirttual Inner half, until each slice b transparent._______________ ^^____________ ’____________ .
_______ _
On Chrlatmae Day. oa Chrtatmaa
Beanlng of Christmas, which It SMDe- Cook the glbleu the <lay before: chop
tines seems that the world b torgel- Ui'ern and stand them aside to the wa­
“•••• *» Heaven aball
ling. waa never more beauiifull.v ci- ter In which they werd cooked.
Pleased than to aome “Christmas
At fcervlng-ilinc dbb the torkey.
Thoughts'' to ‘The Uplirt." They say. goose or cblcken. pour off nearly all
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦«♦♦♦♦♦♦♦• On Cbrlatinaa Day In the morning.
much better than Heme Cheer can. the fat. keeping In the pan only- (oar
The Vele. ef the Chrbt-Child.
am aU the «mU on aarlh MmU Mng
Juat what CbrlsUBoa sboald mean to ubler-pooDfub. add four level tobleTk. «nk ku
old Wiu. 1» kor^ ckH.1™. DU. OO Ckrt.100.
oaeh one of ua.
epoonfals of Aour. mb. add the glbden of COTA

lets and a pint of the water In which
Bui at ChrtstmaA It always b yoang. And all the aoula oa earth shall slag
Why Bhould yon ^ give CbrisUnas they were cooked. Stir unUI botllog.
The heart of the Jewel bums luatrooe
Chrtatatoi Day to tho morning.
prcaonit? The one great reason why ngd a teaapoonful of Jdlcbeo boquet
and fair.
—Old Carol.
you ahould make Christmas prasenli or browning, the tame of aalt and •
And Its soul, toll of moMA breaks
b thlr.—It b good for your soul. It b dash of pcpj»er. boll a moment and
forth on the air.
^ ctobtinii
the material that make, yoar aoul serve.
Wk.k u., uu or u. Uioi. 1.
tk. .k.
grow greater, sweeter. Cbrbtllke.
----- ,
Which hymned onr Savior's birth,
That may be. In a certain sense, a
Chrictmae Cakea. ' ,
aelAsh reaaon, but the developing of Greare twelve gem pans, and Hm

OOIU,.. Old -Dk, u u ..-k. *7
that eplrtt b so wboJeooine the inssi- (bem with crust pastry. Croaia two '
To us yet apeak the strains
.. subBe at best, is not ounces of butter and two ouucea o(
Wherowub. to lime gone by.
Ktuaily to be dreaded. Don't you see rugar together until they are quite
' Ye hloBed Syrian ewotoA
how It ahapes ytfu to give aa we db wbllF: add one egg. heal well, then
The (eel of the Chrtet-chfld tall gentto
Oh! roieee of the aky!
at Christmas? It leads y-ou to think stir In-one heaping tobleapoonful of/
and whItA
. of ctheru, to put away freni your days cake crumbs, one ounce of ground alAnd the robe of the Cbriat-chlM
dear «»d shtoi-c light, whose
the iinpube of aelf, to deny yourself mondA and half a teospoonful of
Mt With dMlght
lime for things you would otherwise shnond extract. Half All each paltry
Tk.1 loukUd u, tk. cklldtu ot
HU..O-. tlorr .k.d.
Uka to do If It were not that you like o,se with this mbiure.-sprioUe over
Aronnd the palms aad o'er the
BO much better to use your hours for ,mi jjn,iy chopped almonds, and
the happiness of another, end you also |,ske )n a moderate oven for twenty
Do tk. ^
tk. kurit. tk.
*„j‘J|^.'',k, kud.
deny yourself something of material niinutoe. Turn out, and when cool put
wretched and pw»r. ^
Be near, through life and death.
pleasurse or poaaeaaiona that you , teaapoonful of aprloot tnannaladi on
That voice at the Cirtat-chOd shaa
may have money to piil Into the gifts
. Of hope, and Joy, and faith— .
you ars tdanning for others. All that
gwediah Wrealhs-Work onedtall
And to every Wind wanderer opne
^ shlatofllghi!
Uto of Ume. money, and thought b an
„a one-fourth cup Urd I5.
..d oiu.
«Uk Ultk dllu .0^ ku
Uid uDUo ^
exprebe In applying the spirit of 10 one cop bread dough.
Dressed ------------------Of ^
a 'S4”wMok k. d..od Ul 0>
dough. uMng
UMng the
me dren
»fen should
anokini be
m: allowed to
k» efbd
«v~k. dolb.
—.... door.
--------- ------------------------------ .J,A^ nnlnr It vllb ■ dmB or
ChrisUnaa■ which give,
gives the name to
,o„ on a boxes of blocks, story books, to> A and boou and peaknd cap. he eeeBod to been jdd^ wlor U with a drwj»
diMm of before.
Chrlstmaa Mlalthe beet pert
part of the yeer.
year: Don't re^^og Jut whatever elee can give pleasure to smlb good will; upon oil who caMbt ‘*®,«
““ ^Iih a yeunshine of weleoBo for aB.
RoBMve Matoga grapes from slenn.
fuse touraelf the beneAts and blessn^ur lo prevent dough from these IHile (rlendi who wfll be lifted hb eye; and
, and take
Ings of glvlu You can't afford to
ful off small pieces, and roll to the pinnacle at delight when the ------- "—
oc peppermint eiitaci. Coed and cut Tb« *«*»
bumblest may walk to ^ It seeds. Hake a cut In meh grape
keep from giving (hristmas rememj
Time »
brancas If you with to grow Into the‘ shape Into rtiig.. THp In chopped the Christ
Christmas entertalmnent to the
lakrll of the Ane MbmIc

Where the («t of the boUeA have
bnMh" Iwrtto cbl
fuIlnoM end height of your poMiblll


Home Cheer s Christmas Wish

Happiness—jiist oliri^tuoned Christmas hap'piness is Home Oder’s] wish for each one of its
circle of frifnds. c4mong the guests at your
fireside may there be found Hope, Joy, Prosperity^
and the f»o most Uessed guests of all—Lotk
and Peace.


You know the outward b the exlirearloD of the toward, and the more
you have to yourself or
eplriiualliy. the more excellent b the
i UI wh.tyo-dotoanyA.ld
WBB. yim ow lu sv i~.u
M bbor. Many aa arUst baa found
hb w-prk leas Ane as be became
worldly, and tha same u irtie
true of
workers to all dlvbloa. of the world'.
work The
The .pint
spim b
ts Mronger
stronger than
snyttatog cbA and If It b aox a Aoe.
nnaelAsh nature lU expretslon b like

'r’oVTor.v.r^'* r.rrs:':r.';rd'"rj:;s e:s:k'k'.s.?jk.”:o":;ru.‘

rsts^ream half a
1^1 un” vw light,
on^wpfu of watw Md
‘“rwe cupfuls
with I wo
Beat well. Mix one imund of
. nouad
half a poulTof
of choi.Dod
J ^ chopid.
«*«• and nnii

«P®® ‘“e boys and girls, and the re- ,-,th , streemw of tourol depending
o, eombln.Uon gifts by «UbrU. and two long hands of the
teechers. We here
,oo,»d tola meeting point to the
l«a|»ed something much better; we „a,er. Oae wtman had a small
.^helper, of SenU Oaus; *. sm«l chrtotma. true lon^ewh gale post.
Kbool on the frontier,
D awoke
By the third year the
to the family of the
to the feet that II had got bold of s
to the Indian tepee and the tenon
room. ®®t Christmas gifu; and ai
ekUd«» deny
^*"3 tbemseive. that
““* .*.®*> habR Some one made the
Ml' »»k« ®it'rr children »“PPy-happy sugettlofl that there might be
Christ- _ r"__.____ ______ ... —na


two aeedleei otan^ and at the a
Ume remove, the white portion from
trompea ot Chrtotthe frnll: then separale Ute fjuU U
«. have peMed.
.be tough portion
manktod are the chlldrsm ®^ ^^‘^ ‘‘‘*“!^“Ji^vait*Tlh.|.
Arrant erbp l«l»c*
lew eolad dbh to the form ot nesU
—punipe BraokA and Al each with grapes;
nests arrange (be sertleas etorangA
A ChftotmM Corel.
Pour over rrenc-h dreeetog made as
Them' a eong to the air!
followt: MU oDAfourth of a teaThere's
**■' ®*«’**‘*
spoonful each of aalt and powdered
There's a mother', deep prayer
epread easily, press out Hat with the
j-w enr!

rose »nd onedialf cup oMyator. Mix
together' end boll until It will crack
«rb« put to cold water- Have the
*btte. of two eggs beaten aUff and
pour the beditog
boiling syrup toto
Into them.
them Beat
mixture U very etiff.
o stiff to pour. Just before

*"or.s~ ™™rr." rs“. .7.“.^ .t.'T



but a. theand
^ «»n.ii «•=.
“Glory to chrielBSA on roch of the (our road. ®®*
• «“®«__
„ as
, reward.,,K.
BBtr fOT throe nours >o nwp ^
ime from *Hh paitor. Ie# with tuttl-frutU Mtog- Qod to the highest, on earth peace,
cater the town from the
Tbere'e a tumult ot Joy
the wonderful birth.
- Stuffed LnUe Roast Rig.
• and Mmulw: we hate mallceand haof the village a kind of
------- Candy—Thrqe

- cupa- of
true towardnees of the bleeeing of
. ..
a anrk. trad and the evil brood Of rin to this rbrtaint.. gstA made by aettlng up a >l«bt brows sugar and onwhaU cup of y^r the Virgin', sweet hoy
Dress, clron. stuff, and truss a
uH wergreen tree on roch .We of the »«b. Boll slowly, but do MK ^
i, the Lord of the «rtlL
,n frunt unUl It form, a soft bell to cold ww .^yt Ihe atar tulna Ha Sn and the
in a line ter. Remove from the Are and heat
BeauUful stac.
Kor the Bihger oT BMhl^ wodlea
alng the totne rw ,'„ jhe irwe. by laurel fe-toona.
and one cup ef waraely chopped Eng,
• Brot until thick and
lies behind the thlnga liany a
-------------- Put to hot oven.
---The deeoraUre scheme fv., very U»b **lauu.
paper, and cook-two
pxH. soyA
-mjn, -I. think the b^t jaH -of with
-- buttoipd
KMkw him ~ eVerr one!" — aiaiMret •imrd* and it cost alBoet nothing to cruamy. spread to a buttefod tin and
light of that star
- and
ua nYery
<%rbtBae b the gentog ,«.Hv
reedy tor
tor It
and onediaH
onehaH hours,
bo-rs. hasttag
h.aU« every
ew htoss ^
T^ T hntTtJadTA-?^? “ Bork to aqaarea before eoMUe. the age. Impearled:
As (or the expew ot rumembertcur twelve BlnulsA Remove paper,
SangMor. ____________ ___
drtirUnn fsng«f <»n ba aaade And lhal aong from alar
ttbcTA very few are eo poor that they over with ^vyem^^oook^
RMletlnn ChrietmaA
SitoS^Int^nara Utog to whWi with the^tJf^nuta and froltt. Dip
Ha. swept o'er the world.

zf, ~kir“





slvA~ and n letter Bay ba tent tor
three cMiu.. toclndlng entire coet,
niM there are few more delightful
p^uMBta t*«s" a good letter. The
trouble b tbet one's toMbb pride
teept him from geUtog tbs Joy to glvlas that be
he might have.
Ing ul Chrlatmas
He wanu to give eomething that ooeu
loto of money, and If ho'can't he won't

with bomtoy
seetkini ot


. eweeteet Cbrinmas
road. Let ua «hool girb. and they alao did the Ar»; then. If liked, they c ■# be dip* and water- cheer’s editor has c
__ _ _
country. g« work. Near the center of the common pod In
tbo "opening
out nooiv
h^t" insi—»i
toataad w«
of —
the wanes
stands *a va^i.
tall •ymmptilcal bine-r.-—•
eprncA —
always ------*
opening otn
----- _ -r
. “sbalttog-to habit- and let ua he the u Ideal Chrtitmaa troe growing to an and rwnov. the moma M l^ «a^
Snt le set the style and start the imsI place. A few smaller evergroeu ties with
Chriaamaa JMly.
and Mbit of' tadlattof ChrtsiBa. " to onr were set «P r^ IL and teMoon. »r been mlxod choggsd nut ^ or
Jolly U delWotb

veo Chrbtmasy U chopped nuu and ooBBunity.)
green-minted (herrtea are stuAd to
«n»e Idea wigtaated with Mtot

,k» «...». -UT o.


I. D.W. »

r; >.«, K-.



.. L


The True ChrieUnae SgtrH. ^
This iiay be tapmeed upon the
minds of lIttU Mks by tatmam at a
lien of the SsUvIty
tj,, mantel or on a lablt
placed (or the purpoee. A hill, valler
and roadway
roadway may
Bay be Bade frem sand.
recti ood dry graaaeA and rveeUed li
tbd vglley there ahonld be a thatched
roof beneath wbJcb ®***^*^ *'***,,.
their rongb «alb. the i^r ^
the Babe, and Mary and Joseph bend”‘!Lr I'*

u..,‘^“«.k.-u-.D-.i____ „____»K^

b King-

W. ™j*. K u. u«
And we echo the oMg
And w
down through the atobt

sinrp.p's pS: ^ t" -i.,««

.;«( that osa and M Mt namladfal <

Lr..,.-..,.- .kt,....


Sveefreen Rope.
An eaay way » me___ _

evnhg« an InA «r turn, aproya cut Itob Sr
bnachM Theefeetli Jm
• V

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