Grand Traverse Herald, July 11, 1912

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Grand Traverse Herald, July 11, 1912


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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and Travaraa







FunBi N swur




Founder ef Edgswusd Paeeed Awky


Btoehbolm. July ».-AnKTlr«B alb
Word baa beea rweelved froB (Yipl.
lelet daxedlhiropeans when ibe). quali­
sod Hn. J. E. Hoare. of toe local
rE IS oeneNal all oveh fied seves me* la seven heals in the MANY WANT TO HEAD PROHIBI­
of tbe Salmloa Anny wbe
• and ala moatb died a( her borne
IpOU nteter race. KlvU Headtund.
have twea away oo a tolriy day far-Edgewood- Ule Tuesday
Jtoics. Shepbwd McClure, Taber. Matoosh. to tb* effect toat aen Saaday
Lalbru|> cwme here Bcveral )<-srs qgo
derla. Of tbe Amerlesas who quaileveatoc will occur tbeir tarewell to
and bull! the firai (otuge at Edge'
fled. Honhag. ea Amerlcwo won
Traverae City. Mr. aad Mrs Hbare
. calling ber
heel in the li.Ubtr nteter ran. Scott aa
bare bad cbacce of toe work here lor
(bat naine. Thus was Ibe resort wbicfa
Aiuerliaa, wtontog toe eeexud beat
■ixtoea moaibs durlaa which
crowB lo be one of the a
UiD* (bey have iiroveo toemaelvea
pator to tbe Grand Traverae
bard workers la toe caaae aad diWORK AND RAL^B
founded by Mrs Ltobrop. SI
votod dflattaas They will be creal»l beautiful character aad bas
ly mlescd by tboee^wlib wbon they
No Let Up' to Sight From (he PMUog
have worked while here, li la i
Over Tw* ThouMito Oelegateo
/mi>r om»4
Ray* ef the TropIciSan
kaowB where they w'UI be anil
PrsaeM at Opening teeslen i
Ptineral aervlc** mere held (ram VMIm Wa* ARttoted WtUt
Frwn Urt* CKto*.
work nest, or wbo will be aaslsacd
to th* -Urge
Psrajyaie end ORered a* Reelg. Kdgewond Wedneeda) imirnlDC at nine
tbla field. Tbe dtlaeoa ol the dly are
toned U Attaah ^ TswMd . •
This ForwaooA.
o'clock. Hev. Demaa (Wchlln offclai
torlted to <
ing. The remains were token to her•ECRETARY TO PRESIOENT WILL
OB toe few
PlHsburs. July
Five dead from
ciM borne al Jockaou wbelw burial will
WHbtwton. iply 10.—Tke vtukt' will be la toe city. They will leave! beat, (bree dead from heal seektoi!
Altonlir ai.v. July lo.—When the
('barle* Buebar, aged lA o( BiUM
terwm IMM Mt nriief from hot w*w (or toeir aew field of Ubor oa
uatlonal prttoibllkNi couveoiion was
lief to various fdrtus and upwards of
Falls was found dond.
Mr MkMcaii ia»v. *Im> Indiuu and Moaday or Taoday.
called to order today (here was every
sUons to the loll to the last
lion In hto bad at to* TravMw* I
Uaota, l«t te Uw odier staUs OMt
prosiwrt of • lively oenlest lor tbe
rt taouni exacted by a heat wave that
hospltol early Wadnaaday •
tbe prrdicUoq ww;
presldcolial immlnallnn. \ Chapin J.
bas held Piusburc In Its grasp since
int by a Bight watch. He bad be kSUd
Md *arBi.“ Tliindmiorvi are
Houaler nod (Tuvrlea Scanlon of Chi
July 1 Previous to Uhlay seven
time betwese to* hours n( two
•ckadtfad to tovak tlw lUdUcaa bo(
are am^ng tbe candidate* most
deetbs and 16 prostralkias were-tr- MA'TTER OF CH006INC WAS LEFT
and atx o'clock -by Us tweto ■*$•
IHomlnenlly mentioned. Over
poitcd. Tbe maxlmuai tom|>eralure
Mottoat •( SMaon.
l•rohibmonllaa are alteB.iing. Temtoday waa P8.
Ko* Yoi*. July lO.-TUi dty o«e]Iiorary
Them** 8. MHI*' *( fiupeeior. Wl*. lUwe (or (wmpany. Tb* BoAw boy
Tbe asffertog etuong mill workers
<«Md todar aodar (be botteat ana of
was Inteose. many of ibe fiwo belac Believed That Choice Is Wise One at tommlitec* was toe work nctomElected Om*d Eanltod Rutor
was affiktsd with I'atotito Fasalfula
■ (be. a^mm. rj»o penoM died,
pltohcd Imlsy.
complied lo quit work.
at Forttonfi.
Hllica to FamllUr With All
and bad besn M tb*
vara'pcavrated aad a aaDber
The vxiBVeBllon was called to ordiT
Five Deathe to Chiesgo.
May H. Lnagtea Waa a —d fttowt
(MOM dni« .-be eCeeu ■>' tba hnl
by NalloiuJ Clialrniaa Cbarli^ B.
Cbleaho. July
'Tbq bol wave
ftatlaand always exhlhltod grta$ ABMitafi
sf Polities.
OfMle? New Y«()l Tbewcuirr ..
Jones of IlllDols. b'Dllowinfe Ufe open­ rulng rbeera. Tbomaa B. Mills of Bn
which received, a Iqmpocary cheek by
■UadRjr iru-u earlr BHrauii uaiU at
ing addreqse* and toe cnlUng of (be l<erlor. Wu>, chairman of (be board for h^romptaloa.
ralB, rvlursed today, hive deaths and ."'^'siiluiigtoii. July 9.—Cbarlcs
Ebe^ys were all right at I e'etoek.
t •-etock tola aftmcn toe to
roll the coovemlog appotolad tbe cus­ of grand (ruxee*. wa* elected gnuid
Bine praatmlktos aitiibuted to toe Hillea. si-creuiy U> Ifai- ivrasident
this BwruiBg wbea tbs watch aadn bM
tomary romniltKes on credenltols. reo- exalted ruler of the Benevolent
Treatoo. N. J-. Juir 10.—Oov. Wood- beat were rcjiotted to toe police to­ be manager ol toe Tail vampalgn.
that ttirIngady Mat bavw
etc., and then took *n ml I’rolecllve Order of Elks by and
row WHeoB was la
1 eekx-ttd by toe re­ iouramcBl until lonwrruw morning. It
Elevtn to PMIadelphl*.
(baa SB boor reaterdar ancr;
publican Iiallousi cvmuilllee today. has been derided lluit all (he aeastons
.So mouve to aaerlbed by Uagtou (or
«rtw atet toe IS aark. Soow bop*
tdol|>hla..jBly 9.—Eleven deaths President Talt left ibe selnaiviB •
to* only (baory that tba
of rall*r>da t*U oat toalckt br pre9f the conventton toall be held In tbe K-levled for (h« 1913 ooavenlkM.
dletleu e( poaatbl* abowerd toiwantrw. oflAbor. After tbe ateettoc Ooaipera being due to the excenalve be*L Protv
morning, leaving (be afiemooni
Other clecitons by acctomalloii were
hlld mimt have ban* dtytaf dar' Tteaoaada «f ppepi* crowded
lyfor <v>hinilllee,work and tbe
Dr. Cbartos li. Ward ol .i<aaai
aaM: ”We dleeuaMd with toe sovera- -tfatloas were onmmiiiH. Tbe maxilag toe Bight trom gala cr wto* other
.parks Wai^t; ioaklni reUet.
lug* (or public rallk-e.
or toe pUtfona ad^ited by tbe BaHI- dram temperatue for the day was 9.’>
grand esteenved loyal kalghL aad
• aad la irylag to tSmm bM '
MaOeoMa Raaerded.
mere ooaveaUea aad
TbI* to toe Bfto day ol Ibe prei
nlnaHona will not be renebed grand treasurer; Edward L«Bcb of
aaloa choked bfaa ItoBjgfWarw
. t%Uido»bla. Jotr lO.-Sia deatba aelvee.aa belac to eaUr* approval wav*. NeW York, reelected lor the aixtb
dw to tbia beat «er« repdrtod bera
Thrw* {Me to Beeton.
successive time.
’Pl>todar aad tora* o6er paraoaa
sloo. July 9.—Three deetbs aad
frtcndly rivalry for the honor of bead e-'Apioag the prlDcIpal (beams dwelt
iffeci .
aad UUt mUmm
rlfhu of (be worktoi people of to* td prostnllons due to beat ware re­
lag tbe DBtlonal tlckcL The Ohio del- on 'by'Exalied Ruler Sullivaa la bU
Wans la Hentraal.
ported to Greater Boston today.
UaMad States
kto has arrived with a suing rojiott were the aem MBnY Nat___ laveaUgaHna loGai dkat to*
W Iw
*|-thl«k to* ^((ono poee
(be sixto
boom for Rer. Jiarun 8. WWklaB 'of borne, which be atroagly urged ahouid toa death warn an Mav
.qwaat would ba awgirs—fft
r aad aeoraaet
tered over »V
■taat ptoltlcsl party caa decUra ate
that state, wbo waa tbe candidate for be bnlU at once.
patwbwdlaw. Ike official toennooie' der toe prcMat laduatrisl aad poUU- gres*. toe b
president four years an. New
Giuad Secretary RobiasoB reported
tar toacbad M decrees.
Kogland 1* la the field with two can­ that the value of property owned by
that la with say deHot to Gotham.
Cree of
« of betoc eaaciod toNew York. July 9.—Tbe im-rniry
didates. while PenDsylraato. minoia.
Wlwaafec^ Jalr lO.—Three proetra- to law.*
imped today to 93 degrees official
Texas, Arixoba and several <
MZ. whifdi. he said, makea the order
UOM (TOM hast ware reparted to MilHr. GoBpera said that he abd bis S o'clock and some atreet thermomfr
stale* also have favorite sob* whom (be wealtolewt In America.
waakaa todv. bop* of toe tasee i
dbacues were acUof as "eovoys of tars recorded it as '99. Four deaths
they are pusbing forward for
le total Dieniberwblp. as shown by
« Aiaerlcaa Uboms mss" Wbea weia recorded last night to toe beat. TAFTyWILL BE NOTIFIED OF NOM- nominatlun.
Secretory Roblasoa'i retort, to was asked wbdber toe PederatioD Tb* bnmldUy was excessive
Tst. a nel lacrease of S3,*63 la tbe last
of Labor will aapport the democratle Booras of prostralloBB were reported.
The total receipts of tbe grwad
UikaL be aald. “W* are aolai
Ne Attention la Being Paid to PM ef
lodge from all source* exceeded tboee
•irweg ERert to S$mt Madg to tagaf*
previous yeaiw to the emoup
ffunw «r Tiwasto CRT
a or aatoorlsa us i
t97JHI. The lotot dtoburwemento
$106,301. The wnrplaa on bmad amonal
into lo $106333. Tbe total aaounl
IS a ■toBCBlllceat pleee of Ut*^
Wa^Llt1RI•.o. July in -Taff. rcclctreceived by subordinate lodgm (ram
ary prodacUoa aad paoctaatloB. bat
on cwmiiaiso saa formaliy touached
One of toe graatwt ilsiwHimal to*tosafar as It affects toe worUac peo­
FoUowlng Is a clear And eonv'lse
wbea James B. ReynaldA'tbe newly
I n batonca turea that a city toa M >s»ari Rg
ple sad tbeir risbto. it to coos
com9 band of $l.7U3»S.
cHlsena aad at tbe earn* Um*
TraiLoot Word la .1
oasly torktoc.Cbarliles
enjoy able, (t to gravid* a toanton
rae Rebecca Ln<ge No. 193 I. U. U
PWtowlnc tbe eoafereace. toe cov- F. mM for the regUar seasiuo auJ llsb headquarteiw. ('balniian Hllles do for toe Hiy. Tbl* rxpUvnalloD. fur
qua. Acting on tonne grtnctplM. to*
t lett.for AUsBtlc Clly.
lisbed by Ibe deaconess. Mias Kaec.
Indicaleil Ibat lilllc will be done
TTevera* City Board cd Tiado bav*
' Uactad'ibe lollowlns tdflccrs:
aerd active carapatgeing uatll the tells plainly Jual what 1* expected of
(or tbe past two year* ptoosd btoor*
F. C.—Alma Urawi.
PactMoato. BBS, Julr 10.—ibe^
xramiliicc meet lo elect e iress- the people wbo aaiil to help and
the people a aeries *d ewtsvtokmaWto
N. 0.-Belle Tbompeou.
■raatoto aaeal review to to* htotorjr
exervillvv and advisory rominli- benellls derived b> (boee wbo need A. H. FrsKk'ni Has fiurtod a New In- of toe blgbMt order. Tbto y«r they
V. O.-^Artetoa* Heiheru
af (be warU took place off SpUbaad
Tari eill be foimally aotlficd the help. Mis* Kniw to in faor eai<-e.
have gone a Step farther aad gathered
tadar. PiwellealU to* eatlra ffckUai
7. Kut^erland block. fnm> k to
ol bis nuuilnaiiuD esri) in August
together (be bek army ct toleel ebTreaaurer-Mra.
- atruMto af to* toltlsh aarp todedtoc Mra. Fraak Lutme* anad Saby Naarty
lominga and dvvo>e*~ber after
talbhble. Those wbo are (asaUtorwMb.
II Kisnkllo. All Weleier s
OBdurlur—L'Uni Rytnrr.
to* aaw drMdaaacbta toto toaaeked
has eis ned up a ladder factory which tbeee attiactoas and aoto* e( to* zw
WardeD-Mary lartharluswet* toipedtoa to atotobeta of toe reIs
iirpnilses mu<-h for btnueir and If preaenutlvea of varlou* lyoaam m
R. 8. to .V r. -Manba.Homshy.
iBday aftemooa tfrs. Prank Lut
York. At that meetisg It is probe
I U|> by fruit growers mill rewnlt reaos have told too** wbo are
U 8. to N. G.—Mania Millet.
Mm toMi aM'ffsbUiic aacfatoei of
and mile baby bad a very
Tbe Huri-aii ut A>~>clali-d (TiBhlliw: ■•erhaiM in oac of the torivlag Indus rare of this greaeot oaure*. that (bk
Cbaplata-Arvilla' Gardner
alir^aM toaatad to ato Um tou
pe froin drowtttoc aad bad It not
ttenes BH a clearing office lor all tries lor Trave&e Hlty. Mr. Franklin to toe Wl tolcbi that will appear oa
laalde guard—Rose Day.
atrelebed fat tar tUclf Bile* wbea been for (he presence of mlad dle(da>
11 or III will Iw anofiuored. Many Ibe eharltv anrk In tbe • Ity.
y chautoi
iianqua glattorm In RIcblfiBa
toe tawledlw teat arrired at toe
by Mr. UiUnaa It is more (haa like
Investigates pruuipll) tbe Hreum:ic» have been •ll*<-u*w!d for natioula year.
R. 8. to V. G.-Ann* Haggard.
aotos U aaptame eouaad wee Adthat (bree lives would* have been
roaeniv-r. Those nioM Bicntloned sUSi-PK ol applicants.
with cxtensloa top aad shelf oa which
No pains are bnlag apared to gtre
L. 8. 10 V. G.-Minnie Valleau.
aUCBl air Oodta* Cbltoabaa «
Mr. sad Mrs. Lat­
and tbe geuwa* ton be **■
Tb* work of insUllallaa waa gl>.-ii
tear ttanad Iw was ffrlac fron toe maa and two eblldrea. wbe reside el
fharlns G. Uawes ot Chicago, lor- licqveni Hie cbildivn -Irum growing up easily Bdjustqd. Mr. l^nkllB bcllevce Biired that they win eejoy each aotofl^ttoc mm U toe sroat Neptuas Silver Inks were retaralns from by the R I) P. klartba ilonuby and
conipiroller of the treasury: Ua- I ivaupriK.
it will prove a grswt advantage ov^
Tbe eevvral lecUrwa are tb*
%ka lea ft tftoaa offlcara «l ffet oburcb la Ibdr row bouL as tbey'sre craad Marshall Mary Unhahua. ae vid H. Korsan of Chicago, prolitent ol
the old-fasbloncd klO'l. He maoufacIs tbeir line on to* *mm1(ien
stoted by ^e (oHowiag grand offineis:
taik were rapreaeatod to tb* '
loiM to dome duct Sunday. G. W.. Man U Miller: G 6.. t atherln- Ibe Chiiagn Talt leagui-. Johu Wsaa of dl^resH.
Jures (bem blmseif at l>l> shop at the platform Ex-Goveraor Prank P. Han­
hiaad ieat .which waa' toaaaed
They were well out from ibore when
maker of Philadt-lphla. K F. Swloncr
No cr> of real KUffering to Ignc^ rear ot bis bome, and bas several
ley. Heesior Frank Cannoe. of Dtabp
toora (baa 40.W* offlcm aad i
tbe baby's hat Mew pff. Mr*. Lutmsa. roates; G. T, lleEiie Moeruv; Inside
anaas Cii) sud Joliu Hays HamTil IbU eli t Hh- Iicatuicul laclndes: OB CXblb.llOB.
Frank P. Sadlw. of Cbica**;
Oiawilcaeas Bear toa fnmt of toe line boldine ber baby to her lap. reached
Providing viiinicdlalc relief when
Kinest Wray O'.N'eaL Robert Parker
guard. IJMle Retokc: t!.
Emma mood.
for IL missed ll and reuiffied assto.
Ralph vvmunis nf Orccon Is alalrrl
>. Mr*. Uooora Istoe. Smith Dam­
ere aad tb* Me MossA aad Ortoa. Tbe second time botb she and (be IH- CbaPBSiL
The re-e*l*lill«haicut of touilly (Ici,
ir appolmiDcnt ns nn«- of the ' lilg
potter efaftsaaB; Mra. Lola
to* toto ward to fiebttos mn.
lle one went overboard. The first Imfive" advisory .•ommlll.-v. to hr plai-cd
Tyler Galea, th* clevar entoruiam':
poise of Mr. imtmaB was to lump to
rharcc of Iho wt-su-ru Tati hi«aproMsuiioD of ucgllgenl iwr
Elllas Day. toe imperaoBaMr: Tahag.
after them, but with focetboucht be
the. captive white cbOd. grew* to
aoMMared that all tslcbt be draowd
Altoough uum> lucuilwrii of Hie suls
res vnipkiyoieol lor tboac out
lood. and aow to* platform gtory
down locelber. so be rowed to wbm
of work
teller: E P. Immben. tb* fftaskaufi
hi* wife aad child were stru
i-halnuanstilii was a>-ttled. several
I'Jiambertois. 8. i). July I'l —UTiwI lecturer; and Ibea the tore* great
Procurcn legal *M.
toe water, reached down more than
sla.ved long enough to have rhon mnprobably toe most nniqaw religious luslcal mmbera, toe Meilsem Lo Bnm
So iireK scrvii-cK of liealtli offl'cr*
ana's leaxtb and cascht bold of the
icc* With toe prcKl-li-nt and bis and idivslelau*.
gatbeiing of the summer was opened Grend Opera rwigtoy. (be Heman.
rblld's elolblBX. The motber held oo
newly elected campaign Dianager.
Reiiorts unaafe or unaanltorr condl- mday- al .he pew Iowa of V>al<-9 lUr- (be elnging head aad tosm ckotr, aad
■ <Hry. lad, July lO.-nmer.lod. now to tba babe and la this waytolh wi
phr aboard tbe yarhu -Htomdclle. " They iiroceeded lu orgaulxe Mr. ODK to the proper uSICtaie.
car tbe Roeebad rmervatloD. (be firbamanb QataUtu.
Matos to hat* llsbied lu streeU by saved. It was a narrow eKsi^ and an beleaglng to the Prtocc of .Uonmu. Taft's i-amtwign quite undisturbed
Siudie* Ibe health, moral and Inie]
- s>'>ersl thousand laduu* pio
; tb* mat oalqae awibod ever einpito'- experience Mr*. Luimaa will not esr^
have discovered
tbe rcia.n toat a number of prxvgreas- le< lusl status of eafb fainUy. and with i fcwsiug Ibe t'atlKjlic religion asnei:'
ad. Xhtv*B aarthsrmrd from tb* Kaa- to CO ibreucb acnto merely for tbe ciples Which
ive republican* plant to Circulate peti­ Ibis knowlplgr .Irige* tor toe rvei
bled for a ramp meeting Tbe In
toha* BarAaa by heavy nim atoraw. sake of savtof a baby's bat.
tions lo a>k him to wltbdtmw Irom toe rot Iniproveoiirut of'hvery apidliaot. dtnos have gsibered from several
tooensda af Mshtatos boca invaded
According tc stories coming from u'eket. None of the commiuee rr^
How ae help you:

states, ibu rweervatloes reprew.atod
a Artiilerriwen VieH to* Lenten
to* lawo toat sisbt aad fiooded to* WASHINCTO.V—Treasury oSirisla
garded that movement serloiuly to
By applyiug your moii^r wtare
Including tbe Standing Hock,'Coey' piece with so Bach llpht ttsl toe wUm'sta that there are aow
receives la almost absolute sIMn'c view of the fart ibal It was being pro­ suits artmuidiKbed will W pdrsauent dnne River. Rosebud. Lower Brule.
town board atdeiwd toe rtectric Ucfau :T8J&4 pMsIee to cdrrulatloo.
(as top ordlnafy variety
posed entirely by men wbo had loet —best invewio
NBW TORK—John Lmmard asctarasdot. SMTwea] forelcaerse«plo)
. a noise like rtfle abots. Also, out at Chicago. Tbry admitted that
fty interviewing (or you tboae wbe Tbe ojeetlng wlU tost neVersl days
. ed at tbe powder oUto to Aataa. seer liac (or weak fish ewnebt a deep aea (boagb kU onlfit is •'ompset sud set/ toe camtwiga would be bitterly fought, seek your aid—ask os (or tbl* service.
here, qak work wbe* tb*' hnaa $ turtle aad aolemaly declare* that he satail. It bas a seadlng force equal
but among them there were many eit'oB-KuU onr record* before giving
- vsdad toe bUs and lifhtsd ssi tbe was drasted to the bottom of JiBacla that aboard Frsaoe's biggest battle­ prceoions of ronfideare of tbe ro«Sec- M to uaknewB parties. This
Kltiwflyestla* vato. Tb* lerMcaets Bo' hetoiw h* could let go.
ship*. By Beans of a kcy-t>oard toe bonofMr. TafL Tbe ^Osc with which dome by 'pbooe.
UUery Company «( Lswdea, arrived la
toured as w^asfeB.
of a bugle can be traasmltted the snbeommiuee burled lu dlfferSend *11 beggaru to oar ^c«. Rec­
BOSTON-BUIIous of toee destroy- Ehgknd today. Tb* TMliars were
Chari** Wllaa. fervaerly of this city, when otoer forms of wlreleea
I and nauBlDonsly named Mr. ords shew a Urge percentog* to be log gypsy Botbs which work anefa met at JJvs
JJvergool aad asew^ to tow
60irrn plaiktibu). k. j.-jema- died at to* BaMlers' Boob to Oread
itwd nseloB* by weather condl- Milic* was pointed by them aa a
by a d
thaa A caia. •>. to «aata( a third BSC Rapids Wedfeaday. He to th* father «( tloaB. aad toeoe. srrsaged in code
Onnlsed charity k brga
ilk* a
af taatk aftw mOmc tolae aotan far tor*. J. i. sum of thl* Miy. ^ (ar*A wooU be utterly fate
orm eofiwfag certoln sectloB half- quet wiu he glvaa at tba Armemz
PNC* that twaatr ywn.
tSBBkl wOi be htU I* Oraad Sapid*. sIM* to mnsMer*.
aad work for the presMeat
HtoNs ta behalf of the uewdy.




















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OABD nmm

Grand TiaYewe Herald
and Tttfirene Bay £a^


nAvnn bat SAOia


mr u. am.

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iRMijlliissIbi Kellogg




PiMiM TMaWwdTIraridar •ITnvm City. Ilkkm«r


Hslia^lhe Latest i^en
3"~S;- - '•“.SiS'.S.Sirs


’llA& T. BATB8.-.

. mm,ta «mta

...... ^.»e tai A«*aaM
mm Cttr. wm. m4v ike Act «C OewrMe


|| at aol sNNtm I

GreuUtka dm week 3^50

Be » CUm CtmAm



CMf Stfort, Gan Spoii


aad will apend a few eaeka
borne of Mr. and Ur*. .V » lldiart
and other rdatlves to ibe city.Mim Ruby Pierce haa rcaumt
Xr. tFilaon ia haring what Mr. Rooarvelt would eaU. the time datica to the dry goods departa<
oi hia Ufe. He k i-onatanUy eurronuded by the old-time iHmces of le Rig Store, after a vat-atloii
Hisa Ceorpla Baker returned ye*.
klk pMy. Nobody can blame tbrm. U has been a long tim<
t*md---------------;------ . Tbe Murphys, the NuIliTans. Hie Marks, lerday Irom Grand Itopida. where she
Sttidis of New Jersey, and a score or so more, are all lhe^•. Spent s few dsya. aa ti e sneal of her
slater Mrs. Bdward norso.
k aa Qiey have a right to be, for Uiey have done mueli to' make A. E. Maekai aod wife, ef Chicape.
a Oeaweratie party, and they now desen-e something in return. re vialtlog here at tbe borne of (brir
)fr. BryuS Md lAme others, whom we n^l to
Mrs. Jai
i Democruiic pditics arc-, just now. noticeably aheent
J. O. Frttr and daeshtcr Mtoa Roe
U. of Bay CUf. are vlsUtog in
URT Will an be there before November.
few da) s.
There is no break to the Ib-moeratie party. Mr. WilKon will
F. W. Simona of Philadelphia, rehAM its luiiled sappart and there, seems to be a giKsI ffeal of
irned to his bone there loda)'. after
MlaHit Mt to the tandta. One thing ia sore: a united party gives abort stay here sad si Grown.
fnbgHi Add 'eouBdeaee; a divided party means weakness and Mrs. T. Kerf ef Clavciand, Is in the
city for a weeks visit wito frtendA
Robert E. Tilietsen aH & E. Hi
of roellac. are in tSu city for
• » ♦ • ♦ ♦ «♦•««« vtttt with JcGa lleUrlek and foaitr BUr,
few days on bvainese.
♦ - OOaSHWtMto NEWA.
Mre-wni Lelfbloa of JollclL ItL. ar Mrs. G. Robsftaon' ef Huskapea.

rived Setaiday for a visit with rets. rlsHlBg In tbe city with friends.
tMcMNtofc. latr*.—iWe ametiar of Ives.
E. A. MaeOenald ef Octr^
the LaANB' AM aeeletr has been post'
Mr. aad Mn. Tboeus PtcUe and is to the city aad wOl spend tbe son.
paM to a emtole at waaka.
chMree of Cadillac, arrived V^ldar mcr here.
gnak RaUrto aad famDjr MNDt lor a vlaH at CNtM Btmaat
W. J. Zeal of Nawayga. paaaed
toe *ta«th wUh Jobs MeUrkh.
Kltcliee moved In tbe tee- through the city today oa bia way
'ttoak Smith and wife drove To aatPreeeiaii
Carp lAe. where be wBl spend the
hoeae oa Hr. UAd’s farm.

<1 £Mm,

Aom last tontoar to attcMl the fab‘wal «C a laleUve.
air. aai ain. MaaU Pitot aad Mttohmietoaedheme SataiUar from
a vMt wto Matoe hme.
tot «Ua Wm aeSlster Aad
uaa, AfTwrerse Oly. speat tomtai
H togtot toiiiB.
hOL TOfade BohM aad thUdroa.
.;«tojthit VHdaf. ^tev^a two weeks'

Mrs. ChaipM of ttowero Harbor,
J. W. PateMh VMM ta Maatotea thie
via tbrowB from her rig the Pberlh. omrolBg on beriaeaw
^ . y-and waa had QoUe bad.
a R. KnigM warn to MaiybpaW this
Btmr Itool had his Aoolder dls- emiag for a few days aniiiig.
loealad tto Fhorth at <Hd MIssIob.
Geerua Whitman ef East Say. leri
while be was plajiag belt
this Boratog oa s haslaess trip to CblMr. aeh Mrs. Ben Browster «t Oetndt. are vtalUag ralaUv« here.
d Mra. A. U Bachaet aad
Mra. Boj Urdia la veer aick at
Mrs. Albert 'Clemeet win
her home to Maptooa.
Isaea loawrtw m tbe Dachaat Unto

Me^ Vie tot chaoe
kt ya whia Ah W.



Md>A»<way A> tW toito W J

10 are eaiieh b«B»e dee apoe'Hay i. ttlR and
baa 801 bera paid aad hy raaaoa of
t urith a pw'uueb daUuU U payBMWt ef saM l»



FloD'Orr II. lor Harbor S|>rlngs. The
Rarbants will s|h-iv) a lew weeU with
their SOB Arthur sod the ClcneDts
wUl return this week.
WmffUnnia went to Klagstey tMs
morninj on husln»>ss
.'William Jennings Isft this morning
for Grand KatiVeU. where Im* will l>t.
•r a few cla>a. and iKMaibly will lo
>le Ibcre pmoBsenllv.
W. C. Myrtle of Grand Rapida. to in
the ciiy tor a fen' days on l■u>■lDess.
M. N.- StcMo wont to WsKan Vila
lonitogjoe bustoesa.
Mr. aqd Mrs. A. R. Chapman hsvo
■tunjOd from a few tla>s stay at liar
vr Springs with friruds.
Mrs. Peter Honnuth left last eveng for VsiiUeek Hill, ttourio, where
toe was called by tbe torioua llli
of ber.sisler. *•
Ray'Thomas left this morning for
Ikiruil alter iiiakiDS hla pareola. Mr
Mrs. Ii. S. Tboous of 4IC W<wl
Tenili sirix't a vlsll.
Ariine Hendershot is spending her
taration nriu relalivi-a iiiid frieuda ai
t1ain-,iinri fiirtllUi..
David Oppenheim of Detroit Is visltillg tbe laiully of Jultua Suinbrrs.
Walter Lorrother returned to his
honte at lirand liapida loda)- after u
two week* »lstt b-re with frlenil-.
C. E. Tinker, who hat been In the
. litP

worid’a great atbletie enftteata in Hloekliolm this week.
dOMHfea iVhldt^ifig off fkrettv nitrh all the honors, it will be re-tonAacdUidl thia li a teyival of the old Oreck games. There
DO priie fighting, or slugging matehm. FVom beginning to end, it is
r bu.............
a test of atTgiigth, agility and endurahee. The whole world watches
Hid apptaada. We are proud of what Amerieaii youths are ^oing
over there. It ia clean spuK to whk’h we ran all take an inlecest
World teco^ are broken by American nmnen, vaulien, and
"ifilBfhL We Btara and etripea are run u|i one, two, three; one.
'tih>,Tla«e, while the world wondera. If those Greek youths of two
w................... .■.....................................,.Sc
tkcnHand yean ago could return now, all they could do would he
to nt doae And watch the youlha of a peoide two
/ounger go by.
This is no boy's pUy.\ It takes men. full grown meu to do
kfetoC HlhigB. h t^ea men of iron nerve, of strong mnselea. deep ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦A PA P
BNattBBg, ftfll loAga, Hear brained men; men clean all the way
TlMe|h: men wbo have not wasted their strength, or will-power, tbe dir riiillltic frieods
ak aaduaiiee, or weakened their monrlrs by low-down, vul^ir. dis- daya .Ur. Montscue la vepertMcodrat
4iktotod living. Theae are men who have crossed the oceaii to show of the Riale Masonic hnoto at Aina
Mtot Baniiea Chapman arrivH tost
tokat Tomig Amerioa can do.
frdm Chiesgo to vtail Mias
‘ Tl ia tfbt only a leaaon to dean living, to elear-»ight«sl. coid evening
JulLs MacOoUosler ef thqU avenne.
lAkdM, atl-lbQhd good sport, but it is another the world Ralph R. l^ebaN and aan Jay i
fkat Amenea leads in this as in eveiything else she undertaken tlrand Rapidt arrived is»i evealnc.


ft CoBcen*
tratea Btot


toUSa .

tMaali harlag bmw *>ada i
os of a eertaia mortfliH made
Miaa FaMh Daetm 4iad1 tIbe misfer. eundltioos
and Myral?:
lae to rva a spike etowr tbrengk her b) Jar b A. Jemos
, —r.—
toft loot, wblle walkteg atoag the dated May^ail, naTSTaama baOval Dlto dork yceterday prepan IH racerdod U tBe oBlce of the Re­
lory to taking a ewim la Ibe hay Tbe 2Uter of Deeds for tbe Oheaty of
.i- bMlora.
____of, ‘r™
« througb tto
toe foot sBd came up ibroegb (be.liber it of mrwvg.r-y «■ psy, ju.
ftash ever the lestep. faM betow tbe '^e intermt upon said mortgage tor

ft Boras oa

■ Thepeopie *f the Unil«d Slata are iniing to make one demand
epoD all the pmidenlial randklatfa. and that demand *will he posi­
tive and ahsolute. and the eaixlidateii must dmlinetljr ^entand
Prices cu^^^^'uoaday.
that the people mean jitrt what they aay to tin matter. We refer
aoir to m ^weial eandidate. to no party, to no todivjdqal.
The daMBd that the public makea ia Ihia: The oanpai^ be- ooo.
4ireen now and November must be oti«i|d)t<fonrard. dean and
•pan and above bovd. with no vulgarity, no profanity, no ealling
•of hhd namea, no Thiqieration. The whole eoubtry auffered for
md&tha under auch a [
«sn- T**® l*“f’**‘ will
Mt atand for inure of it. The uah who begiiw this is d««»ip.i t<»
defeat if the deeent. well-thinking people of the United SUlea do earn dsir U
4Mr duty. We time haa eome when aneh atuff as was given naiaat
Batter .......................... ..................
irliitar and apring mnst be diminat^ Cmm dtir pdidcal eampaigna.
One woidd acarcely think tkaUt woald be neceaaary to refer to
M BMtter of tbia kind at thia time,4nd it would not be if we bad not
had the eaperieoee of the pn^nventinn campaign of last spring.
TCe eampaign before the elect iomnust l»e eonduete«l on an enlirely
€Hhitot fcaala. We have couBdence to bejio-e that it will be, but
we fed'that it la tl#daty of every newapaper in the country to
make thk emphafie protest at thia time before the ounpaign haa
The eimdidatfa who will eome before the p.>»plc askiug their
WdMi tbia^H mUat not make the public deelaralion that their op, are liars and
tHWHMa, juid those who support their
OtolN-Haimah A Lay Go.
akieveBand “not decent, We nse the words'“not decent” advisedhas aUted within the last two or three
iy. Oae^tl
support a certain other caniil*a.tlmt“nodeeeat -pmos would
-----------------------------------«dMne. ■niia ia not only bad politira ^nt it is unreasonable, un, called for, aud'no eelf-resp^ting voter will stand for it a minute.
Now let the press of the whole eonntry make the demand,
kradmvr stated, for a deeent. geotiemanly campaign, based
daftamoait for prtoeiidea, and eliiuiiialc uupk-asaut pcrsoualitlis.

We have too may Ww
•v atokweaw ndaa«
At gaa el cm $3.S0

■ leas, ".(iirutd |.y bis liuiiii at laiditi;:toh today.
E. E. Russell of Owoaae. Is in the
city for a- tow days on bUMDosa.
John..fia^thera and wife, of Okla
Iabunia.^Kaod llmmsh th>- ril> loda;
00 llirlr way tu Uruus I-ake. where
they will uprtiil IIk- wuiiimer.
George Pitu who haa been in tk
vily un b<iKi»eNK for a fi w days, r
turned lo bis b»iii<- at Otnena (od.i
Waller Hanoen returned today from
a short bu'ineea trip In South IkArd
tnau and Tfinmpoonville.
Cecil VanNatter returned today from
KinCRlry. wbrfv she ba* breu vlsltioc
for the past we>-k. ^
fProm Wednesday's ileroni.Kaclr
Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Bowlby
motored over front Cadillae
day Is ifarlr car sod n-luioed (bi*
W. H- Henunlngs returned
homo at Manistee tbu aioroiug. after
weeks visit here.
A. E. 'Weatetot and family, of ChilEu, paused Ihrougb Ike Hly this
ranniing on lUeIr way in Carp lake,
'here they will speixl Ibe sW. W. Smith went to Honor this
innnilng on liin.|neasO. W. Thurtcll. ^ St. Louis, t
tbe t-ily lo si>etid the suinnter.
Mins Marie Welters, who hat I
in the lily for t^ (.asi meek. Jpfi
ling for Omnia, mberc she will
VlaH for a few days..
John Neriingcr and William Byers
Mssdsmes C. W Lardie. C. G Sher­
wood R V. Allen. W. S. COok and \V

Bdbole satlaly U
_ ______
the ameunl ae 4_ _
^r.| Aad ao pronedhma at tow or la

cnlertaiDed at w bouoe iwriy l>y Mrs.
The sharp gnmga that by vfrtar- ot«tbe power o* sale
I«rdle. at her beautiful
gwgsd tato bU arm apd aartoas r^\»*uam4 U said mortgago sad la
U Kola Mokeal*.
aad injury Is tt
ts reMUg
t tUa BMWWiog
aotd It pobUe anetkP lo the hlfbwn
■tarday the.....................
where (bey will be h
. im. at ic-_____
at the North (rent door
TEAMS WANPED to'work oe county
la the tTiy af Tra­
ruad near (hr rlly Rngulre al olthe city thH tuoTBlag for a week
verse CUy. Mlrfatgaa' Ithst beiag the
Dce of Manilllon (Tuthing Co.
plate where the rirtwU raefV far
It with friends.
July ll-lt
Urasd TTaverae County Is heM)'. the
Misu Etna Williams, who has boon
emlme dearrlbed to aaM atertgaga
spending her varstlon ^ the home
ao mneh ihetwof as may be aeteaIVfauh Using been made to tb.
ry lo sstlsfy tba aaiCHUU thee daa
H. K. CUates, returned lo Katoaaa
roodiiiou ot a rcriaia mortgage msd>
tetocr with tba eoaU of toeb farothis morning, where she baa a potl^ 'by
Oseaf M. Morse and Baroh J
ware aad aale aad Iba Bttsnerto
tion as (wubler at tbe Bnrdli-k hold'
Motwe. Ua wife. Jolali). Of Trovero.
e provided tor by tow. Bald aato
J. A. Acker ratumad to his hems i City. Mh-hlgan. lo Richard llurtbnl o
aald premtaca wfll be made berB
idlT subj^ to tbe prtarlpal a
Northport Chto morning, alter a to Ikule County: Ftorida. dated (be rtet
enth da) of SeiKembcr. A. I>.. I>ay
cured by aalY
days hero on business.
and lesorded In Ibe o8ke ul tbe Ref
D. W. Warren, of Oatrolt. to ia the
Imidrsd IMIar* fllWtaai. Tbe prm
Grwnd Tratcrm- and Slate ol MU-ta
rliy tor a tow daya on busb
wlsea to be soM are daKtibod la tba
oa tbe deveeth day of Sept ml Bid Borlgaga as the WeM oae-haK
L. A. Brinkman of Chtoago. paaoad gan.
ber. A. O.. ISO. In llbrr CD el mart
H) of Ibe West oomhsir (%) ef tba
tbroueti Ihc ritj
gages. OB |wse 'S. on wbhb mortgag. Nortbmsi oe«ro«mrier (K« of BerOuB
Mission today to visit retottvea and ■ here is rlsiuied in he due a: the dab Tblriywlt <2S| sad (be Baatbceat rowol Ibis Doih'c ih<- sum of SeventecJ quarter tUI of tbe Boothwaat ot
Ik.Hsrs and Ktghli-Right Centf. am
Bert Honugue of the Western an aiiorae.'s lev ul Twcoiy-Flve Tk.l quarter (Ml of SorfW TwegiyA
f*5l Towu Tweaiy-C.e
(!il Nortb
aiy-C.e C2|
Qeelru- cunias) of New York.
tors, provi-led tm In asM mortgagr
West and UN .Itout
or i»M<-r.lmg* at Uw lia> onebaH
tq<indiiip his va.'stioo In Ihciijly ati.l
of the
IW West epm^aU
Insilluird to re<x>»cr tb< im of the Norihro
hls^lwren'.r. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. uiun< IH-An
>.\ «-<'u:id h. said niurigagi- m I >4 I of Sertloe Thlri) wis (2<> and tba
any ^tt^^iliciwf. ^
H. W. McNsmaro retoroad tp his
l.oaie si JavkMin today, after a week i«'wer iri sale coaufoed Is mid BWrt
(Ul Ml to T^V-TwaMr-Bva
gage, and tbe slalute la auto rose
I Nonb RaaBB Ntoe <ai Waal.
In the eUy ^ bualpeaa.
made and provided, hotter U bmeb)
Bd.Travrom OsuBty. Mltolgaa.
Henry Choan of CharWvela la In
given that oe Salarday. tbe Iwmiy
rily. und win speed hi* vneatloB here eighth day of September. A. D, l>K.
at ten o'l lock le the lorvnooo. I shall
with friends and relativea.
acU at puhllr auMlon'ib Ibe bigbrol W. r. CROTSBR.
Charlea Kendall returned
lildit«-r, al the north R-oni door ol Ibv
Attorney for Mortgagr*.
borne at folumbus. Ohio, today afte. Coiirl lIoiiM-. ia Ibv Cii. of Trwvbrw
Tnyeroe f^. HleUgaa.
riailing here for ^he past inoaih.
City. County of Grand Tnverae. Tburw, Hay SB—AC'S.'
E. J. Simmons who hao been In the Mkbigau. llhat being tbe ptouih<- Cin-ult Court lor seM coun
• Ky l>u)lne sirawbenUw. Mornod I where
I) of Gtand Traverse ia beldl. (be
hi* hi>ni<- at Sheboygan. Wi* . loda^ IHcmlsrs deuerlhed In saM (aarigage
A. H. I
or so ioarb ibrrrot as may be arcee
pt) the amoonl due on aald
mortgago. with aeven iier •'cni Inter
rago CHI a business
. and nil legal coats, together wlib
■ArilHsm Carter «
k Bay CHy
aliorne.v's foe of Twenl> Flye llol
Ibis mornlnc on bu
lars. as ivnxded by law ami ss coven
R. K Smith and J. W. Spi'tlh f»- aiiievi lor Iberclo, the |iretuMes belay
ribed In aald morigage as follow..
lurned !<• thrir homes al Sagtnaw to
I The Rut Thinv Three and
ds> after a aliori visit in the city.
Third >'eet of lot FoMj-Thtrr
Bert Bartlett aad wife, and their
of gak Hdgbt. AMltlnn to tbe
of Trnvenve Clit. a'-tvrdlng lo
oi. Willard, of tirand Kapidsw
plal ibereof. In the OnODisltinc at the home «L ITaak Frcdc
of fSrwnd Tlravrrac am] Slate ef
Capt. Gee. Van Orden of the U. S.
Hated al Cl(v. Uirhlmh.
Matine l•rlrI■a. of l«avenworib. Kan. July J. IJH- I
mt^AiiH iirHi.niT,
wife are ibe guests of Andrrw
MSB. Call or wrHc for prtoca.
Donde-rl) of Kik Itapids They are
rNDK'nwi.onw cmixir.
Aliepding lb. day oiHi friends In the
Aiioine.*^ Horicagee.
July 4'Tbun.. to Sepc ».

... 7',?:,.':



E. T. Price of 224 Weot Tenth
reel baa a roe- r.>mb Khode tela
'll Ihal ba« laid wtiai he IM-Ilevea
• the siiiall.-sl ceg e»er laid by
full groan b. ii of ikia well kam
The .«R nireaures on livhjn
l-nnh and .hh- and one iiuarier lt< be
I'lrvDmtorcuee and has a perfm i
Albert Novotny, suffered an Irijurr
bh home on Ninib street. Usl even­
ing. abidi will U) him U|. for a <
o. Mr. Novotny was splinliis
w'oud ts tbe bark yard when tbe ase
slii-ped and stniek his right foot nev
•tluj an -irteri The wound I*.pain

To a >‘ouRff enquirer about a Bu»neu Educgtion: "Anead
the School that gets RESULTS. Four of my lamOy who
attended the McLachlan Business L'nivereity are hokhiig
choice positions, ihe fifth, my younge« son Hariy, wU|
enroll there in Sepiember."
SEVEN STATES mfm«wud lae yeai. Over 700 WedesA ropGsd
Awiaglag IZmsodfi CSer 100 Im medtoel rypevneeci. ISOOOroaam
<ss> Beer q»tt. FsE Ten. bigia Sept At Radwnr ism psM. Oppasaainsaw wetk lot besiA Sort wgh aew Tens

0-118 PtABt ST.


The Lftne Woader


AT4 h. p. Gasellns CnglBa
C»aider bore. 4 la^; etrefea 4H
latosa. Good dcslgs. bwt tdbtmiaL
Hoppar roolad. VeIgbL 2« Iba. Btgrto
easily, runt steedUy; 'to ocoBWaleaL
rettobla, duroMa aad cotnplata with
pulley. gasoUae task, bsttary, aefl sad
switch, vrirad rs^y ta run y<*r sep
arotor, wood saw.or pump or Bo any
oUer doty witbln the rnpari'r
b- p.: octnples *s2H fauL Prfcw m.
Haaulactared by
WH. JACKiON, Trwvaroe CH» MkJa

Have a Kodak of your own. Take
youi own pictures, and ^ve something to
Kn^b« your frie.^ and fa^ uienes
with. Theentire Easlmu Kodak Line

st.oo to sao.oo


p^cy Boats, staned at 1» o'clock,
btoded bf tto Northpiirt tond. .
o'clock tivetroto wut *to tto pletoe
gnAe. where everyone bad dlnoer.
, C6«dtteted by liUM £dfu
At 2 o’doefc. foot, horae. Mcrde ud
VacatSo. Time Made PMkeiat For VIrflor. Who other racA were ran. At
Seek Natan la AM Her Varlatlotu '
by Ibe bhod. aB wut fo tto
ground aod wttsento u toersattng
News ttann at Rea Tormea.
Ma King, owner of
pla^ te game of bsD betweeo Sottou Bay and
Tbe anmiDer aAson ta aow tn tnll
swine and wltb__ ,_______ _____ ChlAgo, where ahe oceoptae the po ninth inalng, tbe score being a Ua. At
toofcad tor B^l of bol weatter. tto MUoa of manager od HatatoU Ftod's tto amplres and playera could net
crowfla ore beclnnlot to eoMO troo.
Sbe' kMpa a dote auperbe game WM BM flniabed.
tto dues b order to enjoy tbe in- tiaioo of alltto deUlis of both pUcet
o'clock a band ', concert a
iUMT Hew of cnalr, and
and ber ability to manue (be large Idva b> tto band stud. Aboet >
whkb thu rcMrt Is noted, h
it' gnarantro o'clock a grud ditpUy of Breworki
ku dnrp
the eolups are SUei and wl
of the best at Rex Temro.
from KM'S dock.
tew daya the roean in the lodp will Tbe men wko are bere are lnL>y
all be occupied. Tau are not ■» with their Bsbtng. briagii
AviwKm-at Ui» 'pMt offtM d«- ' lire. Mary Nnnlaa and 4bbn Wetmuch In demand ibU year, preaacm ftae Bab striaga. Tbe ladles anicse STia ONE SIDED EFFECTS
AIM «t tb» Kia0l«T otHra ter were Banled at the baoH
ably, on arcout of tbe cold aprtas tbemselvea wlgb tbclr asual (ur> Tto Baaaenk StyUa Show THnuIng
Lauren rauBelda Wedowday erenins.
MAW >•« tnde .tnwMDi
WAttor. Our tenu are so well equip­ wotk. icnnla. croqoet. bathing, boatlog oa Om SWe only, both In OroasM
■ « poaUI akrisp took fcert. Tfc« ne- Rev. nm ondailDf. Tbe erent
ped ud cared for by a maid (tot they bridge, etc. A mfUtAr eneber party
aad Bodleaa.
AMwr nvaUM are ob Ui» *ay and relebrated by a lar«e nuaber ot younii
usually csppd easily by those > arraoged (or Sstuedav nigfai
people wKb a ikoper anoont ot oolae
tka katt vUl to aartmi la tto
who enjoy sleeplnc out of doors. All Tbe dioiiig room wu beautifully de
D. H. Power and aoo Bob were l»9
resMenu at Rex Terrace Uke Ihelr rordted tor tto
ud the coorar
tbe Brat o( tbe week enroUte i
meals In tbe poeral dinlns
dluer waa-amtod with many embrt- hu year and la enjoying u emptotia
Tweaiy Royal Nflthbora w«i
lor the spring aad summar.
^Mri. Mary Chaae entenalned her which ha*..been ud it to ably conU.tto teDw or Rmil -Plietor ^odoeo- Northport frhere tbe Power Ikinlly
meoufin the natio&al colon. The tsvor
A'bu a view of tto stylae U Ukea,
father and mother a tew days
speodlns tto.soDinar.
dneted by Mrs. Belle'MenlBpofi of
realcWfor Ike occasion were IHtIr
todUoapoIis. Hr. Kins has been tore
.'tor* Mrrtitoy a»d wcUi
anUbelled. Bex Ter
Mrs. Edpr Pray spent a tew daya for two toosths maklns muy repairs
atreraarr' ut Um ooa»le.
i.,tbe Om of Mlchlgu Ratont.
and (tonge* among (lie
aod filled with Marominto.
Mr. Tyler’s mMher.'wbo died rerent- ra Travtfse City -lastsweek.
an. Loa ttui antanalDM
Mrs. Phil Serore spHii a few days ut being a new dock, with an elL
at tbe ap of 94 reart
The arrival from CUcaso this week
tor ot tbr little friMds « bu- tUacliwith tor parenta. Mr. ud Mrs. Sber which forma a perfect harbor ^ Ibe are Mr. aod Mrs A. B Ckraua. Mr tbe two Bides ot the bloose. aad totc«r tkama tWt Satordiy b bmer or; Mrs. eoa Dmme u« abJU wei man.
toau aod lauocbes. Tbe last ud not and Ma. a a CartM-. Mr. HanU IMS. braid. Isa frilla. eabrolderod retb^'o Wrthdar.
TtelCtBC with her parents, Mr. Sbai
Montie Prny ud WaUare Krark tbe leaat aequlaltion to tbe nmny re Carter, Mr. Joaeph Cbene.r. Mrs. C An aod plaiticgs are used oa «oa
Dai Backm la vor^ lor llr. ProBi there ahe went to vlalt her alatrimming of u endrove to Trdrerae City Saturday reof this place Is a new refrl- r. Shlppy aod family. Mrs. 8- F
tar b^ore retamtoi to tbeir i
APDbelai at pntoBL
sture on (be ethi .
turulng Sonday.
xetalor. TxH feel, built by Orr and
RaymonA Tc^iska. Ku.
lira. Gd Mcllaaaa aod danchter antf IB Muakepn.
ibA aad ctrdlai tto oa»
i many ot the yonns Geopic Ijockell Of CbtAp. wblefa will bold
---- Mn. A. J. 8Ar< SC. IsMia. Mo ; Mr. sided effects reeelvs deided tavor. U
Ura. Keonadr ot Maaton. vbiied at
Mto Imella Blair sewed tor Hr*. O.
enjoyed tbe i>lrtbday dues civen In
of W. This hu become ne-j and Mn. J. B. Garnett. Erauloo. til.: the frooi aad back these Msbea.
O. C. UcMaBM last week.
V. Holmce Prlpy ud for Mra. U> hnoor ot Port Sherman SsMrday nlsbt
ressary In order to take care of Ibe| MrxBarnls. Evuua. III.: Ma P. W.
OB tto majority Of
Prol. Swm. rotmeriy yrttolpal of
a Saturday.
Mrs. Mary^Cbaae spent the 4Ifa m lany dellAcies to wblch the pirons' Bull and farall}. Oak Park, IIL: Mrs- models, are knotted, tied or folded at
tto Ktacsler acboels aroompaaled by
Traverse City.
OM side.
are amiatomed.
I F. a Ells and ton. Oak Park.
rk. ftl.
bli wHe and rklldrea tare toen KoeeU
Skirts are dnped upoo oae sUp wn>
July 7.' or tto Brown famUir the past week. and alao Mrs. Haounet rlelied ot Jobs
ir a atrip: rows of bmtona. with
MaoHou Sunilsy
attend Mn. Tboo- by tor daugliter and aon-lntow and malated butteeholei. are tound oa
lYof. Switt cornea bare tron Seto- Prkea Sunday.
tore Tbomiison. wbo is very tU.
Adolfta Miller, arrived Suodar. and s skirt. Tbe •ooe-sUed. sUtbed ef­
walei tot hu been onpfed to n- Stonaan Conroy and tbe Harkins
Miss Carrie Bennett has reluyaol
tbclr Buminer,Ju>me. Idle-a- fect on the bottom of the skirt Is one.
periatato ibe setooU at UldUnd tbe twine were rlalUnn Dot* and Inet Ha trom Charlevoix, where she has been
Miss Gladss IlUion hu relumed to
fularA that muy talMrod
it Sanday.
her home Iti Port Oneida.
viallinB her brother, il'ard Bennett.
Leslie Trenaba, wbo lias toen
Jack Lerel is prepariac to build.a
Mist Euttnu returne<l to her tome salts are obaerTtog.
Mr. aod-Mn.-Utile and Mrs. ^ki
Mn. Pickpllor Emidrr hu mme to
Tto idA U to depart frea^e aymwoiktos In a bartiee atop at Haelrk rw bouse.
In Detroit on Buday.
and cbDaren arrlred on the H£nUle# Chlcaim for a visiL
metrical balanced trimmlag. A glimpaa
baa ratoraed to KInpley to BH the
Mrs. ('tuts. MilUrd and deter. Miss We<lnesda}- and went to Kenwood.
Ma Wm. Baxter of BnrdlHtvIUe at accepted uylu wDl prove tbe bea»
Ma \Vm. Beonrit suffered a alight
poaKloB reraitly aacated by U Flacb- OoMie Trembly made a bi ' '
visited In town Sunday.
Mrs. Jp Burdick Ante ov<-r ttom sunstroke today.
tr Iff tto ene^ded deeontlona
er in tto Brown abop.'
• Traretue l^ty Monday.
South Manllou and took Ibe Missouri
AboDt thirty-five sammer reeorien
Mn. Louise Vent aod family of CblOaoep Hodpa retnmed from HonArt Stockfish la clerkins in Meyers for Chteap on PmUy.
landed beVe from the seoib on SonA^ETTT etOWE
T<nu Monday with a load
Bros Hardware.
Mm. U
slacbc has oeeo tjsilinx «D arrived on the boat Sunday and daj. The v-arloiui hoteta are fllllng
rat to Emidre to vlidt rrlalloes. MHPrank Hopklaa nod Myron Brower
her former home In Hasei
ler Bldlemu met them bero with bis wlib gueets arriving both by rail ud
Cbaa. Bnyder Is <
bate topn tbe work of patnUoB ibe
Harvey Wllee of Empire left on the
Ford Ar.
«iit»r. Mlai Jane ot ManltUpe pd M. B. chnrch.
Missouri on Friday.
J. O.'Secsen and wife of Manistee
Hiss iJiella Olesoh returned to her and Miss Allard of Empire were in
lifUt KtobnK of Berdan Bptlnp «
i>r. ruililib Went to Oi^,
Mr. ArmsiroB^ nletman for the
borne here Satunlsy. after siieadiu
Johnson Candy Co, iraann
today In a Th«mu Flyer ttourIbe school ynr si Manistee, where ing Ar.
MS at the store on Friday.

PVanee and wires attended tbe ball
Oeerp Itrautlpm
Mrs. Fred Bennett. Sr., of tllm Ar­ sbe attended (be high acbooL
July 9.Ralph Ostrander of |>elroll U a
pme between Traverse rny and Mds- City caller Monday.
bor. left here on the Friday boat for
ke^ at Trarme City. Tto party
guest ai Ixirelel Ledge.
Mr. Pd Mrs. Ileory Snyder from ChlAp.
Mn. A. Hieronymus, accompanied
droA trp' la Mr. Oase’e car.
Ha Fred Priro. wbo baa been visitCaledonia are bere vIiittaE their bitnh
Dr. Shank was Ailed to South
Uig tor |•reoIs tto imst two Weeks,
reinraed to Holland Saturday.
Un. Ben Benson: who sprat . .
Fonrth-with b'er mother ia* (tofftllae.
larned home Sunday.
Qnm Gil. who' has been going I
serfbol at Oak Parit, III., arrived Snbon th, M
^ Giirs tr
Mr. and .Mn. Ray Atulia of CUro.
Mii-h.. arrive^ Ust week to S|irad I
tew days vUlllog frlenda
Isa I.. Dame made a trip to Trav­
erse City Monday on the Uunrh Dor­
othy K.
OUdys Oame.'wbo has been attend­
ing school in Lansing at rhe H. A. C..


|« ^ .lU, »r. ^

Kingsley Department



Ufa. OeMSa Hodpa and tarfaia an
an asttoded trip Umwch
Toi* and Ptonayiranit.
Edwto Ctaufiy bade a bwtMP
U> Trarerae aty lloatoy.
Mr. ud Bra. rtoa-.JrHh oC Trarerae
City were caUata at Jobs Wairc Mon­
A tone Bnmber of people pUi^
at Artatoa Lake to eelebrata the
Utne Jsrk fNiyiSey baa been alctt
tto tost few daya.
Meart rrolser, aoo ot ioaeph Trotper ot Trprerae CCty. Pd tornerly a
iUnpley boy returned a few days ago.
rroBi Dearer wltb hIs brUe and the
toppy ronple are speodlnc ihelr honon ai iha droom * taitor'a
tap at Rainey i.ake.
Dan llarkloa U worklns tor Mr. \vnhelm at present.


Qniigl^ & Kellogg’s


Sde of Summer Shoes


Sti <mr 95c table

Td iAake this sale/effeettke add Ihake room
tcrrCfie'large kblfnnoatf
dTFdn'ffhoes nowon tbib
way wd are reducing
the prtci of erery p6ir
•of Ledldfi*. Meo’s and
Cbildrcd 'i s d m m e r
shoeto Pick out any
pair yon want and our
specisd saM* arice will
saveydufrodlSOcto 1.50

$4.S0 Tallies reduced to $3.50
4.00 vdhes fedoced to 3.00
3.50 values reduced to 150
2.50 robes feduced to 1.95

k «»- iais bun
M«al.Taa. Patent ami
Wtete Oxfoida reiiicad




5m our 95c table

eon MclaL Patent Coll and Ud Oxfords'
$2.00 values reduced to $1.50
1.50 values reduced to


1.00 values reduced to


91.00 and $IJS Wblte Canraa Oxlorda.........SO:


ISsUnl;:::::: ts


Girls’ and Children’s^^

Cm UciSI. PaMl Colt and Tu (Moris


PaL Coloolals aod Ponqis




^ Ladles’


Real Bargains


Noiofltttedprica and none of diese
■ - dloes were bou^t e^teciaily (or this
sate.' Eveiypair is what is fait from
. our qtrii^ seDing. Get m early, as
‘ these prices wffl make thoa go fast

... ..... '

$2, $2.50 and $3 Gun
Metal Jan. PaL Colt
and White Oxfords re­
duced to


anstoa. III., arrived Saturday and will
Fiead the summer at (be name homestAd. Vivian Dame, wbo bu been
visiting them tbe put tew wraks, re­
turned with them.
Mrw. R. Lambertson ot Chicago
spent a few days last wrak with her
hrother at All-In cottage, nrar ibe
Mn. Dave Gagnon, who bu
visiting her siurr at Beldlng. roiurned
borne lui Ssiurday.
Halbert Thomas, who hu been
spending the put few wwks vi.iiing
his parents, left tost Wednesday for
Ifonwood, Mick, where he bu a posi■ dealiu. He bu Just gradu­
ated from the I'nlvenlty of Michigan.
Mr. and Mn Fred-purkUs left Wedni-sdiy morning for Fyukfort. where
Ur. Purkiss hu secured employment.
John Stafford of St. James. Braver
Island, arrived tost Tuesday .to spend
s weeks visiting friends and rela­
Edward Ransom returns-! to Grand
llapid- Sun-lay after si-ending a wera
visiting his larenta
<: M. Dame, stale food commtoaionleft Friday evening for Sraille,
Wash., where he will spend a rouplc
’ weeka. He wll visit San FraneisA. Cal., befora be t^urns borne.
Born to Mr. aad Mn. J. Jacobson,
last i'rl-lty mornlag. a 14-lb. boy.
1 Mn, W. narrow aad Mar­
garet AnderaoB ot Traverse Cl'y sprat
^ay |n town TtsltiBg (rieada
Ir. ud Mrs. Fruk Stafford of Sol■ Bg>- si-eoi a few days vtoltlot
friends tost week.
K. K. ^amee of Toledo. O, ar
rived test ws^ in his yacbtilooialka.
Mr. aad Mra. H. P. Erast of Grand
Rapids are lb* goetS' of Mr. ud :
A. B. Xktotoa.
Misset Mary aad Esther Buttara
left Taesday atorniag for Cbarievolx
to s|.end a few weeks.
Ma Bodd ud Btoie Howell were
Traverse CIly-vHHors Monday.
Mn>. Fred Snmoetooa aad cbiMrra
are beA vhltlag Ma J. Swraaoa.
U' aebbiM. wbo vrw overcome by
tbe brat Friday naoraiag. to a little
better at Ibis writiac.
July S.
Fourth of iolr
d last Thunday,
July 24tk.

Tbti model may to «ade at toeekad
■nk or wool with caOs and wtda revera
lar of dark taffeta. Over the totter
revers of Utoc'sHk fonniag straps
ud embroiderfd with
to of IlgU
silk. Riilsbad
’ Tbe plastron
to (be: lop With
with a band of da
dark. «t
the rrdle to also mada

• That wni' Ptovs


•nst be lakew i
hlrda to tbe V
akin win cxiek. a
Ultle macs time toay Mt to iff
Tbe bAd aad ^nhff if ''
aal of tto wwtac a
dlaccdor .(tom aad
Mgfctly. Immediate
to taken from (M a
toeaM be dipped I
»p the cook. and.
> 'Tdamp the bM.'.
Tho bird shoaM tta 1
for dry Id.eklog. u on tto Up or tto k
ffood u ippltotaM
to enesed toad
plucked or wtok.j.
Utolyto her«^
It to bsAasa dff
(tot dry ^nefcito to r
tto coedllkk Iff a
etienl accowtoa to
ratnras roeetroff.


tbu notbtoff to touar ttag't
•aw-tornt. aays a villsr Ik ■
ktoU aad Braaai
typa. sat OR a H
remorabto neat b.ble to kMp tto h

tbs rooeia and a
takea oot qslefcly aad I
Mttalag toft b« a bSM
smooth board ffooe. tto wato^
a a woak 1 cto«

.. noam^mm

takea oU. tto gtrav f
baraaff gaff tto t

tag rsturaed^v t___ _
eieu straw. TraatmsRt «C t
to -doath oa to
Tbe atw-Uro
brotoed aad i
mltM to maalfast. a a
of cklorlffo «f Bao-ls «
this la atodea

your tbrrad peratou la toottlBc. uatbread your needle aad thread
It from tbe other ead. It .wm ceoao
to trouble you.
la selecting drapertM for windows
do not neglect to took at tho faseinat*
tog cotton goods to (ho droM departaenta Tbe mercerised fsbriM as weU
u'the voiles lend tbemaelraa admir­
tener now and ton R Nto
ably to thto purpose.
top of a BteeklBg from '
being lorn out by (be auppottera’ fas­
tening. auacb a small brass ring to a
dom good layoA aad _____
brradera sboaM to dldpaffM
FW tto flrat ama] a
Bdied with dry bread
Stale bread sank la mil
dry to gtSu
Tto farmer cu pretoed a
ebletoa ao cbos|^ R^to ga^
of beef, pork or muttea. aad iia
brings a bettor ptUo.
Sdl off tto serah drte:
only one brood. Tfeto ii
Oaff i
aad parfect (bwL
Some vaitotlaa atsad 4
brtter tbu otbiw.
wben (toetoag a broad B J
ith WhRo kwHa, Aeeerffing to
toep them ekuly yiW
Oktatos of FaoMen.
U toikkoaa ralaad to ff to
A new tubton'*Do-e. apropos of tto aot readarod woak
popularity of white goods this aprtog
and summer, was noted Ip tto factory
of a baker of women's Ugb-grado
_ booaea aad
fhoA wbvre we say a large BsBher
of red Ud button beoU tolag proparto Cleu for baat yaaalto. . ^ ^
(to yaar arodad. Thqra ^9
tor shlpaesL
Upon tnqiilry w« leaned that tboo pasttoto to pealtry iSatj—'
red Ud boots were tataaded for wur leaded to. This tool
Tto poaltry baalM . _
with wUte tulu aad gnwas at fatolto
able coustry and sraahoro resoru a# a tefaaey. aad ^ A.spSLl
chuco from white (oMweac./it ba^ (toad wbo tola u gpXll
oTidaBt to milady of (aahioa that toa otrrfally teatoi^ ttto 0-^ ^
BM have footwear that wlU tato hot

tto rings, using rings that wtH allow
them to flip tbroogb.
Make generous aeama nnder and
ever tbe arms, ud geoeroos hems oa
tbe clostog at (ho back. Make the bub
ttmholA to a fly. ud tba tto goods
to not dsrnaged. aod tto wsist can to
wtdeaed at well u lengthened If ntoesllsve plenty of tucks In tto lib

oA to tto ordtoaty humdrum to


Bar vbBa aolt «r gown win towa a
Unth to asd trtiamhm to cx«|ffaU tto
- to a whlto ffraaa sad n« *


Traverse Region

|Flf6 take E>^rtinent


He was taken to Cedfilar Merry
boardlal June
anSertng from per
us aaemU and passed away at
that place Jane 30. He leavee hU srMc
who has beea an intalH for aevMl
Qontha. one son. <'. A. Banw of Jack
m. one aialer, Mrm CalTer of Msms
Bd two broibert. J. A. Barns o! Maag stMi
S. Barot of Beidlng. '
Rer. Baker coadacted a brief pnv-

A larga amouat hM been plarad at my disposal to had on n
at ( par cent and
per c«Bt for fSM aad ovw, 7 per cMt m
and Hra. A. U Battler for a few dare
I^'to )fr. 4Bd Mn. Robert Bor- tat.
Hra..BwT of OTtatt and Hra. BeaNe
TbaakilB of (Nd Hlaohm.. (allad on
Hra. licon Hoff. FHdtr oftcraoeo laat:
• «B Mr
0 eoo.
W. E. Pane abd faniir and-Hlae
0. fotkor of MrL Wni Bote*
ji(RMBW' Ckorteo of Hodaim, lod.. Hmie' Bmm atteaded a {deBie at
. * ea o Ttitt. Cborloo will Bob Cedar Rae tbe Poorilt.
GerxcPAl Law Rradlee. iBCludlno CollmcHotM
Hr. asd Hra. Priutk Parraeot Sr..
■ Bon tbn Bo «m TotFtB to hfat
ram.dif Siat> M Msaw. Ttmm. &
i Bet Mro.'Hi^H
tbe vUlted reUilrea at Hasiatee lai
deleaalfon from Cadillac JUi
unrnt. .Vo.
I O. G. 1 and a<v
Joir t.
k BottSo OtOf «MI ttp to Trso*
as braren while a full reprraeniii
t mr oo flourdmr.
Uon of.the bratbera of F^fp lake
n*. Mi Mro. rrM -Wn^ oni Mro.
lodgP No.
I. O. O. r. eworled
Hra. D. Wbeeier aad cblMren. wbo|
Rotao iroTo orer to Plotu tb«
;bp rptiiaina to thp reatetety and
h to Hr. sati Mto. Aatkbr Mor- bare bees TUlHog here the |iaM few
(he simple aad Impredhlve Inoen
woeka rMaraed to their boMo io
laid their departed
File laike beOtliaglr relebrate<>. Mi Hro. Rar Com imro to UasklBaw laat Hoadar.
brother to hu dna) tret.
Stra. Vesper Jadkiaa and
Hr. aad Hra. Ralph Coau rtoited July tth with aH>K I.VM people froai
a ^ Mini tbo IMrth.
Prayer meeting on Wedneaday
iboriag .to'wna aa their gueei
Donald of Walioa vitlled at J. F. Judat
» OkOiTM-o osoretoM
enlng at 7:30.
•iaa Wedneaday and Tfaurada<
Hr. BBd Hra. D. Halaeo of BoeMer.
oehM borne ew Boe.
Sunday service at M. E. church. :
Mewlamea F. Shannon
alalted tb'eir daugfater Hra. Broect
KB at m;2(l a. ID l.v Panlor A.
« HHro *00 o foD booae.
eporu. boxing m«:ch. ball genie, Theodore RogejS «' MayBvM lUker.
Rettaer Boitdar.
gortelng coeletu. There wm niiu;< • laitet
HeaiT SBith aad ^it^ter Hra. by tbe Kingsley land and ended by
Sabbath srhc-ol at I!::m a. m, .
Mr. and JIra U MorrU ot Traverse
Epwnrth Iragiie at r:3n'ii m.J
p. Eoonr os^ ioagbiar inline. LoBle'Haiaae aad aoo I^awreaea a(ieei
free raudevlUe a« la* the grand City were the guests of Mr. aad Mra.
tbe oaeticia eole «( Hr.: the FOBrth at Orarliag.
steed. A real uae Foiirih of Joly ce- :>Roy Maxain Tfauraday and Friday.
»la PUtu Hoftiar.
lebiatlco wlthent flghu or exploalons.
The Mlasea Eva and Grare
*- Wafren Depew'a mother. Mra
I 'Borob Dom Bm ratonei
l>err one w«t home leeling happy
Traverse City vlslt.-d frielida
Sereral froai tUa ridaltr naioped resolving never' tb miso a 4ih celelirew aad slater. Mias •'
10 toonim her work, after
Jn-pa of Traverse riiv spent the 4ih
11 trliJt to Ber voraou here. tbe Pbonb at BagoalL
brstioo s: Pile lake.
Mra. P. H. Berastriae la tpendlag a
Wlllaa Orifflib aad fain|lr .eathem, retnrnlitg to th.-ir
\ Wm. Has OBi famUir of BobMrs. ElU M-hiie spent a lew days week with frieods and relatives tt
t, VttIUi hit brotbero Loon and: Jored a rUit from hla MOtber Bud- la CsdUlsr the past week.
-I-Tahennan-a PandUe" on Torch
Mra. Asa Hirrpy and sous. Arnold
I BaC aai (aatlllM loot week. day.
Mr. TowaaMd, the ‘'Booeter
of >h)rtb Maiiitou island
|. aai'Hro. HorId Dotaa ruitei
Mrs. J. Burk^lder of Acme
aad Hra. Dwigbt Oaioa, Hr. and Hra. it K> Iowa on boslaesa.
■ Isiting rebiilves here.
la la Platto SoDdar.
Aldridge of South
Floyd Batlar aad Pina Oatley apaat
Mr. and Mra. li K. Raker and
L aai Hro. Piwt Beemaa i
fail Kohii. hare nnxed on ifaelr farm
tbe FMrtb wttb tbe|r aleter Hre. Ro;
j J. & Oa»em-a BasdarDm. BOtM vaa kom from Fred
. Kaason.
k Ouuieer Oroarer of Etoolre, Black.
AUen Helraer and family ar p vial'Irk lor tbe rrlebruloB.
Mra. Kate Shorter and son l.yie and
1 trUIUnx her pareata Hr.
Mr. and 'kra. Culver bare gone in Ing Mrs. Helmer'a parents, y
Ilia will- of TratertP riiy veiled
lira. E Mills lor a few dnyi.
Johny Shortpr'a over . the 4th.
Mr. aad Hra. Leoo Drake rlHted iXuakey for an indeBnlte atay. ,
Mrs. A. C. Hodgea went to Graod Mr. and Sira. Ted Bootfe of fUlkm? Mr and Mra. Mill Saltier are
. Lake Abb Baaiay.
Ohio and Master Prank MrCoulen .i
ig a wif-k'a outing at the lakes.
TU caatpara ba*o geaa to their .laptds to Mend a fpw weeks with Ashland. O.. arrlhed here Wedneada
Quite a number atteuded tbe pit'eemp at Sewaaia Relghu Saturday. her pareata.
speed a weeki with Mrs. Bnolli'a ;c In Ollier Skiver's grove the 41b. A
Mrs. diaee Wopd left here Me
PWT7 FUbar of KmwI^ . wpm
mother. Mra. Mrifasalln.
Be time was enjo.ved by all.
Bandar wUb rriaUrea bera.
Mra. Wa(Bop.>ftaUy and daughter. Edmond Zigler visiie;i his mother
, Bora to Hr. and Hia. Bdd Woetera.
Mias Lillian and Fern went to
July t. a boy.
Peninaula Tueeday to aaairi V
Flay Powell and family picairad i
^ Hra. HUea Deoamore aad cblMrea arse City were visiting relatirea here :<ray during the tberry picking.
n>'rans lake Sunday.
.frott Albko. are here rMUna Hn. Wednesday, and Thursday,
Tbe Keep Sweet CUsa will 1
Frank Mornnan aeld oae of h
'R.-T. Deaaaore.
lielr monthly neetUg with Miss Eih ■K rae* In Traverse CHy yesterday.
Ray Puller had the bad- lurk
laarr Dewlns. who baa fint flnlah- lose hie i?jw Wedneeday.
;1-Gllmore ..n ' Frldny evening. July
4> v.'o'k-i.:"
' ■
July 1".
at Fhnia loaUiDte rtalt
Mlnee loda Brower and Ethel Blu- iJih..
ed frMRdi bare ob Boaday laat
Mlu Rosa Boroden of Summii City
rlalr reioradk^iom Manistee Satur.
Hra. JobD Dago apeat laat woek
was the guest ol Mra. Carrie Paler
Boar her cbOdrea at Port OaaUa.
MiM'Haul Woodman returned to, Thursday and Friday.
TW ball gaata here yeaterday. be; ^r b
Mra. ikiwell Thorne ol loelsvill.'
bone in South-'Boardman 'Mcmeeea Glea Arbor and Maple City t«- day.
apA.Miss iaurell of Gaylord drovIn a acore of l€ to 1 la favor
do^^from l.«wiiville. Suodsy to visit
George Pnn wa here a tew d,
I «f Promi* aalted
' Hapla City.
reliAvea a fpw daya.
caJIlng OD l^adi.
Cotoxral Sced-Gkted Atraa
. faib..
li. I... E. t.reen piiiertalaol lIi-Hlaa Bnu HophlBa la day operator
Mr. and' Sira, Elbrig*; AldfWge
Royal Roman Hgip
irtnniiy cUss at her lionK- M<m yi-ar-, widow n( ihe late llir-liar.l K-\at the CUtMer Telepboae afflee.
Miiman afleiUed
Hlaa NaUla Uwla retomad to ber here the 4lh,
HM la KaaaoB. «BBday.
Gladys illt la vUitlng hat fraadInda-ko. Ike Mra
n T.n.tu aod Drjwra by a Wi
Master Leland llewey of OadllUr ar­ Caiberine Allen was born 8eiH. ill.
»«tCO#te; Hr. aad^Mrm. & R. Barhe apani amthtr. Mrs. Dfllebey at Senoa. nty.
laat week at Trareree City.
Leon Dine went to CadllUe Wednes rived Smarday tu apenil.llie aunimer la:;, la Norih Klngslon. R. I.. ami
SUaa Dorothy PWiar apeit Jaly 4tb day ip spend d>e 4th with hla brother. Utahia grand im-tber. Mrs Caeiliia huirrlMl Hlrhard KeynohU of tbe xaiioNeves 6r(o(r Sudi an Aniy. rndud.
m the WorU.
elaix. Ni.v.-inl»-r 3H. IMil Hatly in her
la Trsrerae
with MIm Roth
Oforge Fuller came homa-J.-dni.ti Jwev and faiiiily.
mg Ihe 4 LLOYDS.
Was lierinide Weal
Manlnn is life Kile Ireraine a memlier of theQiihlF^aa^
raverae City:Wednesday..
nesH-K linnIUt ehureti of ilial pla-■friend*.JU^.
Mra. Chaa. Prfra of KpUuaka^^
July S.
CLOWNS -Wah h^y
ytlaa Buu Bmii of I*H<Mkev Is «ihI was an t-arne-i memlier for many
Thnraday with Mrs. Chas. Bufl^
New and Up
L F. Judkins caught a tea.^^ .Having a coniilc <if weeks with lia-t yearw. Inier she Solnml ihe M. 1^
The Rebekaha heM thair tMUIIaUcai pika In t he lake •-Monday.
M'. Hobbs file! family
of oEleeie Wedaaaday evealac. dalr
H. Clark of Detroit and A. this devoted worker. In the auluiiin ot
Mra. Thoa. Hicks of dtordl miii ;

la speadtag a week wttb sieedatnva I.Mln caught two Tiike welgbiiig "'t 1SCS she rnme with her husband ami
Hra. Flora Hart of Detroit, preii- Warren and Jaa^ Sperry m R^i
pounds while flaliiBg on the lake Ft: Inland townshlii liheii North
'Umax*. Ilenile eoiiniy. where, stic
■at of tba Rebakah Aaaembly
(yeeeat and laatalled ihr followla
Sra. R. I.enrn went Friday to .Shier luiil llvol ever wince She i« wunhed
Rer. Bridgewater of Klagsley w
eera: N. O, Hra. W. Hotrtoo; V. 0, calitog on triemU here Thursday.
,to visit her slater. .Mrs. fl Fosli-j. who l>v one won. IHcbard 11. one oHo-r
child, flllhen. and ber biiKhaiid hatinm
Mn. O. Catothers went to CadllUr
adWB Oalted Doetora.
■ Hiaaaaata. HleUgaa. Spaagler; F. Bee-p, C Spangly for a visit Moadtr. Elfe lake was visiusl with a lively precedixl ber In death In January,
--------------h WlaooMla. North aad Treaa, Hra. C. Onnaby; Warden. Vn
electric »tor«n Saturday aflernoi-ti .vni! li-wr.. Hei life ha« Wn one (tf iinE. P. Quackeilbuah wen[ lo the
b Dakota. Msaalaad aad Ueaaatd May Flete^: Coadoeior. Hra.
sinsaU take pan in rfaer- alao oo Sunday aflernonn’ £e\eral «elfi»li devotion to the neciU of iho.e
la i«at« for tba Rorpoae ef treatbulldlnga were atrn.-k but no aev.-rv with whom the aasoclaie-l
---------- -MoradiM aad aU car- Wlachcofflb: R. B. K. O.. Hra. B. WatFuneral wervlres w ill Im- held Thurabob: U B. N. G.. Mra. J. HeComta;
daraage done except one horse k
Mra. Rosa Pflral of Spenrei
rlay afternoon at 7 o'clock from the
R. B. V. G, Hra. J. LeoiCt; L. 8. V. down to see her nint{ier. Mrs. i:
0-. Hra. Lydia PaoM: Chief. Hra. K dlecome Thursday.
Darla; I. Q, J. Wladxsob: O
M-. Bara* was bora In Ingh.xmj
J. Burkholder of tloardniaa a
eoumv. Mlri,.. June Jnd. isro, and In;
Harvel*4B Storm DtUeetor.
ta iiiira 10'do away with tbe
town Monday.
_ k-EEV MURNINC AT TEN O'C--------k Meed aad pain la (he
of a
MIm Mildred Leachman of Big Rad care of th
of the
pMa U rUltiM her grand ptrenta. Mr. one non wuw ik)rn On June :s. IR7X Trearh acieatM who has Invented a
O. F. Saturday erealag July «lb tbe and
iesCTVed ChAlra aAdVdiBlulo^Tlektcu'^SAlc am Skwsir »W7 •!

lied by lb?
Florence Bancro.i of Cadllltc
D. D, H. 8. Monroe: N. O.. Oliver Dahlia and Dorothy Morris of Traverse for several years past he baa
' e„pe,. that It exa d.-lec- the adveat ol
Al Ezacfly tbe Same Price* Charged ra the Show Cregads.
Moyer; V. 0.. C. CopeMad; BecY. By City were gOMta of DelU
the cGice of highway '■ommlssloticr.; ^
nm Crain.
Bec'y- W. Horton:
Treaa, M. Ha^vee: WCoB.. C. Watsoa; R. 8. K. G. C. tawag•.er.; L. 8. N. Q, U Moyer; H. 8. V. '
F. Hamlin; U 8. V. 0. B. Leggitt:
S. S, O. HeM; U B.-S, C CoUaa; O.
Q, E Barnard; I. O, U n«cher;,
Chap, B. Ormaby: D. D.. & Wataon;
Rep., a Onasby sad E loggltt. Af­
ter tbe taatatlarloB ke cream and rake'
aa aerred by tbe Udiea.
There wai the nanal Urge crowd
at DwA Lake on Jaty 4>e. lUnelag.
loUer ekatlag and bMtlnr were csjoyed by many, there were aleo ranBing end awiimnlng races and other
sporta, aad two hall game*, the
belag between Baxter and Grawn, and
woo by OrawB by a acore o' T
. The other game- of Hannah'
agalaat Monttw Center
Haaaah. the score being IS aad IS.
Mrs. M. Monroe visited frieadi ^
Ahho' not advertised in defail, there are hiimlBaekley for a tew daya last week.
MiM BeamMi of Traverse Ctty was
reds ufharjiains in nearly every <le^arliiieni of tiiis
•t of Marguerite Spai
store. Here are a few of them;
July Sale of Fresh UndeniiUhlms at Spfccial Trices.
HIM Freda Wagner of Grand RapMa
Summer Wash Goods at 9h. I2’zr ami Mi-;t*. worth
U' apaadlng a abort vacatloa with her
to 18c.
—parenu here.
Exceptional Bargains in Wonun s ami Misses' Coats,
.FM WIghtSM. of OWGsao was tbe
of friaods hera fur a few days.
Suits. Dresses. Skirts aiul Waists.
Mn. A. BanaaM and chlMrea of
Come Saturday—ffet one of these
Misses’ and Children's Knit UnderwearTrarei'M City are risUIng at Potter
Good Sp^als.


CoBducted by Miss JIUe Dewey.

C A. Hammond



Let the Herald and Record Co
do your Job Work.


TWICE CULT. 2 & 8 P.H.. Rill OR SHIL





Tlxe Great “So Dlllerent” Shows









No wild animals, clowns or circus lemonade, but the raie savings we offer for this week-end will pay for your
circus expenses a dozen limes over. If you’re coming Jo Trav rse City Saturday to see the great HAGENBECKWALLACE CIRCUS you are welcome to make ihis'store your headquarters—to meet your friends here, leave
your bundles, or anything else. Should you wish to avail -.ourself of the money-saving inducements of our mani­
fold SPECIAL JULY SALEIS we advise you to come eatlv before the store is crowded.

TaUela Silks


Here’s tlie Big Side Stiovv

New Styles
AH Wool
Wortb $18 at

Special r

Sale at

Pure Taffeta Silks. 18 ipches wide,
tbe regoUr S8c aod 75c fluaDiiiw. in a big
special >ale at only 25c a yuO, Over a
dozen li^t summer oblois tQ^dlmoae from.
Hi^IfyODwant to share in this Silk

Men’s Fine Suits

Boys*Tloth Suits Goinftat Great Reductions.


suit.s ai $i:i.U.".—you'll save $-1.^1 on
tliedeal. Swell sails, too. Every thread
wool. New iitiUenis in HghLor dark col'
ors. Give us a chance rto demonstrate
these wonderful su'it values..
Others at $8.80. $10.90 and $16.50


■m<SABD ntAmn mm aks nuvzm bat xasu^ tot


r ' ''

■ >‘l

BaHIn a^ Other Klfte at Wael Bdotolp

iMt mr.anttM BaUmcooU *>
« tiM •olf «tak «u Ut brw ^oot bU
tabr. «b(» «M <00 routtafol octuolljr

rVAOlfm. '

USEn% SHI^ waists'


S(Mi and Hdr

lAT, JDLT U, 1M1.>


Slagla Brrtla wool U used for oar
jodel to a crocbM coat, but tbera are
Klada to AtomalA ^
auBp otbar blodt that woold be aall.
4l>k ttofo whk* tarfbsMo tbat iu m« able. AboDl Bloa oaacaa to Bertla
A goad stock lanes la ooa tbx
U MlU rockiotM i»
«U that ««r woo! wlU be raqalrad; a No. 10
torn all Unda to suck without injurr
ted 6 butloB Btoda.
tuw ow doM to to bn* U B OBfa
ba animals. Tba ebaapaSt
>rfc a ebau to 43 locbea. or bmobtance U baud Is a wira renew
At tha top to tba pdeturo to ebown
(b* abeaUar u lower edge of back. faoee wnicta J bare on my farm that
»tth hi* ^vtmr.
, ^
This Bprta*. boovrar, aollTor felt AUbw rather more than as Iseh for baa proven aXlstacury in every pertbBt Robnt. Jr-.noltf
MXWjh worUof bp: turn, paas ooa. dn
tlealar. wrltei R. 0. Clagett to cnmti
.io*BKto«M|»«Bfo. aoeooMvBlfc.
county. Uarylaad. in tbe Karts nnd
Hb ««aU atBk* sotow that acnmUa
OtMto Uko irof#. B* «mM B*lto lotaUcmUr. B«*ea Baltw tolt that
Kobtn, Jt; bod^alopad l^to a aoo
Fbo «*a *nlM a^BBaa baiacaai mtUnlf worthy «t iBOodecUon Into !sMUcrat etoelaa.
aet M m

to tba ctabr Baftor aMM bis «Sa
ta a racaot Saiviar bItoMoea. “I
wax to Bbo* Uta to tb* Mto«a. Ob.
Beat Mock Peflca..
a ban b* *Bo< aaa t «oet
loma. Tba posts are set 30 t
au» loo*, im *^ JnMM>cbto>«ato
h tb* ground aod placed lu
•at a Itttlo raat. .toa’
> gXvsnlsed wire U run
-Ith a porf^ «
oraar’-Maal" do­
tha pueij. ThU has
tbrongb boles
te Otar
I to tba greX stCra»
Uou of the renew aa there
staples IP pull or ruK ox and *Ue
wlraa era Xwara hXd in tbeir
A raiehx ta lOsced
end pax and the wires cbd be kept
III limes.
monkey wrench aod wuunp
ratetaet Ue wire os Ue enuro IcngU
of fence Is stretched at eee Ume. Tba
loop tbroBgta each of tba
n be loosened Is the fati to tte
aUtcbaa. diaw tba woto tbroogh all
td tightened In the spring, and
three ooea. aad make
way Ue fence can be ki
atltch, •. draw up a loop lhnn«b each
aprta* cloUtaa.
_________________ >1 the two tollowlpg stltcbea. draw perfect condbioa at all umas.
posta were us«d from tbe farm
wttb blM *ravoto‘*Ba ho .bon him- througb all tbrea kwpa at once. lot. but where all materials need U
aaK with aqaal ii^. ctoatlr to bia make a teton stltcb; repeat from
be purchased. eonereU poau wlu
talbM-’s tettcdt ;VhM tho axaral
d of rlialo. tun-, l cbslB. draw tip a botes
for'wire woold aot only be tl
woaeo becan io eob^Tor biM Salim
>p throngh the back thread of each ebeapeat, but a fenea put np ta U
vtttadrov to iba aoBfOar «l to*
the two oeartet alUchea to ibe pro manner weuM last n ttfellme.
aad bsainad.
Ttoos ro». •. draw through aU three
A feBCc''^n have strong and wb
cut BBoh* tba «atlntestie 1
loou at one*, aad make a ebXo
mb* atelron et Hobart. Jr., was Ulaa atlich; draw a loop tbroogh eacb of the braced end puts. Klgtire 3 ahowe
good brace for Uls ourpote.
Qnittor. Saltrbr grlBoad a bk vbM: ___g aciLcbea and repeat from *
' rra end poeu at
.......................................... » babr apOB
end of row; turn with 1 cbain. and ra«
Iba ground sad _
t Uto* Qalc. working to aad fro
-r. Tba braces are 4(4
I iiaod '
4H iBcbea wide (or dguro I Is abowa brocUig arrange« hot atom lotlliif aoHd
hair the width repulred tor tbe bseh)
(or ceraara.
wttb tb*jBintdl* •anbonortbeSallsad work as ososl. but for »
7*r taa!l7. It vas waO kobwa that iBchM OBlp (or 1 loch tram tho mid­
aba had bar ara.vba SaDrarh broth- dle of tbe »w), turo aod work beck FLOOR PLAN BARN AND SILO
or. Bob. Ba^ tb* tact that aba agala. lura and work forward a^la.
a diiBBtlB^-Bood
bet OB rapehiBg tba Up to-tba prerlat aoU. Saltrar adqtatad tba
r.-he csrefol U Bake tbe cbala
Oooldat ob)«Tt to Uta* q<d«lc7 as a of Ibe last stllch; tbeo work as msay
sl*tarto4aw. tboufb as a nila « did cbslnt as there weiw slltcbee left ua
bet te tor a wMBaa la a taoiUr
worked U tba leal row (care abould be 'I am sanding you t * plan to my
uatobtoa tb* nan la aar Uoo. 8
taken U get tbe right Dumber
eallla bam ana alto.
itai K. r. BK
d»abllMa vaa waltlac tor Bte aov.
Btltchw. olberwlae tbe trooie of tbe Uuit to Lathrop, Mo,
BaDm tvaad to craat as ae*na
coal might be of dlSeresl lengths) Valley Farmer. Tba
laae*. n*a alaMaa latar ba vas da^
[ tbe usual patun tbs dataa n bead to canie and tha MU
IB a dUewtea to tb* imnaa et a Daw
the row. and eontlaue hulda tbU uoa to epdU«a. Tha antoll. Tm. alBBlaa tour b* bad tu- working 10 and tio aa uaual ubUI
atisga 4s carried to (he troughs hy
lx>udon earrtar thx ronn on'a track
' rtoualj aoaaptad a chatea** te
aecond half la tba aame wldU as
Qrat; work Iba next.row tor 16 tncbes
:achad to Iba raftata. The hay rack
aatoteproaaUsaMaMtoa. HUb
■torn tour b* «aa tatoac off X tba beir. urn and work back as teusl.
bum tram tba flrat Aour te tba aptrs^ tote with abonr sod abaerpitoa. (ura: work a row to 11 toebea. (urn: pe> floor sod la open X tha Up ao
It was a beilr soaUatad sbm. At
t Banur aad bla oppoMX tkepA aoo.A row of • laehaa. paaa oba paitara
ito tbs* ptorad WHthto
i«i^^ It was aad return.
A row to d lacbaa. back
B bU toar Idled
;<«ar tba eoorsa. -Wb^l wdrtak last; faatea off.
.« air Ifb* this.’' Ballrar saM *f*rr
RecommeBra IS lacbrs from ortian
nu* wbUa. It uakas »* b*l that tba 16-iach row anSed aad work 4 rowi
,<to to nXly worth BTla«?"
Ilka those loat
Repeat iheaa abort rows oa the
*n*r b* had Baltead ptopto* BaSnr aad a *roop to- uaa atnOad toto otbar aide to tba coat, place tbe edge)
t aad aawkad toigetber and Mo tbe aides with sU
t^Btop to arola
eroebal. eommeaclag about '
1r altoiad aad
tnaa tor tbar nut eateh tto fctff icbca from tbe lower adge aod las*
Barn and Bile Plan,
« about « laehea at the Up
nls. Btouia*. fioshad with asarttoa
ibx when the hay is put U it is
lor tbe mrmt); tastes off.
named oe Ue ground. The mow bolds
to tato tba ctotoiea**. As b* ^ad
:oM to bay and Is eqntppsd
to* tog Urlag mtt door ah'rUI. asgrr froBt
raUs B»oM btoVr. Soantblag at th*
iBcbes; turn SDd work back aa be A bay fork. The cribs boM
baabXs of coni and bpre doors nrxt
-..uek to bis bralB was dlaUrbad. bat fore: 'repeat this row 6 th
.aot tfU he had walked atialgbt br a
the aame upon th'e other frooL tbe ireughs UX make ft convealw
B« Ue corn la troughs.
dtU* roop U lb* wtaddw did aoBu Aalshlag opcb froat with . .
itn-ttaoecbt pB»te*-OMb<S‘*a Btol- aiiigle crochet wiU loops to chaUd
rarto laet.
left at regolar tatarrsls to slip o*ai
CtortTylng Milk.
the buttoas.
By runaliig miu through tbe septt Hto*
Pbr tbe alecTet:
■ator aad then remlxlnc. a good many
Commence from'tbe
rnns are remored. bjil 1U* does not
the opening and work Ibe same pat
Dply that the diseqpe grrma are re­
as belore round U the aurtlag moved. Tbe cblel effect to tbe aepar*point, eatota to tbe stltcb with whtcb llon la the purincailoa to Ue mi:k
from aolld fllU. aod UU li some gam.
commenced, turn.
cbala and work back again: catch
Tbe beeping Quality to tbe tnilk U nt-l.
tha cbalB with ohicb ilm row coi- howerar. greatly Improved by Ue
T aboak blip,
maaeed; tun and repeat from •; d»' clarUylbg- If Uerc were dUease genna
.-.•aapod Sanpar
the milk baloro being eeparaled
J. T darcot—I tergot crease each to the flm ______
mr tba ftrtt stltcb in each
woit to and fro witbont anj
I bovBr waned *o loog-or S Ucbes abort of
> aa I bar* *1d«* » length, iben 1 double crochet . .
^^^teauUpboBad other atltch. with 1 chain between each tbe dXryman to Ue pebax ponioa
double eroehel. •. Join round.
to tbe mUk. the drippings, but dam
a tboogh T*]olc*d WlU I chsiu and work a doobto ere- agt* ttq vow, uadlng to lessen ber
into tha back thread of e»err dan,, pi
a awaltad Balldouble eroebet In the prerlont
par at tba etbar abd to tba Uo*.
period 0
-Bar.” Ballrerbaggad. Tuaeand.
Ume U draw tbe Is
treblea. wlU 1 chals between In milk from tba adder, but t
Cana on booM pith ua aad ba)p teateh. •. pats one. : trebles
par tU *tao*pbBtB wbaa I btHt*. I
ell spent tb rtew to Ue
buer Bob wlU drop la tor dlBeer.
> Ue cow and U IIS owae)

alBoe b* toal out b*r*tA double crochet under lb* oswreet
-Wea- said Hlaa Qalito*. ”m daBbeertd Be One ar Other.
aatea aO poa pra golito to *M—bat rhXn of previous row, ♦. i trehiea.
Tbe dual purpoae cow that gtraw
Xu last usd Moagh at poa u go with a chain between each uader tba boat Urea gaUani to mUk a da>. aad
A dtoibic crochet under tbe roducea a loa«-lesgad. slab-siaad eia*r
aloag mad aaa paa lat tr-Chlakgo<

fiatlp News.
that takas Urat yaara u matnre u
flnlsb off tbe cuff by working locws of make JuM pMaahli bMt. la not tba
3 < b«ln InU every other Xltcb to pewX aaftabi* u ran ob tt* Ugnnous row; Ura the cuff back S or
d tarm to u* twaxMb aaattor.
auare Incbea. aa required.



Ne« Coleta.
Tbe TiTid cetera aregrteaaUr Stetdlag u eofter tlau abd ahatee. Osara
a tb* aa^ty ao UU Ue oows era
and brown* predominate, aalelope It^a* to •* wlUau for a tew boura
gnat deal to tba staff I aatoUd aw bto gray to much la demand and XI tba drop In tbs mbfe Sow wUl ba a»teastk the other 4ap.>'>-aBlMia
Uaavy mllkara ara xwaya

What the
Man Said
Wbaoavar HUUa Kaapw and RX|b
Watera approached within balUng dlsaacb otbar ttay ware «■»«-«•
ly plunged ixo * fwalcky. ambairaeeed
alicne*. It was such aa aaserUva Mlenca UX It draw the stleDUoa to
ereryone wlihin sight- The
to (hU added t* th* mlaMy to thetws
It was remvkabi* tax two peraoni
ho ware so shy abould ba*o faUee In
love with each otter. .Not ihx they
piwclMly knew Uey were Inlova. n*y
toy realited
• 1 tbx

aiay ***y from e
«r. and that It vt^ an agony to b* lb
each otbar'a prrecnce. They suffered
because Uey never had anyUlag u
IT to eacb oUm.
SomellmCB MlUte in aheer degara
on would carafully rebearae a eoa■rtetlen for the nxi time sbe saw
ilpb. of eouree. waa not awar*
to tbe part sbe bad aastgoed to bim.
end nobody can carry on w coavaram
OOB wlUout X leax a Uttle aaalat-

An Intennezzo
. . ______ .
^ WhHW. U*as Ar* Uadtrianr "X*.
oara coior ana ma-cn vv
Xlw^e Brale I*
with -a hat aulUbly tXlorod yet eapelte
to being chxiged wuh a Wi to draaar
' o***
^ woedm
trimming oe oecatoeea. Tbe London
|f (ha trank or branch to aa oak
teu, or Ua
»DK* l^ta
„K«Uty acroaa Ula wUUimported atylat. are very aatoui
may be teen rannlag froat
ub long and abort trtpa. and na
some to lhaab
of Ueae have only on* Ut to
decking put on x Ue aide, R U aa
enough matter to carry along a
to tba

Sgh7 tIteSy I
to Uo

for the toll
.. traveler U Ue ahlrt wal^ and
wtU Urea to aulteble febrlea she can
tncMatonUy go Urough a week end at
flae epeXry besae or atop aeverX
days at a good boul. The fabric of
Btoi and washable eon It to be preferrte for all three garmenis to a stiff
wasb silks. unstlSened
betUte and pongee supplying about
the best ntertals. Fbr Ibe travtoing
walat the pongee to naturX eoler. a
rich -tan or pale gold, would be useful'
SDd effective. The dressy waist could
be to Ue batiste or of a Riie lawa with
dainty lace aod hand run luUa. and
Iberc could be a nrcllgee blone* to Ue
wash Ulh for dred monenti and very
IXormal oceaatona. Tbe Ust. In fact,
lid do doty as a wrapper.-ibai ts.
VC Intiead of one. for tt caoDoi be
expecied Omt there will t<e room to the
for all the eomforta of tl>*

R-bUe car^uOy tying his naekUe
and brushing bis coat preparatory to
raUIngwo MlUla. RXpb (requaxly Ax­
ed in Us mind soma joke wlU Ue inleaiioB of repeaUng U to MiUe and
thus making blmagU appear perfectly
rase apd Indeed s bli to a wag. All
while be waa laying Ueae plaaa
had Ua bldeoat eartaloly U tha
bottom to hi* '■out thsi when be ar­
rived at HUlle)s ba would ba aetied.
bound and gateed by bla nneoequardlBden^^ud would alt squirm­ Tb* comfertaM* lUde bodle* tbowa
ing In Xleoea. wlu bU Upa 'aa imaov- to Ua Ulustniloa U <me of tbe newcet
able at though padlocked.
models offered for bat weaUer wear.
It 1* impotalbl* for two parsona.
a very young womsD might wear
however shy, to alt tiering at eacb U wbUe traveUeg wlU perfect prootter ta tUcnee for tvro or Urec hours
X a time. So It bad 'grewa to be Ua
habit of these two to pUy twtteanded
rrlbbage. Tbe aecessary remarks ut ,ibe'new drat* colora. end while ntber
"FUleen-two." -A pXr." "SeoBenoe of to tb* negUkae ttecles tyck Ultl*
tour." and Uo like bad to fbem Ue bodice*, made np to ibis tnaoner. woold
rcsaturlng effect of brlUlaot repans*. be very effectlv* wlib a wool sXt oa a
If tM Mlk 1s of a very atylOvcaatooilly these remarks to braced
uw. It would be a good Idea
smHed timidly,
Beeiingly at each otter, t^ua making to bam a bias 0^ It for a bat acart.afld
for UU would be one to
ibelr heart* thump lumulioous])- aad.
bopeleaaly cotouslBg UXr game.
Tb* axatperatlOi part of It was that
Uey war* nut troubled to lUa way by
U* preeeoc* to otter people. Ntotber
teua. yet they found
not lb* allgbiasi difficulty to express-,
lag ttclr thougbla to otter* wbaa K
wa* neoaaasry. TM padl to alleno* af­
flicted them only when U*y were
wlU eacb otter.
VIhea Ralph waa aelxsd by iaalouay
: lb* eight qp^liil* uUtiag i* ao
bar mas ba,Mgan to have on UkDg to bow things stood wlU hioul
M thought to taiUng her thx he.
loved ber ee&t him into a cold chlU. I
And th* Mta of some otter raaf mak­
ing love to ber eucceestuUy gave him j
another chUL AUogeUar he waa vary
Thar* were Umaa when MUUa ’
■ought darkly to tba Xtuallon aad '
tecided thx RXpb cared nothlag for
her except aa a mere frlMd. yet when
tea wstgbad against this dacUton U*
fact that ha caUad lour orflvs time* a
rk and (Adured the BDgXah of tbXr
onveraatlonX evenings ber melan­
choly conviction waa shaken. He must
8UU. If ha did, why i
didn't ha aay no?
RXpb did try oaito. dtolberXely. It'
was just after b* bad aXd -Ftfiy-foiir"
one evening to Uelr Ulrd gam* ofi
cribbage, aad h* borrtod oa witbox'
Iking bretU. Btoor* b*
e bad tald: "1
to wa yon
-Ulte It's gotog.t^
tedHct or ooilog teapes
be A nice day lOBorrow.”
,nicb arc aelllBg from 60 cenu up.
After this tremendous
A “dteky." or frort, msde to ckc out
ad both sat la Xuctrtflcd aUantto, Ml
plate waist, li
arlng to look at euW.
Uktorlae a wafol trifle for Uc irsvrler
"If Uat fellow vrants W aak rOB W to take aIo«g. end if *b* lopk* about
larry him. Millie.- nald ber faUar. tbe teop* te* will And maoy pretty
------------blunt aad tmpaUeut. ”*04 U
a* to undcr-wir, onbe cant say It. why doewT ha Xng'•ugeneddimity, from whkh every garInmnt needed Iv made, n-uld be used
Thcrettpen wni* w*pt and aXd tbx for the m-re intimate lingerie, while
her falter had no sympathy and be- for tbe loi.g pei’icoai there is a wide
Xdea tt wa> perf*«lf rtdlculau* to as- (aege of -Igbt sod reasonably priced
RXph ctoed a single thing tnaierUlt. In several of tbe shops Uc
about her:
.emsnest onderwear imaglnsblc h
The family ahrayi censlderxely de- made to -ad pongee aad tbis U nueb
parted when RXph arrived. *o teat no eougbl for traveling
Xlen presence might distract bim. butl Rten iietectlng footgear remember
noUlng ever happened. After XI this i Uat tan leaUw ls cooler than aay
seemed odd that other aod that white wate leather
when RXph flnXIy made himself ua-' ^ovef ar* about tbe tmarirst worn,
derstood to Mim* k was to pubUe. I A iltue pair of 6o-cyoi Turklsb clipMini* and be bad been to Ua Itasa-' pars w.ll also add to the iravelcr-e
T. In Ibe crowd coming out a man' comfort aad eoBtrlbuie nothing u. tb*
touebdd hit arm.
I weight to tbe suit rase
wife. " said U* man qXtal
handing over Ua anlcto.------------------------The Real berrtot RuH.
Tba beweet tblag la neck flxlngi Jtl
ter- *a xtogaeiar Mfol- fekl'Iwould hau
It- for PWrioL There have bee* heap* to
Thank you!”
--------- ----------------------I them. ---eocXled—bx
UU X ‘ ' j
They walkBd CO. not looktog Xante'(he
b'(h* reel
r*al thing. Daring aad
and dxhi
toher. Thee anddeXy RXph aqu***- bXli out to Bn* wbU* tXI*. wld*
*• v'•k
cd MHlto t arm thx raxed OB bis. lene's shteltera—Imp***
-Did yoB bear Urn?” ho steed -And ssaggeritod end silly end dellgbUu;
did yen beer me* Too can't go back ss ever the heart to mademolstol*
oa UX MilUa—yoB didst ebjact. you heraslf ee-Ad wUh. It talrly atoga to
know? Tbx maksB It legX! To* | toXf ib*~Aa Xslre ds lu*c. mou amt*
rant gotog bate SB Itr*
imo, that this style always recalls
gasped MiUto ams«i^ x Mil no oas. spylag U* vr** pototad
bar own dsrtag
'mil im darting out to tb* stlvarr
mix to tU toldn could Mip tovug R
ItodlsMeno*. 8bo*r «* a dragon ATs
> ah * nte WtBA «XquMto. iSrtSh*blS It WOBld
Uk* tb* moUuBtsB soul to th* Xopldt
"What -sws. yuu aappM* ttet?”
*m oU Oermawprofaaxir. teop dyol to
”DoBt they t a teBw tote tte teUuBBphy.
teUuBBphy, to o

oak end oUar.wueda. Itey uxiM fa
aU Unda to times, bnt to many. as. tor
casmple. tbe cbesUst. they sr* x
as bsrdJy to be sew wtU U* a
It Is correct to sp«sk to tte rings to
growth SI -sbbbX rings.” for as long
as tbe ivwe 1s growing bealUUy S ring
Is fumed cicb year. It U tra* that
two Islto rings may appear Is
Ibe growth of -to* tree to Istorra
This happen* when tb* fellsgc to de­
stroyed by caierpUton end grows
sgXs to iM ume rossea. or wbso *
severs drought to early sammar i
growU for s time, tolar lx* fraxa,
and to Xmltor«*sea.
As xuraX ring mc* formsd doM
not teange to sts* or ptooe dBrtag tte
bealUy Ufa to tb* tree, except that It
I* covered In Mm* by other younger


Mote to tba bate hrmUng «a _
reqnirad to ttatog an asrU fork *r
•pads Is axpanded la Ue disloilgliig to
IM toad from tM groaod aftor tb*
fork to sped* bss beam toswtod. wblob
mrsn* « asrer* ouato oa (ba stealdsr
xid bate masclss. Tb* btstei

Fulsrun Atttetuneat.
abown to tM fDastrstlos !****(
lb« bsodle backw-ard 4^ load to dtolodged, (be fulci^m btertag tb* stnln
toslead of Ue rauacte*.

No Definite Rut* WHh Referone* to
Tim* Ineecto DepeXt Their Eggs
or Wertc Damog*.
There la no dtenh* roto that esa I
IXd down with rcfe--«nce to tM Urn
at which wlnaed toseci pests to U
urefaard deposit Uelr eggs Some ai
Xtbl dytos insecu and depoXi iM
<sxs at BighI: oibar* are sctlre only
during tbe day. aad depocU their egg*
during Uat time. Tb^ codUng asolh
I* ua* cf VM night flying tosroto and
begto to deposit egg* Isw In U*
evening. Jux about dusk, aad coniinenes meet axlva ibroagbox-iM «*rir
part to Ue Xsbt. Tbe curcuUo on
U« oUcr hand. U most active durii
Ue day. remaining toacUve at nlgl
To* ume bold* tni* wiu itocreao* to
iM general actJrtly to toeana. As n
nil* iM motba fly oXy x night, wbllo
som* to Ibe beetles are mox sctlv* M
nls'X nbd otbera during tM tey.

Bom FunglcW* Krmwr. X Frv
Tim* la deff-BXled Ume mvd
dutpher Mtoturm
Th* •Xf-boQsd Itm* end ttopbot
mUior* U IM MM faaglclde fcaoera
preoent Um* for Ue onuirol to
peach scab and brown rot. Three

V to yon to oomsi- ig*

was bto ex
t gtoase su dowa.” tbs bssno- '
tnl girt
wMsperad.“I satlead ftm
her* tonight Jux to have s tew wards
and I ksow
v Uat TM
yM vlU
stay If I rasUy
you. waat yoo.
He bowed sllaBUy and *X dowa.
-W* bsvs not nssn sate otbar far
three yrora, donor, and 1 contsss UX
1 have loohod forwsid to tbIs moMtag wiu great Joy. As soon ss I bssrd
teat you were once moi* bate to BtoIM 1 told mouar R was sMstatsty
BMeaasrr (or ue to rve anotber bXI.
sad tt* BHi «*ni 1 east out waa adaartou* tsc* ss M repitod:
-This wa* sometblng tbx t bad
bardly dxad heps (or tram yOd, mad“Ton ar* sttU vsforglvtog. .1* R
Uea net laeaiui* w eortset a paB
MTor wbaa oa* has grows to b* tkree
ysan older sine* U was spmmiasdrv.
*Tbere are erten wxte nswar Mb
be corrected. mIMaks* white can
never be lorglvaa beesBss ibsy bars
brviMhi bate to Ilf*.”
-Did you tb«a raXly tte* R ao ■
tOb«BK I.......................................
It I did DM aay ■yas'll
-TBk»4t to baant ToBflllMdMMfr
Ulhg to mm-WUte cBMot te braugflt bate w
ur*. doctorr
-Kd.‘“ ■
Hit T*piy *B* BO cart ttet te*
toohod X him to Muprmx
-At Uat iim* yoB tatoMd-apea ma
BS oM to U* mas WM dU BM 0V*
■way UXr lor*. Too tooted X m*
•a a young, poor pferMelte who wal '
boailng tor s rich young wir»4o«p*a
IM vray Into rocIMy tor him. Is ttet

Bte b«to(x*E‘’ Tk*a'te*-axd «Me»ly; ”1 tev* many tanUs. doM.- bx 1
may say UU aboot mysali. I omnte
i*U a H*. And ibMtoor* I naiM **y to
you now UX wtel yoB JuM mM was
I to ms wbicfc '
Mver te tooBghi Mte to Ufa.”
-BX wmb r I* tite ttet. doowr.
when you f*X as yoB dp. wky BM yua
accept our tovltXtoBr
-I exM to BUM yoB WB8M a
.”H«« ssrtooa tbx ominda.*
-It to aertoas. HUs Brao. ay wMdent I beard dsrtag my Int WtnU la
oar msdlcsi ooetety UX a ynang man
woB soefctog your bend to toXnidi
nod UX te bod overT prt^act to
sucesM. It may tev* bssa m mmdsBt. or mayM my frtsod toM m* m
know Uor* ars frteods to ttet tdnd.
.1 did not show msy smoUoa. bat wtaa
1 Mord Ue asm* to your asttor R;
took my wtel* effort to rwaato «bML
1 de not wtai to ask say qnsBdMS. I
esnoM spy. bx wben yonr tavtiatios
cam* I acceptod It ss s fctoi from
Prorldaoe*. Her* st-Uls baU I muM
Bod ex tor ear* If lb* rumsr was
tras. sad I saw it was ss sooa as I
bed SDierad tbs bsltreom. F«r tte
very flrat geausmsa wtea I aaw yM
dsnelBg wiu was bs.”
“Herr voe Wsur
-Tee. Herr von WslL Tm know
whom t a
-But w# are not yM aagag
ixcUlmed; -that to to loy”That to to ssy. we er* g _
■ngsged." U* doctor repitod, comptotIng her seetoae*. -New I will UU
you wbx seems to me s defy. Harr
voe WaU was my Brat |wiMK aad 1
know UX be to living s HI* white is
rolaing him phyXcally end matBliy. I
have tried everyUlng to Stok* Um
ckasge hto ways. I bsv* toU him itel be 1* practIcaUy coBmltUag satrtds.
bx it was BO use. I have tsand out
otter Utog* aboX bla wotoh JastUr
me to telling you that Herr vea Wsu ,
It s scoundrel, snd that u* youag
girl who merries him wUI hsccmi as
unhappy as a soman esa over b*.
No* I Mve doo* my duty and wRB
your p*rmlHK« 1 shell tosvs.”
Ha sross slbwiy snd su sbeX to
turn sway from Mr sbaa aM tote his
-Stay.” SM whtoptraA ”1 ttete yua
for your saotflcM ate It to bardly
ary for m* to say that 1 bsitov*
.you- But wbx do yoa wont m* to
-Tbx Is tor yos to dscddm mi—
Xros. I ter* duo* my daty. 34y rowxd wiu ba Ue fcnowtodga to terttg
saved you from s dreadful Into, tt I
bad wsntte any otter reward 1 ateald

led a* ff tea ware crytag. tote
I* to M naad* Just as U* eXyz tt bx
te* tooted ag Bteto te btetetemte
tog sMd from tM tnilta
Tb* eeaoad appBeadoB to te toad* b«r motbar cam* rroXte te tte
ibre* weeks after tb* flrqt. Tte (bird
eptolMtloa teouM be tonte aboto
Uro* weeks after tb* **co*d. TM
wubto fouQ w**te to IM rtpsa
time, aa tl** mlztntw may gl«*
frail a wtdtawaabad nggaaiBMB w1

~l m^pom I tete to ga ■

• OEAIP T»tSS m£usr MD'TEAnKSl' UT EtH* nTOlIDAT. jVLV U. IIU. -


. tft ili^^fllig aiunt% the toe9lo|»dorluB^|^%1tentcdlofurn!sir#^i'il0ffl«
One solljl mon^^teoogh dttly this gt^at
stjlsp! etc.“aVftliSfaOs?dot r^Tr%e^^profl"T^^^


be’sold for leSs ^an

iri normal,fcdnaitiOTi. Now if you wanljust a few odd pieces pr if you want to furnish your whole house at a
saving of 20 to 50,per cent, now is the.time to do it. Our immense stock consists of furniture, car^, rug^
liholeuftis, staves, ranfees, sewing fnachipes, granite ware, tin ware, lace curtains, window shadgS SRa
Ihifig you n^ed to make your home comfortabie, conveniaht and attractive. Look ovw a few of
Wfiich we quote to-day in this adverUsatnenL Our store is bnm-full of just such bargains in ev€

i( you haven’t the ready cash, your .promise to pay ^11^.
Odd Dishes

Only t Pa)^ More
: i'r

traverm; qt¥

* lo easi yonr voi^ hw tbe:

$350 F"pe^ Piano

«M, *

a deiiDalted i
atoer ballot; bot. m«
'tfptaOMatH ^
(V>t?’Pi»ii ^oid lure an tbeir
eTea1ns.'everT c
<• baa a aplendld thane*
IttcT tlah Shlui««y,-'Julj- IS. ' Prom noir uotllI to
tl» p. m. SttardarcT.
(o bawl lb«ir prcMOl ■UmDiit oi ve aru gl> ins double vote, <» nanjr (binjea for tbe home.
Save aielr 1PM«a bn>- wbat ibe)
ibej need n<
no* duria* onr great Clearaace Sale, as they can aa»* frtutf SO to 50 per
cenl on *d«t.«rprr
Ihla* for tbe
tke iiome.
iiome. Double votea are belns *lven *»b everv Tra»-er»e . Cllr chair
rorker'rWte are hein* eolil t-'Jaclorr price*..
dale who. hate drpoaiied volea to Uielr ctedil in eWK^Irtre
*Moy,«f*..^e liflodinKi ul llic ran
SRlmliiin Ai
Sl<flii(i5ll-r ..
AaerPl iJearf
iJ«irf*AII.-r SiH-icly

sBSSil: Is



kind, Soin* nt ft.

We have aome special values in
handsome American quartered oak
fini^ chairs, braced posts, saddle
iuat>7,f8 and SIO per set
siire and lOol^ these bargems
over at once.


ira - Bnw • wood




S, W.'l
We can save you k Ibt of
money on odd beds if you
come while oiir great Clear-


Frank Ijifi.iUv.- ....... .............
............ jii-:, ilniiii
. Kb*) V'-mm) Scliiiol hiiitiergarl■en.+ak WnpiiU .........
.WSclea.l ..t................,.
.41ic Jlo.^1 ........... ..............


i4i..n Scii—i ....


*" •SKS’.srs^rc!i.“




K. ii.-fr..rr-<.......

Rime ...................... ^.,.

li 00 Md Oak R.Sk,ra'

A Velocipede, sulky, or most any kind of a
■ vehicle they want. We carry an extra large line
and can show you some excepGonal values <|uring
our .toly Sale. Those which have been used as
samples are discounted ohe but

They are just whaf you need
for warpi weather.

Kifc'Rlipi.U !•


Or Bae OUwM wA
Wi lap «» $15.00. ao«
TWitto .
way a good aMSy Cibtoll

$9.00 C^nmA
A ataaber J tfltmSi
^ kiai- cv

8. tf. Jid U d

Tiieq_j« have.some big
bargains in

■.Ytnpr iteSi^eBtoicfBWtaw • —

!!! IM*

sSS :: :; :

K. a T. .M. Ualg.-. KIk Ra.-

Let ti&helpyou
to prepare for
these hot Sum­
mer Days at a
saving in price



tiro IV

... ................................

4.50 Iron Beds............. $.75
5.50 Iron Beds,........... *.»
10.00 Wood Beds........... IM
8.00 Wood Beds...... 4W
8.W Wood Beds...........SjW
5.00 Wood Beds...... SJI



i Kaiii.In


[ tiow is a splwdid time to ket i gdol
tot o{ chairs 4>r.a few odd ones ata
J great.6avingin pric^
[ Good heavy'soltd oak chairs, cane
^ts; wew $100 ^ch dow $%f*
di&ers at $l,w eddi are now We
and others as low as 4Sc

. UbVi {u'^Oiliii .\rl>i,r fil-'aniw ...
iioiis.&' |i»r»ttiy .Mi-I’iienr-

Irs. R, \. KmtJT ;

............ 2 :ts.v;
.iiiR .\rlH.r <.r lilcp.

Dining Chairs


carpet now.................................. m


........................................... ;■■■;:»*

.. IK
^Liaol«.mnow , ......................... S

The Original, fcargeat and Only
Exclusive Home OtltfUleE
In Trafretse my. ,


HBuuj),-^ TB4nia -max mm*. XmmDtXr nLX li, «

iMHawiim /tttV mi fmtMTint

' M GMm

na BMidMm

Mr h Thrii U'lMHd iaui\.



.- -

i3My Bom store



..... .....:...-8C

Oitm ^ a lot of 2Sc Box

IM- rBbidciUore




Mra. Harr Ooraa It verr airk at
thia vrl^ Dv. miick ot Ham
Otr atleadi her.

TboMaa Deerloc. Br..
a vale-'
able beraa OM day laat week.
dBM BaHertir aad MomM Me
Barer latoraad to lhair heow at Trar
area CUr Salordar. aOer vtelUas
wub matlvaa al'teptra a vert.
Hr. aad Hr*, md Bwnaaa ot Orl-,

: the mar,
the aixtan



- B

wUe were Baat mpin callera
dar. ’
Mra. Marr Beeewa it vialtlai at
la ham of W. II. Baaiaaa aad •ffo


^A»g«fPar«;dl colons


ed bj l>aaaar»vanla Cen^ ab.
M |ier ceiu of the awe ware iOlta
me. Aaiimc the H»h* of Now Tcrt
lUHcraer dadlaad fraa 40 par ceai
la mo m til par cent la 17M.
. 4a all 4ha arioaicB vtxan pet
ddSbe aaaelleM adataUoaa. la Tlr
ClDlB 76 par eaat of the woawa
llUterau; in Kev Yark W par
le HaaMthBaatu St par ceaL

anannoB wlth'MrC Htoer-ftmal.


-« V 4 B «

CEDAfl «t F. O. N4. t. " >
(Mdar. niy I.^Wa had
rtooar reoterday.
tW nm at ibe outloe haa Hatad
far the aeaMia.AdaM Tacer la Ufclac a vacaUoB
frou Ht MW mill aad wetkins la hM

B haydeM at bom.
HrTaad Mra. Adam SMter atteodad
Iwdin' Aid aodetr kas heea 1
the tnaeial a( thetr aephew at Hoaor.
poBcM for a eoapM af veeka.
milk Hetfricfa aad laarilr neat
Nlaa VMU UMaar .ot rmccat It
tih *-Uk 40ba UaHrldi.
vMitiac rdativaa la the hwUdaad thb
mnh Bnlth -aad wife drove . Id
Araw taal Smdar to htteod the (oa
Haaea Gale. Jr. Peter aad IhDy
eral of a raUtIve.
ThMiuw amoas thoae who were proeBe. and MraTHtaUe Prlett and' Itwtad with the heat while vorktsc la
IMd leaf wedc.
little aoB retaraed bema 8atuida.>:
Btaphen McQoear I* aader the doc­
liwa a vlait with trinda -bare.
Mr. and Mra. Will IloiUater and bod' tor^ care aad «aHe faaHa at this
of Travem CHr apaat Saadar ai
at Cedar
MW BuaaaU'A
.... ,
Urv Mlanla Rukue bdiI i^dna

<H* *trt

Mac aad bapprUe torttber.
Haco Wn to the awaar of aa-aatM
■obOa. which he panhaaad taM week
tnm WM. emit-of Vk lake aelshbor-

hr. Thoae * bo oae IIABVBU 'B
PbWim h«'w pt
iM. It booat WDrfclu Mortw


Bav. H. W. TMiamoa aC
k Bap-, aad i
'rtt will oeeart Sw polptt
.ch^. bare aes Baadar.
i«i. m
I BwUa SUlaa. who haa bcaa vMt- ^ o(
Jdc here ralvaed M (hartevolx to-ijjuorMai
4ar. Ma^ UoraU BUlaa~ acaaat-. . if .
paBrlDc hUa.
I Mr. aad Hn. Chartaa Aiwma aprat] H n>«



- k

eeutaa KUchea awrad la the
aat hoaae oa lir..L*Ad'a to«B.'
Uie. CaBpbell aC Sewera UaMxa
aa dhaowB fro* her rlc iha 4lh aad
at baft asUc had.
. •
Blear Dnal had hit aheiinr
kwatod the 4th at OU dM
t vac vUrMc baa
Mr. aad Mra. Ben Brawaur ed-Ba^
liad ara'WMtUac relaUm hn.
Mra. Bar Mrdle la vary Meh at har
hoaM M MapMlhL

taa Nea t<a XMtrk oko ibe
Jtir t.-SoB* Ot tin
f^abwHaala OorsaU xren above
qfp^ «r.% W«M ot
»«Uli« !• tk* kM 'tfm lha aveiw la edaeaUoa.
achoaaUa it nr ceat <rf Ulc
« <M <ownmw» of CetmttV«m w tan vto wtutm lam mm Made
•««■ M« iB»t7 cf car tore***®* coold (bdr Bcrka iaatcad of alidlis- IB the
write tlMlr ova UBee. tt»r looad uMdle of lt» aeveolaMU oeetory St
u —»—«iiMvf B------- e( illUencT per cant «# Maaaachoaelia vc
BMC ow ka« pwplB that
m- cnidd B>1 viite their 0«ra aamea. Bj
Iho end Of the cooWrT tWa pereaatase
loelakM to H la dMOB «va «(
peBorr oteeMlM. tat ool w aMMiod- had Talhm lo U.
la Virdala of ever tMd uen *vho
tBs maiHirirc Itw 4MBuWm of set
BlCTod Jorr IbU Id ibe Mvealeealb
UBsM edMUoo iw nan Mo^
Anar oMmUac aearty lOMM als- cealnry to per tvai made their tnaito
and or over 13.000 wbo aUned ien>
aeiam «a<i Mito.; lha
40 per ecDt oiade their marka.
Uiii tba peopta ot
izazDlaatM oT local papera ftl
ant adarvted. aad Iben-M VUrlDje

.^••or iaHc Wan................^

ad frteada nmaBhaead ihaa la a «l. the m wWb *mn
Uac auaer at thO 6tfoi luM <W tmmJk b«n cu
taohd Mar waln^ diaai hHb aa aad nadUk ood
rtirt air emcart. tl4r both have

«r. alM aih. *na^ ¥tdSa aai
ehMm at Codmae Wrlrdl

, tMt FslOci


raltamd mm after a two wadka
vtilt wUk'Mb^iU^ aad latffP

Latwiaa-ot idiMt. uj
ifttate «htBM« fcr« «Mt wift talhl

-Ipz '

Mra. In Haa wni reawlo

) Uita Aaanw Whtiw. wet Ukaa
eery IB MM Thoradar OvdalMt. She
vat takca to the mu BUfat hoMc.
aad ukca to her Man at mit Hit
Mrh the aaxt day. Bha It laMovlac
The FOanh at My ceMMattee alv>
Od harw wu a very cmt sueeen la
e»«y way. altboDcb tot a • tcBe"
FprtM. atlU M ierhHM arcMeoi*
«*n .iBpoHod, 4«^ aB the tar
imMIuc COmry cad town. were
w«l tWMMartd aE> la'kllti^ V fha


...Mhte aad larreetaa tea
EM. -fttco SS dh 9aM
Dras Bton ’
AaeUoaaathat vtt
-------- ,—
------- , —

g, UMea BU Traeino City, Ml


lab ItthnaU

1M OakUnd Ava.

«wlaad aad 4Mdar baada

workloK oa tbeytiadi Mar BoIob
'thw. '
Mrw. -C. J. DIckenDBB alUmded tha
■Idlert’ eadaannDeat il Maa
Mat tmk.
^ra. Btepben ttadirier and rblidrea
of niDI ara Tiaitiac retatirea bera.
Hra. DIckermB aad na taava'aarared a teat aod win comm
boDiekeepiac tfala week.
)’a are oat ter tbe an
SawUy E
hue of the 11th and rioatai with tbr
cveatac aeaalon of ibe ISth. Pnf-^
Oeediicb will be there. Beveial trom
a tray expect to lAteod4 44 44444444«
4rt44 4 4 4.44d
Joly 't.—Reben lUm


SecOar Chni^fs’Oi^
Vktiwia Vi. Mt ati'le: a ......... ................
six la-lDck doable laca. Tic ihctfda, had ear-:
a Bae oatBt. Irttac up but ilUin^ca; IMbt.
novrt^a^t: XLC FM Bll.^aad.oe taiww.of <

Grinnell Bros.

Special Outlet Sule
Owinj; to unusual condlOons this season we find we have much larger stocks on hand than we
rtkOUta have, and it is absolutely necessary to convert it into cash. This is your opportunity to
strtotly new merchandise _at a great saving, as everything in our stock will be sold at
Teh to iFlfty F»cr C^eibt Discount.


......... ,«:95
4M2,«BixCirf«ir wtm qiecial

eild»tSBl4 pifOB
AH Une S«gM at.....................

.IfyCr cent




. JWiiaiBitaux oil;

.il^'omt Boy;' WMSbi>U.<|iOcial................................ Xtt
Hm'a <na Yoimg Mon.0 Pauls. $2 and ^50 values...........1.41

»o»a' Suits.............


Eutia Sue FnndiBalbiiMun Underwear .. .XSe per garment
lleu'e LUht Welglit Uni^ Suite.......................

Mparwaal wllMianMhcr llaaerwcu.
th wu on all Lediee . Meu'e and Boys'Sweutoie.



Aaaort0d]otofLa<iie8^SambIeSuit8,good styles, prindpally
grey mixtures and Ubcx.
gS *9S
to sen at $12.59 to $18. special..................
Another lot Ladies' %uits, including fine fiiue Serges^and.
Uj^ Muturas, values $aOf
1.3 75
Ladfes’ Goats, values $12 SO and $13.50.
i* ftg
special at.,..................
All Coots $16 to $25.
•! 9 9S
Special at.................................... ...._1«4/9
AU Ladtee’ Dress SkirU in PatiamaB. Serges and
9 09
late mixturee. $3^ and $6:50 values, sale price-DaO/
$7.50 and $8.80 Skirts,
ff M
Outlet Sale price.................................................. PsO/
AU better goods at off
Irtdiw' Dteaees. $1.28 and$l.S0 valuea. special................ t$c
$3UwnDFe8ses at ......................................................L$6
AI! $6 Dresses at.............................................................. U$
AH other Dresses at *A oft
WBtots and Middy BUiuBes
................ ...
% dB
Ladies’ Vesta. lOc values. .$e Ladies' Vests. 15c values l$e
Ladies'Vests. 25c vahMS.........lie
All sec goods at........................
........... $$c
sale no Muslin Uoden^aar. Vt off.
All 89c Corsets at Me.
$1 and $12Stloriet8, sale price STC.
-$3 Coiaals at 146.

One lot of Embroideries. 4 inches to 9 inches wide.
values 15c, at, per yard.................... .........................8e
All other Embroideries 25X discount.
SOc All-over Lpe^’eream and white, per yard....... ........2$c
-25c Fancy Ribbons; at. per yard............ ......................... 18c
Special lot of Ribbons, 2!4 to 4 inches fride; per yard........ tc
Band LaceTriramhig, 2Sc value, per yard....... ............Itjec
Ladies- Hose, sHk lisle ganxe. garter top. bigli aplioad baels.
2& values, per pah-............ .... ............;............ .......lie
His^' and Iidanu 15c How....... ............ .............;... .16c
One case of Udies' $1.25 Umbrellas................ 6Ye
$2.50 Ladl^- Umbrellas..................
18c 32 inch Dress flinghams.,per yard.......................... l$iie
12Hc 32 inch Dress Ginghams, per yard............................ 6c
2ScFrmich Gin^ami, at. per yard............................ ...:.16e
22c Wool Dress Goods, ch^ce pir yard . ?.........
SOcc Dress Goods. Inctading
Inctndiiig Sbepbe
Stmpberd Check. Blue
Stripes and SergttT^ yard


Urge lineoltemnnnt.................................. H4x 'du^unt
Udle.' ScHudkerahieb....... ......... ......... ......llorle
Udie.'ISeHnndtercUeb .... ................................;...Ue

PietoilBl Review Taaenu, Hol^Hrooi and Hack du Hosteiy.


Fnmt anilJUilIj

T. JOLT 11. mx

Bto! rata aa tfca alopea!
WbM (ba cMUa aland daep In tba
Hbta UU Uw aool dT tba btecfc eanb
• cnpaa
Tbwiatb loot and taaf toluanaiaiar
■aU UH (ba «1M tUua. bird and boo.
Uiaid and aQalmi on /ock and uw.
WMk low and .latiar and luUv m.
WUf vk)* tt-m tall and tar« oT tba
Tbrtll aa Iba (raah «lada paaa.
Th# ,««tnn fartac to tba larbtM oat
Of tbe atranta far landa
nb (roMor or Ufa aad balot tor ilmTba baas aad -whir of tba aptwUaa. ibo
baaatp Ibat «iowa In'tba ktoia.

Tba MJMWd am and aptemtan
«itb pUaa erbon bar clUca

rbuA % lAM «r («U cmM stHM
baut ta a^Praaeb dfWOac. «mla and
amrlw idate lo tom a
I'^rdar. Ha* a lam cn»tB rltacaa
«lik (»o libl^panamii «T eraaBi. a
«BBb or wprlld.airf a Wt «r oaloa
Mm. If Oked. Ilaap tkla roaglOy la
iba cantdr or ibe dbh. (anibb with
aaaU baili of ctecaa aod aprM at
tanM. Ud aarve vltll Uila atrlpa oC
Soaadatcak Braauo-biaka eroan
And Ula. dmr «UM. U what «• * I aaooa br ntbUiis
eacb or bmtar and dour tUI aawotb

Ho gaatJr «d a«aat -Bamaar paw Dink; cook to aaoeth »ravr. To the
■DO b».'
aauee add one plat of croaad aleak.
Bo loToly «aa tba aaile ate coat •three capfuJi of br«ad crumba. aali.
UilM br bn baaoir. 1
taral leoapoonral and peppM to taate.
Hcaroe kneo aba poaaed.
At ibe laai BonMBt add tbroe «k>
—& U. Pock, baaiaa to Irolb. Bake to baUered
------- --------------moBla tioa and ael la pan of .water.
Cotrcr nruh paradla paper. Bake twanJULY MNRIEB.
♦ ‘X Blawea. Berra with oore.aaoce.
Wake twelve cakea. li-ataama o»er
Tba (otIowiBa waya nith rberriea ««1l *bea cold,
an Ubea rnm Buroaaral Panalns:
P^n'b Ewa-Boll ali ccsi hard.
lead Cherrtaa-Bolert One. ripe chw lake olf the abella. cut la quariera
rloa. laarlDK oa the Moda beat tte and ama«c oo a dlah. Make a sauce,
white or an an iuai anouifa to biwk after tMe recipe. Take half of a quarIt and dip la tan<ba of chomn, bold- «« of a pound of frosh batter and a
fas U»a> br^lha atemi and wblU uWaapoonfal of dour, allr over the
nieUi toll tbeiB ia cnoutatad a«wr. dn aiiill If iblekena: poor In ilowb'
Idacn la a alevc aed »i In a cool a pint of milk, whtoh sboaM be boUovMi an iniOmt u> dr>. tbeo put on la«. add the net ot the huticr boO a
(on and ke^ until wnniod for uae.
lableapooBfal of mlaced panlMlour
b|bI TlBMar in a •**
-I* .1..
tall ta. 11 oota u. . boll.
"> '■ “

tbe bulput in a ubleaiKwafnl oacb of sroand '
a «u
aad wbola cloves and
a mat of ebarr, atone., all lied up to- •Prt«'“«

l« ..d .M imi ta.4. ..I ««ta "
..UlTl. .lib Ibclr W™. WiKtaf ""
i^TS;.. ...


rsvrta- riib-rri f

qa» Mtadad. aaanb for tba window
WbM«,briar tba wW .aad tba wimMas
I.Mi'&UII Wata l» JiUiW


■" r- “

.»tatabl..Jb.btai...ta «.

tbe Jnko. To caeb pound of fruit ah ,

for an hour or ao. after they an
aiossd ifaen imt on Ibe fln almmar
r« tal-tat!
tab, thrVhe^
(** mlnutaa. aktm out the rbemea.
add tba root of the snsar to Ibe ayrup.
bnIL akita. and lei almuier till they
an clear aad thick.
Cherrr Puddlas-Beed ripe cherrlaa.
laavtas oat the Juke. To oach.plnl
of oherrtoa add ihno ecss. two labialablantola butler.
Hour aad one plat of the c^wrrxJulra.
Babc'qaleUy aad nrve





“ wachea. and aboulil he cut out
«» *wodor dtaumnd abape w|ih laocy
cuu«i»._Moibar’s MosaHae
<--aKa>w- Mouars MasaMhe.

- ^
b.b ♦•♦««♦♦♦

we a»
a naUoo apend aa mocb iuoiktt for
lood as la bnylos caaaod vrsetablea
li Is Reaper for ibe town woman
do Ihia than i bar fresb v
market «h4 «»B tkom.
ThefoHunsiecoubtrywi.inan.hos" ““
klichoa gtrdei!. be U
ao auall. caa put up ber own vesv
dew I. atlll
ibaa they

Twn ouirie of ole
h. ri 'iwib nounds of suaar one
!^!h T; .?<sr «one ’ U« SerrM
aad let -»t~* tor
mil them with
an boor, tbaa bUt oalJI tba a
aolTad. add tba water.
imt Into a tnesar and turn rapUiy nnUl froten.
.Cherry rrappa—Uae a mould with '
X of cans, rubvaalUa Ice eraam. Bll tba miar with
bva aad coven mad tbe propfr tookBaa iHarriea. atoaed and
enam. Pack la tb. »«

r e^^ib^^^'irbur^-rS
from tbe

‘Adlea* World ere plain aod simple
The Woman-. Home Campaaloa ««l « be easily toHowed. aad have
tells of two dalWcou. loaihod. of

bad tba wana wind cornea aad Boea.


^ tba aaiMl nw
Raapbany ardaa-IUdl paste lo
ona^shih of aa laeh |B Qilefctiaai and
>hs|ta with a round caitor Uiraa lachWhile the fartorlee turn out all
as la dUmater. Bemova ceatan from kladi ol canne.1 vaseiables. houic
aae4htrd of the pleeo., InVins tlnga oooklns la preferred h> many, and
M yo to
pat lnaalbaT by ihnas with Ultlatoo Ibis is frcqueniLv miich rheapei.
Ota as. Tbaywboaa- Bins, aad la cavity made by Has ow'as to Ub fact Ibai Ibe vekeiahles
• laaar «s Is epaa to aae baavan. • whlrb makes the top lay«T (Hla snwlas la our sardima usunlly rlpea
• dU thar vba aaa It. bn la It: - enabed napbeniaa wbirh bare baas more rapldl} iban they ran lie con• aad Iba alf to ibam la thick with ' as-oaleaed.
aoiuad. ami by ualos ibeni In tbU
• aatak.UttlatoB Blllns makes a delicious maBaer they are om okly^vcd from
aiUas for a cake or> pie as wall waste are atiraetlvclS Put .*■>
us tor nspborry rttclaa. Ml* aevea- for future use Anolher
otskilu of a cuiiful of sugar, oho-tblrtl Ibrlr favor h
are usually
of a cupful of Hour uod ooewlgbtb ot and la small quim,
a tnapeonful ol aalL Wbeo Ibor- more leader aud. In , cwiaequourc.
cosbly ml*«l add two ekca slighib mora pabubie.
bealao. tbeo imu» on gradually two
The first eonidderatloD lu ranoluK
•Ms af-Buiamar Varaa and Praaa.
ir tboa would-st lake a mbdat far cupfals of lumlded milk. Cook ono tbould l>e the brs. Wash |«erfcnl>
half ieaspnoBlol ol vaailb a«d ooe- dean. Bi the Ikls and place the rul^
-Tby Uataf. tabs aot the orema. wbleb
on: «» «l»h hot swier mid lu.».abba and Iowa, or the sure, which
<m ■
"fly wHboai oaaalaaf but ntber Uke CB until stiff.
Wilbrd Souffle—Thb U a wonder- bold tba Jars, ketilc and a dlsbpaa
(ba aumer air, wbkta boa Its il^
c( aaraaH labor aad tlmea ol pcriect fnll> dellHoiis hot dessert worthy ol a abmtt one-lourib full of lioi Water. In
dlnaar of ewremoar. "ash and phk which lo aUMj'lhe Jars mhllc Blllaa.
t||—“-“-“‘r U. Haawrtoa.
over two ruploU ot iwspberfles. mash Have, alao, a can Oiler lo lit on the
Tba M atu ataopod. bb oaser UUnt slighib and aprtnkle with sugar. Pul Jars and jiour the vegetable* through,
in the’ bottom ot s allgbtly butlerod la Oiling putb ihe rooicuu down
(oabika:- '
- let ■the
rtmabM (or the tremWIas Uttle paddlus dbh and leur over lb* follow- ibe Jar with a long siKxm.
In tbe water
lag aiinnn: Hell throe tablespoon- air bubble* os
then apeedlty
t tbeagbt to aoa M abrivot (a hb full of batier. add one-tourih of a or Jak« HU U
cupful of Oour aad «lr until well aaal- When cold Hgbien tbe lid* bvdutch:
Bat lal it btoomad wttb llUe. at bb Ueadod. tbeo lour on gradually, while fora aiorlug awiy. Wrap eai b br
etlTTlDg conikantly. on. durful of aeimrately iu imisr aod keep in a
Pmt aoL aw at
o aalaL by Joy to be scaMad milk. Bring to the boiling c«eL dark, do pU<:e.
point nod add the volkv ol four eggs
TonmtOM are about Ibe most caaily
PwaojmBM wRb Joy. Uke Mmi la beatea unlH thick and letuoa oilorod cannad of all vegeiabln. aad no maiand mixed with one-lottnh ofa cuplul ter bow ripe of even bnibed. If good
at saiDir:'coal aad <wt «ad told IB Ibe they caa be ntUKcd lor soups, cslwbltes of (our c«ss boatra uaiU stiff sups and *o forth, wblle tbe brge;.
and dry. Bake iblrty-ftve mlnulei la Arm ones arc nl«e tor aalads. aad the
a How oven and serve at once; if not aumeraqi evmbinaUoo* lor which
4 Mb ot bNvoa (tnaU. be daw
served iomedtoiely !i b sure lo fall, they seemingly lend ibcmselvea
Wbaa aartb aaomad bsatru wMh beet Accompany with BierUng sauce; Bent
Toaiaioee for soups, baking and >o
the wbitn of two eggs nntll stiff and forth may be aklnncd and stewed toBowU wtad abd suoaUac aad aer- add gradnall}'.
____ _____________
wbib beating_ consiaat- _____
gatber. Tbe
addUioa of a lltiteiiufar
. ... enpfni of powdered sugar: tbaa and salt wiD noi oaly mak^'tba^ keep
a MM won wUboui add ena-lourth of a cupful of hot milk' better, but cause ibew/io rowto a
aad one Mospoeotol of vanilla.
bright color
---------------------It to be (wsKsd whole, aciact meBuftimm ftoaipa* ffaaUy Freparad.
once. Jaat rti* aad wiibout
• (tetato Pie—Une tb* sMea of a Iwk- we»lsh*s: poor-bolltog water over
lag dish wlib rteb. hot mashed potolo. ,b*Hi sad lal suad a tew aiimitas. brAll the center wUh aay left-over magi, ing rarwfni not to break them. Bring
B^wltb tb* VDke cut Into fdaoaa and warmed tn tbe
to boll in a porcetota-lloed
gravy. Cover with a ihteh layer of po- katlle. add enough salt to make a
UtD. dot with btw of boiterand a acog,ra, and into this Mae* the 10’ ~ ■;
-Mrs Oagoad. roalag ot .all and pepper; tbea bake*,„,tt„
n,,, ,fc«rooghlv Then iMaee
oatU brawn.
u jgra. not enough to ma* out el
ilM «qrU to tror o* vg Mkg It.
Butol Bean aaff Cbeaae Bata-U^ahaf,, coe^r with tba balltog water


la iM «alar aad oo ooaUaoe tin tlH7
on oU aacd up. addins mora •alar
and «H. too. U aaceaaan. Wbaa Iba
Jan an epwed la laa vtaiar aad iba
tooMoaa dtaJaad and abllM iba ahlaa
cna aaall} be rwo^ad aad tbea ton
ba aarved or ill ed
wbola lur MilBda. aiM alib attt Mali aad ravarad
iltit BwroanaJaa draailas.
Caaaad beau an
■ .oO proloi.
aa II coins le eerte, br cooklas till
lander aad aklanlns: tbee bria^ lo a
boil la wtrA- aweeieaed with a IIHIr
ausar and Mawraod with pepper aad
nil; add Jnal a Uulc good elder noevtr. net edbush lo .make sour; plan
la jars, dll aad wbua opeaed sene
with a cream or builnr saim. ur use
for a aalad or for salad detonilou.
Tba iMt rrdlsb U more palatable
and mar be eaiily prepared. Use
three plau ef eJmppod been, ibree ot
nw ebuppad cabbssa. aa cm Uncupfal of prated borseradlih. two loarush
fuU of sasar. a laHMinoDrul of salt,
and Baffieleoi sussr lo moliten sell.
Bflns lo a bolllns lolDh stlrrlns to
Umid. add^o lablcspnomnU of olive
a aeal whi
Corv aad UHnatoca cannpd togotber
arc exvidleat tor soupa aad sucentaata.
HoU the core oo Ihe rob and roi off
before cold: le-rl and chop Ihe Ionia
loca: measure the palp and allow iwo
pints of It to each pint of eorn. season
to lasia with salt and |iep|s«r: pul Into
a kettle oo the Are. cook Bve minulM
after It begins to boll and pour boil­
ing hot Inio the-Jars and aoal. .
('ane^d airing beans arc dellcinus
preimre<l as follows: Blrlug and wash
tbe Ileans and plan- In a kellle wttb a
pieee ot fal pork, aoiue aalt aod a pud
of cayenne pei<i>er. Boll till tender,
remove ibejneal and |mck tbe beaDH
In glaas Jars nnlll abonl one Inch from'
tbe lop Have Ihe water In which
they boiled boiling hot. pour la nntll
Ihe Jaralnre Ailed lo overAowlog.
screw tbp toim on at once mod sund
aside to^ool. tbea more away.
Corn’^ranned tn brine U more nucccasful than ibnt preserved In nav
Mher way. ns It reulns Us orlglBsl
londerness aad swewaeas If propwly
soaked and iirapared. Select tender
ears, boll OB tbe eob till done; < at off
and cool. Wbes perferlly cold itatli
In glass Jara. a layer of corn and a
tbin one of oall, nltowlng one-tourth ot
ball aad making the top one of salt;
When ready to use wasli weU.
pour warm water over It and soak
over night. Whea cooking add a little
augar and oniH tbe sal) This nmse*
luscious corn trliten. and |•udlllogs. is
nice slewed wlili cream dressing ami
Is a groat ron'cuirnre for aoum, as
amall quantltlea ma; be uken from
tba Jar at a lima without tnjnrlng Ibo
reaL If securely sealed a*ln.
(Mnaed cucuml^ are both appatli|D| and coDveDlcm to serve with Ibe
meat rourae. Belert Arm. Ireab ro«umiibersjjrasb carefully and wloe
witM a rlotb and pnek In bnlf-galloa Jara illl fnlL Then add a linio
sorar to weak vinegar, and nome
spIcM If preferred. Bring to a bell
and mi (he Jare with II; *ual at onee.
Whea rMdv to oan e allee aod arraage
attractlvHy oa a diah.
.Volbtag can lake tbe plabi- of cuaned plmeotooB or xwoel t«P|wra lo the
lover of salads, sandwiches aod so
lorib. .and as the bouHil ones are
rather exiwBslve. all who ran Hionld
inii uji some of ffieae. piquaui deh
ra' leo for home ronsumpikm Wasli
carefully aad with s aban> knUe sUt
(he sMe open and remove the seed,
pod aad Mem of each; tbea place in a
deep bowl and lOur boiling waler ox-r
them. I.M suihl three mlnuies. then
rapeal Ibe process throe ItoH.*. drainlag well (he last Hme. Pack In Jars
and All wHli boiling vinegar root ver>
siroogi to sMch a UUIe sail and sug­
ar lo (aate liave Wen added. Beal
abd keep lo a cool pUro lUl.needed.
Many Waya (a Kill Fliaa.
There Is an Increasing volume of ik
cralure iiinii this subject aay* nn cx(bange However, there Is nothing
better than the |>racHcal rules pnblUbed l>; Ibe n>-FigbHDg Connutllee
of the Amerlcsn Civic AssocliHon ol
Wasblngton. We ran begin lo see
Ugbi ahead, as there l> oiwnlag a pracUral wa> ot escape.
“The botisedly breeds in borsc
tnanurv. klicbco oBal. and the like,
nispose of lUcae In such a way that
(he 0> raqnot propagafe.
-ngrreen all Ibe windows and doors,
and Insist lhai your grocer. Iiuicber.
baker and every one from whom yon
/•There I* more health In a well
screened bouse than In many n duclot s visit
••After you have clraneJ up your
own prcmlsea, tospoci the oelghborbood tor Ay-bieedlag place. Call the
atlentloB of the owner to them, aod U
be does Dot remove them, complain to
toe board ol healib.
-Voi less than »5 iver cent of the
peats are bred tn Ibe siable.
“All sttbtes should have a manure
bih with a door at the aWr. ami a
wire screen on the top. that tbe larvae
dei-osl'ed In the tnanut* before It was
placed to the bln will Jr «Tm«ed
wbee hatched, aod as Ale* seek light
and come to tbe tor ot tbe bln. (bey
can br easll.v kilted by boralng paper
or onbe other dertro
-The Ay has a-ihlrsi aquated only
hi bis hunger; plate a dUb el P0>•oggf wntor to tbe atoWe aad a v*gt-

ar part of Iba IM baHbad than «1B
ba kUlad.
-Wbenrar abaolMa eliaalla— pnV.IU Ih« WIH be at. Bb.. iMkali.
ar tba aarhaaa can Bn that Ibar
In TiaabXwtakiad wBb Hma m
kanaana oil aad doaolr ceearad. ^
-iitata,« «u______ (»• ««hi-

ntHHoa dipaada apoa aw. ooMitMa
and one prerlow coatdlUoa of aerrl.

Tba waablBC o( rftba« It aalidaUaadad hr iba baai rrnlu. bet
, wiilar la a pnw to baUere.
™ axaam*
And tom. bet not ka*. doat iblbk
tbai aoanda pnaalalas: 1
>oa can make a amamar vaeatJaQ W («• •«bo4. Uasbt me bj a mti:
mr roaad. Hake h ‘Uaer. better tbaa any m irM: Pm
cKoaalot of tba MS tar oC. U yon the rlbboo laio a beala of wirn water.


o.™.. ..i «,i.

ewred keep la a UshI pU or .aull. n
• <'«»*"• "f **»•
dlaa cuboT bread ia IL Lae rblorWa
tba fad. If you
L 11^!^ ^
pleapa.wbWi roe do bonaaa you lore
Pkn to -aka Ue dally
sal MV ba nitii
-TO cMr nm, of die., carboirT'
ia Iba world.
arid ma) be used aa followa; lini a


»••»' »• r" would aaythlns alee
While aUll wet iron on ^ rlcht alda
fIU a hot Inn. aad wb^dtr nb be
tw— the Imada a. U waHdac It umll
all Iba atiSaaaa la oat at it. TWo Iraa
-dkla «. nmora tba e^. W^bed

abevel or say slmlUr grtlrle. and drop
iborooaiweoiy dropsofrarboll. add. ^ ON IROHINO ' Him. From '♦
“1 bad oltna bn«B thalU tM, ««pTbe vapor kills tba Alea.
^ auda were Dot ihamwhty rlased ot t
"A ebaap and ptrfactly reliable Ay 4 * ^ « 4 « ^
« 4 « « « « « of chMbaa tba clothes moaU BLt>reb
..In., ta .lirt J ta tata™. c. -,„iu„ ,b.
j corerlBS
„, the
II. •
Ironed. I taw t------ --b.m.n HI.. 1. Wtbtaji. .1 W...J ............
aod 'a war „
to ,aaitraied neeaUr. A (rlabd wai bat.
U»lulkMi. lh™l»tatam..H.h
,..ta Ji oU
0~ Itata.
ran ba bought at say drug store. Is
^ „ Though ber Iroaa warn baMly hut
two oanro. of waler. gad add a l.ule „„
cBough to do th. wur. wHL hardly a
sugar P«» •»»-. of
lour or Ave thIckMMra. which iro
•« «»l.hod witboal bHng
shallow dUbes. and dMribui. them
aeorcMad. Hy trlmid adailUed that
about Ibe bouse.
ia,er be- abo had be- careieai U flngtag ont

r-a^Tdebyde lu waler. pot lalo a WM

U e« off ami I.


siih a data cover,
a plat o water and eipModMriba
Ooad Ways WMh MaaL
room, will be eo^h toW'HI lb.
ird „„
with a blsBkei or padding, lark
Durlog Jaly aad Aagnat w» are alJ
It aloag
along the
i: edges oaly. so lhal both swys glad to got new Maas as to Ibe
•To qalekly rinar—bp tbe room
tbe eud* are suwMhly rov- iweiortng of cboip ruti of meal la at- •
where tbero are many Alas, burs pyi
erod. Then make an uoMeacI '
tbulii lowder le Ibe room. Tbtaalui
C Vta. .k7Ts V ta..- h- .W-«
'Iwalooged Are. .
T taTtata !
leftoiwu to .lip on luce, idilow- In lb. range or loBgoookJng over gas,
up and burned
of the
Nmu wngbdag.-vapara aawa beef a
4944444444444444 Ward ran ba naed: U will look neat b mode, aad roilaro year mlad of aU

be no pin. or aalta to rroponslbimy « to wbal to bav. tor
bands or clothing.
three smeaediu days Bun an onJlrr. Bell. M. Perry , than vabom
lbelt _ •

worn..-, club anJ^Paw.i.iwr cirele..
Preserv- Iba 1
’ ' (a warm
Bk.) Hi|vck
where ■
■ taleraatrd In 1
or fwo^ . l^f in^ wl^lhnn
tbe Wit.
taka lo. Ik. bollorata ol Iko .bota »'
lokil. lolo o .taO ktalor.tad lUIJ.

•o, ,1 Ih. ,11,. .rttao. lollota *


loolk.lktal- SktataSta*

Ik. ««o,, ..0J100-.
ta tail,taka
l™i'‘otak,tal.rta.taH„Bcbool is oul-nol just lor imoa but -»« oue- dec. si* larhes longer man
------jtor tbe mimmer vneaUon. and .not a 'W ctWr) to b.. over on top. Plnclng
day too imon. for W‘
btodjng i^ be J^k and HmrL aol ^aad faL
er. and children, tor tba routine work- Waea wlih anything you choose. I rot
il of cbves.
er anywhere and eveiT*bere. and oa «“ »">“ «"e best of an old (able
il oTailkiMaa. &slf ■
ta...ta •>.■ (ha rtakiiii ta • oVtag Iron* >rosp
pecblly iboM who have lo work under
“"J ‘he f**u" *• •
<i of black pepper and half
Ibe bnniing rays of the son or over
Ward, free from roa.
'g jraied nuim«. Uaka deep a
lb, .Ota kool .1 . kj aok ..Ok., -^.Ir... -takl to
„„ .„k
I. Uto..lta
(lul It b the weather, after all. that b robbed on nail each week before
oobMa. -'-ta.
so neersaar; .to liuura good cro|>s. uHlig. as ibe aUrch sticks lo (hem.
pbitM or bowl,
good gardens, good tveryihlag (hat and often leaves no ngly brown-mark n»j,teo II on nil aMab with AveUbbibe world dciiebd* on 10 aupply tbe on (bo ILnen.
spooafnli ofvloegnr. aadIsUadllosM
Httd It
“EveDoae who dose her own work
aod tbe Inner banal of
a may ihen^b
d Aeld and farm as well. It It koows bow d
nainro-a W working neoMm.-biit the ou .bin-atou or bora' bK>u«-,.o.pc^ each a pbra of saU pork. or.AU (be.
iJme shen folks who ran make their vtallyTr>li£,eull is whole or the opengWtW -vagMahlos. oarroi* aad
plans lur varallon*. And ibis is well. Ing Is nut brge. My way b to Uke a
lot Dluei'-in-ihc-cbide wealbar will Ho can somcshal smaller Iban
«,verod baking |u dnat w(W
put a crimp in alnWd anvoncs euer- cuff, lad li siimolblv with while ttolb. ^ t,ni«,,TOaful of aalt add a Qian of
gla*. Even ibe.|ieopb who ran'l Bet slip it insMa and Iron the cuff over It.
^ ^ tn a model
away from their work can Irant them- keeping lu elreuby tortn. aelvaa to a kind of a racaUon: on tba .-1 have found (hat If avary-dayqow^ moiarau Bn and Ao aot rare
tom by pbytng they are eunpliiff cut. el. at. foldad ««ad«riM to t*a tat toba.tth.orMi|iW(h.towloalop
eniUng ont i>le and cake aad Indnlglng rlnae-waicr. ran smoothly through tbe ^
slowly, tostlng
in things turn ran' ba boughi to town.- wringer, then hung up on Ibe line
any nuts, fruit, etc., nnd.tbe UiHe lu- evonl;'. that they will dry with acarveories that are oaly luxurlM bocause ly a wiinkb and need ao ironing.
Tbe term .-aMWlng'- apidisa lo Iba
ihev era aot grown on tba farm. *The AIim». If I wring inbtoltoan kioaalr by small Mecos of maal. rooked alowjy
rod luxorie. are (be froth
taid from the last riasa-watM and until taadar. Te make a -food auw
ter. milk, cream. frtiU and wrdon bang on the line white quite wwt. it of beef loirrtaaaa one peoad o( teaa
stuff, whicb every well rsgubted farm will be smooth and .Koo with less ef beef, from aitbar tba roaad or tba
er-. (amlLv has In abaodanot wad Ion. The wringer preaaea creases la louh aod of Ike ataak. or a abort
which oagbt to make the mattar of linen that nre hard to Iron out.Aenk ataak. or (be Aeaky imn of (bo
meals easy. Bat w. don't pat a high
For Iroalag sheen. pUow cases. sboaldM. Tbaa# pioeaB east f^
f^b value on the (binga that we towels, lablertetbs. aapklas. et<.. (oM tea to twenty o«ta a pnod. Tba
have abundanda of.
toogthwh»-'iwi«. then twice acrom. hoBMwU. wbo ww to
It would menn qoite a rffratlon to Always ^ the way of the thread, qf teoka over tba botebar a atoU bu a detb* tonner'e slle lodUBouee with tbe paraltel with the aelvodge.
cMsd advabtoMs ovor (ba one who or
lied iatickets
a coaraa
of bread. Huy breof
la rag deft by (olepbaaa. BMOa oae aa>s;
I'aad h
......................................a to bsk to wbni um
I small Isiurd cM *
asbm bS been sprinkled, rob wan tbls anvad (Jma pott Wa aball
•ookles. If you roost bnva them, nodI Oae
D Ibis, iben dost tboroogfc- never live eroaomIfoBy oblO <
ler (be kitchen cool off.
your li
iin.loFslth s large dnsler. bousawlfe roaltas (bat bar 1
Then If you ran hnndle the edibles If o«ei 001' doora for Ibo meals, aliber on Ibe Item w.;ie itfuc in <nlng to Iron n money vatoo-ibat ah. oanm» spend
irorch or nader t tree, (bat would W with ««l Iron*' Make up your Are. boura abopptog for clolba. aed then
splendid. H li doconT meau loo much rover the Inuis with a Urge HB cover order ItM—tb# mart expensive bouse
extra work of tarrying ibings In and -a dl%b|«in or wash bolter will do— bold aocoaalty-ovar iba tetelfcoae.
out. Aud. Anally, dispense with every and turn to somriblng else, rcoolvtos
yH ryf IntotatoaabgTaa locb
uon^asenilal It la time that men and to manage better next Hme.
inuaro' pul two imn-TT of aaot to a
tatau to. . htotor ..... to ctoto Ito
.M M K tata «« Jtasclvva. and began their aavlug there. . Ifg the heal. Mives.^lme
(y. Bamove (to MldOtog. dredge (ba
There are varallons ami varatlon*, I" h'» o' I' >■*“' doors or’ w “ JL^
— "ta Ulekly the
wito Afar gbd (brow to
veraHpnv that are bard work aad va- «« arranged a* 'o blow ta.
e -Ihe ev! ta- mral abd abgke It aatB nteely
ration* that are * ro*t sol Joy. and A sbeH Isoo <«vef rome* :
^broword; draw it to oba aMa of the
Ibe hard work kind may well bea>y prc«c puriswe. Imt a very ; ood ablft wiicepan. and add two level tableIf tlu^-Turd work Is the -ork that Is i- n«<te as.l have do-cribod.
.|.puBluli ef Aour: mix aod odd to It
■ •>■• unit Ibe feat of ribbed stock> buiiud I
>uc Idiit of botllag water er stork Milr
sbcii buniau iH-logs All the richi
the whole until II htdis; Odd a level
niche*, llm en-n then Ihete should
tabirapoonful of anil, a toaspooofat of
always lie honicihlDg Ibrnwn In on ihe
iirnwalng aad a dash of pepper. Covet
sMe which Is D<ii tlie regiitor worti and l-ag
h«i npiiroprlatod tor Ihom.
lbs saneepaa and almmar lacM iwUi
which lou do ju*i berause you love I- the imards. aod put tb^ away.
until the meat la tsTOder-aboui an
However. Hat 1* another cbapiar.
Fold all ihe riotbes
.. boslii as,
bonrands tolf. When ready la aerva
of Aour tato a bowl and
ill£^saB ge
and varieties nf ..cm1 find s very snllsfncior! ws« i»
........... ,, ,,,
pf |,i m.
siteberc sie of Heltu s pi.klrr
newl) »ssh(vl blankets ./ .......,„.der. halt a lanspoonfM Of ssli. aud
What I* a vscaiion toi onr wo.iM b. a .mall brosb or wbiskmrv.m.. brush sift again AddonteUyai
Irksome tu stiinrou* else Young |eo- ing. when dr>. on Ibe Hue, not too alnui half a cupful, to amke a dough,
lOe and chlMren like lo go. go. forevdi; bsrd. ooe wsy. Tbls ra:--* the tap. mix quickly, dip a tablespoon ‘mo .
go It docsii i matter so much .here sod they will sorocwhal have the ap­ iiolling water, taka «p a email Ubleis oulv Ml they arc *lto rongenlal iirarancc *>f new one* A guod lieai- spooatol of (ba dough. manIpuUie it
comiwny aml there Is Miuetbiug do- ing with n raltao iloHics brawir aUo on tb* ahte of toe boalio glv* shape,
sad drop (boas dniupllaca oa top of
Older iwoplc like quieL To s woman
“I tell my mdld in sprinkJe a starrti tb* meal; raver and simmer tor ton
who baa had ibr care of a (smllv ad tolrt. thinking
mtootta wliboot llfitog lb* lid. To
tbree dmwI* s da; tor, tbree bundred : discovered
,ta( 1 **u aerv*.. arrange (ba dampHggs aroond
and sixty A><- rts.‘s tn'wuceeaaion toe too damp,
tbe iMge of tbe pUttar. and pour lb.
-e tucks.------ ^
bappleat ds- m the world/ (or her very heavy
might be to son-l Ibe famllvvoff to see it sceoied impossIMe to set tbw
the rtrros aod bsvr Ibe lutoin of a (uefcs drv and smooth. *0 I turned It
goas uma when you hs»* Just a HP
dsv sIfiPf witb bO one Vxpectikg wroog sId- oui aad ironed over the tie ecM awwl left over from rtlbar
iiieks. When turned the lucks were >• poL roast, a steak or a brows slew,
li woald be s rare family avery perfecilv smooth, aod the skirt dry. try that good oM-lasblooed dlab of
luember of which ebjoyad the laiM Ever slntx I have ironed every -mad la a bote ' Crmse a pla dteb.
kind of varattoo 80, I would say. let tucked aarmeni.ln the earn.- way jmi the pieces of raid msot.-eat into
each be iiersaad#.! in hi* own mind
An Easy War to Sprinkle Clothes— oaedneh sanares Baal aa egg withsod doB-i try 10 make aomoona aka riral remov* all eiotbe* from the oot aeparaltog. add half a plat <ff
eater tolnga your way
Let tbe ehll- ||bm which will not Trquire irMtog. *uk aad half a toaegetmfal ef salt:
dree be voong and even fneliah. Whnt .Then lura on tbe hose, adjastad to a ^d this mlrinre grodaany to alx levH
is af Boar.-Wbeo amaoth.
1. the esaeace -of looHshnaa. to you very Ane spray. Bpra;
told, aad atrato n over (ba g
may be.ibe bigbest wisdom lo them, lightly
your rtoibes are ready to iron witbout raodarate oven lor half aa boor. Servo
Tb* ___
be BBibbed. aad tb* Ihto* ibsi toitb*r handling.
ai one* b*tore M to«^

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