Grand Traverse Herald, August 13, 1912

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Grand Traverse Herald, August 13, 1912


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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* ?i * 1 »----- *

_ ' '

Local Homo.
Hn. Oralta Ucke.





T« KSI)AY. Al'GrsT





Baeka«,Kidgh» Wadding Waa Aratty

preoence uf a few
George Vogel received word Friday
Loefca. Ullto Elmer of Claclooail and
d rriailvn of the bride aad
> the effert that his broiber. John
Jaoet ttocm Brown of t-'i. Tboaar.
nry M. SackMt and Sal
VOUNQ BUCKLEY FARMER LOST! Vogel, bad b-en killed at Saskalcbe
for tbeir home*,
were otarried fViday .
Canada. So details were giveo^
I few day's a
<j>.k. at the home ol
as lo howThe accident eorurred. ...
W. O. A.
Rtvsims >t<ualns. Ur and Mrs Gt
Vogel was fonueriy an engiueer on the
All tba
Dell. e» West EUbth streec
Maniueite and bas a wide
talcbly plaaaad with ibe anienainof fri'-nds (a the c-Ky
lie w<
UrKtv offlcUled. ualnc the
at eliordad and apoka In blcban
riUR Uer.t.e. Tbe .uupie wu attend'
i-hinada two .cars and a half ago and
csl by X T iJllto and Mias Lena
lama of roDcralotatioB and an
a homestead al i^rk} Jwltr.
acemaat for Ibe yoons womaa
ttoskalcbewan. where he has resided

Kyj_ left Thuraday
"“““rT-HT.s.v"'"'"-''- after

TMOE 6. I. & I. SBUE


iparttc it with tba joaurtoilotui of
laixar cittot. they aald

Bisatkm bad made a remarkably

lystary Sorceunda Mannar :n Which
Clyda Melata Loat HU Lift
In Watara et the

cood abowlnc. and said alao
Her city a creat


klttla Uka.

pleoaore and Rood was derived


aa ornnlxatton of tbla- kind aa ibe

«U VM Md Tbnna«r tor tlic i

>w»C pa
tber in





of BMt rrou Hi«et rran

«M « tho VTMMtt


to (


C. A, of Trar

<FVom Friday's Record-Eagle)

' brapoka for tba V. W.
City a vWry aoeeoas-


Clyde A MoUte. a young tomcr rrsMIng near Buckley, was drowned Id
Dock lake aonx-.ilme tost night while
out ftotalDg. his body betog found to
day near the botel. Motate surlfd out
night in bis boat, saying that he

fMoUoc Hoadv Dicta! mod tbl*' daw
Um7 v»r» iHvMDiDd in vrlUnc bad
tha propotr owMfa who alsoad (tae
peUttcs MOlBU Itae tDproremn
. . TMUfo of liifl prop,
•nr iDrdrad itaa cldMm were not
prepwwd (o dad witta the domiIqd off
ka«d aa


irwdng of Aldmnw I

waa going ftohlng and that wais/fR^
last seen of hire until hU body was

■ ^








forenoon. When he tolled to rriuni
on lime a aearrh war made and tbr
boat waa found with everythtog Inuct
at 2 o'clock Ibis morning. The finding
of tbe boat lead to the belief that be
Monty Will ba Utad for BtnalH of waa drowned and Ibe seotvb was be­
gun and Ibe body fonnd after about
CHpplad ChlMiwfi at «L
ten hours woric. Molate was a good
daa Homa.

of (k, ceonHI for park


the clft of 1223.00. tbe proceads of Homa of tbe ttt*es are already comFlower Day." bald bare on Salurdsy.
This Is true of his
to aMIratr tooalMa. aad it la betlerad Tbe aoefety 1a eapeclally indebted to l.UiO tree Jluchess upple orehard.
tk« tba rn—will be wUHoc tc tbe pruideni and members of the
Lea's Point, ihe tre«i in which
ooeada to tba WMkaa et tba mmcl UdlM' Ubrary AasoctotloD. wbo so- ara lah years old. He reports hav
Oka taalk toaf at <hla ptdat whkh

p; V
^ '

Tba r1^ of the dty perTlard.1be Day. to every clttoen who Ing bought the 160 acres In this farm
' to kara tba r«da cUnnd to raaerr rMpoDded so willingly to tk^upiwri for 22.200 and baring already Mild
- ad to tba tbartaf' oadar wbirfa it of this cause .10 tbe RenlieaieD who orqr lA)k« worth ot Duchess apples
art^ on the flnaiu-e committee, to the
road to opnot|BC throncb tba dty.
Thera are'lk.OiM trees in the Norlli
to tta tobitM-.

on orchard.

I AT urn





peach, C.-



arde^cur prises In the face of the
nrong^t kind of (wmpviiilhn. n

triaunad'to plok aad caraatioiu with
a (banalac «aoL
At 4 o'dotA tbr waddlBR march
played by Mta. Otto Powers of

«m ninsH

RapMk wtatto tba waddins party took
tbolr piBcaa oadar the arch.
Mabel Graao waa the brldeamaU
Martin Oraaa the baai man. aad
emwaway was mdaetad by Rev. i. s.

Waabington. Aug. S—By a votv
1 to 11 the senate lale toolRht
timed to atrike fitim the Panama
canal blU the provistoa esemptlna
Ameri<« ships from paymeni of tolls

baarntfal boqaot of awaet pros, while
tbe crean war aaalSy attired to black.

(or paAaae ihroogh the Panama

Debate oo Ibe qaeaUon had eop;,
Igimadtoiely mfipr tbe ceiwaroBy and tihued from I p. m. until nearly mid. coacratatotioaa tba eempoBT were fa­ night.
Tbe aaaate then adtararned
vored with a vary appropriata a
tutil nfmorrow without votlag oo Uis
Otto Powora of BIk Bapida. afiar bDI Itself.
The defeat of the Barioa amend

which a foopoearaa
aervad. The tabtoa -

with piok and wWia caraations.
Mr. and Mra. Back will immedtotal.v

eat le atrike out the dlscriminatiaa
I favor of Ameriesa ahipa wni

•nale'a defiant answer to tba protest
the Brittob government ngaln*
boma nanr WOUatoabwe. and asmne lecUlatloa. It waa Ihto ctonaa- oi
tba raocBMlkUlto and work on bir to MB whlct lad GnoR Brtuto to sand
. tkor’atMB.
‘ tooal irweM to the CDVwrane
talca «p tbair roalffaaea at tba fortBer s

'ferent rtlles and plans to ship ir
load lots to hU rciirescDlatIves.
winter heme Is In Lincoln. Nehras
ka. he baring been aiiratled

The transiionaiion committee
•en busy and bas sn

ikm whb
prealdem lived to Hraksgoa. Ila rica
itresldenl In Travaraa City. Rs tiw
ntwr to Mantotae and lu aaaatory to
1- was baratma of tka
energy. e«erprtar. oetlTltr. dad wsourrefutoeto of tba Soopla Itrias W
Ibe borthera wK ol tba wuatan
Michigan territorr. toteod »Wi tW
furjber faM that Travaraa CUy to
tba mom coavaoJaat ptoca
to ba
raarhad for tba poipnaa of btodtog

haa Apple Shlpiwrs- aasociallaB were won

« the cooiwratlon of the railroads
eniering the city from all dlrecliona.'
bureau which gathered the exhibit
few days, iwi knowing unill the and when iba crowd which attended
Ihe tost codvrniion In TraVerwe City to
last BUnnla ibal.thay would make
dtoptey.- Thera Vara forty varletlei retnembareti II may be aet down aa a
U another feather In the cap of t

first opaMd. tba nfSes bad

OB apples from iDa D. H. Doy tann.

liiir* I

tolar bOBtoaas to totobd to.
Tbe days were oeewpiad la ovtos^

the Charles Mlltor farm, the A. Bart
leii farm and a braoeb from a Grand

plana (or tba, advarttoomaal ad toe
eegtoe. Now ^ rugular riiiiigini

Traverae penlnaula (arm. Tba bronze
madaU and ribbons wUl raneb Trav-

rae (Tty in tba early (mure and will
I imtodiiliig the rirciim'' (art that this year's stteodaoca will
I placed upon display.
ex.eed siiythlug yet recorded to
■dances under which they were ghib
Stwclmans of oaia from the -Kes-'
cred. and the fan that Ibis is the Mac-alo,. hl.iory in northern MlcM-'
wick section of Wewern Mlchlgaj
lirsl lime that western Mlthlg:i!i
he<m secured aad are be ing
pies have been shown at an> of their
worked into small bundles aulinble
Ilnfi makes the taking of Ibe road will,run a spe<'tol irain^out of
decorative purposes In cotaaerManistee at a rate ot doe doFlar the
prires all the nxire remarkable.
Western Michigan axround trip. This irain will ronnen
The taking of four prizes It
hlblls at the Slate fain and at the
fare of such rcnipeiltloo should re­ with a siswial from Fraakfon and Mi.
ana Apple Show In Grand -RapFlcssaot on the Ann.Atuor. which has
sult ill waking up tbe people
Ids. in Xotembar.
also ■•romlsed reduced rales.
section of Ihe stole to the great Im
A reiiresentailve of Ihe Western
poiUIlie of the apple <Tirp and the Arbor Will pick up 3(in at 'Cadillac and
the Jl- A X E ai Cop^ .Mlchlan Devekipmewt buieou. visit­
that there U iu> oUier w.utern
ed the nonhern pan ^ Anirlip couaR.
Display--, of ihu
ty the early pan of this week and
round trip rate froni Cadlllar
the doors .•r'opportuniiy and lets
dollar and the Cadillac Ms.-cabees and su.reeded In securing a number of
Ihe Ulfhlgan apple to where
■ •wnd

hundred to go over, the Ann Ai
Artangeiiicnis are in i.rogrosa (<

portion of



Kted bv Hie teui aii-l hive officers,
idsnolng a .-eries of events
will afford fine eiiietiainnieni *
minute diirlng Hie three .lays' t





•T Cross loins them at tbe Manlinns.
The Yamlc gues from here direct

when tba correapoafiaato aoH dw Mtoboraia raporta upon aObditMaa to tba
varUMia pans of tba Woatora Htfblterritory. maay baara otu oogbpied In geiitof out these ruperta Bato
bultotlaa; juacattaea,
•I! pans of ttaa <

lee 1ms

“ ‘ ib-sarauai to

toquiry regarding our rtonariiii
When Iba buruon waa Brat T-------had but one voIbim to Iba way nt
library. .Sow It haa a Ubrary of
several bnudred volamM of BtottoU-

Michigan part. Dfitba Wstoeni klMbl^ Writlory. -nton. sra alao map. showing



■who will hare charge until t'ornmand-

U of aarii vetoata m to ragali*
•averal taonra tmtk day. mat w tttfiaa

Bgriculiurar aad bontontaral
work.. The anew la sow ,|n|ggid
ladies have guaranteed three hundred orchard and farm views Ihsi will be with seraral tbouraad
of ihai city to addiiton to three used to Ibe adverllsemeni of thli Bbowing tb# cboraeisr of vtolow

siwrlal train Iteiween Chsrle^lx
A dr-play nf Wemern Michigan pboTraverse Cin and im.-niiedlste t^ols. tugraiihs Is being made by the De-:
satistai-tory service fn>m Tbotnis
utneni bureau in' the show win-i
•un.llle and <m>IdIi
- uf tbe MIcbtisD i.and yssorla-l
tl.-e was Birrarted In s very egc.-Hve,
Rive sallsto.'tury s.errica
at MuDlsiee. which exhibit
manner aod su.-h an ItiipressJoii uia.le
from Xorthimrt, and with 'these ex.-el
iiing a great deal of atteUlon.
that the Hons share of the ailenilon
leni arcanKemenIs the Mii.-achees are
tnonopolUed by
of couitori and cMVenlence in
The Traverse City lociU

•harry hOnO; i>ear.
ai>ples. Shipped Ycrierday for Annual Try.
This to the urn donation in Trav­
out on Board the Faqiow
Although Iasi winter was a
erse City received by tbe aocleiy for
Old Gunboat.
very severe one on fruit Mr. Laa<-h
the fund for crippled children la Micto
lean, and Mr*. Umplng to very much
Twcnivnlnc of ilie local division
Bataq, Aac. 1—A <mlet aod modeot craiiflcd with the resulla of Saturday.
lipar.lcd rli.* train­
waddtoc^.BM«rrad to tba prmnee of
The ladles' Ubrary Aaaortotion en­ ot finding a market fur the fiulis
tow retoUtoa and frtadt at tbe boma deavored to Rive every cltlien of Trav­ hat he Is growtog. He .has arranged ing^ ship Yontly yesterda. for
of Mr. and Hra. J. W. Oreoa. when erse City one opt^rtonlty and aom.' for telling conneetluns in -five dif weeks' cruise

tbair daaibtar. Uoa U. waa married tliaea fven two nr three to buy a Bow­
to rntt c. Back of Wlliianu
er for this fund, and the younR ladies
Tho boma waa ptoniiy decorated
who aold tbe flowers repon very tew
- ptok RDd white, wbllf to tba eoraer of lefnaalo- We hope m come SRain
tba pallor waa tb arch of avercr^B



ersat'iiy. The S|ilrit of taospliallir li FniK Was Bacurod an iha
cunfloed to .tl^ccsliees. however,
Secretary John 1. Gibson of the but Ihe iwople of Ihe
Winning CahtoH.
developmwn bureau telegraphed the
home office> Friday
visiting menibeni.
And when It to
hIbH of w-esiern
MUhigmn apples stated that Traverse City Is /o
remloma nacurad by the apthings, everyone who has ever ettandatt
rhich were on eabiblUon at the
plas displayed by tba Weaterp Michi­
I aisle or district gatbertog imltad gan Devnippment buioau at OtaleagD
naUonal Apple Shippers ronventy Traverse City jieople knowf last, week.) In connecUtm with tie an­
n wbi<4 U being held at Ihe Sherwhat ll means.
n Homo In rhiewgo. h
nual meeiing of the

Thei-e are n( the ful

sour eh^.


ed with *we*< peas and many vrtber
Local Camrnlttaca are Planning Many
varieties <d fiowera.
A luncheon w
Evanta ta Keep Thinga Hum­
served at the clone
ming Every Hour Ouring
Tbe VIII of town guesia were Mra LIbrmY of Bevaral Huodrod Votom*
the Convantlen.
G. W. ita.-keii of Hattie lYeek. Mias
Has Pravad of Ora« VbIm ta
l-Imma Keller and Anna Real
AgrMsdtural and HartlMl.
When the MaicaUees and lji.ty MaeMarie,
wrai laurwia:
rabees of the .Vunhern Michigan' K.
O.T M. Jl.aiMl L O.T. M.
ihrea jtm ago Friday tM
a trip ll the -Boo- They wUI be al
1 in Travenie CItv
to their (rieoda after August the Wralera Mtehlnh DavalopMU '
Ibey will en>u^
Silver tUena Farm, at Sllvar bureau opeasd Us offlra aad began
erratlng. iwo^l.
bnatoeaa to bebalf M the adrantooeuloyabie meeting- la ibe bUiury et lake.
mem aad ariUemmit of ibto waadmoa '
the organUaiion In Michigan. Deputy
Tbe omra was dRmmd W
Great i'omi.mnder f, H. IVrry of Ca.|
tulia 103 Stale Baafe boJUtog. to tbto '
lltor has been on the Job with Seereriiy.-whei^tt ha. ranalaed. Friar
II- Holley for several weeka
or the Trarane CSty
anil bas been diligently iIoIqr nilsskmoffice tbe buraaa was aa imaira
broughoui the dUirirt

Forty Varieties Were Shewn and at prialnR the vrganlution. He has been
nobly su|.iwn.-d by -the local commilThe^ Were Gathered Hurriedly
1 of Iwth tents and hives ln''Travthe Award Ta all ttie Mere

can how to .mier
Tbe followlnc communleatioo from
Michigan aa a' fruit
When the antows- ika craCa at ttaa Kad FYool
of Ih^ collection was made it
>a. Mr. Lanrb to brai
otreR croaalac to oootorai to ttaa aup Iboaa in eharca of tba alata work has
■an raeeivad:
t noljhe intention of the burea i
ray tor tba aaw MraMooL The city:
•ereslad la fruA growing, be having
to call ib.’ dark waa toifaaptod to Bodfy the oflarge orchards near l-ee's Point
tidaat of tbe klicblcmn Cbudi
BctoU of tba eotopatay of tba wlahaa
Bingham township and to rbe north attention of the shippen. to the Im
ome Society, desires
of tba aomtoil. b> order to aa«ora
of Norihport village. On the two poriance of Ibis secGon as an apple
-aa to give bar alncere thanks for farma ha has a total of Su.imio irecH tentiT. It to evideol thal IheIr ooa-propar_STwda for tba paraoMot
tiodto triU boro to be towated



Tbe boose was beiutlfully dee

taken from the bottom of tbe lake ibis

switomer. and It ia not known how the
aeeldebt otonrred.
cratlfyinc aueceaa attended
Thu morning word waa aunt to the
the obaerrance of newer Day. Satur­ city of the drowning and a requeai
day. wfrirb waa eoodocted under tbr made for the graiipUitg he
pa^oaaa waa letredacod and paaaed
aiuplcaa of the Lodlee' Library AaM>- by tbe city, hot Ibe body
«r a rou of att to two, tka me b»
ctotton tor the tHmoBi of tbe crippled before they roiil.d be faken that
lac tke aaioe aa wkae the orlsinal
etaUdren at tbe UIcbIcau CbUdreua lance. Motoie was well known In lhai
porehaaa waa nada. Thia porcbaae
to St. Joaeph.
part of the county and loaves a wife
Ciraa ttaa cUr a saw paj« Martr two
aklai and ad ocraalotui aad rhUd four ymra old.
kfattajB ianctta iDcladiac darka aal
apriBkle of ratp. tke dainty flower sirls
«» proffonr aow OB the crouBda.
were on duty from
Tka bin of Jd!D Haoroa. amoonti
tU dualc. -nie Udiea- library builddo r«« tor (tliic <ba mooth of the
toe **• na^ aa heodquanera and
nrar waa iwaaoeiodAnd allowed^
there the boqueta were tied by *tliin|;|
-’M tktojBMCtefctho raaototlon o
hands, and the .banks and cards Riven
lac for tka cradMc and navina or
Great quanlllies -of
Waot Bfoantk atreat waa adopted.
sent to by tnembera of Ibe ass«>
Mayor Oamklaa appolatad W. TV.
etattoa. .and otbeia wbo were Inter Ma *haa SOtolO Trees at Leea Point
ItooB. TkooiaD O. flhJlaoB aad ChpHer
eaied In tbr«md ouae. Tbe iffmost
That Are Coming Into
Broadtoot aa aloKfea board to an
eonnaay waa ahown wherever
at tka apartal otooUoa for ttaa purpoae
flowera Were aoid. on tbe atreeta. In
oC *Ddac «■ ttaa aMabllaboMBt of
atores, and offlcea. and alnrere InterA. Lascb of Suttons Bay. reach­
ebaaty aenaa] cOi
Aacaat 12. >
<t was mantfested by old and younR.
ed Ihto city this moriilng from Chi
alao appolatad C C Lombkle and
At alcht o'liorit tbe banks were
-here be attended the eigh
R. Doty apactol polfM to aqt durlac
umad over to the
leenih annual meeting of the Inter
I to bo kaU by tba
Maaars A. j. Havltoad. Georca Kti: national Apple Shipperr asaoi-UiMon.
Uttar Day Cala ta
ta itaia
weak aad
be'lftwe aad B. P. Allan, aad when the of which ba to a member,
ley waa cocmied It waa found.that vary ambnaiastle over Ibe efforts belldaman Oyer btcaubtqp tbaqi
tba recalpli were fftS.i:.
1 for the advartUemenl of
U«a o( kartoc tta O. R. A L rallioad




Will UST FM IffiB UrS


had cwmed on the wont tbos fa


the different parts of wraun MkRlgan and ohowtng tba nstaroi raaoorof the aame Tirare In on diaptoy
In iha office a coHerHoo of waatatR
Mtclilgah gralua aad aaada.
culleMloB contaUa «i dlfitooK
PlcaIf tbe buslneaa of tba boraaa lacveoaea daring tba ban (bTM yaors
•a II haa dnfliic tba post Cbiwk muck
larger quarters will ba naaiif to oeromniodaie tbe workera fbat wUI ba
required lo altebd to tba corraMakd-

Resides Ihe imianuiii tiaslaess

sessions there will Im- etiiertalnroeoi
features nevei mriass-.l In
In northern MIctiiKan. There wHI be
a niuh.'ter s|nh fa. iilar lurade
Constantinople. Aug. 12—Tbe
every viiitina tent and hive Is eiiMM-ied to si'lwnr. and iiuay lAtits lerniiuluii of telegruphle .-ummui
and hives have prniiileed large delega. Ion tnskes It verv dlinc-uli ir, vbiain


Ibe disastrous
Ther.' will W s.-veral bands ID i.-curaie dHalU of
line as weH as decree team* in riioal- erlsnilc (llsiurbeiiees'iBhl. h oe'.irred
Isiic regalia a* «-ll a« ..the- 'irikh
on ipoiti sides of Uv Darda­
Animal agfigma EnroRsd at BmaM «f
Tkfre s II also he ev cllynt deertf
S'-cura'te figure* of Hie vlc'l
Mom and Ran AlWNk
lo- laluai-le. pi lies bd-I
ct le tub.iUied, cbutigh some as-Today.
a ban<l ".^intest
ilmaTe. plan- the' death lisi at

region beca.usc to tliA Jlaiilious. where the embryo
tbe Injured from
of Ibe delightful'suminer> ihui pre nallots will ue piven their first lesnons In the liandliug of a abt|> and proitiised to • nmiM-tp.
G Fraakc of GarMd towosUf had .
valJ befe.
then flrsi chatice at Asrset ptavtlce. « III addiiioo in the enieilalnmeat
lowri of fihavkoT. which
narrow' carapa frvm dsMh-Tbor*
with a gun larger ihun a
marine feaiores Ibe Ma.-cahees and Itodies completely
persons day. when be was ottsekad and
title. The boys will be given their will have the i-leasurr of meeting were killed aud liia loured.
Fires rumpled by a laraa Holsuto baD at
final rhanern here to become acquaini- Great Commander Geo. S l^velare.
reported from many
• ba alangbter boara of Joaeph Umcd with all the m.ineuvers, both in ffreat Lieutenant Conitnaader
which tuimeroiis buildings were
'raiaa, souihweai of tha city. Tbo
Atfrad WRhalm Wad MIm Smaller
Hie cyc-uikin of .ompany m
boll had juM baea sblppad la and
and In boat drills, liefoce Bpiiearing France>>^. Borns. Great FFdltor S. D.
t'lsurea opened tn a lennh of sbom Mr. Franka was getting randy to
MaccaIn tbe grand reilew and pageant
mile king the river of lAilelmrgaa. bim borne when tbo animal became
Tha eolnination
a pretty rot
whlFh will be held in Chicago.
in miles aouibsost of Adrianopla. and
tnagaable. prubnbty
So Maerabee or I.ody Msrarbee in
anea took place when Alfred W
While alnard ship the Iioys
rom these aperures hot water, sand, smell of blood aad «».»ea
helm and Miss Hortenae Smaller get a taste of real aaltor Ufa. They the district should miss attending ll
^m and sulpburous vapors ara erait- 'Frankk ibrowiug him several tsac
.were anlted in marriage at the bride's will be dressed in the regulatioo uni- convenllon. and ftnm assorance*
•dInto tba air. . When be aiigbtad tba
ready received the attendance will
boBia la Chicago. Tbe couple first fo/ms. will sleep in hammocks aud
Elsewbera to the atrlken tone thera
made aa attempt to trampla tba
record-breaker. From now on i
met while Mr. Wilhelm was aflending will wwsh the decks. polL«h braas.
Breast Kelley
ral commtitees and officers will he Is terrible want and diatraaa. Appeata prootrata' man. but
a medical achool Id Chl.ago.
and In fact do all ibe duties that are
liosy preparing for Ihe hlg evenlA In for doctors and help ara coastantly came to hli aid and atrack tba oalmarriage comes as a total surprise licrfnrmed on Iba regular ships of
g blow with a dob bahtod tbs oar
wqrk Deputy Great Commander being received at the capital and
to Ibe many friends of Mr. Wllbeli
the navy by the enlisted men
wbicb floored him aad whOa h waa
Perry it aa active splriii and be will government la doing Its utatoat
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbclm arrived here officers are the fortunate few who
racovertog from ibe aback Mr. Fraska
give his personal efforts'-jp makiag satisfy them.
friai Chicago -Thuraday ’ and aftsr win not follow this reRiroc. They will
crowded with iBlured paraaaa.
succeeded ta cvuwli^ away out of
bis year'i
speeding a few weeks at Biller SworI sleep In regular bertha In a regular
Ttaa Vail of Adrianopla today r»
With all these active ftwrea at work
Tba tojorad man
Itata at Baai Bay. wlll'ba'at Jomr
K>m aud will eat at a regular hlg (hla4 are in sightI (or the^tfgtttas, ported .to Oonsunttoopla that tba Ums able iBiar to go to kto kotoa to R.
tbatr trlaeds & the tily/ontll Hep- ta-ble In Ihe cabin, and wiir pnsbaMy
M. M. Olid Ld>.
are was aamll. The quola. badly brnlaad cokditma
Mr. KMtoy
umlmr whan Umy will Mea tw Oti- b» Ib* only ones wbo wlU feel like
aloe aavoroly bralsfd la tka oto
twffalsr men whan tha ^ulsa to over
Grand Tr«rerae Itoy



Mum-ittmu mails, las nuTXiti bit aiSLE, nnsBir, looim u, mi ‘

Grand Tuiferae Herald

' Twioe a week


TewfcijJaX Tbnnear at Tnvam av. HkUm. ir


ntHtsNjl Beet pm ' ,
It is aaid that republics are nngratefuL Then never waa bet­
ter proof of tbit than in the tnatment of Robert Morrh of rwrnln.
tionary ^e. Robert Uorria waa a signer of the Derlaratko of
Independenee. He was prohaWy the richest-man in the Tnited
8tht«« at that time, lie took all the chancM that a —sp eonkj
possiUy take, and threw his wealth ahd.bta life into the work. He
financed the prvolntHin. Without Roh^ ^orri^ there would, today, be no I.'ntled States. He loaded the revololionaiy foreea a
miltion and a half dollats.

and today the United States find# rUelf in the poailion of a man or
abrporatton that haa put ^,000,000 into a ditch and has made no
preparatioa whatever for the protection of edther end of that ditch.
This has been criminal ngglect on the part of the government.
Now 1^ the government do the best it can. but the people will detJut the work, into which ao mifeh money haa
put. sbaH
be protected, and that Ameriesn interests shall be eared for against
the whole world.

*eHatbat b dn Stiom

If John D. RoAefeller today ahonld loan the Tnited Sute*
fl.OuO.OOO.OOO to sa»e the conutry’. he wonld do no more than
did when be .loaned hU miltion and a half. It waa
all he had. He struggled along a few y.-ars and then his eonntry.
...|l.HtBA«raMa that be bad aav.d. i>emiKted.him to be eommltt.d to a debtor*K
....SOelBA«*a»oe prison, somathing that we know nothing of t.Mlay, where he re­
in AdTaM
mained fonr years, and finally died a broken-hearted man.

U.. mibiMa
of U» |„» Um
il bm It re. iA;Aapa./eH to call altentiou to the one fart
t^t we cotuader the most iin|mrtam ,,f «ij tad that k the training
of bo,-s ami g.rls in ^gri-nUnri-. The l.w now reqaireslhat agru-ultw inust be taugitl in ev-ry primarTsChool district in the stale of
Mtehigan wher,- there are eighth grad- styents. It will be notiee.1
thu IS not obligatory in seho-.k-be^eaih tWv.'ghIh grade.

That U what the fnited States did to' R..»e-rt Morris, who
signed the Declaration of Independence gpd thus imperille.1 his
head; who gave his immense^fortnne to Jiis .lunitry. and did it
CSreokiiM tl» week 3,050
cheerfully and ^adly. What has the fnited States'done for the
B of Robert Morris* Wbat i light be expected of a gov,ernment that perroitfe<l sneh a man as Robert Morris to die in
debtor’s prisont .Votbing. Not one dollar of this great fortune
WM ever repaid. Doesn’t it make one ashamed of his country?
What is polities* What is the control of a government iikii thk*
3fr.'Editor; Jtutt to aak a
a qu«>ation. If .mra yme diafran- The government itself stands dkgniee<l before the worid am! has
eklaed. but atill were allowed to
a witp on
aehool mattera, would
they thus stood for over a century, and yet pi-tty politicians are today
faWy tnmlilp over eaeh other to iret to tlie poll* to. vote? >1anV Slacking office at the head, and under, such a government.
wnara wbo M4hat they are told in effect that, althonah tliev do
Fop more than IttO years, the deseendents of Robert Morris
Bad kaew ettaBhla rote for a preaident. atUI they mar hav aufllelaiMlir»iit|To Inqw wbo they would like f* a iehool^in-etor.
have lM«en asking our government for jtfoic*. Their eiaims arc
FMSBtfnl and will Mt attend the achool meetina*.
Jaoghed at and nothing is done. One of the arguments use<l is that
And when, next Notember. the men of Traverse City hHp to Rol>ert Morris is dead an^ wi reparation made will benefit him.
ftahl tai the ballot, will they kindly tell na wbo (taw them peiwiia- Well, he is dead. He has been dead for a hundrml .vears and this
■ atofftb Vbtel
dkgraeo has rested npon onrTlption during that century. Beeatwe
Grace RaHholnmew.
a man dies, have bis deseendents or repri-sentalives no' interest in
If ia not Aften that we imliUah a rommonination in these eol- his estate? Beeamu- a man dies, should not justiei* be done, even
unt. hot are nae tke above from lira. Graee Bartholomew Iteeauae though eenfuries juss? Men die. jsistiee never dh-s. The Fnite.!
w# diwird to aiMWer here a qn«t iop or two aaked by her.
States today ow*-s the deseendents of Robert Morris hl.RKt.OOn with
FiraL Wo ahnold be *oir>- to aee onr men tuiablinfr over^'oeh int<T.-st for more than 100 years.
«tkor to get to the polla. They do not think thia neeraaary. When
Does an.vone snpi>oA- that the re|treaentatives we semi to
men gn to the polla, they mually go in a quiet, orderly manner, Washington, in the house op senate, will ever'do jusnee to Rohert
^e aeeording to their convietiona and go away. This dors not .Moirk, without whose financial aid the rnited SUtes would not be
MBoaMrily imply bmibling ov*r one another to do it. We do not ifr exiafenee today! We don’t believe if. The menVe send there
^ helteve the womaa will tnrnUe over one another to rote. The
now are looking out for their own interests Inore tkan their rt‘pula* an tateraatad in acbool matters becanae many of them have children tjons as hon«t, justiee-dealing representativea. Dorim't it make
who aye In attendinee npon the public sehoola. and the
one disgUBted with the men we are sending down to W'ashington
to'pay a very Jarge proportion of the money that w required to eveiy year or two? Is there no man anfitg tbim who will stand
maatalp thede afhoola; Thia ia why. we beliere. that a lart^e per. fop jusrico in this matter! WV know there is not. for we don’t
•cntage of the men will vote cm anch occaaiona, Imt we do not be-' send that kind of a man to Washingtafi twlay. We send jioliliIfcra they wQl tumble over one another to get there.
nans. We send men who are looking out for their own intmats.
He aecond propoaition named by Mra. Bartholomew, we ran searri-ly even the interests of their constituents, apd what could
ajawaly diacnaa. W« regret very mueb that there should be the yon expect when .vow ask them to do jtwiice to * man who has
Reding among the women referred to by our
h^n dead more than a hundred .vears. even if that man did save
the union!
aM. W* 'tnot this U not Nospread.

Theri. is |)„ qnes.ion iJin. is auraeiing wider attention or a
deeper inte^ than that «f agrh ultnpe. The day is past when our
fai™ can he mn m a hap-hasaisl mamier. M.we wealth k.ppoduc‘
ed fr..m our farm* tmlay than' fmn any ..tber ...uroe or aggpi^lion
of sources. The farm.-rs t.iday who nmlerstand their busitieM. wbo
run their farms uis.n a bnsiness liask. wlm know how best to gri
the most from ihf i«>il
the b ast given are., are the men who ar.'
taking the lead in the .•..unlry. There k i,„ biisines* today mn with
degr.*.' of ■•nre.JnieJlig,.iiee and apidiitilion that prtsluem
‘I”l-v this farm big or little. The nmn with
ten aeres .mi foda.v realize ninr.' tmin.-y fm.m his ten acres than anv
pth*T bu8m.«.nian for the lOmie am.mnt invi-sted. This is true nt
the man with
•nty aen-K, w a hundred aepi>s. or a
|T for the
— n<-zt, .leeade
........ ii
in fanning. The mah who is not a farmer, who does not undemtami
his bnsiness, eannnfdo this sny m..rv than can the man who k not
mert hant. not trained to Jhe buain.-ss of merehatnliaing make
money in that business.

u Uia aeataSlM a
h s. lt».


n* BtO0t foe Womm^

to make money in then.- da.vs. must know IiU business.
He must lie edneated in his bnsiness. If he is a im-nhant. he must
know merehandising; if he is a roeehanie he must understand
me.-liaiiij'S; if be is a professional man he must !«• e‘
' ” ‘ "•
The man
nothing, of nothing, eantmt mak,-:
money in an.whmg. Il k true that the farmer who und.-ratands hk
business todsy^k the man who k making the monev-. He farmer
who does not understand his busiiiras would not make money any
than any other man. who dueh not und.ratand
hk business.

HONXV TO LOAN w good and Ml ?
lagtrored tanaa. H. C. DavN. tU
sutv Baak
Oir. ^

Trool.^ ^srdM of AQivrka.'* laquire
-• rm ffnfcelm Btodt.
^at. MV y '
T*MUTI|-«1 flSr.Tlt—mu




fUKII.1flinl '
the rei.aUi.wn party erar smee i
Mwme a voice. At prcnaai he Is
ty Tnisnt umeer and has do«s
lent work la this <a|iacilx. ]U J
has bm .leiaiiy theriff and the ex- e.
pertsnee sained In this ttec asueelallr «
dusUAes him lor the otlke
hS ,/
seeks.. He |,rouls«e 11 elecwLAo glva |
Lbc oodBiy a sirons *-'i*ttirsr adfflla-

This fact is roeognizeil hy all goveniments of the world. It k n-eUw» ibsl sre Dfam^'^ka^irte
ognked by our own governun-ntimd hy oiw own stale. Michi'gan was
IS. Hr. Vtatoa Is msklw a vig­
raiDpsiga aad solh-iu the wmthe first slate in the uni<m to e^tablkh an'agrii-alinral colleg,-. Thk orous
|«ri of the twpuUlcaa volcrs at the
was done even before the'goVemment made, its appropriation of |.riiuirln ta Aagon.
lands fop the ratablkhraent of such institntioDs. Michigan has alwaj-s been an agricultural state. Thia k true notwithstanding the
fset that within our borders we have th<- most valuable eoi«jK-r ainl
Uetaotl hsTtag knee Buds la the
wrtliloni ot a cKiaIn mortniM mada
iron mines iu the wc.rld. We have the grealrat salt depiKiu. W.>
hy Orth C. lAwe. and Kllubeib latca.
have had the moat valuable pine forests. We have had the most bis wife, to the Ixwlsnau roaniy ttsvrs 3sak. at
valuable hardwood prodpcts. In fact, it has k-en a stale that could
-y. MIrl
There are descondenls fo,lay of Robert 1loPi;k: We don’t know b-. otue Bit empin- in itself, pnxlu'eing evcrj-ihtng that was p,v,qir..d
/ > * To the third proposition of Mm. Bartholomew, we wiJI say that
April. the odira of the KeslMer of Iweds for
^ the niep have not the right to vote, they have no right to give the •Kh,^liey are. Wo'don't ear.'. We don’t know if they are rieli for the welfare anfi tbe comfort and tin- prot<-< tiun of its people.
(he (oUDiy ot Crahd Tra.erar sod
u^mcMhe ri^t Thwefore, their vole wonld be void. The propo- r fHM.r, bm we do know that the Inile,] States, owes Robert .Mor\Vc pc|M-at. -Miehigan has alwa.vs be,-o an agricultural state, arid state ot .MlrhlBsn. on the sixth dhy of
dHM that ia preamited to pa thb year ia not tbeoretieal, ’Wy ranat ns »1.400.000. with reasonalde mi.-resf anffrtrtttmUd- be paid to never more so than l.xla.v. It'k. therefore, right and prqper that Ais^ll. A D.. iNtt. la Uhar «i oC aioru «
tfike eoBdhtena as they are today,
as they were a thonaand or wmebod.v. Because tliis snmel> op these somebodies had no this woVk. that has given iis meh an inmiirtant place in the agrieulthU BMUee.
Imdgal and Inter- A
SjTh thpuaand years ago. The question today is that of granting direct part in the loaning ..f this vast snm.lo the countrv. has lural slates of the country, should be nrfmtaincd. We only wi^
eat. the stun of mw.
forty. ”•
4* wuaasB tke tight to vote. Our cotrmix^ndenl questions the right nothing whatever to do with the mailer. They^ the
Ih^t the limit of the eighth giUde hac) been made sa.v. perhaps, the
veoty-Bve deHart, aa ihp
af the im to grant tbk right. We do not.mneede this point. If pT the man wlio <lid H and they should lx- p«i4 buck what the sixth grade. AVe Imliere that the agrieultnral edneation in our
eonntry- owes th-- man who saved it iti its time of dir.-st
«a 4M>.th« whale qneation falla.
rural sehook cannot be commeneed too ,-arty. We Ix-lir-ve that the rnit or nroceeillno at law haring
Hs worid progreaaca. The first man that we have any reeortl
little child cannot too wmn be taught the Ix-auly of tbe flowers, been ln»lituted to recover l-ie Dioaaya
secured by ukl tbortgase. or any part of as Toting in any way, shape or manner, was when the pvTsmida Bast look Oat foe Oar Own Interests
the m.raterj- of vegetation, the im|>firtan,v of vegrtiMe life; wliat thereof, except tbai a Mil of oooplalat
A news head in the loading jmpem of the ebnntrv slates that it k. what it means. We Would, therx-for.-, inmiiienee the study'of was Sled la the clrcoli court for tbe
w« he^ built Ttare k some evidence that many centnrirs becounty of Grand Travers-), la Maton thk. th* care m« voted. Althongfa there k no pwitive proof
‘■I'Tiite.l States defies Great Hrilain iu Panama.” This is mis- agriwtUure. b«.»any. floriculture the day the child enteni school. Try eny. on the Sf th day of Jaimary. i»ig.
of thk. we-am ^ite ture that women had little to do with the halthk with the .voung ,;hihl. with th- little girl or boy, jrtst beginning for the foretloamw of Ihh a*M mony. and mU mH haa
let at that time. It was a period of “mi^t makes right.” WV Onr government is hmking out for itself. W proposes t« protect its school education, and ni’tle hoW ipiiekly they respond to natnn-'s
t by the complalnaM
do not thk doctrine now. Herefore, we want to give the own ihte^•sls. When it does not do thisrit will eeas.' to lx- a gov- leaching, how quickly they apprv.-iate the beauties of plant life, therein: an.l b} and In aecardance
w-lth a provltlon in the aald mortgage,
VMM tke ballot
which necessarily iii.ludes, hinl-lifc. an-ma! life. Thk means an dafanlt having boM taedo (a tha layIf newsn
rlera get a little tired D
dajw of the fro- education of g.-n|leii,-xs, of Ofaid.-rm-ss, of love for tbe beautiful, of meat of laatalharnu of latersat now
no SgypHau woman at tke trine of the bnilding «»f the p^ra.
kst dna. the mortgagee elaeu to delove fop the fl..wer. for the bird, the animal. Think what this
nrida vu » power in the land. Her influence waa fell, her do- quent reference to thk matter, they s
are Um whole of tbe iirlaeiMl and
ilerest on the mortgage debt doe.
means to the fiitim- lx.y and girl, the future man md woman. Why.
atendt were conceded and if the modem ballot had been in existU herel) given that by vlraneaat that time, we believe wbman would have ciereised the right only affects the Initeil Stales, but every other nation on the globe.
there is nothing like it ill the worl.l in the way of ediicatiou. There ; loeXotlce
of the tww-er of ante coniaiaed ta
I’mlcr cover, one of the leading foreign natious »n the Paeifie
plenty of.tim,- aftertear.1 to f.aeh geon^jy. trigonometry and said.morlgaae. and tbe statwe In sorb
hy virtue of her commanding position in the nation.
Rcvm hundred years ago. King John granted the great charter' attempted, recently, to s.H-ure 4,a0(>.0(l0 acres on .Magdalena bav in the seor.- or mor.- u-chniesl higher iimtbe^ieal slndira. Imt give eaaea made and providirt. eo Thutvday.
Iflth day of October. A. n„
Id the a^kh^pe^ng people. Thk was another advancer men. Southern ralifomia. ost. nsihly for eomtuereia! piirpos,* and os't. n- the child, just entering life a kimul.-dge uf nature to whidi ebild- I91& Blr'two oclock in the atternoonfener Srwvp
hooil Clines so cbK,-. .\|| thrai- other things of ^ar li-sx ininortam-e. tne undersigned wftl. a*
halt in.the iDM time, a period of darkness, covering many c-nltir- stbly by a bommereial corporation. N*o man. who is at all informed
of the «««t tense. In l le elly of TravbeJiev.'s
will follow.
h^ d^ved woman of her original power and influenw! and
ecae ORyt Uht being i ,e ptm-e where
ate IWMe the home-maker, the companion for man. but to ber the foreign nation r,'ferred to. .As w hav.- ha.l occasion Ix-for.- to
Therefore, we say wc are glad that Mi, liigan 1ms mad.- it ..Mi- ■ be circuit <-oori tor I..- county of
(trand Traverse Is held, sell at inibllc
gatory that th.- study of .-igrieultura] must b- taken up in Hie eighth auetlon. lo the highesi bidder, tho
TM phid^ the knightly courtesy of that period, and mam's ballot sa.v, the opening of the Panama canal changes the g.H.graphy of
lions, and the I’nit-d Slates mast more and more become 'a world grad.- K<-h.H.k nn.l w.. -an only regr.-t that i; is not taken up at aii
rthed ta aald mortnea.
iihh hk battle axe.
power.. Eilh,T this op^it mnsi allow ita.lf u^ tie r.lcgate.l to an i-BPlii-r [ii-ri,wl in mir s. Ii.hiI .-.lucalinn.

Knt J«bn granted privileges, the cxereke of which has taken
unimportant position among nations.
aei)n%al3 mortgige. wfS aevea’'.4
awes eMturka to devrio|/ to iu preaent state, which k far from
ami all legal coals. ■ Magilalena l«,v, which was the ohjei-iive point of the so-eflll.,!
er will, said aitorwej'i fee. to- *
patf^ Daring all thk time and daring all pwiods of time.
berlea orrurrod here leads 0 the beThe Bouib half (R. H
company, but wimh company was controlled by the fon igm nation
^lef^at there were two or
^ been ptvparing himself to concede, as a moral and social i
>r <8. B. .. ofimctlon
forwrly'aeeared by forve.
IIS'. lowaahI|, iweaty-ave
end of the Panama canal. The I’nii.Hl .Stat.-s has taken a vti p in
The pecfiliar phaae of the agair U tr.i
h. of range nine <9i west.
He women should remember, in the present eontesl fop their
* land, nmrw or
the manner ia whWi the burglar, conialnin: t>ii
advance of the Monn'ie Doctrine. Thk step k an alisnluie n.;,-essi|y.
r^tA which the men are today ready to grant ll
known h.-re as “the Myaterlous M». VC. ,l,,;rc«r.
WeVannot emphasize too strongly the fai t that the I'nit.d .'<tate..i
-------that—that thk has heen a matter W education,
Raffles.-- raoie to bis death- la the TH IA;KI.AVA|- f-OI-.S-TTSAVIWM
imisf eventnally control thi- entire territory from Texas to the Pan­
XK. .Mortgagee. .
htpa have been alow-bratned. not wady of comprehension «.meThought That He Died From Heart pumuk this nxMWlBg. 17 aboU were,
ama zone. We do not mean by thk that in the near fiit^ir,-. Jlexi.-o
8. \^^Ml^^e. Cashier.
between him and tbe policeFailure
what earelesa, bpt at heart they are tree and courteous and just,
and <’entral Amoririt must W.-ome I’ltite,! Sutra t.-rriiorj-. but w,but there was not a mar on the
«V PfMBi MBdkiona are, therefore, the result of a slow develpn.
do moan that lli,' itii. rrais of the rnii-d State*, in this wlinli- t,-r•ant. eovering maB.T hundreds of years.

rilory. ihust »• enntrolliHl by4fhc I'nit,',! States.
I’etrakev. M|ch_ Au*. ■.,-Thni ih- have been rweponaible for death. The
.xmckialon reached U that be
He most mtieeable period of ad«nee, although not realized at
The Monroe Doctrine has k-,-!! ginxl fop a bundr>d years.* It Grjind Rspida -chiaer man la
A. »-|P- M.
the tune nor for many hundred yeam afterward, whs at.lh.- time of
here Is the belief of the nffleer* who ctuabed to an attack of bean disease Lv Trav. Oty.i 2:00; 7;»df »:S 3:tt
has atiswer.'d its pnrpoae. It must now lie cniargcl and its m-wpnrsued a liorslar early this mom- x.iperlndueed hv exhaustion. ,
Ar. Sekm........j 2:27’ ?;20| t;Ui
t^ pnvjlegea granted by the great charter of King-gohii. Of
Prtion when be aia that
ing brnadi'iied. The fact is the I'nitcd Stot,-s must not onlv re­ loe and eaine upon his body w,ih life
esiuw, the modera haUot was not known at that time ,.x.-.‘pt' in the
affirm the Monroe Dix trine in a nnwt doeided manner, which iiicans extinct. While he hM oot he-ci fully
arpdent maimer, when the great nobles voted their choic in their
Provemottt 1 2:J7, 1:10]
that no foraign nation will he allowed to secure ,.r maintain more IdenU^. Jstnra K.
Cedar Rub ........
*AL6-F.lghly acre, ivj mllfs
paritameirts. Thk ballot was iimilH in extent and }xiwer.
be Iranied. for FOR
l.Bke Ana ..
lerritory in the two .Am,-ricas. but il must in View of the fart of the
ot Maniim. Cvv acr.-s itniWi.
M that charter wns the fonudalion .<! .mr i*res.‘nt liherti.-s.whieh
dpon his person were receipts on the
Platte Rlvar
orer.kM apple tree*, nniiilier nt>>er
dSoaor ........
inrinde the rights of the liallof.
A.lama tlxpress’ company
t--vea. goo<t bouse, well and wm
Emptro Jeta.
the eonstniclion «>Llh<' Panama canal, protc-l its apj>r»mch,5,, dirc t- nschaget. one belns aeni to Sagiaaw- mill. Uarain it taken at once. Mn
U baa taken thane eenturica to develop thk tiewv to the nres- b’ w indir-ctlv. to this canal, but it must prevent the ratalilkhment Auguat 1. and tbe other to Kola,
Barton, Maoion.
sug »-4l*

Mk ntnndtfd oCthooght.
» fa Hay.
by Japan or any other foreign natfon. of naval base* like MagdaWANTCO—Position aa nuraemald hr
[ It k. therefore, somewhat diffienlt to eel the year and the day lena ha.v. whieh would be threatening pomta in thk hemisidiere.
He was fully equipped with bar
reliable girt. Aildrm Min BIste
glara Wt. tacludm* s cAlsel. amt !i
B. Xelson. narragh. HX-h.. Route I.
first given perm’wsion to voU*. and the man who
Kvery vessel that passes from.the .Allaniic to the IVeifie must
sag. 1-ei*
is believed he has been workhiz var
that permkaloB is not known to ns. Thk question. Hier,.fope. pass in fmni of Magdalena ha.y «nd why ifaed’nitcl Statra has |K>r.
lew Hirbigan ritics. though ao evld- WANTED—Position as norrema'i-l
aap aeareely he answered definhriy. Wc trimt our
mined thk greatest danger to the canal to vcinain neutral terrilor.v «KV of his srUrtties was touad here
Address. Ml.™ RIsle H Xelson. Dar
thawfore, will take it for granted that the mm whatever liirv mav to this late date, is a mj’strty. TTte .first duly of ibe rnited Sutes, imtit isK Sondsy enoraiag. when the
ragh. MH*.. R. t\ n .Vo. 1.
hgTa’^dbim in the past, bowever^slow they may have hem in 'reaeb
itefore the Panama eanal was assornd. wa.s to seeure these a|>- rastdenre trf t_ X. OvertwH'aqd J. E
inf thk throogh aR the centuries, are now prepared, have nW heen proaehes ao abaolntely that it vrauld He impnssihlc for any question UaniB were entered aad
FARM FOR SALE—At Good Hortkor,
aad vslimbles taken.
Leelanau fonnly. Mlrhlon. M
easenled by the women, by their mnthew. their wives, their sktets. to hf raised at thk time, f
w wonld have l>ecn good husinem. and
The ealt which the aaa wora-Borel acred, 2.'. rteared. balance Is stove
to thk poiot. We are willing to give the balbg to the women, if .some of the cornpontions that ;the government had Wn so tbe name ot Honaeinsii A Jom
tliaber. HM fniK iraeo. a very Une
loraltoo ba.lDB a flne vies- of Lake
bat H does remain tone that the mm will -more readily grant thk anxious to des»rq,v. had bad control of .the matter, today thk tjnes- Crasd Rapida. and tbe hat
Onekama Jeta..
Michigan. Will make a splendid
fln«ehiae to tfce aramm if
think the wanen want it. There, lion would not have Ix-ea Tais,-d. beegnsevmyaMweiaHon of bnsiimw "Brtiwnlag. King A Oi, Obkago,’ _
HaWrtee .............
mite from -Schontbe label. Tbe fact that Oraad RspTrareraa
barg- etatiea. For partlcolara ad­ Traiaa
. arrive
irrlve at Tmreraa
lore, vhnl we aeM edHoriany a day or two ago. and to triiirfa Mrs. men
ban- •-cured theseapproaehra as a priliminarr to future «a fasd a reinra of the -chlaal maa"
dress Peter Swaaaoe. Jr.. M
.. tt:to a. m. t:» p. la. awd «:df
f«»d anday.
CUy, dUeh, m. r. D. No. 1
afK-radnas: bnt what k ererybodj-s bUBineaa k iwbody'a bl^en, abom tbs same ttee as tha two rah-

sssrxsaJi’i.tiriajtK V



ouD numan huld.

I Tim. Mml. nnunt For Vbiton Whl
S«k (tatar^ i. AU H» Vm.Uon.
Placer* ud comU o( the ArLake Houm gave • Urawell''
(or- Hr. and Hr*.
•l ike Artmtu Lake Heuw.
erostas. Auguit SnL
HiMC pwple eatoyed laniee and nw*“ aad the older oow held a ta^Mt
m. aoiqior «•• served tn
teHlali ityle. Ice' cnsun beiu
r erred le pUles as ilesMrt. The (eli'dwtac are those *bo attesded the
Mr. and Ur*. O. K. Hall. Dayi«B. O.; Mr. aad Mrs. J. Aveir Wmm)
. ^ oi Dajtoa. cotuias; the Mtlies
.aa Walker, Orate Stroag. Ada-ttth
0!f«sas. of GalMbsi« tU.: Hiss Je^
^ikiMld and Mbs Louise Araeld. oi
' Mio; HIM Martoo Otbhu. Haielc

Oi>>bs.or MsrBeld; Ur.aod Hra Fred

last a Doe social evgaL After sapper.
Hr Huey
aad the party
leoke ap vlth (be selection -Ood Be
With Too Till We Meet A*atn." all
joiali«ln the choms.
The Adanu's left Monday aftemoon
>r (hetr home after tpeadlns three
seeks at the lake. Sasday lorenoon
inu and ibt landed a One
nm.1 buck baas which i
urcd nineteen inches tn length,
six inches broad and three and
quarter Inches thick. After ihejilg
fellow was put Into the live box be
sps admired OV a great many people
who were spending the day at the
Sunday evening Uf. and .Mrs. Huey
enugbt two Bne waU-eyed pike which
tipped the scales at elx and one-balf
The fishing was never better
the preaenl seslon. but Attaitus Uke
dDeytare is a pecollar Uke to Dsh, liutufter
* or die- gels acguaiolod with the Uke he can
get a go^ catch almoot any day.
Altho^b the smsod being Ule. Arbndu luke Is coloying a very spe-'
cessful neason. both local and resort-


E£rri.vs _

Hr. and Hra. Oacar Frledricb and
Urs. Archie GIbbe of Traverse City
_____ beatkteo________ arrived Monday to. occupy the Snyder
lystaOleted witli btd^.
----- itt,tbeCBasc«(tbedUS- cottage for two weeks.
Mias Bose teller and Hiss Flora
booUe, aad tbe M
Stork of DaytoB, O.. arrived Tneaday
morning to spend their vacailou at tbc
Lake .House.
Prank Madison and sons, Joe and
Ueorge. started work Wedneadsy to
____ , aad bladder tioable,
remodel and build an additkm to How.
ard Dunn's cottage.
J. W. Palchln was a caller at the
Uka House Sunday.
M. C PriU and H. Henry Holder of
Cleveland. O.. arrived Friday to Join
Tits party.
J. Lore arrived iVldsy night
I two weeks with bu femlly
their cottage near the hotel. Judge F>ed B. Walker of Trarerae
- a. N. YTbe sore sod
City took dlnber ta the hotel Saturday.
A party consiiUng of Ur. and Hra.
Fred 8. Lawrence. Hr. and Hra. Fred

_____ >.”£2^’:

A good financial ^racter is obtain­
ed by banking penistently a part of
your" earnings at compound intereet.
drawing the^Une closely between lux­
uries and neo^ty.
Getting on'intimate terms with the
value pf money, meeting every obliga­
tion promptly and squarely and making
it the rule of your life to steadily in­
crease your cash assets.
O^n a savings account now at the
“First National.*’ and follow the method
given above of establishing youa* finan­
cial character.


a HaaHlMB. Ha aad Hn. O. 8. Wood
asd Joha a JleCamp. arrtvod
laoving telnrday to apcDd two week*
Dr. e A. dark aod family and W. J.
Love aad tamlZr to^ Suoday dIOMr
at>tho bolH.
OthcfdMw amvaU dortog (he week
are aa followa: P. U. Miller and
iBKiUvlIle. Ky.: Hr. and Hra. a D.
L'Uman. three chUdree oad aar»
LonU. Ho.; C. C. CampbeU. Hr, aod
Mra. I. W. Aktea Chicago;
ireae Murphy, LowdL Micb.: G. H.
Mack. ScMlTllle, Mich.; Mr. aad Mra.
A. O. Aadenoa aod aoa. Mr. and Mra.
A. Q. Btoawi^ DeKalb. IIL: Mr. aod
Mra. Freak H. Geer aod three daa^
ter*, of Toledo. O.
Ua^y floe atrtngi of baae ood pike
are CeOg brought la even tey.
Ted Crow oi Saginaw errlTod Wedoeeday morning to apead a abort
UoD at the boieL
The Old Hlaelon Yat-hl club held
ita third regatu Saturday with lu
al lucceai. the winner being
"Alpha." owned by Charlea.'TTun
of Cbirego. Ul. Tbe "Alpha" only won
from the "HHolae." belonging to Geo.
& Slericker. of Springfield, by i
ynrde. Tbe "Cbaluuon" bad a mia-

For your a
odation and our mutual benefit'
#e mention the following articles of value which are
a n«¥Mity ta eveiy tann-house. We sell them on
the quick-sale and small-profit plan. Here are a
few of them: Milk Strainers 10, 20 and 30 cents each;
Colanders 12 cents; Oil and Gasoline Cana, all
and prices; Mrs. Fott's Flat Iron Handles—several
different kinds to select from—at 10 cents each; rat­
tling g<^ Egg Beaten at 15, 20 and 25 cenu; Tea
and Coffee Strainen from 5 to 10 cents each ; Fly
Killers 5 and 10 cents; a selection of Oil Cans 5.10,
12, .18 «nd 25 emits each; Separator oil in any
Call at the Comer of Front and Cass Street

.Coraer FVbat * Csa Stre^

irnBAt-, atw^ u, ttu..

petiUre ttne of ateamera aad -(flat:
aach'Mtaraat wm IbJMow w iha wel­
fare of the piSdic the rommlasioB
aSBbt comiiel (he raJIrond dlsmsa oi



All Butlee ffmre Ttekaia la FMd Hr

Iffi milH IBI B URS


prtmarlee this bll has been received
by Cetmtr aerie White. FWIei
tbe llil of state aad
datet who have Bled tbelr pet)
UnHsd StMce Smmter.
William AUea Sadth. Oraad RapMs. RepubUcaa.
Alfred Lacking. Detroit.
a. P. Hammer. Urnad KapMa demo-

Worm Shack That Ite (^eurred In
•I Progressive.
the Earn In Many Year*Meaper Deuila Arc
P. C. Martiadalc. U^lt BepubU.
, Aug. |U.—With tbe Republtnia.
WoodbrMge N. Ferris. Big RapMs.
J. D. Lelaod. O
quake and all atoog tbe Haranra sea
James HoHogeri
vlllaiea were badly abakea.
CoDsMerabte damage was done here
Herman Ricbier, llamtiirapjck,^
by staockr. Wben (be vangoard ref-j- ctellst-Ubor.
pees reached Stambou), they toM
Lucius W. Wat
frtgfatfol story ol
Lieutenant Gevern
It la estimated tbe aamber of
lead will «ary widely. Troops we
rushed lu the towna A epeclal to
London newt igeacy reported that 3iW
were killed.

iPollticaT Ad>erti*emeat.)l

A party oftwelve toorod over from
Elk Vtgplda -Suaday and took dltiaer
: the Pinea.
Mr. Barr, bis three aoa^ Howard,
WiBibrop aad Farrington, aianed
Dahlng ,lrtp up Torch lake end (he
nearby aireoam. Otto Mlujeak accompaaM them aa plIoL They weal in
their bwn lauacb.
A laVge perly from Old Utoal
sn to aiwnd the day et t
burad^-. It being the big. day of the
aeaaoD there.
Tbe arrlrels at tba
lag tbe week .wete Hra. StebUna,
her niece. Mtea iGUabetb Brown. Hra.
Sallle Crabb and her aiec-e. Miss ElUabeth Crabb. all of Springfield. IIL

The Markets

A Proud Man
rioes cmrsetad aacb day by srire
It ena wbo bolds ibe ttew (Wwr a
■ rblTMB. OairolL Tetedo nd Buf- spirited' team. HARk'RlX'B roNth
ptit* spirit la a borne
> tbroo^ Ualtad Praw UlagrapR TION.POWOER
tbet U run down and In poer cmtdL
lion. Ibit a liuic la tbe feed tor a
ref *ye and OMe tbe Improvramii.
The Irvme gradnally rtiis out altk
firm Nah. Ibe coat U^runMa ameotb
•lc.mi.-Ang U.-*-be«. .-lac. aad rVM<y aod tbe nie down


WASD B. comm
Foi PuutaloT
Peemer Praaeeuting Attorney af C
ceda^Oetmty Entera Race Here.

active. td.Wfl*. doalng

Local Markets

a Vary Firm In •
•nee Sbewig Be l
te American Owned
' Ships.


u ,ta,::^ta


will. BE


—.... r

sc ^.......‘... I


Waabinctou. Aug. 10.—With
leader* veruln in the bouse <6 swept
the messure. which would receive Talt's ap­
proval, the Panama canal bill paawM
by the senate last night, became
dtplomailc issue aa the bill utterly
Ignores EnsUad's protest (bat Amerl(^ oa-aed abipe be free M toIU.
ata) problblls railroad owned ship*
from using the canal. That England
carry tbe queatloB to tbe Hague
tribunal la considered lertalo as (ha
Aiwrlca has violated
Hay-Pauacefote* ireaU.
As the bill pasdM It would permit
l« Amerleaa coastwise vessels U
pass through the caaal free wlibou:
while Amerieao foreign
trade ships might pass through n«e
If ibelr owaera agreed to sell i
vcscels to (he Vetted Sutes at a 1<
price IB time of war or emergeocy.
Tbe great flgbt o< the day centered
bout tbe prortoloo to prohibit ml],
road owned ships from using th?
csnal. The broad terms of tbe oetg(. minlstratleo^ the aOalrsi of the ofaal boose bill which would bare re­
Issotag warrants I
cues: la refatag tbc • IBSIIquire ever}' railroad In (be cxnuitry
gsled by spite: In demanding “curit>
to dispose at ooce of
lines wub which It ml^t otherwise
D an aggressive,
be brllert
ras-like ant
compete, wsre not accepted by the
senate. This sras modlfisd so
railroads wouM be prohibKed oelr
tbe office
operate ibroogfa tbc Panams canal.
cuting attorney ihe breeflt c
yean succevNful practice a# a lawyer,
together with Ibe experience of elx
elsewhere served la the office
be seeks, and consideiing I
things, hi- many friends believe
to poMess the aMllly and exporieace
It provtdsd that If tbe laterstale
to fill the imsitlon of Pro
mens onmlmKoo should find that neoesMrv
ruling Atlorpey to the (ntistaciion
any raUrosd had aa iainrest ia a p
(be paopta of Grand Traverae coua


Edward Frcndadoif. Hudaos. DemoF. W. CurfaetL Unslng. PrehlbHloB.
J. B. Kirby. Saginaw, Kpllonal Progreealve.
W. H. KllL Detroit. NalioBri ITu. -eralve,
RepreraMPtlwa In Cengreaa. ElevsnUi
D. E. Alward. Oare. Republtea
F. H. Dodd*. Ht. Pleasant RepubUcan.
F. C. LlBdquist. RepublicaB. Oi

Arebir MrOall. Ithat*. bemom
C. A. Ctottert^, Ht. Ptouaat ProilbitioB.

H.'N. McLean. Greeavllle. Seciallet,
me CRjr Mlflbig d.
J. W. Patcbln. Traverse City,
ttonal Progi^elve.
StaU tenaCer. Twenty-te«*ntlr Dietriet
Robert Walter. Traverae Clt>, Itcpublicu.
Emsbuel Wilhelm, Traverse City.
I) Benson. Brolah. Socialist
W. Wood. Lake City. National
Ward B. Cortnine of Traverae City 1*
a oowdldste for the-Rapuhliean nomi­ Progressive.
IM-........................... ...iHeii.;
nation far Prosecuting Attorney.
Hr. Conplne was bore In Grand
Traverse couni, ihlri.'-four vegre ago.
a farm I6)R-’niUea south of Trave Cll.v. Iw'Uarfleld lewaabli-. Soon
MicMpan Suia League.
after, bis tarenta moved to Grsyilag.
Won. lost. Pet.
where bis fttber began the practice
«V .Ti:
of Uw. BDil where tbev resided until >|nn................
I8SF. w'faen iLcr located at Oscoda. Traverse
MIebIgaB. .Mr ('oDnine early showed
Ommsllirnff^ mWeroteSb
king for the profasalon of the law.
I while atundlug tbe Oscoda High Boyne City .
school from ISSli to l»S. tbc young OkdllUc ....
student sprat tbe lime after school
Michigan State League.
aod on Saturdays studying law- in hit
Manistee Ig. Boyne City S-i
father’s olllce. After graduating from
>«rmgmee«aM J
IjidlngtOB 3-3. Miiskccon M> ,
in local high sebooL be e
Traverae aiy t:^;. Cadlltec M
Ann Arbor High school, with
American Uagua.
purpose of further preparatory work,
nrtroll 4, Dosloo 3and graduated In IS». In the fall
r-blladelphla »-3. Chlrago 6 l
ot ibe Vniversliy of .Michigan, and
graduated In IKO:. After graduating
he began tbe practice of law al Oscoda. FroB
____ i»04 to 1910. Indusive.
-VI r. Connloe was, elected and sen
three ronvecnilve lenna as Prosecut­
ing Aiiorne, of Oscoda conoly.
In .Sovember. ISHO. with hls-brolher.
Mr. Ctpinlne returned to the
couDly of hie binliidare and began
the practice of law- in Trarerae City
under tbe firm name of Connlne A
Connloe. and they new-have a consid­
erable practice.
Mr. Connloe was married soon after
Im-atlDE In Traverse Cltv to Mis*
ix>la Rich, a young tad.'
county, and they reside
During bis six yenra experience as
Proeertitlng Attorney of Oscoda
Jlr, Connine *ns railed op
unaided several criminal csi
Imi-onanrc. Inclu.llug cases ot mur­
der aod assault with Intent to kill, bede* other rases ot less Importance
tide from the valuable eiiierlencg
gained frof this criminal work.
wc ' !
Connloe became familiar wllh coui
' '
legal lines.
He belie'
tiring and rnstloupua etorr
Proaeruitog Altornev to enlorce the
lit}' or preludU-e

SiiBday, AwtmtA Ittk
• '




R tanaM UUa bubdM tbrnmni
caaartea am kept la PwM asnitMta
and that It «mU SLSSS a day to sag
ply them wttb cbifekn sad ainna Tbw
alse enatnme lane qnaattUaa «( IMtae*. baap a^ Mbsr aaada.


Oeorge B. Stertedter o( B|>rlngfleld.
IIU arrived at Ue Rn.bmore Monday
to npend the rent of Uic aummer with
tin parent*.
Robert C^k of Alma ha* been
spending a few days with bis oolinge
Criendi at Old Mtoaloit aad .Elk BapIda
A party of young people went to Eik
Rapidi Suoday on tbe "Minnie" to
dinner larty at the Butler realdeoc
Mra. I.e«l* and Mlaa- Erengelii
UwU returaed to Qk HaplifB from
(he Plae*. aad wlU apead a few days
here before golag aouth.
Oeo. Corthoott aad a party from we mj: for wbatevar U great la ItOmeaa came over to Old Mlcetoa •alMa Btevatsd when sxeeutad or
Mrad with alBpUetty.—Wlakalai
Tueeday aad apeat the atteni^x
ttlag ‘Meads.


Attractiyc Things

ud nnoit b4t xaoli.


MlcNlgan State League.
Traverse City ai lAjdlngion.
Cadillac at Boyne fily.
Manistee si .viuskeeon
Why Nat Aak te te a Cipher?
"Oh, lo he a bridegroom,' warble*
(he tmragraiAer of the Htlwaukee Sen­
tinel. That man Huat be pi&lac t
0« You Knew
That If Vjo have been feeling b|i
and <Tos* all day ynu ran rtd ym
■elf of the buiden by taking one
COATED PIU£ twture going to be
ire biliousnesa. sinmaefa disc
I Irregular bowels and mal
tb. vigorous and cbeei
Sold by Americas C




Several hundred pairs of
for Fall and Winter
Wear have been
placed on Sale at
Hifi Reductions.
Ladies’ High
grade, $4 and $3.50
values —
$1.95, $2.46....8L4S
Ladies' High Shoes, new
Ladies' Fine Shoes, good
styles. - Were $2,
Sl.15. Now....$LI»
Boys’ Shoes, high grade.
Big lot $3.50 and $3
values. Now..$1.89
Boys’ Shoes. $2 and
$1.75 values. Now—
$1.15, $1.35 and $1.4$
Hisses’ and Children's
values. Now..$lJ$
Misses' High Shoes. Big
values. Were
$2.00. Now.........98c
Children’s High Shoes.
SoUd leather. $1.50
and $1.25 values. Now
98c. 89c, 79c, and $Se
Shoe up the WHOLE
Family. That’s what
huudredb are doing

A. V, Friedricli
Traverse City’s
Greatest Shoe Store.


Ifyou filled them. All's well: if you didn't, your
rival got the order and may get the customers' entire
trade. Wake up and push the “BEST' flour made.
The manufacture and sale of this flour helps pa/
your taxes, pave your streets, build your school
houses. Does foreign made flour do as mucht


amriL Call nr write far|s



Out tbiT lagll UiK
M a feather—dctiCMW,
appetinas biacaits,
o^, mnffitta and huhdreda of oCber invhttts
dubca—emythins iatt
ri^ht WhbKCBakiv'
Powder the reanlta arp
mvT9 and certain!
There Is no giie*f^rork.
Yon Knew beforehand
the famfljr will bepleased
wiUi your efforts. Par
when yon tne

-workae at can>eoter '
tact, did tKbclevar'he eoold to ^
BMHie}- BO that he nlaht tootlim* b
tWiSa a stedeat ia Ush w^oat he
bera^ a neiaber ef (h« itanaih
Sutfainer sboald be tbe petted otpvBUTea. and whan war vsa daclarvd
acaUrn Spain isU the blab acbool to tort boaitb. bat lapura water sad
anllBC 'Tboesb be waa to lite aeoirr
year and smideat el bla claaa. the drioks. prodoees a coatmrr coadlUon
1 many pcoek.
(aaae of atnuaUw C«ba appMlad
The effect of tbe average
Uai. T«« ^oatlBS earrriaPB
Wt U to constipate even aonhally
regular bowels, and this renalu la
dlaarraaglog tbe entire digestive syatern. When tbe boweU are rboked
with Ihe stomaeb'a refuse.
U aliKMtIt sure to follow, snd
... stur that Aoatd pass
thra^ the bowels, sot fluding pasag«i termpBis in the alomach aod
tbe p



that vprinjt wiu be l^^ne ysmetnt
«y those abo viUeaaed them. The
vacanl chair of the -rlasa prestdeal
draped in Ou (olds of the AaeHcmi
BsK. bore aiule ecldcncV to the pa­
triotism of tbe absent student.
Smdfor th*KC CotrtCs Seok—tfs FREE.
He-aaa active service In the Cuban
Tie KC CM’t Boek, amt/dminr 90 t^tei, e*tily.mMU redpet,
rampalpi in Company JI. Thirtysemi £«•• mfimm reedpi ^ tie tmlsrtdteriijUmiep<uke4im25.
foarth SHcbieun Volunteer InCaniry.
smiMMt. SaUUU>4ay.
i'olluaUif the surrender of Baatlaao
be returned bomo in th^ tail «n<
J«ou«s Mf(. Co.; Chicuo .

tered tbe Ina departmcnl oX^the Uiilverally of Mirblaau. Uurlhi; the bmt
y-ear st college be sras sick a lame
atJil'Ilve and aberr bis bo.'buod days part of 4ho time, suffering atth ma­
larial fever ahlrh be (tntmeted In
were epeot on the fane.
He attended the district sehoel no. Cuba.
Ki- gradnated from the law departtil sbout taelve years of .use. after
eni of tbe I'nlveraiiy of Mlchlcan
AMIL' F. NCRLINOeR IS A SUC- wblrb time be aas obllscd to wort
the farm la tbe atunmer and in the
wood! Id (be alLlitr nalll about aeventees yvara old. He apent a wtnicr
Indian Killed «n Trac
•aeurad Hla Education tlndar MR- in preiMuatdry wors sj i then eB«|rNear Rochelle. III.. «i> Iml
ed the hlsb acbool in Traverse (Ity. to sic-ep on a railroad track
' euMtas and Sarvad In Saanidh
Mr. Nerllnrer was obUred to reaale killed by Ihe (a»l eziirew He paid
American War. '
oat of blKh sdmol and teach Id or­ lor hla carrli-esneae vlib hla life. Oft­
der that ho miefat earn sutBdeot en It's that «ay when i>eo|ile neRlevi
eoiichs and colds. IXm't rUk your Ille
, ompi Dse of Dr. Kfns's
'm's .Ve*
AaOl' T. Kerflnser baa enured the
Are Ever at Var.
Discovery will core them and so pre­
Then are two ihioss evertaallnitly vent a dengerous throat or lung
ra<« ter the nomlnalloii Cor proaeciU
Iw attoraar at ibe eoatlac priaiariea. Amies Salve will banish piles in any liouble. ~ll eonipleuly enred me In «
folMr. Norlinser w^bom lu AUasb- form. U soon sobdues the lirhinr. Ir- Jowed a severe attack of ghii."that
aar CUr. Fa., and oaioe (o Micblcan

>r BWelllnR. It i. B. Watts. Floydada. Tei., "ai
Joy. Qreaiest regained ir> ixomds in Weight Ui
with hia pareou vhea three yean ot
bad low " Quick, safe, reliable
asB. 1^ pareou located io East Bay lealer of bums. I
suaiantee.i_ .ioc aod tl.w. Trial oottovaa^.' all mllea tram Traverae
lie free at all druggists of Traten-c
CUy. vbera tala father 'and mother bMs 6t Traverse City.




Xemw Qtf are the bfdi

Watch for the new Cigar


w.o. w.


Diamond J—fOc
Gate Post-1 Oc
W« •ini
ibe aM braafo
Factoty 322 & Union
QaeeB aty Clsar 10c
CU-elMM SM-Sr.
F. K. Smoker*—5c
First KoB 6c
W. O. W. 6e
weaver UfiAUA
Xiaveise 5eile- 5c
Ms Rablnovltch
cigar Mfg.


A.'W. Jabraos

H CCBIS «r S Isr as cents





<■1*. TM
o tbe ab*

S cents

Wntct Fhctot; Saokef
S cents ’

PriMte Btmi$
'»f Giar •fOaOt,


I • Now OB Sale

babering Man: How many dollars
doe* tbe eiiUid* eigar mantitaevwee.
with hit machine made cigar*, spend
ic cHy annually, as compared
with the horn# mamiVaclurara. wHh
about H men wRh famlliia. many eV
whom vscrc bom In thcKity. own their
home* and buy all thMr waeomHlaa el
life here, as well as contrlbtiU
tverythlng that will make Traverse
a ~Good today and better cHy to­

Smoke the strictly
high grade

P. Ho

- rwnle
Wy m Bcalen

the best 5c cigar made

5c cacti

Tiy oneioryoui
next (moke

JOHN HOWARD Peter Hormiitti
IIZEIMSl. BdipbeeW U2 w. «a sl Tk

<W a Front 8b au. pboaa B4M


Some Smoke*
Hie New fc ciov


suty system fWmd yudlas
WSJ. suopteo by the i-eaptc Of Kept
eoanty In Ai>ril of Ihll. Tbr count'
has b.ea twaded for gMV.W-u, with
wbkh su mUca of
be U
improvrd. There arc alirady 3li
miles ' stale reward road In the vlGrand BaiMs. U is •
thal'Su aMltlonal irfie* wltTBe'^
proved ibls yeer.
- people Of »
itrd to boBi
_ .
; lUou.oob for htgh«m> Improve
meats Tbr iilan ado|Hed vails for
tbe bnildlag of MU mflet of liialo road:
It I* caiiected that a good start will br
made U|oo tbe iiruiioaedlmpro'eiuenta
hla season.
Tbe supervj-ors of Masistee ceuni
.1 the annual weellag last Oclobr..
apieoiHiaud IZv.ka: for county roads,
and IbU sum. with the state reword
which will be earnefi ot enrtr nrilc Im­
proved. will bund. It is exiwetcd.
miles of nmdway .

Weavers ~
"Baflot ,
Tbe Woods”
Braa Ojie.
TlicUeatScCIxar In

bartJ are to the effort that Wba4.JW.Z, Barley
DS. VI and
W1M1 Ftwx
r iss site
protpme of an abondont
have been saffic^i and Ml srMaa
f -.w advaaoed li^v.

M WIWn tern IMcr tnf

4-.1 with lllv ■•fxuperts
illl from tbe Wester* yilcblgan:




Tbe exeeutivr c(xiiiclt:ce of
Northern MUblgan Maccabev* ui
elation met with Great Deputy Commaadrr Charlea Perry Wedaesday
emoon and talked over mailer* perUlninc to the meet U be held bere
durlng the Oral week In Se|itemb«r.
Mr. Perry stated that he bad visited
tent at B«d City and lOo
imteed from that point. CodUlac
seniTSOtP. and liKi win cume froi
Mt. Pleaaaal. Stops win be madr ■
mediate points w-hkh will ra


lukw txisnty.
»w nship.
veicd bond* In Ji ■try ID ihv amount
builder* are
of Sl:.uvu and Hz road
luw foosmiciing ihi
nllv* of. high?
idBtloD and a
war wiih a gravel
top of *lagThe Mazo
have cxiwnded tCl.OtHi eo far this
year ot the JIWI.IMH secured by the
sale of bonds voted a yazr ago. The
uxiuoers of Preesoif township have
decided to *|x-nd an additional tlu.000 in their i«rt of the county, bavlu:
beaded tltyiDselve* for that amount.
Raad* to Croanvlllt.
EureU townehlp, In MonUalm
>onty. Is Improving ten nilley of blghzv in (he vicinity of Greenville. Tbe
iml* lor this work came from the
i*lnes* men of G^ovtlle mud the
pwnshlp. each nisiag Ai.'HW. TIuii'.Olio. with tbe rewar.l* to be r«rived. It Is exi>ecied, will complete
>e toads. Tbe sgieclflCBtlbnz call for
ro»d* built of screened RTsvel Mont.
1 still tow nship Is Iniitrovlng Ihre-■gu* of highway (bis sea
^our. miles of highway

Special can wilt be arranged (or ((vm
ihe nuribero pan of the dlorlcl
look* now ss tbcKigh there wil
at leaat ten tbousaod people here
during tbe (our day* lb<- aaaodalliui I*
I seaslon.
Mr. Perry will remain In tbe city (nr
couple of day* u get every thing In
rcadlneas for the big event. Special
erae couril' ro*d roaiml*prises will bv *wsrded by (hv Great
BU ezlltnated expense of
Camp and Great Hl>e for degree
Thf total aiiioiini aiiprti
work. While locwl people will offei prlsml by (be county- and tbe acveral
hltm for road Improvcmeata for
prizci (or several other events during
urrent year it *(0.'.::i.G1.
course of tbe iiieetlag. There will
several band concerts by attend
log band* and the best time In the
e Light Soil* of Wewtsrn MkM
ry of tbe aiMictaUun can . be
Can be Bum Up by lha
tounted upon.
• Us* of Vetch.


The Trials ef a Traveler.
~l am a Iravellng zalcman" write
K Youngs, Mndterksblre. Vi . -*i
*>. tifieo treiililed wiih i-cinsilpatk
snd Indlaeerion lill I t>cg*n lo nsc I)
King's New IhlD, which ! have
id an rxcclleni reini-.iv ' Kor til
Iizch. liver Of kidne' troiihle*
_ . unequaled Only
.Irugglsl* of Traverse



.......................... ... hlgan aiTdes and cherries was made at the
Shermaa Metwe hi Chhago la ronaec
the eigbueath aapual eOn
venlioa of the Inleruslional A|
8tai|ipers‘ Asauclatlon
isauclatlon - The
Tbr apples
amples of (U* yror'a crop and
e to show bow tbe crop
Five varieties
varieties of faH and (tevn vsricUe
came Irom maay dlSerrat

liallnuds arr-bollt and halUilOr.
In all settled portOoea. Tte oa-'
porlaae time lor geUlng oomr al
Uiis gen.-rutu pawdadag land la
aerioos mness.
-berries exhibited were hen'liy
DOW. HscuralOBS on an Uuew M
. To keep tba bowels free,-there U no
braacbee from MareOo trees
kbU gave w liioi as io the .great luwdur- t'ansdizn Kollwayw to taapert tha
effective remedy than Dr. Caldlag |«wer ol the Western MicUjmn lands. Apply (or ■attler's ('rttl~
— • is a pleasfruit regioB. Tbe rsblbiu were msde firsta to the uaderitgaad CaaadUA
istlng l-owel Btlniulaoi1 and lau.
by the Wester* Uubisaoa Devolap- Govcrameal Agoet:
tire tonic that Is very gentle
u charge of
acUoB. bringing relief la an es
C. A. baurior. MamuaHa. MMM
lunl manner, and without disromfort.
A spoonful of Srnip Pepsin will quichIv cbrt'k summer diarrhoea t» Hei
lag the bowel* and remoiing
Jameoon of the Grand Traverse FaaMiebigan Land and Apple Show.
foreign mailer that Irrluie* and
The mure Inqioriam cunimervuil va­ Insuta (or this year. From one boanames tbe tissue It Is sold In dmg
rieties of apples
piJcs sn- to Iw cxhliiitriJ in
.Xloaunc.-vno trees occupytag
sure* tor atty cenis a hotile: a large
Qtianii.v et the *ecv>nd
vUmn I.
acre of grouad be harraaMd aix
family alie, ccnslderably more than
and Apple ffhow lu br held 1* tb.
'.*1ce the qiiantlly, cosU a dolUr.
hundred crate* which hronaht Mai
loa bate never used Syryip Peps
»:io at the beat dot* HI* ti« rqtmff
ford county, arc a . .
nnd pmuld like a free trial botti
one mile of highway lUs
>vw am. Wbicb was maay Hum
tumdiaid. write U Dr. W, R. raldacll. lOght of the uwBghlpe,^wo'
be originaJly paid for tbo' laoK
Washington 8t.. MoniJcello, IIU- impTO'iat
tag. blteeff n lies, borne ol gan i»«
Tbe trees are but tvah^ year* oM
these raai
*ad* are cqh*tn Tied of (-rushed quality but I. oblalnablv'
aed pUM of ■ :reeaed gravel. great enough to warrant
sad » are good tor many more mva
Ibe road censiaerstloa.
to (be oac Jim harrorlrtl
In sddUmn lo a big showing of
- ach I* as
yoar. since which Ome he has
follows: Aatiovfa. ; Itfics: 'Cedar Irull* at Ihe band 8bow «b^ are *Iwh pi*eUrlng Uw In Trsve
Tweaty-elghi beabMs of otrowbar- .
ICreek. : miles: llarrift, I mile: be displays of (be giaasas. inalnz a
-les were harveslod by W. H. Cr»aawlUre be baa been sacrenal
Seims. I lulle: Slagle. S miles. South ve^eublri' that grow la the Western lMah.olJ>n^
He waa married Brancb. : miles: Spring'Ule. : Rilles: Mtcblgan country. Thl* aecond Imnd
and Apple Sbaw Is to surpass U
popular Traverae Wexford. : miles. A
an acre. This Is a
decessor by a big ^•ercentsge.
U beiag used
City, leacher*
ot Sl bvnbe'
era Michigan.
N'erilnger aod his lamlly have lived
Exhibit* of fruits, grains and vegt.- crate tbe cn .
Slaty Milce In Kalkaska.
of Western Mlcblgan are to be several time* ovwr.
fontiuually In Traverse CUy. where
Kalkaska county will ^v* sc mile* Uhles
they have a boat of (rlegda.
of lmprx»-ed highway by the close of Pair at Drlrolt an.! the Weal M
Henceforth agricullnre b lo be aa*
tbe present sensob- A large iwrt of gan Phir st Omnd'KapM*. The
He Is a good •zample of what
o( (be regular auhkeu Uagbt In (be
road I* ot macadam coasirectloo. pie displavs sl then* exhibit* all!
Evan iWostera Mlehimai hl^
»Bg man can aeeompiUb. although this
It already has
.. .. mile* of improved
sviariw (wo yam
largely of (be summer and tall »a acboob A ciHirse
he may have almost
_ly. road beside several milM of siyt
bo* been a
ss the (airs come too eariy
difficulties V> overcome. He has those trad that has been Improved by uwn- nrllet.
wiU be leai
1 approprlailoa most of the wtater kind*. These
qualflln which are appreciated and
ter will be on dlzplav si the Laud
which have won bim a large nm
hoiMing BMton'ls SH.IUT. For »cv- Apple Show in Xovember.
Spraiiag camaddm .lor WoMl
of friends who believe that he enjuld ___years the i>eople of Olearwalrr
Mkhlgan (rnllz can be bad by sn .
-I Cherries Pay tSOO an Acre.
township have used tbemrelvoa one
The |.ioBiz of .berry growlag la ins (be Western Mlrh!»n DetdlBp- ,
for tbe penKiae of -tiuprovlnB Aezlern
u:i-nt liunau. Traverae Oty. «U^ ■
e main rroad* of tbe towmohlii. r
ly Ibo return* reported by Gvw^rge lb
ears one mile ot road I
vital, yei
been Improved each yr*r, but Ibis a
sob two mile* are being iraprove.1.
Although Benzie uounly ha* bad Itncouoiy road ayalcm for a number of
ialJoo bs*
Iccn made io*'i>ui the systein in work.. bow.
log order. Many of the town*hip.
:bems<dves for from
ever, have bonde< them
Northern Miehipan Maccabea At
gio.oov to AM.OO ' and are improving
elation Will Have Cceatest
re*. ^^Ucnionls.
Meeting in Ha HItUry.
Weldon, frysisl

faahe-day tronbles diaappear like na^c—and what was
farmeriy a day of donbt is now one'of pleasure. K C Bakittfr
Powder faicffoards 'the health of yonr family by insdritis
lixht. diceat^ food. And the price is right—25 ounces
for 25 cents.


TMa O^Mlir Favm*^




lor i»ii was »iajic.aM. .
DnHag tbe ffnt toar meMha «l II
raw apples were iarported lau t
Ubtlad Ktudom U the value of I
IMJTI. wh*ch was e hig laerebat ot

No HasKaney at All.
a matter of fan. a vi
leemiY bealtate a mlBote bee
marrying for money or bralB* Sho U
always willlag to furnish the bralntcChlcago News
Flying Men Fall
\1ctlm* lo Monmvh, liver sod kidney
uihlni }uzi like other i>eoplc. with
c result* in lo** of app-tite. I.ack.
1C. nervousnes*. hcartS'-hc, aod llreg.,
ileas. roD-dowo feeling. Rut there's
ueeil to feel like (hat ar T D. Pee
■« lleni'. Tcnn- proved. "Six bet
, of Electric Bitter*." he writes,
-'dldmoretogivrine new strengUi and
good Spi-etiie than all other aiomach
ieme.ll.-* 1 u*cd." So the,' help e'
imdy. It* toUy to suffer when
great remedy will help yoa from
Brat dose Try It Only -10 cem
all druggiwia of Traverse I'lty.

reivoned by A. R Atherton of Well*
a In the' .Manirtce
secllou of Wezi
D -Ml.hlga:
ground whlrb wss sliHiiped
n|«n r
After the ground hsd
In July
wss seel
evl with Nbe foUowlng Ic
Three iwctz of winter
d.v of hesv-y vetch anil te'
)ver The fiel.i wat pa«tu
s and. sheep during tb*
jeed a remarkable crop,
t...- I-. ih
_ ................hehayliclag
good as a half and half miiimotbv and clover In uddl
ie hay crop a good caf h of
clover was sei-ured and the rt»i* oi
the plant* are covered with nitrogen
holding no-lul.-s. although there was
artinrial InoculaUon Mr Alber. Is of the opinion that the ilanl*-.
<oumy soli doe* not need other
growing of veich
.a crop I* comlns
aiong with great promt**
value of there
foci like eetimatw the v.
cro|i* at from
to *2'- an acr*.
which Is more than the piiithwi'e prlre
oMheland. Furthermore, there Iz no
qnmdioa but whzi the lai.dH* In a
mneh better rondilion than before this
grow n "
■^rtatiofi* Into H*« Unitad
, arrording t
1 Slate* ronsbl OnersI John
lh«, located btjaimlnn ocei
liUlon bundredw-Hghi '


lha “St—----------------------meva thoaa aefoag laath ihaolalill
aritboutt p^. a ■ —............ ............... ■ Came' from Canada', and the°^rta(er
part of tbe CanadklL—apple* w*ro
from Nova SvotU. The I'ofted Stalet
furnlobed a mile lew* tboa one-half of
with weak haaru a
tN-M WUbalM BMkh. with Or.' HaMa

wmK TafuntCtty. mAiaffff.


BREAD and Pastry
Geater Vato ior tlie
Saoie Rrfee.


Surely it’s worth while to choose
Crescent Flour for yoiu
- bread and pasiry.

It’S Guaranteed.
Voigt Milling toiupaay
Grand Raplda



Tbe ir ogt ^Ruccessfti] Wash-'
ing roachUte ever inveoted.
Tbe «Uy /Ifachine that will
wash the clotbes perfectly
I clean wUhout tbe iiee of a
' wash board. No rubbing wheo
you use the “1904/’
JSold/oD 30 Day*’ Fwfe Trial.
Try one and yoo will be





..(ftsim tasw




tWB. ■
reberriaOim <oMatMd la thaj
gaa orehA on Ibe
ontoklrts oT


tha ehy. that the rad ehorriaa might;
to mwiTto daemtoe thsMnaw applaa

TH] It K nniBiQara

Itaelt 1^ IB that of aBy other niu'

anawerad In wrftlap by nembara of]

(15| What ii the Kraubd for tbe be

tfw atab.)
I tier that Ood la a«are of evrr>
14) Moot of tbe rulera of iba Jeaa t^oocbt. «ord ud art of every indJ
««M antaconMlc to Jtwia. It la poa- rtdttal?




the United Biaies as nnlnai eight bll

lanau, U almusi as well ewlaUlsbvd.
Hobs last year. President George M. Mid the people -of l.-elanau rouiily
Reynolds, nl the C^milnenUI 4'onitner- feel Hist now I’lal Warper sod
rla] bank, declared that tbla yrai
aJe rouBiy bare
lie one unpreeedemed in prosi>erliy. terms It !► ibrir inro and tbal
rontldering It U n "presidential year,'


Apg. it-A

lanau irnmty should have U the next

Ing hU trip to Cblcago. where hr will
It U hoped to aCconwIUb

tbis by making tbe Dgto lu every
<X)uni) to send delegates lu the xxm
ivnibn who are uptuaed lo Murphy


spent In tbe city as tbe gueui of




nu Kj^coHiins



CMaaal Will Maka Pirat Spaaeh AuPMt 4Rh, ffui Raal Campaign
Will NM ^n Until Month

returned from Delrull, where tbey i

tbo oobdiig eamalgn. Mbmbai* o'
tba aatleui eomidlttea met with ib>

aary maatli

good aa an (rieciiuu. Tbe Dmocrwia
L., bL Pelsitr o! Stilaira srrivad
tfenal tirkei to IIIIboIa and (llffon)
have -not manirealed raougta Inlereai iba city iaat nlgbt for a aburt vl
PlBcbot prediried a SOO.DUO maiorUy Plttfarm On Which He Waa Elected
lo OMf In pe'ilUom for any candl- with friends and relalivc*.
-Will Net Permit of Oejng Back
tor ColoDel ReoMvell and Governor
datc. and tbe
T. Camptoll. who ha* baen in th*
on the Policy t?
! JotanaoB In hl« home ataic of Pennayb
seem to to doing aaythlag in tbal city for Ihe |iaal inonlh on bualnesa.
vanta. Theac atatemeati were cheered
returned to bU borne el Datrull JasI
to tba ecbo,
TVaahlnptoD. Aug. S.—A veto of the
The party fonnatly rbrtiienad
S. Uwla of Chicago arrived
•T^e Progreaalva Party." leavlag out wool tariff bill ,wag cimRisili-Blly es
rliy Inst ntgbt and will aiw-nd
ibe preSx ‘oattotuU," by whicdi It bar pressed by PretbleBI Tali to a aperbil
days In the city before going ii> Ixipg
baretofore been kDOwa. but provlalun
Naxt Maotlng of t
Ikke. where to ex|iect* lo wpeud the
wai madf for the recogBliloti of "rear
Grand IUpida.1
remalniler of tbe aummer.
prograealvea Ib any of tbe ataieo by. taking advantage of a plain opportuii
Mrs. B. Davorak of Chicago arrived
whatever name they abould be kieatly' lly lo aubatantUriy reduce the duly.
Musxegon. Mlvb.. Aur. K.—The fol In the cRy last night for g law wevks'
'm'llng B~pro(ecilve bill akm^
ealgnated becauaa of atate Uwa.
e)e<4ed • Ual yisit at the borne ol Mrs. J. Cnioa.
*Eha crarantlon a^ned at T::4 p the llnaa recommended by the isriB lowing PBIceni were
L. O. Stavana returned ta hla hems
I.. with tba delegates ataglRg the board. That the latPulleite bill would KiKht liy Ibe Michigan male Pharma'r^ll In an "Irretrievablr In Jury ii I'l'Ulli-al asaoctalion si tbe l«ui|uH at
"Dnxolog)'' In liisiy voire.
ylsii in Hic city with friends and relathe viuse of a busy dgi's seratoo;
the wool gruwliiK Industry by throw
freeldenl, Henri
ttiecliel. Grand
ing out of W'dck ihnuaaads or work
F. M. Fisk* of the Grand Triivars*
eta." Because not drafted arrordlng Rapids; vice presldenl, F. K. ThalchlUvenna: second vice iiresideni. Auio‘coni|«iiy drov*. lo Kmidre today
Ibe board's reroounendatlone. wa«
on tiisluesa.
Ibe apeciftr reason for Ihe veto given K. H Miller. Traverwe t'liv; s
D. T. Chester returned to hi* henw
by the president.
"My pnaltlon is lary. Van Kiiralm. Nashville; 1
at Grand Haiddi today after a
■irer. R. I'. Uarnnm. Nashville
>rily plain." TaR deriared.
'. of tbo aball stand by niy pledges lo maintain
The Michigan Slate Drugglsu' aaao- In the city on biialnegH.
O. C. Gannett of Btlikoah. Wia.. ar­
toited BUtea Department of Agri protMloo when m-ceaisry.
iallon and the Michigan Stale PharIn view
rived this morning and will ppind a
ullure baa laurd tbe following bul- of Ihe pdaKarni on Wfalrta I waa <
maceiiHcai BMKM-laHon d(K-ld«l 10 ce
iiwmh her* and at Ibe small rewirt*
elln which will be of greot value ed there la nn courae oi>en l»
blue under the latter name and i
Hie Tlclnily.
o fattnen Jd gettiiig rid of gnusbop- withhold approval of tbla bill." Taft, aluve nanuHkofflcerii were elccie<l
Mlat Fanny Frledrieh raturnad tc
>«ra in diatriria that are Infeaied by derlared the duflea preairril>ed by Hie Ihe Joint lianquet.
her borne at (•ruinl lupida today afler
heaa deatnirtlve peata
*nit> doeoIt wns decided that the next me
were laadequate lor pnNerllon
ylsltlng lor aome ilipem (be city at
moBt oomalna tbe following
Ing of ^e XI

jniittisn mu HfCTm


tee ai rhalrMB, and aasntDed bis
duties today.
«bmaa mem
bera of the eonmitttw ta bold
vwaiy pUrea la a UDSM'problem far
lag tba leaden.
The main b(*dqnart«fg'w«l pi«ba
bty ba loeatad In (Ttlrago.

tended tbe oatouiiaHiJc eoBventlon.


^ ^. paplimbaf.

Aug. S.—JobaaoD
Banaavwli taava made tbelr r>btBt fn


Mid Rooaevelt dlsayaaad atnmplm
plasA Forty auiea w|| be vtelied by


I gmashoppera Bkaly in bemmr

ta ObMi sMbil eoovaffHoB o' th<
aa% Frogrhaalvc gwty iut night ar

laMfaoa of (^mernta as their rboln

iBtofwaily aotiM or tbelr tw-------HMs, and In tlfe mUM of dfkfenlnr


iperlea ta not one to Interest
armer panlrutarly. beyond hla ablll'
y to delermlna




the Grand Travers* Apples are Compet­

inoat deatrnetlve and apply hla iDpaaurea of daamtrtlnii thereto.

The egga

ing With Other Faverad Sac.
liens of Country.

but a single generation anDiially. Tbe tome of tba fiaesi fruka yet produced
by either
the Grand Tmveiwe ivg'ion. Se<-plowiBg. harrowing, disking, or otbei relary John L OJi^aon of the Wesi-

«csa mar be destroyed

wise ruliivailng aueh wnaie laiids t
tbe depth of a couple of Inches a
late aa possible in the tall.

Mlohlgah Ik-vi-lopmebl
fur Chicago 'Ihibsday night, with
earen packages or.a«>lM and rbcp

Oraaaboppert may be poisoned the ries and these have been arnuigol
exhibit at Ibe Sblppera' coo
^DSt rtieaply and aaUBtarterlly soon
Most of the applet were'
after they bare hatrbed.' but bots reullun.
oM and young arc
by tbe Griddle mliture.

luls time of this year,
This Blxtnre ts oonpe ) of bair
exhibit wlll~be put In conipemion
barrel of f
rhifh Is tnisad one pound torh of s'Kh eKblbffa fnai olh<-r parts of
I'an rominrnl. all trulls
■alt and Paris green.
If the borto
played bring Jgr Hie same purpoo^
dropptop are not fresh tbe aali
namel.v. to show what progress ts be­
to a Sow of ontarr In iMtulimtiag and dlaaoleed In water and ynised with
ing made tosard the maturing
aerottoing ipeerhas In wbkm tbe dom • (he manure and loison. When this
Ihl! crop.
Tbe expert Judgua wlm
fnani note agproiaed waa the i>e)ier
Ire lo pass upon tbe aeveral exhibits
where tba grasaboppers are abund­
that victory would came to the
are Inatrucled to make alluwanre
ant tbey aeem to he altrarted to it.
psHy U tbe KovfimW elerttoni.
the B-eotbrr iviodlijons pretnJUng
Ibe different aevtioiw
poltoBed tbereby.
ulta are ^rouglil.
Aeoiber poison bait
F.iny different laH.-tiea of apples
miking one poond of Parts green witb
were secured la the .Sprthpurt aer_,
M pounds of wheat bTan. brongbt to
:h>n hy W. ir. Sterle, Ihe Developatlir
bureou’s orffriaJ friill collemor
Thb U placed about Ibe BelS a* with
A number of liranrhes beavllr load
the Crlddla mlitnnl TBe lYiddle
ed wlU> apples ware obtained In Uic
mlgtnre. howeriw. appears to give
Hlea lUit-D neigbltorbaad. tuot
aalltfB>(orT reanlts aad
«iiK *1
these Cuming from Ibe OswagiiKbr-less rapentlre and mere easily pt*.
Urui. Miller-a Hill (WWrlbuled a nimi
pared and applied, nroogbout the
h iiBfiti mi M
her of vwrIeHea of eoenmerei^. value
CDUDlrr west of the
and 1. F. FerkelL tme yt tbe^urrau s
from Mexico to Canada, ft baa been
dtrruorw aenirto brqllcbes showing
effectively M tba farm. BOndertol derekmaient on (be Pcji

fmth tm Mib. «MltrcU>



a A. Jehnaen of the Hartford Life
Inaurance company, of Beinili. Is In
the Cliy/Tor a few daya on business.
Duncan Caldwell and family of Chi.
■so are in Hie city visiting wlili
triciuls and rclatiycs. Mr. t'alilwell l>
F. N. Barron of Hart ia in the city
)r a few days on liusineas.





Friday 's Record F.agle >
Hiat Inci Alle Crsmar el Owetsa.
Ibe guest of Mrs. Ray jluiiars of
U H. Beiu toft Ihit marning Var
Uantstee, whebc be win
few day s on busineaa


Kane of

to for


Holland, ar­

0. E. Giwan al Bay CHy. «to baa
toen In tbe cUy vlaUIng wIU frisato
tor a few days, left tbla woraiai lor
Manistee, wber* to srOl



time tofure rauwatag to bla
(From Moaday's Racord-Magta,)
Mlaa Fern HaltoM of HlUodata,-

Pedlalan for b
tew days' visit.
ArwoU eotuenad '.M Ma torn*
at Grand KapMs ilds^Baralnc. oftor
a we«k in the city oe toalisM.
a T. Kbitoe lofi thta momlita tor
Manistee, wber* to wlB rlMt wttb






have been ifaMbtat.ta' tto city for
relumed f)> their lioum
soma time returned to tbelr bomo bt
b. R. Burnett of Pontiac, raturned Detroit today.
Mra. F. W. Culnr mid'ftM ehlWlo hU boote there lodaj after a week

liamampd. IimI.. t.sUy.

D Donald aad Lorratad, vto* tav*
spent In Ibe cHy un'bualness.
0t H. Marten .Of Montraal, Can. I-een vleliiH at (be borne of 8. S.
Walt. reKtntad to ttoir tom* ol togleft today for (Tilcagu afinr ap
Inaw tbla luoralni.week ill Ibe .lly
Hlss Ruth Mead of

friends. '



J. Janet eeturoed to bis heme rived in tbe city today for a taw
days- tritli with
St Itil.-ago t.siay after some Hint
c: H. Mathews and family af Chf(he city on business.
DYom Rsturdsy's Kecord-i-Mgle
Mr. and fflr*. .Chos. H. Coy of
den spent today In the rlly.
Earl Pttsraan, Rkhard Sheep and
■on of Chlraxu are vlfcIHng XIrs. H.
KilchiD of NniHiisjn for a week

tini.-, b-fl this iiiorulTig lor North.
I«ii. sherr they cxiext to simnd Ibe

West Sewnib street

F, R. vagal of Chieaffb, wh* tog
a few weeks in Ibe city biiylng
been ta tto city tor a tew days ob
R. O. Feoto rauienad to bis home at
(garbing tor hUbJackson today •Tier a week's visit lu, where he will visit fur a ahMt
the lily with frleuds end relallvea.
lltue betora retunUng to bia torn*,
Mllbourne and daughter.
C, L. Ollbort raturnad to blq
XlBr,Jc arrived in tbe city luda) lor
at Flint this gMiraing. afiar^a few
slioH visit with relatlx-a.
weeks appBi ta Utc diy.
C; F. Heed and wlft vrbe bavs been
,«tpto>toh .and udf*. who
vfsF^iuMh the city tar tbe post two

remainder of Uir summer.

M. O. Otaw toft teday far Grand
Rapids, Where he will to tor a w.



Arthur Otaan ratonmd to OitraB
William Mato, Claud btevsr, Harry this morning, after, p abort tioR ta
Alone. Frank Oamuih, Frank Qeyer, the rlly.
Frank Dell and W. O lieebsh. all of
D. E. Priea, who ha* bomt In tto
TlBIni Ohio. BrrlTe.1 IhU laornln* (or
city tor 'aome Haw on boslBaa*
a ten'daya' outing ai't arp lake. They*
turned to bis homa at Grand Haghto .
Itrougbl along a complete caniplng outyEls moriiing.
HI and wlH spend tbelr Hme-in flahlng
g. B. Wilton rotornto to h«i hanw
and a geeirral good time la amlrlpal-i FI. Wayua ib^mottiiag. after a .
ed by tba party.
week's Viati la the city odtb frtobda
C. P. Nagier of Ft Wayno. arrived
and retattoea.
In the city today uod expev-la In.siMd

J. Falla and wifa; wbu hsva bean
y|slt‘tig In Ihe I'ltr tor aome Htne.

ir.—Gevly. dec­ left this morning lor radlllac. wbeie
Ihet will visit for a week before re
with vliliors,
hauie at
Newbury luda.i began j w.-ek of cclc- lurulng to their
brallcn In hon»r <>f Its IMiili annivei Cloud.


Navelif Co, of Terre Hdaia. la ta
the rlty Jor a abort Mma ua baHaaaa. ‘


F. 0. Caepantar of Grand RopMa. who ha«c (loen In Hie city /or some




Mra. Rrewn's g w**k.

In the cIt.T for aUiul

Newbury, Vt , Aiig

orated «nd

wUb trtoada.

Frank Buriaaon left this morning
r a short business trip lo Grand Hs|v
i(|s snd other iminls in the soulbeni
R. gmilh «r CiKi
(III lodsy for aw
frb-ndr sod relatives.

■ visli V

cago, arrived la tto rity this me**log and will Bftead aom* Ump htw
Ibe amall resort* In lb* tr|-

L. Urklnt pad fpmily. of gpetog.

III., arrived


lb* elty


irnlng tor a abort stay ta tba city
with frlanda batora leaving for Duck
IsBke. whore they expect to apeud tba
remainder of autniDcr.
C. N. Wargeed rMuetod to hit tosM
I Alma today afiar a few days la tto
city on bUslBewt.

reiiirned to Iheir tome at Bmtok'nar- '
bor c-xlay.
T. A. Graham and aan Alfrod'artivad
In tile city last iiigtai from Charlevoix
few days' vhdt With frieada be­
fore rontioulng the irii.4o tbelr bom*
; Detroit'.
M. H. Avery rMurnto to M* hoasa
Macon this morning gfier g few
days' vlsli Jn tbe city wlib filemlscnd
0. HelWg ef rirrtland arrived ta '
the city today (or n abort vIMt wtUi
I. Wolf, who baa been ta tbe rity
r a few days on boslneas. returned
his home at ftaiporta. Kaa. today.

A. L. Myara and wifa ef Anemita.
A. E. gtalman o( Ipuiavtlle, Ky.
-ft iMs nornlog for Cadllisc. alter Ohio, laased through ibe Hly Udar
on Iheir way to Green loke. vrbera
■me timr In ilic city on huslnr'sa
ihev eiiwvt to apend the rriaatoder
F. O. Read loft (hie morning for
of the stimmer.
Fllpl. where be will spend
a T. Thoeker left totoy for tie
s (Isiting with friends aod relaRapids, after a lew days la tbe city
on liualDeaa.

c c|iv or
Lincoln. Keb.. Aug. i:.—Veleraas rived la tbe city this morning for
rtaof Im
indtanapelia. who ha*
«( the itlllppliie caagalga fltun tiiany about a week here on luislneas.
been In Hie city for tbe past week,
D. F. Ooxey and'.family' of Rems.
stain are In Mtaudant* i
■ri this mnralpg for Frioakey, wbera
I. who have been
.Svrtbport for
<emb aaaual teuaioa of tbelr na­
e will visit lor a week befor* VotBrO
t^s /uorntag fu)
It to bis tome.
tional orculiaHa«.
opee-d Ibe past monib. Irfl tlitr
here today. Th* rMinkm will Uat Chicago, where they, W.<VlS.tX =
g. Latham left this marning for


Harry E. McNaii ef Chtota* «e ta
le cliy for a lew days' visit with

George F. WHilsmoen left today foe
a week* vKIl with friends s( Chehoygan.
Mra. Ethel


sad daiightor.

.Mt*. relumed to Iheir borne at •Chlcag» after viriilng her motber. Mrn.

John (toham.

IO days' visit with triends la Cadil­
Tue>day and tVedneaday In ad nbon lime liefore eturnlto 'o 4b*l:
dlthm to tbe regular baaii
.was m bwvelB aa baa
there Bill be a pnradr
J. W. Kpll of Vaaaar, srrivad in th*
Wm. Jonas and SM Bari Of (ha Wm.
tag tboa taalda snd out a
abJ tottla aad nmnerms feetaraa of ao^ Barboy PunUara Co. ofI Grand top- cliy this motnlag aad w|ll b* ta Ihr
I aototal dmaa bna
FlTO hriii Qqi of U»
tag wgrtib tbg ettr tar a abMt ua*|tatr tar g taw dgya, batoM taaatag

arap M the stock insute farms o( JaSM Lardla
3«la Holmffg.

Oneida. where h
week*' racatton will

Mrs .Thos. Clarks and daughter,
Prank Seburtingtr, wlto baa been Miss Amelia, of Foxiiore. Onl.. are
R Smith, who was horilcultur- ylsltlng at Fourh for the past week, visiting Mra. (Tarke's alster, Mra. Geo.
Faym- of Wasliinron atreet.
iHt and field man for the Weitern returned lo hi* linmn att fliicaco I
M. C. eiidl* l*ft thia morning tor
Michigan DeveiofiuieiH bureau dur
.Manistee, where be will to for
Ing li'll. baa been engaged to asstat
C. T. Myera a
>. arrived
the coming Michigan Ikmd aad in Ibe rl'y today for a short visit with days on bimineas.
SIS Heigta. vrha hM a
Apple Show as hylliullural lecturer, relatives.
a coDsiArilon .omBaii >' in tvit la Ibe plan to Sava him give daily
R. W. Warvyar of Cincinnati Is in
troll, fs siwbdliiB a few ds]
demonairallona and Wturea lu tbe
css. ,
home of bis garenls here.
aonlng imd parking »( fruli. especial­
Newaygo, raturnad le
Aribur Olaon af Detroit la In the
ly apples.
It Is hoped that In IhU
S home tlierc today, altci
rity to tacnd ids raciHon at his home
many of the Irott arowers .»f
the cl>' on liuslnca*.
IVci-^rn MIchlgau can lx- Injured (o
Wm. C. Sprager of Let Angeles.
F. L. Waroewr. who has been visHing
lake mure pallia along ihrae Hoes
Cal., arrived In Ibe city Isit night
In ibe riiy tor Hie |ias( seek, rriuraed
lhe> bad- III (hr past.
and nxpcaia to aprod aome tin
to hl> Imliie SI Jfcksou Hits inornlng.
id ki other northern resorts.
J. W. McKay and wile of Detroit;

but they show
Newbury Wm Fauedad
tbal aivles are In In Western MIchl

Wr tevt-raJ long hours ffuring th«
aneaaoD and niHr evening the biy
Ibrofig la Ibe Collaeam had llatened

Ihe i«M*. aad

le home of Frank Friedrich,

former resident of the city.

Dhaeta. appeared befare the delegater
to vMpa iMr arreptanee.

^Morrs. AgowM*.

Its being held In Ihe Furniture Ct)y.

ery mnrh the oarar hahiu abd arr
•robsbly saareptlble'to about
tune treaicneuL The quaation

BooaeealL' Vba vfl makb bla Srat 'are dapoalled in the gtstmd In tnaaa.
opoerk AuCbtriCib-tB ilbode litond
•a. in more or less kldneyohapped
but Iba big gun wiu Bot open '
f»da In late suimiar and fall,
r hundred odd shippers i
UBill Saptambar.
nodmtely compact, damp, unculti­ lendlag t'
vated landi. The winter It posted
tbe Intemaiional Apple ShlpiKrs
In the egg atage. ' Tbe young halc^h aa**olatl(ui. at the Sherman Hoiiae,
In the aprlag and reach Iheir full de- ailcago. Wedneoday. Thursday and
Hymn of ih* ^poblk" the delegati
vetopmem In aummer, there brtng JYlda) o( iMa wpek
being abown

dnkaed Lionel Tbeodote Rooaereh
of^pw. Yoi^ ltt,ih
pred^ and Oovernor Hlrom W

lalioD will be held In Cirand
tUilTds. There was no opjiosiHon

lorvad to bU toe* at CbUago ibis

tag tor DatroU. wber* ato wM vUR

Mlaa Ruth Btophen, s*a bs* toan
A celiaetlen of Waotern HicMgsn
M. O. Walton of Man^. arrived at Cbariciuir tor some Hme, rutarm
orchard views Is un exhibit In
today tor a week's stay la ihe
ed in her home at itagtaaw laday, aft­
tobbr or tbe Finn
National b
er a two weeks' ylali in Ibe eiiy wRb
Moat uf tbe pbetograpbt are new
ones havlug been taken Hits at
are in the city fur a few days
O. F. Klngwwertl) and wile at Npue
and sho^ tbe 'iireaent ol
with frirnda and relatives
aik. Ohio. rMurnelU 10 ibelr home
h*.nlcnltural developmeui of tbe re0. F. gilbert and (smliy e( Chica­ ■ here today, after a two weeks' vMI
go. arrived in the rilj tide luurnlng In Ibe >ity with friends and relallveia.



where be expects io apehd tba wtMar.
«. «. Tmw. «*a ima bow «
Noribpen Polai.tar tbo past maatb.

Harry W. •kWall at
bla boinc tbero Uslay. after a ‘




a C. EllU aad oaa WHard aff Btalalr*. m Ib ito city ft* a taw dafa*
N. Dedda of HI. FlaaaahL
vlati wlib frloads. y
ungressmaa F. H. Dndda arrived
C. H. EUridga rtukiad to Wa bamg
♦tmhe elty yestorday tot a oboii vts at HIg Rapids today, aftse- a weak lb '
jl wlVh triends.
Ibe Hiy oa bualaeas.

Heynolds declared t)iat In ne secHon two termi.
It U tbla feeling tbal
have rrum follHl and produrtiaa la rauaed Wui. W. WHaon. of Uvlatt.

oo wiien »e cwen ur> our beartr almoat all tliinga have Ik^u up i
well known merchant nnd farmer
Ward baa Just totn roeatvad *1 t
and ex|iwi to be lo the i ity. tor a
trouble, and Id asy event wbat ' lo Ood and make bln our ronlMmttal average. IteynoMs »alil iheie li.
uT iM-lanau iiMiniy. to enter the rave. dealb of U;s. HaalHl, at the buuie
few days, before leaving fur IS-iuskey.
linrafale dlsimaltion ■iiioiig buelnesr
Ts the amseral iaflooacs of a great irtend what are always the raaidta?
Mr. Wilson baa ben aupervlwi
her daughter. Mrs, A. K llqugh. to where ttoV will spend Ibe rrnialnder
M'a iniat in Jeaua?
tl'l Vemaa SbJP-Whea
miMer. men In disregard |«llltrs.
ow ntolp Inr aeieral. yenra. JacUuii. -Mrs. ilaoielt was a nwldenl
(S) la Bwh oo^eai faith that Jab are aa blech aa algbt and our titniblei
ril known througboui, ig* of Traverse niy fur a Mmtor of
A. P. Hunter of Lake Odatas. ta In
be^d remady wby la It atlll
years, living wlib hcp.-«am^lpb 11. Ibe cUy for about a week on busineaa
aafe to bo of good yourage ud
Haalell. foruR-rly ofHfai* iilace. Mrs.
Mm. Maud Winn and daugMar, Iva.
/ IS) Vane 14—Jwai In tlioaa dan have faith?
Ilsalett's cbarinlagy iw^MlIly and of llallas, Texai. are Ihe guests nf
taeponded to ttirr tail
for help.
(Ill Veiaa ST—Why ta It that there
spliited vonieal.
gentle kindllneaa ut sidrll wun ber Mrs. II. I. Harvey. They arrived this
4U* only rertaln peraona we rsD work
county Iieopb- Inalal upon >
tnurnlai and ex|aer| to stay reoanth.
la 'pow og,t»lly raaponalve
effertoally. while othera. equally
ronalder to to tbelr rliMa
Mtos Mabel Uutner and sMer.
pnopla. are a hindraat* to ua?
duea In the nailer, and 'nanxle vounFlorabelU returned yesterday from De­
wa are---in
trouble wbat
-------------------------------------------------------tlD Veraea SMI—Wbat
PRESIDENT TAFT STANDS PA*' ly dividea Hi vine between Mr. War
troit. where they were guests at the
do *e peed (o du to gat adequate aay for or agalasi profaaa weepln*
ner and .Mr. Covi-y, |i would look, as
bums of C- J. Freidot.
hplp (rwn.^od?
■ eiabocata mourBint omUama
if l-awJanau county would win out >
Mra. F. E. Rica of MeHeh and Mrs.
'«) Vmaa 2S-SI—WbM UTbe bnu tbe funentlt of ChriatJui?
and that Mr. Wllaon would to the
Rmbia lirvwn and Hard I’riebc of
tUbg tor a womaa vbo U aftidad
iMBon tor SuDday. Aug. Ti. isi::
R'e^nbllcan candldata from
iFcoiu Tbursday's Record JUgle.j
Wlcblta. Texas. are visiting XIra. l-ena
WtOi a c-hronlr dlanaaa to dt
The Visit to NamroUi. Uikelv;lC46
Ora. Trueblood aad Trua^load have


Graad RapMa. wbm baratt vkrit tar
aome tlma bator* toavia« for Chlaatab

to tor a few werka oa bualnettveatIuD.

Blhla that Jofrtia *ouW bare Wti bni

pledged a m.oo moieniy for ihe

C. L. BtMiv ar ettattomto rutoroM
> hU home tbla mwfiy after a tdv
daya la'ihe rity

a O. Wright toft iMa manitag lar

W. F. Oairia rmurimri to Ma hams
rmewt to resena the DwwtaUc at Oraad Ratdda today, aftor a tow
pm«}v^B New York «ai« from the toya ta the efiy «e bnatnim
inaOon of caarins F. Marpb;
«sv. M. MHehall of Grand RspMs.
many Hall leader, was laua
who baa bees ta the cKy tor the past
hare today at a coofereare of a____
w*^ Ian tbla moraine tor lignlaier.
ber of repreaentatlve l«adcra of the
C. P. Maaai) of Manoalana. nrrivto
district party. Inrlu^ng aeyeral memtoi
I the city tUs moralita gad will at
• three ca^tdatea aeeklBf tha atate rommluee(end tbe rogauq ber* befot* coaitau

V- BnWa bushier. Mark Tillll«) Uuy eal)r good people vbo
mat Id Ood are aiao fall at aaperatljtMta Tan—And tie took Ut* daa- tka.' Wbat oBeet does this veakoM
aal br the bead aU aaM
hare npoe Ood'a deelHm vIOi ihota*
TUkha <«aiL wbic* li. Mac lelermi May sMk peeplo today have
pretad. bana^. I w ubio thee ariee
M MM aUp»o daltb for bodily batl. -liarh a:<l.
iBf that this vtaasa had aad be heal­
tl> Varu tl—What vet* /th* ai- ed; Give your rraatm.
Thera la Alee a Noticeable Diapoalik
G. P. 'Warner's right to conUnuo
ttattlou la Jaaaa «hlcli'-dre*
Among Bualnesa Men of Iht
OSj Veraea »44—Waa It tbe biere
repreaeoi ibst dWrict la «be legtalaewltltada to UmT
Ceuntry (a Ignore Poll- *
toarh of Jeaua' ^rtnaat that healed
itl Varu II—Whea a tnai d
There is A well eataU
tin in Bualmta.
‘bar or oaMrkwa effort u the pail or
la IroaUe doee be <nra, help'
customs that district of giving tbelr
(Ateago. Aug. II.—Uerlarlng that
ampalhr ibe aaiue aa oomuion peo(II) Waa ther*. or not, aod »hv, ntneVtllion doltaim In new aealih win ruatom Urn. o( nlh-mallng two i
ptet Give your
(I) Verae 2»—Wn*n eur littit chll- any fBoi» virtue In
lie produced froDi Ibe aull tbis year In for lirntle county and two fev
I Ml ^o« did Jaatia kaov.
a land of eenadewa bilaa haw ought
«ar feaimti to bo affoctadr (This >i many Maple Joatliitg hhn, of the par
wMeh may be iUcutar'touch of tbla votnan?
oM or the


UKLT anisr

*ai bv taltb nlied with wperailtkM* Olte roar rcaaoBa

dran ar* sick and llkal/ ta

travellad a toul

hlblL or eoitrs*. tba tomilaa win aot
COOK la ths J«dcfag of the apMto.

(») Did tbla wonaa bare true OOUi


tbelr Omlmera «gr aM npoa tbelr
arrivgi at Ti»**ra# City Umlf' mr W

and fflT* • taueh *( eblgr to (ha «i- Now Vork OoMocrats Man |s S


OOU. D. b.)

todaj eemte to Vt'sqaetoMlBg. iWy for RoBdr. «b«c br vtt woae gema
drove thrasgb from Qrsbd ftspISa In Uma Bsktag.

! j

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