Grand Traverse Herald, July 11, 1907

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Grand Traverse Herald, July 11, 1907


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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Pages 1 to 6


g o( flfty make the Victoria foils on tbe 1
it's yoo. Hr*. Wray! And here yos're ftand them cbaUlog IIM Md. irtends. Ing more than tbe allovaoee that hla That la, six trsiiu. c
esrii ladeo with forty
bed river its northern terminus.
"Aod why. Hr. Keith.'; phe demand­ patenia were saving up for him ac
I to A-dunlac tat uke no Ei»:
cnosbt me put a eryln’ for Hieer loy.“
I M vlUMit • PM:
This African catararl U nne of na- the sale of dolls' dresses.
The letter In her hands trembled. ed, when he stood up to say good- labortously- One alternoon, m (he 1st ore, would be requited to All the bolds
OtoT Bauhby breween tbe ages ot
And 1 tac food pune and eatek mb -Here Hlaa Mar*aret-my dear Hiu ni^t. "did you niK send for that hos ter days of (be term, when the bot of one of throe vessels There an In lure'a loroi TciuarUtde
Manmint yoo're .beard'me tril about of magmxlacs; It's down celUr yet.- school rooms were on uninriUng. be the wtwld m>i a ilozen siesuiP-rr, de­ and compared with It Nlacsrn la ct 27 and 37 wrote 4U novela
voted exclusli.-Iy (o (TWight that ex­ miiwr lotereat. Al this prioi the
The CUMoe have twice sacked JtosKe laogbed out like a bey.
so often, an- vbo I didn't know
ceed this capacity.
hm river Is very wide snd tbe currvol eoa—once In 1237 and again la im.
-I did send. Mr*. Muncie. And I get.
dead or alive—writes that she la .
in a census of this world the pera bca ol Jslly—the most dellciuus
AU Of wblrh Indtrates that In tbe U SO slow and steady tbat one would
lag to stay a ipell with me.
cenugvof blind persOna la S4 to overy
Abd tho Iwn fliib ot tbo braok.
knew I was booaekeeper for her follu
literature Inio.JelJyr
the lake region la Just about (he within many mUe*. la fact, ooe might million.
Are nerer toousbl down by n Hfl years an’ years, when they
thing In Ibis counlry. In the ooMl float to the very brink of the (alls
PfOl anlficlaUy dried ta being made
Mrs. Huncle threw u
great people of ttaU pert
-JTien you get your coat aod c
shipyards last year there vrere eon- without knowing It. were Is not
luto wood under beavy hydraulic presAnd Are new en««bt by e book.
oonatiy. an' lived In tbat mdendld hands.
with me."
"And thaC she cried. “U tbe reason
palace on tbe bill, tbat loO
“Bot I don't know where you ate stnicted seven steel steamera. having the river seems to abrupUy
a total (oonage of U.SOO. if wooden Bgslnat a barrier of solid land.
Ooffee plaattUons In biooni are bbo*
I bob (Or fleb br the (Onet brook.
loro pa' ne^ccted now. Her father I ain't heard a word from Stater going.-r^
scbooow* uf SS.I14 tons aod four rig­ Prom a duunce up the-stream the while, and exhale a delMooa odor, tat
I km for CACM la the trew.
failed In boalneu. and (be fact klUad Sasan!" And then there
"It makes oo dISsrence—come
river api>ran to ru
the bloasams die In a day.
ged wooden barges of C.»9S tons.
tor blBor bird* than wloc tke air.
him. Hla wife didn't sUy long after planatlons all around, and a good deal
Together they sauntered dowi
Thlrty-foor »ut-l steamers, worth Stacie, ankl beyond It the counuy
The vulture can travel lio milra an
Or tab tbat nrlm tbe aeaa.
Mm. An' there was my d<ar MUa of lauiditer. Three diijs
Jardlne went back to the elty. And
Hargarat—only a slip of a
A rodiMe WaIUxi of tbe brooka,
"Say Jim. I must know where you over lU.OOC.OOU, were built In (he stretches away without a alga of a boqr Tbv-re Is a question wbetirer It
shipyards of the greai lakn last year.
or the BiglUb krolrel la the awlftml
It was not long until Ur. Krtth de­ krt- going." said Ralph.
A bloodtoaa aportamso. Ieighteen. Sung out on tbe
Tbe total mercbajii tonnage turned
But insit-ad of running against
I hm for (be tbon^te tbat tbron *aro ber own living. I begged her cided he bad btulnesa there which
"Oh, come on Is will be an right”
out at the oc.-ao ports was S:.JSJ. what lordkS like a solid land
tbe Ytadf.
to auy vritb mc—but she wouldn't be quired bis personal atleoiion.
-But I must know.Tbe draaioa Uiat haont tbe eky.
dependent. But now—well, there! course, be called oo Mlsi Jardlne. He
“Well, baby, 1 win ten you. We are Two lake comiianles best that record. hex! pitches ot-er Into a narre
to be tbe bigbeat price ever paid for
foaud ber capable, trim of attire, gt-tling up a little party to go by
Oue of Uuvn built twenty steamers of only 300 feet In width. A
M nay read (or ytmrarif.''
Tbewoodav e made for the bontare
And she handed ber aympatbeUi busily directlDg u score of employes down to (be city, and see the show to- 117.482 tons aod the other dcUverad glance It seems as If the torrent of whaleboDe.
light »teum"i> hitvlng a capacity of water la dlaappeorlag Into the earth.
Ah acre ot rich land lo tbe parb of
In tbe large establlsbmost where
nlghtneighbor tba letter.
Ceniral America aulttMe (or cronlas
Tbe brooka (or tbe flabm of aonx.
Two dayn later Mrs. Mancle, patter­
"But wo can't get back In time (or
the biggest n-ciird uf a single colu- there Is a narrow gorge, amt (he that fruit will yield about 2C.0M ba­
.To tbe honten *bo bent (or tbe xuo- ing away over some emleapple
-Excuse me^U I appear rude,"
tomorrow's leaeou.pauy w-aa that of Harland A Wolff, at whole river rvshro Inn. this with Wr- nanas In a year.
laai tame
"Of enuree ool. bot who caree?”
malade, glancing up at an elegant in- said, “but we are not permitted
James Wonen. a fanh laborer. flS
Tho Btreans and tbe voode beloos- troder who had come unbidd<
talk long to vltltoiw—unk-aa on b
“1 care, but It wont make much Belfast, wliicb Is considered to be tbe tlflc force. This corge winds back
forth In a moA eTtranrdiuary years old. died iweutly mt Bdwortb.
Tbare ar« tbou^ta that moan from her klichen, a lUtely. gncefol, faab- nenani»i complete plant In the worid aad
dlfferenee In Ihe end, I auppoae."
Eng. after having wnrisad on tbe
in value, of j manner hundreds
the aool' or tbe idoe.
-But I." be aaanrrd ber with a quU- •■Certainly not It win coat us only produced 85.287
ionably atUred woman with a delicate.
level of the surrounding country, and tome form (or 75 yean.
course, the trork of the Belfast
And theoebta la a Sever
xlclal amlle. "have eeme oo trrmead. about five dnilan apiece, and we i
patrlclBB (ace, deep blue cj
me Is within a few rods of
Flora Hcltityre, suphonwre In Berkecere was very much greater,
oualy Important bualoesa."
beaoUIul mootb.
have a good time.”
berome visible.
And tbe iboostata tbat are Mown vltb
business conalau largely In Uie build
bark to Melton tlial nlKht
"Blew my aool!“ cried Mrs. Hobm-e dfdlara meant a good deal
Ihe rallixacl Is complet
' tbe aeeot ot tbe fero
cle. “I( it Uo't my dear Hits Har> with a amlle on bis Itps and a song in tbe father and mother out on the Mils, lug of ocean Ilnera.
An as new aad as old (be vortd.
Th<, Pittsburg Steamship company, ed stops ill tw tal.i-n toward
is heart.
and Ralph knew (l. It was, though,
iret!" And then the faithful
The Rharo* ot Alttandcrla founded
—aa» Walter roes soul had Miaa Jardlite in her arms,
rh Is the vessel eud of tbe steel imwx'r In I- a‘."g" fur Hu- c.-aerallng
And wben. In Kovember. they drove i good opportunity to show the hoyr
t. set Ihe pace for big Bieafflersj <■( l•I,<iririty. ami i( may not be long about 3-Mi ti. C. H tbe drat building
and was laughing and crying over ber together up the main str«et of tlie bat hr did not care for the ruta of
year by '.r.lering (oior, each to be I before tbe Jun^ and deseria of this erected os a lighlbovae, ot which
wn she drew a queer, quick bre^. he schonl, and w-«s a "g-vsl fellow
; once.
“And so you are pulUog up preser­ Tbero are ll^ta In my old borne." So be did not tar anything more, bu bOO f-eet In length. Tbe names fur them I part of Africa will be Invaded by there Is any airtbentlr record.
RTnaton Churchill receives a royal­
ves." said Hargatet. hair an hour later, she Bsld. "It la occupied at laatT'
( toward the depot u> arrunge ki werej. l*1.-rp<nn ,M<irgan. H. H. Rogers, i modern Irolley care (or the W- of
ty of 30 cent* per volume, ud alrsody
“It win be soon dearesLtrip. As they went along, the P. A. B. Wldener and Nonnan B.| UmriMs.
as Bbe at sipping her (a. "I'm going
hU rereipu from ooe book arc said
" - ■ Tbe driver turned in at tbe high little party of boya now gathered Ream. The Canilirui Steel c<im|iany|
help yon. I'm an expert sow,
to have beeo 8150.00V.
(oUowed with an order or two!
»* tItnU.
Iroo gates and drove up the
know.- iaogfaJog. "a professional.'
i'n tbe quiet street. It
In the Vatican at RcDio tt tbs
"What does thU mean?" Margaret so cool in there aad tbe water running rtesmera, each go: frot kmg. Thenj The sleep of planulssocuosplcuous
And this, daplte Mrs. Honele-f balfJieniimenon that it eidted
CTiaidabsdnvs that o'er rtpened wheat sboeked protestations, tbe InsUted on murmured.
largeot lopaa In tbe srorM. 'It weighs
M. Mills <.
OTi (he lawns was so Inviting.

Aelda pass;
Steel company came along with cusslon and apeculatlen aa'esuly as ecven pounds and has carrlnfa npos
"That I have bought
'There's a stylish place." remarkm!
dolDg. But wben she looked
Tta bnsa ot tnseeta: orerbead, tbe jrilla Margaret made her admImUon dear—and that your old borne Is your Jim as they came to the rwldenri' of an order for three COS foot steamers. the time of Pliny, and many explana­ It that occiqrled thr» NiapoIlttB loMEach of ihese llg fellow* Is credited tion wero given, vrhich aclence has
unbounded. "8och lovely colors!- new one. Ab. here Is Mrs. Huncle
the Judge.
since disproved. Tho drooping of the
"But there's one that I like letter." with 12.W.0. ton capacity, in (act,
exclaimed, beaming at tbe Blled wdeome. you.'*
leaves was ofiribuiod by some botan­
The door bad been flung wide,
said Ralph, as he pointed to the cot they could carry more If the water In
glaaeea. "Such rose and ert
The lonsan km that dlls the bosy
pipe and dgor bolder Industry u oar« channeLs connecting Lakes Erie ist to an avorslun U molatare.
lags wbero a (air-taoed giri was sit
•. and all so otbUI riar! How bllloa- <if light streamed out It
many and Austria. Asia Minor Is oos
the shade of the torch. Thn as Id Huron were deep enough to perdid you ever learn to make 'em like veiled Uie lovely amued face of the
Tbe blaabbrrTT tbora tbat poards tbe
m the cUe( sounoa of oupply.-—be looked some how there came over .it the vesseU to take on full loads.
Ki wont be oSeeded. will you, bride.
A dnmb tramp baa beeo arreatod In
tan#ad ott. '
Among the vesseU under construc­ cloudy days and dewleua nl^U.
“Ob," cried Mrs. Miincle. mnnlng
queer feeling. What was It?
U I and a box of them to
ifCl aba that Bft tbs taseets ot
“I'm eo happy— He knew—It canto from the tilg bed tion is a side wheel psasenger steamer clovar tribe, which always clcoe their Iferilu (Of benlng. He iwed a pbcoomy alaler that llva in Jeaup coonty? down tbe dteps
nl^t. revel
graph. triflUng privatt booaea only,
She's an Invalid, an' they woul4 be though I're lost my lodger! And to t fouro'dacks that was so prominent or the D. A C line, costing 11.250.000.
a will go through a day of where hla maoMoe poured out a bMlV
Aad ertMaea dopdtas (vaolBi to tbe snob a treat to ber."
think—Just to think. Hits Margaret feature of the yard. He remembered It will Ih; 402 feet long. 54 feet beam
(her without showing. TCodlng tale of Its owner's mlatOrttae. .
*1 &aB (eai Gattared If yon do so." tbat be should have eaten all yoor that his mother up among the hills al­ and 22 feel deep. U will have 27S
caUna with talh any Incimation to ohango their poslPeter Becker, the Into OanvB MndOne Jelly.ways bad a bed of fooro'clocka In the
Marvmt saeored her.
and adoten cabins with shower Uoo. Unoaena was tbe Aral to give ecape pointer, was so oo^letoly
“HpH eat more before ha dlaa.- front of tho hoaae. Glc could see her
Bo tbe box was packed and pot la
kaatle auBBer’a
sitting on the porch and knitUne baths. There will be a telephone In to Uie aubjecl special study and aden sorbed with the HMdIe A^ that to
the cellar, and Mrs. Hoode went lamAed Gilbert Keith
every room, ek-viuora and all the j tlflc reoearch While watohlng the
u wore mSdiaeval dotbea and Urad
'Wing (or hint. Some of the
down town to engage tbe drayman to borne. dflrUngT"
| progress of some planU
rame to him at sohnol. and mherv oiher acw-ssoTlcs of luxury afloat.
come and get It - But during her ab______________
(began that series of obaerraUon upon
a iardine’s Jelly.
A Bed ol Peur«'clocks.
r fron ofaaolele. Dewcr.- kept for his return In the sumfate. In the person of Jerry, the
The Affair of the Chair.
I which Ms great work “Sleep
sa a quiet street Id a Western
He smelled the swet'I
porter of tbe firm of Keltb A Co.. InHra. Hoodie.*' Ollbert Keith
ce (here «.VR a who went PUnla' 'Is ba*ed. He found that
college towD. Along it* walks were
luie from the fluwers. and
bytempHtnad. as hb kekod Into tbe saoc
ftatoa 'doriDg
Impression was stronger than .
Jeny had been »enl to get
a nice chair, and the friend reod.jperauirc and tbe dally altevnato
aitttBC rooM. where bis landlady sat. out of Mrs. Hunde'a cdlar. Margaret, ■me a perfume that told of the pretty He could alntost see the old h
' D 83.88»4<t•nt It. for he Iboughl a good doaljnght and darkneaa; movement la not
flower garden hidden near the wide and the city with iu bosy ways
•aa» in the loeal paper.
Tbere are atiogetber, foretgii ud
bim to be the ex
“Wtare akaU I (orwart your mall,
le man.
| actually caused by darl
native, 25.709 pereoas (hat oreictlvely
sent by ber hostess, went down the porebee. Kate sat in tbe glocmi of forgotten. He felt, loo. (hat he
the man Ux* the chair horns | the dtlference to Uw amount of light engaged In bringing the goapri to In­
where she bad been sewing
preeeol octloas proving a trmicellar vritb Urn. and pointed out
She dM not eaptoas surprise at hU
the pUnt receives during the night dia. while 10 yean ago there ware
all day. Her annt. fashionably dressed,
that home and to the mother. with him and kept it a long whUet
I coo lain lug the jelly.
Inst the friend aenl word to Mm land day Many plaoU. notably the only 16.189—« gain o( nearly W par
tvdde« iniiisinnaiwail He had board'
'There U no hddreaa on ll." she and with her bat on for a walk to the The owers was shaming M°> Into re
that he warned the chair back.
j nasturtium, unleos brilllantlr lllumtalking complalnesld. "Do you know where It Is logo?'
So Ihe man said alt right, tbat halmcd In the day, vrill not sUrp at
-The Auld Brig" al Ayr. eomaom
"Come on Jlalph. come on." called
"Yes. miss. That's Is all rWit. I'M Ingty;
j night. H two planU were brought orated by Robert Burna, will be pre"Wbat in the world could you be Ihe others, who were far in the lend, would bring the chair buck.
got tbe card for it In my pocket."
int,, the center of it'rwmi. one from eerved. as 850.twv needful for itt rto
*Tm not aaro yet. ni* awd yon
thinking of to plant those old-ftsh- haring left him standing t>er<>re the
When Mrs. Mtmcie appeared with
psataL * Be bark in s people o( weeks.
back to hi* friend.
j the open air atd the other from a loratloo. bea been ratted. Ud the
man and wagon, Maivret explaioed loned flowers there In the front yard? bed of four-o'clocks,
friend looked al him vrUh a'dark comer, the no-Jlral light which town council of Ayr hes ordered Im­
AwMly hot. taat Itt Good day. Un.
Tbere b not a lady Id the nrighborwas startled himself to aee what
tbat the box bad been called for.
hood that would allow such a peculiar be bad done, aad burrled toward hli ruztlcd air and sMd that he wanted-u-oidd cause tbe former to drpop Itt mediate proaecuUoa of the work.
-I declare, tbat proroklng Tom
Ihe chair lark, when-as the man had /.^ves would act ai a atlmulaat upon
Ittw to tbe value ofEl.OOO have
Grimes must hare changed his mlnd,' lot ot flowers as you hare put out to companlotkS. "mey laughed as (bey
row to ber yard."
brought the chair Wk.
]ihe latter.
lipva woo In FbigUsh army ebootlng
kw Um> exprasston oo hla face.
seu Mis. Muocla. “When 1 spoke U
the daarway. Bnt a mlasto or
man said ho knew U. and so!
-------------------- —
"Bot they are pretty, and 1 like
by three brothers named King. Tbomu
"Seen a gtirat?" asked Jim.
him be told me be bad an all-day Job
broa^i the chair bock, aa his:
Do Yeu Ua# Pina?
htw the door was opened.
• has won £400. while htt (Wv
"Ko. hoys, bat I am not gring with
-By the way. r»a pneked op a boi and oouldnT oocne. I most pay him
(rlen.i cuuld see
I Tho "needlea ^><1 I«“■»« brotbera have each tepreaeoled Bnf"Why. of coarse, thar bare a kind >u,"
he friend said he didn't think pins." which t^e old rhyme lends oa Und In iDlernaUacal matebea.
^ «.^es whlA bare bean aceom- tbe dm time ! see him. I el
of beauty for those who do not know
"What's the matter? Are you sickT'
h of people who rould ooi un-' to infer have
rettUon to the
wiread. I may cat a obanee
Tbe Queen of Rnumanli is arduUy
"Not at HI. but I am going to And tbe soppoeed. of course. Mar­ wbat beauty la, and wbo are not verifund a Rimplf. .-vervdav request, that. trouble* of married men. make an pursuing her phlttnlfaroplc ldea.««IA
at tbsm now. I wish yoo voold bare
particular. Why couldn't you put out
letter home I have negfected I
garet had seen to tbe addrem.
be thought he had made It deflnlte enormo.« showing In recent census re- first took practical shape last ye^. ol
the bos oat tn (be eellar, and III tall
nteihlng more fashionabler
week* Those flowers In that yard
Jerry to «•« (or It. and ship it to »a- To Gilbert Kettb. camping out
enough when he Rent word to the Sports, even though they
the blind of ber country lo
re Ihe kind that my mother ptahl^
■ne kindred aplrtis in tbe heart of
the matter ofMrebring (h- chair hock.
'little individually
•Wdfy. wMi. air."
Mt city, which ber majesty baa giru
tuperti aeenery. was duly delivered, do not care very much for such thlogs. nd I am a little homealck ab>a
And (baa Hr. Keltb vaa tat o( tbe
inn gr.-w a trifle angry at thU Thus It apf-are • t In tbe year 1»00 i<- name of Vatra Ulmlntwa
Anyhow, these Bowers are planted guess."
the box containing Hiss Jardine'a
hoooA and. wmlklni down tbe elmnow. and w-ili be op In a few days,
Ireland, which was once a greto
"Well.- put In Jim after a while. "I and said lo b!* friend that
‘ botdmwd atneC looklnx erwt and Jelly.
like them—please let me have don't know but you are right. Ralph. wanted the chair back be should have -manufactured In tbl* country, while fruit producing country, la tww a
-Cleat Bootland!" be exclaimed,

•Ihe number needle* turned out waa buyer of fruit. It U the same with
yoonf foaplta bis (oriy-Sre years and
We oil ought to stay at borne and
"how were magazlnea turned Into them."
Then tbe friend said if the man ' tearlr twice a* great These amouott
bH^^matiBialy adrerwl balr.
"Of course, you can have them, but
hut then we will miss a good couWn I brina the chair back he could would allow about 140 toilet pins and buuor, which lo former year* waa
Jelly—and eoefa Jelly! Bat—seeing
produced In great irnmy ud consMerbow underflavored tbe meat and over am ashamed to have my friends see
' „n<l 300 needles to every man. woman able quantity In tbe Emarsld Isle. It
V the chair Iu t'll stay." announced one
flarored the botior to be bad here. what poor Uste we have."
t^.k th- chair bark ; snd child a. -he Vnlied States, -which. now cornea from UtnaAfk and Kw
Bo tbe beds of flowers came -up. and <g the others, a country boy He. too.
I'm rather ^ad of tbe transformation.
•»-eing that many people
-8b yearn hat t
Iliad recoenlred snmoihlng familial In
And ril tak. tbe goods the gods prod the friend want-*lni- for nc-Ules and much !e*s for toilet
Workmen ore about to pull down
B-it wh«
hlml and a
ride—oo ouestloDS asked.
the old faablottod flowers.
•ck an.l not the chair^ pibs,, socmi to be a highly
B tba good Lord nerer madethe bouse to which Dulel Defoe
Which decUr.vUoB was entbniUsU; woold tbe next year have bloonis. pop"And I. and I. sod I." came
A Mtcr or ms. Hr. TIekar
plea and other favorttee of the country agreemeota of the others, and
wrote -Roblnsoo Crueoe.'' TUr tt u
cnily ^Bded by Ua <s
.V- K- I Or did he want the chair back In- leant that In the same year over >00^ o!d manor henue sundlog back from
Hr. Tieks. the mall torrtrr, bad
Just a week later it dawned u^e places. aod not at all wbat tbe people the pony was given op. i
the road oppoalle TooUng Junction,
paaatd at her »te aad was tnTUlni m tbat there was a good deal of of the city expected. Kate rather en- were at (heir bones tbe
UJ-. '--O ; IK»—l PB.

I Next time toe frt.-nd should lend .n -Iu.. nem-ry. and about
near Landed, and aurraonded by a
jo.ved the criliskms shn-heord on
oellneas aad monotony up
„,ltoe mmi-a Stooi.-rtould be not?
llrad pencils, flgurro wMch bear elo- garden The place Is seldom visited
*Tta. Hot day. Bee Hr. Keith U oontalos. and that It was beginning selection of ber bloasoms. and did
"I hope you won't plant any of
*qucnl testimony in their way
by English iM^de, but many Ameri­
I feel a bit chilly at night under
beds careftdlT. aad soon they
cana have Inspected It.
o(L Good aftamoon, ma'am.''
canras tent. So as suddeijly as be
soma, and vrere, «•=■">>«» Kate's aunt one day "They
In Etig’.ur.d Ii- !ch Into-rvet has beeri given to writing. How far the old
Incense parties were a eontmoc
Hta. Hnncle tamed her letter orer. bad come be periled op hla uapa and alive with the odd
by the army and navy
of the city for'1 shown of
amusement In old Japu. Each of tba
etared at tba anperacriptlga. opeaed took bit departure. He let himself
of the
^^-authorltie* In a new method ot pre- ing stockings which our grand'mothers cuestt bad a little (unttce. a small
UneneMope. aad rand:
with bis latch key one porple and the conotry people wbo drove
wooden box. pocked with aud. On
“Hy Dear Old PVlead—I am eomlng starlit evening.
Many a time did big farm; -'.No. n« that! know of. eieep^at serv-lnc flour hy mean* of compression, followed have been relesttied
Uvuh hydraulic prcRsure apparaios rear may be Inferred
U>e top of this wai a small charteol
down to yon (or a eonple of weeks.
stop and the people in thrni, have.....................
"Your bad sixpence la back again.
Bui they did not know all
ibe flour is squeezed Into the form of r t tbat of hose and hall t
ere Bach woman in torn bamed
( hare not written to yon eliiee I
Mrs. Mnncle." be cried, entering tbe looked pleased at the picture U was'
some Incense, and tbe otbere bod to
op to this rity aeren ymrs ago to earn
eerr aaUafaetory to the quiet girl * ' the bed of four o'docks bad done — brick*, aad experimejiis are reported SSI.W doien pairs were
what .^t waa. Between every
my Urlax wUh my waoderfol 'ai
the shade of the vlne-cov>red porcb.
Bot It was not stout little Mrs Xuo.
troy all form* of larva life, thus pre-'Leslie's Weekly,
burning the Srlndowa were thrown
tdbkmeau.' Bat Tre found there b
It was a collie town, and many_ I Observer.
serving the flour from -the ravages ot
- —
open, aod the roam was cleared (or
no Hek of taaeben oT Ungna««». that e who rase from the rocker, but
young men were there for their educa j
----------------------air and stately young lady, gowned tlon. They came from all parts of the]
Inserts, while it is equally secure, jgjoeral aduIieraUos of drroafabrics tto next experimeoL
my TOiee W not eo dlrine as
Ships by the Mile.
AeoordlQg to M. Booon. a Bwtta mw
(Honda aaaomd me. aad so I aetUed in pale bloc moll, with a bonch of state, and met all kind* of company' Three milee of steel steal
_ from mold. Three hundred ptauds o(-),„
. become s common p
down toof apo to the oommoaplace rerbenas tucked into ber wide aaah.
Some of It was good and some of It under ronstroetJon at the Grant Lakes: compressed flour occupy the same |
inatance. the rosUlng ot a ladTa teorologist. tbe Lake of Ceoev* pom
"I am Mrs. Monela'a goeet." al —too much of It—was bod. Ralph sblpyards at acveland.
bot laomnamUre emph>rtnent of pnt| »P»« »*
pounds of flour in lhe;,uk draM which at one time waa at- esaea tbe qnollty of a kind of natuinl
sold, with a smile. -Hy name la Mar­ Maddeo was unfortunately meeting; Tbclr crot will exceed Ill.OOO.Wk}. i ordinary state,
; trtbutable to the Ugh quality of the oclsraometer in tba cnae of voleaBoaa.
It msL 8o garet Jardlne. Yoo are Mr. Keith
the bad Und. He came from a little
m a single tnp these vemels will be |
------------------------, sUk. Is now often the result of th# Tbe lake aecsns to be Uabla to periods
Write me a Une saytaa U t wooM n sore.*
town qp among the hills, where ihe'aWe to carry n-.w.W tons of ore.
A Wonderful WsUrfsIl.
flmprognatloo of thirty-six per c«mL of severe depresaloo ud of 4s]nally
-Jardliie! The name Is a familiar streets, and where such a thing as an. in the twenty trips of tbe season ToonsU are now able to reach the of lalta of Un Epsom salu are widely severe uphrovaL and tbaoe vIoIMt
lotriHe. or U aay reawe exiau why
abooM not impose open yon ft and bemored one bets. Too hod left opera or even a theatrical pertwin- jtfey can bring down $.4>K».OW tona.
j moat wonderful watertaJl In the world' udopted for giving weight to flannel, oectlUUoos are aceordtng to the pim
Heltoo a abort lime before oor Arm ance was unknown, it was but a litUeT eight U the new steamers will be lover the Buluwsyo railroad, wtleh .is | aod the old-fasbloned pure linen need ttdsar. mertiy tbe ootward st«u «C
awhile. ABeetfcaetely youn.
located here, 1 am happy to meet thing foe Urn to start toward ihlsifpcm b'ffo ens feet In length; orlbelng rapidly poshed toward'eonipJ*-:for taUedotbs U now largely dU- aglttUon la the bowels of the earth
“Hamaret Jaidlne."
A knock <mma to the doap.
kind of entertainment, and It was Dot : obuot twi city Uock*. Tbe cargo j tlon. For teara It ha* been the amhi 1 placed by ooitoo filled with ehinaclay. which may be railed opon to brook
out oomowhoro on the aartue.
-Coma le!" cried Mr.. Hifode. “Ob. And wben Mrs. Hoarie came U abe long uniU be (oond that be w
>d-|eapacily (4 each will t« 12.000 uai.jtlon of the men behind this road u|March. and tlxe.


The Fourth At Traverse 6ity

between the ladepeodenU and Suttons Brery nua ahoutd hare an equal
Bsty. The nmmlng gaote was taken ehanee.Mr. Patdiln followed along thU line,
by Bk Rapids hy a score of l« to 15.
SuitoBi Bay was on tbe abort end of speaking of the great forracs. coal
, oil wMH. etc> that have grad-i
With a pafftet diy, no oarlm
m the Hate and ante a It to 1 score In the afiernocm.
The morning contrsi was a scrappy uany been bron^l under control of
cidonta, ofilythrooomall flrM,ne dUor
' 1. the boys aiji
game ml] of tbe way througb and at the few. "Tbrae. ' be asid. "are the
dtriy oxhlbltleno, In fact nothing
adrudog npidly.
of naiuro. and the Lord Al­
oar tho ptaaouro of tha 1A.0M vtaHara
team. Gibson pitched a good game mighty. m my Judgment, never meuil
or tho fltlxono, Travoraa CIty'a big
for the locals and was given good sup­ them to be uken by the few and de­
eolebraUon hot potaad Into htatofy.
port- ‘The work of Crisp for Bk Rap­ livered 10 tbe people as they aaw st.
Again haa this pnnron that aa a hoot
oho ia tho *4u0on City of tho North.'
That vitttoro nood novor healtaU tc
coma, that whan a big ovant la adver-'
tiaad tha good* ara dallvartd.

7110 day wae a varied ooe. Sbonir
after t o-dock lb the toomliis. A. W.

id* was fully as good as that Of Gib-'

this sad tbe oU anUlers who helped son but his support was am as good. govemmetit.
preserve that wblefa tbe forefatben A return game is to be played at Elk
"The people aay that they are afraid
bad given tbe natlen. were kept Rapids.
' aoeialiain, yet Germany pasacd law*
busy acknowledrtag salutes.
at savor of aocUlism more so than
In the afiernoon eveothlog went to
Campbell * Skeicber's band wai Travers# City. Both the vtsUor* and any that this country has ever i-aased
■e neii feature. Tbti It a ’ bome' tbe locals played some ragged ball In

md and one no city need be ashamed tbe Held bot the independent* proved
that they
Id a better class than
^e aad the rattle at the fanoen' of. tbelr music very favorably
vagoD waa beard la the aireec With pteaslng tbe big crowd that lined the SuUODS Bay. Mc!t»t>ie pitched an ex.
) regulate corporation* they;
erllent game for tbe locale, wily oiiltnmaalBc daylliht. tbe stream
m own all the properly not il-j
FUrtecfa. aoutb dde grocery, bad pitcblng Alpera of the visiting team. will <
eame alnoat eOBtlBOoaf. 71100 at
r control. We should i
two of hU delivery riga In line aad he Brief at short and Ootby at flrsi pot ready
8;2S. the big
» much about capItsL >.,»
but i
waa followed by A. W. Rldcerd'a float up stellar ball throughout tbe game
T up tbe bay I
give labor, the creator of capKsl. sj
wltb a load of cboiee meaum
be met by a moagolta beet of paBy.
<'honre. Iltey should go band la band.
Tbeae mooomcnU showed that
noisy moter boots which she greeted
‘ should compel l.vlior and capleelleot work U done to that line In he »a* let In on an error this Iteliig
with a aalate' on her cbime wblatle.
be.,^1 regulated by ih.- govern­
the only run made by Sutton* Bay.
On tbe dedre. tbe vldion from tbe
ment that every man. wt-rnan -vnd
W. Weldoft bad a display tbatat- The Independents held several bat­
Bortb were flltlngly met wltb
child lu the country ran f-'cl that lb< y
•1 much attenUon. '
ting ralllm oar sent man after man
Bbd brother K. P/s aad Wltb
out In life and face the worbi
new wagtm and It It one of tbe
aalate of revolrer abota aai
hen Ihey hove the opportunity. The*
Bnsat and moat complete milk wagon*
great government should exeroUe il*
diy. Mr. Wiedoeft
OdUlBolng tbroculi tbe day. tbe
Public iiatiiotle exercises were held fonetlon* correctly In j-raetlee as well
operates tbe ideal Dairy.
ualaa brought Ib large delegatloas
t>r» Central school grounds at throe as ibnnry and give evwy one an equal
Visions of h*»» and eggs, crisp
and tbe otreaia of riga gradually
o'clock In the afiernon, which were chance.
breakfast banon. etc., were conjured
tbUmed down. The IndlBaa
enjoyed by a large gathering. The
Itefurv closing tho speaker made a
up by tbe next Boat which contained
exercltes opened with palrlotie nelec plea fur the young mun who *tan*
la force and duaky faces were pleaUnumber of pradueu of U
tal among tbe ttaroag of white*,
tlons by Campbell A Skeleber s hand,
no coplial. Init who de­
Ppeklng company.
atreeti'wrve lammed tritb people aad
which were followt-d by a solo. "Star pends upon hit blood, hi* muscle; ills
Meter Boat In Una.
ooatlDued ao all day aod evcalag.
Si-angled Banner." by U. Versey I.*>Bg.
nnd Rlnews nnd chiirarter for
A twenty-toot tauiKb.
Tha Parada.
1 hy Mrs.
ccea* in life, and he I* the one.
The parade waa me beat ever
Snished aad ai^olnted. tbe srork of Manus. Mrs. Rowley and Alfred Wllthe speaker derJare<l. whom should
Travaeee Oty. It was alupenoui. Slow­ the Traverse City Motor Boat
helm. The Rev. George Eihelbcrt
given the chanve to succerd.
ly tt croaaed the town and back
pany came next
Ixekhart made the opening prayer,
n closing he raid:
"Wc should
teodtbg almoM two mllet. the srbole
Straub Brelbera A Amlotte’s float the elinlr and audience then singing
n-cngnlre that corpnraUons and indi­
pnsarailnn being a eoDtloDoiiB
aa a young caady shop and
The declaration of Indeprodenee vidual* are seia*h. and we should *.»ot Stmta. wir deeoratedt riga aod
delldoaa sample feuad lu
was read by the Rev. J. Allen Canby. that the laws are an nrtmininerod
aober. aedate vebldes carrying tbe anrang the big crowd. 1.. Swan's after which W. W. Smith, master of
at the lost day* of you nnd me.
praducu of tbe baay tallla of tbe city. dairy sragoo followed.
ee.1 the Hon. 1. W.
ir cblldro^ and their children may
nm In itne waa the Kalkaska
Traverse City Robe ' Tanning Patchln a* the speaker tff Ihe doy.
el tbelr fnihere fouiSit on a blood
ay displayed a robe-lhat now
band, one of tba flneai own panic* of
In hU opening remark* Mr. Patchln
as battle »* our father^ fought on
maioUBg mttaldana In tbe nortb. day* U s mrliy oliliougli a few year* spoke of Ihe great progrees made by
field of Wood. And may they sing
they W4're coninioii’. Thi.i was a
Ptallowfac were the mayor and the
this, the youngest of Ihe grpnl nsllons
their heart* a» well n* in music,
buffalo robe and on the float were
other- elty offidats In carrlagea.
of Ihe earth.
•My eountn', 'tl* of thee. Sweet l.nnd
the bides of a number of other ani­
Pira Departmetit.
"Rvery generation has its pn-blcmB" of U^y.' •'
Kent wsa Fire Chief Murray In bis mals ell atracllvely put up.
•aid the speaker, "Todny more thon
Meter Best Parade.
Tig fallowed by tbe memben of tbe Tbe J, K. Greitlck coropony'* float nny other, this has come to be the day
Then? were twelve boat*
depanment aod the dm companlea of use next and fojlowlng this wa* a of ihc rommoD people of whom tbe
volunteers all |
agon *boa-lng the eoonules that the greot Abrahom Uncoln aald the Lord motor ball porado. m-nk W, Carver
leading Uie irroeewilon aud Ihe follow
Potato Imtdement company .abipa to
iiist have loved because he made so'
.. .wnerw taking pan: Will Andcraod iboee not familiar wltb the work­
,ony of them.
*11. A. J- HarUand. Htigva brothers,
e nicUe aad bn ing* of the company were surprised
“It becomes more evident that our
W. Aahton. J. H. UcG<«.gli, Louis
aMnlng brightly tn tbe suoablne.
number of countries. Follow­ govpcnmeot most be administered In
bonea were marvels of well spent ing this was a wagon advertUlng a manner to give tbe groaleat good Culman. George Da»>, Claud Owvn.
W. X. Millard. &uest Salt-nsky and
c«art and seemed to Uke a deep Ideal Blended leas.
to tbe groaleat number of people, and
pride tn tbetr
W. R. FViote. grocer, bad a very the word*, 'life, lll-ciiy and-tbe pur­ Hugh Graham. The judg-vi were;
with beads erect and prancmg aa pretty and unique dls|da}'. dalsie* suit of happiness' have a new mean­ Misses Helen Burnt and Delia Gillvii.
dalbUly aa ladim. Tbe chemical en- funulDg a prominent' part, the whole ing la this strenuous age. And the Walter M- Pago and Fred I- Smith.
first prize went
gine. tba book and Udder truck, tbe
daisy groce-y.
price^of gaining then# Is eternal vigilbrolhets, the second to Will Aod.-rsoti
big atsemer. tbe beee wagon and the
folowed by tbe Hk Rapids
and Ernest Salensky was givcu hoii.-r
lltoe aieamer were all shown. Po

.* "I



e thing* mrmt be regulated by

lowing ttia was .the dty nmbulanoe.

led by a pony cart ddrve by
bdng a ragUatlon Are engine
Hull brotbctn. tbta division Httle girl*.. Ihe South Side Laimber
ipaoy came along wtth three rtgs
coaelndlBg with RnasH Wilson who
was pulted along by bit faithful black
TTie cmat Oayllor came
throughout tbe line of march be entnrtaliMd the crowd with ble exblbltloo oC eootorUon euinla.
Meroantlle Company.
Tbe Hannah A Ley Mercaatn#
pany had five rigs in Une. aurtlng
with a float aborlng a sblp done In
Bogs and aymboUeal <tf tbe tact that
tbe big store buys from everywhere.
Ftdoarlng this there four deUvery
wagon* wltb appropriate mottoes
Tbe Mnsaellman Groewy company
had A very clever float coitsltUng of
a ll^t house around wbleh
piled aaeka Of flou/. This waa fol­
lowed by ooe of tbe CoturabU Trans­
fer coopaBy'a vans.
Joe BledcrY float bad a btmdi of
Uve stock aboard abowing that be U
ptepared to supply bis trade with
freob mast for some time at least


Vet we have not


a cleverly decorated rig and this
shop In operatk* ao dthe men wt
followed by one of Johnson A Pohl's
appareodyaa hard aa tbeogh they
were down by tbe river aide. They el­
Steinberg Brother* had one of the
an bad a pair of loggtag wheels in tbe
prettleat displays In tbe whole line.
Uoe. tbe wheeto lotAiBg a* Mg a*
gaily decorated carriage
dollars do to BIU Depuy of Kalkaska.
driven by a young lady with
Tbe Toeng Guards band from Sut­
n, ^ght
of little girl* riding therein.
ton Bay. conalstlBg of boya of earit they were
ised that
MnB ages foUowed OaldwellALoadoo.
and dtse^med eaceDcnt moale.


of pcfNde it



PlAt*Class, StMm Bollwsiid Accldsnt insuranos.

fo-H class. Kntest

Room SIONsw Stats Bank Building.



eighicen fool class.



hail no opposition bul wwni over I
course and was awardid the fl

Traverse City, Mich.
VVo vaiTj- I

Got out 6trnrps aod compare onr ifrades before bnjioi;.
0*. Look for tbe Big K<v) Plant.
Cor. EL Sth 8l. ai>a Lake Ave.


Dr. F.

We Believe

J. J. bre:
• A* aCram* N-r-orw* •

In the afternoon, uiid the crord
Uie w Iin-^MU* of some fine oxhlldtloiii*
of i-invdliig. .although
iK-cutue Iln-Hdm- before llu> afternisin

fbr Mto hr Johaaos Dros On.

'Wllhairn BlMk

TravwcM «



Class A. Trpt.

P-vond hent.

U-dBer. first;



John*ai] sorpriw-d hiiii*clf nnd
ever--one else In the frec-far-iUI pace
l-y driving hi* Honwrtl \V. three
winning brats.. d.-fcHiIiig.

Buc«|;ha!I« riiii on lhre«- leg*, bnv-


liorses tiist had been doped l>y thc-ir IhK K<>ii<-lame yroierdiiy.
Inckeiw n* sure winner*. TIu-,tl.m-‘
heat* of the race wvw.- all exrillug !
and at no time was Howard 'IV, aj

Class H.'tro':
L-oi: MMliin Ik-II. fl
iCouHnutvl on I'ag-



winm-r iiiiiil the wire hail
pasved Then clo-s* B. rrot lii*ted tviiiy



iHe last im.r

The Farmers’ Store
Haying and Harvesting Tools


Wc can Bnpply yoar wants in ihia line of gowU.-

beat* Lv a liord drive.

Wu bsve a ecytbc made of tool steel and goanateed in
every way for
A ippd soatb for SOe.

First heat:

Howard W,

fir.d; M.-'

Rakus from iSc np.

Ijidy Cycvitt. third;

M> rijoire, fourth.

Time 1 12.


Scythe aliiios front 5c "p.

Wcsiao buyo Hay Forks, Grain CrtKllea. Bimlins Twine
anil etc.
Wheo yon Pari* Green your jio'aioea you can save
time and money hy using the Eocheaterkew Mnlti.Coiniireiard
Air Sprayer with the “Kant Kbg” Nozzle.

night who wished to ho oo hand early
Flwt h.-ji: Cryd.-n. fi
for the ble celebration. Ev.fJ train , si-v"n.l: Ikl-id.r.-, ihinl. Tli.
the limit. Ihc « 3b n. ro.. train froni^
Elk Raplda bringing In S-si passenger.-1

Third h.-at

<'r>di-n S


rAi T;5S a. m- the train from Kalk*»ka. Rapid City, Barker Creek. Elk
Thenwere six coAChee crowdid ic. the Itmli.;

aroused lo the groat danger to Ihe
country, and declared that <wic good

|lDO TOU GET tip

thing about the American people

For Your Accommodation

iSi;" s'ii

illegliimale busln-'a* method* to con­

Prokop Kyaetka'a two rip. dm driven tinue to Ihc detriment of onr country.
hy George Bonne, were ahead of the We should prraerve our country- for
Elk Cement and lime company's ex- our poeleriCT In the ths|>e It was

up .o .h. cily. duct

The duck, uud : u.ule

free hv

.Pdu, ...U ud„.„,T e. U.e;
opportunity to Ir.rpcct the rar ferry |

Cl u
c l.u

we hJ] Berry Cratea jnat aa cheap aa the Factory.

We '

will try and keep a atock of them on hand throBgfa tba fioaaon. <

eea Elk RapMa anA.the HusUen of engaglug In any
of tbit dty and'one on the afternoon| wblph the tn»U ate Inier^ated.


Haying time ia not faraway so if yon will nse Salt on |

Tlay get it of ua. We wiU have it either (ironnlsted ox HodioBi |

Yon may want j inch Rot>e for Hay Fork oraome ^

other size

Yoq «an depend on gO'


!. *l-e> s t.ioa how lo

-j,„f.a(«r*cdt«nd your

handed down to os. We should Bot
after the crowd bad left ber
She .dJrou i*. Dr. K.inirt
The big prtxseaBlon coneloded wRh be afraid of figbllng raplisl by »x>rkfloe showing os she turned 0: Co.. K-aghan-.i-n.^MBaMB^^a
abowing of Fbrd nnd Maxwell ears. mg for the rKormer*. Tbe common
, back up to the dock. ,4nd
pemde created capital, and it 1* only
Balt Gamaa.
several snap shot* were taken of her j
^ —.^aeMwOae-.
the great tnmta and comblnai
The Races.
told bv all good-iruggi»u. Don't make
Two good base ban eontfots took that say tands off.'
The great
Tbe Urgrat crowd that has been! *»>' mbtake. hut rroral-er the name,
place yeaterday. one In the moruing rrr*—* of tbe t-eople stand no chance





CHy New* Co's wagon followed' and

and vliaUtr
’ part and oi«an of the body.
A. W. CtaoM's Xerve Pllla U rent*
_ X. ( beaa* for tt.H. at all dealera
Dr. A. W. Chase Medicine Co.. Buf-



Clioii-e Uiioolorot] .Ta|i<in Iiarticnlarly fino Hiivnr ntnl
oDiil atreiii
atremrlli. If yon have tronWe
gettinf; -a
tea that ii to yoiiiirlikinc try n sanipl-]|)I<- iKUHid
one. Wo will take our t'liani
your coming Ixick.

Icr basis.
Just nhtad cf B. H. Mullen's diay
Mutt Keep Eye* Open.
(heir families I
Ihe Mantellque band which
"Tbawe thlnp go to show Ihst while City of the Sorth." and
played some, very good tnnite. A. V.
we bsve a good guverntuent It pa:
They werty eni.rtain.v! ur:c ,.c:d.
Bacauas ttien I* not uanally mart Frtedrlrti's flont. with the men cling­
pain aaodated wlih derangemcnl* of ing to Ihe side was next.
ao. Tie governor of our own state
tbe nerves people (*U to rvaUs* tbeU
made c splendid suggestion that ev<-ry
They forret that aleeplMsor**. 1
There wore many Indiana on the
lobbyist who comes to Lea»lng to try
abUlty. iga* of menory. Isck of
alreets but Che Hnmlliun Clothlne lu Influence Irglsladon be registered,
ergr -and vluilty. spclla of wraknesi
ronipany to advertlao their rhlldreo'* and that he should state to what Inand disainms. tired feeling*, dlscour--------L--------- ------------------ ----------, ^yjnp.
line, aptfired a band of white bays tereats and purpne<>* be I* there.
led than great sod transformed them Into redskin*
Equal Chanee lor All.
beesuae the mind a* weU os tb< and cowboy* by their clothe*.
"We have no right to Hand and see
I* of teeming new bloM and ci

------- -rj aaiwmduroa.i-ilydai

have the BesI Tea on
the Market

that when once awakened to the fact
The G. R. A I., with Its •pevlal KUoej Traubte Makes You NHcratte.
that they were wronged they would
find tome remedy rlgbUng this.
He brought in naw.- than -v iht-n*ajid
.tlnii--.: t-vi-r-'-.L t.1:.* rv.-.|-l
pnasrtigers. and th.- M. 4 N E. :il‘o paper, 1,
tiCkM-iw i.t t!ir »'tn-l--:u;
believed that publleity 1» the solution
brought in SJl from I'rovem.-nt atid
of almuit every problem, and spoke
over «>n from to.iln tin.- point*.
of the prosecutloD and eonvlrliun of
Car Ferry Crowd.
grafters in public life. He also paid
The big car ferry MonlsUqtie Xn. L
. OCT rr—iviv
a glowing tribute lo President Roose­
arrived at S *5 a. m., from Monlsilque,
velt for bit tight agatnic mooopolle*
Mg piano wagunt of the Kimball
and irusu In forcing through couMusic hmme ndvortised that Une of

Call on

Pbosea. Bell »<K); Citz. 30iS

unle Dnii. fotinh. Time. In-St’';.
S.s»nd heat;
Howard W..

The Pere Marquette brought In

all limoa


SniHh. lime kee|ier sod L I., Sii vx-n
Lillie Hen. aecmd. My Oa-irv, third;
(on. Btarier. The races and i-ai-ade
L-d> Cvctl. founh. Time. I 11'..
aiirncied several ihouauad pn-phThird; Hitward W . first; Lit­
tle I-oiL s.-.-ontl: iaidy Cy.-oi-'. third:
|H>ople from tbe



Cliolce. Mcoitd.

Waller M. Page mas Judp-. Fred

TrAvsrss City.


Frank pacing. »erve<^ to lumdtire A. C. Sht-1

fln.t and John Ashton second,

3 »er Ccni gllnwed m Ilte Dcpssll


UlUan Bell wnlk<'d in aiich >

W. Carver finished ihiid and J.
McCrfHigh fourth.
In the iwenly

A Gflsenl Basklsc Bsitsas Mac

IfloscT to Loan on Impiorcd Real Estate Only.

A. J- Havllund won first place with
Bert Winnie a close secraid.

SURPLUS, *30000

Tire Insurance!

TribuU to Old Soya.

A. QARLANO, «Mhte.


two heats.

Meter Beat Race.

A. TRACY LAY. Praaldte


that to a certain extent tbe wealth of
Owing to Ihe *en. aonie of the
this country of more than *o,(wn.Ono smaller boau did not eome out for the

'■Although our fathcra fouglii slav
ahowing the effect tbU company bad
cry we nre fighting our prtiblenis a*
lumber and ending up with bale*
well as ihey fought
thrtr* "
of oeaily proased shavinga to be used
speaker then paid tribute to the old
- bedding.
soldiers who yeslerday rode In the
The Parmero' Supply company had
parade and though their voice* ur->
a barnees shop In openlloo and they
tremulous with age. they sang their
were followed by the Queen Cliy band
old baltle hymn* and brought back
end Trlmblc'a bakevr float
mind Ihe lime when they were young
Che Trimble bakery eame samples
and vigo.ou* nnd were flghling
rhich wero eagerly gathered up by
Oielr coumry.
the crowd.
Tbe B|>eaker again look up
Tbe aUtena Tedeidupie company
thread of his Iheme and urged for
Id a floel showing the new type of
Letter eoolrol
Insinimem* they are using and the
h trample on the right*
ringing of bell* alUacled tbe attenof the
of the specuiora. M. J. Lalone
watcha-ord, •'Protect the conservaHvo
stHliooary gaaoUne engh
business Iriereets of the people."
til tho p xesalon. tbe machines wo
some of :he niasi glgsvntlc wrong*
with great smoothness and prac­
tnd outrages h»d grown up in
tically to vUiTallon. The Scott Veter­
nntloD. He spoke of the wortt of the
inary Remedy company bad a float
lobbylsis in the halls of congrees and
load of vartoua slock food* and remsfS.e legt*laiurc» of the country, ffllf
edfm and tbe Jolln* Campbell com­
graft Id the cities, but believe thsl
pany enough furnliuro to "feathec a
Crinnell Brothera display wo*

CaMwell A Loodtm bad a blaeksmlth

of the Nerves

aWo meoticm.'

Tbo Globe department store had a

novri shoaia.
thirty little
Pony OMalen.
Bcracketa. adveeUtli
Tbe pony dlTlsIOB waa a Ug bit. In. dreeeed as
tbto were a number of gayly decocmted »he big
South SMa Lumber Co.
ilga diiven by chUdren. among them

Tmerst aiy State Bai


jssixs: ii"™."™?”!.

loog time attended tbe matinee races ‘ «vcr}- bouie.




OM UMriciB.' MMtL. Mr S.-OM
HlwioB U a pletsTcaqiK IlUic raMit
—•at P>r aror- >x>t qoS«t aad mUal.
th« UBd ooe M la ch« (t!t thU
tkcr tad bad tbMr mofter'a •onb
and CO back u eollac*. aoetal or boatMM U(« with raiwved dearer. Tta
ataaoe ot idOT )nat ofiaalne. ftada qaite
a Taw irnpnmac Aaiacca—aew valka
hard bdoe bulK—do UwB U ■ r>Od
board walk atoa« the bar Troau b^danm at the pier and exteadlaf aearlr
a JBUd ^twi^th^^har abore. Thli

Yha ceOaea ob tba ahon ot
dHviBf hone, which -Makaa _ . ... bar at AcBd. balac boUt br Dr. C attend the coiebraUae at Duck lake.
eaidppdd Btable. ae that the pniblao W. Baeee. la oearlae ctMpleUoe.
lag followed and tbe girl vent
or ceUlBS aroaed about the eoulry
CTrda Buaea aad Cfcariee Oleadea- to the ball game without her mother's
coaaenL A quarrel followed and hot
“ Hr.'''ata Hn. Oro. K. Buck. Hn. Blag aiw dobw the work.
Dr. Sterrlcker and three ^Idren ol
and Hra. Fled Notawara
words were exebaoged.
are at Raalmioi:^ rlrad laat flatordar Treto Chleaio
The pump t: the Totieo farm was
Baade for U»* eaaimar. alao Dr. H. U
abort nail at the botaa of
ut of order yesierday and a i
pareata here.
as called to llx ll ARer he leli,
eni oni of the bouse, stantog

U. B Hall aa
Crmad Bapida tare beeo speadiac a
few dart at the Porter booae. They
-nil It aoeme
that orer It
caise with their lanoeb, aad bad beea
• path to aiofr Ilea.'
at CharteTots.
The boteld
botdld o( the piaee alao hare
Hlaa Lardle la back after aa eztead.
added to esd Improred. la the owaer- ed riell at Maalam. Big Raplda aad
dblp ^ BDBBacdMt ot the MahDetroit.
Oo Ti.
partr of frieadf t
vbleb to an the moon c
beanUful aad gotVeout.



. ootlage uBleea rented
remain cloeed tbla
,^„iMTa. Raoaoioe. wile of Hajor \
The Porter Houae baa reeeallr beea I Rahaome died al their booe It
aewlr aad tanefanr decorated aad Joe, ao that their plana ai* chaj „
eremhlBg beta the affke to the kit- Hajor Raatome baa beea aa laralid
chea la tpottoea la lu aeatoeea. That for aone time aad the naaeinab dethe gueaia who aannoer at the Porter roUoB of the faithful little wife
hooae win be well cared for will
ouch mlaaed br the‘loae1
' loaelr
r ol
be wteeuoaed br the boeta who b
haa the armpathr
eolored the apleadld boapnamr
. and Hra J C. Vaushan of Aaa
Ulaalo 1 for
Arbor will not
lut ther bare Old Hlaaloa pUaUter part ot Augoat.
waa not fullr appreciated br Whiter
K. Clark and wife, wbo with thtir aeaoclaUcb In Berlla al
which Dr.
goeeu. Hre. Md Hlaa Chaae rented,
Vaughaa te ezpccted, but some of the
tho KarrlaaB dtuage for the muniaeT.
tamllr wUl doubileai be here


«ne air a little too braeinf add after
«M Btatah of It. ther Mded thalr
l«BU and allenUr—went back to
Hr. aad Hra. John Hartaall, hare
a partr of Bee wbo came the Jrd of
Har aapaoUa* to etar abM
weefca aad are aUlI there. Tb
Hn. Walter Brtdcmaa aad

wa-d some woods.
thought her lotentlon waa lo meet
tbe man, and ran ont to get her back.
M la a tornado wtiteh awept a
mllea long and from a mile
redd in width In the eeuntli
central WHaeeoeln.


claim that Japan has brokco Us
pledge to malBUlB Coreaa IndependCDce. The emperor denied baring may
knowledge of the depualice
Ito remarked:





against the Japaoeeo whlA mm




UIcb. July 6—Hr*.

Gene Brest of Spokane. Wasblngtoa.
is TlsltlBg her brother Arch aad Leoa




Hiss Smith (Bed about a year age
Her history la obaenre.
Years ago
Haalstee from aa
known place, purchased the pretty lit
tie cottage where she lived uaUl her
death. Bhe wrote no letters, received
ae vlalla from outside aad nevei
relative in
the world.

When she died, oo retot-

being fonad, her properly revert­
ed to the state._______________

Brown at this place.

For Reunion.
HIM Bdith Foi wbo has been stay­
F. W. Carter ud daughter. Jose­
ing aritb her sister. Mrs. John Acker,
retureed to ber home al BIk Raplda phine. left Saturday for Angola
lad., where Mr. Carver will alteod
last Saturday.
<4ub form
. Hr. and Hre. Httgb Boyd and infant
twealy-tbree yearn ago. Tbe dub ca
son and Miss Hatol Cooper of Blk
etoU of sis members aad they will
Rapids apent tho Ftwrtta
■II meet next week for a reunion
Cooper home.
cottage they built when
Some of the roembera of this school
Tbe building U located on
It ita'ptaM district bellCTe that there to nothing
little lake and
» bad all amageaeot---------— *- like pnaeveruce and that "conatant
_ a... miMr. , . ,
dropplag wean the hardest atoae,
150 eottages, electric lines and all
HIM Kent
tbetr sum- aad BO although they lost the motion
things that go to make up
” for to bond for di.OOO to Improve the
riomre “Bttler‘sweet Lodge"
acbetri hooae. they will bring the mat­
ter np again at the annual


meeting neat week.
take their baadaeme cottage
Hre. Hilea Buck aad taro cfaildren
mmer. Their boote
taiet for
1 made tad by thu •rrtved from Gladstooe Wedastaay
tae reoaeUr t
>. OrtlB “ - for a visit at Ihc home ol T. C. Buck.
dtalh of their
aoa. wbo died after _
brl Bunoe came home last BatHack armpatbr is uKtetaed to the
aorowlag pai«iU la Ihelr
nrday. from hla years' school work

1 close pursuit.
At the Puach farmhoiiH-. sbe
ped and asked fur

prnt.-cilon. As she

Wreck and Fire.
From Saturday's Record
Jumping tbe track two mlire i
of Kaleva. el^t care in Peru -Har-





Aowricas Muaeuwi After Last Lteh la
EveluUaa ef Kqal** Family,
ermlnad efforts te Ood (he mteUgg
In tbe evolmtoD of tbe bone are
bring made by an ezpedltkm from tbe
Uoscum ef Natuml nistory,

Is Bpaatf *• Escaad That of Any Vaaaal
New Afieat—Will Be Run by Intaifial! the stale exiwrlment atatl-m a
Cembuation BnglfMa—Quito te Be a<! cantown form a backgro’ind I
Detaliset Calibar.
| display.
Tbe binleafalp of tbe future, aeeoid-,
Ing to J UcKertinle. tbe anglneertag;
director of the great Brltlab ablpbnlM-,
-------------lag firm of Vlritera' Bona * HlZlm.' Young Birds Caukums Almeat Incredibk
limited, of Barrow-ln-Fururoa. la to ba]
Nsmbar af Inseeta
mUhly ship of great tnutmge that,.'"’''
aH-'il"- '
- ^
ill iL ran hv |I.I„ I| c-nmhusflaa aw. *'*’'**
*'"ll'''''tlj Ihe U-iu-ms whh-h
tol/'Jiii ^ "in...
I * cumnmnliy rtv-rives lUc |>res-

i brought out la a study mad- l-y the
conalsb, xtudcoii of the I'nlrerslty ,.f luJlana
lug only of guna of the deadliest coU-, at the blnluglcal station at tvinoua
tier, sari the New York Tlmea
Hr. Lake.
McKectmie. wbo ttanda In tbe very' Relay* of student*, acronllnc
forefront of BrttWi naval arehlteeu.
HcGcw. placed
'selves In a poslilou to ubnerv
BbA-IB Jobttooo was summoned and
tare statad
„ ttnoously from daylight to da
roe to tbe place- which was near the DOW stands ready
■ccapi tne eon-^ nKn-emeoU In tin- nests ..f an orchard
Blair town hall. 'Rie girl was located tract for the eooi
ction of soefa s
e. a pewer . a (•h.*-lva nearby farm boiuM- and roadily battleship.
f whi.-b h -long lo 111
gave op the razor
ival eon-'suiBlng rJass of bird*.
William J. Baxter, tba
Take Ma Back te Jill.
Islen the
The little wren's mu. lu which ihen.structor under
"Take me back to jail." she sobbed govenuDMit built tbe great bsttletalp' "Ttv fi" I'lf^ •I*”* •‘■n-e days ol<L
nnectleut. the preamt flagship of.iFsa a areoe of prvaC ur-lixlty, sod In
■Take me back. I want to kill my
. I'nitsd Pistes Allaollo Beet, does' «he ulue hours and twcutj *li mli.utea
her and If I'd had a revtdver
I go ao far si Hr. McKe.-hDle. but ‘li''
'''7’’ f-"""'’.*'
e shot her while 1 laid In
U-lirv-« that the si-bema Is not i . ser.atloU l
bUBhrs.of Uh‘ f-Kl U-Inc forscrel
feasible and will probably to- aucce
Sbe told the sberiff that she whs
bird, but dwtrtliiii
for by
fully r
ntollced aoma day perbsps i
ic any lu the railway auitlon
far dial
Tin- fi-oil .wusisied of cotwonu*.
Grewn after leaving the woods wUb
Baxter believes that tbe ideas ut Ur.
the luteniluD of returning lu Jail
McKo.-bn1e should Iw ezperi uieoted grssslioppers. i-aldwge worms and sun­
When passing the asylum grounds. with lu a prugteaalvv way—that Is. vea- dry smaller ln*e.-i* not tdehllfled
Anna pointed to the buildings
stomld flret be .-.■usiroci.vl along tallied two yoiiug bird* (dnr day* ol<l.
evldrn--c of Ilic Itrst activity at
'•W<-n, that's Ihe rinly place left for
(. pito and 1«‘tw-ri-ii that ttme and
111., when It Is-giin to rain, the
lastly, with tbe Information gatm-d
yniiDL- birds had ri>celve.I anil Ui.lall
The case is a pitiful one. UieVlrl tbe construction of Ih- vessels of t
.nicity of the
The i«nu
having gone wrung when but a
smaller uiul less powerful type,
4 •siually borioles and jw-wee*
child and nothing seems able tu tuy woold im.biibly be ntfi- lo try the <
iwrliiieut In firsi clsss bsiilesbip conher downward course.
stniction. Ur. Baxter has rexvlved
Cheaper Silver ‘Article*.
co|iy of Ur. UcKertnle's paprr. whh-h
e Pacific.
Tlie ll..... .
of till- prln- of shT
was read to-rnre tbe ilrtllsb Insitiute
Washington. July
of Nar:il Arelillects rexvhtly, In which Hoc sllii-r urii.-li-i wllhiu .v g.iienilloii
(lari, any* a «riii-r In iW Jmini
tbe biggeat fleet of the most foreilda- Ur. M'-Kn-lime outlln.vl his plans
ilo- I'rauV Iii-IU.-te. ba< l••*'ll
W« lighting ships ever assembled. the Iwtlb-slilp of tbe future.
in this ps|>er Ur. McKe.-faule. In dlt- partly to tbe Invention of uieflim
Resr Admiral Robley D. Evans famll.
-UMliig iIm- battleship eiigloe. advo- r-.flln-i silver Into shec-ts, from whl.-k
lariy known as “Fighting Dob,'
Till- .trih'leii are KiauiiH-il out by manu'
sail for Ihe Pacific coasl. Admiral
s-a* drawu of the f.-.ti.tvr*. Instead of lielng talartonsly
Evans will have with hu Beet l.olS
li.iii.icen-il ijiH-friPia rods of sllvrv,
hip Is
vhl- u \' C* tbe old iirei-s*. NeSrty aR
officers and 28,978 enlisted
of ifi-cno
, wliboiii smokerecognized as tbe best trained Starks, and whose decks
e covered iiisuufactiin-rs of st-rliiie silver
with great pnrrets, every one of Ibem ■b-U-s |'::p-b:i*c tin-.filter sbocl* f
figbUng men In the world.
■-omaiulug a pair of guns of Ihe twelve -vlUs ibji tonki.- a s|*-i'laliy of ndlliic
Legend af Ihs Maes Ri
Sorll!i-z sll'-r <4<litolHS ;i*o
inch type.
A German iradtUon gives the urlclii
(inn* ol |«iri- silver to S' |>art« o
In this sbl|i deck obatnjcth>ua
of tbe moss rose as follows: An angel
practically obviated, tbe atartlng of tbe -op;-r. n>e 44>|ii*-r gives ll the re.;
esrth In mortal
ii-!!- !i.itvlP-»*.
gas or oil eugloes to a matter of
place of shelter
a few mlauies. and a* the macbloery
after bis lalxtrs of love, but every door
iboutdit that she had eommilted sui­
cide came lo them and nuue dared
foUow further.

against Ibr heavenl.r vlstlor.
At length tbe angel, lieing very weary.
ground and
rosebush spread like a tent. It caught
upon Its omspread leaves the falling
dew whirh would otherwise
ilrenrbed the messenger of love. Wak­
ing, the ano-l said to tbe
•The., has: ...
- .led.
. rroef ol
.11 with the sMde."
of my
,nd the (
wth.-red about the
IS dewdrops shone like m dlsOem.
X Ihe Uushloz (lower

Stary ef * OeMk Saiat.
ntierof tbe Iloyal Ongrnphlral
them­ ■orlety gives this little 'sft>ry
Greek aalni- "Our gmd Ft. Blazlna
gave os the pbrsse drunk as RIaies.'
for Ibis saint was pleasantly done to
loaded with merchandise aad beer.
at Big Rapids.
death by having his flesh lorn off by
and Hiss
Just what caused the accident sod so be be'-sme the pa­
Arch Brown's house Is very UtUty
not known and tbe burned care w<
tron of the English woo] rnmliers, sod
a of the 1
drowed Id a new coal of paint
he middle of the train which waa as a blta feist n is kept up on hts day
Hisa Mauae Raker left last Satur­
made np of alzteen care. The acci­ and tbe people who froquenled
day to apeot the Fourth with
the saying
d their cottage.
dent happened at 4:55 a. m.. while the feast were calle.1 facers
03rtea (amllr are eery cosily setUed taroou at Frankfort.
train was making aboot Iwcnty-Sve
aad tho baadeeaM mnalc room adds
•The latelllgenee of the death
illee ao hour. About SOD feet ol track
aot a UtUe to ttair plcaaure. Hiss
Hra. H. 8. Ollleaple at Blk Raplda
ere tore up and tbe arrecker from
O'BrieB to a Bae maaieUB aad many
Bath Osca.vad.
early UoDday morelag como as a aad Crend Raplda with another
good Ubms are pteaiied for the eui
matemar--T.'U have deceived
Throe doga. three eaU aad
blow to her many friends here,
dman worked oeUI well Into the outrageously;
You lold me that 1
parrot add aa air of dofaeaUclty
she was only sick a few days with afternoon before the main line
would be provided with a Rp.»d watrb
neuralgia of the beut. many did .i
as lung ns T lived, and now after bare­
i open for trefttc.
Mr. mad Hn. J. K.
Cedar tapMs. Iowa, are cocklorti . know of her lllneas. She leavea
> 9. Cannon Ball, flyer, .waa be­ ly a fortnight It ts quite good for i>oth
Ing: Wsti-hniaker- But It Is n'
aaoted to thatr eoUage. They have hatband, iwo young childrea. a Cs
hind the derailment and was forced
fault that you were so thin and alek
as gasete tbMr gn...........................
er, mother, brother and three
back to Baldwin, go to Manistee looklng;-TrenslBte<1 For 'rrensatlantic
aad Jeetaea Blaa1 of Chicago. Mar! term. The body waa taken to ber old and again Uke tbe Pere Harqueue
Talea From Fllegende Rtatler.
This kuig detour made
the train about seven hours late
Tee. I'm going abroad at en<
IS also detoured as was h
gotta go both paawngere. All freight i
"Ob. tou mustn't let tbe doctors
both north and south, between here scare .vou;"
“I got this from a Uwyer.“-Waaband Grand Rapids were tied up.
Oaring to the wreck, the flyer due tnetoB liereld.
An Catraardlnary Bemba.dmenL
1 here at 6:30 In the morning
One of the rttraoollnary b-«xea
:o. 1 due In here at 1:15 were
<>Haa may work from son to aaa
on reoont Is said i-. have lw*-n playrd
^ed and srtll nm In together.
tat woman's work is oercr done.
upon Ihe Iwwap Itolla Me-.lraJ,
la order to keep the home nest
tive potentate of the, >
and pretty, the ehildrea well dreeeed
the second Slkb wsr. in ’l.e w in
and tidy, women overdo and often
lR4Mn Tbe nr1tl‘h anuy. ■•••mmandFrom Saturday's Ri-eord.
•d by Sir Hugh <i--iigh. hsd sh.ii
Only 16 years old. awaiting trial
the dewaa and hi* f.nves lu the forti­
the next teem of Circuit court on I
fied eliy of Moolian. One dt.v ii
M-rtouB ehargiw and
■legers were aninted by the thunderahead of her hot the hooae of correc­ ons so.ind of a ni.»t extraonlloary
I't U to*
tion or the asylum. Anna Totten
cannonade, followed not t.j- sh..t
made from nstlfc rooU sad nerba,
brought l>aek to Jail yesterday after- ■hell. Ipiit b.T an a«eornuent of mlw-eP
M a blctsiag. When the splrUneous pr>-vi8|ods In a very fragtaen
rorei ariec a few itayV parole,
- -lead and beck
Us arc depre
tary oendtilen raining Into the
aches, there
______,______ ____ _____ t,
. -aleeplm
. .
hiari filled with anger and lu*
Mnea. Tbe Sikh ebleftaln. It w as aft*
rolnctaooe vo go mavwhere. these are only armptoms which unless
her luolber's life. It Is alleged.
heeded, are sooa foUowed by the worutforau of Female Complaints.
ward dlseovemL hsd found la tbe city
Tbe girl has beeo confined K
a large store .,f .-snned meats of tbe
soman's portion of the jail for s
nanire of whirh be wa« o,|erely
months but was sent to her home. Ignorant. A native spy In Bli'li^
Grant township. Saturday to »i*end gravely lnfonue-1 him that ibe.v .
__________ Uoa, nroration. diapiscemei
IB aafely through the Change
prtasrtng for rl.iM-birtb and to carry v
the remainder «f tbe Intervening time powerful exp1i»l'*s. and heiioe
ot Life It U most rfUck-Dl.
before court convenes on rondiOoc. aome days tbe Britleb ramp was p
— Dear Mrs. PlekMrs. Al
tugustus LtoB. of East Earl. Pa., wrti
ed with showers of Ftravburg pates
that abe behavod herself well,
iblesaadhad all kinds
"For B long tiai* I suffered from female trout
and other more or leas mangled
lies and pains Id the lower part of back aad Sidra, 1 could
lerday aftereooa sbe became angered
perfectly eatable tinned fo..d.-.«etap
s Vegetable
aad had BO spprUte, Siaor taWng Lydia
at her mother, it la said, grabi
new woman and I eaaaoi praise your aMdidse too bighly.
will persistently follow read and lay In underbrush. awalUng
) of exerelse snd^et. Avher mother's aivroacb.
the ‘knife
Women suBering from any form of frmalc weakness srr invited to
Utoee. sw-eet. atvl l-wbr I Iv.
clasped In her hands, ready to d<
write Mrs Pinkhaiu. at Lynn. Mass. Ont of her vast volnme of eate^on lean broiled mean, ertop froab
perlaBM she probably has thr verv knowledge that will help yMr
deadly work.
‘^egetablee. fruit, clear tea and
ease. Her advic- is fi-rc and always Wlpful.
Ouarreltd Over Cclabrelien.
and aslted. uabiiUerud tuast.
The imiible started on the Fourth. fire miles every day.
qiwUe freight

British Naval ArchKwt's Idea of
the Fufure Warship.

glitia te rrpreeentad by a vary gae
frail exhibit, tbe dtsptay bring rq^tabed from time to Hine fn>m a aopHy to rold storage. This exhibit la in
charge of V. W. Moore of Elwell. wbo
occupied tbe aotne poslth.n at !h
Lnola espoaltkm.
Oeru|wln* a
spkvK.ns place In tbe aiv
pies of (be Grimes Golden apple, which
originate.! In Bn«>ke cuoiy. W. Vs.
A large pbotograpli of tbe ..rtglnal
ts aUo show-n
There I* also a oeat

Wbeo the i>ursuers appnacbed. the

gardlng the preeeore at The Hague


preaeat mota teiproved I
aad te
il the faiuMU Uayo boaplul In
er. Mlanesots. aad has alnce
Mta Dana«b It ....
1 with a well-kBown
(rtend Hlaa Clirpool from Paaadeaa.
phyaletaa of DelrolL :
Hlaa Clarpool will a;
at Barber Point
tbdtw OB Batardar. Hlaa Damgh trill
world as bla father."
•eeoBpaar her aad be ber gueat for

her hand and chased her toward the
e with It. RuoDing to her room,

if U4der age. Mr. Peach refuiwd
and she struck across a large wheat
toward a thick piece of iloito-r.

From Seoul.
Seoul. July 6.—Marquis Itc.
palace, loterrogated the empe

Gees te 8uu.
le of the world's faaious laLaaslag, July
The property for
. She te a piaalal of nnusaal
a number meriy owned by Hlaa
I abroad, Smith Uaalaiee was aoW by James
a the loo of tta Dean Elliott of the anmor ■eaerel’a otOce
this week for $805 aad the proceeds
Arbor Unlreralty. of which InaUtuUoo turned Into the aUte treaaury.

d hr Hra. WalI. U Trumbull.
_ lYmball
__ _ wbo
la a
i aealor and
prealdent of hU elaae at TtlnUr coltage. haa been golte 111. eoougb ao be
tad to laarc eoilegt for thla rear aad

says that she bad a rinb lo

grabbed a rarer, and
DeUMt of the damage ere etIU oen- duwti the riaid. For u long mile
in wilb her mother and two brothers

leg elewlr- It It bcllevdd the daath
Hat will be IncrwMod aa In addition te
theae hilled, a teera or more being in­
jured ae aerieuair that reeouerjr

Dr. J. Walter Vaughaa of Detroll
aettoDs are aetf^rptonaiory aad
aad Hies Oertrade Le--------------the whole worl^ te la paeacMit
weU-knowa and popclar on the n
baring apeat their aummera at Old (he faeta. '
HIselon Btoce ther were children,
The latrlgnee of the Coreaa court
were married Dec. Itth. The ftrflowlog te Uken from 8L Marr’a duarler- be added, were eonUnuona, but the
emperor'a perelaienee la such

D. OoUlBi from Cbleaco.

^ G. N. Krtedw with bbraiUdren
are «gga«-^ mob to arrlre aad open
tv Si «oi

- te ago the--------- ------------------- - -------'. which needteoe to aar found a
warm wetaone aad will apeod ber
•ammer at Old Hteoloa.
The preur Mtatagae cottage, owata
br Mr. and Hn. J. A. Hoatague irf
Trarene CItr opeMd Its boipltsble
dwa aad ahellered a bride and,
greoa.Mr.aadHra.Hertart B. Hoetagta.
aantod OB tho nth of
jOM. The happr r»ag couple n
at the eouage tad took ihelr v<
the PUrwr Houm. Ther left oo Fridap teat fo
----------------- -




selves In a heap and seven of thi
burned up. Tbe derailed care w<


4- shl|« of the present day
of the .hip are corresi-mdIngl.r
-r proterted
will W a great deal lew liable t “d
Iritl-a In that Ihi-re Is n-i smoke
flame, as Is tbe t-ase of th» reclprocat
log and turbine proiiellod ■bip*
<liy. a great aiuoutil of since 1* saved,
and •••cry of the mighty
ao plart-d (hat all of them <-an lie traiuod on a single ntdoct at the same lime.
Ur. McKeebuIr .ubnUlled to bis
brother naval an-bliccta a tabic Is
ihc arigbis. area •avupli-d by
macblnerv. h-<raep>iwer per
Cblnery. etc., on ships »f Ihc steal
The I
f..r a battle |
For In ;
awnre, tb* weight ..f macblnory. In ]
-iDdIng the usual auxlltartca. but ool |
deck machinery, b
a Mcam 4-ngln.‘ w..iild l«ta veaael of the gi* roglne tv|c
tona and In one the engines of i
are of lb-4.11 tyi-; TW »«n..

would be regarded aa a trtnmpfa fcT
an? acleoUflc lorittutloa. and there la
Bx-h activity among museuine and
MvresiliM Id the search for a perfert
r<wll skeleioo o f tbe animal required
to (ompleie the chain.
tloent" few aman boor* an.i?r«rtf
tbla prtmltire horse which ha* been
culled the parwhippm. but no speelmena enfflcleoU? perfect to establlah
the type have yet been unearthed. Its
plsce In tbe scale of evolutlou to be­
tween tbe meaoblppua and tbe protohb»pui.
Throort the efforts of Frofeasor Hritty FalrtieM Osborn and othar writ
known sclenUato birr beeo traced tba
ranous stepa
if a parahifva* b*
found there will *1111 be s few types
missing, but tbe dtoeovery of this anan Intercellnc and ImporUnl tbeory ef
Ur. Albert Tbomaon to la charge eC
tbe field pony, and three aastatanU
have been saalgned to aid him. Tb*
country lo be explored to aoathesat iff
Ih* Black Hill* aad haa many outenpplnga of the lower mtocenc period. Th*
explorera wlU devote at least foui
month* to thrir task. Tb* museum
■niborillet wtab lo eofflplrie the ««lIceUon of gvIdeDC* aa niddly as poast8uch ploDaera tn that braodi of
study a* rrofcsmiri Cope. Uarta and
Osborn have altrerted the noUc* of
tbe acleutifli- work! by their arhleveraenia In tnclng tb* hone from tb*
primltlt e type, tbe roblppo*. a foilik*
aalmal eleven lucbni lu bright, tn (be
preecnt Ibv.rnugblwrd. Tbe search to
of eqwclal Inlerrct In tb* Vn'led
6utn. aa everythtDc lodlrote* Itai tta
bora* ortgtnaled to Koitb Alnerka and
that all of bto kind In tbe old world
are draceodanta of tbe ste*^ which
went there over tb* land who* bow
rolU Bering otnlL

****** Uniqu* QualiUaa.
Kntulie. a m-wlr diaciivered |>reclona
atone, to dc-lared to In- a gem which
tas but one rival, tbe diamond. It
waa fuiiDd by Iwu FreiH-bmen lo IBUI
wLIh- tbey were pitw|v>llng In ttoa
l>k-r- .v.nnty, ral. and was Dtmed,;or
rrof<-«a>r Gcc.rgr F. Kimx, tbe eetobreted iidneralogtsl. IlM- most expert
luttfrity uu gi-uis In tbe I'nlte*! BUlea.
Several dc|ua'iis of konsitc have been
ua>'oren*l siD.-e thr original dtoeovery,
but tbi-y are iintni|a>naut. Tbe Pate
. Cblcf iiilpe, sitiiaii- n nsllc and.a half
from Ihc t.m-u of Pate, has pndue«F
tin- tiui-tol spe.1m.-u-. known, many of

Th.- T.t.odcrriil qmllly nf flnnRs-.
.-Cin-c foutPl Id oj oihtjE-ffW liql kunpla.-i-* It Jd a <-la-s by Itself. 'When
kaii*li<- I* ex|>aml p. ao .au-Ulatlag
• urrcDi <il-(aluc.l from a large Itcimbnlix ii'.B.’hlDc. II glowa a brIlltoDt oraiicc. kclng f..r a time its rare Iltof
.-ol-.r and rce« a glowing coal

t-*vtu and remains ao
iD.iiicdtetcIy after ex.* II will, if ptoevd by
M-neitlxed paper.
Immcnac sloe Of tta
itniral aisle there lorw


dcllrered- nark bad dtoappeared. No
f borve* ran be
D ttely.
feet. It
completed and will Iw opened aoon. atyf
the New York Trlbun*. The coestroe
tlon of the obeer-raury. wblcb te th*
blgbcrt In the wacld. li due te lb*
gencroelty of Quran MargberiU of
Italy, who. It to said, will attempt the
ascent of th* Monte Rosa to oeder to
open (b* bnlldlog.
rammU of th* Monte Bo*a.

,s.w i.-|..iicing to an Eiurllrii
or .1—1 KiiiM-tifv n
g blaukri
mc4l was f..iu.d'in
pin luiliedili-<l lu It.- b.-ari
Tt.l-- i-lu.
rt,, wb.vb wn. ll..- vau*- of .l—ib, .nust
acs bMvc Iwcu pic k'd Up iii
f'»'l “od
»..ik».l Its way IhrouglF ili- luH-rual

requaemdus ul ibe Nabonal I'tire I' -aod iritw. Guuanlce No. 20-41. bled U Washtogtea.




Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound

Oo«poond*arf^oriowbrthe®ISri<»'i^ch’11^%w'‘^ feaT

Mr*. Plnkham’s Invitation to Women

A^ce ci the



UrgeU cuSee dealer*

is alwavs to buy the old-

laaliioned Arbuckles* ARIOSA Coffee b
the i^ed packages.

Doo’i uk for a pound of Mocha and Jsva. o



lor GAfee fludualea and you cxsixA g-t the same cc/iec lor liu: son* fvicc ail (he U
anlem yog pay too much lor it

M«t of the so-caBed Mocha ar.d Ja’-a Grffre it nmply

maiqucndmg. and u not nnHy a* good cods* lor you at AihuciJer' ARIOS.-L the biead
fli the Brazaiin Cofieos mod smtxble to ihe teJte and health oi Amcncan people.

E;. lln

look* there is oo dift«ooce betwcoo roasted Java and Btcialiaf! Cofiecs: mxny prop!? »4rink Bfazjjan but pav Inf Tar*.
The principal difference b that Arbuckla* cost* you

‘ It h a mra.t-, m

th*i a

pm* r.*r.wre^

UTioi you buy Arb-.-ctle*' ARIC6A Cc<f«. ^ gri a luH me pound pa<^ ol the km£ng Coffee el die
hi salei lor 37 yean ate greater than tbe coobmed tale* dza the other iteckaged coffee*.


zrfire let die mosey-, we hive bui!( igs a butans excredir.g the butaeasa d the lotf ont larged er&c fams
t .S Vcitde world.

If yoar deaief will not supply th j Reauiae. write to



' crvsuls In II
was aaaemhlri) at fblcago-l n'p.iu,.,,,
tricgrem wi* aent b. Clark
god n

aevqcnl of tj>* best known of tbe Vnit
0.1 State* navy.
Weri Virginia Fruits.
In the southeast seciton '
Ftste* r.zbIMt Pslsce at tbe .
town evp«v«lik>n Ih- «tat» of Wc

flUInc out of that gap would be an
achirvemcot la patrosiology srfalrt

f the t'hlcago sud Nurth-I
weMera rallraad at Fremont. Nrb. lb*
uthttr day- aid gave an Order for a
string of carl tbal nearly innk anay
the bretib of the ageut. My* a Oma­
ha tpevlal «*patcb lo lb* New Yufk
Time*- Ue said be waa W. II. (Tart,
an Idaho borsemah, and bad a atriiiE
uf borar* quartered la tbe Dell (*>unl?
which be loleoded lo rbl|> lo Ualoe.
He n amed aeveotecDOf Ihe beat eqolpped palace stock car*, live box eara.
a butel rullman and vartoua trtm®Ing*The agent aenc bins to Geoeml Agent
Miller at Omaha, and there
tgents of tbe reDnaylvanla. N*w York
ll and other easieni itada, wbo

I and i

Tbe McKccbnl- irtper la being canfully Ftudle<l hr ibe naval architect* of
e greet power*. That 1
know* what he Is talking s
the of'lDloa of many of th* l-trbDc

•oUy arrived to fionlh Dakou. eaya tbe New Tort Urvold. Tta


BROS. Nrw Yta Ow.

Buekl«y^ Fourth.
B«>eU*r. MJcli., jDly:i—The BudcI- «-I«brauon «■« ■ Khrat
T«x> tiMVlal
had to suLke
tmtrd biffp.
The l»o li
■ adrorUod, the er»i iaj the
nu enCoR up
lugb iliat be wkM
Uaw>i( lari.ii,].
Tbp Mwnd day'.o.- hlrt orine to Jhp
lovu-d ■bmf
ib irUch b« cwild i>« laad
»»6 excPliCBl. Uivre be­
ing thirty float, la Hoc. led by the
unique borodaui earrloge. The dl.
pUr of flrcwwit. Kas exeelleni N>K
person a-ot hurU
There j-cro CT? paid admiwlmii
itrd. the Oraod Rapid, uon detoal
I Buckley C u Id S. but yesterday,
ey loun retoriKd tbe
pUmeot b ( wlODlnK 1 to 0.
>ro *u made la the
half of the ninth Inning. aiWoo.acorlag on a Mcrlflcie fait by Shcarei ~


cdoR i,

Behaved Well.
nwpltr the tact tnat there s


Ota TWHWDAY, duev It. 1«y.

entartalged aU leheared for U» f»t. Cari WeaUond
• with a.............................
cnlng In booor of Mis: made 8S feet, winning second prize,
lllark Cnw. alttaougb
«mao of Pluena.
V C. A. Hammond
v.-ladcd. also made a good showing In
reen o Denver. Co!
iMr race.

Ilmnon Martin and Raymond Stii!. )unb. all looking fora pusl time. _
police found their duGee cooflned
Min Ann;
wing tbe crowd from being In- Jaror.
by fireworks and mher lOuUnr united In marriage ThurMl;.. ..
ikls was won by the Marlin buy. Both
Only two drunk, were amwt- parsonage by the Rev. Joseph Duton
luobjnlcrs swam pretUly. b-jt when
d one of th«e picked up hi.
' Ihr Fret Methodist church- They
Hie SUIaou toy saw be was t>ealra. hr
ouuldr of the city, for hr
! live neer Kingsley.
In on the CG. R. A I train. There
good naluredly declared that he wa.
. . IhOM! who ........ merTT. bu
sun- uf winning eecood prise.
dlsurdrr followod.
From Fj^ay's Record.
Tbe foilnwlDS U the oBIrul score ol
Ipimil of S.-IBI
the five cvente;
of this city.
works b«an.
police ~offlccTS
100 Yard Deal).
Dorr A
were kept busy with the crowd and
Mark Craw.
Cora l>erklo. and two
the gierrlment grew until
8<Tond. George Kormulh.
height of the evening, down town drM of Cadlilar. sre vlklllng
Third. Claud Brown.
sounded like a regular old fashioned'



ftiysicians Called It Eczema {n
Worst Form —Treated Disease
for a Year but CouM Not Cure It
j —Patient Became Despondent—
' Sufering Promptly Allayed and


The Kind Toa Hare Aiwajg Boaeht, aitd which bu s-rn
"•"» for over 30 jrant, has borne tbe (dgtiAtxiM «f


nndfp his per.

V . AHownooi.eMdcre*i,oy»ali,«u‘m
AH Counterfeits
itKerfcis Imit____
lmltoti«ng attd«,T,,st.As.g.KHl"are but
F.xperintenlii thnt trifle *
with and eiidMiig,|r t^ health of
fofiuita and Chi

*'Abmii feur w^rs age 1 wns afnirtrs] i
Will. Iila.k »pl.kris~^l ..\-re nir lsi« I
Erv Packard was called lo Milan
I and a '.■•w (iit-.-niu; mv Isslr. wlsrh
on account of the death of his uncle
SO Yard Bash,
G. M. l-nckapl I'uneR.l slit bo belt
anew aisl suffcnii-.'ian . ii.-ot '
first. "Balie " Winule.
One woman had her dreet ruined today.
Hint I wns forre-i iIm>
S.-coud. kUrk Cr^
Cantona Is
by the wed from a blank cartridge
Harry and
MU.- Maud.
a'tbofx.u'^ I
Hall, Grand Rapidk iiiicher
which Is only one of the minor eccl Beliii.-r of ihu
Tlilrd, LI...V-.I IjiHanier.
F«ric, I)ni
comidaiut tls-v“‘iir " '
pau a men and Sheerer of the
ind many are nursing burned frendK :.i Kalkaska.
2$ Yard Dash (Beys under 18)
Morphine nor other Karootto
team only let two walk. Kali atmri: ankles
the top cones which
Flrst.lli-itimn .Vanin.
Dr. Ihck Kimlwll ><t the ii
Its a«e'is lu ffuarantee. It d^tr^"w
M two mea and Sheerer all. The make 8
and spit BO much Insula rwnrned u. bis
.d-cond. liaynioiid R^ilMio.
nilays Krverishu.
Une of the game wa. on hour and
It cure* OhuTho-eand Wind
morniDg. after spending s.
2; Yard Ossh.
forty iBlnutce and John Rody of LudColic. It relieves Teething
- Trembles,
cure* CkmetlpatJon
ington waa the umpire.
Ftrei. •" WluulBirch Barit Cano
and Ftatulruev. It aHMinllutes the FiK>d. I
Dr. Slurm of the local ..-mltariuB
SiCMtl, l«ek Hajvi..
Stoma. Ii n„„ Uoweb
A Narraw Baeape.
rthlhliing a regular ludlan birch
~ra ItetmirS. '1V.- |.!'ir.^a-^ij'uie''^.
Under Water Event.
Hlille railing at the home U
bark canoe.
The craft Is about
First. Fiiiiik Caaiemn. 1i>» ft.
Bmnel lies. -15 W«l Seventh street; fifteen fret long and can easily be MisAe uud H. \V. Stewart ..................
« the C.-.I botll- - r I'lilioira |{.-eolv.iit
in Ct-tine-lkm with ili- l uiinirs Suap
Tbureday afternoon, Mrs. ■ John
P. atrrifd by one man. The boat was trip to CkillJIac tialay driiiug ilirougii
S.Ton.1, Carl Wrelliind. R5 ft.
end Oiuun-Iil. tl,.- l.r-ekuu; ouleoiiody
Loena of IN Casa street came nearly secured from nn Indian at Baffins III I'lof. Stewart's steamer.
TJiIid. Mail; Craw.
K A. Welch (if JacKsou reliirne.1
Slopissl. I rotiiuiu*-.! He- (L— •/ Ils*
bHng hot and killed by a bullet troo Bay after be had made a three thouNone .rf the coiiiestants had pie.
C^tk-uro Reusolee for >lz nsinUis and
lo his home ihU oioniiug ufter speud
a SKallbre revolrer.
sand mile voyage In It. It Is quite a
aftre llial en-n- spk*i-h was .iiUnlf
ing some time m this cliv.
iwiwl ihemseliTS for Hie evetiis. ii.-arMrs. Luma waa waablng her hands curiosity as a reel Indian canoe Is
r*oe arsl tlie all*-;..I i-am wen- l-ft as
\niMam F. Caiupb. ;i of Kalkaska U
In the lieth room which Is in the east M'ltlom seen In this region nowadays.
<-l*ar al i.a„.
f.-i, , .vri.ply all vhu |urilci|«i.i] beiDg lnl(iai. .I
lie city.
pim .J lie- cr*ei,.j Mii.e. wtm-h was
Ftng of the bouse srfaen she heard
'. M. Mallory has relumed lo hU foi til.- first time ibis msu-iin. Nor
Iluw .-.-an Sg *. Tle-< utkiirii R-niea report and the noise of rslllog glass
Had Leg Amputated. >
e at Ludlngum after sixMidlng the wjllistaiidlng Ibis, the rures were car
de- tKjt imlv iiinsl tie- ri Hist .lo-j.l'ul
to «>e aide of
Rev William I- Uufmau. of Hills­
nil In the city.
Tied uir wllluBit a
hitch, allhoiiyh
iculikw a> w|l. aiel I le.iv l—:i Die
dale. a foriiicr Methodlsl pastor In
C. mieiJ has 1
uioiiy had eiiicnij wli.t
Thinking that she bad struck and
tn*-ausid ulli-rs leingcunil .*t rla**aiue
this city, had his tight log amputated
di-^.e by Me* l lUksira
broken an electric light globe w.
Iksira U.e...-.ii*-., aiei
iiKMUeuI di.I not iipiNiir.
hriow tbe knee on May Slsi. in the
this clli
saving ilial
STS directly orer her bead ahe lui
The Miiailc sports were Id charge
mebyterlan hospital In Cbitwgo. Foi
d. Shaw of Fife Lii
l.-l Iduisl nsi’n-iiw
to look and aaw a birie tbnwjb
Hist tie* w.,rld li;
three years tbe Rev. Ur. Lsufmat
•V kii..s„. Mn.
I her home after i
if J.’hh R1SS-..I. ami ih.- Judges
window curtains.
A revolver bt._..
■I.*' Av Selma,
bad come through the eest winSow, had been a great suffereT from oecro
it. J Mern-I, Pr. tV-ilI. Thiilli
cronibllng <rf the bone, and
Kent Nclwm
city 1
Btrough two palia of curtains, through
varl lli-ury .
opeiatlon became uecessary to t
ling fur
for Lcltsville
Hra. Lucas' hat and borled llaeif
A Fin* Feature.
his life. He has been at home si
fur a few days.
tbe wall.
June Z.
Writing lo Cadillac friends
The acrotiaUe feature of tbe Fourth
U the bullet bad dropped ooe Inch;
he shows that in Hillsdale be fel
ils morning.
II would have sutick Mn. Lucas
of July celebration by (be greai GaylEczemas. Rashes. Itchlngs. trri.
long good friends, as they not only
Mrs. H. Anderson, Mrs. Jennie Wiltemple, and. although the
tations Cured by Cuticura
pi his
B regular salao'
lalan' Ipaid up dux
tr and Mr. O. WlUiains have re »r was one of the finest attractions
e bollet was noarly spent.
• nc of trouble bt
iriKd to Grand Rapids after spend of tbe ccichrailoo. After giving hU
Warm hallu. wiili Cut i,lira K.*ap. gsfi* Tri-miry. uh-re h.- ha* bci-n emidny.i:
ended '
a purse of fl.2a.
Morgan's luml>cr mill fur ih>
,!j. Ho Is lust lag some Ume In this and neighborthe parade. Mr
'■ Conn rnrthcCnuntyofGliad
in,: ; ,1 1- .j’l ut
around nicely and occupied
i«i»t»f..or months,
A arsreh was
Gnyllor gave several prrfunnancre
r* V f aiiu i..ini t- e "i***-<lv
. Ipll Sunday for the Unit
West went lo Cadillac
Aril. y E. TJ.ornas la lii the cJtyi
At a sesilon ..f said Conrt. held at
I the peraon who llred t
cur.- of t..r.-mnc. .h-la-tini.e l.uiii.s*
US parts of the city acompaiiled
In many weeks.—CadilUe News.
bullet cwould not be fond. It Is t
isliing his iianuts over the Fourth.j H'*' ITobatr Office ta the at) of Tra*baud. He attrocii'd Imracnse
n the s
M. Ihri.ftrd of U*tand and John;''rsi*
r homo si Cadliluc afu-r s]wmd- crowd* and everyone voted li one of
,,1-rsc ('ll;
City. In miIiI County, on tbe lltk
tenuonally but rather that some boy
ing tl le Fourth in this clly.
Ulni y of SiUloiisHa)
In the city tiny '"f J*nn-.
either got careless aod llred a baU
the fine attractions of the da>.
d Meyors has returned
.r a shun ilmi*.
...............— »Yfd
. cartridge into the air or else mUiook
mr-m on the market site Friday night Wall.
visiting Gayllor has been filling an engagevtsi
Ju^lg.- of I’*.
a ball cartridge for a blank.
S'ew-inan Hail of this rily
while the fireworks were discharged friends
Ihe aty opera house, wh.-rc
in this city.
««t iff friends at Bay VRrir.
In ihFnuui'T of the eelaleuf RliedA
Tbo horse wna Just being hitched to
J. H. HolcnUwk of this city
he made a gn-ac bit with his excellent
Wbat appeared atthe time to be
a buggy when he became frightened Itlng friendB at Walton.
A- T. Ferguson left this ^rgarol. John and ^1 I'adfiDck,
perforin anres,
one of tbe moctsrrlous acchlcnu>
and started from the bam on a run.
Mrs Uen Horse of lioyne
morning for Mackinac CTiy, aherv*

He collided with another rig In which Ittis bevd risltlng friends In
n this clly
Barah tHxim itavlng , filed te iiM
Robert Bbak
Ik irf Tbo
lliimedistely nft.-i ihc inildlc
•wil remrln lor a few days, rriurnli^ Court her Unit annual
people 1
the only re- la reiuruivl home.
tbe victim.
TTic yoi
111 nine fur tb.* Uediudlst si-rvicot
1 pair of 'Miss Ruih Jackson bus rctumeii to rises and Urn l-«t ran--, d.iv
giiardhio of seM esl.vie. and her petj*
i.T home lit Klnusley afire siwndliig works were shot off <m Hi.- in
Hay View.
pray lug f-.*r the aliowaore thereof,
alllded 1
Two runaways occurred
at 1
, r.-w da>w with friends In this city,
llih day of
the horse and buggy of Jam« Hickey.
Mr, and Mrs. James p. Adams of
M. Maii.'-sim, :i3
amo lino on Ekut Front street
Mrs. Albert Fuller and son Groior ueecd the woik of ihe Ja'inuie-.- i-x-i
July. A. IV 1!«17. U1 t.m o'clock In the
Mr. Rickey's home is a spirited anl- be vlclnllr of the brewry this
Flint Lav.* n.tuiued
lave rctiirai-d lu their h
foil ms,0. ,i; fill,I Frc.luii.- Oirice. i-e
i account
ini <of the' noise of, jomlng. The outfit bad the appearlu the evetiilig. Front siro.-t bridge. I
sifler speislyns a fi-w days ;o ihl* ctly ami is l..-r. I.I apisrhiUsI |„r cinminlhg
Lake after vlsltug frends
Gii.rue Haniiiuh,
e cetebrstlch i
dag at a fast
nce of farmers' rigs and were rather
W'alier: Wobstre
Webstre of Sli
ae i!.p gui-s;s i f friends.
and sai.l acruopL
, June I.

Mr. Hickej
Hickey pulled in bis horse { nil smashed up before the horeee
• crowded with peo|de who wli-1
.... in the ...

Miss Anna Hansen of Buttons Bay
to ton out il is furttier orAdYid. (hat v>blie
.-d the btg Qtgbi asplay.
W. H Adslt. 421 West
-ere stopped.
. North of Elkhart Ind.. and his
otice thereof lay given by pnblfrtlion
.. .iiluce bad so ciioeen Ihe night N'luit
pa«sfd tbroiich the ciiy this morning
daughter^ Mr*. F, A- North, uf
r a c<«py <q ihl, ordre. for ttrde eucdisplay that there w.-ro only a f**a i
He Battled the Aeoount.
. tt'is., arc visiting bsslsicrai:
Warner. Tito*.
was fcBoeksd oS his wheel by the
c-easlve weeks prcvlnts to saru day iff.
big set pl.-cus and iiistiwd the display,
Sherin Jobnson has Just reedved i
araUy.'Mt*. M. tV. Huniniuud for
horse and the buggy passed
contlst.-d largely of nv-kets .ind act-1 **'*■'”
Iumring.- Jn
the Grand
n C. A.. Swe
Sweeney, wouh few days.
Mrs. Warren Ellis of this riiy
body mad the bicycle.
iai bombs which all resild t.*e. There
teller and a c enough
.BTlnted aod drHe was inscosiblo for aeme time
vIsiliUR nieod- at K.-yslone.
were no accidents in connection with i;r F
bill Jumper.
The man___
lat-'d In said riJMnq,
and was placed lo a buggy and taken. tere bout two weeks ago to take
Hu- firt-work-s. no niuawa.s and noi

to Dr. Garner's office where
hls.poellW > Ith the Pere MarqueUe
lConUou.*d Prom Pact*
wooBda were treated. Ho bad a had:
Drum Corps.
JudgF uf ProhatA
but failed to make good EViim, third;
QTATK OF MinilOAN, the
ent on the rieti cheek bone also fji _ ^ '
lu addilliiQ u> the risliiue nud tlu j
left the
Time l:3;v
over tbe right eye brow and painful
ban* Court for the Coqnty
lioliie lialnls, ih*-i. was a dnini rorjis I]
where be had been boarding be tall
on bis arms sod legs as well ed to atop at the deak but went down
Grand Trav.*nH*.
front Kingsl-v that aiiracied tnurii !
Second hcai:
Lllliiin Hr
» bad srratehe.1 on bU face,
Ill the mati.T of the estite of Uthe street with a "ni-be-back-lDamiD Great
Biiccphulls.. arienijon. .kniong lii** druniiiisrs
s very fortanate Ute wounds ute but-rve-got-to-go-now"
byeor-old 1 art liaffev.
i-'d Brown, late of raid .county dcthird, -nme. I:.12.
were pot p^eb
rtleolarly serious allhougb
T e li^- IS
located at Lima. O, a
Athletic EventA
very palotul.
iuiiidlmg I
led there. He evidently
Soii*'.* Is heivl,y given i)>at
The aUik-llr ex-iiU hold un Lnfi
Mr. Hickey
:ey prorapUy
called upon the didn’t wan
. to come north again
oiiihs ir..m ih.i ;si*i day of June, A
Q at Dr. Gamer's otic* and settled by
I H <1
uvenw. JuM off Union, allracie.1 mauy
IS*"*. !i::ve b.s-ii allowed for rrejisettled tbe pbyilrian't b . at tl
pliiye.1 the 11.1/ (n the morning. On acount of
r- lu piv..,-ul Uii-ir claims against
game time offering to do everything
1 snare drum, ('ii.iil*. Sismidina
Reward for KIndnea
0 lack Ilf apparatus, some of i
,.d d*v*-a.'**d til >.i;d muri f*.r ex•
.......................t with
bass dnim iind laifa..wire Wllkins*.n
nndUy. Oblo_ July S—Miss Bthd event-*, were canrolled and owing
BUb of this dty today received t2D.
' '— '''
■ iiid d**c>-a.*-ed ar
SlBp ■
000 from Mrs. Mai
................................... the short Flare of time that had br
ilii-lr e.aluis to
i A. A «r~
gl\-vn over lo the sports, .nhers H
taebed to either.
M-faile in Ibe me
I owned
ToledoI Ih* railed off.
Many lutMiiliienl
•e I'lty III said cuuiii
AceWent en Fifth.
by Albert Hetertvl
injured on tbe I
•• 1st day of .Nov-emlKBst Front
■cal ailileips
s gh-co
1 tliat .aid el.ilm** *
Albert Pros* of UO North Oak
slightly tom Miss Bish eaw that she <
street had bis h
iqiors without exrepiioD reiimln
•id .-„,irt oo FTiday II
Tbe gnu proper atleniloo.
by a
revolver Friday,
Train* tor Cidar Uiy sad Pro
lU city.
Arthur grabbed a uieai saw which wi
’ dj.wj.*:': .‘•mist. A. D. IbW.
r and lore the
went off t
u ninisk 1
Walle. BreeM MRIer. Lloyd Cleveland Ing from a hook and cut a deep gash
the formoou.
Three Shows Had Crowd.
TraeMfr^MarT-Iri^ F
at s l«a n.aedS <• p w
and other* made good while mori
iJIid. A. D. 1907.
The amusement ealerprlees
Main lum isum arrr.-lofc..
and High srbotd athletes would have oL of bis right band. Several siiicbe-- M. Ode of Webster streK bad dty reaped a bsrvret-of n cklee
Judge of |•^otult
s bands and face filled with pow- dimes yesterday. begUmlng early and talneit honors had not their particulai
taken In ih’i* wound
- der by a premature eiploilon of a ean- lasting late at night. The machine 0]>I* born scratched.
Bon erackad. Tbe Injurlce are not ee- erator*. who have a hot rbeastat lor
Fourth. The small booy with bU
mo and toy pistol gave lou of troo



for Caster On. Pn,*.
u It is IleMuiu U

t Scua Uu Siaaaiiue of

The Kind
You Haye Always Bought ‘
In Use For Over 30 Years


CellMed With Bueu


M. & R. E. IK GAHI

.-|iS2‘" !S’“



if.”"' "■ ^

Blsnk Csrirldfle.

tom open
the Fmnb.
when Manly '


company, were well satlaficd
quitting time came and
.‘su'd bul wetii lo Um.T
agers were gisd to quit pasaing out and Winnie fidlowing h
and receiving pwe


Three Bmall FIree.
The fire depanmeel was busy the
Powrtb-although tbe total loss from
tbe ttree fires to which they
called can be covered by a i

the local
managere divided


Cleveland with Ludka seremrt
Stanley third. This race w*f fifty
fd- yard*. In the fitly yard da«h. Miller
mill Its* first bonims with Winnie

PaJace. S.OOO.
Star. 3.000.
Grand Opera bouse. 2,800.
aty opera bouse. 3.S00.
The latter Is an estimate o

. .
I smiai boy had
tessid a fire eradier. There was a
tn additloe to tbe crowds who vis­
of several hundred square feet
aflfw when the department arrived. ited the picture showe. the Chequa«i took 1.000 people out to tbe Is­
An attempt was first made to put It
on the various trips yesterday.
dot with tbe cbemlcat but it was
Iasi one out hrtng at 10 o'clock
iiriwmij to lay a line of base and
ibe return at midnight.

At 11 o'clock last pJghL fire was
dlsoomed in a bam at tbe comer of
Fr.ll n. Curtis acted as marshal of
Cedar and Berenih streets. Tbe build­
IC dst the FViurth with Eriirwt Saleoing te not boarded dear to the r^
ii, chief of Blau, and the following
oo the osutdc and the spacw-between
dcs: Harold Tirus.
«. Jay Smith, '
the two walls is filed with bay
mmann. (Mis Layhm.
Frank KelaawdosL U U probable that _ . G. Keunmnii.
EV. D. C. (Jermaine. John Rcnnlc.
wort* did the reat. The roof wa*
le and C. R. Johnson
tamed not to esced a damage of ttO. Wlillam Rennie
The suceer of the Mg parade isigeThe apparatus was no sooner In
1) dciv-nded <D the marshall and bb
efficient aides and
done so well that the pnx
moved with acaroeir a faJtdi.


of tUblag.
I ilrilltiB|flm.lhsmeeimi!Owwsgnirea.
ta a ema Tea am ms B and it asS
•Mid gm yom mseey hack. Mr. Oav*
, MeBea. Iitisw, JWiMpee OBp, f*A. mysi
^wMMatatUtBfrmldaal TfasBieM
treVhlmaaeMorteffOia nvtSrted
—IMiWIiMmdeJeedUsd. ReW«bsl|wd
g-r—----------- --------------atddm)


fw •■>• by iebnsoB Dmc 00.

tl Wall,

aiarSS*'!mll '^'Sff”wok
their poslUoDS at the head of the eol-

out of the Circill I'mir
* of, m f.w.r
rs f! Sl.*rt*h*iiis Bank ..
r. Mirhlgau. and ago

The New Brandt Sprayer
Tbe latesi of all deviees lor exIemUnaUng aU
kinds of insects.

No waste of time by stopping to pomp it
ahead. Can be done as the
operator goes along.

rioee second and Waite at hi- lire-ls.
The standing lirnud Jump was wiui
by Winnie who Jumped leu feet, two

Clarence Moore covered nine
.Vorih. ast qu.irl. r <
i "f So.ill;
quarter iI Sr.i|tliwi*si qdar'.r
Of Southeast quarter 11, i all ‘n
Morris Moore took
third with
Section Five i5>. Also that part nfl
eight feet. The half mile was a pretSnuiheatl quarter i'« ■ uf Soiilhca• rare-. Wail winning from Winnie Uy
quaiu-r •i of :
gnod dlstanci* while Cleveland look
North and West
;c line drawn a. rv
qu.-iri r quarter s.-ctl«ii and |i
allel w
,<• hundred lie'** t.
Aquatic EventA
liter line 11
iDIcrvn cciHi rod
ihe (rotn U
Also Nil
aquetlc H»rts which look place Ui (t, >
of Northw.'-si
:be Doardman riser off tbi west side' Noribci.-I .pjarie, .l rff/NoriU.-asI
' l‘. I . .So!'liw,-sl/(,T (U I
M tbe Cuss sueei l.rldgv
quarter >X< Northw.
weed five, ail ol
quarter iL,i of Norfhw.-si
puled off In fine shape. The :5-yanl (M); Souihcast q nirier •
i of Nuirhdash between -Hal*cWinnie
we»i quarter 11, *
Dick- Ha>-t-s was Uu- i*ret*ue#l ■
quarter i
i of N*.rth«e»t quart.
' “
contestant* swimming I 4, . of ScrUoa Erghl
alninst neck and neck (o the finish, twenty-five i";i
twelve 112) Wert .til
which was won by Winale amid the lying and being ;t: the Cuiinty of
'beering of the Kpeciator* who r:end­ Grand Tiawrae. ai-d Slate of Mlcti
ed the Cass street bridge and lined San.
All of wiiirh als’K- -ipirrlW real
thi. banks.
psliie I will vapor, ami offer fur ag;<44ark Craw was not In good condlpublic vendue "v the highest bld;loo. bet be had a "fwimaway" tn
at the front door of the Court
House at the City of Traverse City
ino ywrd dash, gliding through
saier from start to finish with his in Grand Traverse t'o'jlity. that belcc
the place of holding the Ctrcu.i
imsy breast stroke which never vari**d.| Court wUhln aaid Crvunty. on Tti<-*earrled him tin- dlnaooejjf'
day. July s. A. D.. IhOT. at ten o'clock
nearly 20 yxtrda abend of George Hor- In the forenoon of that day.
Dated, May D»th. who won second- Claud Brown
waa third.

^or Ols'tribci^lns
Paris Green, Bordeaux Mixture and efc, this
sprayer has no equaL

one inch which gave him second

HlB Scalp Torn.
Ralph UcBwan. an engineer on t
. M. road, bad bis scalp tore U
peenilar manner at 4 o'clock Thurs­
day'morning. He waa undereeath tbe
engliie dtanlng tbe Mnder cateber
when another engine hacked against
tba CM whicb MeEwan eras under - The under water ervot wws won bv CORE i HARVSN'
nod tire hU acalp. making a gash
Prank Comeron who dove off the
Attomvys for |.lalntlff.
•bout one and one bait Inches In
Buslnes* Address;
nurtiBg Soni and appeared )
Beaton. Harbor, Mlchltaa.



Work Shoes
for the farm

Will iprav one -jt two rows of Potatoes at a
man w-ulks.

time as fast ns a

Wili spray r. row >/ mile long with onlyooeHUingoflbreeffslIoni.

Don't buy your every
day shoes ti]l you see the
kind wp have.
The prices are not high.

Will Spray from

IS to,20 Hills of FotatoBs with each
stroke of the pump.

Why Kp^ad time cxp-’rlracntlnR. wh»«i vi,, now can get • hiit yon haw
yOB bow It .. d*«v K you will call at il.v



I. IXUmOAV. JULY 11. 1M7.

to yon.

this readiaa yon. It wilt And you tto

I will try to to M hi«py *i I
I will tiy
and kind u.
avtry IMnfl thln«.

of the pet*. I euppose.
He doesn't
like other dogs rery
wen. mttor.

Dce more.

The trees si

snowed and in (to morning they were
red, white and yellow,
all.CDTered with anew. | bare a flowers rery miKh doal you.

eotmin who would like m join the Sun­
auau la Grand Traircrte cnmiy and
shine aub. H«- name to Nora LyUe.
that U partly why we are latereatad
Will you please s«;wl her a card and
I your pan of tte worid.
buttM? Well, my letter to geuing
Petapa the Swaklaata
l(«g, so I will dose. Good-bye.
> bear about aoma ot the cUMnn’i
peu. AsMoc itom U a whole family
Loralnc Darts
yaMow collfe doci. (aUier.
How eunniBg (be lltUe duclu must
raottor, and Bre babies. r tatberfour
r! Do yon (bink they are prettier
» now. for one a
UtoB mUe chick.ns?
long ago. Tto falser dog. T<go, la
Trarersc City. Mich . R. F n No r.
ratlinr a queer fellow, (bough a rery
June T. It...:,
nnc MtlJe d<«. He to devoted to bU
star and win hardly bare a raift Dear President; —
do wiib any other potsoe. ereo
tbe cdindren. ao he realty lint one

s eC toBow eaase down to vIMt

Wo Itare fifty-tbroo UUJe
aod tbe Sowers oJJ have open^
cfalrtens: we will have some little in bloom. Tto grass to nloe tad green
dneki pretty aeon. We had three old I have some alee boue plants. Tbav
tons with liuie chickens
when it
iriy all in bloom. They bits

touooi aorae day. .Ito dUMm toa*
a Duober o( eoiadaa ud oaeln and

1 am wydL aad hope wbm

have a little time to spare.
Ue U> the Sdnshlne Club,
have 1*0 new monbers who want i


to sU under the nice apple trerw.
we caught a mile bln
and brought It la (he bouse. It fiew
all round end happene.1 to get l;

Beeldea the rlalt from Auni Llxzy
■ ef Cbe b

AU tto e

Md and wood.
HNp to laabe Hie world more i

r. D. No. 5. and from Mabel
C- Mahn of Cedar, aiflord broosbt
ber a baakel or rerns for her iptrdeo.

beauUftil and r»4—
1/ Sre do a oaeded worfc. help

•ad she and Mabel bad a Iook rlslt
STOwtta u> atan.
dual a eons er word or look, tbal may all about the fony-soven BuiiBhlnrrr
who have rcrenlly lolned our big Club,
ba our pan.
-^nk M. Sweet. from Cedar:


KlngsltT. Mich.
June 7. 1907.

New membert Join



De«r PretMmt:—
1 thought I would write a few lines
and let yon and the Sunshiners know,
City. that 1 am well and hope you arc





Louie M. Tanderilp. TrarMto City.


Oracle and


ace coe yakr. HvAeld. Mich.


P. D. No. 1: Uidns Knl«bL BIU
KaMbL Byrll KalibL ead Luoaa
KalgbL Kinkier. Hlcb, B. P. D. Sa

Iff doors Hav.. >ou any hind ot a
for a- pet? I have three pets.— .
dog named Fanny, one lltUe
and a cat, Fanny siw In in)
1 goes to rl.-ep on tho bed.
he cat follows me ereiy where I go.
hsti- B IXlle niece s1h> to a great
■favorite M mlm.-. Ube was two monUit


Bmdoo. Mich.
June 7. 1907.

mt down to ber desk abe wmdere* Dear Preetdeht: —
what kind of a rWt abe was *rtn« to
I hare not written for a long
tore with her Bmmblnero. She took Ume. I win write a few liaet. I bare
•p ber pen-end mat tbm tto poet- three names to send. One girl and
maa came to the door and l«fi * ' '
ter to your piaatdmL bnl 11 was also
for yoc. BunlMwiBS. and ao Amt Ussy
to «DiBc to talk to « alt. this week.
11 we could auad np la a row—84«
Sunabtsera—aad aay.








a(alt>.~ why. wtiat a big. Me "Uiank
you- that w<wld be! We can eay U
la oar toarts. uyrw. and tbm pegtope Annt Uisy win tdl ue s
mae of tbe other pets. We all hope
. )M>. don'ewe* Herr u< ber tetter:
Veeta. tVaah.. Jane 21. IM7.
DmrMIlB Bates:—
White I am not Jont eaaetly oi
yov Herald >ooac folks. 1 tore been

Gertrude Owen,

What a nice lof of now memto-rs'
hope they all liked tliolr cards and
Maple City. Mleh.
May 7S, I9»7
Dear Prosldenl: —
written for a long
time I will write to you and the Kmi
shiners. It snow.vl lu-re toe twenty
month but the sin>w ine now-. I like to read
the letters In the Suaablne depart
For pots I have throe k1uen>
t dog. Tbe dog's name to Ihiti

about one



lettuce, to-ets and radlrhe> on one sidgolug to have ftowc-t> on Ihiother side I have my card and but
and I think they aro nice
rom your Sunshlm- girl.

mm *0 pleased over your Club, Age I2.

Nellie Rinebuit.

Dear President — *
As I have never written to you, I
tbou^l 1 wmtld write. I am well and
hope you are the some. I stayed at

Dear President —
Will you kindly
ird and button?

send me anoKo r
My brother Wll!

e oil spring to help tsiber.
I ro-und. I have flfteen little chkken.s
l to school (hto week and tomortwo little pheasants I must close
afternoon. we are going to bare roy letter tor this time 1 hate

r kind of a plcck- or something of nolbing else to say. Pleas.- write to
sort. Our teacher. Mr. Rank,
aoae and Kellie McDowel. We have
would not i.-n us wbat it would be
From, s .
i pteaaani time this spring. We
After It is over. I will write to you
bare a peach and an apple tree. 1
Carmen wKereher
and (ell you wbai II wnN The trees
win send you some blossmis. Floyd
Tour little tdieasanta are unusual
look beautiful now. because th.-y hav.'
i tbe Wg maple tree in from of
pet*. Are they haoK-r to raise than
leaved out. Some of our apple trees
TTteee trees are all In
In bbasom. Tliey Kx’t. v.-r> nice,
bloom and have a sweet odor
Suitons Bay. M:e!i
this 1s all 1 can thmk of. 1 will
nr betaea Is In the pasture wMb
June 7. IV-'t.
e for this Ume. Please send me a
colls. Jim to In the yar>l ao we
Dear Presuleni.—
can go to Bendon Luhi Joal got orer
kmg time sine.- I have
tto aeariet fever and we can have a
wTlileo to you. so I thought I would
Deniel Adams.
good Ume again. Well. ^ letter
II. and hope
I hope you will write again non.
getUng tong, ao I wUl have to stop,
11^ tel! us about tb« surprUCrroa your Bunshlner,
For Christmas. I got a hondWerehirr.
Elwyn Jaoipsb
Sutlons Bay. Hlcb.
Id a ribbon, a dresf. candy and nuto.
Tto flowwra wore so fragrual.
J&no 6. 1997.
have five attlers and oue bi-eiher
two boya

Tbeir names are Wayne,

a metty constant reader of tto paper Thank you. Elwyn.
for orer eleren t'sars and aeldoD
KttfBley. Mich fL F. D. No. 2.
gtaet tto BuoablM pam I bare. ^
Jnac 7. 1M7.
a wtole boneefol of UUIe folka tbm Dmr Pyealdmt;—
ttongU I woidd write a tew lines

name Is Toddle
s t w

f foi this U

Vout Soashlner.


Cut Stone Work

I !




Last Monday we bod a snowstorm and
Deo.- Prealdent.—
coats aud mtitens. Tbe weather
I thought I would write ogoja and
have a Uttlo chat with yon. 1 aro a
Jost lovely today. I • wish
and always happy. We bad quite a veaiher would stay
snowstorm last Mradoy.

HliBiy Sl


Emma KuUnk.
Did yiel go ii> tot- pkntr* 1 sho-jid j
kt- to tiatv los-ii there, too
Old Mission. Mich Dear President —
little girl, seven years oid ■•'‘’••Maid with flnes-

■ds'ot Iltse.-IMM like dysonpliold fevvi. or If th<<se
an- not in the nrigliborbuod.
putsl brins most repulrtve

ler mat-tu. .i.-v

snd 1 would like to join the Sunshine j" to i

Ife< '

and bmtidi. I like |4 gn
to i
Fur ihi- i;,.- to>t
My uachcr's name I* Mtos ''^h.-pliv- u:.-,-it t

iide 1. awd

I.—;ii ot .iiiihir4t«-« ihey have every
onK'riunliy of dolmt
Vun may vratoh

I an-l .tiiiip
bull to put

,!;• m f.edlng on suii.e rorropi mstlor.
Whleh ttoy like, and th.-n alight wUb


I am In the third grade.

raining today

It i'“'tl «“! sTi-'eni-!

My brother RuUwt 1

'■‘“'’‘1'* and ib-

d 1 h.iii- a i«-t
Tbe cat's name Is Dick.


aliieh. with the pr.-wnl srtwage-

sewed with I,-.-t and longue eovetvd with It and
as gri-aier ,,rom.-u*de over the toiller or>)eny. or
lien, <11
-n,e butler

I guess

by baiij and th( n and Jelly and etvrini liisy Im* ss pure
wlio-b lr.q,s .h«n
» ,hey did l-foro. tM It

ni liave to close, with love
From yiiur Sunshlntr,
Ha Warner.
have you Jolt., Ha, and

1-oltehes It
and wruppid In ii

1 will write pguiQ.

•...... ...
'nuclilne i v.,,j examine tliero with a mlcnHCopo.
11.I1 it Is staiiiiv*:..,,.a.|ai|y „ d,y j„ier. you may SW
w paper and tl- ;,„ii1ious of germ- that have hnUibcA

loll reiidy for inai
C-iIar. MlHt

A luill wetgbs ]

Dear Pn-sidem —


glad to join the Sunshine Club,
piltig to Mihool. I learn easil).
in the third grade.

I am nine

years of ag'-.
I have one
brother, bis name Is Willy.

t live otinres. and j


ri'Celved 111) ear.1 and Iwilon.
Ibank you very iniicli for ibeiii.
niy card anc| Imium y<

In :

W. It to ni»( iDportaat that
kepi away (rum all food sqpshould Ito made to

do away .with their breeding place*,


llorwe manure to their favorite epoL*.
If II can n<« to- kept In e pH Md
screened. Horide of lliao spriDkMB.
■ binugli It will destroy the rgia.

Forest Schools.
In Ih-ilin'K puhilr srliisito next si
iii.r the cry will be -to ibe]
"roiv-kt si-hncto" h.tvi- h.w-11 such

least It Is itrarUcable U.
sens-n the kltvhra aod (
windows amt dourw. Wire arretiu ore

little suetweisfiil exivrimoiit llisl the im
My I iiuiilty-miuio- to adopt litem on
I evt.-Usi\4- scale Ibis yror

to-st. but If them' ate Uio expraolvc,
roitun mosiiuiio neiiihg nn utually
The leu-st sebvsilK arc Int.-nded ftw!
be imrvtiaiu-d for from ihtW to Are
nlliiig <'falldrva who would tonelll by |
rents a square yard, when bought by
Ibe <>iHgi-alr life. They .-itv housed in
iibe |il<«e of sixtora y-atda. and thiBk
Wowldii t you like to have Willy's large Ipomicks bulb in the woo<to
oltlM-CMufori of being free frutn Bes
uue on the Cradle Roll? He can anrind the elly and Iheif learbiug
und nHwqnlloi's. A few flics will get
lili Hint, if be Isii'l old eiUKiitli to to done In the o|>ro air. To Ihv ordln
In. In spile of it. nod tbey may be
m :i pledge card.
ury sclKsd curriculum Is added pracllnaught ou sticky fly-pa|>er. or kflled gunlenllig fleweneniid vegolahles.


lufno Is



will close.

From yuur Sunshiner,
Uaniio Lotliarlut.

What's in a Bate Ball.
- venter of tho bull to a glut
liia hiibto-r atonil iili




During that trying period in
which women so o/ten suffer
from nervousness, backache,
sick hcadaclic, or other pains,
there i« nothing that can equal
Dr. Miles’ An:i-Pain
They stop the pains, soothe ihe
neivc«. and give to

The llUes atv out m hlnom
I have

Feahody, KaD5a->..
June r.. 1907

joyed them reir-mucb.

Nbbw sent by Hasel Kal^L


with a wire fly-t>nish. It to refylBP
and the children ar.- Jjinght to c«*ik
porlam also to screen cellar and dairy
the!.- own mails.
It to exptwlol (hal over a.lNK) hoys

An offleiBl report that llbna ooaetime* terriortie employes of Ibe
Hganda railway In Afr1tt>. Not long
ago, one monareb of to;- Juligte speett
fire nueceuK-e nights prowling abMt
tbe Statluii ut Slmbo. scotching at the
office diior and sleeping on tbe plolfortn.

Simpiy the vuible sign that faaby^s tiny bones
^ are not forming rapidly enough: ' '
Lack of nourishment is the cause.
Scotf*^ Emulsion nourishes baby’s Ajx
2 entire system. Stimulates and malwa bone.
Exactly what baby needs.

Monroe Center. Mich
June C. 1907.

Thto mwolnc when ywor preal4eoi


like her very much- She mode loy of;
wjclals and eniertalnmenta. For pet* i

Jumps on a chair and ibakes bands

Wbat a niee garden you will have!
Should like to see It.

Kla-flod JsqiiJsti

temrheVs name Is Clam

pantry and fell In a pan ot milk,

1 stop and not forget to get the Gertrude and hope ail the thln^ 1
seat reached yoa safely.
m bloaeomi were so pretty. 1 en­

picnic over at Wencel
We are going to have aa

■Btertalomeat'and speak pieces 'uid
Ung scQgx
Our school closed a long
tone ago .1 bad lots of Dm on toe
ast cto>
We bod
a pksile.
My |

and girts will take (hto summer's
Aronnd Uiis are would
eampltig out couriM' wblrti will last
few lavvrw of course IsiRc: Ibeu
toe Winding titochines. Thesel fioni
""r“ the middle of June to liie rad of
I will close with best wishes
nd on thick four-ply blue -yarn.I
e Ittiushlner.
At frequent Intervals the ball to I
A Menace to Hestlh.
tnay^ they would find some trooks
soakiwl In a cement solution and put j
It lias been proved beyrad all doubt
V scrap books but we hareo'l
B to dry. The cement prwserves
always glnd In bear from
Hint flies arc a m.-nuce to hiviltb. Uvery many cards. Tto first
Helen, aren't wo Siinsblner*!
sh::iK- of the bail and makCB It
eiiib*. iili.-r walking and feeding uo
was at our house and then^we elected
tiiih. they oau, and sumetlmea do.
officers. I aA (he president: Eleexe
eoiino of winding:
Rlele)- la vice pretident: Arus Pliley
:h uuiiiy different bauds.
Dear President:—
Is aeerotory, she is going to join
:aeh Korkmnii tests It fur slie und
As BO many mor
ore wanted to Join
lie Moore Is asstouul Mt r-lur>
;i-iKbL ll•■((■n■ passing It along. The
(bo Sunshine Club.>. I thonghi I would
Clara Bouchpr to treasurer. ' Wc de­
miiclilii.s Ins’ir.- tight and i-vi-u wind> and send In ibo:
cided to give a penny at ev
rtlfferem murlilnes
li-riiaiil I'oiitourOur second meeting ws
.if ymns. These
I'tdumlius Coulourm:u-Iitn»-. .ire .ijH-rtiii-tl in secrv-l 'tii u,
ter. Florence l^Iloiite, .Alex Schaub.
Eltwxe. Now If you niiild si-litl
Incketl osmi.
llonmilnga. Allred
liiile dulls or a larKt- on.', i
't. r the l-ull bii> town ui.;inil to I
books or sumotliing to work wltb. Mabel Coulourivr. Barlmra Lingsur
|>ni|B-r sire wllb blue und shit.and Issbell {'oototirler All the young
vyrile and i.-ll us bow much it to .
I. und dipiH..I til 111.- eraieiit sr.l-i'
folks like to be Sunsliineiv
I will
will pay you. Here are the oai
, ii (s w.Hiiid finally wnli small.-r
time and hope to ».-<•
the ones who want to Join: A
I Tin:' lb.- flnii. rough cenifr i.niy
PlaJey. Ethel Brady. Frank Bush and
Prom your tne Sgnsbioer.
Calvin Le Blanc. We are baring tbe
BKen Ovuoyer.
coldest westher here. Some days are


thirty and on Toesday nlnetoen. My|
brotbeia are wrlUng.. I thtnk L

**MJua^^l. Fife Lake. Mich.




for them. We meet every other Sab of flour.
urday aflcnoon. and two girls aaU

'. I am iUylng wllh my »
snre now. I wtll send a
Web, B. F. D. No. 4.
« for the Cndle Roll:
Hazel iutae, Trererae City. Web. 'Elliott. Fife Lake. R. F. D. Na I. care
Name eeni by Marrel CUer.
of Cbariee EllotL Luetos. Bllto and quite warm, and maybe the neat few
days It will be so cold that you wUI
UorU Leoua Tan Uew. Belial
Syrtl Bnlgfal. Klnmley. R- P- D. No.
have to wrap up Just as though It
UIcb. Name acot by Helen KHley.
.re of Eugene Knight. Lucas
•e winter
There are lots or arbuKen LdtUe. 'Kln*Blcy. Mich.. B. P. KnlghL Kingsley. R.' P. D. No. 2. care
here. more than I erer saw before
D. Na 2. Name sent by Leralne of Lyle KnlgbL Good-bye.
t a little purple flower (hot they
I mayllowers. but th<-y aren't like
MeKlBley WUtoo and Edith Beyere,
Hasel Knight.
Tnrerae aty. Midi.. B. F. D. No. B.
Did all tbe Cradle Roll children like the msyflowers down to the soaUierq
pari of the rl.ite. Our school will to’
Name sent by Heim Blehardson.
their bright cards? 1 am so glad to
net of June. I will l«- glad
Wayne. Ooee. and NeUia Hdlowal.
them betbng.
when it is out. Now wo have Sunday
Bandoa. MMb. Names amt by Bwya
Bendon. Mich.
srtosit ami ever-}- two w.-4'ks a mliilsu-r
June 7. 1907here
and iircaehe*. Tlie Sun­
Arm BUley. Blbel BTwly. Pruik Dear Prealdent; —
day school class ihai 1 am In is called
and CMIrin l^iBlaac, Nanbtnam haring a nice Umo and I hope
way, Mich. Namei eent by Gertrude
are this pleasant evening.
with (he tetters J. n. I I
trees are all In Hovem. I will sgi^d
for the Sunday school.
win send
yon a few bloaaoms. 1 hope you will
H. Y. F. Bunahlna Club Cradle Roll.
a iwoc-nt sump, forr anutber
enjoy them. They are my faroritea.
Marie Kbmei Koearik. ace two
button for Cordon IJnsey; he has lost
went ftehlng Monday and Tues­
mmtto. Buttoni Bw. Wch.
his. Well. I will elewe for il
day. It rained so hard tbe dab didn't
sent by Helm Korarlk.

FDor weeka froD uday there M gedag

gfil very wet:'wouldn't you ihlek so'
Then we let him dry and let him oni

old tbe'U'eaiy-flrth of May. Will yot
belong u> the Cl'ib. Their name* at
please pul her name on the CradI-’
When the puppies try to make frimda McKinley Wilson ..nd Bdllh ll.-y.-r
Roll? Her name is Marie Harriett
send the cards and bintims
with him he Is much more likely to,
I am not at h<mtt- now
them right hard than not. so
am working for Mr. und Mr>. Kin of
chlldreci. As my letter to nos quite
they usually let him atone.
Bay, The)- are very good to
lent, I win close.
But there Is a young shepherd.
me tin dl like It here very w.-n. They
fYom your Uuushlncr.
Coaly (who can guets
bis edorfi
have two small chldrcn, Emma and
wtM la the ehildieo'i etwn Bpedal dogMarj'. They are very nice lltUc girls.
tocand Vle« PrctidtnU-Mrt. Iran* He seema to lore tto pupplea and
McKinley und Ediib have
They play so nicely togelber. They
Pwnaray •hicid*.
Ukca care of Orem sleoal as nraeh as cards and bulloos by this time. 1 a
to pick wild fl.rwerfc, I am rrolng
OrsMitad OM«mb*r B. IM
thstr mother does. He left bla own glad to have them Sunahluers.
the Sunrhiners If they will d.i
Hayflpld. Mich.
Number ef mamtora tolanolni duly steeping place and now stayi with tto
ivnr I would like to exchange
June 9. 1907
pumtM at night. He leu the wbote
1. 1*07, 5)«S.
toKtcardii tnd mil answer uM ibin.e
lot of them at mice roll and tumble Dear Prealdentr—
tne. I am going to
Two Little llaaaa
all orer him. waabes them with
thought 1 would sTlip and lot y.
Klngaley on tbe Funrib of July and
Oua many aummer day
■w (hat I got my card and bulimi
pretty pink washcloth, and when
sm going to stop and see our preslTwo raaaa were at play;
m seven years old, 1 am in tbe
they are too roogb and naughty, glrct
eni. My two friend.-, and I were •ivi-r
AH at once they took a nnll«D
(hem a nip that meatu. "Now you aocond grade 'Our eebool to closed
■ Lake Michigan i.nIo}- and we had ;>
‘nwy wtmld like to run awayl
have a IIiOp brother,
children bebare >
Queer lltUe roeae;
to tiamt- to Ljiwrr-nce IJosia«J
Coely la a Bwecl4eaa|iered doer not
ater. TTien while we wero coming
Ftu»y liule roaea.
I would like much
loDK paat hli own puppy-bood. He U Cunningham.
home, we s^w some boys putUngdynaTo want to nia awayl
have bis name put on the Cradle R.dl,
leatmlDK to run lieare now. and
under a stump and you ought to
g«Ms I. Will have It; clcwp for this
the children bare to co any place
tisvr seen It go off In Uie^'tr. We ate
Ttoy atole aloos oy tenee;
rot-, an good-bye.
akme. be will be a (ood proiaeior for
pdljg to try I.J hiive a iilciilc
They clambered up my wall;
them. TblB Is rather a wild cm
uncle's tu about two weeks,
They climbed Into my wludow
Esther Ominingh;
euppose you Oiaod TraTeree
could come down. Bessie
To make a jponlnc call!
VaeaMon to great fun. too t It? What
Stmabloers would think, and laai
the twelfth of June from
do )-ou do .-III summer?
the brort came around ao
ill stay unitl fit^ember:
so Oden after onr abcep tl
rs back to scbonl again.
Naubfnway. Mich.
didn't dare let the children play very
Now I will send the rerliM- which I
June S. 1907.
alsbi. Tkey didn't ba
Dear Prealdent; —
nised (bat I would send. If you
Coaly then.
this, you'-win lia.i- a <
I thougtai 1 would write a few Unea
Our ParL
Tbe efalldren-i taiber calls tbts
cake: two cup-s of sugar, oni--li;ilf cup
> yon and send you aome .m<
Tto beet are In tbe clorer-U
repilar pet animal farm, and poaaLbly
names or ilio Sunshine Club.
butter; rob the butter and sugar
aaay waatber—
I mlsfat tell you about aeme of tbe hare storied the meetings of .
together: hctot five eggs and put (hem
An tto bBtterfliM are out aS|
mbert aemeUnie. If the prealdent aaya
branch Club but ran g.n nothing
t with the butter ;ini1 sugar. Then odd
■ flowera tocetber;
work with. We ennnoi And books that
cn|> trf sweet milk, and twoiea»|ssni.
BoboltBk U lA Ibe told. alBgliid a
Atmt Lizty.
fols of baking |>ow-d>’r. and two cups
without sending 'out

>our preeldeDt baa bad
two aueb
Be. of the eplnidfa] eella from two of her SunCllBurd Poeter. of Sullmi*

Tbe grra la dee aad tbe
weoda are begtoalag to be grwen

About four |o go mio the woods and pick may-

pain or
nerves, and save
e you further
mg. -1
iiose who u
I; erv
at regular
ular intervals
have e
ed to dread these periods.
iods. They,



Take It Cool, Madam !

Don’t worry about your baking,
whether it's broad,' cake or
pastry. If you are using

Bes't F'lour
,yoii can feel perfectly sure of
the results.

Hannah & Lay Co.

harmful drugs, and
leave no effect upon the heart
or stomach if taken as directed.
Thev give prompt relief.
to »n en mx-alMl fee »
ywirw I b»'» r.-iiralz;». rl,vurr.«u-ra
Bid PBIUB irnai.d ii.r bfwn.
ueing I'r. Hll» Anti-l'bln HUa I bid
«r ih. pall bM Z*l Bleep
BDd re.t
1 thinx liBd 1 kii.i«-i gC
the Il-.i Pitta wli.n I wmn flrat uikvix ■
Birk. t;..v a,.>i;b] tinvr v-jr*^ fi..
Or, Miiea' Brti-PBir. Pllla Bet aoiB by-,
rear drasDiii. wnp will ouBrantac that
tne e>it pacKBv* win brorttt. U A

There Is Not Much

V«Ti™t??v“ro’:STu aufl.

UUes Medical C<l. Elkhart. Indl

lil.c k.-epliig up tbe lawn, you
<1 d-in'i fe-i like plantlDS a gzr>|K- nil.I w.m* one Ib wllllDg to

No Holidays

t'oii.pare Uito wllh



• h»m.- to own.


: .1 d.v^rin.t':'atv tree,

itv. I) W.k.,'

A>e_ lu-ir„ii.

Smith Realty Co.
Office cor. Lake Ave. and 10th. Res. 429 W. 10th.
Office phone 32. Res. phone 290.


riptet eberrlr* aad toy Itota la kept la readiaeaa is a dish of boOtng
Preadi dreaalag (or half an hour and water, aad tto nibfaan efaooM be
aerve la leltuce cupt atoo dreeted. dipped Into tto tkilllBg water oace or
rlcv and qutckly removed.
finely (dioppMl |Hir»|.y being aprlnkled


U would acercely seam Daceaaary to
over alL Drain fruit (rota the French
dreaalng and
filberU- aay that dl Inm cans ahould be well
Large black (^Iforala cherries may washed, scalded, dried and aired tfter
be naed Inttead of to* «re*h fntu. using, hut unless proper attenUoa has


10 ihU. ihe cans cannot be
shape when wauird.
ny ..r our gixj htaieewives

Pat* tmall round tandwtehes at pLatn
bread aad tuner w-|th ton course

ttoublr and worry and <

tlio ahadcnr oo
be«in;bi lift
Aad oSooIr fodM avajr.

Pare the lad.thr* in five aerUont

to reeemble the cherry' bloaBoma. aud
And «i> tbo.Mcy* bnwd chWDd drift*
alter a dav of trouble, Mrrre la green dlabea or on a bed of
Tbo treawit^ohlp o( d*rqiilrKlT n-srransei. her plant to Iclluot.
Tbk ooBrlae!
, -

baagr^ nmdlilooa who inakiii a

How Iwr uU* of gcdd

nil to tbo raenlBK biwoi*:

I much more toes bouaekeeplng.
We are all creniurea of habit;

And wtei brtfo lorxw* Ip tor bold

an- wiwH-n who set their fruit,
lark on the cellar shelf dlien]

and unsafe.

Tto old slPd teal It boro—
Tbo bomdlaH wopdar apd aurpr

xta DKirelng llll nlght, scarcely
I center with plm-d. tweeicned cherrlea.
Ing time to eal h« i me«l«; will lb
I whIpiK'd civam.
Tto ahlp D< prkelaat freight.
That aweepa upon the tide * flmt Oow from hllrlien lu puni
• rorg’diing
In Cherry Time.
WltUo our tort>or gale.
ITii-rry anndi«1<-lic»..--<'ni
—New Orlao* TUpat OemooruL
L'd lo and drain thv rh»-rrl<-». add on*-fi)urih
particular place and be obliged
make many etira trip* during
I toi- quantity of Biu-ly chi>pi«v.l blanch­
Up and Away in tto Homing,
accoum u( her forgeifulntwa.
ed simnndi. a Uilli- b-mun Juice ^nd
‘ndo's at full: tto waw breeto white
lime toe ereolng chorea ae
inough sugar to mako v<-ry sweet.
(Ob. up and away In too morplag).
Ubed the It completely worn oo
Spread between slices
M toe blown graea, red U
r loo aervoua to tleop
Another woman works weadlly nod
Qterry Tapioca—Covit our tiibl
Wpptod with toe BSD toe nail ablnet
quietly, without haaie and wllhoul spoonfuls of granulated laiduca wlib
pint of water.
If any small black
(Ob, ap and away Id the taorolng.I loitering, and
lenglh of time than
specks are found floating on t


have such cx>nflWdenee la prominent per*^
j soaal friends who have
fused and endorsed Peruna ^
that y feel Justified in assume 1
I iag that it is a valuable rem» [
\ edy for catarrh and an ex- i
\celleat general tonic. ”—
John W. Hoyt.j

the odgee of toe covers are not I
or broken or they will not k««ti|

0P. ttoa. to give ter wiieome. boT—

.4s An Excellent

Many houseki-epera ;

ifur work iiintbodlrally a<- find It much aolve. one ul^froonful of granulated return Uu- rubber ami cov*t to the,
after they have been properly j
der to i;<-rfurni a cvrtsln umount gelaltne In cold water lo cover, pour
labor in a given lime than would II Id.- iM.llli.j: h.jt .lierry Juice, clbansed. but a better way Is to have|
: or bag in which U> keep toe eov- \
otoerwUe be poetlble.
land atraln Into a bord.-r mold, tel
nd to let toe can stand uncovered '
•ay* hatte that brlnga
aside to become firm. ih«'n turn out
I not In Han. Csre must be taken'
Ir^ retull- One wumaa will hurry ; carefully on a low gtoat dlth. fill the

Coctockod OUT cboruiiB* «rl»«.


,4s a Catarrh

I emptied, aad leave toem until needed |
The charnea In mold augsvsied
lagaln: then cleau tlunu all at the suniui
very prelty and dellclou*.
To a
pint of lulee drained from itewed
therrlee, add augar to make quite metoed Is slovsaly; it u also unwboie-|

ooee we get lalo tto habit ol dolog

8to beon fniiD ovor *ms!

‘^^GovernorL of Wyoming

tbo fruit air tight when again used j
Aad sa to the rubto'ra, I consider It
economy to buy new ones each year
Tho cost Is little and you cun never ‘
be absolutely sure about uu old
It iiiuy be. all right
:uiti It

1 rub-1

^ Vtetorla Flat*.

Cbcrrie* to. the Table.
Cherry Salad—D:aln canoed
rie* and remove the stone*
cavities thus made with filberts from

which the skins bsve been removed,
Tto Magnificwit But* CnpHol ^IldinA of Wyoming.
and arrange on a Led of grisp lettuce
Evening finds her tired, ao
■In the water oS and
doubt, but cool and unruffled, ready
■n a person ba< b
fresh wster. Continue ibl» Icoves. Pour over French drying- „y;npi.f: ..ccupying positions of high
. K. tiood. Broadway, Ta..
made by mixing half a leaspootifol of^
,nd trust are always In getting rid of some clirunU- nialajly, ’
good night's rem.
It is
until the luiilors
sail, one fourth of a teaspoonrul of,
L.t ber things have tailed, it is.|uile| -Wb.-D 1
work, hot worry, wlilch wears «
night In a cold iilaee and
Bre » BHB Unu homo tritb toe bota|K-piur. two iabli-s|KM>ofuIs of rtiiegar.
Tlo-y have little or no time to devote natural lor ebthuslasm lo b ad Jwople t catarrhal I
woman's nerves,
U< her idan her in the morning alone the churrles
tog SUB
have had catarrh of (be toad.
work that she may do It with the add toe Julee with another pint of und lour labltwiioonfulii of olive oll.j l» side
(Ob. up and away la tto momlDg).
“Through neglect II wen'l to my throat
and itir until well blended^
(• It I'lhenfore very rare lliai sneb pooleant waalw o time und alivngth: the
T to the uploca If desired Cook
andn.jse. After cmsDlilBg you I used
Sour Chvrrv Tuu.L-Tourt, several' ple are w.llmg W wrtle u-stanonlals for
when her plans are unavoidably dl
doiiblu boiler f.w
Peruna for fonrmont b« as directed, and
LtoW U (to toan-a bdpe. long aa tto
X:""•.•.•...................................-arranged. let her nt least meet to
I am entirely well and have my natural
sweeten to taste, adding enough sugar
InevlUihle quiet and without worry.
□g public eDdur*emei
•er the acid of the fniiu 'Turn
any water If
possible, and
-lal erilerprtse on the part and social life give letuiuuoy lor
••Icannal praise Pernna too highly.
mmedtotely and
enough lo sweeten well. When cold.] „r p-ople
who are much before the
It will do oU tost it 1* r««fflBwluM
A Cherry Luncheon.
cool. Half a pint of fniii is aufflHenl
Thoee who are looking for eoroe for a small family. Serve with cream. pour ovei*’the toast, set on individual: public.
T» tto world rtdla over aad ead* to*
1.I.-UCS and on each pul a -rKM.utui ..I;
E*rt Endonements.
rw and pretty form of enlertalnCherry Roll.—Have rvady u biscuit

Ihlpped cream.
This can be mtoe'
Ing their frlcads will find li In whole dough made into a sheet, spread to
Catarrh i» a dlwase dllHcull lorellera.
.■rerliur*, cungress(Ob. up aad away to toe asumtog).
with allcea of stale aponge cake. If
A gr-.-al many ot toe doctors fall to
in part in the »ollowlng deucripUon with stoned cherrlea. sweeten, roll
.rs. etc., give public
■■As s.KJD as I get a cold I send lor a
w cherry luncheon, taken from and place in a baking-pan: dust with preferred.
•sernent to a pruprlelary medl- relieve It.
houleof IVruna, and U soon drives It
It^ bane (tot we toll for all day long
Ontitnd* Restiitg.
aprtTable Talk, If It to too elaborate In sugar and dot with bits of butter.
ontof my system.
(Ob. op aad away to ito momlag).
A few ln.itl.-s of I'croiiacure arttronie
irols. or other fruits, and pass tool
It Is thert-rore a great triumph that
detail, the menu can easily be simpli­ Bake In a hot oven until brown. Sei
malady of many yetrsi-uodingand iiH m tto ilM and heart In tto
fied. while slill prceervlag Us apeclsl hot with hard smice or ccHd wito •pulp through a strainer, then stir In' IVruna ha* the uo>iualtUed endoi
almost impusMlilr to repr.-ss the natural
“For *ever*l yeets 1 wee not entirely
sugar enough lo sweeu-u well, and!
feelmgs orgralliude winch spring op.
well.aDdds*pair.-do( ever being rued,
whippy cn-am.
Tto labor rf tote wUI ool aeetn long feature*.
» cpla;
as I had uast namrn.iu renedive that
Cherry .Saiidwlehiw.—Cut in tiiilfc-*,
A Cherry luncheon,
(Ob. up aad away In toe monilagi
WSUT. Bring this to a boll and ext,
i„vo vuihuslssii.-ally
my frlrods iJvised. I doriuml forlwo
—(»ari** O. D. Rotott*.
years wUlioul
at Improvaja*^
■out any
m of |•.•runa u> public Bt. Loul .Mo..wrllc-.:
be made atrlklngly pretty aad pint of ox-hart cherries, sprinkle with aside In u dwp basin lo ciwl
-I I.S.
bad cslarrh of the bead and rbroak
stiff, beat In with :i wire mixer toe I print over ami ov.-r again,
artlaUc by having a red and green powdered sugar, arrange on oblongs
but through the Use
0»c of live l.ntle* Jl
"A* a last resort I tried Fernna, an^
while* of two or three egg* which i>reA SUrtling Fact
color acbeme. with a touch of white
nd place In a moderate oven
bottles of Maaalin
Feruna and
a -iw Ubi* baa eotoo lor me
that In a short Um*
vlouslv were beaten Hlff. Pour Inlo!
Th.-re i-no wsy i.i ar.-,.ulil f|.r s
here and there, thus combining
while preporing tbu mertngue. Beat
I was iMinplel.-ly rurrd.

mold., i.ud a-t ..II Ice. tllisteud ..f . Uc : -i .riling fact a. II..'.-xcepi that IVrua*
IhUik that Peruna is ills l»-sl tcnir
colora of the fruit, foliage and bloe- to a stlir froth the while* of two eggs,
I baven.'t Is-cn Iroubled for over a
; I bareev.-r used and I would ast-.
adding two iable*|<oonful* of pulri-rWlto the ripening
liu enilurse Peruna
• Of"liked.l The imporlaul part with these
earliest cherries let toe boitcas plan Ued sugar, and a luUc lemon Julc-.
• <R> ball toe aaat. and greet tb*
fp..iig.-s Is not to IH-Jiii Men,ling (run
her luncheon, und she may be forum- Press through a pasln' bag oh euch


Aad My tO' Ood. ‘HI do my • ate enough lo find a few lingering piece of toast In the form of a cone,
The sjionge should be of uniform lox
I wliiilow unlit rool.
WTien cold,
Cherry Dessert.
toerry bloaaoma for the i
and return to the oven to browu
lure throughout, not a seivaralloii of
al o,. Jelly.
•ook a quantlly of sweet cherrte*
ill^Uy: arrange on an ornamenul
of her ubie- .
A Pretty BreaMast Olah.
Jelly and streaks of white.
(or prrsenr-s. allnw them to cool,
platter and servo with cherry syrup
• • -Tto UaM baa ease for me to *
chero' Salad,—Cut four oranges and
Curranu.. vsiM.<l*lly toe large chwn cut in haS. s. Heat topthcr one
>d4$c tialf cupfuli at
could be more beautiful tor a center­ thlrkeoed with arrowroot or eoif• '
fi Miiall
pineapple Into g<»d-slicd iciipful of sugar and i.iic and tbreccorrams. utv a nice breakfast (rulL
■V:'sM4toM jrollu at
piece than an oblong plateau ot feato- ■larch.

lb tobor every pleaanre He*.
. from ■'■hej- an- e.-rv.'d with thdr
1 fourths c..i'fuls ..( wsI.t; n-n
(nterry Pudding—Crumble suBldent Pt«“«T*. :ttid raarlniite in oil two cupful
cupfuitroT brato• Aad ao wito courage, talto and ■ ery mlai terns and dterry blosaoms in
rui.'lulv' Mix t..gether with the cherries
h mil.' .lish of powdered sugar to
oe quart ot sweet
cnimbs soakvd li

• toe center ot which Is a preUy'basket stule cake
lentou., I-our this evr ..nt- .able-! HP i^cm In; or toe augar U piled in
besLI turnN'i'*'
miiionnalMArttiiig.Into a buttered pudding(sponge or plain cake

m (ace tto worid. aad do my • filled with cluaiera of luscious
*ell'lettuce leave* with some of tot- c
spoonful of soaked gMatlrt and strain ««** "“a"®
lake In a moderat* otmi:
rir* and leave*. For this, brunches well into a mixing bowl and add
■ of'rica (or a garhlto.
the mlxtuiv. Wb. n U-gm.,li,g to set i
^lier as Koon as the custard la firm In (to
fined with ripe froit should be cut and beaWB egg. three tobleapot
butCherry Tapioca Pudding-Soak
I,.-.I ICC bi-at. r ih.m Stir In
■“<> tosie as good as
placed In water for twenty-four hour* ■sugar, a uWespoonful of loellod
.. ..
...................................... ..
................“rttw It to U*e (root of Ito
ThU ■suffi- cupful of tapioca ovtr nigbl, c.s.l
lIgtiUy fn-ir i;ibb'*p.suituls ot ibecher-:"‘'l
the cber“•
,pr«d with a rather thick layer
oup of rich milk
to keep toe leaves from wilting. To
... •>...» n,.,I,l
T.irn ...11 on
„ a gl^l
elau ' done
OOIie by
l.y dipping
uigpiuK toe
lue buncbe*
..uumr-c in
>u oo...,*. |
awoetened sirawbcri
tto tong handle ot the basket fasten deni flour sifted with ii tea#imoii.: water until smt. im-u
of baklng-i«wder to form a pitted and »we«eued cherres
a graceful spray ot follnp- and blos­
iho cook toorrjtigbly
sene coM wttD
I cieutti
. balt.T.
!tl<'Eg.- cul.i-s ail. a bice uc-,
aTtbi y' are
made with lh«- whiles of Iwo eggs sod
Hww Soudiwaat to* a word soms with a red satin bow. malcblhg
llll' .leliy
of an lartherriwar.- pud-1
cupful of powdered sugar; ■
any atarty bottom
«f eoarage and cheer (er busy work- the cherries In rtiade;
toe red oiim-.
ding dish to -about
the d.-pto ofj
hack la too oven with toe door half
«g. wU^. t( ttkto 111 coBjunetlcm white flowers, resembling
Cherries f
niche*, o layer of pllle.1 cher-j
open for leo inlnoim. Thli ts dellmay to used U y<
wUh toe little inaplrwtkm poem which
ijunog July cherries
clou* «'iiher hot or oold and wHh <X
Around riet aprlnkled wito a scant cop of I
V—a. Uii, Aepartment. will make the obtain toe frail blossoms.
I, pudding*., ,
carofully poor over toU I popular fruit tised in |
eenier-plece place cwndleaUck*
witonui whlpiKvl cream.
dgy'B weak seem HMtter and easier
1 a ices. rlc.. for liie table
ut glass holding white eandlee the pudding mixture. Place
he MH-i.i of its Tiianjfjccjrc . ‘
Soua ball wito Cruahed Strawberrlss
to toe tooompitohmenL
Th«* was
moderately quick oven and b*ke about good housewife strltes to rcrve to®!],
u .-.T.-ru'.ii guar.led. No Jelly
Hver a truer aaytiag than toe ooe and ahadp# of transparent while allk.
and M-hlpied Crenan.—Do I hear y«i
r be alb.s.-d U. fall ii
so much iBlior 10 it* prepura ^
wkk* tdto us tost -Your loeTTj heart oa which are painted Hualert of cher- thirty minutes; senre in toe pudding
-r ^
exclaim that snowlmlls and strawberi
FIU toe small dUhea wito tiny dish, with bard asuoe flavored with ald lo the I..IS.V lioiiw-wlie 11
goes all tto way.
Your aad heart
III jrai—. ..pplled in bo sUngs
an- dUnn.-trleally oppoaad to one
long cold winter when such dellcoclr*;
iiwd extrack
ttrew In a mil**."
And while we white radlsbea. olives, while candles
........... ..........
■“• stioihef? You try my snowball* with
Ctorry Pudding No. !—Mix two prove most icmpUng «nd appeililng ^
Have at each
line 11. prep-ir.nt a delicacy ]
CMtnot all have marry toart*. wo can aad glace cherrtee.
sirawberrle*. and then lei me bear
Ubleapoonful* corn stsreh with one- c•Ikme*, uiilik.- most sp.all fruit*, can j
ace toe name card and tl
» so quickly deposed of Buf:
at least take op our daUy work anew
,- kepi Ice-cold by pul- n„. urdlct. Cream ono half cupful o(
liny box of crrstallixed cherries (ourto cup ol water, iben lure lnto^i.e pul up In numerc
who enj<i> .'x'lx ’im.-nt.* in
«acb morning, with tto determination
in a emmon oartben wsre;|,ui,,., gj,d
gradually while baib
with a cluaiiT of artlflcUl frail on one euirful boiling cherry Juice to are given direction*
■ ■•king, lb-' iKijK- IS given, oa
to "tace toe world, and do our beet.
r aru|.|«0 with wet flannel.
i log consianily one cupful ck augar.
which add a pinch of aalt and one cup| iiiols ot pr. M-rvlng iheni
r-m il.Ht househul.l authOfltl . '
That, in llaeW will give the needed
. picked tr.-sb and rubbed on : .me half eupf'il of milk and two and
Use quantities ot ferns and graceful ful sugar; boll until iranspareni. toen.uje
epring and energy to carry us over
wjuten* aad
pr<.-*erres j one fourth r ij.fuN of flour mlied
lure on to the stiffly beaten while* j
--------r r««Ch pUoea. It Is the kind vines aboul tho room with touches of
ooe half
Pul m
bu ol tour eggs, folding them hi: turn Into j
M aUrtt which we put Into our work, while flowers here and
-...pini: flowers wj;i freahrii
iviMng powder, and
funnel cake pan and chill.
; v.itle one-foiirih pound
not tto work Itself, whldi matter*, leave the red for the Uble
;.> ;f ih.- Iliw of toe SUJIUV
a t.-as|*smful at Wit;
I and add enough^,
with pitted cberric* In ibeMniK-lsiiac.-! each pound <
a Says toe Kew Soutoweat:
iK'd off and the end* are then ih>.Q add iJi»- vblius of four egw
dissolve toe sugar Wliealbelj
and at toe base with whlpl>ed cream
At tola in— ct toe year such a
sii.*m tolrty-flve
• ,t aa'>-r for a few moments.'
unujl ►ii'f
ami cherrii-s
Bit.-, of green cut from supir ha* dissolved let » com® to a ,
molUpUeily ot doUaa press upon toe
roenietics for blcy-! nilnut- a in l.a'i-rMl cu|» (toe (fiuoi
angelica root may be Introduced al ihe U.ll, ilien ad.1 the chi-rrt.-s and vookij
Creamed alirtmps In casi-*.
«o«an onA^e (arm and In the home,
i. ij d (or popan-era ff they .
for live mlniiies. Cnu.hcd cherry,,
Tlmbalea of peu. asparagu* Ups,
toat It U only by having her work
cucumi-i-r jiilriTo ••iiract*].,
I, n-ni'.vo fn.m toe-cap*,
New potatoes.
ent^Uy ayslamaUsed toat she la
ri. K-! -igsr. arrange oo s
flr-i |a-c| th<- cucumber, then ' r.,|:
The toeret of flute***placed In each jar of cherr-.vs
:» ............
» uska wbicb
Drullod chicken:.lunchooo bl*c.ilt*
mbia to perform all

r garnish with whol*
The only aecrel In aallsfaciory cani„ add to ihe flavor and keep,
Cherry ealad.
(aU to her lot.
.-b-..- with eruslmd

OntflirhAl Fem.

ReeiMufble PKipto.


Artutl Bwefit.

° Pe-rt-Bt BelitoM CntAirh.


Catairb of Head and Throat

• Aad.abato tto alpniber from my •

mmmi m edlfaTf Cahk


{Udlsbea: oUvea.

8e many thin^ demand auentioo

Cherries In Jelly mold; cakes.
Coffee; bonbons.

at toe name time toat ato must need*
have a coo) bead,



abUlty to pun. energy to esecuie:
Most to qdek to think, equal to em

Servo the cherries with atenu on 1
■.mail aillow or a-ruiria baskets. «IU

MfenetMi careful, tactful, systematic:


la other words, ato must to
an of taeolty.-'




nlng I* sclenUflc allentlon U> derails.
qualities of Hie fruii
says aa exebange.
Thc fnill Itself
cherry Jelly—Sour, Julcv cberrte*
should be thoroughly rterllUed; Ihst »rc Ik-vI or Jelly Wash ih.-fruit well
U. brought to a

No ooe set ot nilra will apply ■
tta mature each woman must plan f
berseU aeeordiiig to her neeids. T

boiling point and

remove thc stems, ih- c turn to.nn j,,,,

- ari.l Wblp|>ed
and fli>'-.r--d with vsnilU.


kept there initil every pore of toe fruH^(n,oa porcelain ket
. reached 1
ribbon iu thoroughly penetrated. The fniU t.^]]
they 1
ishould be In tots condition when put i,.,,,],,,; ,„in, r«n..v.- fruiii in.- u ';'

a wom­ around baskets and fasten
fluffy bow knot and enda Fnger bowl* imo the Jar.

ter work because it U so varied




But the condition of toe ,,a,h, *,raln ihmugh a lag. sqp-erlog ,

are to be at every place oidlnlnlnln Jan. cover* and rubbers l* quite a.
are to be used after this couse. and important aa toat of toe fruli- Thwei
may be at every place wbao
the l^Hh^ld to thoroughly sierUIxcd. A |

,<i,rhe j>iicv "i' U.e^tra-n
ju,<.p ;.„d' nieasur.- It /Measure
q-mni.ij of
he.., ,

hot Jar will not break so.readily when ,,
oven and add i- «he Juice- j-vguests are sealed*
ab-rji a q-mn-r ol an . r,
Ptil a slice rd lemon hod three or filled with hot froit. but this U not
Important thing It tost she have
li, only reason why toe Jar should i„„„, „
j,n peur :!.:<■ c!s»>c»
plan rather than attempt to manage ftnir elwrric* Into citvy bouillon cup
to hot. To slerilUe is to destroy *H, q„
,ca! uu'll Hv l•••d ■wm-: '-»>
her home In a haphaiard way which before pouring in toe hot *oo^ Serve
impurities and or toi* reason toe Jart-,,-„,T,ni juice r
can never bring sstiefactory
■s and rubbers should to
• ■-.<
i iiuJ
half. ......
- ------Sene toe shrimp* In while case*
U U true that her plans may be.
acircled with cherry leave*
and edton nto. rutoleasly broken In
put them into a boUer stone seven pound. <•( wund
by wnteward clrcumsiasees;
Select plump broiler* oometolng
cherries. Make a syrup of(oarpc«nd>
nd fill ran*
there am days -when everTtoing goes Urger than quail ao one will serve for
of cmnulaicd sugar, eh" iu".
two iwrsons. dividing toem length­ ^to cid wrater and let come to a boa
wraeg from earUaat dawn
RUI If toe cane have b.,-n .mce ir.-al.-d elder vtaegar. one tablopo-alul etMto
wise along back and bcoast. When
lag partially etralMHeoed
ner, Ihe
toe next time Ml«j„j d-ves.
ri..vcs .:l -pice and citmaoon. and
ungtra. ato sMka her eooch Uie at cleaned, drain «id dry with cloth,
placed oa toe back c4 Jhe^, icaspoorrful
night (or a (ew houra of troubled sprinkle lightly with pepper and salt they may be plac
until fXrS * .
.kn •vnip and co'*
rent. But If there to any nuto in aad broil slowly, with the Owb side range or In a warm oven umil J|*'^(chcrrl.‘* 1
poir imoj^
down to the Are. Serve them gartto old adage toat "misery i
Ihe fvrup unUl thick.1
Tto troll
clsjied with small, round, hotie made filled with boUlng water
qeamtoy," let ber conside beeaelf
r fhe chert-.ei and' ^
the Ihongtat that women In other water cracker*, aouthera stile
thoroofblr hot. ftocovsraxliouldtol
For the salad, atone toe largest
walks of Ute have their days




Tie r.-uliy 1H.TI me’hcvd of cl-wiiing

p.Msh_ with dry
ctrain.,1. and retw.v- the powder. A


-I-.- ..Ic-.bcd :n rr/lU aat.r
a bn.Haul



Cjv -




Iherv t..wi .D a toap-

.,t 7i-.vh.-d

end itolr

\vr ;■ v.rry l until the, mls.

I ;»-iid.7-!.

S-rasta.’Cry Puddlng.^>ne
.f .-r;. i-Tri«*- Capped, tors*
of anted butter; one

s half cup* ol
twice wl'lb a

-rp.motul of salt; three
•.-.r-n ligbU toe


--I Hour, alternately with <he
. 1 •rhli**. F'wr tola baiter into

' unpleasaci odor.
The accuniu
' of oil and dust about (he hurt

d I •idaing dish, and po-ir 'upon
Hrawbr-rrlw, welMredged sllh

.r.ri mixed with f»jr rahle-poon-

after -arb using and keep ihg wick (uK ■■( sugar.
turned down very lo* while Uit Xiovc rilmr.g ibem

1 g-aily.

Cover nod

IS not tn use. If the w1ck,1* iurn<J i«k* t..r half an hour In a ho<
' up high ft draws toe oil up and a.- then iiiiii.vvr and I.aie for flv

lows It to spread atts the ««lai4K of ui.*, netfe. Bure al uoev wito
tto burner.
U-rty .cauvc.



‘Add toe ml!K to Hi... V-. to»-n toe butter sod tov

I It is cusder. quicker and nesK.-i
■ under pour m»Bagtm.-t.i rive*

objccliosabi-' To prcYcni iblx clean and fill Hk-

..., ..g.,r

' i:- k

Oil 6t«vec.
The avviugp farmwifv

that an oil •i.rve is much more
• factory for cwking purpose* d


cup Of

n;;rf-r> and windows U lo mb i!i>-m
W.ih J ;«rte of whitiDg and wai-r

Pages X 10 12


While eMsbll-hed In Suti-^u> , Pay. money will le inl'ed and l«-gin operA luttb.Uc fewlutr i-I tbe lOcideU j tl
J le remembered by i
i-i to erect the plant.
‘f that the father and 'tin were llv- laL.________ __
Recently he purrhs'ed a very choice tbl« rutupuuy <tilpped li>i eaiiuwdr oi
Traverse City has already learned Ing alom- Mrs. Ptasll and dwiwtb-i
-Everything advertised by tbcTrevcorner in Siokane upon which is he' exc«-l!-ii«r of a very hlxb grade per
rated a large t.rlrh smicitire paying year. It Is thrlr purpose to dCNjhIe hy expertefire that il pays to encour-1 t.-rs Ada .vnd Tina are in New York.|et»e Otj comniiiiiw waa carried out
D- j to tnr
tbe leiier The (y«rwda was a featiri.nwi for Ihe proj- rly, N.g tall. Itii-ir repariTv sod lusiniirh a- tlirir age sDisll ludurtnes. and iblr proivusi- Th---y seie •-ai'v-Ud buce- this’ eves-1
apiwsiv to tw one of «it<stsntlsl ols'
|ture 1
markrl is fxtvhilre, ih. y vijeii to
Aaerlcaa aod he beard ol tbis recl<«
For twelve tuocilis be tolled alone Ced with tbls buliaitiB be has tom
r.iiliads chiractrr and the mi-u Inicry-sled In
lh-Bl,|y» I,
and, children, Mr. .There w
ud cAlsetoUiUrllr. Heaecnred *ork
It down and Ihorge Ons|i of (hi» rlt> br able lu ship at Ic-asi
out In tbe Idaho wastes dicclns
oouide the city,
at Ibe tons of William CrlH* “» «'ll
line of business and would be a very aisu-rri. Charire and Sunley Prasil of
I at}-. T1
"Tb» local lodges. KnlgfaU at PylbUawbnrs- Wttb RMlaoD waa a a
‘jvslkon for a
or>T the aasM «( JobMcm.
building which Poolsoo will sum erect. I • “i-?
l" “■‘•'r
Umt deslruble addlllun to our bualoess thl- Ciy aii.l Mrs Marl K..« ol this >»• Mwsoolr. H P O. E. 1 O. P.. MscSwedish hreln owning a mine wns
' they offer 111.- use of al y.-ry alirwrtire
rlly. It.- yvar u iurm!a-r of ih.- C yt. ivabees and other secret sorlellee had
/ Tbsl both maa vera iKOoraat
In tbe rucenl startling confessiuns
being cuni^idered
I’, g U.U. t|..- K II. T M and ihriopeo housiw and plsyed an lmi..rtai)l
Amarku ware asd cuMomi U lllua- equal lo being rich as ho thought that made by Hany Orchard in O.e Hay-11"™'®-,, '
Sadden Death of Tony Prasil.
company would <-mI.K-al riuar mak-rs' union.
eou-rialalag many of ihe vistiated bjr.a lUUe iDcideot «hlcb look sun-lr all those tninre out there were
ance PoulMiD lumprd St the chance

A RmI ReifMinM.

e.g Office Bulldine

breorno a mine owner, and the c<

. .
\ '


Iran was slBoed. binding him to t
tbl« coaBtrr >D m2, be c«ne dIrM-l hr there until he siiould find gold.
ma Svadeo and after ludluc
Tolled a Year.

• «.. o...

al the Olap borne. Mr. Crisp
tfcaa (o the store to bur bo ax Tllb
Tbltdi to cbop tba cord wood. Tber
aacured an ax.heed and a handle and
atanod to tba woods. As it was tbelr
first, csparlcnea eatUoc



Crisp tbouEfat tbal be bad bMler -go
to tba wood lot and rive tbem i
llpa. Ha did ao aod tipoo pIcktDK up
tba aa be Conod tbsl ibe two met
buns tba ax head on Ibo b'uU eod of
tba baodle.
Want Waac
Tba aas worked si this work doriai tba sunmats sod wlotort of 1S99
sad MSI wben tber decided tbsl ttaer
ware not msUiig eaousb mooer so
■tbejr left tba farm sod went oo tbe
lakes saJlIaf.

It was an old stotr

Jobaaon. bot to Poolsoa U was ni
aad be OBlj staid oo Che boat o
trip, coinc west while Jrdmson retmOeed on the boaL
Ibubig tbelr two winters on
Crisp tSTB tbe two Swedes with tbe
Idad Sid of WlUlsai Crisp, jr., who
tba brathw of Coonljr School Commlnelaow Oaorfe Crisp, and la at preseat la Stocktoo. Cal., were tsusbt to
read and write tbe Bacllsb languace.
Poolsce tank a liklai to mne Crisp
aad tba two tatra kept track of each
other erer alctee.
PonlacB waat to



wbara be aaenred a poslUoe drlvtog
Btflk wacDB. He bald this poslUon for
adoia Ums bat dM not make r»d and
was diaebartad. Ha bad saved op
about MM aad Uklag tbU be west to
Skarpara Oat Him.
Two sharper^ tba Dar brothers,
were waiting for jwt aueh a chance
aa tbls. Tber took. Poolsoo and of­
fered him s too rib IMerwit In s mine
wblrii tber thought was worUUea. *1
be woold give (ban hla DMoar and
work tbe alna bimadf.. In Us Ignor­

.1... I-


j twelve meu M the

When h.- lo his home fn>m
he first year, s much work Wednreduy noon. Toy l‘r«all of
Mr.'I*r"“*'reme^rtw' cP^reent.-j
•'f'hJIrS.OW pcop;.. visited sad
not S. t nioii *tre«-i. an ot| four >e*r* aco and married U> this'
<»7 f'^"T during,
is manufacartiired the IhrsI National luuk. found Gie ' citv so.m after arriving.
For s.vme “»
Their product is
birch. lllelusai l«dy of his father, Anton Po­ ilm.- he W1.S empl..v.-d as a cigar
"The excurslooUis rewbvd boom at
the green, ungainly Sv.t-.le that came 'em second growth
KTiidred maleilal which
maker In the faciorv ,d John Punsch *
wml to the Etif l.rotbere and asked to this country In IM2, there live* In bOKsw-ood a
aud twenty years ago He stoned
Mai.Utique baud aewpanJM
- for use ;il the various
fur Ills mooor back -but tlier luuidied Sixrkane. Wash., a iHdlsbivl gentleman
section. The Industrial
lilms.-lf which
hr re
at him and showuvl him Uio runtrwci. that answers i the nsnf of Mr, Aur Prusil w-usacU-ar maker liuvlng fiiviory
............, ■for
of mu-ic iluriog the trip Tlie hoys
and r>y,N i>i|y,> ei>n>iiiilt,t-s of ili,- leinl!I ..- facloi y uu the third Uiajr ,d H>. ■ pnepv fo-j-.|}
Again he rviiirned ■<, bi« work dig­ guatus Putllaun. S-mi-wherypar(h;t|,ati-d in the parade and the
ging dwper and d<-eper but still no MlcbiguD there sails a tual
lieiof trade have Issvi Inv-stlgailop the WurrI.urg bka-k. AU.ul II o'cl.«-k he
music they spitl Ihe atB)»s|ibere wttb
signs of U>e coreted metal. A beUer name of Jotroson who lo all
'matter and have found that It Is a was in the fartorj' of Prank Johnson
rather caught tbe people, (be ’biDd*'
w-onby enterprise and would be ajaad was In the very Ik«i of spirits
educated man would have given up tty wonuers where his old C
bring given tbe band many, tlmre
project aod
himself Poulson, Is, little reaiiilng
good thing In Traverv-e City if locausl, and when uisin leevlug tbe factor}- In
along tbe man*. Ou account of Ibc
Bay r*is.-d ll.ooe
g. but not so with PoulsoD With
whom he catiio to this coun­
latenewa of tbe G. R. t I. train tbe
all hope lost, bo tolled on by mere try to make their livelihood is ooe of keep them in tbal village, but owing
uniforms ordered fur the Itand did not
tbe richest men on the weelern coast. to the great advantages la freight
arrive In that city until pust after tbe
What Mamttiquv Thinks.
Id Spokane. Augustus Poulson Is i>rob- rates In shipments from Trav.
Struck Geld.
Mr. Prasil then went lo Novotny's
In siw-aking of thi‘ visit to Traverse liarade. Tbe boys donned tben upon
ably wondering fivhere Johnson is and City, (be company fix-ls (bat it would salouayi rnloustrvel to del
Month after month passed ttowly
it Is safe to prcHibesy that w hen these
cigars and while to there
by with .the Swede still lolling throw­
two naiTvee of Sweden again clasp
his stonuich feeling liadly'
ing load after load of Idaho soli out
Treubla at Pekin.
At tbe meeting of Ihe board of and took a seliser lo si.v.dv It and'
hands that Johnson's days before the
Knights of PyLhiav excirse.n
of tbe Immense excavation whieb by
Pekin. July »-'A dispau* from
directors of the lioiird of trade this then wvnt on home
Traverse nttou the pal.i.d
mast will end.
this time he had msda Ono day be
Ngan King states
(bat Oovenor
morning. It wa-s the st-nse of the
I ei—
.s. WI—
I" “»o'»Uque 1 was c.-Oaluly a pleas■d a piece of rock out rf the dig­
Ming of -Ngsin Hwel province has been
meeting that ihe necessary amodnt
ging and i>ald do attention to It
Fee New Factory.
When T.«iy, his S.U1. got hime j
by some se­ asBarelnsied by studrou. A director
be raised aod tliat it wouM be a
later the sun gisnclng on il sent back
i,y uitnibv-ri of the com- ot police Who attempted to roscoe the
If Jbe people of Traverse City show good thing fr tbe city, and U- an <n- als,at lJ-;to be found bis faUier lyingjp^,,
copper colored reAectlon. Poulson
(be same generous s]ilrlt os was maul- siilulloii tbal bound lo grow, .0. hts Isick m Ihe owner of the hlt-jn,i„c,. of th.t progrcvuiv. aid h .uj- guvernor. waa seised and killed.
selred tbe ruck and busieoed l<
fe«ed at the annual board of trade They make a very high qnulliy of ex. Chen. N.-iBhb.irs were called to uud toj..n,c clly. Tbr tlcamvr leaclud the have bem dispatched to the
nere with It. The wortblem mine
Bay al.iu* 9 oc.ock province to arrewt tbe assassin.
meeting when a fund was raised for celslor. which finds a ready market
DO more but in Its place wi
1 whether Uls body nJU cmlalned and If ever a welcome was extended
tbe location of the Schuyler Manu- all over the country. A considerable
■ eontalDlDg a fabulous amount of
actorlng company of Cbicago in t|ils market can bo found right here in
to any vlsltoni the north country peo­
city, we will have another small new Traverse City for packing purposes,
Doctor <*h;,se was summoned and ple wi-re aocord.-d It at this Ume.
family quarrel. Asa Sharp, a i
« mine was cnpltnllzed aod
Industry of a sobstatilisi charecler The J, B. fin-llick
com]>any alone I »>“'l ‘hat he might have been dead
Two bands and al least fi.OOO pv^le
erated and today is one of the ricbeet and one that will grow to large pro­ would consufee a l.irge quatitliy of It fif'e<ii
nunutre or for
lined Ihe mcrebonls' dock
then went to a drug store aad booght
mines of the golden west
blit that he did not ibink tbal the cm-tlngt.
portions at a very sniaU coat.
packing furniture and
a quantity of rarbollo add. Ctlmblac
1s«ly coniiiln.-d life when found. The
Tbe board of directors of the board ducts front tbelr plant.
Returning to the dly where he once
“Traverwe Cliy was In gny atUre. back Into the buggy aad drove around
of trade held a meetiog this morning
drove a milk wagon Poulson boogfat
Ilurtog the discussion It wa.s con­ tobk- was .vll M-i but. us far as could tbe business bouses being lavishly dw
the town like a wIM nmn but fiaally
iiulblug bad bn-n orwied, the city streeU etoitototog
home and today Is worth about $19.- and received a proposition from J. A. sidered that Ibc raising of the amount
quIMed down and was appamriJy
000,000 with a monthly Income of over Caron t company of Suiions Day, liv- suliscrtl-Uon wroold be very easy {■'•iiclj,sl.
many archs aod flags galore, buou's asleep.
MO,000. He bought real estate In Spo- manufacturers of excelsior, to locale and a committee consisttog of T H.
Inquest Held.
being' lernulifully fvwtnuncd with (be
The boree kept on going and when
^e and alnce tbe Ume tbal be toiled tbelr plant In tbls city. It will be rv- Sherman. \V. H. I'mlor and W. W.j
As fonmer Holdsw-orth Is out of colors that reprewent the Hag of tbe the rig stopped lo tbe middle at the
ns a poor Ignorant Swede digging
obered Ibal a short time ago, Sul- Smith was upi">int.-d to solicit tbo] town, Justj.v G \V. Curtis held an In- gri-atest country on the sphere. Ev­
rued It was found that Sharp was
bole In the ground for a pair of swin­
I Bay waa visiti-d by a dUoster- necessary auiuinl. Several business'quest with Uie fnlluw-Ing as a lury: ery cltlien aremed to huro a part to
dead, having swsllowsd tbe farimlle
dler*. fate his given bim a power
flre ond the plum of J. A. Caron men have agreed to U- on-.- Ikl Motiroi-. J, W. Itonnen. H. Dili, play to the day's doings and It would
equalling that of tbe fabled Midas.
ompany waa destroyed. The only iwenty to give »5n each and It |s Pn-d
tSiiilili. Charte*
Voder, and seem to tbe spectator all This is tbe second Ume Vrer-Bbarp
Every Investment, every place thi
Uremenl made, to estobllsb tbe prscUcally assured that it will ribt befbariee lie... After listening to Doc- were making good. It was wUtnated
has been widowed witbio fivs yams
>ut money has returned lo him many plant in Ihis^city will be a rash con- dirilcult to iwlse tbe tl.ioxi ncceiu-jryi i,.r fhas-'s evidence the}- come to the
etty had at least 10,- by Uie husband taking earimllc add.
Imes over Ihe money expended and eonidderatloa of tl.OOO. to defray mov- to bring Ihe plant it. the city
Mr.;»iiig verdict "That the ilccwtoed ] 000 visitors
day. sister towns Sharp's daugbter by hii first wife
le Is al preaeni one of tbe capitalists
xpenses of material and aid in the Camt) and hl« partner will move bere|ri.iiie ii. his dosih by a h<-morriiagc ofj being almost ridden of thelrcltaeai.K
committed suicide tbe aame way a
erection of a substaaltaJ building.
Inim.-diately u|K.n iissurancv.- that the tj..- brain caused by aiwplcxy."
jwas a day of good fcllowsblp and
year ago.
Harwood had planned u. kidt.ep
ar-old BOO of nilllkmaJre Poulson..^

and hold him for a fabulous rensom.
Gua I*ouUcin Is no more, Imiieadofj

"rigSy The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co.


Store Closed Every Friday Afternoon
Children's Parasols
Some new' goods that nre beauties for the
little ones. Parasols that are white aod
colors, sell at 15c, 25c, 50c, 75e and $1.00.

Ladies' White Parasols

All white, but many of them have fancy
drawn patterns. These sell at $1.00, 1.60.
2.00. 3.50. 4.00 and 5.00.

ew Line of Hand Bags
Right from one of the largest faclories in
the ^ country. These are beauties, sure.
Suede Leather, Alligator. Seal and all the
fancy shapes. You can buy Hand Bags
for $1.1.50, 2.00, 3 -00. 4 00 and 5.00.

Ml Kinds of Baying Tools
This is one line that we are strong on.
Hay Forks. 40c, 50c, 75c and $1. Hay
Rakes. 25e. Scythes, 75c and $1. The
Brush at 75c and SOc. Tbe Grass at 75c
and $1, Brush Snaths 75c. Grass Snaths 65c

Wihdow Screens
Thai will fit any size window, keep out
the flies and the bugs. '_’5c and -JOc. Screen
Doors from $1 to S2,.^ii and complete with
all the hangers. If you want to make
these yourself buy the wire screen at
2 l-2c a square foot, and it comes in all
widths from 2'f to 4S inches.

See the Window. Display of Box Paper
And then come in and buy some.
you will find; prices are as low as anywliere. A splendid box of 24 sheets of
paper and envelopes to match for 10c'
Another style of linen cloth for 15c a box
—never saw the equal for that price. Some
new styles at 25c. 35e. -50c and CCk. The
boxes alone in many cases ^re worth the
price asked for the box antFthe paper.

Keep Your Lawn Smooth and Velvety
By having a good Lawn Mower. Got a
new stock—had to have them—sold out
all we had. These sell from $3 to $'<. and
we know they are goo^

Freezes your own Cream
in a "Wonder Frecrer" they are the best
that you can buy, for they have been
proved so many times, and you can buy
from the two quart size to twelve gallons,
and the prices are from $2.15 to $1'2.00.

Remember the "King" of all
machines the "White"
Wh are sole agents for this splendid
machine, and there are three prices. $30,'
S3-3, and $40 and wc make you most liberal
terms: If you want this good machine,
iusi telephone us and and we will see that
one of our people call on you at once
Don't wait’ Do it now.

That Postal Card was a Beauty
that you got last night, but dont’ you know
we have just as beautiful from our own
city, and you want to return your friend
one of them. We have 10 000 cards to
pick from, all the newest novelties. See
them now.

The Hannah & Lay Merc. Co.


Gnu4 -Traverse Herald


Orele e< tbe Bagtisi ^r^
brid at tbe hremtital bom* of Ura
Jobn R. Sinto al Oaiaata Tm

HagsRbaoh and WaM*e* Shew* Will
H*» inly 2A.
A. DesniL. wife and moUier of
IspanaaacvaadkiTinarcfM <e«*r sad
W. S. Freed, reprreentlng tbe great Pi. Wayne, pasred Ibloagb -he dry -sries gt (hr Cir. an t'oan tor IS* Cummij at
oe Ihvlr way to Leland this muralug.
Meedame.v Etta Floreore and W.
Brcckcnridge of Cincinnati, pa.'soj
this city OD the 2Ctb ut July, giving through tb*- city today ontbelr a.


the ladles making tb* trip on
Ibeffuamegou. The fuUowliig ofScer*
rare elected:

Hagenbacb and Wallace combined
s was la (he city today. -The
s made up of sUty-eIgbt can wl

Preaident. Mrs. E. L. Husbea.
nrst -riee preaident. Mrs. J. GIIIIs
Second vice - presWem, Mrs. F.
Third Tiee president. Mrs.



commlum In



these prites were at a loss lo deterw which had the most merit, as

Secretary, Mra. J..W. Gauollett.
Treasorer.-Mr*. Head.

twu piTiormances.



A sirfwial train, bearing wealthy
Plit.burg people and (amillra to U«e
numl«T of Afiy-four, passed through On Sstureay, the 1
the cMy Tiusvlay over ih*- I’en-

Special Train.

of them displayed originality and
extreme latte In arrangement. The
OmT«v........................................ nniaAd
Superiotendtmi of cradle roll and oommluee tH-tleves. however, that tbe
tdby band. Mr*. John R. ^to.
dlatrlbuUon of
above will accord with the seoUmunt
bMnd M Um pmoSm M Tn<«M CItj
Will Tneowrage Work.
of the pecffile who Hewed the parade [WHEN GRAND TRAVERSE BERAt a recent meeUng of the ofSoers and who voted ihe pony division one [
and deacons of the First Coogre^- of the l>est altractluns of the nitire,
llonal churrh the Rev. J. W. Suther­ line.
land. Buperiiiteodtait of tbe Hoote
TbM« la vHI Indlcntcd in Ui
Tt.e little folks who srrenced »hl'' JMIIpFn fRn||l «| in liP TO SI BO
feature of the parade are entllle.1 fo
mUIH «I.1U Of lU ♦I.OU
pMleoce or Uit) UM lecialaUirc on* Mtaslouury society and the Rdv.
AlIlQgion being prcweni
rut. It
Hoe ot •errk* which a aeoalbl
groat credit and they will have the!
vlaloD tf the eoDsUiuUoo could do tor
eoDsubitloa of kouwiog that their ef-^ muskE^N
the pe<^e of HlebIgdL Thai senice the church give Its heony coopera­ forts coolrlbiited towards one of the
woutd be to prorWe aoiBe practical tion In the laliors of the Re\
■nest street dUplayt Traresc
Alllngton on the east ilUe and Ibe ear­ •rer witnessed. These prize* will be
iDMiiB ot (reeiuc the tute la
On* Thing t* Oe.

tai« from cohaMeratlaD and dlapoKl
Uen of • eeiT Ions Mat of cit*
vlllace and toamahlp matterv. Theec
mattera are inponaat to the <
maoltlM toteranted. perfaapa. hut i
are not aepareteir Important to,

nest hope that ids '

paid by J. W. Hanoen. chairman of Car That Was la

abundantly sueeeaaful.

tbe parade cominiiloe at the Record

Marion Island.,


Other Markets.

then Ryant scored for the HusUers
The Indicted men will make
federal Agbi against belag taken to Detier. and the score stood 2 to l la favor eff
goremment In United SUtea Circuit They want tbe trials here.
oooit today be^n aall agalnat the
eral biaglea and tbe HusUers made
American Tobacco company and lU
A Wild Run.
MiMt T*li Why.
New Torb. July 10—Tbe

alxty^oor eubaUlaiy corpoiaUaua.
Breaking awny from » switch en­ several errors and Crandall. Broory
Under tbe proriMooa of the Sher­ gine In tbe Fere Marquette yards at and McM&ous crossed the pan. Nelson
f later.
Tbe Hustlers tried
man nnti-tnM law an loJuncUoa
Iman yecietday noon, three G.
naked U> raetraio the American o
G. R. * I. empty Aals ran down the herd to overcome tho lead but failed
Bnd tho gumu ended with the Indcpany and Ita aubfldiarlca a* a monop­ grade lu tbe treslU'. serms the s
aad crashed into switch engine pendanu on the long eod of a S lo 4
. One of tbe tcaturcs was the
aa an alternative the dlaaolutlno ot No. 127 In the ticket factory yards,
the corporatioOB and
the appoint*
sirs were badly smashed but the catching of Brief, a fourteen year
old boy. for tbe Independents. This
meet of recrivera.
makes the seetmd sUmlght for the In-

oly from doing Inter-etrue bualnw or

10—indletmeoU switching aad the eats were back
tbe main line. After the engine
dmrglng rebating were retnrned today
dgalBBt the Santa Pe mllroad and oew was nncoupled. they still kept morlng
gaUiering headway at every turn of
tadietmeciU were reported agalnat
tbe membera of the aebool aeat trvet. be wheels on account of the grade.
The accident occurred Just around a
> and tbe other engine crew could

CKange in Plan.
lee the rnoswaya coming. The
Owing to the fact-that a delay ot
•lly mlnateb 1* cauaed by atopplng at middle car was nicely folded, tbe
N»«b-u-*anta. tbe Cbequamcgoo will trucks on the outside and placed
of Uie track while the other
emit Ihli atop rom her trips. It takes
about twenty mlnutea to make a land­

Grand Traverse strawberriee
thing when they wi-rv unloaded
In Chlcagu yesterday. Tlie Miebigati
U-niet from Musk.-guo
■.ringing from a dollar to 31.10
wh.-o the car shipped from here




Woo.1 nuirist Imrvau. Th«-y left Pinsurg over the r.vmrlyvnnla lims taking
Ihe ih'ii' M.trquvlle at ToUkIu and
making ■ xcelleni Um.- from itn rc up
The eullre pany will spi’nd Ilieir lime


If nillrvnd Inn. which Is rw'ldly
filling with (he .<uiiim<v guests.

wUl do tl f work.


.iflio, . I



IkTtlle emplovod at the Souih Side
l.iuniHT company, C. G. Oldi- had ht»
right foot luidly rut l.y n chisel
when tho chisel sUpi-d and cut

Wc hare M iprciil boakIri on diKur. .d ruuJiry. CaUurwiitcl..toQe.

gush til the Inricp of Ills rigbl
The ambulance was railed and

. Hllllker.

Imerican Drug Co.


as lakcn to the lus-pital.

TiavCTM Cltr, MIcIl

Off the Streets.
e i«ai,l of health is having an

In eertalB real relate il,.;.-ui ,(.»
drawn by the city attor
cird.wvl. Ih-Vl the '.ih duv of
ney which will do away with the great
AugiiM. A. I). lfo7. at in the
IKirtlun of the displays In front of prol«l
rake. Iiiinglag all the way from tl.2u
• fruit and grocery store* of the
lo H-do, tbe greater iioniou of them
city. The ordlaauce will be pasM-d for
gvlng ul 3i.p.
aanliary reasons.
The car that was to liave gone lari
Is claimed that iho dost fron
eieuiiig, was held over ^niil today
l settling over he fruit and veg- e-vwlve w.v*s i.i raid .lav
liereby g|v.m
ou acouni of yraienlay's small
day .4 July. A
etnbrlei) and the Ales are injurious loering. Ill lhet!r:iii,lTrawTseH.-ral;I,' '*‘•'31'’^’!
ceipis. More fruit Is lielug sold ot
li.w.vl'fipr ercdlIh-alili and are (loterit factoi* In the a nowspai.-r priiluvl au.l clrculatikl in '
............................. claims Btralnst
•lay but the greater
dissemlnaiion of disease. Tbe board saiil roiinly.
r.vld .liw«sis| t.> said coiiri for rxno ohiH-etlons to merchants
while Black
itll enslltoik nt said deow-d are replaying their goods on the streets
Knight clMvri<« draw a yusner n
qulr.-d I.) inreamt their claims to sal.l
led it Is done In show case*.
<v>un. at Ibe pr.'baie oftle.-. In the city
The ESioo. a white sweet chi-rry,
«tf Trav.-n.. city, in said Coumy. on
offered yesterday but sold for a
John ..
Good Squirrel Story.
or Imfrw.- tbe 14th dsv «rf Nmembor
Me., "1 ai.ply H
lar. Tliey ai e nice looking and almost
Arnica Snlv
The Central school grounds
IK !S«7, and ilut said claims will
a perfect tnill but poor keepers.
home of a large nnmber of squirrels excclli-ni n»ii1ir" Guanuitrexl ... U- heapd l.y said n.iiit on Thursday
111.. 14th day of November A. I). ISS'7,
About ail yesterday's wetshing
which greatly amuse the vlsilora
fi'ver *«r«-s, lndol. nl
pll.». at urn ..-cl.wk In Ih.- bwemam.
liiirnrj- -wounds,
bites, t '
ord shows Is hug*. A large number grounds, and the resldenu on
Dal.vl July Iftth. A D. Ht.G,
weighed In yesterday for 1
nelgliboring streets.
Tbe little fel­ skin ii*« 2ae at C. A. Hiigl
,. Ilonnab Ihiig Store. S.
Ruffalu shiptnem which was nude
lows make their home not only In the
Sons, drug stonw.
Judge of 1‘n.liut...
Sylvester Urown.
. <w the campus but lb the shade
. on Seventh street and Eighth |
iiulouded and the 4w> casi-s at almusl
perfect fnilt dlsjilayed lo the 1
they wimt like Uie






streets, and the residents

So great is tbe demand
outside and so high the
prices lor Grand Traverse
strawberries, that there
was not a box on sale in
the local markets 1



streets are giving them much allea-


llon by placing outi I nlhe In-es aad
In olher ways. If the small ehildren
TT.wdles and dogs can be made to
l.:,ve the squirrils t.lom- lii a f.'W
scars they may becime an object of.

We issue Time Certificates paj-able on demand.

:k i.n.1 kldiu-y trouhlo.
UlankcnrUlp. ..f R.-ck, Teim.
.. iu...-t lo
I.. an :il»oli
:il»o|iiu- certaini
; Kl.virlc mti.Ts will posll
n. The
dlrtr.-s.-dng conditinn. B.,vv n... gnuil rHi.-f andj


vere more or leas damagd.

months, they will bear i n t e r'e s fatuiif; rate of
from the date of deposit.



tbe boat to be late oo ber return trips
to tbit city from Cbarieroix.
Aa the Oo^ama la making two

for their hoorty eooperalloo la
her farm residence on
July 4. and set it on Are. because she bl» work and voicing Ills hope for the
future of tbe church.
Cartridge Oo. will be tbe guest of the wanted the insurance.
Hay per ton................... 18 00 © l2u.0D
the sermon, he quoted:
One mao saw her and chased her In­
Bod and Om club oo Friday afternoon
jK‘r lb
............................... 1
•He that reeelvelh you.
receivcih Chick-tis.
Jtdy It. TbU geoUeman is a pn>- to the wroods but she got away.
be that recclveth me. recvlveth
Died of Appendicitis.
fanskmal trap abooler and every club


Oxford, July 8-Mn>. Anna BnglUh Him that sent me “
)fc, Atwell then spoke of tbe church
Ua ezbIblUoD. An effort will be made Bailey, aged S«. who hod lived here
Iweniy-Are years. Is dead of appeodl- as It Is looaUy, a body of people work­
to bold a big ahool at this time
ing toward ono great cod—the king­
dom of beavt-n. He then took it up
Died of Appendicitit.
member I* Urged

....... -........
............... -

(o be present

Holly. July S—H.
Died at Uie Asylum.

was sick a week *



b appendicitis.

generally and fi>okf of Itasihe king­




dom of heaven, afterword dividing H
three parts,
the portion here,
parudh-e and the kingdom

Uiaa Bnlly Belle Trask, aged Si



He *i>okr of Christ s.>nd1ng His hand­
The Williams Plant.
The W. E. Willlains plant started ful of desclple* Into the world to
proscb the gospel, and how that mecbertaikali. Hiss Trask'i borne was at their entire plant for the Arwl
sage bad passed across the ecvuuries
loala and ber mental ooudltlon was this mnming and the fsclory is
dne to oreretndy. Her mother, Ur*. running practically full Mast. Tbe U- until He was standing la this church.
BtU Trask, took the remains to Low- bor problem Is also bothering this Imparting the great teachings to
y«ar«, died at the asylum at « o'clock
y*Bterdayy<Damlng of pulmonary

eD for burial yesterday morning.
Rcaert Open.
Kortbern Uloblgan's summer guests

mcern as they have not mea enough Traverse City parisloners.
Along ihU line he said that Cod
run tbe mill to Its capacity.
needed messenger* lo do the work
New and Improved machinery
'en placed fa the stead of the old and urged every church member to

are begionlDg to

large and the number of nischinc* is also
Tbe through trains <
larger which makt-s It passible
eosne of them north erery day urbfle
out a great deal more Aooring
many ar» in and about the city al- than Ibe old mill could.
A Twelve-Footer.
Mra. A. 3. Deuer and family of

buckle on the armor, take the sword
of nghteousnes* and go into the world
after unsaved souls snd for some time
talked along line* thol could not help
Inspire his bearers lo greater cfE.
I Ih* evening service, Mrs. F. E.

FTed D. CurtU has just Uanched
relve-footer motor boat wbich is as Notewara and B. Versey Legg gave an
cat Uirir way to Leland where they
complete aad as well Aoisbed as boau
wtll open their cottage.
colly rendered duet.
ly times ber length. She is equipTbe Misse* SterUog and Bbeohart
ot Toledo, paased tbroogfa tbe city on wd with a one and one-half horse
Cured et Lung Trouole.
Chlvki-ns, live weight
>wer Bcllpre motor and skip* right
their way to Leland.
port Wayne, paased through the city


you hold these Certificates for a period of time not

Interest In the city.

shorter than six months, nor longer than twelve
These quetstlena ar* urefully e«f
Meted every day. The local market
prieee are supplied by local dealers
Biweer of the |»oor at F'lwl Madis..!
, says: 'Tir. King's New I
;j rightly nadiwl; th--y
agreiwbly. do more gucel nnd make one
feel better than any other laxative."
Giuirnmeed to cure liilloiisiu-**. an.I
- Iglae
d. K
Unig O'.. Hai.iiali Drag Sloiv, s,
Wail £ Sena drug stons.
Mllhig mces.

Rev. C. D. Atwell Here.
Clear!,nekpork, per 18.00
The Rev C. D. Atwell preached his pork.p.-r
State New*.
Jackson. Mich., July S-Mre. Wil­ Arstercgulanwrrocin InCracc Episco­
liam H. Mann was arrested this morn­
. I'C,
ing charged with burning her house eubjecl pertained to the church, what
trip* a day oow tbe people at Ne«hwas and Its work In this world,
It Midland. It Is clslmed
la-aranu will be able to get to and.
preceding the address, he talked a
Mann disguised beraeU in men's
from tbe dty eery eoaraleatly.
rltffblng and a pair of goggles and few minutes lo the parisloners asking
ing there and the dela}-


thin al T.,'2
having TuW-.lo at S
I, cluck lo-*t eveiiiug.
Then- were three ster-peris in Ibe car
and the jarty irere wider tlw E.

H.- was shaving off u ilmlvr

peoiriF <Y the whole aute. Tbejr

game. noUiiag brilliant but
_ For Ceniplraey.
MUa Knelt* M*rrl«tf.
there all tbe Umo with a good heady
Milwaukee. July 8—WarranU
in the dtr of the mamage of Hlaa the arreel of Afleen well knowo MllPeck ran the Arat tally across
ikeeaos indlcietl on the ebarge of
KatlwriDe Koaln and Oeorge D. Cullle Arat Inning, being bit In by
ton oa the Sftb of Jane at Jaduon. ootuplracr to defraud tbe goverume
Armstrong. In the third section Hlgon making fraudulent eniriea to eo
gire scored fitnn the Independants.
, 10 Colorado, will be aerred t


Will Keep Fridsy Afternoon.


Light Receipts—Cherricf and

One bit and two i-rrors cost the
llanche Way. Um Way. Ruth
Hustlers the game yesterday afterMeckle. Luclle Lucas, Alice Kyselks.
eonigri which was
beRuth MerriAeld. Florence aad Carrie
Ibe ladependents and Husilere.
Earl. Minnie Votruba and brother both locd teams, was rather loosely
arboae dlstricU ther beloac, and they
wmie. Lottie and Bertha Pelertyl,
can aa well through tame other meant
played et time* and yet ih-re was
Roeet and wUe and Violet Wllgood iilaying sprinkled through
be diapoaed of
hr local authorltr
LeitUlaUtre aeaslona could be aborteo belm nnd Flossie McMIrhael.
the Innings.
John Ashton Sid Johnson and Ned
ed almoal br bait If the burden
The Huulers ottered Peck, an unRehoe
baring to do with affalrt entlrelf lo
knosrn, to serre them up for Ibe Arut
island for a two weeks' outing.
cal could be olherwite diapoaed of.
three Innings and the Arst Afteeu men
Charloa Owen aad a party of tour
up got but one hit off ot him and then
re also camping on Ibe island.
Finpera Cut Off.
without any apparent reason Peck
The sleamer Onekama is dolai
A. Fergooa of $!S Waabingtoo
was shifted to left Add and Gibson
ood business In the artenwons
atnet had the lUUe Anger and part ot
took his place on the mound. Here
The next dager Uken off in a ma- the Island, the people taking the Chetbe slaughter began for the Indepeodlegon back to town.
AI<out Afcblae at the faaikel factory yeeterdar.
connected with Gibson few sever­
young ladles came out yesterday
Vbe Anger* were not bruited but cut
al aafeilea and the scoring Wgan. Mc­
aliernoouvery eleanlrIntyre for the Independents pitched


Evening Was Not Sent Owing I

Marion lidanil. July lo—The visitors
larton y.wterday were;
at. Mar

In realltr umllr diapoaed of hr
hieaJ membere of the ledalatore

Murqii-ii,. „ti ibi4r way

l. voix when, they will spend the *um
tti<-r. They arrlveil at tlo-Ir destllia


The boat U a "spsre Um«" product
Grand hating been built entirely
by Hr.
Curtis in tbe basemeot of bis borne,
1:S0 July 13. al Grange hall on
an excellent piece ot work and
Orange Meeting.
Tbe regular meeting
Trareree (Srnnge will call t

street. The aabject for diacuaskm Is
so well pot up that It li
-mtat property sbould be exempt sonad aad tight as a dollar.
from uxBtlon."by J. J. Palmer. Work
Pony Prisem
mwl weight. ITU pomuia-- TkooMdsj Chic.vgn. Joly
nr tbe drut and second dm
are heeled every .
Tbe following prism bare beea
ing mmnbcrs are-arelccca*.
il'vc: oeu..
awarded for tbe pony dlvislOB of the Joetwnteed at C. A- Bugbre
Uetrali, July
Haaash Drag Store.
Fourth of July Par^:
hoc and
tlJ>ftSon* drag stores.
corn, ;:i*c; oaW.
Tb* annual nKvUng eg ibe UlaaioO'
Henry and Oevald Hull, miniature Trial bottle free.



Oldest and Strongest Bank in
Northern .Michigan.

There will be rued of ii.seaicides.
For Potato Bugs nothing
has ever been discovered that
is as good as PURE PARIS
GREEN unfortunately mart
get liolii of some of the poor
grades with which the market
's flooded and results are
satisfactory as the Potato
raiser not only «astes time
and money but also loses his

Celebrate the Fourib
of July


at Traverse City
and buy your

VVe carry none but the
L avsoturg's Star Brand of
Pure Paris Green and store
it in a cool place away from
oil and water which often
makes the very best Green


We have handled the same
brand fo» years and our ,
tomers always report sure
and good results. In bulk
in boxes. Prices the very
lowest that good Paris Green
can be sold at

City Book Store

Drug Store
Cor. Front £ Tmon St.
Travir*e City, MicL.

af the

The only large stock in the North­

ern part of the state.
Wholesale orders also so­





By Wir« to tht Evening- Reeerd.

*. Tttr Utf. » III I I; *.
k. Xif Pi-Uwii; iMHl
r: A.J71IW—

Detroit, Mteh, July ID—The Miehlgen Bute

! Timer W. S- »lar«
■ T Huiiab.
■a. C. 0«tK. Ji«7 SUUna. W. W.

Banker*' aeeoelatien

unanimeut vote aceeplad the



tibn of Peter White and cheee Mar­
quette a« the neat meeting place and

^ cot all«ve4 n Tloe t>e9Mlt>

elected L. G. Kaufman of Marquette
preeident of the a«oeiailen.

I ttis wtA 2.825 \


Firet vie* prcaidenU IPort Huron: second5

V. Kummai. dtod >t lb«
SuBdar tsonlac. aced

Samuel Garland, of




vice president


Fm Falling
Thus cried the hilr. And a
kind neiehbor came to the re$<
cue B'lfh B bottle of Ayer's
Htir VI«or. The hair ««
saved! This «as because
Ayer’s Hair Vi£or is a regular
hair medicine. Fallins hair is
caused by a eertn, and this
medicine compieiely destroys
these germs. Then che healthy
scalp elves pch, heilihy hair.

secretary. Fred E.




treasurer; A. A. Andersen. Hattinge;

* to Tiararae Cttr in Juir 1*60

Mid - Summer

Tb* bsrt kind ot s tosUmonlsl "Bold tor evor oucv yoars."


^cbeut nentu.

|py y«an. , He was soperrlBor ot .|
■ spansbip for eleveo ytwnand _
BrooitarDi worker la tbe ialereots of
I whole Orasd Ttwr«r*e recloe t»li
MmclQBxTmkea st Koosforvbv PrvvloQi
I iwDoral wKh hU family to ArtanTwenty four Hobjw ___________
A few yean ago be i«
or. Birthertand Bpoke.
I Relief for Women.
f'nratabed Birlwesly for U» S«rald by 8 B
ravoiwe aty wherw he bad
Dr. Charles A. Sulherland of Lan­
a home. While Id the
sing spoke to a large and attentive
Fbrtb*i*DOtBor Jui.r. me.
audience at the Fifth ward h.-ill
day morning.
His auliject
“The Mission of the Choreb of To­
day." Hr. Sutherlgod Is supciiDtend■s and served unUl the close of the cnl of mlaalont for the OotigreimUontl
Mis. J. M. Umgoecker I
V. He waa a eapable man. and In charts of Michigan and haa been
their home at Della,
■th* poaiUoam la bu tovnablp which the clly for a few days, looking oi
-» called DpoD to Bll. hi* serrlce*
spending aome lime a.-,
eealnaDtiy satlsractory. and In the work of the cast side. He «
guests of’their sonT Pred^LongneSer.
arty days be was wHI-known very much pleased wllh the wt
dono thus far and with the bopetal
outlook for the future as well.
STRAYED—On i” my farm. 1 fcniakThe work ia now to be pushed with lOg. an and prove property, pK.^
vigor. The new organlrjiilon vrill be Ismages nod Uke same. J. \V. Slater
perfected soon and eu-ps will be taken
at once to secure a auttoble home for
Mn>. Grace Qrant Charles
I. Mary Cmania^ Hr*. Kate Beo the work In some conveulenl location.
t Mra. pay Harper. Hra. Myrtle
A Certain Cure for Aching Feet.
-ard, Mra. Oee. Dago. Mrs. Cum
I and Mrs. Harper Ure in the



Ladies’ Tailored Suits
------- ^Hali Prices------TxO YOU think you could spend your
\J money to better advantage than
to bay a suit at. fast half price 7
There are some decidedly clever things
in Fancy Mixlures, Checks and Stripes.





AchC^--!strT;AiftT.2r ^


. Hamilton and nephew Alpha
di. made a tnp to Trarcrae
\ Satnrday.
I White's sister and htaa
k Clrveiand, O.. apeet the Fourth
r. Krrrhner
e botae and stayr the PhDrth.
llamllloa-s daogliter fmo
> made him a abort visit
I Saturday.
y bker nod family were eamplne
r Platte river orer the Foorth.
BlDgtoo A Flaher are making
1 Bleep of their reaori i« Green
L with John Boab aa the push.
V- Ceaklln and family have moved
I the little houee formerly occupied
■mt. Dodd.

u>d SB SI ureirr fe' of
fur In >old woTicser
nr oroDMUlnc si taw or Is «juU» I
tmlltoud to rwroTrr U» luosn
nfasJ* r-muion) u **1^1 loortcsr,-. sbo ion
•UtBta IB aa-ih CBM iBBdr and iwondrd. aotl.w
labrrrlrT clrra tbat OBHsIBrdBT tta* Itch day
nf B-u-MibI.t a U leul. SI ID o'.-lork ta Uiroresn.D. I >)ib1I >vll bIiioI II.- BO.-tioB. t.>lh>
Iiirhn.1 Iddd.T BJ IbrNonhyrool direr oflhr
.reort Scre^ lo rbo rlTr of 1 rarorsr Cur ilhsl
Selnr tBs |ilsr* whsr* thr H-oslI roort for
Ursnd TrsTcns ta bold«ii. Lhr ivroolre- d.w
•ribrel lBsBidmoii*s*».or»o niii<.inhrr.«f s.
rasT be nsruwsrr t.. irey tb* smoiiiit dii<-on
said Bortjrmr*. wllb Mx per <wnl Int.Tiwt. and
slHruslrrys. IncvUiBr
u atior^

d*w*rHwdas fotinm--, I.) wii 21iai[4inBBrt of
Ihr bichwsr ..f Ihr (Oreth-rw-l VBart»r of ll
S'ortb.rWHl lJu-rUT of Hr--tlMD VhlrtTlI.n
TouBship Tw.niy Hclii K-ril.. .< Kuir- Kit
Wmt . oostalBlax Thirty risbt aerM n>on- i




Pere Marquette

Don’t that aociD jt»t about riulit to you? Yonr cloth
would I'oat yon Icaa, of courti-. but think of the time
•AVixl. and yonr titui- is aa valuable aa any ong’d.
There lire rbartBiDg aiimmiT trucks madi- in a variety
of Btj'lea of Plain White Lawna. Fij;nrcd Lawna, PiToalea
aitdliitif^hamsanilarc pricoil

From $1.50 up
Thursday. July 2Sth.

Wash Goods

UNle Prices.

\ ou can well utTuril now to liny wush (ioo<i*. even Tf you
are siipplieil for this ai-aaoa. 1ml wv believe yon will welcuhie a nt-w gown for this eummer.

Elkskin Shoes

the Cure of Woman-* Ills.
The Natlimal Slatidard IMi

pat on
Cool Summer Dresses Ready


and pages, arknowli'dged aa viamUnl
aulhorliy in ih« medical prnfesalnii
evorrwhere It was edlti-d by
wnrld-fanied physicians as Hnlisrt.
Amory Hare, M. 11.. profetwnr of Iberapeutlm and mnlrrla medlca
Jefferson Mi-dlcal CoUi-ge
CP of Phllad
I. Mlefa, Jaly B—Mr. and Ur*. plila, Henry H. Rusby, M. 11-. of C
linlvcrrtty, Hew York
1 are the proed parents
baby boy which arrived at their
great medical authority t
e July 2nd.
crilie* the action and use of tho li
k Campbell expects to open np medlclnita rccocnln'd in the phan
petas of the I'nli.-d Stab
I Brlt|dr«g adore la a tew dayk
and Germany, wl
with uiimcmus
. ..
r Clark and famny have gone oln.
refemicre to oihere. In dlsmssJug
w aonthem pan of the aute for a the pnrpcnies of Life Root. thU best
ot aulhurtliea explains thu wonderful
It. W. M. Ilo^aa and Mr. CampbeU action of this medirlnc on the deUealc
y «w the PDorth of jBl^at Buck- menstrual organism of women. The
remed.v farnrs an Inm-aaed discharge
when tho monses are loo seamy and
r. Sracken and family and Hr. luilnful. uid regulates the menstrual
e and family are rraon'ing at fiinrtlim wlMm Irregular or >o profiisc.
NoUce that the eneei
effect is
U lo tvpilute
F lake reaon tkla week,
ual funrilomi of thi-se
and restore
a Peart Reyntdda apent the 4th organs.
lO matter whether the trouble
Ji her Mend Beth Bracken at 811|hike.
postte profuse.^
This medicinal plant. Ufe .Boot,
:. MelnUiah U vtamng Mends at
with others of equal value, are found
' y this week.
In Zoa-Phora. Your druggist will sup­
y Davis who bad hU leg broken ply you wllh this remedy, already prey iDiprovlag.
pan4. eompouudeil lu pisi the i
rirnportims. anil put up In s<i
r. Barnard U very alek.
dollar bottles- Ask bln
e UnUe of Traverse Clly ta sterlllied,
y.o«-F1)ar*—no further .-xplanstlon
ling ap a large waithouae here. will be needed Kaeh larkage
IwBl be all ready to buy potalOM tains ciinipU-te and explUli itln>e
for using the iu<-dlclne, also a copy of
•Dr. rimgelly's Ajlvlee in Woou-ii." a
s Crandall wtnl to Buckley little
book of great value, expl.ilnlng
■ m and 4lh to pUy ball with the about the various forms of womanly
r tsam.
weakness and disease and the pmire
treatment for their cun-.
If you desire more information
I Te the Biek aad Afflietad.
. HnOonald can show you the shoot 7xw-Phor*. the Eoa-Phot* Com­
ord cif medlctne used pany. aKUmaxoo, Mich, will cbeer, _ _____ > obtained of thoosly answer all inqulrlf*. So hlgt
|a wf iMiiile trusted by him. Tbts
thortiy regarding the value and ti
Of a medicine Is known than tl
above mentioned. In addition, and
[Mrdkioald you know him to be prove conclusively to the most skepti­
kid aad booeat In all be tells you. cal, the value of Zoa-Phora, we bate
■ever aacHBccs manhood for the Ik.
ere.l evTW-ftenei' of Dr. penT oor does be profess to perform
' ■ ■ I nrw all curable
presertpilon constantly
I. Call and see him In bis prlrate practice for many year*
* Part naee hotel. Traverse City. ia tnwHog the various diseases at '
b -SUurday. July SOU), t II Seni­ tllmniu to whlrh the delicate orga
Imn of woman Is singularly suhieci.
'lo* trea..



•tel. LeRuy. K. V

pylle. Jnly 1ft—There eras a
bratloa at Sastoii** resort si____
About 200 ot our beet farmers
k lake the Phorth. ^/y one who aured last year In the Slate Mutual
B VyUa enjoyed tbemai
Cyclone Co., of which ex^Jovemor
Rich la president.
«.nlll enu doead dartng the last
Many farmers In Michigan have loti
k to lire the hoys a chanee to cel- the profits of a Ilfciime by cyclone*,
0 tho glortoan Ptmth. hot nian- and the wise man will profit by their
p'agaln Mooday moralng. .
u John Patterson bn gone to
This company paid orer I20.w>n 1 TlaltlDf her grandmother, who near Caro, two years ago. and
k there.
losses laat >far.
1. to Mr. nnd Mr*. Cbvter Samlu growth baa been very f*pM ai.d
Id Iwt TsMday Joly 1 a aoo.
)ly one aSaesament baa been made
il of thP boyrwbo went hone 1 too year*.
^ werk to vartoaa plaeta, returaed
Tfae company has been ' highly
Ight, BO aa to be od band spoken of by Uie conBnlsslimer of Inmlng.
aurmnee and Michigan farmer, anil no
. Bd^ acod-family of MesIck. fanner should be wllhnut a pu'.-ty lu
a rsiBplng Mor Hod lake,
reliable company, as it costs but
i^biefcen op camp and retonied lltUe.

$10 Suits, $ 5.00
$12 Suits,
V $15 Suits,
$20 Suits, 10.00

Men, Boy’s and Youths

50o Wash Goods now 2So
25- Wash Goods now 17c
Wash Goods now tlr
P.-tin niR and ouluringa wen- never at pretty os thit soaaon,
andnuw ia the tiui-- ij Imy ihem.

You Will Not Buy Prints Again
at Ihls Price.
:i.C00 yaris SLiuJard Priula in 1 lo
10 yard li-iiuthB, for, |>er yard ...................................
:i.000 yanla full Standard I’rints in itidigocB and grey*,
10 to 11 yar-ilemrths, iWedo
not cut llipse.) I'oryahl............................................ UC'

Here*s/a Towel Bargain
10 doz. u Satin ij.imaBk Tcwi-Ib, 1kx:w> inches, hcmstitclied
■ ■ of the most li‘.-i'ilifu! tuwi-ls
we everjsaw for tlie price.............................
Vou have paid 'lOc for no l•ett•■r.
BiK-<-iiil jiurcbaBe c-naliU-B ut t<>
sell 111- III ut this prict'.


Elkskin Shoes arc ihc Cro'est ami most Com­
fortable Shoes that a man can put on his feet. Always
soft and pliable.

W<- have ad-h'-! alrii:! ei\ty-5ve new .Skirts to thoee we
selling at $7.75. wnrtli $8.50 tO $15.
patitms -iii-l ooloriiiL's.
Tlipr.-ar. f--w of thos.- $3.75 Skiru left. They
areextra g<»! f"r ilu- pric--


And how they will wear
Elkskin Shoes will stand more hard knocks and

69c, 90c, $1.19, $1.50
FI LL LINE >>i Sl/E:r

rough usage than any other shoe on the market.
We don't just see how you are going to pul]
through this summer without a pair of Elkskin Shoes.


Th’-s-.-ar- uisl ti.*--lays wii-n an-xtra .Siiirt Waist or two
will .-oiiie in ver>- iian ly au-1 wt- ar<- offunni: t;j<mi so ch.-ap
that vou - ati aff-inl to have pli-ufy of llit-m.
Hi-N- are f-.Lir spt-ci.ils:

Two Lois of Embroidery
One at IS cents

One at 25 cents

Holb br- cV'Vpt;ori..l vai-'S—s-rni- -jf the
wid- r on..* worti. up to 50c. The
25c lot iS wi-jf enongh. for corv-t oovtrs

last very long

Don’t forget the Semi-annual Clean-np
in the Carpel Dept
Store Closed Every Friday Afternoon



Grand Traverse Region.

Bertie Halladay
n a aeretaJ <
vuw tiaa la^w "siLxu
rdatlves and friends here, returned t
City are t
Lambkin i
CWcago Friday.
Chat. Wes....
___________aif was observed s( the
Dordman n»lior* July third.
M:. and Mr* H R«an and children
s Carl ai
BaplUl church Sunday evening withAurics
and Mias Maud Bald-'r turiird tl.i*
.* umralortn^
lu'ini ,
There air #(> Mndenls of (he 1' c.I
,t of Wea......................
good program of *ong.> and rrclia~
til- > neu; to »p.'3d t
. at ( Uaxis on Qlon lake.
: Mr
Frank Hopkins Sundsy.
r---yd Davidson, who'has a
Qoiie a mimbeiefn.m this plaer ai
Mist neorgla Fewless of Bic Raptraded the «th of July celebration at Ids b the guest of Mr*. J A. Tnpp.
Empire. _
PetersKunsunbouM r wa* the g'uest
lortie aunphiil, who I* emplnyrO oP hi* finer. Mrs, Mose Bowerv. over
Ml-« M«-.J l:-:r,ep of Manre’oua Is'
by the ChIcaco port nffl» Is gpcndlnii
r fine kpeclni'.n of hydra
,«• .u r^ c( h.T MMi-t, Mrs. J.'K..
The Rev. Herbert, who wRh his
this place.


SlTr. i/Si'iseseseesoseaea mWMwmwwmmw

0000 HARBOR.
Bird«oa of Ulckentoii
■Ittde liU twreou a short rii

‘‘(Trand** Trave'4^
of or.r large win,low.
m of seliool at this place
u'«ra<':.e appoaron.Friday ( f :Ut of June. A plcolc cro|.en,.K-h IQ advai,e.-of the crtd>s In,
held II the Old Settlers'
bad enough rain here. It Is appurt-nl'
Mi»s .Vem-s J..rq-*-.»<,f Travn..-n.y,
WMIer Oeo. Binges of Trsrew
that the Benrie people have bad less.' »•»» 'h,.( trl.-:ids here lasi,Po*vr
Adah Thayer left for B^-iUlre] IVursdav and Friday
Al th
lag'- prieenied (hr Biirdl
Scofield, a llii.-man (or the Bell' evening:
IKirl nf the »<-ek
HIM MolUf Msck of BUiroeon Bir. will, a
of her grandfather.
[' le'.-i-hoi,- r.Hnpany
...... .....u, JUuus'a
WU.. spent the 4tii wlUi her sunl. lin.' Uncoin which was crvatly appwiat. |
Mrs. Agnew Is an old resident!
’* ‘'onolderable talk of hav. | Tiav.rse n,y. oa «,r the:‘''-“•I
B. HlnAer.
a. company.
.1..,, l.,, .
.dnar., I
Lsnra Peterson vest to Uonroo
Mr. IJneiiln.
Center to vuit with her sister. Mr*
Tody, for a while.
•Mr*. John Helm and daugliter Mar ;
Mr. and Mrs. Oeo. Creetefa of 8Uiriret of Chicago aiv visiting (rl*-nd»,
■eon toy, Wl«.. apenl
Ctoteer tlslied h.-re for a few

Mrs. rrretch i parenu. ______________
ill filin'-at Jay., tb*Oau.-r lun of the wwk. |,.|(.
The Rev. Mr. Haskins of Empire, j Buckley. July Fourlli
a Mlosker
They mnde tbo trip In
,n> Uig Rapids to bit
.. <*n.
'•.cwolloe launch.

Burglary Insurance
Et.w haurofu?


Mist U Peterson of Thief Rl<
Mins., who has been ritmtiK here
some time baa gone to Frankfort.
The Ber. and Mr*. A. A. Reeds of
M. T. Bute, are TtslUnf with U
daughter. Mrs. f3d«anl Swanson.
Angus portner spent the 4lh
Mr. nnd Mrs Uomian Slesler sp
the 4th with their no. William.
— •
Mr. and Mrs. Aug.
■pent the 4lh with friends at Arcadia.
Win Sleatn- of Arcadia. Mich.. Is
rlsIUng here at present.
July *. a

Kawilngs at-ii.l

vault, alio f..r

loea inmi

nnxicin hitdi •-l-ast ufe -with ,t:m • I..cV

triply sure, carry
t'-.-tC'! ?'



-W, II


\ cs. It IS out mK- always t" I* tg

‘ of Car,..da 1* ih.- gue-t
. J. F .\l.-.,be«*.


or LouBiy t-I .

or Stale of



larger crop of cherries. Negl coniit
Ihe applew with a targe CTr>|i. The
movefl to Traverse City.
Im.rers will noi have to hunt for dieui.
Mrs. Will Ooble spent FYlday with' M'tierever
n-h..i^-or ihire is an orrhard, then-bm- parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wllllan” necr^er
is (nili.
Mrs. Henry HHm
MIB Morse and Miss Kent are ncciipylng there rollace and overseeing
their fruit fai-ni. Miss Mo e Is prliisehool In
Miss Clara Roentgen of Grand Rai*

ttlo or

We hart- a higb-daM vault and w.ihi n


horse belonging lo Dr. J.
. . mson arddenilr hrok.- It* lew
Sunday while In p;,Mi.n'. The animal
wa* sliot.
Harrtfon Sjner of Suniniit
aa a Kingsley tisKor Monday, brln*
tng with him Iierhaps the tiuesi *|,i-c-l
im-ns of strawbt-rrles ev-r grown lu
tbl* soctlmi. It requlfsl only fotineeii
Ilf th'-ni to fill !i quart Jar
They are
known a* the ' t'nrle Jim" variety and
Mr. S|)eer senired the w-ts from .y
AUegnn rouniry' a lew
vMirs a
Glhhs Is having .another,
wire Kiruug - |K.w-« house at
Mayfield lo
•t lighting.
decidedly quia
of m;r |ai|iillailon


"tiier baruW-proof devirei. tfario lo imk.- uisur.ui.v

Another e'-UM-ni
-* ‘
IghlaWesley Ujiin. of il.i. uTlaT'-. has,
street, in
"1 Wni. Wrii
llalla I heen, hi'ii-i
j'll.p",!}- I
r.-.- of Koluniaro' ojll.-ge, to
day I* doing the wi
goes to
thi* Keeiieu «f th'- rUte.
Heiii-v M'>». Frui
Or-oin-, r"pr.wc-kn
Ihl* tuiiKirt
lH>rtan( itosi
Angell a . Ernest Nickerson • w
held hy Mr John ii,lli>, deo-au'-d. i
preerdiiog unli-es
Hopkin* Creek
Truvei-M- City.
,e servlo..* of Mr. Charles
imy ir
K.m.,1 IV.I-,..
Wetherlll who with a friend I* s|>eu<i
A SnKrh terrier ts-longlng to Jar-u
lug a couple of luonlh* in thU plaer
>l;e. who has an .-neellem ‘ K'l.-r-cuiiir.- lu cuulai t. with a mrvwtn
B<«h the yollug men are working ui
a milling company at MiJ. machine .,|.v«.'-d hy Wrn..
the evnngellMlc work.
<• alilnia:.- legs Idlevllle.
Mrs. Chandi'-r does not seem lo
Bei-t. of Terre
Improve tmich. 1( any.
Cherries will be ready to pk-k In
a week. You rould not fee a nicer or

bunk t.,-! only

• Itylicht • Hold-up".

Uyiun Rr>g'-rs i* enc’gvil lo iiaJming

J-ily I

U paF* ■

if ADjr. ba'. atao for (Um.-ig. b> v,.u!i. saf,.

bhrgUrs to open

H“tarB,-Ra “
......... .

" r,;,™’::;,.-'"'


fornilnre and viudowv rcs«ltin»; from an uti. itipt by

I'-'tJ m ........... .

As. Many



I- -.......... -I.

their prcll)-;
Any iiiicatv iiv;il.l" tell- ,.f ,




Hwii'-ml'.'r ibr name—Duau'*—and *.
Will Serve Five Yearn.
r!..n Fiuneiveo. J.ilv Ba-

C-oi-ge M..Jge M.'n.lay
itr'- Kl'in'-y J'liu <

e-,... IL yhhml..
was-today sen-.
.lav Mrs J
iiinutu- .,
• n.'d l-> jndKe Ihione-to eerM- fire
"(f^an h.y.I
Will Hoffifiati
)'iirrlia>.-d a lln- 'Mir J It 1
. uud the I
(Jtvrg'new I'

| R.-v
Trav.-r*.- City. Mich ,
ly-. "My k.-i l'»t> in ,wi.on for irregularltle. la
:'sl true Tor,
Ml*. Man- Schlrl-.T'-I
lit asslKling'ilieti,
Ml*. IVIe l*ahl »,rh h-r hou*.-i,-irt; ,Mr.. Wilr
. elil.-r sympt
i''-tit:nl l.-il.'- 1.- r
j Bu...t of u
Tlu>*. ILiwIlm.-* and d-Tighl-r. Mi—
Mi>' May
Kuie. aiieiide.l th--. rho* .yt Kmta-I- y last Thirr.dav to viiend U:e riiniui'W, “•r- of an <•)Ten^l<'• ..lor. My ha.r...-al<y ...ght,
, ul ib.-ir pretty summer Cottage.
-«uld ache and IhtW. with pain
* a-vewe headaebewa
hot. n.»* | J,-*“rit;_-Vr-.
Fn„.l< Saver and .>neF„^.,Mr*
« -I. 1,.., -11...,^., .d....-

Ida Is Tislung Mias Birdie Bggll.
Hr. Jamison, who Is working on the
and Mr*. Burr Kroiipahare
bam for Mr. WilHama.
'“?• spr-arvd and killed
» ahlngllng. fell the <
I nothing hut a ^ha
ly few. striking on lit
^ after thi*.
also cutting hIs head quite badly. He
was taken home and s doctor sumThi^ iRidles' Aid will be held in the
chiireh Wednesday |n the afternoon,
Mr. and Mot. En-e Yeimiani arc pro- "f”* » '“"F
'»Ft until after the
paring to more In Kingsley.
cherries and berries arc picked.
There Is an e«ra gang W-men. ofl
Pt-ople are eutUng ihclr hay; the
Mr ;iml Mr.-. ll..,-i-y Ki..-.|.p "I Ui.v-k ,, r*. and Ihe whoh- inrn,i l.'rug In *’"r "lo'h.-r iv-nwriu-s had lavii r riiCh.vrle* H.uflln
about thirty three at work repairing I dry weather will sburten the buy crop
H<»(!ln ha* Iiegmi
liegmi th
the cn ' rie.n Mr. an ! Mr. K K..uhtir- ' whir.- i,.,k"d v.-ry dniniy. Many prvt-•| »ucc'**fiilly and
slntctlwi <>r a eetiH-nl w-alk on
.h S..U.I.,}.
tbs P. M. R. &. near this place.
ju g«>d deal.
July I.
1 July 6.
Malp aired for Weslu]- llunn.
J-ilj s
I given in honor <>
I tlniiing-wuh tl


.flh; ^




Be sure and take advantage of our big JULY CLEARANCE SALE. It will
save you from 10 per cent to 25 per cent on everything you buy in house
furnishing goods. If you have been figuring on buying goods this summer
or in the early fall come in at once and get our prices and we are sure to
satisfy you that you can save money by buying now, even if you have to
store your purchase until you need them. Those who have been figuring
on sending outside for goods, bring in your catalog and compare it with
our prices. We will guarantee to srve you money.

.. A

Wbcii Ordering
by MaU

Remember, Your Credit is Good
Dining Room Goods
ODD DRESSERS Rugs and Carpets

We Want Every One

•ddrets sll commuDicationB
in cfire of Msil Order Departmant T&at will sMiire it get­

within a radtaa ^ a bmidf.!
miliw looome to oiir<tlore an,!
L’< t the j>ri'«a we are iiiaking

ting ipeedTsnd carefol nttentioD.

at our -iuly <'luar:mce Sale.
If toil buy it K-ill iavt- you

Veu can SAVE eiwugfi iHonty to par
vour expense gctlius te> Traverse City
'oh the price of an ODD DRESSER.
S9.00 Dresser, made of maple,
J^lm^drairers, lSx20 mirror. ^0 yg
$12 00 Solid Oak Dresser, extra



/»■ our Rhc Hi.if

«.00 Tspefitr}- Bro*s^

$4.75 S^id Oak Commode, has
RCMjd large draw, golden finish. ^3*60
$6 00 Extra Large Commode,
three draws and cabinet, swell 4 A KO
from top draw. July sale price.
$8.00 Solid Oak Commode, gold*
e^Quanered oak hnished. July ^0 QQ

We hodi in lookii
looking over our warehouse stock
about 80 Odd
Wood Bedst that the dressers
bav> been sold with iron
and commodes have
beds. These b^s a
gcring at this sale from S3«00 tO 6*00
some of them sold as high as $12 00.

Depai !r.:, :l


Rug*. 27

^ /




on'- wl..-u


■ .I/.-TA7:' .! me; /;}■ /;/ r/.w;
A core// .IT Iins SA/.E
^ou can buy a S-5 .7) Couth. 26 inches wide,
6 feet long, heavy 4-inch hard-


Others that sell up as high as $40

$15.00 room sise Rruasolt‘^Ruga. p(»ilive]y‘uiiarai)1 1

sht .'-i

Dining Tables


invbi'S wide, sale priot-................................... I •iJU
»;I55 Axminifiter Buga. 27 iiichee
0 -O
wide, 51 inebes long, sale prici-...............•tI/

not to fade.

$1800 Princess Dresser. French


shou'ing son/,- E\(tp/io-:a.''y Jii);

'y S

. Sale price.................,........................ ll’ZO

...... 1650






long, 'all



12-5.00 Seamlew Bug. DxJ2 acvcral patterns

All Carpets bought from us
during this sale are Sewed and
Laid FREE OF CHARGE, or 5c
per yard Discount if you sew and
lay them yourself.


steel constructed frame, a: .............wO» f fJ

122.00 Royal Tapeatry BmaaeU Hug. f<xl2.

tn aeloct from.
Sale price................................ ..................................... 1 0»t O


Boston Leather Ccurh, S') inches



lust the thing for that spare b'rdroom or sum­
mer room. can be ad'Usted to one-iiaif si/e,
iliree-quart';r sine, or lull si/e


Dining Room Cliaiis
Aftiii* isle you can lt-1 a <rx.J eoHd
oak .-bair. w.ib ’aat‘!v-*t*-.-.L per set . .
We Lave
nii!iib'-r of
i-losiiiL’ out at o;*! or betu-r.


/T /)/)

The Original Home Furnisher of Northern Michigan.


i-iot wean


have a numlier of patterns of Lace Cur­

tains that we have only two or three i^airof.
these we arc sclh:-g at ONE-HALF price.
Others that we

iiave only one and

two Cur­

tain* of we are telling from 10c to Sl.OOa


l.'i or 1*1 different styles lo se­

lect from, up from $1.00.
Tapestry and Chenille Curtains up from $1.00.


Cloak and Suit Departm’t


A NTICIPATING the advance in
all kinds of merchandise we
bought heavily before it came.

About 75 Men'fi Suits, coast«tiDg of Serges, Worsteds
and Fancy Mixtures. Values $10
and $12.50. Choice of this
^ y
assortment at .
Suits, some
_____ _ handAbout 100 Men’ss Suii
me iof this season's
somest novelti
:ies. Values $i:j.50, $15 and $1C..
:e Outing Suits.
Choice of this

In making these contracts so early, coupled
with the cold spring, we find ourselves over­
stocked and must convert a large port'on of
goods on hand into cash, regardless of
present value.


Alot of $1050. $18 and $20
Suits going at .............................


60 three-piece Suits with long pants. Size’s 14
years. Values $6, $7 and $S.
>1 Q
A bargain at..............................:...........ip^.OO


About 76 Youths’ Suits, this season's fine novelties
Not one worth less than $12.
Sale price ....................................................O.yO

Boys’ Suits, $3.50 and $4.50 values at $2.98
Boys’ Suits, $5.00 and $r.00 values at 43.98
Boys’ Indian Suits at 50c

Sale Begins July 12

Bents Furnishings

But Remember, Best Bargains Go First.

Shirts slightly soiled. $1.00 and

Men’s Cotton Sox at 5c
Mbslin^i^t Gowns cm full and good length ^Qq



Tide White Wtiah Bells............................... 29c

1 case9fi incb White Skinins, linen
finish, value 20c, at........................... ..............IPW

M iHclt Damask at.................................. 22c
S*c and S5c Pore Unen Loom Damask .. .48e
$1ud 1.50 Bleached Damask at................ 98c
Kemiiaiits Table Damasks at 2$ to 50 per cl. dlscoimt
AU Odd HapUBS 25 per ceiil dlscwiit.
India Lliinis, Persiaa Lawns, French lawns, etc,
AU Stamped Linens. Centerpieces, Tr^ cloUis,
Domes, etc., at half price.

I.) 12( .n.l l.i, v.,t. Sl.vl... Malt
Mfi'V.Hi. l!,i„
trimnif.1,0 —
atK,ut50doz. in till Lot at............... OC

:t5 pieces 5c Torchon Laoes........................ 2c
20 pi.vea fine Noniiomlie Val. Lai-r, t to
ineh^wide. :iJ an.l :!6c goods.

.Aii'illicr Lot .if fine V.-sls 2.*. 2n and-ic
VultL'S kt ..........................................J8<-

Clunoy Lace. 4 to r, inehea wide ................lOc
N.l too Bibbons, the 15c kind, at............ 9c
No. 100 high gmik-Taffeta Kibboii............ 19c
Uocand 40c Fancy kibW. choice............2Sc

I'lii.m Suits, vi.lii.'TI. .iiid SI, ;u............S9fl 2.-. and 1 :A) ...iti.s at...................... 89‘■‘icru.-.............................23-, 37,, so-

Ml $1.25 and $1.50 Gowns 95c

Linen Department


Ladies’ Suits H price


Skirt Bar.-aliit.
loi t-cl.*...
Value ;>iou#u,l 57. at............................................

Wbiu- Waiata, $1 2-'> and 1 .W valnoa. at.................... ........... S .98
Wi.ite WaiaU. H.OO and ».o0valu..t. at.............
Wliii. WaiBla. t oo and 5.00 «lue», at.................... ........... 2.98

Dress Goods and Silks

Ladies’ pure linen, extra fine................... Sc
dozen pure tincii.eiul*. bander. Inefs at. .lOc
15ctnm-orer coUttrs.................................. 9c
50c stock collars........................................25c

lOcand 121.2c values at.........................!. 8c
lac white foot bose.....................................IQc

1 B.1,

L;t.iies’‘>0c Lisl.- Vests and I'aiiUat__ 37Ec

Muslin Underwear

2t'i- ;in<! d-V C-t-h I 'overs...........
■..■|-snil '■•AC Com-l t'oviTS........... ....................48.
?1.2:,u„d l..-4K’cr-,t C.o.Ts ,,. ............... 89.Ciiildr-ii's I irawen at................. ..
Ljiiies' •L’lo I)ravt--r»
L:ii!i' s' “.'•c- and '.Ml-. 1 Iran I p-.,,,,
48'i-x-Nik-ill (Jowiie, sp.. iii: Ht___
51.2.9 <4.iwcs......................
Whii. I'nil.rskins r.nlticc-i to.. S8c lo 4.90


.\leo iucltide lir. ii-:i l.-is from ! id Bi. l
1-->U u-ooisai................................. ................... 69
liuitcli of -'lOi t.'.jrsfelB at........... .................. M.
1 cseCiiddr-n's M knit Waists.
J.-veand hio.kindal ....



1 lot Cdklubric Embroideries. ' and 10c vain- Sc
0 and 12 in.Oambric Embroidery. ::5ckiiid 19c

Ew WUhelm New

Wilhelm Block

F’rcri't SCroe-t

....... -ei-2*’

12 1.2c and 15c (Jinghawa. tbii yale...........................


-c Lawiuat.........................................................................
lOr and 121.2c Lawaaat ................................................. ......814e

rhoioe at......................................................................


Wool Dress Goods
Al! liiia s-a8.iii's*haii'l-.nics.t iiov.-Uiea. value$1.00 and 125
rij--k8. Sirip-s. etc.
Tliis aal.................................

I .'i. and ;50c double fold Dreaa < i.xxli in the new
ciii-cks and iilai.U
Or,. lotof5fvDreaaOo.,li. :4i; in.-bes wide af,d
k—d Sly .t, i^itiick aale pri--e .............................



White Bed Spreads,
69g, 87c, M8 and 1^7
A'iDSeni'-Jti, T-'c ri:,i;

10c ]>r£sa iJini-hauiB. thiaaale.....................................

•■'‘•ii.-h Crareiietl.-.
till 51-yj kiutl. at.............................


1 case E. P. Corsets. ..p. -iai ai ..

CotU.,, lOc vakr. Sc a

X lO^Bli-acIteil Sheets

Wash Goods

1 Ihlliill Lillies' Vrtts.......................;... 4c

Mei^^l F^cy Vests $1.50 and $200 kind. 00Q

Boy’s Shlrts-19-29-35c


Sale pric.- ..............................

White Jap Silk 25c

< >iif Id of 10.- Wa*h belu al.

A Lot of 50c Caps at 25c

\'alae S2.-'.0 at. : d .V-».

27-iiidi Black P.-aud.' Sole, value $1.25.
Sale price................................................ .....................

60e Dress Hats at.........................
$i.0C ana $t^ Dress Hats at.......
$2.e0aiid $2^ Dress Hate at.


Children’> Coats, value $:i.7o and STiiii'.

.................... 89c

SSc MCSlw Hats at.........................

About »X) Fur Hats principally one or two of a kind—
Colors Grey—Brown and Black, values QQa
$1.50, $200 and $800 at ............................ 570G

Long Black Silk Coats, vain.- SldioSI'.

All *1 Fancy Silka.ccuai«UiiB of plaWt, . hecka,
BtniH*. ete. rval.-pnoe..........................................

and continues 15 days.

Straw Hat Sale

$Ki.CM>andS12(»i lackets made of Covert
and Fancy Mixiurew. at...............................

IHack Silk Dre« Skirl. ' .*l5t..flv Vnoicoal...............................

is not a money-making scheme on our part,
but it will save those,who will act quick a lot
of money, as this is an opportunity to buy
at less than old prices.

Boys’ Suits, $2.50 anJ $300 values, at $1.85


andSC.iHi CovxTt
Jackets at.................................................................


Peerless Patterns
Give universal saUslacUon.
New and original styles. Call
lor lashion sbeete. FREE.


•nWD TMVim HmAlft TBUMOAT, JULY 11, «».

Bracing food for steady
Ifntritive food for heal­
thy appetites—
Strengthening food for
sturdy muscles—
The most nourishing
wheat food

Uneeda Biscuit

In moittun and
dun proof paAattt.

wwsof wbHe allk.
I Inee and InseiIrt Ijjce spent Sunday I'
Tlie farmers are all busy ruUlvaUng
a sa.. of brid-'..
Uielr com and potatoes.
iUying ha* begun and ll will be _
11*1 crop in mow places.
| pie-„wnily surtmeed on
The most, of the people from lids, midillcg snnlvvisjry
The br*de w t a pnpH of
virtnity went to Travorae City to ovenlng
and was a ftwmcr
trend the Fonrh.- They all report a'
Mr* rrtckltk It serloutly II at the
Trerrtv* City bigU
Ihcme cl tu .Is jahut Mrs
» -ne e; the fL-r;e
Ur and -Un Fred Hale went fish JehEven
Ins St CIV: lake Saturdav evcnlcc.
:j' ..'.i Mi- Angusi Campbrll >
Filth L*»l* snd Berths L‘.-.e re
iirt,,].;, Sunday
lurmd It't tVedne'dnv fiem -nraoill
Vi.iii .\l.-4‘niil.i. aud dvrybiev. -on ^
•taiHit' wlieie they liate been visit in* sj-n >.l l>r. M.-fi-iiliM- ar>- «I'laS a'
fiietKls and lelaUves for the i>a*l few||,;s Bunir. Mrs E. J. BjincnjfL
Sir- Sr
i» vL'ilius at Tr*«
Rove Clces ie sUylDg at bonic this
J r-->ll..i huh -rb-d. i
• i,ij..«ii-I.. . I Pruc-ia-l

ug i«ori
tr... !

FninHs Aligir.- pasw-d ihrmigh here.
1 his siKS'l Siimlav, enliing »n
1 iduMie pm I
M. l”I«e
his hi»u«-.
.« the
? laewis have ,
•IvlilnK th
Huckl-I. .......................... l.laliis
giiiulUK >< rlpei.: vi-pi.K
l.usliii- un well I.Kidi-d.
July s.

tVollo llosliei and wife »P-31 Ui
e.isi ihi- i
Miih Ills pareBU of this placi
Monnre anf! Lucy -Voggle t
I Ens' I t>. 'iHied Thursday wllh Mr
I Eaton
Roeers and son of Cedar ■ «•
( Run. spLiil Thursday ut their term., M

..... .


,'mi iTi--


Will 11

lllUus alt.l

.l-itri H .Sdam- ami
lluivlt. |sirc«-ls. |»M>.
W-iln r Eim-iiwin to
lots - atui ;1. tiUick 7. Ifayside. Ilw
lid wife lo Chas.
It F t! Ki.ivlg. M 1

Sundav with his niuiher at ^tst Bay.; It. ...
Miss Viola Felt mid sister, and Miss grailuai'
Ml-s Jasjsiliiiire
CUy uisendid mg in 8t. lAiuls, Me
......... of Tniverse CUy
l-e.irl Cnuipls-Il.
idiiv school here Sunda;
‘•r'Ih-ar. Eric. Pa.; MiBlood
and sister drove]
muduali-d here
lo-re m tie- Hass oi
'itid Mrs.
I now- l-'achllig tii llliiieiFiaiik
Walton. f.irni'T I' of M man of

yv.iiik ll th.idrich a

crop will Is- short here on ai
dry wiwlher.
lieh's I'tm.
Alln-rt B. CJemeni of Tnivi
S-.-well Hicks.
Auditor (f.-neia1
ilAiui,.. Mo.; Miss U/.rie l’at>en.
nrrlvj-d In lowii Friday fur
foiiiiush. Mieli.. Ji.1,1 ' M:
m» M. i*oc
iHuDcnifi. Miss VXs Wood and Mis*
sit wllh frienils.
iriln Hi
Cortls II
.Ethel llenily. Atm Ai1-.r girls, who Ciuum is enterialPliis In: t.,-!..Harley Kenney arrived home
, .................... ...............$5tN',
linnt Whlt-I of MmiieaisS-,. v.
lore now in the Maecal-I offtc
nerday noon front Williamsburg,
F I,. Johnson and wife to Marc A.
Miss Rvelvn Mels-atl .f It.
Tf,,. foiu.wliig jileusani nolle- of the;
glnia. where he
...iilia. <1. Hi.. iKircds.
fashlngton. D.^C.,
Traverse^ CTiy |
He visited ffashinpon.
[>• t - j^nd
J>t>o |i
. former
has IsY-n vlslui.g fnei.'l. m Horion and wile lo Oirie
Jamestos.-n exjiosUlon liefore com-], ijjgf,
idrl giuduate is
A Grand Traverse Boy Married.
Cbiriotte Wataoo and Ora Brown
lellinK'd home J>.itl|ttla>
inu A lUtmitoiid. lot t. Uhicli 1. Iksid
, plegsed wllh.
^nii Arbor News-Argusi
|,eauiiful home w.-ihllng orpent.(be 4lh of July at Traverse City
mil Mis. Ki titieilv l-fl M..iid;,> ' I leh's 1st.' ga"0.
yi„reiire C Walloli and " brlde-s
She wis- atMia. R. C. Oardner-J
mother It the eounin- ana mierestlng IhlugB he,
i-li.i-tlio. Helno-S lo^iun-^ *
.•M-lidi-d IHli wIrti Ilellil*
d 7. block 2.
y spent the 4tb of July ■
“ihel Pray
Traverw- Clly.
ll, very poor bcallh. Dr. Shllllday of ,,ride's mother. Mrs. Kettle Walloii..
Hevs:e was linll.'l lu marriage lo
Fiojd Isike and Ual|>li Bituous «
Paul Brown wont to Travc
Lake Ann was s«-«.n iu u.'S-ii tui
this n»..niliig frl.nds of bride wilHaiii N. la.wns ..f, The.m
ilrlviiip wells nenr Kniplie. w
10 4th of July.
way there.
..’and 'gn-.m brtmdit vines and ferns Kev. fi U Cuddy of lire Fowl, r SI. K. j
.................... .......'-ty ■
A. 8. Pray drove to Traverse Clly
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Kiuiney and
„nd ma.Ie lb.- chureh r. ad tbe s.-rvl.--s
The biWalj*’
last Friday.
sure K«-tmey of Traverw* CITy;
i.-aulHu1 with them.
l.-oupie si..h1 nnd.-r a w.-ddliig b.-ll .rf,
hen* InW Monday to uuend tlie
muiriage was i.-iforni..l liy the,^.j,|,„ an.I t*-ms uud Hie usn.iiji,
funeral of CbwUih Kenney.
the First lavish dlsi.l..v -f ro>-* In all the n-mis
. Ik-alty has sold his plnce hero
All enjoyed the picnic at round lake
U M-'lKsIlsi church of P-n Hurim. wjio ■
i, a typical June
c. <M,.nit,glmm and eip-vds toI stall'
July k-Jiidgo Land!* «i>stall
last Thurwlay.
Mra. James Sloop's father I
Dg her at thd present.
T.d Mr*. C. E Isvmb. Chas. \V11; ,„rried bridal's ntsee.
She w as ai-; he will make his future home.
I tin.- r.u Hie Stamlard Oil t\>, aqd the
Mias U<«tle Wai»on la vUlilng In
family, Frank Rev-nold* and '
(.herns w i« play.-d by - u-ml.-l by - Miss CordeiU
ai U-tcooni relnnied Frld-ay
fromjChlraao .fc Alom RallroBd Oo. lor retbu neighborhood.
Mins Elixabeih tbwld as H..- bridal Ta-n.tu.v, who wor.- while. IbsPoni
business inp lo Chicago,
Uiilng on Saturday. Augnsl 3. BepreHie Italians who are working .


Jobs Hewiborne baa also goire lo
NOKI to work.
Addison McKeage returned to Elk
Baplds Monday.
The fourth passed off quietly here.
About twenty golaa lo Traverse City
and acme few to other places
a Bice dlsf^y of flreworfcs by private
pa»l« were seen In the evening.
The famUlaa of Otas. Raiick, Bert the rallinad here gave an entertain
Hopkliis and Addison UcKeage spent ment the 4Ui of July evening
the national boilday at Ranney lake
Aahipy and* Austin Pray vlsl
Bessie and Mabel Degroats 1
MxB. Arcblbald Gibbs and daugbt
MMs HabM Olbba vlaUed Un. Ardc
**TYi!?%opIe of this vlclnlly enjoyed
Olbba Jaly Srd. previous to starting
a three nmaths visit In New York fourth of July at Rouud bke. riding
In launches and the voting people
VU Olbba of Onnd Rapids also dancing in the boweo'. reuirnlng In
the evening lo see the One display o
vtadied bis gi
Oreworks and hear the oraUon dellv
Mrs. Thtmt
eicd by Prof. Laraoo of Kalkaeka
er visit
and Miss >
also the One singing of More Alt
l Bockl .
Naples, Italy. acoomi>anled by Instru
past week, taking i the cylebntlon mental music. All enjoyed the evening
4aeob Wolf ts reported as very poorr pleasant a
)j again. Be has bees a vicUo of
.. Kebbeecs I’ray It »
aarate atonaeh uouble tor a long
♦ting of the Soap club
which Mrs. Pray Is a member.
Mrs, vnuoa aad cblldrea vtslted the members being present,
w« Moaday aflernooo. She waa ct- Tialtors. ---------Among
-- the
—Min Era Broomhead. who baa Just
tine with Mr, Wllaon who U emplored returned from Calnmetl where she
le time leeching
vl*lt re4aUves and
Ml*. WayM Maaigold and chlldreo
non the FMrth with her parenu friends usUI SepL Then the will go
ML Plcoaanl for a year to aehool
MV Sanml/cicrII were plcaaed lo ace <llea BroomMlae Martha ffikorter vlalied Dock
hcod. Fine aupper was aervedtwfcw Bopilay is eompMy with her
July ».
CDMts. Mr. Bnm of Hkheart. lod.


Mis* LriU Sloon.

Harley and

__ from th©
here to esaWe
that place to be run
* other pan* of the

B. M- Jame*
T and tjeonard Halil■d director. 8200 was
d tor ImpTOTmet

T1>e two maated achooner P©^*
n BaElDO. WU.. took a car^of 150M0
U of hardwood lumber to Cblcago for
tbe Kellr Lumbr A Shingle Oo.
Oamea D. Beach has purchased


coupu- Uigiuended. enteivnl >he n--";



'-ausin’'of Z" gr.H«t.’

Kenney were Buckley ylsltrs.
Ser of'amilles spent the day fishing.




Hand Braken.
working la the chulrileparl-|

Frankie Miller of Ness.n City wa-s, senl.nives of ............ .

trust deeWne to


funeral of k
Gtvew l.Ake
July. 8.

Mrs. Chark-a Parks bad


|tal.:e trimmed with sinllai.

Mrs J- W. Jarreti and dnuchieria.
Bessie and Wm. Dexter attended tlu-,

ntent of Orelllck s

.......... ............. ..s.,,

■'.. .................. ...................................



baod broten. A piece of the machine
tell bitting her hand just bt-l..w ll**knucklee breaking
sewTal of Ua-

The Well Known Specialist.

Saturday at
Steinberg Bros.





Ladles* Handkerchiefs al Sc-Fine linen
Initial Hnnilkorubicfa. hem*titcUi«d
worth I2I-2;jL
lor Saturday only ............................
Buster Brown Collars al 8e for the Ihtk* fel-

in*. Marios Oibba ipeka guttdar at
Will Taylor baa Just recoveretl from
MTore attack of the meeale*.
A- Box was Bcaller al L. Brelt'i last
Angus Oabonie is working fur Sam
Huleil. ,
Adam Chappel bad the mlaforlune
I looee a fine yearling with Paris
n*en Sik-idny morning.
Mr and Mrs. Orin Loee and little
daughter Mynle. vlsilcd a
llarrattn Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Taylor ol Mayfield
apent a few day* with their a<», »
Taylor of this place.
Miss Amu. Borratt Is now
Jame* Klckerwon. CongralulsUon*.
Mr. aad Mra. John Hanimar epent a
few davF in the city, lam week.
Alben Koelmer and Mi** l.aiiro
Knapp spent the FOurih In Traverwe

"iSd^ibert Coufiade
ffnt ptoklng of cherrte*. They were
Bm. large, aweet chorrlea, Neil week
tb* early RidiixraDd. and other early
varieUfs win be fit to idci and there
id for cherry- pleker*.
who has been tending
yst m
Baaon or Charley 8mlih1 of Acme U
borne 00 a little Tsoatloa.
Tbe Basnoa A Haaiia s—
be cuulng loga. They bar© quite a
' wrist of caatoat log sawing m do
carrier, Mr. Gillette, 1*
Oor mall carrier.
BOW driving a fray
. tnooth':

*^MUa Anna klariln and I
gart, celebrated

Qultb a number from thl* nelghlmibood took la Buckley last Thuraduy.
Amusement* were plentiful and uH
seemed lo be •‘njoylng tbemaclve* ir
aplio of Inconvt-nlence*.
Grandma Wolfe attended church al
Blackmon last Sunday.
Mis* ly* Bogan waa the guest oi
Miss Anna Martin the latter i>arl ol
irge Taylor. N
Taylor also Mra. Amo* Bo and <*
' MaicheU attended < lurch b
traeailoo ipra good pa-vw.r.
unday. Mr*. O. Luce, o
Intecu have been raising old bub
Siding, w-a
M newly aet out cabbage plant* Many
have been obliged to re-plant a* i
TTie Matclieit Sunday school extendaa three plaatlags- Tbe potato
1 a coitlUJ mviiatlon to tbe BteeVare quite iblek aad many fl.-k .
mn Stindiiv school lo help them enjoy
potatoes are coming up very uneven
a piraic dinner to he given In the
Oorti la '-geetlng there Eir and U Methodist prove, July I7lh. A pro
maJriag up for tost time. Thore a«I be furnished by the school*
oMwe nice fields of eora la this neigh­
laeiiiYxl ihal thos.- who luirtl
borhood. •mere vra* not much buck- clnaie will «x-i-taliily liiive one R<«"1
whaal sown her* this year.
Bert and Wllll* Forton of Traverse


-1 Pytn-^ Alidr-ruyn.

r ball Thun-

(Lila Uarandale w.iii to Rapid Oi>
Idiiy .
■t eveulDC at Mike
IldriKl Ib-v Is
_ Curry apent
Bd l*ua.n.


a flsbiDC
Hr. and Mra. Bhcrmaii Buy* ntsned to Nod Saiurday aTler « wwk
wim icIaUTca here.

Real Estate Tranafers.
rant with nrsetL. A mercy ctowd]
R. and wife to Ibitale
tiuwvnsl Ihi liiHli and gnsm with
Larill.- iMiiid*. lio.flg.~-,
re a.- !»ie> un jh.- say,
iy.lli.em to n«*l>r M.
.\fii-r at: ■ I. -rubi. .••••■•tilng Mr. an.l
u.-iit to ib.'ir ECS- hmiK' Thay
,fv. h.: 1. Mrwk «. PSTS- '
ri a:..l i.'l ibe n.ti mivrnliiK for . .Hk.., tiiai.
■Tt Biai 1 n the ocean. They
J. A. Montague and wife to Herbert
••Etagoe, ivircel*. l; o-j
h'-mc III Lu-'ii incndr -t
Mritic F Fl'is to John U. Metso
block 1

ST '--..

•iTSB his wthrm 1

aiy enjoyed the varaUoo given the
el^oye* of the Ov al Wood DUh QgW.
They are the gueat* of tbelr paomfs,
Mr*. Emerson D.Tnmw nod children
Mr and Mra. Jerome ForUra. They
have had good luck flafalng. having of Traverse City atv visiting '
had amne fine catchea.
•s Lewis Louli-k Is erit.-rininlng
Steve and Joey Forum of Traver*e her grandraiUluT. Mra. Slocking,
City. SundAv. were the gimta ol
ind Mra. A. Rickard and
•ey FortOB.
Traverse City vtolted at
A large auendaaoe aUroided
Johnson s last Sunday.
The pime of oall at ihU plac
Sunday wna wvll attended. The
was S to :! In favor of ' '
-•■ . called
Miss Annie Morse
Ions miH«* Ol ___ . .
Eva lAidle of Traverse City I
visiting at Johnaoo-sL- completed
Mr. anil Mrs
Oaml*. Isoudon
Traverse City aprtit Sunday at I


Mis. T. Gilmore and her etsier fn
GBOROE C. Oovell. J. H. Buell,
W. Wbeelock, the south pan of the state Is visiting
taken unt Cf- with Mrs. Uule McClnskey.
July ID.

loiFs ;i. 4, uttii ."> jeara.

Collara aregliiiLlly

Boilrti. worlli lie

For Saturday only..........................
Wide Fancy Ribbons at 8c.-Ko GO. white
iTOund w*ih 'vrv jin-Mv tloriil deaigus.


worth 12



For Saturday only..........................
Ladies’ Shirfwalts Suits al J1.00 -White
and .-ol-tred. worUi $2..’.0. 52-id


lSr*sSlurday only....$^evU
Colored Dnck Skirts at 96c -for Udirs' and
Misat's. worth $1 2:>
He will be in

Traverse City
-ATPark Place Hotel

Satimlaii Marnine Jalji. 2D

Satuidaii Jul|. 28
Ofliee Hour*—From 9:30 a. m. until

For Saturday only



And Uic Far-Famed Trained WUd Beasts
Mens* Underwent- Mfo and hoys' iulltri:fi:.iii
I'rdonvear. &1I aizLi.worlb


^ ^

Slid :i.xZ IL
For Saturday only.......................

hA: f
far years made a
Dr. McDonaldI hA.
study of chronic an- 1 UnKviing dUprscilct
eases His extcJisHc prac
perlor knowledge enables him to cure
All chronic
verythe brain, spin,
hvari. lungs, li'or, siomblood.
tch. kidneys, b!--------scientifically and surc.ntfully treated.
Dr. McDonald pays special aiieniion
to Catarrh. Catarrhal Deafness, Throat


_____ BEST

Swimming Tights at 7c all aizes. for Me^nd
an<l Boys . worth
For Saturday only .......................... ' ^


Mens’ Soils at lll.90.-Bf-si $13.00 Suits in ihe


8 a. fit.

“Ka'a'lS'""”""''"" FREE


Btore. including Thibett an.l
S-»n:e*. yonr choice

^ I

For Saturday only

*r ^



Remember the above
Specials are lor

1000 People Employed. S5 Cars. 12 Big
Water Tight Tents, 500 Animals. 20
Elephants. 20 Camels.

and Lung DIsoaies. Chronic Diseases
peooliar to women. Nenous and Phys­
ical DeblUiv. Rheumatism. Paralysis.
Neuralgia, and ail Chronic and Nutvou* Disease* of Meu. Women and
Children. No mailer what your di*
ease may be.

Saturday Only'

and FinestTented Amusement
Enterprise. Monster ZooloKical Collection. Most
Astonishing Trained Wild Animals the World has
ever known. A Gigantic Show in itself. Three
Rings Completely Filled With Hundreds of Fea­
tures and Performers. Highest Salaried Ameri­
can and European Artists. Exciting Royal Ro­
man Hippodrome. Mammoth Whirl of Novelties

There Is SliU Bore-Theo Do
Hot Despair.


40-Funny. Frolicsome. Friskey Clowns-40

but eontuU Dr. McDonald and g-'t a
correct diagnosis of your disease anJ
feel assured that the doclipr kn.jws
If you a
i. Those a
able,' ke v

Steinberg Bros.

able to call.
Corr«pondence sirlcHy confiJenUa

Traverse City, Mlcb.

Dr." McDonald
1#. DitriSoil

the Bagenbeck & 6reaf Wallace Parade
Wi'.hout E:x?ij,;c.aiion '.'(v- i inci: Free Street Turnout
ever presented. One G^antic String of Grorgeous Pag­
eantry. a (i!iuerini{ Mass of IJrilliancy and Bands Galore.
Tickets on Sale Show D,ay at S. E. Wait & Son's

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