Grand Traverse Herald, June 11, 1912

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Grand Traverse Herald, June 11, 1912


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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nora pissEi) Awir


W. E. Witiiame wm Make the Rpce
At Coming Primariea.


U K. Oreland, tbe veteran super
“T-TE W. R. Wnitoma. ihe a.II known
visor of tbe Fifth ward hu detelnp
that lead
«• eoMiMO w«t»«n
Leonani &‘Artllp Helped Build Up beyond the^connoea of bis own
candidate tor the nomlutlun few Judge
/ the Reglee.
<d Probate and hu aianed hla camcinct and anoenurea himself a c
Wlgn in earnest. Ur. WllliaiM bu
of life.'' nid Prar. Glnee^h. -life
date for tbe state togtalature to
Grown. Mich,
T.—Leonard R coed Hon. D. G. Chandler. Mr. rievrbeen a realdeni of the stale for twendTM Bssr tkiasi. but oM of tbe
AnUp, aged gj years died last night land la one of tbe pioneer reaidenu
tv tl>> years and hu lived In Traverae
of rontb is that it
City during the past ten yuro during
so mav toot ibJiwa-'' This Is char- at the home of Emorr Curtis wbece the city baring sprat thirty two y. a._
which lime be hu been actively Ideahe hu made hU home during the paS^ of hla life In lEIa vicinity and durios
aetorlstic of Mr. AsgeU.
tifled w.ib (he busineu Intoreaia
Prof. QlBcerkh believes in Utr few years. Mr. Artllp vru one of the IhU Ume he hu held tbe offl.-e of so•EVtRAL-OOpO FAFEBB «
early pioneers of the Grand Traverse rervitor for foorteen conaecnUic
mlty. One ibing that par­
blsiiMt perfeclloD of edocai
regloB baring come here M :
ticularly qoaliflea him (or the poaitlbn
'hlrh is Bometblng of a record. He |a
safs there is bo reasea «
fact that he wu for
roans man or voman cannot gel an' last April from New York a
a ipeeert the dean of the board and
a practicing aaoraey
education In this dar and aite. ifbe is earrlvea by two sons. Metrin of > always ready to put op a strong Oflieere Were Eieetod and Event Wu
if -Pennsyiranla. and allhough
Concluded By Grand Ball. Wkstwants to «o'after It. This coantr>-. Grown and Caalna of traverse City Bgbt fof.what be believes to be tor
he hu not pra.iiced ta Ibis state he
am Part of •tate Well
more than any ©(her. offers ow«or- Hla wlfp and daughter preceded him the beet imeresta of Ipe people
••tort Tnika DKrtnj
kept up hla law atudlro
the yoon* people to sain ta death several years ago. J'oneral this work be baa been very aur ress
(hoiy>ugh too<h with tbe Uwa
wmin* to work they cannot
Kb him to Lansing he would make
tFrom Priday-s Record-Eagle.)
hu always been ao soUve worker-la
ead ever c >me to regret it. He closed Jones offldatlng Interment will be
valuable man lor' the county.
Tbe thirty Brnt aMmU auttog ot
Tbe iwelttb annual asi>eably of the local republican raoka and haa never
ta Maple, Grove cemeterr.
bis addn
is already well under
the Old Seutovs -------—till, «g ^
llTOWBinrs "Rabbi Ben Bara."
and milt be prosecuted vigorously un tadepradent Order of rompanloM of before asked (or any pollUesI offlco. Grand Traveru R^jiah wiB
M4 on
a strong hootrad- tils contni achoal gnmnA Ig (hto
111 the primaries ta August. Mr. Cievo- Foresters brought to s close a two
Ob aeeotmt of being called
days convemion in the city lut even_
..-onacrountofhto city on June M. temU th* w««te
Und to ^e of (he republican
(he city on bnalness. Mayor Cennalne
There were aoaethtag over a wide arquslBtaoco in tho city an 1
vrlB ka
could not be here to present (be dlplo
hundred delegates present from the country.
gooe UV on any issue that hla |
condpriod ta th. mhoM btoMMg. Bpu>
mas. and in bis stead 8opc Tyler was
western punioa of Michigan In­
hu pfared before the people.
aaslgiied the pleasant duty by tbe
cluding all tbe territory from Grand
Uta mo4 W«rk «T I
board of edocatton.
Kapldf north. It hu been declared
. Was Maai Ha
Up tor
••A Day on the Water." by the high
Claw to PoHew in
tbe beat coovraiioD ever held by this
school eboniB. tbe benediction by Rev.
. -aluable pnpm wfU bo rMd m4
division, one that will long be remem­
addresees «ui ba gtv« by goaglp «b«

W. J. Coatee and selection by tbe or
bered by all tboae who attended. Tber*
have tnatortally bolpod ta mUv tbo
bu bm some one feature of
vrbot it to •( rriMl Aay ^
Tboee reiving dlplooiaa were w
' fProB%rMar% Becord-Bigle.)
than onllnaJT loiereat for each or tbe
Tbii week has bdaa a buy one in followa;
who bu lived ta ibo dntey tar
ibree daily aeseioos, while one of tbe
high oAnol otoislcB. an important weak
Sfleen yeara la aligtblo ta -nlr
Qredualae 1»12.
beat features of the enilrc convenUoa
with anas one big feature each day.
Dorothy Adams. Roth Fern Adatna.
Markattafl of Fruit and Growing of ship ta tfaa orgnataatlita Jto A.
hu been the splendid mrato served
Tracy Lay will bo proowt at tbo «oA
or all iBunrtsBt things there la al­ enora V. AUen. Tony E. Amisbui
'Crops Wars Given
by the locpl
tag and hto proasMo wm ba om «C
ways one wbVtjeerhei the rery i»ia- 1st. a. Vance Barber, Harry Gerald
II Time School Begins
•••’----- ---------- wki given over
naele of praadneMs. and for some; Campbell. Ftanoea CberveDica. IJoyd
the f«t«it^ta.b#-ta ana «C tab a«p
lacgcly to busloesa. election and Inreason thia penkalar one In ell walki Kenneth Cleveland. Lucy A. Coleman.
aatUera Tf^iteH*
atallstioD of officers and Just n
of life U leR estil last, the crowning Rsipb H. Cook. Leslie J. P. Edmunds •he Had Bun Allewad Freedom of
meeling of the Grand Traverae Csxm- apeiK many yeara of bto Eta'ben. Ba
pleasure to make It m<-maroble.
faatare w tt^were. of the many pre- Mav McCrum-Foeier .Haael B Cher
Grounds For BeoeA of Her
This will bo ta most part an active tallowing offlcera were elected, wiih ly grange held , in tbe Gram Toan- — be able to laB taaay bUlrttaiM
eeding and leaeer ^enU. Bo it is ing. Chrliiena'E.^:iasa, iUrold Mur
Hullh. But Eluded
auBimer vacation for the teachers of Past High Chief Ranger D. H. UcUul- ahip ball Wednesday. Grangers from ihu the r~iini ganandn to etaOnlF
with romineiieeiaawt waek. and Uet ner Qrant. Ethel Sarnia Gray. Jessie
Summit. Wimainabufg.
___ __ utamiuar «Uh nbd •« wbR |p ttta
tbe Traveroe City public schools, in
n acUng aa Inttalllog officer:.
evMttageawtheenlBtBaUoDefaloag O. Green. Joaepblne B.'Greilk-b. Vera
ver.I-aks. aad Grand Tnreroe grang- btotorical vahM at tha ktataffi.
order that the ]>eopto may know ta
High Clitef Ranger—R. J. MacOan■eotatody.
« last act of a high 2ae Cregon-. Howard lH»n Onfflth
Mrs. Ada Bradley, aged (A pslienl what manner the vnrtoua metnherii of aid. Muakegun.
All tbouwbobnva»bo»ateilM»»
Mknei career crowned -with eoeceaa. HasM It. Haneding. J. FVank Heydon j AL. the Travr-roe Oly Blato hoapfUI. tbe (acnlir will
received from every grange In
talning to the aoriy den am ro«Mtae«
Past PresMenl—Eva fimlib. Trav­
asd the hew «h« uefa bey and girl Oareacc G. HUI. Harold Mllee HUt' met death Baturday
county, and iheu repens made dur to bring them and ftac* teta dB te
time, each member of the tanilty haa eroe City.
U an eireedhigjy jarse class waa pre- i Harry A. Holliday. JDsa Gordon Hoyt
the (act IbM tke
rv^ed with the loltoirtag
Ftay. TbaaapltePtaBiBitaeibtataed
Preoldral—Anna- t.* ft,ru. 1
lBliir«Akca''«lptaM that win mean Maud Viola Ilea. ‘Tberoo Whinndrj
by tbrtr ownen, ar itar IMP «p tate
wPtA to them la the years
Jenna. WlUlam Roland Kapniek. Alma Mra. Bradlers aUraeot wu of a mild
Afl(*r a feaHt. u nomi. in tbe bu- ed lata tba cdlarttoB ttat ta b«te
Snperinleodent L I- Tyler will
Vlte rreaUent-Anna Thaai
........ _ . . It eve the Bessie Kaodan. Jessie E. KUpalrlck hatoro aad she had been allowed the
quet ball, ahirti had been made of made u on. of (ba |^^l■lta arebte'
OKy open haoM'was packed to the Lottie Jane Kyselka. Gladys Imcilg prlritoBB of (be grounda ta oompaay apend moat of hto time ta the cltr. Grand RapMa.
of tbe
Tbe time wbaai be wUI be abaeni to
Serictarr—CrM Barfluie, Battle
deota with trtosas and letotlTea of Lahym. Hargnarile E. Lardle. Maty B with two other paUenu ta (he J
ball the boalnew of tbe grapge wu tlo. Of pietoraa of tba Mrty dva «fll
during tbe Boys' conference at Torch Crerit.
gadMtia ZNobll the past tew yean Harrin. Unrgie UcFarren. Victor .Sel
tskeo up agd quickly dtopeaed oC Tbe add to tba tatoreat ta tta —l-im
that being ta the optm air would ImTrwuurer—Edna Huckleberry. . Ca­
a eaien aiHrtlW has been charged
Uorrleon. Robert R Murcbie. prom her condlUon. Tiito monitag Lake June S6 to July 6: National Edugreater
mavemeat (hu Is betafteilad «ttt by
(Btlonal sasociatlpn at Chicago. Joly dillac.
the itmminiaiai esevlsea with
Gladys Eatelle Mundiy. Roth Newman. the thiwe'went out for their
given over to the pragroa. which bod
or tba ateBtaUn
• to IS; manager of toeal I'hautauOraiof-Saroh Praii. Pfwiletoit.
Hew to iMaesles the crowd, u the
Edith Liman Payron. Beuie M. Pease. walk and when they were ta
been prepared with grrat care, for
Ueaa«oger^R(au Btronglta, Peioa«m iMtflr mare people «he can
Margaret Melede PeterlyL Bertha woods Mrs. Rrodley told the others gna. July si i« »: crolse wlih the
tbia occasion,'
than the hones wa^ld seat. Uhuin
Atone Raatom. Paul Robertaon. Ada- (hat abo warned to be alooe for a Ht'The ntat^auhj.-rt coulderrd.
George H. Cortla. Trovetee City for
Plral Cenduclreu-Lollle
dtttle or ao eCoet. tor the eroodi con
line Oertnde Russell. Ethel Ryker. ito While and ^y toft her. not think­
"The roOperalive Marketing of Farm
a few weeks and tbeo he will altrad Manistee.
iast tbe Mtoo. This tlgBUics that the Robert Earl Mklrlt. Kmineih^^ek.
Prodorta." The )aabjert wu opened
Music by CsBtMTb baad 4mtm
peoHe an latonstod in what the pah Charlaa Matbiu Sleder. Bmiln P. ing that any bann woatd come to her. aninmer erbool at Asm Arbor.
Second Ctmdnetress—Mabel Wells.
by R. H. Eltvorth of Grand Itaveru the eBUra day.
Afw while they went back aad were
£. H. Brown will remain here for a Beldlng.
He naheob an dtoag today and it la a
Chartotte Shana. Brimer
grange, and dtotmaaad at length by
ftae cempUmtat to the school that so Parell Rmlaeth. Helen Elliabelb nnahle to tocate <er and reported her lonih and then attend aoinmer school
First Guard—Arbutu
many of those prthent. taclndtag John
t Lansing.
■any poepto an latoreetad.
Smith. Ehthw Snyder. WOUam Eugene abseu* to the asylum offldala.
8. cook. A. P- Gray. George A. RobinThe order Of asKh to the stage waa Btopaa. Harold C. Silnaon. HMeo Bea­ careful searrii wu made and this afO. E. Berg will spend hto time
Second Guard—Emma gemi.p KffPlcBlc dtanar.
'ee^ oter aA
son. Scott Wpodw^and M. 0. Ovtait.
a Might
r* Mm ton
trice Scranb. Paul E. Thompson. Grace leriMoa the body wu recovered from home ta Muskegon.
erraa wiu ba (cratotad Iroa tar ata
the ruemdr.
The conaracu of optaloa peeined to
and R wu also a very .
D. E. Hobart idana to spend bis
R Tompkina. MtlllcMit G. Trade. Ed­
1 OMiaak,
Miaags. The dsto sBtered trom^tho win Jms UdeO. Howard Wallace
Ome here aad ta Orond Ratllda.
ter the election and proved one t
Hoalc-ffy tbe dte.
I to try and hit opoa
Vader. Roy V^eox Walt. Marie Bllxa- taMJtntion on April Jj. of this
maU door ead ma
Perry 8. Brandage, ta Oceana eonatateiwtag features of tha uctxperaUoo. that their tacomr may Addrau of waleama tete W. D.
throegh the he^> <ha etoge. where beth WlUlama. Blanche M. Wright. cemliig from Otodwta cnwity. ^ ty, at the ■unmer home of Mrs. Brun- aembly with Grand Rapids wlimtag
C. Oennatea.
be Urger:
leavu a huabnad ahd four cblldran ta dace.
they took their V>»m >«Blzty- MOdred Irene Zimmerman.
for flm prize while Battle Crack
Horn A. B. PataHT «C
Later the matter of "Potato
h» borne oonntT. Coroner Minor ex­
aerea ol thdn m^ «ntto a tong line,
F. 8. Records gnes lo hto home ta carried awa.v aecond. Battle Creek
tore" wu the rabjen. couMered by
amined the body and u tbe eridenee maklyn. tad.
alao wu aucceufal ta grtitag the conaad the mere fact that these elxtyAn CHd 8etUar-K «. Buderm.
aK«Bis to he cleu that she commu­ J. R. Lanpbear can be found ta ventton for next year. A apecUl prize 8..L Bncebrtdge. of-Oraat Comer.
eerea beya and gIrU bare gone
.. Htatortan a BpFert—Xrg. Wm. Lma.
ted aaletde it is probable that n
Traveroe City most of tho summer.
$20 wu awarded tbe "Shy Toungtiuae^ twelve yeers of good hard
. RacItaUon-Mtoa Jate C UM.
qntn wBl be belt).
Otto H. Voelker goes » hto home ta sters’ Sub. Court of Battle Creek. No.
otirty to be sMa to march at this
Indton Tralla-Hoa. Baht K. WiL
tlato aade the sight one that
anarMtoa Emma Shafer will spend pari
Orer l«e hundred people attended
splrlag to eay (he toast. Halberg a ofMnalc-^ the choir.
of her time In Hilladaleand six weeks the grand ball given lu iloroCa
Aeet*a toiaiehod amatc durlas the
Bmntatiratataa Mr. A.
Chicago nnlrersliy.
•voaiag.afiMttBi the proaram with
demy lut evening. It was a gals bate Iniiilrtl. -Resolved. That Michi­ Tracy Lay. OScago.
Miss Agnes Ryan, at home ta Agn
avortan. ‘Ttomleh'a Hiis." The high Heeketl. IIS Madison street-Wednwand the flnal to the two days gan abould grut equal aaSraga
Old Pbotogropta—Oaa. a Botad,
women'" The aSimgtIve argume . .
seheto choroa bad the aecnnd
day sl^t. Three weeki ago Mr. and MRi. DAVID H. MURPHY NARROW­ Arbor.
round of ronvention festivities.
Mtoa Jewie Emery. ,i IjD
"Tbe MlUer-a Voelag." and I
and Mrs. Hocketi cams heee fora visit
au a eutcen in e»ery way. and (or tbe resolution Well made by Sil­
A namber of oM aMdara «m gtva
i-attoo by Rer. W. P. Kendrick tol- widi their SOB and other rolntlvu. Hr.
the vlaitors were loud in their pralara ver tAke grange, aad the negative ar­
guments by Grand Trav'erae grange. short talhs.
Miss Amy Bcuit gees u> niot.
* towed. >ltaa BlhM Gibbs sang a a^. Horiwu had been aafering trosn asb- BeaMu a Broken Leg. She Received
or Traverse City ami her people aa
PrcBldeoi's Anaoal dddrui A V.
"Jnaa." which wu dtrecUr followed ma and dropmr for soi
Miss Roberta Kehoe stays at
ivratioti renter.
and later takes a (rip.
by an orcfaeatia aeleetton. -Bohemian Wu very well when be
frage so long that It wu with dlffl- Mnslc, Grand Travaru By«»—Vita
The grade teecbero at the Cenini
Oiftcity. Sunday be vroa taken for the
altercolly :bat ibe aegulve aids wu pres- ten by Mas. B. E. Whita.
Tbe nala featare of the Yeogtam woroe and death ensued togi evenbulldtag wUl Ue disnibuiedaa followi
niM. Mra. David H. Murphy ol art
SecretafT'a ReporLHt O. Ladd.
Botb the aSinnstlvi
Miss Sarah E. Proll. at home here
far He U amrived by hto wife, one Went Tenth street narrowly ueape-l
Treasurer's Report—O. P. Ppwari.
tativc aides gave atroeg g
son John and one aup-da^faier Mrs with her life ta an automobUe acci­ and takes a trip later. Mtoe ^-etlle
t of Acenc Wanu CotuRy after whlcb a vote wu tal
Sclecttag Place of But taatatog.
.MrLottie White both of this city.
dent JkM it was. her right leg wu Michael will remalD at home for a
Election of oOcera.
Ponero laervlces were held from brokea jut below the knee sad (be
Mule by the hand.
the Hoefcett reeideoce. ns Hadtoon
Tbe rcu of the aflarkou AafBtai
John Hoxale of Acme towntblp,
matire, snO $ for tha n«g
'appealing to the higher Ideel or emme .Mroet aainrday monttag at m e clocta. hack of her head cut. Id addition to Edith Gibbs ptans a trip to Wiaronother iotartos and a genersl shaking
Mlnnesoia. Miss Groce Pat- of the pioneer residents of tbe county. wu Hid. however, thu the negative I aoctsl meeting aad CWMBI good
of tbe laditidimL PniL Otogerleh Rer. r. B. Carter c
The car. which hu (be appearcandidate for county treuurer at
lot have a (air taow, u <mr of iu
>rs to her eummer home at
shewed Wwiilf to be a eWd««L and it
of a baggy, betongs to Rer. \v. Morrisons lake near CoMwaier. hliu the roniisg primariet. Mr. HesUe to
apeaken wu held ta bit seal,
coaM he eaatly diacenwd that he was
H. Herbert of $26 West Front street. Misi
the be« known cit^zeoa of the when be desired to apeak by s group
deeply iaitoaeted in ihlnga llteiary.
The latter was driving along the north Myrtle Griffin at home ta Decatur and region and hu always taic^B an a
I abo aurrotuided him. Many'
One of Us dklef atudtea. it wonld
side of Stale nreeL going east, when in Wisconsin. Miu Flavia HuDger- ivp pan in (be derelopoienl ofibe i
grangers took advutage of tbe oppo'A. V. Friedrich. MiiL I
aeam. ta Robert Browning, the greet
be came upon Mr*. Morphy an^' lord will remain ai borne.
glon. He has seen it grow fyom
umlty to partlrtpet* 1a the general dto- ■on. E. O. Ladd.
BMlHh poet. Prof. OingerlTb la eeecouple
'The Offlcen of the flw
to put themselvea
venani aith (he works of that diattoihg
ord u being ta favor o' granting the u (ollowe:
mlsbed peraomtga ud hbi lecture wu
Ilc«;. and ta try ing to dodge them. Mr.
balkx to women
Miu Uuldah Evaos. at home In tbe township tar the past •«' years,
cbimy one on Browning. He seleried
Pruidrat. A. V. Priedrita. Tnt.
The I'nited Commercial Tra'elers Herbert turned bts car to the right,
city most of the summer. MUs \>n hu flllei e>ery office ttitbln the gift
"RabU Ben Bara." from tbf poem by re bolding -their conrontton
Pred r. Warner of Peaiuala'grange' erne CRy; secretary. B. O. Ladd. OM
that name, for Um central cbaracter City Priday aad Balontoy. Ra> Thack- and Mrs. Murphy becoming coafuaed. W.rokoop at Mt. Pleasani Miss Man of tha people of bM township asd to prriented the toplc.on the "Imporuni Mtoaioe: ircasorer, O. J.
MWCd ta hla say. After sirlking
be present time auperriaor.
aboat which be has woven a comprePolBis in the SrttoOl lAw!"
Rapida; hlatorlas. Ml*. Wm. tma.
this city received word by lele- Mrs. Murphy the machine rontinued Carr in Clildwater. yitsa Calista Dun­
bar. sev(«B] weeks ta Saginaw, at tag alao ClieJ the position set
heasiva asd decidedly Intorectlng ad- graph this morniitg that Fred C- Ricbed sttcniloa ^eome of the changed Traverse CUy.
OB arrau the sidewalk to the rear of home ren of sumnier. Mias LnlU,
dreaa. Robert Browning'^made a won(hat
had been reelected grand aeere- the post oflke before Mr. H.-rben wu
infloenttol memben of that board. Hip gislature. and called altontioo to
dertol charamer cd BaBM Bea Ears,
Charlevoix raasty. <to»L a El Vta
' for the state of Michigan for bis able to step it. Mrs. Murpliv »»j car- Thomu Is In Fault.Ste. Marie now
and lam e^eBing dtiriv hU dlaconrar. fourth term. This to the flirt
and wlU later atirad tbe Bay View experience ta life bu been along of the laws which are often over look- bur. ChgriavM; Graad ‘rravaiaa cov
Fnf. ClngerlA «M tlmt be knew of that the office of erond aectvrtary (or rW to the resideoce of Chorlea Umie nnirersiiy. Mtoa Edith Holcomb idana lizMS that partletztorty fit him for toe
Amoeg thou who took pan ta ty, B. Woheirn. Tmvena CUr: Laa>
ao she to whoai a better cempsition the state of Michigan hu liecm Ailed
to stay ta tbe city. Mii« Alice Kys­ posltkm of treaHrer And hto aarTieas tbe general disouahin of this nbjeet toaaa couty. D. H. Itay. Otom Bamitt
miUa be Buule in order to bring the IT any
were: Culua Watsu of Rilrer Lake Emmet coonty. H. F. ftaMnlaaim F»
indlridnal for nmre than ^apfc t N. Emery left this afur^ elka goes to Lodlngton and ukea a rendered for the repabUeaa party
rbnrncter*hearer borne today tbaii to three tenns. Mr. Richter hu also
trip on (he lakes. Misa Vida Spring-; title him to substaallai recacnmol
grange. Mrs. E. A. EvanA and Mrs.
Maker; Benzie cotaty. T. a MM;
tor Harbor Springs mhere bo!
rompan him wKb es-Pee.ldeet AngeU
Steen at home in Praakfort. Mias (be (one of an eterUve offlea ta the U. Dickerman of Grand Traverae Braxonia; Katkaaka oputy. A. a Ptaippolnted u V deiMSte to the h
He wui B
of the t’njveraliy of MkLigan. RabW__________
Annie McGuillen atiebds
and Mtoa Blanche' Davto of
to be held at Co- t'
Old Mission, omena and Trovx
a cBBaiy. £■ a
! paign for the nmni
Ben tea wu an eM man. bot d»epitol|aa,w ohio.' Tbe detogmiet to tbe wru Qty. The boat to the Peto „ school in Boetoo.
Gran Crater granga.
Noble, Dk Batada.
his yenre ha Uvad a Ule of youth and '
Tboae from Boardman Avenae «JD cd ^ giTe hto estire gueatiea to tlm
The afieroooa pragram wu ealivTafeta.
at Ba,T City from here are tokUk has'Wa plying among the rehad ever u hto fMMto. The best to W. L. (
office abd adBriaiater I
be aeatiaced u foilowa;
rned by unga aad n roadtag by Mra.
pman, Adrian Dole and A.|anria ta that aecriok <rf the stale Ar.
Mra. a c Dbunm Kn. t- /. taam.
Fst to he.* TTontt shows only half
Prtaetpal A. P. Lcderle «m gp«d (atro of the coonty ta
Nettie E Evau of Graad Tr
gaa. Mrm Chaa. VOhalS. Mrs. W, t,
li« the put few eeasona
(Conttaned oa p«e six.)
(Coattaued on jmga aix.)
tcoottaned OB pa«i



^WTioiR KEnK run











.ORAHi TUTBUI BtailD, AKD TUfUft BM lAOp:. - Tlllin«T. JlOt U, UU.'

Grand T|rSverSt' Herald
and Twwne ^ Eai^e

----- rr^


1, im. at tb* B0«o»e# a
r tte A«t o( CoagTMiI or Uarcfe I. Itn.

Grcukli<>ill>i«e.t 2,900

rSuMtSat foe Womm
The movement for votes for women is I
t the state. There are some peculiar features att that—are attracting attention. Wo do not
this S.V----------------Inastr wy much of the effort to secure straw voles for this or any
otter pbltticnl morement. Straw votes reach only a very limited
lAttber of die# or e^Omen. iftny who are not indifferent and who
WfVld be glad-to-vote for this measure when the time comes, still
take the tnnble to express ait opinion in advance if that
^^naaioD r^irea oven the little' effort that might be asked of
Idling a postal card or even saying Tes or So if Ilie
i* directiy put,lo them.
.m knowi. nr at this time ttouM bo known, by every
___ [ womaa in Uittigan this question will be legally anbmilted to the
*aJe'TOteib of the state at the November election. We consider
ir it ibii^imteVttmat^ lime to secure a lair expression as there will
jaiw <inmtiooa of national and local importance to be acted
The vote in November will be upon one ballot
itlW y iflrnt tn enroner. The question of jramso snffrage will
the foipi of an amendment to the aute eonstitntion.
hitvft to be by aeparale ballot.and there will be
interest will be so great in the general
they will pay v*ery little attention to this small eonat^L and if it b handed to them and their
to the matter, they will still take so little interest
Srill not vote one way or the other on the question. This
K'ihe^dmi^r liea.
^ -nU baliave tte men of Michigan are ready to give the women
^ ttllWMwfr there are Ihooaands and tens of thouaanda of voters
who att'tte ^esHota: Do the women Want the ballot themselves!
"li'iblDethlnf nobody knobs. Our candid opinion b that if
wm pid to the women of Michigan today, the men
'frin the ptdls. not more than 50 per cent of the
g af ate state would go to the polls to vote and the resoit
''nttete-dt^w At preferential ballots, from president to ponnd^lieve tbb question should have been pnt up aquarely
'tt^ teopfiLof Miohi^ tteBMlvn and not left for the men to
telliif npfm them if they do not want it. or to defeat the
iMMnidfttry do want it. Ihere should have been a priraaiy eleetbft ppovided-for women only. Then if the women of the sute took
M^^r-totereat in thb vital question that they wonid not take the
flttSigtb lgo' to the p<dh to give expreMion to-thdr wishes iprthe
tehttir.'UMy {Would not te entitled to the ballot. If. on the other
M^the womep of the xUte by thb primary vote said, through a
nhjteity of the votoa east, that they wanted a ballot, they would
eatteMy bi -enUtled to it. and the mra would be willing to give it


BUte. even to Uw extent^-a« one ol them {mUielf stated, that
would have the,vote in Eo^and if thef hiad to "bon and deetn^'.'
to aeenre it. and fhia exproaion was<appUaAed bf Ae woaiCB piwpnt'at that meeting. We aa^. if this ia allowed, the men will vole
Therefore, there noti be no more of it.
The vomM of 3tUehi|tan are cap^le of bandlioit this questkm
IhetnaelTea. Ttwy will be aeeOidcd tbe moat rea^etfol heariwThoy will be given every opportunity for argoment where argulent is needed. TT»ey will meet with the ready sympathy and sapport of thouaanda apoo'tbouaanda of men wbo'are in a pbaition to
give them etfleieiit belp. We believe today if not another wwd were
said; if no meetirfa were Iptd; if no parades were organixed,—
keep out of these paaadea.
parade of a tbouaand or ton tbonsand
a hondred thousand women thnragh the dusty, noisy streets of
i-ity. meeting the jibes .and jeont of an uns.rmpathetie crowd
npott the sidewalks, aubjeeting themselves to mv^nodentanding. to
insnlts. de-womanixing themselves, never makes s vote—we re. we believe that the men of Michigan would grant the fran­
chise to lh<-ir mothers, their wives and’their msters.

rime Host

Ho BoU

delegate from the
9th Illinois district to the Repahliean National convention, prtqwtes
intrmlucing a resolution at the opci^ng of the conrention which
would tend to prevent a bolt on the part of any of the delegates if
such a bolt was contemplated.
We have stated repeatedly that we do not bcli«-vc that Theo­
dore Roosevelt will bolt the Republican cout entiou. If we arc m.bfakon in this, then we are inbtaken in Theq^ore Roosevelt. Mr.
Roosevelt b a Republican, and he is too pmd a fighter not to take
defeat gracefully, if defeat should eomt- There can be no possible
reason for any candidate Imlt^g the action of that convention. If
hr doesi he b not worth.v the aupport of the Republicans of the
country aiH^ he will surely go do^ to defeat.
Referring to the resolution which Mr. Tpham proposes to present, there is good precedent for it. The wTber well remembers
sitting through the six-day convention of 18«1 *rhen James A. Oarfield ,was nominated, after-days of iwlimiuarjMttruggle in the orga­
nisation of the roiivention and after several -da>-s.of lialloting. wh<-n
General Gpint was defeated for the third term under exactly the
that Theodore Roosevelt b today running; when
General Shocman. whom Garfield nominated in one of the greatest
convention epewhes Oiat was ever made, equal if not surpassing
that of Mr. Ingersoll. which b eJasme; when other nominees like
James G\§laine. Elihu Waahhurne. ftenator Edmunds, and others
equally prominent then in the ranks of the Republiran psfty
strong running candidates: when all these went down to defeat and
the atampede came in the S6th ballot for Mr. Garfield himself, who
spriniring to hb feet and in order to he heard in the tremendons
confusion which resulted, jumped upon hb chair and in a voice that
rang through the immense hall, conuining 15.00(1 p<>ople. dcmandcl
the attention of the president of the conrention. .claiming that he
roaoto a point of order, thatito delegates had a right to hb name
in the convention without his consent: and when the president of
the •■onventiou ruled Mr. Garfield out of order and oiderad him to
Uke his seat amidst scenes unparalelled in any convention of the
parly before iw since. 5D. Garfield was nomiusl*-d with almost the
entire vote of the eonrention except the 3(W "iiDiirortab”.Kho ato<sf
b.v General Grant to the last. In thb convention, before thb work
^ begun, a rcsoliition was introduced pledging the delegates
pres«mt. whoever might he nominated hy the eonvcnlion, to the anpport of that nomim*<'. Thb reaolution was carried by n vote of "Hi
to 3. the three voU-s being from West Virginia and. as as explained
at tbe time, for good reasons.
When the nomination of Mr. Garfield was annonneed and made
limona on the motion of Senator Conkling of New York, who
headed the Grant forces, there was no question of the loyalty and
party fealty of the members of that-eonveiition. The rescAution that
had already behmadopted toanpport the nominee of the convention.
ralid pledge to them, although the man named was not con­
sidered at that time sear«-ely a possible candidate.

This action, taken by the convention of 1880 at one of the most
critical periods in the hbtoo' of 'he Republican party, after
the most active and, let ns note right here, one of the most genttemanly pre-convention campaigns that the eountry ever knew, established
a precedent that wonid be entirely in order, under the cabling eonditiona. ti^a.v.
The eandid8tt*s whose names will he presented In the Repiihlican National convention thb year are well known. Erer>- delegate
to that convention rlearjy understands that thb stniggh- b between
Mr. Taft and Mr. Ro.wevelt. No Repnhli<an shoul.l lake his seat
in that conventioji unless he b priqmred to support the nominee of
the convention, lie-dial nominee >lr. Taft or Mr. Ro<»seveli.
Our pivsenl System of nominating a presidential candidate may
be wrong, way be imperfect, may be faulty in many r<-si>.-ets. hut it
has been fur fiU years the eMtablish<Ml method in all parti<‘s, That
pre<-edent. established by all parlies hss hc-ome unwritten law in
)>arty action. We iv|>eat titat if there b a Republican who catiiiot
sup|>ort Ihi- uomiwe. whoever he may be. wh*qher it b' Jlr. Tdft or
.Mr. Roosevelt, or'stime thin! parly, not .vet promim-ntly nauietl. then
he should ri'frain from voting for any .«-an<lidste l»efor<‘ the «-onvention.
Theref.ire. we say. there should 1m- no holting-from the action
of the Re|>uhliean National convention at Chicago; therefor.-, thenshould be no bolting from the a<t;o;: nf :!; Dcuocratie National
convention at Ballimope; the rule that applies to one |M,rty applies
to all. The nominee of the rouveiition should rt-eeivo the uniti-<l
support of its i*arty. W that |wrty otie or the other.
If our aj-stew of eouvenlions is wrong, ehgnge it. !f we cannot
abide by the deebiim of the rop^-ntatives w»- send to tlies.- con­
ventions. don't send them, df tiler.- b any better way to nominate
candidate for president lot tbe Tnited States, adopt it. Hnl as
long as we do ac-ept the methods adopted by all parties for more
than tbrec-fourths of a eentuiT. Itett we should aliMo by the result
of the conventions which we have established and make it a poadivc
law of action in all politiral parties. If parties are to eontinug In
exbt. as they must, then there must he some sure and positive
metbml of action, but that action ahould be taken betwi*..n .-onvention^ not on the floor of conventions.
s change is desired in the method of nominating our presi­
de^. then before 1916. some plan shouM be devised that will
be'lteeepted by all parties. But for 1912. we .are working under the
ohl srateni. under the old meThod. We have not seen fit 4o change
thb. We have had the opportmiitT if wc desired it. hut we have
We do not teUere that thb emirae will be taken by the leader* not avaded^-ofiraelves of thb (^tportuniTy. Therefore, we are this
wt Iha pirnnwiit in ov state, bw it b a Xaot. as stated above, that year moitely and^itieallv- pled^ to the acceptance of the reaulu
are been allowed free eqtrcNuon in the of the** rooventions in all parties.

stands, thb primary vote cannot be Uken and
unfortunate time
tte qneatioD fuiat go directl}' to the men at a most unfbri
the women.
SfwakiDg abont the atraw vote, which we have said wc do not
ttUrttSeh^. aueh a poll has been Uken in Detroit and. while of
eatrae ^ frgm eomplete as such remilta mnat always be. the vote
I ttd^ittinirs tlut only one-third of the women of Detroit would vote
'•^^lyPtad the ballot. Thb vote was lak^ hy wards by the D#- tteM fvnnal; showing as romplete a vote as perhaps' could he made
under any aimiUr citenmatances » any town in Uie state. It eertattly does .not teake a good showing, hut we firmly believe that it
k^iDb'ftlr'fe'-tte women of Detroit or of the stqte. on thb question.
It a^JMU be forgotten that in the recent exciting, highly
political presi<lentbl primaries; held by the men. in a
dOMBroe awe* «f the leading stale* hi the union, diuing the last
aKmth. aeareely 50 per root of the total vote of tlie Ktatis was pul]<*d.
n»%afag trte. cod'd the men eomidain if aU the women did not
vyCeif tbeytetd the opportunity? The question that was put to the
deirbit woBun was thb. "If yem had the right to vote, would you
vole*!'*Two «rt of three aanawiwl. "No. ’
. It moat he remembered that thb question was jiut directly to
tte-iromeB of all cUsaea. all grades of soi-iety. If such a vote as
thb wwe carried on ihrongbou't the suie, the result of thb inforlyal xste;Woald'have much to do with the n-suH of the official balIttJfi )4«veBh<». There .are tens of thousands of m.-n in Michigan
itto are ready to vote balloU to women if they thiuk the womens
Wttkltte ballot, hnt wddd either not vote at all on the qutwtion or
vote No if they thought the women were indifferent in the matter.
.^jlow the question b, do the women of .Michigan want - tl
' habot! If ttey do. ^y must cot]v-incc the men of thb fart. They;
do thb by any Pankhuisl methods. That would defeat the:
pn^aaition ten to one. The women of Mieitigan will not adopt any
aott mediods. Thb, b not theSr style, and yet it cannot te forgott^ttat in two or three of the cities in Southern Michigan within
ttm months, society womwi have allowed these methods to
he'^vottted in their.awn homes by J^bh auffragetlee. We
voted like |o«sy to tte women of Michigan right hercvif yon want
tbatttelat. .von must keep oot every woman nuffragette from FoglatthdtoiBg ttb campaign. Jnat as surely as these unwomanly wo^tt^ay* Jiertnitted wittin thr'bordej* of our state to counsel, to
and to mge ihe women of Michigan to adopt.-tbe methods
^ttSkra. (bv p generation at least, delayed vot«a for ^omen in Rng!■!■* .ftet «o aorely will the men vote down woman snffrage in

Atttegiftrf Ymf Ik$r

— -

... . .

Jl owy be iwewbered by tte rradevs.of -ttb eolinBii' that a
vetec or two ago we said that th4 ilnitMf Rute* woted ultimaMly
have to annex Cuba. The time for thb
mneh nearer than
we then supposed. President Gomes now n^fcly admits that he
cannot run the county longer. Ue U tmaWe touneet the demands
from all sides for prqleethm to life and propeny'find be asks the
Doited States to interfere. Thb request has been granted by the
president with a good deal of regret onlfae part of all who hoped
that thb demand would not be made upon our country. I'nited
Sutes'troops hare bees landetf upon the bland and gunboaU and
ranhips have been ordered to Cuba, and it is the intention of the
gOTerament to now take active eontrol of the affairs of the bland.
>t teart’to the eitent <tl tte protection of American interests and
tte lives of American oitixens.
There can be bnt one result. The I'nited States cannot be an­
noyed much longer in thb manner. There can be but one outcome,
and that b annexatiou. Thb has been foreseen for many years b.v
those who have nndeniood the siinaUon. PrpbaWy the govenunenl
wai hesitate some time longet_jrtey may paraihly quiet affairs on
the bland surieiently for Sj-new election of preajdeni bnt if they do.
it will be merely repcaW history, in a year or two or three, we
shall be called upon again to interfere. Annesstion must surely
i-ome. It may just as well come now as nnv time.

rhieago so>-iety is s good deal stirred up just nt»w over the fact
that Mrs. Harold McCormick, who is a daughter of John n. R*M-kefeller, baa publicly state.1 that ifie oae of liqnors in elnhs where the
sexes meet b wrong. She qiti-d the Saddle and tNclc club, of which
she b a prominent mpmher. and while ahe sUted tliat thb evil Imd
not reached a eritiral point, she did beli.-ve smne of the eonveniUmsillies had been forgotten by its ni niheps. Now Mrs. McCormick ban
Matter* were hrnugh't to u climhx a day or two ago-when, .in
a great reception. JIrt. McCormick always having l>een prominent
in such affairs. Mr*. Marshall KjeM headed the receiving line, the
place formerly ix-mipied by Mrs, .MeTorTnick. and -Mr*. MeCormiek
waa snnbbed as only one woman knows how to snub another under
We congratulate Mrs. McCormick. She has taken the right poaitinn and we believe she'has the power, as she certainly has the
will. to maintain her position. It b one of the most hopeful signs of
the times that a. woman of Mr*. McCormick’* wealth and ptMition
can cotLseientiously. and>b willing to.lake the imsition she ha* taken
ill the exclusive club circles of such a city as Chicago.
Millions of women throughoni Ihe ronigry will acclaim her
action and it will mark an epoch in Ihe history of eltihdoni. not only
in Chicago, hut in other large cities throiighr^h^lie country.

Grind Traverse AppttdaUs
A week nr two ago. wo had occaaion to menliolf the s]4endid
work being done for Michigan b>- Congsesaman McLaughlin of Ibe
Ninth diatrict. in securing a large appropriation from congrcMS for
cxpeal work along agricultural lines in Michigan. . It will be remem­
bered that the southern atates asked for such an appropriation. Mr.
MeLanghliu took advantage «f thistsml secured an amcndnient to
the bill providing for tbe same kind of work in the northern stales.
Slichigan securing. uuturally,\ verv nits- appropriation for thb ptirpoac.
It b owing to thb work of Mr. MeUngMin’s that Grand
Traverse county, although not iu hb own district, wilt receive the
benefit of the experience and counsel of an agricultural expert, who
will make a tborough examination of the county^and report <m its
possibilities and its advantages, and anggest Vky* and means for
seenring the best passible resnlts from the work of our farmers.
Thb b rather an timJsual compliment to Grand Traverse county
>as at prasent it is the only county in Xortheni 51iclugan, ontsitle.of
Congressman McLa^f^lin's own district, that has been thna favored.
The work will he of the greatrat yalne and wilt call attentioD
in a pwitivo nwnner'to.thc location and advanlagiteof onr own



•URDiCK-a CHOiet.

^ S JAMCt P. SUNOieK ■
Seotk Maaitoa.

w* tar hlahest pne** for w*eL
WHt* or caU a* b) eltliw pbews.
ra* B. FroM Si.r^tsBersc aiy. Midi. MV XI. XI. ae-Jimc 4. «. It. IX. 1*.

Id ibe mattfr oCibe astaie o
il^r}. Oece*^.

i>reM&i tkalr cblma juala«<
util dccrasMi to aatd ceart (or examinaiMui sDd adjiutiiient. aod tbai all
credUnr* ol ssl.l deceased' are re­
quired 0
court, at
Ol Tr*»»» <'ll>. In >
cr helore »he Mh day o( OiU>ber. A
D. 191X and ihsf stld tlsims sill be
baard by ssU court on Tusaga). •!
»(b day Of Ocu^. A It . 1*12. *t t,
o'clock Ui tbe itrenooD
^latad Juae Xrd.'A I I»1S.
or l-rolAle.
JUB( 4. It. IS. »

r of tbe esUie of JaXaUniti.Aacesaqttt,
tice ti
mootbs Irom tbe SrC Cay dT-ftoe. A.
U.. >9t:. bate been aUoved (or cradllon (o preseat Ibeir elaiait egslui
■aid dcrease-l to said ooart for emV
iusiloB and adhisiaienl. and tbat all
credflor* of said dec«*ae<l are berehy
reqolred to rreseai ilielr claloii to
aaid <ouri. at the protisle oUlce. to
Ihe eil; of TioveiM t'll). In sal,I eouo
>Q.or before Ihe Tib <1av of Oelo
A. I).. lei:. atxi ihai said rlalnoi
Will In- beard br nid i-oun on Mon
i o'cktrk la thelo
I. A. U. 1»12
:n R. WAtoCiot.
;e of t*Tob*ir.
juaa 4. It. t*. p

larei*; hucht*s aass. tlM per 1
Soatta Manltou. Uleb.
mar. lane, lul;—<acS*

Cedar City.



Grand Traverse, bemg in tlie Heventh dbiriet. cannot vote for
Jlr. McLaughlin's retorn to congro». hut the people of tte county
will^old up both hands to help him go baek-from the Ninth.

IhrthemSiidugan Leads as Usaal
, The crop reports just bsued from the Dcparlmcnl of stale make
a splendid slwwinx for \lic northera counties. The average eoudilinn for the erops named is as follows:

• KaJeva ...V.V.'l


.......... ............................. ....................., R7
Rlrawhert-H^......................... .................................I’t
Wc want tn say right here that thb. at the present uniting,
docs net represent fsirly the condition of the pcaeh crop in the
northern enutiliMr. Itack from lh<-'^ter. it b |toraible that this
Bverag*- of lb would hold good, but within the actual pca<-h belt of
the Grand Traverse region. Ih.- average condUiun i» m-an-r
If j-oii want a hett«-r than average crop year after y«-ar. enne
t.i Northern Miehigan.

Trmmph For Texas
Texas is calling allentioii to the iiK-ri'ajNng iui|>ortane<' of the
growth of onions in that state', and the oilier day .-tan Antonio ee].-.
brated Onion Day. Thb b a teT*priumplT.for Texas f..r it is well
known llial there are several othw stal.-s in the union that smell just now th.m Texas, hut Texas i' »h- tirsi stat- t- exploit h*

*'■ “■

D. RIELT. 6. P. A.

dnisa 10 prodoee uB--OB«cleui*wa,
People of aerroaf teapwasrat aad
vlUi weak bearu «1U appr*data tbe
-Kaolai' matbod ot palsfsM astnotpff •
S0M9I WilbalM Bloek. *Ub Or. Belte
woRA. Trseaes* Citr. lUefclsB*.

Can Be Bat One
Two greal-grcal-great gramlsons of Thi.iiias Jefferson will be
delegates Cram Georgia to the Di-mocraUc.convenlioo in Hahinion-.
Thb will gi\e tte Demoerata an opportunity to <Wlarc that their*
b the ooly true Jeffenonian Deni'icr»ti<- riimcntion that could possiWy lie held this year.

TrdbeneCity Baits Oaint.
A great city daily deciarra that no town b coagteand big now
unless it has an. inadeqaatc traettm system. 8««y ikw ttould
make Traverae City Ihe biggnu town ia the L'niled filatra.


lOMEY TO wan oa BOOd aa* *r*fl
tmproT^ farm*, jl c. Dark, at*
teu Bant
.pHi tut

te qp^e-dsf ttMgra fceiin tbe
IWpt snntioa
gmn ^vtera aeasuar fae«
amsB. Can or 1R« torprbea.

«tAaDWinHk.xCBAi8, imriimvm jIat xaqls.' i


CafelliN Pstall, Cedar A. .
Mara Kayte. Lake Ann. NFD.
Vatma ^ Elk Ha»Mik RF0..14«rW
Jtnnit Farrant. Kmplra R. 1.
_______ _____ ________ ................. IWV
Hattia AManar. OM WUalon...M«MI

Great Cam^jaign Closes In Just
Twelve Days

Make the Coupon Appearing Daily
. Win You, One of the
Elegant Pianos
Wben this oeitpra ii titnM in Srifh a nibacriptin payneat
it wiD eall for doabte the owiber Totea of the nbecriptioB
ft aceetapaaiM. K119I7 atudi oae of tboa bonpont to each
rseaipt stab sent in and the nanber of votei thk coupon «i.
ttUsi fofrte win be included b the repilar baUot teucd on the
■■hsttlliUea. The vote scale and value qf this conpen will
FOtlTlVUT ranata UB«h«>^

The Markets



Eltit eten*. ora Miialen .........
Mra. RucgaeMcr. Mapta Clty. l
Margaret WlHeii. T. C. R. 1___ 1
Mr*. 0. A. Shearer, T. C ’ '
Ceeil LafayMt'A T. l

Corn. .»l»c. Oats. :>6c.


this 0RBpai(B.
Ineludas all tamtery evtaide
Traverae City and Sewtii and aast el
the para MarquetU R. R.

Ooodfor ...................................................... .'..gates

Local Markets


Addreu ................ ..................................................
' (QUphere)

AU naw byilneaa turned In from

• tfay tt ta Juna A Ineluahre la new
• Sebig-ehaekad and eandidataa will
• raaalva votaa due by Thunday ef
• thM wtdk. Pa net baecma impa-

,i'“ c'C„‘....................

to see that joo let your share. There
II SOI a candidate on the lls: but abo
can ain one ot the pUnof In the next
eleven diji. Boiueone a III do It. x<you the one?


*• tlfhl. yavr ballet will ba mailed »
■ yea aayaeen m chaeklng la Sntsb- ‘


limits of Travaraa CHy.

farmarly of Hdala has psrrhasad
^ stock ot geoeral

known aa the OUben Cash
wOJ ennUBiia the bnalasag aloog the
The Grand Travme grangers
Mbe Eliaabeth CahraR ^ j
their meattag Baiardv allaRtooa post­ MB kaea.
Waathsra vttn'i
Next week will oecwr the «aa»
ed np regarding the poluical aitwi
married al the Central M.
Hod. The giaago U forUdden by ita eat exerclaea st the BenaoaB
InBdamaaui law to partldpata la par. demy aad amny elaborate events age Wegaaaday meraiag JaM E.
been planneq ter the eatertala- wtU make their haw la Otmai: |
tiaan poUUes. but the grangers ai
taUng amre and more luiercst I meat of the hnadredt of ruiiori who
non-partisan politics. The grengei will artenA ThU acbool b ukli
among Ihe educailCBSl I.
do not rare whether a man is a demi
repuhlicsnr hot they do care ttitmions of the naie and the class united la aarrlage In the c
re al the tourt hoaac ^4ayJ
a-betber a candidate for c«1<e Is Is IhU year U an onusaany krge oi
Mm. Judge
R. WaUw^
Reaorters are already .gemlDg
favor of a "aduare drat ’ (or the Cans
Mra. Eaii Hoary arrivng fc
A So at the BealiDg Satai this sectloo of the conaly and the
day afterooon ateenUon was given I tadIcatlouB are that ihU will be the itoit Friday evening lo attM^.tlhgl
ding or ber slater. Mias
the principles, which ^grangen ar
tuctwsful year that has
lovrtty, te WtUlam Sbuler. i '
trying to get eaprtod'into law and th been known slain becoming aa
eUMixed at the Chnreh of II
m«Mr« of the aeversl candMates j Ins center. AD the available ...
Wedaeaday a
ihU alM up-a4h the prluclples
tages ha>e been taken and many new
It at * ociocA
Croat strsM wu laid npon the l> ones wiu be built to uke care of the
Tile eight year aM ear
portance of being ported regarding Inceeaaed buslaeea.
Mra. Ik»al Anti ma a flab hpekR
the pulitlcai oatlook and on being
while anikiag ateag the J
poaled regarding exactly where ib
■dldalea asking tur aoppoi
tnjury I s very patalnl oaa a
The importance of the primary i»
thod of selecting candidalet for public
office a-aa dwell upoS.,aDd It
• opinion of all the grangers
Xew offlcera
that the prlmarr system should be ex. Grand Rapid*. June
tended a^d periened A poaitlon of of the Buprewe shrine. White gbrine del tel heeling, by BackloaM V
of Jerusalem mere elected a* lollows: Salve, of tbensaada. who m
the afternoon wss gBen over
from burns, cuts, hrallal.
Snjirenie worthy high prieslesi. Mr*. wounds
guesiiuD of the Importance of
or espiosleaB. if« «hFffl
log the ballot this fall ter the woaieu. Mlninrola llnni. Peioskrv : supreiM healer ot IwUa nketa. acaaa
tiiusD of Ihe sbei:brrd>. John lips or pUcs. 2;: rts. at all d
At tbit meeUng lull reports were
Traverse I'lly.
received from the grangers who
tended the cocinty meelliig -held
Grand Rapids; supreme worthy tivlbe.
the Grant town hall laat week.
work good wagi
ply 10 Mra A t
At the next mertlng of Grand Tra­ Martha Bogardui. Unsiiig: supreme
rtreet. Traverae
verse 'grange, Children'a Bay
obaer'ed with reritallons. flow
feast for the children st no<

WHITE Sfflie OTiaB


a aadi Monday aad
Cora Scofield, t
Mrs, Mary Wlls

;;iE —...

Seeard Os. .gtaso catnsalpi la sow Fleranea WJntara. 61S Wabtter.igs«gs
Pdlee 10 tblB srcat opportsalty oSergd Mkrcaret FMarek. eHt4nd...,. ISS«5
Myrtle Wckeff. Summit City..106736
thy Maetanieh, *t» I
tsdiaa ef tbli tbrntory.
Mrs. Leon Wolf. Mayfield............ 10124$
Asms Kcm. 11M E.
■ Panlnaula..1S«m
Bk 1U7SS
Pea of all U 4
CoeaeuaeDt- Rena
1 Cedar...issm
-------- Webster.
ly »a wbola aactICD of thU auie BjRhea Lethanus. 8» Elmwood. .1SS7SS
ACT Istanetbd and avaHlos tba o M- Flay Ottinaar. S2S State................IMStS
ooae of UP treat eraiL
Couilnneal from iiase one.)
Jnea B tt sow oalr a weak frain Cora Faaraen. ttl Wash...............1S4S15 Hobbe. lira. A. J. Wllbeliu.
i..1SSS76 Frank Votruba. \V. S. Anderson. E
sen Sanu^kr asd h M
>. Unlofi
caudMate to pst terth ber beat efW. Ilti ..15187S
fMta.. Meeh can ba aeeoi
. I4S74S
. . Iman. S7S £. 8th.. 1447SS
tba sen «laren daya preperl>- oUlUBracken. Cor. Oak « 2nd .14S«S
W. Smith. T. T. Bates, Freok:
cd, b«t Immadlate actioo la conducive Kata
Beryl Parks. 2231 ISth.
---------to teed tbaaha.
Cook. 116 Mom

Hm FueclBiad

lambara BaHava In EsrtandMg^
FatfaeUng aha Penarai FrMwty

Foe Thoaa Who Complaw the Plata
Bwy caaiUdua ia tba Ka^ aad


SMIe D. Fkrh. ChMagM'
worthy guide. Mra. 3Ulv6fm i
naod. BMoU. WM. . .

MiE STVimiinaiu



hard, Chkagn: aapraas.-------- _
MB. M. Alice Then*. >Mg:J

Prteae eonoetad eaA day by whe
(roB Qiieasa, DetroU. Tdleda aad Batttio ihmch OaUad Frees talwnph

Mra. Kddameuac. Maple CRv. tUTdS



This Is the tenth week we hare
^ntbllshed the.'Sug^ve gnesUon.
on the .Sonday School l.«saoD<." afid
we have heard nothing but rdmmenKatha*^**?!?’ ”” '
dailon. boih for the qoertlons themcSjlT V ^Mtar“*?2S T IT.
telves. and for the enterprise of the
Herald in establishing a club of Ibe InIkmal Pres* Bible Quesrion Club.
Tao rertills. among many others,
may be mentioned—flm, a gieai many
:lng up the home study of the
Sunday School l,eesoDs. and second,
the atlendsooe^t Bible Classes has
suit can, however, be quadrupled ..

• '
Bible risM tsneben^sud scbolsrs will
M. Brown. 802 . .............. .......
[Ric to tba coopoo appaarlng from
members. maUng the
W. U. C, CennalDD. E W. Haitinfs-i
ucnr ttatii Jose 23 IbU ii the
Mrg. Lois Bladar; Randolph... .140786 O. C. Moffatt. Jas. MHllketL
' P. B. g. C.. lu easy mrse of stu
ttspoTtaat period of tba Herald and Qraea
McMkhacl. 307 W. 11th. .136766
dy. and Its valnsble prlM the rally
Raoetd Ca'i eatapaitn. By a UtUa ex. Ethel Edwards. tIO W. 7th....tm75
Ing cry. There Is np* rtttoa why
P. Carver. J. H. Monroe, W. W.
■ Sth............13B765
Ibis region esnbot cam the hi
-------------- E. nth............ 13014S Dean. r. I. GrelUck.
BaatHea Babel. B24 Randolph. .12676?
oer In ibis rmnlest, nod win some
Entertainment and MualC.
aerxa. Many eandidataa have tlven
tana Oraan. 1029 Webster___129376
Medals. There will be
a E. WbUe. 311as Ors Everett. Mrs.
aasnrance that they are lolnt to work Mrs. Fred Sarlin. 83S E. 8lh..12876S
beaniitully-engraTed Diploma, jirint
Loey Barry. 643 E. Mh..................121875 U P. Tltui.
the ban few days and work hard.
three colors, presented to eve
»ot let yoor eonpetltera *et the sub•rical Relica. Photographs and
Mattie Smith. S54 E. Front... .114SIS
our t'lnb who coi
acrtpthmi la yo«r locality balare you
awake to this propoaltloa.
Tallow ................................... ......................... 6c ideies ibe courwc of eiudy. whether
bona hidaa..........I1.56 and op winning any other prite or not This
Diploma wUl certify Ibsl ihe bolder
Sadi coopon to ba coantad jnnit
has completed a course of study In
J. R. Bantu. Gcorfa Raff. Geo W
aceowpanled by a aeparaie anbaeripIndudaa all tarrRery eutsMa
Biblical Uteratdre
latrdle. Vii- PeternrI. Tbeton Morgan.
liob old or new. The aobaeriptlon
Each jJerhon colering this cuiuest
Bay ba by earrlar or by mall and each ravtrea Ctty and wart and north «f Fred M. BougbeyAlalr Winnie.
lit neeJ the Herald.'' Subscrlbe\oRecaption.
coopou wfll be worth twice as many
Mrs. Atkinsorh Burdlckvllla____166735
day . or If already a subscriber, send
Frank Hamilton, a Wiibelm. MUa
votaa ag tba anbacriptloa it accoo- Allot
Oatund, 0.............
taper to some other person.
N'etlle C. Cray. Ura. W'm. l«ve; Mrs.
Leila Copeland.
Mora votaa will ba ia^ed in .tbe CtBrtottaThla^C^R.S.,: 165B78 W. W. SmRh. Mtei r, Holdsworth.
One of tfie gayevt |«rtie* of the
16313$ Mrs. Harvey l^rtia. Mr* J. T. Han­
..Au eleven days.ihan all the previous
152175 nah. Wni l.oBdon. S. E. Wail. Dp. Jas. early summer deaaou was the Uwn
we^ tomhioed and It Is up'to yoii
Sorah wVso-r'Empire"R-‘’::; 1506»5 D. Muiieon. H. S. HuU. J. T. Beadle. fete given &tur<la.v oenlng
gent Died SunHantlovkey, .\1ra J. T. Beadle. home of tlie tVebb*. 2I!> klast Tenth
gay Evening.
Rev. II. rocblin. M. £ Haskell. Rev street, a ben three young menl Messrs.
J, W. Miller. Frank Goodrich, U K. Vincent Webb. Qmer Brelghtbaniu
s Jesse R^dCi, a^
Gibbs. Charles Wilhelm, a a Miller. and E. Bartholomew were hosu i«^ Somfa Boardman dW al o'clock Suuyoung i>eoi<le,
Tboa. G. Shllaon. W. S. Anderson. A. about
dsy evenlDg at the home of her sUier.
Mls> Pierson, an out-of-town guest
Friedrhh. Tracy Glllta L. F. Tltua
Mia George Feaster. 7i: East From
the Webb home. The Uwo
Mre. .^K. Gunton, Mrs .4. D McRae.
rtreet, where she bad been vislinig
-ka BnUand Smrd Oo. Huo OaUatt.
■Blepbeo l.autner. P. K^-selka. Mrs aglow with a soft pretty light shed for the I«i-t few weeks, ilrr. Redner
from numerous Jsi>anesc lanterns.
. U HavIMnd.
bad been In very poor bealib sIuk
while great boqueis of esmatlons
last .November and yesterday deaib
A. V. Friedrich. W. S. Anderson, a coasplcuous placet lent grace and came as a relief. She leaves
Udd. O J Powers. Mrs. ArvUla color to the garden eSecL Mist Pier- Melvin, a young Ud ahont i:
was preeeotffi with a large JiqGardner, ilrs. 8 C Ueapraa. W. W.
age. mother, hnsband. two sUtera and
SBlth. W P C CermalDe. O. P. Car- qoet of red rose* ai the time of be> IBo brothers.
Introduction to Traverse Cil> young
r. Elmer a White. Geo. G. Bat^
The remains will be taken to F
Santo. Frank HamlKoD.
The evening was -sj«eni in playing l.ake. where funeral services will
Pili'iB the Dsme of
Tdeaday and tniermetti 'qade
games on the lawn and mnsir. w-ib
te SBd
not the least of Ibe plcaaares a couple Fife Lake ceemlery.
Id «iU tbes racalva 10 vcics to brt
of readings by kirs. Webb. Punch
Trun srouBd Usek Ims.'
Ice cream, cake*, rtrawberries and





To those that have to use Crates and Basketa. j
we want to let you know that during the :
Season we shall have n oxnplete stock of tbet^
-goods at our store at tbe'^rim^|>Dotand CaaJ
Streets at Factory Prices. The price af preaeot
l&^uart Crates with covets is 14 cents. Youk
better get your supply before the rush begins.

We also have Sprayers to spray everything t
has to be sprayed, and Sifters to Sift land plaati|fl
and Paris green on potato bugs. You also
better crop of poutoes by using a little Land Pin
It is ;to be had at the Comer of Front and (


Comer Front 4 Caas Stnsto.


Wt are cloalag not a Hat Con
soM ai Il.TS ter llAi a gallcML
able ter outside as well ns »■—work. ThU U a ram bwiala psaj





uistaieaie Uecrel^

WlUUm Cbeaier WeUs. aged
years died \^ry puddenJ.v at Us borne
Randoliih street Friday night,
acute Indigestion
death Mr. Wells wjw^ horn in the
yasr 1826 at H^tand Patent
York suie. and came lo the Grand
Traverae recloo la 18CS where be,has
itlauoasly sinre that time.
Eight yem age be eama to the ctty
make his borne and has lived here
ever since
He it survived by his wile, two
daaghters. Mtaseas Florence and Ulllan of this dty. one daagbier who
teaches In Hawaii, anoiber daiMbter
Mrs. Prank Adgej of Boffslo. two
sons. Clarence ef the asBe place, aad
:Cbariea WelU ol CUcago,
Fnneral aenlc-. were held from
tlm boms Monday afierboon at 2
p*Ktu Rev. W. J. coatee U Aab^-

“Btt moai pcrfMi wall flaMb a-^
In boaalltel aon tsdlag colon; 6 I
lackagm at :k(.
The oBlv preiaraUea that ^ «i
(alien your <nlres by nalBg t"
or separator milk 'Will ah_____ _ _
keep your rslve. in bealtby grovISBj
vODdlHon. 2^ Ib. saefc forSl.flS.

«|.riBg'’wb«M.*" We
« a
anif«; If oo< found the best.
tuosM refnaded Try It. al UA« par 1


A. ir.Mi i ’SOi'

Preeaaga Will. Go Towarff Iho Naw

Move On Neal
. a lallceman to s street i-iowd.
whacks heads If It don: 'Move
lee crmiB aociqi was beM at Ibe
Mg. barwfa mineral
H congi
gestlen and soffer- GuntoD acboollM>u»e\Frlday evv-nlng
log follows Dr. Kin
If whi.iV*rit-,to go l
ward paying lor the ne worgan which
tir persoade them lo rl^i anion, and bat I>een receniLr Installed. A freat
and did full Jn*
ef Traverse CHy.


Frspsr Frigs.
Several selections were very skill
FrUs caaass terrtrs a vtdons thing
whig tt hscoBii prigs ia the tUigs telly rendered by Mias DaUy Buell,
ffg^ktawho also played several good
(ashtened aongs in which everyone
A PscuUar Wrstmli
Of Ihe foot or ankle may produce a preoent joined.
ei> serious sprain A sprain Is more
Several very fanny tongs
lUifnl than a break, tn nil smwlns. given by Meaare Chat Drake aad
boras. bruises
Bernard Crain which were very much
___.SE8 PAI
appredatod and hoih were called'
OIL U Ihe best t:
the pain, reduce* sselllag. U a lorf*
back aad applaiMed aevetal Umea
antlsepllc and heals rapUh. Efenlve
nothw aocUl wBr be. held la t<
also when taken for etolera atofhns.
ks and It U h^red that a large
cramps aad dyt«el«ry. Price 3^
nmabtT *m again be preieat
Sold by American Ottig Store.


If you filled them. All's well; if you, didn't, .
rival got the order and may get the costomen* efltlf^|
trade. Wake up and push the "BESr’ flour i
The manufacture and sa^ of this flour haipe ';
your taxes, pave your streets, build your i
houses. Does foreign made flour daas inudit



Rural School Notes


r^Hmokr. tm u. ma.


■Y a. W. V.

L. .Marne foor breeda of ewiae. with LADS DROWNED WHILE FLAYING
ctoor. ■
«. Kaoe foor breeds el abea|L
;. NaoM four breeda of ponltir.
B. What 1* aeani by rotatloii of
'At iMBt iWiwreiMBl made b>cfeaeL OM Mtalett wda flrat
a. Otre a three-year rautlon <
, «LN worth of tlbrarr booki.
WnUaBabais woo Moad prtaa. cropa
la What b a Babtoek teeter!
mm book ctvra by ^ Haoaah *
It. Name el* raitotlaa of amlea
»aA Store. Fbr the beat Unptwte12. What do yon imderatatul by buiAA aade by any pvdl Beatrice HcBedisa Were Recovered Late In After«bMB or Sttoy Beach woo Bret arUe. lar fat? •
Boon by Scsrehlng Party—Cole
IS. Name Arc leading ngriealtura!
MWtha- irmi taKloD at the Nee.1Beys Died While Attempt­
Baatacaa coUeca: the aecoad cropf.
ing a Reeeuc.
«LM la caah. given by Amtl P.
■ bare been awarded br the


r. waa'woB by Ventbrt Pbi of
21. .Vaanr tbe paru of a plow.
tbr tUrd prite.
K. Where U SUCe Agrlcultoral
Iteaa by the Clt} Book
ww tv Margaret WUios of college located?
i:. n'hai arethe axuiiht for pb^Bt
ch. The fedgei were Ar'
Loilarle and Mtn Saadall of tbe lag <11 Corn. (Zl M'beat?
It. Kama the ieadli^ fanuera' orI Avewee adwot. and Mr.
or the cottiarreUI denart- caaUatlou.
«( the rntrerae CUy High
SO. Wbai b endlage?
Ouly iweniy-oae boy» wrote on
uwer any of tbe qoestloaB. Thb
«.Jttf hoped that the Paleeeaii to polat oni very eonelo■ nay be Utrodoeed la ail
a bT tbe cooBt) within the elvely the neceaalty for teaching
about agilenHure in
k 7MT w that oor pMunaaahlp
ecboola Any seventeen year
g Mf be both eyateaaailc and
old boy talced on n farm onght to be
able to answer even' queetloD <a tbb
i‘m rwalt of the rpeeat eighth list. Hf onght to be ranilUar with It
gMlnyirr 114 dUdomax were
■mmon lafermatloD. It le certain­
S to tbe pvOn «r thia coeaty.
ly of greater value than much of the
foDowlag twenty ODcetlnaa Infonnatioa that acbool children
• am ont by the atoto lair U be forced to learn.
■M M a bntoe o( a coataet for a free
All children wbhing free tnlUon
EM‘to«ha MSto toir thii tall; •
ahooM apidy In writing to their reWMt nie tbo (onr atcrtlM^ Of epecilva acbool boards oa or befwe
<4. Blanhs are being mailed
AS.^ Itotoo tenr breed* of dairy cow*. alt of thb year's graduates and othera
secure them by apptylng t«
Mato# taw breeds of boef cattle,
a iTo bteada of borne.

r H. L JfaMpP. of tbe

Malaob which to loaned by tbe goveramoat to the toeal ounp. it to the
cover of one of tbe powder cans
the war veea^ u. store tbe powdee
that was used la tbe tea Inch guns
rof tfie turret guns, and is thlrteei
Inchea In diameter on the ou^talde and
about halt an Inch thick. It Is eonstmeted of steel and is thickly inowstOne of tbe saddest arcldeala Hist ed with wedimeot that was fortsed by
has happened la tbe eit.v la years oc­ the action of the sea water upon the
curred Sunday, afterneoc when Clsr- steel during the toprieen yearn that
t Cole, aged 9: LewU Cole, aged it laid on the bottom of Havana harms of Mr. and Jlri. tlirhffl Cole.
This souvenir of ono of the
Algar ScutL aged S. son of Mr. grfatezt evenu la American blstury
and Mix Uoyd Beou. net their death
wlU be placed in a care and kept in
In Boardman lake behind the Oval
the rooms occupied by llannsb Camj-.
Wood DIah plaaL As nmr a* can I
ascertained Iron tbe eiorv told bv _ For th«H»reeent it can be acen in the
window of air. Knapp's store on L'otea
flve-year«ld brother of tbe Cole boya.
the four were ptarlng on tbe log boom
that U aneborod beMnd tbe mwmllt
wbea the Seen boy feU into the water,
wbldh Is from SO to SO feet deep at
that point. Id trying to assist him.
Clarence Cole slipped from tbe log to
which be was clinging and fell Into'
the water. On seeing hU brother lia
trouble. Lewb.ttied to rescue him and
being tumble to swim, went down with fin Be One ef MoM Desirable Hee- rcation-Flacea In Nerthero
Um others.
Owing to tbe fact that there were



Tmtru City Adinatagei os s nut uf

mm mm cmzas
la DOilu advantages of a city as a
>me. many considerations enter inir
sum total Our own city ha>
AM Available Points Win Be Covered much to olfcr which other elite* in out
■y the Naval Vessels. Conde
sute do not.
tlens Are Menacing Hi
Geographically we are so Aiiuateu
that we will never be tronbled with
having a rival city- too near ua. At
the bead of Oiaod Traverse Bay w-,
ha^ water cotnoiunlolioh whb the
lueui. lomghi^ -wprid. Boon this advantage will be
itaa* lo pro^ added to by tbe deep wate,-way to tb,
lonbwiUi from Kcj iv„i
IV,-at lo
1,0 1M<ana Gidr of Mekiio and by (he PahasM
• ilb ••no dtopatrti rhip sud <nie ollxw Canal to Ibe FaclB,-. The beneflu ol
ship Tiles,' urdei* w.-re l>ru,el 1.,. 'bis one feiture would, if It ,-ould be
iranste#Tv,l u. Grand Kaiild* or eves
the vtjic departmti.i
ccipt of
iltspateli from .Mictsier I'adiltoc. make -XU the Inhabiunu
Ibvreor Wild with rejoicing.
Bea'jpre reponius that coDditbc*
llavaaa and suburbs of the eliy bsi
Onr ca..y water rouiev to the cities
assuini-d the rtaraetcr
of the world <an uol fall to suract
li to possible thdt Admiral OsU-i (be man who loves the water
haiis. b<-«ldes the dimaich ship, w<l
V>nr eheKerr-u liarbor make* bln.
take his flagsblp. Uie IVasblneton. tnir feel secure lor ,IUs craft, while «mi
I'uhau w’BU-is.
beautiful city set around the bav aou
•Minister Beaupre's mes&ge sate sarrounded l>y bills tan not fail to
that coodllions In and around ilavaiu make him W'toh u east bto foi with ns.
bad been tBensrlOg tlnce FrlJay nlgu'
Imagine yuurselvew in the sostbern
and (hat last iiighi (here were auU liart of .Mlciiigan. In Ohio, ludiau*. Illi
uegro deiuoiiktrations of Urge pfopur
Mlssoun. W'her,' rvwild
lions by iriespoiistbte clemebis
r a friend ' sneb heainifnl
that there were clashes in every qnateh deli^te
a-, such
tvr of Havana and virlcli.v. He report tbrsau-clng grays and dtabs as In our
cd.thsi- the negroes were being goad own beautiful Grand traverse lU}!
ed into viclenrc and that retalislie-i Where la thoM autes could you *ho*
might have disastrous eonsequeiicea. struBDU of llmidd water, pure, fie,
■\ii appejt for protection came rroii from zuslaria or ronugfon. - cool
Baratvta. on tbe north coast of tb enough at any nine for a relreshiog
Island. .Lmericaos sod SorwegUns drink? Where oould you show a city
joining lo the appUcsiion for gtuird: almovl every road into which fur
ntobed a water (rough of sneb iiorv.
for (heir plnntkihins. .
As the gunboat .Nsslrvllle to near!' sweet water that It Is lit at onre for
her com man or beast? Any i-lay uediment iu
o evter.d It? No. Any harmful minerals in so
InUoLl So. Ontk water to perfect by
pacure and only tbe doings of the ia.
habltams of oupeUy can ever
else than the best.^-—*Again, if the water sui>ply Jo
satisfy, at an expense of much test
than would ta necessary 4n western
states to get a well, yon can
poe Lore and obuin artesian from deiubg where conuminadt

la ao modt-io any eny. Whea
one considers the larget clUts of onr
.and one geu an idea of a v^ ,*,re.
tatton of Initinr** places, of an unGonnuble number of boniea. store*,
•hopd-and fsaories. utuuca*«n«bte
aiitesige ta streets and all that klad ta
thing, but ym do not carry away wRh
cou any recoUev-tfon ta an ^xprcstlan
yf comiBuniiv spirit wtaicta to so posfible to the smaller towns.
In a city the site of oors. mail)
ereryoee to known to n rrjota ,-tee.
tt least, one know - all ibv- twople Ode
meeU in social, luduvuiai or buslnews
Ufo. but In a Urcer cU' ,wie u but SR
I to the go'at
huniatiity In ' .
b nearly aH si^taoWns lor aeU .
stone and doing atahlog fta- their «lty'
even (or italrown coiomueiiy. ;
heoe. Here oAe tvenmns a
ed with all the seatfruein nmv,ng Our
people tach to an to take an Inii-re-i
which lieeomes of our commutate
I to act accordingly. Thto jesuli> In ■ Wwinn nnn.n,nSn <A.nJ'..r .
m at a dty
j lopolaitoRw
W. H. IfMUNt'.

no men around tbe spot at tbe time
MeshsWtttiu resin to (be si-ei
the accident was not known until the
younger brother reached home -and busy limes tbese[days lu propailni
told fall (4renu that hi* brothers had ■for the formal gilerlnB of (be holrt
Jaly 1. Tbe CMel is being
In tbe waters
HIGH SCHOOL ORADUATCB^.. take. A* tbe Ctoe home le located on ship-ebape condition rcsilv for tbe re­
the east side of the Uke near Hoi>klne' ception of summer tourists, (be bams
Heitf'ea June 2t—
Ice hpuae. It .was an hour or ao before
'MeeUng Was Wall
a aaandilag party was organised to the help arrange and li to t-xpected
on tbe opetring day Um- hotel will
took for tbe bodies. A. soon as tbe
alarai was spread. Cfalef of Police make good and i-onflnue Hie repofo3 it made (or itsoir last
It jear.
inaon and ^troltuan Carson.-wbo
The merttng held In Ibe a«4<-iubl>
tbe Bnest reson places
re (he Bret oh the scene, sent for
room at the high school Friday eveo-the grappling books and in about ao sute of Michigan."
togforiheponioseta rrorgaaUtag the
Tbe hotel affords all the comforts
hMr had recovered t«6 of the bodies:
the third, that, of the younger Cote and enjuymenu lourtota and resorerrs
I Pftti KUe Queetion Club.
boy. not being located until abont could posmbly want wUle (be great
pie. men aad
<:30.ln tbe evralng. Dragging lor the advantages of the besulilul bay -front
sot of tbe school a nomber
nniaber o7
Ilea was made doubly difficult on make it on<- of the most desirable
tboM Of tta clasass ta (ta
MO B. im.
account of the depth of the water at stopping places In -the Grand Trav- rse
years and ntaay of tta 1912 ctosa
>1L by Bar. T. B. Unthis polat and the fact ihai the bottom regloa. Dr. Khi.uni. a golf and tennis
noU. D. D.)
The meeting was opened by a HQI Ootag. Lake rl:mi. know BOtUng ebe of him la eatlmat- of tbe lake is strewn viib sunken logs satbosiaat. bas ecmpleled tbe Ujius
(est to which all praseal joined, aflsr
of the links and thto particular
that the books.-caught In as they were:
which tbe business seoskm wm (ailed
TlRt-«a yn doen of Ae tag Us renahUlty?
door sport bids (sir
,to outrival
dragged orsr&e bottom. Mayor Ger­
to otaer b.v Supc Tyler.
I mat htorara only, daealr.
ft) What w the miM of a man’a IKt
y otherw Id this
iten ^to
In a ballot for the noatostfon of a
*m bMvw. Jw.i;U.
Compare thii condition, if !
that will jMUfy us la hnplieitly tniMIwesMcnt. tbe names of Honisbr.
» Btotaa JMB-Why ta H poaolUe leg Mn? (This to ona of tha guaa- bodies were uro'verly cared for. as
Old rv.iiii. Va , June 1 •tile prear please, with rill of drinking wa
ilauager 8. Fred,Cummin^ hi
who was president of the alumni to
•MOVWrM toBB to hi ttona whie|i may be aaawirsd In wrtb soon as recovered.
from a dilih. a, ID Ibe wevlern I
of tbe Brst two found nlfestiug « givat^l of imereet
Itai3. P. C. Gilbert aim MU* Nuuie
a oTtha caererahs nf-a aln- tag hr mombsiB of tba slab)
ere near the shore, but that of IteUls a vegetaUe fardeu and puts in
qf their distto;utol>ed guests abot ' -iime of the stuta 1 have muBiioned. Otar came np. witb (ta veatat ttaf
aO) U a mss guofesae* to bo a was found about a hundrml feet far­ of bis spare tine In planting at
As to ruaterlal tbUg*. I lake it there both Mr. OUbeit and Utoa Otar WHbnarrowly escaped a rotlisfoa esrly
t fwaana is Aara to henw Cbrintaa and U stingy, a hard »■«« to ther pot Into the Uke in about thirty ing fer a not overly large hot
to' •• (dace in otir country and few dto* to faror of Mr. Honsbr- The
wiih tbs steamer NorlUUnd
h.ntW and tanaal pastor with make a bargain with, who mna down feet of water. Whennhe tathcr of the
of lublv
Ust ta oBieera as Busily taectod are
Hacea in tbe world where
Norfolk itnd Warhlngton line, i
*ay haea a grmden
what ba-waata ta buy aM pntoi
CUe boya war told bow ihc> had dis­ tables and gardt-n stuff
joy more of Ibe goo-i tbtog* of life as follows:
(rtsii Foiul lackunt where tbe
«h«a A»M?
doty what be has to aeHv what esti­ appeared In the lake by the younger
(•mae I'teee eupues into Chesspeakc pr^BCrtl by the ro^n than in ii
> An chsacas that a mate should we put upon bU protes- brother he sent to tbe scene and
Vice presWeta—Robert Wurchte.
Grand Traverse region of out-*. A
r wUl davntop In hb leolon el Christianity? '
found the hats of the boys ou tbe
prewMent of class ta 1912.
tuber, we are in'jhe renter ta
of the Northland and tbe Mayfloi
boom, wbldh coavinced Um ifast the
<11) How should wa atotmnte
Nettle Gra.r.
rhete pvonipt action prevente-l
•lory of the boy .was true Tlie jiollce
Treasurer—Siiragne Pintt.
I- one can eodoy more of t
■ hat looked'fer a mtiiute like ai
Mrs. William Dav<
hat k tbe tdiarChrtatlan and yet tnUn^ Fere (hen aeilBed and tbe storcb be­
It was decided to hoU • baaqael
spqrts and rverestTons of life tban '
gun for the bodies or (he boys.
p la pnvore oa
talking hiblad
Jbm 21. ata
-Ighc here. On the J^tamicAa
happem-d the Nurtlilainl
At the pUce where (be boy>
hacks about, tbe shotuomin
fowly mtosed tbe May flower Officen they have the bathing, ^bostlnx and _a committee ta Are. with Mrs. slip*
drowned there are t«b booms of logs! Word was received b> reUiivt-s
npson a* rhainnaa, was appotolBalling.. So do we. We ilw have the
pasUi) Veree 4*—U a man to ever so aneborod to the abere and l>ci«een
d Uke fishing. th<c brook and
death of Mrs. Williai.i tiuvld-ou
C'liger Ia«,t who »<■!>; looking only
h- ai a AAar who t
e plare and furntofa euiertaioueuL
thedoz. but I* not Urtng n aUhlght them ft a narrow space of clear w-aier. her home lii Fori raiii'ii-ntole. Klotids.
is a I>er- rivi-r iUbiug. the raiiiplug to ihe ullds
ami n was In iMs pUed tlisl.tbe tragUfa. whet avaiiB Us erthodoay?
wan also derided that lieresfler the
Iwblrh m-e with'ln va-y
II Iiaaitihghl i
U was about :;3U y where iiiovcl la-t .Vovetiimual Inuqui-C whtrti will W viie of
(IS.) Of what arui to* ptayer If
Jfo luut-i: iiriitta
Mrs. Davidson bad l-c-n au IM
Qrt.Ay bn WM n hypwtto. and
e le-jrilug featnij* ta the year. I»
U not krtlng and kind to every- i)tar as can be found onl. when tlip valid lor aeveral years uu,l
was I4-'
a luuld
boia fell Into the water, ami as there
be txH.l on tta afl-T (xmir liaaseRKers av>akc showed DO sleighing, ■'kc-ing. roasling. skating, mencetDCiiL Tlii.v fart to SBOMinred
was DO' one near that i«n of ilic Ueied that a chnngc of vlioat.^■VMHtodnaof Urn tip
unow-pbocing. and at scMaus ice boat
growds at Tbo.lime It was fomiohablr would beneBt her., She liujovve.l dur
Mil Am tMA tbair Aildno. whk
to tadld oa which
tof. Go murli fta nawral si-ufi* A* ive ttal iLcre will ta sip difftetdty to
ibg the wUitrr luouthK. i-ul when the
Kill It ib<- dMiiK'-r was over.
tb. niimpto ■toad the utiMS and slraln of life, of
the artifl'-iul tibe thlngw prolur-ed
M-s,'floui-r I,-:i Washingtop last
the a)arm been given soener. At that heavy rains <aUHr in rhe *;-rtiia. ma­
meatoer ta tta.
death and. of eternity?
byjwopl, 1, tbey .wu be
vari.-d a*
time the watchmen In live plant were laria beeame {.reval-nl aixl when -be l.ii:lii al-'iit •; Uo for lUmpton Roads [he fati'-vta our inhabliaii's OBi; di.
cx,.,to be preaeat to
(IS.i Whnt is the eertUn-fate
widi till- preaJdetr and Mrs. Taft 'and
the other end of tbr buildings and
<• aniiu
iiual festjvtttea.
those wbo protM to be Cbtistians.
several invited guesU on board.
dl{| DOC know that anything bad liapJay Xi.:llh
W are not? '
p«ed naiil (he groeral atonu liad wlthstand li. Mrs. DsvidsoB was a
committee to edttar (Muriuu tta
fanitly^^ would commend our .-xc<-ll,-nt
Lesata tor 8uada.r. June IS.
bsea given. Hundreds of i>eople vis- daughter ef Mrs. W. 8. WUcog of
old byUw* or form new ones (or tta
system of *i-ho<jl.. leiblk uud
Christ's bltoeas to John the Baptist.
We« Ninth street. Whlk- the 1anii1<
rhlal. onr business lollege wni<h bas
being made for the bodies, wbicb was lived, here .Mr. Davidsuii was <-ulli-<-iur
Tbe BjeeUag proved to ta tta sacActive Wert, is Being Dene in This fStied so Lian.v of ouryiriiu: |ieo|ili' !or
as recovered were^^t uptown for the Citiren's Teleiitoa*- >ompaiiy.
ih'- a'-iive .!u-i>' of, our .high na toped (or. and it Is expected tta
Besides her husband, she leaves three
to be cored (or by (be onderiakers.
lomni orgaabatloD will become a
BCbool wtiii iij vffiri-r.i CO
TJ«Tbe Mow (alls particularly beary
Sxed oorpOTatloo before loag.
klrvN-for*. wiwii l« rbiing
general of bavlag stodied to '
upon tbr larrms. wbo are working
tbifts. au-1 wouW .av io.tbe prospertiiiakliig a tour nf w.-r-n', '
up ^bilc aentliDeat so atit
people in tbe employ of James
Hoi>- some time thto week
:v-e iiihal-'itsm* nl - Traverse Ci<>.
with a cafoi-ta. MN-uriP:;
against Us clteats In thto case that
Tblt makes (he second child
-Cor.,e here *,ih vour family, enjoy
farm and or.-har.: teen*.,
they would stand UlUs or ao show of thnt lbs Scott family bars tost within
riiiig, and educaie yoor
elinc with a qgn.i.foe
tf«Md,a* LsepUi TMs Aft- a fair trial were the case tried in thto
chihlrer. i.u any of the lines
riii-ht overtsk!-^^ rcoarL Tbs motion for ebnnge of veajtue ;o:i and pari-<-l of tbe best thy
t<-ii» aud re^'^ 110,-!^,.
I Mirhtgar. " B.' this means
> 'TU. GvI
take Ann. Miclk Jane l«.-Miv.
going to prees.
S<K-ta:iv-.there I* everyUtitig to
Fred WHwR. wfTe .of a proslsest
There are many wUnessss la
I :o th^^ciend it to the «ne desir- farmer living four milro from this vfl.
1 hereby annonntv my cahdidacy
It cAeUt eogrt opea- eaae. and it win probahtj-^eenpy
Or. W. J. Hans and Party Narrowly
was **verely Imrned white hfi>
M- the DOD)UiaUoB of ;udge of
____ _ .Jy at 1:M aj the court beoe aldetabte time of tbe comt. The i
Escaped Injury.
SD-I secret eocietlee (or
tog a krtilc of tolltoe w.ier off (to
BUed with peoids alisn c
D atanoesL 'The fpliiiir for tUa
tate on the Repohljcas ticket at
and W'omea are of the be*, and very More. She started to‘arry-tlie water.
■lascn cO!::ii> ai.S • sr
rWhat might have proven a sertous uguK Primary .
— *---- a «< the tahsM for a tong
Ih* aoc-iai organisations
an adyoinliig tonm and slipped,
icciiqnt was oaly narrowly avsrtedi In seeking tbi> rc-tmminatmn. I
tag with Are# criminal
and tbe recent cius*c wbo the sixldio: water falling o«er tar left
Sunday ovealng, when Dr. and .Mrs. Mer the public to my past re,«rd.' Sto=:ttf jJand'f
dartre. *n<b tbingf need not wsi; long ktouliler. i-!i<-t-aad leg
W. J. Hans, and ibrtr guests Mr and ade usAbe custodian of . that Office
the wbiri of social aciivliiee
Ltm.-na Mr-,TW Havrl,;.- uni
She was aPme to the touso at tta
Mrt. Cha*. Jose of St Lours w-qje I the past, and as a clttoec and
IU IS... 11 tbe
i-erson has the social tiin«, wild the eiccptwn ta twe cbiL.
wbocn: the Uiur ap.-l- o--"a"l r.
driving on Weh«er stnwi and were reaideat of Grand Traverae.county for
Travens City Well Rsprsstntsd
^ptn: bc-w.ii
flhJ himself
)iu,-ea hot.*i. ''-vv r'k -'--,! i: r
drem 0B<- and three years tad. ntartar _
• vs. UstlM^.
run Into by as aummctelte tomls
D«rjy"»hirt>- y,-*r*
This College.
.0- lal doinge.
lr:» or. ri..-_..v •:
'! T .
-nouzh to be sent for ai.taiaDre.
; Albert
at U Pope
from behind them. As it was
Itr laeeGiig and soivlng (ta mariy
sir. the tweriTy<,n* • !i
. l«v and -a-" no. -4':ti= ih, *r
Wi:»a was working to G.v fielt
M A. Tuto. receivera. vg. Wm.
(Nivet. Joan ML—OUv«t college is
diffieult probtetns. daily orturriiig lo
r friend. »u -■u-.i-U-.-u a=d c-= -a! •w »’Jr;<orted by our j,eople. with the
ar from tbe boos*, and happemff
■wpgB; V. & Tlra Co., a getting to be weU repreoeoUil by tbe some extant and Mrs Hans
imiKrrtast on office m> ' * '
lire la for something sbo«
fo vs. Wm. wnte; &. 3. Mac- Trwrerse.City Hkch nchoQi graduates, iy tbroarn iixra the boggy, aliboogb
toes* method* a* 's'ich offlitol
snake lilts a particulariy lavored coto tour and a haU after tbe aeeideet. Dr.' iK-t'-er,..: rrep-uot. v-i:
I Ca, a .corporattoa. vs. BaU three being la tUs ysv's senior class, ' “te dW not sostslB any iaiury.
tad be well eataUti'bed tbcoogh.ovt l«,-n ,v-lo.e.. oh.n«--,'d,« I ri.e- work nuzuty in 'hi* regard. Two bcaucilul tv. J. Shilliday wai telephoned (orand...
TotaUoa. nttachmeat: OUre and BirteeB In auraber ia alL The
Tooy Zaelick. driver and owner of
county-.' and it shonld 1m- an easy «rde-.-. foi.:i.en'- in w-e*'tr:; '.l.ehian. -ione ehunhr* are «evo*if this num­ dressed tbe burnt. Tbe ootrome to B('' ‘
aaE -Kary !•. Bartar va. R. seotors are Lara liochsud. *Lo is >e automoblte did not stop
Vlichi- ber and a new Jli'.Obu'ej choreh it doubt at the Fi'oek BDd palB ta tbo
a sad J. H. Thomas, ^aa- preMdeat of the Phi Algfeo Pi frater­ come and nmew eveo looked back
w-ouid be
.'auD'rr. «*ko. toiioa a: :t-- uieei- cdu.-ee or roaitrtiction liy the -Meth burst may resuK to bM.rt taBma.
nity: Mtos Lovlna Lowrlg tbs edttto
•« wbrtber tire occupants of the
odiM*. with othm conteiuidaied b}
t noM np was that of tbe
the college paper, the Echo, aad boggy were safe or not. In «>mtos
.ieuomlaauan*. win soon m*k<
Wm. and laata itTtie. Charles Cberreaka. on tbe footbell n.p heblnd the rig he tad
ha. qualifled me to rtm.uc. .he
.. .. di.vric: ta ib?
Tbe Cklaeae torpe of tridoad boiM
iiy noted for lu beautiful dborta
nth -iMMlangUflr. u. W.
lor foor years mad the preahleni .-lose and Ibe resuh was as above
hrowera ramtods ns that onr own
offlev to . nanner ibeUi„,. .

atruemrev and. tbe loyalty at the mem
L eooasel ter tbs defense, of tbr giaduating.class-of 1912. Among staled. Dr Hans jumped back Into,
ta Grenadier guards tafcsa '
bers supporting tbe organlxatioB*.
li'bafore tbs court, prsosnting tbe people to gradhate n«it-yeor is
name from the grcaad« oc smB
bU8^,«d went after the
Another advaatage' ta oar >uty to itr
t to Which he asks for a Miss Ansa Steward, while Traverse overtaUng it some little distance upi
bombs wbteb to emriy days t&Q
-lie. It
ur soon will be. iost largi haried sz the easmy la oa snort.
•nane on the aaosrtlon that City to honored in having LMb Hotroad, but he succeeded In getUag
■Doogb 10 kttrart tbe best ef talent o And thto toMiJtf** dhfJ >s am cum>
RB ^Duld he aaabls to re- Uday as (he president of tbe freshman
cxplanatloe and apology from .Mr
4ta w.orki to lu ibeaires and pulpit* MBOratad to a filming gnmadn eg»
trial ta tUi tmamnalty. data. FtoUt Banman to maUng good ZoeUck and a promlge-lo make good
not so large that there wUl b, trotterta oa tta Milan ta.tBtaf
ta atbletleg wfoUag bis -V thto yew. the danii<|q_to rt^harness.
community- ggirit wtairb





DHUiin^ niTES








Oor Women Customers
The riret NaUonal Bank takes paisa to.
make banking transactMSB easy and pleasant
for its women customers, of- whom it has a
large and increasing number. -

Sukmltttd U Hit
Tbe -laat rccoltr «mc

It Is not only in larger financial matters
that it can help them. Through household
checking accounts, it is of asastance to
many women customers who are finding
that the finances
tfabir households are
better regulated and the accounts more
earily kept if the money is handled through
the Bank.

Woraan't <9ab (W UM
lt va<


Uadcr ecatrel <i U. S. Treuoiy


We can save you money on Refrigerators and at
the same'(^ giye you the bett made. We sell the
famous “Araska.’^ the Refrigerator with the air circu­
lating ducts that i^ove all the damp, moist air
from the provision chamber and k^ps the provisions
from becoming moist and mouldy. The “Alaska” is
thoroughly insulated, having eight distinct walls and
is the best iqj keepermade.
, Before you buy a Refrigerator, come in and let
us show you tbe.*'Alaska."

L?t the Herald and Becord Co
do vour Job Work.

weeds la dty IMta. OrnaM dtle
nriwfiila three wards.
Gave pnwam ea tdvie work at City
Worked with cc
•cheols for Imptwemaai at acbool
SfWBBds. Os apmwted' with dcy aebools
and b^ped to bwiUfy «*ool *ro*iada
Collected taadreds'oC plaaa. abrnbe
nneA aad trees lor thu work. Oo■)s|H aivabs aad labor for baaBtlty
la. T. W. C. A. prounds 8oU 2»0
ptaats to ettUeas at oast, aad after ex
penses were cleared donated remaioder for drtc ImpravMBant. FstUoaa
were elrcnlaied. aad meented to
nascil. for a-beuer system of clean
tug alleya PoUle Health member
of tbe depaitaieat reported on water
aod lee aaalysea. clean taarkm aad
dean dsMas bsforo <«eft meetings of
dab. A
was eoirted on
Hcainat tbe Ry.

rhUi Uaw rcperta oC oeiccra aad de
vort. ««re Hr«it and
Ukt adUtternma pwt«»*d In brtet
PrectdJac the reporu, tbi {oHoiT'
Inc dclMattt and aitcmalca to the
City Ftdtratloa ww» cboMa: DeleCMet. Urt. J. C. llcrsm. Ura.'j. R.
SasU). Mn. E. L. Bdwmrdm. Un. J. B.
huniD. Aluniatea. iin. M O. RotilDMrs. L. Roberta. Mrs. E. B. HlBor. Mrs. D. CocUio.
TwoDly icsotar. procraiai
itix ti dwlBS the year, aboali
ceileot preiiaratleB and IBBcti study
1 tlw pan <it the club meinbeis.
rlre prsKtsaa rrtoted to home asd
liealUi imbleioa. t«-o evowmed edo
tsUoiial matters, two eaih were deroled to art aod music, one was frtren
OB' MlrhlcaD hletof^-. two on iseDefsl
of ts aad I2.S0 were glvea to child
history, while three were s[SMit id
ren of tbe ieveatb grades in tbe city
We study ot Shakespeare. The
•ebools. for tbe two hem emiays on
uual decilOB da)-. redersUoti
mda ot this RegioB. Aias*d cloalBX day were devoted eatlrcsMp given ta the matter
l> to ctab matiera. CbfldreB S day.
historical sites in this lo
noally obe-.-'red. sad ptovra of mnct
Oonservatloa dnmnneai: Under
iBtcreA. OesUwneo t KreDins, sat
which lime the husbands at the dab tbe three dlrlsioBS of this department.
^wn that Ibe Fdreww dlvlmembers are ODtcrtalned at a t
stoa had eoDIiaued tbe memberahlp
quet. la always one o( the moat
of tbe dub in'tbe SUte Forestry
Jo>-able ercBU ot the club sessoB.
and a petition bad been
Dunas-the year the Womaa's Hob
sent Got. Osbo^ asking that some
B'^eepied the InvItatleD of the Board
prorWoa be made for a sUle forest
of Tra<|e. asd met with that
er; tbe Watenmys division had con
tioa at lu BBBual meeUBc. aad furaUnued iu efucaUonal work, and pro­
Ished the baturaet of the eveolos.
Ob May 2Bd. aa erealac leetsre grams ak»g that bne had been plan­
ned for study In tbe dub ncu year:
was girea under tbe aaspicet
AndBban dlvlaloB obowed that
Womaa't laub. la whkh th.
Mother's Clnba of the city were Ib- many bird talks had been given be­
the aobools. and varioos organlrlted, aad tbe Oraad Traverse Medi­
that a quanUiy of lltnatare
cal Boelety. aad the board of Health.
had been dieuibated. and that many
At that tiSl^Dr. Carolyn Geisel.
of bird pronoted pUifora speaker, addieeaed t
dab and its snesla apoo the topic of tecUoB had been written for pubUcspoblic health and munlclial houae- oa
Library Extenakoi department; A
Tile reports as presented yesterday readtag-drele of abat-lns had been orFired with deep ■ ganlxed. aad nwgaalnea furnished for
InitloB. The rerilar roatlae work tbetr nse. Maghttnes were sent eadi
of tbe execotire board was briefly Bontb to tbe State Hospiul. CondiouUlaed by those fn office, and re­ UOQS relating to libraries lu rural
and werd
ports ot Reoordlncand Plnaadal aeeretariie. TTveaurer. MU each Ubdaer
kna exblMt of ptetorw smt could be
and Ubrartan, were accepted
at Lufiled.
A book Bhower woi gives to
the jr. W. C. A
Following tbe^jhporu of deponmento. tbe reUHng FresIdMU. Mrs.
J. R. Rosto. preuoted her ru»n aa
OS tnfcniital ulk. wbicta wu glsen
with her uaual grace aod aplHi. and
oa fuU of Inaplruloo for tbe liKom.
« eOeere, and work of the rlab for
!• sew yoor.
At tbe oopcioMon of tbe Preeident 'a.
remorki. Mr*. K J„ Kdwords preeented Mre. Santo with ■ boquet
. in behoH of the dub. and in appreeUUoB of her yean of faiibful
•ewioe is Ibe executive office.
The work of tbe new club wilt
'Onee September aUtb.

Hen are tbKe'Wucles very mueb In de­
mand on every farm in tbe next tew montbs.

At no time or place wil) you have the opportuuity of buy­
ing these things at anywhere near the prices we ate now making
OD ihciD.



VA/HEN you realize that we positively close our
TV doois on JULY 20, and that these goods must
be seJd before that time, Aen you will see it’s not a question
of profit with us, but what will they sell for, and it's your
dsance to boy NOW.
We have in our entire stock about Ten Bugles, about half
diat number are single seat top buggies, others of various kinds.
Everyone of these buggies must be closed out, and the prices we
have on diem will move them. Will you get youisi>
There are many other things here you may need that we
are making great sacrifice on that we have not mentioned—but
the prices will surprise. Remeinber from now until JULY 20

The Farmers’ Supply Company
114-118 state St. Traverse City, Midi


tners ctabm Already several
It Is a
to Craaf
ta base been ■bodaled b tbe sooib- Trareree eoaaiy that tbe acriceltnrai
1 pan of tbe terrltary. Panaen offtsials of tbe aalice saw at to aaset
> BH into oorreai

OMaili W«r« CIVM In Hit Rtptitt

It considers the ^ving of sound advice one
ofits functions, and is particularly plea^ to
counsel wmnen or others who may be in­
experienced in matters of money or buuness.

tinAT. JVn U. UU.

M. A. Dougharty Will Maka Nomlaat•ng fipcoch.
ColuniUis, o.. June K.-M. A. Doughnr. of l.«aca»ier. one of Ohio'a d«lontc»«l-Un:e. win preoent Haniion a

He WliuTppair Before Orongea and
Intefcal Fartnere In

Proof that Grand Treveroe rauntj
la becoming kMwn aa an igricui
acctlon. la found In tbe fart that the
Depanmehc of Agncultun.- at M'aah
ingtoD bu arranged for educatkma:
work Sere for tbe preoent aeaauo. .
J. Tbompeon, wbo baa bees aeeured
ongrcsainan Jamee C. McLeugblln for work in tbe uiotb congreaBienal dialrtct. baa been Ineunctad to
r^rand Traverse county in addilioc
]fi tbe Bine counUJee In
distriCL Mr. Tbompeon has bU office
in the federal buildlag at Manlsuw. but
expfpcu M,ap*nd a Urge pan of tbv
•namer In vialting tbe different aer.
UOBS of the ten eonntlee in fau ter.
ritoiT. glTlng iuiracUon Itr the Ur
eet methoda of ogrenHare and bcoon,Ing acquainted with tbe crops that arc
SBcce—fully growm
Tbe peat week he bu been working
bt tbe borthere pert of bis temton
Teaterdk.v he was in Leeltnau couat;
driving tbroo^ tbe different sectloas
that he might get the lay of the
He is prepared to appear bedorc


ai diKrieC aadJMa Mlimili a ^iflt
to os to hare Craad Traverae picked
from amooc tbe seven to receive this .
eervicv. The at^iaeanee itr all UUs


Model 35

Hie Biggest Little Car of the Year.
Wheelbaie 102^Tires 32x3^—Motor'3itx3?i—26 Horse power.
Equipped with Mohair top with curtains and slipcover—Clear viaon wind
bhield-^rest-O-Lite tank—$1060 F. Or|B. Flint
Has everything needed In a Motor Car with the TBOimC
and EXPENSE left obL

Model 29

A Happy Medium in Powet Price and Size
Wheeihouse 108"—Tires 34x3H—Motor 4x4-30 Horse power.

W.' R. Gpode


State and pass Sts.


For SUITS UP TO $45.90. For COATS and
For COATS UP TO $30.90. SUITS op to $19.

For COATS and
SUITS np to IM.

During the JUNE SALE
These three prices tell you what we are doing
on hurts
Suits and
aucl Loats
Coats this month. Every
Ljidy in
Northern Michigan who is thinking ol buying New
Suit or Coat |or who wishes to add a New Suit ot
Coat lo her wardrobe at a low price should investi­
gate our offerings, and here is another inducemenb
Witli every Suit rormerly priced at S25 now eellliti^at SlS-Sfrwe give
you your choice of a Tailored Hat valued at $3.50 to $8 30 (while they
last, about twenty of them).

These garments are from the foremost makers
in the Eiast-W.exclusive with us, and the showing
is of more than ordinary worth—gel first choice.

Inverse City’s Best Store.


Wmou ut kAwl


«rtcOM Ift Tb^ at AH

A drill bj- i

CSS'S 'Slri

TEMm mm
laad and ibea will take oil hla dcw
work at Hirer Rou*t. Mr.- May Uaane
gae* hbn»e to Hartford. Ufa. Joto
CUtpbeU atayi la Uie^iy. ,Wai Uta
Sahdall apeada loinB titoe at MaoeeIckaa had then Ukea a «rlt> abroad.
Mini BUabrtb Drew at \^BU; BajUdi.
UIM Julia BUIIata will auy la Uie.
tlfy, B»d at Bdgewood.* »Um P«art
Payefte lakea her outtog in BradlorJ.
Ulaa L«o Stewart apend. her time at
Baet Jordan, lllaa Alleen Kayiior-lntenda to CtareL
Prtaellal LeeUlmana of Oak 4%rk
•ebocd WkpecU to imrel through the
rrrrtera atalea aad Veltownone i«rk.
Mlat Cotw Peeraon #nd Mlaa Beatrtee
Qaealaad willatv ta Tiwrerae City.
ttlaa A*aea Bhanabati itoea to Ml.
piMaanU Mlaa Edna HeWrthy to 8t.
l.oaU aad Mlaa Stnyer to Auiaata.
Mini Bather Benion aiaya near the
oUy. Uiaa Peart An*ell at home la
Edna Tomm
takea ma trip ‘through —
— <
• putea. MUa Helen DeOiaef aiU dK
vide her lime brtween here, and KaMBaaoc*.
Of thoae from tlid BUaoat'MHA

Scott** Emuluon
ihaaaa e

.; Uae Cook and Olnn BurroWa. aoost
; ,by OladTd. Ada MKSombt. Mr. MoftiA
i Bertha MeCotntia. BIUm Uliget. A. f
* Anr. and Lee Honiabr
• ,
readlWB btjCeofr> 8. tW
a ren. and^rtile B. EvaaB were ci«aEl)r
)'d«|ifittaied Vr-All <Brtaeiu. A thM
■' daMte eratha »u ^refHl br hi.
S tSfiM. Wtnb the aabiwi ei,-Qfwat.
The newt veeOas ot the Coaat>'
gain* will be Brtd wl^h SiU'cr Lake
Krtn*e. at Moom ^
t and S.

Mlaa Nelll^ Id'lle wiU ^loobably apend
meat of her racatloa in aoutban MUhInn. Mlaa Bertha Campbell and Miaa
LOIlaii WelU Will remain in the rtty.
Ulai Laniw tienven haa a trip planned
to lAodoa. Sntfaad. Mlaa laabella
SMebotham hat «oae to I’nlon' Uke,
Ind, and Ulat Mannl to Otasd &■]>•
IdA MUa Mabd Asderton take* -n
in the nnaiBer oeboel at Ypab
laniL UIM XUwbecb BahaaJna«fD(
tor Petoalter. while Mlaa EMu KUi>r«>Moaa how to Retd atyoBdtbpa later
(ahee a trip ibrousb the upiwr pratbMra. Bernice Heodcrabot la re­
covering from a-aerere UlneKt
borne OB Waafalngton atreec Mla<
Ethel Clbbt will vlalt In WUconaliL
Hn. Cole will apeud her vacation at
her home in Ki

Continaed from i>ace one.i
ginnge. the proernm wn in ^rge
ef the leetnrer, of Grand Traverae
Oomtey grange. Lee Homabr.
ehowod bU ability nloDg thU line ol


with E. H. Bonwwa.

The onpper boor waa dmvNed
many impromptu mod importaat dip!
eaaaioaa. neTeral graagera were dvaa
the aecret work of the 2tb degiwe and
lold of the many prlndploa that
The evening proiran which had
been prepared by the leetnrer of Gnnl
Center grange Mra. E. H. Borrowe,
waa thrown open to the people and
the hall waa Ailed ns fall aa dMirabte
for comfort. Mn. B. PI Champta.
master of Onmt Center, welcomed the
rtaitiBg grangmw aad Galvin Spang1». miMOr at «ho«atnty grange, ae-

» at »ln BrHn» Bitwr. «

t^i ot treawni UlehlpiB.

a a white act ■
»Mt at' white's


at the right price


lamed Tinaaea and bouthi 10 arreaotj Mra. Pheau (ome here with hrrl'
and near MoMport. Mo
piaeple from Chienjco
yeen **o.
yoie bia Uad
e«AcM>*aV <nicr have Hrtd on a Ihta* Mnr TrtrThla makea one more opUle.-;,^* lake, ttartnf thla Cteo. who baa
baa been locaied In t^d TkaT-^..^
frienda who *U )oin in wlabcoontn ’ibronph tartnunenuilija ionx and teppy life.

KvamiEr kws

JOM WoWdlng CaloPrwted at M
C«y WMUy.

china and fornitaro. tie oat of teefti
Coe« wni the hr^'n. craodMcnher
Mra. Baber of Chleace.


Maple aty. Jane A—Jane, aa the
The thwod '.Tniverae aertloa
'*•"* Oneuirad .
TVeetM Mlebttin n being farored by month of weddli«t. waa fortnally
. **• >• Parwonase.
a Halt front M. J. ThompMtn. who U nahered in yeateiday atwnoon when
flrwl of the namber that ia to oc-;
Denataadt ofWMllUme
maBapcBtcnt of the t’nlted 6iat<
fitrtmeul of Aarimturr. Ur Tbomp- aoletnnlaad at the home of Ur. *ad bnrg and Homer George Uroa a. form
of this cU.e were
aon baa been aaalgned to tbe nlattr'
their dauBbter. NUs Carrie Umlae. be- ttwrled at high noon M-ednoaday at
rongreaaloBil diauict fecatbe aui
. the wife of Harvey D. Pheatt of ““
E. chureb. Rev. W. W.
hr IPIL and ia making bia
I McKee oSSclailag. Mlaa Stella Den
Quartera at Manlatee. Mich. Hla work
S odock. (e tbe aimlna of En»»•
la thkt of vlaiting farming 'aecUon
**»'“*• T«Wn acted
at thla pan of the atate and oeorlng gleman't wedding march, jdayed by;
*«<»« ^ «*«* »
Hch anggeaaaaa and advice ns lies
me ^wn t
within bia power. All farmers deetrMd danghtc;
log to get tbe beneOt of hla knowledge edntlhefootbytheiwstor. Rev. Joe,-5*»'Tvmain. ib« flower girt. Alice VU- EW»e »t tnk Hapid. and Ulaa OUd.v.
koehn. tbe groomamnu. Ed Ph«it.|B»»*«'.
tb* gfoom. Ur.
ed to make their wants known.
emPEored at the Traverse
The present week U proving mm- brother ot the groom, and the maid of,
peroa <me tor the tVeatem Mkblgan honor. Mian-Evelyn Baber, aiater ot.d^T State hoaplul and ibe young
(development Bareeu. It having receiv­ the bride. They proceeded to the iiv- fWle will make ihelr home t
bm ■mna;-i£ani their places under
aioh of ferns and white flower*.
Tbe bride, waa given away by i
er wfH he need in advertising the »
in ways that will cause en locrea
« number of settlers coaHn's U
h 'nlmple gown ol ^
18i: issue of the -Wolverim
which la the annual isnted by the
A. D. Cook aaninmcoa bimaelt ns
man in Neoab. nia.. feK terrible
candidate for tbe rnnibUcan noin
paina In hie aide and bia doctor found
two riba had beM broken. What agony InalioB for conaty treasurer at .the
Or. King s .New D
They Improve the Sleek
primertea la Atvust Mr. Cook baa
If year stock la In i«or oooditlon, ived him. A few tesspooaafni
been a resident ot the ceoniy for
doe* not thrive or look well. It will
eu>els etob- prsctically>all hU life and has glTen
lia} yon to get a SAct. peckaa<' of rents; obrilnate roogha. ei
benlt weak, l
eat deal of hla time toward fur­
HARVEU.-8. CONDITION POWDER. born colds or hanla
There ii no foodriuS in tbe package. • | feel anre ll> a Godsend to liuman- thering the interests of the party in
Effle Morton. ColomIt is all medicine. Every Ingredleal
the city and county. Re has been
Mo. -for I l>#llcve I would
belaa choeen for )U bradlelal effect
employed in (W handling of muue'on the Btomrh. Ueod and boweU. oonaumptioD today if I had not
ainoe be waa a iwr and this ex­
Tbe animal Improvas right from the thla great remedy." its guaramecd
qglrklr twcoven fleoh. ito eaiiaft-. and you «a get a tree irUl' perience will be a valoabfe aid to'him
X bright glossy coat. Price boult or .'.(W-ent jr $l.«r> slic at all
elected to this imponaiit office Hr.
American Drug Store.



eellafor. Donotpaynwre; ifanwroiteof mooev.
K C Bakins Powder b pure, wbotaaocae and
fcctix-e in ncUon. Renita are sore and certain.A trial will not only convince, bed
a firm, fast friend. Yon renUv ongfat to kitoir
for v-ourtielf what n «ooderfnl baUnc hdp K C
Baking Powder u.


Send icT dw K C Cook's Book
TSe E C Coo... Boo.. coouiCn. S) ..Sol, o.^!..
node rcripea, nt/nw apon receipt uf the' colored cartiScaleiisdmdutbeZS-ccntun. Scud U today .
jo««M Mfg. Ce.. Chicmgo

CookM the flrri candidate In the Oeld ‘
tor thla office which will have to be<
fliled by man thla year aa Fin-'
ley M. Hammond, tbe present Incnm-'
.Mica Aiks Hanhen end HaroM Sherbent baa comideted bis aceend terra.,
wfairii Is all the law allowa at the'
present time. Tlie wide acffualniance enJoed by Mr Cook thrmifliMt
The Woman's club, ibiougb a onaithe count) wUI prove a vahuible as­
ndlte.' romiksed ot Mm. .lorln Rob­
set In (he race before the primaries.
erta. Ura. C. A. Hammond, and Mrs.
He has a dean record as « cidtea
Minnie Walt NIckolron. offered e
and political worker and U In every
priM of Are dollars for the Bmi and
way tbe right man for the piece.
beat eotays on Indian ledfcnda.


.-^ffe-'a Hurt fee g«ch Girt.
Mialbleg<k^tHtol Miss Alire
Oflrir-rbt- Imu for a rich> wife ends
____ a woman mat Honnen. of tbe Abugman avenue
use* Klccirlc BKiert. Her strMg acfaooL and Master Hdlpld Sherman
neriva tHl 4n I bright brain and even
of the same school, won the flint and
leoipcr , I
and ruby
. lire
mult from her inin 'oeoond pritea reapertlvriy. Roth
. . . her bright eyes from realfu young folks bad rery.good essays.
sleep; her c-laaUrrici> from flnn, (re.
The awarding of the prUea a


ir,"; -r »

and the freedom from Indlp-aooraailttoe nor the teacbera f
Uon. b
backache, beadarlie. faliflingand i
dUz), IBP.-I18 the)
promote. Every-!
nherc they are woman* favorite rem- • werq Tho* T Bate*, E I.. Kdaotd*
ed.v. If *.-ak or ailing try diem
and Prank Hamilton.
at all drugglirt* of Tinverne Clt>

Traverse City Cigar Maniiiacturers

—.• - ——.E

ne Ggar of Qm^y

yfm SIBE


“Howard” Carl M
For sale
ky aU dcata

5c each

Strain Tea

Havana Cigars
Madeol r^rr. earetaUy acIMIM Havana

a.—« - . E ^ I

. agar Pactoiy
■ to
Blue BeU
IMm Vabr Clear*
Sterling, - lOe Cgars

Thoe. FdeX Prop.
itmme aty. Midk

IUE.IMA H)^ie9

turn FactotT Sioker

4I6E EqiAACII.|*»43]*a*.
Mnanbetere. prMUcall/ oR tba dfW
botes aoed by Ue risor moBitlaMaran
En the city and In Hortkarn Ml^lgoa.
and tor akin U daeignlng bog «wa.
sod upto-daia work on hot moontiotm« are onescatled. Ul ns flgnn «
yonr work It yon are OM bnylag ot u
ww. aad be catiafled. with neore* st
•than *ha ore oalag tmt cigar botaa.

Now «■ Sale


Fterll2W. FnttSt



«oA. ■rfHIttllftit. jUTo



The oualHy of a dflar depends tiptn the price paW f*r mrierttl and the
oopanM theroteTn manafactorlna, aaillng anddMributina.ItsoMwithoM
dioeuMMn that the exp*fiat of a man engaged In mamifadimia a eigar
M a dtp ef tMa ottn, tdtMre be wbrka from dtjniflbt until daric u set hie
ftoda mode up feP oolta, here and there in the avenlhfl and U>e« hies himaalf to BM whin the MiffloaftrawiiM M at hla favored dab. ar palatial rttb
dense mgaytoi tbe .preeMda d hla moohlne and chaop help, and SM ready
to hi In bia d|or moMng oany nod moming. The odtoide fflamridetoror
to a otrahMr to poor town, to pour toedl hualnaai intirooto and Metol fetlowdhlp. ,>he aibar a nalahber. a taUam boainaae man and worker and
loatiy o-^artieipaM andd dpootir
" jrour vortoM eeelai f

Smoke the strictly


P. He
the best 5c cigar mad^
Try one for your
next smoke

Peter Hormaib

0*1. bra.

TTk Bed lOc Ggai
made in

MEET Gagnon


Tnvene Gsr;.,

The But Sc afar In
the aty.

212 «. M A Tmm.Olr

Diamond J-IOc
. Gate Post—I Oc
towlEoot Havina*-5c
F. K. Smoken~5c
. Tmverse Belle-5c

the** tow tn<

The Woods”
Drag One.


Better Tomorrow

w. a w.

wm give you solid eotofori aad eotfaranian—will burn right oofl taste
rttbt. and will spmd ataaU yoo that
rich, delightful «roag ef Hsvaaa that
paly ti4a Havana clgon poaaaaa.

M. Rabinovitcli
Otar Biff.

dflt E. rroat 8L Clu. pbaaa B4d4.


Haadradior uMlul •niclM.
Out (uemlum room U hll
of auch lUits as Want
Stta, i.aoe Cuttaliu. Benv
Saia. Ct(Kln. Biblts. Itocketa. sawing Itanbtoes, ate.
Aak for atampa. got a
•tamp Iwok and baautl^
your home at no extra coat.

■aa^ad Table Damask



uiems^and color,

Jjd Speciaf Number^




ii£l£ ioiiuili^Sp^als

Items of tnterelst to every fatnily in this region. A gneiit op­
portunity to buy your summer needs at big savings. S^ial
items selected with but one object in view—To demonstrate
tbe OM1 valnes always to be had at The Globe DepartStdrea Hundreds of other equally attractive bargains
your Inspection. A visit will repay you many times over. The prlcesquoted
or until stocks are sold. Don’t delay. Come
■ ■ are for
' the
■ month
■ of- June,
----• —
early and .get the best selections.-

Smaur Fairies ~~
BeautSm eiotbs for hot
wetttier dieaaea in sheer
silk and linen mixtures,
sadtt ab^ie voiles in the
harddo-get shades. St>ecial
values at

A ioitmiale porebwd trwn anovcrhMidcd ouuiol
tom has pUeedinourluads

sa pleeca ai g and g ladi
BMMm, bought from a house
that was anxiouB to close out
the lot Included in the assorimen are Dresden Pattern.
Stripes. Floral and Persian de­
sign. Plaids and Checks. These
ribbons would readily bring
from 35c to SOc.

50 pieces of New Silks

24c, 32c, 48c

These silks bobglil In a

White and colored wadi fab­
rics In a wide range of weaves
and colorings. White goottt are
especially in demand We
show a great line of white
meroerlred Poplins. Vmles.
nques, Jacquards, Madras,
etc., and at lowest pric^.

In Ribbons

A Great Sale of Silks

amgcAlemicIns, uui
Nnvr, Tnn. O
nakandBnn m. Somt arc wide ,
piB atrlpes. Npi i
rpaUernlnlbe loL Until all
‘ ‘
lake yoor e^rolee,
per yard ..
Thla la wltbiMitqueall<in the greateat value In .Ilka ever
offered the people in thla vicinity. Thay will
go fast. Como early lor good aolcctfini.

bk HMUmcni «( sB kbdi oi

Our special June price. 49se
per yard............ ....JLfV
52 pieces AU iluck Tnlleta Ubbon. 5 and 6 inches
wide. Extra speciol |||m
value, per yard ....... i VA,

we gl»e a Globe (Men Tmd
ing Slemp. ThMa attmpe
era redeemable in VaWa.
ei»Pra1—g Call and
see our premiums in the
Furniture Department. You
will be -surprised at the
many useful articles you can
get absalaMy bae.




geltcr-Ttian-Ever Values In Ladles’ Misses* and Chll«lren*s rurn«vlilnqg
Wash md Dress Shirts Big Staughtg^^ and Wash
Better Waist Valnss
Chaks and SmU Mast Go
wSk^SrSS iSm WoSoatlSL. oS


Wnlata of Silk, Nat, Chlifen. VoUe,
All Spring Coats at greatly Tedund prices. .Our
entire line of Serges, Whipcords and Novelty Coau if Lawn. VoUa and Unann willMbt
enry occaalon can be had hataBn at
the lowest prices of the season.
^caa that are in kaaping with the
$10.00 Coats
. I.M2
•tbW re Imvh tliA m alib «f low aie^ lofag



plaged on sale. afSpecial Prices.


Every dress a bargain

Fn»i 9se to 1.S8



. “ _. . ,7.48

CaUaBdsecaar Eveamg and Parly Dresses

IknilMqi Was h fMMhq
W can hout cf bavlag tmeef the &Mtt
lineaerFlottuciiigsit has ever bem our
fortune to afibfr. Beau^l embjmdeiiee for ladies’, misses ahd chOdren's
draasao.greatest value evqr <tfforsd are here in Ffouncings up to 54
mdiee v^de at, per yard.
1.28 mma 1.8S
' A Am

Mdi45c.a« yJiT7..........

Nm*wE«hiTai«M •dk.cM»..rt]k
Is—a IMblepdcw._________ _

69c Special 1.04 Special
One lot of Percale
House Presses., worth
$1 to $1.25 elsewhere,
five dozen for this sale,
all sizes 'from 36 to 42.
Gome qpiekiy.

One lot^fpietQr:dreases
suitable for hopM and
street wear. Vr\vorth up
to $1.75. Percales,
Charobrays and Linenes.
trimmed in contrasting
colors. AI) sizes from
14 to 44.



teof Beautiful Coau

^we*everhai Ail** m'

M lhtif rnUt aiCtlmi



■Just teceived three cot


Hoe's tlie Place to Bay Muiim


CliUdren’s Coais aU Marked
Coats 'from 3 to 6 years. Bow only............. ILti/'
Shepherd Checks and Repps, neatly trimmed. Coats
>£^m 5 tpl2years. $1.79 to $4.72; These Coats are in
Navy. Tan and White Serges, with large Satin and
Moire Collars and revers. formerly srilfog up to $6.50.

Skitto from......... He to MM
• Gownefrom........... MetoMM
^Uits m stout siqes. worth up to $25. • SUptfrom.............OctatlM
Whipcords, Sefges and Diagonals.
Drawerafrom........He to Me
2$^ 42 for Suits worth $20. Made up of Manoish
(kiraetCkivetalrom.lHito ft*
Mixtures and Serges, in both plain tailored
. and novelty styles.
B^al OuttS"**
48 and g 45^for^uits ^tailing^f $18and

metoer VaOnes ia Men’s and Boys' &etA Oearance M Millinery! Hats Most Go Now!


worthy.#—.,........ 5.V0
•MW* ami AH iWool Wmuo Butt*.

..... 79c
75^ ieau Un-i f)r«M Sbiro. ns4« U»
reUfl tor |lm. A faefey imrebue

*• OoMB Man's Hemry &6c Weric
sum. aU «—n v><3
•tMa. DC «DCl)..

Me, »ep 48e

EvVy weaiui'8, alsses* «n4 eldM*s hat mast no darlag Jaac. Every
1 ii hat has been OKsOy reOaced from oar tonner lotv prlete.
CoMse aad gel «a eariy seleetloB,
Hats selling up to $12.50 now'...........2.48
Hats seltiog up to $5.00 now............ &98
Hats selling qp to $ 8.50 now.......... 4.38
Hats selling up to $3.50 and $4.
Hats selling up to $ &00 now.......... 3.98
now ohI^................... 2.S5aMAS.48

Onr Fnmitare Department—Second Floor

2J8,1.98,'.1.39, 98c

will bay dlMwhet* at Me. A lurky
imn—M of Si dom> UOory nm m
•Mw ua u> nuOw tbtg prier.
One ubto toU of Mm's Pelt Halt. ip.
eMlM BDglUh SiUrh
Hats, extra aimcUa at..

Jmt rcceived a new Ime of
Muaes’ and Qiild’a Fancy Pa—tk

Ig alwayt alive wHh Aarsaln* in Furnitura. Carp—.
Stovt*. Ranen. ^Jneitwns ana all »
Ovr tteek it vary cempMa with aricea tht lewMt.
W< 8lv* herewHh an illottratteo «« Hit aavlaiot en a bMrewn DuHh. Caanparv thMt rrtota *
r. wt ewarantee t

Iron Bed. any color, worth.
$2.00 Our price .
Steel Wire Spring to fit bed. worth................ $^25
Cotton Top> Mattress, worth ................ $3.75 $3.75 ..
1 Pair (2) PUlow8.eIl feathers, worth................1.50
Table. 22x24 in. topvSbelf beiow.worth....... .$2.00
Rug. floral or qrieiitel granite, worth.........$4.50
Chiffonier. 5 draws, bevel plate mirror, worth 12.00
Total others is $28.00
Knrc it a Avint to you of Sit.l I e« the fi
Blahne you n

. Any artkto.aSB ht fur-

T^ieOlQbe Dept. Store

GKatcr Vhlocware nov.coll.rad you.
Hare you cuy find ontythilig in tk.
Ime of Undocgaimenta. And w» ham
the good aa well aa the cheaper kind.
Ifece are gannenta that lor beauty aad
iraality cannot ha raaiahad elanrhare at
toe pneea we oBiet. We iavite your inNa^rtioh^^umparieon with what yon

68 Coats to be Sotd Bnring Jnne

but must be clot^ out

Maa-a Si^ fcaikavt style, make and wear,
m^mai anyone's money.
4nc ppat'lkl................................

Jprioesfi------------ ___________
up to the most Elaborate Waist pt,H.7t.

Tnwrse aiy, M«gan

' coMx Alto SEE niEia.
Get “Shod” Now mUe
“ Shoeing ” is CheapLadlea’ Black or Tan Vid Pempo,
ankleatrap. Special value. Ca-SS
. perpair............................... St
Ladies’ 2-Strap Patent Leather Pumps.
W^e tbfey last, per JJ>99
Closingout tbe Red School House Shoes
Every pair must go. Value
HP to S2A8. now per JJ^*73
Men a Mule Skin Shoee ......... g}-**
110 pair Men's Patent Leather
Bluifoer Shoes, all sizes and 84.89
width. Per pair................,
WooMo's White Sea-Island duck 2-anp
Pumps, new lasts. Per #<2.24
pair................... ..............
Beys’I’ Ta
Tan Shoes, sizes 9 to 13 H. #2.48
Only;............. M




skvlr <ii BciiooL Than «re tvcur- <6«; weaBd frlta. $»: UJrd pr1»> morrilex vlua I wm CDtaS UoM lb*
• >U pupila la ay rooiB. W« bo«c4 m r.t- nra pHM ar* <ia. aa4 tea road. 1 wtoh yoo cmM
tke fraH
Jant It—The net-* niiTHdoj
« tba naeb taut Matek. W« <«Uraa prlaaaai*«S.We ara sriaK lo have a Uraa tabioaaom. Maamtea a «w- la ibe shadova at tbeoeeiHar.
* valk IQ acteoi: Wa ka*a two <aia. pMaie aop^a the iTtk ct ihte moatli. aalamtall ofbtanoM. too.
It >s In ifc« don o(deabu and faan,
AMA ^ M ^
2 tear boraaa. a eolv a eo* and a eair. wfelek Wba tka M day of odkooL ioTeiy «ltb tu «*M«a of rad Moo- U tbe sray aacertala aoralac
an* » 40*. «U«kai. and taikaya. I. After Uie aappur w* are •otaf to aona and craea learaa We lire near Or tbcfatetal eomi* yean,
.............. .........♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ wlah I «y«kt eotae to MldUfan a»d roaai ■atatoallowa. and tday ^mea. tba water, and I eaa aaa Ue bon* on Tbe aac »*e into beta*.
HafaTvIirpata------- — I-So. hath be mie: tbe wortd waaia ~
®aariilno™Well, I na^aoe. for tkla tl»e.
it. W. U*e between ibe eaat aad ro^ lu oMp.. oT red and irblie
Wyd Vatmt raici ■anawaa #
Brer yoar torta* Seaablaer,
Vtom yoar^naablaar.
wa« baye. TUa M aU 1 «aa tblnk •(. U tbe bloo^ttf^ aoaa aad totfeara
And vner
In waiune au»'
Katbrya Bedba
ClarMW atikUer.
1 bope to aeo tbia is print.
And tbe purity ot right;



• feel ■»*« anytblaf.
_________ _____
» THt
* “

Year PrealdkM baa a tertala way
I will try W be levlaB Mptal « by whlA aba can tell wheo muDer
baa eoaie aou
aad wuee
nliee you
yon uoj»
boya naa
asd etna
ifllula^tb*-^^'i “»a

trvlaa ta da «
»acaOoCL Do you wonder
N I ever fall in trying MM* . , WeU.
hiiretiae Ixiara eosi.
* *—» tblnga, I will -Try. try>
W*U. It U beranae lettera eonfitaach
toe ace to arrire vklag
* dMln.SiiBablAe Ctaba! Two bare
wy wealL Elaie says;
. DamKb. Mich, R. P. D. No. 1.
Joae S. IflE
OfianlHd Oaeombar S, ISM.
Dear PreMdeat*
• Clara RM

PM Vto. P.»um-«.P K.M
0ttP.K.I...i4 1.. vrai,»pto..»

RraManl-TMrh irnaa



. *.


“I. “*• p“
“ .»■
P..M ™, B.neu» an.
Ida PItlara.

bmt«a? Wfll

..,a„,.s...,u.,pu.. Ij

fwlii. Xil Htv—L- Flat.
TbeeneoodoBeUfromGracle. This
Travnwe CUT Mich.
Alira W.L.V- _______ ____
Bdlalre. Mich. R. F. O. .Vo. S.
MIcCr. r DKo S. ItoVog.
•’“* -• •»>*
OaraMd SlrtcMeT ^viae «ai»
Tbe chtldreBof the Ball nobonl
!?» aad

• BraSt
^ 5«p1 WiL Cl2»£h,
R. F D j2!^’^iBa Mat by BdlA
no we c» atari right a*v
Youra truly. .
.'Igtara brat by

would nS eonwat!

Bk Baplda. Uleb„ H. F. D. No. 1.
May g, jiu.
Dwr FrMUaM—
^ tbe ^
They are thy maadk.
---------------abd are aa followa:
• Ira ^tla. Jar.
rett. at» tan; Annie Matilda Jarrect,
age nix: L<eots Pera Jarrett. age Are;
Melaria Legralt Jarrett. age three. I
will aead j
little bnacb of arbiTn*®"®? will be tny Srat day


y ub eiev ecuu tuc a gaiipniiw guBii;

^ ^' would Tory
very much like to
lo rnceire
receire IL
Here are the aaittck:. Clarence Camp,
age iweire; AUic Braver, age twelve;
Charnma Bea er. am nine; Frank
• 1. 1MJ.MM____
Bonoell. age tonrteeo: Imon Annen the Cradle ■**^®*- “*•
Grace Rice, ape
(onncce; . Aitaa Araiatrong. age
Ran. Jiwe 1. 1ME sort.
twelve: Bertie l>ewU, age twelve:
BonneO. age nine: Irnitle 81... .. „
IV,-.,. Darrah MldL “®®- *•* ■^“®'R* Cradle Roll,
Dorothy Camp and HMon BonnellP-T


fcisahlsera ‘I a* aare yon

«•« bronght
W®««rt>t ennAlae

Bo awro aad tan an If yon

r rTwaiaeai- •**“ tftr to iota lb, SaaMlne
ctab. and wlah yoa would aead me a
aad Iranoar l a. etare. year,
aad U the Bftb gM aliU grad*
i gave two altieta and
wbo an to tbia ecfaool.
sophle are In the elgbib grade, aad
Ceorpe ta la^tbe ronrtb grade. We



R„th q, Sierena. I bare aereu itk,

Tl«, .„ .„a-ni.. bu

wRb fery.
Uy. pniwtologr.


u.,-. Miri,

hare twenty-three pupila in achool
Lanl PWda} aUernoco the achool
| tbongfiVl would write you u few
went erbutna bunting ai Long Lake i,„ea. I a^ ten yrara old. I have a
PH dos ami a pet kUten. I am In
Rice time and g« feu of p«w- .h, m,h^g^. My madlea .re ariib
era. We have aU days of achool yet.
,«,^pby. UMry. aimma*
’'«• *7
H w. .„d „o^,
p,..., ,«,d
'*■“* 8“" me . cart and buuoaT .Vnd pleaae
9^ •*»* “V ~»®‘® Wtdic and my coualu
RTld* aflarapon. ^ my JettS la soale «c]i a card and bntton? This
gnttlu Ing 1 will cloee for this tim^.
tbiArime. Good bye.
Oonn >»r B«, Bm SociHy bold


' "**«bape tbe greal-crandlatben hf
•* yno rongbt tbe red<«aiA“
Oraadpa Sturdy. -Bet 1 am not
Oemmed It...............
wtib tbe etara that ibima
ten yoa that my gmM

j.isiLT *“
are all tbe shadoda.
4«>oMa abd feara.
B*»nw tnaiapU
At tbe torerreni of tbe yr^e;

o» drogreae
It has led. aad leada. tbe world;

~r.~-r, „„

“*ir£]r«“cr R*rtR®t»R«R«.‘R®««R«‘»H
MlJp^F. Ik MB t. -Ka»*ra n«by
fPt tmlK ftfTe»l‘ hwwt* U.P4M.

our SunMilne rinb.-

With II promlee and good ebrar
"•* **®^
«• *®
_ . pairiutb Rive their iplrK
tbe ®« hat led them .tkroagb
The wlMeroeaa to glory.
.\iid their banm-i still u true.


There were w w4ov -««t.rini
*• <»nii®-m.*>r. with hi. .l«er.
tblnga ibei her little countrybrmi eye.
had never seen. And
Aad on.
oh. me
ber there.
ihnr kbe wiote home'
o. riuiorer

of military
Elk RaMda. Mleh, R F. D. No
Ellgahethi. familv were no impn- ep,„irtO*M-P»P*
lien. iha. mornli.g lor llule hinck Sice „„ied a large flag.' and c
zelMo retnm from ibu Hnage
oEleel They knew Ibe l«ler would
r~ g
» the
received the cards nnd huriima. I* there, lor Klizal-Hh hnd promlMid.




*®“»»c‘« *• ^ '*
name aaa drailart lo ad
“« whoM
down in Malon' a* I1
ruEies for »hlru. lo which b
taraapdf could lemoanliy n
for li


Mo i

Nomrararabv >®W««ood SuMblne a«h. You
^ j,,,., „„
*‘"7-C»dle BoU. They are George and
Jlltlo ■Braver. ChapZT"
«>«i^ 90m.
BcaaM. J-no
<>«^ *«*«"«■
mambera. nnd year
a, aeventeen.h "<
of »■!■
May. »-•
1—tX I— B«.
.Tr^ •*» tolnt to bavo a picnic supper. We
a. NS'L Kamra srat
Btale a «,2Bn^lMlo*ramraim^ nra*
writing tbU letter In achooL Our
tracber aakml na tn write It for Un*****
nd a
Of coofu yoflp PreaUeat cant tell gunge leMOD Aa my Inter la gHUng
yon Inal_____
wbat to do,
or Just bow
to go pretty leag 1 wfll clooe. Bemi the
cards and buttons to me. pleace.
Xour trw friend.

I win net waK 'HD t am.i
BoRme I do my share
Tu askn ton .wnrid serai

Away went the pracraali a ta tbe
tracber'a bouac. thnlr Sac.
gaily and the Oovara they ««ee carra.
tag nodding tbatr beada. while Grand­
pa Siurdy aettlad bneS la hla easy

b». ,w ..Jf^n'^rb.™ S™I”“F3r,b


... ,b....... "

">*n«e«ei. lor tb/i"AtteeittoB. conpanyT Chrrr arma*
Forward. marebJ- ebooM ' tbe cat^

Tile iiory-W the.Sura and Rtripm.
Oa June 14- 1"^ the mutlnental
Coiwfeea adopted a rbeolctiaa ~tkni
the flag of tbe Cnlied fttalee' be thir­
teen »irt|iea, alternate red and white:
that the nntm he thirteen white Rare
. . .. -Jt furieiL
in a Mae Held, repnoeatlng anew cnp.
iu cvlehratliei
Rellarlon,- and (bna waa hem the flag
' Of our country, known thronghoui the
worM. and loved aa few flagi iPKe
1 . rv«i lovcL
. ,.b
b,.M ,»r b™™...
TV .bPb.1 M „iv.,b„
‘bir fiMon ta considered- youag In
And tbe emblem
of the Iree.
• ear* ax compered with many of the
- William J. lAmpton In the Men r«hen.. hui It, lUg |, „
or older.
T?* ^**"">'7'^
«“«- • ^ T«rk 4m
The wracni form of Me Cnioa Jack
d.ira ba.-k only ,o Wgl. while (be triTh,i; Flag Day.
'*’* 8”'
Toot: Toot: Rulra-dnbdub; came
I7fj. while
-1h«- from down the a.reH and It
«X*»» -« ®f «i
»R R'®--® «>«“ ®» Rh heat^n^had
who .at dozing In “*
““>« "®*‘- the relgalng
the aun. .tart up auddeolv and 'ook
‘*®' to ww what pi’lant aoMIcra were rom- '
""" *"•'» ■** 8'ripev wer,
»>" ««‘r Rosa, a Quaker-

'R®^ Will keep you busy apd MVwn yrara old who weald like to wonders If you would send him annth- of ihe ..Ittlnx louni: her titx slater harl

Bflas.Ladla Btohaiflron. age eight jip^d.' And that la why abe wants mq
Mmas-Maple Olty. Mich, a F. D.
' NMghborhood Bnnatalne Club,
be your Qab. your very own. But tbe
Raby Skcblebea. age three and om orewa*!* win hMp you plan your
bkir yeara, Travnrse Cliy. MKB. E. sunahlae.
-F. D. Mo. t Ntme asm by T/mrl
^ow. nuppoae you all think ryg]

haH. for a minute. Do yon know of
Oeone SchnML age flve yean: anybody lo your naWiborliood wbo
namee SibmML age. fonr ynara, would Uke more of our kind of SobTraverae ^,.MIeb. B. F. D No. 3. ,uoej i, mere come dear oM lady
Nanen neat by Alma SdimidL
who would be made happier by a bo' ■ —'— ------.QUM of flower, from'your garden, and
wm, « ^ cheery amllc? la there some
Little Things.
oM gentleman, crippled with rhAma“Onr tfrae are a c of tittle thtags" .yiaai. who mlsbt b* gtod If a happy
Onr tovlng tsMber, at
\ boy did an occasional ertaml lor him?
We ret shMI walk to sbi
tod's pack to (here k akk. child who could be
n>r magy. mav days.
moved out or doon. If .he had a imie


That DO other flag ran claim.
And the freedom of tbe future
in lea name:

*"■ ‘“8 ®'.e‘Re aoM WrH# on

sunrtlny tbonglrt. for maktag oAera
Mm^BAoldL' Trgverae Qiy R®^’R?"“ Trararao city. MUh, R. F. P. Vo. 3.

doty bramy ommS. It waa tte‘kiiie
»nd tbe mea wRk bim who wee. w
blaine tor tbe fetdo. WrtL hot a
marxb oa again. MS atoaT ^
up Tor your Sac. St i.



pwo. Ph,. ai™a
..w- .

tni. the rtorrMoemdeera
b., Boll
Join tbe
.j.^ cherry- trnen
aleo bare
im. We are goliig
, children a day rxercUe tbe
and h: ^
Tbere are eul,t a„j Sunday of June. I bad two
pupOa ;j
pierea. niy alater haa three and my
Yonr Ronahlner.
brother haa two. I with (hat you and
Apnea K>iV»ii
.b, S.b.hlb.,.
b. b„. Vjb
Wblrli of your aiudlee.dK: you live I Rueaa I will t-!..w tor tbto time, with
beat-. AgneaT Wilt you have the w ' lrv«..
uumher of claanea ne« fall?


Traverae Ctty. Mich-. R. F. D.-Va 2.
-'X "J. '1'12.
Beer Preeldent—
Aa I haven't written lor a Irax time.
■ will write now. I am In the fitlh
and alxtb grades. My Mndlea are
•rllhmefic. pb.raiolocT. blRor^. readlag. apelHng. grammar, germraphj.
pemnanablp My teacher 1. Mi«

Next lime yoa no paac
coMe la and aM me.
Trarrrae City, Micb, B. F. D. Mo. 5.
May M, IMS.
Dear PreaMeni^ , u,.,
w- are baring
h.,i«. nice
»!.- WMtber
«-.w bat
»... It
Ann been ctondy today. Our aebool

wa» one i>f tbe redroata who toniAt ^
M LexliiKion in Ameetca.'
~rd ratber have a grsadfatker that '
waa a mlamewaii.-- saU one of the

IgMJW* school; I Slab} bad
wm you.
Traverae Oiy. Mich, R. F. D. No. 3.
“*/ *•
!>®»f PfOOMem* I
Uke to Join your Club'. 1
»«*• TW about onr achooL Tber*
Me iwraty-Uiree pupila going to our
echool. ^ there are elgbt cineee la
I *» In, tbe Sttt grade. I win
Rt twelve yrara old the eleventh of
J"»»- • b**'*' f®“f brothm and thr»-'
•‘•tera. Will you please tend me a
<'•«' «"* P<“’
Prom your friend.
Harrj ScbmWt.
Yea, you may b. a fimmhioer. I

wa< a soldier c

^ Saaabim, Club. They er, alway. have .heir Imadp tall; eten V . "
. . her de,,b he. daughler. Clariara
. Clnyidole. (
werfc for
are laabeUe-'''Munioe. Jinnee Mon- her big brother put down hla aewspa.,
«ompanj. Ual. romiiu^
t®». nnd RIftord Wbra.on CUEord U i-r. looked from tbe window, nnd said »>V
On the foUowlBf Fonrib of July tbe
®o» » Crmlle Roll member. Win you he mum be gr.l.i.; hut be Sid not
Atteaiion. Ami tbo> obeyed.
__ __ Blare and Btrlpan were Aral dlaptoyad
ota„e ;.l»
..k, W.
hi. u».
name H
oE U..
the OHiCradle t"«-.
We me the
mad send tom n card nod bdiWaanT
It airauge
that the leuer otaald Tommy. “We are Wing out to •» «R® ndtonM emWera rarton. lowaa

Concord to keep FUg day. Onr track- «*Wag «ae of ibe flag. Inm made to
ton* Send tbe entda nnd bouom to poefa a Uny girl eceld bold
er waa going to have a cHHiratloo ®®Wmttag the todepeadene. of tbe
........... _....................Ibe
chDd- there? Wasn't li atrnao that 'not ‘
aad .1 will
give them
alt*. ao
m> we
w, have
“R>®^ La***- ®*b wheo addUlowl
a aick.
ren. My birthday Is the IMh of tbit one of them acknowledged -u naolber 'today, but Mie U
—tea were admitted to tbe Ualoa. a
mgatb. I will be elevra yrara old.
whv be stayed? When IBUe Mn*etl o®*® ® procenai m. and are going to ' r aatf a atrlpe ware added lar oaeh.
to show ----------ber bow '
me „
loring Sunshlner.
came running In.' bHngtng Hie paper. “•"* by he^fcbn—
« Erupt as
r tbe
tbe Bag.
‘ » tte I brautr aad armmeur cE
Flora Gee.
.nd Mieia. they all drew a little near““ re^anber
y*, indeed. I am gled tint CIlBprd or lo Elliabetb', mamnm.^
•Thafa -right." aald grandpa, aalutt
origtaal denlca waa
. ..cci leUer, that told of a <M tae flag. “«
®® Ota^f my
^ ^
J®5- •*•*«■ •«* R®»R « ‘k*
*• “«-* **• wtripe. wero naararwd. nw for emib
great world. There Were loving mea- «»at.
of the origlaal oMstlea. aad a alar
R .p p
her borne Tumpla, nad It end''Your grandfaiber a redcoatT' cried ^ ,^dod for ewb aew at^ -noi
Box 3».
ed. “ami fcUa tbe eow.~
. aU tbe boya. in a braath. 'tHd he
waa approeod, aad toVlfl ibe
__ , chUd- __
May 15. 19J!.
raid. ®*®t
Y®® aMjRW aR«» RTwife of Captain Reid mndnT
Ont Preeldent—
picking up the Inter that bad been
"Oh. yen. he wd^ oa nbout going to flag niter tbto rarined plan. tb«e
i have sm written in kueh n long written with auch cara.
America to fight the rebeta, aad what tot iwentFetora at that Oma
time Uat 1 expect y-ou bare alaoM
•n'kai a habr'" her brother aald. a lot of British noldiera there were la
As to tbe ertftn of the deeign of our
fortotton me. I enjoy reading the
-fo Utlak ol klaalng BraoiyT" eaid Boetou. who all toughed at the idee of flag, tradition pptoto ip U* «»« »R“
Sunahlue page very much. I caw the
,i„cr. as she awepi from the the plain ewintn larmera and wort- General WasbtngUB'k enat ot aram
cards the Sunahlncra cent to m«
,^d being able to fight the king's consisted of two rad bars no S white,
cooMa. Rosa Sbltaler I was over
gm h^r mother raid eofily. "The own fine iroopa: sod
granddad ground, witb three goU^ulerad etare
there yeeierdey. Our school hka be n .1^,^ chlldl''
Otought no with all tBe rest, he said, above. It ta nndonbtodly trout rtU
out almom a month.. Our teacher',
then they aei«rated. going lo Well, tho found out that day that'coat of anna (hat the dralgn was obname waa Ula» Vera Jenne. 1 liked
deU'ed work.
the rebela could fight, after all. l<l talned, ebangra belag made to nreordher ven' much. My aentmnie was oo, in ihe .mrddow.'Braniy .looked^ioe see. wbai dav was that, boya* '
ante with tbe arada. One polntofdlfUto Shortw. We are good ebuma op fronKthe lender graaa- abe was
-xpi,, „
,77:.. " .aid Tommv. f"«»“
»® tbe fact that tbe Main
My little brother wanin to Join th? croi-irtniT'rci flii-i the dortor aundlng „k„,^ i.v the other*
on Oeaeral Wenhlngtoa'e rant ed arms
Sunahtne riut. .He will be etg't „e.-,r he;
. ..... ... .a.. 1
were aix-imlnied. while ihosa of our
y,pj, ix„y

«... .. v„„


„„ „

, .in


'r' ■”

““ ■“ ""

pl«e him the card and huttoo. i have -.|,u,_- He.Btom--l over and told hl» .,h„
x •’■'Y- '* '►
ouBiuiBcr, rieien ixovan,; lou ouu, •
a name for the rradle.’Roll. It Ju uiiii-tjic-h.-d Mp, On Hraiitvx noltohed
" ''■ ’
a t k i lio<h
uiodifi-allou beraelf with Ibe SF
t and beams wbo are lit her neighborltood Traverse f|tv, Mich. R. F D No 7
Kdua l.•lc■fl. RlchardMrn. -«te i* eight i^,m He rhOM 'u- ho-n hcwii«- p
A, !;
'R'’ -onin.lrlee. and It was
know heal whsi W'ouia bring ber-pleaie
Mac H. 11*i; ntonih, old e She l» ui> little .-oualn t„ol.ed «> c1.-«:r
--rrainlv a itva-'-x .if arilatfc laale on
Aad Otn.B e buK ttam r
nr*. A little bird.wbUlierMl to yonr Dear Freaident—
Rend ber card to me and I,w-il] give
x„, nju* tinii'n.-, lucet , youni; **
lYcsident not long ago. that Helen had
1 wmiW like tu Join the Suiiahlii,- ,t 10 her uiamma We hnvLp..c> .
The lieiey Rosa Flag' Htw>e. a»
Today m nlRE a aosg of hive.
no place for the hook, that had l»een ‘‘lub- Will j ou pleaae s. nd me i little a l.rtic ted . . alf. and ..-.m nte*' look, l•.•hlt|.( 'o Wtotge roc} phjUdelphia. ha» oever fwaied to he a
To Hn. oMw drooping eye;
aeni her- lao'i Ibeira grownup Son- card and bnUosT 1 have a little nta twcoiv-fuur Ifttle chPkcria. The rabh. ,a7>ino»cer.vd
•'»“*'<' '« *>*'•'
Ameru-a'. ..ta.eol gr-at and rsthoalaatte naUonTf«m«pw glva a pMUe smile.
shine hoy, IB herl.HgbbOrtioOd, hnudy ter wbo would like ber name on the hU-,"Same i, Bunuv. and rhr calfr -k«. Le l Untcd a mtixerl) '•H»Rd >t He said tt waa wonU- rful ^1 inicreit. J: 1, mamtolped b.v the
Ukn'sUBnhlM in toe eky.
with ibeda. who could make a nrat Ondle JlcdL Her nicme U Ruby, and name U Bonnie, Our tiirie cal' will k,w. rlcni .... H. *ui heel ^>*o» thnw farmeta could Jioui. Ito*
Itosr -MemorialAaitoctoilona.
Andbow about the Bon- she to three and ou« half .veara uld pto> hide and rack It will run asd . retreat
R®? ®' *R* Engliahmen fell and died the tuodv o; winch w e rataed bj pubToday 111 epe^ a tlsdly word.
ablM gtrla with deft Sngerw. wbo 8be came to vieic the acboot once. 1 bide front oa. and la awfully ptoytul. i< aa, >eni« hoD;» later «bi-it the there la (he road. Grandad toM uc ta idme conmhutton
To d|«ef a ^raliee beayt.
might make a nreitj silkallne curtain go 10 nebool every day t tan. My U ime up on the porch oue day. I wg MHer sliw-eH out to tbe mau4o«- how they struggled ol. tired, wound

.Though I am but a littte diitd.
tor the case of abeKea when com- (eacber't aame is Mica Built Slcvena. will c-loee lor this liaie.
^,e Beau’v , immol kiie aud ran ed. thir»iy. and almcnt ready
Fiiuillv moei of Itaeni got ba-i(
,|ui. t houae.a ciutK alreet. '
Thiu I ihaii do my pan.
She to a flae tesclier. My atodlea are
”\yiien ftlitalk th', maimaa came out to rbsrhwtown. and were safe. Itw
a rec-lle ao-1 a'lbraod.
■ Betocled. Ob. boy, and girl's, let's sUri Neigh- arilhineUc. physiology, hutory. rradto give Iteauty her hire, abe threw- hci all day long, and mnel of the night A rcjioot, and a acittaro of Mue.
hortrad Sunshine Clubs—even'wbere: lag. epelling. grammar, and geognainix -iboiii h«-r tied; ani ktaaed her bcirre. they bad .la's :o «t»r'-b
Soi.-e .sripe, of white and red.
CanT yon see what a happy ihlac >< pSy- < am In the flrtb and sixth 1
fignt on her I.,reheart, and two grea'
. auJ ,hev didt. i do what fh-> c-it' Aim! -I. uder hnoda that deftlT nUlttou*
Tbe whole acboot* went t
borne Club* and inwu Club,, hm flue- sriiuMi yevtorday.
tearf toll.ri down her chc-c^r—her
,.,ther. f..ribt- Am>-ri-ana had
fr-. xImmik
"F Roy,
Traverao City; Mich . R F D .So. 1.
A cM*pf tor FM to mi.
•bine Ctahcv every oM of ibcvui'
-Vnur flanahfner.
lar nwall
earned oB the gona and irtwdei tn
May 17. tal? .tear Jlitle girl wax
Aad K wait* todv akaw life’e way.
Your PreaMent has a ‘conaiHulion .

II 1»|H 0-1 record, but Beauty mnv* ■ sent to derimv
The niehi t-Hc
Dcmr ProeidentFor tbe
wHh a frank "I wlU!" and by.taWB" t>gt she will fend you
wm I'M dear little aimer 1
I Ibougbt 1 would write to >r>u .v» have w.mdered why the lamtly bkd
marrh.-d out eaii-, . i.-.agh.
6<x lad, ba
If fou ihluE It would be Ion t
or 1, It too far lor | (,aye notwritten lo-tbe
Suuvhine >udd.ulv mwn ao aflerUonaic. tor at pe.-ttng to hav.- !... iro.ti. . uud (vrl< r Though la-aer Time hra WMU to raxv
In toe comer that -ron may flu!--,
n rorr* of pElcer* and rraular
Club In ahwg while.
We have hve milking time 'Rey all. on one excoM^. -,^p m,n ,hr n
TlM-.-rn.,i.e rooea w Ma»i.
• her to walk?
Bni die
the Veteahortaww*
SHghhofhood Club.
bra, .Itllng. and three other, with or atioth.-r. rat.-to tbe mUkine bar,
At.d lelt .h-gun, M W MTuat
Tbmrt a olebe tor you h toe WMld. orad not be edahorate. and, aa abe Traverae CM). Mleb.. R. F. n No. ;. clii.keu,. I have a durk aod/a cinik.- The I.11I- colored gtrl
;,Vr'.Ll.- ha'
'“f*"'"'" '
.wu. and .aewp^ac bi.
raid before, may comttol of Jn,t two or
Box Idl.
The old dtirt haa UW Tftiy-ixht Reaiily - head. thmUng of the mew
A ramar tor ynu ta OI;
three membere to brain wlita.
May S. ifi.*. egg, ,inoe rH.niary -Tih. > R»‘" -«•' •R*'
'R*‘ b-ei. .
Fbr Iba CM wbo;a bind , and pare |i
Jim aa soon as }-ou trad thU. write Traverae City. Micb..R. F. D. .No ?.
set half ben', eggs- and halt da-k a afi-l whc^i. iberaa lifted h.-r brad nml
'® 4“®* ®
yoar PreaMent wUt you think alioul
j would Uke to Join the fluntolnc egg, luidei our hetif I have three k».ke.1 a/cwntl on^ihem with mlWly '

' , . , - y„,
Apincnihgl to Wklllug siiU.
H. and thou we wllltalk It over a«aln nub. WlU >vw pleaae m«d roe a liitle du.k, and th.-r are very .-ou- wond.-rma e.e>. ,h- kUsed her right
"f-randfath.-: w-t.r aa ^
Bn. loas, bn tTUt; tbe wortd waatn noon.
card and button* I will tell you
v aeliaul
l.w out Ihe rinh of April on her inerflv «*•-.
land- vetv #i.»n. ji.4
you MMv
WblM.- Kllxat^tl. f a»tb-r a,ke,1. marib ai.d flxlV
R" *®' '• Jti i-U-ll Imll and lowly !■I>n>e
•u-hoed. l«i
I I am
a^i onr
onr achool
school II am
am In
in the
the flUh
flfth l”i,ad
1 ha( lot, of tan at wNoed
In toa ranwf that you may fltt.
....... . ^
Ti.i, -Uv Iu c^-wave.
Df eiadiea Z arlibmc.|ir, gUd
itIt is .l
.411. lI ^bTuiyrm
like (be a.vrai weatoweaUi- .hn. are you doingT
tiierintaloii. Ora.
hworv.. pbyslolos}.
pbyaMIORy. aud
«• ami
be able
aWe to
to |klu>
pla> nut
out uf
"She .al t l.Ua her. an' I }ee' natch- England all hi, Ilf. The Mh-Ker of tbe wortd a oiuve-ed,^
aud trading
trading in
in er.
to be
*rben'a a atobe tor both In tbe wortd.
May l* lilJ.
ae^i m
aUy knowcM
knowed white
white tolka
wonlda'l kins
'He lik^d Alm-nra. srcd-alwova eael
The beseem of the braveenoot. and
in toe afteraoon 1 I LL.>x
dcmrtx •I went t.v
by your
y'oui luwae
bwue Uai
Uta eUy
Orar--------------PraMctoUrhave npaUlaCx
grammar, and
and atusmer.
muroaer. and
aiM there
there 11 saw
saw yon
yon oa
ou (he
the a
a cwm."
cw«." the
tbe mile
mile oegro
negro aaM7
aald?d .
tlmt »o- there waa'tHra-w. and .ta- Igrt glory on ibe naiien^ MdeM
wriitog. grammar,
Among ibe atom embos,
A oerber tor m to AU:
U to very warm om Aero. Our.gaB*rtF>Jrt^> play haU ai nooo and porHu Oar fruit irera are loaflod
fattnbtth'a fnaily looked 1 racb new conniry promtaed to much. »•
And Mrk todo toat po ouebut yon acboot totoont next Friday, nad 1 am mcoes. I Jotoed (be rant cobum tota down witb bods, and noon wlU be la wber gniltUy. aad toea bo toey wrald like to go ihere 10 Uve; bo- The- rtrrad.'tbe Beedicr. and Ibe ttasie
be never did. Mr Uiber brought na And ibe taxae af Beuy Roen.
gladidtt.1havebeam gatUag atamg
aprtag. Tbe pitaee are, flw prtak btoraera 1 raw cito la btoranta tola toaghod:-Ex«baa»c..

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