Grand Traverse Herald, August 15, 1912

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Grand Traverse Herald, August 15, 1912


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


and Xravaraa





qaoFga Walkliu Died at- Ed«cweod
Tu^y Merolw.
Cronre Waikiaa.

loa-lna a paralytk- mroke ahli-Ii
aiiffered xome tlaie ajto. Mr. VVaiklni
Niteot faia aummera In thU realon
for aeveral year*. HU wUe wax will,
him at tbe lime of death.




at falx Hiimnierhompat Kdaearood Tiieei»orBiU8 at : ovioi ii. Ilraih rome
very xuddealy from bean mllore.

mar if a pinnK



WfteCKEO TRAtl^.

filen Haven. Au*. 13.-Tbe annual
suinmer. crul>e aud (arxei prsellie of
Naval Neeerve squadmu of the Great



Yanile. Wolverine and Ikm Juan


wni) oi«M

He had a fall




therefore ruled tbe bill passed.

vard Cor
tbe aettleiMt waa ■
tbe aiTiral oE • Botaber of eet
wbo rone from tbe New Easlaed
ookiby. Clone rolatlotu were i
taiaed betwaati Nor* Beolla and the
OWManbaaetta *010*;. While Cbariee
Utwrenee wwa ••Tentor of Nora 8«>
tia. tbe Unte of Trade Wtruried
him to oranalM tbe ladlcUrT to tbe
prorlare. JoiTIlbau Belobta-. en
the eU MaeatbbiiiWU cormo

abenly after be aaaiiamd tbe chief
jnattoroUp BeldiVr wrote to
Uirdx of Trade dneaUoalnf the rvnttltaUdinal ricbt of tbe Roreraor and
eewnril of ibe towrtora to paaa lawn
without a* aaaemblr. Tbe Utnla of
Trade nbtoltted tbe matter to


AUK. JS.-Pedrrnl
Irooiui are
e hut on the irsil of a r/lP^
band of Zappailus who detwDrd

uml tbe murderous
The rvlH*l* bad

bre bad

down the hllMde and set li
in eompoainx the train
A few o|.the wounded Iiad crswieil
It onto the rixht of war. ihu* esrnp

csrapBlxn In the south. The wounded
plradlDK for their live*, were atrurk

Si. UkiIii. Auk. 14.—The eicht del'eimte* to Ihe Poiiiili»i national ■■onven-

>WD wltlioui pity and even lonlinc
a* held to abeyance until the xlaiiKh

Hon. after neariy alx

r wa* eompleic.
Not sallsfleil «lih lobldnE Ihelr vir


m* in an ordinary uianner. the ftn
addins a number of new (tlanka. nne sera of men and women uere rhopilto
of wbleb favor* the rerosnillon of tb< off. that t4nx» Hi«y wore nilKhi l»
hineea rriHibllr.
Ii>re quickly olitaliied
Tbe leadlns l•laok dlxcusiuw money
ere lorn from iwv* of women au-l
1 aom« lenxlh.
*Tbe quanilUllve (heory of money

iHr bodies were other*l-i>- niulllaied
Amobt the passetixer*
were iw<.

Vs derlared la oar Omalia <ltn>:i plat

and <MBSil alone were not auihoriied to toafea Uwt. Aa eone elaiutee
bad aBwdy bran puaed to ihi
re*alar aantier to Nora Brotla. tbe

swspapev men and they were aiuony
fortn Is BO*- unlventally ronceded.' those' killed. They were on ihelr w;av
Ihe nresiuble
laaMarKw <>r
Interview Vx-iaia. the ehlef of ih.
niuney by llte aovernment dlrerf
rebel*. One of iliese. II. I. Straus*, v
ihe ■iinuple U demauded.
Loan* liv native of I'ruKitay and consul* -'aseiii

KDVernmem lo the iieople aie also

country In New York, wax eiii
ployed at one time on the New York

iblp of the tele-

. uaUl after an naaetoMy

bad ^beeti

to eaftlDK of Bi
prartlrable. alare
bat oaa towaabip. Halifax, bad been
ereeted. and not adrlaaMe. etore
—wmM Kire the uadera at Halltox all
Iba l^er and exrinde wbai Uaded
lateroaT there araa in ihe provlare
from repreeeatailOB.* Chief Jnatfee
naleher penlated to urKtac an anewbly aad to tbe aainiBB of m*
oeaar Lawrenra laiplored tbe leyrda
of Trade BO* to laMat opon rar^l*K out Ibelr plaa. In reply he reealTed pereniMorT order* to comply
wUb the prevloue order* and Law
reaee coaid do nothtoa hm aiqoleare
Jaddaieat t

IT&l, tbe drat
Ha met Two year* later noveroar
'LawreiHo died and fur nearly a year
tberrafter the BOTaraiaent of the
prarlltee deeolved tn the <*hw .lu*.
itoe. JoBaihaa BeWter died *i iiali

~ rax. Mart* SO. m*. aad
c4 by tbe Hon. Cbarke WorrlK.

mty Tbeueand are

Hemataai ai

Herald. He wa.n luakina tht* iri)i in
kraph and leteitboae aystenu and the see ^iiataa a* a re|>re*enia'ive nl Kl
parrel* tioai are rerommended.
-- •
Tbe InlHalire. referendum, direct
The other rorreajioiideni »a> Ik
eleiqloD of railed Sutea senators. .IL naelo Hemran of RI I'oi*.
Imary. pretddeatial prlmarip*.
Tbe ni-faied train left Mexico I'lt'
equal suBraxe. re«Ulralloo of lobby-' yeelerday niorttlne. Most ol ilie |»s


Ikmal committee -W* wish merely
keep oar orunUaHon alive for fu•e aaefiilne**. Tbe plalfonri to be
adopted Is our prlnrljwl obJ<-ri.~
Only Twr* Vote*
AfalnR IL



wemen Helped tht

Caut* Along

of eMahllsbiiie a eounly normal rc
salted in an overwhelyalnK mayoriiy

vlt'iolir.are not properly salecuai

avor oT tbe school.
The v<«c
to that Ihelr treasurer* ate n*>t under stood in; for and ; axan>*' Hie pro
lawful bond* Tbe law i>rovlde*-<Hiai jiaslllon.
tbe trewturer mum Xive a lersohal tbeir vote durinx the time tbe poll*

or surety bond for tbe fuU umiuu

were open. Tbe benefit* of the new
y- to come Into bl* bands durine Mhvwl were no apparent ihat no earneach .vear of bb> lenu of efflre. ThI* mlsa wa* made axalnat'il tn the
bobd Riuri have at least ts-o

for wbkh he la bolden.
Tb* boaS

rannoi to sUnird

member of tbe ecbool boaid n<
lame of a married womaa
head. Pranirally tbe only disla Ibe euie wbleb have lo*t
maaey ara ttooa* which friiad to bav*
Ithalr traaaaran aadv proper bonds.

NOW Bultding."^ cAm Ampto
6p*eo for InduatriaL FriiN and
Stock Eahiuta. Promium LIH

Fept^hor a. s«. S4. **, Jt ttm .


■ened for xreaier and more efflcicBi

wortUat bard apoa tbe details tor tte
bic tolr aad procrora hat ao tor bora

DEMOCRATS TOLD OF CAMPAIGN mad* aa to aaaare tb* xroauat (air
ever known in aortbora MMlxaa.
Tb* board of aaporTtsora.' atora iha

Wa* ObUinad From Ssla to Utaratur*
and Small Amounts From

mwebaae to tb* fair froandi by iha
roiraty have bora ■
*Bl*r*d beartlly lata tba
proxrro* which da
visoroaaly. ropreraata aad

hara ap­

propriated a ccaMdorabto aaH tor a

Jt I* bopti ifam bf'

place a betler «adersuiidfBX of tbe
ork will to aroused, aad tbe way

Tb* oElcan

romtaltiee* to tbe «raa« Ttavecso Bexloa Pair

new balldlBi aad eUar ImjroraMaU.

IPUS was drialled to the aenai
vcsiixaikin rnmmitiee by Repreaento>e IJoyd of MUoouri. chatreiai

Tb* ar* an ball lar*«- than tb*
bulhvGxB rrertad laal roar aad *mt*r-4dapt«d to ponaaaracy. la a*w

ork alonx (bene line*.
casnrer. Hr said the total receipt* ar* In haad to balM a** stock MMda
ere TST.cir.. and expeaditnre* MT.r.T:. tar a hotter dtspUy to rattla. MMif.
The meeilnx* will to -beld la the
I'resbyterUo church, and will to open -tkrvea thousand dollars was rocelvod •win* aad poultry. wkU* tba orlgtaal
em pHnlioji offiro print It ai Xor- 10 the pnhilc. wfaeiber membera or from (be aalv of eamialxa lllo/hlure
birildiax Is baiax orarbsM aa«
ernraeni exaense.
noiubem to conxrrO* coniributed improved to provide for boUoT hm
not. fixw ul cbaixe. and It U hoped
not »o with Wirkersham.
If Hiat a laiTv number wTII avail Ihem-'
y seven iboumnd more.
(•toy of botaes.
he addresses any member of bis fsm seive* of the opponuuily to bear the RS.IHMI wa* rrcelvHl In flve and
All tb* arraaxearnts ar* |
lly by nuill he uses a stamp wbirii br ■toaker* of'-note who have l•eetl *e- dollar *ab*cr1pHon*.
BBUatoeierilf ladasd aad
p«r* for himself If be send,
and catamhiaaB pranlra^
ciiied foff-^lhe 'occajdon
mail tnaier which diIkIii under any
make iba l»iy Mir
evr-uiiiK a<tdre*», iJIustrated by
circimstanccs to roustnied a*
I beld laribls
strit-opilvxin. will be alven by Hon.
vate buittoees and not airUUy con
l{ A IVrsblUE «t Soulb Bead, lud .
ed with Ihe fovernmeni'a affairs be
on "An Eveninx with Birds aad Aal
pays (or tbe postaxe. M'ben he makas
tnal- " Mr Persniax U yecreton',o(;
a M>toch and' hi* friend* send t
tors was beld la (bo pari
the fouih liend ILiauoe Rodety. and
copie* he ha* it printed ai bl*
Hotel yooiorday
a recoxulted suthoniy on humane
•rbind I* 10 bate a igx oa rota, and
It Is not an hvnjpaEo that Serretnrr
a hix movement Is oa fopl to secure city aad country was
Kno'x was severely crillrlied byIbe eorly pafiaxe of the la* provid ibiaea of Imimrioaro wero
the llllnol* Iluftiane Society, has
house commllten for
Inx for-It* inlroducHoB. Barb bouae- amoox tbem a reqiwat from tb* Padniulscd
valet on Ibe/iay roll* of the njie
bold will have to recl«er It* rat*
VD to Motbor*' eiaba tor a obBdt<ldie** OB
Mumaoe Rducallon.
Twnmeni jrt a tneesenxer.
at the local poMofflce and every
depprimeit was praMpdly xraacJayne. sii|>erltiiendeiit ui
llale will to decorated sitb k hadxe
Hetnili Society for Ihe I*revf^lioii of
tonrinx it* number. The law forbids
im* ^
tba baadlwerk to
rriieJiy lo ('blldrvn. will
onaers to let their rau out at alxbt
a. hath boys aad tirl*.
linardinK l>eppndrci ('blldren
aae Iber disturb iienple'i^ i
b* d»
I'MVaie FamllieKX out pernonal letter*.

If to made

speeib he would have Ihe xovern

tolr adlpsa avtktof toatobo tba %li fair dC


Has «r tba


A41 aildres* by
lieiioit. and
One of Ihe |«'emest of the late ■uiii
ler WiHldtoKs fur a tiuiutoi ul sea-

aud Ain., c Chalker. uf lUncrolL
Kev. CucMIn olfii iuiine.
Th<- color *<-benir used ihroiixbnul
>e lioupw wa* Kieen and white workpretty effect. .Mendelnuliu* Weddinic
niarvh wa* played I.y Mr*. ' Me* " Kv»-

mom where the ceiemuiiy took
The Iitide wore


sown ol

Hrely la tbe tends to tb* MiHterT

ii)iL ul



-ars In (he Unte buniane work, will
SO to xlven. the aabjrri Mi iqien



Protty Social Evont Ocevirrod at Ky*-' only atpire lo prise*. b« u> tte disHanlon aneb dUplaya wtu briai.
» piibllcllr commltle* waa allowA verv |>rell v jpre-nu|KLal |iari'




.* .yellus dsl.iee and tern*

Iir»srsm liv aa aiMre*' or weUxyme by
the mayvir. Hon. W

l> C iMmatoe:

Tyler ofi

with the lahle arraUECIuent effectively
carried wii In the same IsiMXilor note.







Walter nnd Mr*

There were stout flfleea vr.iinK ludte*'
and roni'xl a bridal rinx of white 'l•ubl:. S.-h.*il* III llelaiion Ri Hw
in a'lenilitice and
floser*. tthc was atleiid-d by her *i*. mane und Audtilwvn Work." and aji
.\lr»^ hrldee-ln-i Bl the 'sMe wa* de.iEna'ed
Hi** lotiie Kyselka. a* maid of addre". ..ul.jeit Icfi oiteq. hi
hv a larxe hunch of. |>reii< flowers lied
honor, wbo wore a white embroidery
to Ihe bark.
»irk and bird prolerilon l» Well
I and rsrrie-1 ptok sweet pea*.
The evenlBK *•« *l>ent « heti.miBB
Rromil wa* atteiidel
nsfkito lor Mis* Ky»el%. while the
f'haae of flam rofi.
thower .-aiiie with a number ol dsinty
KollowlnB lie- cer-monv a
ihrceand u»eiul ariele-. tor a wo«k and
roitrse dinner wa*
Hie A troluer of the evenI* anilrtiridal
wtifa the
. when 'lie honor KUe.t wai
Ml*.e» AlUe Ky*elka. .Mary M.flure,
. niu.’ i-i'k Ibe iinde . iioqiiet
K1*eU-tli OlMver and
ht* ^he tuu.l search everv nook
lo'skv 11! eharte of the laliie»
riiei of Ihe bouse, where she
The oni<if*iwn
v><-:.- vir and
I loiind In earl- i-Iace a siOKle datar.
Mir-f A. fhaikvr. iwreiit.- oi ih<j All toRe-t'-r 'hei uiade a latKe boqnet
Kfoum Bancroft: Mr and Mr* <ieo.
If the roi«e were Rifta,
I’owell. *i*ter and brother Ib-U« ol Soeend Tim* in Two Osya that V
by Taft Hat Soon Diesrooui, Rancrori. >lr. and Hr*

larxer approprlatlaa

xHrii Miindsv eX|er>lBE by Mis* Alice year aad they will aa* to II ibto tba
Han K>*elka at hei bume on ratoa sirael fair U well
advertlaad tbrwagteai
Munxer iu lionor of her <%aslD, MIm lauia tb* rexton
Already a Aarga gaaatle well known loathe chih women of Kyielka. wlW- ntorrlaxe 10 l.ewU li
haadwvme baaxera and darda
II' .iiy ihrouKh tieir work n* chair fhalker of lUncrwH wUi take plaro have boee received aad wUl te at
ell I’f CTvlc Imitrovenieiit and Aiidu W-.iiie.O*' at hlRh
dlurTbuted. Tbaro are a larxa
>n depanmeni* »( the Mlcbixan of the (•rid'-> |•■reIlt», Mr aad Mr*. number of other dealxB* oa tte way;
:ale FedeiaiioD uf Women's riiib*.
John K^eell'M. •’■e.* Wesi Klabih street Fifty burs* btoakfU tern bora proil imie iiMUl ibrnushom Ihe Tided for Ibos* wbo derire tbJi ««*■
Traverse City 1* represented on the


an addle*, hv ..................

I.o«l* K'welka Summit
ialsebr-ih Olliver. l.iidmxvnn

SaiuMe (paro wui te altotai

ibea* dUtoaya la one o( ite baUdiaxa aad tbi* win afford a aplaadid
upportUBlty for tbe rtiildrra to aof

>n* oc-urred at Hie home ul Hr and
Mr*. AiiReline Fulwer Hraarh. 01
r*. John 'Kyeelks. ;iW West P;ixhlli Mcllaln. Mli-b.. wiUdleriiw the Mirli
Rirei-t. at hlKh iiunli We.tiieiulav, sheu lK*ii .lliir.-a.i of Animal frniccih.u.'
I dauKblef. Isinrs lirai-e. I>e<-aiiie
’e|mris of work will to Riven hv
l■>i<le uf U-wi* II. t'balker, son of
Anna Waller ....................... Mich


I^naiax. Aux. U.—Many school
trlci* to Ibe state and sntiie tn



which brinxtax the stole meeilnx* to' thTs

ime^wU^n Ihelr prerocailve*. Thna

from the Klevenlli Imltalion sn.l .-..m
maiided by IJentenant Keyiiora.



iHiebt fllflrer* to make women member*.

ire*!> esreeitlns t1.0M.iM>e *n
t should eschew to the lOate."
Ibe plalloriu read*.
a caadldale tor premdeal.'' nald J. P
PerrU of Joliet, III, rhalrman of the



ODe son seven year* ofd. A aum^
amusemeal and Uaintrtlva.rapo.
of bto relattvee lire la this city.’
siiioo sneb as aorthera Mlchlsaa tea

lari- Griffin c*illev(»r of due* for Ihe

elks, amrihi- hridal |•arlv made an at
iranlve piiiure as they niarxiieil into

and eaefa slxaer of It must JusUty la

AxtoHcWe^tbs Hamm Bea.


lower Claa-es. The saldlers who had
been detailed to an a* a aiMid were

He*, wbo ate liable for the am

Berlin. Aiic. t:-Three iboawqd are
- kaaWB 1o bcve beea killed by
earthquake In aoathera Turttey. ar>
eerdins to a me*aMc from Coaataatlwpk. Fifty tboaeaadiare bnmeleew
Aa mean eotoaaa to riportad oa tto

bold Ihelr' annoal meettox* in'tbia

Private Cenwspondenee e

seoxer* tolonxed lo the'farmer and

“We did not •■oiite here to Bonilaale

driviDK wa* a fine spirited
one apd It was only the third Hnie be
had driven them
Tbe smldeet oc­
curred ahoul nix oVloek la.t Tbnr*^
day ereataix
Burial occurred Son
day at BrMxfleld. Rask. Mr. Vocl uai


r b*f«M«,wlia*aaed

when Hw Slate llumaar As*
and Mlchlxan AuduU-n tLedeo


a sradnated inroH

leep RTwde. when l3e lonitor
shifted, strikinR (be
huiwew. wbbh

1 planned for Se|4euiba-r r>th

cabinet officer would lo moot case*
flrti new* of the assault wa*
or Mexico t'lty by
fondortor believe bimself entitled to use of the
klartto and Collector nominxuex. wbo fraoklne privllexe even when send

■teal throiixh Ihe yjii>at1*ts*' llnw and
iHjt arrtte at the -telexraph sis


;* y ears of axe and leave* a wile aad 'irana Troverw- region will be traotod


Waahlnxion. Aux 13—For eareful county arRanlsatlDn.
nnd everyone
■aHly dealt with, Rnrale* when they Bupervlshm of depariment extoadl llilere»ted In fhe cat
lorally and at lante. i* cordi­
arrived on the arene fouad a few i«s^ lures, carefol from' his Rtaadpolnl.
senxera hiddeu about the srene of the Attorney General WIckersbam prole ally Invited to toto tbe county socleably bx* nomeihiax on most cabinet
The due* |»r year are one dollar
rk.bslf dead from sutferlax- ..
men member*, and flfty
rordinx to the survivors, the rebel* oBlcer*.-vU has lonx been the ru»-

III* men from act* of bniiailiy xreaier
Ihan'any that have yet marked the

meats. lB«t nixht ndopied a platrorin

toteresi ■* tolns

■aue Society In Hu- a|>lend4d

The oattaxe Is Ihe moxi Dendlsh to
the history of recent disorder* In MexIro., If rauxhi. the rebels w ib be suns

reuorl*. the leader of Ihe rebelt
made absolutely iio elfort to rexirato

fer Campaldn-

Local Soctoty is ■naKing
Making cnanai*
Preparatlona t* Enteruin
Entertain Uw
rwa aiw>«^e
Appear on P<

(be Biemtors of (be flraud Traveroe

set ^ lo Ibe WTerk and burned the
•lead and Inbired toxetber.

sltYuxh wounded, had nisuaxed lc
~iakf their wuy l«_Vautepec. twelve
illes away.
Ttiey were forced lo

death of

crvi.lilnx him to *n.h a niatmer that
he onlv lived two hour*. The team


many other*, rolibnl their virtimsaiid

REMNANT OF POPULIST PARTY Ini tbe fate of those uuabU- to leave



pax*« nKer tisla souilieaxt of her*- and
after kllllnx ihirtyolx uoUiers
|•ai•aeDcen> and

rushed the fwla ausrd
rhopi«ed and harke<t the iiasHeaxerx
lb |iier«« In the niost'borrlhU manner*

Parlletiiani of tbe


VoKl. who Was killed to Saakalche
»an laai Thonular. were received
reUilves In Ihe liiv lodav, «r, Vi.kI
||> lown tor a load of lumber


are ex|iecied lo >-onllBDe for aev-

thia moniina aa he had l>ees'for


leha Ve^ Cniahed by Lead e( L

D **av. ihiowitiE him off the
the road, where the hind wheel to
Mhe waxnn yiaitoed over
hi. eh«9t.

enil days
The naval mUltls will to
l^vec Id Toledo and IlM-hady will be
Klvea •■•me real trainlnx alonx the
Tram Wai Amboahed in Deep Canon
taken there for burial.
rarriedjuii In the rrsnlai
ltd Sottflera and Paaarnpero
Mr. Waikiuf had n
' Fired Ueen by the Uneeen .Wretchee.

IK to Rdaewood. after' wblrti t|la
lUlllu, N. a. Aw. U.—HuDdmU
€t noted etalim m«D Tirioue nena beallb H»d beee |«orer rhafa uxual
or tke OowlBlM of cundk. from
Oiwt BrtUla Md rnw mar i«rU
of ttao VaMod au<M -bare arrived
hara to uii* part In tbe
r aad Tburadar >a roanerPILLiloa vtih tbe d
a of ihr a
meotal tooer wbkjfc vis erected op
the vaoda^ aborea of tbe beaotJfuI
Kortbtreat Ana. bac« of tbU rily. to
Inauraenta delnad
With Democrat*
mamemorate tbe Ibnth aaalrertarr
When bleaaure Came up for
of tbe flrat meeUax of <be Proriaelal
plMl AeUeii.
Lwlalathra Aaaenbir of Nora Srotfa.
aoM of tke taeat dUtlajnilAH vtsMan. aatoas tbem bla'royal bisbneaa
WavhlactoB. Aa*.
IS.—By nilln*
tbe poke of Coeaewbi. icorrmor
iteMral of Canada, wbo baa coaaeat- Clark, bouse paued the wool I
ed to offlctele at* tbe exeroleea. arr orer Taft’* veto by a rot* of I7t
not eapeeted to arrive until lomor- SO. IS JbciBifent* vetlBK with i
flrat vote
roir. tbe opealnf day of tbe celebraUo^ bat tbe erraatemeau are fullr the Detnorrai* failed to pa** 'be MIL
ootopleted aito eremblaa In readl- wbea ten member* paired witi
•eaieee toHbe preaent Clark ruled
a tor'tbe A
eUy of Halifax a X foanded i that It only took two third* ol
membeta y'oltos to pas* the mraxiire.
174S by n


curried nin under the nupervlalon
ufricvTs fmm the I'niied Slates navy

Mr Walklna wax for tblrly yeerx


The maneuvers sie to,



Imke* I* DOV on at Roiitb Manllon.
uiib Ibe fonowloK bout* ukinx pari:.
Gopher, norulby.

■onilaent meaibiT of tbe Chlrwto
Board of Trade. He bad-Bianv reta-

AMOTiMy Will


(aatteu taland.



rogafdxdWaahinston. Auk It —OrKannK >br
hm would be diskstrous tn the inm
wnd Steel Induam und ibM it was «
recteton to the tariff t^itbnut' study



for tbe aammer aad

Slille a quauHty to Isrsa dlapAsy
■x.ioen. are belBX put up.
The premiums will te larcM^ tbaa
.*1 >e>r *n that tbere will b* aa lacrease iDcentive to amka exhibits.
Th'ia was done beaaaae aom* to Iba
wbleb la maa> eara*




bartl.hipa- It was derided to tMar:
farmer* aad
tbroakboui tbe regiaa to maka «Rblblend B’Kh furiber enroatMaaraaL
That there will fa* a mueb -toraer aad
•'.aU rale array of dtoptoys thaa
before la already assured by Iba
iaerraned' latomt dw* to tba ■areaaa
of the uir tost yrar. wtakb attrartad
ate-wlda attmtloe.
Amoai the bix nUracHoas will ba
le borwea. (our daya’ precram, and
lU will-excel aay raelBc meet berototore x*vea la Traveroe City or aay-

Coorge Well to Ludington Cots Nr

wber* la Ibis part to tba ataia.


ready' well kaowa irMicn aad paeara
ar* twiax worked oat for the event*.
Tbere will a)*o be a*r*ral premia-

to the boose VMOIns Ih^*(~-l bUI
lanrinR. Aqc U —Goreraor Oabora
It imbllc s|>e*kers. aad as lb* electhi* inernoon.
Kriay appointed Ottorx* BeU of LadMr* Mary Haywood axed 4P year*.
Tstt devUred (be priDripIe\>f pro^ iiuEtoo.Mai* bomaae Bkaraba). A i>*- Uoa will furaiab csciiaaMBt dqriac
w-Tfe of GlItoiT Hay wood, caretaker to tecHoB was enllrolr dlsresarded:' Ho' ittlou **3 received from tbe chlsens the toll It mar be expected that tter* '
(We .Morsan (arm. died Weilneaday said tb* rates xa'e no consideration of lAtdialtoo aaklDx (or his appolot- may b* acv^ral ahlaiac ptolUral Uftea

Tbe princliial and ciltlr lewrbej/Tor
>e new aenaal have al^dy
etixnxed and tbe sort of toUbllubInx
will be pot, under way at once an aflev aiwo week*' litoo** She Irovra
II cvemhine win to tn rewdlarw* her hii.Unil and four rfallilr(-a.Ge(vrxe.'
the ' mtilnK of ybe school year In Roton, Terry and James, all to wbom
September, li will brinx a namber live at tome
sople to tbe city aud will result have ael y t lieeB made
to xraai food to tbe public scbool
■yxtam ot the dty aad coaaty.


esbifa'iu are avade at a law expewa#

to aaytktox but reveaue
Wbon the
hero dariac lb* (air.
There will b* msay new MKertala*
mewaax* was read to the houwe. I'aFrant T. Kaba. atloreoy xFaeraL.
lent features ibis year sad an array
derwood demaoded a vote oa the pas; wa* appointed a Gtoetato lo tbe fonrvb
aaanal meeriax to tb* AmericBa InsH- of free eatfrrslnmaat that win dnto
ad eatertaJa tte mwda.
tnie to rrimlaal lAw sad rrimlae
10 be held la HOwaakM Aaxust ».
Maad n.

TbM# will larlod* tba eaJeUwgH
(yraiftmad an pain tw»t




and Tnv^' 8l^
/ Twiee • .week


■ad^ halanHai Janan«aa ta
Ike nm« paepla; ala* CM
Bum* In uMI f1rli« and biM
and trn;>eae'act. Tbcaa af* Ai^it
tbe rrt9 fealarei aad oU>m vlll bt
addji. E. C. BlUlnci. who «UI have
ta or ib« coacneSoBa baa ab

( iadusay in Its a

I Apple Sblppere'
>B dlspmy I* Ue Flm Kg-

IMMat aa iineal claaa autur Marafe 1. IMI. at tte Wta^aa «k Tmrmn qy, aueh. wW Um act or Coasi«aa or Man* I U7*. CSradatio.ilM wed 3.050

Uondar rtif state of }tcw T«rk made a a]aii)dtter pm of
Itaelf, !» i* jot a pleaaant thlnjr to tatk about, bet aometiiiiwi
eril «in «olf bo abated h.r talkinj^ ot it. Seven men we
leitaUr murdered at Stas Sinjr. New Tork. early ymtVrda.v nmrninf. The arirument for <*apital ^Hiitiahmmt haa been, awl ia. that
eAch pimMmMit t>revmta erime. New Toric baa alwatw kHhd ila
^^rntbaB wbeoerer it bad ■ ebanee. hnt never nnlil
^1^ bfien a alanchter of aevea men m one hour.
BThat Rood baa it dtmet Tbe nliole eonntry atanibi BKhaat and
ia diliMWttl. Tb(«e men w«ve no doaht orimiiiaJa. althouRh ais of
tbem'fBoteftfd their iiMmeenoe. They fay bare lied and probably
1^, tot !T a man Ilea. lAinald. he h<> mnnlereil .for it * If a man Is
piliiidered by tbf anlhoritieiL tber»> ahoiihl. lie no <]ueHt}oii of hu
fs^ Qiandreda upon hnodredmnf inooent men and women bare
or ahgt to death by aenteneea of the
4yw bw« «r eier
flttflk «bm tbe v
lial, ao<I in aeons
t. the Innoeenee of tbeae Mrtima of the law

tbe (ariBera'wllb tbe Berrluiit* o(
tke dtr- k ali«a«r asrawh* aa vomsatasue aanert.
• mae pUa acepted laat rear.
aeBiac aambershlp tieteu in adb. baa beea aMmeg. aiM Frank
FrMrieb ba* been •[•■•olDieg a «odg
aUttee of ooe u> puab the ticket
m>OT aad to aetect bta e*a aaatat
Mr. rrtedrteb last r«or brake
Korda IB aelllDc Urkets sad alll
cood bit of bustllnr'thls rdar A
brnblp ticket cood (or tve a*
■Inhms »ni be aold ter n.o«. iberv-'
br makiBS tbe bolder a full tee
vhk a rotce in Ibe abiri of the ataocUtlon at tbe oCldal weeilDs*iporUDl that the tlrketa be Ukan duickir as there ia a roniUe
aas ta be laralred befora there
are anr moms. Thcreforv <
la Ibe dtr and retOen eaa be.
• a booatef for tbe lair by buyint tickets at once.'
Prom oov on ibere a-lll be hiiay
tlwea for tbe offleert and commlueew.
All prdaneeUre exbibllors are nrx^
id.beclB MHr is prenratioo and any
matloa ean be aeenred frn>^ tbW
prawian list srhich can be ba<
Reeretary H. B. Uoaiapw.' Tbe book
coDtalna tbe names ef the soperinlendeats of all the denartmenu
wbom addiUonal teforamtiea can

WiU tbe praseot ouUoc^c Uere is
eMrr reason to believe ttaat Ue (air
bf 1I32 Will be Ibe l^atvst noblie
dveat in iwrtbern Mtchlaan UW year.

Lodltuncn I.
Ne« Yl............................

eWeago, Aug. '14.—B-bmt Me. Core,
70(kf. GaU. 3i«(c.
Detroit. Abg. 14.
Oats. S7e
Toledo. Aug. 14.—«*haoL ll.os>4.
iCora. PB OatA »%c.


Washtacton 3.
National Leaaut.
niMeipbka C.
QblcavD 4. Bostna
I^uaburg 3. Brooklyn 1.


CMsb BBaa Bt«|^
• and Fraad Bream, Travana CNjr. MMlk


Locsl Maiieis



Pricna cometod so«dt Jlonlir

Natrensi Laaewa.

is:=-=l i" ®
s::yi I

willr TRE FHiei'I IWE

^ti«w. per ton ^.......................m



- OR. W. a »NTON
IPM« WlUelai Bk>^ wMh Or.
aaeh day tbaraaftor It aarkai varloa
ncrsuli having been lusde In the
fiuttar .
rondliio'ijt of a certain mongage made
b.v Ofecar M. Merwe and Sarah JEggs
kferv. bis wife. Jointly, of Trarerse
Cllv. MIcMgfn. to RMard Hurtbst of
Conaiv; i-'torldA dated the euveuh da} of September. A. U.. IktiK.
and rerorilrd
• - In
• • oirw of Ibe Rac^
. Prat of M • ■
tbi- elevenih day 1 Ser.
iJ.. l-.-ub. Ill lilier
gps. 08 |iage 7K. on whl>
bH- is riallned tn he dee
tbh aoNre
•liars and V:
r Tweill}
Iiroviled for In said mortgage.
lO Wt or |■ruc'<e<llllgg at law
seen iBBtlttMOd to recover
moDWa aecerdd'by said alortgage or
any 'Jw^ohereol.
therefore, br virtue
lower of sale eontaloed
d in
In a
and Ua
. . sUtute in aiKS case
ind ^
prevWed. notice Is bereb:
Saiiirdsy. the tweotv
elghU day of September. A. D..
- 1912.
Baana. por bo...........
\1 ten oMoi-k Ip Ibe forenoon. I s
sell at public anrtlon to the bigi
bld-ler. at the north froiil door Of
Couit House. In (be (Hy of Travniy. County of Crwod Traverse.
MMiigsn. tlbal being the pUet
V here the I'lrcuti Court for ssM coun
j of Giand Travetre U beldi. the
preiulsea descrilw-d in aatd’mortgage
much thereof as msv be necestiuotmt due on said
No. 1 borm bldM ..........dl.S^d ap
il legal
fee. of Tweaiv-Vlve
Diny -moadbL
k i-rovided l» law an-l as «
•Xove can never die. Thafa
nied lor therein, the preuuses l>clag
awMat He ga--c to erdrybody."
rscrlle-il IB said nxingsge aa follows.
)wli. T'pe lUsi Thirty-Three and
ne-Thlr*'Fvel of l»t Forty-Three
To the Enrolled Vot.-r* y>f lir
i:<> of &k Height. Addii
Traverse rooniv
City of Traverse Cii;. aam ;:<h is •lyuary K
the rccorde.1 rdat iljereof. it :he CounMake a > loi on this iJ
Tiaterse an Plate of
the ikjHs
niv. Ulrhigan.
re of William
County Treasurei

S-Sr........ ....

pUce whr
rhere tbe rtrcuU to«^ tlW
Ounty la hi
Grand Tra
d in oaM i
au murfa lher*-of aa any be necataailsty the amoahi
o«hl Ihee ^
wlU the coora
nt* idrecMsare and pale
«aie and
the PttanM'a
twe protMed tar by Uw. Bald sale
of said premises win be asde bm.
•iMrr SBhject in ttaegrtnclpsl ainoaot
amred by said amrtgag* aad
M of Twelve
.Ml. The pre■anlbed In Ue
-saMd mortgage aa Ue Wert ora-l
(H)) of
< the West ooe^alr. mi tt


Thlrfy-Mx' t'sVl Vr^d'ue (
r (K> of Ue-BnaUwsht Ohor lUl of Br^-tioa Twealp-tra
rows TweMy-S.e Cui Nonh
Nine tej West and Ue-Hhal
one-hair JH) of the Meat onedialt
• Hi or the Norlheaat enraratner
(Ule(Be«UoaTfeMy«x (IdluB lha
went oohdwu T%i of (he B<atthea«
eowhmrU (U) ^'UhsUes Twaatjr*
Bre 121) all la Town ' Twaotr-ft^
(») North Range Mn U) WsM.
Grand Traveras cnraty.^iehlgaa.
Dated Hay St, IPI2.

Attorney few Mortgagaa.
Traverwa niy. Hiehlgaa.
bura.. Maj Sft-Ang.





Ol’ t I MI/JR.
* toi Moringee.
a ra Sept. t(.

. w. nil---------


me Little


■ ribg act br Baady copeiaad___
wacan shew sT JMg Mra. N a
Mna M«fe enamw ol BitMla BauMa Ugki wire nrt by »y Ue bareau a pboi<«repkwr. w tMr
>»• ftne. «pd wt cosU Mt clsai
r «M^«Mlal'-B»'
■» AM
and a nab'oaoftt ibBBd bsabcn IBM wn pram tt.aBdMvirralMaUMB.

eoDdliiooi Of a certain
by Jarob A. Joaes and
to John Jonra. said Borlgage beipg
datod May \ 1911. and Ue daiba hp.
Ing recorded In the oSice of tbe Re­
gister of lieedt for Ue Couniy of
- Trsveree.
tbe 2SU da> p( May. A. U. tail, la
A Newty MarHM CoupN liber
of rapngagra cm Mge 20L
1 waoallr rary bappy. but tbe
lotcrrot upod U1B mortgage
le la itaa eaae with
— beck, sore
of Elgbly-foar Uollara <((4.00)
lea. cramiia in tbe bowels, dysen
dtts wprei May (. 19UI. nod
tery.'alck alomacb. Tbeae Utter ran ^
been paid and by reaaon of
have their mlaery
:ujjS ’”^magic|»"‘*
«» raymrat'or
nedyltereai SOM 0
aod external .
t the gcaatne. Price
so due ab'd uopaM.
le. Sold by As
And no proreedlngt at taw or la
eqeKy bartng bom taotuated te re-'
cover the debt aerered Uoahy or «iy
pan tbereot-neuce U baipfay glvm
Usl by virtue ot tbe power Of kale
cobuteed ta saM mongiBa and In
md«o those aching taetn ahdbIftaS ewaraUance with the statate In oarb
wnbout pain, and without Uo aas o> caps atade sod pravldra U«s w(H hs
Inigt to produce unocoa> '
Psople of nervops teat
the I AwgwsL A D. I9IC. M tea e'ettflt «h
with wrsk Weprts w# a
the toreaeoD at tbs North freat dear
^Ka-olar- method ot pa




' The price looks ^ood, but after you bavft looMd Um
shoes over care&iUy the price locdEsdifiecoat to ycm.
rlH not so mudi what yeu pay as
jforVhat you pay. We want you to see our shoes
V.faefcKe you b^.

8 my war
three aavent>-flvc is all
......1 btve In U
bouoe. Burglsr—Well,
aor! i When I*
Sgvre me itme an' me toelt. bow dT»
atpaet me to toalea any pnBt at 1^

IP. dostng at (KM.

\tl members of ftrtiid Trsverae
inge are esi>er1ed to l>e at tbe hall
mrdar |i noon .«1th snppllei
taea eatiihl^M.
at. After tbe\ssGBet several new­
ly received members will be Rlmi
Vfw Tod at#iU> baa been reekleaa and exeeedinttl.v ean-lm in
tbeir fbuil InstroeilOBa. The program
' (ha riBMUtMn of (to eriminaU, and yeaterday a blot waa put upon
boar U dedieste
Heated to Ceres, the goddesi
IAb Mrarae td..die mate that eaimot he effaeed in many, many
of gntB An a

being praiaired for the oevasion.
Mleblintn. Tor fifty yeara. and more, haa been free from anrh
-'^aihaslia Grsfwc Ratty.
The grancees cd Kalkakba ceanty
4to^re aa tiia. and >liehi|nn'a record of mnrdera-i* not today
, ..leet for tbrlr snninter rally
iniigii)r'in Rreat aa that -of the state that marie thja wholeaale local
Iday. Augnal Jn. at the Boardman Val­
idMVhhn- Vondoy. And what n tme of JJiebimn ia true of other
ley Granee hall. Miss Jennie Bm-11.
I^.^A BOY AND J8 REPORTEO At .lecturer of the state grange, alii be
( ia not tbe law.

^5ek« New Tork atal< reiwoja ita eapitai \
presant a« cira an address. T
ietber fettwos of the procrem are:
Utr/lhe ^ey fcr tbe state and the belter for tbe eonntTy.
Opening song, eonduried by Mrs
Alice Palmer.
int-ocation—Rev. W. T. ilill.
■ A lloean't mike ao l----- ^
u —.
. Adilress of welcemr-ll. P. Rosea
«ld(M «a u4ia1 he dom wWi it. Of late yeara we have heord 0
Responsa—G. K. PbM|<s.
deal *abont tainted hinney. whatever that temi may ii«*b."
.'ereoo lABcasier.
We'^DOtice that dnly Ihtee who caimet gM it eall it tainted. Ttie
"Psaturas of Farm Orga
ia aae maa’a dollar
)Udr it worth ynat m mneh «a another man'a
leciutlod-nista Watson.
I haa a Iftile more brain than tbe other, if Is the Fearth Member of Famllr te
Abllbr. ffttie
Bear Name af Jabo Jeeafe
Solo—Mrs. Garl HsU.
Mttewmi *eti«ity than,the othm-. if be baa a better
Aster MeWier May
-Primar}- Election Polniers"-E.
MpM^iuilt.w than tbe other, he makea more Winey than the otherContest Will.
. ^'tbi* ia riskt. The mechanie who ean slo bettor work' thn.i
Recitation—John E. Clllett.
MOtbtk meehanie if entitled to more pay per <lay. The man frhu
Solo—Mrs. Rulb Oelty.
AsloYs liosibuiDOus child, brlr to three
There 'wlU be a Ubie iiicnir
iwi lay mare briek da a wall in a «la}- tbaa another ia entitled nllllobs, arrived ai C:i:i tbla mornlna.
mon. tO'/hlch all are invited to n
«a more pay than auathev. it. therefore, followa that the
I boy and physIcUns report th< >il>uie--lil>erallv and partake fn-ely
'Mth bfhin. tHtb energy, with oj^rtnnitf. makes bia milliomi rbllil ■nd lis oioibiT as "dolnc evil.’
Orangrra from the rouniies surroundluaual rroa-d was in front of tbe Ing Kalkakta are expected to he presli^iw
reat nf na*witbnnt the tame opportnuitiea. even if.,we
Xstor manxlon tbis morning aatcblng
IwTe the aaBK brain and eperp', don't make it.
Ue aciinty inaMe. That the child la
Ol late yeara it k notieeaUe that vaat awns of money thus
bey is Intense BallafBctlaii to Mrs.
Oa Tbureday of this week
■Mmaiilmid have beeo (tiivn for moat worthj- ofajeiUa. Thia » tnr- Astor and family Tbe child la to bsar
Grangere and Gleaitere meet In Gay s
apiiii when dtdim Roaenwabl of Chiesfro n-aebed the (iftieth the itmne of John Jacob Astor. Ita ar­ grove OB the ahorea of Elk lake. The
.was aDnoaoce.1 la the folloirlBg
uinlvvrsary of hk biitb the other day. On that day he grnv.
program begini at 11 o'clock and
I8B7..500 to Worthy objeeta. One of theae waa the I'niveraity of
tlnees the remainder of the i
".Mrs. Aston- haaa aen. born at C:I&:
d^,000; another the Amoeiatod .fewiah rbar^tiea of name. Joba Jaextb Astor. Mother and There wtR be sports with prites
the winnere. At ogon a plenic dinner
CUtmto. «2kM)00; another to Jane Addama. A*>0.00n. trustee for a >D to good condition "
Hold the rtgbi-<rf-wsy. Among the
By Ue terms of the Aatnr will, tbe orators secured for the aflerneei
eunntty elnb for tbe aneial workeni of t'bieapo. and we miftht (m
child Is heir te Uree mllltotiB oulriabl.
an Amin HmmRfa.itie list.
P. Hull, master of the MIchltatTP
lavysrs Interested In ibe Aster estste Slate grange, nnd b>ed Hswln.
'Only a Tevi montbi ago we had oeeasion to refer to the cift
reeocnlse Ut iiosslbllily now of Mra.
prenie leciiirer for the Cleaners,
of p.oilb.noo by the firm which Mr. Boaenwald heada. Seara. Roe- Astor coDlesUlic tbe
speeches will be interspersed sUh
hpek 4 ComimBy thk *].000,fl00 to be uaed in experimental fan Creater formne for
siral numbers
wark. Ve do not hHiev^ that the money that K<>ant. Roehnek A baby at birth svlghed
Charlevoix grsngeit met ai Ironlon
Oampnn.T baa-giyen. or the uHiney that Mr. Roaenwald now givra. tbree-quarter loiinda. lie It
a Wednesday of this week for i
bear the nai
Ic with Prof. U R. Taft at the "big
iM IllB but |n«ltalnary to mfliiona more yet to he jriven. ia tainted
Jacob Aalor.
gun.- Judge Prederick W. Ma.vne will
give the Charlevoix •'better roads”'
"^**^nej. k good for what it will do. It k of no
piled up
campaign a beeat.
ianvanit It wi^t be lead
iron. We'bring forth meul
Psastretaa Burial vaWL
.Mm thrae vanita that haa been civei/the I'nited Slatea ataipp and
la a dlapMsted oU vault
mm m«i^. and money buys things, money paya for servi.-c
charebrard to iVlsdoIpbta. eoi
renAerM^ wbelMw that be in eollege. ic shop, on the experimental
IH iAt benss of soma coioalsl n
tnaUea. a groap ol
fiilh 0
were foBOd the oiber ____
Dlgbi. laugbing.
The world, therefore, ewra a debt of cralitwle to Mr. Rnm-ntalUng, imokuCK and abooting "eraL
mM, to Mr. Camagie. to Mr. RoekefeHer or to any olhi-r wealihv
Tbe vault la trtiA .they stt Nrnt (be
oldest la Old Trinity and It Is lalltag
anu who ffivva
hk wraith for the g.>od of
neeclog of Ibe exarutlve
Into toAy. for more Uan
mlttee of «be Weanem Mlrfatgan De- resMenta of Ue soigtaborbi
«WEe’< Sr<A»
velopmeoi Rurean has bean called
Ue ^rehyaid after mldBlg
■day aftenmon. Aug. Si. at
_ Miebinn
Miebigau will IIte
k- proud of the faet that in the hall of fame at
Ua ^c« was beUeved to br
VnabingtaB. there will soon be plaewl an herni.- atatne of tbe late oRW-ea Of Ur l-oreoB In Traverse
my. At that time the general pUns
SS(.Renatnr ‘•JEarh*’ Oiandter of Miebigau. but we mnei rs-ly trust
tbe grad-ng. branding aod advei
WeHdh Debt U Books.
lb« the enta that are Heimr naed by Ibe newitpapeni «»f th>- eonntry. Using of W.-alem MI<'hlgao fruits preHow stfely we hty bare the poverty
purporting to be fae.aimilea of thk atatne. dn not repre»^»t the PBraxacy to opoaing wider warkeit of bamali tgneriBee to hooks wHboot
M- ukea up. snd If poaatble tbe
Mtue of the jpau kliehisan k m.iat prowl oT. The illmtrationa
y akame. They are mastcra
Impnnam ouestmns disposed ol. ^he InefPict at wtthoot rod or ferula,
Mnt are apitrarinx in the pap<-rs ar.-. eniip-lj- nnrs.«.gii«ible bv
wltbool Obgry woida. without clotbea
(hne who knew Mr. (^handler uketilie w*a the liring. aetive ehar- (fast (be Immense amoonl .of detail or money lf>we come to tbesi Uey
■k oeonaan to perfect any eUbor,
aawr in tbe male. The -only tbinR ahoot he pieinn* that one' who
plan may be bagao. Tbe eiecuilve
fcb« him Intimately wmiM reedgniae. k the nevktie. whieh uaod to ,<wnimiilee will atarv reOolTe reporia
wM grouDd on hk neek an Ms-l.v when he waa making one of his regarding Ue pregrsss bciag i
les: tbey do not laugh at
Ue aecood Mk-bifan Land and you U you are tgoorain —Richard Da
F* h»pe the Btatue itaeU wiU be aU that was intended, but we Apple Shew *io be beM in Grand Bary.
Rapids In November wader--nlie
bng the ■vwapapen of the rniwiry to keep thk pktnrp out of their aaspNes of tbe barsea aof WtJraod
The wagoe show of long age. H had
fuaay clown: tu lined the Way at
•Rotoe om tae oceoes weto^geeared oo the ]XU MM- 4P» UcM**- bnnk of day te Bde n tnto town. Osr
Mrty went to the taPt cent (o get m
ley * Snyder T3«ere
Ms £^rd bon lasMe Bat what of that? Fog

, ilfcaSdUdD 23U mrnt,

Plioaa carreetoJ eaeb day by wire
(mm Chieago. DoOelL Toledo ad Bat(Mo ttMb^ Daltad Proas tolscrepB




% Maiiets
f Ue In-

_F^ ReprewnUtlve In Cengreti.
Th; «e'|‘n,~ Sf*"'-0■■ V'.;,.:?
I' irtiv.ite




Smmimy, Aagwl tmk
Train will leave Trarerae CRy
at 7:3" a. lu. Keiurniug. irate
i.adioglon SI C:3d p. m. \
To I^dTngwo. (1 ««
The only Baoday le vtail th
Soldlen in canp.
Lwdinpton va. Boyne City.

A r/s h. p. Oasolino Ciifhi*
CyflBder bore. 4 Inches; atroka 4%
leches. Good design, hdst aBauMaL"'
Hopper cooled. Wctght, SM Iba OBais
easily, ntna. steadily; ta w«woi..ieei
reliable, durable and compIttB WHR
Pitney, fasoltoc uet. hettarr. ooR aad
switch. wIrM retfdy ta hn Toar edperaior, wend saw or pump br do tag
other doty wtUia the edpnfty «r tu

We Carry Whal Pe^ Want,
Nat SamttlttBg “Jm os Good"
You may nol be a judge of drugi, but
vie are. You can trust our judgnient and




toned Batnrday to Ibelr botse la
Alex Id'le asd Ucfns Poller were la
Tnrcrsa City Monday.
Codtfucted l>y Hij< Edna Wall.
^ Mbrrtt Loaki aM Harold Vli
apeu thfS. eek camping on Ibe Wssd.
Hr. and Mrs. Dare Raaeodr wc«l
jUba Satorday to vtalt her father.
W* Am bt |M to htn Isdivtdwb. AsrobM.
Isa. Teachout 1* borne from FC
A* Qnaft, ftatenal Mdattn ttd m otbor orWayae.
girttitiwi hud iB itwn of sowt, period
Jobe Kimball of Detroit rlilted bla
a of BoottBft, BottoH of oBtortalawife and daughter over Baoda.v.
awrti, Mbm ohiBcM,
Ven Crege restgaed hli poslilob
at D.- Bine's and .la driving the dray
eoutrrTwdw otbar ttasH of ctBtbU Week.
oraltBtoraA hoad
to Milt IdBo Wall.
■1.000,Bine u agala employed la bis
falber'a grocery store.
K T. dark aod men
a hit va- arc-repatrlBS tbe Iron bridge on the
<eCloo Uouday. ai rumpanl^ by
family, wbo bave been, vlaltlag
Rollle .Velsoo was op from ManBUndlab for the pafi fee -oreeka.
rortr-Bv* of her frivods wMit
ten Wedneadny.
Ao «M InAr M«e<L
Mr*, lieu K. Ha>ea and rbtldrea
.Vanry Uonaer Is very III
Tb» afiemooB wm pleaM...........
returned Uuuday frooi a two week*'
Jay Aldridge of Sootb Boardnisn
IB onklDS boldrn ana cni^l
rltlt wlib relatlrea at Bad Ate and at In town Toeaday.
•rUciM. Af S o'clock a dainty luucb- Stand lab.
W, C. WllUrd wai In Traverse Ctty
M was aanrod. Neill* was Ibe feBra. Howard Unnn and daughtci Tburadar and Friday attending tbe
ctplont of aaiir irtece* of cut ^ass Maty Bllubelh. went toTrarerae City leacben' meellDg.
Md haaOoalaM ciilBa, 1«*Mm all- Tueaday for a abort rlatl wUb r«ltA. Qlbba of Traverse City wa
Ttfwarc and BiM>erous piece* of linen.
town Priday.
Mr*. N«in« B*ii' •***!»« and* of
of Traterae City trauaMrs. Henry Tsbberer returned from
*dk* Nelaen.
acded bualaca* la town Tueaday.
ber Ttall la the sooihera pan of tbe
Sntordar edoniliw at t o ctock a
Wn. J. Reuoie and Ur. Bachaat
stats Wednesday.
onlet weddlaa «aa »ol^BU«d at tb* Trsrerae City were In tuwa Saturd*:Lyman Brewee of Sealllc. Wn»h.
Boom of R. Com. «bes kla dangbur. oe political bualnles.
la tbe guest of tala brother. W. W.
Mr*. Nellie BeU. was united In aanr- ' -Mike .Nelaoa. wbo baa bwu work­ Ktoaer. a rouple.of.dsys.
rlage to Hlk* Nelaoo *of Jackson, ing 111 JarksDB, Is bcMue for a abort
Mrs. Hrri Uaacron sad cbtMren reformerly a Klpaler realdmu, W Rev
luraed to tbeir bouie la CadUldc
tiraet'bodey of Jaekson la faonie Taeoda^.
Mr. and Mr*. Nelson were attended >r a abort Halt witb blajMirenu and
Uolf Bosses Harry Leuks aod GuV
ky Mr. nod Mn. BaJpb Case. They uiber relatl'
Waller are apeadiag the week camp­
bare tbe heanr good wlabet of
Ura. f'laode Moore and Mr*. Uiller ing on the Island.
iMwt of friends.
and Mlaa Rarfek attended ibe wed­ dande Quarkeabnah Is visiting relding uf Mlaa Floreni
iHve* at CadllUr.
(leorge ilrenllgan at Haunab TuesWalsea Raisy wa* la Traverse City
.»er Sunday. «
dayMias Ploroties Rtinser and Oes. BranD. H. Biddlecome loat aoolber borse
John. Cora ami Bdna Wall
tigan Wsddtd Tusaday.
Toeeday nornlng at C:3D Mlaa
and rooalo. Pearl Koose, apent 8onda>' K. P. Quaekenbnsb has arcepled a
noreooe Runaer, dangbler of l(r. i
laomon In Dr. U 8. Walter's gipeery
Travetae City with the
•Ira. Jo* Knoaer, was unltad in n
store. mother. Mm. Cbas. Itiab.
yinge to OMrga .Brantlgan. ion
Mra. Wm. Onderktrfc Is ualie HI.
Cbkriea Box made a bnaloeat trip to
Polar Btaatlgan. at tbe 6L Mnry't
Mis* Haxel Woodman of South
«bvA St llnnab by Rev.. Pr. Kel
rlslted Miss Tiessa Downey
■Mra. l->ank Aaderoon of Cadillac
was tbe gueat of relatives here tbe Sunday.
‘nere ware aboni 100 AaaU pf«aMl**' Murel Uowea went lo Toroato
Mt at tbe churcb to wiioAaa tbe wedCleo Rial spent Sunday with Dewey Sunday.
dlng. The couple waa sui
AMs l.>le was Ilip gaest of Rev.
HMa beona Braotlgan. Mater of tbe Weaver at Hannah.
Bridgewater In Kingsley Snnday.
Gles Storts and Art Albrigtat
glODiD. wbe was govoed In light bine
Mlaa Verp Clark aticaded tbe Ciraiinlik. nnd Tbeg. Roaaer. btotber of irmolt City were in tows' as bast- er*' picnic at DIbert Satuiday.
raa friday.
tbe bride. The bride waa g
Mr*. Carrie Faler returned home
Mrs. Bd Celger of Baxter was la
- entnty whlt^ .ant
8alurdj>-. after a week'* visit la Trav>wn Monday.
Attar )be
the ceredcoy
cereSoo a wedding din■MMea Wlaale Rial and Ethel Mack- rt C^.
oer pas eerred at tbe boae of Ue
noyd Ptaaders I* sh-k wlib tuumia.
bride to tb* Immediate friends sod
Rsy fMUer bad tbe mlalonaae to
where they will visit reUttvea of tbe
ralat|r*n. Tbe boon* wm daeoratad In
latter. Tbe former will visit ber cou­ ae a bore* Priday.
Mis* Mary Tubbs of Owosso la vIsUsin. Mm P- e. WUllsms of Peatwster.
lag »Tra. R. leore.
before returiiing.
gM or Maanab. wWle Mr. i
Rell Travb and wife of OklabMua
A. P. Gray u( the PeiilQinla was^n
la a pioapeioua bualneaa ffidn. being
trleada Friday, re xlsiilag bla uacic. A. T. CUrk.
« member of the firm M Brantlgan
o Tnsrerae City
-Sros.. hardware dealers.

Kingsley Department


Tbe bappy <«a>le Mt on tb* alterEmUy Klagsleyr of Sammlt
•eoh train for a trip thttrogb Booibfity was tbe gueol of Carl Case Tues«n Mleblgsa. ladlaaa and Oblo.
Tliay bare a boat of frionda
wIM) them many yam* bf happy
^rw Hiese Potter and aoa went to
Traeperoua wadded, life togelber.
Tigverad City’Tuesday on boalneas.
Mlaa Mattie Weaver U learning the
( at the ntlseas' oRli-r.
Monday IJoyd Mi-OodsM left
t^'er'a aiding, where be haa a<O. V. Holaiee waa ^ businoaa esUer oepted a position as bookkeeper with
a lomber llrar.
here PrMay.
^ Jim FiBUas of Traverae City
George Daniels and r trre. Pcsiri
. tn town OB bnaUMia Friday.
Heose of Skenaao. were tbe guests
Cbnt. McMaBOB and wife ralmwed of Sdaa sod Cora Wall Priday.
to tbeir borne U Cblcaga Sunday. fa»v. -Mlaa fCUle Wilcox spat the IW.Ier
tag npent tftt weeka with tbo form- pari of tbe week with Gustave Barrel
end fanilb. Saturday the yeoager
medibers of Ibe family, together wHh
Elale. attended the dance at Baxter.
. TremelBe went to Tmre(u* City TneaMlaa Msyme. Gray, wbo haa >«a
yisiilng lOBsina. Ed sad IrWld'^w.
s a Traversa. CHy Haa and Mm Ira Matctaell. returned
Ranae GIdAls
can* Tueada).
to ber borne in iktragn Snada.v.
Cbas. Cook h giving
Bmll Nertlugrr sad Geo. Ailea
daoeen. U Abt^Boi rhaik
Smith of Traverse City were la town
.Priday Blgbt.
m boalaeaa Wedneaday last.

Fife Lake Department
> Conducted by MIm Mae Dewey.


W« wut to BukB UADdputamt .of tb*
(NStdit BOtdUt Tilne to hll eonooned sad to
tUs ^ roqawt thst bU UoM tf pmoBil iBd
OMnl latoTHt be sent to ICig Dewey to be
fBeofpantid in «h* DopgrtBOBt We egpeeUUy
ask that AnToba*. fnt^ml aodetied sad Ae
Onaft faniA tt«i of taterost ia AA ngpoottv* orfuiaAloes. Il««( of iodal ereaU ud catetaUMBti, iaiBrereBMt* btiac made or eeatoiapUted. aad bogAon chufw. sad truufen A .
r«kl ottaU A town bad eoantiy an otpeeAUy
aoeoptablo. Tho sbova aapUm aot tmly A At
kHAfoatrUe Uka.batAA« saznraadAf cobb.
try.-Sditor HmOd.

The Sntiday echool coareailoB pic' ale Aaguat «tb el ibe Boardman
talks was a decided auccesa. Owing
* A tbe dresebing ml» (be rompsAy
' wnre heapUnbly received end eotettalaed by Mr. end Mm Sbeefc. wbe
restde *i tb* -green aimt. " After a
■ pIcBic dinner and luoBtable revival
aMvicc there, tbe compoa.v dleiwraed.
theoe from Boaidmaa retoralsg heme,
tb* other* precMdlng to Pile l.oke
throogfa Ibe nla. where evralag arrvlee* oprerd at tbe church *l
vUh song service aod InairuoK
munie. Those from oat of town
Rev.-Chase of Haplelea. Mm Bertha
Jobaaon of Travevae City. Mr. Cad
H. Kale* of teief and
-* OeUaad of Chdiltoe. Addreta*.
' Ibe -J^war.l Moveojeef* ■»*!* gUeu
A B^. Cbaatbad Mr.<a*ftland. Coa-

mretlng a' proBiabie oac.
lUreld Oewev U asslsltag ai
bora's grocery. Morrit Looriis bavtag
rcnlgaed the poaUloiL
Siiear Straban rwurned lo Notre
Dame universliy Frfday.
Mrs p. H. BMoateiae la eaieitalaIM ber moibcr. Mm FaaxO* Prank of
Mr*. (Mss Dowaey Is rialllng reU■ he* In Napoleon. O
Rari naUeii is aMe to be .out
Gertrode BwMtMa* is vislUag in
J. Harris nad si 1. R. Harris, of BeB-

Ohaa. Uunewiu aod dsugfalerr. RIsa and l-ama. left Sscurday
liag for Warren. Iad_ tor a sreek'a
visit with reUtlvea.
w. Blower aad daaghtera, Alim•da and Ntaa, went to Traverse
City Wednesday to see tbe mUa*'
The Brel load of vo'remArs (hit
brpugbl la to tbe pickle
alntlen August 7th by W. R. Puller.
0. aeadeBBea left Saturday to k<ok
fter bt* real estate posaeastons at
TVarrea. P*.
Prof. W. J. Clark of (be commwr-irl
depariinenl of Ibe Reuo lii^h m ><c«<
ehreska. is vl.liingat Or. u. K \Va|.

Mra. G. C. .-hunh and son. Freddie,
n here Thursday for a ten days’
vlall with Mr. CJiurcirs reiatitvs at.St.
Johns and will also visit friends at
Craad Rapids on her «a> home.
Mr*. Hrady Clark and children arvej bare Saturday from Forruidne.
^Ir. and Mr*. I- K. Judkins euierUlaed .Mr. Judklas' brotber. Judge
Jodklat and wife, of Grand Rapid*, s
few dsys this week.
H. Biddlecome ailended ibe
rsoipnieeiiog at Saowllakr ever Sun­
day. visiting at Spencer on hie way
home Tuesday.
a. Calberlae Downey was called
iremboio. Can.. Thursday by tbe
lllae** of ber laother.
Mr*. Gay Scaddet and chlldrea.
wbo bare been vaitlng her |«reau.
Dr. and Mm L- S. Waller, (or several
week*, left here Taesday for tbeir
borne la Seottis. Wash., her brotber
mnk accompmijlBg tier.
FVaak HolUday of Klngsle) baa
eommeaecd work on ibe coiueot walk
ad steps OB Ibe Peteram bill.
Glenn Weaver of Graad RaiMa
reme up Hooday for a moatb's vacatlOB. flsbtag sad huatlag.
. aad Mr* James Smlib of Batch­
elor vlsUed over Soaday wlib ^ E.
Prim and Umib. ill** 1-so Price weal
home with them for a few days' visit.
Mm Geo. Kimball is eniertalalag
ber (WO nieces, tbe Misaes Goldie aad
Wlaale Whltenar. of Almira. N. Y.
Mm Cbas Chllsoa of Praokfort wt
W soeat of Mis* Marion DIckison
w days ihls wc^.
Kuadav service* ai the M. K <hin^
Augaat IXib: Sabbath school at
a.’m. Epworib Imgnc at «:je p m.t
twirl -The ReanaciatloB ol Vulgar
Diaiday a* a Hmas of RecogaillOB:
tbs Hodeaiy of Bueagth." Hau ftS-T:
*. i;:SMO PrcairUag al 7;S* pm. hv ibe pastor. Rev. A. W. Raker.
' Ang. 12.



d at the Ukn and treat strsamt la
. where Aey viU visit to
where he wUI he tor a tew day* bo Cburt Ume before moroUig to Aolr
trre returning to bb bcose at Grand liome.
n and wife, who hsv>*
. D. T. Ssuiss of LsnsInG, arrived been at Silver Lake for tbe '"pa-d
Charts* Dim of Ludingtes. ar­ In Ibe dty Als murtiing (or a two mpoA. retarned to Arir.bume at (Mk
rived b Ae dry today tor ai*hurt v1s meek*' outing asd flshlnx t.-ip here edgo this DtorillBg.
It wlA frtends.
F. N. Cbyton left Ab morning on
tPoUikal Advertisc«ieiu I
a iwo weeks' trip «> Grand lupids
and Detroit.
W. A.
* to his
borne at Grand Rapid* today,
iday, aftm
a week spent lu the city oboslUs.
E. A. Wsaton left th>a lereing^for
PeioAey. where be sillII be
I tor a
days on buslDeaa.
J. C. Emmena. «vho has been in the
i(y and at tl>c Small resurt* la Ae
Icluliv tor some Him-, returned to

(Prom Wsdasodark Itiiimd Pagta.)
Or. a. O. Sstaryor and family MR
last svenlag (or Oerriaad sad Kcat,
ObM. (or a akorit Tbit.
Mba PMrenoo Hail retumsd t» hsr
bom* la Port Austin (U* mormlag.
after n abort rUlt with brr aant Mm
Hsraao Kocb of East N'lotb street.
Mbs Hall was enroute from East Jor­
dan where sbe baa been one
camping party.
Mrs. Ainsworth and party •* Grand
RnpM*. wbo have been spending ■
Um at tbeir summer boms at Oa
cams to tbe eitr yssterday In tbeir
car to epend so[pe time here ni
goe*t of Hr*, j'ap. Onriaiid.
Palmer, wbe baa been vbittng
la the city tor ^ibe past two weeks
m. Wcstcriind and wH*.
has relwned lo bla home al UrtrelL bave heeu vldliag In tbe'i-iiy (oi
'a. Muellar has mtairesd to his Mm*
week, left this morning lor Cad
( Aims, after a short time la the
cHy TbIUDg wrtb Irieads aod rebtlve*.
P. J. MeCprren. wifa and dsughtar
retarned to Arir home at Chicago.
Ariei^V after a week ia the city a*
gueet of Hr. sad Mra J. C Hor-

Bert A. Gannell





R poUraa Pdmtres. Augirt 27. I9I2


torpe H. BIRnar and'wMe of LaidiaiAoa. arrived in tbe city yesterday
for a week's visit with frtemls asd
PL P. Lmrer, who hse been In i
cUy fm- aoBve rims, has retarned
lU borne at Memphis.
W. »hsrock of Alpena, b in Ac
Ofb tor a few days uii business.
P. O. Tlmble returned M his home
at Kabmsxoo yMterday. atler a week
In Ae city on businest.
H. L. Harvey of OetroR. arrived tn
tbs city ycoterday and especis to he
here lor ab^l a week on buelness. Upsltx bn thii morning for
Detroit, after visiting for a Jew week*
wlA-^. H. Steinberg
John Wlnimll and daughtdr Miss
OiAer WlnoeU of De* Moines,
wbo have been Ae guest* of tbe
aelb of' tfale city and other rebtlves
rotureed borne today.
Ifft Ab mornMm Oaorgh Jah
lag tor Ae 8^. awhere Ae will t|>eod
few days fith meads.
O. P. BueSbas left Ab morning for
Sidnsw, where be expecU to be (or
few days oa boslaeas.
C. P. 2spf left Ais morning on a
isloess trip to Ae Green Uay dis­
trict In Wisconsin. '
A. F. SutllvBB'bnd wife returned
I their borne ht Cadillac today, afl- a week ! visit in tbe city.
Mm Mike Lsrdl* of MspiMon. re­
turned home, after vbltlng Mrs. Ckw.
Beck of Webster, street, Mr*.
Price aod Mrs. Dwight Comb*
tVest Tenth atreet.
Mis* Ends LaPrsnbr. who ha* bsen
vblUsg at Kalkaska and Peloskey.
baa returned borne.
Mr. and Mm Ray V. Blrdsatl
dBBgbter. Fhitb. wbo have uulll reOoaUy lived In Laingtburg. where kir.
Blrdsall was editor of the Lalug*
borg News, are visiting at the home
o( J. J. Bslby^m Stsle street- Mra.
Blrdsall wo^ormeiiy Miss Minnie
Bnlley. and'Mr Blrdsall was for
Ibe Dally Eagle.
Sbea selling (heir paper they <
touring (he stale vlsiilog reUlivcs
Mr. J. OekofAcy, aeeompsnbd by
bis mother and sister sod Ml**
PelBbery left tor Cblcago last ■
C. L. DuroA returned to hie hems
nt Benton Harbor today, sliei
week In Ae city oo buslaes*.
Frank Zajbsk and wlfs of Chicago,
re la tbe city visiting (or a few day*
with friends and rclatlres.
who has been
Ae city tor Ae pest week on b

For Friday Aug. 16
Everything in the store at

10 per cent. Discount
We close every Friday afternoon
during July and August, and in
order to stimulate morning trad­
ing on these Friday mornings we
offer these extra inducements.
We expect to make next Friday
morning one of our best days and
with this great inducement it
should be.
Remember that for Friday morn­
ing only yon. can buy anything at

a Discount oi lO per cent.


Xpaverise City’s Best .Store

"Every Day Is Bargain Day” just now

In The Men’s Suit Dept.
and there an Wonitrfal Opportanilies to be bed for the loohirg



Plain Blue Serce Suits (all wool). taiicV Sernea.
Worsteds and Cassimeres. standard S12..t0 grades may
bfe'^d here now in praciically*a!i sizes at only EIGHT


This is an all

wool Sei^e
SuiL nicely made, witb
Knicker Pants, full lined,
in both Norfolk and Double
Breasted Styles.
fA for heavy pants that
OUC were 75c. all sizes


$18 00 SUIT

These Suits are special values at even $18. Selfatriped Serges, plain. Serges. Worsteds. Tweeds, etc.,
tailored in first-class manner, actual $18-values here


Th* prica* rang* from
S1B0 to »:.0e eacn and in­
clude every new and dcs-reble Myle: awester* wHn
plain cHlam shawl cellar*,
high Byren callara. etc. w<A
or wiinevt peckst*. Sweater*
light or os heavy os you
may w»nfc AH carer* and
all *<sc* fer men. lor bey*..
fer wemcn. fer girta. Ceme

< ai

‘ .cai*n>i^T


Grand Trav«rsa Heglon
with tbc expectattoN ot securtot ^
& r. mu or OtWa. ludi. arrived ploymesit there. ‘
WMawdty to
taOief^ 8. W. P^r If aastoUat to IfVenI«W«L
/ ■
Wn-ln# tfo
stecTof Jilns*#*
_ O«o. Abbftt «ea( (o ^ nonta abore ft Son at Lriand.
«1(h his «te«iB (Uf; VatcBiiae oir a
Bob HoneU left Sunday sHcr Ttsil7 trip and rrMorta the crop to# hi. baiter
Mtr vbcre ther wa, rcrjns a 1toTc4ae
nitrick Conroy has {
City risuor tost
tinrt of Und on tbo bench near the
Celia MtUBiMfcb and Ctortoaa J<^.
railroad known as the old Bncby Sion bsre
to Fox Islapd tor a
* plan, conprlilnc about ten aem^ Pat­ ro weeks’ vtoU.
rick U cloarlns tbc bmsb«|(./be land
The Atwell' Mctnorlal cha'pd was
with Ibe iatcntloo tor aetUM It oat
dedicated Sonday. Anx. II.Tfar ri^l
wnaU (roll or borie*.
boHi af Cedar Lodte and to i/ivTl^ N'tonbport h^ t^B *«*( tf (Ically rompk-ted inside and «M.
Cbartetolx touodsy on the Dorothy
Fred Stokes «#d atotoi|i' arrfrad
MbI and iilayed iha CbarlcroU nin< •toy to mipai a tbrde waeks' racaUoe
brine de|«Med by the score ot U u. bare.
Fbar weeks ano Mr KSii csRic ben
to siaU bU w» and was tokaa nick
and passeditawar at Wedneaday
Utaa Ida SntV-Tbe la taklac a
Hipaa* coarse at Ano Arbor, la booK
OB bar Tsaetioo.
nim i|#Dfcr was a TrarcMe CU.'
Ttallor Monday.
Itormaii LesUp at CMUM? Is ppad
tot a reo; days at Kortbyron eWtln;
tri^s and rolatlvaa.
W. 8. Porter’s store bulldine. occnptji by W. V. Gill, to belos treated to
a.ttleab coat or ptiat.
. A tent* oombrf yroK here atunded
tbe mlHioB reast at 6aUens 9gs U«
lira C. A. Jones made a trip to
Tton-ne City Mooday.
A. 8. Carman relumed to h
b«^ in MsrlMta.'0.. tost SMlurdar.
fra 8. tietobdm left Wednesdsy
Benba llaith
Katolnasoo. after tlflUnt ber isircms
Jeunie Orlpdly of ToJedo. O, to
th|‘iracst or Mtoa Bamia Witoap.
fee. Bmal end tomll.v oT Wilmtorto#. O, ptrired
to np«Jd
Ibfir racajioB here.
fara^S’ood nnd aoB or Wilmlnxtop.
O, who bare %oeil si>cndinf; tbc tort
tiM •wks Mth «ia. Dcfriier. left
for ibcirbonoTueaday.
Qecrfc Ki^pscb made a business
. lri,i'to Bstu^ Bay last butnUy.
ilines Martha and Generiere
fifl #re rtilUnt (itcnds and retoUfes
Jofin vbfciiBder made an anto trip
to Tracnne Ciiy Sunday, accpinjiaiitol
* 'by lira 8rite«anader, Mra Geo. Dnme
nil Oeo. Poek!
Itoy atbele and non LnMnrd apept
tV^neaday In Traveiie Qty.
Ua Bteale and Prancese Nelsoa
s^st Wednenday in-l,elBB4.
Morian Btorie or Snltons Bar
awi Saturday and Sondny with Ids
pirn-nil. bw*.
Bnfus GUI bA Uondny for Unalns

te nre.ittedan.

Amon# the gnaats were tochaSed «C
meaibera of 'Mr. SIckerean'a tomllyCamex. 'dcUeious rpTfechBeft ' ate
btnalc aMte to the illiinW etflto te
Wston. Harry «NI vlgH o(te( trintlves at PeUstan ate anpnrtto’ VbUe
cuofto to TteopR.
Gwrge SammoBs. Lynn ««d WUl
Cox. lieerr ate Ed Hopptas ate U#>lUcJ were a«r^ ?tlto^

clotty «te *M«t tte


Tbe poople ot totote tomed a bee

aridsaa of Sn'OK»ODI»NESS
aflset eo both wudsat ate priilto.
Whyalmteteilhaf Y« wCI be latfthl tbs lietot pnaeifih* of b»
nmiate<Mari yen wJI be isftwetod mdivlditely by tha bieba* lalsrisd
bntoentolniteipMteitaa. YrewillnesmiGOMflfiBareeinitMntof «« nfUste* totoefe Wa nada ite gm« aetote taren ten

fhw Our Fnt Cfttfttog?

Uftonaayeaacepyatelteri popto at wwk. Rsihrsy Um
Jnnud. rppnnteiiii in -nil Irifrint



locks. ^
y low. and at 4



Gold EdgePlaying Cards
50c gu^ty.but designs
OQ badts that will not

PopiRar Copyi^ib. A
host of clever'summer
reading by the world's
best writers of tUkm
rictioa. special.. iWv

It iMSthan
_ paqe this seasoo aod M
t^Md a,
priced our goods
for a ^

sSrf vit yb^i etupjd ' Stotiawy by ibe pomid. A
Real c^t
puted of foe drib 6mA Mgiip^
glass and of exctilept
quality _
Bos Stokateiy. Aonctive bow x

- ’ -

100 eE?W bfpe** ***■

... tie


nd 'ffnlsbed shtokllng the ebunb
abeds Saturday.
Miss Mary Jaqutob bas returned lo
ber home here, after spending sixweeks In Traverse niy attcndicB
Xeedham's Summer HortnaL
Mrs. Sarah Sitickler and mother
re. Fclginer arc In Traverse Oiy
r a few days vtsKlng fHends and.
lending Ibe camp raeeliiig.
Mra. Ida Jaunlsb and daughter
Belie and Mr. snd Mrs. John 8larrow arere ‘rraverae Cliy vtoitore Mon­
Mrs. E. M. Koons of 1'ree Soil, bas
been visiting ber sons. Gerald and
Glen here.
Mrs. Sutton of BretesxUle. Ibcb.,
is visiUhg ber sister. Mrs. C. K.
Mm. E. H. McMullen and aon Lee
of Arcblr. returned home Monday, alta short vbit with Hr. aod i(jre. N.
Aug. 12

WOftTV «41«Sl.tE-



M falCTda near Cedar tte trst of tbc}|
I. Hra. Jotele Laagated _
>•» o( Bedford Cton. Ohio, are k

P i|^i|iA«ELQlAiltt«teX


% «#ito VtoHf^ trtoten ♦
utm A ikT d^«(c#«|.
Hr. ate Hra. WHUpip On»-,
Saturday rngd IMlR^ with
davbtor. Mrs. J«te Feisn^ ilgdH
■ ••
Mra. Ella G^te i
Botoa. vlBUng I


baa bgen tbe
coos e(-her parrnu.
a^ V«>Ralph KrHser. for the ml two weeks.
w*s Vte<ete}- apm.TOnerw her teme:
in Cr§te Rapids «a^ to Ite mness
of hcr'teibpn.;. who to Ureatea
with typhoid level.
Joaepb Miller to making extensive
aUeeations and improveweeu on bto

Roy J
Krarlp snd
with his
Mr. and Mm. Willie take (or
Raln.-reln. and stUI taore rain:
few days.
Phrmcra are llndins It difficult
Word has been-received ibai Mrs.
barrcirt tteir prato and culUrate their
Nickk iccl^ bad her <#Cncer removed
n her _—
nose, ill
bic ittod of thst
Harry,Dpwd's thresbiac ttechlt.. ;rem
was In the nclcfaborbood tort week and boiw *bc wlU be able to reinm
and tliroLrd the wheal <ro|i for WtlEonene Marsh ate Leals Hiieto
liara Cox. 8. Clark. Grorpr
.. .
vaiof) 4ro*e up lo
ate others. ’Tbc yield pas lair.:
InHanrcs lunninx about (wefttf ‘-etui day on beriaeti
,«ie anJ J(m. Fr^ WU#s>n drove
bnsbrU to tbc
over to PiBtle'to --toe her pawls Hr.
Hic *ood * |i
ilful supidy of berriea. ^ randr
fte Mrs. Antbor Mattin. on' Sunday.
rica bare never been so nbundnat
abundant... Hn-. 1.ddle l^te vas fa Ite Hrk
tarpe and free from
s as ibu list, last week, but to able to be nnT
apaiaGeorce SamnwiDs and aoi
Itoke have reMr. and Mrs. 1!
drove to' Klnjtaley on Friday.
imed to their h
Dr. and Mrs. U Skinner and son ot aorUnn____
1 few weeks
_____ ,
Darldtoo.- 8 C.. visited Mrr. Shields side'(am.
Aug. 12
Raley at Hill Crtat farm dnrll^ the week.
Miss XtoO' tentell to atlendtap a
B. B Uowtnan was to Traver»e
PfUeni lU with lypboi.l fever at Inter*
Thuradpy on buslugas.
ioeben to fier cApSetty
lies Amln.-wa to buIUlug an stlnunc.
— ' ■
diiioii lo bto bonne and has it nearly
Mr. ami Mrs. S. A. Stone and Har- completed.
d speui Sunday at Bate
Salmon Brown *r Kllboura. Wit..
give# at
A lane fareweD party
‘rboratey on bnalness.
isl Wedf
the residence of B. A. Stone tosl
Strlckfaden of Wexford vlsUed
evenlnn in honor of Harryher mother. Mrs. Elmer Bowman tost
wbo has been tIsIIIoc bto
old bone, family and friends here for

. teetespiteiuctienknadM^


aaaec «r ctovaa j|kra. noat^ spent tnj,


The W. fee. CStf. ft Ultoa btoter dvelitoS teMF- •


TihaD % Sai’
n prices-are ex


or Mlcblcan. dellrercd the dedkalory
Uo. Kretoer vtoUte Mra.
sAdresi at tbe #es’ Aiwdi ueiuorto* lUnnab on llid^.
ehaiwl Scnilay. Aoit.
Mrs. Alice Ransom ate children
Tltc Fruit Belt Paefcase company
Traverse Cily wlirspeDd Ibe week
hare so far shipped ^hree carte*da el wlib her pnrenta Mr. ate Mn. Potter
staves. The mill has .nearly «»niplct- l-cggclt.
ed the cut of stores AOd, »fll soon be1 Shields. J. Baiey so.r Ernest
tin makins IstoreK of -whlrh they
to Green Inke today to foln a
of fiicBds wte M« aiwDdtog ibe
for the toU trade.
wpek tbHp.
Wllllan Morpby of Cadillac, wbc
baa boea vtolUai; Bntee Gritin for tlu
(last two, weeks, left' for kls I
Mias Ids Budd is iUlal this wrillns.
The rikildrco of W, F. GUI. who base
I. rettunlng bonfe on Snn-




Ite Oft to.roo |W artof fa ft ,


Tisvi-rsc CUy
Mrs. O. cUyvoDl, who has been
the sick list lor tbe past week, is lu
Jn-^nverae fTty tori werii ,
proving at this wriUag.
lent^ Work doee..
Cbas. Blltoian has recrolly sold bto
farm, better known as tbe Ray-O^ -Mrs. Touv KroBpa of Boset
Mr. lUwtoy bas a crew o<

farm, to parties from Pennsylvania.
w'o-ik Uiddlag peaiftaa ob Atox Hoi.
Wednesday i
’W O IHtkomsn begins hb- a
heuer BOB.
bouse this moniUig. If tell be to;
Roy Bterage of HacM. Ga.. Is rtoltMrs. ttoos liberlBg aud sen: G*»Jcement blocks' maitoi m the ground,
oa the S.te o< tbe tee btirtled Utto frey, apeet Sunday with relative* here lag bto ristiir. Mrs. Ralph aasUh.
Mr ate Mrs OsApkril of Beaera
ealr eJftt tort garter oe ite Hrs. J. W. Diteema *te atm. War*
Hsihoe are elalUsg In Hafttolae.
Tbe qaavtotine (or flpUmrU to «xHr.
fb# ftolc laysrtor. at
peeled 19 ^ Maft fivm Bev. bowers'
Harry Christopher a«eU Sutea/ lanalif ffas bare a (eg days agn .
Iiouse In Cedar (bto seek, as the cblj^ wUb totote. to Ixaug hgT
• „ ate iteftri’tfd % nun,^ eloc^ of
to well and no new caaes^dereloped.
Bmn. to Mr. and Hra u-ifo- Kh.*. U. E. ^fftoy.
[. tt lldfoug and fanUly ua>o>^ cn Tuesday. Aug. 6. a haftr glri:FraaUto BiafU apam UMtirin aad
tofiili ^ fnete reuntap theV 0.-m
Mre. Monroe ot otaagu. Bfto baa ianday «Uh Ala fatteta. Mr. ate
of tost week, bnwecu is and Mi sere been TiaUlag at WiU
Mra. OMTgr •»!». <d Rriuo.
prreenl. Tbo tables were a^ad hi bet wm»- toWj t,o
His. Miller ate dantefota ccaurate
ihi yard under the irore.
to unioylug ite • La»ra*ce CarroUa ThBiteay.
Mrs. Mike Lardle tp*m inteay la
Traverse Ctor
a^ln mreagthee^'
Delherx Br\-a. who h*s boa* Wsrlh
Yeslvrtlsv n W. II Cork and bU
-ug sibool SI lha Boo^ rtoUkte'Ud
en were unlaadine a boiler
ireura Mr ate Mra. F S. anwB.
Splrcn on the road smft of
There were services at ftL JoMftb'f
«« Splrifty^v* bis BIS Jobnaion sad Grate will apem Sun friiuiS^Sutear.
ft;i hrokrii Hr waa«a,te i^rsvenu; dgy at ^toaa Upy.
YertsTordan. who has kea* tick
f. Athicy snd toi#;ly
Trav t»}. where the f.sriift teriteuce^j -Mrr aa.l .Mri. Ctrl Bpm» ate
with scarlet fever, to «* the gala The
I'lt}' arc spending a tes days si
Si^nAte'f beea siend nurse weal bom# SaUfday Sewsnia.
w[tag the i«-i wetk ai the
le C. tt . Bunee
•3|tos Ether Rxher atu-teed im
achers' e.-.iLuiUiatlou i. Tnivciv
Mt. Granger Wbltegy to enlerialD- FOR ftALA-Elffbty atrea. 1H mllea
north of Mtaian. Bfc Bcret Umber,
to urdav for a tng a (rfeud from D^U^t.
Cliv tost week
over am aitee treaa aambar other
l Kfleva o
'. .’eba llcigto wag failed 10
treeia. gate hnuai. well ate smd
Uoyd East from Caas county will visit wUh biiybrotli,
mill Bargato B taken at once. Mra.
’• iolda topI werii by Ite daail^
MI i!.c mtlplt at the Friends’ ebureh
Burthn. Manite
■Mrs. Wni. A.'crs toll Satunlsy for ^
liber. Jpbn Hurley.
this P-ondag
visit with her dangbiri. Mcs. j<^u
Ml» Josle Carl«-ucr. sbo ba^ bcea
Lorn, to Mr. and Mrs. Ater-a- FlsbBoyd,
te oaramiriM by
• .\«g. S s dsuglxer.
reliable glriT tedw Visa IClris
lea'.ic for ber home at Buffalo today.
B. NalsoB, Uairagb. HMn. Roata 1.
Mra. Van .Nostrsud sent to rra.-. Bellalritlwergc I. tYtoj- ba> rem|.tot«d his
•sc pty; Tneadsy to meet her strtcr
Waller Elman tefi ^ bto horiT in MBdlK at Bto Rapids ate is bo
Elk Rapids Saturday afler i
A (blrken pic aottol sas held
Job.. '’rv-cIL and ;ars. Wm visit wli.'i yelstlvea ahuui her
John MtOs rpent a rvupto of live town hall U>t nnrwii; nl#bl^
Trewaiu of Traverse ITiy sjicat a few
C ru. to,t
Quite s good crowd was present
days visiting <9l|Uivur nc>'
sildle over >20 was taken in toward ARM FOR ftAUI—M Gate BarVur.
Miss Agues Ugliii afs-nl two ds*s
Leatote" Couaiy. Mlcklraft.' t>
tbe iwaior's aalgry
last week si' Seteini;’
¥*■ •
anew. 2:- clearel baton<«% sun*
Mr. and Mid. R. U C|ow were gtitets
Mrs Albert Doiincr of Trjieisi................. frati treag. a 1tear Rte
friends at Traverac Cily last SnnIs 'visUlDg friends berv.
lectebMi bavlBg a Rbs via*
MIseU’tora WHUam, Ims ‘ been
Will maka
The church will have n harvest feespendliiK • few days at ifavir borne
suilon.' FW patlkutora ad­
llval next Sunday. Special exercises
I our village
____ Frier
..tor SwaasoL
SwaaaoB. Jr.. Maffta
being prepared ate tbe ebareb
Mrs.-Dr Burke has gone to Kings«ty,
R. F. O.NoSo.I., t.
Mlsa laabel liesy spent a («« days
Grandma Hebert spent a few days
In Traverse Cily with her daughter.
Mrs. Jobbet.
Mra. John Dago, 8r., went to ’
mse City lodsy.


iU* S'



Tlie Babemji. AMuk It to too i%t
dd told for' tbetA h»l v-rups secsu b
tot dolug UmA.^ While s)>eDl duoda.' n: bh
fatiigra, rMoruing to Cresreui Monday
R. While. Juror from sfoloo. rctomed to l^-Iaad ibto morning
and Mrs. Will Chase aud fam
lly relumed borne Saturday from DucW
lake, where they have been taiiipln;
XT a few seeks.
-Mrs. Uh-kemau returned buuie
tnornlug alter a few dsx.' sW} la Old
.Mission and Traverse City.
Htos A^es Good ol BedforA Obio
is here vlmUng ber father sud broth
T. W. Good'and Camllv. «ud olbe:
Mrs. C. W. Loaffler and daughter
Eoiher and little VJoior wen- taJitos


Tbere will be an Ice cream Mxial
I tbe Harsh school boite ^rdsy
N^war noAff-BasUy aaate
nlrti. HrerytKM^- Invited to 'come
Mrs. Hear eolertslncd ber sister ByNrtJamHK>KmsitHill. FMtar^
the BoUon Ctvhmf School Nogoiiot
from Bs»t Bay one day Uit week.
Jobs (torball wsii In Traverse Clly
Saturday on business
bread, but so mwiv hsvc experirsced
Win. Kllpy and son John, who arc trouble with Its being aoggv. Uicy bsve
worklBg at File take were borne Sun- become discouraged. Here to a new
redpc thst ewnnot toil 11 the lew simple
AimUontareesrefBUvfoltowed. Yw
Tbere was a targe attendance at ^ ba driiftecd with the rraulti.
Mcotlag Soalay uventagMra. WiTVrice viabed ber sun
men ate family Sunday.
\ number of ibe rblMrrn around
beie have the whooping cough.
Joe Voice to working ai Fife Inlfe
Ibis week
Floyd ElowDian. wbo bss hven weihIng at Detroit for tbe |msl year, re­
turned lo his borne ’I’bunday for s
Aug 12. '
Mins Dm IJBVto has g^o >0 Cue
lufi together. Ihreetincs. meal, flofr.
rlij to work for har aunt. '
' nttsnAJi^og powder. MremoUmai
Earl Wells ate family 'and Miss lA.. and snri miHc and Mir isio drv Isl, > evedietiUtoth.iltossmonthbstteT. nra
Hamasoiid ap«ii 8uads>
jtoio too eiupty K C Rnktog Ftreda
frtomto Bear Mooroe Otelvr.
I to.',V thii'i'u
Bugbly banerco; and M
Mr. BBd Mrs. r 8. Blue were call -.1 ■teaa'thzee hours', nte br^ is {S
Defianre, Ohio, by the aertous ill- tfcularly nod lo serve teth aalsds _
to., of a retoUve,. *
«« hraa«-t. •s.laft
Lee ate .\lhart UcRIli
r —• of teikl.
^ '
(*Ued OB their sister'to b.
dsv this meek.
Ben Monroe ate ffuuUy speat Bp
da.v wiib C. A. HaMBBd'A
' .eihi
Miss l.rdla tarsitoy ate MUs
XS^eot ewBof EC Sakiug Powder^
itammote viriite


Only A Few W*d*s

Great Grand Travel
Region Fa?
The im GKRDsilhMlDhe HeM la


WUI tspel lay Fair Ever Gtves Is Norf^ MIeMaam



MferVwii^ W«li.

This wUl be tbe biggest exposkioii of feno and i
display, farm
farm iir-'----------implemeDt exhibitions
eDtendriment ever koown in
-------------'* varied Mk'
Nortbero Michigan.
fMp SfBtkma m Ad ikmmi Qmm t W«
Get a membersliw ticket for $1.00. Get k early aod help along a cane Dat
wilt be a tug b^korioDe dev^opmeot aod prpgr^ of this section of tbe state.


For iofoonatipn iuauwe ^

■:A. -

.atm Tuvau waa^

mom, mmotf, aooott is. ibj

OwGreatSaleEiids this Monfli

BtU It wM ftf yiJiced ^ul lor llontlis to Come.

SuA valuee as we ate turning out duiing tint Great Mid-SoiDBiCT Sale, ^1 linger long
in the memories of
prudent buyers. We are actually aeiliDg many things for !e s
than they, cost us; thb would sound unieasonahle were the facte ui^wn,- but the^ool,
ptmoB^ summer months has left much Summer merchandise unmoved, therefore.ave ittusi
^oad it at som: price; then again all odd pieces, broken lots, discontinued styles,
damaged pieces, unredeemed goods, etc, must be sold in otdtr to make the rocm to
acconunodate our new Fall machandise which wiH soon be here.
It win pay you well to^buy what you want now; stock up with the things you'll need
next sea^ and avoid the seamnable prices Loci over a few of the offerings mentioned
m this ad today. Our intention is to give you an idea of what'values are fexmd at this
Great August Sale. Come now and being your fneads aioiaf;, we’ve bar^ins for you all.

Kill be giy^^vMng this sale as
well as at
tifties. People
woadeK how we eao give eqedit at
these extremely lowcasH figures but

We Give It

aafi maiu it very easy lor you to
have what you oeed, and enjoy the
luxuries of life. You don't need
to be wealthy in order to buy froiu
tUJ. W. Slater Store.

DoHno hds Sate

The Values vt^U Never be ^rgoHen

6r«al Sale of the Famous Traverse Ci& Chairs

Very Special. Here's year chaoee
tojjet what you need la Window
Wehavosever.'il hundred odds aod
ends, values lip to 60c which we
are closing out at

10c - 15c - 20c
These come in nearly all coinra
and sires. Don’t delay your or^
here or you may get left.

We've set the entire comoianttv tatkine about Ihcsn trenfri^eus hargaffts. It
will be a Iona time beTtrp an opportunity of ibis kind pr^ents iItself again. Drap'vour work for a day at
{past aad secure your fhpre of th^ great bargain feast.

Order Now.


S1.50 Fool Sfools



-Mulehy the Traverse City
Ghiiif Co Solid dak wrath*
tiiiisli ami uphols
jholsu re 1
with leather,
Aliout tw.»
dozen left.
Place Yoar Order Now

These are Just a few of the many styles we have to show you. No two chairs exactly alike.
Prices range from $3.50 for a $7.50 Rocker to $15 fora $30 Rocker. Order Now.

Refrigerators Square-top Extension Table


oit^the famous



Now U the time to get -ihe.
1 best refrigerators made ami
^ save oibugfa on the purcha: e
I r ce to pay for your ice for
two or three seasons to come
prices range from 16.75 ujward.

Sc i tSc Bargains
,JhalRde vainm ap fe si.oo

These tallies are imt in
jKsrfect condition, h n t
aside from a few slight
inars and hrui^ tliey are
just as good as any for
w^rvice and are worth
double what >ve ask for
• t. ,
them, riicre are aNmt a
teen m the lot. Ooe S^h, oihle now B» ()ne$16 talile now $8
One $12 table now $5 S* One $11 lol.le with split lent, ton he

SG.OO Beds now.................. $2
$8.00 Beds now.................. fS
$9.00 Beds now.................. $6
$12.00 Beds now.............. $6

SnXl'Jhi™*’ ’*■” """

The i>c<l bargains will actually
surprise you. but you'll have
to order quick if you want one.

A WhrhtinJ of Bartainf la Summer UtrehaaJut
PyreUue Uow lor .cM Seuon u. s.v. Ike .rollt.

are als9 some I oilers worth frt/m Si.2S to S2.00
telling lor each.................... ........ ............

Look aT these Wood Bei


Uwa Mowers.
.... ,
• !•« Cream Freezers
Window and Dmir ScreeiiR.
Car<l.-ii llnsc

I MaHrees tfargains

We’ve just what you want in
Mattressess and on those
which have been used a s

We Can Save You

Ret^Girteand Boys a Wodon llwy ran t
bnuUi. Siwcialttnceatoluiidueeihan
OMtr Now.


DiiryillllSg pnsmglylow price liefore. and you probably
never w ill again. A Solid Oak
Bod full size, “like cut.- worth
S3 for $1.73. Other stylet at
the same p^ce. •

[The Ticks are slightly soiled in
places, but are easily cleaned
and then they are as good as
ever. F¥ices range up from 1.95



Closing out these Fine Porch and Heme
R ckers for a fractioo of tbe'r t ue va t e.
About 100 left* Place your order now and he
sure of getUng one. 51.55 a^Mrartf.

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