Grand Traverse Herald, April 25, 1907

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Grand Traverse Herald, April 25, 1907


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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Jki Om BMOir «r tto kcM or uwie
tnkiac tk« uitoi
toiNf MkHliic a Mar BUI in UiU dir
van talM^ inSSeByniMliooM
tttta* atl|^t>tl(B* B. V. OMroBB
Kll;>Baipa «ui latmat oatBn eastM to Uw nmt of «ieo^. saklng
a^atMtai »tf»k ot RuhirM|a paaiiie. awratJoaMr. vonld Dr
aapkvM. U» nUlSi^iaf dar aod
aight abiru -and baking a cbrap
fBMa of papar.ingAy »i?«t*blr and
Vltb a nadr natkct at all bcDta. Thr
•mnal U o( knr .coat, bdag ootUm
■at vaaie pant at aO cradea. Uir
graataat eoai Mog la galbrilng U up.
Fbr aaeorlBg tbc odtalde oaptwl Mr.
OBwnan ia torecalTe U5.0M la atodi.
At tb» iD««<lng la<i.eualac 110.000
to atoek vaa anbaertlBd Af Jooai paopla oBd Daa J. Albartaoo. a ciiU aad


The Pain


InroM aty State Bask

too aar tha.PiffB* tergrat papar bIU^
tovn «B (hfi..tlaliad Btataa. ne>nka.i
]fr. BowmA also tbouMit
L..bMBC IV avig Mpkrtor. 9d Aat itiat jmsM to a good Idea, aay
iMaad ,amral nllla Ocga tkat
it TVavets* City woold WM
tetr bm added «t> year by'yaar. Uke'S atoA it was K> DM for Urn
B. >AimtMa. cashiu
■apar V a dpUA an4 aupta piod^ >«wV|Maimpltalliu
>U Mr. BovBaa.
P. «. BobMts mid be had apeat
' You know Ihem
CAPITAL. S900.000
Mr. BovBaa Raid Ibat there nerd tiJOO ud three years time trying
numerous, and appcMtenalon felt aa to the ea- gal a paper jnlll JmA ud that he prescnce (eh cverywii
pena ai far had beer
hadn’t a doUar to put Into U bat names oi the (amil.v a
Bien vbo «ere aeeood la charge would be one of tan men to go oni ache,
ud yet 910.0M. E. W. Hastings slso Baelwhe, Stomach ache. Neu--------------------ACcienlBBBklMBBMBaMlMSB
naaacer and a auperiateiidai spoke in favor of tbe pr^eet.
AlEta. etc. I'bc^ arc sentinels
After a little mm* diseutsloo the that warn you ol any derange­
eOBid be aKarad without difflcolly.
Tbe kind at paper ntatroBcture
•eeMrst appobiiad the commiuee. ment of your system. When
lUlag a meetiag tor this momlBg in the brain nerves become ex­
a olBee. It is expewed that active hausted or trnuicd, nea>lache
cbeaper Upd of paper bawl by bill ark will
MooAy morwlng.
11S per CfiBl bUbvM flB nw StswlU
makes you miserable; i( the
ra. dnigglatt. fc
RoomSlON«w8tat« Sank BuUdint.
stomach nerves arc weak, in­
The Plalnwell
digestion results, and you
Badly iBjwrad.
been Idle and there wns a great marlamMAg A board hA train double Qp with pain, and if the
kel for this kind of paper, orders exmore promment nerves are af­
Baperlor alRAg.
aU miles
eeedlag the cspsclly nf the plut.
■d ihu «t.ooe. A o
PeisaM. Jamas Hller of this city fected, Neuralgia »mp1y makes
Tbe -msterlal U the cbespes^ Ihli
attlBg or Bm Uea. John M. HoCor
hu left foot wu grousd life unendurable. The way to
mttk. W. O. C. nemalDe John R. on earth, being only waste paper. /
stop pain is to soothe and
■nto aad W. H. Vialor waa appoloi grades are taken ud ard sorted at the
stren^hen the nerves.
Hr. HUer U a Pera Maroaette
1 sml Ibis makHi rampeiltlon with
ad 10 naka k aratesiatle eaDvaj
MUes’ Ami-I'ain I’iUs do this.
Traverse City, Mich.
brakemu and freight train Mo. ttf
: tba city and aae wbai-could be done
' RDllI poaslhle. A heller grade
The whole Pain family y ield to
8«J1 J Cl. your bill for a liuuae^ur ba«. Ww carry at nil tioMia
reilmea msd.. to fill in but mlHn was atartlag from tha siding on
toward ralalag the necnaary |l0i
their influence. Harmless if
AU city. He started u caiA
higher grade paper coat more and
Ttet« were about IM board of
Uken as directed.
trade member* aad eltlteoi pceaent
re Is less rompMllloa In the tower tbe froBi platform of Ae moving way
n find Dr. MIA*- Antl-Paifi WU* *a
car ud missed hit footing.
la tba av opera bouae Uit evniog gradett
•xrvUmI r*TD>4> fur u..[vuiii,nc i.odFLOORING. CEILING, SIDING, PORCH
Hr. Santo then rslled on the cltl- tnkA nbcard ud carried as far as
wiMB Pnaideat Baalooalled the meet*i>^
tag to order shortly after » o’clock. lua who hnd innpectnl the PUlnwell Charievolx. where It wu found
tni* espv. iir^with
aary to amputau two of Ae ti
Tba prasltent stated that the gatherRIIJ- Peru. Ind.
fora aendJag him A ttaU eliy. 'The
(lot our Ggarre and compnrr onr grades liefore iMylng. Odilon
Hou aald that
lag was composed of clUten* lutorBr. MIA*' Airtl-Wsin PI1A sre *M Uy
DU. Look for thu Big K<xl PlatiL
very mitcb lAen up with (he propoal- Isjnred mu wu Uken home la tbe
eatad totho welfary of the city.
□oa and often wished i^t he bad his ninbnlaiiee and made u coafonahle
«*><* va* of paiwoon
Ovr K.St .-indLtki-Avr.
Phones.'Bel! WO; Citi 90S.
possible. Tbe atteadlBg AyaleUa
lr« caM'sl Invested In
pottpaioa If all. vas aot a new on<
ITS gaagreBe u tha loot wu tarrlUy Milas Medical Co. Elkhart, Ind
had bars before the people tor tbe stork. He aabt that be wu tnady to
paai. two ynani god was Mpply invest In a paper mill and aiafttd that enmhed and more operations may to
ready to put his
vhcthec a paper null gaf goaied
money into a Ihlog It Anwed oonfithis city or not.
have the Best Tea on
Men Needed.
the board of trade cnranailec t
duoe. lie btSleved it would be a
• riisricvidx S«-iilim-l
*the MarkeL
— -■■■■.i.iu FRx~. tik a rtnm.
tnveaUoted the matter tborougfaly good thing for the city.
ti>e home of Ac bride's sister. "Gieai dlffiriiliy I* bad ini’, spriiit;
tUi.iicx C’iiouior.-<1 .l.ipvn piirticnlarly line flavor and
aad„|>rtrjue dtiieat had also gone
Hr*. J.H. McAllister.
West Tenth
cxo»titionnl alrei.-.;Ui
If you have tmable getting a
IfS.ftM In stock for securing tbe
Utoiteghanatltrely. I(r. ■anio a
Or. W. j. MacNctt
street. Richard Edgenoo of Cass City
liking uy a aaDpl*- }»dd<1 uftLis
(•di tha< i* Ui v<
that B. «f. Bowman ^ J6- V. Wupig imiY outside capital ud Hr. Suto
A accuuTitcd for by ibi- sages |«ld
and Hits UlUsn Thompson of
jiiM on your voiuing back.
..oe W'o will taku'.iir
ji.iir cIuuiuM
«nw hoik ft»»«it an^ai tfey were naked blimio explain that.
isvers. In addilioo n> ib" im-f
were UDlleil in marrUge
ftfcl1»f .vlt^i Uv.buMnesi they could Me said that it would be neoMwry n'rloch Thiu-sday evening. Ae R<-\ . J, wages. lh*Tc Is nolhAg ahead of
akaa.eo«Mderih.l* H#! Vpoa JL The to divide this Mock among the
saver III tl»- .way of n lir«-ui*-iii
. ruby ^riormert the ceremony
piasldeiit thee called .VPoa ihe «
pens who would some here as U
auiiuliy. Tills null-r luis
The bride was prettily gowurd in
WBhatm Btoeai
ttry.Mt watd ihj yept^ of .t)B cor
ducement for them to leave their crepe to cbene over while silk and brou'gbi i<> Ap mienlioa of is,n;;ipPfesem posliloas and dispose of ibeli Ae couple were al tended by Robert
ilcdly. but noAIng has A .-n d-nSecretary Cmlw.
another city. Tbfse mac Uoyd of Detroit and Miss Rtu Minor
with the reading M the report com- are unable to get stock where they
ot this city. Tbe bouse wu prettily
pMaeBtaJ the commiuee, which popDOW employed ns Aere is n
atad wlA eyergreens ud
Fearful |e«i rbe xlM.’rtd llv :
Ustad u Pn^ aanlttw. ehalnpaf i sale and that Is one of Ae raaaou fiowers^ud aftm Ae ceremony light
until Juii-. l!;i- tllu.' >• I T-r the ».xl
JL 8, Sudan. aaer*ttfT..ud R. Ployd why Uwy would
refreshments wets served to
Ctadt at pgeaio. fOr (he coopletetha stock they would receive guesU who numbered about iweoiy- bioAcr of ex Msyor Duniivau.
Jinp of her X..II, t'b.le KiUO.-J'. f>
aaaaMAbe report.
pn-carlcxis enniliilnii from a stroke Mi-x IVatl Griffin, of <>»o-;-u>, Mr-.
Ch*€f»m4 Cnptfft 9tnU
from the BU.WO they would
ot paralysis he -•'’ilTe.-N’.l •
layeat their own money. ^He stated
MenU-y Klnocy's ieiiui-»i thai Ihe cr. »9d.beard that Ills lir-Ioiic fiiood. Al­
tIAt Iw bad
on good evidence,
U- p.-iuriin-d al .nice.
Tsrm aad tlfttUt
vin Cole, wax deoil, t'ole wos proiirieaaiptioa of what
mill in " •
daoa. irhst glapu'^ tijd boeo tJi
of Ihe ThornsiMiIe lake
two paptra far «i* pries at wna.
r cent oo the therm making muy trtesds who
whai JtM iMtaHaeonrai, V short
sboweriny Aeir best wUbes ppon tbe
cwnriag Mta siih)eet V al.l lu phaa^
• latponaa A n unestiow by B. J. happy couple.
Ix-nard Krauaenrider. <rf Mart.bsll,
Mr. puto Aid that In making the
rgu u to bow long It would tAe
wax fatolly injimul In riileago Sun-Ip
^ ^
report the eommUua h^ expended
start the mill Hr. Bowmu aald
.lay iiiithi.
k.i..eke.I d..wu i
alssto**rs 'to tafisy^
Orawn Telephtoc Ce.
BO uuie t^ and mcvay but, hnd
that Ae new mill at nalnwell wu
nut .in r lo i». ju'-.ii.o:..!.I H«rald.
Grawn. Hleh., April 19.—Throii^i
aa U thejnlarcdV of.tbe elUxeas (.hat togun March 4 a year sgo am
Ae efflclency. pluck and fortitude
Umr.aa]^( see exaOly what the Ritu­ Feb. IC AU year it wu mnnlai
CeoersI Manager F. B. Bill and tbe
al ii.
iBlrodoeed would Ake frtu twelve A «4gl
verenee ud harmony among
Mr. BowvaamoBAs U wtait.
(bose living on tbe lAe kaown at the
Mr. .Bowman atated that ha ,bad
By planting Sirioc Beans Temple. Fouch
Mr. Dmior regarded the opportunily
haen. directly connected with the
advanol Hatch's Crossing made an acre of
paper ^lil boMaeat tor tbe past (our
tageot. that II wu a Aaaca for all
ground yield $’22G. Why can’t you f
yean, hariag spent Uie last qnee
Cal! and wc will tell you how.
of the siroagest r
a mm. Wbco Ue mlU at Flalnwell.
found A thA part of Ae Grand
If yon are gntog to do nay hoHdlng (bM sonmrr Ii wM par fwa-4B
hi which ha U Intorested. was surted It u'excelleni Adlcattan that Hr.
' it had a cspael^ of from foot to fonr Bowmu came here nd dldCpThA a Trsveru regton.
TfiA company was AconKiratcd
aad ou-MU Uau of paper dally, that |t cent of bonus hut oely wutA stock
«?av tweaty-four hoars, ud coat, in and wu srimog to lake a ebuce with July JO. 190C. nod durAg Its
Ix-i iia fiysr..- <ui your nail hill. We •ill try and rave you same
NWtd ggurcs nbobt JM.OOO. Tbe pUnt local Avestor*. In addition A tbsl
hu grown AA a sysAm
be wu willing t(> bring JISO.MO worth lug sAly-Iwo miles wlA thirty-four
«M ao well that It was decided
mui.ev. We earrj ;i \.'rv <-<ini|ilete line .if
double lu cspselty wbleb was sceoomiles in nciiial operation wiA
gUAed ihtougb cooperation, the
vice unexcelled by uy phone sendee
possibly A the time. PIfty-foiir niral
issBS UUng the nPcessary stock Ud ivnnee A n year.
and BK we buy itiex.' r'odx d.r-x-t from (he autiuilaefarers wr eaa
Mayor rriedrieh then told hli
dwelAr* are now cniorlog this sys
make y..ii .^lue^-xtr.-iiu-'y li» ;.rie.If v.xi an- Liilldltig a bam
The mill Is a twomaahiae plut at! pertrner with the paper milt business. tern and wb«i the remaining iweui}
you :! ’■ I.l v.-e owr
praatBl with a capaeUy of about nine staUng that when Ae other proposl- eight miles arc consinicied ninety
wu before Ihe hoard -he uid he
»Aers will en)oy Ks slmosl
ttma da^ aUhongb this U not as fast
as i(«ta be run. aad Is slaUar to the
•pteat wbicb U Is deMred to erect here.
Tlie) run 'Ui-y You ran I yet then og ib« track, sad tbe prkw wUI
The plut produces about flny-niuc Ulthlng could be actmnpUAed un­ lebledness paid ud a goodly
IS treuury to complcie what other
. V tima a weak.^utUog down oo Satur­ less Ae men who did the wiirk
plus they may oulllne A tbe exlAday aiihta.
Uun of Ae sysAm A Ae future.
ta ngard to the aaoilnc cmwer at
cou)d.nA Ihe other* to do so.
tbe slut.Hr. Bowmu
He aald he didn't feel Utoj islklqt
im. with the nailer mschiiie. tba
> Ae matter as the |5.0«> he v
W. C T. U.
gaatnly diriduds of
Tbe iltoUag of tbe V. C. T.
tlx per earn, or twenty-four per cent tovejiut into Ae paper mlU weni
a year, la IMI plspw-cent diridenda i siepnilMat, not becanse be wuied tbe home at Hr*. A. R. McRae Tburr
day grtenioon wu weU attended and
'Voat but because be believed
WM also deehu^ -allhoagh over
thlr^r per cant .«u .cleered. .the bsl-. would to a good AAf for Ae dty to queUlows of Atereei rnAusAstlely
anc« being Wt IPlq tbe. aur^ua. .U ban a bast on the bay ran.
Tbe report >y one of the memA
UK a guaneriyAlridead M eigbtaan After a short dlpcunnlqp Ac 1
ury read Ae form for Ae stock stib- that Ae talooa men were detested
per mt was declared ud .tben
all t*Am ukad of the eouncU a
dMdsada aiopped as th» new piut
was s^CToachlng.
From many sonrens of informatton
What would have been done the opened Als by siatlny lha( alibougfa
halsaar at the year Mr. Bowmu to bA to borrow the |5,0M for Ibe coA** tbe itxuraaee Aai (he temper
oausc is gsAAg. giving t
c«uMB*t aay hut at Ibe price of paper steamboat he would put |I,0W> A the
r mill Jf tfcere were ten men lease of courage A its fdcads sod the
had laereamd ud U lacteaalag. be
■mlastloa to peiaerre A Aelr etbdlpraii that tbe iatomf wpuld have Aera who would do the same.
The work of .the W. C. T. U.
hacw Ality-dve or forty per
Blsaiioas Aoaih wiletJy (tone. U
weald net say that there was a trust AriptltoS the meeting wu sddre.vsed
Seed Oatfl and all kinds of Garden Seeds. H you want
by B. V. waring who bA been lutni- bearAg more fruit thu U generally
or agreamaet b« as the mills
your little chicks to live and grow fat fvcd them our
oMalnlw praetiMlly the same price
Chick Suiter. You can get nothing better for them
^ thought tbera might be ap under, Hr. Suto bcUvved that If Trav
Cniy bsd a good paper mill with
at any price. Chick 1-ecd comex next. When the
In regard to tbe labor employed be side caplul Avesied here that it doB." which, ofae saM. U the Aral step
chickens get to be about three weeks old ihen you feed
in all reform*. The work of
Taste* good always —beeatae it’s always good.
stated thu tbeie were Mgbiy-ivo peo­ wouM bring other Industries at
them Chick l-'ced; then after that Poultry Feed that
ple employee at the Flalnwen mill, u five or six years Ae money would be Wutnaa'B
Always ttw same because it's alway’s blended
returned ud could be used A other Vnioa Is largely one of agitaUoa
lacrwase Irtua ntty-is-o when
has thirteen ingredients in if. Feed them right and
and roasted just rigbL
smaller min was ta operatloa.
you will be reirarded for your trouble and expense.
thMp sixtythrre art keen ul nine­
QuIAly foJtosrlng Ibe msyor’i oBer. laiora a«klBf that i
and eoU Srect to dealers.
teen women. Thirty of thsae
Get our prices on the above described goods.
aUlIK men and thirty-three are com­ Dr. Moca uid be would take 11.000; of liquor to prtibibi
We have a limited amount of good WHITE SEED
Mrs. Stile* read a paper on -Edueamon laborers. Tbe akKled men bays A. W. BartA. llJlOO; F. E. Robert*
brokers ajMl jobbers. Yew save three profits in XXXX
uDOuaced that Du Alberison ot Ksl- Uod." showing tbal miiH. U accomp
OATS we will exchange for buttei. egg*, oats, com,
to be experta.
Coffee. Tbe saving goes into higher quality.
; Mr. Bowmu at Ibis point spoke of amuoo woold take tS.MM to bead the lixbed in that «ne by the various deor sell for cash at fwc per bushel. All kinds of Garden
list: Sam lies, gl.000: Dr. UartA. depsitmeat* uf tbe orgaaixaUoo «
That’s why McLaughlin’s XXXX CofSse is so
the output ud the profit sbowli
11,000; W. H. Umtor, »l.00Ci John K. WblCb Ibnv are forty to narnber.
and Field Seed on sale now.
maeh better than any other coffee al the sameprice.
thst In tbe Brel six months of 1>
the fonr ud a hmU ton mill produced
iJtlAit tons at paper at a cost of Ptaak Hamlltoa. 11.000; Dr. W. 1.
of their eflorts. Tlielr work Is not
BLOB a hundiwd pounds. The net proBt liigglDs. 11.000. This wu eoou
secine Mr. FrAdrAh's Aouaud ud cooSned to the abolUtoB of the IlqBor
tected fitim dust, dirt and foul odors.
on this was 4< 4-6 eenu a hundred
romprisas almost m
MJOO net profit. The nlM ton mill be Immediately cSered A ma
UCLai^ilip’ft XXXX Coffee is sold
helpful aad apilftiag to
twcnmed n proBi at iwHre per .
on a <*(dtal of BSMBOO. Hr. Bor
Urx. Mery Mom Herodlth aad Mr*.
atatA that the Plalnwelt mill
DSder SB extra expanse becnase of a

Fanailjr ■

Tire Titsurance!

Moacy to Loan os ImrroTOl Real Estate Only.




Zm %:xxr n
sit:s,«‘u^"N’s;rT.‘2r& a...

We Believe







The Farmers’ Store

The Traverse City Canning Co.


Good' Mi



XXXX Coffee Chums at work

Poultry Feed



threegoarter mile Mal-

lear Ue mill.
Ins any taorr aooer (ban
liiWly BocvaBDiT aa (bo old bouae artll Ue carriage came

The UagbuK of

letting Ue

eouBly poor koow wbleb wor*
a<<rre ool> lor' (be Ume belas oad U
iggy bus with Ita occupanu drop
Udm4 Id • c«n«m »■; Id yntonUr'D (be proprHy la aoM.'or a ae« boaac
tbe ground. Mrs Lxubseber's right
' ReeoTd «aa ««badtod la the report of emled on ^be prreeat allc tbe
wrist wu dislocated and Ue small
beside several other
Ibe DuparlDtaddMU of Uie poor «bicb atnietui* arlll bare to be loru doaa. bone brakeo.
w*a todajr rDferred lo the cobvIUm They reeotaaeaded (bat tbe oprhani: bruisos were austalned.
She was
Tbe teport on the plowed, draased aad: lakoi to Dr. CtounUcU’s offlee and (be
tbal a man be placed oe ibe iKoperD' ftaclare and. aprala
reduced. M
U BD Mhm:
vrrman cm-apod with only braisM.
-To tbe SupeTTlDOfa of Ciud Trar- durlDS Ibe frail
orrbard la aolne (pa arrea in extent
Three boala. tbe Irst of Ihe scaao
’ erDeOooDtr:
era la i»rt Hoaday. The illlaols
-OcrU»cb—We. (be aupedateDd- and lit rnv arm be too larpe
tiled at (b« cemvat comiiaDy's dock
rata of poor tor Grand Trarerae eoi
aaated. Tbe report waa accepted and
and look OB
l«rn’k o( ceuteot for
If. woDld reapecUnllr rwromBicn.d

The Change



SeiuiWe Advice to WMoeti from Hn. Henry Lee,
ilrs. Fred Certia and firs. Pinkham.

M sroDDdD ud bandiBsi.


mm Cbey noed
Recovering this Spring?

a of (be Mllwsuka-. Tile Pblletiu Sawyer aacl
BlUn Day from Rarlae. loaded
d to buy nay i
tb«.GroaBda and bulldlns of tbe baiDO’enmry fiirnllarc lor tbe poor bouae. lumber al Ue Iran rompauy'a dock
for (be poor of tbla county:
‘•rf'er r.lilch Ibe contract allh tbe Ine9(1 left la compaay fur Clik-agu.
•That a »etr raof be put oa iJw pill untborfiloa wai approved.
bulldlbta. at (be prcanil one la ia bad cniuuilltcc on prinllas reported and




appointed {

upr-rimcudent of (be eemrtery by,
. oondUloa. and (bat tbe interior wall* ton co|i(<w cd tbe ftdloa will be ontcred Uc township iKBiiti Mimdiiy.
be repalrpd and papered.
Iby Ihe cuiaty.
the late imvtlng of the dln-ctore••We would etpedally reeooimeodj The coniailtlei
of the Blk Rapids Savings t<ank U U
tbai a aaiubic bilfa room, with acBTf'cauals reported
Lang waa elected president to BlI the.




ibe noon

bdlldlac. aa the aaatury eoaiHUoas


"We beUevo that if y
OB bulldinca and *Tounda will intpect
tbp ptMlaea. (bey will report favor­

of aellbif and Ue coiumunh

your beootable


r» placed oa flic.

Claude Warner has removed lo bis
fatbrr's farm





STonnda and baUdiacB wai approved Ue Job of stuwplDg and grading wblcb frlcBds surprised her with Bowers nud
by ibo board, tbe ^rmao and clerk wlM Improve the town very much.
their own cheerful couitiany to
bclBf aotbotliad to exeeate It wUfa
A brokcu nigger at HcDrlde'a mill gialulaie her oa (be baiipy rctui-as nl
Mr. Ufer.
Tbe clerk waa (treo auibority

caused a few days lay off lau week.
(bo day. Canla wvrv cajoy-ed until
Wimatn Bari Is at Manistee Uklag lak: hour.
>lAi>d- treatment (or Ur rtacumatlam.
The 4 yearoh! son of Juiucs Beamus
G. A. Brigham bought a ear hiad of anil wlfe.xvsldlng la tbe mile Indlau

pofchaae a an of V>libd
ard IKoid bmaauio*.
'Tbe commluee wbleh
wheat this week.
adtb tbe bo^Ul'antborlUes regardMeasra. Bplok A Beiiyes of Mealek
las&-eaie df .OootaKooa dlaeamo re- started out to buy potatoes la Wex­
pCTted today, atatlng (bat Dr. Storm ford township yesterday but owing
did not want lo make a new cootiact to Ibe anew atorma last Ibeir way

village east of

town, died Sunday

night of pueumunla and waa Iniried
from tbe Indian church la Kervadia la
Ibe eemetety near by.

dny aflenone and wltbtpul eseoptloa
were favorabl/' Imprcaant with It

After many deleattoat Mr. MnrsrMiller A Grelgllng. limber estimat­
and lamlly- left Tuesda> for their new
ors for Bugles, ate la town.
The committee on couoty poor
fleld la tbe aouihcra part of the s
Joba Wootaver. proprietor of Uc
V'or a few weeks the doctor
ported tiBlavorably ea the ihrae t
Hotel Buckley, waa to Kingsley '
moalcaUau propoatag a trade for tbe
study, olmene and praejiee with Dr.
prcacM pfopcity yeaurday afternoon.
Joseph Foster, eye and car sficclalist
and Mrs. rraak WlghUtan w«
They did not d««B tbe bouse on (be
In LanslBB
Use property auUabte and while they
The Rev. Hr. Vail wlU euadurt
cmsldand the properly oa Oardeld
aveoue a good lootloB for a couaty
bouae. did not iblnk a change tn that
dlreeUoD adrlaablc aa tbe county now
baa twoaty actva putehaaed at about
(be aame price aa pnwosed la tbe


Unde offer,

tbe eommlttw


mended tbat tbe county keep tbeir
preseat property
until lome
plniiaible propoaltlon waa prose

Ibc report was accepted and adopted
by a nnaalmoua vote.


S; T. Horton proaented a eemnninieotloo eterfag to trade tbu Hoary
fTny praperty In h'emwood. taklns



rices Sunday


i>o aenriees la bla ehuteh here owing
Joseph Ugbt of Sherman was shak­
to bis absence and tbe anflalabed
ing bsadi wiiKtrirnds bare Stturday.
late of Ue church repairs.
Roy Spangler hai movod to Ue
The ProabyteriaD Lxdlea' Aid sohouse recently vacated by Mr. Howe.
lety 1
Dell Alien will mote oa bla broUerwith i
lo-law'a farm aooa.
Eloctrlc light poles a
C. W. Klebols baa gone lo tadlaaa
ed this areck. •
for a tew days and will return Uls
Hirii.. April

IS.—Mr. atHl

Mrs. Ubbyof Mawon. who liave Ikh-o

been very sick Init is. much belier at

man oa
Ihe egaaliutloa maltpr
^ brought nbuul alMost aa bour^a dif-

Uls wriltog.
Mrv. Charles Hoi-kradel vaa*a Trav.
Orarle. Mrs. JuUu Buuley.

erac City visitor Hoaday.

^be various menbera ukc Into ceasld.
liraltoa .« |a

\Tce orarie. Mrs. J. Newhouse
Recorder. Mrs. L- Ashcraft.

J. P. White of Uapli- Clly was tn
Tru'crae City last wc-V. ,

last year's

Receiver. Mrs John Boyd.
Chancellor. Mis. John Bates.
Marshall—Mias lailtle Low.




8be went on io Traverse
aie bringing but C reoU to Ue local family.
Clly to ber daughter. Mrs. Sarah Winmarhei.

e sapertetMdeau of Ue poor, au

broUer. Etoll Herrman. met aiu a

I that they dM M favor expoa

paialul accidwl Batuniay white driv-

- Wl.l.-h u.sw f. sh..w.


go lowald Ihe mlnl«U-r'n snlury.

Yoii will save time and money
by coming here direct. We carry a full line of everything
for building the house.

Prices and Quality Guaranteed

----------------------- ^

Traverse City Mfg. Co.
Tdephone-Cic :i'2. Bell 169.

Fol )

lowing Is Ibe pr.«i-imr


.Iddres*. Mr. .Mlliigt.m
S.'l.-eliou, quaiKt

‘‘Nothing succeeds like success."


"Who Lauarin La»l"7 Mdo. -Cat..ling of :li- nir.l--.’'


Vhd* Klimitl.-r.
Pin.K. solo. Nelli.. Wl.i'c.
V.»-a! d.iei.




and Miw. U.Hato. IMgene b-aralrr.
Piano Milo. -The Mtmking Birds."
Mrs. linl-v Billn.Hn.
Viv-nl Mil... Griuv- llastines.
- Star ..I IL-avni. " Mrs
VornI solo. Mr. AH.ngtoa
Ulalcx.p-. Ilov neniars. Arlii

S'cM win do- licUct work for


ston. Blon-BeMcV.W.-.1 dtic. - nio&-«.n. lulls." Min


nle Dahl. IJ!lza!.eih S..m«jn.







Tboic who luiviIn altendain-.: and

perfit-l. tK)«h

will fc^ better altrrwnrdi.

four weeks in »l.<p.vmneat an- 'h.-

eraarten .leI^ra I

ill h.ilf.




Cuts your colfcc bills about

Sold in c»K pound (^ckages

Dahl. Helen Sw->.lHKla. Ul.ursa Swn


only. Staled for yOur ptotccticn.

FoL.aier, Juaniu Wilton. Eugeniaj
Pourtiicr. Lucy Swobod*. Tbose per-,


feet lo Uc last three weeks:

ft msy bc dusty, dir^ and bad


Ry*ni Alfred Ryant. Siaraa NaprolsU Mamie Culver. Morie Hochradel.]

LoclT^cc itoTthe «ame—
«»«: isn t UK-fllW


{^r your stomacli and ncTvey.
FodLi«.N, Mi.lMo’d-uiMW,.

Tki ith ii »« lit $rttr /rf/.o-, o*» miJ. "Tktrt will At o* AroiJr.Jj m.‘< Vrx fra.'■

Tic «■« p'cfici will

»«J. "Tift

If Afi'"'"

Facts, tntlead «f Propbeclet.



»«»•» »^t

Do 7M know what It maonaf Do yM faww that It xtaadi
for perfeexieB in men's clotho* makln#1

Jin. I . n«l7.


to lACoro yon that tha
^ matorialx ar» bn woal.

V "golden" oppnnumis for fnltrn.1 nrg.
. .'\pH< Cl (ieiicril Miniger Lhzi. D. '■


It It pat oa

crotT acthcrafl karmoal

,-\\ '■

rt c

-i.-m.inii, ll.>- MirjiluB i- .-liipLii.u «.<:

A thoraarhly shrank anff ' _ ': J
the lallnring is what poa

fl-*.D«J di»-idcBd» di»iributed/o out member-.

Resources Syi.Dri *.-id not in unp*id cUim.
«re going lo mzkc * change or ule out more life pfrtecir L
L<xal Manigrr or Mriie the
i. see our
Hew Cm A

Tbo C'.othcraft Traflo-

a Hark Is a gaarantee of

iti*:uiWa!np ini-rros-

WMfll i. }

‘ P kavw a tight to expecL
Aa cxperienco of half a
coatory is behind tbo axcaUencoofClothcrafL
Tbe moat export canon.

A A »*»clr work-nat In awoat


When You Want Lumber

j,,.,!.-,. H-n,.... -h,
|h- =»..«- Im. nl„.Usl, ii,.

apeclal mrntl.m. the v.wal s,.|o ren-:

Inside aeailnel. Mrs: Berlba Wood. mars. «ad etpeels to roraain withthem for aome tlnie
OoUide sentlael. Hr*, r. C. Ryan.
Ml- Grace Hustings of Traverse
IPX to be raised by Ue eoonty sad
Pan oracte. Mrs. AlrdyncCity
Tbur«da>- nlglii
im material effect on Ue cuuaiy Ui.
Uoard of nanagrrs. John Busle
Irlriid*. teturnlng Friday- morning.
I Tbe eommiuee ua grounds to whom Mrs. Coulurier, Ftonk Vetnirr.
Hr*, t). H. Wright of Kaaaoa apeot
wan referred (be eetmaualesUeo of
Lem SmiU la sblppiog a carload
r Bupertateadeaia of the pen- i
of poutocs tbla week.
Tbe tubers a week with beravn. F. J. BrighL and
Of natural aucuutioes
Tats would
have no effect on the amooBt of sute


s.-erv..-u> Taft ad........ .. ..........................

rtercl hy Grace,..' TraveriK-L,i.| lU,- w.,, - thn. m, ju.l=.
nt, and ,.bl.u sol,, h, N.-ll,e WL.te ...
lo s:l m. his ,.un cue. .

^ P prodnee CUtberaft


"1 geo.1 ft'i

.I.',,, " ,.„J. V II,,
highly i,p,.nTlai-d.
Standing room-,
was al a premium
.\ coupfe of ntim !
heri on ll.e program are worthy oflia.,,

Mlcfa.. i*
viniiiux her daugfatora.
Hendarae* NoJaa. Klowditer and De-

ned Uia aftevwoDD oa Ihe pcs
uaa matter.
Ibey lecummeadr
at Ue aeceaeary nmYn be Mt

1'27 S. South Unitin Strew

iK.r;, Victor Goilhier. Alma Pelky.


m ^ tallon and wort people

brnreaM of lo per cent lo'

WonirnpassingIhpongh thiseri!iv;il

ll.t- Con-.

ts>U»ehiiti of Bniasn-lek.

baenta this year, tbe same

Mrs. J,

Vuur IMiable Furniliirc Store.

doea-vers-ct, lain, forn-oi-.. *

of the C. B. W.IS W.-JI aiK-nui-d and

Hk Rapids.
Mich . April


>i»rin-.i line

Grand Rapids Furniture Co.

Dnir Mr* Pinkham:—
-t.vdla F. I'ml.bam-* Vr^Ui
pouLdLstbeidfaltnolK-tnrlHr *
has been
eireccKsml in rcsUirine to health,
ly thousands
Is of women.
vromon. youcHnnol
you cHnnol well
w«-ll my
r*ay tvithoiit
liove it will help me.”
It is vmir «ltit\
it. ••!<
Lydia K. Piath^a YegouUo Cotoj

Uet Thur.-.t..y

l Otm* and look oxer uur new >liKk

\Vt Itave jt:si n-.civt.i our

Special Baraains on all Cast
Year's Slock.

There will be

II.—A here Ihe past Iwo weeks organizing
the Itoyal Neighbor* and Womlmva.
(be present pr^ierty tn parUai pay­ lodge of Royal Ni-lgfaLors. auxIMair
to ^ Modern Woodmen, was organ- reiurned to Manino last Friday.
ment. It was placed oa Ale.
Mrs. Drmsr's Itiile son Ralph has
A muMoB made by Supervisor Ted- tteff Tuesday erralag wlU tweaty-

• mssloa (bis murnlax but gaally car\r1ad by a vote of It lo 4. He Bovod

..jelyto bocomo active anf
host of nervous irrilalions make life a
burden. Al this lime also canc-rs
and tumop>an- mere liable to form
and begin their di-slrurlive w<.rk
Such warning svmpioms *> sense
of siiffucatiuii. hot flashes, headaehes.
harWaches. melanehnlia. dread ofimprodint.-vil, palp'ilalion of the hi
irvegulariiie*. <-unstipatiod and d
Drs* art- prompiiv heeded by 1l .
llgeol wnmea also are approat-liing
the period of life when this great
change may he expected.

to Ue Traverse Clly Kcoocth Wilson. Fred McQuccr. Elsie-

Presbyterian church.


.\li tin: n«-u.'! briiiliU'si ii.iiu-riis.

aretwadaglbrniicb Chaug* of U(r Fmsenenl im-nlh- I siifTer-sl Irren b.s ftasb-w.
eztrvme nerso6-u.w<. bndB.-b.'ami ->rrl>l-.orw
i Lad 1.1. an.! t,.-t
sUsy> I bad madr U|. iry nrnrl tb. o >>as
tw.^lpfnruir until I lav:an u- n** Lyd.*
E. I'niLhao.', V renal.:, i i«.|nunJ. ai,
lod ivnna.ims rraW. and it 1'r.nighl n»salWv Ibeaigh Ihr danxrv i-rnal. bnilt
ne my s'-sinn and i am in ezrel-em brahh
I constdn- 1.T4UI K llnktan.. Vrgrtalfa
CBiufw.Dd ui.-ain-a-wd fnr wnura duiliig
th.. tmiig len-sl .4 lifr."
Mr^ II<
New llav.
IhvMrs PiDshaui.—
sld muerv fn- three
•U lafr I hrani id
pcnaWr c-.mrfs.uKl, aad let
IIS Vfcnaldr

Owing lo modera melhoda of living
act one unman In a thnu>ond approarhrstfau perf'-'-ll.v nat'irsl change
wiUoiil experieneiog a ii-iin of very
aano.viae aud sumelioirs painful
This U the most crilical period of
wbo neglects the rare of tai-r Ibvallh
at this lime inviprs disease andipain.
- When her sy-sirm is in a der
isxt-l'on of aoy bi-CTUj

Ir vivltiuc frieiid* ami r.-lsiites.

F. 8. Wilson wvul to Detroit yes­
for leaa than tkree yaara and rveont- and broagbt up al Buckk-y. After (top­
meodad that tbla be done. The roport ping here a while made up their terday to attend a meeting of Uie
Ulehlgaii State sportsmen's assmiaaraj accepted and adi«leiL
minds Ual (bey didn't care fur pota
(Ion aa a iwreseoUllve of (he Can
loea. Hr. Dcayea ays It vras not hla
and Angier’a club of wbk-b be Is pres­
fauit as Hr. Bplnk did the drlvlug.
Nr. Ooodlng reeclTcd a telegram
ti> lK»d the coouty (or (he purpoae of
Tbe hoard of supervisors passed
from Ttolcdo. O.. saying bla sUlor was
erecthgr a bouse (or (be rare of Uic
dead- He left lor (here Sunday mora- resuluUon at tbeir meeting last week
roOBty poor on (ha laud parebaacd
aulborlslog the superialendonla ol
aomo UBw ago came ap la Uio afterThe frlcDds of Mm Mary Scyaioui poor, lo install elecirtc ilghta to ihr
oeoa soarioa of tbe boajd.of aapergaUcred al ber home Monday evealag bulldiags OB (be ooubty farm.
vlgDrg.(fels attcraoop but arat voted
•B. A. r. SloekloB will return 8dt
to help eolebrale her forty-nloU blrUdown, lunrtoaa voting po and Ibe bringing nuay alee pmeais. lee urday from Chicago.
malnlog four yea. While all Ibo memeraam and cake were served.
ter Velliquelte and wife, after
bora at the board favor tbe measure
apcndlug tbe wlnk-r In Boyue City,
tbe gcueral opinloa la that it la toe
hate been sjicndlng ihe week
Boea to agato brlag the iBaltcr before ler dug Tiona (rk-nd at ManlsU
Ulclr brulber. Tbeoduie. and.will go
wrs Ue dog wlU be
tbo people.
great In-lp to him when he giH-s out lo Chicago tumurruiv, wlieie Uey
' Sapcrrlaor Salford, pul tbe motioa
pcct to reside.
to sketcb material (or pictures.
(a (be cSeet tbal ibe propualtlao bo
Mrs. A. Harwood left yeflerday
Rnliert Kletuhig, Ibe pickle man. is
pot to (be people lo iwod the eounty
a visit of several days In KdwardaIn Traverse City on biiainess
lor •le.we oa tbe tml Monday In
Jane, tbe aioBey io be used in tbe
d Mra. Ilorit. Profes
BdwlD Bell muved Into his new
ddctlea of Ue buHdtag.. Tbe raotloo
Closr, Mr. and Mr*. O'Uri.-o. Misses
btoa^t out GonsIdoraUo dlacuBHloa. buuae ‘niesday.
Bula Marvin. Rose Cnlman. Emma Gatbe dWerent snporvlaera eiprcoMag
Mr. Itomcrman. who snid out to
tbe oplalun (hat the. public at largo W. Walker, baa Ibe (rame up for
lAti Culrnan. Frank RanskI and Mr.
bold! a wttmg opinion of tbe pruperty. aew house.
Piirvla. nil of Travernr fily. attended
bioasbl ahoot by mlarcpreaculatloB
Aiiill JubD:-<iu. flier fur MiHride Ibe club dsnrlDg pally Tuesday
OB the part of those opposed U
'Lumber'company, speut Suaday
lag. Hr. and Mrs. Otto I'oB-cra rulorHaelstee.
talaed tbo ytHiag profile aad
After the Mien bad been lost R.
Theodore Johnstna. Sanders’ walk­ of tbo loral young folks to an
suggealed (bat tbe eoonty ing boss. Is at Hotel Buckley. He will
lent lunebeoo after the party, putting
apeod-^ijmo. caab year tor twelve open a lumber camp near Buckley.
them In flae c-undltkm for IbHr long
) wra datU a auluMe poor boone was
O. Lanicn. autstaat surveyor (or drive hoiiK-obtatoed
A party was bold
the M. A N. B. railroad, la la toi
^ Tbs bwvr memlK-ra of the hoaid link over Ue ground to exteod the Mr and Mr*. George Spleltnan Satur­
were drlveo to the plaeo late yeater- road to Fife Lake.
day evening. Daaetag waa enjoyed




3:(5 a cot

where he will reside auil turn his aiU-Btluu to agrleullural puniulla.
Uuckicy. Ulch., April 1>.~Come ye
I. O. O. F.. No. lU. will ealcrtalB Ue
young lucD who are seekiax wiv
public at their-hall on Ue evcaing of
Duckky. We ba.e young ladles who
T. D. MarvlB.
April ::a on the eigliiy-eiBhlb waalverwould he cbarmlng to possess. T
-C. H. Eaiea.
sary of tiH- order hi tbe Culled States.
also baVe In Justice H. B. Balnl
. -A. E. Palver.
Next Sunday morning tbe meraWrs
deitla of Poor for Craad man equipped .wlU Ue ncccasarr II- will alleud senlee* at Ibe M. E
eeasss and would like tbe practice.
eburcb by ai<cclal irqucst of the pas­
Tbe village oouaell and aireet com- tor. Ue Rev. Mr. Tbompeon.
tbe iBtaHor of the court honae,
millec were out yeslerUay lookli
Mrs. F. R. Wllluima
paaaed Ibo.
u-aa drawn op by tbe cosodttee on over (be street with a rlcw to letting yearly lullcstoac Friday and
ably to

U lit. V .i.i
of wall i’.t|.< I.

place of Ihe litc Mr Bagot and C. A-

Wby-laud was eiorlcd drat vice prvsd In whii
.. Ihe olflcc Blade vai-aul by Mr.
Uociacuc auted Hut be would be Lang's promodim.
e SToundi la f
baSldUis be la aooe dafroc improved Wimnx to purchase Ue twenty
Hie High acboni atodeols will give
nod boauUBed. and ibai tbe bnlldJac owned b.r (be county at tbe purchase
pUy next Moad.iy night at the opera
be wired tor electHc llshta. provided price and Usl If they were wllllBg
Louse entitled Tn the SUnduiT of tbe
tbma it no proapect of a cbtnse of dispose of H be would like the ftJ
UoekK^.- Proci-ede to be placed In
chance to tmy. Tbe board was not
(be fund of (be alblellc associalioa.

Row Are
Vour lUaib?

W A Clotbos~and tboy da


Have You Heard.





Hkve yon Heard
Have yoo Beard


CH. Johnson’s




nMH-namii#-* AMortL
Ai Om hwcUI neMiM «r tk« oouf'
tU Iwt maiat Ike mbMHm or
dflkBMs r«»o(if4 oo tlM MUUr dT
tMy UcMM* mM rccooMted t
Iks IlMme fee tltU rear be Mi
99M.- Al tbe MeURg Hendar stsht
Uw.Mlofla MfR M the cHg tod prty
4 a iMKitfaM te »o-*irbi« tto or-

MtoRa.- «7iNAM; total. WtoC.
Meet aaphatt «A70 pto fieat fact:
prtfoto froBtage- toSAMSO: iU«et Ibtaraectloea. tTAn.Cd; total. dM.lU.lf.
EHek. Ur tiler, per freot
t>jl; prfvau freaugo.
atreet laltneetlou. tC.TBM: taui.
BHefc. ceneot tiler, per fioet foot.
t3.«g; private fretoage. tSSASt.l*;
t intcracclIOBE. IS.fS3.l8; total.
Thlny-foot aiiret—
Bfthllihle, per frooi fool. tsZi: pri­
vate.fniotaga. $t1A3f-7t: atreet Inter-

Otm i&fSR. ibto_ AprlT lA-Thfc
^woner BUaa Opy eapUad eC Pytoadd .Mot Uemday Rl^t a'ad U k
total toa. Tto erto ef fair mm
the aUp Jtmi before It weat ovei
■aeceeded hr tettlac to Sfccpiar Bear
mat Id tbetr yawl. Life savers
ftaited ter tto achooBcr when it was
that H was tiling with waUr,
h«t tto crew had abaodoRed
wrorfc Tto Day was bound frea BUi
RapUa to Ctoboygas with a cargo
of hardwood lumbar.

^etlaR■. rfM-fl; WUl. m.ttoJt.
Sheet anliall. per froat foot. KM:
prtvau fioalage. ttltolAer etreei loTlr folknrtBg won graslrd
* iRto tloollbaa. Frrd P. BougberaM
H«tT Biodtogw. a<u«tke.
Jeseto Brottora. Ttoua Ujvr aad
PiRRk Sebiraltor auietka.
CORif Laatoer aad Joaeph Neiusaa,
Jtoa Unuer and Astoa Oarta|( aureUea.
Voatinllcr £ Nar, Fard Duna mad
J»Oph P. Onioptr aarrUra.
ARM ‘ntoottd •■■■ Jtwepb Toplaka.

an gf Jesra- Wens.
Briek, Ur flilcr. per front foot.
Albert C...............
|S.«; private frooUge. IK.8JUC -wall undo. ............ .............
atrrel lBtcraccU^»n^ I6.Q5JS; total. Traverae CUy has the )ob <t b
nl^t^ raJ
Brick. ccDCDt tiler, per frost fool.
I24«:- prtraia floatage. •K.ISOJO;
Percy Bayini
Btreet iBteraccUooa. WJfT.W: toul. ulldlug
bis nr
‘ Acme has U
jiidmc II.
The CourUde.....................-let WOI bo
The city eagtnrera nrUoiale of the
c ktser aod the Fifth ward
eoat of a lateral aewer to the allc} beae City toe gainer by the
Bie aad Waihlngtaa atreeu
r. and
froai Pnnklls to llallroad aveaue.
le chil
Jflto T. SavitoU aad A. B.
e girls. St-veD
m glvea at $U8A«. The rrpoK «raa -............ boys and
trttoMUeaol rcDS
ahrollcd U the school
JUaea kfeGlDoeae. llcar? Wlaeh- leoetred tad fliod on Mr. Ollleii-a oo- are
f\aien was troaDt od the Edward
atoahr aad Oregor Geret anrrti^
Fwtoo farm last year. He wUl bereIttee o4 Way* aod meana alter reside Is Trarente Clly.
'toeia Wh ]oa(>sb aa<i AndKtt 8M)a- .Tto c
1 that Uia moary Deeded •Anhur Uomlto. who left lor South
m;’ Mmi7 WiKkDavakr aad 3. W.
Carolina, baa returned. He g6t as
ter paviag ■<
i&KIRto, aoretin.
as Detroit and postponed bis visit
Ilamr W. Pierre. Bdward A. KB- iCDfUBg water mahu be railed
to South CarollDs iinttl next tall.
Umdlag. Adopted ob Hr. Palpi
dw aad noiuai Yeuag aaraUea.
While IB Detroit to vialted with hU
loor .hroUian and only ataier. He
Philip Sbenaer. J. P. Gllleaidc aof motloB.'
The boDd of Trary H. OMHi aa dty ears la Detroit everybody speak» very
HmA WhHlBg aareUea.
highly of Traverue City. Arthar aa.vs
eierk. pith O. W. MeWethy at lurety. you
MB Ttocker. Hoarr Brodliagea.
can Inbk ror a large number of
was approved or Ur. Abbetfa motloD. excMtoonlsu from Deiroit nest at
O. tfktooB aaretM.
The bond of C. Alica Bnltb. consta­
yWAatad Uanuter. Pred T. Boogber
I^k DrPer visited with Met
ato Alfrto U Fpat«aa auretiaa.
Is Traverse City for a few dsvs.
Oilr Btokarr. Upeard WblUag aad Tbonat as aurety. waa approved ah
Atolore UarUneau. who for ibe past
Ur. Clllcit-s motion.
waa stewanl at the Park Place,
enMr oerat a«»U«a.
red back on bis farm.
A rcaOlotlaB that tto pUn tor n<MM Wrato^aad Ftoak tivtotaj.
ItodWad iWato RRd C. U. Pfertor iag Blghtb atreet from the bridge
*uf^ *^*bBUaSs*
Oivlston atreet be deposited with t
ftofaday inn Wheatoto' and ago
kaaley «{ Traverae Cfiv were the
• taapb KleFK. A. LaRgwRrthr aad, cicr clerk for aBainUaUao. that a a.
distrtet be formed gnasu of Ur. and Mrs. Jerome Fortto,
Edward Laataer anroUto.
Mb. ajtd^Hra. Elmer Beach of Travmak Klottk aad Ckhitaa Kiaaak; aBd'toat'tto eonBdl meet Hay 8 at «rse City are the gnests of Ur. and
j. lL'tlaeUBa^tl aad^ABttR W. Ei^ p. u: ter hear reamBatnaeas. wi Uta. n«d Denlae.
adopted on Ur. Palmcr'a motloa.
l people
reaolalloa tbii tto piaos for
11^ Rkh aad <
lateral aesrer fiom PraBklln street U aeorea of hungry Utile birds and when
3. :M. HaMI
Railroad avenne be deposited with tie poor little poU could get In a
clerk for
f»tM Bordeo,. Joha. N. JtopWna that cHy
.toe tarnien' boat friends.
the oouiirU meet Uay 8 at 8 p.
Md A. & IhuUtaaatet. tundea.
I drds there arc
ItomnaltlMM topaaaa raportoi
not many crops, as ■'i-vcry Und of liiUr. Ahbott'a UicklaR.
id ot the crops.
•cu gel the upper bsoL
ttol-tW^Efauiliad 4to afiM- ORHayor
. Steve FortoB of Ti-avcrae City
CUIOR OC Oeorge Rood for a Ueeoae.
daja of Blnicy
mailer ot the bond of Ibe city treas0«a AfeOarrr aad Alfred Caupean
i|^ the HfeUee. aad aa oM of tto aror. which Is f'S.OW. aUtlag that
Ralph liasUBSs. Ibe nearly elected ju.:_____ ____ _ _.......
k4»—n> was pot a rasideot of tto
treaauTar. bad called bU aUentlan
for eoedlng It down. A good bargain
al4r they eoold pot report favorably.
on both aides, as clurer scod is flu
Ur. Hastings haa seenred I
4»pttd «a Hr. WtaotM «»aon.
bOBd for lha roar nnd toa coshbU bad a boahol.
Ttoliadaaa coBtotlee
Jack Sebenerhorn of Traverse City
approved it. but it is thoocbi that Is wurtcing fur Adolure Martinraii.
.thiv 'hto lareaUgated'tlie aaUcr of
ITuJXiO Is too high. When the draitef
-..............wim. of Traverae Cl
iM^neatioa of Antaa flabfca *]tt
-nds add rchilb
wins natb toe treaseiar had enUre
Mfka Caspeao aad A. P. HaencoanD Ik realising u
of city (uiida aod they were
W to WW>9r«»r«H*-iiRa}e w rec___„________ crop of clover .
to fals diecic. Now no moocy he nlwd last vewr.
, RMiMltd- toe graatlag of tli Hciawe
caa be.drawn without an order from
Orrin UcClufc of Coopersvtllc. who
aa aaa ot the boodi
la tore cw businevs, sutod In an In­
ywr and eleric •
iRatdtot of
EMua oa Itf.
with your corrospoideol. that
e detoaRM tofly. toBrlng only terview
LtodM-B iDOtiea.
(here was not a ten
neacbee formerly raUTto eowafttee «i Ueeaaaa teportdl
Ity of Urand Rapids. lie
... sa
that toer •toi>u'»giliiiii- toid-’i^
:ruublc 1'
tannere were bavlng truuli
d Jtoa KRtof ^ P*itolP#E
aad moRa coaiiBlUee.
iruoil. He said
toUi aad Mr IV atolato air anretlea ways
The ahlennca did trot aaaemblc
> Mimr of Ihr rai
a«d wore «Mhto to roinM-fdkortolr aslnrxs
seMoB-until tr<T bat at »:I8 tried covering tor soli wIlli ebeap
Mtoaae ol -*art refuse salt with cxcclleni resuiur
they bad cDnMMSh'>H' (he b»
Adapted oaMf 1
One fan
botPro too bohiii.
wheat. ^ }
yield ot forty buahcU
r*to W^Bat-foa
. Your ot
ctttoa.'fNataga tadaW Waltons qffyUlto.. April I*.—Tto of wheat to t
pondetil would Uki- to ask toi- fa
- - Herald if any of them
tdmer IRIlBoh called tore Tuesday
aga aad alae (to the
lod and wbai
OB torway north, this being Mr ftrst
s toe resolisr The soli In the vlwater Mdai -aad 'lb k
IT of Grand Rapids Is generally a
topetloa iBibt eoRPcti lootop AprU 3d Mn. Ryop. who has been slslilng
oil. Win somebody try toe
irtoi I to t p. at for toe laztoptog tor daotbter. Un. F. B. aark. baa
mi on otir sandy soil and retoectori od-tXrcftp'w'tote-wMtoto Tetartotto her heme at Ovid.
port Ibe rt-suli In the Grand Traverae
ttoM boRda tonoa-to ladued of WK M. MetiHto ltd
Some jnquiriro
e been made ot
Rdoptol <to Mr. aWMr^ tootM.
___ ,_____ If It were
Alfterotgh-MIMIt i«»<^-toat tfoRt
t to trim grape vinca. Kp. o
SIMM wRMTto addlai (to watto The' ShUo CUpman toadsd lambcr ..401 Of a cold spring It l« no
but do It at oner, aod doni for­
Rorpoaea add fUAto^far dlrtdt Ib»n at the PetenoR dock and Mt Monday late,
got- to use a shovclfut of ben mannre
McttaA toV'adeMr Mr lU latter to to Chicago.
and half a abovciful of aslics to be
to BKd ^atorer atodtt' At>a'M«- F. S; Ctaik sBd Joba OU niade.a worked in wfib a‘potato book aroond,
os:- 11I«» WRd baitnMB trtp (o Trwvciae CUy last cack vine. Trees and floes must be
fod. fNo fccd.--no grapes, no fnUt.)
acedBaa RRt toll borodkyd «to> OR-can U & Btole did bUtoeas at North- April 18.
BBo wBMo BwoBio. Tto retolatoB poll MM satonuy.
patoed ual tt«tog.'-K toa utpaytoa The totooner BeU leaded Itunber at Mrs. Dr. Cook d I shopping It
vote M
anihea It tto Petanoa dock Tocaday.
Mrs. Frank Habnenburg is III with
potohia Mr: .to 'Oh'
PoUUMrare oomlag In very alowly




ti^t » Mtod*-M»-tto tMito «M and toe pitce paid la M'cetta.
MEHMi «a tdim g|« toadad.
Tto toAfto rdjtortad tm »-P. miMtor Ikay.
toitt tod taM tott..UtotJ«UR ^i- UwIMe. April l«.^4to«tor Wa^
Mto wtatad abwl Rlib worth ot per ywttrdoy toued-tto asaui Arbor
tty latolaRMbH. roUing aside Friday,
toy 3.-1M7. R* ttoda^to to observed
to fdaetlBg trees, risen and shnto
to evary tomofovlag dtlMB of MItolfeta.-, n U tob duly of ail wto own
bMBM to BRke thCD more bcanUlnl
to lltkUtf trM* aroai) them and
tiMI tM kUlttoya. Mstaaly tto ipttvMaBli bat
_____ILU pto tmt fPMi
h ttmMk. NAITA8; PMM iP‘
' K ArUL 4Ir4aAtO.

r Qtot toot;
'; klnet IS-

Rf. lUIAfk; MAk ITjraM. Rur
____ IM into; Pto trait fiMt. tot

|U4; pHvatP frontagt. W.sn4l:
8MM| lateratoUdlk,

BUM of tto eUMrcB and youth
duty we-'owe to onraelvos ahd
prosierlty. In pUnUog ireci
only make oar tomes aad playBda more tonaUlal. but alao uae
Qod-s beat 0tu to man.

tokk. cpmtot llior. tUt par-front
tmt^ prtvaui froBUia.
■mtt tniMMetlMA ttolJf; totel,
t iBtertoW.U: tttol.
totil. MOilto.
1401 ^
Tto cMta Mr Ki|Mh ft
t» tti brttoi ervert tto lIVRf


TMiV-t*e Mot im>H>jWLofcklc. per froat fuot. |3.T*; pHlaM-tNAMk

«ra« Mto-

«A telag noted and grave fears
wtoo raised that a tidal wave might
w. Thr aback was disriaell} fell
ft Seftervinr. SOS miles away.
Tbia city was oace bHoro shaken

hr AA torttoMko OB IM Right Of Aug.

Ragie lodge, alao Him. Ulnnle Duna.
Thaaka.ate «a(stidrd to Proremoui
trfcMa who w«e so Had In hmdmlag
MoRday monlBg a nine o'elork
of Mn- Caulk....
Balurday mnihlnk
SA : a. ua. droto reaiilUag from age.
dk she whs 81 years old. Tto funeral
---- largely Ktloidod itf fricsula and
shorr .who bad kiin-nn Iter tor
yrara. Hl«e was laid tn
log hands m,^. Mhrr-.. ceraeleiY
Toesrtsy nHiroiag iil t uk-bek the

sPiSTis? t

Fully pawned in enwm balb-le
lib- grraiui wore essH-eatioRal
blark Tbr bride waa aticttded by
-. Miss Uertha. while tor gruom
. aiieoded by Napoleon Gauthier.
Ti«r w-cddlDg i>any proee...............
liihU-'s home, where a ........... .
wedding dinner was served to rela-



I fbf iBtmU vti ffHWvma.

Bleeding Sores Covered Her Whole
Body After an Attack oT Measles
-Nursed Every Night for Three
Weeks-Nothing Helped Her.

Kind You Km
Always Boi^



I Bears the

ft^la mr opinion it
sevi-fi vraii had
lavn cured xd t to

1 wtsbes for


«oea.-le», »he -was
atiarkrd about a
forimght Uuv by
afunou*. iicbing


iHiness trip. If be II



t" \ -/wtcfyandUissi:

tag psi
papered tbia aprtag.
Frnhk Haunnrb. the druggist, with
B. Tarler. has moved Into Mrs.
Swartont's house, after haring It r»>papered and various other lillle Improvemests made,
One of the rahiable blncV horses
owned by K. S. nod N. B. Hobbs. 1s
Mm. Bd Hill were called
from the peninsula Un week by slekIn toe family of their son, aBMb Ur. and UrKs. Hill. Jr.,
low an the gain, however.
hak been laid up with
Is now
Heidelberg Ruariet gave an <
___here last Salurdav ev<
lni.and as ad«-ertisM T“» »
treat.'■ to a fair sized audiCRCe. consldortM toe weather and condlUoR of
the roads.
Mr. aod Mrs. Walter Ernst left Isl
Wednesday for Traverae City, enroote
to Wasbtagtoa. wtore tbdr expect tmakc ttolr fniure home with their sc
who live there. The
I dangler. wl
mdsea. John <

•naa-cf eensiderable sisp. Sbe angered
a tooat deal and for three werka we
woilld brip, We then n-metnUered
htoing liewrd so luurli rl»ut Cutieura
Reifies. We aeni for them and after
ly-^our huuriSSSSwIIrt'of^Ywkw
In five oMwrutive days ibr buk- oar.
murbtoouriov.had bn-ni-ntirrivcured.
ISI.. Iil—



and duly dd. 1-J6. -


when a lad of siileen, was
Ih humor on In- fais- and
•'.ilieura Remrdew to—
treed from envy
-y humor
and has i
n lime after
tioued a<> l» the r
.-Mitv year- have pa~-ed.
Your Cuticura Soap lias been used in my family
for aevrraJ rears aiwl 1 have faitli in tto
Cutieura hemedav.; jT. H. Bmito.

For Over
Thirty Years


Mrs. Fml HHicr bas reinrni-d from!


Mira l-eilila lliitoe-- oo^^ Mar-


Thu cjiertBlumeiit glv.-u by the; '**^^-■>'1
range was a gr.-at mk-x-.--.-. Tlix- play • I'lllexl "Tlii-Oixl Maid's C.Mivenir.-li."-

cr» Cliy Batmiaf.
lissoiiri waa Inlalat w-ex-k7or|
Little Opal, too iwo-ytarold child
or Mr. and Mrs. Jraes Bnneat. ta very
111 wMh whnoidng cough.
V. L. Otllcaple has relumed froin
Kaleva. where he haa been sutloncd
B hs-lug 1i<-r hlrllidr.y.
ll.'^^ri^Ksex.Il .J Chirac, tm.iie a|
and la moring bis family to Traverse
I'lil biiriiires Irii. lu-re la ------- *•
Tbi- Wotuaii's rliib n III
aty. where ho has obuined a poslthe hoiii.- »f F'r . <'. ft. K«'b1
M 08 the railroad.
i'i>iiiii-il lit lonhi Tu.--xluy uiuhi
There bare bees a numtor of ihiv aftri-iiiam.
-SDgas In, the aecllon here recenUy.
idopii'il a n-->.>l.iii»u Ilmlllhg
urlee Claypool ...
moved here from jo\e<1 it »u]i|iei afb'i tin- ]iM|g<- m-miKiii ■••I- itl lx. i.-u- iMie I
' Saiunlay
Bates into toe Brown bonne by ii
iiil.llauu. Tb>-;x- Is lllU-v«
Id tracks and then Joe Kelt
M-etiao boc- at Bates, moved Into the
all>-ndv<l the mn
Thacker house owned
I siU"-rviiu*rh nl 1,
SaIc ofSUte Tax LaaOs
Tue.-d rv
- \Vnlli>-*il:i>.
Hamilton, the section boss
Ihilue K-ll Ihi-, iii"it>lliz r
llunlUou will not move hoarser
as the Bates ear house l^to 1-c moved
here, thus making Ibis plaea headqunrlera for that aerliun alao.
An Equity soelely for the.protec­ fall, for a n. w .Iwelling.
Urn milk MeQiilllan.
tion of the farmers, at organlsatlou
OgC-ussimilar to thr Grange, was ontanlo-l Weilnesdaj f-.r her In.mi
wii :i nuiiilN-i
burg. N. Y . Im^ '
here lari Thursday night.
Sn-Iir. Erkla, a ttraveling pla«
m exbibiliuu
a lum-bcsin <ui Mna-l-i>
4H.I i-«u-riiilii<-d
> uf msgle and Mi». O
rni! ladli-.-i ai -upie-i on Tih-sdi.
Th.- N..itlii«il 1«-1

““ Utares uf many ntonriis.

tL -lk Xs


--------- -





I. H. I'owcTh spent toe day li
s Bsy.Iru. W. P
in 111.' town halt m- -vtulug.
Elk Rapids last Friday .uu .the liqii-.r in.fllr.
a li'v-t.- a.iMiss Etta Wll-oo of C
Davis' departmeni.
iH ti-MChlng Mrs. Da
' •ia»i- Thiirs~:ay
Mrs, A Johns •leu
Ajiiii i;.
morning for Grand Rapids, for a risfs Myrtle

.... r,r

spcnl Thurs-

»,v in Traverse Clly.
lOM- a lioi-{- lari W.---V
Several new books bare
Mr. and Mi-, narwise iJidrts
I to the •township library.
MoTland aiw visiting ai tin- home
The Rev. Mr. Heath will oecujiy
ic pulpit Id Ibe M. B- chureb nux.1
iiknisn iiu
Sunday morning and evening
Mr. nnd Mrs. P. Wurzburg apeni
toe day In Tra»erse Clly.
Mrs. Ifd Kehl entertataed the La­
cs' Aid soeli-iy at aa Informal sup­
per on Thursday afternoon' In honvr
of her mother. Mrs. IHeoX. ihc-oeeas-

The CotJM of Many
Sudden Deaths.

is Tisiting her daughter
'"^^'^'sebaob aad tUughler. Mu«
ARiSliA-Wcre visitors iu Traverse CUy
SdadayiaDd Monday.
Ut.. -Oernip niuvcd bU fanilly tock
to toair Ohio farm home. Mrs. Derrnp' .nod chlldron went Tbui
while Mt. Drrrup wi-ni Saiiirday.
Agont Briggs aod family nu«
-fiy the vacant hoase slinll-i tsolnrdl
py the house vacntcd by Mr lleir
Mra. U-n Muster was eonSoed



bold waa toown by toe p
or bMuUnd flowera -which ctoprad 4Scr


mirtake. hut cciuembettbe name.SwwmpRo«. Dr. Kilmer's RsraBip-Rool. and the
and i^Uee' departB«sit.'hotvie.

> ou v.ill find at my (arm
my double standard polled
Durham bull. Wei;i8iered in
both book®. A sure breeder.
Nearly all of bis calves arc
Prices—$1.50 cash with re­
turn privilcL’Cs.
J. \V. Slat.

-r suitable per-xiu. 11 l-s '»■
I the Ctb day xrf May. A. I>.
ui sail] probate uffice be and 1* henby appi.laled fur hiarlng said peUlixx..
II U forthPi ordered. Tlial puWlr
iiiiikv- ilieteuf .to glv>n by pi.bllca<l<.i>
Ilf « copy Ig tola onlrj. for three >..r
rx-srive wM-ks t.rerl<«i> i.. -aid day c.r
li.-arlng, in the Graml T:-,...-r-«_ H.-i:x1d. a newsiaper prliitisl aiul Hp-u- laicl ill aai.l rxint.Tx,
/ Juilg'- of Iri.lMXtC

How aboutthat New Buggy
You Bave Been Promising VxmrstiR
Wc nrr ahowing* fino Hof- of vehi.-lfs. e'firyone of which ia
htiill topot-iall.vfor our tratlRli; oae of the Rioat rcUal.le
Carri*»rx' ouiuufiictarera of Kalaaiu/4>.. Mich.. couitaUiig of

drallis afC caused
l>v It—heart dis-

the rc'iill of tidnvv ciisease. If
kwioev trtfu'irie is
; aliowedloadxance
■“ tbtkidney-iwiioncd'blood will at­
Sehanb Sr. wto was
t wetoc. Is slowly Im- tack the vital oigUBt. causing catarrh of
the 1-1.1 Ider. ur the kiduev. t^nmelres
InesL lii'wn an-1 waste away cen by cell.
^ra*‘jomph Valley te getting l
Virr tionbles almost alww's’rrsult
Also Graudma VaHey. who I
-i-ianireslvDl oi toe kidney .- and
beet raft akk.
I-I-Vaiocd nuickes: by s i-reper
After aw iliaras
II ii: -d t'ocfciJue»>. If you ate lev!■Tto. Ha. Aurelia
turelh Jar
beimer dM at tor home
...................... -morntak ................ ..
ITT and bladder remeds'.
blHtv to bold urine and
X paVring il- aad cerIn C4inadB and *■ '
.. ^
__________ >„..ihlgad
often through Ibe dsv.
iweoiy-BlM rears ago settled srilfa
es during toe
tor husband ta Iscelanaa comiy.
whore toe remataod until tor death. ebn'U' SwaiBijtoat i. won reiiire-t.
She Iravco to Ruwni tor ln« a hg»it> wonderful
boad. ptnh BRiwey. Jr . Jacob. GottIh-U. Bdwpbd. C*ari<9.. Alfred. '
It lo UkeaU'i i
mtab. and daugbrara U'<Ua- noil
4rnggi«a in lifts-rent :
B- Cody. Funeral sen lees tiK*
le hmilea. Von i
froui St. Maty's church Frldsy
He of this wsxrleri
ing at 5 otonk by. toe "
C4"ers- ami a hook Ustt tells all abour ii

Farmers' Attention'

Uf.t ice W.t«a$
r/Att* Seat Bikes


Work Shoes
Soft npper Wther-toli'l
rale leather aoJea. Leather
allUiroagb. Made for comfort anil i?>stl urnr.

, ItBMKrBrc

am! x-vtirytliiiig tliatBl....iil.| Id! f-iiii'l in "" op-tu lUjraitbiy. Tbia line ii Wv.Bxiiug more prxpalar
t-very ynarintbis virioity V'.tir n.-iebbon areautislio.].
an will JO.I l4c. if you mtxk. y.-'ir « lecUon from our atra-l.
1 inr pric-a are v.t» n-.-.a-naHh-. at..l wc C'«*i»nlf«i ' v. ry p.l)
Wf- Uirn out. W<- • .|.|.ally invit*- you to call ati'I look o.ef

Citt. Phora 751,


Queen Gify Implement Go.



an cdsay ttnll have hto or bm a

«»fo fomn-.«w ibbii

« owe jwar aaw.

When my par-

Hswd I was Bta «hd Martha
Horfc's nearest neighbor pri. and we

From your friend
WUlie Lutmaa.

ptofod Jogeiber ev«7 day. 1 war
fadeed jion may ft*». Willie. I hope of Uta'-i imU bearers. When we
foe farm 1 bad many pets. ButTt
MntM CHy, httah.- you and tirrfoa wlU write again tome
Hatrh -M. mr. was 400 bard work for my stater and

MM VwM Fa^ liNHtilM

I ■-«- M|- A- YT i,i,. tiiigTir

«» aMwiiir —< la
« I mmr fan 4o


«• 4*

‘ »HI -»nr. vr

ime vltii axe and
^r Preiddmtaev and'hewed down tbe trew and
^*tbe other riiUdreu are (wiMtoc I
eeat Uiein away .all over the wortd.
u4Pt l .vould wTiU piD. tor
Into iweber.
tcaehsre aame Ja Arthat JUmmerahaped and «at*ed foto the iboiuaad*
he to very ktod u> us srhes sre
or tUBfi Chat people wanted to aaa
an iood. My eeat-stote ia Fully Karnot yaa phat hwwitied to Michigan,
loek. lithe her very much. Iktotny
and to all the other yiaow where
buiHu toll have the.mrd atUl. I cam
there were «nrenU.
M srriie very cood.' I am eleven
But aner a while the wlae
mra oM. I srlll cfoae mtw.
learned that wbea ail the treea were
Toar llttU frtoad
eat down dreadful thiaw banr*""**
Lams SoUlvna.
They Jmb^ that iha lovely ati
t am pad dhat you wrote atoa
didDt Sow ao faat that after a while
imma. I eajoy setttac toueri from
pew nailer, and iben dried up.
That the lain dida't rome aa ctoua.
Maple Ctoy. Mieh. R. F. D. No I.
« were bad wind atonaa. That
Mar. S7. IN7.
ru and woiww that daouayed
DMr PwBMaai—
4am a llttto pri Duly elpit years

feed tim ehlekma aad naJree.
wooM like a tmtioa so that I oaa


»*loami Aprti


wLTrr rt»t ‘the

aorlac when tree* am to he planted.
FMday, Vay thinl. te UichlsaD'i Arbor

In Arbor flay tharbe

to « -----------siwt j-h 1
«P tobai



Mrnmm. ft* wk. a«

na *MW

I'wimM like I*, tola
aab. and will you Undly send «
a earo and buuoo. I m> to sriiori n:
am to tbe aee^ grade. We ba
great fan paPw gamre.
Your Hilfo friend.
Miles Kmnedy.
What games do you ptoy at acbori?

«MW. «u paiu lt*t

1^'4a^a nmt ate w« ptwt tfee

aitf .**r.

WhM WIN VM •»*.
tlfar HHia ova that toe plaM toder
What vOl jtKi W «hM «•■«» oM aad

at jR atwaj* Ttar taw*

Aged 9.
Ida Telsiad.
Your totter shOws you to he a
Saashine girl. I am pad ihgt yon
have vriuea 10 me.

A. W.
3UBv SL:

Ttavecae City. Mich. R. P. fo Na S.
. April A IM17.

■Tbr Mv-ds of foe |e«uul are planteil
ka beans, aad when ibe vines have

aae np and foe nuts are ready lor
would like to toin the Bunahloe hanrestlng the tanner takes a critl
valor especially made tor foat pur
Club, ao will you Undly send to me
aad suns down tbe lung rows.
card nad builoo? I bave a lliilc

Drer Presiitoiit—


ground kuflirleuily lo'cul foe tap root
ke vine. Tbe snme process
gone ibrougfa wlih ,00 foe other side
ri tbr vine. The main rrurt foing
thus aerered and tbe ground looseacnl,

Donald Keunedy.
I am pad to have you toin. and foe vines an- lifted into shocks like
They :ire cured by allowtog
aiae put
Howanys name on the
them to suad to Ihe sun aliout U<
Cradle Roll.

days, sben colored women and Mieh.
ire sunt Into tbe Arid ti> pick the
from tbe vine*. ' ^n average
Dear Preafoeui—
t thoupit I irould write a few lines picicer will pick about Arc boforis
for which be to paid at Ibe rs
I you. I am well snd hope ym
Mape aiy. Hkh. R. F. D. Ka 1.
cents a bosbeL
le same. < go to school every day.
Mar. :S. IM7.
“It Is not known how peanuts Amt
We have oaly two weeks

Wm you pleauc send me aariber BunthlBk this to a good time to write shine pin? 1 broke my other .
reu. 1 am a Uille muab boy Just Well I must close tor ibis iIbw.
l(nrelng <0 talk and write the Eapish good-bye
lage. t would like to gri a butFitan *
tea ftocn you. I cannot write, very
Age 10.
Lorailte Davis.
good yri- Hy teariier thinks it to
I hope you will have beuer lurk
pretty good, for I am only to the griu whk year aew plo. L am glad that


Oa either side of this cultivator are
two four kniree which sink Idu

etalaed. “and 1 will itrnmlsc upon my
mor to do ns you tell me''




T»>aw. car. a.

A New Otleau wemaB w«* fkiiKBectme abe did net extract Miffidaigt
MriiliBMnt fna her food.
k She took Scctf.f Emvtsiofu
I JU«dt:
She gained a peond a day in iFfight,

the pre.-‘4'tii lime the crop amtMiois
abont n.riio.oon bushels annually. Vir­
ginia and Non h Carolina still nulni
their lead. Ini Teuneusre now relies
about ftb0.e<>ft busbels. ihnupt of aa
Inferior quality.
varleiy about •*

Of tbe


husbel "-Milwaukee Beniinri

T*-jt Appiauae.
1 amustiiE iBcidest oecnrrod
aoat temple a few days ago diirI Sunday school coDventioa


mnsical talent was good, and the ap­
preciative audience applauded each

The ANTBONY Woven ffrelTifce
sunuFACTL'ncD nr

number of tbe progiam. until Dr. Ig>rlmer. feeling tbai the demonstration

school that . OK out a uee cm Aihor

?iawi ca». a. r.

It to nice to have two Sunstatoi

Day. And this year your ptetodeni girls to oae family.
wUi do the aame. fthe wlU also aend to be a happy oae.
a petty postal of Tisvecao City
every Bunshlner over in ytars of ate.

It No. C.

a Ha;!. a«e S J«at«.
Hanr Ooala^

Kase eeat .6/

H«!aai4.Kpw*4r. Tiaberae Oty. a.
r It Na 3. Naae aeet by Ooaeld
.mw II toiac to leneBbor Artwr
Sar thli rear! Yon ksow 11 ti calM
the .rSehoohChlUraae- nw“ tad all
the people .wbe am latereetad
heaetifal wm are: nuklaa to aae
h^t Toa baj* aae glrta are *oto«
Tcara pad mn va> Michl(aa a
a ftcat foren. but the mrlj eeuien

■q«e tlitle dcertiv for their Jhma.
ah< m akartasi for ihtlr. eUlw;

Aant UlUe. And my cuter and I got
Blrigb from my papa and mamma.

verse Hty. Midi. R. P. a No. C.
April 1. 1»7.

I. Tt«t<ne CUT. R- Pno ahorier than iwohondred words.
H. X r. taaahiBi Cb* Cradle KelL 00 tbe subfocc “toy Favorite Tree."
Albert DowWe.'TiaTMae City. R. F. 8be will alio aeud a poaial to every

Your bomc ought cards, aad a set of disbea from my

Dear President— ,
I am golac to school, and I
-letea years rid. I study arttha


Will you please send me a button? I

to chip their lioods. MSidcrlBg tl
they were in the house of the Lord
The oesi nnmljer frilnwing his com­

A«4 became 1 have a sister wbo take*
Dear President—
Of me and pres me anything I
As I have not -wriliee «o the Son. Now my stater Is teachtag
ablw Clab before. I

Wrtie on one sUe of the pace, la would write and aak If 1 ml^t Joia.
ifc, alifo rear name and up*. Earb
Saaahlner who aeuda to answers.

M'lirboal erevy day.
b gnde.

sehKd nad I am staying with Mr. and
am to ibe Mm. C. Nelson. They are very good
to me. t have been staying with foam

My teaeheria ana



mcr's request, and the andlcncc was
somowbst siaitlcd when their clear

u A D r\ wire stock ts mod. and tbe best, benvkst f^sm*
lied wire that con be obUlned.

voices rang ont with “O clap your
bauds all jc people -


Wm. floolihan Co.

Wagons, Implements,
Hardware, Paints and Oils
“Not Better Than the Best.
But Better Than the Pest.*’

Wm. Hoolihan Co.

Citizens Phone 99



Bell Phone 108

Spraying time


Canada ii. beyond



-SI lintol aikl toil lifi beth-rget yoar wantA

in wly in

oriler lo cK llif la-kt matcriala
W<- carry for tbi« puriitwc Bfoe VilKol (Copper Sulphate)
.\raenic. Formaliii. Livtr < f Sutpber ao>l

Idvanlwru'e Para

Paris Orriri,
e harveet ri 9K
wd moocy te the
o( Western Canada,
.c world bat m be
rd. CaoU Aaisiaa DrityV aad Mixed yansiag
buadasee: churches aad
I emyri access; laaes low.

If you will {wreliHe Uiera articlraof tta.yoa will eenoialy
not jro WToag os to tjuality or prio^

$. e. Olaif (f Sons
Cnptn* CUf’$

Drug Sift

and she to writing, too. 1 gnoss J
bare to stop now. Bo goodbye.

Wilma Geo
Archer. I would like u foto the Sna- .^'Vbni a Bice Cbrtstaias you
Sblae Clsb. I have a Utile risier ris Mildred had!
1 am sore yon bare
years old. and she would like to
tovriy times plapog wtth your dolls.
■0. Her name to Lydia.
Snttous Bav, Mich.
Mar. es. l»7
4. Where did be live?
Bertha ijiiinaB.
Dear President—
(. Who appoinu It to eacb atate?
Do you like to go to school? I
tblaklag about
C. What Is the naoie of the persoa
woBder If lAydla goes, toa
tolBltig your Bunsblue Club. Will yon
to> apfudnta U to toleUcan*
7. When to Ulrhicu's Arbor Day*
Traverse City. Ukk, R. P. D. No. <. please send me a card and butioa? I
am .a Utile orphan pri. hot am saiisA Is your school p>toc to ptom
April 1. 1*07.
I. What to your tovorite tree?
X#. Why do you like It beat?

b to tact as

9 school every day. I bavo
drils. I hare Just one sister. Mildred,

What to Arbor nay?
When was It itarted?
Who Ant started It ?



ment a vocal duel b.v two boys
They had not anticipated Dr.

Scott’s stock Food and Vctcrioaiy Remedies

hlner under teu yesra of .age. wb<
wfU answer the foUowlnc soesikma:

-reaiMRAH. MMH. tl.».A.

■91 “The Best on Earth”

cooeett. but bo tnusi request them i

There 1s nlways rocon for your 1«''If your Arbor day iweretoer help have iveniyfoMr achrinrs... 1 would
Join ihe Sunshine Club. My tenk Mildred. The gimshtoei
M to realUe what beoefli each one
« name U Utoa Alice Airher. never four font tbelr letters a
’ yoo reeelveu from the forstoa. and
1 have a Uuie rifier. site to four years

Dfor Presideot—
im a IltUe pri six years old.
got for Ctaristsas a doll, and lour


The Anthomy Fence ComhaMv.

was out of place, stepped to the front
of the ptaifonn and aald foat be was
glad those prc«-oi were enjoying the

Prom ypor Sanshloer.
A^ $.
Mildred Gee.

Mar. S4.1»;

deeen.lam* are railed “tplU” to
this day. .Spit dog^i wen trained to
Ibe spits os
whkb rosstod
chickens, beef, ducks, and ISttapis.

1950. In 18S1 the crq> amnuhl
out SO.OOA bushels, hut It wa
circos that really made foe iMBhot a
valuaUc article of commerce,


Me Mflodt. Uapta CU7. Mk^ B. may cooitoae. titoy wtit aerve a *uud okL She would like to fola. too. Iln
name i:t foes ttoundcre.
Last yaar yonr'Saaahtee president
Grace Saoaders.
otoersd a preuy pietare to <

eat tiirninc so It would not bttra.
-Bpll d.q?s- they were oaDed. and


BuaAioi Btvoraannt

aaRkaX«Ma. Ttaearae A^. «.:

te raa«ilug--«l least they ki-pt foa

7Wcll. my friend." IH-nn answj-rid.
The little frilowK did their work wcU.
foeserec thee a glass of llqucr
They were never kpown to IM a fort
In foy band, epeu uiai hand liriore
biini or to stiaieti a mouiMul ur
foe glstB Hnrhes thy lips, and tbeC
.from It. As tote B.S me stdt *ogt
foe home of this vegetable. Its Arm
never drink to excess dgain '
, t-mpluyed.
record to (he I'nlted Stales dales back
IOC to (his


am ricbl years rid, aad I go 1
atiwol. I am in tbe Brw reader. V

•pita Doga Qoecflv KnmoA.
There was a lime when doge tUA *

Frilabe SDHs

airi Asia claim ibe dtoltocUon of Ixtiiig

Even Dr. Loritner Joined to
BprU Beynoldt.
scboribousc. It to going to be bn
Einile which
It to alee to hare a big bcoiber. Of held Slone. I must close ao»‘.
over the t-ntirt- audience.
a mk of the Mtorrel as4
laa't It ? I have one. so 1 know.
Bo goodbye.
will autoer the conae^iiMieea
John George Jahnson.
FM- wMa aad arna
aatkm which to lu youth
I should like to sec your cyinolng
Useful Recipe.
Mar. SI, IKT.
livsa oPy for the day. naps without
imie slsien. WonUn't you like their
WllUaio I'.tm was onro urging
■ «< the taUartjr^ aowtoc. and oouumea without bu»- Drer Pte^deol—
man be koi-w lu wop driaklng to e
namri on tho Cradle RoU?
ttaalr'yoo for tbe card and button.
expeci the penalty of
Rtk RapldA Mich. ccss when Hu- tiian suddouly asked
the taMM'e
the prodlcal. whoae labor could with It to Easter Stmdny. today. 1 was
"Can you u-ll me un riuy way to do
Mar. :t. 1M7.
pad to are my letter In the paper.
dhtMlty Snd him the bare maaj
On tbe card you sent me was a pie- Dear PresUehlthe Mkaal-berh Mtow la lOitomt
It has been n .tong time rfoce
tare of my father's call total and hlmJtoM.
have vruua. so I guess 1 will write
arif. I have a pet kliiea. Sbe to blarii
^ wheal Orito WM la a the tmtf
a few linre to you. WUI you please
and white, t hope yon are welL
“Convince ntc of that." tlie
amtd me a bouon? 1 am In the third
>pe yoB will have n han>y Earier.
Mat m
ttouH toUapar Um oafowUdtan
grade. My studies are readtat ariihII cfoae for this Ume.
not resow theouelrea wUi aoeu van
meiie. and apslUag. I go to Sunday
Pitan your Sunshtoe pri.
U. and with UuMD all their beneSu.
school every Banday. I like to go
Ogae Swanson.
-A true forest to net merely n store
Sunday school. Alice Sours to our
How iDterestlnc and funny li t
bouae foU of wood. bat. at it were. 1
1 like her.
abont your card!
foil your papa Bmiday 'srbool tenitaer.
factory of wood, and at the aame time
laagb. to And ihal be sras pan of.lbe My loacber's Mies Scott,
reabtrelr of water. ‘Wheat you help
have a little sister.
Iter name to
ennshlns pledge*
> preserve our forests or to planf
«*llma 1 gums I rrill have
IJ American
ew <mes you are nettog the part
Tntverse City. Mirb.. II. F. D. No, «. or there will net be room for ibis lettanacTi wbo
Mar. 51. 1S«.
in the Hecald. 1 hope to see
hsTcsctUed M (toaCiinaea MdCmker. Peaba47. lUa- piod PUteui. The vppe of .foreetry
ada donag ibv past
daiMvea. tberetofe. 10 be unpn
Dear rrcttideni—
In print. Goodbye.
tho pchoafav -wliMi aim to make t

foat be fallowed it aad reformed."—
Lndie*- Home Joornnl

unb and drlvM

lesn the


e man was ao tunich bp fou MmpUcUy of the great Quaker's advlcu

elrante*. •oofoeil

thiata which you wUI need to know
when your ach^ol dayi are over, yM

eitisHu of yoo.



SS& 10‘Su* cSwwcre to*

Toot friend

Do yon ever try any rtf iboae

"Arbor day (which aamna Maply
tree dayi «a now ohaerved hi every
110 emr nirtaa-«ad aaiDly In the gisAe aad am but eight years olA I
you Uke to wear It
crbOoia. At vaitona IJm«s Trao Jan- have three atotma nad one brother.
Peabody. Racaati.
10 neoMQher. hut chiefly in thU I Uke to ao W aehool very writ. I
April. 4. m:.
h (to ApHl. yoB five a day or
be pad when I caa talk and
Dear l^rcfidentpan of a >ay w. bp^ exertdaea and write Bmitoh beUer. Hoptog tbat
would Uke to tbe Sbinto actual foee ptaatlop. In tkto wIU Oad a ptore 00 the chMies's
Ahlns Club. Will >nii piesiie send me
tofocWiloa (to the Uaportanee of treea jmgt. le*
buiUfl and card? I an elpit years aa p naiUKi and of what they
Yoar Uitto fTtoad.
Id. I live to Pmbody, Kansas. I go
ylhi4^ aSoRaiBeBi. comfort nad
Ben Radka.,
to acbori ta attend grade. My irwchfal produeta to .the eoBBOBlUm Is
Your leoer
rr sraa
very well writien
Ur's name to Miss Buck.
Wfakh you live.
for a liule boy. f- am tore you atr
•Tt to won that ym ahouU ualthrili' toarslnc fast.
Carmcta McRercber.
yeuraihor toay ihouchlfeUy. for with1 am sure tbu you and Mildred and
. Bmpre. MM.
your WoUme the naUm'a seed of
Mar. 3t. im. Marion Wettbraok must bare aice
ueee will becotse eerteoa. We of an
times playtag together.
Drer Prealdcat—
oUer KtMfaitoB can pi nloM with
I thooght 1 would write and tot ym
Buttons Bay. MIcb. R. F. D. No. i.
what m hate, thou^ with powias
know that I got my card and button
Mareb SI. 1M7.
kSMaUpA: hut to ymr foil .manhood
am tkkak -they are very alee. I am pear Pretideotwomasbood you will vaat what
pad ta he a Buamtoe pil. I a
I rnnM like to tofo the Buhshloc
ml every day.
My studies
Oub. Pteafo rend me a card and but
apelUng. ntithmetlc,
I go u> acbool eaeiy' day. I am
and heeasae of that want you will rw
Uaguage. T an In the third gisde. ta foe fourth grade.
My teacher's
proaidt ua. not for what we have uaed.
My tcocfacr's name U Alice Sugg. I
is Mias Morton. 1 Rave got
but for what we have araaied.
go to urbool. 1 have no little air gun. it bolds l.opn rhoi. I ta
'Per the aatJoa. na for the mi
or slater, ouly oae
two brothers
Are slsicr». 1 bave
Mn and the IM9 or pri. the nud brotbre. We base one eat nioe <
two twin aisiers, tlirir names
aucfea* u the richi uar of what old. her name la Puss; and 0(u
Alice and Mabel, they are (iRfaicee
we have sad the improvement of pren- maliese cat we all Pete: aad a kih
moaiba old. My ridm
t ooportunily.
U you nepect
ton. aad hU same to Nibs. Thto to all music lasous on the mijtar. It is
ppaia yoareetvee now for the duUes for this Ume.
Easter today: we all got some Raetry
_d ra^^nalbUltlea wUrh wlO tall on
eggs. We are griag to bare n ui
you later. If you do not


ling quite lone and I mutt cfoae. hopilW to see rhto ta tbe Bunshfoe deirtmeat.

Tour are a real Suaahtoer. I ki
rbor llor.
Ho wash year the poveraor of cer- Toor card aad buiUB kaa raaebadbta obuea appofota a day la the by thto Ume.

haa amt a nantap to all yon hoyn
and ^.............
ThtoJa wM.hapaya:

«a Mwi Ito (Up a


Thee a man wbo Meed la Hebraakn toag to the Kunahine nab
Yanr little (riead
aald ‘-LPt'a aak the ohildreo to hefo
^r«le Narto<*.
iw!" And tM »M Uie bepanli

Ddy tbli year,'
The FrekdMil (to the Hailed Statn

W« »toa'i ikt

me to way there alone and we sold It
I have no hcoihers. My letter Is 'get
Dear Pnai^—

aid. 1 CD to adMol every day. t am bewber. Howard, wbo would like
toto the Cradle RoU. He too. would
d no the wlae men cm inpeiber Just taaratoff to talk RacIlBb. I like
ke a (mrd and button. I am sla
U> go to acbool. My piwple are Poltoh.
and aald "Lm ua eee about ihi«:
mra old and nearly tbroupi my Am
1 caanot talk very pood. i pave
And the riveniineui at Waablncfoa
four atoieie and two brolhwa. I caa
ilaed a ‘'Olvlahai of Fnreatiy"
Your Uitle friend.
wm>h Iha diahee and aweep tbe Aoor.




In /mat dmiaart.
nil. rb»y

tediW. Onr ralal-sce ri
platev <1tp ret thU f«4. .Ire It
red waiUu IMraH Biriawo t' ■I*. U Wtirat At.., DiCrtjU. SfWh

There nn< no iietter artielra on tho market for
joiir STOCK. Tiieyora DAtaras nwn remediee
•n<l are put upoii'Iaou under a pooitive (pioruntM.
We are buiklioK uur repathtion nad lioaintsa on
f^rALlTY nod pejee w DO higher than charged
Voar dealer iiM it. If not let as know
anil wt-will tell you where it caa be fonnd.


Scoit Veterinary Remedy Co.
2M SUIcStreeL




a aim ed^ to u.nk iipue.


tac throuBb bmiouv place a'; pin
acroa the top and acw Over if ; wbes
s reiBuvcd the Imhiub la AM
the cluib. wrap the thread
a few aimea around tbe atoqi ibna
Two atpsll Hems In aewt^ have



bef« helpful to me. ao t “pw
aloas." In rutilBR any BBrtBBBl I laiMt prees the pattern
with a
a fUt-lmn. then pin aeettrdy and
cat. Another help ia. la puttlat boots
ABd eye* upon waists, to bawe tapeline firmly down, first roH; Hide, tbrn
ibe other. pUrlng hooka OBd eyes s
laBO- ap3rt
or uskew Oil. wsy.

..IT the






l..,-adih down the center. Sew a aliip
of raiuhfle down the from to luteasc
> width, (dee.' the ^orca down -at tbe
,--.n tbe required lenifth. Rvt oac
■ he skirl i«tlernv that baa w yoke
iK-sdinc to the boiiara of the skin
fnini in a pahrl; cal the yoke .nd
paatJ linni the same or cmiraaim*
CiUMls and Mitch it oyer tbe pieciim,
a row of RUimup or brwfd ahmy
tsise «r the yoke and laiBCI and
lehind the lailtom of the skirt.
HPutahetd Cripplaa.

I "I onhrcitatlnala ri>-nrnTm-nd Pirana a> a tplen
.vee/tktr-reMtvriulMaMktiu. I nua run.-r.t a
1 UjK iruul'toi’lf an>l<m i'>r a numivr uf y>-ar> nail
•fre»lic..)il a-I.U-d tu Uy d.m-ult>.
J ••KInaJly I t,-can t»l;1as IVrunafur a aold aii.l i
• Rliul to
Ull.1 11 «a« Tiil;Uns me of Ilia •-•tar-)i a
J -|n,auna<sl tvu-all failUfuIlr ami lii.-n-u:t us
• complcie cure in a v<-t v fatr luuntlir."

lton,Mu^ writ*:
*■] niSer^ LhrM yewi wUh eaUrrh
of tb* dlfMUv* otsuu *Bd bo««U. 1
«WQMbl»tofladRlUI,oolllw a laal
rcaon I wa» lodnoad U» lryJ*cro»a;
tafaa tba M of Pemoa wbaa

.•-Iilft-BBI low. ill' r.analta Af
arc likkvli P- ruoaiiff ami »>i lor r
i.-»l inatr-ulliiatiy uavr.
u l-T M .■oai:li an.I a i-.-U/aU * f-r i-atarrl. r
...... I t—kii f.i'a loBh- ami li gak C me ttnoi
. oT tour iimdi--itiv.'

Tliev are s sorry tooktBi: ha aad
•couiaeitiR withal, especially Hie

Ilia brAd. anti >i

“I bar* ukai Rto bOllaa <■ all a»d
britara Ibal 1 am *Tirad of my trontla.
“I am nioyioi aa Rood baa{tb aa an |
Ola lady Of mj mt* eoold axpart. My

forera vbau*var I mael Iham, aad aome
of my mrada an oatnt tbam vltb paM

MUi AnDal'areh-n.rUTi'iD, lll^wrltw;
‘■Vuor Didii-iBe, I'enuu. did meao tnu--Ji i;>jud. 1 U-Ili-vo J aliould
been dead by thin time If 1 and nut n>«<J IL
. I hare
•‘1 am farting ao wvll now and hare no'lrouMe u-ttt my i
BolUkanany modlclue furtourbr deo muollia. ,
“If I amoTrrtroahledulibaBythtDxof tUnklnd acaln. I eliall ukabotlilti8 hot Partina. 1 can i-hvcrfiilly reeOBmi.-od It to my Irieod-i.”

•*1 viu almayi teal rraletol toyna ter
your gmmd mtMdm* and bled
Tier aad trtiat ibat masy oiliera may U>
Mrr. t^Ma KIbUnti.H. R. No. 3,1'arne,
aa craaUy baoaflled aa J hare beM.”
Ob ku write.:
rof •awel TfMa.
'I rannot tbank yon aDouefc for cut*
‘ I hare batter baaltli now ttaaa I hare
Mra.*U 8. Tinker. SW H-eend atl)ael, IDB me. Forinn yrari J do-mred niy
had for year., ami am flo.hii-r than I
cooeb which ooet me manr dv-Uar>, hut hart erer In-en. I am »o thankful to
uTve yean afo my paadaon asSered atlll I aaamadtocetworM-. MycoBCb
yoo lor what you hare done for me.
vUb bemerTbapa of iba bowala and he
>a aobadloouldaotalaep.
orak tnoted by diflarent doetora, boi
“Finally I pnrehaacd
vlibeot aara.
I¥rsBa. 1 took It aecoidlnit to
{cere tlianka for your advice.
"WaqanaUoWaMieaaaaat,d*l «»•
paUm «aa otPamiia, and after the
oaa of throe hMIlaa be oeeided to te
qmiaoraU. Bolaalilawiir le walk al»
mllea to aehotd arary dar.
Tam <-nr.-d, and therefore iroommeud ,
••PaTBBa baa eanalnly worked won* IliU irrand ivnlielna to aU who auffer , “H*- ha^ lakm It only oue woik ami it
fc*?- ay 1 .ball iiol bnuato to
with a .-outb aa 1 did."
' ' ba/ bun hood."

do their port towatd making your
|.la/ra a thine Of beapty: ao let ns aet
1 see bow they CBB be Casb-

••ThrnI cvn>uliid Dr. Hartman. «iio
I adt l»-d me to take Paruna and Kara ma
I foiibrr InelruetluBa. wbleb i caietuily
il . flea' ni»>n 111- ini.-.
IXuplIr vaerrtLtBK
- j '-I fell iiriirr eftar laLtni Iballrethol.
U«ly that areliunlio
magarlm- iii»t >»'. Ilia women of I
* Hr. I iiare t»krn *arerel botllae How
rnli<<d NiateaojBUuuu to bare faiib
For VAri.iu. rhrotUr climallc
end III rireltOReo well that I can do aU
The-e women know a'ttreetdea'. more Penina i- a r.-il.l.h> rrmed.t.
1 my m.ik.
atK.utl'-ruiiaUi»tiUieediiMr»uh..likv.-..| Tin- ^••.rtrluun,^'a l•on.•erlllos I’-rnnef -t will nprat he wlihoni l*emna a«alB.
.s-l(!«l. puriKia.-*, wrisVb anaiii'i It.' arenirni in tlie tAnrnapr of «m-1—reeoiumend U bi alt.
l.iy i«-ll!iili
Theae r
are tak.tliameelvrs. Tbry kni> -. ll.will help' The eildi-naa l< ov.ruhrlmlni: that
a .ala, reliable, tnralualde
-i am clad to ha able to I II yon that
Thir havaeiiffrred fran rarlona all- rvniedy
I BUI well of eaiarrh of thei omach.aod
iirntmaud Ivruua haa m-uie to iheir r>
-HrbdOChe Md BnehBCiH
am ..Ii.-rre1y thankful
your advice.

Mned to Imik as Rood as new.
m-y were splint or arlrker. put-'
ddalniv in ttuir prlsilPO freuh

“U it had
net l«an for Paruna I wonld
..U .'neverh,
have Iw-n well. 1 bad thn<a|diy'
iliieh 1
• iriaiia. Ooe of llieui told ay hiubwild
that be could not eora toe.

I'iacc a c-.mlr in the lull asd Tive It
:i tfioroiiirti scnilil.inr; ihcii ilpsi. Il



IN.ieii nwkers. sa}-a the Farm Journal,
t ihese same rockcra way l» lUfde

burh women oannnl lie eonrliieid I'.v j

' ■

«,eidlu.riaJapa-m ih.l their l.vorite!
bouaelu.ld Teii, ia a Ltimlnip:
',lon 11. it.

vouf-r the ben-Ot

ovcrdlta-e. lie lamai. apreadioc all i^“;'„ru.'irrha“rioV“ilVnd7He-v
‘‘I »•*“ '-*» »l"h alout Bine monlha
,,.i„ «, and the cort«l
F-apeclBlly among American women ; ^.m.^ly. .
ijio gmll b- '';
' commenre,! lakiDf
It. 1I .ai
1- Pevunaa le-lov.-d boiuehbld rein-dy.: ..yartbe U-hi-fliof <mchperaoB» 1 with,:i «land waik and work.
It laenllrely u.-ile-o. foranyom-i-.lrv-i.i.av ,i,„ i Miflrf.j wiih*'he
“Kvervlerty rsyal h
to dW-iusile
dW-rusile t
their .wneai-n.-nc.
I. r ei-Le and *'
I - thankful 1 do I

!i-:i now they arc grimy wlih
ik> mu let any one cheat you to
111.' Is-M-r that ..vou have roI to
HiK.nnh with a'rcrialn llrrwomc
lA-fote Itic) can ii£.JtJuvenated. Sand Majs-r amt all that aert <*
ii<ins.'Hse 1. n

mere waste fcf lltne

I :■ tuR tub aad fill II wllh
veveral giilliius <d hot water. DiaaolK'
irbspis.aful of |■H■I.h. which tau
lie piircIniM-d for n l•■u' centa a cap,
and silr the soliilhm in Ihp water.

and wi it,In III. sun i« (In.
Non it is.ueaily for a chciry4lntcd
paint, or at^
}?»l pn-fer.
A deep red Istbc beerMMB*.M wearinR quallHe. a:e erncpmod.
haie, however, a vaiiinl rhoire amoae
the ••nuiiul paints, .Is colorsrhinnes
l..| the i«>rt-h :iie iiupijlar, yiiuirhat'

.‘Ji. “.“.y V
It to every body

cnahlona and other veranda deooTB-

Il ta sun.rlsla; liow-mitrh can be
the h'l'il'l in the p.m over it. pmlsh
done with our
their trunks and lurkioR Iwx ■s. imv. to iry fish. »fnT il fa*hiJ3..etom col.l • boilcl fitU hi i^kc luo
wlili iKusley amt serve at once, f
Many of ilicm will outwear
fiiiina! CT.11 can Is- nia.le uficr awi-ekihm i-v.ii in:.- ih-Te is a liiffi-rcnro'cupfiil.s. finite and Imtt-r'= e^xid. halt
i tbf nicthots 1 inplo.vel which J' eiipfiit of lirrad ci-utnbi.. Molt 3 roanJ- fish ;m:iy be simllariy conked tun
pieces l.y UinR given a little altepor ten iliiys. whi-n i!i>- newcumci
the ennii.' its a S3* ranee. TlHs la
Hon. la almoM every family there la
huvB had n chance to Ml their bousei-wetl woHh uoiitis- A litiif iciicii-c i:-B'il of tinner, add
-...•qmil i.m.Miii <J fimir. .-mil-a.1.1 Brad-! trf lltc lampl.-et and moat dcllctons be found the old-fashlonctl. eorofortain readiness, it is cosy, altei-one ur;ou l-ft- piin ef liie mte who
l! . imlli- a f-urd'il of mill:':' wif conntanl-i way.s of prejuiting Bsh, romparhie fa hie slc-py-hollow. whlej, it woMd be
iw-o calls, to dcteiuiihc whether thei enable hint to
-I ly until lh“ ii'.ixtiiiolblckcus. ud.i ihi'j veraMv w-lili ihe
« erlim- to discard for somethlBg modncwromi-r is to be mcrety on a call--uiiii-hly. uHl.oiit t.-arins tbe He
I- ;.0|K
Jijk <il
<I| 33
33 t-ai;. m.^len
iK.Jen wttii
with o'tabs- fish.
SUaiL uliiicfisli. falmoii.
pl.icclthis iisiiui- ..f liir- firsl s-XtF'! ' O
itlli list"
•I or ;iit> fish hultable Dii hmillnK
I*;-.-::; • of cjaKiutul of mill, and s,-a»e« to lusic
The very way In wfalcta one flU Into
and IqI they arc danclni: In white. im friund
April Wpawra.
i,n i.-.:it W3iH.-i with sail, •isiii-r anil tcmiiii iulc.
(uirk and seui Is i)ulle cBOnch to gtra
lie. du'^tiol K- :; of esli'lidiiii:
lAnd il palnii. on il< sU.pcw iit ihc.liai
In the cbaoBcfitl Apill wcalher.
s;cniials 'if ii;c fi;,h ir , Il lU.- 0:--v.t is liked. seaM tkd mils
il 111., n.rle-l rr.tner on your ^aam.
fliirt .klndncases on tiiuvln-.; day. ic.IVD fields a plctun- of delishl.
. sAring-HlatA
Ptaylng hide and neck logetbcr.
the iadcntaiiow, wbldi
smeroaliy of hospitaUiy-l:. one of to th- ei isp ns to '.-vie.iai. .iMl nak,., »Hli « ilbv ff pui-.n and nJ.’w
The foj^Wlns hints, compiled from
Babi and oaBablnp. Il«bi and abadoar,
show Hint the chair has shared tbe
sw-cete*l t.lo'M.m.y^ A ileiiehtful toid d;> a:-t.T iiVic-Jw. in.-i.-iu, .u' a ;'rf |i.a,n>|ry. llicu. sifniti'*'vr*HV tn;:!:- Uie ijdl.-M World, nro just to tit
. thnniKh the woodlands oomc and i do ant know- wh.-it tbe maslc is, bni
ui-i.i-c-o*iU!.i lamp.>>i iac 1b.' soufc.'. ('ill'.dlu-.iiiaii- lu>vr»
nelKhi-s.rly club Was formed In -;i ru­
1 think I have aoca the «ime
to is- of h.'lp in ibe sprtnc acwh
l.^ici- ii-h. -in'h ar wblvati.d.. i.t fish aaJ eaUr.-ImV a hak.
B a quiet life, n itBaaparvm life, and ral ccmmiuiiiy i iHi'-'i ''«• "Ho-r.Kow athwart itc trvodopa gtaadne.
or hlci.'rtl. ar" ili-'.r-.oif' fitir iua dish. ha. Ilia tbf .sane-for the la • I canipaicn.
kt-cper'aiClUh.'' D r:“t 'K>i-- j
the world kaowa not her iiantc.
^ Kow amid the violeu danelng
When, there ni.' sniail chlWrvX
Imncd. then sifrs-'d across.- instetd ofjnyef-Ci-t'-., “lUi tlo-^ Imltervil
We tflte old places of faTBliaie.
RuL hcraelf UDUOlcd. a -touch, a and Its prin-ipa; i’ wps
In the qfild diadtm below.
hclaa .•at'la-e-itn-.l-.i,’ a:i'l lulled into. croml-s JHiti is.i.- .mtil li-.- cmtul.s iHi-nr aiw atWAVs tnany dr«-s*es
They always seem like old friCRds.
lireatb. where the sad and tlio aul- that II aavoiv.l “i'lim: VJtlely.'
e" niad^ for school.
iV.-a^.pali;.' sprin'.,b- with hloyisew 1
It ana ixil a c:m1 t-lnli. il trot a -cittcis- whiert esa l><- tAvlcnel.lnlo’utv
niUlBs tbrraich the Uasel^ Urdii]-.ilek way- lo nccolui.tlsh Their ababblflesa Ik now a thing <4
reailitis clnl.. nor was it n
p.SsipJltliC iviTj;.i-.-n cir.-nliir 'filiipc wtib |'ic.i wim the crumbs
past, every chanco being given
iiiurh. flit 0.11 liiivN. or lour dtvw.i'*
i r I' -ilifi-k*. Thcar-itu «li«- yari.-i},
s- ,
b! It inci................
31 ilHI-tk'n*.
ea«;h j wuieh-i.
wo>;-l<-|i .;:i
.::i L.O
la and (Mt tbo pmiwood ardici.
or DliioH'S at once and after tewins the houaewdfe 10 coBvert them, if she
I ai-cj;
ItaJ les uu, a; Fish t1n»-A,lc.--- Fn,; lids .agrcfalilc
cj; until the, ijjund.-'
In a tnatloi'uhiV
matk.,'uhia jii.-l-.'
all siraWbl scams, sitrh as unilcrarms is piiwsaed of a little ingenuU). u«‘>
^ •Mow Cko virld aturtlght llaswa dad
'... .1.,
Oe.*hHie huIcbbortMitf. and afii- c-.trb|<:3!iuv. •
CMia and sktr'. 1 put Ihc fuTRcr
fla fltful hrolde'rr wctrcA
'o-i if •n-iff-.l w jih n e!1u>li »:nli,-r fish fi UsC.1 ^Skin nod
do Bol know wIisT the niceic Is tli:
So look out for ibe eHppl-s Dont
On Iho atayry wiad-n»won> bendius.
atrat-luoent on ili- tnarhln". and shirr
Coa<- ti;c fi'li. cyt it' ln:p'.t^'‘'-'*''‘'b
dwells in her quiclceiilus fare. jiK.w of the m-v memtau- s-oo:.-.:....-.
lay them (.mo Hi.-sh.-ir. Vi.ii will find •
Asd the feihcty mii»«e:‘ hli-ndltick
;:.l! the >1.-..-., .kilts, tops an
1 o«v-i 'ilutii.: sUf c-e; «» ii;l: and 1:iy arid.-. Thto«
ii-s.Jsike-l unh 1'
Ko iKtok have 1 t.. ihc wltcbery that ill would Is- 'I'liy hw-k.' .liid ?ine'
It is worth wbii- tr. •ytahllah. loc
With Ihc red-hrow-n Ivy Ireirw.
I !< ms of wM-i- sM l.lo.i-dw, and fin.l
.kin. ,ii.:r .
wrap her aronml with crave;
jaml cants .n-t.iild h..M'Hie l"i'. .'mui:.
cKpceial ^<ii-ai. .--iint'. room IB
ihe .. .-k .I'S-.-, Foilsb them al
plaipilHtJy h-Vni-fi,. and niiu'miagr::
b >l.-ll.-Jttui this I know. Im- it mirth w wip...ier time'suitable lue.i.if tm »he sciiaa a kind <d hnsplial. uoltl
Now the anirc aUcs i.rc clouded.
|h.nH^g Uii.l si«nihirihiiiv.UKhl.v'"eo«T with cchl ,wai. r I'mld iiu-impi' .
|N| ftlfll.
wheje her
Wl base.wodtaon woitW «w .IMcu-H-d and -dmlivlil- i;;rre.|
they ate In nmdirino to go into goad
In a miai tfao Mila arc thrnndwi^
;-ved <!jih Sstu «tf auy.sHumt-- at-r.ii Htinv •tuinci.-* nnj, nu--;.i.l-d wh;t.- shin wiiisia are

mib the rhill uf ranlshcT artttnr
apni« the beautiful p>‘nrw ofOoJ.iof the others; 'Si.1ucilra..T! wv mn!.,'bii..:;.
harrirdly the ralsdient tall.
Those plw - of fumlliire which are
i:i. I,- ciU-.'of lut suit pork ;.ti;t-ar
0:i>- with-a pretty .float luay

__________ :.
! novels, ioniiiitncs t.'ripu issA-v.' tr.iAh -h-mr.n,
And tbe buds look out to wonder
..a-.,ya‘|«utnt:!,of c1-/.|.|h-.i
.<-oi out iti n-«ck aJtd aims f.,r a flnlsbed la iMid-wood is.lisli, eau Irfit i.tilv mak.-t a ‘ prettv
• ••^v •••••••• »l“d one n^' -vari.-ly is Hu- splretqit.-nc
^ At Ihc mutterlBC of the thunder
Mi-;:'.K^- luirjcvrset cc-er. A .-Idhls Ruinipe nr a made to look n-m hy dipping a lIuon< l
p.vrrt-It. h’.i adds gT.-;F!y tu th< flavor,
yiutr s«-ls ,rf .!« ,...r .-MU-Av v.eli ns of
And tho daricaeta orcr all?
eru.1 ..11 :.i‘d renewing. I.v pslns■ “Scatler I
lady's ch.-i.-lM-iM- ni.vy also be ml
Wcicr rn;ty.'wlili its s|i;-y ‘'hitins"
Ih.-iu wr.iibt h».klmlnnsr
taking tiililmiu tli.-ir luster.
lI(r.iDi <h>- I
wa» evidently tlcdfaed r/ripintiloU.tb,':tai
• l^lit walsi ativtiimn. wl-il.- all
a down 4hc
,«ut the Mor
AU «jiriehlnR ns ymi co.
Vithiiiu f--s a w.utian more than
ilshins fish,
the purjuvst' of earnlshins
.n.l puf.'ly
«j iBCtnIu-ri duim»>«Tl-fivVik
Ivwve Ih.-ni: inisi Hie llarveri
a- phys<l in
.luuTis and fM-lrevl-vaoh oilu'•
' And anla the Runlieama rally.
The..iiet'snre h.Mitid aiwiltd mltb hla. ; Iiinii-'ue, -Iwaif. II your favorite
• junta and euercsHuiis,'
FlasliinR oat tlieir tmy deaunec In the
He will make cart, peed to
.'::.rp««r l.raiJ. A plain shlrliiaiis are Hx liiied >0 stand bp in the
il- -koir. tr.a.V.l-r.UsreJiWi- IcS-l.s
.'tbe clut. Wtrild mi:.- * isiuhle klcerj
rjiuliow'a arch nf lIcM
worl-t; cut ofl tlirir lega until Iheir
wDtFvni w-ai-t fnrui.- a s'sel ftHindatiOB f
• ’trild fliiw'ci's: Aunieltnn-s in
T" liic flowers nca hrtprtitnWs brinySo until its Imppr end
vhepiiv.rt.- of Bbee.- inaterlal. a
. _
.;mi-r wo.ild have a picuif.
Votii life rtiail nevT-r
■niiiiuoe* for ten :ild- in hnldiag that deridedly taeliaedI Cuslii'ins of Madras,
Madras. or tbe cbewpor
• IraiUi-i tl » iiUmt
“ variety of Ingham.
!N-rbap» m.iw >d ttiv repders; w«! Latii.w' W-'-ld. v.M-« cyi t'i-aiof.tbe ir.itiii:— ill Isiijiip' qu'tof't.o 'eov.t.'iq w-aiidcr article in place.
■the tar. .emv-c wf-.h'.Jf i-<-« and nr-ek aieca’tiiii. the
u rbair lHriu>m
[Man another s;ie!i '•n.-lRa'si-'ly. rt-tb''|*3.rtri: wStlN-;
iittp-tO'.-if hOU*eHie fieh. iHdci l-oiilid. and
Hiteheoii.aMli-' tiirld.-l
t.t-fli r lofi..’
‘Il U rovf! foi busy honre-keeiurTt i»‘w-Ke rati
it, le-riUE' Tth-. '
F.-cm llic enwaUps pearls
li .iinil i-'i.|>t'.r: >•>:>■-; olid >imnier' >r.i<b.-il Juio posltloti. If .iesired t
at ;I;< ‘ is i«y circ!n t-onfitie
.e;i t.-«'tu:r.--o;-»,'or imi«'tudb iHHa-.'ia-’ i«.rtion rosy b.- cm away just!

________________ :—
|i-nf» siiiiiiUiuis of lii.iii. k.*i.Sos with'i:;,. fatnilj ni two or • w.iys <q
And tbe dalaiea rewwaken.
.,;,d T-.V1. ere .limte.'
liip abt.v the wairt lint-, doing awa> with. t^tla Thinga.
.. joiJirrs I. 10 coti'u'i'-' ra-tnj of ils dif
; llJs.f-tct’d'f's.:;
8c34Iiie oC a abower of ieveU from
‘.-I:: H. ' fl'tur. g'.-.-iri.lly :!«-, > Jif.i hiiHc .m that |ioint. A n:iinAv' jjangiuilts cjii .t«- ciiied if Ibe eada.
mreeily in line wfiti last we. ' i
aury of its .k.yr, j
j.-y-ih of, .-J
tbrir cloaed aad erninpled Trins: iedllorial
biHpful neighborhood
II. pi3i>d.| :'i Hie i7.:ii. ii’-i Ilf f1ic;!..-ni will ni.-wcr as a finish.
^ ,h„ nncerK U- rubbed wllb awpot
IJ.-rvV lo S"sl
1-k ami
hf t-pi’er; when tiu atid huhAll the frvwbened air la clearer.
[ctuhB. as sueecssfully -irie.1 in Trav■ iu?.
t’p- <-;a-.'>:e)-. fra.>_ . .|f ,ymir niariiln.; dts« not rep eji- -^,i| a> lai .down a» the first, joint.
heallh to many ii. iRlil-Hy Tluhs!; .a..y a foerth of a r.-.-Pfui of flO'tr,
In jlii.v'l3iv -4i ofl-t P'lUrylie
thou It.; hj.. w-ph an <ill can filled' wlih keio-1
Flug-r tiiiils 1I1BI aro annlcared ev-aluf‘giailUklN 3 Cipfiii iJf milk-, stii• Talk, which gives some
a:.''•^Iie B..«r,Bia>-ie-.<'ii--lt.!.,|t-ie or ipiwdlne. fioirt ev.-ry ruliiudt-rv wis-k will letala their dtiloaey
.Nin d.vmly. Wh-.'ii
tr.ii k odd
J ri:
sHsgrslIons aloiiR tbe same suhjecl.
A F=P^ Chapter,
. j pbrv, mo il rapidly, wipe olf pad iher-Tau-l !u''cr much longer Ibaa
.oIt« .-^tve
hroath-nlng It cult. howevH. beyond
XI.'kc who file lU v!:.-m.rl.era ytan
-asi«.U'i!-l •.> »at<-r. I»^1 eupf-;ls ■
tt'allB an afterward of gladoeas;
b.umds «d u -elul." into of NnehlBac. *i'h iis :3i«»g lakes
Wi-rking with the bead bent o
fish v.-^.l.tigTioU. n;«'‘»f.uH-p--'.uols.‘“ li-.d, have 1,1. light or'nr.- iii the
fitKiiy. i-h-tivci end m
TThen the aiom bath wrought !u n-jr
kindn^ which aud rtreams. and it* ueirliy iinnimI wji3'-,.M-ii-. rS>' fiat. .nod. <niR I.r th,. Iiij,,.' If (be hpper H::tad t-ppy iiijurinuK to ibr eyn, ga il
nd ■p.-riaf t->
-Si.ivkd the
T>osc. peaot ahoU aurely follow
Otri.Dn Rale wietliod Uy ‘o ’he
>»kes- ha'*' “
•yea wllb
te-v'eiirig Iti .3D -bii:
et.Jpping. without oppart-nt
ilBiuro naif ui Incii*
of ilallv UvinB
U-ro which is not alwu..- appovlated
bPKHl and tu produce eongeaUan.
'Bolt, r
1,3 h-o.fd.' Hh-JI.'s'. •. v!
. k vck-*- Ih-.- bobbin io
Smda have need Of April weathei,
i,clsW«r- imtil absence hriag,
lo min i. The'
A CUP of bot water will relieve a
Pa;,.-Jav. u f.e R,k vrt.h tie- skis vJde;-U".
»‘t ‘toldiia
Shown* and mrebearas wotk
i» ,j.
^o legin with. If luAury of liavlns unllimied fiwfh flrti.jia.-:.: iat.
Kirk Momarh. and for tbose .who eon-,
«ov.a aatf .linvyh w.dl aim Bietic'sj .fiaek, the oilier end soremosl.
H.l.K'.ypti-have some new oei|*bors c.utrlin freu- variety, it. soui.-thlug wh:ch|lhc wM'col take II plain try a imie Irmoe
Re when H-wins by .tw
Bol' the eutKi.» ii-jtO-f. TT« on ‘he i.i»!--r'r"f"-“1
in the butbandry of IL'A
,prtns. be gra its lakiw so as a maun td laet that UjMsitmlul
h.g ovr-n ,i‘tid'i;;ik-;rv..di .liiitiy ti. fif-;lhreart the
from the fir-t end jnlce. a lump of nor ar a pinch of
- Mary Rowlea. j ebma to tJiem. Call first moat inform- is i.iily when oov has
‘ ioio a- Into fine hrewd cnucht. dip into the
ly niiBUK-s
Itcd-ie-- tbi- tt-ni’rruiwrejof the thread os It ouiic-s fnKn lie
feghm far fratn the ry-urre of this 'l.eaim tug?., and re!l . cgai'n
For hollows In the neck try tn-qUng
eone.Vbsr aft.'.-.lli'- fi-si ten i:'H'-.;>e».! spool.,to i.n-rvn' kinking and knotSufitMoe. - jtiice. A little plenlr lunch sent on n snrply th»i 'wt-' really I.cgin5 lo'er-icips. F:-y ir. d.Tp't-r) l-it- -Dra'r.
llr^'l: .V, vero- tin c.v ,.vJih pv-f-d ten ! ting Hi picpaiing lu tut Imtmnhtder with roco* bouer. Flrat wasb *e
The air Is full of a wltrhery. ailent.! dainty tray would he n Ulewse.1 pifi i^aHze what a piDii-ge i' wa»- WHh-oa hr«wti t'.i;e^r and WTTt. t-Hffr! .4 !,.•! wat-, !•» It« I U1 a tua'-iiai fraya .-asily. mark neck tborougbly then nib the cocoa
ofiea a' flMi « a don-n kinds at hand. It is a.u. or 05.1-1 ss'i-v.
bbMi. anj unaceo:
, to niaBy n Hred mover.
3 -o.qifhaif .lieu |a line the length tif the bole desired. bii-uer well Into the htdlowa. Wash ««
i'^d v-ra sh-^i llic
little KtratiRc that as a jteueral rale'
Tli-li T-iihoi—Tah retiiains of hoi:
Yt-l It tourtic-. the black pine woods, forighboi- can be mow kind lo letidlns
•' i-vcfr -five mitlr.tes. Wbeb,t!iva stlleh ctOM- artaind It cut the >ew In Ibe monilng wllb a little auap
«nd they flash ton riot (g Rreen;;n.-eewsary loolA etc, to tbe weary they are ni-rved io ni moat two nr t-d. iiuiy he. n-aiertvS laio Ihlg aimitMi fi*h to,a hoi; platter, j>ouriiHg:«Behliie bM*te cuHing: ibla gin
OPi-|tde aud aii|wHV..4ig disk Flake PB»]t broathes oa the dirtdepl birches. I house owners who are.walHBg for throe dUTeix-nt ways.



Kmimi Ibt eiUtr's CiW*!'”- •


-is l i... :•»:


■■fy-jtihilfi^T" • iV'Yi

iitfii iiitfiA


(Kiratib ®iratijer«je Jljeiralti.


P%cs 7 to 14


dam tlw hu J«m iwtchaM>d>i
tw tWBiyr-root Unneh from «b*
TrarcroB CHj- Motor Boot Work*. Tlw
boat «m be eqaipped wuta a 1
Bcllpao enttOB sod tbe tn» <-t craO
la ttu- •Mrend Tnuretee Kooekai “
Ot arhieh dealsB the Motor Boat
. pony ntkaa a ^edaltr. He *01 see
II oti Oaip lalw.
. Mr. Ud« one of tbe Pere Marflucitf
train dl^atAera. bee aUo porcl

While ninniDK a ball mile nortb
WalllB IhU momlBR a loe dropped
from a rar on Pry* Mamuelu- frelalil
No. m and dlicbed tbe way car. Tbe
main line was Mocked for about an
hour nnd a wrecker followed pasaenpT No. C onl uf ibU city. No. C pro­
ceeded with orders to delah her en
sine and dear ibe riRbt of way If n>-cT- No one was iDjuml.
WeH From Tramway.
Joeeph Popollnakl. an employe ul
tbe Biiifbani Lumber company fell
from a' tramway ymerday and
fractured his left leg in two ptnees
above and Mow tbe knee. He was
brouefat to tbe local boapital this
Tbe motor boat in tbe window ot
tbe Hannah t Ley Mercantile com­
pany waa built by the Trarerae City
Motor Boat company. It la a eery
creditable piece of work and baa been
Boht to an Obh> man.

/ Water la Lower.
WKh tbe fobiK oBt o( tbe tee and
tbe it«i«al oMUInc of tbe water and
dbort to lu eaiBDer auie. tbe (aet
that the water is the bay >* Boeh
tewcr tbaa tt war Uat year beeomei
eery <;rMeRL The fall U probably beiweea dfbt tsebea aad a fooL which
meant'that tbe water mark win '
semr- aeeerai feet fonber ool Tbto
ehaiiKt- wUl be a beneSt eapedally
tbe Hod and Obd dab wboae trap
Me. Hull • Leeer.
bourie'waa nbmeried doHnc a {treat
pGtoakey. Mlcb.. April 19.—Fire ia
er poniee c( tua. year, but now la
far enoach back to eetape any erdiB- tbe Petoskey Block and Maanfactor-ompany
plan! laM aistit was i
ary Baa. It .erlU ^ brtae ioy to tbe
toatrrh owMfa liearta aa they can covered ta tbe dry kiln, which was
apead tbetr Bontapa. noons nod airoyed with a large amonnt ot lumTbe factory waa saved, but
evcntVKB on tbe bar, way np on tbe
hutldtng and machinery
aged. Tbe ioM la tlO.OOO to $1U»0.
Next to tbe paper millihls was Pefn-lBbt waa approadillic
' ibr main Un« UM evening.
tt Bonlitlng BUd broke, ditchlog a half dndM part and badly Mr' Ing tbe mdt to pieces for
tanr«. Mo oae was Injured.
Tbd aecMent delv«rf traffic notll
well Into tbe monlng and mlna
paeaed tbe'wraekage on the track that
war p-jlled onl and ballt around IL
Cmidacur Peck left bore sborily eftci
mldnicht and brought, la tbe paasenger froai No. 9 dne here at tO;W and
leumed M 1:40 with No. 9'b aoutb
boned m. Tbe eartra returned
t::ntbbi morning with a big bunch of
£’-veiai trnina «re Ued up and tbe
mails BsMiwd by tbe oecMesit and
win prnbnhly be aome days Before tbe
track k again back In iu


S. Holl of Travi

Wylie Baae Ball.

Paper MBntifacturing.
Special efions will be made to get and the wages they paid ascertained
The Edward Paysan MaiiufaeuirlBE Urge eoBflsnmrnts of flab fry m H. S. Hull lUied to's Becded reporter
eonjpanj will make the rii.-l iJilpment plant ia neaihy sireanis. Xhiriog the UJr munimg Ihs: tbe local toclory
front this city this w«-i-k. Thi- com­ past six months that dub tans planted paid the bigfaesi wages In the eU»
pany nnw bus considerable flnlsbed ns.<KM> liaaa in Hoardmas lake. SuO.OiXi for work in ib<-!r elotheepln depart­
pradoct <n ynd whleb'ls already trout In Boardman river and sblp- ment with oiM- .-te.-plloa and this Is a
sold. hut it delay has been caused ments of bass and wnU«yed pike are small facu'ry rvmtiitig only three i
Ibrough the Inabilily fit ibe cdocero exiweted wUhlB Ih.- next thirty days Chtue.s and nsing the pins io mak*to he planHd In
Boardraaa lake.
Inad lots alone with their other
to gel keys Du- the locks.
Tbe eomimny U busy right along, Sprria] Indueemenls will -hr- made to goods so Hurt lt»- tuanufartuter Is'
ahoiu IWCBI.V,- people b.‘lng emplo.ved. p'l nil anglers laterestcd la the dub noi depending on them for profit.
This waa eKiiialm-.l to the strikers
despite the tael that nniK- of tbe as. well a» the butiters.
Till- trap U h-.iug ioerha-a!.-.l and who sun held vm.
employes] then- eter saw a lock
Itortng Ibe liui.- that the luarhlm-s
mhh-'l U-rnte. tb- fwipul I* now will Ik- in sbap)- for Ibe flrat sbooi
on ii prnfilul.le ba-s's. about twenty- wtileh will piubably U- wubln the wttJr Idle. O'-w iti->'.-r> bav*- Ix-eti |xi(
The gnnBds will lu. {.•! use In lb*- .p.thes |dii •hpartfive dozen locks a -day Ih-Ibe liirned
and It wa^ .-xi"-ele,i that the
«nl. As srv.n as 'possible ihe amotini
nvachinea w-nuld be r<s>ly to run
ol help will lo- iner<-ai;,-'a and alxi a<-mU-is will work ibrioighouf
conilng sessun wlih tin- <-n.l in virw of Thursday. With 4Lai lu vh-w-. th-r Club.
thii proilurl.
lug Ibe rliib one of the Miougcat glrli were Butin<-d that ihi-y could
The'flDiHli.-d prtslurl uf this eoueeni
At the an: >1 bauqui-t of tbe Mayeoiii** back in tin- moruing for ihu
flower club bdd In ili.- partom of the Is very pl.-asing In appearand and |orjanlyiiihiii In ilie eliy.
I ■nil- tollowlliK ate Ihe officers which same wagt-s and that. If the depart*
■nil ehiireh VYIdareveDlnc those familiar with she |oice, are sur­
about one hundred i>r the boys' and prised that so exrhilent a quality of Iwere eleel.-d:
wages for tin- day w.oild Iw allowed
their fathers were prosent. ADer an work can he turned oul at so tow a
anyway. S.-t.raI of ibe girls said
If sold dlreetly to Ihe reianers
exeellrat supper arrang’d by the
first that Ibey H-ouhl eom<- hack. I
Treasurer, H.
nuShers of Ihe boys and served .by iDslead of Ihe jolibers. trun 1
laier decided to bold ool in hopes-of
tbe girls of Mis-v Moiherrlll's clas«. II.SO more could he ohialned but Ibe KneelanO.
the raise aiitl nnw nill lx- fnrer
Gun Caplnlii, j:. A. Monro*-,
Orm Is dealing dlr-<d wiih
Gilbert Sbllson. the presi.lcut ot |be
lH.-culhe .-i.i..tulll.e. «. W. I-.vw.-r. neek i-niidoymi-iit In other plar»»f
club, was ehown loastmasK-r and ibe J<.bla-r.-.
lil s|H-aklug of the matter Mr. Hull
The men Iheve an- rapid­ Ih.- Hev. Iv-iiMs Cw'hliii aad ihc *druHowinE toasts were responded to.
sni.i: "The labor- b largely th*:
"History of ihe riub,” Harry Wsil. ly becoming aeqiiainl.-d with the IiiikI•If pnxiucitnn. We would lx-, willing
aud y<-sierdu> oa<- of them
"Onr Ouesis." Maurice Marvin,
jmy iiiiirU w«>rv If lh*-ee «t}it-r fartStrike
had never done Utal kinil of woik Ik-"Our Fuiure," IJojJ Ijfranlcr.
orifw wrxild. Ixn we't *lo il and
These were followed by short talks fon-. flnislied 300 loi-ks. The farlory From Ba'lurdav'i Reeenl.
by Mayor Priedrieb, J. W. Mllliken.
Ik-eaiiM- iiin*-toen gtrl-.* empluyod In cntnp.-ta- wilh tbi-ni.”
oi the girls told Hu
the elolbespln deparimepl uf Ibe
C A. Hammond. I'r.rf. I, B, Gilbert. O.
the indmdr.v U one
civul wotvd illbh fnelnry went ont early porter that lb*-y had other places
P. Carver and J. \V. Pairhln. The
meinl, It will lx- p«'niinn(
In the w«-ek an*l refuse to rome haek nff*-n'd them at'u adranci- In wages
the work and ohj'x-i of Ike club »ad,sieail of decreasing us
s ihe surround^ wiihtiiil au inrreas.- iff wages atnoum- but soiilU railier work berc If tbev
OBI ft the thirty-five falhers aad bus |lng country grows up and Iweomes
ermts a day, t---n of tbe pin couW gel as go*-d pay.
inees moo present $P0ii of tbe required I------?.-------------...... ...
----------IhirkiT seliled,
as ...
Is .tbV
marhin.-s will siart Monday morning
with rweuiy-one new glrfs. the factory
91.SOO to excavate In under pari d'
BHmIsy Debating Club.
glvlni; Ihe old help :* chance 1o cmie
the old ebun*. build and funiUh n
Al>oul fifty nn-mliers of the Dinuk-y
lioi-k Thiinuhiy atnl on tbelr refusal
for the boys was raised.
Distriel Ik-liaiing club met at Hie
of Ihe
dividing iiul to re-emi-ln}' lh<-ni.
limn.' of John ilirmU-y. south of Ihe
Red and Gun aub.
lewiag was selected to raise the re­
-Tlie girls s:iy that the truunle
iel:y, Fi-iday e.vealug. TbesahJ*-et of ibtmaining
A. V. Priedrieb, C. A.
The niinual mcoilnK of Ibe Itod and txvn hn-wiiic for some IlnM- as ihi-y
Mil«le wav "Uesul**-*l. Ibat life In Uw
J. W.
tiauuiiuuu, a.
>•. Mllliken, Harley
-r jCiia eluh was held In O. Pi Carver’s
ve p»telv<-il !• tiers ffom
Wylie. Mirb.. A|«11 i1 —The Wylie
basebaUcluh will be la the field agalu
thia year with a team that will make
them all fo aome. 'Hiey are under
tbe manaicement orll. A. Parker, who
waa manafer last year, uml It la
Muv> iliing Uiai be wHI. aa other years,
f a good loam. The playeta who
reprw<'iii llic W.vhe Vtlilu* S<pc
this year have not l>e.-n potten loKPiber yet but amoag them will he
- old face^ w-en. Tliompaon. U
Kirichlner. F. kirirhlm’i. Drown and
Morford. Tlioy hope to stttle
hcon.-* brfont tbe w avrm .-a*!.

Rev. Chartrs O. Atwell Will Comc.
Tbe Rev. Cbaricg D. Atwell ot labheraing baa pracUeaJly accepted Ibe
call extended to bim by tbe vestry
Grace church but Is unable to coi
UmprirfaL Oscer Breriiia. Allieri joirieo kMdayevmlns.officcre eleeied
:l*-;' nilerilts Ili-IJ
much before July 1. There on
Davidson and GUIx.-<l Shilsun.
aud |ilaus laid fur tbe coming n-asan
tenr detalle yet to be arranged and
Tbe following wus the menu served: vi-blch promises to lx- the biggest and
U probable that Ibw Irlll be allended
the bislury of Ihe oil
Veal Lnaf.
Cold Tongue
nnly will th<-re be shemts and
Pouto Salad.
Baked Beans.
Mr. Atwell will have been at
plenty of them, hnt Ihe “rml' end oi
re pay. They wore told to go back
' '
peming eight years on June U and
the dub will be looked afief with
their itmehines and finish their I
Little Child Dead.
While and Brown Dn-ad.
during bis sUy there has built up the
aiientloB. It.U lietBg planned
,«-» „ .i.l,.r
bo.o ...1 s„|„,
parish and gotten the cbtireb In fine
ahape. Hr. Atwcdl preached here two
Music was furnished during tbe motmts durins
a ago. ble sermons making an
llent Impression cm tbe eongrega- evening by the Sunday school orche*- that In view, groiiuds for the- purpose which limetUher factories in this part ^™*«'“R- <**'-‘<1 7'ri'lay aDernoon
will he laid
eummunlcai<-d with i bronchial pneumonia.

s,'i,r,"br;“ r.™r.«v- -i

Ibe pteseni month and la very maek '
eneourased. Every dairy be bas vls-»
far bas been IB perfect condV
thvn. ull being neat and clean Id every
way and the cows being as clean and
k^t as the bones,
bis month hss been tbe bast Mne*
s siipiiinted." skid Mr. Doelnray.
It (bows a great improvemenl
any pievluus Ipspeciion' trip.
Heretofurv I have found that Urn maioriiy of tbe dalrrmai clmaed mi :
onlervHl to do so but the cjiang*!
I: vr:-..'lih; i'-- "

The itiue ol the.' islls of tbe impeetor is not known, mi that tbe ffalrira
cannot lie cleaned cxprvasly fqp that
purpose and th.- general cleaetineM
shows ^l the pi-oide of Ibe clljr bare
l■x^eltHlI milk sold them.
Tbe I.U!ow'Ing an the nwulu of tbe
I.-SU nude by tnspector Dockeny dur­
ing Ih.- jkBM week. It will be Mticed
that all. Ixiih r*H- fats and aolldi. ai«
well over th.- IliBil wel by the lUte
No. 1—+’ais. J.K; solWs. Il
No. S-Fats. 5.«; Mffida. ISA.
So. 2—Pats, 3.R: eoUdo, 12.6.
No. 4—Puts. 3A: wffids. 12.9.
6-Pais. «; Mlldt. U.5.
-Puts. 4 2: solldi. ISfi.
-\o. h-fku. 3.C; sulldi. I2J.
Kn. »—Pats. 2JI; solids. 14.
No 10—Pats, 3J; Kdids. tiS.
No. 11—Pats. 3.9; soHda.
N« 12—Pau. 4.2; solids. 13.*
Running Nights.
The AmeHeaii Hutter Diah compahy
begun running nlyhls yeaierday asd
w-m coaitmie i„ (h. aa Tbe anme
of help Is used on the night
shin nn.l the fariory's output is

Kslkiuka. April 24.—Cu^t In a
whirling Shan Id tbe Fiwwn Mbdbfacturing company'a planL NomaD
McDonald, aged IS. was whirled Mpnt
iiblil the machinery could be el


The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Company



MTfk IntoMctor-e Rapen.
M.-ai and M<>k Inspector Doekeray

The Largest Store in Northern Michigan.
The Store that carries the most up-to-date goods at
prices that are most reasonable. The Store that strives to give perfect
satisfaction, and surely it is the most convenient because it has

NINE GREAT DIVISIONS AII trader one tool and each of ilicsc“stoi:esYitlim
a store” arc complete to the smallest detail.
A Drug Division
A Dry Goods Division .
A Hardware Division
A Furniture Division
A Carpet and Crockery Div.
A Grocery Division
A Book Division
A Clothing Division
A Shoe Division
. Ib each of these Divisions you wUl find complete Sections where the finest goods are carried that can be found in
Sie largest markets, purchased for spot cash and sold on the closest margins.
A UBIinery Seetkm
As Unoenreax Section
A Candy Section
A Stationeiy Seaion
A Legal Blank Section
A Cut Glass Section
A Picture Fgamins Section
A Wall Paper Section
A Drapery Section
A School Book Section
A Toy and Game Sec.

A Piano and Organ Section
A Cloak and Oarment Section
A Sewing Machine Section
.\ Bicycle Section
A Carriage Section
A Lace Curtain and Window Shade Sectiori*
A Carpet and Linoleum Section
A Grain and Feed Section
.\ Paint and Oil Section
A Farm Imp. Section
A Plumbing Section

A Silverware Section
A Fancy Goods Section
A Crockery and Glassware Section
A Sporting Goods Section
A MaoeoB' and Haild*-rv' Snpplio* Section
A Stove Section
A Granite and Tinware Section
A Corset and Fitting Section
A I’ostal Card Action
A Trunk Section • _
A Prescription Sec

Besides all these we have Ladies’ Toilet Room, Check and Parcel Room, Ladies’ Rest
Room, where you can comeat any time, rest and visit with your friends, write letters, read the magazines and
rn.Mitx.Ax, If

I I AX. WL.A aI A. .aBiwa amxI •vt o tx A 9 n An A fa I 4btAwAi mVtfA*-A aF FUa A aaaH A isfi ttv ife u/nnrtArfi 11 H inn law/ nF Kaai it if ill ffrinriR.

If rmirebilldtn tSisyear, ve cas supply
What About That Buggy? Souvenir Post Cards
ymr deaiasila as so filler stare Is the city, for One ol tbe Finest lines In tbe Oty. See the great line we have on the third floor.
ve hare the inesi canplcte Bardvare Store m
(Take the elevator i
Have you seen the Sunbonnec Babies in the
Rortheri Mkhlfas.
Days of tbe Week and the Months, the Teddy Top Bngflfes, Open BnggieSp Concords,
Be^ io the Days, the newest Transparent Cards,
Spring Wagons, Snrreys.
We hare eoerythliif the carpenter uses, ahl the beautiful hand painted cards and the new
It is a pleasure to show tliese Buggies, for they
hebkhovolyUsvorkaiid the tools he uses. cards of the city.
are the best that are shosra this year and you can­
Glad to Odoie vlth you aoyvay, aod ve are
sore vecahsare you mooey.

Yob Can Get That Bicycle How
For we have the Laclede at S^30, the Banner at
S’2S and the Westminster at $i0 and you can gel
any one of these for

$5 Down and $5a Month.

You could not ask for more liberal terms. We can
guarantee these io e\-ery way. and you can enjoy
Everything for eveiybody. All kinds of not help but be pleased, for there are so many yourself so much this summer.
A full fine of all Bicycle Sundries kept in stock
Post Card-Albums, from 10c to $3.50. holding from kinds to select from.
-Hm grealcst line of Wbtps and Lap Eobes. all the time.
l‘J to 400 cards.



€nnl Titrcrse HerlU

her borne to PMakey today.
Otto Mono of Central Uka passed
throngb tba Hty tatoy dl bla way
, RiagBlay.
1a L. DpHrar, bare ts the tetaantt
of tba (Mtral .MaNhie
sHnpany. left loday for bli bom# la "

*.W. B4I

tatto la wtofl Banday.

Henry Ladarie and family Mt today


for. CaUforala. when they wOl «ako
tbrir boas to tba fatare.
ProB Satnrday'a Baeord.
Hr. Wd Mn. W. C. Nriaon et Lo­
re li
lo the city for tba
AB^. are


Mlae ram Mnaon of Cedar, la to

i M tt* >1^1

le city for a few days.


U B. Bable of Saitoat Bay Is to tba
ly on builneas totoy.
Mm. H. PhllUpe of Weat Bghtb
street left this morning for OUlllae
rslled by the stefcaeos of ber

Cahad atati
ttalcorw e

Lafayette OeTelln left this morning

for Detrali. where be has aeceptad
NM «f BtaUaUei pUcrt tha total IHMm. P. 3. Coyne. Mt Raat Prant
pwta ot tfca VDitcd 8UUa for Hardt Kireet. baa returned from a vlill la
ItOT.'at #18S^.0« a*alBi\*183»T. Temple.
«n for Hareb of 1*M. Tba ImporU
tor tho paat alae oxmUia onr tbe eor-

Hiss Roberts Keboe baa tetnraed
> Ann Arbor to resume her studies

Oao* te Idaho.
H. AUM?*iddwrun nr the Third
B. J. Btauley. aged R_.
ward, bu parekased the Ferris
g for^Kewport. Idaho.
lag. 12> State street, formerly.oecnptad by Saaslims A Bloed
Stood and wIU Wesferrd county 1
.• 187S. bm .--------- •-•- btotbamith
there toJtbshop
■ baa mnAe bis
•Nriow. He will do general btoekwith bis dt-nshTer. Hr*. Jerome
amitbtog andI will only employ compe- Blodgett, of this city.
Horseshoeing will t>e a
A ftw wr-elLA ago his soa Delbert
of Sherman decided tr> go west and
this Just milled (he <itd genllmnan I
he wame.1 (•> go if.i. He Is bale a
pioneer ■
WllUam lT Hem.
hearty In >pi'e cf Ills age and espci
Grawn. aged C9. died yescerttoy »ft«
• hen b- geis ih.
- being due
noon at S;Sn. hts
*iktog Hmlie
kidsev trorible
toimer of Grawn. u Tsteran
le wan a member eg the Monroe
. mik |iNie
rery jnetiy *
eater poel and lodge of Odd FVIIowa
r honu- u( Ai.tit^ ll-ereiH.
Id for a number o( year* a member
of the Odd Kellows la this city. Ttie
(UBcral aerriee will be from tbe (tome o'rlnrk, «h-ii
In nutrFriday. Uaderuker Carter in ch.irge.
rlsge to M: Samuel V.llaiao 'd *«*kegon. Tl:<- ceremony w»« |mrlu. ine.l
Ccmmitue Hopeful.
—The c*m-; ttntler a Urge w.tldlng U-ll in the pa*
Sottoas. Bay. April 14.—'
--- o.'c.r,.
d.yy.r.iUHl in «hiie »1ili
hy local
local uudnessl’
>«r • '‘irn tsns
' ed hy
ptlmr A large gather
confer with the Nessen lltel" profusiuii of ptlmr
Is w
> Manistee yesterday t«i kstk tng of frittnds
toto Ibe matter of gelilDE Sutioos Bat­ wUbed them n lung and happy J«ur(naud Pnirer. wbo left for Sammlt
The H-y W A
on the llsl of isHts made hy the Nea•IfAcini in gtnlnlMct.
aiy yesterday and from there
aen ateamera. Attboiigfa ih<0‘ will not
to RacTa'memo. Cal.. Monday ■•>
generally undersioit
• pntlllon in ibe ponnfflcc.
lion was k rnrdlsl
•• Aiilinr J I*in
wedding euppi'r war
which was
sorlsl pyenti of
decorated very beautifully in white ir
off at Ihe home of
which sevenly-thtee guesis w.-re m-si
Shot Off Thumb, i
lo Nessen City Ssi
-Ralph ed. The happy cuiple recclv. d maii>
Old Mission. Mich.. April 2f.-l
(Ifty lAdy Bees sad
f Fred hcniillfiil present*, which te>iiflcd ••;
Warner, the l9-year-old
and had a anrprine Warner, sccldenlally e
the esteem In which Ihe hricif wa.
her daughter. Mrs.
thumb off and bad a very narrow e*- held hv her many friend* nuriiig th*
Solnti'4 eight pieci- orcbealn
from death this mornlag. The
from (Tleve
evv iK-.nitiful selec
sfciaentds peculiar inasmueb as (he
the furni«lie<l r
Blroooa. past <
arrylng the pin unrapped, ll
City hive. No. STO. In behalf of tbe
dr and Mr* V-iimau !- ft Tlmrs-ljy
old fashioned muzzle loader.
Bees and friends, presented ber with
r faeaulKiil and useful pres
• H.iehi.;,
token of Ihe high eateem in
Jlpped from a log on wbl
which she is held. Mr*. Hilt thanked
ling. He threw out h!» hand
A iiu»-llng '.t the stale l.■<al.! ..f
in a very appropriate msniH
10 caieh it. gelliag tbe thumb ov.
■ks were made hy Command
muzzle There must have been
Alba Brimmer. lAdles Timliek. Oriner, powder grains In JuM the right place
Kau and others, after which s bounti­ 10 cause an eiploKlon as the gun-----ful sapper was served to which all di-l
discharged horribly Iscersting
ample Josilcc.
Thor* from out of
town were: Miss Amanda Graham of
Although Ihe voung man suffered |
New York citv. Mrs. Harvey. Mrs. mnch pain he made bit- way home un- j
Jewell. Mrs. Sarah Ramsey. Mr*. aided and Or. Holliday trf Trovers.Stride Ramsey and
Mrs. Haas of Cllv was Rummooeil. ll was neces­
Otant. Mra. Strong. Mrs. Bisbee and sary 10 amputate the iburali und th'Miss Brile Strong of Coifs*. Mr*. Bm- young man U bow resting easy
ma Simons. Mrs. Alha Brimmer and
Olive Morrow of Coperalsh. Hr*. Tlmllck of CoUsz. Hn. Katz and
From Wednesdays Record.
Viola Zelgler of Cleon.
Mr*. Jennie King visited to Frankfori over Sunday.
Tbe Ladlea- Aid of the Orngregatlanal cborcb will meet with Hr*.
John Holland Thursday. All are co
dially inriied to' attend.
Mrs. Viols Smith and son. Brwin, <
Tbompaanvllle were guests of Mli
Blauebe Brimmer Monday.

M^oodliif BlM nootha «t IMM «et« at tbe anlrerally ^ler speadiag tbe
Tho total o^wrta for spring bedidara with ber parents.
tbe season came
Mat4 -wm 9l«jU»m bcbIdbI 1148.Mrs. D.^A. Horle bat returned
Hr*. Caseins Uto
fir Marelu 1M(. n« lacraue ber borne at Grawn after spending urday when about
U aporta for tba paat olno (DOBtba aeTerai days In this city.
frim'di met there
«r« tba eorcaapoadlDf pciM of ItM
Mm. Wllltom Htddsugh
«M <lM.Wt.Ml. Tbaaa flcnrea abev inraed to WesfonI after rialUas
ooontir u aU7 boldine iu (rteads in thlaelly.
poaMaa la tba aatbat plae«a «r the
T. Brown and L. Puller left this
Bomlng for Ramd City for


Mr. and Mn. Richard Bdgerton left
OraWB. Hlcb., April M.—Hr. Hartthis Bomlng for Deuolt. Tbe prea
l*r. vbo bad tba Joa SebmlU blackeaee of rice and old footwear point
aalth Mop raoted, baa rMunnd to bU
receat wedding.
tuana at lyarena City.
William Ttvelsong left this bo
Mn Boytaa abd MUdrea ralaraad
Ing for Reed City.
to tbalr boBtaa at 80791? Ciiy. Monday,
Thomas Bufton of Cadillac Is to the
aftor a «aab'B rlaK at Dr. W. M. Boycity on baatoena.
Or. Lawton wen* to Ann Arbor
Mb Sabrieht'H AllaaaB la eierfclDB
day on proteashmal boatoesa.
brllr. TaaL
Frank Sune of (Nd kUasUm was In
Tba P. H. BaUaray aoapaay baa pat
tba city today.
a aav roof oa tba dapot bare.
Hr*. A. W. Peck has returned from
Ckrfc Hand of TbotopaoavtUa
(rip lo tbe soatbera part of
ad a oar of aaad potatoaa bare yaBta^

Aaa Hall of Manislee Is to the city
Mr. Joariaa of Trarecae Qty U la
rialUng friends and retotlvei
town today looking after bU potato
Mr. and Mrs. Prank Smith, jr.. have
Ibitoan are norfag tbalr potatoaa
atola after tba eold vealbar. Tbare

returned from'a bnslaest trip in tbe
apper peotoiala.


art alx bnyora ban today payiai t»
aad to «enu a baabti.

mm Montoy 'f Record.
town MOBoay.
William Vogteaong of Reed Oly to
Died. Snadsy. April 14. at the home
of ber daughter. Mr*. Hatlie Hiller.
YislUBg bla torenU.
U H. Gage went to tntertoeben this Mrs. ABB Bacalls, widow of the late
Robert BngalU. aged 77 year*.
morning lo spend the dsy with hU leaves Ibiee daughters, several p
carefully eon
chlldreo and three hrmhers, het
Mrs. Anna Toland rrtareed to ber a boat of relalivn to mourn her
local market
iwsted swsey day.
Wylla. MM, April
Tba dUtena
Pnneral Berrlces will be held Wedne*.
Mne In Bevlah this morning.
local dealers.
■ dsy at : o'clock at tho UeihodUi prices srs suppHed
of Wytle an Btaktag quite ■
Mrs. Janes Hickey triumed 1
by wiro.
1. Inlcrmeot
Interment li
lo tbe Cleoa ceme-atMBfea la ^ laat waak or two.
Omwn this moralag after apaadlng
Meada have the aympalhj clipped from ether papers of tba
I laiy. Tbe
Pnd Kallofr
aad fanily
bare abort time to tba city.
: of all In theirs.
iBMrad to Meatek.
Mia. C. W. Clbsoe returned to he
Annual Charity Ball.
Pattereoa baa aold bla bouie borne Id poottoc tbla morning after
aa^BOTM iBlo lUUeiT'A
vUliIng Meads lor sooie time.
Mvi IaBwIb tea bou^t Mb FauarProd Lewis waa oat loday for tbe
Ito. BHey loft' Uoaday for Baldlac

to Matt Wa daaebtar. Mia. L. Jobs-

Potatoes, Se to 35c

M« booaa aad otoaed lo yesterday.
fltat time'to sereml moatba.
1>a baadtac nlll had a abort lay-o«
Alba Allao and aoa (narenee and
laf waak oa acoooat of broken oia- Prank Haller and wife of Yuba, left
Mtnrr. fato U niaalM again
(his moralng for Caspell. Hoot., where
M White U home ogalB tniD Obio. they will locale. Tbe party was acw^lia be baa been working for tba
, by Brerett Puimaa of
WtUa Coopance oonpany.
Omeoa, who will go lo Flalbead, I.*ke,
OOBBet bat ODved bla atore Moui..
toto tbe boDdlBg .fomerly kept as
Miss Bilella Wade returned
bo^M by (Marita JokiiMai and wife.
home to Kalkaska this momlni
Hiss Addle HcHunea. who has been
I they Bored liai risltlng at Keswick returned to !ber
home <a the pninsula today.
I B Wylie an all
L. D. Curtis and B. L. Williams and
• toll a^Oa tbli aprlBg.
wife bave returned from a tour in
r Pauaraen ioat bla

B Pensacola. FIa.

aoir a few daya age. He bad Joat

B near Beadoe aad bla

. this will lu- one of esc.
Interest and plessure. A ft
d will be served and manv n.
•a uf eniertalnment a1H he i
irodUMvi. The follnwlog ate the com
mlnees appali>i<-d lo look
Bzeciillv.—B. r. Bimis. A. I.. Juyi ''.
W. D. r. Germaine.
Riley Sweera. Charles Prorhazka.
Banquel—C. W. Fnnsl. A. L. Joyi
J. H. McGuiigh. Gtis Oiiltlieh. Frank
Key. R. E. Weaver.
Reception-W. W. Smith. George G
oveil. Jaiimes Keboe. Samuel
nd, F. H. Smith. T. A. Penhsllegnn.
D. Mueller. John R. Baoto. H.
a'joynt, Gwrgc Anilolic, R. J. MerMeColl.


Hannen. BJ W. G
I Patterm. waa Boring Prom WsdMaday'a Record.
• iorblB.
N. Sorensoa of the Kingsley Aour
Horfc has bean flying or
^la. WM to the city today calUng 00
a again tbla ^xliig.

He left

n at tbe hoBe of Mr. and Hn.
a Dili, near Dock take, Uat Sat•aeaelag.-



» ■Mood oM winter Uae" baa
baK on sHto naady- Brery ana wiU
be yrdl pleased wbon they can set
fbM Bloraa back la tbe comer and let

fTB rridayi Record.

tbe Nessen
fcorga Walla baa reumed frMB them to ran
r tbeir line of b
L^alBg where be waa called by tba regularly to____
luring tl
led 11 w
tofflh <f an uncle who was bla gaard- seison. BbOuM ibis be granted.............
greatly fscUitair travel and tretgtx
iea and wbo had been tbe aaoM
aUpmenU between ibis village soil
father to him.
Mn. BUatbeQi Oadd Mt thli
lag for Battle Oraek.

eompany whose
' i. W. Uliukar wtot lo fVa Inks
to ud from (%k«go. but s
thM Boning on bnBiaeaa
Ding directly 10 V
f thin eaatlBg of Ice covarad tba
• by the
boy tbla Boning.
ICn. T. Townsend maraed to ber of the gesersl
booto la Grawn this somlng.
Into here by wi
of course, p
Bannan Rlrtoner went to Inter waakes. Tbe potoloes.
todben ihM Bonilag.
del^UoB of local cltUens. con
pm. 3. C Peas of Grawn. wbo bai
■tlDg at Ibe president and severa
boto riritlng la the city for a Mort
etnbera of tbe cosacil will go to
anlstee today or .tomorrow and see
ttoM retnnad to ber borne today.
kst can be done la ragard to haviag
The Bar. A. A. AlliBgtan and wife
boat stop here. Tbe Neasea line
•f >aple aiy. paand tbroogb town
don aw at present enter Grand Trav
to^ oa tbeir way to Lanalag. where erae bay bat it to believsd that ewnigb
bariaess could be teenred to iurtlfy
ttoP wtn rialt a few days before
towlag to tbit city aad starting tbe 'le ewra ekpenae.
Copemlsh. Mich.. April
eorgs Dodi to catMtatotog a 1
lira. H. WlncbeoBb la ritiUac fat from Grand Rapids.
WIIIK Rockwell made a bai
Mra. toBM Barden and tolMien
Wtot to Homes 8ldlB( today e«ere at Lemon Lake over Boaday.
Tho darkey wedding entertato
tM win rialt frtanda.
fibs Minnie WWatar retanad
Wsdneaday waa flns. All prwsi

Mr*. Mcl^n and many frien.l* In .n
near the viltogi- tin.l her <lealh occt
Blonml much gcuulm- burrow.
The futiatal service will t«c at 1
o'clock IMday morning from ili
bouse here, Ihe Rev. John Rc.lpalh c
Petoskey ofAcialing. I'ndennker At
derson of Omens will have charge c
inerai arrangement*.

.1 F. Tracy of Menominee wa*
admitted to prartlre. In the raorls of
Mtcbbmn Jiy fbc Bupreme coart 4lssday <» iveummeadatioo of the chief
j.«.tlre i-f t:..-,S-ii>rea«' coun uf


woman a*
We are going lo~gi^ WANTED—An
htiusekeeiwr; I*" ml'*' (">• P*'
away a 9M Steel Range ofAce. inquire at Herald 4i»n«. ■
SatoMay. Come In ma4
get a tIekM tree.
JoUns Campbell Co. NEW WHEELS SOIB t
Alheti Wright was lnjtir<..|
1 Flint, whlii- :ii work In il»- muldliig
:ioni tif Ih.' Gi-ne»e«-, It.m wuiL->. Lo.»t P*e« <• BEPAIEISO;
Wright wa* handling a ladl.- .rf moli.-u
*11 East Enml Street
nM'ial, when he sllr»ped and Ml. splll17-lt.
I ..ver hi* leg*.

We invito tbe flttenUon ct tmij
wav’*- ennwr to the silvnitAEes.«f.,OBr
8svingg ])ss«rtiBeciL It sffords B
sbfesul praAtaliis pUcd fir tbe «crninnktion ol smstl Mkingifine Dollhr will sUrt as aeo*»nt

Tlie Oklest awl Otrongest Bank iu
Nortbem Hi<-higan.




. 1C«17

Will Interest You
feiitnre Ix^tuu tbnt tbe 'le•ign* aft' tuncli more attrac­
tive tbaoarv iisitalljr told at
Not a poor

putlero amoDK tiu-m.
8ae them in onr east win­
dow at lO*' per yard, otbm
from 3c to :2V per yard. Oor
Stamp-d TXiiliet frunt l<-upwanls. Table Spreads
l)fe*c-r Scarfs, 10.- and up.
I’iec.-s. Ns ami ppwor

Crimson clover ..............................


.............. »

One-Fourth <Mt

Wc call ath-Dtiou to


Door. l«c >'■ 2->- ' icb.
CiifUios. :it'c. Il‘.v toll’pair.
)>eaiiti>-* :it $12-’) pair, will all
D»ts of new

goo U


China, Fancy Bric-a-ftBC
and Fine Decorated Goods
Thi« ij your Koiden opportunity to purchase Spring Wedding Gifts.



EcoiiuJiy Store



Kre per ba.................................................. «


!S: SS:::::


........... ...............................
the bardshliis wi-iP^tiany. but Dr. Cor
4dn wa.* a man always lu be do)ien-l<--I
ution and be le.vves
wbo wil Iroseuie




Buytai Priesa.



A'l.j nrcil ooRieihioe lo cleoa up
dumlrct and k.II paratilo.

\Vc lisre a !.t*cci*l Ikk.'*-

Of. Corbln-s Desth.
FrvMn Wednesday'* Record.
Dr. P. E. Corbin, who passed sway
I Lus Asgelcs Monday afiert
was leM In tbe Resord. will be

nr. Curb
for several year* made
Id*. Mich.,. aad
there. After siicndtog rifilege at Ana Arbor and gradoanag
from the DHroii Medical college to
1S70. he began the practice '
MendoD and a year I
_______J. Two cblldrm wwri
the couple at Hendon and In 1S7» they
moved to thto city, where he practiced
until eleven year* ago when hi* beslih

Matice te Centraeiera.
Is h. tebv given that atoool
l«aiil .tf dlsiiiri Nu 4 of Almira towB- .WANTED—S|H-rlal Manager fur Travem Cdoatv
The Now Bra Aatosliip. Ib-nrle rotiniy. state uf Mlrblton.
Halloe want 1 Sprctal Meaegera.
will receive scaled prnprKSls -UBIII
■*Pl«leiwal toauraaee wliUoul Ibw
May tSrh.
ocU.-k n m for the porlodge.' Wd'hsvr .be gtiafanlee
p >M> Ilf ciiiislriintng ur building a
fi*»«-mn of ybe
sclioul ho 1-c acrunilng t» the ptons
rtaiernals or im -gtaft' of the eld
ami siieclii'atiiuis now lui fl
line compaale*
It's olmide;
lot the -malomy rale" of tbe mfwp
MWilgaii. L'-nrlc rte^nly
' dden; they have
e Ixm.I iha' will I-- sca-ptIrcci vtoejhroa^
<ai.l I..OL.! .rf school ofBreis
I.ical branch*-*
IS. t»
•lie ti... light .......... .
Sharrow. General I
Place Hotel. S to 4 p m, n
and Friday. May !*>d and Sr.
See disptoy sd lo aeother .
hand »ud <dfli->sl seal
-N**ihlng nurcccU like *urw**i
till* :fiii iiiiv ■ t April. ISe.T
!•: I* Alliligtl.


“St, ........

Lorin Roberts left this morn­
ing for Ann Arbor.
F. K. Meekleoburg retoned to h
;n.. Apni
taOBie ID Reed City after vlcittog no
McLean, aged 14, died 1
the city.
here tbls tnomlng c
Mia. Robert Onind returned to F
an Illness of *oii
toskey today after risltlng friendA
to her husband * e leaves two daugh-

qfity Palmer baa aold bit boose

of a CongrcgaaoMl
hhveb In tba aaaterti portion of Ibe

Prank Wransky. A. IV Straub. Charles
Germaine. J. W. riiffe. Charles E

Bay hlgb«Tade autWblRi^'llni
Sate4ay tke IMI «a|r that
wfU grow. 1 hews six eaiHftoi,
them tbe famoas Sanator Dam
of UK eo«htofl cxI — among
lap. nutotopef-OiVmmfld. MBAriWl
ComtimmaA 0Cl m
at- pbime iJTi. Trayeme “ty-j^
oi collee
hot btor:
TO RRNT—10»4 Washtogian MnM.
l>va. »IA C A. Ham­
tInllKs CuBpbcU Cm. mond.>«»»•
PMmIcs Savings Beak.



Uniform Low Prices


Crying for More.
That's tbe ram* of tbs
given tbs good IbiDga

You ought U ship your pcUtoeC

We 00 nc*. sell your best
stock at ordinary pc«es but


r-------------- 1


"Best” Floor
One vomaa says abeia going
to '{qU boying tbu floor, fir tbe
tbings sbe hake* goas so last ^
bas to hake, all the tinze.
Tills is a fact, and «e can jjfive
you tbe name ifyou an skeptical.

an all grade* and at all t-me*.


.................... -Q 5

No cbtpmeou too large or too
small (or our best atunticn.


Hannah & Lay Go.

95 South Water Street. Cnieage.



. $20^
IRIHR* I. ttm Lv. PraliMi: A«iwt OM. TIM f»ili,i; wmmM OmA. J..M«aw4.A.A.
mra>r4. A. A RmIM
lAT. 'B. fteri
b BM. duiat Y. Wiiiii, AMil Ov
B. C te*ta. A«f7 RdiTM. 0«. W.

S KT oeat aOmrci fB Time DeoKtts

CMdt Uke SaecMA
cair Book 8torp-CW*» ««je.
C. H. Jobaaca—Ha*« Jim Hoard,
pis A Ooddlac—Wbj?
t. K.—PmIUt Peed.
BovUad DoBflAM-Woik 8bOM.

tec* bectt to n*n aeoB' oRoJ. uul
flmeUj tbe lK»e nd tteefa bc«Aa
ro*. Fluden waa Ukea to Ana
Alter, but received Do eoeoD

Mode 8«lu.
r WT HOlikn-SpeeUI Aanoi

BerteM Plra.
-Burtlat (rota a defeeuve flue.
flMUujnd toe home of John BIra


' Before It wnc known (bat toe bouse
vaa Aflro ^ flamro had made nich
bdfldvar that It was useleas to
uaait to stop them.
bwrlad to tbe place and tried to I
tie fonattiro bet tbelr eVorts t
fttUe. nere was tosuraoee on toe
Its. Mr.
btWdtac but not CO too contents.
rs. tHev.)
Bflraiiej's daachler. Mrs.
(Rev.) D. A.
e librorj. **
OaaB/ lost a valuable...............
b&ae was too oldest in
toe Blrmlej

Then your blood mua be in

consult your doctor. We know
what he will say about ibis
grand old family medicine.

Two bojs In toe loslor crest blsiorle Interest. Iieing one of the
class of tbe AIIoibd Hiafa ecbool few rcxDsIns of toe old pslaee of West­
minster. wUleh tor eeulurl-« was dis­
casebt toe rodent Wednesdaj ev
tinct and separate from tbe abbey.
lac, and tied toeir class eoloat on
Many rooms In the oM palaee bad sim­
tben tnnied bim loose. Thursdaj
ilar fssrlful aamei. fuHj as tiearen.
moraine there was much commoUi
paradise and toe .\Dllorb ebauibers.
saMOC toe cirts wbeo toe rat tried
Tbe Jcniulem ebamber was built by
amke the acquainuuiee of cub. and Abbot LltUngton la I3SG and was -so
uamed from toe rolored glass brongbt
Hlas Bbkle. preceptress, said:
Jenisalem which decorates IL
sary to atake so laucb fuss about
a -llUle taouee." lastaatlr abe bad •me Voom Is rectaagnlar la shape,
wainscoted with cedar and otljer
tbe rat and mounted a chair.
woods, all of which were brought from
Principal Meintoah was called, and toe Holy lAUd. The ceiling and the
did a few double quick stuuU. aualtj ipper part of toe walls are frescoed,
edict in ezlermlDaUnt tbe ro- ind befa and there bang cosily tai>e*A new plaat of toe Valley Grey Iron
Peundn' company bas been added
Bagiiiaw'^ Industries. Tbe company ls
capiUUsed at $».PO0. of srhkb »15.006 Is paid in. Tbe purpose Is to turn
out Ugh grade eastings.

- Alaaba-IMaL 4—HoUca to Costroct-

Pale, Thin,

A CeMratad Reeatt In lha Walt af
Wsatminater Abbey,
la toe eoutowest wall of WretmlnnesL Battle Crwk plijaielaoa trill
afar abbey a narrow rrret* abews an
«atdi werj derelopmeDt. botriag
Flaa^enr Hfe. Heanwblle Inree- oU oak deer. Behind It I* a pasasga
Imdlng Into a amall room with flnety
tlCtUos la tbnateoed.
carved panning called tbe Jericho parplolaoad to toe eroood~(or
tor«e boan bj a bearj boolder before kr. which lead* Into tor
D Chamber, mi* ebamber Is
belp came TbarMaj. Jake Wa
vbo vaa wofUns cm bU (atoer lB- of profoimd modem iDfarrst to Ibat It
was tbe arene of toe 16U and IR'M relae'a (arm. aeaJ lolaj CUj. la dead
Tlakms of toe Bible. In ibe laner Inas toe result of Injarlei recetred la
rmted Sutes taUog a most
the aeeldeat He leave* a widow.
It wa* oDlj a rat and jet It «
Tbe Jerntaletn ebamher Is also of

dent with a ruler.
i. W. MUUkot—We ere Beedj.



J. Ftoley is prosldcni of toe new
cera.- A IIB.OOO nddlUon
Is being
toe W. B. Mermhon 4 Co.
Bat Holly of Omonsgon bos purctaased toe cargo of coal on toe Pan­
ama. which went on toe rocks at Min­
eral Point, near Ontonagon, last Tall.
There are 3JM« um* on too
toe price la 111.000.
The stranded
been aflocled by
heavy storms during too past winter
nor by toe movement of toe Ice.
The property formerly hnosu as
ic Hosrard farm In the soulbeni part
of Flint, ban been selected
probable alte for a gasoline engine



Narrow Escape.

niluHiig •'■11 ‘>f r.indnws. the fam­
ily of I'.-Ur laH'roc vn-.nls-rt Iniiu
tlielr l.uraiiig'hnnic -oulb of IkionBloce been retnored
- alsiu: ttiitliiiul.' itiindar and
spicndlil cedar mactMplcer
lagi-.! u> Mile u Miiall IkuuUDl u(
In commemoration of (be marrlace
.. Charles U then Prinre of Wale*,
is ibougbl ilial 111” ortciii of ihc
with Ibe Prince** nenrletta Marta of
«us H ilel. rUve chimney und tmFrance. The carved and wooden heeds
ICS siirv'sd Ml rojiiilly tio elon either side of toe
funs to save ilu- bulMing did any
toe royal pair,
gtsKl. 'nicre uie small children in the
l.vinily sml ib>-v urro tossi-d oiii of
the wlmlnw. The hoiisc Is a tolal Itwi.
Is these walls In liU. This event oc which Is wi-ll eoveteO Wllh U. K.
enrred twenly-flve years slier
was built and was doubOee* tbe
flmt really tmiwrunt inejdenl in Ji*
ry. for eelebnted. Icdeed sacred,
at toe chsnUsT ha* since l•come. tit
Its eonstructlrn It wa* only Intemle-I
IS Kaiisa-s Ilf lo-day : slihmigh
eitiiS'D of rmb-ll. Kiel Sh.imbiiig,
.IS not vet foi'Kcilbn :i hsid lime be
King Henry, with toe onea«y r
muimtered. lie s;i>»:. "I was woni
-Pience of a usunsw and a *ui>er
b> fsiiigbiiis niglil
Hoos belief In a propbery tbnt forolold
lid day, and i-isild flml no n-lld till I
bto desjh at Jeniiwlem. decided upon IV. King's New IliM-oi.'rv,
a enmade to toe Holy lAnd. Tbe -c"
>ok less lhan one l.isil.- io toiuplclccure me." The safest and nm»t

factory, a coocern whiefa o
Death of Mr» Blancha Parrj.
WllUamabuix. MIcb.. April S2.—Ml


to Flint from another city.
property fronts on both

Grand Trunk and Dctroii United
and la considered one of the

It!) tonmlntr at Till Tbe funeral wUI

Is In eharae.
Utm. Penr «r«s oalj 1> joan
a#' bad
Two moetha ago she was
tata to toe borne of her ptrenU, Mr.
a«-Mis. Prod Avery. There abe d
TBIiunltmls was tbe cauec.
« Wi—ta anil -FuntraL
Prom Monday's Record,
djde Wslacm. aged I
—* ------------H. Wall
_____ ^teg at toe^Mi
feti' deato. wtakb i

boat In toe dly.
Janquei Bros., loggera
Bay. Wk., hare purchased (be Umber
on eleven ‘forUcs" in ton 4S-30.
towDsblp of SagolB. {Meklnson coiinly.
from toe Keweenaw aasodaiioo.
raaonted by J. M. Longyear of Marqvetta.
Tbe timber Is meetly pine
and cedar. The Arm baa flve years In
which to dear toe land.

Tbe coBaid-

ntion was *8.500.
Blnee Sheriff Qavidsoo clamped
toe lid Id Port Huron a number
social clubs have been lormcd by
thirsty ooc«. Sunday, offleere decided
flsh ahanly al toe iionb end.

•mS. ^'Tbe'youn^w'bad besB auffcrl* with tofloenst tnt had partUlly •here one of tbese organlxaUons
reonvere^. While playfully wre—■“ said to have been fonned. The sheriff
vM a fftond. two of his ribs
sal's he found a number of young men
grouped about a beer keg.

He asked

praying before the shrine of Rf. El
ward toe Confessor In the nblie.v. b<
was stricken wllh n monal sickness,
■ad. Id toe wends of ibe old ehroniele.
"they for Ills corufort lioro him Into Uiabbot's place and laid him down '
fore toe flrr to this ebamlier."
On eornUig to liUuself and Icaniiuil
tfiat be was in tlm <banil«r iiiinicd
(ben Riiil ihe kins, "loiud
be to toee. Father of heoven. for
i>w that I aball die to this cham­
ber. aceordlng to the prophecy made of
me before said, tbaf I sbonbl dip In
Blenisalera.’' Ami so he made himself
ready and died shortly after.
' body of Addison lay in s
room, whence It was borne
desd of nlgbt to Us last n-silog plsre
e cimpel of Rcnr.v VH..
no pnsslnc round Ibe slirii
war.l iLe l ouf-wsor and tlic cbolr sbigg a funeral liyinn. From tbe
ilem riisnilier aUo the Ixsiy .
Insac NVwnm was carried u

For Sale, a Bargain.
Gasoline launch 41 11. I.dig !■ ft
I"TIB, -Stondtllg rtsif full lellsUl. ell
rlMS.\| pilut bouse. Iii Io ;>• b. |i I
itiliider, 1 eycte eiigiiie.

of tba Bnl farms 1:
**Bea»des a number of g----------------ba Mnvcf two sons. George. Jr., of
HhyflcM and WlUtam of Plfc Lake,
daughter wbo Is la toe wesL
b wife died eeveral yeen ago at toe
^*TWenef^ will be held Wednesday
■mnUb at ir o'doefc from toe Gray
—bouse, toe bortsi will be In
Down's oemeiwyl
Ralph Andmsoo
wa have charge of toe arrmngwnenta.
Anathar Pienaar.
Jeeapb Pankett aged T7. a ptonecr
1 AbUira county. Is dead of old age.
bit death occurring Saturday afU»
Tbero will be a abort

SVuirtr Hd>bWMB tcM. O. A. R.

at Oakwtmd.
Little Child Buried.
Utils son
' m b«U ywtorday al
irtends being In i
P»dwt^«r Carter being In charge.


h* the enUra trip by water.


self In tbe forehoad with a flohe.-H
rifle. No reason is known. He bas
taMvln IS toe fall name af a girl been working
la toe wagon
'orklBg In
works at
immiii la Jaekeon. who Is sot yet J--.Ionia and at the
ibe Ionia
Ionia pottery wo.-ks.
in rmtt of ags and wbo bas been Thr doctors believe he canaot lire. He
I *1 years old and shot himself
mned aad dlvoroed twice.
o after he bad gone to bis
James Ceaerae n( BtMdIsh. Is to a
erMfaal roadJUim as toe roault
ickson. sras denied a divorce from
Raenlar aceWsat Wedoeaday .morning.
wUe with whom
ho had
lorn *ho
ge Pirklnaon
tVbne raring Jor bis team in toe ------- r year* by Judge
of |i;
1 pension «.
ymd, a live wire louchod hla band aad day. Hyland. bas a
moolh aad not noeb lbesides.
be was koodted down. Thfa
tooy«h bla_^ wife bu helped along
jasd tbe boraea end wb*
help by UUog In waablng. toe only ground
}eatMd him be was lying uadsr tkeU given for the appileatina tor divorce
' biet wbUe they were Uterslly walking w«s that be did not have enough
Mey to support her. and be dldn i
«pM him. Bit. Made and feet vdN want her *o get a abare of toe poosloa
badly bnmed by Urn eieetrtdty. and inw. Tbs Judge sent the ai '
ba m injured Internally by lb* tramp- couple booe with tbe admonition
lldg of Urn beieaa.

turn. If tbe numl>er of pieces of glass
be Increased to twenfy. a eslenfaM-ifi
9e*rs that 4«2.«»iR».5T6 year* wen>d
be nreesssry to to. tbrougb sll of the
rtange* of vfblcb n would l-e capable,
(tie bolder of tbe tostrumeDl tvniiug
all tbe while »o a* to get ten changes |
a Minute and srorklag day and nlgbt ‘
tboae mllUons of yeart.

Oral Surfsrjr.
Mt*. John Belter, two of toe ...o'
mti r. PUaden of BbtU* CfMk. tdflMt resMsDt of aio. died within a
Bmbam-J wish yon would pertom
an openUon on .vour talk. Mr*. Benlys of earb other, both vhulm
bkto^Wbat do you moanl Beiihaaeh^VA
iu teeth euiMtod. a --------nmoola. They bad lived to toi
havCut It out -New York rrasa
tuM being need to prevent pain. Kit
eight ebUdtea.



SuiCs 98.50 Co 940.00*"
Coats 94.50 Co 925.00

31 ~

t Rebel for Women.

Ibiglic.-v linic Co.. Il.ininli d

ckancvllor oi 1 by dnkes and carls.

etv-nne veer* sod fortynine data without exbnutllng tbe dif
ferent comblnltlon* or the TtoS'lblime.


With as complete a showing of what's right in Ready-tO'Wejr r>Rrmeo» as will be
found anywhere in this pan of Michigan. You will find the prices extremely moderatc.-too. compared with the quality. . Our Suita and Coats are remarkable for the
excellence of the materials, ihe smart styles, the expert tailoriog and the careful^oish. l^at word “hnish" may not mean much to you as you read it, but it means a
good deal to us when we buy. and it will mean much to you when you buy and in the
wear of your garment. Every garment we buy must be up to a certain standard of
excellence before we will buy it. This insures your getting the best there is when you
buy here. Wc would like you to keep this thought in mind that nothing but the
best comes from Milliken's. Another thought we want you to keep in mind it. that
we sell you this class of garments at prices that will bear comparison.with stores that
do not pay so much aitcniion to quality.

Mackinac island. Mich.


your«clf wonderbig
many different kind* of psliems e.iuld
be formed l.y tbe llltle I.Pv ..f col.t-ed
glass wbleb toe Instrnmrnt contsins
and which adjust tliem*clves wiUi sm b
remarkable facilllr when the to«lrit
meet Is turned In the band? A eslcn
talkn bas boeu mad" by n note<t math
otnaUclan whlrii we are sure will a*
taolsb roadera. He shows.tbst a ka ,
leldoseepe contalnlog twelve bin o'l


All iu first

Let and F

Tbe Rhode Island insurance r<



•l.vss sUaiie. ready for the wai.-i iron
ers liau bought Isrg.-i bn.ii. 4'or full

Soett's Worst Hour.
It Is not tbe fuollsb and Igiioninf'v h"
are prey to tbe uiosi unreavoiilng fesrs.
Rcott. who bad grand moral nmraec
be will get after toe cinbe, toe
and arom* ordinarily not to have Tack
be did with tbe saloonkeeper
cd ph.Tslral coorage, ba* left It on roc
K musical erect of toe week will ord that tbe motnent of greatest lerrni
take place at toe Academy of Music to bis lUe was that he spent
at Baginaw trczi Friday ^ealng. wben walking back torongb the flt-ldi
passing a day with Joanna Bainie
to'e But Bide High S^ool MusIcbI
Hampsted. He met a rough lookiugl
clubs, flve In number, will unite
man. a disrepntalde figure of the ival I
the Drat time In a public concert. The Jail bird. Scott harried past bim In
appear will b
alarm and was funUcr dlsctmc<>ni<d
orcbeslra, tbe Mandolin rliih,
when he saw. by turning hU head, ihar
Club, toe Amphlons or Girls' Glee eluh tbe man bad crept tbrougb n gap
to toe other side Of tbe hedge.
and toe band, ibr latlrr maUag
rllmhcd tbrougb aootber ssp, *<■ ilial
fitvl public appearance on this o
be was nbte to sec tbe ffllow groping
All toe dobs arc in flno cundlat Ibe bottom oMI>c hedge. It wa* a
Uon aad together tboy can give n c
Slone or a cmlgel that the rofllan was
cert which could be dnitllcalcd by
. that 1
otber school of any kind in the Mate. tbe novellat imniglil.
Two altcmpts to rob (be bouKe of ment he cxiierleneed an iiceny of (ear
before or ofterward pos
R. S. Campbell at Port Huron
asiBed him. Tbe purpose of tUe man
weeks led toe owner to set a trap. He
wa* quite Innoccni; he was merely
wired too bouse and placed electric
picking up a btindle. Scott vsiilied a
push buttons sriiere they
stile with imeb ihankfulapK* l<> escape
Isasl suspected. Under Bberiff David- tbsi be was oocoDactons al tbe tim-and OepDly Sberiff Conger re-' pist Id grasping tbe wood he drove
sponded to the pusb buttons toiturdsy Imme a splinter three-quarter* of an
nlgbt. and allrge they fOund AitLur Inch tong between tbe fle«h and it»e
Baldwin and Herberl Hall. Ibo l».rs. osll of one of hi* finger*-St. James'
In toe celUr. They were taken
midnight to the countyJail.

plus, was Monday autoorised by Insur­
tMarloa Ptalllbrtck. of ML Clemcnl. ance Commlsslaner terry to tram
business In Hlcbtgan. 'fbe company
ms a Are insurance bustaess.
Herbert Somers, wbo bred v..............
too Ouir e< Mettoo tols summer, msk

fa Mldlag A large power pleasnn
beni la wBteb ha Intends to travel to

For You Today or Any Day that yon
Icel Inclined to come tor your New

parllculurs addre.s*.
r-iochola Bros,

what toe plan was and they ex­
Tba ftmenl sarvlce i
•'Dott Uita afienoen from toe Motoo- plained that they bad lormcd a club
dUt churota la =Moaroe Center, toe
meet erety Sunday to drink and
Bw. Mr. Wood eMcdatlng.
pass tbe time away. Tbe sberiff says

s dIscAse. aged 7B years.
10- Noribsra Michigan

Wc arc


Spring Plow Shoes!
When you ■ all for Spring Plow
Shoes, you'll find us at home!

fihd here

The Best
Plow Shoes

How Can I Be
WeU aothed at
Moderate Cost

This is the
We have solved fpr many an in­
quiring customer. The values we
show in fine new Piaid Cassimeres and Worsteds at

that c.m be pin togeiher.
We do not offer our trade worth­
less Shoes in order to name a very
low price.

We Sell Plow Shoes
Of Merit!
.Made of soft pliable leather, made to rcsisi water
and wear.—durable aud comfortable—and wc sell them
for such reasonable prices as

SI.65, SI.75, S2.00,
$2,50 or $3,00.


$7.50, $10,
$12, $13JO,
$15 and $18
Leave no doubt in the minds of
those who see them as to the
truth of this claim. Don’t be the
last to see these.

Our Furnishing Goods
Merit just as much praise as the Clothing—See
onr 1-fats, Caps. Shirts. N'eckwear at the same time.

& Hunter
Trerem Ciq, Kdiiein.


Grand Traverse Region.

It r««cti Uw
•me* «i»t
war tnwi TuaaMy n»«n ef «ch wik.
Md K cefratpendanto fall U Ibid
thaira in. eiajr majr ba aaaurad that It
aama after tbna.


Mra. Fivd Arery al wboae home she
1 Travena- City till h': Occldva about
died, and ihn-e brnthcra aad a host
of rehiflvi-s and friends. The lamlly
bas tlie ayinpalh) of all.
Albea itragvr's 22.
.ilher iv-ialm-w, ail fi lends who ran.r
to SIS- liicni UTore
? iiuive away.
on his sister, Mrs. Tom Kclderbousc and Mrs. Wm. Carimn attended tbe
li.LIIllliBg the
funeral of Axil J Swenson at NorihHOOOE.
will I-eiecii.Tl of a
A very plcasaol aurprise was clvon port Friday,
at the borne of Mr. and Mm. Henr>-1
Mary Inman of Cllis Pier Is wotUo|i
i i- iit ti
Bckerdt Saturday eventnft. there «m-| In town for a few a-ccks.
near seventy <lta«U present. Th<-1
Tiny PrauM-.who has l-oen ill alih
Ml .ml Ml- HoliiiU-..-k sywi
- p..-'ie,t a- rapldli- a-erenlDs was spent In danctny, after lasrippC U out aitelo.
.iny.with Mr ,.nd Mr- Will Ca
' of Mr. and Mrs
Ralph /-.ser Iron. I
‘"S: HI,.-.,
. I.,...... ..... I .
this wrihuc
.........................•Ill Uiickli
tasi r.l.-Mla> and will wo.k fn
ail and i.s.l ho., dole. I
Fiullrk was In Uiwu on prufes- Prlndel this Hnn.m.-r.
—________ -..................... .. ............lUnj!.
|S-1.-r Zeme-Vi eijs.-l- lo U-gin In Hr. and Mrs. Henry Bckerdt bn
isl business Friday.
Tbe flr>l hsuKof lom.s-r tI..UU till wlilel. h- P'litl the
ill '
imlly’wcre the picsts of Mr. and Mr
>iy P>-a»c and K. B. Cliandler were rile; hail w.e drawl, I-. U-i
In-l i.*xr
-is.n a* th*- cai|s'utcr>j
Geo. Laur and family today.
tons Bat chIIcis nne duy
last den la-1 re.--.ia>
April 21.

Mr. and >JJn. catarlh- Jobd«on
Tnrcrae CIV apcm Tlmrsday a
Mr. Jobniun^ folks at tills place.
Hanr aod Lulu Jgbnson of t
placr ^iMit Sanday at Old Mission tbc
saasl of Hit* Bmaic sibnc.
Mr. roopt-r has ronjiil
Urn. Wine*
and ber nppbcis- of Mr. WTut-loCIi for tbc aui
PeHsuici U ritlUnit at Dr. Kr^opa of
Mr. EkaII Is preparin* to hulIJ an
tUs ptecc.
iddltlnu to bla bouse.
Mr. UTialey
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Uoho drove
IS lieen uccured to do the work.
Acme last
It Saluniny
abd returned 8unMrs. Crandall and Mrs. Yi-nman's
called on Mrs. Nelson
*•1- Tbo Mlswnm was In Bovrni Har­ unerDOon.
bor tbla mornlui; n>i brr waj- north.
Mr. Crisp, the County Conimlssloiier
Tba Bctl'phcnro baa rbaniccd thrtr
Isltod oiir school last
Inst Friila;
' central froai Peter Lardlc to Jobn
rn. ■»
in .Mr. and Mrs. All
Saturday. April roth, a sirl.
p Bcitner Aid sochdy will
April 22. ■
_____ ____
\ 'itt
Mre. Helm next Saiunlay
IK for Mrs. Bartlett tbe minister's

Maillce. wSio fomtcrly lived wife.
Iran and Omal Kock have retmued
oa tbe old D. Q. Minor place baa
paRord Place,
' iDDVed on tbe old L. .D. SpaRord
place. from the upper peninsula where they
rfTraae •c (Sty
'U 'boy- have been worklnc.
C U Foalcs orTraa'cnw
Mias \niRicr Travis Icfl last Fridiy
tan potaioca att Pearl
ioe Faympat's h ms* n-as dcniroycd itiornlnE on the flvi-ihlrty train for
Alaweda. Calllorala.
e orooe day lasr track.
by arc
April 22.
and mm Jease wei
J. H. Byer
Lake Ana on bustnest Sararday.
Mr. Paines tbe CDaualsa
.tSiited oorocAool -Pridsy.
Dick Snulir of Port Om-Ua kpcni
~ II Kai
Kash and family of Maple Cily few da-s In to«-n this week.
e Itbe jniests of H.
Ud U T. Ball were
W. E. Beuiiell of Traverae fllty wa
C- PetlensUI
PeUenfHI Sunday.
LHatid caller tbe first of the week.
Miss Bulb Bycr'eaned on Mrs. MilLooos Baranou o ' Holland. Mich.. I
died CUusoD Sunday attxMWxm.
1 few davs.
. We sre relolrins over Hut beastltul
A fine new Sterling piano wa
was placed
•prins trealber.
In tbc parlors of tbe Leelanau hotel
Some are tUil bolHnc maple syrup.
.I'o.’^Duncan of Stillons Bay was
Leland caller Wednesday.
Ben Brown, wife and sun Hfimer.
KiB. John ffluen and lltlM son of drove to Traverae Cliv Iasi week.
Wtoe of Bmpiro arrived
Aetpe arc vlsitlna friends And rela­
tives at ihte place.
.- Mite Oliver of Olen Arbor-visited
, .. working at Olcn
Meads and retaHves ut ibis place
r weeka.
Satardv and Bonitey.
’ our Sunday school
Miss Jane Umekf is spending a few
•rerks with Mrs. John Buriieod.
s Satur
: Mn. Swan srbo ba* been quite sick
Joseph Atkinson of Sbetiuud
ia atme better at this tvrUlng. her
deoKhter Ella wsa out here taUns In town Sunday.
Daisy Bryant Is vlNltlng at (heltonuf- • care of ber.
K -J
Hr. and Nn. M. C. Basch and fam- of Pted Atkinson at Shetland for
fly. Mr. and Mrn. Allan Proote weie
7 / t^ icuesis of tbHr paienU. Hr. and
Mnt. Jobn 'nam>. S«iday.
kUsaouri * s Id port yesterday
Frank Ryant of Hsple City, called

altb freiRbt for tbe nen
Frauk Rosman drove


'C H,.-..


... ‘■'li:...,

home oil r Saturday aini S.inl.«>^iv»
Ml. and


WHY is h b«ler to deposit your foods with
us ibaii to carry or hide them ‘
BECADSli v.'iih us they arc absolutely safe.
while on your person or in Ipding
they are NOT safe.
BECAUSE many a life has been lost throuRh
keepint: money about the house
or on the pcrsoir.
BKCrU'Sh^ with us your funds may be earnini’ a moderate interest for you
intir ad of lyin^ idle.

Siuperv tan'll

Chrisloiih. r .ii.-i..|.al

iarl «'■'
Mis. Jon. Wliicliciinil. of llisla- ha^
of 2ilal- of
Iki-« i-pcndliiK u d.i.' oi two with h<-r
slKli 1-. Mrs II. M. Jaoi. t.
.^1 icliiumtIkirld Smith. Sr., ha.v imuod into
tin- boiiK- teccitiv
vsctinl l>y Hie
Mr at.l1 Ml-. I
ivniOval of irv Kncb to Keystone
tkvirwe Pi-pler Is at work sealii iind
iidt^ed'lbHr daualiler. M.r
ll.uiii i
the rest ot the fatnlly are aoim-wloii
April 22,
tmiiroved. at! hn' tlu- youUBest child
I . ssoiii- l..<» l"'.uelit ii.i.MlHT h-u.-. ;
bavins been victims of tonsllltis
Ml-.- l.olB.Cnmr had .1 MV..,.
Miss Cora Soifield vIsIKil III KInSe
lark of III.'
'-i-l v,..-k ImH
Icy Sunday.
The wiw niill Is shut down iiiilll
later date.
spring uUlloiigh tlirrc
Rviilx-n Stite* loi-i letiirned here and
ia wxirklng in (he sblnsle mill fur U-u ROlfee l.liv of piadytuv hard ou Imgry
io. I ■
111 111. deulli ef Mi>. iniiioi -M.-bcr.
.............. ..
v.h'x ls“''i'laKi'nB m!ndr"Il.l'V'l.lriveB|Mr-' F-'J G-m.lciholt
MUs Rose TK-miillic Is vorklus at
vr.o>' l.i-t one <if lia viTv earllrat pioiwra
llitlay House.
Mi«. th e .Carin' dvo
"I. lo.i; !:.nd m.iM plclureminc and imcerilnK
April 2
W. bla wife lliouulii ti
ivtm-mber, and wiihoii
Ueapll.. U.T exrrvUK.
kllowllilge I
uii-d It
Ii.'urr. unitl n few day* of her death
Inwil « ).nvi'Utl«ii.
ae. leiol.-ti rhe Suru r
Urovi-r lioiiinieud ituuB to which t.vrr «1i
riifloicl Pray and
j llrtvei. from the‘ -H-. | .Fe culd Iwon the Blrtyt. of
iiade a trip to Trnveri-e City FildSy.
cl.i'isli'.T i^.l'., t-lah'i-l in Mniqiiitte I».k ii

' invariably w.mdlng brr
Glll«-ii Pray rinl Tniniaii
Traventf City Frid.iy.
A. S. Pray nindc a trip to Traverse .-ifter thr. .. n. m. b.-f.ov tlo- is.: s.i.-»isj
rhe Ihlid Ii'iart.-rlv ni'-<'l;ue will
City last Ssiunlay,
Yuha lieu-Siimlnt:-.
Traverae City
r., child
Sam (?haney wen
Mr-. .............. ItipUy i«
lie Tri.. PolUI
J. V. Rliiehan and W,
llliiui and Mabel lleekwlth visUed
Hi* Dear Old Mother.
. mlbcrl Pray-B Sum .
motber, who U now
Mr and Mrs.
bMpir visiti-rt her
j> old, thrtvCB onKlorrolher. .^•alltr Watwm lU e»iii|> HI
It 1.1 Iht.l vkiliiili. Ij
trie Bitter.,- write, W. B, DnioaoQ.
iiH Thiirmlay.
How* Tti1*7
of Dublin. Ca. "She baa taken them
The death of Mrs Blanch Perry they go It. tlirir n-w liumi' in ilu'
lor aboot two yearn and enjoya an exust a Rlr»ni over the cumnuntliy Sun- wert.
Mr. ttiu.'luiri l.a.-= a
(I'licnt appetite, feels strong and City,
B}-. She has Iki-ii In pot>r health for awaiting him nea:..S..!i
vl.wjiB well " That', fhe wii>-^3iccUlc
ome time, hm was not eonflned to f^h. and t^ev .m leave lo. tl
Dluen bRcci the Hged. and the aarao
er Iterf only a lew wc-ki.. Death was
happy reauUs tulUiw In nil case* ot
uuse b» n^luiiillcaiioD df rtlkoaaps.
r.'imile weaknesa and general debility.
Mrs. IVtT. W fived all her life here.
Wciik, puny (lilldren too. art. greaUy
Shu was loved and resiK-cied liy all. MtH-k t.. Mr. FlU will Imu' iiii ailelii.i.
idepnrtment <d urate (nr March Mrongthened by them.
She wn» eonverted ami Joined the
niciple chinch three years ago- Slie
edlug llitm. for Fehni- alMi for sumiarb, liver and kidney
troui.le*. by C. A. Bugbec l>nig Co., 8,
was ntncleen years, ten mnnibn and
or SIuivli Ufa ytu-u' ogo K. Wall £ Sens, Hannah Drug Store.
iwenl>-rme of age. She leaves a
if iie like.. It vHI
i!ruggl!.la. iUc.
fei hiB fanilli wl... ivill -iiiy
tiiiBhaiid. father and mother. Mr. and

’“{^r.V.ih tin. ..... ...................

y^ANK ..






Four Rooms Furnished for $84.00.

If you are figuring on buying an outfit here is an opportunity for you to furnish your home in a nice,
cosy shape at a saving of about $30.00.
Sitting room, dining room, bed room, and kitchen. In selecting these outfits we have been very care­
ful not to put anything but good, substantial goods in them and we are positive you cannot buy the same
outfit any place in the state at any where near the price we are making on them.
If you have been figuring on sending to some catalog house first take your catalog, pick out the same
bill of goods and compare them and you will find that our price is lower than theirs on the same grade of
goods. And remember we give you all the time you want to pay for them with no extra charges.

Sitting Room
I Couch upholistered in velour
1 Oak arm rocker
U Oak arm rocker, upholistered
1 24x24 inch Parlor Stand
2 Pair Lace curtains with poles
Carpet fo cover room 12x12 feet

Dining Room
1 6 ft. Table, solid oak
6 Dining chairs, solid oak
1 OO-piece set of dishes
6 Good knivtes
6 Good forks
6 Good table spoons
6 Good tea spoons

tbt eriginal homt Tumisbtr

of n»rtbtm micbigati.

Bed Room
1 Goiden oak bed, 4 ft. 6 inches
I Golden oak dresser
1 Golden oak commode
1 Closely tufted bed mattress
1 Ail steel spring
Carpet to cover room 9x10^

No. 8 Cook stove
» 1 Full size kitchen table
I Galvianized wash tub
1 Copper bottom boiler
1 Heavy zinc wash boaid
I • Pressed tin dish pan





Pressed tin water pail
One-pint pressed tin dipper
Pressed tin bread pans
Rolled edge pie tins
Rolled edge cake tins
Pressed tin wash dish
Crimped cookie cutter
Handled fried cake cutter
Fine wire flour sifter
Double action egg boater
Copper bottom tea kettle
Copper bottom tea pot
Copper bottom coffee pot
Good long splint broom
Japanned dust pan

Wo txtra charge for credit
Vour promise to paf will do.

/ 0-:j


_ _^**^*^

Hall MUM Md Oeo Qray *«rr la
KiDcaler KattmUr.
Anbar Thirar trtU amM Harry
Wfirkaau ariib lila (Am amlt ibia
Mr. and Mra. Chaa. HaekMi et IjidiBcirm ealird at Oaa Orar'a Mai

ss" jr'»ts.'s;sj

aoiDo UMter at tkM viHla*.
BaarllBga vaa tB


Nlltaiw. pAMrt iwir’7t

whicft »he wni trtotoab^bny^,'

Oapl. Walker wlih h ■
H«M we.^ quickly ph: Id plar. , tafor tbe-Uf« lavlax arrvioe 'e'-i'«"r".
I reiiirn to MoDlacnn. wan’‘"T”rk.
Hla oarenli
parenla were
w>m for
1 raii^-ir and tacitli- paileai. al laini;.-. <
oa ftatiirday uDd were wllb him when
I had Ki Im- prepared A quo rtag s
deaib rHIeved Wa^of bla ante
Joe Tremalu h»a gone l« Tyxi
...................... <• (he ITI >X Hieii.1.- hi;-;,
ney reinrneil
A. A AllIngliUi nd wlfe aie rl!
h'tC.iy, I’si aud Hagsie
<)ri\>e- 1.\
Wedueadar evenJnc. The funeral
{Ki TH-dv were sgal’i l>i aiictil i.i li
held f.n Vflday front Ibe l.uiberan liil|.anKlng.
UUlio Fl-dier wiIll 111 Trava-r
nty tbe rope* eaimmeiiced i,, light.-n. '
j long ^ra Prof
I lli<- arboul tiouiv. '
Ijnv a.f tUi- raptalii
ha- 1> th..
bom 111
............- .
II. A. Jobbet and wife of Traver ■Th. n, *i day capu Walker .
Tbe Enwonh Eeapue » I Rive ail
• Fi*ha-i'T he ;i puii,|
Ire creaifl aocUl In tbe to n ball ou City an- tltillng l•'I.'Ulv•'K lu lb
li-teii iiniir*
Satiirdar evenlB*. April T7.
Mni. IV-jorm Metjua-er i* iiu Ilia- *1.
1 111 ga>*l mu
Th<‘ I-. O. T. H.. enjoyed I mile
noeUI ae.aalon after lodpe on f'riilay
mad wifa- visllasi Raiy fitting li.-r ii|t
evening. Meadamea. Ctiaa. Nelaon M
wUa- of fk-iar y.-:P-r lian-gan -nitl,
le-alie, - —
' and



2nd floor

Traverse CUy. Mlcbigan.


WiSil l\j AN'.\'orNCtC ihe oitciiifi;; of otir new (.'arpet Department bctor enleriaiuAural SI,
me til.
Mr aad Mra Harry Varkmas
Ml'-.\i ».\\, .\1‘H 11--‘.I, for one ta.-.-k,
it will be to yniir interesi to
Mra. Ed. lianiea I very III
to Wraford BalDi4ar.
.'itUiiul i!;ls ajjjt-itiny. :i“ \'C wi!i olUr many *pi-«.iaJ»rauis in Carpet*. Knjfs. Lino*
Ur. am' Ml*. Sa-hna'i'la-r a.
Utile Ornnette Kt-IiI, wbo ban bm-B
l-ii<n> aiul i-ac-Curtaio*!.
\Vr have rmlar^ed iai* dvpariiReni lu double ii» former
II day.
aeriooily III with Bppendleltua
,un was through aiiir Mrliilly
Eaory Clark of Oraal rMlled Mr. valeaerait.
Ml-* Aijiia it -i-sPiini r wb-. hx< l«—i
Thera- WIT'- four ya-;iiitairn from
*i/“, who tl muk'-s «tur< tint; cl‘.hr laruc*! carpet rooms id Nonhern Mtibigan
aad Mra. 0«o. Or»7 Sonday.
^ra. W‘iD. wnmaniwin
maniwai and dauicbler. l-nki. Ann who w.-i ■ laka-u ti>, Frank ■Mk-U the 1*11.1 Via* w.-ih.i i,t *ii;u, bi.
t'D'.y ilje Ur-ja-st room b-n the bi-'t colta a 'u>n of n h t cjvciiiigs to Iai found north of
Urom Gray. Br.. dMd SuBday ai 4
■nUj In Travi-nw- Clly. fort Saturday« IMJ Mi
a. D.. at the boma of bM paadam. K.
Lsranil Kxifrid*.
Clanil I*nlvi-r leovi-* lor.Sarriuiienio
J.ihn Kenedy baa r.-ni.-d Ibe idanlap ehlldren not ir
n. RawHnai. acnl }K yrani 4 aw»nu
r.-al,. «.*loy where b- li;i* a p-..-ltk.u i.
nil for Ibe aai
Tlien. wa-* a liinl game |>lB>-e.l
III. |,-a.df(,o !„ ilii,, elit.
HI dara P^tMWal »m be bald al Uir
Alirll JJ,>> al Krujd.
Kiiipii.-. Ivtuaen Alnili-:i
.. and inirrO. Wriglii of lxagaUB|Kiri. Iiid- hi
Knipiii-. Sraaia- Is to lu laa.
aud r
bought 111., fiini ruriiii'ilr

ii la Dowa'a eraudrry.
oiaiieil I
prll ».
WllluMi .l.nidiAiu of Ciiiplie wa* Mr. Ir-.|i. :• mil
T.I.-I'l. it tja'W Ki;j S-ilt-rii. nil ilMi'ie U'
• HIM 1
a ahi>wto<U
)oot'.-.| 111* l.iiiiil
IliPitmh hen- Mi-llliiP hlU.rware
|iaii-'iai*er:. evi iv (► s*il:l.- ;i 'i iTitHTX-.
WisrooHln the flrai of laat w.-<-k
ri. lyi.f.jictu-rau
Hr uiid Mr*. Ji-*'-i- H:ilh-ii bav<Hlaa Roan 8ehii«i,.r who baa L
ool'.rs mill dtisimis mui .jiutlili.-* are lu In­
. riini* iiii llic
Nat niiib-r whnt ;
ol«l from (\.n-r* SMIiiB i.* W.-eU
rwMiU Paotor. nT Ban- Oak. Mtrb..
orklnp ai ' fill cliim-h'a miirned
I'ru our llr-'tc
llr-K .BD.I IkV aru'lea arc
wiu clra ao mtenaliiBaat ta Uw M. borne Haiurdi
l-a-ki; hui is a little l»-lla-.
-f^e faniien: are qiiiii. Iiii-ay iiatw
rtajutrid .li/i-s; .uiivjiitier-s-wliirli wlicdH net
E- <«urcti. Tbaraday «rrBln* of '
.« It;,
iiml In
to ret
retail i.t that Agti e.
A. Boi made tome ralla In i
.son Ailla'ir a:f Win.Mall
Idiialug for Bjirllig cnap-.
war*. Mra. PooMr romra blfbly
r.-iaamnelphtiorliood Tueadky.
Th.' pri'T'krxngi- fraui :2
- ill,4- riiiaf tJ J. l..T« P
Hurrah for IliitHir. loi the i'..uiiiv
r-OBOMOMlrd arul bo doubt will
John Falkeamtwa waa a vlallor
abV ]irid>i wiiii-Ii vvili wiiliilauii all aiainpniiSarat. m-*i tqirlng, a» tlml 1;: tli.r
trortad vHb a »ai»e aadUoioe. Tbe
Holen-a taal Sunday,
Ha-ary Hntaaeli. V.-Ivi'l mil Axm'iiiter
m in nijs a.f ilii. e:iuia< a')inrar<<T. espea-ially
of the roouty.
pronsda <X tbr ratenalameBl will be
m Anna Martin
The leleiiliianc pol.-* aia- all eel now,
l'dri» t , .-an its lisii wiiii or 'witlioQt bordi-r*.
1 meibuni pri.-. .1 iiibb. t.kiifc:iui4 front $IU ,l<>
applied toward cbe porehaae of aone
In Kliiiptle)- Friday evenloa .'
wlll pui <ui the wiro uii.l plume* ihl,»
Bf-w booka for tbe HIdb acbool library.
•itir line ilira spring i* bettor lhan over.
Tom Cbiircb end family vUlied
occupied <be boaida Will Cktnrfa'a Sunday.
_______ inWa hall
Adam Chappel, Sr., met with a pain­
U'<-show tbf duraitta- .\rabiuu Kut;
vlaltlng with her slKier, Mrr. Haul Traverse City People Have Found
Bdd.. RswHaa
of MaoM
ful arrtdent laat week. He wmt reachl.l.NOLKl'MS
Tlia-itoiiuiiiB Cork LinoTat Hht* i* Tiuc.
Welsh Simdav.
in ‘txl2.--t.mly ..;................................... .*10.00
lac lato the-minser to remove
lain, n -...dct-ii ,v, rvnri
\ rsdd.
li-um, ll... kit).I tlivl wejra.
We ehow four of
«* U»e anlcl^ton tbe cow ihiew up her
a- a-i.iiw- liiiij li
uid a-iiil
I',- I.. ji nial..-j whieli tfive* n* a big lino of
atlaeaa "bello HHa’ at TrareiM CUy. Md^ilo* a a
TliaKnU Fib-rwi.l VVo.1 Kuj: f-^r
Stab under thti
of burkarhe
paaaed Buoday aP4ba korap ct A. B.
nny mom —a vory- heavy
^'vii.-rai live, tine i-ulonujai at...............*12,00
•gulEriiy a.f liie rriiie.
Kanry Hueleti
up from
The futieril of the Mta Jacob PewualneM.
iin ;wa-f aA medlrim- that iinraa-rs
day al Inland.
Maa waa held from
n tbe reMdtoiM tl
Sae< iul in T;iie-*ir> Brutba-U Runs.
Mr. Hariln and Mltia Anna
' I* IVau'.. Kldii'.-v
Kldii'.-y laitl*.
Mr and -Mrs. Walter Uika- ilnn
•V. A. U ThonloB HayMd vlaiton Saturday.
Thuraday. tbe Rev
stx-‘.fil2. ;l-.r»l oi oriimUl i*ulSolon .Innalay to ua-.- her i.-tsier.
oBIcialcd. aiaiated by tbe Her. J. E.
The fanrily who lately moved on
terna. wml worlli $1H. at...........................*1S.?8
Miss Rekah Wilson and Mrs. Dave
putt and4be Her. W. H. Herbert.
enry Huletl'a farm have derided to Cmham
.Tliii. i
tiling on Mr. and
Tbe ebolr edMlwaail
Hr. and Mra
inre, aelllDg off their R. R. Hate*
TrDVa'1-ne Clly praiof.
aU.M $1
i-iiii-r.Civ i-va-uiiig.
lia-aiy AvotiiiO. U HMiioa. Mra. B. C. Van De
.. properly
r thing
C. Tlioniorain. I"^ Eiiti»...o;
Ikive linihnni
oa- this t
jrhib! or a-iuum lit fully 2 j p*r <-eot la-sa than
Walker. Mra. Bobnt Wood and Allen and Ml for Kteenor flelda. just iir.•a-rtaa. CIlv.' Mil'll..
■ IVarl Ijike In Jauik lifter Uii- log.'
Kedbr. aaac "Aal«Bp » Jeaua." ‘'Shall
* you will ll# able b. liqy ilie aamo gonU a
-iia. ut nuly .. ..*2S.OO
Tbe pany fflvm at Hlaa Anna »
that me Iji Im- lotaali-il ihi-ne for the
We Oa*ar at tbe Hirer.’
month a.r two later.
We uit.le a lucky por^
tln'a laat week waa a decided
Phiinnaev and
e eoiiiiiany
eoiii|iany and Mr*
liiahum i.uirhaslsl at I
i-liaae lliia sp'iogan.l am Bivin< our ciiato.
Fiua .\xiiiinatcr Kut^, lia-avy nap.
a an I
found that lor l.ldilay tP..ihll
III rill Ihe rooking .
pain;, that
tatty l-iihta-y palti;.
Waller UkeAmd Ra-i-i M;
U-antilel pill.-nis, si only.....................$23.00
Bvet*re« oeneiary.
•vie eveuiua.
puny Ihi* i-oiuplaint. it_js n n-nia-d.
Mra. T. *. »ra<art
A aurprine parly waa give
that whollVaonia-:' up t.. th.- alidius <,(
nraad Raplb Ptiday. after barlag at- Cbarlea Knapp by her frienil
thg owimrs of slaiidupl- i. iiiisl'
- alay
leuded Ibe^uaeral of her Eraadfather. nelftbora, Friday. April l»ih !
and Ml... Win l.ake wei.- tloJacob PbwMn.
her olkly ahilb
piexia of Mr. and Mr*, fliahum. Siiii. iloisasl th.- 0*1- of Ikaan'* KIdiiiI’lll
S]aecinl I-ilof- Healroom Hosa.
8TK.\W MATTINO—.lott
-no crowded with gneft*. about fifty
iHli.'i-s iiiid are plasisesl lo ik. sal i.i
duyNag preaenl. Supper wait served
raxieiv.-l a nc-w lot of Imlb the
^ Tlii-si-nrt-.*1.1 rug*, oue or two
and encace Id Taierlnaty praeUeeT Hr.
tier wbieb all departed leavlag
For Kih- hv iill d.-al. rs. I’lk-e : '
Rekiih Wilson alruve lo Ilia- iliinei- nl
■ae anal CliiQB-'iioaalifiil
Haban M a iradoala of ibe Grand
Some wool, tome 1
je redplenl of may iM-anltfiil j
ea-RI*. Fav-ta-i-Milliurn Co. Hailf:.!..
iletigni, marked to
RapMa^ Yal^oaiT
a^ ^haa
foi tlia- r.tit. .t
$ liU-r. also SoyTiM. cl>ui>-r i
The anw-IHlIl
Mill at Alim I* quia-i a N.-w V.'i-k *...... ....
Bolt at. p-r yni
Ca'lleri al Charles Barrolt'* Sunday
ighi to laehiihl.
Broa.' the laraeat veterinary pracUc- were; Hr. and Mr*. Dnve Hammar.
Ra'aieniluT- Hu- uame—l»>iiin'*--::i..l
hmera lb that ellv. Thla la a food Mr. John Telford and.bBilly of
if BuckI
Hen Jlalilre lia* tvnusl ihi. Sfiaffurd taka- no otha-i.
d -Hr. Hebert will wllbool ley and Charlie Uilx and fomll
mlly of
Klaipu a-urnrbe lu I so mlii it'.........
Trarerae City.
Mi'**r*. Eiiioiv und Mawse
Sunday school wa* ni
harp mot tst liiP. Ih. Itim*.-araiK-d hy miiuitiT. li,Ki|-seiie<ia. oiii‘ hoi:*i i-i-i
mug at Cane A Hartall school bouse a
Wo. Hemm U a
eli-aa ha., twa. u..iii>: aol-a-1!ira.:il,•
ime Ahhey.
Cnaaer-a'weat mill
a week.
with Mrs. Ire as Hupl. i
. niul Mr*. I.l.iyd Ita'.:* liaiiii-a- Dr. Thoniar: K'.-etiie nit. i,.-:.
Bert McCarthy i
ilaiid to lu-e h.-r fnllo-r
un week,
week. ylalt
Arbor for a few dayi taut
buhiih hla
hl» parenla. Mr. and Mra. H.
. . ». I.. E. lull.* aii.1 dnuiihler (lolM^b]
rtlaw-.-ie tho giia-si* of .Mi-i. Vaola Igike
De Walker baa purrhaned
Dell Allen'ba* iiM^ed unto Tonv Monday afieiniHiu.
the J. O. Crolaer realdetue and proper­
Ml*. K.trl (Iray.were Ilia- cue*: •;!
ty cm BrowtiMe Avenue, aad Oeor|c Scbuxler-s pises wuilk of bore. Tony
Vaa Gordcr baa hougbl the reatdence having Innvol bark lu his niher farm. Mr* Wlll-Fewins Sivimday ivli, m.-i .tt.
Mr, and Mr*. D. P. Tnylor to
Mr nnd Mi*,E. T. liit.,.-s« w.-iit i...
property on Blair alrcet. tormeriy
Traverae Clly Rniurdoy.
Trnv..r*o City t,. ttsll «!.ii Jli. iiml!
owned by Mr. Van Do W‘alker.
O. Uue and family vl*ile<l iit W.-ir- Ml*. Cawk BW-tks.
Aaron Box hna bengbi the Mlonn
ren Taytor-a Sunday.
Mr. ami Mr*. Calvin !tP»iV* bnlMlng of Valenilne Unden nod U
B. B. Otbbs waa In Traverse City on I’islilns with ha-r part-nt*-, Mr
moTlDg It poto bit tot on north Main
buslUPBs u few day* of last week.
. Will Hales Kiioitat.
01 ml.
Wlllla.Allen ami Mr. oud Mra. FtornAlgUfctii (bill-* wa.. il.i- RileJobp Ftpwtoaa and wife of Hanton
esi Osborne called In ibe nelghburhcioil
1 *w*i.r M
' wise U Klnialey Wedndbday and
Thuraday la Headinee al the funeral
R A. Wall, wife and daughter l
of tbe foewer'a father. Jacob Fewtoon.
was la Traverae Clly Saturday.
O. L. »««Hm baa dlHumed trf bla
Mra, Mills I* spending a few d.
Mi*s PhuMii-- OIiv.'I .vi'-:i-,l fik-iid traeerr aiork and BiAim to Adam
with her daughlei. Mrs. E.
1-011 Oneidll 1axt wa.-k.
SeegmSIler. wbo
The M. E. Ijdlex- Aid
Ant of next week,
potatoes Snliinlay. when
turn hla aiientlon to
they were bii.Uy froien. What
II pa.l
and oelllng teal raiale.
b'll amounted to nulj- tweolr.uue Cilv I
•Hie M.-h<sui, r JCII;-a Hay 1*
Burpriac pnriJc.a
tailal III** u* ll Its* iM'i’ll i.-p'uuNORTHRORT.
order of Ihe dav. There wa** u very iiuni.-d »ehoi iii-r
Hr. and Mra. W. 3. Tbomaa arrived
e hHd I
me of C. Iiimhii al Klk iinpi.
boRM- Batorday evenlag from Alaa.
Knapp 1
lioygan. Wis. Wli.-i: off Caih-u-l
where they went to attend tbe funeral
ipp'a CCIb
CCIh birthday aunh-ersary.
aunh-mwary mil la la-riiI4a- *.-ii fiitut ili.-ra- na :
of lira. Tbomaa' mother. Ura. H. J. Knapp's
.ut $0 of
her friend* and nelghlanr* Saiiilli Ataiiii
Mra. W. P Roberteon In attendlag being present. She wa* presented wlili ra-aeh. Sha- KK.k Ullllll S
her wotber. wbo U very ill at her
smaller preaenla. Ihe Rev. W. II.
taarae la Bk Raplda.
e peoII flih-d. 1
Bua Wllaoa et Detroit arrived ben presenting the iblng*. The
Balarday eywBlm to arrange her aua- pie left after panaklng of a hour
supper. wlHbIng for many happy r
- and
Bite vettage tor ranuL Her UlUe
turni, of Ibe d*v.
filli-al and tuviiiue viim.-iiiiisi-aUa- i.i
Piece. HtU^e Bra^i of PblladelphU
The rommuniiy wa* iahoekaa.1 and HM-a-ti Ih.- South Maiiiioi, a.i.l
•li.lion. al iiii.liimr.i
■ot^lo Hr.and Mra. Bert Stoll on aaddened in bear of ihe (itienipta><lI IVur
ankide of Mrs. Anna Gam*-)-, y >-aaa-i'. of Af.l.l ...i
Tt*aday. April, J6ib. a boy.
day. abe swallowed tiro dose s of ||-a^ii. Clirl* laii-on and tin— m--ii u—■
^^rt^y n>eell^_ afraltf*,
arsMlc. The prompi
BsulManc tneighbors however, cni
■ u i :i li
* by tl
deadlv InlemlOR, and while she U mil! |.a*si,at I h.
WM-a llo«:-.h |..l.. |r,il-.i. aty.
I bupaM1 Ishe will -•
hui ii-.-a-h.*l
Mr. aad Mra. H. Ryan left Baturday
11 >]1MW *i'iii* a.f
Bonlnc for Travetoe Oiy
Iiy wL
where they
e.-il dlQI'-Iilli ih.April JS.
few daya

*■" with reltUvee
men gul into Ihi > ,1 Tli.-N I..1.I 1-. g.i
La-loia- Ibe *.11 wl ll Iha-iti al
Clan Haven.
D. i..
H. Power*
The Hnaaera U.
Gk-n Arl.or, The,.Mmun. Holme*, travelling aulei
M. Data* apeni Bnnday at Honor
for the Joho Prllilaff hanlwnre
Mr. and Ura. Sid Key» of
paay. and Jark*oii, travelling for Crllaapeni ibe day in town. eollhiR
ben A Sia-xinn Siovr comply, tr.iiifriend*.
t pllail on ll..- :.!i.i-a;
'ilaaeied biiBlaes.* Ii.'re -Monday.
41 alrlfiiil ill nn-1 l.oi.uhi uji
Hla* Anna Baxter of Bardickville
arf wal.-r a Illite isi*i
metly the Lealic eoiuge.
;h coilarl.:*-; coal, nicely ;rimtn‘-.i with brov.-.i silk
* dock. Till- vt-«...-I w-i»
Mra. Chaa Wrieley aad aon. Loyd
«v nU-.' hardwnn.i luiiili.n.
three-quarter length sleevi s nilh silk piped cuffs.
m of ^plre s
apeni Tharadtr la Traverae CIt:
wlra-al to ksik atlei ife
Injow^toM Tuesday.
ne K. O. T. H. enjoyed a aii..
led with sid-j p!f;i
i:'i. easily vbonli $15 OH
Walrh and Ihlle daughler Irna.
nftar tbe ctooe of tbetr bintoeM aeaabandon
AUo buck I'ltiitjiu
CO*: irimm-jd wi-:h while applique
lique and binds of
ale- lato Wedneedav evePlU;
be hooM"'would l-‘
:r JTn;it;i sl«;cvc* ami cults iriinmed i
itl. Mrs.
■*;:lc. tlir—
Cbai. Weotsn
aed famUy have MlMOUri.
-Cedar, Ft’h.-r and aani K iga-namoved Into tbelr new home. The In- kee)>er for
applitj',!'i’' nted *k.f
i T* b‘a< k. brown aGd navy.
These 'iiits
••f4or of which. Is beaulifiillT Bui
springs uodge- ihl* aniumer.
are ait bi^ \ ;ihi- * ;it c*!
Charles Aekermah spa-ni Sunitav in'amuiid l«.tioni io«ar.l il
ui.l '■ 1*1
lentdeom In tbe village.
Hlaa VIoloi Voice of Empire caHed'Hoe
In (
Hr*. Maaaa will lake charge of the
her. one dav the pan week.
, w*»li Ho- hu: hu«-'--r uii.l
Carmen oMtage for the *utamer.
Mr*. Ga-urge Bherldin of Ihl* place *h.ara- g. .ttsH.nea- of .....
This Sail oBly $11.75
Rpeni Saliirday In Travera.. Clia|

*ad^ iSof^UiB^^M Jie taM****'k


Rugs, Rugs.

Ingrain Carpets


7Sc up to *1A0 yar4-

or^le aetlms at Me BQ. yard.

Lace Curtain Section

ni'iv die la.-nerit. 45c pair up to *10.


Hii.wv Klu;'; .Ax*

minster. 2T iiiclus uidr.
sfiecial iititc-





Attend our Opening April 29th to May 4th.

.‘T'F3Y A





I-aJick' $i T O WaisK




*l i-n ?i< tl
worth Ifli? and l*>c
yai<! at

Styles Especially Attractive


WE want to impress upon every lady In Traverse City Ibe remarkable oppor­

tunity wc arc oflcrinj! them to .secure Stxcl! Ni.kV SPRING SUITS at Extra Spec*

ia^/P^ires. Hei'Cure some ot tlie exceptional values we arc ottering at I11.7S.



■r.-.v oif-cE-rd Mt
piping, bra’ll ;ir.'t billion-;. (xibM>n cll
Skin kilted v.i:h sid-d
.i very nobby ;
.it*, with coUrl^ii


Ladies’ Eton Suits al $19.75

l). H. n*v ailamal-M
the Mlrhtgan Haralwnod l.unihenoab'*
Aasnelatlnn in Grand Rapid* ihi*
Mrs. Isaar Raluie hue gone ii> Grand
Rapid* lo eonsitli. with her tiruher.
Cr. Fuller of lhai rily. In regard lo
her Ihroni trouble
mapuian. Iravelling sale*.
' thmngbnut the
Mr*. -J- Vaanaitfu- wa« very pleaa- iMti (or Ansnnr A CauifMnv. and
»nll» »itrpriried by eeveral friend* on Whilbeek. Hilasnian for Ihe Nailonial
Wedaeatlay afieroona. the orruKioB be- niacBli Coniimny. did hoxtaew In town
In hoeor of the day.
Wni. Faria-i!
Tbe lAdJes- B««eBl
give a la« real <eu i
Mra. A Itornea ua Frldav evealng
t Dear Mnl worked T1inr*alay
Tbe todies of (to- CBitoilh- ebureh'dav awMallag in righting
will give an lee erraa onelal ai ike f*iiu Day which eanslre
botoe of Mr. aud Mra. Geo Voire on Tburedaf. T^** venu l
-ruesdaT evening. April !S.
Und pumped out and mi
AW Kwrason, son of Mr. and Mrs 'sailing
Her bold U Mil

One of th-r great-ist barg.i'ii-i i'-.

/tloiia we are showing in all«


1 he stylv* i.r« b-'aniifcl. ihii

season i-5 the b'.g swell Iin«: of ^^0 75
I, gray .-.•in'l
:r < q1 :a! car,': be fo-.;nd
■ iiotm it less than $25.

li'cvr .M.ui’ Suit* ill


S ou can choose from a magni;; '‘t
madels. at almo*t half 'li -.u c >*r. Mi;
l it out thi< s-a*->!i; rli
v»l n my * v

(1 of high grade Maa-Tailored Suits, exaet c'kpies of imported
:i 1-: Tanamai an 1 .Novcltic-;, style* are the clever- ^00 60


)Av, APRIL n. laor.


ROYAL Baking Powder is indispcn•ablc to the preparation of the finest
cake> hot'breads, rolls and muffins.

l>wlp*ea •• AM Os>wMSm I* flaw
tea BUM iroUey..
nrinted lu the secumpsoylocmgrsTlag It s gsuee of simple eoiutn<tloa
wbi<* ewn Iw ii.ed hj csri>eat>TS for
nsiking wlndom- rasemnits nu as 1
dtcale tbe points at wblrii tbe
pulkyt are to be attached. Tbe gange
1a sbown In use on the stile of a w
doiv. lu tbe stile to a renUvillr tl
IwM-d grome «U<-b to l.i re-eiw I
partiag strip
due uf the elements of ilie paege
a T ter
tbe Uidy of wlil.-h Bt. I
lu this griMte. At tbe U|ip*r en.l uf the
bar tbe Baugeu are .-ut a»ay. sud
tbi- redis-wl steal thus f->riD.Hl an .
le se<'un.d. Muuuietl
uu a verticsl U>lt s<i-ur,->l tu lUe l>sr nir
a of snu« iB>. »b!.-h are laivud•vl luu a esuge i.|,K!.
This bluet. I
furtii--.! witli sir.ifv or tl i:i on

•ides. .It lU-- i-itr.-aiil i-K tU- I-I.h-L Ii

Raadlly VIeW te SeatMag Haaling
Treatment ¥ Hyootei.
mehlal iruabP-s are purely locaL
7-bey cannot be briped !>> Mumai^
g. They are i-auaed by irritalloR
medicated air
s 11,-s tbe secret of the
« of Hy«-mel In the treat
mrhial tmublen.
tM- first brosih of ny-o-mel's m-rti•d oir Kveiih.-i rbe Infummstk-ri.
>s Ibe cough, and relief eouu beiee Iiernu-u-nt and a e-ire ie«i!l-u
lyo-roel hi... made many revuii-k• run-', in tl..- «..rst und imet
rbrcsilr fium- cf l.r.un-faliil troildi-.
an,I Is K.dd by ». E Walt t Spins'w-ilh
the sanM- Kti..rar.i.-e as thi-y give wh,-a
Hy-o-roet ts p-rebjM-i for eaurrh, that
to. to tefiiBd 'he nvrtie- in r;,se the
remedy doer not give sattotacilon Thr
cuOiplele outfit o,.-is but SI.'Hi.

II V Whit

.liniild stop
«rnti ami
Housekeepers should

.4 naiiv of yoen-; to’ks from hen- si
:.-od.-l church at Sutiens Hk.v &u'..


Mi.--* s.-to’di did -haiusiii; in Truve,.. C:ii Sai.ii.lav,
M) HlrkaiJ <d lu-lotid w:.* .it t»w.i


Biscuit (

i flua11> n-iitr.l
His litlu U -.Vi

was rJtfhlluHy ,i<rd. as .he w;ii.f 111- |,ill.,.s in lleniy
lless-li.'i'K rll'Il.'ll

1 tsuch


Mr Tiirk.r and famHy enjoyed a
visit this w.Kk tium bto mother. Mr*.
.Rousseau of r,-d4r.
Hrsndma Vulley to verY low and

lie el.; lime tn.v-J

late of
:r<:btm- ,y.«r. pa...
from the Kii-K-i.

Houiekeepm ire sometimes :
buyr Other
other powders
powders because
bcoiuse they
they are “cheap."

Mr. Uecbid of ITni-erse Clly
ill town Thut*dsy.
JOK Roarh'drove to Traterso City

i: IS uU'Vr*l.sKl tie- crojlid will so-ji.
heV-u .41 lU- .‘ill )>,i th- u. IV

powders are lower priced, are they inferior?
Is it economy to spoil your digestion ?

• Tie "Rowl Raker and Pastry
Co^"—-oontunins over Son must
IHsCtkel aad'VslissUe cookine re.
ceipts—free lo etery patron. Send
IMUl card with j'our iiill luldress.

IlmiHe Nr.v.')., wh.i l.o*!
li. sei-ru:e.nin i.hi* is.miry-• is

svifi, ay ei-.4i.,„ wr, .iv,-,. I„,u.,l
ils colt ..ui In il„. --ard i.. . v-u.-fa.-, ru.|-!,n-. 11... C.-W ;.-id caus,-.|
ler to l.r.-ak^.'i Vg and l.:i.l lo 1s

Aluni U used in some b.ikrne powdecs »ml in most w tK-i«-t.;iird
phos|>luie |H»rdrts. bn-juvv i( n>
dieap. and mak«a <h--at>rt-pun-,
der. llutalunii>arori.''ci ■e«l<K'li,

iiniif-r vi.ainn-i u- pr<-*-'tii t.u less thon
•Uiy tl. SI >-;-i .li.niik >i.» cngioie
h-ei,! .< flfi.,.n w..k.
Hi,, .euiii.iep, r1..1re is s:-id
thjii i-»i.

Ai !i‘si II hr* kairii'il bi, rH.i-jgh
hat f;.7.„e.K have p...,e at iSeir


uiih sptlnc wuik. ao.t I..Spt--i!.« vo:,',
It.ldni' pile* i.mvAe pr-.r.
profanitv W.U.-I .-..-v then.
arc. 1, uii; le hard <...-e..l. ap

ty Wire W the Evening Recerd.
Pentwater, Hieh, April 2L—The Arcadbi aank ofMhK pert teday and all
«n beard, auppewd (e be the captain.
iMte and a anw «f feuruen, were

The vtaael waa aaen 1

In dielrtas Jtial before dawn ar
Mppeaad ts have elruek an unehi
The peapla ¥ Rentwaur nve
te elgnaia fee help and aent eut thne
IH* beata but tha sea waa ae hi^ the
Manan eevid aMemplith but little

wiyoow e*.. ur.s.- o»i or.
txiBin with yjrli;ir>- Tuylcr In ISIS. pnivldeil with giaU-eot"-. nb;.h alT.T.l
he nonaii- hi ihi- means fur Ibe niiarlinieiit ut a yoke
M:Me M.s.r.' hu.I a .ton- e h.*i Frithiv
linyi of W<-!»iar, ('lay. 4'alhouo nnd forTued with a luiiiule (M. In use
Ib-nlon. Goiietal W.l-ajn 1. silll aeilia iHsinii 1. edJllKteil to Jcs-ali- the sanse
Riacketi i*
ihnroiiKhly in l-.e wKli life.: bkek at H suilnhli- distauee the
for Mr. I
lliuityh 7i> yeai>. ulil.
j eud of the stile, vbile ilie biu-k'lKR<t
effei.'.l *
Jnstnl 1.) the proiier i«»llloi. on riiKaiser Wilhelm aai r.iiteh cll.Tensi.|
snn< lUi befure tbe Uil.-r ure luumili-d
cd when ha disroreted not loop apj on the Uill. Thetuir i.\i U - i-ati-.l in the
Real EsUle Transft-t.
grcNivr. Slid The baudle ifti Is then ote
i:. li Clilihs aud wile to Ovoi
ptoyad in bis mbies brtil.llBR the tallt eniteil to iireKs the spun Inlu the stik-. llu-Ii
paiTs-l<. iiiuilN'i.. Kand tnanet of the imparlal horses, lie iiisrkluB the |•olnla tvlier.- tin niic'r
73. 11. 11.
Ceorg.' A. olid Mailii- ILiil ti>
all of tham and bapan to should lie spplieil fur dnlllnr the bules
«.r e*a.

' closaly Into matters parcalBlns to tha aqnlac branch of tils es- has bAm eut out with a ebl-el the
•range block tasy he •wung i.»i-r M
tabitohnect. He fotina that 400 partbe optHsille side of "
had baen omployail to eara for

.'l-S:.*- '


SSO borsai end C4U cnrrlasas of all

The liila bad Us orlgla in her food-

The lumkSf btsgt Anadia (cRMan.
.Wm for Two RIveea. Vna. April tZ,
urith a eirga ¥ hardwood lumber. The
urrmicaji same aahara today at Pant-

eenaln atyle of drassiag.
Tbnl a prinms sown ¥ pala rooe
cloth had a yoke of deep yellow toco


isr ■

The daugh­
Od Of making real dtomwnd-i. He says
maaaea or ter ¥ the secretary of war Is almost be takes absolutelv pui^ iron fruui aui17 and wflf -come obi" Id tbe tost
u and pack’
r. tlUeoo and pin
winier of the RoeeoTcK admlalAiecarbon t-ruHble with pure ah-oThe bast «ssa owned ond eperoted
\ W. WUroii iinJBwif.i to -\ it
ShQ ii n classmate of UUi bol oUalaed from sugar. This Is heal
Stinson, |.arr,-ls, See. S. T.
by Copt Marry May. Among the par. Ethel Roosevelt
the cathedral
an eleciHc furnace, tbe lurentlon
oona aboard were Mra. May, wife of scBooL UlM Taft has been In tbe of which lioue makes possible tbe {gn
\Vm_. ('.-itopbeH :.t.d wl|e
ductlon of the pure geta.
the captain, and a young vmman who orient and can rattle oS Filipino
waa tha aaefc. Among the aallofe loot
above T.uOO degre«H K- at which tem
Lord Robmt Is tbr only man nllvc
peralurr the iron melts like «ti and
who has the privllepe of wearing two salunlet Itself In tbe carBun.
and^Mla Chavalia.''all ¥ Manisue.
Meiorln croas*-s. One li that won by cnu-lblr to then lifted oat anit plunged
blmaelf In tbe mutiny: tbe other is Into roll) WBler. The sudden cooling
Oroat Laka •ualneaB.'
thsl wen by bto eon. the tote Ueuten- sulldlflCK the outer akin, while the Iron
Hi-ipv Nfa'c-u UI..I tn:-CbkOfo. April
The eomibe seain the reuter Is Ktlll liquid.
it Roberts, at Coicnso.
The |irois-*s of •ulldiUc-alion exerts a
aoD of lake traniporlatloa will be a
Corntnaader iVury- has selected as
.Tdain S.viitt.i').-i -itid v.record bnakar, aiy traaaport
Ik ctvw for his trip for the nurih
mass, uu J tbu r.-.-u!t L. liixt the cjrl. «i
sea is tbU city- The frelsht to aighi
U eftater thaa ever befoie aod larter of Newfi)
an effort will be made duriiiR the
' ablpt an betas pal iato cotomlj
d f. Van in- WoU.-r, imlBK visit of Maty Andt-roo!
tn carry tt It U eotlasaied that
-w York to Induce her to Kh
where fnm fS.OOO.OM toob to 47.O00.- M-Hi-s of 1
rupnsed Mary Aniloisn
ono Iona ¥ IRM ore will be inored this
omen of the proresskm.
aeasoa. Tbe dooacd for vessels for
Clyde W’uiMM. son of
uliil>4 .,1
It is said uf Hr. Kmil Heleb llial his
Ibe coal trade ts tuinsually hnvv. lectures <wi I’laln have l>e«D so popu­ r-ossltts Wiisoa, twas born in Sarealer.
KansuK. Muv K. IXht,. DUil
in Uhl,I
j-liti ft. Il.>ri..ii uii l w,j,- u- leji.i-:
-Boats to baadle 7,000.000 toes hare lar In the smart si-i lu lymdua Oiat
Township. Mich.. Apm :>i, ly'>7. ae-l
-«•••- <:
k-TkMl ti
already bee* tawtsed. Over d.000,000
ii>, II moiiiIiK. und
occsskin to God n seat, sal down on
busbels of ftalB am valiiiis tor Uip Ibe flour aud so llslisied lii the i-ulltv
ftinvial w:,-. bt-'.i
Mi-rv Mvlkin.dd l.i Ji'imhl•1:.l.-.
church. Monroe C-*nier, .................
openlBS or taka Bupetlor and other dlsrourso.
It,1,!.K-k F. H, I-. k r-.-s Ti;
Miss Ella Uarion Ynntig. a dlrert officiating. The-MooivK- Cmicr c
eoumoditiM will avail ibo toui.
I awtropriate
Allen, i
Wbea tbe^fam of the soaton s but- dnwendaui « Ethan
tlims wt'iv
luUoaary hern,
taess are eempiled next iVeomber. guide in the Adirondaeks
II kun»-u in ilie eotnmut!the mmlug
ye.-trs she has Iteen

should il

•s- .H, .■h‘-IIILIl< ea-V-.i.
the Isick wear an All
Till* i-- ar In'vnhioti;.-

B.hliig lnre-.-siair

McVicker Aatomatic
Gasoline Engine
Mas ont'-tiiird iii« number


pari i


any other

lake of

licts. uc.
No nctaring. n o tumbling rotls. ratch
Tbe faiTUers heisabouls are Investlie Kome in Itradl.-v k Vi.nnixn Palui for catalogue ami pric
I glvv-s a himdre.1
lildiiic «m which it I
y Piokop Ky;..')ka
Ci'v Opera House Block.
IT. exerrh-e I
Uav.n'i III- t
!i.-guf;.ii>.'s R. siil. to
Iv.t.i ...........................
;t.i‘M. easi. l..‘ aer;-.n of tl


HI. J. ULONE. State Igent. tovediS ' Cjty. Mich.

■ r

■wcaeturMl Bg haluee'*

■iBgle red and yellow uilip
I a dark green straw bat that

water and WhIlohaH, coneMlng of a crowns her bloBd hair.
complete pilathayw

iie'aiiig IpuiA



Ihiiw..n a
! ill., |iai






dlaUnM U the ahip it aunk. probably

ts tha main maM.

•nr. eflvi .


Heiilly Co..
strui'k with ■ baitmuv, If deslnil.
W. A. WI,.-..lo<-k k V.-1V to W.„, i-L
Tboojh aba U noi y« a soeial ‘bud- utkitig an Impression in the Taiv of
two ffiiln from the caaat.
Mias llrian Taft has bean nicknamed tbe Mito Tbe laveulur ef this novel M.KKi, N. tn II lot II, Mork r.Uio-l
addiii...., S.T. *. I'. :7. li. II.
TIh nllott eould bo teen clinging the (ullp clrt~ by bar dose frtmide
and befars they bad Uavaceed half the




bulvmrbo and doeka.


of several vlltoKcs
rv-piou nnd Js known for many
sk-k., WJ-. II
tulles as an i-xt»-rt bunier.
Oentral NOWA
hUffel.-r, l-eitiu >lck t-inv.- Fv''..
a e.niilegue of autograph letters
Uurdett Oouota Isleaits to publl^jji
rwiry. We Ini>-1 that ihroiiuh fa
following wonls t
auv-h atrmt <d bla Ule wir<- H Hfo
rkilnu-d ul
oil ti>',-ns.l in i
JeMI‘‘. he ekilni'-d
eovonit written tiy W................................ in JeMI-<.
111-' tnb:il
iveiil) bum-- "wl.i-ii
absll ba worthy of bar rhararter aad deutly to some mi-iiibiw of the fomllv
s hlc.;l1 net Ka>. I a
*l. k."
¥ HU unappn-elaiive rritic-.
evodaet aad vUI probably neak
liieky for your publisher Ihst tl
asMBSaoa ef at Immi one prnoo of
irtmtatloa as a wriiar of biopAaphy.

Fi.iiik nii:!.-: to'Fi-aPc-. ll-.-is _s^

Wileou Bros.$1 J) Shirts at



One lot


2.‘>c Boas at


New Spring Suits
^’ou■rc overlbuking sontethins if you !iavi;n '. y.:t looked
of Clothing.

We're making a big'special run on


New Spring

our sprinc


and S15; anywhere else they'd be considered j:ood value at $15 to
sider them so here.

at &10.


We con­

They're tlie new lon;^ single !.reasted sack and double breasted

sijuartr cut, many wit it form trace outline, the latest models, tbe latent shades, checks.
pUids. overlaid>. and plain blurs ami blacks of toiirsr.

Strictly all Wool Black and Blue Suits
An excellent showing of fine black Thibets. Unimished Worsteds.
Worsivd*. blue an.i black Sergep.

We know

their value






We .arc >e!ling them at..........................................................................................

Ex-Proaideol darr^and has mlrtt-at
1y Bbsodoaad bis fimur.- xi.Bimer
hoise cm Bussardt bay tor his new

y Ik- tneniltuieil Oavid Uispham. l
Ibktiown lianirKie. iiud Whitney
huma Id Tamwoitb, N. H.. where he
■ckivdge. the leuu
or4 William Nurr
baa apeat U>a tow two munmr.-s with
e romedlaii:
H. Clay
kto family. A Daw beam has bran famous
IxaM'. ihe leelufi-r. and Clara tun
bulU fur him tbaie.
Biinihani. the author.
Mr. AldyarD. who was raared
'-Billy- Arlington, oore .-i popular
aud well
Laetwncm Kaa. nursery. weipLs 573 negro miustn-i coinedlon
poWKto. bto father vwichs 34« poondi known everi-whete. is now- hyluring in
the far west. He is 7! yi-opi old. 1-U'.
bis yemsm brotbar wrished 30
does not look hi* nge t.) ouy means.
puuudi wbra ba waa U years old an
He and Mrs. Arlington take aniv.Ibe amallaw boy la the lailUly wt-lcbs uan in tvligbui' work and - Hilly"
It il he had his life to live over
ISO pounds and five of tham toBaiher
d he a pn-ach I.
tip iha beam at i.fU pnuodr.
began hU Kluge life with Che
many yaani now the people
mtiisirels. craduatlne
It eompany in I ..'.Ji as a rnli-t'
rutno, liter Ixmdoo.
eit.U)toad to bao

ilelgh Thome, the New- Yoi
conteur. sa>w the mo-si -wiei.clam of an srior's peifoimannrewma from Us walk tbe Mine Umi ever cauie under lito nutiee was
w ago,. T
easu-m manager
every day. Bo pubctual it be In tear
,T after the flrsi produrtloo of a n
leg hla mMebcc and returning,
aanager. apiati-d at the utter
play the mai
that watches ml^t be set by him Ineomiietene
■nee of
his leading li
■nie poet's walk Is ahrays to ibe same Ibe .-ir-.ur a Dole in which he said'
-Your performance last night was aa
■pc: cm tbs beaib.
fourteen deadbtads hate
(ie*. MtB H. WilaoB. fonneriy ebi
V roe demaudlng that their
of tba Mffieeer corps of tbe army
stricken from the
now presJdoat ¥
the Waablngtoa

Smart New Fancy Weave Suits
s. O. Ii -Ctoviw
Citv call,-: un TIi-:'
lag hom<- Krtdsy.
The SIfrx.m ihelr dlffCr«ni schn<.to_to spend
Mrs. Clam M.-ITrirh of Trav.ise
iiy Is vteiUns r.*toiive.s.h!-te at p:,-s
M. J. Tliietitiui i> 'W.iikinc uur'i ..f
■itor iMs week.
Martin -Bugii.e to sntrklnii ..n ihitatliiNid ut pn-srui.
Quito a numh. r rrfun hen- atuudi-d
tbe iKjx social -m >h'- <'«-unty !lm- la-u
Friday nlgtil.

- •
Onr new mlntoic!; the
Celce. Is expi-cl.-d P* nrearh
■lav afternoon. .

MIk-s Ullle Barth and *tol. r Alic
cailPd ..u Mr* A. ('Ui>p.*Jl 1:i*> .-veii-

Swell nr»' Spring Fancies, light greys, plaids,
, and ht we are willing to compare them


showing a

line at..........................................................

checks and


with anything

For *lyle,

shown at

$12.50 to

-$10.00, $12.50 and $15.00

wesiy. ••L')okatour5--A.-'Suits --they r.:



black anil nice dark colorings, worth cv..T>'ccr: of


up to-dat;

our Spring Sale price only................................................ ......................................................................................

in good


The Best Bats in Town lor the price of $2.00

l or Sh.'ji'i we show two great Hats, the ■ HOWAkll " and ' McKlBBIN," none bet­
ter made, none better known.
Traverse C.ty.


Opera House Slock, Room 4.

Local Deakrs-RiTiners' Supply Ov
Tbe remhlns of Mrs. Sarah iiaviiet
s. rashes, etc., are doe Travetse Cry. James Bisckb.iir'.
^nslnled with fourteen prestdeute.-Ue of the Soo. mother of former AUorne}
w-i. born and brought up In WaKhlog- fk-ncral Horace U. Oren. werte shipped Ur Impure Mood. Bunlock Blood Hil- Wexfo:.i: Notou. Cedar C.> .
MarUBKVillc. O. t«r> to a cl«*Balng blood louic. Make* «eo. IV-li. copemtoh;
jday evening to Marti
James Me
ton and bto perscea} aopualotaiiee
yon cicarwyod. cfear-bralncd. elearburial. Mn. llayBe* i
i-Cuire, Brar Lake.
with riilef asgtetrates of the utloii
bo.vrd of trade has bees persuaslly ar-

We are

To those who waul a Soil at a Very Low Price

National Cream


Thcre will be anoih.-r
school here Wednesday evening, ihi
Peter Sbeffer is quite poorly.
hau taken a bad cold tocelber with old
age wMfb inak.
two daughters » .
with him Sunday.



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