Grand Traverse Herald, July 02, 1912

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Grand Traverse Herald, July 02, 1912


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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arid Travaraa






b«rwl br EaglttO.



iMkni, June 27.—A hoboiik
John HMpdeu. arho M Uie I>ariU
C»LO •CTTLEm' MEETINO nenunr torcM asaliut t'lurko
wu dedteatw) todajr in Uw Yale
AjhobmT. Bocktabainablre. ol vliirb
eaaatr bo «b* p Iiau<re. Tbl* la tbe
aecoBd Inpoaing memorUi aet ap
honor of UMpdeoa iDemory. 6oi»Siv yean ago a cohUDn oaa eracMd
OB the M of CbalKTOve. iu Oxfordahlre. where llanpdea «u uortally MANY COOb PAPERS WARE READ
wcjw MtvcAteo.
wooadod U a xUruiab mltb Prio«AT TODAY’S SESSION.
Rapert'a cavairy-

Enr wu mi uima
kMt F«M«r* «r OecMlon Wm CMImUm «f QW PtaHgnvh* m
WIN a Mat






and a Clertn Abbott or SUnton
Waa Cheaer. Aa Firat

mf. vm «Em


Alta Arbor. MIcb, June
the end of tbe r-ollege year todsi.
Prufesmir Martin 1- U'Ooge. hMd of
tbe Crerir Departmeui of tbe Uutverally of Mlcblgan. retired from
facdity of the instilutfon with which
be haa been oouected ter loriy-il>
years. fWoresaor UXJoge waa tbe old­
est mediber of the Mlcblgan faculty
In point of oervice nod one of the
eduvalora In the Uuitud Slaire.
baa been retired i« a Carnegie


Tte Wemern HIv-bIgau Derekrpnrnt
Im.eau through Its ti.ietarv-ha*
qated a market In EntteB^ (or i
biiDdred tarleada of |ebolee apples
the past tbe Bnglito trade has been
tu^led from tbe Pntdflc slope of the
I’nIted Statee. but Ibe British tmpori■vlng heard of the saperlur qua* the Westeni MicbJgui apple,
have decided to give it a (rial to Ibe
evtent of from one lu (no hundred
The Varieties that ere especially in
rmand (or this forelgB mtoket arc:
Baldwin. McIntosh Bed. Wngaer.JUag
ai,d Jonathan.
Tile bcreau'la cossldcrlag the ew
UbUahmmu of i trade mark nod .
idlng for a packing ayatam ao that
It can gnaraaiee U« appte exported.

Wao Won By Hemer Wllfobea
Tale of Sulcida Found in Mtlc on
Shore Near •ower’e Harbor.
(From Tburaday'a ^-cord Ba*k- >
(Fraa Thuradty's RMord-IMsie.)
I'tlef of Police Jobnaoo haa a uytTbe
Th» MMtMf «( tto Qfmod Tisrme:
on hU bands, to aolv-c that at
has been oix-upre.1
OM Mtitra' ■awHiMcii
free trip to tbe sUle fair
nith a proenttu nblrb baa been given present fooKa like a dlfflciUt mailer,
Mvrei rt«k IB MlBtoewt audartel
tor tkew wbo tr* Ut«rwUd iB.tbe uolt UiU fall, and a courae In atocl plat about aa appeared ^n the paper iwlng 10 lack ot cinea that might
railing and agrk-utlaral tteiboda.
‘yesienuy. Among the best of the pa prove of beaefli la followlag ap the
•Brtj Ear* Bad tb« MranlM UkuVaverage waa P2 per ceU which U as pera glren was "Why Coimty Ctek’c case. AJl the erideace at hand coamrtr Mttten «ml tbroa to Ml
excelleat shoving,
wUu of a ocrap of paper on which U
tbe «BrtM aot ot MldUCBB- K« paased the examtaiaUM In BIghtb Sbotfld be Retalnod More Than Two written what purporu to be lbs i
Tears'- by C. Is HlOer of Ana Arboi
iBHiwh U Uo ortHwiwt -w*
aad iB agriculture, with Ttoa together with a nnmbri- of other well -nieanage of some girt wbo
Maae •« that wflt odd gnat^ to a high anrage. The atato fair
tired bf lUe and found oriace beneath
tto MMoMbo] ■atirlit that M of pob- 'eMtkm oterad Uat apring to gin thU
Hag. and thU iftcrntgia the time the blue waves of Grand Traverse
IIB im«C aa« aav aaaMati
oae boy froai aate
laiitr given over to btmUeaa. bay..^'The note was lonnd in a bot
cenaty who w----------- clectloB of oBlccre and tbe aelecllou US' which washed np on tbe beack
tmmmm hr mm of tha older rori- apea tha nhfoeu that
near Bowerr Harbor, and which was
A pUce fur the lueetlag
.AeoM. '
od to the. aoocUtlon. ThU U worth: Anoag the towns bidding for the next brought to the city and lurnud
Tho Maat pepalar leatara of the a gnat deal to the wlaaen who win
o were Saginaw. Flint, and to Chief JohBsoD to work ont the
MMta «* **•
Of oM Me^land Rapids, aith Saginaw Winning best be can.. Tbe note la as follows:
taraa ad pdo|ho aad oeoaw la M ear- weald he hard U> obtain In any other it. OOicerp were elected aa folfowj:
. V Aan. vkloh ware aoUeMod tor tha
Lm tin-d of lilc. You will and my
ear. It U done for tho purpoae
Past PreaidcBl—C. Gl<-un AbbuK.
'ttrwt tlM Map the aMrtatloo
hodr In Grand Traverse Bay. 1 liavc
imuUUng Uureet In agricultonl
fMadad. . Tbaaa were an^aM
PlMldi.-ut-G. II. Towiun-ud. Jack no friends
COM aad la othM waya that i
than mv of oMeoa to thooe on the
Vice lYWeident—F. G. Jenka. Mar■noada. All dv the petvlo crowded
This U the full detail of (be <-asc
aronad tlda odMl to coteh a cUoitiae
Secretary—Felix If. II Hytia. Cadll and It Is 1)0) known whether the note
of aU MtA whkh la BMay Mta
or the real tbiBs >11* iui
Uc. (Ro^ectfou.l
>lbU to mate a amreh of tbe bay
had haao
U I'araillc,
V of oar laodiag
so anlea* some more Ught u shed on
Saiilt Ste. Marie. (He.
It wni have to go aw
ettitaae Ukao mn a«a with their
Tte e«lc« of past
a Are Alraady Baey Ap
fbeea aa tiw »ro today. Maay ma■ado wt thin meettag W riww «f W
wpte In'the city or anywhere
ranging Evertta For ,
deitri «h^ wire oetlaed la Maay,
tael that Mr. AbMt. ratiriag prea<
MiBa ethan hart roalatod the wear
dent U BO clooe tb ibe Inside track tbe country so far as bad been learned
at 2 o'clock, when Mlu Ruth
of tlM la a remarkahle degree. Tbii
many points that his work win be
enUeetioB of bM i
a wlU be Q. Stereu ot tbia city aad Cligprd l£. ot great value to tbe sawM-Ulion as
uraaecrad aad flaoad ta a pwataaaai Pray or Grand Rapida. Mic-b_ were oM oSicer behind a new one at
The leiani of ijin-t-tfirs pf
>r Ibu
ibu Niinii
exUMt I M tha etty Uhraiy wbara It married at the Firat Baptlat eburrb b> times. Mr. Abbott has done very
•n Mirhtgau -K. O T. M.I. M. and G
wUi baa
ba aar—ltili to tha pablle at aU Her. Charlaa H. Irrtaig.
tUtectoo work Iwbis term of uffinT M. M. aas-wlalioD^et In the
At the cloae of Itar aaag. *X)h Prom lie waa also made by virtue of his
tlMO. 1 11 It (te dMlra ot the eoopariora of the Hotel Whiling yester­
■lUaa to add to tha aafober of pho­ lae Me.' ‘«una by Mra. Irvlnjt. (bi- oBIce a member of Ue legUUtivec-o
day. and fixed Ibe dales for tbe blgto their iwoawnM. aad til Ulaaea Saxtoo and Uitmaa 'bvu mlttee. Mr Abbott waa Inrirnctcd
aiiuual lueeiiug ever hrid In Ihl*
parooea I ta the aooaty aad Mtoa who playlW tbe bridal ehonia and the coofer wlUi clerk assoi-Utlolis ot olli
dialrirt. *hli-h U <-t>in|>oeed of the
ha*a any old ^etocraabs ot-tha aarty wedding party, preceded by the nab states with a view to organising
e FiTilt .-rowers Assm-lntiim lo­ tounlles of Antrim. Benxie Charle­
Edward Kel^erman. Frank Aafa UlloiiBl asaurlaliOD of county cUrka
aatUan or piBUni ot
Grand Traverae laabellx. Kal­
Tills nflerooon one of Ibe chief
lUM or aaythtod alaa that haa a boaradopted throe n'W ideas to forward kaska. Leelanau. Mauistee, Missaukee
tractions wiu au suloiuoblle ride
lag apoa tha aarty daya of tha Grand
iU apple marketing busintisa Firat. and Wexford.
Tiavoraa ngloo aro reqaaatad to tan
has onk-red tbe um of (he anifo
e dales will be Tuesday. Wednes­
The bride wore a handaome LthoK orar to tho ooraittoa to charge
Uyer pavt Ser-ond. It haa det-lded
day and Thursday, Sept. Srd, 4lh
of enam baUate and eairieb a shower sarved at'csu.
ot thU work ao that they My ba
require registratlou of peckers, an-l
botoet of rrhite sweet peaa. She was
The aeaiiuns will begin Tues­
afoda a ten ot tha panaaaaot mi- attended by MUa Buotce Prime*
(bird. U has devided to bring about day afiertiooD. with
Nertbpori. cooaU of the bride, and
nuabllsbnienl ot svb<HiJa for
Thare ta a waokb of BiBioftol IB thJa' MUa Bfbel Pray of Mabel. aUtei
inslnivtlOB of packers. These i
Ilaa tylag at proaeat ta oM tndka tbe groom. The maid or boBor wo
redo fruit growiTB believe ibut regiv-, Bnyae < ity and Travt-me City frama.
aad garrata Mt If iroaght telo light gowa of deep cream sUk mull and
iratfon win insure btmeal packs,
time Ibe race will bn
woaM prora Of lawtiMUa nloa to
a boQoet of pbik sweet peaa. MUa
the aaiue tiiM they ar* planning
advanced (hak (be lateruat «
Pny w as cewaed la tan peniwe
have tbe proposed scMola conducted Idlense Olid will attract
aUe- carried' pink aweet peaa.
Iu every seetiou by <;x|icrts paid by
dlstani-cs. Tbe evening
Among (be numeroua candii
aeodAhan-tt the wiaiHtea
Tbs gnmm waa attended by bu
will be devoted to a coBiplimeniary
for ntaoriff nt tbe coming republlren
aaa that th« art parMaeatly p
brother. Aahley Pray, of Mabel..
Alger county Il'i.iK-r I'eiilnsulaL banquet In the dining ball uf tbu
aen-a^ ihd aiMIrei of tha aaaoclB■DedUlely Bfler the eeiwnoor. tbe priainrleB Is Charles K. Tailor, who Miciilnn proposed to get in liie de Macrabei-s. icndeied to tbe Great
brWal party led tbe way to tbe eburrb baa decided to make the lace for the
lOicnl business wlili a will. A< 'amp ..lll.s-rs. who are rspected to hr
Inallon wUb ibc Inientlon of laod- Hie rerent nM-rling of Ua iMiards ol lere in (on-*A faatara of the aioeUos wax tho pariora, where's rereptioa waa heM.
W*-dnc»day will De
lag oa lb wlnnlug aide li possible. aupervlaorv It wag proiKiecd to raU<- tbu big da. Hx. urwions Will be ran
rrMMiai ot A Tney Uay. on or the
mhntenu or panrii and w;
ortglaat phPboara of the regioii. who
■ened by the Mlaaes'Lula M^
*2.000 lor <-ouniy dvvelopuieiil work.
Ml n.-awaiii. Kued City. CadI
CBM to TTaracaa CHy aoea *rter the KmL Bthel Roeit. Beuie Corbett, tda
In addllton. to have each (owi
Petooki-y. CbarlevoX Tbompold BeaidMa aV'miU w«a bul>i. and SbUBk. AdeUae ktallory. Bonlee Roa. lag been in buslncas for aevenil .rrare ship ruutrlbuto *230 and the village ’ll Bui>HUe. MsDisl*-** and FraokforL In
-who tea ap to the pnoeat tisia coo- aer. Katharine WUbelm and Mr* and also bavlpf filled the poaitkm of Mnnising. the ■'oonty segt. to eomr)
loit-n*“m will u- apnrta on Front
deputy sberig a few years ae> in
tlaU ta te a totge factor la the in- Cbariea Ggler.
<-l. The big parade at noon, and
II.IVOO. All Ibe contribuiioDs arc
aorepftble manner. He has
Mrs. Pray waa a wy sucre
daatrtal lUO «t (te city aad camaenlr eouibined Into a gingk fund In thi- afternoon more aporti. Includjuusing water evenu. and
ty. -Mr.Uy^roaaaddreaathatwn teacher In Otwad Tnnnte county, aatural liking for tbe work of ferret- iri'tiraia.
III*: national sport, pulled
rail of 11111111111 of tho earty daya and beralerUng oualiUes and diipoal- lag out evil doers and baa been very
A rereui Iclter frooi John 1 Gil­
won her mnny true fitenda. The
gsaful In severni attempu itaat son. who Is In Great Rrimm h..hlnc off py’ssiwy betw*-.-ii• Iho MtKMe and
wbaa Cte oM ladtaa tnD waa tha oaly
m U a highly, reaiwcled young be haa made along ibis line of cnariaie-es iluMiiesa suaslont
apiAo niarkels lur the Wesleia
road and -tha paor aad ot taaa the
hehl during the
who aUo baa n boot of loyal deavor. FOr some time be has been Mli'bitatt giowera. snya that the aj>
oaly Mai «r traaaporutioa.
looking orer the field with Uie Inten- Mies l•elue soM In the Rngllsli ntsi rrxmng. Tbyirsda.y will be the eonAt tte tilailm of Mayor Uer- frUads.
tloa of banomlng a randidate and l«arc n»T tile <--inal. cither in a|> I'lildib% session, (he elerifoo
Mlaa'a addnaa at walcoaH Mr. Lay
Ilevcs that be baa an equal chance _jH-aratirc or favor. In ibose pnidu>eti •ra. pii.v *.f next meeting. <1r.. and
vraated Mr. Garmalaa aad toM him
IS whole «i *low*- with a grand hall
the "'ealeni Mirliican terrUory
with bis opponents for the posliioe
tha alorr of hew be hind hla tether
buglneaa alte'ln have been ao ar lie fuitbi-r says Ihai Ihe iuiisll rniil‘ I the evenittg »< Uprsrs aiwdrmc,
wiNO te drat mm to Tnwae Ctt) .
This Is u>e first throe day acssi'bn
aa l•etri■•l■. and •iterrk-s crown
ranged that he will be abl^u make
Mr. OarMlM latad a )ob apd when
isl this ass».lHtton baa ever held.
aa acUve canvass of the county her In Greai Itritain are yi-rv iim<h au
ha awflad la Mr. Lay he waa oCered
tM-rior 111 quality to tb'wy iinyduis-d iq <d as every one wanis to come to
fore the primaries.
IU pw Math, aad tbea aaked If he
County ConimUsloucr of S>±aoI«
pan of Ibe world. He helieyei. Traverse * iiy to test the noted hospt
ilMgU te eoaH ean that aneb lal. Lae Horaeby nHurnod Wedneaka)' (nm
tb*- Iirewtil year Is a most 0]e tnliry. It l« t-tpetled (bat Uila will
ary. Mr. ftoraalae replied that he Ml PleasaDt where bt- Blieodi4
he Kr.-:ilHT( gatberiog that Hus
for the piir|*oiy<- of adw-nlMiig ThemoeUng of the romuiiaalonera (r
haa sm-n tbmVvear. Tho Mur
luuty and Its advamages
Bortbaeateni Michigan. Tbrve other
ftst^ng by balvi-s.
Tile Western Mii-higan le-vehii-mefii ret>e*-a never do i<
tha aHot raloable
lings of a like nature nil! W hdd Passed Assay Afur sWt lllocca I
llureau baa auvveeded in si'<uriug sev uid so
enw had. aal had a Urge part U the during the anmmer achbol term,
uivUy Memtop.
It they arj here. The
extra good alfatfa pholograj’bk
baOdUg op of tte city aa well at the theac meetlBga a aencs of topics will
for uae In ns advertisiug work. The oGVen arv all liusilers ahd too varteam of tha eeapany.
.Mra. Mary BllaalwUi dull, aged .X
be dlariused that
lena (vnmim'-es wl’l leave'eotAlnd un­
Am oeold aot ten bean a better tercet to tbe cammlaadonera of the wife of George Ball 'dl.-d Saturday views are of a field of alfslte on the
II of ;k. F Gray on tbe l•enlns’^ done to make Ibis a spleBdld suctesi
day lar tte Maetlag. aad the bright ate. ' Among tbcae topics are:
BM>ntUg at $ o'clock very suddenly
They were taken Just as Ibiwfiret
aMahlaa waa rallected in M
VUiuUon and SnpertUluo by Com. at the family home. 423 North .Sprn<« eoiiiug for Ibe eurrem seaauo reach­
ot theaa Mm atteaded. awklag
mUakMier Townaend ol CIlBioo evun- MrenL Mrs. Ball waa Ixmi in Mhjie ed lU mxiurliy. gome good orriianl
of the Mat 1
» gMarlage
Oak, lagbam county. Marcb U. 1SS4. iew'B bare also beeo ahvurtd in lb.that haa orar haen held by the :
Ooiupulaory Edacallou by Commla and had beeo a revideni of ifaii city cherry orvbards on the W. U. Gra'
ctetleo. CaiBPMlh bead fdayad the riemer Lowrie. e,f hwU.
*W a number of years. Besides her term. Mr. Gray's cherry orchards
oM ttee taoea which wero greatly ap. DUtrict Bepori* by CommUafotier bubaad she leave* three broChert
have bad more' tbao usual care and
proetetad by tha oU iteera. who al- hntnoB of IsabeiU. . '
dteartei IrUb ot Uila city. Albert who the pbotograg^ show them to te or­ Bofon. July-] —Tbe bouao >( Mrs
waya prater the old aoag* to the medSenltatloD by CommUiioaer Rtfi- nridoa aaar Acme and Cfauier Irish chards that can be used la illnatrat- e. J. jyickennu at this place was
en lagtMBo, aa amoat of the aeatl- bnrgb. of Bead City.
ot OaUforaU.
ing tbe up-todate Uetbuds that pra- burtied te tbe ground early Sunday
amal they aiiwaa aad ihr'anrrrla
Sebool Honeea aad Grounds by t^- FUaerel eerviees were held from vail in iba Wewtpra MIcMgaa !ruit|moriitng enuiHng a toae
ttooB thv iMall.
wtUaUatr Horasby of Grand Tranrae
at throe portnne one (or i
try-out (orlto.OW. which wna eorered to inaurSom
Tlie laeantloa waa teUnrad ty
gk,Bev. C H. Irvlngi of Ue Bap___________ ______ *__________
np-'onea. I.
It 1.
to thought that (te blase
Fanser. of WeateriL
tlM. charcA oncUUng.
^ Lorigiaatod (rea a mou^ paodf*

/No. Si

wbteb bad been used Ibe ntgbt before
near the back porch, but which
family Ihougfat bad been eoUrely pul
out befono retiring. Tb*- fire was
idlseovered until awrultig and it
tbougbt that it had been-buraliic
light. A desperate eflori wo* a
o put it eat by means of ehemirals
and other means at band but It had
gained such headway that tbe efforia
of the neighbors were nnsvalllng
.Sene of tha adjoining bnlldlngt were
bmed. olthoagh tbe wind drove the
•parks oerofs the read to a i
borY house, whito waa kept w«t
thereby preveattefi U ' tm toUag


ber soa were the aaly Brcagaata and
they escaped nrlthoul lajary. Hn. WHEN BREAK CAME LATE TMIB
Dieherman ia mu activa grange work- nitd U well kwowa in grangn clrSunday Racass Waa tiltehli to Heal /
s oU over (be state.
Sera Bpeto Mate to Wiio$ Fi \


a ‘

K ,
I /

■ ’


IT BipnsT nui^

Ilalllmore. J^y 1—Weodrew W|Mi
look the Had Crem (lojf. hM chlet op­
ponent. OB tbe tMrifoS balfot todny.
iVIlson nioned' tte day wKh
aXBlaai 4CTH tor tte apeBkar, aod
gained olewly toad Haadfly. tewa
V BUILOINOfi WILL BC EHEC-K broke tte aaH rate 1 tte thlrtMh.
14 voilu for WiMuk .
Tbe Zktb teUat »aaE.l IiBbwi:


Manufaeturera- Building Will be Re-



KOBsa jowiTincs

MS. HUT F. Bill


At a UH-e'Ins ut theGrauJ Travi
Iteglon Fair aasot-latkHi held yeeterd'Hlded to make extensive
pertnatirnt imprevemeDU ua Ibis Bumaier. thereby ou
Idace for bolding a fair in
this pari of tbe state. Two new build
yi wiU-te ereeled. a uaniitecion-ra'
II wA-b *111 be 40x130 feet In Size.
1 another large bulldlug which will
used for the pouitry and pet stock
exhibits. It' was also pUntiod tr
Ibe ofber liulMingii so os to adon- lIttiL which will Ire a
bolldlug-wtli also b* iHiiK at tb
! gretiaHa for Ibe use
firialH of the mwBociatloo
grountU and lliu rare (rack pul
■erfm coudlUoii for tbe locea. whkb
III l*e UDI- uf Hie b-adiug l.-atuM-w of
inm Is uow ..u s
nimmlal fooling. I<a>iBg all lls
«ld and ilx- mouc.. In atghi f
liiiprovenn-uto. Tb
held la-1 y<-ar w-aa surb a sucre,
boa .leclded
with arrangemenla that will
r Ini-reoar all the exbIbiX mokwonb while lor ibe people of
•x:on to ait«-n*l. The Incrvosed
in Hii- uew buil-itux will gi'*- an
oii|«<niiuli. lor a fine dl>|da> of Hie
iroducis of Ihl- oi'-tuirdB all*] fields
he regtoo In the old huiMii.c snd
, be a feeiur*' that will grea'l> osi-t In tbe developiiieut of Hie ogrieul
ural resourtes of lOerouni. aud aurn-undiog ao-tuvn The -laie of ibe
. far enough along lb Hie (all
.( IS larulbie lo gather ibe
l.oix-si pro-lui-is of Ibe Isim lu.- uxbiimiimses.

iFruiu Saturday's Reeord-Kdgfu i
to tbe rawe ot GItea Hodges ri.
Uenola UlUibay la circuit eoun.
udgmeiR WBJ- reodered in favor of
•tolaus to tbe amount bt »X50 with
nu-rcst from.lOu;. (otalliag approx-'
mately *1J*«-. In the ease of Albert
Jfope and George Yule, receivers
the Fope Manufacturlac Co.
A'llitoa Witto. dedaolt of payment of
bill (or bicycle supplies, platnllffs
rare given Judgment of *2*8.14 and
In the appeal of Franria-E.
Srewk. ax-coaty traasurer to (ha
Board of enpenUore for bock feet
Jto.caae was take* under odrisemeat
thg oonn wltteit
Jury hanriag.


Clark. 4«H: wtoNJ|KnA: Cater- '
Gain ter WUmM
low* WBvared (g atgip^iig Oark
OB tbe 20th boUoL al tte fMa In tte
delegaUea Mood 11 tor Oaik aad •
(or WQioa. ChnMBMS tmm rtote
that tbe MR rule ehotiM teM and tte
lea went to CMik. A poU vaa aatei
tor to Kaiuma oa tte toth. Aa afileaipt was mad* to uwtng the vMsb
to Ctork. but Jantto EaaUy rulad after
biuA argumaBi that aa twatolrdd ot
deiegnlao waatsi to vuto tor WKtb# entire vote tteuld te cast tor
tbe New Jerneylto.
Tte twenty-alath bMfol naattol:
rurk. 4UH: VUeon, US; UbAmwood. U2; Harmoa. »i Kera. 4:
Fo». 38: abeeaL A
On (be tblrtfoU teUot Iowa paMud.
eonfeiTed. and ftaaUy vetod WUmb M.
Ctark 12. Obto atet -in-|iiiT aad
OnaUy gave Harmen 1*. Wltaea Ifi aad
Ob tte thlrtlolh ballui Wilatm took tbe lead by rinae «d
lowak wpllt vote. Tbe tUriMth faallat
waa: CUrk. 455: Wllite, 4M; U*-,.
derwood. 12IH: lUrmoa. U; Kora. St
Fobs. 50; sImaL to- '

Ctork Beam
llalUiDore. July 1.—Tbe CMVeattM''
all was Uresra en to aO vMttaea
today and tte gallertos were paetaA.'
Many confereaeea were bald batoru
The Underwood kaderm eadaavored to make a deal, bat toUad. Tte
WUaon leaders *
(bat tbcdr vaodlteto wBl te
nominated on eee of (te firat tow b«|Tbe CtorfcUto nra btttor Bgatoat
PryoB oBd iBslated ttel tbey are Mill
tathefigfaL PDlUteMasadmHtod tte
Cloik boom dead nod tte oaly bie .
b-ri the MUaourton U to defeat WH-.
Delegatee are malag abaft
tnuda and some have Mnody
w iiiie others are daiadlac oL 'lte\
lead'fs lo do sometMog (o break the '
Hock or they vlti leave. Tba
New York delegatee an to a blttor
Bwud over Bryan's attack.
rbe eoarentloB waa eallad to oi*or
11:03 and n roll caU otdMte at
11:12 on tbe twenty-eevaatb ballot.
Kuixer. n Clark Under, admitted Ibor
lood where tbey were Hatarday algbt •
itb no eboage. Wben Murphy ewd
hta ninety votes tor Clark, bin vote
was. challenged.
White polling -New Turk Mato. John
It 8iancbfiel.I. s New oYrk dcUgato.'
to eitiUln hla vote. StoBrhfiald
bitterly denounced Bryan (or Us ot- .
toekf ta tbe stale. Ho bM the nBmInee -wonM have to have Near York to
win and then had bU vatu eao* tor
Wilson. This cauMd a einiWkM. aa'
it was expected te weald veto tor
nark. Tbe poll of New York teovad
7* for Clark. • tor Wilson, t tor
derwood. Uader tte unit rala (ha
entire nloMy were cast tor,Clark.
Sno toUli on tho twnymth
allot wer.
Ctork. 4CS2
4Mli; Uad
MorahoJL W: Brraa. I: Ftwo. »; ab.
Bent.2H. TteteMkfor-WQaDa«aa«
on tha twenty-edgUk haDoC when 1a«
dlaaa waa caDad aad east 2* lac )Ttt*
mm god egg ter Mara.


xnia s4i*u>. *in> ntMtaa »at uau; TtwmiTriiiLT i,
ODM o( white bridal rose*, white her
l*coi>le_o<»Bie atul pi>.
maU o( bMor.Mim Julia Kovar.cousHandrada of antesM^ika arc bciiiK suU ta at the lenwm. ware Hnk silk mull
I’ian««, waldws Mtd diaaioed rinipi are beini: ipvt-n aud carrlml pluL twMal ruMS. Oito
away hy newapaix-rs.
W« a« all ealmg aioi» Ilian wc ever ate laalaer. brother ol lb« bri-le. was
Iwfow. Prkes may Iw a Unit liigb«T, l»ut liilU s«'iii to Ik- jiaid beat man.
Ai 5 ocItR-li a Uarxiuet ma» «erve<l
quite jiroinptly. Kacturiiw an- niuiiiirg full blasl. A Laif luillinn
the boOM- or (he bride's luireou.
wen are iiind'-d or «ooti will U- urodpd in the ff-iit uix-banls. lurrA-eat aod la (he evenlue a ree^Uea was

Grand Traverse Herald


Trade is on a good solid l>a*i».

reavru are filling Jip.

and Tia^rie Bay

vver>' day..

Twice a week
Twmtmj ue nonteret TimrerM dv. UlcUcu. !»

Bans........... ........................
JL Bani................................. .


firida and in gathering the vnorftiowi en.|w of Ih.- nMiiJlrj-.

....................... FraaM<«t
.Vice Prw. ud Sm.
....................... Trausm


fanner pa>Ti IiIk KuWription of a dollar or Iwo or llir.-<- frwii a i
of hills that be pulls out-of bbi vest jsH kel. Jhiilduig is going
in tbc gmat eitiea at a rate uever l»efore know'll in the history -of


tile <-omitry.

Beal <«tati- values are diuihing ut| into the rloiuis.

K« man iii^l l«e idle.

Men an- not worrying.

They bav»- nl-

must forgotten that this ia a preaWential rampaign y.-ar.


Kaw auythuig like it beforr.
. 4IJM la Adrssga
....2&C la AdTi


of depn-Rsioii, tliat dejirtttsiou ix-giuiiiiig many iiuuitbs lo-fon- «
venisons wen- belli.

It has not been true in Ibis east-.

What is

Is it Ui-auM- Ibe voters an- quite indilfen-ut as to tin-

is it Is-eause tbi-y i-arv little wliellier this iwrly or tliat |>nrt:
im]KirUiiil faetor ulietber

Is it Im-csus<- the individual

iTbis last is belJ

Taft or a Roosevelt



Pcewkltiatiid years wen- usually yr

^Mtir •Wk - • rak AM aMte


busini-ss of tjie eountry is u|>on sueJi a solid foiiiidatiim. that has
been so well built tliat all them- minor inatterii of isditical imrties
IHilitij-al s<4f-ititer<«ts cannot disturb us as a iHs>pli-t .
Tlie nuiulbs wDI come atid go.

SM blhPt^ Gfoand

si^p^D^ilea and tnotor cyclea.
of tbc qq<3ilioii.

There w ill |g' ai'Uie little politi­

cal activity for a while iu w£ieb very few iHsqde will lake a n-al

ti«« ago we had oeeasion to refer to tbe aia-ediug wf intercuL
Vp'c have a few words to say ou the tcud.-d-

A abort time ago, the writer was

tat, watrihiiig an aotoBiobile eouiing down tbe stroel.

l»a ftemt Vriuable SuMMateU/<*^

ITol-abiy (here li Beta more bcaiili-

tut dlbiday of garden roses la the
The ii.-wiH>BtK-rt wiH bc*'ear.-riilly «-ad, and then. wb<-ii OniBd Trmxvrsc ivaton Ihtn tuay no*

pleases, n-ganib-ss of any tuniioil. disagns-meuls. uu|ib-aVut f<s-i-

JusUliefon- iiigs that may have Is-eii raiw-d.

HoiiielicKly will be elcetisl. amt tli.-

•eeo at llic honw of K. W. Wuil
VVasliinglon street, llosc coliurr
111-' iwrti-iilar holihy of Mr. Wall

lie has loada il a sni-ly and for llo
h^reacbed him, he spraug into the rtr«-et in front of the ear. tbnjw greal. Hulntaolial. wonderfully plieunuu-iml biisiin-ss of the eoimlrs' l«s( four v.-arB (h»- ivsuKs of that
bands and waved them frantieally ill what would si-<-iii
will go right ou uiqx-rlurlH-d, uiKlisliiriiisf..and we slintl nil si ttle siudy have Issn little sbort of iharTau atlenpt to atop tbe inacbine.

KortuuateJy fur the boy. the c

vcloun in H>c production of flower*
ntih-h arc is-iiccl lavfonu. airc. nilor

dowji to a lia|>py mndition of eiiiileiilim-iil niid ]N-aei-.

was going at a very low rate of s|>«<-d add the driver was able


»n litu'' 1" preVfBl wbat miglil have bi-en u very


and bcaUli. To aprnk of Hie display
Mr. Wail's House a* a ~l»-anHful

P<-o|)b- wonder, as they eoiisiib r the ivisHij Repiililienti eonvenlihgideat
garden of rose*" merely blnU of Hie
at gtorkius beauty of Hie rare bloKsomi
If UA secident had o«-eurr«l. the driver of tin- «-ar wmibl have tion ill I’bicago and tin- dcmllo<-k<-.l JJi-jii.mmiie
Vi.^ MyiW where the writer knnwa alwolulely no blame <-ould Hallimore. why it is (but these things must Is-. The is ason is that us Uiey arc IdouiiiiaR today,
ir.n rose imstie* of uuuieiaiiu vnrii'lies.
Tbosi- who ari- posing
baw hew attaehwd to him. U was only ids pn-ai-jiee of wind and we. have iio statmiiien'in the eoinitiy-.
elihrw in fnit l.loorn or loadi-d .W«»
K(at<fim<-n are is-iiy |MditirUus or alleged i|i formerK. The isnmtry
qaiek tom «f the h-riat that aavod the boy.
with buds Just ready lo lirt-ak forrti
Tha Beini we want to nuke is this; The atn-ei is not s |>Uy
In all the Uwuiy-Rir fully drve1oi>ed
le iu our public tnen. Wc Want iiierTwiio arc eonsiilering
blosaoios. nsl, while, pink, yellow,
atreet is made for wheeled veliieles. Tbe>hiiTCliw tij^«r f97- H » *>»>y at enissings; and kwp iii wind that
the egoeamg nuiptte made square, not

eiiitiu^' aerusa

as long as'he keep in m.rtiori.

If a man atojis wi

as^lpm jproaaiilgaud is run down, be alone is to blame, but as long
■g be

npaftig-ui one

be lias (lie right iif way.


OTiiboaiir IIm fmd. that Im- must ki-«)]i moving straigbl^aliead,
M( doAgu^Jkek and forth.

“ '

bt(9||kwek to tbc qwesliuu in point—it is this:


We haven'


HnftlWi IS ••Klin of Hold " An-'
allow- tbeir ebildnm to play in the iniddb- of great man. Zm-b t’lmndb-r. would never liavo been known oiitssl-iH'Sulifnl of whin- rose* i
«f tbe eily of Detroit liml Hot the eritiral and iTUeisI d.s-ade
Ksrl l>ruH'hkl.-whiel. ai
abonid age lIBt the rule is atrieily eiifore<sl. The ease w<- refer
iM-autifiilW (uniMsI hu-ls in,n le
let M all hiur in miud this one Biwg—tbe sin-i-f is not a playnot be allowisl tlien: in tbeir games and

Knii-ii. no Tfaurnday. the Jsi day ol
Auau»4. Itil;:. ai : u chKi p. m. of soM
day.'lary f. Moflall. H«-c'y.


I,.-..•me lull, r-iin-l roses.

obove h but <mr,ef a cumiH-r that we eould eall attention to dire<-l



nil Ihe various shade* of the rob
Ik- planned from some of lbe Urger
Ihe pjrtnrc Is on-' that «'an be appleriih« (or Uu- pun*>«c of sundylaa
claied only l-y a lover ol Itow'crs and
picker*, il being as rapidly aroaed
one who kaows Ihe value of ro>
that allbougli (beoe city people vouM
yeahi ago, men wISo wen- <b-velo)Niil by Hu' <-«i>ditions llnii existing. Ihe qnrrn of nimimcr blotaoms.
Bnqaira-^SiXsl'le to earn coonch lo pay tbeir
L- of ilauillK 1 ftoiblB*^^. ^
To wake a great uniu out of a sisuiiingly onlhiary umii. there must
AnmiiR the rlioh'csl varirlles nrewn
espeusca. and Iht-ir trtp Into (he
hy Mr. Wail lire Hie I.*, t'rwnee lose.
ondilibn existing. If tin- eivil
otuirds mlRhl be viewed na a varal
Mailanie ih- l.iia-. Mndaiiii- TesKHii,
Afwuet Mectiot,
out lln- 1i -meiidons ability of a timid. thegn-al<-sl military
It Is bo|K.-d Hut some way can be dlaHie J. li. (-liii'k, Klllani'-y, whirlt (*
Tbu aiiiibal mi-eiibR ul liw. inewUujl
cwv<-red wferehy tin- wwroon and whop of llii- (Ihi .Mls.siuii lieac^j lU-sort .A^
- last ei-nbiry wonbi Imve moHim-d in obsi-iirily i
known In nrtirly ei.-ryone, mid i»
Rills In tbo cllh-s «*n ho luteiwMed suclaliun (or the 1-1001(011 of iniatera
(iideiia. Illinois. If tin- eivil war had not develo|Hsl a b
handsome yell-iw' rose whose
to eectj- the onsnlae year aad Ibe
plekiriR rauii-alRii as
iraiislal-sl from Ihe Kr'eneli
wCtild have dii-d an obseun- altoriiey in the same slate. Mieliignii
inb’tv-sts of the eoiuilry llinii of tbemselvea.

tbe'jjtr^ 'The ehildn-n aiioidd l>e taught this lenwn ami ]>ar>-nti


Tied is
HiM rllK-w (ho V . V yon fed wtiea
}oii ore FtragRUac «klih «B (Ktaek cd
Morbns or Cniuip ft
ilif* U'C' knot and •piiikl) cites ro■t. il dii^-=(hc .paue vtsk nte*’
l-lK-d liiiu the skiat tv ibs«iiilsiu, sprains, laioe l-ack or aliff
Wulilii a few days, or two '
S V. Ii'm a wou-I. rfol rwiK-dy for lo
ami. u CT) for help will ro up troni
enal or rxlrnial bar. Piiee S3 da.
tlieclH-nVptowen-of Woslem Mlehl>1.1 hy Aiuerlcau Uni* diore.
Iturih-uliirly tbe (irand Tniverae
Fore* ■emtired (a Crack a NtiL
aertlon. TTio en.p ihl* year 0™™*“*
Tbe force reqclred to rmafe aa «
lo be Inrficr Hiaa eHer »K-fore and
oeb a* OM
oac log oftaa m
Iboip are a* yet but few addiili
cracked between the beck Awtb, te
pickers to help witb' tbe liarvesl.
been ahown to be rqnat to a velckt
(necHDR of the several cdminluees at>- of afore than }10 eroIrdnpoU pouafla,
polated hy ihe Travenie City Hoard of dfrceUy appUed.
Trade and Hie RrwiiRo of Hraa^ Trnv
rise .-oimlyi lia* Un-o called for tbc WANTEO-HlHa aud w-mien. elemly
worl. at ( a -lay wfolle Karopurpone of rry lng lo lemtsly Hie atiu
fabuK-Hcnrod belp cvP |LA«.
alioo now eiHifmallDE Hio producers
II.T1.KQ IJ.M a (lay.
Hoard a»-l
of tbU (empHuK fruit, ll baa been
room tine per week, tarn w«nIlsUe-l. comtnodknm feeran. tteesuRKOsied tliat ywraikm e
a ara

Wc liKik back to the daj-s of tlie great melt of ») or ft* or .'iii

«o the sidewalk, but also keeii in tqind. that this

Tlicse are only tJir>s- or four uaiii--s nf ii ilniiiile. Ki-iir-- -if tii-'ii
who nt-rt- develi»|M-d in tbe 20 yeiirs frnm Websii-r |o Ubiin-'.

dot-* not lind ll ws

•Iiairvill as «■■.-

would sap|iOiK.'iu KtowloK siM-liquimli
tIeuUh. Jui(C ;y.-K>igr-u<•sot bkweoiit*. Imili.- first plai--'. he
suw nays that uiaD> i-rsiple luaki-.lltc icls- ex-editor of ibv Brnalo ('ouiity Han
. ^I>ri»Tra of vAieles, whether earriaget or automobiles or solilelliillg ilone; suuielbing iieenmplislnsl: si^t- greiil move.......... imI- lake of eo'criin; lUi-lr Biishy* too ner. pasKod away Tupaday nflJuM Sa. alter a iltigerliig till
g eycln ur.what not, also have rights and they can be enforml vniits-d ; not always wiml was iiileniii-d. inU alwiiys wlia! was Iioim-.I early in ili<- fall N'uur of ihi- idaiiusiioul-l Ik- roverr.l lnHor.- tin Ursl (our year*, aeed (O year*, ills wife
and expeelttl iiLri-Kiills; but lliei-.- w«s nothing |M tly. notliiiig simill.
nunlve him.
rrusl. Wad until 111* Rrouinl lias suflintbing lu'oan in the things men itiil in Hiotu- <luys. Struggles tli<-re
fi-re-l Ihe tirvi gmid. hnni frost and nil was held this mnrvilnc
• en-; di(Ter<-iieeK Ilf opinions Ibere wi-n-; ilisagreemi-nts llien- were, Him U Iho lime lo cove. Hu- l-ushc*. clo. k from his laic borne.

nrHlt^V) ippraWtiiH fart u|ion the uiioOs of their ehildri-n.

weri- tbe days that made;men.

a have cerUin rights hi the atreeta aud they can W day iu our imlional liistory.


Wlira aeienlida andMepartiueuU of beaJUi ai)<J various and

• ypifry .(toer prpfaaiopals and departmental experts eaiinol kill
My «tbc^ »»f, they try U> frighten him to death. - It neeius
down in'Vaabtrtgtw there » g dejwrtmeiil ealKn! "The

Uwpital Berviee."


Tlu-w- offieuils and ex|H-rts

wmtt Cli is Iheir line ^^e way and tryTo earu thrirr«ilaries.
huUeliiH or panipblels nr thousgfuj.fllfs. bi»yt*t-[»s upon tho terrible cniiditions

ClitthraU Cewcoetmte.



ggserjlg lteatl^ that the |M-d(-atriaii has Ibe saitn- rights


lo Varirtlet apd Carp'ol
Btwbes. ^

A few api-echca will^-b« made which will be ]H>orly al-

\ovemlH-r ismies. tbe voter will go to the jxills and voiediist as lie

. ytr^h atroet, and he saw a la>y who was okl euou|d> to know ts-t.


have }uBt hnlahed ttemtag tor (be ate Sors >oor beam led dUiy.'at
■•iwmg atamm. la Scawmbm- (ber vU kflM W«b speils of Wind atoaprs
and rlnrtaa noises In the oanT Krae
bloom aialn. iirodaelnE flowers :
svtuiKoma of s dlseoae.1 IWer ami
1} as teutilul ai lUox.- of Ibc early
■kiian-d suts of (he boacela. Tbc
a|.Hns. ,

I• DR. UKHRR'lTS 8HGAR.. i>llJ.S.
are aUM.
Oae of Ibc iminrtant tehlures of COATEH
lake aud rkan yon
i>-ru) ll______
held, at wbieta serr vri-sent a large eulUns
aud one -sblrh Is not
__ Try
Tr) them.
ihem. I*rl»
number of ru.tis. Tbe lieautUul eoen m-uc-nilH kD^wn. le the faer ibal rose* by Autcibwn Druk Sfbrc.
tr;' home ol. tbc lautorr's «as |wm timtCjfot Ik- •'ut In -the middle of thtuse with roses, camalloas and Rmllax
r It Is desfnta (bat the\ retail
used ia an eSeetlve derorattvo
Ihelr fre»h ai-iKjarum-c. KUlw'r cul
Bawaaco la evar the fliiaiii^ «
raaaemeai throoghoui Ihe reomi.
rarly-tii Hie luorsleg or after
»r. and Mrs. «eder ttive aoac
»«n- Wliat Is more iKWutiful than
Chkano. wlwre lhc> will iqieod a t
hoquet .of flowers r«n with the i
uccks' honeviaaan. aftm wlikh (hey
tg .lew on them, a greeflng to Ihe
The Choica of a Hnabaod
wHl be at lioioe to frieadK In this ellv oew bom day a.s ll wme. and a earess Is iiK> imisjrlaui a mailer for a ,wo.
niaii <0 hr-haudteapiiMl by wowUm-i*.
♦hl.-h h.-l]K the Bo»en> relalu* Ihelr
had btetarfmfl-breath. AvofeUhrse
fresh kWelUies* IbmuKhoiit the eoHre kill-hVin by UktiiR Ur. Kl|^ Ulo
New kireuRlti. Bue eoluplrv

Ion. pure hrenlb, cbrorfnl mdriuMany visituis roiiu- to Mr. V
IhluRs thai win nien—follow Ihoiraar.
rose aardt-o. aud il Is a alcbt
Mny. nale. surv. 3V. All draKlitu
tvonh seeing.

iu ale yaiie.-for the iiomiiialion at halUuion ) or is it iM-eause


(s -«( two kfuU*.

botaot with just enough foliage
tfto (be tetrad loach «l gic
hoxag (be TBiMtes-fare ambf wbkh


Tlu-re was souirlliiiig •loing every

Kver>- rising and selling


Mauilou. Mhb.
tuea'-may. June. July*

Tunic and Uoan atraiua. boat wlaler
laycra; lisUdiiuc
ic eggs.
eegs. ’(
Tl.T-U |i
|>sr IS.
hut they weri- IM-Itvecn great non. gn iit iniiiils Mistakes wer-' nnole, Auoliici mi-lake is t-s- imi-'h water
Tho bulhliiu; of twenty Hmicand
otb Maolloa. UtetL
tint they wt-r>' great niistukes.
Where gri-iil tilings an- alt'-mpieil
-•HlninlinR. Mr. \V«I, sm-'.sl HuU hr ha* been cuiunieii-cd
in Ih-nxonia
that fail; tvlieii great uiiveno-uts arc iimdc llijil fail; wln-re greirt
iK-v.-r wai.-rs hir hinaics uijill June. l->wiisblp
dONET TO LOAN on good and weR
bopeNWre indulgeit in llial an- disa|>point<sl. it is Ins-uiise great jio-n
lm|Ku<r-l farui*. II. «V imvia. 3iz
Tliere ur^iiiire rcM-rlers here lliab
undi-rtiMik greut Ibiiigs.
Hivat miiuls eoneeive
PUlc (lank lU-lg, Traverse (Xly,
at Hils Hiae last year, and every Iraio
Biiril n4f
rfi-at Kplimisis Impe great things.
Is lirInRing latgy iiiinitK-r*.
Itnt when 8 pn-siili-nl of the I'uiled Slates. Hie gi-ati-sl ulsl

uniHt iMiweVfui Ugirn- in all Ibe gmi-riiuienU of llo- world liHlay.

tamBrj, and just now we get one regnnliiig the water sup|il.v of

f Rock Err*. tiM
per i:-: Hilllly IMork Brsb. KM |ht
IS; M. B. Turkey BsRi. Me omfo. »

Uil desct-iul from l|i» bigli pinilion to eaiivuss the eoiinlry

I .-■i.iuEh nsim ll

p-T- of ill-- v.-ry Imi-viiaiit IliiURS also Is

•sa '




laic t.-onrt lor Hh; tkinniy ol Him

dti.'t uuik-- H w.mam. It's a go-Ml (ot
iiaily and di-feiid bis Imiinr and bis aels from mulieiuns asstinlis of lo uaiHi mil lor the -use l>UR* nr-l
-laimii. ' I'.K
nil-)* ll
of wnter and good water, that state is Michigan, but IKilitiral ein-mii-s; when the grcat'-Kl living repri-sentaiivi- of .\ineri- |a-sl.s««liii-li Win drsli-u- Ihi- plants It si'- iiilili villi siic-r-i:'j nil«- N Liiig.lo
,r ‘‘lly. IU a
day 01 JHU- . A
. 1912.
Hir.' om-c R.-1 slaite.1
Mr. Wall r.-.- it-.i's lost what Kl.-'lri< llltlthis frij^teuer from Waabii^ou would lead one l« Ix-lieve that tb■anisni. Ibe innst jMipnlar, the must lovisl, the man elien-si lo the peo­
Ptml ll. Walker,
Thouaamis bt->s Hu-to i
onmicmls Rose Nl.-otmc as the-l-CM Ris- l-T
■tate wga agitb lew in a bug aud that l4ik<-s .Mirliigan and llurou ple. the uiuu whufB the |K-ople would most delight to limior. iiiiisl
Jii-igc t:f l-n.l.aic.
if.t dUr- *|sKliray Ui use for Ai-liis Mi-1 say* lo
Ue nuittar of (be ctete of Rob­
dvsis-ud to Ibe eourmtst |M-rsoiuiiil ii-s. the niiisl viuleiit attacks ii|s>ti lunke ll just al—ul Iwh-c a* slreoR as n4 (or diipolUae wookaera. nerrou*ert Unuehii-lRc. dectmaeA.
Oflwr eiliN ia. Mitbigan i-an take eare of Uieuisi-lviw.
John IJ. IlitciiU imvIUK ilb-d in waid
imliviiliialK tn s.-eim- the immiiialiiui to llie higlo-st posilion Ho- Hi-- -liriH ibni* »nu- Ami tln-n Hie dis
-•unn hi* iKKitlon l.ra-lnr lU.-.t nahl.
a^kmi^DO deieiue fur the o|bcr lake^hore towns, but we do elaiiii eoinitrt' ran give any iiiati; lln-n. iiuleeil. niiisl the 'stiuli'iil of his hiiildiog is Hii liiiisii'laiil lii- iui in r-s.
<v>uit adjiidlral- and d'-irniibie •wlw
Were at tbc uitH-ot hi- ■l•‘alb rtu- bYsl
fwaptmla tu^c vqmu the water supply pf Traverse f'lly lory hluali with, sliuiiie and n-grel. willi it lasting ngrel. that the
half or
tl..-'i -I
hi-tfs'ul nai-l di-rcai-'-l aii-l .utiHed bi
ouly 1
•■a waeBnwa. that they M-emerel;- thiyin-tii-al and have no foundii- i'nili-d Stalls tisluy lias Ms-uiingly io< gn-ati r ohjeet iliaii to graiify
■miiem the Ic4l .'-tsi.' ul wbi.'b eahi
si* of Tr
docoied died e-.'li--d.
'--------tieo in fact.

the perwnal |H>litical aiuhiliun of any (uie man.
1h- suriirlMiiiR. I'liiniiii: >■
It Ifc ordered -imi Ik.- I2ih star uf
.\«ii| while this is lo-ing wrilleii. the lleiioH-ruio- ........ ..
i« imisl liol l-r ti- ai-li-l Tbia expert who has ju-epared this marvelous artide—hk
Jill}. A. I» l-i; i.t tMio'.hH-k In (be
forenuou. hi i.t»l iiiobatc uUIit. brh Qr. liiiAUghlia—oaya '“nigi the Water supply of Travenw- fity ill the midst of mo-of the most liisloru-al ih-udloeks in the hisloiy Ik- -Ioiu-^U fsall,- si-riiiR h
ati-l i* |i,-i.-I.y HPimiiilrd fur bearlus
A imi ool' mal
^ iw ftwqiKntiy twUuled is indicated by the nudue pre- of the ]uirly in its Ualtimore eouvi-ntion. What eaii we e\|>is-t from
-« (or tbc o(bcr OM
rl.-sl iiiisli.-. ali.1 laiR.'i
l‘•iau^i'lc^ ordered Hut imbUe Bu
waltwae of tgrphoid in the winter aud s|>riiig."
Hie Dvinocrair? Wf know what we must esp-et from iln- Rejoih Idooin. 1..M al-Ki «
Hie Hlbr--»l Ik- givun by pablhatletibf
Or. McLaaiMtn haa looked at tb|- luap, but be evideutly has liraiiK—disagm-meiil. teui|Mirar>' disintegration.
Tim ]in-setit out- biisiie* ill iKuii.ds ami iioi
irtect 8-ie Cett* Lea
e <opi -r tills urdur. lur throe aadceeH-.-lmi
his I.K Ilu
bIiiir mndiliuli tla-y oilc
aiie wc.-ka prcyhins lu aatd dat of
Wt inyeatifai^ the caused of an oeeasioual ease of.iyplioid
hsik iinmiises nothing Ih-Hit for the ih-moerals.
ill the tirasd Trarerac tierUtuiih-.
Ttaverav I'ity! Experii-m-e and teats on nnmenw oe<-nsions have
aki. a ii.'waiaper printed aitd drealat■ Tlo- IIIKI H.s.s w-re i
llui l.ii-n's Arul'a
jbqvB that the soaUering caw-s of typlmid. orenring in '
Kill of ,1uue and IroJii J
iiv iiolaou and
alomjlmY ou be traced diruetly to wells ajul we U-lieve s ease has not
ewetllna and
i-alo H.-al- ,bor:i», l>ol|s.
c-nw. pile*,
for at least 24 hours. Some 2u yeurs ago a eli-'misl. quite liy uei-hli-ul.
.. July 2.
/ hfCB traced directly to the bay water. The fact that typhoid ow-a
•a ro*i'. of whlrb li
abmally occurs back in tbe country, in fact mon- typbuid eas«« an- diseovensl "ortlioiieiiuniiilplioiiimiih-." lie imde ii f-irtuim out k{
M. E N. E. TIME CARO. III- in Rurcoous a
dis|P. M'A M'.(.M.IP. •
rgewr^ feeu the country' titao the city, abuwa tliat our liay water
More Ji-aiiiin
!.» Trar. CUy- 1:"'-: 7;*f> •:34f«i|
T orlbobenzosiilphoiiimide is eiililled to a fortmn*. Si«ar whs
haa uotbuig whatever to do with typhoid.
\.-r i-opular Amri
Sokm.......... 2:t7{ 7;30 •:» 9t4
The wrilerdias been drinking bay wstw for aO years and high uml otlhoIx-nzosulplKinimiil'- eosi far h-ie. iind il was--siH-.-iHlI.v
11.-UT lirrli
I0| 7:(« .. 1
a- lo lull l-l-H-m I
it byB*t killed him yet. We know some oiln-rs who have Is-mi us­
Ting Uie water thus coudopiued fur a balf «-ntury. lind wi- do^imt Kur more Hum a •luarier of u eentiiry. it lias isvii rec-ummqid-sl in
Cedar Ibm
I#:#* <r*
Ul »aM iniliit.. UII
KUeh caues and il lum lu-eii iiseil in' a Iwndn-il ways when- Ih-- nioi— hiis'i ainonk tl-rni. whwh in itself will
Imke Aoa ..
l•ftll 4:<t
knpw of any eaae of typbual that was dir<-<-ily attributable ti
ly. .( I). !*»:
Plaue Hirer
|A:t7| 4:1
tiul,pi--a*ii.r t-ow-ll-ly mer.- than I'.' -r
Hon. It.
ra«r uf Uraml Traverae hay. Ikiu’t let us be frigbh-ue.1 by l>r.
I I'ltirln-S ill hrielH. «.-i It Iwais M *-lo»Now eoiio-s the pure f<HHl i-xiH-rt at >Yas1iingl»ii. v>ho nnist
Kaiplra Jcia.
- VcLaegMin or any other exjx-rt wliosi- busiutws it is to iiiiut
•—ni for earh im li. lari^;. raic I-1-—
the gtatr at Michigan.

It would seem that if any aUte' ui tbe union

' raw awthiae but otognant p«)U. .




earn hi» salary, und trils ns that IhU is one <4 the most ibiigeroiiN —BIS, m- h |-•rte--|

robe* and magnify them into eb-phanta.

|>r>KlueU ever pi^Nipou Ibe lu^kei auil Huit niider im .................................

Ti Camnttf Afiuts To Be VistarM

uiiisi we use nrlliohi'uzo^|>h^iimid<'.

A atrmnom njuventiou elomsl its aeasiuus




Thei-iTori'. Is-



ean-fiil when yon ure taking your order fnmi Hi-' groe.T not to

week, in timf to give the delegates a ebanee to get to ebun-h Suu
dgy iqonijng if they didn’t Vajt for breakf^.
iiiiiiiporc, an equally atruiuam eonviiiiiuii is lieiug held. A
Ikparad or OD ivn gathered at laeh of thag- i-nnvmtiuw to d<-eide


wlw MkhM be the gwodidatc of their reapw-live parlies for prrai-


couutiy inqnied to be

dtthBd open the

Mr Man-ied.


of thia L

a or thci

BOD of -Mr. and Mra. Jo* J^loder of
this dty. ao.l partner ol ihv Jos- SJed-

Alphon'aa Slodcr and Mraa Ella Laut-

dcol cif the United Sutca.

caaoeBbe hrtdo of At|>b^DM B. Sleder.

cr A dons' meat a^aet.

A qiUet ebarch weddlaji was sol
1 on a-^nt party.' ■ third party, a fourth parly, a fifth
iaed at tbo Coasrecatloiial dnurh rclaU)^ ia aiionkaiice.
dgorai^oth^ uatabered party.'but the country aei-ms to be go- ■^edaooday aberaooa rhea Hiaa EUa
well- Nobody'ia grratly disturbed. Bnai- AaotMT. daUKbur of Ur. aad Ura.
■ ra •rver so

in u pivshk-nltal year.

Tbc >

away was performed by Rev. bemas
CoeUlB la bis stady at- tbe rbnrrb
nUb only (be Imamdiau frioad* and

t'ro(is prumis.- .-uor- I-Vrdlaaud Uuiaer. of Jandtswl. he- and pcarU.



She cartel an am bo-

In irv«im-trin-l
rus Moon- haiiiic
Ui *al-1
loriii, and Hi.-, ai-prarstirr ol l4"' i-'i'h
•'ouit ill* Bnal aduiiuiatraiiuu luv-oiui'.
ns il I* crowing is that of h Urge
I'l- iM'HlJixi
IJixi i-ia.-iug fur Ihe allow:
, ,.f BK'I fur Ml- assiRiimi
Mail earner* Will Fly.
.1 distribuHoD cl iT- csidui- ol nahl
Tills U an an- ol gr.-at -lisio'-rk-s.
I'lOgrea* ride* oo Ii-r air
S-ou wr
ll IS cidrred Akai ih-- -<ih -Jay et
niav see Votlr Sams luail -arrurs
ly. A. H., ISIJ. at icu oclock in Hie
a-;nc m all .lir-xHoii-. trai^i-eri.n'i
renoon at said probat- offii-c. be
Pcofdr take a *on-lrrfnl Ir'r-erv tbat bt-nrflt* Hwm mg and allow ihr aaid accuunt and
, Kiae'r Nv* rh».'o>e.
Tl-a:'s why
Bowler........... ; bearlnn *ald iwilHou
(or Couchs.
— — pil.c.
......... throat
^ ruribrr ord'-red that public aoand lung disease, is the nio>i i«polar
te thereof W RHi-n by iPubllcaUOB
medirlne in Ati en-a -It core-l me of
a lOi - of thia order, lor three anea dreeultui ro««h.* wrH«-» Mrs J. t. oMlve week* precton* to sold day O*
Ha>is. SHcknei
'atU-r beaflr.g. In ih.- yrabtl iravenie Her­
OMfcaaae JCM.
.lOT'or'* treataieni and uU olb-r reinai-«.T^^ .............
ald, a UfWBpapci pHOU-d 8JiJ ilrcoe.Ue* liad (alle-l.‘ Fo; n-mlis roM* latod Ul aaid rauni).
Trala* arrire at Ti^*«rM CUf >:S7
or aai' bronrhial afleciioB
il'a OP-;
A ra, I»:3« A B.
^ ^ *'**
•qaaled. Price fdw ami tl.on. Trial:

lists of Tra«
I•hkH• c -r
ll• drURRisi
n, ittBLTr 'a p. A."
I )oI>t:.'m«




The month for the mar­
keting of wantBble,
warm - weatiier wear—
and the period of semi­
annual clearance sales
of ail grades of


wM iDMiim cw^


e feature

If it’s a Uim. Pique.
Serge or dainty Lace
Oestuipe.. it's much bet­
ter to diooae now than
better, as the Indies all
agree the styles now are
uncommonly pretty.
The special prices are
equally attractive

This week
' CMM and Aiet


ud Becose &
••mt Bonder .

■jrUsWcCIve This

-Mthat Vftr fi»bHe «h«wn in
»ur tin* l« puT« wool or warood. and Its OMi-ooBHly Wtrunk
bdfort evnins—«tat oar clottioo will IH yoo
portoctly. our eott frento will ndk
broak ar curt, nar our yoekats
-Shat oar tinalaso will woar for
ono yo^ or wo will iwlint froo
of oha^ .
tha workoMn^lp and
Jtyla In our elothoo ai* tupor.
lor In ovory roopoet
—thot our ctadMo ^11 givo you

oli«io oqulvoeoi word or phrdioo.
ality. It inaaraa
Net# aur prieaa:

Sail to Order

1W E. Front St.
Keat to yttedrtrli'i Shoo Stora.


A. HMn of Chledfo. in., ara at the
Bark Place. Mremo for their a«m'
mer home -Shore Aerea,' Glen Lake,
where they will tpaad Uie anmmer.
« it llahing tha S
r Sllghtt today.

tcitou and tbo oiproosed wiU oi*
hli roaotlmonlt. 1 atk no onanr
itldoratlMi from aor man. bo hr
too. but I dotnaod mn Ju*lire from ovory ifomorrat. olthor in
n»T(0BiloD or Uiroariiooi the na­
tion. With WiDlain j' Brran nnil hip
rhante mado In the cduvchUod todsjthe iwBr U proof or roiraotloo. I chall
oaiwci him to moot ibai hwuo.
-Champ nark. At the hoar tho •latomoni wan ir
lod. t:IO a. ID.. Mr. Bryan had tftired tor the nIrhL loavlnp word that
ho vsi BOt to be dlatur1>od.

Otwgo Lake this moiVftf Idr'a few
— Offttog.
U ■leaaem toft ihia mernlng *•
Wr. alii ftrt. 1
dsaaa trip to toargoette i
ebUdtea ot Nerthport. Mr. i
aortbern HIdUian.
Joke AsmI ■and chlHns uC alDBB.
Attorttoy Ward to CooniM reton
Mra. Angsst
H >Mysss aad MdaHiHk
today from Ana Arbor. wherO hs
Kaniso And ffondsem^ VnbPtlds'TufrtMl Ua
Hr vti* C. S.City
tended the Brat reunion ofTbe C. Of U
Uw rtoas of iKl of which
tern Chlrago. OetrolL Toledo sad Bitfmember.
fttle tkitmgh OUtod tkwB tilgrapb niaday to aticed a celibratleo gdeaa
U, honor of S. randerboora HU
J. L. Ettlntor of ML PtoaooM re­
turned to hli home there today after
short atay here with Irlenda
Albert Kyaeika went to Wiillantoand fanny, formerly of Merrill. 1
hurg today on business.
have taken up tbeir permoBcAt iliatAdam HeefUn fstumed to We homo.
aaeo at 214 Ban Ntath ooaL
Kingal^ today aftw a ebon stay
H. C Daria Srta
the cliy.
air decree of U U & by tb* MMrF. H. Smith rsuirnsd from
ally of Mleklgan Friday. R* HA*
nets trip to neiroli today.
member of tbe dam ot tm. '
Frank SheMoo went to WilltomoGRAIN.
Mra Ton* Poueh. aged B piMtg.
burg today on buslaeto.
daughter ef Mr. aad Mra alftli
S. O. Lafffie'ls in Rapid CHy today
Johaaoa of Keswtok. died at 4|t KH
1 buslnesa.
Mlw Martha Jehnnon returod to
Front street Friday olgbL teUofftlHI»
Elk Rapid* to.lay after a Week's visit
operatioe. Mr*. FMck had MfHNB
.re with friends and retoiivea.
it! only a few daya Gba 4a aaretlwd
W. E. King and PMrtek MItoa taft
by a aiatsr. Mra. Stowe oriMa Ay.
today for Bex Terrare resort, ot
seve^ brotbora aad bar Hmbabd
lake, where they will spend Ibe
and 'pareata

Hk Maifaas

e G. A. ^co ention It Port HnIasi acek. returned
(o bL
Nurtbport today,
lira. Fred AUinaon. went to
Cfiy ibitmorning for a ihree
l"ll with her perenu.
Frwi Atkintan la taking an enended trip ihroupb the we« in (he ln(er
Edward Kitehenman returned to hie
borne ai Nortbpon ibia morning, afatiendlng the Pray wedding iiere
Glen Griffin left last evening fer
Torch lAke, for a (en dayf oullng
t the V. MyC- A, camp.
Mrs. J. AIbcrtoen'ef Beyne City, ia
ChKw j”'^rR™p!^toe* quoted
opendlng a frw daya here wIlD
George Weier left teOj^or a short
usinesa trip through Mihern MIrh.
Albart Kyaeika went to Elk Rapids tan.
Fon Baom Wat SUrud When Maothis morning on business.
Jaas Anoti rsturMd to WiiltomoPirrv LIVES LOST IN TERIFFtC
Mr. Fisks of the Orend Treveree burg today after a abort visit here.
Auto Co.. Is In the soothern part of
Henry Hoefiin. who has bee* her*
the sute on a business trip.
ir a few days ox bostnrsa. retomed
Wm. Watson. «vho ha* boen here to fals horns at ICtngsIry today.
W. H. Gayer* arrived In the city
BolUmore, July 1.—With Qovenwr ,
Ruor in the circuit roun. reiurn>'oedrow Wllwn shlnthE on each bol-]
> Ms home SI Fife Lake this this morning and w ill spend the
ler here.
morning. <
lot and Speaker Clark conatantiy io»The Miieee Marie snd Nellis Merk
Inr rronnd tn the rare tor the preei
John Kuhns returasd .to his hema
drntlal nomlnailoD (be democratir naaiJh)>-uo City today, after attending and Ulltoa Itoldln^ lefl today tor
tlonal ronrenlion at 1I:U o'rhick Sat
games helweea Boyne City Izidlngton to si<end the summer.
Arday nlshi adjourned imin Uonda}
aod tbe Reaortera.
mornlnc at 11 e'cloek. #
JesMt Nang, who 'wm hare far the night from a trip to Tptitami, Grand
Old Betllera- plrnir yesierday. left for ttopids and Jackson.
Tnentv-ilt faallou had been uken
tlDce the call of the auto* and there
(From Monday'a Record-^e.)
Mr*. M.-^plan and daughttr Ellxshope of a Anal Tonlict.
Mrs. Ralph Reecoe and little «
beth of flslEast Front street, left last reiorned to Uieir home la Newaygo.
anlnat aU pollUeal preoadeat for a
night for I^troll to visit friends.
uaUonal coDrontk» to oil oa Sunday.
a few days spent with relatirea
kVlnnipeg. Jnly 1.—Message* search­ Mr. god Mrs. Ed Thayar of Paw In tbe city.
Rank In Clark Camp.
ing her* today tell of the recovery of Paw. who have been vlslttog
Paul Rebertoen has rotumed from
MTiea tha conveatloa ' adjoiimed.
bodies tfom tbe ruins of bnildlngs
cottage on Carp lake a few weeks' trip to Detroit as
Speaker Clark was hurrying to DaltJ- tn Regina. Twenty were recovered for the past week or ten day*,
other poinu In southera MIebIgaa.
iroia tron B'ashlngten la rroponee to last wight and the last report
return borne tomorrow.
The Hieees Kittle Ollle and Franct
an nrgont all trou bla campaign tbe <eath ftst T* greatly euger
Mr. and Mrs. A; R. Chatman of Lm Larkla of Luther, are visiting CIHmanageia.
tbe death list is greatly exaggerated, Angeles.'Cal.. are visiting trieods In
too Heixell ot 213 Stole street.
Wnilaitf Je&r.inSB Dryan at the atl- orer fifty. Hundreds were Injured the city for a few weeks.
Ed Gilbert Is dlthlng the Boat
«mooa aeaaion had attacked Clarti' throughout the city and country.
Mr*. E. L. HughM left thta morn­ today.
and had aald that he-would
^Contmiena Chaetle.
ing for Kingsley, where tbe wlU
Jeasa Gifford loft this morning for
no man wllilng to aeeept a nomina­
Whmlpeg. July I.-Today eondi tend the annual meeting of the Grand
tion at the mpniU «t Murphy of Tam- tion* tn Regind. Bask., which was hit Traverse RaptUt aasoclatloo, which U Fakhan. Indiana, where he has accepts
ed a poskioiL
ft Wat the plan of^Mr.
(Tdooe last night Iscbaetic and bolding a three days' convc
Mrs. GMrge ShieWa left fer Monroe
Clerk le appear boforo the
It will be darn before the damage
that plare.
Center this morning, where she will
and to make anawer. In thta way bli loas of life ms accurately be totaled,
W. H. Umlor returned thia morning spend the summer.
manaEert ho]>ed to holaler tha falling lurge force* of men arc today aearch
from a buslnesa trip to Detroit
Manenl went to Empire Mito
lag (be ruins fur the injured,
. Day and family of Glen Ha- morning, where he will spend a week
the Balteta Stood.
path of tha eyelone was several
•re In <he rliy yesterday and on business.
bkieks wide. Many line bondings attended the Old SetiJera' picnic.
Balloto ran from tke.thlrteenUi
K. C. Shugan went te Coder Ritn
raxed snd railroad ran pk-ked
tweMJ=-atzth'. WHaon began at 3SC
tbi* morning on husloes*.
nod ended a( ^OTVi. a nrt gain of SI
ltd carried mnuy feeL Boats
(From Salordays Record-&gle I
G. J. Grattup Is in Frankfert today
vole*. Clark began at SSt au>l foil to^ were blown In from Wasraii IaVi
Mr*. James M. Stewart, who hat on business.
tseti. a loes of 90AA eotew
' > mile away.
been visiting at the home
W. M. Nueman left tor Casean this
Breaks to Covemor Wilson were
The Saskatchewan guvrrnnient tele­ brother. L ^Tltus, returned to Flint
morning, where he will viell kl* non.
romlng from nav different deloga- phone building wwa Mown down and
Henry Sporting left
jUona sj the balloting cloaed. Hla man- relief gangs are working Uking out
m Anna Kocourek of Hazen. trip through the southern imrlgof tbe Baana »dr ba
agera believed that oncir be had over­ the dead.
Arkanus. arrived last nlcbt to s
ale today'.
taken Speaker Clark the awlichlng of
The clly power plant is out of romummr-r with Mr. and Nr*. Joaeph
Wesley Sparling returned te hit
dcltgalea would become gelSeraL
ralsshm and Oicre la no light
Sleder and family.
home at Kingsley today, nfier tIsII
Tm Beam SUrted.
Brery vehk-le tn the city Is being
Meadamea Jot. Hemrieh, Jes. Run- Ing with Henry Sparling of this rity.
The rreat bulk of the Mastachu- naed as an ambulaaee.'
•r and peter Weber returned .'esterH. B. Hoff, who haa been viining
aetta delegatloa detertrd Clark and
At to o-.lock It wns belir-vod S0« day from a two weeks visit at Grand
I* slsler Mrs. Chris Brellhup here,
Mlartsd the FoM Inota. It creeled
tivea had l>een l«sl. A numl-er
Uuiilds with relatives and friends.
■llirticd t» bl* ImiiM- at Maoli
tin egrttement.
l-odles have bo n tuken ^>a
Mjw Irene Pemerey Shields arrived IV.
Tbe deadlock confronting tbe demo-^»..^.p.
Na 1 horrno lMm..........ttJ» sad ep
yesterday from Boy City. She
Mr. and Mrs. Julie* Paige, ef Oots tbe most...reinarkTbe tornado mme from the sonih > on to Monroe Cenlrr from he
oit are visiting friends "in the city
able In tbe Uatory of modem pollUca.: and Arm struct tbe new parliament
la tbe eoarentlon was able U balldlDg. jnst,completed at n cost of
tie left this morning for a two weeks' in Franklin of Detroit, arrived Sat­
recall an Instance In recent years in It.OM.fHM).
Tbe bonding Is of steel visit In Grand Rapid*.
urday night for a visit with Ur*
Which It bad rwtulmd
Tad t^^e'wd wwI^U Miira.und'e!
Monroe. AI Rosser, Clajrten Lar- Stevenson's parents Mr. and Mrs
tbe number of ballot* fo nominate It Is badly damaged.
die and J. W. Hannes left today
Anthony Poboral.
that no far bare been Uken wKbont
Tha storm then swept northward,
flshlag trip up the Boardman.
Mra. Harman Orsuhcl and daughtei
mowing a path -alg ^loAs wide
r having i
a for about
Mica Eleanor Perritt returned te her KleA of Chlrago Ire the guest* of
Clark-lacued Sutement
hioagh The fashionable rwldenre.dl*- home In Grand lUpIdt today , after
mouth. Grace ebnrek wlU itgalo be
and Mrs. Sam Benda,
After a ceafareaee wUb Mr. Hearat.. trtets. Along victoria street from
ra. Juliua Larsen, formerly Min K-B to (he people on Sunday mornaenitor Stone. Darld R. Fwnfe eiid. Sbttceoth to Klcvrnth streets
of Empor
Sadie Scott, aod her brotheMn-Iaw,
otbera. Speaker Ctark Usued tbe fol­ bentet were destroyed and many
ia Kansas Is tbe pulpit. Rev.
turned last night from Ann Arbor.
lowing autenent:
Russell Larsen, of Muskegon
people klUed.
with bit funlly. a wife and three
vToday In tbe national conrenttoa
spending the week with Mr*. Fred
lUrt. U expected^sorae time IbU
rises there.
I outrageous uperdon was mat up­
Ibe air and dropped
snd effuris will be made
Eva and Alie* Day of Glen
on me
through me. npon the dem­ boried high tn
Mr. and Mra. I. E. Speaker retuentalt him at the pastor of Orare
Haven were In the city yesterday and ] last evening from a two wm
ocratic party by eae who. of all wiee, bloeka sway.
church, in iny erenl be will spend
attended the party at the B'equetong alt to DMTOlt sod Grand Rapid*
ought to be the last to beamudge or
in the rity aod the plan
betray Us frieada or bit parly.
Mis* i$athartn* Blsafce hat return- of to* KpHcopallen* It to make It to
-So far a* 1 am peraonally con- tiona and reUIl stores were sent Into
County Surveyor E. P. Waterman
from Cadiltac. where she spet
>ery plesaam for him that he will
caraed. It is eMugh to ear that the _,s of ruins, while the air was Sit­ returned from Etosi Jordan yesterday,
up tb* pastoral* here
ed with flying wgpekage. Passing tbe after a week's visit with friends there. Miss Grace Lentx.
ebarge f^teb reflects upon
husfbess district tbe Canadian Paririe
Mr. and Mrs. Niehol* ef Ow
Feed Madiaon arrived today
Ret. Mixe comes highly recomineTWltracks were reached. 8lx big grain and Alls* Clinton and C. I. Miller ef
spend his 'wratlon st hl> home b
ed and the rburefa board recognl«-.-s
forget myseU. but I am by tbe choice
Ann Arbor, reinrned to their homes
Meney Vanjerwerp left today for
tn the man they treat for thri'
of the democratic majortly of tbe jiios. tbe limbers being piled in heaps today, after spending e few day* with Mac'»liiar City on business, and from
church. He was
houa* of repreaenutltea the ranking 1 the tracks.
there sill go lo Houghiun. sttere
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Roebeca^ of
tbe bead of oae of thr greot Episcoful
Two Ores broke out. bnt as most of rity. They were delegates to
official democrat In nnilMal imbUc
will join the .\sval ReMrve on scbrols o! the west sod li s rristite
! cannot be fklse or corrupt withtheir crahe on tbe Yantie.
County Clerks' eoaves(>nn,
Dean White of St Paul a Cathedral;
oot reflecting upon my party in the tbe storm and as the water presen.v
Chsa. P*^. daputy great commanP
•ort toortlhg went te Man
Grand Rapids.
not impaired, the flames were lis morning on business
moot oertoas wny.
• of thr K- O T. M. M . was la the
-Any man who would enter Into an eosflaed to tbe rains where they starlC. F. Remington and wife df New cii> yesterday to,meet with the loral
alttance with any selfish latcrast or L
rommlllec In regard lo making plan*
Tork City are visiting *•-" at l
prlviNced class of this coualn' to gain
The storm continued oonhw-st hoi^ of H C. Hoffman.
the eonveniiOD to be held here
Ibe nemmatloD tor the pnaidency U from Regina through Central 8«skSei-tember.
Larsen return-1 to his noi
Judge F. R. walkar received weed
nnwortby of the presldeory and Of.
•wan doing great lamage.'Hea-y ip (Ttiraeo this morning site a wee
C. L Huey of Arbukua Lake was ia Wednesdar Dtgbt that bl* moebrr Mrs
the qwakerahlp of the hoose. H I
s to buildings a.- .eporttf Troip
the < iiy today and claims <bat tbe Catherine Walker, aged 4fi years died
tave not entered Into sneh an afttanm Qanuapel. ti> mile* west of Regina, sit wHh routes bw.
g ever ki
M. C. Hoffman of thie elty. and
yesterda.v st her borne In Kansas. It
then tbe democrat, however dlstlii- and also at Melville ou tbe Grand
region I* right now In i
F. Remington of New Tork City. w«
•e remembered that tbe Walker
gnlsked. wbo wtntontr ehsrke* me Trunk Pacific.
the lake.
Carp Lake this morning for a day's
tomily held a reunion at tbe borne of
with thU act tan traitor to ik<- demo­
Mno Ultisn Mebto left-Mstoy for
fixhlng trip.
■other last year and at that time
cratic pony and to hi* profciiwJ
Hs Agraed.
Mr*. J. Crund. who has been visRfriendship tp me.
A. e. Smcitzer went 0 Sutta^ Bay every member of tb* family was.
-What yon Mad.’ saU tto warty
-I am not to plead for a nontnatlen Mdle In his pemderoat wg^. *10 an Ing at the betoe of 1. O. Ootser. r«- today, where he will ilslt relartrre prearUL some brotitera wbo bad not
each other for forty year*. Mr.
or atieiopt to Influence any man * poof your any toinid. t
acltrtty.” Ifebb) morning.
Wm. Palmer retuiwad today from S'alker sill not be able to aUead'
Ray Perfcctt of this city toft today A'lbioh. where be has beea alleod- tbe fnaeral.
for Elk Lake resort, where be
Travers*CKyfrtendaaf.Hla* Maud*
.g aebool, sod will apeod tbe
bare ebarge of tbe boots t^ls anaa- «■ at his home near the rity
obertaon. daogbtrt ef Ocerge A.
By tho .*TU4dtF* I
... xboso arksng teaU obKAata^
Chartes EverctL who haa baen In obertaon. west of the city wffl be
Mr*. A. geett rifueoid to bar hOM Ljinsiog and Jackaoc tbe past winter,
Mbont p^ and
Prmrad Hla Aamty.
Nonhpon today, after a meekr
retsrnrd here yesterday aod wilt
A maa to Kew Baraey vbM
here with Mrs. HarrtT Asery.
spend tbe summer Jiere.
ksfomobile boraed up took Us ’wUa
Miaase Eva McMana -aM Martha
ingwa where tbe brMe was
L. F. Hatoseli la in Shslbr Ddo
fli bis back
carried b» Ms mUto
a taaeber In no* «f tha acboOla Mr.
britbeut coco petting her derkw. That Heard left fur Cheboygaa tbto tohrt week saperrtslag tbe pirklhg of
to tba tort of husbaM wbo know* lag. for a two weeks vtotL
guantity of frttit whicb be baa eoo- aad Mra WKH* are oendlag tbeir
^ to ttogott a vPa.
Mtoa Kotoofiit* Wfiholm moot to ttMtad'ftf tbero.
MOOS tn tbs BotntaiH aad vW


Sails. Skirls,
SiflUTIN M muud IH
C^rmn this spring's
the gettingfor the aOstyfes. •
i ttaiwfli

jsasmMk ,





Load J^et*

pu n mne-STATE-



Bnmual Ilea raaaivad
Uondpy ataitag that
William Dm died at bla
Wash.. Baiarday. after
iUncM with sugar dlsbeUs.
toraer residenu of ibte rity iia
several reani tso left to
la the weet. Tbn r
bo brought hare for barW la tbs Ba­
lly lot at Oabwood.
A msaanga was reotivad bait *«■
day aftrraooa by rglatlrH bf Mr.
and Mrs. Kaiao Gardam- at «ut ^
daa to Ibe affect tbat Ibatr Wbat
daogbter LUHaa. Jeanette, agad ||M
ika and throe day* Hd diad ^
Tha first lead ear Ibr Midiifci Vrifl
be ready tor loadlH Eoro Ml MM',
and wui be abipped to CbtaoBa. Mb
UTday morning.
All pfi ooldtora iMoadies -«* so *a
Manlato* to tbs oaeoMSMSt BmS.
. Kiaaoiad te b* at B* M. » M.
R. depot to cate tb* «:» MB W8dr awnilnc.. July X




Coay In Odd Shop. laaMBili.

freta t
kmad Sat. twoeUsd r
Our McetCb show* a
tn n Tcry novel ■
of floral rtbbon. L
In pal* pfhk oatin. cut In to^^^



pals groan and wbtto MB bM«M:
flnUbed off at tb* tas w«b MaH IH
•i loopa
Each sM* wH triMii was mm
baada ot wUto ribbMl MMM
with a droign of ttay gram lammtm
pal* yellow tilnaroma, oH B -«lb
lined with soft vbM* sOk. Hd aMHH
a vrty handooms any tar miBI i|
■slloa might waU t


matsrUla and 'll is a pretty MgbffH
a coay tor tbs bat wator - to
that tor tba ttog
laetJag tha eelera of tL,
Cbe color o( tb* tea aefrla* MdB.
whlrt It Is to appaar sboaH ba Bte
lata eoasldwuian.

•WHb MI|M vwy Was I

asstatofl rixts rod i
foitohM kins of abo* t_. ^
worn Wbile la CSpri and iphl^
be had from tb* toesJ mfemlbi
moderate prise of fifty eenii -a pair.
Tb* brotberi end etstare.
Mstert. aigkito m
niece* to whom sbe
sbapro-Hdi^preiifilM fl
delightad In them. (hey were pecsttar
IT to itoto, b« W
fond them sinee la MeatooaififHi^'
This Bhoe. enUsd tbrijHfi*
Bd around and iSS
and flrmly faatenad tq«rtber to-fl^
fool shaped msL TbH to tbb *Bf .
of the Mpargau and to R to IS |li
4 roavas appro, nio to apmS^
tb* bsdgbt of a lew abn* aa«.Hdi^.taned with atrtoga. U Umar. Ibfifem
ddl to aaeroed to tb* Ism bTyttoto
[rung tMM sewn to Ba bank.SC Bn:
uvas nppar. broagbt oror Bv HG
Of tbs tooL passed ones ro MUto
- tba ankto and tied B tami-


OAis-nAmsB WOMB, m ravchs bat baab.

tobdat, jvlt

t i«i <

|Her bnpukiye

h Way

Flowen to


Manying a
FTain Man

RaMM Ban Be Peat tba Chow

»*a seaMe wu oa tha road to PoM

hto j

by tbo mooD and stara. Bemda tba
rabbit and tbe auto there were one
man aad two giria. also a ebaugrur:
Tho hlg
-Wfcj, aHm. CA-t rw go oot («
'’What color io poor gowa. Dolir
nloBg the highway, aandlnc lu white
-My land. Mlnerry!- ertad
“Did yea I
aakod Bob OaUoo. aagori:
mily. -Why didei yoa let me know. light aheU. whee suddeely right man when th
___ __
krew the
coasUarod. "Groao." aho aid.
I'a 1 coaid have eomo an’ brid year acroa tbe path « tbo rays from the
WOmA w iTM tbo «raofe*U«c. -Md
Chiu wu U1 and abe bcld-tbe aiedica!
ily. aad Bob knew that
betoyr But yon newer wu Bfeo otb- hod lamps shot a young rabhlL Tbe tutlca? ft eftlgm. What U year fa­
tboroll bo »o ron (or no fllay eroatloB oho woaM wear to the
oaotor uader bit tongue by
With Minimum ef Week.
ebaufleur tUckened speed, bating ta vorite flower? And pleoaa name year
er folka.MOW. Bigbu. or Snadm CorelloA Datura* aaakod ball would bo yoUow. _ . force, but bit Aoat Victoria
Mlnerva Grigsby—bom an Acfclen. hurt the UiUr creature nnd ibea tbe faiorlle PDem."
MU^tbOM ublo MU oro doM."
It waa Doll't way aewadaya to tooao roleed her eyebrooa and narrowed her
*By T. H. Van BBVTFIl'iaa.H.t
tarried to a Blggert and then to a rabbit hepped back Into the center of
T ••Wt aowo ibu jou woro lo hla la tbia modot. They wore both eyes, while aiudylng him.
■The yeeag weama MUteg appootte
The loDowlng Mo is recommeo
into U(a
'rook, and only yesterday to Jarwmlah the road again, gave ooe
ov bOMOUtoIr Mod or uWe aou.ha treable wu that B'iUU
Um isugbad. He leehed aggrteeed
youag, and Bob waa very
to any ooc wko dealta to keep a i
ayWod tlM bODfckoopor. “M't ti»U la lore.
shrieked with loy when hla mother fowls for Ihe purpoM of supplying Crigtby. ae that ber friends aald ahe Wisd^lnc glare of tha lampa ud surt"You doav seesa to raatta." he toU
was tteteralned to take a wedding
ntbor owHoor
sr. -that I am esrlsaa. WsO. 1 am.
-«r«CB.- repeated Bob. fuat at if ho had aid that *bc would take him to em f< hU own family
teamey throngh tbe alpbabal—Ufted
*TbvOoiWi lor M.
Why Uugh?“
hellrvod It. “Tbea you frill waot to the clreua. He had apt even leemed
Baking my 8rst beate of this
an^-r___ _ _____
smooth, white highway he shot on
_____ o ni Ul
-1 tbougU yea more trylnc te ha
wbtte Bowero. oh* What'a the family laterected It wu an unheard dewTiplion. I secured from a dry ber crisp akirtt from the inch thick ahead of the car. and (he ehsuffeur
don of the country .road before shege' JU« «M«, Bortr foor. Thoto aaxa:
of ttaU ot Iblasa;
- Jill at the van
goods atoeeiAnd ordioary parking bos. pUed.
speeded up a bit just to see bun fast foaay." ahe toM him. “Anyhow, yoa
___ -•
•■Ho haan't any fever." annonoced
mmSm uatfeor aW tbo7 are Mco*or>! Dell ebook
WaoUaY you ratbes- Irr .
the race wu golug to be. but he .-ould to be fanny.
"Twa-nt BO atihly aad. EmVdao.~ The otflaagrapiiar Unshod bit. . e Bucb like bridal
hla Bother aazloutly. conculcJag tbo
fueay and succeed tban attomgt
ever was a band to makwa to^o over aot Caleb tbe rabbit. luU br ten feet. toUorleaand fnlir
**Doea your bead ache.
UA. *-80)1014 U M a Ttetla of the aald. Blppaotly.
^rry-B-. U'a luat Uk^nyihlLg eloo That mile mtiers Ie.t went so tut

Mik or promUlw U h^Uto to ropoat
This to no tima tor ban
“Tea don't o««a to have murh re- darUng*'
—aeon's yea get la th^^lt It teM
«bM ragokUoeo to aallrkr naolo-h - apect for bridal booooeia.- ba drawled.
-Nope.- WUIle aid ebeeffuliy.
tho young lun loU her. J
just a speck where the long ears Uou,romet aecood uturc. Bealda thctw
-I never heard of a boy who wa^'-tsorry you prefer to keep s
-I thought gtrU were, rather kcoa
Bobbed with tbe motion of his Jltt'e (avoriie flower end your si
.'n't no bokay.perfectly craxy to go to a cfrrutJ' peror Uwoo inror. about that tort of thiDg.'
-Stlll.- tlfbed Miss FteRy. "1 always body and a brown blur of batr
•a who are atpoeiu.'bui.<coorae. t ros|
"Did yo«r aakad Den aweetly. aifled bit mother. "tVhy. utuaily
ke to aund by my friends la tryin’
4Bd rocfcianlr oT- -Tfbea you are older, by dear Bobby, you worry tha life out of me from ihe
bla dUtanre abend of tbe big machlaa lUudetdreeer^e.Hei
lomenu- No flowers, yoo ay?"
to do tAllwJtor poepla. Obaorro you win havw aet a auBber at glrla tlBe the poetcra are put opT Ton
Cell M somelbleg
'•Not tea yoo count tba taberoa In aa If the llgbt had hypootKed film aud toe. I do uet uk wtef
acted thet way when tSla Clreui *nt
aa roallr ao rob' aad tban yoa'wiil raallw that not
ilr. Crfgab.y's ballonbola. But dont he couM not atop, while bebln# IB tbe e mu; 1 simply ai
aaaouDCrd. and I don't jew -ara
irtako the MOO- of ibaa are Ilka puaay Datur.“
big. Uxy puraeera laugbed and •an to your Idrair*
let that mislad yoa Into thlnUn’ beY
tore you don't want to gdr
"What’a tlia aattor with Pm
Ike tba others, if you're gota’ te get
d niiher go play with Arthur
I. poo hao*. (or a par> Daiterr deaaoded Bob.
"You are terribly tB I
awjuaJnied with him today you tulgbt o ruD him dowbr- There wu n.. sub
rnoirt Vloua
B Ufca Hit. Oennao. bat «baa aba
’I'a aura I don't kaew! » autt Jooa.“ WlUle said.. vrrlggUng. He
weU know beforehand what to an. -buce.
edged eiii of the door.
W M that Mr. Corviaa had hoogbc be beranae aha baa been
meeted thw yuutig woa
Tbe rabbit wu too quick Whee ba
'"I teat know be'a going to be alcfc." alMt 2xlx« feat. Thla CMt na U
T 'bluk I have ei ..
rdbo ao aaay tlaca that teakea bar poal- rapteted hla molher.
MwstlBg tuplr." the rou4
ttvwiy tIUy about weddUga ”
ooe side of the read u Ibe car went
r top, wu flrst ukoa,
ttkaa “
n weaMnt worry." aald hla Aunt
■httor at an. autoaatleallp. poo I
-You have no Ideal
■n thoogbt all girU wore tWt way." -Victoria. "Hu looka parfectly boaltby d a section of one bMo I *Tbara ain't no worst. Emly; It's all .. Ipped up hU udy bad and I am to sutlsilct. and II
Aiat 1 veold Mka bar a oot or
esl," beamed the bride '
But te'cretly aha wu u tnucA
tar it 8ho look M ap with a
aO fclbdhearted you’d I
‘Terhapa poor ardoalolaaeo la Ua> aaaed at mu WlUle'a mother. Kelooked at tkc speeder ud Us occu- lubjecL
-- the Interior , "Jvrfrclali *'n1 no »«'
U* hoaad /d do the plaoappio pa*. itad.
Tbera-a Psaay. «bo U food of gardlng WUUe from a calm, unemo- could be secured. Then Ihe eau wu Hrvc an’ be ain’t no arlltt like
«am. ft* tho Mat dUtealt aUUh t woddtaga. aad thera'a aa.I suppoos year tdeah"
nted dn legs wo that Itt bottom second. He's Jnat a plahs man. Ite- Ue fflooUi'-j-Toledo Blade.
tloaaf tedai of viow. the recoiled
1 continued, “to a tuIL dark, h
-Ahd TOO era notr
about'a foot aad a half from the 'Ixx aUd when I think almat K I’m
the facf thai (here might he other ex-a yooth with flsUlag hi—~
“Dear me. to!“
PlaaaHeaa than aay which came into ground. fTben board« pieced - rteU giddy. 'Happlneu at UaC
n^ieellcka!- said ifa* young
aa r» oTor goiw ta got t
Bob frewurd. “If yea don't
uugly,Afound the rear and tide* of > 'o myeelf. ‘wirb ]usc a nice, plain,
the mind of bit worried parent.
T»a, (path U that rro oa)> ]uat boon aay bridal flowara to wear with .
; "Ciria arraY u feoltoh u nil
maol’There had been gorgeous poetcra
ihaf! A man's looks den't count ao
Matflngla thou, for Fro booa ipa
graea perbapt a few yards of amUas for acvernl weeks la the suburb show- te the ground.
| Mlocrva Crigiby’s triple plated mnb Patient May Ful It in Limb Ttmt Hu very much. Of eoBrac.'Slflri wants a
tag ofotr apara Mlaato ror the I
algbl aaawer.-: he laM. gtamir
Tbs roost wu nen eoostructed. ar.d rimonial experience eat lightly on her.
fa of the smaU clrman to be presen-ablo aad pleaunt
Math W tho hordar of rroacb kit
ing. and wmie. with for thu amall Icngibe of boards may <0 judge from the amplesea
Igaklng. but ate doeaaY care If ba to
that Ik a MMBt or abftraelloB
ekandellcr decorated for a weddlag." the dther amall boya,_iiad foliuwcd the be used, y-tor the roo.t and legs 1 Ogore aod tbe ucworried amoothasu
actually homely, provided he’s tba
■rowlaad *to. .A.broMor oa Gortn
Bbe deeUred. •
Pain sometimes behaves Is s eerf- right sori. Why. Tve aaan soM ogly
blU poslei- about hystorically whoop- used what la termed "scantling.- oc of ber brow. Tbe cbwrful phlhwophy
luaata vkiu Mraolaotto drooa. t
*mat atpn It her
-,or pblloaopbiral cbeerfnlncw that us fashion. There waa a scMler la men who were limply fasetoanag—(
tng with gla. He bad talked circus
hoa^t li raadp Bade aod ihc tbov
-Yltdeta.” eald ML
London, after the Boer war. who com­ doaV know w by. I uppeu ft wu baand dramed
circus for days and bad
n laakod to pUla. ,ae. of eoarao.
“Very well. But remea^. DcTL ncarl^>tex>ke hit neck pmrlMng i
they bad suet wxnas peraansB*
aiimalit tbd ProBch den aod vhra
>ae day I ahall and you llUee ot the tlterhopc in tbe back yard, to tbe
; shaken faith In manUnd.
•n bla right tocL This very much
I abouMaY care at aU nhoot •
oAa-wid-tlut aho dldat koo* hew to the valley—and you’ll be gUd
ed btofi
bto friends, for be had lost hto
I *1 thought ‘tvouid a’been real nles amused
urioua Inter? of the family clotJ
tl^!- declared Mr. Oilaca.
: to married a geolua.- ventnred Hlab right leg.'
line. And cow, the second day of
would bo e • thu HkMy tob!
oUT- cried Dell a little bAatb- shew, he bad rc)ected hit chance u>
r tear toag woaka ttioaa kiiou
.after be bad goar. ~«-ka( U AO. It ccrtAlnly wu not nortnai conwnptUl ornament
have hi
haaatod m. Srarp oroatng that leoaly
cxcloslve." announced
ict oo G'UUe's part.
ed the bride, cmmealed t
vtihod u rood or pUy carda rro
I'M viohod
Beb.etoppad at the florlcta and o^
, pUtIcally. "He don't'----------------(be foot
Hla Aunt Victoria cornered WIRIe
'fag to 'he averags grubbyki
darad violeta. Aa be went out or tW that evening and oKered him some
jOuaUilea. Tfhre'a Mr. Blggera,
Someiimw a patient coma u a
bar a girl talk Oka testabep be picked ap a aaall booklet
jwaa al«*y writln' lliercboor. an* doctor complaiaing of poia la the Too see. If a man la bet sapadollr
dhaha araa aamda ae eaauaiiy that Oo^ froa (ho eenator and Mly tnaBOd It. cbocolatee. -Tell me why } oo donV
want to go to the dreut." ahe —i*. hogood looklag ha fall that the gtrin
.-MHotbaa ao roalUattoa of wbat a aa bo rado uptown.
ttiird.’ I asked him If tbe other two Ibe doctor tells him that the alu ot don't care abeot him. I knew boor It
Uprwtia uak they wore. 1 wooUa t
a book for tba MatlaenUilat.
a SI slmllsr to him. an* when lie uye ibe.aSecooB to not iba knee, hut the 1 myself. I—-Huh!- said BVIUe. "t seen IL“
la It wore tot forth tho
1 knew perfectly well vqu weratV
or out) (Itv.* vas > 'old him I thought tbere’d bip. We are all faifllltor wHh Ibe
Too!" Iniemtptsd the yoaag vadsporUBt wedding aaoivei
sing to bo ak-k." she uid. triumph­
wSe'it *>*•■“ ■•Plrofy of that kind. No. Smll] naln under the shoulder -blade which aa. “I heps you dosY consider yoop
rottoB to dUaead. Alto blrthMmt^ antly. "Hava another chocolate. Did
Mna from u afflicted liver.
x-llv od I 'lot b.
Mlf homely r
nvt tko aoM var with thaao deO- ftewort and thoir oxpreaatea.
Tbe stomach, too. cu produce psln
>0 gn to It TeaterdayT
never took a prite at n tsisty
•aa- Mra.^erwiBotHBksthathaeaBta
Bob Oalnot road that Illy-of-tho-vaV
I many pans ot tbe body. A disor­ show,-- coefased tbo young mu.
“Huh;~ confided WIlMe. “I wua in rough eirtpeV one by Oirev Inch slur. ' "An' Mr. Crigsby Is—dWeiwntr
«WM la a Ugbt aad airy way that I d lar aoant aarcett la loro. "VloltU
-r coostrui-ied In one solid ' "Xe's just as plain as thla gold ring dered stomach will give u pals u
I«'s gel back to our stotlsUea. '
Mkotboai thayaaaa eonraga.''
Annt ^'lctoria clutched the teair Pleoe.
he engued me with, t left him thb far away u tbe head. and. vrhes ona I auppoae year Idasl mu to terribly
o ter BO. tM yea tror know
Ro woBdarod iriMD know that. too. rm. -In iir' ahe reputed Islotly.
It wu made ao that there would bo momlo'. 'a long’s bo uId the Am t
a cramp In bto toe. it to oftandue rich and eovM shower autnooWlto
paab a geeoa aa 1 aa—to got ayaolf tea# gtrU might., If tbay war«
ddll? of the slomacb. Swallow a and dtomoada apon yea with oaa bsod
WllUe Uek-ed one foot medltailrely alooi thru Inrba from the floor ef 'oo hot to come to ebnreb. with
Bite dolag tUaw aad tabaw ayaott
dtoagalut tha step. “WdL" he amend- (be elevated coop. TbU arrangement POt.vtcce to scrape an* tbd corn
'while be wrote checks with the otblarll! J-a aio of theao who iaap la
ily In It, y'know. l would not do for tba lighter breeds
• *vw other thlnga to flx for appear.
whore aagala tear to tread.'
wua on It."
which prefer higher roosting placa.
But I ain't complainin' oC IhO
An aedilDg loath vrtil produce neoralThahoottaopor Uoghod. aad Ai!ca.
Auot Vlctorln leh her back bah- dtaTbe next step was lu Hose In tho, o:hcr
o'l'cr husbands, t always fe*
feel about gic ptiea la tbe tece. aad very often opinion of me.’ old tbe yeong w
dOMteolag U eraeb'at noUatly. ceaThat Vraatw bo caned her oa (ho ariedly and swallowed hard.
front of tbe coup, abich I <Jld b> using husbands same's I do0 about
about ttroublea,
violent pain nt tim back to the bead jan. "U'a all right to have «eugh
"WllUor abe cried Impraaslveiy. tbe plecM wblcb bad been reinoTcd take'em u they come."
tot doe to tbe,faraway
tbe^faravray fcldm
fcldneya. which [moBto ta pay tbe grocery bUto aad
*^01 oogbt to bo thaakfol
em IL
i “I never knew' much about M
Tell me Gti* minute what you mean!
bemuIvajMy suSer no ppalnattbe buy M»ntclMbce.but 1 never yoomad
If your mother dreamed—"
Aboul twolhirds ef the front, ta Froot Painted for a Uvtn’,' dlds
'for gral wealth. I think rich men Bfd
l^^t^t iwp doIUra," abo a^wldWinie edged nearer. "I rode a aele- bmrded up. the rea:alnder being c..
likely to be awfully aelAsh aad frtvwith
phent." ha cenBded. -In tha parade "
Oluus or aetf-catered and paevlte.
.MiMwthaatraat. Thay appaarwd
burUp. Tbe door Is left tiff dttf- te 'Im middle ume’a he did bis hair.
-Do rou mean to ay." bit qBestloaThey don't have tIma to pay aitoaUon
tB-JIaMad U eao at that botora I
Ing tbe greater
famlUa aad they drift sway
II' 1.'. No. Emly. I have a home an'a
from their wlva and get divorcee—
to Ibe SM to 9
bat a znllliOD mere germs Hmn ■'l'rc tlwara supplied tho
any of that for me! No. I tblak
ghl hava laaah wiu ao. aad i pk_
vlolwit if allei, people ate loU happier wbea they
I'Mu'. 1 told J. Marcus be be'ter glv#
you know bow fri^iened them kamr vary aaoa teat
“Wali. !>• chaagad my mind. Bob. your molher b U a fly gels near you?
have a mudat laeoM and lira vrithto
%«V|aaaawv That laachaca. for Bring M aay Sowan you earn to.“
liul be said It wasn't his Idea of a wlf#
Itowdld yoo-dare—/
igMM'hW aallhor aAwd the tlae aor
Tbo aezt nenlag Bob atoppod fa
man said I could." Willie pro.
to liilerftre with w busband't rigbtA'
I Ton ccxtahtly a a wsndar!" M
^'■aaay. wi.whkh waaa-t U?4ho Um SorUt'B aad ordered a bridal booon' he wished I'd stay on tbe pedestal
tcatad. ' "I wu batiging arouud with
dared the
the other kidA I two it all because I
where iN'd always plaied wumaa. aUracied niui-b wuMi'-riog auruiluu.
to be Beat
•My land!’ I aajs. -We ainV got room
From each of these. :u a few daya
nwled up.der the tesL I hel;>ei
I'led tevJ
WtMwA-aawaaaod ao over olaeo. Dattara- ball HU card
wtih IL
up there. Man atw so conceited a aeries of ensRKs appeared, eytemle e'lepbucU an' the man he ai
A at Poultry Hun.
t|* CteW
teaaaafbw, aad than, -I ahall h«M
.tiisy've scourged us clan ot" But Ing (bemsi-lvea In rays fruiu
tnlad to be la tho percessiob.
owe hla owB home aad bs able tu glv*
m -tena atw doaa. Ta ba.aerlhhlad o
PYnally uarae up a hrvnd. soft abuol, you an allowsna—“
said 1 did. an' be got n red coat an* i la aecesaary Oaring tbe very rold

C«^ahan aot mortgaga ay;
U waa not t
to fl^ „
MIm Moore were It'l Say. did jmu know elsphunu wather.
'he house the bride M the lUpkloK ettremoiy wNI pleased wllfa
“Half the fuB to working and uvtag
.pw-aad ladaatrr aay aotw at tba Dattara' ban. There
---------------- are so high up when you ride 'em'
Two boxuata aod a amall board
"'o kl;-hen—enlfUng u If abe lueu mid lia svjrk. whhh proted
together lor s/bonM.“ aid tbe youg
maay dUm
be to old juo wlJ known a friend aa womaa. “A girt Uka te Mp the right
'WllUs la am coming <fowa with (with strips) from tbe gro.ind'ti. ibe '•*P«"-'cd the odor of cooking food
rkodP^* tW other yenag ndgbt be Dell.
the Ihmile .\t 'bla moment there ara sort to mas—tyrholdpr tba meaala.- bis Aunt Vlo upper pan of tbe <mop coioplered the
t*«>»'ri!i. Mias EmUy mm
I Jdgamot ag aeaaotag air.
Bob Oalbce. dreasod u a cavattar. torla announced latsr to kla parents ,0b.
followed tn tbe waft.
Min- hundr-wla o' tboee bold luirudera show­
"What to ths right sort of msar tethroagh
“In fact, I abould
- - a
Tbe end of tee nut fndng the front
•‘‘“d muslin wedding drou u ing dellaoil) throurt. ihe |
qolrcd her caller, eagvrfjr.
crowded room pad eoroered U tn
wu boarded up high, to give the beu. •*'* •''■‘•ked Its akini from aids to aide affordlag a most rnterevilng llliisiraSbs sained s »me. looked wiiOT,
•r.mb tUi waakr
alettva. Ha roeognUad tba golden
the Docaasary seclusion
■I' "f assuram-e that she eould UOB of um power to >««etaUle growth. rer Ills head sed tbea met hto gass.
glint of hair and the sat of tha oara na doa WUUs's^ther. —. .. ...
Whan tbe coop was completed 1 '
•k‘>* a man who knew bow m be
A’by.- ahe said. “I auppoM the right
jgh^lar yaa. dear. I oaa da B; btelad tha large while aUla muk.
nonpyed on beariag of hb aon's deeda. raised the ead doer and Uid an old .* tu.bacd inetead of a genJua.
tn to mas to tbe oae the gtel hog■SirtiWA teat aa -wau aa aoL"
Metbcria Chair.
"Dan," ka repraaebad bar. “job t
floor, ccverlrg Jt I
Mloers's’s assurance waa hhert
-Tou yoaUy ought to teU him not :
psBs to be In love with!"
MotbuT’s ihmr bad rucked the whole
wMriag dadodfls!"
do suph things!" he aid to hb wife.
very thickly with und. On ibU I 'I'*''*- As they rounded ihe corner of
That sounds pUimlUa.- the youag
lamll.v It made a creaking aoise a
-Am ir ska otead pertly,
the bouse they caughi sight of
It wu then that VVlUla'a mother
yee've made a
tbooght thay were ortelda, really. 1 torned OB Wlllle'c father. "My good- reedy for oecupaacy. To cleu. It to took figure of 'lie bridegrooro streirhed mored. but ile-re waa music In 1
vary valuable contrlbmloe to my s'*did!full ler.uih under a tree bear -he ki'ch- •oocd Ii -ras Just high enough Io t
naa!- the raid. "‘.Vho on earth would simply neoeaur; to take
Maries, and I'm graiJy obliged to you.
•t waraa tU dlBaraat. kidda.
«y 10 _ _
ever tblak on. getting up ta the mom- throw away tbe newspaper, and put en door. Veder hla bead waa one to low aw children to put our bads Into More than tba'. it maka aa bagipy
lap. That vraa tbe bank where we to Cbd that you care enough abeat ma
MlnertaVs frailly laundcr-J
la gamoM bat you. Tea
Ing Ilf telling a perfectly well brought
b one. w
M te« tea aaM daar, rwefclaaa pram. paraoad cniMy.
cushion*, \r.-h hi* Ivf hand be Ixld lepoaried aDourburitasd worria. Oh. to marry me—"
ep child that he must nut oo any
Ufr m avw. daaplta roar kard heartThanks,- aha_________
beiwcvn Ll» -ec-n a y wsha.'p, vthlle wbat.a rbalr ihm was. . ' . It waa
oouDC put 00 a red coat and rids
-My goodeea!- shrieked the yOBBg
T wakeful cbalr! In the tick dav woman, "t never saU oua otagl*
«i atroag au^ -Malatkaa. Bat
Tea praotaod to ^ur my flowwta elephant! Between yea and your aoo
agord sufflcleat vestliailL-tL and
vf rMidren other chairs coaid not k<ep word—"
•hrvay. Paa
tppa ay auar
they hamoabed blth yonr
old be well 10 keep fewer birds I tonciw of the Icafrumeot with meas­ (•Ake-li kept aaslly awake.
-1 never did!- aha dealed.
Uke to know why not!" he l»
ueb pea. During tbe «inter, la on
rhmr knew all ttoe old Inllahtos. and
thiag! ton
T>aH!to the "Urd-cage" arraegementa. w of -Real for Ibe Weary- Boated out all those wordlea songa which moth atoted. "Tou aid that yoar Idas] sMa
ih^ hava lavad u 4a it tor yea!’
: the «lf Mloerva'a quick eye
act good looking aod bad soJr s
tap frem five to aeven large White
ling in their children. f*
-rr^ahatt hMpUa. oaeag- Uugbag
glanre* throuxh <*>« window, where
To the LetUr.
lock hens. w|Th good reasiti
income sod AMsYmow hto
CMiteaa-ChIcaga Dally Kawa.
unveraped i-c-a-iwt and tbe unahgcked wileh all p1-y end campaaslcn and own home, and If that dotMY hU ms
TleTl Oalnaa—yea. yonr o
Baring Is mind that about
corn lay un the klt--fcen table Ja»i ae vysipa'heilr Inflcenea are combined
the tntio;
-St my bat! Touli asver fled aay
bens cosld ordinarily be kt-M In
That old chair haa stopped rnckliig
oarly nritlsr that dm
- ■ earvy Year Wagea.
form good many yesra. Ii may be set
■—ful!- commented Bobby,
of ths BUS with painful Isof chickena be Intends «• keep, allrrtd her amrle figure from center r> In the loft OC garret, but (• holds ecrii-'loa. eo you'd hstier grab ms
A<%aiteora mb who had racoaOy had turning bare aad tbaea In aateh
te circomference she torn^.to Mtos
« .
HoDol. wosY I dor
how the ayalem can be extended
jaagaMiB of a aoathon planU- of MI Moore.
■queeoiy poweriyeL—T.-HeYVitl Tal- quick'
rtdiculoea!" dm
dlWiiWi teat U aaay ways tha poonmge.
"Well, of all
ju,k-- ,h*
-But why tha briter naked NaB er. sent tn
.etored tbe young womaa. la coefttslM.
dgbka a dltaraat lOMiaga froa coolly.
"Now. here I'te gone an' married a
"Dd-do yoa rsaDy nmaa H"
• _ ,
Mown. By mUtaka a carload of tup.
.|Ayera for Meet Winter.
mariclan! Ain't husband*'he tiriing^
Cfunwy Flatterer,
P^aakad hoaa left at a rmltway tiaUoa
Ooe grat adraniage of ha> ing e.iriy
Cemtng slowly toivard hb coroer
Three hundred nnd nloety-nlDe ehicka to that jou may have puMeia no* of people"—Thlraro
waa a llanere- bui i
amBteaaaawayaadht'wat botketod
as a slender young form wheu car- ra were flied upon the speaher.Norlac that the girl of bis
ready- m lay in tbe fall or rarly win­
g«aw « » the pUautM.
aga ha recognUad at once. She was
The dellnnaent wu haled befoto bb ter and thu* have eggs when they
fnaarased beautiful iee(b that shone
•■Wv tear yoa cany yoar wagea op swaed
to whita aotb. nnd from ber ebler.
Heaote Judse-s flercam.
Why He Wm EacusSA .
U'>ry,.h« ventured to paia a comapt data tha Ulaga dowar a tyapahigh In price Ecfi are drar n
An old Ud.e. brought up a wiivos Pllmenl.
Tenng nan.- demanded tbe editor, and one could tppreclala puIlM <
•Why aren't yeg doing aervtee M
aaateaiaai atead Ida. Tha head there ewayod a ihlrk veil of
before a N nrh to mapls'ra'a in EngWhite
he whispered, lesnlnc ths Mextesa aro7?*hakrd the Amsrt<
wa teagbad haanily ai thli teoa wu aatJioly hUdea behind n
• tbelllng out erga.
land, when a*|ed to take off her booter
the imuilc rack, your Ueth ara
a^tteotea aad raaaatad it to ethora.
teL refuted to do te aaylng:
In bar band .she carried «
The cob wu net nbosbed and aaLe piatM keyt "
Tn ten yoa." iwfHed th* Mexleaajf
Sgteted er teagUag thay loeaod at bridal boanoat
Obieet of fleniba.
of Vllamor tbo valley.
There* no law cotspelllag a,womam
wared gulrUy;
Freeting him with aa icy glare. *be "the army In Mexlos U recroUhd M
hteh wiilirMg wbaro tho teko waa.
Berub pMdtry My aerve a good
ft wu hla honanat nd they teat^
•«lr.- aid be, “an old mu In tba imri«M fa tbe pm, hot ibey afaoald to Uke off her boimsl.tamed on her heel. "Elr. bow dare drawing held sanaslly la each ma<
aW Aa ratfaad ttet to -carTy” yoar ed ber gown!
-O." aid the judge, -yon know tU
aad eeadactad by city sd>
Am aad tota telw back waa M
nto be psMlCted to propagate
tow. do you* Perhaps yon would Hka
Belato.-Intuit your
kind, serah beat ahouM be man
<0 coma up here and tack us—
Tea. I sadarstaad that."
"Ta. iaainaata that my teeth ore
p«*-bred Btos ao that the fcrm
L and teab-eaulag Id
-So. tbsrk you. *lr.- replied thffl SB large a piano keys ~ And wiiboto
aa. rm a eartnliflj
haa an upward rather than n d
tody, -ibere are tod womaa gimih . another word abe heft tbe parlor, lav- Bad when thay aav ay draartoffls tedii
toare already.lag him cfemfallra.aad bMIldared.





washing aad worked ip the old bwrd- tta eouatiT being oward hy M. I.
tewsively la tta Inmber bsmlassa for a rawdy for w ta what wa* Ibau boon
Ing^nap^ar Haanah. Imy * ’c».
as'Blab toww. Tb*x wtaier was qfis'
vtillp la«k. a young awa worked
Tom ssyt be r
of Ue fasppWt la all m> lu^. aad't
tta lumber woods and mw mOL boib the Aral horse he tad eeen driven
'wUI member It nailJ I mm ntaetg
e^^be• taiag hard workera and
from the eouairy. nnd eeen remem­
team or hbraea that sreve yean old which I expect to ta at
Ini bta Wnmulaied about Mf
bers bis name, ll wss Blui-her.
Noribiort to Trav- Iron I am golag to jn a>d live 3*
Ota Bukav morning sbe went to ed to a Mr. Laaatng. wbo drove him
waa driven by Galocy yeara.toaier and enjoy Ibb brattllM
^rch wBb the late Hn. Cray and la Wltb a large load ol sbiagtsta
Thacker, laow a.eaadldaie for the Oroad Traverse region sad H* war
before ta>4g abe rolled thM mooey np rus waa aalM aa.eveat la the bu- atale iegislainre) evae M yeara ago.
Walcer Trkveriw tells me
dourae we did not naderauad
of tt being goU ead silver— lory of Bagdad, and 'to all of tbe boy*
siWT rtoet Tbomu Cutler tbst be ouae of this but Hie Indian i
Robert Campbell of Prionker. gave
At that tlma there waa ao road* aad
: It la tta esen of the etove.
renemben «t or
tbe aelghborbood. Tom taclvded. moat of Ibe way Uey bad to cm their « several Morlro that tappeued la
some great deiBoaetretloBa ebcwlng
In those deys there were ao banks they all gathered oa bU
Ita latanry of tbU leffloa. only oaa
Hr. Omier tab been enirtneer la M faU anger at the work that I was doing
own road through Ue woodafa Traverse City, aad I dare my v«vy march, be was revered with boys
I.. A 00.-S Mk ntll for a number of
A aumber of year* ago when O. C i I wtll.BBke mestfon ef Ode evsmfew In Michigan. Coming tame afiei
ears to tall.
few of tbe young iweple nbey
mn. end *ben be Mt ihe mOI he
Moffait was a small hoy. ta say* be
eburrb, Miw. (Iroy wanted tar to etop
very few of them itanl got aa '
a mya he raaid renllaue no
booKht the Uitle steamer -Lady Bber: and told nay (atber that be didn't like
well remembers Ita Brst law suit thsl
for dinner with ber but she told Jsrk incidenu of this nature, hut tave )u«i Ita 1st* Isrren Roberta tad Uuilr a old slrigta and Blled the boiieai ol tta
iban.'' In order to nn her be tab to to have ua plow ground as ll was an
was borne from tbe romp aad would given you a few in taste as tbey
Eel a Ueease. ita D. 8. inspectorxeme Indian burying ground nnd when the
few of the old sctllera gathered le tax wiu airaw aad drove out la ita
go borne and gat dimmr Mr Mm. Sbe > bto miod.
tbe Uw office of Moffett d Roberts reuarry to a sugar party and oa swmle examlM him. Hr. Cnder tbongbt oxen stepped through into these boles
aiened a Are, not thiakUg of tbe
like it was the Indian grarei. Or
be aakta Urn too
In May. ISCP. there landed in Truv. Urougfa curfooltr fo bear tbe Ckae.Af lag imek beme rorlv In tbe morwlag
mosey and wbea they tad
qoeslluns end be aastrered bim bach conrae. we didn't plow nny more on
ter Ibe caae bad heeu storied Mr everyone of ibem west
■se CIO', a pioneer whom
lodtaneribeilKragbt roue to ber about
ratber sbarp. Flvallr lbs iBspeetor that ground at tbe time aor antll afyou will remember as tbe Good Itoad Rale* route In with a roll of |«|mr when they woke up ibeir hones were
e)^ bOt U waa all in ashes, Crank.
he iDdUta bad left the Old MIssaid. -Hr. Cutler vtat would you da
Heubea Oaodrlrfa,.-fttber uader tala arm and peacJI behind hi* standing In frenl of the bam
^d and silver which
Archie Buttara of
ear. to report Ue rone in Ihe Herald
tailerr began to babbler Mr. Cut slnn and Ui* land tad lM>en brought
of Alderman Prank H. ^
bllsleeed bor bands In pallsblmg.
He se<in interrupted the court, he dkl cUlm* to he Ihe Irat owner of Harfon
a you were out on the labe nod }-oor into marfceL
day. Mr. Goiidrlch )lt
Mrs 8 C. Bespre* ml|b her lather bulldlag good raadt-Ttan any other this the second time, and ii provoked IsUnd. In tta rorly Wa ta sad
ler lu bla niHfb ootspoken war Mid.
When we ramr to the Rrnnd Trnrd
The Aral winter In <>lil Mlsuloa I
“I would let
no roumy. my rmher brought with
in all itaia rrohin and 1 believe Mr It.-herlE nnd hr liad the court George Renton. aaoUer nU pfoaesw'
Traverse City Ui Augnei. IStto. Rhe if be tad been worth a mmioa
........waa going to arbool. the M-hool teatb
Ing liie rr-oena Orrie says that Mr. (if this region, preasrated tta riaim*
in Jabs IdU nr rather, (‘tiarles <<ira as I aald tafore prm
l,ae er'a name was taihnui. a mlhiatbv reHH-mbeni many Iblnga itai transpir­ Iprs he woold have apenl half of it l«nd and wife to Ibe ben of your from tbe gorenmeat wtaa Horgaa'
last them alioui two years,
Arerr. teft Pen Sanila. Can- wlih
ed fiwm fbal time up to tbe preoeni on good reads. I bate olien beard Rolmrls tistk Mi Rate* hy the talk' Bate* was In the laad siAice. Mr.
liuis sail Umllr or eight rhildre noinewhent aboiil 2S tartels of fbuir aad he used to Ihlok I nua very mis
neroston MrsaiWpre* lu romol
the neck aad the arai of tta pants Mr. Huliara'Catlag tta rest baR sad
we look a eteeiner which beou^t ns
think I was and many little iricba paay with Mr* W. W. Bmlth. Ulsa my own eyes, itai no matter bow and threw bim oui of ibe window on Hr. Benton Ita Weal. Hr. BMiai*
to Maekluw.nnd there we etaurd llie Brel winter protislrma »
Jennie Andenum and several others mueb <g a berry he wa* in. if be
Front street.
say* that Hurgan Rale*, was aomeon to a Slraieer a llltte that Mwrre and I remeraW very dlsllnet- that was played. 1 would* always
Judge Kamsdell used to tell a sicwy wtat surpriard wtan Mr. Battan
driving along tbe road and <u
was mnalug between tbe Old Mtaion V that my father sold his flour for ncensed of being the Intruder aa I de­
kn«wvM Boughey** bill, but on
atlrk or alone In tbe rood. iMl would of bis Uw panaer. I. II tUge. While walked in the land offlre and (old Hr.
•.nd Wacklner Utand. We tad to Uy dSSilO a bdrrel and the pork be euli] rided one day to play a Joke on I
Ing to tbe end of a log saw a large stop bis horse and gel out of tbe bug- ■iillog Hi ttalr office
Rnte* that ta wanted to pnrrbaaa Ita
day and a
■omethlng uver Isn.On a harI neor in HedUaev iweatr-toor boars
Jirown taar sleeping there and not
Iriand. island No. to U Ita mow M
all Ihe srbulara hail wen) o<il of
plcb ihen^up and throw them tfocae other
MOtd oiirnelvet abort
watiag for LbU JitUe gleaner tlial
Ing very familiar with bears they tn one aide. He waa a mem
la. a yewng rouplr
totanur- vttH >>y at that time. Mr. 'Ratre
ruB between Trmgena City nnd tbe really befure miring we krero short of acbooi room excepting i|yaeir and
bU eUlms to Albai; Ba>
oursolvea. Those
OM Mlaaioa. but finally got nlioaVd
young couple aremlffg a lliile em*bo owaid It. for a anaber aT ‘
and if he had lived unlll the
Ibo eteafnee wltb onr stoek. n>ii«M pretty hard times In llwae early days a ttolUn harp whidt la made by lak- ttan they eould today.
log a aUk thread: or a long tairvwl of On anetlier ocegalno Mra Desprea day. be would tave seen his bobby. barrased on Bnding ao many In the Trera.
lag or one pair or bortes. one ^e of Grand Trarerne. Before
mm. be Invited them in ti»e private Ota ««ry which | rsmsaUer aad
horse's tall making two wedges and In company with ber brntbera
' roads, materlallita.
or ianm>nd twelya cows with prort got another supply I remember that
aplliling Ihe wedge and lying a knot :hree <^b bears la Ihe woods,
lime. 45 of M years ngo. away dosn. office. ,ne Judge thought Mr Gage{*‘>^>' <o mo bad a very fandy aide M
and pouuea ran
eloas enough, we calnulsled to last us
i*t baU tmen a lUU* fluatrated *bla one told by Mr*.
J. I
in eerb end of ibe thread jilaring this be motierr bear waa not In sight,
In tbe easl~ltt the state of Maine.
for about two year* Wo arrived in very small meal nr-rourae.
-My foiher wna keeptng I
I. for Irevlng tbe door a Jar ao that
Old MtoHm in tbe nfteraooa
Bhe aho rememters the Brst ryglof 15 or ifi years, wbo wae deeUoed be night have him and <»e other as half'on bis Brtl farm ni Silver Lak*
three oftoek. Tbbi was betbee there to go with it but I can remember es and then stringing tbe thread to lent i soldiers to leave Ti
— ceremoey—they
there waa a number of.weeks that we the right leniioe makes a veo' bean- City for tbe war of isci-ihere tras to be tbe Good Roada Crank of Grand ------ ---was gny doeka to land onr
ritii him. Amoata
lifQl round, so many different rbaagee
ap Me ^ as clone is shore se we didn't tare any floor or pork
ipper aad a dance given In tbe Traverse and tat done more In the beard'him *ay "plrese aland op and
Be gills wbo wura
I odn remember tbet during arrording to tbr wind that tappeni
awl^ and ttaned to throwing the
Old Boarding houte. as it waa rolled buUding of good roads In ibis regton boM up your right hand" and then
than any other
to (hem the onlb. "Tou (snsidered vary good ooUka.
md inmmer that we
bg blowing. Thu sound will vibrate
botuee ,ovarJtonrd espeetlBg them to
ttat lime. In honor of tbe volun­
Tta youg people were to hAvc
do aolemnly awear tbai you
that Prank Hamilton were worth
•win aetacM bu Ja the place of thet tbe Old Mission there was n family tbxougb Ihe room so that H Is Im­ teers.. There was mingled on that
ralUfoa. I venture to sa) that onekali port lb* ConatltwloB ol the l.'aited ••pot lurk," but uy faUtw. who was
jthe hotaea tagaa to swim amend the by the npme of Curtis that lived close possible to tell where It U located
■Ion sadness slid Joy. some ne
atara of It p-onld be spent Stales and tbe Conatltotfon of this very f(«d ol breea. thought to wtndd
Wet'' Wa tad to lower the boat al­ hy tbe Old MIsaloa and tbe old In­ or where ibe eoand oomee from and
meri lovtsl ones again and rat
some to add to' tta mean.
In good roads and that la a few yeara. Bute, nnd perform tbe duties of hue
Ml&.^ll promlaed poaUlvely that abe other ulea.
so ode of the are boeu and tow then dian ^ief bad a garden
He rorefully cleaoed a quonmy of
aalto^. ti^ea we threw tbe mwe ann Curtis' farm. Curtlas hogs tad got would not tell on me. eo the wind wi
She also remembers ol a contest Grand Traverse would have good bend nnd wife ind wife to tta taai nice ones and putoibem into a'bolliblllty.^ao help you God."
egaa.i^wr board they wwe tbe same Into tbe old chlere garden patdi and blowing got^ and fresh end made
for votes to be cast to determine wbo mds. second to noue In Mlcblgap.
When Mr. Cage's ntlentton waa roll­ lag PM and covered ibam with w^Wr.
Hr lipmllioB has oGen told hom
erajr, they had no inclination t6 leer- be put tats dogs on to them, they bit good loud sound. Tcarher rolled
st girl in los-n. Miss
the bogs pretty tad and robool end Bell end I were both watch­ Carrie Gunion. now Mrs. B. J. Uor
a* that be came to Taaverse Clt)-. 'd to H oome days ago be derlined ta tblnking with great antlafactfoa aad
lag tta hnat sbowlDg Uiat
taro enjoyed the trip and after we worried them. Mr. Curtis didn't like ing him. Pretty soon he began to put to won the prlxe.
He was looking tor s better Job ttaa ifflrfi oh-deoy the charge, tnil thought persoBalvmaograk^foB 4bat a tblag
well begun «aa Witf l^pne."
had get (hem started towing one Uif* *o be went to the old chlere hi* linger in his ear to see If be
A coolest nf this kind al the pres­ he-tad In Maine, and three other if it wa* true Ue youag couple mtwl
Nainrallr Ue beaoa ewaifod aad
bare thought It binding ns neither
aabon ttaa all followed, we get them l >»oae. called bim out and gave bim
sound In
ent lime no doubt would tie a lively young men were oMbe name mind. All
boiled over on tba stove ao. b* pat
them had hppUed to him for <
ashore all ri^t and then we bad to,“"“ very hargh talk and Bnally own ear. He then asked aome of
Orand Traverse region Is rome .west, llamllloo ,*nd Mllllken
part of them Into anMtar kMlie aad
land tbe tittle family of eight dilidm' wornod tbe old fellaw-a ears a llitlel scholars If they heard aoy perullar
immoned one day to Boston. vorre.
I looking girls and every
'revered ttaai wiu waier. lleoeatiiMMra Aggie Goodsll teUs me
in the am^ boetgr l win never foror ‘»o afierwarda be e»me sound. They told him they
young man woold work hard
jed this prnceas of Bnding 1
when she came beq* the town
get the sad cotacenanee of my mother
”r. Curtis' residence and brought aiked the aroolars if anr of them is sweeibrort lyln the prise.
itaroes of tbe Hsnnsh A
nothing bnt a forest. Bhe aaya sbe eeplnclee for tta bean* as ttay conknew what or who was making
’Mr. and Mrs. Kraluchvlll, grand­ and tta tcdfowtttg week they landed in
ratnrmbera.tta Brat bridge beiBgl‘'““«> «®
““til many Unre I
It be clelmed he tad Uben In
sound and none of them -rould tell father and grandmotber of Mayor Travers* CHy. ,
TMerw wae very few white tamlUee
iKiilt; It waa on Jforth I’nlon street
different memtara of
all heard tbe mysterious musical Cernialne. rome to Traverse City In
there but waa a very alee Indian vn- of ttalr Indian tattles In early daya
HamllloD tad aald that
<s. He Bnally came to me and f&34 w4jj/three dangfater*. Mrs. C. homesick fello* never‘lived ttan be near Ita M. A K. R depM. and nbel"’** «-'W Juk* m> (gUer about hU
Bbor ‘‘■ook honees bnt He tedd Mr. CurtU ttat be would tave
bU ears on that string end Hr. Cur>. rHarvey. are you makiug this Germaine, Mrs. I. G. Winnie aod Mrs. wss.tor Ue tnil few days In Trsv- waa Ita Brat womaaior raitar cin,>^ «{>okiat,aapeeiany ImkodtaaML
tor Btotber tried to pannada
ihee as sbe waa wD Jl >ear* uMit ' «««
“ f" •“
father to aril oT what we tad brought tlf waa so worried about It that he nolaer I aaia. 'Xo, air I am not." I John Ounn and three Mins Prank
^ly On the umrnihgTf June
you Story after mory of things that
making' the sound the wind Weorie and Knorii. ail IMiig now but 1*4*. Hnmilto^ and Mllllken -walk-d
from Canada and to reiura to ou
bditpened In this breuilful part of
making it. He walked up and
home ttat ebe eould not -iblnk o
the dork to .And tbe city,
Tliey rome fiom Cbicagu on the
there are oUara on
Auusagen. grandlaiber c
down Ihe Hour a lew times agalu anU asllboai nsDied Triegikpb. and wn* tbey met some wen on Ita way up.
, tog here anoaig the indiaBa. We etop- tbe old cbleT meant what he eaUI
tbe program whom I am raafldMit wRI
’ Friedri'h and and
Anally rome to me, be says, "Harvey,
ped with my u
nnder Porter i always thought he dM too. ^
week romlng from Chlrogo. Trav- Mr. llamUton asked him. "Where
mayor 1-Yledrlcb. was two weeks drlv- ■lateresi you more than I have ta*A
yon are making tbU sound I want
m what waa rolled -Uwk-our
Tblnking over ibeee earty dajw I
Cliy was almost a wilderness at Iht) city?'' be repllril. "Why, 'you i
6x team from Grand tUplds ‘able to 4®.
w to atop ll or-learo tta edtool." ttat time, as there were only a ssw In ll now. ifon'i you see ItT' All that
jact hava to tell you one little
Thanklag you ter your laUeaifoA
oasured bim again that I waa not mlll, blsrkimith shop. Willing Imose. could be seed was a doien bousei. in U«n iBMice the dlffaeace In :
tta Old HIsiloD wu all I
dent that beppened wben 1 was almiit
years I >6t>ty a abort time ngu Ms
trusting that we wlH aU a>^
making the sound. My desk beiug general store aod Bve dwi
«ltb a indine reHtrrailo
eigbteaa years oM. and nome of
along I'roni slriwl.
bow in Grand Ilapld*v;«»‘“
banc*.'I aiak evetyright
- tfato and as an eetllm bad to lorote
la here will very well^yatunm'
Wm. Shilton and wife rome from Aral Ibmtgbt was to Jake tbe boat
'• •»»*•"* «ba> bskuIHuJ
walking back and Cblrogn to Traverae City us n*
-an what wo called aguattera on tbe Male Winnie being «w of them. I I
Ibe wllderniw* the fc
Rapids to Traferse City- In less than
** we
“* all
*” fovemv
------------------land that we might wish to buy when left my borne, was working for ray tourhod tbr key or awiteb which stop- I roa aroertafo In IK55 or s.
iug'Turwday. Slnmi Ibst lime
My Michigan.''
sound and 1 doa'I think ttat Shllnoa rome for tbe purpose iif siart- llamllloa has I
Ita ladian rroerratioa waa brought in­ mele Alexander Porter. I was i
Voora Truly.
Vapi Fred Aohnwm with lilt lAfr
to tosibeL Tbe principal wbHe fami- farm next to E. P. Ladd. Hr. Whmlr ■r. Uitbnip oror did Bad out tbe lag what was to be the Am flour
highways so that other diseoaientcd
The Old HeaUsrn fkaak.
. Haaln tbe.placest ttat time were Mr.' owned a farm Just abbul a bait mile 'al cauaa of tbe moilc In tta room.
people rould gel away hy laud as well od two little boys rome to Traverae
I this serlkm of tbe roiuiiry. It
wm 8. Aadaraaa
If) la 1*54. «Wn Ita captain laiMl
, ftatgherty. tbe Indian missionary. from the Porter farm, ao mte afterA part btatoiy of the Norris faml- > be run for Hannah A lay Cn
Bs ,hy water.
ed ta ma&a np''bl* mind ha wihiM fo
- Caele -MlK-hel. tta ladian farmer and
im Witniie. Brad Winnie.
In Qrsod Traverna r^hw:
They moved Into a building wbtrh
Rome of tta obh-r our* i.f y.s
tta Indian WackiaAh. known k( Uncle Hale Winnie. Gill l.«Core and mj-self
lauided Bl lak Raplda In ibe spring bad been used aa a boarding
•member Josei^ llavlland. ■«
K to build a sbaniv, but •-banged
OantpbeU and a few rear* afterwards
having a Utile vlatt together ap<I of June Ibe lAth ik'.i from a vea.-u-i by If. L A %>> fur their men an<
Ita earl) pfoneera Mr UarUand wss bis mind and l<sik up a homestead
tbb tend 1^ hroagM into market
with wheat from Ravine. IVls
Ik I) waa Brad Winnie aiiggeaied
s a Joker. Wben bis son Bert.
near Bowqrs Rartmr. whirii bas been
and we pnrehaaad tbe Cook-oui farm. ttat we would have a ebirken |KX|>ie
Falber brought the bouneat that lime, ll wa-< loroied
cashier la tta Aale tank,
Ue Jobnton borne ever slnre. wbere
1 win ^er fopgM ihe Bret nummer Tor a lunrb Dial evening as they were Imld gonda on tbe deck. InrJudlog :
west end In a »ery ariaorrallc
I, Hr. HavUaad was county clerk Mrs Juhnwm sllll lives.
ttat w» ware Oh tta lsw>k-eut farm as keepbig baM and Brad waa doing
und a pair of wurk cattle. Tbe senion roUed Bagdad.
of Grand Traverse rouuiy. lie went
^fler a rough trit rmm’Cbirago to
f was a plowing with a pair of oxen the cooking. Tlie dooor waa nway .easel being loaded they had loanrliur
Mr. Shilton lost hi* eyesight be­
Ua ^ee ttat inorolag and
an Itaian came up and rollowrd me from^bmae. I told tbe tor* If ihey
long ways out; they shoved the fore many yrora and Mra Sbllnon hi* Herk. Chat. Goodrich, that be had y^bpnri on Ue old sieaiuer Bean
Kicbmond libe old AUeghanr wbk-h
' ~4ta aevenl llmea around tbe piero of woiild do the’ rooking Ital P would rattle overboard and landed the giKsIs opened up the house to tta travel tooibet- man to take liH place.
we Inlended to make Ue trip on hav
land that I wae plowing. Every oooe furnish the cliiekea ao I walled king in Indian honta. We thought
Ing public os a laiera. -It was loeaU, Goodrich, with Ue aid of Hon. 8. ■« Ing broke down ni Milwaukee on ber
la a while my oxen taUing in
guile a tvhlle In Ihe evening, after
rowi wa* hwi, she awam
rd-al tbe gniewny of ail irarel from MoSaw. wbo waa anotlier )oker,
:rip nf Ibe teason and still anorow would slump through
of my unrle'a fpika had gone to bed
in the bay that we rotild not see Ibe south over the Xewago and Xonh- busy at one* and got out a peiliion
rough trip from Nonhpurt lo
thing of b^but site rome nabnre pon state road and ™«"y a i
to be«m bim in Ue bffUe nnd had sevTraverse City oa the IHile sunny side
all right.
family stayed there traveler, some ol them living today,
bnalnes* men sign it t•ef••re
of Traverse CUy Ibe I9tb day of Novalmut ten days and then came
will bear wlineas sa to tta bocpitall- found out Ibe joke.
emier. ins« there Unded In Traverse
City In aa Indian boat roll- ty tbey received In tta old bouse
Tbov T. Rates, editor of the Grand niy a little fomlly ronalstlag of
amalL Cali or writo i
that time.
Traverse Herald snd the Record
iber. three little tftris aad two
Tom vu born onder the tame old Esgle and his father Rev. Merritt boya. Ue oldest one being 15 year*
BoU idioae* No. m.
roof In i&5$ and m-ed there for tbir- Bate* made their appesranc* in TrarFather bad preceeded us about
all of ne and tbe goods, we landed
yeara the bspplest years of bis
lerGIty, on May 15. 1S«3. 49
> months and bnd t bom* til
at tbe mouU of tbe Boardmaa river life. Tbe house was well pstronixed,
B Thiw left Northport on a little
ebout fonr o'clock
Oot ttay«MBc! Li(fat
fuU-every night Mra Shlleon ueed
t tost on the tnerrtilBs of Msytl4.
lame day and went from there Inmake some queer sblfu In order
1 landed In Traverse City i
an « ftatber-tUiit^.
blorti bouse mt the north end of
accommodate the travelers wbo o'clock p. m oh tbe i5th. The
dPpetuiBff biacnita,
Boardman lake. We lived in. tbe would slmoM tag for shelter sfler went down In Ue sflernoon and lbe>
cakea, xnoffi&a aod bn*
block bouse that winter and lather tbey were already crowded. Although landed at what Is now NorrlavUle.
dreda of other iimtinE i
took a logging Job of H L A-Co..
X mere chDd Tom distinctly re walking the hslsnro of Ue waj.
diaheg—emythhiE jnst >
forty, now ocropied by the P. M roohd metntars an Insunce of fhls kind,
tbey tad to eat during that lime
right. With K C Baking
Kaiber bought the land of
One ven dark nigbl after they tad maple sugar made hy Ue Indians
the government. Tbe next
I retired they were awakened by a 'Sanford Fuller nos living near (be
Powdtt tbe molta are
Int up on the door, soon followed ty la the only old teifler living il
He will have to put bis own effort into
Muw aad certkiiu
board son^ men to ket out
>' a fonder rap. Mr*. Wilson Anal look up a homestead In Xlmlia cov
it—but with a savings account started
Ihov U ao cneaa-work.
flatted timber to build the Brst dock
aixise and opened tbe door aod was ship In 1*41. 49 years ago ' Mr F
for him.
You knew befon^iaad
Traverse City. Tbe (amily^^yed confronted by n large Ane lookli
ttat T T Bates bedi htm
tta fasOr wiUta |4eascd
there ttat summer aad tta
le aged woman, wbo inquired
to'Traverse City by - diitr"f?n
Kept “alive" by the regular deposit
with yoiw efforts. For
ler we moved front thw
SUM procure fodgtng tor taraelf minute*. May 15 Dxi:. Mr Fuller
of regular bits out Of his own eaminga
wbere I now reside. On ibe Arm day
, wben you nae
».es to tun Mr. Date* a race
and a bonus now and then from
of May tta ueit sommer there »,
next si'ring when they 'been hei
Father ”^for a good record.
a bridge, a very good one acmes ti
She says we—we cannot sleep out years and siyi he think* be ran
river, riose to wbere we lived and
him out easy If Hamilton will
poor wagon road over Ibe Mill creek.
>rae If the country rnscU ia better
That boy will reach success by the
A family by the name of Ct
ted and opened the door,
time others are just starting.;
and M ichae: Osy liver -here ttat lime.
cession sUrted.- In Brst a while
Almost >■ years ao> Jnst after th
bake-dap trooUea disappear like magic—aad what'was
ar. May tk*:5.- Colonel Boughio
Will you start the bo^ off ?
rome to Traverse -City, they
formerly a day of doubt is now OBC of pleasttfc. K C Baking
isoae ok Ita older ones of you wl
«JqTOnl. Ibc fralUi of
by i„,.riny
Traverae CHy and were there
bim I rode a borasdme
All savings deposiu made tbe first
light, digtatibk food. And the i>ricO is righk—25 oimcca
tafore we were; tbe rows sloiiped M through tta door, the old man bring from Xortbport to Traverse rorrylag
five days of Ji;l>' will earn interest'from
MIU creek nnd Mr. Gay and the Car­ ing up tbe reer. "Tall aa a .Sorway evemhing he owned on Ibe borwe'r
the first...
michael family were well suppBe
pine and as black .as tta are ol back. Tbla oame horse, tbe eotosiel
■S—d for thfKC Coat’s Oix>li—iesritEE.
milk for tbey both gave a good
three years Uroogh tta rebel
The tf<'£aa*’r Beck, rogtertrrer Ofl letted. eoHh-mode rrtifn.
Jack Mpeinaia wbo bow Uves In
Tbejr aame wa* Hayes, ttav afterAfter he wa* here a^hori time
srmi fr«« gfitm rrteffd
the tohrtd trrtifiioU posked im 2S.
raverfe City is one of Ue earH pid- srard sellM on a fstia la Beaxle ta sold him to (he late Dr. Aabtoa.
hce/statt. StUUiodoy.
rera.. Me aad kis amtbrri as tame,
^are etm Tta doctor often said ta waa (ta foior us elNI ber Anntle
eat' boraa ta ever owaed ~
mu. C«., ^tetaca
*‘- .In
Blab sosra yean ago. taa
is ogn, Um <mly b
a cua part of
Hr. dtoughtoa ookomC A>iBa. at-


D*plctlll( Ul* In nu Re(l«n When Tbe Pine Lot
Wne KInf And rnvel Wne Sion.

t k
aloe Ut ebtekena; While tbe ether
boys were waiting .noUlde
road t slipped Into the bencotto %pd
I 3 or 4 of their beet rfaickeas
ver alloirod them to make
agnek ead the andee were eouai]
ealeep never mlalroetlng ttat anyifalag was gning wroeg with tbe hen­
coop. We took the ebidtena overate
tbe Winnie ferm and Bnd waa abom
prepare the mldaigbi rapper and be
mM they bad no a>wt>nd would not
any milk nnd the cblrkens would
be so much nirvr If they
nice milk to make a nk» cream gravy.
m If they would furnish me
tbe pell I would proceed st taee berk
my uoele'e cow stable aad secure
the milk. I gM tbe pell of milk a^
returned aod we tad one of tbe Joilletl midnight rappers that any
puny of iada ever tad. I ihtak
Of Ihe Winnie Ooyi here well re
rr the oeroalon very well.






l.n, anil. IMUr, Fru H.,1„ tM ^




TiM, nr tt. M.n n«l

~ lo 111

J the hotel.

• (»

The fiAlhwbts are the new arrtvala
beyond dnrlnx tbe past year.
aUa-baaltb------- _
j iadlan TrhiU eras tbe aobjeet of a
John b. -A igg’n*. Ml astd Mra. P.
we* prepawd Hobart K. Wat ,
»I. ^ b
tehfbx many hflbb''chriy bTean.i-U that *Ad hnndied can be a
B'lxxltts and lltilr daaxliier. C. B.
ter In wbkb be told of tb* location
t li> these days. a*ctbe imod dlaaers that ■** a tine. The cutstae am) lie aa tee
Oa^v wr.d Ui. and Mr. ftaheri M.
'or vaHeaa tralb la this city and tb*
at. faU onee.froBi *ia
(kBifori ef mirwxn. Mt and Mrs: a.
until he xeu Ibrousb
I. ITnderwood of B«rchiiu>re. AbM. Mini
- It was broucht out at the-meetlny'
‘lb* iaqairka are lomins
Bowlhix. Marie Jensain. Mn. Ann ttendlor
that'fbe fafher'of R. O. Ladd was the'
fmu ;;i«-*‘5»,ra. Th* hot w«
and Neeman Obandbw of Tolado.d>h)o
tile rexloR to drive a
the v.'iti U maklog ib* suBtner the Bomln* ttshm. In . (.w A.,.
«U JiVB ff»E REiriVEi
d. II. Dicklasoo of StanUR. aieh.
span efboraes In ha<
.s Bid* hy side 5'
poefil* .it In set away to tbe
It Will make the doulde trip a. at-dld
•**" followlnx. The follow,
J. II. WaakUe and mo. Una.
II wow tae nutoB. Tbe old taod- pei
of tills nv-on at quick as poasibi*. last wumaer
<wiaters are xeitinc settled In
(ContinBcd Trom !«r> oii».l
.jthelr rrremi semaier ‘linmeB.’' Mrs Sprin* Vallej. IIL
n tncibnd had pfevallpd i
and so Ibey are uaklnx all manner
Iter. J. W.-llUlcr. wbo »-ZLB one of tbc
t'harte* TOO Weller of (Heorne. ilOM Biaalon.
(Ooodrieh D. Rhodes, of ClachiBBU.
Inqnblea bav* been
<dd srlUm. hBrlnr mdr oitn of Ihe
ItBaasi rnirt li n ■
In all Its q
___ ____ party, -. Unnla. mnrned boae Tharste) after
. Mrs. ___
Jia. E.
>'OB*u'^l‘>^w*T-taken ear* of ibu
Mr. Jjiy told of lb* ftrsl s<honl ilial exBTtkdaxlMll
ckriiMt eimilu of .Um> MrUudlu
lea days bet*. I|a lAbed
repose i. alt nady for tbe xueaN that ..j^anatl. Mr. J. 8 JetmlntV.famllj
etaroh MUbUsbed U tbe Om»d Tnr. a* taoxht liy A. Ooodrit h. who wax
are eomlng and In a ,Tew days trill
pan ot seven days. cnichUf I
»'-i P*e«wa ol mail re
OTM rafkin. G- 1.AU 6Ilrer fonow- i«ld the tnuBlUcenl salary of one dol *^^52xBl«p^Iteptiriice.nBdhaa «■«"
party of Toledo, time Blviyoix lane and small moMh
mt wUh « aoitr«te«l^Qnsd TnT«ra<- lal> per week. He also told of how
baaa,. five of which weighed betweea
the mall was carried by an old
•mpte tliM «M %r«Ml7 enjored.
been put la apple pie order.
r Uliied sereral friends lor n few days three anil four , pounds each. Owing
vlio sinned onl on Monday n
Arcbte Botur* of OutrleToU i
to tbe fart that tbe other guests Were
early mominfs Invite, the. bather, to
-atowaw.y cotta*e are
light. He scot free by raail, also a book telhag Inl there were Ut people at
tb« ra«a0w to tlw addreu of weh and came back on Batarday nlxbt.
plunx. in the aparklinx w«er. and jglaaea Blancfa. Clapp, Margaret Hei cstchtni tlsb In abuoat the tame ra­
aM r--rrrSwamp-HotA, sad Im to bnJIdlnx. 10 placea were offered for
tome by -Mvor OertnalM la a few
tio and that U would be ImpoaslMe to
few Blantea swim puts one in the
^ Q,.a^
etBployment and 24 places bare been
whlfb was located on tbe river banV:
' atUi« faHarlMeoDMune the llah at tbe hotel Mr.
b^ of condlUon to. enloy the rem
CUrk W. Daria
where Sixth street Is now ^ted. ^KenwritiB
von Weller pK bark twenty-right of
A. V. FMadrtcti made aoma (Utllw
Hunt, of rtnriaaati
t>lares where>^ls (or hoiitework are or tbe day. The harbor bete ha.^ Orabam P. H
There were no^lwmt In ,lbd-early
these flab wbhh he was sure weald
rensartca abokt the oM aattters that
wanted, men to work oa tbe farm and
ears and one ll.e when.aTnan was
soon IIS surface win be df^ied with otbtra are Mrs. P. B. Cady aed Dr. lire. Iteridea the bats Mt. reu Welter
•era to lb* poim and revlred many
a xood lanadrest and fire dlniag :
tried for an offense it was neocssary
Co., i
caught tbfrieen pickerel. Mr. tea
the yaebti
old taaMrlra
snmmer |f ^ orand Rapid*. Oeo. Dean 1
dewn tbe Rill In order to se-.
Weller rxpecti to return with a num­
‘An Old Settler' wa« tbe title of a
tbe Jnr>. I aaraneAolUr sise. 1
The resort apaelala
*- I all dn«Mri«t»- !><"»■’
In fnll awlnx. The roMa between
Rapid. I. at tbe botH. Mr and' ber ef Irtends for tbe September (Mb|Bt»*r read by W. 8. Andersen whlrti
Gmrpe fi. Bates wa* elected chelir--* bat reiaemlef tbe t ■me. Swamp-Root,\uQdlieds nonb each da)' and
Id many here and Traterae City were never in
^ ^ TrseAway. of Orand Rap- ing.
appears In onotfaer eotomo of tbe Reeand tbe ad. ^ atoppiax ofT here and then
P. R. U Carl and aont. Walter and |
nan of tbe committoe on bUtorieal
belter conditioB and auto parties are u,
here for a day and have renterd-EacI*. and whldi I* full of re‘ terins
Piwacla. *f~»»niat**. arrired Pridav
display And will have charxe of the
the nearby resoru. which --------___ all times
___ «,
nnd xolnx.
««axe to Mr. Tnllortt. of
Btnlaeene** of tba enriy days.
nlxtai and spent Saturday flablng tm
opeiilng Ibis week. 8oBie',g,
nt oldest Wrlnt irfooeers -lii tbe lo- cotieciion d>f Plriures tint will make
Buck Lakw They rriuroed to ibrir
meei(ton that are new here are Mrs. I.nxnla day for home Sunday morning with $ market
Inn Id the future.
Hnda Beckwith, and »8 of Lons
basket Tull of Bsb.
A abort talk-was given by Quincy.
Lake and Peter Sbeffer. axed »: of
The bouse Is «M yet Ollad to Its caoMast aettJera Thacker. The «ec.-cur>'s report 1
padly but the praapms for duly and
Aitnsi err brishter ibap ever briore
WII- lak'Ts In full Sdlus.
vi-iw.E. SL MOler and Archie Miner'wo« by O, J. Powers.
jXMUte, Solon; Cbarlevolx. O. E. WII•llvar Lake Inn
la this pan of tba regloa. and they --------------- rvalloiia haring alreadr
A aelerilcn wa» oung by a qnar-1 •The election of olTIrers re.uUcd In-bur cS rhatlevoli: Kalkaska. A. R.
Ik hns}' tahlnx care ot the fishing will also have as spsctal xoasta oT been
for tbma two moolba.*N
d of Mlssofi Ora Brer- the'followlog ritoicei
Tbe door* of tot* popular nrini- pnrtle* that are here each day. Judge honor, lllumrious Potentate piiott.l
I - ___ J>1 of the euay aceesalbllin.. - — ..... ...
----------■ - t.K...ta
prlriitb resort on tbe shores of beau- Monroe and family
were byre one dAy ...J
and y'______■
Grand —
trt'ty of Ihe place vu the mblabw-ond
Secrelary. E. O. lAdd. Old Mi-slon. tiful Lake Leriaaan wore thrown and Phil Shermer and wife came over Qraod MapIdA Invlutioas are. being Nonhoasten (alircad. tbay wffi «alR
alui^j lor (he season. There m ihelr e and made n floe catch ot ayst in cll|tbe Shrinera and tf byimak* a ^orialiy of our Sunday dinTreasurer. O. 3. Power*. Kit Hapof guest* alread) here, pike for a fish dinner. Mr. and Mra. any evrai
evRii an.v are overtoeked they,Mra.
they'Mra. Psrtteo
from Trararae City f
. R Linebfrger. who Bakes bis home Muter ,and party of Cadillac arrived will please uke.ihte as an inritatloo' Maniidqe <aa uke the Sunday eaeufK
1 Cblcggo came from the winXly.'m ,hclr
tbclr aulo and'win remain for ten to be xure and attend, t^e Pannv atoa ^in and arrive at Pine Park
dnaiy ciiyand will give bis personal days, flahlng dfid eampliiK and apehd- Boae has Iwen ebarWwd tor the oe- before dinner, mnni^ In tbe nariy
tree attention to bitguests from tbls on. mg n most eu)o>ablc vacatinn. Tb* easion and will leave the Travarae aveslnx.
Id locsdng (be old Indian -Many new ImprovemenU have been Crawn Wetbodlsi Sunday school hdid City dork
» o'clock sharp <a the'
made nod all for the increased coro-'tbeir rlrnte here (hi* week-anl li wai'ammlng
X and return aoate time duria**
fort of the pairobs. many of wbotn'ii,© largest attended of nay (hat the afnleni^n. The rarton* coBmlt-'.
Hardly a •anant ta the ftanm
have been coRtog to iW» resort for jms been held. Tbe woods are so tort Win aW that each
I youBK New Bcgland wtudeM has ,.^,rs,
pleasant and the boats were flUed at looked after, the ladtes
a developing lira tatarplV
day long. A big plenid dioaer waa'npeelal atiention. K la expected that
Kcrved Uiat wax the crowning event IM will be mt tbe 'dolaga" There
the aimri '‘f t^e dav-. There are a nnmtier of.lwfll be a^ field day and an manner
I Kcnic uf reaorten w^o will be here tbi* com- of sporu to be (be atnnia of. tbe a'Ilir exvit- Ing w<-ek tor some time to enjoy tbe' lenwion^^ grand biiar ball gai
e ruler, fl-ihlux
Mm- gills are bh-, be l«ilte«l oTMicIi
cl ween the “Tat*-



The Perfect Laxative
Per Hderly People



__aSmU^lir**Y.roV nanx and addrais
OB a pesial card Wiu A*.
| twfi BukanoM to the b

Traverse City Cigar Manilfactprers


The Ggar of Qaality


“Howard” Carl M
Far sale
by aU dealers

5 ccacB

5ter/ov, - 10c dgaig

Made ol cbol^ careMly sdeeted Havana

Thos, FHch, Prop.


mm mm
Vma F&dor; Siiuker
S ecals

Mil lepUBt Com

fkbe Traverse City Clfar
Box Faelmrr'
4t6E EiMSt Ck.pbooe43)
Blakeley Bros. Props.
Uanufactnre. practically ril Cia cigat
boxes need by the cigar manatacturara
to the city and to Northern Michigan,
and tor sklU to dealgolng box rovers,
and up-uxlala work oa box miantaeinm are naexcclted. Let ua figure on,
your wofk it you are not buying of as
MW, and be caiisQed. qlth score* «t
others who am uslog our-cigar bosna.


Try one for your
Traverse aty, lUeh.
Mr. Gw Smoker, cocotmge borne
ejWWBtehriBBg by cBbtlBitoB


The New 5c Ctoar

B.A. BocllBUBlel.h|lr.
ForSalcby AlOenkn

NIcUc Movemext........ 5c


SoMkerr Qab........... lae
Fadwy* US E. TeaUi St.

The Woods”
Drag tone.

next smoke

203 N. Cedar Sl

Pe^r Hormolb

Tbe Itat Sc Clear In
the City.

212 W. M Sl TmoaOlr

Stfury No. 13
The quality ef a cigar dcpe"da upon the price paid (or material and tha
expense thereto In manufacturing, selMns and distributing. It gecc with aut
1 the capenaa of i man engaged In manufacturing i
in a city af this sUe, where ha worica from daylight unUI dark-M
dartesto get hte
goods mads up for aalea. bare and there In tht evening and then Kiqg hhimself to bed when the bitfscorijKewner I* at hla favored club, or palatial realdenca enjoying the proceeds of hie macMnt aqd*cheap kelp, and gets ready
to b( in hla cigar making early nmet MerwMg. Ttve eutsMe maiiufoetarer.
is a stranger to your town, to your loeal busincaa interecta and social faitowahip. The ether a neighbar, a Tallow buairvcaa man and vMrtvar mvd
laatly a participaat aqd donator to your various social hioettona. fraterai'**'0e theba tw* indivMBala look dMcrentty to yoa and their bualnaw ro-

Nowoa Sale

“Some Smoke**
APinmin ol a>ioclioo4

p. 6.
the best 5c dgai made

Havana Cigars

|12E.i4tli& M|)tKMeie9


agar Factory

Straight Tea


Smoke the strictly





Belter Tmonrow

Gale Post-1 Oc


Broadfoot Havanas-5c

La FHzette

F. K. Smoke«-5c

Best I Oc Ggar
made ia
,Traveis2 Gqt





^liiTeBe Belle- 5c

A.W. Jabmu

w. o. w.
Win give you soM comfort and anUa(artiaa-wm ban rW« Md taala
rigbk and will spread atawad yoa that
rtfh. drilghtfal amna ad Havaaa that
oady tnt Havaaa cMia poaMM.

M. Rabinovitch
tl(*r iWt. '

m X Pnmt SL CMA pkema B444


,oiAn> nAvm HiBii.T).
ntRiMku . UcteL Mr. Tbu*er MjAckre- Mr,
s«4nri to «3J}i
• •*»*
toiM inUkr schooU
schooU sa«
tamllhr »lib ail ibe Mods ol the
*• **•
latsr attsaM Kotthwestera OaiTerinUr .11, I
tt« PMd~ ler pl« of (ho (
rtlT. He has beee aetire la srboo)
tlvo war and fas l>c rtdisd upon t<
aork la IDs aaaatT. terlas Ucfht
tbs hfifl UnU b poaatUs f
lor eaur yaais aial also Sited the
Qolary T*tarfc<>r. who ran
tsrato «f Om eoamr?.
poslitea of h-—-------- '
roumr any y<*„

as oClos of (bii kind befot*.
h, ,, proertsalrs la to
hm «rrr Rim luu d«dM to
I as his e«ic« holdliiK has been reaflaea ^
ans (cUer^ that the Uiaad
tfco S(M this nnnn- for ihr nomina­ to to oaa toanahli. of Aems. where Trareto rsticia b (be boat plane to
tion for slain m.ivi<onlail'v
ba has always been a a>mmaadla«
sad hriiu np a {aaOly. Hs b

With a Compressed Air Sprayer aad you will
save time and money. We sell the Brown's “Auto",
the Braudt, with the new shutoff, the “New Stand­
ard" and the Rochester Kant Klogs. One man with
one of these sprayers will do as much spraying as
three men with the small hand sprayers. We also
have Plaster Cans, Smalt Sprayers, Lavenburg’s
Paris Green and the famous Sherwin-Williams Paris
Green, the kind that will not burn the vines.


If you fllled them, All p well; if you didn t, your
rival got theloxder aod may get the customers’ entire
trade. Waite up and push the “BEST" Dour made.
The manuEseture and aile of this flour helps pay
your taxes, pave your stre^ build your
bouaea. Does foreign made Oour do as much?



Tlltff DAILY, 2 & 8 P.S.. RAID U SHffi.




^ ‘ Wmm ■





MUE.ADA^^^ 24 ClUlirai Bitttt

59 CLOWNS Wi4 Mt

TV Kroo-r" C-Wr. Troao-.

New mol Upto DhW Pei>i«a>'m'< N<w ton-

aid teatxui bat basli, tdbsat.


& Effiitol jfai djr Greatesl JteMircR
Thtf uaueof a aenla ^ atticlas beiiig pnblishaj by
Oie Herokl ond whiiA go to show that Traverse
City offeielo him who will cast h» lot with her miportunities diat are exc^rtitmal.

WFll ■■ the coaatiT. «ad a* Iho fnr»
la laklag lavrotary U b wrawtry
en hare not had a rwpewiettative la if tree resulta are tp be
iiib dtatrict b mw xtmn h<
Indade ercntbiac that may have any
hoarlag spoQ the Baal rreolt. Sa la
thb aertos of orticlea. the porpuae of
whUh to to Hat the rearoaa why Travene Uty b a pood place la which to
Uve. ail the tacts maai be
la order that the ftsal aamamtioa may
ba fair and tomprehcasive.
Ti^veree nt>'t befit oaaeu
b the tjpc of men that mokes op iu
chiaanahtp. iria fortnaate In havtn*
A ><>n iwcii) boaw wedilius otmr- a large number of men of sUrttae
worth, men who glu Htararter to the
r«d a( the borne of Mr. asd Un.
clly and make It a ?«y In «bl
VutoB. lie East Sixteenth b>
PHdar when at hlsh. aopa their worth white to iWmc. In the I
it la the ideals and the
daufhUr Mbi Baby Alethea Vai
bccMM the bride of lo'iui Honiaior of tenaclO’ of purpoae of a clly’s InHortoo. MB of Mr. Bud iln. X F. Hor­ babUonu that detenalnes w


ton of the PMilaaato. Be«-. W. W. Me
Koe of the Central H. t chareh oCIcAaUac. The heme ana profoady deeoraied with daiaies and ferna and
the Rtmliia cf latbeacriB B weddlos
BHU>* pbyed hr Ura. McKm the brid­
al iioMy entered ood took their ptorea
■•etore an Inprorbed oiler of A
ohd laanta. The bridal party waa ted
by Mbs lUnrtoe Kelley, nlcee of the
wrooBL who acted aa flomer plrl. and
then came Hbi Gtodya Vandom riater
o( the bride eitS^ the weddhie rto«
In the bMrt of a large white
Mlat Uyloret Spontor of Monroe
Ci-Dter a* maid of honor, powned in
an ebberate embroidery drew and
carTrin* pink brtdaL rote., attended
by Harry Vondam. brother of
bride, aa beat man foUownl.
bride -Mine in atone. Hv cows
while hmnmbeite over cream oUk
and Bbe carried an ora boqaet of
white bridal roeea.
DIrecUy foltowlng the raramo
throe Gonraa luacheon «a* aam
the KoeaU and bridal parly, anmberabout Ihlrty-dre. The dinlnf
room wax very pretty with a rotor
w of plan and white osd
Inc vinet of amlUk,
Mr. and lira. Horton Ictt oa the
S:50 train fir Cniyi Lake, where they
spend aareral daya and after
10 they wlU be at home ro thdr
rarm near Boekley.
The otit of town paeit. wen
)d Mia. Maaon aad two Alldren of
Charlerolx: Hr. and Mra. OtrUale and
ehildraa of Central Lake; W. B. Hornd famUy of Mearec Center; Mr
and Mra. W. P. Kenaey and Mr. and
Mra. M. B. Kenney of i-onk Lake and
Mr. and Urn. J. r. Horton aad dauxbtLUUoa of the peninsula.


mr % tm.

baaalpipwl goveramcaL m diacttvrred.
ratthar evidence to tammt la the fau
that the best b imae'to good |«r
We are atrlvlos tm cOeJsot govf
menL for wide aaelnl Khoelp.
toaiiroTed malarial roodllloBa.
aplHinal -roUghtramenL Net all are
bborms for all vlrtoca: some
sorklag for tmr, others tor anotber.
and a few for alL aad the few are
leaven that ghres pateary^a./
Becoose the men
are eaergeUe; progroMlvc. enterprblag. fertile In tdesa mad have high
aundarda. they are a rerource that
that wfll appeal strongly
lag about tor a place In which to lo
cate that the} may procure wealth nad
roetHbste to-lbe soctol Intellcetsal aad
pollUcoi needs of onr
Our public spirited omo
to ns than would a gold mioc to the
(enter of Front ttrDet.

bones of Hate atone, and with pereto-

bec-auae It has. It to tertato Ibol other,
men wilt be attracted to wa. and we*
win ecDtlane to grow, and to larreaae
in nsefuln^. prosperity and Inanance.
A siofto man can build a city ol^<
blio ir be haa but a broad oBtlook and
Always Lived On I
to wining to Blrlic and iirtxc mid
Arrival Here.
Itow moi'b greater elly then, can bo
boUL when tberd- are man; men. as
s Ibe cane here, possessed with these.
-haracterbllm. Strong men aro at­
tracted to Htrouc uiro: beiicv It to.
; me* are our Imponant
f the Uraod Travo.-..'

SiC^t'^erNT' FLOUR j|H|’

2About the Crescent
Guarantee Tag
In every s.nck of flour Ivcaring the Crescent 1.iIk*1 wc
have inscrtcii a blue j:uarantee tap that- protects yon
from failures.
Wc w'am you to f^1 ihat
it is your right to.haVe p<mh1
bread and pastry and wc
shall co^»|»eratc with yt*u in
ever>- possible manner.
TTic tkmand for Credent
Flour i<fj increasing and wc'
.lope to make even greater
gains by insuring everi' user
nf Crescent Flour from disap|>ointmcnt.

Wt Makt Thiapt Co.
'.hip. Bear Craws at »:4> Saturday.
Our leading clUieas are eacigeUr. Mr. Meiuiea hod been- to {oiling !
The proof of Util ^lenient to (oand bcallh lor two luotiiba ur luoro. but I
fart that they have made the viiparcolly had
Ity grow Id apilcol ihedccllocof what The end rame this nioraiu's sltbuui
vaa lu basic loduatry. aamcly lumbcr pain and wHbuut warning. He s-as
ing. The batik Uepualte. Ibe poet of n(U quite SD wcU Turedby bat bis
See reixlpta, Ibc poputotion reti
(T'DdUioa SOS not rensldeied sc-l'-ux
ahow tAuit u steady gain la bcliig tuad-.
Duncan Menxire (ome lo Ilie'Cr.uii
AnoUtor proof that the Traverse regteu In the fall of ISCT. sad
elUxeua arc cBcrgetic is that they bxA lioio that nine until the day of b..bold of Ibe Wratera Micblgau Ucvcl deolb be lived on the sotne farm,
opmeul Bureau when the urgasUatAoc the place be bameslea^' on ar­
baviugj4r<J work lu getting aton­ riving
ed. and mode It go.
nienis until today It is one of the W'
The Traverse City mea are progree farms in tbia part of tbc rouAy. la
aive. The akigaa aelci-ted for the company with M'ni. t'oates. JUIi«
city luakua that point dear.
SmUb. Robert Dixon. Isaac Broadway
Today. Better Tomorrow.Further and lienrr Ilirks, Mr. Menriv (ainr
ciidciicG of progresaiteneu Js found ever here from Taiuda by boot. Tbc
the paved atrecit, the many miles OBly living survirur of Ibc pany tods.ct cciuet^ itfc «aUt and the munici­ is Allen Smith, nos of Alban.r. Dropal public BUlinet.
gop. Together, with John Harper to
Our Hen Are Enterpriting.
toted on Secilun 31 of UrsDt' townTbon the men of this
shin Mr. Menxie was otto of
eoUTpriaiiig. They have bad tbc iiesi pioneers of tbe county < f Crand
(tainise lo go «Ber Ulnga. and they Traieree. For years and years in
bate, lu .mom oaaea. captured Ibe suKeseiun be was s member of the
things that they have aougtaL Merc school board and a member <>f the
always givins
faulou and boklln: ibe -nspet of
liumlr%lx of rririiiU sl«><>i be s..n iu
TGe Ibxl Kubto flroiid 4lub
AttoUier Hail asalgued tu^ oar citl- Ilia loiic rfsidttuv ktriv.
-with Mr. riM«. ftofoe- KHda>
sens to that of evotvlag IH‘» prograuK.
' is BuniviNi iiv his wifi and
emton. and an cteetton of offirere They- have origiOaUly. the cou prochildren, liie eldest a daughter,
aa held as foltowa:
dare new ideds. The laupebing of
liouto WllsuD. whose farm adPraaldenu Clara Koch. .
the Inforiuaitoa Bureon ipbuuc 910 telns ilial of tbe old honiestead. and
Vice. PrcMeat. AhMe Wrlghl.
an excdlent example ol the ealae three sous. Seymour. Kay and Harry,
Seereory. Bessie McMfchoct.
i£is trmlL
while two -rtilWrcn died in
Treasurer. Maud Moe.
hUndards Are High.
There are also iso brothers. Bobert
Warden. Kettle UeFoe.
Unr mea have otaudarvls as b
of Kansas City. Mo: .tnd David of
ujoiChaplin. Cora ftUgerold.
Canada, and one sister; Mrs. U'dluifu
After the general IwalaeaN wax over mlsKlon for the purpose of prei-srini; C(«tes who to at prexi-iit .visllius In
plan for the most approved form of WasbIngfN.
aoebi afternoon was RpoaL m
the featum of «;blrh wo. a gocoa,lug eontoat. the Ont prlae being won
by Ura. MoMirhael and Ibe acoond by
MnE FLixgcrald.
Ralrfwhmenta acre aoned by the


Crand Trarona Hymo.
Cnuid Traverse. 'Ua to t^.
Imnd of the appto-tree ;
Tribute,I bring.
Trees which sr« vlea- wlUi pride.
Throughoat the eoauiry aWe.
O'er many os ortbard side.
Their bcaBcbee lUiig.
My native country tbce.
Place where I tevc to be.
Tby fraK the best.
Otorioos the hlUs end lay.
Air. water, night and day.
Health glriag every wait
Ufe at lia best.

Our long expcri-Rce leafli
us t(» ticlirve that a miller •
•U'ould i>^nstblc for his
flour—and if it does not pro>
dace desired results, hr
should stand the loss.
We assume that you are •
user of linme-baked .producU
;md wc ofTcr Crescent Rour
as the means of niakitig
task tigl.tcr and more satis*
Order a sack from ymir
grocer and guage your «*pioiou «f flour quality by rcs.ulfs—protected with the
blue lug and its l^ral guar*

Voigt Milling Compaiv

By the sack, barrel or chunk for kiteben
use, bay, and stock. SaeV Salt at 5c.
10c, and 20c a sack for butter making
and kitchen use. 280lbs. of salt in a
barrel for $1 is a good Investment for
salting hay. The hay is greatly im­
proved. as it keeps better and rtock like
ip better. A chunk of salt in the man-^r for your horses, cows, or sfae^
would be a good iniprovement over the
old 'way of salting, as you are very apt
to forget or n'^lect it if it is not before
them all the lime. A little of each of
thesewould complete ynur wants in this
line.^^ Either write, 'phone, or stop at
the comer of Front and Ca^Street

('-(•ruer i-'roiJi * Casa Streets,

at Wonderfully low Prices
More Dresses tor Hot Omya-Jmgt Rcceivc4 Another
Lot of Cssi Hresses thsl Cane lo Us Under Prlee.

Presses worth $l.St hi tut
Presses worth $A»S St tL»S

Presses worth %IM al 9Sc
Presses worth SASft St «2.4S

A very'clever Idea in.a ntw “Peplin” Dress—jast oul
Dre^ are made of ffne Zephyre in such prel^ colors a^^Pink. Light^Blue


Then idant the appte-iroes
IVtaere our Urand Traverse hrecie
Stroag life aboil give.
Potatoes, corn and wheat
Honey to moke aU sweet
AU that we need to «A.
Bern place to 1U«.




C R A N O •F’Rj^

. 1,® Sk?

** a ■ a ® E

IChwrtdCMLra m« AdaUa.toalTltocta oaSatc am Stow Da»'at|
. »EpWAIfO|»»oro6ST««

Cod ^ Theb
Iver of gifu ao free.
Accept my pnisc;
'Lone mky oar load he hri^t
Free from dtowess aad blight.
Oauiiy and town aaite
Throagh enunttess days.
/“^Mrs. E B. White
Wrktd* tor crea]l TYaveree graap.
Feb 1«. T.S1!. aad caai; hi wniteile
<Md miters- menlag

o„u. i.,. „™ 1=* .„

soitf^ir”rME*iosT sbiufiruL'w^kTk

IJ.«. ore now............................................................. 9k. »1A0 and S1J9
A FEW WAICTk IN taiterrd and Ungdrid styld*. worUi

MtCsl FMtora Mto'enr
9 rrto.,»«u.l.'



for Everybody

ibJt to f^ all wdOM. girls sad
ch;ldreD who tove tbe Ug oet-doM
and like to be dreasdd properly tar
WMwtn's Middles and Narfalk Jueto
cts Ol whltd
Twin. sO stoaa
at «k and SIAK

I VBAlA. Am> TUvna B4T S&6U. TUBDAT, POVt % »1

MOB mm,

, HmW VoMg Falko

• .<

I w«l t»y MW to wny
• M about aoHMi*.
«UI tfw to
bo a.
M—y .. I
« MB >M .M.
« aafbrw I cm.

I trill try to bo loylot. MlyM

# ovary llvUif thing.

• «™* lo (tm. white Urge- doo were

*** “*«

off tolamemo
tlte beMtioewoted
AateriCM ttegl were .lupeMlca
ibe (reef ood reroada The boob
lift of •queoiloa*
relotiK to botrioOr ond btetorte «nbW Jecu. When a meet onewered a

tbl' rr,!'*!
♦ ^ wng^ I

: «*«

♦ r-^r-- - • Tur rr;::^

Mil -Try. JfT ♦
^ ••elved four of

or the w«. *lven .

p»ci h*l re.
Ihrw llof ftac*. a

r..........*........... .Jir^rrii^he'terr^:

Organiaod Docamher R taiR
. RrooWoM-Mlaa Clara Roioa.
n»*t Vtec RroaltftM-^ra. Mabol
■am WMlamo.

her ol U»m torger Bag. when the
MBCeat eioW wac prewnted with a
ailk Bax.
i. w*ho wrote the -«ur«|iaiixted

When was the I'nion Bag Brat

k A. I. ' 9- ^t do>- J* knowa aa Tlag

hM tkm nag MC
seboolboBoe >bew<d ererTtblax to he Ir al B loaa (or wtnda. Tben. •o.'inx. Dick la caneot aad apfweatlr Iri^- Ute Mara «• tbe Setd. a»d aador cacb:
tr> BCD 4lwre
u AmerworUux ■aUriartory. Tbe (uada lb
'I copb! I ■’pooe lbal*o wbal'e ckD- iy conretMUoCi. Baally mtax off tothe. oppoofto alte o( tbe Mae bantmko IhW (or • tlnw rUA U>
bead wepe «en nwre ihaa they bad ed la tbeee da}* reoiH'-t lor eir. “ grtber io tbe dire«loao( tbe Par »ax. Mte pdaeee a eqaare 0* »ob»Ib.. •tcM bo>...
dared bote- (or- ' Cleorb tbero. waa be laiaed. ae (f do teare tbe epcH. NiM ptace.
Thin wltb tbe atecblae. Which take* pareau la aloreixa eoaiury. h* »i*aolklBf to t«r on that -»re. and TUm. taroliut
«• the hedge
boac betere tbe boar apielaled tbe • oaoer ao«a<Mow»obd«crm klad M tbe ValtM «ai» irry .e^
there wa» bo naeou «lis they kbooid agala. be «W.
people bexu to ■ireBB oei toweni of ^Wlleh. abe aewe tbroagb alar., eUll wa* aa loyal a^U«
SO ahead wl.h tbrlr deUnlle prr,bo- yoa tbal 'l ala i no W‘** “IlL drawn not mn-ly by tbe Mi and patch at the aaiae tl>e. Bb« oac
had. lie tboo^t tho
paratioaa. Alter th. ai.imlotmeDt of eed.’klM of . am a. that lyla' P«»»« <X “» Breworka Hot no te» ^ hW •«>« '-vry rapidly, bat eo *«" «the mm broaiUal Bi«
a ireaoarer and a bnylng coamiltlee.
.hiu,- you, ;oa iu«
«W«-tlon oC a.y.iw-'wU doek^ebe xaWe tbe lytax aetdte la tbo
and the arranxenxnt of eertala other
tor.yoor eetebtaltoo. If
»nrronnd*d the wbolc maiter.
that It ae»er goee oeiaMc tbe edge ol «MrM M M
tnaiiera of deUH. the uneMh» aa to
„NeBhcr Mr. Pareoaa nor Dick *a* «be aUr. Wbea all tbe aun are la He lo.ed tbe (or^
the ptece of tbe di.j.laj Mine up.
xh* boy', teaiwd to ibeJr leei wiib l» ^Uence at flreV bw Jw .boot pUce ah. tarao tbe BeM oror and be My*-O. 1 t-poae well haie eiu down’on rarlop. eziTcloD.of detlxbt
orloek they pet la au appear- with a |Mr of aharp. artawwa alpp tbe IMted 8t^
I boy tbat grown bp people
the Oreen.- mid Tote Berket. “it
-Yea, yoa may go np there .nd do «"r*- helas greeted with a beany ______
oot tbe__________________
aguarca tato etare.___________
foUewlnx t
I- When the ooiliae of tbe Mtck and giring little tbongbi be roold aaderouad
alB'l iuet tbe ptece; they won't Mow whalerer yon like." 'be eoatlnned: rbeee by tbe a
np ten well there, d«d lh» ere -but there'. Iret otn- rendition, '
a®!** «•>*«*. ■«« Cunnodgrea- Jan two »lp. to a polat. tfn Mllp. b , wbai .the Bag amal. or eten tbat bu
reold be very food of bb owa reoatuoi.1 too ia«..y bulMlajte aroand Ui
-What te Itr the, .Med eax.elj,
a .tar .no tuore. no 1e».
oiakc it .-nUrtdy «fe; bnt It mat. to
-Ibat te.y render-lliai yiniile.
•'Boya. aiid folk..- aald be. '1 .•««•
'Mien the BeM-or tbe -abton. a,> try One day aa Americu
be .boat the onlt iten* te.*boy-nln't to l»re abMbing to do wltb •'<«>« ■ >•«*• ''Plaa^ *»
«<► “■•' 6rld I* mU«l abea tbe Man are caioe 10 hb bom aM t^
-How abuul the railroad
It: be ran t eten go np on the hill'
alght after what I mM to. wine of In ptoce-b BnUbeJ. H te Joined to xetber abent Aoertea. Ue faenuUfbl
Baked Norman U»rl»; -tkaf. IMsper,"
An awkmird altean- The bora look“*«
«1« :
that the .irij»», Ibe ' botet- of Ibe flx* h
.jrleml tnyaelf to hare (be bound with cauvaa. the "lair U nin lior w, k little homealkA lor Anwir•ere.1 Torn, derided- cd at each other' In eniliarTaaiuiem
ki» rate- he -waa rocy gtet:
thing torn out tbte way; but I'll Jeat Ibrougli ibp arwiag tuaebim- to pre- Ire 1
U>. Too lar off: nobody'll go down Then Jim mM:
HOC one who feroi hte ow-i
tberr: want II up aomewliere wbert*
'X>. look here. now. Mr, l*Braon>; t.di yon 'bout p. I a'|«w 'iwa'n'l rent it. fraying, and behold^ “Old to Bod
dM. H*hM
people llre:^
that eau'^^go! Dk-k'a one ol ua. and uolblD- new lor «ou to hear me rolled Clot)'' b remideie. reody to be rateed country M (bia Illlte boy dW. WhM
Iteraoua^i-mkat Uko- over fonrraa or nan^f war. aefaool- the limerome lor (blaalraager to go
-Strike, me you're a net of gnii.,w:- *• niu.l .bar,- alike In all tbe fun. VIJ Cor
ly ihcer nin'i one of |roo that ain't bonae or ropItoL to Boat galtently at back tobia borne, the boy weal down
put In Jim HnJklna. acornlully, "With Uo»t »ha* him oiii JoM beranw >
didn't "luie nhal be 'aald about you. ‘‘ro"*
late^f tltur* •*“« the bead of DBR-falng irootei or drape to the big aleniner to wnuh bite anU
the brat ptere in llte ronuiy ^r ancta •
roii'l go on wit bout
“ l“l>iw0a 'I*' t never brerd ll nuill the bier of n veteran who,ha« Uki-n away to the end
t he tevod.
Jaal aa
n thing right under your nonea, to talk

that day when Dirk klcnilea reiwaied bla long ftirlongb
llwnew freladwaa Irwvlnc be gate
of a aerendiy-nlor vHtegr green.-oc a
railroad aguarr; Houipb:'Tbri>
Where would you to
at.^ l'
Xlllre > “ur nre.^k.
h' Ibre. «'"l”nKZ'’.ll l‘‘«ld‘
A F.n. Ctebretlom
, 'M'-l
Hm.n,won «; h Hill wlibont him, l.ut you nut after I went home an'
Your PreoMenl baa rend of g dear '
.......... .
l.lK roa't 1 -ye 'em (berw withhim. Now a bit I gni to ihinkin' II ail over, an' old maa who lire, la Vtndnte. rc-- > be eoaid aee fata Amerkaa frteod
Jim rarncl nronnd.e .d ,mln.ln- I.Ik ™
of July,
July, every
ev.., -«“ «'
I bad 10 own up that the naate fitted retebrale.
relebialea the
the Fourth
Fourth of
Bnser. aald draw.'itteallf.
Wh.i docw that Bag roroar naked
__ all rlgln.
_ fellow.poke
.poke np
op !*«.'
l">tt.' •‘■Ute- l1 badn't
hadn't Umagbi
Uwagbi of It year, by buying up all tbe caged bicdk.
'T***'”'IH-I, kravely
one .landing near.
►ravH). bai
boi with a UlUe 'aulter
qub er '•>•*
!>>•« »•>
«•> bedore.
Mdore. Ilui I began
begat; to aee.
m*. rabbit, and nqulrrela
miulrrel. to tbe neighborneighbor “'“v
Tbe boya foUowr.l tb<- dlrreii.m of
bo.‘ pa'volee. ■XSo abend:

m. lu.l Tn luM^“^ut oTlI and It
mewn rott ol a erit- ,hrv. too. may hare a part la tbe re- trloiteallv. -U lOMa. 'Harroh lor the
a roalcwl^. •
J i.ont^ bottom of the
'•‘••d of bein mad with dicing of ladepeodenee Day. Don i
Slate.!- Thel-a eteat « meab.
hill aetrly a tl«.UM.nJ fee; In helgbl.
i„rk for lellla' me of ll. I'd oner be pon think tbe kind man t. a tree Son«*«“ »
Mth a flat .ummll of bare rock. It
rJ^re a-J «l>b mraelf for bein' of It. So I Ibuier' "•
tbal I- mke'
wa* the one iderallon of the wbelr re^ bdig re free with inv a««le np my mind to Man over again.
Bag «y. «heu we wavo It too. Suaglon. a rennpU-uun. tendm.ri: for
if i reuldn'i .be half-way dc
* ^mI Hmw.
mflee to every direeikm. As Jln naM.
•Wb.1 .r>e take >1. for. Dlckyr cent with my mlghbora. An'l. roeamd
Tbe back yanl had lakeB.on n high
aboM FiemroHcm
« an Ideal place for the pan*c»e
•»«»- ■N'''''
1« mllttery a.iwct. There were mdrwwnrwM
ted. u»nn,—
Bonflrew or
or flremork.
flremork. oo
oo 1,.
Its -•h'-'lVn
J'" '
te toted.
jow. JuM beewure '<•
l-oy «tet au„ M.h brooinMlck.. aa officer
.™. n..rl. .1,.V hadn't no bu.iocw ,
,.|j„ „„
owned u
■ wocMen eword, i
lbi«. lb..'
Tl.- IJ., ...
,li. «0 -.H
call mi«n..
irniiire. but >l»l
tliat —ul...
wouldn't( II.
He ,
I. u. ..nifl- lb.. il..r. .1.™ I,
I,. „„
.nblsy, so bright, or m .nrpririag?
- -j a iboUKhl
' the wIiOli-oulBI into l.yiiulu'. imnd be- aake of havln High lUH for a celebra- ,hbli be wa. iMIlug furioimly. Only ,
nothing could |•osklll|y be better than lure we ll to any such proimel- “on. an' with the boy. who were
^ere •'
>«m hi. aMoubdimetit was onl.v lurfbaced by the manner In which hte
_____ ,L,n ...
r«r ,1...
-Fools aim all dead « Ihey 10.1 ihe cMnre I rte^ cm.
Yet they cooIrllMIe to. K
terielr. The chtef brooly of Krm
Bbodt.ol teugliter.
»e «al .« awav
looUoii. So I've invited you all up
,u,w-rcd CbMain 'work, te tbelr rang, of aplMdM c»t.

4. Why la H railM "Mag DayT
5. Ilow'uany- atara dov-i Un- Aucri. 1. ittt. M»i.
can Bag oontafn and why!
«. Who wrote "Aiuertrar •
Nnaibor «( aamaa on tha Cra«a
7. Who' wrote tbe -IteiOe llyain
RM1 JMy 1. 1tq> AON.
gt (be neimbllf • "
8- lYbat mctnorablu event bapBUMBNINB POKH.
,*»ed JiBr 4. I“S?
What 1^ Ptega taM.
*. wbai, preoideata algaed tbe flecTbe great g r flag that ran on tbe Jn-'iarallon of'li
lilUat broeM
10. Wbai leedatiy baa !•<««« Xe
8bo^ ndt word, aa tbeae:
mon. m bl.tory?
- T> ter ^ tba roaek.of tbe bcaoUCul.
n. wh^-re
,hc Brat laiilo of
OMclarfal tend.
t),e Revolntlonary War loaghi*
----------------eaaterb---------to weMero
deeteive hallle
O telr to tbe > I. greoa mite ttpoa or the I
13, WItel waa the rrowabig vknory
lu woodtead am) remtend amilc, ^ ,be iiovolmionary War?
Ob blBror rale, by gulf or the ihoobu, vi'hkii were the thirteen origtalB gatea.
inai ktaten?
- Tbp eMgtew apteador of Slatea.
The anawera to the above qaealloBi
Aad tmad Wgl( M ibc Bm* of • purpranrt. Bcotl Key: A Jami, poac high.
ary ).- in*:' 3. mh of Juar; t. Juac
'U'i an* oMjnpertel ttky!it. 1777. the blended eroaaea of Wag
' Jamea were dropped and tbe thirteen
TbeinmdoirBagttat lay tw the tte- Mar. were aubeUtuted; 5. fortygrlne:
toBteg broeM
c. samoel Franrl* Smith: 7. Jolla

shade, belwnea. All tbte gloo of
aotbltig: iluit'i
all right;
Marararad aach word, aa iIhwc:
ward Howe: «. Decteratton bf ladi-Kind of lmr.1 luek th.i he lutie Mm over from Uewton. an' jellh that
Ibey came from atar. dear aona of peodeaer; k. John Adam, and Jeffer- eoaldn't be beat. OnLv. iw-bbe you Itrncd to l>v going by Jtuil chen." .aid ........ brought Willi you. you orter lie ,
waie6tet_^lhrough all the nurehiiig ^ ,he'« wt-Mrtala. metate. In
tbe tend below.
eoo: IP.Boatoa Tc» Party:-!!. Hnn- don't h^pcB to know- who High lllli lien tloyd 'No ehanee for High Ihll able I > make (Vtuthiable of ■
1 left gollc
sords. the liBniln Pietete Opt*
_ . rvom raalaia o< theBre. tbe her HIU:
lA 8aratoga: lA Sutrender bcloDge to."
r then ni alooe white the troop traveled
thing n
It', cither the Green or ibo.rellI'"**
la aa-W'hal difference dot* lliat make? "
of CorawallU at Yorfctown; it. New
-WoU. I g«r« yott'il flttd It umkes
Tat wMy toroae ttroea cDUBlry tbelr Hamiwhlre. klBMaebu.etU, Rhode 1.1fellows. io bavc
IriteM oUr, ^ .,
and. ConoM-tirnt. NeV York. Now Jer- some dillereec% la ibis e. ?. went he.
. evening: .trill cheer wbea they e
Ok." In-galt lllvk,
you into M
Tbter liaadi and their kcarU for „ Pentuylvaate. «el.w-Bfc. .Mery- (cllowar
1 Uen<rfortli.en' hen- ^
,,u.yin* hero, bnl ,
• I .lou t want to Kimll •“
longer! I
-Who docM It behing Io. Ibcm. I
bar.' «
Vlrglnte. North Carolina. South
I U SI Ih. dlMmall ol
i.| I Think you'd lu-M-r
Roman randies betoog to (hr Bled
yuu re ao iwrth uter?AMba bock gf ber Bager. tbe BghUM rarolloa. Georgia.
rally's lleii-l whenever
jlic- II. eld l-ursfliis. and
" GW Curacudgren l-nnious. "' re
awamaad ah. erlea.
The olber conbwt w.k tlie hUtirifyfor wl..ti-ver,|.urtm.e Iboy ll. cause V,,
• ecund tiKHighI yon will
he did not wort? « fivd .ad
Hotw many hare gtedly died!
,be flag, of other natloom Idled DMi Mracle.: "and
..,,-s..» c-otebraled (be Fourth with true |«tri- ,
olTin^, and let liu- st.-ti Ts, .„
teir tbe Joy (key may give ber. ibe fUK* of ell ibe moat prominent netbelr ph-nles
esru^ons^any tlum: gy,„
another |
.. .- o
{Wodld. It te imckod as (oUacw: ■
gioiy aad grace they may glre^
haddmen luade oat of erejm paYou make u» Ibere'll be an warelng board,
to keep..
-O.JHc-k. «hui .
Firm, there I. pot In It a charge erf
. ttov many devoted live'for dteptey . iwch flag eluded, at a low. for au ai>i>repriale
brok.. in John Han,am, "If Hu«
Obe gUD|«wder; above tbl. 1. pteiv-d
«1|W of |wi«r and Ogure. "RTiy. rttet hill is the s|iidc of
■ was dillvrem now. and if It whs. time wliem-vi tliey eorac.
a ■star.'' Tlmy arc sUnply balls of .
no ewaUlBg Bag. faUtdowii wltb Ibe ^^.^11. wm «w
arpaml emoag hte eye: bc-'s got U coverod with elM- «bo was hiI.nI out.*'••' "reworks,
MI1U- aiiectel oompoatOon conlalalug
rwveront brootc.
, ute gumiia. and
for liislaure.—imbi yontegrro to
-riutecd sUenee laehlug to the Imttl.-Pags of ih.- Hev«.
aceordlng 10 (be oMoc
■ to which off. aod be won't allow any ptenlrs or
Ratetoad to Mch word* aa iboM: f^rrr^^y the m.
Tiiim John HarnioTi nniroul.
made up with gum aad aidrIter tengWM of tonahood. rtwolute. „,g dlffcMwm Bag. bcloagod w.s pre- oxcarvioa. there-; and 1 s'poae he'd
1.0." lonfrosol
-Three, luu-rs for Old'Iter:-I mron no riOB.hinr boy or girl could look u|s
.gj ebargea sliergenUe. brave,
Mated with a flagWecoraied boy of keep even thi- birds from flying over
- ihree ehcTs for Mr. tteraonst
I. full, Baeh
Tbelr aymbol and nlgn 1 wave:
bomc-made condy. Bealde. throe coo- ll. If be eouW. They say ihul he's
think you're I- ...T and
pulsro ^flhe mind recalled the i.iri „„ b,„ i, a^ed Bad doMed wBb gaa.
Iter tMgBM of womanbood. bmlacthere was a ncwiiy Bag drill, the goiag to be burled on the lop of It uolder mludcsi than tin- resi of us '*>' '•'«> •«
'V ""I. too oltem rftey reioroenied. A receol
before imeklag. The BrM
tnto and telr.
^tri. being dvreraied with rod. white when be dte..eheck' Wb)
'Vril. I
• rller-hasdesttlbedoneor theM l»n gbgrge of ftmpowdar la exploding
I carve to the giaeloa. dir:
hl„, sashea. while Utoriny. iiwriby tbe otereM chanco sirack ni>,
auru (he proreMloo. uaill ooe ofuw

Iter teagwre of ebUdhood. btoMomlag ^ ^ white ^nd hlne cwin, aad .11
. "Iter he', a JolIJ good fello..
one of Ml... nsmt Inlec-cwling of the aootber they Uau Individually au<I
OBI aad wklta.
cdrrled "«■?« In tbelr bands. Then .O.M.1 ,1.. .. .u. .M. ol u. .m
flags Is the white silk vanish like falUag siara.

' Aad pare la tbe magete' eight:
Mtrtotte wag. were atiag
Imfore. and wi- were simply irylne '
s-„, m order to the flknd flirs.
Tiist!" aald someboily. uii.ler
Far leagBM of Avrobro and arboote
Tbe table wa. sei out on Ilm lawn
derld.' whrtv w.- .bmiW
off ll
m> vou know bow the Kun. and la tbe museum of Atexaudria. Va. Tbe come routlag Bfeworfcs. aamoly.
Bid tbp boOM betweea.
nader the tree.: tbe edge of tbe white brralli: -fltpre's (he old frtlow no
Anvirkii down In llie .own. .Now. lei ■ S|rl|sw air iiwUe? Your Prroldcml ncallv laluted'device represento a wheels;
Fire wbnote. Idiesdlng
Bure enough, on eh.- other ..........
I By «■ Ibo Mm BMone!"
taUlwIoth wa. trimmed with Hay
drop old i'Brsoi.. OU1. aii.l gei do. ’ •liiln'l. unill she read this article In a guard holdlug''. Iiorwe and >u tbe acl wherts. plural • wheel* aad nplral
flags crorsed two hy two. la the c-en- Ibe hedge Mood the man/kltniu all Ibc Io huslo-ss. I ...... ihsi
rh.s. ' ini-r .miM- li.fl.. ago Sl-e alip|«d It of re.chli« a Bag from the genius of wl.rel.i,'nll more or tea. comptei. The
tide <alIH -Old
Ltlil OirmudRcvu
Tben a tatlarad Bag. Ha ba^s oat,.hte wore ihnn- silken
Ihe <:r«s-p. and h-i ii go'u' Ihal."
run and Ksred I) fur yeO to read, luu Uiwriy. pereoslflrd a* a woman Iron „rdloary pic wheel te B ^pte roam
ptrptelipd OB tbe breero.
armwied in (ripocl tashlmi, pad Fnreeai.
nsgs are made In leoglhs var.vlog lag upon (be I'Dlon ableld. iiror which pte of rotetlu flrewerka. H I. a tong
““"I'-n«ag lortt aoch petltltoa. at
together with red. white and
If there was .P S..U .1... |.,|,..1
,g ,g^, f,.g( _u(,vpr tong- 1. no American eagle. The luollo 1s: caw M^ad wltb S Are compoMHou
blue ribbon. At eeeh pteir was a hroPd the eonverenllon. Uls first wordi drcJd.d.
Judge, theu- eu-nlmily s si..,.rise
-Conquer or dm."
and woOBd arooBd a disc of wood.
*0 Qo^ (be aalveiM. ter te Us athog„uet of'wartct and white removed ll.
n.o..« of yards of red. v Tbe Maryland HIslorIral Um-lcty -n.e outer eod M tbe spiral te primed
'Who's IliBi Iwyr he asked.
, geranium, and blue core-now<t* tied
l.unll.i are used everj has In 11. |wsH.-.sipu another •most In ,„i, „ *,pteehre material. Wban It
Ue tboa tbe Ood «r tbte tend!
togctber with red. white and blue
lurklcH '*«"'■•••
*" • •"'"•'‘"‘i
,n»r In ih. ..u.m.lnet.ire of flags, ami i. re-ll..K hag.-lhat of Count Pj.teskl. ,, lighted,h “kick.." JuM aa a icn.
Wbea (OM from wlibfut or-la wrath
ribbon. Partners wore toumi by hte HhthlBR Anger
His nf |ui|ier. and n-adlni
of yards of while mu.lln who was BpMBled a brirodter In the ggg, ,beo tbn powder explode. It fbf

er hi madiwM mmIL
niatrblng latrloilc quoUHonn written Dick as b« nivke.
keep the homing <-oni|«ny io ihe.i.ra Coailaej|fal Army In 8e|dembor. ITT*, cartridge, and roaad aad roODd Biro
Bn tboa Its iariotete mW!
gg gg,gt| pgper Bags.
Nobody answered.
ihm •'-'T :• :.:«e Seld pi oUr ln.nn>rs. While lUe wounded Lafayette wa. a ,b, wheel, wodlai out IbMm BBd .
Wbea loM from wlUtlB tbair polton.
Toll ue bU naue. roue ul you! "
Whete we eoiishler iluit ever, cown rerl.ilen. of ihc rare and hospltallly Mwwer. of colored or gotdM Bre.
BlwOM sbrieke.1 Ihe old umn. "I win
OM sercorWb nege.
jh. Fourth at •rody's Bond.
Ii.-nag—yea. aud al of Die MoravUii nun. at Bi'tbtebrni. - ^ (bin) eteu oeaiwtoe. tbe aaeeod- .
He itaoB lu beooulBg Mwurge!
oBc'kmg story oo the page was know It! Tell^nni you!" ininllug this
sehrol and temlly «s well Pa., he w.. vMid by Pulaski, whoro i„g fireworks. ekyroclUM batoos I
llMrf-red. tbBBght-whUe. hM.eotduo
, good many years ago la the lime el JlnMiinrklBS. wlio hi|l|cned
llend I* Invited lo Iw pre-em
Solomon I'nrsotiH. tbal they an- urod In sll kinds hteiorv and i.rvsenre made
testiag (hiifrUss. and may he almple or veiy
to thy bMveu (air.
CbrlMtea Kndmvor World, and was to Im oearrot to him.

.r.not Imimrihli.lile. lmi>re*iion ii|s-n Ihe minds . Ibe Ste- ri,|g,rale. aroordtog t« Ibolr Mara,
U. 1 gai the Ballon',
wrillea by Ret. J. K. Wlteon. It te
"Not iiiucbr anawered Jim. "Vuu
tVorks 1 nil you.
it i> no wonder tli.i Hic ilns faitoriro (ers. aim |ire|iared a erimsoo .ilk Miarki. serfmnU ot abower* of gobl
-Amos ». Wells. such a .pleodw slory
ran Sad out. of rourse. 1>ut yon eaii'l
p. S. 3 Fireworks will Is- in
.re bus; pi.era all the year.round.
banner with designs-most bemnllfolly
rate A .krroikat eon.tets
.'liaigc of uir. lAck .Mennseys.
deot te .are 'both boy. and. fllrii will froic me"
The buniinc shiel. lornir Ihe bod* wrouglii by Oielr own bands. The. „f ,|«rts. a body aod a head wade
Tbeo Dick himself sink.- tip. lie
PREBIOEN'Tt og^oy |i. .nd'feH that not only -fHcfc."
Whni did II me.u? "niere w.-re <d
Il.g eomts Iroi.i <he matiufa. enriched It with tbelr ble».teg and
el, and aliafwarB itUebed to
,: VIRIT. .
bat -Cwmodgeon Paraon.* blmrolf. wa. a UlUe pale, and hte vblei.- whmi'i
HP. 10 ask Ihc question, bat nolmdy
rolle.l on -tlrk. In tight round roaroeratlui.. the metoory of which te ,n. u,dy. The body te a alralgkt
Wbea Fourth of July roiBcs. omny „„ good Americaa clilieoa. and pa- euctly Mndy. Iml it bad a manly and
siiswe* ll.
liun.ll,dP» When It reavhra the hand, preserved In lamgfelloW. verse.under of hrorUr pasted Itepw.
fearlsu Tlill la U. nevisnhelesof you boya gad glrte ptea to cete- ,rlota.
I s'lnrs,-. -Ne.i-Mlieless. there were nmn- Iwy. ol the man whose Im-liiess II te to Iw- "And the nuns' .w«« hymn w«
„ „.g p,o,g, ,nd
as fo Irove
T-ni Ue boy you
tacBiB la BOMB (aakloB. Iteriwii. yoa
Brady'. Bend ha.1 neier bad wbat
heard the white.
» ,..r, narrow opaalsg for Ua ewmpe
wfll bove a-MMte 1°
woods, or ^ vroald roll a rrol eetebratton of WbU. my imme Is RIelmrd Meoxiro. around the iguil-oBIce than usual that gte the irno.lornmilon of butitlug to
murntee when "Old i-urp.udgeon- banner. ii K mearured ofl In proV'
Sung low te Ihc dim. mysi.-rkm.
A rootral boUow hva ei
maybe thoro who betoog to Brant* -the gtortoo. Foarth," Of eourro tbe a»d 1 live on Hanley siroet."
"Monxloa! Moaxlro!" reeiwled the ,-am, for bis mall
vildtli. lot the sirtiK-*. ami then with
aisle.'— tends Ihree qoanera Of Uo way UP
Baaablar Ctob.<»Ul boid a apectel ^ n. never alkiwdB to pese unnor
• W hui dovm thisaollre mesi.,
Mr a keeniHlge.l huirher', kiiile the skill.ud senl It to PotesM.- tbe all abemt Ute te parked the
mowlag OB (hat day.
Ueatf. However, there Imd never beou old man, te a umaoer of one ouimllTake il.y l•Dnef: M.. H-n'e ....clsl explosiva teteMMlltou. ibr
Tour Ftroldeot has ihoughl that If aaytblng like a roncerted er cooper- ting a worn to memory. "All right: Ip.rsousr asked one ofthe men |.m M workman luis It around and
,o it b. tlm aaxious l*y.
Ihrough to the mood so <h.' the
Proudly oer the good and hr...downward roeoU of which semis iteyou do boU a Braach Sonahtee Club
ggort to celebrate In any way aba'iK lorgel It. 1 iromli* .rou. .Vow
wbal d'ye wesu h. sayln' secli things?
- W' notire?" he aske.1,
MrliH-. are lelt wound uimn the Mlvk -The warrior took that Iwnm-r proud.
,a,hteg atotfUr Bpwart
mcMIaff )iHi might perfaapa Hke to
oomeatous day.
■ \vi„-. ibero j»i»rs t.ek..l up allTlke .o toany lurddagcs npi iv for a bearioK It galtentlv throuch the many
vovir PreaMaM wtahro that she aad
tmve a roarth of July program, aad
year U was lo be dIff.Tcnt. Ain't I got a right to do what I idrose
yg, SaimbiaMa might vUH a Orero .be to gntag to Dvp you wme Mig- gg fg, g, the Fourth wa. eonerracd:
loMIber mb>« day. aBd
‘.un»h In U.M
gcBUoa. for obb right-here.
ggg k «aa tencely on atcouai of the
k .nd «„ei, the c
■ object, te prourui
—. .. Ve.1. out ot oar of ibt-in. now"
and short lendh. an.| n-n; U. ta-come -And it w.. in hte m-.fttal
Inst od
r of prtallag oor nml Bun- i,i,o„
jim Hacklai. wbow tether ____ ..
. of wskter
The oM man look bis Mswi.ek-s .i-quamied win, a deli ltoSer.-.| girl
shroud. ,
shlB« LMIer* ikte week, tka will Jaat
rcQNilly moveil fr^ni Ik-ntoti. Ue IrouUs. you'll Jest ta-g uiv iwnirttB tor
"rto iireelotis Bag w«s rav.s
Play proiMM that we are haring a «B.„.wut. to Brady'. Beu,d It wa. what y-ou mUI. an' royr yob didn't from bta po«*ct. adjusirel ilmu on hte and u sewmg nta'blue run
, /
Boro rrod .the Ml" ' aiowD and de- irhli> , The girl Ireds the.trtpe. lo rlcd lo Itelllniore. w
here it
BoaMloe Foorth wf July meeting, und j,„, »bg popgrooep tbe boy. that they oi^ ll.Our Natteul Fteg! How we ten
-I do he* vour |«raoB." said Olrk llberaiely, a. If be bad never seen it the niMhlne. bohlltig a red one to Uf.yette te ix'jt

OUT “proBram- w«l <*BStoi of all UI.
gw better worth for Uclr moa: How oar hearts Urill wlib prid.-.
When you rrad alwut t'"
imgnrfuU of ntorie. and poemk. and in,„a ba,., ig,,
fan by chip- BtoBfolly : "I'll own up that I oughtn't before, took off hi. .peetaeies. folded one hand .ed a white oue lu the otbbaa Ibe beautiful baanertof tbe L'uthem up. |ml them In their eus.-, and er. white the iitarlilne iwrfonu. It* p uuke.
“ ' "• “
lerMUng UeBa about tbe Bag. bow
^g^g gg, eonrawn pool, and bo.v. to bare spoken a. I did."
like words te a Ion fiuau oot u|ob Ue VreeM aad we
firework, are made, aad m forth. |gj. n,g|r fl,«w'orii( la a lump, aad m(-Say (be rest of it.- 1 didn't UH-an the rase te bis l.pckei Wlo Then ,«o ot th. romran
ri*U a^ - . juM
' tetototblak
wbatIt Iterot
nadtoto |wcbe aald:
- well, sewing with two needles-the book. VourPtesstem would lihe
WoMde"! yon like Uat lor a chaage? „gg
,n off umether In one ptere. what I Mid.'" peralsled the oU man.
ildn t scree It! Ne«er were eolbra ro bright
The hov'a cheeks ertmsoned.
-Wby. I s'lowe ii mraos J«*l «hat tt with double »v»n«. see some of il» ld
o flsBs.
TtaM next week wefwIU bare ibc Sun- ,b,„ ,be> rvald by going rock oa hte
and fall of meaning aa are (be red.
aUBC Lattara. U* Homaae Sodciy. g^.g ^gg^ ,,
been accmitom
-I cen t say Uit." he rented; 'H royw. The name al tbe bottom's uMi- th.oughout-aud nrotly lurnm* tbe ,ou»
he fold*
Ibe BobbWbc FMtoa. aad tbg Frroh ^ ,g ^ The Idro. new^t Brat, had wouldn'i be tree' I did nron II no*. ,n, good for what If. algoe.1 to. ate t edges undef ss it go«-» along
ana our blood goes tlngHng throoe:July 4th.
The while aiuslio goei
deU's vteH.
BoaRl been Bp|*ro«ed and arc«i>t^ A man w*o acu as you do Jtut b*- pr
I fioet and oer vein* wbee w. Join In ika ebror
“Ve-s. but-"
musniter workman wbo
First of all. wobU yon like to rrod .^,1, Kutetfalu of eoibaMaam: and ealtae be hapiwus to liaxe the tew on
(bat greet. It. Mow and naiely aroewl
•M bow Mum- boy. nod girl, had . fgr.roarf time now tbe bo.ra bad been bta .Me deiervee all U.l I ha«e rote.
“But whai? If* a plate Mateim-ni square*, and iben by meal • of a abnrp
oar tarort- to ibc dUzy top p< (be Bag-Maffoa nsFOBRh of July party? Y«<a could do ^
.g^ Mning nxmey lu^ aad more. .Vo. I woo't uke It teiek. wems to me; an' I Mmuld tblnk tbe .i,el die and a hro»y bammer be on. Tbe skv wlih Us
.tnngs thrill
Uotml belldays. and see Its rtnrry
jwA as they Bid for yow Branch Son- oxunenta. wb«w||h to buy the mo- 1 eonfea. that I ougbta't to have Mid hors'd better been hand on HIgb Hill half theMuare. teto five-pototeB
o the low. .sect chant ol It. wind- field glow nuder rae morolng t
•hbrn CbM moMlBg. tt yea wtebed. ,gng|g fgr ,aat Jim coufideatly as It; ML If. tnie. and ni .laud by It." -bout eight o'rteek. If they want «»mr stars These mu»lte
He I. not S true Ameriroo 'who
-------------------------------Tbte was bold at on. of tbe girl's
,|,gai woald be -xht biggest
There WBi a murmur of apiBauM fua Rrtter tell em ro. Anybody roee aad d
Of Itatr,
feels a
beMi*. Tb. Morr ef it te rolled;
racket ihte lUtto borg ever ua ~
from UB'boyfc qulekly checke.1 how Djek Ueaxlew roond thU mornte'r- - -field,'-------Item «t tbe aigbt of tbe Sur^ aad
And iwroenily everybody won n*ioo- to anothei girl with another kind ot
A FMrth of July Fte| FMty.
ab InforiMl meeting hrtd one day evdfT^by vb* oU mao', angry gtaoce.
The vAidB* and lawn were gaily ay, (g (p,. j.iae grove hark of Ihe Fora «oB««i‘b-was sileai.JW-reni. i.bed to roe "(Md rurmudgroto" and rteririe sewlax amehlae. She tey.

'“-vi-i-"";-.,,...... .........r

.... .......:



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