Grand Traverse Herald, May 16, 1907

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Grand Traverse Herald, May 16, 1907


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


taken back owe more, not the »lrouR.j
stalwart boy that left the old pl;.e. .l

T*ay are e le family of the tow tefi
Ladlea- AM aodety Wdiaeaday
>bout tbe coaBtry that
talk on the bane »te «t
Bk BapMM. Mk*i, M»y 10.—Report*
rvtag siala of gypsy blood
c wntoen and girls. Sba also _____ ____
tt the reoHpta >Pd ahlpmeoi
in their dark skin. Batbing eyea and
tram CH« etetlon lor April Ulk for
language when there la
Hopthe boclDeu 4ooe el this polel. There
gala In sight
veie neeired 997 cere and forwarded kina of Peloskey.

«f. paklDg a total of l.JSI cara load­
H. J. Levell, wife and little eon ar­
ed Tllh rariou* klnda of product* ban rived ^Iday from Torksbtre. Eng.,
Fna Friday's Record.
died at Bk RapMt In foer weeks. Be- and expect (o make Elk RapIdB their
C. W. Howarlh retnraed tohU home
They are at present
alde the bualiMai doee by rail there
la Ml. Pleasant thU morning.
waa a large aBoant by boat Tbere with their old trieada. Hr. and Mrs.
Mrs. E. E WimaiBi went to Reed
haa eat been lens thaa foot faoata per Cumpsty.
City, where she will spend Sunday.
week at tbU port nlnce aavUatloo
Miss Inez Loop, klndergarrner to
H. H. Sanaders and wife returned to
epoMd. Bbtf groat quantitle* of ce- the publlr ichnnli:, went In Fife Lake
m*«L lumber and other prodocu hare Saturday end will not return to eloee their home Id Reed Oty this morol^.

been ablpped by water.


band iirurlaltnlng that he sa* □laiiii'd


for life.
When the boy ram<- heie he .-.■-■ur.-.I
work In the Belin-r Ibdi ompanj --

•am trhrtey was arreateid Wedoei-

Plat* Class. Staam Botiar and Accident Insuraric*.



Tbe township and *lll*«e board, of ship.
■lop a few day* lu Ihe clly on hi* way
Booth A Dougherty aro prepariag to soulb.
terlew will meet at the offlee of JuetMe MflAnfhlln Tneaday. Hay 11, and eblp neveral car loads of ah)agtei. the
A. I. Brown and wife reionied tn
ibrir home In Boyne City today after
Monday. May 97spending a short time at Northport.
The tollowlBR 1. a ll« of teacher* ifaek awnUlng carsTbe W, C. T. r. haa arranged lot
; Mr*. F. Reynolds of Bingham •** In
hlied tor the coming year: Central
bnlMlag—H. T. BlodgetL nuperintend. public addn-Bs to t>e given by Mr*.
itbe dly.
Mrs. C. Richards of lllnghatu spent
nnt: Mlia Lania J. Haggart. principal: E. Dailey of Prohibition Park. Staten
Mias Bertha Lee. High ecbool; MU* Island. Kern- York, at the Presbyterian Ihe day In Ihe city.


Traverse City,
.S.-U j.-ti )tn.r 1e!l fi-r :»

Ftetcher. Sfih grade: HIM Pmncla ' I. K Bailey at the home of Mr*. H. W. from Benton Harbor after atiradtng
bomiwon on Friday afternoon. May the fuaersl of her graoddanghtcr.
grade: the third and
HrABd Mr*. W. E Cooper und
fourth and flrst grade* are not yel
Arbor day was observed by the Misses Haggle and Mary Orviiburger
fliled: Mlaa ©ra Artett. kindergarten.
morning for Newaygo,
ito«r ride tcbool—HIM Nora Uarkee. pupils of the schooU. In the Longfelseboot the kindorgarien anM first they were called by the death of their
prindpal: Mia* Blanche Bruce.'aooth
ward. The other grade* are yet to be gmde room planted a tree •which they nephew. Josep:
ihird gradn planted the Liortfn the Flrsl^Nalbtotl iHink «f this elly
The Srat of the week tbe Cun and
and the fotirlh and fifth grades but BOW locate In Grand Rapids, is
Anglera' club reeelred .lA.noO lake
named their tree for Prevlrtenl Roosc- In tto- elly and will deliver an address
traut from the Part* hatchery and
Mr. Johnson
planted half a
the City
planted them In Hk lake
A little
dozen more trees about the Bchool
I the niy opera houne Sunday e
laur they eapcct a similar eoo.lgngrounds. Al the Central building all
^mit of black baa* and pike fiYtm Iho
Joined the High achnol in plant
Mill creek hatchery. The work of the

(tov. Warier





ill W >*-rrolh MrsM, wltt <*

We Believe


A so* was bom Hay 3 t
Hr*. George Federeon.
T^e Oeonan Worktagmes
wUefa will
ynranlle north of town.

that W attended by a large nnmbei
at ladles. Tbe flower*. daSodlls aad
carnations, were used In profualoo.





from people who wanted
dimly Into the future an

Wimairo Block



H!"- •'

r.. I I'IMI.-.,


tbe6rsHd Crsptnt Btfvli
^sm, sad Tfnsldt

:■ |.mmd ; K.e ■

ii. ...; !■
lucii. «1«i

j .-

-toti/l.:; .<l;->

iMiMl'.'i. ■ lUlf. !••' 1 - -O - t: • '
liftv f.y. .
;pl.| r---L tip

Two paperi^atto pH«* of ana.

-t ajr.,'-|io l..M.t
:d-: u msif
1- I . .ai»’l a u-iBil'-r. -t -'.ai

, 1


Pay. for tmth J Cull yrer.

Me#uzce A»w>ctaltoi«. :

. .M-gi,'.'-. .1-^i iati'Si: 'llnh I'-t 'Hi
icains Tt.ivcn-e t'lly ha: put • '■» to]r. i.-ii.'ytii.r.
1,;,.",. k.t li-tir
■be paM .cver.l ye.w
mcel the Sutton* I5a>

-re grdng .to-, .be game b.c
year, back.-d by
. lu.-.iu-. - .

thl.. i bl-'U-'i'' b'l'tll tie'tllor'-i-.

rharl.-^ Ko-1.1!: I.a •
the nianar.-iiieni and .. <
elen.-l l:.- r
i;.!.iv- f. lT. r

II.-t. M.

The Farmers’ Store

Ihms f.T 111- heM-nd-Ilf- .ite

Till-. uif. n lid--r i

Hill " Siiin.u u.H t-- b.ek Ml "!■'
IpiK...-: :lt"l iii';":'
fcliiiwii |il:iy-l* H.M I-.' Ill

{jf-'lly sjifo. w'll ic'l

fi-M. •

tlKin a w-' il sb-u-

nui-lf i asirr try UBtiif; on Oil rw

W.-1iav«'ii bill-- Flam-nil Store that is law«mok--or flnn'11 aii'l it is cheaper to o|toniU
'I !i->' .nr-- Hran roonomical an-l dorgbte

:.1 tlici.ri.'ca »«'.'ire ac lliiii: lli- in for Uiia j-ear yotican
; ff-.r-i t-. Urit..-,,


--ni-. , W.-Jdao have (ia«o1itie Snve*. Lamp

nil-! >ni

i-ri-ri tlial hrini:

liiem wiiliin Hie rca-'li


copt any iretghi of k suspirU.iis chatacler rtinemhiing tbat alolra. and sim­

I Chums

Come in and let ns show them to you.

ilar notice was given to agenis at su^
linos along tbe lines
Hr. Oouticb
oiler* liberal reward for the apprehco-


ficboel Money.
Grand Traverse county pciiv J6.~IK
in the semi-annual apportlonmci


primary acfaoul money divld^ ai
No. Included
and cities.

In (h*.. appurtloii-


Blair .............

tbe troubles that loom up far ahead

ly mutter

the gy psy

tongue, lo

••Baiy mark "
•T\’e coni' BO far. ver' far." said the
Seoort. "El Senor slay bark lo wagon.

AKAEMIA or bleedlemnee* la to Wagon he break, moralti' Jt^ before
r\ dtcsied by psleiw** of the Up*,
light he come
Don. he rtay camp
the gum* and eyellda and I* tnost tre.gwcnily found to girt* *nd you^ fix de wag'- We com so far. root
way Brarll. start when Marie she III'
Other symptoms are deflclrat <
We got ten ehlld now
ttle. Impsired digealton. Irritable
com Mexico. Over m"nnf. Y<m sabe
per. shortness of breath, diutoe**.
iBhiUng. beadaek*. easily fatigued, de- *r
priMlnn and deapofidenry. -'
"Bl non. he grea- man PiartI
Tbe blood 1* torklng to the Ilffather prince.
Me father -nother
talirtng pevvr which ls neccaMry
He an' O-to prince war
proper working of the bodily erwans. prince.
one nUh' m" wIrt tvm •
•r su>-b a Idood-feroilor preparation
way Wc rrwn way here
r>t. A. W. niaie * Nerve puts.

We go hack socn' thuc when Marie
On aerourt of the way In which I
re:,.ly toirry. She goto' marrv
A. w. Criiase'* Neva ntl* enrich I

For Mic by Johiidmi'Orug Co.



toogues loosened *nd exlraeled coins •hn of the tUerca

from Japan, visited the rresbytertan HP* bortjmcs more eloQuenl.
fuluA- ever so bright and they probab­

•toofi and balM op Iba aymam. they are
BepMfi ttouht tbe moat effective troat«MM for anaemia and etmUar waning
«M*ethatwaaevercompounded. Note
rtmr toceeaae to
Or. A. W Chase's Nerve Pltl*. to^t*
. ■ hog, at all dealrt*. or Or. A. Mr - Chase
* ito^ CtL. Bt«*ki. N.T. Portrait atf
MgMtut* of tlr. A. W. Cb**e. the fa5S» roaaito book aath^. on rnwry



li ul J.imcs

reo-rganlro.1 and ♦ill ente ,to
Stale Hit Junk.
r.oiniel. of R"7 WashlngVot. Sunday with ..i.e .rf III.; Mr

■eel. dealer In oltojnelal. htde« and
forth. Buffered a severe loss l>y n.h

will melt away a* time gor* on.
weighed two pnuDda and three o
If Ihe cortous happens m drop
Capl. A. E. Porter of Old Hikslnn
larger coin Into the woman's brown
Vlaitto Ok Raplda Wednesday.
Ml»* Cleon, a returned misslonarj band, the language flowing from

Pale, Weak.
Anaemic Girls.




bone together.

Tuesday cvenlBg.

raa to come.
Strangely enough, almn^ every
H. C. Blodgett l» la Charlevol* this
Traverse Clljian ha* been born under
WMk asalstlng the local talent in
lucky star. For a quarter they
coneert. The atalr M an oratorio and
re long, have children to grave Ibeir
Mr. Btodgell la tbe solo iraor. /
Mae*, the young men will wtn their
On* Lnastrom has returned to
all nbetaeles,
yeargabseace InO
icd win retain ihrlr youth and
Bapito aad will work for tbe Antrim good lock will ever follow
with health and
Frank Hel-aughlln caught a brook


endeavored to save the ihumh.

It Is «x8 feet from Lake City were piesenl and eon- hery Priday night. His warehouM- was
broken lillo by thieves who seeuro.1
to Bile,
site, the
tbe atari aad stripes oo eac doeted the service*. Tbe Her. Mr.
jwo barrels of heavy brass and copper
awe and the emblem of the order on Aull preached tbe sermon and tbe
and seven sacks of old rubbers f<>r
the other. It U esptieted thi* flag will Rev. Mr Redpatb gave the charge to
which Mr. Gottlieb paid over
he Arm raised with appropriate cere- tbe pastor and the Rev. Mr. Sldebo;aelltng price being mueb more
the charge to the people. The or­
maalM on aome dale early to June,
Gottlieb notified the polire department
chestra aasisied the rhedr In furniththen there wlU be aomethlng doing.
this morning und dihgetil se.irrh hicr
Hra Schuler visited her son Fred In
le during Ihe day f..r .-^ew^
BeUaiiv last week.
leading Ic. the thieves mlllnml ..uei-.-s*.
El Relge.
Hra. 0. E Mahan of Kalkaska sprat
It was shown by tracks that a wagon
tost wrak with old' friends in town. FrWay-s Rerord.
to the wan-house bm after a
Far from IheIr sunny Brazil that
Several eolertaiameals were given la
abort distance from the l.uiise thher honor. Mr*. F. R. WlllUm* gave they left year* ago, Don Ei Reign, wife
route «i> departure eoold not be traced.
a large card party. Mrs. C. D. Towae and Ira children, struck the city tWs

•rtanm at tbe bmae of Hra. Krarup



small gas
sh. The saw 1» ni
. blgti iat<- ••..iiiitry rayi ■•1 tb.- S'»* I* ioltoe raglnc and lur
ycry rapid. |s>ri.-.l that 'fild ba- h.-ii'ib
speed, so
> .1 lie- .«.» Hi lie l.iik.- HujsDespite Ihe fart that the iKUie
severed the atiradtng phyalrUn


a ptenlc sapper and Mr. sad Mr*. morning when the light was
Henry Bitler a dlnaer party.
and camped to the »outh»es( Sennra
Hahaa came over Sonday and he and
Del Relgo and the eldest daughter.
U* wife iwuraod heme Sunday evraSenoriU Marie, wandered
streeta later and passed from store
H(9. Heimotb Krarup aad Mrs. H. S.
store with their torttiae telling
AmaraM gave a reception yesterday

«h., l.

Dr. F.


Price, SOc per pound.

i'wo gold.nugrM.;4iave l-vn |....i..i l-iftl
the laird.-r laik.o .tiun. i l.v Jdui l•‘t.d :

ied a* eopply.

Redpatb of Peloakey and SIdcbotlora

Tii- ' s'n. n .aUr:..-u-


...... . - ...........

Tbe Rev. E H, Vall was lastalled as
pasior of Ihe Pieabjierian ehuteb
The Revs. Aull sad

ji iriiciilnrly t'lnu ik.voT uiel

tr.-iiUe irt-uiiiK ;i
S.llt'pk js'lllic! oflliis
_ oil ifiiiiiiij Ivi.-k.

1.1 yr.ur Iikitii; Irv
w,iilik-..:r . Vim

Raidd* f..1ks,
....... ^dtne Yh :•
iH-an* in ih-' i-ttl.- ).-■
to- .1..1S-I1 l.i j.e.-'w1i- g.’- lit.
prlre. eoriilsting «.f .. -.II..-' i1m.-.' ■i.

-b. The


I'lirtnel. Rell Slbl: CiU. 30S.

ch-n-.- l-.r-o' .r..

left thumb off. the member
being Iteld
11 pb-re i*f
llM> hand !•> ^y


frari.allow at t.rmid
ctlessed within four of ihi- u'l.ul-i :

I frsMl.stH.W onU'ial wbl

it nil linu'*

Lc-kf-r tl:.- Hig* il- ! I’lant.

Cer. K.

VogL aecood

l.eaim lii a to.tile.
Ruersed r>t,rk>... Ten

'Ve .Tirry ti-iir.* and Oi.iiil'nr- -ur -rrl.-s ii,


Mr^. KUhanl nii/ , i


n full inn* of


hera ,-U-etvd as s.„..-n..b-i.d-i;' -I H..
Prvet-oll. An/o;;.i.
year al a



horn.. St. J-hn*. T
.m Illne»» «t four v.-;.rr' .Hi, ............. .
Mrs. A. Tolhiirsi -returned tbU
Mabel W. Baldwin. High nchool: Mlai church. Thuruday erenlng, May 16.
.h.-!>. lb :

Minnie Alemnder. eighth grade: HIM Subject. ‘Home or Saloon." Ait Inter lag from Sutton* Bay. where »hc has
hii>bai.d. with wtouti sb** li.i-l •'.* : < '
Nelllo HIM. aewenlh grade: Ml** Clam
s. Charles BenbeU haa ^etunu-.!
DmriBg. alath grade:
MUs Mamie tend a parlor meeting in honor of Mr*.

n trees which were trained one
«dnb U already ahown In the atoekliig
for the superintendent. H. T. Blodgetl,
of the streams and lakes.
and one In meinor}- of ihe
Lewis aad Jake Culman and M.
Ray Bhie.'who was taken nwiy from
Hakbor and another party esme over
hla companions by death near begin­
from Tmverae City Sunday with two
ning i>f the school year. Miss Cora
lanncbea. rouadtng Old Ml.alon potni.
Pascop had the honor of naming the
C. D. Towne was In Kalkaska Mon
first tree and Ihe second was dedi
4ay aad Tuesday.
rated by Mlaa Emma Barbl.
■ Captales
Hawley and
Sharp anMlaa BsMsrtD. seventh grade teach•oonce that they irtll begin nest week
. baa been edf dftfy this week be- . catting their boats ready for the anminee of lllnesa aad Mrs. Vail

I per Cest fllitvei « Hok b^isli

Traverse City.

Hoorn 310 New State BanK Bu'idinR.

ltl\i-r. Helm enunly. h.ts voiv<l ‘--i 'h
Tey waa made of a little mc«e than
ganling her eye*.
the elly today. of a now *<-bi«-l tu.iTtv
mile, tie prodle and apeciflcatlona
Sutter Brolheri have purebamk
Mrs. Ous Barth of Northporl la vis- bulldlng will I.- of b:i.!. .tml
hare been made and bids will be ad- new I»-her*e power eagioe of Boyd A lllag roUHves la toarn.l
and will r..t
1eartlead tor and work nammeneed Beewortb ao<l arc no* using It with
Abe Buchman left tor hIs hraie 111
h.- r.-jid) for
;ii it.success at their mill
Rapid River this morning.


A Geseni Btiu« Mmo^c

Money to loan on Improved Rea! Dstalc Only.


poni-m nf the slunu-; 1" I-.- a't I "
Hr*. U 1
tajed. This neirtlps In; fatli-:
Hancelnaa this moralag after vtoitlag
the older puptls of the kindei
ilm l-aek In Hie «>M heiiu- .V I.-:.transferred to the flrst in the dty.
Inn. He had l•ceu g"iic .mh ,i v.-. I.
grade, and the younger one* hare en­
Mr*. Fred Kisbetb of Provemoot rut te- luiU leaiti<d lh;i; .............
tered open their sui
pisaod through the city this moralng •Thef.-' Xe Place,. H.c:.
- -

F. H Hubbard of Charleroi* was ID on her way to Beyue tjly, where T
iwB Wednesday In the Interest Of the win make her future home.
W. B. McrrUl of Kalkaaka was In
town laat wert aad aunryed the road Charlevoix Brel Sngar company.
P. J. Porter of Baal Jordan was
to be bnllt from the north line of the
Mr*. Prank Sour* was in Ann Arbor tbe eltyftodsy.
township toward the rllUge. Tbe anr- this week to consult a apedallsl
Isaac Rarthe of Knrtbport was



Tire Insurance!

0'cl.wk 111* Tell hand got cK-idu In
the inac^Jlne with the i.'.-iilt tlia- ihi.e.-

LawbUn and paid U5A See and coeu.





day MorateiE chsrgwl with the Ureeny
of coal by the Iron company.
plamded anllty before JaaUee Me-



capital. »aoo.90o

. plant In
the wire-en<l d-Mrtm. m.
While workiag there TIiur.d:ty at f

fingers ^r- taW nil.
. taken t.. Itr Seatil -n
fir«. uhrre II was J-timd B»-e-

traverse Oty State Banl


but a lad with marks of suffwliig lu
bis eye* aad a whHe bandac- ou hi.-]


' Better thafl Any Other
Coffee at the Same Pfice
The largest exclusive coffee r--o;,,r
in the world import this coftcc direct,
blend it, roa^t it and pack it in ai:-ltrj!n
packages and sell it direct to d«ifer.3.
Think of the promts saved by thi3
direct dealing. Thi.s .saving is put into the
extra quality of M'"^LiiUghIins >,y XX
Coffee, and you get the bcnorit.
The handy air-tight pac!;agc and the
glazing of pure sugar keep.s uiis cotfen
dean and. frcsli — protected from dust, dirt
and foul odors.

Reedy lo Go >1
m T"sdy trv go h-ame.
the Jl year-old son ol W
Lake Ann Satorday
way Bgatli "
One weet-ago today ih« y-a'int -man ,
said good bye to tbe home bach or i
on the farm He slipped iwav quid!}
t-w-aiiv- be kn-» he couldrr't fa-i M. .
icr At Si-ak lo hU fath-r mih—jt
bis deKrtnlaaiioci tneUing
it- 1m>
t-co.'me lifd of Ibv tnonolony to tam'

prinee live big camp, have lot n

life and H«g*d to be In a cHy wh-rr i

may Jewels, many like dU. SeeT
»bc exposed a chain of gold

ikevv were Iblags to do ^d ifatags te­

lle had never been away from liom'
over Bight before and It was with i>
that hung hcavDy ahoitt her neck.
The Bl Relgo tamBy to the oafi light bean that ho act out upoo hb
one that caaw bare two yean ago adveatnre. Perhaps there waa a pupg

MCLaushlin's XXXX CcRce is Said by

tarnished wUh emitact with her »k1n.

with a larger follDWtog and were when he left tbe old familiar place '
dtaaed out of the city by the police. per£aps nql. but aayaay today be w j. j


^S";AI1 Firtt.ClEtr Creters.'

Paints, Oils
arid Varnishes
0- raimitnr S-mb -u, tint lia-'i kt.-l we can't f* *.11 of
..-•u j*.ra-/imlly. w.'Lik.-lb":'•|•|''rt'lr.ily llirooL'Ii tl-s
I ..f r lo il l V0.1 i.Mow ibai wc .-if.- |-r. i«r«vt »»-tW ,ever to

J-... .ill. rf,..„.. ... 'i-. •-.•rill-- l«l s-bit.
l.-.-i-la, b.1-1 ills-. tJ.aily M-i-i
. -


Onr |-*iiut to not tbfi

I-nt if arc aft--' the l-tot .|.tolily. -'..iH- to ito and
b.iM «l,-,w t- 'i ..i.r 'iu;.f..tilc. -n our .Mix*-I PAint, bktAfri by


! 1.- F.iiil •



is thjit WO do not boy

;>'!,iruf li.ii !! • |.'ir. ri'*i -;i-i I---1I01 Lin*««.l Oil*. M the life

.-I,-.-‘.*. s:-ii‘-n L-.-ttifit: it pare.
We . M.-'t-d-w. rd- '! • VartiiBl.-*; lb-n

ii-il ^i/ib -f .-arts. I

t r-

are go oiuy kind*

r.--oi-i I-- j-l-.ase-l lo abow


c-nrer ot Front


and fk**




Christian Rndeavrtr topic for May
letb: "LeMoos (roa Jotepn.' Leader,
Mn. T. L. Baird.
W. Am«* spent SoBday tn Travere*



The ramirt*' Telpphonc lln® which
bAs b«n under'tray for about i
■rarins completian. 1
I.h.«HA< !.r,- In be placed this wc-k.

Crawn, May p—Polaloea are brineIne 40 rcuiy a Imahel, ther.- b. lHR only
a few- load* a day. u* the fsnm r.. un
busy with thHr sprioe

Sunday theugli by octperate clferts the iielgh-|

Head Ache


Plot to .Kiil.Caar.

The Klaie lias dP.TSC miles of public S-T.M. while Hie WllrnaW ea*h value; l-ef-ev H.roait all told.


Aloi'it ihl* extciieiei-'"* '>>'• town.hlp prop-ity to* expend-:!* lii-ic


JOlleage He- ofSee of public r»«d..
the department

John Kwneily was r-rlou*ly iiijuref
at his saw mill i;i>t Salnrday by t
Nstiil ■irtkitic Wn- on tbo l.-c iin-

of - ha*

‘po," .rf”,'.ib“c

galhc-:.-U Info^ailon which has ..........|$i,;i m-r inboi-liaui.
.1 l:, a .1.^01

la- l>.


loeiil. which hau-J'lsl. bm-ti given out. ,;i„a exp.-ndeU in nemey wu* Al.i4I*/; M - , W- h-i;

Charl.-i Jolm.-»u of t>-cainr. Midi.


Kchcjol In that , ny.. Mr. W,.IIOli spoke born managed tc save the barns andi
ou -The Teaching Value ,ef CMd Te» other bu id-ngs. There wae *500 in-!lament Churaetei* and Stories.'
suraoce on me house-held by the'
• A.rier reciting' a verse of Van Farmers' Mutual lesuranct eompan]
Dyke-< which nave one of the reason*
The tire started m seet-oo Z7 in th
why he wa< tn the city. Mr. Welt.
Chopp-ngs and spread e. tn great n
Si.lled nh«nict truth* were n
pld:ty. the h-gti
*. nd eweep ng
It o. It will iiitfrcst >-0U to
What M.ehlgan Spent In tUM.
Washlnflan. May to—Kent county
Imereetini-, til!’ ;f ih-y were elctb~l j along. It then crossed .nto e^i e
.kn-nv that it «;an In; stofipol
beats all the rest Of ,Miehlc-m cn
d-1.22. where ,t .1 w.ih renewr
xvi-.h Dfi .\liJc*-.Atit:-i'a;n i'liU:
bef road, in lyt. imluditiE b..ih lime
mlleafe of Its K<BveI toads am
of viger. ,n IS feared that .1 the w.n
and money »u» H IfS.TsT vs. Ot UiU
ar.-i wi;h-iu: atiy hail aitcrmoney which It exi-md. for mad
.e-leont.ruei that great damage ».
cficcts, at;-l lilts wiilnia.t danii,-; be done.
: .e{ the d.
improvemnit. It huk 4:*> nitles
(.'•■r of torri'-itif a drug habit Of
1* liThe Gram churc*. whiSt. was just: havin;; v.-;:r stomach dtsargravel rua<l and exi*-nded in ItttM a all in « p.'f>cnt of Hi-.- nvaulk-*. Th. !• M-reiwinii
buiH a Sheet time ago. was in ,grcat: raiigcd. 'They jn«Mti»cly con­
total of ti:iS.A.-|.k2. This
l! ctmnty road tax i., collet,i,-d In ,+vc3-;
danger yesterday but the fire fighters J tain 110 of-iiim. morphine, cote«i couniie* and yii-Mvd la J!*)4 ai-"''
awarded to Kent county by the flrstj ’^^ '
managed te save the structure. '
of i:od..',4<: TO. The iimoimt de--; c.ihia,"
fsiiie, cVe-ral. ether or cltl«n>offlHal flgtires of the federal g
intut the lowu*biii'i-ii<i«-fiy ta*j J—-pi-' ta
. I form ill any form.. Hr. Miles‘s


KiHlrai-utii- g store to Ix: the ccDiral

i< cnlliBE on frlentU lu


What Michigan Spent
For Road Impro'Pement

IP- is Mill at the hotel. Ho


, «iaut|chapt«.‘apd vogi-U-.i-d'the •.htri.'mh ■


The llv ■ir—; an- gaHi-|vpi"at
.Sor is the in i habln
erod for Hii- year l:-o4
U.olrnl tiLsiiiic^ me lid.i at Hit Fnrniaiioii iw> lu'ir'h uii ut dan- after!
-n-.. gnii-rmio-ii'.'s n-w flgiirv* stui*'
M. K. diiirdi ev-iy eti-tilnc. Thi' lb-* all for Ho- condllioii* I Mlchh'Pli aro; i!;:,- J
Mr. Kooii of Inland is heie belpitin
diFen-al r
the Ilt v. Mr. WiMd.
were lu Ipof.
I luiid* and lu t


.-Htif.-Hjin IMl,* T.heve pain,
and leave only a sense of relief,


The vea-^yn for this is explained
hv.the uct that headache comes


front tirr.l. irritable, turbulent,

V. ll I

mer-faCc.i liraia nerves. AtitiTain fSi's MKjthc and .strctijiih-


en liw'c nerves, ihus removing
the cause, 'nicy at? Jiatnilcs*

•-.-ph; le^W fe- was lU.W '1.* j
■a ati-i fliiali l-e.inie i-tlluej

muni It-afl-l

vvhen taken a» ihrcctcil.

wifi- Ik lii'ie Ue||ilne take ran- of him



jrice? Aaywiy, yoa oafhi to
be* crttkal bnyer—antiout le
More the best Oat tbe price

5 peratb.




TbeMakenofCbtbcnrtaiin ^
at tm pefaJi—««li go*Bt> aad A
^iMprice. ‘tbebisberibeynike ^
A ne a«My **j
l0»er tte 5
^ yricMbebctlcr|*eMeetlwyarv ^
2 Aiaotbcnncarmciiuarcall F
F «Bj-brt Ok «ll wMim male- F
F ftik an dn* by the spectel ^
^ OadK^rtpraccst. Every Ml oT ^
^ wott-lhedesiealas.lhecotilaf ^
^ Mb the taaorh«—are each ia A
^ -MB laakeri after by dM A
2 w«tan-tbe hletei paid }oiir- ^
2 aeywa artn ary at euctiof hi 2
F aakiac the bottw holet. aad io F
F itepiac (te oliar as they are F
F to pertedia* every other debit F

Tbal's why Cbthcran Oothes F

F praKthebcsIlacriiicalweartrs. F

The Clelhcnn Spring Style F

F laakvrMbeEinBywifyoollcalL F

A. J. Wimelm
cedar. Uirh., Stay l>—A fire la
kaate of £. IHeo Wnlnpisduy morulnp
eaaaed quite a lliile cxcitPincDt.

TIo- government's flciinw show that > it

1.. A. r.snn.U-ll went In R.>n<Ion this


K. Nora Krnm went to We
Biiinlay 1«> lielji i^e care of ber moth
s. tilavin of Traverse City S|ien1
Sunday h.-n- vl.-iHug her rtiilili<-u,

Slory ot .fo-il

Savlon llrollu'iK held ihelr <ii>eillu|'
danre at Iliick l,ake Saiunlay ulahl
and It was well anended..

T.'iTTi's Improved p«id TJie
figure* slmw .Micbjgan still offers

- oltlHaK ai-i d--ublf-.iI.
What the Figures Say.

pretty big Held .for the onlvHlesgiHul road adv.Kwie*.

• i-uid flenie* f.a- the count
ni .Mifhii-au for IS-il follow


NO i,li.inieriillv. spit
this atlib'-Hi-'ii'.-ai
.V 11...;,- than

lay *|ii-nl niiiisday at Trena-i>o City


iRe.1 14 yeaiw. »

trap. iHillml with



It ha* tt-iiiuimil for
Clair wvimun. Mr*, f. ll. We«tc

Oceana _____

attain ilil* iIlKiincllnn. 8he lia>
nf rotilns lialehi-d lu Ibis niaiiiii-r by

RL JuHi-ph .
Van Buren .

IV so far.
Ih-n Ki-nton



apiin. III.' igH-.iKi-r eailiiiR
iiniih iii*;it:ii-.1 lish-iuian

averse City Sunday School Cenv«n-|
. jt
riie Tr.ivr-vm- Ciiy Sunday school i

toK-uMl u tti gold idieu' in u nfisMonnry
■illertlou lio\ by pilstake: ha.* Ina-n
gnlliy of viraliiiR f

Tbr- sioty'of liau;-l wav' th.-u i
- I hi'

Evening Settisn.

Tburaday with a line of Bentleuteu's
J. Bbonek transacted buslnet*
Traverse City Tbursdi^'.


•P. J. Briabt and family have moved
to^tbe fann formerly occupied by R.
Ptank Mi^wskr made a nice ratcb
of trout WedDceday, n-tiirulng wHh
as pounds or the speckled beaailea
A number-of the Hebekahs from
been attended lodse at Trnverpc City
thanday erMiuc.



Ills 'luoii-iuiiii-d’ by sti-'
K>'l.hait t:f ihc llup'ii-t

One OQllar Wheat.

No r. a fai*. 1-J.«; *dl.l*.

l.nui-'- iu
u inai
that pi.ripin
i".fuon oi
of i|i
i|i.- |>-iiiosii
oMi.t b...
b... ;
ir.-l f^lri.ihe n*

Chicage. May 15.—The oieet sensarionaf opening cf Ihe Chicago board ef

n.^ar-thi- Cr.iJ.

ll. ^ei| " tin- ii«.inii»K am!
r wjiK I.'urkcd for Hi.-I-

No. lo. 4 4 fats. 15J uollds.
-N.. l:, .5.11 l.-ilK, 1.5 Mdid*.
N.I n. 5«; fat*. i:.h aotld*

Began Work.





xhl.s-o men. lii'Rah lb<- work of

g*it.l-;i?I; uu

.- and then f-M back to ?*c.


Ha.-y |ie.l-i,-a .......
Hu- 4Pi:;.l'-y .1) Hi.; Hannah A Lay M<-fli.' cvtulwii.v had 11 nart.iw .mrape

Oraet' Foi-ext F-re*.
Buckley, t.t ch.. May 15.—A lorrct
fire .s sweeping Grant township.

i: del

gale, it is' new
sweeping aiong .n a path fuPy a mile
in w-dth. the efforts areprac-

ouniy Sunday Senool Convention.

‘‘T •:

teniecd r.ave'Svsaed tayeiher and are

lit wii-k In the kitebra
.u-l •*- hut a Tow fwt
wh.t; th- espIiMloB tie.

I onies and far-e Ou-id-ngs.

iiitilug fl.Jld was Ibrttwu
II, i.-s:iliiux lu 8 lamage

t-ciiy fut'-e. the (.iir-er* of the neigh-


bul, at. II wu*. Ihn
I.,,,,.,. ,,,,,tthi fli- fnilM the raplokl.iu
—1 1-.' ga-.hp. loroh and the ftie d«-

started yesterday and fanned by the

goodly n«ml»-r «iT' children
Sunday school* of the city liii

'rTi- ch.'niica! iilily vaaa

l» nec-»*ar>- to g»-i the re»i He siMvke
or Ihe ray of light iliul «-v<-n a Kinnll
cblht might eorry back lu the Imnuhelp ibe otheis of it* family l<> a


asAuclaiinn should not

Complicj wii}i aE r<

Ik* a | cxiH-ct. d wh-n

- a -he N-ik-al P«, FooJ U-. G«ok«. N» 2041. tu « W-OSO.;,;n

nierc machhii'." he Kibl. ood w.-nl on wuid.- w.-ie *. i to Mii
' *P«sik uf tlilH Its an ag<* of iirgaiilyii-)'ilaiig J.-ff liavl* lo a
im when. lb>- church nnil iiilMdon I Tro.-."

The RrealeKt menace to n-oman's
BMUllui-nl hai'piui-v- in life i* the
aaffiertiijrtbat<-uiu<-* fnim some «leraagrnient of the feminiae organa.
Many thousand* of wuhh-'d have
eeaJlxcd tbia too late Ut savetlirtr
beallA, barely in time to save tbeir
To he a nceeaafnt wife, to retain
tbe love and admirmtion of ber bo»bond, should be a woman's cunstant

i.ikc-r* had ai1aln.-d an rarell.-nce-i



als.i cl.

urpmlratlnn that woiil.l U- hard '■■imustc .iiav n.i? glv.-n iis
siirigiK*. Ill- th.-n t.Ktk up tin- vl’-t', jn th,-.-Siiii.Iay s.iu-'.’!i..i
.•n-ssiiy of gelling down In »'iirk.,„,, siuiu- s-rihi: l-'j-i
uMliig faith in Hml and kctpliic ••I-; ii;,a,;i. .c.i
tli.- s-i.u r-i.'
.’ri.'ral.-d tow.-ird Hie eii l;,
inch marl lu- coniinmUly held in.ibai :u. I'.uc
-t-iuk s
li-w. TImt eu.I he a.|vl»e.l as the ,
^^ou a few w..
anMiK* of Hie city for ni.ire cliHdrei.,h,n bi,
nd more adult*, pp. '

ifa wooSQ finds that her encrffies are fiagyin g. t h at she Rv u. <-a> 11 .V
tired, dark abadows appear under
bor eyes, she has backache, head­
ache. bearingoluwD u-nsatUm*. n.-r--------'aritU-t. or the

f the Smii.-y s.vstcm
The K.'t. L. R. Rifr.-U wa* to li.iv.'..ufe*.
l-.I.cii on the nu*ih<i.I»,.^acconip!l»li;; .Nlr. CanJv

EWnk the old original Aibuckle?'
' years, exceed the comtHoed sate*
AT[I05.-\ Coffee. iIk blend cf
of all the other packaged <^ees.
BtazUian coffees, most wh’ilesoiBc
In scaled packages ody for
; and
as well
v.eIT as most I
ni.'Ci'lng w:i« helH. the f-fll.-wiiig
The isp-al,»-r -had •:
Id ?timuiadng, as
prol^on. Don't buy too*
■ilfircrs iK-lng vb-ett-d: ‘
' chuffHi-A. whn lajrvha*.-d rbcvji iiyri'i
Anvihing deater who uke vacations in Saiulanums. * bag. bin or tin that
|•r.-*i.l..nI. C. J. Helm!
'iKKvkk an-1 -akl that ;h-- niu-lc thoul't
llan Arbi«iki' ARIOSA is oo lotWwKjlit r.lioni iiil ti-s
^ „huiKa to k.1 in ,
Vic- pns-i.lidlt. T. O. rnm*.
l-e 't-ivparr-d rat»-f-.!i..' and prayi ;t-i;:.i
S-Tretary. Pvof. II X. Hornliech.
ati.l ftinheemcro shi-il-i i»- rightly intoil»va|.r.l told no o-to-to-»41 fcaitk)- vigoiogs Buriood tosd p.d„c „ hh his lUtoc oTlT
Treasurvr, Mbs Nellie ijfdic
as good coffee for the same price.: wofnanhood that conrUtute ll>e! ,(
S iiK'^iicndenl of primary d' part
Old Testament •Stories.
Pe^e who drink Arbuckles' useful maioritv.» The fi;4 roaMed: .
gfo«f woo aqipy,
imt.'firt, J, D Hobf.».
Mr Kbii-r rl fii iuittV.loc.-fl Prank P
S.ipeiintcBdeni uf teicherw' train- W.
toruier], of lUl* clly-bui pow
ARIOSA Coffee are not tjys-' packaged coffee; sales of Aibuck- j
lag d' luitmriii. Mis* Jcniii.-
of Claud Rapid*, viiperiptep.l-at ..T
|>qitics v.-jtli fahiimable nenes W ARIOSA Coffee for 37'
1C the-work bnl>a* tillable to l.niv ■ ihre-fold j.nrp
1* chiiroh in JViroii. A nnml»-r of.xrhcol. Fh.-st.

Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
tkegTcal woman'* remedv fnr woman'* ills, made only nf roouand hllcnn-* Female t'omjdatnts,
t'omjilatnts, such a* Hragging Seet-atbm*. tV.-ak
Back. Falling and ni.pluei-ment*. Infiamimition ami I'UvrutUm. ami *11
Oivanie Dimsca.
aud'wm^nable in the
O inge
of I.i' It di-«.It
....... at .an earlv
aad Expel*
earlj stage.
iDtu<-*s. Nvrv.
SoUiucs Fail
Frastrwtkm. Exhanstinn.
laiutino. anil stn-ngth.-n-- and tunes tin•h. « u
Headache. Uenei
•rwl' IV-baity.
Inciiirc»ti(tn, and invuroi-ate-.
ale av*en
It is an nxoeUcnt remedy for dcraujxiia
net s in el

vut. i ■fu.'-i A,.---:

'ij&wa^aaw.KAi.- :

••in,lav sch.K.l work, rs ta!k,-d brieflyeivsKid. , If Co
II Ih- stiliyx-t Bficr. which th- buri-. Hii;d it -ini.fe,:



V Kialm-r ralilwv-H. with a or*
g (he wat.T main* on Waahlna*ic-i Monday. Tl..- Uying of
' IIIMIII* W in Im- ccmipb l.-d a* MKMI
............... I-.-...II*.- .rf the paving of
li.ei whiih will Mail MMm The
was Imgtln Ji P#tk meet.

i-'-I . <h'< r I

respi-cc Si’veral iinprnnmenis
alan taking up the primary nin- vocailiui w.i* pronoiiiir-d 'ly H:- R
le shape of cement sidewj
of Sunday school work, that ot
1 Meii-diih oMh.- Krii-ii.l* ehiir
I streeeiK .nnd shade irees-wll
rcnchlng those who wi-re in siirniimtle H-v. Mr CjiBby d.-livin-d '
Iiddeil lo ihe city the coiiiiiig sumim-r. IfiRA
to Hie- gi..w-;li of n- gn*«i
i\>c.'ipi» at Ihe High llglons ihoughrii and dosls. Mi- viiokp
I Few
school carnival held ut Ano Ariior Fn- of the good investa^l that sueh
Music" H- said t
•lay and Baturd.vy nights and 8aiiirday work was; how nor. eBort*
nmiiniA- were aliout
Id it would help to m.-ike
-iticneCR will bi-'aliout «iw. One lit- siate-aitd mitlop I’cticr and
lnd:iy. ll■•->'■■Vl
Iv op.-reiia. "Johnnie .Jom-s." given to show how the Christian workers
»y a doreii
High sclimil smdeni*. who left Slime lllc slip ikiwi Hk-bi and
Ilayeu keventimes to 'an aggregate
the places of sin were tvspiiDsi«iidieiii-i- of over ::.Poii penjile.
ble for that life.

No .^ 4 faiK. 13 wdld*
No,I f..i». lit wdpjs.

;_i('nls; .-I'ndir Mi.
-ii. they iiuykjoa a tii-.ry tiiiilH-f :u r»-.i ,.;i'on-J
u wlifi li.-ard ih-mi, -i.ii-aa,-* .d Sii- shot hrali tot.. Ih
’or ihe.ev.-iiiu'B 'was Mr- Hd!=.-I ilriv.-n along Hu-'sbop'
on-h--ic.c usid.a laijs w.K.' almost,i H..- h.-a
* oxc.-ll.m iinlei-d. . Til- . 1- was Hiuuahi for a lip..; '

Tlie t'ity iip-ra houi-.- la.t evemiiv

hirfiilri-d and Ihiny-lin- galloUK u

;:oiilid. Ml. WPsoa was tnildP’il
- .-'eb»k nnd.In cot'itoilir with »T-art<«

. ilir-fi ei.ii-l.-jd-v 'i < tl
- v;il;a.i '.-I ib-vi.' -.,-1

s-a* fllh-d frxitii Ihe fir*t row |U‘V>
which the Rev. Joseph Uiittno
Slair* t.ijiar Ictck In thegiilli 11- C J.
e First MHhitdlM ctiiirrh con1ucli-d a *hori dcvcnliMial servire. laklipg and the sessl-m oi"-»e.1 wiHi ai
his suWiTt matter the third
i-onR M-rvice coniliivied !•> the Rev. I ij,.,chapter nf first CoriPthlan*.
I. A. Catihy of Hie niiiivh of Cbri- '
•V. O. E. lyx'hhait then ad- M the concIurliDi of tipi-nic

Mia. Qoorce Reshoskl nnd son Carl,

P-iihword al-ni--tl<«- buv idi-.i- i.iiiil In-orui liv,-. A dh
:?-.b faiUi. shi.e n II Tiainlm:" lollo

S'. 5. 'r: la*.-, ll’.s Stillilo.
Nil'. 3. •- tat*. 15 * fuilbb.
N.i 4. 4 fats. I^k-.lids'.

the ilirryHoii of E. E. White,

want to Ptyvemoai Saturday evi'Uliip

1 Wll — lf 5

\V-.-;t.,u'K i.i.-*..t,i'

did not cdo much bendawy. bovercr.'
plendi-d cullly anil flmul.
aa tl waa Dotleed alowsi at lu start.
Trim stayed In jail cKer night while
Hia. J. Bryam was In biwn W<-dm-»- bU fri.-mla wen-, scraping Ngn-ther
day to purctaaae flobhlnK luml>er for
her new mon cotiasf.
0 guneral -cleaning tip"
B. Tremaln of Uapte City passed
at StanrtUh Monday in ilresKctl ihi- mi-t-iing on vfhat ih«- city llll- scripllivi- h-fSOU; Wj* bv III
tbnhich ton Wodnesday tnoraine
r For- asKitclalioii shuiil.l be. xpi'uhlnc first
ca iixite to Tiaverse City.
iiack yards. nll<->-s. front yard*,
Iniportanrc of work ununig the M.-H.iKil-*l .r}iim-h Who road the Hi
Arebte Miller of Traveree City ae- sitwts. etc., were cleaned up and now children and Ihe Imiiortanci- of Hie cbapli-r nf John . and the Juki ,1
ceatpanled by Mr*. Miller, was la town
own looks much -slicker" In children ibemn'Ivcs. In dils rtmnec
-» vif 'lip rniii’h chapt-f. TliiatotUliK.

'.h.-huiHlwtriiinc if.

er eirib-work.

rtiliiK from bis lirtitber in-Iaw.
J. ». Trim^ AIlK-n Avery and Sloven
arnm-n. ibe irto aitrsi(-d si liii/and
ebarged with giitnbling. won- ar-


wlHi a service^ ai i ’

A i-oufer. IM-- oT the i>ml'-is of’lle• Claircli of CbrlKi Somlay afici |
l.*««-iali..t> ali-t va:i..-i- *.1..*..! wellun and cnncInd.-U with al ■iiiiuii wef-!]
was held iiK.-r Hi-- 1.-■*:■■•>* ni-s-t-c In the niy opera house In i
l:i-t l-.r Ihe PIIHKI-* d •--■•mng



ihickid Miu'il.Uivm tod-'V
Kii- i.^n-iiK -fn.ui
and «cum- ii>. I liir l«lr'' . H- t.d.l .of tb.1'io- llanie* *wi.-pt ibviingli_ M-v.gul uilii'ilc Ti )«irts
-III <HWHKhlpK camtCiiiiitiijii-I of Jonah to til til .V-u- plrc-s of.pii.nil.:i,i.- young Hm1*-r and
Vali. hi-'i-rBSal null his 4Uiiib.litn-n<. priiliably-di'iioi-a wli-.i' IHtl- stand
Thi* .-v.-i.lng Hret.- will 1m> a anilt
Il-l\-._:|i.- ti;.:i"y wiT.t lh-n- mill told
-•■rvti-" noidiirp-d III Rolvrt Edward*
Ih.lli-tli-v !;,,.| flirt} 0:i,es ill will. It to iMiii. Th- imnosl'«i-a ■» ihris- niib *
and n. A. Ikiwimg. lUCrHarF ut Hm>
g-1 i-adv- loi di-siiin-limi and th-ii in Irncih ntnl
Park fn-m '
Siiuda-i -o-biail amociatloa.
fout..| hilM..-I -.H- pla,s- aj,.l ♦;,jl...l wati-r's ..i:-,- ab-mi a.lialf tulle. .
j »111 H»-ak iHi 111.' • .Soten Ksfcenllal* of
lor 11,1- fir.-vioi:.-^ liui ihiof
TTi- oririn «a,. lu Mnn-. I.iiii»li
ilJir 11,1,i- Sr|,..,| 1I...11," Mr. Ikiwlln*
i!i«-f'liy i-pilir-.l tiU'l the ih-iliui-ljop Hi-- WIIm.ii j.laiv..^.rol«b!} l-uebisl
wrKal-si siK-ak mill nxidiirt a rwuad
■T-Ui't ,.*svir. WU.T-U)K.|| Jiiiiah was bv viHall .|ui}«. Wh<-Il'dlwsivi-t»sl
I.vl*. I•■||I.I|».IW•• nii.rniiig. TioBomiW
sur.- .and Ti-Iiitiii>irH‘*l with Cod, sav
n:wljQg sioadily toward
Jb»Ulrk Id
inx He mad- him l.iciek In* , w.u.l
ll.-QO' Hy-e* I
V will *.».■
"Th.- Hiiir;|i l-T 'oI ib<- .man
III.- fictit
shou-i!,-' 11,-I Mr, Wclton, flVya'-i- h-- latir ;.l»iiit
T o'l pu-k. th-y
-dlHWI b, ....IthlilgK mill tpi .two
..light the fir.. wlHiom g.vlnlne

. w»i



.Fire* an Fcninsutaf'
I'l.mi Mini-lavi. It.-i.u-j

4 K(g;l.p-i -1 I

Lake ...................................
Manlst^ .................... i.......................

reiiirns in that vicinily.. Right, tmiii
Hie latpest siring suaki-d out in one

The' s'l.aker

-14 Jiiriaii was n.-xt t»n-

Mecowa .................... t...;........................

of eleelriclty. thii* K.-iving Hifemale rotilii Ihe troulile of a Tong set
Angling for K|*Tklcd beauiles nom
eriicn Spring* lins rivKUlied In jumr



fall*. Ks *>-li .vturn you* raonsjr.

iiilea Medical Cot Elkhart, Ind

-••-I that. Itaw.l'i;. Iiie

Kalkaska............................................. i,.,..

The halrhlnc of ehlcknis hy Hi


iiMji-hi-.l on ii f wtltine lb- Iwv-tiiv
Hill.I psalm..I I-:- Irbu-Mop t-n JoUo
Ilian. .111-1 li;. -Liv'iiu-, ..I IS..l:ali. Ml


ciil.ainr la niRhiug new. bin Hu- In
iiiK of robinii onSdie liiciiluiiorpInn I*



............... 1......1

four rtwlK froiii hi* faiherii h.niM-.
raughi a lartit- liluU-r wulf. lie
»:i bnnniy,

wms IK*- Ii.v A’.ti-lwm I'lU*. aa4
"*'■' *w-v. It Is rsn*,-l-iii-,- w>-.t .
Hfoi they

-{>':> .u -c.fisvnd on tlivm
y.oi Saul is itrt.-h^sHne Ill-iog .dtoHv aUd

-1 lb- Can. I id l>avi-l -ijitiryi foluSv-J. T


ar un apple Itw

■on I


itid Bnal' ctu-1


{'Uartevolx .................1;-..
Kainn .............
Rnimcl ..F......................

State Nea
wnium fndrrwmal

tiv.";'..;"''• it *ti-*‘.i»
4 *-rv frw tn:nal«w i
bill -I a >..i>-.. icmirnuiMt. aM


•fh- nUiry «'if i-'i—





rvans r In can and

Mr. Rihiy has returned bome from Kent ................................... ..................................
ihd-llm:. Mkb., wlieie be has boon (lltawa ........................................'.......................
U-iiiUK hlK ilauRhler.
Muski-gon .............................. ..........................
klr. ami Mrs. 1kk> Johnson have AlU'gaii
move dhen- fnxn Kalkaska.
Aiiu-lni ....;...'....................... ....
Tliere,., I'lniiilail and Nellie MeU'ur


11 ill* l.f.-tb.-t.


uf the entire inllr-age il.TTT miles werclone oHo-r cim
1 rival
sarfacr*! wIlli grav.-I ami g«sS mlbn lengHi n
iVdlltg the rh.ini* i»f that
with Slone. This make* a I

luornlue on a biisIni-KS trip.

II ■ ■ f-;';;--“7.;:"'?;^

••tl .tf Ju-ttii ail
lilh •liapl.'i leciriiiine at H



•outh •eardman. MUh. May

repieseniatives of the other brascLe.

T. P. Wllun Ihli morning aho.

impreaied for aperlal service .bar*
lUlr aurvcnni: lUEiruiucot

' Aee

"BinBlag and •winging." iHre. Ctos«M«r nrfftHn. s»mis) PcMkti Kx- by-AdamsI: Mina Floteaee Price.
ftBioer C. D sunk ran Into S conVocal duet. "I Knoar' a Bank,"
gkaattiika of tro«bl» tbli »««k tut moral: Miss Rolh ReHand. MWs Bes­
U BM «ltli bat cseo 10 n UteUnc. sie -Hayden.
The ^HnelpJe ertdeoee »*« coUected
■When Song
•t Oia Mlulon eoS rak lUplU. Mr.
Soucl): HIsa Leta Spicer.
Sksnk pueiDs tbroofb tbe ettr toUrPlano solo, talse, tC. Cartltl); Mias
II >ee»* tUt wlthlo tb* psM three
renn thw» »UJowi at JoU C. Hell
■Rory Dorlln-- iHope Templel
here ell DM pepn* eeklDK for ihfir
nUotmeol of ibe iieulon fuoil.

faUlly injured M. wife.

•Shepherd's Cradle Song." iSomer-

At 2 o'elock

„.-.ure pati ..f It Is tl.^i


aftameen the woman wat Jua.* t-uLau Ko\emm-iit has m l'-O Ibw aurPalive and that was all.

The aboetfhg in e.n. wa> li could, vitlug cu-.t. r


Witnetaetf by Charlsa Gardnec.l *“ t*“' 'efal fuards ji.d-Uxal rfll.Tfr
justice of the peace, who made an ef.
fort te olep ihe man but was unabir


this momioB.


iiiiate the en. i Tcstimonh!? Received DailyTcIting
the Woailerful Cuffs; of
c Tu­ ^
t'jrfng Cisfigunri}; Hiirrors of I
tfie Shin, Scalp and etood.

: glbr-eti~OperatfoDs wh>'Si kcr p<oaiUe

Tsaching Telegraphy.

-agedy occurred juti about.lO;

Hatihew Ronaa.

ofScleie Ure bees working on li and
Uee taallr uaraveled ibe following

oa‘ tbe railway UncA the englneere or

•hot Hie Wife.

Plaao *)!<». la» -Bwlaa Boy." (b)



»ul-b an mter


r~.rt of the milt-d


>IU: Miss Bessie Uayden.
been away from heme Mveral deyaliUhi tt«. goverumem hav .-'tobl!;b“d »
-Jdlllo,- (Th Ut*l; Miss Mary Kel and on hit return went uo stair, over j
Jete C. Hell and wife mo'
and inm banl-ni of -*rirH*-W Is faueht
store, where th* father •
-■ ' —
ooaatry la the warty SfUea, lekliig the
111 ihor.- wlm bovc .diUrfcd a.* rkfi.;"The Bbe's Courtship." (Quy H'Har
llgbtboaee el Old Mitelon. «*beb ibe
I few momenta, hit wife
deloti; HIsa Rntb Roland.
drtl war bioke nui 111111 enlimed and
ning down into the ttrecl screaming'
Tbe wln.l..r!<> ftlrgraph runai*ls .nf
“An MaBn," (Oodardi; Hua Ruby
Iffl tae wife wllb eeTeral emell rhll"He it uing te sheet me.- Fellowing 'tnwl d.-llcat.. aii.l cn.i.iu'atrd inslru
drm lo ehlfl for bereelf and earn n Andereon
Ip'-'nlr. Ih:it ai<- nnnli lliu'1-...liils aif
wA Wiiaen armed with a revel
llTlag for Ibe family by hard lil-Jr.
May Morning." tUenui. MUs
In ihi.
vi:il-;:c iiuiiuu
war. At the woman came Into th*
After tbe war be again took up the Helen Pinion. HrookPii
loBUy burden, norlng with bis fanPlano l»uei. polka. •Gracleose," rtreel he fired and ah* well into the Xavy Yard the copja t Hist i* u«v3
Uy to Hortfaport. where he was asaial- lIMant Bendel): Miss Ruby Anderson, roadway. Gardner and ihe elerk in would iiiskc a roan vcaliLv.
aat keeper at the Cat Head llgbt. Hiss Man’ Kellogg.
the ctoe* rushed at hini and managed
Commercial Agencies.
AJter a few years there he again
overpower him but net until he had
niiaaa. Ms;.- Iil —Cai. i-- r..pidlv
tooted lb Old Mlaalon. By lUt time
New Launch.
fired another abet vthich went through 1.1 ,.^uni/i(i^ a niu-1
. bla health had begun to fall and the
Mal>cl A.. »>ue td tbu llucst cqiilplwil
ddldm were being married oB
th* calling of the siore. Other* were
Isuncbes ou the U), bulli for Bill
icrid ilin>ifrl»nii til- v'lirl-l N.Kiually
^ Ou of the daaghten took a
Andereon by the Traverse City Moior allracted te Ihe scene and the man
Mio'ivli On-al Rriiaip aiH li-r
hand by the name of 'Gardner wbo Boat company,
at the bottom of a bunch at
h--uion-i1 with ilicSflryt uMioliitowned a brick yard at Elk Bapids and Saturday. The boat Is 2u feet long
mi'iits. hill (liiiia. Pl.mi— Jaiiuii. M>-xH wat with her that Ihe couple went and 4 feel S Incbes beam, of compnr humanity.
,1 .Mid Nnrvray iiun*
He wat taken to the village priton
te lire. A abort lime after (akiag up tniae stern model, the trimmings being
cmuii-l-i-lul ayiwii-i
their residence wlib the Garduer’a th^
and locked up and thit afternoon v
» (.rc,-i.uta'tlv«-.- ‘iM'ar tki- ' :iluc
Bterlng throughout. • The boat Is
oM man dropped out o( aicht.
n to the jail In Kalkaeka. 1
.tun rl
' few nonUit later the word oame back named after Mr. Anderaon's alaier.
did net teem lo N- Inclined
Hiss Mabel, who is attending acbool
that be was deed. The message
• :iiid ili-ir iu:iln oldifi W t.>
much but staled that he wat i
Ypsllanll. Ttie boat It fltied wltli
probably been sent by him lo rid
iiait'-.i-iiuilUiiiii- uud upja.iiiiniNu. 4 Rcllpee eugliwaiid will carry alone to blame, that otliera were a
self of any trouble from his flral wllW
«1“1U|1III1 111 of
lurteidi or nOeeii paaseugere.
as he was ai ihe lime living with
trad., land roi.iun ivv bt-o-.
woman In
l^mawee couniy.
After being wltli the M S. T. cum.
The family contitting of Wilson,
'auyM wllb her for some time and.
pany of Milwaukee for Ihe last few wife and. three children, two beys and
U Uld. obUlned a sum of money from
I. Mr. Anderaon «oda It bsird
a giri. the oldect of which is about 12.
Ihi- ■n..-iini> id tbo iMibr.'l i.f .1
bm- before again dlaaK>ear1ng.
BUy away from ihe waler. The Mabel
e from Yuma a few months
iif Hi.. \Vi .ini lMUi-, I'l'il' Til'll
kUtory then took a lump into Wli
III later be taken Ip Blde^i B'te.

The Iv iit«l You IlnvA AlwAj-fi Bottgbt, and vbiefa bag bfiM '
1 U'U Tor oxor 30 yenra. Luh borue Ibe KignaUtfe 4>f ;



, mid linw bov-ii made under bw pMgoiiiil MipcrxUiou slaro Itiiinfkzpey.
AHon- Iiomie todi-r-eh«,-ouln tbu.



All t'lMiuCeri.-iis luitluli«»uaaud".1u.t^.gxwd”ar«bat
ltxt..-rlm.-iil< Unit (rtllo with and eudaneer lb« beialtb of
liilaiits ntid t biMfcH-Kkpcrlejifo ugmlust UxperimenU

•'I>a» amui.a
fare aipii !_i..I' uii l I pj
Imipl b-r IM. ...I, . I
U.S1 .■..inipp., ai
Cpilii pini
4'iliiliui.l i-p



Cust.irhi U n lianiiloss siib«(ituU< fur Castor OU. Para.
Iforii-, lin>|re niid Sonibluif Kynrps.
It is Plesuaau Ig
t-oniuiiK. iti;iiii.-r 0|iitiiu* Monvhlno nor other HaremOa
Mil>st:iii.'<.. Its ag'i'is iu irnarantcev It drstruyw Wonu

■'■'Soraiii CURE


and uil.iys I'l-vert.lmcva. It mrtre Diurrho'a and Wiad
Colli-, li rr-lii-yire Te<-I]iinfr Troilldes Cun-H CuiistliMSUon
and l'l:ituleu..\. -It assiinilules tbo FcmmI, retfulalaa the
Htumai li unit Itonels Kivi»lf lieuUli}-aud lialnral nleoR.
7bo t hilOrcu's Ihiuui-ou-Tlio .Motber’s E'rlvud.

f Beai-fi Ihe Signaiuro of



a. br.ikv.U"
ago and opened up a Utile grocery dayfdglil. Hu- main r
tin. where he married again and llred cottage oo Ksai bay lor the aummer.
ml of the club biium- .vas .li.
Wileon wae a drinking
I and urfloii ahai lak.'iiu.ii an :t.
ond^H it claimed, abuced hit family
went to C3 Centa.
dllii.u 111 flu- hoaili.mi:.-, Vlifa
Ud gone blind She was almost belp- Prom Satuiday'a Record
tliu >»-i.iv-tnry «r llu- < i"i', t.-<
Ma and aU married s
potatoes broke ihe local record, and
The children cay that he abused the
lii:; rvsIguuH.m to Uki- »■(>•->•
Beadel In ordeg to Uve
iDCldenially Hie siste record, for i
det grew tired of her very shortly and aeason y-ealerday fay climbing up
nae day left a trap door open through C3 cents cm the market. In tbo matter
an. While Mra. .Wilton wat Cd to ills Idacc.
Hie annual oi.vliiig it «as s'l)
which ahe stepped, breaking her hip.
prices paid fanner, for the lubeni.
ly respected, the opinion of
goMt-d ilial a hrcskaal.
BmBet left- her nnd died of dellrfam Trarerw City has led the whole
Wilson himself Is tummal up ir
be rtm'.iriicted in from of tlio tlul
tremna a few weeks later.
Ibis eeason allhongh the local bnyere
Now that all three claims bate been have to pay heavier freight Iban other ddhcrlption-by one of the'realdents. house • x'.-ndiny. the oullu- Ji-.ian. •' i
front of Ibi- dull. Tbin wimlil l"‘ laiii
looked Into, no dlvoree found and points.
-He it a drunken scamp." Iselil-llvi-Ii'il iif.IBo Kia
tUre being no legal ceremony In the
While poutoes have been hovering
pile'. Hie Inleritir lu be filled »i<
aeeond caee. It Is proUble Wt the
to boar ber husband's ways any longer
around ibe 6<kcent mark here,
Tliia breakwal. r ciiiild n,
flrat Hra. Hall will draw the penaloa.
general average about the state
had started dlvorce< proceedings and only lie a roiivenk'ncu tii 111.' la in.;
this Is what Is thought te have ei
o’S-ners 1ml would prol.yi <l'e (""it •
•peclaJ U the EeaahtB Record.
bnliilings, th.- uuicr eveiy
the man to do the terrible deed.
Ukt AhA Mldi„ May
Wilton was under the influence of lining con'idorablu .i-Minr.- It «..>il
lasda of gypsiaa this aftameen Mid Prom Saturday's Record,
niini make n nii-e Ipa.'ln
fbe yoaim
Aaa Hale treat lo ftreenvllle liquor this morning when he
np Mall Carrier P. B. Towsley
eldidi'-li 111 I'MIk- In a».| a^ ‘J"liii Mei
mltted the crime but the tragedy rue i« b-re wUb tils pile diivliu: mi
Mra. aaeurlAB between $3 and g$ In
>rnlng. where abe wi

' jrltb the woman nnlll be died.
In the D^time the llral Hra. Hall


Thty didnY hetMr tM mall.

abort time.

«d to have tobered him.


a Kitrlwn and Ray Parker, mustered out July 1'J. IRC.--. After tbe
did th.- same ai Vah-. H.- wa-n t qu.
Mr Morse uioied to Tiaverse
1 -var.-ily Hnilper, l.iii in rkiss ai
Mich., and'April It,
Hammer Thr
r I'-.iileslk he n. ibrow
the car terries ruDBlbg uut married lo Maria Thacker
Ian. Morgan: IS: feel.
Dash—aeveland. /HockllvinE. The taniily honn- «us lo
BkinuH 0<rcn nf Bellaire patuxl
ataad. OochUn; time. S;21.
Traveree I'lly lor fhirty ye:ir'.
Pole Vanli-Pleraim. Blaier; a feel throngh the city this raontlng <m
Caukeii: time. :1D4 B.

wiy bone fr*fn Northporf. where

time. :K44.

ts been trahsacllog buslaess.
Mra. W. U Fisher of Blngbam is In
tbe rlt) vlslilbg frirad.s

lera, Pleraon: 9S feet. 9 Inebe*.
Dash—Miller. Simptoa:
time. ::4 3-S.
Tbe'trsck was In Sne abape but th<
cold weather kept Ibe crowd down.


Klee of

Wallin Is

friends In the city.


.Mv.ip. I'l..!..


Mora.- w.x» nlwayi: a public rplrlt-.l
Iten and an eartn-i't advocate of
-He wa* activity ipleuHfi'd with

My <aj..f r
Ha- fiin.-PiT
We Iliiipk tbe '




Inb riu-h.*.

Mon Us

Hambtetonian Stallion

Mr Ml* by Johasoo Drug Co.



i|-.iliuliiii: I'niuli...'.

PiOTMeat tivw
•»'l« 4” P.w_______ _____ _ _


Mi, :Bc AiBg of
iil.l" Ally I".’ rho.i|i»-.ii
St<iiu i-n.



M-".' lip.-"

PpiHp l.prliv 1.. a',--"i atMll' '"*"”

Sj«ln !;'■ .. Wpf.,imV -.flii. ip.vKil |'‘"1 **•*■
ir. 'Hi,' qpip.-ii U a nf.«.- i.i litnr! "'’“Vn’-

Six Years Old

hMwulijipl Ktii;JaiiiJ .vh-J wa;-•tii‘MH-r1y |

Terms SIO.





wi-rkll.t: for nonlha
woidridii. w-fati-b Is Mg-

Form Sold.

i;.:.--- l-iipii-a 4"4orv. (l.-r inaiiiac"l
,, I

Ity iimn lua sold hla fEIB

IPIUI <pf c(-iUiiiii-..;’-< uni-'U.v. nni ueliiig of i:0 acres, to
•in n gnidiii plat" ja pnriv iKOii l.s':iaDge ctlunly, Indl-

Percheron Stallion

hiiHi aiiil I'lC- |;pna.

t i.U-jiTn».V !«a1- ut Mwh ' |
pf th" .luoty vl'


r~: II... IP- .mil

Three Years Old

.- matter t* tb*
ll.iiniiiin-r L. Flsb. laid Of
■ .ninu. ■!.. •-:i-.>.<l.
i.y nft.-ii that font
- will .lay erf April.
'"pI. hii'.i l«v'n alh.wi-d lor credpp
th.-ir i-hiUii* agslnat
, • awrl 111 riii.l 1-.1U1-I fill aiHii-.niir-ni, and that all
pi> i.f viil.l i!.-i'«ui.-d are rvgotred
i-;rf Iht-ir i-laiuin (o said court.
iHipb.iii- ■illiri.. ill Ibe city vif
->.• ctii. Ill Biiil ivnuiiy, on or
111.- Xii.l .l-i> ,irf R..pi.-inU-r. ^

<iav .d »<'-pi.jiii..-r

Terms $10.

pp i. v.i'

; r

I........ i^.Piii'.l-.i





ihtt, i


Keystone* Mic

How about that New Buggy
You Have Been Promising Yourself?

vlsltloe I’hereon iv«t, «. A. R. <>f Trav.-iruCity and on leaving f.»r Hi.- west t
p.«t preaenled blni -ariih a l.adBe
token of the eeleeoi of tils ruiairi.l.

K large (orrv o




': Train, lur I-roar Oily sod PrecMat kio** M


BMd flW yoae mmey hark. Jfr. CbH»e
W^tm. tahafse. RUdgua Cttg. fad.. i
-I w«k bard aadfflta great dash Thai
M^btaaaaaMaskMpUtw tbaytMM
MbM. Botbiagbalpsd

M. & R. L HUE Gdf

School Money.

Tknsniili Unt Kiher

All Over Ibe World.
Irtacc and Aretulses In shape f«i
Pekin. May lO-Tbe Chluese RasI
1 F. Tllus cumlng season. Tbe grouada are being
re Railway roinpany Is abmil to l-‘
gave a teclUI at her borne Friday laM out in a very artlstk- manner
n active part In Kuoian eomi>elli
night. • anmber of their trtrada sad with tenuis cwuiis, flower Is-da ami
agalusi tbe railed Sintes lit suppivlug
iclaaveo belBg preaeaL All tbe nuts drives. A bowling alley will aisro be
flour lo the markets In the lar jkir;
bera were retadem) Ut a plcoalag man.
] and tbe building I- lieUig paint
purpose, a subsidy t:' u> bo
ncr ami Ihe Hatvoere were very *p- ed and genmily overtauled.
granted lo the Oilneiu.. Ea-vteio R-iilpreclatltw.
Tbe loBowlng wat tbe
way tiy the Russian goieninn nt, Tlie
Dropped Dead.
output of tbe flour auHarbtn i'
"Vhao tbe U^ta are Low." 1H. f:nKingsley. Mich.. May 10 -R.
increjawd from
to :
Mias Flaton and Mrs. Carr. • well known Fife Lake township
11.:;.]:;; evvrv wish in runny TU.-mri .-.,.:
pood eqaaU 4» pm^l ana p.i;u*« Hi.- h.iPk. ki iwy-, liver. UuJi:
t-r. dropped, dead tbit morning.
igencles ot the mill arv to-T-e estule Jpiid i vrrv i-uil of. tlip.- iijinurv
"O -B'atB
My Love Too
LUac." Mr. Carr bad bren as well at uatal
llsbed at Nagasaki. Shaugliui. Kobe
(Bcbam-h*r»; Mia* Dotty W.vnkiop,
yMenUy and hod done a beavy day’*
and Fuann.
work He slept well Jaaf night but this
Map of Cuba.
fc mww tc jajre I* yea inoralng complained of a pain
Havana, May 19-Tlie I'ulted States
Mat. Dr. A.
Cbata'a of his arms. 'This did uot sec

of (Mhlag. blttdfai

The Kind You Have Always Bou^t
In Use For Over 30 Years.

III Ihe work could be done Hii' }•’:

H. H. Henabaw of Dublin la In ibe certain that he was not contented at a mnsidcraUle savIllB,.
May Oo te I1.2S.
The resignaUiin ut Hr. Palmer, win.
city on buaiaaaa.
wtth the one shot and undoubtedly In
has made a very efficient ra-nvlafy
Albert Hatch of Caanorla
•aeiM at ■KcMamcnt and (he wlldaai
tended to do more Mmage. Theolerk
wae due lo the fact Ibal liis ba-dne-'
n braka oiR In (M wheat pH city rtalUng frtenda.
in the ctoce, who aided in hit capture, ii-eiiir.-i! ro ni'ieli alleutinii and 8ii.i'>
of the board of trMs today and th«
John Morrison left this noon for
. here from Yuma with the fam. hli. dull.-" a* alderman "f tlu. Ki
woHdB sroataat grain markat present- JackaoiiTlIle, Fta., where be will rtslt
sard Ibal he was unable to i-airy
ad a picture of a mad atruggle of buy- with friends.
a t.eter living at the club w.ii'k, lie a III Mill lake
oca who oaw sHwat aoar cam by cent
L..K. Cleveland Is si Thompsonville
aillve lul.-lesl In the atlali" of
Mrtll It reached the Mghcct point of on buaineta.
Mr I'almer was ..te.;led
rtte month. “Wheat will go to gl
Hra. V. H. Scolt and daughter left
IIP sace*..i lb<-tat.* l' l» ll'i
an the crap- was th* pMHUa atata- this murulug for Iowa.
The Late Monroe Morse,
IMM at Jaraea A. Hattan. Hundrada visit friends ut Ml. Pleasant en i
•me followlug was taken Inuu
CanergI Newm
at apactatons crewdad Into the galRoy HcKcagc of Mayfleld It li
Wavli.. liapi r;
Pi n l.iaiii; Tiibg V-ii. 'li- i"'
tartea and fought for room.
ily on business.
"Horace Monroe Mur>
•».' nilulpder, r.-u.-lie» \Va»l'iiii,lii
The amazing prlcaa that relgixd toJohn Allen and wife left this i
Feb. IR, 1R3T. In Syracuse, S. Y .
Is likejy t.. ba«.- s
, day and cauaad a turmoil wore: May, Ing for Klngaley. where they w1
in Smdinuilsii, Wash.. A|pril SI. :
ai'.-.--si.iii. ulilp-ss "Ting." a.. Ho- Va
and hack to
tend Ibe funeral
Mra. Alleo't father. aged Tu year*, two niunHin and I
Btiniiplira 1i!ie.l 111 rail him, has goi
■»« hack tc
At an e.xrly age lie rctnoved
back a> -an ullil.-i.-. In U.s day h<: «2'/4e.
Prank Priedrieh and daughter,wcnl with till, parvnle U> Olilu. Hnw r»-.Ilf H■|..ll■■lHl assidiims ip-niiis pbi
July, gtHeVlHo and hack le 90>/ta.
■ Pouch this marnlng lo spend Sun­
until the lieRiunlliK of the chl^
Ibal Yale had. Honviv.-r, hi- i
.wliai'l.ceuliHl.-pl .»Ub Uie
day at Ibelr cottage.
sriiihles Sir I'liciiin'iK l.iaiii; riip-n
C. H. Woodi^ard of Des elgbih Utkj volunleen. whI.U
whi-ui 111! will sui-cis.,!. in Ihal h- »;
Track IdaeL
Moines, la., who U the gueafof Mra. Infantry raglMKit.
sulii In
si- hall piic-h.r lu iipUpi:.-.
Harry Honme. left (or a few dsys'
"He Served ihrouglipiui Hi
I'hv-n'img Uahgris-ne
lo twi
vlalt at Honor this morning,
being |irom..l.'d to setg.-anl. i

' 10 tuehea.


rmy l< Just a map of
and he was talking and joking
w-ilb bis wife about il when he sudden- every inch uf the l:dand of c'ubA (»r
lyaai down on the couch.
Mrs Carr noUced that he aat down for the ABiefican goremmens lo orcu
■tber heavily and spoke tieUm Re py tbe country by force The engiP-cr
of the army Las been devoting
reiving no answer she ran to bis side,
only to find that be bad died before most of Its atleuUon lo the undertal:


ink since last fall, two of the tbrce x<p..uth.lpoil'>mnr..-^M(0
yoare of battalions having been at work «n the
isUnd to tbe last half of the period.
Not a nook or Comer, not a trace U4l buimon.X.V. Wbc.
SMtioB. He was a member of tbo
Hodera Woodman asd of tbe Ancient road or sn oluk-ure trail has escai-Hl
From lUvana
Order of Cleaaere. carrying tnsuraace the map maltcrs.
SsntlagD. into every province, of and
la both. He leaves oo cbildren.
•r eyes.
Hr. Carr was about 45

age and was well knosrn all over this

lop Boffles

Sf riac Wjtotb





Work Shoes



.M:*'!*' i r

fiM-t Hii'i p;-"-! -."r.

\ Sttab^

‘ .--..•rjili-i'/ilrei
-;i .... ........ ....... .. .....
up-{o.<Ule Car.
'I -I. I"-' l•t.v.-mc-l;l;{ iiior.; ijopnly
•.vi-.-ir in this -.•j-'liiiiy
V"ur rn idibura arugutitGed,
V . V ;:l" v.,n l«-. it >oii iiiNi •• j'/ur >ii‘li«ii-<a from our atock.
I j-:r j rl.-.-" :in: v/-r> fi iF-p'i;,t*l'-. auiJ.wv uiiurnulM! <-vi-ry job .
V. • 1 "Pit.
\V- • pi'i'aliy intilp-ym to.-all nnd loiA over


«yli- liaiii. r

I , Robber Tire


cm. PI* 151.

128 E. Frail SL

Queen City Implement Co.

ilUHD TftAVfKtt'NtlULO. THUMOAV. HAV i*. 1»W.

lo eodniw too bary winds. The wood

nMn and HegulallMt «f-n*
Hwrid V*w^ F«lk« B«n«>bM

because you know tbe maple syr
the maple tree U very brittle
good and sweet. It to eriial funilihew
Ibe brasebte bare an unrortunaie hab­ •ynip and sugar and that Isb'i all.
it Of forking In aueb a faabloo that Mat of the trees in groves are maple
nk nolon reaulla, wbicb. when (reew: they make good shade. I
heavy pi
to swing in the swing which to

through the alillness of the roei
Nothing mna was said, thmigb 11
fiMt w.Mkcrl out tiwtether.
Tbe third night after (he roiivers..


tion tbe hfivs asked tbe eiuaster" awan. .Aeain ibe (bree stor'd at liie'
• tray.
to w maple tree It also lurstobes us desk, and one spitoe for all,
Alley 'WcttoaaU. TraTerto
have tte-ughi it over, sir. sad we have |
fne) and gives ns beat. It makes
»»., K- r. B, »o.
tail'd II over, and *e have dt-ridedl
lumher to build bouses oAd bar
Helen Rlebardaoe. Trareree
I. Ibe maples a
Every person ought in set out soi
lOek. R. r. O. Ho. I. Cherry.
Has*, are of rapid growth and are rug- maple trees on Aibor Day and have
•dol'd."' said the
MMrtd WcHbrook. Peabody. Kao, p:d lo forma, therefore adapting thembeaoliful a grove as possible. I have shall Is'ciii to sluily this winter wuhj
f«tveK to a great vartely of coodttlotta. noticed ifiK half of ifae logrtbat hate rolb'ge 111 view."

Cut Stone Work


e»#ty livlnj thing.

tr r«vcr »il M trrfng to «•
th«M thing.. I wlU *Tf», toy

Tbe red maple U a waterlortog plant l-een hauled by this winter have been
Tw"jiv \ears later two I'f tbi- l*ov.-l
I can be quite aucressfully growl maple trees, which the lumbermen sh'»to l.agds in the slate eapli'il I'liir
‘tWbeit P, ruller. age 8. F«e Uke.
the upland
The rtlver maple eto bad loaded on Ihe tdHghs. By my ex
eli-ik of th»’ house for elglii .'.-iirs
Mk*.. fetch. Bea«»; Becaoae II U
dute« a great deal lo the rigorous perieoce. I think Ihea are more maple
•vcb a Bice abade tree, growa
iiflerward It* sp'-akCr. Tji. '.■*
coodltlona of the norlbwealem pan of (fees tbnn any other trees, l
and looka ao nice.
er w.-i* pre.-id'-iu of the senate Th-'
you have a plcnlr, jo'i have lUi t
third tioy^ied a fortune lu I'H-.iMarte Gray. 'Ttarerae City. Mich.. Ibe I’uiled StajcK. and l»
■ ‘

with aoreciB fun playing in the shade of the heau'iMiddle AtUntlc states for Ar fill maptes.
We are going to se
pcotccting Inc Birds,
■ maple trees along Ihe ros
Alberto HcHaoiu. ■narerae Cltv. namental purposes. In aoliimn. (be
tl'oiii iwii vear-v ago the rtiiinkli'.ili
brilllam red sucl ycllnw of
house on Arbor Day. They
Kleb.. R. P. D. Ko. I. Maple. Reaeon
lorCBlB are produc<-d by the maples
Beeanac U glrea Iota of abade.
•'furniture of maple. There Is tin tv ■ifHrli'-. Awllri H iIiit.i.kieed ft illii.U,
nests iu hiindnils of tree*, to preserve
Reaale RIChardann. Trareiae CHy. Tbe snga; maple of Nnrth America la kind of tree so beautiful a* the mupb
and proi'Tt the Insecieaiing
ligar plant, tbe trree being —Oranffe Fkiller.
Mlcb..R.F O. No. t, Cherry. Reaann:
Hie brunches
w.-a stud-led with
Becante In the aprlDg It baa pink and tapped In the early spring lo obtain
My Favorite Tree.
■harp nails, to.k'-rp oat the eiiemlc*
while blotaoma'and In tbe anmmer ll he aap as ti flows upward. The up
was formerly simply boiled down
The cherry trr e I* my (JViirlle tree of the wingi-d 1 re.Hures. Blurkbirds
haa eberrlec.
and thrushes wviv' the flisl I'vtnke adliecaiise |i gives
Mabel Sunquesl. Traverae
CHy. open keCilea and used as molaui

A. W.

It 111. ni Ibe tead.i starts each hymu
t v wli.-ipag Ibe first few uote... and

F. D Ho. 1. MapV. Reaaoo: 8e
Cana* lu learn are ao big and green.

MIM CLARA 8AT«. lldlttr.



Lane’s FamUy

il - n tbe I'lfl' take ll up. In oto-dlelKW
•■■ I':,- movement of ll;e luatruriorh

Things veu Can"l Oo.
V......... .
stand 'loi live mlmiies
V lib..'ll mev-iug If you are blindfolded.
Vo I .3-11 stand at tin- side nt a

and young,
Al lir-.i.-.•■'<••, -.I'... siiil >v.

r.s'in with to'uh id your fi-et touching .
til'- waiiis'-'iling loitgtUwIsc,

Vo I .'au t s.'i out Ilf a chair without
be leafing and biid.llng
I'lftiy vaiii.-ige of lU" iH'str. Their exatiipb'
A Bird Choir.
MIeb, R. F. D. No. 1, Cbeetnut. Rcaa- The evaporation was continued un
'1*111 f'i!t"wc-i bv others. TieHie sugar cDstalUzod and tbe brown
the leave* will cm.- cut and
At fie .:i;,|,| 'll s; i'.ier.'lti t•^Ildll.l: vi'Ur iHs-ly foiwurd. ur pul­
label Wilton. Trareree City. MIeb.. maple sugar was obtained. Five gal- then after awhile the little white blos- work of the blribslu saving ‘ t rces aiel i-ne-'. till r.- !• tl rboit •■! I-Iri!.-. tin- only ling y, ir Ici-t itnd.-r It. that to. If you
eliiliH. si|Uare|> im the chair and
R. F. D. Ko. I. Apple. ReatOD: Beone 111 Its kliiil III .•xlM' iii-'-. Till' bllito
Flrit Vie.
I'liildiiig is now la-iiig eaaied i-u
ovements In the proceu have
Then the nlr will lie so tiler when
cAnae Vhe Ilket the bloaaoini.
- "•*■ ill tiiinil 'i are .ill m sejuvralt- ui'l on the edge of it
r till- dirivtiun <d « noud >!|ii-devised. The sugar is now made they come, Oierrb-* will i^ome nfutr
Ymi '.lilt lue.ik a match
If Ihw
Ucori^ Vie. >r>iWiHt-^H. Iren.
Now iliiii the spring days^ I'l'lli side* ol Ibe .nlUi. Tbe. K-ii-ler to liintvdi I- laid urniss (be DSlI of the
Then the i«-oplo will iiui-iiiill.o
Romefey Ahltlde.
Borne beauUfuJ Bowera bare eonc to more easily and qiilrkl.v. yb using the the blossoms.
eumiiig. jiuil Hut birds will .(*■ n- :• girl wh't h.e bad the l.irds uud-f iier miildle niii:''i of cither hand
to them and then our maiimms will
yonr prealdent tbU week and bare evaporating proceaa. Maple •ugar
Orgenitod DwMnb«r g. IMC
commands a higher price than
n them so wi- can have Ibein to cat tiiniliic to NuMliern i-llm-'s. ilie ix
mode her »ery happy. Some of the
own personal Irnining for tw.i yeai-s. plvis*"t IIIS'U l.y (be flat and third
sugar (tom .the beet
the cold winter. - merries do taste tiinpb- of the iZwIsH is litolrm'Hvi-. If The whole of the mvtstr.,: ,.sn i.f Ibe flncers of that de*|illc' IIS seemBirta of Btony Beach Bueablbe Club;
Nimbto «r ni*mb.f. b*lw.glagT»toy
ir y-i'uig )-v*v|iie W'oiild eonslifil- m-rvlee is most '' XiimI';:'
and is now ured as a luxury becansc
nic^In sauce or id--, Cherrj- ins's
'' •.
Beat her a great boneh of mayfle
I'-tid'-i.'-l llte S', e.isy at B,M slgbl,
to nice la their white dresses and IbruiiM-lves proli*‘tor* of -tbe ' blnls.
A box of arhuina came through the of Its agreeable flavor, ullbougb It
on: Becauae ahe liket the nuta.

Rgtty^ »lrthd«y Crt*.
~ crMtbeltn;
>00.. I tUT. {AM ui w.
-Rad (betv’i wotlier bM a thlrt.
*Ob.^« Bt AiiM. t-«eg!
Coaw.^M:l7i B)l thOM rrMb dCBB
>er liuto Putr^ HrthlBy CBka"
•Trt." Boded the cow, "etirt elk year.'
^•d bow rte knew I caowM tHI);
Tp fife By tenj elcoat Bilk.
Abd'iDOM Mlckhaa ciwaa aa writ;
ABd.wtt^ tben. cook. ptcBae noditsf
Mt ntUe Pstty'a tdrtbday cake."
Thee Jame. wool ool Into tbe ban
Aad look oot DobWa fran bla aUlU
-Now we will lo the rniBse Iret
And boy tbe retolaa. nnu aed •11.Old Dobblo »»e hla oan a ebake;

He. toe. Bldti Mp to Bake the cake.

a birthday eake.
it iMt tMh. Patty's cate w^ dose.





Wtft dh the top alx Candtoa, and
flar'uae apelt out In pliik and blue,
ikmt lh«

Bprtng Rain.
-I." aid the diBde. -] call It fan.
nr I have my little



-t.- ertoS tbe dasdcNoa. “I.
My roots Are thlraty. «gr buds are
And B&p lifted her little yelhw bead
Owl of her green and grassy bed.
■i ho^ l^n pour!




Thr witb k broed leaf for a
I am perfeetly i

mail, ibe plnkoat and aveeteat flowers Kill an article of agular diet In tow­ they look nice when the rhertlesTiro (lie fi'SlIi' r.-.l iril.e would llirive enorer Canada, aa it was formerly animig
then thej- an: ad «.i- while or niiiuslr. and lo the li.dp of mv and
Imaginable, bui no name '
black. The eherry trees look so lone- plant life.
tbem. ao your prealdent doet not know tbe farmem of New England
Beautiful fiirnltua, is
winter. but I do not think
wfa«n to ibank. but abe hope, who­ cr regions.
made from the blrds-eye maple.—Mil­ they mind It because k suriiuse tbey
ever eent them will read
know bow bappy tbe flowers and tbe dred Westbiopk.


loving ibought bare made her. Ruby
Brooks of Maple City sent some may-

anti when summer comes the
begin to spring ui>. I suppose
u take the
pit out t>f llw

My Favorite Tru.

The snuw keeps the roots
■slim*, to appritprlaio al .my

My favorite tree is tbe cherry. First
This is not so with ili>flowera and some boy»«nd-glrU
It Is planted and then wo must rua
Japr-nese girl.
To play wlHi bi-r
letter. They made your president al­ for it and help make it grow. It bloa- eherry and plain It. It will lieetHne a
ciolls is on evi-nl. n Joy wtilcb i-oiie-s
nd have fnill tip It some day
most aee Cba woods and Knell (be soms quite early In (hn spring and
he glad when llte bright red,
aweM spring odors.
has w^ie and pink flowers. The tree
iiarry, uImv .-i iiie.ri.
Till* is S'-rve-l
grows pretty wide. The soil most be eheales come. Tbcj look so pally,
floor with soiiti- soil of sW.-t-:
ree wlih ilwir bappy faees'
dug around (he tree to make it grow
I to purlaki- is i-oneider.*! viv
beta printed In the Herald this week and must be watered. Then ll will looking Jip toward Hie sun. 1 know
lud l■■llu 111'- nest day the ti-.-iMir--.beeanae we arc to bare Just Arbor Day grow and soon start lo blossom and three diffeani etdors of elierrie*.'
pjiiki-d away, tiered, blark and while
ui there are almost one hun­ pretty soon we see little buds'of green
Clrl longitic lor the happy. hap|i> it-tidred new-names to the leitcra
Instead of blossmis. Soon they begin aa all good. The btoek and white ate
hen site sbull enjoy her evi
raldent baa put by. Each letter and
grow Urge and become red. They
fner-asing liiniMv.
It I* a eomiuoii
are very sour.Helen Riehame win be printed In Ha turn.
“ as large as rralcapples. Tfien we
Ihitig to see as many as ion or to.......
pick them and sell them at tbe mark
■lls in one himie.
' My Favorite Tree.
ct. Sometimes when they blossom the.
My Favorite Tree.
The maple la my favorite tree,
frost kills them and then there aa no
A Step ladder Stoiy.
My favorite free is the maple tree,
farge and toll, to nice and wide.
cherries. 1 wish we wmild have a lot
A sliideni who to devoting ills liiii''
like ll best beeause we ean ni.vke
I think the feltoge la very pretty. It of tbem tola year, (or I like them ao
■ tlie work of irarinc llte tiriciii -I
syrup; It luakew nice shade, ton. The
has amsll rod bloaaoms wtakb
well. Wc had a plelua token of our
faiiilllar siiyings OiTlan'* that
tinI ptWiy In the summer. Some
rery pretty and sweet and are
cherry tree and the man who look the
|.todd-r- lesson which follow:
xvc* are green, yellow and
drat which we bayc In the spring. The plelua said it was the niresi tree he
iiiiiiid'-d on fart.
bawn. 'I like the tree Waiisc it
bads are very pretty, also, showing bad ever seen. We have (brae chcro'
n:Hti Ibe *hne wu
makes lumber and wood l» burn. 1
tight green among tbe dark foHage
- is full grown now and the
I ll ^kr-W.- 1
nhe trained lo almost any dp.
I are small Rome cherries
shoe (ho l|.i|..c
r-i V
and made maple i
aired shape, but 11 left to nature. ripen in July and some In August, We
and maple
M.ipli' *
II will make a pally shade tree
all fond of cheirles ('berries aa
V liorse. the riil'-i
good to cat. 1
almost no training al all
dark ad, Jlgtil red and half goen and
• tree*
The leave', all. die In
like to gUber honey from Its blow
red.~Helen Koiarlk.
-And all r-i lb- want -f a horsevh.
Ihe winter and fall off the tree*, in
and It to used for srood and lumber
My Favorite Tree.
Ihe spring new leaves i-ome c ii again
which U used for rarlous purposen.
• fi'lsr w«* an al.l-1.-<am|i In
The apple is my favorite tree. It Maple to good lo make a floor out <rf
maktog the beet of flooring and
blossoms to May. The apple kiosks Most all Ilf our seats aud d'-.-k* atu Euf'pcaii army, lie n' tb'clvil lo ha>
alee turnliara.
Hie bard maple is
I d'lvi-n one ds> . ami that .ific
patly. The cob.r of the apple made out of maple, l h.. maple treetapped in tbe spring tind the sap Is blosEiim Is pink. Thr-ie are
have fniil and lo the |a!|. the fruit
made Into maple sugar and syrup, • hlte ones. The apple blossoms have
Tin- h-TM' citot tile I's'.-i- xliiN- ali't li
drop* nod the seed IvrIu:- to gnuy
which to very nice and brings a high
.1111The young ''tlb'r hailed al
flve petals. They stay
in a year or two will l.e gretii
price on tbe market
Tbe leaves
l.v l.smilh i.hcip III ni.l.-r m have ll
mile while and then the Itetals fall off
roes, lu Ihe ninier iimp'e sviiip
arc very prgtty In Ibe spring and I like
lux' lepliini] when a Itqiisri of ll
and the other part alays on the tree. and maple sugar taste *« nle.- -nit-tv
lo gather tbem and note tbe dIBereol The pari that sinys on Ibe tr>-<- U
ni-niv's p•Jrs1|illC cavalry dvihi-d t
lot of maple .io<s growliiK
•bapea and kinds. Besides In the fall,
called the rap
It kee|is on gmwing amiind our house. We calbei ibe *up
the leaves ar* ao many different col­
dniibi be bu'l bi-ai'd often cuoiic
II In the summer lime au.1 then
or ihiis-ilini-» a day. We did out
ors. turning frem green to red and yel­
get apples. We call thes,- awles
any trn-s
low. while some arc motlled red and
iimrr apples. Some ktvp on blos­ Hawklns.
Needed H*lp.
yellow, olbera are green and splashed
soming and In the fall make apides.
Ism^lil sceniisl gii-atly luiin-sl
with red and yellow markings. <
toll these appli-s
wat. biugasidib ra. work ,m Its
What -Pluck Did.
many different kinds. Tbe maple Is
.Teople like to eat them I nihe
niniiiWtiltbe llin- t
found ««rty all over ifae Mat.
It I* Ihe glory of our couitlry ih.f
winter lime, Wetiave quite a few ap­
r.ilt.'d In bto ipolb'-r. "Miimm.i. I
HIciilBaB. I think the maple is
ple looa at home. Wc gather the win­ evriy boy and girl wlihiii lis llmli*
spiri-'r nil unit:' ■!
Dieeat of all forest trees.—Bua FTSz<-r.
Cliiince lo rtoe. Obscure blMli
ter apples in September and October.
s b.vir."
My Faverito Tram
Tbe apple has in the Inside live seed- and poverty need pul no limll on the
In the summer time the l>ees
My tovnrite itsw la the oak tree I
like the oito tree for it gives such Viallcd the apple Wossoms Apples
smooth; bill i-onie are rtiiigh; they
wonderful shade,
lo the aprlng I
Some apples are white,
like lo see tbe buds grow from \>uds
Info leaves. All summer It keeps Its others red and some are brown. Wc


— - --..M. WI



,n*i IIIM*

pltoh'*! by pluck and d-ierminatam.
Fficr .1 iliii'-Iy unrd ha.l lit the lire of


feiaay. May 10. 1M7.


■naeiti- Their school dM not plant bnoUfuI wood of tohlcb
beantifiil there Is a pan. tittdcr whir* |, a Are
•■y trees because the school yard al- hrnllna to made. It u nlre to have They put (be sap In (hIs pan and bolt.
rwdy has pleaty.
swings fastened to its branches and
Then they strata 11 and put It In
ttore to ear Arbor Day Roll ol Hon­ a hammock fasten^ to a couple of another pan on the stove In the house '
or. nrrmiiged alphabMIcally:
trees bMcalh Ht green shsde—Edna Then they boil tt again and r.train tl'
It again
Then they |et |» *e,,|e and
BBaa Ctou. t>thBfl. Ricb.. bak.
Bto Frmier. BItely. Hleh . Maple '

My Favona Tras.



------------------- ^--------------- f-

Smith Realty -Ge.
Carry a cumplcic and full
line of


Farm and City Property
For Sale.
Prompt and Caurlrons Troatmcnl lo All.
11'*- Hj-ui'leiice. 2“.l0.

ppHE tettofflon;

pecially engaged hi* aitefllino. and In ;
r, They were
wlde-.-iwakilerc lirlght.
lirlgbt. wlde.iwakikepi t««ethi;r
ether lu their e^:.KCs.
uiid were tfevvrr lard;
Oiiy^ght he
nskcrl them t ri antoiii a/l'T sehr*.!
desk and sionfl in a row. walling with
IXiciy to kn-w why they tiiKl
••"■n kept.
"Boy*. 1 want you lo go |., ro)|r;;o ,
all .thne of you." raid «he leaeher
fe> to mlleg.' - If he had -aid, - fie
renlTal Africa." they cxiid
have l.een mor" aflonliheq The Ideal
bad never entered *heiT minds.
"Vcs." cooilnued the






Floyd Smlih, Hanaecr.

Inisint s*. nniwiihsiandin^

Iifris wliii ll uit: I '-iiit;

t rculaii'd to ihc

ihe re*


Our Stock
«if Uours. Wiinlow*. (ilass. Mouldin?, Patch Work,
«:tc.. iMtht larj»'t-ii anti most complete in Northern

High Grade Finish
Mair Work Itrilliui. Sion-Fixtiirea. nny ati-I nil ktiuia of
( aliinot Work. <;U-., ia o-ir ajir' inlty. < tiir topiipm-ut for
•ii'iil work of ;iH kinils ia lit.- bf-al nn-! our Ultor is akillnl.
Ify-iiii-toiKnylliiitt; In our lim let u« (igure will, you,



know you are surprisito. Int vrei rani
» it a* well as I
Go borne, thiiih i- i
rer. and i-otdc to,me again"
The ibrre bov = »e,e



bit.Best WEST :

And with fhey never need to etop,

and In the spring a small oak tree when they come again this .vear.—Arlej- McDonald.
springs up. Then to a feW weeks 11
My Favorite' Tree.
begins to grow qnlle fast, in time
Your presiildBt was very miK^
tbe iMves turn from a dark green to a
My farnritc tree Is the maple tree.'
Jileaaed in tb» interest token In Ar­
bright red. then to a golden yellow
like It iKvause it gives us maple
bor Day this fear. Bo tnany nice let­
They stay yellow tor a while, then synip. It glvca nice shade, loo. U Is
ters bare come to her lb reply to the
come tumbling and fluttering to the used for lots of tiling*, building
, Arbor Day qnceUena, and also i
Id after t.ving on the gnsmd hnuads and most everything.
^lendld caaaya whirb are printed this
for awhile, they torn to a dark hnrwn. leaves are very pretty They have
Jack FtoM haa visited them In the
pretty shape. In the .tutomn
Mtoi BBOu Btrih-a aebool abont fall, so they dropped to tbe ground
they turti. red. yellow and brown
all mtles from Trarerse GKr. planted and helped rover the patty floavis
They have such brilliant colors^ The'
■erera] maple Irea la the echnm
from the cold weather lo the meanly maple r>tup is made, js first, they
yard and yonr piwsldent seat the
Ume me can see the squirals hop­
■re ii hole lo the maple tree and put
sehooi a pretty pleUre aa abe piumping from branch to branch, among
snull laugh lo the hole for the
Mtaa IBarfb to hcriett. a Buli- (he amni toden trees.
u is funny wap to ran in and under the trough U
ttlaer. baring jedned to March, 18M.
te the squirals grab an acorn or
backet (nr it to nm Into.
•oot> afler (be Oab was orfanJiad
and pot them la tbelr mouths, they hive tapped all the
Brr number to 871.
(hen bop to Ihelr homes or boles and when the burkels are tiiM,
A mxBher of ibe Stony Beach Sun- hide them for winter food. Another
sap and put It In a l.arret'
•Bine Club bare aent ta essays 'and thing in the grand oak tree Is the draw It to a place |o Ibe wciods. where


Simply the visible aign that baby's tiny bone*
BTC not forming rapidly enough.
Lack of nourishment is the cause.
Scoff’s Emulsion nourishes babyism
entire system. Stimulates and makes bone.
Exactly what baby needs.

W( .Tc *tilliii

i^iiioii III three l-iytoh spirits;
brown apple.s rusiycoals. The
ere^ shady bower until fall. In the imniTpars ago a young man working hi: j
mer tbe leaves slowly turn from a mstyeoat applet aa good to cat lo
light green to a dark green, and wc winter. Did you ever see any apples way thmugli college timk charge of a,
di.lrici wchool in Mnssachtisetir diir i
see (be acorns with Ibrir caps on (brir
Tm a Wg river I Brow to be.
Three lyoys rs ^
Bo t eeOd tnd my way to tbe eem- tieads. lo (be fall tbe acorn drt^ they aa bright ad, I will Ih< glad ing the winter term
a brook. -1 laugh


Spraying Cime

Their t

parent.* bad all they co'tid de i, teed !■

le near SI liSTfJ

and clothe them deeent'y. an-1 allon
them a term 'd >y-hool'nc in the win

orli-r t" r> t ili" I* *1 maUviulu

p son of a-rh-vemaker,
another cara« from-a larg.- family
.infl the (arm tha' s-ippoi'e-l 'h"m nat
amall and unproductive.

Want to Win?

in «toHy


.\r|f nic, F iruialiuj'Liv'vr of t'ulpber and

LsTenbnrg'a I’ure

I’ana Om n

(hen'draw It off lo cans. Maple sugar

The boys stood silil for a laonien'
of the sugar sand which
My favorite tree U the maple iree.
pure amaicmcni They then looked
Orn^ Fbtler. age ii. pife Litoe. Keit lo (be oak. the maple surpasses pomes off the ma^ syap ll is at ifae
each other, aud aroun-l tbe oM
Mdu Maple.
r trees aa regarda variety in bottom of tbe pans and when It bard- Bchoolbouse. The Are wa* going ou!
se hard you can scarcely.
Hnby bwktoa. tVav«ne Oty. MiCb. form and use of timber, From the
in the box Move.
The frost was aet
It.—Margaret Wilson.
H-F. B. Wo 1.
. Maple. :
•tondpolnt of the iaadscape gardener,
ling (hick on the window panes. As
Helen Kovarlk. ijge IS. Omens. the maplM aa lea derirable than any
My FavorHa Traa.
teactsr took o-jl hla watch the
toher tree. becauM of their laabUity
I BUMS I Uke the maple tree besL Ucklng sounded loud and distinct

jou Im-! lyrtlT get your w»nU

W. carry for Utia pur|*.s- Blue Vilriol (Co|>per Rulphatej

If you will purvJisae tlie^d articWof ua. yon will cArUioly
Doi go wrong sa to ijuaiity or price.

Writ, usi-iday

Addri-I.. rtelreii B.i-ii.... t ni-.
verwity. ,t W:k-o-. Av-e„
Mi-b, W". K JevreT I'asidcr.t.

$. E. mail $ Sons
Cnnm Cilf's CtsJlii bmg Sim

itb smlatlne one can prepare oe


. and should be encoaraged whole here and there, as
! "comforter*'' of old.
good work.

many pretty ctreci*. Prepare a eloar
using the Juice of one *«ur

to In the phiec of lenun Juice.
' or any of the prepared gelatines
There are atlll many farm bootes|
In need of an untpartng hand and a; to the middle of the square, at Which are even beti.-r. a* Ibey are already
atm. Looking' back over the place cut a round hole large enough flav-ored and only ne«-d hot wafer add1 tbe t.owdrr. FlU the mold ab
wonderful change la this refull of died nntfges and pine­
the' square, up both sides of tbe
8 unmistakably seen In tbe
"When spring cornea there are at
ways pleniy of .things to do In and large numl>er .of fine, well-kept bomes opening, and around tbe neck. work. apple* and eoarsely cbopiied nuts.
Heart free, band trM.
lid neat lawns to l>e found alt over wl{h w.-ol, the blanket or buttonhole The J.-I1V I,, i.-a'.iy .Just to stick the
nniond Ihe farm house by way of
Bine above, broa-n under,
logeihi-i. Tuin the fruit Jelly
stitch. Aliout elghi Inches from l
Cleaning up and destroying old and
All Uie vorid to me
Into cut'* made from ihe orange *
• And dont fonrol to pUnI trees. If IKllDI
worn out articles and rubbish which
la a place of wonder.
riaov iIk.-m- on I'arc paper dotUu* on
may jiavc accomulsted during the win­ all tbe barren dunr-yarda could be set llu- <-dge» ingjulu-r to form sh
liny plan*..The Jejl> may l.c i
n*-ck sew on two blue
Star*, and vlnda a blowliw.
rich wjiti pineapple. lemon and
t a transformaibm would lie with- pink) rtldxina. or cord anil tassels
All into tbla bean of Bitee
“Worn oul or broken down pieces
orange J.ilee uml obilded with so
nessod In a few years.
A treeless made .'rum th<
FVrwtDK! Aowlos! OowIdkI
of furniture. If beyond repair, may far
e 1* a barrra spot which ought i.nji you hnve a dainty, Inexpensive
liellce I>e made Into fire wood than
tn be permitted In exist another ]ire».>ni for crime friend It can easily ter ol the table.
Mind free, atep free.
stored In «n aulr or o-llsr and there
iU.-l ci|. haidt-iled
. Set n tree l•efore an'>ther week PC slipped acriss th- shoulders whei
Dare to tirilow. after/
allowed to remain for years to catch
'V. making the cut •me-third
lit Slid name li after sorac friend ■llting up In Ih-<I. and Is usclul an
•Jora of We aold to me
dust and mildew.
>• iioliite.l •-n-l. UeuKive iliv
fter a tuemhrr of the family who cv>lh:orial>!e.
for tbe price of laupfatn-.
‘•Old clolbiw shniild, when past fur• oik* - llliout bicaking Ilo-. white*.
Olr1% tore, wan e love.
ef use. lie made l■■■n rugs, carpels ment could l>e thought of; one which
Iiia*h Hii-ni and mix with enough mayBorne
Lore of work ami diilr,
or bedding or else given outright to
or l>oilo.l salad vlieSsuig. ■«
;e Cake—flne hslf cup of sw
jQBt a will of Ood'a to prove
the rag bag. Before adopting the lat­
I.lnit them. Fill the Urge half of Ihe
one iMid cup of soft butter, •
Beanlr. beautr. beautrl
ter coiirM- each piece should be care­
gg with the prepared yolks, roundbe*ld<'s.
ihree r.mnh* cups oL flour. <
—WtlUaiD gtanlor Bnkbwalfe, U
fully looked over and whaiev.-r parts
Ig them .on lop jiiM. a* If they
“l.ct eveiyho.I> pl.vm trees,
and one-third cups brown sugSr. t
C E. World.
are worth saving enn la- utlllrcd, such
III U-.'n dislnrl-e.1. invert the ;
ptaiil them the coming week. Thow- rxK". one-baif leaspimn ench of r
st bullons and pieces for patches, giv­
leu-a of whit,-. I'lii ib- nmnd.-d
jeni<-ml'<-ie.! Arlsu Day byand rlnnauirm. two
A Seng of Hope.
ing 'parllculnc hi-ed lo examining doing Ibis may plsol one more. 'Just luiklug i-owder, ilirv-e-fourthr. cup
I Uth pieces fl-o and Mirk the*.
Children of jreatorda)-.
pnckpls beforu destroying.

logrtlii-r with a lllile wM
III- goo.1 lurk, too. " finely ehopi-eti rlatcs. IW-al ihn-e n
Helra «rf tomorrow.
•'ll U far belter to give lisir-worn
Mid liake.
What are yoQ weaving?
liBbor and aorrow?
-nm I'nkr—One
............ . su|
Umt to your loom again.
whiles «f three r-egs. tine <o l> of thick
dren than to allow them to hang in. these;
Faater and faaler
I eicani. oil/ t.-s-;|>».u
1 nresd—.Set over night wllh gra
delnllely In ihe rioset where they arc
ny tbe great ahutileo
, a pllieb of sail; tw
ham flour the same aa for while
of no use In anyone.
Prepared by tbe Master.
m-xi morning, add enough gra"In families where there are no chil­
Ufels Is tbe loom!
cnoiuili to make ipilie siitl. lUk
floiir i<> niiik.,- a lislter as slUf a*
dren women's hair-worn hosiery ran
{toon for It—
layers am! fill with whipp.-il crea
.1 yn niin.1 giving I;
he saved and given to some mother possible lo ml* wllh a sp<*<m. Sweeten
Fniil rake - fine cup molasiaw.
taste with N. 0. mnlsases. A scrap
be i-r-el|<r for i
of little ones who will make them
Ip brtxwiysiigar. one cup butler,
“Why. no, | .
over. Few mothers, even those In of srsla to rorrr-ct Ihe acid of molasses,
Children of yesterday.
rup ralsink. one cup ciirranls.
:a* nt.ole. I Just lake
good clreiimstanees. fall to rerognlxe
Hairs of tomorrow.
nne Clip e<d(ec. one teaspoon soda.
q.inri ..r .s--of flour—
the usefulness of such a gift and there ind a cup or two, according to the
Uchlen tbe labor
-afi-vm cinnamon, niieplc
or-three seiMpln's-iip
are many who are glsd to receive imnunt of dough, of chopped waloats,
And sweeten tbe sorrow.
'•nur Into dcu-p tins, let rise and hake
hand*. Then I *1(1 it
wllh my
How—whUe tbe sholUes By
them repilarly from their friend*.
multiply snd do It*,


Faster and faster.

“What tn ilo with olil>ets la of­

Bps and be at H,
At work with tbe Haater.

ten a problem, The liesi parts of a rag
carpet msy lie ritl Into convenient

He aUBda at your loom;

lengths for rugs.
Almiit tbe hack
|>orch or In Uic kitchen these are cx-

Boom for HlinRoMnt

ireraely nseful. Afler Iwlng washed
a few times they lose their slltrnnss

CUMten of yeaierday.
Heirs of tomorrow.
Look at yoor Ubric

and are easily handled. Tlte best parts
of tograin or bnissoU can be n*e.i

Of tobor and soirow.
Seamy and dark
With despair and disaster
Turn ll.'aod—lo.
Tbe design of tbe MastW*
Tim Lord's st the loom;
Boom for bim—
—Mary A. Latbbary.



day. so



MrmMttb be.*: They that wall
npoo tbe Lord aball renew tbclr

Jlmnf mill's tmWt
Home Cheer ■glvej lia readera thla
- vMk fix inaplring thoi«htB. which,
a If pat Into (he dally ;ivtbf. will make
indoori. no maUer how
bwvy tbe clouds nisy be wltbont.
“LM m live but ooe day at a time,

Neither borrow tbe aorrow
That eeoes with the morrow.
Her let ysMerdsya worry dur mind.”
Today U oura: what do we fear?
Today U aura: we have It here;
Let's treat It kindly, that U may
Wish, at least, with ns to sUy:
Let's baalsh bnslnsss. banish sorrow;
To tbe gods beloai tomorrow.
-Abraham Cowley.

n moderate oveu for thirty minutes.
with a* mueli rivam o' tan;
•» r.iie liiyer rake, or eiio.igh for ibliik I’ll need and :i pinch of
nea'.v in ;■ Umllj of live.
It 1»
Buns—Two cups sugar,
1. pi™,, 1 »«. ™,.™i
iwo-thirds cup butler, two cups fl^r, Improved liy tin- aridilloii of two egg*.
^ ih-y're sfcurre I don't use so many
Colfee fake—One cup butler, ope
four egg*, one cup sour milk, one lea.
’n«t!nn.| I stir In a little dab o' milk
;pnon soda, two teasprunis rlnnaronn, rup of sugar, one c-ipof moUssc*. one
Iff j mix a KTOopIn' o' »'igar with bi
Rlrong eolTiH',
me teaspoon cloves, one cup chopped
ur, I .-nongh to nuike a kind o' aofi p
l»uiid of raisin*, oiir.ieaspoi
nlsinii. Bake In' large square
“ c(
- -.aim
and i.iv-ii
then ■I eui
stir In
i.i ■■
.i i.iuv
little •••i,.
mile of any
soda, one le«*iKi..n r

Cinnamon kUd nf flavorin' I happen lo h
good and bat-

no way In the chambersheaping tab1es|<oon Imiu-r or lard,
Wlih the uddlilon of fringe ihcae may
teaapoon salt. Milk tn make dough
be Inado quilc ornnmrninl. Ravdiogs
Kllir enough to roll. Two lieaping
from the same make a neat fringe
s|>oon8 l>aklng i>owdrr.
Roll alioul well U-aieti with one cap of gniniilale-l
when drawn In by band.
one-eighth inch thlrk. Cut
aiigar. ndd l•.le•half cup of alfii-d llovir:
"When a linen Ulde clolb comes small saucer. Spread wllh melted
well. .Now nijil another oue balf
> wear its days nre uboul over but butter and frvid half over. Let slnnil
Clip of flour *ll'ii-il w'llh one teaspoon
If carefully will last a few
a'arm place <»e half hour and bake
1u.klne-)MBd.-r and a pinch nf soli;
mooihs lougcr. Jf Us width will per
quick oven. Just before putting
mix qiiirkly and Usllv add oiiedialf
piece should be cut out along
CD brush with milk and sugar.
les and Ihe l>nrder stitched on

a romcwhai heavy winier

the body of the eloth again. If neatly
done and the seam Ktilrhed flat. It

nu’ie >Tutiiiic ii*e of fmii
system envve.-i the fnnh isrtni-s* whirh

Stuffed OuioRs.
Farlioll *1* onion*, renuv e inside t
Clsantog F
does not look ladly. Cut out llic worn foriu cup. chop remov.-d onion fine.
part the entire length of the clolh
»Hh equal quantity of cold rookthroiicb !i wh«de season wlihooi conIn replacing see Ifanl Hie ends
sal. one fourth cup bread crumba.
irartliig ,i qiianiily of dnsl and dirt.
matdi exarlly and that Ih'c Joining Is one.fonrth cup Initter, sessou with salt
I fur, of course, shows
done evenly. This looks far better l-'ppcr and parsley. Fill onion cup
how Bolle.1 it is. but ihf dnrk ones,
than a patch. Small hoUw or Ibln
hake slowly uuill tender, baste
displaying iheir din. are alluwix]
places in the body of the cloth will be orcaaionally with hot water nnd butPM dirtier nnd dirtier, furti may
teareely noticeable If darned with rev-over lop wllh cramlis wnd hake
readily I>e ek-aned at home simply by
llnga of Ihe linen, the older the beten. Serve with rroam sauce.
nibbing them
Buy u
T. so that they hold together.
IMiind of bron. divide it in two por•■Paint and new paper give a freshUse of Fruits.
place .me In Ihe men m
ncaa of appearance to the ahabblcsl
Everyone doe» not know that fruila
heal. Siiroad flie fur on pap.-r on a
om. The woman who la bandy With have a nietliHna! v»Jne. as well as a
,|e til’d l ull 1'' well all nvei wllh the
brush can snap her fingers at the pleasing lasie. sav* a Medietil jdiirnal.
Th.-n shake o ■I Ihe bran
workman who asks
a day Paper We give you some of their nses., lak-n
a rofl
huging. too. Is not l>eyond the ability from a special arilele on the subject
When t
of any woman not afraid lo
Oranges are laxative, and sour orstepladde.-.
■ are very goml for rheumatism.
• Cretonne at eight cent* a .vard ha* Watermelon* are good for e|.Hepsy
out and bf-nsh imtll the fur i* quite
real posslIdllUes in fnrltlshlng up
yellow- fever.
Cranberries are
«•<• friifli all bran and du*i.
•ora. Conv<-nlent window seats <
used externally os well a* inteniallr.
itin lining i>f the fur will aUo need
eqnally eonvenb-nt shirt waist Imgi
BH n poultiro for eryslpt-la* and as
(’.■nliig. tt’iii'-'-'e ..’111, a el.-nn sponge
ofK-n Im- f<nmd alioiit the bou,
appetlier. I*'mon* are good for
I vvariii w.i’.’r uiid r*:b ihi- satin gentready for coiiviiilcnt covering or mi
>• many things-for fev.-rlsh Ihtrel.
wllh l!. but l*’-rari-Inl noi lo let
had for ih>- asking at the stoi
liUlmisBetci. low f.-vers, rhe-imiilism,
u- Kalin gel loo vi.-t; Il’ib 1' dry with
l.arklng lr*m hiasvw. gwxl m-ivId-sIi
cold*, i-oughs. liver ciinipialnl.
clolh i.nd bang li in .i .warm Ha'ce
L-s of leather may lie easily altacbed
colds drink hot lenwwtade;
hold the cover in |N.sUlun.

emails make a thidt^aynip of lemon

• diy and. th.-n In .i •-•Id draft lo *tr

lery to keep it from t’clng sad whr
I'* hake.1. and that's .nil there la <
It oin'l no irtrk at alt to make It

I. Harbour. In flood ilouKckcep-

Rhubarb Betty.
In earty spring rhubarb c.uiuu< lo



"I, Am
Glad To
\ Write My
Of The
. Pe-ru-na.
I Do So
yuUm Uarhf.

c center* r.-qui'* niitrin
■lion M iiii)>sin*l.^ll>i- nome snrmi.-. sod indic’-n


.mpr..«-l under the M**tm*a«, (>■*IM..ppMl laktn* »b* MS*!-

I get h«i agsiB•1 leek ihv rasdlelBv (or two yoars.
ih’-n I g.’t *irk sgstB bod gavo np all
hop**of gptilng cured.


Ptrvtm H otd • aenlac nor a,
HfmuJanr. It beaeaietlmoer^etb}-.

" I pr.'currd a boUlo SI OWOO and ro»',nen.-ro.akloglt. ! hsv* tokos awral
[ l«mlr« snd sm entirely cgvod.
In other word*, rernns goo* to II
tere gahmd fa aMRfd
Idrei.fUe a dtittnmt perwnm.
t*.ib.m of lb- wbele dltUeuHy. wb.
!/?> e Porum fi all IMf M d
II,* di»«gree»l,b- .ympf-m* dl-opje-s
Nr*. J.« -dsnuMvo.ul Mavebant.Uoc
WsI*onville,.'«l-. write*:
“I wa.' troubl’d w III, my Momsch f, ‘ u»o«. are doing a groat daal of harm
Ola year*. I in.-d many kiuij* ,.f m.-c
Sleep m.-dlflnesond hoadsebo powdorr
CIO*, also wa» Ir’-nt.-d liy Hire*
"They *Mil that t ba l ti*iwr>u» dy Irheiild out: bee,
be e"d.
IK-i’-i.- I wa.pulon a liHUld dioU- ', ..•illtigl.t.
Ml rigiii. if ihedigesaonwei
llVruns <’»ri

■< a delir.ite reminder ot all ihat i
Mire lias lu store for 'i* through 1
S’lmTrer months

From ihe ejfecls of-

a ssiirt-r .if p:ile gn-.-ii
barb |irciM-nt«. llecaus.'
slve gcldlly. n U .me -of th<- fniit*
whirh mi»t undergo r.»king
Fkliled limisewife can serve it in miiny

CtMled 111 tlie Il’IUMI
a- iHilb'd. ai],l luoi* rl_.
Tl... 1-rms u..c<l in kmiting are as
(oiliiws , k kiill pl:iln. I o. tbmd
over, o " .IV.r twice; n. narrow /
Mllches tngelber: p. pitrl: W. L flip a
wlleb; 1. bind: log,, logethcr; aun

Cusurd Pie With Nutt.
Make ciiMar.l pb- In m-al riuvum
wabiub-.. chop a

add in ihi- cI■^taTd. Tbie a;IU
w-sya. Rhuhaib t’Cliy is made as fob
pic dark..but th« flavor U rbHi .and
lows: Mix fogeiher throe ciipfiii* of
Two or three planti of the small,
cxcvodincly d.-llclous.
floe male lireadeniml.*. one rupftll of
piingomt red ptvpcrs ougbl W be In
sugar, a pinch of salt, one
,every garden: they arc immense ytelduf mixed ground spire and onehsir
;er*. and as a little of tbit goes a tobg
capful of melted butler. In a iialtmg
way. hut a few plants are needed lo
dish p-ii alternate layers ."f crumb*
nelv rut rtinbarh. adding

and • |.r.-.--d

If the fruit is Hioiight to IM veiy

'seavin the cauups. pleklQ*. etc., be
iMdeji giving ilio clilrkeoa and turkeys

'in vwbiabie *ilniulsni nivw'aDd then
'I ff pkiiits of any kind are home rais-

llake three^jiiart.-re of an hieir
in a hot I’V’-ii and eeiv’’ wllh *a-cvt

l.'.l for ih<- rally MetllDg. they are tiu
‘ iifov/il l.y iraDsptanUog tn larger

ened cream.

| jl,i*ies when they have put forth the

From the Ham Bene;
many liom’-s Ihe remnani*

' j~ro.nd k-ares. 'I'hey otaouid be hard‘ j emid gtadually by selling In shellrred

It remaining of ibe joini* are wa

', plaro-s .nil td doors In line wealber.

beci.ilKc "1.011101 dinners' are I

wasii’d. I’ Is ri.*il'. . yen to tariiir'Ts.
. ennipariseo
v.-gelalile f.».,l,
BoH unnl periro-tly* lender anil when

Hif gr
II iiF>. s

Caraway Cookies.
Here is a way to make them with
Miof cream;

Two cups sugar, one

h;.|f .up boner, two egg*. Im., cups
■ liiu wnir cream in whleb diswlve .nre
l>,x--l>nonfut K/ida. .Mw- lca*J*mful

top should lie t>add<-d and Ih- sides Juice and sngnr'.f and lake a
,1' sandwleli Rlli
with. Tou steal If you touch
l-rnised carawi,} seeds, and flour
and front rovi-red with a gsi
when needed, for rhi nm.vH*m and livfln.- and KeaM.ii s it x i«'!ip*r. vlii’-g.i
It la Ood'a. Svery day b
Cooking O'ied Foods.
.’uo’iBh in mixws sofi s* >"o cM roll;
plaited flounei-.
Tbe Inside
irntible (ak- the jnlc |h n lUlb:.n-l •■ebry s-”l. I1
naodcfa to <eep any man occupied Hoed will) elHter doth or |<a
ptopeilv cMi. d.b-1 fruits
*l’rf.iWle with'Migar. pul a ralslB ID^
ler W’lihimt sugar.
wllh equ.’l |•'l^t;”n Af the yolk, o:
wHhoui concerning himaeir
rnrn. we should l■l•gln Itm d
each and liak* tn a bol oveo.
Ihi-se lioxes needs only to Is- iisi*d
.'a I.inle; at*,. go-a1 for all rorm*'
ha.diN-dl-l .-gg-- un- I mj Ihe raviiv Ir
tblaga beyond —Henry Ward Beecher,
lo g.a reudy. by washing It w
Till* I* f... HiiA with croam
be appr.TiBled. and Iheir ii
o[ rtianhea. Tomal^•e^ ate excellent
lade by l• movlllg
wfih-oit ail) 1.111k in 11 m. butler will
he liver, a remedy tor dyspepsia.:
-Ho oae to hunt the happy daya,
la- nerol’ d
a euro for IndiceiMion.
-Outside the boiiM- there is usually,
They're with you all the time:
^gual m-raslnti for a spring cleaning shniil.l iM freely e;.reii whenever the
■table sh»,ild Ih- .-<»>ke.! s
They're loaBn' wltb you long tbe waya
' up. Dead leaves and twtga are to be iindltion ot the Kysieih indicate* the
the ».ark nf the stove for sere;
An' alngln' In a rhyme
-III lo .-nj’*-’
Hi- f”.iof calomel Fig* are laxative and
raked off Ihe lawn nnd burned, piles
No oae to aearrh the world around
ihenware vrsM-H sh‘”il-l
ak’-n froni n <-hurch
lo Is- dlspOM-d ol. lr.s«> and wholesouu-. eapeelally good food tor
We .Iflei, r.*.k
An' think they're far and Seel:
vines trimmed nnd rubbish d- slroyed. those having cancer, and al*.. for ex,al vaioex. l”.t possibly all do The brlghtsat of 'em atlll are found
I use. Apple* are goivd for nerMany farmhouses are unprovided wllh
.w that .’ m s and very deli••.in ir>” -iiirhre. Itiii
Is .sMets at your feet."
• I‘f"P'’'’5 I K.i.g,dysiiepsla: they are niilrilloii*
proper facilities for the disposal wash-v-r CM. le- added to the adriy •
c’v.ked. at.. g.*.d fe. folk* with
ih hroKen
water and the temp'Htloii to tli
, ill Iiiark.i or area the canasd
down nen. .-.Biin’l th*-y ar* a!^oodi,[^,„„,
__ bo not hoiry.
Ibis too near the house through
. laillmg young cherry leaves
the eomplexl'-n. Kvapora'1^ apple-*
Do not worry.
are go.«d t-»r rhrnimaltim. Insomwinter may l.sve c.-iiised a condliien
r’ ... sa’.-r and add the Jnlre
As this world you travel through.
I. gives tbe deibaie
whirh calls f«r |•ro'npl .letion as
tb.-re are n" gre.-n upid, *, bu' •bvn't
He recreUlng.
urh n'ittimen.i .-i* a po
as the frost Is luit of the enmnd. Surb iei>iilsllii;
Fuming, fremag.
Ith I Kmr if. -■ thri- t”S’i;”*’rfui'
*111 thin rhe Moo.|. rom
things are Imw leo'zniW very proBver can advantage yon.
alntl.m* ?. b
Follow :!i-b>m,-Ti''; mI
be rlrmlation to the Mirfare, reniovi ing ihetn.
Cook tog. Croons.
erally as a menace to beatih.
Be content with araht you've won;
lee for fiial-.rig =*““1 Imv. , IV’v.f
“Ijirktng an
eflertiv.- drainage obsinu-iion* from the liver and longs
;.”.a.i.h are .I’reni-tj fond of
What on earth you ledvt undone
V ?*, urui -.O’l w-11 have * goo.1 cat.Soring Osinties.
system lor wsste.-. from the kliehen .IlseolTf gravel nod calculi, .lud maki
1 ’h- spftnctlrl- while there
?.Trs T * ? 5»ncsnv.-n I'.j, f!i.
the sl.’marli ami bowels healthy. On
rare shoud Is- exercised In disposil
n. wb” would I,”’ go srIthiB
Tbere are ptenty l«tft to do.* urv a m**! neivm’i. tbe best o
ofihem. A barrel i-n whrel- set nr
.-•anre of .he . ..oimod dish.-,
—Mrs. F. M. Wylie.
Cooking Mtm.
il iKiIls aii'1 s’-rv'-d ii I white
.lit roi’dietnee for nervous prortrallon.
the liack door or ev<-n a large gal'S
uius* J- pioptfly cooked or
In rd”king m. a’* r- is wei! ’o re
and will ton.’ up a run-down *)-stetn
lied Iron pail which a -nuin can car
e a wild ta-te wbkb U 41sl.u>l”r.
-Flnlsb even- day and be dune with
in difl.-reni Hre*.
off and empty oner or twlrr a flay 1* qulrkrr than anyUiing else Th.-y arc
Th- pbro-i muot be weD
You have done what you could.
nw yo-j cro.k them that the tempera
a very good .irrangen»eni, TTil.-- should groid fur congh*. coM*. eonaiimp'lon. chaMvi at any- hitdwsT’i .
-.'f '.••of a. a lime, for often
;r., *bo-l!d !-•
’ degree*, a. lea*’
Some blunder* and mlsukna no dooW
beempib'd uism plowed gro'<<uB>t Insomnia, hydn'ph'dils, scurvy, grav­ laige potato,’*, ihen wi'h '
t i;v lo»-<ia on Ibe leavex..
Ml onl;*,ha. t.r... -ipeg VA’I la'gl’i • Tbl- wi!l make ’nen
crept In; forget them as
et a!l~ i-iMk. :he
el. and all liver trouble*. Eaten cve^'
.y sh’ciH tie sraldad is a
■vine*, trees or shnil* A row
. ran. Tomorrow.Is a new dsy; begin
si-r. 1. iciHe of boiltng water:
pea* win'iitlllrc a oeiplr of iviRIMIs vlu-r dev -ihcT wii! clear and whltffi | tioi’ler. or-jtTi .i.nd ad-i at
• wjjlfe', 1=..
It well and and with too high
;i nrasoned. hot. whb’- *a
Nnihlnc can cicclj
^ •r
'•■’<■-’•■ off 'he greea color and tbe
eaeh day snd will amply rr-, lie ronipicxlon
a spirit to Iw cumbered with your
of hsr.l boti"d egg may
. -.”l?n
when a luaspoonful of
eBoii 111 fraerauce and In M-lery for nervous troubk-s, and
past mistakes. This day la for all

a 'fine S|.-v.
grown. Asparagus s useful in
-.... •■•rt-! I- ed,b«l
Rinse tbeoi well In
that U good and (air. It Is too prec.
iwiti.’s cratc|ni.-s'
-i.'-i redd wwi-r and put m the dinner
r IS a wrmdectnl iransforming kidney complajms. and s
loua. with all tta hope, and poaMflli.
‘•rican cbecM-,
wi’ji .-oough smok'd bs'ion l«
n a parkagr of moniinc-glory continue wjth a long list that would half a po,;nd
ties to waste a moment on mairod
The vine* grow rapidly and show Ihat our fruits and v.-petahte* tng U wlib a scant .ablespoonfcll
no' add salt if yw
either f'lr rh.*. sic]
given 11* by ebanre. but that | botier. a >.il,le»p-* of milk,
„ , ..r- *ab .|>»■lk: s'lssoo wkt pepper and
cover imslgliily places in a few weeks'
boiling wsx-r over th- mra’ closes
itme Thesami-I* inie.of oils-r vines each has It* own mHslon in mlnlwcr-j .fg boa'en .-ao.jgh .•■• break it. 1
, -..w. "“’k '’"'li »••?}' ««nder Young eottoa
A Chat With Ui« Parmar-a Wife.
the surface p.ref and preserves th*
, fi,:. ' s.'r-d ;- at delFPui> aa greea toeana If
Mra.WtaM.— ■--------'
—*•—“ and a dilapidated fence, or- balldlag
)-oicr A' large M.uv’rtul of vin-gsr ui
mo.UA p.
more atletitlpa to what w
lakes oo an vntlrrty dllletviu appeartij’-c'
d in tht* manner. But .be milky
e Michigan Pan
th* w»’.-r ui'l make -cigs m-s' ’»ti.
-- puff
atteip under their beaullfvlng mnuenre.
^ q■: --.I’ tan*e m ist have been ptevioosly
I always fall of p
d*r "tf v-ci, m-isn-st ’J-* pork,
ittn bates
An InvsIH's Wrap,
., ..[Ivi.b-d ./U. < stems with the soda
gives tn the foHowlng article msnf Whv not make use tjf them 'I there is
JHke two square >ard* of cheese­ er.eagh' «o m t Ibe ehee..^ Serve at'
whlty.hinu which are eqtuUy tMptol « both anything unioealy about the preinwill sr«u tJ>« fla-uf quiiAcr
cloth. rise* oat tblckxiess of wadding OBCe.
that canaot bs removed?
the fsm aU dty

p%cs 7 to 14


NO. sa

lio made op t>>' » large bri- Use and on April 3rd at about 3:00 a.
Koc out of Dur trejich** for the flr»t[
we bad Miblog to do ottly
the rebcis; perhaps It warn becaose I
new irtKips. They were ra.. adtancvd aud entered Palerobum.
lime Id a loni; chile. The cDDf<>dentc j s>Ae
wheie we were doiII fnlther
a good runner anil perbails U was '
meet be-1 Pennsylvania iroops but . frcah from lh.- eoemy having withdrawn during orders from beadquarirre.
I solrtlers '
my lurk oot to be captured beduse 1
Iween the lines by Ihe huedreds and
there 1 tblok five or »!x days, and Iheo
talk and visit ami Irade commodlttfs they were. The brigade of the Tweniy ' the veteran irr>op« of the Army of t
a .llspali-h came from Washtagloo alwa.vs bada dread of belntaprlsoaer
ar as I bad seen them come back
such as coffee for tobacco and papers seventh Michigan was In tb'ir'sup- Pnuxnar 1 never listened to before,
that hrouiAt sadness to every soldier
and atijtbing that we bad to trade and porting mliinflT'and ih" advance ool-fwtil I ever forget the seenea before In tbe army of the Pniomsr: President from those pens of deith and deal rueIhe rifoe. s<»in a heavy:me on that occaMOn.
' Llneoln was assas.lntled by the bands
well, but when Iho truce waa
of a fl.-nd tn the garb of a mAn. Our
fUld.-d. Ilie shout w.-nl out: -I.ook Are of musketry un<l »iilll-ry wasi Tly* Army ..f Virginia aa the
had the pleasure of Iwlottglng to
Written for The Heuli by
out. there Jobnny. look out ihi-n; opsneil by the euemy. The new ir.mpsl ipu^rale a:u:> was called, had van- rv>)lrinc of a few days before Iras
of the three hundred fighting regl
Yanks” and we all wvut I«ck lu our move.1 for a moment then dashv-1 gal-,Jshe.1 fmm t-efore the Army
changed Into muarnlng because ev
9i. V. Morgan.
men;>; tbal Is lo say. one ef tbe re^mod quarters In o-jr tn-nchnr and not lantly forward. Srsin Ihvir hearty! poiomac once more and we
soHit-r in that army bad IrarPed
iban or a living rr.-aiur.- crwld »>c cheers i.niM.uoced siircess, and thr^Army of the Potomac considered Ihe accept Ihe prreident os a dear and
wliose leases in battle were OM
seal Imm either side so simhgly fortlmend. The next day. the Ntnib hunilifd or over. A colonel in the
coming to the r«ir with the'*3, n,.,riy mvr. We wereordered
cre boih aroiics.
woumU-d. Bbo..i,-d triumphantly to lhc',,„K.tod south In the irack of General corps being In the rear and nearest to army looked them up and eomplM
The frihwbtg is the slaty • potUen of the greai straggle of lS$t-65
el.t lulgade. -11,.,a
iiave lakkn the:
.,rni.v. tho Ninth ciirps Wng
transporlalinn. were ordered to pro-' them for references and called them
Visit From Linenin.
osseenbyeprintesMier.eMsit in the ranks. Mr. Ml^an does net
.fiiit for you au-l for Cod’s saae ste n
right of o*ir line and Uw eneniy eeed to Washington as soon as-poasi- -The Throe Hnndred yightlng Regi­
lay there in thal position
hle. so we uIkuiI f.<r.> and starlet^ back. ments " Of these Mtchlgan hat to her
Icaving by (heir right, brought
pretend la ie a IBersry man. bat the slmplteily ef hts style end the wy the
time d-unc picket and fatls'ie jyou c-th hold tl."
sad but iriumphani army. We
credit, eight regimeats, all Infantry
Ihe flriog every npunenl In Ninth corps in the rear trf The p*
namafPe Is toU bring the sights end semes, the very fboagkis end emoHons duly, Cb:it 1« tlig-giiig (renrlics ’ and )
marched lu tbe city point and
regiments with the Twenty^erenth at
that he esperfeneed, before the eyes of the reader In a manner that eompesl •irriis'li-nlnp our woiks. AIomI tho'^'
Iransimru by the way of tbe
fifth In the state -The Twentydbicker and fasi.-r { tlie
L«c Surrendered.
ildtili- of Maii-Ii we U-g:in to prepare,
seventh bore on lu rolls, all told. »n
for the aprtne campaign. Almui this command earn*': ''Korwanl. first briThis was our last haltlc fought as
Potomac river lo Washington. The officers and men and lost and killed
(lieef, liut I ean't Tourh for lhai p.-irt time the army was In splendid condl-,
fContlnned From Last Wock.l
We advanced with .1 hi-any
not get up to the front .-igaln.
Ing acoma In the Itavet. R’e wat
trip was acenmplishcil wllboul a mis­ six officers and I2J soldiers. Two
of It. bnl It wan lathor poor tK-el. V
tlim, and ready m fliilsh up ihe Job. cheer on tin- double quiet Soon <h*.'
to Cham oo the porkers and rapture col along very nicely Ibroiigb the wi
new- hrmade was .n.-«thed; ilu y wete_..„^,
, hap of any kind, only a lilile seaslrk- offieers and eighty four soldiers died
About tills time the president
them but were ordered not to ai the ter; had a good deal of sport and
Wben wear- of w-ounds rert-lvcd tn aettoe: ef dlaonly In 111.- tin., pit, and 11 was found ' ,j„
^ ,
United SMie* made .y vlidi
enemy was auppMod '•>
ctose at good deal that was not sport,
rived In WasbingtoD we were placed
four officers and IM men. makArmy of the Potomac for puriioae of lmpos,i:-1eIorlhe.d.M|ri=adelopass
hand and would Interfere with
guard duly about, the cUy as the
rained much throngh the winter anti Inspecting said sini.r. Well do I it- them. Tli.-;i,sa..I^was1,kelv,ermvel,,^,,,
toul of 417 loti by dralb from
aomewbat If we undertook It.
law at that all causes.
the ground boeante very aaft and mud­
■mbor that txeasloii. The army.
Rleket Dsty.
t oriJ-Ts; d.sgTare, to fallLlmck. ,h„ ,.3., 3„..,
I do not pretend to say or wosld
IT one hundred Ihoiisand strong,
111*, only aUentalive was
have you ihliik for one moment that
Durtag Um mtmth uf .-forember. the la trenches and dURways as we called
s reviewed by the president and
than I can.
Twenty-seventh Michigan - put
me of hiK cabinet officers and'Ihe
Twenty-aereatb was enptsed to doing them; wc didn'I enjoy this. Our bnusca
b«n‘>re.l» of wagons
1 few days General Johnston's down the rebemon. or did any better
tdeket doty and holdlac a portion of were built over a cellcr dug Ihiec feet offieers of the army. I don't think I sevonrii Wlchlgjii with
of diffenmt kind-,
sum-ndered to Bhermsn. and fighting than lots of other reglmenu
our line of woHca near the Sooth Side deep In.the groand. and mmetlmes •ver heard such cheering In my life licr*. A momenfs <lelay vnuld Ihi fatal used in those days of
both armies. Sherman's and Grant's
bad losses that were less than
railroad In the rldnlty of Peteraburg they would berume nearly filled with is was done when Ihe president tnslanily life liiieeilun
quietly resting and lounging around
water. As the soil was reddish clay
chanp-d. Tbe corenmnd un­ on the gniund us Ihe army usually were concentrated at Washington and
rs. I Just merely stale these tacit
and on the !*lh. we moved
asked charged again to the from, ad­ did on s'lrh <irc;isi«n». gi-ttlngAlI Ih'- there on the 33th and Sdth of May
show thf losses we sustained durright and took a position In the works or \lrglnla clay as we called It, you tXMps with
served oar
In front of Petersburg, doing very
ind a bridle rein in ihe other, bowinc
i«sl we could joiit' I beard a great
Tho brigade eoroiimnO.-r fnansl Ihe i-onimotlon to the ftoni like the cheer­ - of the grandest armies ihsc were'^ouniry in Ihsi bloody war as the re«lkeatry Bad tedieoi plekcl duty through­ small farm, that Js. it would be as o Ihe soldles as he iiaased by.
----- -- ---------------- opposing,
muttered In to servlcM at
out the winter ef iMt and 186S. Dur­ large as a soldier would care to work irver will forget (bat scene as long as .Jesuit nnd sho*iliil: "Don't auemid ing of the army hnd springing
might sav. brothers I,hp
10. 1888.
Ilie fori, i-olonel, break to Ihe lighl." ft-et I ionked In Ihe dlreeUon of the,
ing the winter the army was recruited at Uut Ume.
^-e the war had been ffotng 00
The coltmel's Mroiig clear voice was noise. Somolhing nniisnal was fuins agaiust brixhert. for such was tbel „
Visit From Rabela
and reclotbed Cor another . . ..
About Ihe lasi'of March, the private
ralBed elx>ve the deafening uproar of on. The soldiers were all on their
ne before the Twcntr^eveoUl
In the s^ng The winter was very
About the flrst of January. I8<5. s soldier eoiild see that something
shot and shell and answcretl bark, fc«-(. sbotttiiic find tlirowiiig things In
severe tor that part of the eounti ■o-callcd peace commlaslon from the going 10 be doing Wmi aa the offi
ington imiU about tbe last of July
with gallant spirit. - Fort or iiolhlng,''
• but we had scry eomforlable wlnt< socallcd Confederate States of America
air Biiyiliitig th>-y could get hold 1SCC. wbiui we wtCfc mustered out of
orderlies were goiug it
enarters hulU of pine logs fraraliix
Success Wet Gained.
uf. ca|>s. cani*-.-u.s. . knaiisacks, .guns,
arrived from tbclr capiul at lUchmond directions, but Uie soldier never knew
ren-iees of tbe IlBlied States of
ten iBcbes In diameter and split Into ud wished to ncgctlate terms of what was going on nnlll It was <j
Pressing onward umler a tremend and •vjnipmejit' of all kinds were fly- America and went to our several
Olsd in His Cab.
kalrea and built up somclblng like the peace with the United Slates of Amer- On the flrsj da.v of April there v
o-is fire of grape
canister. Uiejlng in ihe air at one time. Sooh I
rw and were there dltbaniled and
Philadelphia. May 18.~^lth lbs anlog booses of Michigan in an early
sad I srell remember the elreumIroopB
of range under. e-'*w • -horseman riding at full speed
t to our homes, most of the gineec, William Armstrong, daad at
day wly they were smalt, about 6xl3
«s. As they appitwcbed
Mil. The ditch was cleared.las fast as hit horsu could go, ajinuling
onemy’s line In our fitmt, bat notl
d the gray the throttle, a Pannayivania train carand Jnst tidb eoengh ko a i
Imnrodlately in front of the Ninth much occum-d on tbal da.v. but on
gained and on thrir i-agg-d j
the top of his voice. ' lAm has siuirabie clilstand op In them. They were covered army corps, they were met Itj
edge we in Iriiimph planiiul the colors j rend.-d to Grant uud.lbr war U over."
second day <if April tbe army
•ns of one country and one flag.
with egr' urn doth and had a mad proper officer and passed ihmugh
mr.-u.Vi-nlh XIMilm.
ordcicd to advance.
I haven i related any hair breadth
and stM: flrepUec [n ooe mmer. mak­ has and OB to the city polnl. where
The Gallant Twenty-Seventh.
escapes or blood curdling adventures;
ing a veiy cosy IIUlc real
General U. S. Orant was ceUbllshetl,
In front of nor corps was a Mropg pieces of anllU-ry and taking im
The War Waa Over,
perhsps I have none to relate, al- pasted at such great speed many af
from six to eight men.
ai bis headqiiartcta.
fort of Iho eonfedetates Calleil Fort prisoners and boirticg H daring the
nrsve old soldiers who bad passed though I passed through some of ths
We had plenty of loeb eaubles as
What occurred there J do not know, Mahon, and hearllr armed with heavy day against repeated araaulls of the through four years of dreadful war hardest fought lutttles of the War of Ihe pasaengcra beeame panic atricken.
The firemM cM.-nbsd from hla place
pork, bam bread, beans, rico and now bat the trace lasted two or three dajs caoDon and well manned. It had Imen enemy.
were seen hugging each oilier and the Rebellion. From the Wlldernees

' and then a llUte freah beef such as It I think, but nothing was
decided lo attack IbiH jkiIm at day­
Entered Petersbui
w-t-pliig like chlldrt-n because they
Apiximaltox I doB'I hnow whether pasted and thrao or fourilhpa Oho
was. The boya need to say they drove aa the two governroenu could not break on the second of April. The
regiment thought the war was almut over and
:ver killed a ooofederate soldier or; , _ c been made, to find out what was
the calUe as kwg as they could stand
e captured th<-y had 1*0™ Rpnro.1 to go home to no. alihmjgh I fired many sHbIs lul
sp and move aad when they could
p breastworks
loved ones In peace and happl- Ihclr direcllOB I never received any
holding t
•saoiaiUwdhey srerc buteberod for bofli armies had a good line.
Abcaik.TW yards distant, .the maln|c»dm«x-iln«: It w-uh the federal pickett
r I tti-i-r
k*r I *

What a ’Private Soldier 1
. Saw and IXd in 1864-5.

Hie Hannah & Lay Mercantile Company

Caipat and Craekary Divlaien
Dry Goods Olvloion
Hardwara Division
•00k and EUtionary


Eheo Oivlilon
Drug DivNlen
Furnluira Division
Orocary Divlanan
Clathing Dlvlslan

IS CMnpele SccHmis
Unary Eactlon
. eiaa hand Garment Eectien
Ptano and Organ Saction
Rawing Machine Sactiaa
Candy Eactien
Ei^le Section
OrsDery Soctlon
Etatlenery Eectlon
Laos Curtain and Shade Section
Ptetura Framln- Section
La^l Blank Section
Cut Glaso Section
Wall Paper Soctlon
Lsmbor and Shlnglct Section
Coal Section
School Eook Section
Crockery and Claaaware Soctlon
Corpet and Linoleum Section .
4b-aln and Feed Sactlan
Paint and Oil Saetlen

•iblcandLTaMal and Paper Section
Erooma and Brash Saetlen
Patent Medicine Section
Poffumory and Soap Section
Smokora' Goods Section
-Jewelry Section
-nd Lacs Sect!,
d Wagon Section
d Olevo Section
............. .rnlehinga Section
Children's Clothing Section
-■ erwire Scc"na-Bulldar’o
Orenlu and^nwtre Section
Corset and Fitting Section
Eporting Ooedt Section
Proocriptien Soctlon „
Steve Section
Peoial Card Section
Trunk Soctlon
Hosiery Section
•oat Supp'loo Section
Freeh Fruit Section'
Paper Pattern Section
Hat and Cap Section
Plumbing and Heating Saetlen

Greatest Priee Cutting of the Season
Young Men’s and Boy’s Clothing at fust halt Price
One of the most Phenomenal Clothinn sales ever atiempted in Traverse City. This lot of Clolhiing is of the
very best. The only reason for this great price setting is that we warn you to get some good clothing cheap '
and take this way. Goods that can not be .luplicaied for money any where. Wc wil|, open ihis.grcai sale

Saturday May 18
YoungMen’s Suits Boy’s Knee Suits


For one Day only

Sizes 31. 32, 33. 34. 35, 36.
Boys’ Lone Pant Suits, ages 10. II. 12,13,14,15
All Ifi.OO Snit* Ihii mIo for................... .......... .
All »10. Suits th« Mile for.............. ..........................»3.00
Allti:{. Snitfi this »alv for..............................C..... S>\.:d)
A11»s, Saits this mIc for.................................... Jton
.Ml Sl.V) Suita lliiBBAio for............................ I2.2-'.
All $13.50 Saitt thii sale for........... .............. ffi.To
All llfi. Sniti tlii8 sale for......................... .............Ifc.OO
All ti*. Snita this sal.' for.............. >.................... li oO
All f5.50 Suita this sale for................... ;.............
All $5. Suita tbit sale for.............. ..................f!....SlVjO
A1!*12..t0 Suita this mIo for......................................$i;.2-=i
All $15. Suita this sale for
................................... $7 50

^0 piece and three piece
-Ml $10. SuilR this sal.- for.............. .........................$.i.00
All $1«. Suita Ibis sale for.....;............................. $1.70
All?" Suita this e.tlr for........................................... $1.00
All $5, Suita iliia aal.. f..r........................................ . .$2.50
■\1! $3. Suits tins sil.- f**r.................................................................... $l..i0

AU H..50Suito this sate for........................................ $1.75
All $'...60 Soil. this'..!, lor...................................... $(.75
All $».50 fSoiu this aalo for......................... ............. |t.25
All $ii. Suits tliit sale for.......................................... SliOO
All $2 2-‘> Snita iliis ealf for..................................$] i::
-VU $1 50 Suits this sale for..................... ................. $2 2-'i
•Ml $*;.50 Suita Ibis ta!.- for ................................ $;i2.5

Just one day ONLY and it will be a big day in the Clothing history of the city.
The earlier you come the better your chance to get just what you want.

Embroidery Ho<^
New line Fancy^Rtbbona
line of Corbin’s Locks,
Hinges.- Hasps, Nlgbl
Window Screens
Door Screens
Ubrary Stands, Tables
Mission Settees
Wash Salts
Wtille Net Soils
Silk Waist Soils


&aid Traverse HetaU

CmiBHir Silt

Uiat eteet. I# the oHbIob oI U»e Pre*»,
would b* weloomed br tlM newipuper

dmUl dmrt rcr tb. Ommty of Uraod


gate a
Gain af
in one Tear



......... n«MAA«Mee
......... HetaAdenMe
...........Ikla AdTBBee
“at Tvaewa. Ony

TTiei a awe to be an optnlon amoog
• dartala elaaa of aien that vheo they
m to a atnaiee towa they cai
|Mt aa they like. eepMlally In ac

**W*TI bav* • tim* taalghv
Prank Walfh ar Duluth «var the teltphaiM at the city market yaaterday
aRemaen. He ,waa Ulking to J. C.
Webater of------Minneapolis
"u They
They did. It
Ji IW apieoa wHh the at. of
. ap.janding ninety dayi
inty Jail.
ram had sUrted m t
‘-limo" In tbe aflotsooo and early In
evening they were feeling rs
ippy. Joseph R. Wyckoff, wHc
Smith, wife -and child <of BomoD
Mrs, Wyeke
of'the Hr
idlng In the
aid and
Rec<»nS cnrnirany's building 1
Id the rain that was rt

cnrcDU at that time and about S:2ii
surfed acroes tbe street with the In
tention of entering the Palace. Mr.
Wyrknir «as ahead csrrylni: the tittle

I« |iars*saeeaad far vltareif an eedar saS

SI will atart
Ifao Bocoun t

of lb* •ouin vA<t uoarter. sad the B..nli«ut
qssHsr <jf (far maifa-wM uoarMr. and tb*
wmttatw.ntr two letiscrw uT tlo Berth «•«>
tisrttoaal .loarur. all la ae-UMi DIaaiaM il»).'
alaa lha a-r>i tialr o< th<- ivirtbwi tiuaner.ssd

r tnmble o

nta. had tbe city been lota law ahld- ward the river.
Their wrareh Wiis
fniltlees aside from the Aeding of f««llag and orderly the men woold
tenblodly have . received summary
poalsfament that they would have

mamberod long after Che flnea were
the offleerii
latelv began n ararch in local
Ttaverae City haa wo uae for "mash'
hotels for Ibe luon. They come down
era.- There it no room for this dats
street from the dlnvtlon of Park
of man* here and the wider berth they
re but the clerk could not n-meniany gm-rts lallvlng lo the descHi'give the dtr tbe bettor pleased the
glven. A search irf the halls was
dUseai wUI be; Tbe feeling I
le which showed wet. muddy footwooMi are not safe fitan Inanlt on
lU and It was learned that two
BlTMU U not s pleasant one
____I had entered the anuei from the
''Mw^lng possible will be done to rid north door, which Is seldom used.
Put Up Bluff.
tbe dUseltwat.thst^t^liog.—Record.
Offfeer SalenskI rap|>ed on one of
their doors hut hearing no answer
LilMl It Advertising.
walked In and lorned on the liidit.
^ papen of the suw are pr* Walsh rolled over nnd |nii up a good
line of bluff for
tor a few minutes, orgame
irtag the ofArer and reporter wbo
It to the primary law Ahswed him out of tbe room, calling
busy In general:
K clerk and getting; but
effect on Mr. SaH becanse their rev- St hla talk had no effe.
than were lying
Maskt tor tbe man's sbo
d hut because of
4k the floor, s laked through with mud
t eartalU
r that tba
HIi overvoit
aateared al'
etrtala ceoatKatlaui rights.
wai also at
Tba Oraad RapUa Piwa
Wsbrim- Was -Atlaep.'
room across the hall wi.
night aald:
-■A law pinhIbillBg fsandidates for pled by Webster and a light showed
through the transome when the ai
atteo fren appealing to the electors ulallons In the other room started
tbmM» tbe newapapen
promidly "doused" and Webster
very much asleep when ~o_..
thgogbt acema so foreign to the AmerMb tdsa of froe apeoch aa
srarthy of aerloua oonslden

i^u^^ "‘"■“'fiv*''«I'

feebid tbe owner of a newipaper from
prOBCBtIng hte viewa to the public and
froB aaking for aupport aa a candi­
date for ottce In tala own paper is

la violation of


tloBalr persoeal and propedy rigbu
as4o be clearly beyond the poi
Ibi leglBlatare. Tbe new primary bill.

beawver. undertakes in other waya to
Mmw tbe expaadltore of money lo elecU(»a and It may be good policy
Umi the amount wbieb caadldates

tm expend in advertising.
*8o far as the evening Press la IndMdoally eoncemed It would
diarliiiitl ^tta a law which forbade
peiUcal advertlalng altogciher. It
tomd that kind of advertising exUttDgly imaaUatacUiry sad troublcaeae. The UvortU claims of the old
Um poilUdans when the Arst prii
Hfera bUla were ptas^ was that



fr«B them.' On the contrary
pWau from pellUeal advertising do
aet ooupdnsaie a paper for the anaoyaagN and aetai) losses It enuila. sad
owing to tbemgenlouBoess rrt tbe candMates many readers do not dlstln-

-TtereUene kind at si

bWre shall so direct, namely, the fress
aivnrtlabtK In the form of lettera to

under watch while Wulsh wai
lakon lo the hotel pnrlor* to await
Mr. und Mrs. Rniiih
were summonnd and rerognlred him
at once. He was turned over t<
ntnga while SalenskI went afler
Bter; again, that Individual was wumd
aaleep'liDt opened tbe door
He persuasion, only lo crawl
He came out rapidi, .
warning which he refns<-d to heed and
after dresMng wiis also IdenllAed by
Hr. Smith.
taken to Ihe station
bouse and later transferrod
Pleaded Guilty.
This morning’the}- appoared before
and both pleaded
charge of being drunk
and'dlsi^eriy. WaTsb pa.'iug 'his
of »Io. AYebsier did nol hai
and started
nreessary In his cloth
for tlw hotel In company of im
le e»l|l
Walsh also started out
UgC of
deulned him. reading I
mil and Imltery- to which'
which he plead
face paled
ed gnllty. His (aci
saWor sisty
s ■ days." • started out and fcot the.meiuma alone
with Wcbsler.
ned with his
isauli and h#
eonlrlbBUon of $16, an
ad to him. n.
terv warrant was also
bad evidently anticipated sueo h m
pening as be bad a sjippl.r of m
eentfleales which he donated.
The matter altraeted a gn'al deal nl
attention and indignation ran high,
hoping that someone
tar and a pillow or e
W'vtkoff was ten-lhly stunned
Mow and remained In a som!
Bclous eonditimi sll night, hut wa' lo appear In court thlB tiionimc
Walsh and Webster were profiiac In
their apologies to him._________________


rlffhts of free speech and of a

IfM pn«i are explicitly preserved In
tM redenl eoneUlutlan. A eandlflaie

A written guarantee
Examiaatlon Free

jriTon witti even- pair of
b tn Ui own Interest, and the
I mu hoM that be cannot be
Mtnd from addreutlnc the elect
on thmfh Uie preaa.
-Wbatnew may he the erne In that
MMct. hovew. there to one way in

vhMR the toftototnre
iwA aAverttolni to ahvaatage. it
em Rfovtan that It nbaO he plainly

Dr. Wetfe’s Irineh Office


Deposits May I,’07, $264,213.83

le.uu) iwtrt mil Did.;: iiiomy

tak. K- tor Ml,.,I

ri-r>.-t.ily,lllrhlcmn. 1
CirraU f<«.n Cum
-.n sad for ttraad Trarena■ rotUUKRT
el fur CeiuiplaiauBl


Too seed soewthiag to cleaa M
datalrct aad kill panaitn.

I ;di>'-Singing by «
alliig .-.miiiiHt.-.'.




Gave Reception.


rVvuk*,*b> Giuiidnis Keiinr}


Itiipids, wh-le he ioll.raed U:r


Vh.^ra'ma'ins will^be bvou-jbl

.i.e.;-c 1
.-.Id. a nea-spa-M-r i.ri.iied ait.l n
IjI.c! ill jairt ei..iiitv,

nin> 11



Grand Traverse. Al a seaslon
court held nl Ihe probste
probati- o
Hy of Trav.
I'liy. in a
n the Tth
Tih day
of May. A. H. ISdT
: lion. Fred It, Wlilki-r. Judge

mirien. late of SJihl count}
niomas C. mtrtcn having Ale.l In
lid court his |>ellilnn praying iliul a
rertalu Inslninieui In wiiilnc putimrlIngto b.- the latrl Will and Te.iimient
of Kjild deci'Hs<-d. now «n Ale In said
irotule. nnd
an. 1m? uilraliliMl to prol
it tbe admlnisir.iilon of said •
a- lie grained to SamiM-I lirirhii
or some other suitaMe p.vs<m.
It is orderetl that the ;.th day
Jiiee. A.
1M7. ;it KK o'e|..-k Hi
fiiremsm, al said probate •
and Is hereby ..................... f-i hearing
said ■•ellllon. It Is furiher >i den-d.
That piiblle hoIk-i- llu-ieiif
hy jiuhneallon of a copy id
dee. lor Ihree successive wti-ks pnWrair to said day of hearing. In ibGrand Traverse Herald, a lies.
It \V-.\l.KKIl.
jMdg.- of l-ridale
19 4t,

brother. J.
Bghtli siicet. Thureda^ilt
o'clock, the Rev J. A.Tai
Ing. Burial In Oakwood,
1 :i numl-T in -\1


Mrs. Roseitcrans
ol the


American Lady aiidTijora
Corset Factories



Will be at our store fron Mr nday. May 20 to Saturday. May
25 inclusive to give advice and
expert corset fitting. You are
cordially invited to be present
on any of these days.


.t'k :,g.-ni'' for' ful^p.iltieiilars u
........... .Ill' Mild niter.
H. F. M<«-iler, G. 1*

..sif-'VS'™.::' “Si..*;;

J. W. Milliken

light or b.-;iv, a.-.,- Mu.- r:".-!
...IS.., ...I.- blilll.l I..-W' Mll’l.'V. ..II
.1- dl.ilbie

ntiv hiBh-gr«ilo ftrawl
that will grow. I hat/' '
ainbng Ih.-m ihe famous b li:-...r ll'inplant' $4 )»-r Hmii'.ig I it. Uaruce 13:1. Trav. i-se


Hot Weather

Cash or Paymeots.
Lnw«t rrieea on KKlUlRIN'i

and what to wear

311 East Front Street

^'..u•|l tiii.i 11..'

pr.-iii.8l ll.ifig.ghl

St..iilfft' Brotlicia at l.iwi r ^ir.v s lirfm

i-v..r'Iicjimt'l t.f ifUii.g' ilic'jfi-

Step in and sec the Waists al98c, ihepibUim wnigticver
sSowu at ihv pri.-.', iii.l miF in db? lot wtriii Ufs thbii $1.50 aii-l lluro are tl'iMoa "f
•liff-roQt ilyl- s U- pick from, fil) a*

Stocks of Furniture. Hardware. Houseffanishings. Paints Etc

. Sara T. fhase left tor Saginaw
Ibis mortUlig. wliere ahi- will atleod
(he S':ite Medl.-al asmelatl.ui ennveti
di-lecale from the local jt-i


I..I ,vi,l, a IU.ll IlKlK l-i,-,,.- „t

C.ii.b-- Vbv pu-'Id.-iH.-Mi'
To'rrk; '..eie-ar,. Mrs, 1. X.
(r..aM.ivr, Mf' Kl.v llr. nibdker..

We Have
One Of The Best

.'f rr..t.ale


III be held from the' home of hi.-. 1


Tiavene 017. Wch.

lai pBl.ll
.<ur..|.} of tbl'or.b i, I... lb,.-.I


American Drag Co.

• 3rd .lay of

fril.-n-syti at sabI pr|ili;it-- ..lib-.',*'? >K her.’by a|'i»int-.|
li. .vritis

asrs.’Ssi “


Wr hsve ■ •pedal book­
let on diwaws
rs <4
-d PiwlProb
rtr foroBC.


riMIMi '■•bv l;ne
S.'-'.Me.i.'. .5b.'-.-bib ' sidb, "lir.'.riii ..f I'nradi
•Arihiir GarlMiii. ■
- -Wlial

I'ampi.-ll, lomierly
well btiriw-n hvie. died Tni-xlay uioln-'
lug of .-i(f|.en.Uel!ir. dealli oetuii lug oS ■
the ni'-.r.MiUB inldi'- He w:is .‘H yem'of age anil baves a w-i:-.-. six bi.dli.-r.'i
•m.nwo sisien; and an hP'd f.iHier.


Brown, late <d said .-mmi?.
W. S. And.-rsM.i having Ab-,1 m- n.lit

siiHaMe perwa,
IS >Fd-'te.| tli.K 1


. Giuiidnis
eiitsi s.
B.'«sle Ja.-i
l.-elbiu iiy B*'I’ajM-i- by Mrs.
Mn-. f A. Ikinia.-I.,
t' A. The
foltOBOil by
bv paiv-iv
p:i|*ei> and >11 |
•;• folloaed
ivellesl ,-U.
.-us.rions bv niemlM'f.'.
nlM-f." of il
In-aa.-U.m m I be bicfaeat UiklA-. al the riiiiiti. Itlrn ..TVeifoiil. InUiid. .Mid,
»l "
■T aSil so<-i.-lies
TVialocii.- t-y the l.v-i
dies of the tjrawii ..
t'liele. Q.o-stbms answ.-re.l.
iiivilulion I* exiendei! to >• ly.llle
and help iiial.e till' a
DAY OF JUNE. A. O. 1907.
Jid liiv.flliitde einiveiilloii.
at T« o'rhwk >n th- fnrea-m of ..Id d.y.
.kK'.rai.'l will, iialras and eunialbuis
AUorwmo-k ifaerrark.msy far •uiUai-ni V
Mrs. Ollilig.-i. Ti.
and e..ra«lb«is were the s.,«v..,..r.(.
ralM-tbramonatdui loComiduoant for iirtn
- Mr.', n>e. Secy.
dpal.ilatara» andiiot. la ^d <-au.w «t lb<
siid.-t! fieauiiis
roUoinag da.rr1fa«d parrel, of Land te wit
l>4e tm-ntr fl>r i»> aad Ioenl>-id( •»> <>1
Marcb. A t> IWK.ln a .-rrtain rau- tfa-reia




uai.- Im- gram-

Id pursuMi'.- aad by riHn- a> an ee.hv and
.Wr.anf Iheflrroli I'rart f.» tie- (N.nuiy o.

Sell Yeur Cream
I your cream to Ibe
City Elgin Crx-:imefy. Top
square lieaUuest guaranp
phones, or write. 3ll! Buse •





Sollrtior* for Cm


have done for


■n.e lourlli Udi.
ng ui. ii's llibb- ed.
reniinn will hr h'by C, ) i;i.iier ..I
eh. f.ndi-red
Morning aeioii'm will l.<'Km at irn,,,.,,
vio.-k with dl-volim.;.l -.-nlt-e ^«idiiriril by the H.'v, Mr. K-amilt follow- .,.1,-a-giiii of
•'d hy Aid noelrly roll eiill hy wren-'
„f Hr kimi
Rri.on of laM imd-ting.
A|w ; «>» mirrlog. th
|.eltiim-!il of iioiiihuiHns rommlti.v.,
ThIiiB* I ehuuld lik- lo know -uii.-'
' Tor a uui'rihm 1«>n [


1 trxwfa>r UKill-


h .l.-tv o( May- A
nh. H. Walk.

Ladiat’ Aid Society Convention.
baani aaflfailtail u.etr tb»
tiaai. laMVwtt asd no-ta. t

1' r

F'lfty tVnlB, pv.iluj

Waial-- iLsn wbat you'd



Al $1.75. $L00, $250 am i $2.$B you'll find Wamta in crouit variety
pr.-i’i.-r.—U'ltor ma-l. l.vtl»-r fiUim:- niitre style to lliem ihan Ui«. averago cool
^waists a'lM lit .ii." t > Iwn .lutbiM ii.ore.





. .

store ami tb« olil is sttwrked with tlic bcM
goods to be found in the market. l')verything is marked in plain figures and marked
as low as cjuality will permit. We sell goods
o( a depcndaHc character only and $cU
them to you at a right price.
We sell you anything for the home and sell
it on the easiest kind of payments. A small
payment down an^he goods are yours:
pay the balance itr'smal! payments as you

Julius Campbell Co.
Furniture and Hardware

Wilbelm Blk. Tnvme City


••R|.-r*rlr BifSra hnvl•^h”n^’ mr'r

al«> tfaaaortn-asat •inarteror the nnuthaaat
qaarterofarrtluBIwmljfonrcPti e»r»et laa

$•2 Interest and Importance In order

in tbe boat oquippotl optooctrie iwrlore in tbe city.

Mt Fought at Gettysburg.
r».,i;cl Ihiiker, .rf IXv-tte.'N. V..



AMRated to publlah tree In cenipleaM^maltibBe, ctles exeinding news of

attlrttanally limit the nee
Mpgn by candidatea In a Question

Deposits May I. 1906.


Ofi^rtfa -as.
aaartCT and Ifai' n..rlh «-i.t .inartar <U lira
aarth aaal -luarlerall in ••r-lnm
tn to«a tv.-nty-arten vtl .nurtti nf raaa*rlrri.a

On poblle eharcea
etaow. aU 'of which the papere are

make room for them.
■ -Wbatber the leglalatnro can eon-

OepoMb May LtW5

Are your dollars in tlic aliovc amount? If not.
we invite you to open an ueouuut witL us
Anil we will allow you tbre»- pci cent iiitcrtal.
compounded twice a year.

BwTu^lBr’Mld'l^ai.lalaui few ;adg«Bi«al.

iafe and eadearoHne to attract tbe attauoa of tbe women of the cliy. Hen
bare baea knied. baee been beaten **Walsh and WohstiT as* him r
Mo loaenatblUly and clTen their de- nlng and began in nay "funny" ihli
addiesaed In his dirooiion. Tbe c
a«ta ib T*r1oiii waya. but atlll tbe
—Wyckoff and Smith—bad read
ptbcUoe eentlnsea.
tbe Palace and the Indies stepped fi
Ttaveree City la aa orderly dty and
Ireel lo the sidewalk almost
tbb police foret. thoutb i»t aa ade10 kirn
ATth "fivah"
qaale aa it ahoeld be In nomben. docs
the WHtsiK.
ibbed the ladiri
'eacBilent aemce. but at the
P ilrancrr*
Seeing that tlie r
Uae, atnageri and otbere. have been they rrnionstratnl i-ehentently which
attrscicd the attemhm of Mr, W
la tbe babit of laealUng w<»ncn
drme a
girla wbo were on tbe iireeU in tbe He Btartcd oi
tinging blow Into Webster's face.
ceaaMi. Tbto baa continued unUl an
had hold • or !
alhlr which happened last eveBlnf;. Wyckoff.
rolled Into
The- man
. Wulsh. swung
and hlK part:
Tlie tact that tbe two men implicated,
he cuuld tom
. Wyckoff l«-l
r. Watab and J. G. Webster, two
uck him In the
1. The hlOK
y«Mf tWToUn* men. received flne*
of Ihc head ___< inid him nut
awiUac tISO with tbe pleasant
picly, WcliKter pickingc hltnwlf
tamadve of ninety days In Jail, wm
Arst alleniinii lo Mr. Wyckoff much to pat a atop
sod Itm “knights" of the grip
ibeir gct-as'ay.
t of the city
Police Old Good Work,
was that' tnatead of 1 ng too harsh
rolice OfAcers Jennings ami iluirn
cl won' iMith standing under awning:
tbe Uw did

abuse of
b d<» In a large o
the bowo’f. fay employing
dranlc purcair\-eB to aroid all dant
danger nw only
hr. King's New
He inil*. the aafe.
an.i Invlgnrator*.
g\tille rteaUMTri
tiuarauii-ed lo cu • hesdsehv. hlliouaraatarla and lauudicv.
n«gl:e.- I'r.ig Co, Haouah llrug Store,
d. K. Wail A Sou's drug storoa. 33c.

opened May 1st. lOOS.


Two Stores 123-I2S & 417 Unjofi St.

Thin Wash Goods at 12\ and 15c



•i. ty

ill" d.iiniieat, most plentinc .toaiir'iG

N. ., f i ... w. sii-.wnn iii'.f.' » xtr'n--(ivi'line or I'rt lli. r Mylm at Uieae price*
IJ y. ii'r-in'- r.-ah->l in tlio finer bigb gradn noft silky vriisli materibls ntSSc.
35c, SOe, etc, y.m t-aa'J help 5»ut .Ijc-inter.-AU'-J h-rn.
I vcrvivjdy "II ai-.'ji'.nl vfthe

|Ji’s a

iine tbat plenw.*

variely am] Iwauty v.f if." mxteriiil.

Traverse City, Mich.



___ ^

Flimoee. iaeob Anapaeh.
SpeakM-, A. U Tbnraton,
Teams, Oeorge Fewlaaa, D. L. BnBtgn.
ChaplalB, A. L. Thurtton.
Flower girls. Alfred Bowerw. Prof.
aroBoda. George Van Oorder. James
Color bfarer.-Jeaae 1. Vaaaer.
Music. Geo. L. FWnlan
Upon the Vrlal of vy soldier com­
rade WlllUn KTtaoa was sppolnivd
10 see to the draping of the casket
and to bave'theflag borne at the head
ut Ibe proceailoo. A TnU was raised
and put Inlo the b^a ut llervey
Tripp, who. upon the death ot any
comrade In our vlrlnliy, will notify
a of the fact
by card.
Bert UmUin
a movMl fate tamlly U> Onplre.
Pl^emeu are reporting eicellent
The flahlng in thte locali­
ty Is-----------------------

Ntw A«v*fllMm*nii.

WlanlpcK May 14.—Throughout lh«
whole of the past winter, active worl
has beea pushed on the sectiuu id Ui*
KtUoul Tvanaeontlneetal railway V
tween Winnipeg and Fort Wlllteni
known as Ihe McArthur runtraci
Thte cuntrart. which is cooaldertH
oae of the blggeot of the kind
Uken in Canada. If not tn the world
runs Ihrough a mod difficult cnuutrj
a country of rock and muskeg, throck of the hardest kind nT granllc
and Ihe muskeg seemingly iminmlesi
Id tome places. Track taylitg -a th!
line will uot iM-gla for some lioie.
CongreM of Aeronauts,
jlk, May I4.-The Jam
It leal rongi
rongivss will V held
Ihe etposiiion
oVr :
hlhlls are sollclli*d from eneclultet
aud aiuaiL>urs thruughmil Ibi- world
and all pa|H-rs. .-siuv-ialy Hi'c- r*
Quirtiig trai<slailuii. shmild M- In lie
haiidti of the sei-n-iary. Alle-n Fran
els 7-itmi. but bl.-r tlisii Reptemu i

My Hair is
Do you like it? Then why
be comemed with ii? Hive
to be? Oh, no] Jusi put on
Ayer's Hiir Vi£or «oK htve
lone, thick biir; soft, even
hiir. Buk first of ill, stop
your htir from coming
Ssve wbtt you hive. Ay
Hair Vigor vUI noi distppoini
you. It feeds the hiir-bulbs;
makes weak hair strong.
Tk« beat kind ot a iMUmomal •* «..r

Canadian Scoltand.

atj- tmpWiPMit Cn-MoTfil.

Charles VIskochll of |»lusl>nrg. Pa ,
vtaltlng his Mck mnttter at this
pimiry. ilano.
catait PteliauL
ronni*ct llie Allaiiilr nii<l
J. W. 8tal«—Tlx* noof iMk*T.
John Kreltr and Miss Hallle Scho- oceans. It will Ipe capable of earrynit
auiMb A IMJ U»re. Co.-flrettnt
Vrv^^jSiumay evening at Mrs. the largeit l.iitllevlilpv au<l 'ii> lemiliil
«ut>ntM ol (iu> sMxn.
will V at Voker on Ihe fl>Ue and
Qtf aook Sior*-W«ll papor.
Marriage Liccotex.
Frank Atkinson and hOss SViUc- Crangentipuilj oti Ihe Foiili. The dis
miWMPB A Huetw^priB* »1
MaiHugv licnses u.-i.-
Paulut drove to l>*lsnd Sunday.
tunce la i»p-nty-nitie miles The etti.v!
^ A. V. TWrtrie*—Priwiil of
Mrs. P. Atkinson spent Biinday nf wjll be thirty-six feet di«*p and is*
leraoon wlih Mr, and Mn ................
2. W. lUmken—Co«H dnnof
ft^t In width SI the iiulioni.
Many Crimea of Violence.
Frank VlskOchi? drove to I>*Iand on
Paris, May 14—The unusual uutii
Olobf* Df^. Btor*—TV 1p*««
business Itsi Wednqsdsy.
er of crimes of violence commiliei'
.Atkinson hu tour Travi
1 Purls receiilly has leil u. the sub
.Jlsalon of -a report to the Fn-iiefc
president of jusilee. Aceiirdliig te
............. .....................
... >B.IB.—O. H- P«*»'
Mich.. Mar
May 13.
Complete Freedom from Kidoey
these orDclal llgun-s murder and hnnii
clde show a lerluua liirM'Uiu* aiuung
erimes ugaluai Hie perspin. TIpp flgun-.Reaolutlona.
A Mn. mek HHlerlel
Icsnluilon l.y wnillamsbura ReVk- far 1904. show not only un lm;.e.a«
If y..:i sufl'i fp..i!i l>;.(-i;;.i-|p- —
ab lyrdicr. No. 3»1, I. O. O. F.
over iho'e of I1Hp3, IpUI oi* r llios*- ol
'Whereas, Death has suddenly taken each of the preceding flvi- yi-an. •'Th<
*m»» NorWH* Bairt r«urnM
boa* IB waikanuburf. aa«r apcndloK fratn (lur midsi our highly esteemed gradual increaat- In Ihe nunite r of
Slater. Blanche Perry, we would have those accusations." auys the n-|>ori
a raw dar« Vre.
D.Kiu’-s'^idu-y Pills'’nial;.- bislln
Mi SboDafc. »r, and tainUr took It that in death of our dear tlstet. ••ctfnclde wllh a slill more slguiflcant
kr or tba Borne whieb WUIIamabn^ ReVkah lodge. No. 391 reml increase iu homicidcH an*;
peaaaaalM Tueadar
1 o»
r- J. hu losi ov of Us true and mwl fallh. murders Hiul hav.- not led to anj
ikar raeamir
ful tnembera.
prsecutloti. As a inalter of facL if In
Whereas. Our Heavenly Father In addlUun to the crimes that have
TborBdar lo TrarWest Severn ll sirei-l, Travers.- I'lty
infinite wisdom, has
—Jter fwtoraed with
carlBf ror Mrt. Kin. remove hy death in Ihe prime of her
. hlat lo ualat IB carl
usMuI life our belored sister, a wide
•V U qollalM.
iiirtlUMi,-s Kidney lllls. AI Ilia* :it.,..
circle of friends in Ibis world wilt the retull sliowa a inial of I.'W» «ff*-nD. ^er or MaBittea.
relotled In Ituit. as against
weep for lier departure, their grjef
Battened only hy the hope that her In the previous year; that Is to say.
1 (aae Prldar an<*r«oo
-ll. The kidn.-y . .................
aMOul UaiBi of Bbplre and spirit freed from Its earthly thraldom an Increase of 144."
National Conventiona.
prarai to be qolta iBtercatloc. rejtdeet 1a the tend ot llghi. 8he was
leara wai S lo C Is faror ot one of those genial peraoiLH whom
Philadelphia. May 14—liirce ^m
everyoae respecis. and her memory
irtanl nallonal conveolioiis repnwill be enshrined In the hearts of all senllng as many lines of iradp*. arc
scheduleif lo take place In this < lt> ali.1 Hii-y cun-d liie.
There ii
between Nay i;illi ami May Jtih The
hushaad has I<
largest of Ihese gathi'Tliigs uill he |i|i-a-*-il t.i ns-iniiio.-iid I
.. .
of the American Cottou Slaimdutiful daughter and the facturers' assis-lallon which open.-sl
riCii Wrtfht rMnned Baturdar
F*.| ^iile hy a......... .
I »tltr
after apendlnc
a tew dare brolhcre a loving aUler.
its sessions on Way ISlh oud will
Rastdvfsl. Thai thte lodge extend
me for a week. The Nallonal Assos tympalhy lo Ihe bereaved buaband clailon of Holsery Mamifaclnrers v "•
as loaded a car of poirents and brothers.
UUM at BeVtnberf. Moadar.
1 Ms third annual nx-eilng on i
That our
- day and will eontinm* until -M
draped In mniirnlng for the period ot
Urt. Bla Cook and famitr aitended tblrly days, that oae page ot our Journ­
IV box adelai ai the Latter . Dar al be set aside lo Ihe memory of onr
B«lat pfanrok Bear Burdlekvllle. atao sister, that the resolnllon be record,
aaPeral other of tv neldbt>on rram rd thervon. and that a copy bo sent to
lion an
he hWnd and parents, aim In the Foremen a
I III their inih anih Krade examiBatlOD wa«: Qnnd Traverac Herald for publlcacoaveniion. May JOUi lo rilli.
e w<H* w-h|p-U Ijegaii yp-sip-itlay
lie City laat Tbureday and,
____ __ of laat week and wnl youn*'
Will V known as "Texilh- Wit-k."
weo^ fiooi hen took the ezamlnap- witness Ihe gr-ai-s»
**^r atAool rioaed tor thia term The dead, though Ihey depart, re
the country.
As llimigli Ihey had not died
liR KMday.
HIob Belle Italvervm
i.<jT iMH s\y :
Cengreta of Manofaetorvra.
living are th.* only dead,
wax our teacher, and we all h<n*e to
New York. Nuy
14 —The :iiinpi;il
l.-.i f..i- •a1.-*iii \V.-t K'W.i-lill;
e dead live never more to d
Bara ber badk agalB next term,
congress of mjinifartim-rs of the
ir.i .’.I'Xliir. 1*. i;.’. III.
And when we mourn Ihem,
gaka Rood akUetMtkM and beery
I'nlied Slates will be held
ill lli'They were never so nigh.
l,;il,-.- Si . « ;..|illar-,
wae aorry to aee her leare. She
Waldiirf-Asiorta hot**! on Muy •Jnih. M.V. i:. II1.IS-.
Mina R. mile.
Iha Ive and i«ape«t or both pamie
Sftld. Among the guests will le* Se Mi'-h.
and ehiidiwB.
creiary Oscar S. Stiaus. Stnsiker CaiiF?vu llanaley.
tw atylBg with Mr.
noa Senator lX*liver. Admiral Stas
bee. G«
Sihday School Aooeciation.
Pniuty ■
Bast Bay and Blair Sunday school
; Qrant Broofce.vtor a fen’
cenveallon win be held at Ihe CourTwo Long Tunnels.
IS axpeete lo work for Ude nrhool house uu Saturday. June
_.. . a ' *■ ■
............. .....
L T. Broota or Almira.
Ihe Ror
’ t^mg Sessieiv-IDICIO O'clock.
Mb. LMU VMrnnkeBberg at ToFifteen minutes with ihe word and ncla. one through ili*- Bluer 1l*wp;
nage. a spur of the Rockies, hr-tw*^ t*
irayer. the Rev. B. FTemliig.
the stales of Montana and Idaho, nii':
Addreu of welcome. Mrs. Wllsey.
another through the rascad-s on Ih'Response. H. Wanvn.
SDiMjualmie pass. Work upon ih*
IAddrowi. -Child fonverelon.- CVs. Bitter Root lumiel. which
niore than k.ihs*
lone, has t)e,.-i:
iah '
hi progn-s« Klncc earlv last fall.
Dl^saioo. led by C. II. ^lea.
Farm Laberera Needed,
V oeoMBt foimdauaii - .m Vi
Recliattan. Bertlne Wilkinson.
ashtnglon. May 14 -Ui-spiic th.
Cira vw building le being laid.
Basket dinner and social hour.
Ilial New York city reci-ivi-s f:
I* Batncki teby le very eirk.
- Aftcmeen Scatlen.
cent of th.' total
Fifteen minutes of sacred song and
aboni OTo.ooy a year. New York stat-prayer, Hugh Prouty. Sr.
a cn ing need of farm labor-rs
*. i aoatract to play Ball for IV
Reports and collerllon.
put M.OOtl to work nu
Addrvtf. -Forsard Movement In the
farms ll Is now advertlsine In ebc. r.
i«M Weldner wai la town from Sunday School.' C. H. EWes
ireign newspapers for men.
llllt Ctty Sonday.
Will Inveatigete Working CUsaea
Mak Dea^eau li ihlnUng of
lujiidou. Mav 11-A ii**« offn-*- he-^
Relsllon l
be*-ii rn*ai>*d iu Ib'rlln by llu’ llriiisb
!V.%eCardy of Qnnd Raplde visgovernment m provide for a n*gtiter
LoW Mnda here lau week.
aclentiflc iiiv.*siicailoii of Hie eotuliMIteglob Hall was delivering fnili
Beriln working classes



The Carpet Dept


If you are going to spend one dollar or oae hundred this
spring for anything carried in a carpet store you cannot ignore
this dept.
Our increased room has meant additional Stock,

We sell more Carpets and Rugs than anyone else. Not only in
Traverse City but in the sorounding country. There is‘hardty
a town in Northern Michigan that we do not send goods to
from this department every season.


I'he reason for this is people like to trade where they get the
best assortments and the best prices. *

That word assortments means a good deal when you come to
select Rugs 'ir arpets.

As for prices Well—We have people come here and look, go
to Grand Rapids and look, come back here and buy.



They do not do that because they tike us or just becauoc we
live here it is because we sell them the goods lower than they
can buy them elsewhere.



We wanttoseeyoalselorcyoo buy,

t«hc;,Ss«.13KW *■

lii iT l.f !iii-|iri’*-.l 10 lin.l h»» •-UKit, >.-11 lull .1- >..lil ..«n larl.l-lllllg.
.-laiuliip JIIJ liolMhiiig anil li*.a- li!t!«
.1 v.i.i If >1-1 ii.v l*(-iNUi-laii-.
llii* It from ITiikap l\*s.-lka.

^‘cSStavSJ'rt ‘AtJln’u helping

Friends oi
Your Feet

Block, whleh le Ving
rnwpleiod lor A. R HackmaB s occopaney. Mr. HvknaB eahvte to V In
the vw building by ]ov let. and U
U safe to uy that Be will Vve a eiore
ot which this town and etanmuDliy
may wrii v proud.
B. J. Cnee is having a barn erected
cm tv lot east or Bit realdeooe.
realdeooe. CBu.
Hoadb laid IV foundatio
lathm vd WII
orge Hoock are
llnm Howard and Oeorge
• - W tv <
ta are-baving a
Iboroogb clean up kboul IVir prenIsea this spring, and IV eSecl lo lift


Improvement of sliiillar classes It
Sunday School Day.
From Tneaday s Record.
New Y'ork. May lu.-The w-.i-IpI
M, Winole, jf.. wont lo MllsrautV
llfth Sunday school convention is t*
be in ru-sslnn in Rome. Iialy. froiand b*%-au«e ' '
V 19. is to lie observed by ;
John Blacken went lo Msnlalee to­
niber of the churclies of ib­
day. He may go acraas Ihe lake later.
I'nMill Stale? as
is "Smiil
"SuikIsv school da>
Mn. K. Kelley and daughter replan vchich is to U* fiillo»*d In
lurtM-d to their home In Shepherd icr
ir a presenia
i-liurcbes calls
Ihe pulpit of the outlook for Hi'**Mra. lJute Cameron and son Don­
_y school movement, considerin:
ald reiunied lu tbilr home In Grand
-iallv the oryauUed effoiic •>:
l-Yed Smedley and family left for
1 tlie world's I- '*i.
Kalkaska this morning, a hero they
evidence, and Ihv Inieruailouxl cotwill make Ihelr future home,
lion which mo.-ts iievt y.-ar vi
thte morning.
Isvllle. Ki-. anuthiT. I.peader!P i:
O. p, l.e1and went to Kingsley
reUglouK bodi.*,r. including
the IToti-sliii. ^ls.*.i|ial,
Epls.*.i|ial, wlui-k
do not ■•o-o|«.-rate in Ihe intemaiiotr*'
Ihrough the city
are expressing their er.niiway lo IVIoskej.
I that the Sunday whivds are H,Sheris Johnaun went to Detroit with
1 promising Helds for evanc-Il.-^p
CO prlaoaers this ruorning.
and l**r Imilrtitig up the rhurdieFor this reason there Is au awuk-ti* :
Prom Wi'dneaday's Recoril.
Inien'Si In Sunday school pn-ibodMrs. C. K. r.reenfleld of C.>rnlng. «n.i tLe schi«*ls are being n-OBait.**-'
New York. 1* vUllliig her emiiiln. Mrs. as an esentlal |*aii of th. ehui.-li.-:- In
B. M. Sisrton. 3Ki Washlngiim
st.*ad of adjuncts i<* them.
few days,
s Bthel



compliment us on the assort*

ment of new patterns and
values in'


Spring Sui-ts
at $7.50, $10.00, $12.00, $12.50,
$15.00 and $18.00,
it would seem as though we


tied wBh Kingsley friends Saturday.
Obt tanners about here aiv'puitlna
in iMr best effona theae wnim Vya
in poshing aprlng work, wbldubu
beea delayed By tV cootlDued cold.
Bddle Fischer has accepted a p«
tlen In a barber shop la Traverae Cll.
He moved bU family and household
' I there today,
sday's wind was an
ml. and tboae who v
wetw covered irllh dust.
A ipeMIng to make arrangements
for OeconiiioB Day was held at IV
tOWVll room Saturday nigh). OommllIMO Vre vmed. ud the prolrct was
golUM well uaVr wa>.
TV ivni’
Hill, a suburb of this city, vef..ortal eervlce win V Vld at the Bop
•d Pratt made a business tHp
day afternoon. TL ............... ..
tut eburrb oa Sunday. May S6. at lO Hooor ihl. murolug. ’
•- buuM- and laplilly spr.-uol i** tl.-'
o-ctock. a. m.. tV Rev. Mr Herbert
A. W Jahraus went to tanidre and
inditig boosi-s which **-re
deltveclng tv diaconrse. The rolU»' Honor this mrtiing.
lag oTScert and coomlllees were then
Mr, O-Relrtr. dteliicl manager for w<«d. The fire department wa-«
the Natkmal Cash Register rumpany. handicapped in tbelr '
**SSMdenl of day, W. H. Hertevt.
left for a business trip over the H. A
Max*all. Charles Knapp.
Many of the bouse* were born.
ArraMgcmenia. a. B. SUason. 1
1 rapidly that it was imp'juibli-


When So


have "the


We have picked the . best

and values



On your feet most of the time, Madam f
Here are Shoes built for your especial benefit,
l.ace. Button or Congr«»s styles.

Low Shoes
50c and 51.00 to 52.25

High Shoes
$1.50 and 52.00 to 55.00

some of the largest lines in
this country and are therefore

We can p’ease your eye and
satisfy your pocket book.

Sherman & Hunter
TnRitt Ci9.lldiien.

Hu ATery, who U workbciaMrElk
Mist Maorbester of Weatmlnater. I B^e* Snsda.*.
The Rex. Mr- Herbert of Kln*al.-y
Pruk Kelderbonae o( Trararae Clly
Dan PraU drove
Traverac City Rapid* «a* home Sunday.
^cbed tbe feri»oo;_o quartet-from calM at Heury KnayiiV Sunday.
nJted os frlfwds here yesterday.
Walter Waiaon was dc
ngslej Is
Elb-n Seecc.iller i.f KU)Csl<n
is vis.
vis . <tti„rda>- to rtsit «
hU w%
hfe Lake rend,
Guy Ollrer has gnoe le Grand R»pimp Sundav-q
.. a tew .lavs '
Kl.i-i Sio.ilie u>.
J|r*. Vu.u Lake a
IS'url Rukblow
lections. Tbe floral olferloe*. tbe lung
laHowunl Brown was a t~,
M; i...d .Mi-.lwei,- Jl.e ca.'s'.
lAura Bates <
.. carriage*
John WrsicoK took ulne powaongem
[•eiid-r rndiaiid Mrs Jes..- Halle. Sunday
courae of friends and neigkhi
mother took dinner wlib Ur. i
. Cedar t.. t.e tn at the ball
R. R- Bate.
fled to the esteem in ahlcta
O. Luce Sunday and attended
-Igame lu b>. .kp.i,
F.-idjv .Ji-ove To T,a-.-rs.**’ci.'’v'’*W.dSi!a} t
held. Tho-> from oiii nl loa .i
era] of Mr, Carr lu the aflcrac
Mr*. Harwln and llnh- of
Ben Ciblia and wife spent Sunday leaded the funeral w
TPon Oneida called on rn.nid- herv
Hen an
and chib
lib Mr, and Mn>. Geoiae Hodges Ian. John Allen
I remerSay.
mee. ibl.. y.l.l-v Ufieamsui and even.,this «u.
Ir. Roy Call aa
A large aiiendanis. a. .he daare In
.ing-ttein Kih- k-vl.-V.
Mr^ J Rj i.k vi.ii.,i Ml . li Wa
& Wall and, family were auehis'.Mm. Murphy i>l Cadill. Ravw' hall last mut.. an-llatl Vj.on ..
Mondav .il."ia.a>n.
of Ur. and Mra. SjjH Ilodeea bat Sun-j

^fand Traverse Region,
Every week cerrMpendertee if IW-

crtfwi Me '

laUr Van Tueaday n

lerald elllea net
>n ef each weak,
e fall to find


I" M^^3, • ■

‘"Tr';;w .s.ntra B.,„v ne^wm; naeld


Mr- Cr<*R from Traverse C
Hi Frank kishe. 4 >.in>
,;ivll bM
the OI.-a»er lod*e bat 1
railed to KtOf»Vy|
ilDR and cave a One talk
. ...
vis,.e.| Wl.ll 1,
I III., Ilr.iry lloaan. Iva llou.vrt. Did
jb. ‘i;da..
Mrs. Carr's daughter. Mm Allen and,' Geiger,
Ceiacr, me Bogan. Walter Barre.i.'
ihle* win remain a wcs.k »iih her. I .Marv Urutart and G>is l.ui; r.-ih.T..d ^ evet
Ur. Carr an.l Ur. L.iee go. out pole* 1 at tiie home of Am.» Box lasi W.-1-hu.iluil. d.s,.k..«,sl Wi'h |.Ji-w!un.
'll. Warr.^i
Grandma Itoirar.: «-bo ap
Uxi Thursday for their plumes alilch i uesday in h.Hior of Effie'- iMh
I W.‘du.-«-,
klis.s Rekah t
'winief hr-re wUh h-r gnindd
■ pbced la tbeir buaiM Friday.) day. They rais.n a v.iy |.le;,.,ant
iMr. and M;v
Mm WewirtNl and lainlly ha*
lOur* alter Mr, Ctirr died; wi ihelsuppcr Is-litg serte.l: .he talil.tore leaving prayer
..ilstieallv sirant-d. The j
her b.ane whh h<-r d*<e
__ work Mr. Can did was for the; beautifully derora'ed with eiej*. gm.
(Tiariew Flwher
comfort ofhls wife.
!pe,. Th.-y pra»..|,le.l .Miss Elfi- »i'h g>wi,. ronids.ed
i 1,;.vttu-r w'li MB'
dli.bC'.e- ami s:
Granilma fTriier visl.-d th
Our coiuimuiliy was shocked last la nice imiae.
.' Mr. Manu of Maiust-r visit
..wire Iasi week, wpendihg a
rtdar mornlag by the fciidden doaih
Ur. Osborne has bought the Swc pr , iiie . n i,
Wn .lufs-H,muted ’<■; Mr, Hunk's l..:u. ..v, r .* .1,1*.
-- --------- place and experts to now. ..i. .t in »
iicnt. Allen- jr.g home Mot!-:-''
Litce'a family were at breakfaM, Mr.
Is.tlotBc- e..n.-I>.

U.-S U»le Tli.-m..s *|-ii- ' S-rn-i.-v;
Cart came in their house and vat talk-'
,in Travers.- Ciiv .-' '■■ h'-r
lilies, aiieiirted the fiii-etal.
ing a few minute*. He .sjmidalned of

lsch.-.l Monday n,.,none
.. V
M.. Slid W'-ee < ».i.idri'eO 'li- l.isi ever =i'
r at ibslge jEiuda'. -ns.
not feeling wull and went to his homr
:|..'i; ..iird ,l•.v■^Jh.• s.-t vkd
Baying be would lelnrn again and got Mr*. E H Gil.!*.,- IJri'.m ..........

off Si

Saiiirrtir<na called
r daiiRhJiT. Mm. J. J. Nfermarrh.
end aiKu <h«. taucr'e eKter. Mm. WmOpU Saiurday ami Banday.
,Dd Mim.. lOevorlh

.>«»iiBrrh'fc Sunday.
Uln» lyUcUu Siaii C4il|i-d ott Mre. H.
TdfHu and Ur». Joaaa Crandall 6tmday.
Nr nod Mrt. Jokn AHfdieCTra'
aty e-era bera ii» airand the funeral
of the la!ter-a falber. Kr. WnUaW
Mr«. J. J. SVenuirch who has lieen
daaiibUT. Ml«a Amy SeeBinlllpr. callul no ibf lomer's duiiclil>-r. Mm.
WilUam gexiuD. Monday.
Wiliam SiiarlluK ha* iwn-ed to Travrrae Cliy. u. Wk win'*, Henry Sparilns.
- Mm. J J. Neemarab eha haa been
Mek for ilir |ii*i ten eeek*. if on ibe





tome oalf. U.ii Iwfuic Mr.. Luce's were Wuri.Ti Tayloi. .
i;. A. W'jll and fan.liv vlsii.-d u ,
through hreakfi>. Mr». Cairr callisl to
them to come n» Ur. Carr was worse rttam Hodge's S..n.lay Mi- Mills, wii...
- Davison ■>fi,b.-"Rlre kch.s.l h-.i
.s-T...- in Karlin
hui before they could raaeh his home
:i.-lghbnihcs« ^,ud
»-ith them.
: da.v.
he waa dead.
Even though Mr. Can, , loily-one. wild
'keis'klv an.i Mr. ftlmhid.- .
f.iriv of the Irlonrt- .d Mr. atwl
Mr-and Mrs
bad Iteen tronbled with hi* heart for
. Suntu‘-1 S.-ej.y
cieaslng every S'tiirtir
**2r. and Mm. Did An«ead
•' • - ' ..............- eree'.t'i
aboiii els weeks, hi* death wa* a great
raovliug th.' at.rndsn.v
iitav iiigl.t. I
CBllem In nfe l.ake Saturday.
ahoek tt. hia wife and neigbbom. When
V had bea-a 11
May 13.
Mr. Cut reached home he lay down
•«aullt..l pr...
mi Ibe couch a *hort lime, then he
*r ,s..„„.a;a. ^h«e he ha. I.e.-n^
.. 1 e.-nt.-ni:
eniiud iliem ..
gut up and Ml In a chair a »hon time,
I Bumm-s infiMings ^
'Robtrl W Carr dhtl kuddeoly
when he Siidd.mlv HUM' and said "Us
tfrlocV Fridaj niernlnR <tf bean fall ,en'" >r..l t.i gi. to his wife
..f K
are u( the ak'’^' of <£ year*. Oeceaaed and fell on
Tl.p ................................
Kill tne Germ* by Breath.tvfl Hyo^ne..
n and family
waa liorD In Ohio. He leavea a wife
...lid do nothing alooe.
Give* Qj«h R«"«<
•Od two elKier*, one Uelaa In Chicaso
Mr. Lure and hi* wife,
Jlativ |,r.>|.le who have *iiffere.l will.
was ■ y^".e.-dU'
Jonctli'n. Ohl”. Ibe other at Perry did everylihlug In their power to rer na'iirally.thlnk they
•e Cicam and rake we;. .s.TV-,ed . M,.., ,x. Uan;>.-> ....rrti.v.vl
D. P. and brothere. two Uving Btora him
conwloiiKUCss, but wUli.-aught fir.' ta.t
rlir.-d, aud liecoive dlscinir
■ At Hardy. Iowa, and John Carr. ' out avail. . A doctor was Immediately
dtu-S.indav will
Eln«-.' Srar'Kangasi ;
Cadillac. WIcb.. who la eery low. I
arrived he
telephoned fur; whe
y rail!- ,
di*r«iv....-d 1.1 tune, so
the time be
waa a member of the Andeot Order of pi-oiioiinced him dead
ttkauiem, alao a member of the Mod fell.
be yoimg i-..|,h
bw-al r.-medy. Hy-oera Woirfroen of America. Serrice*
Ur. Carr was l>oni li
"hool I.svk Ibe .dghih gri '
liked through a neat
were held at bif borne at I o'clock hy|
limy. Ohio. Ang. S8. isci. He came
i.m. laki -niarsday and
■ha' )■* healUig nv4
the Wobdmen: funeral ferrleea at
rfalgan 11
uhovit eighteen ,-ears ago.
The laidles Aid m.-i »l
. wloj ha* town, kirk
HodRc iichiuil hcMi*p at S o'clock p.
weire yearn ago he 1 s married'
r inwead *il -Mrs, Kggli. *m»y *dl
ratatrh germs and
B. by Ibe Ret. Ur. Herbert of Klnpat rpsident
>. King. I
i.'inlw'is being pri-fsley. The remalnf mere laid at rest In
ilB death.
Mr.. Wa1.-*;”'^J,''7,,"”i""‘'’p,^“i,, • boallby
Marv Wllliaio. call.Vlfe Lake-cemetery.
- .....
Beiides hlw wile, be leaves
IS. Frirtav alif-iwum
Editor Tripn of thr King.,;.-? i:.-li.>e ;')'■*
brolhem and iwo sl»i<-m to muarn
Cal:inb Is i.allv' a local di»ea»e ami
fundral tH It. vv. s-arr. wyrt
called at -Sam Hisleifs Mou.lav.
lo»»- One brother ia at the isdni
Srt. John Allen, of Traverae City. death at Cadillac, two brothers ;
I to cure 1., II mn.i U- I resiled by a ramMrs. Butbimi in much improved in
Mra. John Carr and aon Roy of Cad- In Iowa, and Ihe Iwo alsters In Ohio. health.
l.dv which T.wctM- .very
Sunday School
illK:. Mr. and Mni. McCain of Moir They do not mourn alone, however,
.si>eiv entivea ! nikw ami tliitiai where tbe aia«ne
ill*. Henry Mnleil ami rhil.itvm are!
The forty . m-v
ming. BBd Mm. Morphy of Cadillac.
vlBlling friends and ridaiiv.he al»n leave* a hpsi of friend*.
ilun of the Isi
Byron Huletl was (be gueat at Orin Carr wa* a ntemher of tbe Fife Lake fdare.
.M-f gviisi.-..
iw-iaiion wfjl
Sim.lav Schuol
-u-1 O.ilfil
COM* but
k romplei.
Lbc«'b over Sunday.
John Hiiletl
camp or the Nf. W. A. and alao
ihly. rh.iirh at I.
I.IIO and S 1: Wait A r.u«s WI
Star IS
pect Arbor Ancient Order of Glei
nelghbr [KSBT»ro.T..l-lo.O
Saturday. .Mav 23. A '
itamnxn- »i'h <very inirkage
:'har|e* Spar ding and
Tbe B.neral was held at
itenainltis progtam h.*. lw.ui
ind Ihe m..u..y Mnl.-.k n .
-aylleld visit*
■cbool Simdty. nt 2 o'clock
\vi:ii'o l*iau v-a>' th'- giiesi ‘it
(be auapicex of the Modern


Calarrli fan Be Cured



IK xiT'.....





WE WILL FURNISH YOU HOME COMPLETE or sell y«u any piece of home furniture in our mam­
moth stock, and let you pay for it at your income will allow. 23 years of experience in the Home FurnIshtne business has taught us when and where to buy to get the best for our money, and if you buy
from us you get the benefit of our experience. In f ict we will take the best cash P^'ce you can get
anywhere in the State or from any catalogue house and sell you the same grade of goods at the sale
prices and let you pay for it in installments.

With a

RAUges .and Cook

uujuib iuw»iwu*

* procUim tbe line we sn now
i htadlinR, enperior to any other on
the uisrltet.






the great yl'ICK MEAL

raogea the range yonr neighbor* Ulk au
much about.

If yon are intereated in

AtOToa oome in and look onr line through
We will aetl yon cook



........................... W-UUnp.


Lace Curtains from................................. .................... 30c to $12.00
Rope Portiere from...................................................$1.7$ to $9.00
Tapeeiry Curtains from...................................... $2.2$ lO $10.00


•* w



M,- . .




tdes and
can PorceUine ware beautifully decorated. ®g/TK
with scalloped edges for................................. ^

No home should be without a '
reed rocker when you can get one
just like cut. that is extra large, well
made with one|i>iece arm
and from leg for..............9^-400




Extra Special


Book-case and Desk Combind,
Tbe only pf-rfectcoruLiaaiiot! b>3k wsf t vvr ma.le
TcntMil. and atlrtictive an'l

Aihowerof kuchen n«e»ines. Every housewife
will approc-ate that afreater amount of usefulness was
never before offered in a combination set of house
hold articles at such a price. 12 articles that are used
every day. put «p in a nice pasteboard box. QQq
They go as long as they last, per set..............

This year we are showing the
larges' and best line of couches we
have ever shown. We are siiowi"
a co'jcli <'• ft. 6 in. long ^i'2 in. wide
With 31 oil tempere I steel spring.
upholstered in


tl-an uuy on!;uary «.

FMturc Framini

We positively do fust as we

Thik beautiful reclining go-can
foot an.l back adjusts to any pos­
ition. all upholstered, beamifol lace

$19.00 >

■'■0 iron Iveda lo select fron. Iron
be<i jual like cm. any color or any
aiw, fitted with good SO lli. cotton
top mattrcaa and woven wire
.prii.g o..«pivfe

Tbt Pl4Joeer Irao Cb.** Carp rim
fsTstee U lUmiettA to oat or I
tA« retain of Itbor (rouble. The____
liOBr refuMd to iBCreate of tO cesii
' A ftor IB l>ej- tdri the workiaeo quit
Ud tonirhl oe» Jobe. The dale aif (be
nvotBpaioB of vork |t indeflelie.
Tbe bto ■•■Tlllll Of (he O. CtlltShtti
Lmziber Co., ai 8tori«on ' »er, DiekiBMb counir. It In eoDunl Ion for He
d ihal ibe
* 3. Grlmore A Son of Aie C

plan'll In fnuit of RrDcery'atun'v Into
tbe struct. Wevena worked lanidly and
.S minutes had done almoxi as
A dsmage as a cyclone. He was
captured by the poUre and arraigned
In the inuBicIpal (vxin. when- he paid
a fine of I1«.
Just as her, brnttier wax bringing
down an ax he s'ax xwlagiug. ihc,3yearrold daughter (rf Mrir. Seal Bridge,
of An Gres. ran.under It. reeelrlng
(he fnll force of the descendinj: blade
oo her head. A gixh was cut through
the KsIp slid xkiiM. Iiarlng the bralu.
Ph)-sleliinx doubt ^hat eb.. will recur-,

. ,
mjw prew-nieil will be a pisn
for SB educational fund-for the l..'tienhntifaclurvd on * ltr*e
dt of unriby |amr yuiiiig nw-.i of the
FoaH-f eiiA A, I, Cblehetier ere I
praoioln-t eud have (be larsext Ibi
J. K. Fillmore and Mkle-I aark nie«t«.
Wnuan A baiDban. of McBain. will rlved St the conniv clerk'* ciffiee at
Jackxon for a .niarri.vge llecnee and
were roftixed one ber.-iiiRe they were
from Plnconnloc. near Or.-ind
dtra Tbe balldiDs will bo oqnlpiHMl
tbiplde. They Hialed that they hnd
with all nodem bonk farimle*.
Jacksuti to lie Duirtle.l on tinCoL 3. N. Cox. tasiiiuiiil acDuttnt
qulei, I I of r«ut»M- fslb-d It Ibeli purRousmt. hat returned frotn WashlnstOB. where b« roDfem-d iriib tbe
•eereury of (he oavy «*ardlns i>
Ut replire Ihe MIobIstD ininlBk
the Tantic. Hr will nul dlacon
Matter unlil afler tbe nllliarT fa
BMWto Wednenday next, tuit
deratood that tbe proaperia
for •ecariaR a modeni veaaa
UleblRBD earal reMrret.
Troop A, earalry. U. V. G.. of Sotilh
Haren. will take U men to UDtlDk
for tbe eecort of Pmldent Rooi
oo Hay 3l. TbU will pensli <
fonnatloo of three platoona,
baTlDR lour aoti of fonra. The troop­
er will ride only black or bay home*'
and will wear tbe khaal eerrlee iinlforma. Capi. Paul B. Uoo.


aereral members op the troop. Inelud1 IJeui. PreemaD Hoditea,
n service In Cuba o
Theodore 3. C
of the National
^ Mo . baa pnrebaaed
.........- . - .ihe^PIlCTim
. _ .
Hacaaiae or fl3.&73. fram A. H. Finn,
F, D. Taylor
■rof r
n( Pott Hum. Tbe two papers will
he GombIsed and all contracts and
ohlisaticBi of the Ptlcrim will be car­
out by (be new
Mr. Coo
ly lived In Detroit
and at
time was assoclaltd to botlness
Ihe 1laie Silas Farnmr.
TUbA have lotfted chmofed
HtdilsaB. John W. Watkjna. owner of
aas-mlUa. Soda that to aerure lumber
near Battle Creek nosrodnyK. where
formerly all waa woodt. be matt purcbaae ealira farms. He baa just Antahed bnriu twenty acreo oo
Tomas I^fty farm in Bedford-bli
latest pnrcb^. Tbla wlDter^Waikiiia
baa etti Wb#>8 feet of lumber there
and haa.eoiitracta for 8M.00A leet
more, ■attte Creek was' a cleariog In
tbe plo^r woods of MiehIgnB and
came near being almiidoiied beeai
tbe ftwen wj
The capaci
stcliy of Crystal Falla' munin-plant at Paint river mi>ida
clpal power
tore tbae
than doublfd. Two ndU to be mere
dltloBsl water wheels of a c
of coo have been ordered
STwlT^e^natalled aa
s eas drtiver them.
tbe two wheels new
tbe plam baa a capaelt)
horaepowcT. which baa been
to be entirely Inadequate to i


.will be OBoaimcted this seasoi
Coofe-a HUI to Garden. In DpIu



The Hite will be it miles In length
and will tap a heavily Umbered hard­
wood dtotrtct aod the rich farm and
< fmtt eoowry about Garden and the
eaat porijon of Delia coonty.
Under Ac direeUon of Coonty Road
ComtodaalOner George Hacgen>oo.$33.rill-lie —,------------- .........................
y In bDllding roads and bridges
mcRAnee county dnring tbe comunmer. Several tnllea
tbe eouaiy expects to get
booBly «f II.MFI per mile.
A seliaer aypboa botile In the bands
of Jack Welsh, at the Uvlngw.
bolel at Grand Rapids, exploded. 1
BWUl pari of Ihe bottle fait Welsh
In tbe right eye, destroylog H. and
eye was so badly inlur
e o
that be will loae tbe sight of 11 also.
U F. Haner.
- ee jtears
Jtears ago Mrs.

of Aabley. prorided a desiltole atrangerwhocameiotbn back door, Uh a
good dinner. Tbe man waa in ralts,
.......................... ....
-- — - tramp, and
look Hra. HarWa-'^Wtea
' ' iring
heswoiild pay for tbe meal wbenI bif
fartanea were better. A few days
she raerired a letter t
ices, and

'*^rank DaptiKi
(iKi a woodman
woodman of S'tiriddenly iK-came violently
nominee and mxbed Into
polW slaikn. nxklng to lie locked
illdren and older people of
Ihe Mills chiiirli of l*orl
Huron are working hurd to make a
mile (if .|H-uDle». Tbe pi-ople. hju-c np
' ir petiolro''uuilI they have u foot
more, and take them to ehiirch.
where they ale pul In to help nuke
up the mile. Sixteen |iennle« make
font. ek< feet make x dollar and
make a mile. They an- rapidly
drawing near *.be mile mark, and ex[leet to reach It xhortly. When a mile
lx reached It will be used to help pay
Ihe pastor's rent and xalary, which i«
•otnewhul defieiem.
Decaukc he urged two mongrel piipx
lo fight on a downtown corner, at
Baule Creek. Fred Han landed In
Jail. Han cofixldered he had a right
to nay -Sic 'em." and ifought arrext.
finally h;eaklng away from FollrenuiD
Harry Hamiliou.
Ho reuebe.1 home
only to find on officer walling for him,
to flntob wh.-il llanillian MonnI. The
ebarge eatered against Han was dlaorderb.
rnden.tker J, n Rose of Beiuon
Harbor heads
the lixi of
I will In- awai
lehlgan state fait.' Not
me famllr, Inn some
entire townxhlp will lecxlt-e the b^e■ ■
' > premium offered by Mr.
win give a casket to the
'hich exhibits Ihe finest
bunbfl of poiuioiNi.
It will nni be
xs.iry for somel.o.1> l#i dio Iinme•ly to make Iblx offer good. The
casket donated will be for the use of
Ihe'first psuper who dies In Ihe town­
ship after lh*JMr, «nil
eaib donaildn of

Extraordin^y Suit Selling
Prices Very Radically Reduced
^he reason for such radical reductions is easily understood. Manufacturers have not realized as
many reorders as is usually the case at this time of the year which leates them with large stocks on.
hand and in order to dispose of these stocks they ase tpilling to make very sharp price concessions.
In order that eve may be in a position to to take advantage of some of these offers evhen our
preset stock is exhausted eve, are making these radical reductions on our present stock,
*Ir o^der lo move these quickly we huve |>Iac^) a price on '.hern tiiai niiisi appeal to every rconomically inimled womao..Kii;ht here
we warn lo say that
havtt we hat! such values to offer. <-ven ai regular prices as this se-ison. Increased faciliiieq of mMufaciure.
keeness of competition ainoajr inantifac'-urcrs has resulted in beticr yjarmenis for tiie price than has ever been sold before. Now, wheo
we offer you these ( siiclj remarkably low prices, tan you resist buying' Note tlie reduciionsjaad act i)nickly.



f FASHION r-'-tJSTLESS^;S?-'(-Qy^-p5

ITS SKIRTS^**'***#.


f -

Censral News.
Mrx. Kendal, tbe aeln-ss.
dent eolleeuir cJ tiny tows and m^la
ture models of ml sou Her coileclirm
to now very large as well as decidedly
iDierasllng ami she invarlahly uddx to
'bile on her profestlonal lours.
Illxon Warren, son of John G. WmIhc New Mexico ca»ile king, is
king ns n bellboy
Iboy In g U
Uw Angelt-s
hotel and si idylng l<ookkpi-|>lng in a
night xehool. Warren pete has a
fKkkaere ranch
■ hla own way 1 , the worl.l and
refuses to help help
He returns checks tnuiII his isitcuis.
niffkliig tbein "d.-clined
Mother Stewart the founder
W. C. T. U.. has Just celebrated her
y-8rat^ blnhilay^annh-ersan-.^'"

leral office. She was the first
to ask for police matrons,
began Ihe lemperanre craimde
Springfield. Ohio, In 1873. singing
pla.vlng In (he anloons. She ha* v
ten four books, the last one In
elghty-ninib yf«r. •
There Is an Ituerestlng romance In
the family history of Queen l..oiitoe of
died In 186fl wga queen of Sweden and
Norwav. was born plain MIlB Desiree
Qary. daughter of a Waraellle* stock
broker. She rcriiactl the hand •( Hie
great Napoleon lo accept 'that of MBeraadoile.'who aiibaequenily became
the great French general and who was
adopted as heir to the Swetlish throne
by the ehlldlesx King Charles XIII.
According to iiresent plans June wHI
be Secretao' Taft s busiest cam
month. HU peregrinaUoax will
describe an arc stretching from Okla­
homa In the soolhwpbt around ibrough
Missouri. Kansas and Ne
South Dakou It) the nortli
now considered possible Ihi
leal cngagemeuiH will
imha that
within -•
• compelled to alumdon his p
trip to tbe Pblllpplues to w
be onenlng ut Manila uexi (
lippioe b'gUlatlv.- .
Dr. W. H. ______
______ •lley college. Marshall. Mo., was ad
■easing the grartnules of We--leni
Theologleal seminary In Pittsburg and
found them iinaiicntlce. They sat up
and lot* notice: however, when be
saidr ■prenchci-s are like potatoi's
pewcbe* and pumpkins. The (sitax
kind like lo He hidibm. and do ihi ti
good deetls quUHy. The peachy k
are ulways rosy and pteltj, while
ll tSItlLpOll.-^,
so holloa
their s.--ds
rattle. It is ibniiigh siirh
tbe world Is to lie, IVm t Ih- ,.f
tlte kind a-hose aim is to niake loi.' noise, bill arcoTtipllvh no more th:iii
pumpkin full of se<-ds lolling iu a

Who It tbe Head of the
Duld be HIber a dllpl^
td egotism or an acknowledgment
weakness to speak o( bis own family.
and be eeriainly dare n< take • •
ami>le within his parish.
It was a thrilling escape uirvc
sons bad at Vassar. according ic
erenlng pai>er They fell Inin tbe
"Ladilers were lowerW
to tbe umk. but proved ton shi
says *• pajuT. “There was ngll
etoe wlthlB reach by whlrh tbe
tiring mA and helpless woman could
be rearmed and Ihe Are whistle
II tbe lime tbe Micbigan i
roods are trying t.
lit .wbel
afford I
______ -• the earnings ore Inervaslng.
During tbe flnil three
. mooihs of 1H>T the Increase has b<«>
:x as compared wlih l»0S.
le Immigrant >
Tbe bar which ran be run at a pro- Rills Island. New York, h-urnol
n Sunday and pay a hundred dol- Charles Papemlnl, late o( lisly
8nc must be a regulsr week day now an aspirant for Inline rliL-nsInp
In the fnlied was iwi --i
age tber hesliated iidiiiii'inu
adrmlslBg. tbe leglalatuie
lay him beeaasc of a pwsilnliiv <s lirllsaif opea to a gn
comtng on the public, tor siipiv- :
“Stand In' with the
c bill posiera.—Uua- They betan to look lor hU visllile akegon Cteonlelr,
aels. In the flrwi plac-. he wus stmiu:
It to hard to clnsslfy Uie bill fixing a nnd vigorous.
In tbe *ecuiid i-Iar-'
proalty Tor puUttoliing tbe portraits he rarriedI a goodly
goodl; sum of money .-ou. .d polllteat raailldates. but it l. plain ee«led aboiil
Diil Ilia
hla perton.
In the 'hitd.
'Ihal tbe brains of tbe stale, ax lepro- he-had elghl nons
d four dsiichieri■ented by sample at I^nxlng.
all earning good
perpeodicalariy at times w
Also thirty-five graiidehlie old vigor.—HutlM
dreu. a number of whom are in hn-i
Fred• Stevens.
, while under Ihe In- ness siipporilng tbetnnelres and th- ir
BuMice of liquor,
alleged, Ktancd rfalldret).
Also nine greui-grandrhd
oat on a sreer of d<
al Owos- dren who are randidaies for ti
an. He smrked Ihe length of crowded
r ail these dUem.
lieen made Signor Papemi
.... funher tnsible in (uking t
tbroulng vegetables srhlcb
nrat taeptocUlicnship,



- ill








ii’ ‘y-






S10 to 13.5D Suits, S8.75
St5 to 23.50I$uits, SI3.75
S25 Suits, 317.75, $35 to 37.50 Suits, $25

>AY. HAY If. 1wr.

Oanarai Nama.
Haak and l.adder Cicellan.
loDC-lacAd »M
The booh aad ladder nrai|Mny elertl.,ord rruHRi. waa not alow In
man acroei. the tabU stviwled and aald
E<«dar p<nei1in whti waa pxppcfed of
; Ibp rrnlt pi •op baa been badl> P.1 the followlBR omreni
_ whl«p.T. - Utile (H-cka. noi
bead of an up tivilale u-ilverailr. HU low nerka." Cuvemnr Rnak pdN bo al.
damacPil Uul lh:.i m Ulclilsan the con- nlahi:
b\irefnan. U H. Ortfftb.
flrvl ar' ii« phanppllor of Uifnrd waa
bad. For
tptilioii lo him. but after dlnn« the
. from tbe Mlcblgan
luny fact-il man followed him oat of
Sreretarr and treaaarer. J. N.
crop report U of doable
double Interee' ai It
the hall -Von dun'i hare many eUma
abowa that ttrand Trarcroc
Id WlaeiUieln. I
u-pkoo.- aJld be.
Ib-legite ID the dale
s lead tbe atale:
Rabbi S. LMintrd Terry of
•-Weil. " aald Jirv. "wo hare aoue.
I Dili'
illusjuhnwm; allereale.
"^riilt o
Rodeli. ^lom p»ii;n«aiV>o ut
but U'£ a Rood way to water, and In
(enerall) comlduln >it litp
HttabiirK PeWCe aacirty will . «D
driving ih-Li aerowa the oooairy. their
Ulug iiiull) daniBgi-d hr Ihe freeze i
Oensany neat uiuulb to aak ibe
feet RPI Mini and thpr don't ihrire
him Uiai
Dial *tliip
Tbe SilMl Man DitMu'zaa.
•aac Du>«ura>turiaii lirra «ert" -Why. man atlre." aald
eralure of Uarch. folluwiH] by i
^f peo|ile knew tbe triue of keep- wbiph tn'UII ibougtKa of war In tbe be. -clauie baveu'i any feel!" Soon
vere frtwtji
•Ui and

Polil wlnda of
f April, iDK Ibrir aiuplba abut tbey wduMu't mi.rda of . hlldren.
alter that !..• l.u.ioii b.iU-d one of
have Injured
lured frtiH
buda Rulie
Riieif'* frlendv
l» that t«-llo»^^MrUlk ao aiupb." aatd tl.e allentl
alvely ;tlila.
ilila, efitipli^
eotipli^ with He*
il .maKe .
I feta m.rlwaled and i
I.y Run J'w bcale. hlaek ko.d I ‘^Tteii
It Id tbe air anil Jablatw. be j e
and ollM-i- le-rla makea proui
, -pY'apa
•1 (Irtnalltv.
Inlervet lately In
1 and
Ibe fruit crop relher dlaco
man for
fori.vjour of nit Ji-raey c
K- kept
hYiili Kroweia have d'Uie ponxidei:.......
lii'lr.-rs at Ikiiiy feriii MPUImon-.> t
lore fprbylliR lhaii uaual.
Mtmblbty la
Is be wouldn't
wouldn'l lirt Ibe ••old
X. lo-i-.i- Kl.
The folb.arlnc Inl.le will allow (be ^ t«nl give a ui:iii u no*.-to breutU
|in«pepi at the pieeein Uute for n ttrouicb. and If be iiae.1 It f<ir tliut more
prop of the vBiioua kliiile of fiuli 'n |
j! u-lnu It for j
MezUxi. U called 111"
New Military Insignia.
Ihflb* Stale and .llftr.reW. »>olPi6s.
„i,.v to fUel ool lebul I. C-. nph.-at w
llip •llplnluaik' I'lrps

MMeabce AaaaeiaUan.
l*h<« a liller d nine pigi was hM
Tbe Nunhweslere MarratTe
Ibe farm of Fred Snyder Bsar
clailoa will meet at CharieeoU June
Uaium. it wo* found that acTwa of
lural knight* and Indie*,
n and II
them bad two feet <a carh IHmt lag.
l>t*.ir« r are preptrtag to larade
nti- or Uiem six- UvUg a»4 pcoUhty
cliy to Ihe notlb aad let tbe teal
wiU develop
Ibr^e know ihal Traverse City
Wegnemlay the Junior* tor the BiaU
U .m tbe map at hmst.
SrhiMi for llu- u^ud al Lanilag. tuflag
■pepial train will U- provl.le.1 lo
I ciakk (lac
A member of tha
lake raiv of the rix.wd froth here and
band and uxwll'l'- iwxi. will lie taken ** rU»s. wn.. run »ee allfbUT.
Rotlfled hix rbxainaT.'* and a msh waa
1 llteli IhliiRe up en loutp and
ilzed. Ihe ciok« ^urs bcMg lora
tbe arilrol in ('barlpi.i.v
Thi- band
and borne uwa> by the aealora.
will be eulried in the puatesi ai

Narthani HlodUgaa Baat.

BepoHii inm (b« rrali frovlPi r»tlou Bbo* (hat »hllf> Dip oorthPrti
atataa will be lalp In tuitllBB tbetr
erapa os (be BaHiet;'iiher harp «*■
eapad with lUtbtar iou due to eoM
Oiat tbP BOUthwaat aaclioc ot
Adrlcd from the va
•UUa an a* followa:
' Hl^lgan-rrulta
aikd (racf<aUe«
for ararafp^rlPM.


ta*Bood*aSjlp!' cwp*wnrbJr* **
• rpplaoled.
enip faatnirPd by cold.
OklnboDa and Indian TArriioryTi«e frail crop will be almont no'liBaata frulu. Rr«{>P« and emv
brnlta anBered
- >d a
i»rioiw lu].iry.

Canaan Will be OIran.
, A eoncan, under the'dlrecUon of
MPa. N. B. DPgen. will be Riveii In the
Qrend opera boiiHP lai the cvenlni: of
MaT ** for 'hr beopfll of ll.e Flr*i
Hetbodlal eiiureh. Th« puiiet-n will
te one of (be most elnlxiraKr filtii.
Bara in aonie lime and ihe bee* local
pdefit baa alnadr begun work npoa
^ Tarloui number*. The proreeda
ttfll b* uanl to help bur the new
lor the church
ilia the procnm la Jnr.i in il.e
aa of arran*em«il, there will,be
iTfe cboroaea, Uieie lednc
9 Ibe ctionix. bnildea
* OuartclB as well e
aattet and t
the BOlolita.




Pearlies .
i'liune ..
Small lioi


M lib Ollier people, tliere wxiuliln'l' ai Waelniieioii
paaea of iiiiaol •■Btarrb. 11,, r bualeii.l rui<' li<r ....
bealtbb-r If J.IU U»e II for f,<i:d
-u ill the sIhI.- 1. !liii:i, ..-’ hiae r.-o»nrt}
.X luli-u.lrxl.
Iii-r .ir^’-iii .if the ril'V I
l.n.l l.l.’u to' wi^b
. And It l!
U in Kyp>-lhi', <>li lie Klvlc
■ua.'Italy, bm. uiRebiced
11 lie' pn'venllun i>( rru*'
: ufunUnl'i 1. I.i.ub.-I.- tnorp loi-de I ll
it IbtOUHU. :
Hal; ,
H-> to b..r«-'.
Ill -X rittik-x
ii"|ex-u.r. I
mid e.•crir.~ ii.iiip-.lhip*

the J.JOlora ,*ly iinHenUiig. A
w.ili .any -awey a jirtre.
rlaa* enixiuDler u-iween KtudeSU who
defTiv team., will al*.i U
■ teiX'd In tb.- piuHcn* and prize* will rannot «xh- lodl.-aies that there la
unrtoiili'. Illy iM-.n- t.i .Tvat. rM- i‘il> Mmt.-ihlug ni'w under the rvia now aad


tirrm^dP ^1 I^i^irii^:-


AXkUlont Ail|i. C-n JoUr* N. Cm
b^x IkX'U urdt'ivxl I.y ibi- Ruvenmeat
RO III Wokb.iiRiiui in PMaipshy with
Icyaies'i lu^rciuru.
F li tSiaudiUi. al ige
-e rily pelplTal.T
natal re-erv.-*. aod p«a-iiti with the

.m. I'harii vruz will nudiiuhl
edly send a lz.r>

re.iigan.railoo of i!
Bitillerj . irju lt hr. be-n found nr
modify ilii-grii.'ral «r>1c
liisiKUla Ml ak topixivlilc a»
rillerr. iw.i .T.MM'd
fl.'I.l Ri<
hr I of l•-£11ll■'■>l
■ion. oi n"ld or Rill meial
illleri. two PI
hlRh. .J ROW
huVIUR a >
• ililtiOR pr.1 otncer* of af1- sudillc rl
I You .nil IK-w-hlioiit tnlianx. I.lit >oil | ^ ITi.j.-eMTr C (• Edwrmix
llllpiy Shi.ll hU.-w lie- I.-Kiilieiilal nuluroreiter's New Hall.
Of I'.xl-forela ba.i
Ut id r. d • iiaiii.'l leaiu i. iwxi liiph.-*
•fTii. IXireiilPri have leasi-d t
in li-uxUi, wliicli niiiiiU-r will !•■
Ibe Rurtuk bulldltiR izlrd'wlll: ” b':wV of li iV.''r nml .Umil. lii'ii. who j pranl-1 s
till- prr-<-ut iiK-pI lii'iRnla.
move Iplo Ihe ii-w <|0;iilpr>
AUlt. 1. The .rirl hull i* ob
Oaath af lira, byont.
pled hy M-\*Tul t)lll<l*-r niel lliei iii. luue Wu lu.d wom-■*■>»'• i n,ai (1-. l,.-;.Ilh/bm. le.
Oread Coal Famine.
Urm. M. Tobo recelred a meaaMe
m.ipl. .n.ii*.x-n-n|. -uuru,-Is l*k.. lU -^;o^l•^ I"* ..
j I,;.-.
H -dlirterx have U
lee V.;.ixthllli n.lrai
Rnndar from Bdward E.
•'•] bv K II Hatilii
'! tbl- lair.l tr-..i- ut. »e t i. «i.>vril>, undtl,,. h*x .I.t!.».iI on Die .cnir * li-iii-.
; i...■.l•vl, .i.ii'tlme-fl

tni Uuu bla wife. Wra. Fi
had peaaed awar at II
Will Recnlist. •
urge H. n.'iruiim w.-iii in f'.-lar
. p<illi—iiiie Uiiia fn
oioclli • -dirf ••ly. It!-..
Ro to Muulsii^ and ree-'ilUl In Die
..-r vurviviiiK
Wbeu tle-y wetP MamedUiiile.1 8lBl.-» ariniery
Ho. lis< luM
. IM.I,II'
llirep y..are
I'ld'lu utpiul. w nil tie- iiil.
Tlw M.nister's Text.
Pagbteeiilh Slid loll.-n In Cuba aii.l
A little dirl vane- ........... fr-ui phur.-h
Ibe Philippine.!.
*e learea a mother, two alftere aad
the other day iiwl was usk.xl -w bat ibOt^ brolhera.
mlnlslcr's lest wav -Ici.i'I lie afreM.
Another AmusemenL
Mm. Lyons had lived la or aei
0 P. I’ool hnii r. iil.-d lli.- Ilpadl.- and 1 will pel you u Ust lutit. ' wn*
here all her life and has Won Mtii

liulhUiiR formerly ueeiilihxl by Mllll-r'ii tbe usIoiiHhlns iiii'hiT.
trknda wlio will be grieved lo Irm
n..-k- wb*'r..v.t. if*w™y";Xre i:;ore;.,‘thtut‘Tip:;'«y
InvoUifflfluii (Tured tbnl tli<- rvnlral
ti her dealli.
..l UililoR sloiv Sind will .pul 111 tw<i
I .rf \VlMx.itstn hP an.-iel.xi a platu ■ it riublfiiUy bel.m-is-wllh tie- ll nl.-t*
Oemebt Ilf lb.j Htwuion lin.l l.x-n. Tear
net. and I will aetid you n i-ottifurter."
I Ihe deporstlDR is IlnLxbcd.
-1!?cbnb-ai World.
________________ _


Z(>e.'ttU that lie- I'tow.l IciitH
here Will Iw a laiRe unc and laier in


Mx-n-iary vf the oavy a* i« Ibe proa
lip-'i* of Rciiiny a new *lilp to reptare

••«'l.aih->'.i> 'll"aalilid. tm
I. will •■M'-nd
.sicr Mu-x'slexx.
le myall M mpli-..iii.- .oid ui|.«l

the Vaijil.'. whlrh Ik maid in he ptBcUrally
. 7oh ■•••uln of Alpeoa. agnd IS.

atahU day in ih- l.i-.t.M . i.t lU- .Noiih
Wezlerii oevi-lute.n s
-WUb all Ihe W.-U1

M Ipeidciil. wliu fell-OB a aldewalk
1 I. iiirnlag-from rburrh. anatatn
ixHiniaskm id Ibe -braia. I* dead.

I .mairh

Iona siirupuiKlinr-". '-n
niar the i«oi -if lu.ixii.ii.x ni

She did urn regain mm


Michlneti. ea!-.' "f j.-.i-m Ii> lull
Tie well drirer* al Dip I.CB*lng
waier. Willi Kiion-1 !ak.- wiihm tini-|i> Iiinli* end I’lm lake •h-'-avi. Uiv wliiR ro_ atrwch an IS »u.-U veia of
Il* UiplIiiR Olid lutthin* Ik'lhie-i. mill. 01 a depth i>f 41 faet. The cml
.If mud qualliy. aa *«>roe
luiliiiy nif abd |•lcrlllr■~•ipl.- .»(’iierj;
Up beailiy Is lieyotul puinpoii-uiu. Aad Wia.-h wu* uned la Ibe eoglae room
ihere will iiol le- i.n M:-' n.luulp Iruni bullied very pltwn without pllnheta.
On M.iiiday Ihe Lwpham Stale Bav111 nunri-i f.u ih.- attrortiun*
lie- pummlile.- (n i-hai£.- hot.- m-piu.x1 max liank <if NonbvINe. pnrebaRed the
I fliax Yi-rki-k pMperty <m ibe coruec
varied aii.l tiuim r.i
Ibd'K shlninR fare
kaliu-e* k.-a. .challeroix
light til eye an i|c-ar,


"ni'.n- w'll tie o

.if Main and Center *treet», and 4or• '-• -.......... ........T Will ererl a haodao
and otuw

Rruiid luiradi- wl'li many liamUone-ly
demiuica float* .d luiluai- iIi-vIru. Ihi
• WMle I'Hy" wliereln wfti be pti.
.;uix-,l fhp RPandext tiniviPal and dra-

Rn-ai an-st-Rrandann of Qeorsr
WshbiiiRiun « bnilbiT Bamuel. Capuln

I* dlzlilrl. TbtTP Will f>e *idv
• galpr* III eater In the amuw-

U.-rvyn I*. Iliirkey. Is now na duly a*

nf ih<- ynmiR and uid: a perfixT
ayeiMB of clii-pk ixxiBi* and real rz>
fpr Ihe Diuilicr* and li|il<> unea
unrKole.! hand eonix-rt mmiM.|ll
for wblrh

liamilton Clottiing Co.




army i-nRiu.-er In Paget noOBd.


le-lli-v.xl i.i Ik- tb# uBly- rapeeaepta.- Ul ILI- Waxliiniftoo famUy
Hip army ..r navy.
------- U



Kafaliuff. Die Hunelan COBdtMUw.

i-v.-r tiKce u luiiun. ibongh thal weaTlip il.-piirailiin* ar.- in
|MJn is Uk.ially n-Ranled as lodlspaBbiuidk of iiin*t ixitniielPiii ileklRm-is
aidl will Im- uumjitiiun* aii.l Rnind. Tlie xabte hy uM-n In hIx powtikw. IsMead
111* arm*, rlenrbes his fist*
Keiicral munaRcniiTit of the atlrapptofriT.-.l

and flRbiz tbe air In a maaaer rather
ilun* and Ihe rcl.Siralloa
liix-n iilanxl In
Die muti
rapable illsduli-iinR lo ibi> ordlaary caarert
bond* Ilf Cc-niyp- il. Iloxkyn. a RcnlleHi:in -f thiimiiRh i-xiH-rii-nre In liie*.
m.iiipT>. vin. ha* d.-liKbl.-d .»ir riil
»n* i.kini. Itriip-. wllh his iiuxiuipox-

Gray Suits § The new Brown Plaids | The new 2 button Sack § $ 15 to $22

Ceticral NatM.

ifiMlp i-nipt**lnniPtil eier aiK-mpiisI

Tb.-r- »ri- «mi some SpiUrhiaea (rho^
ii-tnnl ihc iitilon of ile-lr pounlry wllh

PUidaml hs„fi .<liiMnke. A nnlablo «•
iiiiipl.- i*''r^Pii}1.^^Kiair. w’li.i re<x-nt
Ol h' Pill. lloilllDi-lll*
'S'l l.lU- o ilo) ulT. f.llR.-l iriiuhh-* l. i. fiiH-.riu aili-nS’lfiMgl^'r^i-bral
and 'he rnrdld care* uf the wiorld and liiR ibi- blrenli-oary of tbe 'ubh». la
public *|nvrb some lime previously
Join In o hi-arty and beallby day <d
I* lurdftblp depfivaied thu tewcAlsg
drllRht In Ciiarteiuix. ‘the tt-BulKul.'
K.n Nxppal— day, June -f 1M7.

, Snidixb artioid* of tbe earlli-r hls-

Irurvinu* on

iryxd Kngland.

all le.-jf: and


giiix-n HiraliHh of Rumania Iz (amus a* a .IramulUl, a pnel. palawr

lid iiiuklPlau.





Mr. and Mn, 11. J. IHiriU aad Ure. wxirkiT In Upe*try and embnddarr
and a ecleolM. She Is daaoled lo

l.ury C'unia w.-iit I.. Nurthporl
ufteniiHMi, i-alleil by ihi- dealb of Al
hirl ilaiiies.

() 1. KcrEnMin uf Waliun was In the

liliilanthruiiy lo a iirarilral and moat
poetir way Rhr glvef all proceed* of
liiT wriiinRX to the i*a<r uf her country
and her Rnwteal cate In Ibe develop-

;.•.(> I'.ilu}.

-nt Ilf II* re».iiirpe* and Ihe vaeim
WlliiTiiii ll.-al.-r id bindoD irabsarl- m.
aRPiin-m of lta'iedunrU.1.
p.I i.u*liii-*a 111 Dip rily

lUIph ('a*e. Ilf KinRsley WBI .IB liir

Fiaulleu Uajer. dsughler nf a HoDOm#»nn la Wortembiirif. Oermany. after

run f|^' irf Monroe Cinlcr a

studyiiiR ui-diriae for aonie llmr at
biimi- wi-nl 111 KDRland, where nho obiklopd work a* bouM-mald In a wealthy
I family.

In Ihl.s

pueilbia *he tuned

1- Eu.ler* of Ionia spentlmougb mo«i'
Mr an<l Mn- N. cUukni-riEdloburgb



f Dlijxilv and puesid
ilslec fa .sed a
llnrlton. Now. a full-flcged M. IX. abe
rburrh and wife
imaaed ha* walled for Clilnu. where ahe will
l.'.i.ii-:i, tl,.- Piiy Ihn. m..ruing on ihe
medical adviser for a laa«
'i-iin:. r MuisiiurJ. miktiuo.
Ju~-|4i Jli-rinui and wife left Ihli
..■•rnlnv fur Ann

Arbor, where Mr.

iiiinan will eodi-avur In reatore bla

Mizs Eva liammoo left ifaUmorBlag '
for RostOD. where abe will k|iend four'
we»k» visUint

14. . .-'iii.


k: ke ?sy.
rniiltude that can
er be palci oB. " wrtlle* U. 8. riarV,
Meaifleld. Iowa, 'for my r»
frimi .|.•;!Ill. M Hr, King'* N'ew
M M M'aJ.Tnun w.-a •I Maaion on
o oerkiasly
vi-ry. llotli Inns*
loU'ixv thi* ni.iii.iiiR
tepinl II,ii* rt-uth keeiued lomlDeoi.
lii-ii I ixiinue-nped laklag New !»*M'-, F. E HrilxTI. i
■> Walton
'I'hi- •imlnou* dtT. liaeklng
ii u ■ u’lple of dxyx
iiEli <pi'' ledorc the Ural bodle wa*
•l.-.-ldi Fiulheiti retmmxl to
,.xl. an.) ■«.. mote Ixwiles na-!.- u
i.iiii- In I'-ilkfon iht* iBo'rnlnR,
.Rijil.i- . 10- '
.S'utbliig ha* i-Vi-r
.-insll.'i .S'. « lMkpijv<-ry lor*'l>«.
.S' M fiaik w.Tii Ig K„ed City .
i.,i,l- anil i.ll ibriiai and hm* «om
•i-jii-j- i:ip Uil* uioriiiTij.,
.inaianiiixl li> r A Huabee
J..;ui l(ii.l.-n led lor ('orinn.- In
• T'-. S E
and tl.
Pk- : i-r’iihisula ibl* imuning. where
Ifijl M/i't- frivw.I! ir.iiisart huslni-kz

McVicker Automatic
Gasoline Engine
Copvriglit l<;07'l»V Hart .fvclialTiicr

The new Black


^^l^x '

H. $. & M’s lapel


The Good Clothes Store

No Ccan

Oae Third Ih* Part*

No Caraa

.Oa* Third tbcTrookfa

No Pauls

Om Third the Wear

No Dog*


No Ecceotri
No Clutebm
No Rackets
No Side SbMl

Blue Serge Suits Great seuers $15, $18, $22

No LaKhva

to eou ia gaaeliu.



M. J. LM.0NE. State Agent. Traverse City. Mich.
Cii)' Opera Houtie Block, Room 4.


County Sunday Setioel Convantien.
Pran Tn««d«7'< Beeart.
The offering waa the next esacotUI
At tb* BOTiitnc •etafon of Ibc
tf eoDday acbool copreDUon H, A. dwelt on after which be concluded
WlJns of Detroit «u the principal with the surprlue or change In pro­
which win sUmulaie tnicrest In
apeaker. Mr. Dovllnt delivered an adtbc
boys and glrla.
dream <« 'Oneaalxatfe'n. the BaaU o[
Onieera Elaetad.
EBeetive Work." and IhoM *ho w<
At the aneranoo session yesierday,
pteacci received manr valuable 1
be (ollowing offleen were elected;
BDL The atiendaaee warn quite coed.
President. Robert E Waller.
■n»e meeting opened
od iwith the aoBg
Vice president, the Rev. O. E. LotiUowUag-a addrwm a . _ .
czndBeted by Mr. Dowling.
In hU
■ 1* addrm Mr. DowlUng ratted
Blteallon U> the great _______
tlon or Sunday aebool workci
..................................... u last yoAr at
win neet
ret In Rome
" thla
He alfo
attention to thec large nattonnl
itlona whicbI Uie_______________
tile workera bold
and tbe ataie etmvenUooi wbicb are
alwaya well attended. “But anthorltlea any.- aald tbc apeatier. •'ibal It la
not the.Urge worid'a eoovenUoo that
U or Ue greateat Itaportaece but tbe
towaaMp coDveailon." He then ciapbaaUed the need of tbeae imaller
coBveationa and the good tbat they
pbaaea of bla snbUet: nrganiaat
tta ivlaUoa to InterdenomlnnUoDal aeUTltiei; organlzatloo a
tbe Sunday aebool and ^____ _ — .
the latter heed, mentloalns the cradle
roU and other gradea

Robert E. Walter.
P/ealdent County Sunday School AaaoeUUoq.
Evening Seaaion.
Tbe BapUat church ,whk well Sllcrl
at tbe even lag aoulon ot the tiraad
Ttavarao Stuiday ftchool eouwaUt
last Bight and thoae proacat lialenL.
to a vtey aMe though aliort udilrcaa by
H. A. DowHag <d Detroit.
The neaaloD bpbaad wl^ a sme ner
vice which waa followed by aciipiun
and prayer In charge of the Rev. J. W
Miller. The Ml<u>ea Minor then aang
a moeb apprerloted duct nficr which
the speaker of tbc evening waa Intro­
Mr. Dowltng'a
auh}ect waa "The
Eeren foacntlals of Bible School
Hour" aod tbe Brat remarks made
dwelt with tbe namlng-of tbe time de­
voted to study of the Bible, aaylog
tbat tbe ’Snaday" achool waa boalhenlah Ja origin while tbe ■-Sabbath"
iiehaBI savored of the Jewish but the
"BIhle" school
word needed. ... ____________________
good many achools were not Btblo
schools, bat quarterly aehoola,
W which tbe quarterly aod Icasoa leaf
^ wore the prime factors but that be
**-f>oen hoped 1
icar qll schooU dey of sciinture called
Voted to tb'
Bible seboe
o nolblDg bnt
Bibles la them.
ta speaklni; of tbc Bible aebool boitr
be said that ibere were four Iblnga to

e« prayer, reading the tiews of well
versed men on Bible subjecu nnd
Badlng the point of eoalaet In the
elaaa. He dealt with the latter point
for a few momenta, apeaklng ot tbe
dIBereat nature of the scholars and
• bow Urey tauat be approacho<i In a
different manner.

Secretary, Utaa Martha Barney.
Assistant aeereiacy. Mr. Tremaine.
Treasurer. A. M. Wlllobcc.
Elemcmary lupertnteadcnt. Mrs. J.
W. MUUken.
Ttseben' tralQlog,
Mrs. J. L.
Clbha. .
Home depaiiineot. Mrs. J, 8. Horton.
Temperance. C. 11. Estes.
Adult elaaa. C. B. Dye.
Tbe aiiendance al the closing seaIon held this afternoon was samewhat smaller than that of the t^cr
lings owliHE, probably, to the fart
a nnumber of delegates were
id to return to their borne

tbe apnaker and________„_______ ______
of the Uiloga to come. He apoke of
them In a bopefnl manner aod the addrsat waa Itolened
A testimony meeting followed and
nnnber made reaolven lo devote
ore time to the furtberanee of Sun­
day school work.

Kalkaska. Mirti.. May 14.—Joseph
-ilson of South Boardman waa ar­
raigned in Juallec court Jiere yosterday on a charge of murdering his wife
last Friday. Proaecutlng Atlorney E
r. Smith, who represented the |>eoplc
The following cseculive eommitlee
In the famous McBride tnnrder r
was appointed to look after the details
will proseeiite Wllhon. Mr. SIhIth
and appoint the oub<ommilUea;
jf offlee for two years but
Thoa. T. Sates.
m main last fall.
0. P. Carver.
Chardei Proehagka, jr.
C. M. Bern.
R. e. Walter.
e weeks and little Is known
The meeting ot Ihe Is.aid of iftde
direclnni and cidrens held In ili>'
lado tbclr
cntinoil irainiB lost etenliic fnr the>nis overhead.
purpose uf nrrangiug f«i a Ktuiilh of
The cause of the tragedy la un- July releliratlc.n was n>« well am-nd
own. but it Is rumored lb t Mra. ed owing Id (he Igul night, hui the
.siked of aorurinr
ilson talked
aenring a A
AKorce, seotiincnt wa* all tn favor hf having
She wasi tho second wife. The couple a eelebratlnn, not a half-hearted -vffair.
children, ranging In age but a celeUraliuD wUh snap and g...
from 4 to U yeara The'
irtler snmelbing Ibal Hie city could be proud
lL-av<-s the cblltTreii mother
<4 and aomeihlng that would oedd Hupnirticnlly fatherless.
vlsllnr* away sallslled.
wilhmil wai
The Khoollng cn
William Ixnidnp was eleeietl presl
tng uml threw the
dent of the mivling and R. E Walter
fever of eaellemenl. The sercamltig secreiarr. Thfr.t. T, Rates look tbe
tilt'll ui'ni
ttiit-iits (iitti
womiui ran from their
into BiKir iifler Ihe orgaiilrailiui uiid pii<
followed by ber Infuriateil
the Street,
eeral<-d to stale Just exaeily whul il.e
band. With the abarp crack of the
eelebralinn bud cosl
In I9P". Mr.
olvcr the fell un the side- Bates Ill's been eloselt ermniwied willi
walk with a ragged hole near the base
every celrtiralion from the lime <tf
of the brain through whicb the I
ooredand despiie hla pleas th.vl he had done
so long persons altrui-lod by the-1
Ing Burro'JDded him and look
umoklng weapon away. The wuman
lived about two hours.
The abootlng occarrqd at lt:»l in
ihe morning. Al l:.iO In the afieraoon
Wilson was in n cell In the county Juil
Kalkaska. That alghi Wilson altipled suicide by bolding his bead
In a pall of water and beating bis head
against llie Iron door.
tntareat In Waterways.
Wnsliington. May 14.—Water tranaonailon is r
,nrlant a posL.......................
fairs of the Vnlled SUles
lusi] bus rummanded.
Official notlBcallon was received here this wei'k
tbat Arkansas has oninnlred a slsuriver eommlasW^ to uei In rnnjuiielloQ wllb (be national government,
and that the slate of Wlseonaln ir
considering the creation nl a commis­
sioner of walerways to have the same
power aod authority over transporta­
tion by water as the suie railroad
lerelsea over transporisby ra
!t la regarded as likely
cUon will be taken In a
number of other
where tbc
yet adjoorard.
IS is one of the
Tbe stale of Aricanaai

Eprm Net Raferm.
|ionuni r m uir ijimt* kuuvi mna miq
that we might Ivtter turn our ellorU
toward saving the yonng before they
had left the path of righteousneaa.
a those al
ready deep in ain sad tbsi tbe Bible
school was tbe moat direct means of
seesriag the young iteople.
The Brat esswiUal of the Bfble
ac^iol boor that he presented
•^pronl^taoss and dwelling
e he showed what
It otbe
beaidee doing awny wfib wnstr of lime
which Is so valuable as rally one hrair
of the week Is devoted to tbc work.
The aerood he spoae on was order.
Mr. DoMIng biongbl out the noceastly
of OTdcT la a K-booI hy riling sevorat
iBsUncrs lhal had come lo liU notice.
He spoke of tbc Idml o^cr a* system
rather than diaclpllue a
brought lo Uie tovortsacc td having
M^orterty so^rtoteadoBL la further

streams, particularly in Ihe ease of
r anddls Irlbutarles.

Imis t

Worship and music were Uicii taken
up as tbe neit (ui> essentials alter
wWb be came lo the most Importaal
—tte stady ot tbe woid of God and la
conacction with it spoke of Ifae time
that wrail to waste In every sehiuil

-'hu'-v WHS again oeleeled as a
member of Ihe excutlvc eoinmllt.-.'.
Mr. B.viesdias nil Lb>- |Kgten> sliowinc
the coats of lliu eelobratloua of Uiiliasl.
For the Inst celctiralloii the ciiy
gave into, the lolal rerolpls being
Inrliidtng wnie mon.-y on
hand, and the total expenditures were
ll.sns.49. music costing 9314.4-1; iSSS.RS; advertising, 91K9.T3;
parade. 982.80: street games, $40.50.
and other lletns tuaklug tile total
given previously.
"'There Jr a balance In uiy hands uf
9i:.1.26." said Mr. Bates, -imd viirbuis
imemins have t>cen made i<i gel this
(ram me, flrsi <me thing rumlng up
nnd then another, lull I alwa.vs held
that as the l>eop1e gave the money (nr
n Fimith of July celeUralInn It sho-iid
lie used for Ibai and nidhmg else.''
Dr. W. E. Moon then niovtvi ibal
the city cflehnitu the third and the
Fourih, provided Ibal 9I.5‘>0 Is ralM-d
by May 25. 4hc subserlpUons lo lie
p.ild hr June 13. Maleolni Winnie »erondrvl Ihe mutlon wbicb rarried wllb
no diiwenling voles.
M. n. Hamer spoke enlhuslaslicaily
of the relehv.vtiuii but Mild lhal. It
must be a good one or the clly ahouid
not attempt it.
Dr. Moon then moved lhal Ihe rhair
WppolDt an executive rommitlee of
five, the assembly naming II
The motion rarried aod this a
aled lb
should be r
ail any siiggi'silon*
should make ttu 1 III the esee-iHte
would have e
Fonimillite so ilu
thing to work on.
Mr. n Morgan 4hM ealidd the ai
ten Ion of the nireling to the stiniisl
encampment of the Grand Traverse
goldlerv;' and
which had been Inrited
Cll}'. Tbe date h.v* n
fixed bin
Sept- 1 and ru.
. an applt
................. r tliem III
ration sliniiM I
3 gre.1t drnialul T-r

menl to aid tn the general plan ot
Internal waterway Improvementa.
Wisconsin. U Is learned, will dignify
tbe new waterways offlelal with
sweeping antbority. He will he ap­
pointed tn the usual nanoer hy the
gavernur and eonfirroed liy tbe sUte
The bin ervating ‘
elore Ihe le ' ‘ '
c. and ii'Bt
Inlrodoced by Slate
a lefeiivJ to th"
ot ».'.,IHMI «
board of trade
IT tho new offld .
c has the eudorsemeut
Death of Mrs. Tabberer.
Kingsley. Mlrii. May K-.-Mr* May
Tshherer, wife of Henry Tahhen-r
died at 8:45 yeslenlay morning o(
before the legislttlve eonunitlee
VisroDsin is Interested deeply In heart failure. She was «n yean uf
fnriber development of a number age and had Wn iwlee mariled.. her
Its rivers, chief among them the wedding with Mr. Taldicrer iKeuiiUit

friMB a man wfao M tiM that older in
Bible school was a foor-borse team,
laade up <ff tbe supertaieB^t. pastor. Mi

, Croix. The stale bas
the fart Ibat It Is In
awakCDcd I
____________ ... an Invaliisble method
which hilberlo have Uyn i
He dormanl, II is liiirndixl
vlgorraiB policy nt development In


fron five .pages and is Ibc a
Uiem groat trouble In breaking trail! Mra. Dent Johaatai Is bon
.. _____ -.V tbe commlsslim.
for the dogs. Tbe Indtana In tb- Empire, wbere abe had been visiting report
northwest, he nays, are becoming very . her parema
>e sent to Atlorney Genera]
e lo
in a few
fe»* da>w
* * ■
docile aod one soldier In the red ual-1
1-ou Kertclmer r
ll Rods that the compeiliion of nilform ot tbe EngUsh army caa coeu^ on bis atm wbll
rands has been ended le an area equal
ZOO of them. They are also hoeplinblo^ knife al the mill.
ilte Is home Irom Mll- to une-third of the I'niled Slates

• - t- •

.rth Whit
l the ....
greed• of
awklng lu way Into waukec. where he baa bees working wbeie llarriman is al>*olatp maxler of.
nearly a year past,
railpad rates,
it I
bread.! Bnth Snrnmerfleld of Milwaukee .
luon'r contract* with ...........
Ihem will now Uke money ■
in the here t lslilng ber brother, Chester Sottbeni PaeiSr. Santa F>-. llllBii:*
which was a tbing noknos
Central and Fan Pedro roads ard la
northwest several years ago.

Prior to him service In the police,
inirnds proseriiuiins by tbt
Mr. Graves caterwd the Qglls-h navy near D;ick lake.
Fred Caster is imprtAins from an general.
where be spent five years on the MedP
tcrrancao aquadroo and In the ehan- altaek of I'le grip. Dr. SUlIllday |s
Inuresting Chapter.
Ho cipecta to go to New attendlog him.
A deal in i‘e Chicago A Allon
Zeeland before long.
whereby the miuiailzaitoo of that
The me in the navy Is not what It
road was liictvaiwd Irom 9;;.3.o0UAtiti to
Bernard Coyne, tbe I’year-ttid son 9114.ISIO.IIOU wlUuMit .-Iddlug a dollar in
was years ago and he speaks very
well of It. leling of frequent vlidta of Mirhsel Coyne of^Kast -Twelfth ariuBi cunsidor.viion lorni* an lotvi
ashore aside from other
•-»lluB chapu r of the report.
things that erane into the life of an lerdap aficroam after svb<»al. flsMng
E H. Harrlnian. M.iriiniT H. ScblR.
Later be oanie inidglng hidue with a James Silliman nnd George J. Gould
English sailor.
iwenty-lneh r.'iutu.* tiout.
are namisi ar. tbc men wlsv did
Traverse City Will Celebrate.
As he Is nut very large tbe fisb famous job of RnaoelaJ tmgailon.
war almost too niurli fur him in land
From Wednesday's Record.
Tbe report will furiber osy Ibal by
Traveru City will ccicbrata this Ing. but be managed lu do it all right lUrrltnan's manipuUtton in tbe Imyear.
but was almoei loo exrlt'Vl to even
wesi Ilf The Mi-csirl domNot only the glorious Fourth will be sleep, wtlle eating supper was alto
e I'ninii PacIRc.'Sapta »V.
ebterved but Ihe third as well.
Soiilbern Pacific San pi-dio nbd Ihvir
This Is said to be tho largest trout
caught ID Ihe lake this season.
ade and cverythlM that goes to make
up a genuine Foubth.
Grange Meeting.
All thla 1s contingent on the clizens Frimi Wt«lni'*day''' Rtvord.
r mivliog Ilf tir.iiid 1
Mutilated frightfully, the body of
oubocribing I1A00 for the two days by
lay 18 Ht the Grange
May 25. the oubacripliont to be paid James Kilbride was picked up by C.j
set. Work in the Ih
R. A 1. trainmen near Ihe Grand Trav-j
Sul.jevla lor
''Home Comliirls
a balance of «15
the hands ot eroe heapiul at 4:30 this moralngj
> fU-eiire,
oeeretary when they were returning from an land How
Thoa. t. Satot.
and treasurer of the last eelebralIt ion
In this city in 190J, that amount hoving Ihe unferiunate man while north;
^ ji,,,
j, e.iipi-sllv

Mr. K‘ibtM. bad ls'"ii In tile i lly
rlnce noon vi'«|e,da« when Is- l.riwmlil
Annual TIectiod.
a icam In from bis larm In dellVr
The BlIOUsl elcrilon of ofl
lliiii llie hands id
p'-isim to whom he Ihe Kleelrir, laind and Dev
had n-n«-<l ilu- horv-s. it is Ihonghi ••■diipanv was iM-ld Tuesday
lhal be slarlcl Iroiin- i--lwi-''li s and P folkiwiag are ilie olfirials (n
o'elis'k and did luu hear or sisi the
■ lain . appro.iqliiug, jindialdy on ai"
iviiint uf Ihe d'-IPs- fog W.IiK'li lue
v:ilbvl als'iil Il;al lltiie.


load aeeaa Ughtn-Wigte
and team wca^gager-Yon make
more ooaer, arS have more time

HeaI Ade Grease
I -The loageat wearing and most
I mtisfactciry lobricant in tbe wcild.


are liibutaiy to lbl> market
Caught at Honor. -


'■ g>I>sy hand whirh itlsilnguUlu'd
lisi'll after lodng fired out of thi* eUy
rtibblng Rural Mail Cairh-r Tuwsat loike Ann Baturday ademiw.iB.
1 apprehended at Honor Saturday
ntghl by Ihe Bctule county sbertf! and
1 lo Fiankfon to await their
There were eltwen people in
lany and the Atole bunrli. men.

Bote. Haver < Co. ChkagN

en and ehlldreu, were coiralW.

If your boy is from 3 to S


of ape you eaiiliol elothc him more


i hfcom’mplv than in

city ii*U>




DVffj' Imc IS pertcel ami cvwr

Mr*. J. DaiTow went t.. Uosk-k on a! w* style kmk It cmbodkhl hc»
vifit today.

I am! ihtvre.

TtH>m*h Siantnn went to Honor -del

Oiir aim b thper-foM. A-ia;—Beat

a luisiiies* trip this mtwmng.
| fit y-tl-y.
Mr*. J. G. Rninsdrll lett lot kfani* i

Ik-st. Materials




SIreel Slope.

(hilllelh Klseabeiiuet of Fouuiain 1
l-oiiil wa* ip ibeeliy li»iay.
triiarb-* IVro' ‘4 t!adHlac |a*»ed
ihioiigh Ihe eiiy ihi* morning on his
«'o to Emiure. where be will *•> Koiae
MaeralN-e work llii* evening. .
Mn. P. 11 Smith went.lo llalrliey
Crossing. wliiTo riie will vi*Jl relalives this mhulh

Body Was Mangled.
-The Isslv ni'leurh
dnigge.1 lor ►■■iiu dislaip e mid-

Evan* * it....... DC laiml.
2. 1' 2'-. K
Osiwr Simpson and wife lo M E
l!a*fc,'ii. l-i 1.. n 13 fi ,4 lol 7. bik I*.
H I. a Co * lilh. 91.'"H»
Joliii Ki lly and wile lo Wni. «> Mea
Iv. wU <rf b'l 13. Idk 2. II. U 4 i'o'a
Pill. 9P25
John S Horton lo lioo Kuweeii. aVi,
• 4 11. 1-. *IV. 15. T 25. H 12
Jolin la-iiiun and wile lo J W^rei
dersiiii. pan-eU M-e 1. T 27. R in. in
F A. Dean and wife In J, K. Baron,
luls :!3 aod
hik. ]u. II I. A t-o.'s
■;ih »4'«i
\Vm F lltodia m 1* C Ollbert.
Md MtssliMi
Hiirisir. 935.
The Sroil'i 4 Hull Co.
Friiidle. nwU uf *•-<,. m*-. it' T 2*

are leialil Im 1
" I i-.vriy coiniileiimi ot Ihe work will
-will mean a gri'al deal tn Tr.iv.l
' "' t'tlv ;iiid the MirioMiiilmg iseiiiiry
liiM lilurc- »l'.-:e It l.iy. He- I ^’i^^'|whi're this poweiys availvbl^^the
pnituiJil.v having lieen kn-ir-l *d
his hi'.td when 'he ••nglile -tiuel
........................ hsid
The hi-ail was Iriclui'illy leaik.-d. Uie picparulorv lo lln- ronsiruetloii
vlinie left side ol Ihe M-aln lietiiK laid dams Is l«-iiig carried on. 'The |kiw
FranHs <) Ih'H and wife to W B
ban- to the skull while all over the will pnibal'iy )h- uv.iilable In ulsi
Herald, iwn-els see S, T 2*. R 9. $Wmi
lu-.i.l wi-re InniimeraMi- cuts i.omliig

fin:n iliHH' Inrlies in le-igih u-
......... _*si of '
slil.llhT I’llcxi. Til- ehi'l. )ii-. Ii. low
Hat Accepted Call.
the nock, wa* llleinliy li.a*hed and
Moggie Schofield l
Till- vestry of Glare elion ll-hs*
Hie leK of file Lior.; Iwdly llt:iU-.l itl
'Idati-.. The len leu was luoki-n near .-elvvd a fornuil aceeplancc of the
IMiilM ,ind |•all•l<■liB HcAle) 4» U-Ihe hip nun the right one al the knee Rev, C. I). Atwell of UbiH'nilufc Mi.,
:ii> 1.. M.isani. parei-1*. 91
while the Ti=h: lis'l was *evei*-d ln«ii
Atwell was ■•aleiidcd a eal! by Grac ZI-IInKkl parcels.
ia-no I. MAiam lo Itoni.-I and J'*l
Ihe liinh,
iiMia McAlev.qmfrpta. tl.
James KUdridc «a ; C5 yia:s of w eh-juL *ome time ago and pucUcally
Auditor General to lannard Baker,
and Ilveil with his yiuingesi wiii. coiisetned to come beie, luit tbc letlei
of ►wv.j. s«-e
11, T 23, R F.
Jutnes. on bis farm iieui Caller's mill. Saitirilay ulglit was tbe Brat doBnllc
i;:. 1.3.
AuKusia M. I.ew'lb lu John Ciidney.
-f-reorge fi.iiiij' and wile lo J. O. CrotI.Vlaiiau eoumy*aniKTs and had many
arrelK. tzV'.
-er. porre-l.. m-c. 12. T 2u. R 1«. 91.
He will I y here the Brat Sunday in
filends who will mo;iin hlsile;iili.
ra*le n. ilamuih to Fannie shmer.
Theie ;iri' Il'.'e rlilhUep, TiiKm.. ‘
II liidd hi-rvltv ilii lli. The
id. I and 2. bIk, I. II.'* r.ib, 930«.
h-ranei* and .Ipmes, nnd two daiiuli .
well come* here raeellent'
Wni H. Fife ;i»4 wife lo Knillh
lets. M;irie and Mrs K;iihei'tu* Z-ib>,:
lenliy Co.. I<«» HI and 14. bik I. Fi-lIliilvil and will iiiidoubiedly
.'.Kri, fU-i.
; r'cte the 1
The following
is M'Ut oal
Oval W.aWl Di.h to Earl B'eh- *e'.
Peeketbooks Wet
*.*' 2t. T 27. H 11, 91430.
Chari'-voix and show* wiia) may biJobs WilghI and wile 1» Unlit-n J.
■ncc. luicelr. 9fi'-u.
C. A. ft. Window.
iu-ii iii-at'iv le-'clent*
TH- Hannah 4 Uy Mereantlle com
lid .tl'cv n'tu.iitied w
jany will devnle ..3- of Iheir'largest
iiidnwV to a display of vnrious relic*
III Mi-morisl day.


A sis-ciai

m te niadi' III make ibi* winlan badidnw anruclive to eveiyiine and tiic
play but If GU'
only .v snuiil am
Iliiil jiUy old soldier*
it I* iniprulrihle
wbo-have relics 'hat ibey would like
lop to lepUi-e ll
:e iM-id fill- tun --I thisitu hove the [letiple *ei- lo noilly ihem.
. .
verdict ■ Tlie Ih'sI of care w lU be taken of
areldeoiAlIy killed aboiii'
,h,. wuidow.s laying locked at
hv the train when norili ' " ' '
cv exonerated
- - Ihe
train ci'-'w from
gular Runa.
"Th'e'fiienral service will be^beld Fri-

Wall Paper

BUS|«rl liml
hei-n rotdM il
thief would
Justice r
noon and 1


Window Shades

.... .

Marriman'a Coolrol.
1Vashin;;ioii. May C. The nilerr.ii'
ii-e r-miniis.intl'i. veiK.rt cii v
Id Reu-a'ieniil ilivcstUaiion '
the I
riiman lailmari h.v been eoi

e. iiegan her regulai run 01;
Tlir l««it mal.-. one mund
trip dai V. aiinitig ill Koui'h in time

Till- IT'ili-irt Co., prep.

Cabs, Carriages, 6o-Carts


Wf- haw an overstock
ot lhr*t- ooriiis on hnml


tii'I'T 10 muve

simip of them wc


made a

Big Reduction .
on the
Whole Line
it lie]|> 111
rnft.l Imy

Em‘Rw<Jdr': ^wte^ljm!'sIin.^nUiid;


While Michigan
is not a wbeat
country 'and i-ipcclally this portina.
there are aUnii one htinUrvd IhooIwii.l hush-1- r»i-«sl anniiaiy In pi

ltd.- gidug im to ikdrod.

... ofRcerr will aft .-i« Hie Iwiaril
erinrs with D K. a;
l^ig Iti-a heap l i'tiMS'ii the
Jcdin K Hayden.

Mrs. Taldierer wa* s memiier of the
chuirh and an enrnesi
ehnsilan woman and was om- of the
moKi .fiergeile and influential elmirn
irorkera in the re-gton. She had del''
ehlldivn hy her first husband and
these were all at her tiedslde when

It. Ihe end that rail rates be reduced
and to Insure Ihe Male against a Mra. Balieock. Aldeii; X. C. l> wls,
repellUor of the freight eongesllun Uke Ann; F. H. Lewi*. Ballanlinc.
h>ed C. Low-la, Big Rapids;
Ibat grlplK^ tbe whole uorlfawest lust Kv.;
Smith E. Lewi*. Bik Kapide. and EjmerJ. l-ewi*. Grand Rapids.
The funeral acmlce will take place
Mr. Grevt'a Experiencaa.
I Yuba, her former home. iIk- Wy
WlllUm Groves. Isle of the mounted
police service in Northwestern Can- being sblpiwd Ibere today, in add.
*spending a few days In the -dlon to her own eight ehiidn-n riurfore girtng
on to Chicago leaves a husliaiid and eight ehllifren
Mrs. Taberer had lived at Klnssley
where be bas a poelllon awaiting him.
Mr. Groves left the service but a many veais and leuves a large numlH-r
few weeks ago. after serving Are ot friends here.
years aod being snowed In alDce Octo­
ber. The Brat grass he had seen since
Wylie. Mich.. May 15—Ora C.vrr,
■ e approached tbe
Mr. Groves has the pick-up at (be bcadlnc mill, hart
experience* to recall Ihe miaforltine to get hi* (ing. r
rvice and tbe Uie ot caught In Ihe eUmps ol the turner an .
f frontier poUcc.
"It's loo hot." be said Able mornli
_ _________________
la too andden.
____ _ ing house tor her son.
abort time ago 1 waa 00 the trail and i of Iniertoeben. while bl» wife U aw
iwled out of my sleeping bag In the
There la quite a bit of aicknesa ■
' ■ tl■
.........................e preaent time.
morning lo find
Ilnm Johnson ha* .a vei
He also tell* ot one trip wbetr
hSil atisek of tbe grip.
Mr. ami »1rs, Ilamllion drove 1
patty made only font mile* a lUy.
bebi^Biz feet deef and giving Travct^^il) today on busincaii.

bushel. Tbe price has been -at
iboul a week but tbe searelty of
Itc arilclc bas made the above price
Tills will mean wn aduice in flour wiihin a few days.

'.I,"””™""''""i FoiStleln TraierstCiq«1

"niHary. W.

r Sylve
D the wi

Advance In WhoaL
For Ihe firei Ume alore AngvaL
po-l. the I'liylug price uf wbeat mlanr^
iliis morning
U> <Ac per

fuataral back, alndisl}Jirnted,
•, worth

»2..i0. o<
.Vnother ttyle. n trifle Urcer Ihun above, whti lanje rcblyer
tired xilieol* ami •priug acat, eatily worth S^i.oO.

now. .$2.4$

We havf! moved into ihe JAS. A- MOORE
building 131 St^te Street, where we have
one half acre of floor space devoted to
Farm Implements,
Machinery. WaRons,
Buggie*. and everything that you could expert
toiind in an establishment of this kind. Wn
arc in bcUcr shajK; than cv't lo srrve the
wants of our customers.
Wc wish to call c*i>ctial aiuntioh this
week to the IRON' AGE line of liardcn drills,
Seeders, and Cultivators^ This is the most
popular line of Garden tools sold in this section.
We cordially invite every farmer in the
Grand Traverse Region to call and look us

-^tchol Go-Carts that bare Rlways aol-.i for $7.00
Hnd $7.50. DOW........................ .......................................$4.8$and $$.40UpboUtered Cam with paraaol. fmm............................................ $4.00 np
Lsrifor atylea in pretty deaiKni. from .................................................. $.7$

Wc have many things that interest you.

Your Credit Is Good. *
Vour Reliable Furniture Store,

Graiid Rapids Pumiturc Co.
127 S. South Ufflon Street

Queen City Implement Co.
I3i Suit Street

Tianisi CHf iNdi.


.Vi.* <•



THU*»*V. HAV 1«. URT:

Chcry Chase of ApidMon.
ot tb«lr BC« property Urt
apcni a abort time here last Wedaes-.
The lAdte*- AM wm sire
day eallliic oo reUilrca and Mead*.
talameat and ■apper at tt
Chase la ao isa|>eclor ol sleaui
Wedoerfaj ...............
“ ‘
for Ihe Hanford iDsaraDOe
Mre. Harriet
startaa vith
«UI her ton John this wloter.
.uni 10 her boine at Dowa*iac
I win retuni
tooom.-. Mr. Wk> will aceompany
ling from
ET.Iu lAfootsce and
her as far as Graod Rapids.
Alfred bafootace of Traverse City,
amended t
of Stanley
llanley WllLEl-ANO.
Mrs. Hcitle Furjnieo ‘of “HMbor
Springs arrived thU < •nlng. caV
■r father.
.here hy the death ut
*"\niiuin Brlsbtlcy of Traverse Clly Barnes.
Is In rowD fora.short «uy.
I Mrs. n. Curtis of Traverse
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Brown drove
here to attend the tuurral
I Traverse CUy Monday.
wi viee of •AMtsrues,
Miss Nettle Paulus and Fraak j
f>r. Garner «if Traverse City was
kinson <rf Shetland were the cueaw
rant'd here this evening for eonsuUa
of Mrs. N. paulus Siin.lav.

The fannera of East Bay atlll bold
good many poui
Mr. and Mn. Frc
giicats Sunday of
Nora and isilii Forton are allndiag
ie‘ caieehlsni lessons twice a week In
Truvenie City at the 3c.
chuiv# pieparalorv
to mak.
inking I
e la Jor
leading-Industry, the Kellc..
Lumber £ Shingle company, la-nia■ run’
nlng nlglil and day.
nlng from iwtsity ts___
01 logs a day. It gl\vm emph
in quit- a numlier of men from Tr
erse Citv besl.les their employes
Eb« Head,
Born, to Mr. .md Mr« Albert Co

nan piiilletlon says ihi
e Ctih of March, the around
John O. Plank of Chicago
e forty
fntten ....... .. ...............
liar dais Is’iwien March Jtth and SepOr, 'sTe|d1«
Sleplki nod wife of SuU<\ns Ms home this forontjon at ]
temlH,: 1st. As we have had over
-•-------- 1 call
of pneumonia, .vfier hut five day-*' 111 b<rtv
dai'r in sueresslon enld and
ness. Mr. {lai-nes was a member of iriiB.1. we tnav after all. get
last werti.
Bihel Paulus who has been vls- the ('ongregaiional ehiireh. Christian j
• , - T to make iiii. w ithin ,lbi
Mrs. Bl!
------ier parents, at HanlsUic. re- Endeavor society and of the rholr.l
tile oldest liihabiiani. Never
where he will be greatly nilwusl.
wasB man of rare reflitt-nient and genj,^,„

"*■ "S.”

Erar dement neceoary foe the
derdopment of Sodfly djOr and
enduzance is foimd in correct pro­
portion in the soda craelcer. i


is the perfect soda cracker, fresh,
cUan. vholesome, with dl the
crisp, flaky, goodness preaerred.


the guoai of

lie. one him. Not-.
frJend» that i|ie seailier
..or o,..... ...le daughter Mrh^ alsti eold there, aii.l lhal
-re ta murh
IB. and one tiroihcr. Martin. «f slekness.
i.'h.-d by B
People are
her visit at Shell------ -------------Springs. The fmienil wlll lh.- difesro, beginning Iti ihe hips, that
M-nilam Arnold
■Id ot
f>( Chief Lake is In
Wednestlav siit-rnoon.
biifflt* Ihe dtwnn>.- and In a few
rr a lew days,
WllsoB passe.! .twa;
eml.-^ the fitwho

Toksto, Ohio.
I the
the rad.,
iaal wwk, retunied Mourisy.
'.lay.! r" Adalora Mattln-an has ma-1e Im |
after a sht.
Miaa Carrie Anrteraon und Ben
Mr. WHst.n was one of the .oidesi[ n>l-l,„
|.o.v.melils. .......
a n.-w klteheu
Nelaon of GUIs Pier paasitl lIiriH
ta village, having »|u-iil
and painting and wall (laiu-rlng Ihe'
town en mule to North Mnnlliiu.
entire life here, and
niiaiis.. .AdHi.iie says he never felt {
May n.
ta-tter since Ills rel.tirn to thi' laiill.;

“"m,,, oi,., bellxnd
. Mondi



in food causes ^
stomach disorders—Its con- .
tinued use means |wrmanent f'j
injury to health.
^Following the advice of medical %
scientists, England and France have
passed laws prohibiting its use
in bread -making.
^American houi
should protect the
holds-against Alum'
by always buying pui
Cream of Tartar
‘ ^ Pure Grape Cr«
Tartar Powdw is to I
for the asking-


Buy by name^






ingtan to attend the national meeting
.lie Slav* wlitU' stewsid at the Park I
The meeting win b«
n F'-b- y'"-'?' Place.'the tloMe work gave Mm to.!
Ma> :» and :i.
ane one oaugiuer. yet-lL and on.-.
,, ha* an a|wl
r.htaimH. The funeral srrvl.-..*asl,™„^
d Siinil.iv with Ml. and Mrs
ui Ihe home, whl.-h was flilislj
ijiiid who
’...k of fih-n
synipHltilring friends, _ The e.isk-,K„\i,.,rium.' Is hoen-, In-li.g
""Fr^5*'nordeaiix spi-nt Stilnnliiy wllh
with iM-au'lfiil flowers
his family at la-Und.
Mt-sdames IV. H JoltiisU.n. R. E Camp
It takes a large catalo^e to dcscrilw
Hr. Bnmiqiie uid family have ar- Iw’ll Him G. M. Dame sang -nenuliral
in driwd Ibe conauncutm and mwiiu
rived from Chicago m si>enil Ibe sum- Isle of Soiiiewlirre.T "rni lavoklng
of lb.
Me.- The
*"Mr?' ftirdlck and family
fb'v ' j. n!'*iVH-is a<r-tal. d by i
„‘’h.«k taf J flock of wild gees.-. I
(or Ihe atimmer. He Is maki
-Meh'"'- H* Hurlbiil, offiriatetl. J
nonh»,.-mL II ta Ihvl i
Iniprovemerns <m hla coua
Millions Ray had rharge of tin- funeral. I
la few days »
will add greallv to lis-nppc
Lllll.- Miss raste Rviin gave H lilrlh- lildlrjiiioi) of,fine vvealUer roniliig.
Bolwecaa asm It up In
Wt lint sdny, .vs eorreapnndenT. Mra Rttilt-rirli Ihinn. hni Intends lehVed
tUy fiail.t on .vialuiJay
'a tew words. -Fadwt
nert week
wB« *iill;inc down ili- Black road onliiirnliig to sdiii
workmanship and mw
his way to Travels.. r*iy. he was hall-j
Miss fda Fat ini of llisl Emi.lre,
s lenaltiSlB^dmlconlumii’ vt Jk
. Anderson of Gilta Pier ftiends ihir afiernotm In honor of her ed liy lita old friend (J.w.i-ge H. Hifve*.'
s. 1 ta visiting
nracthtn; CtaantM
annualjut Ibta |>h
arrived on the mail boat Saturday to fifih blnhday. After gnnies. light re­ who wanted to sliov.’ him hta annual'ut
aktatmtag; Qwkkou
a-l.riua stuii-p piilling Job. alsai a laiye !
IJ, II, Ihiy *’!' in Cblcngii the itasl
work for Mr. Burnlque.
als were served.
____ ckaamh PnebenSy
stnmojie had pulled.
Your furres-i woek on buslnt
Mias Bertha Nelsmi of Nmuhtand
^Bonpahi; Easy to
poIKfodet'i aeepinisiiii.-tl George to ihe i
The Illinois'h
BoMb Is visiting her staler Mr*. Hans
bor-^Hl^ ;r^
►e-ne of aeih.n
The ground ----Hiriaetb^^
pnelsehow gave a verjleiidan .III
strewn v’lth iiisrooit
f (his pbti
plcaaaal Party *t their home Satur­
sure enough, iheiv lay up-ron>ed i
day evening. Those luwent were Mr.
,ni!«-rc. Siimta.i.
and Mr*. Wright, Mrs. Hataeth, Mrs.
... ........ a gt
A. I). Hewllt-s, X
. .in his plats-, and he think,
Fred Miller. Mlssci "
' t>r the M
.-of laeklltig a idite siiimii. ihan he did '
r of high
the furmi-iv divve al
Mssn. *Sndrh, "rause. FleliUng, Hor­ trlei No. 1. I
.(HU-liIird into the JohnnliSi when: One
jengaged In any «t the slxlv-ulne on-iway inio town
yesierch-y Just i.i huy
ton Carter and Jolmson.
The even­ UM-Iired ditching on the east end ofjcngi
Opera Houa* Block. Hoom 4.
ing WB* apeni In dan^g. All rame
; gagetiauls he « as in during t^e Civ U | Bradley £ ViiaimiUi Palm from ?*rt>
Dumllie nvad.. The dlteh Is sta.gagi
l^al llealera—Farracn' Supply Co.
home looUng happy- Wben asked If feci at the fop: at om. ytolnl there is | war. tiisirge b In bis serenlleth vearl hop Kyaelli H. Mt«l everytim- luilnlliig
Traverse. City.
Jame* BlackhuretT
they had a good time: "^ou bt-l. m-arlv sev.-n feet d.’pth of solid Iiiork. land as In- says. -’By ginger. I don't , ta bnyliig 1 ; these days.
Wekfor.1: John No'ao. Cedar Cit>:
Hope they will give another. Vas all This Is a well iravelletl ro.vd. ta'ing lake off my hat to any man In the;
G'-o. issh, Copenitah: Jamea He
a short nil to the Conrtade settle- t-mmiy of nty ag.-- on atiuiip puiniig."|
one could hear.
G.iire.llfir L*ke.
Hr*. l.outa Dustin
vtalling nirai.
} May 11.
friends and relatives at Ixiland.
May in. to Mr. and Mrs. Chas.

The Misses IJhIile Halsi
ton. of Nortl
Northimn. vl«.nud Joale Sweunnn.
iled friends and n'lHllVf» of IhU I'lnee

National Cream



**Bd''*Mre. OUer has recfiitly hod a
very p«ir spell., but ta some better


Muleoml. Hoyt. win. lias Iks-u
sick Iht- m.M wts-k. ta belter.

A Long Story iR


*^ra. Wilson of Traverse City has
von visiting her son Hartin Brown
Id her old nelghlwr Mrs. A. S. Barjtn during the week. She rcliirned
, Traverse City Saturday.
Art Mayhew
Harry Shearer and
, Buckley. Monday. They will |dav
I the Buckley banc ball team uiwriting.
ilehi-r and pitcher.
Mr..StHft«rd u I Mir Igiwrenre »re
Wayne Manigold Is moving luKi tin
their nioihei. Mra. house just vncaled by Mr. Sheiiver. ’
lira. Frtiik of North Milton in vl»- at lilt- hiwlMdf I
ptley, who Is very
Mr. Wilson and family have gum- tt>
WHig her daughter. Hra. Will
Mantoti for a short vl«U.
■n. Wl" ~
IVlf Anw lies mo
The shingle mill finished the cut
of Hra. Jo
ewromh-s hti.isf iitnl s »t.rtcldg
here Friday evening. Some of the ere*
wiotlhave gone to Frankfort lt> work
‘ ®“(Swdp« Wraleh of South Milton U
Jlm SkippergOwh is liaving Iht- Hiru
Then- was a *uri>rise isitly
' Tliitiug bU son John Wtwlch sod fun
lallsiii w. he- Is liiitl tin: hole- he will IJdvd and Coruclls Marahall
Marshall hi I
1> Ulit-1 soon. We Ii'.ssl Jluii. help
ww callod loTrai
II (he (atlll.
M-mit ' Gran. ’Unyd Marshall. Nela
Manlgt I, Goldie Holliday, ^anil l^>e
Kingsl.-y T
Mr «nd Mra. A. M. Smllh dronr
Travenc CUy tod«y.
Hra. Stater from Wtae^ata 1* vl
lllng ber anele
auele and aunt. Mr^d
Mr. and Mi
B. a Arnold, for a
|•urcbam■d an •
Our scfaool hasr .-------------saa anil the
acbotars are highly
A. M. Sratlh I
bard cold and

.... ..

lie Gibbs,
Thompson. Mrs. Platt Barui
ivb.r drove lit
Mra. Audle Ta;

graiih I
their jrarrats. Mr. and Mrs. Gtsage death ti
E. n. MeiTiit
E. t/-vall liav.
;tradn1 farms, ea. *1 laVing i»issc-s---ioli

The Globe Dep’t Store
The Leaders of Low Prices
Some have loiiu; aiiH j-onc, i.ihcrs arc u-inin« and uoin;^. bin wc arc here to slay: a recognized
fact even by our competitors. Step by step w’c have >&imbcd to tho top round of the ladder,
and to-day wc stand without a peer. Our untirintf' effons to place before you uoparalleltcd
barjjalns is the secret of our sucr-^ss.

.1,- .’ji”
. .ii’iv ta nei-d ■
... Mtliiig and waK-liiii
fveivllilng ta atv dry.

Osc A

a family ba'


Thoir.burg •

Mdt Wuc name OB Cook-Stove
Because it’s clean.
Becanseit’seconom' ical.
Because it saTes

Iially large r.mer.-gailu"
a v.T>’ lu-lpful aerntmi

Gi-ta*.' aeromi

..iloae hta ta-M
Sunday afternt-n
ilr was hea\y »'Hh
-.wM-d bv tfiv high
iiilii ivf hep'.
....... 7-li'nle

♦4 mA.


Because it gives best
cooking results.
Because its flame
can be regulatedi
. fostantlyBecause it will not overheat your kitchen.
Because it is better than the coal or wood stove.
Because it is the perfected oil stove.
For other laasons see stove at your dealer’s,
or write our nearest agency.
^wAa in three sizes and fully warranted.



» ««»i8£S5i(S"""

huabanil. and

horse li.'l *t
and cvralug
-amoke and
Vtlnd and fmv-:

tlu-y w-cro vtaiitnc at hi* fall
The Mtase* Ada Bright s

and J'tlday.

have their 0
i ht-srd •>( an.v

rarmer weather.^
farmers are hjXilir
.r Ron for fifty een




Wen vtaiung hla parent*.
May 13.

study lictat. simple codStrucliM
and rtwoUle salctr. Equipped
bitnier. Made of brass througbmS
*tod. An ernsment lo snr room,
wbtth*tUtaarT,diniae-reom,parlororbedr«om. EverY
tampwfltraoii Writa tt our nesMSt *£tacy a not«


RoWn LAtkle n-nirned f
jlngmn on Friday for a »»
;'^Chaj?e Ranimm of Marion ‘b
hi* patent*. Mr. and Mr*. Ran
-Iaal week.

Ml** Biima nTl-um ndunied h
I tail Tue»da.v eveolog from To
^AIh'P r h. S-'OI thf wlBltT.


Will continue until Saturday night.
May 18lh. Lay in your supply.

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