Grand Traverse Herald, June 20, 1907

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Grand Traverse Herald, June 20, 1907


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


oiUND nuvMte HtMiie. THuiiabAv,
Mra. IbUle Randolph Oom ot Port­
EU lUpIdi. Jaoe 14—A pr«l(7 borne land. icBla county, waaa pueat of Mia.
veddiBB oeearred TueBdir xnonUoK. dec. W. Perry a few days last week
«1MW two pofxjler Touai people of and tbit.

Ipanyk plant Thnraday night, aad tbs

junb so. imt.

___ that a bcv ere waa tatro-


parties ar« wanted ao badly that May­ dnoed wttb tlU etariatlan (Mga. la eoaor Friedrtfb thU morning eCered a rierltiOM he reid that all otginlretloMe
were tbe outgrowth of «*rlaUan re­
reward of tloo for tbelr appretaefl
The moal grievous offense Is that ligion. (hat they were all founded
The Tonnp PMiple's society of tbe
lUe TtllBfe wore faerrled Bt
of slaafalnp two lenflbs of tbe
retigioaa principle. In several
Preabyterian church bee
hrMe* borne. The cOBtnetlnK
ttaa «em MIm Kina Blvood Sioae. eland tbe expense of wirinp lhe chnreh hose. A representative of the Bureka ways tbe benefits of
HcM company was In ibe cUy today
re pointed out and :
4a«lhter o( Mr*. WIIIU D. 8ti»e. ud for electric Upbti!
«i cases to be a bnefit ifl tbe bnMies Flo Aeleit Is in Ypallanll
and said that beyond douM It waa a
Hr. WUUbu R. Woolpen, bod clerk
o race. The tpeeker enumerated
knife that did tbe damage,
lendlop conunencemem.
Her aisier sharp
Is Rowen ft <^e'B croeerr. Only


Sunday will ,tae obaerved as Cblld- the west end of the factory, in a dark
tkm. and will riilt WasblBcum. D. C.. ren'a day by both tbe PresbyterUtt spot. Tbe other waa tn a length attaebj Ibe hydrant loraled on Railroad
enronte. Tbey will caatlnne tw-reelde and Methodist churches.
Hn. Walter Sterllnp leaves SaUir- avenae at
In Tik Raplda. and will be at I
H to spend the tutnmer with her BUhth. and was about two inebes
itfw Jniy 24. Hn. Woolpert baa been
two or three feet from-the coup­
a popnlar and anceoefnl teacher
10:W train for (be Jameotown eipoai-

Proaecutlnp Attorney Densmore
tbe caat aide and baa a larpe circle
This work was done sometime after
town last week lookinp after the
ar frtendf. while po more penial. Jolly
MMw eas be found than Hr. Wool- Blleped shonaae In ihe accounts of expm. or "Happy Bill.- aa be la called. Traaaurer Dempsey of Hilton (ownTharaday waa a pala bdy beie. All ship,
rnuphout Ihe light with the fire,
Hfw. Fred Tanner of Ionia and Mrs.
Ibe buUdInpa In tbe bualneea portion
line laid tn Rallmad avenue was

Rapids are
ct the town floated flapi and buntlop C. BlackbuD <rf Grand
■eats at Frank J. Venileo's.
ki and* profnaloD there waa a blare
Mrs. P. G. Land of Muakepon la
at color.
Owinp to the pleaaanl

Plfltfl Qlflflfl, StflflBi Bellflr flnd Aoddflnt liwurAiMM.

were not tor the bonds of ontanitagon. They eared for (be widows and
orphans and assisted in every possi­
ble way their members aad those
eebneeted with tbe menberw Bui the

able atteniioa.
BbdieaL Oovemor Archibald DnttMa and Hia. Bottera of Charlevola.
. atiaodad tbe OM



should be eaeltted as well
ibose that were connected with son


tn tbe fnture any lodge tbat ac

Traverse City. Mich.
Sell ycu your bill fora honae or bam.
a full line o(

The New Bey fleet.
From Thutwday's Record.


Get our fiRore* and oonipare our gradef before buying.

Ihe folnre all


In the future there roust also be

Mr. Canby then showed
The flr« excnrslon of the Traverse
I and would be aerompllshrd.
‘t “Come unlo me. nil ye
Bay Traniportetiott company's ateam- labor and are heavy laden, and* 1 will summed up hu address by nying tbit
er. Cbequamepon. last evenlnp. was a give you rest. " After weleominp the In no one order could all the principles
as In every particular, ITS peo- vlsltlnp brethren in Asbnry, Mr. tremph^lsed excepting (be church,
Inp and eulleeninp tbe town with
j>le enjoylnp the trip around Harlan
called attrallon tn the
impon- nnd asking those present to rcmemler
aaae excellmii music. They show
Island. Allbottph (he crowd was quite luico and meonlnp <>f memorial days, tbat Jeaus Christ made ell organlratnproveraent
thetr winter's
larpe. tbe earrylnp space or the bant tbat they really are mlle-stooes that
ana possible.
U ao well arvanped that (his was not (MI off tbe length on tbe road of life.
After Irerlag the riinreh. the Macr for J. W.
L. M. Cla«i. u
nouced In the allphtcsL She has a
stern realities and respoos
rebees went to Oakwood cemetery,
Slater has Amoved to Kalkaska where
permit to carry 400 pesiewpom' and ties of mIddWpe was the Ire
where the graves of the decease.t
he enpapes In bualneea for himself.
i one time, her former owners, had ihoupht iiresenied. -Sunrise and
here were decorated.
One hundred and fifteen exeuratonrer seven bondred ahonrd.
SRnrt the eye and inspire
M vlalled the vlllape Sonday.
Hon. H. O. Reynolds Here,
The trip was made all the more soul ^ tbe landsoape painter. i
The ladlee' aid society of the
pteaaaat latt oveolnp by tbe use of tbe
noonday's glare." and while poet- mn Solurdara Record.
hyterlan ebnreh will meet with Hr.
H, 0. Reynolds, ta old pioneer
ecarch ilpht. whieb waa thim on tbe
Grand Traverse county, formerly
talaad darlap tbe trip and a amall

Artbnr mi next

We Believe


Bay wM* EHc Rapids vlsliora ThursMrs. Plrtb of'Grand Bapids la n
BOSM of Mrs. Bapol tor the summer.



in business

Mr. C. A. WhyUnd. ptealdont and
gnprai Bmaaper <d tbe Cement Co.,

Oeeman pieole Brtfods and bis family


principal figure., Mr. and Mls» Rey­ to Slights this morning.
Froak Se.vmour left IhU morning
nolds are today being driven about the
city by Prank Hamilton calling upon for Fort Wayne. wher»- he hue nccepled a poelilun for Ihe fcuiiimcr.
old friends and viewing tbe gre:

launch, which came into lu path, was all alralght ptoae.
^roenu of Traverse City.
intly illuminated. The eoglDe of
no time of life is sympathy ao
the boat is triple expansion and the much needed. -Toutb has not tasted
Tbe youac people'e eociety of tbe vtbraUon Is scarcely sotleable. Tbe
Mllerness of life's cup: old age
From Monday's Record.
BMbyterian ebnreh
aurprleed Hr.
e Is one of the finest pleeea of has grosm well acenatomed to
Mlaa Marie McGUughlln left
CtfeuI Toart for tb. Cboniy of Oraiul Tf»»a»4 Mrs. Bmlle Pfeiffer Tueeday even- machinery on the great lakes.
URe. and perhsi« even tbe palate iBorntng for Kalamazoo where she
tag al their home, -nie affair was In
Campbell ft Sfceicber's band accom­ hat became lesa senslUve." hi
will spend her sum:
the nature of a-ab^wer.- A number panied tbe boet and rendered excel­ middle age, the fears and anxieties
Mr. and Mrs. A. Johnson of Man­
of nsetol and valuable preeenU were lent mnsle daring tbe trip
of life are keenly felt. "The way
istee spent Snndsr In this city retur
left aa reoiladers of tbe oocaaion. Sev­
The CheuqamegOD'i crew is as fol- not quite clear to the man who I
Ing 10 their home this morning.
eral onulde the young people's soeiely Is'ws;
reached tbe noonday of life. He may
Prieat Judpricst of this city we
were Invited.
The evening
Capuin. Charles A. Webb, master. know What he bas to do. but ta
> bis fsrm in Wexford this mar
men happily spent by both boat and
Frank Grellick. eogloeer.
does not know bow far he may siw
Ing. where be wll recuperaiF from
- fuesta.
Peter NIsky. fireman.
ceed.- These very fears and
long Itlnen.
Tbe Mabel, which baa been out of
Kent Bunars. wheelaaan.
reeponsibmilei have lead to tb
Hlox Oenrode Spencer, who has
tbe water to be rwcnulked ud gene^
Ben Silvers, cook.
orpaniulion of frsienial brotherfaoodi
been visiting her sister. Ruth. In
ally repaired, was lannebed Monday
The dining room la below, forward,
je aame time anxiety and responaftanoon.
aa U also the gitleey.
sIblUties are enobling experieocee and clly. left this morning, tor Peloskey.
Robinson Crusoe Jesse Tallerday. are glad to meet them. "We-cannot where she will spend tbe remsln<lcr 215T DAY OF JUNE. A. O. 1907.
stun c-lcA-k in ;r
teak tbe Oeftnaa Udlea* aid aodely
Is os the boat at present acting as retain tbe beanty of spriagtlme in our of Ihe summer. Miss Rulh Spencer
left for soulhern Michlgsn.
the Rntfa to and from tbelr meeting at
•r. etc. bat la a few days will lives, but we can live aervteeably.
Jaoob Hln'a in South Hilton.
Miss Corrine Silvers left this morn­
retam to his borne od Marion Island can make the summer time of
ing tor Grand Rapids. Kansas Cliy
Mat Reery and family have moved and get things Into shape for
Uvea rieb In fruitage."


Is a change for (be good that the
> bring. The pailMit. willing dls-

ind points in Iowa. Miss-Silvers will

:pend Ihe summer with her brother
n Is tbe eompletcet
of her class on the grret lakes ebaige of duty makes life, and to lire in Iowa.
s Btueerlnp at Waabington. D. C.. and
sUuntei and seaworthy in er- and do God's will Is life. Mlddle«ge
Mrs. Rose Hess and daughter Do­
teat week mnraed borne.
-«ry respect, all tbe ouulde and Inside is also the lime of grief. A bt
rothy left this morning for Lansing,
Miss CUr^tml returned Iasi ureek ptenklng being of oak.
girt msy pHeve al Ibe loss of father where tbey will spend the
from Detroft where she bas flnlabed fifteen miles an boar.
of Keswick
or mother, but ibe loss Is hardly reelher courae In vocal mnalc at tbe De-i
Tbe trip up from Ladington yester­ Ited. Old age. If life has been well arrived in tbe city this moralqg an
trait conaerTslory.
She will return day was made'In excelleut time, (be lived, may greet death as a friend.
will hereafter nuke her home here
The Che

tbta tell for ft


lap private lestans.

time. but more (ban that, it Is also (be

start being made at 4:40 A m., NoVtbporl being pasaed at 4 p. m and the
Tbe Mabel aad Ruth will prabaUy arrival here at C:10.
atatt tbelr summer schedule
le boat win not go on Its regular
tnlaad Wtea about tbe SStb.
nntll July 1 The

Th« Health of
Mnd and Body
turn U a bundle of
t are nourtxbcd and
■flataloert by pure, rich blood. Keocs.
tbe afaeolate necessity of oupplylnp
atsoenu from wbk-h (be blood la nr
Tbete elMnonU of Nature which po to
(am new rich blood and rsvItalUe
wasted aad depleted nerve ceUi
tennd In spleodid praporUoas In C
W. Cbaae'i Nerv e PIUs.
By nsinp this great preeeriptlon yen
SWPiy tbe mitertal eubstoncea
wHab are (sni»d rain and nerve force,
U may take weeks or even im
tboieupbly to restore your health
Dr. A. W- Oiaoe-S Nerve Pllla. but you
cos be abootutely certain that <
dose of this pieai reateisUva la at

Hlddle-ape IS God's school-

Mrs. E. T. Rogers of Nortbpon Is

in which the greatest reaponaiblliltes
of years rest upon a man. The young
the new route will be with the senior seldom look lo the old for Issaons
Charlevoix tomorrow.
hut to Ibe middle-aged; not to g

lo the city on business.
Mrs. C. L. Richards of Omens .is

I the city on business.
Mrs. B. 8. Leslie of Sonbporl U


tbtBnai tnptnt^tnU
Tam Mad Tlnaldt
Two paptrs for tho prieo of oaa.

Pays tor both a fuU yaar.
floo announcotnsnl olaovriiers
In today's

The Farmers’ Store
Haying and Harvesting Toots
We can tupply your wants in haying and barveattog toolt.
We have a scythe made of tool steel and gnarantoed in
every way for tl.OO. We have a good anath for SDC.
Rakea from lOe np- We also have scythe stonea, hay
forks and etc.
When yon come to' Paris Green yonr pstatoes yon can mve
time and money by nting tbe Roebeater New Multi Oompreased
Air Speyer with the "Kant Klog” KozsIe. You can uae the
BordtAtux Mixture with tnis sprayer,

We seU Paris Green


oCd postoffice building


vlalilng friends in the ciiy.
Mrs. T. Thomas of Northlion 1»
or mother. "It Is what we ore
ler saffvrlog for nearly tao years that will count with God."
Ihe city for the remainder
ler of thy^umwith a cancer. Mrs. Albert Helms
' •
Mr. Irwin closed with an earnest me.'.
ImsBed away at tbe family
e of fNorthport
Mrs. J. U. Uvl
plea to make the most and I>eat
Railroad avenue, at C o'clork Frlpassed .ihroogh tbe diy this morning



father or grandmother, but to latlier


lap night, Mrs, HelnwwasJC years old lorgel soul-eell.
All souls are made
and baa lived In this city the preatesi
order. The measure la gitxn by
of her life. In September. 1002.
city ■spunt-SuBday at Blnghatm
• man himself. Souls are noi
she waa married to Albert Helms of- senled to ns conipleirly wrought
Mrs. E. Stillwell and daughter
this rlly and In November. ISOS, she. odiKtlons. but (be mere found«lon passed through the Cl'y this morning '
O h«e u> » .-.rtaia esa— tot-mo
1 since that time <
on their way to Reed Cliy from Le-j‘'^SjSiia-TbrSeigkmd.l.oml* l amvtmj
given upod which we may




have you gny use for Gasolioe. Gas Engine Oils or
rJope' We have them at reasonable prices, standard
goods. Give us ft trial next time you buy; we have
Gasolioe Cans painted red. That is quite a protect­
ion against accident. If you need a Can here Is your
chance to get a good one at a common price.
Fine ground land plaster in new bags and Lavaoburgs Paris Green in one lb. boxes ate in demand. Get
them of us and you will be sure of getting pure and
fresh goods.

Mrs. Walter Loranger and danghtcr

Beside her husband she leaves -a >
IS-yearKild daughter. Blanche, her par-:

left thU morning for

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tuttle left ihisi “^'_______
ao DAY
DAY OF JUNE. A. 0. 1907.
enu. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. McHrarr. o> tal services si the Church of CbHalJ morning tor a vtsit with Mrs. Tui-jaO
sermati. lie's moihvT at Money.
Bait Btgbib salreet. aad a brother of Sunday
Mrs. A. -Wregohn of this epy went raifc lb* smooBt du* to Comz.lfcssbi <->r pana member of prearhed by Ihe Rev. J. A. Canby,
full of interest for the orgsnlxatiou. to Elk Rapids for a visit ihl. noon.
The text was Iskeo from Nattbew.
Mrs. C. M. Blodgett of Wllllsms
10th chapter. lUh verse. "The blind bnrg has returned to her home after

SIM Reward.

nr Mto tar Mbm» Dnif On.


Say Mr. B-

Death of Mrs. Helms,

to her bed all of this lime.


Harold Nk-bulaon uf this city went
> Kingsley this morning.

time in which men are.teaehers. aixl

hospitals of Ann Arbor, being confined

ear. rose





to Old Mitsloo.


Price, sec per pound. '

J. J.

W. ft. r. G.-rmaiii- h ft for Chicaso
l.xlay when- h.- will ncciirr- a car hud
and^ came to Michigan tr> aiiend
of honu-s,
dedication a short time ago. at which
Miss Ixura ftavis of this city went
which Presideni Roosevelt was


Oeerge Dunn of North Milton has
compieted his course In electrical eo-

particnlarly fine rliivor anri

Reynolds was formerly secretary
Ihe Agricullurnl college In 1.aiiBlnc

e D. Towne and wife went to Cblowe. Monday eveatas fw a tea days


• e-t .«« .1 ent pboa. TU CMk ■■ rsty «
I'Miotry re.vfr.d pnaptly day or alabi

Us. F. J. MacNitt

Pasadena. California, where hr
been located successfully and pros­


win oeeopy it tor the summer.
are expected today.

Pbooee. Bell 390; Citx. 308.

exceptioniil atreiigtli- If yon beve trooble getting a
tee that ii to your liking try a sample jioaod of this'
one. ^Ye will take onr cbaiioea on yonr ooming lieck.

Mr. Reynolds is accompanied b
Mary, left today for Albion and other
daughter. Misa^eside, He left Grand
itbero. Mlclilgnn poinlK where Ihey
Traverse couniy many j-ears ago, for

Hotnea. Iowa.
Bditor and Mrs. Gunn of Snltnns'


Choice Unoolori>d

J. B. Trowbridge oT TbatnpnunviKo
BclHiilflc truh grower -on the farm has returned lo his home after traiisowned by 8. S. Walker. Old Mis­ ocilng liuKlnesis in this city.
sion. Is In the city visiting old friends.
w. W. M. Kvll.«g and (liushler,

1. baa been
ila replmeni from

bae teilit • tine bonpalow <m Bk Lake.

Call on

Look for the Big R<<<l PlanL

Cor. E. Sth St. and Lake Ave.

inmlnp until falL
Tbe ha&d boys are petUap out i

OM tbe ptent of l£nd north

We cany at nil time*


>w prlDclpIr. and there Is one
tlnn In tbs regular morning service.
The Rev. W^H. Irwin chose as bis riple (bat aa y^-t Is not praelieed hy.
e rieve^ ehi
many orders,
tbat of saving souls.

meetlnp with the Iron cotnnaDy at Cadillac.



Travor** City-

poverty (o belaog lo any c

lal Mcmph ott tmad to keep the wheels



and orpbau and tboae deserving eare
and aaalttanee wbe were too deep

lending tbelr ebarittee and

B. J. Wapley and wife are vlsltlnp


Room 810 Nflw Stfltfl Bank Bulldinc.

nS every little while. Hen
eeeds man have a higher moUve. and
to tbe hydrant and found it inrn- Hr. Canby urfled that this motive

old rrlends'ln town. Mr. Wapley. who
fotraerly with Ihe BIk
Raplda nuBl memorial Biindsy June l«. Join­
Iron company, now holds a position ing with Ihe Asbnry M. E. conprega-

A CCRcni Sflflktw taslflCM iMse

Money to Lonn on improTcd Real Estate Only.

epeeker said tbat there were widows


MOnbport. attracted much Mid favor-

•■ftARLAHOi CMlillii


TIrt Insurance!

Waller ed off several times and Chief Murray tbelr lore for tbelr feUow men.
turned visiticp her mother.
motive that InBueneed tbe Good
the lay time to satisfy hit
'Sterllnp. She returns home Satitr.
•■1 ea-maai while tbe iialni and
there ^was somsiblnp
SamaritaA Aid should be given
ferry broupbt in fnlly (welee hundred day.
all tboae tbat need It Instead of aimMOK. All .ln honor of "(Hd SettletV
Alle Woolpen la apendinp a
hose that are connected with Day.- Two banda eompoaed of boya. weeks vacation on a trip to Ihe Jai
orders. Many lodges are now
nm exposition.
one fnw Bnttooe Bay and one from
weather tbe country



which does away wllh any buriUi
• benefiia of tbe lodge aat being
Elva Is one p( the praduatce.
te«r teUtiree were preont Tbe boo
tenlty. benevolence, charity
y WalWork was commenced the flnrt of theory, la tbe middle of one length
vss eiaboratelr trlrasied In apple
two cuu. one about two Inches tr. Justice, and metey.
htnaarmif and ererpreen: the eere- tbU week on the piece of road near
long and tbe other about twice I
Tbe BBBbm stood by each other
mcmr *aa read by ibe Rer. H. W Rewwdln over which (be township
site. This piece of hose waa lying
with a loyally that could not be It It
Tboapano. Tbe eonple left on tbe pects to draw bounty, from tbe sti

Tnyose Qty State Baft

Shan see. tbe deaf shall hear, the lep­ TlblUng friends in this city.
Mr. and Hra. 3. B. Bnnge of Oraena
Trouble awaits some one who tried ers shall be cured and the ^ame shall
passed Ihroogh tbe city this morning
to cripple the work of tbe fire depanMr. Canby interpreted this metaage on their way to Soutfaera MKtaigan.
t at the Oval Wood DWi com-

(onri cim'wfuiww
>s ud fDrCrM4Tr*<'mF('-uualr.liwb.

. We have a big stock of White Lead, Paints, Oil and
Varnishes. Call at the comer of Front and Cans.



A Hmr

Htaa Johanna Tbcwnsmi leftyaaMp:
ay moralag tor PnmIdarL

, At IB# rMdne* of Bobm B. w.i
tor. Biotbor of tko krUo. Si
otWBOoo At S ouock. O. U Sooddor
oBd Oot* Walter Cook vere bbIM
Id tBArrUc*. the toll ring centMor

C. N. A I. Wfwek.

Albeit Ihualag of MaAlatae*ia In
tbe city cm bnafneea.
Albe^ Frink of tbla city left yM-

teifity fsonting for 'niOBpeoariJIe.
brine >urd Md tkr ofOeUtlag def«7 frelghi can on their atdea oa the C.
here ebe ntil vlilt frienda
tnu briug tbe Her. Q. B Loekbort R. A I. tbla afiemoan. the tronbie
B. P. Carr of Bnplre was la the city
of the BspOat Aordi . Tbe oere
earring at Btst Prant aueet etoaalng. no boalneat yeaterday.
wat Tltoeowrf br oolr tbe toiw
The tooth bonnd local nmniog beB. Hull left yeaterMay afternoon
relnUTf* of tbe cmitmcUiic portieo
D here aad CadUUe was pulling for Detreli. aerelaad. and Chicago,
nod **» a reiT otMpIo oSolr. fhr out just after tbe l:» paaeenger

on bnslaesa.

«mptl« beUg aantloodod. 71>e bride when a brakceboe fell <df. Ordlaarilr
John R. Santo baa ratnrned froei
U tbe dbusbter of Dr. Walter of Flf* this wouldn't bare caused any tronbie buatneaa trip to Denver. Col.
Mr. and Mrs. H. B. HcLenren le
but U so happened that It dropped
for Detnrit. where tbey srtll
nre bouae vas preullr deeorated
locate. Hr. HcLowan having aec^ted
with white aod colored lilacs and tbr In between tbe nil aad the plai
posliioD with a wholesale taararat
bride wore a Uavellag suit of grar acUng aa an exeelleot derailing de­

bouse there.
clotb. A lae looeAaoa wu tarred. vice.
Mr. sad Ur*. E. S. Pnu left this
Tbr trucks were knocked from
After a rUK wilb friends In tbe
Mr. and Un. Seodder wiU go to Seal dcr tbe third ear from the caboose morning (or Manistee where they wOi
islt (or a few days.
sblli- Ibn two just sbead of tbe caThomas Brlckaon of this city left
Mr. Seudder It a former nfe Lake baoae. afler bumping along tbe
ila morning (or Manistee where be
rolled over onto tbelr i
roeng mab. but went west six ronr*
uke a poeltlMi as engineer Co
eSecUrclocated and has been hrdln hrdlahrdi
Betsey Ann, a barge running
ago. locating In Seattle and has been
tbe lakes.
was toon gotten Into abape I
t-err Bueeesarul being a member
Mias Ann Hervii left this morning
I ni*c«sasry to borrow tbe Pere
-tbe flriB of the WaaUngtoo Brs
for Frankfort, where she wili vl
and Woodenwarr comptnr of Seattle. Marquette wrecker to clean uj
Oe. There Iber wlU make Ibfir bcane


trouUe. Mr. Wridler was the breeder
Ray Brown. IS ywn oM. son of W.
and owner of the noted mare. Tbrima. T. Brown. «f PltKonnins. was Uiiea
known as the Tillkwagou mate.'* that by Ibe family- dc« a few day* ago.
made the moat successful campaign while tbe animal was acting In a
lan year at any Mtchigan hone, be­ peculiar maaner. Tbe dog atherwaifi
ing driven cm
iwo cow* and a calf, aod then Iba
to two weeks before she won the uni­
g and calf died- Tbe boy was Uke*
ting race at Kalamaxuo In 2 12.
tbe Pasteur institution at Ann ArWednesday, June 12. was a gnat
r. Mr. Hind* of tbe state wanlUfF
;<lav for Alleodare. Ottawa county.
mmlsaion. waa at PlncooBlng Thura-

eitfcet Iron Ounbeat it
n ManUpuc Sleek Next Thursday.

The V. 8. S. Wolverine (tunneriy mingo.
> was vlriually (oreed o
,‘wfaeo the hie canuon, •eeuml bySesuMlrialganl will be at Htrbor Springs. :of power last year by Caeerea. U uow • ,..r William Aldeo Smith, wae dedlMich., from June 21 to 28, seeking a hotnelesa wanderer.
0».-r 2.«>fl people gathvtvd
young men who want to Join the
Franrisro Jose, who was bora ln|frani tar and near, aud a whole r
and from Aug. 10 to 16. she will be '1788. Is still alive and at work, and a ’ ox soon melted away before the

sels can go; Her plates' were pounded Is uvei IT.ISV.' feci in height.
, dead
He joined ike Masonic frateraout by band at PltUburg before rollJofan Hollis Bankhead, member oljity .'.2 year* ago am! iffihutrd there In
»(«ue, and »ere carted congress from the sixth Alabama di*- IS't. serving many years as lylec
overiand by ox-cart and ranxl to Erie.
since 1887 andL' ing In Fayette, the local ladge. ||.. was tuanied
where she was put together, ani

a primary alnctlon the fatii

launched. II U chronicled that thoutof people rame lo see tbe ■ irou
pot." at tbey called It. laiinehed-

The brides home was In Fife Lake others while the
thinking that she would s
HUs Rose Fisher has returned
10 be detoured through tbe M. A
where the bas a Urge nnmbc
ber borne at Neaseo City, after spend
N. E. and the Pero Marquette yarde.
ing days rlslllag friends In this city
No'ono was inlured.
Lra Vanaky of Cedar la In tbe dly
Men Trouble.
1 builnw today.
- Vienna. June 17—Sevan hundred
S. BIggar is in tbe city visiting
Rnialtn blnciackels bare been a
friends for a few days.
od and the entile Black Sea fleet bas
Newton Ely of Frankfort is risliing
w-Ick. are In tb< city today.
Mr. and Mi>. Croige Warden erf friends in this city.
a telegram received berc tbla nfi>
Hr. and Mrs. Jerry Sullivan o
vialUng friends It
■ noon from Odeaaa.
ST are la the city.
Lioyal troops are being ruafaed
Mrs, Gewge Johnson accompanied
Alice Rowe and Minnie Broelrton
Odeaaa and Sevastopol where tbe altber
husband, ibe mate of tbe Hlseot
of Sultona Buy. passed through tbe
vatlon has become desperate.
n a trip north yeaterday nioraing.
city tbla morning on their way


i> tIicCuniUuj u

"LlMle 1-burcli around th
New York Cttv, lu ls:.5,

Tbe foUowIng dispatch from CbatC. Nelson went
lanoaga. Tenn.. will be of Interest In morning.
T. R.
‘'Charies Tlttinnthil dry goods, tnr- vlngaley today.
nlablnp, etc—An



tion .'in bankruptcy was yeelerday
fled agalDM him.
faese from Trnverae Oly. MIcb.. Aug.


Cadillac Uite

rorner at Suir
and Psrkard sireeis yvidoy moralng.
Warrants have la*en Issued for the
rreei of Haren Rollins, of AlmOlt;
Pierre Osburlw.. Rldncy Hoyden aud
Thomas loike. <rf Ksiamaww. KalamaSliidents. who aie allegivl to have
4iiWed the dining nariii of the Hkhtgan HUnlnary Tui-wlay night.
BeniUM- he had forged the name of
111* brother. Alexander. Ui a ebaek.
Wtlliani Moffall. irf OHUiunie. Ont.. wa> alnwt tp coibibII
suicliie by Jumping tnlo si. Clair rivar
Port iluivki. when arrested by Pollolmsu Trapp Thursday night.


The Sarnia ptdice captured a U|^aymaii who had Just robbed, a man

Mias Manba Ingram wtrnl

iitaR—r-wi. i:

Assets—stock of merchandise.

t7S.»eO: caab in bank.



connta raoctvabte. $1.7$0: brick store,
and lota. Trarene City. Mich.. SU,. *00: total ammea. $ier.7oo. UabiiiUes
—For mecchandise. $10,000: owing to
bank. $26,000: other


-090: total iiaMiUles. $47,000; aurplns.
$60,700; insuraaoe on stock. $64,000.'
Hr. Rosentbal went to CbatUnoof
about two yenti ago. Previous to that
time, hs was in business bei« for four

Henry- Hammer and wife are vial*
Ing friends In Kingsley.
Mrs. J. L (Rrodell Is vlalUng In
J. E. Henderson went to Cadillac te•y.
Mre C. A.-Hf>lUduy and Mrs. Cora
Cknk arc vlBlting in Fife Lake.
The Rev. R. N. Hdaaplo went
Calkaska after spending Sunday
the city.
The Rct. G. E- Lockhart went
Tfe Lake yesu-rday afteniooB where
gave the catDmeoccment address
aai evening.
The Rev. A. T. Fci

yean, being the proprietor of tbe Bos­

ed by bit wife. left yealerday for
Peioakey, where tbey wll spend the

ton aiore and Kavlag i



Afler floundcrlog la the water for a
few mlniiKw ihi. luao anrrwderod.
at Grand fUtrids la belag
dragged fur the body of os uaknoWB
man. who Is lb<iughl to have commitled



suicide by 'drowning


waa seen during the
day •ciauillng on Sixth street bridge,
inicnily looking nt tbe nraier below.


fitmi Bast Bay yesterday luoroing
where they had been camplug sin

Uac today.
Fred Canon went to South Boiud- Thursday at Mr. lAidle's cottage.
'. Hoxafe of Grand Rapids
an this morning.
In tho’cliy visiting Mrs. H. L. Ftah
George Stover Is In Sontb 1

stock: also tbe lease na the building.
Be ^ M6.«00 for the aboe stock.
«bk* be closed oat abortty. carrying
ftaralaWngs. dry goods, etc. tila last

returalnc from Port Huron by Ibe uae
alter tbe thief had
luckid himself in the rabln uf a boat.

Hr. and Mrs. R. D. McMuklen' retnraed to their home la PetoakejS
Blanch Doughty, Ida

1'he accidem iw-rurred ou the
AIcCHna Central railmad

John H Rrlnghuix. a student. Tweaday night at Ann ArlM>r. waa found la

yesterday to spend two weeka.

Londoo aad Nell

Pasulte of lb.. Soo was klUod
•n SD engine sirtu-k Ibe handcar
whh-h h>. was riding Thursday

s-H. f..r ve.irs a member c
tel'iiile.-: hie .l.'iurtiuenl 1

Hr. and Mrs. F. H. Smith left tbla
The Rev. Jos^b Dntloo and wlf«
morning for Montresl where they will
al was held at lOiSn Wednesday be Joined by their non. Kennelli. aad went to Ml. Pleasant yesterday for a
iori vIkIi.
moralsg- Tbe deceased la survived from here Mrs. Smith and her bOn will
Hra. F. M. Smith returned to her
by.hnabaad and a b^ay-old daugb
ship for Europe, where they
home in Rapid City yeawday.
spend the summer.
Charies N. Miller left tor Chicago
George Blakely bas returned from a


c.iuiaiuing fk". which was stcrfeifDom

Undertaker Hngbes shipped be
mains to Chief Lake, where tbe fnner

Mure of DIM


111 three I l;iltlf.-ii .urvlte M

Mr. and Mrs, A- B. Holbrook left
>r Rajdd City yesterday morning lor
few days' visit.
Mfs. O. F. Crane la


cruising lo squadron with all tbe lu good shot with the rtfie, aX Oporto.j sUugtt of : o-si hearty
appetites. daughter diowrned In a waahlub, ,8be
val mllllla veaset* of the great takes Portugal.
five mlaniew.
off the not 1j -.Ide of Dots Blanc Is­
Charles F. frhup-h. 78 yean.
James Bryce. Englaad's a
land. Applicants and vlaiiors can go to the United Stairs. Is c
of the I Smith. Senator ljugrrs. George Far.for Ofty.tvfo
y tw.i years, a
aad a ivaF
aboard dally at Harbor Springs.
vrry few men who have set foot oa|snil George McBride, the latter two of dent <rf Howard (Tty »lnre 1*72.
He WAS a boMn.Nl chum uf
.The U. 8. 8. Hirhlgxo was bulU In the top of Mount Ararat. This wasjOratid H.neii
McCirllaa lu N<.w York city.
1$4L aod la one of the first ircm ves­ nearly 3<i yrarw ago. The tuountaln:
Charles F. Cliurrb. ax-d Ts

frteads to with ber happiness.

Death of Mra. Sueta Oabem.
Reed City, wbwe th<T will v
Hra. Snaie Osborn of «14 B. Elgbth friends.
street, aged 32 years, passed away at
Jack LllDcy of Sutlons Bay. la in
ber home Monday morning at S o'clock tbe city on busioesa.

hydrnpbnbli. and
tw. be killed

While Mrs John AllUta of fspbea
Ing. was hanging clothes, ber lirfani

Late In the evening he Jumpid from
Ihl- bridge.
• -------U. S. S. Welvcrino—Qlde st

of the twelve aludeota who .

He cniered the con-i New York city, and was a Isiybood gradiiaU*! from the YpallanU Nonnal '
r Stale street aod other relatives.
college twenty year* ago. eleven were
Iron would nalurally lichave when I federate service ns lieutenant of tbe cbom of General McCcllan <tf Ho
John Tboreaon of Glen Arbor is in
Friday, la tbe afierpooo tbar
thrown into the water—but much '.nlsisuvnib Alabama Intaolry. served City. He came there In
>wn on bnalneas.
basket pknlr at Fraepeet park.
Ibe I four years as caplaln and was wousd- rewideil In Grand Rapids si one
Hr. aod Mrs. Charles Lund of Mus­
Mayor Charies C- Green and Re* Among the eleven were-four Detroll'iron pot" did dow n tbe ways out on-|ed three limes In battle. He w-as s
kegon epent Sunday in tbe dty.
.. Miss Minnie PatUson. Mias Jeaala
r UIIOWT surface of Presque Isle! member of the general asmwMy of aafiar Tom Thorn . of Battle l.'reri;.
I Mrs. Sterling of Elk RapHill. Edward McCarthy and Dr. C_
whore die rtrio the water. AlutMma from 1868 tn 1867 and InlSSh hare Itegun an exlendinl pr-nnmBi
Ids vlallcd hn« Sunday.
and 18M. IH- seivcd in the .laic s<-n- stunt, not to their liking. Init
Mrs. L. RosCoe left yesterday morn­
.hi the roasts Ilf Pumeraols Ifecre
- name was .recently changed
'l'•rlI1c I87«. iliid is.,.
He ha* i.uavol.lal.le. This .year Battle Cr«-k
ing tor Kansas City, where she will
- Ur^ watts of sand heaped up by
Mlchlgau to Wolverine to make'K™"'! luaMer of the Alabama issued $4'MS>" 111 sewer and pavlug
wttend a reunion, her two aUtcra
Grand lawlge of Mioom* and warden bonds.and sent them -lii with
- wlodjr
4..yards In
meeting ber there.
Tbe boadlng breadth and from
or the Alabama penltenilary. He is graphed slgnalnixi.
deet Ugh.
Ralph oRscoe of Elk Rapida visited
a Methisllli and u demis-rat and in company had »«me "show-me" Inves- and tliewA liiUk. prupclied by tbe wtad.
>s luirciiu here Saturday evening.
who InsisKtl oil real algnatureg. muted *teadily In an easterly dliarthe forty lainds have been reThe speiM at which these great
state News.
, .
gioiinds and liters and harbor*. He Uirticd. None have less than sixty
travel I* from 38 lu M feet n
conBuvd .ID Johnsea* ...and in
i- .««« ir. m..,„
Phimp Mrtjuadp of Pori Huron.
I ilie mayor aud recorder
-I....- ______ Sot. 1„. 1*66. In MobiITne wood*, which eometlaiea
a good lasie of Sheriff
gomeiy. to Tallulah J. Hrockman.
tbelr name* ;,lm) time*.
In ibeir line of fiiercb. caanot
Davidson's determination lu |ii
They had to-lock Ihemsehes In a stop them and are compMly _deband of rontedercic 7ple. who rnw*-!
>>fD<'h g..r.1ner. who has to
atop lo Sunday vltrfatlons of tbe liquor
avoid ^ests from (heir fellow
iroyedfrom C-anaUu to carry- out
law Tbnraday ubc-n he was fined $10ii
Tbe carl of Durham baa given to
the plot, but were foiled by ale.i iwity . "f ’l'<' W'l''''.
«P Inxfolou* device
In the circuit court lor such an
In the clic.uit
court al etanton Sulbcrlaiid Mueenffi an catomologleal
officers who were on watch. She
">i'king hi. task ea.Ier. He fasten,
Floyd Winter and Frank Lamb of coili-cllun of' American specimens
helped to quell the Teniati raid into 'he handle, of hi. two pails
The abtngle mill nt Bt^e City
Greenville, were convlcteil of coospir- which were secured by the first eail
Canada which l.«k place riplit after'”'' •’'“'I'. Sian.lltig In the
been tranifoimed Into a comblnallon
to extort money from a half w'llihl. he ba. no fear of either
le war of the rebellion
lumber and shingle mill. When the
lulxjrlpg man of that city. Wluier
ms again.I him as he wa.k.
The navy rocruliiiig office will t
mill is eutttn glogs Its capacity w
IsH-il.'w. and also stick and leaf-tB'
John R JSi. Po-sn. a New Vo.k law- Is a young attorney and 1-arob‘was
I Montague block, second Boor,
40.o(>0 feci of lumber per day.
y.-r, i.-aard-vl a. an ........
on t-or- jus’tce of lh<- peace at the lime II
9. locusts', cicada*, dragon
give tbe crew of 40 men steady city, un next 1'bursday morning
i lotrailnn law and finance. Is one of the crime was comtumed. In March, and and spid-rw.
eUAt day*, where young men between
employment the year around.
clerk of thal coiiiiiy,
couQ.elorx of the presl'leDl lo dealing
ran apply to join the navy,
"Fbr the sake of Maud go lo John
tn-iie>l quite a eensailon. hati lieeu U>e main cause of kee^w
Ir arrM tn-i
with the railroads. He Has a country
tread the white decks, b<Burna' bouae and atop him from
lence ira* *
e.iaie dow n the l>oiomac. He is .;3' Bco'enco
tale of Sinaloa from uklng bar
real naval heroe* and help i.i
breaking every atlek of furniture
ili« supnuMc.
year* old aod is of P..ruigiiest.--.Aniei 1 aii| -df the
1011 a-s ooe of the leading larmtag
pUce." said a voice over the tele­
can rlescem.
: court.
land and thouEoods uf rich undevel­
bottom like any other heavy piece of, common schools.

Xm.rikTd '"'"'"--""'.-

•> ■

phone to police beadqaarters at Port
Huron. Wednesday night. A copper

! The government of Brazil Is auiliorBecause Onn RoU-ilson sw..n
oped mitioa.Downs.
advanc... j,^,l
„rciiiire a rvgular service fonbard ihai aM Hu M-al laundry girlni, will leave on I'ri.Uy morn
propaaai.Oa of the mineral wealth nflui Itaitl.- rovk |ilugg~l their
Escanal*. Mich, to op.-n » ii
ihe cvinm. esp«>cl*Uy a* rega ri*s ■ * It u criitoii..he was lined Jio by
The director* of the Boyne City t recruiting .vlficc there from June
prosiHi-iiue. and ran. if it deems ei-'iice Bat-Pirff
Robinson bad a baUt
late bank have Incretaed the capita! o July 5.
pedlent, siihsiuixe compmiies capableiof *w..arlnc At work, unci the. gtrl* lostacce. H totaled $812.WJ«.ii«>. TlUa
stock fRrfn $U.O00 to $60,000
Chief Yeoman Down* says: of Iinilerijkine this servicej stuffed Ihcir ears
Angen-d. h*
ndemptiou i« «-ither for the purpoe
present quarters hare become
;he young man full of life, enei
MaRress-.> of paper shavings areianmber (uiint-'i in to do bis v
Biuall for Ibe bank's rapidly increas. ind u desire to see and take ixin
supplied :» ih» eoldlers of the Ger I Manager Royd Boyce Ihim hell
>und John doing things and arrestbd
im aa a drank.

Ing baslnesa.

•n' for the moit part epend
Uvea at taome.
henw. ano
and It
.. jB who are willing aod a
____ be
.} kepi
that tbelr homes abalt
aadpretlT. their ebildrcfiwrl____
lildrcfi well dreiaed
asdtSdy. who do their own cooking,
sweeping, dusting and often washing,
irunlng and sewing for tbe entire
(nmilir. who call for our sympathy.
Truly tbe work of ane& a woman
It '‘never done' aad St It nnv wonder
that she breaki down at tbe end of a
few years, tbe hack bcrlma to nch*.'
ornleerstloa of tben1
a HmaU weakneet U brought OB. end
the struggle of that wife aad mother
riMgf I. sadt {nfig Bailee roots
and berbs. it the exact medidne a
woman needs whose atreagth li orertaxad. Itkeepatbe temialM organs
la a Hnmg and hmlihy cowditloo.
In preparing for childbirth and recaperatiar tbereftta It U moat effi­
cient. It earries a woman safely
through the ehaage of life and in
making her stroag and well nisuU
her to he a good trife and mother.
^Mra. Sadie Abbott. <rf Jeannettm
Pa., writes:


Mrs. Free McEitrick, of Uffi'arge,
tvu.. wriiea;
DrarMiw nakkaa:
"For dx Tcsn I engsral fnm 'foal#
weakBMB. I w« so faTMuIarthtt I would
go (ran tkres we^ to dx months, so (
thought I wOQld gtv* Lvdia E. PInktamk


Women should remember that I.vdia
C. i*inkham's Vegetable Componad
bolds the record for the graaleat
Bumber of actual cares of female lilt.
Eeery aaffrriag woman in tbe
Calted States U asked to accept tbe
foBowing inriUtioB. It it free, will
bring vou health aad may tava
your life.

nrs. PMttaa’s lartattM (* WaM.
tTomen anRcring from any form of
female weakness are inrited to
promptly oommuleatx with Mrs.
Pinkham. al Lyha. Maas. Prom tba
■ymptomi giren. (he trouble may ha
located and tbe qelekeat and sareat

Tbe directorate have Ibe world'* great events,

tbe CMtran for an addition u
bank block. The building win be of
brick aod 27x44 in site.
Hiram Wood, aged



aud v
man arm'
They are sael to he uio-..' Robinsotr. r.iV '>h"l the other
place* (rf Interest. ii term of aervice romfoMhiJie Than those of straw. One should g> ’ hi*, and another l.atcb of
I'be navy l* a iieiliMl rif romance filling will Ust throe ye-r*.
liwThs wk* |ei
Rnb:u«on was
(-xciiem'.ui ill his life that he
A mcasuri' bas Iv-.-ii intr.-l'icert, and arree-.-d and tbe prl* removed Ihelr
er regrets.

married and bas a famljy of denly
becomes anlmnlcd when he liiacblm-s.
'statement ;ii which be .offer* II .'.or.
steps on bisird the ship liun^ Ih. • There ;s ,n c?m-e.ri.lBifit iiu :-sm-;,„
,j,o can ph,ve ih,
Ira F. Clark, of Boston. Hass
Ume of recreation.
His cj^ snap, of Spanish "baby .buiar* ' in honorUrauk whlakv or l>eer it, the ai*-II
risliing hit sister. Mrs. Chariotle Web­
hecoroe flowed with of the advent of a son and l.-ir t'>| ,|rug aiora at any time rt-i iia the la*
ster. aged S! j-eare. of Deerfield.
orie* of his yonlh tin lo- view* King Alfiniro and Qur-r. En;-.
j „.n »ear». RecMHiy the wa.
Is 7$ yean old. bale and hearty and he various amuaemeott ami sports
■' _
jarrealed. but the <w*c wa* dismissed
has Just returned from Denver. Colo..
e Uklng place. Even a young
Bute Ntwa.
lu-eoua' of th- proscctnion falling

where he attended, a* a delegaie. a

lobert have taken a decided drop In

ilk aui'criora. and make* a man of man. paaxor of the Meiho<H*t church. bereatter Ihe *

the ridnlty of Kalamaxoo. The late the rural youngbler when discharged."
weather has preserved lh«u Ir^

t9&A C. rmtrnt ircccttMc Cis>iwl SsMCC<$ WIetc Ottera fglL

set |ood coffee.
None of that “ (reah rofisted looie'
bythe pound'* store stdf fron'
nobody knows where. (uU of fktit.
ipbere find toiled hands, bit
the rcfi] cjd. genuine egg and fUgar
coated Arbuckle*' ARIOSA
Coffee, which the (oiks keep in
the otiginal padtage aad good is
the btehen.
Thai's Coffee!

me wbn I* not impressionable,
Since Jan. I four liromtn-C’ Colu. : to a;.i>CBr
in cefa- theprope--time
reunkm of the Sons of tbe American
be inclined lu linger <m. and water niinlat.-rs have ri.-lgnt-d
First.1 This ';nt- to- :•'haigwi with ihi
RevolollOB. 'nere are only fourteen would experience a hroath
nf r>>. the Rev Herbert Sowerby. for II i tame offi-n—. the cwroplalut being
Sons Of the RcvrtuUon in the United Btanee that seems to tnfu*e the at
years rector of pi
.Mark * churrii: made uy P r gtrickland.
To the rural bom next the Rev. M. A. Oravblel. |•a*lnrl
Unable lo keep It up ncjcb looge:
Contrary lo the iirevatUng cusloffl. young boy a tenn of naval serrlce of Ihe Fir-t ilaptisl church, thin! the.the Seveuih Day Auveots have soli
of poutom. oM potatoes, being high awakens and -Jocks' him up. learns Rev, Wi;:is B. Oelsion. paxlor of the ihHr Convl* church. l.e-ween Marahall
lo be neut and (lily, and lo obey Presbyu-rlan, and now Dr. F. A. Chap and Bt-llevoe, I
prterd at this season of the year, the
thv township, snd

wllUtig. rotUng or aprosttog and^female Ula Hn. Piakbam protably
baa the very kBowlrdge that will
help your case. Dcr adripe la (tea
and always belpfal.

One standing on shore will In all proiialpUliy •«.'* the ;< *1—

lason employed
by the Michigan
looking Ht one of I'nrie Sam's late-., o' Tex*s. requiring »:i i^rcomo !
rhailcs K Be-U -d South
i-of-war at anchor in the Uarbor live* TO iw cq-llpio-d
«.-i. chclric j
iously If not fatally Injured Wednes­
Burpriaed and pleased at the head ightk,
i„(, ^ charge of violating the county
day by the eave-tn of a tewer he was aounili. of Joyntis laughter and nioveA mode: maker.who has l.e.n In ;/r*| opip.n law. Is somewhat vex*-.
constracilng. Wood was laying brick
the biimanily
lighted Sew- t.tfk .!•> for 72 y....... sav* tliahave gone out in
In the manhole when, without wareEven the placid old ceiitle. iheic ate at least 67 men ii, tb- flly.,he ,i.,teregarding the matte*
Hion of brick crashed in on him.
1th water In his
veins sud- who ar- workius on la-rie -u.:. i:.o-t.m j p,„„.
inral |iar«-ri »Ph a
Telephooe Co., at Coldwater. was ser­

•ra who have ben holdlitg carloads
them in antlclpaiioB of a fancy
prices, are falling over ihemseJvi

Ctnarai Nfina.
f frock coal bar ceased tc
by BMn of fashion la London.
1* relegated to bank clerk* and
dry goods floor walker*.
Bx-Preaideat Horalea. of



popular minster* Coldwater fads ever mediate neighborhood.
The fifiy
more members of the church moved
Sraneb stray and the church has l>een


ctute w«I

This, with the -i-cen- death of Dr. Convl* town h!
The cherrh
WlilUts Wiivon. takiT from ihcchutcb built ill Ituv by vuhscriptlou anu>ng
roils in 5 months five as able aad Advent;*! lamlliev living In the Im­

horaenieo' tor (Mber denomlnati-wt.

is dead from bean for fiJOtt.

It waa
rfUw.rraaim NwJMI.IMwW^^w.

we give Premium Tickets with every S%c purchase
For 100 of these tickets we ci%-c a real
Imported Talking Machine and two
Records. We have Talking Machioea for
•JOO tickets. 5*0 tickets, etc. We also give
Records with tickets.

lUs beantUuI ^7S nonograph will be given to
the first person bringl^ In 900 tickets.

These tickets are good until September 1st. 1907

Great 3 Weeks’ Summer Sale!
This sale is an event In the business of this store that must necessarily attract the most
widespread attention. The enormous assortments and the splendid character of the goods

at Steinberg Rtob.* store Is so w^ and favwably known, fhal thin Special Sale means mneh more here than It would where
fhe goods are less desirable and the varieUes less extensive.
ThrooglMt the entire buying season we have been making preparaUons lor this sale on a grand scale. By especially large pnrcliases we
were oabled to seenrelbe big price eoncession which make possible these low prices to our patrons. It may be positively stated that tbte snmawr sale will exceed aU prcvlons ones In actual money-saving possibilities.

Surnmor Bmrgmins iri Our Cloalc Dope.

T.OUTnregisummersu« wiih»nisii WchavcMarkedLadlcs’High Grade TaUor-made Suits $12.50
Many of them were $20 and $25. TUeae aniu are elcfiantly trimmed, silk lioid jftcketa. iritb nice foil pWtud
I’t be bonght elsewfaert' h-M

$20 and• —

White and Colored Sitrt Waist Suits, bent
ever shown at these prin*.

$1.50, 2.50,

4.00,5410, 640, etc.
0S AA 'HilsRcn


ndian Head,
White Duck Sldrts,also skiru made of Indian
_____ in many ismart.
(ilasgow (J. I.incnand India Linoo.
styles, pleats, tacks,
tackR, uilor-piude,
lailor-Diude. embraidery


The Great Summer Sale
At Steinberg Brothers
Don’t Foil to See Them
Ladles’ Shirt Waists

Dress Goods and Silks

gmatert swety nd the lowMt pnota, i» whAt orofy)
wg Ittlrt
And ^ey're oem^y
e^ thie eele. Beeattbil White Wairt^ irorth~|l^. will be eold et!.. 7

Waists worth $uo al 98c

3 69.

We show one of tbe best assortnicnte of popular priced Dress goods
will be 15 pierys of

Corset Cover

Hnndndeqf otban, eretTOoe aew end • m1 faugain at

tiM, $1M, 92^.de.,iiplo^00

C^iamilng Wash Goods


$1.25 Dress Goods at 72c

Choice of all our high grade Imported Novelty Suiti.iga, worth to |l.S-'>
a yanl. during this sale at ........................................ ............................................... i I

Black Talleta Silks Underpriced
On account of early purchases we are enabled to sell you Black Silks at old pricos—46c, 69c.
79c. 90c, 91.19,9LS5 and 11.76. Tliose prices are much umienalae.

Our stock erf Wash Goods in plain vbito and oolors is bjr far the largest and most varied wc
hsy«ver had. Bsaattfol shear muslins, soft Lingerie Lswns, Barred HnsUns, Fine Dimities and
manr other bsantifnieabrici,at prices ranging from l«e. It l<lc, and ISe np to Me and 76c


DRESS GOODS 2“'“*®'*’:“'*

Lawns and Calicos
Oaa^eljAWUB and Oilioos, nice light-cjlored pittoro*, wjrth Gc, will be sold during


........................................ 4,C

IS inches wide,
worth 36c yard,

Bedspreads, Lace Curtains, etc.
Heavy Bedspreads at 66c. <ioo<l Urge aize. bwi-}-Bedspreads.
worth II 50 at 91.00. Another almost at good, worth |1 25, at ................................ f
Lace Curtains. A grand assortment of nioe Law- Curtains st special prices,
60c, 76c, 91, L60,etc.,up to ........................................................................55,
One Lot of Lace Curtains, inches wide,
worth «IOc a pair, for this sale, per i«ir ...................................................................... g
Another Lot of Lace Cortalns, worth 12 a pair,
for this sale, per pair..................... .......................................................................51i


Brass Extensli

Wc Canml PnnalK This lor Lone

and Fixtnres Convlele,

the 10c and 15c kind, for this sale

India Linons atllc

DonbleloM Lockwood Bleached Sheeting at Sic


liMaalmTegonenpfromaO to 40 per oent We oontmeted for


... lie

sell a limited quantity of tliiB popular brand of Shaeling during tlie early
part of this sale at, per yanl..................................... ......................................


Pepperel *V* Unblea«dicd ShceUng at 7e
Tail! wido, worth 10c today, will be sold during this sale for


“■f.................................................................X................. 7C

CHhu^ow R, Linen Finish, at 12k:
Glaigow ii one of the best selling materials for White Skirts, Shirt Waist
Sufts and Children's Dresses. It is 36 inch,
<4 Al
dooUe fold, worth 17c, during this sate,
1 2“^
per yard.

ionthly Fs
furnished on request

Premium Tickets

Star Hose SiyipM’ters, with rubber post, the best JOc supporter on tbe maAet. m _
for this sale.all sizes..................................... .................................... ...............
Ladles- and Oilldreii’s Black Hose, b»i lOc

Are Given with Evety 50c

$1 Bleached Damask at 69c

White MtuUn Underwear .


Linen Toweling at 8c
A well'known brand of Linen Toweling that
can't be beat at 10c or Uc a yard,
will be told during this sale for.....................................................


See Other Side ef this 901 (or fao ParilnUrs



Hundreds of Iwantiful new garmenU. Skirts. Gowns, Corset Oovors, Drawers, etc all at
special prices.

t For 100 Tldiels Yon {on Have
Yonr Choiee of Either a

IfyoD haven’t tgnight your Table Linen yet you're in luck. In spite of the
heavy advance we will quoteMower prices than ever before.
One of the bargains worth looking into is a
fine Steadied ^mask, choice patterns,
68 and 79inches wide, worth $1 a yard, for .

fo? tbi. ..lo. dl

............................................................................. ........................

rs, the prettiest stylos wi- ha\-e ew shown,great
variety to sdooi from, at..
others at 35c. ^Oc, 63c. Etc.
While Underskirts, laoc and embroidery trimmol, with tuoks, etc., made of
good muslin, a splendid bargain al $1.25, for this sale...................................
We show <1 great lint- of While Skirta at ;i5c, -’lOi', 75c., L-tc
up to................................................. .............................



Children’s Muslin Drawers and Underskirts, aU,

at only.....................................................................................



Ladles’ Gowns, in regular and oitra sizes, trimmed with Lacc or Embroidery, AC.«a
pretty styles, madi good and full, worth $I.2p, at............................................. vwC

Summer Bargains in Clothing
Top Coats %sr

Wa pises oe Bale aU of our Ueo's^Top Coats
orfBlaok Thibet, Grey Diagonal and Tan
Ocrfsrt. that were $660. 7A0
and 860, yncr cboi»


Boys® Knee Pants

Men’s Socks

SnaD data only, worth 60e
a pair, for


-Suits $5.00
hfen's Spring and Summer Suita, in single
■ot double breasted, nice medium end
dark patterns, worUi $6.50 and
760. wiU be soki
your oboios for ..



Knee Pant Suits $1.25

Best Men’s Suits 13.50 Men’s $3 Pants $2

Men's High Grade Summer Suits, all tbe
newest spring styles of fine Worsted and
Serges, choicest meterials and liest
tailoring. Several lines, worth
$l«and$ ....


Big assomcrot of Men's Pants, all choii-4new patterns, wor^teils and cheriots, me­
dium and dark colon, also
striking Bumuicr pHtterns.
worth $2.50 and 3 00. at.......


Men’s Caps

Men’s Hats

nen’s Fancy Vesis

Mixed Socks

Mostly H UD ier stylo, worth
50c. 75c and $1.00. at

Best $150 shapes, during
this salenl

Dandy styles, worth $1.50.

Bspwn and white, with ribI'cd top, i«pr pair





Boys’ Kne.- Pant SuiU, a goo.1 ^
assortment of patterns, worth
$I 75 and $2.00Tat...................

Knee Pant SuiU with 'louhle seat
and knees, worth 85.60 and $> 00, at 92.96

Tnrlcey Red Haadke’fs


*’r-9, at


Boys' Suspenders
Think of it! Per pair





In CMMteiy Hnr*.
TW feUowlsc U tm the 1

•'ntet* MB M



B«Bir <roxT)
wanted u Hw■***
k««N for brMfctac Me parole
for hnMarr. U dead and that bli
bodf U In a eeneteiT at Trareree
CIV. Midi.
-BJa heart broino
mother. Mn.
OpnwUaa Vo. M
haa fsat r«^e|red a letter wbkh #oUUMtea the oonclnloB that Potr
waa one of a partr of three 7000E
meo dromed In Round


Traterae CItr In the fall of lf*l.
One of the three waa Joe Towne. a
MBikem 70UBB man who waa an InUmale frteod of Voa'. Mra. Towne
realdes at the cofiier of Clay areooe
and Pine atreet.
-The txdlee bare been aware that
FDiy bad iDOd been alleot and that

Tventr ream apo lose 17. at midthe ftaaiocr caumpiatn. owned
0 northfrem
hr the Korthers Hlehigaa Trauportaport.
tloB eoBpaar. wai boraed to theCwa<Marlei Rhsale nutde a Mort bnalntor's edge, saran miles sooth of Charts trip 10 Lake Ann tbl* morning.
evol*. There ware hfv-two people
ChariM Reynolds of Keewlck. Is
aboard and out of that number,
vldUnf In Klngaley.
if-lwo of them were drowned. George
Ellen AnsUn went to Gilbert today.
W. Miller, clothier, now of this dty.
Mia* Bealah Streble left for CadiIS one of the passenger* and RobRae tbl* morning whore she will visit
t Wllkea. grandfatber of Mrs. I).
Tragotd. 716 Sixth atrarl. waa anMr*. A. F. HoiAln* went to Kalka.other, but be Waa drowned.
ka today where she will vtoll.
Although It waa twenty year*
Tbe Ml»*e* Carrie and Minnie Kel
Mr. Milter rememberi every delall of
don returned lo their hocus In 81.
tbe cataatnqibe as
Ignare today after vl-.lting In the rlty.
thmgbldl wa* today and lo a lieralJ
William l.yuii I* vlslilng In
reporter he fold tbe story.
-1 never mlaa a meal, and Ibit probMr>. a*re l^Bcaxter went to Usnlily wa* a great factor in aivlng my
-lotia today.
Vfc.” said Ur. Miller. "1 was aboard
Mica Florence Johnnon left

the letters which be wrote at Interval*
^ tn bis dodxlne around the eOunliT.
had CMsed to arrive at the Toe heme
but attributed bla silence to prison
term In some other state.
-No ao Urn. Vos.' She frtt
that her ton was no longer In the
land ot the living. Her search bore
fMlt a few weeks ago when the met

>e boat on m; way back to Chariooix after a buaineaa trip to Chieago.
had retired but aa luncb waa nerved
t mldnlgbi. I got up to tbil. Afler





and waa siandlng theer picking my
with a ploee of a match i had
Uken from my pocket to light a cigar.
“The”captain bad ' come


Mrs. Towne and Ibamed from (be lat­ there also and we were chatting when
mao with hit
ter that a letter received from Joe
ahortlr before the nnfortn- blaxlog running down the main aisle


of the cabin. We yelled ti
nate epiaode In which the three
were drowned, be monilODcd Fbty Jump overboard hut he didn’t atop.
Near tbe wbeelbouse there was a large
as being arilb him.
“Chirlea Voa. a brother of Pory. tank of water and be was making for
wrote to the coroner at Trarorac Cltf that?
-Tfaecaptalo remcn-edthclid and Inwitb a deeeriptton of tbe ralsaing onbut tbe bodlea.had been In the water
« week before found . and n-ere loo

> tbe tank the man Jumped, emergig as soon as hi* clothes were extin-

badly decompoaed 10 make any Wen- gulsbed. He was the engineer of the
despite the fact that he wa*
UtcaUon poaalble. Tbe coroner howOTCr supplied the addrea* of the fain- terribly burned, he made hi* way back
Ur with which the' three young men to tbe engiae room.
bMrded. a Mr. and Mn. Ppnall Cox. of

SUrted in Engine Room,

WlllUmRbarg. on a

Mlis Annie Jraet tf Chicago. I* the ,
gain of her mister.
Mr*. Chatle*
Mre- Amos BarUen sprat Thurs­
day in Tvaverae Clly.
Mr. awf Mra. Spanble. the Mls*e*
Minnie Brown and Grace King. Fred
Vdcc and Charlie John drove to Sut­
ton* Bav Sunday afternoon.
Mr*. Chalmer RoMneram* went lo
'-jdlngton on rtursday l*»l to vlalt
r huibaad. who to 00 one of Ibe car

............. jneral
s Giacc King of Tmplre.
i!f Mr. and Mrs. Rpimgle.
L O T. M. M. had InllUilou
Friday eronlng. after which supper
o all the 0
enrd ___
k by the nine**

At the clow of buslneaa Saturday

by mnUl conamt, and the fUm of the
MOBtagoe company ceased to exlaL J.
A. Htmlagiie retains bU haidsrare
bualncM and Hisrbcrt Monugue took
tbe new buUdiug which will be eomIdeted by him and after that bis plat
aie not yet ready for annooncemcat.
The dlsaolrlng of the partnership
waa due to the fart
time. J. A. Montagne's health baa been
falling and he did not feel etioal
aid In tbe carrying on of a larger
faaMneaa. He baa taken hla aon. Her.

rapldlr iwaring eorapleiloB and until

rre and wa* vaany different from tbe
MS now making the trip.
Mr. Miller has a photograph of the

that la dpae. Herben Hoelagne bad burned ateamer laIMn after abe wa*
BO anBoMe«D<Bt to make.
brought to Chtrievolx and al» an oil

ped In Bamea.

arUI be ooottnued every taro week*.
Mr*. Roue Wright eolerlalned 1

bSvrkt^reamitot "ifnow.
too. Me..* 1-, \. Llnroln
Sl..CbK-as«. III-. <n-l.l'OBfiJ 3U. iboa."

IB her teeth.

... ......^

For Over
Thirty Years


YKSiaGto si|t»ntiirt «l



For Sore Hands and Feet
with Cuticura.
Soak Ito- lianci- - r f..-r on retiring

hgl.rly iti^^ ..M, s-.ft

•• IViito Howaid.


■ A I.K.i.. 11—:•Weighing

Recitation. "The ntoi-omcnted Iv.i


observed Jil 1

said <ur

Havtlsod's eta**.
Violin solo, Miss fkirothy Hess.
•Reeltiitlon. "Five


Recitation liy four

ot beklim.-re being promoted to
the primary ,-toss and-, uiitnber of the


primary scbtdars lo J-anion-.

new Junior Sunday seboul was

me and William Hull. I.uey Cnrhll:i

I-I re-ictslay witb ilu-lr own
:r;t. ttii- Sunday scb-erl iH ing

• The Bess: sonx bS 'b- departi
•-n'ade unit lin-k."
motjd,’llayni'iiid Gus'.itsou.
R.-citr.ilon. "Wlia^ a

iiiienie dniK s


ih.- junior*.


ii.b-r glass IN Ibk-l.ini
- has-V.

all with friend.-*.
Mre. E. Rose of Copenitoh. who ha*

ro loaded with eral and one 1
icrehandlse. left the track on
Irand Trunk railroad in the center of
e lower steel arch of the bridge

TJ . JBIfXn. Atmt

The New Brandt Sprayer
No waste ol time by stoppiog *o P*“»P **
ahead. Can be done as the
operator goes along.
For Dim^ritou^lrie

nnuidt Bm Kilmt
Titibig n< Bnei Sisgegt it.
auii lclil»lau-l isniu-louf hoar- ;
i*c-linirutor se;.
uiilH-althy conoftheki'l
ney>; if re stami

Serlau* Injury.
Mre. W. A. Wheelock of East .NinCi
reel fell SaUirdai morning and brol.i
?r right leg liclween the knee and

Mlaa Keyhoe was then tbe hip Jolnl*.



The latest ol all devices lor extermlBatlng all
kinds ol Insects.

o'clork Ibis morning and leaping
er the side of the great arch, piling


' ES.? "


primary departtne:;'

Vocal duet. Ruih and toll- lb


will, r-T,


newer drill, touibs-ii iii-nilf
Fell Into Niagara.
Niagara Pall*, June 15—Three c

N. & a. E. TINE Gin

It,.. W..IU is in ih- rnifsi .Srai-.-

iiiart il-'•.iinie ;-.i and biginn'-is.
Asbury Church.
fhibl.-n- -b - u.t- a'*(
I? rhilii'll iai'l evr-ntllg.


aud WjnilBlpd' in sa
Yokohama. Jajian1
........... I-RBI) R. WALKER.
The irarfs. laij:* and wna* of Cetl '
JMgu ot Probate!
nut jiaili,
raili, Ne«
york, are 16 niibr,
a .91.1—<«

Xe.iily half of ib» raiii.Kid iiii:.a-g-

Id KaUlcrlne Mollutl.

Parts Green, Bordeaux Mlxtnre Md etc, this
sprayer has no ef|iud-

nev tronb.c:
freoutiit lie
to p»« it or (Win
IT, the back ,«
also convincing proof
and bUdder

a little girl and to yet Urieg witb Ulsa

Thereto (romfari'in^he k-^1Hgr «n
DMth of Emaat McKaan.
WakeBcId In Florid*.
Brneal HrKeia. aged M year*, die.i
Ai the time of the wreck, tbe Cham
: bto borne. 917 Walnut Ave.. 8alui- fulfill* eagrv wtoh ID eurfng rae«nuv.‘n,.
Prands plain wa* one of the principal faclor*
in the Wck. kidnere. liver. ! adt ■y at le:3U o'clock a. m. Ou last BatKlcseh. Befreahmeut* weie
served In the buslBCBs of the north and the
^ all iwd a very pteaaant Ume.
great change In condition* la abown urday be was al wort as usual but
not feeling well. The family phy- and sralding pain in passing re. or 0
Id U>e fact that alUiough she baa been
ed It mcaale* but com- effect* following u»e of b.-iuo:. ••"f
rebuilt twice, she U a back number
her borne the helper* daaa of U
Christ Chnreh. Priday evening, wlih
towd ahoaror U honor


sv." Edith Bits*.
Song, "l-casoii from the Bud*.’’ Miss

The d«Mc PrMay evenli

wreck well and among the Inttance*
neeeaafhl. about thlrey-Bve couple* that impressed her meet was that oi
belAC piMentitafreahmenu wrie Miss Mary Wakeffeld. who ’
served on Ue third Boor by tbe Amei cured a poaiUon on one trf the feodteaa Kandy Rltcben and the dance* ere. rarrM Hl*s CltiB Keyhoe ashore

Beats the

^ bale .-oiirl for the ctiuiiiy of Grand
Tiiv. rs.-. At a aewhio ot said Conn
b-Id at the Prulisle Ufflre In Ibe city
Id TiuM-rwe Oily. In *ald County, on
weather making It |>o»»lb!e tor all to
, •
tbe Still dav of May. A. I). 1907.
"How Old are Von?" Alton Shaw.
At the Congregational church the
Judge of I*r..baie, In the maUer of tbe
following program was given by the
(■stab- ef wmiam B. Wllimn. deceaasd.
\Vllti.*m Deiter having flUid In saM
Itrlmary delianment:
Plarrr and Violin duct. Misses Mary
eonri his gnal adminlalratlnn wenouM.
Song. "Ji-wels.- eirnsn-jKilion.
KHii-gg and H.-U 11 Haiilieti.
and Ills Ix-UHoii praying firr Ihe allowIlMnarks. life mre. W.'H.liwin.
Twem>4hlrd pnalin. rongregatioo.
ann- Ihereet and fur aasIgmocDt and
Sou-.-, priin.o.. il<p:irlnii-til.•.oslngrm„g.N...,ll1., .
Prayer. Hi.- lU-v. IV Cxa-hllii.
dlidribulloii (d the i.-sldiie irf said Mlleel'nlioii. Ht-alrlei- Johnson.
H< lmirk.<. the llcv I). CwbliuReliiail.s, by the Ibv. Joseph l»ulIt to ordere.1. that the 39th day of
Bapltom ot liilanis-HI Oil ih<- vtlucaliomil signlfleaiire of
June. A It 1*'7. at ten eebick In Aba
"Lillie Seeds.” by
. Ganeral .Ngwa.
Ibe d.iv.
ft>ivD»>n. Ill said pndrale oUpc. be aU
class and department.
for euunlDlnC
The luogram rlosnl with other exen
ltor<iii Ros.-n, Ihe Husriiin amlsi.i- •*
Recitation. “A Lillie loid." Irene
said aceiiiini and brartBg
d allowing *.
rises by ilu- prtinary dejiirimcul.
.,4„, „. AV..U,*.,,. I.
..I U,,.; Id petition:

painting made by a German artist
Wa^wa-t»i>B Opening.
named Lub» from a description glvre
Tbe summer opening of the We-qne- by Mr. Miller, showing the boat wrap­
tOBg dub will take place In the
mure, a varied program being given

yorInfantiBnd CUUtbb.

The Kind You Have
Always Boughl


r.irker HohlB*.
■ lie i»l!i-wing III'.a..1111 place
Sent. ■••pansies tor TheiiclH s,' Miss
• i| IV. i. g ilai • •-• •. iig s'-i\iceIhrhoral's
consequently wa* drowDcd."
ui»>iiiiig toi-v. -"k.. ,l«. "Fin-'i of lb•Sunbeams," by d. |ia;-imrni
l>oen vtoltlng here for the past few
No m Efieeta.
Wh. a' "
The decoraitons of Ibe eh'ireb
duys. left Ihto morning for Honor
Allhoogh he wa* In the water
rj,-uu.- !..ob:.g .md
licaiilifnl indeed, the ptoitorm to-lns
bereaihe will vtolt.
hour* and U was cold. Mr. Miller
Mrs. Kush MureWe and Mr*. C. W. bunked wUh palms and cm fiowers.
not 111 a day. Among the passengers
Fire*. Methoditt.
Snlllvan have been vtoltliig mend* u(
Mrs. Harrison Bedford, of Chai
At the First Melhu.llsi ch .rcb, t
evojx. wen known In this civ »»
W'alterHirdof Chicago to vtoiUng In ((•Mowing priigrtlm »u- giv- u
Bister. Mrs. Blln Smith.
the city.
Song, by eongregafloii
Smith was drowned but Mrs. Bedford
ViH-al solo. Mrs. N F. Ik'gun.
Mre. A. Tyre of OM Mlccion was in
Bapltom of Infanis.
Ihl- city today.
The day. afler the fire, tJio Cham
Responsive renrtlfit
Mi*» Edith Gibb* who
plain was towed
Exercises by ihe p:im.i:v dcpail
icuchlng In Evercli. \Va>.li. to home
Later she wa* rebuilt, named the CIV for the anmmer.
of Charlevoix and conUniier
Plano solo Howard Critflih
Ruh.-^cll WIIgoii is vl.-llilig at Klugs-

for aoroe time. She is
mer Kansas a'nd is sUll owned by
bert B. into partnerablp and hereafter the Northern Michigan company.
the firm wm be J. A. Montague A
The Champlain at that Ume v
Sob. Mr. Montague then being able
one of tbe priodpat boaU rennlng
take a needed rest.
Tbe new bnlldUg an Pnmt street U


*1*0 (V riiffetmi colk-g-> tn no avaiL
Tb-n I'ulK ura n>-io-slie. were e-commended to ne- i-v Mi— ti-. who wa*
telling me ho* ll.<-v to-i|>-J lav. I did
not u-e it at tlrvi. a-1 limliriedaomaey
other reiwilH- aiito'ut anv favorable
twjlir. At U-l I Iri-si I'uiii-ura Soap.
Culirup* OiiiiiiHTii. andi'uticura RrwilTent Pill*. ai»l loniv.urrruenolkedan
imprarement. .after using three boxes
of theOuiii-Jrw Unitiiienl. together with
(l*-Soapoisl |■lil..t*m|ll-nre<lt«•*v.ll«
to Bllugrito-ra different <-hild and the pielure eg hrelili.aiul BOW 1 have* flmi be­
lief In Cut icura ll.-rii-d»-*nd would not
be without tiHiu in Ih- to.ure. I wfll
gtodly let rou puMiati Ho* tmiimonial
I would like ether* to ,h*v.- the same
benefll that we did. and vuu mar Iw sure

lent programs. Tlie auenduiicv ut all
the churehe* was large. Uio briglil

picked up by a yawl boat
Feel Ooed.
W. W. Dean and Frank Carver
at struck a roi* wa* let
The Grand Traveme fruit giowcn
down and the women went down this. fished Ibe Platt yesterday.
K. Gifford leturecil to Honor yes­
In the aoulhera part of the state, the The water was about eight feet deep.
sRd many of tliem were drowned on terday.
crop la practically a failure,
MlK* Siclla Brown of tbi* city, left
More would have
which escaped the Ortober froet bdng the ahoal.
Ihl* uiomlng for Ml. PlenManl wlieiu
flntihed In the spring, while here
le will vtolt with friendsthe norUl. there will be an cxcctirnt -and they were able to eHmb on these.
Mre. Wllliaiii Smalley of this cilv.
• I remember Ro!*ri Wilkes. He wa*
crop of all kind* of fruit.
it ihto morning for Slu-riu:<u to
about 60 years old and was on a fen­

night, the partnership bciwcen J. A.
and Herbert Montague was dissolved


ChlldrcD'* day was observed In
eral qt tbe elty chureb'-* Sunday,
tile primary depanmeni* giving excel­

eenalBlr have ««>*« to fed jubllani

der hut was nnable to reUttn bis hold


f^ll pKOi-ij

Face and Neck Covered with In­
flamed Skin — Sufiwed Terribly
—MotherTook Her to Doctors and
Colleges to No Avai I - Lost Faith
in Medicines—Friend Suggested
Cuticura Remedies and

home In Chicago toat Friday after
having *|>em the past month with her
parent*, wf' and Mrs. Eli Bordeaux.
Mr*. Lewi*
nephew. Paul
to and nep
Adrian, today, where the bs* aeeepled
„ „r. and Mr*. Hurb
posKlon as tearber In the tllrU’
e Cllv.
me Rev. Heath of Travi
Industrial nrhool.
M. F.
cupled the pulpli in tl
R. L. Sye went 10 Hunon today.
inch Sunday morning *n<
Hie Ml*»e* Rclta and Francto Wool
Him Elltabeth Hooker left lor her
i- arrived home Ihl* eveMng
home In South Lyon ibis morning.
r Spring*.
Prof. Amy Uavls left for bu borne
, grtiooleraft tbl* morning where
Mr. and Mr*. L. Peck spent Staurwill spend 1b# summer.
day In Suliou* Bay.
Ml** Ethel Clhl* went lo Ovlail
J. Leslie.
Mrs. R. K- Campbell
In Travapcnl Thuiwdsy and 1
Ml** Jefsie Vivian went 10 HaMIngs
le'^iimnl gave a reception t
today where she will spend a f
uaiing cln»K la.t W’edneelay
day* before going lo Anu Arbor.
The following program
MIt* Agne* Thompson returned
her borne In Con*l*ntlne lor her *i
Orche»li-a solo t^- Mrs. Pearl
mer vacaiion.
nii'i-l hr the Misses
Mrs. Jamea Kehne went in Lansing
ChrlMine Garth.
today .
R.-c1iaijon« by Mr* R- E M<hh1 an l
Mra. Travl* and her daughter. Cora Mias Julia Miller.
Garth and
leave today for a couple wi*ek’» visit
Address by Ml**
Id Grand Rapid*.
*^'riinch ali.l wii(i-r* were seivi-d. Tii
Mr. and Mr*. Gborge Das« *»f Cedar class rnliirs wei, liliu- ami j^uM.
are In the city.
Herbert Sullivan has returned lo his
Children's Day.
borne in Cedar, after vtoiring fill

rural r
was In the engine room that
friends In this dir.
few mUet from Tinverae Clly.
Are auned, how no one knew, and hi*
Mrs. M. Oernstein and dauahtei
-She was eommnnleaied arith and clothing had become Ignllcd while he
Milwaukee are vtoltlag with Mr.
asked to B«e a photograph of Foxy. was fighting It. When be got back,
Mrs. M. H. Herron of Bist From
One waa aeni. taken about alx yean was impoeslble for him lo enter as the
ago. A letter waa rpeelred from Mn.
bad gained such headway,
Hre. Charles Cnslaf and son. Claud
Cox poalttrely IdenUtylng U as an
a tew moment* the alarm bad
le. of Oek Hill. Hanlst^. are vtoltlng
aceonte Hkeneas
her boerdrr spread all o»er the boat and the peoMr. and Mrs. A. Q. Price. 533 Weal
Jimmy Snlllvan. although she said
pouriog fcTjm their state
Ninth street.
the looked a IliUe older.’
rooms. The boat was speedlag along
Henry Beyholdi ol Paaadenl*. Cal.,
-PDayaerveda term in Ji
fully twelve mile* an hour and 1
formerly of Ibe l«?nln*ula. to vtoltlng
tbe robbery bf the poatofflcc at Gtnnd
a* no iKMisIble way m slop It.
friend* In this region.
Haven abom a doxeo yoan ago. He
-Aa quickly aa possible she
N. P. Nelson and wile went lo Lake
waa paroled, returning lo tbi* city. turned toward a »b<^ and she struck
yesterday, where they spent tbe
In the spring .of IMl. while on pa;ar Flsbermaa's Island.
day nshlng.
nde. be went on a rampage on WealRrst Man Overboard.
MrC S. Kellogg Is vlslilng in Ml.
era avenue and nearly killed an old
man who came In Us path. He got
Hiss EiH Willard wbo ha* been ata term of » days in the DetroK three feel kmg and about four inches
tcndlog the Michigan Semloev «
House of CorrecUon for this, Oa th« wide. Just about three blocks before
Kalamazoo, passed through the city
nlgfit ot Nov. 19. 1903. be burglarit tbe boat slrnck. I Jumped, swinging aa
yesterday on her way lo her borne in
od two saloons, the Tooeralte. on E. far out as possible. In order -to escaj*
I waa the Unit man to Empire.
Weatera avenue, and John Luedera tbe wbeei,
Mre, J, A‘. Bradcy returned to her
ike a bole In the srater. With noth­
OB Pine atreet and got away with
home In Manlslec ycslerdar.
the *awag.’ '
Prank Helm went lo Broznaia yes­
was in the water for four hours until

Olauelntlen of PartnereMp.





aad the other two big boaU of the pliotiaii* set tn and cauMd hi* death.
llllooto and the Mlaaourt. Hr. McKsaa is survived by
have all that they can do to handle and two sons and father and mother
Abe buatnea* together with Uie asal» of BeotoB Harbor. Puneral trrangcUnce the Kansas can give.

rhrjaM hr JohnaOB Png Co.

iD«Dt* have hot yet be* made.

The remain* of Mrs. Busle Vos *r
Maon apeut Sund
rternooD hi Suiiona Bay.
Edward Rannom raiunied hojpc t
Ba*t suic auwet. wbera the fwiera urday evening from Kalamaioo. wb
will ta# plact at J o’cKx* temoriUw he h*i been atrtndlng acbool.
Iver Milked was drowned frtan one
afieraoon In charge ot tbe Anderaon
: (be car rernw at Ludlnr<n to«t
UadartaUM! Oo. lb* Bov. Mr. Coebart. The body *»« hroughi hfeoe
IlD and tba Rev. Mr. Caaby otficMb

Tived In the clly this Ooou and w.
tahen to the born* of her father

Work Shoes

- M

for it* wonderful cures of llw
tressing ease*. If y~


You m*T have ■ aamr.e bwito «»d
hook Iba't tells all
about it. bolb sent free
brmail. .Addres* DfKilmer fit Co . Blog-^^^^
bamtoo.S-Y. When ■•*«».


name. Dr. Kilmer * f
the addrem. BingluBU

for the farm

Will Spray frorr,

Don't buy your evtry
day shoes till you see the
kind we have.
Thr prices are nothigh.

I’oUit'jei ala iiino

I fait as k

Will *i r 7 . row u mile bn? »itb ro.'ycme fiUicL'of tbroej.re1bn..
15 t3 20 Hllia of Potatoes each
stroke of the purr.p.



a long tiro# Uwl r--.rer

-i' * ire-mibr pm-


will show


t TMU«to»Y, Jtmra nR
an haiehad oat day before yeaiee- wmM nka to >«tB tea
Mias Horum teloraformed
ao wMid you kindly acod ma a card


Traverae City. Mldu R. F. D. No.
Dust Praaldeat:—
I win write yoa s leiter because I

HtUe leevet


H t mttr fall In tiTiM t* M
' •"* ■^ry. tnr

late blocaomi. aad

where they watch tbelr own telnet Tbey were ao pretty this year.
Traverae City. Hite. R. F. D. No.
crowtocMay IC, 1M.7.
And bow iBtereetlac It all It. too.
itt the way, they etow; yoar pretl- Dear Prsaldent: —
am five yean f>Id: I go lo tii
leal never geti Urea or watchlae the
llltle pew pUaia. and ahe never teelt Stony Bneb acbool My little brother's
ime Is Oeorge.
that they are ordinary or ccRotnon
the woods. I found some lilies in
When tee two Snt leavet
I like
eoBie; (or maybe Joit the one) the tbe woods yesterdiy.

^teiwtey MiaMa.


Cui Slone Work


:uf Bay Si.

Ire on tee PealasnU now and go tbe atore-room door pretty ehwely aad i
tbe Stoay Beach school
Secretary of tee Oub. It U

I am pop la ao quickly we would not know
quite'ji, Mamma did not like to have her |

stormy todgy.
I am la school now.Jin this room to bite tbe sppl« and'
We have lovely times, when we go'other thing* One diy «t> noticed she,
after raayflowera. I (bank you very looked like______
like a halfstlcked
much (or ray posul. Mamma and my bits of her hair taken out o( her i«or t
brother are maklag (lower bed* this little body. Mamma said she had built |
week. We haft quite
a newt somewhere, so we hunted sod I

! name 1« far I Lund, my mamma’s aame




lie a few iinr* to' Is Amallte Loiad.

Our school Is aewta

juin the S' ' uui
There are but (o-ir weeks Ie(l.
ha* 1 They are bulltllug i. new In oor

‘n "i"- r>*»m

I a new ■t'bu'd house. | would

•r<1 and butiun
My age Is
We bate
J SB In the third grade,
all covered up with kindling In one geography and language' There art- I am going to now.
ice to live lb tbe countiy, because, corner ol the room wite nothing but aiM>iti Ihirty-iw-u children lu our roam i ’ Voui mend.
Mother Natare It to weaderTBl. You
person can go out after flower*, and tee soft hair from ber body on the The teachers na.-Tie is Mt.»
Murctu tdind
know, of eoorae (bat (boae Brit Iravet srtlle ago. It waa very pretty,
it Is so nice to go after Bowers. Don't cMd cement floor, were four mile M.rrion. My sivier * teacher's name J* J
he n.-w Kcbuol next
1 am In il
have la teeei the food for the baby to go mayfloweriag
Th.-te :,tv about nine )
to le- two school
Wilson, you (btnk »oT At my letter Is gening baby bunnies. One wa» spotted, oov j Ills* Kelley
plant uaUI It e«lt Me eaeueb to feed grade. My cousin. Ulllan
hildren in .mr ria-My
i«pa'* j Itouie-. iin itiiiino* Hay T
long. I telak I will close
was pure white, another brown and
ttaeU from tee eanh tbroach Us itiott. and t. are la the Brtt grade alone
pretty cream color. Well
We eay that plaata eat and drink, and will dose.
Age U.
Helen Rlcbardsoo.
Your Simtbloer.
they grew ao fa.«i it was not long be­
breathe, but of course they dont do
it tbe name way boya aad elrit
Yes. I think (be Ullea are beaiitiful. your Brst letter to as but hope it will with their raanuiM. Then we gave
They breatee tbroueb tbelr leavet.
Dt be the last one.
ill away e*r<-)Ft nnc. and I wanlIt wuy they mutt not gel There are some in my yard. I got the
Traverse City. Mlcb . R. F D. No. I.
he^ the little rn«<m colored
duity: and they eat and drink trntn roots tn the ^ woods,
May IC. IM7.
ooc: It was so cut-, but one night.
their raou. and teat It why we m>
Traverae City, Mlcb., R. F. D. No 1. Dear Prealdent: —
give teem the right kind of earth
Our teacher told ua we might write through the rjp-n window and carrit-d
May 1C, 1907live in, aad enoogb water.
> (be Sunshine Club today. I was so my Ultle pet aaray. That wa* the lost
Bted to took at your dear nrtt Pr«ei- Dear President: —
(dad. as I always enjoy writing
Sonu- riay I nuiy
deni'B carden and tlite with wonder,
and papa went ta Nortbpdn
to a'<^teive ante nice tlmea at'tell you aU«t jm.ub.-r |.-i 1 had, i.-t<
aad Boy. ' Aaythlng will grow
fnneral. I am sofiy that Uacle Albert ’<wr Ouli
■ttngs. Our Bchow for tei* ilm*.
her!" Then ahe would amlle
Yuor lliili- (rieiicl.
AU. OBUCCimi Mt. t
beantlfal tmUe that began in her eyra. I* dead. He died Monday at 1l;00|oui in iw<
feeia a little teritl of awe becauae

MIM euuu SATCt. Miter.


bekmg w tbe SatiBtaUe Oub.
went to tbe woods tor mayllowen
I gong rings, away we scamper up to |'be waste-haeket
then to ate (be tevely. slo*tec
Ultle while ago. My cousIb WilUrd tee PeednsuU. and tbe pink
I am in tea aaewd grade
Your* fur Sunshine,
dovertT Maybe aooie of yoo have
aad I are la tbe nine grade. I am tee other side:
aad have a l«*vely teacher. I am aoteg
little vacetaMe sarden. too. and caa
Millard Bower*.
rears old. I will be seven
Tiaveiue City. Mlcb.. R. F. D So.
to tell you abemt a llltia gray rabbit;
abare with Father aad Mother the
May IC. 1907.
1 bad. She was a groat pal. btit I bad I yo.,
Iblaaa that yoa raue yooi
Dear Prvaldeet:—
to keep her in the basement, wlwreiciui, tod Ihi,- ..
boyt aad clrla la tea city doa'i know
unua Wilsoo.
I have aot written to tbe Herald sbe would ran around the faraace aad,
hair tee tan ot ananaer-tlme became
ee I Jolaed tee Oub. I have moved. wood-pUcs for fun. She would waieb ,
Old yoa get
they caat have tbelr ewa eernrr
bic. thp bud* t


• Itonle Wheat. Irvie Wheat, and
aad batlM? I have two^rirda for my Keenetb Wheat. I do i : thlak
we have great ton playing any iblag more ex«pl that I wodd
gaaMs la ached. Dae game it “Tbe like to hear from the Stmsbtaer*. and
From yosr Soobesm.
Fnrmer ta iha Dell.' another la - Tba I will answer all letters that I receive.
Mabel H. SuaqueaL
FOX and the tqtrirfel.- Wa played I am nine
This lx nil for
isn't it straws teat the bine aad; down la tee pUy-room aad wheo tbe (this time sad if
hnesn't enme lu

Wdl. tela I
ttalak of for (bit time.

Mv It. IM7.

Do you? I like (o go to school.
> pretty moth come out a little

A New OricABA woman waa thin.
Because gbe did not extract suffident

. Jack la tea Malt
lack In tea pnipll praaebM to dar
radar tba ciaaa traaa Jsit mrar tl
tea nray.
8oln« and aonc apart®* hich «
ibclr pawb.
6aar’<ba avaat lOr-Mia rirnina

In hit patetad pnlpU. tbla ealn Sabbate day.
rUr li’tea caBopy ovar Wn aaan,





bma and ftara.
Oraaa te Ua aurpUea. ereen are bit
la Me «aaar Uula pnlpu
priaat ataade.



, In Mack and cold velret. ao forseoot

u aaa,
OOMW Wtte bla beat veica tea obarte

. Sbe took Scoff^s Emuision.
She gAined
dAy in weight

I had the chicken i>ox. I' I
a while. the other day: tebre are so many and
Yen. ahe loved them . and
such i-reily on^ I wss su glad wl
over them JaM as -ahe would hare I ara a I
it rained Iam night because U aHlI do
liked to have watched over you. Siin- Bnoshlne Cluh. Well, this Is all
all the flowera and other thh
beama. and gave teem the tender Ibis, time, Oood-byf.
much good.
The gra*s Is to
care the alwayi gave you la her heart,
greener and everything is so lovely
even though she could not
fresb tBIa morning. I am so glad
1 wonder what your two doga'
and could only know who
come sgaiu. Arc yon
When you write again
tbroach your letlera. Oan't you ihlak names an.
glad too? You aaked me w-liat color
ilifnl that she loved you to? Ml BW. wool you?
Traverae CIty.-Micb.. R. P. 0. No. 1. my cult was? It Is btow-n. WeH. I
Aad aa. bow eager she was ic
think I will close fur this time.
May IC. 1M7.
you grow as her garden grew!
Dear President:—
make little gardeat i
Your loving Sunbeam.
heailB their tumiaer. (yet. aad every
thought I would write you a fe
Frances I Huebrt.
lines. The maple buds are all leafing
taBimer) so that tome day we
Yea. I am glad. too. (bat summer Is
eather the ’'(rnlt" a wise Book telle
or. It it nearly
and tty. ~lt it became I love teem.


Do you


verae? “The fnUt of tet Sidrtt 1» love,
ring. geBili

teacher and aome of tbe schoUr*
going after cedar boughs to

Age k.

Rv.-lyn U. Clark.

You luivi- *-riiii-ii us a very
Ing leiter. Mihlie.1.
I am sure the
Sunsbiners tiavi- enjoyi-d your siu.y
of Hu- inl.uu a* much a* I <IIU.
Fife Lake. Mich .
Mayer. 19-i:.
Deal Prwkidem .—
I would like tu Join your Sunshine
Club, i like lu read the letlern thul
the Herald

1 go lu the Weaver

scboirl and am in the filth grail.-. Onr

I have made arraifgt*nenl« with the FUst-rn W<*il Hlllt up to

learhei * nan.e I* Fred Irish. I like
Im. We hate eighi .lay* of ertioul
-t. So good-tive.

the above immiioned date, and (bey have reported me that they would

Now tbat school Is out what do you

Fire Lake. Mlcb

> all day? Write again some ilm*
Apr. 30, 1907.
tee school-hOBse up with. They
Dear Prealdenl:meekneea. temper- going to put them up at recest
Kingsley. Mich.
Joined tee Simihine Oub some
JO school. 1 am gntni
That frnlt la worth working
May 7. 1907.
rime ago. beforo Mrs. Bate* died. I
waiting for. Ite’t it? And every have a new drett and a pair of
in (be seventh grade. Hy atndles Dear President: —
body can have it who lead* a spirit- shoe* for the last day. 1 got your
- ebolia.
and buUon
.gaitlen as fallhfolly as your dear postal and I thought it was bcauUfnl. are readlag. history, nrtthmeilc. gram-'
7W nolau are deacoai I too*, by tea
Can!-">d am much pleased wite them.- I
mar. geography iind spetllng.
a a lovely day here today,
Tirat Prestdeot tended her I
try to live up to the roles and tr
Smith join the Sunshine Cl.ib'
going to have cxeivlses the
Thai tee cape whlck they carry arei
Do you want to know a pretty day of school. We have Just five Please send her a card and button.; iiy <■> gel all the memlicr* I con.
parpte wUb trine.
Her address la File Lake. I like to have three nani<-syu send with th:
secret? Two ; long tparrdwK have ilaya of ateool yet. Good-bye.
Will yoii'pIcaM- Mtid each ;
road tee letter* in the Herald. Good l.-M.r
ballt a nest In a vine on your
Aad tea calasblaea bravely
ciiiil and liiili'Ui' I win IHI you whu'
dent'B gsrdea feote!
Don't tell, will
Ruby llawklna.
aeatlada auad ,
I liat<- for pel*.
Tbi-y arc a doa
you? Yesterday your prealdeot was
I ara glad that you like to go to
Ob tee teokoat with aU their red
cull Jip. and iwo kitten*. Ont
working In tbe gaiden. and
scbool. but vacation is alee. too. IsoY
Hattie Strite:.n.
truapete la Utad.
«e call Poim-L'bec and It I*
Mr*. Sang-Spumnr were ao mad. Tbey
Indeed Celia may Join. 1 am alw
sooldcd and fussed for a while, then

Traverae City. Mlcb.. R F. D. No.
Mrs. Stme-aparrow Just could not stand
May Ifi. 1»T.
Dear Prealdcat:—
tteo^t roar prealdeot wasn't looking,
How are yoa now? I am all right
she Battered down and took
am la ateool now. Oar teacher bad
into tim neat Thai how Jubilant she
was to aea tee taro littie speckled eggs
She told Hr.
d of tee gold o( tbelr

la her Urd-Ungiiace. sad be sai right

glad to learn of giris and boyt who Hack and white aad tbe other )black and we call Aim Nigger.
W* j
have six calve*, eleven hogs, and
bonies, whose tuime* are Jell

SnUona Bay. .Mich
May t. 1907.


Dear Presldeec—

I Witt now write to you^d let you
rr Is BOW long enough, so good-bye. know how I am getting along. Our
Prom your Suasblacr.
school waa closed April fith. and our
Daisy Grubb.
teateer fave all the sebolan a canl

dowa OB an apple tree and jusi fairiy

I ara glad that you wrote to a
lb hiv picture on It. We bad a soci:
yelled be sraa to happy. He sang, and again Daisy.
The Suathlne letters
our Bchool house April llih. and
sang, and sang, oatil (be apple Wo«- alwtyt mtke ate htppy.
d a good time. 1 wish oar ncbool
tBBneeait teildrea gnIMeaa and frail.
aoms came tumbling down cm . tbe
Travorte City. Mich.. R F. D. No. 1
would last longer.
I lore lo go
Meek HtUe tame, aptenad and pata.
graUlikeperfamedmuBic. YoorpieelMay 1C. 190*.
school. Did yon, when you went
UDdrwoai gecaatems. all lateairhBBt. denl laugbed (o berseU and kept right
Dear Pretldeni —
school? 1 have a baby alner. 8
ImBkhlUr ieaativ, la pBiple • gsnse oa preteodlag teat she dldat know
bom April S3rd. We are going
tick ot (be chicken pox aad I
about tbe neet.
t tble to come to scbool. I call ber Annette Gudmanda Chhsiln.v
up to Martha Mork's place
re little brother: he Is only
AB ara aaaemblail tela sweat Btebatb
We have no aames of new members
Sunday and had a good time. When I
(onr year* old. He will be five
this week beesape last wert your
got mayBowers la hear the birds sfng. It remind* me n(
Tt> tmar what tee priest la Ua palpll rresideat Ulked loo much. There old pretty aeon.
bird we had. ’ It wan a canary bird
tbe wood*. They are ptelty Bower*.
Oan nay.'
wasaT repm oa tbe Suashlae page
>d we had a cage hanging not v.-ry
(be aecoed reader now. My
Leokt whHe ladhut jdpM oa the i
f« all tee letieis sbe bad prepared,
teacher is good to me. She I* very far above tee UbIe. and one duy one
bat tbe .new namec la tbe letter*
Mir eats jumped up to the cage aad
kind and patieat. The girl* are t
Who hsa been amoklag |
were priatrd.' Just tbe same.
(be bird so bard he soon died. I
kind to me. t am a Sunsbloer.
week we have acme letters,
so bad I cried. We never bad a
promised, from the Stony Beae|i Sun­
bird after that. As my leiter IAnns Duffek.
Webabad by ten preacher the mlaebief shine club, and some of tee leiten
a sure you girls have happy geltlng long no*. I will close lor tbl*
It stopped.
that were left from last week.
DH. nut I still remain.
together at school. Wilt you:
M tee alPBen la baste, hsre teelT


little pipes
t<et tee irlad arltb Ite fragraace of
fern a»d.«fa^ blicfa.
Blow tbe aaiMi of the amokiag deaa
oat e« the dhai^.
•o aiiite tor tee preateer: (be m
oOMt nett.—
ShaD we tMI bow be preKbes It. aad

Traverae'ClifTMlcbrRTr-D. No. I

Hv 1C. 1W7-

llltle brother go lo school next year?
Traverse City. Mich,. R. F. D. No. 1.

Oesr Presldeai:—
! thoagbt I would urlte yon a letter Detr President:before school lets uut. It lets out the

May IS. 19<17-

chicken pox this
:itb of May. Our Sunshine Club met week and my papa was sick and w
yesterday noon, bm I got there Just' not able to work at my grandpa's.
as It was adlouraed. as I did not come
town yesterday before school
In the foreaooB beesnse It was rain. My Aiiat Atlle bought me

Youi Sunbeam.

AMa. like teo many grtnriMip folks
» MV

We aaw all tbelr draaeea. tbelr colors
•ad ahapaa.
lha trim of teair
their cBpes;

tee eat of

W» hear* tee wind otgaa. Urn b« aad
the bird,
8Bt ot Jack la tee FUpli we heard

Friadr. Jane 14.1M7.
ttet U aiea that vaeaUoa la here,
Tear praMdant wob4v«
«hat yOB at* gateg to do all tbeae

Sutton* Bay. Mich
May 2. 1907.
Dear Praeldent:-

toBg BBmmer days. Hew many at* gotagtohavaagardsB? tth rather hard

BbI,^ lAat

That is just what you are
rloin^ when you fail to get reguiar anti sufficient sleep. Your
hotly requires this unconscious
period for repair work: with­
out it TOtir nerve energy be­
comes exhausted, and you are

dred and 1 were out pieklng flow»er>.'
SavUIa NVI*oB.
aad found o loj of them.
Next time you come lo Traverae griAi-gnadmoiber who is elghtpnii
Its color* were very City I hope you can make me a llltle
Doc’l you think khe
brilliant. Miss Horton was afraid it call.
awfully old? In examination m> an
lid get out aad bun the trees, so
Traverue City. Mlcb . R. F. D No l. age standing was SS.
As It i* la
we put It la o box and pul some chloro­
May 16. 1907.
now. I will close (or (bi» time. l>
form oa a cloth and let It die. Its Dear President: —
tiill r
body waa very big. It meuured Bve
tbou^l 1 would write as (he
Your loving Sunbeam.
and oae-balf laches serosa. On top nf oteen did. Onr toateer toM ns
Age 10.
Chriatiaa GeiIn-.-.i
head were two little feelers sad
tee aab. I was so glad
How happy you must be to have s
they looked Just like two little featb- write,
I always enjoy to write
tiny baby drier. That is ooe o( tee
I wtah you conid have aemi It tee Sanshtne Clib. 1 like to go after nicest klods ot pets, isn't it?
after It was dead. It looked lust as mayflowera but teem arc not many
Itbsea. Mlcb
pretty a* betore. We pot it on a
I go in the woods
May (. 190?- I

■nank yon very macb. I will close,
with love to all tbe Soaablnera.
Tour Snnabber.
Margam WHsoB.

ur place. I get Woe aod.wbite
They aro ao pretty. Yt

Dear President:—


have rend many lUtle latter* In '

■ayflowwTlBf next week.
M Sunshine depnnmeitf. 1 woe eight
-eateer. Tbe bo^ are coming i-**n old Isa monte. My mamma''
birthday aad mine aro on the oatof
Harama Is sick with tbe grip;
suy«d' home to help ber.

Bell fdioee ISO.

Better Get Ready Now

W’c are ready with the best line of Screen Poors
and Windows we ever^ad.
We have the advantage of the other fellow—if w
haven't in stock what you want, we make it.
Better save time and come here first. Everything
delivered promptly.

Traverse City Manufacturing Go.
CMver Lake Avenue and TenU Sti^

tired, wom-oot. nervous, ex­
citable ; have headache, neu­
ralgia, indigestion, poor appe­
tite, or (Mlier ailments caused
by a lack of nerve force. Make
it your business to sleep.




Dr. Miles' Kervine: it sootlir.-t




left ro- In a v*r>n,fid,:mn *n4
-i-ry p»r\oj«
I had •>»»,. rg,Yil* >,r
J.radj t.» and T>cunagl». *r,a ...uM
■In-p Out V»ry lmi«. K\«-r -e.ift Iiat
ao* rn-J*
f.y *tfc-i.^t. %ji
r.f nn «>nll utitj 1 tM«»n
iMill-*' h**loraIit» N-ron1
r-r-m»n --J t-. ukr ih* .S-Tvin* mv
kJ—v wa* rt'-f-M-Bd and ro«tfni: u--t
th» pa,r.»
I,rad. a* w»Il o*
l*ft «n» tn a
•aunt and 1 frrw grodaoJIr tw-ii-T-.
MBS B E U;:.«EKT*--S'
t:i Brrylon Atr . b-J>u!*re. ilU.
Of. MUM- Hwvih. I* OSM hy yeu*

igs were trembliag very much. It
I a large one. Ukr those that des­

troy tbe tree*.

ioMied -vary pr«ty. I received yoar
poaUl and think U Is very pteiiy.

R Sebomberger i Sons
Clltrens Phone 4S1.


organs power to work natiirally. Trv' it to-day.

We can all enjoy the songs <Jt

I will tell you about a moth tbat bat sad aome silk gloves: l have son
will DOW writ* to you a* I have
out at the achool-beaBe. Miss brown slippers: my Aunt AlUe liought
I have lost my bulioo. but I
Horton broogfat a large cocoon to
le aome brown slocking* to go with enclcee a two-ceni stamp (or another
•etaool and had It here a long time.
ly brown slippers. This Is all (or
I have a bab.v sister now. 6he
On May i:th. ooe of tbe girls saw it
Us amr. so good bye.
born April :3rd. Yesterday Mil­

wreath of evergreen we made and It

I wish that the public and whoever has any wool to olfer, wonld
try and have It ready by that lime, and you can be »uro you will be
money ahead. Do not fail lo do to.

I will tell you the name* of:

lid birds

tee twig the cocoon was on.

We btard not the pRMher eapeaad
MR we toohvd at tee paoptei'aM they

They claim te^ro Is a decline of teo cent* a (wand and aro walling
for a larger one.

and brings sweet, refresiiing,
life-giving sleep, and gives the

Mildrtbl G>-Ilo-*.v
I too. felt so badly when my bird
died that 1 never have bad Sholher


-whera was bis test?

not boy any more wool ni (hose i.ilce* after ray eonlraet rspirot.


here.* Everything 1s so pretty now.

goodaets. faith,


\A/ooi YA/arTtod
t will lint nil the w/v.t I can g.-i i„. in Jime ICih, t1>.<7, tn good


MUea Medical Co., Elkhart. Ind

No HoUdays



Beginning June 13th, our Oil Wagon
will be on the West Side Mondays and
Thursdays, on the South Side Fridays and
Tuesdays, and East Side, Edgewood and
East Bay resorts Wednesdays and Satur­
Special attention given to all launch
owners. Phone your orders to Grand
Rapids Furniture Co. and same will have
prompt and careful attention.
City ^Hon* B3e

Grand Rapids Furniture Co.
127 S. South Ualoo Street

Uqner. flU two from the haattd frsK of
the third. Screw do*n the tops and
stand the Jara back In tbe holler, and
•o oonllnne tmtl] you bare oil fait


Go-Jd bousekeeplog glees a
number of itmciy redpea for *uu pn.

I Took Pe=ru=na, Hardly Daring to BeOeve

uerved fruits, to which Home Cheer
wisbeu to add Mrs. tUmsdell* redpc
ened. Cover the txXler. boll for ten for sun preserved red raspberries.
mlnitea longer.
Then lilt tbe Jan This has already been given la these
and stand them aside to cool,
coluinas. but Is worth repeating every
liquor that has been drained from Ihe year, and should be In Ibe scrap book
I could give them odd Jara may be boiled and bottled of every Home Cheer reader. Tbe
maay polntera aa 10 eaalcr and quickbe used as strawbei-ry Juice, or you whole secret of preparing this deli­
er waya of doing
To be may add an equal quanllly of sugar cious preserve, which when served on
like It into Jelly.
mure, the modern kltcbeo offer* con­
a cold winter day seem* to bring back,

* Xlr


Wliat ti ao rare w • dar (n iaoet
Than.' If erer. cofse perfect daya:
Then Heaven trlea earth If It be Id

venience* which could they bo iranaAnd aver It anruy her warto ear

JU use sugar allow half a pound



with the (Kiiaiu masher.

pound or sugar, stir uniil the sugar U

lllu.traie the -o. ncm ol I’eruns u

dissolved, and place the cnM prepara
lion In Jar* which hat- Ixx-n carefully
•-teilllii-d, as wr-n as Ihe rubber and
cover*. Screw tbe coveie on tightly,


and place the Jara in Ihe hoi sun for
several day*. This Is all the secret
there I* to Ihe sun iir.-served raupberries which have a well deserved

water Is imured on^ihem, It might be

Into ev^ bare Inlet and creek and
Now the been la eo full ihnt

it: •
No Batter how barren the past may


boUtng point to be reached.

This U

ready for use at a moment's noli
"Heapa of growing aearlel berries
In tbe kilchen. all tbe day,

TIs encAigh for ue now that tbe leavee

Ultle housekeeper, in gingham.

ara greed:
We alt In the warm sbade'and feel

Id Ibe good old-faahloned way,
"Doing up' rare tinted chetric*.

Thu tktae are clear and

Oh, tbe red and amber Jellies.

,In following out this' process there
coadllions to be observed
The frail mutt be under rniher ihac
ripe, and it mutt be absolutely

sgo. I glt^e all prahe to P

CaUrrh of biomAch and KMncy*
Mr. H. L. Kmory, Vu-« Cbancelle
and Ma.i. r of Arms, K. P.'s. >:
Omaha. N'b.. WTlu-s from JOS Nor h
Sixteen lb sireei, ilisfjlIuwiDg words
of praise for Perana a* a tom.-. Hu
is Will, pleasure I rrcOBiDCoR
PursM •* • roafe uf unu-ual merit.
.M«rg.-nuniUf of prominent memof the different order* with
-h 1 hsve l-ei-a cODDvcled lisve
lipeD cured '-y the use Of Perans in
toteatarrhoftlte sfoisaefi amd
heatf;ai-*j in kidney compla.'iiU
ueskn.-s.of llK-^iv-tdoqgans.

the cooked mixture into large
plallera or deep soup plates to the
depth (d about an Inch and put on a
table in the sunniest spot In the yard,
moving the table if need be, a* the
■un shill* position.

Cover serurly |o

It Is obvious protect against flying Insects, using a
Raspberries of while and red.
double thickness of mosquito neiilug.
the fruit must be freshly picked a
right well
To prevent ihi. netting from fulling
so clean as not to need washii
How flie Aap creepa up and tbe bloe- Carrnms. like rich clustered rubles
Plucked from out their garden bed. SierilUe Jara. rings and tops as usi
the fruit, elevate it by pulling
inili'jara around the end. nf the latile.
in hot water, nil the Jbn< with t
We may abut oar eyes, but we eae* Oh. tbe sweet and wondorous odors
Foatihg through tbe shaded rooms
with oue in Ihe t-em-r. and tl.- s.-tiiT.fruit, knocking gently on Ihe table
not help knowlDg
grata la

Sparkling through



It cannot be dewy.

aeltle the fnili, compactly in the

er all. so nothing can crawl Iu

ciraul When filled pour In the healed syr

from nndenicaih. To guard agjlii*i
plae.. the feet of the Islile In







Inatead of botllng over the preserv­

Ur«aBs are flowing.
Thu the river U bluer than the sky.
Thu the robin Is plastering his boaae
hard by;
And If the hieeu kept tbe good oewq
Tor othw eonrien sre abould not Uck.
We eooM fnau It all by yon heifer’a
k»wtofAnd hark! now clear bold ehanUcleer.

ing kettle hoor after hour, nearly
every houaekeeper now steams her
frulu In the cans.. Mrs. Rorer. who is
tbe world's
« on cooking, writes of Ibis
method In tbe Ladles' Home Journal
aa follosrs;
frulia may he

WanDed wUh the new wine of'the
of surgical cleanliness.

TalU all in bis Insty, crowing!

Pertinps the

most Important point after absolute

Joy conea. grief goea. sre know not

clewnllocss is to have the fruit and
vegetables freshly gathered and free




Brerrthtng la happy now.
BvefTthIng Is upward itriving:






• Where HI thoughts die and good

II- or in comblnalloii

I the berric* carefully, and It any Im
■ H.y way m en-il It
II wlinle and l>erfi-ri
an urdluary hit uf l>(thrve and four itirh

this kind and iinles* ih.- weath- r
propitious It I* folly i.. ali.-mpi ii;




<hi- and then ftnishi-d.

, powders or liquids—they may be daa- Sowers Into It singly until ihry are
gerou*. One recipe wUl answer for all thoroughly coated, allowing each coat
dry before dipping the violet a
small fruits, another for nil sugar
V. another fur vegetables second time. Tbe syrup should not
hot when the violets are dipwithout Kugsr. The lime of cooking
they are apt to wither. Set
e Judged aoeordlbg to the con
Ihe flowers on a selve to dry. and
dtUun of Ibe material*.

being repealed])- dlppi-d they
The recipe for sirawberrle* will ans­

are born.
Ont in the fields with Ood.
—E. B. Browning.

jrwnJ ttt e«<»r-s bM<

Ihe closi-d end

booh, eome tbe Insctona betriea'. which er. the bottom of which has been pro­

Hi-m them.





bat ia

practice we rf tbe three





ICS—I'm- one-ihifil rurraufs and two
thlid. red ra*pben;es
Clean, 'itoi.h
and weigh the fruit, allow ibree^uarlera of a iionnd of sugar to a gsiiind of

the fniti ami procred as Ix-lore. Tbe
wive*, who prefer right to dark­ acidity of the currain* counteract*

from rapidly taking their place


under (he steamer or la the cooker
must be boiling briakly when the Jan
are set In. and It must not b* alloflnd
to cease from boiling whUe the Jara
arc Inside,
ft I* tbe steam which
cook*, ami there ^st be pleoly of IL

could see my asaorioient of fniU tor
winter they would foHow my way
of prep^ng It. says a friead of Hncne
Cfai-er. I never pul up a large quantity '
ame. but every few days, beginning nsoslly
strawberries; I
QuanGty. and do wx
mind the little time It ukew to dn so.
In this way one may have a great

varlt ty, whirh is what we abould aim
Instead of a few kinds la lircnosie
Inlu your for.

pin' -----Jars tor
cupful of quantlilc*.
*•—....................I use
— *—
-- <---

tlimw Ihem to ime ride.

r T“»reel«iii kettle put one
white sugar and juM <-oojsli

water •■>'»*• J*'".'

classes wtid amall ^asa

to Mvt thb berries cooking, and asi^f^ '"f
!'«•«"'*•» «»« JN»»koob as the sugar is meltisl. add yourjl
Iho cuie*i gist* Jars si a wholeCover, uud wolch carefully l.k***: <1™C house; they are rtiaaonabU.

sn Ini-h If the top, fliilng this spar-! !«***■ Rff’ui
binding, aod
,wiih Iktih-* dlppi-d from the Juice. |W»> '»»'in with parafln-before.cover
‘ Wi|.<- all Juiee from the lop of Ihe can 1
ladjusMberiibber (It l.w-ell toput tbel»rt*»<‘ A'”'
ttille-r im before fllllng, and screw!**"’

fniii :>

>*«*"' *
all sort* of gtfta was

I'.e thri-i-x| ; on the lid a* light a. possible Invert' mut h I'l"-'»’'<1 w**** <»«
ml let remain thus for s few-1 Dutch looking Jar. flriud With red
iir III a pound --r
examim-, and If any should J ts.plfTr J»t= and a red roae I carried
m till- prcc.-diug
leaking aro-ind the lid. take I'
lime ago I b
I hamniur
- knife-handle sud <
d l-i-i.-apple Prew-rv,
depth of ae Jars, sod
jxiubd all urtiiind ihe edge of Ibe lid.I
»cbd aanorted in white
wrapmri 0
e»p-c!ally lounding dow-h wh.-rbox with k whllt- aatin
leak appi-ara. lakihf pain« to ha,


«-nkiog done on the lit! and J

ribbon and placed a bunch of wbMe
KWeei pea* on uqii 11 waa placed In

many Savored preserve.

ing nf her w-i-ddlng'day, Md U waa


e.-ed arriirdlug to directions lur pr.

mast be takes care et while they arc tected by a rack. Pour In aufflclent ness. and "let the sun do their work.' the tninpld sweetness of the rasplx-r
Sun nes. producing a pleasing flavor.
Id their prime, if we would have good cold water to come half-way up the eapeeially in preserving time
preserved fruits seem to bold tbe
' things to eat daring the eiormy winter Jara: cover (he boiler, abd bring
Gooseberry and Rer Raspberry Premoatha. Tbe “good old ways of oar boiling potm and boll rapidly for flve aroma of the fresh berries in s way M-rve—Gooaeberrte* and rev rwspberUncover the botler.
unknown to cooked fruits, and are rlee In equal parts make a delicloo.-,
grudmothera" ara
very well In minute*.

filled—(he fruit aided by the aiwun,
will make It* own Juice. Tb* srater

snn-her tx-x BBd dellrerod at Um
home nf Ihe Intended liridu the morn­

Curiant and ff.r Raspberry pnstr

The familiar plcuffe of
/. the
.Mr ebooy
Bunser. with all its beauty, brings down, a* the conienu of the Jar* dur­
opuUriy *
Bocb work in IU train. Jual at the ing the bearing will expaud. and If tbe colored iwms who are populni
time when we would most enjoy a Jar* are fastened there will be heavy poeed to do y<
Mrjfon. i
JnJs of ma
shady nook, a hammock, and a good breakage. Stand ibeae Jars in a boil­ been superaeded in the min,

sh^. 'iflraiLMaolM Xhaa. no water
1* added to tbq
xrfaeo tbe Jar U

and a* .-wiki a.* ihey reach Ihe bollina I 'n Prt<»- »“'l •»'<’ ■
toaa than a
I«dnl remove Ihe ketlle from Ibe file, i
» *'**• “OUlb- I
.filling 11,e jar lo wlihln ont^lghlh of'make my labels of fumnied white

after the middl.-. of Ju^^
July ra bee,,
keep the I"

1. put ibrm Into peiicctly clean
Ceeking in the Sun.

a IdsMsd relief
I can assure you. U'/fAMtt/MMMhd
Iwatwatleotameeee. Myapprtiuhad
nrrvuusnees and imtabUMy
were thiug. of the pul. and loroTer twu
j,cw I have been a bealthy man.

; pi rferi line.* appear, du nu hesitate (■


If the w.-aiher r.--

‘ervliig airawbeiries
Currant* are
re tuRlcienlly coated, roll i-jch pariculitly fine prepared in this way
wer for all small tmlis. Wash the
alrawberries. If Decessary. before huh flower In confectioner's sugar lieforc and are fully equal in excellence lu
coating has a chance tc
. put them Into a colander, dip
the famous her le iliic currants, from
I up and down in a pan of water.
which they can *carr«-ly be dlvilnguJars, adjust the rubbera and lay on
the lid*: du not *crew or fasten them

‘'Peruaa hat p/veem tha beet medl‘
efne I e» t r used. My pahn ara aeoe
, and 1 Ivliev. myself lobe cored. 7«Mf
; weU. and would not be wuhool a houJe
■n time of need for Wn timea its cost.” j


and continue *low ruoklag until
s|i00Bful cooled will show the
I-'riili prepar.-'l
paate aufflclently lough to be rolled lo Ing It oil the. »iov.And the sulphurous rifts of passion out all Jam, examine thepi .fit the
•oft ball. Turn luio luinblars and 111 tbi.s wiy n-lalii* In an iinuMial de
gree It nutura! appi-atatice and flav..i
ana woe
){d* and |iut them aside ready for use
Ue deep Heath a silence pure and ,,ten wanted. It Is dangerous to get
and If caiefuily pret««r.-d all.l *e..le,l
CryaUllixcd Violets.
your fruit ready for canning unUI you
w-ill kee;i indi-fitin.-ly.
The meihr
Prepare a rich thick synip of white
Like burnt pul Ctalars healed with y^ow wMeher or n.n yon have Jars
seems pri'lriilarly well adapb-d for tl
sugar and boll unill U candles. Wash early smari fruit*, the *un possessing
aalde to dralu soiw perfect
sfuHy all fruits and vegetables If she
greater i«wor at the season uf ihelr
IS of sweet smelling violets, maturity.
In the temperate cliniaitfollow* eve*- direction to Ihe letter.
Do nut use preservative*, canning and when the syrup is ready, dip the the heat l» not MiBieleiiily Intense

• Among the baaklngof the corn
• Where diwwsy poppies nod.


Mr. Ilobert E. Banrey, Treasurer
give a;l ihanfcs to yoot I^aa.
Knights Ilf iDdusirlal Freedom, also a 'and Ix-lieve lual tlu a Uesglbg^aa*. will known wnur and lecturer, wrlleej kind.”

space between It and tbe upper lid. with pineapple. Weigh (hi- frull and
In tha nnuarred heaven they leave nnd it Is almosl Impossible to have
each pound allow six ounce* of but If the preserving ha* Us-u ruin.
no wake:
this spare free from ronlaDitnallon.
tar. Pul In a porc(-laln-rim-"l knil.-. menced and tidti fol!i>«s U-feli- It i'
And the eye* forget the tears they I ^l5^. new rubbera each year. Twenty- and covering closely i-inimer imill it

* Tbe fooltah fears ef what might

I Using It for Dearly lour months.

large crocks; these are preferable


^ve abed.
qv, cents' worlh of rotten rubbers will
I am-row and ,
Tba^ hoait forgets
the loss of ten dollars' worth of
vegetsblM. This I* not economy.
The aool partakes tbe season's youtb.
It Is wise In the eariy spring to gel

-}*-nl hundreds u
nth eerere twi|.-hct and slow eabauiI ah -tof doelors, I ■l BUIUter did {live ivbcs. I'rise was highly colurud
jand passed with great irregulsriiy. I
m- any; g
f my comrades who'*_____ Is most be_laOammallea etiha


sugar, aneh as com. peas. beeu. are
dirilcuU to keep, while such flavor, and reulns the woody fibre agulnsi mold, tie a piece of eotiun
*TU as aaay now for tbe beari to be vege'uhle* as tomatoes and
those After paring and removing the eye* It over Ihe top of ihe Jai. Wrap Jars iu
without March, as uBparagOB. string
shredded witl. a silver fork or dark pa|«er. Isbei and stor.- ». o:h.-r
lAs tor grant to be green or akiee to be l>eans, carroU and turnips, are eaalU
uil in a cool, dark, dry plaorun through a rood chopper. For mak­
Of course bright, cle-ar. hot. sun
kept. The Jars must positively have ing fniil pastes, dainty fur (he school
TU tbe naioinl way of Uviog;
aolld glaas or solid melal top*. A luncheon basket, apple* and quince* shiny day* are .-sM-nUjl Inr presenv*
Who knosra whither the elouda have

Mr. David L. Javcoa. Chaplain naTr^om II boutb NicIiuIm Hu. Chtcagu,.
mda I.O.*:. T. and v'haplaio O. A. R.,, 111-. *• follow.:
Broadway. OakUnd, CaU writ-*;
"I wa. in g.KsI buallh bdIII aboni font
m an old war veteran. 1 cunuaei-' Tear* ago. w i.m my iiw.-k l■>caal• lamu

I over immedtali'ly. wash If necessary
fruit and prixvrd ii* directed.
and put In glass Jars, filling each
I.aie In the afl.-rnoon. about
niblDaiion Is »>'out two-thlnl* full. Put In ibe preAnother pxccih-m coniblDaiio
5 o'clock, and before the dew com­
equal pans
rrtten gootteberrlc*. serving keifle a pound of an^r and
botlers because they retain mences to fall, bring the fnill Indoors.
and red raspberries, one cupful of wsU-r for every two
(bo heat longer.
Learing a small Scfupe the contents of the several Cse a pmmd of sugar lo a pound of pound* of fruit and let It come alowplates Into one'large crock to obtain
between pour In boring v
fruit aod make In the usual manner. I ly to a boll. Puur thU syrup into
iform coasistency m
the enllre
until Ibe Jars are submerged. Put (he
Because of the slight acidity of both 1
!«« over Ibe berries. Ailing (bran
s*. The fullflwing morning pour
cover of the cruck In place and throw
of tbc*o crnnhlnalions. the preserve*! “P to the brim; then set the Jara
large rug or carpel, or even Into plates and proceed u* before. Con
may be served wtih tbe meat cnur»e.|pan of cold mater on Ihe -stove
thU process until the syrup 1«
a comfortable win answer. Let stand
Cherry Ptvserve—Pnicure large red. let Ihe water boll and (be fruit be­
thick and almosl a Jelly
twenty-four houn. or until the water
mr eherrici. such as the Early come scalding hot. Then take them
Is cold; Ugfalen the Jar lops, if It is day* uKiially are needed, but the rim*
nuy out and seal perfectly tight. If tbeoe
,1-s according to the InlenKiiy of
neceasary to do so. while they are
i-ice kind eilher light or dark direciluns arc followi-il in e«-ery parti­
beat. Ampl.' lime must 1>e given
under water: wipe oR and place In
cular the fnilt will k«-p for several
peileri kee|ilng
jaivir* nf a pound of sugar m u year*.
Tbll method has been used tor all done put the conieai* of the
lund Ilf fiiiii Is Ole general rule, alberries, shredded pineapple and pelled plates inlo one Irish a* befor«>, then !
You're Canning Berrii
otiph ,f ., very sweet presene I* prewithout other rooking Into small 1
plumbs, and undoubleldy
could be
following rale., taken from an
I.- cherrl.-s are exceedFour m.-lir-d
uied for pearbes and apricot*. Pine self-sealing glass Jars
ill prove usi-ful.
[ incly Miiir.
apple abould always be ahredded. To paraffin over the to|i of the
fe pints of fruit lor Ihi
pound of Tl
In lo slices or dice spoil* the Just rubtiera and lid* and, to giiiinl
filling of one guari Jar.
toiok ovo;
irflowlng. adjust the rubbers and
on the top*. Set the Jars

The Familiar Steam Methed ef Can-

relief !hsl I »wa urgou t<
grwduslly snl-sid.-o. and
passedaws). ll.averup.s
lot the poet erven tuoai


of recelpla .and suggestions for caring beat Keep on hand a quantity of fruit aside until the bottom of ibe Uetili- 1*
for Ihe berries and fnills In their aea- syrup. Seven pound* of sugar
covered with Juice, then cover and
Bon. Home Cheer would suggest ibst five pinis of water will give
very gradually to boiling. Boll
these articles be scrap booked,
quarts of quite heavy syrup. I'se cold gently fur flfleen miniiti-s and remove
Ibe result at the end of (be aeaiou water and ailr In the sugar ovei
•urn. Do not ailr untess really nc
win be a prncileu and very complete
dlasolyed. but not allow the ce.«sary as stirring break* the fruit.

ovncfllln it.
We nre hnppy now because Ood wllit book of recipes along thla line.

CM«n* •(
Mt.r B >e*iK,f. IV Delaware vtraut, Albany.'
N. V.. Presldeni MuDteaoreCiBli. Wrilos:
■■(■iDceni) Sdvaneud ag' I flndthal I have bren
freqaenil) rreuMed wiib w/faufy wf/areafA Tbe
bUdder teemed IrriUled. and uiy i.hTsician eslil
tiisi II wse eaisirb esused l-y s prolracted cold
wbirb would i.edifii>-uii tooTereumroB areavetof


erne region I* world famed. This wem
Ihem ^ a tioih which has
With the driuge of somner It re- sre give you several meiboda
been folded seve^i time*. Says the
are oulhoriatlre. aed any of srhich. if writer;
It ^quar
His mate feels the eggs benenth her carefuHy followed, will assure success.
T at a t
When tbe wca^.
In this connecUOD. will some one who berries and other "irults insist upon
And the henn in her dumb breast baa a flrriess cooker tell us if it la not
several limes, and drain thoroughly.
pulUng themselves ja tbe ft
Unttem end sings:
I possible to con berries by that method, with the ultimatum; "Can
For every pound of frail measure
He elnge to tbe wide world, end she I first, of course, cooking them on Ihe
." the old method of canning and tbree-quarii-ra of a pound of sugar,
to her nestj Move long enough to beat them tbnr preserving somelitnes becomes labnr- then put the frail aft sugar In alierin the dee eer of Nature which song oughly. and iben placing them in ibe
toua and nervellring. A mile known rf:-ie layers Into a Urge grkniu- pr<Is the best?
nerving keille. not Uklng over six
process, mblch. for warn of n I
Following this week's articles on
is called the :Olh pound* of fruit at a lime. If tiM much
New U the high tide of the
Is prepared at a time, ibe fruit U
And whntsver of life hath ebbed tbe general process of canning, tbere Century .<Ietbod. does away wit
will be from week to week collections cooking of the fruit, and Its alicndaot crashed by Its own weight. Sum!
Ccaee flooding bMk with a ripply

: -S
- y -i

jt caiarrb of ibu blatUet by

A fruit press.

potato nicer will also accomplish
tbe desired reculi.
Add iwund for

and berries for which the Grtbd Trav

And Mn hla lllnmiiwd being o'emm


t-M knives of yv.ur food grinder
Ihe wvirk perfectly, tbe sluwet

been conserved In the delicious fruit*

.. u, tb. i,., ..n a

1 bottling up the sunshine which has

Anarmv ol lli
discovered that
I.eve «u- h i-w-eOne uaa lei;.
n.-«is spri-s.1. u:
tul-e IvUDd meu
ai’-d (rum Uir tl:

• sure process process lielug lo
cruslT Ihe berries In a chopping bowl

rciiutatloo for this Travarsi- home.
The Good Huus.-k.-e|-«lng recdpi. an­
recommended In the article seems as follows;
strewberry Preaerves — Purehaae
be belter. To avoid any |K>wlble
breaking of the cane'when the boiling large, choice, perfect lurries, not

■ra. iiiu. bW .JU .1 bi. bm u lb.;

:e ratsr'h of (be bisdjcr
■rrelcDedn.-s. si-m>1uw
Isioor-urci wesaarss.


ar Iu each pound of berries. Tbe mt-r's suushltte.
flowerit and
should be made Into a syrup, songs, lies ill breaking up every tiny
It ia to lx. doubted If eveo ibo queen with a small amount «r strawberry
jch berry. If one i* left un
wlioiie- provrriilal fondneas lor her Jaiee—one pound of augar lo half a broken, tin- preserve* will ferment.

We bear Hfe namar, or are It t»*- kltrhen and a diet of bn'Dd aod honey., plot of Juice; fn tills way ytfu will
'W berrleK uod a lot of Juice
could have exhibited the labor Havini;,
Bverr dad feala a allr ot tnlcht.
(levlceK with which the |>ooroiil kit
Jar. so the method U not
An inaunct vltbln it that rea<^
chen of today Is equipped.
desirable. If you u>e sugar at oil you
' the tower .
Among the lahbr-aavloE metlioda of bad belter .preserve the trull pound
And. croptag blindly above It fttr light,
the preecnl time, none arc
for pound.
Preserves nee.
aiaiba to a aoul in graia and
bermelleally sealed.
marked than those conopcied
rannlng. pretervlng and )elly making.
Practical Canning.
The fluafa at tlfe may well be aeen
lORtead of the alow. hot. irylng houn
A. Dllson Peck, wrtilng in the June
TbrtUlBg bach over faHIa and valof labor over the cook etnve. Madam number of The Uldcr' World, tell*
Of today pula her uncooked fruit* Into bow to can fruits by a very simple
The dawallpa etartea In naadowa
the Jara. acts Ihem to Ktcamlng. and method.
This U by
no means
Home novelty In several households where
The batterenp eatebca ihe tun In Cheer’s greateet desire la .to be
Home Cheer
iu chalice.
Ipmclical help to Its readers, aod
irled It have mei with much
And ihere'a never a leaf nor a blade
. this end. Us coliimoa for ibo nen few. amali fruits and berries Often a wi
too mean
weeks win contain Inttrucllooi. getbespecially In Ihe canning
To be aoise happy creatnre'a palace;
tbe greatest cooking boiler or tub has been used, but i



ported to the bonea of our anc^tot*
would aeetn nt for a queen's kitchen.

Whetbs^ «• kmk. or vbelber «e lla-

Atilt like D

wlih IIS delicious flavor,

Xtu'.ij, ef Albany.

Pelvic DiscahCh' in Men.

Fur this comblna-

nd u-.ia.- ch..-,.-)y n.xe:..-! m.-r

“f"* ’■> an-.lhi-v lid. ,.-r

lu Ih.- morning add ih- ' " "“J- *-' ’•>•'
:i-roon and om-o,ansc- r.ner .’''^' =*''>‘'rally. ihe lid
-I of the oialigiwl-h
heat li .lowly in t.oiiinr


u-ia|4- off Ih- biiiT wtoie lu-■’*"■

U ai fu
is ill fituur

lap.-r whin
them awa.v. as the Ileh'alfeciv

ihnroughly appreciated by the young
. o„pl-. who eere' beginning the d*w
Ilf- with but a amall furnished apabtm.-ncatii! his salary.

Diiiis. nnd .ixilp,
ftovor nf oihf-rs,

One of the y.-rj' l«-.i h--lfrs'ln can
.. and add lu.the other* I-ui ih- mixture over Ihe '"‘"k
*' “ ri-um cooker• or an
file hear gradually In boillag, remin-e
Heam.-r is Just as good.

bag of coarse white flAanel.

Ibe scum, and rook elow-ly until the
^ **'>‘<*
pln-apple Is icnde.'. then flnUh cook-|^*‘’f
. and vteumed until lint ihrougt* fill,
Ing in the ran a. directed for
berry pr->erve»
'others, a* the le-rries settle do

oi three inchee.

FuMuv. Thii end Be Happy.

when heaied The same care must
tuiieu to have the fruit -Iriillng b<

Put so

Inch hem at t]ie top and sew large
hooks aniuDd H at Interval of two
Take tbe amall flat

ring from ibe water backet sod atttch to 11 at equal dutanceu from
each nther. three wires uf the same

Flisten ifle wirea together at

the top making a loop by whleb to
Laug on a hook br nail driven la a

One ol the best receipts for preserv­ In the Jar a.< when canning by cooking shelf. Now book ibe beg oe to tbe
ing sltawi.- rries whoH' and whleb ha* it in a kettle. It keeps IU "looks' ring and your bag Is completed. No
given san-f-rinry re*
belter thco canned by stram sqoeeriQg will
neceasary if a bag
(. pickjsml i
> much as
of (bis eon is used when Baking Jelly.



n thiak I

the MattMDta of

'_________________ PAOMT

day ereuag All are eordUdty inrtlied
efto U quite well known hem. was to attend. .
ition la aayiag. Let «i how oar
[very much broken ap oeer his aireat.
Hra. Wm. Tmi went to Tm*etna
a la aUeBce to Him that doeih all
I sad was evidently unght a leasao
J Kennedy at Allepta baa anl*ed
things wcU aad bath moored from
that will last him for some time.
to spend the summer with bis danihour midst our worthy frtcnd and
A week ago last night an mat aide ter. Mr>. «. J Brackett.
r Of Great gut*
brother. Hoaonble R. W. Baggott.
Fesident caught a man looking Into City Wednesday to visit Mrs. Jones.
"Thanking yea. dear meads, and
Chane* ta Mn Navy.
rmnklio street and par
Cha. Palmer ha* the frame for hto
worthy pioneers, for yoor kind
sued him for a block or to. loaiag t. w resldeare up.
ladlTldual Interest Vhe sme of Ibe old lake gunboat
sa*. Later la the
number of a
fteruods Crandall went to Boekley
shown here today aad wishing you HI |t g , Uk-bWin. wblcfa was built la
that am very« «“»- ’h<~gb> to be the W.-.luee.u> to play ball with the
a happy and proaperoui year. I trust is4j. .
of the first Iron
A. McCloskey was the director “t"*
looked Into the window Huekley leant.
that hefom you clbm the dellbers- vessels, has been cbanged
__— Ibe D.
and Mr*. MeCloskey was the pianist.!"' ‘
Mr llamaid drove to Tmveria Oty
will decide g. g. Wolvertne. to maae room for Ue The production will be given again' The man was In the habit of peep Wednesday to do some iradtag.
gr..ot new l>sitleH>lp Uicbigan.
jibta ermlng.
. |lng into residence* where there was
Dr W M BeyUn and wife have
tneetinc <.f the asaoeUtlse la Trnvdne hutlding
mtlng represeniatlm of | Mrs. Mary (nibelm played the part * Hgbi bumlog and la a residence gone t.. Kaginaw aad DetroU for a
„„ of the queen of Spain while Oeorge'oa Siuip street for the past two al^u
WicaiM. MbervlM ksowo ofBcUny •» aeceaaary to clothe tbem, la nearly all City. 4he metropoll* of aorthem MichOMtn BaHeO Dowaa, chief reomin, clear notify. They have many allowi bear. The W..lverliie will be at Har- BoaA was the king, both glrtag the!s lamp was nurposelj left lighted,
Mr .•.■i.nlnKhain( who baa had a
DbIM autM Mvy. aad adTaoce ad- ancea la addltioa to their pay. Tbeir
The foTlrtwItg officers wem elected; t.„r gpriags. Mich., from June n to paru la an exeelleat manner. OtM »Wle Offlc r was placed oa
burlier shop In Orawn. the part winter
Prealdeat. Dr. W M. Payne. 8uttoos»-a eullstlng young men for the aaey. Layfam-was Christopher Coiumhea.
wtUac aiou for (ba nary itaTrilag ratkMi U quite aufflcleot to feed them.
He t-atiie there again night be- has moved back lo TiaterwoCUy.
Movltlaf party, aniTed la tiu» city They have do board bill to pay! if
[and aiipheauis and visitors win be while Joe Brelilag and Ed Smith wem|f<ee l>si and when he relumed last
Am Bight. acMopaaled by bU trtfe. they are alck they get medical attea-' flecreury. C. H. attee. Tmverwe
the monks.
evening was uken Into custod;
stody. tl
Wolves RMm Cbleage Stroata.
aM 'am now doBldled at m>
e free; lo caae of aerlou* 111la the finii act a very pleasing song, officer landing him as he was
Li "nibbe
I’hlcao'. June 15—Tony Caaepa.
they am dail to a boapltal and “'-.u™, A
Mo. SM n«M atraat. where y
be one of the moot powerful and swift-I'fula"
was given by the Hisae. Elwi'|lnR"
living near Arteslaa av.-nue. and West
man who want to id a the navy
cared for by the goremmeoc. If tbey
esl flghilnK macblBes la Code 8am't|or Harris and Bewale Whiting. Anoth>{ He at first strenuously denied that Ohio xireei. «nar>sl a wolf on Moo?e preddenls. Antrim. O. A. Camp
«a« cn hta a«d get drcalam aad la- am itgured la line of duty they get
'gre-Hi navy, and cur alley- old fnend|er pleasing number was the borapipe'he had stoptwd there eicept last night -duy on the pntrle n-ur bis hose.
Bensle. W. A. Betts; ChsrlevoU. thWJai.- bad letter think
qalm alt ahoat the ebaaeaa for Uf a peniloo. Tbey woeM get no each
Steele sisters. In the
but after a IltUe quli
Thursday he applied lo the county
pay. pramotka and rpwaidi. cdferad ailowahae In drll life. The rewards Archibald Buturw: Bmraet. li. O. fiuv making up Ibrtr mil
u tackle act. BreHIng ud Snllta's apeebtty Ashtoo admitted he was guilty I.aler. clerk I..1 I hnunty The elefk Auod
to thoaa who pm** (CSdeaL
That oooM to men from long aad faith Rooe: Grand Traverse. E. L. Sprague: such a n;tvnl numster a* 1
.... made a big hit. as did also Ibe dance he sdffiliied (bat be had Inokixl into that the eininiy Ixaird had neglected
Kalkaska. A. B.., Palmer: Leelanau. imdiiiihiivlly lx- n match
Mr. Dowsa hat aacnred qaaiteti (or ■I aerrlee am many.
tbe big I by the Scotch Utslex. the inleraatioo- m
of uii»t*i
other *>nmr«|i.
- lx*.
lirioide a widf bnuBiy land, so CaGeorge
(ha raeralUBg party la oflloe n
Tbem are oertala allowaaeea for
Diwad-1 al ballet and amreb. the Greclu poeea fered ao excuae whaletrr. slmply->>lal-| |U wu. adUMHi to give tbe ulmal
e neat meeting will he si .Siitiona
cat the aaoend floor of the HoDtagae «n who gradaate from the aeamaa
.nu.l.. ■ tf.»1
she wdll lx- sIhwI M.nooithe song by the pinks of perfection" Ixv iXa* K..
he X.a
had made
lAinroln park
Ueehv 117 Freat atreet. and Chl^ gtmaer'a aebool. ProOele^ la orlonx. *pee.l about 2i> ki>Ms, twin | and Ue drill by the boolblaekt.
himseir but did nut know why be
TaOMBB Bdward P. Weaver and bU
screws, will carry the heavlnt armorl The third act numbers were:
done what he did.
^er the Parade.
Wly “J*A Taia" wUt be here
The man's aclIoiM occasioovd much
■e committee for the big ledustrial and great guns, and will require a, Song. "Not Because Your Hair Is
.laxhtir*. Mich., June 15.—Hiss
nf shoiii aiNl men lo mu I Curly," |>earl Utile and France* Put- iBdIgnatlon te the neighborhood. B 1*
Pour Is rapidly get- compli-nieni
parade oe Ues Fourth
Euiina V
V who haa been vlslOagiB
tiing UiDft Into shape and arrug- l>T-n.-;.ri.v a reglm.-m of men.
j man
thought Uat Uelestoo given him will
Traverx.. (iiy .returned hcniM yesmrbe sufficient to stop him from farther
menu are progn-sslng In a very mtl-i Th-1.- Is now a ebuee for young !
Isfaclory manner A Urge number of,tn-n to Join the navy-In Ihla city, and I Song,' Mls.lssippl Bubble." Brelliag^tescapades, particutarl) a* he ha*
Two very plemaam little affairs were
Ibone u excellent reputation la tbe
muufacturers ud business men have j Chief Y.xmiu Downs, advance agent,'“id Smith.
enjoyed by the lilies' BmhraMatT
city previously.
Mgnlfled Uelr Intention nt u'king part » HI he at the navy recruiting office' Dutch wooden shoe dance,
The capture of the aianwassn ex Club Id the paal week, wh.w Uri. Opin Uo paraded ud every merchant ‘n the Mimugne block, dally, unitl It |
and manufacturer who will biivo . <.l-en« .ui the 21.1 Inxiant, to give <hii |»"'5 HetUe Moblo.
eelleat piece of work on the part of! sal Hobb. and Mrs. 8. B. Taylor sat as offenders r tertalned In honor of Mrw. Marry Tay­
final in the big procession is urged 'irerixrs expldlnlnu the requirement* - The march of the Amatons conclud- t
lor of Maolcm. on Satorday and Mohire hard to locate.
to Inrorm J, W. Hunen chalrmu ofjfor Joining the navy.
the act,
Hay evening# respectively. A vety
the parade committee, al once. It 1.,
Ve.muu U„..« „y,'> ■ To tbe!
Amatons were; BMbel Hahn,
pleasant lime ww* enjoyed al boU
urged Uat Uls be done as *K.n ax' „„
^jP>'arl Um* Laura l^kcy. Mart* Dunn
poealble as Ue advantages of know,hefEa'^"* Smith. Laura Schofield. Flos. Mich. June 15.—Mrs.
« of Travers* City
Ing how muy will go In. are obvious.'
„r.«t .-vents .tnd visit plaees''*”' 0»''®‘h- Huby- Hurley. Bertha I'harles Beiili
nf her daughter: Mr. I
"" « Kalkaska vl.lted WlU
This parade will be one of the big
May Tunter. Sunday
j Mrs, Bnima Scofield last Sunday.
features of the Fourth and will at-'m,.j. j.. ,^,r|„d „f ,,.mauce ud ek |
Murchie, Frances Putman,
tract much attenllou. There will 1-J^u.,‘,b„, he never re-j
Albert LabuUkl. Ep
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Ia>wIs rlslied
Frank Hatnlllao, Ue pbarmoclit
for a. II. Taylor had a
many Boat* of varioi'- Hnda In line.^reu. To ih<- rur.H Isirn vuuna man.
'• Marlin, F. Hayes, friends at Frankfort Sunday.
iDd everyone should help make the ,
unval'ai-rvi.-.- awakens hU'
'' "■*>**, H. Umprlcbc. E.
Hiss Bnna Morrow Is,on the alck ix-rlence with the wrong bottle last
parade aUll Urger.
„.,rtes him m lx- neat ildy!*’**"'
An-!llal thU week.
Saturday morning. CMUng up bafora
■ and muiiiy- atxl to obey his superiors •Wllheim.l, Mlsa Vtra Rose I* vtslling her aUter Hayllgblto go fishing, he proceeded to
IX Sales. fit.1S5.S0.
land makes u real niiin of the rvirnl '* “™*''ipoii, R. Murchie. F. Bmlth.lGlada and other friends at Honor.
[take a cwiiide ..t swallow* <ff aorae
sales recenlly- held '
youngster wheii discharged
IL Qroesser.
| Mike S^Il has moved Into hi* new j medicine |u very weak soluUOh ot
eonniy treasurer's niftce. am
Scotch iaaales; Claribel Murchie. j house V. A. BalK-ock has mov(4 Into ammoulal ahlhc he was In Ibe habit
to 1,155.50. There were IDS descriple Miner. 0*a Brulnglon. Vivian , the one vacated by
»r taking, but ill dome way tha bottle
Uons wbkh Is practically the same ts
«~<>es. cktks. ano stem*
Crosban. Lilliu Scofield. Beaale Pease I Mrs. Knee Holland entertained her bad iH-come ml.idaced and Instood h*
last year'* toul but the money uken
»Pl"vnilres an.1 pharmacist*
Edna Holbfirt, Eleanor Harris.
I broUer. George Onok ud family ol look the full strength afitttWa. Dr.
wu about double. Six of the do- l’«»fl'*l «»n's are .anted for the
Empire over Sun
Bunre was haatlly .ummoiked aad Hr.
ae.lpllou were bid to the siaie .-ind 'T J""'
Hiss Adah nnisoD ud ('lyde Csoute Hanilltun was mxjo relieved and asM*
err offri.-.i for Mg luij a il quick p
e of Ue }»04 Ust
ereiL Meldo Braxlngton. Elmer Ferris. I of Orul visited Mrs. JtUn Byer al from a very sure throat no seriowa
, motion.
Frank Hiller. Blwla lAlher.
I a Barrj-a Boadsy.
damage wa* done, lliil he’ll be aw*
Bear Hunt.
he term of i-nllslment Is f<
Pink* of perieetlon; Jewle Maha.l Mrs. Dr. UcDenalt and daughter
■XI time.
Farmers living near Mayfield have >
(IlM'liarge may lie iHirobased
May Alward. Mildred Larhxi. Wllbel- Millie. wSo Hsiled In i
MUa Haxea Eaton left for TravsfS*
Joined In a bear bunt, the object of i
«e year during first enllsimeni. |
their Bcarch being a big. black bear'
Jbm si fnn Big Bagrlte levrenaln who have a special aptitude for clee- wbleb b biding la a swamp near the'
■am Jane St: while ta Cadillac ten ItaJ work are.sent to the yeoman's
Tie aalmal was firet seen by George
ynmag men-Jolaed the navy there and school. A man with a knack for Humphrey and Qlea Wilson ncarj
ha ezperta to duplleau tbe number electricity, and with some-experience, Hodge, who chased It for some dis
ran U> seal t» the elcctricml school', tance across the fields, but having no'
white hwe.
met with *<ime knowludge of a luo'Age Halta are 17 lo ts for npgteo- ehanicai trade of the carpenter's foTre guns handy they could not grt a
ooe aaa»M and SI to W tor meehan- ;s«eh as shipwright, painter, plumber,
lea: pay $!• to S70 a month, with food hklp fitter and the like, are set
todglnt. BMdlcaJ auead'anee aad fitet iartifieer's seboed; and for the
The entire family ol Charle* Oeich-'
ootfit of cMMng tree. All appUc
who drives to be a good sea
1. who resides on north Blmwrsxl
> cltiteai aad able there U always proraoUoo. In fact, avenue, wu rendered seriously 111
o read and wvlu:
there are many dIEerent iradee In the Thursday night by poisoning. Just
navy , aad a man Is usually assigned
food the poison wa slii Is un-.
to the work for which be U beet fll- known, but It 1* thought that some
ham which had been cured by a prep-1
ralkiD known a* liquid smoke, was in
Tbe SOB Willard was the flrsi uken'
Bk RapMs. Mich.. June 13-Wltb
after which Mrs. Getrtiell. the two
almoat perfect weather, the Grand
“Happy are we to Imtdbe Uelr eardaughtere
Oraad Traverse Old SetUers aaeoeb- rat efforts set forU to make UU
Uken. AlUougfa they were violeDtly|
tlon annual meeting waa attended by Grand Traverse legloB worthy
III for a short lime, the efferi* nf the.
the largest crowd In tbe history of
won all over Ue abU of
Cbo otgaaliatloB.
The car ferry Mlchlgu and throughout the Unloo. poiaon soon worked off and ihi-y .tre Travel allowuiice ol 4 cents per mil*
better today.
brought In a crowd of a thousand peoplaee of etilisttnein furnished *1
Haredn day* last wtx-k. returned lu thelrU'ltv today fur a week's visit with rrta>
that Is beautiful In iUHt ud
^ tram Norlhport. Omena, SuUont prosperous and beneftebi In oil reI- explralton of enllstioeul.
Death af Sual* Maea.
^ and Old Mloalon while between speeb..
Mr*. Alba Brimmer visited In !
Mr-. Hobbs of Kalkaska rtaltad with
"Five dollaix i-'r month nddlUonal
tee Sunday
two aad three hundred more came In
I at Ibis irioce Urt
"Though It Is aad to know Uat as
Lund Clethbie Co.
pay allowed on first reenllivlmenl. ud
Word bu beu received
on the train. Three bands farabbed each year rolb by. some of us step
Dave ud Arnold Naif t<x>l. i
113 per motilh aildltlonal for each sobTbe follobiog from tbe I
mnaie all day and the affair was
sights at Frwnkfort Sunday.
tTiarles Will. 8r.. Is In Cadillac Ibk
oat. but Ue spirit sUlI remains, ud
Friday, 2.00 A m. Remain* will be
Mtsi Allle Mofrtiar of Noosen City j w<x-k.
may It be said of each
brought to Ul* city on the 1;IS p. m
Tha momlng was devoted to ■ _
visiting her jvarent* here thb w«k.
MU* Georgia Ssunder*. who hu
of tbem: the world b better for such
Pure Marquette train Monday. 8cr Ilf hotioriible iltKcharpe. he will re­ of this city;
etm teualan but thw afloraoon. ad- a mu or womu to have lived.
Roy Barn« ud family of Mulstee j been nursing Mrs John Acker, redepartore of A P. Conwll! be held on Tuesday, at 2;00^ ceive beside- a Ixmii* of four months
drcaaea were made by the vatloos
Vancouver tslud B C In
vl»l'U>K In town Saturday ud turned to h-i hirme at Traverse City,
"A* we come her* today, we oome
an addition to hi* monthly
. at the residence of her faUer.l
. mnmben, the meeting belag held la as If to look over Ibe past quarter

! today.
(>er month for each reen- the near future, the business of 'the
the opera boose. Tbe Yoong Guards Of a century: intermingling ugeUier. C. C. Mae*. 1026 State r-~’ ’c*-' Iistmi-ni. uml 7.1 rents per month addi­ Conner Ooihlng company will be
»"•« of Pomo^ | j„hn n BItwe] .d Detroit, wai M
807** hud f Buttons Bay and Ue retelling and describing our exper­ Rebekahs v I Blleod in a
tion to Ms |iay for each gixxl conduct taken over by two firms, tbe Lund »» «'"T'<l‘’d church-*ere^ ^ndsy ^ {joytng the Dsbiag here thU we^.
Cadeu of N^port combined making ience* of the yisirsand days that have
med-jk be receivin: lhl< all computed Clothing company, which will mu-r Alvin Lewi* and Ralph 81,
The Sciiier Exeurwion.
Dr r W. BuDce ha* received tbe
a head of forty-four' plecea. Tbe other
by. Telling of Ue h
n took the together with many other cash award* age the clothing and men', furnishJoyfleld intemgence that be hu a
bud waa Ue Bk Rapids bud. The trial* ibst required live* <ff Ue meet aanoal senior excureion to Charlevoix! a"H sHowuce* he may receive give* ing department and Trtell and Veit„
. .
grandson. Hb/aon Can who livu at
esercbes were opened by i luayer
enhelmer, who s-lll ronducl the »ho<' kind and sterling worth, yesterday morning ud returned ihi* k'*'® l'»y I" 'he navy,
hyt^ Rev. Mr.
Tben. I we talk It all over, we look morning st 5 o'clock. About seventy-!
An onifii of rinihing l* furnished huslncss.
^^1 8. Aaderm
"ChsrlF* G Lund, who will own
and It b wlU great satb- five senior* ud friend* took advu- 'he bluejack.-t* and ix-tiye officer*
hbtorba of Ue
BClJcm that Ue resulu of Ue old ud Uge of tbe beanllful day to visit the fr.-e alsu bmird. medicine*, medical at- ud manage the clothing di-parunent
“» «"
•a toHova:
nspecled pioneM dawn upoa ns restjrt city. A number et «udeot*l tendance, etc., are fumUhed gratis in bu ix-en with the Conner firm for n... I,,.... ..
U. .na Mr,. Job. S...™ ot V.«
'""--I « C>- TUo,-. oo UXr
“Mr. President friends, ud Pion-[from all side*. WlU tbe beuUful
Petoakey met tbe local delega- addlilon to iviy. Privil.-cc of retire- the last five year*, having rome here
oMino. M, mono. b,„ 8.t.r- *■■
T—'- Hi. .o BIk Ukk.
ems:—After uoUer twelve wonUi* home* and all the eomforu and ad- tion and tbe three acbols very much meot a^er fifty yiarr t-ervlce oa three- in ISKIJ from MuI.ree Mr Lund
j I-' "■"■'■Ihai toUed around, ud wc are begin-: vanuge* for better eduraUon ud Ue enllvened the town.
|j quarter*
quarters of the pay r.-cetved at date will uke charge of bis part of the
Sevvral la town are eatertalDlng the
f'"' greduBiIng <-*errl*es lut PHBlag the down grade of Ue half cen- pursuit* of thU tbe twenilelb centery
u soon u the old Conner
One of tbe feature* of the day wu I of retiremei
retirement. S;H-clal training Is mr
wry mark of the Old BetUcr* aaaocia- ] ,nd tasily a bright aad growing geo- a bon game betweea ttie
sold, be starting In biiainsaia messles, though they are'all getting <>*1 ••' ■-nlng at -which Mlaau Grace
. l-eincal.
, local High
_ en free u iartificer,
.........yedmu '
tVIH- H«rth* Ovlalt. Daisy Law Ud
t»on of Ue far-famed Orud Traverae | erailon lo improve such,
■.U-AW-a XeS
X MA..1*A.a ' . I
I.. L
with an entirely new line of good.
ud Charlevoix »KV
reaulled tclerksi.
tuusiciu. and h.ispW
graduated from the lOlh
teglon. we meet here today, b Ulsi -in. tbe paal there have been
__"A E. Brtell and Chart** VeltenIn a victory for tbe latter, the score Ing scboiils for men enllsleir In these
ung mue dly of Elk Ruld*. where urge number rsmwed from our ruks being Ifi to 12. Neither team played! branche*. Take
i'n all'the navy!
will ^.be the proprietors of with Mrs, Al Lacount Tuesday. A,*™'’"
grud Ume wruenjoysd by all present.
kvwde wu very well aticaded
Ue aaeoebUen was organised iweu- ,u ^er thU Grud Traverra regitm. a ttitcUy High school team. McIntyre Is n first class
altlon for every |
departmeot. the former br'“'“‘I'
'"‘»<>l'' to get Isto tha
ty-slt yeets uo, by aome of our beat | mho will b- sadly mlaaed. It would boding down third base for Traverse young man to <conslder. and then Ibe I
manager of the company He | The bosteu served a lupper fit for a
king, to which all did ample Ju*ilc(-.
I"'" The address by Prof. Woodwla
aad moat respected cltlxens ud dear | be reUer a difficult matter for me City ud R. Lewis twirling for Charle-,cbuceio sec und
nd vlaii
business about August i
vUit all parts
pari* of the,
of .tllpii.u college wu very enjoyable
old ptoDeers. Some .have moved I0|to enumerate sH Ue namra that have Toll, Pitching honor* irere evvnly’world Is worth something"
“ entirely new
aud Instructive and tbe other nuniben
other elltoee and oome have passed been called, and I shall not attempt divided brtween Feller* of the local. 1 Mr. Down, wa, on the harbor Ha'**•’’'
manager I Crawn. Mich.. June 15—Mr ud of the program were eqnally ^eaalag
to that brtler Und from which none It. Snffice to say. Uat one who has Ud Lewta <ff Chartevolx.
!f«seram-Kat.hrin" during tbe Span-!'* 'h* •*><» department in the Con- I Mr*. Snow «re vUitlng In Traverwe e»p«lally thw by the member* of
ever return, ud some few still re- been IdenUfied wlU Bk Rapids for
ner compuy's store since 1502. when
plesiut feature vre* the supper (xh-Amu____
City Ibis week
.tbe clu»e*.
mala. Though maay of Ue oldest pi- nearly forty years, a mu wbqac
be came here from Detroit, where be
tbe Blstoe. tbe dining room being'
Mrw, Margaret Wood of Clnctnatl,. n,„h ,he teacbera have left lor their
naears arc miaslng. we are glad to bean and hands were ever ready ud turned over to tb* Traveree City and ]
wu empbyed in a similar position"
O.. ii here vi.liing b»r perenu ud ,umm»r vacation*. 8. H. Perry for bb
Me Ue familiar fam of twenty- wlUlng to be ud do uythlag b Ue Petoskey people. Tbe Uble* were
A . ___ ._________.. '.........................

borne near Flint, ud Hiss Floreaot
six year* ■fanSl..atudlng. ...■
ud .thrice
bcartl- interest of. ...
this association, whose la- very prettily decorted with ^trnaUon* Comionlon Court Traverse So. €.
Tbey Caught Mio
I Mr. WHdofl spent Sunday ta Trar-, Buekbead for her father'* borae 4a
^^do_we_welcome those of- -forty
too. —
in r——X—ptomulgallng tbe
mm.-• -and,
- ,- lerest.
- - - - —.
ua- wel-ai-.xuu siumxx
sfflilax.. Aiier
After voe
the suwer
sujHjer a uuc
Grand Friday evening did not draw From Saturday's Record
leree City, vbmag her son. Arthna.
up ,fare of this regtoB was never found w*. teodered the visitor* by the Cbsi
large house but well pleased those The "Jack the Peeper,"
hu ( H. C. Burt ud »0B George went to
Mb* Harel Cooper of EU( vt-puf
ho were presenL ’The piece lelU the . been bothering east Sul*
t, ud Grud Rapids Monday, Mr. Burt go- vixiied relative* here tbe first of the
tatfoaa txmored the soil of thU Grand
tt of thb i aac, the Beach hotel. Tbe boat left Charle- -I'.ry .rf Christopher Colombo*. W* ’ Franklin strvwt reaidenu
aome lag to the .N. B. A. bosplul for n>edl- »«^k
Trwveraa region with tbe work of claUon (Ud weU did he desane the^volx at 1 o'clock Ud arrleed In the solk-hltig aid from the Spanish courL time, was
Atwood who hu bua etaWlae
Uwlr hearts and bud*. In (llliag lu*i,Bmme) whose gaaial voice aad gutle-'cily
ibU moralng.
Tbe .V.
„1X. .X.. al
.. 6. o'clock .W.A------,-v.
ueens lutening
lUtening to
to hte
hta appeal.jntght
appeal.,night by
by Officer
Officer Salenskl
Salenskl ud
ud CbWilou.,
CbW lous,
hi* d«,.ghler. Mrs. Qyde BUM. te
e In four
•iilag off on bb kmg Journey. I Ashton and after belag IdenUfied. wu] The laEiu Aid aodrty of Orawn. * f..« uys returaed lo hb wotk at
ME happy Infiimee. b a hie* |m
a mbs' liere today.
£J and bb
b final surreu int.rwowM.
allowed 10 go. there bfilaf BO eom-^wlll bold u lee cream eoelal Baiur, u-emnd ’c—*-y




i I

" ...... ..



a aa




traverse Gfy d’lQh School Class of 1907.
«r^ OPOB M. W« bftT* taWMd to
booor tb* lublo tnlU In tho oknneten nboel n. to tore tho twoet. B»eeUih. mud gentle, to mdinlre tbe
SMterOdi. btgb«lnded. mod k&oralita.
Alter loor ymn ot mlaoet dmllT l»l«eoorem. ve kiT* grown to know encb
oUer In m wmr thmt It Bimr nerer be
Boemibte to knew other lilnidi. We

To our Mend* mod nd^botm, whooo stodr tt otmtbetnntlOA
inteiM In om hmt erer ^rred n on Uwi o( the pbrnlenl i
to do our ben; to oar pmraota whooe
lore mod mU here mmde poeelMe oar
High eehool eduemtloo; mod to oar
teeebeim wh8ee Infloeote mod mmelfb
mnee mod eo-<^>ermtleo here M me to
mdopt worthier mmblUaoi mod toetrlre
towmrd higher Ideals we esiend the
heortlen greeUngs to this, the otnBeoeeneat of the elsss of 1»0T.

world** historr. I
gorngee. oar rtewe hmee beta
It U to
in truth m OOBBOBW^*.
^ ened mod we here mttnlMd •
While r-dl
products of the bon
poong men mod wob«
^ toHect mod etodrlog the
o» mllotted idmces In the w^d of
^ ^
tart, ptnetleml fmct where emdi om
^ «TT* oat his «rwn nicbe mod relr



here esperieoced pleasure sod hap­
piness together ettUen mnd pride In
our vleuwlet ms m elms* end ms m port
of the Ulgb school, mnd we bare been
drawn together throat morrow in the
■ lose of two of our best lored dsnsBstem. Thus throu^ fheee qotnmon
experienees of ioj mnd grief we bmre
been brou^t together, joined br
bonds which con nerer be broken;
we here been mode more srmpnthetlc.
little more unsddsh. m UtUe better
mid others In cmrrrlng their
™ burdens. So. sltboagh we Bmr soon


lor -m«th not on hU
(B »•«"«*» All this tt
w o*
to remltte lor the end of eohooldmjn
- jo,t now no be the end of M_ on


lor themmeiTom m new
Coder the peemllmr c
exlmted during Urn Inin
eprmng op with m ghwoi
s nerer nmUco grew betere.

Class Oration Sji ElbeJohnson
However, ther were numbu to help
■jt cTMted with eqnml dell- ns mnd our nmUonml gtleemneea In­
creased until It become nseessirr for
which had connected um wiUi the
Unit control* them, mil Bsr color the mother counirr. mod to declare to the
bloosiiigs of life, llberir mod egumlltr- worid. -the emusem of tbe meparattoo.**
To gain the fullest reoilzmUonof thpse
rlgbu. mod of Use plemsoies of their
CDDCotnitmnt pursulu. did men drat
seek AmerlesD sofl. vntb the precepu of justice written in their
hearts. User foonded m nmUon. the
Ameriemn nation; mnd theme AnseiVsn
prindplea. onmltered mnd unchanged,
bare remained the doctrine of lu peo­
In the conslderaUoo of this mubUme
mubleet of Ameriemn Principle. In mo
fmr ms it embraces the common Iswi
of our being, let us lake s brief retroepeei of iu guiding Influencee over
our foretmUiere. its lessons to oureelree. mnd our duties to our prosterTbe great Impending crista opItr. ms thereliv tmu^t Let us «xpreoched, the moBent In which Ubercbsnge oar present, sanguine, twentieth-centurr nlUtude of facing onlr tr should assert the might of lU right
slresdr W day darkened Into
tbe future, for n careful, tbougbtful,
nlgbt-m suries. nlgbl-wbose m.tul
bsckwnrd glance, wbleb will cmrrT ns
dl^kneo. witness'd one of tbe most
awar from our ezlsUng order mnd srsserloos.
most emresat strugglem this
tern, 1
old earth has erer suBerad .but tbe
sun of s new day did not delay his
imteir preceding the birth of our nmtiou, and to tbe perils which so hamp­ coming, mnd with blm come the Tlvlfylog light ‘Thto violent disunion bad
ered IU growth while It wms ret la its
been but tbe prognostic of a great
Todar we are standing upon ground
which two hundred rears mgo wms be­
ing greedilr disputed br serermi of
the leading powers of Europe. Hie
QuesUon tfaeo at stake were of great
Import to us m* m coming people. In
this lind our mdreTssriee saw vast
eommerclsl oppOTtunitlcs; for our.

m few decsdmt she stood forth comtnsndlng the respect td kings. She saw
t*>« •«'*! «
» <»«*“- <>"• br one the relloi <rf
feudsllsa mnd Bonmrchttl rale, which
bad followed our fore^tlmra tram
cUldhood. w«e
sboHihed. till It seemed that mil met,
were permsomotly mstmblttlmd on one
greet pline cf •qomUly.
* “me onr nmtloa grew-she
prooperwd. bnl In her preepertty ska

Now what bare theme things BSoaU
uid whmi wlU be thmtr ulUmsts fosult?
The losUUtkBS whIA bate beam buri
ttued la this coontiT. haw enobM
Bin to approach, nearer then rr« be­
fore. him tmml saprmnmcy. During tbe
enure We of our nmtttm. her moos hsv,
Bslnuioed the bighemt td«ls possible
to m growing pnople. the fo»B of
government which they have est^
known. Under right guldmmea. the
llsb has been the most soeoessful ever
fouudslloot which have beta laid oi
thrir ronsUluOonml principle wlU
sund Urough countless
supporUng the e»er<iowlng edincfc

nenrer to m grand monuBeolml nnisn.
It shmll mark throng mil eosnlni mgem.
one of the gremteet
of thtt
world s history.
However, thtt rapid growth BW
ftrove dlsmtlreus. If the people of the
Lneriesn comBonwaalth ratogetth

u»lr nrtl. .. IhW «—
, U U•acred chargee, which thrif


Ilchlrel trend or



before us monght these

I. tbe Influence end Imupon oar characters con never be
eirtoed and in future years the reBmnbrmnee of them wUI be m pttmsore
tad on Insplretlon.
Tlrare tt tUll another thing thU we -

eotU not hmip but a

The entire meebmnmoriml evolution.
tad pmmeed under m
um of tbe nation
hlgfaer Idmatt. Theme mt Aral thought
new dlspensmOon. A new tmeUoa has
Boy meem to be W lemi value than oor
’ other mttmlaBents. bnt la reality they
r the possibility of rear^ have tbe gremteet worth of mlL We
. have leaned to look mborn tbe eon- inj here s government »

ngh seboni to bogta oar emreeB
ttamr% mad lookmd tnnrmrd with tear i
s mad bare proAted vs
lac mad mattelpatfca to thim Tscy onwe hart gained other tblnp
cMon. H semBid bh. Ikr eC la the vhk« are cf bs Btmh vmlnm, tt aot
«B Bkenruia fntnre, a goal whS^
wonld be renobed mfimr m long tUnn.
niter Boeh mtriving mad nsmmy dUBcnlUme; bnt tonight, am w* took bock.
It msminm bat n dmy mlace the doon
«t the mehodboumm flrwt opened to mfl.Blt nm. wondering tad not n Uttlo
Irightaned, and we took np tbe tanka
vUdi w« have puranmd alaorn then,
nmy have moneUasM bmma haifl aafl

the pwiple. and for the people." We
asked nothing of which tbe consiiiu.
tloa of the mother couBtry did not
provide, but Great Brtlsln In the vain
glory of her power and wealth, had
ceased to ebmsh tn her bosom tboee
princlpUw which she herself held
essential for the healthy growth of
a free thlBklDf people.- The Colonists
were not tb* only one* to see that the
Brlltab government professed prtnel-

rr '.zr

dltplmrcd the old.

a m
when tbe colonists resisted and Id '
ihwlr Arm adherence to the original
principles of Engltsb rule, they ap­
plauded tbe #rorU of ihelr brothers
beyond tbe sea- WTtb Pitt, they saw.
ns we did ourselves at a later period
that "s people ,
of liberty as li
to be slsvea, w,
to make slaves

bemrtad. bat soon ear natural, srouthtnl iifbt-faenrtedneM and eoonga
would rise again and mU would bn
welL Altboiwfa the yren seem to
have pnaied swltUy. they have left
their Uaprasrion* upon us tad their
enaaot hrip bnt atop to think.
knva tbeee four years BCMt
How have they helped prepare
ter to take our place la life?
term be gained frost tbemar

the other pnpltt hmm •erred to give
oe m keener ttedght into bomsn na­
ture. to tench ui to dtttlagnlih be­
tween mere mbow mad preteame and
reel bonemt worth. Tn • nnmmnre. It
has nibbed og thm sharp edge* and
toned don the crndseeea cf oor
eboractera. brooght as aelfcqptroi

to usT made on dw* Bt to mcoompltth onr
ns bet­ vartoiM Bttmloam In llfn.
Wm bare gained mnothar thing <ff
which we can never mmUBmte the tree
Kotarally the flrat thing that comas valae. onr Mendmhip Altboogh theme
to onr Blade tt the kaowMgm that wm •ebool MmoBi may. in m short time,
have obtmlitmd tram onr bookm. pnas frcB onr view, wm can nerer for­
Thnngk onr remmnreh, tindlag. and get thea or thm imprremlnni they have

aes. oordid things of life and to see
tbe bemoutul. tbe noble. We desire
to moke the best of outsmivw. to de­
velop the lolenu the Creator bos
given us. not only for our own satttftcUon and beturaent but for that of
our fellow cremtureo. Soaeoos Boy
say. -‘Is all tills worth while?* It can
truly be answered that this tt the
in life. Ail
Is It not this
demire of man to better not oloss him.
•elf bat others too. that raises him
above hli naturally base and enlftsh
Instlncu? Is It not
thtt that we
recelre edoemUon and In our yooni
yeers ore Uugbt and prepared
enter Into life? I^ersfore we m
fenl sausfacuon when we realise that |
we have mlaoet uneonsdonsli

Again we would exprena oor gratltnde mod ibonks to thoee who have
Bade pcrelble for ua tbmre four ywora.
to oor porenu and tbe tmoebera whoa
ww have learned to reepeet mad honor.
tn tbe years now oppiuncblhg wn shall
(Coctlnnmd on page Ten.)

TOP ROW, from Wl to right-Prmnk Melatomh. Ailmtu UcMmans. Maude McMldami. ABom Nettcm.
•BOOND BOW—Lnelnm Fhl^ln. Iium PohoraL Oamr Roemm. Bonlcm Bommmr.
BOTTOM BOW—ToboM ladkm. Uda LntBaa. Bath M«ilflmM. BrMmt Mllttr.


ot u..

As Brougbsm ob- hn>ughi fonb-evii. She reared ns
iRctitutioa contrary to her own Ideals,
which hindered
own growth. Thtt
was slavery.' And seeing her great
mistake, she spilled tbe blood of
thousands of her treeBmn, to remove

er corruption.

By this

i forth nnllvd


od prepared to mtmnd.
A new growth met tn. m new era ennoncttl eoodiuons Improved there

before -Bind- became the great lever
sued. As ber wound bcaled and her
of all tblDgi. It was tbe dawning of a
new day. a day both of InteUectnol
mod material odvahcnaent. a day (f a
story soeh as pa had never told.

snores to nseap* the powsr ef the
tyrant, the aoaarehlsm ef tfan old
world. Through their selfwocrtflelng
efforts, they were InstruaenUl In
bringing forth here, a new. distinct
fora of goverenrenL Tbe duUes srhicb
c os have Increased
with oor I
today the exerntte of tbeee
requires s vigilance never before nt>
cesritated In the control of bamn
U w* become over arrogant In our
prasat condlUoo, or look loo mueb
ot the poulble glortee beyond, we are
tn danger of stumbling over the dlfflculUee which surround us. We Bust
be sober—wc must be moderate. If
we would be masters, tor In this age
of commercial greed, we may forget
tbe principles of that sacred OoasUtoUoo on which our osUon stands.
If wv. and thorn that are to follew
os. depart from the rules of juriJee.
vloUte the laws of bomaa equity, and
furgrt each other's ciric rlgbU. we
msy be prvrtpltoted on thi: rocks of
pnllUcsl and moral ron-upUon.
hsther ibss this "I have,* with
ter ether sud far brighter
vision before my gate. K may be but
a vision, but I will cherish It. I See
one VM( ctmrodersUoa ftretchlng
from the frozen north tn nbroken
rise to the glowing south, and from
u>v wild billow* of tu AtlonUe, wsAword to the calmer waters of the
Pacific main, and I see ae people, and
cae law. and ae Isagnsge. nod one
faith, and over all the wide eoaOnat,
tbe borne of Prwedom. and h refngm
for the oppresaed c( every race, and
every iUb*,~
Now, as nwvv before. In this day of
growth of notions, and wtaes notloat.
(Coetlanod on Page To.)

TW ROW—from left to right. Lmurm Cmvtt. Chartam Cbmrreokm. Otto Codmmn.
SEOWD ROW—Annette Lmrdle. Lena Lnrfltt, MUmie LmyoodL Arthur Lederie.
THIRD ROW—Mary Bertey. Elbe Jefanaon, Allom KynMka. Omll Lngworthy.
BOTTOM ROW—Osjrte Ool. JomeghiM DwvlA OUvn Doboos. Tata Brans.

*. -muMOAV. 4UN> m t«r.


Preeldent. Jay Smith.
Vice Preeldeol, Lar» ilackatad. 1
Secretary. Lena Lanlla.
-Climb the Roekj. Tho' They
Tbe dar baa ome «b«ti «« mret part.
Be Rugged "
Oooi bye. (Md School good bye.
A aadsew fllia each loyal baan.
viol.n and mhiie.
Good bye. Old School, good bye. ■
For arbodnatre dear, to leara good <
We leave them with a al^.
IB every dream, they reign etipreme.
Good bye. Old School, good bye.

■VtleJidorf. Bf CoHnne Stivers

ut <<
Bwi." Th* «orU toiv
doM not «MB to kaow the iBtrinile
TtlM ot tMiiBdge ttadr. to Oonoaiir
tbo odaMM arc botag sitetltoted tor
IaUb and Oroek and ovon la oar ova
Ufk aehoob aad ooDagM thaao-culura atadtaa ara alowlr strlnc plaea to

hlaiory are obtalnod?
BkoM tba laasuagM are tha pdowar
to cuUura, let ua with attldeocr P»-

R. l_ Nya. Principal of High Sehoel.

^7Zor -bat lire berood-^LaUh

tbe WH« odeotl&c coataea of the day.
B«l tbe atndent of tbe elaaaica eaa not
deny that yeara of langoage atady not
ealy to trelo and dedpUoe the mtod,
bat taeUltaio the art of epeoktng aad
trrttlBg. aad alao add cnltnre aad re>

eteHtig a poaaage free tbe ortglnal
into tbe BagUab we arek earetnlly tbe
■eaalag of reeb and every Uoe. Any

rarair if

yoang." For 1» at tbe age of ee»«- elegant
Bnlab attatoed
teen ui
or eighth that tbe ..w*.*-.
deepeet Un*
In- eieata.
flret roqolBtu by the daily memorttlng rreealoa* of life are made. A wrltt« -net, let ua read tbe beat that llterk
and oalog of wordt with ibelr dedal- «ord le the cbolceit of rellei. Book!
acoualnied .S,
Uooa. Not only do we need a broad are tbe treaaured weeltb of tbe wortd.u,* ca^ea. and feel ^t -thTn^
vocabulary, but alao a judlcloua and «n intellectual culture wblch enligh- of a man dore not conaUt In the
acoureu choice of worda wblch U in»» and hioadena tbo^ mlnd^^tre abundance of tbe tblnga be
eventually prodnred by detecting Kng- much more then abonid we learn t _—
U*b itarlvauvea. eeandilag for aynoo- know and npprectnte the treaaurre of ,,,,4
. . ,Ji the all^ret abnde <d differ- antiquity, eo eloeely connected with make for culture^d reonemenL
e In meaning, and aUidylng power-, all the nobleet tbeiM
We have finuCd oor
ture. .« Mid poetry. It U here w. ^ f^ur yem, a. .
tba pollahlng and enriching of ear
worked together, at Umea diidieanthe bandt of a tew aimened and dltcouraged and at other
Umea enjoying a meaaure of aBcceaa
before tbe birth of our nation.
They have been happy yeara ftlled
greateat exertion can we
with the feoat pleaaure roocrilectloiia
10 our union that Uberty
and memortea our lirre may afford.
I treat, fellow atudenta, altbougb the
conaclenUooa guldclrcumatancea of life cauae ua to “'*■
** continue to exUt on tbit
high plane, which bad made o
•eparate toulgtat that
In tbe future, aa in the peat, may rel
malu united In thought and purpoae.
To our inatruetora, whoae helpful
guidance aad dally paUence have
largely made poaelble for ua tbit occcaalon. we owe a deep debt of graytude. To the membera of tbe claae of
iwn tbe Ume bai come to tay fare-

■n dlcUon that carafulneta and acutela which we are a-cf»«wn«wt to emmoi while atudylng foreign langaugee,
we are able to add elagance and llnlah
.n the alreadv dleUngulabed exceUen,«omet manalng be <
Eire namely.; atrengtb and variety.
One of the thlnge we are atrlvlng
oiptMt of gmierel prlndplea. U the ter U efficiency nnd tbe treeat efflgnaplag of deulla. and innlly cnltl- etencr U to be found In the cuUnred.
vaue that baUt of neeorncy and teA comblnauon of
--------- wkleh ■cineM">» wlU be cryatnlUMi Into cknrantpr.
Ike trslnlng of tbe memocT U nlM
• bMifit derived. Ttmre are two
ttattset foncUona wbleh tbe mmnorr
■wt pertonn. the noeamte aremoristag cl detail! and the retaining et
geoml imprenakma. There are tlmea
ta evwT pernoB't lUe when the nblUty

can learn tbe Greek conception of the
beautiful aad enrteb oor minda tor a
life of high Ideal!.
Aa a word is the key to the soul of
a peraod. a language la the key to
the soul of a people. Tbe language of
every nation reveal! It ebaracleriatlee
and lU life. Tbe Creek abowi delleuy
of diction, bennty of eipreaalon, nobleneaa of thought, euphony of apeecb,
and nicety of perception. It la rich in
room, flexible in formation of worda.
plctureaque In the mode of expreaalng
thooghL and altogether melodious.
Its very anUqulty. Ita Intrinsic eieellence. lU literature. aU reflect the
hnrmony nnd verreOUty of the rnce
by whom It U apoken. The Latin

but not musical, portrays the life of


Good bye. Old School, good bye.
Dear to our bearta yonll ever be
Good bye. Old School, good bye.
Tboee happy houra
Hare quickly pateed ua by.—
Vet to them all. we'll e'er recall.
Good bye, Old School, good bye.

lOuntlauiv) l->om I’aga NInA)
try to rejuiy >ricDi. to ahow them that
they bare not helped ua In vain. and.
n* beet we can. to live up to their
fondcat hopea and exia<ctatlona for oa.
Therefore to all Ihoee to whom we
are ao much tndi-lilvd once more, aa a
flaaa. we extend the beartiret. elneerret welcome.
ttatnld poMitilimre lie in entaop
lioitlre since the pure food law want
Inio effi-ei. One popular brand former­
ly deiu'Diled on a small percentage 0(
soda to Keep It from farmenlatlni. Iliu makers ceased to do
Ibla wbeo it became oeceKakTyTa auta
Ibe use o prcaerratlwu on tha label. The calaii|> now ferroenU rapidly,
once the botilc haa (•co opened, and
every now and Uu-n In rattanrmnta
where It U nacd there Jiamea the
sound (If a amall exploaloa. It la a
catsup bottle In action.

Tbe future greeU ns wiib n smHe.
Good bye. Old Seboot. good bye.
And yet we long for you the while.
Good bye. Old School, good bye.
Those dnyw so rare, beyond compare:
We'll rev'rencc ever high.
We will be true, always to you.
Good bye. Old School, good bye.

William Abrams Martin, tba mU- ;
tary survivor of the 12 men who «oavlctPd Jobo llrown. Is sUIl living In
YlrgtnlH. Tie has Reheated his aeveniy-flflh anSVei^^r^.-^*’
Tbe filriut. the first steamer to
cross tbe AllanUc, was 17« feet iMg.
and her tannage ISO.

make this the
borne of their adoption and to support
its principles aa tbelr own.
As long as civilised man aball be
girted with InieUecL as long aa he
But with an utterance faint and shall possess tboee conoepUons of
right and wrong that
. beartelck yearning for the time.
from tbe barbarlae
When It aball never more be apok- tbe government oft
Americans will rt»


unaelUedcli behooves

war. intenaely procUcal In drily rouline, mid nmde Immortri by it. taw.
One advantage In atudylng there
clausM Is that we are compelled to
" ***’■
•««**■. •»
«>• srectM

to BSBOvtae dettlla nccoraWly ta nbMintriy Moereaiy. ffkta ohlUty ta
Htnrrily acquired by the word and
toft. iMBOry. Which ta an eerentlri
■OR Of foreign language work. How
oftan. ntao do w. and It nereaamy to
Mtata merely a mretri plcturo of
aomethlng Then when msmory makes
I. as a result of our
tag. we ohaU ba able to giro a comet
genecol ^aractertaatioo and perform
this tnneuem of the memory work.
There are people who decry tbe
PtBdy of tangnagre sneb aa Latin.
Creek, end Hebrew, aaytag they are
tBprocrieri for nae le afUr life. To
be sure they are eerm need as aaeh.
To «ee the bomriy flgure. one may as
wen argne that tbe grindstooe which
■harpoca tbe axe i. aa tmptneUeri
devlee because tbe axe and not U ta
■aed tar cutUng. So tbe study of n
taagwige makes us so much the more
mwitally keen to cope with tha aSaIn
Adranrement ta lUe eonstau greatly
ta aigriag eoe-s way to saocaao. ThU
. bsfag tree one mnit hare tadlUy ta
tha art of speaking and writing. Tha

InsUtutgovernmental change, likely
cqi^d welfare. Tha
niodere poIlUcri Hellespont abounds
In dangers, unparalleled by the dlffl- assembly to proclaim and mUnlrin
-w i.
cultle. which confronted the ancient our consutuuonal prloclplea. We will
support ibem tbrougb Umet of peace
and timou of war. and with the help
nmn^ real and living acqurintance with the organUed government today, require of Ifae Cod of naUoDs will we make
b« Phjrictal and mocri aa welL
„p,ent claaalca and woita of art can uiii every man shall poasere now but the realIxaiioQ of tbe principles of
Brtrr nriitm hw thiM epochs In only be obtained through the original the keenest and clearest coocepUoo. American go*j.-rnnient the crowning
the primlUve. the com- uie power mid breoty of which U loat of the right principles of popular gov- feature of the clvlllzauon of ibe
merclri. and tba cWUired. U it not in tbe meet excellent tronatatlon. Tbe ornment and to these nriaclples alone TwenUeih century, for
in the taat of there that ibo very bret .rmiataior with all hi. effort, ba. done „n we ' look for our ruldfng
•'Here the spirit of mankind at length
«ad riebret experienore cd a naUon'e ,iuie - bring
—-------------------------us nearer to the —
heroes trough any poHUcri storm, wblch
Throws lu taat fetters off, and
may and u adrift beyond the calm.
who thri! place
Though many mighty nations have A limit to the giant's unchained
gone down before leas appriing pir
plexlUes. than those through ^cb
Or curb his swlftneos in the for­
our own government has passed—
ward race!
-Still one great clime la full and Far—like tbe aamel's way tbrougb
Inllnlie space
Tet rears her creai unconqnered
Stretches the long aatravelled path
and sublime.
of llgbt
Above the far AlaaUc.Into the depths of ages, we may
tn oor land as In no other have
there principles been realised: from
the first the people of this continent
hnve held the tenets of liberty and
equality In their Innermost hearts.
They bare stood up in unity and pro­
On account of agltatora In India
tected their Ideals with their lifeblood, and bare feared nothing In the clrcutaUog a repon that all sugars
printrinance of the doctrinre <4 their manufactured In Europe are refined
--^atherx. And now It devolves upon
ua to carry forward this great standard
Ceetaol Sehoel aolWIiw.

TOP ROW—Oscar AmtabooeUar. Jotaa Baomaa. Don BmneO. Uber Bensea.
, MOOHDHOW-PtaMBoa BlreAHva Botma. Oaitas Bin.^ Donald Cameran.
Borrofif BOV-a^wnrd rum Chariotta rttafirtcA. Lontao Brie. Lars Hodertod.

oovety of our continent, the tRM petal-

TOP BOW-^cdia Woeser. T«n TTynkoop.
SECOND BOW-Hriee TkurtsU. Minnie Votruba. Robert Walker. Helen Writer.
BOTTOM ROW—Baby mitansi. Oorleno SUven, Jay Smith. Maq Blaaler.



Nature U the bwt aM of the phytecteB. tt tbe patMnt eaa ba iMten «at
at doom, be la weB on tbe road to rejeovery!

'imc YOUNO PEOPLE ORADOAT- pte*»ln* ImpreMlon. 8be w«. follow­
ed br Elbe JohDJba. *bo like e born
ontor. gn»e tbe elaa oration. -Ameriemo Principle." "Tbe Vnlne of Lnnpiace Study." by MUt Corrinne Silrere. vn< the vnledictory end «
cellrat In e\-ery deull.
nan and valedictorUo
evenlDsabaredtbelrhooora equalIn tbe four yeara that they bare
eUdted the LAtln course, tbeir per-j
centnce was exnclly tbe same. 97 i-l.j
so excelli-nt record In ll»-lf. fiid the!
orations were decided by ailoum-ni.
Tbe next number. "HBiBWeb." <A.
Juumann). was a violin solo by MI.-S
Uoselle Bennell and K. E. Horst and
was Indeed music.
Tbe rendition
was very neeriy faultneas, ao nearly
arr clobe to nature ano love (bat even tbe moat culUvated ear
would be bard put to delect an error
data AddreM.
At this point in the proEram. Prof.
Wertc Wna lbs Final AdmeoRlon- I a Gilbert Introduced the speaker
Clty Opera Heuae Contalnad Larva of the evening. D. B. Waldo, principal
Addlenee at Cletinp Exerelaea
of tbe Western Kormal of Kslama. Last Evening.
xoo. In an easy, xK>nversalloosl style,
devoid of flonrlsbea. the speaker pre­
sented bis .subjects and tbe advice
he gave'snd tbe atatementa he made,
will Uncer lone In tbe minds of the




Participate where peepic labor toWORK.
PM. Walde'a

Hr. Waldo began by e
srteb that be .bad tbe a
had met yesterday, a i



aad made a good Uaptesaloa. white
the ebareeter of Gabriel was taken
by three boys, awreoee Newbefry.
Stanley Snyder and Leo Stanley, each.
urse. appearing In diflereet ftcU.
The settings and cusiumes were good
and the Introdoctioos of the flve i
were rendered exceedln^y well
tboae npoo whom they devolved.
lerlncendttiT Gilbert proceeded
tbe program siib a short axplanltory
talk. A selection by tbe chorus
followed by a bK)grs|ihlea] sketeb nt

I Art wu tbe next teple tosebed upon
. I and be epoke of tbe power of maile.
^ ’atatlnc that It was worth eomlng from
Ralamaano to Traveiw Oty to bear
tbe vloHa duet tendered earilee In tbe
evening. Tbe birda make mnsic and
mao la belter for enjoying it. Pleturea.
; statuary, good llleratnre are all avail
I able and be menttooed the Sbakespere
revival that te iweeping over the
Although be believed in books, be
hoped that (he young people would not
be l«l in them as there was sometbIng more valuable than books.
Oostaet with neople was anoUrar
of advaa
"bigseas" from men and women who
possets "blgneas." Character Is one
begets character. Lincoln
In I.racllrliip the theory that pore
air Ik l.eueflrlal. Hr Waldo hoped was the greatest ntan of tbe nlntecntb
ihxl the clSKB would du some things ceniuiy and bis many sldednesa came
Ihul Bomo people would touch ut Ibvro from being able to absorb qaalltles
for. He loU of two bouM-K In Kala­ from so many men.
mazoo that were te-lue built with out­ He told tbe claas to ^y the |
side sleeping DsmiB. A tent In the of life and play It hard, to make their
baek yard U slMi un excellent thing. lives felt He hoped that'the Baas
would lake many parts In life and
Lsam How te EsL
Learn how tt^ eat was the next ad­ would aid not only in tbe btulnesi
vice. Sixty per reni die from coring life of Traverse (3ly. bnt la the cul­
tural ate as sreU.
and drinking. Tbe speaker bad
good word fur the saloons, but the
American iieople should learn how- to
Work was the last topic taken up.
eaL He sUted that he bad been work ceaselessty and always. "There
warned agalnal Inirodui-lng manual ts no royal road to succesi.' it must
training or domestic science In his come throngh hard work. He wished
nddress. bin he hellev.d that ever}' that til would wnii with (faelr bands place read. Tbe IntTOducilon was
Uaignret Moffalt
Act lour was (he quickening of
action in the fearcb of Gabriel by
Evangeline, her flndlcg of Basil with
Gabriel gear In search of ber and the
contrast of her emotions
tbe reuolted Acadians.
Ina Hoin rendered the InmtdiiclIOB.
The flfth and lan an was
duced by Cassle Ih.bson and wi
hospital scene, where, at lasL Evan­
geline finds Gabriel only
side bis bedside.
Tbe Elmwood avenue nrcbestra furnlsbed several selections durii
The following Is t


tereogh every stage. nBtll tte
pasaag© la tee senate. In oil gorttew
as K paasM the boBae. te tea
senate (t received Ihe hearty sapporl
of Senator Wetmmr of this dWiM
- legtsUiure has granted Mortr
at was asked lor by the trusMsa,
(be only exccptlnnr iH-ing a earrb^
n morgue, and oiie or iwo other
- Items
The spproprtatM
nls (o |l05.S>vn The prinripal
are two extciu-looK ii< (be mate
building, one at the mute and CM
be south end ot the buildlog: that at tee north end lor womep
and that at the south eu,l for msuThese extensions «1ll nln hark to te«
not cbaoglng lo any luxnner tbe
front elevatloo of the in.In building.
aae wings wUl .c-^tuiin.tdaie oo©
hundred ©ach. a loul -i t»,. hundred
more paitenu. There 14c paHews in tbe ^lutlon now.
The appropriation for three wlnge
Is la.ono for each, a -nual of tsn.Mte
In addltloe to these wingr ibv ap­
is are: tt.OOd for addllkm «
•tore: *1.100 for repairs to giv. n boose
Including a new secllim: fiC.OOO for
silty acres of land, knewu as tbe
-Caapaoy'e.ordiard." Two >>'are
... . tee leglstoture made an liiadeqoaie approprtaUon fbr an addltloe
l«ller. Thla year they have allomed *1.300 additional to the lortner
■ppr..pria(l<m, whit* was dJJt-i. mak­
ing ILKiMi for a new holer with atiio.loker An apptv^trtaUuo of
fl.flKi Ik also made for new plggcrir*.
and tl.:Ofl tor a new drying room,
mltji upto-date system In Ibe laundry.
The pieeetil drying room Is eoUrWy
-A New Industry.
Inad-qiiatc lo meet the demands of
One of Traverse City's newesi and the Insilttilli*. Borne fifty or sixty
most Imporluiil InduMrire Is
iliousaiid plecv* a week go (hrotigb
full upcratloD. This Is the Travenu the laundry and this db<n«
City Chair company, whoa© faciory an al.solule neceealty. five hundred
and warehouses are located adjoining dollHis la also appropriated Uit Ibe
the J. B Grelllek company’s plant
Bay street. This plant has been
Tso years ago. an approprtalloti of
npcretlon about a year, and has |Uss
ib’Misand dollars was ashed for Unod lieyond (be ezperiroenii
provemenls in ibe le>pboDe sy'Slem
Mr. G. W Brown, an expert
I money was not used for the
of Chicago, and a practical furniture
and has therrtirfore remained
manutaclurer. associated himself with
treasury. A request was
Mr. -C U Orelllck, president of (be
Ihni the trustee* Iw perJ. E. Grelllek company, in tbe urganlzaclon of Ihe company (o manufacture milled to tire this tor additional fire
dsreniKiris. Morris ebalre. Roman protection, and thU requenl was
chairs, rockers, dirans. tilting chairs, granted.
The sddltloosl ttsmi for pstlenlsbss
comfort chairs anQ stools. This
l» known as tbe Traverse City br-come sn sl.soldte nere»sH>-ras.tb©
Chair company, but tee J. E. Grr-lllck tnstiinilon is now filled to Us capsctly.
for these Improvements ire alcompany are tbe principal
manuEt-ra with G. V. Brown as ready iwrtected sad the work will
begin Bi soon as tfat money Is availsuperinlendem
This company U the only one of Its able, which will be In a few weeks.

sent poertng onto tee
whkb abed It like e rear.
Both stenBevs were fired sad tec
Isrgeat started for tbe factory only to
be stalled by a balky team. Tbe CBglne was shoved a short distance abr
and another team
which finally loot it Gie distance
nore streams were started.
Shortly after this one ot tbe hydrants
wrong and was turned aS which
d one of ihr mains to (Nirst. Tbe
break caused much trouble but the
fire figfaUng was by that time confiDed
throwing the waste ont of tbe bln
Rose N<
gave tbe Introduction to act I nnd uocorertng that porUoc of
'idering This took until
This act was the l•el^otbal and show
ed the Interior of Ev angeUne's borne 5:30 (bts morning.
Tbe mill pumps were kept going
the Bignlng nf the papers, and (he gay
dance of the Acadians. Consuaee unUl (be water found Its way into the
chutes which feed tee flree when some
Hoyt gave tbe Inlroducllen
second act after wbicb tbe curtain ot them were extinguished.
artwe on the interior of tbe church, chutes were cloMd and tbe pumps
where rather FVlirUn and bis sturdy started again.
followers worshipped tbe Almighty.
Tbe coming of tbe BrIUsb soldiers pumps were In commission but when
alarm came In the big ooes were
and tbe decree given by their leadconnected regardless of the fact ibat
well carried
nu screen at (he end of tbtbe scene. Ruth Roland sang
intake pipe.
Sebubert'B "Ave Msrta.'
There- was no nutt>-iuil j^uuage
exceedingly well
whatever. One or two b.iaril»
pot eo bring tbe embarking o
charred on Ibe ruol u fibe ciMivc>.ir
the Acadimns for i«rts unknown,
burning of tbeir homes and the dealh but aside frotii that the lnci>ovenlenr<
was tee ««]>• result of the fiiv.
of Bvangelloe's father. Tbe a
as to be burned during
followed by a tableau, ihowli
nlgbt to make room lor the nrit day'boats paaslng on eliber >
an Island In the bayou of Aacbafa- supply, but a great deal of
'umped onto (be btdler room fliK>r and
laya. The Canadian
sung by tbe Acadians and Long­ -•s u> be cleared asa> this tiiomlng.
"he factory wOs shut down i
fellow's beautiful descrlpdon of

t .If grsdu-

Delbert F. Brown, Elixabeth A. Ev­
ans. Hazel r. HousdlDg. Harry A. Hoi
llday. Josephine A. Knapp. Margaret
MolTatt. Benha L. Miller. Vesta Ruth
Rotend. Mary Louise Sraurlhwalle.
Joseph J. SiaSonl. Siantey A. Snyder,
Harry Siuart Holmes. Ernest M.
Harold W, Xlcborson, Atull O. Ind in Northern Michigan, and It Is
The Travsree City PssleHlqs.
Wedell. Roy J Dorcs, Clarence H. te fifKi to tnirudoce a IlnlshtMl furnlI fe* days ago a notice was pubSalter. Oed A. Stebblns. Cora John- ire product from raw msierlal pro­
IlKbed to the cffvvl tbsi n number of
Henn" Pfeiffer, Calvin L. Mahan. duc'd lo this city. Its success I
state bad been
Bena B. Watson, Cassle P. Dotxson, ready aaanred. as ^Idenced
Arvid Depew. Ckri Arthur Kallberg. le extensive trade established and granted an tnerease of *100 In teeir
High Bchool Faculty.
Cassle U Dyke. Julls K. Twilsh. Grace le great demand for Its product. The ilsries. but t^ .TBU5*/*e
saaed the calss of Bfly graduates I'ouiig iHTKtin should hiivo ii know- and was sorry that there wan not a M. Bpsuldlog. Harriet G. Dyketnsn. lipmenls are now averaging two car- ©milled Postmaster Caie^^dr furalsbed (he Herald with flgur^ which
onid have been cured. The young ledge of till- five eli-tiieiiis of food. I manual Iralnlng dapartmeot In tbe Ellen R. Swanson, nossle M. HcGar- «ds i>er week.
Ihe reason, the postmaster of
FWt yoong pnople sneem
who luid given Ihe clnsa oration pr-uolUK.t-arlKin hydr;ii<-s. f«(s. miner-!public schools ao that boys and girls rey. Belle M. Oleson. Glen Arden
The Traverse Clly Chair company
this clly Is already drawing *7.700.
eoBdadqd the otwrae of tbe Traverse had spoken of some bad things In tbe ul Kills, ami wHivr. Ui tin- Agilrul-! inuld l>e taught lo crest* ihlnp with Rose, Bugene Everhart, Paul Robert- are Its first public exhlbitloo
Which Is more than Manistee or Cadb
m but while there
■ iiiai i-om-si*. iiii- 1-1 iiufiiif. a.>
City artoot last evening and today
Edna Willis. Naomi A F1ul;y. lock today in Us show room at
two i«simaKters receiving
mre poaacasora of diplomas which things, there were also good things till- necii-KlIy of u baliiiicod r.itluli for] The speaker (ben BUI
Katherine Hoppins. Constance V. Grelllek plant af«‘r which the samples
uml if a (laiaiict-d ration Is u«>, nu-saage to the class In (he thougbU Hoyt, Mattie A. Smlih. Racbael V
s glad that educated young a cow-,
crated and shl|>p<-d to Chicago only Jjwst. which luciude* Ihe InThe salarie* of poslinastcre
r good in tbe conntiy. Tlie.o:
Wade. Maude M. Sl»-ddlng. Carleioa where SuiM-rlntend.-nt G. W. Ilrosn
of scomd class offleed are determined
are at an end. Tba class of ivn Is common scboole are one
the tblngs ; is it ner.-M-iir> or a human Iming. |
Diplomas Presented.
Harrison Theolald. Hazel Blood, John
luw them to the trade
receipt* of tbeir office
tba largest ever gradnated from Uie that promise a perpetuity of the gov-1 H.- l.-il.-vi-l „,r .-v.-r, gl.l should: Tbe diplomas were then prneented Burn*. Percy Wnghi. Wlllred Fair semiannual market of Ibe furollure
for Ihe year ending March 31 and are
l.-:irn liuw- lo ci .k, .boom lean, f.«d , the by Mayor A. V. Friedrich,
local High school mod contains wlihin crnmenl ot Ihe country,
Vera Alwar.1. Garnet Pierce exchange. He will be gone
Its ranks young Ben and young
ho said: "Class ut 1907. In behalf
Tbe speaker then humorously refer-; '■
Ben who will tnke Imporlant placea red to Henry Ward Beecher who bad Traverse City siK-iids as much money;
Ihe board of educaUtm and the peo- S. Sleiiley. Vesta Whiiinery. Leo
company began putting thi-lr
U Btcdg. *10.0dd. Bal. (Z.K
11 U.s-s for Its s<-lu-.K It should:, e of Traverse City. I congratulate Nelson, Ilia Di-11 Hogan, Fred S
Is the work of tbe world. They
eiknIk on tbe market In January
been invited to give ao addrca, his,
mile mol
flfi.nrH) I .t Bxedg. jn.oofl, Sal. irsuo
aqnlppad for a struggle In life, they audience being nil "greenbackers."
having completed
brook. Ijiiira I- Ehreiilierger. Rc
teat time (be business
lll.isro I X Bxedg.. 113.0(10 Bal. t:.3P0
are BaBtalty capable, the opportunl- They told him to select a subject and
science, ^ p.^f^bed by t
Mtrie Nomec. Bessie
»I3.<SS> I It Bxedg: *l6JI0n. Bal. tZ.lon
ttea are boundleat and whether the) for two hours and a halt be waded lAppInuse.)
FrocbUch. Glen I Hoblis, Tnie
Balhing »»> Ihe next sitbjeci touehare aaeoeases or failures Ilea wholly into greenbacklam with all bis power
♦ It.ftOO 1 t Baedg. «M.«no, Bal. tS.MO
H. Irwin. John Kluzak. Elsie
sslstlng I
Bal. »3.ti«0
*J0.<)«0 1 < Bxedg,
wUk thanualves. Borne will contlnne and they wrere obliged (o pay him pon. the speaker laying stress on the
hope and aim has been that Beardsley. Lawrence LaVonuee. Hal
IMJion I t Bzedg. I30.ISMI, Bal. II.TOn
fUO. "But I am not gedog to speak
t Cuba and S^h America while
alone, but for opporinnlty and ad- Bartak. Leoia E. Dean. Marte Dunn
as rsvenlly made to Africa.
two hours and a half." be aald.
vancemenL for tbe good of the com­ Spaulding Friedrich, Florence
The furtiRore pul oul by Ihe .
In one of tbe papers be had noticed
Out of Ooora.
munity, for tbe good of iBe stale and more Margie Fillmore, Hazel
■■ni Is of a very high rlass. sll tw-lng
refermce to
development of the human the nation. That you will do this, Earle Gordon. Vivian Gardner. Clar of bigb grade oak. In tee different Imthey BOW possess. But whether they ibe past and be said that U he could
lirnln depends upon the development we have no doubt,
go on or slop now. they are so equip­ have one wish for the class, ft woi
Hill. Charlotte lugrtg. Robert isfat-s ami tiplKilsiered In k«tber.
ped that they can xRirecUte the bet­ be, "be happy." and never want for
the Ixsly and it Is Imiuisslble to;
president of tbe board of educa- Kubeek. Mabel Lsutiier. Mildred lAr
Urosn rt.e-s the designing, havhave a normal brain in an uodevcl-1
ter things of life, tbe things that friends.
, Anlce Monroe. Lawrenre Newber
Qad long rzj.-.rl-qfe In Uie busi
oi>ed IhkIv. Physical exetelse Is
being aailataeUon and make life worth
Emma Peienyl. Edith Parr. Calvin
and he hav Ins-trucled Ihe help
Live Vital Livat.
be largely out of'
Scoll. Will Straub. Helen Siraub.
regnrdu.g the Mirm-is details n
Live Vila! lives, aald (he speaker,
Almost every available aeat I
1' The pTeaentatlon was made by Miss Voiruba, Ralph klbkochil, Helen work.
and have many years. Some people
Youker. Harry Sherwood.
aty opera house was filled la«
He haped that the class would live;
,nd Miss Gt
There an- |isi mudels put ou
live more In one year than others
Total ...................................**««.T*
splendid lives, have spleiirlld Ish1U-s j i.p,,rtyl
aaiisnn. Haitie I’llklogton. Harold amnng them are several inventions
teg and the large audience listened
In a decade. The lives should
Prof. Gilbert bad called
Hill. Harry Hold»*orth. Kern Magee for ahlch patents hare bceo applied, Year ending March 31. 190*—
physically vital. Mr. Waldo exprew iiiKl a nervous sysiem that while It;
^le claas annual "The Black
Ella Mason.
lite slock coDsiBis of Morris cbaln. First quarter ...................... »
ed himself as a firm believer In track would b.' tired at The end of 'a day's
ouaner ...................
,he‘Gold." the program was
•t Kalamaxoo, with great IntereaL athletics. In football, baseball, nnd the work, yet it would possess such re- j
rockers, divan-, davenports, lilting
^ ,ciiperalive |K.wer that ll would not be'
„ou,*,r excelleat v
TBa address was out of the ordi
Oval Wood Dish Fire.
chairs, comfort chairs, and storts.
like, as all have elameats
-Alpenvellchen." iLudwlgl
It ?•" piece, (if ihv average
ran. It was not Sowevr. but It
Fire which was fought (or ten houn
It Is not the championships won tha( troubled.
peneUcal from start to finish. The ele- benefiu BO much, but the fact that
id resulted in practically no damage
............................. *25.170.70
liii.-ll.'Clualliv, iiiorii honesty, tI-,k. E Horst.
teant ot Idealism ao ofteo found In athleUcs give splendid bodies and
orlgdtsied in the wane conveyor at etai pri.v -di them range* fi
Year ending March 21. W7Uka addresses, was lacking and In
: lalliy Iitid siic.-esK all lie In getilng! Following the coogratulatloni
I watxl Dish cumpsnv’s lac ;e
Ideal nervous syslem.
IcliiM- lo natiif.- diflared the.speaker, friends, the studenu went to Horst's
tend, aounf. common sense and right
vvenlng. The blaze was con­ Neu building* have I'eco erected
..........................•?«!•« ■
In tbe Uuiled Slates senate
was a Michigan man who was known
' >■ all riglit. but tiie principal academy, where a duce was enjoyed. fined to the concrete waste bin only nd lo the largest. unflnl«hed product
) gi-t close to nature and
Tbe papers glren hy the class and breaking through the wooden roof In .11; le- kept on the flr»i floor, upaulr*
I failed I catch I
as a good worker and this was simply '*■'“« '
Ftsinh quarter.................... ..«93i0
because no matter what hour he re- *‘'‘^1’
n nature and nature never win be found on page* 9 and 10.
that II baffled the firemen for hours. -d *iufl and in one end U a room to
tired, he was able to sleep welt and • '"'previ
.............................. Ifh.lOOl
cheats .any man He then expressed a
The boxes and tbe galleries «
The aastc from tbe machines Is ntt e- used for the display </l (be stock
I to arise freahened. The speaker
n April and Hay of teU
Eighth Gsads Oradustlen.
bulldlDg It used (nr
the High school colors. Mack and gold!
the hope thai whsiever tlioei“•“'J
rled over tee boilers and dropped Into
e *anie months in 190*
-white tbe stage was decorated with],he rlass membera went to bed. that
Ninety-eight boys and girls ^rUcl- tbe fire plU of each but there le more the tarnishing and upbolaurio
a-(t02 32.
tecbS and geranium, along tbe foot- ,her would sleep well.
land (hen told of a little school of
■ted In the elgtib grade graduation of the stuff accumulate* during the tough stock being put (ogetber
n AUe-1 lerrlsee at tbe Grand June
can b? used This surplus Is old factory building.
Ughta. On oltber side, near tbe front
Moved to the City,
The furniture on eabJblUon today
was a frill decorated with tbe flower
tbeir diploBas.
wbteb rewTeyed lo an Immense concrete bln
B. Dye has sold hli mer
caBed fiags. wblle tbe class colors, vlo- » many sick people. Out of the ■ ,
slziy, win admit them to High school In tbe
g"ltig when he stopped •
chandlKlng buslneos and his home at
Blx feet long, sixteen wide and t«-elve will stand with as
tet and wblie. were used as straamen
to Albert Brest and
deep, from wbicb It It uken
from tbe guttering insignia bearing
bis tamlly Into town, to ocIs an easy matter and It can be
tba figures l»07
« U» ci™
1W7.-i''-1 - ‘ PM. burned daring tee nl^t. Th«
cup} tee property al 1423 south Vn
up In a few moments.
trt tbe lar^ schools:
^ utetary study ot tbe steam pipe passes tbrougb tee I
■me program opened with "Slumber accorffing to tbe average. wID fall vic­
ton street, which be purchased arae
About 100 praminrut eltUeos
SOSE." <F. N. Lehr), excellently sung tims to this disease. Consumption is
Love Nature.
] poem, using tbe slago settings and the engine room, and owing t
time ago Mr. Dye has lived at Moo
hy tbe Hl^ e«*ote chorus. This was an absolutely prevenuUle
disease,' He hoped that the class would not cosiumcs (o further teclr lastgbt ct constant ribraUon tbe Joint through leaded tbe exhlbll today.
roe Center for tbe last twenty-fire
followed by a ferrent Invocation by said tbe apoaker. and the fact thationly learn nsfin- but what was equal- its value. The young pco^ bad been the partition Is not tight. It is probayeara and has been prominent In pub­
The Asylum Gets *106400.
tbe Rev. C. B. Uxfthnrt of the Bnpdrilled
U rampaw Is s dlsgrae*.
ty important. h>ve the trees and the
lic life ibere. hsTtng served as school
tlte ehnrch. »w Olive Dobaoa. of
Many peo^e die of pneumonia, yet lblrds and the (lowers. He bopbd that er and tbeir work showed much study \ (oand
school director, town ireas
boo© was laid and tee em
of 1*07. thaa rendered "Cre­ «st. If 4 disease prevmitabl© In a! thev never would place dollars
careful preparation under efflnrer, ssuperv isor and for tec past nine
ole Loee Soag.- nc«»ipenl«d by Mtea great measure. Heart diseases and; tee attraciions of
dOOlwjl^Bt InstracUoiL HUa Charlotte Is-lploye* fought It for an hour belt
years has been postmaster at teat
^ooegtaiiie SarU. te a manner very others also claim many vicUiiia
-There arc more sermons In tee grig look the part of Bvsngellae turning tee alarm, thinking teat. It
to ber aodteaee.
-dandelions and daisies than there are througbout tee entertainment and ber was of lucb a nature that teey could^no doubt receive tee approval of tee place. HU resignation as township
tee hope that In the opera house* and many pulpiU.". work waa ©xeellenL of the sort test exiloguW It without help. Wben the | governor The Inislees are greatly treasurer has been accepted and C. I.
Orattens by Cleaa Merabete.
He teen <
the young people would leani fully declared Mr. Waldo. He then quoted would have been a great credit to a blase found iU way through tbe roof., pleased at tee successful efforts of Martin ot Interiochen. appointed In
of pnre air. forty per cent ‘ a saying that. "One single dandelion' ranch older person.
' however, tbe department was called Hon J. H. Monroe, our representative bU place. He has also resigned as
of the pecsie who die loMng teelr'ls worth more than aJl.tee saloons Idl Caivta Mahan of tee Oat Park bnlld- ouL An immense amount of hose In tbe legislature, who loKodoced Ibis postmaster and ^r. Brest 'will socceed
Urea through Impure air.
[the UnUed Stataa."
||^ took th© gari o* F»th«-fWadn* waa laid and several straams of water bUl. and haa watt*©d It ear^y bim.


^:;:bZrr > ..



Fasts 13 to 20

of bis overalls which he hung in i
>c wind. The wind wreck yesterday afternoon tbe engine
d tho CKrto obaerre tlm e
O Heumantl. Jay Smith. C. H. Jobn- steady that the crowd of SOO Sunday
engine room and he was unable
Merer Friedrich,
a, four membe
was forced to run around on the Pere
tbeOneclBderpath. arer7SOodtblngf'<*ieh had bMn Mewing
get to the mimey un account of tbe kon. r O. Carv.T. Prank Kelley.
the dtr eoiradl.
o member* of the
aoutheact carrying the fir* sgalnet Marquette and Manistee tracks.
nnaiice. W r C. Orrmalue. J. W. when .her all go, „ one «de. hard­
ly list,Hi her at all.
bodid of public worti end
Delayed at Hatekea.
buildings, euddenly
point of Tiew, and alao the well kept
There has lieen for some time much
ftptr men took -e }ankct
The special, made up of engine No.
from the north, artd
Music—c M Bt-e.'t. C. A. Skelcher.' Many new features will be Inlroappniaeb to tbe dock. Tbe ateai
talk of city Wiii.-r works and
due.d III the Island thl* year and It
the dly TucnUt sod m»de *n In.15,
B C.»>k,
ipaar win be eomoalcated
PM>er tnen took
-ais-eied that liwilibeevon more
flat car bolding Ibe steamer and the
At C:1S a mao sttUng
Parad.--J W Hannen. John Renesard to (beir dock at once.
spMlloe of the rir^Mooutb. the cKr
time, bul III the last clecUoO tbose
pui>uUr than las'i y.-ar.
Boda of tbe Park botel saw a bUxe bone can, and a way car for the flredock ud the metier <it % llmberser
opi«>»lng the |in.).-ct carried the vote me. F w Ciirrer, U R Slickney. W.
men. pulled out of the slailon
In the exceUior fanor}- owned
K F.v,ia c E. Taylor.
cheeeeemell tbet bee been boUierlns
City d*|«rtiiienis
Caron A tHepcnUrock. which I*
and ran to Hatches Crossing, where
Celdwell * LMideiL
lire protection of any sort. It l« pnib- Shane Tom Murray. Will
Tie. Woman's C^risiian Temper- .
ated aerMs the railroad track from an unfortunate delay of fifteen minAt the H»or mouth. It »e*
able that when the matter of city waIhjtdic ev.-rcises-W. W SlUllh. H. ne,- fm.m »„| m.-^i this aft.-raelm, and It la vcrj probable that tbe boul. The employes «-erc still UIM was n.-cesaltaiod by the freight
tbet If the nev chennel vu
1-eIore the vlllag.-. A Mti.«-lmau. H S Hull. Coorge
tbe next mectioc of the cooncll
pienrred, It wonid be nccemry to do
.vrdlall, InvIW. "
that It will carry
From there 11 was a run of 1,-n tulles
Ih-corafloii-J w. MUlikrti, M.
eboot »e»entr fe« of pUlug on
action will be Uken on aome of tbe lire they aUenipi>-d to secure
Th.- pcBiani is In eharw of the
of their belonpingF, but the bulldlnx whlcb was cohered In a quarter of! C. C. aine, the sutw-rliilendePI >if' Sand) rs. W. H Schuyb-r.
maltars at leaat.
flitwer 1
north bunk. The eend point H
Ihc village whistls, stood in the cold
l It •-** neariy
an hour, and the special pulled
Tninsponi.tloii —:
nemnr thet n etorm from the north
e aldermen were Meaare. Lardle.
water of the bay fllllng bucket* fo
||ale. and la a* folIhe fire stricken town at. S:»r>.
aftame wlibln a minute's time it i
Keho.-. j! F.'^Jenl
would Terr probebly cut It tbrouefa Winnie. Palmer and Rlckerd:
bucket brigade alnuK-t two hour- ; -A. im.y.-lames

engine was immcdlaicly taken
board of public worka, Meaare. Me- Impoaaible lor Ua- eltliens to at
end the rlrer would
R—F n Marvin, M P Mor
dork and two lines of hose
point laeteed of lower down. On Ibe Gough and Walt: tbe maror. John thla building, on they lel<-|ihoncd
gau. H A laingworihy. L K. Cb-u- •Scripture reading wid prayer. Mr*.
D to what was then a smould­
eoulh bank tbe tom I* »o abrupt
oe and an Eagle and Record rep- Traverse City for aid and devoted
The TraterM- City flrt-meu did vul land. W. \V. IVait. O, P Can.-r
ering mass. Tbere was nothing
their attenlioa to an aiiempl
d«d water exl*U end eo Mdr la *l>o reaenutlre.
MilltHty and Fraternal soclet
Flow.r ntu/len report. Ml*. BeWof tbe village. The
do bul drown out the remaining Are. lied work In subduing what tTmalncf
eeUn* under the bank. There It but
Lieutenant Jwepb Klaaiw-n. Lb-ulen-.
and store* Jnt blocks around were The wlud bad done more for the town of the flatiie*.
a mile mnre piling to be done and
Sig Fire at SutUna Sar.
Snite - luM a Little Pansy,' Ruth
bumt-il buildings was like a siwthlnf nnt H. 1, Knapp. Senrvaiii George
John Muame end bto crew will prob- From Tueadar'a Record.
lUslltiCi. «ii4 laicy Nelsuii.
Bblr Snbdi thla ereslng.
Suttana Bay auffered a eonaldcrable the road.
Fire »..rks-A W Walt, Ed Tay­
f resulted In very s-i rious dsmags
• Flower* in Harkened
of water on the smouldering
Wet blankeu were sjiread on
lor. C. Raynioml. Wiaiatn Oiurlaite Room*,- loK-y K.dsnn
After completing tbie Inapectlon. Ibe! leas by flre'^laal night, but very fortuthe steamer worked l"'rf'vlly
: a buck
Games—O Carver, T H Glltla.
pertr wee Uken aboard a launch, wen oeUly vary great damage waa pieExpUnatloa of the origlu of the day.
two streams w.-re very' eflecllvc
Mrs. McRoe.
out tbe rirer end orer
The h<»e was well handle)] tinder
vanted by Milft of the «vlnd. For a
Both buildings were total lossea.
stretched from tbe bay to II
Moior tuiat pantile—I.. I. Si. vcndock, wbwe a careful tni
r»u.-t. iJlIW nir Ilie.ValkT.'’ Mra
dlrteilon of John Hlacketi. Tho II
rthing remaining alKive Ihe gn>und
son, H. I). Alb-y. William Itarrow, It R-lkn«p nnd Mrs, Del!
made. It waa found that the pUee time, the entire village wee In denger threatened bouse*. With the wind
Father Riissman was very busy
butthe stone foundaiion of
vtng Murray, lawiis Heig.-s
ef deMruetlen, but when the Trsverne (outheast II was only a matter of
arotmd tbe dock were In o
luokiog after the c.mfoti of tbe AreRecitation.
Aqualb- sports—John Hoest. II O nooghs." Itutb Hasilnsa.
City Rrc eteamer arrived. In reapenae short time before tbe Park hotel and house. The factory carried no InsurIr good abape. but that Imp
with Dr. W. M. Payne
the underwriters
te a call, the greateat danger waa the rest of the village would be
would.hare to be made <
pivKldent of the village, kept the n
“Voice of the lowers.'- Mr*, Rail.
n excelsior factory
Adverilsitig—Executive commit tpe.
peaeed, altheugh the rulna of the bom- aumed. A train of flreflghtera from
make it cafe.
Reading. 'Ufe Sketrtaes of Jeul*
ing bulldlnge caet eftlM railroad track' Northport were run to Sutlona Bay. UDlesK It la CO
Otsseday,” Mrs. Ftlle*,
Ihc night Ole l^r
cement. There was but one carload
offered a eertewa mananee te the ether a dlttance ot thirteen miles,
atop waa made at tbe nortfa I
also, eoniriliub-d Ilbonilly
Recitation, -i’naware.'' Uta. Belk­
Btrwet bridge. CaMarell A London bad pertlen of the villagt. A few hour* enteen minutes, by Coodnclor Grif­ of stock on hand<ae the product Is want* of the men and the offlchfls
hard work by th* Traversa City Rr*made an rtrj emphatic compialot
village did evervihing In their u- s.-HMrti this ■•vonlng. Bvi'n-thlng
RccitaUtm. "A Flower Mlaaloli."
About five hundred cords of wood was power to show their appreciation
the board of public worka. and Mr man, ably aided by the eflleUis and J. U Stark's war^ouae, which
Mt*. Curtis. ■
burned. Caron A Dlepenbrock came
north of tbe excelsior fac
London waa on band to explain ]uet cHixent of Sutton* Ray aeon r»
the efforts of the flremen. Altlioiigb hequaniogua will lake a crowd
raanission of flower tBlaskm work.
Sutton* Bay about two years ago
no avail. Had the Trav>
probability ef groaUr danger.
whr tbe Brm objected. Tbe aldermen
Cloalug hymn.
It night, the Park hotel served
30 (his evening. Good music will
I Inalalled this plant In an oM saw
Travaraa City firomen remained until City firemen been tbere at that l
could aee and ametl for theme
nioste excellent meiils.
IVhlle rtbisan henedlclioa.
accomitauy the bosl and ample
mill. New i^hlneo' including
with the ateamer It would hare I
the Are was praetieall
and no explanatlOD waa necea
will be allowed at tbe Island for daaewaa put In last week *j
The aarlam newer empuea Into the leaving buttons Ray soon after 1 a simple matter, but wUh the inadeFourth ef July Committee*.
Cbiltfreit'a Day.
mill started up yesierday morning.
rlrer aheot a block abore tbe bridge o’eleek this morning.
The following are the comniillee*
Friday Is children's day for (be Wo>wners place their loss at li.oOii.
le for the Sultona Bay people t
The (aland ibis year will again be
Unaided by any I
and aa tU pipe li nM burled under
lat will have charge of the Fourth
ebartp- of Jesse Tallerda^ of Ca*a- man's club and If the, wealtier li
wind eanylng
tbe water lu eonUnU float on top. whatever,
will have a picnic at
opollx and for ibe past two days, a
Call for Help.
Right at the bridge tbe aurcb faclorr tongues ef flame inu the heart of the
held in northern Michigan. The i-iecuWyokniip's rsiiage at Btrrbbuild.
G:30 Chief Murray received
eewer anpUea Into tbe riTer.
village, the entirw p^lanec of Sutcommlttee chosen by tbe m
lelepbone call from Suttons Bay. ask­
a consequence when tbe boat ar-'»«>d
•*' "•»»''
«• PcomblnaUen on a hot. aulur da; pro- tene Ray valiantly fought laet '
•s toiilshl. It will he bard to real--I>wrrea' «n Fnb.i. strei-t, Ibe Ubrary
The Stark V
dneea an odor raaembllng atewed rub­ ing te hold the fUmet In cheek until ing for help to plit out a fire that was
>. I*. Carver, Charles Prochuxka. C.
I that the' place has been cl.*ed <»" Sixth street and Mrs J V Metbe whole village. John
ber boota and Mr. Loudon autea that
arrival ef the omall eteamer
Beers, R.E.tValli-r.Tbn*. T. Bales,
fight monlbs. Mr. Tallerday Is n Intosh's on Stale sto-ei promplly at
Blacken waa given rharge of tbe com­
verae City. The mlnutea pi
It beeomaa ptactleallr unbearable. The
onirnlled by L. F. Stark, ot wcreiary and tri-asuri-r.
toga In tbe rlrer atop the sewer dis­
It ecemed Impeeeible U eeve the pany and Engineer Puigbum waa sent Grand Rapids. Tbo building was r<The executive commluec have made rapable manager, and during bl* aUy ,'“ o'cUwk.Tbe ladbsare requealed la
(ho Island made a large number'something toward a ple»I*.,dlncharge and the log* themaelvea
n. Two hundred men, uremen and along to loMc after tbe small steam- cenlly cleared of potatoes and yes­ the following appolntmeola;
nf frb-nds who will be glad to again j
slso ■
cup and saucer, knife
and Arthur Grelllck served as llre- terday noon 15n barrels of lime and
children were working like fienda
President of the day. Frank I
corered with a aick^g allme.
avlcome him back.
! Folk and sp.a>n for th.-mselva* and
m for th# englm:. A thousand feet Cion worth of sluvea were stored In
A number of tbe partf returned paaaing buekeU frem the bay te
The fare for the round trip tonight children. Free bus ride fur tbe ehilof Rose was taken. Tbere
It. The loss is placed at
back to the rlrer moutb and both on ■cane ef the fire and hoping al<
delay In getting out ot the city, as
Im- only 33 cents and there will.”'
the war tnm the Northern Michigan lepHaealy that In eome way
Ch|r-f of staff. I^iiesit Sabi
u for all. If It ahould nin
everybody The Cbequa
Mr, Curtis has srleci-ted as
Tnusportatlon oompanih dock and lemee could be checked. Than previ- Conductor Dalxell was at supper when
John Stallman, t
be received the call, and owing
faclory left ISO In bills In the |>ock<-l ^ W. n. C. G'-rmalne. Harold Titus. F. mogon Is safe in every way and la so.
on the war back, ther bad a chance icnea Inlervened In the ehepe ef

Wc Can Show You
An assortment Clothing-Furnishing Goods
and Hats second to but few in the city in
point of size—second to none in pointof good
values new goods shown. We want all pro­
spective purchasers of Suits, Hats, Caps,
Belts, Shirts, Pants, Hosiery Neckwear,
Gloves, Underwear or other Men’s wear to
give us a trial order between now and July 4th



and see how well we can please you—we show from fifty to
seventy five styles new plaid worsted Suits for Men—good
values at—

$10, $12.1 $13.50. $f5. 110.50, ^8
Many single Suits and summer Cassimeres going at less
than they can now be bought for wholesale. If you have
been unable to get fitted or suited elsewhere come and see
us—see us anyway—we’ll guarantee everything we sell you
and think we can sa>fe you money on many things.


- GnM TrarcTsc Herald



and recoko co.


An adjouned tneetlne
the >01(71
council was haM in tbe council rooas
iierday oflernooB to act upon the I
... reconnended by tbe board all
pobllc worki for
brick. There


i to be held In Richmond. Va. It Is i
Ipeeted that Pine new bishoprics «
'to creeled and bishops chosen I



_______ ____________e and ^carried to ac­
cept the bid of the MetropollUan Brick
eoBpany to furtiUh brick for paclnc
Eighth street.
Alderman Sbotcr then made a mo­
which large crop resiricted the de­
tion that flftj- cars of this brick be
shipped over tbe O. R, * I. road as
mand for foreign corn.
that road runs directly to Canton, the
liome for superannuated preach­
home of tbe MetropoUtaa company.
ed doaconessea of Nebraska ls|
1»M thp road got <mly fire ears of
me to em-ry for the city. In 19yc rectad «<rcry day. Ths laeal martot the gUl of Mr. and Mrs. C. C, Crowell..
It gol nlnelei-n cars of brick and ao
»lalr. The building Is their 130.-1
far this year It has carried liul live prieaa are auppiled by local dealer*,
rt-fldence and Is li Biles out of |
Tbe Mitsida guotatieoe by wire. Mt
of water pll>e. Mr. Shiitcr's
.... carried and tbe meetlTig
ExclBsive of India, the popuUllon
f ih* Brillih amplre is four persons
' Strange eBoertera.
I Ike sqaare mile.

PoUtoeSy 20 to 25c

Bable. Catherine nrorok Prances BalHenrietta

Vocal doet—"The Quarrel."


Rokot. Mabel Richard.
Tolipa and Panalea,- orehestra.



I £ S ?5^'. ■

■s S?

5l£ S.Mi;B

the home of
a wedding I
the Orend t

BoaMmao .
: outig la­
y will
be st bmiip
dies of Adrian. They
after July 1 at H*
bridt^ls *.....................




QTATE OF MU'HIOAN. 'niE PBObate court for the county of Grand


for Chieago markeiN were advised by

A mas
Ethc-1 L


Judg.- of probati

Js|2 “ SI "w

Tosll. the fatuous composer, bas an
their houses md to take
odd hobby—that of uphotstering.
niiyeni w-ll have a IttU.. rest before
Sunlight will penetrate very rUar
lime fur buying fiuii bii
Hler to tbe depth of l.:.on feel.
pcetetl that clielTb-s will
rhinii anil Jaiian Ingellier iimduee.
of July.
;r. Inns of silk imiiually.
rail Looks Good.
Tbe life <rf a north AllauUc Ircbcrg
here Is ever iiiJirulioii of a x|ilr-<i
I* often 2W vcai
of elii-vio-r uImi ;i liig rrt'p
I* relurnlug
Bleeding lor ct
of early tipide*. if* a ll'tli- soon
to Tavor.
jiredlct what late appl.w will do
James A. O'Connor of Seney. one of
buyers are v.-iy optinilsllc. The '
the gradu.-tlc* at West Point ibU y-car.
very giuHl iirk-e
miksl sixth tu the class of 10.
lt)g In the severe froBt.* in other fruit
The school census for Biiy City
producing loralHies.
bliiiws 14.fil2 persons of school nge.
a iorreasepf liS over last year.
•alllitg Prieaw
The skelfions of three Indians, one
Cloartuick pork, per hbl..............1K.<>«
nearly eight feel tail. «^re dug up
CIcrbiiek pork, iter lb.............
ilm Donaldson, two miles east
Short cut of iH.rk, l>c,- bbl... .IS .'«>


unties thcrvtd
of a etipy •< • 11* .u-d.-r, lor thr«- sneivasive wei'k* pirvloii* to Wild day of
the Grand
new-»pa|VT printed and

;it S £41 PS?
t :
01-sr Is

•Pie Urgesl cigars come from tbe
I’hllUppine Islands, some of them be­ ill, *1
PeUloca Ntarly All
ing IS inches in length.
Tbf |M>uio luark.-i Is iKaollfslly
children are working IMIR
wound up as far as this nuiiiMi Is on
, the Vntted Stales in occupation*
corntxl. only a few scaitering lots a
her than agrlculwre.
The Automobile Club of Btgland.
was hardly known ilils mornli
fmtnded lO j-ears ago. bas 3,5K>0 memthe iirle«- would Lx-, as bnyrra

(broiigh lire
Omciia today. It was a
box containing twenty or thirty ratKfaoo] Will Ukc place at the Qraod
Uo snakes ranging from three to five
«pera liouae toaorrew eveBlut. Tbe feet in length; Th<- snakes wore the
propertv of a small Isd from the soiitli
prtcram wUI be;
and he was taking them to On.rna,
where he s|x-nas the summer.
eHorat’i orehatra.
snakes are the rompar ons ,yf the ltd
Chorti»—‘'Weleone.' seboo).
and be fondles them < F onr would a
b<- lew hours
Firecracker drill, flrtt srade boya,
CHi or dog.
•Redution—-roe *ood." Alice Ve­
Uennaine's livery bare aud attracted
much attention by the r retllings.
RedUtlon-'Tac Bad." Ethel Burns.
Vocal ado—•GUehec-Goo." Hiirgarct
PantotnlBie—"Tbe Hdy City." Mary


. st-ssinn of asld Court.' held at
the Probate O0«T in the
city, in
day of June.
ludge of Probate.
In il
;br matter of the
Sarah Pls«n having II
oon her first annual
goardisn of said estate, a
tion praying for the allowi
It U ordered, that the ISlh day of
July. A D IWT. at tilt o'rloek In the
forvnooTL at said Probate OBlce. b*
and i* hereby appointed for examining
and allowing said ai

; m • Hastb I



Notice is hereby z


Cltirens wlin have tmualled «-leetrlc nation and adjustment, and that i
said deo-aio-d arc requIn
lights in ihi-lr liiimes at nyrntmlh. creditors
• • cl.r
said com
present tbclr
hate t>.-.-ii pained free light* lor their
the probate offir
Traveree City, la **id «»unty. on
The Rov. A. r. McMonry. pastor of
Ih.M said rliilRis will <
the First I'hrislian church at Renton
heard by sai.t eoun on Tuesday. ii
Harbor, has th.- call to t
day of October. A. D J9<>7, at t.
HIglilaiid Cuign-jmliima! church
Cleveland. O.
Macinib COIIUTV au exiv-ft
.■zamliio the bonks of O.iinty Tr.'
i;ri-r Maair. who n-Un-d January I.

Inv-ldcs the I3.80«' expense for

the work, it

o'elock In the
Dated May J*ih, A. D. 1!-T
Judge of Probate. I *

• rc-Isllvely plenty iu

was found the county

Jaiicii. and In auch show
At prcweiii till' one-fiflh nf the total _ parts
Mara and MIyajima aic hidd
forest ami of 4>c United Stauw IsipUce
<-mbraced in national foiv«t*. Tlic rr* ^ as safr.-.!. Iwonilng
fuiir-flflhs , have
already je.n from th.- bands of vlHtor*.
I’h.vnix Preferred malulag

Maaiz J-M.kP.

M. C. Dolson of Ihiy City gol

Park Place annex and a large
number of cltlaens witnessed the nov Lard, per lb........................................1* «
llcl iigalnid the
sight of a wild bird making i>iUell
The Aiiua College
tcldelil Insiirauri comiuuiy (or the j
„r are most likely to i«s* Into
Av.-bury. of Bnglaad. ha*
alJeon, i«.-r lb .....................................
home in a city. Whether It Intc
elect^ Miss Hazel Fraxcr of AI|H-tui ieath
meal, per lOO lb*.............
tel lor the
panlality for tnscctg.
that popular
Flour, n L. A Co.'s Best, bbl . 5.2«
I prreldent and Maynard Cook
?n 9 and 10 o'elock
auDimet or
imtria of South
■ Oeor*e Kotlan.
perfoctly' cmitented Peed. H- U * Oa'a im*L pat
Iraa. secretary- Miss Fritter is lh<
Ocirglan lay. the policy explrappeared to
America are nearly 2..hx> mile* cb>»cr
Prof. Sanltaa. an expert on Innacy. last evening.
daughter of the Rev. Mr. Frazer oi
maitiifaettiring districts of the
Fruk SScDUk.
•oniend'ed that Dolson took
Novel Advertising.
rnilod State* than they are to t
On the Maiigi*lilak poolnsUti In the
Officer Brown, one of the finest. Jn
Arihur.Ahe 5year-old child of Mt necessary risks.
Friedrich will inagtiratc s
Caspian a<-a there Is a lake (bat has
ifacturing districts of Europe.
Uos Verina.
IverlUIng seticme nett month.
rri-oman Felker of GueUdi. Ont.. whil.
Jntlg.- IMrgham of Grand Haven has
Secretary Root will leave Washing- a roof of suit cryelal* thick and stroag
Mayor Sklnfilot. a retired English
t the ezhlblUon grounds. In company
ienletl a motion
lo allow men and horse* to
officer. Boy Wise.
lih bU father, was struck on th.
-d by the Muskegon Traction eompany
These ballons will bear tags
Plica, where ho win *i«ud tho
Smiley. counaellor-at-U
liead with a base ball and rendered
le cn*c in which NeMva CoubIdcsu
wWch will call for prize*, the whtrie
Oeinge KoUan.
series Rtnountlng to »jn. The ballons
Since then he
awarded ilantscv* to the amount
Jbn Learr. a hostler. H. Gagnon.
must l>e returned on the 1.
unwell and little hoiK- 1* given for hit >f $l.'«v> for Injuries sustained
Mr. DlnlteUplel. a man of a family, sooner snd the prizes will
New* of the eireplhmally large
ioaeidt Dell. .
SergL Allen, of the R. N. W. M. T
heat crvqi in the wc»t this
ha* rei«>nert from the Willow Creek
rings delight to Battle Crwk. since
•<ReTel el tbe Naiads." Ullan RlcbFinger Remeved.
di-uchroeot on the boundary In
•mth her Mg thrrehev irompanies.
Mary Wlnowleckl. Theodosia
WilUaai Augustine of Viis'
Sirbols & StU'i«r.l (Vibratort.
large nuntlrer of Canadian
Noeak. DdU Boodreau. \nasta Ryant.
liave Iwn shot down li>’ American
h.- Advauc.-, will benefit. Tlj.- rt.-inaiid
Joaepblne Rokos. Genevieve .WTno(or tr:.. tloii ••Iigim-s and ihr<-sbiT»
ih.M-p raiirhi-n. Minth ol Wild
wiackl. Mary Mlroosky. Ixaure Elsiner. sltmip Is Ibiuling nleely and unles.«
the onforw
ukc. A herd to the number of 15f
ar is the largest in year*. Both
It ia a common practioe for peo{de lo Uy a^ money
PrewnUtlon of dghih grade dipky be wpll. Nine year* ago. the finger
.ho|.s have an annual shut-down, for
core the last victims.
beeamc dlKcased finally reaching such
MSS. the Rev. John Sheehan.
il*. inventory, etc., but till* year
(hot on MHk nver. The B. -V.
{«- a apeoial object; to aatiafy a partienUr nct.-d: ot
a condition that the joint was de­

“Good Night." Young Ladies'
P. will inaugurate a thorough iave*ll
tolievcl Ibo test w ill U- impo**lstroyed.
A* there was danger
blood polstming. B waa removed.
to provide agaiaat a poMiUe emc^en^. >
Me. ThI* means mncii to the 1.8"Jl» to
^itrtngeralli. hli aenrant. shrdlu BT D..
ZlnceraUl. ao


2*“ -......................


Buying Frteea.

Or^eiti*Bought Rectory.
The vestry of

Manlatlqua Coming.
Mayor Friedrich recelTed a I
Alatsnee telephone message from
etanceilor commander of the Knights
of Pythla* lodge of ManlsUnue
morning asking concerning the alt
turns hero on (he FVwrlh and i
lag that It was possible that the I
laUqur lodge wauid organize a gi
axciirslon and come down on the




have Inst closed a deal for the Wells
Washington *lrei. s
nl owner. I
Ing it I
will lie use
rectory and 1* situated just e.-i
of Franklin slrivl. li is In im cxerl.
lout location and Is n veiy dcsireble
piece of property.___________

tncuona that .would be
f Ui-------the Manlstlqiie
FObrUi. aUUng that if
- iix
come, inev
they would
..... _________________- _____
o( the day and would be royally enter-

Here's Good Advice.
Woolcvrr. on- of the
tncrehants of la?RaysvlHi-, N.
- -If you are irAthU-d wlih
-uckllit's Arnica Salve,
lies, apply Bucklli
of them for good 20 year*
Cures every sore, wound, hum
... _...-aslon.
23c. ai C. A. Bugb.-.Dreg Co,, S. E, Wall & Sons, Hannah
Drug Store.

nrtuing be aenl to help In getting
•The ear ferry In Itself would oe nn
aUractloa. as there are a number of
people in the region that have
eeen the big boat. NegoUaUor
Immedlately be e
thought that a '

was a simple thing, yet for some I
It was :t mysterj. .M lu-i it ha* I
di.s<siv-i- d thill the alli gisl ghi»t
only u shadow wlii.-h was n-flected
fnim a ec-llar wlmlnw o
J llhe apiKsslle side <#ilie str.-el.
poultry................................ M

................. ......



PERE Marquette

Tbe Traverse City board of tra
A Real Wonderland.
will be the guret* of the president
South Dakota, with It* rt t sitvrt
at Charievoiz.
tbe board. John R. Santo. Tue^ay.
Friday, June 21i
June 28. nl hi* eammer home at Ome mines, lionanza farms, wide rangi
F|>ocinl 1
na. the InvlUtloo having been «atend- and strange natural formations, is
ed yeaterday. Tbe J«ny wHl make tbe veriUble woaderland. At Mound CUy. po»iers or a
In tbe home of Mrs. B. D. Ctapp. a June 13-2".
‘ l.-allng has lalely
n-emed n.-tir death
at » o’clock In the morning
nlng. leave Omens about 5
tn tte
tb afternocu. giving amt
pleosant swtnn.

and Traverse City will be the keynore
at the occasion. The Invtutlon ztrges
tkal all business cares be laid aside
■ 'le only expense will lie a "pleasmlle." Tbe board will be the
ent's meets from the lime they

• A. Nelson and Ml** . were unliixt in marriage
b'clock Wcrtmwday aflcrnoon by Judge

Sultoni I
ton* Bay •
A. V. Frte.

Ncrlinger. Both are frotn this cl

“a'peclslly do vro desire to thank
Chief Bnel.i.-er
Arthur Greilirk, Hrrnian John Bla. k—
III tbwe who wiM-kcl under
5elr iBsInK-tiotir. lor their much val
nod assistance and Ihcir pronptnesi


It you all
•b valued
^ '*W. H. Payad.


ppaMdeat of CmBOI
entton* **'

Traverse City State Bank
;w.. 111 ail. w.-r- *b--


tli-- P'P <d

Red rbind, the ............ - Slreix
i* now very old. and. realiring
hr must soon driwii lo:- tbe Imiipi
liiiiilJiig ground*, lir liJ.- i**ur.l a
thetir apiMi.-il to Ihr whii- i»>iplr re


Ho still retain* Ii.r rM*t;-:-


Pere Marquette

hi* nice.
. To o-vrry on il.- hr- w-'ik
wire, who prcn-il.-I Iriii, in


Janirs Morrl*. of New
Voil. la
|•ro^l*l-.ll in hi* will for a lircpi.-i
$,;T.o..i ilmt the cripph-d children ;

Iho sick little on.-* of 8t. Isike* t
Pital tulcht cnjv.y ridr* la
paik and music.
Sunday. June 23.
Ci-y ii'i
Ill leave T
Six' po*1«• ask licl.--:

Pere Marquette


Pere Marquette



H F M-wll-r. G

U-on Idt

too IVIeri
To cut cordwood lor
Chemical Plant 32 inch

Celebrate tbe Fonrlb
of July
al Traverse Clly

Rv-d Cloud long aiio b- c.-.hi- i--ac.

Badly Mixed Up.
Interion. .N.
Abraham Brown, of Wln«
Y.. had 1. very remarkable esperience;
K..iir;h <>;
go: badly mixeu
1. and t'b. return
Selling dstpf Jill}
-aid heart disease:
Ask agents f..r luniill July
UtUnev trouble: the,
poison, and the fifth’
June 13 2",
H F, Moeller. (
_________ ., . llv-CT trouble; but none
nl Ihcni helped me; *o my wife ad­
vised Iryltig Bli-<HTic Bitter*, whirb
are-' res'.vring n»- '■> perf»s-i hraitb
«im- bottb- dirt me more greid than *”
the five doctoi-,1 prc.a-nb»d" Gust
-Mc«d to cure blood poloon. wcaknefia all stomach, liver and kidney com
elalnta. bv C A Bugbcc Drns Co. 6
• Excurt'cn*.^'^
E. Walt A Sod*. Hannah Dntg Store.
! to"Uic
. the Janiewtown
Canada will spend IM.OOP.OfO 1n>i all Pt>re Maiquelte
railroad exienskm* In Urn

Wlicn money baa

na for a apccific purpose, we carefully

tod tliat 2.1-1* t.-asp<*.lif>lls or ti

$1.00 per cord
For Information
prices address.


MaslEk Cliemioal 8'ion Cd.
*ells, Delta Count), fiich.

Here is. Recipe No. 5


r sincere
thanks for their assistance so prompt
ly rendered on the oecaaion of the flri
M June 17th. Also to the G. K. A I
Atflelali and their employes in sup
alylng means of transportation fo
those who volunteered their asalsi


colds, throat and lung troubles, by 1.
A. Buebee Dnig Co.. S. E. Wall i
Sons. Hannah Drug Store. dmegi-H*.
8iic. and »I.r-i. Trial bottle free.

luinilii.s. aVriOigi-d

g-..d to the poor


evety five minutes." writes Mr*, flapp.
■ I>r. King'* N<'»
niaeovery. the


t ptivsb lull In l•orlland. M*'..

Uloly maki-* for the fust
whii-li hr H>r..cli.-K hinre-lr
a sucking it|i
rtiil, by

Iiirllc and sucking fish iii


n'orend i
OMSta of Preaidont Santo.

most exeellesL

carij out tlie tlrsire* of the depoaitor,

By digging .1 .iin-il from 'he BM

curious modi- of ratrliilic imtle-

.-» spocii-* of Slicker fish, whlrh


Oar faciiitiea for bantllmg such buaineas are

, llie rr.iwd.-il rliy.

U Pincilced In ilio West Indl-s.
isistslu ail.vchiiig a ring and .v li
then thrown overboard, and

Chlcac... June

H..1I..I1 Hall, author of 'Tiir.s..
Hiid l.ilsrty." will S'lpietrt a
family iiui! give tbelii a llte far more
liob-Mime than they < o.ibl ever liav.-

placed il curtain
and Iho shadow apis-a


June' i;i-Wh.-;iI.
irn. S6c: .«is, tk‘-c.

Itic bit of land, not too far from
In- rUy. If lul.-llig<-ntly, de-^

- In.iiUic. the p>-t*|il<- of the Iimise

Robert Klngln of Grand Rapids a
fUs Hattie McC.arry of ihls city »-■
united In tnarriage at the parMUiagi
of the birat Methodist church this
allrrnonn liy thi
the bride being atten.l.d I • her aisteiteacher
Miss Margaret McGarry.

men emidoyed in these shops-

There Is no ghost on Slmcoe street
at Tomiui. The story of. the mysierImis iipparition na.- been ixpl.ilned.

P ,


They Are Fine

... spoonful sc'ia
anear. I cupful bntter. i tei
_______ _
abule onttobleapounf^ bot water.
3 ensts.
led raisins. 3 1-2 cqpfuU BEST
1 copfol aeedod
Mpoonfnl rr«m of tartar Uiat bas been siflrei. } . apful liatrniUk
1 cupful ..f .-hrepped uni -m-ats mny U-B.l-i-i.
e -Iroi-il from sp?--n inio .bsconne- Uti ■ aLcs,

To Insure success, nsc BEST f LOUR

Hannah & Lay Go.

and buy your

at the

City Book Store
The only large stock in the Norihern pan of ‘he state
Wholesale orders also f


sluMCfitAyeMC HtRALDrtHtfflibAv.-j

Ml «Mt«

» ^ Mat $0»we4 M Time

biKiuce. «*• ben et ^aima

daaffhter. Mta. Oaade Perry, all o
Mtatba. were la Xiagaley the latte
m*Dr and RuatU. At lM»e (oar dlf- an of (be «e^ loaitend the f
f-Mary C. Fewlam.
Bert Fuwlaaa bras called here las
■eek from Big Rapids by the dent
t ki.
llt population—RoMtan. poliih. Ommre and Tiddlih.
Tba babir of
T^Hih tovD OB Uie boM«rUad o(

lOBfon MmadtoDr. ZaaenhoK, «bo day.
Id praetleltic bU ptt^eaoion raoi
Headames Christine Halladay
Della bialgn drove over to Buckle
t^y to witness tbe Mamon-Buckle
«t bimacK to briag about unity.
Tbe resnli waa Mperanlo.
What la believed In tbe northwest Friday at 10 o'clock
' be tbe largest wagoaa la tbe world away at the age ol 76 years, tz days
baa been abipped from


to Her death foUowed that of her

Nome. .Alaska, arbere it will be pat
Into eervlt* carrying freight Into the
interior. The wagon baa been fitted slant mourner. ao<l thl-. coupled will
wllli IfUncb lirwa. The habi of tbe the Infirmities Incident to her ail
wheels are two feet In diameter and. liear, Tbe funeral was targOy aicenil
the wheels are two feet in diameter. ed. The Rev. Mr, Ttiursion orilrlaled
of lloarop. Tbe body of tbe wagon la }G feel long assisted by Rev. Hr. PUll. The ch
more than aeven feci high,
ibe Morou
Dr. Fonloo. Mra. E.
■r. Ml s. Robert Wood add
Tbo Alexl- w.'.gon waa built In Alameda, Cal
Van DeWalker.
»t of 1700.
to Klre a

CireililMi Milt wet 2,825
Oafianl Nawa.
On. Oorte 8pauldlae
iDlcroetM Sm. Root in
caav. but with no arall.
esa scrT«-ntn«Dt n>(uiad

Turkey Is practically a virgin soil
pormit to Joaaph AAoroa*. bolal keep-;
er. of Brie, ten nllM aouth of Hoaroe. for electrical ealerprlses.
Evergreen eeioelery
■ one who Ihroiigh B4
to brlBi bone the bodr of bin aoc, year ago there was not a single city close beside
wedded life bon
CleopbBB. »bo «aa droned at Hoot or town in the gOO.lHW square miles years of happy
her evfty Joy and every sorrow. She
erey. Heibn. Alar «. Ther bare a of Turkish poasesslona wbtrh
left to mourn their loss, nix children
law that bodiaa caoDot be removed boast of a iplephone system or
d nineteen
fifieen grand-children
(or Bve yeara. Rarry. aaotber
man Brown
waa drowned lire years afo at Ottawa
Chas. tfuierB and
u- construe
ave been engaged
lie Lake for
In many of the Qraen Islands diving Hon of a cottage on
The 1^year4ld eon of Bdwarri AlaaE. J. Case.
wortb et Randoaky. went to Caraon- for aponges forma a ccmtlderable part
iward Dunn writes from Chicago
xupatlnn of the inhaUtaBU. that he is no* nicely sHletl at. Chicsvllie on toturday and purehaaed a
Flobert rllle. Buaday afiernooa. while The nsllves make H a trade to gather
i L'nlversliy.
two bomea owned liy a nelchbor were theue, and tlteir iaetune from Hi
(RazlBR la front of the Alnswonli aoiirce is far from crmtemptlble.
Thirty years ago there were 14 ra
' booe Ibe lad aecured bU rifle and
abot both anlmala
The boy'a aim roads under more or leas mdepende
wax true, both boraea d>1ne from the uperailODB whor« lilies ns painted i

Mtv. Nettle I»yue wa.v



llra»d Rapids last week to attend the
funeral of her brother. Herbert Den­
tils, who tiled suddenly of opoplexy.

while on the train enroute from Call
New foThla to his hone.
there are only \wi>.
Mias klyrtic Wheaton, the little
Allrab D. Botaford of Otaeco. who
"Combine," as It I* nsM no* 1* only daughter of
held many public o(flce«. la dead. ac»d
about 20 years old. having <
Wheaton. Is home (or the sii
»i) yeara.
fashion alter the trial of a New York
has been amiding the school for
HeiUT Biter of Benton Harbor, CO
alderman lor bribery In 1866.
)-eara old, who diaappeared two weeka
Greece Is said to be the poorest
Bert McCarthy, who U aitendinE
aso. wai found dead la a Held,
country nf Buropc. Her total wealth
le C. ol H.. Is home for o week. His
bolie add.
amoiinia to ti,oop.0ft«.(«o, or about bmiher John, who Is nlso there,
Willard V. nidca of Rlchinniiil. died half that of Bwilrerland
peeled home Saturday for a tea ilay*.
aliUnfl in a chair. He waa 74 yean
The C.u>a.0fl0 people in Greater Urnold Obd father lo Mra. W. li. Fern don lire In 926.tKW huusM. The popu­
wood of DdrML
lation lOU years ago was iuat ooa-flfih

One waa valued at tSGfl.

began'^wllb '-Bnatan."

Cbariea Badt. trf Korway, a farmer, what It IS now.
Cedar. Mieh.. June III—Leo Laska.
Charles W. Palrbanks and family aged 26. waa struck and probably f-aHe
" forcot It and started a fliw. Reaolt: will pass the three mootha following tally iniured this morning by a
Been loat part of tala face,
three July I In Danren. Maaa.
. B. passenger train. Tbe young
Oov. Curtla Guild of Haxsachuaetta,
flnfwr* and hla i
was picked up and broaghi to the
Hr. and Hra. F. Gaylord, of Adrian, has iMued a proclamaUoa for Old vlllagp where medlcnl attention was

The Son^
of the Hair
Tberearerourveraet. Vend.
Ayer's Htir Vlfor ttopi fallioc
hair. Verse 2. Ayer’s Hair
Vlfor makes the hair crov.
Verse 3. Ayer’s Hair Viter
cures dasdruff. Verse.4.
Ayer’s Htir Vifor makes the
setip hcaflhy, asd keeps it so.
If is I r^lar hair-food; this
Is the. real secret of iis won­

We wut

W. Milliken

your man


Splendid Showing

Tliite aiv juil the iLinj; every wouiitu

cool anil <-oo>tortable.
QTATB OF MICHIGAN. THE PRO^ bate court for the eounly of Grand
Tran-i>c. .
At a session of said conn, held nl
the prolwte ofne-, In the t-ltj of -mv
erse City, In suld county, on the 2Mh
day of May. A. I>. 1IM<7. prcsdnl: Hon.
Prod R. Walker Judge ofc Probate, ic
the mailer of the estate o( John
Leeee, late of 'sal<t ctMiily. deceased.
Slcpbcn iJitiioer having (Med In said
m prayli
bo aiuliorircd.
I and llc-enscii
lo sell at privi
of said estate in said rv-sl estate
n describeiL
It IH order.-.! that the 22nd day
June. A. D. IS*":.
!!•":. at ten Q-clork In the
said probate olflee. h* and
for hearing

a ropy of this order, fur three
slve weeks previous to sabl day
hearlog. in the Grand Traverse H<
aid. a newspaper printed uiid clt-ruaicd lo said county.
dg.- i.f iTu

Wsabbura baa been in
three yeara and was
8be la wltboat children.

Vk-kabuix Elliott Sly drove over from Petoakey four miles north of tbe village.
today In Mr. Rice's car to attend the
Cora CroBS concert at the Grand this

Tbe Soath Haven police arc aearcb- ercDlD.
lag 4or tbo pareats of a baby found
Ml*. Morgan Cnrila of Petoakey U
daad near the Pierce Wllliamt fact­ In the city to attend tbe cooeert to be
Mrs. Jt*n earns Is vIslUng friends
ory Handay noon. The body of the given by Mlu Cora Cross thli ereahere a week or two.
iafaet waa (onad by aome children
T, W. Hawley went lo Alden Saior>8playing la the cEeek maning through
Mlfs Margaret Holden hat returned day to visit friends.
The W. V. M. S. meets this wi-ek
tbe ravtae.
The lltUo fellowB fled from Notre Dame where she has been
Tneaday with Mrs. Donna Monro.
at Ibe grneeome aigbt. and attracted a aitendiiig school.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cants visited at
paaterby who In turn ootifled the
Bmith and H. B. Cox have
awell Sours Sunday.
pdlee. It U said that the baby waa returned . from an
ille a good
>' from this. plat
mnrdered. sad that the police are through the west. They visited Call- ...
itled the Old Sell
ling i
likely to make arroott aboniy.
Elk Rapids last TJiutsdsy.
lomla, Oregon and Washington.
LadlM' Arid socleiy
BepreROiatlve Tbompaon'a efforts
Mr. and Mrs. E. 8. Pratt hare re­

cbflisbraTa aitd perual>«.
lavtu ao>! otbera

Playing detective proved rather cxpeiudve
He was
In getting »S out of Bollin Braekwav
by claiming that the latter was under
arrest and eeltllag the case for that

CatUa plesflod gouty wben

arraigned la court and paid a line
and coats of Il'iO and refunded the





William Hess was arrested
at baring been in tbe deal
with CalUn.


Amoag Americans prominent In tbe
bnalaeaa world none has been regard
ed with alacerer esteem by bit felluwcKitens than U. O. Mlila, banker and
capitalist, of New Tork, and Ban Prancisco, and also well known as a procilcal ptailantbropisL Hr. Mills' acUvI11m hire covered a period of i
yeara, and be baa

been tndeniifled

w«h namerous bosiaeas eonrenis and
vritta societies at many MriA Altboogb
he Is DOW 61 yeara of age. he has until
lately refosed to consider himself as
oM. discharging duUea that developed
upon him.

He teeU bbUged to retire

from the directorates of a number of
conpanlcs with which be bas been

He bas began the proeeai

at taking In sail by realgalsg as diroetw of the Brie and Southern PseiSe railroads, and he conttmplatea

*T.|«r *

Section Five tr-i-

Hshguard. the new Welsh |iori nl

Also that





pan of


pretty prinUsl

Tlu-re are aome .Ivoidtvlly

Princa ore fmin

$I.SO -fco $7.50

We are ahoviug auni'-

v.-ry atlnu-tire valnea juat nov

Waiata. there are three pariicniarly good
Wcbart-tliriiled a lut «f vaiata


inlo three Iota


whiu- Shirt

in the folloving lou.
that art- muaaml anJ

wrink1n> fruiii bautlling. vaiiU that told fr..m Sl.i'iO L> f-'i.OO .and markol
them at

$m, $1.50 and $2.19

lOc -to 75cvthe yard!"

and 56 mll<-» nearer ibaii I'l>

Oar store eaill be closed all day Friday Jaly 5th and from that time on toill be
be closea every Friday afternoon daring viarm tOeaiher,


DW^lO^u.^.iBpU^se Addre.s.Tbeil-'ibeT
Mure Ih.m 5.IHK. bk-VTli-s
•cceiiHy purchased In a fortnight In Grand Trsverac
At a session of said conn, held at
ihaouesburg becaus.- of a breakdown
pruhst- office, in the City ol Travthe eli-rtOr pirc-i railway syMeni.
■»e Cliy, in said county, on the Kth
A British company has oblatned per»y ul Julie. A. D. IS'iT,
nlBslon to run ihre.- sieuni.-rs o-r the
Piesent, Him, Ftvo R. Walker,
rigrts. Hie famous jlv.-r of aiiiii-nt
idge ol Probate
In the maner of the
John Burrows, lai-- of »
MortpaiK Sale.
la lb- ooBdltiBurrows havlDg filed In
iBeaCa--ertalB n-nngaee made by ora A far said tmurt his final arcouni an Artraln■taler, uainamel. U AUerta Sag-and daod
sald estate, and hl-> petillim
iiruvlne (or the allowance thereof.
• re.1. that the Mb day ..f
July. A. D
at ten u'el.s-k In Hi''
fotWKmn. at said probate oflic-, 1-a!iimnii.-.l f-r examining and Hllowlng
t.' hereby appulDIvd m .-xaminlug
jlinaing said account
is ftioher ordered that piiliUc m>thercof be given by pubUcatlim
copy of this order, for thr.-e sueresslve weeks prcvlmis to said day of
hearing In 'h<- Ortind Tr:iv<-r-.- H.-ral-l,
.1 n.-»-sp;iI~-r prini.-l and .-Ir.-nlni-l -n
Ml-I county

ALaaars S>y:

Pbertdau was that
■tty retone occaslun. filt Usd
tads tu I’
coustant opl'a*’"”'' "T
everlastluq drag .bain.
Sheridan l
eloggln.- all tbe wheels rctarvliug
rarcer and etnbartaMlug tb- progress

WATCH for the
Prizes in Merchandise to the
amount of

We will send up 6 Baloons each evening
on July I St, 2nd. 3rd and 4th, at 7:30 p. m.
from the Market Site in this city


fraver-eC.iy. Mii-hi

flpeka Tea Saoti.
The other day a atrauger thus
dresacd a pnntrnfi r coming out of the
UaioD tlaUou:
seetlon and
11 last week. His son. Herman. «
"You will cxcuM me. elr. but Ian
ived Saturday from 6t, Louis. Mi
allel i....... .......... -................. ..
Uda"rhetv he has l«cn ptirsuln go minis- from the centerline nf Ibe M. ii N E.
n>e ptuenger, with-vul watting fu
Also , Northeast quartet
Id o
»f Northwest quarter <’«>8 tbe^olhcr to flnlah. reaponded. ,
ast quarter (>«> of Northeast
day moniing.
quarter (tal; XorthseM quart-r iI
Mrs. Anna Fenton was In 1
I picked It up an ro4lng oui of
of Northeast quarter t'.'i Xonhw.-M
City on Wednesday.
quarter (A«l of Northwest
quarter the train Juet new. I have great pleasDr. Webster and wife have ..
i of Non h- ore lo raturihg It to the rightful ownGrand Rapids, where Ibe doctor I* -1 <4 I: Sonlheasi quaner i
WMI quarter ir»i. and
iking n six week's course Id
quarter m> of Northwest quarter
■ thaoki
(t4l of Fectlon Eight <61. all in Town and quickly made off.
Summit City Saturday. *
ly-Bve l2at Nonh nf Range
Mrs. Erne HanUtook was o
A few minutes later tbe aiine stran
twelve ti;> West. All of ssid proi>eny
Mnlmao 8atu
lying and being In the County
of gar. vlth a brand new ombrella tucked
> some business mall
^rarnlly nnder bis arai. asked anotbfr
Grand Ttaverse. and State of Mlcbi
Bdd Green Is moving
Individual Uw saioe qoestloD be bad
George Parker farm.
**A1I of whlrti above descnlied real
A horse owned by George Parker -esuie I win expose and offer lor sale him the ombrella.
died suddenly yesterday forenoon.
vendue, to the highest bid-Ton will cxcose me. air. but Ha t
J. O. Crotaer and E
1 J. Case, have
dOOf of the Court tUa the oesrest way to Fifth avenueJiDcbes for ibeir
— the City of Traverse City. —Sansai city lodcpcndcnt.
1 Grand Traverae Ooonty. that being
ler eoutin.
He fdoee of holding the Circuit
Hn. Laella Green, d^i
1 on' WedA Dangei
ourt vriibin said County, on -^eneaday for Uberty and other poloU
ay. July S. A. D.. 1»7. at ten ovflock that sometimes tern:Iinates fatally, is
New York, where ibey Intend paaat the forenoon of that day.
ana bowel (unc( tbe summer with relatives.
Dated. May 21. A. D- l»7condlUou
Mra. A. B. BUatoo and cbildleD.
without disagreeable
___________ _
Betnice. Harold and Rhea, left on
Sheriff of Orand Traverse County King's New Ule Pille should always
Thoraday for Burr Oak, Mich., where
be your remedy. Cuaraoieed ahaoluiethey are paying a' vltii to relatives.
Atloraeya for Plaintiff.
ly aatlsfaciory la erery case cm- moeey
Mr. and Mra. John Fewiaas, aecoi
Business Address:
Center Bloek back, at C. A Bugbee Drug Co. S E
panied by Oitdr aoh. Bnaat. «c
Bmuou Harbor. MMUfan.
Wall * eons. Hanaah Drag Store. 26c.
Southeast qtianer

Tliooc that are trimnniil cumi-in

.-ImrminR vgah fnbri.v.

t-eamfing etfeota in plain vliite lavna.

We are ehoviltg the Utt line of theoi- KooJe that ve c-ver ha<l.

lines and piovidlag for tbe initiative
Miss Jackson and Hlaa Powell of
votes to anapend tbe rule* in the Silver l^e attended the dance
boose, and It waa sent to the commit­ Cedar Run last Saturday evening and

J.. F. Crocsser of 846 Bast Eighth
;ivet has gone to Stocklon. Cali..
HarlKir. Miehlgaii. ami acumsi
aceepc a position In a flouring mill. goods and rtiatlels and cv-sl estate of
Raymond H Gillette and Henry W
If he likes the new location he Will
Carer. In said County. io me dlrecti-d
make It bis permanent home.
delivered. I did.
' on
April. A. D.. ISt'T. levy upon the
following described real estate. I.swlt
■IS One (1). Two (2) and Tht.-e
Nortbe.-tst ntiarier <>;• of Somhquurter (v« iBoulhwest quarter
of Snulhesst quarter <■«) all in


Taitoroil atyl'-a cum.-uioatly in tlu-gintfliatna,

have almoat ooiuidete aboviog from

to make Hanlalee aa Ideal city by turned from a trip to Fenton, Grand Frlday nlternoon
All rt^rt Mrs. Kaiser's
givlafl It a charter which would have Rapids and other southern Hicblgan Kaiser.
Ibe ^ple aspreme. wiping out party points.
NMke of Sale.
nuiit-e; iIS HEREBY CIXT.N. Tli
tee on dty eorporailona. where Rep- spent. Sunday with friends and ralaTY-rt Khc-I
IssHvd out o
raeeatalive ‘-StoBey Monroe will
ves, n-lurning Sunday evening.

to.>-not tlirnbu

vere nevex aa pretty aa tbii aaaaon nor nev.-r oa attractively prirtid.

Every Woman Will Be Interested.
VotheMirar. s eane IsKnr Tnrk. dlmv-i
lea i-iTSuTi rnwrii beribraretiwwuBiB ■
U>. celled AfFTKALIAN I.BAF II f th.
sly rertejoaoathly twuUter <-urw> femel-

tired and slltlag down to rest aloagslde the track fi-I! asleep and the train

vailing jor (iKasniaLers

Patloms are :>Uraclive vliik- Un- atyUw art- \ory

ami embKiiier)- (rimming.

tice thereof l>e given by piihlir

three timee. ,Mn.
Sbenner. 69 jmn of a*e of Ralama-

the wedding ceremony was performed Grand Rapids, where be a
hit taim.
at 6 o'clock Hooday night.
They bit slater. Hra. Hoover, who Is on her
He was thrown some distance by
live at Vlcktbnrff. Waabbum la em­ way 10 her home In Kanaaa City.
ic engine and his clothing was badly
ployed la a p^r mill there.
irn. The accident happened alioiil
Mr. and Mrs. George Rice and Mrs.


.Tnat buy anil pnt onainl you have somctliict'
Tbooc v<-bti- tbovinK arc inaJp

Tbero are tbe plain talbrol atylea uid llio more elaboraU- alylea villi la.-.-

the Great Western railway, is
miles nearer New York than Liver-

track. It Is thonght that he became

iitwvla an<i nppri-ciaWa for wanti

dtya, aaotber tliing-the)- uv ritaily nt pace
DO bUingur tryioi; on.

Home week. July IS to August 3.
him. He waa injured Internally
have re^'
%'lce-pretident Palrbanki Is six feci and his body was badly bruised.
daa^iter. Nellie, aimouncine that ehe
four ioebes tall.
aka lives about one mile norib
has received a diploma from
Joseph Chamberlain Is reported suf­
of the village. Last night, be at
venlty of Parla.
tended the wedding of Frank MakowTtarinc been married and dlrorecd fering from caoeer.

Tom Toesday'B Recory.
too. -tneceeded la wlanlng the affectMr. and Jilra. RoberU have goi
toot and the right to call husband of Korway, upper peninsula, to vlsli
a young man 26 years of age. The
ither, Dr. B. D. Voorbeet.
yotmg man la William Waahbnm and
Ben Montague bas returned

Low Priced

At ham ktsd al a tMMaMOial

put dynamite in the oven to dry.

and Hiss Anna Fleece and after
the ccramany and wedding fesUvHle*
started to walk home on the -railroad


1 bad b-cB omitted 111 I
bfS CTc ftie.1 oil Ills nuts

attached to each baloon, wiH state a prize
which will be given to the person return­
ing the tag to our store on or before July
loth, 1907.

We Ainerl.-an« lusUi ..n using -er-

oi.ull.te urn dressamker n-.t . mill',
ocr: dcsser ncer mean, i.u.ld'.tic - r

H-*t brtdg^.'*m L^Tuirii WI. one of
the four bridges over the Fl«-t ditch.

city b;.iorisn. ws. d-troy-l .u the
gresi lA>Bdon fire .od lu it. pla--e s
street, oratinented. so Hatton tells os.
Loadua Graphk"-jAbony. dc you xm-w wLcee tooM
plus are that sere ca my cl-'«ei shelfr
"Tea. ms
I toot ibem ' "T-s look
them. What d- j-n mean I How mtey
did veu take': ’
"I dlda'i taka any.
1 gave ibeu t- slwev t.. take, but
aurae look Ibcoi away from her. ao
aba dldti't take atf.*_______

1 St, 2nd, 3rd and 4th.
19 0 7




saMcncACAenwwMWt wwsa «««>«•«•

Grand Traverse Region.

The iter, and Nis. Metten Me dlo-!»»<l Odorre Pierce of JUlaMikoe, Wli
ler mih Mrs. Oeo. Taylor Sundav.
Lrlslied Mrs Frances Thompson
^ Mrs. A S. Bamum aud Ur. a
Calrln Laicr and wife of wiaion':
Mrs. Putt Bamum spent Wednesd
pest Saturday nlxiil asd Sunday
I last In Traverse City
coBdllloo of bor brciher-lo-larr. John
Mn. Frsek Hodge- (nee yitr Ji
The * nr fnc
place w.ll'Eit ilor.i of Cjaiii.- .ndsiru'bt
fn-.; FiSTt t-.- h.' I y t hc..-e tu.i!
Ni and Mr«. C<^. Raocrott <pfBi be vorrr la
toe lot* M UM.. All con
>. Elmo.
G-ti‘"i. Itf V,;.t.n- rb- lira.I,.
•nee must roach the Herald effico net Sunday tilih his par.’ni5.
H.vl.sec I'hsiP.' Md
K f dc.i Alllno’ 41
qclie '.icl. <
An hi* <itl>t>;: vaa io this Tlrlniiy
tutor than Tueodojr neon of each '
sia p.ii'iU'. i|. Ml Vm..: .1.
'.di» .<
Mts. Edna (0 1.
•ltd H eorrotpendanta
Its fail to And till', niuiiiiiiy
l.lend« in it*...'
i.* rii flreson a*her.- ho li
Ing a few da,-.
o asmrad UiM It
WllUs Alejl V
Idace Sunday.
Mta. njve Haiimior.
- ;
quite sick is dulnie nirely ii»
Mrs. H. U Neauen vlilied In)
idin Burfiend. who
dr*. J»hi
Miss Lena l.iok relomed from Tr.
I Sunday, ihy yuest of Mr. <01
doclor's care
IV. p'rl.iay and will S|iend a l.
adiJ Mm. J. Sull
I week's, Is improving wonderfully,
sbe days with h-r pare]
e M.aidi.T
Mr. and Mrs. Hale of ___
- . ,........................................
islt- was <1111 for...................yeeterday
a drive y*
lor Ibe
While Da..-Pend*
•h<T lirsi
ed wllb Mr. and Mi
• 'FIsbiT
wedding diiiiltoi'sniy
lime since her illness.
A ctniuiny
Friday, the .hitTM- Jtimpid
luM Suiidnv
Reliri-1 4>r SuTicins Buy U te.l!(ili4; him over OIII.I the harn-s. <
. ■
Mr. Forr
orn-ster and famUy have yr. Ijiwi n none «ial>l.- at 1 tie pr-M at liuii ►■•iiu.isly it l. q.ii
Ito(.v.l,mi ;,i, i,f
Tnoved 10 Traverse rily. Mr. Jnmim|unH'
, Tlio Uleaiion. s................
.. . . .
w,.i,. ...,wd d.iT.l.i.1
W’-h and family
living In Ihehoutu-i
Mt. am! Mm. Tom atid
„ie Crtnis- lall 1.0
"saI^"“• •“■nme,
i lOih iniiiiic. ail. II
Ihey left.
'|iv.|a dailBl.ter- l-».k dim.e; witli M.
' —
. -j,^. uriiiist.ii
• ........................

h .|( t.-f«ii.m. il- iSdratlet Our

th..;r iiwD business.


Mis. •lujrwlii c.iljed
A barge and schooner loaded
_ Sunday last.
lomber from Nessen's dock lift a-eek.' . Mr. end
smi Mrs. Chiis.
H. 1-. Nessen bus gone lo Chicago Ily
|i> calh'ij
culled uti lu-r |uir<nls.
on business.
Mrs. Briimmiit. It
Iasi w.,.k.
Henry Wylander. who has been alP
„.s. oi.' Olesen rall.-d on
log a long lime, has gone to the bospi'
ughier. Mm Fr.Ml Mlll.-r of North
tal In Manlsi«.e fori.trvBlmeBI.
inltnii last week.
Mrs. ihiee and little daiigbUr, after
Mr. and Mrs. Kvldorlioina- spi-iil
■ereral week's vlafi here with her
inday afleni.K.n will. Mr. and 'Mrs
parents, has guuc lo her
■Hand and faujlly.
Grand lUpids.
uid Iwu
Mrs. Goo
Mrs. Tuttle gave a family dinner
>■ vislilug friends and'
today as a furewoll (or her faiher, ....
■latlves <>
His plkCO.
Baninel Daniels, who expects to
Miss Rachel Werner and sisier ElU.
(or Indiana io the rooming. Hit
spitii Saturday evening
with Miss
In law. IVank Tuttl.- goes also t.
Pear] Lawr.
_ Cox
------him safely to bis Joumey'a end.
Mr. and Mrs. C.
Glen Artmr
TnUle will return- soon, but
»■- look dinner with Mr. and Mrs !•. J
Daniels will r>-tnaln there wlib rels- Rurfiend. today.
Miss Florence Axtell of E
spent last week will.
Thnrsoo. .
A (amity or Indians moved here roeenily. representing three generations.
The old grandfather, they say, was
one hundred yoora old this spring, Is
atm quite sman. he is able to walk
several miles to sec his friends.
June U-

Mrs. G'-o. Kelderiiouw Is on
ck list at this wriilog.
Miss Bessie Kralli. who has I
idllog her lar.-ius lor th.- past







Kstai. .

iii.;i:-jd M.iis!..i:i -r, ;


Vtft 3'«51

0h'ir.di and work .1.1 Is- is.......
Chas. Knap
ipj. I' piitiina I
tiiilni on bis dw.dlitii:
Chas l.'iir
I.ini(ty I
(•tly vlslierl with




The tUig a-lli.,

Kr 1..-- .P<-<lV



loiili Ilf I'l-rma l.-ir
Imi- lo l«-ii;itirii;iy t
Ponoii-lA. is soid I.

itob Af SiAo
ling up quite a. patob
of the d
I'l.-iiiy .It refieshm.-nl*
Tlie Misses l.lrrio au.l Isiill. \VU.
,111.1 all had o Jolly tin
mill of Gialil. s|s-ni
,e|! roiisln. Mrs. l.til-i Haalltigi
vrat.iu Id lilivd help I
Mr. .Aiid Mis W'iok. Anii.i and Mi-t --a'.' '•ituglot Urm.-rs lo
Kmliia Fa.sel of \V- vf.iid sie-ui .d-imlav I If miMam-.'s
In this violMliv.
Harry Workman is l-.iil.llnc a liokiil...-y
TII « addiih.n to ids ti.uis.J.diii WiiiH<.'onili nriil s'H Isv. of
H.i.k-i-. '|«-nl !a-t ».s-k in tli!" iP.i.

If you'll..'..- ail', •''••n one. ..f th*-

...... ri...



Miss F-drrel i!iiitl.r ill quite
ill again
acBln (and
-n!i' had

.I.iill., .. II1I.



tiu-ni ............

Uitl.- Miss Maiio.T Kawlingv U vl-itWan
iiig ill ll.vigi-.
Mr. and Mrs, John Ur-liich sp.m
Siiniljv with Mr. and
Mis. AlI.eil
1 11-..- as i-- ............ .........
Kroi.Hof Wturt H.innah.
11 the I.-suit, as in a low
Miss l.uoy Bng.-I anJ Jtw- Titnff ai
1 Iiavi-. NilKS- t.-nd.-d the Miii-oales- dniiiv at Kings
«ln =1... >
......... iiuiie-l
fniiii any mdii -.v- .••.mplaiiii i--,- Thursday ■•voning.
Harry Itivoti of Giatiii siR-nt'Siiuday ' faurrt cnrr 1. taken lolerwally.^
at Irwin Huwliiigs.
r J..-HKSSv*w..Tcd.e«.o.
Mrs. tj.-orgo Gray'^Vllss Muido'anil Mvn'e n.iwsoti.'
For no
Trav. i>
tv we.-k.
who have l-vn working i.ti.l g..lng i-:...."
J.iiti.-N Wish, am! cate and deternlts vku ware a> tba imeo
. l.-i the I'nit- 'i
aohool In Truverw.. fliy. are vt-lrma- N, n A,„
liiiiiglin-r iind sun 111 law of Tiuv-inc
their paron.N at this pIsco.
Edd. Bait oali.-d ..I, J.».-ph IPfii



niiogion and family Suiiday.



Haiti.- Minor of -TiaversP I'liy lyomC.rlf now. U t-.r- dial»-i-*. Or.H.s>
Is .he guest ..r James Wils.,11 and [or Bright's d.s-a>e ,-.-IS in. Koa.l this
family i.t pr.-«eni
I Traverse City t.^.im.riv:

this pl.-ieo

The LAdios' Aid sooi.-ly and nil
otbors Intorosiod are invitisl to imft
Thursilay allernnon to chan t!i-ehtiroh.
Thursday evening Miss tbirtnide
Rarlob and Miss Audio Taylor iittoluli-d u jiarfy at Mr. Thompson
robe's In tbo HimIi

i g

;wh.-n a c ttain 1< «n. !.-il III-to'
.DiMin's Ki.lti.-v I'llls is ilo...jlo OH... I-.•..I1S.• It gly.e t..,ll.- k,.lt,.-.vI.- ciiMbe h.-Ip Iliey 11-1'! to |«-iT.>ilii tli-ir,

Avery leave here, but w.- wisli lilt
prospi'rlty wherever be gis-s.
8. I>. Doan is painting, th- M. I
rhnrch wl.lob ltniir<ives the l.a.ks v-.
H. r, No.Tomii ..f n.ssi m>

11 People's Savings Bank |


-ist. i-ii.-iaa, M:> I

a H'll•■<< s|s-i
k Willi the j



ci UVdl WisnJ, IHsli
A. V

q.|i •tplll

David Johnson has
Mr.'and Mrs. J Krubner went to benlll
fran Rnchestet. New York, visiting Milwaukee, where they will visit.
____ _______________ n has been
Aeme of her eon. Ed. Lietsen. ti
a good lime reported.
week, earing for the cbildren
Mr. and Mrs. John Kreliz has gone
Mrs. Bd. Letsen went to Grand Rapids to Ek Rapids where they will visit.
Potato planting Is the order of the
day It our vicinity.
(hit writing..
Several families are entmalning
■aeaslea la ibis nclully,
.Mrs. Cleeland was a vlstlor
and cbildren of
' home of Bd. Letsen's. Sunday,
Mrs. Carr was called to Cadillac
last Thursday on account of the low

I'a' dlMs^il'es

'take im ■


Owing to the cold weather and the backwardness of the season we find ourselves
over stocked on a good many lines; and as our summer goods are arriving daily we
must have room, to make it and to save us repacking a part of our samples and stor­
ing them in our store'house we are going to make a price on them for the next seven
days that cannot help but appeal to any one on the market for house furnishings goods

Bring in your cata­
log and compare
prices and quality
with what we are
showing. We know
that we can save
you money.

This cut in price at this time of the year and on t8p of the prices that are always a little lower
than any one else had ought to move them fast. So if you have bee thinking of buying anything
in the House Furnishing line it will pay you to inves 'gate at once, before the best values have
been selected.

Cbis Sale will continue untill 3une I4tb
Beavy Furniture
Rugs, earpets.

Iron Beds
A goodfull size Iron Bed, 4 fc. 3
inches high, at.................................


Another Bed, 4 ft. 6 inches high, made of extra
heavy tubing and has heavy one inch ftO QR
angle iron cross braces, at.....................

Sanitary (touches
Made of heavy IH inch angle irons, has 26 coil
spring*, at each end, springs are snpported under­
neath with 6 oil tempered steel springs ^4.60

We are showing some cxcepttonally big values In this line
We are showing a full size Couch, upholstered
in good \’elour. with heavy oak frame
A number 1 Boston leather Couch, with all steel
construction, and turfed top,
^0 75

TIoor Clouermgs

Such as Dining Room Ttibies, Bed Room
Suites; Sideboards and Book Cases are the
pieces that lake up the most room, and here
IS where the deepest cj'. .h pfivc is made

Outline is exceptionally large and must be
cut about one-half.


Throw Hugs that formerly sold at S'J, S^i.
S4 50 and $6. now

$1.50, , $2.25, S153.5D
and $4.50.
Large room size Rugs in Tapestry, Smyrna.
WIvet. Axminster and Body Brussels that
sold from $ls to $40. now

$12.50 to $30
Heavy part wool Ingrain
Cai^af ...................


We have a number of remnants in
Linoleum. Oilcloth and Carpet that
we are closing out at cost.

that formerly sold for SI". $l2.o0.
Sli; and $25 are now M.-lling a;

$8, $ 10.50, $ 14 and $20
Odd Dressers
that iNold at S".
SI", S!-5 and SI'-' arcnow selling a:

We have room Tor
only a few prices in
this space, but the
prices are cut in the
same proportion on
everything in our

Stoues and Ranges
This is'^a gootl time for you lo buy a Range or
Cook Stove. We have an extra large stock of
hese and arc making closer prices than were
ever made on a good line of stoves in Northern
Michigan Leftire.
We are selling a good range with iS-inch oven—
d, 'or :• holes, at

We have Cook Stoves all the way from

$6.50, $7.75, $12, $16

$4.00 up

We are showing a Sideboard made of solid
oak. with 12k-‘" mirror.
j | 50

We also have a full line of Gasoline
Stoves, selling up from

Combin^u Bookcase and Writing De>k.
<2 inches high, d' inci
wide, with
1J\1I' either
mahogany or oak. at .

:.. 12.50

Remember, we arc the sole agents
for the great

Be sure and look this Rango
over belore buying.

Easiest kindof easy payments


The Original Home Furnisher Of Northern Miehlgan.



moADmaft f



Sale Commences Saturday, June 22

and will Positively End
the Evening of July 4lh

The fact ol a cold, backward season has Icit us with a mammolh slock ol summer merchandise on our hands.

Mighty Bargains in CLOTHING

Store Closed
AU Day niday,

To mark down prices

1-2 Hour Specials


Gmnite SU-w Pan

We deem ll'wlse lo urasn'the mid-season lor

Cloaks, Skirts, Waists, Etc.

Men s I-ioR Coats and I’anis.
I 8lyli»hly o.ani- <,f worsti cle auil cas»i-.
I ineree. actually worth tll.OU. Salcprio- ‘

All Day; Friday
and $7, for this s:.!..............................................,2^. ,3.88 and $1.98

7.3 .Men'* dark and lielit WcraUsl
Suite, made of all this eeiison'e
fabrics, well worth $10 and S13.
We place'l■.•m
2 Btybe Mcn'e Sprint; and Sum­
mer ' ivL-rciKitB up lo
$10. at .....................................
40 Young -Men’s Suits cx-:ellpnt
patterns, will com^n- favorably
with any p>.,30 suit in tho city.
I'nloadiiig Sale pri<-e___ $8J18
Yount: M-n’s Dress Suits of black
Clay Worstixls. .Alwavs sold
for f7.30—this Bull!......... '..4J18
Men’s Cotton Paote. dark paitoms
$1 value—this sale, jut pr. ,69c

23 Ladies' Salts, :iF this s.-aBoi.‘s stylfS. mfnk* ill plain
}*»nafi;i9. Hros.ti-loiii anri fam v Knelish tiiixiunfs. Coats
and sleovos silk tin-i. KlabomU-ly triiniiird. This sisuoiiu
U-slSl:;. $1.) and SI- v.'iluiw. riiloadiog sslc jirioo


................... 1.98 and 2.48


$8.98,.w.’ar Dress.-s


l™................198 aud 1.19


Ficur.-d I.3WII I >re6siiig S;ic.pi.-s.
rnlrtfidiiig.Sah-jirivo ------ 19c
T.vluV Kigiireil Shirnd Orgnndi.'
Kiuh.iisf. worthil, for___ 49c
LsJi.V Not Waists in whit.* and
-\rabian colors, special Tur this
fnlouiWSalu ...................2.98


over win be

23c PercaleSan fkmnote and Hats. Oc

Lafije size Uruniu- Wasiidish for. .
2 qt. Coveri-d l iriinil. B::, ki -tj. for

k Children's iluslin Draw's, all sizes lie

^ 4 i^t. (iniiiii.’ .M i\ iiii: lijuL fipr...



10:00 to 10:30 a.m.
boice of aay Mee’a Snit in the




1 2.K Lamidry Hags, special...

Rmnarkable Offer in
GenPs Fomistilnos


Jane 33
900 to 9:30 a. m. •
6 ban Santa Clans
1 ^—
Laundry Soap for.........InjC
9:30 to 20:00 a. m.
Udiee' SOc bUok and white Silk
Glovea, nnaU-«Re6,
lOKlOlo 10:80 a. m.



toTiaveiBeCity with
a porehaw- of *30 or
I over, a diitance of
* 30 oiilee or lew.

10 to 10:30 a. m.
Choic, of any $3 00 nr |3 30
Womnii's Shoe in the 01 AQ
•'“uso for...........

I 2.3r Tooth P.iadi r and Cold Cn-iim !'c
’ 2.7c Side and Back Combs............... ;ic
La.Ii. s- 19.: Belt Ho... Supiiort.-ni.'.t


('hoioe of any $'!.00 to $ 1 00 SW#
Shoi- in the house


100 of th<-«‘I'c il.-ms.
Spu-e to. limiMl to niction.


h SCE...


looses. Koseluid. /|\
Foliage. Poppy, el.', f I
' worth up to-30c. for.. g ^

$:i value for

Stirring Sale of
S, otc!i Lawn and Cnli'-o:. in
a large lino of ne»v patUTus,
l>erranl 3jc.
Muslin and Dimitin. desira­
ble Bl vies, worth lOr. this sale 6c
New effets in Wash'i'loils,
plain color, dots aii,l slriiies. per
yar.1 lOc.
W:isii Fabrics. Froii, 'i Lawns.
Dottcl SwisseB. I)liiiilii-s f.,r
tlns«dc, pi‘r yar,l. 8c, 12'.C,
15c, 19c.
Mnsllo Underwear Btrealns
Km.' length M'i>.l;i, Skirlan 1 t'mlirelU Sh:ij»-I Drawi-ra
^“'lWl‘L^e?^...iium W-.i-ht
Muslm Skirl!,, trima.,'.; with
,i,.',-p la,-e. iiiVTlioti a:-.] lick­
ing. won!. SI an.! 1 .'lO. ('1.1..i,i.rk-i ,ii',«n i-,jii«Ily.


The Great June Drop Pattern Sale of FURNITURE
A ^,duction of from 80 to 40 per cent from the regular pri,-e. We b.i:ighi from spv, ra) factories the
Furniture. All mannfactun'rstof furniture irv to .-mpty their war-'housc for thr* season* ,,' .Inly an,' -I n,., m

.lining stock of some goed and os,-ful pie-vs of
,k .-idvaatag* of it this v. .r a„.l the g.x„l

7.f$8.(5 ‘;r$3-98 ‘1;“$5.98 ‘L“$9.9S

liAjw we give a few of the articl.‘» their worth ami the pric- we shall no-.v sell them foi i!)ca lierre is tn .ay we c in
in Ii icliyoo
leli you aboQt
abont ::i:-.|.fe. ,-;-!ue 11. anl see them


11 Days

i* the limit
of tlu- tale.
w There will
iiidueamentE eeouKh for future
inveotmenta Your money back if
yoB are not utiahad

$6.98 *L?‘>$4.39

Cou.!,r.. ,..vcr.
eJ w,:;, |,r-:iy


1, Icehb^-k,.,.,

;■ .

i •:.' 'm'.

H C,



. , :

i ■ ''



til:- ]T1 >•.

’■ ...

am':. ^ 1 -


•1 . .

il:. '.--

. .:

June 2<;
to 9:30 a. m.
Lielii*' Burson Si«ml(«s

^nt S-bore

| #) •!_

Huee.worth 25o, for----- IZ2G
’.':30tol000a. m.
F'ancy White Gooils, worth A (
pur yanl. for................ J2C
into 10:30a. m.
100 .loz genuine oil opaque Win­
dow Shmloe with spring |A |
rollers, worth 45c, for... |^2u

r> 1\ Fare Paid
Ig to Traverse City with
of 12000
or ov.-r, a distance of
30 miles or less.


June 2'
'.♦iCKt to 51:30 a. m.
Ladies’ ‘.Vhite F,<il Hose.
Btaiii'esB per pair............. jC
5P30 to 10:00 a. m.
Brass, extension ruis. with faney
en-is. wiUezteml 4 ft..worUiO^

10c. for............................... JG
.'«c barB of Clover Blussom
Tiolet S-iap 2 tor...................jQ
WE .\ir.:<T HAI.-^K

The :i,hanLTg|,8 ,if this sale are
so great that it will pay those who
lii,']‘>j ij.iiea .iW.,y lo'-iin.. Not
only , loth;ag. Imt i.-verything in
our -Mammoth Eitohlisbrne-nt suf­
fers great prio- cutting.





Must close out the Fri.-.lrieb-tireilick uh,,? stock
Ibices «ill di* it.
.',u Duttenhufi-r
7fi dot Uen’s and Boys' soft make Lillies’ Patent Colt Djcsb Shoejat $2.48.
bosom dress shirts in percale.
Ladies’ tine Kid Siioes, flexible soles, all Botiil. for $1.19.
Madras, corded shirting, plain
Ladies’ White Canvas Ojtfonls. I'nloading Sale price
ice 79c.
and silk fronts. i30c, 73f. fi.OO.
Men 8. Boys’ and Youths' oik skin shoes fur 98c, $145...... $1.38.
for 87c.
a Ixirguin tab!i«. worth uji to $f, f,.r 59c, 78c, $1.39, $1.67,
Munnfactnrer's eample line of
Men’s French balbriggan under,
wearrin plain and fancy .olors, MILUNERY CUT TO THE BONE
worth SOc. 7.'h-, for 86c.
Dress Trimnird Hats, made of good
Best selection of Bovs’WaisIs

■,24c, 48c. braid, dowers and trimmiiiL.'s, rnlotidiiig 7=a!e
------------- -------- Ji-nl 8us])i ii- prill*, 98c.
ders. per pair. 15c.
Dross Trimmed Hats, includinij «fi pat- 10c diH'p la-e trrmnhi! H;i:,. k..rdiief8 for 5c
tcnis. I'nlusding Sale priee. $2.49,
Strii-t Hats, made of l«st braid*, trim'd
Bargains In Lawn
in ornaments, ribbon and quills, $2 .'-3 lo
Shirt Waists value,
I lam an.l t-sucy Pearl Bimons. from the
for $1.24.
I’Inited fronts, embroidery
to Uic ) .rgest ,'oai -ize.
All our Children's Mull Hals will -e in this
trimmivl. worth 75c. for 48c.
for2.Von :Aioilar, Buttons ,u
sale for SOc on the Dollar.
French Lawn Waists, trimmed
thill,it werll,upM$l p-r ,bzca. Sf
with iace and embroidery. $1.23
Choice p r
I nn?
laiv and lacks.


'•'.30 to 10 a. m.
Ludi,*s' lOc llaiulkorchicfi, liioo
trimmed, will bo sold,

, l.'ic and I’.IC Uosiery JI

110,It. TinPaiUfor..........................
2,-,- F:in,-y \'ii6i's f,-r..........................
:i '.'.in. (ir.iiiite I’ii- Plate for.........


'.':00 to SLJOa m.

1.69 4.98

•'1 qt-deep limiiil- liusins...............


\-l Hour Specials

'' Ilrew’shiS’ “u

24c. 39c, 59c, 76c. 98c


oUrly fo
•old.per bunch.
25e Cambric Lace Trim'd CT

lime 21
To mai-k down prices

9:30 to 10:00 a. m.

Store Closed

140-142 E. Front SL, Traverse Qty

I. THUfMMY, ium to. t«7.

The Hmmrfi & Lay MercanMlc Company
Great Annual Midsummer Opening »<« Sale
Saturday, June 22

FoHowtng out the progressive plans
the last fpw months.
WA intend to maka the iUst tew days of June, commencing

Red Letter Days in the History
of the Store and this City . . .

It has been our custom to clean our shelves of all seasonable goods, not carrying over an article, and to do so
many lines have been cut deep and the prices are astonishing, giving you the biggest bargains of the season.

Rememember. though, not all lines have been SO cut. for we are showing the most up-to-date stock of goods In this north region. Every department is
nowfilled with the finestgoods thatcan be purchased, and the lines are now complete to the smallest detail. No store in Northern Michigan offers you
so many advantages for convenient shopping. Wo can supply you-tvith alt the materials if you are building a house, and furnish the nouse complete with
“the finest fixtures, furniture, carpets and curtains. We can clothe you—man., woman or chi!d--frdm head to foot. Supply your every need ot food and
fill your every want without leaving our big store, thereby saving hours in trading. Then our Rest Room, Toilet Room, Check Room and Elevator are
for your comfort and areentireiy free to^ll. Make use of them andmake yourself at home in our big store at ail times.
wide, in light apric
jricot, while and black.
laled for wear and lustre.
Sold in the RQa
cities for 76c.< Our sale price.....................

We are the silk store uf Northern Michigan,
will maintain thiss prestige by clearing up each season
and hlling
our shelves wiin the next season’s goods.
ThisB is the dean up o( Spring lil07:
All 60c fancy silks. Sale price
All 65c fancy silks. Sale price
All 75c fancy silks. Sale price 63c
All $l.O0 fancy silks. Sale price S7;^c.
You may judge about the future price of silks by
noting that a year ago raw silk sold at $lf75 a pound;
today it sells for $6 50.
The Drug and Book Division has just made ar­
rangements to carry a full line of the finest candies that
are made. One of the finest show cues in the city has
been placed at the west entrance, and as you come in
the store you see displayed an array of candy that is
most tempting All manner of fancy boxes put up as
only the most up to-date candy makers know how. and
£Ued with the mo^t toothsome sweets. Fancycreams
and chocolates 611m with the. most delicious centers.
Nothing nicer for a present, for binhday gift, anniver­
sary, or when you'are going calling. These boxes sell •
«t 10c, 15c, 25c. 80c, 40c 50c and 65c. Take a box home
with you and have it on. your own table Everybody
likes good candy. We carry the best.

These are all dainty fabrics for summer dresses and this sale offers ilie best
opportunity of the season for buying these desirable goods.
Wears good, washes good, sells good at 5c
Our sale price..................................................................... -..................................
A beautiful slieer fabric in florah, dots and stripes
Is a 2il inch colored wash fabric of unusual beauty, suitable for summer wear


Comes in white grounds with stripes, floral effects, large coin dots and solid
plain colors, worth in to-day's market 12M cents. Sale price.....................
Are fabrics used by particular dressers for afternoon and evening gowns be­
cause of their dainty effects and superior washing qualities In the 1 OfS
present market worth from 15c to ISc. Our sale price........................... Xi©k.»

That are perfection in weaving and colors and appeal to the best trade. Oin
Our regular 25c and 30c values. Sale price................................................ wH./
The choicest wash fabric in the market for fine wear. Our 50c cloth.
Sale price..............................................................................................

Everybody in every town and ci y that cele­
brates shouUI have a flag. We have anticipated this
demand and have the largest stock to'^lect from.
Muslin Hags on sticks from the little ones that •
sell at .5c a <loreo to the large size that sells for 30c.
bast Color Bunting Flag for 45c.
Other sizes are 75c. $1. ’61.25. $150 and $3.75.
1 he-All Wool Bunting Flags are all prices from
$1.5uto$15. Large Sliields at 10c and I5c. Decor­
ating Fans at 10c.
We make all manner of outside decorating,from fast color bunting l.eave your order for these
decorations in plenty of lime for us to make them up
for you. These will last for years, and there are so
many occasions when you can uSe them.


Tlio eollecling of I’ottsi Csr.U li:is erms to stay. M«re
canl* are Iti-iDB mode and soM IIi«so .Isya than ever befon*, ami
the end is not yet.
Wc show 10,000 bBaiiliriil eanls. in all the . oewotl novelties. < hir own Im-al Poet Cunlt ere i&> tiiieet Uiat are made
aiiywlien* Yt.u always vnat to return .-..rard £«»r every one yon
gel. See otrr enermous stock. Send your friends eome of
tb.-se bounties.
Come here, for we am showing as fine a lino of books as has
been brought into the rity. All the intest fiction we have just
as soon as it is publisbt^l. and now we have sr-veral complete
lines for Iwys and girls ui 2-‘k:. d'rc and oOc. "20U copyright
books that always sold for $1 25 and SI *>0 now arc 50c,
A great case full of the fiuMt gift books from 25o to
t2.50. Begster Uiblps from 1-5 to |5. The American Standard
Hevis.-d Bibles from
to S4 50. I'entecmul Hymna at 3Sc
and ihi:.

Clothing Sale of the Season
Following usual custom, we clean up every season and do not carry over goods, and new to
clean our shelves we are offering you the biggest bargains that any one has dared to place
before you. These are goods that are NEW this year.

Yonac Hen’s Salts, lo Sizes 32, 33, 34,
35, 36, 37, 38

Hen’s Summer Flannel Sbirls

• This line is entirely NEW this year, and are
the height of style. You can own a suit for
very little money.

These are strictly ' up-to-date goods, all
new this year.

546.00 Suit for...............SSSSO S34.00 Suit for...............$27.60
540.00 Suit for...............S33A0 S32P0 Sun for...............S2&00

Alfred Beojamln & Co’s Hen's Suits
known the world over, and the celebrated Brandsgee, Kincaid and Wood's Fine Clothing, all
NEW this year. Note these prices:

gss s;:.... gs

SUAO Suit for..
Sisno Suit for. .

SS0.00 Suit for.................S25Z»

Dots’ Knee Pants Greatly Reduced
These do not have bloomers. Best values
yet. Sizes 8 to 1C years.
Me values for.......................'.Ste
75e vslues for........................55c

$1.00 vsluei for................... 82e
$1.50 vsluct for...........

Boys’ Knee Suits, Sizes 3 to 16 Years
Splendid values.
taOO SuH for.................$6.25
$7i0 SulU for...............$5.1
$6.00 SuiU for...............I4J

All new this year.
$4.75 Suits for



$6.60 Suite for

:::SSS nisi."..;”:::::::
The popularity of Millinery seems to increase with the advancing waim weather and wc
are meeting this with a decided drop in prices. Our trimmers and designers are^urning out ^ome
and other popular shapes. Our regular $5.00
very stylish effects in the new Fifth Avenue Sail
vaioMvenowS3 75 Our regular $7.50 values are now $5.U0 Our regular $10.00 values are now
$7.50 Some big values $1.98 and $2 50 Children’s hats at 50c and Veiling fpr autoHobiling the
$1.00 value for 75c. Untrimmed sailors from $1.00 to $5.75.
Corsets to fit every figure, and the free service of an experienced fitter.
Separate Summer lackets, srere $9 and $9£0. sale price $7.50 Beautiful S\immer Coats in
colors and black were $10 and $12.50, sale price $3.25. $15 Separate Jackets, sale price Sll.yO. Sli
and $20 Separate Jackets in fine broadcloths and novelty goods, sale price $16.
Summer woolensxiicely tailored atul fashion's latest models, formerly $15.00. sale price...............SI l .t"!
Ladies’ suits in Etons and Cutaivays. Jackets, all cloths formerly $18 and $20. sale price..............U 9>
Beautiful 'Tailor Suits in our $22 50 and $25.00 qualities, now.............................................................. 17-5<'

Jt'ootveai. Oxfords in latent LMlher. £id and Oanvas for every member of
your family, tram tbo llWe lot up. To attempt a deecription of so large an
aMwtmvnt vooU require loo much apace and only confuse. Snthce it to say
that there is variety enough and range of prices so extensive that we can gitarantse lo fit ewryoDewho may favor vs witii a visit.
. Gibson Toe Oxford.
SPEOALS. Women s Patent Oolt. <
tbe $;t kind for 2.45 Men's Patent Colt and Eatont Kid Ozforda. blncber or
rvgnlar. the $:i 60 aftle for 2 70. We have Something special in nearly every
line of footwear. We'll be looking for you.
80 doz. Lidies’ tape neck and arm Vests,
in summer ribbed gauxe. Sale price 5c.
2.000 yds. standard quality Apron Ginghamv. worth 8c. sale price 6’ic.
2 cases Mon’'s Sodcs, in *''•
black an
gray mixed, sale price, pair, 5c.
200 pairs large! RufH^ Muslin Cunaini
. _
worth 75c a pair, special *ale price 4Sc.
Keep in the Shade—50 White Parasols

The chance of a lifetime. You'll remember thistle

Foil Dress and Tuxedo Soils

$1^0 Corduroy m Brown or Tan for $1.30.
0 Corduroy m Brown or Tan lor $1.75.
$2.50' Corduroy
in‘ Bro'

- n for $23JO.

$3.00 Co'duroy m Brown or Tan for $2.50
$2J5 value! In Blur. Tan or Gray for $2JI0.
$2.50 value* in Blue. Tan or Gray for $2^5.
$3.00 valuet .n Blue. Ton or Cray for $2.55.

Men’s Fancy Vests
These are just what you want, and then see
the prices that you pay for them. These are all
this year's goods.
$6.00 value* f
$5.W valuet to
value* f
$3.50 value* fo

$3-00 value* for
$2.50 value* for
$2 00 valuea tor

Don't miss these bargains.

S1.M Bull, all wool for Il.tO $34» Suit, all uvool for 62^6
$2.« Suit, all wool for St-65
S4M Suit, all «voel for S3J0
$5X0 Suit, all wool for $3M
Men's Work Shiru 50c prade* for......................4$c
Men's Black . Ssteen Shirts 50c gradei for.............. 4$e ^

np-to-Date Neckwear Underprice*
These are all this year's goods and they
a'C beauties.
$2J5 T.e* for . ..
75e Tie. for....................... 60e
$1.00 Ties for.................. SSc
50c Tie* for....................... 45c
25e Tie* for.....'........... 20c

Nifbt Sblrts

50c Outing Flannel for.. ,45c

KSIIS!” : :: :::: :S2;
50c »tyl*» for.................. 45e

SBIRT WiASTS AND SHIRT WAIST SUITS Evcrjbody knows that prices of all cotton fabrics
are very high and this has made it hard for manu faciurcri and
and to add to their discomfi
discomfort 1 _
coldJ backward
•coring weather made them desperate
rate, they had to have money. We h.
had the
money and a belief that hot days were coming., Wc
We offer for this sale Waists that are much
under priced for the real value. Lace and" cmbroidcfy trimmed
white shirt waists excellent
values for SI 00. White waists in choice designs suitable
all occasions at $1.25 and $1.50.
I ne values we are onenng at $'. S2.-59 and up to $5 are sue
and find joursdi yroperly and handsomely dressed at less c t than to make them.

mu-!'ui Li—n. I

.pUiid uni figured effects, in tub-proof oolors at
Ttiesi' are not the i-.tntnon kimJ but -ireMcs
-ifeM,-! for cb
cbarcli. pb-i c and party

b, 610 each.

---------------- —----------- w.-ciuTytwo
—.j---- ..jpb'le lines. Oni-is regular eizki ID Ikuautifully trimnieU with laoe ami embtoulery aittl ril>U,a iDSortioas; tbe other line is made for etont figure*- ah col extra sizes.
«e also oarrj-II liuR suiubl.-for bospiial u
full line of InfnnU' and...Chil'ireo's

"akinc any repairs
around .^your Itlouse
Ivory Wood Fibre Prepared/l’iaster that is used in­
stead of lath. IMaster Boa/d ibat is so much better
than shingles. The Ohio Repressed Brick. Qement—
can sell it to you in anv quantitj. sack, barrel or carjoad. hime. Calcine i’laster. Building Paper of all
kind. We can save you money we know. Try us.
If You’re Buildinr

Sanner Ftevltnrc
The greatest line of Hammocks that is
displayed in the city. You can pay $6 50 for
one of the finest or any way down to ’M)c.
Porch Chairs—Something that can be
used on tbe oorch or the^awn.and the
prices *re $8.75, $8, $2 oft $2. $IM. SI
and 75c.
Lswn Swings, something entirely new.
Sell at $15 and $10.50.

Men’s Two-Piece Snmiiier UnSerwear
Priced to close.

WIlV Pav More VUienyoucangeta genuine All Wool Ingrain
for 55c a yard. Many have to pay -Vk to 60c for
a cotton carpet. Here youwii! get something that will wear three
times as long and costs no more. Wc are also showing the greatest
line of Velvets and Body Brussels it has been your good fortune to
see. No one siiows so large a line of Carpet size rugs as we do.
.All manner of styles in Body Brussels. Wilton Velvets, Tapestry
Bru-ksels, Imported Japanese. This latter is just the thing for sum­
mer cottages. Remember this when getting ready to go camping
or spending the summer in your cottage.

Hie Great Gilt Store
A most wonderful display of exquis­
ite Cut Glass in all the new cuttings,
and all manner of articles. Bric-a-Brac.
handsome Hand Painted China. Chop
Plates. Fruit Plate*, Sugar and Creamer?.
Bon-bon Dishes. Olive Dishes, beautiful
Jardiniers. all si/e*. Electric and Gas
Lamps. Everything in Sterling Silver­

Keep Cool-Drtak Co»l
Beverages. Hire's Root Beer is the
favorite. We have it in the packages or
in licjuid form. Sells at 25c either way.
Hire’s Ginger Ale, 10c a botiie. and it will
make two gallons of the liquid. Hire's
Lemonade costs you 10c abottle and will
make 2d glasses of the most delightful

tRAtm TMvifkte HEfuta.



W«fl t»-

. taMkhad Mind.



>ay, a »arnint
olflcer receives t
o-*»e or *jw
8panl8h-AmcHc*?™«r’ for each three yi'ars
itit his fourth
aleamed •from 8an Francisco «> Key three• years. »hi-ii
»heii h<’
h< n-cWve* ll.coe,
West in C8 day*, going around the
] aler taelve years' service, tv.
Horn, and arri»!i! on time to tack
r. tiring at the age of HI
prominent part In the dwinicilon uf
irs on three-duartars |iay tor life.
Cervera's fleet at ibe great boihI
offletTS fivduelilly bare
baule off SanUago,
After ibl« great
running tigtii
iponaol duties assigned
them, n-eeira a ration m aildiliou h.ij
their pay, anwm shore, eoniniuiutiun
•• provided I'
the Navy.-; .im ,ms Miunquei sim
le gnverni
hang* to the big baTtlt■^hip In what
a of I he Ho'ipllnl
ort ahe erulura to,
navy rerrultlng uffleo open* in


Vnp a pnud U-Ja) and tn ^ famma

“brlgttial Retries
and Cooking Helps”



TTben slong eom-« a bdolwrlttug ex
|iert who never se<v him le.'ore



' U»- -l-e- <be e*,^ knowv


W. H. Els-n. *ujK-rinie!,d.-m nf n. ■
prlacl|dea. by
Krurtlon In the rioelsTuI «i. puhllv ■ «n»rtied J«'»er of dnlueifc'U a la
sel.aoK V..-.S re.vrtly a«l;i I
The Bberlnrti Holmes and ly a tneaeure of
-by s-s'ks. sUtns nirl ii.-'.ktles af- romMoo aeose
Hnn.kl X. yutixlberc.
fe< icd
Ad hy ninny of the high seho.ii hoy* a well kaoso
ext>latn*d some
the ru«Tiin of taking rei-fs In tbe■., of
of tbe
f inetUciA of bli profession la Ike
I *pr.-lal
niHVs'jary nO.’ ihe.eurrlrnilun. 1


Cbieago Tribune:
•'Tbe eaiwrt In cblrogniphy may pul
a Juror to the proof ninl out of a tkaea

will lie alike la general form. Then lip
may tom to lb» antli.-nrK- and /orgel
elgoaturva In alio<»i any i-a'p aud
show to the to.vaisii, that tbe ftm
•loe'ilon of f.-rgery/'aroie from Tbe
fact that ilie«e two almalupi-* at 4
. first glance are Ideuiicallt alike talmost tbe tniniit-st detail. With all
the iklil which (he foiver piit* lct-> hii
crooked work, hr keeps to I’le i,l 1 prln
I-Iple of ei-pylng the anihentlc sliBa
ture whi-h tie bas In hand, otid tbe
I more nearly he can reprrvioce the slgnaio-e la every proi».rrl»n the uioro
: roodli.v the forgerr enn he proved
••ftne of tbe mort liPi»>n«!u fneta
■ from which the exp-'rt may l■e^l•^ hi«
. Investigations of [..ssihie f.-rserv to
that every man nsins a pen In wrliiai
I has hto -pen scoj»- This te -T.nica!
term desrrilies the sverag-' streri-b «-f
' paper whW-h a mao may cover wiih-ust
I lifting tbe pen from the p*i--r and
' shirting Ms h.-TTNl to enn'lrn* tlw 1'-ie.
“In the esse of the slgtistiin- .-f one'*
, name, it should he "tie of the easiest
and least sTtldieJ gronp iiftrorito w hieti


U. B. battleship OREGON.
Otbera lse known a* the "Bulldog of ibe Savr " 8!«-6med from San Fmnci>«s. «
days, going around (be Korn, and airlved la time to u
take par '
nniaguc block
eight daya. a lid for the Informyoung nicii het a-<-cii 17 to If>
who want to Join the navy, Cliii-f V«v>n Downs cxpbilnH os IoIIowh how
become a warniin or conimtoslon
olflccr In the navy:

S ...

■ eliw-

Amid «ba ruins of my boiuw. and. s
oeoflagratloua Mtalag all aroond me. I
bnee e*«aped from tbe flames ibroogb
VOat fate bas befallen my
dangblert. wbetlier a wirae one tbin
tbat of ibelr country. I dnow nab I
Atone and elderly and seeing ever^j
lUng atwmd roa In ac bands of the
caemy, atui l declare tbiit my property
to wboto and tmtouebed. 1 have. J boU
wbatever of laUie I have ever lied,
nere to no teaaoo for you to suppoee
1 and yourself my condaeror.''-BMeei.

Waod of Troea Oestreyed by Plamea
Mahss Valuable kuisbee.
ne traveler who bas wondered why
name one to not made of tba limber
tbat bat been Bro killed all over tbe
rooitry will be Inlereeled to learn Ibet
Ibe United States forett aervict at
Cnivenlty <k Watblugion, BeatUc.
dlscDvered a mi«nf of ntiliilog tbla
Umber, wbieb in tbe past baa largely
gOM to waatc.
Id tenting Are killed tiober-tbat U.
timbtr Which bad Its bark dtwiroyed
by A Are DM' aevere anougB to entirely
coMRc Ibe troo and which left It
ataadng-it was faund to be tborosgtaly nontd sad to all intMti and pnrpoaaa tboroogbly nroroned lumbei
It was determined that if scib
ber to cut within tbe ,antt year after R
la iolnred It can be uaed for any pur
pdae for wbicb tbe oelginal wood to saf
tofietoet. but If allowed to etaml tlie
tlmbar dweka ao badly tbit,it cannot
ba worked up to a'dvnntagr.
it bas alao been Alselaaeal by lnv«iU■athma nndertaken that good railroad

* EpHGEP.r,


Young men are santed f.vr Ibe boalatad With a Free Streha.
plisl corps in (be navy, hospital aplo many crtolnal iilaU tbe ebargi
preallees and pbanuaeisl*. and the' af forgery la pn.\ej or disproved by

' DenetrlM. rto vu ninwiDed Ml
. . drcetw. took Uefan. and tbc pbIkM»
pb«r BtBte. wbto naked by Um wbetb
w be bad iMt aortbtax. aanrered. "Irt:
I ct»T all ay property about me." Trt
hb iaberiMBco had beeo fftreo op to thr°fin1
........................ • bod been out. during the
«aa ibe UBS. enthroned on hl;h. inir.
roomled by ibe epcon at hi> vlrtnriooi
, troopo. wbo pot tbU <nse*tioa to blm.
yet be otnek tbe rtetoty out of the
klnr* taada and proved that, tboogh
tbe <1ty wna taken, be hlnmlf wai. not
only VDceodBered. but tmbaroied. for
be bore «lCb bitn tbow frae r>odj
Which DO Ode can toy bamli > oi<ob.
Amid tbe flaah of sworde on all eldea
and Un Has o( the ptniideHnt noldiery.,
aaM tbe tUaee and l>load and rnio of \
tbe tallen dty. amid Ibe craab of ternplea ralUDd upon tbalr yodk. one man
waa at peace. -Bebold.'* u.n> lie. "1 am
at altboueb, on.
hat deetroyer of
y cUlea. walla may be ebaken'
j. lofty i<
It loa- l>3
lartM and hidden mine* and moouda

thumdav. juke 2a.'t«r.

wri"o; a leti. r. f.vr exaoipl-.
scope Itinmg'.i it tuny >bt'-n- .m
slryteh of one l-.-h th.‘ te
letti-r. while In tls- slgtialTire tlie vrliole
length of the slgtuiliire. twice
I mg
may !»• eovercl. hiil if Tlie wder cv .
era llif« full *irei-b i.f his luime In Hi:T^y the ei;ST1 may prove l-y lUi
Th-arter pen sivjpe of Hie isipri.t Ihxt
tbe slndlcii ropy is a forg.-ry ra itj
face. for. 'nowever free of stroke tb>
forger may U-. n.atiirally bU effort tn
pr.-slie-c .a of crio'lwr man's
slpiatuiv -.vlll make bis stsape sborier
itaau ll-nt of the original. sigu-T

rlilrh are clnil
above-viulIltK-d tor olli.-r
ri-(iiil rvini'niH
I lielng! ..................
tth.ii f
nopllci.... ...
have 1h»- rtile of iKispUal fti-aurd.
there to a !n«- wh|.-h g.-vi-ni,. tbc ,
an'«her plcv of glass .m tiq. of R
IKwsoRs a good rveor.l, and
a sat-1
ton-.tli of
I. f::iv to- «>«! fasten the ,.l.sro of pa,s-r Hut is
Isfactory exaniltlaiion.
«'•!• of Hot.
Commission in iSe Nsvjt Pt
Peuible. .t.xp. P. a,g.n..,M way as the higber |




l^tw* loorc MwpUBg. wllifs .4 frowr muvUisi


ey hoaseinlr *
is fiW ts oil.


A bontfel -r
nc T.. n pltil-- wai iwaiiije.l In
ng nn Ito-t tntllii
ir ..|h.-.-r clung 1.
rt Ho- msn
•• the regiment •• Then

Tbs Beeps sf In4>as*«isi>.
In-I gesInHi Is h'd oclv llie most
provsient of all .llwn.e,. Put I, Ibe
mosT far-rea-liing iu its omplli-atiOBs.
ssys I>r I4ITS.K) III Hropti t-uliuro
Id pviigulilon -W this fact .a le-iiiwnt
imsi-Mt man ha* «t.d:
-niere 1a b:ti ooe dtoease-lofliges

Bhc Asked No Mow ajsstiuos.
,V ki-sliy la.-nl «< 4.aL -.isin.d great
lilt' i.-i In g-dug thtoiiti, the iLJuslrlol
le-riic f,.r Phml m-u, .--s-oig onr slgbiIv* i:,4« IH-.-1IV . SCI,,.; a . bale sbe saM
■ | <Ioh'i "OS' le<« you nwa d-* that
-■7i,,.-s the nay with

for all el «v a..............

Special for Saturday
Children's Paicnt Leather Brown Belts in
bl&ck, white and red, all si/cs. at only

8 Cervts Esch

character who a

)ust In time for the 4th.

and will apply himsejr lit spare

may be
- chiDlStamay
given commission*
year. To hi-coiiie'hv^o
**°* »bcn a forgivy done In Ibll
_°^“!anv>nrtgli. a watran t officer miist 1-.- Mcf..-nn. Ibe iiiillion.ilpi- i«dili-- .in am. |
Than da jears ci
aritiiii (•ffieer b
llic lowest grade of con.uil,-1 ^ ,
aloned offlccr. The requirvmonls
S.i; : dc-ins? ...............................................................................................................
a lien i-., J, H"- ' ■‘I'dalIclio. Us- mov-io-ut wlU
tbat the applicant PboII be less than f„-t ..,-n. t.v ibe fivir Il..:t iflic **
'''sve ili» |--n l.i.ea
igc. the age limit
shonl-: .|-,.,oli.l. I,., home ami build a «■'“»
The man who to
varioiis branches: some candidates b.xve passed :
had aoven years'
n-flulrotncnls, iiii.l have tvccHe,
^ .... one
year of which
which must b
Btowb-I Bay, Jocea. can yon tell a>a
ns K chief or flrsi riase pciiy
the hlghoT looiilicr passiio; i
artm wai tbe greatest Bnancler tbst ev­ flox-t. If he is able
■ i dc-.-e he al-t-i-d the .............................. ............................................................................................................................................. de.
er lived? Jemea—Ko, I can't. Brows—
is' • moii.liinc his re-ideii-v. leaviog a tsir- *
Ven. U waa Noob. Jeoea-How do you quiro.
make tbat oM? Bnwo-Weii. Keab ing ai
:s gunner, boaiswain.
Hie serv ic ai 17.
waa able to Boat a atock eompaay carpenicr. or wai-rnni inarhinlsl. and s chief |K-ltv nrflevr,'.. a fvt,..,,
swbCD tbe wboto world was In UqiUdar ve.iis
.X I^rlor will he i.f graiiile. ami ii
pvice a
I fdfleer J
tlw. See?
Of Ibe old stTUcturo nil. i vtol

n-,..»„TO, 1.




-... .... ....-



Our Long Wristed Gloves
All Icng hs and sizes, arc expected
before Saturday.'

!itn«'^The w^igrorili.. law'^


'• 'T



Dho*-*hosli.silouand im-eTtatnly."


■- V

Traverse City on July Fourth
Brins the Children adn All the Family I HORSE RACES




Six Bands, Great Industrial Parade, Patriotic
Public Exercises

Motor Boat Display. Gaines and Athletic
and Aquatic Sports


The Finest Display of Day and Night
Fireworks ever'^seen in Northern Michigan

Come Early and Stay Right Through


Baafiar •ebool has t
Mrs. Lewis and nephew. Paul are
r>eau of Mr. 4nd Mrs. Hnrliart.
The Rev. Heath of Trarene City,
occnpled the pulpit In the M. E.
church Bunder momlna and evening.
The Mlsset. Rena and Francis Wool
scy airlred home this evenina from
Harbor Sprlnm
Hiss Etta Kclsev sjunt last week
Traverse City.
Mr and Mrs 1. Peek s|w
day In Sutlons Bs>.
Mn. R. E. Campbell and s- i. Leslie.
Mr and Hn. Kimbell. from
t Thursday .vud Frlda.v in
dsh. are vtsUlng their slate
indar a famll:
McManus, and last
The Alumni caw n reeeplioo i
le home of Ml
reunion was held at
clas- la»i Wednesday
fi>:i..»tnc prosram
od*B?"MVManus andistven
.. Pearl K-a-;
I. were in attendance ]
Duel by the
SiUn- Mar>-1
fam'ny 'nr. and Mrs. O. V. Holmes,
and Mr and Mn. Solon Tylor came Christine Gsi
RM-lutioiis V Mn*. H. E Floi-1 iill'l
with « (trsmaphone and while platinR
several selections, ke cream and cake Mt►^ Julia Ml... .
Addnas by Ml— Ijiuia G.irb- :iu I
were served.
U Is needless to say
oysl Bigluw.
Punch and wafers were<-I. T!:e .

Hn. Kate South a very alek and
under the doetor'a ■.
Tburadar oo account of the aerW
Thuraday <« account of ^ cerl^
brolher-lnUsr. J<
Oave Johnson Is
msln from Ne* York.
Un. Price Is on the «aln.
Mr. and Mr*. Solon Tylor will m
their home with htr. and Ure. Holmes

Get your five "senses to^ether, then all aboard for
the Jpocer's for


the ginger snap
that has broken^
all records.

• Nto204l.fisaaiWHi

to d d>e NMiooi] PtM Food Low. C



“For over dirty j-enn." vnitt* a
gendeman m Los Angeles. " 1 !»•«
used ArbucUes' O^ee.

paws. TWitcoa.T«.k.k^«tely
«w *»fx Uwern l«f s> a-ck pwsw
«B my esmpaaon. w W s a lurr ikm Ih*

pniage beaiing hi* name.

cone back to our old refiiUe. IBCWable AibockJea'

and not feel thsl they have l«^n hl*h-

Many tones

oiy Eamiy hu tried odier coCee nciir to

No otba cciee has

dm onloni never (a£ng aroma. I care
C l>-wl» i* caisTtlns M
Viols Mananl
Sarah girickler.
Oiarles Muynard ha*



Mr*. H. C. PtUInflll visited
_thMr •eanghier. Mra. L. T. Ball, Sun^a are havtuf


weather at

Heasr*. Chaiiman and Wbltbcck
were In town Saturday.
The Hisses Bessie E- Farrsnt sod
Alice Day. who have been vIsitlUK
tbe former* sister. Mr*. Carroll
Frank of Chicago, returned homt
i'Tiday on the •■Illtaols."
Isaac Ralmo baa returned with hn
■uahter. Mrs. Homer Selby, to Green
tier, West Vlrflnla, for a short vUll.
Born, to Mr. and Mra^ Wm. Laird, of
its pl^. a daughter.
Mrs. Wm. Parrant. of East Empire.

Mr. and Mra. Ham Wataoa visited
at Camp 18 Sunday.
Mr, and Mr*.'Jamea Stoop were
ualled 'll) Lodi by the aerioua lllneai
Howard Brown waa home Sunday.
Mr. and Mr*. Bdiar C. Pray vlalted
*^MlS’'’v’oIa”orody U

’“s‘ 8*^rke is In Chicago on bustws this week.
Mr. Henrlckaon of
been slopping at the Sleeping Bear

worttln* for

”5r.'^la'’K' »; 8. w

!■ U»



man for Armour ft Co.. Frsnk Holmes,
talesman for J. Priulaff Hardware
Co., and Armstrong- ttavelllng aal^
for B A. Johnson Candy Co..
acted busluess here ihU week.

tka old setuers meeting Thursdsy.
ainbm and Ollrer Pray drove to
Acne Saturday atteinoon to lake to

Mrs. Mathew Belch and Mrs. Henry
'. Carllale. are entertaining a elrer.
Irs. Will Jeffs of Brooklyn. Pa. Mr*.

*^*SSte^a number from here took In
twenly^lghl years. Mm^
Mr*. Jeff* to t
the eacorslon to C^ar City
companled by her son Frank.
s lilenlc
Mrs. Peter Courude Is quite
Mr. and Mr*. Fred Domine are the
»CA >1
guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Shaw of
JBM 11

people have (he


hy all who knew her.

cm City. hh*'»iu"“^


t. Outer Beach wet
jnday of Mr. and M
gue»lB ever Sunday
L- Domine.
A great acreage of pnteloe* were
planted Hit* week; others will plant
nest week and some win W planting
till the Fourth of July
Every Sunday some of our nelgh. take, their famine* out for pleaand recreation lo some lake,
og the many of our lieautlftil
chain of small Inland lake*. The rtay
1* nirt far distent when these lake*
win form a chain of (union* sun
Mr. Vanderlip of Traverse City,
I* elghly-two yetra of age. Is helping
his son Russell on the mason work
on the new liarn (imndsllon.
Mr. and Mra. Octave Drenlue and




'*Thi* Ret^Ullle of Freeport. Mich^
praerbed In the Congregstlonal church
Sunday morning.
Mrs B. Caiitole of Honuna. Is
las af- tbe home of her parenu. Mr.
and Mra C. Dana.
Quite a number of our iieopie attended the Old SeUlera mecilng at
Bk Rapids last SainrdaTlie Ladles of the C<
ehsitto have newly papered and
peted the church.
Bewle Stone hsa been spending
or three days In Treveree OtyTbe Old Mtoalon band Bade I
*-st appearance In public tost Sunday
tbe Mac
Maccabee Bemorto! senice*.
at tbe
June 17.

CongreaiBaD Jantes C McOlaughll
to Mnakwon and G. M. Dame .
Northport. atete food oomml**l*e
wm here this week and took tl
i.isnu mail boat (or South Manitou
D. H Day. Jr., is spending a fe
days with his grand P»™h«.
Mrs.- Farranl of &*t Empire.
L. P- Glee of Joltol. who hat b«

Sofne grocen'win try to *dl
opiniofL you instead loose cofiee which the
toaster b ftshamed to sell in a

Bert and WUUe Forton of Traverse
City were the guests over Sunday of
their parents. Mr. and Mr*. Jerome
Theiv will be a dance next FrIdliJ
ro^enlng at George Wilson's,
body Is cordially Invited to attend.
Mr*. Prank Reich, wbo was In the
Grand Traverse sanlurtum for some
lime, und waa suecesafully operated
upon tor the removal of a tumor.
taVi-n to the home of her parents
and Mr*. John l»lekeraon_ at

There will be need of in­
For Potato Bugs nothing
has ever been discovered that
i* as good as PURE PARIS
GREEN unfortunately man\
get hold of some of the poor
grades with which the market
is flooded and results are not
satisfactory as the Potato
raiser not only wastes time
and money but also loses his

a short time will 1-e entirely re
Edwin Black ha* offered a site f
iwn hall
NVe will soon know
loot ihi- town hall business,
lerc l* talk to holding u special elecon to decide tbe matter.
June 19.
Mrs. Prindel, who has her
aick. U .« the gain. A consultation
to dewtor* wa* held last Bunday. and
pronounced the dl*<n»e a
AI tbt*
condition ol the *lomaehwriting she I* able to all up a tew

a caller ol O. L
e*ley w
irsdny <-venlog
and famllv
ly T................
........... ..
Mr*. Vina lAison n-turned
‘^Mlss Reu Cook spent Saturday
______ _________
____ RapK
home la*t Sunday
from Grand
Sunday with tbe Misses DayMl-: Grace Squire* of Peatwater. where p*e attended her brothers
who has been visiting with Suyfman faneral.
rS^kS »d
the -Ml»«.urlMeasles t* quite prevalent In this
Kdiooner Stafford loaded elabs Pierce. Wllile and Pearl Cook. Mildred
Well*. Ur*. Vera* Pratt and Baby
to MUwaukee this week.
have t
I. and Sidney Luce
and if ><n hav

H yo* »ooto tol fte* wwijf.


Samuel D IMster and wife, lota 14
and IC, Oakwnbd.
Auditor General lo A. B. Stinson,
rts 35. 37, 3«, 39, 40. and C3, block 3,
Addle A Gibb* ol Mayfleiq 10 ChasT. Codernen, awls of sw»4. Sec. 14.
^■joteph fclemenl and
Ife. parods
Connine and

i"in ... w. 8 I-™.,
wife, parcel, im 9. bloCk 21, (I. P. T.

Edward Steuen.

Tbinimand* who
Hr-o-mei call the
with every ouifll
Phvalclan," a* II

have twM cured by
lahater that oobm
the •'LlHle Pocket
I* so tmall that tt

fr- any one having caterrh bow that
Hy-o-met Is so readily oMalDabl*. H
you have any doubt about Its valua.
8. E. Wall ft Son*' will let you have g


^ cent.
Tbe complete Hyoraet outfit «B-

only 4I.«. m^lng U^Ji^e BOto^e^
aa well as tbe oelr goal

live. Prokop Ky>rlkH

e germ* are

there is every

Size from 3^ to 42 in the Lot
Patterns and Colors are

Fabrics the best the market affords and the '

Well! You'll be surprised. How little It is.

Two Worthy Specials in Men’s Hats

We have handled the same
brand for years and our
tomers always report sure
and good results. In bulk
or in boxes. Prices the very
lowat that good Paris Green
can ft »old at

Cor. Fiont & Unioo St.
Trarcrep City. Mich.

s'^N. Blggar and wife to W
Coates. wS of *4 of set,. Sec. ;
T. 25, R. 12, 11200.
Mary MrDonald to Proki^ Kyselka.
■re^*, ftoyside. 1310.
WRllam A. M*bee|nck and wife

ex' HESE arc, ever>- suit, a suii that waa worth ovary
cent that was orieiitally asked: but lota ate broker.
* only a suit or two ol a kiod Wo cannot afford to keep
these lew odd suit, in stock, so have placed a price on
them that will move them rapidly. There are about

We carry none but the
Lavanburg's Star Brand of
Pure Paris Green and store
it in a cool place away from
oil and water which often
makes the very best Green

Drug Slort

- ='

Men’s High Grade Suits
Some Notable Reductions


etng a'few iiy* In Traveiee City.
Anna Brl^man. wbo baa beeu mak
lBg ,“tran extended auy In Trav

dw tow roaBd

rudlct Aid aoelely ol the In
M. E. church will give an le<
1 80CUI St the church Frida:
evening. June llsl. Every one Is
cordially Invited.
The Bendon M. E. Aid society give
ri Ice crei
' ' Saturday
June Und.
ball team
Tbe Long lAke I
K)VB Saturday school heroafler, every Suntli.
played with the Bendi
1 with score o'clock In the morning. Let
Bendon ■
ray ami aln..
im* rest
• hi* Home with ht*
be 4th Quirteriy eonferer
dav school work.
dantMei-, Ho*e G. Wlibnr.
circuit <M- E. ebureb wa
Mr and Mr*. Winter* from ThoiupMr. WrlRley had enjoyed excellent
Inland. Friday afleraoom
sonville are now occupying the Spathealth <inill elgh. wdeks ago when he
w-ss stricken
^"Thd'uui game Sunday between Al­
mira team and Platte was 19 to a lii
He bad been a staunch Mai
were very much enjoyed.
favor of Almira.
over sixty year*, never withdrawing
June 17.
Gilbert Graham of Traverse CMy
from Dwkam lodge of Glastonbury.
I vialllng wjth bis father and thin
C"?.''- fiinera!
, sen
-------------------------.„,er the
ice* were iindei
rbert, John and the Misses Nellie 5 Clifford Case and Ml** Rckah Wtl
suMdees of ChMrlcvoli
Chsrlcvoll lodge.
. ..
Mildred Nelson spent gu-'-- SOD ami callUig on Mr. and Mrs Ubeing conducted by
DOOB in Suicons Ba>\
Bates Sunday evening
, .. ........ .
■r Tui ••
il -offering* were n
u^”^n^g from Kalamaaoo. wtorc
ledar City

baa been attending school,
t 17,
ver Milked was drowned from o
Real Estate Transfer*.
was brought home
Henry C Bun and wife to Geon
Boing fo burial.
M. Burt, parrel*, vlli
D.l,Bni s to very III at
wood II.
Burt, iiarcel*.
irv C. Burt to Allle
-snu- iToni Gls>ton1iury,
Mr. WrisI
:hport. Mich., in 1>^7I. villageI- of Hlackwood. IIConn., to :
fc l» Ji
ro. Mitchell
and wife
Ihe rnimlry
during the tim<- w
ni’M M I’hll1l|>*. lot iK Ahgusa
s. Amos Bartlett spent Tburs- flooded wi.h wild
11 ht* liiisliies*. ti
a^?'’Mra jangle, the M^
.......... le Brown and Grace King,
Voice and Charlie John drove to Sut­
ton* Bay Sunday afternoon.
Mra. Chalmer Roaencr^s *«» »"
Lndlngtoe on Thursday last to visit
her husband, who Is on one of the car



Many other


>peil to sc*- Mrv.
,up!e of dayr. She
- her falh*-r.
Im Irtmiou
Mer»* For tale.
endge*. lot 17 td-wk
Is offered I9
h. |37r..
There was quit*
-Mi" tt^lsky wa* Ilie father n| lour
luirsday n
Hii.y Be*-* last Thi
Pero' T. Anderson . John S Hot I Mrrh“'”tor IIM>- cash, lor their osr»
■•liUdnti. !*■• of whom survive bln).
lu»e. the handsome, high bred irotUtHi
ler l.ak.—
>n. parcel*. II3‘*'.
Mr* r II. Willis of KalivaiK. and Mr*
Mr and Mrs N T SWsoii
Onnard. *
O. H Wilbur of Charicvolx. Michigan,
jo*cpfa Michels •
rni.- City and Utile K..y Busbl
bIkw an r.Jcipted *on. Charie* Wri»ley Horton, w^ of .->■
np Friday to *iK-nd a few <
Id Xorlhpori. Michigan.
2i. R. 11. i:w.
tbclr daUKhtrr, Viol*. Lake,

M.und. kind, leariee* of everything.
,-d young. Charles
Kot>eri L. Huston and wile
TTi.- next nx^tlnc *'l thi- Iluvy Heo* . ”1*
She iroited last July In 2:*0.
Conn., and James
Oslxirn and wife. «•>* of ei,
*111 meet with Mr*. Ijtura Bale* June h '»
.. or
(or horse dealer*
!lverTr“ to enll.
Nonbi-ort. .Nllchlgan in lk7«.
J», T. 21. H. II. IR'A
to dispose of b
He iil*o leave* six
grandZillah L- Albro to Myrtle B Smith,
■’‘Mr, and Mr*. Will F.-.ln* a
vlilldn-n and four ehlldren of his parcels.
glia* Gray, drove to liilanil. Si
n g.»d home. Also elegant top tMggr.
seven great-grand.
adopted !
G. A Brigham and wife to WIhe Children'* day.
rubber ilrrd; fine set bameea for h^
Cosie*. *H ol nw>4. See. 26. T 1
Our Sunday^ se^l^^was ovalue
AnnlT ownert reetdrare iM

®*-rte Hanna ft Bannon mill has nearInlahed the shingle cut. ^^stock
The Hev. Rueetraan left Thursday
will be
Boning on bto Buropean trip. He ez
will be cut and It
removed south of Balee.
Friday evenliIng there waa a good
the American Soricty
ilng.'"^rles*”wrtoley and son Floyd,
weni to Charlevoix last Wednesday to
the mewsles. now
>w n
many of t
A party'of seven left ihU morning people are laid up wil
lren»tor Alberta. Including leadore Gauthier
e lookiniig for »
aad family. Mr. Keagle and wife.
__ _
ler a certali
Thomaa and Bvingelua Plamondon
lYlday evening, after which supper
and Prank DuPerro.
rss served to all the members.
Prank Hahnenbarg ilost a valuable whether 1
Mrs Chris Telegard mas called to
bhete laai week from stepping on a
irely got h Is eash price
[Yaverae City laat week by the lllnes*
are also made In rc
e^ii eauaWg necroala of tbe bone.
Many inquiries
Hr*. Dr. Coot is vtoltlng In Oeasw. gard to the fruit prespecla. None c«
meh.. whither she went to attend the tell for H certainty what the crop will
be. A dry hm summer would cause
*Frrt*0»tnrler to repainting Ihe old the fruit to drop badly; «wl nights
Couturier rtore nosT owned by
A with heavv dew* and a hot early sun­
shine would caupe blight. Let us hojie

was held from the Lutheran eburch
on 8atur»dy. June 8. the ^v, Raftabol ertetoUag.
Mr*. JacksM wu
bora in DraBBsw. Norway. Nov. l.
1140. She e«ne to Northl«rt In 1S72
with her husband, who died In Mr1007. She hid been eonOned to
bed with broneblUs lor the past
yeara Bto deughters,
Mrs. B
Solsberg of CbarlevolK. Mr*. Julia

I have often wiAed

i could id you dsa**


Mr^.“wm.*°Wlii^''and son Homer
t West Inland relumed Wednesday
morning from Indian* where they --■*
,kcn Mr. WIlBon-s body for hurt.
Carpenters gre working cm

was the~|^Ml ot^HIu siacel Graham,
eottoln. at Pearl Lake Bunday.
The two Mra. Naabaa of Maple City,
called on their aUlar, Mra. L. T. B^ll,

cot at M-hal price-

We are closing out two lot. ol Men's Fine Fur Hat. that are
worthyof your attention.
Hats that sold for Sl.W lo V2 -lO for $ 1 .00
Hats that sold for up to
for $2.00
Don't forget them.

Stein & Co.

Hamilton Clolhing Gompany

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