Grand Traverse Herald, March 28, 1907

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Grand Traverse Herald, March 28, 1907


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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rai ONE
VOb. xux


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with her irimeg bltd aqd blpasoming no such rase abe fewtwd would be easy rowful, half tearful arcenta, -Come ed with Easier rabbits, and the Easter each Mber and eereawRieusiy drew
to And.
Itark to me. my wife, and lei ns dweU c.irds as iiften as not show Ibe Easier from their respecllva pockoir Ihe
Rlramii of coU |b lb« «M- plants.
All at once, howerer. Ibe eUuae of In love and pelce logeiber. We will rabbits ptciiire. Ask somebody why &sler emblem, and esrhonged en«
M» «kr.
We have apohen of her as lb*
the sermon aad old NIchoUt Scott's recall the boy. I will yl.-M, O. my dear. Il U a rabbit Instead of a woodebnek
The rbinese cUlm Ibat the world
It U emlmaied (bai (hm are 4f.«M
Then wag BUMdUng o( wans, adt tie- schoolmlalress IhwsHW she
e Jotned’lfaeni
^ themselves In her mind. 11 will yb-id 10 your better belM. and •>r any oiber animal. .You vlU And was formed of the two parts of aa foreign ra
e la Cblnn.
of the alight build and d<-llcate raai ol
i conldnY!" will bare hark (be boy also If only nobody that con tell you. Nobody
•Ob deir. I rvmldtt'l!
Dresden has opeRed a balbiBt em
Where g«all UrE-mMherg had teond- fealure ibal augaesia tbe Inrnn.vtlcio
retina ii< me. I have been • knows. All Ibey can do Is
taUlahmeni for do^
Inwpnik carr-aslngly Ihaa otberwlscol
ed aa Blghi
shrewd guesses at It.
n deadly lonely!"
flbeptaerd girls In FYeork SwKittsome person, yet Hiss jnsljp
O'er 40VB7 ud helpleM ihlnga.
RolDt liack Whind the first books
e Illy, aiandlng. tall an
leslly tall lalber ilian short, and wllh
speechless, yet full of mule meanlnr men have found that the rahhit
".«Jo one else is wllllui!," replied 1
There wan Eatler of learea aatbe wiad all ber dirUdance, and tor all hei
sent home as yet <mly misery to bisi regarded n> a sarred animal by wide­ went upward and became the roDcave mine tbe great wait ol CUwa.
voice Ibe dIHidIne in ber well dlled Inward voice, and Miss Joslyu knew
»«U hr;
ly scattered people all over the .world braveus of Wue. ibe lower half Irtl
breaking bean
Twenty-four penona HrUg .In
scboolmom had been i-xeelled from was only list true.
AM the errauUlM air wai rife
FYblay arienusm. Rond Friday, she
He knew Ibe wife that bad passed Even The American IndUns. who had n-versed. msklug the runvex enzib. County Tipperary, Ireland, ate CenieRTVlih the gaall. awart vcdem wWeb the Sian, for ibere was a kind of digainever mi lar as we know beard of and the wb'ie jlliumen became, tbe ailanv
Oed Dnnneaa. and a lilnl of reprease;! walked l.y Ihe llltle .sviidse wlM-ie Ur.. into Ihe Heaven lu which she unf;
Nature owaa.
Rcoii llve.1. It wav geituig late as she] irlagly hetie/ed. Could not tetutti
It la eMlmaied that (he number off
eiaftng; “Ufa, more life, new life. fore* Ibal made even furbnlenlly
luisne,!. and iJie noticed thete was a | him He frit tbai the son be had hair, or ralihli. and in the alnji cen­ The Syrians believe also tbnt the Cblnese outside of Chins is n.srfy
i-llned pupils afraid to go ino far.
tury befoie rhrim. In-lore the early go<ls from abom they- cinim descent eight mlllkm.
driven from bis slgtil eoiild have
evidtwtiy the
was Bld-Harrh. bfli Ihiaier wsj
Tat SoBMiae atood hr her aide aid
s Itane w.s wish 111 ounc iuick k- bl> harsh and inhahtisnis of w-hai Is now- England
hniched from myslerknisly
ly Utdl
Istdl The Hrlilsh colonies nre . sevenlg
ling room, but tlie wiadow
come early that year, and chief am
had berm Chrisiainlred. Ibe bare
S. Hence we lufet'ibet our pivs -ira. - a. liige as ibi- siea at ttor Cnilluld full I" ■mU'Ueving lalber.
her beloved blOMns lowereil the stale­ so hegrlmme.1 sm
To a wearr wamaa ihai dar.
rabldl is said to hove been socrol
Yt i way in Ibe night.
custom of offering the Easter egg! ed KlngdooL
uotlre Its eonditlon.
Aa aha kaelt hr the Rardea Tomh aad ly stalk of a full-leaved Illy plaot
the iiula Udr
Nlchoy Scott sat facing the window Oalara. the goddess of dawn and of
benthen legends for
Easier Illy. There weie aeveral »
origin: ia (set. alt oor mosi pre- tnd will romfortably aopport fang
thy buds forming, but Miss Joalyn
"My Lord is Ukea away."
festivals come down from simi
1 do to nend a ray of cheer I
znoas oa vegetable dM,
knew that the central one at the top
Inr nnurcen. but purified with tbe
darkenetl bouse and that dari
lellig.-nt a maa not to re-jllze
The various trains of this rtmntrr
Yei Bomeoae atood by her side aad bade hlr to ecllpae all Ibe (Kbers Io
Is 1 story w-biHi coonecis Ihe raUrii llghl of Ctarisrinnlty.—The Chaniau
eri ure. iVir she felt In bet bean that
fiver absit n ihoutand milllea oBlue
wh'ilr li wan enclosed in a
veriiuhle cam- had been sH Issfore
"It's a BeeiirTeciioa flower.- he with -Cisier in a ruraous way. Tbe qitau.
la the course of a year
Aad Wa eyea were wllh love alight. pleie circlet of gltway leaves that
In Ibe East and West ladies beetlue
Aad One aaU. "Mary.- wboae roiee would help to eabani-e Us rare beauty. ber pleading lor sume show of 'bit- muttered, 'the ooe they use most at spots oblhe mirlace of tbe moon form,
Caster in tha Tyrof.
Easier, and lo^DO^towr. will lie Easier. as these natives say, the perfect
feeling and kiudnei-s.
re so brililnni la coloring that ibey
“It sill last nearly a week after I
aha fcaew.
la Ibe mnuDialn heights of Ibe Aut
re beauitf-il Ss gems.
n>l no pneslblr romanee ran mli It's almoKi to-morrow, nivw ’ he added, Image of a rabbit. Ami as tbe moon
And aU ihlaga rhaaged io her algfat cut It at Kaaler." said Ulsa Joalyn to
sets 111 dies Slid ri-e. again e.eiy trlan Tyrol bands of mnslriabs wan­ fUstlstlcians estimate ibat tbe Brer
r to lend rlamour or aliractlou." looking at the einrk.
hemelf. "and will lie n Joy to me. a
Al imervals all through Ihe night ibiriy days. It m-pi the rabbii lu takr der abnni on Easter eve. rtimbiog age amount of alckneus la hnan
aald. -for which I urn imly ibsiikreal Joy to me,"
tl makes tbe desire more sin- he talked ahiud as If relieved at bold-, iis message to the children of men. from valley iq valley and stopidsg benine days out of the
e yw.
Down deep In ber aatiire was a rellg•Oo." said tbe moon to the rabbit, fo-e every farm bouse‘10 slog tbe
ing audible converse wiib himseir.
Id Gennanr oak t es-Soly 1
kma element that often prompiKj to a
-go and say to ihe men Ibat even as Easier carols. The Mngera wear
onghi to rise Into
IO was trimming ber tall Illy plant,
about foo years old. while In Nor­
e rlly wllh aweetem quiet deed of klndllueas or of ebarllr
rise agaia. so shall they also bright colored garments, and tbelr way and Sweden the pine* will nur
V Ille myself.- be s
<n secretly were these little deeds when whe si.Uloqulxed again. •Oh.
wide brimmed bats are festooned with Tire for STO year.
dll- and rise again."
itooe that no one really suspected from how Kuiterldy that rentml Illy Is ofw-n- "bill could
But the rabliii wss wicked and did flowers and ribbons. As It grows dusk
Shortly liefore two o'clock be said
fianding so
The first fasbl<m-p1a(St wen- sef«
whence they sprang. "I'm too s<
they ate joloed by baadt of cfai'.dren in France la Ibe ftraneenih centery.
pot carry the message straighl.
‘I my left hand kaow what ny grandly midst the circlet ol leaves. slowly hiiT empballcsily;
who carry flaring torches and escort They coaalsied of dolls WMriag Modal
O Moa U ClMdUBd. aad ahlae of the
she said half laitgtaloglr to herself one
as I die anij do not rise again, so shall Tbe eldldi^ sl»o carry baskets, wbirb
Tbe nnrii
day. after leaving u iialr of l>oata at IV eye Will fall on it every time I
. ride the_
•lied with Easier eggs at each harks of hlppup..iaitil. They bhlievA
yon dir and noi rise again."
Johnny Pinkbam's door, so he roukl im In lu direction. It will be comany for me. a sweet, stately pre.go to chiireh-and day school as ti
Wlien tbe raliblt came bark and farm house At the hom-s of .those tbc snlmsK tu l>v tvinearnaritms tt
an- well off wine aa-J oibec re­
Ko one saw the hoots arrive. So one aee.—"
d terrible
Spaak out. apm bater Day!
told whai be had done. Ihe pmon was
The mmlnattng voice ^hroke off audever really knew who Mi them.
narunilly angiy and struck at him freshments are also set beforv ibe
■'Bui who litoughl the lily?"
Down on Wlmer Kireet lived rdd nly as a Iboughi. unwelcome si firsr
Ab4 blytha llltle Hfe In vreen ways
wllh a bbtehet. The blow aaruek Ibe Easlet siDgera.
The qiiesihin was aske<l hy a
Nlcbolsa Scott. The man had so shot into her mind. "Why not send
rahWt and split Its iipiier Up. People
1« eicbtsds flfiy cerus a ifeefc They
Watering s Flevrar.
need little etutbfamily, ao friends, lie made no effort
who doiibl Ihe story are asked to
Ahd Ufa la the Mae air above.
In Hungary nt every cottage wboae
middle of Ibe'woek after Easter ha!l notice Ihai the rabbti's lip U spill lu
cure fileadshlp. Apparently poor, man? He need nor kimw whence
Show aa oace more, as you hara ofi'
perhaps soured hr adverwliy. the lone- ime. Ir may Invidw w xllghf aacri- sal listening to the sinilgbl forward. this day. And besides bavl^ Its llpr loof shelter* a marriageable giri s^
the New Mexica
an went ro and fro chiefly unnotic­
bul. If ynu truly wish 10 show penhent'siory that his own father had splli Ibe labliit was.miirb frtgblened to be seen oa Easier nvoming branches
Tha Chrtat of our Ufa and lore.
ed by hts felloa- men. His dress, which Kir han.1. ms It were, regarding y.
al Ibe moon's anger, so ibal II ran of pine gaily decorated with clusters
Nicbolns Bt-oii )ooH‘d all al once away and bid ia a bole in the ground of ritibon. They have been placed roriiis can leesooably be coaaldered
Dear Lord, wa are weaiy: the alghi au* nlways suffirlenl. was yet shabby ‘art's best desires, may not Ibis
there over night by the young men re- wltbln range of ponsiblUtien.
In a way. because Illy kept, and alpuzzled and amused;
itirnlng from the fields. The penannt
can well Im- imagined ibat a airtigMy dear luvy. I haven't the flrsi
Iiallan matches mnaufnrtared by
Aad we lost thae aometlatea In the liiongh II was Inferred from ibe ac­
kiver. accompanied by aeveral friends, the governmeni are ibe rhnpesi In
counts given by the grocer anil piovts- gle very real anti rH' was In­ id.-a." he replied, ' and upon my boniir.
Fleat Easter Hymn.
enters tbe bouse carrying a pall, aad Ibe world Tbe boys who sell IBeM
CaUnabi^Baam: waahaU know thee, lon dealer, that he purebssed plenty volved for Ibe Uitle leaeher. Her dlf- Ibis la the Arsi time also that 1 hare
The first Easter hymn of which we says to Its owner; "I hare beard
of food for ooe. be yef must bave done fldenee rode high and uppermost at given Ihe (tuesiion a moment's rvMion Ibe street reap large proflia from
bila here. .
have rerord was written by St. A
tbere la a flower ia your garden, aad I tbe tourists who are tbelr cusldMrrm.
bnl she l.raTM It ilown. Bo ii rideralloo.bis own rooking and seldom hired any­
trnse ia ibe fourth century sar
crave for your permlaaioa to water It."
r abcmi that <m Saturday wbea
All Plnmvllle bad been curloui and
thing done in the small house he oc­
ChoraUie vras flrst IntrodiMwd tala
where about S4» A. D. Its words 1
The father lepUes. ~l Ikank you for EnglaBd fra Mexhta la UfiO. II won
Broil went by wlib hU m;
astonished when a tall maa of super­
cupied and owae<l.
typical of tbe seisoo It celebrates;
tbe honor you btve done me In visit made from Ibe flnwer of ibe roroonal.
ior bearing had pur up at Ihe one snug
good many li'aea during her semr tmwkn. probably to he gone bobIng my roof I hare a flower, but il soon became rery papolir and was
(ime. Priscilla Jostyn detemi
lioiel. registering himself ss "Regi­
e of resilience In Plumtille. Mla-<
This is the vei^ day of Oed,
grows witbout being wsiei-ed." Rui generally used In (be l.oudun cdSra
aebootaeneheT of PlumvIUe. She olien JoKirn bad beard Ur. 8eolt dtacuased. that eoiild she but i>|tcn u iloor or w-iu- nald N. Sroti." appearing on Ihe s
Seiene with hoiv light U t-ame,
the lover watches eoiside with bis
Ml a Had of self-pity la roaiemplat inorh as nny eccealrlc ehamcier Is dew at his collage, she would leave Ihe next day with Mr Mrho!ss S
In wblcb the sirfRin Of sacred Blond pall of wafer, und on tbe appearance bouses.
ber lily where he must sum see tl. Slill more slat*4l plumville. when the
Ihg her roadtilon. aad yet she was a Ukri'y to be. Vet. as will also i
Of Ibe i:p nm who formed tbe flrot
Rwepi ovei Ihe wnrld'a Clime and of the girl be {.oura some over
She bark a tall, pl.-fln glass vase ail nun of loidly mein, uohesltatlnglr
rhaery UtUa body as roold be. I'aiber limes bappeo-, she had beea two yean
turvey puny tm Ibe Istbmos of Paauntil be gets a ransom from her It
. aad moabar bad iwiased taio the brlehi In the place before knowing who he ready, and piittin: that .'ind ibe splen­ spoke of hlms<-lf ss-the son ol
ams only four survived tbe hardaUpa
shape ol a certain otimber of Ratter and reinned to tbe Hailed Btatea
DayoRd. while Prtaenia was still u as. ■ And even now. she hail >-eldom did Illy into a Urge pleci- of paper, she same Mr Nicholas Scott.
eggs. This rusiom Is varied ni
venaitred hurriedly forth. No one
Poor reiirtnc. aiirjciive wtile Mias
chUd. there were ao brothers or alaalive or these survlrors cmiy obe
Tbe sins of all are laU on Thee.
Ibe belter cinasea. perfume being used was living recently.
Prisrillu Joslyu. was qiiletjy reading
tars, aad tha uarie. who. rather gmdgMrs. Buks, however, was to have .1 her when sbe Ml Mrs. Banks' ho
And Thou, to cleanse tbe world's deed instead of wnter.
After n smart walk she rearluHl Ihe i-ne evening wbea Mrs. Banks rnmg
lagty It meat be ooafeeaed. had glren new anti for Eatner. aad MIs-^ Uarlow.
Tbe Japanese delIgH la (be prodacbar a boom dnrtag her growiag np. bad Ibe dress maker, aha who was acfoiial- ceitage No one appe.vred to noilee a» ie her room anil handed her a card
lioa of dwarf ireea. By a long cmAs man dost the slat of
He«r the Belle Ce (e Ri
aaeer allmrad her to forget that ns ed by far ' the beat flt“ In town, was Kbe sllppe.1 Into Ibe yaid. She tried on which she read the name. “Mr.
llnoed ayatem of pnmlng n»d bod RlpWhat
m- ever more aubllme.
i:eglBaia.^N. Scott." And her bean
■ooa aa aehnol days were over, i
use to the widow's for a day or
That grace mlCbi meet (be guilt of a belief still Ungers that during pas- plng natural giants of tbe vegettUe
naat "do for haimeif."
and gel Ihe illfferem aerllooa of she lifted Ibe latch of Ibe little shed. would surely have nearly bounded out
kingdom are kept down 10 lesa (baa
time? ■
kloa week the bells of the eburrbes Ibe height bf a blade of gnaa. Tbe
us open and ob, how- nlre! She of her. had It not been that by a!
Vrnr wtlliag bad Priscilla heea
the oulfli all properly cut and l>asied
net out for Rome lo order to get tbemwalked direrlty Into the kitchen. Her
rarnimis happening of events sli" Love doth tbe bonds of fear undo.
aaaama her aetf-auppori. aad oa learMrs! Banks could flnisb ir at
And neaih resio^f our life nnew.' selves blesaed liy tbe pope. During oak tree bere Is sbowB >Ue site grewheard never n wind of the
tRC the ^ school where she
convenience. At dinner lime. Nicholas heart beat like a small lilphuB
lag la an Araetlcan Iblmhle.
However much ibis writing of 81 Ibis period of mnuralng Ibe bells are
she Kinierl a faurvt and flilnl the ihat.ha'd come
dooa boraaU great credit, aha had ap- Bcoil was the principal person under
The manioc. root «f MadaganeoiHer pteliv fsee was rosy .edougb. Ambrose may have Huffered In Iran mute la tbelr belfry, sad Ibe peasants yields as moeb as »l per eeni of
pUad. tor a vseaney la the grammar
■They Kay that his moms ate
achoM of aaoiber lowaahip, eres PlumVenturing Into the rdlllng-room.abe however, as she wool to Ibe parlor clarion, liieiv Mill remains enough firmly believe ibat they have ataned
HUa. aad with decided ibaakfulDess non <le<|alste places ope eoiilif
the manufacture of stnreta sad
jtbe vase on the
Ihe iTlndow
window ail!. 'Oh. »n«l «u« «he tall.
turn to send forth a Joyous peal
had takca up her abode there. baTlai gine.- said Ihe chally dress ma
bow muggy the glass was! IWiring
lUrtiag »ro»c and greeietl her with such pleas­ deep and abidins faith that Hr
gincose. and sereral Paris dlstillera
K wor^.
the morning of ibe reaurreciloa. Peo­ ate now making Hcebnl of It; SM
dull, dismal, and ao dirty! How can
the kitchen, sbe drenched hei ing ease as 10 aelually reassure ber.
TVilb rife
rile ineepiloo
of the miracle ple do not come bark from so hmg
How- it all rame out wiihoiil nearly
tor lha ooreted poaltloo.
decent man Jive ibal wav I slionlii handkerrhtef and nrlflly returned,
pounds have yielded from ten to
Journey wiihreit biinxlng presents 1 tbineen gallons of ermlc slcMol.
Aad now for seren or eight years. iko to kno*!washing ibe three hiwer panes of killing her wllh confusion. Mlaa Jos- and my-mery plays, tbe (esilval
Easier assumed its place In another good children. The Joy bells iben'SlPrtaailla had beea kaowa as -ibe
"I supiiose be Is a decent kiml of a
ifasiened ber whileneek- lyn. never oiuld Imagine.
ways rome fits, nad btln, with 'h-Hn [
Bchool-miatTeto." or course there were tan." said Mrs. Banks, who wa-i eaithai and the loper she Scon, the new Mr. Scon, bad been Itirm of literature, if the sometit
various heaurilut iday.bmge
her bobby
other teaehera la lowa but-they
lag hurriedly and dealing In short had put aroiiBil the Illy hi bringing II.
tired thaia paihapa laager and were senlenees ibe sooner Io gel bark to haailly polished the gl»«»cs. ngalnsi
Easter then ws.‘^teTLI^d
more geoeroualy called b.r ihelraamet rr work.
ed d^htf po-s‘Uised literary merit. The very
which sbe put b<^white flower.
‘’is devoted to aninuli, and is sveraa
New Year. day. The peasant be^
' Bat for Bome reason or Mker. Mlaa
"Ob. yes," replied Ibe more leisurely
Could she only wash them outside oiilcome. lAirl a passingE ii^ia bi hiimanizing of divinity brouglii tbe
z.owed on bt. ebUd an e,g. dyed eeur- ^
Joalya was set apart, as it were, to h UUs Barlow, "be is not ignoisni noi also! She hurried. iremMIng ln,fri'>v seen -Ills schiiolmlsiiess'
s 'ctuhbing . Slop- of (Tirisi closely home to
minds of v^e people, and sinee
daalgaaied as simple, ibe laacber.
lown by any means, but In- evid­ limb, lutek to the fatirel. went out the window outside.
Xiii knowing how to bide the truth, plays were flisi given dlrecily by
<v Wllhoot being BoUceably preti; ently wants to lie let alone, aad t iak>' dosing the ihau of the slieil after ber.
la Alaska tbere U said lo be toand
<-hur«4 her«eir, it U t-osy lo see 1
tbara was a charm about Mias Joslyii
tst folks are only wUling ••nnugfa
appealing, she nilil>e.l the dltt little PrtM-flla had 'rembUBgly
a rertam kind of flsb wbirb. wfc««
naturally rhiiirh music came eaily
that aras quick to make ItsHf fell, bm
e outer side of Ihe three panes lefuge (a hioKbing out the truth.
idtled. makes an egealleoi easdie. Tbe
pity II was. abe was the subject of lUc -Jfiss Joslyn look no part in the mn- of gUss. and us sire made them cleat
flsb s tail Is placed Into a crark of a
and mystery prescntsiinos. After
klad of dIEereoce, that, nnforinnt
vcnuiilnn. hut a feeling of plly welled
shining, abe coiilil see only Into hlghione.1 stranger went
aumden table to bold it npriglit. a>4
esuiie as she phrn»- d it. "he made singing, by tbc congregation, a 1
aay oaa. is peculiarly so in a wnmaa
or Ur. NlrlKdas Scott. To know
loom, but (be Ply II
from secretions cbumuI hy the pres­ It. noM- Is lighted It give* a good
acicr known a. the Evangelist
such an everlasting'esil "
arho la "alov by heraelf."
be W3K lonely and wlibaul rela- Jestlc lieauty seemed
ence of vase forrign object, sneb as steady light of three candle power,
Miss Ji>-.lyD. a few evraings later, initi-dueed Into tbe iii.-iys aad In
Had ihe'schooImJstreM been a i
ilves was enoogh to .esrlie ber com- eloquent discourse already
coosideraiile lieBi. and will barn
a grain of aand. wHbin the shell of ibe
things white and ru' her hands b.-fore her rosy face as ni.iiinvr he assumed the place which
bar of a family of her own. the Mbers passion, and yet she felt no great la- lovrtinest r
oyster. But it faa« beq^ shown that for about three boara.
she said la rev iew ing her exireni<-|y bail (•een flib-d centuries before by
wooM ban sssUied to brlnglog her leresi in the man who was fsv mueb a
Between 81. Peieraburg oari Tsarfine pearls are not thus produced
oul. bat left to betaelf the atttaetlrc sitnnger to ber.
nerabling Mi.s.J«slyn wa.-;
before Easier tbe r.ieek cboriis. Possibly the first
akoe-ReJo there Is a special Une. with
Another theory 1
ilUle lady kept in the hack ground,
Bui. II happened Ihai on hei way oalT too glad to hasten away, resolv-' "And I was so sure iheie eonid iu- Easter tnustc. as such, wra.- sung by :eMih Of diseshr
motet. The a private station at e*ch end. for tbe
the Ev-angel>s( in the old eburt-.b
want lalo rompany naly rery seldooi. home from school the next day. she ing'to rcfls<-l mote fully ou such Ib^- 0 rominrealuurlf "
exrluslre u-e- of the Imperial fsoilly.
taypolhesU. sustained
hat took great mraton "and
came fare to fare with Mr. Sroit, and when she could do so more at casK
Nicholas Scon, with
of Ibe Oceanbgrapbic Muse-rm .Jd:
.vard of It U coosunUy gnardpmaare In bar cosy room si
Nicholas Scott bad not been un-'^'f bouse keeper, brill oecupies bis
taking miber a derided look at
Monaco. Is that tbe origin of i-raiis ,s, ►d- •"« “tv
Widow Banka." where she had hoard­ aa be bappene.1 to he glancing in an ilodfiil 00 his way to the market ano |
cottage, for be is n<
Eatter Eggs.
10 be «i.cril-ri to Ibe piesenr*. of a'««”^ lommotlrt—of contM. under tbe
ed for seven years, erer since abe
other ctlreclinn. Miss Joslyn was
tbc gtwcerv of tbe significant dlspUy i P*w man at all. bin he thinks It
The egc in some form or orlier tua paiairilc. Tbe .pecle> of rora.-;- dif.; ™i>erlni«ideiic.- ,-f the driver proper,
eighitiea yrsn old.
prised, flrst. by the mournfulness ol in the windows of the llurisis that he'nc to Uve in the us;.-fui bouse
feni witb the specie, of u A-. 1-it
dw.llor. of Heiteo con
been tbe unquestiooed type «f nc*
•rhe room was a eheertnl place'. The his expression, and second and more patted. la hit
from the 'rerv dawn of, the Christian tbit mode of origin. M. ri-ui-i b>-,t'c'-' “ -i'***** «
faraltoae' was mostly nUte. A
mind, be however. Iiesiowed . .. .
Here*. Is geaer-l with ail fine p-.-rlt. .“-rcii-j miP-s a( a aireteh, going at a
ary chirped In a gilded rage that hiiag
thought upon li. 'A mere M-niimeni. "
But Sirhola. Scott has tlssn into
- I Blow bnl ■b.adr tret. Fieqnenlly s
In Jtussla as early as 1189. eggs
BuapeadM from a book Io the cellini:.
he muttered undt-r his hroath. -lel,“
Wes»ed Ufe. wlille his favorite Cf^ored red. typifying the blood
Laying Capacity ef Hens.
. '-’■•■r lias been earned a distasce of
A haagIng case held several books,
And yei. all this might hare glanced ibose who will, enjoy such things and;
»'«>► •»- »» Ra-''«'r in.v. CbrisT sbed as an atcmemeitt for
Invearigailon of ibe rapacity <d bees cn-er >lx bundled miles In flve days,
—TX'onuiB s Magazine. slns. were the most ireasurod of ex­ to lay eggs re.iili. in the diacovery] tbe carrier llTlng sM tbe rime m a
and to one wiadow, a shelf across the by witbout funber tbougbi
make the most of them
reater held about half a dozen fdanis. been Ibal during Lear tbc yonng
Bat tm entering bis usually dingy
changes at Easter. Bvery believer that (be egg productkm of ben. d* | simple diet of plnole_a tsely grooRd
Mlaa Jmlyn moat hare had the '-mack acbootmlaresa had beard a aermoi altring-rnom he paused. first
Tbe Eaatcr RebbiL
went abroad at ibis seasem with his creases eon.lderably after tbe age of.corn, miied with water into a iMa
ftafer." said to penata lo.cetialB per- which wank lalo her heart, whereli -Singed, then In nstonlshmeni.
Not even the greatest sludeni< have pockets well snpplied with Easter
aoRs who aeea pnanessed tt ibe power ; was said the people who wanted
nTib the death of Drake, a famoos
■'BTh> has dared!" be burst forth, ever been able 10 learn how It hap­ eggs, as Ibe socieiy maa of ueday at­
to maka whatever they plail grow.
e aeeoanied rhristlana aceordlng to taking a flerer stride toward tbe wls- pens that tbe tahbit lays Easter eggs. tends to bis weli-fliM card ease.
These taw Boweriag or sweel-leaved he atandard of (be Master. Ctartal.
beHered Iling forth an impetoo-os All they know is that the little cfail- ' When (wo Rosslaas me: for the flrat m rnrec years, auont ju-*; at tue ogejuen no. eu-» euai was
filaeu wero a great delight to the lit­ luat be willing to do Cbrtsilr deeds, hand, as if to dash the Illy from bis dreo. and partlcnlarly cbildren ia Oer- . rime during tbe Easier holidays, if of four .rears, about lU: at the age of jibe (Meal lababltant
tle teacher. She tended, wsietod. clip­ speelall.r In recc^lied cases of need sight.—bui somelblag stopped him.
-Ss , —A netH.f,
lortolse V
many. make, as ibeir graadfaiberai they
day ludf. a...________.Vw...* SA sB.a
ped and matured them, aod crfido a
Mian Joalyn bad bees wtahlag ever
4>w yean aid.
Big reon. about M.
swift, poignant, prick-idid before them, warm pests rd bay- (be .belaied EsMer t
appmwd la the acboolroom with
since she could know of some ease lag like an arrow, suki bis hand, and during Raoter srcck. In which they passed, fimt hy soiemaly absklng
Tbeae figure* go (o show that heat tored la (be Oalapagoa Islands to­
Aower or leaf tastefully disposed near where she could do somerhlag that arretted hit hitter speech.
eeaj find oa Eaater morn leg a lot of boontl- bands la sllenra: then the elder (or should never be kept In (be poultry
the hack of her dmi. Her bird also would show Whose side she was oa.
Wtaere bad be seen flowers Just likei fu| colored eggs laid (bere. of courae tbe younger, if be out-ranked tbe yard Bore ihan four yean, for after lury. Tbe native* had s Izadlrioo that
was a chertabad llltle companion, and mad Whom she believed aod wanted that in the same room mlifa binuelf|by tbe Easter rabbii.
elder) would aay; "Tbe Lord la Ibe lapse of this rime they do Dot yield he wot over r»0 years old al that llMe.
Mlaa Jotlyn aaated in her arm-riulr.
serve. But wllh her eilreme
1 In Amerlcs and other count.ries tbe risen;' and bis companlna would re- a proper nanrn oo tbe food they con- tn fact a date of tbe oUtct-uih ceR•PPaaiad vary tulUUy snrrouaded
lury bad been carved «n bU back.
race and lu cooseqinac seelni
•o, Janey! Janer; - be cried, la sor-lsiore windows in aeasOR were crowd- ply; "Ii i* true;" then they klMie.1

Robfttaoai. la tba froeary depart
1 tbkl fBllr '6XW peocoSea ubla «BB carad for

by Tjva BstMday’a Record.
Harry WUtate one of the employe*
of tbe BeWylcr Meautacturin* com-

Mts or tb» HMUUh A lUeaWioaa r.
Dean. L a HebbA^
tmrmaj u tbe foraial iOiwMi. Beit KMiar. MW Lwa
■wlr-ilT T11 IBM-BUiel.aieAjmr.
g r*MpU0B flf tbe bit ■«»« VMt mn* tkOT* wi> DO w
Buriat the ereoiat SWrartl er«Br«nAbX.V
_ B MCnme eouDU fjom ttai cheatra tumlabed Ibe mualc which waa
la cf
crowd ihu throccad Tret of auch hlch quality that pralae froa
MW cny« twfwt boHcNi iflMUuUac- reo the moat critical waa beard
(taa the <^«BlBt boar. 7 o'bkick. uMU

ttedowet lt;M. the Spmewa

eMwaily moeed bare from
Chicago wlib that cODoera. will leave
loolgbt for OUcagu, where be will be
ed to MIta Teaa Talge. Mr.
Wliten win retarn with bla bride the

Tbe comfort aod aafely of the laige latter part of oeit week aad they will
thla city tbeir pertaaneat home.
iwwda ware taehed after ta erery
MW Tatge ia promiaeat la Chicago
poMtHe way. aa cMker a»d a «n


Kone <d tbe Maay wbo rlalted tbe alora of that Instltotioo.
ore felt other tbea well repaM lor
Vt tb« rellow TuBB trww, bbv* iB*
Elmwead Avc.'Program,
■tiwt B brlUlBBcy and tane vkMi at- eu doiax and the opcnlag ereat
r foltowlng program was
tricUd MAT wbo otharwlae woaM d<H BKWt favorable Impieaeloe.
derod SI tbe Elmwood avenue «-Ik..1
hate Umb tba cpanlng a tbawabi
Friday anernocm. the eighth and
Loaktait at ifaa vladowt waa tba Brat
tba tBBBAdeaoeBta *hBd«d and

tba paaamanc eaah earrien. a faatoi
aaMon aaan la a dty thia aiae. tt
baadll Mntara, tba talapbooe o
ehaaga. tba tadlea' real rooM. U
ebaek room for buadlea and pareda.
^ new paaaeac<«' aleratar whieb
waaaotyatianuialBtardar.aDd tbee
ap la tba, laUUaaiT aoB aa
HMM tba baadaoBM furalUtra
aad bout aipecUlty for it by a local
eweara. tba J. B. OraUlck eompaay.
tW atoeka which ara aot
•aw la

Oiaad BapIdA
lat for a a


a Traverse

r and AeoKt*nt Int

Room 810 Now Stato Bonk Butldtn«.

Tbebast kind etatasttaumUl-Sold lor evar siatr yaars."



John JacobMh Died.

Traverse City. Mich.

Fn.n Fplrisyt Uteoid.
•T tliici rini! fur a w----U


Msrqu*"’*' ‘sr rv|.slnrr Iniuied at mk
Uapids U I Friday nH.nung. .II..I il.i-mornito: at the Grand Trawr-u- Ik.;
Iiiial. Ills draih b- lug dm- i« iviiKm '
Mr. JscoLsmwasulsUI40yv-ais iil-l

Sell you'your bill furs l.ooof or 1*™.
b full line of

We egrr}' ht all times

(iet our Cgan-9 hud com|jnr.- our gr»deS U-fure buying.

aw «U he aoecaodad waa evtdeaead Utter. Palmer piinebed Cook la hU
kitchen which roaelted la a flght.

Is an wbk- 1».ll<-J
he contributed t

PLonra, ^11 3S0; CiU 308.

«« n.

trouble which he has broughl on Utn-



B county aod have
Grand Traverae.

t^jisjsagw •

Ely's Creu Balm

-s. Maud Morely says she wilt s
Oattinp Raady.
SatUfled srltb nothing but tbe best. Ihe diy of Pontiac for Sluynm for
aabt italrs there waa a promlae of Bert Winnie aad Charles B. Quick Jories received by falling In a hobaprtw oMBplifled by a abower of ap­
e sent an order to Japan tor lead- a sidewalk. Fell. l. She bas servo<l
notice on the city.
ple bkwcMt while oa tbe newel poeta
whlcb they will use In Uou
irr|^~ witb tbero aa a cootreat t
the wbKa BMtar imeo.- Down

We Believe

many-tlatad b«tei«
Aral of June. Last year they
pnrcfaaaed tbeir leaders In BugUnd
Tba paoimd bqtw was la Baater llUea but this year they determined
Twnnlai tbropgh to tbe MHUaery
directly to tbe home of the allk worm

FVaiik Joljn-.m. oiH-:a<iuK -v car...... .
mtchtne al I!;.- Iloiii.-r I'-I...^.- w...l.-!ll
oillls at.Eat.m K»idds.-|;.-..l ih.strli.prd fnmi anii tb-ar ir. M» stiuul |

tk. diwwri eeiow
»bJ ifl'«
.nyamklU LM bmd
m I. plead late Iht BswrUw
wn. U.4 U aWertsd. lu:-trU>o.wnlaM. It U set dryar-doc
aula;. La.-g* ka*. W tesu at time-



tbla oiUnate li none too Urge
•aaOy he aeon from tbe foltowiag figyim abowtnt tbe amount of Individual
*Bowefi. etc. need la the s^eme:
TwtAtr croaa. or 2.S80 Amei
Beauty roaea.
Tbn t<«OA or 1.410 aaow balU.
Tm dosMi potted imes.

TIi.nacl.Im-rv was
HUVPed ju« in time ... imve i.ll llle
Hr would liBve U-en d:awn In budlly

Tma pa^an fer tht griat at am.


um The Farmers’ Store

Cut Stone Work

If yon

Mi Bay St.




from 1-V up.
S.-IWS frtim 4

eleetlun to be held In this at
Monday, tbe first day of April. 1M7.



We liave tbv U-at $L00aaw



Seeds are on Sale Now.

pain or roisery, they will allay,
the irritable condition of the

the Supreme Court, two Regents of

nerves, and save yon further
suffering. Those who use them
at regular intervals have ceas­
ed to dread these periods. They
contain no harmful drugs, and

IXXXX Coffee Chums at work

leave no effect upon the heart
or stomach if taken as directed.



They give prompt relief. •
w”— •—
iBvsUd far S

ST'S''«k:‘1'1,Su’‘ss I fi

groat ttranca There was everylhlng Schools for Grand Traverae eounty
tbaro from Um tainbuw hat dowi
will he voted -for.
a MBpOe aad modest creeiloo aening
alN notified

MRS. HENKT F\'Kk! & Akrua.O.

at n small price sad op again Ic

elerllon to be held
la this stale.
Hooday. the first day of April, nl
teen hundred aev«i the following j
bis month's wages. Tbe vsriety
posed nmsUtutlonal amendments are
antb that all tasteo could be salted A to bo Bubfflilied to Ibe qualified elecBMtaro greatly appreeUled by tbe fair
11.10 the Contlltution ■
an la thU departmeat -was g
0 tbe tewcblng of a mechanical
at booths witb mirrors and toilet arOM lAleh would coat tbe average

MOefi Medical rG.F.I«MrygS;

tWea ao that the hats could bo tried
on la aCrtet prlvary. The bau shusred

In Demand

proriding for a bonrd of coantr and!ton for the countlos of Bay. Cbrinyand 8t. CUIr."
imendraeot to the Constitution re-

On Ibe MOMd floor waa located the
the cwmtln eff luimm and JacI
and tha coanlim la the JudlcUI clrMiiaiamsi George Blue. Dan Urodoa. euli in which the county of taabvIU Is
Wmam HiddswoTth. Ted
Bartak. or may be siioaied."
In wilaees whereof I have hereunto
oaerge Dago. George Hodge. MW

Grace Wilhelm aod Mtss Laura Wn- aet my band tbb flnh day of Marob.j
beW. Oa tbe Brat floor, la tbe drag A. D. IfiFf. at Treverse City. Graad'
Traverae eotmty, HleUsaa.
the tee table wa
CHARLea e. johkbw.
«Wqu of Mrolmra W. O. HoUea. J.

Hammera from'

IWfuft- yon l>oy your uarpeotar toolg cume

the relief so tnucli desired.
taken on first indication

Ibe followtnc otficen are le be voted
Two Justices of




You are hereby notified that



Wc bate t<|oar««

ill lean.

nerves, and give to

Traverse County:



j'ou vunt cheap totda. wt- Lave tbeui: if you want

Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain
They stop the pains, soothe the

To tbe Qualified Rieciora of Grand

Sheriff of



ill and l<iok our «lock oi-r audg>-t our prioei.


a of an kinds


coo<l toul*. w>- have them.

from nervousness, backaclie,
sick headache, or Other pains,
there is nothinf that can equal

Philip uratlon for Ihe term ending December
31. ISIO. vmendsp caused by the raalgTba new mmiaery and suit depart- nailoo of L^tbw L Wright.
wnt attracted tbe fenlnlne Maltors
also notllled that
Od a number of tbe sterner sex. In elecllun.
a County Commiss

to groat Mad. of B

Pays fer both a full jrror.

Carpenter Tooh



IreUad and Emma iilgb-

Tea groaa yards of Hly rlne. wblMi the Unlreralty cf Michigan.
Mefeg Just fnity teet nf being a mite.
Too are also notified tbst a special
■Igbt troaa at wfalle and red ptw- election will be held eat Ibe slaove date
plea. Tbroa groat loose liilrs.
rbich time there Is to be elected
»my cross or apple Mosaomt.
Meml«r of Ibe Bute Board of EdMr.

Clftenad tr*9*nt Otf»U
•farm aad rtnaide

der by ratchlng that mcuiber In lh-:

Upd. both of this county were united
trrlage FHday by Jiuttce Geurge

tiMatad at ISOO. the parebaae being W. Curtis...
aada at wboleeale Tatea and Hr.
rKA laaWnt « apeeUI Uip to Chicago
teat Satsrday to necuro them. That







Price. 50e per poiuid.



and get Ihe best that can be bou


Dr. F.

b« that is tu
to jour likiug
, a aau>pt<.
.puuutl uftLia
We will takeour <-ltai)>-ei <>u your cuuiing back.

vre can t-iit jron both in tjuality and price.


Datallaer«<e Oeeeratl

A. i™.'LJ1;
m='7sM5S iftags

Cboit-e l’tict.litr--.l -luiitn particularly fine ffhvor nuil
(-xcHptioual slrt-ii^Ui
you have trouble gettini; a
inU. If
If J.................................

tbero were two apple treea la a riot id lag ibU summer, tbe sUpmeci
btocCL To farther coapletB the illii- espected about the Utter part of May

Tba ewt eff tbe deeomtkna waa «a-

& .‘LTfiS^WC
Ui«wCWrruU.CUi pbSMim.

We have. the Best Tea on
the Market.


has now |»-eo used
family have taken the luatier In

hand and a paper was clrridated loduy
tbe whole Jea«Ui of tbe bolMlag aad pUInt yeeterday. Sheriff Jtmnaoa
gum a Welterod walk for alroat pe- ephoned Cook to come to IbU dly aad ta hopes of raising the ueceioury S^<>
be did. leadOy aeouHag a Wudsnun.
keep the little girM there thirty
AmBHbm wbo are alwaya weleome
He la a yoimg man well ibought of by days lunger as was rec<
The AMsHcaa Beauty eBeet waa Interioeben peofdc and regrris the Chase Umily has now movwl loiu U-eeatraaea there butag
dl-lbaM erlBBob Mated Bowero aad

:1* way frusn heiween the cars uuilded. -

I by the donors that the

He was-l>rniiKlii-l» Ibis cliy and
Mood, will cootUue Io come on her
taken in Ihe linspllal in Uie ambulance
s nnttl abe U at least 1C years old
given f-very raie. Perlinnills.
but that If abe can be treated during
however. s<-l_ lii andethis caus'-d his
these ttmea she can eventually
A ni'tuctge was reevlved*lhis aftcrSelma baa been kept at the hospiul
nouii suilnp tliaf Mr. JaodwuuV
by pubUe aubarriptlon as Mr. Marvin
brother nvmld come M-i-e and make
1 nut ronaclentloiisly
the fnneral arraiigenivtits,
county's funds for tbal purpose

Hawed apda tbe deeoiatioBB by tbe Then Cook bought a levolver aad ac­
la tba ftiMde tbe Tama cidentally hired Oarrlsoo.
Palmer was a seared man. all right. father
gywa waa white whMe latere
He swore that Ootrii bad vowed
and kill htm along with which
other' details and made
of the
tba aaia Mala or arcade which


Tall on

Lcsik for tbe Uig Ktvl Phot.

Cor. K. vih St and Like Ave.

Id,.-r that he bad frlen.^ In l-ib

('.adtUac and Mi>rksg>-n. i>i»bfiii; 1-irLittle Zalma Net So Wall.
lh>-r is kiinwn rsKin-ralog Mm. Il>Zclnu l^buse, the* Lyvur-uld rliibl
rarij«<l a UM tn'iirai.c- polb-y .in.I i.ii
ho went to Ann ArUir blind u few
H frI-iiiM anfr-ia anil
luntbs ago AnJ was gradoally begin
wisbHs l-aiwd the »«.I> will In­
Ding to regain here eyesight. U again
al An<l>-isi»i's iiiurguiof her eyes being In a erli
SI Priday momtni; Mr. Jsi-obiudi
leal rnndilloo. Superintendent of the
w^irklm- at KIk Hapld<, A i-ar
It la their purpose
Poor Marvin was notllled iif her cntiditu be m-t i>ut (•..l-e ivj>allr-i| and
llon by SupeHutendect Ciltncre of the
said that hv de-lred to
tlnlverslly hi>
I rain crew, nu b<- und-ito-i'-. t>.
Cave Banda.
> me Cuuidln-:. The drawlwie nr
ChaHro Cook, who eauied trouble at there until hi
the two cars caught him ill the hips,
otcrlochen by ahootlng a man named
nylng In pan: 1 would be little
rrusblng him very badly, tk-splte the
lest than criminal to let her go
nature uf his Inpirie*. the man mad.-

pleye of tbe mill at Wylie and. It U
bftbe atom Bacaoae
1U groat
- ItWH aatiwary (or tbe decorator. B. said, the troohle between him and
BL AfTiek. to tblak on a large acale Cook arose over orders given by the

•Mt AapaMarotit In feetoaos.

S KT Ceil Altovei M rUM bfipBfittB

TravorM City.

v> k«« t M««u I Wa v<t.l;aS
aan-rs3taaal»ll a«r BM.aiaaa.

age Market No. S.
Joaeph Binder A Bona ealabi
tbe Btghth atreet maikel aeveral yeara

Palmer gave bond* of gSM

AtWMBBiAt tke lUUce work effect
cavttad oat aad rowa of potted Easter
UBm na Aowa the aidea of tbe walls.

A ScMnl BBEklig EMtem Ebm

Money to Loan on Improved Real Esuie Oolj.

aad la thoroogfaly eompeleoi to

keep the peace.
Palmer ia the mae with whom t
troable Brat started.
He is an r

wrrttd out tat tba eewter.

EURPLUa. E30000

Tire Insurance!

Anether Market.

seveaib grades paHklpa'Iugatw Abd tben tlw reM waa easr. tba
Joseph Bleder A Soea, wbo are
8o^. BIgfath grade.
fitowda CBtarad and aaierlac did not ating a meat market aad provlaloo
Debate. "Beaolhed. Thai tiraot «ss
taarra bbUI tbar bad Inapeetad every
OB Baal
Eighth Mieet.
belter general than; ' affluatlte,
daparUnaot aod noted ibe «baaca>
dilag out eaieaalrely aad have
KJuuth. liCa SUalev. Caraet
Oat had baaa Made.
.......taaed Ibe meat market of John
Pierce; negative. Rose Nemee. Nettie
It la ladaad a tar cry from the lilllle Urban on Raadulpfa alraeU They will
gweral atore on the north aide M the take potaHaaltm of tba oew atoro Moo- Hartley. Charlie nirb.
Reclutiun. -Oolnnihus, ' Ina Hogan.
rtrar to tba praaeai large bnUdlBi day motafug: the tvm will have the
Bung. Seventh grade.
aiialipad with eearytlila* that raai) I place Baed up la modem alyls aad
ReclUtlon. 'Xlld dorT.' Leo NtUon.
eaa prodoca to faciUiata buBloeai and carry only the beat gooda. TiAa will
Drama. "While Brother Phil Was
do ewar with WBIU. When Ute prea- be ksotro aa Mhrtiet No. i. aad will tainiai waa eenpiaiad
at the beM marketa la Ibe oily. It
p paru in tbe drama were as fol
PMM ago U waa leoke
be In charge of Prank W. Bleder,
lows: Hre. Maradeo. Elsie Beanlsley
M a BOdal but tboae wbo rat
Uie oldeat aoa of Joaeph Bleder. the
thair thowbta wkee ttey Brat vliltad head of the Brm. who for aeveral MaHon Maraden. \>ra Alward: Phi
den. Chanea Flleh: Jack <rreatt. doriat tbalr »Mt laat aigbl
I Ins beea aaaodated with hia
thattba-wortddonwee." Tbareweie father In the Gaat R^th atreet Move, bam. John Kluuk.



Tbe old cold coet; i nev one
quickly comes, li's^the story
of g week tbrott, week lungs,
t tendency to cootumption.
Ayer’s Cherry PeciorsI
Ic strenphens, soothes, hetlt
Ask yonr doctor sbout it.

! HrMea aad Mie baa aerernl
IkMCild be bat4 io IiMtiiMi B storr bi|th balat pteeaaL H. S. Saa
brotbera who are earned Im bewaeunr aad troaaerer of tba
r. and Bnpl. J. B. Broww. aaaWed paper work In Uat city. Mr. Witten.
t at the ee^ea employee bruugtit
ha depMlMU beada aad c^erka.
by the Bebuyler Maanfactunug
Blao gore tbetr atteetka to the
aay mad one of tbe exprn upei■a aaalftiag them Id erery way.
«ttk UgbV budaoaMjr (Ma

TraTosc Qty State laik


The Tatung
Cold Habit


Dstrelt Busint
cempMent. ne disapgotnti
fellow. That Is why we cennet .
tugply the aemsnd. We
maay mera Public and<
Seheel graduates to trait
good poeltlens and w;
them MW. Addreec IS Wilcox !
Ava. Detroit. f<

Tastet good always—becaaae it*s always good.
Always the same because it’s always blen^
and roasted just right
Extra pxxl quality, because it's imported direct
and Bold direct to dealers.'
Odier coffees must pay a profit to importers,
brtdars and jobbers. You save three profits in XXXX
Coffee. The saving goes into higher quality.
That’s why McLaughlin's XXXX Coffee is so
macA6e«er than any otftereo/Kse at the same price.
The handy adr-ti^t package and tbe glaring of
pure sugar ke^ this coffee clean and fresh—fEtP
tected fixim dusL dirt and foul odors.
MCLaugbliD's XXXX Coffee is soU by
All .N*irs^-Olasa OrooArs

Make your selections at once out of Ihe

Uu« ImprovMandWblroSpIn*

O rman Wax Hrons



' l.i-itii'-i—Haiisims. Grand Kap

Enriy Turnip Hhxjd B«.-i HbJ UaacHwnnx>-r.
\-'bite Frviirb Sugar broi.
G-ddt-D I'snkard tpvt
Ijitc Flat Diitrh Cahtmgv,

|.t< au-l Slnifwaas.


■ Hf-sn and .Ptwrics*.
Oniouk laigv R«-d GMdK- and
R.4 'WrailM-rflrid

H«lUiBdrr Cabbag*-. Iiiibrovi-d 4.X»c Ol^gv rarvoT.

Piiraalp'. Swwi Oardni Proa.
SWK.-I Fbm.Hng Pt-ax, Naator-

i«l,.-irt Oiaogv Carrot,

. liuBi KwUsh

liaorcr Halt Long Carrot.

HuhUsrd .'bpjxsh.

of all suru.

U there are any klnds-uf
th-tu In -tuck. w« win be






dmw4 M bj beo|>le IWat fn
TldaKrTiHr MEWr to bM oil »MO I
with tkt waotM low pomiio.
tUok «t tho tollootM emir'l adOtoe. ■«• »«t. ro«« MB.N»v ot tke Utoo Mr. Oroetr ■» «■tVMoad kteMlf the wMt *n e »e«
ooatrr •»« rttoeoa-er. be eald. ytmng
IMD. for
r th* jouoc fiPAl<« “P®^
to reop the teU roewid of Uelr aCorU.
lliM OM ereote here sustolwd oad
pwreoA tho eoiioiooeo «< ble JelgtowH.
for tho oeUMss who oum hero
ora tho. trpolthr oM pro«l

!««■ that ther wo ooro OU the good
load fonaerlr opea to aeiUero.
ThU U * «o«otry «f tona eotorprtoeo aad a iwa^f «>ooU meoao and
1ta#«d abCUir ww$i bettor tUok
twtoo before eeadac hero to IlfE
oopoclonr if Me Aoa crthen trbo ore
dapeadoBt apeo hlai.
It me»«* h
oetlar to do
boahMoo htoo. I riatted » tana loot
riMwn o^whff 900 hondiod aad
elKtateeo ihoonaad acre*. One Held
eat four thoownd ttna and the back
post*re vaa a Bold of jwroatoaa Iboo•mi oaroa. Tho o«oiom aoabi
cMtie oo tho fann was ihirtr thoasand
apd peroito baadred h««d of horses
oa dsealoa aad there are laiCer fai
Bach a famor ■akeo bis oica aioTket
The Uttio ovoer aells for aajr price
or 00 Is eftoa the ease bore, bis eatUe dto of etarrattoB.
Trws In FruM liidusiry.

Tbs Mto Is troe la the fmlt laduattj. Ihe large grower .laakes a good
pntt o«eh year. The owner of a few
ocroB eftoa sees hU frnit rottlag
tba treoi. or as ofts happm he bss
boon onoMtt to procon suffclent
watar to matoio the crop, the large
fattoor oboTo hlB haring emptied the
Irrlgattoa «lcb.
Thoio U a largo aad erer growlag
elaaa of aociety bore who lire bv preyfag apoa the oast, li eonsiau of the
rMipcBda aad traaaffortaUoa eompaalaa. the real eaUto agrmU aad
hotel ownon- -Tbsy l«»i» »d oead
forth gtowlng aocooaU of the eUmate
aad tbe-prodDeUre aatare of toe soil,
aad the sUHsUea ther compile
A Typical Casa.

Mr. B. irf Indloao arrivod In Portlaad a year ogn wlih tlg.WO and
a groto tooglaf to go toto tho eatUo hoBioBi, Mr. B. of Portland
Ildtod hU coaBdeoee. aympathl
with hla amUtlim.
Gooatry in an auto. Ho showed Ua
tract of roUlng load coatalaing I.OM
oeroa. It was a beoatlfol sight, bills
aftd vatM a britot ETMO. Upon etoeer
m-mf— Mr. B. diaeorered that
what ho bad sanpoaod
roally a amall ahnib with which ha
was aatanriUar. The agent aaaiired
hla. hoWarar. that tho plaai In qoaaUOB waa too "aatural aad proper food
for oatUe.*' That It would stand
droogth aad aerar ran oau After
mahlag s tew laqulries ot people who
t ago aad he eaa't sell at
13.000. The (an eorered bills do not
tempi (be cattle, erea geata refase to
eat It. aad dsriagthe dry eeaaao
the terns tie brown and dead, la dcs
perattoa Mr. 8. may tun "ageot.’
To be para thara ora OKOptlom
a wm arriral takaa Uaw to larattiBOlibpqidlltoBa lOTanlv hU pioMactIra Bmlteto aad the outlook doei aat
dalpr.Wto ha leapt to aaoeoad. Bel
ha BHt be etroag aad aggraaslra for
the ind^ whtob caoaad the ownraabaraad heuaes b Saa Fraad*
deoHa aad thribbto the raot of thtor
balM^ to the bomatoae oaai after
too aataBropha of a year ago praralts
Jotaph Oolerito.

All Uaettra Can Vote.
Thera has baea onto laqairy
tkioqghoat the «ltr aad conaty fWaUte to the ellgiblittr of roters opoa
the propomuoa to boad the a
(or a poor farm. An Impraaaiea bsia
praraUad that ooly laapayl^ elector*
WMld bare a right lo rote on tbit
proposlUoa. Tbe eoosUtotion. bow
arar. prortde* (bet aay qaa'UBed
alaetor caa rote npoa this bondlag
prapoaltIcB at itaa comlag election.
This la a Mtter cd Importance and
hrory rater ahouM bear tbe fact la
■lad that be Is eatitM tu vote
Tie Nortoport Beach bolet will open
ter tbe oaaaoa June 10. A. M. imallr.
the owMt. has leased the big hotel
Belem Oraham. owaer sad operator of
ttaleyoaHall aad the Oraylla of Miami,
rta. Ha la a ^oenaeMoi aad rmpeuiMe operator
the Karttapart Bsato
hom win andouMedly do a large btn-

ooaa. into.. MaitoVn.—Artbnr
(Molhtato asettoaa eoadHica today
so tho raaalt ot a kalfe wooBd aaU to
hare hoep iatleted by Oaneco Bobr
at g.oUoek last aigbu Bohr, vbo u
iboot J4 yoaa old. has aot yet beea
irtootod botft U Uooght that bo will
« bofbto tho day It cwm. The Chobb
KV to abmit If years old.
It Is said that tbe trooble dale* back
or socae time, both boys barlas bad
lOBiirfiua ouBTTeto dorlag tbe present
erm of echoed and then baa been
o^eiabtefeoUiig between them. No
•e seems to know tbe esaet cause of
the troobie bat H Is thought to taste
been soese ootaool boy atslr.
Both boys were In ebarto Isol erenlag bat Robr left the bnllding and
catobb sad aose friends followed bim.
Rohr went to tbe Ann Arbw depot,
•hen ho was met by tbe oUnirs snd
tbe qnarni rooewed.
U to said that btows followod words
sad Robr drew a kalfa. tbe bUde of
which to alleged to hare been about
tour laches la leagtb. The Oobb boy
was stabbed la tbe nock }ust back of
tho left ear. tbe wouad boiag almost
two aad aoeMalf laches deep Tbe
boy was Immediately cared for by a
physktoa and will recorer. although
bad toe woopd been Uio frarUon of
an tack deeper tbe doctor declared
that Cbubb-s death would bate been

The aaaaal ^rtag opealag begaa at
3. W. Mllllkeg'B Saturday aad tbe
store was crowded Sstorday aad to­
day. Stewart's siz-plece orchestra
nltolag muste Saturday.
Tbe deronUons. whicta are tbe work
of Stephen Cisto. are very pretty, the
cotor atocme being lavender and
whUa with sis secilons of iattiee work
trimmed lo Uvender tulips. Circles
bung from tbe railing are trimmed
tegHsk Ttoleta and from tbe clrbveader ribboaa estend to (be
touice work. Tfe efoct U carried out
throngbmil (he alorc aad potted planu
also Bnd a Msec in (he scheme.
Ob the stairs arc two lilac bnsbe*
while, the ledges sod counters sre

Arthur Chubb is (be son ot Geoige
Cbnbb. aad asmnee Bobr. the son
M WUllam Robr. Tbe ireubic be­
tween tbe (wo boys la said to bare
I errer a girl vbo Is a achoolmate. It U said that they left ibc
Btangellcal church sritb the Intention
of Oghliag with UMdr dsts bat in a
eUach Bobr drew tbe knife.
Yoaag.Cbobbwaa lakea to (hebomc
of Mr. and Mrs. U Cribbs. where he
cared for until I>r. Cornell arrited from Copcralsh. If the cut had
been oooalxteentta of an into altbcr
way death would bate followed as It Is
Just btek erf the jdgular rrin.

A. Rrllc.
Mrs. \S'. Ooldra of Old Mission Is
(c possessor of s part of a beard
taken from (be floor on which Abra­
ham Uneolo made his speech as s
lawyer. The old court bouse at Llo
coin. 111. .w^ recently tom down and
friends of Uni. Golden secured the
t of board for her.
A piocc was rut off and presonled <
P. D. Marvin of Uds city. II Is onlybit of pine flooring but many people
would be willing the part with a
of money for It on account of ll:

Shauid bt Decked.

Tbe board of public works batr
gan ailing in under the Park aireet
bridge. BO as to allow Patrick Burden
proprietor of the Ostombla hotel, to
back of bis bulldlog. The pros­
ecution Of this work brings forcibly
to Bind tbe necessity of radical
ments along Ibe riter bank. Tbe
fWrfc Place sewer enters (he rlrer sd>(dnlng the Columbia hotel and a coodltloo of fllth ezlsu tbrre which Is an
emphatic demonstration of the treed of
radical aad permanent Impioveni
the adriaabimy of ptllag Uio river Us
enllra leagih. tberaby aarrowing (be
stnwm and ereatlng a greater curwhkh will carry oS refuse. In­
stead (rf havlag ll deposited along tbe
river banks and become a menace
the boalth of the city. Tbe pipe from
(be enteb basta on Front street enters
tbe rtver fast west of the Park straci
bridge aad this pipe, also the Park
alraei aewer must be aztended Into
deep water. Tbia will be done Imrats
diaiely by the board of public
The rear end of tbe Columl/u hotel
egtoads over the river aad refuse and
deposHa ef all kinds from tbe sewers
have accumulsttd under (he back of
(bo buUdIng to such an extent that tbe
fllth became unbearable. Mr. Burden
has today had a man busy clearing
tbe deposits preparatory <o flOliig In
Tbe condition exlstlBg there was ap­
palling and It Is a wtmder that no seri­
ous results have ensued.
The dock line project has been sglUled for several yoara but tbe gn>wUi
of the city would suggest (bat ImmedlgemenU be made for s better
eoadlUon ei things for tbe beaeSt of
tbe sanilaiT coadlUm of tbe city
OaaUi ef Mm. Ubbie Helman.
Mrs. Ubbie Uelmsa. aged SI. died
very suddenly Thursday la Muskegon,
her death fasiog due to heart trouble.
was the alster-ladaw of D. A.
Bwalnsion of Hooftie Center and the
las will be broiigbl there for
burial. The fuueral will be held from
tbe church at Monroe Center tomorrow afteniona at : o'clock. Undertaker
Carter In charge
A Humane Appeal.
A humane citlien of Biehmoad.
lad.. Mr. U. D. Williams. IfiT West
Main 61.. says: "I appeal to all perwUh wrak lungs to take Ur.
P to the I
t’s re. ..
It savi ......... lives than
...... ..............................
all other throat and lung reowdles
put toetther. Used as a pouto and cold
care (be worM over. Cutes asthma,
breoebitis. croup. whoaMng cough,
quinsy, botraeneas and tothlslc. atop*
bemorrfasgea of (be lungs aad builds
them up. Cuaraateed at C. A. Bngbee
Drug Co.. Haanab Dnm Store. S. B.
Walt « Sons. She and fl Trail bottle

The Brat of a 2.SOO.OOO foot atalpment
of hardwood timber for tbe Wells-Hlgman smd Oval Wood Dish corapanlet
of this city came over the T. C-. U tc
H. this tnoralag. there l>elag four cars
of the log*. They are shipped from
SutUMs Bay. Eeniek aad Hatebce
Crossing, being cut during tbe winter,
and will probably arrive In small qusatlUes dally from now on.
This Umber. wiUi tbe poutocs tbsi
■e moving over the road every day.
wUI make the T. C.. L. A M. trrigfat
beavtor than ever.

EfV Beiiham. AlUoa: Etta WaMvthe liner Benin off the Hook of Holr. Ccmtl*: DHIa Kaible. Martoall
laad. a month ago. have arrived at
He Walker. Lee and Bertha Kipp.
Lansing and will be Interred this week.
T® SRtrtS
A large gray wolf attempted to car­ Marahall,
The annual statement «( ftaer
ry off a pel lamb at the farm of G.
Brown, west of standlsh. In Gladwin <buw-s a talanra oe band of BIJ7U1
le irvosury.
county near Bharkeyvilk-. but was
me* p. Ballde. ei-ctmnty I
chased away by men m-orklog near,
of Arenac, has been rewomb
who.heard ibe lileaiiog of the vlettm.
was a p< I. aad was seized for a third (enn as mayor it Om
Judge Sharpe la silting to citcuU
by Ibe wxiir orer tire farm residence.
It Ctodwlo this «
C G- White, who for » yenra has
be docket MoaAsy. He
Ireen IdeoUned with ihe pubtlc acbuols
Ished hla BUndlah Bcsslon for the
take Undco. will sever bis
term la that place Friday.
V Urge carbuncle on the . back of
Cair. the pkmeer hotel t
Mr*. Jrtin Chsp_pers neck reused her
I she was burled at Unden of Ihucoonlng, has purchased a i
hotel property rained at H6.IKN). at
Tboratoy. A siraage colncideno
Unlay City, and will remora there to
tbal a brother of Mrs. Cbappel
Unsing Is said to Ire very low from "le course of a few weeks.
Because of the locreaslug coat
grange of Genesee county foodsiaSs. Ibe toodlag kostriry
Is making strennons ettorts lo estab- Ironwond—tbe Curry house—has ad^
Its rates to Its guests 10 per
rouoiy teleiihooc syslem. wbereccut.
riil siihscritrera can talk lo
point In (he eoiiniy without (oil.
Word has ben rercind at SUadlsta
Flint imponcnient kwgue 1" <« the
gotertoo to kuBte.yoor
: tbe death of Mrs.
I a total <>f 3IU1 d<«ths tn Fi-b- from asphyzlallOB by
CcBBig *e geaURS oli
19«T. a record has been made. home In Welland. OnL Mra. MeOao,
fathiooed Aibucktc**
With the exception of Febronry. IKW. nell. who was formerly Mias Msl
well krwrao northm
ARIOSA Cctoc eweytane.
In which S.TTS desihR occurred.
moDili piKt passed recordt-d a greater Michigan school teacher.
aagiy if ^ send yoB
roorialhy out lor any similar month
a tubsimite. which it not At 8^
r butler, consigned tu Q Sgltsma.
since the reglstnllon law went
>mmlBSlon dealer trf Grand Rapldg
effect. There were 3.k.'I births
and may in tunc nin your
were sloh-n from a fretgbt
Februiry. IWi7.
thgesboo and i»vca.
Flfly-tbtw years ago the parents of Saturday night. The thieve*
Bre Millington children died nnd four wagon lip to Ibe car. which stood beIh sn elecrnc
Ihllc girls and out- Inv- were separated
They were fls
nrcl until nn» In WmingUir.
Ihe nigtat wsttoman. In driving The plant already has a capaetty of
They arc Mr*. James M.a.1, Mr*. Au­ l.y the
33C sets trf wheels per day.
gusts John. Mrs. Cnege Helb-fliier away.’. :three crate* of (he eggs fell
ground. Btr high was tbe wagon
Frank Barton, aupervtsar. Third
Mrs. Chs*. Sltooa. Oliver Hitt,
ward. Midland. Is the owner of Ibe
(he brolher, wtll Join the sisters soon [wi( kedtown of Leoto. which boasts of several
t'oiitracts hitve bee
b of Mrs. Mead's huKtond
raiiKiM the rctininn
iii.sIcUng M Ibe Schiwtli- mill of Sagl- More*, a portcffflcc. three sawmltls
and dwetUng of ISA inhabttanlg Mr.
Tile track* of three limber nrolvc*
Br.rtOD hsi been engaged In lamber>d thnse of an iinn-'ually large lynx Iiic-nts of the Rslnlrr Motor Car
work ha* already Is-en tng there for the past two ynai« and
It. which were found by C. W. Hall,
(be whole town I* built on hla.prop­
irf Stalwart. (Tilppcara cimnly. showed begun..
re a I'-irlBc tattle h*d enruert lio
erty. rirll engtneera are now en­
Long Lake Ticket.
Croiiiid has lienD bn>ken
Im-een (hi- IreaKls. .Arcordiog In great bnllding at Hu- piaol rrf the Fllat gaged In platting tbe town. wUto I*
Tlic Long Igike t«wnsbl|i
patches of wolf fur H was evldrmi WngoD Works The stmetore wilt be to be re*-hrtetent-d RomcrrlUe. It U
notninalril la as follnws:
on the Harrlmn braQrh of the Prie
Itviz li.-id conqnercil his , thret
Supervisor, E. E. Duryca.
sinrlc* in height, and
It ndv<-r»iirie«. The tracks of tht cupicd by the bending >
Ite rranrusd.
u-'J,' Clerk. (fCna A. Shearer.
wolves Sliowe.1 wlici.- tliey had Bel In
Tn-.iimrcr. H. f’opst.
Justice of the p.'8ri-, F- Kralochvll. releal
1. II. Hlslre.-, ac-J vs >^ a leudloc
C'vnimlssloaer <4 hl^ways. Fred
Marshall reptililii an. ts d'-sd of pni
nionij. John IP-II. a,:-.| T»- years, o
of board of revh-w. Joseph of the olde:U imn-r.- in Michigan,
drad at Cere-co
The above Is ticket
John Lnisk. ac-c| kt yean:, father
On ticket No : Ik J. II. R..Miller lor Frank LuP-k. (d Ihc Delilliig News, Is
supervisor and Warn-n 'TllP-n for dead. Mr. Idiick was a pioneer
Washtenaw county .nid once lived In
Ann Artior. when lutt a log bouse
W. C. T. g. OFRCER6.
slocHl where the C. cf M. dly nnw it
At the last meeting of Ibo local W.
Will H. Qooriman has received hit
Said Wit to Wisdom—
r, T. i:, the fbiioalng ■■fBcers
rtimml:-.>l<iu as |s»imasl-tr of Allegan
aiel luk'-s posiu-sidon April I.
••A foil Btommeh makBS
President. Mrs. Marihs rtirlis.
y*-.-trs Mt. (kndman has Irec-n chairman
a li^t beart”
First Vico pn-sldcnl. »tr*. Irena of Ihe repuWlc-aii county commliure
He has *i-rred <wr> terms as treasnn-r
Said Wisdom to Wlt^
»od vice prchldent, Mrs. Sbu- and a* probau- register. '
(■apt. John 1’. Merrill, who Is lo Ire
Third Tire president. Ifta Sophia
a-h-aDce.| lo a rear admiralty. Is
WrlghtMarshall ls>y. He was ls>rn there, atFounh Tice president. Miss Jai
(•-ndeci tlie Inral pnl.lic sriiools.
has br<-n in the nsvy aU years,
rrespondlng secretary, Mrs. Aniebad charge of the Oivgon tit the chise
11s Irish.
tli<- Kimnlsb-Amrricaa war. and
Recording secretory. Mrs. M. A.
now In r-harge of the naval school
Ncw|H.rl, N. J.
Troasurcf, Mra. Ada Fuller.
ImdMSt tight,
T<-ai hers for the pulillc and district
w-hools ai Marshall will soon
Stats Newt.
imsu-rs found Ernest ESUwortli. ..tcaitt- article if Cupid coatlnuc*
vsde tbt-ir ranks ns aurcesstuliy as hiin wears, dying in a stable
Atirecu. where he had gone to alU-od has in the lasi week. In seven days
Ih hemes. Hr died soon after. five *chiK>liiia'ams have w-r-d. Thcy
His home was in Prescott.
to his annual report. Chief Eagiort
John C. Meyens. of the MarKball Br Ugotd fraan Htos giere< that II 1> ll-]uld
•Irirartmcnl. flgurvs Ihc PMal loss ii Iti. in all r*»rw-W tik> the bnlisc, Wli-rol.
lit cliy by Bre Iasi year at tl.lik".
------Ine iolc.«.f
The remains of William Munrtre.
ho lost his liic In the fcnmdrilng

Blgfalh street trrOge lo tbe corner of
Lake aveane and Tenth street brought
before the mancll si the last regular
meeUttg by'Flra Chief Murray was
tested this afleninon and proved 1
s grrat succeM.
Tbe Blx-dnch Iron ramn runs ai
the bridge lo the corner of RIgblli snd
Lake avenue and then sout bte Tenth
sirraC Tbe plpa was rut oH at
east end of the brkise and steamer
No. S «l at work wtlh two line
tatoed to tbe bydrani In front of tbe
Wniisms Hanubclurlng company's ofID Just thirty HccondB from the
time the water started two Mreains,
vaeb HB into soil a quam-r in dismwere working near the Traverse
City Mahufanuring company's plant
wllta terrIBc force. It Is proposed
111 main out of tbe cliy's equip­
ment and extend another op Lake
ic and also across the bridge
the bsskel factory; then the. pipe
t'sed today would always Iwi A-arty
for ibe Are department lu use and by
doing, lo case of a Arc near
Brown plant, much hose would
saved that ofberwlse would have tr
strung from the engines on the bridge
the lire. If such occtirrt-d In the
factory dutriri.
-I consider that dtslrici the danger
l^t of the city " aald Chief Murray,
spooking of Ibe factory district along
Lake avenue. ~lt endangers the whole
south Bide."
Mr. Murray went on to say that If
le liyilraiiis weic m»»<»l a Ivlfle
nearer tlie bridge mid so arrangiii
pump ll
that six of the Burst kind »f aireuiiL*
contd Ire supplied at tbe Tenth at
bydraui. Taking these streams,
geiber with Ibosc siippHcd by the
ular mains and Ihc wonit sort o
Bre could Ire fouglit to great adtiiniage.

Co. M. Balk
Tbe annual ball of Company M will
take plaeo In the City opera Koukc
Monday evening. April 1. Thta aoeisl
tunelloD under lh« ausplees of the
soldier boys alo serve^l la Cubs
the Philippines has for several yoar*
been one of tbe most pleasaiU of tbe
year, aod this year will he no czeeptioa. Tbe proceeds will be devoted
the care of tbe graves of tho departed
members of tbe nrganizatiao and
there should be a liberal purchase of
tickets. ■:
Flrat<lass music will be fiiralshed
snd It Is fU'W to be a t-ery enjoywhle

Tbe following Is (he result of the
GsrBcId township caucus bdd Satur­
Supervisor, Rnley H. Hammond.
Clerk. William F. Grant.
Ttvasurer. Rotwrt Barney.
Highway commissioner. Floreore
Justice of ■•eacc. full term. Warren

Board of review, to Bll vacancy,
loscph Thomas.
Board of ravlow. full term. Tbeodora Petersra.
ConstaUe. Warron Rontsoog. Cllnm McRae. John lieusa. Hanry-BUck-

Tbe American Society erf Equity of
Lerianau county will hold Its quarterly
moeUBf at Cedar City on April
o'clock B. m. A foil ddeKaiion from
each social Is requested. John II




Pomona Orange.
Pomona grange held a very Interest
g meeting Saturday alit-nuion. many
of (be mUabers turning out and lis
Itentng to « srell-praparad program.
Mrs. R D. McRae read a paper oo
"Why Should Elmers' Wves Join
the Cnagcr’ which proved very InteresUng and contained some <
lent Ideas. Vr'lllUm Slocome talked
on the beneflu of tbe orgaolsatlon
snd was Usiened lo with great Inirr
rsl. Mrs. Bd McHonen and Mrs. Ar
villa Gardner both rendered reclia

A simple receipt for asthma, try
11. Any (IrugglBt can supply the Ingre
dlents which yon can mix at home
This formula has been used a
houstoold remedy omf apedBc
aslhnia for in-enty flve j-cars with re
markable success.
The formula Is lodWe trf potaulum.
eighty grains; liquid Sfrol. one ounce;
simple syrup, three ounces. Mix well
BDil Ufce a toaspoonfbl three lime* s


SloaJvs j
R)r Cough.Co1d,&oup,
Sore TKroataSiiff Neck
Rheumatism and
At M Oeal«r»
PricB 25c SOcr 6 *1.00
S«nh Free
'Sloan's Book on Horses
CoHle. Hogs 6 Poultiy
A^ress Dr. Earl S. Sloan


Wc arc now ready to enutrset for m acres and will be gUd t
hare you call at our office when lo (own. regarding ume.

We ca

ahow you good profltt and pro.e to you Lfaat osr proposlUou is a fln

The Traverse aiy Canning Co.

When You Want Lumber
You will save time and money
by comins here direct. Wo
carry a full line of everything
for building the house.

I^S^Jhany St Boston.Mass


The policy boldere :o the NorthwraV
era Mutual Life Insunnre company
receive an annual dividend. Tbe divtdend paid to policy holders la ISM
was over gs per coat snd smoiipied (<
|7.MS.<:SAL What dU Ibe compM:
yon carry your ptdicy In pay?
A Northwestere peller Is not an ei
pease, but an laveatmant—backed h
the cMh aad gfit adgod saearitlea.
M. P. HTTNT. agmtt. roma (. Buth^

toad bUito. Traverse city. Mkh.
mar 19-U

Five Thousand Talking Machine
Records at GRINNELL BROS.’

Prices and Qualify Guaranleed

Traverse City Mfg. Co.
Telephooe-CK. 52. Bell 169.

■ si


tear. IDeh.. Mairb

Traverse Ctly. Tbe Rev. A. L Tlinrs>,>
ScheM Oabsic.
iD ot KiDRsIcy performed the i-erc
A debote was glvco at Uc Central
mny in the piwscocr <d only a few
school Friday between the righU


lAte UK—ui bras te tel
grade pupils of tbe Board man avenue
r (b* ImnM^iale rclallves.
4alBC • WA<c<tM bvtew (or A (rv
The bride was dressed in Mac silk
A. J. Ihfla of Benalra was la
topiri and iha eiRhth of the Central
■tel te- lAtt BMcrdAT 4b*Um «r
Tbe queattuo for dlscusklon wa*. and carrtivl wbKe camallnns.
.tee* W«»V B. Oortr luted Taeeday.
|*raak KUtoety and Jake Culmaa et "Resolved. That Imralgrailuii should graom wore Ihr cnnv<wtlonl black.
Chvlw DmrBcr ud OartM tepuMr. and Mrs. .N4-sbill have many
te AAd Loete auiFT ud aunte Bowers Hartier abtied aenm the bay be (urUer realrielcd In Anji-ilca '
te»dd te u>« Mr teds ct perHra. W. Cole a< Kanletee 1* spend' were Ddbort Brown.^ Bcrtba Miller, wishing them a very happy and pmspite toruesL Os tedsr. Kuck
tag a (ew days with Uia. O. HcAlplae. Loulne floiortbsalle and Stmllty Sny­ perous marTloI !ilo.
u. but teas ttegbt It ntes
rte tbs tests sv Knisr tea.

peicy NoMe wrst to Cbleaco Toet' der
dny erentag utrrhing (or raachlaery

or the
Will Boy Mllliken Comer.

tbok wm(o bbte( s biMs br (bs i
KuT Bitee. telTT 'tbtaH br (or the ceneat c»sipaay which has
«GI fee vUl te toerrsd op so thht ke gone utray- The delay to the arm’s]

..At a iDo-dne of Uc members of life

'be pri^lpal poIntH Id the argothe machlaery la prrplezlag the
te do Ukswl^
ut on the afStmatlvc Mdv were to
sagert of the ersent company and
, Tfes teor teMch (d tbs M. A N. E.
Uc effect that dorloR Uc last two de­
rsDssjr sporls a m« coacb Just ost Tetardlng ibe opealac which
fur claaa ot ImnilgraotB cqfalos
heralded each week (or a moalh
«r tbs vsnltb isoK.
from U* oonUern and cast)
Tbs rspoMiMB csscss ws* hsid in and which la sUII la the fulan.
Hia. Owen Bloeklag weal to Ann of ibo old world a-crc ii»i s» dcklrnblc
Woodte hsll Ust MoBdsr sad the

First Metbodl*! church bcid In ihIjorlor* of the cbureii Thursday
lag. it was decld.-d to imrcim*
properly of J. W. Ullllken adjolnlne
Ibe eburrb proton-ty ;md t2.'iw n.vs
SBliscribed for tbe pun-hase

»r*n A ei<miiilitiv was appolntoi for
Arbor teday to see Ler husband, as Ihors of prevlouB yeara when they Bollcllliig and fn>ni the
who to to aadergo an operatlea (or came from tbo northern aud ceolntl hers have sbown in t
probable lhal the neeeaasry funds cun
edi trouble U the tlaiveralty of portions ot Europe.
Tkesc Brat made llio cuod. loyal readily be ra^ed.
Mtoblgae boaplisl tola week,

•ollevlsc iscsivsd (hs amdnstlos
tmahlp oftcss:
- & U BaUvidl. supsrrlSM.
Leo SUosjr. clerit.
Fraak Ooaklln. trssssrer.

te. l;uel.a OirisUanees caterti

i. C Vss Bisrteoa. asabsr I
«t rsTtsv.
W. 8. Ov*si> sete isspsetor.
■ Fite tens, hi^te eoub
' O. c 'etilM. lattice et pence.
' Vssn Buter. W10 Sobiasoa, WUI

Americans who alil<-d in caivying for­
ward the prospeilty and enicrprisc

which made America fliat among the
lag. Pint ptlies sere awarded
BOtotoe Jobasoa and Fred ntacDdorf nailOns of the world.
Our country in iis iirogrcMdvc aud
and the coniolatloa prises to M'modern DMUuda akng all indu>.triat
Beriha Dureraey and Jack Nelson.
Obaries Acker, a'jo went to CaUfor- and commetetol lines nn-d*

The propoeltiim

the matter wasacli>d upon.
The church hold* an option on ibe
Milliken properly' which has a fnuitage on Washington slivtei of 1C2 I.vl.
The pri-M-ni site has les. than half

I the class of nlieni has raised Ue the huildlng which
per cent of llllictnry from
sl'l’'ml for at leiiM a vau.

When the

per cent in former y<-ais to 23 per cent new pmpcvty has U-»-n nequired lluduring thu last few years.
work of formuIaltoR bulldlug plans
Other argumvuts were,


will be token ui> ami carried through.

nayluffla and alms bouses were Largely It Is probable .tha{ .Uc- new buUding
filled «
with Uesc undi-sirolde foreigoers will be of bitek or-atoiie.
the taaiAer la tbe east side seboo!.
Mra. UsiT Jotanaen spent the Aral and Ui
be murders and
crimes Wt-n- commllied by this;
I Stem.
Tbs daaee «(«en by the Honor Denop
cviiild (he i-ducal-l
tai ctob MS the seest o( the we.

oa (be etfsets U be bee to
«oaty toil to ocerfiowtaf.

fu it Bar te»s dUutiou tor the

lonal. physical ond moml test
j heavy h.ill Ktoi-m al l::i« uils a(i
thoroughly given wh<’ii they lan<l on iHsni ivivcied the ground an Ineli
shuies. Ibcse evils would be <li- moiv. The bath stmes were from <>neHad tats brother, poafaely W. If.
qiuner lo one-half Inch thick but
Anderson ot Kewedm.
Theludgi-s weri’ Miw. Wmi'r While, damSKi' was done.
■c Kev. A. J; Canby of ihq IHseiptes
Soiilli of town, however. Ihere w
County fieet Fight Afisln.
■m number of windows hroken and I
CbulTh aud S:
Praakfort, March 12 —The old «m»Tbe judges dacidod that Ue afflnna- said some of the aloDvs were an lui-b
ty eeat fight bss been iwopeaod in tbto
Iro side made the best argument ond a half through. '
county and matters are just beglnnd voted in ibeir favor two lo one.
Blag to warm up la pr^tauon for

)ln. TrsBsn MltehaB was esIM

tbe eooteat which tskee piece at i
electioa tbe first of April.

luss erewd a»d a feed Ume.

A, a. Andsiaoa U dunBUier rla


do b^ thtdr town and the last an^ene
te s( tte sons were dritw into
..She enow end niid sp to tbatr eui and
te teawe were tohtoc It orerlsad on
their two oera.

De not

Show ibs Bonomss bow to ran things

ObsliMle Case of Eczema Covcfcd
LiHle Girl's Limbs with Running
Sores— Poison Oak Made Boy’s
Hands and Arms a Mass of Torfatring Sores-SufTerers Soon Re­
lieved and Completely CuredGrateful Mother Says:

Tbe Kind Yoa Hare AJwmjn BoMfffat, and vUck baa tea
d a*e
«iM> A
m- or«r
over 30
.rv Tau«»
bafi bon>« (te nlfinatare «T
w and has faoen nsademder Bia perMDfil auperrlMti filnc« Italntecr.
Allow no oti« todccriTexoQ In Uua.
All Cotinfcrfcils Imitations and ••Jtwt-aa-«ood*> am bat
KntwriinetitH that trifle with and endanficg the hMlth af
Infanta and Cluldrcn-Eip«rlenc« acainat EKperiaeaU



-V IT..IT11
Je (WHI- riitu'uia
Ww—I with

Catena I* a harmlms mbatltate for Castor Oil. Para*
liyrfic. Drop* and KoolhiBir Syrups.
It U lleaxaBU It
cmtain* nritluT OpIam, Morphine nor othpr NarniUe
aubsuner. |i* ago la tu guaranten. It dratmya Wonaa
and aitoys Frrvri.hneaa. It cure# XMarrheoa and Wind
Colic UrrlirToa TcoUtlnff TroubI«a,'car«B Conrtlpauon

met sjtti

la a llUle iDore ibaa a roar ago. haa Cellist and skilled workman raUcr Ihls frooluc and will dls|a>se of nbunt
llHi feel of (heir proiK-rty
;aoved into Waaticgtoo stale sad lo­ than the lllllerete aud unskilled.
This change which has taken pUciNo plans have as y.-l U-ch mafle for
cated atrBardcauk.

The people's <*•««• «1U
Cbsriet Hahsa of Kslkaaka was U
tednr. MsKh
Fite Slot for te'K dnmk and tows Uie Brat o( the week on bukloeas
Kr*. P. R. Hsrtig of Portland. Ore.
GUerdeHr reoetred a bosquet or
to tIflUng her bnAber F. H. tlocworib.
ttetr 'days to the ssastr'ton
Iflae Lottie Settpaaa ot Greesrllle
vttetort. .JsKtoe «( Fnaes COrej. TlKltiDg ber sister. Mlee Mabel.
sen be «in bare ptace sad qnlewde


dmearrii-d ilie |,l,yMelan'« |>™<Tijitt.ui
andfvlied'ViIifelvon l h-I'uUcUfa tlear.
('uli>'ura (>itiliia<nl. ami t'lilHWra Pilto.
When we cs.^Tinv-n'-eri with tbe f-iiticura Ibvnedit- h'V feet and limb* were
utveriri with runninc eunw. lit aixut
nix wivk* we hart lier comfliaely weil.
and then* Ties been no nvurreiKi: ot
Utt irttuble.
••In July .if fbi* yem- a li'.lle W in
our fanidv |■H'*•lHvl l.i- Iiandf aiwl arms
with peunu .>ak. and in ii>>-nly-ri>ur
hour* III- hand-' and anii- *>w a mibW
of lorlurinc «env. We n—I <>i>Ir Ibo
Culieuiw lletniviHW. wml.ii.g hi- (lalifU
and arm- with the Ciitie-jra Nnap. and
anemtinc llr-ei «iih (he ITitieura Omtinrvil, and tle-n gave him tia- Ctilw-ura
Btaolvi-ul. in al*-ut Ibrve w>»-k> hi*
harwl- aii<l arni- l-wk-l up. A* a-,- liave
kM* >4 estw tor ftv-iinc craiefnl (-■r Ibe
Culk-ura It.rm-lie,. W. find that IbCutk-ura It. iucvIm anbouw'lKdd htatxll.v.. lotn



and Klatiilrnev. It aaMmllatoa the Food, rcin<lAtea tb«
id liowcU, ffh-ing hralttay and natural sleep.
The Childrens PaBaMa-t e Molbor'a Fnend.

f Bean tbe SignRiiire rf

The Kind
You Haye Always Bon^
In Use For Over 30 Years.
M. fi It E. 1W cm

m (b'BUWref tb. ret*<« <if U-wz. to


Township Caucus.


Burnmlt City. Mleh.. Mnr. li 22 -A
ll.nst spring sa effort was made
very quiet weddlna occumnl at th«Bohmli the qoeatkm of bonding the home
Mr. nod Mrs- John Wth.y of
county (or new cosaty-ttiildlaga to reSaiumlt Cily «ii W<*dncedk>'. when
te Beit mini asi teld left fur ptaoe the oM shack here that now
If daughter. Jenule B. »-as imiled
FlbtesClty Wedaesday with'the to- sepres simply to bodse the iMtty AP
marrlSKe l.i Crcoryw 1. Nejiliitl <g
tete at tetag that bug thtdr.fs fleers.' The propoeWao carried at Ur



Marrh 2.1.—The

Inwrisblp e.viu'iis wa* lit-Id here Ibis
aflernouD. W. ll. JoIiiimki la-lng uonil
naled for snia-rvl-tmi f. A. Kailt-v,
clerk: 1-^1. Kehl. trenMitvr; f. II. \Vt-s
lini, jtntlire of the pea'ee iiftti B J. Put
insii, higha.ty e.ihitiiist.i.iuef.

tars bona.

spring nioeUBff of Ue lioar.t of apper' Tbs Booor teciag etab will firs rtooia. hot aborlly e(ur Uat aomr
the third et theb aeries et dasoM <to ■eshera of the board to the southern
VMdsy teliig; Ai^ s.

Langtosld part ot Ue county saw an opporiunlty


mp. R. K. A- «tu esrrs toe ctaaB to work up sentiment sgaleat Frankaad cake ddriag the eTenlag(Oft and so at the (all muetlng iA Ue
■ George Wbhetsr's-sadUng omte- board the proposllioa was knocked out
—lx's Utes cm the streeU once
. tachnicallty.
T.^'C opporitmliy
■Mere.’ Georgs i* bisheiiig <
teor hna^ «r the K. * K. B.



toTeatlgatlon wu abovi to beglo by
Mow If dsb and ir not paid o
andltlng egperts. This Claappearance
.bate |teh SI you wUI stand sss- was told largely at Ore door of FiaakpteO-lteh 11 dou Mt uenn :
tort and Tbompeoirrllie thought that
-tel S to April-le. l(.C.BahBlart- the time was opporu ne to wrest from
m.-deTh.tep MM. ;
Frankfort, tbe eoirnty seat. After

knoeklag oat the propoeitkm to bond
the oounty (tor new bandings at Fianka resolution wis carried by
boatxl to sabal*. v> the eotera at Uc

«teW 'to .Mhtoff repniis os
liHgn seiwM U rtrsr.

spring eleedloB tM qoeailon eg renKnTVe ndi teool bon ere the first 1^ tbs oooaty scat ta Ibompsonrllle.
to ergilei lor baseball. They sleet It to Uto auerUon that to now being
«d te (edowte oOoers this week agitated Urn-igbont Ue eoimty.
In the minds of eoxna of the reelStoeager.' nos QainttoU; eeereiuT
■ini trsaasf«r. Walker Uag: -enplain. dents of Ue eoonty Ue (act that there
10 prrcaoeot and suitable county
Bun BrtB» They wU brgla praebuUdtnga makes a tdiange of tbe co
tMH rtfibt away and it Is prsdtolad
nat pouaHtle. aa It wUI be just
Bay win stsete e eeaMtton bcte the
lomical to erect new bulldlDga In
place aa In another. Tbe present
- We Ohteeee rotict food hai reecAed
Sfliatioc la so atlrring up tbe county
a neat en« wbloh will be torwardqd
that two eUer .towta. Honor and BenW Cashier Gbutee Cerrtr to isUet
h declare that Uey will ha
bateeutets nan waefc.
try at Ue county etat queatlon before
te B* toft with a patatnl sod«w bnlldlngB ue put up.
IfiMt Wteaaday whUa woiUn^ with
Bb (atber at bidMtoc a deck near
Mr. and Mra. A. Oiddlngs have
tlMdrJitUe beat hosMen the rirsr. A
atodga haaitoir. wtolM by hi* tothu. umed fitom a (ev days' visit with
«te down with tall toiee on hl« MtLda at Beulat.
Bstob M hia left hand, -crashlst





Betet to bs naesteT. bat that wlU
Jte Hesfoa has been dHrisg pUe«
Otong tha casiam ODapany'e dock sad

WITH A T-*irTC back?
Ulficy Tianhle Btket Tm BUershk.

WbOa bars win also alreagtbea

a the zstKiu tioto the utue

Swmniptbe great kidand blad.dwiemcdy.
I It is tbe great medlicsl triumph of the
l&lnMceath ceutary;

Icey. lit
WaoUng poittoe wan

Will Saatoea

find Ktos tea HIDar and Blcbard
tarn- and Mlu Paul McVtou were
Bute at the beau et tore, flush

4 td scientific
by IN. Kill- .
«ai epand a (Sw days rltottag ta Char
elatoent kideev aud
tomz and ter latus to Soath MUton bladder apactoUti. and-«
M-ta ___________ ,
estol in promptly curias Ume back,
where tbey wtn make thUr
of tbe Uaeder and
The asBkw ete uaB i
It's T
Piaesaa. wUU if the worst
pngriaufiS to the Iran works the first
torn id kit
o!, the weak as a help ta the stndy of
tha cbentotry et ban. Thisagh Ur*
■y. Uverorbladde
eaenteay of Vr. WbItfieiA «faeail-V
foand Inst the remedy you need. It has
sad many othus. tha eWt was tee been tested in so many wav*, ic hespiul
I and valnahle.
work and is private jracticn. and hu
. C. BtDofctda baa I
vpedal aiiaiiiimrnT baa been made hv
wWch all tesSrre ofthii taper, who have
H.G. Keweoub and telly tteired net alrcedv tried «. may have a »ample
Into Tsba to Bead Ctty Itae fiiet of battle aou free bv marl. aUo a book teilMg: more about SwnoG>-B'.<ot. and howto
. Be wte.
Ihicy by the Ber. lohe PrieaUy. They

'fbed Otto. ebW engiaear et the bic. B'tewritincmcrt.onresdiDC
genetoaaofler in Uia papt: and^ your
MS to Or. Kilmer _____ ^g.
was a teday gaut at WlUte WhHBMb. Hr. Otto has tee thto pert










*l.«m-w fn-* M

-*H Hfti iC ■'..nif>l*:nt ftl—I iMWOb ■any b*


Lydia E. Pinkfaam’s Vegetable Compound
made from simple native roots and herb*. Knr more than thiiiv vears
it haa hern helping women to he strong, regtilating tbe ftim-tinn* per­
fectly and overeoming pain. It ha* a1w> pro^ itself iovaliiahle in pre­
paring for child-birth and tbe Change of LifeMrs. A. M. Uagermanti. of Bav bbore. L- I . vrrite*
TVar Air*
Pinkham:—"I suffered from a displacement. exces*ivc and |<sinriil
(nnctloDS so Uat I had to He down or ait still tonvt of th- time.
Lydia E. Piskham's Vegetable Compound has made me a wrll woman *o
Uat 1 am able to attend to rav duties. I wish every suffering woman
^]d try Lydia B Piokbam's VegeUble Compound aod see n hat relief

QafKE«.fri B].ie4TWK-it.a..rf Ml-b

Tfaverse City Railniad Co.

«. BwbwiL.

Mrs. Plnkhlrni's Standing Invitation to Women


Women aufferiewf from anv form of female Illness are invited to write
Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Hass, foradrioe Srhe isthe Mr*. Ihnkhamwho
has been advising sick women free of ehsrge fur B:.ire Ihso twenty
rears, and before that she aaalated her m..ther-in-law I.vdia B. Pink(mm In advi^^.^ -Therefore she U especially well qualified to guide

..—n*Jn 1-0*
.^-.irt Jwnrel.»«l;FBEPCairS V NAYKfi
• !.» rllA-^ ;l|r.o lb*j
CtnsK J*d«v.
' ■"•••
■ .Ijqbi
. .. PATTHiK

Bow Are
Vour malls?


mm Cbeyneed
Recovering ibis Spring?
If they du then come atullook over otir new stork
of wall paper. We have just rcccivcti our spriiiy; line
.All the newest, brightest patterns.

Special Bargains on all Cast
Vear's Stock.


Every Woman Can Have
Good Bread
I’tot I'l'iH -he u;-f:.
It'-- eavy

Vour Reliable Furniture Storr,

Grand Rapids Furniture Co.


Rir-.nj a’'1'n.
Bi>ft up;>cr !■ Atii<.-r.*<-a'«*l with
ival «.ili tlirKil.
tif y ilon't rip.
It'* Went «•' ar»* •ft'-r.


ii. re-uli!-.



ii>-e anvl satisfactory in

result* will be the

.• ilvr s.ifnr/■111

are !::«(]•' !•> wp.v.

127 S. South Union Street
sndtteaMiam. Biaglteton,

_____ _

Women everywhere ahonjd rwmember thru themedteine that hold*
the record for the lanrvat oumher of
actual cures of female ill* is

tween Dalatt and Lake Brte parU

lagalarly erary aeasM tor sa



tea tetodtog. wwdi wlU piy he-

yaaiB and this sasunu he wiu be
tolsaad by the Mends be bai

**(l^^in*yB.wi. «rd i^t »JI ■ .. v

u-sr HM

sod the oaluro^f their dialev,'^
many canes, qoieklv drift them Into
the hotror* of all kiodi of female

the oounty hooka at a tls.e whaa Ueir

. mt BnplAA Kerch U.-TW rallrond

-- - -

the dl^pearance of


the conditions

There i* no quesiioo

the nuality

a1w.tys iinilorm.

of the Hour—it's

consequently must

rr;oOU brca-l.

Hannah & Lay Co.


Groat Nortbern oBcca be mad.- a p*CTS ABOUT COliSUIIFTIOIL
"f Impnrrenient
teal |r
sliU remembered witb a shudder, lie ^nharaulasis a PrevsnUbIc Oiaaaao.
went fn-m depcrimenl to departnM-o!.|
Oaeaer In K.sries|
the doorw as be txatxlud | The eimt'mlttee on the laeTeotlna ef j

It*. Mb-tS to IMl-'W

d Appan
iBmlvj Fo- Tfwatr
to IIm ifmtnirul of iBlodnibwh. freTO
e«»oi'.sl.>'-l In urd.-r le
nir .It nig'd If la
W.M, I...... ..
I ““»■ I"""!
many ..•n;iuriuma
-To sum up. It--), tve l*iid the fol'
^ i1
pllk-Jt -Jeei.
Ipwitu; n* ne.nvt*'l ?a-*v;
n III* m>i.n
-Flou.-C-'wiyj.nui i« . au-eij <iely wirt‘!n o "TlOin-t nlii-U
by a cerm'r. b! Si ••oai*-' fr i;u the llvins with B!i of-m wlmV.w. .> «wb.ii»e
aVeni d wiili <.>u«n:
lulu gen-tnl ■ la-M. twi iMsvs-diig piai;y

and Beading Ibe
biirewus to office
from tbu heads
lerrurtreil fllKhl More him.

.1, '•Ic^
'U OrMra bbtv«n C
■Hn Maed Ju. 1. -M to
«1 Jaa. 1.

’One door nalstod twans.- of a desk
that Mood la from of it on Ibe other
lie eUaiiered ibi- d.v.r


.BpIiDters anil Uu- desk wbeu be gut

Dm. 21. «C OMrdnwB. •

^ ^ %fc OrtrtTaft. saw


Ibroii^ with It wa» a wnek.
AJ a reetrplluo In New Yoik elt} iv-i
cMI’ly Mirs ITIen Teiiy pave a sionl '
talk aUvoi Ibe loooiii.'faWe women

GaiKral Nc¥va
' Aflrrs hard week's vork

•ALAttCC>«KC 31. 1«0«.


wbo is cngac'^ to be nunied Ui Mlsn
llel«B NIcboIsOD of JupUo. Mo.
handed a pay tiKfck for I1I4S.
baroD is Icarulni; fratn Uie cround


Ooer op every deuill of Ifce boslaess


ID wbiefa the faiber of bis fiooecc U
eapiccd. nsDCIy. mining.


Professor Oaeiano Unsa. head of
the nteehunlcal deparUiicnl of ibe Bos.
ion School of TcchDulosr. has been.



me ... u,.
of this
mountain In etoae as hant ;,
. ..............................

..._____ .
print of a gigantic huiaao f—t. live and (w0| awne [n.m
s prewal h
Bg at
and wfec
I oM-baU fret b-Bg by Iw.i and enedMIf i iato tbr v
, -.i,.m«. tli-i'esans
nmlfmanalare _eitW
rctlW itocy will retry •«
ibeeffr<d that ttwlm-lamst. largrai
nnd best
! bare a k-pmd
print wan reada l>.i Adam. <oir Drat par. stork, la •rotbe.-a IMcbigaa.
pnt. tat the Rmldtitelii deehirw that It rliangr t. nrwtwasty on oeconnl n€,l»
nia.slnDU.i giwwine tnodaiw* of the
rnold biva been made hr an row lot
ffrta nad the new qnaiieiw wIB *l*«
r spice hat a

SCHOOL DESK. I thrtr goodB.

lolbii. Jli.-v;iicii

Eatity ChaegH H
. .
ar Snu.l Ch.-.dr«n.
Tb" first lesv.n gltea to yviur el'll■trva U|Nm "uiinut .s.-hool ni-ai-T>ll) U
amoaut uf :Ur nli::t' the op otf. im’ ml prn;wr eair;
loslle ei;I 'of tie- inlsue: is .--impiN-C «t die IWsiy year lu so.l,«.-ar uul
irai-liiT" •M'.itiiiually cadearer !<■
v.llJi a .iiM.eii srrr-ti;c.l
ill »URSly
1'.- pupils I
around lb.' tfcn»;.t of tU- p I'U-i.i. ■.•> i.i:
iti- ‘0
>r de-is -j
to pro-.ei-l the lady ft.iui dr.IHuml
tkon ppjnil.'s .1 n:ri.^ at.tie
xrlndow end of tbe-.idunc4 which way
Iw -fai-cj or luwert^ «o resflhve tbr


: r;-ii^. iiiiiias-i.-n u.

In DritisU' iienilentiariei tli.' {.iImd-

.-nr.,rtf l...ui of »:.-ep. ■
Lnlldiled by King Victor BmaBuel III era aw not allowed I'uikinc plasses or
.lusty air.'
o see ibeir faces iu puIlidi.Hl
of Italy.
Professor I.anu was born
Ja'uez S|»elio-r Hal lug tiod siiii:. or In' Hu- day ;md f
la Boeion la 181k. was appolaied Ir.
stnactor la Ibe lasillnte ol Tccboology lonr in bis newly poUi-.b.-d' “My mnri) uiiriii v"i<iil.ifiou .o> i> (.r.ic;«a
la 1872. became professor of the cagi- 1>rlaon Ulle" H-IU luiw In V.“‘l. nine ble. Tbr dwellinv' place Kb-ml.l le dr
Mcriac dcpartiucat In ISK and Is years after he had Imst seen his' tea-



coaip.*.*s, la a.ldii;

.-^'UisuiHiii-ii I. no! Iieynll
W though ^ery woman
ond.-r -e
thinks she l.i an acircis." Then she t. ■; . ■■ >r 1« It eesii^coulrartcd If rea
addcsl with u gleefol Uugh:
'And I a.iusi 1.' bikcn.
-J'lstrtti.-Tlie •■nrri.ww .-.n-umin'ya
have komeUnies lhua«ht that eve.->
pBlIcnt 1* " r «■■.!• of iBfcr-l.i.n nn.1 a
acltr^ thinks she U ui..!cf ibi.' Tb": dsuser n rril
who •■••n-r uioi^
great aem-ss for herself ' make* no lu freneftitity to him or rWt tlie pla-as
conc-aJaeol of the fact th« In about be frr<|iiit!l«
twelve months «he win be Wi years
to Iow.t Vie lone
ill m.iy Si
<>r the gvuersl Is-sllfi

wMelrkDown as an author.
Mrs. Booscvdl vill, with ber own
»74« baadB, fashion a silk Aoicrlcati flag
be presented t«> the naral academy
AnnapollB for Ibe dtwplnn of a


tlispnslil.nide e..n
, ,


II latd-wir

b.-,ck. for I did nut know my own far.-

colota for the aaine |Hirpci»-. th>' pre­
.r..I .h.
sentation of wblcb will be made by ...iih ... i»,.
Mrs. James Bryce, wife of the BritJ.h Of the <s.,tHcst btaik* on len.r.l. The
daiiTd.ler. i-i
work will Bhoilly be the
|nf„.|iiiK tliei-Inuu.w nlili <loHv«
llutrhiusoni. vT Lonil'.n. lls Miti}<-'l Hiat hare wipi.l tip iIm* Kidewall... Ho
is exiinci binls. It aims to give a;-. Poi nimv. li.i„ aS l.-vfe--t».l Im.iiw ..r
Urth birthday last week and at tb. .-..uals of all birds lliat ha»e.lK-r..iu' r-soci* until ibe tt-mmi-hii.-s-of the


round of plcaiuires atii ndiiig It he wai ealinet in historical llnies. n.e a i-, •'•’‘'"'■’■‘5''"'■
declared to be the spilest tuamber of tb-w. Whew priv.i.e nami.. .a-, .v
im nl Trlng Park, Herifora.,liim-.
the patly. lie bar, lK.<cn an editor. In
HoBlon for more than fifty years and
allbougb Ibe daily newspaper he built
bis roOB. he la still’la Iho harness and
vUlla Ibe office sioarlj every day to


Id fami-d. lias inKml aim.ii »l'“'.-'.Bnniplires, iw n»l l«ty, milk .«•
■HMI'oii ilie blink, while Ilii-dlulcliiii-toflier nrilelrs of f.v«l not «n lie < .nioiv than $.',.0‘« Jfrom eirtixmoirtlve... KHdn
ne ifcrra
• _New 7’ork Trilnmc.
"Ides of the l-hlgliBh edilioil

fur aingraviag tdock» alone.

d 1" «dd
iorfc will lie prlDlnl.
r>i it::, a ei>|iy. r«ivl:-.ii I-Iinluus will

write and advise.


lelisil.I., l:.t,-r;iliv. -.
......... .
any sire u.iidow fmiue. It ii< eg. :
teiidi-.l poHii .11 It H •ei-jre.I lo li.eiiis-

tUF Windi.vv s.iiili l» l.-.wcr-si. si
sldivl w:ui W.WI1..T iirip.
omu-nil Tin- frame -V til
«uil uf IlH'-enblner i» ndaptisl t>

aiur.:-ir-ns PWK.

niiode IsUlid i.iail attril.itles
In tbr fn.t Ibnt lu r.ll B.-lHviIr.««nN
(I.sLn iirv of one belghl.
effiul being made t.i nufulMe tin-'liei-riit
» rbiW
of i using Ibe .|i-.fc. Xiintnily nil tlie chil

li ll.e iiiaiji fniiim b» i.i-s- f.Nl... w’bifb ani, blller nil ! ad:l|Me.l |., Ie>. le'ld hi
exi'-iid.vl ivosillou by wean« of thumb
MI*. Tb" f ■Mil and riorr fraines am
I I? ni.siKs of-II li.B.I in

mg Ibe viinen ffghlI 3t -Is cuniplslii
liUUniee In licnnany folllfll.
[lions ore kming.-ib" el.lvr’ry of !'•"
I'mliMle rges." • lint. mrdiai-'val tales
OcoT T
. Right F.
Ja Dr. Anita Aucspurc. who was n: nnd romaric-s i ti >n wba! that eh|vnlr.v
eently IrleH for IHn-lliic.Uie .mdbv ol
reall.y w-ry. Wife le-aiiiig wa. n' .s.u.
Hambun;. Her life I. nothlne If ni.l
' Tiiun (nel-l.-nl-on tie- 'part of :Ui-ee.
blrrniious and
|irart|eal. ,Sbe h;oi
■rtr elnfrownan giggled.
! kbidits and g.-nll-iiM-n wh-c— c-illniiisy
built herself a lieautirnl bouse bi tf.'e
**roa kaow. m.r busnand'a Idrtbday ; -A'.-i* u ni'-re fs>nvenli"ii.«’Pies't>e'nll.-r
Isarthal. In HavarJa. mid li.eie Ui.- in. 1* negt week." abe raid, "and ]"—
' dr la T.niV-Ijiidry 'iii tils lei .-C c•;lll
l.ibgblcr orrn-amr hrr for the pnv I scl« I-. bb. ddi:---btcr* J-II* tij.-m tildulses ber passion for gartleniiii;. rl.l.
lag and breaklos lior;a>s. She H l.vire.1 meat.
i Mury of a w.aiiau who u.osl to «- nlm. •-1-ylng in inedi.siis to <p, it,-. Uil:
. ,' —-and I havT been tiikiiiga cigiroiil ; divi be' lins'.-ml iu public, <l;w .'ar. ] tliai Ihli.g
by her npponnenu ns nho is
, of Mu tnre s-rery day for
afii-r <-vii>-iiileiiiither friends and follower* and Jdalire.i
lUODlhii. Well.- she went on. "I ve g.iU, ,.j
p.., f.;„.
liawl iu Ibeir tuiin's I'.ually iB satin- Ipby the people.
IH Kl'O tiiem IC ; ".\od sV euiumcnu i-nliti; iu viUleli -.aiil Iiai'i.l ba# OgiR-.v].
James J. Hill. tJie Civsil Koithcrn
i birthday presenL" — Bx ;
Hy re-alliuB tint alofy they- knuw
lagsate. ordinarily Is an easy-gnlng
which Imod !-• us., tine .rf lb- loirtii-i
...-Ji Ma ™..r.
i.-- w.uui-u I.know In ili!.* loan drr’.iim that llie unly ru.- i l:e li-lt
ttue tian>l fratn He- oilier >< I >
me occasion, nngere.1 beyond cn-|
se1-r the time «bt"« f. i-liilii. slie IrW
durance by the lad service of n tele--merely, -my lime 1* wrodb »lft» an
l-i iiiHk a cow luid a-a* «eiii flying
Snifting the Blame,
pbone enniiiany. be loro its Instru- hour, but I'll give yrvu ten miiiiitei.nnsl-an-i Win-re .11-1 I I'li'-e my
! from Ibo tvall of hi* 81. Pnui: -if it's nil the rame 1> yon." lUmglit.
Jinlnigl fniii III" v.-i\..ig
n-'t.ic!'-v bi“' nigliff W1f.’-!.-f tie
office. Ihrew it out Imotlie lock van! fnllf rcidbsl lb" vIsiPW. "I l -TU vc I
lier r'-clii
cp..- 1. eii; tb"ii, s..nVr.;..Te. 1,.;I J II lu plcsi-s. On amuber
"“"T W^e It In


i d<- n r. tiinird to ibHr beore la Kiucs- !lev il,is isornlBg after aprtdlng •
' shur. lime in ibe city,
Mrs t?harie, Bven went to KeyI slime this niormug.
H. Uiiiknii of ManlBiro .U in tbo.
'el.v on buBlneBB.
T. G. Riwti I,-ft for bla htime to
riev.laini this moinlng after trtalilne
.frii uiH in the elt) Ihc past fesr
Min K lAUuln U<l for Orond B»Pivls this morntog.
F B. Bixiao imm-rir,! boaUtaw 4n
Mano'lroui tfeli. morning
>11.1 »iiiKt<- Kelle) went to DH«4l
inIx)' bn a Nhori tisil.
Ik-Me It Miatagni- will go to CbieairniB his brother.
go I.
...W t; laiwrroice'HS'raroy HI
at ther levaiding place. 126 Webster

«rf ihc most ainaiins and,
n'w caw of inl«w.-nl.«iv
ill bronse bust of Admiral l.x>rd lenlfyins experleii-Ts in mv life. -1' ro«ne* fmrr some esrlier i-aw. TIi"

p-nns of a-i' .lisrase retain Uieir vital
Nelson, the clft of King Bdwsrd to bad changed pasl n'cesnitbin. ’
lAnoel Walter BnthehiM lias iseu . Hy ainlthr.r Infe-^ieity a hms liia.-iinInBtIKition. Quocn Alexandra of
Qtcal BrUalD
will yrovido BritUb' ■r along tlru.' devoting pail of hi, dec f.nvoraele eon'll'I-iis. Tliervfore.!«



Fiom Tborsday-a Rreor.l
Mi>. WlUUm >Tnkter an« Hro.
FiaUer weafio Sparltaff toIdaj.
Mis T, Maasiaf of Gland RapMs.nj fiinH lu her homr inday after S|^;
i ;ng «■ lerol month* with her aOB Fred
aa'd (amny of tbia city.
S I- Killer went to Klag»ley this
County ITi-rk Walter went to Plf«
l.ake this roonilag. called there by Uf*

Hires. 1ie taashi a idplil ol himself iii
n looking pUhb In-iBe liliraiy at Talk
huis. prlBon.
He says-.
"I suru-1

The sain •"

; raggnt moontahi In ri— tsleml ofi-eytThe ba.eaieBi wllbW divided lBb> iww
, laa Is Lanwo tbr*>ugh.«it the ertent as
for foe! and l«dVer itio*
I tbr -MenntalB of the Sartwd Foot

use II .'y In. ,nio a sutaK

loa J»|iliu
lead aod line mlpe lUmn Paul Vtm who w:sk bor lu belli them get «u tin
stsse. "IleaP)," sin- said', "It r-en.i
ZckllBlUkl. the Beropoun aubl<


Ma-Ula v* th. ftacrod F—j


Ibing* V


alrea-l- ■•ho'.B the good that Will

.... -s.

s;;;; rr':';


r.ill ti- t- run «;i the-licn ;i: Wan A A*'- n«<- '1111 wHtlog II


»• Bionev 1

„.i-. m..rtiine-J. It- I’.oa- bavlug auil-.
Id ih'-Jioder l.iiii.h-n=-t-lm

11 Im refunded

1 1» a
1 hv the Imsi phyMral.irrii wilhoal ibpoigli liibsliag ne^csV thjt so ilsht to tbr affeeiaff

tianiiw.i-icx. .0 m- ri'v nnd
plii'-.l isi.l in ihe bi-iBblorb<«"l j iM'ls-


tlu- -ICb-HtIr nulldlng'.' anil will

l....l„latWiiS!%f st’ine
It Will rroiri-Mand fc.-aU any lirllailwi In Ibe mu
of IV... rumc. SI..1 a 1.s--ns-ni .in.l il.- cmix membtane.
ir.-.l «rt1 In- ,o.-si.-.1 l-.b-k. H *H1
T»'-lu-'and -i.-d (o, 'ib-^ri.-lty »1cxl-lll.-BI.-l
i! I> -X ,1s -'ll.l
-’. will .

‘MitlLuT s^lr and
S>ais under Ibe

Spring Millinery Opening
Wednesday and Ttinrsday



WC PlflCC on S>0lC



for the above days a cdflection of Artistic Millinery from New York
andCleveland, where our milliner h'^s spent several weeks copying

styles. Never before in the history of our business have we had the assortment of Pattern Hats; Street
Ha's Bs well as beautiful hats rriadc in our own work room as we now have, in which style, quality and
p-icuKohandinhand. Our Millinery Department is being conducted with great economy, and buying
from first hands places us in .-r position to save you from One Dollar lo Three Dollars on yoiirtaslcr Hat.




---------» and aaUon BeHcT.

. 44


street Hats


.- SUr TharL
bare m> tttM



MOM propie who brtrre
fcW»» rore trill be
•red- t4w ni old ;ailr. ,"litn fM- my
pM 1 hope for better thluffa. •

Beautiful crcaiioiis in^ . I ''

Hundreds of Siiccl Hats to

No Jiatslike these .inywh- T.
t. t .

•elect from.

Our priceft-rthc opening

New ideas »i

special prices for opening daj s


■ V «•! ’lirriftKtl t (feels,

'-Ijn S-7:t«ii-, $ls.

S4.48 to $12.00

] $4 and S5 Trimmed Hats for 2.98 j
\\« tiefv I..'illi[-'':iti-'11 OH it'C L.ldlCv and Mivj;.' Hais
wc null -Jiniv toiTioffow ;i» ijii.j'fil r. N*i where will


•: d'cnt for les ^ tlian $4.f*>--h»-

IJirCLl from the importer, in

endless vAfieiks.




days — Beautiful

Crushed Kos-y.pcr bunch.

to e-tw.
48c»«5c to $2.39
SPECIAL showing of new Spring Merchandise throughout each and every
-- :
depai-in-.ont at EXTREMELY LOW PRICES

The Globe Dept. Store.


t^irUaHtkiaa'iHimiMY. ■

Motben ^ threw alsteta. 1
w«Bd «*w Dines JO the OMie ML
They are Lyaas .aad Oeoertere Bethard. Paasy. BoaweU. aad Acoei laTwworw my stater aad brathar.
aaO the oibM’ thtwe are my e
We hare fim tUdlag dowa hUl. I forEo< to ten you my den' aamea. They
are Jlp and Cbmamy. I bare Bee
Ooees, tbetr itatara are Beaoty, Uck.
Palry, Jaefe aad 3UI. Fhlry ta blue,
nek aad Beauty are elear while. Jack
and jill ar« Hath aad WMtr. Wen
my letter is laag eaouch so I wni

Wr. I Mi ^ Ton
t got for
Chrtatana. A wire new aM.
pair or artttMa, and a parse.
tBTe.two gets, a eal and a
bh(4 my nog up. aad b* dnwa me ail
1 hare lota t« (na at tebool
Mayiag anowkna^Scmmiimea tbe Mg
bon wash our tare*. | am la tbe
third grade, i hare only
ks. I hare
kis It rwm:
ae. 1 ibaak ym for tbe rard and

stag. The farmer* are plnoiag now.
I amAorry to say that I bare lott my] la pant eg ^fand.^MUad and
card sad button. Wni you pMae Wale* a conatry matom
•emi me aaothrr oae? -ntls Is all for smaag ibeehUdrra of fhe paorfarmer* mother aafced her to nm to the baiB
lUa lime.
«r golBg eollreuiw egg* from
and call gnadpa to dtnwr. thr atgilTour SuasblBer
prosperous Belghbnr*. the form o( rg- ed. hot espying a row In the lot. ode
Age 12.
Angus Cnak.
qoest I,elac this oM rhyme, repealed of the Booley kiBd. ran bark. arfa^.
0^ II li lo imci« eh«t «h» kws wimei
How delightful It moat be to have
i »ort of slag sang radeoeeI otrr, no ibf bMatlfu)
•t». mama, thero't a cow oat iBerw!'
apriag nume (mrly . Htrrlag lived In
-Pkaie. Mr. Smith, please
m aiMii or a!
After a gtanc* out of (hr Madov at
o*r Qmad TraeenuGive us an Baner ^
Ibe ateek-loafclag bovibe. ber mothM
Tbst It (be muIbc of Butter In ear
know bow iu apprertale M. dnn'i
If you do aol glre us one.__
bMrtt. too. Tou kaow
Y.«r hen Bfasll uy an addled one.
-Why. Maifarte. Ibat'a a moMtir
M(e M.rt. ~If I «rer tall ill (Mac
Your (le-k shall lay
row She (*n1 bam you, iat She '
..jtmt lUacE. t wJU •tty, try acalo."'
CMiT. MM. R. F. D. No
FroM your Sunablaer
haapt any twirns."
AbO JMartlBw litbr
March 8. 1*07.
8o If wo
fenottfAi bot
"But. mama.- eirtaimr^ihe chOL
<-* WM »»%i iijli» M «•
I would Uke to see your cWer dog. Dear Pieeldeni —
We speak of Rdlsua and H
butt me •
a llb ber p
wotry. If we h*»e fencoura to omlle
1 would like to fain tbe SuaahU
LIUlaa Be___
I wander what bis name is.
and Carnegie nnd RiMMeveli sa sue donrrwhan IblBca go wreac. If we ba*e for■•are three afaieis and ot reasfol men and so they gie Bat
•VI *r*r«M ta ftyh, «i «.
Koilofi to be kwlb*. to be belpful. to .Y(mr doeea moat be eery pretty.
«kwi «» -r^
be kl»d. why, baler It a good tlsie to How maay pets you have!
Dear Preeideat—
Traverse Ciiv. I ajn twelve year* old they were sorresaful Imyi first. Their
‘ss leally began aaay b*ek In tbe
b«clB all orer ooee norel Lef* “try.
WexfordT MM.. Feb. 22. I9AT.
t recetred your rard and button and
faiinh grade. 1 r»
irytctlnr I *ni. wHI you?
Dear Pieaidetil—
iblak they ate rery alre} t bare two srbnol nearly .-«^-ry day. 1 have lots day* Bheu they made their B(*t
cbolre between work and Idleuwa; of Ibe nnlrerae. and lo make H Blalh
I would like ta Join your Suaahlae ronslaa who would like to lielong to Of fun with the ehlldnui. There
they derided to put fonb ibeir sbe said. -Everything la our achoolClub. I like to read yoar leiten that Opr SoBthlBe Club. Their aame* are twenty-four puidla In school,
PoMai card hu been
greatest effoKs to do fjwteihing wonb rooiB beiongs to nae of the three
frw Hnold Kutle who Urea at PO- at* la the Renld. I go to the Wex­ Bwym Jaqulsh. aad Blwood Ja<]ulab. teseber-a name Is Mias Bahlr.
kingdoms—tuir desks lo tbe vegsdabl*.
boards with na. I must rl(ue. hoplog
cartrrtik morWa. HaniM U a Sua- ford arhool and I an down at Wlorb Beadoa. UM. Tou will hare
kingdom, our (dale, and p*«s to tbe
ronba. I am not at school today for It
writing, as I am a little I gel a card and bnilon
ohloer we are always clad
mineral klngdi.m. aad Hi He AIM."
is George Woshlaroa's birthday
girl aerea year* old.
Yuara inily
she added louklng down ai Ibe cbIM
Tow little frlead
Katherine Penwyk.
i-*re»i her. "behmg* lo Ibe aalmsl
I am glad to bear from yon. Katherkinrdiini " Alice ksiked up quite leTom Snlib.
Tour wrltlag was not at all
e. You must have pleaxiul linira
and ber eye* filled srtih
I am glad ibai yoa like to read tbe for a mile girl. Oladyt. Write ariln •rbo-d.
k," and was earned mn as follows • tear*, as she answered. 'Tearbec. 1
■me peraon out of tbe room and. Sunahlae Mten. aad that you baer
T dinner on faster Ifav. Ibe cssA. Ank ytm an- mlsiakra. fur my
Burdirkvllle Michigan.
Ilm be is to cueas the name of wrltlea one for us to read.
say* that all linle rblldrea behmg ta
Mar. 2. IM7.
lame from the aeiioiis of the
Onwa. Mm.. Feb. 22.1807.
great hall s long aud ihM liee ironk. the klagdom of beasvo.near President —
FMBta. l«. him inland wb« 1
Dear prealdrai—
As I. have lime I will write to y.« Afearh llM-mle-r bl the college l>*s*ed
Dear Prerldrat—
down they all; If he walks to the ee^
I thought .I would write you a few
be hacked at the trunk «iih a
hare aerer written to you fa' O tell you that I have been a Siii
The Eaatcr Rabbit.
«r tbe room they aceompaa'
llttea. 1 would like to fata your Sab- fore. I ifaoaghl 1 would write,
ihlne girl for six years. -I falned when hairbei or an ax. afterwards dropFrom Cermaay come* the aiagutar
here be knki^ they
ahlae Club. I go lo school r»
thought I woQld like to JMa ibe Sun­ Mrs. M. B. C. Bates was president, nnd ping (» a hig ireorher bis coniribu- cmtKvdlim of a rabbit with tb« Baator
lya they repeat. Son
day. I lost my ether pin so
shine dab. Please send me a card and my ntimher was 2<»02. and my brother ■ loa of mosey to the rook and ‘bfa as- eggi II ta hrtleved that tbit llUIr
really ai
peraoa a quarter of an wHl join again. Tom Smith is
burioa. I go to arbool erery day. and David Joined tbe ran
animal steals into ibr bouse wben all
to gueea that the name of the tmr booae Tlslilag. aad be it a wrltlag.
In Ilir Tyrol baler Is set aaidr a* a Is n-iici trad hide* a More «rf pretty
like my teacher very rai
nuailier was 2A0|. sad we situ have
Is -iBllaihm.'« wtaty teat alcht la
ibtwgbt I wmM write to you. lu
liny when all sort* ,rf foolery 1* pee egg. in nu»t Impossible plarea. glvI* Miss Shelly. I am seven the cards and pint that nhe an
th» dark. '
good-hje. •
tniiied. and at Hut time atones simi­ Ing Ibe rhihtrra. who must wearrb for
years old. I have one brother. aniWa II*. I have an unrie. too. wlm
BurdMvlIle, Mirh.
While the wfld wl
Utile liahy afafer. Her name Is
Sunshine lutv. HI* name ts Herbert lar to tiKXM- whM lake place ou April ibem. a great deal of trouble and exkUr. S. 1»07.
Mark M. Merrill.
In other (sHinirle.s are enacted
May. My brother goes to srhnol.
Iktwrrer. and he falned In Febr.iaiy
cliemeni fa finding them. The bouap
ft ala^ la my heart llhe the sows of Dear Prceldeni— .
Tou do not hare to JoId over agali
1 like lo >oln Ibe Sunshine 1899. hfa nnmle-r fa Cdt He is n
mother pfFpares by promring t^ntal- ‘
As It htf beea a hmg time slate
when you haire betoaged. Ooee i Clah. His name is Jimmie. This
.a laih.
A Pnasibiiitr.
soldier hoy He eirltaied one
til) of eggs and erdors them beraelf
hare written to you. l win write tod^.
Ttraa of aitimaa
. alijAys a Suoafalaer.
"MatJune was (ui a (fall to. h. by wrapping them In .i.lored eallroea.
all I ran think of for this lime in gimd- BfO In Fehnuiry fur three year*
it waaWototwrtDera deep Mddn away. Our arheu sUrla tomorrow. T
If at Ftahen; Island on I»ng Istand yrandfuir. Ufa on the farm, and her ei foiue idaio and some fl|iir.-d
Beadoa. Mirh.. Feb. 22. 1907.
But or madnal-wortaM *twia toM. gotag to hare tbe same teoMer we
From a little girl
loiind. to you -M you h
ymtlwntly iotUnk hy algfat hod last tena. Her aaam Is kllsa
Rdlth Draper.
la -tbe army. too. I wonder II C U
8uaCarrie BeDaelt. I have a coll, tie la
aad hydw.
Would you Uke to have me pat lias’s Domlne remembers that he wrote
abiae Club before. Onr arbool has
two yean old. Mia aaaw la TMn.
Becardlem'ttf darkneaa or cold.
urn on tbe Cradle Roll?
poem to me enillled To a Kind IJWIe
ran ride bln. and eon hitch him up.
Girl." and arat me hts pamphlet
tearbrr-a name eras Mias Maud Hall, abe ts a Utile Sunbeam
They afe-wwhtas the aoO whnw tbe here a deg. eoo. We Hre tm a tarm <
poem‘s. I have them yet. it was
like her. she Is good, t was out far
Blaghara. Mirh. February 190|. I wish you could
eighty scree. We har two horse*, and
Nuniog bthjl
sleigh ride Ihla afternoon. Tbe sun
Feb. 28. 1907.
tweeoHa. four rows, two yeurllaga and
■ hr poem that he urnie lo me. (
as ahtning and it was alre. I will Dear President—
one two year old. end two bogo.
two little brother* Jullii* and Her‘ It'* a heavjr Btram eti riOUmt.
I woald like lo becoate a memfa l>rn join the Cradle Roll? Jnllus trill
wM doae for this time. My Sunsblue rioae with best wUbea.
hUrgBiei Rartllne.
of the BnartlDe Clab. I have la
Bomber U 2001.
u caM upon lo nipplp
bow long yoar raeaHaa It bmbei*. Their aamea arr Hay and be five years old the third of April,
BP wtP to the tlaMt
and Herliert will be thnw the iwraygolag to last. You must hare pletaaat Brwln. I am In the aecoad grade.
for two.
Durld Bow.
slxth of March. As my letter ta get-'
ilnaa playing.
with CMU i am anen yiars o
Wtaeta the aoft baby bode He mdeep.
What good timet yoa muit hare
ling rather long I will close or It w
Some fora of t
Aad'tMMi^ac wpidra tor the'crue** with Dan. Doot you ea}oy rMlug
Cedar. MM.. R. F. D. Ko. 1. My teacher’a name la Miss Florence find Ibe waste h»kei. I remain
eiont root.
Feb. ». 1*07.
Your Sunslilne girl
be euily taken ap hj laotkn'a nrstem
Dear Preoldeal—
Ethel Mae B<.w.
u nowdetL
I thought 1 would write a few Hoes
I am Ml glad to learn of such
r tm giad lo have you jeria the Sun- faithful Smitdiiner as you have bei
let yon kaow we are all wNI and
Siiotf s Emulsion ewittmfm ||^
They are wearlac the eMh tor dear Dear Ptm
hope you are tbe aame. We hare foar ablae Club. Della. Ttju aad CelU Ethel. And fan'i It nice to think of
We lake the Hemtd aad reed maay bones, and nine Mg cattle, aad two Must enjoy ainihg logetber la acbool. Sunshine boy lieing in the army!
daCodll-a cowa.
grtMOcat poBsible amottiU of nourkbItem
dad dylac the rose's drees red.
ilrre. and eight sheep, aad three
in ea*i)y digested fora.
he Easter Egg.
Aad ahapkac the goM for aWeet butter' Simablne dub. Please tend me <
cats This fall I went Into the aeroad
Feh. rs. 19.I7.
end iMtan. I bare four siMers and reader. Onr tearfaer U good
RaHer wllhoui
brat eggs s^ld Is- a
Dear President*
Mother and baby are wonderfully
Then natnee are Mary. We had a Christmas tree. That la all
rioiis fiwiival.
1. so elosely
lijs the
And bonnHa ijt pom'* day head.
Pniudo. Catberfne. John end 8iHU. >r this time.
Blare Jaek-ia-thohnl^ must hare
helped by it* use.
of the Sunshine Club, and also n fas-n asMMuaKsI niih them.
ProremoBt to cborcb today.
the symfad of r
new eoat.
sister Revs would Uke lo fain. That
far reinuiies; Ihfa Idea goes
An the maidea-halr-a earia be ua- I go lo atboot erery day that i
Julia Horten.
Is all 8 ran ibink of now so
Toil hare a great many pets, harent
leetle.. l»-.~.-insv iliat Insert was
Aad air ehambers built (or eaeb water- gnile. Hare e elek gnadmother slay you? Whirh do you like beat?
Age 8,
Lydia Johnsoe.
log with tu aad 1 bare to slay borne
Ifaiughl to huvi- the |K>wer id bor>pttafu boal.
Ok Rapids. Hleb, Peb. 2€. 1*07.
rlslng attain. Wbra
And Weak leatleta fabedupthiwich tram school once la a while to bHp
buttons by bow. and are i
with the work.
Dear PrealdMit—
eggs were discovered, the symbolism
the names of four children ■bine girls.
iranafi-rroil to them. The first
who would like lo Join the Suatblae
Abbs Peratyk.
- Tbe .Mika moat hare hoods aad the
LaCoaaer. Wash.i Coloied eggs weie nil. and this color
an eony lo Mrs that yrmr gnad- aub. Please send me the earda and
Cm (W
imIMte tlie blood of the Tbs Kaat fbss
berrtea rad eaps.
Feb. 47. 1S07.
Sailor. To Ihfa day in HusKhi
Whne the ladiee for sUpiwrs will BOther Is olek. bat bow alee it ts that halloas. Tbeir atlnca are Am^ WII- Dear Prealdrai —
The AwmoNV Fence Companv,
BOB. Harold Johaaoo. Freddie Jehasoa
your wther baa yiMi to help ber. on Raster itay prrarat each
My aame is Harley CTiambeni.
Aad all wlater sleepers tronaed from
am eleven years old. I have a pet dog other with ml 'cinwed egg*,
Haple City. Hleh.
Oae of ih^ boys at arbool
b ia lari oa wen as na«
their aaim, .
rat. The dog's name Is Jack and saying: ' He fa ifaen," aad the olhtw
Mar. 4. 1*07.
bit her-aad it laadr ber sick.
making ilir ...............
-lie fa t
A|^ dteuard tbr Bprtara Opealac. Dear PreaUeat—
™ 8.u.nw
_ I tbongfa I would write to you and the gave me aoese Bowers. 1 am wHI
farmers arr plowing. The birds
thank yoa for tbe card and buitoa
hope you and all tbe Suabrama
BohasUyvorUacwflb Bight aad wUh that you arat to Bethel, and she was
of them
The flower* i
stanlng to grow. I bare a b(ta>.
-BBcb pleaaed with them. Bdith liked
ThOOgh wo eearrwiiy bare spared ber card too. I Bad a <nlf and It died so good-bye.
hate lots of fun at arhool playing at'
A SmIc and Sore
From your Sunbeam
tteai .a thoaghl.
rrbool. I bare got an air gun. ll'
last Friday, aad paps akined ii aad I

Coagh Core.
We ^ see whew deer Bobbi ealt- am golag to sNI Ha skin sad get
hold* one ibonsand shot. I gel the'
o vi
Please 1(41 Amv. Harold. Freddie,
•Sprlac line agala."
Sunshine paper from Mr*. Cook and,
botma with tbe Boaey:
I~1 wi™ th.t on b. obUloM.
id Willie to write ua «dam ietleiw,
What theae nagleBl workBM hare,
There are some very nhM
STYLES-^ bdgtaj^ 7 bar as bn* HOG laaaa, ta thr ANTnONY
too. won't you?
Ruby Broohi
come hoy to write to me.
Whet books are you goiac u _
Friday^ March. S& IH7. with your Bfloey? Some arbool books,
Harley (Ttaml-ers.
New BtHuhers Malag since last loA* I have not written far a loag
ne aioty books.
poftad: nc ( will try and write a few lines
veo glad lo get your lelict
Then B ns NarmBe ta Kemp's BMiam.
Cedar. Mirh . Feb. 22.
i * loria Ckaia. Tnrene City. MM..
nr. We are In camp thlmwlaler.
slsrays w> pleased to hra:
■ Nothing of a fa'lsotxinacebanBftil
Dear President—
cbmetor euUfa uito It* ro<Bpu4Ui«.
B. p. a Mo. 4.
ni(V and pleaunt where ibe ramp frOD distant Wa.9falagtou.
I tbooghi I wnuM write you a
Tbis rleira and par* luugh • ut
Maty Haahy. Sathma Bay, MIeiu B.
is. the log* go right past tbe sbancores eunglM that eaoaal L« ritr*d
DM lo M yna know how I am gelUConor
We have all bad tbe grippe
P. D. No. A
KatbMtne and Aaaa Petaiyk. Odar.^ .Uuf abmg. I am welt and I hope you and roy aunt has been working far us.
MM.. B; P. D. No. 1.
wonld like to hare my Hllle nephfvr
' ftsT. Ctnr
Km r
X( hM asved tbonmed* of lire*.
t long lime.
Bella PeKoB. Mdlft Oraper. Lydia day. Oar teachrr'a
and nirre'a nttur on the &iasbine
A 9^'. bollla iMtisras 4U d-M.
Barth and I llkr him rery
"Not Better Than the Best.
Johuaoo. SlagUat. Ukh.
Chib Cradle Roll. There Dames
At all draggiste'. S2c.. tJic aad *L
JiBBle Draper. Biugbam. MM. eBaora are Dalied atairs blalory, Johnnie Urgregor and Lila Bette ReyBut Better Than the Rest."
arithnnlr. granmar. geognMiy. and nolda. I mnal Nose or the wt
t am In the orrond grade. I like
Nome aent by Bdith Oraper.
my teacher and abe is good to me.
Men Jebaaaa. Btagham. Mkh. apelllng. There are 4* aeholan la our basket will be my doom.
■ebooL There ate ao maar alee IMhave fata of robins out here. I wtah
' Name aent hy Lydia Johaaon.
wnnld pass into tbe tbe third
■wood and Blwya JagoM. Bpidoa. len ta the Henid and Ijik.
Maioglr Pn*t.
them. WNI I gueae wit Tetter is get­
MM. Mama aani by QUdya Case.
How inierevitng it mast be to live in Freddie was so glad to get yonr leiier.'
Citizens Phone 99
Bell Phone t88
Lmbs Bend and Mary Viagsaesa. ting long eoough. ! wlll-rlosr far H
camp dnrlag the winter! Wero We win have little chicken* In
while. ’fJita I* all for this
•aiuma Bv. UM. Kaaes aent by
there any other giri* In ramp?
BO» good-hyf
Mary HaAy.
Sutions Bay. Mirh, R. F. D. No. 2.
Pnnk Bodue.
Amy Wikum. Harold
Pndtanavrt wbo
Feh. 27, 1WI7.
re*, the letter, la the llenM a
C.ladys Cook.
«• Johnacm. WUUe Cole. Bta BapMs.
havcseuied IS Can­
Dear Prestdealada danngikc pas
*ry tatereatlag. Write again soa
I Wish oe all muld <»e haby Helen.
MM. Kamea Beal hy Lmrile Brtgga.
law yean, tvitily
: 1 wouM like to J.dB the Suashine We know she ta a regular little Stroto taa tact that
'Club aad so would Ledoa Seed and beam.
Caiiafta i*. beyrad
Omens. MM.. Fell 22. 'M Metis Vingsaess. tTease seod us a
•H. V. r. BbMM cm CtwMe RelU.
Johanta MeOngiw and LHa Brlle: Drar Preoldeal—
UOtonner. Wach.
I go to wbool every
ALABASHNE it more dnralite iban any otber wall
im going to write in you. I have day. I BB In tbe aerood grade,
yhcMd. Itanar. MM. Kamn
Feb 28, I9«7.
fiuiab. Voucan put it on ytmm-lf.
HuiHlreds of sea and
OM writteu «o you for a loag time. tfwrber's name ta HUs Rote. We bare Dear Preeideat•(w»enhavedw*o-it don’t thowbmahmai**. ALaBagrraB
•'tawy Sahh. age fear yMn: Bddle Hy undo baa come to visu us bow. fats of fun ptaying gameH. boons ami
I have Dot WTlilee (or a toe
differs from kaltomine or otber wall fiutah it Ibal it will aoTor
a tblrieea year* oM tbe 16th of lereaseb good-bye.
MMh. ngu tww yean. WaHun. MM.
I will \rj to write now. 1 j
it never chalk* off. U
n«mn aMt by Bum Purayth.
September. I am In tbe sixth grade.
xml. My (enrber's name ta Mta*
ta clean, durable and mnitary. Wbile or foarton beaatitol
JwtMMw. age Brr yean; Herbert My atudlea are reudlag. arithmetic.
Motley. Sbe troches tbe
Mary Hn.*by.
iiota 5 poood pac«a«ea for 50 centg. Any one can apply ||.
L Mw.^Ptatee years. MrdMrille. spelUBg. grommer and geography. Hr
fonnh grade*. I am In the fonrih

it. Color (wda
lerb name fa Marie HoUao. Sbe
Meh. Nann USUI by Bibel Mae Bow.
grade. I am getilag afaeg fine in
and inlorm^iou on rKjnMt at
la veiy kind lo tbe acbolar*. I Uke ber kind of gSme* you plar
acboN BOW t like nrbool very murh.
baler amMS early this ynr. but we
BiM. Hy aeu-«aie la RelU I.
We Bre baring our spHsg rains now.
we aU nudy for it, enm't we? fUmd, BrowD. She fa a good orai-auite.
niEereot Bowers are in bloom now.
I «a*y <d accena: taxes tow.
far whet baler mnns. too. and that Wrtl. for pets I bare three cats and' Dear PrrotdMlRoaebaahea ate leaving out now. trees
ta tbe new begBalBga of tWags.
Iwo dap. Tbe cals' aames are Snow-] I received yoar card aad hulloa.
are budding out. Bird* are singing.
How gBd w* are ta see the
ball. Thmaas and Kitten. Snowball U tboogbi t woaM arfle lo yoa. I go
There are a good many bird* hare I
tgmB uiliid le M lo baur the Urd- aU white sad Tbomaa ta a malieoe nctooi every day. My tem*er’a aai
now. There are about IwNve roblas |
ganga. and feel the warm winds! How aad *0 la the ktite*. | have three ta Hia. Dambrtita. 1 Uke her qnUe that coma and alt on our fence a


The ANTHONY Woven Wire Fence


Bl[ “The Beat on Earth”



TT® *


No. ..WlrsaSo..

““ i«“. - .* dUvu-

Wm. Hoolihan Co.

Wagons, Implements,
Hardware, Paints and Oils

CuiLiai BoftnuMBl


Wm. Hoolihan Co.
Do It Yourself.

ibtf Wkatf

Walt’s Drug Store

S. W. Concr Froul ana Uidau sweat.


r erwmbt. and add a few MU of but- oniamealil lUtle souffle dUbew and
bake, standing U a paa of but water,
r. Bake from ire to lea Bdanica.


Kga. Lytanalae Style—Boil aia eggs la a moderate ogea bmU the roaurda
bard, moore afaella. Coop flae two are Arm. Herre la ibe dishes at
llnm-elied onbutt and fry a alee about blond beat no a pretty sanrer
rn In a Utile buuer. Pour a nip rcsilng on s lace paper dolly, agenm>7vnb orer tbe anion, season with panJed by small sqnares uf suttsblae
sail and a liitle gnied antmeg.

-Out of ibr flotte ante of tl>lnp>.
Inin the Jo)' the Inanlle briBa«;
Out of ibe litDli* of time mid >|ure.

Hew «u I rew* «o mr »« i
U Oe«'> «n«t wBlrenw

Into Ibe liouEld leas life of the rare
Ttle li our rejurrertlon


> «ed«r.
Co be Bol ww* lb«' wHfc
* rM be nm hawr M» wbHi for tbee
I I«tT
WbU Maner* It «» Un wbe I
Tb* boltow ill bi« lunil •» worlitii.
•II apuw.
7^t tbou art aooe wlib eanblr feln

Mrt dn?
SAMwbrte wlcble bU kn tbnubaxl


1 nod bast neeO
of bim:
e ihr MUl
beSfbta in elimh;
ABd MMBewbere atlll. Ibrre mar he
ralloni aim
That ibnu mur.l pare to reaeh Ibe
bills sublime.
Tb»« all the laore. beeaiub Ihoqri
. Met bear
t>nor bamaa words of MeesloK.
I pt»y.
Q true, brare hrart. Ond bless ibee.
In blaiiaai lulrerne tbon an loday!
-Jnlla r. R. Dnor lb PhlUdrtphia

•i€t lUaier.

Weepin* may eodute •

• fW a miflht. bnt Joy eometh In the •

AMaad lit mti't tak


An Apnl Feel Lunc


Tbnw who are lonl.lng
rbop Ihe whites and add then In the thing new lo ih'e way U e,
laiire: let It Imll up. then pat the

meantime 1«11 six eggs forfOmlnuies;
parsley and .me bnlf leaspnnufol
Ii4 them iH'.'ome eidd and then cut In
grated onion: mia sail und pepper
lemove Ihe volks,
Ponn this Into mimd lialls ISO ciosswise;
masb Ibem floe nnd allow one sw<>ei
aboul the slU' «.f the jnlk .»f

"Har ererr aon] that is aearlnc *
Rkr nnd Chnw Omelet—Pul Inin
• Ibe boond of life: ereir soul that *
• It tiwibled an^ dliitwaaed bemiiae • an agate paa ■ lump of bulier thick
• of bwaaremeals: erety doubtiDR • ory mil aliel. and idnre over n Binder• kHR. ow meant pllffrtm. liuig- • ale Are. Bral (netuher six eges. with
and pepper to ttete. and pout
• in* for lb* fOM and pesire of ibe •
• Fktmir’a boose, be tiled with Joy •


• gently iimll reduced to s rather
imy Ibtekness. Bepamie tbe polks
whiles of the hard-lMiiled egg-s.

ytdks In carefully and l-l Ibea beet
ihmtigb. Then lift out yolks rarelully Mrs. Hnnnn King-W in 1
•erne EaMsr £99 fteelbea.
and lay them on sluvs of ioa.<i and
An Invliaileii from a rerialn ynuDg
Au Raster wllbtmi ears ou the i
aur the aanee over and around ibv
woBUn. whom ber friends bad named
would be an imbeord of Ihlna.
last. flanlKll with parsley.
the "Genius of H<v,plialitv." always
Bcrtmbled Rgga wlib Tomatoes on IdvughI with II a plensuiahle exciteoffer ennuirb vaib-ir In Toast—To one ciipnf canned lomai
meiii and an luiemntng aad cnilosliy
ronkina la lull all tasies.
add a pl^b nf soda and pni In a sai
alMiii tbe siedal form In whleb the
ftealinped Ruta-Doil one ena hard pan wlib a laldesimnnfnl of Puli.-r. Inveniive family of the bosies- wmild
tor eaeh person ui the table Make a
1-ipre-s liseir. One nlsays bad a gno-l
tauee. flreaae a liakinx-disb Ing hot. add ibri-i-n-bole eggs and
lime at her bntise. and a lUffereiii
and nil *lih ali/msie larns «>f slli-*d gently. from the Are liefnn- the • on of s g<ssi iltoe (ban at any oiber.
taard-liolled <aits. hired erumlis and mlslnre ls>ll>', and leason with u small
When, iberefon-. we reetdve<l an inil of rail atul a plneh of
hnslOR the Iasi layer one «*l
viinilnn to au "April PVui) l,nnrhisin"
cniiDbr. I'urer with pleees of butler per. ,«etye rut bitiiered uwy.- Tbl> is
written "K n sheet of noie-|>afi>-r tpliteil
u vrry.apis-iUlijg disl. Mr s.wlnier,
and blown to a hot oven.
like a l.mV.ycap. we prompHy accepied
saplu^r or for a l.itu-heon at any seaRliiff^ Rnta-^ll the ep*r
and roomed the days wtih an easeiiwi.ity minutes, then plunae Into cold
ness ri'mlnb-ci'ni of elilld^sli days—of
water und renmre the .Uh IIk, When
whlih we w.-ee
Oainly Eaater Disl^.
carefully Ui two and rr-nmt*aebatneil.
Raster Salad—Took the lougb Kialks
(be .-nlkK.
fhil a bit off Ibe end
Ppr.n oni anlval hostess reM it will uiaiid. and of celery In one yiuart of rJear soup
: nn.l when lender remove tbeoi: eeivi^ us wealing a "lolli ' cai^of
plan- ••aril half on a
leliure leaf.
tier, profusely tiim*
to tbe lUunr two TaLlesp-wifiiU
When all Ibe
«ns arc
loeil with tiny nuind le-lls set rakishly
mash the ydk« willi nue tahlespouo
askew u|ion bet bead, and we were
of(Mifi. nut ipelii'd. Initler. one
ipHy lnve-ie.1 wiih ibe same
Ml of flue
Mir slowly iinill the gelniine is ilis- -•oidges ol office" of vari.sis colors
■mftl of
The sight of one another and Heof rhopiied hotred; iL<n liirn liiio it Isuder mold
nnd o-i oil ice 10 Iu>e<>iiH' Arm. In Hie eouscioiisness of our own masquerade

and diO]i them Ini.i the eavl

ugbi read.v r.mlles and easy laugh-.
10 et etynne which al oliee creaK>d
rpon entering tbe

• merry




red-pepper lor ers tT fix *-gg': these
peiipers ran he purriia^ed In can*. Add

found the table all de.'oruied In briglii.
•ing yvllow. a> thoughsnushine

six dtnneil olives, and run all thioigtb

had lakHi maleiial Jonti
Above a
uind of yellow tulips a ginlie ol gold

the meal nilneer: ad<l •■nnugh auiyonnalse to moislen: thin refill the cavi­

I) was l.l■-t•ende<l by many strand-,
narrow .yellow illiUm fiolii Hoties In Ibe whlie>: piesr. 1*0 together
Ihe ehandelur-rlis slgnlB
and.set. small end up. Inside Ibe rlna renter
tbe "pidson d •Avril ' -Ihe nul
of Jelly, which has le-en slipped out of
I Into Ibe pnn: wM iiaaedintely
Ms mold after dl|>ping an instant iu versal syrolol In France of April
hnlf a cupful of grated rbneee.
hoi water. Wreallie wlib crisp leiiiice Fool's day—liecause II-* at-; . asity
until w-'ll u-l. Serve Ib u fau
of celei-y foliage, ttlien •eaiigtif
The dishes almitl Hie laole liel.l IIP
a spoonful of Ibe Jelly and :
Kgg». P.-a«.vBi Style—cm sum
He cakes lce.1 in yellow l>onl>nn.-. eic.
tbe garnish for eueh guest.
xUees of biead. trim off Ibe eniMs. lay
A Simple Salail—Kemove the shells —appan-ntly uoihlng uniisi
op a well-biiiiered dish and cover with from as many hardboiled eggs as tbeie
guesali ;. for they
IhiB sUrea ofebeeae. All ow one eg*
r persons 10 lie serv<>d, Regtualng read:
for each sllee. beat all Ingelber. aeasem
Ihe small end of eaefaegg, cut thItb tall, pepper and grallng ef out- whiles lengthwise Into flfltak

leg and poor nrer ibe biend. PiS In
modniaie oven imill ihe egg.-- are an
Amwy. hot lbs world U ctwliik
;and send in Ibe lablt- In Ibe dish In
tr^Ua Ibe beaifllful imtb whtcb If
wkpraaiaM. Mpr# Wrt ■»«. people are which they are baked,
Rs«« <0 Molds ol Ham—Mince flag
powlag to uflderataad that the “oiber

beam looked uptm by many as rai


tn Ihe base, (sking care to le;
yolks whole

Turn back ihC


tbu.s formal. m> as m make ••arh egg
Tt-pieieni an open pond Illy. The

fluked Polaioe?
Crab laicl.-^Asp.itarus

Tomaloe? wllh MarouBsl e

rukeRoobons . Sail No
psiau may ho timed a dellctneplnk by
IJenilre Water
tome Imlled bam and moislen with tbe ■hr use of beet Jiilre und Ibe yolka
ThU was not very encnuMglnr
sboiild Is- sligtaily roughened wlih
fW rialble worM In whlrh »e lire. beaten ynik nf egg and white
upon eiperienre ii left Xioihing 1
there li ao aoparaibw trom the
rldual ilpbale mnlds with
taige slaas dlsb. or on individual glass
wa loee. tad tbflf Ibey are ao rkne
orange wm; s.TVed
•a ia aplrit In «ympaiby. Ifl nndep >r ol paste, break an t-u rarefiilly laio (Itsbes and seiw with xnayonnaiM-.
nboiil wllh yHlow s-itlli
each and poach In Ihe oven, selling cheese, and bread aiHl butler ciUpc

mrtde la ao cloaaly Interworea wbh

J « wr «» »

tbaagh they wm in tbe body.

----------- ----- -- -----

tbe m<dda Ib n pan of hot water. When

ihem out on indlrldual
Med the clear tUIob. tbe listening
ear. tbe qnUt. staady expecuaey. aad dUbe:. and taank them wlib saur
at we aeffalre these onr loved one# are andalsc. gsmUbed wlib parsley
two table
MmUed to name dk-er In touch with
Wn way not' see them, nor bear .paoos of'butter In a frelng iian and
idd one cup of ihlu cream. When It
«•• (sal tbe aawe love whleb has al IsW break Into ii retefully six eggs.
«aya aamiffBded and guarded us. To Corer wtofa a lid and cook until Ihe
Sprinkle each egg wUh

tMh trnfee. bal dnep In our hearts we

(bln, Suier baa a beantUul algnlA-

Catarrh, the Bane of the World
Pe ru-na, the Standard Remedy.


h A

Mi k /l i


.\ftects the


I iT. akAMJ. L HELF.iyp U

found thai the, w.-.e cm iu
lengibwlse and fill.'-l uilli creauie.1
of salt an.l u dash of powdur blseiilis. cot lady flnerr shape
rilmon covered with liuipi-d run
before baking, spreod thinly with
•X—Split Isiking

Affects the

Catarrh is recognized aii over the civilized world as
a formidable disease. In the United States aione, two
hundred thousand people have catarrh'annually. In
other countries the ratio of victims is as great.
For many years Pe-ru-na has held the foremost
place as a standard remedy for catarrh.
Pe-ru-na is well-known in both the western and
eastern hemispheres.
Uilo a dn-sa or wrapper, becomes vecy

I anilalde p.-r»un In the eoiupaiir.

names m-ie hasilly wriiien u|s>a
of paper dlstribiile.1 for Hic. isiilams, which, le-ing iioH-’d and Hi
is>se. couniivl and ihat of ibi’ |icr>oo
poarbed egg. cut sponge<wke >lnto of peel forming the -cover- i. tnov.-d,
the ino>i voles was proslices aboul biilf an Ineh ibirk unit revealed siiawlieiries lu ii ■ Inieiior.
three Inches siniatv. Place hull an pnwdei-ed wllh sugar and lo wbl
uf oianie Juice hud le-en
Rhe was Hnvi invited to aobniil fa
apricot OB each, afier sprinkling il
adde.1. The Plende.1 llavol^ w. ie
Is ing bllndfulde<) ami dance a "pas
cake wllh a lllllerrf Ibe aiuksu sym
Rvul- amemg a doxen ot more plates
Whip a cupful of cieim Miff wllh
glasses—keeping linn- I
mile sugar and a lew drops of vanllU.
• way In indriidnu' potionral urcu.n|iaiiimeni and ende.ivorlng
ring of this aitniart the apricot.
Afl Raster N’ovelly—To slmiljate


will! a dellraje |«1|ot which wUI no. llrpd nf a white nightgown, however
Ho- paiieiu. and the dainty md nietfy It may be.
For aueh ibere are alirarilVe dresawindow diu|>eri<-s of a ligtal and alt,
maierlal that can he easily lausaeix-d.

Ing (tacks, which ran Ire oiade of
The elij<lrs should In- eliosi-n beeause. French flannel, nr even outing Aanael
Hii v agfl.'tomfortablr miiu-r itia:
will sinsner. Ornameet It with a row


An Invalid's wliicli has

k.iely'luH-n placeil nu ib.- niark.d l.«f
Fi' iich make, lo appeainuci- |i Is

<if l-aih.-ieiiichlng <1000 In Rnmaa
floss or Asiaiir outline eabnffdetT
I ilk. and flnish wblie lace around Ibe

laice. low and dwy. uHiuhali-, wlHi

idge w iita .1 rolling collar and a brijdlL

eitUJforl.llde lisuiesi. wlihb c;iu Ih- ■ as In Miange 11 into a In

pieiiy iihiMin iKiw ai the ihroai.
The*., sacks shouW be iff aome dell-

diaiiirh or .•vertuiti •»*
■he wa« enrimraeed J« study care­ broad efjiM-ll. '^Miariieil tq Its well|eiis1iinri-s| ticlii lutn i- n readinc d‘-sL
fully the dlsisislHon of ihe g
K.lsH>ne<1 In Ihe li-ll avBI Is 8'small
er*>cl.ei, benuj- Ihe bundaee

rote color Irecvmins to tbe patiant who
while pepper.
i* in wear them. By having two nr
, then with chicken pul through tbe Iwis. wbli-li had l>e.n
The irairy Omelet—Mobi
ihiee. when one Is soiled II ran lie
Kieiich salad dres-slng. as a telisb.
now Ibe dlswuHagemeni of a light, miaceps and mix with i-r.ishe.1 l.dled
brtwtl ■« C»o«t 10 those wbo bare
The bake.1 potatoes weie most ciedin-udy yeqiile.c.nci- iiMWeil table. Willi., a'.Hie l«rk Is a pl•■ltr rleam-"l or wt«hisl. These can be
gfme a HiUe tn adranco of as. to the puffy omelet snddenly—before it It egg yolks, nv.lstene.1 wiih
lampst.ipd ill black womgbt tr-in. Imld- es>lly sHpped over a nlgbtguWB.
peai. - faiefuHy
baanlimi eonniry
borders reareely served, and Itefore li can
tng a bail.!..une lamp. Tben- i« als.
It. r—thoiirli slw, eiidenlly thought
liosMhiy he eaten—flatten lulu u thin, balve* of peats, cooki-d In syinp flav
Wbgl* wlib ours. Dear hearts
, a round planer wn-aihed wlHi hei.etr bill the first to nuHro ihe ex- SI rmliackei.- Mvu.piucle fot wiirk. Isiok
with lemon juice.' Set tliet
An KaHi-r Ecg Talde Is preiiy Htber
grtev*."MJeve t.hai no this dnf those leathern, shrunken sulwia
ley. T1ieii,n.nients prove.1 to'!»• Iterinient. tn Is- fnli«iW«-d by ■'diter con. Sllld <dl|ei !ie....saiiew aiiuclieil III ibi
for a child's luUe ..r lor an adirtl's
far whom you yoaro are indeed with yolks and while.- are beaten wpnralely squares of sponge cake, diedge r»mer
• hair.
vd sweetuieads and fresh tnusbvon. ibelT love mlogllog with yours, and the wfaile-^ bcaien In last, atn'r oiisly wllli praniilaH-d sugar and sei
•niero 'aie,o.:.ny ?.tyl..s of «dialrs l^st.v <>arly. says a hraiiseliuld magaIS—than whleb no comidnaiion
Ilsvln: saiMlisI lie:s>If illseil
Kevdooch nf egg shells Hab-d In
tbdr leader, watchful rare enfolding
Which cbit t- aiijM'ied at any angle
fs'sUliiu sif Ihe aiiieli-s ti. Is- .-ive
su/t hues depend from Ihe cbaodeller
sugar, IlkowlM- of corn March, has glaxol. Dlsfume dh a Seiviiig dish
PM. This U Ibe new meaaage
lor lire patiem. ati.l 'beo' prove
Turnovers served wriih d.-villed crabs Ihe bandage Was asl-iijned. and
each half eff a pear with au egg shaped
lo Ihe brass candle sticks at the enrItoeier. ibe realliailon-that If l«n*"t Iteen added to Ibe y.dks. ibr
alimind |>aste.
UL they mnsi bt In Ood's Hnlrptse acarcely any danger fff collapse.
simpM i,m'-isetdl ehair ffn ear- (II r> of the ishh-. ending la ribhoa
piann. ' .xt-enis-evory pLv- slid
uro.ind the cake, Ideasttig. Pul we had learned
Cream Omelet—Mix nsaooihly wllh syrup over and
lows H••<l to their liases. The egg
aad If so. then nwre inily alive (ben
e " iiols«'!«-s'!y rotiu-vcd | t-*ii = invalid. IU aad f..«n the bed <w
.1 app'oranees a
dredge the wlu.U- with
shells are In halv— (and mayheaaved
mr hrtore and. with ihe fiee.loni a cupful of sweet cream
dlsfovend the n
from Ho- ground, snii the ea'refut step-icon b wa- taiely, liiv.-nl«l J.y a r^rer
from the use of the ordinary houtevUt* oomes with tbe taking on of fut of flour, add Ibtee well beaieii plsiaeblo
Tl-es-'.are Miipa .if c»
X inovntv- ul-. Hie expres
ping. I
Iblnlv Hecoiailve JXoUHjrl—Take ov. r lo hi- enrelopre to pieces
h(dd some rime in adrencel. These
Ibe aplrUual body, when tbe grostei eggs an-l a pinch of salt
broiled 01 loa-Med eble't.ea-tbe pasiry slop
v.iine.l endeavtii sbowii l-y Ihicareltilly
stnins on luihr ribbea. a bnoi trethick
s«nh body bat dropped away, enable!
Is so tdeast>
gl.en t.i i: Ibe Ilivoi that is
dancer aiipe.xnM eilrelmdy tudienws
Viw each egg shell keeplag It from
tatora. 10 live, aad to do for us will Is-en well greased: when the mixture
lies, ^le ■
•ddlgnl lo sHfle
nllpping. la the eenire of the table
d-niaagU. na totentdiy wbkb we liss thlebCBOd. but »oi hsrdenetl. fold Ileately Aavonsl blanr mange. It I.
I. h.w sh.dr; Which
all sounds <s mirth, ap.l w. .•■. fni ibal
one-faMir over ibi- otbei with u pSin.-ake usually hetlet to pour Ihe boi
raa scarcely renlUe.
an wiiinrit:H>urhlng her. af- is a not made of many prHty Iwlfls.
ri*aM!rv tf*.'' i!.*-iroits
O half egg sbi'Ils and !,«ealllH.'Wi .
lurnei. slip igsm a murtn plaHer
This h*. a soft wiuB bMloro. and
i-iid ..I, niBifiiii. aad
Iromnaniment to ehieken, but «he eiah
Iheo crowd the two togi'ilier so that a
|}i<-:e‘aie many faisHr eggs of pretty
•ive at tiBee.
' Tbeta Is niUI aaother wWe to Easirr.
nf .'iip.i--.' aiid Isrelld.'rv
PerteeUon Hggs-Ovei a skillet of perfect egc Is mouMeil. Then takej^ells eonialiie.1 only ctnino-d potu■V uf them brakea. while xwe
WbMi la well «|ires»sl In the followX
pill'iw lias Is-on reeetrllv
diisieil •
• vi-i.m r lien, -upon f-.
' ratidieil lemou poel end
B-iffy vell..i cbleks. irerched on
Ipg poein:
i.aii.ijge. idih f<nm.l the ii.m«liie«.rt for the *«i|a>ri of k |iall 're
by giinipilig and uliwngulPT iiMga. look-resfnawill le^f <w lis outer edge-, wllhonl
n<s>r. eleatssl and ii iluwonri ii|siii lu r ■•pi's bead. I' convisi* of s(dral Wlrcej-onu- o
The usluiagu' »
•Ort fir all dlseord. and toll, and strife. leiiicg any waier Into the pan.
ing the yelhiw lemon peel to tvsendde
>f ilecptinn than anj-ihlug else she bad Issm "Api!' ftsih-.;.'' gev.> fasHSHsI In a uiippoTtiBg frame. wblHi, •dde.
latA a cat* and perfret life:
roughly made straw m-'t. Tlie leiixm
BBuIl tdeee of huli.'r meli In Ih
• an be sdl..ste.l ioan, i-.siil.«.
A- -h.-idare, egg abelU, also Haled,
Out of all batted and Jealous tear.
pan. Into which luvak six egg»: cover (•rel rail lie lelieved by lady llntets
A hop pillow, which Is fllhvl wllh h..ut .m.ill qiisfitlty of rich earth, out
isM wllh ms hi-.! giei-n l-ax the luile Ilu.l hud l-.«J hiiberro suppr.-.-sed,
Into lora’s eloudlats alasospbere:
ekuujy: let ihi-m slrom till leadei and sticks uf ehocolale menler. %men
f—h-lrted hop-, aii.l Ires a croer ol
-Ui' !• h™ growing the tUlest .ff
n,nv.M-m.dd.M to I.svk like .. .......... .
with ready laid.'.niT ho*Till Is our lesurreclkio.
season, and pour oier onc-balf cupful Ibe Drat Is nrepare.1 and the blaiu
lrti*iv !lu-n,.« in Homan f1'~ "iH
TteM-odd fl-.nei poi.s will
less jdvan<ss1 und lellcwed any jm.-i
mange solidly moulded, the egg Mini's a-taragu- Hie
After u miduie. all
.floish.-.! wBh d.nihle ruffle <d Hi'- !"• »«h appieclaled
sjUd wav » h|e ..ailsiMBs-m.'DI. h,. prxuiellliug Hie
Ont of tbe narrow and cramping hniken •«
ran be rwuoveil fiiMii the Wane manaa round planer.
saiw- ma'. r:..l 1« qu1'.‘ an a.ldiri.m i’“I**™ •» •*>•*'«*'>« “*
• Umax tn ill. Wile feuM- Ic- mude y.niBg woman, with s
Pn'sHul Eggs—Put a laver nf oorvu-d and Ibe eggs pUreJ Indbelr n«i. suiIbe -Icl -i.smi and will otri-ii piov
.v'Mw. and Crer"- le-ie-r ahadna «ff '
nf nisiOii-rry and r.iriaiii J.iices m.dd- i.tionniei.. u.-.s-mpanied
oed by
hy a ftw words
la^ a MrviM bf loving deeds;
Iwef or chicken Into Ibe pressing (U<di .•mnded hy transparent Irmtm Jelly.
tesHol and res.ihi.ig to a pall-i.' .ho yelj.m will s1i.-d, i«eliy li^l
lb.. efl«-I
we all OW.-.1
ed In the f.vnn ol siuall tomato, s weie
Oiange Floai—To make oran^floai
Offt.Of a eeparaie. Bcnlied pUn,
l,ay In. nt equal distances apart, three
I. I'rouhled with sleepUssives*.
..u r the s<sm.-.
e or 'hunks, ihni through
h li'V
lev l.indlaid
Iflio A# broUwrWnd of maa:
liard boned eggs shtlk-d; arrante the take ime quail of water, the JiiWe
Aiwdber piltow which sbe.!, a phiuc
A noxei idea Tor aa Easier table Is
•ponnful Iff soft e.i^tar.1- that
•Tkis is our resnrrectkio.
pulp uf two lemons, and one coffee cup
'atit fmsronce througbeut rh- aMvi'Tmsean be a mmeea,s,..ll.|o ifa- Utile Apiil lujiix Hiu
Isdling add 10 It four hsdted ••xurily like a ina,nnnal-e
over them and press over night. Slice
.wiib SW.V1 elotuv hio- 'hmal ..veroreen tm-, or H can b^ one
Vp to tbir point everyibluc had l-^a mad. foi u> all. W" .i'! .i-peafsi;
tablespoons of com atareb mixed
-~Onl «f bar weakness fa esmseknu Itngtbwlse to show the three
i... r.iren cover
.. ii ol Ih- tswolifill little UossOoHng ireee
dlchms hut. out aKPeiite- salMiea. and ei.nliimed
in be fiaind at tbe floHsi's. It li baa
This is verj nice fa m and to lotik smoothly in cold water: lei It boll slirulf.-rlng i tih'H 9 -f.'w •'lov"( Ire.uds y
IS hostess |s.tmllle.l hei-self a IlHIe Amlaldlii
riflg for flfteea minutes. When this
mate* aad gtrongth for every boor
IricreSimis. only one feMnuos of smllas
The eggs may be stuffed 1
Is ctml pour It orer toUr or flve Mired Inn at oar expen»e. uod we fn
Out of mtr doBbt abd sore dtamay.
Ibe receipt given Muw.
onnfles. and orer the top spread Ibe IliHe cakes fa daimiy ic-d to
Into the faith that lights oar way:
Stuffed Eggs—Carebilly ahell
This U our resurrecikm.
esi pe.i'-Ucat*; Imok. and
vare;of ih-e,i .hells hHng tlBfad a eonirereEgs. col off Ibe («d and take out the beaten whiles of ibree eggs. 1
powdered sugar. Tbe yellow erea
, 1,1= ." fHM tbe Uossums. A geayntks wliboBI brenklBg Ihe willies, eaed lu taste and flavored wlib
Serve with either plain boDlsms bad a fllllng of unlhiog m>i
Tire ilHle table service .rf china or emus paj»-r frill aroosd the p« will
-Out of the ImoAage "*
and maata them, season with butler, pepper
lemptlag than coMon wool, .xud what
little Mnegar, Place bark la or whipped
em.-r wh-K'h id ron. ro tb- sick
hide It from view. Thm -mvetrir. at
Angel Castsrd-'These dtdlcaclew are appeared-i» he Urge peppi-rminis were
the egg. flt in tbe piece aleely.
6nt of pivmlir'a falHag ckain.
;1y lo!
wooden huit.m molds coaled
Baked Egg nad Horn—Chop idffd made by pnurins on the stiffly bealea
lime, an-l wbatcv.T
It Is ibe tho-rghilnl. lov-i.ic iur-xiu-'aad bunches of spring blanaoos cm
sngar Iclag.
boiled ham fine and mix with I
s to «U. lor them In itv of BWihrr. dauxhier. slreec. li'i» i nv»e In «•'
dlsbro at faar
Tbe "licorice water" of ibe mennsame qnaniiiy of floe bread cremha. plni of scalding bol cream, and
tne wa- o. life ea-l-r an.l lend, son •«■ brothru- that will nmke'eoroeys of the table. No ctndle sticks
loriunaiely for us—gave forth reassut
SeaMo with sail, pepper nnd melted tmt beatlag. stir in a bvaplag tablemore romloctahle K a privjlrere whleblsn Inva-SS * treun l.nght and eh.rere;arc .m Ihe table. Ihe light, other (baa
iBgly the familiar arwma of the fre
spoonful of powdered tn^. and a
blitter and moUten with milk
wed., not fail III take advantage „f,.*,Mber than any griut
rHi.lsy of that rq, the lews, shining from the
drops of orange Juice. To beat
. rhandi-lier above. Rose cedored paper
CM Iff the rallay and tbadow of dMib. shallow gem pana about half full. mak<
shades may be over the g*» globes i.
a depreaalon In Ihe renter of eaiA and mixture after the eggs are added
loflo Jbe UMi of |be.peffect way.
s make a softaod gtnw.
Jafa tbo tfaodMB of cadleaa day:
Here oar bostess merrUy called to
ThU ifl ami muriattlw
r^. for H Is a day which with

,utyi> 10 n

Paccs9te 14

VOL. xux


LmM* OwMfs OMttag RMdy.

was laler picked up from under the
dlBlag room table Mr. WrigM said
this anomlng that the room w-a* ligbt
ed LrilHaally for. it served, two m
ihne mlDiite* by a Wr ball of Hr"
thnt lay on Ibe carpet and ihe nsun
wax filled with smoke’alihoiixh
fire eoiild lie foiind. A wlndoa in the
rrnm'wa* broken and the o-iixlde caslag tom off abwe a Kb a Inilf dotdo
pK-ees of siding. In Boonvilln. was pul
III of mmmlohion. pndiably br Itie
same bolt and lb* repon of ylmndei
foIlowInK Ii wa* lerrlflc.
Otaabled Fire Alarm.
The fire department also had K*
IrouMea malting from tbe 'lorin. The
llghtnlag raa Into the house lilowiiis
nut three fuaea in tbeotonge imin-ry.
us breaking the circuit and letting
e hnniea out. The fute* ii-sl are
Ihe lightest son poasllde In order
keei't lightning out of the apiiarain*
the hoiim- nlilch, If deslro.ved.
would pul the Shole s.vwem jwt ol
commlHShiA foi some time to come
Chief Murray replaced Ibe fu*e« Imniedlalely wlille (he lialiery wns Knap­
ping like a buneti of fin- crackerK.
Many Watched Storm.
The storm was oxcepilonilly sharp
bool mldnlgbi and. eomUic so early
la tbe season alicacied much aiK-nRariler In tbe evening Ihe ligbinlng orer the loy was waicbed by
r -people with fanclnatlon, Ihe Ice
givlog K a peculiar yellow rolor and
BlMiwing till Ibe aplieftil ebainx in de-

Tb* Intaeh onen oC tbe rtij- «w
gnRlBg and pronlag and several iX
ffWJac the ««•<*•
KpHnK «■<)
the iBstlluie lecturers and repreamSHtlac rvMjr to Mart their w«
tailres of too pm* will serampany
norr Armairaeg »H1 onlr have
tbe irain.
fnnk hiB iWRlite to get toiu the «an>e
There wllb' be demoariralinm of
as bU baal bat bMH In all vlaier.
seed ieslIaE kpraylag. milk lestlDg.
Prank Carwr can atari br merel; onnetc. aad tbe exhlhliH will Jaclade rep
nacllnj! up bU pump at be baa *aaorosenlatlve* of live hree<I* of poultry,
line aboard. Robert Price a-U! ret
types of varK-lies n( corn, seed com
boap )aat ai Moa at bl< boat I* paint­
racks, seed and milk imien. iocuboed. Bert Winnie baa one mat of paint
torx. cultlvaioni. spray pump*, spedoa hit and win pm on another la a
. of the dreaded Ran*Jose scale
few Sara. Rar HoIobiob and I-oiils
and other Inson*. Kveryone iniemiParautlee expect to tauncli ibla weea
ed Is inviie<| to Insis-ci toe corn Irala
while U U Blerenaon will celebrule
and briag nmple* of corn or milk.
Eaaler bp delax likearlae.
Ii will be tested free, lusecls for a
t. W. Hannea h Rotna lo boTP a
pew eaptae and A. I.. Racbaei la thinklag* will be held, rain or shine and
Init of doiaif llkewlae. P. C. Oilbert
evertfarmer possible aboiild aiiead.
will be a aearcoiner In the ranVa. Mike
rrde sebolarshlp in the specinl
Habaer hai a blncer eoRlae la view.
itrs at Ibe AgricnlTural (Allege
Chief AabtOB ii «oln* to treat hi*
will he assigned lo the place having
boat to a new coat of paint. The
tbe hirgesf allendance upon the Pete
Motor Boat eoBpanr ha* a ST fool
Marquette mllrmid and aaniber to
apead boat whleb will be eqnipped
the larpesi upon Ihe Grand Kapids E
with a flfteeo borae enrlne and will
Indiana rallrnud. The i«ly requlreeat up ml lea la a banr. IrrlnR Mar
H are that Ihe reripleoi be l6
ray h boay bulIdInR sixteen footer*
years obi and has been pmieni at the
and maUas repairs. William Yoce|.
meeting. Tbe seWtion will lie made
baa diapoeed of bi* sixteen foot­
by toe execitilre cnaimittee of the
er and J. H- MrOourb will come forth
>ly society. Hy gelling out a large
this aeaaoB wltb the name old Ikmi
dance it may make It pOKsIble for
hioklBg aplek and spaa. Albert Cle­
r young man from ihi* section to
ment has enameled hU eaglne and Dr.
tiejd toe college.
IliRSlaa will be another aewroiner.
here toe min aoe* lo Kings­
The M«er Boat Vvonis ana a Iruak
ley, where tbe insiliuie will be held at
raMa boat, a aorelty up here, but very
y:.T<l a. m. On Raiiirday. Murcb 3fi, on
rommoB la other peria. Tbia style of
Marcuetie. InKtlniles will Isboat woold be very aallable (or Graml
held as folbiws;
Traverte bay or arcaunt of the short,
Tbompsnnvllle. StTjl p. m.
Rallroad Farmert- Inatitute. '
wei acaa Ibsi arake open booi* i
ilmaa very anplenaant for those who
A nllnud farnieni- msi.ilute. under, tnu-iKutoen. 4:.'A p. m.
dislike inter outwardly.
tbe suapice* of Ibe state Imard ofi
Electric Uonn.
Kntertag the bouse on the telepbone
wires UcblBlag played bavuc al ibr
borne cf O. S. WrtRbl la BoonvIIIe at
midalfbt last night.
Tbe pbooe la la tbe l>edrnnm ocru
pled by Hr. and Mta. Wright and only
a tew feet from thidr bed but they
did not even leel tbe ahock. Th
Birumeat waa ton to bits nod buried
acroas toe nioci.. tbroiigfa ao open
door and Into tbe dlalng room
chair cs wtalcb nme cloiblag
bee* placed waa la line with
coarse taken by tbe phene and

Monday. Atuil J. bfgltintug
o'elnrk In ibe mnrolng aud conllmiJng
one lioiir. The iiislltiile will lie held
la a special lorn on tbe II. H. « I.
Tbe s|s-clal will consi»i of two bagg^ rtirs, In which sill Ih- toe elhibIt* anil denionrirallons 'and two
aenger coaclos in whieli the ll•t'lule*
will Is- Riven.' The work will Iw along
broader lines than In Ik'iC a*.In addi­
tion to corn Improvenjenr and culture
discussed hy prof. J. A. Jeffrey, there
lie lalks OB bribing ond feruling
daio' eow* by Prof. C. I) Rmilb arid
Ihe seh<clloa and rur<> of poultry

Tlie ordliiaUnn of the Rev. <>. K.
t.orkhar( of ibe llapiiKi church was to
bate taken plnco Friday next but yes­
terday Mr. Lncklinit received H long
distonce telepbnae inesstge from Dr.
Rleisoa of Kalamarnn college staling
that he bad Just iHiinted D-om Can­
ton. O.. aad <Hi account of lllnex*
would lie unable to be here on Ibul
day. On this account the ceremony
has been ptMpoaed until Friday.
Tbete will he Iieiween ta-enty-five
and thirty delegates present and
the a^ienionn tor doctrinal eiamlan-

Iloe of toe caadMaie util lie cooductand make strong aten and wumtm to
ed by tbe visiting clergy and toe lay­ Royce Boon, the young
tun the city's affslrs la later yearn.
men. At T;SO la the evealag. Dr Slel- George Boon, bad a narrna
C A. Jackson. Andrew Bdrcd and
son of toe deiiaiiment of pblluacmby (nun serious Injury -It nr
Ben CTiurcb were the tk-T-aieis ot
of Kalamazoo college will deliver the Tuesday aliernoon about 4
aegatlte >-ide. They brought oat I
argiimeat* la favor of tbeir side of toe
ordlaaiioa cemon Rpeclal music fs hlle driving OB Boardmaa a
Tbe horse had become.
duesilon, aoioug ibem. and possibly
.-able and on reachlQgjtbc stronge-t. le-ing Ibe coat of the
tbe county property left toe road and tstand aad tl
For Eclma Chaae.
started across the liiwn outside the It with the neoes.ltle* wbkcii would
IJlIle 7>-lma Chase ran remain at sidewalk. One of 'lbe wheels caught be done away with it one of
-bade tree and the animal tore nutov .lesiraWe piece* of laad wl
Ann Arbor uaiil her eye* are cured.
louse. breaUag tbe thill*. Royce; the city were pun-based. Taxea were
This has been made possible by toe
friends of the child who have coriirib dug to ’be lines, however, and wa-: brought up and one argument
jerked clear of toe bpggy. landing on tbai tf the l*lan-1 wa* purchased ju>t
e kWewall. He was dragged al the time shen the city was doing
s>lrig neat
hi* and Mtme little distance extensive paving thsi they would be­
Henry Dabell bepOi-Keil tM in tbe
glass before letting go the- come unbearable. Other necessary
State liaak for this purpora^and $T
more or less has been pledged which line* The boise was caught on Improvements were touched upon
which will require large sum* of
will t«- paid ImmediaielT, It Is aeed- Front street.
saw-('be aerddeni tboiighl money. The me-jn* of iransporisUoa
le>s to add that Mr. Dolrell and the
other friend* of Ihe.llllle girl feel that the Isiy must surely be terribly were lakeo up and the statement
very RiiitpfUI to Ihe people of Trav­ lnjure.1 a* lie wa* -Jerked some di*- made that the public would he at the
ihroiigh Ibe air l•efnre landing
erse City who ronlrUxiie.1 the money
with regard* to Ihe rate to the park.
I walk.
to help ber regain her sight.
The moral effer^i on toe people was
The girl wa* sent In Ann Arbor
one of the last potnia hroqgbt out by
Did Net Buy itiand.
some lime ago Ihrsutgh tbe efforts of
the negailve. Ihe speaker stating Ifast
debate at the First HetboPoor Siipeiiniendeni Martin,
diet clmrrh last evening the aegailvc siicb a park would he thronged on
lather of :h<- girl aiding all lie
Sunday, tbe people blag obliged to
unanimous decision, the
able. The child
wait for toe Inais and Ibus keeping
a Arlior but under qu.-silon being. ' lle*olted. That Trav­ them aw'ayTiiim the churehes.
was recelve<l at
erse tliy tMiy Marioii Island and oonIbe treaiineni h
Ciftot mlniiies were given
i> when one •rt It iiioi a piiLlic puik." There was
prove tintU a shi
of toem hocame
fair allendance. the proceed* of tbe *pi-aker and Ihe^wo leaden had
sarj for her lo remain, some time iiertainuieni going lowai.l paying mlniiie* each for rebuttal. Tbe Judges
longer but tbe fiiad sas evlisii>le<1
T a new piauo f..r toe Simdny school. were M. \V. Fnderwood. J. W. Hannea
As It would bare been |lu|e less Ilian
Aithiir Kellogg. Dee Castle aad and H. S. Hull.
Several musical aambera made tip
criminal to have ’ad ber teiiira toeii.|
tlien. j Hart y Ourrlaer argued r the affirmfriendded Ihemsehe* wito ihe-atlve and lliey
many uiraag the re*i of the program.
ihe present fund, wa*,is’inis In favor
the adverili
park w.sild In’
l>e for toe city . A yery pleaaaal
The trouble Is hereditary ami It will
the r.’ci that It
lid brlDg many|tertainmeai
given la the Aabary
The . Metboillst church la*l evening aad
lu>aiily tif Hie place wa* also dealt uIshU Ii:. wa* cleared which will go
with BDii Ihe bracing air which sur-|toward the purchase of a new carpel,
rounds li, together will, the Invlgor-; The followlag program waa given;
Gaining Fast.
the .....
ride. Tbcl Overmre. Klmwotsl-avenue nrebe*.
Williamaluirg. Mich.. March 2« — I isvpolartty of sueh a |«rk wa* proph-,ira.
. ____ ...
. i_.a
______ i.i__
fcevyre .........1..
eleeii li-:il
»iorm' e»led.
the delaier*
speaking of .k..
1‘eeltatbKi. Mrw. Rbaw.
raged here for wiiue time Iii*i ntgln finnd* that were atiracied to thej Song. lUtle MU* Julia 8co».
Ih.-r.' was no damage dotie in the vil­ small l-land with Its eomparailvely; ilerliallon. Mr*. RIebaid Herkoer.
lage. On the farm of lien IVier*. north meager means of eaienalnmeai. The
Music, orchexira.
of toe miagr. a barn wuh Mnick point tbat 11 would Ite a elieap means
Plano solo. Miss True Irwin.
R.-cltatloo. Mire Fb-lella Baker.
by llgbinlng ami tbe Ad lorn out.
One of the horses was Insinatlj kllle.1 classes wax also.made and tn eonnecVocal solo. MIsK Maud O'Neal.
and the other was *o deafened that K llon with Ibla ibe Idea that If people
Tableau. ".VeareT. My Ood lo Thee."
will be practically nsclcas.
Mr. who are confined in their work could
W. McWeifay.
Peters lives on Cbaries Bcebe> rdd get o.ii away from Ihe city tl would
Recitation. Mis* Hughea.
lend tn give ihHr children bealtb
Free will offering.

Overture, grrtarstra.
Tbe tableau waa very pretty aad
(uucblag. a large croas being draped
la white with pink tlghls. There was
w Imae at the foot of the evoea and
hack a short disiaace there wa* a
|.ede*ial. The choir wa* la tbe vestry
and Mdllv aaag -Krerer. My Gni In
Thee, " A* the flrat veree wa* «nag
a young lady, clad In white, came la
aad clung lo the croi*. During tbe
second verve another young lady. al*o
In wbile. rnieted and east bersetf at
tbe fool nt the cross aad during the
siaging of the third verae the third
girl M.wwl before tbe crosa with her
arms extended like a rroaa.
Tbe (toem by Mr. McWeliiy ended
• I tl "ic wiird- ■'tikl.i-i tk-j KJOU”

as they were spoken a quariel
composed of Ur lltibb*. Mi. MeWethy. Mrs Rcoii and Mre. Miller
sang the *elcrlloa. Tbe redtation by
Hughe* wa* romposed by Mr.
UeWethy and was an appeal for tjw

After lingering for Just fifty daya.~
the lee left Grand Traverae bay Ibla
loralng. Thl* year Hie lay froie
ver Feh. f. un-l owners ol fish
ibanties and rhiiggiag ouifita gid h«sy
while (hime who came from Old
HIssloo cut off some of
by tisle'g the hay and W l>. C. Ger­
maine did bis -Kllu cma-lng Ibe tee*
Slum mt rr.»* Vlllag.- For ihe' pur
pose of verifylag tbe noinl w* will
meottoo tb* lari that lotlay I* March
:? and as the Ice worked -Sunday as
well a* week day* that BMkes fifty
Iji«t .rear. Ibe Ice arrived oa Bt. i
Patrick'* day. March IT. On April I.
It departed without even a 'Ywan
song.- "Thi^ daM.t>att> R«1>lember.
April. June and NmWmba^^m Xhrre
fore March ha* Ihlriy-one. ^1 leaves
eeo days la March aad five days
In April for the sojourn of hayd water. '
iweaiy-ooe la all. or iM'a call It
twenty ond be done.
After walling la vala for the.return
<d ber busbund wIto whom she had.
quarreled retwrai day* sgo. Mfw,
rbaries Rohlnron cl Pori Huron, ha*
packed her Ireloagtngs and retunied
home to ms. The couple la yrag.

The Hannah & Lay MercantUe Company
Exquisite Easter Millinepy


Thousands of people visited our new Suit and Millinery Parlors during our opening and were
amazed at the sight of the beamitTful saleifooms and the wonderful display of exquisite1 millimi
nery. fn sueh a crush it was impossible
... particular
_______ detail
____ _____
possible to examine closely the
of each atiiat
cle. Many are doing so now and the result is most gratifying to both customer and the
firm. The designs aad new color effects a—•'—----------;—
-» our
— -own
all original conceptions of
sho' a most varied and distinctive display of refined and excinsive millinery.

Original Easter Hats $3.50
WE are showing the most varied linevof beautiful hats
at $:!. $3.50 and $5. Our customers can have lie
greatest confidence in knowing that purchases are ex­
clusive. No hats are copied—no two designs alike.
We offer these goods eipeclaliy on Wednesday and
Thursday. <-nabling ^i to be sure of a new hat for





THE Eton and Half ^■ilted Suits are th<- prevailing
stydes and-great interest is manifested in our extensive
display of models showing all the new features of
spring fashions. We please the most exacting and the
range of prices will enable you to make a pleasing
choice. $10.$ir,. $17.50. $1-J. $'Jo. $'J;!$->7.50. $30.
$37 :>o.

THE beautiful new weaves and designs in tan. gray,
.and smoke color are giving the greatest satisfaction.
The prices are $7. $10. $12. $15 and $1S.


Beautiiul Easter BooUs
D.MNTY books in all manner of bindings. Most ap­
propriate for Easter gifts for any person, old or young.
Prices from 20c to the beautiful illustrated ones at
A fine line of newly imported Easter Booktetr,
something entirely new. Priced at 2c to 2.5c. Greawst
stock of Easter Postals, all the newest ideas, beautiful
colors, most appropriate designs. Sell at 2 for 5c. the
photographic styles at 5c. and the latest Teddy Bun­
nies at Ktceach. Buy early.
(Book and Drug Division. West Entrance.

Men’s Easter Apparel
WE are the greatest Men’s Outfitters in this part of
the state. Ever^-thing the latest in Men's Clothing.
The ceiebrated .\lfred Benjamin Co.'s high grade
goods. All well dressers know this. See this splendid
The Knox Hat. the known leader. We fit every
size of face. The Knox always sells at $-5 and it is
wonh every cent of it.
The newest novelties in Easter Neckwear. Have
you seen the folded Four-in-hands r All manner of
colors and designs and they sell for $1. Greatest line
of nobby styles at '2-5c. 50c, 75c and $1.

It is for the general public, free to everybody. The more you use it the better we
wili tike it. Come any time, stay as long as you like ; enjoy the easy rockers, restful
couches, use the tables. A large, commodious, nicely lighted, well ventilated toilet room in connection. Make use of the check room when coming down
town. And to those out of town, come here first and leave your grips and wraps. When you have made your purchases, no matter where you do your
trading, bring them here and have them checked, then you will be free to look around our beautiful city and enjoy yourself.




,g^». m«^:::—


: :
■•Mnd a*

»<MeBo* M Tt»T—» Ot^

'Oty'to'omnuto. tboae Sgaiw wtO ba
laterwUnm spi xlB eobTtaee tbe laost
tkepaaai that' Travww Ci(r ia atfU
OB UM mapl. Jfe do not envy Cadillac
her pstnwfiy and adraneeipaai
we win awaar by Travorte Oty.

'daIrrItfMelaannd mnAtnaa and while
the aAlMU are coming M atowly it U
igffilMl tbhl there «Ol ha a good
dlaplfp before time for eenring. .
U U the deeiro of ibp ofBcen that
all U any war luereetad 1n diliylag
Bball attend and as
Townahlp Tiekat.
should ba as Interested ss tbe proBuckley. Hleb, Hareh M.—Hanovei dneer the tows people are not only
township mtUeaa ticket Is as followm wvfeome hut nrged to be preaenL.
SnpervlBor. WUlia Wlghtman.
Th4 afierooon aesilon show*
Clerk, (^orge aemeot.
Tikaasrer. William Harvey.
0 order by-rbe prnaident.
Highway commluloner. WBllam
Bt^rertaon. tbe opening
Doughertyg a arieeUon by a three
Juatloe ol (be peace. R. D. Prednta. J. i. CnmtnlBgi (d
Old HlashB. cornel: the Rev. C. W.
Juatloe of (be peace, to 1111 vacancy.
of Old Htaa
M. Bi BairdCummings, piano. Tbtn was ranch euSchool Inspector, full tena, O. D. *oyed. i
iDTOcatlon waa pronounced by
Conatablea. Janes Dya. Bd Be|l. A. Rev. J. W. Milter.
C. Barr. W. 8. Day.
-A Balanced Ratlert."
Ladd took tor hit autocct. -A
Mors BtitoBmtIona
Balanced Ration. What It Heana and
Postmaster Carver for aorao time How
Mr. Ladd aald that
baa been urging tbe
balanced ration was cornn to authorize a ai
new lerni but the sabject
on Union aireeu Veaterday be re­
varied ration bad been nsed for
ceived a notice to eatabUab a anfaau- many years. Tbe dairy cow must be
tiob In the drag atnre of Ftaak H. studied Individually, oc
Heada on Union aireel. where mooey
alike. Hr. Ladd took a broad
urdera and stampa may be recalved
of tbe subject, speakiag of bulk
and mall depoaUed. Tbia makea tbe food as well as roneeniraied. the two
third aub aialloo In Trarerae Qiy. ibe. combining to make a perfect food.
others being at Mr. Puller’s store oa' Clover bay I* a gor>d ration but it
Elmwood avenue and al B. J. Hans must be mixed wllb a imire ronren
B OB WaablngUm atiwei. Pow (rated food to gire a good rslion.
ter Carver ta now endeavoring It
'ariely Is very esseiiflal. Onrti.
have a' aiibalatlim loraled soinewbere odls. bran
ore the concentrated foods,
root Blreet.
hange (he food, sumei Imes .cows
ell as peo|>le like a change
Barn Struck.
fond. The dry fowl and succu­
The Miasrw Gr-raldinf and Margaret
lent food dhould also be given
Hogan, daughters of Hr. and Mrs. B. right proportion. II is a question
C. Hogan tr Washington street.
wbpiber roots or silage Is best as
7 years ok) today and In honor of the rulent food. Hr. Ladd fluda tbe roots
birthday annivenary of tbe t
are very gooil
tbelr mother gave them a party from
Tbe cow shtuild l» fitl lilwrolly. Di
f until 6 o'rlork this afternoon. There TI ifed aU site will eat. however,
e (wenlyfoiir young people prea- le ran Irf* overfed. Keep her In a
aiKi tbe afiemuiui was pleasantly beatiby^eoadlllOD llimugh jiidgmetii
spent lu gsmei. UghI refreaho
In (fala respect.
warw served.
well-balaueeil temper on the pari

Convict Labor.
Tbe oocailed cood roada propotIUon
l« beloK advanced in coanecUuo vllb
tbo propooed coDHUtottonal amend'
■BODt. otHUsc out tbe ctouae wUeb
prohlMtt tbe teachlDK of a mechanical
tndo to GOOTlcta, and la ao roUleadlac tbat It abould not be permuted to
' paaa asnotleed. The purpoae la not
limlier the panaace uf tbe propoaed
ameadiDeiil. which will be voted opob'
l to def
■tbnTWtnr o«t tbe
doeatioD of convict labor can be nettied witboot amendin* the eonaUtoUoo, bj o^orh>< coovlcta lo cruahinc rodt to be oaed on tbe r
tbe BUte.
TbU ta decldedlrtmtnio and abaolat^r mlaleadios. for tmleaa the propooed eoDaUtnUaaal
paMOd, the slate cannot na eoevleia
U cmUng rode or In any other part
of ndi work, a fact that la made dear
by the reeont brooracnaklai dedalon
of tbo Supreae court. Yon will notlea that tfee r>od roada aixtunent to
atoo beinc aami aialnat the loatallaaot of a blirter twine pUnt at Jackton priaoo.- It to notblni more than
a nnw move on the pan of the binder
tartu tniM to dlacredlt the admlntatntlon and tbe 'aioie leglalalure. A
tnft CAB be i«IM upon to ko i" *07
JoDctb to aeeomfdUh lu endA
Aaldo from tbe fact that convict
Ubor ewinot be employed In rock
cntablng for state porp mnnleastbe hbont the middle at April is belag
prepared tor by High icbool sludebta,
Ibere being about Bfteeo who wl
CMd IM COBVICU will ever be
ployed for IhU purpose, due to tbe Into the contest.
There has been along
(act tbat tbia number can turw out all
tbo cniBbed rock that could poaalbly UiU line for the past two years than
bo wed. kkere are 1A00 eonrleU In ever before lo tbe local ^ool but tbe
this sUte. WbU Is to be dpne with greater part of It has been In Ibe varlscKleUes snd (dubs made n
tbe rest of them? fbey mast be employed at sometblag. Tbe convict High acbool pupils In order to stim­
labor wesUoo Is too big to be coaflaed ulate Inlereat In tbe public contest,
to any oae tdraanel. Whenever that prises will be offered. Ibe two highest
ia altemptad. « In tbe good roads probably being aiedals. Tbe affair
be held lo one uf tbe Ibeaten. just cause for auaIba propoBitIt* ia really a aimple
OM and may be redaced to these
IM. Permit tbe state to emptoy
coDVlet Mbor.
Sad. LH tbe labor ba boUi proai•ble to tbo ataia and to tbe coovtcL
Tbe reanlt ts tbe redurtlcm of taxes

Little Child Dead.
Raymtmd O.. the 2 and rme
months old child of Hr. and Mrs. O.
Oleaon. »2S Sooth Union street died
Tneaday afierwona.
The funeml
was Md at 2 o’clock tbto afternoan:
from (ba realdence. Undertaker Andenen oAclatlng.

Almira Towaahlp Ticket.
Special to ibe Evening Record.
vUla tditaesa apeUa eipeaae to
Lake Ann. Mich.. March 27.—
atau and -ti « ineaaea U tbe convict.
AliBlm township baa two tickeu. No.
The pnvosed ccmsUtutloiul an
1 and No 2 Tbe fnlloning la No. 1
meat abould ba aapporled.
Daring Ibe past year much has
besa aald relative to ibe r^d advaneement of the city of Cadittoc and
Uk tacreaSb la manufacturing Industries. It U true ibat Cadillac
taken an Wpetua daring tbe past year
wfalW a gistUylag to the people of
that city. However. Tnvem Caiy U
Bln taking rapid airtdea, much i
rapid tbaa it la given credit for by
mnay of her own people. Onr a
(aetniliig lodaatrita are growing fast.
Bevanl sman ones hare been estabUabed daring tbe past year and quite
rooasMy the Schuyler HanufaciuriBg
eampnay employlbg a guod forea of
highly akUM men. and the Edward
Paywm lock factory. These two !
tstkoa. betag mannracturers of meui
prodoets. Introdace 'Into this' lurallty.
IndastrtM tbat will be long lived
UMt wm grow.
Ike comparitOQ of the bosiaeBa of
the poatofOee of Traverae City and
Cadillac will be Intcrwaling. Below
reeelpwi. in am) ouL each
day Dom Harcb lUb to March 17th
lactaslve and compa^ with tbe Bgaiei of the Cadillac poaurffiee of the
same daya. It will be seen by this
that (ho baoBlaeaa of tbe poatorgi
Traveraa City la aboni double (b:
tbe poeunioe In Cbdillac.
Trsvaraa CHy.
Monday. March I1......... i:h
Taeaday. Hareb U........ I»7
Wedaeaday. March IS... 1138
Thnradsy. Harcb H.... IW7
Friday. March 15........... 2:72
Satarday. March IS........2AI7''
Suaday. Match 17.......... I2S5


Su|>er>isur. L. T. Ball.
Clerk. W. J. Sbllllday.
Treasurer. William L. Hablielef.
Highway commlaaloner. W. T. Shntt.
Jnslice of the peace, full tenn. & S.
Jualir of ihe peace lu Dll vacancy
two yeam. J H. Over.,
Jusllce uf tbe peace to flU vac
te yev. B. B. Albtl^l.
Hoard of review, two yeara,^. WBpafford.
Board of review, one year. WII
Sebonl comnlsaioner. Oeorge BHabbeler.
Ticket No 2 Is:
Supervisor. A. f. Wynkoop.
Clerk. 1~ H. HBeUmantel.
Highway oommlaslaaier. Esti 0^.

tbe nutritive, ration, amount of
earbofaydratea and fata being
touched upon.
« growing Mitnal needs t
protein than the mature animal,
fiirniahea food for (he framework
while Ibe carbobydtatea and lata fur
nisfa fuel.
Tbe cow needs two pounds of pro
lein and from twelve to fotirlecn
pounds of carbohydrates and fats,
ryrfalng needed to teed (be animal
be produced on tbe farm ibMgh
many iK-ileve a bougbtnn food Is
■y. A very cheap form of protein
>uQd in potatoes. It doesn't pay
usually lo buy roughage but If buy
lag food It is better to buy ibe cou
eitmcd food.
Prof. C. D. Smith, dead of the Uicb
ignn Agrienlinnl college, led an la
-ling dlueuaalae along tbe aaiue
line. The propoaltlon of oats and
peas were discussed. A peck of pea--,
qoana sweet corn, one peek bar
ley. oae perk uals, t<Mir iKiunds millet
waa given fay Dr Smlili ns a
mlxtiKW belter than (he oats and
peaa.akme. at. r»siithage for stock
Alfalfa and Clever.
Alfalfa and clover Im norfliern
Michigan wus handlnl by Prof. O. 11
Smith of Lansing. He ssid be would
say anythlag ul«ui sowing i-lovei
I as it was iMd the same bere
Id southern Michigan
Wby sow chner l•ecauBe It Is rich in
protein. U« does not rocomoea
falfa os bigbly as rlovvr for this
of Ihe eouniiy.
Professor Kiiiilh p>ld <if a iiracliral
«( wllb clover, the deticaie
taking up mineral matter from )>el<is
uBual rout luani and bringing up p
ash and ptowidioric acid. The, val
of chirer over esmimerriai fertilizer
lat the fertillzev is for immediate
ae while the rbiver rots ami make*
ronstant feriillter.

Bs Caraful.
Onw of the Important pruposilloiis
With Ibe approach of the aulomobiling season, drivers of nervtMia liorsca the voters of the county will be calleii
upon lu decide at the coming election
will have lo keep a vlgiluni ry«
for (be buxz wagons. Uviing ihe wlto will be that uf lionding tbe county for
muutbs pe<H>le are apl to be cart-' poor farm. This It a proposlUen
at abould appeal in every taxpaving
■ abont tying their bonea but dub
tbe summer when the autoa ate every- elector. There must be a better plan
arbere this IsaflsaiUmea an expenalvp of caring for the diatrcaaed poor of
Traverae county than that no*
Several runawmya
pnriice. The supervisors have dls
been uarrowly averted already with
a tbat have been left sUndlog cussed this matter thoroughly and
have ahown by eooclualve evidence
alone and untied.
Uut a more effective and dealrsble
method of caring for our poor is ah
rtft lAke, Uleh.. March 27.—James soliitely necessao'.
It will be a serious mistake ll^Aiese
M. Campbell, aged 50, waa found bang.
log In his
ban oae and one balf miles boods are not voted at the cunilng
(r^ ihlt
village at noon today, bla election.
BOO Carl making ito discovery.
Campbell baa been In ill bealib for
Farty-Twe Mika Wire.
some time and Buffered constantly.
I,ake Abb. Mich.. March . 27.—The
Once ptetioualr he tried lo end .bis Lake Ann and Ovlill Telephone
life using parts greem. A wife and pssy has just placed an order
chHdren are tefl.
forty-two miles -of wire for tbe
line. Ftfleen hundred Insulators
Daieywian'a t
bra^Ma have also l>een ordered and
Wednesday’s Record,
It Is expected that the liae. wbkb
An excellem program baa been pre­ will tap mneb well sellled terrilorr.
pared by tboee having In charge the
igementi Xor the Onnd Traven '
Ualtyraen's aaaoclalioa which began
two days' eeaaloa la tbe court boose
today. Tbe altmdanen this
waa small and It waa thought advla- {
able to poatpaoa tbe momlag program <
until later in the day.
Thetw ta a very Bne showing

It was ballt aU
iBcbsn oE tiM aWey Una and
IndMw on tbe lot belenglng tmArma A
Cole. tbM. betng tbe report made to
clly'inwaell by City bglneer
Caldwell last evening. Tbe matter
oridoally came up tbrongb
veylng of the Paige lot by B. P.
rrma*. who uM that tbe engine
e was eight In^ea
A Cole prop^. The angUieer auted
(bat Mr. Arms was willing
city half way in the matter sad
tbou^t that a aotuUim could be
rived al. The tnaiier was referred
ibe Sre oommitum.
Mr. Caldweil. In bis capacity as
aiiperinlcBdeat of ib* water irorlia
also reported that stnee ib« last
ell meeting, there had been some high
wiads which bad loosened tbe gay
I on tbe arater works amcdie
stack. Tbe stack Is rotllDg inside and
just begtnnlai to buckle. He bad
examined and (be material waa

Cedar. Mkh.. Mv^ 2S-Mlaa Pmll
no^htrx: of Mapig Ctly «k« U
anaaAlag Ua High achaol la TnvOOP Oty. •$mi flaiurdar aad.'Sshday
wiita her paranti.
The Sunday school ehlldren
being drilled (or am^er antei
Miss Ada Matted ct Weat Ka
has been vtairfag here tiaier, Hra. J.
Roai. the paai week.
Mrs Frank Tomau was a Tnvena
Fto£ 1Fejbeadv*s Rccorf'
CHy vlaiiof lan week Tmt^y.
Thaos quoutletu am eaeafully carv
Mrs H. A Culver waa called
Ohio one day USl Week by rhe-aavere
her mother. Mrs. Baalgn.
Tbe moving pmiure show thal u
mra'of ti
given In thv church Inal Wedaeaday
night under the aiiapicea of tbe C. B.
Waa well attended and they cleared a
ille over
Potatoes tiuk a drop (<May as
prr<dlrled hi Ibe Hecord yi-.steriUy.
Mr. Haaim of Han. Mleh . u-rn
lest of hl> s.«. <>otge Mason. '
They are quoted today at 20c
Markets all .iver the country are few days last seek
eak. Chlcag.T market yesieriUy
only Sm-. Tlie 20c price will (iniliably
Slick lor wMue lime. No change
local marked: mdav.

far gone that a ne<
He ibougM that bids should
be teeured and on Mr. lArdle's motbu aiipprlDleudent was Inslrnci
2 gel bids for « new stack.
< What About ChiekensT
n chickens be stopiied ftoni
ling over tbe properly- of (he ciilof Traverse Clly? That seem­
ingly Is a Mm'iJe question on tho sur­
face l•ll( on closer aiomly II becomes
iplex because the framers uf tbe
charter forgot all about chickens and
nrtivided for geese, swine, etc. O. L.
Coulter has been bothered by chick­
ens in his garden and desired a rentlie coosiilted (he mayor who referreil him to. the city allorney, he
consulted Ihe atloniey anil was reAldermen Abbott am
Shuler of tbe Thlr.1 ward. Those iw.
eenllemea could do nothing and It i:
known whether such an ordlnanci
would be -constltutlonar or not. Tlie
will wrestle
Ibe question In company with Ibe city
Last evening’s meeting was a ape
rial for the purpose of canvassing the
republican primaries.
Tracy H. Olllla waa declared nomlfor city clerk for two years.
Rulpb 8. Ho.tllnga for city treasurer
years, Amll P. Neriinger for Clover seed............................ I*.25
Judge of Recorder’s court for fimr
years. Tbomas Shape for meoilier of
the iKiard of public wurits for
.rears, A. B. CurtlsAor justice of the
T*ace for four yeanr and Ashley S.
Doluuin.for lukilce of the peace for
three years. The various wunl i-aiididoiea-were also derlazed dnif noml
company was given
pertnlaalcm to erect a (wo-sinry brick
and alone ballding on Front street,
the building to have a (wwaty-seven
fool fnmt and to be 1C2 feel deep.
The company waa also given per­
mission t» pile biiilcllng material
tbe street.
A petlibu.' from BMiJamln Russell
:ialed that he hart-made npjdlcatu.n
for a llcttise for a etetle dny and had
been Informed that be would have
which would r.srry him
May 1. He didli’l feel aide to pay
rear's llctmae for one month's w<q-k Bj Wlr.- In the ........... .. He.-»ni,
lliiffal... Match 27 -falll.-snd asked that ihe couih-II relieved
‘tint from IhLs. The ntalter
feiTe.1 to the ordlnaiuv ouauiu
i>elliion from W. li. Vmlor and
Chicag... Murrl. 27.-Wbeat. 75?.c;
others slated that In a canvass
oaf. t2»<c.
keen discovered that any vote
Heircrtt, Moivl. 27.—Wlieal. 7iUe;
nm know bow l» use the votli
"hliie-s and naked that • nuebine be ern, 47'4C; .«ts. t5c.
uui up la the engine house
ri.e frl.-ii.t-;
ci.-n W. I’.iiHs will
fUIef Murray would give Ipstrucllous
s«i|ir|v.-i| i» learn that he is maruse wiihoiii charge. The peii- rifl. hi'
ll.iK liavii.K i«N-i»rred la.l
-as granted and the machine iiiniiih'Tv Fl-.i|.la
there lbi-re-.1 of the week.
Mr. 1lArdle Slated Ibal there Wv.. .
laji) rplaces In the cite neec-.i I
ailing badly and (or tha pnipaaa tht '
•lly would require tllrl. He timved
hat Ihe clly piirrhase the earth fri>ni
Uie Muatagup comiany ezcayjStlon at
cost ntk to ezcee.1 ]o iWts u hvil
lie moloin carried,
Ol. motion of Mr. Unllc the W. F.
'Villlama coni|«n>- was given permH
OB to use the city's mixer while ilp y
-lilt tbelr new concrete factory.
to you in buying
Dr Moon stated that there were
ro petitions for lights lo Ihe Fifth!
ward and be asked tbe eommiti-e on
light to report on the one at the Rose
is r..liabiliiy and wearing
street crossing, saying that It was a
dangerous point on account of the
.itching done there.
H. Moniagiie extended thanks to
that won't leak and will
Ibe council lo behalf of his company
give saikifactciry service
ihe favors done Ibem.

Potatoes. 2Sc


........... «


Rubber Goods
A Hoi Water Bag

KaUmazoo, Hairii «7.—During a
atorm here lost wtgU. a wire fell on
Ad.iie Buline. aged 20. burning her
back aeroiMy.
taww, miWM


I. belwecD »:30 p. n.. yeMcrday
oon Motow a Wllqu;- aitarlc, with
a aWR M<% bmffAc. This Kft
jccastoned hy tmMg at C. A.
Bugbee Drug Co.. Hannah drug store.
S. E Wait A Bou-a drug atorea a boz
of Dr. King’s New Ufe Pllla. tbe guar•ed cure - ■

for several years is de­
We have a bottle which
we can stand back of for
two years.
You take no chances on
such goods. They cost a
little more on the start
and make it up on the


Drug Store

Mr. jsnd Mn. Angutt KtovHtwvrers
Tnverwe CTIy vtsnors MM WMaesday.
A noMher tm iwea allab^d the
nmgro^taMl MMMaiMI -«aarla(h» at Ua^a niy Mhrek
Mlaa ArtM Johnson u boMO iffnln.
Bba ban been xiayMg wUb bar-gtnnd- .
aotbec at ttnore
.«riy Uzi
. • .
Howard IhiO at UagM CU,.’ Wad In
(own MM Batkrtv.
Mist HeUla Wblle' xg (Mltr Bun.

JMn Ptoiie returned To bit boma ii
Flint Jhia moning.

Is never homelike without attractive wall dsconions.
There is ooihing like attractive


to beautify the home. The cost of papering is row
reduced to a minimum so iliat there is no need to be
without this nccensary heme enlivener. Our line is
priced from

5c Per Double Roll Upwards
Aod there is a good assoi tr. e it of patterns. Saenfik’S
mailed to outsiders. State whether » in., or 18 in.
borders are wanted.
'■ •


TrantseCity. SIcli.


-r Progressive


Bacn Buroad.
Port An»lM. Mich. March 27LlgblDlng Mrwck and dCMroyed the
bant, farm implement*. 500 bushels of
grain and right bead of cwitle brioiiglog to Ted Carpenter.

Mr. kad Hra. Ceor«e Bmttk mi Mn.
Davtd weat to TTgreraa'
' ^
Hr. and Mri. L. HUtuSu* of
Maple CRy. passed thraiMk ton Mat
Wednesday enro.,.

The baaioeM mao knows tbe Tsloe and oobvpiiience of a Cberking-Acronnt; ao -doea (he
up-to-date Drofewiooal man; likewiw tbe
pro^reeaivefariDer; end, too. IheWideevske
buaiatea womai).
Weaball bailed u make pleiutojron
iLe iluteila of ket-pint; e Obeoking Acoouel.

This Bank Is mt Your Service

Traverse City

stale Bank

Tb« Oldeatand Strongest Bank in
Kotthero Michigan.

As Ye Sow so Shall Ye Reap.
Till- aucorsgfnl faruier uf today rualizea tbat if bo ia to i>4p
k IkMiDtiful han-wt and reot-ire tbe l»at r^tuttg
from hia labora, be miiats'.w hi* seed with

A Grain Drill
When be bexxjinespoateil'on ooiuparalive values bedemanda ^

The Farmers' Favorite
Tbe f^ that tiie Fartaen' Favorite Graiu Dritb an usd
in every civilixed oounirj- on tbe globe is not so
•tnportant as the further tact tbat tbe de,
manil iiicn a--8 year afUsr year.
Full infonnstiea concerning liie iiiauy snp»m points of
this Uritl. alM> references from fsrmers nsiag tbs
Drill may be obtained at our store, whei
we will be pleated to show ybn
aamples of tbe Plain and
Fertiliaer Drills.

eanenlwr the Place.


Queen City ImpiemeRt Go.


■—tTWIM A. Tm?
B. fUr*
MM. «. BM*. RMi
IM*. B.C. IMfM. Jwv MRtm. e

S Hr MMRlmt« nw D9N1I*

John Sawyer has mated (he Peter I747A4 aad H root tMIJB to put la
Beermaker farm aad win aeove bis tbe ktteboB. Tbe carpeatar room. 19Cnpemish. Midi.. March 2T.-Hlas
bdly neat week. Hr. Raow of Trnv- cladlhg twamy of tbe best heactiea. Bessie GlllM.-rt rvtunred Crtuu Trev-|^^^
ene aty baa rented Ur. Sawyerb coalMeX**.
erxe City Thursday.
A manual tnlBlug and a domeatle
Miss Hgy BUlInglon rrtunivd 8atur-{
- Hra. Sort aad Hre. E. Harr wet
aeieeee'teufher would cat about $400 day from" Cadillac, where she went
Ttavetse aty ahopplBg Tuesday.
a yaar eaeh. althoogb some eitiea pay attend the wedding of Mias'Sadie PatU. B. Baird of Buckler Mae
Icai. Hr. Gilbert thought Ur
tenon, formerly of this place, to Pr.
In town Wedaesday.
would be worth many Umes the coat Hills of Boone.
H. C Burt has Rone to Ctare on to the city.
If the Ida met wtih favor an
Ur Ueea Is still acrionsly UL
lag aebool or a skimmer school for
The Orawe Suaday aebool U pre- adult could be run. 1a Ludlogtoa.
partag aa Baaier progmm to be held there la a elaas of twenty-one outside
Sunday afternoon. lUrek' SI. Al' ’
the scliooia
cordially larited to aiiead.
Mr. Olibcrt'a Contract.
Mr. and Mrs. ioaa Hnaum an
proud pareola of a baby girl Uarcti i».

nit mik. 2.S2S

The catract of Superinlcodcot
iM-rt having espired tbe mailer of
ploying him at an Incroard alary

. Harcb S7.—

A tuimll nerpUoB «ru flTci

daugbier Martbe board as committee of the whole
abopplog la TrevciBc au.
had dlaensscd tbe matter thoroughly
Bar Htoer OB Webarter. slreM is
that Mr. Gilbert lie employed for the
of Mn. Hcncf'i pwcniA vbe lenve
Mr. aad Mrs. P. Rredford rounicd
nest (wo years, bis salary Co
(oter for Rpokucy. Wub. A Uirea to theIr borne al Baldwin Mooday
present year lo Iw $t.iwi and for the
roMe lanebcMi om wntod. (be Im( ■floT an ealended visit here with the
yar following $2.3ue. Mr. Memtague
iMe'ieinc uaorted cakes asd pink IsUer's mother. Mrs. N. BoDoey.
supported the motion.
and ntlte k« cnaa.
James Bolen of Boyee City waa (he
Mayor Priedlreb. as president of the
guest of John Smith. .Mooday.
bard, objecied to voUng on (ht- mat­
A petlUoa waa died loday br Uic
Pred Crooger of Onnd RapWs
ter. ataUng that be had ^ci
vMoBr Is (fee etUi* of Alpbeoa RaB- IranaacUng business la towu
russed It with the board iior ullh any
W7 elecUBg Co take osder Uis sUt- week.
rltlxcna outside tbe board. . He staled
ales her shars of tbe estate. This
kou Arkcrmaa end Btincr Ware
(bat be had not been InrKrd to HUht
Is Ibe aril llMc ibst this has. erw are OD a bualaess Ulp to hoimr and
the committee mcvtlng or the
hsfpMSd -M IMS osjMi. Tbe real es- PlaUe this week.
tug of tbe commlticc of (ho whole and
iala, to Valped si abeot $4,000 asd tbs
The racbool teachers are all eo)oy- fur (bat rcasuQ fonnally asked
PSffoRal propertr at I2.W«. <bers lag a vacaUon this week and attendcourtesy to him the matter be laid
bMag da ebUdren saonc srhom
log (he taacben' tnatUnle at Freak- over oee a-evk to enable blui to courer
aiTide it.
with the bard members and the cllllira. Bva Oalraadcr Is luanlng the ceps.
mllllaery ^op for Bfrs. Ibnlon. who Is
Tbe msUer waa dtarussod at length
sick at her home In IBvari.
Anally on Mr. Hoyt's niollon
-bs Is now |»lsiac fast and capecu to
O. A. Brown died at blashonie here
bard adjourned until next Tuesday
bo bone sbost April IB. Mr. Lewis Is
Sunday after a lingering Illness with night at 7;2u when (be question will
at pitosent la Korer hospital a ~
cancer of the liver. Tbe fuearel
be settled.
BapWa sad 2tas jutdersonc two <
vioet were eoadueted Tuesday sftcrThere srere eight men who desired
Itoao. the Bocood leariss bln ratber
from the Ct
to be Janitor of tbe eimwood f
wnak but he Is now letpioting olcelr
ormlni il tbe borne of Mr. nod

Mrs. Ko) Barnes uf Manistee Is v

125 Shirt Waists

UIng Irer paieuts. Mi. and Mrs. D. A
Hiss Lula Glc.vs«m vUtted friends at
U-mnn L«kr over Sunday.


Mrs. Alex Smllh and son Ervin and
Mias -Giatlys MrI,aRgblin uf Thuniii
<«Dvllle wen- gui-sU uf Hiss Blanche
Brlmmc-r. Sunday.
Italpli Sluiunh msih- a business UlM
lu Ncsm-u at) Friday.
Jessie Hurley >nu«-l bis family i'>
Uanlstie Tuiwday.

H.WB K RCHASED from one of the
largest waist manufacturers in the country
an agent's sample line consisting of /..IH'X.
.1/17./. a>:.i /i. IT/ST/: ir.l/STS. We
lioiight these waists notwithstanding we al­
ready had the biggest line we ever had.
because wc believed it was an opportunity to
give our patrons values that were out of the
ordinarj-. That ihey arc you will readily
believe when you see them.

F. Joseph Is niuvlns •«(» bis farm
In Harms. Kerb Hazxard will mow
Into Hie bouae «-aial>«l hy Mr. Jo»e|di
Hia. Will Cterii. who bsa bor-u iy>r>
sick with p^eumuala, is galniug uKv
I>Hre. n. Slilraer aud Hl^. V>l Hiiiii
nice, wlxi have brdti liccn liaiigenaixli
rick for kcvt-nt days an- ■•n (hi- gain
_Ulrk Sadie Paltr-rann of iluniii' ivss
rinte»l If Ml»s Bins Siv-Ii; T>i«.m|b).
fl.. flr-wrll bar movr>d lo Biii-klri.

JnsIthlBk! There are 12S Walsis and no
two alike. Think of such an assortmenl lo choose IitMn t

aVr-- be will work in (ho bardwaie

WbcB we uy that tbe styles are -heauiifBl It b eipresslBC U
tnilily; and when we say you will nel bivesncb br
PTPRrtUBlty like IU$ at$lR ikb seasoR of hayite sew
WBbts at suchj^ces as we ju-e nukIBC (or tbis^e b expresslRi
' II VERY mildly.
Some of the most exquisite creations brought out in
a long time. The regular price would be from

home rif Henry Rose and
Al 1-arouiit and Alvin Id wis Jcfl
Tuesday for lluoor. when- they a:e
driving wells.

$1.25 to $9.00
75c to $5.00

la-llr-i!. rerolvud al Hcnion IIsiIk.i

by rrhiids of llciijainin Wright, hi
cuslialy In Ibnvr-r. Col., wIili
building, the appllanu being
Bier. John McIntyre. Luke Hanes. I). killing his wife and Hill" daiighK-:.
O. Duncan. Charles Cctcbcll. Ocorgi- say bis filcuda la tin- wr-.xiorn riM
Rusbu. Cbarla E. llowsrd. Wenrcl ar«- slicking by blui, l>ellcviiig biiii In

Sale will OMn Wednesilaf al 8 a. m. and last until Salntdar
night unless they ate all sold befere.

noecni. atid that tbv polieo iti.-iu.
aelvtwi say they ban- u flimsy vsmthat Hr. TbompMO be employed in agalnsl him.
place ot his father. The matter of

Osstb of tsH TsKlOr.

Cbahoc and Albert Tbompeoi^
teaebora of tbe bulldiiig peiJtii

. Bart Ibe linear oM son of Hr. and
Mrs. Lee TarlA of TlO SoTssth streol.
died at 7 o'cloek Taeada? eveolng.


Miss Baiclla naon has aocupted tbe hiring a Janitor was left In the hands
hto 4iath boliif due to trpbold ferer.
postUon as trimmer la .the Hoot mUtbe bar ««a ill sslr three we^.
of the commiueo on buildings and
-dtfditUa to bis talber aad Mother, be llaery shop.
toarw taro bretbera. There will be
Othar Ruetnea
Beard ef Eduoatlen.
pfSTor at' the boose tasDorroer PMra.
Bro. rnd R. Wattw. Jsde w
from Loon
eoMmlttee pa schools
^aH at $:>$. (toe teBslaa will
TUui. cashier of the First Kalioul
.tHaa to. Otansiae.
" '
baak. called aUemUoo to Ibe fan that
Bmn Wll
Haithea wUl hare i^Larfe cf the foa- education last evening that maanal
Bcvere] montha ago. the Hrst
s' <aM^^?^iuy~M
training and domestic science be I
tiooal bad advoalod a school avi
troduead in the seboMa and that
ryatem and offered lo'furnlsb the
• ' Oeadh of Mw^ MeKay.
teacher for each department be ei
Tbe oommunleatloo was
ttadfc A/IMUr. seed H roan, died ployed aad tbe proper egalpmcBt sothe i»rpoae of becoming a part at
ar^''*eane. .W Webster street at cored at a eoat pot to exceed tfJHW.
records ot the board and waa recei
$'p-elQCk Wedueadar. hto death bbTbe board was unanlmons la fbvorand Alcd.
Be leaves a
Bf^.sBOTvspspar pnatad sod cImUMts
Tbe appikstioo tor a paltlnn
^ wife b«.«e chUdren.
would be better lo give the people
Jeacber made by Walter Nrlson was
Ttoe body will be taken to Belialre
lee te detenalae whether they
2wdf*«f Pro
referred lo the committee on leaclirni.
lOMom BWcalBK at $;». Under, wanted the pew dMartmenU
I J.idc- Kniskorn of Rapid Rlv.-r.
The communication ot Anna H.
taker caster bartag charge ot the ar- dneed or not. Mr. Uontagueb d
!-»iIlins. fur a lew days only, in 1
Thurwlou staUog that she had ni
ruawsau. He was a Btenber ot the
It be the sense ot the board tbit
rluiiis*' a l■am'1 of Hun' for a tun
oua BupcrloieDdculs
and teachci-s
. Odd reUows end elso of the Bcllalne the departments should be lntroduct.-d
Aiiyuiir duHirIng ui whltewavli
listed with ber was
t«t of Haeeabeep. Tbe fseen
bnt that tbe matter be held over imll
placed 00 Bit.
hi-nr<ai|i wuubl
wlib -i.v-4 I
> baftal-wiffbe held el Bellatoe.
dot. uoot. luad or
Tbe letter of (banks from Mrs. Car­
opply immediately.
rie Tbompsoo for the Bowers seot her
»ISt Maeblnei Rhy.
at Ibe time of (be dath of her busMet'naekleM bare bsoa a . .



. tUag 1h Oraad Trareree county bat elites t0 have domestic ecli
. SlH(ir*’J^w(M unearibed foer that maeual training In tbe fourth. Sttb.
. -wase dotag a Ug buMaeas at Ciawe slxtb, seventh and eighth grades. The
the laitar lart of toat we^ Tbe pro- boya
Id the
sevath and
priatocs of (he placce of buclBesa In gredcs. ooc* each wtwfc go to eosne
• which they were being operated prom shop aad work out tbe drenlnga given

hand was received and Bled.
Tbe report uf tbe truant


showing that lie had visited ihlity
one homes, served thlrtyoDe notices,
carried thlrty-Bve packages and trav­

eled ntaeiy miles was received -ami
lied tallhtslly to put tbe* oat of eon- lo the school work, in ae uf the filisl.
Tbe city trasurer'H report tibuwlng
. flMaalon And will ptobehly do bo In JiuUdlogs the girls have n kllcheo
$1,276.11 In the contlngcul fund end
order to avoid proaecutiosL
atted up and ooce each week (hey go
$ll.i60gf la tbe lachcre' salaries
there aed preetlce.
lie ll^aar-oltf eon tg Hr. aad Mrs.
fund was leeclred and filed.
Tbe LudlngUm kltchea la furnisbod
Ofcar Orinth.
who lire oo West
The rupurt of the roinmitUw
with eooklBg tables, iweatytoee Indl. RoMlMtiMt at tbe cMher of Maple.
clalmi and accounts, iDcJudiug $2s<>
vldiMkl gaa ktovee. a range, a kWebco
4M last night of eonsomirtion.
tor Janitors' salaries. $97« fur lUgli
cabinet, cooking ntcBBllt and dishes.
ypwag nan waa atttaekrd wiih a beo'school icacbcn' aatarips and $2,455.27
Proa the fourth to the seventh
l orrhaie and died beiote medical uas a total tor (ha teaebrry' Mlurirw.
gredcs the glria are merely taught
Mdance could reach him. TbeCoaent
was. adopted and the bills ordered
ework Mt to (he sevenUi and
agraacsMnta are net yet made but;
eighth gradm they are taught
oely bow to prepare foods but
Two Depots Burned.
vtlues ot dllereat foodstuffs,
Peacock Jounclhw. Mich.. March 21
lorenooes of the teachera wre
—Tbe depot of (he Manistee A GmnO
voted to work Id the rooms, while (he
Rapids road wns struct, by lightning
MSMbm of MePbertoo post In Graage efternoons are devoted to ibe sbops. and destroyed At Irutber. seven miles
ie Ludlagtoo (he AfUi end sixth
IRMay erenlat A supper Is bedistant another depot was bImi de
tag ptonawd after wtaloh a r-ery toier- grade boys do kaife work while the slroyed. The lightning ran sluug the
tsreaUng pcocram mnduupvfspeecbea flHs In those grudea do aesring.
wire from Pcaruck JuncUon.
sed ^nslcal numbers will bs given the seveath aad el^th grades the

boys do bench work aud (he gtris
Bobett C. Walter wU] act as t
Master aad s aomber of tbe jouBgcr cooking. The Mea Is not to teacb Ibe
girto artistic cooking but to teseb
vetetans will give Umsta as well
ss«e of the boys srbo fought almost them ecosoffly la tbe oee of various
foods. Some BUbetaace as a pound of
One tsatare ot the evealng will be beans Is takes as a ataudard
tbaUha yonageit suirB-or of the am other foods are conpared w4th that.
war. J: C. Cuamlags of Old BUsskm. As for the boys they are not tnnght

half s ceotpry ago.

MAims otoM.

nmuc SALE

be expert earpeoten or expert
will bs present. Tbe program will be draughtameD because the Ume
to the work Is too abort
glvsa la fDH toMorrow.
they are glvca an Ida of work (hat
At 5 s. m «■ all elolhing and -itt I
they caa do.
Dssth of R. W. Raget.
mcnlt made up. pressed nr rrimli
Mr. Gilbert called attentkia to tbe and left to execevl 2V dayi.. will
mk'tU^s. *loa>.. March 27.—Al
ct that few mothera taught thrir Bold for charges.
i-.iu (hlsdAemoon. Rlrbart W.Bagol
agsd 7S. -died ot the grip. Mr. Baget
*bs uac uf the bcA kaowB pioneers x-hUdren w»»te too mud).

«hd t||B oMrst. ■ UadB - Dait Whipide.

On mday. April 6th. IM7

ef the wes«h sad had lived In Dk
BspWa for half a century.
»if. Bhgot had bea Ql only

Tbe cat was (bea taka up sad
smphlet scat out by the state four

tsro yean ago wu Uka M (he bats. Tbe
lag of cooUag cost 72 cats
uoeks aad It was sapposed that he
pupit tor a year aad sesriag i cai
was gstUng batter. la addition to
•He. be loaves oee adopted daughter. Tbe kalte work cost U ccau and for
He was presMeat of tbe Bk Rapids tbe l^fa work of the boys the cost
$7 cats a year.
tortaff beak, waa prcsldcat of the
Cast ef Oepertnweta
Grand Traverac Old Bcttlera aasocla-


Shoe prices

Gives the "wide-awake” touch to the young man.



of the

man in

hit prime.

Matches the dignity of maturity.
Wherever the man. whatever

Cadits’ Shots
Kioe oi'w styles' light aiul
heavy noire, iwtubt sod kill

fills the bill.

his age, the SretatM

That is our experience.

Ere.^ Statoa Bear, tko Stalaa Naaa
Wt carry ihc Srvuoa tn .it Myln-So<> aad Ovthy.

fireatant value* wu
$2.50 vsliira al ^ i a }fO

mtn's Paftnt

ix-'albpr 8lioea.
i Now styles
You wil

* get their oiiut for the prievl
$2 .'lO vaitivt
--- --------------


How about your
Spring Outfit?
f.oin;: to arw wlist we have lo olT' r
ar'''nt yriu'f



it will

yotito'lo to-more tliao that,

digh Cut
Work Shots
■lust what
S|>rint: work

yrvii wjint
Plnio iiiirl



liiTr we'll get your spring Irusiaess
you'll look ua ovrr.


There's rerlaioly

M liner aaaortauiil of spring doiliing

and fumaibinga in the city

than Uxiae

we are DOW placiog on our

Ulrl<« —We

shall look for yoo soon

i<>a. Don’t wait
it till they

*11 iv.H.
rJ oU vajiics

wagSi.^.snaas.7. as


sta for the boya w«lc there

amigh material on hand to ran the
bora the rest of the year. Tbe e«iip
Orawb. MkA.. Blarcb n.—BUas Nelthere tor boys aad sapidles eat
* He IteMBiTay to beck to Hr. Crea- $$(.«2 and for tbe girls $tT.t». Two
diB-s tor the anmMer.
> had boa sued up at a eat of



Tlieaa are only a f-w of
many a|NH-ial liaiyniriB wu are

Ludlagtou there are IM gtris and
(lua. a promlncai Ma«» u>d a membnr of tbe fttseopal chord.. He was alDoty hoys la (he shop and kitchw.
tawB in Bngtaad. Hr. Bagot sms very The cat per pupil so tar this year
prominent hi buataesa eiidea aad bad bs« >7ti cents for the girts aad
hnvea a large aumbor of friends.

The Hat (or all r

WaabingtOB si
am. $in. C. A. 1


Sherman & Hunthr


GJ-aMd Traverse Region.


J» AlfctBBaa la nMe bur makloc
“TbevaSw! emidrrn of aetanol dis­
r plnarva Ukon
trict No. 4 had ttaeir
Thiirada* hist.
Mtss I^ilus. our arhool
1 last bMitav afterntwin.
jerrv Vlakorhll of Oeweland. Ohio,
a^t 'a Tew day* here last weofc. He
i-atne out to visl' tala niolher nnd tvla
live*, whom he bad not nern tor the
Inal nine vears
Cleti-Und township held |is aaounl
mnnis at the town hall Usi SaUrnlay.
All the offire holjet* were n-noRilnated wllh the eacepiloo of the town
ship ireaaiirvr. Joe Shabla saccevd
Ine Anihonv gbald as Ireaaurer.
Frank Vlakoi-hll drove to LrUnd
Sundav aflernnon.
Fr«d AlkJhHofi Icavi-s this am-rootHi,
for Tiavert- CHV.
J’mf Jarobv >wik siipiier al the
Pbealfa laat Sunduy


W U (lilliapK tirkrt aceill here ba;.€yry wMk c«rrMp«ntf»tiM !• r*
Iwvn iraasfertvd in aooibcr alalinti
MhrM «•« U<» t« UM. All
•AM MUl rcMh the Hcrild •Ac* nel down toward Grand Rairida. Al prv5
' '
illtl twn. bn* vatator than Taatday naon otAacH wMk,
llUple Id about a
- e<
-I tall W And
and It
«wtra M. tlwjna, ba aaawcad tfw

KalliP Kcm-Idht alallm] vJib Olaa
Btuybe l.iatI 'Sail
Wia .. SBI1 *lin baa t
b Mrr
- i-M !»•«-.................
rbark'a Box haa rnitrd
Sanford plurbP- tor IhP rominc

on bis marriase. lh<- Tommair Udy
lielnE n widow from near Cedar.
Mn- T. J Honklln and mio Irwin.
Wt Fridav for PeUaioD whore they
to remain ladellnltely.
Bruw-a haa ani<I
- tala'
tala farm
tbe Oitlsklna of Ihv vlllaKf In Julie
WamiT for a mnaldnralioB of IJ.iaai,
Ttaen Ibe deal la aliuut rlniu-d by
l^ry aad EdDinnd n<«art «>K>!
whk-b Mr. Brown romes lotii poaat*tnada ainn or the |>ru|>ony In tbe rlllasr.
brm vUililv allh i» laU»w In Oal
Inr U»e jiasl year. n;lurscd himre Sal- ••wont by Walter Rromt. Mr. and
i Lnuliier railed
Mn. Bnic*l are prvparins It. )oln
Mr. Martin uml Miao Anna
their at.n and daiiclilor In WashlnR
csllrra at
RaalJuca. MouUav.
ton. Them will probably be two Sunday afternoon
1. to Mr and Mrs. Kdward An
aacllon*aalea hem anon to dlapoae ot
J^r. ............. ...................
Vatloiia property rendcivtl unuocca- tol-e, March t». a boy.
Impmrrcl to hpall^i.
Mra. EUa Good and aUier. Mi>
aary to ila owner by tbe aabs.
Tbn Slarkman iMdIoa Al.l bill !»«•!
lluRO Will apeni Bunduy with llio. Ida Pianion speni several days of lasi
witb Ura. Rouie who la an* knoplnn toiiillv of Frank Lydeilfomier rert- meek in Traverse CII>. the swat of
IWBBP fnr hrr t)it>tb(T. Mr. Marlatl. denl here, who now Uvea im a farm,,
TbP ladti-a «lll mnrt In the foreowin.
near KlnRaley
Ilallv InvIli'J lu atBrary't’bc la runllally
.. _ fliy Satunlay.
• -oy* have purrn:
Amisbui-hler' enieri u declAul arqt.
Rnrlral nKflinpi Mill cootinm- in
dned her parents over Sunday from
daneoa which they are elvlni!
the Maubeti aAotfl basae wlUi Rival to ratae money for Inalrumenla and
[trib of Cedar
iBUnat. anil II Ir. hoped niurh Rood unUvma. For the prea
iJiitiier Is
eiiliinR wood
wm M thr ivaull.
>r his neiRhbors with bU sasollno
keep U In tbe town hall.
Tharr will bo pivarblnj; aerrkva at
eORine nowadavs.
tfcp Blackmail «-Ii«ol house Sanduy
Mr. and Mrs. Joe lieniuii went to
wtib her )
Marrh aiM.
m vlsll her
down near Tho
OCIners *ill be rteciad to bfRlu
panmis. Mr. und Mrs. fkirkson. reHarrb Si.
SDDday-arbonl work and It la bupol
luretDR home the same day.
crerycap will come out »1lb ivncwtii
Miss IJIllan Hiirth speni Sawnkiy
nnd Sunday ut her Iioor' Id
9C A. 6. o< B.. met ul
Mar. SC.
SntunjBv afleraoun.
. .
Rev. Sillily- will prearb hi*
ot Baplm. county arpiolrer who
an InterewllUR fMrewi-11 sermon al ibis plaec Sunday
nieiin McAIIIaler haa aold Ma farm bean to
March SC.
•outb at Ibe ben; to Earl l.anRwprtliT.
riKuin.ided Ibe daclrinea of Ibe Soe(»
Hra. 8. H. Perry haa been on the
of equity.
Mek Hat with nepralylii of the aioinacb
Born. 1.1 Mr. anil Mrs. Cias. Olsen.
baa been
Fred Albln.
bat la on the Rain now.
The aoetkm «ale nr T. J Coiiktln. nt.iaiy public by the Rovernor of Ibe Mnrrti 11. a dausbtvr.
Miss Uiira Biirtleiid spent Sunday
ev.-PinR wllh Miss Olive Paso.
'’'mIw Maude Ptacatl took aupper
Mr and Mrs. Den Holland. Mr. and
Ibe AikliiMiha laat Thiirwdaj.
cMerInR tbe wca
ScbnbcD Mra. AURMSI Woroer. rallo.1 on Geo.
'' John
Kreix and
lobn Kreta
araa cleaned up.
Ed. Hill or tbe pralnaula
t pl.-asalU surprise was f
Min Blwyn bat week.
■ *•
Joi- Bnin.-K'n. lac
IM. iniwilt la worklDR for* Tony
VR belMdnR to Glenn McAlIiater
!• oveoliis waa npcnl
by the train Wednesday.
playinR names, aisuh rei Riii-sla w
Joe Shaltla spent a few tlays
Darld Rolfe
waa ohllctid
e w-aa
supper W-.
A mldiiipht
d last '
Kn-d AlkiDkon' wa
carryhiR llip mall with one of Oh
A niinil»-i irf y.HiiiR iKs^ile of
' lutran recently ownetl by Mr. t'oiik- ■Wlor Inal Tiieadiiv.
Uiirhll and son Frank. place nltenibsl the dance ai
Un.W^ bPionBlnr l« Jim Wanitr.
. Vetw' Bmllk of Acme has t-iiishf
. Unn
• Clean McAllIsler's lc«m. as the Inal
n Arlair.
’ named Reollenian la
to .Tboreson.


Ur. and Mra. Jim MIOniU and mile
danetater ot Sooth MaBlIou. rialled
frienda and Tclatlyea al tbla place
last week.
Hr. anS Mra. I>. J
daORblcr Ula. railed DB Ur. a
Cbba. OI«ear%odav.
llH* Mailba Norlbera who spent
winter in Travvrse Cily has r«s
her home for a few daya
Henry tlllver
Jindr HiiIm- wen- ih<-^KU'-«t
and Mrs Barnes today
llirman Pause
-eiii i
r •ei .Mnnb
ManlKei Is visHlBR
friends and ielaUm-4 of Ibis |
Mbs Ra' b. l Weiner who S)
winler wHh Mis S'l-MHia Is
> i;<sv (nfs>-n lalkul <m

JOOTph Shalda went to Trarerno
City this momtBR oq botlnesa.
Mr. and Mt«. John Moll rUlled the
Nenewkal mill last Tuesday.
Tho Btieadanee at ndmot was rerr
Moall last week on aceounl of bad

8AV1NU8 D^ieiTB—A HtUe >xiok «
Dnmi interant cQBpoB*^ oicb .Inw «»I TWeailm

^^Iss CJara Musll npeat Sunday
noon with ber aunt. Mra. Male-

eontiaae for tbrao ymv
> F Knibner sod Hra. J. H
Krabncr were Maple CUy callera last
Friday oornlnR.
Mr Beeman of West Kas<on eayv
os a pmd apeech ou Farmera' Equity.
Is the tows ball Isalurday. and It was
appieeialrJ b» all the memUrS

ARwln last Wednesday our vllIaRr
was waOdened bydlie death of an
ptnoeer. Mrs. X. Thombur*.
di‘atb was due In a dumber if years
r wra-ks
of poor health
She leaves
a besides a
.1 of frtenda to m<
a held Tbunida:
- Rev
Bveise City has from the ehurrb.
he home Of her Zimroennan
era laid to n-sl In the Round Toji
rather. Mr. Mnsl<-r fur [he past weel
C. Snifka has nmvod his lamily lot
Mias Mai
far? Whlnni-ry «
the old Mesderrhotne the mill.
rsc Cily was In I
r II clmscd ntshl
The lumber
lew- -weess.
Scbool befilna lo-raorrow
I. lo Mr. and Mrs EAI Frankafter a two weeka Tarailue.
h 21. s f.
faJ^ei . Thiiradsv. Mareti
The Rev. C. W, Williams Blled Ibe
le Cily w
Pratt of Traverse
olpll at the CkiDRraRaiiaQal rhurah
ic-ts Fildj y .If lust week.
this inorolnc In the ahRence of our
pastor, the Rev-. A. A. AIIInRiao.
Doms ip the tVmip home.
A niimlier from here alteoded the
Mn-. ’Kishelh
leiiiraed Saturday
auction sale at N.uh Ednes lost Tnosroni taklns a car of iiouinrs south.
Miss Srhaub Is bavinR the inleHoi
S, Fisher baa purebaaod a new
f her house rcarTanged also new
uoiliiR pill on. .
. H. Be«*raan of Empire was 1n
Mrs. ib-al and diiURbier fc-fi Ralur, lust week In the inierast of A. S.
dav evenlna to Join her husband who
i-ni a ebon linn- aRO lo Rapid City.
**^»hs* ABton of Bast Empire Is vMlMrs, fi. Belanger ha* moved
ice al the home ot Mr. and Mrs. t'liiff
Tra.i-rae City.
The Bast.-r-llde. will be obaerve.1
Mrs. Roaches nioiliiT Is very 11!
Miss Nellie Horton and Frank luuk al the ConereRailuoal ch.ireh Sunday
Sunday dinner with their sister. Mrt. mornlDR. The rCRiilar quarterly
aeentloB and communion will
pari of ih.- --TVlee and the sermon
will b.' the Rev. AIIInRtnn's farawell
sprIiiR milllnerv Rood I
Mrmui. A cordial Invitation la to all
ire la w
March 2.4
r brother. Simon, whose v
biis b«vn quite II
March :3.

date «( b« rnttf.

CFRTIFICATIiSf)P DEPOSITS -A cfttifioate to iiMrtl
inatead of a look.
Drawn iatKeoL
Intmal oo tbcao
etaara i«e jtxr from data utdaM renavctl.

tboae ^

wiab to ciw cberka to otbera.
Baoh check ooaatitalea a
ncaipt for tbe depoaifc^
A Bala aad coofeaMat war for
paying all accounta.
Wa fomisb cbetA bocAa.
ALL DEPOSITS ate payable oa denand
made csct>p4 on wtitfan ortoof d^poaitof.
ao either bualMiid or wife could draw.

Mo parawala

AUbitfdiwn coa-


Traverse City, Meh.
moved Into
and 1* worklnR ■
il'PCi'RO-'h I'utlinc wood fO[



Thera w
church oo account o
IDR sick
March :3.
The Touch That Hcala.
-U tho touch al Bocklen a Arnica Sajre.
Ifa the bappleai combination ul Aralr» flowers and heallnR baltams ever
pounded. No matier how ivld the
oa ulcer Is. tbla Salve will eura
FOr buroi. scalds, cula. wounds.
1 an absolute r
or piles. Ifa
Cimnnieed by C K. BuRbee DruR Ci
Hannah DruR Su e, S. K. Walt
Sons. Sic. .


John Bunnell Is driving team (or
Mr. CrandoU at piwmt.
•Uis. Ilarklna and Mr.. Downer were
callers at Mra. Wlilkm'a. Monday.
Several frocn Ibis piaee atlmded the
Fi-ee Meitaodlst quacterir msellag at
Tiaverse City.
Mr. Dobm hat Rooe to Grand RapUa
in vmit his wife who has been there
tor some time taking^ W^lcal irealA°lbi^' ttobblBS ta h4t^ hia hlber
who ts getting ready to wore on Ua
new farm.
George Helm U very low,
March ».



Health lo 4ha Canal Zana.
igea pal

Lewli W. MllWnirne. who haa Elbwl
rverr elective .iface (n the Port Hur­

on lodge of eika. bat been elected
» E. V. cxalliM niler for the madias yemr.
He U worklDR hard to land new
bare bet-n vlsltlnR
quarters for the B. P. 0.,E
a few davK nuiirned to their homi
Fife's farm who moved onto It,
Id-land Tuesday nfieniooD.
1. U alandFrankfort, the county t«ul.
Gcoree Dean bos sold his team ot
John and Joe Flaska ara mahlJiB
Ins o® ihreo other cm
niapb- syrup. Thi-y raimrl a - Rm«I hnrsi-s.
Mr. and M>». S F. Dean visited her scrap to rculn the cuurl house
vi.-M Ilf Slip.
Mr. and Mrs. A M Smith one day last there. Honor. Hcnzonla and TbompMis Mosi- Kllway who
l.eoplni; Iwuii-ders for Tony Ncmesksl. week.
soDvIlle ara all after il. and the spilng
M. M. W.-l-li
n-tiirii.-il to her home lu Good llailsi:
election will deride the lucky one.
Mrs. T.ini Kill has lakeu h.-r pUe.-.
k Is ImprovlBR.
'harlle Fife has

oqr >
tlaans to iota the
ol akUled workcoaalnKt the Panama
Maav are restrained however
bv tbe fear of fevers and malaria. It
Is the knowing ooes—those who hare
used laeelrtc BlUera. who go there
•without tbte fear. wHl knowing i
ara sal
ric Blttei on haadje^rm^biood
Q too. bll
ildory troubles.
tcb. liver and kldory
II stoniacb,

______ SS

Notice! To Economical Buyers

Our ever increasing business has fuiiy demonstrated to us that the public at large appreciate, an^ have full
confidence in our business methods. This steady, strong increase in business appeals to our ambition to such
an extent that we have bought for our new spring stock siich an assortment of goods that our showing this year
will be far superior to all past efforts. In order that our stock may be new, bright and clean as well as the larg­
est in Northern Michigan we will make

Big Money Saving Discount Prices
On all horn-furnishings that are part of last year’s stock. This means that you can now secure goid. staple goods at much loss money-than you will be
able to buy them for In thirty days from now.


All cur 190C i>a1lenu Dew at a lilwral
Eitra heavy, part wonU Idr^Io rflp
with couoo chain ......................... OWL

a this departiiK-nt the yarb-ty nl
choice Is much pn-ateMhan In man>

What do

Uennilful nallerned





Kxin ennd qualily Tapniry 7|*m
tlnnaels, only .............................. I9il

n Rraker, DUO

J7 in Vol J 0g

All tv-mnauls in cai |*cla or other Ouor
cuvrdngB ul actual cost.

All our !*« pattcrtis In IvK-e Ciirtilns.
.If ts'URhl betnra new giiods ate un­
packed. at 20 per cent dlacount

BeaiiUfuI quarter sawed

Rn«en «sk

Btwker, hand pcdlahed. large IUV>
grain, all po«ta and tplBdlca
turned, worth la.M, ft


A good large Reed Rocker, heavy, muaalve roll edge, worth J5.W. . wr
DOW only .............................................






UP 0gj,

Jual a* iiobb) patU-nis lu )i> i will flii-l
lathe Dew stock, but l» dnac them
ouL wlU give a IC pat cent dlacount.
A gnod pair heavy Rope PobJ gg
tlerca, only

It'H ker.


Our liberal, terms make our
goods easy to buy.
Our surprisingly low prices
make them easy to pay for. If
you are an ecocornical, prudent
buyer you will appreciate the advantage
of placing your patronage wherd your
money reaches farthest and where your
credit is always good.

lienpln. worth much
only .............

II tltul hi-ie the b«-.l luirgalna la
D yuur piliMvce to aecnre.
Tbero are neveral mile IhWfs Ihreagbonl our More thal lead U> make



lar llJki________
A Rout M-t >if veneer



ilrli dark golden oak Inlah.

Heavy TJa Wnler Pail


kiiucilun aU that would be desired
In a *9.'»0


' 6.S0

Hetvr Gslvanlied Tub
A i^ar IS-M




Mn Pod's Bod II

A solid quarter sawed oak BufMt.
taod poUaked. cast bran trtauBlngs



A full set. 100 pieces,



Dlabea. .

-Igbt. can
I behind t





An elegant Klieheo Cableef, double
.Ulna double drawers, hrab
and mlilng board, a


Miscellaneous Offering

(,y HD I-IP- r-. —t-nns u. »»ur pirtutrs and get iiur

......... ............................U»

A racalar li.W Jroa Bed. any redm- . ................................................................»4J5-

Ibe borne "oarth’s mxy coraer.”

In Ihim departmcDl' where wi many uf
the little borae necesaltles are kepi.
Irices win hr foand to br lust
the pric
as aura


A tegaUr M.W .Iron Bed. any rvdor .


An Hf-Raiil mltd oak Table. larRC. massivr IrRs, mill catrtid t" wcat twclvi-

Don’t fail to ask to see the, couch that
we are seilihg for $ 12.75

We want your opinion-oii a bookcase wo
are offering for $14.50. Don’t fail to see it

The Bedroom


Hany plecea of Bedrotrai Furnl'-i-r aside from raveral


that we are panieniarly anxious lu Move out before Ue





new stork.
A beouUfal wolid oak fram*-. three panel draught screen for.......... 12,0
An aiuacllre liule Roman seat. In either oak or mabo^ay. tor •t.fS
A caDvemenl Wall Cabisei. Medicine case, aad (,'ltck SbeU. torn
blDfd. with nwlDR door aad ldil2 mirror, only ................................ I1.S0
We make Wimbra «hnd<-*—wi-x-ial atlcaltoo glveo lo extra at^

oii»HD nuygnw Heiutp, TwoMOAy. march n. mi.
Hr. and Mn. SbrnnaD Bara An
Hr. ABd Un. Mb B«»ly nt Wai- vlalilBB rataUm hrrr. Mra. Bora Inlord BjicBi SiiBdif irUh Ur«. Mr’i imda KWrtqt aonr UtUr limr.
A autprtah lany wna bIvtu Mlaa
Ona Kiiry at ihr boDr of bar alurr.
I Mra. l.ratn- Barm, ‘nraraday r
lumlirr pllrllnamd>y and «ip«rteBoed ■ aevetv
All an: l^ylird to oroi Tliun
anrrnonn and elaae the rhurrb.
jimre Olllrtl of Tra*rrar riiy
wUfa Mra. Jami
barn brre dbla vrrk In bia bmUnc-aa
day BfienKtaa. Tbara waa
lumhrr gradw.
Tha work waa
Ira. 3. I. Oibba. Mra. Prank Cllbba^
‘. Prank Taylor, Mra. Ororgr BarHfaa Cnra SchoBrld. Mlaa Andir
■kir and Mlaa ItabM mbba atirodrd Ibr Sunday acbopi Mmarntloa
Kiagalry. laat Saturday afiernoon.
The aaw-ialll of Irt. Koch, about
nr Bile north of berr oo thr Bnardlan rlvrj
March H .
during Ibr t
.. .
-------------------------------- l»T.
bad aUK-krd up for thr aranon'a run
Wtll Jorkaon apeni Sunday hw. re- Hr baa now aold hta logs and laili to
I mine 40 Traaam- Cliy Mmiday.
Mra. 3 I. Oibba and «MI not irbiilld
A man from Rfa Ijikr rut hi. loot
Hr. and Mra. Tbrodorr Slociini of
quilr badly at Holdriari'. camp.
Orand HapJd*. and Ray Taylor of thr
A party waa «ltan Saturday »l*hl NIrkmni) nrlghbnrtiocid ba*e br»4j
by Ulu EilH-l Crandall aixl l.j'dU vbAting thrlr aunt. Mra. Ororgr Rai
Peplrr. at tin- Mi» Jmnh*
Halllday. A »rry lirw.tliw H. rrport


idlaa Mirtau fllbb*. anln-d hnnw
fmai OItvri Krtday olBhi nod HaroM
nibba ouDf Sahirday for ihr Raator
Sunday rvrjilna thoar »lii. allmdrd
rhnrrh *rr» drllahl»*d by KlwrJal
rtualf, u iHo bv MW. I'runk Saywa.
Mra. Prank' nibb. a»d
Mia. Cura
I.KHuiit Halllday i« laid ii|> by n
nry troublrwmr rtebt hand. Iiartnx
ampuiatrrl <«« flniser and wdohaly
larrratnd tbr othrr*. kiiW-uaariiiB at
Ihe ahintlr-mlll.
Hr hart linat not
uaw hrrratKH-.
Burr Jamr.H ban bern conlliK-d lo
Ibr bDuar for a •wk paat. Hr Aral
had a arrrif attark of pharya*ltla
and nuv la auarcinit wllh aryrl|u-laa
In bli farr In acldillun.
iltlr Hlldrrd
r alao brfJi q

purebastDg eraam dlrwel froa
Grand Rapidt Tbanday and la wockUr. P. R. Wfmaina rr«ini«d WadBoardman. hla bomr, wbrrr Infarm. Tbr IiMHIbc «aa addrraard by ■ng wllb M>a. O. KqLl at Solon.
braday fnun a frw daya >lall with
A. B. Croonuia of flreaa Lake. Mich.
Canutr t* getting alaug my rrUtWr. and Mrada .at Ludlngton.
Thai brraa <-aat apon tbr walrr dhra
Tbr raiieua Saturday at >br Blwk
Hr waa arrom|«nlrd by hU bnitbri. not alwav. mutn aoggy baa brro
rrbool-hOUBr. had thr targrm itirnd.Gn) Bdgril and Jli^Dayla murnrd H. I, WlUlama
drtnnnaira'rrt Hi ihr ranr el William
ancr of any rauma brid In inab) yran from Tulu. L’ P.. Uat wrrk.
n I. r.Rnvlrn waa a bualnraa rallrr Wllaim of ihu plarr About three
ill Ea.i &>-. Tbr 1r«i of bannoAT
aunt. Mra.
Q Travrr
ni) Prlday.
yrara aao Ml> • U.iiaa
prerallrd and thr foilowlug Orkri waa
<if th>- -HaptlM rhurrb irarbrr In tb- tUlacr iwbaalt. Inat I
nomlnaird and wilt br Hreird. aa
rivarrd bNm' giii from
box Mr WJIaon t-r.nd ihr wioorr took
irrr la but our tirkri tn Thr Arid.—
o Uialnrta. ndum- ...iriBl givrn XD thr K O. T. M. ball to Ihr Ofl.rr .rt lb,- KtHg.lrv Krt
>r mm-partlian ttekrt:
Friday rvmbic.
^ and bad an ad«rrtlann<mi Inarrt'H.
SoprrTlaor—Briwin BJark.
Ororgr nay and Y I McCluie
Auolbrr>- aill takr |ilarr at by tbl. Diran< i!..-i.wo
tnrrk—Kniral 3. Ta>lur.
;lhe arho.l hou.— thu rvrning.
jli fAund. A fra rtav,
n Mr WIlKm
Trraaurrr—All»rt J. Counaifr.
MIriiarl Myrra has Imu^i
lamr Biid ll<> |MiitNl rompanv
Cnanmlaaionrr of lilgbwaya—Henry
•nuabriblown. Krniurhy.'
iipily ianertr-d
E. Carllalr.
Kobo aprnt a frw daya
artrvritaiuirni and
hla ^t
Jintirr of tbr prarr. full trrm— vlalllng hi. ^mfarr during h
■jiDakr Ibrlr liunu* tn ibP fuiurr. Mr
miinird by
rrauk lUrdi.
I Myrra lelirvr* thr rbangr of rllmaic SrlMelilr. paaior
Si J
Bi^ool laaprctiir-riiarlrs Prart,
r CralDI aprt tanilr h
drridi-d rbangr I
Hraihrr Boanl of Krairw—Wallrr
King in tbr .-1





In T^Trr
Mlaa Allre GUI WrBI lo CbABMc
Saturday, rviurelng on MoBday.
The Rry. W. H lluribM aprait a
Hugh S^iit U appoding Ibr wrrk la
The M >: 9tmd.y artmol will glr.^
an rgg aupprr iB thr town hall nil Itmisg Marrb ». far tb«
Imrfli of tbr Sunday arhonC


Vlrtnr Uii.llioltii,. agrrt 3
Klab. ................................................t.
Craxge II
C. Wynkuo,, •|a-m Sunday 1,V,. ,
Rrrrrx. Hrnry Bn ilbaupl, PbflIlp FTr- lb Trevrrar City ja a gii-»l of hri
f«oiT*i honni
- -r,
i parrbta. iJiiden f rompb-ilDg arrangr
lly Hunrtav
Brfoiv tbrfraiiriia.
afraiiriia. ia poor firtluw.j
Mra. Prari Tbivla <>f Crlar la
•till lor thr . irithmor a brieklika-k
TYnm-r bran failure l- lng ibr raiiw-;
r yrara ago fr
a abluiblu- lug hrr.........................................................
H Mr. aud J
till- rornrr of. Xuilb
............ Mam
. .
<4 Ilia itreih
la -i-aM-d Irarra a wife,
at badly
lly mangled, oar I Mm
.1 UtowuwOT axrn.H-, Wilsow A Hid j ."ix-,,- Kldra-v
and iiBr rhlld
Tbr rrmali
r’irr all kldMi?
lelng uarWa. and wim baa a
r Hlaars farrir and Nrlllr R(iM
Traveiwr nil arr the nmtrartor. j
" Mdie-y
lakm lo hi- liodir at HouifI Beard
and family to Kiippnn. la lir las rrliiror>1 Kniiirdav from Suliona Hay
il work will br roaiUoOTi'rd
man for burial.

unable to do anv manual labor, want alirtr ib-y In
tlMilng rrlal-forr April
J. I.. Vaairr lia>;i«eii rouBlinl to Ida
rater a lltllr tnunry to go In.iivn. iLv part two wiek-.
Illllr liualorra.
Your roite* ;
<i«u• gr Kdgrll
Kdgril wHbt
WHbl ii>
(londrm iiiaard Ihr paair unforiunair CHy Prlday. n-turnlug
■tiirnlpg Satnrilay
Satnrilay. Hr;

id til II ►bon lliur rbii.i! ''
Rolen wbll- Ihrrr.
u niiiulei air uoii.iug
Tbr Krllry l^iBbrr * Shingir Co.'a
rhariiabir rlaan of proiilr. Bairt Ray
Sobui. /
III on armunt of brrakagr id
K hard lo lawt. sa th» poor f.llow
II H. I*.rar,' wio
u>atn bril. haa Imn>d rbiard all
.oirw aiLr iiiirt
will, patn. and
rho waa aulalrd llrra in another
Thry arlll atari up aaaln Monday.
I.iu- BS> M i'i-ir .lira.lui-h.-s and a
. Wrdnniday alirnuitm. wlilb- riililng
oi. .1 •*. irt the
111 pilnls. It
-idr.1 to make a rlij|!pi“ of ..
Hhingira. liarvru Martin n( Ibr flrm
A n iUrkiiiaii is 111 Mi.MOT roiintyi
a> Bight and
tliOT bopiliK tlirirl.v 111 I.T.I.SI
or a frw dais buailirlis iil|i.
of Ttonlnr Bros, t- Co 'h mill, ramr
los-aim- w»-al. and untl' i. r w.irk, I
Tbr niairtage «f Miss la-na Hilln :
nrar having thr urn forr Bngrra of
IVsiii'e KIdnry
Mlaa Vriiu bbiiaw. arbonl Irarbrr at
Ibsngr Blown
hla left hand aawrd off. hi. band riMi
II Mr niwanl nshrr Keik. plarr at f
nunilOTi irf .nbrr rrauedOrn-n Uilur. aprol a frw daya. id
4'urwlii sl.iir at liarleir Spriuw. whnrb.- is rnipldird ios'hii.l tela rtwuci with tbr Kaw. Hr vi
iilisl imsiMTeKsfaflr ana
Prankrint allmding thr ii-arbriw'
nrdialrly inkm to Travenu- Cll
..................R. * I.. ut .-.sM-nler %bik.
lo forv I t
TsI.rwi two tiotrs T waa
ofllrialliig. It
lo rrrrlvr mrtlloa) aid.
J Mrs .N. <•. M.Htm.1 .d
I . Hit. eo;iHnoli.g w«b «hr Uim
Mra. Vina Harab vlsiii-d.lirr cniml- Ihr olilv
wl .
Ortnvr Domlnr of
tin- flrm
ramly I ww eiiir l
I |ui>.
1... 0.111 ........ . vpIj
Bioibrr, Mrs. Jaiir lluryrv. Prldi
frir-mb 1........
nmlnr Brya. t <U>.'a tiilll. 'lua aol
l.iiiyU Urlk.iialU.
niru 'n . l. g.rd eie-til a b-v. ! . uo-rt JsmiV Kiiliuy IhllS at the
------ -...................... Jicksoii. wfao wns: -U-ss»» In h,v u.w flehl
hla Intrrral to Oraon Plirhpr. who I
Jaar Harvey Wednesday.
The happy .roiiiilH will
Cormirr I. J T-sImui, .rt Suniliitt ,
an oaprrirnrrd mill mar. Oriavr l
Roy raniitr mutned fropi Nrwtiygir raaVr thrlr honir liyir. the gtwm I-- <-Ity was ratl.-il to Kihtso y yeeirr. -ral of hrr iiiirK J..
a furnrrr and will drvotr hla tinir i
lDgrin.-agr.lin1h,. l,ustnrs.-..riu.rl..-rjl.indliol.ii.; m. il.elri

MIrti.. Turailay.
rtil.s fin tbr Culled '
Friday rvrning Iherr waa a
The xa\'-mlll. is ribiilnA full
lioiti. lu Mr and
Mi-. IJ.smsr-.Miu-.iuila." T!i.- i.-niains
and doiug'guod work.
sn to
11,1Mra 1
InK at tbr Blad
naiur |i«ii'« «nd
1 l.rart.- The
MlKS Marry Camtir returnisl from Satnrilay.-a le.y,
ault wilb tbe I


""''i" r7,"'.s:r;r5r



3 W


Mra NVbola






THIS ANNOUNCEMENT is for the sole purpose of offering you a real welcome
to see our grand new spring stocks. You will recognize them from the point
of refined styles, distinctive models; exclusive fabrics or from any other point
of view, a most superior showing of fashionable wear for men, women and
We are quite willing lo have the gccds plead their own cause.


Graphaphones Free

“Sunshine** Suits and Jackets.
The “Korrecl” Skirts "Faultlesby waists
____________________ and Shirt Waist Suits.
"Michaei Steams" clothes fpr men. "Trnmp” clothes for boys
“Superior" pants for men and boys. "McKibbtn" hats.
“Wilson Bros.” shirts and furnishings. "White Cat” under-

We are giving tickets again with every
50c purchase. These lIckMs are act'd
until Sept. 1st 1907. Every peison bring-i

■ six’s “-S


bus is the Talkie gacMn
tbgt we will give, isdoduig Iwo


You pgy to KAT-ao( to
NAME—aofae darge Ai»ih«
two to NAME
■i-y •

ingin 100 tickets will receive an i.-nported talking machine
and two records. For 200 tickets you will get a talking machihe and two records worth $8.00. For 500 tickets we will
' give a genuine Disc Graphaphone. worth $35.00. And the
first person bringing in 900 tickets will receive one of the very
best graphaphones listed in the Columbia Phonograph Co's,
catalogue, worth $75.00.

This is the Talking Machiae

rmnlt, for only one hiUKlnal tick-

llust we will give


rc'-.irtla.juf only -lue bnixlred tick-

It Uugha’ UlLa. iinBa. fUjt

MBA M the larger machiMe.
Vooli Sod it a gr«n enUrtaiiten


tndo>lbg two

It laoglia. ulka. aiDga. playa

Mflhf aa the l«rgi.-r Bkadkiaws.
VtiU'll till'! it u great enleriaiit»-r.

UV. MARCH M. im.


-"vA wholesome cream of tartar
baking powder. Makes the finest,
lightest, best flavored biscuit, hot-^
breads, cake and pastiy.

« we were sotag
called m' Oearge Htacea. wtm U
bntne (n>oi eharcb. Roth Hoi>se[i
sick. Buadar Dlgbi.
The Rev. B. Wood and wife, vhilted aged serea. nuohled and fell oa
vUli H. Warm) and fanllr Tbiimdsy hill derendlns to Orlstt, snd a team*ler who wa« coming rl»»*e hebli

(Irat^NasU^aad^ t
March ia.

ind actl.m *il f
sprana <•> <hc t
aside Just m Ha
■ Uii r:.

" Orin lUapnan Is ihe ptoud tmiMof a ImPK}- hot; .-.

n A'-iiein-ln law.


tlndenhirler farm.
' Dave Cterk of Rrant, visited la t
viclnliy last week.
Uicy Bngel iras shO|iplBg
j“BH|rtti'"^od on his nuuber (liirkl
lav last week
kicy one flav
Ruadar and helped Mr. and Mra. J. n.
ipp of niarkman
llwi l.auni Knapp
Brtgtal eelpbnie their lenih wedding
di>\l her sister ii fern- ilayc of last
belter and Is aiaj'ing with her eon




Vitira Nem-mann mol wife callcl -m
Rnibardi Sunday.

peel lo hulld
ham soon.
Fn-d Llpht and J.din Vminkles of
Ttavenu- Ciiv ate fixing Rupeite

'“if '
log III* step tuin. IMir
caliod on
Henry Haiikey nod
and Mrs..
Mra. BsnkevV |<ar<-niT
Sewronnn, Rmiilav.
Abide Coleiuun ri.ll.'d tm Mapg.e
Dtnlor and Reribi Newmsun Siindar.
Mra. F. Aneorpe called on Mrs. J.srh«mm Sunday.



of Ur. and Mra. Bert Brawn.
Ch«o M. Adams and Saon.
Iff Chicago are la Xowii for a few d
Ura. Qtisi
Rolf and
Malmie who liavw l>cen vlalHng at
home «ff Mr. and Mr* Com Steffen*
Jr„ ratorwed in her home In Boyne
Falla lari week
M. Browa went lo Manistee Ralur
day. returning Moodav,
Arrble L Ixaterte *p«il a few dayi
- V laai
t* teaching
MIee ('■me Fii
tbe Rohlnaon uchrad. viKiieo tier p
rails. Mr. and Him. lx>ran G. Fuller
Tnfvrae City over Sunday,
mnk Frledtieh of Trarena City

of the kind lo the birior} iff Panther
Ore«* valley.



Dr, J. It. White,-Ihe ('Blicl Sutra
Marine hoaplial ofieer wte dlircted
Ihe campaign which kiangied out yvllow fever at New Orleank In !»&. has
received his uppolmmeat a. aaperrm- ,


. f.oort lime was eO/-.>ei by all.
la'.Ees .Vue.B of Eu>- EtOniie
....... a r-y.iUr AulgaiUn
ulh-ge.1. Complaint m;

I Inspector of martiime qnaraniUe
lumUUsa. Mla*|s>(ppl and ihe Cea> ,
,1 American

ij,ganis|«»ri. Ind..

m-liu houphi Hie farms of A. .«b-lvert
and A. nesseiuer uiovci liere la*
* T?r A. S. of R. ore loading imo car
of poutoe* this weekn 1 Uomn of Traverse CHv wa
la town loA^oD IniKlnea*. He boupli
lira naira of horse*.

William M.iiTis I* uu.^ur a I
Ihe r.-»iilt of S Wrench

Pi.lni iliai has glt.ui the lu-s
Hon. fully in.sulus raeiy leti
Ihe .-.-bdimled Brudl.-y 4


thl. morning In


A widow uml six

on for sure shoul.l p> mit to th<
shore neer Gianil Haven lo hav,
rn.is1.m dIapeUed- Creot lk>rp. of lee

Sti|l sirelcB alons tbe ahuie. ao<
mill 1.111 all that w-aa save.1 wa* th.
lilfr baa a far different appeoi
boll...- ami eiiplne iiud a lath m.xchlne,
from that of a summer aea. There
-There U a ddei mill In rnmiecH.ui
mill Im no bathing on Ihe l«-arh
w-lih Hie Nrirmllt and this was al
■cm days, al b-a*i
bitrneil. KeIii men are mil of mwk
Hurry McClun- ..f Ann Arlmi
This 1* III" Hiii.l small sawn.lll
pui.-hased a sin- and will crvci s
Iw d<e.iroy.-.( in Ihe Grand Tinvra
story reinforced concieie building for
iraston irithlii Hie past l.-u days No
a garage near the uBlvcndiy. An
'praline J. Hall to Wni. H-.tikln*. of thiun were Insiiied.
ArlKir is St present without a garaglol l:;, bbu-k -n.- H. 1.. 4 C
Tl-I- drat floor mill Iu- .-gniiiped in a
upiivdate mann.-r for this hnaineas.
iiiped to Traverse City
sieond «oty has been
. Ibe .pracrlce of li.-r
Driai.. who will pi
EmmMt r
Offiee* win -be in
luraling aller*. They hat
building after April
leii-y.-ar lixisi- .m the slniciure.
National Hank
Th.- Ohio la-a*ing and OH company
Mlu-hell. paic-ls. I^iaiii.
of PJ.lahiirg. Pa- Is leasing a large
Aii.lli..r G-netoi f. .lohn f




Zoiilek. sw'i of tim
R. lo.
uul.-fi.-l.l I
, Georpi
Blue, isircb


T. 2S.

Miss (kuiha ntrry of Rntne. Ga- to
H.T faihiT lea her a mmrorlable l..iiune. wlih Ihe bulk of whldt




ihe vlrlnlty

lon I* d..veh>plug Into UBO oMJw
greatest places of I.Wimlng In tha
Harry lAlioucbere. Ihe well-kBown
Bngllkb piibllcUl





np »sab-*mi
F J 1*etcrw-ii. iracdlnp
' the Ori..nla
list luisiii.-ss
nnd Mrx Gordon of Kmpii'
eaipn at -b- '-‘me ol Wm Hetim-.i
Mrs WarJ Benneil
Rimer Srurksueasi no Momlar. the
Sumlay r - .h.-lr b'«ne 11. irba.i.-i
occasion l.•lnlt the lattei'. rMh
Mr. Iteiim-lt la in ih.-J^
«' Geo Taylor and aons, Byron
km. and thrti wives. Hiram
._..„.iier* Nellie .vud Mr*. IWigari

He says of the eneoaBter:

Buy not perauate me. I am.
p.xiilculur1y auaccpilble to female
bi-auiy. and I am afraid (hat lUt may
Influence my Jodgmrai al I may aay
The complltnwM traa enough,
and they all. I thlak. felt that my
hi-an was in the right place. U my
Judgment m-aa not.''

nighty Tbe Usbop remooMrated with
Ihe road ngeBI. laytng: "turely yoa
would n« rob a poor bishop engaged

In the discharge of hla aacred dull**.''
already •■You-he a hlahop. eh? What cburchT'
siil.1 the man behind the gun

Bptscopal church." The fattzea yan
V.-hf. Ibafa Ihe church I behe -Xiu-ri* who Law Isen ordeiiul
to. J Oo ahead, driver. (Bard
h.. gov.-riumml to Inv.-sHgaie flood
night, Uahop."

conditkiB* at Grand Rapids, with
lew in making pracHral sugperiloni
s u» h.ra I.' i.-m.-dy th.-m will a
imilji .......... use In G.uii.1 Ilapld.
..v.-mm.-ni ha* matnluiiout an olirai
ailon siutlon s>

Portland for


Ime and dally repotis .if -ibe rii

giiiHm WilhelBiBa of H'.llaod, I*
one of (be boslest monarch. In Europe
and la aern- happb-r rihan when ■(lendlDg .10 affairs of state Rren aa a
child abe waa fond .ff aaimrllBg her
liithoHly. One day she seer for a
certain mlnlsier and aunouaced (ha(

epih an- turnish-d Hie wreatlier Im- ■be bad quarreb-d with-and dUmliaed
Her p.veru'-** Tlie m(airier gravely
aaked; •‘When do<-s your majemy wish
happlnera can b
her to l«- l--head«v17 T.m kv.-.w li timishlng yoiii
tbe custom la Holland to Imhcad an
iniie. walls, ceiling*,
agon* with 1'ertna-l.air. fhn*e atm are .rfficlally .llkgrmwd. it


will le- neccuary f..i you. majesty to
lie present UI Hie execution. BAd------Heie -I). child queen abruptly left (ha
,1 ail o:d-i 'bat ■'••'■‘’t happen
oiber eii) than Battle Cieek.
Pai.-*i pump manufaeiurJ- in the woiM."

Worth Kocwlng About-


It Iram

I H....vU r. the '-x-premlcr nnd
.Vi..-t authority on poliliral flu
V'ranc-.-is about to start an im.ani .laily newsjaper, fer which t«e

nv Ills come from Impore blood.
I hvu- ptiM- tJlood with faiilry dl
•1* Ibirdock Blirid Htii.-ra .i.-nv
*-'dnach, bowels and Jni-r. and
e. the blood.

. raised tcno.bbo ihii of capital need'-d. mhlrh he has fix

nipHi- AitraUn Watet
is T-nti. th.- largest plant
ml In America, and

VU*11r K, J..0.-S has leWO Ttellllng.l
llaivai'I lot loriy-niue y.rais. H*,sable ptisluel
n.-T .if oxecllen
* l...ubl.-i1 wi.l
a. night ull

. rung <b.- clapp«-r of the l>eU In
rvarri hall 2.17.'..<*ri time* and ba­





Is- pUiie.| in Ch-Cker bowi.l >iyle. tak­
Bmpltc. Mich.. Match 2-.-Cha.lra ing advantage iff t.iral hUI. un.l v.l
. an MH-ile landscape.

a bnslness Irip b* Wllwaukee.

R- Santo of Travetee City

was In town la*t week.
George J.ffrnsoa an.l Peter Pavroen.
wei,. in Id-land U*i ••■ek.
1. C
Bakey l« palBiIng E
neilei's gasoline lalinehe*
Mr and Mra John Bldelman are th.
parents iff a «Be baby boy.
arrived Mtftb It.

Far male, a Rargsin.
Gasoline l,,i.nrb «l

'. Kan.

He U a hermi' in rani

and a “Chararrer.-' He *ayh r
year* old now and h* look* I
av. be is going io walk "■ Alb'

Symou*. th«- fstnoii* aiiUi
trf th.- quergoe. N M-. a llitle Jaunt of H
milea or ao. lo vlalt his iff-1 Iri-md ►
Skokie club, Chieus".
land. The ruaidine.-*, ihoush In the Senator Edamnnd G. Ross
Secretary Taft may vl*.r AU*t
cvnntiy. will ha-w electric bchi*. gaand a water *upply syaiem.
B.,l»..i lluDiIngtoo. who

•gt fall. He I* going to leave Wa*
recently Ington for (be Phtlipplae.- alrait Sep
id It la very likely that he wi
make a aide trip lo Alaska aailii

did in P..H ll'iion. came fiom
tlni.-ulsh.-d lamilr^'rf w;

r of (be I

for board

-T cnilegv
Moffutf. |;.I Park nrreH.

Illy half a refiiiuT M>.«H mile*.. Ib-

re* of bud ad.oUilBg 'be
-WI-sl of Il4”'e Ct-ek.
ind conrisis of «b' E)”‘mand Hgjladov farm*. ..nd wlU

Carr aras In Fratikfmi last week.
u r CoIllnT reiurne,! Monday Horn


lked to and from (be 1e-li lope
,i:e teav de-l ha*
imaied bv Ihe j.-nnme*



on Ills

of Bishop Kemper bad In the early day*
of K.-msaa
He waa irernllag to a
klagrcoach whMi traa held up ooe

“'LTr'R.*:* r^- '

it y.ui
craisllfvii i.oiaff.iril greai
y*"pills a
.otic pill >■
,-e.l. Tliey have Ira
1 .-.-niurv and at»- *»
,n.| PMsllelne sio.c.

D Gteen, who hn* biu-li vep
1* leUler al Hils. writing.
at tbe Young Pcoole*: m.vHns
Mr., 1.. Totioo is very Im*'.
davs wearing Corpels for het Brigh-;
» reality ootr.
liora She U wewvlop one now lor the
ijdU-s' Aid Widely
J C KuDk. who
at Mnorae Onter
Fredi Warreo and CbeWer Rotk

; Iriok

mlaaloBary In the far wmit
Bl*ho|> TsiiKit teiu of an adrefttare

i.ul iltai No, 1 CS.I is to le

M at 2 ..'i-lncl: p. m.. of said da
W. C’, Kaoannt. Ke

AMn Puffer nm' *'''•* anil wlf.-. w’^ <>1
-I',. T.
R. ir. »*'►
Iav.'lie |V«|.ls ami
Kritesi. pJi-ci-U.

Mr auTMra. Reed and Miss LUltan

^"'rit'’'Rulom.-i Wamw atiended F
iiorterty meeting at T.-averae City
iiduv and Sunday,
MiM kbiyhell naw^ m •lio bar I*
ilie a number aiiendcl prayer
• l her he
ling at H. Wheal's Monday nlO»f speo.lmx a few
Ruok and Mr. Penrod attended
TraTe^”ciiy today,
Ailgely * sale D*'
Mr. Burr and Mr. Bycr
raaph. aynip. there has h*
Mr* I'enrod over Sunduy


' talked III Ihe same time.
After UrienlDg for a fern miaul'-* I
'I.Ailte>. alHKnigh iiHit

.-ni I.. I•..l1lnnt^, wb..fe eondlHot

'kir.'^C^pi^b.^ travJlHng salesman
>r AntioiiT 4 Company inni.-uci«'l

and proprietor

Truth, once met a depiilaltoa of aaffraglsla In th.- lobliy of the boaae <ff

Slandlsh. «n.l, alioi.t . Hentb-y
Annual Mealing.
The annual me.-Hug of tbe meir
illiniiph Gladwin County for the
rhe G1.I Mis ion Bead. Resori
|K>sc iff ic.iing lor ciiaJ aod oil.
riaii'ui bii U‘v el.-cilon of tnisiera
hlr. piesidenl of the ix.miuny.
sene the cnMilng .War and <be
he Is saHsfied le-yimd a .
m*aciion of oiher bus|ne«.x presented
r cousl.|.-ratlon will t* held at the
; thete is coal and oil nu.letlying

lu.riii-ir Co. .-i.blitl.m IP V-'f*'



years ago.

Those who Is-lieve Hu! aumn

the Imller

raom an.l had ».i'b a start that It wni

I K H:i>
«Soii. Irire
M. Hathaway to V
.bill 4 Sb.n, .■•c <d *»•'
R. 11. I2*bnJame* fimiker a«i.1. lurc
luvelllhp *ale*mar
lu'ien Ilomney lo II company
K lp't..w.i F.-iday• place was ir
j.i'sepb Fchram an.l m il

"Muls'R.>ta C'Uik of

ed. In IV.1 he began bU half ceily of connecilOD with Punch.

«iabllslie.i near Rome SB lak.'vp Its nos.- alum' waler. the P:
diiMrial arh.iol, fur rouliiiT hoys Bat
Post, a weekly nawspaper at Pal.i,
to obiain education otherwitc.
.Hilled by Austin .G. JofaniMiB. has gi
Distuning upon a amill aiwle. she ha*
•We have be.-n most rclucianilv. c.
Imrrraled o'l^r person* of wcalrh
,K-lled t.
.ud idilfanihi^btitff^ihartnar not oaty
inn Idd y
cur sam
hraughoiii Geoiglj. bar In varlowa
I* ibe *
pan* of the coiiDiry. iiaiil now her ta­

D. K. I

March «

nirae an anlkt hod-i>e was aaly
l« when his flrat picture was eshlb-


wma an.l daugbtera aurvlvc,
After two and a half ye.-.ny4ll..ri

lulll will IM' reluilll.
The flic was discovered aU


mi'UMUHf was appall
giiml h.-allh. lie emlctnled fimii Gru--

iiniwu.sH.lo to coniml H.
New W«
chlnery hu.l Just iHwn placed In Ih.

a oDd H*. bbu-k K, Mayfield. I
.loSn C..nx ami wile
Gibb*, lols
Archlb:il|1 ■
A GIbbv. lol'
field, Ji:.™--

In ivngw* fur

I tor drawing, although his great
Tmxvmoie w.-ll* will Iw sHnk by the amhlHoD as a small boy wa* to be a
clown. Tht Inicrratilng period
].a\s.>d. h.raeier. he made up hla mind

Pori Salt ('». F II
.lipping ..111 of blv hand b-ri Mteidar lurai awnrd.ul the contract
abllV he wu* nxirfclup -«n ene .rf :hi is aln-ady down some w»
Anl.Hi Behullx. aped Te
tudbrt. in th.- Oipln- l.iiinbe' .o.tkii'imn al Rapid nty. Is
sillhip In bis chair,

I.IHl*..! f.ic-

'"j’il^b ^.u.cni...... I and «lb' '<• *

- --ex* of Glen Alb
of Rxrtb
psKseil Hitotipb ht-ie .Monday o
fb.T.H. Ma..i.m.,l«

which baa hcrai

.lil.lMxl ..n a nig m ilo- tpp i.l a |ialr taculttvs Intact and as kerai a mind aa
.f Walts ami fell 12 feet to ihe Iwit- when he drew hi* Btmt esn.aju
Al a
.vm. A pliyulelau say* »fae l* kral.ui*
eaily ag» be diaplayed a mariud

1* John Itblulioan.

be-* i* lu-iw.eui eight uti.l nllte
Uiu.1 .li.lbii* wllli no lusnrance

-s"f* ro*\Vlnch will gn t« fira®
Bapids till* wc k to visit her bnuhei
Albert and Allerie Snell.
Albert Si lvent 1* moving I. Stuilll

tnun Sur-

many ycara.
rieo unnbl.. K. And any ir
Jiffin Tennicl. Ihc ramou* Puach
• Ince, Aleiun.ler wa* dlsrhargmi l.y canooniat. who celchratrd his eighty
he wnnliarium f.u hi* lne..rrigllillti.v.
imlb birthday the Whet day. la a
Mr*. Ilolieri luicy ..f l*<»ri Hurao. floe mitliaiT looking nun. with all hu

Sniiih of ibe *i.-aiiieV ,:,*w .id Hu.'kl.-.

Everxluuly'* friend-I
Elecfrir OlY
Cure* J.k
nebe, sore ibro-xl. Heal*.,
Sio|o. any iKiln.

M. Jeffery went to I*ik
•* Ihi* nxiralng to visit her sW-i

fruit pots

luispltul acrvicc. HU appolmment la-.
s the natloBal qjiaranilne in

It Is ■llege.t. i.i cuiiy ..D i
..1.1 diiughier ..f C II M.V
hIlD.1 iwutdie. an.l
h.- .1
vheu aiscr.-i.-d
The p

realired which mil! u- ii*-! i.*



pluck La-|U In Ho- proceeskia until II
brake up
It mm* the blpgeri luruou;

Ibe leiy* mw* U y.-ur* ol.l and lbItuinprat
They w.-re release.1 is

niiicli npim-eiate.l.
Tbe n‘iKin of ih.' nominal
follom *
l-'or P
Vl.s- Pti-*^ Alfnui
... .
Uensoii: S'-cr.'ta
I.- Depi
Tre.xs O. J HenMiU
Ru|.i.l Cilv. Mk-h. March 27.-The
Supl. F.. O. I.
1-. Chu*.Tlio r.- sawmill of GlllK.ri ll.mb-r wax Iwrned
Stipl Hie R.^.
Ten .!..|lar- wa* I.. H>.' er.nin ib-nrly Oil* mnnilDK The

''c.’"s!'8nel'l ma« called to n
Jhe Canadian nonhm-e-.i Inst Wivine.
lUv to take charge of the cxmtiinB
lion of a large flowerinp-mlll.

Mellon Voic

rawntry. iras la line on tbe ITtlk that
being Ihe ertleih Hm* be had tnnied
lUt to celebraie. He wa* cbenwd all
ikuig the line and with rlutactralatic

e reiiiroe'. Uoii-Uy gum—<-n»ugb i» have lasted tbem al
Vucaikus. If thry buj| nol luxU) rui
dotni t.j the p-dlc-.
The fjde*t c.

e in Travel tW
: with leiaHvTw h-u*
niick's dnace wa-

purchasing u w-Imu.1 iib-."«-.
Gneairh au.l




The Rev. R. W'suul an«
lamn culled on Mr. AVI^e.
very sick with Hu' grip
(eviT. last Thmmday afierno
Ml* t.el3 Haln* nnd Sul
-II vl*ii'xt with Mr*

Right had mile Muskegon
mlde.1 a candy funory Sunday and got
■ way w‘Hi-0 m.iith of candy an.

Jane* tiaUagber of ConMalC. Pa .
who claim* to be the oMeM ccoaernSt. Patrick’* day marcher dn the

[>D General Wyman of ihe inariiie

iK-aan ut l".** miib .n-ro
i-l by th.‘ Uev, C W (
An exeellivil
1 do."
i,.. ubly .ll-u-u*M-.l. 1
ilii- for.niMill ws*loo
r.n -Til.- Y..MUK l•.•.Ull ‘ Pri"!
letn •• bv Prof
IIU1*I ll'-lltflll atirl ptac
ihonwipldv .-nj.iy.-d by i
At 1;»I lb- ofleriM..... .
ois'ued wllli a praise s'-rvic- bxl
O. .1. Henson
-PrimlHv.' "ellttUui." wa* tlbliu-liranrlt nti nnt*t Inrinictlve.
MU' Mini • Port.-r fivori'd »i
let mlilch tbe Rev

Mr* Hannah NVIsrai
•rv hicli ihc iKiKi two
Mra. A. F- 1-ratt. s
Her mother.-Mrs
fro muWietxIlet last 1few days
A. M. JeKery spent
reek rlsIHng hi* bioH. r. Win. Jef

Wetloe-day tui
Jlanlioti l*latid.
Mr. B<d.lnui.ii.


-. te and « ii n-ujili- .u^ the gi

•undsy School Atsociation.
.................... If the is-nlnstiln
Tom-nshln 1siindav- schcwil 8*-.u-iaii..t
b-bljn iheOgd.



Alekander. «li.. i- I7 y-ui*

anti- Mrs. J<dm nr.vdrirk
school here Ibis «
Elosilay a three mooths term In the
In Manrekiu;-.
iff the brtd.'« ruirentk. Mr and M
ncAMnl Grove school.
We expeci
. and Mra. Irwin Rawllngi
ht^. haek here next year as she has
Msyflel.l Issl Tuesday.
■oroe Reamer was haling
g har for
*^The’S». W. A. Bheilr will deliver
, Rawlings law week,
hia larawell setrooti here nhxt Son
a George Drav wn* In Ktogsle'
Ira have many friend* here, who mlMi
raiBfeT««ce will lie the follom last Thursday.
IBP wM:.
Mr. an.! Mr*. Harry Workman mei,
In Wexfortl Saliirduy.
Will Petrie of Gihlrt-vIMe anJ fla:
ice ntiEv of Nicketrson are .-Uitftu
Mr. Armriroop of Ti-av.-irf> Fiiy m
.*>d for R C. RamHnp*.
la bHMr at this a------- „.
I.mic Jessie Kam-IIBPS bad <iulic !
Mr. and Mra. Lure eDlertalaod >lr. serlon* fall Saturday afietmaMj
BBd mi. Jame* Rafferty from Sand
.Hf a
n e
chair nnd strtMnp Iter
nine off
PolBi. Idaho, last Monday.
eri Wv»e of Umpire .was
The road* nre very poor i
n-Hl ^m-’li' i Kinl
Cmllb bad the misfortune to
Hup her Him <iiilie Itadly.
me*, iravelllng salrami
th« wbiCeltre# lo his bucpy wl
..jalnff Mardm-oie eompauy
was on hi* wav to Ftfe Ijiki
for John Prii
hete .mo .U:
Smith wa* thram-n fitim the buppy
iransacK-d butdneiri
tal Dol Injured. •
Mrs B'locbcomU and son Rasscll
srPle vlKlfef* of-Mr*. l.uce Sunday.
Warren T-.v!or and mf“ ore on ilic
Miss IdilU Fgirsyih was a vUilor of
ek IIM Ihl* were.
Mis* Franej* Pierre Inst Sondsy.
Mr. and Mra. B'«ari utue pleu-taiil
Mr. and Mra. Carr were gncMi
Mr. asd Mra Avery last Sunday.
Hr. and Mra. Orandell. who t
from Canada, wher- they I
bc«m stopping with Wu. Saxloo all ■for the p«»i twelve tnnoth*.
wInlAP. have rHurwd to ih.dr bomiv
II Tjvlor,
Ibvrn. lo Mr. imd Mr*
Hfs. tVellK Is on H>e gain
8 gill.
Match :s.
Mr* Amo* Box I* on the gain.
Sunday irf-hool wa* orpanpe.! Ian
Malriietl erljoiil bouse
FYryJ Miller and Misv Flora Colton
chaoxe In Hie *i
hope that
were uniled In msrtlagc Mnreh ?fl. nl
,e ami make It ihe
•Traverae Cliy. Th<- younp couple
the biatory of H.c *rhoolbase lived bore nearly nil their live*
and have n hosi of friend* mho wish
There will iM- a social at the home
■hem a hmp and hi
of Hymn llti
he le-m fli trf Ihe Sunday


• r.- Juiieph pe T.-eler -I We'i .1
1 ,-nd cutnr. mere raaitHod ai
.Dte Mu..-U
Tlie, bav. r-i

Peter rmlor calletl on Willie Cole-



-lung to The horse, wbfc-b aprSBg
Is feel and slarled lo dash aw
.UI Polleeman Ameradofer caught

Grovei 'H.vnitnnnd made a ir
ilk Hmilils one 'lay l.i*o mtu-k.
Delia DeeriKii murti.-d lUiiiwlav finm Wllllanisloin: mlo-ie
la’* been Tptrklne.
cniteri Pinv nia.te :■ lri|. lo cat

Frajik Hockbit™. »lte and roi>ther
lave iw.mal to Film.

Annie Gerriug cslled •
Inior. Btindav.
A Newuiann ha* takra


a !.• land caller Wednesday.
W. F flKipnaii of CJilcapo speni
iHetl on Wednesday in Ix-lantl.
PiitBk Vl-kochll of ShHjaud speiil
her portiuu. Mr. aotl Urr. Nick
ck NelBuiiday in town wlib friends.
Al furry and B:rile IV-niits of KisMr. TIinniiiano Is nni *n w<>
Ick ueir callera on Raiiirdiiy last.
this wrfilBp and all of his children
Kols-n llniwn Is qiill.- Ill at his
ate hi liuiM- ntiw belpliip lake rui
home In this villas'-.
cd him.
Mrs. Alex Mason mss callcl to
Jill Aiidra* of inlnod wns Hie pun
Traveire City liy ll«> llln't's of IsUli
or Cart Hales Similsjr.
Upao Halleii drure lo Carler a 81
iT lurenls.
Kmtua Delong m-as a Traverse OH}
Ing Muoday with a load of apple*.
Aaa 1‘almer has nKirtst in Travert
K. R. ClmndltT and daughter Haiti
etty for ibe.aiiimncr
liinlaj- »i Traverse "
WUlle Ijike nold hi* team one ila}Pvening.
iiniinK in
fast week and srill work for Uao
ndeiuoii and non Velio
Mrs. II. !
Pratt this siitamer.
vs ai SutloBs Hay I
Hr. and Ura. R. R. Rate*. Mr. and
Ura. A. Palmer all called on Mr. nmi
very pleasant surjulM- was given
. Mrs, Jesse Halleit at Carter's tUdlnp
oiiur i>r MIsK Male-I (leckwilh al
home of Mrs. Ik-it iirvis o-Tlilini'
Mra. Rufus flnham
ifaU wriilne.
Hie evening
le main featnr'Mra. U K. nates and Mr
Bate* were pueei* of Mra. aidne
niiiKlc and gruplii
• whIcH dilniy
AM depariMl
e she win cook (or pood lime.
Pearl Ui
Neitl' '
I'uuliis who is toachiiip
leilaiid spent Sunday
in OBT vicinity (
mother. Mrs. K. Panins.
Mr. Brers call
Fred Honleaua was
Traverse Clir
Suadar afiemtx.
r Ralurdar
1 >(ra, Charles Otto.
lk>m. to Mr
] Thuradsy h
A piri.
lllaa Ada Hripiit *i>eni SuBdar In
Maple City with her couslii.
F. Ramuelsiin and family who spi'n'
Bertha Dull.
le m-lnter here will move liark i<i
Wa. Brtphl made a business Ir1|
In Traverae Cllv Iasi week and pur thrtr home at North Manilou II.D
riuaed the north foity arres of Cha«
BorDDsh’s farm. Mr. Boroiigh U polm
In TUB a general aloie at KorrisTlIle.
John Bnegsegger is poiap lo pul li
a lelefdioae on the OvUH line.
Peter Rnydcr has Imirphi ihe Ch-m

Mr. anti Ura.‘wm Uelvln reiura.
home from flran.1 Bnt.ide Uet wee
Mem. Melvin went there luwne tin
ago and h»d an operalKut hut has n
lieen able lo cimie home nnlH no
Her nsny friend* Trill he glad In knr
Mie Is heticr.
Cha* Canine purcha.vd a n<ip fat
ttvum ot Prod Cuoke.
Mrs Prank Cott.m I* rai-stbe »lck

dence m the lot adjednw rhe .me he

Mr*. Ha'Ili- Wt.l.livi pav.- a
f Thurtulav.
James Chnuev and AhU fVusuiei
ent to Kult.uska last m<s-k to
I rite MimluT wnotls
Rnsmer'. folk* ate moving «
llqulie place iu AellU- lowBVhi
Johnie Valridtiks ft«m Tra
IIV is vUlilne friends ni Mabel.
Clinton Pimy has piirrtuk-d a

II Hull hat- pone
firaiid HapM.
II vl‘ii 111* father.
JiHes Hahle TumpkiBS I* on ihi
Uck lleif
T. W. Richer will nrpaaiw a farm
era imtoo *■ Wimaitishnn; In


Sura, lo Ur. and Mra. Fnsl Howar

>1- quick Ihoupbi
1 1‘ettenglU
e and dre»r

it may lie .:s«Tvd iu

Royal Baking Powder is free
from alum and phosphaiic acids
BOTSi naMNo euwoca co..

I Mra. RUI aa<l
u. r,
Wine, bui ibey

«t U making
effort to haw tha
Ipb . Abercomble after be wii
rrwury iff war make the Alaska
oaded In Ihe UHle of AleasBdria
M. Mr. Tan would like to go very
Bgypr. In 1101,
Mr*. R. Bvaa* who ha* been •pend­
BBCfa and h is merely a queriioti of
A'liBe.«e* to a ruBatray scddcai
ing the Trtniet here rwuracd to her
B-hen he ha. seen Alaska the
Alpeoa expedcd to see Augnat tC
ttoroe lo Tra»er»c City lari ireck.
Rd. Manned* b*> traded his (aim to mwskl. the driver., killed when the •ecreiary of war will have 'Viaiied
depeedency <ff the ruivd Biatea
rntHi collided miih a ielerra|ib P<
Miller Bidalmsn for hh> bnuTC In iottb
eaeeplioa of Bsmcm.
Mr Bldalman will Udid a new •e*i
Mr*. B. R Dailey left Mowday for a
I rip tu WsshtnptciD and Orwgoq.

from Seaille for Manila ati-r bi* r
turn. Mayor Willis P, RtcAaidrim of
5 man who aupponed (be-dwnermaarar



ft. long, » ft.

le-aai. piandlng roof full length; en­
closed plioi braiae. l« lo 2» b. p. 2
iln.l'-r. 4 cfcle engine. All Hi ErmIS* *l»ape. ready tor the water* Own. have bought larger bouL

Pm ftiU

pjrtknilar* address.
Cauicboia Braa..

Mackinac Island. Hlcb.
Farmera' AttanUeo.

Ton will find at my lam my doaiMe
tendartL polled Durham bull, reflw
rrral In both books. A kura breeder.
.Nearly all of hi* calves are Pole.
Price*—Ilio eaah or 12 time.
J. W. 8Ut«r.

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