Grand Traverse Herald, November 07, 1912

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Grand Traverse Herald, November 07, 1912


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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and Xrdv®r*o




. XO. 50.



IMh WI M tawnne Uadml Vtlt FIrsPiMie In
Mo-CanH, Bnsmirsliist DepaMIe SMt,
Implf IMi WIM tun wn tNd MMl-lHif
I«pHM fn VAHm
tl» f)ts'eniDlirsla


been precceded by -two of his broth­
ers. These three Steele* are ewsr^eed ia the matter of makioa ex­
hibits. ther bavim; been mnected la
one way or another, with all of the
bljr dispuys made by the Western
Ulehimin Development biirean. -in
fart. W. n. Steele has been the baekWe of all ibe caini>*iOTinj: for the
rwmatnir up of noplea for exhibit
The Hev. A. nenlall of NorthpOrt.
will paas ihroiiah this eity on PrMay
wlth nearly n oirioatt of apptea whkh
be A'ukini; to Grand Rapids for the
purpose of winnlnx prixts at the secODd Mlehixan lamC^d Appio show.
Ho bopea to carry back ui Northport
with him on his return, n Roodly
ntm^ of the (■remiuus which have
been offered. Be is a fruit irrow^
of broad experienre and knows that
the Northport prodnrt is of superior
mwit and can carry away prizes with
aaso if it but has a chance.
Tbe latter part of this week, eifiht
boxea of fruit in alass will be for­
warded to Grand Rnpida for. the Ap­
ple show. This fruit was inifup in
the laboratorr of the, Western Wiehisah Development bureau in this cltyeome of the frait is from the 1912
<K9, some from a year aso. aomo
from two years atto, and some from
three years axo- The bureau labora­
tory located here, Is tbo only place in
tbe Uate where trait is put up In
lh)a way in a manner which can be
called anooHSTul. In addition to the
frait in slaaa better than iO jars of
Western Wchixan seeds and grains
will be forwarded to the Grand Rap­
ids expoaltlmi. These various exbiblU teU in « positive way df tbe
wonderful resourem of this favored

. N«w York. Nov. 6.—Rotunu a^’ailablo ear)}* today from pra.-*......... , the
. .
antirc United Sutee ahow that
the extent of^-wterday
democratic victory waa oven greater than Kaa indioaled last night.
WUion and htaraball will bave tho greatcat vote in the oletMraL
eoUege--------ever (iv«i
----------------------------to a-demoeratie candidate. Starting with llaine,
which]for the first tine in its history gave its vote to a '
jamitotitl aapiraat, tViUon and >larshall annexed Masaachnsetta
'liS%Meist^. of rock-ribbed repnbliean Ken- Euglami. New
York, Nen^eriey and RieUware followed auit. with Pennaylvania
■ Ht donbt and a chance tliat it. too,'may eventually wind up
, thB^^toeratie list. The solid aouth dung to the faith of ka fore’’firtaera, and the
vote in iieariy every state aouth Af the
Yjlwon and 'Oisoh line ia record breaking and exi^eeda that given
.to Golond Bimn foor yean ago. Ohio. Indiana. \S'»<-onain. North
-n.1^. KebiMka and Miaaonri. of the middle western group, do­
or-WilaOB'«nd ilarahall in no uneertain terms, ('olorado.
and IleaUiia. in the Rooky MounUin group, arc Wilson’s.
relt force* claimed
haa*cven caplnred
-----—d New Mexico, the
tea,^wcnt iiinto'
I 8tate8,^wcnt
atatea. •xpens* by TiMting tbe lobby of tbe
oolomn hy aubatantial plurality, -^be Wilain
ibama, ^Arizona', Sutebnak. A laice aember of rgrteavaO^lo were
ire. TlnrirtH,'^ tlea of fancy apples ore on dlspiny.
yland. MasHnIn addition to tho spies there la a^
Ne^-ada, New
Ane Bhtnring of grapes and vegeico, New York, North Carolina, -Ubies. Tbe exhibit l# open
lain, West Vii^^inia. or a total
esCapt Sunday, from 9 a. m.. to 3 p.

Wil.sen-s Pturality May Reach 290.000.


Sew York. <»ci*7^SVw York i
will cast its.4f> eit-cu^l votes
Governor Woo<lrow Wilson for preslWILSON CARRIED IT BY .1S0M1
denc. Congressaao Wllllntn ^Uer
was eloeted Kovt r-.or. At 10:10 only als'iil two-(Dil<)6 o(
the uwtate lUsiiii-iH nnJ about half
of the city dlsirli'ih had been cnugicd^
't'pon tbL-><- rvtiiras Uepiihliran t^tair'
Rariics cou<-»><lcd th-' Governor
Wilson had rarriet! tbe state by atioui'O, while P:*niocraii'- STate Chair­ THREE MORE DEMOCRATIC CON­
man Palmer clHitued that Wilson
would have a pinralii.v of 2:ii<.tMD.

Princeton. Nov. 6.—The fhrtee of
_.s -uSh'ial family- or csbinM la fac­
ing rresidcnt-Oect Wllaon. He baa
made no |>roniin> or idedge. but leadiric democrata athl thme apiiolnimema were cou<tder<>d seuiod:
Secretary of «uie. WUllam Jennings
Bryan, seereiary of ngrieulinrc. Haivay.W. Wylie; attorney general. I^ouls
B.-andleyf UoK>Qa. WlUiain McAdoo
is Boliswed fo Bo Etaetod by
Tan Run SKond in His Own State; vice clummag^f the democratic nanail Margin pyeellfMimia
Pbenemenst Lineup Was
lidnaj committee, i* alon stated for
. Stau Ttahrt BUU UnMade Alopg tbe
the '-aliinci, i-lther a* poatmaaier gen­
WMe Lille
eral or secretary Of war.

mt Taft haa earned Idaho. Rhode Island, South Bakota.
'lTB|uYarmont and Wyoming, nmkmg the presidcut a bad .third
ioTna'^MMfk with a total
only 2T> electoral Votes. Wilson' wilt
a fiwnooratie eongreaa behind him. with a waking mathe lower house so Urge aa to be almost uiiwieldly. Tbe
resite in the states showed a deinoeratie huime in all (luestiuiu
of party poBcy. The rainrblicana will have only 1.40: and .the
progroasivot 14 membera. The aoeialiata lost their only member in
congTCW when Victor Berger waa tlefeated hy the fusion candidate
in the Wiaepnain dUtriet.
like great silent vote on which so many depended wont to the
dawmerata. This apelled-the downfall of tRe Roosevelt liopes. and
thegfaat strength of the democratic national ticket eana«‘d through




t'olumioia. Ohio. Nov.
The story
«r (h.- Vlrciloii In Ohio yesterda.v may
1m? hrieily summarised us follow*
on oaopi me aieie by S plurality
Her Parents Had A
estimai« at 13d.0<W over Preaideiit
Taft.- f
Kverythlng iodlrated that Taft
would b« second ia the race, with
KixiscveU third and Debs foanb.
Vienna. .\'ov. 6 -=ForRivcn by her fa­
Jiiroes N. tbs was. elected' imveraor
ther. fount S<frcii>l. IliinRarlan miny a large, if not Urger.

THE douiiTr



Wayne, give Rooseevlt TI.UO. WOma
53.C58. Taft C7.KC. Uluaeitann «.TU.
Wtiklnt 41.297. Perrta
Tbe vote on wtuman anSrago ia M9
preclDcu of the state are: Tea. gg.1M:
no. 35AU.
kelly t» tandiag for rMiirirairai IT
lafge. TberapabUeons tart two caabelleved I

All the Rest of the Tiekrt-ta Repub­
lican — PragrwaiVM Bhewed
Graatart »trar«th m
State Dfficiala
Owing to the fart that the retorns
from the townahipa of Paradlee and
I'btoa were detayrtl nnUl late ihla
tbo fiaal resnlts o' the <dection In the county were not knowi
uutli the tart momenu ' WUIt t.hteptlon o( Jolro I. .S«ge tor tbe |egtatatnre. the rtiitre
elected. Tbe ffnal .reanlta are at


•e^Bgt/ certain Roosevelt atateg were IHinoia. Michigan,
IlLiapaM OregODiand Vnahingtoik with a pontihilUy that
Iowa and Peimaylvnnia for .a total electornl



m. Everybody Intmveted In flndine
out wbnt tbls/rikion^will do Id act
agricultural '^y ohoold make it :i
poim to iDspM tbe show.

President—Taft 90S. B'itaon
rhofln 62. Debs 293. Roosevejl l.tT*.
Govcninr—Mdsselman 1.I*>1, Ferriz
3H. I,rtand 51. Hoogorbyde 238. Wat.klna -l.ios.
Et GoTcraor — Rou ElMHell
*r. Gordon
Becruary of State — Sloitlndale
1.260. Bolcb 873. LowUier 80. Kuuc
incrfeld 2C6, Crakouskl 11. Baidorff
1.29!*. ,■
Treasurer — Hoorer 2.188, Robsnn
5.014. Uo.-land SO. Beyer 228. Kiloe U,

PkBcas psn BiitES


OloUnctlve Sumps Must Be Used t

have <

I ta tbo TmOp

and Deiwcrat O'Codmt ta tbo NIatb.
Boakes. Dera, in tbe BoeaBd: beeomna, Dem..-iQ tbe FtraiBad UsdfrtK
elected ta tbo Btavasth. wttk
Fbrdner in tbo NIatb.
By probably not tern than 44,M»
plurality, nsodora BoonovnU coniod
Michifu yertordar, Woodrow Wil­
son ran Hocond. wttb Taft 4a tbo rear.
mo huadted ulxtr»4gkt proetacts
out of 1.872 la the itata voted: Roaaovelt 42J3I, WUetm 4UI8, TM 4S.m
Rural returns' cut dowa Jteoaovalfn
early lead that prooiaed him IMAM
PloraUty. aed tbe aaaw rtata of votara
helped Tatl'a totsL to aa a«aal aaa»ber or prectacu Woodbridsa PWrta,
Dem.. leads by abort S.SM tbo olbor
idates ter •uveraor. todtaatlaff a
20,000 plurality. Tbo ffgaraa wen:
Ferru 40.710, MMotaMa 37.410. Wat­
kins 33.990.
urns caa be teU of tbo ooagrataional contcota or oa tbe
that cbooeea a EalUd States
but the den
od one or cmore to tbelr proaeat npreseatatlve.
Fragmentary rrturu oa
— aaf>
fruge indicated Ha adoptloa by a alight
Detroit pot Roosoveit to third ptaea.
Taft leading toealty by aa oyatoah
ovM Witaon In tbe early rotwaa. Tbo
count 1s very ataw.
If tbe present rado coatlaaea. FWrris is eleefed governor by tO.OOO |daralltr over MnssHtnaa. brt the repabllcaa candidate U
crawly up. abd tbo
until tbe comptoie oouat ta to.
Roosevelt contlaaed to baM «»wards of 40.000. plurality to MlcW^a
over WUaon. with TUtt a poor third.
w. J. UettaaaM. FroR, defratod
Coagreasmaa OUa Toung. Rop.. to tba
T peaiasato. Rooaevelt swept the
T penlBsiita claor. PurccU. detaocrat is probably eiaetod over OeoIgresiman FOrdnm- to tbo Glghtb. Tbs
Sixth ia-clooc. .
Carney, Dem.. Is brtleved to bavo
defeated Congressman ftoiUb to tbe
Womaa’s auffrage 1a adopted by a
safe majority.
Tbe rest of the state tieket ta nakaowB, awaiting tarte oomidete retarni. Kelley\l«ads ter congreasaiaaat-targe. with mu third. Tbe count ta
terriflcilly slow-on acceoat of tb*
heavy vbte and spUt Ucfceta.

Deglnnlng with Janiury I. 1913. tbe
new rules for the parcels post tyst^
will iff* Into effect. There will be a0eclal stamps for the mailing of par
ceta, which must be used, and no
psdtagM will be sent without the
name and address of tbe sender upoo
■__ __________
i___ __________ I____ ____
the outside of. It. Follouing U
‘to deetion day democratie managers hgd oulj- 'alim hope of suceeaa.
copy of the new rules:
Apparently CdoncI RoeaeveU ia second and l^esident -Taft third.
1— That disUnrtive parcel -x-s;
not alone in the cdeetoral colicgo hut in the popular vote
cUmpa must be OMd> on all fourthThe denoerata elected^ governors in Michigan.
rtoss matter beginning
January 1.
FViri^ Idaho. lUinoia, Jnaiaiia. Maaaaehnaetta. Mwaouri, Mon1913. and that such msuer bearing or­
dinary stamps
will be treated as
“Held for Poatage."
M32.rcraon92.-..Foz 19. Dohm 1.
2- Tbat parcels will be mailable
rheto oopyrtgbt by A
•Punier 1.311. Kuhn 1.152. Yaple 932.
only at post offices, branch port
l-yon 1.230.
fitim tbo curb, and upon tbe rlgbi ftcea. leWered and .local named «ahnitd side ot the street, taken ftom the tiona and aurb numbered ataliot
dlrectloo In which tbe veblcle Is fac­ may ta- designated by tbe postou
inter of ovicuhurc. iho beouiitul ftlian1 Wilson,
Wi?»oi oud (he entire demo- :.2. Mania 27l. HIH U78.
ing. When (urolog cornera the vwblyoung County
intesi< Marie ElUaheth.
ElUaheth. ha* cratir state ticket wt-m through with
cles shall observe a line of travel, return card ot the sender: otherwise
returned home wiiU her ho*bsnti, Al­ iiim. although, with lower pldralitiea.
keeping to' the right of the center of they *111 not be accepted for mailing.
Kenicn* indicated that Reoeral R
This latter proxislon doe» away bert Under, son ol An cx-.Austrlan con­
, the street intersection and to tbe tight
Brown, republican YioRiini
mlDM for
sul general'in Egypt, with whom she
‘ band aide ot tbe strert- No veblcle with ail fourth cloaa matter bringJ. A Arsent to the dead letter office 'when recently doped under draamtic cir- Bov.>rnor. would ht* ^oad.
snail be turned either forward
ihur 1.. fiarforrt, bull moo»eP DOtAee,
Will Eafom Uw as LaM backward, oe at io reverse its direc­
l.:7y. l.-.une- 260. MrMull-i: :.i39.
. The countcee’ parenls hart arraneed third.
tion of travel, except at regular street
Oowa by th« CKy
The dcn-.oeratic landslide, it 'it be- , Judge of Probatc-Walker I.S3t.
interaectio'ns and street corners.
for her' marriage with a HimMriaa
iwvalry officer, and when she refused tievert. gave two and possibly three
sbaU be within'tbe duty of any police
the demot'uey
her to a convent. Here, de, officer of Ibis city to enforce the t>r»Har^ci- 357
rraia. wbo already had sixteen.
Ybt poUeo u« npertedcing aome vlstoBS of this or<Uunrc.Civli W(sr Veteran and Old Resident aidte the watchfulness oT the Slater*
ehe n^anaged tp g"t into rommiuiira
ttooMe ta aecnrlng oompUnnee '
tion w'lih her lover apd eaiwped fly
, tbe U»a sad rules of tbe rood, on
night, cnrnbliig a high wall and
pun of driver! of both motor
Jtoben .V. Bdgecomb, aged 75 yean, eenuently com-ealmg herself in (tl^
borae drawa vebielee. Of late, tbe
Register of Deedir-Monroe 1.743.
died at fflidnlgbt Moud’ay at bla borne. udgbborii
Medical Men Held Annual' Meeting. Becker 961, Bn-nnan 270,
greeteat tr«hJe boa been wHb farm^rt Eighth suwei. He had beeo Brake her
MW wbo laiist npoa driviug their big GRAND
Lart Night.
Prosccutirg-Attor^y —Cgvell 1.71S.
There *hc niet young Bader. They
uragona down tbe wrong aide of the
aevei) yean, having moved here from wcn< rp lx>ndon. were mamrd and
street and ^en bUcbla* them facing
Tbe aatual meeting of the Grand
■ Cincinnati, Nor.
Froaideu Taft
wired the i:e«* to the rouni.
tbe peninsula, where be lued ala tbe wrong direction. Tbe task of
Traveiwe-^terju -Touuty Medieol so­
will return to Ctoclaaati to live after
•matter of a’cenian.
overeomtag tbe nesUgeace on
ciety was held ta»t evening at the
iMoner — Boctsorg tbe expiration of bis term, aocordtog
This Re0ion Will Be Well RepreeentBobm M- Bdgecomb was »»nrQ in
pert od-tbe driven la mads the hanler
Yraverse City State hospital. Thir­ 1.576. Itantner 2M.
ed at the Big Exhibit Nert
to a staiem'ent be made to trteoda to
New Hampshire. .\ov. 25. JSJ7.
by many of Uem becamlng angry
teen member* were preeent. Out-ofCinrtonaU last nlgbt. after be bad
‘ Wbea tb^ w« informed of their vio18tT b* 'moved with his poreais
town gucet* weiv l>ri. Edmullds and
conceded his defsaL Tbo prcaMcot
■UtlH «f the taw. and declaring that it
Ohio, and in the year iSW he was
i'syne. The'fnliewing oineen were
will iav« op tbe'practice of tow npoa
married to Mias Martha Bisbee. who
Is liapontble to make them do dlffr^
eK>cted for tbe ea*uing year; PmdRoy Steele of Northport passed oa bis Widow, .with a sIm and-daugbcntly. Tbe truGi of ibe maUer U. howdenr. IK-.'P. Huldtw-onh: vice preai- .U-rtuan Suffra^Ve.,* 2.1f7. > hi* letoni here.
He arose this morale ia bote
. evor. that If tbe officer clwoset. be
ter. Prank of OM Mission, and Mr»
London. No\. «—An aeroplane flight deni. Ur. J. Fi Siepickai secretary
spirits than oodM be expected for a
«ap arrest tbe driver wad a fine tor to Rcosd Rapids to assist In Ibe pot­ Wm. Stiohm of Suuous Bay. sun ive. from England' t'< India is to be undcr- and tDrt*arer. in-. Jirtet A. J. Hall.
Charter a‘me'ndmefit«—Yea 2.ri. No
man jj»t defeated for tbe preafafoDcy.
Ibe oEWM la ptptided In tbe state ting on ot the decoDd MichUmn Load
Mr. Gdgpemb ww a veteran of the ipkcn by Co! S F. Codr, thf- Bnti.h
After the routine liusin<«s was-^dtaHe waa not depceaood aad joked wftb
and Apple *bow. which is being pro- ClTlI War. •nllsting with Company K naturalized'American aviator. He wtll po*ed of. Ur. James D. Mnason read
Tb9 taporiaat ponlooa of tbe taw moM by tbe jtVe«eni Mitklgaa De- Ihfnd Ohio Tohuitcera
He was a U»e the machine with which he
z paper on “The Surgery it the InjlE.'.-OMlNEE-M-r « M
both IIO.*''^ prize* at the recent mtll aane- This was followed by a gen­ 10 Toiu ld Hollis at 1*» -Aagelea oal*o be. back amoang yoo." toogtaed tbe
Wbtcb nata be raapected. are that all Totapment bureau oaaUted by Grand member of'tbe local post No. I'k.
Oaober si. Mias Maud Haskrl o'jpresidMit, who will reeaier tbo peacFuneral services will be held Thnre- tary test*; WHb a eerond aeroplane ir ial diacoasioa.
eableUg waat heap to tbe right when Rapids AssoeUtkm of Commerce.
ataTtaft^aad that when stopped must Roy Steele is the third petwes from day morning at ID o’clock from the rbsprve fn.tbe event of acrident. The
After atUoorument. a bonqiMt was Mbnominee it on ter war to Sew ttee of tow ben at tbe ood «f histx- encountered on (bs •endered those pgeaent by Dr-' James York with tbe body of her tausbecd. tenn. Hw prestdeottol party retaratw mpm* bdlsoeat to the cerb end Northport to be oUled to Grand Rap- bouse, and at, 2 o'clock from tbe tata^t iwok to b»lo naoist in this work, he baring church at Ofdeuburg.
' 'iptUa • aMSe oot exceeding tra feet
route aeelct^1 U 2:^00 f,fei high.
Wfao died eoddeaJt,
|wd to Weabtosua tbta afterwma.
D. Muim. the retiring preaidenL


i’r’ mi-






lORiTwr HT RErHEsara

Sabbath W. to Keep It HMy The teteooea aeseion was opened
WamtogtoSL Nov.
4a trite of the
pvotMU wklcb have Atlsea to
with a song and praise service <
wtcra. the Mvy depaitmeat wW dneted by Cbas. Keener.. J. W, Ureos
•tide to Its toteatlon to seU the old Introdoced the topic. -Why Honor ihe
frigate Wshaab. which baa heea •»> Dayr He said, to pan. -We pbontd
tloDCd at the Boetoa aevy yard as a honor the-day brennse it Is God's
recciTtog ship stoee M'S.
and God tolflUed his o^
. t.. .»e !■ *«»i
TV Wabash was Unoebed
lent before reqoirtna ot
U. 186S. dleo^ of bis' chlldrra." t'hrlst's «
referred to also ia boaorTekew
«t Oourw* oC MBTck
and SI feet 4 inches broad, with
lag tbe day. Isaiah SS;I3 was used
Up By tbs Graimes
Improved Capgtan.
mean draft of S3 fe« and a displace- as a sertptefre reference, ahowini!
X capBlUB R built lute a new block
of 4.CS0 tons.
God's pleasure tu us. and the good and toriilo with which one mah —
Cirahli«lU. ire<l[ 2,950
Her cruises from 16SS to 1«S»
things He prwaites toVboee who show bandla leads of one tbonnnd t>o<
Aatofte the upica to be iBKUMed
the wuiur niwrtnt ot the Or«iid T»»v- as flagship of the home end Medlter- lote and respect for the Ssbtkstb. DlsIMauli having l>eea made tn Ibe
oos. WbOe flagship of
3D led by Cbas. Kesner rhM
■C0UU7 Gi«a«e i« that ot
oDdhiOBs of a cerislu mortage made
Hiram Paoldtog
ttei^t. honoring the day has a
. for Northwesteca
bv Arthur lllu>.i:il and i:
ITta Hlnvim.
to New York ^er for good to Its InOueoce
Ths Hen Lifts the Mortgage
XUhlgaa.. It t» tooad dedrahto to
bis wife, tn Nanej M Hi
HtosdtlL dste.l
Statistics shfc that the hen is the the IHh day of’Ortoiwr.
la Jane. ItST. tbe fllibnsters of Gen­ blhvrs. General 'dtoensaion brought
b<«( paying to\ei
itctlmeat on the farm
out many helpful thoughts shlob nheu given pro|>er rare and .vtetiUba. and rectirded to the offlve of the recto
Hum which wlU put eral Walker's anay.
tmh tKe uaeemiiitX of dcUiU in iH the election return* It oo a pw wiU the prehMt eodet)'
ler of deeds for lha county of Grand
showed all were Inieresied and whit- If you sant to get th- bat nvulii Traverse, aod Mate of Michigan. oq>
it » difBetUt to Ulk witb*BB)’ degree of *» that hu haadsaartera at reavltlo. New York to tola the AlUnllc
reeeH^a U
wide Held tb<- topic covered. Din- feed your'chlHlen^ n little of ll.kK
r nth day
<la> of (Vtotor. A 1>. 1*»7.
1*07. 1to
VBLl-'S CONDITION POWOKUS .« liber 55 of roortgaee*.
>. on i«ne
651. on
^ MMM of the utHmite rorahii to the nation b> th« great change There U twn ia Uiebtaaa for two adlng fleet.. She capwred two vesaeto 9T and ooclal bo[ir.
- ^
caakmatly. it makoa the beiis lay.
e 1* eUttced to be
and took part In the capture of the
the aanta m there Is
political control 7U* much i* known, Mr. Wflaon. Demoeratie
Afternoon oesalon upoued by stog- Nd feed stnlf mixed with It iq tuak- due at the date of this notice, (or prill- '
eali^dale. io dected by the Urged jwpnUr vote and probably a add for. acTcral ,aormoI acboolr. 18«l. She was the flagship of Rear tog. immediatel.v follia-od b.v the bos- a large psekayer. nothing but purceuto pet pack
toeu aesaion ot tCe conrentlOn. The medicine.
U»t<r ^Ktoral vote than »fr ipven any preaident. Mr. Rooncvelt.
Admiral Do l^at at the faatUe of Pott usual quarterly oDering was token, — ' Sold by all'Mruxgtols
.-SC5c.2r.> noUarx-ani
from whom ao .ntdk had been expected and hoped, dropa down
Five •
laaa can be divided avealr between Royal, a O., Nov. T. 1861. tpot: jmn to which amounted to 2l.ri. It was susMOB^UgE BALE.
provided for to sal
expedition -against
ib a poor aeoood place, while Mr. Taft cairie* only a baU doaen
« two oodeUM.
suit or proceeding* at law baring
Default bavtoa been made to the
deeli atatea, periiapa giving him. twenty-five votea in the eleetonl
DMpHe the fact that the Urtest
roDditton. of a cerislu niorumge made been tostttuted to recover tbe n
secured by said mortgage, or any jiart ■
ni4i(ga ;TJu> DtBaeeatk. vietory is so wide-spread, ao over-whdni- ■ettlnci of new orchards is the sUte South
LanslAg- and Mrs.
H. Eria aad bv Ji A. 'Wilcox anil tJoMa Wilcox, thereof.
nhtll 1863 under Resr
J. V. Oreec were elected to repre­ husbaad and wife, of Old Mission.
MibiKty of government and .tnoatiy alii are ia the coantie* in thU part of the Pont and Dahlgren.
ii«.:4h»t the whole 1
Michigan, to favor q( Peter F. lArdle.
Notice I* hereby given that by t
■Ute. and despite the fact that thU
sent the association. WUUamsburg of the tome idace. data. March 2. A. ae of the power of sale contained
44tth;^Uira will be in the hands* of that party at least in sutc reston la pooe to be one of tbe^
Tinder the command of CapUtn Uethe
selected as the next place In ill.. imi.'and'Wecorde.l in the ofBce pf said n>ortgage. and tbe sistule tn such
lanahon Smith she took active part In
MttiiM'lbr two ypars and in the national matters for fonr years
rtant fndt aectkma betwi
the Register of Ue«*d>- tor Grand Trav­ vwse made and pi
which to hold a ttooveBtlon.
tbe bombardment and caplore of Fbn
erse 0«unt>-. ill of -Mortgaces the l<uhI day of
ot Januan-.'.V D, toll
to niptoo. It U Jiettoftthat thh is so if the change was to come Attantlc aod the Padfle, we get
An Inviuitioii was extended to (he. on pages r,:;.and :.2r. on the 25th da> at 2 o'clock
Flsber In the winter of 18rt-5.
lock to
la the
thi arienioon. tba na*t f^-OBagrtoi triil faooTerwbdmnudy Democratic io iU majority; Ucrily BO ncocaJUan from the pres­ From iSm to 1871 she w'u laid up aaaoclaticn by Elk Rapids tg meet of March. A. It.,
Hi will, at the court bonse In
aimed to be due si the the, lit
ity of TraveraeX'lhv.
TraienwN'lhv. that
tbi being
1 >. ^
probable that- eitoagh ehangos will be n^e in the
r at Boston, and tor wltb theuB in a general conventloit. gage there I* rial)
bnr'of tbe exeouUve beard, and the
.dace where tbe rireuit court tor
to be held at that plam and I-. dcie of this noiU-e the sum of Eight.v__that body over ta toe Daneerata also. It is Imped
was the fla^hip- of
Traverse Is held,
chairman of
at twklto aurtlon. to the bigbeft
M bo tor one. The Democrats arc prepared wbofly to Uke is from the territory armriid Grand Rear Admiral Jama Alden, command­ the near future. ObJecL to proowt^
to said
ing tbe
the ftaitoMfibnity, aod tthder the dremnsta^ees it is better they., Rapids or to tbe eoutb.
mortgage, or so much thereof as may
«tnd .'to more: dotely como in loncj secured bv said mortgage o
he necewsury to pay the ameout so as
_,_._,^.JUMU>etwno.^w that Mr. Wilson has even carried ilr:;_^ When the Tnverae City Board ot Jfi 187S tbe Wabash
the Bostoa. navy yard. with thoa who are alrcady toicrwted. tfaeroof.
Now. therefore, by virtne
virtO' of the
fiftSi^cnm.toCtrnf ^Ntio by not Iw &aii ISO,000 plorality. He Trade iorlted the
where she has shared the hoaora with
L. Sour*, wtto was to tavc d^- IKiwer of sale coutalneJ lu said
won .' i«er cent Inierrst, and all legal
tlOB to held one of lu annnal meetUrn nUo ttboB omr froi^ the nppoaedly sore roll of Br cusabd “How Honor the Day." wa-i
to such case costs, together with said attorney's
li n in this dty It was stated that th( ol4 OoDstUntlpa ot a relic of long
unable to be presenL and the snbjar made and provided.- notice, is hereby
OitHorna and many others.
I tweaty fonr f2l> of block four
Ciwd Rapids wanted the Mxt..pee- and valiant sovlce.
was taken by H. PbOllps. He em given that on the Hth day of Iieceni. in Perry Hannah's Third (2rdl
American natioo is the only nation • , the globe thft aion halid there, and to Grand Bapids
tor. A. n.. U*I2. at Ki o'clocl;
pbasited the fact that we must-1
forconon. there will be sold at imhliiit went. The- coentlee la thU part
mid mept with neh.cood oatme so o
hob' Uirooi* tbe week as we
BUction to the hlglical bidder a
ot tbe sute are eoUtled to help to
pect to be holy oo tbe Sabbath. H>- front door of the .Court Houi
their eftorto to develop the fruit In­
rashlngton sireet. to the riiy>' of
oaid there was too much slackness
dustry and perhaps the easiest way
the part of professed tYiristians In re­
Remarkable Eh^ng on
Tbs oidy serions danger that could threaten wotdd be will be to form a ragloa asaedi
urt (or t
UanidA Michigan.
gard to this, and that the daagerour
> heW. t
• ffllTuI dmafr in tariff UgisUtion^ when the eonntiy might with this ood )to view.
r 7. 14. 51. 28. dec
inOuenro resnllliig on thoq« out
At the present time there are toeal
' lHOtog?trifhtoood and panic atyicken. This u the great opporChrist could hardly be eatlmated.
iy^^tftoTcSmcrwt^ Tb^ have it now in their power to 1-orUcnltural societies for the counties
•The subject was discussed by Fratk siortCBSe.. Im-luding in'er.-*t and ull
of Antrim. Charlevoix. UanUtee and
their poaitiao. to strengthen their hdd upon the country Bentle; alee aertetles at Norihport
Buck ant others, main thonghu beio-r |..•ual «o*f,. v.ttb an iitt'U-uey t.-e
mar^t opening
ly WIthoat Palm
IMIinrneceuity of aiiendtng Sunday set nileen
«|d to make a reoord that will be a lasting credit to their party. aad SnUoaa Bay. Tb<
strong today.
The I'n-iiits---; iKinu d-i-c!i!nM
By tbs 'Ka-olar- method 1 can ravices If we obe*-rve the day as <5o-l
Jf too tariff ahonld be bo radically changod tbot our busiaens aod can be affUlMed with 'the region assuid InttnimeiH B' (olieu.-' Tiisl jiai- trove tbowe a<'t)iTg teetK abaoiutair
Londoo Not Adsetod.
toteaded: by sirlvlng tp become bei
luealvd in Hi- township <>f without iiain. anil wlibout^
oar iiaasfrim abould snffer, too Democrats srill ht‘ held raptasiUe, aectoUOB as. soon as the can
Lgndon, Not. 6.—No odverso ef­
God through stud:
' -ugs to produca
mA toh.dH*** ^
would be only ontil a change eonid be formed.
fect of tbe American eloctkms was of and tboogf.i' upon Hi* word •
Feopla of nervous
nerval tamparaumit mi
wltb weak hearts will appraclata tbs
dlMlooed today on the stock market
-Ka-olar" aatbod of palnto
9bo greto- American |iation » ataggered today by the
hnd the day's privUegri .aflord
e wid'h.
wliiilmliig Twtogy that the Democrats have won. and this is true
208-808 Wlibelm ttlock. with Dr. RoMfr
greiter enjoyrcem If we,j^ave do
hot 0^.1^
toe other parties, but of the Democrats themselves.
and aj>proxlpis''-ty 5i> fe.
*M>rth. TracrM tiir. Hf-klana.
this YHeeuestop dosed PSth-udmon
long north and -oa<h.'!n<-ate.l in t)But WO^are a«to A great oatioiY wiih aoch direraifiad interesta.
flon to iwacilce what we prearb.
village cohmioBly kD<.wu u* 041 Mi
Rstaosd Ballot
■with «aato tor reatoing -and iaq^irtant bumneas eonneetiona, and
shm. Michigan.
Dated Septeiiil-r IT. .\ IV. I!ri2Bib Mall-foUowtog-one of tbt^m^ prosperons yean for the
kbly bundled by Mr. Philltps
cr. and aev^ othm who parUdlwIknaor that the country bu ever^^own, that even so radical a RCflPONSIAIUTV OF PARTY IMA
ed in the dU-:osalon. QualiUes (o
PARM C.<hll-nKRT.
itiiy. Iianiirl alTi 11 iimlli It woul^aeem that noder thme
New York. Nov. 6 —Michigan, krlsfr
arc aometlmea natural.’cut ar
» the Democratic party starta io apon a new' career
t^ Oregon and Kansas adapted
ottcB ,acqulfe« . by ' persitotc-nt
Abtt. tolWir toe Ameriean people. It ia the dnty of every
womaa' sugrage. only Wlscoasin
study and effort' aad thorouch eolt‘- Michigan.
sei-t l*-.thara-dec 12
IMmIb-towesapt torn result, no matter how dis^pointing it may
Thtion ot all one's natural ,chilitle«
lected it.
We should espcdatly sA-k God's gmo
he to meny, fo ^tc the new administratioa a hearty and cordial
anoB.Md grace ii we woaM be su<
Appqri SB tar as it U doaerved. This we arc utisfii^ will be the
.cssf^r equipped. Tbosbwbo acco.i'
CEDAR R. P. O. NO. 2
•aipe^ond.we belie^toe Demoerats tbemselyw wall do all in their
plisb most Bke the aUiIefes of ol!
{iawup t« opBum aod retain the good will aiid support of the people
Cedar. .Nor. 4.—One of the three. are those who most thoroughly pre
toot baa baeo gieen -toem in aoch wonderful meaaare. ^
pare. Fnllowtog the topics aasigtiiWhleh oae wlU U be?
A yoHBg winter struck us Friday, ir the aftemoon. the county prc2‘.
ropreeslvM. on Aeemwit of Running
•nt gave
ga5 a short talk on county matbut rim snow dlsappenr^ ywterdav. dent
a was embodied to the
Second. Have Aeoome a FelHJcal
EEfJiAH «& CO.,
He -expressed a wish that
Packer to
& Phones.
732 E. Fiunt^. Bolb
BKUO deflnKe campaign might be mad?
WWh laVtMsA
Hiss Anna Cate a^A Arother Ed alMaple Sunday schools. Alea^hat tberb mUht
tended tbe Hallowe'en
ve'en party
n the etocpf eaNew York. Nov. 8.—Tbe wild exul- City Tbnrmiay erenWg.
be held la Deeentber * mecUng of tU’
glBMr e(thoaR.ALwMNadlB
Itather Good of Traverse City spMt touitty eiecaUve committee. In whldi
rNCMce to.the lovertas of the smte toUon of (he national deaiocraUc leskd.S^-^U
era today gava way to eolenu eenaid- her two days' racaUoa i^tb relatlvee the township's associMion preiWenr
an Bast Preat stMct la wHch K was
at Solon.
stated that as the pavlas was wot to
t mtVMM hmr hion wmk« ho 4»m UIb fall Um eompaar did aot the face of yemerday*s landtlLde that Born to Mr and Mrs. Arthur I^ui.- the aupertotendent and secroUrr of
A :</i Ji. p. Oascllna Engina
-ach.Spnday school tn the count.v.
like tearias up their tracks at put the democrats tn power in the na­ ner. last Wbdaso^y. a daughter.
tion and most of the states. The Oth­
Seboof began lu district No. 8. Solon,
In the evenlBR the church Was Olle-i
this time ot the pear. pteferHug to
Cyltoder bore. 4 Inches; atroba 4H
er big featnre was what’s to become this morning after four weeks vaca­ •nd the audiante was ntore tbsa
writ aatU Um pavlag la dooe. whea all
incbaa. Good -derigu. best matcriaL
progresrivea tion
pleased with the splendid address
the work esm he eosapleted -mt ooee.
Hopper cooled. Weight. 500 lira Starts
havlag takin second pUce in vottog
Utos Mary Doney sjient Ssturday given by Rev. Braund of ELk Kapidi '
easily, runs steadily; U ecoaomlcal.
tooperty owwws ta me aelghbof power. Wnsoa carried every state aad Sunday with relatives to Traverse To llaton was to be spiritually ui
relUble. duraUa aoa complete arltb
hood perithaed for aa ara li«ht to be but Mkbtgaa. Pennaylvanla. Ullnols. City.
lifted and we are suto *'‘‘rry on
pulley, gasoline took, battery. coU ud
A R. A I. WH4. MOT kOWtR CRAOK lerated at the coraar of JeCorapB aod New Hampshire. Washington. Uuh;
Mr WIIooD of Cedar repaired and present went home with'a new dcs!'-switch, wired ready ta.\rvii 'your aepUadhoa streeu. pad the rcsoast was SMith Oak^ VermOBL Wyoming. cleaaod the organ at Clewr Brook Sat,
do somethtog worth while to the
wood saw cr pump or do nay
rriOTod to the Uabtlag eouimlUoa.
center's cause.
other duty w-ithlu the capacity of 2H
The iJciriisU poUed a big vote. 1
and acThe ronvoation war. truly a help­
- Mr. aad Mrs. W. Ansorge hare reh. p.; occupies 2x2Vi fecL Pries $75.
.oewau reported that tber bad IotmU- Berger was defeated to Ullwankec.
tarned borne after a pleasant tommei ful and intereaitoe one and .we tru*
.Msnufsrtured by
On .--fovember iPth the progrceslves Across tbe waters.
■ated the claim of wmiam Braaeh tar
WM. JACKSON, Traversa CKy, Mtcb.
Aey will ii* grow In iaieres
paymADt for eheep which be aUaaod 1U meet to Chicago to perfect aa orMoses C. Cate. Jr_ of Tra.verse City •BU .enthusiasm and tnendance-•me killed hr dogs la the cltr UmUe ^saUon for }816.
teoa Back, itecnetaty.
High oehooU spent Saturday and S|
and tauad that the etlg U aaenpted
YTie democrauc victory to greater' day M borne.
from each a dalm aad
thaa early ladicplons. Wilson ‘will
Mr Crowe of the central of Uoe .
that too MU he dtoUloyed. Their
ive ilie greatoR electoral vote to the Is looking up tronble this niocriiU.
mom TMedar-s Reeorddtakle.)
a^tod hr the dritory of (be democntlc panTgetting the line read.v for electlt^t-Ye•n# prtaelpri hesteess traasacted
The Roosevelt suteo are lUiaola turns.
J. B. Stillwell • Back in Travers*
to thoosDMS hm atgbt at the ra«a.MIcMgan. Ulnnesoia. Kansas. Ore­
a Drer called the a
Mr. and Sirs, John Ferguson wore
gon. Wsshlagion. glvtog btm 1^ elec Trarerae City shoppers Satunto’
Br mseUsK waa toe iwithass ef s
'hsw helkr for the srater works pUnt. Bra nlarm hoxM-ao tiff west elda tor toral rote*. Taft has about 2.^ elec­
All bands are belptag T. W. .Cood
J. R. Sfinwell. who managed the
lbs manse havtec heea p« over from at the preecat Ubm too mnch terri­ tpral Toteafinish fUltogtbis sUo tbda.v. Delsyed Kimball i^no st»re to thls cltr for
b» Mat fritoWBod ewstSac Bids
PracUemUy romidete returns today thachlperv is the caus^ of t>eias so
tory Is covered by bos No. 3 Bear the
seven vear*. ha* returned to Tr*v
tossfrU fsom tfcrws Arms. Traverw prelUek pUat, wbirii Is e geoerri show that yesterday's election to New late.
.erse City and opened a store to the
tkr lito W««B. UaBhase Ittm Uam box. which whra polled caUe York state swept Into power not only
Mrs. A. MeQueer and Mrs. WlWfong baUding on South Vnion street for■toMtt ato Mlekes Boner ceaipaBr ks out the entire fit* depertSMat. there­ the compete democratic staio ticket, weiV culUngM friends yesterday.
oecupled by M. Donley.'aiid.wUl
merLv occupied
Bto*'««« aevesri potats Involved by Mtalltog a heavy' aximee to the but also a ieglaUtare that wlU be
Mr*. Prank Aintabachler. who wgs
aarvy a
• toll lluc ri Cable-Nelson
0^ atodad to he dNeosasd hr the w*. dtr. Ot lata many mile from this democraUc In boU branctaa by i
78 r«un oM Sunday, ealoycd the day
1. which 1* one of the leading
.h« have only bees tor stnall reN- ly a (wo-thtrds vote. The dmnoerats with her chOdren abd grandchildren
maka in this line. Tba new store
' gi^a of AtieoB nriautM was takes to deece trr* *Mch eosld he handled also relalBod control ot ihr state
at (he home of her ton Frank.
•was oixned for business last evening
delegatloa. which stands 26
' M Mr toe bMs asd OMlde whkA by one hw‘ wnaon. theiwby maklag
to 17 repuUlrans. Tbe so- FOR SALE—30 broase
«|i to* tom boUer (or the woi« lo 11 raoe5<e..sM'.r lor the
• tu
.. .young Mr. Stillwell i* well knowa in tbU el*'
of good
-Jlty at
at 85.50
K-30 i pm aad victalty aad as be fa tboreughlj
Mar looklag os«r the bUs meat to inra out. The matter was
rened to aU tbe detalU of the ptouo
raTcrred to the Are aad poUce «
. Write Bte your wnnta. Jam
bustoi«a his sneess la his new nndei
feoted the ooetoltol asoemMymaa to
iwMUL to tovseOgate aad regoR
*^«SiMto* * ^
BurdldL South Manwn. Mbh.
taktag lauMBrad.
.... **-1
Ml IpMil .bMmAr'bM. tM» ttoarnttertl^

Stop piessiBC and let os fit you out
with shoes for every day wear that
are right. We are daiof our best
ever^ day to five you good, values.
You will always And our pried*

••••...... ......... ..... “X£iK





' li







■W mm

The litUe Wonder






I stock Food,
Intcrnalhmal Worm Powder.
loleniaUonal Poallry Pawder.

IntcrnaUoaal Heave Cure.
InternaHonal Colic Care,
International Gall Care.
Complete stock of International Stock Foods and
Veterinary Remedies in fresh^ndition.'




tiet J. W. I^ter Furnish Your Home
If you want your home furnished up attractive and inviting, with good dependable furniture at the lowest
how and that our prices are right
Our stock of house furnishings is complete in every detail.

We want youto come in and look thempven

fwmitave, Sfpyes, Floor Coverings, Dishes and Tinwai^




Three hundred bMutiful
Chain and Rockers^ in all
styles and patterns, from a
Solid Oak Leather. Seat Sewing
Ro^er at 95c up to a beautiful
genuine Spanish Leather Re­
eling chair with masdVe car­
ved Lion heads on legs, at $$S.

We carry nearly everything
4nade in the Mattress line, be­
ginning with a cot'eon
tress at $1,95 and ran^ng right
along 'up to the finest matuess
produced at $25.

Hc«d Rockers — Sixteen
different styles to Miect from,
up from $2.75.

We can sell you an all cot­
ton mattress with a nice fancy
tick as low as $6.75. Remem*
ber we are excludve
for the standvd line of mat*
tresses—every wne guaraoteed.

Morris Chairs ai
Several patterns
to' select from, ranging from
$4.75 up. /



We carry the famous St
Johns' line of IKmng Tables.
They are manufactured by the
largdst and
equipped uble
mwufacturing plant in the
country (and their products are
the best We are showing a
6ft. ^j^iarter-sawed oak; round,
pedestal ta)>1e at $8.50 that is
certainly a bargain.
Others at $10.75. $12.50, $15
and up to $30. -

We honestly believe that
the Quick Meal S^eel Range
is the best steel range made
We have hailed them for
twenty-two years without
complaint and wa^ve >oId
hundreds of theflf. fM* we
hardly ever sell one but
what one sells another. They
are so thoroughly made in
every respect, that they will
last a life time.
Note tbe' ooraer eonstnictlon shown In tlic


Why waste fuel and
money burning an old worn'oui.stove, when you'ean buy a
new one and pay for it with the
money saved in your fuel hill ?
We take your old stove as
part payment.
Air tight stoves from 95c to

Combination coal and wood
stoves from $6.25 to $35.
Hard coal stoves from $25
to $75.


Lace C|^alns
: Nothing ad<^ mon to Ae
appearance of your home than
^dbws draped with nice Lace
CurtainB and we are in a poeiiion to furniah you juet what
you waut firom a Lace Curtain
at 20c iv> in a flue. Bnisaols
-Net Curtain at J7.S0.
Window Shades torn 10c up
up to the bett Opaque. U(xe
elzeahailaenade to ordei.

We are offering several
drop^ patterns in Rugs at a
big discount If you are going
to buy a Rug this winter, it
will pay yoii to inspect these
Rugs at once.
$48 Velvet Rug. dropped pat­
tern................................ $38
$42 Velvet Ru^. dropped pat$35 Velvet Rug. dropped pat­
tern . ................... ..........^$28
Matting Rugs up^from..$1.85
Ingrain • Rugs up ‘from,. $3.75
Brussels Rugs up from . ^.50
Nelvet Rugs up from . .$12.50


Cover your kitchen and.din­
ing room floors with Linoleum
and rave that back athe on
scrub day. We are showing
about twenty different patterns
and several different grades
from a genuine, ground cork
linoleum at 45c up to a numb^ one Inlaid Linoleum at
$l.p0. We take tbe measure­
ments of your Jroom and !a>
ihd linoleum free of charge.

Buy your Bedding at Slater's
and save from 5% to 20%.
Just arrived—another Mg
shipment of Bed Blankets and
Comfortables. Come in and
stock up -for winter beforeithe
best values are selected.
Cotton-Bed Blankets.
, iip from — 45c
Part Wool Blankets.......$1.50
Woolnap Blankets....:.. $2.25
Wool-Blankets......... $t00
Pillows, per pair ...... $1.00
We are showing a full line of
Slieets and Pillow Slips. .


Your Reliable
Home Furnisher


TAQt rovn


ia the prataler at tbe abloat and tb»
bicbaat of tba novoraoMt elm ofAI WH%a.PeHaW. Wdld
Mn Aba«l
Tba KOranwyct of a prbnoea ta adRtdaap
aa Vatl. «bUa Ibe maror «
’ OtatMa.
cUr aflaM t«,bia bana Batodia
A tantlofnaa
vtitaa nw: •! Haiti.
%Aa anatlr la*
r taaaMnl in raur
antria daacTtb*
tnt. iba KauffIN HOLY WAR'
Man coat tt
aartona «laf«Ba
aC th» Udoara.
Ilia daacrtpUoa
of Ilia caaa ex*
Tiy eendltkai. I
ann U Re*
Waablncton. .Nov. 6.—Tbe aub^om-'
|j n nma rated him
* *• —
---------- aa- j-ra
‘eay. itit tnUteo of the toouae comndlte*
»«»>« rare me alaa. t am taa* Itanklng and currency, which la
[ t»i»«wjr t« AtWnTpWi W InWrcMi lot oatfi ratMlr and (fee donoia aajr Raged iBVooUgaUoa pMiaiaiogto
I bbvo
.WNh AIHW t« RMur*
the alleged control by uo banka of
of the kiOwji^'
... be beneflIM by I
the iDoDey market, will probably
eertalnir try aome a* tbe doetora have
He altUfifa on FYidar. Sonu
PTm'rtkallr tlT^ me up. tba tame aa
itrabera of the eommlttee who
. N«T. j —IMIcarUDi an>
drat, that I. *ent to their bdmea to vote wlU be
1 an (be verce of einrlnir <»«*
back Id WaablDCton tonight, and by
|u.lMt MawK« or (loMtutiiicpIe. BD:1 JVruaa will rurv.' No ptayxleian
Friday It is expected that aU wlU
poxlllve ■intementa of that tort.
» twrific bombwdncBt of Adrtaiuwo
1 can Bar tblx much, however. U 1 ^ve returned to reaume tbe a-oik
prcciMalng- Rerviatu bave at^ in your place I abould certainly at tb;. coeimittee. One of tbe find
[•« tba mnwuriea. ' ConaiutlPenma a triaL I know od no wltneaaea to be called will bo WUIlam
It rtRont mB fttTor tbe Turk*. other ren>edr that would be to Ukely itortefeller. The pnjo conunlttee baa
to be of use to you ki your preoeot
Tbrfciah covenivent iBtlmatcd
trying to reach iMr. Hockefeller
coiidltloa Bx Peruna 'Take a table*
BMlin forvlm- olDco tbat If (t>-> xpeeaful before each meal and at bod* for a long time, but waa deterred un­
tlma Contlmie this for two or three til recently from making a determined
li be UBpoaalble to prerent on weekx and tbra if there U aaythbig eSort to iqibpoona bim by inlonnatlon
you wlxh to Bxk me further write me
and 1 will Btva your letter prompt at* that be waa too ill to appear.
TRa' HOtaa tbmfare reaea-ad hie tention.
agfoat to' tbe kalaer to InOnnoe tbe
If I and that tbe Penina it not
i»w»a to eompal tba Balkaa aUic« helplag you I win be perfectly
and un you aa for 1 would not bave '
‘ M agree to aa armtaUee. Tbc Tutta you take Peruna unleaa It waa rMlly
, baked tba poaera -to aead addl- twlplag you.« But It baa zcacucd ao
^ llaBal wmnbipa to CottataoUiwpla to many casea of kidney dtmue that 1
am quite confldeiil you will find It os*
raet aa aat^CbrUtlao outbreak.
.artly suited to your cam.
Kkinry dlaeaae begina jwKb catarrh
TtaiaA Not.
Throe AuetrUa of the fcldqrya Peruna la a catairh
- bcttlagb^' OM cnilaer aad two d»* remedy. Uniraa the dwrucUou of the
Is already too great Peruna
iron, haro been dlapatcbod lo kidneys
reiirves tbe catarrh and the cause at ttm CUOWI, Detroit, Tolado and
the KMney dloroae la remorad. '
BnOkto tbroagh Vhltsd Prm tala1 ohaU anxleusly aeralt a report of
•Mp Paatroyad by Mina
Brmember. aH leums ate mpbPMTtoa
ClaRMaiiriea. RoBaaia. Nbr. e.—Tbe
sacredly oeoAdeniUL . I never nae any
> Cbanlee atnitdc d oae^ naine or addreat wUhout hta
, Wao aad attak la tba Black Boa. Her written conaenL My, corrqapoadettee
r pad forty ptaaenieni we'e Is atwotutety private. PRITUKA IS


; itM rREBS

nrtast fWt»a Ct

The Mamets

MNUMlBegie. Nov. S.—*I^e Buii AMtaBB bave oocdpled Doreoa. <i|tilns
B«V te cavltalR wir cnpRlr.

frntmatA today. Sb* wai detpendent Racial.Peattlon of Indlvidnal Can.Sa
R .moanmninn Sbe. wax a St

Oatarrrdnad by Turklah

vbo baa beeo alek
aa woroe FYlday, ao
Ub to towa to be


BlUrki Pattem



Have You in Mind A Coat

Waablngton. d: C.. Nov. «.—An altaeba of tbe Turkish embassy bare
oOcra 'tbo following Information ten*
cemlu Ouoman titles to aid Amerlrosdera in digesUng tbe new:
from the scat of war in the east To
begin wlib. it 'must be conatderod that
aucb aa “Mr..*
•■Ocnaral." Tlovetuor,'’ etc, become
afUsea In Tarker, -tbe tIUe following
tbe aanie of tbc individual Instead of
preceding It:
A Caliph rankt next to tbe seltan.
being a prince of .tbe royal^lne.'wltb
the added distinction of being "Msbomet's repreeenutive."
Next, in tbe Tu^h rMigkm. oomea
.Chefc-l’l-IalBA «r tire bead of tbe Uohometan fnllb.
|Ban is tbe UUe by wl^ a prirat

We Would Like to Have You See These.

At 91S

At $20

At $2$

The popular- Jabnnk- CoaL double Jared,
fastens bleb at the n««k. Toong ladi<-s are
making a very strong d<fnand for these costa.
ia>ng costa in mixtures and plain (ttlora, oil
are kose Bttliig: some belted, others are not;
some with a Mt or miraating otrfor: ooine
with odI> large buttons, if >-oor prin- llniit is
$13. yoo WlU And theee worth looking for.

This price is a very iwpalar price for this
seaiuui. and wi> show un. exceptional wide
range of tohrlcs and style* at the price, Uouclc.
xniellne*. mlxturea. (We also show at this
pile.' a acalctte plush with guaranteed lining 1.
All wool I'bihrhilUs in the wanted colors.
.Ml these poasess that excluslre smartness ih^
characterize our coals.

In buying a cou at this price you expert
and >ou g« licit- i ciTy cvidencb of the beat
Tstlbriiig. ibe Bobtdrtrt Birl* o*»wta. Our'costa
tnmed out (bis season. Cblarblllas. raagb
mixtures, idain weaves. Each ganneai poa*e>*rz a didifni-tion of it< ««n.

We are alio ehowlBcionie iplendid thlnce In Velour Coati. Very hendiomely trimmed witli wood

.... $35.00 to $50.00

other Prices are $10, $12.50, $15, $16.50, $18.50 op to $80

J. W.Traverse
MILLIKENaij', Mich.



Now (s the Time /or Everybody to See the
MeM'eometed each Monday.

—io come to
and see the
many advantages this store offers


ready-to-wear garments lor men, women and chUdren thaa
yo&'U find anywhere else.
You'll realize t|iis when you see the goods. Young raen and women,
espedally. will appreciate this point: that it's sot so much tbe saving of a
little in price, as it is what you get for what you pay.
Here are Suits and Overcoats that the young men like-^)is^ and Smts
and Dresses that the young women like—snappy styles, made of bean^I
matenals, of new and attractive patterns ; wonderful taUoring. woriilnan:
ship, fit, and correctness of style that's bound to appeal stron^|r to every
man or woman who likes to be properly dresse<l. You oan’t'Jielp but rea­
lize the values when yon see such good garments offered at such low prices

day aad



ORAIN-rtannab A lay Oa. •
Pasha la tbe blgbeat UUe within tbe
Rltt of tbe nittn. It la br^r-ywed
chiriiy tqxa tnea who atuln dtatinc- each day thereafter 4t markW varlea.
Uoo In tbc arts or commerce.
The word “Bey" eflixed to a Turklab aumarne aigninet that the wearer
"■itn, A di. I
u dlatlnguishod in the service of tbe
‘ VMiM, »w> iw
Tbe term "Effendr Impilea that the
wbo vorkd'la lan ao addressnd U buperior .to the
r’a ato(«. apeat ^verage man In birth, breeding and
laM «Mk at borne.
. .......
not o(
Mr., aad Mn. Thomw Skiver are high rank aa a “Doy.
. tbe parenta of a fine baby girl
The Grand Vixler. or Sadorttam. is
, Kot.


Mdn'a a
, Men's SuHt xnd'Over*
Id Ovtr*
eexU, worth $20 arid
$22. at $16.50.

Udiet’ and
Men's and_ Yeung ; . Ladies' and Ulttra'
Men's Suits 'and'Qver* I Long Costs, of Chin- New Pall BuRt. Ma»and*
coats, worth $16.60'and
chiiia. Boucit. Wide* ty Uilorad, in various
|1A at $13-«6.
«tc- alae «Mi materials and ceioro.
: Plushes and Pemian
Men's and Young
Umba. In moot dittinc- ara apceially prietd at
Men's’Suits and Over- ' tive otyles. at apecUl
costs, worth $15 tne i prices—$12.60. $15. SIB. $16. $1$.60; $22.60, $26
and IK.K.
$16. at $10.90.
$20. $26 and $36.

Fifty Ladles* Suits

th'‘«c MDlK I.n- fr»m eiiH.v Kail arrivals an<l from l.-il-r arrivaN'
tlial wi’ KiH'iu'.cl 111 h«'n-vj- rv'iH>li"i>' >'* pri''i’.
ii. navy. Wack. 1n-..\vii an.l LThiy snrK.rt, whii'cf.nU.
twP-toiii‘ wi.l>-wal<’
ijir vii.i-.—
vint".—iiH ii'-iv
ati.i twP-toii.‘
wi.i> -wai.’ i-iir

The Prettiest ChlncMlIa Coats for Girls, $8,50
No. 1 M Uta'..V.V.VlJ« hSd UP

Mia CUE nsipoiia

In navy viih cray collar and cuffs; In jrrav tviiii MiU' collar aii.l ••iiff*.; m hn.mi with
lan .-..Mar and .-uffv-all hixrs. from ri lo 14 y.-..r«-«.’H worth
ar*’ h-m at oidy
OIBL8' ALL-WOOL CHEVIOT OOATg^Mad.- nf fin* brat <^nnii\y »f th» po}ni1ar
itcrial. in na\y. tan. cardinal nnd brown, trimmed with lh.- ii<-w Hurmnh
lamb .v.llar
•mid cliffs: for «ccf> 0 to 10^ yo.irs. ni •mly $6,50.

riwtu that aiv not ojily wnnii bnt ;i'Upftiyi- a- w-ll.


Sh«feTak»Dpwn-aq(«ler turn ohbe band docs kcasThm dcoi. iwadiiage d Uirdi made eaiy-yaw
fingen we ywk culy look
to hW or M w^ At fMwt ariwri paialaa.
Ttm daritr bm taa UAHamlato



W.-. »h(,w II
] l<> li vi’ar'i. ;if

$2.00 fo $6.50

New York. Nov. 6.—The trial '
Julian liaa-ibome. son of thy famouo
novellat, and Joalah Quincy, former
mayor of toetoo. which waa on
docket ter ioda> in the Vnlted Ptaut.
diatrict court In this clir, has I
poatpooed until later In the ntnoib.
Hawthorne and Quincy, with neverxl
aasortatea. are accused of makinx
fraudaleBi use of the mails in dlapoaIng of atork in tbe Hawthorne mlo.
lag lataresiu In Canada. Beorea of at
leged rtcUma fiwm all paru of the
eoontrr are eeperted to teotlCy at the

$12.50 to $25

are now on sale at $9;50, $11.50, and $14.50




$1S.OO, moo, $25,001

No RralBs: elertion.


\ ♦•#♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
^ ♦
B«p tbHbAera. btKbwheat tbreaban «M cm Aredera are all Id tbla




iMiEW Munin




m mrasuiciiH


Oolhes for Boys
new Kni'-kcr!"'i-k*r Nort.W:
.iti*l th'- hit. 't
ri! fv. ri-««T* nr.' Ii-c pries;
Si.ii. an.l
u,.riii *7 .VI. :.l 16.00
Kur.-Ms. »,,nh
and ' *v-V'-iiMts. w<'rth
at $2.46

The Best Valaes la Sweaters, in Underwear, in Hosiery
In moves, etc.
- .
rt- -'HL-. jiiir.'liris.'. .Tii'\
Tlii-i *ior.' uiv. * rr.-iniimi Ti-k'-i; n,itirv. i'.,r sii'T I'u’*.-*. for
- also IL.: -.
Sl.-ds and ihr-Ilk--



auMD n^vBun beeau) jjb) tbavshb bat eaoi» tedbsdat. bo7. r. ins

Kingdey Department
Conducted by Mte Bdm Wan.


ia thb DqutMt.
W« ife^ >• |jaA to ban indiridoali, otmnlut,
~ KO, frmur^ vdoClw ud aU otb« orthotafo.
lailialinni hand la ttona of aewt, ponteali,
of otartaladoM dr c

maarj, mn
muj ot^lttj^oyjm.
bl ^ or oomittT.
and aa^


Who baa obaigo o< tbo Do;

LX. wbera be anld a ear kwd ct.enttle. . Havinc hm In poor health lor
aome Ume be waa tahen aaddnlx U1
and wa^anahle to get hoaw. no waa
taken to the home of David Pmdaia
MiddlevUle Owbata be panned
awar Hondax afteraoom.
Mr and Mra. t
TrareiM CUf vlaltcd with Mra. Hacklan'B {tareuti over Sundar.
A aad aoddOit occurred Tueaday
afteruGon when Erneat Voire vaa oeTerely kicked on the head br a horte
helotirinr to Bert tVoodman. He
on hla motorcxcle and atarted u
t>y the rla when the home becano
frlch'u-ned and kicked bin. and be ii
ttin wxwonacioua He baa a wife and
three ehlMtih.
Donald Caae. while playint at

(Prom Tnaadax'a BecDrd-a«le.)
f. D. fUehtar raUimed todap after a
waek'a viait with Mesda at Grand
Raplda and Detmit.
Miaa Aiaiin Wiax. Mia UlUan PraMtUcO, Cnri Andenoo and Harry
Oirhnwber of Old UlMlon. ehroOed
Bwlneas enUege yealerday.Mra. L. TT-Rarkatt ta vialUng
friends In Grand Baptdi.
Chaa. Carrie of Orawii it in the
(Uy for a few daye.
The night fchoel of the Neodham
Bwinesa college opened last nli^t
a claae erf zs nodentn.
A It McMantta and wtfa laft tMa
afternoon for North Unity
rhlcfa r^plrcd
gone about three weeka hunting and
-.'UiUng and having a general ,good
Mra. Pbflip Miller waa 1 traverae time.
City caller Saturday.
Chaa. E. SUiker hat returned to hit
Beatrice Sparling,
ia attending '-home la Grand Raplda after risiUng
high acbool^ .Traverae City. «*me
J»»e Wedneaday evening to .pend
^ ^
who ha. been very
the vacation with her i
...i.k pneumonia, it
ill with
- able to
aad a party of her acbool frienda aur^,
be In hit aiove.
priaed her Saturday evening.
; Mr. and Mr*. Frank Dingae have
A party of Aponaaen from W'nfretumed to their home In Benton Har.pent a few day. of Inal week ..t ^
uingee'e parRamie lake duck hunting.
enia Mr. and Mra. W.A. Maria.
Another Macrabee party waa held
at the bomg of Mra. Joeeph Hend^
with about uO preaent. The evening
«jmg pto-i
^ Nathan, who haa' Uen In the
grataive ptalre. The
old atory.

Mra J. W. 1
CluO* Moore n*4e a builnei
•to Mutoo MoBOajr.
Mr. wd Mra Peter Cu-HtMk were
Mlia Iva Bt«art vlaltod with frtwdb
- TrmvaiM CiQr caUm SatnrOar.
in Traverae Cltj- over Sondaf.
. trts. 'Wljmle OUato vt Waltoa vu%*IU B.*nder of Empire la aailaUns
Itad with Mn. Ira Uotoo orer 8m- at the tMmk of Kingalex tor a fear
Prof, and Mia. A. H. dark acoomMra. AlU Youmana ^ialted With
paniad bjr Kiaa Barth left Wedneadax inesda and retativea to Traverae Cltx
- to ntWid the mootliir of the State
rer Snndar.
Tncfa«ra''anDclation at Grand Raonio' Miatea Beiger. Harten'and
Traverae Clt; cMIers
Mr. and hfra J. D. Greemnan of Batnrda}-.
TraTarae Cltr vlaitod trieada in town
Coton R CatnpheD, es-^wHwr of
over 8nnda>-.
Ura. BaraM Mckeraon it tUIUw; Uvea, t
Meoda and reiatlrea in Tnvmo City publican ticket and a niunhe
a few daya.
prondnept repabUcan apeaken. were
Hr. and Mr. Howard Dmui relumed hero Thnradax evening and apoke to
troB Big Baptds Batnrdar noon, where
well filled bouae.
ther have bwi rlalUng.
Prank KamBton gave' a very inter- prlM for Uie ladJea and Ralph
^ at Lt» Angelca. Cal, this aora
Mr. and Mrm. Ira Coj- of Baxter eetlng talk Rriday evening io the town the genUMuen'a Ural priae. Mra. Lena I"®®® “* ^ Angeica. ta, uua aora
were caUen at Adam Beegmiller'j all on the good rpada ayatein.
W’eher and Bmeei SloTTt received the,
r....m.rt vn m. i.n..,.
Wro. Wright went t6 Detroit Tbnrt-

« of the qual­
ity of our acbool yew mi^t have rooni to doubt jMir aaerttoM We watt to nail yoO unqualified evidence that we
do nore for our atodenta than any other busioeaa acbool in
Tm SbooU Have Our Free CeUk>8
Wa «aM paa «a ba*« ear


[n^att aiaead « peahMCrew


W. H. Harlia. who haa baen in
Mra. Hendgea with » beauiiful com­
cl^v for, the past few days on bualnc*mode. an a token of ealeem from their
rMurned to his homo at Pentwater
frienda and
A, number of the friends Of Henry today.
C. B. Shubart left this iBornlnp
Brantlgann gave him a farewell party
«v™iM U U» im. .t hi.
ll.iin- l«t lor Luu'““‘h -'O'
log Saturday noon.
Mlw ethal Bain, who has bean vitthe Royal Nelgbbora trf Traverae City lllng in the «ity for aoiuc
Fife Lake ratupa hare 8aturday.U«>r her homo at Adrian this morning
_ aftenwon waa pleasantly spent Ini A ». Maynard returned ta hi. home
listening to k program conaiatlng of “ ^Ini thla morning after, a abort
dlaloguea, recltatlona and tonga.
|Tla<t in the city wiUi Dlends.
Sunday a number of the Royal] Julhrn Boara, who ia attending
Neittibort took dinner with Mra. acbool at Ann Arbor la In the dU'
I. tho occnaicn belns for a few days alait'ki fata borne here.
Bmarr. NIct
her birthday. Mrs. Nlckeraoo received
W. T. Brown left thi, morning f
an emblem pin. which la the custom Manistee where be will be tor t
lie Royal N>lfbbora to give each ncM few days on buiU
ilwr of their birthdas-.
> S. E. Downing and «

01 The Vforlds Finest Pianos Direct
to You
We now Aave oa eabibtt^ at
m SouUi Ualoo atreet gu en-

Take Advan­
tage oHbls

ratopleavr Urn wortd reaomed

l^tr Pianos



wM«b wtU ba aMd at
uSvaseo Move factory coat, and
on oaay tarns of paymenu
Tbeae ■
ttroet Irom our Imaeoae fac­
tory. whkb baa a daUy out-put
of 40 plaaoa. and Uto prtcea we
are qMtlng glvea you a new
hlgb vnde piaao at abont wimt
yoa woBld'bavo to pay the regBltr rataUor for a cheap used
or aMoad hand Inurvuvut.
Come In and tei «a demoWraie
the truth pt ' this auiement.
Thouaaaga of aatiafied csatouiore are onr oupportera.

mere is a

For ii nivana a
mg of ITJ.Ou
to lluO.OO on a'Plano—for never
in the hiatorj of piano aeltln;
have such wonderful voluea
been offered; ao call early and
make your relectitm.
Come and bear the «aeot toned an-l
beat nayer Plano tueeban
tuecbanirally ett i
ahowm In Traverae t^. having ap•tlVi featnrea found iu n o othAr playvi'
Bealdes. you do not ^ve to pay ,
bouua for reputaUon. aa wo give ymt
- doallty at the right price. Will jokyonr old piano aa part payment and
orrange easy tennii of payment on

Cable-Nelson Piano Co.
408 SOUTH union street


Store Qpen
J. R. 8Ta.WEU.,
Factory Repreaeritative.


The Big Dry Goods

Closing Out Saif
Is stilt going on. Everybody that buys here is satisfied. The store is full of
People from morning till night We would edvise you to come in the forenoon
to avoid the rush. The Stock is still large and clean. All our goods are made
from tfie best manufacturers. Come here to buy your winter supjdies and save
money. Hie prices are the smallest that you ever bought for. You sinqily buy at
cott and below cost Hie work and selling expense is thrown in.

We still have 50 Ladies’ Coats 30 Children’s Coals, 50
Ladis’ Suits, 50 Ladies’ Skirts, and^a big bunch of Furs and
Fur Coats.
You' will have to come in and convince yourself hov/ low
:we are selling them. Then we have 20 Rugs-9xl2, Lace
dlurtedns, Oil doth Squares, Oil Cloih, Window Shades and
many other things that belong to a first-class Dry C^ds Stee,

A. «J. Winielm,
Corner Union and 8th St, South Side.

been viattliig with friends and reUUvea In the city for the past week
returned to tbelr homo at Milwaukee
this mornlAg.
F. R, Jtpwin left Jor hit Korea at
Grand FdiiHda tbU moralng after a
week's visit in the city with fricoda.
Mra. H. N. Hoimet and rfaughtar.
who have been vlalUng in the city
left tor tbelr borne at
Ml Fleaaani tbl. morning.
8. e. ilaa loft thla mornlao on a tan
days' hunting trip -in Uie northern
O. J. Ervan returned to^ie home
Muskegon thin mornlng’after sev­
eral days'in the cily on bual'&eaa.
Mra. Wm. E. Bateaom who haa
been visiting with friends ip the pity
for some Urn* returned to bor bi»H
this morning8. C. Srelty ioft Ihio meming for
Detroit where be will spend
days on boslneaf befbre ^vlng for
Boffelo tor a abort visit with frienda
V. H. Wetah, who hea beeh in tiw
the pest week on boainee
Hty for
bis homp at CedUlec thU
left for
morning. ,
A. O. Hale and wile retoroad u
thetr borne '*l MariUnaw Oty ihL
morning after a abort v1eit will
frienda and relatlvee in tho dty.
H. a. Cable left far Cadillac thl>
morning where be will be for a few
days on boMneas.
Mra. Erhily SpHngataen ef Veadla
haa arrived in the city to apend tb«
with her daughter. Miaa Mda
Shrlngstcen. They wUl live at Ki
F. OIMona left far We harea M
Grand Raplda today after aeveral day
vlalt In-the city with frienda.
H. Cross and write, who hav
l>eer. vlalUng with friends in the cU
;'i>r the past two weeks, felnraed
their home at Baldwin today.
_0 M. Mason returned to his ham*
tt Saginaw today ofter-^ short tim.
In the city on bnalneas.
Walter Petersen, who has been via
iUng in Detroit for some time. «•
turned to his home here today.Mra. A A Alcfoft arrived in th
flu- todey Irom Cadillac aad wi:
spend the remainder of the week i’
the dty.
T. B. Douglas left far hia hems f
Bay City today after a few days' viai
with friend* end reUtlvea In the city
L. J. Meed ef Chicago arrtrod in th<
'ty tbday and will t-pend sonic Urn*,
ere aa the <cu»t of retativea.
C. 8 HenshawL who hot been in
rlty tor aome lime, left today
Tb«np»nrme. w-ber*- be will-visit
short time before returning to
borne at Albion.
C. a. Grace and wife, who have been
visiting with friends and rHgtlvea Id
the city f<H- some time, returaed
ihelr borne at Petoskey today.*
Nick Kotia haa returned from Chiago. where he has been for
limejyn baaineas.
A A 8malley returned to his hams
at ElglA nu today, after a two weeks’
visit with friends end retativM in the
Mrs. Keys el OltvM. Grand Worthy
Matron of the Eosura Star, gad
a Baltond of Ana Arbor, «-

M'orthy Patron, were in the city last
H. N. Smith laft thla
night and Installed the newly elected Moose Jaw where he wHl be tor m
officera of tho local order af.Boslcrn short time on
-a. Varsey L^g laft this reorwirtf
tor Moncelona on bnaliiM.
(From Wednesday's Reoord-Eoglc
Mrs. A H. N'lllar, who hM hoON
Mrs. WtH Hendrieka of Chicago, la
VlalUng her sister Mra. H. Cbeaowotb viaiUug with frienda Jtwe (or worn*
time returaed to bor boM at OhfiOof 426 Weat Elevenlh BtreM.
Henry FMkina of Grand Raplda. (a lac Uila moralng..
C. A. Croaey laft this moniing far
the guest of friends in tlie city for
Reed City where be will bo tor a tow
a few days.
days on bnalneoa.
Mr. and Mra. A. L. Pelarsen
RIrtimoDd. Ind.. have arrived In the ■oomiionr ber grand pwwnta t * tMr
city for a vriall with' relatives and
“I"*-* •"*
'rlends, and will later go
for the winler.
| tod^- tor Florida to npand tho
Mlee Hsian Carlock raturnad this

.o„.« ,-„m
.hc .h.
lor tb, p.« WMV .WU.. ^ ^

r ^
WW . Iw to. «

with' frtimda and relailvet.'
A D.I. Pondlelmi

aad wHa «d»o howo
Frad Curtis left this mer
In the «4ly tor soaw
9eyne City ^hwo he will
will be"fo/°a
ibort time on bualneaa, :
to UMr htan. o^ OmiMi.. Lucy Coehlin left today for
* . .
ClnolnnaU. from there-obe will nc-1.
*• O*'^**^
In the rtly Uiia noraing ohd ^


spend some Ume here rislUns wHh
friends and reloUvea.
Mrs. F- -Homs rotuntad this reorning-from

A. O.



Burr ‘ef DatrSk. is la the

dty for a short visit with frtonds aad
O. E. Gunn .left this meming for

f Will Proven To You
At My Expense.
---------- ElTCaiN'i.
. . PA1.VS.
1.VS. I AMvA ____ -CBUE YOC TO
J7T HE 4.E3.-D YOC A
-roc. I WtLL SEN'D IT
J. d m-TZELL.

Montateo . erttaro

been vialllng for tbia peat week.

Maolatee where be yrlU be tor tho re­
mainder of the week on bttelBeea.
Mrs. Wre. Rlibrida. who haa been'
L ivUiug with' reiatlrea in the city for
>s>nie timn retunred to ber Ikmm at
Adrian this moralng.

Ol Jackson and

Uii* morning


wife fotwraed


where they have been for the past
row <!.}-■ rttlUng with trieads.
w. P. Waltara
home at




Benton Harbor this mofit-

iug after several doj-a in the city -00


A. 0- Bartta left for hia horea at
Jackson this .^morning after a week's
viMt in the city with retativea a^
I A N. Freet and wife, who have
Is-en visiting with frienda in the olty
Lome lime returned to thedr borae
t neiiere Uist I
inatent tc-r F.<a-Tiis. hzi.
If. Piionssi,. lUrtrr’H lies at Port Huron-tha morang.
tad E>o1ioe Oak ever eSered w ssllenra from
V. T: Stoker hM retumad to hia
It ua<eeiMBSir*is iieais*st CMv le
In home at Orand Raplda after eareral '
irowntorereratToiirwBTS I- |.mI«bmI
ooir V'
Ui* *uO- nu*. WBicn II dixn day a-in the dty on bnslnesa.
tnt iKDfdisirir. tmi u -e-v
E. O. StiAson returned ta hia home
I loainar r->rr br Srlvui* oui i-t
>e>«« wbK-b asw s’l rtin si»!*«ra. t Kalkaska this narning after a
M sate am I iLat uf ifotumm nu nitittbu:
ten tbstsi Ust ,no have tauai a cur lA.-.-. 1 «a short time in the dty on bnalnen. '
vilitiLa to*-b4 • larreerool tireiwK.t aMbwLawrence FJimere end, Ralph
!r tree of cUarre or obUfsUos to bc, wiOerer
«bo will troe tbeir>e Bod tOUreai oo ih« Brooks left Monday for Drtrett
where they bare accepted positions
in a gnr^.
Don’; Smd Mohey.
Aldermen SreRh end Langwertity
IM u weed Are itrauwo*; Oollen
rtbi* trreWf.t to teSenr, fren end Street OommlasloneF Lutmaa
,aod I wulOolt. I harcr-frtol to
k-fi this Bsoreing'for upper Mlddgon where they wlU spend oboet tea
s--iv LiiSliS" “iii'-iS-S dan htmUng. at wltbom a mar 0l a»l u roe.
hrteo Bemtee Mentegue is enter.
UlDlng Mra. Karl Keyee ef OUret.
Mra. 'Khyee la the Wortfay Grand Ma000 W.M MbMSUFwt Ware*. laiTi**
PnawM^wlt^i «»i Of ouaa-. vo t troh^of Grand Oiapter of Boatem
rear Pne Proof Treumeci.
to oof Michigan.
r and wife. ,whe
A R. .*
have been vtaiUng at tbe bof
Geo. Alexander of this city tor a
retnraed w tbeir hose at 1




Any. nfur n-fter-tonr -rieH witb
(ritoto amd latoUna itorp. ..
•Mrs. John PerbaU aad Aughter IntUe vlAted Mrs. Wm. ROey Sonttayift

uri Mn. BMoeTiattad Kr.

ax ^ UnM'
: mmt vere cttgad'tD Aar U
\ WUh A»* ttok Um Ormad
» tnta ta (A bone.
kxJte Ullie TlAted acn. nor■ Mftir nalkA vltb

' ‘ I ire Ularatte baa ponbaaed a
\,a ta.
NMtnaft Aatar, wbo hai
* 1 AAOac her tor aona don. b
hod to bar bone tn Cblcaco.
Or. ead Mrap J'Mlck eatcftalaed
Or. 8(ddb«wtb aad fbnllr of Travdm
nrtf «Udar.
Jfa. 4 f. White la T07 Blck.
MOraa Aid Miaa laMdae
mre aurriod tedar A the
dMueb A Eanlre- The
aaa witaeeaed by a boA of
ito^ *lattraa. to the erenliic
■ 'waddlor daaoe in
IhAr near Menda
k toikh wu nd haptr veddod

c Hppktos toast Saoday with
1 ttownaa ot Wnt Kaaaoe was
r win kfrto A Oeorfe
WKtti MA OMUto' olcbt 'll
ir at Matt SulUraa and Ml«
IBS Oeartnc. AU repm a good
k tbare being 4B preaent-.
■a Day .and Frank Newman
led north (bis noralag deer bunt-

AUlMtA '
M Gray to b«i« (ram North ManMen to
Ttea wiu he htonc aoetol heU A
toe «iMit iiltool innee to the
tog «( Satnritoy,- Nor. Id. JUl are

hm Itolto ton. QlleaUa Neli CAsra Bates -Mad aff two
w*Mn. ma^XAlM Monday.
L ManbaU lAWto paaaaB away
Dg.-Si. tow vaa to lU dSrd
i n hnafatad, toreo
h to dangbtor. a atotar and many
ttrna .and Mtoda to mohrn bar
I nimw wne n nbort prayer a
toonae hy Bar. Babom.ot.Lnka

hna.. Thea aha wm tahan to TAie.
lUdL. (or barlaL The oatobhora and
b^anda aB aympMlM ^tb tbe ba>
reared ooaa.
Petni Batee aad hta aant drove
rer to ThnupieuTtBe cia eaday to
aao Mr and lira. Oail Batto.
Tbe dandnc pertr el Mr. and Mrs.
on flati^y erenlos was
I and 'aU ^had a cood
Then w8L be abtoA party at Mr.
aod Mra. XMre Moneys on Satodai
oreolnc. They lire on tbe pM place
known, as tbe auuinps tarm. one mile
saA and one Bile sooth A Cedar Ron
Nor. 6.
WIUJAMS8URQChaHle Wbitford has moved into
the rpx boas?. recenUy vacated by
Htob Boyd.
MMon Cota Boodold aad Nora HtuIw and Snpertatendont 8. M. Perry attended tbe State Tbacbera* lasUtnr
A Qrand apids last Thnnday aod
bllsa Hazel Cooper left Haodar to
Mn ber aknt. Mra. Ho^ Boyd, In
tbalr new bone at. Oread Lodse.
Mra. S. M. Perry aod two ehildreo.
Aslted at TraroTM CHy a couple of
days last week."
Tbe dm number of the blah ecbool
laetara tonne wm be held A Mie town
hall tonlsbt n# nea number win
be a Klee club entertainment..
Walter Watson and wife rialted at
OObert Pray's last Saturday and Sun­
- •
Mr. aad Mrs. W’m. Klhg apent Sun­
day AAMan.
Mr. and Mra. U. B. I^obba
Koeata ot relaUvaa la Trar'ene City
orar Sunday.
Mr. aod Mrs. 8. M. Peny rery pleas­
antly entertained Ibe two young peopMra Aaseee of tbe Sunday atoool last
Toaaday prMng A a Ballowe'es.
party. A' rery merry evening wu
spat by aU present and those wbo
Wre unable to Atad mlssbd a spli
did Ume
Wm. T. Waugh baa moved Into Ed
HamUton's booae.
' ilobl. Seodeld baa rented Dare
Ratnlltoa's torn (o'* three ysara
HamUlon to sAng ob tbe road for a
medlelBo firm.
Nor. t.
Tbe Ladiee' AM society mA Ttanrsday laA with ktn. John PerbaU and
tied n oomfortA. which they sold to
Mrs. PeibAL Tbe next meeUeg will
be with Miss Clara Welllen in two
Mr. and Mrs. Winnie Pierce and two
bablas, alao Mtaa Jeaale Riley, rtoited
A Travene City SAorday apd Sundajr.
Miss LoellB Marsh to visiting taw
atoter. Mra. George Bencroft.
School started agAn IsA Wednes­
day after a four wetos' racAkn.
Mr. ud Mrs. A. Sayers returned to
tueir borne In Fife Inks Uat Wetoes-


mm ms

•f Oefrail


WIB’K tit oilr ttore all day SONDdr
•Ananur. im. ii ^ with a comptabUneof FURS. Thia line of Fare
is too wall known to need comment



few days laA week.
Frank Preeman baa. a new bona.
Mrs. Koan visited Mra Moor on*
day laA week.
Tbtre 'sras n ^toige
Ainrcb UA evening. We are tfad Utbe people take bo BUcb lataroA
<0 tbe meeUngs.
Nprad Frioe. wbonrifrad here TtauisAy evening, returned to bit bome'A
EsA Jordan AtorAy mcwnlng. He
by fals Ate. wl« has
ipent tbe pnA toentb ben vlsitlA
tav parents. Mr. and Mr«. A. HAopseb.
Mrs. Emma wnsmi lAt
morning for Mt. Clemens, where Ae
wlUApeod tbe wlntm AsiUng frtenda.
School, started Monday sfw A
Week’s TscatSon.
Toeadar, school will sUi
stead of S;
Mra Chat. Wrlslm- was plsasanily
Bor^rlsed TbursAy eveAng. wbn a
number of bA Isdy friends walked In­
ker home dressto In Mieets and pUr nsM. M abont S o'clock a potlucknuppor was wrrad.
Mn. Oao. Dame left Tuesday morng for‘Travel^ City, where she will
sit her Angbter. Mra W. Harrow.
Mbs Reowlck and Mtoa MelnAs
spent last wmk A tbeir bornes. Miss
Hei^widt A Oaj-lonl and Mbs McInnU
A Beulah.
Mrs. 3Ain Bradlay left Tbnraday
monilng tor a few Ays' ylAt In Grand


R. E. Edwards ot Trarerae Ctty gave
A tbe CongregaUoeA.cburrti Bonday
and evalng. .Tbe alo rendered
tbe morning lemce, "Jutt For Today.''
WM enjoyed by Al.
A Dumber or tbe young India
Joyed-a pleasant evalng at U>e borne
of Mra J. ScbeSlnoder Toesday evenCoffae.
aandwleba ad
pickles were served.
Mrs. H. Rbysn and children spent
Sunday A the borne ot Mn. C. B.
Kebt. returning to Traveroe City Mon3a}' morning.'
Mr. and Mra Bert Benson left Wed­
nesday mornlni tor CadlU^ where
Mr. Benson has bea transterred.
Byaa wtu take Mr. Bern's place as
Mbs Maret GartA left laA week
for Buttons Bdy. where sA has ac­
cepted a poaltkfn a^ltocbA.
bUss Helen Thomas left Tueeds}- of
last week tor Ann ArAr; where sA
*1U s'pend tbe winter.
Mbs Johanna Jarabsim left Tuesda}for Chicago, where she will s|>end tA
. Hector StebUu and Frto LetUe.
wA Are been to Detroit
montto. rAurned borne Tueeds}- even­
U. Zabman was caUed to Wbconsto
PriAy noon. Benjamin Btutoiead Is
In tbe drug atm during Mr. ZAsman's
R. E. EdwarA ot Trav^se aty was
la town on boatoees laA AtnrdAr.
The high ecbool AAents wiU give
"poverty” eodat at the
Nov. 9th. The iwoceedB wiU A naed
to-make a AimeA
ij-meA on
OB tbeir
TA Ladles' AM society of tbe Con-]
gregaUoAl church gare a HAIowe'eo'
party A tbe town hall WAnes^
rrenm The program, which wia
given by tA cbildren, oonsbted of'a
fairy play, wlieb danoe. ribAn drUI
and reciUllons. The orefaeetra ren­
dered several selections. At tA cloae
A (be program bootA were opened,
and APewn, candy and ice cream
were sold.
Nov. 4.

Fife i;ake Di^artment
csbdticted bj bum Mae Dewey.
Bn tten of panoBil i
inrwksM IB tlm Dag^rt


iw sIlBtontt to tbeir raapaemnk at wetol orato sad an-


connine:& coNiviNc:

, Slid tnatoan to
ftol isitoi to totoB sito coaiXrj w aaptotoUj
scooidsMs. Ths sbsre snttaa aot oal^ to the
cflb^rMCflta Itoki^buttons rarrooBdinr ooaa•V. T. Poteraen reinnied laA PriAy
Cram, a two waeka’. vlAt A Grand
Itoren antLOetralt.
Mrs. C. H. Tborae baa Ad ibf
rocrf of her home repaired with new
,Mlaa Bdna Tiffany was borne

imUy to Sooth Fife Lake.
Mts. Mauie Warren of Grand Ra,->Ids b tbe gues of ber brother. Will
Oark and famlb'.
Mrs. Fred Mills has been criUcaliy
in tor severA da.ra
Didf Glidden ot Toronto was cAIUlt
1 Irtcnds here a few days tbb weAc.
Fred Mills wenf to Travene Clty
Monday on afflcUl Astoeas.
AnctloDeer Cornel! of KAltosA wss
to town Monday.
MA MAUe Clark and oepheT.
Barry Curtis, went to Cadillac Atnrdar.
Mr. and Mra Gay WAter were
■Traverse City Wednesday.
Fred Bechnelne As movbd bb fam­
ily Into 8. E Bernstetoe's dwelUng.
Rec. A. W. Baker is Aiding meet­
ings at Maple Hill tbb week.
JAo CoodwUi has moved tou R:
P. Qnackenbnsh’s bouse in Vslon.'
Mra Uadlp Lockwood went to B
Rapids Atuiday for a wedfs vAL
County Clerk Elmer White of Trat’
■me City was here on buAness Mon
Mra P.' T. Peterson went to Trav
to City Batnrdsy to vbit
'daughter. Miss audla.
Mra Prank Johnson has been Til
for tbe past week.
MAtor Dowen was to Cadillac
. ^
Wm. Osbont b taking' osteopaUiU
rreatments u C-uUllac.
Lira. P. 11. Bernsteine was to Rapid
City mi Tueadaj', the guest* uf b\.T
daughter. Ml» Martha.
Mr. sod Mrs. Sayers Ave tuovixl
Into the McCrear bouse for the win

of apples, pop cera and sweet cMe>.
Allle Steel. Aren Lester. WAter
Dowaa and Glenn Oavb left hero
Tuesday for (Arles, upper peutosn! ’.
where tAy expect employpicnt fo.*
JA ti. A. E Frank Fowler P««-'
So. Sfii. dbtwnded last Saturday 1hdUutouUon'aA old ago.
TAy preatated tbeir flag to tbe nte
Lake mhooi. whkh was ui,;hl>
The Keep Sweet' and UrsM aod
Grit'rlaaaes imrtldpatcd to the nauA
UAloweeii eiitertatomeou A
Mias IMna Teachout
TArsday ctenlnc. enJo}-lng an Aundant dnpAy ^ applua. pop
candy- and nuu.
Tbe borne of Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
Gould In Springfield was tbe cniier
of Atractiou Thursday AA>t- where
over 4(1 nelgfaAra gathered to enjoy
soclA. Hullowe^yn cclebruton with
a bountiful .supply of pumpkin pii b.
oughnuu and coB^.
Praj-er meeting at M. E. cbnrvb
on '
day services Nov. ID; preaching a:

Ferris Is Winner
By 30,000 Plurality
Hteblsui Precincts Arc Slow In RCporUng, Al
Present Figures Show Trend oi the
Final Result b State.

U-crolt. MIcb.. Nov. 6.—The Detroit 2.S71. CoDgresMUsn Aud l.-'-Ti'.. CouFree I’reits at midnight said: "In one mans im-tn.i 3.l8>i. Woodruff tSTt^.i
hundred alzt.v-nlne iirecimts reported 3.^kl. OaUev (Prog I was Aened to
ten o'clock.out of lii;2 in Mlchi- the >ute lt>gisbiure from Ay. (Sir.
pan. exclusl»e of Wayne r-otmty. The irogrvusives carried tbe comityRoosevelt Ad 3M.444. Wilson ».:C3 ilcAi yx<s>|it judge of proAie.' prose_
and TAt 16.37^." Rooseieli U far In X...... ...X .1____
the lead tn Mlchiga^. w ith Taft a
Returns ou /be guberaaiorbl
ist are ntneb alower. but indicate
Ferris a winner by a plurality of 2i*.•ver Musselmun. with -Watkins
Adrbn for Wiloon.
Adrian. Nov. 6.—This city gave Wllveil 6.'.3.
MU l.OStt. Taft 718 and Rooi
•Hodson City gave. Wilson 234. Roose­
3t-3. Ferris 137.
velt 2J0. Taft 188. Manjuette CUy. the Chafin ii. Mi
rri>ontog.'Walklos 2*2. Woiuan s rtiRrage: Yes.
Bret opper
gave Rootw-veli i*38. Wilson 621. TsU 8S3; no. 370.
’ Coneode Stats to ReOasvett
Detroli. Nov. C.—The
Deiroll. Nov- 6.—Doremus. deoKh state beadgtigners clAm Michigan lor
i!*elr-lJyV.n,«0D plurality. This
crai. was re-elected to congress by a Hooseielt^
.t ir:(S .. n.; irxcbXt « l4. Hx.: very Algbt pluralti* over Ik^Wer. re­ wa» con<-eded h* (be two otber leading iiariies.
' Progressives Win at Bay CRy.
League at 6:30 p. L. topic. The Cu­
Manistee. Nov. C.—Manistee coun­
Hay City, Mich.. Nov. 6-Thirty pre­
cincts om of 33 give TAI 520. M'llson ty's estimated luajorlty for the demo­
2.757. Roosevelt 4.4!<2. l>oA 491. Mus cratic ticket is fniiu Ji-u to I.vou ou
selman 2.42S. Ferris 3288,' Walkin: the' national



* '
Tbe Andon M. E. Adieu' Aid will
meet witb Mra George Hance Tuerdav- for an all day tueedng. .
The InUnd Adies' Aid will w-rve a
Gbic'Ken tde dinner at the Grange ball
ejection day.
31rs. Carrie Case and Mrs. Klvlra
New York. .Nuv.
IndU-stioiis al
/luxley leave Wednesday for AttU' Xuldnlght w«-c tAt the sena* irii;!
Creek, wbere they will sitenU tbe
riecilons i di resuil as follows' Tbs
HerArt Dextdr' and family Ave new Benaiuro—-Alsbatna, *BankbciJ. ^
democrat: Arkansas •DavU. dome HANDY CHICKEN FEED TflWeH
moved into tbe JT W. Jarrett bouse.
Mra Perry Hopper of Acme wa» crat; Colorado, doubtful: Colo.nlo. '
called here last week by tA IIInM' vacancy, donbtfnlj DDUware, a re- wbsrt One Thinks Hopper BoA to
and death of ber niece. lUtle Ulli.- publiran: Georgia, *88(911. democrat; i Kaep Before Fowls All Tima Good
Mason. /
Idaho. Ilorab. republican; Idaho, .x
The aodal brid last woA by the M. canc.v. a republican; Iowa. Kenyon.l
One of tA greatest t
E Aid was quite a succeM. Over 8* republican:
Kausaa. Stubbs, bull
was deared.
[mooBe; Kentucky. *Anies. dtolocrat: Ing shell, grit, bran or the dra not
Gene Cook and daughter. Alice. iLouTsiana.
democrat: TA man wbo As a celled hooM «on
were to Traverse City Saturday.
iMalne. Burielgh. repttoUcan; M,ssm
r my metbA
method sA 111 guarantee
gusrantoe be
TA funersl of JJIlic Mason, the‘cbusetis. dou^btful; Michigan, doubi
lit HA it. wnlcs Mrs. M. L. Dean to
e Ntrtbwert Farmstead.
ofiljilj- ci.ild
citild of Mr and Mrs. -Hezxie Mu 'fui:
|fui: Miiinesotii,
.Miiineaotii, Nelson, n-publicaii.
: Mou
Mn. wax held from tbe iQlaud churc Mississippi. Van
Walsh; democrat; Nriwasks.
Frida.r. Rev. C X. Bsbcock./i forme'iuns.
iwetor. siwke wbrds of comfort. Tl^ .Shalltober. democrat; Nevada; I»lMAarers were llMlugut^ and lA rtulrlman. democrat: New Hatpphirc. a rc
were Mn-. G.'ji. IJnMwiti. ?.Irs. :. i: ^; New Jersey-.llugbet. dc-tuoAmb. Art Aldwio and Walter i>.-\ .crat; North Carolina,; Ok
ter. with .Mrs. Gene Cook as urgaii-i laboms; Dweo. d>-m<K-rat; Or. «*iu
TA whole community syn>i« |dou1HOtl; l^e UlaA.- 1.; D, CoH.
tblve deeply with Mr. an- Mr: Maron 'repi£^m^ib f«rt.ltoa. tilmns.
to .hclr great Areavem-ui.
- jdemocrat: South Dakoia. doutoful:
Nov. f,.
fTennevsec, adc««Krat: Texaa.*Shcp
—............atd. democrat,: Virginia. *Miinln. dem
ocrat; We^t Virgtom. a democrat:
Wallsi-v FUb. wbo hax iH-erf^i'.; xVjx,mlog. UoubUul.



bic. and Mra Leon’ Blue and Mra
J. KimAl went to Truierse City Wedn^-.
The Helvto Eknbrolden- Anb met
with Mra Skinman Wednesday Jn
Bonc to Mr. and Mrs. Dave Ranch
r. on Monfia}-. Nov. «. a dungbter.
Watson Raby was Ame for'elec­
.Vlles Bryant lAl Tuesday to vblt
friends at Rapid City and MsnA
. Tbe atelrin BmbrAdcry Qnb wfit
meet witb Mra R. CrcK-kcr on Wed
neodsy, Nov. 12.
. Tbe aervice Guild will meet with
Mra Dan Murphy Friday aficrnouu,
•S'ov. 8. A good attendance is dealred.
John Patebto of Traverse City gave
fine Adreas
the Grange All MooAy evening.
TA Ladles' Aid and Scnlcc GAId
eodeUes acivA dinner * at Grange
AU to electloa day.
Mra O. f'aruUiers boa Aught ih->
) iures Joining the .farw of Ro-'
Mra cnlltoa Ot Empire Is vblUag
Mra Am Mills of Waltoh caiu.-:
her danghtera, Mra O. M. Ucora and Mooday to asaist in caring for Mra.'
home with bla gi-andwothcr aA get­
Gladys CAIlns, wA is teaching JTed Mllb.
seAoI Are.
Mr. and Mn. ^ram-TUnchor A\c ting ready to attiA the winter lem
o'f school herv.» Wallsi-c worked se*e:i
-klra WUl Cordan from Ue IlgA- elumod from Owoseo.
Ause, caUed on Mrs. M. Brown ou
Miss Im/ rorsril. wbo Is aiii-iidin<
AiUe Steel has moved bb famiC* months aA never lost a day, aA dor
n with ber pareou. Mr. and Mn.. Ing (bp whole seven monihx. be nevei Hie com.:-, normal at Adillac. vixitc-c
a few day-s last week.
aaa Lester, for the wloter. while he took up one month's A> at the n>i<- her
of $20 per month.
to to nortArn Mtobipaa working.
.Mo Hoy Slack-ir on ibe sick list
Mre. WeAeil Anisun and chllderii > The It; il. C. met at lA borne
wwrtu. has returned here for the
Mra E. P. Qaackenbush returnei!
Wedneado}- from CadUUc. where Ac of Corwin arc vlxiiing Mr- and Mrs. Mr uiiil Mrs Ed Cornell-FriAy'eieD
ling. .Nov. ut, and etooreU a pleosan:
tor. tod Mra Ed Cbeee ot CeAi
the guest of .Mrs.
Hclmer Ctark Samson. „
Mrs. Fish mAc a iu^iness trip to Halluit'c'to party. The evemng war
Rnn era vlAttog tbeir (atber an'd
si>cni In the study of tbe Agon and
' Mr. and Mra Ross Payne,
Jack MitAAI. wA has Au work­ the city Iwn week.
ot #ib place.
lgaii»-s. after which Hctft refre«bmenu
ing for bb uncle. Fred MItAell. r«‘were served.
tor. and Ura O. M. Lecore, Mra. Mirned to bb home to Bay City Sat
Mr. Hicks west t 1 Travvgm- fit; ' The Mlsfe,. Gerii- slid 'iJSdvs Cook.
ftolAs aad dautfitar Cladya tool urdoy.
. , '
Nina .\w.v. (-li.-i.icr Keui.edy ai.-l t'e
dtoner with W. Uecnport Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs- R. E WAter and fare tbe last of the we.-k.
Helen Skiver lx on the gato.
:<'il Amy vislicd a( Frank ]lu!U-r'^
Mr. and Mra Qyde Nu}^er and 11}' of Traverse City arrived here AiMrs. Samson's health la very loorl:- Stuidey.
children spent Sunday with .Mr. and orday. Mra WAter and children will
-Geoige llartlcrt v li-iiA bis iiarvnts
Mr. and .Mrs. Henry ilonon «i»liA
Mrs. Aco Harvey.
make an indofinite May with bb bar
here over Sunday.
I John Amy s Sunday
Mr. and Mra Pete Oolensky Aye eata, Dr. end Mrs. I. S. WAter. •
Mra O. V. Holmes went to Summii.j Guy W. Slack nmdr a iiu->n.-> trl}
sturned from a Tbdt to Mr. ColeaMra 11. lioucks entectAned tb>
AdUlac Friday . ,
.. i
i>'s parenU A IsRAre.
ChriiUu Workers' Bible ebss iit^cr
Mrs. Ed Snutb visited trlco.Is Rere
Misji Geme C«ok''is worknit fot
Married, at Lcland.' WednesAy.
Friday eveAng. The westhvr

.Mr», Ante Haines. '
Occ 3D. at I p. m.. Ira Gnmrner jo Aing very unfavorable, the attrad last week.
Mrs. Tyler suiiled on Mr.-. Samsou
Mr. an-J Mrs. Ko* Slack unq Mr. and
au Prauae ot North Mutton. aara wws small. The guesb
Ralph Coals Visited at Vu>
.TA bride wwe a dress A cream nrt treated to refrewhmenu of cake anJ last SunAy.
SUck's Sunday
trlBuned In ecru messAlne. over sherAC

j Mrs. A Avi of Bu-kley callcd-pu.
ilw net. After retarntog to Manl
Mbs Marian DkktoVsas l^ guest

j(„.o,,h Flake Fuirtla'
ton tAy -wm make Ualr tome Uera. : relatHes In'Grand'lUpids froo:
Tvow, ay little man," an
^ „ 1 nmeb liuI'raaae gare a danca and sapper Wednesday unUr AAay wul
bloAp gnen aaid to a bright young ,
at tbe Hotel NewAL AO report a tending the State Traefaers' associv lAdto. *1 wni give yon an orange » '
(toe time and wtob tA bride and tlOD.
you can tA BM where Ood'ir." - “Mj
groom sA good witoes (or a happy
Mbs Nellie AAy. wbo baa b^n lord.- was tA unexpeetA answer. "I
speAtog tbe summer at tbe hornJuetlSshle.
Nov. 5.
of Dr. aod Mra L. S. WAter. tp- toll me wbere h
It is a ntriy old pAto.
taraed to Ar home In Jsekson WcGWear Bpaotoi. Eysglraosn
sot HA me.. I sra Atter looking thu
s wouiss si Lsuobetb who,
M«Mr| Btoa to tot.
The dAry cUm enjoyed a HAiowbea cArgA with disorderly ooednet
an tA vOS varea toy^ wa'to party al tbe borne of Alo
mAe lor actor* noAtog. tAm but bandA the msgirtrate her pbotogruph
MtoArr 1 Asottatow. my—-Broww;iTboraday nigbe TA
wA to deference to (he parts tAyj to look aL -Xook si tAL" Ae asld.
’’fratwky A
Man day
tbe ' riass panlApaied to
plsy. do not yrisb to wear tA itraal-) (MlgBantly. -and see If you wrouUn't
| swear U yoa wer* tqpk like tAL"
^^fhosl dance armtsu tbe.witi^e's ket- MMd lenses.


Trough for Chiebent.

Ibruiigh tbe'«rilingjK>ard Alween tA
(tuddtog aod take out tiie board. Put
two small hinge* on it. replace, and
fix a tauttuh to bold It in plsA. Next
cut a slii'nAut tA IncAs wide and
nearly to the ituddltig on teib sidet.
about a foot sAvc lA Door. Insert a
irongh ninnlnc back, and slanilng to
Iba ouiiide cb.pbourda. Allow the
front Ave of lA trougu to oonie a.Uitie sAvc >A opening to tbe wall so
•he feed will not OTernin. Witb a eool
scutfle tA trouA mag A casUy ,
I A*'* three to my boose for gril.
sbHI sod bran, during tA wloter.
Where one feeds gralos aod thinks
It Ast to keep u faopf«r Afore the
fowls all lA time, this plaa will bo
tik.-d. as il u'he* up no room wAlever. If one's Auwe la not cell A tbe
boxes may A put on ibe outslA wf '
lAtrougbs rwaatog ibrough. Tbe tops
of lA boxes should slant so tA rats
will, ran off. Thewe.- of course, will
have to A.fillA from tA outsf4e.
With this plant tA feed dmi« down
os (ast as tbe bens remove ft from
tA troughs.

ta yoor dressing room 1 Jodga tAt
, 8oobreito-^rN«*
poked Ar to. tbe eye. It wooldat
Art none to pull tA bslr sA wasra*
—New York GloA

Agfoatf oa.Osa Rsist
HoA«-ToothacA. sh? Dd Av«
(A Usmed thiog pnllsd If It wq
• u Pirina-A TobM l U K VH%



em Mr tcrmt «>nlU «


Ihar Mt M tte I
^Mktr inboMm «< tbe »e* w4 ebsck*


iwn • 7MT «CO WK “"^|jieoc.Bldatl»*lpW*UiB»»i her with
Tte 7D^ M
i. tb.* *
■ 4.
^TseaUoa drew to *^
cmM «M Ann u<I » <rf >.*w Tork.
8e «u ao| ti Um s
; cUrtnt hlBieU mltu be knew podS
mnx *ood tendebnker. end «ot $10
be bed el loeit e UiUe
« VMk br »«7 ot eeleiT.
I Sk onTto e bendsed ckence.
WkM be ree^ tfte S’ew Esc^
8o^ “-Ibe ««5t deUrioue two
.reeort bowerer, b* .dldnt
of bti life b* returned to New
leek nke ev ttO « werii
Vt^rk tbe
mteerable berdwerd
On tbeeattfvr be looked like ^^^k oo tbe feoe of the Inbeblieble
eercrnl' diSemt abedee of prompt
moaerI Wben he bed perted from tbe drl
«*“J'lneriiedow7,comerof the.bmelpl^mpeln «< wh^ dock trouMre. e bnnob.» on tbe nlgbt before bis deperture
of ooUBC eblrti that were, es be bl»- hr bed been eorely templed to tell her
^ mM weU knew end aeM. ell tbe by ,httiK*. He refrelned. howerer. by e
bone, end other attreeUTO wardrobe,
effort, eltboufh be did pick
la Iona solden belr from the lapel.of
la addition be poaseaaed wlneln* hie blue eerse coat when be cot to JiU
room at ihaL
Wb^ba toft for tbe reaert-ba bad j 8be Invited blm upon pertlhc to be
two wdeka off with per, e UtUe beuk atire to call upon her in.New Tork
wad In bU pocket and » detAmlna-: in tbe auUinu., and he told her that
tlon to bare • boU b«np <|f a dood be aure would, and—
tine for blmaalf and bU moner whfla | Bm juii« moment, ptoape. .
be waa away from m «l' bew Tork. | Now. ir ihU were one of tbOM hiTbe betel waa. es ho found when ha Urlous, made to order yerne tber4f'a
cot Cbefw Uttered, cluttered, leaded up. ‘ not a dbubi' in life that tbe arwexe
lemnied, ctnlfed end peeked to the ’ reader would cat e wbola lot mora
ciBla with oodiaa end atowa and aleib-. cood out of lt>
ero of prattr slrla. Peaebee. all of, Out It lim't one of tboce tbinca- On
than. - Lookara. erary ooa of them, the contrary. Ifa a atricUy veredoue
They were all beaulUol enougb to, narretlre.
cenaa a yoonc hardware dark on two^ The prafwdhmel funny men would
weeks leeve of absence to suffer at 'bare-the world bcUeva that youac
n tbe blind aUc- j folka wbo me^ each other at tbe scaCen at the firat alcbt d 'em.
shore never by tbe remosteat cfaan<
And to match tbla tremendona an ever think
id keeiSoc u
aonmant of pretty ctrla scattered nU; ance made down by tbe see's verse
erar nad .arOood fba aeasbora hotel, when they cei beck borne, sod. that
there were inat fonr mala persona. Tba : such seashore affairs never, pever on
bnrdwnra clerk didn’t have to be even earth result in anytblns worth menn UtUe bU eoacdted to disci
discern that .Uonlneha had tbe other three mala pmnona
Bnt they'da. ..
bnekad off tba boards in areiy ImadThey result, es n matter cd feet, Id
naUe respect
a he^ of marriacea.
.Tba profeasianal acreech.‘'eTDkrr
1^ canid see that they wouldn't do
at eU. Tbe girls bad bean tdamtlnc would wind up tba story in this manH 'em nrouBd. bnt tba cleik saw ^ht
followtnc October to look et a pair of
roller skates or to exemlaa some andIrohB for tba ball fireplace A ber H<k
borne, eod she'd oome face to;fecewitb
the young berdwere clerk, upon wbou
blue scree lapel ibe'd left e couple,
ir not more, ol
golden heirs at the
aesshore a few months before.
The jokeeuiUh would bare the young
clerk start with en axpreasloo of acuta
pIi.'Bsure to greet 'tbe young woman,
her wlih tbe phm^ “0^
Jollyr ttimes el tbe aet^ore.n little
while ago? " And then the young w
jid "di
- up to ber full
"draw hereelf
belsbt” in n most freeslng menner end
addrvpM blur as It be were a llgbftilng
bug or a Qerman carp, asking him to
be good enough to show her k coal
hcuUle. end that would b* the windup
of (be seoabore romance according to
tbe usual view of It.
This, however. Is different, for real
llfe.doesn't trot to pole with the }okeemlth's gage.
es a almpla matter of
feet, when this young women returned
to Sew Tort the hardware clerk eeUed
upon her at her
got a
>m brr.

. jSTrt ttrt. »,

I, that

HI.Mb' ^ •«; !»<!«■

, b... Mk« bt. u. wr, un


in ceuing introdn^ ta to. fncl \f.following
there wesnl MJ IttrodUBtlfl#.
i june-the June of l»0$-they eccepi«l
She was balw.rtppanoad by her; ^ eHuetlen as It was framed up. ehd
nnnWkotUie chaperp«.dlAn^jaiur»M
marriage came off esnctly es per
lahardwaMeletkbpnitted his Btogrom.
loti^, rtolceTm ^ npy this tajl^ , *"JSTprosalc tort of'flnlsh end nil
atavlu. a^drt^ he^. and. all
^.y^e. but facU are facta
therastaf-thegWalmmefllalely.began ^
fancies, and so the prwnlo
•n kMckher, of course. irte^Uwy d ^^dup really can't be helped n bit.
been parading around the hotel ides-1
tM with arms wrapped
| H.lea In fihtpe and Compr^eed Air.

b....b™';rrt'“oru.; "rr


Clerk only be a gay dog end


glHa. Bnt be badnt been golac aicwd

hJitieahlp North Carolina, and is


.........’ —


draft-Of. aay.M

appUcstlon of aqfloieni pre*.

-Anddn. peddln, Allgator fill, and'
monkey wrenebe. for two aawbnckt tJlw a^^t^be*^!^

to a


Umaall r«iwiir



• w "»• •»« «,



Ftroiing Dad

en frills in any direction.
____ to tha-S'jpper rtabto
table. ..the dH j
made mneb ue of her. kaffe and }
ly lAWRElCf tiUtip OAT
drank ber tea from to rtacer. Sha jeanMlta. loaklag wr mtmnifM
also asked for a oecond helping of
wearing a long teoe. enme and
“them •Uteta."
tiuww herself on UM graaa A my
Tbe tatber noddad his bead fa ap- f«^.
Thirty years Is a long time tircarry
adeste* ccaaed to prick him and te
a grouch against iha world, but Moaea provmL Going sway from home had • -ttW# the matter now. ehlldtfelt nrangely llgbt-baaned. like a gay. Fairbanks had done it. and also com­ not spoOed bis daughter.
1 inquired, as I bit off- lha end of a
In aU
year* pelled others to belp^lra carry tbe
"Ptonty of dudes Oen. 1 suppaeer tknad that simply wonM .not'
of patient drudgery since his lather burden.
he queried.
; through the needle's eye. '
Tet. bnt I bad BO tise for them."
| gba did not answer me rfor a mlto
board bUl the OUrers had'to tart died 'Ik>blii had taken no holidays, nrd
At the age of twenty, being then
"»yoq had I'd have sure disowned nta or two; last leaned her hoU
tbemaelves away In two Uny rooms on now he rovpled la the Joys of anti-1- a fanner's eon. Moses fell In lore with
pAkm'.-'Tle looked at the tlcke.s a village girl, and perhapa there would you. What's this, .we bear ebqpt youi aghast my knee and let bar Clasped
tbe fourth floor back.
bands fall la ber Up, and tben;
Tobin waa-a patient, kindly peraoe. every morning to be sure that thi y have been a msiTtage la time had not playing tba ptonerT'
~I van langle on it."
* "CousU Bea«. do you'fftiqk JimmU
with hair thinning oh his temples and were safe, but he said nothing to a young man from the clfy Interfered.
Diana, for ft was to be a great aor- On* finding <;im*rlf thrown over.
"Wen. tomorrow you take bold u awfiiTIf^Tirt!^-:—^
a Btoop to bla '
^ -pl«in?, Jlmdfi-*mpdtiily ..pUlat
him look very much elder 'than be
Hoses' first tUeu^bt was to lick his
(. I'm looking to Uk* t« gM,y. wtmt en earth do you mennr
ahonld. for be wws still very young. went with Tobin's rival. William Uuit. rival. He tried it—and was badly i >'
land at the mill, and if I
fhat time tbe thread did go.iu'iha
Ynien Im was a bey be had bail to B movlBg picture show, and every
walloped. From that boar be
of my needle, bat I stock both
dreams, even 'as other young artlata
death on .dudes. HU Idea of a dude
hare, of palntiag pictarea that would Tobin through the park. He knew waa a '•ieHer“ who wore good c'othee. T s'poae yon went to school over there t-ra^ie end thread U my wort, for I
ueetoss to it? to r«
astound the world; but now that bis Just how she ifould smile when l e tipped hie hsi to the opposite sex. and learned a M ote flnmldlfito non-ose?"
when Jnannette wanted to talk to tea
rather was dead and he bad bis moth­ toM her that. Instead of walking in made the most use of hU fork at Inhfe,
"Soma history and geography.”
abeue Jimmie. But thUVas thie llntit.
er and sister to support, be chiefly tbe park, they were to go to the cir­
"So more good to a woman than so j,B,niie plelul
dreamed of dodging tbe Uundryman. cus together. Dlsna had-a fuonr. coat stoove to wipe his mouth on.
jJ ' No. indeed. I dont think him plala.
and spent bis Idle momenU in flRuring sweet little smile tb.vt drove sway tie
Moan bad an iron will and would much sawduri.”
pucker from ber brow.
Moses-had sixikes of tbe mill. n^liatevcr made goo aak such a feoN
bow to pay for C'larlaaa's acbooUng.
not depart from the policy d>e had
Tbeae ealcnlatlaps allowed of
,, ,
,, m^ped ouL He married a nice girl, was a sawmill, and be and lbe boys j,h question, child? You are inot get*
had n« It t^hen veiy busy an extra ,|nc
of Jlmmlsi I hope!"
th. end
Ue w«k
wJlr bTriT. wife .be could not even argue band was hired for a time;
Tlrod of Jimmtor-«fa.
Jimmie—oh. Cousl
Couslii Beag,
- | -Tired
fflu Otlly'a return eon kuosl- Tm not; I love him with
and. of eouwe. I ibliirt ■ -i
lleularly dlaconcertlng wben Clarissa.
dreeaed for work, but hU hands were *414 B>,e didn'j see how I evwr came
turned ber pleading eyes upon him. .heTTle gW " ClISfriTcto^ not ,0 i«>«
10 tbe clrtnt. but she couM feed tie
Ch'Wt.m came to the family. The hardly rotigh enougb.
to tnsrry such a pUin man.”.
"Please. Tobin, can't 1 go to the squirrela In the park.
I ““ll've would have taught them many
Th. louu wu li> Inkr a.rtoK.i'*""®
b« cie for sawmill work." replied Ihe;^ “i dldnt answer. I eras tod ongry
Clarissa was an uncomfortably clev- -bM
b. nuba bon. lor «... Bo-, !“* b-Urr opp„«,a. jb. worn lirk!. j lather s.rto .one. stopped work tofl Joat turned awar’from-ber art went
r child, with a pretty, eager face,
™.,nJ ,0 tu 00 U,o u-riroK bl. .00
tot 4orl.« hi. rootb listen. "
D Mrs. Simpeon and helped ber
and frigbtfuUy long Uge. She was
iwer tbe applicant picked cuib, tea; bat I can't bglp wopderlog
It w„ oolt br trotlo, c.uUo,«tr ,
Tobin's only model, and posed for Mt
tuont ihtt Tobin.iDouuud to tio,‘b a, alto nnd Ihr borri up a heavy plank and boosted ft up if -4)1 the'gtrte think Jimmie la a
tbe pile without much effort,
blnrtar.. tborrVd.'o'T;^^
colored mammies, to fashion t=ur.b aoor. *11 where n teint otrenai of U,t,i
®*Tin^ Tee. elr. to e dede ot e
"Purty .good, but you've got,
plates and soothing syrup babies. Sbe nboue b.n..tb OmnW. ddor. He w,m drnnarer. Tbr bddd trow up
mice of a dude"
'leaned over end klaeed her shining
was draped over a chair now. wUh
1“» the mdUaeeld
"iMmme eoe If be Is a dude." said ^0,^^
-Von.know as -WeU as 1
mirror and powder puff In band, and Wdieblnt tbnt lltbt end wondorlii . ■“
See wee
Wd. up
op so
,e late
Ut. wbeo
wbee iLe
f ”* '5"
as he came fprward and look
jimmle eooM hardly ha oatlafl
Tobin' ^s drawing her as an adver­ why Diana
be iho-jgbt how- be w-as boating
a wrestling hold of tbe alranger.
His nose la (00 tong and toe ^
tisement lor American Belle' Beauti­ door opened and a,girl crept out Into
fying Cream. He bud no Intention o¥ . «}‘ d.jyblrr Cnllr took atter b^ beck to the tawdiiM. and it took ^ u^fle too much and hU mouth Is
taking ber to the circus, ao lie pre­ her nnd mtnln tbe ball
bet tbU'el eb Ion seronds let* to pul Jinnee down. p,rh,p, , bit too wide for perfeat: 1
tended to be very busy with his pic­ dtwK. bdt Tebla iSw that .be w:m ^
reailes toward him. He .teed niU.
b.d tb.t irHt tree, ber
•Turniy d61lur» a month end ,y„rtetr), but-w-eU. ev«m If be tei'-*
ture. and assiduously apUabed '
began to f*“«'*'soft-spoken and gen- board,*-Kjid Mr. Palrbanka
| a bit plain to loota. what does It mat- -1
paint on tbe highly colfwed cheeks of
"All right . ler? Is be not a UDd bneband and a -4
the Amerieaa beOe.
Apd Ih.-.! -ras wLsl Mis* Cally
. }
be could ^ the soft ew-.h

bad plotted and l^^ed Md SUCCOR
^ ^
of ber gurmeou as she a
He fejt that be should go,' bnt bla.
«d to bringing aboif. She met the
better lort)>
new bend cordially. \nd he ut down
1 wisn ne was oetier worn
Strength seemed to have deeerted blm. i
Then in tbe
the darkness his band
hsnd touch­
tou< h-l
ed hers. She drew away, but Tobin
held her ai>d spoke qnickly:
"Diana, dearto. It's only Tobin.
Don't be frlKhiened." i
The gfri stood sUU; they were al-tne
Ilf.' partoer. most women sre wise .
In the darkness; tbe other boarders
enough to place more value on other
"I was a lIHle shy of him at first.
were peacerully anoring. and somehow
>,„t t
!,»-< «r<. nf «„r vinH anii “'“'’tir* '“an beaoly to a nmn.>. and
Tobln'e anne went around ber. Sbe
leaned against him with her Uce hid-'
des in bU coat, and Tobin, who had'
foegh* against bis lore so long ,and
brivc'.T. fosl his senses for a time and
Uognn to tell her hurriedly, hotly, allt
There was no courtship. That Is ,
P**'**-" e
bis longing (or her.
neither the father nor the brotbers
-Stop saying It, you foolish eliild.
If she made no answer she made no
eurpriiwd any klBslng or overteard S«“P ihtahlng It. evpn; pot It ont ut
reslstsnce. and rapturously he stooped'
.BUT terms of endearment, bnt at tbe Y<>»*’ hear. Your friend Mlea Semuaia
and - kissed her half and -forehead.'
end of six week* the Mred man Aoqd has not been ;.hle to get a husband t*
“Diana, darling." he begged, "shy that
before Mr.. Fairbanks and said:
o*'"'***■'>■ **T the reason
you love me. I bare no right to sfck!
“Sir. I asked vour denphler that ahe aayw disagreeable -things
yo-d. but say that you love me a lit-j
to be my wife. Will you give ber tc
other girte' buebanda. Soar
grapes. 1 call It "
He held her against LU hesrt. but_
"Hanged If'l don't*" wae the reply ) "rut. Cousin. Oe*s—"
with a sudden movement ahe leaned'
Tim Just fearing all tba time, some: "Not a word. J will not lUteo thtoB*
away from him. and a match flared •'Plenty of Oudee There, I Suppcac.
dude win come'.aloDg and get her tc other word. It Is the homely quallilea
out in tbe dartness. Across Its circle
elope with blm.*'
hidden behind the homely featnreq
'fhe p1uln truth had to be told ihst bring happiness to the men'*
his arms slowly foil
his sldsb it. She acquired
''education and a
was Ctartsse. her face ail drawn up, good deal of the toorld'e polish, end areln. . For three minutes after tbe lucky wtfi^. Ton know Jimmie trie*
to make you happy
with I■oppresslid giggles and In her bm'
wlu were sharpened until she he­
Then be quietly eeld: .
| "Tee.he does. He'S ki^ imd eweet
the scornful.
llo! came a plotter and a cdnsplral
"I wanted to be ao ddiot all tbe and good tome.”
glare of -a. tw cl
A nice young man -fell iif love
"Handsome features too often apod
Diana's room to get, Miss. Cally, snd for a long time she rest of my life, but I an I've got to
seme mstcbca.’’ sbe expisined In a fnllsd to realise that be camo under change. Get ma^^ a* soon a* ymi 'n man. or si least tbe amount - of
whisper, "I think there's a-mouee la, the head of dades. Even that he Wore will and you all hear me when 1 feminine attention they attract does
rollara and cuffs would bkve iwi-n Ksy flat wc begin eating with our (bat for blm. Tbe fetriktogty goodmored, ao Tobin answered dlscrecily: our wardrobe."
' ■
end looking hanbatid Is very oftee a fafl_________
Then as the^llghi flickered outenough
Moqea Fairbanks to loint f-lks 1 Hi
“J don't know whether you can or not
in think :t over add aee if it Can be leaned toward blm eegwly, insistent- him to tbd door,
ir. "Tobin, if 1 promise not lb tell
When the girl did reAIte this If woe the Kaseers to ,rr>nl it off. As fat wcmeii, especially tbe sromen. ha wilt
niicci. I 'eptwe thc-y'vi: got a right U nearly elwaye put on nil*, like a proud
That ouieted tlie trusting Clarissa,
for the benefit of Aiang
tbe circus?"
' aunt encouraged her. George wur the l;ve same’s the rc-t of ns."
bnt Tobin began to feel alfamcfu!
eyvs. and his poor HUle wife to left
Tobin shook his bead. *1 don't son of a falrlv westthy man ezdd 'ova
deceitful. He knew tbA b^waa m
going to take Clarlaa to the circus, care." be eeld floRRedly.’ ' who knows reriltcif In en engagement. It was
; then Ibat aunt and niece ewoke (c tbe
as be bad already piaiined to take that 1 love Dlsns."
-Ufiine:ixplorer. relates the follow tog
_ you.
, a. dqar.
dear. Tin prorldee you with s'
some one else, the most precious per­
Collier, director
■lor comfort In lit- and a few of.the lutnbeen solved In five mluates by » se­ e’oryi of Col.
son In (be world. For in the front
cret marrisge or elopemont. but qve. ^ geneff] of the Panai ■California Expo!riea. He 1* a ciearetblnklng,
room of Mrs. Uoscy's feurtb floor lived
ly enough both people opposed sitlon of San Diego:
Tobin’s Inspiration, she who would
WbUe riding along a mountain road' moro than ordinary totellccto^
these Ideas. George's psrenu arIgUt
have been tbe lady of his dreams If he
aonuen-e nomeieee. ,
ne willing to consent to a marritge. to San Diego. Cal.. Mr. Collier came tty; gentle to manner rtd aptoh end.
bad ever had time for dreaming. This ,
On the night of 'February • last hut wbro MIsa Cally: thought of her upon a dilapidated corral fence upon beet of 'all. loving hto UtUe wife with
Diana Oarland^waa an energetic, hap,
Sbe rouia'l*..-?- -afatoh bung a sign bearing the follow, all the groat love to his sunly heorC
py Utle woman, with red hair and l.SOS persons were found fe
“Fbr Sail." A Jlmilde may be 'plain' looking, bat he
snappy eyes, and though sbe smQed; Dondon. this being the smallest nnm- ins berToung lover, even though his Ing announcement:
very often in
on record. Tbe figure was made shirt cuffs had been-forgottee. eUrd* bright looking Email boy sat on the will not remain that way tong. H'
Q pal

grouchy fatb- fence beside tbe sign and Mr. Collier good qualities will prurent tbaL”
pccted that she cried rather often In
thta ranch, "Ob, Cousin Bes*. I'm eo iftad
private. Teaching music In a (hlrd- yoiing persona The nlgbt was wot igr and asking for her band. One ;ook
|to1d ye«-whsl Bdlib said, ft h.
rate hehrdlug school la sot tbe Ideal at first, thru fine, and not cold- 2."t. over and then it would be:
The email boy glanced up quickly at worried ma worried tn«. But now 1
fora girl, attd whenever an men and 28 women were found ohj "UBrry my daachler! No. yotf inMr.
“Wben .ace It all ao differently. Ton hP
• fetnal dude—a hundred limes no!'
^k«r appesk^ on Diana's •taliraacs and under archer.'
The London county council repori.*. And her broihen would snigger amt Mime eueker roraee along wbo can ways do help me. dear, no matter what
Tobin knew that she has
which publishes these figure*. etatp*|baw! haw' end-go outride to wa'liy raise the wind." Mr. Collier doffed my trouble to JUntnle Is not plSto,
his aombrero. thanked the'Iad for hli HU soul Is positively beautifal, and t
Thef» was trouble at tbe boarding that altbouih the number of banie-,fbe dude and pound biases out of h m irfonnstiOD. and iwde 00 bU way faej shall always eco that ahtoing throei^b
■chool OBO week and tbe pucker stayed lees women wusle&s by lOS than to for his check. Oh. yes. the could fe.
tug greatly enlightened.—Hearst'i bU dear
so long on Diana's forehead that T» 1911. there was oo corresponding la-jiire It ell out. and her cheeks burned
. and. wSh t ^
In^^e use made off commun with shame snd her Soul rbee up Ui:b klagaslne.
bln feared it was becoming permanent.
u back to barbodae-. 1
He longed to comfort her. but there
Double-peek Street Care.
toas nothing be coald do until Dlanq shelters. Tbe districts where most of came a
inking bow .little phrmeal|iqa».
remerted quite casoeny
mklmA In >hla Knav WAiU
* ?2
Stepney. 122: Wesimlnster. IfT; with George.”'cautioned the sunt ifi. trying out vsrlcms "par-ao-you-enier." U co*ted to this busy world,
"pay-wiihln" and "«eple«v oars Eoroabe bad been told of the plot.
and that she srould Uke to sec the
toltoglon. ,1.
pean cities have been experimenting ,
•1 mean to."
baby giraffe. That gave Tobin his ojv
Celiforota Woman’d Oewl Shot
”w»-baps bell aeo some romncir* in with tbe double deck ears. Two new
portunlly. Ho knew n was a reckless'•‘•“f’-.J*’’
While walking tbrtmgb tbe wootfit
lypee of electric car are to be t
waste of moDcv, but what caned be
-* chlldieji; while th^.lt but I can't,
near Cohaseei, Cal.. Mrs W. H. Pjltoto
LI\erpou1 designed to, (acilita'e
for filthy lucre? ’ He w^s too pow to
the folio* ing varani beds. -.61., -Rut hcH have to
to get “etrieA
offer Diana bis hand and heart, bnt be “en- J-«*2
Dad', gw, prompt exit a^id entron.^' of pasren'' buir of Chico ebot a large brown bear
a glimpse of free bfd.« to IneUtuUons fere also to be fooled
don’t marry
a or I do
. any
. one." geri. to one of tbeae ears the main «*'"
„ mekeured uto feet from Up to tip.
| C mpse
nlgbt of ihe tomeGeorge was told the hUtory of I'l# ■ fea'nrs is a q^lral placform divided - Mr. and Mr*. PUtobury wero v slk____ __rails, the J[>*
g from Ibelr summer bome'near
ro ich. and be was told tihat be m< n '‘“to three pans by braai
do to the matter. It looked good to ‘wo oater parts being, ttied for extt
ibe_"Prop»oo^." a high
>ed to take DIena 1
him before he bad heard half tbe eri- ! ■“<1 «be toner part being tb* entrance
•“ exeelleat view <«
tbe clnruB, Tobin found himself , etlll
“ whole valley can -be bad. Mrs.
•IW by tow •kuM. lit was down on grouebes on for all passengers, a separate flight of the
a kbould be compell
further involved to financial embarand EiHabory had a $040 carbine..SuMentehe
rasamente. Tbe American Belle did
bear coming doUn
the Plaixek. T. J. O'Neil, a laB-yer. asked , lag t stop him from marrying CAUy , c-'l er iji'e. there.sre.two set* of m , (be bill about (oriy yanto awaV.
went to huy
;h:ee-day ad-,Falrl
iradfrg 10 the upper deck from the a bror. shall -I shoot It?" she shoA
tickets be fonnd that he w-ould have Justice PUixek tor a three-day
answo.-rt„... ------------- platform at eat t end of tbe
rrfmeni of a fsee wbifh came
to use Clerlsaa'a eomatoston. As be Jo-jrtfmet]
la the sBlrmuire.. and hie wUe asW:
lui'poned C'Urisxa and willingly aao- for trial l^Idre
tl other-day. on! father had heard to a roundabo-jt way
"Wbeie ahaU I shoot him?" "in tbs
.. hie
ble Ufe to bera.
bera, there seemed I’I'.ie
.ie gre-md''that
gro-md^ that be
lie was
abouf 'o be! that she frlaed her hair and were
Drearnj First; Then Bealltlee.
. bead." esme tbe ww-er. .With d-Uh- no real reason why he should pay her manled. end w ished not to be deprived ; ten-colored fhoee. and he didn’t Pro- .
s' dream.
tor poeiiig. but ft bad been his Invari- of s. wedJiug trip But Mr. ONcIl's j r«so to put tip with qBT.rtich fooliib*®®’" “ time
... The oak' ente aim the womu fired, hitting tbe.
snimsl eqnan to the right eye. klOtoc
able custom to give her s flwgmentaiT sneclfic request was denied by theinros-Jn the Falrbsnks fsmily. He was
*“' l.l. „
share of all that be made on his ric- court, w hich rolad that thVee daya I at tbe bouse when she aTrived, ree Jv , ’*'»
, •>«“ tostanlly.
The hide
bide w*
weighed 7« peoads and the
W to keeping Wh Clarisii’a wasinfuOeleetaadaweeknone«o:tol«pectSnd find fanlt.
• waking aneel .tirm Dr^m. < -rte
esntogs Tobto felt as gsUly as If he much for a man about to be maritod.|gnaUy taken aback. The ahoea.warw
/ A three hundred pounds.

... . .

„-j- . r. ~ ,s;.,s. -t"- •«







. I am UKVogu .Boies is tbe grad

didn't ttbe him loag to fled out. that

W Ol mmuy in tbeae New York

iTbBiA msiki
a HoHday

■ |knd lobSad a bank, even though ha
||promlBed blmseU that be would pay
Bl However, be bought tbe tlckeia
I! boagbt tbrnn early In the wieek. for he
||kaew by mi experience that nwmer
I, has a way of eocaptng cvep when yen
I have made the beat of plans for im
Bj future. Once they



LVBB mAu Am nUvnn bat baclb, raramiT, sot.,t. im ^

S.S'bJ'S.'?,*™..": SS;

tie np.wlih me, I now am.
aura U exerted to keep the water ouf.
However, be dldnt tee
feel like crab-i
itel.v atn^ve
oouidnl mate out bow he itoc^ wiih «« *««*“<»
girl—wbo eanS-bni
be Oliened
oWn^i ®*“‘
reluTor^ bj a lighier
tbee girliS-bnt be
tbat abe atoned to like to go al-ut
•*! »»««
by applying a
with biu. He doppd It
t that the «
■UU Utfiter pregave.toI the next aur«ily poesade or Imagii
roundtog corapsrtments. This, it Is
this wH that be WM



) cuma BUAI9 AItt


• •-«««-<« tad» *Me..
If tk. «-riM ol th» Kdlovloc redp^ con* U ImtHta mte. abA U bottor
1ft Uo 1aAi2'WortA h*4 o»or aab- HMIWoaM. lfc*»AMlBchn «1AA.
fA«i iho cteTM- booer of ftwthcn , C**h®«:«.«»»*a SA.ftftA « tecbe*
rt»o ioftU hove bon rrem Aite. ••• -'•
Biiue ■-—-od na s^ ns.
Kui'e veUtee coftiem SC msA At lochLatoTll^r Pl«-Uae A pie AU^
wUb rtwn ps«r>-And au with leawos.
a/V^ rtftpes troai » to St Iftcbet
t^red frw rim the vbUe. toosb skia. wMe.
Cot the irtT-r- as tbte st a nfar abA
Uotyr iiiftces fim 3A to it te<^

♦♦♦♦♦♦♦«♦♦♦♦♦♦♦*♦ tenlBCoftM. Cook nto4oM*11 tbe op «ttk »Mt of CkrtHan* rMoo. I
lAar olB RWko rtt
♦ WMCM BOO* AWe eCAMCe. « nr UmM«b. tet not AtM on. ”t*m
*,♦♦♦♦♦♦*♦♦♦«♦♦♦•♦ oo * hot triaUor. mb «Uh so Abaft- i
. ter
ta I
FAftHte ilerrttt FbruMr. arlltiaf it AAftce of boilfr. abA •prlaUr wUb cmftfAit AftAVATM *■* * mrr* lot oT
tbo Won*'* Hon CoMpAatan, dn P*^ Aftd »1L .Sorro Terr hoc
plAoo cftrA* oon* ' 1ft hOBAj. Ofto
oon ApleoAlA rodpr. !«■ Uto *«*oft
ea*ooi o< tUbbU-CW*n. l*T te **U P*'*»W
of the yoAf. when fcn at* so soiree
for hsU sn boor, ibso Jotec froqueotlj- oosoMAtes At Aim. I sou
At to be aIbmM oot of the qaesUoa for Pgt Into a
ttm vitb
^ wo^ft teushl
nAftoed oiiloft >ftA corer n0» cold n- la*rtoie.*^d nn. Ae>W^ ThH
WoOtAley TaptocsS-Thl* U * pltoe ter. Co%er abA sterr steflr ftr *a gUt U ftot Ukrtr to bo dAldkftttA. *ftd
teg TAriAtkift-trom.^ ^ tesbleoeA Atoar sad a oosner •before stlirlfti la ‘*'1*
coaveoloBi «o Mod to
baked IbAIab poddl^ Soak flee taUo- four ubletpooofols of mlaced tet sth »rt«o«lA *t •<>•»* AlstAOce. Th* sieospeoafob of peart taptoca m boors pork. Cook for oaotber hour, or oaUl ciU maj- ateo be used to ■ake little
TtieM' aaiMTtait^ AH ncA <»r
lor u
oovet nmr
Poor loor
tear cop- tmer.
tetMUr. T*keootinemeai*no*eep
Take out the tneot and keep —
‘»leP<i*« or blot^'
Place ^^"erery
between erery Ujer
laj-or of teiwms
lemtma incse
com nier
to covecclover honey, nsiiig one coptel of nrtU and'«|inke with the eioepOon of
of oenlAeA milk oeer foor-table, it hot while roo thicken the emw '
uaitre d'Hotel. PoUtoee >
««f..A Imey: eosi* w»U4ho pnetry the'bst fo*. whfeh^ Arm ante-,spoonteb ef .Iadbn meal, and add wi.h a br«e spoonfoi of butter rolled
tolled thin, rlashln* the top ertut to rtals. serje^i^
for both
threwfonrths of a copfol of mlo*^. in browned flour. Hare ready in s
ellow the st^ to osespe. Bske in a
three UMestiaoafnb
botter aad oste double boiler a ptD of cream to which l-allf. or cut pckaloea la
modentc oven until the. pastiy b U» before Jedding .oo'the amoani re- undone^ toaspoemteb of snlc Cook * pinch of sod* baa been added and cabe*. There aboald he two oips.

liai ttembor, Bke a Qaaiw
. ^ her **rb Of idlror *my. •
fllfiad ^nt th» oUoot roAcbeo
«kftdo«Afke. as dawn of day.
Onr dPTBAfttbeaiuiB* she carriee
rms the-gudea IkBd* tUoan.
Aad the teaclac air is ladoB
With the spice of their perfan.

tlb irtAb#'with tb*‘rtett Mv op.
etrmlibteaiag ibo frtnie; ihoB tJC
In thU way all the threads axe
reached end the film soon'lwtks lUe
new If there ahould bo badnarts

Shd'b tell ol tender tendee.
As she wnsdere hero and there:
That arc ehadowy and bare
AM w« feel a aileai aomethlns
fa ear^beart ol hearts Increase.
• Aal 1 thlBk the deflalcioD
^ Ot tu------- --------— •“
—Ida Beort Ttybr.
tnUs b the feoM-tlttM- of
^^Jirb^haartg'givw warmer, be

aABDiB'B drtmaa urA *■•

WAV! WITH Money.

SUlMml-^iIWLtflPB.cOBteg'iStecliee tom into a bnttceM podding dish ud to the gravy, bring to the boiling t>l *ofu Drdn and add Maltre d'Hoc.
poor over one cnptel of cold milk, but -point, add the ctewin and -egg and butter.
KoUenne comes 40 and '%i inches do not stir. Bake one and one-fourth servK '
flUitre i'Hotrt Bolter—Cram thr.e

then sOftlghien the thitads'llke magic.
of strained bnckwbeai honey and
and wltboot broking them.
crsiiubled sogar. half a cnpteT of bnt-


guile sdeb careCn] treatment, yd evep well, one ropful ot cold water.
Pafaley designa comes 44 inches
tlMe are better washed only in tepid tesspoontnU ot bskins powder, sifted
\ I
water if the embroidery h done in with two cupfnb of flour; bent to a

aUk as otherwise the work wiU grow smooth batter and fill very hot mnfyellow-. Cold water Inrores for sUk 'flu pans twerthinb teU and bake in a ,r flmred.MUB weaves come 43 inch'
the clear white appeanace of tho new quldf oven for about twent.v minuter.
grticle. nnsibing eUe, wfti cause It to -Bene hot for breakfast or luncheon.
Satins in while and ^efc come 18,
tnm. Soap does not injure fine work- These msy be nsefl as adessertby
them with
a ftnJi .*«. «.
Miand 4. Incbea in width.
[ as Btnch as does hot wpter snd hot aooompany-L
Broche siiy. .which are new. showflaUrons, bat only the best of white sauce.
B sl^d .be emfdoyed.
Honey Cresm.Filllnfi for Layer Cake Ing targe, an^moidered flg.^ which
of ^Id *M «»^«-r
Xaotb^ writer giver her method-as —yiig cnfhhall a cupful each of granu; teUowa:
uter sugar and dorer honey with two threads. coi^40 inches wide.
satin chsm^c comes 4d and 44
For washing sitk-embroUered cash- taWespoonfdU ot odd water; theo
km cov«w.'eU.. use bran instead of cook until the syrup *11! Ju« spin s *»«>»•
_ Brocaded saUn eomea 21. 2., and 44
aohp. ter this WiU clten without hi- flhe thread when dropped from a
■jun to the color, imless, of course Ute spoon; remove Uumedbirfy and torn »*«*«
e comes 44 Inchmik be very badly dyed. - Tie a conpU In a lino stream oo tbe sUffly beaten
of baadteb of bran in nmsiln-lcartag while of an e*g. beaOng nnlU the mlxM
pUmy of room ter (be bran to swell— tore b cold, when U wUl be ready

8*0 is a hawy Mt of phiboopay
trom "Dan’el Qwnmi:
-IboTte BometlmM talk a* if the
leaned lUat«r only got fruit oat of us
with a iraita'-knlb-alwaya aUadln'
ovw as..«B’
aoBttte' here an'

and pltmge Jt into the hMlng water,
will be ready ter nse when eooL
^ M'af|h the artic.'ee thoroughly, using
a eeeond supply of bran awter-lf need«d. No starch wUl be wsnted. for tho
hrnu wUl sUSen sufllrtenUy. If no atiflaeas be aedrod. rinse twice in cold

' • M. mi in m

Hoaey Drop Cakes—Cream one cuptul ofrombted sugar with one enptel of drlpplncs; the* mli In two cuplub cf dorer or buckwbost honey Tbe
dover variety makes a white *iugb,
the buckwheat a darker cake. ^Ir In
euFful or
of ~»r
ronr on-.
milk, fsfo e» well
one cnpim level enptett of floor tn
two level tcau...bia I;..
* smooth


wii. loiiowiM
!»"• «“»<■ •
« Mt-. « d.»U.t M
puddings ter cold weather. Finely '
three cloves.
chopped suet, there should be one cup- wenne. snd two «

to.«,.4.. -Mc •“ <“ “w«"


■1.“'" ■”

f,„„.c -k- to,sift twp ennfnb of flour, one and one- hc«te- Place in a saneepan coe uweMervoUbonx rungen from — to 4_
teasooooteb of aoda one tea- tpoonful of butter and fn ta it a small
=. o»Mckc

amt. -nr. Wm, HU
mt ^ O.U.
i™. ..
Un • trmt Ol
lo <• -Itb . ^1. Ml to. Iron ovct • Mick »u»- w<»^



without thin croaSn.
oue-h*!f to two pounds' weight: they spotmtel lenoa Jnloc. oneimU lejl>esch Taploea-Drain one can of ,»1K cook In ibree-oiurUYB of an hour, spoontel salt, oneelghth of a tsaspooopeaches, wrthkle with powdered sng- C« in plecee. w-ash and wipe with a tel pePPer
in .flour, sensen with salt flaely chopped J*i»l«7.
syrup add enou^ boiling water to atJ Popper; fn' brown inhot lard as.
Ortsd Apple Cahe
make three cnpiuls;
cupluls; hmt
heat to boBing ter doti^nuts.
doughnuts. As soon as brown rentlnuie move to pan or hotue juM over little
Three cop* of dried apples soaked
tapioca, onehalf cupful of sugar and ^Ing water and steam, coveredover night and dialaed In the mom„ne-h*lf teaspognful of salt- lb« cook tlghUy. till tender. Thicken grsvy, lag and boiled (nnUl tbe gym* tbjek^„i,le boiler fifteen minutes. Une adding milk or wau-r as prelem-d, _
i-ns) in two cops of moteHUt. XTLeu
^ut in guarter*.
llsre Roasted With Apple Stufling «»™
“ »*«»P «f *hoH»\nt. a _
hske in s moder- -Cot two plump hi'es in halves, mp- taWespooatel of elnnamn. deasm,t* oven thirty minutes, pool aligbay. araUnk tbe forequarters from ,be »P90o'«J <*» dove*, same of alUpii^
tnm on a servink disb. Od serve with hlnd-gusTters. Bone the saddles but
a eup, of eoW water. Ulteplve
whipped not the legs. Prepare a marinade of * deasempoonful of salecntus in hv
cieam sweetened and Bavorod.
one gnart of white wine vinegar: a «ter. add this and font cup. ot flour;
, eggs weU heatea aiw addedlemon. ——.
sUced: —
Uesrborn Pudding—Thb ano u»e


»P00dnl of etenamon,
apoentel of dovee sad onehall wa- *“»*

•«: r";.tr •

of rd^ (seeded and chopped) and <


*^rTMe ^tStal^'te^bI^■ ollll^tch^S^CJ^n'^to'dbwl- ^‘t^oSSTJtetlrfNS
(wiiS ,.,.1^.
^ Inches^^^^
v. one cupful
n pint Ol
while h«tlng constantly,
oeddenUUy that the best way to Im- mdasses. one pint of drained honey.
^ Inches wide.
prove a smsU deflclency in the bod one level ieaspoonfui of sdl. onrtslf
These ma.eriab •«
for bonee
*,f her royd mistress. Dueen Elite- tcaspoontel of vsnltU exirart. o^ ^^d eiwalng dresses as well ss ter «*WO““S o* lanlUs
0 atWen her Milan. frUto quarter pint of oold water, two quarU c^.^mag wraps As there are Bedded
James Podillne—Melt tht-m i«oad
Dutchwoman's tor- of flour, to which silt onc-l(kir level ^wrtaUons to the widths th* lengths
blespoonfulE , wuu.- and add onemn* was immediately made, for uhUepoqnlul ot soda Set to a coW r^nir^d tot- dresseu vary grsarty.
molaM.CM. one-half cupQueen EHsabetb was overwhelmed Plaee over night and next morotos roll
hdf cnpfnl
WMths ef -Cottoa Materlala
way k quarter -of su Inch thick; cut into
^ jg
ful of milk, one and two-tbirds cupfuls
with die imiwoven>eal aad straightway
,4 ,„che* of flour (mixed and sifted with onelery ArUclaa.
lostowod lavish glfU and great tev ring* and bnke to a quick oven
Honey Do*r
Losf cake-emm
Cake-Cmm hslf
half tcaspoonfol of sods snd
.. one__
Wowm ombfoMered pboes Uke on and privUege* upon the lowly
nan aa ...
of salt,
• and ouRterptecea are treqoent- wnaan. la addlUon she wa* elevated
of butter; then add oneAalf
oin^m comes 2T and 3S 'toebe* fobrth of
clove, allspice and nutmeg) nod onebait pound of datee, stoned and cut

giving them T
^7' ^£“*.

r TuX

nice rounded tflenu a Moct tbni.4hen add two tot- of white «'**i‘*
pIBit aM ohe captet
\T mL f.r of cooked rleo .M la. WK mK

Sfrict cake WIthoqt Cmb
ATse ohe cop sugar and one tablw
«*"* browned
ipooQ butter creamed, one imbpo'mi
ctonamoo. aae teaspoon alisplM> 000
t ^ ^ ^J smsU teaspoon suit. <«a cop sour
♦ teiUt* one teaspoon soda dtoMlvcd -•>
of miiv
cap .c^gyed raia.
BteocUlng te taught to many seboob
no*-d*>w. and the boused *n|l j^af to stow ovum: Koapa tta fruit
ca^ n

...MT>,.h.U pound
« pnM™. AO. M-.ko koo on,
non. ooM..
<»o cupfuls of cold water, cover, sad l«ai-e sand Uit- things wWoh are right
,nd « let stand one hour; then bring (o the « her hand.
• boiling point, aud let boll until sofu
Make an artistic atencU Of her first
robea: 56Reiiove stones. obUto meat from n*nn- for the little girt. It should
------------------moo,* be
0MtHTTo Ito.boadty aad retain Ute pay
istones, and add to prun«: thou add neaUy-leUered to ratbergnslnt Ftyle—
butter and let become lukewann. then 4nche*
cteVhem of the «htt» part.
kaocm.Hriatod French or»ndy; 32 Inches one cupful of sugir, one-toeh piece of magaxtoe ^^Iteineuts offer a wide
■ Jdako a AB«B WHh pure wU(« soap - Th* eUM |aMtlpB of rWtt starch- *Ur Into one-balf cupful ^ sour.milk;
tUck cinnamon.and one and one-third selectkm oT gopd irpc-io cop>OM lakoaarm water Hot water Is lag

M li



M.d ^ pl..oIto«r.»».P~oMl

Mu« pnoucM., M»o. o»

JST« :sr ^rToTs:



TO. ki.l. .Urn llo» ot M, On. cold «>.r to non, e»Uj, ndd .0 pto.n UdMd do«. 0, o«^nr .Oot, ^





” ‘k^r

V the water baeomro aeUed <hf«w tioaabto beauty. Mie prohibited
otoer tha”
jteway aad ohuto fresh. Do this thrie -snbiems weartog any ether
men. clclmtos
or lour tttesa or anUl no more W lore white, stnrthed linen,
«*M>e Of dm. aOMwrs. and tbe water that btoe washid linen was tojurtou*
TCMfB <teoato health. FUtekm. however, noon

Serve with the. gr*>7 etrdaed ovr

.ro .wed J even, stamly. one cupful of sugar; then Q U>vlr pattern departmenu.- The tel-

4. 1^,^^ wide.
^Bbroldered batiste:


-Cook all logger snd let cod. voor igte iw-o brogd pan* and bt r

Ibm Umoe Who have wticto. of ihie Queen w*a of coune. aoon foUowbd flUr to two egg. without separaUng
c^ver. nod steam two and .mtedmlf 7,"
_M «o do up romMiber thgt daUrote by «H the women- of rank to the «» t«t until the imxt^ U cr^y - Thtee are the regular «ock mate- »«“«. Serve -1th Sauce Supt^e:
...—TJ., ,,a' f-. thb new- an »»1 to“0*
rlab wh)(Bi may- be purchased thhwgh- D*'*! the whites of two eggs until stlB bought at *n> store

WMfclag tL lAt tt have «>al capobUIUes kkmg thb line of
Honey Christmas Cake-Ctook oneI power Mldtofl bafon starchtog. and those privUMed to be hall cupful each of honey and New


wheb Whaat aruod
Two capteb of sweet mlik, one capwatm*. lour UManpooo•
and two tCMpaonfub of
Add wholoirheat flour
at night and add
cake ofroasi loam, la the morn-

whole ent aU t
w;.^,'zzTiZi‘^Z'iz'z Two

«m and b watdrtn' over u*. and wardJk- M Wight AM koepln' oS enemies
-«t*i and smtUt. aad such Uke-that
Ao'.Mihor to a mha’s soul: nod Uls
and levin' care have a dmi
Mere to do wHh the ^t than the

“ spoonful of baking powder and one

tt.«. Mr-.

' ■ ’—
After t,T.hold fever or conteW*-^

rH~ ““

. ,o r**h soiled cteBtotter* i«
m ihli manaer: Take a holler of
water and as mudi soap a# wlB make
good^ •irong^atidA aad M thto •*-*•«...
heaL or unUl
r. (be
m- boOlng
™m am, ,>»
80^ Is diaaolved. Pour the hot aud*
ever the comforter.
'— II all
under from fUtoen to ibtoty mtontee.

0, ,m.<mi

r;p7.t“’;oM .«cn»

Ctea'ry to make a dough «Uf enough 4,^.
^u,rtal. 4S and 56 *W«- Re»ove from mold, and ^rve
Uttlc girt, 'f
Imndle. 11.0 rooalnder
o„---------■ —" —'
may bi*
- eartly
- used
------ for the -itb cream.
colort* crayons.
0« P^t of flour may be used W roll
while (he hresdih form* the'
toe dough out a quarter of an toch main part of the skirt.
^ Those who lii'e where rsbbtls are

VSi« 5

The use*

r.^nMMi.'^iLndzLhTz ^


--------- -^
tat ferett flros
sccTtr almMt ev« putmaa
S am. M
„M M. M.,M*
^,M.«dMcd 1.™ «.dM. kd
“ ““"i «Id
SS^t qutnitlas of
This to now belBg^Bpd asbokX: Idks'ttMn T.T«1 H«r XuU. UrnHU Y». H.rt.
CMl„nd«,k«l Mlln c»mM »S MM.. ..IMM .. 1.
„„ p“f l,”::!d“»”M.rk“S
ttSdU'lr t™.Mb**
'oriBsnypDrpoaos.b^ ^

dkM KZZldM-MiM. .dMMl.d< M . imM Mm. Smd. Mm-m p»Mr
On ot M. Met Mlnl.1. ntlcl,.
Mnr r-opl. to«.- . p-nlM. nU-PoMt n
n mt. n o.
. omi porno 4o aot. Only a trifle should to leave thsM hoxea to the store, to »U lino that Home Cheer has come - ijntogs to be used with the more paity to eating rabbit, but Home bqr
worked in
gro-*". tor tostane*. are M)2to
Oqama i t^ Oie Mntog water-mA
dm* there are no

oiate With ictog. ettron cooked to *w•aklag PniH Cake
hlw women lan mli an excellent ter to make it reader, then dried be-

ttpiga Umt mast be retlgioualy kept thdm awAr. It is well to choose H«
the ladle*’ n6me
oat .

hoxea not less than two inches dwp. -louraal. snd tells the home dre^*o plan her purchases
.SoO the ankle on a clean white and three is -better. Une tiacb hox maker Just how to
_n______ _____ . «___ ___uv_________kl- —'________
vuses. Cut
It out
OW ta SianB A ie» nua- W«m uiouitm iwt>er »en Arcaero. irju- vt uavokaao
..n. ..
— -—
^•s. then Iron oa'th# vrroeg side over to the batter, place a ‘thorogriUy
‘thorog^ keep it to a convenient |dack>
idac.* for refAtMck doth, proletwbly one with greseed maaiU paper over W Wv ereikd Wre. Saktoa says;
-rookn and«t*e*th as thk cwnsea the aad put on the pastebo^ lid: place
Knowledge of tbe widiL; ot ibe vsre ekmiy.
eld the
rtou* asierUle
w^ to stand opt more
ckurty. A»
tbe boxes la
ia a skar
slear oven and bake rida*
msteilals 1s necessary la,
It wBl tura the null tbe cakn are done through, ae to ealculaie eorreclly tbe amount of
loager; this will reqdn at least five material required in the making of dif-----------—,
.. ,_____ _
dtseol- boura It'bca baked to this w-ay the ferent gtrmeata. There
tnM'thoftoa'R to wise
... -at first cakM
____ will
... come
____ ________________
from tbe oven__________
r«y aun^rd wtotha of tnsterlato. known
cover the piece with a thin clean taletog the fntit flavor, with iw hard as stogie width, double width and exedoth. Prte* hard, wmttowhig the oast <r acorahed atom about them, tra wWe. Silks and velvets come to
wort nalU evte? reeUge of moisture and they will cultoto tempting, even the narrow aad Ae eiitw Wlde.wldths.
illce* ot a convenient ahape and site. Woolen and worsted goode aro made
' Aay Pkoes which have fringe wUl
-----------------------In the stogie
snd double width*.
roiTsSST tropopent to free this
Cheute Ra-mkia.
The WMteS of Woolm. teteertok.
j^i eaatls. flVtape abooM never be
Soak one cap of fine bread crumb*
Habit cloth. eotoH cloth, melton
lirnifliiliiiril wHh a comb, as thl* I* Ip two cepe ot niUk, add three bcatou cloth, iwoedo sad bomespuns. as well
omo to roMlt ta hroken thnads and *ta«. <wo teuspoona of melted butter, ae wUtogs. come :rfi. IH aad 36 tochc*
•ftor pwiak the etect of til* wfll a saltspoon of sale a UtUe pepper, wide.
fi one-half pon^ ot grated cheese
Vicuna ojothr-whlch ifc espedalftibtee to sW Bome degree of Butter Uttk cops. All wMk the cheero beattUfpl thii season, as it to very soft
^■tere ip fhe friage so over it care- mixture, ecattee on fine entmbw an.l and has a lovely satta Inster—comi«
r-iBs wilk a atlff hnsb. A

nail bake naiU browned a IltUc

« topa tes* ter thte aaa as- tbe haktoc dlsbw Rt noon.

Ben-e li 5P. 64 aad 66 toebe* wide.

Rattho-a Pflw'M«t«rta>-*wuh

Peroaline. sateen aad cambric come ble. 'A few years ago raising BelgikB eharo.lag effect w li ^
tod. and to this wgy
For a lltUe girl wlw hss a floaer
inches wide.

«,u silks smto as satin, taffeta or pon- Wrd yonag cottontail t
rot very handsome gowTi* the tical in flavor with t
^dressmakers«se satin charmeuse^ vbtekea.
memnuesiu. mv iakkk-< ikc.k.a
•• - -- —>
used In the Umag of costa | and are so lonnnale an to get one.
Brochee m>d brocadee a» also «*5^tbe followtog reelp.-s may be of err-,
^he better cla£s ot -tailors.for the j'ice:
well-made tailored dor
nee. The qualFried Rabbir-Clean. behead and
m ^ the material need for the gir Joint. Season with salt and pepper.
ju,mg s* of Importance aot only rol lin flour snd fry to iron spldw a*
would spring chicken. «»®ktog
_ ______
_ good duality m» iflowly
terial is caster to fit
fli^y goods. d«r. and being carefnl that it doee not
--------------- --------brown too Jisrd.
Deliclons RabL..
Rabbit—Drear your'iwbCotonlal Cake
Txke iwo «*« of bread doug;» bit aad place to salt water for twentyfony-eWtt hom*.
hon». Butter,
»"«*-• pep
-le tote
tote losvA.
loavA. add
add Vour
Vour to
to fony-elght
wh.n roedy to make
half «p of butter, one «tp ol sugar.
place ia coveted bdker.
two egga. oac-quarter tea«>oonral of Pour over it a cup of sweet creum:
,jore*. Imlf teaspooniul of
M ctanamor.
ctonamon. oose,
dose, ano
and oasc
bake i»o
two uwui*.
hours. Thicken
Dcg. one cup gra'7 md i«rvo hot. More drilcloM
*nd half
r cap sliced than creamed chicken.
tehdad ralslup.
Broiled Babbit—Clean; bebtod and
citron. kaU teaapeonfnl BOda. Beet
th* tip* el spilt tbe rubWt. Wipe H to^ aad
tbcM to
the Ungers., then-torn Into cake pan. om with a damp doth. Cat gnsbey
and when. Ugbt
bake to moderate deep Into u. and lay tt open on a but.
, terad gridiron. Broil over a hot ite.

should be as simple a* possible.
, , . natteni*


la sJnost (
part an iBJ
'O' Telephone poles aad railway ties an
' also mads to sdvaata** trote flro kfll*d Umber^^_________________

.twok Mvers. wall lapcrw and P«^
of d<-corated chins.
acb a stenci] i>; '
sUgm. ano u in
reaS iw-:ul
neaUy. and affords her ajek
Says a clever woman who know*
bow to make dainty gifts »itti rn>all
la-t <to
“* * box
« eotne
"*«- aad
oni tm.
this yror
year ,1 ,m
am g«‘«>S
going «
to u.-v
th«e stearila
tog cards, rry box 01 a
bottle ol -------------hto. sn i
card* for my friends On- ‘stencil ma.
t* nato to make a vwteiy of deewUona ly simply nslng parte, revtmtog.
aad ntlag ditterefti . Mlor*..
dance, I may send ona ^qd a do^
rords done to green majde
othhr. a dOMS patetod to red. Tkd

Ts Wipe Out Flaftr -Mprfm.
Rnb the flager auirts oa doon .
with •
• pteee
pteee o>
of ekaa
ekaa flaaasl
flaaasl dipped
la kerosne oH; aftofwafda wip* with
out of hot water te
take Hn smell awgy. TWo Is hettat
^ fleetroy th* |

. Each AllP QfPPt MoR.
Groat men are the flro^Ulan te (hte
great 2I*S^a£^ta?^ir^i5S
pUgrtmagw ot 1
SVtet h*.^!^!S22
token* of what may- olUI be, th* cm
Tsaied. embodlM pneenninea
Biteru.~Tbmii*s OPtlrte.
Keeps BooqMt Peaqte
to keep
a ctetegs beW ttoA wWe B to
ync.woro. ban heqo teasMlPfl bgr a
FrsMh WMsn.
' '



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