Grand Traverse Herald, September 05, 1907

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Grand Traverse Herald, September 05, 1907


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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CSr^nii ®tal>iirj5e Mtmik



Tbe mere and baU ganies were spir­ 19M she entered eleven A tbem to>mnke an effort t
Old MJraioa. Hlch-. Aug. 2»-One
ited and wUaresod by Urge «t>wds. tbe poultry show In that Aty and A A Grand Senior
Henry Bush ot Detroit to otflee t of tbe most enjoyable evenU A tbe
Taklag it all to ait. tbe picnic goes
season wu tbe dancing party gives
commander-ln-chlef. Tbe asaoAatlc
downdnu btouxT u one A tbe most
Iwt evening by the AHs A Old )(tsnill meet in Kalarnszoo next year.
bare ever totrosicm. There parilcs have been anand tbe charity fond will be
Decorate the City.
Terrible thsastor.
nuA affAra. each one bring Acer
toed to a manner that will be
The Grand Traverse dlsukt eol- From Fridays Hcconl.
than the proceeding one. All tbe Aria
satiArlng to tbe lodge and eoahte diera and sailors eaesmpment will be
Quel^ Aug. 30—A careful esti­ looked very pretty in their white or
ttacm to dlMtenae rellA where It to held In (bis Aiy Sept. II. 12 and 12.
n^et needed during tbe coming year. and a larae number A vnerana will mate tMsy places the leu ef life by light evening diy-ssre and offered a
M collapse A the great bndge ever drilAitful'Oit*-«aAe sober
B. P. O. E. Picnic.
)>e ben- al tbe Ume and remain for the 0.1. Lawrence between 8Hery and garfl A tbe ^ilemAl.
Tba second annual ebarlt; bsskA
The afiernnnn prognm sru a three the three daja' sreslon. la boaor A
pleMc A TrnveraG Clt; lodge No. m. I legged race for boya. SO yard dub for the vtoiilng veterau. Trtveru CKy SL Rcnald. five miles from Ouebec. at lions were nasturilums In groA ffMt
elghty-teur, most A them Americans, fusion, tbelr red blotsoms glromlng
a P. O. Dks took Aace Monday, boya and a wheelbamw race. Tbe BboAd decorate frein one end A the
skilled mechanics vTOo were at work Imldl; asalnac tbe green A the
under tbe most favorable auspices, three legged rate was won by Orvs city to the other.
t the-bridge.
leave*. In the dining room, tho aatue
aad was tba grBodnt aoeoeas of a
In tlotes pact. Traverse ■ City bas
Covey and Chu. Dene.
Tbe bnj-s
The structure, which was a mile and color scheme wu carrii-d out and
fraternal even A the kind ever bald
responded libcratlv to the esll for a half long, to now only a Ungied rtrawberry Ice cream and .sasoruid
bad evidently prarUri^l for they
yravame City. The earl; morning very well and without a stumble. Thu decoraiioDs and this occulon should
1 A steel and broken cablee. The rakes were served Ikinclng continued
prcunlsed a storm; da;, and doubtlaaa Arl's rsce «-u won by Donna Cliami>- be no cxce|>llon tn the rule. A ti
cauee A the disaster to unknown.
until late aad wu thoroughly enjoy- .
ney with Murgaret Smith second. The decorated with fiaga and bunting
All the victims were employes A ed from -the Brat two step to lb*
Side toe etl; However, tbe sun <
crowning event u fsr u speed and only loota* well, not only welcomes the PhOeniKvIlto Bndgc cempsny
"Swei-t Home" wAto.
long uAOre noon, and from
l^sce wu ronceniad wu the wheel- tbe visitors, hut shon-a (hat the eUy
The out ot town guesw were Jntime on. tbe westbar was tdesl.
larrow race In which A. U Jf>>-ce, R. to composed of patriotic people.
Up to an erriy l-.aur today, fewer llan Archbold and Mtos Cora torcbthat tbe crowd wcs larger E. Weaver. W. C. HAt and Jesst- Hart
Decorations of flags snd bunting at than tvri-nty bodies had been reo
iMld. AlUee Wewipen aad Duncan
than lagt year and that tbe .floancUl of Honor look pait. The race was ««>d such a time u an encampment of Ad
Al ot Dk Rapids: RobeH F.
beneflta to'tbe charily fund were
eully by Mr. Hull wUb R. E. Weaver solAere to parUcuUrly
Steel structure from tip fsA tobov
Lackey A Traversa aty. Ulm Mary
aiderabi; greater, is in itself an evi­
fair second. This conduded the u three men gave up the but yeere aurface of the river crushed the bod­ Bates. Nlcholu. Mo, Miia BihA
dence of the success A tbe e
es that the old
ametes A man; A the wei-kmen ■
Ghertog. Fbrgo. N. D-. Mlu Myra
prtoa. There was nothing In the whole
the «-bole nAli
rightful tranner. and It is 4urad Smith. Jackson. Tbe party wu ebapBall Game.
program lo mar the success and pleas­
The liall tans were wAI entortAned their honor, many flags should be As- man; will never be found.
eroned by Mn. E H. Wilcox aad
ure of (be day. There were full; lAtH)
by a clauy game of bAl tartween the
Both the local and B^mien mj
Mr* W. F. Stone.
peoAa OB tbe grounda. - who eo>ored
It to not enough that the down Ities are investigating the cause t
• Pat men" and tbe Lean men." which
every mlnota front the Umo they en­
resulted In a ririory -for the lA«er by town buslDws bouses decorate, but
tered tbagste unu'ibey took their de­
score of 4 to 1. Tbe feAurd A the those OD other streets should deco­ to locomotive and aeveral freight SpeclA 10 tbe .Evening Record.
parture In tba evening. There were
game «ks the speed sbo<n by the rate as weU. and BO ^ should every cars leaded with necl girdcra. wera
BenxonU. Micb.. Aug. 29—E 8.
many sorts of amusement, whlcb keA
eenmlent ones on bases. GM Breech
moving oA en tho bridge Just bAora Thorpe, the reA estate man A Oadifand enterulned. It Is
pretty city nAnrAly but when decked the eollapae. Engineer Jess on the l»- 1st. who hu been resorting bare. lAt
Aicbed for tbe besvywelAits
probably safe o Bay. thu those who
with W. C. Hull on the rerdring end out with 'Old Glory" Its natural feau- eommive went in to the river with the for his home Monday. He expecto to
enjoyed tba a mt most, were the UtA the battery Ad good work. Novotny ty to iDcreased.
engine, and waa picked up 30ff feet be­ s|>end tbe winter in Cuba, where be
tie fAks.
The Amrriran flag flo^Ung to the low the bridge, but hia fireman, Da­ to large rcA estate bridlnga.
and Oberlln were the • Leen Men's”
GreA for Children.
breeze with a bsAcgraund of red. vis. perished.
Forty membera A the Toledo T.
•Upon antertog U>e gate, each child
Tbe senulional flAdlng ef City
Contractor Davis, who built
. C. A came lut week and are
was ptveaoted with a Ucket good for Clerk Oillla on abort stop made many
towiring one not only to the mer piers, after a hut; euminatton
tenting on CrystA lake, at JuaAU
26 cento worth A rAreahmentt at tbe of the fans open thAr eyee and real­ who tonght for tho flag but to
light reported them in good condi­ park, new tbe borne of ca-8eoaUr
wbara pop corn, candy, pea- ize that they had a man A big league younger generation u well. Tbe ;
tion. The fuel auperetruclura is asid Burrows.
nuta. ice cream. PM>. ««-. ’■vre dls- calibre to thAr midst The following the flag to shown, the more the lave to have fallen upon them.
Mira Lain MarahAl bu Ulran her
It to also needlaas to <
for It increases.
tbe complete line up.
Sunday seboA cUu of boys lor
that tbeoa booths were constantly
Decorate on the three days A the
LasA Man
Fat Man
ramping expedition to / tbe ^ north
New London. Ounn.. Aug 30—Rich­
remaded. and tbe little folks go^
Grctllck encampment aad even If yon
shore of CrystA lake. They wlU ba
gs without
show but one flag, do eo, but It you ard Mansfield, actor, died today at bto
gone about a wwk.
U It was a grand Ume for Straub
have more, take ^ ittlle time off and summer home near bve. Although
Barber KAl. tbe r...........................
brokeo down In faoalth for many
the eblldren aod they ei^oyad
Btoodgood decorate yoor bonu and store.
s aoademy. to being treatomis
plaasaraa A tbe day fully as mueb ss
w cant of palnL much laCtaeloupka
'jM-ctod as he bad appeared to Improve ed to a I
tba grown fbiks. It dA more.
Two in Trouble.
1 . appearance. Tbe broUng
the lut few days, but lut night bw
aatNSga sad hot core stand under the
overtaanled. rot«a iw
gan to Ank and rarly today pused
A A. U Joyce. SMtoted Smith
ttlial might have, resulted to a aeNovotny
decorated and everything put In nndHull
away with bto wife and broibcv BHlx
by R. B. Weaver and Qua Oottltab.
Oberltn rious riot aod rough bandllng for Jo­
Inees for the fall term which opaaa
his bedside.
krreyed to cbarectaris^ Oermao' eos- Broscb
seph Smith of Grawa wu averted b;
The end sru penceful. be being con- Beptembre llth. wlib proapeela lor t
lumea. was an attrecUoo In ItsAt. and
The matinee racee'atlractod much Sheriff Johnaon bringlog the mao to
dclous of his Burroundiogs dad aftre a
toe astaagee aod sweet corn delicioaa.
sttutlon and afforded the horaemen thto city and placing him In JAl last few cbtvrful worts the actor dropped
.VwrLBks. In charge proved
Gean Forty./
evening. The man .»Is'siJa. had mB*
much enjoyment. All the drivers
most escAlant bark<
back on bis bed from a rerUntog posThat tbe Mdiba A tbe First Metbotn-aled a dpushter of William Riley
i A. had a run A bard luck
in- and guped bto lakl.
aad thAr funny stunts made good
dtot church have a Mg atraak of ort*eluding broken sulky, thrown shoes by pulling her bodily rvom a porch In
lartAnmant. while the food they dlsThat Mansfli-ld wu doomed wu Inallty In them retorting Me rAaing
and broken barnrssre. All tbe horses ftxmi of her-home and Abrnwlse
welt knosm to his aasocistes. He bad A numey was demonstrated yesterday
pensad ssUaflad tbe toner man. Other
took a heat and the prizes were sAlt loUBhly Jerking her about. Tbo sheriff
toment aUnds were Aso liberelly
iilierly broken down under tbe strAn when they met at the residence A
up' among the three horses. My CbAce, had no papers for Smith hut whefl be
of bto famow repenAre. nnd A times Mrs. C. G. Sherwood on South Union
d in bonds A c
whalAU amount of ferilng the ALady O'cott and Red Phil.
unable to go on with bto pans.
street and held a bean parV. tbe
fair had atlrrcd up. he took Smith as
In clau E Cryden 8. took the
Several months ago he wu sent to brana.coming from the canning fac­
iB bid antOL
Many GA Pinched.
with 1*0 beau and Wilkinson U>ok
preenutionao' meuure.. When driv­
RnAand for a complete rest but re­ tory and the putlme tt the “party"
yatbar mniwia was mora than bodlaa. tba man to this party followed
The police court was tbe buslcet
fused to remain away from Amt-rlca being to airing them. And string
T'l------- to iB Ms local paopla gad be tba rambling tracks antU tbay
place during tha day. Tbe patrol wag wMIe Utile J. and BAvldere sAU had left tbe man. Grown cltoens
and returned several weeks ago aad they did. a thounod goiinda oF Vm.
BBd d. T. OBttot tba Itotidt dateeUra
on. In charge of W, \V. Purr and.E. third money. The time of the huto would have brought him In.
Deg Fownd Trell.
token to the Adirondack* whwe thereby adding $10 to the new ebureh
Who toM bWB Ubortog OBdar tristful
W. Omillek. In ragidaUon police coa- wap 1;1C. 1;16M. and 1:16.
Riley. It 1a eald. renta a house from
They than tuned from' tbe swamp
he eoDllmied to Improve.until he w
fund. NA oeatent with yraterday'n
brought aevvnU crowds A vlrSmith's dtvooed wire, which has
and weal furtbar eaA wbave they
able to go to his summer home here.
irk. they all voluntoeiwd to work A
Urns from dosrn town, snd they were doCn by BllUe M. with two heaU. caniicd titan; compllcatlooa and much
■ The death A Ettcftard Jlsnsfleld.
the MsaBt tor bob# ndctoa of the found trackatoscoraflAdbut undoubt prompUy and sufflclenlly flood
me. and tbls morning the faelOTT
Gray Blra*took a hut and second trttible. TIM Rllc-j- cdiildren were pU;
■IHi^rT^fr dotbliig whhdi woald adly many boors Ad. The deg. bow- Jodge Lnrsager. ssAsted by Judge J. place wbUe Irvly 8. flniAM-d third. log In front of the propert)- snd had Anierica'i best known actor
wagons left each Methodist lady
prreentod Wedneeday a Mg Mg
E. Campbell. The pAfeeman were con- Tbe time for the three huts Is u fol­ put some uad on the wAk. Smith '
Arellng back into tbe awnmp again,
aggravated by compllcAions.
petbae Nad •aon Waebad
stanUy vlAUnt. and every few
of the prodoct to work cm Ttwraday.
alleged to have storied to ebasUsc
AboA noon, tba
leaves a widow, and a son aged 9. The
.U^ by a Itolnrtog caadl
monto dUcavered an offender among
Starter Tom Shaoe gave g<^. sal
Ihem and was (Ad to sttto by
tog tn. yoong boys, tbair latbem. old
Many Ceming.
mMwM etoee whUa the
the crowds. Bach A ibese offenders, facllcn. getting them off to stride
young woman who wu sitting on tbe
leaning on ranee, and almoat
^.iBMpitadtntotba nuo-s tronk, only
All the commlitraa tbA are In
wben be pAd bU fine, wblcb ranged every race. The Jndgns were William poreh. He laroed on her. seized her home.
witb books nd other every age from 12 years up to 80 was from 26 to 60 cents, acordiog
charge of the dctolls for the BAdlera
and Jerked her to the ground,
lUt had baan bandtod by many to bo found among them, but they enormity A tbe affea>ie. wu prescoled and the lime keeper wu Fred Robins. where she fell on her side. He then
and Salkws reunion nr« working bard
*Tbureduy s llccortl.
A Mantotea woe were down baarted. Notbtog bad been wlt> a cart with the tnacripUpn
present perfecting the Aab# and
jerked her to her f.-el and Aherwlsc
That big shipment A apples that the big event promisM to be the moat
aeen A tba Aster. Thaii cs
*1tb by
-HAlo. Bill; I've been plmhed
A Ctty Garden,
shook her up. The- woman Is nA well
todayjBcans many things to
that bar daUUni third party with thrtr news which
suecessfiil ever held *' Nortbera

Three vlcUma entered.Into tb<
and htT body’ifiAnly shows the evl- the Grand Traverae region,
l-'rom Tburaday's Rocort.

Ma box-whlrh was
it A thc.j»eculon. and Aumk wliboul
-One of tbe nlctwt gart<iis In the droee A the min s aettons.
flrsi Mace. U nB«n* rotmi-j- In the
toMdW^nfbtac This waa pulled A tbAr bearera. The dog bad bean cacopUon, uoh one eonsUluted himTom Necker.
Grant ttronahlp Bo­ ptirkrta of tbe raiser* and mooey In ' tt 1s tho<
city surrounds the home of 61ik.
■t aad hMifly tore op« to iad tbai rnnAng looaa Cor aavanl hours by aAf. a pAkeman. and pretty -ncariy
leui 1.000 old sAdlera In camp h
M. Stewart. 511 East Fifteenth street
the pockets means . Indeju-ndcnce— and It to probable that the rallA
ikM« evarythlBg had boon waahod that time the bay of the Mg du- every man on the grtMimls was Imind
aad thn odd feature A It to that it to because bo bu a bad temper mad Mrs.
that neeessitfes and luxuries
Aonreame nearer
corps will be better peprasentod than
•i aaaUy toMM away. Ob k«pe
gAlty A sonae offense tost roqAred
(he result of experimeata. Vegetables Thomas Epin's chickens ran tn bto can t.- purebaM-d. the chlldrt-n given
M to'Mptar Mbryh eradfli arhteb aba nearer tba yrips harp and* man:
If baa In several years. All tbe posts
trifling contribution to the charity of all sbWea. kinds and Axes
yart. Neckcr shot of the chick­
educalloti. niori- land bought, do not reapend by letter although
InterraU of tbe long rAIIng
m latt to Imr BADfund. The habit of stealing the
U- found In the patch and Al arc ap­
X trees e-t Out. Tl..-it to one of the some have done so Arcady, But Jor­
bowl that lAd A a Jrash trail. Then
OH task •eaet
dcntisto wu contrerled by oeitaln in parently health; and iwrfect,
then ih'iiipht that their owner showed dlrcri lieueBts,
awik maM than be dona It grew Into the dtotaace.
dan writing thA they would have
dlTMuals. and unfoitnn'tely some ' Btesrart bu hsd gardens for
too mnrh neck *1»en she warned him
But there I* annihf-r Ix-aeflt
“Clrellng.- bA<L bto owner. "Oome
aad tba party turned
thirty-live In their body.
«be victims were sm-sted twice,
rears and after watching each plant to riop. He-pointed the gun
region that ls not lo Uf lost sight of.
A 6 ohiook Sunday on. boya. beh after bar.*’
Tbe program wDt be completed
which there wu very little
It to alleged, aod awAU triA In JAI The herv,lrs ,tW made the Chicago
prosThey Btsrtod then and made toward
The dog was brought out.
within the next few dsto- Ope feAurt
however, because they Al, got IhAr em rulre A Bgrtculiure are erronloa*. for It,
niail-n leap upward by tiounds. those
_______ ______
«»d given the strtog tba woods from where came tbe sound money's worth. The w^dghlng depart­
of the big parade will be an eacoit A ,
During the entire summer , the gar­
big. well rolored.. flno cherrit-s that twenty mounted men.
—--------ment was kept buy, and
Honoil to CapL Mclfltoah.
den bu never been watered except­
found n-ady imrrSiaser*. Hu- sound,
^ ly. be raead down tba bdek stalra, out from tha one*where the fliet evidence victim wu arrvsU-d and Bnod. be wu
Jackson, Mich.. Aug, 90—United well <-n1ori-d apiilex that are now be­
ing h; the rain and the ground wblcb
' A tba back dscr and. running to a was found, by a read, and boita places
Capital Btocfc Ifteruaad.
u|ion (be- enales
pothlng but und- wu enriebened Siiantob War Vet.-ran* A Michigan ing >hlppe.) a;;d The fiop flivon-d. well
barbed wire.
The effort to Incrraae the capItA
tMfly started tor
weighed for a (rifling contribution. onl; with fcrtnizcT from the hen­ clow-d their annual session yesterday keeping iMito’iv* that will go south
back Athi convunt. taking Bowea agAn gA busy by bimsalf and Tbe poUoemcn were no iwpeciere-of
slock from 115.000 10 830.000 tor tbo
house Instead of thi barnyard fertil- afternoon with tie election A offl iNtrr, all sh-iw to ihe world that the
thrai^ a Said A oorn. He ^ by carAAly saarcblng tba wire, dis­ persons, and once In a wbDe a lady
Parson HanAactnring com­
irer commonly used. Mr*. S'ewarfs ■r* as fAlow*
Grand-Traverae region to a produc­
pany hu been successfuL LoeA bcai, avIdBUy mat the acant and was mere^ covered a Ht A Mown pmA, IdanU- wu singled out for this eotertato
Itopartmrtit commander, JAin Con- tive region, a
to eapeclally good
call; toe color A tbe stotoc's gown,
neas mra have been anxloas to got
lybnkttog. ^
a good place to Uve. Tie fact that
pertfe mOsa. Sheriff RatUa mead caugtat oc one A tbe barbs. Thao
the stork and tbe work will be eoMany Tested Fortuna.
urlglnA with herself.
er. Myron C. Bond. Adrian; JnoJofjcrand Traverse to shipping fruit
a same, rayababtod tha henna, over fence# and
growing eratlons have torgnd from now on tmtll (he cspacUy
The second crop A peas have been vice commander. J. V. Mclwosh. Trwf-1
Tbe wheel A fortune, to charge of
through bags bsfora bto deep. rAUng
City: department InspriMora.j
.-nough for home trade, to anoih- : to almoet tripled.
taken from the vlars and now she bu
bnnilay agato reached tba earn A those
j At presenL tbe plant U, tnrolng out
A. Dawson. SagHtow; surron.i^, advertlslllg factor.
token two bushels Aiogether from
^[horeBMlMd A Um convene Ha had after a half hour's aurch found more neea and at each turn t<ome one went
Dr. W.
imff. Port Huron; Judge
lei*, tbo better rosHs. I about \:-n dozen lock# weekly tmt It
lAO feet A vine*.
y^KldeaUr found a fresh trail but was tracks to a bog. and tbm tbe dog. I away srtth a beautiful prire. There
,*toph«.es and rural mAI I to cxiweted thA with the Inerraaed reIn the garden are Ax«row* of reirn sdvocate.r F. Bartlett, Detroit: ebSF,,^^.
- Msbla to fAlow It tar fn socoont el tired and dirty, lying on tbe gfound. were Stony haadsome strib sou dlsI sources, they will be shle to pA Alain. E W. WWte. Jackson; tnarAal.,^,^
ranging In height from six feet
tbe IsanSlctaat scant tram tha beads. Mr. Kettle saUnhat. to bto opIAix. poaed A in this way. and Aso some
400 dozen on tbe market weekly;
D. C. Ingraham. Kalamazoo: «w“rtliund will be Increased and that Ufej
tbe dog bad located tbe woman, found Angle wtetos ibai were very attract­ three feet. The twu blgMst rt
Sowaa. a OatoAIvs.
which win bAp to BOWly the large de­
PU Bowse was about thU Ume her sod thought bto work wu done. '
mand. A toundry will follow later but
I sras perettaded to take up tbe such as canned goods, etc., which
u litUa tovaaUgattOB lor himpreapnt there to not enough work to
trAl agato aad eemaietod a five mile promptly carried away. The fortune (v% wben they were but three inches L. McCormick. Battle Creek; f>*nk;;orth tbU fall, U the brat tbgt oonid keep one busy.
' aAf snd borttad back with tha
^ advertising s«i forth
In bright and the lut two when they WWiman. Port Horoa; C. G. limon.;^^
circle three tlmee before being takea srbeel was also attracUve
' iMiMtMti that hr bad found f
were about a foot high and,-those that Jackaofi; O. F. Kltotrom. flrand Kap-i^ produrad
r prints A a wvmsQ't foot to a bog a
A Big Find.

Neil Dewar. Flint, and Oimrlra;
____ ^_
array A Teddy Bears that IwAed were covered Aral aie the highest
- sdMTt dlatooee tram
Boston. Ma««, Aug. 3d—Fifty tbowNeumeyer. TllnL
' OyosmitinQ Fish.
Tbe d(« ww again put to work Mon good to them, and many A the little now and have tbe meat rare on. while
Tba Bit A tbo party burrW to toe
adopted ordered tbati Itocal sportsmen are aroused OvA and doUare In geld wu found by the
the one* that were eovere^ wben
ptoea where they wvrv able to see tba day moraing. Twice be was ataried folta carried away tbw tropAes. All

,. that‘the Stories coming from the ridnity
the percaplu remi
they were the highest are tb^
prtot A a omall shoe tnraUtog to toe from the nun's furater teem and twice A the rArrehnienU stands did a good
A 'Slot Keystone regarding tbe draamltlng aearcb warranC they descended uiiott
Mrs. Stewart bas taken
a be Jeiked tbe man witb the rape bnstoest. while numritnis games apd
meet mweecAiublF msBoar.pcaAbla.
iber»r contribute 110. andjA flsh. It to uid that the work goes: a gypey camp In the woods bAwcen
Them were ether tracks made by tba Ihixmgh the ba^ door only to lose
better vegetables than many who de those with less than TS -members. IS] on unhampered every evening A the: Dedham and West Roxbury. They
t that wu Mtlsfjtag
tbe trAl. It'wu tmpaaaible to nuke
loot but they srare days old.
for a set A colofs for the department; I borae shoe betoj. where many big; pUeed tbe chief of the tribe. Blm^
bim go through the front door A tba everybody. CampbeU * Skekber-* ne a srbole farm to truck raising.
v_Hed KeAt u Oriok.
Another thing In which Mra. Stew- that the eomoensaUon A the adjutant trout lie. Tbe stock kills the young Vatoda. mider detenUon unUl be bdd
miBc from an ele'
Tho Sf« tmaka lad Arvctly to a bnlldtog while working- ‘Tom" euvtsrond«Ter W bto wifa. Uxa. tbe Mg.
rt wxcrito to rAslng chickens. She be 860 per year, and gnarwnnaaters flsh and - attms
^Mttla poA A water and tba graaoaa
bulging (tags of grid, whieh she claim­
*• a Urge yart full of partridge 810; that delegates to the datMmA en­
wore ereahsd where aomroua bad working a meater pen A the time to i
ed u i«r properlT.
rewhin* and when In Mllwaakee In campment at C-dsr Point next month ment.
' .J6bAt %y
woman bad than the swamp. wb«e the lut traeksl the other pleastog fremres.
•tatar Mary Ya» Allva.
Irt-aa. crawlad uadw a loc »beB cm
Ftoa TaaadayY HacorJ.
at^ would hare Ukea bar aroaod U.
Oaayar Md dukar growa tba nyt-'aad oouttaiMd up tba bor alwaya U
tarr avmndtac tba aaappMnsea' the bo*, although a raw pacea to
tt Matar Maiy ttom tba taadora coa- ellbar dlwctloo wooM tasre dren bar
I dr; footliic. Tba aboa pr<M dUcovarcd
It Is almoat eartatb tba loot ilttar ware MenticaUr tba mma a* would
WM aU« SuBday aomteg aad with- ba made b; audi a aboa at tba prtaat
tn tbrea mltaa o( tba cooTaat. It U daacribad to »ba »ei» and tba woman
abu tdgM; profaublo that aba U In- was walking falrt; wall to tba bog
aabe. as bo aaaa wuniaa wcpdM antar while the mao sank In at almost
awaarpa wbara hat’ tracks ware fousd, aTaTy'%tap. Thto also seamed good
and tba trMl ItaMf baai* a WMte. grew- avMenoa ss Mater Mary weighed 110
sons tsaHwMBr to the teet tb»t tba pooada.
mskar wagcraiy.
Theught Ha Heard Valet.
Dataetlva J. R. Cutla of Dwtratt bas
The dog aaemad to pa; no attention
wofbad waoaadBgl;. ebaalng 4own ar- I Uka tracks but again gave tongue
WIT auaage rtg be could bear of. tn backtotbawoodaatwhich Sheriff Ket
bopaa at ftadlag aoma aobBtssee in tba tie to anra b* beard a woman's voice,
• kUiMiteg tbaory. Ha baa ooreted
t aa Ka was doing bto beat lo follow
tba wboia eoi^t; ou boraaback.
^dtig. be could not detennlna wbara
'Tee baan In tba busluaaa twelve
came from, In dnct. ha- tboo^t
yaaia;*’ be aald to a Bawapaper wma. ttoUttog of It Btrtil Inter to the OMn‘'BBd ftM ia tba aoM BirsUeloat case
I eeer b*d: tba oelr taaa »ltb as littia to mbit OB. Tlwra to sbootntel; for a long dtoUsce la tbe bog. the
BO dwMana."
toarcbetu. covered with mud and
He pBMad tbiwogb tba dty toot av- brtora. rdomad to tbe partab house
aittaVOB bto war boms, having tnrnad aad nte bieakfasL The mnatca at tbe
the BMtar over to tba eountr autbor- ebnreb were abortanad. low maM onl;
tiaa u be to almoat eartaln that the bHng aald, and than tbe entire oonB«B to WBBdarii« to tba swamp wbara gragatton tonaed out, to help Tba
bar,tfBdba ware fouad.
woman, of ooame. ^Id not make
tba BUB rcaia Saturday mora- tbair way throng tba awful tangiae of
««. tba Owwe maMiBg Btoten to Uia brwab to tba forest, tba greater porooBrfBt toad oade «» tbtor
tloB of wbhdi bas naver been Umbered.
toaea. aad dcaplto tfca deaa of Father bA Uw aeerebea whan oraaterei
iombered 260.
a to oaa. might bapHard Wkdt.
paa to «.** tbiF asM.
Deputy Sbarlff Nolan of Cedar and
Tba aehool boUdtog at taadore baa party of 160 started through the woods
' twtoe bwBad Sown, one of the atoters to which tbe bound bad worked wfal^
braalrtos • ^ wblto Jmnptog to aafo- Ua to tbo weA A tbe coovent. and
t- and -BOW it aem m Uwugb the then nwBag north, while
7 *«7 gn»i OB eAteb It to boIlU has Onatle and a Algbtly anallar body
started eoAb^mrd. Twenty fSA apart.
•wBllooaS 4* MM o< Ua oeeacMBta.
walked, while
!>• gtiiM IMB woihad Ilka a u
Mto itotoptog aad aattog b«t a portion raced up and down ^ Una. keeping
tbem to tome aort A formation. Orer
of the ttma Aftor be bad said
in~r T—"-T toe tnmpad tbo woods loin nnd through bushaa. up hills and
wtth tba IBM of tba aearebenu a&daav- Bcrona boss they niade ibelr way peer«rli«.loSM MBS takas by wbSeb be tog Into every hoUow Aump
tU^ cinnp of bnsbea
' Oiddta^l
to bopB A^4Bdtog at laaA tbe body
created aueb a pMeb of tbe mm
bog where tba tracks
«< --------- II------- this
that Saturfound, worked
dsg toftandwto yacly was erased,
John Moran, PU Bowse,
flbarlf "Bm" Kettle of Bdlslra was
wttb asd Ms aarrtoss.
bdnnd, dolng~ ifiir'best to pick op a
whtoaa A dlsu. S. Botoaae. Mia llotaa snd two
noerd legarttoa toft this dty *t S sattotoeiion. On thAr hands
b’doek to Mil. aftonoon. arrtvtiig at knfos a part of tba Ume floundering to
swamp. eroBsIng tbe worst p
toedM* Bt IftH Mat abaad of Honty
msale logs, covered with mud.
TeBBMl«-«lk SbarU KMUa and
yokBBOB. fiM i**M and tlbe dog Tmn seratAMd by slabs and brtora while


afternoon aad
giving tongue Aten. Ha was unSeebtadly bawtldared b; the Unt aoent be
recAvad to start on. sad the iairlcsc;
tbe trail, lhare was a strong odor
tba woods but it whs learned thto
morning that woodchuck, dead sod decompoatog. wu dtoccn-cred laic yes­
terday afternoon.



ORAND TfUVtfkM MtftAlA. TMJJR»OAy^»«yrT<—CB 1. HOT.

iTmcrst aty StaltBpk

Attacked by Uee.
e of the V
businMO trip and will alao attend the
Detroit. Mich.. Aug. SI—OHreu/ to
state fair.
v , rwMe ladiM at>tbe GlIleM cottage
Kll^ BuHdo. Hicfa.. Aug.
bi«e frensy berewse hb oewer and
A Ti»r> lAv. l>resldeBL
Mre. Dave Kedster retoraed to Cf» Btr^wood rilday nnereoon. A pot- tralnw tnlerfiered la a fight between
- Takt^bpmor.IrtmcBd CtKnIaU
R. n»>.i f!ln<-b,‘ Vice President.
toek supper was served, the goeeta. him and his brother Orphena. TMnre.
PUV h>r« Borad tbelr otflee telodJM teal Labe Monday bariag speoi fiW
8sn;uel Gatiand. fnshler.
MU iwetuytme In number, returning the African Ikw. boried hb full wrdghi
froDt |it>rtloi) of tbe old aton Med
Percy 3. Munday. thei> wild
.X. J. Mayuanl. Arn Cashier,
Ibe rlty at 7 o'clock.
•o au)' yeare bf tb* Iron eoBi»oy.
....___ bis fi
A. .1. HaMlaad. AssL IMAten
deep Into the v:r.un t right thigh
They have light, fiiy. comfortaUn
. Ooad PMitien.
left nrm. al the suic telrcrounds
Rnartera ud Imve added new deeka ^wn, MIcb.. Attg. 2K-Ulas TheliSwlB Btrdaell left Tbutaday
terday afteniuoti. Iteaoning to dei
rfta Crandall went to DeJnier Satur­
and efegira to ibelr office fixUirea.
ate mresuTvs. a acore of ptlendsote
Cotoma. where he srin tags
- Bfairtfau train fitna tbe aontb day for a abort visit.
by rare good forlnne managed t«. saw
Mias May McIntosh went to Ornoi poalUon of ■upertnteadeni of public Mnnday-K life. TheNfiirtu occunvd^y brought aoveA-car loada of eischools.
Rapldg Saturday to visit her brother
Ing-BD Inlermlrelen In tlie exMlrttlon.
t^taknuti and th# «ne '
PI«W du*. StMAin Bollwr and Accldant Inauranea.
A Gcseni Btiklac BulBcsslMM
Mrs. 8. i. Brecken U entertaining the local high school and has Mace DC ' BperUtbrs belnc present al
wmb.bRMght three.
her elster and niece from Toledo. O. Ukao a coorse at Olivet.
Burgeons al the Grace bospftal
The Oeniian picsic no Eanday drew
Mrs. 0. U. Alllaoo and sona relurnwho
3 per Ccat allowed «i niMl>e#Mn»
a cfwwd of 1.000 people. Boyae Oty ,ed home Monday from Thorapeonvllle.
They Played Ball.
jderiaiv that hU
hand furiiahod tM male.
of the & I->»
The fartoara are bnsy drawing their
kfra. Jaaale WUkigbon and Eriiert apples here. There are three buyore MereantUe catnpany store w. re el.-ar- fangs Isunk In six Inches Into the thigh
lan-ly mlsslniig the /emonJ artery.
-TPfrtfer were married yeaterday tore- In Oniwn for the past week.
by the hsrdsaie
Twenty meal rickets In Mundav's bip
Room 810 NawSttW Bank Buite>ns.
BOa at ^e home of the bride three
I game yestenlay aPerprevented the nnlmal'.
NlamReoa Biaard Rant
—rf— aoutta of ActM by the Rev. E. Cooler Tueaday to visit Mrs. Wllllm nixw. the eowe being « to IS In. favor
nklng deeper- The doctors say
«. Vail ot thb eUlage. The newly
■ant^ couple arlll live In Bk Baped
Mis. FVuk Gannett returned to her
home St Cadillac, after spending none (be fact that some of the “old timers"
the gsine.
Hannah Csrep Will Camp.
Iba wheel of I<
time al Uock lake vlaltlag her pareaU. wen lof-ied to drop .-nlhiislasm over the coming
I Id the moving van next
Mrs. Milton Harr waa called to Trav Aadinr life cm the dldamond (o«
reunion was demonstrated at we
Matsrday and before H pauaea
erse City today on
tendUea will have ebangvd loraUoDa. mother's illness.
•S laal evetilug aad a committee was
They win mure ln» beosea vacated
snoloied u> look Into the mailer, of*
P. L. Bird has returped home from
while Kcnnle and Ehrentxwger threw hiring a ewDpany cook and cAher like
Sell JT.O yonr bill for a liouHi or bfira. We rany at all lima
te Iba foUowIng order: Kirat. E
BaiiU Sic. Marie.
far the gimewts. with Ebrenbe
' '
l^wM. t^ermab ooerator. moves lato
Mrs. O.-a Aldrich enterUlned Mre.
The yo.mger vela will do the guard
l>eltl<‘kow on the n«eelrlng The work
a brdlad.ghs
MclBloab and daugblers Mtssw Rena
monnl at the roquast of the old solof
bis new stone cottage, tbrei J. M. Hcn- Blsard and Mary McKellar and Mr.
dlere and tt Is eipccled that the state
iM^hlnd the bat was good at times.
wfU furnish Slxly stands of arms for|
Bhaw moves taJo the bonne vacated, r. Campbell at dinner Thursday.
This game probably endod the base
feikywed by H. Krv«p.«H. Alpern.
Mrs, Onnsby of Traverse Oly vis,
ill seaaun.^nt ihe ele<^ of ibe store '*’* uwv^f catalry. tinder the dlre^'.
Oeofgr W. Perry. Bd Ebgan. Mrs. O. Kod her children here last sreek.
Uoo of Brnesi RaJenaky will be ooe «f!
W. K. •White. Mr. Khlc,
Uet otir einift-a ami ooinpaft' our graile* liefore buying. Call on
tl*i' IMiurre I'f the jarade. It Is exMrs. WUUam Krum Is enterulnlng
iMK-ted lliul a number of the Silh Niys
tbMi. laal. Mr. antf' Mrs. KlngscoU her mother, Mrs. Onrnser. of Wexftml.
ns. Look for the biff K.vl Plant
will la- h.-n- from outside, one coming
leaves a tarn In which, srllh their
Pi.rty of the Duck lAke reaorters
Cor E.
St and LhV:o Avp.
Pbona. Bell IfiO: Cite. ?»S.
litmi II- fur as Jackson.
tnally vt chlldrem. .they have llvel returned to IhHr bomre In Ohio Mon
The vtiloua.couiinlit*'s me hard al
mSnap.t'tW. reoovS**-1 riaeaThumdu s Rocord
ilwio'marly spring for a bouae. The day.
w|>rk and the deialls an- nridly be.Mra.
BeoInfc cnmph-lcd.
'Monoe oneatlan la diM village U a oeMr. CoaU of Traverse City la hers
ac ctt
. rIOM one. Aiyooe who rrould put up papering nod pnlnUng U A. Camp^' lon Harbor are vlsltlog Manager C.
A Big Launch.
T.-Bsoaetl and wl^e of the Grand op­
MMM. nret omtagAi or houses that bell's house.
IteWca. lorty-tMVi-n f<-*'l In
era bsnae.
from Mght to twelve dol­
Friend Tan Horn It raabing the
liglh. with a Iwam of nine f-t-l. the
Miss Louiw Chase has murned to Ii^gesl pisollne l«oal ow-ned In the
lars.' sronM find iwndy traantf. They school room right along and wBt
mx wt Into commission atni
brr home in Beaver Islnnd after
puticularlj fine flaTor an«l
woilM bo rented before flnlataed.
CI)oi<:e ritoolonvl Jbil»m
hove It finished.
escoplioiml slreiigtb. If yon liave ironbli' polling a
Mrt. Anna YouVer of Traverse Cllg (WO weeka' visit In this city.
More femwUTs have ajwBt the aumher ai-red. with the engine ch.wk
W. J. Chase, who has charge of tbe
liking try a
jiountl of tUis
lea that is to your liking
.. sample
mer in and -nround Bk Ropids ihl/ iB rUltldg friends hero this week.
d down. King alamt U-ii nill<-* an
newsihPgte mill at Buckley. U In the OUT l»si niuht.
one. Wo will lake OUT cliajuxjs on your coming back,
aarntBCr Uian In any prrelous sreaon.
The inland Ukes atill rejaln their popPrice, 50c per ponoC
-Uilt and e'jiilijp.'d wllh a Ihlrty l.ors.Met A. F. Straub and rhlldien
Bololi. MIeh.. Aug. 30-nlecVberrire
wlar btrtd ,<* Ihe ftmrr and lore of
four cycle four cylinder engin.turned home last night froiti Fort ..bwer
built bv Huiry Hines of Hits city. IVtbelP reaortors and motj of them will are plrnllfui lu Ibis vicinlly
Wayne. Ind.. where they have
ywoialfl a few dare l<wfed fiom a trip to IVIseonsln to visit aposding a month with Mrs. Btrsub's Ihnlierod up. It worlit-d perfeelh am!
H. r. Wcdgelt has [completed
Krem* F'wrerea SWrrere*.
IlM- ewnem are veO' well aatt-h.-d
- boat house on Torch lake south of bis grand son fVk llaunafonl. wlw U
C. V. Slater wont to Elk Baplds TYie ruglnes are tadll alter Mr HIneim n Ideas ulid while Uiey nr.- unlrpie
the sutlan and will pMos his - - siiKering with Aoomallsm.
Mrs. Y, W. IMrrIngim. aod dB.ighter this morning on biwlifrea. nmnecied lu . very way. work smi>eihl> ntnl u'-ll.
gall boat bT the wnler thU week
wlib JJ. W. Sister's brunt* bouse furFor the next tbn— 'w »<ek-.
Pretty EnUrUmment.
hag built the craft bUDOeir during his Rachel, left ihU motmng for DeiroU. Btebtng ulore at that place.
tb.' Hel.-cca will be «iwd «■> tgw shmTIk- !><< o' III'- ucw l'<-n- Muruuctlsh- l-olu from Simons Bay to ihis From Sol'irdaj > Kr-o«>rd.
•pare boors during thi> S|wing and tu vtalt friends and the sUte fair.
ouind lirm-c «aa -un.-y.-il y.->iii-d.iy
Crfwnre L. VVX of Jersey City. Is city fiv the excelsior fiielory.
TTk! Mte-rfn rair.alv-rli
The Rev. A. A. AHlngtem of TrevTh<^^^d
Mkk*-- laid j»rciwr.itory li
erse City called on his alster. •Mre. sre vislring J. H. Palmer. 731 Wash* linst. however, ran I* cliartrjW for Snnmbwiilto. who i*i»-ui
-I.triing «b<- nelual work ol rem-lniv
Alb Rlrkred Bonriy 1o t faU left eye
Uvd r.irl.. t.ltiniod Inmeparlltw.
T. W. Good, on hiB wsy home from igton «tfei-t.
tmm day eooeaUy wbdn another boy
Mrs. A. Sievpiw and UaugliU-r. MissMsple
A Fine Launch.
threw a pUebfotk ud the tinre opServed Him Right.
petlomi a mgrrlage o-rciwmy- The Ruih, returned ywrtorday from NorthTlie T.uvi-rsi- cily M.ii.T IkiJt
Aiti'-rirgn in VM-raia forg'tl
tm«d tho ore. He wUl not loim t^
. lb.- winter.
partlre ww Miss Lottie FUher and IKfft. where they spent the last sreek works tvvi-nity ciunpliiMrt- IturtH-y R.-yuold- h:i- ieluir.-.lj
a I,-(l,-r given him by h»s wife
might of II.
VlslUng frlcaUs. Tliey also spent sevALL KlHDe OF OUT FLO^mCM
foot laimch. Ih.Ir. Upe.
ly slxtri-ii
hi an eM-wd-d' U'te to Maiil-l ‘•' • an.I pioiniitly 031-1,-11 II home al .n <->»Rl
Ihe most enjoy^
r.-rt d with a horse and
Ing power
dA nia Oood and IIMIp dau|d>ter ond dsyf at Utnena.
li'il.lln .vnil iiiher polw-or BEAMS.
Mire Myrtle Pairlilu of Battle T * M- .-iitliio which s«nd- IwT iihing
r*—gtvap la town this aui
jiU-iK HaiK'n
slip h— tes-•n of-Jl'i:. Hi- proluildy fiK'iied that 11
K^hiv are now living al thrtr house.
!>,(.- of si«i-d. At any tlnn . v'isilniu III ihi- « ii>. rciunieii in le-r '
lbs pmosrt TuMday svjenlng for the
>I:oi!il tin- i>S-:nT ili-.iio. h" can row. bonie ui BugtnavL.
that w:ui furtbciiinlng.
Wirtr. «if West Front Vin-el.
bsssfit of the M. E. et*reb. The pw- l/by the Bell eorepi
npany thla spring
«r. th.- litot te fitted with oars and nar
tJripgkfci ware Men. «.[ Arthur Wby- is mimb snjored. both
Icrks, H ls<bll trimmed InI nickel
momliig for Mackinac where he will
bot for pleoanre
prd with *l>eu<l the remainder of Ibe Kumnier
tend. Mrs^ Wm. Am»nop. MMsea
Tdate and Is com
and profit.
From rrtday'a Record.
rufiblons. etc.
U A. Huhlile. w|fo and chlldro;. 1
CMriOtte and norenBsil
After the resignatioo and aeeeptn^e'woriinatishtp Is of the bwt a
tt eWeaco. »nd Mr. ftik
Walter asce of the $ohm poat master, the
L F.
the finish l« iianlculnrly fine. »
a. Buka, borne talenl. The Chicago way lotAa cltar for a free delivery, Creek Is the guest of Mr. and Mm.
Saved Her Ufa.
psnpts are rreonore In this section whkdi aU ore very aniloos for. and DougUs La PolnL
Harry Roscoe has returned from
Onienn. Mich.. Aug. ?1-Aa the rine anisu of
steps are being isJten ft»r tbe mute.
quuniewon left her diak here y,-»l. rState Newrt.
wbllr (he boms talent-was not one
G. W. White and wife of Detroit Itoaghton Mining schoo( where be dav. Miss Ruth Toleniun a.f iJiCrti^-.
Marjorie Til.irk'. daugHer of l'i j
has been stud.riDg tor aonte Uine.
whit owtdocM by the uiimmer guosls. and Mrs. McDowell-of Peioskey
W'is.. nui-mpted to Jump ashore, She
Albert Kyselka whf has been spend­ cjiWliit.'d the dlstaaot wrongly ami Black of Gn-envllle. while driving h. r
* Two Awen from Bax terrace eamn vlslUng telatlvea of the former..
ud a corner tbe car shiddi-d
ing Ibe summer Id Ihe south has re fell into the water. Donald 1*almer
Oiwr by apecUl boat lo:graco the ooThe U&llenbte Mite will bent
Tbe Carter •Bunday aehool coni
of.ftuliiCTih, Ky.. Jumped Into the waInto a telephone p'le. Ml.-Mrioo by their presen^- Abonl ISO lion which met wUh German Zion turned to bU home In thU city.
/r onr iton* from SeiA. IR to 21
Bla< k Jiimp-d and the car -was I;ik<-u
Stewart Galore who has been visit­ ter and saved her.
was rpsUssd by tbe aodlety, sad will rehool. which Hesed yesterday no«»
nt to lell JOB noaie intenifitte
be used fur wiring an^ UgbUng the was well atumdod; D.JJ. Allen ol Ctx ing his psrenU In this city has
inc ihinRg alioat tbe "MttllWhile Vvs. n. H. Burrell of Gn-en
hlH home In the wesl.
enble'’ Rtoffe nod will preMich., state teeaaurer. and^ume^
cllle, vva-* ,«) her way home she -'"'iMrs. Mabel Bweewy Vahay and too daughter. Mrs. Fred Wushburn. slate
Miss Maude Kilbride,has retuilM
seat, ^ou with ODO of his
p«-d on an apple-'eore anil fell on u
to brr home at Howard City, aher
raUTMd to petrtdL Wednesday.
latest Cook books nod n nonprimary superintendeoi, were v>«a“tSlone walk. A physirian *fa*‘caUr I.
Beboirt opens b«re Monday.
venir Free. Absolatel}' free.
and inatrucilvs spondliig several weeks In this city.
and after an exanilnailon found ihi;l
Men] t. PwTT u'ta P^oMi.ey funi talka throogboui the aesslims. Tbe ; Francis Moore of this city left lor
Duriut; ibis txbibil we will
her hip wa* Utrrtnn -and her wrSi
irive with oscb "MfilkmUe"
MUng tbe Hspertat hotel. Bulan band In Ihelr new uniforms dls- Grani Rapids where ho will apend
Mrs. Charles Hall entertained
niimlier of yviing ladles lari evening sprained.
B&tige purclasrtl n set of bleb
Jobix Art-bb^ and /apilly rcteimed coursed music Monday avtatag. which tbe winter.
Mrs. Burke Rtev.-n*. of. St. Chiir.
Coorge Hammond and T. C. Atkina II. honor of flie .Mlanre Lucr ami Bihei
era<U- cooking wait wortl^
do Chicago by bodt. leav(i^ here Monwaf-niucfa enjoyed.
ItaU-aii rt IiidiauapDlU. There wwhose husband vtao to Juchsoi.
§7.^ Com,- in and see ib *
dgy morning.
A bar at tbs ewmsisry laat Wednss- of Crbana. lU.. are In the city for the stenil fifteen preoeu* In all and Ihe
' est range oAde whether jou
R. W. Barton, a pf
evening wn* very enjoyahly passed In ftw larcvviy smiie tlnx* ago. has (<n^
day gresGy improved the uppasrance. bay feier.
menced salt for divorce on the prAuf d
games, dainty refreshm.-ntr
-isb to buy or not.
of IWIado. Ohio, wttb hlsj wife Is spend The ladles fumtsbed a plcnk dlnosr.
and Mrs. A. T. Undi
servi-d. and all hav ing a very
that livr b.teband Iaa criminal.
tng the week-St the LaMwlew bouse.
The Rev. Mr. Parmeter of New ^Is city left this nwui lor DviroU. lime.
llr-cauM- tnuiijw made free usc/of
Tbe ••Msl*-r wUl ea^ an exeup York, who has beep here two weeks, Where they will tML friends.
Kenlon. Ohio. Aug .tl-The failure .die ioani f.-nc-.siirroimding th.- S'.
Mr. and Mrs. D. K. AMorshott of of Might operator Pearl Bnillh. lo <!•■. olon on Ibe Iniaad laksn^Bu^ay. leav­ hsg accepted a call from'lbP Cedar
RpBL aro vislTlag Ibeir son in this llviT oiders. caused u heurt-on coHls- Thomas tV-mrtuy ii.-a«>elaUnti'o lnit«.
ing at d a: m.
and Maple City rtnfches.
Icii. of two ftelBbt trains on tin- Hijt lug ground al Ann Ailior. fo* fire
Miss Edna Rowe of
Carron of fVdar Rapids, la.. |->.ur near here test lilgbl lu wbn-h wood, a .new Iron one will l-e ,-re<'(.-d.
siwot Buoday with her
Jatm-S Bherw««d In cimtge of u rues•UTA3N8 BAY.
ylio has spent the summer in this city hnrwe war hilled and the enguK-er. 1). T*,- work will i-o-i »I.'>>h.,
Buttons Bay. Hlch, Aug. 30-T»'
Blurned home this noon.
Mr. and M». C A. B-hprlaod and Mr
B. Otien, of Toledo, and Fireman Guy.
laiiuch...&nma. of this place ranjSn ' Itoyd and Guy Walter of Fife Lake singer of (he south tmuiicl train hurt.
•M Mfu. CfearM Cnnipbell are apeod
excursion to Elk Raidds lari Bunday
Wrveii cars were wivch.-d and the
ar* vtelUng ihelr broihcr Robtag • POtVo* of
"H* *“
irnck torn up The soath-lound train
and did net return until the nest
^ B. Walter. They will both enter was wllh race horse* f.v the
AXloMlarh haven lod y for Buffalo tag at *;S0. Bbe sUried to come baek llgh school here.
Hancock cunjy fair and a number of
the same day IhsI ahe went, but Oie ; Alan Tina Holdswortb
Holdsworib left tesj ih-m were killed.
and Ustreti on
storm was so severe and with the big •venlng for M. A. C. called by tbe
Sew York. Aug 31—Charlo- Verrall
MIM Umma Ooldlait Wl Toesdsy
Kidnev irntr-.'iu|»vi
In! the real. She crowd It was (bought best to turn
of her brother Prof. WlUluni acllng *ui"‘rtMlendent of the MemM**! liM»Ulagf«alMi ItTM-II-UtullltKI
Hun Museum of art. shirt und kllU-I a
Win visit the Jamretowi
burglsr livdsy sfter Ml* Irirglar nisd*
The siwimer Mtesoorl riopp.-d here
Mrs. FVuiik (be-drleh. Mrs. G<«rge iw^t allempls tn asphyxlat,' llie eti
Baltimore and PlltsiMirii
UM e«.tijng and loadi-d pouioes and Thomtaon and Mrs. W. il. AbboU (ire family. (Vie* ol a babe awakened
II. B. Amerson U In' IFtrolt on
apples for three hours.
were tbe gureu of Mrs. II. O. Jujne
arraigned .-vnd d
The Itnlim school of this place te at lak RApida rrsterda).
ed nfler being cnmidliiHUted
shorn ram|d.l.-d and It Is qolf
gi<"l msrkamanshlp.
fr^-tw.iJ win begin on Hepl. *Ni w York. JXug 31 (t-v.-M i-Tson*
Will Take Censua.
The Rev. IV. Franien, tbe present
- fatally.' whi-n a
w'l ri- Itijur,-,!.
TiirsOsy. 8«1»t- 31. from K s m.
I.MXi afliu-u-1 *-;li
0,1 troll'V ,-ar <ri
rrowdi-,1 Foil,MV
pnsior tg St. Michsrt's chureh. has re- II t p m - ha* b»-«i np)K«iiit'd aweak kulurv. IllhV
c-nllv Idai-od a new Ollfer typewriter time r,u- taklitg u AaDday schiKiI .i
rhii-1 unnatewtiMxdlen. iftlvc uriiu-*,-* - «
iwirfc .........................
thv il,-*h.«T if. wiicn ihL-cIul-I rvai'lic? :*i:
th 8t. iHohsers school and this irtvre ons'or Traverse City In a compb-le of the
• to boHse visllriUin w llh the i-iirwhfn il »1uh:M
al-lv t»contr>-; ll.thb chlldiwu tbi- opporttinlty of comrush
of rin-nglheniiig the Siindaj
wreatfe. it «'v, t nffit, tel with le-l wt
ph-ung the cvrooH-rrial otairse In tbelr
l;nB,d<-!«-i»-lu(««tl.lh<'.ca**'rtf1h<-fl»fhi work iifsll the local churehe*. triday.
tbs wietiB srisa does i
Tiaffic wn* delayed for half an
snd wocuhv i» kiduev Umjldi-. '.he nrst
m,e schooL
a rtwwen from (he varioo* Sunday
klKMild W towani* Die treat::;, l,t ,.f
Mrs. F. F. Biuireth and h.-r dsugbor paralyolo. '
e;vniMfframori;"n'. nii-ur; !.-a:-:rt
IS <rt the cily have hem w,>rklng U> work.
Lore or islerwrt tn Ilfs, riaretere
1,-n Midlie rWurned this motnlng from
»4U<'bcr. Ang. SI—The Jury
together 1
<.«.»4e xs due to a ,i:'«i«'l
krliabimr. failure or msoiory.. tasUl- thrtr trip to Chicago.*
inte complete census and the frtlow- mornlng l.egun iuvntligaling the ruins Inc k31i»cv» an-1 Ke-l'ivr atu! oql lo a
tty to cotwreiraw the mind, mu*
Mrs. John Bchsub of Provemoat iDg revramlttere have thla matter tn
ran*,' of the arrtfieat Is now aeH|rt|ri
'**S«wutlve—Pastor* of Ihe churches as-'hrtng bvirkllng of the nee] atrtr- »We -«:Hx ki'! anl Ida-l-ler irtrahle.
twUrhiBg Of tt/nervre. fsellnfs of do died at her hucne on (be nth.
J. A. CarTOO fi Co., formerty of Ihb and Sunday sdos.l wiperinien.lente turn! n-ork. Tbe masonry waa found »nd h«h nevl the «mte great renird^
The mild and the immoiuite ^ecl rt
place and now of TraveiM City,
tee cbalnnan of the ranvaas. the Rev tniset.
tbs symplums whl(-!i teU of an
Naplea. Ant 31—Ominous ni«i- Swn*p-R®Oti»iu*-nrcahrod fttibold
ad aer, uus tjrstam and the approach ol nwvlug thrtr bolu lo thrtr new fac­ 0. 8 Lorkhart and tbe •ecrrtaiT. R«*E. Walter.
tdimm from >n. Vesuvlu* and Smoke fcv- drui-gist*- in
tory by rail. There xrere several oai- ertFlnBn<e~Locla*_iBaioe.
Adrian Issring from lb* crater have thrown refit aa-l on*.>udlsr
pr. A- W- Chase's Serve Plllt stop the huds of tbeoe boils oaved « tbwtlme Dole. (Jtorgp H.-Croas.
«!ie bottle*. Yuttuvav
..........................of the --------------VMting proccre by which 0» nerve (k tbe fire.
Publlcttv—The'Rer, Jevveph Dutton. rlllagca Into a stata of alarm. Tbrer have a sample Iriiiie
are being deelreyod. and by formSomtoatlng-Cbarles Hrtm,ihe Rev are the first sign* of activity wince hv mail free, alro a bh*w> -i ■
■pbe Laelanaa cooMy fair datu f<w
pamphlet lelliog ail about Swamp.Root.
teg new, -rtcb Mood and crrellag new
this yreir are Soptateber i*.
mcl»d:r.g many of Ihcthovreatidsof t«tiOrgaaixatloa—Chairmen of the vsr••eve fore* poMtivoty and pen
lUg il—Mrv.
il—Mrv.. Stanford DK»ial letter* ceevned from snilviw
Be sure and don't forgrt te ufcd It In. loos other committees and chairman' New York, Aug
plan tbe oorvous system.
White returned today front _ Baro^
ing l>r. Kilmer i: Co..
C. D. BtaaR-y aod wUe left few tbe and secretary of the canvas*.
.see Ksrvw Sllla. D
Dr. A W. Cbase'e
■ Y., Ik- sure and mention
Hi'roii^it^meetings snd gave an emphatic detiial tn the
(. St atl-drel
atl-drelc^ or Dl^A.^ sootben part rt the state a week ari>
heea held and msttare' report tent ebe wh t® tmri file Mc- lot* psper. lem , n.,**,—
ensM Uf-llriB*CU...BaCslA N-.T- TV
wav The
The city
citT baa
baa been
been I Kim of tbe firm of McKtm. Mead A bm retnembev the name, Swraip-Roirt.
are well under wny.
portroli'and rtgontur* of tR.' A. W.
Dr. Kilmer'. Swnntp-RooL and tbe ad.
............... > dtetrlctt and the
CbsstL teoygimore rseoipi bote ai
drvM. Binghamton. N.
oa cve.-y
chanre^ Hpeeis
Thaw rase.
Mtw. J. M. Olllrtt and Mrs. Cbsria
Fps oris by JohiiM Draff On.



fire Insurance!

Money to Loan on Improved Real Esbtc Odly.



Traverse City. Mich.

D . F.


We Believe


. M


have Ibe .'Best Tea-oo
Ihe MarkeL









The Farmers’ Store




Hmh n Well » Rn he Ide
ItoiUe bj liditT III
UaiiilH Tmble.

of Paralysis

We have Oils year the relUMe seed*
Iron, Ibe sann ae^ bimsc Ibal baa bcca
supplyino ns for several years.

Mammoth Oover
Medium ^ .
Timothy .
Orchard Grass '

Call lor/prices.

-travebse citv. such.


Ne%os of ^ard Trieoerse
Sommer Resorts-

plea u%

tx> pu In tMr ap-

a* U *u|l»runi

^Huure asd K isally

My vlaiea M turned tedsy.
Where the eunllpht raeta ee «e weed­

In bliaefwl dream 1 can see the pleam
Where tha placid waters play


far these


■ yMh

O'er the beautiful Orand Treveraa

•y Chss F. Chse*.

They are now making plans

4b* little glri* of tbe iveort gave
Uwn tot* on Friday last. Tbe faacy


bat aesah


waa la tba sir that S«tolndad one of
the M teoeb of auttunn. a rhtlllaaas
that gsee escom for none

ade and GondMs brought quite a snug
sum of Bxmey which we«t


spray daabhig ovpr tha pier la a saost
speetaeulpr .nviiuMr.

with the dab pood, fortone telling and
of tea oake. lemon­


Waters^ teen 1^ . tbe

Bne bon

Home of

tbe Innocents,





Loulartll*. Ky.. that Blabop Woodeoeh U greatly

latereated in.


Home of the InooeeoU reaoM*




from the streeta

heipleas tiny hoblaa. picked op almoat

Gre parUee n tbe beacb apd a


thing 9f a

ragu die with Mr. and












weaibee waa ovarythiuc to be desired.
There waa wiod eAiufh. but not too

New Mlaslan

One of the brii^leer liule



1.—Tbm aerUoo of Omens baa tbe

BMh. and the pretUeet ftaUb. one of




•Ah^eep.” owned by C. B. Beach, waa retired. disUngulahcd in

the varalry

the winnIoK boat.

The -'Aliiha” also aerv^ along tbe UisBlaeippl
dU good work, but was not aayed by duAg the civil war. mid for thirty
ber owner. Cbaa. L. Truabull. wbo
afterward* among tbe (emt
waa in Chleafo at tbe Une. Tba
Jceome Indiana of our weatetn
"Oleam'' owned by K.


Tbe Ab-neep



In recognition of his ralnable

0 tbe government, a bronze

fa flag received Brat idace dallion
of General Grierson
and tbe cup preaented by tbe Old UU- placed upon the Sherman monui
alon Yaebt and Athletic club. The In WoBhlngion. D.
This gallant
cooalated of tbe followtac: B. C. chieftain, aeeklng a tranqtdl snvlron8. MacDonald. Comafter oo many yean of stiennuns

.Beech, copuln;

mlUtnry life. pUebed bit teat oo

There were also several little pre­ aboras ^ Grand Traverae buy to
nuptial affairs given for Miss Pleree.
aer of 1*01.
Qin Monday evening test a huge bon seventy-five yean*o( age at that Ume.
fire on the beach—where
be did not Ispae Into rase and Indolgiven by
the young people on (be resort.
Tuaaday evening waa the corn rosnt
around by tbe Lefftngwell Bluffs.
Wednesday tbe Gem took tbs wble
party for a trip to BIk Raidda.
Tburaday sveelng enme the r^eanal
the church.




Mim O'Brien sntMtalnsd the bridal

Mlaa Pteree waa eurpriacd by

hot. nppar afiarwaid.
shower^ kitchen ntenaU* that ahe
sharers they have ws* found In an
Bays'She VlllI take great pleasure In
ash barrel. This la the aeetmd benefit
whom know iha'Utaat popular aonga for tbu hone, while at th* SAday
-Mr. and Mr*. H. FL Duikee of Chi­
morning aarrioe on* half of the usual
whUs tha roar of tbe anrf fnmlabee
cago aro at Borter house for a couple
morning offering geaa to the Home of
the tmaa But nbwdr. sad It saens so
of week*.
the Innocanlu.
Ml*. W. J. liondertnck and children
Mi*. W. W. Howe, who baa been wbo bate been at Mak>i*,^>un«gh'B for
homeward tripT Bummer Is going—
traveling In Burope since April la back

tbe past two weeks returned to her Goa Gates, two Clouda sad
8be U now boms in Highland Park. HI., os Mon­
O'Coqnelto) who look 'The Oarriaon'
Mr*. day Mat.
by atorm and captured a bunch of
Mr. Jaa. A. Hiller arrived a tew General Urievaon'i moat thrilling warMr*. W. P. Hunt left for borne in days ago and
N*Mh-U-wnn4a, (he gnest of

H. T. How*.

Iferria Oataa tai Ttwa. ABan

ImMvme^ In gsMteg up a drilghl- OscliiBaU. O. on Wednssdor last oner to tbelr borne la Bvanaton. HI. Mrs.
a four week.* stay with Mrs. G. P. Miller wlU be remembered as Uw lady
f«l tUMtrfWpiiiiant wWeh ww bMd
wbo vras so unfortunate as to break
on Thuttday. Friday/and Baturday. Hunt
Doubles «em Brat

played oS.


Mis. Balllo Smith Bbalter «f ando- ber leg wbUs In Old Mtsaton. and whlM

aen’o slhglea and ladles' sloglea fel- ustL O. ranw on Monday last and will
lewed. grat and seoood prUaa were stay a few days at Overtook oCttage.
tbe prlaea being Mania boiU tbe gvast of Judge Smith.

nnt rWtbda- .-CiiMsli-and wafers,
waa aerved during



K able to walk vUb Ute Injured
er. abe u'




Koiebmb of Trararae City has been

pc-rtulhee «n tbe giorU>ua i'oontx. xay*
tbe I'um tOkla.1 Kuierprtoe. C
furtneHy cu* iiuuvbrr auj up
l>re*em t* rlcaely Identified with tbe
lire stock Inieieets vf f'uater conuty
A stor;- la loU un him which llloatrates bow a 'man's chatarlev win
creep out through hto eveiyOa}- tia**actktns and bvw folve uf habit will
away one's (bmiEbts aud aettons. One
of tbe patrons of that oSce when rail­
ing for bU mall vras avked by tW
postmaster -bow it was brauded:'
to also told oil blm that wben
took bold of the cuiw-ellatlun
handlad It very gingerly for fear of
boning blmaelf.
NeicrtbrleHa It la
hoped be- will
cateful rmuigb nut

to Iwtx'k the marerirka
brandi-tl cattle or get other people's
>. but applied tbe same energy
BTork .in the 'wrong corral which nntbe -arts of peace” which be bad dis­
donunately ha* frequently bM
played tn marUai pursuits. In these
case oa 'bat rerarvadonala yvors be baa erected two
Was It th* Citron reset
deuce* and several smaller etrnmem.
Was tbe citron tree (be tree of knowlbuilt two subetan^
wiiii adge 0.1 good and erll in tbe garden
■•artlkma. lights, ftaga. etc., baa IneU- of Kdet.1 Some iierauna tblnk It wn*.
tuted f*a and walevpUnts of which In any erait. it appear* that "ritrou'
bis neighbors ahare tbe benefit, and would often be the
passages where tbe aulborlted veralon
has cut a road newly three mile*
of tbe Bible gire# "apple.''
For Inihrough tbe wood* to Ingall'a
auoce. In the ITovorba. "A word fltiy
where be baa begun Improvement
spcAeo I* like an>le* of gold In plc300 acre traei of land. A launch tnrci of allrer." And. In tbe Song
Song of
load of ytwng men came over to ihc Bbloowo. -A* tbe apple
of tba wood, so to my belovad
P«Mnt a few eveatnra ago to paythelr
reepecia to the gallant hero. College amoog tbe aons.” A^ again. "Stay
songs and yella announced the ap- me vrith ttagoos. comfort ow with aye
bit*, tor I am sick of love.''
prooefa of tbe JoUy crew iHarry Nolan.

her own naUve land.

ly tively. aomatblng doing most of ibe

ir ef Arapaho.

The General Benj. H. Grieraon. U. 8. Arw.

piwtty girta bed amnly boya. some of



luaband SaoiaM Far Year and WH*
Will Try Hot Charnw AgainMn. .\ndrew Soergel of Belleva*.
Ky, vrtll try tu make ber boaband
fall In love with ber acaln. lays a
Clnrlnuall apeclal dtopatrh to the Nrv
Tort World.
SorrscI was arrested
obarpe of mtorreatini; hi* wlfa
She dcxlarvd In enurt she weald hare
ootblng OK'TV to d<< with him.
Then Joilgr Welvr tnien-eilfd. B*
enpracd that tbi-y lire ajart. for one
year to give ibe hurhand a chance to
art- bto mUtake. Mra. Soergel ag-ved.
”Wbeu be geta oat In tbe world beli
find what low baa Irvn and wbat a
good home mean*," »bc aald. -1 fully
export U:y busluicd to come home at
the end of a year and tu tire happily
with me again. "

tboae aeek to oeek /aoea with hardly honor of being the aiunnrer borne oI

■Around tbess ^oo &r«e—a

1>01, !• drawing
close but as yet thhwwre '


Jam|e*on for a week..

fitodore and A. T. KnMa. flmt mate.

te have a cottage for next year.

and nseful articleu on eaM u«etber

tbe Gi».1t'haa not

leavlaa van. Jr.
Mra. Moaa nad,Mi*. Sriander of Cili

The past week baa I

all round "lood time wee*.”

My heart ever turns away
AH teld and brewn, train the uplande
Frem th* sadness In Itfa and I think
at y«u still.
Where the rietaue^breeklete play.
A* th* beautiful Grand
While *he mauve mists tie twlxt earth
•hd aky.

^itrtag the week pest.


for Cbicaco aud

Where the rtver
wHh He tralh
Ins vines
Whete the sky line fadee sumy
Thf«u#> the valley el preen and O'er the watery bed ef eur treasure
•MM the Hrewey eehn and the blSMB
In the crtNl Grand Trevara* bay.
and balM
Te the
Vet tender and true as the year*, fer

lag tha tamp^ot^utd Treverae bay


Saturday laat fba boat me«a that


. Uicb.. Aof. SI.—Tbe


other placM.




init. nai the fee end of tbr aeasuii to be beet man. Md* Irene Warn'
it bcclDnliia to daws la abevs at Old wbo will be maid of honor. Ttao* Ra^
for the eoleii; Is dha. Prank Kerr and WiUUm Bolsae-

In the Indian aummeria melle# I

ed creeta.

•, the heswtIM .«rshd


. briaglag tbe following frleoiU
tbs yoim« people erer* rajoyliid tUa't
Dotel cotmalDDeDt to tba fulleet a- with him: Atfred Chiebrater. who

THE BEAurmn. cium) traverse bay
r» the
hllli sad their rip.
pllh« rilit


tbe rvUirn of (be

whUe Ibe corn i

On Thursday Ual tbe B(erqe<MU»bare been tbe
dlTwatao. Tbe beuUfui e««nlMi ^tc way arcddlng gussu beon to arrive
Ban Soori cottage. That
bees pafticiilarir lAopKioos for thl«

Dor ofBer genersL Byron M. Cutebeon.Mrnnd hto abouUor strap* In the
dril war. served hli oonnlry
year* tn

edngra**. and



good dral of literary work aaMe from
bto. profratoOB. Including tbe "Hltiory
of the 20th. Mirth. Infantry.” and (he

Harold Root and hi* Mend. Jack caring for ber. The MUler party were • HlaiorT of the clamof'6I.U.0I
J. D. Matnhall'a (or the aummer.
General Cuteboon to the ' orator of the
Mr. Ferrlecclo VlUle. formerly trf
day" at all our public funcUona and
with tbe Uuneh Middy a* tar as Har­ Florence. Italy. 1* a gueot at Major private pow wows and hi* ready flow
bor Springs, where they boarded the Banaome's cottage.
of anecdote and witty
wiadom has
The' Plnra have quite a few vialtora.
steamer ftordilXnd.
be boya report
given him the added UUe of "Autocrat
The followittg left on 8tr. Ml
- fine Ume. /
of the brrakfMt- UMe."
for Chicago the Mat trip: Mr*. Tboe.
8t Jooeph Lhnreh (a tbe name of the
man of high rank in the educa­
Pansier and family of Bvanaton. HL.
fine new buBdlng In the course of eontional vrarld who ba* favored Om«a
Mrs. Tboa. Green. Stewart UscDcitald.
strnctloo « Mapleios. n distance of
wttfa a vtBit thlB seaaofi Is Protestor
Mr. and Mra. Marry Brady aqd gisndaboat tiw nlira from
Harrle. lecturer upon (be
SM and Mias Piaxa. all of Chicago,
When ctMnpleUd the CathoUea will
language* in tbe Dnlveraliy of Cinclnwhile the toilowing new names as
have a church they may well be proud,
recent airivola show on tbe reglater.
A few sveelnga ago. Mr. and Mrs.
Neehda-wanU Mr*. Arthur Morgan. Mlaa Mabel Mor­ ago for special etndy at Athena and
gan. Mbs Cnriou* Morgan. Mra. Jack
M>ened toelr beoee and Invited the
Sullivan and family all of Chicago.
pnbUe to an old time box social. The
Speaking ef Burope. reminda bj hf
8. M. Campbell, O D-*Br*natoa. III..
affair was my ««U patronised, moat
delightful hour at
' Sprarhorat"
«ho with bis family bare bad Bate­
cf the Nenh4a-wanu rraorter* going
the hoalen* gave in a few
man' cottage for tbe laat two monthx
and tbe prtoes some of thsm paid i
(rieDd* a "firat-vlew'' of several pl^oleft on Monday li^ tor tbeb- borne.
tbe boxea. together with the sale
Mra. Walter 8. Trumbull and aon graphic ropaodurtlon* of Parta Salon
k* cream and cake braught In to 1
itolnUng* by be>r talnnted daagfaU-r.
tkas. L.. arrived borne on Trwedajr
treasury of the church over I7S.00.
Mtoa Alice Ring. The artist
beside a good Ume geoeroUy.
Tbe laut from a trip to Chicago.
M. J. Hamilton ef Springfield. t1!.. studying abroad) baa been invited to
of St. Joseph church wish
efUMi at the Art Institate. Otlcaga.
arrived last week and U at Rnsbmore
ibank all wbo helped with this affair
house, where he has tbe core of Mr. this tall
also those who conM not be present
Urair inquiriM hare bM made reJohn N. Black, wbo U an Invalid.
tad contributed tbe money.
Miss Mary Briggs of NlchoU. Mo., gardlQg tbe pecuUar name of

tournament Foyd of New York dty. left on Wed-




Mr. and Mra. VMtw Pries and faaUy will cloea tha4r eotuge Baurday
and win leaea tor their borne In CManil O.

Mr. and Mra. T. B. Paxton,

wte hare baaai apandlng Ms ai
at the Pries cottage.went home )ast
A bowling party waa haid oo Moo
day laaL

Mr. and Mr*. O. P. Hunt

ana IM. and Mrs. Chan Howe firing
tha party Iw ihelr gneata.
■nipMMiM Boead of UmtovUle. Kr~
Mb an TSeaday




whir* they stay a week with triesds
J. V. Wright. G. P. Hunl
Ij. Neria Beberu grrlred an TueaMm and wfll auy fer a few dey*
Ihetr tsMl^.
Waaina left oo Monday for
whgr* ehe riaUa with friend*
days befor* abe goes borne tu
' hse dnUaa



at Dowagtae. Miclt.

fer orand l^pMa.

rived on Snnday last and will be a


Of Anguat
Mr. and Mra. amest

Harry, a gurat at tbe hotel ter
Bra weeta. rataraad to OeMOBday last.

gneet^of Mra. A. Miner for the iv*t


■Old Mission. Mich.. Ang. 31.—Now dangllter Erneau of Chicago and Mt.




XI yoa are poor jrour treatment
li jrou ore dbeouroged

for our pay until you ore weU.
Cotoe and see us; this is your
last chance.
We live to do goOA, are honest

ne tkev* to th* nnisra ef
fair Dr. A.
I. BelSBV B taw ataia. Hto ntolarr to W
Pinm rvart to pcfnu* sracura.
.ewra e( lk*w la E*M *s«laav. tdeW. viit
CoIto*ru4 wwir-twe Tvar* to DetrelL Had
rlwm of Alas Sanltamm viebtom iseotbc
TstotoaU DD* rmr. and ter tb« pan w-ra
rosra has ewM s •saHvWm at Ito»l CUr.

tonr-eirbt boon be bed bew .( saMW ai4
. to to food ebaiie tor tonlime fSto. H* VIQ
Inbolld JB tbe eertec
Tben U a irto IB Detroit a
tplBCier a Co, toll Ibe reeai
bet bees 4-ed ter or.r (m>
here ae rtsbi to tbe netoe of
vre ere rantac to year lew,
plfc-e toeelloned and an wUUa* to eive r«t
Ayw'a boot "IVhr Notr Tbl* to why — -—
me toeeai ct ^ tertr-le*
to. tne.
os built for a gentlemea’s wed: bow loss you MTe bero elek.
dlng trlp. Me anasented a name to hts er witol year eilneet. oar eeneslutloo end
SdvKe to tree, end oer oWBltte ere Sieeyi the
bride which abe did not accepi.
neell of esretul eeemlrntlctoe ead a life Irtt
espefl.ieto. Tbe pettoei to edwere teto Its
which he exclaimed "why not? " Tnen



which be didn't
Mrs. Kenneth Ransome and child she proposed a
tmsUr of u a Cobh, with tbelH find the realixation ef Ibsir ideal tor
also of Chicago, left tor boiK oo 8U. fancy and ^ ^iriiedly replied • •hr
leet od board erbll* settost to leoerwla*.
MM* Church, apaat the day In raoort wMtber* Some of tbe older
He made another soggestioo
MMsourt on Sunday laaL
a eaSerus tram Pll-B* Sr say
■eee ws win wmlt ter ssr say
ag.Taeeday last beartag the
Obae have been beard to aay i
All of tbe members of tbe Vaughn
It yes sUl etesre as
and seeing the righla of Trav
bees elok for yesre sad me ye*
thing about it being a Ilttie cooL but family arw-mow gone, leaving tbelr roarod "why not:*!” and abe meekly
; Come to ue aad We win csfV
retorted. 'ETiy Not'
yoong people aay everything 1* )nat cottage open. Dr. Hober. wife and but flimD
yom aow trftoe ere tbe loweet et eer chronJO
dieeee. epoctoUete te tbe suie. cneryee et
end Mm* Pvdie. tbe South rl^t Now la tbe Ume when'
three small children of Ann Arbor (hall be.”
Ibe eeBlartiaB esty srtoeJ oosL We trMt ell
>ricsn tueau are still at P«M',.-ta- farm* yield up the best of her pro­ coming and aprading a
week at
A little poasenger-lattneb which it tmt at ebreak dtersen. ton merle] anmilott

nsue'^r ssr.‘!‘tS'






ducts—ripe apples. vegetaUen of all
VW^ptanaad wUb the pUoe and tbe kinds—and now tbe dellclora pumpkin

Vangbn cottage.

iklmirtBg our

Mr. and Mr*. E. H. WUoox are eo-




Ibrae day* ha* *b Indian wune. "Wah

mnainlng for * week. Mf. and Ml*.

reep." meonliig "himy up-'' We don't
Blodgett. Me. and Mra. Walter know tbe captaln'a name but perhapa

Dewey. Mr. and

Mrs. Plltenger and

pon. Harry onfi Mlaa Ooaale Spencer

! wr>
tight packMge and

CBona to you fresh, rich nod dean.
y i—
ccPttiD* one fun pound at really fiood co0ee—property
roastad and blended—nnifartn to tpiahty ^ flavor.

Cnivwrslty of Indiana, and to a dele­ tioes for lie Maaaey-Mooiague


gate from ibeie to



ding at Cadillac, to theV>««‘

Rational convenUon at Chicago and



Richmond at - Boimte Banka. '

from there will go bocne. Mr. Carr hat
nerer been here before and la mrgh

An First-Class Grocers

Mr. Burahard Howaro, atioriKy for

pleoi^ with the place and aay* ^

(be G. E * 1. Br- •!>•«
here, and to *0 enUiualaatte orei the

artll tureiy come back neat aummer.'

natnral beauty of tbto regioo and i'.y
adaptaUllty for teat and real recrea­

o€ JackamiTllle. III., vrbo have been tion. that he baa seemed feaerratloiia
(ceming a

part of

tbe JacksanriUe tor blmsrtf tnd family for next year.

eotODT of campea*. are spei

of August with

Mra. Haxel at

-Over look- farm.
Mlaa Bibel Obering of Farcn. North
Dakota. U spending ber voesUon at



tbe home of her farenU. Mr. and Mrs.
M. Obering.
Mr. T. C. MeCnlla and Mr


Hahn left On Satnrday l*m (or a. tew
days- fishing at Baldwin.

Tbe ladles

of ihc pariy accompanied them as for

Bar yonnff -yra w*.w Boffty-tt had
btea honra ftoce Mra. Jordan’* eorty
dtenar. 8b* bealtataA than brtd *«t
epu take tbt te*.* abe aald finally,
-and I'm going to tel! yon why 1 w i
grtng to turn yon o>er to tbe poUee.'
The doctor allovred Jnat the proper
nraoniH of aorprived Joy to bra
hto ^?e
-Too are going te tec me;
gvV” be gnxoed.

•, \

IRfi.dAMC$ 4
n hralthy at bfartk.

Lydia E. Pinkham’sVegetaMe Compound
baa been the atafidbr of Amariran mother* In prmrtng fer ehUdbirth.
NotewhatMn JameM.'bester,of4:T M' Jsth 81.New York says la thin
tetter;—Dear Mr* riakham>''Ivrtohererveapectant mother knew abowt
Lvdto E Finkham'a Vegetable Compound. A Belabor who bad tearaad
of iu great value at this trrii^ period of b wotnan'a life urged me to tty
it and I did so. and I cannot sav enoogh in reeard to the good It did ma.
I recovered quickiv and-am in tbe beat of beaJih now."
Lydia E Knkham's Vegetobte Compoend to certainly a aneraaBt*!
remedy tor the peculiar vreakacem* and ailmcnu of wotnen.
It has cured almost everv form of Female Complain U, DragrlngSenaattena. Weak Back. Falling and DtoplacemenU. Inflammation. Uterro^
lion* and Organic Dtoeaaea of Women nad to Invalnnbla in prepnrlng far
Childbirth nod dnrlng tbe Change of Lite.

Mr». Ptnkham^ff Standins Invitation to Wooidp
Women Buffering from any form of female weaknea an (nvitod to
write Mrs. Pinkham. at Lynn. Maas. Her odriee to free.

Dromstl* Bstossia.


lAr art sunlcuU. tbe school Of art-

Inc pupils form s Uttle world of their
own. All tbrir dsy*. -«f course, ara
pale and Raiaad Oid Clary.
Tha>aBardoua but lut-ratlve trade of! 4>ent together, and in tbe erenlnga as
steeplejack baa been usurped in Jer­ Ocfcrts are often sent tn tbe sebooU by
sey by a amall white rat *ayt tbe New

tbe managera

when there



they go to plays Uffetber. At tbs thea­

York American.
Edmund P. CoodlL a wealthy re*i-

ter they


rach other knowlBffly

deat of Vnroos. N. J„ gava a Urtbday wbat tbe acton on tte atage ongbt to
bare done. They live in tbs ebnUtent
party to a doten yoong frienda of bto
Kpbere ef metnal critictom and
nlne-year-old son tbe oiber day. When
ros theoretical arffOsent of yoong
be attemptaf
people vrbo ate all trying to do the
by raising as Amertcan Sag
to tbe same thing. Naturally they drift at
top of the thirty foot i iff that baa once Into that rasy famUlarifir of tha
stood oo hto lawn fur yeaf* tbe pnOey •exaa cbaraoterlsOc of all art adwola
brofca. Tbe pole vriu too frail to where yoong men and vrodHm ara
pennit of even tbe lightest lad climb- broaght tocetber on eqnal terms. Th*
up to
i paia another halyard tfaroogb
the top.
and even more, vrhlcfa. In casting tb*
• Me aud Jimmy 11 fix it for you, sir. plays, at least make* tbe men do donCondlt." piped Up Abie Wolff, a
bte doty and get twice the oppsrtnnlbur'* sou. and be scooted off ti> Us
Paaribte tbe rvason that fsw«(stber-B barn, raturulug with a Unte men go to tbe sefaort* than women 1*
while rat clinging to birsbooliten.
largely ecDoottlc. pnaalbly it te beranra

WlUlsm Carataln. tbe Beoteb divlBs
wbo for foortera year* served WIDtOte
ItL a* confidesUal secretary gad adTtoer Id chief, had bs«a UapUMted Mi

contrlvanre vrith tbe twtne botween hto teeth.
Thru be sent Jimmy op tbq pole
again, and this time tbe rat wltbotR
hesitation tried
to g
through the pulley. Tbe b.iie wa* (<
anuM. but Jimmy deliberatHy took U
BtrtnK in one {«▼. passed It throngh
the amall opening, caught it with tbe
ether paw aad
- te tbe gronad
d acramblsd
vrith I!
A rufw was strung through tbe pal­
ter with the Bid of tbe twine balyaf®.
and Jimmy munched ba'qrlly on tbe
biggest piece of cheese be bsdeorer
•een at once__________ ___

mouth on the throne. He waa pM M
tbe esrroelatinc tonnre of th* tbnmlto
kina, or tbumbociT-wB, which be Stobnpllcatlng otbem.
After Carataln becams tb* prtvalp
adviser of WllUain be waa pesamtai
with tbe instnunent by which b* bad
been lortnivd. Tbs king. wtoMag t».
to ehdnra Ibe terribte toctnra with
making a eoefeoalon of some a,
pUced hto thnmbs in tbe maebtee 1
toM Oarauira to turn tb* screw.
taro«< siowlr and caoHonsly.

'Percy, papa aays you mustn't come
tu aee me any mure."
-Why. Aggie, huw could 1? Pm' rtready coming seven times a weekT

Don’t Wait! Order Now!
II You WMBt lo Get dUff FlBC E41m



And complete outfit for




The price of ibis grand outfit will poslUvriy be advanced by the
Ed!>OB rempaa.'-

on'S-irt-mls-r 15th.


Urn, mind at IJT.M after that dale-





' n-'ver be offered *<jcb value agaaln.

Potopm. . Vseeue end ToUH
tbe Tbreat. Pefem Grewme
Lairraltto. Bneirbrtle. Uron---------------------- erf Ibe Bnrt. Oeaeral tbrbimy. DUculler to Wotora. Kemlctoeli

Blood ead dkto Dlareen. burr.'
____. of e.: forme, th. Eye, Eer. Face ei
of Detroit. Mioh.
the gas work* at Hou,ghun. Mich.. 1*
iBtermI Oryene. tociedmr Itoforml--..,, C:diarios Cari Carr of Btoomlngton. making hto annual vtolt t^hli ps'enti rwt Creee.lto«e. Tua-re. He.-e Uie. f,.
irrmepeu. Dmrrbes ecd ,
a Jeaedlce. D
tnd.. after apeoding tbe lam six week*
me «f t.i>rr, *
at Old Mtaaloo. left on Friday last lor
Mra. Henry P. Baker of Grand Rap­
Chlo^ 1M-. Carr to from ibe Bute id*. who fumiahed the aittotlc decora-

Tbe Mteoea, Ethel and May Correy

M^iighliB>sXXXX Coffee

to Trat.
Max H- Cnicheon. tnpertnten^nl of

other mcdicltte b
trength to tba entire feminins
orgaotoin. curing dtopUcemenU, uleeratioo and inflammation, and tba
result to leas suffering and mot* ch
than thirty yearn

wtxots acuaniA
necctouav . . .

and we con cure you, we will wait

Ir tbe Ume of tbe yw when reoortera

prepwrwUoD. as a woman wbo is in
good phyairal egedlUon trsmioUs <e
ber children tba blesaings ul a good
Freparaiio* for banhhv matcf
nlty to accompltohed by Lvdia-B.
nukham-a Vacetabla Compound,
which to made hum native roou and



it free.

ftnt roqutolt* of a good
a good health, and the cxol maternity should not ba


»ei- with aU. Forty-five years’
Iperi^^fm. Tbistripand

abridge on Tseaday last said
to her friend* <« the rceort



fwny « actRSit


and aeata placed Mr tbe apectstor* of needoy last for n trip to puluth. going
the game.



psrtjnsr IBP ..
eivwOsd. A fri»B!:r
s.*r w'-i :■ j

*»• Bto«- tito siww ta i.SousBnJWito bB*B torn nr-torrur..-d
BWto of rattr sen-, tor etsntoBItov.
A««I*BB S& tBSD tB

Macs Crrv. MtuHieJiA


Jiim think what our special offer mean*.

For only $27.30. payable

eiiber rash or $4.3<i down and II a week, you get a msgslfieent Bk


PHONOGRAPH, tbe unverea] ratertalaer. Ue

gether with a large and branUfulIy band-pained Flower

We give a larger and I
gethsr a finer outfit than i

I. a bsrier erana.

Tmnse Cit|i, Mlet.
Pleoae *eod me free trial
ni^lication Manh and
fnU jaarticuUn of
Pboao^pb fiffer.



Free Trial
Pill OB' and »rad Ur la thU coupos

will send th* evimptete outfit

to yo-jT borne ABSOLrTELY PRK.
Y<ru *111 be




and if it does not suit yon in



Remember, no order* win

be filled after

B-ptenber 15th.

ara Firing you (air vrarolng. so


eospoa NOW,

be disappointed.


delay 1




offered fer tbs miensy by any-other bane*

■n tk* country.

yvw may not





' 7 a.m.10 tp. m


q-iaLtv Horn Crane, ^d a dozen fint-st Edison Record* ef yom own


Grinneil Bros.


»tlUWrtMt Cl
TM ta»]

tM OrvDd
Btfon «M
kATIBS in itum «
auMl noAloB la
ute flan tM nut IM awl UtA.
Ml aMMr

IW TaeadaTa Rooeta


TM mKriiat


ew oceJfaUon and UMa IM work b>

MoMMat tM dtp Ml M mwlni

MioothlT. WhUa tM attaadaMS in IM
AU cnn»<0B«
( Mvt endw will M nkoot tM aant na last
ban conatcaeA lo Ike ^'aatn'i, Ralef
a to hate tallaa oC aH^tir. TM
oorpa. tbe fvocMAa «<

Mroied to (M nUef taod exact avdiMt tana

■tea to



olAM W. B. C.
1Mr« are ma»f new taacMia

TM aattar.ol

lh« o|dar MMraaa waa mnwBl aatf rear aad It wlU aaldrallr taM tbam
few dars to ftt atralghteoad but in
II vat itodded lo regaow th^ ml
few dara the antMA wUl ba i
vldnUr of tbc camp
Mvo apan atmilrf ao- Cull lone asaia.

nnU In tbo

cnanoAaUoM to aotlljr A4)uta«A A

»-«flrt*laf flrnek.

r. Uule. la tM BatMriaad block,

StrlklnC the cklmmj on the bme
tber na fnmiab aaeb aeMnawdattona of olMoa Bnst At
It te Awirad tkat UOn tnfonaatkm be nijht dertag tM tkander atacn. UgktlarMaMd aa aarijr^n po^lbla. aa


Torr iarte crowd e< old aoldlera la aa

Ur. Ernat aererdj bot




oi u.. »na.. .» nn^.t lx,’""'

Injuring honor, while two Uule cowins d
bride seted'art ring bearer and Bower


r« Son nu Tm Ym-Trin
Woaei tii4 OaickCyret lod
fwnd No Relitt

be Oe Uigeat erer bdd by tbe

Tea membera at

ing wuserrod:
Creamed Chicken in Ttmble Cases


Friilt Salad
datidt and tbe Tramse aty retcrana •topped OS at Omens and aU dlaner
- g trill aee to It at tbe t^era. going up on the Cko- Bread and Butter Snnddictoea, Heart
aad mnklnc the rent d' tbe

that tMy are boapltably «
wbUe Id Traverse City.

i in life aed (

TM Odd rnUowa ptesle nt
rant ms a graM


program wUl M glran.
Mrvag Him Right

•tout AM matMera d Grand TraTeraa
nnd BsanUty todgen




tM, two

ledges of BeMknh* bdns greeant TM
was'aiMBt In a general god time

fact tMt ainwra ban


OMM aUe waa plainly dMDoiistraud
Batnrday nl^t In front at tbs OloM

end them warn ao aeetdenu to mar

store for when OfBcm- Saleoaki took
Oren B. Ceaau who la six feet aad
^cbes in height from the center
mob be was--badly bruised and
battered np.
a that John Zimmerman wM



la emMoyM on tM Pme


In company with a Indy



passed Cessna The latter made acme

and ebdtly efter noon. tM Mg party
«d down udm- tM iraee end aU tM


load waa walking akmg rront straet

TM day was a gMaral
goM time, all hrtoglAg their hMMu

Tcmarks whleb Zimmerman. reaeniM

tried ddeken and other borne oooked

very forcibly. A Urge crowd soon nar-

t and Maban pKcbsd
aaS ckugbt (or MS.


gtYkraSMmd mdtotooOon hy^to de-

Big Bapida Tboraday

to bed at tbe time.

gneau arrived about the


of old shoes aod good wlahea to profusion

Stats Nawra

Oamen were

Mias DoUie Michaels

pUyed and reti
Mr. and Mra. Stepan were maSe IM

Inifc., culaMaatad
ship of

The frtcrida «aperend at m -narty

ctMWt nt tM car. were bo




J. D. DaeU. innnerty of NorAport.


bbt now nliatmant agent for tte In-

tM lampa. One of them had

dtons <t the Lower Brule and Crow

Mk ‘Aritnam

and thg

nod na he lighted It. It


a acMoldar conn

several years by


Monday on hto way to Northport

hole front of the ear
car took
tdok An.

get bto family. After a

Mr. iaBBan*B clotbna caught Are and


irdllre of• Epcclsl
kreiruBS et the
Stockholder, of the^Pere Mar.
aurtie Railroad Company are hereby

leaervatldh and aurreyed
ted nil the unalotted land

vtstt. high scMol.
Pear of arrest may cause (be drelh







aoBW Ume this sreek.


DeeU has arenrod six genntoe Ifsvajo
blmnkeu which "are certainly benntiea.

boy left borne several weeks ago and
baa not been heard from.
Wad has been received from Mont^
yoc that Cbristopber Lebmnn. lA. may
lie from lajurtoa received by betag
down by Dr. U E. Jonra' aatomn

of them hatag n htonket tMt to
errulnly moat rare,
OtoMira to a amtamnd

e< to^. ditodiw. o*

tribe of

Indiana there

la thto i


brown sheep anA thto blanket Is abont

and confirm
To-ratKy. approve
vole* „J
aad pfocredlnga

, one quarter brown wool. All the colors
to three blankets except the red. are

Rye bread cooialniug :r>l

Ungulshed from ordftmn



**!.■ To aaDclIon: railfy and aopr>'ve
a eerlain aaraemeiit dsied Aiutua.


loention. met denlh to a pecnllar manMle rating his dinner al hto bomv.

rnMOMsrer, Mbktonn OBy. tod.v

fast color.

workmanatlp and me

He waa AS yenra ©M and bad worked








It was away

and covered


in tbe woods



was the home of the Oregon peniten­
tiary (ben, and be wade a extract

the sute Korernmeai h.



boy« from ftie

country wlio make
mart to die wodd af«

on Aibucklea'

ARIOSA Cofe.\ Don’t
let nnybody^ Awilcli yo«

tbls property for four yreiv withoui


to drinking

RetitoE any return and ihi-n
one corner:


as he prospered he

y mudr-st one. and be Is Just movlnc
from Upit to give place to a modern

rtdlna for «*i<- aMilreneni

ThU block, which rosi

iv yeirrs win be > a year and

twren"thr fwo'^MlT^oreSraiTofiX and
for tt>» canc-vllailon
canrellailon of tire
lire In4»aIn4*a-

eaW Ave .veara UiU will M Ipcreoaed

■ »f 'r*»' .‘lE.'iLJ
a Daylon

Clnnall. H.


^ coiJerenee of Seventh Itoy Ad-

er cent untij from Ji6i. 1. IMT.
Dec. 31. 20<>5. the annual rent of the
block will be »l03.5Ce.


wrniam_W. rv.^po

nc br Ibe <llr'ilnr* SDd to r-s*l
ales arul t» lake any amoa r<-aay v«
UUOE( to any et the forraolaa mat-

Burpeers W
aM laken '•
■a. dire
held on

if*«lre fire 'eaid c«i
cortrerat' srel «f
5 To tranMff s
il-st war be b«
aav BrtlAii velatlaa to aar of <*•

He lenve. a widow and three children.
The otd state fair imounds at Ponli-

The gttxmd rent for the Aral

I'V ovbl-

to tM copper country mlnw for AS

lo him by an Indian and hU wUe. TMs ac loka like a mlnUture dty with Its
j belt or aaah to made of bends and tbe bundiwd at to tents ready for the anUorfewnahlp to perfect. As them- eb Mnl ramp meeting of tM Bnst MlchlUeciM are reUra of a fast diaappenrtai

and .one

bunms of the PaclAe norlhwert.
addliioe to running

bum a larger Muse, but an exopeding
conwrate real o(
1. To ratlfr. ap

Is aald that the doctor was

er by Woking on a piece -of

TM bUnkeU are bcanOfpI


Yea, ADd


be married and bull! a little cotuge

jonb Fend, of the Quincy mining

the Juices of pUnU. It is an abaNutety

worth much money.
Mr- Deeta also baa a belt preaectad

lock. now tie chief owner of The Oro-

making (he total coal 1400. ^ carried

■Ithoiigb it was after dark.

nstiwal and as the red to made fitra

apcelmeos of

of bto wealth to Invested In real

the convicts clear his groupd |for tlbo

driving Without UghU on hto maebtoe.

Va^ T« am «i S end u ns*
•mM gm yam mansy hmk. JB-.ftoara-

rw a)n hr TBhiiw Dns Ok


Huron all day' Wedaentay. aenrcblng

nlM- (or bto Id-yenr-old eon. and thinks
DOW M may poaMbly And him. Tbe

yesterday again tor Gig Rmdda. TM trirt.. Yraterday work wwa berm on
wreck win M takan batit aad a new the Crow Creek
ear wlB M neenrad. .being expected
Daring hto sUy In tM

pourouK. Hut It to raid to be unpatot

(oial of »400, has been leased for 9S

ha was badly burned about tM hands Crow C^k r
aad face and nrma.
Mr. Kelley, nt
Mr. DeeU now bwra tM Utle of col­ HnraiL Bnri waa atooLng an air gun
and hit revmpaninna Udd him he WOSid
tbs Samca swept over him. Jumped. onel. tM dUfarcat governmwt ofBraortly aftera^r^
hU right aide enogbt on a praJeeUng ctola toklng mlUinry rank. HU party be arrested,
how e
rod. tanrtng a deep gash. Hto hands
pienaau ona aad during the went Into eoovutotona and to
few montha be baa been to tMtwret. enlly HI.
were also buraad.
Kirk TlbhlU. of Detrodt. was at Port
TM body of tM machine was ao

_i elty aSiurday night and tonvlng

from pure iM-aout meal to llgtat nn-l

tOKe'her tOoO and bnugbl a block of

H. D. McDoogall. who baa been at
tbe bead of tbe Cnriton high school

of 12-yrer-<M Mrl 8taip*on

Big Baptda, Mr. K>

for a lo-jy|

DK- a Maplv article la tbe dkiary or
lbe*povt cliMuM-^in 8|iain. Bread mad'

Ju« 51 years ago y-ouns Ihiiock gut

return, west going In the

naartr daetroyad that tt was toft ta have now Batobed the Lower

Peanut meal has been

■ to3 a

This printer boy was Htmry L. Pil­

before tM body wja found.

to ,IM city tM past Bre ytsra. has realgoed his
poalUoo to Uke charge of tbe Dundee,

renefvnuoiia. waa

expkoded. At the name taatani, the


m tbe Cntlcurs Soap.

weary primer boy. looking (or a Joh.

Mat Mattooo. of Grasse Ptrinte. IdM-

Mur Ihla mowing. tnaUng thntt^ey
used tM Bonier found In
ably inland.
as sreU aa Mr. Stepan Md enJoyM the
lake, claiming it aa tbe botto of 1
The oar waa n aew aeretrpaaaeQger
(atMr4n-tow. John Sodanwt/ He
He to
HarrtoM aad wm being driven from
a week
Qnad Willi ito to' this city. Everything
Mr. Daats' Haw Wartt.
bad gean wNl vntB while u Big Rap-


brad was eorered with Mir and

per Cent praaul meni cannot b.' dto-j

the forenooB. lof the follewlsg piu

foBotpl them abrard tbe train.

Kadey of Ola «Ky wra praetkalty de- reciplenu of many very pretty
Frank.^ Kelley and eoaUy prenenta. mnsUy of aHvnr.
Klnnnn., wbo

In Use For Over 30 Years.

of bar b^s brad, and tbe 0
wotddn't mow. 1 was tbera. bad a
cake <d Ottieora Sow with me. 1

nl.le toeause .rf a prrslslrei. P»PPV

Mcfc Of rice descended
bed young people. Rice.

'■ Btmyed by Are.

saisMf The Kind You Have Always BonAht

like taste.

complete Borprlae to Mr. Stepan ns be

Atrte Firs.

r Beua the Sigiutiir. of

-1 w« trauhlM with flsMlrnS ea
cay bead ever slDoe I was twrive years
old. 1 had bsaatiful hair up to that
time. Tbs daadruB dastroysd my

while Ur more imtrttiuua
The bride did not throw her no- the Union -that tad boast of a cltUen estate.
gnet but divided It among her guests. wbo declined a'seat U the United
Why doe. the ,.roportl«ml number cheree to .the only ordlimr
Sutra senate aod thrust aside a nom- of widow. Inerrara- slendlly? ask. a «>«■< comparublo to neanut
Mrs. Baker Is a young
charming peraonallty wtlb
Swiss Journal, and gives In reply setnnmMr of friends both U her g|d and been tbe cgolralent of election. TbU eral^reosone—the men are engaged in

u the Hon. Foeier
new borne gsd nothing but
ea Mlow bw
her aa
oa she beglos bar new Dwl^t Coburn. aecreUry of (he state
muehrime In taverns drigkTM groom to a starling yonng board of agrieulrare. 1^ years hia lug and squabbling over puliUcs; and
being fcnployed as a postal clerk
they generellr bum the roadie at both
Id Dwljdit. and he too to deaervedly of the SunAower sute and he did ea- ends. Hence.A the ihsurtmce compopuUr. They wUl be at borne after pt^ly good work Id thU Hue during paniet are beginning to ask a higher
the srorid'a fair »t St. LooU.
OcL L In Dwight.
of men than of women.
A neii milltonalte baa been dtocovwedding trip op OeorgUa hay.
In this ctnintrr of muA less than
There were a number of Traveree ered in New York In the pmson of
twice JapcD's population the Western
Hla *
City people at the ceremony yrater- CMrlea Edgar Appleby.
Uniotretelegraph akme baa 203.000
day and a number of friends from Elk
mile, of telegraph Hue* In compnrlMm
TM gneato
present from mlng up the ralllUmalrea of New York,
wllh Japan's 7.P00 mile.,
Dwight wdre: MUa Bakra. slater of an donly recently it was discovered
Aroertean Telephone
the groom; Dr.Ou^ton. ibn beat man; that he haa a fortune estimated aa
company alone ha. S.OOV.OOO miles .d
Mi«« Barhare Corberi. slater of tbe high as He ataned life as
ir^ with Jaime's
brWe; Nias Bonnie BM-r. cousin of a pennikra lawyer. He was born In
4T.500 miles.
gromn: Mtos Ella Chreter and Monmouth county, S. J.. la 1S25. aud
Purty-efkbt years ago there arrivetl
Roy Oeymonr.
lu Portland. Ore., a
footsore aud
Aftrr tbe oeremtmy

Mr. nnd Mrs. Stepan. The.«Teot was

KJMW toaring car bNonglng to W. N.


CoUcara Sosp KIIU Dksdrafl

Kanms to. peikapa tbe only aUte Ip

Salted Nuts

of Ptaak Stepan “( ’•»'
street Monday night lo eelebrmn the

ing spent qi^y bat very pienaanUy.



Aeaorted Cakes

and t0 4ap tbe eUmai.
the J. C. D. and C. cousin. Mr. Of*, was engineer of the
^ P. & lodges, maiehed U tM home train aad aa Ore engine went past the

wedding ailnlversaiy

and wm •


« (bwBin

Wedding Anniveranry.



■TM boyn are aoM of well-to^

A party of abont Mxty men and wo-

No program waa glren. the day be­

ah the carve advlssd M dd wmnea

At each preacher s*.otid.

wantonly mUuslng
tM Slut after they were through with

rounded iM two man nnd others be­
riandn. To settle tM tfis dinner, a
taM n pokd or a kick at tM
AIM (ram lodge No. AM aod another gan
Mg man. OfAcer Baleqakl reached tM
htHi Mo. M» coolested oot OO the
seesh and toeed bis way tbrough the
d^rif remdtlag la a rietory tor AM
nob to Ceaana.
M a eoore of A» to l.
TM oSander
Oaptafai McAlllatcr eonmanded the
^dge Nertlnger this
morning and
Vrea d tM losing side while Captain
eooide drore to Angel, where they In­
SbM IAO and fS isets on a drank
KMdk engineered tM aide that won.
tended to quietly Uke the Pere Mar­
land dlsordrrly cbtuga.
ieutlngs and BelUdeau. tbe
quette train. However, a number of
(rtn Brildre. although he U a memMe d Ase. were MO. AMa hattery

» tar Castor OO* Fare*
Castorra is a 1
*«rtc, I>ropa and Suothln# Syrapm It U Plcaanat.
cMitnuks neither Oplnm, MopphM®, Doa.vtker NareoUo
auMtonee. lla ago U its
aad ailaya FererlahxMoa. It raraa Diarrliira arid Wind
CUUBg Tri»ub»eaj_eupe*
Cohe. U reUevoa Teethiriff
Ncy. It aasunUateo tbe Food, regulates tbo
StsMuch and Bowels, girlng bcoltby and tututal akeep.
Tbe Children's Pairacea-Tbe MoUier'a Fneod.

I aM triad ah tM p



Lodgn tkm eredng and an dabonle

I <• Jiut-aiugucd'* ara b«tt
a Urat trilla wUh had emdnagerthe bemHh of
InButu And Ghildrem->ExF«rlaaeo agalaat £z]

SSSibra. Kan.. Oct. Si. 1905."


Journey by train.
There will be n bangoe^ nt Oednr

Tb« Kind To« B«™ Ahr«Jl Boodit, ud wUck I
la me (br am 30 ymn, baa t
and Iras bcon made nnda kts per>
MipertisraM staca ifes laflaacy.
one toderrtveyoalntlvra


nrcA. and U la kecenMrf to proVIAe tala wlto in tM akMuat.
:boae pieeem were at Uliert/ to inafcv
ample aecommndatloaa
Mr. Bnmt and Ida wife were sleep­ glrl. TM bride was dmrtnlogly gown­
charges against him. bat all -?nceped
' Ara of tM cMamiMML It U aov aa ing In eMaraie rooms nod ntUr aulk- ed In eedl white UlkTnade with Japeunseated.
W. a CHmstead. d rise
alMree and a Uce. yoke and
anred that tbeile
be a very UnK lag the cbimnei^ tM lightning tan InOhio coofereoce. made an al'iieasMlegatlan from all orer the lenlton
Mr. Ikuat'a room tearing one d trimmed la small satin covered batBabstanUal recognitioo of the rt<«tooa. The gown was long hot withambnuxd br tbe aaaoeiaUoB. aa
tM tegt fidu tM bed. Ron^ Ihto
perau but i
^tcaUofu bare almdf ban made foi hia wUc'a room. It tore tM adndUe oot a train, tbe akin being pUIn tucks.
g has been nude
■aore than
from IM bed and altbongh Mra. Braat She carried a boqoet d white aatera
by Chaa. R ffleg. a broker of Chicago.
feres. Mlu Barbara
> (ram iM nm
In tM bed. aM WM. not ewen
Sam waa drerwted at South
QgMtt wore , white net over white
. It appeara
ra noW.
BoW. aa
as If
It then
Haven Joly 24. after V. A- Johnson.
would be aU or aeten bundnd old ml
The only damage to the houae was MIk with a Dremiea aath and carried
3r_ bad made a heroic eBort to save
pink asters and maiden Mir Teres.
dteia hi caimp; Mddea members
the chimney wUeh bad been strnefc.
bim. being bimeelf revived with dISl
Tbe Hag was borne b a large asior.
IM W. R. C. and Spanish war eeter
Tueeday young Johnson nTbe beautlfal farm home was
Of tbe Spanish war reterani
celved a beaotiful gold medal atuebod
Northport. Mich.. Bept. A—TM mem- tracUvwly decorated, tbe large porch
tMre are expeetdd abimt l».
a MIken watch.fob. with snliablr
TiRM will bare a separate awtion hera of the NortMra Michigan Praaa being la gddea ro’ while tbe tatcf
of the duap and tbc commlaaary de­ nseoclBtlon meeting her# today were lOT war In ferae and aaUrs. Tbe dlaGeorge Tren. K 8. Fllno. Edward
la dak and white aatera
partment will be in charge d n spec­ alow In arrlTlng and k was late this
Manderille bad George Uebteaburg.
ial corpa of cooks and atlandai|ta. TM
tbe conraiktlon
and Mbbou wound wUb amllaa
Detidl youths
were . arreoted
adtfltW^ expenae for this will be de- 1U acMlons. A. W. Oonn d the Snt- tended fiOB tbe ckandellers to tbe
brought to Pontiac fd arraIkn»«»L
Bay Kedrs. Rllber Campbell d foor coreers d tbe room, while there
- fraped by
Indlyldoal eontribaOoa
large bowl d aatera in the cen­ on a charge of ehtming Mra. J
from Company M. d Xr«rane. wbo tbe Northport Leader. Bedt Wood­
Rogera' barn at OrvMraLnke. and
win look nfUr IM aoSartalnmenl of ward and n rd«aenUtlTe from the ter of tbe Uble. There were two long
nelftag theoaelves to sundry articles.
Ublea, IM bridal party Ming at tbe
tMtr eomdan from oddde tM diy. Brening Eeoerd being all that
Sedtt pillow* sod ramping trappings
Beerytttlng now poinu to t grand prcMl peevlooo to tM arrtmP of tM Mad of the Arat table, and tbe follow­
sMCMa d tbia enrampnenL U will


bidMlM and bnraed It to tM gronnd.

TM barns.
Mist Hamel-Ornoa Corbatt aad Mr.
tan tons d bay. also ware des­
Brwln Howard Baker were aalted in
troyed. TM loss Is about M.MO.
marriage at t o'clock Monday efterMrs. OmMiBsrrt^want W Detroit
BO^ at the borne d tM krlde-a aunt
Baiorday and from Ibal city wrote her
^nndc. Mr. aad Mra. Pder Morrlbosband at Port H^ron that M would
eoa. }iut beyoad Tana.
bare to try aad gat along without her
Ckartca D. Atwall at Onoa ckareh waa
as fbe Utended idng wfOt. Mr. Derry
tM ofAciallniclercrMtM f«UW»knows no reaaoa Ad his wife's strange
copauoa ring aerttee being need aad
aetton. as ibelr raiaUona have always
abonl al«y gneau being present. Tbe
e«n mod plessbgE. M peya.
bride and groom are both fiotn Dwigbt
At tbe moralag petal an at the Ftee
liu althoogb tbe bride bred many
HethodiM conferace Tbuaday a*.
yean la Tmrene CUy and has a large
Kalamaaoo. no mtnUter was allowed
unber d Irleads In tbli diy.
. glT> b!« annusl'rarori pe-ialaing u
Or. Mmes Ougbaon of Dwight was
bis charge, until he hs‘1 at saerej vittke beat man and Mlae BarMra Oir-

---------------- ^

Stme Sodak and

t from
Bay Cliy. oH Are U the

ilaBalAntloo And tka alternon to CH>- aad IM eompavTomeerew tM amk

an «MM miwmUaaa an

A defcetlre etalmner In t

He d vaiT wdl tnOaked with bK.owped by Mrs. Brigham and occupied


Hich aobool was Meat ad aa tmaal


KaeriHM p ppan An Mn


nre n see tMm Mrtas Us dajr In

<dtr aabook even
tap wMb abwt tba aami
aa last jwar.

TMUl»l»»r.' WTTH

wWoMk ttMMwaadMtMl
nwnd-W^Mdma'Ite Daetn MU
bojeoce arw pnernt. Tbe saaal
•bow tkon to aar d Us friends wbo;


p4f’S.'SueT.t t2#S5a? comrasyp.^"'jK^S^KFsSi7

The BUzxard Ensilaee Gutter (prU
the Boaineas Because (joality is
remembered long
after piioe is lor
citj of hay in tiie '
country, tbe com
crop abouU Ito well
taken care of. In
no better manner
tbia be done
than by ntetng tbe
eeonectioa with a
eilo. A favorite
Cattera arc need.

The Queen City Implement Co.

BoIdaodGuaran- ISl SUteStreet
teed by

atz. PboneTSi

Rutaa Md itofHlsti«n «r J**
H«r*ld Y*ufi« Mto SmMm
» will try MMr «• ««rry «r
frrt SIMM MytUM*.
"I will tfy u *• M

m I

•v.T> IMn, Uk,^
K I «v«r fail In t^w to d*

th^ thin,^ I wir^,y. try


R«mar«y CiilaMa.

tomdar 1. IWT. aH7.
IRTHm Way to Aahaai.
O bapp^^ttle annr. oo your way to
•cAooI asata.
Avta*< w|tk «aadar aod arithBetle,
. >rtUi Uottoraad «t(h pas;
Yoor iwarta arc UgkL ymr ,mlo4i arc
brtcbl, year 1«U (roa'worry tree
•a»c Iroai a toak aa dUDeaU aa apall
tsK C-A T. •
TaaH leara aorawMaia eCber thlaca
tkat (wo and two are tear;
m»t twriaa la caned a deaea aad (hat
twnoty U a aorc;
Bo^ Baar paaadi ara la a toa aad
, VaM la a dla»;
«W hooia la a iar (bow
. mrntr yean la TiBe!)
O tndUns Utda cMJdraa oa year way

JOB beya an nco,
Wm.^ar IcaaoBB fee a ploaom
■« yea fit aad peat ^
' And audooaly be walttof tor year
Vto aebdoi to be out?
wm the tmebm gtoe you boaorahle,
aMaUoB^wbea yoe go
T9 year M Ad laac ncattoe? May
Ood peat that It be Ml
Aad make yoe aoWe wnaea aad Oaa
aad lortag nea.
UoAliic mue ebtidren oa year
way to aChix^ agate.

»raewaa1 •palllii«.
With her ferala la a wbM.
Waa aMnd tbe w«d ‘btttoa*-

Mid aba,
Aad thooghi *e had deaa *

a two llB?"
With Birth aad paUeaee waa Meat
, -By WUm haa two."
.•BrMar»»T U»'.
Aad ahe tookaM aa abe feH--«alte

Prtday, Aeg. M. Wt.
V. W. (wmAlM Cob Cradla RalU
Oloyd Ayraa aad Oaaiy Ayree. aged
I two Wd 'tow yaara. Orawa, Mich.
ItoBMk aeet by Uilu Ayrea.
«M o( oar peesa thia week apMka
I' «C tba troiy of boya aad girta who «n
) aebool apUi. And It a^
E 'VMra Ube aa araiy to year pteMdeat.
I W Mb tktaiba ahoot tt. Dear ba wbal
- • lot or yoa there are!
a that aoBe of yoa b« pad wfeeo
wtteM bapM. boeaaw y^ wHte aad
ttb her ao; aad abe tmapaea that
e P yoa woaM rather bgte

la e ptoaoaat (hlag B
yoany dean yoa tbiak ee. Sabeaaa?
m» waau to bear yuer eptaioe ot It.
’yea, aH afeoW tC too: what yoe an
•Dbg to etady. who year tMcher U.
•hd the reaaoa why yed^Mke to ge to
ackoot. And bewldea that ahe waoU
to fcaew 1/bMt kthd ef a
, ttai you bare bad. Haa aaytblU
tinwiag feaipMfd lo you? Hare
PM heaa away tor a rtoR. aM what
4M yoa an there (hat yea
«e«? What haa bappawat
I tUak
la be BlecM tuoe? Rare yao bees oat
to the wooda, and oa (he water, have
PM hPped tether aad mother oa tbe
bra? fheae an juat the kBd of
tbiaga yoer preaideot Ukea to
ahoot. the mmaal Ifelain, aod
aeery day Ihlafa that (nterMt
boya end girt*. So this 1* what Obe
hi gotag (o do: an tbe SanaUaara
who wrtto to her ibU aiootb and tell
her aboot tbe Boet letereatlM *
that haa kwppeoed to (ham dartag the
ggiamer 'eaeadoa win receive a pietan poetal from her.

Delay Bngh. aod Loto Ayrea.
food to bear from them a^a.

It la

win be m: etolaed. What ahin I M
aboot ur
-Wdl.- tepUad Vtala. -yoa-B hare
to throw tbe berries away. Then yoa
go over to tbe apring a^ aath (be
stains eft whiled ran oe
Soaler'a witb tfae^mmaage."
The pil waa oaickly back. ealUiig:
“Here an the cookies after all.
for MCh of oa. I told Mrs. Sgoler
bow yoa tumbled over tbe wa}! and
apalled the berries we bad for her."
"NOW we will set here and eai the
eookioB aad mt a while. Well mrkc
eap^oat ot tbeae big bamwoul
leavn aad drink aoma.ot th-* «piiog
-nter: It U aa eotd aa lee waler."Whofe that cnwtlng about In the
mod" asked Dickey, aa he bent to CD
bis enp.
'Why. It'a a little mud turti*. ' an
awend Viola, “Ufa catch him and
put him lato your hal.
him better.lato tba bat went tba mtiddy t•>^
tie, bat aa be reto^ to more sboni
toere the childrea soon Ured ot him,
and pul him hack betode the water.
Jnat (hen Mooley. the red cow. oaioe
near, quietly eating gnaa.
"ll'a tbe fasbion tor boraea to wear
hau. and Mooley ought to have one
esdalmed Viola, mladilevoualy.
“Land her yonrt. Diekey,“ and anatefahand.
pUct>d it
upoe one ot the cow's
Mooley. aUrtled by (be glri'a and-;
dea motion aad trighteoed at
Btnnge object waving before ber ^^'yea.
awkwardly down (he hill sud
the Une to the barnyard when- abe
stopped at the bom tioagh. tossing
the hat into the mnd mad patUng ber
toot In It imt as the children com
running after her.
"There now, the bat la at: mud'
cried DIekey.
"Oh. well.” aaawerM tbe girl, cool
ly, -the trough to a good pUri> to
wash It off. Doa't wall (or It to
ov^ the well curt) and
icok for tba big trout Uncle John
put In (Sere yesterday."
As Dickey leaned over, djwn (ell
hla bat lato the well.
"Oh. dear! Now It la
what will Anty Panoos uyr'hecried.

who oaaed the boose she reated bsd'
asid It evtT ber bead, and abe dldui;
ace whst would become of ber.
. "Toa aball eoi^ sad Hve to o«r lliUe garden boose. Bridpet." said Utile
Carrie, very gravely; “sod wcD all

"Bsth." mU Aaat Alloc. dr«Hdag
her kook M comtog (owaxd the cAiUreo. "bow many dMltoa have yon aad
Jaae. wbM you get Uwm all togetber?"
“I dua'l kaow." ahe anawmed."
sevenlecB or aloeteew. 1 piesa. Whj.



'*8000010.“ said Aoat Alice, pattlag
ber arms anmnd the iittje Mrt. "1
tbsogbi of (be loveliest pm>e to flay.
Leu go up aad gat the dolls brokea
oaes and all the ^hcn. Harry
COBB too. U he Ukea.'
Beth and June sprang to their feet
at <mce bat Harry walled nntU they
leached the top of the suiru. Then"
be decided to follow ihi-m. not becanae be bad any Idea M pia)Ug wlU
dolls, but merely to see what they
were going to do. Ai the door of tbe
pls)'-room be paused and looked In.
Aunt Alice bad made a hasty trip
to tbe mule and bniMi bark aoiae
pdateboard boxea. a roll of cotton bat­
ting and a airing of emply
She set each booon (our of.ttae spools
tucked lo a bit of (he cotton and.
presto, there was a aoli bed. .
mUe caU ahe arrenged In XtouUr
rows, tearing a narrow atrip of carpM
between them, la ever)' little bed abe
UId one or the dolU tbe glrU brought
Tnveroe Oty. Mbb.. R. P. D. No. *.
"We are pring to pUy hospital, lur­
Aog. St. ltd?.
ry." she explained. Beth
Door Pioaldeat;^
are to be nuraes and you may be tbe
I have oot written to tbe Herald tor
' Wait a mlnnte. gfrU. while 1
a long lime, ao t will wHte now
geU your <hps afid aprons."
peto I ban a white kitten, ito i .
She aped do«-n stairs and Imugbt
la SnoeWL W« bare two boreea. two
back two ol Mr. Palmer’t linen bandcowa. and three calvea. I went np to
kercbMa These she pleated and pin­
Orlatt and etayed with my brother
ned into the qualDtmt
aad alator tor tve weeks. ] bad a
crer saw. Tbeae went
ml alee Ume. Aa my letter u long
did (he waltrem'a aprons which cook
tough I wiU-ck»e.
loaned ber, but Aunt Alice did not'
look quite .saUsded.
MIty Bi
must have kerchiefs." abe said,
ad afbi
■alt. I know Jnrt the thing for
She flitted dow-n tbe ball to her
drawn. Ulch.
room and preuenUy came back with
Aug St. 1»07.
two siquares of mnalln. folded dl.-ignoally
thiough the middle. When these
Aa I have ool wrillea to you tor
were pinned In place the little glria
tong Ume ( win write and tell you
looked as If they had Just stepped out
re been doing. I have been
: a really truly hospital.
ipire vislUng (or als weeks
"Now. Doctor lUiT)'." she laughrsl.
aer. . I am In tbe eighth
"Oei your book and line nid M It "I have flli^ oome little botUea with
grade. I am going to school again
dtla year. Scbeol doesn’t aUrt until iiU Why don't* you ever think i^f laptocg for plllB and these little while
candles will do nietly for the UbU-t*
lo September, because they an build- tl.ings yoancirr'
doctors always carry. If you like you
After some minutes tbe hM
partko the acfaeol houac. I
may nu' them In tny hand bag wUh
have two brothers oho would ll^e'to rarely landed, s^n aoaUnfi we*.
"How am I ever going to dr;- it. now thH Uny therometer. Are ymi ready
have tfarir names on U>e Cradle Roll
I visit your patlents?"
Oae la two ymn old. and the other U that the sun has aeir’ askod Di-;ke..-.
"Walt a moment. Annt Alice." said
“111 go to tbe bouse aad get
(oar. Aelr names an Cloyd and
Coaly. Mease send them each a,eard. irstcb and we will build a little fire Harry. "I want to dress up tod."
So be ran down the h^l to his
I win eeod a stamp tor a new battda.
When be
Tbe fire woe built aad tbe bat held
>-er U. soraetlmea very near. Once _jomenu later he looked so funny and
Luin Ayres.
wise (bat the two sober litUe nurses
very glad to have your It got acorebed a UtUe on on;} aide.
aat down In the middle of tbe Boor
"a names on the Cradle Roll,, "There. lf« dry enough'now,' o
seized Viola, shortly: "ll I:- gtMiny. and laughed ui)Ol their aides ached.
hope they will Uke their cards.
smoked too; and there's OiThdia.'t Hi- put iXl s quevr <rfd long Ulled cost
calling ua to supper. Say. blit I'u and fastened a strip of white fur un­
DIckeyY Palm Last Hat.
der bit chin for whiskers. Tbeae. with
Aunty ParMwa climbed Itosurety hungry!"
hla father's bat aad cane, made him
It ot the dd-tashtoned ebatse. ^Aa they went up the path Ai-ni I.or. look quite tike a geswn up doctor.
Inda Colea, who waa lust «:c|>|ilng 9IT
reached under the low aeM and drew
“Splendid." said Aunt AUoc. clap­
the porch after bidding grandmu gixriout n newspaper bundle.
Dlgbt. remarked; "Seenis to me that ping her bands. "Now. Doctor Pal-,
•mate. Richard." she said, "la the palm leaf hau nowadays dou't luoa mer. this la Miss Beth's ward. You
hew hat I promised yon. I braldM It so well as the ooea I lawd .to brsiid." see her patients have all. been in a
out ot Aome palm leaf I fonad In the —Detroit Journal Junior,
railroad wreck and are more or less
attic. Soma I had left yean ago. The
Injured. How would you proscribe for
blue bond U made of the two premium
little Ping Pong? You aee abe baa
ribfetma that old Black Jerry won at
broken ber^oulder."
Out of doors the big dro)if fell In
the Ooimty Fhlr when he waa a coll.
“Hum." said Doctor Harry, looking
quick aucce^DD from tbe lowrrlug
Take good hare of that bat. tor I
>ery wise, "we must set It at once.
not make another."
Nurse, some bandages and splints.
"Ith great, annty," said DIAey. aa
Mira June, will you bold tbe apongc
How they
be tomed the bat upon hit head aad
for the cdiloroforrar'
d mUba. b
burried to >otn \1ola, who was wait­ im^ their (aces agfin aod again le
Setting tbe shoulder proved to be
ing (or him at the gate, on her way meet the cool soft kiss of the rain: quite a dlSIcun Usk and by tbe time
to the boose ot oM lady Sqaier. where while every braach and twig seemed it was done, both nurse and doctor
fhe had bBM ant arlth a mesaage.
tired that they ate moat of
Uke on new life. So.tbe bapplneas
Viola was Dlekey-s eooatn. aad ahe
a gnuaful earth tpreo^ like a dr- the Ublstt ftrj tear of getting sick
g to m«k/hia drutanmater ek- la the water until It Included
Aflor HArr>- bad attend­
ntry aa Interesting for him every living thing.
ed to all tbe dolt's in Beth's ward, be
had Btade her eeven prerloua
over to prceertbe for June's
ra to henelf aad family.
(ever patleniu. U was great fun. Aqnl
. Judge Palmer's when- thru- sober
Alice, who bad gooe back lo her book,
“Lea's atop aad waUh the slllneni
little faecw were' pressed against Ihe
looked' up and smiled when she saw
few mlBDtrs.“ she anggested. a* they
paasi-'tbingB were quite the reverse:
tbe drat faint aunbeama crept
ohared the wlllow>-bordered pood. "Oh. Indeed, yon might almost hai% ihouMii
the floor unnoticed by any of the
aee that big oae. Otekey! Too eouidat from the looks of things that It was
children. >
aXrb Urn in your bat. could
raining tnoide.
"Why." said Harry, dropping Wa
Of came the hat. and In i
In the flm place, tka ebUdron'a
medicine ease in rorprlae. "tbere-a the
Dielwr waa kneeling, by a litUc pool
mother, who knew the jolUeat things
dinner bril and the aun's abtnnlng.
and reacbtng oat for tbe Ash.
to do when you felt blue aad out ot
Tva got hfmr“ be cried, triumph- Boris, bad gooe to bed with a sick PerhSLp* ^ can g.0 riding after all."
"Annt A«(»." said June when they
aatty. reachlBg np the dripptag hat.
headache. Then Cook had failed to
had flnlabed putUng ihingi away,
-tfa a beamy." esM VMa; "but
get her monthly ^eti^T from
-ibafi the mostest fnn we've bad In
yoer hal'a pretty wet. Dfokey.”
mother In'ireUnd aad. %s
time. Well play it again
"Tm," oald Dickey, soberly, “ao It
ftn^isad It. 'She was a« solermu as ahe
coaid poaserbly be." So It reaUy "RalDy day." ehlmca in Beth. "Oh
“How aball t dry Itr
seemed as If the only rbeerfal person Auntie. I've been out In the garden
"Oh. leave tt on that rorh |n the na In the bouse was the children's Aunt
a while, and It will be ell right." Alice who ut smiling over a book at and my paper dolly queen Isn't hurt a
8bc was under the seffl In the
repllH Viola.
the far end of tbe room.
aibor '—Vicks Msga^nc.
The hot san soon dried
“Rorrid Old rain, " said Junr. 'i'ou>e
tbeogh DIchey said It feU a mOe Ump
spoiled sll my fun. «os« and I pUnTtB Little Pradiqal'
aa be pnllt <a.
Md to Uke our dolls out lo the a'
There was a great eoojmouos lo the
R*ben they regefood tbe tap of the quarry and haw* a picnlr."
Umlly when mile Carrie went lo Uve
bill they found (.naatttka of ripe blue'"TSlat so horild lor you aa It la with Bridgeiraod ibis U bow It bap
for me.' said Harry. "Fred's uncle peoed.
“My. but they an good.- oald tkekilted to Uke Atm oji In hla auto
Mr. Stanley's feonae had a Urge garey. "Lfd'a pick some for Mrs. Bquier: today and they were going to stop (or
;n at the back, and at osb end of (be
Mb's fory toad ef (hem. aad maybe
Now we esn't-g at all, esuise garden there was a fuany lluU bouse
Mb win gire na ooae of her esnway
with only one room In IL It had never
been used, because no one knew Just
"Tour bat would be ton the thing both of yon." waitod Beth. “1-1 left wbat to do with IL Mra. Stanley used
I pick the berries In." aatd VloU
my paper dMla out in tbe arbor aad
say {bat ahe thought she woald like
"Tea." aaseoied the boy. "and we'H the gold wlU all wash off from U>* It lor ber hpoau when she wUhed to
ftl It IB oo time - .
be atone, and not have the children
Qteed 000*0 crown. I Just know
Wbeo tbe hat wa< nearly full VloU will." she sobbed.
rwahlng In'upon her: sad papatiu>uc»
mid. “We most hurry aow. Lefe see
wonld be a 0>od.'squte( place to uke
"I sbould think you a-ould ko
Who can get erer the wbH drat.'
nap in. bat no one bad ever done
better, Beth." aoolded Jane. "Aa much
VloU. anuatomed to cIlmMag walla u mamma's said to you afoot laaring anythldg In it yet.
aod feoeeu. waa quickly over, bot ninga around out doors, you ou^t
One (toy foWget Riley, a ak* reOidier. tn hit haste to be flroL caught rsnseinbei once In a while."
lectaMe iriah womaa. \ wto came
bU tom to (be vrall and teU
"Teu can't say anything. Mim June.“ erevy Monday to do the washing.
opon tbe hat fult ot berries.
ted to be In great dMreai: and
oald Har^. Uktag aides wjlh Bcfk.
. eee wfeht yoe made "RTio left (hHr mostc roll out uoder when Mrs. Staaley asked the cause of
mi do!" be grML riosM;ly. '-The hal the maplee Imd weekr
her trouble, sbe said that the t
■^TYaveiee CHy. MMi.. It F. D. No.
Aog. H. UOt.
Dear Pieeldeat:—
It haa beea a Icog time Pom
wrote yoa ao I win do 00 mw. I wi
to a ptoalc over at Loog Lake Wadneoday and hM a good Ume. Oar
week from
Best Monday. Oar teacber*a
Mn. Holbrook. I hope 1 ehal) like
her. 1 wlab you were here to
momlng-gtortoa la oar front yard. My
aUton sfe'eomlag oat to eee na aoon.
We have dre- dneka. aod three cate,
two honea. 8ve head ot
one buadted and twaatyAve chleke&a.
A (arnaee |a being made andcr oar
Achool booae. I mMt ckwe for tl
Age 13.
Hate} Bngb.
How I ahoaU Itke to aee tbe menlaMorlea. They moat b« beaatltnL

* .• . -


r of bar
Bridget twlsud the c
ber eye OB on apolagr lev
ctytog. a . she talked of her ttual
proaperu: b.;( Mrs. Stanley was quite
UkM with (srrie's plan, and spoke
to papa at-ooi It: aiM ii was soon set­
tled (bst Mrs. Rile? was to Uve la (be
It was a bright May morwlagvwben
the moving look place: <,nd llttir Cs^
rte wc< luuy there all .lay: flitting
be-» and there, and "walchlhg Bridget
a hile she «. nibU-d (ho fleor. aad p'lt
dua-n a-hst she called “ber-blt of car
pet" aod got tferaeU in order. It was
a nice. It'rge room; aad with «rorytblng so fresh and dean, and vrtilie
cortalas at (he little wlndcma. It
lookrd very eomforuble Indeed.
But the crowning beauty of- (he
whole was-a large wicker basket. Ifesl
be full of cots—there waa
cat and three IllUe ooea:
and Carrie had onr In her arms most
of tbe lime. Sbe could nut ten which
the prettiest, the block or the
grsy and .white ones: and It was very
hard Indeed to l.«va them aod ga
home. She was paclfted. howeror. sy
promise of coning again tbe nex.
day: aad when tbe fell asleep In her
UtUe wbito bed, black and gray kit
tens were chasing wildly through her
.TIB next morning Carrie came down
sUlra with qulie a purpose In her
“Mamma." said ahe. very soberly,
"I don't think you need me. and I
should like to go and be Bridget's lit
tic girl. Mayir
">Vbst!" mid Mn. Btsnley. “to llvr
Ihcfvi all the time?"
"Yes." .vplled Canto. “I could see
you cvi-ry day. j-ou Kliom.—and the
kittens arc so pr^ty?"
Mamma wns trying not to smito. as
abe conUniicd; 'Tfecri, I had better
l«ck your lliile trunk, and lot Bridget
know (hat you arc coming."
"Well," said Carrie, very coutHilodI) . and Mn. Stanley went to consult
tliidgri. wbo-sccmeil very p1<<aso4,
aod dcHarid that “the dartinl was
iHircly wcironi.-."
Tb«- Mill.’ vlallor f.-lt rather queerty
when shi- and her inink were left at
Ihe door o(.4lie garden-house, Just ax
though she had-Ukrn a Journey: but
the ktiicnu were prettier than ever,
and nearly the whole day was spent
in playing with them.
real fan. too. to air down' at
BildR.-l's table, with one liu>f_pul up
by tbe window, and to drink
of a large mug, and eat such a nice
(hick slice of brtwd. and batter, uud
sugar: and tbqp Carrie be^ to put
le room In order, and-ielf quite like
llUle bOUKeke«-p.-r.
But by-and-by it got to be'bed-Ume.
and then Carrie mimed ber mamma.
In (he night, too. the wind began to
bowl, althuucb It was the last of May.
and every one scented so far off—oh!
It-was quite dreadful. Aod the end


Cut Stonework

■Jli Bay St

tucked a bwadto of cvcrvhBs bearoth
of It all was that there came a great hi-r arm and lacked the door of the
knocking and ringing at Mr. SwalsyV country eehoatWair. ,
door after every one bad gon.- to bed;
- Really?
idect witb a lltUr iH-lng partlcnlaril) attractlTr. 'TYhal
shlrerlng flgurs wrapped In
bitrvasoo have v>o for thinking she to
shawl, and ihL funn; buudic madelAunt Kale? ' Msiibs sxked as tbe two
bound Imo Us motber'a arms. a»J walked from the ahahby, Mitto buNd
tbe guod-uiared Irish woman said
leg da tbe tamshto and set oat briskly
"Sure the darilut was bronkto' tier tc the dlrecUou of the village.
bean iDiifCl)'. wld cryln' after ye. and
Mlm Kate Paxton waa taaebtr la
so 1 lust whipped her-am of bed. tuid
the counto’ achoo). aod arory ffkMay
here abe is."
The oexl morning, at juayrrs, papa pfteeiooa her utoea Martha eame.lo
her with tbe slngin* claaa.
read the parable of the Prodigal Son;
and Utile Carrie oald. softly:
"That U me. maoims."
Not very long sftrr she begun to
“Wbai is U>e matter nowT' asltod
mamma, aa she drew her little daogfater close up lo her.
'" ‘
“Why." sobbed-.Carrie. “It I'm a
l«rigal. why .Itdk't aomeliody give me
a new drwK and a ring? I w:n( a ring
ever ao much!"
Then SiH. Stanley .-xplalned llw tliwpi 1 story to lii r tlllto
lUughler. and Carrie, iwumc qnlel
again Aad soon Bridget appeared
with one
ttovgray aa| while klltetis
that Carrti* was t.> keep (or her Very
own; and the llulu girl always derlar.-d that |t vras givet- lo for be­
ing a "parigul
Vouths Comianlon
Two OpIntoM.
Wbat a vart.ty of ways' there are
of (ormlog aa roUawte of p.«pk-!
Buoie Judge by the face, some by the
manner, eoinc by deeds. But .ilhers,
there are who loc* d.vp down Inin
iho.beart of the one Judg.M and say:
"Wc And stmic good here, aad ours Is
(be privilege/to bring it «»ut. Ood
Dcy.r made anj^thlne without ooiur
pood to IL"
"M<nr plain-looking tbe new- sriiolsr
U!" tvatsiked Marriui.
"Bteui her' She's ns »wc-l as
ros.'," Aiuit KsU- tt'ioiu.d as sh

More than one rvutm.- Mias Kata
Mid nalllngty. "Her eyea are trae.
her voice Is guBtle. ber maniww kiad.
these tell me she it aw««L Fbf a
week, I hsve bsd an opportublty of
watching her every day. and I have
ber do more gracious little daoda
than I ran enumerate, and all to a
very modest way. Perhaps you did
a« obeerve bow awttoly uhe adlowed
Amy Maitin to past the nlngliig-baoka.
IxBaaBe Amy deriarvd It was her tiun.
though t konw Beasle vras dellghtad
when I said she might pass (hem. And
when I asked w hu wonld lend a pencil
Johnny Ij^nn. did you not aee how
quickly she rrxponded. and with the
I«-si she had? Oh. yes: 1 know Mte
U sweet and lovalito lc». One may
read It In her -face. If onr looks long
“Her tore ocemed vhry plata'to.BB;
I auppot* I Judged hastBy." Martha
"When ymi s'-c/Bontto again, lo^
Inin ber eyes. remoBbaring what I
have told yoa, and I am sare yob will'
agree with me that- she la aa sweat as
a rase." Miss Kate said la ber win-,
some way.
Later, when Martha, hod laaraad
mora about Bcoslc. ahe was fain to .
ronfesB ibn( her aunt was right aad
that (ho owner of t plain face may
tndved bo as tweet sy a rose.

Sbnp]y the vuible sign th^ babjr*A tiiqr booe*
are not forming n^yklly enough.
Lade of nouridhznent u the causa.
Scotfs Emulsitm nouruheg bal^s 1
en0re syitem. Stimulatee and makea^booe.
Exactly what baby needs.


During that fO'inS period m
which women so often suffer
from Bcrvoosness, backache,
sick headache, or other pains,
there is nothing that can equal
Dr. Wiles’ Anti-Pain Pills.
They stop the pains, soothe the
Bcrvcs; and give to

the relief so much desiretL ' If
taken 00 first indication of
pain or misery, they will allay
the irriuble oonditioo of the
nerres, and save yon fortheE
suffering. Those Who use them
At regular intervals have ceas­
ed to dread these periods. They
conuin no harmful drugs, and
leave no effect upon the heart
or stomach if taken as directed.
They^ve^pTOTpL ^ef. ^ ^



That's the Dumber for you to keep io miod
when you want firsi-class bpilding mater­
ials. You know THERE IS A DIFI'HKENCE. If you are going to build
you want the best you can get at whatever
price you pay- This meaa's you should
call up Cit. phoot 32 and have us figure
with you. Better .yet—come and flceus.

Traverse City Mfg. Co.

sad rexL t tMnX had I kaewn B
ts- Ps.n pm« when I was flrvt tsfcaw
• Or. aUlM* Actl-Wsln


Miks Medkal Co^ Slkhvt.^;

at s good Salary awaits
cvsry Ocaduote o? Ths Oetroit ewaiMoa UnrvofWity.
Especicrtt* proves this p«a<tlroly. Cauloupe Froe. En­
ter any time. Wrvc tt. J. Benfiott. C. P. A. Prmdpat. or*
W. F. Jawall Pf»a.forTt. IS
Wileax Avc- Oatreit, Michi•an.

Best Flour
All the Goodness of tbe uiieat
fHESE two moan a good deal to the hooaewite.
^ Best Flour oontaiBS all the |;oodo(«a of the
wbttoL ia made by akilted baoda. and it the beat
all aroand floor job oan pat in your kitefaan. We
HTi' not making aay (aacy olaiiDS for it. }ifot goisg
to let the flomr epeek tor :foeU; aad it will ape&k
^<>o<l aad lond if given half a cbAsoe.




Ito od for a «Ut
for teaw
•bonMefo, for drr Ud
aklB, peaches, trover tV trtet with boUlag
u for e»l«B
iBMtlr* klterr*. sralcr ostU tV akios wfU aUp. Cook
dadlag It tenet
refreebtag and
and they will not dteeolor.
UnltV many oils, that Cut tV peuehra In two and remove


and BO eoaOy absorbed that It Aoea parts of aagar aod water a

Beyond All Cavil That Pe-ru-na Is a
Safe and Useful Household Remedy.

Buat V every day? I wish 1 could
■ for the «
Jpil 1 nerar pet Unte to rant.'
"Yon poor woomb. Lei me tell you of tv body of peraces Vvlng weak
Proch Uarmatede.—BMDOve the
bow to take a vacatloa and do your lonv.
skins os for
cut the peachra
A BMtt eSeetive and yet simple mb. In slicea. and nteosare and. allow an
wort too. 1 think I Vve as many
family -daticB to look after as you V sUlute for sen water Is a cap of rock
,bwu« of sugar. Btei the fruit
yet I am growing freaVr every year. anil
teM to warm water, and .^u, „ imi^
as poMtble: pul
An old doctor told oae bow to rcot and Vded C6 the bath. A warn salt bath through a frail press, and cook again
of this kind U tbe moat refreshing unltl thick. iVn add the sugar and let
I're tried It till I Vow V U tight.'
“Do tell me for 1 want to get rid of ioolc for an exVusied body,
klmmer until tV surer te dissolved.
this careworn look In my face! I want doo't go out of dooTB after taking It; This may be pul In cans and sealed,
And tv bdV? i don't care.
juM Vfore going to Vd is the right lor in giasees and covered as jcll)'lo
AV mr iNNtowaT TV uBe.
nnd peevish with tV VUdren. 1
Sweet Pickled Poocbew.-^elecUate
Ben nV Vnren? Too Uiod.
what to V'sweot tempered IIV yoa
pcacbca that are Brm and ripe. Rub
Urtuswal. Ways with
I ornnt to tortol.
wHl wlih a Vmp cloth, or peel. If
Rice with Peaches.—Boll one plot praferred. Put one quart rinegar in
'TV wvie thing te so temple tVt
And I dont •■at to mjt
r twa; when dooe, attr Into it two a saueepan and add two pounds augaryoa arUI protably not follow tV adTfVl I vnni to foiyrt.
and OBO-half cuptute of sugar and ooe- One ooDce tennarntm and mace, and
AV I don't wont to think,
Vlf taaspoonful of salt, and best srell. ooriVIt ounce each ginger and cloves.
*Dta, yea t will. 111 do anything.’
Jtm to lot doom BV Bonren.'
"It te sVpIy thU; When tired. He Wet an' oral mold with cold water, Let boil and dropYn the peaches tflvc
' Jnnt to oBootn oat mj imn.
down flat on your back oe tV door prtua tV rtee Into It. aod set array In pounds to tv quart vinegar), let
Jut to •loep. and tVt'o all.
If no bed te handy. Ot oooree V not a cold place unUl nreded. MVe a ■cold, Uke up. pat In a jar, pour over
Then Vue your ejwa and take good •yrup of two eupfote of sugar, the I the syrup balling hot Drain <df. beat
Pfone leave mt alone,
yoer ctefVa ao you ean breathe freriy. juice of two iernona. and ooe pint ot and poar over the peaches tbe next
Wlfo ronr pinooa and tbtav:
Tten shoe your eyes and taV good oraur; boll unUI clear. Peel and halve day and do thte for a few days.
TIVt Umt. that I onat
one dosen fine peaches. At serving
deep breaUtea and forget work,
Nor a doctor, nor foUn,
8*-eet Peach Pickles.—Something
few Vautes you will v unite reeled. ame turn the rice oat on a Vt diah. new in making sweet peach pldkles U
I rm Omni to V no.
You eee the blood gets a good Ug arrange the fruit around it, and pour thv prepared; Cut tV |>eaMes In
' on. 1 want to M |D.
—AMO R. Wollo. la Upplnooira Mag- charge of oxygen from your deep the ayrup over all. Serve very Wld. tyro; remove tbe stones and fill tbe
braalhlag. The heart has
with lad/-flogef cokea.
attoo for Janagrropening with horse radish mixed with
Baked Peaches: CTIngatone* are rinerer:' tie the tsro halves togetbee;
to work on and repair Is rapid. Lying
mahea tV work easier for tbe tv beet for this method of cooking. pack In jars and cover with Uu* foHowVM all oat of klltiM. te rooT
heart because it does oot Vve to pamp Wipe the fnili wlih a fiaanel or soft log liquid: To-two pounds of aulTar
NotUnc COM to auU rv. «dte?
blood ap hlU. nngettlng work leaves doth and pack them into a stone jar. add one pint ot vinegar
Skfoa new aort of daik^ and ctooded. tv brois Idle and that much Wood fllllng sVQt twottdrds tun. ecoiterlng vlnegM- alone should V used for all
nuie sngariamuog them. Then cover
TWn tbo dar te folr nV brtVt? goee lo repair mtmclee Instead of brain
plckleM); lie In a bag ewne whole
Mrs Della C. Csraeron. Hesidsburg.
Btm aCastod—Call to aMioa
eelle. Worry nlwaya talndera dlgea- with cold water and place the jar tn cloves, carala buds., stick otonamon CsU memVr Daughter* uf America.
tv oven, Vking the peaches slowly
Baastr vrond v oreiV hand!
Uon. Bad dlgcatk
(broken I and some Uny bits of ginger.
bronchial intws sad had a teRlbU
until they are tender aod transparent,
A few Vort Vjw teat a Vy will a
Haartnc m> Unnalfod jotfra ralaalnx
rHaving tried many vemcdle*
■Iteplce and nutmeg: rebeht three
eoughevrrsloeaaehtld. Whenaehlld
•ca«i of pronte. aa>oot!aad srand? telld you V. I alwaya llfcb' to take but not broken. It wUI radutre from times and seal tV^jars. ICeep In a chronic caurih of the hronrlnal tulw.
UwassopposadW V wboeplag wogh
suV a real after the men bare left two to throe boure, according to site dark, dry idoce. When readr to use andnotreeelvlnc any benefit, i begi
or tbe croop, hat as 1
AMar It gV
te think there waa no help tor me
eacbes. Tbeee are ddlelous. aa
IV dinner Uble. Vfore I waV IV
No. Toor oav te not a
vt*ove the string sud nerve wUb I Vgan to use Perana.
Misa Kmlly Kocb.911 Michigan Ats,
dlabto. itglTca my-itomacb a chance thla method retains tVIr flavor well.
"Afterawhllsltgaiae bad 1 hV to
Tte a popolar diureoa:
"In a short time tV branehlai Id)>o* Sb^Vygan, WU., write*:
eoogh winter and sommer. Pte
Pooch Podding.—Tbte dish coo
to work whUe I rest my mavlea.”
b tte not at all cooltat
began to clear, I did not have that -frog
"1 ran heartily recommend Peraaa nally I bartiabloodvasaeitamy tbraas
mode from ellber canned or fivb
"My hustand would think I «
o 'pr low:
In my throat’conllnnally, my voice »-aa for ratarrh.of the alotnacl). 1 had tried from the atrain ot rtmgbing, next a
Three Peach Desserts.
tesy. If he knew 1 was lying around peaches; If tbe latter ore used they
not nearly so husky, and the wlio xlng many thing' wbIchYlid me no good and blood VIMclia my stunach. *c 1 kept
Peach Shortcake —The peach shofTlost V cut Into Vlves. their stonrs
like that. '
And te oaar. dolta, to
aa a last resort I got a Vitle of Perana. getting worse and duciorlng. and Mon
"No matter what he thinks. If you removed, vd otewed with plenty of cake, olltaough not eo popular iu tV
"I only regret that 1 did not try it '
U roa lolloo nr dtrocUona.
then eunld get no relief.
entirely free frotn'caiarrh. and as Ih
fore I fom-d so much bad atnff into tny "] wenuoadispaasaryfer
a show iVt yoof work is all dooe. sugar and a small quantity of water; strawlH'rry ahortcoke. deserve*
Oonrateoeaooe. «alek. k nun
wwseraral months ago, Ido nutbettc'
stomach. It baa entirely cored me and bni It all done me no goV.. AX
and that yoa are looking brtter. than thickly ^ntura baktpg dish; drain the low thte delicacy in Its aesoon. . Bvery> rhatltwill
At eight I
na, iiwiiiieiMiu
retarn '
peaches from their syrup, lay them In
:. 'Iwoaldms
V wOl not object
The aVve group of women ©onlil V
TaV a bUi of Vaorlal
np onlil two or this* e’elodt i
mnlllpIlV by .tea IbounMd WlUi-on
Amrther thing. MayV yon tool a dish,' cue side dosrn. and strew over tv most iMcful of our fruits.
f cnots^
Adi a iortfon of
'otlly tec
mornlig Vfore I eould eJoae my eyes.
drink wougt water eacb Vy. The them plenty of flnely grated bread V eaten raw without fear of bad reAnd. arttb both. V |U4 eodcaror.
afnicieda* 1 was."
Then of eonrte. I tbowh^ and every,
lbs; tplk with tbo syrup 2 tea­ (ulto to the most delicate stomach,
mandea and body Usaam are largely
I MM anraaotawn, bo blent:
body else that 1 had eonsomptlon.
A Wasting Disease.
made of water and tf tV enqply te spoons lemon Juice, pour over the and when cooked has few. If any.
vttn oan and akill ooa
"Beading thy paper* aVnl Parnaa I
Vok tV repair te not complete. Drink peoebea; strew more bread crumbs supertom as a deoaeri tVt meats all
decided te try it wtthoottba least bops
>xa Tyle
thsiii would dumeaav good. Bntafwt
krta'ot water and yonr health win V over the top and paste them with a toatts. To make a shortcake mix to­
WUl prodoca a
thelUlnoi* Woman’* -Mlltnce. write*;
gether one quart of Vur. one leaapoonfew
three Vtlles I Wicad a rhsnge.
That te bennd to
"d^nglbe pa*t year 1 gradually leat fleah and
My Bpp> lile got Vtter, ao 1 kept OO,
"I never drink water, t driV oottee put tbe dIah In a brisk oven and Vke fUl of salt, one Uhleapoonful of sugar,
With a M of k
onable te perform my work ptupcvly. 1 tried diflerriil renirdte*. and Anally
never got tli»(vursg*d^
heaping tsoapaafalt of baking
Parana was toggeeled lo me.
: meal Ume but I never drink water onUI ligblly browned over the top;
I ran Hr on tny t>ark end si asp
l>owder. and JUh In two-lhlrds of a
r life and restored my sUrngib. 1 cannot speak too
with whipped c
It gave r
b^tvm meals.’
hly of II.
Peach Custard.-Moteten < r toblri capful of butter. Mix to a son dough
J ;BMt^not «a!Utog i tV bnay • /TVfsjnaUL Yv would V better
i ihanklui 1 am for P
and roll out not quite an Inch thick.
(js perVv » YOU
lo fit three" paaa. brush with
spooefuls of cold milk,;
ilk,: .add one-halt
'b iSd k tv ipiBc of ikf to oao'a * ^laay folV ton stand ooSee.
well, turn Into a milk, aod Vke
wonder you are croas ud paerish. Try capful ot *agar. atlr well.
^Ch Bavaiois.—Maah
ache* to
WUI some one of the many good . ■ cool place. Tills wUl V rsady la
pan, add one teaspoonful of bat­ Split wbllerhot. batter IlVrally. and 0 pulp or use any other fruit, stralufortnight or fora* weAs.
cooks of the Grand Traverse KcglOD
« TV V^and aorrl^ tVhlch-i* water or milk. Now I must V going.
ter. aV. a little at a Ume. one pint ot ^reod each piece with well-ripmied tng 11 if It has *Md«. Add a little give Ibis a trial and reptui on It later
». A aatnadbaat;
}*i Hope yon will follow tV doctor’s sim­
orange of*1rmon juice. To each plot
* i • itekard. avvamnc. add this • ple rale for rest.’
For Fail Fsstivitlo*. with
whites of two «re; beat U>e yolks tlU
of tbe pulp allow a pint and a Vlf of
' te S k traa raoL•
For serving with -loe* on th* aenam
CucumVr Rk>V«.
light and blend with them cme table­ cakes the three layers, the crvst side chid sirup. Add two-thirds package
AbaaltfU Rest For
Borne of the itadenU In the gymnv spoonful ot COM nrilk. 8Ur Uite Into of each layer befog onderneath. Serve of granulated gi‘tetiv. which has boi-n
CtifumVr licklee, Uttcooked.—Wash Ion of social retbertnre- Util' fancy
cake* are much superior to sUcky
lam at Wpllsteey CoUegs. thte teat the rornstarcb mixture. Place all •-lib cream.
nielted. Stir on ie<> unUI it begfos ;o ciiauiilMrs eiean. put to a jar.'rover
Isyar cake. For your nret party, try
Peach Cake.—Mix together one pint
year. 1 am Udd. bad lo work for wweV over the fire and cook tbcM mlnutea.
thicken and then add half i pint of‘«*'h vinegar, eontalning od«. cup of tn-o or three of the following r«cl*M:
before they could enUrely relax their then sot on Ice. When quite cold, add of flour, half a leaspoonful of salt, two ••hipped cream. Mold and when turned
tl.niwn pr. ferri«di, one cup of
||iUc CliarioUe Olacoa.—-Thw* w0a
of sugar, and one heap­
mmclM and withdraw all volltloa to the custard six ripe peacbm. pared
garnteh with rases of whipped »«lt lo eni-h guHoo of vinegar, and ooe
te thorp a rrmn. tar^
made by jofnfog «Uh toelflS. Uto
and col Into omall ple«es. Over the ing teos|>OMful of baking powder. cream Upped with bite of brl ht Jelly’eup of dry nmsterd . Mix augar. mu«them oo that tV |
arortd. nV boBBot kDoe to bod oaav
the sVpe of boxes, UUle aqaare c«kM,
btts'uf the fruit.
turd and salt together dry. add ilnenkSt with UM fvKng tVt “her dolt move tbe* at will, A beginner to top H>reod
of lady linger mixtara. and flll­
Jelllcd Peach-w.-kPreparc oni- quart S»fPlekles with thte and e>
-la otaBod with oawdvt vd aV wanto ptetao practice often retards bis pro- made of the two white* of egre
lng with' Ice cream at *enrlng tinw.
greoB ve»7
by hto very eOortt two dewcnapaonfulB of pulverlxed thick drop Vtter. Poi« Uite lulo
ol lemon J«-Uy. using iwti and a half Jar with a iile (date. Ibudy lor
to V a Boar TV ««rld
shallow. weH-greased pan. Have ready
Th«K> mtle case* may V made frexa
Ctipfnte ot waii'T. one and a half cup- lt> ten days WUI k.i-p Indeflnltelyoosa Wi ngly utanl, randy to tear to hold bte hsnd rtgbl making all the *ugara number of pored, stoned, and quar
slicea of angel food coke If denirad for
half e.ii.f!tl Btralmtl » th<' family donl And them;
bar ta pfoeoa, bar work looa» ap like muscles cf tV wrist and forearm i
ured peschra. Proas the piece* }«rtly
white or bride'* tuncbeoo: th* oatMd*
Hom* MsV Orted Poached/^
and the hard BB iron instead of as pllVIe as
letucm jiilee,- and IwluhlrdB of nj Sticod CucuniteT Picki.-* —Did you of tbe alio- dipped in idag Vfore
Peacbe* may V dried at borne with- down into the Vtter. placing them In
■ of me foV froab hold DanuMcuB blade. But sucoees. either
and close together; sprinkle with
Joining; orioie
Vfore the icing ----hardeos
--------much trouble, oaya Ranch
of bar tVochV Worrfoa that ooqld lo pbystcUl culture or in tV uae o1
sugar and Vke In a quick oven. Thte
sprinkle »1th ono or two owidied
tlM Pteho. depends upon tV ylted hp Range. Pare and cut them InU
.ordlnaHly not adaet her at all
ice water. Halve,.slime, 'and pare uicq. Slice them ok you wiiuld for
leave* If for a ridet qt
riolcts o
All the cnvIUra with •ngar. and may be served bdth hot aod cold
daoly cro* into vlla) uoablaa. and to a certeln degree of one's ctmUtd
each Uble use. U-t tV-m he In cold srater
Peach IMddlng —Fill a pudding dish ripe large i>eaches.
.nV wooden how aV.cna aver gat np ovOT bte own members. And tt ap­
half in tbi- -Jelly, place a Irtgnehcd ■!• a f,-w minutes, then put into glaos jars
'and bagta iV dally routine which pears In the Vws of Ute that thte wtU bake very slowly, but not bunr
pint of water, cover, and Vke unUi mond In the hotpiw left by the yra . and add a tlitV salt and iiep|«T
cuirftil of flour, one capful d *««•
iawalta bar on tV oorrow. When aoch ■•me rriaaatten may V ap^led to tV or beoome brawn. When parUslly dry.
the peaches are tendeV. then drain oil mural ul the jdt and press It <y>wn put them in. ihi^ All the Jar with cold
hall a cuirful of Vtter. Remove
tlBH* ODOM tv Wlae ntwan V» give brain and nerve centres, and in such n beat them up as hot as iraaaibio with the juice and lei stand umli cold. Add on the bottom of the mold. Crmanuc vim-gar and m'sI lightly,
tram IV fire and brat In na onnw «*
hanall a aantal ahaktag ap and aet- way as to eeeure positive rent for
to tiolhte nntli tte-Irttom is ct«^«l,i
melted cVrerlate. and. t»e *t n lime,
jars that Vve been fnmlnted
tlag lo rtSda. BV hnowa that Vlf thme orer-taxed aerranta ot ours.

pint of oillk. one cupful of suiga’’three large eggs. Shnpa with a fora"Ooe lAytedan recommeeds thte with a tIUle Vrning sulphur <
tv tmhtea ara laaglMry eo«a,
oih] of iihifoim si.-e.' To Insure the Itig-lmg. Bake, aod when dooe. cut 0*
of melted butler, and It stiffens jnil «
oft-uawa *-lV bldceot tnwblea of aU method of Biting up empty nerve stick. Sprinkle a layer of surer In one cupful of flour, in which te mixed the sides of Uie imntler |rt.-o.-s in ihe
sire, pick th.-m eierv day-the til. tops su.l |«>i Into emdJ cake a te*ara tv traobteo tVt never arrive.' centres: tel weU Vck in n slraiMT ■the Jar. then put In a layer of peaches, line teaspoonful of |>akiDg j«o»der, center, then add .-.iiolher layer of Jflly.
plcklfhg s|,o(wf>il of strawberry
and that tv aaeni <K Vr U1 feeling cVlr. let IV hands He ewdly on tV
ContinuA this until the mold is ailed.ljn j„s-wasb. plac in stonewar Cowr with whipped errai
more peadres and *o conUnue until neat for a minute, pour
Is phyatetel tatlgoe. net gonnlDe cot tep. not crossed. Vwever. Slowly drop
*n«f h
peaches Id the dish and bake in a then set aside nntit very Arm Vfore'
tertor dUneultfoa BV has found tVt the heed until tv chin retes on the tv Jar is full to the top. Tbe last
sliimld serve uuic
til well browned. M-iving. Vmi
until cold; -then wipe the
IWnijBo Cokra.-nrst make a
m toad nlgbls rtw with tV worrtaa
cake, light -like sponge cake, with thi8|„„^
liottles. cake, or any other almple cake foUServe
all raadataly pot tatn tv .haada ot poaalble. At Oral the unuaual train will
tniSlid Vk.- It la shallow tins, mak­
tv all-powaira rather who bw prom- be a ilUJe uncomfortable, but gradu­ hot SB possible and as qirickly. Tbte
ihu*: To one gsllon good vinegar add ing the eke about imlf an inch thick
Oainty;^ Peach Oearerts.
A New Garqish For SalSd.
' food to do our earing and our carrying ally tV time can V Incrmaed from a 1s an easier task if the peaches are
vb-n cooked: wbea ood. Iqp Wlih
Peacbe* With Almonds —Cover
Among the r-sjR-cially dnliity gari) pot qulu- a cupful salt, two cups
tor aa. If V win
rin cast
caat c
our care* on few mlnutea to an Vur or nwre. The not pared. In YV winter slip oS tV
igar iand a few whole ciov< I It log; allow foil U> art, foeo with a
sAInt as they cook. This Is an easy low glastt dish »1th peeli-d aod sliced telies for salads. am<- of the most «s- iilated biigar
principal of a oribbratcd school
e a rapt <
lioil viiii-car'uii'l *pln-s am] jio'ir
Shan, .knife cut 11 into smalt obloaga
SOTS that the dally pracUv matter as soon as tVy begin toaotten; ripe peaches, then sprinkle plcntlfnlly IM'iisiv" ib^i con 1-0 bought In th*
her physlteal ud bm**’ condiUon
boiling hot. -Have the mrts well' fcteml force Inches long by one and
wVn aV opou berieyes tbe next of this exerctee a few minute* at a Vt they are not as Vllcote as when with chopped almonds. 1^*beD ready- grocery slor.*: Is sweet pickled re^
I w:;ter. prt-ss In tight mil- half inches wide; melt a IltO*
serve cover with sweetened whip- peppers. They hav.- n high sounding
pared before Ving dried.
noralag. TV UUle worrtee nre prin- time, whenever aV could
ped cream. Ute i**ch(w must, ofisiahteb name and are supposed wI*'"'* **'*' Prettared in thte way they . laxvrfste. and. with a amall branh,
etpoUy shadows that teUl Toolsb eom- chance, had enabled her to teach Sfto fcpresont d
courw. not stand long before Vlng come from Mexico.' It has always!*!" V Jusi as ttice an.! t-risp «s foe painl
---------Peaehn for Winter Use.
n houra a day. U aeema to act M
ptettey wVo sV uiraa tv light of a
«■ foe writer that the*.- dain-'"“’•c whole i,i„i,ed. fo- »a\m cakra «*y V apUt
In halving peaches for canning
estliSulsber to thought, and Uteri
mmU» oa the* aod ev«a Ue big
Peach' Scallop.—Peel and chop ties, which give a flnteUng touch lo'Vmt^ a t.-uspoonfoi of grated ho»»e-„nd rpreod wtfo Jam btoore
preserving, most people cut them
■mailer, and ally empUea the brain.’
P« !“
Vttle ttvra a ;i,j„g,
through the natural line of IndenUtlon. enough pracbes. when in *rason. to i,e,h the flavor and foe apprarapee
«vea UV pngrita's Ilfn^ V dtalned
Hickory Mareraons.—Pul oonJmlfdf
If. Instead of thte. you cut them make two cuirful*. The canned peacbe* , mitl-alnur salad, could fo« Ik-oasMy I F«®<! rt-H^h. and a llb- ra) amount of
WVn Yom Ara Tired.
bv Hh- Vni* rtwk. but noi1“"Rrw*'n Freon nastiirtbim *e-d<i^ pound <4 Wckory nut meoU fonragb
. easily preparedA hot bath. If taken freou«»Uy. *Ul around'half way between and vraliel
TV next
woTTtes Insist
Ujth.DrV <ho;.per. oylng a ffo*
msk..- a •••'
'kail*. '
lay-er of these In the Vdlom of a ledpe has
on ttriag yoa to tv hroahlng polnu- keep tv ekln in an excellent condl- U> thte. tv iw*cb stones ean b<
. '
brat very allghUy the whltra
cased pudding
ntidding dish, sprlnkie wl>
with peared
pear»-d until reeeoUy. In the descrip- toothsotne variety.
llM. and te ateo an unfailing cure for iracted much more easily, thus
and worry te <me cf the
CucumVr and Oni.m Pirklc.—pe-l
three Matt) *VS. then ttlr In oaesurer
aoaieea of dlamue -try tV i
layer of stale sponge coke Honsckeeplng the fullowtng bint' te any onmtier of tip" c-ucutaVrs. re-.half ot a pound of stftad powdered
TV following U one ot the best and overcooked there will V a tendeticy
It JOB <*B only opare Bfteen mteutea,
-dropped, which Home Chc-r hasten* more the seeds and chop th<- palp fine, >.ugar. the ofanpqMd BSU, a pinch e<
taka It. go os by yoo«setf and let go. men rafrrahlng addlUons that can V for It to separate alMg the nanrel CTumV. iVa more pracbes. and
Maasure after chopiiing, and ,for e\.*?y ^.It. ope terel laMexmoontnl of floor
to pick up and pa*> along to
mind and body. Bve« the little real made lo foe Vlh; ^Inio a four quart line alsd. thn making quanevs inateml until the dish is foil. BaV thret
four quarte add two quart* of p.-*;.-) M fci- orant uaapooafol of Vkiag
of halves, but this will not ardlnartty t.-ra of an hour. Eat hot with a hara readers:
bottle place elgbi oani
wUI help you to Me (hat tv sun Is
end chopped whit"/ Dot t;-K (,/.wiJ'-r Drop by. Uto half itre-teAm"The
alhg, and
atin oblnbig. tv Mf^ tendng.
Peach 'Layer Cake—One cuplu! of th*. plates
white leaf of lettuce iwo in later* la a colaader with x-n- v:' *n inrh apart oa flat battered paiu
Spiced Praches.—To seven pounds
ee. after eotol. a qnart of aea sail and All up
tv world te a pretty «ood ptece.
!a>ei» -<jf salt betwe"*. cover’
-jr'i !.imlt" in a T*fT moderateoven.
with water—soft. If ponibie. Use a of peeve* pared and cat in balves powdered augar. one
and 1« stand for tw-uv/fo-ir bouts.f I*--anai Macoraoas —Mix one cop
batter, three eggs, white* bretc
gm eacb morning tn tV Vlh. It te allow three pounds
Turn Into a towi: if «« aaliy eov. ;»-d pranpls. one cup powdered
A writer la Sorcoaefu) ranalng
cold water-'and
let stand fftr a ‘.laar. oof largf tablMfiaoa of flour
i«ru> .*hb who

buds one cupful and a half of flfur. one skinned asd seeded. This •■• parUy'wiih
give aone good mgge*U«a aiong thte fsce when Ured and dusty, or for Vlh- cloves, a ublespoon caaola
Vapfog teospoonfo] of Vkini powder: concealed by creamy white mayon-j few hours to freshen. tVn Pte** a-;-nd «hitea of two t
Hoe cf
tV carrylag Mt ot Ing the Ved *-hen suffering from and Ulrk ttnaamon eftougb to i
Iltao which was a sprlnklli
sprinkling of dry tet i*w*lblt-.
i-wrihle. ' F<w each glhon .d, r -tttered paper and Vke light browu
■bout a foot fo length: Tie the apiee* flavor with vanilla. Cream, butter uaise u;lrm
which ara srithin tv power of almost beadachrt
and augar thoroughly, add yolks, next
and yellow swe"l peppers which the mixed vpgeiaMH, add two r*d
thin ifleee of muslin. Boll
•rear londor of thte department,
i.;i>lira’ Fingers—One eepful su^r.
skia and itmnded body and aeUve rinegar stod apices logefoer and poor whiles beaten te a stiff froth, ibeo'hjd been *hr*dd"<l flne and picklM- |Krs *e.*ied and chopped fih<-.

!! air cupful bu'ter beaten (*
of white mii'tanl
movements argue her not more thaf oi%r the frull. letting It stand over gradually flour anfl milk. Vklng-pow-J Thi. ptckflng was don.- tn the nuiiniin;
"Tm do look Ured aod w«rn
i <-rg. quarter cspfol sweet milk, tsra
thiny. belte^es ber youtbfol appenr- night. In the mornfog pour off and tier last This makes three Uyera a
Why dvt you taV a racoilonr
flour. Vlf teMpoonful soda.
syrup of lw>lled sugar and rtaegsr •as-and grated borsetadish
"Oh. I can't thfoh of It. ttV would anc* and freedom from tfony of tV rtVsL Poor over the peacbe* in the te tV nicest cake made tor i
tartar, oac xraherrlra. p**che«, or rora'tareb c
m tv lOMte and tike care W tl : ratn» IV fleab te bHr to. to V doe
|u>iling viw*»r toeovwr and set awavj ..».-mful vnnllU; mix snfu
s add V (V thaosand things liu IV use of cocoannl <41. SV
FsBOOd Out.
t «ut fo fot «0.
To drop the vfode thfoc.
TV werrlM. tbo fnu.
TV Hrrooi. tV afot.
JMt to let nyaelf dooa
On IV M or tv fronnO—
AnrwkMo eo It s 4o*n—
Awl IM nuoHf go.

Read What the Women


• tisr-

4^a . ••,•••.• • • •
^vnarf V erV’t CM




Pages 7 to 12

T%» «0WHU iwt «TMinc a«ciecd to
M Dm raooB M m rnwt atrM for
‘ ■
tho ObJotfon o< Ike aaror; Ui«'matter of
•omiMMUAi tor *«p«vUon ooUm
“ Momooro tor maklBg opecla] rollo
came ap afaln. and a«aln the oounell
vraptiol «IUt tba street nUlvar
PwcUm. bar seettona
up for
At a prenoaa meetios of the coun­
cil. a voU'bad bean taken on the mat­
ter at reotlnc the tpom at IK rrant
atreet at tba rata'of #1 a month. The
vote had haenrix to tour and the mar
or bad daelarad the moUon loat deaplte the niltn* of the ettr aUomer
to tho oontrarp. Maror Prtedrieh
prsTcnted from atteDdla« hr Qlneaa
Uat erenlnc and Mr. Winola acted
aa ehalman. On tba adrke of the
Citr attonwr. be declared that the
Botloa waa oarrted. Aldertoen OoodHeh. Lardle. Blclwrd and Winnie
Tba matter o

and an allmr never. Mr. Palmer atat­
ed that th«ae MIb had been before
the eoi^l once -ptevkiualr. that
they hM been rderred bach, the
mltiee bad paae^ on them allewtnit
what they thouafat waa Joat. order*
hid been drawn and tbe auperrisore
bad rctueed lu take ihenw
Mr. Dean waa preMt and waa cell­
ed upon. tUUua that be did not think
tbe aaperTlMM had been fairly dealt
With, aa they bad Connerly been alloved about $4 a bloc* for tbe work.
Mr. Lardle aaked the provtalooe of
the charter and Mr. Palmer replied
that K waa |2 a day. Hr. Dean aUted
that the charter waa aHent cm the
or of apacial aeaeaementa. The old
atate law eays the oompenaatlon ahall
be <1.60 a day but tbe townebipe pi
attention to that, paying <SUO
•260 a year for the work. Mr. Moon
aaked the city attomey*a opinion and
Hr. Davie got tbe charter and looked
it np. ihowing that tbe oonpensi
U a day. '

a np In the form «t
ram Oeone R. Win-

ale oCMac t

"hlidi" betors -xnodere tee rall."
Tbere was some dlscBadon but the
motion enrrted. all voting yes.
Tbe arneodment to nrctlon SO. con­
sisted oC omllllng tbe -word ‘‘opecalor," tbe section dealing with the lo­
cation «d tbe ptdodpnJ business <rffioM ol (he owner, tbe framcblse as
drawn stating''wwoer" or operator.
City attorney Davis stated that the
rails were always
in' the city
the ears, rolling stock, personal
property, etc., were not taxable If the
offices Of tbe ow^er or operator were
elsewhere. The owner might lease tbe
property to some operating company
snd by the emiesJon of the word "<v
erator." If tbe road was leased snd
tbe operating company had otfloes
elsewhere, the city could not cidlecC
The amendment was not passed
The tucking point In secUon 34
s-as tbe omlssluo of the danse
pelUng tbe building of the line
» here and Elk Rapids by Jan.
L 1»0». Mr. Moon auggested that tbe
company be given until 1811
Mr. Davis prepared the suitable wordThen Mr. Palmer moved as an
idmeot that the time be 1910.
n»e vote OD the amendment was sis
tor and fou sgainR. Urdie. Moon.
Uurebie and Winnie voting agalnn
’n>e vote on the original moUoa
live and five. Aldermen Abbott
Goodrich. Palmer. Shuter
Connick voting no. Hr. Lardle^ then
moved that the Ume be 1911is^s
motion carried. Aldermen1 4Boot(.
Palmer and Sbutev voUng no.
Mr. Davis then called atu-ntlon
the fact thaot no provision was made
>r a line to the driving park. The
impaoy had omitted this..
There was^biU a slight ebange In
acctlon 41, the company having thir­
ty daya from last nl^t In which to ac-;
oopt or reject the franchise.
The amendments, except thoae
sccUon 30. were then passed as a
whole on Mr. Moon's moUoa, Mr. Ab­
bott and Mr. Oodrtch voUng no.
The Latter Day Saints were given
. ennisBlon to use the Second ward
hall for a conference Oct. 4. 6 and C.

montha, and said that he didn't see
how people conid expfct tbe work to
Dorad that the oSer‘be accepted. Mr. be done at lens than a sand ahovelAbbott aapportme.
er’e wages. Mr. Palmer said he
' Mr. Urdie atated that be bad made couldn't find a auilervlsw who said
the aame motion acme time aco bet' be had put mord thno twenty-eight
la the abeence of the mayor bad mov­ days' work on tbe matter.
ed to receive It and plaoe It on file,
Prank W. Carver then took part In
vhlch be Iboo^t ahold taAre been tbe dlacnmkm In regard Co hte-bUt
done laM nlcht. -eapeelaJlr aa a red saying that a anpervlsor U called up­
ilght bad been ptaped at thefrodtS.A on almost every day In regard
Ughl had been plaofd on Front atreet something that he must attend
vhar^ the police coirid be called Hto blU of <60 had been cat to <12
vrithont dlaturtlnc tbe firemen. Mr. and ho b«d paid a man <10 to help
Palmer cnllad tor the qneeUan and' him. He aald the roils bad been
tha vote atood aa auted. all the alder- "hurry np lob" and be had to do a
>e« bMnt preeent.
great amount of work in a short time
The report of tbe commlUee on and bad charged <60. Mr. Pahnor aUll
elalmn and aocoonta harlnp been Md that the eoandl was paying
adopted, the derk preeenM toer more than the charter allowa
bOla ebkb had been referred back to Mr. Moon apoke In the Interests of
tbe counell hr the clalma and ae- harmony wrglng that the coandi and
eouata committee. The flrat of theee aopervlaorB get together. Mr. Davie
waa a bill
G. Shlleon tor ta- bald it was a rush lob becaose mat­
terem cm
ters bad to be arranged so that reso-.
Vnlos atraat, the bUl i
Intloaa coold be passed within a
•U4. Batorred ta the waya
Uln Ume. Mr. Rtokerd moved that
commlttna on Mr. LardteW
the inauer should be refetyed to the
1%e othar three bllM from the ways and means committee to confer
other ansetelaoto who had made: with the superriton. Adopted.
were given permistdon to use
^Mfial aaaedamnnu. W. W. Demi
street railway franchise <
Third ward hall for servlc^.
mkt^ tor KO on tbe BUhth etreet up. in the matter of amendment
George Amlone was given permUW. P. Harmia. <16 and F. sections 4. 90. 34. and 41.
Mon 1o move his residence from 717
W. Oarrer. ffO tor work on WaahlngTbe aiMdmeol to secUon 4 eoo- Union street to the north side
tnm niMOt,^ a newer cm .Court etredt dstod or learlng oat the word Bast hJrtpcoUi sireeL

On Mr. Moon's mouon. tbe Grand
Traverse Soldiers and Sailors aaaodoUon. which has lu annnal reanlon
here Sept 11. 13 and 13. was allow­
ed <100 for expenses. Thel peUilon
ssked for <?00. sUtlngvlhst Uils wm
tU first encampment in el^t years
and Uut generous suhscrlpUon* h»d
been received fnan tbe business turn.
Lincoln street from Fin to Garfield
svenue wss ordered graded.
The'recoomiendaUonB of the strMks
walks were adopted.
The clerk repotted that U was nrcaaiy to make a temporary loan of
<3JUi which was order^ dime.
Amll P. Nertlnger. }ud^ cd Record­
er's court, reported <36 In fines col­
lected of which tbe city secured <33
and the county <12. There awe eight
vicdatlons of the «»««• law and twelve
vitdutlons of the ordinance. Including
ten drunk and dtsardetiy.
The meet and milk Inapeclor re­
ported tbst he had examined thirtythree dairies conutnlng 4t>l cows and
tbe condition of all wss good except
few which wer^ not clean. Fifteen
meat markeU had been examined and
nil were In good rondlUoo. Four
slsogbter hoases. except one which
was improved, were in good oondltloD.
The city treasurer reported <61.602.35 msb on band.
The city engineer wns InstnM^ted to
place a water pipe on the~0. R. A I.
grounds for tbe O. A. R. encamp­
The mntler of a mud hole-at the IntetiMctlat) of Elmwood avenue and
Randolph' strews and hole In Elm­
wood avenue wss referred to tbe comtuittev on stivets and walks with
lower to act.
Hr. Lardle reported that the indi­
cator at the engine bouse bad long
been unreliable. It had been struck
by ligbining once and rewound and
didn't always correctly register
tbe number of the box. On his
tkrn. the khier was Instructed to se­
cure one at o cost of <I60. .
Mr. Lurdle also brought up the mat­
ter of the need of a sewer betwi
Tenth and Eleventh streets. The most
feasible plan was to crass the Cothoproperty and connect with
Union street sewer. Hr. Isirdle’s motbm that the sewer comnlttee call
Father Hauer and coiuiult with him

In regard to the matter and report •
the next meeting corrled.
On Mr. Ahhott’s^oUbo. tbe vartous
llccwea from pec^ on' the camp
grounds during tbe Boldlerv and SallOTV nssociatiou will be turned over
Ibe Woman's Ki-lief Corps.
It seems that if tlx- im-s co Union
street^M Iw wjtetvd they srfll be
ssT.-d. The clUn-ns would do ihU
only they are on meters and it would
be a great expense. This matter waa
referred to the ws>s snd tuesns cemmluee on Mr. Shuler's motion.
’A'*ceaolution*tbat'a‘speclsl cdccUon
be held Sept 17 fur thb purpose of se­
lecting dWeguees to the oonaUUiUonal convenUon was adoped. .
Mrs. George M'ertz, of Andetaoo.
Ind . and Mist Myrtle Paichin ot Bat­
tle Creek, hare retiirned to their
homes after an extefided Wsll with
Mr. and Mrs. L 1. Werif. of 1127 west
Front streeL

Attended by a somewbat smaller
number of tuembeta than usual, but
not daunted by that (act. the newspal>er men of Nonbern Michigan wbo
attended the pres* club meeUng at
Northport Toeaday held on of the
moM proOuble and enjoyable meet­
ings dnee tbe organluilon was fint
The business mm-ting was held at
the U. K. B. ball in the afternoon snd
two topics of dlsrassion took up the
eaUre Ume. Cotrospoodents i
first discussed, how to get them. U>e
kind to choose, and how to keep
thefii. Every man prvsenl bad som»Ihtog to say on the matter and many
good BuggesUons were utterfd which
will undoubUdly help brighten the
nearby small publications.
The other subject discussed was
the matter of premiunu ^d the gen­
eral oidnion seemed to be that they
did not pay and that the pa|K-r Itself
should be (he only attraction.
The banquet wan held at Cedar
Lodge, thirty covers being laid and
(he genUemen siiUng down at 8:30.
Mr. Ward had almost outdone himBelt on Oie menu which was as'fol­
Cren^ oe-Tomalo Soup
Planked Whlteftsh
Slioed Cucumbers. Frenai Drawing
Drown and White Bread


Scalloped Poutoee
Banana Salad Long Island Wafers
VanUU Ice Cream
Assorted C*ke
Mixed Nuu
The service wax of-the best and
eteryeme had s good word tor the
monsgemeui of the buteL
E. 1. Sprague of this city preMded
> Uusunasiw and hU wit and hrlllUuee were one of the main fenturea
o( ^be long pro^m which fcrilowed.
Hnwideul 1-Tood of Northport was
the first npenker and In a few well
^KMien words welcomed the ttenspaper men to his city. Tbe response
made by R. D. Frederick at the
Sherman Pioneer.
Prof. Carl J.^Lundberg then sang
Scott Woodward's composl^on. 'Did
Flfiy-Mne." and was forced to re­
spond with an epcore, which be selectavl rrom iho Prince of Pflsen. Mr.
Woodward «i.t (ben called upon (or.
the wioiy of the sung and before be
allowed to sit down, recited two
of his r»ni|iostlliiBs..
The Rev. Dr. Stewsrt of Evanston
aa calle.1 upi>ti for an Impromptu
talk ond. tor a abort Ume kept bla
bearers intensely tnlemXed. He com­
pared the different ctaxs«-s of papers,
dtawlnx H sharp roninsi between the
uses and liberties of a large city dally
and tbe country weekly, saying that
while (he largi-r
publlcntlon could
r things through Its editorial eolB that would t«ss unnoticed there
sod be (he cai'Ht/.of a terrible
sbinx (or thm^' country (dibir.
should he auempt to do the a
Uiing. Uist the small paper was
that reached the prople and did the
gDod.Hctalkedforafew momenta on
how the newspaper and clergyman
ctwid pull togHher (or tbe salvation
of hmunaity.

As an after dinner talker and a
good story teller. J. M. BatUe. who
wss next called u|iod, proved bis
worth. Mr. BatUe U poaBcosed of a
ready wit and has that easy aasuranre
of manner' that makes his talks fasci­
nating. He touched upon tbe tnUi In
connection with the newspapeiw and
paid them a tfomtng trlbote.
I^rofessor Clark of Evanalon figunlively palled tbe newspaper prufeoSion on tbe back by talking on
power of the press. He said that (here
was only one absolnte ruler In the
world; it Is not the exar of Russia: It
U not the dowagi-r of China; bnt U

"The scoundrel who is doing evo^
ed work on a big scale doro not tonr .
(he police.-* be said. ' Ue has no re­
spect tor Ute law. but be
tbe reporter who U penlateB^..li0BInMboui looking (or s "Moup' -■ ^
Ito then spoke for eame ttme, show*
Ing bow.ThTOs opinion, tbe'nenppper thought tor the people.
Siutae hUey Hssfd ElRfilnfi.
From Wednesday's Record.
Waa Sister Mary singing vMIe'
wildly wandemg about n dsose
swamp at night*
m wKo were etutahe^ a night
guard saw that adl^
swamp Is where eotne womso^^
been wandering for days and Is •
place where no sane person would at­
tempt (o My St nlghL
Guards were stnUoned along the
•roads and at the edges of tbe. woods.
One party of fire mew were stathmed
K the edges <ff an oat field when. ’
they esy. tne sound of e womsnh
voice Bouied out upon tbe night air.
coming from eomFwbere way haek,
in the depths of the morass. The'
watchers were erideoUy frightened,
tor they mede no effort to look ap
the eource of the sound. The nun eras
always singing about her work and
poeerased of an eicepUoaally
sweet voice.
Pal Bowes organlted a party of
twelve local men and seerobed all
day yesterday, finding an abandahoa
of tracks. Two of the sMithera came
nptm fresh tracks near a spring that
had been made leas than a half hour
before aa the water had
menced to clear.


fitruck Flat Car.
Tbe 9:36 M- fi K. B. paimigar Min
struck a flat car near Bay 8c.. Friday
morning but beyond knocking
fiat oar from the right ot way and
causing the Orewtan to Jump from his
engine, no damage was done. The cwf
as hit at 9:30 snd at 9:44). tbe train
as on iu way to ManUtea.
The car was standing on the Mdt '
end was loaded with heavy baams.
No flagman was out and tbe engineer
of tbe paseenger train (aUed to s«« U
until it waa UKi luUi to stop. Tbe fist
car was somewhat broken up. one
aide being stove in.

I "


Traverse City’s Quality Store

Kalyes Arc Necessaiy

Fourteen Telephones

Newest in Votings

Parifig Knives from 5ic and up.
Butcher Kuives from 25c to 40c.
Steak Knives from $1.00 to $1.75*
French SHcen from 85c to $1.75.
Putty Knives, Paper Knives. Farrier Knives.
Banana Knives, Band Knives.
Pocket Knives from 10c to $2.50 and you can
pick from 100 different kinds.

In our store we have a private system of both tbe Bell and
tbe Citizens and you can call the store and ask for any person
in aVy of the Divisions. They are all at your service, both the
clerks and tbe telephones.

No store is showing so large and .'elaborate anassortmeot of
the newest things in Veilings. The “Auto Veils" in tingle
patterns, come in gray, blue, brown, black, red, green, pink,
navy, tan, white and seU for $1, $1.2o and $1,50 for the pattern.
That which is sold by the yard comes with a wide hem and n
to drinty—sells at 25c, 50c ^d 75c the yards The Pattern
Veils come in either square or the loug shape.

CfMfee Headquarters
We are proud of our coffees and we have reason to be.
They are as good as you will Bod anywhere, and they are from
the houses that put out only the very best. We sell you Coffee
from 10c to 40c a pound, and you will like every kind. *

Wfwldngmen's Checks
Can sdways be cashed here either during or after banking hours
in the General Ofhet at the head of the Big Stairway. You can
use the elevator.

Man Your Letters Here
We have private mail boxes where’the mail is taken up six
times a day. , Mail your letters and packages here. We will do
them up for you and sell you the pfistage, and save you lots of
steps. Everything for your convenience. We charge for noth'
ing but the merchandise.

Best ot Good Reading
We have 1.000 new books that are just the kind of reading
that you want for the afternoon or the evening, and for boys,
girls and the old people—History, Biography. Fiction, Adventure.

25c; 50c. $1.25

Just Olives
That is enough to attract attention, for we can supply your
every want in this tine, for we have them from the little 10c
bottle to a barreL
One of the newest is the Full Ripe Olives put up m i a large
bottle and shlls for 40c.
In the Bottled Olives we have tbe Queen Olives, Monarch
plives. La Isabella Olives. Stuffed Olives and the finest of Olive.
Oil in all sized bottles.

Hie Hannah & Lay HfercantUe Company

i(iTiiiaiiiitiiTittMiii liiif


HtRALO ANO fl&Mto/Cn.






brtdgA.lpart eod piled the'pte^
OBthek^MAthraeut the two all*
' .
^ r^'«« -*faM eighteen beta
mmue Trip.

bM^ (he water. The examlni '
Hsvtog bad k rrai drawe .ttoML
proWhtp be Aatobed thto «
neideni Booeerelt wllL.iermlnafk bto
raeathm by a daeh through the «"*
die west rad adfah. Tboee who I
orapanr hla on that cntlae Sown^l
toeippi river wffi And fken a >'

O.V.. CenUal WatmiM.
The Oruad Treverae Soldiera aoA
sllora aaaoclatlon cornea to Ibis city
T)M ^w)nii BM»k Ntbit
next week and should be given a royelcome. every realdenee and bnstIB Ut Ubor d*r Bd4reM. U UaiiM
booee being decorated in bom
CUr. Oordnor Wftntt uUt«d .In
vein that vm partlenluir Umelr. of tbe veternns. There will be aeve
sl hundred of tbem here toeldm tbe
tooeklac; tm Ibe habit ot aarlax i
«d portion of * perMn*! toeome. Tbei other visitors, and Traverue City
UnaUiMB Of tua talk ookhm fa tb« should show Its. B|«r«clsUen of tbe
fact that JiBt now dK eounitrj laNrory visit br bluesoroing oet to lags and
pfcanwuua, altaatlooa are ttore
Borova than mra to An Uwn
Aor •uming Heuea.
“joba" are pfanttful. Tlila otedlikM
A warrant was Issued for Prank
breeds a spirit of earetesanMa
men at tkeac UnM are ItaMe to for. Lh Crosse ot &stWy upon tbe
im periods er advmltr oabkdi «ome plaint of J. W. Htlllken Tueeday,
tog him with IneendUryism.. Mr. La
Into the Brea ot dost all.
Tbe xordcBor afad that the ^riaa CrcBM nolded in a houae belonglBg to
hank habit shooM be cultlVatM and Mr. Mllllken on Bast Front street and
• time ago it burned to the ground
ealUrated It abooM be. The amoaot
that U to be saved eadi v<iek should Ur. La Crosse baa his fumltore In­
sured and claimed that it was In the
be Jnst as moch an Item ot ttaed
and was destroyed, but when an
petMe as {be poeeff bill aqd dioold
be psJd jnal as Tecnlarlr. It shonM be adjaeter saw bIm he m said to have
Just as Axed an tbe Item tor dotbee admitted that be had aet tbe bouse
or for meat. A man. with wa«ea at At* and that his furaltur* was not In
their prteent rate, is a poor manacer the houae at tbe time. The Insuimnee
Indeed It be cannot pnt aside aome- conpanr told him that they would
T give him a dollar and call It
thli* each week.
M aaviaa sbtraid not be conAned square or If he did not like tbe terms
to men alone. Tbe wtte can be an Im- they would have him arreeled tor parJirry. U Is alleged be eetlled for tk
portant factor In this. Br certain <
Otolea, br praeUdns Mlt denial, abe dollar and now Is awaiting (rial on
«m be able to lar Wide a oerfaln the ^rge ot Inceudldrlam.

. aOB each waek. Tbe ArSt week's aarInst mar be small and so mar the see’ oad week's bat at the end of the jwar
. the amooBt will be worth ooaslderinc.
One aloe thine bhoot anrlng U that
Che mote It Is pradfaed. the no're
MW wa^ appear br which S or 10
oMta mMT be added to the accoasL
CbDdrea also aboidd be toniht to
aere. dter Wmld be toaght the valoe
^ Boner. Too o(tm nsooer sfmplr
reprweMr'to dwa ncahs ot aUetoBant with BO tboo^t ot the Taloe of
the ob|e« ettalBed. Bdoeatloo aleng
fhaee Baee shovld beglo eartrTo her leaa tratrlUoas food la not
Btriac. to wear ahabbr dothea ta not
nrtpr. to ekhnp In the aHewaace lor
^ anaia. to not tsrtoK beeasM all Chase
cake froB the bodr or tbe pereon
0 eoBethlag that ther should have, but
a^eiac. faid ther are ei
Om or the moek eCBefWl etda is en
I geeoant book, as ue record therein
^ ^ rereel Benr STenne* bx.
r a^i amoonu eeeaped.

slB^ shows that this
wrtl founded.

There seemed to be s run swar bug
t work In the cKr Voifaar and this
morning for the police foand aevaral
children wandering abgut.the streeii
and Ktomed them no iheir bomai
One little tot from tbe Sweet borne
at SM Bast EIgbUi atreet wafalefed to
tbe O. R. A I. depot where It
picked up br a police ofAeer. Chief
Ashton saws that It this bug works
nneh longer that be is going U alk
that a nvae glri be added to the eitr'a

or tbe dmrd. the ^fanreh of tbe
Living God.'
In tbe afietnooB be took part in tbe
rVatoadoB service of tbe eeat'atde
cherefa. nts service was mlled at
lAO p. A. and laated until 6 o'etoek.
Tbe Rev. D. Cortilln was present rad
wns-cboaen moderalor of tbe meeUng.
The ceremonies were marked with
uDusuBl toterest and
ngbout and the new cburcb .goes
(Orth with inncb racouragemeiK and
nvely bepes .(or tbe futore.
church will be known hereafter as tbe
J Cbareh of
•Ttofc Park <iai
Tmrrrse Ctty •
Th»-new drurcb starts with a rut
bership ot Ibirty-tbree. sllhougta'the
list will be kept open for nbout three
Veeks yet and U Is tho^hl that by
that Ume the total will >w about Afiy
charter membora.
The pro^»ecta srr excellent
cburcb building us it Is expected to
re a site and draft plans this
falL; As much material as poaaUtle
will be gotten on tbe ground tbto year
that everything will be In readlne«s to bhgin as soon as the frost goes
out of the ground in the spring.

tbree nnd four hundred chUdren with­
in reach of the rtnreb. It ia believed
Annty that this will be sncctusful from
the start. X Ladles' Aid society will
atao be orgaMxed tbto month.
Tbe rneoUno. ^lli be held In tbe
Fifth ward bsll this winter as osimL
It was about tbe middle of May that
tbe Rev. A. A. Alltngton. the pastor
in charge, ceme to thto city from Ma­
ple City and began hli work holdlug
tbe Brst meeting In the nfib ward
ban, about sixty being present at the
Arat aerrlee and tbe attendanee and
interest eontlnnttng ever since, Mr.
AINngton to an excellent worker, deep­
ly oonecleirtioas und thoroughly In
euraest en that be will undonWedly
mceecd in estnbHshIng and malnUioing a etrong Aurcb on tbe cast side.

togto the pretty u
Tlte boe
toe wan iiM
Warira being th
men. ^wrieae to
Invtud gbrets wa
the aeber*. Chart
Tbeedor* Wemn
■dan erfirten beta
abe played Cftopl
ed by “Idyllea" by
Etode from Choptn. But as the hands
of the ringK told tbe waiting gucets
that the Ume waa near. Mtos O'Brten
sounded the Brat notes of Lobengrta's
"Bridal Cboras.-^
Promptly at the hour appointed lit­
tle Bralnard Smith opened tbe west
door aM the groom with bis beet man
Alfred taileheater. of Cbleagy. took
their ptocea at the altar. About
same Ume tbe doom of the,(hnreb
oiienrd and Mlaa Irene fahraer as
honor slowly walked up the
aisle. MlM Warmer wore a gowa of
embrehtoved white ovev ptok altk and
carried asatt pera. Then
bride. torateg 'veiT beaoUtal to her
bridal' rraei of while Tlifferle em­
broidered in marguerites wearing
full tulle veH end earryhiR whlje
sweet pees. Bbortly tbe bridal peitg
advanced to tbe chanrel rail where the
inpresstv-e rlqg e<-rvtce was used.
Daring the enUrr aervice Mtos O'­
Brien softly and sweeUy playrd Mendolsehon'B -Spring Bong." At tbe eonelusion of tbe aervtee and the woiUs
bad been asid.'-'I p
aito wile," the muKlc ehanged from
the low, awi-ei n<An, to the triumphant
burst of mehxly fn>m Meeilolaaohn's
"Wedding March- and to the happy
siralna the wedding party marched
down Ute aisle and out to the stei«
where csrrlsges were waiting to
vey them to Baa Boucl cotlpge where
a reception was beM giving ber many
friends-on the resort an o|>poriUDlly
to wish the bride all bapidness and
congratulate fbe groom. Refreehments
of lee cream and cake were served.
About 10 o'clock It was announced
that the bride waa to throw her boduet from the porch to a group of
waiting girU on tbe lawn. Immedlslely there waa a -seramhi* but at usual
only one girl could be tbe lucky one
and that ooe was Miss Laura Bee^.
The entire party being acquainted
wHh tbe pretty plgnlBcanee for tbe
<me wbo catches tbe'boquet tbrosrn by.
tbe bride.
Many and varied were the gifts sent
to Mtos Pieroe. There were cbeeks
tmount of *1.000. a basket of gold
colM from Florida, cut gtoM.
china. Ane linen, beautiful ^ctures.
a number of botrits and as for slK-er of
all kinds there was enouM> to stock
After the bride threw ber boquet
small fdzed Jewelry store,
she a-eot up suiia and changed the
shimmering bridal; gown for her trav­
eling drees and Mr. and Mn. Bonn
Calloway left for Traverae City, left
amid a shower of rice..confetti
good wifbea Tbey were driven direct
Park Place, where tbey spent Sun­
day. going north from there to Mack­
inac Island, but will be at borne afOet. m at 4358 Betkoley avenue.

rrom Wedacraay's ReeuvA.
Potaioeu and eve atocft eam<
rather hsavy yesterday, thirtera loads
of pouioes and sixteen bead of live
stock comlpr Id. Onfy two loads of
Lay oamc in. Apples caate In raCber
slow aud only broagfit from I
92.50 per barrs.'!.
Owing to tbe aearelty of good but­
ter and the cooler weather, total grobsre again pat oleo on the mar­
ket. A great many people asy tbey
would'rather have It than poor butr.
Here are h few specials which yon
in get for yonr ULIe today. Of your
grocer or frolt man.
Grapea. 90 to SSe a poned.
Peache*. to. 15. 2«, SS and 30.eents
aWtermelono. .15 to 51) eenis each.
Sweet apples. IS eems a pack.
Mnskmelant, L. 19. 16. and 20 cents
Sweet potstora, 8 centa or two for
16 cents.
Tomatoes. 10 cepto a pound.
Sweet corn. 10 and 15 cento a dox. Summer squash. « cents each,
(tolibage, .1 cento a pound.
Radlsbra. 5 cento per bandi.
Green onions. 3 to 5 eeats a>oneh.
Plum*. 20 r*-nto a -l>ash<-L
Pears, 92 a.bushel.

itotifa Obmint Week.
war. Peikepa acme of that Trmvene
ettr coiQBr out In CaHfohilB could
he tadneed to come
Base or tbeae toeatod la varloua partlcBB «d Washington would vialt Ctaeir
home town If siutafale rates could be
* reuag mea who have gone oot from
r- this dtr to accept tneraUve poettloos
' to other towns would Hke to <
f back. Nobodr over leavm Tiaveree
^ atr with- anjrtbing dee than regret.
,fi trae. bul.'tbere are manr who bare
f Bought opportunltr etaewhere
1 etfll cbertob e food feeliag for tbe
f etd towB which ther call '^me.'' de^splle the (act that reara bare pastr cd elaes ther teft here.
Now that the goUeo harreto tine
k ia here, wheo the earth rtHda up her
I good ttonci. whoa the laamua Grand
reme potato to- (airlr barettag lu
I todtet. whea tbe boots ar* deUyed
f hr their lauds of trait, let'a tovUe all
« exiles to come back to
' week, ietb talk over eld thnei so
• pew old acoualnUnofs. let's gel toj gather and putt this thing aloug
I r' that we can bare a baae oomi
weM that win long be remembered.
% TberTI be glad to mbb and well be team by 9 to 8 and ooe inning
A Besirtiful Weddlnp.
> glad to bare them.
■Rie latter game waea WfsU oonteeted. Old Mlmlna. Mich.. Sept 4—The
myriads *f atars shining brightly
me. being fought bard from ata
Ha Sold He Wesid (to.
Antob. Botb teuma piayed good ball.' above never looked down upra a more
Albert HoltcMi. aged S3, an Evansthat of tbePiereer vw pretty pUya brtng made.
-1 too rootk. thought It wns smart to
Beliner and BotniS stndc out twelve Callawsy wedding, when Msrgoertto.
J disturb Salvation annr mertlngs
while Hannaford for Acme struck: dangbter of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Pierce,
. : wns arresiM. Tbe Judge lined bim
and XIr. Benn Callaway, of Chicago,
lie. the Ane to be remitted on coo- ont sit. Thto to Uie sixth vtclory for were united In marrtoge on the ever*
the O. W. IFs out of eigbt games play
• dlUoB tbet be attond tour of these
ed and' they are certainty putting up Ing of tbe 3let of August.
meetlnai and bdiave blmaaif. nod ito
Marked for He simpllelty. yet per­
2 poung man Aoee the totter. .A poHre- good ciera ben. Ncraly aU tbe games fect In every detail, was the well ar­
have been and srlli be played oa ibeir
'} BSD srlU acompear btm to the
ranged attalr.'The CongregaUonsI
' Tieee to eee that be
there and
good old nattonal game will only give church where the ceremony vras por­
■; oets right. If this Ban cnrrlea ont
ed. wns made bestiUfid with fee(he boys enoournCKnent by their pres­
) hia aenieoer to tbe right apirtt. be
at the' games end eeelsting to toaoas of ground pine, while aspara­
will soon And oot wberr be has been
gus feia was profusely nsed with
- wroag rad win braoBe a tunueb
re have to be met. Traverse City qauUUee ef pink and white asters,
-r ^ (rtend ot the amrwill have a teem.tbat win compare tbelf blassoms gleemlng like sura
farorably wtth raUr'W Ihty wr- a^ilnvt tbe green of tbe ferna. Tlte
«—fy candles burning gave out a mel­
Vesog Men WiiAsd.
roandlM rtubs.
low, lubdue^ light making a picture
It has Joet been discovered that tbe
noi soon forgotten by those prescmi
raloe ot tbe erulw to the PaclBc bj
The Helereri Ceaa.
tbe AmbiMm rarr to apt to be loet
The erae of the peeple va. Joaepb The adgbt. to begin wtth. was perfect
through Che tato that all tbe Aag '4- F. Haleroft Is beleg heard before sHbougb there Was no moon. Fhlr
heers are so old that they will rvUra Jnetic Oeo. W. CorUs yesterday. It to Leu's absence was not felt, u it
artthia the oext two rear* rad Alsu allseed that on Aug. U. Holcrert mem than made up for by the color­
ed Ugbts und the meay bo#fa«e on
trr—ijfce uher «>a gMMio KSher
Sht a drive of IBM down
cd lufaMfa fast R lihMd have. >l Beurdman rtvW and they formed a the beech. Of eeame the beaow boa
brighlhas lutfkaid natoiiidi «nt «t tokee ijam feet above what to known ae the .Are. toe one that boraed ArdU
*- •••*“
too long « atttoto Ugh rauk to tfa« uppvr bridge, liolcroft knew that If t sod luogvst wax the o prepared



OTATB OF MianoAN. tba-ptobslo

K « i Mmlh

MKkOOOOOO Shinnoleo.
nocki-s A Grover uslay <-bw«d what
Is iirubAly tbe lano-st shingle deal
in the history W the stab-. H. U, Grov­
er negotiating the contrurl
Hannab A Lay Mi-rciiuilln coropfaiy
this morning. Tbe dial cuntiacU ^e



liuekes A Grover own tr.5Ad i
of cedar timber land to ihe npis-r
■iwnlnsula near Trout Inke and a mill
■sill ImmtdlBtely bo erected on Uio
' Iran to cut the sliinglM. it U exChicago. SeiiL 4—Whi'tL . 95\fcc;
piTled that Uvi*
take ahonl Bve
ora.. MSiC; oals^ Stic.
years aud^e Hannah A Lay MerDetroit. BepL 4-WheaL 95%e; rantlle oi«ap«ay will handle the en­
com. 67c: onto, GCc.

raetod ovary day. Tht local rrarfeot
prioaa ars auppllod by laeal doolom
Tbo outoldo quouttoM by wiro,' act
dlppod from otbor piporo of Hw or»

Pound at LaoL
J. A. Harmon, of IJxcmore. West
Va.. KS}>: -'At last I hove foimil Ihe
perfect pH! that never disappoints
m<-: suit ter thJ benefit of olbets
ainun-d with lortdd liver aad chronic
constipation, will say; take Dr. King's
New Ufe IMII*." Guaranteed sailsfiictory. 2.V at O. A. Bugbee Drug
('•>.. ». B. Wall A Pons. Haimah Drug
Co., dmggisu.

^ Oofln for the t'uuuty of Graad
Traverse."^ "" t&aL'-"
a ae^^
at '
the probate olfh*-. In tbe'9iy«t xrav.
verse CID-. In aaM euuaty. on tboSAth
clay of AugtuL A. P. IMT.
-Present: Hon. Fred R. Walker,
Jadgo Of Protaie.
Ill tbe matter of the estate of Bitabeih d. Harris, deceased.
Milford R. Harris bavtai •ted la.
lion pc
_ that .
said court bta peililuo
iiaid court adjudicate and d<leletmlne
who were at the Hme of her
h< death
ttie legal hefrs of said den-a-ted and
entitled to Inherit tbe real eotole of
which said deceased died selxed.
It Is ordered, that tbe 3uth day of
Septomiier, A. O. 1907. at too o'clock
In the fon-nism. si said (wobato oBtoe.
It I* further ordered, that pafaHe ,
loiice thereof be glvna by pnbllcaiion
Jt a copy of this order, for thno.mwceaalre weeks prev ious to said day of
hearlug. In the Grand Traverae Herald
a newspaper printed and drcuUted In

Cleveland. Ohio. Sept 9—A tortlBe
explosloD occurred In too powder mU
of (be Austin Powder company a tow
miles south of hore. 'early today, rosulilng In the death of «M map and
fatal Injuring a

Soiling Prinoa.

Llhrary Repoft.
Oaath of Mary A. Will
Tbe tollosriBg to the report. «f the
lb .............................U025
Mary A. Williams,>. agej
aged 58.
5 wife of
city library tor tbe month or Angnat?
^™^.porl00 1b....... l.»
1100; Ju. 8. WlIUws of Ornena. died at 10:30
venlle Action. 5S8; reBgloo. 17;
Tuesday Bight at tbe home of
Bister, AHu. G. W. Siea-sn, of 3SG
bgt Ninth street. .
'Mra. Winiams wm born In Utica. K.
T, to m*. Prom therCj at « yean of
age. abe went to Freedom. N. T..
ly average. 70.
wbm abe lived for many years. On
Ctaitotmas day 1K7. she was married
to Mr. Wllllsma In 1875. they reHPfBd to Leelanau county trbere tbey
..................... ......................j'
Crtlded ever atoer on their farm, one
dally average. aad one half mllea northwest -of OmeII.
About a year ago. Mrs. WlUlanm
Hew to Remain Vminp.
was troubled with a tumor and came
To ronUnue young In beailb
Ralph H. Smith ,an& Mias Rosa to'.Tntverer City In April to be doc­ streij^h. do is Mra. N. P. Rowan.
and has
berr since.
------- ----_ been
.DoDough, Oa.. did. She says; "Tl
Thomas ot Kortbport were united In tored
marrtoge WedneMay at the parson­ and Mrs. WlllUms have both*Wn ] boiUo* of Electric llUtere cur«-jl
age by the Rev. Demas Corblln ot tbe fsithtul workers In the CongregaUonsI ol chruulc liver and stomurit trouble.
I wlUk such an unhealtilby
Congretational cburcb.
Tbe couple eSurefa at Omena ever since It was or­
•r the blood
were attended by Mias Rena Thomas, ganised.
turned red1 ias flannel.
Wllllam^of prectlcslly 20 yean ymm ,er than be- tot^Mmet'.................. VS
W. 6. Will
sister of the groom, and Cbartea M.
1103 Rsndol|.h street, toI mour^ ber fore l-took Bectrie Bitter ;. I ca
Pease. Tbey will make their borne
do all my, work srtth esM- -and assist
Besia» ber hnsbsnd
COO Webster street.
luatund's store." Guaraniet-d
in my hui
Bugbee Drug Co.. S. E.
The funeral services will be held A sl»s' Hsnnab Drug Bufte.
Small Blaxe.
The Are
was called {o from the Stewart home at 1:30 60C.
o'etoek Tbnrwlsy afternoon, tbe Rev.
the- P. U. CMiBg bemse
Only One Trip.
Coeblln ufAclailng. assisted by
afiemi}ao to put out a Are that bad
After Ibis week (he steamer ti^started from be range In tbe kitchen. tbe tlev. Tbomaa Bennett (rf SuiIsiian win only- nial«- one trip dajly
The Are wne In under the Aoor end UiBS Bay.
Cnrp lake, coming down In the
very bard to Agbt but a few botes
inuntlng from Leland and connect­
Uttis Child Deed.'
w«we cut In the Aoor and tbe Max»•“ ■oi'.'.;.:;;:;'.".'.'.'..,,!,
I^. the 10 months old non of ,Mr. ing with tlH> mnring M. « N. K. train
also wHb the afti-riioon train ni
id Mra. Johd Blarrow. of Inland,
‘died at the family home Tuesday Pouch.
.Beae Ball.
Irat Sunday .no their own groondt afternoon. The funeral was held
the-O. W. D. base ball team easily de­ fronr tbe Inland ehurrh Wednesday
feated the Toorgairiaed team of East afiernoca la charge of the Andersoo
Bay by a score of > to 1 and yesterday Undertaalng Co., tbe Rev. Uemaa
defeated their old rivals, tbe Acme 'CochUa offletsUng.


i>eUtlod praying fof the aV
—thererf and for thS hIpIgBmeat and dtotilbution of the teal duo
ef told eKtoti.
It If ordared, that tbe Htb day ot
September A. a IWT. at ten o'clacR
, In the fort unoB. at sold probale oBtoa.
be and to hereby appMnted for b^
llngsaldpetidoii. PP™
j It Is (uttber ordaredr- tlml ptolle
lanlice thereof be g|v«« by pubUcalta* '
|t^a c»my of Ibis order, for ihreo aoc- *'
«casive weeks prevloos to oMd day
c« bearing, in the Qrand Tvaveeoe
Herald, a printed aad <A|v
ciliated in acid county.
Frad R. Walker.
Judge tt Prubnlr.


We Wish ttf Can
Your Careful Attentlcin
To the strong and growing coodition of
this bank as reflected by its- 56th report
to the State Banking Commissioner uri>
der date of August 22, which you wlU
find elsewhere in this paper.
If your patronage and influence have, to
any decree, contributed to the success of
our business, we thank you for it.
If, as yet, you arc not a patton. of this
bank, let this be your invitation to be­
come one.

(>i(l< atnn<1 Stroogest Bank in
Northern Michigan.

Farewell to Vacation
IMow !*’• •
him* for
School Boolco and
. Suoplloo.



Spring lamb*, live weight ... '.05M
Clvea ....................................... 4',^6
Sunday. Sept. Sth.
Train will leave Traw-rse City at
a hldM...............................7d J
C:2u a. m. Bee iMwten or ask ticket
agenu lor parUculars.
H, P- Moeller.
OalP, I>rr buRb<l ........................ .57
25 2f.
C. K Ji.


Sunday. Sept. Sth.
Train will kpve Traverse City at
8:00 a. m. See posters or ask ticket
agents (or panJculsra.
H. F. Moeller.
G. P. X(


Tli» happiest - mmh«r In the llltbto«-n of AJvu. .Uo_ U Mrs. S. KupiN-<-.
She wrim:- ' Out- year ago niyt son
dos-n with such serious lung
' that our phy^1clan
advlct- I bev-Jii Kiving him Dr. King'*
Dlscotcry. and I soon nollci-1
tmi>nivcm«it. I kept Uil* treaimcu;
up for a lew weeks when be was per­
fectly well. He has worked ttsadlly
floce at carpenter work. Dr. Kings,
New Diseovery saved'hi* life ' Guar.]
anteed best cough and cold cpre by |
C A. Bugbf« Drug Co., S. R Walt A '
Rons. Hanush Drug Store, druggists.
4«c and 91.00. Trial bottle free.

Ray Harris MurL

' wAto at work In the P. M. yards
yewterday Ray Hmri« in some'way
bad big foot caught In aider too
Low rales ara made for Paimo be wbeelf of a moving freight car and as
held at points reached via Pere Mar- a tesnU Joet ihrae torn on bis right
quettp Tanrosa.
Tamcall. For parti
particulars ratfoot.
«. P. MoeSer. G. F

. Here you will find any Text Book
used in this part of the State.
See the fine large tablets we sell at ifc
An exclusive line you don't find else­
Special prices to Ihe OlsMcIs.

City Book Storo





Mn Jooob HtoUe of taat Urerpooi
•na ooaoRKur <yp sRt
O.. M TialtiBg bar aiater. Mn. Chaitaa
▼taUag ak^ bone d W. B. Stewart.
$M<M>00 Brerwtt. sr taat BMhth atreeL for
few daya.
MlM Blaacta Fbqaetta d BS Baat
Blfbth atreet will tetnn to her bone
u Vim F>iAA»l; ftwMt
In Bay aty.
M^ M. D DeThar d St* tad osssii-:-!?;.:"
■ i*«T u». D rh9« BlgSTh atreet baa gOM to Dctidt to
rlalt reUUraa.
C. A. 'tomy d the Tbaatontn left
for Detroit on boalocaa yeaterday.
who haa been apend
Bone One with hla pareau at
their cottage at Old Mlaalon. reiitrsed
I Chicago Monday evening.
Hr. and Mn A. L. Peteraoo d Dietrdt. are rlaltiag frienda aad rdatlvea
In Ihe dty for a few daya.
Mn Prealno Bonoe d Ann Arbor U
ToiBl .:........................
rlalUiig Mn Jolla Parker.
Joe Copeland after a two
T>wt T»l*y
C*ntnbMl vacation with hU paiento.
■mw «f th« CuppItM f*r OW MlChattanooga. Teain.. to tahe np hla poCtm Md
alUon with fata nade. Cfaarlea Roaeotfaal.

Traverse City State Bank


&§-- '-g


cat ABM M Tim DcvMtts



CtaMM orit WMt, 2M


» Onwd Traw
Twwm CHr Aei>L n. It. aai it.
Mxt Mek, ud v<U gathtr locMAw
th» UriMt BHBter o( oU aokUen

b*r» tkli rwr wd will pnwWc frve
MUrtalWMt tar tbr«e Oar* tor all
Tlatdaf MMIara.
Tba bMtMM an at tbe city have
ecmlrtbaad HbrnUr 1a«ard the Wpanae fsad bot
of natter vUl be nqtbvA. Tbe tamer« ta the vkMtr at Tnratw Otr
art kaavB to be jneft— aod are ae
daepir latereatoC la the ncoen of the
alalr aa la Tmrvnt Citf. It baa beeti
tera wooM be oolr
too wlUlac ta aMUt la the eotartata•eat of tbe oM oototara it the opportaaltp «aa prorlted. Therefore it haa
> haaA laaflu to anaad ao i
la the people la the aauirtrr to aaad
e«h ieppHai to the eaeanponil aa

A few boebela at potatoce. core
( and titiiU frocD rarloM aoeraee will be sraeUr approdated aM n U bdlered that

Tod csb trust g mediciae
teMod-00 petnl Sixty years
of expcfieaee, chink of ihtt!
Experkace vtib Ayer*s Sar*
gaptrlUi: the otifintl StrsspgriUa; Ae SsrggptriUa the
doctors eodor&e for thin blood,
wesk oerres, cenersl debility.


Oentral Hawn
Lifting magneu are ooanlng Into Increaclng nae in Britlah Irao wort^.
Caatlnga walgfalng two to -three loni
I.TK.» n
are Ufted by electric nagneta. Much •taal.............................
ef MlaU^- Orealy M Oread Trov
tine la eaved In
and other devices
aa the mere throwing d a twitch eaSAMtlBL OAALAltD.


•ell Hanby. d tbe claaa of ISU. wbo
became tamoos aa the anthor d that
Darting Nellia Oray."
Mr. Hanby aang and tau^l moaic In
tbe institution flfty years.
A ney ayatsfD d wirelen tetegraby baa been dUeorerta by a German
•ngloaer named Hdnike. Tbe eaaenUal feature la tbe miante else ot the
transmitting and raeelviag apparuna.
both of which are contained la
kmall cape, which can be carried
I'a back, its toUl weight bdag
aboot 4> ponnda.
Tba piweent v
ealla tbe-kiiw erase of BS y

W»a»F»»« HIFFHt V«kFSOTw»MW4ii rer


WAKTraJ—200 lbs.


Mrs. i. 1
Mra. Tnraer of Cadillac was called

, R. F. D. No. 1

Mr. aad Mra. T. H. OM
t taebth atreet bare com ta
► Ddidt aad Bay CRy to rlalt.
». aad MreMdOrawfoed a( Chief
, Xaha. are ttattliic at ita boon of Mia.
> Baaa Hdnaa, tif taat BMbth atraat
aad Inn IMadertna oa Valley atnat
far a fnr Aaya.
Mn'chartaa tarrer of Bute atreet
haa rttBMd tron a «Mlt wMt bar
dntar la Letoad.
Min Baae Lnr«e M dalttoc
brtNber. fred Dardla. CM Bnt EMhtb
atreet. for a few dayeMrs, 8a«e Ryan, wta baa been rialUag ntaUrea at OopenMb. rMtmnd
bone yeoterday.
*^ra. Praak HoUeobeek of tbe Boo
' le etatlBC at the botoe of Mra. R.
HoUeobeek. Btf taat Bgbth atreet.
Mn. Arable AbboU of Kalaatatoo
ie rMltlni her enter, Mn. Walter
Dana. tM Baat Btaith atreet.
Mn. 3. B. Crswiord and obUdren of
Ithaaa wUl arrire thla erealBC tor a
rlalt at the bone of
M. 8enBett
~tTM.*BanaeU and dan^ter MoBdle. bare retimed frotn Brichioa.
Aaa Arbor. Detidt and other aodheni
MIoMm polatm.
MMa Men Boyd of WUlianaborv U
atlaadlac the Tnreree Qly aohooia.
” Mn. L. 3. Johaeon. wta baa been
eMUag bar panau. Mr. aad Mra. 3.
T. Johaaoa. at Acne, baa retuned to
her iane. A1« taM TlcMh atreet.
MHB Bthet liaeter of HaBhegon la

The New Gamegiven away Free


Mrs. L. Vanwormer left last'weak
tor the eontb parTwt the state to vUlt
trteade aad rdaUret.'
1 visiting I
hu goge home for a few weHm.
Mr. and Mra. Bdd. Anatetl vlaKed
I Adam Manga Sunday.
Tbe daOM at W. 8. Saxton's Prldny
rentag was weU attended and nil
rpon a good time.
I. J. Newmatrh went to Thatln Fri­
day on bnelaeaa.
SepL t.

with every purchrue of Boy’s or Cirr's
With each aame, we give a ticket,
and the hoiderofthis ticket, if it be the
iucky number, wiii be, presented with an


In my foot
laat week aod at once appll
plied Bucklen-a Arnica Salve. No Infli _
foUowed; Uie aalve simply healed the

Hannah Drug Store. <

OOOSO Alnec Laat Publlahed 8


In an oUwr edumii appears the condenaad atatemefil of tbe Trsvera*aiy Sute Bank aa made to the Slate
Ih»rt?g thU month^t'be Stale Bank
mmlnere have made a very ibor
igta examlnatloB d the bank's affair*
ad tonnd everything to be to excel__
rioeely on tbe examination
ahowi tbe bank to be in stronger con­
dition tha never before In lu hlsTory.
having a capital atock of ISOO.iwi.w.



acres improved ta Leland township.
; three miles todb of Provetnoot
Terms Bl.&Ob.



tag the Bphrting ncbooi Monday. BapC

AMCIoak anil SuitSehh
Sept 10 to 15

WANTED—Bderty woman as bousekeept-r. Two ta family. Addref-i P
Record office.

grandeon. Cedi Lbngton.
Mr. and Mra. J. U. Patren started cree ta Kaesoa Townidilp. I
today lor Detrdt to attend the Stale under ycultivatlon, good bouse, barn,
ellav^aod weU. Termi rear. Wm
. M'm. peek apent Sanday at homo, . ^i, Hspl« City. Mleh. ..3S-lmo*
^e returned to Ormod Rapids today.
where be U e
LliUe Harrlon Rlckett wbo waa very
cull Court for Grand Traverse
Ul last week la very much better.
Oouniy, In Chancecj-.
Savony Hoopfer was In town Mon­
OuoDS. Oomidalpant. re
l^tb uie aid ot two Urge Utee a
Lucy CMOS. Ddeodant. Aug. 22. IWT
rtage was polled SB tnllea an h
Bdd. Beebo of Kalkaska was seen
II. aaiiafactortlr apprertag from affl
tr town today.
davit oo file ta thla cause tbal tbe
F. Wilson d South Milton called on
Ihoanlna, earn preatljr aid ta the eo. Lucyy CC-oons
frienda here Monday.
terlHenwit or tUa loree body of ooldoea net realde ta thla state, but
Ur. and Mra. F. Healey Sundayed at resident of the State ot Wlscoi
Prank Hcalere In Sooth Hilton
SatarIt la expected that there will be at
Geo. Peraon’s of Pereon'a Harbor
lorn Mooday.
teoet atfbt' or tea handled la aanp
raid detonddnt cause her appeu
porehea and other ftnlstaiBg
ind Mra. Prey and bod reinrned
be eoleidS Jn title cause either In
' OB iha O. R. A L fraaa^ aaar
) their home In Traverae Oiy. Satur- person
within four
-. aoHdlor
acbod will open Monday
months from tbe date d this ordei
Helen Oabome aa:
Thane who dndre to ooatribnte mp- mordag with H
and ta default thereof tbal the bill of
ta«9b^ In tbe hlg
high room and Mlaa
plln to the a
may be ‘taben
DeilW Onfrane aa
la tteacher In Ue pri3. IforiaB'a ben where mocT denartment.
then at &. "3.
as oonfresed agataat her.
they wtU be eaiet tor and properly
Gegrge W. ami*.
Un. tr H. Anderaon waa ill MonatTMliXIoun CommlB
dlnponed ot by Connnsder M. D.
Grand Traverse Co.. I
yesterday on his way to
J. Prleatley Toeaday and gave bed
at Torch lake.
pretty quUL

Mra. r. D. Hiller w^t t
Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Winters nnd
Ruth Craygo. d Travafa Beoort.
raa aty. are vlaltlng at the Booth
a Jr. loR this nonlng ome thla week.
J. I. Prtnk and mother left Tueaday
tor a trtp la MUwankee and (£laaco.
tor aerelaod. Mra. Prtnk will reHe will be rbm lor a week.
after a few weHm vUlt wttb her
The (anllr d J. A.
ter. Mr. Prink expects to make
- .............
In that city.
retaned from their cotupe
Booth A Co., are tflnlahJn
OM Mlnltui where they here apent
tbe M
Bhlngtea thU weak and expect to start
Mabd Aleaaader left thla moralBc
for Throng. OanadA after apeadlBs
vaanUen wmhar nnde aad aeat
, Mr. aad Mi«. Jt^- HabUe of Waet
thla dace and*Blk tapida
'mnl atrwc
and we hope for two miles more next
Ode Oonwap ndnrned to hU bone
dt tbe Traverse Bag
-•1 O
Telepbooc Co., added three marc
' 11 with hM paiMU an Taller atred.
to tbe Ki
Min Mabel Millar at Chlear» U Haweek.
\ Ittac bar Matar. Mn. H. C. HaCnaa-

mm ARC* Dnrsea of Oat Bay U
^vMmagatthebanaof Mrt. UB.Heedersoe for a tow daya.
Dnlooa Alkr d Detroit la tialtlac
|l at tin tana eC LTaanard Oaarta.
Mra. Bdh Dana of tad Bgbth
I diwd wlH drtre aror to a neaUac of

-Travrermo City’s Boat Stor»

Sal ma tail fnaS <M ■«*!«»■ -i~i- 4*
•It M »o»» t( ih. liF«r W IMOlFF
b*aii« i»iiis«m. Fm iw m» fm»mfrw
ukF^ttiaBTF 4aM> mt arsTV

Of aaoo snaes

Traverse City will be full el visliors next week
during the Reunion nnd we believe the city wlU give
them a royal wdcome and make tbem atad they came.
We know YOU will be here and probably have i
friends with yon or will meet some while here.

Ata.. if

We want you And also want your friends to
see tbe best display of

Ladies* and
Misses* Suits
Ladles’, Misses and

Coats and
Our buyer has just returned from New
York, where he picked up tome of tbe smart­
est of styles and the latest creations. These
will be on sale during
We are goin^ to make a special effort to
' get you to see this splei
plendid selection aod are
{{oififl to sell at that time all NEW SUITS.
COATS5 and

10 per cent discount
This will include Ladies', Misses’ and Chil­
dren’s wear.
This is an unusual offer to make just at
this rime of year, but we believe tbe amount
we will sell will make up for the reduction.
We know you will buy youn. for the
amount you will save will help to buy some­
thing later in the season.

Suits. $12 to $35
Ladies’ Coats, $5 to $35
Misses’ and Children's Coats.
$2.75 to $18.
Furs nay price yon want to pay.
There will be plenty to choose
from at every price.
During this time the new fall lines will
be on sale in every department.
The showing of Outing Flannels rs the
best we ever had. and while cotton goods are
very high we placed our order months ago
and can offer you values NOW that fcanoot
be duplicated again.
This also applies to Cottan Blankets, and
you will Jo well to buy yours early.

I, THuitktAY. •errTMMR 8k tier.

Grand Traverse fiegion.
Mlvce «M lata t» «
MM mmM Nwh th« Htrald «ne« n«t
taRtr thM TwMday mm
Mch wMk.
M« If
fall ta -1M
IMifa «m thay Mar ba aaaMrad
aa«a aAar tlma.




T55VarJ n«hrr of North UaBltou,
nuiip orn- UM vwk (or
cWUmb ulto had baan rUltlat at Ua
(^IhrrY for two waakt.

very pteaiidfu] la tbls c
They are *hi|Ipping them from betv.
N< baying.
Hr*. L. Laraior hat bea on tbe
Miss Mabel Psrbb Sf Traverse City sick Hat for a tew days bat b bsttar
was the giMBt over Sunday of Minnie
Oayl Hantravea- four sbter* have
rvluroed to ibMr bowe In Th
»llte afur a vbll here.
City caller Uidag.
Mias VoQOfB of Traverse City be
Ml«i Eatel^-ares
Kto. her school In Ibc Waiaon dlatrtct vlRlled Mrs. Fred tucker over Sunday.
Mias Orpha Bdgell and Miss Susie
tbls nomlas.
Forton of TVaverae City vlaiied the
Minaea Ca^le Wagner and VKa Crain
Sunday. Him Wagner returned home
jF^eda Wasner ba* p>ne to Traverse ith them and spent iHbor da), reto attend achool.
ufnlng home today.
Mr*. Hathaway and Carrie OtUrw
Arthur Ralston and Outer 8kl\-vr
{•otmaintd tbe prtmsrT class uud re lu Traverse City today ta buttCrsdie roll members with their
to Tblied^ber
Mia. Ev-erelt
motbars last Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. O. Wynkoop and
i. Frank Harvey
dancbteia of Trsveiae City vlaltod at
ibdr aunt's, Mrs. Brownsen, over
Mrs. etadlatMoar b rtaiOax
flrc i at Northport.

~ Mr. aad Mra. Mr-Intyra of Forrrat
mil ware iba'jn><«u of Mr. and Mrs.
H. DoMbrill rMlr-rtU}-.
Mrs. Hln#K>e] of TrsTarsr CItr Is
now, aod has Uvo tha ruofI of Mrs.
tVaroMs for thr> la«t wrak.
Afiar s|M-ni]lii( a weak with their
icrwbdtiuieota,-Mr. bad M/s. A. B.'
Sheridao. a aeo aad dtoghin- of Mr.
Mr*. WAmtiW. awl twodanshtera
o( Mr*. MoMlchaal, rrturaed to-ttaetr
hosts in'VraTofas Cltr yratarday.
Oeorce White and wM* left this
Mrs. Bofmia Ftshrr. who has been moraine tor their borne In Detroit.
*- — a weok visiting frleoda
srq- sick for tha last two
>' appendlelUs 1a beuer, but not able lit-Solon,
to alt
all up .yet.. .hw miKber. Mr*. Utah' Mary B. Cat.
of WtlUsKiibarg
nrsla with her.
[ttend sehoM *
The inlarlnr of .
b<*n rroally Improved by a traMi w—
- -- - ed n u ot ■ahastna. and Onely daeorat ' home In Petoakey.
ad with ihraa border*, one Just above 1 Mis* M*n' ^«a Th»od at T. W.
the wall_______ ^__ __ _____ top of Gooda ovar Sunday.
t fms town
Herman Hulbort tha wall, and one on tbe celling. ■“
work was done by Walter Aably of
Ba'lon ha* bei-n Baking some good
Maitia City, wbo la tnaater of the bnalroads with gravel.
Mrs. T. IT^ blie Is cooBnad to her
- A abort time ago Hr. and Uih. Dum- iHd with iheuniatMa and lumbngu.
' brill gave an eotenalnment to all her slater. Mr*. CrtaM H. Aelpinp her.
that were here of tbe Sits grade grad-Calc* vMIted at Cedar Run
nates of their achool. The evening was
. plaaMntly patSed with' music, games
Sept, t
and chatiinK- It* cn-am. cake and
eudy srcfc aerr-i-d and an evening to
be raineinbered was enjoyed.
Ralph Claypool of D«TTlen Springs.
Samoel UnnlrJa.'A realdf.t here for Mkb. been up north vlBUng
tvrenty-Uirtt’ years, went to IndMna hi* rousin;
cousin, apeni Sunday with bit
la Jane for a vbdt.-be was olfT T6
iiislQ. O. R. CTaypool and
aiHl family. He
. and
snd r
yaara of age and not In very good
111 suit home U«lay
reach home
beallfa. ijiHi week hla danghirr. Mr*. toinnrrow night al eight o'cl*«ck. slop­
Frank Tutfle. recedvod a message that ping _
at -several point* on his
her father was ver.v atek. come at
Mr. and Mr*. J.k.- Herman eaterMtea. ehe was not able to go: her ni»- Ulnad her brother and slsU-r of Go»k1
band went. A few days ago, another
meeaage tfat he was dead, was re- ” Mts.’^r T* Wiilte is on the «4<lk Jl*t
oalvrd. Hi». Tuttle and family and IhM week.
oUirr relatives hero have ihe
A large crowd of peo(ile «Joyed a
trip on Traverse bay last Tburaduy.
thy of th.-il
everyone rat>orts a Bne time.
S<-jrt. Z.

Jerry lltoinaa of Traverae City v
i-en in our nid*i«Mondaj-.
Mr. and Mrf. Ike lUtch end so
Harold and Claud of Traversi- City
ritited relatives here u few <!av$.
IB. Kate Shorter of Traverse,
ed her *<m John of South Kaaaon.
also other relatives her>- litM Weeln
Mr. and Mr*. Chartey Kliiester
ARen. are vlsmog their pureni*. Mr.
and Mr*. LewU Lamar for a neck.

Sept. a.


Mtrs Margery Si>eef went to Tauiu
last Saturday, where *b«- will tmeh' In
the same sdhoo! she t;ivshi Iasi year
B. 8. Jones of' Traveix- City 1«
teaching the Dell school. Mbs Lontoe
Hale wUi
Mr. Mai
City och—..
fTank Sargent is pushing the work
new- worehousmdor Cha*. Jef1e».
The A. S. of E. *111 soon l>egln
□ their wurehouse hi-nv U will-be
bnfli of cement
Jennie I
a p*o........................
rally. liHd lit tlnuise hall here.
Se first car haul of HH>hs ®'er
shipped from llib place was idil|>pe>l
lust wes'k l>)- the Clianers.' I>.
l>er and R. Kllngebmltb dulm; the
imcklUR ao4~l<>ndlng.
Fnmh Sargem sblms-d a r.vr I.Kid of
Bpidue la:<1 week and will eomiuepce
buvtng potstis-s tlib wet>k.
itr. and Mm. Oih>. Hamlin of Tvav-

rise City wage the gssots o( Mr. and
Mrs.-A. E. Pqlwr today.
Mrs. Nallla Hell aad Mr*. tiCU
Haasbew of Kingsley were the guest*
of Mr. aad Mis. ClaretMw D«»n to- -- ------------ ----------------- — power
boase U being worked. Last ^day
and Saturday there were several men
with trams at wort, aad Thursday
5th. will work again.
Sept. 3.
CampiBg baa been tbe tWng e( th
day ihe^»t week. Two parties bar
s|wni a'^few days at Hogsback lake.
Mr. WiUoo who died very auddenly
A crowd of Ove girts and Mr*. J. L.
at hi* aon's home was buried SaiarGiblis and famll.v.
Lloyd Marshall aiaried Iasi Satnr'
day for Orand lUpWa. where be will ^Mr*. tfriB, JRfiejot and two children
of Traverse
ewer High school thii fall.
ehle c«d» spent Saturday after- her mother.
wt-ok. T bey returned
I here vbttlug bb mother. Mr*. days of I
tome Snti
Our school rommenoe* ihb week
iih Miss T.m
The whittle
. .
Chine Ir he.nd In tbb neighborhood.
begin Sept. :nd.
was expected rw account of the re- It Is a welcome visitor. Glad to *ee
••mring IK-Ing dtaw in tbe ach«ml U come and glud to see It go.
house. New s««u Bud new plaaterHenr>- McCurdy vbiled al K.yrtooc
tug will make the school braise much over b*i Sunday.
better tor the coming ytuir.
.Some have Mopped plowing for
Mb* Genie Rarick ha* goae to wheat, the KU'.unrt being to <lrv to do
life Ijike.
Ir. and Mr*. Frank Saver* camp*‘d
Rennie I
' night and

rrs YOUR


Mbs TVTi* James gave >• Ter>pleiissnt
Jeiifsnt iiarty
jiarty to eighteen of herliuie
ri.-nris bat Salu
Saturday. The occasion
sss l><irri>'* sixth birthdav and many
Shews How to Cure
Ber In honor of '
dcy. Ri-(roshmenu of le
Many . people never tutpect theli
cake wvre served on iRe,
Jean Frxier and Mb* Arleii* Pierce If suffering from a lame,
week or (ichiog h^ck ihny think that
It 1* only a muscular weakeneaa:
They will live thi* fall with M
Komer'j luirMts.
Mr. Erwin and family of Grand Ra
Ids have- been vblting Mr. Rfchsi
Miirrhall the past week.
Rag Jackson of Pitishurg. p.-nn_
arrlve«l in town Saturday evening. He
with his family will spend aboni two
week's with hb mother. Mrs. Roxa
Roy MeKoague who ha* been worklug Ih the ui>pcr peninsula the past
summer has returned home to begin
srhiv>l l*r atiolber )-ear. Ht- will atlemi the Needham Ua'ln<-ss College
SJ. pt. :.

Mr* Ki-nn'-v of R.-ntl'in riillinl on
Mrs. Whaley b n Monday, aflrnnsm.
J. M. (♦andall will soon have his
w hour" cnmpltncd.
The Mbsos Ida Whaley. Man' Me0;irrv. .Maude Hagsr and Rlrdle
Kggli U-jaMi school Ju Travers.- City
hU w«>eh.
Roy Whaley wblt« working In the

«* «•«•«»«• at *•«•«•«* atatatat'otatat





Arc You
a TraMarcr. QosrdtAii. Admioiitrstrr. or do jon hi isy
oapadU hold Traat rondar
If ym, you «rat care for them ia an absollrtcly
safe depooilory. that they may be rwuh- when mimnd.
This book
Ja ■■CI1-.
BBCb-a depooitor}-. .ail-onr
.Ml-oar cl..ixiaiti
bank 1.
aiv payable
pa^ble oa demaml
dranml and fond*
fanda eiay
BaF be au
*u dc|K>ti'.fi
SB to araw a atoJuratc intereat.



*»ANK . .



De|io»itory of County of
(irninl Tnvcm-

Ueptaitorv of State of
M iobigan

a»a»a»a»«e3«»a»a»«.w» K>aaaaa»«»«»a»

;iaat Wednoaday.
■**'*»r, • '
ni-'Sel uuil th-- mitfurtune ni
Mr. {tunings dltd very euddeni
hU arm one day |Mt week •
last Saturday moniliig i
school gnmnd
It it .with all the o»h. r s)inptofD*
s)-»ptoni* his
hl» daughter. Mrs.
Mr*. Duiighis. when-• i^i
RIambe Davis went to Tiavarse
just had In'
of Wdoey, disorder*.

‘'■'— >or
ily last Fnday ti> atu-ad the tall.,
ittjTh^ were going lu the
when* th" riunc.-r
♦nue .............. .................. —. ----- to
. Olr
■ at Elk Rapids and I
al le
'hi. mailing la the
"TOm the hn-aktas
dlal-etes or Uright'o • di«en*c. The
____ I..,.. I Kuiumt dUtrtet with BlIUaB.CIuDr.
Is'sl n-nn-dy to u»>- is IViun't Kidney
a* leachrv. Srhuol alto beglnt tn
It ciitvs all ilia which ale .
Mita Hobbard as

hrtef service
l.y weak
weak or dbeased kldoeya.
le CTly
1people testify to Vrand todav be will be iakcsi to
utaneul eiirv*.
Mabel Gr.>eno. |:I4 Tast Fifi.-anth
Mra. Wnikt Rhode* left Monday to
I> uglat and children *111
visit her mother at Fivmoat.
Tli.-y Will Uke the 10 o e
■ We I
Mr. Dill was a huslncst roller at
have no itj.nil
'tal at a p'ii--ral t
.ind aiiv pains that t Mlr» Ada Wtlsm. Is working lu
hard Wkaehi
arts*' front u <ll*.rdi-rv«l cuialltlon ofiWeiford posloBlce this week,
tm W. Rhodes aad family. Sun-'
the kldne»n.
Arclil. Kennedy is s|wa<llng a f
len.l lu It et of UB miurh
H- rt Rnrt.m It working al Wiley.
Dosu's Kidney da>> with his parents hervvlriiie and merit 1
Mr. and Mr*. Will Copley enter*
The Wiwl I'nlon Aid auclMy t
Pills contnln."
sale hv ;;ll dealer*. I*r1ef“ Tei * kl>r a ehickufr pi" aoeial In the church tain rrieodt trom Drawn Sunday.
Hattie HiOmaB rallc^ -on Ltbtile
f. nu Fosler-MiU-iirr Ou . Buffalo ,i the t-veiiinif of 8i»ct. I5lh. Thiie will
New York, soh-ag.-au lor the l'nU(-.i I Ik- a short prograiu l«-f<.r.- tupiior. Rhodes 8'iaday.
lEt'-ryone InviuxI lu attend.
'Mr. aut] Mu HartHne vlaUed Mt.
Remember the ngmt^-Dosn's—and j Grant tliurch Aid had a very pl.-as- and Mrs. Burt Hunt Bood^
SepL 2. .
take DO other.
jatit meeting with Mi*,
■ •(.
think It V


t Itself,

Haye you been figuring on a new heater this year? If you have do not
until you have looked over our line. It will save you some money.


This year we have bought a larger stock than ever before. We did it to get the very lowest possible
prices, and we positively know that we are selling stoves ten per cent, lower than any line of good reliable stoves
SQld in Traverse City.
If you-are going to burn coal, be sure and see the great RENOWN heater. It is the heaviest and best made
stove of its kind on the market.
Parior Furniture
Tarkir Suita in all atylea aad fio.
iabea froo)................... ISJO •» 76.M
Parlor Standa fron a lli-iocb top
el.................................7tc to 16J0

Dining Room Furniture
Sideboaida from............................. |li.»


Dining Tabies


-so different atylea to aolect from,
ranging in price from $4M
to .....................................
Dinioff room chain mogiag in firicv

Kitclien Furniture
Bugea from sHf* to................ *****
Onpbcnli fm& ***0 to..............*tt**
Kitobai CbiteU from *7** to . -*ll**
Eitohoo T>bla from *L?S to........***«
We cairy a oomi^late Hap of tinanue,
wriagen'and iraabiaa' maehinea.





S4'r" -

- J y.

.50 .ind^lOO-^-e^nner Seta, ranging in price


Von want to be son? aad eev tbe 100 piece ee-t of
Amt-rioan rorceUin ware, nicely dot'iraU*.!.
which wo art! aclliDg at....................... ..............v-f

Bedroom Furniture
Solid oak bedroom anit. :<-pioco,.. .SlSiM
Otben at 115, lt<, SO, 25. and on
up to............................................ ...
(Kid dreaaera from MM M.......... SM.M
Odd oomodta from fSJilo.......... fli.M
Chiffosim from M.M
Bed room chairs frefn $1^ tO • • -910.00

Stoves all wiea iai
Ljai^Qg iu price

"The best Ranie
brains and experience
hare ever prodaeed."

Thev ate bcdlt oa adcBtl
aikd t^ material oaed to I
a* to do tbe BMHt good.

The jrallB an ^beatoa lined.
TbeyArc made of «eei. CO nacqortitly
kber ais stnog and caanut crack.

thing Heating Stoves

Hi-re is a gooil one in a
ombioation Toed aotl coal
’tieater. .\Udoaraand fliafts
an- machine faced, making it
}>erfecily air r^t. It has
heavy nickel fenders com­
pletely hiding lire jot from
ordinary ohaervation.
The 10-im-b aizf sella at 9 8
Tl>el2 m. tize sells at 12M
The 1“ in. atre aellt at 18.00'

This b just the time of year to cover your floor
and get ready to set up your heating stove: and with
the line of carpets we are showing >”Ou cannot belp1>ut
be suited.
We are eeUiagapart wnolearpet at..................... i.l...........99c
GraniU- carpet it............................. ............... .................... 98c
a\ll wool carpet at.....................................................................OSe
Braasols carpet froih ......................... 68c to 9L.78 per ymt€



t Veanrlsa Is

turioualy and








h»Tc opc^ in the baked cn»t of the

SnAe hanaa




earth (or mile* and dndm eonstanilj
rain thrmahoui the reOoa.
Choklnt twee and floe dost make
Uvtng cloer to tbe Tolcano inpoeelble
aad mant
the ni«fa from the TlDaicee and were


P»y«>i easing.
Oeorge Drnner of
UondEKtfl spend h>» reettioB with hla
family^ the home of Mr. and Mrs.
q) ^
un wert*
Ura Ryan, retomlag
Bcbe CUme and family left Pridny
on alter haring
apeni tbe sut
mer at the home of Mrs. B. F. Oan
(or Ihrtr home at Bvar—
Ml IS Amanda Freeman of Peetwa
i-Tiveil Saturda.v evening cm the I
wend the winter

oftend school
Hatch's Crossing arrived on Monday
.etilng ast
The^Rev. J. D. Heels
■rived o
h Itahol.
Mueds'y < viviing from South
to acc.miiany hts family to tbe w.-si
llwy will h«vc (or tbe west o:i Munaltoeethcr abandoned their houaec.
dav nHiming,
Jacob Bazui was almort IneUeUr
Mi=*s Ethel Ranger left Bntsrday tn
re of It; i* drmli < i,(
killed and Pnok Uoroskl will die. tw tbe county of Crai..________
tad Traverse In'take up her school duties at North
Had the ezploaion
later, chincen-. and In tbe state ol Hlrhle.m. ville. Wayne Co.
Mrs. Um 0am|>lM>l1 and cMWn':i «1
many workmen wuuld have abared made and daied the LKh d:.y of May.
AUtem arrlvwl “njursdiiv for n vlsu
A. U l»u,. In a certain cause therein
tlielr faU*.
with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Will
Sept. 3—A darinic - atNew ^ork.
Tlx at««« tieltct ia acwml on sleeve e( every *Vikin«*’ Suit.
Wherein Carllon A. War
I began hi
made to wreck the New complainant at
anpt w
SYllllam E. Richards
.school diilU-s II
York Oentral Buffalo ezpreas near U .lefen^L
TiMwday morning, w
Notice Is
Si'raenxc ti>lar. While making high
B L. fur IbiKtay. Sept. K. Re
tpced. tbe engine crashed ltiu> a b>-av>- shall sell at imldlr auction to
eolving the Woi# l.-a.h r Mrs J.
Mchosi l.ld<i.-r. ul the Irool door
A cordial invtU)ilim
wooden Ue wired to the laila.
bouse In the cHy of Tt
An dg—l .Ister of Mr. Ram Gatmm s
down. Ind.. 8«'pt. 3—The priCHy in the uiiuily ofOran.l
tn»m C-iiiiida. arrixd Mondny lu vis'll
tale car of I'resident Lonla mil of the
and state of, Michigan,
sail him and his family.
licving a ffnat deal of tkr atrais attssdast upon aesmt a^ otksr fmrta.
htruse U-hig the |ih=ci- »b>-i
Greal Northern railway was partially
Mrs. IK-erbovn id Sntlons Bay sm-nt
rvuli ivnirt Tor said e junly of Grand
detnollahed in a wreck here today.
SutiicvUv. the
lu ih> car but .erapird lu- l«h day of October. A. 1). llsiT. at
Travel!-; Ciiy.
ten o'clock ill the fiirvtMmn of said
ITof. W. IV-iiMm, the Mls.«.' Mari;..
lew York. Sei«l- t—Mt*- Kale day. And liiasniuch as said pn-mlx-s Selma and litlier IP'DMm of M-apIc
too. and C- H. JemluTg.
dronlklli. CU years old. gave up life
MlMes Agm-r J-rulH*rg
pud Gruee
today to save 1(*0 persona in a bias­
' ■ ■
guiels ttf
ing tenement houae at *01 eaat SixMr. and Mrs. Jojm Sel»..n'»
W.tlty-BighUi atreet; Tbe henilr warning
moved Into the Oaribe cottage tori
Miss Maud Chance
O. <*. iiooHon au.l
Ibiy Swanson
which ahe screamed aroused the
cnitse and the eA|i.-i
spent .Suoday at UiHr home in Maiile- Travivw* City Filday afl*T sp'niilluft wivk.
da wild |>auic nvulKsl. One Tlie pmiiisoK to IH- s
Arthur Voice of Denver. Cwi, Mrs.
It- w«-ok vlaUlng fnend. m town
wumnn leaped from a third story win-;
rillows towii;
TVe MIsm-s Mnrluii nud Oalhi Kehl Rutieri SbcrUr od four children. Mr.
guincy IawIIf and sUier. Mbei May
dow and wna faulty Inlnred.
and Mrs. James Sheriff aad two <8MUvtih-. rriumed to llielr
iu s|-ni Friday In Travenu* niy.
larvey »rf Rig
■■ =. (George Johnson of Traverse len of Empire and Mrs. Harvi
After all the tennnU bad fled nad and elglilteif (IKi. In block two. Cl )->'snston cm Tbumdny.
the home of
IHiwer and (am- fliy Tlri
r. and Mrs. I). H. I'
the Are wna under euntrfil. the flr<- of Oak l>ark nddillon to tbe village
carried to polnu of aafetr.


- truly what tbe •rebel yen*
moat bate beard It with tba
Ata) and the rear of the rifles ami tbe I
thunder of the artlUery; with tbe
ahriefca of tbe wwontM and the geoasa ,
of the dying: moat bare seen mother i
nnh being discolored with tbe rich'
blood of ralorona men. •‘XCheo CreeA
yilaed Greeks, then waa the tug of
war,-" when Amerieaoa met Amerlcsss, it SiAa then tbe 'rebel yeir was
glreo birth. It was a thing to Im
tn«e men to actl<m. to give resotutloo
strength; to tbe coward It waa a etmsnxDlng terror. The man who ronid
aUnd unbalanced !u tlie face of the
rant •Yebel yell” Its the day* of tu
strength may Jnnir lay claim tn a
coitmcr that kn»n\ no fa’tering.—
KnoxTlIte Joar—i.

etna, accordibc to rejrorts from


SEPTEMBER' 11. 13. 13

to ffht ABSOUJTE SATISFACTIM fMfl «ilk «««7
For Sale In Traverae Clty> at



Front Street Store.


tound the' body- of Mrs. Aranl-

ol CA^'R^:
M«»c: Sdut. of Tw«tT-IY« Ooo*
by Amllery CotpK th« Ririaiof of
tie FU*.
'Fohnoon-Rcecptlaii of ComnSu u5 Afufnmeat to Qaartcra. .-'
15=00 Nooo-Oioocr C>U M AitOlory Mott of
Twenty Gu4a. "2K)0 P. M.-5ocUl Meetiiif in Big Tent.
4:30 P.^M.-DreN Pemde.
5:3fi'P. M.-5apper CUl.'
0:15 P.M.—Suaact Stluta tff IVaaty Gaaa.
7:36 P. M.-Cmnp Fire iil'Blj teat.

(nor cli> 1

Travers.* Clly. Mlcbian

according Ui the recoril.-d pi::! tlieie


5=50 A. M.-

ihelr collaae.
Mr. and Mrs. Salem Crnham h'f>
Dated this 2t>Th day of August. A. Th.irwiay for their home In Mkin:!.
Vl=' . afi.t fm.*nding the siiminer h.T.',
the ptdlce waa reaumed thla moniing D. ISO*.
Mr. and Mr*. D. I- Buss moved Inlii
GEORGE W. CrRTIS, *and It ia feared that more l.loodahed
OrciiH Court cdnimissl.mer in and th<- Itesrh hotel on Monday t<i take
and IcceodlarlFm will result
for fitnud Truv.wse CaMiiiiy, Michlpan. ebai-ge of It during tbe winter.
i>rol. Lundberg of (ktdillar.
Tbe workmen are now exuemely
for Cumplsluant.
SC-Tl. give a musleai enlonalmncnt of voral
slolent and apparently bent on the demill Inalrumental musie
stncticni of the dock property. Strike
Tueadsy evening, SeptemN-r
■'i,* EpwQilb
to. under ihv auspicesp( th.
breokera from Germany and BngUnd
Mrs. G. M. Dame relumed to Grand 1>-sgue. A tieb treat Is Iti
aeverely beaten by the atrlkera.
Rapids Saturday aftemonn to take nil'who come.
Price. -Se. Iflc for
wife anA three children were found iiuvtical irealrmut. Mi*. W. It. Jolinu
by the ptdlce thla morning at their toil nreunpanb-d Iut U> Ttavecae Uly,
The Y. F. C. ^'a served Ic^ercam
G. M. Dome b*lt Sunday u> hdn Mrs.
.1 Harr)- Taylor s
• overcome by ga*. Wayne
. Tuesday
lie cream parlors.
his 16-yeabold daugbler will probubIsley left Friday
Mrs fkMwhe and daiigUter Irma, reiTs. <N>cur
the borne of Hr. aad Mrs
ly die.
turm-d to Lauiaville. Ky.. on JYiday
Detroit Mich., Bept. 4—■Ooveraor’a
afier spendlDg a month here. FIraien
Mrs. Ralph «>-•»•—
day" at the aiaeo (air exceeded all
■e rvmalns
Tvmalm* tbe gtirsi
pirsl of Edward
day lit Traverse City.
aa .the
a tor a few weeks.
Mrs. Joseph Taylor


Miar Magu're^tif


tuined I»5I Week from a munih'ii visit
with rchiilve* at (ffiarievuix.
Baaiilal.T of Ironltm
IV post 1
rs. Jamc

reen the striking d.ick epiployea end

■pendiug a week with Mr. and
Mrs. I;. a. RrcMI
Oscar •^Anch
rs.m nf Omens. s|m*iiI
Suodav with friends In town.
Mr. and Mrs.' H. Ryao left Sunday
to visit xintlves In Travenie City.
Mr. Kyan niurac*d on Tuesday.
Jay HUe left Wednesday to )oln Ur.
Mara In bis trip «o OallfornU.
MtW. T. Kebecy Fjienl the past week
vIsiUug her sibler at
Mi>. Agni-s Renimry Is vislUng
the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Knudi
at Cbdillac.
Phil Oriffen and family moved 1
the H.' E. Gill resldonce ou Wednesday

The Rev. Kuribnt has scoepted a
clmrge in Oklsboma aad will leave for
then- In October.
riarvncs Ban>es of Qraad Rwlfls
visited bto mother. Mra. tV>l. Barnes.
Inri week.
dttng relatives at

STEINRBBO BROe.. Store will be
eloKCd next Hondky
Sept. 9 and IP. on account of Hebrew
Mr. Martin. Areman on the lomoUve/ Hnlldsys.

wMtber this jDoralng had no effect
big crowds. Election of otfl-


llurdg*Mlss Julln Gratil of Ohio, anivrvl
Monday •■rvning t» inko
t-citoul dulles. Thev are goests at th
of Mr. and Mrs Eli IP.r.I.-nuv
annonneement of the failure luid
i. BlU Wtlaon arrived M..inU'
bad effect In Wall
street.' sending evening to lake up sclunl duties ami
prioet lovTand causing an ominous
guest at tlO* Itiid'l eotlajp-.
•n C. Fuller of Big Rapids, at
fear to pervade tbe stock market
rlv<*d Wednesday to take eharp* ol
Tekonsha. Mich..
le wiiiiol.
men blew the safe In Che Uk-uI poslSchool op*med
offloe late last night securing tJWi In with a large attendance and the fo:
ring teachers in charge:
Mr. Glo;i
cash and a large quantity of siampt.
Fnllvr. high school: Miss Etta Wi:
Tbe burglars
—a. grammar deiLinment: MLs JuH =
New York. Sept. S-;-The hearing in Giant. Inlermedlati-; Mls-sJullaMHIv:
tbe anlt^of the government for the dla- second primary, und Miss Maud'
sotuUoo of the Standard Oil company Burdge, first prlmarr.
Wesley Gill visllcd at : p home c
as an Illegal ina\ which was to begin
Mr. iind Mrs. D. H. Seoll a Wcltici
in thto city today, has been postiwned
of last week.



Iron and Steel company, failed today



S :30 A. M.—Revcilic. Morniojf Salute of Twenty*
Five Guna.

bt99 A. M.-Breaks
8:00 JL M.-Sick Can.

York; 6ept.


8:^ A.M.-Guard Mount
9;50 A.M.'-Graad Parade. Column form on Front
acreet. rifht teating on Railroad avenue;
mardi wcet to U^a. theaea aoutheo
Ninth, eaat to Caaa. north to Sate.
Sutc to Camp Roberta.
12:00 Noon—Diaacr CaU and Salute of Twenty' Five Guna.
2:00 P. M.-Addreaa of Wdoomc by Hon. A. V.
Friedrich. Mayor of Travcrae City.
Reapoaae by Hon.lH. B. Hudaoa of
Maaoclona. on behalf of the G. A. R..
aid Maior Jamca A. King. Mayor of
Maalatoe.oa behalf of tbe Spaniah War
Vatetaai. and Camp Fid ta Big Tent:
Prominent Speakera and Muaie.
5:00 P.M.-DTCM Parade.
8:00 P. M.—Supper.
8:30 P. M.—Suaaet Salute oV Twenty-Five Guni.
7:30 P. M.-Camp Fite in Big Tent.
5:30 A. M.—Roveille and Morning Salute of Twenty
8:30 A. M.-Bmakfam CaU
8M) A.M.~SiACdl.
8:30 A. M.-Guard Mount.
8:30 A. M.-B»aiBaaa Meeting in Big Tent: Cbolee
of Plaee for Next Me«ing; EteccioB of
lOfSecra. and eodi other Buaineaa aa
may come before die Meeting.
12dK) Noon-pfanor CaU aad Salute of Twenty
1:30 P. M.- Soeia! Meeting in Big Tent.
SKK> P. M.-Break Camp and Parting Salute of
Twenty Guna.

/. A. NEWVUXE. ScB. Vfc!« Co.


receiver was appolnfod. Tbe

until Thursday.
Cumberland, Md..



Valentine. Ullemisn on an aerial lad­
der' iruefc. of the Central ftre depart­


Dr H. Scott cntcrtalneil
Isdl'K and

SaeteriB .In Milk.
•till more Important than the mete
carriage of din or Altb stsuds the
power of milk to give lodgment and
to tbe ^mrterUl
larking in tbe dost of tbe window sill,
floating la tbe sunshine, lying on tbe
ground: they exist In such counileos
hordes that words like billion or quioutterly
. fall of Bignlflcance wh<
be-shmber In as area of any sUe Is
F iDvWlilc myrto be considered. These
tads or tbe sir. moreover, increase
wRh tremendons AdpMIty once they
encounter favorable condltluos for
growths, snch as moisture, warmth
and food. All these are mmlsbed by
™tik Raise barnyard dust near an
Often mUk pall, and the whirling
■tamM which have been lying in tbe
refnaeof the barnyard floor pour down
tqios tne Hquld as the destroying Tlons
of AitUa poun^ down upon Bunipa.—
HoUto GoCfrej is AtUntlc.
First Run on a Bank.
Tbe first 'Tun*' on banking Insritntlons lu London was In 10U7.
and liaiik«n bad lent out tbe rnouey intrusted
to tbem and. being called u|>od
paymeoL were unable to meet the
A crowd of crv<dltors and oth­
ers awembled. sn.l s not followed. U
which four bankers were hanged
tbair own doors before order could
rwtgred and tbe angry creditors peranafled that they were not being


Lots of
Thai man bss been
signally bfloored by many colleges.
Second rrofesoor-I sboold aay oo. “
has bcdi given enough degrees
qMllfy him for s first class tberleter.-MDwankee JonntaL


Monday and Tuesday
Please fake notice that this store will be
closed two days» next Monday and Taesday, SepL Mh and lOfh, on accoanf
of Hebrew Holidays.

a lawn part
. K»iit In I

ment. te dead, the result of tbe ladder
tnapplng when the man was fifty feel


will bavB B ilillineiy flpenlnu'
in Ibo

Goidsmytlie BnUdlng
Corner St. .loBepb ;inil Broailway
etrreU. SuttOIlS Bay.

On Satnrday SepL Hi
Tje Imliiifl are corilialljr iiiviliv] lo
aoiaee ibo full •tjleA

>Uss Uicllla Perry.

, will Open Up Wednesday Morning
With someoftheKieatast bargains wc bave' bad tbia year.

Boys*aikdGirls*Heavy School Stockings,


Inst 1*>' and 2Uc qnalitics. ail eintr.


lor next Wednesday only............................................... *
Boys*and Girls* Fill Underwear.
Inst 25c8iid iloc <iit«itics. all sizoa.


lor next Wednesday only.........................................
Misses’and Children’saoaks
4^ A AO
for Fall and Winter, U-atitiful styles, worth ti to SS.all aisea,


lor .ext Wnlnesdiiy OHiy ................................. ., .V“Sw'-r
Boys’ knee Pant Salts.
with double Beat and knees, dandy Fall styles, worth
72 50hnd$3.idlsi»n.


lOT next Wednesday only............................ .

TuUeto........... If to loc each
Eovvlopea___Sc is I0<- each
Boxes WritiPk' Paper. 5 to oO
Crept* PaptT sfst'<I colors, 4c
4 Slate IVufila forIc
6 Comic Postala for..........oc
OlbenUfor ............'....5o
Local Vien, 2for..............5c
Local Views, each..............fc
6 Tumblers for..................10c
Udiee Hand BaftsS0to$3«’>5
Ladiea' Fancy Combs lOc up
Ntvw Wine and Water Seta
New Torcbon Lact*8 and
many olbaes.

Tomorrow we place on sale one of the BIGGEST and BEST displays of
Dress Goods over shown in Northern Michigan.
Fancy Plaids for mbool dressos.
Finest Line ol NovelUes to be
worth 20c, for.....................found in tbe city, itocJnding Shadow
.md Invisible Plaids, at 75e and SL

Genuine Scotdi Tartans,


plain Blndi and ColMed Dress

wide, worth :i3o, for.....................Ific

GoodS from 2Sc np to $RS8 a yard.

F^y and Plain Silks



a wbo can lose 1300 on stocks


E. TRACY. ClupUio

. * .»



New York Sept. 3—OaneisI
STBiNBERO BB08.. Store win ba
O. N. Ltndaay. who baa been buying ager AUitd H. SmUh (X the New York closed next Monday and Tuesday.
Sept. 9 and 19. «a aoeount of Hetoew
uarty anitos abiped d eau- out Satur­ Central A Hudson Rlrer ruUroad by
i Sp^gsieen. day.
dedskm banded down today to JaeSepL 8.
tlee Qiegerieh of the criminal term of
KlmMe. Mrs. Roth Kent. Mrs. Rebecca
Jarrett and other deemaed members
Buprame court, mum stand trial on
foUosred by an addreas by ihe Rev.
an Indiciment for 1
E. M. Koons, Music wa. furnished by
nectlon with the kBUng-of thlrtean States I
a quartette, Bert A. Hem. Ruth Bald­
tlon bow to secure a cheap. Irrigatad
1 on FebmoTT 1«. in
win. Myrtle E. Dexter and Will D.
. neV of nwH. See. tS.
(arm or a quinec secUon of splendid
Carpenter mith Bessie. Jarrett as T. M, R.
Creek horror.
free farming or grazing land ntoag the
organtot. The new irtodow tnth tbe
--------- ---------Morse —
and wife - Mary A.
new railway lines of the
fintohing of tbe woodwork losld
Cook, lot 12. bloel
- - Co.'s
_ Kk T.
H. *L. .A
Ry.. in Sooth Dakota.
STEINBEBO BROS- Store srfU be Northwestern
D the beauty of the c
»th. 8S00.
AU agenu
, Nicholas Anna and srlfe to O
Calvin dosed next Monda,v and TuLsda). 1 Wyoming and other
DavlN. n«i|4 of •«'>« and seld at set, Sept. S9 and 10. ua account of Hebrew 1 aeU special lowa rate
via The Nurth~Wcaland nt; of swi, of beto Sec. S». T- Holids:
Apple packers are busy, at Bockley 2;. K. 11. 8200.1.
this week and the farmers wear smil­
Asbiey C. Elder and wife 10 W.
Order of Pubitcatlon.
ing fares, this being the first lime Crotier and wife, lot {,. W. W ft..'
State of Mlehlpan, In Ihe arcnlt Court
buyers have vtolted ^to part of Wex- 0 block fi. I*. H, 2nd. 8128A.
font romntr.
for Grand rrruvi'roe County.
Andy IJ. Parks and wife lo Henry
ie Herrington of Traverse City Rro>lhag.-ii. nH of uH o' n*'^
. vs. Eto—
ts rislting her annt.
Mra. ReiuI Ben­
nr%. Sec. 22. T. 27. R. 11. 8125.
E. J. Fulghutn aad vrife to Bide I. worth Cnie. Defeudaut. Aug. 14. 1907.
irncioril} appearing from affi­
T. Mytre and family apent Snnday Elion, lot 56 and M.'Abgasa Resort
davit on .file In this cause that tbe
nW« at Pomona.
The Rev. O. Sanders aad wife at­
Albert Pasuge and wife to
to Susie subpoena tosue.1 ther<-in has been
tended cnmpmeetlng at Mai
lanum last M. Wulker. *14. lot 3. Sec. ».
rolomed that the Name ctrald t
R. in ami port'of Sec. 8. T. 29. i{.
etXKUiJiy eerved U|Hin the defeadaul
Mrs. J. Reynolds has returned from
of fato con- Whenever you require anysworUl Cole liv
southern Michigan much Improved in
Chai, F. Ruggles to The Michigan Unued ahacDcep from
hto last known thing 10 hbe llDC Of PalDtS it '
Trurt Com|>ony. e'li- Sec. 33. T. 2C.
J. Ooi. wife and children of Sum­ R. 12. 81. ‘
mit City, and L. W. Corey and s-lfe
Edward C- Lake and wife to Frank the above namtvl complainant. It to or- Jt for these reaSODS.
of Buckley visited their pnreuts. Oeo. p. Goffer and wlfej W. 83
S3 ft- klot 18. dered that tbe said di-fi-ndant. »*■
Downer and wtft>. this sreek.
block "L," H. U A Co.5s 7th. 81' _
We have just what yo
Mrs. George Downer enjoyed visit
C. T. Bateman ExMAtor to Alice K. worth lV»le. causn hto Bpixurnuce to
- Sec. bo entered tn thto muM- ellheriln per­
from ber moiber. Mrs. M. Johnson Montague. tiH of ne% of- nel«.
want; you won't have to
son or by stilldior wlUiln three
and olster. Mrs.- A. Buchan, and Mn>. IS. T. 2k. R, 10.11400.
go farther for anything
Ral|>h Cane . et. ai, to Moses months foun the date of thto order
D. Carrolt and dnughter Ivak. all of
Bowers, lots 4 and 5. bloc*
Traverse City, this week.
required for the job.
and In default thcK-of that the bill
kirs. Ctors Crawford attended the ley, »3r.O.
Adam Rick aad wife to William of complaint ftW heroin may be tak>
g. 8. convention a^ Cadfllae as n
If there are any new
Rick, parcel of Sec. 4. T. 85. R. 10. $1. on aa caoressed against him.
delegate from the Bvgngelical, I
improved materials they
day school.
Cfcorge W. Curtis.
Parkersburg. W. Va.. Sept. 3-FormM. Thompson and family are enjoyCllTul' Court Commlsaloner.
are here and our prices
11[ with
ihrir mother from ei I’nlied States Judga Joha Jay JackInng a
Grand Tra erse County. Mich.
will hi based on tbe best
son of this city, dropped dead at At­ L. H. Cage. SoHclt.n- for Cot
Aug. 30.
lantic City, yesterday. He was famou*
and most economleals
for the imprisonment of •Mother"
you can use.
Jones and other labor leaden in the
Our school groat Wist Virginia coal diggers'
Voung as
8—You are' certain of the
Clint Pray Is away for a week ploy-' airike In 190*2. He servf-d fdrtyfonr.
with the Pelson

very lowest prices to be
n the brneh and i
O. C. Pisy entertained rela­
had. Nobody can posHbly
tives from the south part ot the
aute yc-sterday.
beat our figures on goods
M. Btmts and son of SaUne It the
of equal quiUty.
gnrot of O- N IJndsey.
Monee iAnderleaf of Trareise City. rial Circuit In Chancery.
Suit pt-ndlng in the Circuit Coort
We * make a specialty of
for County of Grand Traverse at Trav­
erse City. Michigan
Ichlgon con the thlrtecAih
such well known goods as
day of August. A. I).. 1907.
Carter White Lead, BoydelFs
t»na Crook, Cumidutnant. ^
MlBi Bertie
Friday, rotumlng .Sat Itom Crook. Defendant.
Mixed P^nc, Caimans Var>
Traverse (
endee church Sunday
b enjoyed.

get a good catch of seeding In
buekwbmt crop.
»*PL 4-i


Tbe Bocletr ot Bqnlty. YrttI bold
ill’s grove the
ptonlc In^Harry Pette^I


A food to ‘work OB—
A food to smile ob—
A food to sine OB—
Bnetsy' and good-nature in
erery package. '
ne most nvtiftions wheat

Mtoa Oertrnde Brooks
TtoltlDg ber sister. Mrs. RoMi
Traverse City last week.
Harry PettenglU and family i«tumed from Flint, last week, where be
has b(«D vtolUng relaUMtoa Ruby Phelps to working for
Mrs. Angvlne et this
a arrUing.
Mrs. James Wilson and son
retproed from Wexford where
hare bees visiting.
Misses btelto Pattenglll end Ma
Neseeo were the guesU ot Wm. WII.. and family Sunday evening.
Ralph Byer accompanied Harry Osboro home Sunday.
A. R. SatUer. aen aad daughter Far■1 and Bbaer were to Traverse City
Mtoaee Florence and Ulllaa Wells
of Traveiae CHy spent a few days on
the old farm, picking M>pto*. »*•!





*^e new Frm Methodist ralntoier.
Mr. Whitmore, who's charge to Ovtott.
Lake Ann and Wickham, espeeia ‘
locate at tbto place soon.
Sept. 2.

Mil. Wb. Wood retamed to her
iMBe is Sootli Hlltob SetiRdnr. aner Mardeld.
Mrs. Rlplow of Smnmlt City. '
a weeka trUit with Yflmda here.
B. D. Winnie went to Old MUalon Kingsley vtollor Friday. _

SuUon'a Bay and Provemont’s ball
teams crossed bats on Sept. 1. Score
01 rroienuMiu.
18 to 8 in favor of
Mr. and Mrs. 8. Schaub were in
Mr. _ .■ Mrs. Jaatos
-------- Wise wet*
down from Trsrerse City tost week, Buttons Bay Saturday.
looking nfter their InteresU here.
Mra Miner and two cblldren c
They returned borne Friday.
are vtoltlng at Dr. Cooks.
Mr. and Mrs. OrrUle Rouse re­
lenberg and cblldre
turned 10 Saginaw Monday.
islted relatives In CbarlcJoUw PUtt and Leslie Trwnaln Mra. Berry visit
last week.
hare formed a partnership and will vols
Oertrude Hominga IrB. fw ber
Intbewell and windmlU-huBlBKb yoang men
and esculent workntmi and no doubt
will command a well

Mm. Wn. Oar ««t to BeiUlr* last
dare Tlslt.
T A Bjattao a
kawelaf quite a aerfoaa tine with
Onlor'* walL
Mre. WDI Bloodieod cane down
freea TrsYeree atr Prtdar after the
«^re^ Dorot^ and lui^ who bare
week toe a few

Isttii tor a eoopie
weeks, retanlax Baturdar.
Mre. B. O. Winnie and Ula Carry
took a trtp up the lakes on the Mahd
one d«f last waek. the tomer etoi>Uof off «t one Tree Point and t'
SZr going on to Brtlalre with
. sad Mru. John Ritter
__ ____
, --arted
atartM to *o to Lone Tree
Petal bat did not
ear farther than
AMea as the boat did not so anr
were qsiu dlmppalnted.
entarulned bis
. aoB Chnlas. od wlto qf Chicago.

There wil be aerrleM In the Tillage
park no« Sunday afterauon. begin­
ning at S o’clock. TbwRcv. 3. Dodine.
Ihe newly appoint^ Frw
isur. will hare charge of
ftoae A' Crotaer’s mID dnlahed Its
enfr Bsuirday.
Mtoa Julia BehoeUIe of Berm. Ohio.
Is the guest of the Rer. O. BeboetUe
and family
Tbe naml serrloes will be held at
the Oennan Lutbemn cburdi oust
Sunday morning.

*^«BrMla Bo^dna te teaching

a eeboo) ta Blair township.
MMs Mahal CMend bate a ,ienn
or ndbool at Karlin Mo2vWIHIaa Blck la anala
MIcBerton fteol *nor baring pur-


the Mount

Itti^Rath inoksott la anjoyitig

Michigan to the guest..............
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hoeflin.
Mias Ethel Ke^. who baa been
nmlsUng at the Prunk Danford home,
returned to ber'r home at Coral Monday.
^na MarUn rtolted In this place

n of cenent walk on
Hearth Mala Btiwet
pistad Tbare to BOW _ —
guwidi of walk CO the aouth side
tkto s

C. J. Baikiaan. who for the .
oeraa and tetaM yuars te been
the depot agml « »hto pUoe. te
keen tmaMerrud to Jeanlngs . Mias—w ooantr. Monday erenlng a
Mrwsll rwesptton was tendered him
sSd his mOatoble wife, about pmy
BatePa te» hatwwn Klngaley
a^tetoMBSddw a dose one. both

S^rSi5;*iSealy .totted.

ley. howroTi smsrgud from tbe fmy
rtetorions with n score of 7 to 8.
tfcl iotewsfbitp ha m m m mm mni
■n» poWActoW
so large, in
with s large
fact, that the» Uh.
were feeuad
' j"&ii*^pttot ehi^toroe this year

and the proprietor. Mr. Prank
and faSly--------------U tor the present.
Mr. Briggt apent Uat week vtoltlng
. .
Ira Dote to apendlng a few daya to Delroli.
Provemont'a apple buyers are kept
at the home of Oeorge Martlo.
Myron Taylor mJled In Tmrerae bnay earing for the enrly fruit and
thTcoopera In aiippiriOR “»»' hairete.
aiy Friday ou boalDeas.
Sagt. 2.
Mrs. (*eo. Taylor called on
daughter In BuCkley Tburaday.
C. Knapp took a. toad of people
Mr. and Mra. P. C. HesW^ of Rapid
Lnom Laiu to rIslUng her parents. CTly apent Sunday and Monday
Mr. nnd Mrs. John Bulett and picking the borne of F. Healey nnd family.
Mtoa Oertrude LyboU arrlTrtl fr»«
Mr and Mru. Hareus called at Mr. .Jma Satmdoy. She will open the
Bowennan’a Sunday afternoon. ” school here Tuesday.
to reported that he to aerioualy 111.
Mrs. Hnlelt waa a Tmrerae City
Mrs Richard Fox of this plare and
___ Mre. Otto Stoykec were
Creqh, left Monday for an extended
;kley vlaltora Thursday.
Tlslt with relaUves in Pennsylvania.
ima entertained
Mrs. Wm. Wood rotumed home from
moved his (emllr to Ik Lake Saturday after apendlng n
with Jim Chappie. Jta la having a week with retaUvea there.

wall bulk under his house.
Aid BTlU meet with Mrs. Iton. Tay-

mother. Mra. Votertooa. hero.
Next Sundey If all goes well .will F C. Warper and son Robert of OW
Mtorion were vlritora in this neigfc
^ oor new church dedicated and
borhood a few dsy* of tost week.
Methodtou of this secUon will
mice In baring at nice a country
Surch as
be sem on the happy ocr 00 Sept, lUh.


lat eteof yev bMa fair to become
the beet to the htotory of this rlitoge.
nT^quartertymeetlngie being Twenty-live nrighbora of Oetove
hdd at the M. . chnrdt todey. the Domine attended hto bare
haa arid hto gaa»
B^. lnrl?of
ItoVtoSich to the Kelley Uaaber A
Tbs wedding ot Mtos .
to Mr. Btmme Pheter took plaee et
S. H Kteonage Ust eraxlng. the
tade. a daughter. Aug. 28th.
Ten nrighbora gave OeUve Domine
a helping hand to ahlnteff
Tburaday. Oouve being anxiojis to
have bis bare ftoUhed to pul to his

The Headadies of
Gfowhtg GMs

Mrs. P .Buwres of Grand Raplda

nursing her atoter4n-Utiw. Mrs. Harvey
No fTtodirint fai i
____ m,
■bun tbd gme aplgodU retoltg
begun on the new town
9itt Dr. A.
Ohte'g Nerrc

rote do.

U there la any time In a glri'a Ute
Vhm Ms needa wsteUng and cere H ta
Anriag tbe earlr rearm of bw Ufa. Tbe
rapid growth aad chengea '


Steub 'were beld at sl Mhry’s church
Pray went to Empire Sunday
Friday morning, n large awmblage
came to pay their laai respecu. there
being forty-all carriages
^‘'c'llff Pray played ball with the
Acme team at Traverse City Labor
Ad Mr. Brow of Leland
A..0. Fairbanks and fnmlly spent a
baa purehaaed the PWPftt^bere^Mjr.
few days in the neighborhood iMl
Frank's father enjoyed a reun­
Chaa. Hall of tbe H. A 1- Merc. Co.
ion this week of several of hto army of Traverse City waa a t^ler here
chunto from Ohio, who have been Monday.
Mrs r. Bolsmer and daught-r
enmpfng on Carp lake ahore near Mr.
Alleo visited relatives at Acm. SuiiNolana.
Mr. and Mrs. Scott vlslled over Sun- d,y.
lames Watson and family vtolted
day in Manistee.
] Ja
Acme Sunday.
Mr. Orismore returned to Provc-Jfrter
Friday nwmlng from hto trip to Mrs. HorteiiBlo Wateon visited
friends at Kalkaska a tew day* tost
ia. Sievetto remained —

/Andy Marialt has been epeodlng a
CUIaens OMtml.
few days with llUle Bnrda Havens.
. WHb the addition of two boi
Amoa Bos to painting the seboed
.I Aaws
Itokt aemee. our UUle eltr is i
< te an elr qotte awtropoUthn■Dr^P. TsVior and wife rtolled at
Moor who hqa
4.%. '3
m ChrrU Moom
- 1 Mtehg a week at the botne ot Mrs.
,JSSTthw. retomed oMudar to her Sunday.


Get Our
Paint Figures

Overseer of Highway. 0ns D^ne.
of road district No. 1. had aU .the
«bWe stone, tbe width of the Iteways removed and also did a good ^
of ditching and i^^tng on toe
Domine road. This to now a wentraveled road, and will be moro ao
after these

I aad met
4uU*meou af tbe loodlUen with bit uauqsaM aerre aad gsaeral tonic. Dr. A.
W. Chase'a Nerve Pllla and to prove
iliy in.
their greet value la such caaee we gi>-e
Mr. and Mrs. Bd. DeTonr of Tra^
pee the aueemeni or Mre Geo. sbuix.
-se City were the gnesU Bondoy oi
Fair St.. New PhUedeipbla. OhM.
r. and Mrs. Chris ForUm.
who aare: *Dr, A. W. Cbaae'e Nerve
Flite are an csccileat medldBe. My
Angns Forton has arid hto sp^e
■Mtto ^rl wee eo_ruB dou~t> ^^ba^m orchard to John N. Courtade.
Jerome DeTour vras the gueri Son­
aad oerreuanaaB a
roll ai general
sy c« Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Forton.
ap Snelr. cured
the Rer^eseneee aitd baaderbea—gu«-e ent's BdrW tost spring and pat
her Mrmfth and enabled her to return pateb ot fodder core, are well r^d
l« her atudiro. 1 have need them myeeir as writ end find ibetn an eateUeai In this year's fcarrity ot hay. dThoro
Ortre eni geiveral tee|r.*' SSr a boa at that seeded to onto as a rule, had poor
idea a
to gening B catch besides
an dealera or Or. A. *W. Chase Medl-------------- K T.

'M*lroer^^roSna and Walbnrsa Hm_
-y visited with the

Alvin Btriritlev nrriyed to Warn Sat’‘^iL'mie^oons has been spending
-eek wUb ber parenU hero.
In. HalUe Kenney to vtolUng her
hew. W. P. Kenney and family of
Traverse City, this week.
Mr. and Mra. Frank Und and Mlsi
Lnlu Brownell vlsUed at -Eari »ld
Tig last week, retartilng to thrir homes
to aouthere Michigan. Thuraday.
Mrs. Flora McLenn of Traverse Oty
sa b^
been VtolUng
rtolUnr her father
fstber for a few
a number from bero aUended
toe Glaanets ptcnlc held at Honor Satwas held at M. M. Deake’f
Saturday to help them on tbrir ^
houae. Mr. Drake to tn very bad eon
a sufferinx
dlttoo. Mra. Drake to
a aproned ankle and1 Wilfred to alck
They have th.
ri*a?% torir trouble.
me Dtolricl Pomona Orange^H
be held at tbe Grange hall Wadneadar
^ Thursday. Sept. 4th. 5th. A Urge
,tj,Bdance to expected.
_____ to Beadmi opens tbto week
Ith Robert Sage of Joyfleld In
, Ac. lu tba Mortean district Mto.
Lanra Prired* of CadllUc teacher and Will Carpenter
The pie oorisl held
nold’s bare Friday evening was very
successful. Qttlle a Urge crowd
o funds
praemit and 819.60 was odd
ros due
neided. Much of toe credit was
to Mr. Morae who acted as ooctloneer
The W. C. T. U.

ni&hes, Japalac, Adelite Stains
and Alabastlne-

I a^
are unknown; ihecefore, on motion of
J. J. Tweddle. solicitor for oomplaliiant. It to ordered that defendant enter
hto appearance in said cause on or be­
fore 5 months from the date of this
ordN'. and that within twenty days the
nplaloani cause this order
the Grand Travecso
Hot■lald. sold publication
tlnucd once In each week for six
weeks In -apoeesslon.
Georgi- W. Curtis.
Circuit Ctmrt Commissioner.
Joiin J. Tw.-ddle.
So1lrli*.r for Comphatiant2(7t

Lnsilii BbsImss Uiiienitj

If you want right painu
get them at

Drug Store




H. J. BECK, Manager,
Lansinff, Mich.


Cor Front & rnioQ St.
Traverse City. Mich.

An Exceptional Opportunity
To get bargains. Such money-saving values will not be found
in any other store. We want you to come in and see how
Wo are making a showing of our new line of FALL DRESS GOODS In all of the new
Fancy Plaids, new Mixtures and all the new shades in plain fabrics at popular prlc^.

25c, 49c, 75c, 98c
Boys’Ctothtog at
SXS4 valnes tor


S3P) valnes for j


$4.50 valon for

$6^0 values lor



Sebool Pauls In great variety at 15c. 24c’ $Se, 4Sc per pair.

___ _

We Excel in Our Line of Shoes, both
in Quality and Price.
Boys' Graih Shoes,
worth $1.50, for

double sole.

Boya’ and Youths'
worth $2.00,^or

Satin ■ Call. Men’s Patent Leather. Vici Kid and
Satin Call, in the newest stylea-



FaU line of aU the Newest Styles in Giris’ Caps at

On account of the obser^oance of ifx Hebrettb Holidays, our store 1»ill be
dosed cHonday and Tuesday, Sept. 9 and tO.

The Globe Department Store
.1 -

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