Grand Traverse Herald, May 02, 1907

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Grand Traverse Herald, May 02, 1907


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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■]|liaTcrsc Qty StMc Bilk

t &si Kasson Thursday
r'toon and who raaiafed to Jaekaoa.
flK RAMO*.
it MBnar. will teinn north and evening.
E^k }U»Uk. Apru tt^A r
Bdna HMeer of E^ KaaaoD
III Oil a (MiUoe at Bojn* Cltf.
«MU ii«uher <t«Dlkl r
a few days with frlendv
*«Mnc ihp Mplorn ha* (old the twA TRACY LAY, ^niUlllI
MM) WMl damical pUat to Bcnr lanau ODuatr. Mtadar. (or a ten dare* and relatives here.
Mrs. Sullivan and dsugbtcr Elliat. OARLANa CeMSsao
hoilDe** trip.
Bra*. M DHrolt. There leem*
Mr. and Mrs. Hearr Bailer eoter- betb did ahopplng U>’Tn.tuTse City
»Yrr rood reaaoDs for aceredlilBs Uw
Jf the tplaed t^e oard dub Fridar erealna. Thursday.
Mist Cora Simon ha* reiurped from
Amonc the diltens vbo have visited
Tnverae City till* traeek ware T. B. BkMim Dale. Obki. to tomne
Are nerve di-icasex. and unless
Bhaip. M-edanu
1 Wfaltfleld. duties as seamstrei*.
checked, lead to dvitruclion of
ckaace wlU not afteet the output
the product* of Ow plant* nnleas 1
weak, shattered nerves must
be to Increaae fl.
A Geieni Batkli« »T7limrw
have: somethin!'
someihini. to strengtlic;
Tlie cenent nlll ahipped 2.700 bar­ Carilsle.
Mrs. B. A. Behiley from Yeikthlre.
and build them back to healili
rel* of cemeqi to
Prom Friday's Record.
Dr. Miles' Kfxtor.nive N'erviiie
nl«ht on lire etMtner MnnIslW t»f tin- itoy.. n-arhed Bik H.->|il<U Saturday In
vlKli vi-lative*. She Is a c-oiislo to lh<Honor. Mich.. April
-Dad Wilghi
lale R. W. Bapri uiel Is at jiiwM-Dt
the busiest lutio iu Honor lh<
J KT Cal ulntM « n« IKHiO.
with Mrs. ilogui.
T0B»dar and Wednnsday each,
Room 310 New State Sank Building.
.Traverse City.
The lownsblp and vllluco have
avense nf l.MO hureU per day
Mrx. Frank MeUanux ix a visitor
chased « new Western npecUl road MaiiixKx- Ihlx w<-ek.
belav croiipd out no*, and M 1* n«
' Mry the mill should keep the averaire
Mrs. J. M. Crust- ix visiting friends
Tlie new rbarooal kllna are l•eine
fails to relieve these
good 10 o»oBl the deraand for its prodTrxvctse City this wc-k.
net. The third kiln was started lari twweri by the !rr« company. '
Dirk rf*-i*er <if Frederick called on
The Uiys' athlellr nasoriallon
wtiek. Order* hat^ been rc«-l»ed. for
old fri.-u'dx her,- a few day* Ibis week.
fine enti-rtalunieni ni the opera
tIiM.OM worth (d ioeoeat for lmin<-d<
Prrtatoes are moving llii'Bt* days. II.
ate sUpment, or arllhin thn>e moalhs Diisi- Homlay eriwinR. A full house Harrlnrtrui lias shipped Ov.- cars from
Traverse City. Mich.
greeted them and a nmt suiH naa rcal- lis point in the last week.
and the season Is nearcely
ixed for the aaBCKlhll<Hi'« fund.
Si-'l >.... \i.ut 1. i: T f a
i-r Imni. \Vi- larrv ul ;dl liim-s
Hr. and Mrs. Cm. Spix-lniin of Elk
Roy Van Tassel nearly lost a lisnd Rapid* nr.- vlxitiiig at Hu- honi;II full lim- of
Uaeoln Brosra and Keltoa* Fairthe
bank of Chicago and H. C. Uavls of
Mr* Spcelman'* paienli. Mr and Mr*.
was eaiiKlil In u spi-edei bell and Jacob Weaver,
■ Traverse City were In town Friday
attend a meeilDc of tlie niockholdi
Mr*. Jaa. Trumpower und children
Hunry Blink left Wednesday I
tf the Iron coapany, which va* held
left for Rapid City last night,
ChUbolm, Minn., where be ekpecl*
at the ofllce of the plant.'
nimpower having secured a pmrfllou
W. R. fMrllsle baa sold hla fine prop­ reside.'
(il l i.iir ilgiiri-s anil cumijsir- «.iir L'nvh-s la-forw Imyiu^j Cull on
llh the r. M. as reciion foreman
sx Spenmr of Traverse City Is
erty on Traverse avenue to the Rev.
for thi- lit!,' H.--i i’i-uit.
Dame rumor bax it that <he genial
Mr. Van and will remove to Traverw spL-DilIng s f<-w dsys this week with ca..blvr at the hank la sn.ui to
I'lioiMW. Hell iiyO; CiU. IfOS.
C vr K '•til St. ;iud Ig.k.,- .Vvi-.
his old fri.-od, tlarvis WaLsoo.
City nest week. Elk Raplde losea
linto hlmsidf a bHIer half. CongialtiMlu Haggari and Mlu Markee. lationi in r.rder.
of tta flne« business men.
Owen BWckIn* died In the hosplUl tcacJiera in the sebooix. alir-ndcd the
Mestni. U. H. Power and G. k
at Ann Arbor Sonday muniliiy after a l«:IBre by Judge Lindsey in Traveree Drme were vUiHira at Honor th
Bmf and painful ilhma. Twice he CUy Tui-xday evening.
have the Best Tea on
week, looking after the fliling up xf
Saseball fer Buckley.
WM operated upon for ulcers of
hunting lodge at. or near Platte- Uit<Ihe Market.*
Btomach durlag the eight weeks
Sji:nnf>.<bU. PbrnMi. irla*<
I 't.-i- Mi--ti . Aiiril l-T.—Til- ii-i'iEMPIRE.
I'i.u;-l ucniun .1 -l.ii-.u. jitrli.icnlarljr tine tl.ivor ktid
wna at the nnlversliy, but the best
Einidre. MIrh.. Apiil 27.—Oeorge
alrcii:rlli. If yon
y.m liave
tronlil.- K«tiinR a
akin f»lle4 to restore him to health. Jolinatm was In ly-land lint week.
BendOD..kllch.. April 2C —The ladier.
liii- icii.l
•„ i ;iiiii..1 :i
.. try a sam|>l<- jjoiiud oflbia
Dn. P. J. MacNett
In his death Bik Rapids hw«a a long­ Dayion Selby was visiting .relaiiver ofBendon and Inland ini-i at the home
having Clr.«.-d a cmilrsrt wlili
Wo will taluour i Iiuikvw fm yonr ooiiiiug bock.
time cealdent of this aecUon. He wa* In Qrand Rapidx last week.
uf RTIllam Dexter Tu<-sday. April K: Jtb^ircr and Uuyl.vw. Oio I-nm-ri
bom in While-water township. June.
Price, 50c per pound.
a meetlDf In the srbdol house tuid held their W. C. T. V. ineollng. Kiurxh-y baii. iT. lor t!»- x.-o-um Tl.ix
I8C0. He leave* a Wife, a mother, a last FVIday night Ihe qaestlon /of nlsn making it in the form of s
uaucy hax .msdcs go-at ro.mtotb.n
alstcr and four broihfr*.
wub ih« oxrHJviu m:Oi-rial ai
building an addition to the sebned ptixe party on the Rev. L. Kenney and
C. A. Whyland, pwldent and gen­ house wnk voted on. Tbcdo wa
wife, who rctlrte with tiu-lr daughii-r. bund it I* expeef.-.! thin ll-irkl.-y witi;
Wlltielm Bleoe
eral manager of the EUk Cement
ind d nu. C. B. Aekertnui. A. B.
pany. left on the ateamer Uanisice Willard aiul I. P.' OolllB* wert
rhxl flfty-nlnc year* that ilay.
iii-rtlii-iii ixuUim 111 ih- -lull'
Rawrdty night for bis home In Chi­ pointed to draw pian* and apeelfleaAfter the mi-elliig wa* ■ohm- the nl.l
Th.-lliK-kl.-y will Icago. He vrili retnm In a few prookt ons.
people were enlertaineil with sacrol imx-l W.lic. G.xwn. Kina-.i-y or u.-.;j
* '
wIMi hla family, who will spend the
music from the graraaphone nnil light of Ihr- li<-irll|xuillg 1-aili< wllllill
Mr. and Mrs. U H. Shank were
, summer in a new portable cottage be Travenie City Koaday.
rptrexhtncnls were served. Mr
xl.urt (imc.
. cKpect* to place iipoo his lot on Bik
[i-f l»-in-.i
The Empire school nine defeated Mr*. Kenney are *2 and SI rexpiu;llrctake luai north of the vllUge.
le Lake Ann xchool nine on the Bm Ic and are qiijte well at this lime. Mrs.
Gini'iniiuii ,->hWlu-Il b-- iXiinii-d I
ChiSnBd CntPtnt
Work on the electric light pUnt Is pire grounds last Saturday. April Mill. Kenney reading the xcriplure le.-xon
progressing nicely. A force
The Boura was IS to 7. The Lake Ann wilboiil glaxxox, having reeeived her w„r. a.tou.k.l a law -ch.wl-apd afo-r.(,
men nre plaetag the polct, otberi am bultt-ry was Shiflet. Caa- and Cliaxe. seeund sight.*ho«J«y.ya«i»a msU «t
w«.d en.,:ro.f Ills latb... V Jaw- off hi-.;......
stringing Uw wires.
led In player .and He !ilx>. ri ix--rf.<I-law <-a.. --- fi-r ip.-!
Tbt- Empire baiiery was Winters. Gru
Two paper* far tlw hHew of
The Woman's Cemetery
xei-nii'd to enjoy tlu-lr xuriirise, and up- b-cal ...-wxpa,x-rx. le-yh..-.,- a.
-r and Gordon.
..................... . ’
will meet Friday nflemoon, |day 3. at
George Wtire of Chlcagu wnfl' Ir lireclate Ihe i-fforts’ of their chiMn n wi-chi A w-.-ekiv A'U'oul printed ^tr tVit-vilirl-• n-.,'.-: wjiiemi a il:. 1I-Maecabce bail.
amt friend* In .giring tliecn fj< much aiilcle .oHarl.iii;- l;l> v.liil>town Hie fliwt of the week.
A son was bom to John Moran and
John K. Souto of Tcaverae City wat pleaxnsc. The Oowcix Uroiight w-t l-i.ii-. .H.-lh-i.' Hi.-_. li in- laau -x.-u-l.t, N.-v, li.i. -n .in ! I’.iriliiv-I 'aip-io I •
Pay* fer hath a toil y**c.
wife April 19.
beautiful and Ibe gift.' leli will giv mM I'l-Kiiili. --Iii.ii.
i nauncement alacwhar* la
1 town Mnndny.
Mi'j fiiiiH- i> vi.i
i-i-'/l Jo
Charles Johnson left Tuceday for
a reinlndr r of ilir pb-ii'-iini .-v< iii
Mr*. C. V. Walker of Glen Agboi
.............Ig-i ............
<1..- -a-.—.- w-.->h- ir J--'
Duluth and may eatend hla Uavelt
as an hhnpire oilier Htmday.
ir.-iy .... th- (.a.-ltnu. le-.i-< lI--;ua»y«h.-}*mi.eqUf.-ji«ISpaio...d.—J
' Washington before roluming.
There were iwenly-four gfealb
The dance In the K. O. T. H. hall
. Itltor ealtcd m. Vim and expresw-d .p.-f .a.ion.x
tbH. Hlrabberg and wife are exported St Saturday night, given by the^Em- Dt to congraiulatc them on
M-: ailmiliall-Hi r-i| Mr 't afi'i- Inlelii-1in h.-i .-x-.’-a'.'1<> l>-ilo'ild—I .At
borne the Aral of next week from their plre scJioot team was quite well
cv<mtfu1 time and wish tb<-ro tuai
a-ln-- ax e U-v. r • V-ii 0|- « wvlli anli..-i.;.:-tiiiiii,-: .e . li.e wii.ler ;:li- •.•.ue
wintei'i Bojoum at Hot SpHngs. Ark. leaded an dall rejiort s good time.
iiims of the aame.
bfl l.alidcT wti. cl I
• t-i-1 ,->citc' d:i». - rical
'Wmianl MeCtaUb ha* resigned hi*
The Rev. Wm. Hasklo has been In
|c«.-i4iir a
V- .•XT-la'P-’-' m-v. fr.iu. h-r .-wo prUai- tneom- sluSUTTONS BAY.
poMtton at the chemical works bc- Moaick for the |iam week.
vas l!-i- la.-l I-mu- -i1 lb- off-n-; ij:, va'iu-- >--r
..i.iiioDc cliid,'Sutt.inx Bay. April 2C —Joxtj'lun' canae of trouble of the eyes, bronght
Nclnon Geltnan of this place died at
;\1-l'.-d'le il..--Aui-, i.--a-^.Jafd. IloMankcKtud und Martin Maitirxnii. inv i-..rhal.
on by the tapor at the plant.
Ihe tKMne of hla sun. Burr, last Friday,
y;;c.-c N- a line :.l d- '•c-iicl.ari
II <>i
in u.» : net U i-.iiit ic lieauKi-d
Bupl. H. T. Blddgett has arranged
A few tiiiDKg (o nm.'iu)wr when yon want Fishing IVckle.
the age of 95 year*. .He leaves a
nliic :ei' .
-f • i- Mr.-n-'v .-H.. ......... ..
lor a High Bchool lecture course next iiumliertf reinlivns to monrohlsdvalb. Tueaday aft.-rn<Hui at the Flrxf l.ulb- VaV-.pai S-y: m.i-lo
That wfl L’live om- of the la-st aMort«l stock* In Nortben
i-.;-' t-v» \i-m i. :ui w-io-ti Imciwci-o
church. The Rev. J. J. Mask.: >li- -c :.i a i«x-<-iii I. ,-i-lac Cl- Iyear. The eontract baa been closed Tlie funeral was held In Ihe M.
ib. and the matter deBnltely aelOed.
church hetti Sunilny. tbi* Rev. Uodluc
- ve ai--. li. iii ............ .
prices sin- very low.
cvo-mcMiy timl many of frit-iids mniH -h.:i s-inra.-- lo voi,..-, 11, . .
H. O. Joynl has moved his family to of Burdipkvlll* offlclutlog.
pri-xi-iK 1.. wiincKXlbe ci-n
Tliut you can buv -i split U-iin1xio r.*l, with nxlra lip esse aail
Mrs. A. Andeniun ped Miss
J. Diinr-m b-fl t-'r lamsiiig.
oiviT for only 1*0 <x-iits,
Onowy o( Traverse City are vUltlng
Monday liixt and hi* wil.-- nn--mi|i:ii:U-il
That yon 4-ttu gula fxi-l fr.-iii 10 ■•.-nU up, ItBf* fr.yni 1 o-nt sp,
"i-it. W. F. RiM-gsegger.
Bay Marriott tC llic 8oo. sun of
U-i$l:.-ls from "0
up. Iiolbw poinUkl book* at 5 critia
Adulidi Kexaen and midher bav.- ilii un fur !1X Traversi- I'i'j.
The iii'W xiotv Millding of Mrs. i
Charles Uarrloii. formerly of Elk BapjK-r ilt-zi-n.
Tuovt-d Into lire Will Vratl hou><o
SmlM-tb lx l-•illg .-nvU-d v.-iy laiiidl.-.'
Niagara wreet.
That,u-,-lig.I-sinkers, U-iila; in fact everylLiiig juti u-i*l
Ray Hodge lx worUng at llolrl
f' r tisliiiif,'. at vxtri-uiely low prices.
' eeoUy opened for bualBess in the
Tniv.-rxc City last Xt-.uilay.
Tile sii-aii»-r lllliioi-' was in porl|
' town and la doing a floe buslncst.
C. F. Rich Is hi Toledo llilx week
Come In and look onr stock over
Mrs. A. C. Slockion returned Tues­ visliing his aona. Harry and Lewis. ' Miinilny afli-rnnnn.
•xpxcii-il that Maiixca.i Ilmr.
day Iron Chicago, where she ha* i
The Empire Lumber Co., experts to
before you buy.
Ibvlr^-euir liglil plant thei
the past tlx weeks. She la Improv­ art their iiilll running next Monday.
ing nk^ (ron the operatioo wblA
flrxi iKiii of no^'weeh. Tlie mill will run night rand day.
At tb.- Micla! gh>-ii by the V. G. It.
Ae underwetil while there.
R. Dunn nf Glen Haven lias pur­
John Carson has purchaaed an
laud Isxt ni--'k tb<- prix-i-r-d.-i w- iv 125,
chased MTU. R. 8. Dtrw'a hiruRc nnd
and tog.-ih.-r with the saving* Ihey
teiest la the-deal nuuket with O.
lietori- tlo-y bawr ordi-n-d new iiii!dark.
Mrs. Juhii Dewitt of Frankfart wax
Mri. Margarot Iwckey went to Trav- I town Sunday to otlenf the funcret forpix. in which t1ii-y will apix-ar liuOTte OBy the last of the week to asciitniiig season.
of her father. Nelson Oetman.
alti in caring (or Mrs. Vni Vafiey.
John on dii>
Mrs. W. P. Re.vnolds and Mrs. L.
-who H - auSerIng from a severe ill- H. Shank were Glen Haven caRer* took charge ..f the fonenil of Mr-, }
Clulii. who il|i-d at her Iimhi-- We ln
Mrs. W. N. Currry relumed Satur­ Sunday.
day luomloK.
. M. W. Swarihoul of Hunor
day from a three wneka' stay with her
til l<mn Wednesday.
s»ter. Hn. DIagman, In Ann Arb«r.
Ni>w that sprins ix tn xlght. It
She reporis Mrs. Ulngman as rocovCEOAR.
ilui.-ly locantl.xi Hie drt.erx of hi-r»..-s|
ering fairly well from her late opetaCedar,
their animal* when xjaiiding'
. tloo at the hoadial.
Baird and son LeRoy spent Thursday n the main wo--i*. Thi-<’
Auten. who wa* master
•Idle Hen MnnlaR'i- wa- taiuiig the
ehaalc at the cement mill (or a year I Traverse tlly.
Gt-orge Reck of Maple City w
n-vrxpapcr men around the
it.Ah llie PaiotinK hpaaim it at liami au'l
oan’t •*« “h
K foitvd to exerelxi- great caitiioniwa Friday.
you peftonaily. we toke tins opjiortuiiiiy ihroagli iLig VhInAble
Mrs. A. Britton ralatM to
xCTcral Instances where hoi>e<’
home Saturday after spHldtog t
were standing at the curbing wlthoiii
pap-x to let yon know that we ar*- prejArerf belter then ever to
days with her parents at Miller's Hill
: bitched. There lx *n ordinance
famisli yon wiifi cheap, nurlium •n‘1 >be very beet White
The largest exclusive coffee roastcre
X. A'lsck who bat. been suff
telling the hitching of borse.- .mri
Ivea.]*, and uUo H.-ady Mixetl
^)ur paint U not the
in the world import this coffee direct,
thli xhoulJ he rigidly obverved. If o
clieapeat. but if yon are aftor the heat .|ualily, .»me lo iit end
The annptnin* of B. .
i* *-rlling. that ix iinliilrhcd shiuihl tw-cme
wau Uluvtraie the fact that there It
\.f- will s1ii>w-yr,u -iiir (iiiarooti-.- <di our Mii«--i Feint, hocked by
Elmer Billnian tiansscted business ifrl^lem-d by an atiiomoldle and if.minot a single organ Is tb* bumao body
Kasoon Friday.
tx the restili. tl.e auliKiiohiitlie Munnfactnrfr.
packages and sell it direct to dealers.
bai t* entirely and abenlutely depend­ at
E. W. Hastings wasa^
ent an W>e iterveim ayaleai for the ondtiwr esnaot lie btaojedt
Ill u-iiar.l to Faint' »il. a!i we can say is that we do not boy
Think of the profits saved by this
ergr and povor by which lu tuneUwa I town Thursd.-iy.
• IM-Ilpvc it I* the roll’ inTrav-tx-!'
ate performed.
ati,vthing but the pure raw uoi! iwilwt l-inaeed Oil*, ee the life
You feel tired. Weak and worn oat.
of I'dist -lepetoix ro. oil: ioAiat
Kc^ttint; H pore.
great rare and ke,-p witfiTn tlie
lose IMctvst in life, bai-e no appcUIe J. Bright ha* be.m purchased by Joo
extra quaEty of M'^Laughlms XX“XX
and poor digeatioB. dlsardrrs of liver. Sbonek. Sr.
pmil-c*'* they art- cmiii.-d i-. i: e
We .-an*Uvfc. fibo the Varniahve; there jm- so many kinds
kMocya and buwela. you <-annoi
Mr*. R.)gas.-au w«* called to Prove-IS of horra-x have them*-!.-- a
at.-Uias..f.-,n8,lmw.-woDl.ibe pleoaod to show yon when
your bead aches and you feel dlac
loni Monday to care for her liltlq r.-xn.ui,il-llilT aud hy imnx-r cat- --i
•d and despondent.
you ff.mi-to ■•'ir alot-. It is on lire ennier of Front nod Cms
uccid.-an. may be |ir.v.-at-,xi. TiaThe handy air-tight package and the
grandson who is quite 111.
ttr. A. W. CUaei-'s Serve PHli
■ proalnii:
The C. E- soriety wish
extend. blichlnc of hor»4-x, h.l«-.ver. on leglazing of pure sugar keeps this coffee
thanks to those who aasisied In the
•1 Is imperail.-e and eh.t’iid -Utbeoi—by artualU
niuslrat l•Dtc^1aiBlUI-nl given aV Cedar cat. fully ali.-adexi to. .Jtherwi-g ib-iclean and fresh — protected from dust, dirt
to revUiiUsr the ' led nerve cells.
a short time ago.
■iM- s-ridut'a-vldent*.
• •
V require
^ ^d foul odors.
’ Ibis modi-'iue to bring
Tlie aeleciiotts by Mrs. Frallrk. Miss
ir health, but yoo Hastings aud UIxt tA'bUe,
ly 1 Bo-i-miuuiii c-Kiiit.'s lli'-l
McLaushlina XXJOC Coffee is SoM by
f-.r-tiuxiB-i- a
hlgbiy enjoyed The piano fureUbed, 1-nnk will
least, doing you soine good, an
by Hr. Bright also added mnefa.
cur* Is bound to b<- natural and
««gh Di. A. W. Chase's Nerve I'HK
Ilk fcut-c-x8 I- assun-d. a- many
AMFirst Class Gro;3*s.
II. Bougbey tmntacted hualDcas
Wc a box at all dealer*, or Dr. A. W. town ttoDday.
(b.Kisaod ddlurs of lUe^onimoii moti-y
Chase Midh-Inc Compsoy. BuSalo.
toother bank* wlU •-•"■nfoaily UA Humber from here attended i
K- y.
sorprlse party given si the borne J.
Far ask by Johnaoa Onas Co.




SL Vitus Dance

Tire Insurance!

Money to Loan os Improved Real Estate Only.



p. "ii.ss2rSi.trsMja:

Wb Believe

bre: :iNA



The Farmers’ Store



Paints, Oils
and Varnishes


Better than'Any Other
Coffee at the Same Price




^ TMUmOAV, MAV 2. «Mtr.

■ NA204l.arfi>WdM»w


Um book it tbe BMt
Rdina B nstml colon
o( 97 traanto (or ^ umts
«( Arbncklet' ARIOSA
O**. Wa be Bo| free
to nr «bT^
forT” .

- _
frem yea from boM to tine end
will «y that your orffee is d*
lewling brand on the inariet.* •
the purest, betf and be
cofree erer made . I have been a
“H«e » ooc (k« Mn. De uses- o( It for 25 yean and wS
want it as loog^ at life lasts. The
-l^^mseirtchyaly cofree it worth diiee tunes ib
tbs beuHid peecato ict me ptetent market v^ue."


Milhnnt oi persons m evety part
o( the country driidc no oBief
CoSee, and tweO the tal^
Aibucklcs* ARIOSA und thev
exceed dw combmed sales o( aE
the odier packaged cofreea
Arbuckles* ARIOSA is the
best Cofree (br you, saves your
money, and gives you preients
besides. Speak so% but piamly
to your siocer man if be tries to
seD you bulk cofree. Tdi him
you know,
K yeur pocer woo’i wppb> vrtiB So
ARauooc BROa. Nn> YiA Oo.

An III wind.

From Friday's Reesed.
“a petlUoa s
Bled today with
Judge Walker of Probali- court for the
adoplluD of Celia B. Slanrlllt by
CrandcII and wife of Kingsley. Tbe
story connectnl wllb Ibe affair la i
bean bresklBg obc, a slory of a msB'i
neghret and a w-oman's sinigcle for
cxlstroce. Tbr bate is <ui:} 9 uroulba
ohfand it* father. Bun Stanelift. Is la
parts uuknnWD. Irsrtug bis young wife
short time before tbc little gl.I raiue
HO Ibe worlffT' Mm. bi.oclift
furred lo work out by Ibe day lu order
to care for herself bul the llEbt agalast
mslaoces Is proving loo much (or
her. The Crandrllo *n her sunt and
uncle abii sant to mtkr tbc girl baby
Icgallv Uiplr own The luolhcr hate*
port slih II bul full; ttsillrrs lhal
she Is uiiubic i« can- fur l: lunger and
uow wllUag lu make out the ncecs
*ar> papers.

Bmn. Spring Slgrre.
Last woeek c
t fully I
the (an that spring U alieady
mualb old and !» anything but a:
hardy, healthy infant. In fact, spring
prtxDis a somcsrbai untoward and'
altCDUalud av;<earane<-. Somrlssly
krrems tu bare tisiidcd tier a lemon
and stc has »««red 'on life. But,
BCVcitbclis* while the skies ate gray;
and the wind Uiig^ In the uortb. ibidandelion bas eoiuc lo the nhl of the
ir>blii and llic grccalng grn > and
endearoilng to make thiogs hsjk n-*:
. Sainrday. wuii.iiii Ih-iiner dir-.o
err'd a uuinl»-r in his lawn uuii
lii-dngLl a 1>iz fill! d twn to Hie lle.-sir.l lhal spring
wav If not nt-rady br.-e.

Fhtgdiecr Bert Pilesl of tbo pcie
Marquone d's->u'l like the ni'mirer 15
1 hU mind It I* olway assuglated
lisd lurk. One time he pul oid-.'i
.So 15. bad Ihirtcvu ears In his rrvtiu.
it was the I5<h day of (he monlii and
the head tinkiniaii had hist 15 <
u his pocfcci. Tin- n-MiIt was ttuubic.
'( 1-ourso,
Saiiirdhy moml^ ho hud Older N’.iS and. but a shun time after It w
handed hint at liiieilorhcn.
eras line <>ul of bh- engine ralj doi
Dublin thsiiklng his stars tbst (ho
hooduu hadn't done any worse than
. the ruglne.

tons lUt. The mat'bluory wa.* ha-.U-l
f.otu KtitCuiey Jo lire uew loeau.ia
wf.b four letUDs today.'

Sold Shingle Mill.
r. W Wiison has jUsl-m-d of 1,1-

.lire .d Ibo-o raro m.-l l-au.i.u!
siglils lor whlrh l.ltlie Travers.- 1«.
Is iiiii.-d nas’ias-n i-arly ihU niiuiiiile
In a wonderful ..pileal of
the enllro Harbol Springs side ..i
l»y. «. that (ha reproduoloii n-acbed
two thirds aeivss ih.* I«v. each
.ibive: on (he far si.o.e Ireiug iem..ri,-

Manuv, Mii.-gaiet IVHnos. Willard
.Wllllatiiaburc. .Mlcii, April yj.~Mr». Wilson. Ivan liiisntr. sundliis hlcbesi on axamlDaBtnory nose rt Aldvu attended the
funeral of Mr*. 8. M. l«crr> laxl Tuea- lion were: Emma MrMnu*. sixth
crade; Rudolph Duttek, ffftb Bm«!c;
I..- «. I.r .. in.
Uoru, *roiwday. April S3, to Mr. and Marearei WUwm. fourth grade: AIUt
la HcMsuoa. (bird srnde.
Mr& Jesse Broam, a ^ri.
UlUan Horton. Tnaeher.
want (u Is- a nigular hnuirlio
Mr. UcArihur i« Ibu new utalion
hualor and look like Jesse Janu->. the Hqunre mile; llh’Mh- h
aeoat here and has morod bis tamlly
iMDcUt. does yer sc-. eullyT’ antnto the Gain himae.
Dd Mr*. June Warner
Mist Amy Anderson nuuraed to kt-r unimred Jobu Keyes, agi-d M yoai*. Hi who eaii't juom- aromid wlihi"’ti U-imii
the astonished offieor. at 1‘ooliao.
g lino M.tu-..lir el-e
daushter. ^'Ma. apcni Sunday with home lu Empire this monilbg.
John laH.-l,w.*Kl «.r Ashley. e...-a,,,
I eopiied a revolver fiiiiii John
(belr b<Ri. Claude.
Mr*. A. Troutoisn rclurncd tu Ccdai
News reedred from AI Moirlaon. Run today after spending the winter Trombley'* Louse In Royal Oak. loo. old and uiarilol, whil,- woiViiii: n.-a.
what yer doing tu do about 11?"
his right hau.l .'IU
who recently left for Waahlaelon. In this citj.
Biatva that he was gulng Into Idaho
Miss Lupy Kluzak and Mrs. A Kar- -John Is held fo.' irlil for burglary.
with Rex Babbitt, a former resident wirk wvml to ManUlco Ibis morttlng.
Mrs. J. D. Hatton Irfl for Frankfort
Mr. aad Mrs. Oliver Powers of Elk this morning.
Rapldt spent Sunday with Mrs. I'owMrs. Thomas llucaa w-ent lo
era' brbtber, John Acker, and family. Ann tbit moralng.
Mr. Perry and Miaa Perry from
Mr. and Hr*. D. F. Marvin returned
Flint attended the funeral of (heir ala- from BlDgtuim this morning.
ter-ln-law, Mra. Seymour Perry, last
Miss Jane Ackers of Bingham, spent
the day lu the city.
Upaall lluoba has cnmicd
Pn-d StctcDs of Bingham, was In
ed train to work tbo liobba farm this the city today.
unmer. a Mr. Sherman from Mabel,
C. H. Kurr of Potit lllc. Iowa, passed
ant] obtaio a life membenhip io the Natlosal AssoclBand be wUI occupy tbe UUe buUdlnx through the dly on bU way home this
tlOD Of EntlraslBstlc Stcrllns Owners
who would back a wacoo op to a mni formerly n meal tnaiket, on- Arch morning. Mr. Kurr was called
DOW aad ilan to haul away the do- Brown’s pt«mlsea.
Umcaa by the death of his slStcr. Mr*.
aptsed aUba. If be waa leapooalbi
Arthur UcLane.
woaU hare a ebarsa set down t>t}
Mr*. Cbarirs Bennett went to Don-;
neatly In a alee calf- akin bound ledeer SpccUl to (he Broains Record.
ton Harbor today.
nad If be waa not responsible bo
Neasea City, Mich.. April ».-Tbe
Mrs. K. H. Johnson of Bingham.
would be beteft of tbe wood and told Nesaen City school children cave
In the city loalay.
DAILY BENEFITS in HutiegJ Delight-Tbe iyTEltLIKll
to sol bim beiice nnd maybe a cop dance last friday. The proceeds are
Arthur PcUoo of tUngbam, spent the
la TCDowBCtl for ita sweet. siDgiDg.(|iialit; of tone, smi
would aanlst U tba baodiix.
buy suit* for the track loam recenUy day lu the city.
its i(«pontiv%actioD.
Wood U blsb at present, hlaber organUed lu this county.
Bailey of Suttons Bay wi
INSURANCE^ anmst disantisfufliun—T^lic <lural>i1it]
than a uil man's bald bead and
Mike.lswycr of Detroll Is Tialting the city today.
iRUNtv ii
II i>benon«nnl'.' We of^8TEK.
acatcer than the balra thereon, lo bis friends and relatives this week.
'IsIKtiS. I’l j'ean old. that an: tfiviug perf<'.-t ancafa.’.
rnet. it U practicaly Inponible lo net
Death of Monro* Motm.
Mrs. Maud Hsrbard of IjOie Ann is
lion to-da)'. They are built riglii-thal’s the reason.
any at nay old price. Many of those rlsltlng Mrs. Grice.
.trthur Morse received a message
trbo would pnfer wdod^. take coal
ENDS.—T)ie nioderate iiivcatmeDt necessary to |>roi'dre
Several from hero attended tl Friday staling that bis taiber. Mon­
roe Morse, had died la Raobomlsi
rather than cold aad there you are.
a STERLING will yieh! you ami your family bin ilivisnec in Wallin last Saturday aighL
tWda in pleasure and happinesa as lotiR as you iive.
AU (h« foresDlns could hate beoii
Several of the .vouug people attend- Wssb.. April Si. piieuwooll bring ili
U but lo'tlor investmeiit could yon make?
saldMn a Ibmedlne brertty but thuio'a 1 a Bocial affair given by J. S. Grlee
? of bis death, lie was buried I
DO arootmtloc tor brain alonnt.
I Ibe Haecaboe ball lliunulay nigbu
Mr. Morse was 71 years of age an
Mr*. Brewer and non. John, bave r
STBRUNC ob Easy Nosihly lasUHineBts. Came, see
Tumud to Stons.
for tblrty-five ye*rs had lived in Tra
turned from tbeir visit in PraaktorC
OiwuaTlIle. April
Thrie la cx- Jeny Ttmlick made a bualneas tri|i nrsc Clly. leaving here Apnl 5 f.
aid hear it! Testiawnlal hoaUct seat ob reiiuest
- cttnaMUl here orer a atory that the I Copemisb Thunular.
Snohomish, where lie Iniendetl (
body of a yoang man. which had been
There la lo be u shadow suclal In make his Uoine. He s«s a veteran of
placed la a vault In tbo oamelery dur- (he Grince school bouse next Satur­
rivll war aad when ho left here
Ins tbe winter nwnUInc the frost to day cdsht. May 4. The prtweeda are was uffiecr of the day of McPherson
lesru (be sronad ae tbava craw eonld lo po towards boylnp a new organ.
osi. The runeral was la charge of
ExclusiTC MiehijaB RepresesUlim. HaadqBarters; Deiroil.
be doc. hui "turned lo stone.’ An c(.
G. A. n. post
' nnd bring something to eat. The
fort baa been made lo bnalr up U.r'
Eight children are kn. (our belug la
isiist not forget tbvlr purketaffair, us It waa feuicd the body would books.
the west and (our In Mkfatmi. Arthur
be stolen.
irelng the only one Is this eiiy.
Shirley Tucker, uon of John Tucker
Bex Social.
,or Cnpuc. died la Boyne CUy durinc
School .lUtrlrl No. " of East luy
Report <4 the Stooy Bevh srbool
■ rtbniary. 'rini Tuckers bad been tang
restdenta oT Oroenvllle. and tbp par- for tbo month ending April M. IMT:
township, known as the tllark district.
Number nf days taught. ».
oala wished to MS' Sbli lcy In the fatea Ik>x social Friday creslug.
lly lot. A lew who dulm to be ey
N'um'rer of days' aUendance. bro.
whieh was attended by « small bat
' wiUeases. dec^re that when tbecni’ - Average dally uttendancr. 56.
ry 4-nlhusUstk crowd, which w-as
amonolwas ready two men were usable i ' Number etinillcd. 51.
Sew pnpila enrolled -during I
bndsc the eorOn. and It took bctcb i
tv tJO. rnder (be direction of the
in or about Traverpc City
place the casket In Ibc excavatkiu. month.
U-aehrr. UU* Fannie Swauej of Old
Those who claim they caied on the
her abwni nor lardy for the Mission, the eblldteu rcudCi'ed a short
dead Biaa'a taer «ay that it appeared
McKinley Wilson, Rudtdph but very well prepared firngrant- Tbe
Uke a marble autue.
DuOck. Anna Unffek. Alborta Hcley will be devoted lo the nnrehase
We }jtre spra inl atti-nlion to
some books (or the llbor? and
«• pkturp* for the sebori i«Oni. All
u very enjoyable time.
TBc old BSTlQR Ul« “Ifs an III mlp.l
lhal blocs Dobodr PKxl' obould
ehaaand lo ~U's as III wind Utal l>lo«n
nubudr »ood" u>i Us a Dilalitr 111
ytad Uiat has attlM upoo Traverao
Cllr- TUne waa. jrel
tke idcid- orj of diaac «bo ara br ao areas
crideM iBbablUiK. wben alabs
be obUlBod for tbe baullna and (be
■iRIa Mood nsadr to veinnnre
baoler and b> urae him to pile
fev ■sun*. If a mas a-asled (o
a bcmac bo could do so wlUinut alntlulas hluMdr and ir b» vaa anUrclr
. UcklDC Id Ibe wbercvitball bul poaacBsed a spirit er Indiiiir?. he could'
Will •eeomplUfa tbc dertre oT hli heart
hr OMMi of ataba. •
If It bada't bv«o for tbc slab* asd
■awdoal or the bl( mills. Squaw poiB>.
wbercoB la dIcDiaed srudi-ur the Wc«ob4«i( cinb bottsc alls, would not
have lu >ae»~ and aod a Dumber of
baiMiaot ab^' Uu cltV would be
booaas built opoo aaod Instead of
dost aad slabs.
4 But Urn trridNmeable pnrelous





yoa—real. senuiBedothinff comfort
—tbe kind that oomcafrom wearing
well made and perfectly Qtting gar.
Bientapoasesslng every
clement cf atyle aad
ij |
Citrthcnft Ctotbes
will bear the most thor>
ough investigation aad
every wearer finds cntire sattslactien in tbeir
Clotheran Clotbes
excel not only in style,
(it and material but
In tailoring. They
have hand work—lots
of It—the collars show
it, so do the button
holes. It is the work that old
machinery or unskilled labor cannot do
and is work that is to be foand only
In Cicihetaft Clothes,
Remember tbe Clothcraft Ubel
a guarantee—it is your insur.
ance and our protection.
But. with ail the cxcellenco
CLOTHCRAFT. perfect system and thoroagfaorgaruutioa keep tbo pricM low.

A. J. Wll.HEl.iyi

Gabs, Carriages, Go-Carts
\W have an overslock
of these tfoods on hand
and in order to move
some of them we have

50,000 Members to Date10,000 in Michigan Alone!

Grinnell Bros.

Traverse City Branch: 159 E. Front Street.


RebnlMlno and Repair Work.
Wc will buiM after your own plant
anti tek^ to you on

1b tbisniireleesth eraturv to keep
op with tbe march of ptogvm every
power of woman la autS^ to iU
ntmoai. and the tax npoa her phyalr gvualer than ever.


trs few dron
used Inaredkines. Thev roUed
—-v and herbs to------------• and diaeuae. and their knowledge of
rrou aad herbs wws far greutsr
than that of wouren todsr.
it was in this atady of roots aad
herba that Lydia B. Plakhum. of
Lynu. Maas . discovered and gave
Vo the women of the world a remedy

Urown. the (ollvwing irelUlng
ValcnUno Lindes. Aaron P
Weber nod John Fischer of KJogslej
Untner and Philip Shermar of thb
city. John Vasdrrenok of WaJtpp. VII
lUm Cox nf Mayffrid and MlllUro L.
Gregory of Fife Lake.
Mr. Cox operates a saluoo at Wex­
ford but Is on the Grand Traverse sId.the road and therefore has
,e a Hern** In this county.

Wc will Paint or PH|«r your iiousv >m
Moathly Paynicats.
Cit. rboocw-KraidetKc, ■2'.<0. «lOi.-.-, :;i.


PiukVam;- "I

aa^hat it has aenaaplished for aae I know it will do for other*.’'
When WOMB are troubled with Irregularitie*. nUplaremenU nmrntioe. laSammaSea. Backnehe. Nereeea ProatrwGoB. tber should re.
*** Vnre iwmcdy. kvdia E. Pinkham's V*ge-

Mrs. Pinkham’s Standlns InvlUtkm to Women

Womra auffaring from hay form of female weaknean arw invited to /
tmrfU Hr*, nnkhaub at Lena. Maas. On* of ber east volumo of o«pananra aha probably baa t^« eery knowlodge that will help your ease.

DitkCfna Elaeted.
G;and Rapid*. Mich . April 1’?.—Gcr
tt J. Dickenia of Holland w«* eleelci
> ceogress here Saturday to BIl the
neanry created by the Heerion «r
William Atdra Smith to tbe^Unlted
Slates kcnatr.
Dcypllc the fact tha
i' vole »a*
5u.i*P> abort IMckcma
Hummer, democrat, by a matoriiy nf
1J>:. Hummer carried Grand Rapldv
by 1.5t.< and the vote hr tbr ctiy wai
ooly SAftP.
cadet -to tbe naval academy at Ann*
rollF. HI* father b a promiornt burlucta sas of Ehvphvrd

The foliowing pri<vi
c.tnD0t help liut appual to
tbe careful buyer:
.Small KuMioK (rit^^rla
iitbtM-r timl. tvaflemi
ifxt Mill] ba<
«• k.
(, etriiiigly
irtb $2 2.1 to

Your Credit Is Good.
Your Reliable Fumiiurc Store,

Grand Rapids Furniture Co.
127 S. South Union Street

“Nothing succeeds like success."


Boyd Smlib, naoaper.


Lydia E.Piiikbam*s Vegetable Compound

Man henast. tried aad tma remedy of unqaestiooahle therapeutic value.
rhbmadieiac made from native tooUaad herbs coauios no narcotics
erwther hncraful drug* aad today holds the record for the Urgsst nomber.
ut uetnal oaraa et female diseases of any aredldat the vrerld has

Bio Re4n«R«li
OB tbc
Whole Ltoe

String Beans!

Faas IntteBd •! PtBykecies.

Ma-.'c you secured your contract ' If
not. why not? Do not fail to s-cc
us when in town. We can show ycu
that they are the m o n e y crop.

Igr. !. ]-*>7. «15.0>O aiviacndv Jiitribuled to our manber..
K-rviurce. SSo.'IIO tnd not at, ueptid cUia.
if rta *re toing to make a cninte or take ost mere life protee
on »*e our Local Mxrreger or write tbe
Hew In AtMciBli*a. Cm! BwMa IHch.
A ■


The Traverse aty Canning Co.

■Ir-m.ifvl. Uic turplut i'- • liujliice aod rij'-ui*K>f»b-i> iui rra*:us.
wznl oi


aiuwo<riuVtittt HCKALO. ■niowoi^Y. may t iW.
HMvy tn««r.

Tk* krarlret tamr rwi <«
Ut. »nh oM rxri-plioo. occurred
Uk allrtil or A|u1l et. irlica f>li
r nf»rd«<

! Ki*-JS.

i« OM Urtn^r ulicoiW c

AlindM bair oT )bo Knl>arrlber. « ibt
Cttlicnu ciHupur. «bmi Ibcf «Ucnmt',
>0 1^
ibls awaisK, wen-jibe Amr'rieaB
'■" '
rd out oe
b«vc all II

rear, traderod bet reels-J JuBC :i. l>ia>. wa» Ibv U«i
le etcct al oaec. Mn. A. asaocbilivs mei hoio. and
"......................................Onod Tr«n-r«c Ud LrotaMi roUDllM W. I*cck
13 vieetrd chairoMa
antelthKiandine ih^
aenT ueill tbe aen
WAS adioBraed
aiUoaraed jeaterdaj
jeurrdaj altcninoB
■licrunoB I tea
lea and *UI

ead <
Moc« Were down.
iral lacv
wort lujdlj dainaRcJ. Ibo»e
oialniil up beloe m uol>r tbit II waa
•iBMwt tapoMlblo 10 brer orer IbuBi.
Soap or ibc eltr llaoa were alra rcr^
woUr. Ihi* beloc niuM-d bj- Uic wire*
dreppbv OB lb<- ciretric IlDca.

SocMr at

oi.n»in« to


until evcaa, wb« alcpi wero
were made for a*all da.,
for the orcaalatloB of tbe Qrand „rt-t of ward meetlnc* x. a» to
Tarerae l*TOdueen auoclatton of tbe ali lnteiTT.leii in Ihe ernrral ineetl__ _____
rarr aMrcr? were elected alone *>th


, KMS«r.»';n.’rir

dtocloaed tbe fart ibit while w aamber of branebes were broken Ibr danace WC-. very sllehi. Tbe trull waa
not far enough alonp lo be damaced
by tbe cold, ibe ruul weather riartnn
rclantcd lla growth. Had It not I
for tbia It it very probable (bat
Haro been heavy, 1
damage would bar
ury dWn l go down
All over the n.iinly from Mx
eight luchra of snow were repom
NeBTjLmg Lake there wbh mM
baueWa a f<«l of snow on I
groued Ibis -nionilng. In the ciiy. mdgslrfani. who came down liefore the
(■JTiw pkiwH bad » wejry. wcl lonniey.
In tbe Hly, Ihrrr were numerous
hraurbes bnrkrn frour Ibe trt-ej
B. U Spragues jard there Is an aged
apple tree and the weight o[ the auon
canted this to tidit alima.1 In l»x..
Jidin Pulclpher of Aram fi-mlnded
the Record that thirty-nine >-ears ago
aeren iaehea ef snow fell on April 2Z
and rcaamlncd two nr three di\>. Thai
spring waa a great maple angar am

^«“ »™'>

dvdden Death.

.Boaeb at hJa borne yeatetday aHcr
nm and In a roomrat breathed hi:
last. Heart diacaae. from which be
bad recently been haring trouble, waa
the eaaae. Hr. Wlleos wa« Tf years
of age rebniury 5 last and had teilrrd
frost tbe aUalalry on hia m-resUclb
hiTtbday aad letaroed lo Brttaire to



i’Vear agi. BeaWei'TTi'^
... -.-..i— *ppf ,

ctalMren are
place; Eibei.

irn. Thr
J. Wllcoi of tbta


slug: Manba.’wife
Manba. wife of
01 (he Rer. O. B.
Thurulgn of WanhaUlaB Kan.: Jean,
wife ef the Rer. Cari H. Corwla of
Sbcfkeld. III.; Edgar H. Wlleoa. prto
dpai of the ai^oola at Old Ulaelon.
and Bdaa Wikox. wbo la teacblog
oehool at,8UDdlah.
a c
oixUlned lato tbe
Mr. Wficox waa
mtnlslry In IIT*. nod -........
Id in:, bdag Uir a rat Con
pastor at thU pUe*-. The pi
Bodkma church building a
here he
the nest yenr. Hta «t»i vx
cirgaolacd a rhurch aoclety at €--------Uhe abd holll their ebureb. He Uicr
bdd paaforatea at Chippewa I^o.


from acute wartt and iciuraed "
RallalrA »bare be ba
plMSibt bpme properiy.
Ttw. MSI of his dea
tmtabaek. He had bc« down loiro
B 1*D baitra before and m oalward
labrnraaece waa aa ragged aa arar.
aad u hkarty. He waa a Mlj.
pouM. ehrlatua geaUeman. shottghlfully eooatcd atcfycse a friend.
AiMrlean bnelety ef Equity.
From Thunidai a Record.
neienlea from U>« rarmets’ tSqalty
amoriiUQM ot both Orapd Ttatctae
aad baMaaaarolmUee mu ia Oman
hall ihlg attfcam tor Uie parpooe. of
gMDi ortr tatitss iMiles *hin are
before Ibm. oae of the moat tmpoe
which Is the yolntag of ibe bailwal body
Tha aaaorlalloB h wnrkJag tir«art
that end wbrn lb* farmera «UI batdie tbelr own prodqre aad l<*
rntpe skrae rwgnlate the market.
“We want In dnanay with the nuB
sbo ran rteplbto tbe Cbletgo whbat

„ Itrhiai. Uaddiac. or


Pound Dead.
('niar. Allch., April W.—Mr*. Tom
Pran. an indUn. was (ouad dead In
(he dlirh alongxiilc tbe railroad i
Just bark «r (hr Jluiibuit farm by
(km men ibis montlug. Aa abe
lylac face downward, rbe eoroacr’x
Jury gave as iliclr verdict (hat xbr
mi'( dc-uili by ilrewnlng.
— e woman, who wax we years of
xnil who livr«l h'-rr. h-K y<-e|erday fur iiinsbam. about iwrtire utilex
away, to xoo liei sun. She prolmbly
tnaH<-d iNu-k
Iasi alghl aad it Is
thoughi that she sin-al the night with
lirvtber. John
Manllou. nrar
She prolmR. started hoBHmoralng and judging by
: . h li lli<- rlghl of way to Irt a

From Thursday :. Record.
Th<- fltlun-x »r Ihc (Tilled llielbmi
chnirh at Vasmir. were Kliiptn-d to
Hiirlmi Snndsy. whrwo ihcy
nto anolhcr cliurr-U.

t imtlttg
early Ihixmah July, tor forty davv
nln and lire niereury
there X
the nineties nearly the
•Inod a
Mr. I'lilrlpher kepi a
weather diarr that year from which
Ibcs tacts arc taken.

will tn-

The build­

ing. wblrli for (hi- t«st Tl years a'
Vasxar has si-rri-d ax si i-hnrrli. has
born snbl nn aervani uf n x|>Iil lb tbr

placfx of to 2j.wn> popumikm shi
bad iwtnty-one. Ik-Idr second unit i<
New York In Ibe Unlied Stale*. -N' »
Ytirk bax thlrty-Ave. MIcfalgxn hai


llun. 1.01 from other |.anx of
Not only dlxtingulthtvl kulghix will'
lx- here, hut leading olb,- ■ - abd pn-n>ber* n( the laillex hraiicli of tbo u-dtr.
sml speakers of prouiln.-me will de­


No ellon will


X|wn>d lo ^ke the gathering one -.-f
thr notable cm rc-rord.
The dale I* uioxi far^ble. RT.Dc

so ih»t oiir*bi.t.-I« win lx- ai.k- 1-. .“!.o

Deaitv ef Mrs. U. B. Hal'.
Uurkley. Mich.. Apnl rT.—Mrx. V S.
HulL formerly MIxs Ella OurrBM-y,
■lie.) laxi c-veulns xl n o'clock at h«-r
lu.iue Is BiM-klcj. aged 31 ycat»- 1"
niouttax and I day.
Mr*. Hall wax Inm M Ibe H.l home

xgalnst IW tn Rhode Island.
Coui|Hirt-il wilh Ibr- federal eriisus ..
mn the xhowlug is: I»5.

*t. a.l one mile from lUc- proem Iin.
ils ctf Ihc- vlllagi- She- wax one of the
ino--i .-vix-ii.-ticixl 'and ix-xt

iiierraso. I«s.o::t.

The lollor Ing figun-x idiow tb- pn>
ulxtlon and pereentsse of Inttx-iist- I:
Hie BurronutUDg cuiiuliis:
Rrand Traverue..............


Benil* ........................................Uf.Thn
Emmet .......................................IT.WJ


Kalkaska .....................
Ix-elunan ..................................I“.SW
tVrxford .................................... H'jriT


Charles «. Schwab )ust now
i-n amldtloii to make hts mannal 1
lag nehuiil at lltinicxtead. Ta.. larger


ubiI xixU


leurhcix in Wc-xford ;inil (iranil Tivverxt- coiiut} and had inauv Irl.-iidj, all
uln. kiiex- her l- liiu her fil.-nd.
Till- funeral xeivk-e will lx- Iron, the-

nincy &

(Mill iK-ing In rhaig.-

I. a mo'h'-r.

.. huxKiu.l.

Erne»t, list week.
Miss Minnie Seymour arrived from
Manton last week for a stay at tbe
ime of her brother, 6- B Taylor.
M. T. Gincpie moved htx family to

teichaiag. lx OB Ub way to tbli
SpMUI to the Erenlag Record.
lo mako a sllHly of the moat reecnt do

} Sean the Sicoatare «f



Tbe OreAt 5k(a Cure And Purest
aod 3sv eetegt of EmolUenU.

The Kind
Yon Hare Always Bon^t
In Use For Over 30 Year*

Cuticcira Oimmrol I*, bevoti'l uoes*
(too. the moxi xu.-rwx.ful .urs.ivx- for
totturmg.dixficiirmglium.irx of ibe .kin
aDdst-slii, ifK-luiJtTig|.xxi< iuiir. yrt eucr*pounded. in pnxif of wr.xti s xingfo
annlBUiig with C'uticnif* Oiniru-nt.
ercM li.v a lx>( l«ihxiiih<'iiti<viralMiap.
and f.itlnwed in HN-..-\-mvm*e- liva
ef t'ulk-ura Ke-.lvn.t (/.imrd r>; Pilb).
b often .iiRicvi-nl 1.i afford miin-diai>-r.x
IM it. Ih-0.1x1 ih.ln-xxincr-roeor lUhing,Ininimc xmI*x«lvhuiai’r>.r.wtnax,
n.he.. arxi imtaii-io*. fwni.n cxsl and
steep, and |».inl i.i a .( evin- sli.-n
must, if nut all, miicr remc<iii.e au-1 c-vea
Iibyexvan. foil.

cvSA’iSrrv‘A-.' m.7-ilr..^7viniwi’“-xs

f A<I>*an>^|x no lit 1

hi.-- a»e.| lather. Wtl'iani Ijardla.-r. F
lin'd very xotl.
Sie-lhv. Oc-aiu

I b & R. L TIE cm
tSmz;’. |tr.
jllK i"*


r.ef! a;.

...1 ..............

Fill- danio-:o-l the ir-iiji niill of lb
fc.i,x.i..r ,-..,i«,nii;.« in •!.
/•vsem OF pi 1M'-AT|.

. ■ IVxlxi f--* v-etar r'i*r
ir ■.ad Premeat IxMB Si

»-4..ed. h.... I:.k.;i a'
:n- S'3ti- NorluaJ n.: .
T-x.,;x.-'-.:y...,.X*X:nld,,ef-*,x.l.;.l. ^ F. J, JM.BA.
e m 8|>l'lllg(
lligliila. Mil.'
inthe-xxefexx xfMav‘1 ua'
Til- Ixxly of Ihe m;iu i-eii nmcHne Me.
Itixi tn. it-d.ii-lx:i< Xlm.rx o tiar.k !•: O 1 .VI F
I irf -li. -lai. ixoj_ rx.di-^
In Claud River ul tl:'.:iid lUidiix. an-l ■ole

whirh xunk fn.iii .lull', i* Ix'l.evexl In Wti."-V»ti:!l.. •V'.VerlicCTirj I'.xe Tiv.i.-ir.
lx- Ihai i.r Willtatu Oix.;u-, win. i*
a-. . m.,r «mr hel.I «| me
xa*. 1-1 b.rae-r-e h.oiu. ..I-I u I-Ar Ubntli.'|i’ii1,u:i. -dill*', la 'iiecUx of Tiav'-rxci
(nin IX. lUlxiX I..1, IX-]-c-„. i„ _|,|
II,,. lull.
A .xleam lug
r in lie fumtx .
i3iii|i ui f'uMiBiiiis- A llii-ciilx


- -mmi.a h. i^i:


-ddwt.. 11. lUi'.iMiel in.lai- l.rawl Ttx:-»-., 1':. •; R. Waller. Jimge of |xrubatr.

Cadlliar-. lali uvc-i J-epli C riumia'.
.lU liiiiii.u. Wi ilii. -day,. Tl.umnx .il.-ri

ssk S3



Stic «rsufe Tax Uofis

KT.vrr or hi- llliit.\
Av I-IT-JX ii»vneo_^.^l-Y
............... .

rivmi 8- 4
•ven chilurvn an.- k-fl lo
Iw. ts.i bxving luix-Mle.i
IBM- Tilt living flilldix-n


W.xllir ||,C) tlMJIVIIilX I


I- .Mlii-d.

'ulicr. O'liii Mr*. S U ScKUe.x and
rx. 1. IJ Hobl.x. xll of Tiavi-rxi- Cllv.
In \t . t

W.oM-oii HiiiT.uai.dJ R, of ftoutli
Ml. Artuilxsu t-auic friiiii
nnada. scullng in Si Clali eunuty

a venain inxiniaieut in siritlng por‘fxnilng to U- (be lost will and teatsBIHII of xald deewurod. now <« file la
Ihlx cviurt. In- a>lBlH«l to probate..ood
that Hie udmlDlxlrathiu of imld exUle
b<- via......... to Frank lleonn-k or lo
none- olh-r m.ltable pi'iiiuu. Il lx or<ini the «Ib
cib .la
.lav of ................
May. A. U

probale ufflre, Iw and Is betel-v apwlnted fur fac-artng xalil petlUoa.
<• •* fnrth.r ord-fvd. That puUW
..-.II-.. (hereof in* given hy pij'.MrmHuO
of a rvipy of thU -Iidei. lor three
i-esxjve weeks pu-viou- l» *al-l day i-T
hearing. In tbe Ciand Tr-io-iw H-i
Ilni. Xixl p1er..leui!>uuel (-"• tie Annual TWv • near
....................... "I
|.iiiii-d xud iditu
('n-lliril, n! 1,-ia X-—rdlnr I., lax SxWl .cxlernent. -xxilai

k ' I- 1 i'“il-I—''''ll""
•“’•rl -i-*X'i*od»
N-ciTe -K
■ -.•l-l h. ix-l

■ r

“ixr I
ixa sad i.reci-w't.VSbAl’i
. • *1 KwExt l-ulT

lliirvm tomorrow mviiiuig a' 3 3*> for

How aboutthat New Buggy

KMser TrtwMe Rakes Tn ^icrahlc.

Yoa Have Been Promlsioo Yourself?

-Mmoxt evervixjJr uliorea-f-tlie news­
papers M iUlc to know 1.1 Mw xrouderlBl
■^e by

Wci .iix- kbowintf s Ii
Hnilt csperially for our triiri.-l-jr r«*f'arriSRi- BUiiufsetiirT'n of Knlama/'*'' .Midi. ormtiating of


I""' ” 'ivij


irch .
________ lb»
niinvnt ki-lnrv aa-1
,n4 IV wondrfftillv'
bladder xperi

♦nccesvful in prompM'
nik acid, catarrh -*t ui I hl.-J-ler and
....... ...................
the wnrv:
Brighl's Dixraxe.
form of kidnev (roaHe.
IX. Kilm- s 5wAmF*Raat i< w. ree­
led fm ever' illing t-ul if w’ i bi- e
liver or blo-Jder woCWe i: will le
Mner. liver
Ibe temedv ^oo ne.-i. I- h«v
1 in xn BUM' wav«. m b-oxta'
work sort in private
end hi'
■ eosncvesxf'ii in every rate that a
arrangeniei-.t h«s been nia-lt by
kh all resdrrx .>* tUispsper. xho b»ve
Vmj this
; already tncl ;i.
I mr.y hare a xa.-ai.k
bottle sent (roe by mail, alroa bno. ir.,isi more aboot hsamp-Root.aa-l h'>x
Fniin SauitxJiS s Ri-coni
Funeral 0t William Clark..
blr. TVbra writing memtoa lesd'.rg t
W. 8. ABtlcison Irdi ibl* oiurning genr-r>ni..-Brr ia tbi» peper aiMarad y.
lor Inland, where he will have charge address lo Dr. Kilmer
Ik Co.. Bingbacntoc.MBM^^B
uf tbe fiiamil uf William Clark
Tbe tegular
Clark met dMth while cugsged
'bimkeiiun 00 a New Jersey rallroud

wltb the Tork* to teU at. lo hli leuer and tbe remains were shipped to 1
land, where bix parents and
tn Captalb Ikmlerw. be aaki ibbi
brotberw live. IlexIAe* Ihe^ be U-av
had been Jail for Jmux filiy-one tin
la^l» coustry and once in Tutkey

tbe*Cuufuri :
rdl^ and if I know anv ooe wbo
____ s to know how 1 c-iml im xelf. I
ahall be glad to tell theta. tVoil-r W.



■aed yesiet.
Arthur 1
ihe reUikms bclwoea the great capl
fiby from Detrdlt.
taliata oud poUllct. He also wilt oludy
Jbaet KsSer returned to his home
the Immlgratk* proSem. Inquiring
In TYhItehall tod^ tHer tram-acUng
bow tor the Uiriled Slates lx aaei^rodhuMbest In tbe city
leg in sbrorMng aait Burupeau iai
Mrt. J P. Crandcll rtlVTaed lo her
home at Home siding totHy.
the ctmgreaaiBn wfaii bare
Meudon Hall of Sutioax Bay.
tarred stare (be fouadatton «l thu. paaeed through the city tbii morning
goTeinmeni. more thu 11.009 lD«k
on bar way to UOHa. I>4
tIduaU. only ifalrty-fMr iiare berred
Mrs. Ketlie Days returned
twenty yean or amte.. The kmgeat
home in Kaya'one after , viaHing
aerrice way that of Jotm H Krtrham
reiattvca in this city.
i< New Ytirti. who sereed thliiy-ihrex
couoly Sdiool Commlosloner Ctitp
rtwn- and was ■ member when ha bbSe a liuslarsa (rip down theU R A
died. Mr. Canaua. who coiuck ant. I. today.
baa served ibirty-iwo years.

bled widely and has tabay esperianedf

It rwllerea T«C

AMd FUtuiencT. It •aBudflAtM tb« Fo«d. nruluMa tlw
StAOMTh ADd BoSrrio, rlTlBC b«*iUr
nAUml ala^
Tbe Cluldrea'a PeuAcwi Tbe Metbtc«A Fnemd.


r of Mr. Perry from

Bk Lake Monday. The launch beDr. Theodore Barth, leader of tme iMkgs to a man from 6011th B>«rdof the radical parties In the Oenuan




> Bor oOtcp Kareette
Its fOArutem. It d


UaifU-d. at lb.: I.oui- .d tbe bridi n
parenta al Baiker CTork. on Tu<;dat

always under a nom de plume

Joa. the Turk.
Joe. ihe Turit. a wen-kaow Sslvs-

Rackley I'.nigrcg.iinmal eliurrii riuii•lav at I n'elixk, Cn.lerlakerx r M

Film aie Vi'llihg him.

lOved Into tbelr farm rocenliy pur­
the dcalb of her hasband Mrs. Tsl- chased of Arth Brawn.
_haa spent much of ber time In
A fine new launch, larger than the
tbe (opltnl. Bbo writes for mi
■dinary gasoline launcb to hr (ouad
ud newspapers, generally ven
•n the small Uket was launched on

tlroi Army worker will he in thU dty
May II and II. The ataa had'^lrav.




xcoih- then ihetTiraepi- Traverse City. Monday where be has x
Icchnloil school at Pittsburg.
posiiloD In the dlxpaicbci x offlcr
leading favorite In the dllerary
Ur* Perry Scofield has been having
elrcK-b of Washington it the widow of
xelge of the grippe.
Rev. T. Ue Wm Tatiuap'.
Mr. and Mrs CUude W.vrner have

be lx elerled to-the oral rtmgreos hP
wUI. If he Ueea to the end of hU t—

Ohgtoru Is R bMiieiw gabaUMt* fhr CaM»r Oil. Pu*.
eerie. Drons Rnd RootUnc BrraRo. It la FIcmmu It
coatnina neithra
aubaUiBew. Its 1
ud Allays Feres

ntlllam--l«rs. Mi h.

and broader In

relopuKiit of American pollUcs anti
ooeUI life, with ipecial rcterenee lo



hiolli.-i.s and one xplri

havr- presented tbe principal.
MIxB Editb Harrlnglou
of Cedar
cbeckx to the bxnk. which promplly raxbex them ax xeriousi yax though visited with her xlsicr. Mrs. Jamtr
they bad been a cbc-ck for Iluv.

Kxirorimenu that trlfl« With mkI cmdaacwr tke h«dth mf
luUnu Md ChildreD-EqierleMm ag*iB>t EximrliMik


be troidried w

wilt have duatied b<'i xi-mmer atilrv
thr eesert seaxem will nui have beecn.

forly-avc people lo lb-- xrjijarc ruile. a:


let Tou know that 1 bora
H ( u.wura Renedles —
box <*
Cutlrura. but twu
--1whiefa eoM me a
olvrtil PUIx —
dniiar and tweniT-flreeeoix
t went y-n<
in all. For
a year I har* had what Hw-rcalleranna.
1 had an ik-faing all urer my body.and
When I would m:re for the night U
would kxep me awake hsif ihe night,
aad tbe mare 1 would w-rsK h. Ibe raora
h would itch. I irud al! kinds of reinadles. bul could trt no rHxT. A framd
cf mine told me to iry the Cute.-ura

Charlevoix will he In her most aiiraet
Ire- xummer dross, and Uamo Naiuic

imagined, some M»

uhe the first pbec In (be Hst of

Far aaU by Jabnaan Drug Cu.

stars IB .ai-.
Mxecabex Drnicioeni. Mr. Poweis will I
u- heie, (ognbvr wltb iosiit ..r.-n,:
■ui: u'.Iv in Ihe XniIh*'(-xi<’rn

The Sad Tea Have Ahntr* Bovg*t> am* which tag haem
la «M for orer 30 yew*, hod boewe the alrMtwv ef


I'rmiic*- and
The ctuck ia Uie courl hoUJ- tower
iiiid Mrx laifik'KxBlhrlyn Kynetl. A xelm company of
dlalclv lor IVrtlind, tl
Bcotoai Ilarimr. baa struck lor the
friends and relatives wltaoesed Ihe
H- they will Juuni.-v
grot time In mouths. It now I.h in
cciTUouy wbicta was performi-d by (be
• IM.-ldr CMXl to 1.1
good working cuder and Is ’mnudlng
Tbo*. Young of WHIiamxburg. turning to Ihlx clfy fi
forth lx notes of nrasie. Nels Joha.-nm.
■ ig ai hrmir- herv- an
The bride wore a bcaullful whiu- silk
s Swedlih elorkmakcr. waa bronght
Webster xli.vl
drets. the groom wcartbg a Mack
he groom, while hr
from ManUtee to look over thr
dress bull. The happy pair wiu start only a shun Him-, liax
imhadl'm. and be found ibat the
•le Ilf frii-nilx. He I*
lor Cbrisbolm. Minn.. 00 Friday wbcrc
cbiBu- bad not bore cleaned In U
they Intend to reside.
. >lr. Jotiaxon xayn that (be
The Rev. A. T. h\-rgii*oo will con­
a eliaiiniiig T-il-shi
Hark will ran fur a century II well
duct quarterly mi-ellns service at ibe
r..te.i fo.;
Muki-guB Arm coucxKtcd an ud- church on Sonday night.
Tbi- vxliisbie black burM- owned on
vertislBg srhi-BK- when-by several
Death ef Isaac W. Armitsge.
the llobb'x farm wus .mi sick Ibul It
hundred rtmilar lellern were niallnl.
car tv .\i-uiilagi iigisl hi. lii-earb containing an ad. and a rberk on became necessary to kill It. Tbo anFridny immilns m Hu- hoim
ual was valued at IS-W.
(be Harkley National iKink for 1 rent.
-nil. Waller Annliag-. IT" S.
There waa not school thi* weed; In
This wax to repay the sender for the
I1-- -Ilix-t. old age Ix-iug Ihe • .i
time taken In reading the ad. Instead any of the dcpanrocnix. on account of of hi- death. Ur Armiisur li.i.l ii
dc.vth of Mr*. I'crrj-. the wife of
of being thrown away, ax U wo:ild be


asud $m year maary borV; Mr. cbi^
«^|i* tatarar. Jhrkipaa C.v,. fad., nyar
.^MlhlardsddAnacruBtdml TbaKrila
hruagbt aaaa atmek of yOm ThqffuW

WUb^ wealbrr <i

• I meetings
— ...............
. —----------------------select s ward rbalrman!rUl!on
-inBanlcUiloi, lakr-» In e*ery'hu,a frou. Ca-IU
board of dlrcciura and rarioua cenali who will be a vice president of the a» 'lae north In this peainsul... Tblx bi-ing

The new oreaalcattoa I* a rceeirlns
and aUppUg
sUppUe aaaoraiwa
aaaoraiwa for
for tbe
tbe two

Tbe rural llaex of Ibe Uetl roapan; IcouuUes and an aUeoipt r.lll br aide
Ward—Mrx. John Kelley.
were wlm. larr-l} otii of cummli-«hn
i*nj|e ,55. jm; crop of poUloet bj
Fourth Ward—Mrs J. A. Mooiague.'
FUth Wxrd-Mrs. 1) il. Chandlei.
There hxs been aiiieh inle-T-xi mani­
* aoillb and one
e Kond
fested to tbe rlexB
iber were able lo hiadle tbelr boil that realUiag a greaicr proli that by
elleved (hst by x
iMM wiihcnii aar trouble.
u Ixiger II
aclllal (0 Ibr- buTbe two lelcKTSpb corntwalee were
At lla nailoBil meetlag -la be held
ret7 foniiaate. neither beint crlp^ed
elctoHip was not definllely ariiled b
aad both brini; able lo beadle both am. (be Amertcaa Baelety o( Equity It will prohaUv be about Mar IT.
relBl and prexa '
will eilabllsh a mlBlmum price for tbe
The asauelaCoa has about ti:
•f tbe tf-------crop. Ibe famera premlalag to hMd tbe (reaanr>.
- the Q. n
lad Katebra rroMlac
Mlahlgan-i Population.
aeder tbe wMcbt^pf tbe
am put back Into ««a .
Mlrblgan's population IA IhUx
Tba are tarm araietn wat crouaded
ith uatll all the poutoca are eold. :.UU.U1(. accoidlng 10 bulk-tlu 7
ie wreral placed by teie^oae wlrea
TbU will keep the marjtct suppUeU Ibe census buresi:. Iiixi l«xucd.
talllBB 00 U bul wa> un! aerluusir lapaired, the crounds betas loraied aad aad aUtI kocp Uic price up.
was ■ gaiu of Urt),u:i. or I.: per
The movemcot la ri-ry alreag la over imw. .aixt.v-twu countb-a xbowi-d
cared for Ibli morolasll wax at flnl Ihoujrhi Ibal tbe trail WlxcoDsIn and fsrawrs ta this regioa
galus and iw.-uiy-oue losses, -Mlebl
Ireea about tfce rockm aii*l have suf­
bate high hopes of maklag 1( a untied gxD gained iwooiy.nlue IneorporaKHl
fered aerctelr oulnt lo the hbow ua
tbelr hraeehee. Telephone metasn one here.
plarex in five yeurx. m.xking 4i:. O


SUn efWhoie Body Omn6 for t
Year-Awful ItchinE Kept Suf.
ferer Awake Half ^ NigfitTried All Kinds of Remedies but
They Had No Effect.


The f-irliory eoibraced la tin* a«M>




Tbf Berlini; of Ite Woe



Tap Rsrfki
srfiFcWjfPBi 1



Drifiir w«r»os


^ ^ Avtfi seti Bikes

\ SUfiktres

Work Shoes

nn qfxloriataf'drai,-t i:v*-rylli:ng llial xinprii'l lie f ".n i
iiiK tiK>» iwpciUr
ni|*.aipirT. Tliit linn rol.-x.
••'■•Ty jrcaif iri-lllia vi-inity.
ao-will you !>-. if yon i-imX'-y-'tr I'. loetina from our ctor-k.
On* {.rir'i-* arc: ri rv 'naliU'. aiiri wf- ipirinuitrm i-erfy )'»*>

i'-iffbburs Arotaliafi'ri.




anil- lenii.'f o-iV-u


l.i atlicr

Aliliirouuli. .Marie f->r ••'rmforl an." ifixx5 «<.ir.

.Wf tnrji t;ui.

W-- -• ■: .lally lovib- y-.h to«-sll AtttI Ixik over

Cfe Plwie 751.


Queen City Implenient Co.

,a wife and iwoeblldiCb.


a**Mb TfUVtM


Mto tuMblM

M far M I

•vary irvlns
rr I ewar fait In trying to M
thln.^ j Will -Try. try

Mitt CLARA RATCt. Editor.

1. 1M7. 4m.
toHng Woatbar.
May day and Joiw day.
Spring and aammor weather:
OoUb to rala; folng to clear;
Trylsf both together,
nowera are eoMlag! No tbeyro BOL
WbUal the alr-a ao t^lity;
nrat H-i eirid.iheo K'a hot—
UB-t weather silty?
S-peoe the lilUe Wiela think
•pring la rsthar hiBBy.
So they hide thetiselTea sway.
Bveo where K’a eanoy.

* *

S'pofe the trees moat think it's time
To begtn their growing.
•so the little ewelllng buds!
«ee bow plalo theyre ahowtng!
rpoee they know they're going


Panebes, apples, eberrlea.
- Brea vine and buabea know
‘ ' 'When to start their benles.
Only im^ glrto like me
Don-i fcnbw all abooi It;
May be Ihoogh the reason U
« and anmmertime
We keep on n-growlng:
flo. you see. we peednT be—
Ufce th* flowers and like the Iree
And the birds and bumMebeea—
Always wtae and knowing,

—St. Kleholis.

9ot while P nanda for. prompt

lid nnt gt't bsi'k to the
we stopped at one i*f

friends. And .so must we. In our playpretend.

tKigblmrs anri we eblldten 11 m*-:rti
brothri-, two sisters auil myselfi
home very rally. I wish you
likes to play wiib slicks,

your shoulders, and
through ibe years Into what w

minds Ibe rrnsli of armies, the voleea

luir Sunln>am.
Cora Ann Klng.-di-y.
P.«u.-. Wash.. March Zi.
Dear Presidem—
n a long tome

I was very much iil.-usi-d to gel
:in» leiiers injm your achon'.

I am In


Cut.-'. pa-.ed you c;:a
d.stiicb tbe a <- tth
cali.artl. i but. Itac
I Ihv .Sti-;;, II1S5- will
uot U- aiilc I-. cL.
ilao- bdeaud wutk
unid Hay ate y.
i-.'o iiro;*T v»4k;^
t.. at-s<hAi.
«i-s cina*< mend

grafie. 1 like my teacher verv well
Is very kind to me. Mr - sefauul
mate is Annie Kiilanda
My leu-r 1gvlHBg long
From your Sunsbliie girl.
Age II.
Kafle \Tskoehil
I am very glad to get a letter from
you again, and to ihljk that )xm bate
f<ir»oiien ns.

thought I w..iild like to jni-i the

r—.; a.

April 16. lt«7
weatber eanti'. tiera-jsg
Vlckochlt. two good fairies for yrar friends all
ler. Then, in ih^fall. she wanis:
ir President—
all the.birds have gone and we cannot
0 tell her oar or two things that
am only r-igbt years old, hot
bear them sing
This is .vll [ can
aon. Chsrile Goes. Henry Oooe. Arlhua fairy FInc-Rarv and Fairy Drigbi-Eyes wish 10 Join tbe SuDsblne Club. Pic^ Ibljk of. -0 gflod hyo
me a card and button. We hli-e
Your* truly.
Behftc. Maplo Qly. Mkb.. R. F. D. No. have helped you to nee and bear.
Crown up folk call the fairies by only Bve weeks mnrv of M-bool. I
George Vlskucbil.
1. SbHIend Sebod Dlstricl No. 4.
different names ibai are not half no think we wilt have a pntgram tbP Iasi
You must enjey living near tbe rivH. V. F. Sjeshtee Club CreMe Rett.

J Iblnk my letter Is getling U*ng.
Ill dose with love 10 the Sim-

PoMysBaruinek. Maple City. Mich..
R. F. D. No 1. Name sent by Msry
This week we have such a nice lot
letters and names at new members,
from Hiss Panins' school. Yon remem­
Your prealdeni wonders how many ber that your president reertred a
hqya and girls like talry stories?. She photograph of Ibe sebidars, nm hmg

- and lake.


Arthur Behne


ill :J-iul It irv thr- Herald. '
-as.* send OK- niKUli.-r card

Mlrh . «. F. II, ,Vo !
_____ i.

April it. IP-i7

I Ihoairitt I would write again. ! hopt
yon and all tli.- Simshineti at- w-li.
««B hear aeme nr the girls say. "I do!"
Thenc letters and names help
Mapl? riiy. Mi.*- R F. 1>. No I.
th<- grtpp.- .vtioct 1 w-.i-k aco.
end some of the hoy. aay • poobl they' her to feel even better aequainto
April 16. 1*07
arb«-i tol.l me Tlni Prof.-s.vor
arent irwe!"
Tcs. and me nnder-,
DClr rtesideatJacoby had given vwo ni.e -q ihe
stand: how you both feel shout It.
Some of the bO)S and girls
I have - lx hr.iib. rs.
Tbfy are not true stories, to be sure,
rorcener's Bmuhlne Club. ;
Club tihU I hope you will send me a Ur brother Ivan I- iu Pm ibu'iTT ray
bnt some e( them have s bUden mean- nHI. Iowa, have sent in Imers. They bullon and card. I thank you for that bruther Cbartee iv In C- Jar. and All.ln
lag like a riddle-and your prealdeet
be printed hrdore long. We have Sanshlne huttno and for the card. My
Nonhpon. and Prank. George.
always dM Uk# to paezle out iblags.
uny leUera now, that earh has m teachers name ta Kettle Panlus
Land Victor are at home I have tori

wl-.;...» I*. ihi-



it.yui 111 iny aHir r llrb-n an.l she

Ib-ar Piesi.leiit
I W-0..1.I like l-> Join lb..-SUB-tOteObil. Ptra*.- M'od HI- u raid and


1 hav.- a -l.:.-r Pollv. She is tis,
small in Ji-iii 141-. S'.iiistiin. n iii mis.
Pl.-iS- »<m| io r n t'ra-ll- Bull r.ard,

m . .-lotiH- lu-.l- l .uv'Ciiit*- -aln-atl,.-.' W*'
.-lull- ba«*- ►.line mr.. 'fluw.-tvi iicie In Ihe
.piiiiiMy ilci Ilia**- h*-.<- U beaut!'
i.e :.d fi:'
U'.'II tiii r.triild ih!.i Will go IB

............. ................. ...

"''"'Il'-T tairi-ub,'-.r ►rh.dars in *ulr!

im-t ,-.>k

III* w-aste tui-k.-t If I don't ilitp, mi t -

d" •-* •>

Shetland *.*-hdtil.|""'‘ u. We*‘">-

F*r Will ckHU- for this tlice.

-nirii ]
I mn biylna ftl'-ml and Btm. -ira:; ■ shin*;?;


l ei- h
1; - ISI.
" <:*i:.

Hci.- K*M-ari1i.
I .khoiiU vri. iimrh ilTe to MW Ihe
S:-1ii'm*I fill .111*- Ih'af -il Mint


. M:.r> 1t.ttun.;k. j'
I wiuH.'r if i.iu add your uliiliira ■
lik.1I .vmir euius. Wiil.- mid t.-ll n
*.>iii*-'iim.-. ‘
Maple- 1M> Mb-Apili 16. IP-7.

Scott's Emulsfbn gtrengthens enfeebled
ourfiing motheri by increaging their fleth and
! force.

IV.-ir ri<o.i.!enl Mbo-jghi I wo.ibl .k.lii the <iuiish‘
Cluh and will yuii piia-r ser-d me
card ;;nd biiiTon? I .s<- to srhral .
■-ry day.
Tliere aie' iwenly.sev-

It provide* baby with tbe necefifiarjr Ut
and mineral food for healthy growth.
ALL DRUCCI8TS: 60c. AND i^,.4>0.

The .ANTHONY Woven Wire Fence
K WM-Itlsmson


Anthony Fi-nce Company.
TItCl MSCtl. Mien., L.W. A.
b in (act as wrO s>



1 bale II........ Ui.'O'ii II, you l-i

*>»e *»“*■ «wRvle*t xalwa**

iwjd wire that can be obUlned.


STYLEIS->^^hci|^ from 7 bar 2S inch HOC l<nc(, to th< ANTHONY
___ _


Wm. Hoolihan Co.

liiile liniiiiirr 3iid vi.Ar frini.lis a i.-Bl Siiiisliiii. iliiuu III il.i
f.-i III. li.-at
Fill... Mii-li.. , '., I!...T


" The Best on Earth ”

Ilaitey Xortnali
- air all glad ihai vou wrote le

Wagons, Implements,
Hardware, Paints and Oils
“Not B<>Uer Than the Best.
But Belter Than the Rest.*’




Wm. Hoolihan Co.
Citizens Phone 09
Beil Phone 188

Spraying time
la II.'-.r 111 1; III'! .-ill'? y-.m l.y.l Is-tl.-r tf.-t you? watila
i.r-i.-r to

in r-nrly

l-'-n «ii;it. ri.-ila

\V. ciirry for Uiia
.Ira.-nic, Kortri.-illii,

Hiiie Vitrir.l (Copjp.r Siili»hiilu) j

I.itvr ..f Sulph.-r ai-I

Iqin.-ul.i.r^'a Turo ]

Paris Gr.1-11



If yon wi!] piiri-hn»e tliiiM»krti.-J.-»br ns. ]-.>n w ill ei-rtainly j

> w roiiK iib to .|i-a!ily or price.

$. €. iUait


Cr*prr5f Citf’s Ctaditg Drug Start

cy nu



Scoli's Slock Food and Vctcilnary Remedies

y il-r. srr 11. CT.WI


will Mdu) ili-->Ti up U- us. 1 .laved w-lib .
I ItSM.N i,ui> iiini- '
b.n- .rt" -■
Hi-f h-tsli. I,.; I J r j^iiir-tin *iu. :

TI-iili th. *;i:.nrt Trriik i-s-!<ti!
Wou'iTt ue
'-..r-i nil-' »ii*.i| tb.' i1ow*'i> aud i.iiili ronieT

I go t-i v.-li-s.l I i,m lu tb*- sitth grade.

r lime?

Dear Preaident —
have not wrilten far two yeais

Ml ri«.er lilcil

1: - V. .. Have- tisgnnn. t
.o--i"ranb tak<-n sUml a
■t gav*- 1li-b-ii one aod I

lloliry Gisu*

Do you skate, in tb- wm-

Maple City Mlrh . R F P No 1.
Ap:H Is. Ii-':

■I i:...s:i

iv l';e rv. -«J ..d .j.; •« U; 1-,;

Wliai fun you nin-.
ater! I slu.cld like
the take



Lane’s Family |

an go boat rnliug.and swiininiiig
ev» r? <bv
G .t.'diy.'.

L imt. Canadian West

Branor Htwsteman. Traverae City. pretty. Do you want (o know them?
•Obsen-aiira." and -^Imagination "
Kerne eeni fay Katherine Davis. .

by n.aaiv ai,:i-e J

f.c vi. lent 11.,.;.. J
Tl.u -as<
tlif licrb to:.;.- Li- r.v-c

Santhine Club so s>-hd me a csid iml
W-. IH" i.i-..r the lak-- .m.l
our rs loM.l house In the suniDier

,New Wheat Unds

Prank Kalena. Jimmie Katena, Mary
Bartiaek. George Ludwig. Ike Atkln-

Cut Stone Work




April l«. IV*:

I hav*- .uijnyid being ui He
n and a card. I go 10 ghuUaiid
srhral. Thera are thiilyime achotaix Vlimshine CliiP. lessl
■im VOIII fii.-n.l.
lure. My icarber's mini- Is N.-Ml1‘aiihis. Well. 1 close ni> 1-ller. with
ove In Ibr SiuosbiDerw.


A. W.

Maple fiit, Mjch . R. F. D No I
Dear Prr-«id"Ui —

Maph- Ciiv Ml.-h,, II. F D No
liir witi. for llii-ui. Iisi. ns iliev an- i.m* t
rmall i.i v.iHi. Gim--;. name I- J.-nnir.j
Apiiil 10. i«m:
ear Ptesi.ieni —
1 riiouehi 1 woiil.l like to Join Ibr
t.insliiiii ('lull, so p]*-asa- send me

It also stands for pinch and pry.

Adedph Vlakochil.

•kea ftt Wans Sim


-.vrile >.n. .1 brier with
He Swali.VHl jtllls ttiMl.l................... ....

of great men, anri the eommoli
since I
naiinbs growing Into life.
H. iold. but 1 enjov rea.lJ*-niiir Kali-nn.
Fhlry lirighl-Ryea peeps Into your
ing lh<* letters very- mneh. We h.vvli li. nie*' In 1m- a itiiiishinrr. isii'l ii*
spetling-liook and tells you now
tiw: ! <lnn'l kn.m
And plague and pester: you
am glad thai v.m warn to Im- .hi.drrful the words are. that you are Iry|\V hav.- had some
Will see it heads perversity.
Map!.- t'iiy. Mleh . U. F l>. X.. I.
i hard to learn 'for keeps '
lireiiy evriri
col, weather this winter. For
And pen and painful, too.

April H'., I!ui7.
ry Fine-Bars whispers to you how
alMiui ;i amonth this wlni*-r I was In
Then, aa for Q. U atands for quick.
tear Prt-sldeoi,—
each word grew. First, how Cadmns
with the rheiiinutlsm. so I was not
And qnletneia and queen.
I would like in join Ih<- Sutl'lllne
(who tired so long ago that he It
In the rolilt-s- weather. Our school
OeUdons quince, and quarts and qnlll. part of a falry-atory blmMlO
''lub. Please send me 11 card and bmItegan al«>iit the niidrile of Xovemlier.
And Quaker, to seme;
I am iwelve yrais oM. 1 go in
the letieis of the alpbalret: btu
t*-:i-lu-r le lgiKsI; her name
Tot Mill lt>at the bead tf qnall.
be Slii'iU.nd seh.s.l
I am in ilie sixth
sallod In bis big ships on the bine
. Milh-r. They es|eM n uew
And quflml. quip nod qunck.
We liave hn« of iiiii ai 0111
Mediterranean Sea to all the counti-aeluT .my day. Hiss Plet.-o
And quiekaand. qulniy. quiz.
sohotd. My n-arh*-rs uam.- s- Mistricn that then were, and when he sold
lit', Th*-re are only Rfii-*-n
I have iw-.i |m-( shiep
going to school, f/isi fall (I
names are N'aury ami Ted.lpit- wo.;M gi. I.. Spring Coulee 10 gel
this i> all I ran think oi •. ru
traders the h
fiiiK. When .vtiii go rinan on boneftiday. May
I! ..
Voiii fri"iid.
Kvek. you go oa a (nol pretty
Adioph Viskivhit
New members jotning since last r»
Fain' BrigbLRyes takes your dry
straight up anri rirtwii. Mr. Bennett
I shoiil.l like to iue >0111 p 1 she---p
arithmetic and (elli
lived ni the loot of the hill, they havtHu you siipism- lhai liiit '.-nii.v riii-ii
BesMe fbebardsoa. Trsverse City work faithfully you ran do wonderful
flae oreharrl; we got all our ft
magic with the llule figures that mean
B. r. D. 1. Stony Bosch Sonsblae
there. Ther*' was an raiertalnmeni
Maple r.ij fii.ih H, p- n \o I.
Mary Swanaon. Bounen Ferry. Ida­ so much. You can learn to be a rivi the bill Mareh Isl, given by Ibe ehllengineer, who tunnels mountains; o
ho. Name sent V Harlej- Norman,
riren here. The v'hool luHise
I'sid.'lii CarrM WlUia. School for the Deal an arehltecT. who builds great cities Sap|M-r was serveri. afUT (be program.
■elcniist, who eosinis all Ibe years
.1 liie'.o
Flint. Mich. Name aoni by Bessie KoThen they played games. Ereiyhody
that have l>ecn. Just by
good lime. One day i.-isi (all we Club. Please ari.'liil It e Klii-ilsnd sebisil My 1
^nesl one. Arnold
girls were crossing a Tleld ai
li-ai-her I. name is Mis- Pauius. I lil;rj
Norotay, Ftorenco AtklnHim. Ifplca whe weighs (he sUrs at
eio-oie right ahead ol us; it
her vriy im.rh
Bartuaek, StaaUlav Kaleos.
Fhnnie (be sans.
afraiil of IIS but kti’t on ronning.
Notrotny, Anna KuUnda. Mary 6o»hFairy
Fine-I^rs and
Fairy We hear them bowling nearly evisy old and 1 uni ii
■ .'igbtb grudr. We
lada. Johnnie Kutanda. Martha Na- Bright Byci help you In iwnr work night.
ip ai our srbcwl
house. There is a liver .itid a take
chasel. Agnes Boutnda. Miles Naebst- and In yotir play: help yon he«r
Finm y<iur Sunshine girl.
el. Angtut feoubrnda. Helen Ludwig, things and hHp you nee things that
II. 1 have a large dug whose
Florence Kingsley.
- is Rover. I bli.-li him up uml
Dorothy Ludwig. Joe Knlanda. Willie vou wouldn't notice without
fine rides wlih him. I have two
OtM. KMle Norotny. Fanny Snftunoa. Your presldeni
Vapk- Ciiy. Mtch_ R. F. D No
mill's to walk lo scliral. I am very
Uatina Bartanek. George VitkocUI. thU Utile ulk of bets, and take the
And pttleoee and p^lleneBS. and
Prt«)rtety and praise,


flowers fa bloom.

Kcbcilars in *mr sehuol There nrr ft
iir w'l'*-].- of vrhis*l 1
dster each
ytai -i idd. That Is ;ill f-ir imiay.
I.OM f<et of rack above uh: it was card and button hy this time.
Maple niy, Mlrh,, H F. D. No
rather dangermis In those places.
■ Charli*- Go*.'.
April K, 1P07
I^ti Cfarlilraas eight of us went to
Drtgbl-Ryes says. '-Diia-t Irak i
PresidentWill Ton i<» gta*1 when varwihm
tmbappy ibougktii. t eaa
see such
would like to Join the But.shliic comes? What %r*
beaullful things you mlgoi be Iblnk- Christmaa night wlien we got tliere.
ing about Instead. See the snnbglil. We broke one of the ruonere and the
rd I go to 8beilH.l ^hral. There
Ibutiieis Fern. Idal"
l>oys bad to mend It. It waa a four
and the green trees, and bear
ihirty-one tubolar.
April 5. INo*
horaeletm; the leaders had only been
birds sing. DonT qoarTcl, dMr!"
leaeher's name Is Nettle Pajlu*.
Itear Pi . -l.U-tii—
You. Fairy Fiae-Ears and
Fairy driven once i>r iwire and Ibe boy
wlik^ve to the SunMy-litii* htoiber rtlnton-w-v.iid |,
drove had onl.v <Irlveo a tour horae
Bright-Eyes are pretty good friends
to w-rii.-to the Sunsjuni- Ckb, Inti
Another boy and girl
bare. DonT you think so? Only. In
Your friend.
Is too suiall lo.wriie und i ntid dim
the slory.^ j-oii know. Hie hero had
In a IMile sl*^igh. then they
Fiank Ualrna
would w ill.- lor Idui. si I
do something flrw to make them his came horn*- w-lih us We lia*l fun.

lIlHiory: and If you let Fairy Floesad Ears help him. yon ran hear la your

And pretiineat and plays.

PIcavo iMd Ac Anolber
1 am oesdlng two cMta. I am m>
glad that tprlhg la berv; It is so nice
to hnr the Uid-v aing aid a*r the

Ibe river right below us with about

let them go to srhral n-ilb you. Fnlry
Rrighl-Ryes. takes Ills long Irak

AU liiUe girit and Utrte boys
Bbould mind thdr Pa and Q'a.
Or else ao away, -many thlnga
Of Talne they win k«e:

Ike AtklBum.
I am glad to haven many newmei
lives ai Pbgartyvnie. Rorida. aM cme ben o( oar big Sontlilae nub.
from anoiher Snosblaer. Zetta No*Maple Qly. MIrh.. R p. 0 No
When she was a mtle girl csr at
alager. oPHonroe Center. They bedh
April 16. 1*07.
the atorlea she Ukfvl beat waa
pleased your pmMenl very roach.
Dear Preoident—
Fairy FlBe-Rars and
FUry Brlglit'
Pieaaa-acad me-a card and button.
^ei. Vou know the hero of the story
Fannie Manie. of Honor. R. F. D.
II with to >olD the Club. I am elev­
bad a great uak to do. He bad
No. 1. aent some marflowen la a nice en yeara old. 1 am m the fourth grade.
kind to the two talrlea when be didn't
letter. They were the flrst mayfli
I have two brothers and three sisters
that they were falriea, and
your president had seen tbii. y«
I live with my grandmother. She is
be needed help they come to bis
good to me. My letter !■ Umg enough
nM. and hla dlflleuIUea were all or
If* re are la-o it iierr. that ar*
When your prealdeni grew
laloly a gre*( treat for us all. Florthe aUll liked ihal aiory because
George t.udwig.
meant more to her than just a fairy
and Cora are Sunahinerj whom
It Is nice to hear from yo<i, George.
deer First Presidem loved very
seemed to her that en-ry bo>It. We haven'l hesnl from them Write again, someday.
and girl. yes. and every
Maple City, Mlrh , R. F. D. NO; I,
». had a Fairy Flne-Rsra
April 1C. iboT
and n Fairy Btigbi-RyeK jiiM ready
I Pogue Wash . March
Dear Presideni —
to help them If they would only Dear President —
I would llki- 10 Join the Sunsbiue
atbp loiiK nnoush to nollre.
M see many leiirrs
ciuli Please s. nd me a eard and butFairy FlDe-tk.ra la the one who wbU Washington, and I will write on
u»n. i have two hroihe.-v and ^ne sis­
pera to the Weather Man an.l lella TIh- wind Ih hhiwiug now. It Is
ter at horn*-. Their names are Fraul;.
him there Is a rala olorn lUiy miles wind, Ira.. Papa went to an aiirilnr
George and Hattie. My (vaofaer Is very
FSlry Bright-Ryes
kind to im>. I am in Ibi- third grade.
aale was In Spring Coulee
rainbow and teits him when the aionn
I like to go to srboo! very ituieii. My
over. Fairy nae-Rars bwr- They ride boresliack here: yruj ni-eil
rshral mate is Rnieyt On*- There was
•. the same at you iwquire
ihe crush of mrks and the dismay of
ahmii six InAos *if snow here this
wagnu In the ••aKi..Well. w«
cltlea whim a great earthquake eoiues;
week. 1 am -« glad spring Is here It
and l^hliy Brlgb^Eje* watches Uk need litoio here aleu, hut a ponj
is nice to Lear the llllle Tilrdi, sing.
faint qihver of Uie wonderful seiamo very Imporiani lu pack things up
1 will close fur this lime.
graph that maikt the trembling of the hills, t have am wrilieti to you since
in Hartford, no I guess you have
eanh-a antface. Fairy Plne-Rara hetra
Agi- s.
Victor VIskoehll.
the aap niiblDg up (be trees In spring:
Vex. indeed. It Is nils- Ibat the birds
brays the grass hUKles pash aside ihi worth Sejtieniler. ISdj; wi-llveil there
have all conn- Lack. I like to bear
eenh-diist and grow into the sunlight; eboiii a y-ar ihi-n got a homcsti-a< them sing, loo.
heara the motion of the flower petala: op here. It is about l‘»0 miles from i
Maple raiy. Mlrh, II F D. No, j.
they softly tinfoh!. Fairy Bright- nllraad. 1 like the scenery ben- hu
April tC. 1*07
Byes aaicbea the wild birds m their there is a v«-ry sleep hill betseen hen
Ih ar Pn-xldeni-^
, ao lhai Is why a pony h
night; secs where
would like to Join the S'lu.-.hlne
useful. We have two big borae.«; one'i
each dewdrop lies and sparkles In
Cluh Please v. nd me a ran] and iini
and his clear eyi« pienre will wa­ name Is Fnuney. and Ibe other Ben
loj an.l srnd one to my slsi-i. fs.ina.
ters and see the life Ireneath. of trail­ the}- ant a very nice team. We ilrovi
is raly M-ven years old. I am in
htTv* In a waguii. It took us eight days
ing mnia. of alien, and darting flsh.
fifth grade. My studies are te»dome from l.eavenwonh. It la altout
Bnt Fairy Fine-Ban and
ariclimnle. language.. geogTsphy.
hundrrd and iweniy-Ave mll>-s Imi
Brlgfal-flyes mn hear and ere more
dology. and «r-elllng. I like to golu.
than this. Is there a loving word what took us BO long we had a load,
school; I like our H-a'cher v.-rv w-'ell.
spoken! Fairy- Flnr-Ean knows and and then brvnight two cows and a ealt.
Our teacher's name u S.-iiii- Pauliis.
glad. Does a sm^e conquer a One bfil we came up we hired a team
' go to si'bisd every duy. We have
frown? Fairy Brishl-Ryes secs, and for leaders to help us np Ibe hill. Ob!
walk a mile and a half to 8.-boo
Sleep! We shipped our goods
arallce in sympathy. And oh! when ibr
It Is very
beie now: we had a l>a
host and hmughi out ramp out­
l-timea come. Sunbeams, then ia
tow storm hi-re last w-eek. Well,
Fkiiy FtncBars
Fairy fit and lent with ut. {l was our first
list close.
Bright-Byea niah to help you! ‘'DonT trip overland and we enjoyed it. Along
Yours truly.
listen to the cross words," Fairy Pi^e- the CedamUa river In some placea
Fannie Raminek.
there was Just, room for tne wagon—

FSHiy Fine-Bars and Fain- Bi-lghi
.Ryr*s nr.* never no happy ns when you

Vewr R'a ntid Q'a.

Taar mail.
Two pretty postala have coom
week. One from Dora Horfon.



t NtftAlA THUMOAV. MAV t fW.

«0M my Mtnr wflk lava to all tl

Tiii-n-IT -u*. U tl.-r nrli.;|.-. <.i. liie i..vrk<-t for

-.. M


i.ii'I «•' will trill y»>:i uliiTi- il-'aii le* fi.iijel.

Put Up only by

Scott Veterinary Remedy Co.
209 SlBleSIrccL




The RHmnir.g Lemon.
Tlion' l» oao fi u:l ul * lili-b lltr •.
UHlidioun palsio novor voaii
•hloh. cilhnr In omU.- or (otins
un rJl^ibldln# ioy i« ibo «»l;.
1. »Dd Btior.Bbo h.'ia ptannod and om Karra and Flnn-ido. "nio n.—i-ut"
' When Runnel* Besan to Leap and
by of (bo, i-lnnrbotiT. iln- ('i'.
pivil.c u naUi an ihiniph I bad ovoolooBK or I ho rrlnoionril-obookod
TK^rb uild Ibo <ioIipiiirnl IhivoiB n
W'h'H ruannlfc bes>9 •«> h-W
»*“C. liioiislii now ouucrlal ibiiAaboji. On
maAbiI ^ BliriUiic t» htnw.
lira <Ml or (bo tbirkoi peopod Ua>'- obhio.aad Kum in at.d il« lior MitHiine b<r. W« t-pind baiipy iifii-royod Rpiinr.
And lanehcd al Hio inoltinK stinw. nniiRs itw.'ibor wltu oiir M-nlnc. t«
and abiuiminio.
••It la UiDo. old Wimor. you *ro»t.“ Mir ourniiibal brniodi. Wo l!vo Inn noleb-,
liorhooil wboio iho Viili ii oI barmonv
and Ifivo prorailn. a'.nl li «Ai:lil do]‘'|'‘"’*!
And mitod aerun tbc pUln.
Ibo luan,-;';;
»l I.
Wllb an IrtB aoart annmd bor bra<L
And dlanrandod nilb rain.
When ibo bawibon |hii off bor bridal
And the nlffbUnsale-* noctiim dlod.
Then Summor came forib *lih h< r
And humod (bo fiprinc, and orlod.
•It I* Umo you worn: yoo bavo had
' your (ban',
And aho randlPd a lorowp »*wi,
■ Wth ologBiilInc mvollod aboiir l.M
And buitonrup dual on her toot.
WboB (bo p<*rs nn^Iod |ulry. ibo ap­
ple* KWOOT.
And Ihatebod *ra* Ibo noir-rtpkod
And AORUM 1 IB broDxlni; tho siripllna
TboB SnniDor beeouafat lo May.
Bat Aatnnm ■arao rcora tbe tod-reorod tarra.
And "Tl» UiDo ibu you »ont." ro. PlR>d.

' mih fa amber dhqnf OB her nut-brown
ABd bor alriile nthwan hor *ido.

rako o3;lt jineiT anJ
pm coo laMorpoca cadi of allapl%,
nnd olnnarana end add on'
li U Rii*ln« Bntl< and


alnicnds ■ t«<“ •"'l «

• sr'mM.lo:,..Dd
.hop r-n

ii and.add p,uUrr
»io m.
'■ >'i.Miu :
tbu ta nji ti

i>oruna*aib<*nrf rrliat.
roranaU s<o>J l^r raanv nunur il

to lu:io nom.- tiioihod In
I repk-nislilne irf^ibr
II jidbiw ilnd of ..Tie b iuoi.- rmuov
m Iho fin*, and s'ir iiiiltl ordd <
biiiy hojuewifp u)nc]i lime
ir»y hit; p it ibo Jiilc of oiio lenio
and ••cirry. aays Table Talk. By n.b>pi
a.Klasa dlsb. poltr tbo t-tsinn! nv.
I vcyKfrm cm« kn-iws jiial wlm'
and siii ihoronshly. So-vrhand and jn>t wlioro li is at nni
Il Ipil ad'i'
d wiih anpidV f>H.d nr sn.>BSi*<-ik
rat iii-islr^l. It lv a eiK^d Idoa in
C.ipPudd!nys-i.-a. it
bavo a list of nil' tho nintonl* of,iho
clo*cl wrilion on u curd and faMonwl iyo'k* of ............ ..
siu'iolli l.iii «.-i liiviwn. add .B.adiinll,- ,
(bo Inside of tho dtrar. such a.s 1 ad.l i;p.duallv one eiti.fiil m' pr.iniiiatril B ru|. of rich mUk. sUrrilw cooswnily,
xhoois. pillow ca«->.. l-sl sptt-aiU. tmv-UdSiir.’ throe lablospoonfals trf watiT. ml.l th. ••n.ipp'si bam. •'.' tdaid•Is wa«b<1oiba. table rlolhs, napktn..! tbo praKU yoll.iw rind of nno lemon,
,abIrsV««.fn1s of lonmu Ji.leo and
hinch etetbs: dollios. moat cloiba.
pad*. W iva.'s.oie. All one’s p.-rraesr. one cupful of Horn iif.. wloH. has
tons In this line o.m Im- setn nl albro'n elhfd oni- level loa-pn.mfnl
pawdor, il.oii fold In Hi.- sillily
It Inil o far (o happlnom—ll"» lylnp
' yonn:: .who , ha»|wblp|Hsl wblto- of iI..--osb- aad pom
•d with onlv a m<slei-alc srppi) of ibv IsHin- lliu. fllKi'a liiilo hnii. rod
• It IwlBkiok IB the dowdropa, brtass
linen would do well In ptirebase one'ciips; for half an hoir .then
bloom lo burroo «rouad:
■ ft alnita la all tho breorea. It Mpploa aheet and ono pair of pillow eases for,t«n> onl. roll in imw.Icrod s-iear. and
ewb IKSI ev. r, year. Mark oaeb pieec servY with hot lomnu or almond
la tbe rtn»oTllnen, wlihibr! Irf-mon Tan-tb' until tender iho ' j , " f ,
U*i •written (u ffiw'u bannor*
pure If on tho pil.' and us.' lif .nuilon
wave froin all the hilia.
wllb the mbor nrilrb s. On.- w otuun ' i b. u. to a paste r.
followt'.l till; nieihod for,wull.- sauar; nibl, irf-.
• It tont ao far n
>'CBTs baa f»«i>d M tnbet i-icolioai. lt||Msiud of nbmchcsl and Hii'ty .•'k.;.-.s
IT llvea of rest
inrolTOs n vs-ix small outlay of linie .ainumds. ibe j.ilre of lUe fniir Icnirai
To meek H o cr broad oeoona a* fa
and money eachyoBi. ITien ihrro Is a''.anO o llllle crated ped, slnitiicr t.
east from weBl:
conalaui .U-mnnil for (dd mnsiin for.soibor In a pareelaindinod diali b
rton All the dw homo place* In
vrhi-n cold,Mir
bouscbuld cleunlou piirixpies,
row we depart.
yolk* of Ihri-c
And dream not that It* dwelllBC place,In (hii wuy pil one's ;d»s.n-. and pu­
r .a-iir nans:,.
loin c tart pun
la etcr hi tbe heart!
|low cases do not, civ.- .v.n ut onto
. .b,'' iIrjpT.ina j
nutl bake in
lOne has tbem in -all slascs of »-enr.
. slfrci
iuerinciip wbli i ■ whlpwl .
tl Isn't ao far to bapptnc**—tfs shin-'.jipeelally if they bav.- Lm-n iwil In
lof an nloaff:
itecular TOUtlon. After, bnyitic n.-w-_cr the cci
.prerd 11th Id lb« lowllemVtnoM, If* In lbe;,heet. labe (he .-arllrM dated powd.ird
thra*b'< •aoK,
land put th.m inin ibe -old muslin ',over ibe
And hoM It. ye -fho ffod IL forever tn: |«*. to be kepi ««i one of the iow.-r ^ ver) d.-lic
Pb—raai Ibe»
shelves, fooveulonl lor suddiii CBii r-; U'lnon-i
•mi yoo sleep und'dieam forever In jearles. If tb.' sbeeis art' Hill ibi.-:'ces* »niH..i.f a
r pniiml nl powcieaui. th.H ad-1 i bl­
the Time* of OodY reel!

; Rood to be -up f...- eleuoine cloib..] ib re.l siis*r lo a cieau
and u-bip .iT>T..i.,l .Mnke a
—Frank U Stanton. ; mey ran be torn d.nm the middle, imbeaiim white, .rf if.u

'jCT,ctbwl:--e. these tom eciues hemniv-d.jui: iws-dbci until
■ • . »
» • ..••••• * .,0,1 ilie M-lv.'iCT' sU.s .lilch .flat sce'lbe cmic! rind and Juiee of
isi'iu. WbD.u—SI
♦ -I naked the toaea a* they crew *;p<,h,r, making sheets ihat will siill.h-mons and o«^ «,
♦ Rfcberand kneller 10 their bne. ' dv.' some-s.'rvl.*; c
■ Wbni made their Uni* no rich
vams* beds i;r n-s •'.'te.
ind pll-,J
and bright.
•ntev gnawered. 'LaoUnc towar.1 ' low eases
the light* .
/*; nil
• Ab! eoctw doer! «ald heart of
cents rooiV ilmn tbe cost t>f ihc i

*! uiaieriBi.
• 0«d raeeni my life 10 be Uko •; if u,p
-ystem is f.dlowe.i-.

'iwlih tbc tabic lliu-n. one wHl tuve a
• aidUnl with henrealj- bf«n<y * .
t.ld.-Hnth .-*cb year to make In-'i
t".;i liil siifficiccilv

*,to fear ceO'l-»'l''s!*n.-ai cloihb. bc*l.lesl
'• cni'n. and serve.
• By aimply IcoWng toward tbe ‘.,i,e IhvoI.t to make Imo iray clolhs.l
llDad..>*l6-i;.si Ji't.

-*;«asb rlpiiin-.aiid clolh* for w-asbins
••••••••'••*** * IflBC china and Bin**. OM laWe cmilr baK c
------------Mdc into napkins for cvery-|cnp of milk. i
|sp<KW .d soilu.
Old ^1 spread* c il up luak' ii*eful 1
Imd pads.
A fricod Of Home Cheer M-od*
the pao n*wj- t
id naiikUiK can bo lypleii;
mult practical and bclpfol U tter alone
9»in tbo tenner ralloJ at ibo hlroll

. And Aairmd bl. faiind lieoroo. .
, And Aotumn fftopod tor iho Inni Mi
In ihe drift oT bor llueroA lra»o*
••ft t> time you woni tram the llfoloiia
Bawlod Wlnlar, thoo whUiliM weird.
With » kw for hit bean in hi* ebllhlalaed hand.
And aleet in hi* nrltded board.
—Alhed AueUa. In BntH«b
ttaied lUeatlM.


Uimlv DiodioBo

io|.l,:» faiJwoll. IIS *lc«a««.k
.!r,-.v. X»-.IV .iV.Tonn.. wnic.i
•.kfurdoctotiBBlor a year *Bd flud'Bs
n. -.' sf Ir-m Irii.vrrlira reenlllns I'otn
spr.i.f-u* men. and wb-ch wae wpfAff
ft. ty dvy It *. vuied al«o*t uo. 6“«<l *» >»
ac'l l.M-i'Vt'r;
• f.Bi It un( onir helped raa. It cored me
anu in a verr .b"M urn*. « •« «“•• *»>»f
toy ibe U.'t of I.ealih. I *« .iron* oed
in-o i>..m |•*m,aa.l I certainly tael Ibat all
prah* and booor
»o Prrwma. "
111.0 biiihly. It
r* ein--* I foand renef from the
jo..t*tii:ffDf t« bM rammed.
.dtbaiibrraUawayln wblob
e»k »t Ibis as many a auSarer
,j my UetiiDonUl. and not only
Wat. Bandar.

{ lies..! IVTiinsi-'d.'. m iiiob.'u-,'n.sS ir
j -I i|j;iih IVrvin-v.i-I
. twdio^ayii

Bwollan'l bsppy J
.va»su’'jc,-51., I.mau wawknooa. tor _

rb/rfocB.vcar*. si
at tbe
.d (list 1 bavo
. timevit tn.
,l <-..iu.'nt i...
' ■'irPerwoe
. K.r,-I l,.-'l
ot ovd aii.i

ruobHle*, they may ffnd reasons which
win prevent Ihclr bcloogthg lo a clii
whMi meet* legnlarly. Bm ^ere :
almost DO one who eamiat find at lea<
one good nelgthor. TbU friend Is al­
most certala to be able to do *«i
tldbcu with grvdiler ease and »m-ii
Nkulis Ihaii tbe -party of the Brst
part. - who. in lorn, bat talents along
ilBvs whicb at* dlfflcnll for her neigh­
bor. Say* tbe *fruer; “My cnod ne*t
door Detctalior and I often help <<acb
other witb our sewing Rbe to an ••*J-T1 at ivloanlng bow lo Dilllte U-IX
ovete. and her Idaw arc of much value
to me. Wo often gel toffetber with

wcune/isufferenfofryrf/. Iw.mb1l..'i
'.s- «.ul..'i.( ti I'.r ii.« --"I
Mond'n.Il' ilygroTc. Ai’k.
-I w.v. V.
p«it/c«-e**ocs». »b‘ -■ •*
.,,tl»il! .r-a I Would )a-c

inut tb'.V- l.-iViU! ptwd.-r
i:-: BbJ nab.- ..n-ii.a d.''hate
i-:v. in saidil .e-l-s. ~ Sic-ak—Hnnii.uts sP'aic Is
l.y, p'-r<-liakibc leun .
li;-- loaia. fo-einc U ftvun',
.iiTlntbe bom©;,
|KI. A-: a cha»~-: mold it;,
c;.i,.' a Miab;:.;

■ Cak- Bak-ug. •
'.t’.i-elinc lea:. ,<ai> I't
.-arb 1-eiol
i^eof »f lh.-in;


7 i-‘ dP.o
v.vM .a

. SKectivr bio'^ MridK-nai rtyp-vot.e,-



Eaaily Prepami Meata.,,
rbiC'.vn Oii..'l.-l~.\lak.. j
oib-' »
/(, bill,
ludoie toidlDC sptrd'!'I..,, -li
-rcanp.-d clitcs.-n. '•••1! h«i.oBi>d.-OVfr., i,.,,.;
i:h© too • Fol'l .and' .1 is.- .Troamet
Isb. tisparaciif. aad -fabliB'-wer
lie u-<s1 in ihi, way.
^vccTail-i»., •!.' <.
Rsrpri-f h'-.ll-Ri.;i es.kHl cblckea.po 9
aokt'irl'i- ''t rauMRC lb IgMcaiV 1
irjd •••.
ntsl and Iwke. .•Servc-.wlHwr hoi *r *.'b »!»»,.tU'.-if;.’
cold as pn-femd.
-ib-Mk; f-u'.iUo 1

-vlicf.batno cure. 1 h*»c aaffareda
cr.iideal.aod.iny hoilmod bod TOty
‘^'•la‘'luc^^?pMr^^MJf»*d to try
Prnriu. BOdtl't' l-'in* taken a.-

Dried ApDl* Ffult Cake.
;br.-e cupfuls of dried appM
f..ia w-aici ov.T night, in tbe momchHp -hem and pul over tho ffrw
b three cupful* of molana*; *te«
II aliwH noil: add ■ ciiiful of *«rt.
, lalsins *nd slew a lew mlnnltn
•j.'f. TThi-l) «.!d add ibree eopfuli
d.H-.r. om- of tmiier. tbrae
;s. and ;i leaspooufiil nf (oda: bake
.1 moderaii' oren. The ralatna may
"ml’i'-'l an-l. If desired, apleee may

I .f .vked .-Mr-tCbji

abwmf »< ^ftr-s t*Ui

UlnsI ulicmsit- yeaia.
iA Ft'il- f,vi.t;.'s-f)iic an.1 .mchai
On out mark ilic date of pnrehiso
.){ 1-iowa s-.:gar. .'«© cupful .■
ipon tr.w.d* «ir table iloiii. Mar* i»
;icr, four cg2». eni- i.-a'-iioaufa! o
:pon tlic enrd In ilic Hum cliv.-!. with
!a. one t.-a-ipoc.nfiJl each of cinnr
a d.'sorfplion ef ibe patii-i.i. an.l li wil!
clove,an.l Bli-pirv one (cacuptr
be cjKlIy rv-egnl.-.iHL Whllo^lbc ial-1"
chopped raisin.- Floni* t.-> m.;:..- .
linen t.* cviicn.1!) kepi la a closei
scfl 3 dinich as r.-.n I- roilr-l.
Ihe ilininc room, a list of the same in'heap Sponge Cjkc-ThU.clude.1 in tbe general HneU clii«-l In.
e clip of sugar, oae uH'l crfil* hail
viraiory i« most eoovent.-ai lor ihc'enenipi
■nofnH'; fs.s-;
>iilstre....ef the bouM-lvolil Msik, Ibe'eups #<««
SWV.-1 jPil-K.
on; der.
suspoomul iemoR
of salt
card 1*1 I
I ready cor vaallli
Beal the eggs nnd 'O
flo * in which haklne n.vwd-'r has-l-vu
have a 'bo\ eaeli. i*;-..
W.4I Mrc! in. Bike .11 a .r-if
Old I h>.n. - Old Flsi
SOcn 1" iwcBty niiniiie!. Thi'
Dderwear' tgohd
fail' if the oven t- hot .-uioiigh.
'lothsl'^lcl Hanill iTrlilc'
yiDlasses Cake Plain and sSplced—
Old inoslln eunalu* ean lu- laOoe cop sour luiik. one of molasses.
cloths it nm.too uiach »oi
oTtp hcapluc tablcsimv* pood .lilpldni
clu'h dui
ciicb veul will k.-cp up Ibe supply .ol one t»ans»n Mil. '
Mdved 13 rate iM-apinK labie.p'.l hounbuld.
_ dayk.
. .
So )t»...........................
>oc. a leir rainy
witb, , as much flour as yn-J 'hit
at hand for aewfag. will put bw don't mi* it very stiff:


,1 cf [sie.

.lo Wtiloi hoaiil erf by <«
toor liiilo »omnii, irb<i bi
p;opar.'d wi:ii
tirirf. wlKbo:, in s'l dnv,n
liiniimorsld.-. :
■riomonii of KhnppinK. o frlond Is al-p'""
*-a,vH nadv id look Blior Ibo chllilrx iii"'"
:or bor. and In i-oiiiin I 1...... lo..wo!rk-i
lond pltsisinir
ni-lshlM-rt.- c1illdr«i m uay all niKbi
--.y ili-lliiouu
Ibo fcllox ins. rr'riio-t-:
u lliT^ -al
IjVHa I'ueldinp—6»;:b •■H"
P'luliiio and tho ibiu lind ul.
ono whoMi *'ork uill noccrlialo a hoi
llro In ilio klichon Move. lu'oooU a pir
iioens whirh b-i iiolablair (viili a
alovo ha's pu-.aand ready for liakeh. and Wanii a dlrUioti of <h< spoils ain•o.iri4i, otiia
llK- illiK- I
ropiiys her for the iildins troabh-.
Tho-so an- a f.-w of Ibo *n>> In
«bioh nMchhoriy klnduoKM-i. nro ron- iiniil il Is ODld and boginm
•lantly twlOR oxolinuinsb and If n»mof Honir Cboi r'o ro3d^^* would pra-- of-ivo o(r«;s. and whip llioni Ihio ihojl-im- , p la
iloc *«»ioDia(lP ro.'limM-liy. ilicy woald ■slid Roimlno; roniiiino m IkiV thojinan;. ad'1
Iro dcIlBbtod with tho r. :-.ilis. not oaly wliok- iiniil II Ironiinoi. irf ibo r<iiu>{-|>n >b'- o'tr
In woiL arcompllsh.-d. I.ut In Iho »plw lone) of spoapo; pilo li IlRh|fj fii aU.«.l a
cla»»'dish. pm c.asaiaiii m^rooru
I lyuHUiis—l>an;, a
n-al triouilsIMp. r-f baiiplacss and
roBioni whloh sooms to iic hi the air aixMiiid tbo liaso. and sc-rv.- with i
orvod slniwborrb-s or a nri yolli-w j v..« .uTI Dt-o l,
wbourror a Uod d.iil Is done.’'
a.lard rxniro.1 aioDiul 11.
,ooir In
l.omon f'lislant -Mab'' ;< ocisi.T!d_
ji toaro >

the line of ibought brovgbi out «•>
tbe laat two editorials, on nelgbbotly
elob*. Rhe aay* that tbe and n friend
have goae aUll farther. While club,
arc adralrabh-. then* ore still raaoy
wi'mea ©o altnated that It Is impossi­
ble tor them to belong
hapa Ibey live toe far from avollthle

s 7%roa^Koi><

Tkj: Hi. H i-



Caro ef Uinbralla*.

ru-.i'-.'. .'• Hill lavt far loogcr If
' «Li-u Wet ibey ate placed bandit
•' lioHewi.rd ID dry The Tuoiiinre falla
'.ilroni (be .siges of the ftaine and Ibe
'' datnir drf.-s iinMDrtiil.v. If sion-1 bundle
' I'psaivi, which Is conrauBly tbe case.
'' t Ibe io|> >n lbs .imbreila boUi ib« mtda(iin- owlug to lb.- llniog aadcrtieatb
'' II;.. line, and ibr-reloce lakes a long
'■ tftn.- 10 dry. thus Injuring the lUk er
“..rfber fabric with which It U covered.
'. This tit ific prime enoie of tbe lop ef
■ ‘, !bt- unibr.Ha wearing out Mioeer than
‘■■!ib.- other pari, f'mbrclla raaea. loo.
*^[^arr- Tvsprraslblc Mr Ihe rapid wear ef
‘'jih.- silk. Th.. ron-iani friclloe Casaee
^•‘.he tlar bole* that appear so provt*laaly earl.. Vh.n not lo tii«. leave
Lbe Iinibfv.'lbi Inux'; when wet. never
tC leave Ji ->peii t.. dry. as tbe teatc coo
» dbirm th-..-. |.ri>-»;iced makea the «Uk
•n'ttiff. ar.'j lism it will wos crack.

n progr. f.. ooly. when j
pnUinc in the cake.;
...hrouing le a haftiJ-,j
,!l'- Sour take* ire o
e«.ui-:i.i. snrkabop wber* brain
inland i.:u 1.1.. biiili BP and rewarded;
have a bay trlndow.
icinn.l ■iie;.. ’.r
nk'.Tcr how plain la Mroetur*.
- ah which the good nrln-tagel.—
:rr.' an-l p'lrc n!r—can freely «-n
Thi- Hitidow shall be iJie poem of
house 1- shall give freedom acd
.. ... ir...
the t-mder green
..-.isuk'ug (inis of tprhvg. tbe glow
„;:rn'c;; the pomp of autupm. thn
I., i.r sia-cr. storm and BannUne.
• sad sicotri—*11 «n*ae we can
.V a. we sit in (wr ahclterPd room,
ehjngibc year* roll by. Dark
ipirtia. It
' A Hame Made Baromet
;ia-- ;>C a v-c.-c of cobAnemCBl. ef l»oH-. ie new
<-ib—•-. a'i3 wl'l eeal->' -s'.'-r. 'rf iiOwcileMaea.whIeh Is cbille -r— r --J maic. a -i3ip> baroii-r ,r,a to en.-rsy and rigor, b* lo light
r rh-m.pivs--'. Twu dia-bm. .ff cafti ; c-M cheer. Even tn a gloomy house
!or. balfdrarboi of pi-- .-j;ip«i' .
-he walls-and forallure afw dm-'
o' in.riyi:.
-r.. .u?
Dwn. you have but to take «lowD
■i', tso DMU-.- <rf p:',.-.f i;-:-;-.. a -ij- curtains, ope, wide the wUia*> lube
a ftaric* ri.ia'. w;.'i '.'i .. habc t-rackei* on el'ber aide, net
akc ,0 wry cood weathc- z .idc. ,iu “out i»rp* 00 ih© Jirackeis and iTT
y ov.i-.-..hcr the sohi’.ion ». ;'T’Bi3in,.3 (be j-.ti', and Igi the warm air
ea- on the BppB-arii-M r-Moge. iHi*atn Jr..
1; •whfie v;
. I'hemrfPl rombiuui


,-Wliat is ibe Brsi m»al In ili
, as*ed Use learber.
. -tSarmeal." piped JohBBM.



Pages ? to 14

Snil. anil I ftW n»i ri'jll-.- «liai i wn*
EOUIK Int... I.IH .ai. r .a, I f,.un.1 oin

What a ^rhaie Soldier
SawandTXdm 1864-5.

loan .« l!..- UHI-Oil- i

Written for The Herald 5j»


lo KI> I'}

leani'. al.aii

i.-n itr j tlioii=!ii


It urjl.avltis
-c-.I.n., „...
• pM. ,

a-i :4 -■..uwal at ••arh -oil
,.,n p.,



Veterans Seareu Raekiaa.
.1 ;.|i ,a UHiilviIie
r..,!ld not cu to • ri.? a.'i tp.. .-.uiptry, we f-lt'betb)T ,u-r. b'lt e,.T>ihi!;u livulr-d wartik-


in South.

Mbii-Ji w-.•SII.I..4. Midi

Ci>! msl-'- In lb- M.rlh ua*
In hirUm-ni ■n !j>nt*,lu,>. K-mm-kF. ttv
iiui!-:;.. Blth ii.i.ssdt li, 1,1- hali.l. •lih;„’,
:l»'.T-«nuirtliw- afib daik. and
I i-.ivob-l. a I bi- •l-u..>n.l<'4l of mr.T,h<-.I .
.............................................eii, awbil- and
lu,..-.- Whai is: ,p..„ hr..-lain, up ..I tlH- UmisTille ns :bal w-i
,nd «I-!U on the plttl.
h..rr.n!,n:;. .. oiil «if II
J'lnl wiibnnt
\n,en • d-.vligbt ’
rommand-r of , pan,., „,,b„ pado-d
.... .o w- ..iit.-l bark, <«o;-

iiiarohi'.l lip lo th- li;.rr... k-.'.fs I
Abr.iriam woio iailo<l. noihlui: l-o !'iinl>. i i-ai
rotnibllr.-iii nonilnrc on a laip- m-sIo. S>*in
u-i- dii
and Ib-n ih- Sunlb up 111 line lo t«- mii-i-red Into
f»r wai.
serviee of th- Sial«.

ui . ih- sane a* b-


li made ns la-dn 10 »i
xiirhlpiu. diilllne

Thr.v said. "Wo win sorti.l- from ■Ildn'i bar- to e>> Ihmi:i:b wiili m
, . .
Ibo Cnlloil SialoK of Am-ri-s an
-lamination. .An ofri.-.-i of Hh-'army j.:-!: .c SIV b....r, n dav. m il.e al.m-r.;,,,• Almo.1 ,.,-..,,ublus «e s.
Ruvommi-fit nf ciur own. .-allivl passe.l down Ib- iin- ami ba-k. baikr.l j snow ii-oni
t«m Imb.s de..].,^'^. nil’liary: guards lamimRs Hi.'
iho Confi-drralo Rialos of AoiorioB.'
i.-niH'd otit'Tloy olSyd It snnad drill.
aim JOB all vory woli romombor
in fitmi of lb- Jltu> and bwo,-.- v
abe from iw.mfA A.) 1„..i
joj. soldier
In a sbnn ilm-. V»it Sum ■ o lb- I’nlleil Riales

; rt. .iiy Ij, - nii-n aeeiodinp 1.. Ih-.r i-auKbt wnbout a pas* th- pri^-r
in tho 'harlKir of .('liail<«lno Ihr.s- years or duiinc lUr. He dl«- aii:i:iy of l.aniin;;.
numulii.-, h-was.a,i>and laken
was flto upon ami ritil
nilssi-d u.s nnti told a —rs
. Tliai_ wool
ansi la Ibis
aw'kaid sdna.f and they
iber. r-taine.1 m.i.l a numb.'i- late.'
Said our-ip'ait.-r* wi*re lomfjix; • u liiii.. to ke.|i lip w
• iio'icb w.-r>. •■oJlecO'd to s'-iid on to
for by
ibo pro^idonl,
mnab Isuinl sliniiiii’s. liirsi- entinab to of tb; .m-ii. AV- ts-iiiiillii .1 in ihl.- place
Oil'll toinmaii.i with an -s.-on
Iowa, ihr r-lM'Iliao. and Imys and hold lae hiindrbtl nr more tmti. Tliey ^ .-iia
sly w.-ks and by that
dl.l ihitia. up rigbi; furnished them
RilddIo apod man flot-k-d lo an
lobl ns whieh b
i;i!d take and j Hpwrlit
e s<K>d wildiers. will, a guard to they col to
Ih- rail, fusiur Iban ib-y n.iild bandlo
lo..k.-,l|T!'e:i .ti.
tba-ii ■■■mniaiiil O. K. Tbat was very
rh.-iii i.v.T and bill slijw jo. ,
iii.s in out em-cnimeni
and ihty
wlih a blaakit.or iw.i. As !».ys w.-j xii-i>.
Sly school
•bo.tsbi n arvat .leal w ib. Ir'xiblient
iliniieht That In.kxl riuti-r hard but we;
rhiima i-ospond-d nobly to ih.
S.|li,e for dll at tbai tinie ili-y were in i»h>iI u(
irnops, bill for m.viudr I did
roa.Ie the ie-si of ii, ...................... btmls,:
dlff-reiii bniti
ihfntn in ihetn. Ib-ii tboiighl-ep.-s „f (p,.
lb*- war f«n--r imfH ,t*ir Iasi i4 the
.'bum. for In] lot on.', did not got away fnnii my
Id visil lb,' .iiini-groiin.l
war. und in Ihc nnaiiiiniH. niy fniher
lor ,'ntalit and for eurniiiand ehi!.- in la.uisUlle. ' 1 ttwH,
Diovml To Ml.-hlitan. lo ib- lown of
H>w-I.alwer«,b. im.l
Tb- -quad I N4..iiy,s!
• "11..) out Hull
li-itia i.lHuiient- fo
Ponland. Ionia miiniy. and on ilnCue Firs: Soldier Meal. .
(,-li..-i. .he Tw-,uv.o.,. aib Mi-hlgan
was -the be*r thing n s-'di-r
Micund day of Jaiiaary. JW.4. I lyilisiod
Dln«er,i».e.anK. ai.d w.Hi i. a eall.uiun-i,.. which wjs <,nii„n.d m-:.,
at,I,,.',ah ^hey w-eie mlher
irjhme years or durin'e th- war.
. r.ill in for dinner, -\\ •' e.'.-n- preen , linosrllle.
a:i .iM' t-. ulmi i;i
Mut a. ..,„i hatd to «1h.j. b.u
My ox|>criPlicc Ih wiiiiohIuI illfferthat re«pen n* lofallins ill. Iuii.w..!i!.ai b;ol H—n bard
x-rvi v
-in,-.found nul all iluouRh army life, ibul
OBI sooe of the boys who w«iil
■on found 0111 wlial li lo.-am. ••K.irm; !..-iii;. ip the nerve-.- of ib.-ir i-oiinii''.
ba: w.i- H,u 1- . • w-u, to .1., and tb-n'

mil In Hie liesinnins of Hie war. a.H I
twnks for dinner." was the x-rm-lw- bit a faapjiv ...i ,.f bo,.- .,s w.* cnlliiied with .ilioiii sixiv recmil< injanrs command, am IH-IUK soiuewbat'
ulad to u-'i ouf of ihe stale and
SU up old r-siiiienls ihat had licen bunsry. wo fell In 1
^ W. a
10 .loins >ntu.-il.lns bu
out iWfi or thre.' yoat* and
thi-lr!wi-n- marehc.l dowi
is.iiliiiy. but we
I wen nwamber lh.e presldenllal elec- , ,anKs were tbiminl oui bv the mis- j mom. which was

laly toon.

.|'t.e:s,and OH.-- g.ins



AVe pasa.d

Tra«lled .r. P.1«* Cra.


Th. >

I.-;u ?-!llDK

1% that we

XiKl'i cam- on ami wtiai sliunid Ae

sm-h Ilk-. Irtii B. f.nind 0111 later no.
lb.,I tb-i- wisT.-, an ,ar,o-.l fore.- .*

• * S.OB•saa: iiiio

csnifed. rai-s wiH.m ds id mlbsof wiiir.; we w-:e at ihe utn-

sl.H-|." AV- WouM have fac-u ton
s.| I.. Iiriv- had ..ur MichlEEti bunks
.-f..wl luirk into bm wc did nol

!u Ihe car ewA-d oni:
biiaks boys and go

-f. it.ii.i with u« sows made
e Ih-i we roulil 'nf Hie smuukm.

•It. i.licd outx-lv.'S ...U cm earh

r. i..moc up In our blankeiK, one

the 7adlie>df-ie H.uis,- naimsl aiier a

iti'l hnldlac-<h- iHiard on top of the

nuled nuif.Hi.Taie puieul and

r i<> k.sq, fmm klidlac off., wad
HI to sl.Hii tn iiut pmliloB. The


fl lars.' fit'- or ,s1x »p,ry brii-k biiild- nolnmen said Ihat .«ce In a while a
Inc m-i .xiinp;.u.-.l wi,|.j,,ibe war bndi- lAsw-flger w.nild fall ciB. but we did
um I.~e any .4 isir eoni|>any. bot In
up and In th- reomlBg there was sboni
the rnTt-d Siai.'s u-'.l "Icbi In. b.w .4 *now iwi top of ns. btU
piiri.ises n»,lonack» for II w.rsn'i etdd like it Is h.-re In HIrblci.p
X. we shtH.k our blankets and pfwx.Wu'1- I'a-sing ibiwieb Hh'cII}. w.
|.eel..-d In Hien- rt.uus on tbe p.iid onr breakfusi as u-si we erald.

lloon. as ,.-loM- logcHu-r as possible,| Our MU of fare was aoi very etahorsie.
. j.ii, may'km.w- Hmi K held a cmMi cmsluinc tmorly ttf h.vrd laefcasd t»w
any au. -t- ai lime Tbe hotel fat iMiik. bui we were hungry. It was
The snn
as.nm <ai tis--j-ermpean plan. W- coo.l and we n'l].be<i p.
.riie.1 our own meaU and bad lo came .nit and it was iiuHw—warn
our .mil iHUli
AVe didn i Mny iboMii* the day and we mJoyed the
miirb. The acenery wae gel
far as nainre
MK-h n lilac... S.«ii-.rfJh.'b«..
AV- iH'gan to rnnie into tbe
Ib-ir l.lenkMs emwlinp’
n Ihe m.vultiR, Hie rertain w. re luoontalr. 1U« ciHiniry wbirh alioaiid*
in Ibe D..|sbl»rlU)<>d of f'ha.ilanunga.
but as we iirugn-wsetl wniih, things
Through Ballirfieldt.
twk-d more and non- tlk.- wai.
ws-ie .'Hlle.l on 10 f.ilt into bne.
lone and were very did i.. g.-i,


At CialUnoaga.

ivadr lo inme. nud we w.ue
marrb.'d UUI of Ihc z.dfle<i(r<-re bouH'

AVe arrived In Obatiaonaga some
lime in Ihfaftermsin
AAV clasibere.1

:a* waiiine for us




ouU try- trae of Ib- up|s'r lo-rths so
clamls-r.-i lo ihe top of the eui i.nd
'tve liiiddl-d log.alicr as close as we
Til.' w-ealh.-r was quli- warm,

tJon w)iep Gctt. J. C. Frejnonl ran for ■ fortune* of war.
I luid no ides of as orir Itvinc b, wa> ..f In.liana m .1 -fl. rsnn
tbe flrat repnbllcaii president and was 'cnllsllnc when I went to ibe meeilnK'iabb
Instead of bunk- nad we sai: i M|.. < i..s-ed i|;. Obi" im.. K.-n"u ky

nm very

one would eo near.

•IS Iasi on IO.U t.oT Uirt as easy a,
.' lo iii.i ..ui lai.'i .HI

0.1 ,b.i in 111. ir..m.le.
W.' l-ft ..1HV.1 Ihe middle of the
ii'. 'Ul.-u. fo' Na-b'.llie. Tenn, the

.iid n<ji

'I III itHHU; ds.s ...ui-amoac .. .bar bad b.wn
H... amis befoiv au.i .h.-. uia.le tbiiia*

W- arri..d iii ..SaShrUl,1,.di-a| III :«tars| i.. I'neU-,*,111,4,;., i, *—ni-d that t!;-:
..Inbi, ra.T-h.-1 :.i«,n.| ib- n.,- for.
I his soiilMUs. I
led In .ih- lown l.ui a»h,l- and lliialiv l.i/.-i!,. up in from
If -..p.- ..f ....- b.'s-,--! b.n.ds In the
I,-- «.-!•• ail.ariiiisl .i.-.nly 1
•itj; ihai 1- II would
. i-il y..ii (bines itnd.e.t (.In,* t
«egan DTillii,.
neter Ih,.,, aw
The tniiMing wac

1 !*•»- d:>>s we dii-w our •inifonn*| |,„ni boiin
-.luipi.i.-i - and aeulti went to,,,.

As we pnicveded so«b.

' ry;hiag.i.* si'.rv and more Ukv

xlldl.u* ai .-,.-1, railoMd btirtee ihai
w-, rii.,1.. i;s iH.-in to Ihink
■ a' all... W.. w.-;- -.r-u.a „i..,


ib,. .'.,,e ,d Tetm.wece for


'-■"lah xmie .4 Il.e flr-xi luulefleM*

Ovjj! V. ti-.-a '
MMS afi.r,..
iH l.».V th-*-I iHI m-'t an-l xanxl

xililti r Ilf- we, >li- U-,1 on- I l.;. l I

. ;blrW V. •

, ar a I*,., r.'oin •.«-

. •.iliei

..lihoMSh I ihoothi ;i t.,ih<T hai.l a-:

The (Moving is the Story of a portion of lhegrttlslmggUoft86l.6S \ ','ll^^\l‘l^^^

ossttaby aprtvtlesoldkr.amon in the ranks. Mr._^ florgan does noln^M.-] "'Thr" hlTu.
pretend h be a literary man, bot the simpUeity of his style and the vay
i.a.i .« .i.u..
narvOPe is told bring the sights and scenes, the very iboaghts and flwofftwjfi.airs.
that he etperieaced. before the eyes ofthe,reader in a manner that compels\ Sonio of nsVi-i.i a
‘ ...............
l.liicnln «as iband was <4ik-i<M
iM-ican ir. p^paiv


.Sf.,. V.!' M..i

Maiion an.l arnv«! ar (Jvf.t al«. :: las i
>. rlf.rk in 'lia .-xMiins
M: Hr*< nistn '

Si. V. Siorgan.

IK-X! pr.-sl.l.Tibl


lallma.I. alvnit ih«- onlv rj.Ifiuil In
,Mi.. .rli.n'r w;.<
ilm- inn ,rf itio,.. t.i.i.. \V.^ ma/.-h.-i !«rl.

M ibe broaklsj out of tho Civil
t «u a nolo bor llvlne on a fart
Lonhan Ohio. My falh-r was i
Uiry oaiied a Hull ilise. a "blaok alioliItoulai.- or a -Uark topiibllcai
liad IlMonod lo BOOio of bis di-bat-s
wllb the *io»oeraU on the mihj-cl of
alavery, brbiro the war bmko niit. and

1 ;b>- WfV.- Mii i=:. r

wba. war m-atil. In n f. « n»>> «fu r | Ua.v
^nliMlns. ••• Ktan.-.! tor 4i«i.l. u ,n.n!l

lli.tb- and c*! a lillle 44HTel«-.
-i..;i, in rhaiianiiuga oremlghi.
n-tt day we weie reloaded and

pl.msani and we t.'jII* enjoyed pianiHl on niir wav to the reglmenl.
iCnuilnued ^.'It Week.)
id- a day as we started noatb

defeated by Janes Buchanan, and tl

The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Company
Shoe Sale Most Sensational

The New Management at the Shoe Mvislon Has. Gone Through Oar Entire Slock
and finds many complete lines that we do not wish to carry, and while these are good goods in every way. yet they will

5?o»rn*d ffin«rw“!.,Pn^c,S^

for the reasons given ab^e they will be sold at these unheard-of orices. just to make room. It is seldom that you have
everhad such an opportunity for such high gradel goods, YOU'RE GOING TO TALK ABOUT THIS SHOE SALE,
so we are going to give you something that is worth while.

This Sale Will Segin Sa-burdaxs IN/lay 4
and wilt contioDd antil tbe sfoods are sold, bat the prices wi bavc put on these really tine roods will make them ro with a rush. It will be
to year Interest to be here early and ret just what yon want.

Men’s Dress Shoes $2.95

Men’s $4 Shoes $2 ?0

Hale ol Palest Calf, Paiest Kid and Chrome Patent Calf,
(tod standard makes, such as the "Hannen AS Shoe," "The
■elm" at AkSO and AS. All these splendid shoes yonrs at

Men’s Odds and Ends

Here's a snap worth picking up. .Aen's Fine Shoes and Ox­
fords lo Vici Kid, Velour Calf and Box Calf. These are from
our best AS-SO and $4 lines. Priced for this sale at

One lot of Good Shoes sold aUo?er for $5.50 and $4.00. We
arc sore that you will find your size among these. Yon never
bourhl sacb shoes for

$2.70 ,

“All Stock and No Style” at $1.48
Is what wc call a table of Men's Shoek whtTc you AA-il] find everyihinR from $J."iO to $i;.fK
We don't claim the latest styles, but we do say there is a good lot of splen '
wear in them, and they are yours for ................................................................................

Ladies’Oxfords at $1.98
Another lot of fine Shoes and Oxfords, most of
them sold for $3 and
and are made in
the newest styles and from Patem Leather
and Kid Stocks and
$1 QQ
sold now for .............................................. $±.570

40c kind for-SOr, ,n.l Ihc ::lc kiartfw ::c.

Women’s High Grade Shoes and Oxfords, $2,45

lA an cxt tpiional opportunity for ladies who are used to Avearing high price
This lot js madii of Grav Bros.’ Sif -Ou and S4 shoPs, C. P. I ord’s
and Johnson $0 AK
Bros. S.oUaiid $4. Dr. Heed's Cushion Soleat
Think of such values for....$^*^^
Never been offered anytblng like tbem.

Our Biggest Bargain Tabic Has Four Astonishing Offers
'I'he prici-s on
. . i to $-•,
Tiles.- an
all llie latist styles.
iriD};, comforUUe
................. s!io.-». bai.'l
turneil ami some welt S'les. - y'
Women s t>xfonis lOat sok! I3:W and $i. osd
now you get them for f 1.00.

Thc-c an. th,. b.-,, valm- iki

The Kurnliiir- tbvisios will offer Tinware, _C.raoii
wmre, and bav.- cnod* nrranged
mil of best .4 Kond*.
The Cloihlng Ihvl.lon
.mu j'onr pick from the biss.'ei -tock
“• *


x'' F."m .•i.'.r.iH-l'*
lta/..i- loi- iv and Tib- i:. lin.l for

.A l.v, of U'ounen's hand tumuli House
Slipiirrs that were priced at 51
Chil'ir.'Qs Sb-cs. splendid valu-A for fl
t.' $1
an.! now you get them f'.r........... O • w

J-'............ }•'.
A 1 u T . 'T,






One lot of Infants’ Soft Soled Shoes.
the-jfic values lor.....................................


ikood Serge Slippers, good Aveariiig, most
comfortable, take the i'
out of your feet


Big Bargains In Boys’ Shoes

R.-'.wii lukiiig
ELxkitig p.-L-'Ji.'L—* ai-i ivnvix
''lort-r,- Phislm, «. ;
.................................. ....
tor l-«r. I..arrI.arg- .«;•-•!
.Si—i V-rc
V-rt 1H»1. f'.r IV.
1. £<*vi rliinrta.'yl. Xn it Imilier for T'.r
I'iib'ly CHvi.lOfi 'wli; v-i! PT|b»rt p'mie.' ;v kiad fur IV.
. .-'I 0;a;issild OiJ KaFhio.n-1 .AIil'- U.: 1V-.
S'l; I>ixi-'-.L wi!' s-II»-;:iallrtr Mu'l- .S-,.:- f-.r Ilk. autf all ll-'.



WA Tmtrse HenH

It TltfMtt C«7

Plaaaam' Rafpriat.
Tta ezacBtlve ceiBmluaa of ibe Old
swprtaad UoDdajr nlsbt at bar boma.
MOB asd made plant and artanga.
meats for the anaoa] maatlBf which
be bald Is ak fUpIdt June it.
U ptaM M Rlrtiard Ba^. deoaaaad.

j.-lTltaaiifEhHD of as Rapidt wat
3SS «^PPtdtaV“’'“*'“‘ "

Tmaportadoa-^. fi. Noble, Botnar

lasihllB. C. H. Bttea.

ot ARB AMOr. TWr RkT* JMlUr
putbuu U m4oot hMUMc «•
WuUttftM >0Mt iM will w«et a
lOMO l»d<U>« Btatite U rtti.

lUoau H. OmrA rttdton of H«gIT Cl». tan hrtt
W LulMM®.
Kr- n« «u S yaara old and tor

TtaSMBB. It UtcftMloR
tat «»• «( tl>t BMeAMci (OM of U*
ai*te fl«ls tte t*H tint bt «h »«
«tWl; tM» tNB tiasnii wcbRmmm
OMttiO. wbMbtitrMariist.uortM
oof No|«d
“«*«• ^

AUcn wat Bot «ost
■ CM of tbe adltota',.
-------- .
^ w~fM. aapMlallr »‘l‘«
of tb« TMtha’ OoataiatoB Is Boaasecaw. BR bttirciT wat dm la
irnWHI klHU
ton. Ha had UCTWLOTI
daaetsd nncR
U»a MI
faa UOpDim.
oupmad. i*UI
bat ■WMVI—:.^
aauatlnat MM
bit wordt
blner than hu derda. -Had
lata jfm» to wHUas. and had aea^ ware eren ......................
bUmahy of hU 1 b«t ordeia 1 conU c<> «> -Vibany and
ly M«i»laiad a
ba monarch In thiee waeki. and Tre
half a mtakd to do It." b* once boasted.
Oa tbe SliDday after tbe capture of Tit have been all tot
coaderepa Parson Deway ibaakad Ood
Ids ICBf prayer for tbe treat dallriscr. Tbe bare of tlie occastoa was
ehotatu eoaat. The aootaaiasu will one of tbe ronereCBUou.
~>araoo Dewey! rarwn Deweyrba Ultt EtaaBora Beari of Boaton
beard In a whisper by lliose alttliig
and Btrtmeia Bltabetb Roaen. daacbt the Rnatlaa ambataador to pear Ethan Allan.
lira dantymaa was ab*rrbe»1 In bis
thU eoaairy. Bach of tbe sirlt bat
owB tboufhts aad conttBOed to thank
woD dUtlsetloa ai a awlmmcr and
tba Lord.
other llaea Ot oatdoor apoit.
‘■ParaoB Deweyr
This Ume tbe exclamatkiB waa beard
« timber holdlDCt. plant
all orer tbe rtrercb by er-eiy one but
eqalptaant of tha Simmoiui Uttnbar tba preacher. Alien eonU stand It no
Co, loealad on Duel lake, la Haeklnac lonper and abontad In a •laaiortap
eoiinly, hare been pnrebaaed by the rolea. “Pataon Deway. thank tba Urd,
newly orcanited l^rle Lumber Co., of but Joat nwotlOB that 1 wat tlierar
which D. W; O. Barle. prealdent of the

WlaeoBilQ Land * Lumber Co, of
Death «r John Hanea.
Ms U Hanea. a«ad Cl Teen. 9 Hermanarllla. la at tha bead,
SMthe and M daya. died at 1 o’eloek railroad which ronoecta Stmmooa with
Tnailir aftamooii at the booa of hU the 8oo line, ^ well at the aawmill,
lirnW. Tlllace hnlldinca. etc, ar


The tody will be tdiipped to White taken over by the Batle Intemta. The
Mitln Land A Lumber Co., it one
Ctasd far bnrlal tomorrow mornioc '
........................................... 1. Ha waa DDiDi
of the Itrgeat miiniifacturara of hard-


body for ahtpintot.
One of the hlnest tannine corpora«» e*er farmed at Ann Arbor, has
found the
I. Qamaa and

\.upam AiEUDuera, aBiius iwi
ani doga lu Us axiwllUoD to ibe
tk regions, told aonre of tba N'ctiUma
tttba Uiat be would porrfaa«e ooe from
ttom. Tbe niggastlan •noacd com
DtlUo and wat promiitly refuted.
aspUnalkra waa deRisnU-d. Tbe oino
a^tlsd lu muroed ucxi day wiib
chubby. IsneliUii b.iy uo bit ix><
“Sortf wedo uot eell” be nid. .town
tan waa eitoulebed. "You wl'li-J
purrbata one.' said tli- uiou. tn'liu.AJnondtan-s i.-niJwKy. rinally li-----dltooraml that ILr <ire<-ul:iiidlr
for “dM!- wat wjulrsb-ut to “child” lU
. tba NMcbmie lautfiiage.

an returnbottae full ot

)uat t

Ttw Bedonia'a liouae U roniid and
aumimded by a round wall in wUeb
tbe Sockt atv iiaDnad at uicbl. It It
flat roofed and corareil wlUi eoll. and
laalda It is at deetitute of Interaat oa II
R posalbir to concelTe—a f<-w mats un
whlcb the family sleep, a few Jars Is
Which they store their butter and a
akin Cham In wbk-h they make tbe
aama. In oue bouse Into wtil.-b I liena
trated a bundle wat banelug from tbe
celling, which I found to be a baby by
tba CTDoaure of one of Its little feat.
ErcrytUng It poor and pattoraL Ha
- haa any ekrthat

Hit Lttt Chance.
“Did y.m ev.-r iii.u--’." raid kin N.
Peck, -ibat al«ut half the i.lMunt la
tbe |ibot»srapbei>' wluibin:. :ire of
brtdal <-uai>lc-.? 1 wond-r wby tbey
tlwayi ruth off to the pbohierarbar
u toon a« Uh- knot 1> (led.''
-1 gnaai the bUbband U ret|>on»llda
H- it.'' wdd Ur. IVek. “He m ul It U nboot bU last Stance i<i
lok pleatnoi."

clmml. SayllaaSleh.
and cblUieo and tha

______ __ aarty
« plaaaant etsBlnc
•to learlii* mnr pretty ----------oftba oecaaloa.
Real Kauia Trawatara.

and liierary worid as “E. Oara;
fond of tonring lialy and a
hna'fiir n enrapantoo eoirte psih’
Mnilptar friend. He i« a palm

Buy hlgb«mde I
Ul grow, I bare six rarlMte*.
anwaig them the famous senator Dan- ‘
Up. PUnu 94 per (bouunt. B. Banca
Clt. pfaoae 1174. Tmveiae City.

W. 11. Klenke M Bay City, shM a
shark udiUe In Florida laet .later and
ptewrved the losrer jat^. wblrh bo .

abllliy. devoting mo*i of his Hi
landacapi- work.

hns preaetited to the Aribar Hill him
Praans Murphy, tbe noted temper- achoM 10 1w added to the aekwtloo of
hlaiorr aiewtmen*. li la a fine *peci
jc kwti'ter. .ho U believed I
and » 111 prove losirunlr.-.
erdag ld.u.l.i..thlrty..lx yearn M work
Vnhls.-hntr,- n.1.1 Ims addtrosed .bon.
C3.0.S. .uo-iin,., traveled .,e,ri> l,.NkV
mltiw and ,-rv.nded
,iis P. take >h.- t.Mge

M' Mut

phy. v.t-ii wa.-* bum in Wevlonl, Ire
s.A.-n.«M.n- y.uf ag.., le-gan Mr
•emn-iaiin- ...rk in IHii'tiurg

Dr Wil- y- govertimeai chemltl aad
pare ftSMl expert, .It-clarcs ibal daring
few tuontbs ihtse bm Ison
pure milk lu at leas, two of the M'ush
lagion hotfU aad that it is .be first
liap)«ned lo the eaplial '

fliy to tlic nwau.ry t.f man
rrusad” la.<te>l mie- wei-ks ami
-iigne,! il,.- i.le.U.-.
' One of the Vt-rv lar. uf the JoHyniners in the New Vmk nanoelal tilsiriri »a» D O Mills, who resirned
last week fnwii dlrerinrslilu la l.n
lame ..llr.B.I»Mills *ei,. to <•««

Notice to ConIrMters.
X.iii.v l« 1i.-..-hy gl'ct, II,ai

hr'M-UT 1“ Um
.-m-- '. !.-1l I
filed l-U l> sllll -llivtl

f.wiiU. U-. a younR baak ea.hw and h.
lur .he I'ue-I ,
gold liKl>-nd tiT dig


May iStli.
iKBt ar.'l,H-.t« M.
new tpei-lae of -bliupsuxea nbrvufbl to tbe l.oudou aoolosi'-ai pi''
dent from .\fric-a. It hat o abagg?
Tracing c Veiee.
eoat. Jet bUek lo ••olor. with tlie hair
wbvu a--h-ljrly beads
kangtog Otar tba hAuda like inlttana. Iteot low over welshtj l«ot< ami
able t<> salt! iKiar
Tba bead is >|Ulla bald, and lu sUr«s studriiu were Clltlug lo aud mho resent- the
R'hal abnernuYfor this r«-e ft
tides of the <«3»r of
racelrat its cnrioui luii
tbe Drexcl iDStitnie ibat llu' sil>-i.<-e
cullar ruttunl s-sand
Qiat was broken one day by shrill about' <-f
"i'leate b-l tuc out! I’lrasi- let uieoiit!
ypekta ” ______________
Ob. but ifa a nice day: I don'l like

whan tbe waatb
t. and be b I not a tool
. lhacloaa
axlata between
gnat! aad hU cows The aoimali
detattto and obey eeruin calls witfa
aheolatw aecuncy. and yon geo
aee a Rocotran tliepberdaea wtlkli
fWa her flo<* and sot after It. slid
holdari are Jamei H. tfumy. Sophia they stroke and carett tbair little
H. Murray. Oeor*e A. Waterman.
It tame aa dogs.
Mictaldan Arlcnltunil colle*e
What rtohlaw Deetlawt.
Manila H. Waterman, Michigan A«ri
To ttaoaa who are aatteUad with
cultural coUaga.
perfleUI Tlew of tbe subject It
aaem Impoaalble that tba dUlgeuce and
Four carloadB of maple logi
BttaBtloo nacaMary to a Bsberman'a
■cenUy shipped from NaMiylUa. Midi,

already paid In. The farm la the old
. afiar
Maple Oroya fane of 14ft arraa and la
Jt Kada AmMte. Tana etiotw
h Sterena aerrod dMIdout re- to ba known aa.sprliudala farm,
object a the cooc^ It to do a
praamit w|ha;
Headamei eral rarmlns bualnaaa and ansaBe In
Ui»n*er, Pr^
the raUlnr ot Ure stock. Tbe ttoeh-



e al Rwedm. ooe oft
Ilrlng. fUndled art aerloualy in
where he was thrown In the si





Tbe »l«ril«l |-irter ruslie.1 lo tbe m
aeuui aiul liack iigaln to Lit |i «i. '11
illirarbina. cuiiri-ly;'r.r;-d for 'uu-b
eu ouiruge.iu.4 breai b of tbe rule iif si­
lence wbicb baii«s aloft. Hk.-wbe l—k
a survey to see what loan, woman or
ehlld-for Hu- vub-e was purxllng lu lie
corners and public oBiws. Tlw
quality could be loaklng an.-b w-ei!.!
Ihftnuueut U naed to eaUbllet
OoD with tba exebange aud to <-all up noises. -Vo one could be disrovere-.l.
Then the tries Inued furtb agnin. ami
rs la tba a al toanuer.
snuiber aearch luyaii. anil Onally a
young boy fr.»m tbccni:;ueerlngil"|
Now. blessings llglit on bits that Cnt menl rHiltilid out a blnshinc <dd Uily
lovenled thla aame aleej.! It covers
who, bent-alb bee skirts, theltifrej au
cuonuous [larrot cagt*. Sb*- cxiilalntsl
man all over, tbougfala aod all, like
doak. It is meat for the liungry. ilrlok that she was moving tbe bird, hud
ras only
In to get a book aisl was
for the thirsty, beat fur the v-.dd anJ
y the IIluiillllled when sbe w:
cold for Ibe hot. It I* the i-um-ul
that purviiaoes all the pleaanres of the bmrian that she cookl
without Ibe lawbresklag blrJ.-i'bUaworld cbrs|> and Ibe balance that at-K
delphia CeconL
tbe king and tbe sbe|>berd. the fudnud
tbe wise msu. eveiL-CerTantea.


One-Fourth Off

to (Uawrw. Beotlind. They i
_____ _ . _
used for ttHIa in manntactortng wall | pute any matter not relntad to bit pur
raper. Tba daUgn It engrarad on a anlt. Sin-b ncoDcrj.iioi. of ibr situation

had ...nny di'.

_____ y A. Ledarie and wita to J. H.
la cyllkdar and lha printing pro-'cau»ot be ludoreed for a monieiX by
ftoiM. lot i and 4S. bik. i, Orlflln
I. almllar u> Ibat In an ordinary
It Rlillll»-a. m.74.
the snyaterlous and uuB>-c.juntable men
dBHatothLaeoa lo Amanda I^ece. pKntlDg office.
ak df na frl. h aec. s. T ».
We toow that tbe true flsliarniau ftiid'
are are many cktaa ot laagrrlly no better time f-ir iirulliabb- i-ontcmpla
*’^Uam D. Dobarti and wHa to den
In and near Leslie among tbe women. lion and meuial exercise tl
Mrs. Snaan Aadham haadt tba 11
94. while Mtk. BOaabatb Hanna U 93.
Mfw. Lemta Cmm Is 93. Mrs. Sprinkle
Banie Orth to Edward McNamara.
of Banker Hill. 91; Hn. Sarah Momc.
)etn T and S. Adalt'a add, t6MS9 aoffMra.'& O. RutaaU M.

.... tl..- 4ul.J.v .

„..'llingil„-irI,,.,.. r.-,mlly i.ome.
Tice flul'-c|'l>er. slBUl :. r..rini-.-lit
r.;-v> fall .|c-.i;li. wrute will. I.l-t. t
ban.l the r..llowiug ivslit-ll t-t I.L V
in ...V fri.-ntl. Hr John li.m.u
of I' ......... .
..f ...y uM .laret


China, Fancy Bric-a-Brac
and Fine Decorated Goods
This is your yolden opportunity to pur­
chase Spring Wcdding.Gifts.

These quptotlona are carefully cor

a and ekNOe
tloDt Ibat have been composed
itiwti-d between Ibe bites, strikes ot
Obi IBU W«o. ■
Tbe bnrntbi of tww, fiwme buildlaca
John Downey and
" --------- Jn the dowodown dtoirlct at Nile*, the rlaat of flah. But there can be no doubt
, . that of tUe many lul.-Ueetual trliiniiihf
ItawMr. nw H of Bi
mlgln of which la detdared lo
' a,
*j ^
wmi lu evetj- walk ,of life a larger pro
nature which pointa Mtongly to in-j portion bat been a< [tally booked ami
Crmndall. lot JO.
1 reel ijy i
eendlarlam. has caused the police to lauded with
tbe htblng fraternity lliau have U-en
BUM a atm hunt for fuppoaed
_____ B TtTlor et al to Porraat I
buga. Mlny myweriona fire* bare aecored lu anr one gl(eu c-.>Ddlilou of
Tkjtor. n% of a% of t,t% aae. 19,
uoria. — "i-'lKltlUK and
happened trittaln a tew weeks.
n.£ 10.11,00ft.
. ItawaTTl Sumner i
K. To^aaeag. lot
Lord Kelrln. the Briilah acleoliat.

■ C«h or nuoDOils.
........ Pri.M on KEPAIUINU,

..J 311 East front StrecL

weted every day. The local markol
xricea are cupplled fay local dealara.
n>a ouUide quotations by wlrsn »o'



'dipped frem other papers of the peeh--IW.--ii .1'

<iaua day.

v..rk Tril.uiie.


From Wednesday's Hecord.


forseet that ai tpe world grows older

CaUloc the L'hleke.n.
In England the .-alls chuck. .
iVbita. aw-A of m% aac. S9. T ». R earttaquakra arm grow bigger
to be supposed that Jamaica or fOM>. CU“H. lUvvall; In Vlrglnlfl
H. Crandall and wife to will sink into tbe sea. In the diaUnt coo-che. coo-clie: lu I-cn'usylM.uhi. |k.v
Samoal D. Foster and wife, M J«. lime when the central Arcs of the pee. This Utter call is vvl.l.-ly tun
ployed, being reirotlril fr.mi tjermany
*S^«S^’0eUBaa to Howard Whit- earth are boning ibemielTes
a (u pi. pii. Bulgaria. Hungary
tw w M ft. of kit 7. blk ~A“ H. L. A Lord Kelvin beUerea that aartbqi
irU and tbe Tyrol, lu thi- .xustrl
O0.*a 7tb. I6U.
ocenr only at intarrala of a few an provluce the teriii Is ..-u-u l[i tom
E. C Tan Da Whlker and wife, to J.
millloni of years.
I'lilla. pi, pi. 'llie ‘-sV
41 <5«ner, loU_9 and 10. blk 5. Tillage
pnllele. pul. pul. also ..vurs tl-we
A Pontiac man baa a healthy, sturdy, In some parts ..f licmuiiiy rite
to H. a
k>.'a 3rd three-legged raaetM.
He should be try ate called with lick, tick: lu ITut
able lo provide for d hen family a half aU. put. pul. and young Alckens will
Oeorge C. HcManna and wife
ordinary mk, luk tGrimmi. nu<l aebip. s.-blp. tin
k M larger than that of an
Ttomaa D. McManus. wH of
Utter lieing an Imitsilou »r tindr utvi.
■W 14. see: *0. T M. R 9. 91.9
lu easleni I'russl:. liens are
re to The
Oare V. Holmea and wife
called with khicksclieu. Ut»'k. kl.u-k:
!. 50.T t
Prince Tnngchhi of Kore* la
also HpiK-beu. cipp. tlpp. tJrliuui re
eld eoflagh to be minted and

■- *

ta^'trite'w W.'ot^^ui ILOM
WhOa deaftne out a man-bole

Uke to hlmeelt a wife. He does
not have anything to say about who be
shall wed. for a commission o

elders (kooses the girt for him.
Santfa Mechaoic street at Jackson.
aorl of an animal waa found, re- it sent lo Ibe palace and told lo mar
MbUng a Utard. but it la not a lixaril. ry him snd that U all either of them

^p:;i I


Dietle ill <>nr Savirch



uD'irlH-fure Sntnnlay. MkT_4Ui;_wilNlraw
inlen-tt from




-n.i. I«nk p.)'. Tl.„« l-« C.-N1 t"l«r a
>-om]«nimd<--1 twiat a y*-at.


lU, tyou: lu Bulgaria, itrl. Ilrl

ever offered I
leudered by
lalchy Jawlab uecvbanls
af Veul.-e to Toiw Julius U. for a xcr.r
aodeot Hebrew Bible, It was theo l»
The animal U In a dormant
Mrs. Doeald UeLaan. who haa been Uered to l>c au original coi.y uf tbe
reelected ptealdeoi general of the Bcptuaglnt version made from the He


ao far no ooe haa been aide to tell bare to say about Ibe matter,
atetlits. TtoqwdnpadUaUveand no so dlSaiau from tba wag Bnrw
«B ashlbltloa In Dr. Hegluod's ebow pnn royalty la mated, either.
• Stndow.


Danghtera of the American Revolution toa^ '
Albert Wright waa sertouily
U the M«h womm. to fill tto honor‘7*
Jiwed at FBat while at work ta the
The offer to
4pUlBff room ot tbe Oenaaat
* - able office. Uke herself. Mrs. Mc-j
mirtu. Wright waa handling
of national proolneoce; Tbe flnt waa:
dlffeteoce between Ibe value of
«aolten matnL when be slipped and
Mrs. Bcajamln Harrison, who died In .money Ibrn sod now. would in our day
-■................. « It ore
office. The others were Mrs. Daniel r reprewni the prfucely turn of IdwUAW
II be lamed f
Manning, Mt». John W. Foster and luUtU was at that time greatly i-----s., ....... to
... maluiatu ih^
tbe boly
boly league
Hre. Charloa W. Falrbanka.
It ta eeHmatrd Ibat in tbe village
wbicb Ibe pope bad orgauUed sgabul
flt Horriee upwards of tIS.OOO wUI be
France, but l.i spite of bis Uck of
Ftol langBld. srenk. rnn-dowiiT Head­
■pmdad In now buildings ibla spring. ache. Stomach “otT ?-Juat a plain
fiiTMiifl has been broken for tbe new ease of laxy liver. Burdock Blood BllBl. reteta
ifota SutberUnd. The contract calU
umea liver aad and aiomach. pronimort-d Ittday Hi
fto tto eompletlaa net later thaa the iDotea digettloo. ptirlflea the blood.
- duroa as a rt-su1i of a
Cm of Reptamtwr.
e moot popniar Cbrisuln names sppi-cb made by M. Ruriiboff. a s
1st incmher. The latter said
of tbe past century at* theae, lo the
under an aolocratic locime the
Tha ML OetDent Bngar Co, la
order given: Wimarn.- Mary, John. is woriblesa unless array~l M
a palp dryer •' -aof II7E,- ElUabMh. Tbemaa. CeorBe. fi
the people and that it wa- b
" engaged in a forelsn
Jamee. Charles, Henry. Alice, Ann.
mi ReiiiT ' RlliUgre«-t.
Joseph. Jane. Ellen. BmUy. Annie. war. IJetiicnani • <
' Many M tbe Stagfllsb aw-mUli. bnvmiotaicr uf wi r, declaret
<1 such inMib
peror aonid ne
of logs oa band.
tag extra large
Arthur. Alfred, Edward.
to bis faithful a.-.
9f|B ran UU lam
a tl
tbia falL
Recruiting Bill Pgaaed.
St. Petersburg, April S').—The g
Boetkea Itching skim Heals cuts
T boras wiUwoi a star. Cnrea pHea. emroent'e recruiting bill calling
Boyaa eity-lt rightly started <
.ctema. salt
rheum, any
Itcblng. oearix-w mllllnn recmils for (bean
«Wd to c«— a Mfr nnined Ocoater Doail'i Ohnment. Y'our druggist sclU pni«ed the duma today l» a vote
,193 to U».
iNM lW M« gtatofl oa tto mi




SX,......... ::::

*1 tE
I noar

American Drug Co.


T. averse City, Mich.

taiyiitfl Rrioaa.


H.., tooM------

or this city an-1 atirrotiD.liuc»'■
into yti will fin'l

........ .Su

Yeo eugM te »n.p your pouioes

We do tell your best
tteek at ordmary pr,cct but



Nc thipmrnu Ico Urge or toe
crrall lor our text attention.
Wirt or w-ite



as sooth Waltr Street. Chicago.

"Best” Flour
Tlief.-'a a rchBon.
ami llbt is it always givea ib'- BEST rtotilta.

ELannab & Lay Co.



Daatb af Marparvt SaamMu

Maararot. dao^tar of itmas BoaiaTbe Epwortb Lcacne of tbe Aabnry
bh. dM la Craad Rapids Wcdaaa- H. E efaurefa hel.l lia aabual bualncsa
ter aonihi« after aa iDoeu of ercr nieccUnc last nlcliL tbe mala event
reara. MlH Beaalsb «ai IS of tbc evcolDc betas electloa of afrear* of ace aad a* ahe bad Hrad ia ftcem. Tbc fdlowlag were deeted: j
(hli cdir Maar rean, ebe Icare* manr
Piewldcnt. 4obn Bailey.
trlcada to Doam tor bcr. T*ro roan
FIrat vice president. Hlaa Ina Ken-'
IB eonpaar wltb her pareaU. abe
M to Giapd Rapid* aod han boat

w. ■• «■ aMMA.
Mri. ten SrtHM. Ow. »•


«(fet titovM N TIM D9Mlts

Cpwoeth Leapita.

Tbo bodr
•>m>w for
lof at 1:IB
aad *rJH In-

Second rice president. Mias Edna

vUI be bimicbl kero toThird vice preaident. Hiss Bias'
tnirial. the n-maius arnv- Keilecc.
over the fere HarqurlUFonrUi vice presUent. MU* Dollc
takea to the borne of Mr. MiUer.

■lab-e brother. Pred Beaiuiah. SB
Bast Beveeth Ktrect. The fuacrai mill
be brid Itmii Bt. p^wle ebureb
dar morn lac


9 o'clork. tbc Rev.
Barlal In

the Catbotle cetDOterr.

Scrictary. liias Banna Pytaiv
'.Assbtant nerretarr. Misa Gertrude
Troaaorcr. MeW.' U Kvuney.
Orptnl.t. Harold Dumbrillc.


After ifac buNlDCit* ineelloc a *bort
MCial lluic was eoioyed. Miss Vein
Alward favored (he teasuc « iUi a

Paath af 6aa. L. Thuraten.
latloa. Mia* Stanley and Mrs. Scott
CeatnU Lake. Micfa.. April
Oeorce U Thoraii*. editor of the Cen­ rendered a piano duel and very kindly
responded to tbe encore.
tral Lake Teicb. died
aan at hi* borne here. erralpaUi beloc frcabmeuls ^werv served during
StelabMc Br«A—Me«Y HaU.

aeas wa* rarp aartoui bat tbe ne
bis deatb was rerp sad Udlacs to bU

M——h * UT-em nmir.

nanp frienA keattered all over northam Mlcblfnn.




BdBbarc Brw.-4hltaU' CoaU.
Bata Baak—Wbca taleicat Besb

Yes. 100.000 rimeg etch day.
Does it send out food blood
or bid blood? YoukDow.for
Bood bl^ is good heihh;
bid blood, bid hetlih. Aod
you koov precisely «'hat fo
tfike for bid blood —Ayer’s
SarsflpsriUfl. Doctors have
endorsed it for 60 yesrs.

Mr. Tbaratoe wa. ukos Ul onir
tllOe over a woak aco and tba atteadInc pbpalelans ataied that be bad
overarorked hlnsBlt that there was

ttaaoo it would be rerp dlfdeult to
bapatr SberUt Ckariaa Povan and eOBibat tbe dlaeaae. HU frUada cluaE
'wMa of •Orallot eoaatr ratamed " to hope to tbe last aad when It
tbair JwMa Udar after brlaclBc
iried that be waa belter Ihet*
lB«ate to the aarhua.
aiucb rejolcinc.
Tba MaadaaMO Praak Klac •«
OatUaa west to Maalataa tUi m
la addition to bclnc editor of tbe
Torch. Ur. Thurston waa tbe principal
le dm owninc tbe ceecral
hero and was secreUrp of tbe caonlnc
lanp. He kept hme boon and as
awiHMac OM tbair vap to Sb
-** of an alert, nerroifi tcnipen
whmther vULIo^.
: be did not know wbon to slop
IMaa Ploarte OafDoa of Nocthpert
pMod Ureacb the eltp thla sei—— woricine. bis daps rasninc fir Into tbe
CM bar «ar «o tba 800. 8be va
«a*paMd Ur lCra- V. Oostaa.
Mr. Tbaratoa was a writer of crea'.Mra K. Uhr tafi IbU taontag for
Nad. appar pnMbMU. vbera abc vfU sUMlp. mndi of bis wort appenri

WANTED—SiieclBl Man
•T TravcrKc Count). The New Era Aw>c- special election Tuesday re- , chiHou want!- Special Manag(-r>.
"KiuK-i-nsI iiiMiiuuco without the
aultcd la a great victory for the bond
W'c bate the gusianirc
lisuc, 1ST taxpayers favoring tbe prop­
iigkiiiM old oB- frecze-oui of ibe
osition and but twenly-aeven voK-d
fraternal* or^hv • graft'
agriavt It. There waa one -Tio choice"
lei Ihe "majorily i-ule " n
vote registered on the machine.
bci-s or poUly holder*-. thfv lune
By the vole ycsierday the elly
Ibe laci eay liy direct v< )ic ihrougb
•cds to be usr-d for paving alrecl Inlocal biwnchc*. Apply I
Cha*. I)
Issue 123.000 worth of bonds, tfie proSharrow. General Manager. 4
Place Hotel. 2 to 4 p. m_ Thursday
tersection*. grounds In front erf public
and Kiiday. May-^nd and 3r
buildlnB* and non-ausestiablc properly
See dlfplay ad In anoilivr roluniu.
and for exlendlne Ihe water o»iBK.
Nolhing »uici-eds like »urc!-*-^. '
This mney will be used from Ume
Apr. r.». May 1
to time ns needed.
Inauntlp Killed.
Kalkimks.- MIcb..



tnstanUp killed here at S o'clock yes­
terday afternooo l>y fnlllnc from


The csanrioaliona for the Uaoann: idral4:I5 In ibeuricmoon. The next
Utm- ABee BaH retaiMd to her
Mm ia Wcatwood (odap after rrldb of eld>G< trade diploma* pmpan-d bv train souUi will be No. ». at f.r.W
tale dcpartiarol of puUk ioKtrUb- which 1* due at Grand Rapids at II
Me ia tbe dl}-.
J. Sitca returned to tab boaie In ifoD will be hHd In thb county Map « o'clock SI nliHii. Tlie north bound

I. thair
i. dldtlon


thipacfc the dtp bat etenmg
i aon WlUlaa
}tr. P. Tocebda

Sdiool bonae, Rbissldp, A. II. aarfc. here at 8 o'clock la the moreiDC rc
inline aa No. 21 at 9 p. m.
Seboe) bouac. Monroe Center. J. C.
The Cannon Ball flyer, through fiom
School hiniHc, Old Utoslon. R O. Chicago to Peloskey. with direct ronLadd.
School bouse. WllllamalMic. Gr-oi

wfl tanaa M the
Me for an ea- Crl^.
These diplonaa are not Intended
UMod atap ia the aontheni part of
entraace papora to tbo lllcb acboot
tha autc.
1 sort of reward that inarfca the
complctloa of tba coune.
Blftba and Daatha.
■kven births were repotted du.tns
fki^ nonU of April aad twaelp-two
dtblhi atsleen of the latter bebc

LibracT rioport.

noetlons with Toledo. Dotreil and'si.
Louis will CO OB along la tbe middle
of June, passing tbroogh ibis cl
north bound between 5 o'clock aod
o’clock In tbe morning and aoutb :
9:M at night

tWacpIan. Tbe birtha waro:
"I t-uflered bubitually Iroiii I'onuti• Wmua C. sen of Mr. aod Mrs. R braiT. ihU beiac an avcraec of 1
Itatton. tkNin'a Bnguirt* n-ilcvcl ui><!
8. iMdlep. U4 IMat Ninth atnpt. April day. or tbU number t.42C WTre fiction KtrengUicucd the bOTcU. *u tliul ibi-y
liavn been regular ever since. "—A. E
aad l.tB Juvtvilo ficUoo.
DavU, grocer. Bulpliiir Spiliig-. Tex.
Durinc the month 213 men vlaiicd

«rt. Mr. aad Mr*. Prank Knlaeh- age of 46 daily. Seven hundred aad
TBh M4 Went Nlatk street. April M. sixty eblldren attended the slorj'i
&t, Mr. and Mrs. Ward Bui«A SIT boon.
MUnctoa atmt. April !S.
ttiLlfr. aad Mrs. Lae Horwahp. Sit
0«Bila. April M.

Miss \nda Warner of Elk Rapids
. iMiM -iruibn. bop. Mr. aad Mrs. aad Lowell Uorriaon cf Ancell were
M. BUdrt. tSt Want tflaib
a In marrlace Wednesday afterabwt. April tt.
at tbe paiwoaace by tbc Rev.
R. Itr. aad Mta. 8. WtlUtn Demaa Coeblla of tbe Ooncr<«ttioiial
IWrap. fit Mintoa strfpl. April 7.
eburch. Tbe yonac people were at■m noNMa. Mri. Mr. and Mrs. Aeaded by Ulsa Fanola fblrbanks and
Aif^ li. UandMan. Itl OarMd ava-

■a Mbrrtsan. brother of tbe
The bride waa fowaod in
"■HJitlli Calhariao. Mr. aad Mrs. white rilk and famed eamaUtna.
lAMb, tit West NMlta street.
MIm Warner la the danfhler of 4.
M. Warner of Bk Rapid! and Is ooc
9? B,.oec..ltr. ahd Mn. Archie bt tbe iDMt popaUr Mria In tbr vllI^At, US kthfAMaa cremc. Udfeh 4. lafe.
ft Nnk AimoM Parrp.

Wc -have




Pere Marquette
Elk Rapid* 40c; Petoakay St.
Sunday .May '
I leave Tnti

H. F. Moeller, l

A Signillcani Prayer.
"Hay tbe LonI help .vou make !
ten-* Arnica Salve known lo
writes J C. Jenkins, of Chapel HIU.
N. C. It quickly took the |«ln otir d
a felon fur tsc and cured It In a wnnderfullr short time." 8<-M mi earth
for aorta, burn*, and wnmid*. 23c i,i
C. A. Bugbee Dnig Ce.. Ilanmili Prut
Store. 8. B. Wall 4 8oua dnig >ti>rr>.




satisfy our

values will speak


we 'have not


We have placed









prices on theie

for themselves when you see the garments'

Prices are $10.75, $13.75, $19.75
Itiey come in Panama, in Bine, Black and Brown. Fancy
Mlxtores and the new Checks and Stripes.

This Sale Opens Wednesday. May
1, and Closes Wednesday, May 8
That gives you seven days in which to take advantage
ofthisGRE.XT sun SALE. We know if you will
look at the goods you CANNOT HELl’ BUYING.


pn.c for ruisil.5 lA’iit '-.uii
liv fhi- stale Kill mcr-' club
nn-cMtie .It U-uia. He get a

Boys’ $1.75 and
$2.00 Shoes



A Hoy'.-* Shoe must needa be
of cast iron strength

to overcome

successfully the hard knocks which
a growing rc.stlcss boy gives it.

Wc have
Shoes that will
HOLD him
Made of Box Calf and Kid. solid oak tanned
soles, inside and outside sta>*s to prevent tipping.


This Space
is used
to tell you
all about

That arc made for and sold by us exclusively — made
to fit and STAY FIT. Made to sell at
prices all can afford to pay.

$7.50, $10, $12, $13.50,

Solid but not ulumsy.

tbe froom Is tbe sou of Kiel

Thii shoe store prides itself on the value it gives

MorriMU aad U a sterllac yoanc man
With many trUnds. Tbnp wDt be at
borne after May 10 in Anfell.


Waicrbtiry of HIgfalanrI, ci1i-1



might be called slow sellers, undesirable patterns or colors, but have picked out
the best because

Two frolghu will be put on Nos.
land M, the first arriving at 9 p. m-'
and tbe other leaving for tbc sooth at

Durinc tbc taoolb of April. S.tC.':
booka were clren onl at tbo n»i

the roadlas rooa, 9i women and »02
children, a total of 1.210. or an aver-

II takes all three ol these %vords lo express oar meamlao when we
use tbe word *^ALUE" ^ere. They are unosaal from the fael that
the weatberol the past nkonth has pot os In h posltloh wdierc we are
ottering valaes sodi ms yon might reasoBabty expect In dime or July.
They are remarlmhle because ol the lowness ol price:
exceptional because ol tbe vurttey sbowu

f lU- Mlcliigaii Ki.ruicr, won ih-'j

have l«iuchl larp-r Is...I, I'-., full
trains are cbangml but slightly. No
and in at the followbc placere:
paninilars ad-li'-s.
will arrive at 1:13. slopping for din
Court bonae. Ttart-me Clip. Lee
iin. C. Bardrabasn and taaUlp of
^'■^ual,...:. lln-a.
er. and No. 3 at 11:45 aluo taking
Lebed paaacd tbiouch the dtp today llorobbp.
................... .
Mu li
Brbool boUBC, nte Lake. W. Kile- twenty luinulca stop here. No. 3 is
an -their wap to U19 Boo.
9sl train in from the smith nul
a K. Porter aad Panes Carep who
B(^o(d bonse, dbtricl No. :. Cno>. will arrive at 10:W The Elk Rapids
hare baee at Battaaa Bap, paaacd
aad Kalkaska treiu. No. 7 will leave
) the dtp todap on their wap Eble Vtotoa.
Bead Clip lodap.'

It of the


ciipital. If doslt»l!k- the home may
lie used as licadquaivei*. Weekly
sslart of ll.|•'•■
se*. Addiw:
nvmuulli l‘h

ir while doinc xomc swilrblnc.
The younc man was ouly.SS. yeurt
of aee and tl* bomo was in Codlllsr. Is due lu a lai-gt- nicssun' lo aliuM- of
Ibe bowels, by employing <Ir:i«lic puras riding on tbc side of a ear
gallvei-. To avoid all daiigvr ii~' only
slMialk'd to the euglnecr
Dr. King'* New Life I'itk, the *afe.
^n%.^Cntfa^waat to KalkaMca'op
slacken speed, the air was applk-d sud­ gentle cleansers
s>nd InviBorwlor*.
a rWt tfeb Mtalnc.
In nortbeni Ulehicao aod hU denly aod hr lost bis bold, fallhig 1
Cunranleeil to cmv lieadavhe. hUioiisM. V. Caraa laturaed to bb bone In
Rbetatandcr after t hdUag roUUvea In death leaves u vaeunep In tbu fniter- nnalh the wIh-cIk.
.ml li
blip that will be bard to flll.
The renisinK have U-r-ii tal><-n
^'Baikal <t Lake Ana waa to
One of tbc Ihtncs that worried him CadllUc for hurial.
ihaoitjr prar alffeL,
neat durinc bla Ulneea was that bo
I Relief for Women.
unable to attend the Northern
P. M. Schedule.
-Oaibor todar to attend tba funeral of
MIebIcan Press, association laeotlae in
Tbe ammucr itvbediile for tl ir 'iVnr
bb craddaackler Maonow.
Trareme Clip ianl P»<lay. Ilceocnir.- Marquette has been received
V. jBBkina of fVe Uke wa» ia
bis crest interest to tbc aai
local office and is practically the same
d» dtr.
tbe Bieaibora adopted resolutions, as that of last season.
W. r. Flobert of ThotapwrUb
of Bpjnpaibp at ib«r meetlnc In TravNo. 4 will leave here at
la Iowa todaratp.
riving ia Gtmud Rapids at II o'clock.
C B. Green left the dtp tkb
No. C will pass through here
Me for the eastm poftlea of tbe aUie
l-oiind and .vrrlvc la Grand Rapba will tnaaael bjulBeae.


Remarkable Exceptional Unusual


is Carried.

Saullcia. a G. R. A I. brakcnim.


».»«T!!.» >»»»u »rfs»iii. Ar»i* »-cm._______

Ua eanbe of hla deatb. It wa* kaowa eveniug.
for adne tine that Mr. Tbstatec

B. WUtolm' Good CtotkM.
BitmM—LAdtH- OrcnklrU.
SkCTM* * Uttter-Oood ClotbM.
OBobe Stora-epeeial 8«l«.

Does Your
Heart Beat

$15 and $18

a boy in a pair of $1.75 or $2.00 Shoe.

A Wall Kimn Remedp.
Oae of tbe oldest, safest, aad
A «onr stfoniM aa to Aha ^vniablp known remedtaa in
^ & dMaaaad, aad the •tuM today Is Bmadretb's Pau-a
[Uu Un Ma lad. betaf a Mood

• purifier
laxfiUvi Beiac
“ ' pm*----------laxfiUve.
t tha Cbnidi of Cbrtat
Ibep can be used by old
yoUBC with portoel safelp
while other remedies require In- ' aca and finally eeaac acUnc
with Braadrvth'a Pills tbe
alway* baa tbe same efieri
___________ how tatC'tbep are takea.
One or t*n pill* taken eadi afett for
d whUa Is tbe beat tbtnc known tor

jr -----


uitbobariixiuiniea c.
Iric parion in ue dly.




Traverse City

Ot-i-L nuisoi
pMM or ancareoated.

need. Some say its the finest
Line in the City.



you1l like them an<| buy them when in


Dt. Wtllt's Inncli Offict
WiUitlm Blk.

It will cost you nothing but your time to see them


Sherman & Hunter
Tnrersc Citr, KchitaD.


Grand Traverse R^on.
. «*i*M »• lat> to UM. Ativ
It raaeh tha HtoM atoM mtk

lator Vtofi TiMaday naan af aaah vaak.
M earraapandanto fan to M
Vialto »n. thay nay ka aaMd «M tt
mm tg*»r tima.

Dsny bappy tatanp. of the day.
Mra. Thoa. Maicbeu was called to
Bopkicy Piiday hy the iliacas at bar
niece, Mra. OoeraMy. vbu passed
away early Baiuitlajc BoralasMiss Brae Bopirt baa been assistiW Anna Mmln In her bouscclaantne

* Tbe^dlW AId will meet with Mrs.
Blom on Wet
yUa Blrdla Blaakay rftaniad
Ian M(inda) rrua Ooldvalrr. vbna _____ .j kUalstt
"•be ha»
' « breo
brfo npeodlDc
apeodlDc aararal veakR inr tipedlllon;
»Uh ber brmber.
Tl;e Tip.-. Sir. Plan a
Cal«4n lAirr isuv^ to Wi
day, where be expects to s
ertmberry nisrafa.
Mis. Lens Uck who baa
In; bpr parents of this place, returned j
to Traverse City Saturday.
April fl*.
_____ _
MUm Beaale BRiralt 8unda>’.
- yiaa me Hoftart ia tcpMdlas a
fi-w Kaeka with WUa Anna Marlin.
lAdiPf' AH sorlely ITpets Oils
Will OaUiro and fam>l> are vlallins
Thursday with Mr., Henry Hai.r
at 8am* for a Jew daya.
Mra. AnilreW"ToiinR front Traverse
ITie lai<lii-«' Aid ni«H with Ura. Chaa.
Xnapp la>l Tliiinula}' wllb nine pm- rtty Is rlsltlns lr|pBds here ihl. week.
Oennb lypsn was calllny on his paifoi. After the liiialnpaa meailOE. Mr».
•lx apd friend, one day last week.
iXBapp aerrert ibe ladlea to cakaa am
Cbw*ii-r W<s>d. wboSe lioinie banted
- mffee
Tbp larttea will no-PI will
down rerenllv. ha. isored his family
Uta* Anna Martin Tbamibi;'. May 9.
A vrr)' plmaant aprprjite party wai In tbit PasksI Kliiible hotuie.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Utnlor
SlTen Mlaa Rllta Btoyka'UaT Tbuiwday wTisIna t» the yoiiliK paople In Traverse City Saiorday.
The Blotxiipsul school ehises
Aboal tweni.v-llvp Uplna iir-rarot, The
UBual aamea weie played nfier which week Frirtar with an eniemlniurait
the ermlng.
Mlsa Bra Toung
a rery
trery nice lap au|
auiiper wna .tvraUy eu
>».«wd by all.
Tniniaii Hawley relumed Saturday
Tha Blaeknaa achwi. nllh
from Traverse <'lt«- where be
Salter aa leaeber.
prepartns a
part of the week,
be (Iren Batniduy <
Mr. anud >fra. William Curr:
ibc. Uey
A treat deal ot
ad Mr*. Lowell Boiini attended ibe
ren the prepamlfon
kaa been
Quarterlr meeting st Tuba Hunday.
Hi** Pearl Curry visited at ber
bonie Tbtiraday aRernoon of la.
. the Rev- Mr. Platt a
Mra. aohn Cant* and Mra. A. innet
Btk Rapids pari of Um
Isited In K
leek, Mra. C
irr new boo
April ».
1. C. Knapp; Orcanlat. T
Mra. Anna Guernsey Is i
tea and It b bopad abe win
Baa> Hodci-'. and -rsmily wi
.At B. A wall-a Bunday.
Ml. Oaborn and taaUy oI Alberta,
Oaaada.Arritod la Klotniey teat Wed
,M«ar. Tbey tfcibk that Htchlsaa
Mill be Uielr borne In ttae fnlure.
Fbrty-iwo of BlUa Stoyke'a frtoadt
It at her hoine iaal Wadneaday In
d bar MIb biTttaday. The evan-

JlD M’aiton made a trip to eanfti 1<
Win Avery of Udand was called
here by the death of bln niece. Mra.
SerBKHir Perry.
Horn, to Mi. nnd Mra. Bberman. a
boy. April :ith.
The school opened today with Mina
Mabel Fowler aa teacber.
Mr. Sbennan of Ohio arrived here

paiBile im aRer baflnc r

n iDBber fair aliotit fire yeara ft
rl lAke and UtrawAi Hoelinta

lra.-fto Traverar City Sal^
will Slay
It Jnsl more than ellinb- days
Ins. aa George
rge 11a
r.ny Tbompkln* t* dritlng a new
after Ibe eetling of
: span of matefaed ha«>.
Mra Cbao.ller lemaln* about Ibe
;pect» b
Mrs. Will Lake
Jpbanl Tobin,
If nay a i rifle lietter
Mra. N. T. NelM
of Tra
of Cleiunere. wa
•and Miv. lj,i.r* Pblldtrn bar.-;
Gbit ,
Mra. W
ro week"
to mea*let.
Oar school will tw
ipplneas and pir»N*erlly slieud
can «ay
More fruit iief.g have been sbipis'j'
iraev thnmph
thnmch IHe. I. the wish of
icbool? ■; here ihi. *esH.n than ever btdore.
in.v friend*.
hlsbruth-George Ijrdle i* buying potatoes'
Eddie lAke sa» eallLng

- ---1 family si.- movat the Mi>'-ioa
iipiter than banl-i
»t Wednr.Oa)
lag to Ovial. s-here he sill eugagl- In
Ing tbi-m to Traeerve City
Atwood Li'.ke of Itilan•nd bs
Mra. Nes..-u.
.Vr^ I.Hchtoii has gone
) Joliet..
l« Ijike Ann^wliere be win Uke
- - e UdleiOt^ ARBOR.
Between tour and tve Inebes of
now fell beiw Wedneaday aJiemooo.
Mra. Gordon Bari is still on the stek


sammsasAww wwtMSnmsawtsnwtait







The BverAffC Savings Bank pai^n in
America has $400 on deposit. Can not you
save as much or more than the average de*
postiof if you decide to do so. Butin order
to arrive an>*where. one must start. We invile you to start an account at this Bank.
One dollar will £u it. Bpok free.


and da-igbter, .Mi
f the o
lUg ihjia.oe.
iwiatoi-a par. Mr*.
Mr* MHli
William lAlghlon.
. Inacfa . liavket*. «
Ann last w.-ek buylUs
The Udkn.' Aid of this
Ing Into her bouse calling aurprisp for lils fi’*' -If’
*' c.-i
Mra. Nesspo. Tbe lady wa*
much 1
Mi;.. J1>rtl. Lake and Veda m-ere i lumcht a rw carpel for tl. .
irpriat^ tbat for a few momenta sbei
The Ladlr-n'. Aid will meet with Mrs
abej the guesl*
supsI* of Mrs. Laura UjIcs one !
luld bardlv expiesa her ijlcasiire. and Iday la>i week.
ije*a<- Chrismphpr Wednesday afici.
clutlna of till- kindness
yit. and Mrs
Mrs. J.-s.c
J.-arc 11,
|l. Hnllell
Hallelt wi
• rut last W<Hln-Mlay.
rcapeci shown
wa* pIoaHnlly |>ai.>-<'<l after
W'lUaiii l..i<tdiam anil
haveIV refrtudiDcnta and flne o
moved fraiii Emplie to laike Ann

pDrtakeit of. Mra. Cook, ih" picsldenl.
rlifford and flov Ca..e wei,, to Hon-i
y. R. Fnv'iiiau
pr"'*cnlv<l her with a b<-aiilirnl sofa nr Friday to uliend the tUeaneri.;
her danghln- Mis. C- A. A
pillow, which wax ippi-Ivi-il
Walter Uke H.ld a honu- to Mat '
laixt wiyktMr.
lixik hi. C-<-ureuii last Monday ;iNc. expeeix
iRawIlng* arh-»l. wax ihe eu,-*! of|
rltv hO'ldial
daucMer Mirty to i
eell uliollier on,- soon.
.Mra. C. B. Pnl,«-r Sauid.i, .vuil Sun­
icvntiHi-nl. She
(■ bus
Grand Rapid* foi 'i
Fnnl Wlletm bas bought u wood day.
three ijiai-hiiif.
bees in poor bcalth
nine, tic
Mi>. tbiuce J.vkiam iinil I»
Mr. nirdrr murjitvl very
|| luislucas
attended the (um-ral at May.
mueh encouraged, a. the doeinr* there
illi-ld last Thuraday o| the lliile child,
aay they think.they can rupii her. He.■of Mr. and .Mr*. B. Jatnc*.
many friends here are rejoiced at ihv. Piexi* of Ml mid Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs, D. C. Crawford <d
good report.
; MHIbrook im; vUliliig Irieiidt and jvI11
L Neksen r«-lunied Iaal
Ueixuis an- romlag In
niTouui 1
alive* betv.
Mr. Crftvford pn-uehe,!
sldii r um her lu Chicago, and
ii’uudms towns mat Brad
ttle Gray wjix up to Ti
In the M. r. rbiirah lii»l iilph'.
Mliw Jo-P- lx v.,.ikliis !•« .Mr*.
enllri- ____________
brouEbit a piano with her.
Oil litiaioerx
litiaiDvex one day 1
E O. Klngalu) and ‘ sMei, Mrs.
M Eni..r> HI pifH'ut.
I |.;,er,
^ la
, guaranteed.
Ca,l Walker l.-R la*l wci-k for .'rJ-'^Ci!y'*oii
pifM-ut. _
Mary Lnild. who Uevv le-i-n sj>rti'line
Mra. Fi«l J.*u*o„ o| Tmveis.- Cli, ;
vlolt ia Chicago. MUwuiikra- and
■ vlvlt
- Eugene n.ber. aeeompuulfid
Prank Sheridan, weiii up nonU
iiln is
Tuusdav to gel Ilia gaaolliK- bout.
Trjiverxe Is-big trcied I... un •'"--ess' I| Simple Way to KUt darrhlt
I-, Skewers of Kallxnsh.v will send -.
Wonder, tbat lbe> and foul- oUiera
Caurrhal CtriM
Iiiiw here
went In on their dc.-r hunt expedltlim
in Nona. Throat and Uinfim
y uiaid
Hnllell t
ta.i fall sud had to leave at the
The only natural and eonttnoii Mwixe
of 8i. Helena on atoi.ut of tbe
the lee;bl. bad
melhiwl known for the cure of rntarrhThey found their boat
Mix. luca Hailelt is dolus
hey M-wing 81 Mra. H. Case'*.
1 .nl iniuble* 1* Hy-otocl. It la brratbe.1
been i
Deafnwnn Cannot ba Curoo
ui by nu­
hindered khuc
(I ibiough an I
We lUidertJand that Jake Fowien. ,________ ,__ ,k_
.0) rra'k
n-iivlli-d I
.ae wind*. I
•Cl. ralT .X,"
of Pelenllle I* going to n-ni tile pb.e.forenoon In safely.
1.. caudirn i
Johnson had a hie lust Fil-lmosl remote air cell*
kuown ax Ihe Hllliu LinkleUer plaec; jray lueura ,drain;-., .ad Ibi
April :|i.
. all
day and gofhl* new hous.- -..laried
|lhr,Ml an.l lungs,
Itrng*. killl
Vet Croks liaa |■'ar^bak>xl a
-Mr. s
i- U.ller nud^^h^"?:i;’'
ibrane. nod roalortnj: a boallby
engine lor bis mill.
ilph Webaler ecclu* to be , roodlllDO
Little AtaU-l ILilr* i
where Ibe calarrttal g--------------- --•tha Tenny. who
by iH-ln* piiahetl on Ihe *1
la the nose. Ibrwd and lung* and draiptds (■
Carl Bate*. Mra. Asa Palmer and to go to ber aunt's to hai
alraj> the germs «o that perR!«Xenltb
Mra Arable Smith, nil of Traverae
Mr and Mra. Waller Lake
Mra Max SItnrow n-lurne.1 home
Cllv. eimu borne Wednesday to aee giie.f; of .Ml. Biid Mrs, Curry- Sunday.
loiu Chicago last Tuetalay . .
tbrtr slalfr Ooldla aud pareats, Mp.
Mr. and lira. C. Winter* ol Oiler jai^ma>i.'frwr'
Mra. Rufus Bate*. ^
Cicek drove to Uke Atm Solurdty! _.. .
f. J. CTOTT * OO..TDlado.O
■Id Jamra went to Klngaley one dny
enry Bales of Lake Ann was In
y unlcM tbe ratoody
1st week.

| SSto
piu..............................vicinity looUng after blacksmitb with a load of potato,-*.
April l-P.
Api ll 'L’9.
toola to take up north, where be goes


.i.h w,




Wedonot close at Noon and arc
open cat h Wednesday Evening from 7 to S;W.

■SV"' ■ ........... -i-srifisssa

Four Rooms Fiirnislicd for $84.00.
If you are figuring on buying an outfit here is an opportunity for you to furnish your home in a nice,
cosy shape at a saving of about $30.00.
Sitting room, dining room, bed room, and kitchen. In selecting these outfits we have been very carenot to put anything but good, substantial goods in them and we are positive you cannot buy the same
outfit any place in the state at any where near the price we are making on them.
. .
If you have been figuring on sending to some catalog house first take your catalog, pick out the same
bill of goods and compare them and you will find that our price is lower than theirs on the same grade of


_ _ *_ _ _ _ _

Sitting Room

I Couch upholistered in velour
I Oak arm rocker
I Oak arm rocker, upholistered
1 24x24 inch Parlor Stand
2 Pair Lace curtains with poles
Carpet fo cover room 12x12 feet

Dining Room
I 6 ft, Table, solid oak
6 Dining chairs, solid oak
I OO-piece set of dishes
6 Good knives
6 Good forks
6 Good table spoons
6 Good tea spoons

Cbt triglml hemt Tumisbtr

0f ntrtbtm tnid>igai>.


_ _ _

^11 4-Ux.x 4-:^^ .aa-v.i wirr^ww4-4-a-k r%o\/ f/tf fVkdam

«« ovtra nharffes.

Bed Room
bed. 4 ft. 6 inches
I Golden
I Golden oak dresser
I Golden oak commode
I Closely tufted bed mattress
I AM steel spring
Carpet to cover room 9x 10

No. 8 Cook stove
I Full size kitchen table
I Galvianized wash tub
1 Copper bottom boiler
I Heavy zinc wash board
I Pressed tin dish pan





Pressed tin water pail
One-pint pressed tin dipper
Pressed tin bread pans
Roiled edge pie tins
Rolled edge cake tins
Pressed tin wash dish
Crimped cookie cutter
Handled fried cake cutter
Fine wire flour sifter
Double action egg beater
Copper bottom tea kettle
Copper bottom tea pot
Copper bottom coffee pot
Good long splint broom
Japanned dust pan


no txtra ebargt for mdit.
)lour promist to pap wilt do.


r. MAY z. n«r.

At tkU potot Ibe mz* pAd • trtb- ibcat to tbe bwdaeaa moh aad dtlrm VHd«r*« Beewri.
luie to lb« preu ef Uw cosatfr. aiTtiix> teas of TrarerB aty generaJty. ateo
Tbfi MMlap or (ht Nortten M«AI-'ib*( it aomiiuaod AbrabM Uaceto to tbe awaarnent of tbe Part Place
«M Pm> MweUflM tana Ui ihf aad upb«M blca wb«a fcr t>Me tb« hotel for ae rayally eatertalBlog aa
cUr nwoctl raotat
(hit aflerftooa.'sbaekln of 3.000M6 aUraa: a l^w while abellered bcnealb tia boapluble
tbm'bHiv a TaiY good atteadaBco.lyran ago It forcod tba prcaideat. a: roof, aad further
a^ thirty pobllaber. Mag p»a«w moat agUaat hla will, to dccUrt- war
RcaolTcd. That this preamble aad
/iba rartotif poniaaa o( tlK Bortben aad atop the gpaaUta cruolttes ta these
the BUlc. Ai aooe at arrtrlag Cuba: ll bronght about aa larraUga-




U tbe dly the tliltlag pubtUbera reg-jtkai that purged tbe rotunaews of lha
telerod at tbe Pat* Place hotel, where big life iDai.taaee compaalea; It eoaitbey were met by the local aewapaperj prtlcd federal fecUoa agalaat tbe beef

stivet to the hrldgr;
A. W. OUBB staled that be

Fro* Tnesd^s Record

great believer Is Hassifled advertislag
saylluc that It returned more dlrcet
profit than arty other class and that ll
gave aattefaetlon amoeg the pairuoa.
WUIIam DePny. of the KalkasUan.

Annual ropotts wen- tte- prlne.pal
business l■■fore the cliv civunHI la;
evening. Thr-o reports wvre compre­
hensive and full ol dela-l aud w.

reeeived and filed and will Ik- used
-s la making
slated that he ran about a half a nd- rroldes for the
u-n y.-at's l-i-dsei.
Xtmn uf classified sdvrrtlatDg aud It
gave excellent rw-ults.
ii wa>- not
the l-si uiis-iin; < f :!u' old eriun
only prafitaUe but as ti brenght many

nd at that lueettug i. M. tlilktt,
ald.-iuiuu of the S<-e,>ud ward.
farewell tu thore with whom h.- had

Uc pavlug oil Murray a

I'lrtou Etrrrt with bru-k from
the In-port
rt of Ibe departmenr.
bridge to TueiUh Krect
Tbeue two; Tl. ________________
... _
paving Jot'S sere done euilreiy by day | sere *S.T61.iT. while the propeny oB
work St ronsiders'h- saving ovvr'hand amounted to $».«i.l7.
the eootracior.'bld>
|i„nns the year
year tthe depaitmenl iwA eteitraet had tes-n enieivl into tolt
- alarms and traveled
SC« lu.I. . lu and from fin-s. vcuikl^
work bad t«d iicn done

s 10^1 rd H-S^ bouiw at fire*. Tlie
hns.- laid lotul.vl t< *:•> feet and the
total fill- loss was
The toua

M'S I; (lliiiic had tew-u dotie uu
hall )urk nod pcik is ii-w
pil l- ;> fiibsl to a tebut *-!.. f,vt b
the Vu:-*n street biidg.-.

illcect returns including a setter uugl
ia-.*iranee was $ta:.o.'.ci, Inauiaiicc la
aadjdaa. for the eaiertalameai treat: It eompellcd or largely laflnll whs pnptilar wii( his iiairoiUL.
of the rlaitora eSeetad.
I la this I
Dayton 6.dbv of tbe Empire Juuipurk b;rs also twwu fo; :;nd
;is«-s of Ite- firt-s wen : UvR. tt Prederlek. prealdeal U tbe as
a that Ibe f
ual said that be would like tu sre (hieast !«:. .-vads iri-aitvS
leiti'e eh-.rooe,»y. 15: Uelortive fnfBoclailoa. arrlred laat algbl. together fare la force: ibe preu of Ibo
Tbe luatler of refuresirstlun
assocUlion agre^ on a uuirorm rate
A 1-e i.imiriii niteeii
• lib
aereml olber
upholds the.baads of Roose­ next ua the pregraiu. Perry K. Powers, per Inch per hundred or pi': thousand
lixsl I'runl rigb;u:ng. t: mil exi'hnd
auiaber arrlred
this moralag. a
velt aad H wni sec that hte successor, ss ohslnaan of the commliH^y makiog clrrutetlan and sUrk u>
filling ills ii'v'Us io.i.:ui»t;un, :.
Boro wilt atrire la Ume for tbe or.
deraocral or repobUcati. will ;
a repon. He slated that Iht- suu
This brought forth iniicii disvutytoo
1 ;s|wik. Tr»..i -'Ki'. , 7; burelBg
lag laeeUag. which wiu take place .
duct Ihe Dtalrs of Ibis country
ready owned nboui TO'l.uPu arnw
uf patent medicine aud other forrign
, mir.:.!'. ... tUvmn:. 7. r.nklM.wa. 7.
ibe Pai* Place, after the dlaaer. which wlU be a gorcrement -or the ix-oplc. tend ainl there was In pruresi ul be
flnallv 11-soivlng Itself;
'n.,1 th-.. s-;. 71 chimney,
wUI be partlclpalrd la by- the local for the people and by tbe people
aequlr<4 by ihc Male two or three
ion of inllrtiad advmls-'
- nil', nad two falx' alar'Jis.
nrwapaper mea ai arell at Ibe rtolUng
“We are glad and prood to w.-icome milllan acres mon-. Tbe question
Ing, W, E. Camptell d.vtertnc tba: as,
fit*' t"-B alariii
were msUllcd
meaboa of the aaaodaUua.
Ibe Northern Mtchlgaa Press sssoela- wbat Is to Itecome of this land?
railroads demnndtul
di'iinr: ilw year making a loUl ri (5
MeaUng Qptned.
lion to our city. Wc are glad
A tal'ulu"--! Iii'i-ntory wsnumber ot people
U-lli-ve tbut
re. Jie Uiouglu
Ihi DuWK{ui>cra
''Iiisw own."I I" the city.
Thla afleraooB't oteeiJag wan eallod come such brimuit men of our sute. should 1k- held by tbe stale and i
th a i-te:
$17 "17 7"
should do Ibst way wiUi Ibe oilways
Th- -I'.i'-f mol. iwca-tou lo highly
fire Oepzrtmrnt.
to order at ::M by Ptwldcat PrederBitboogl. I sec many brilliant
for less than *3 aa aero sod tl
saying (hat-It m-k him fnim two
<onini<-iM Ihe <rn--i*-ary and diacipllae
lek. pahllabcr of tbe Staermaa Pioneer.' tacos hetorc me I don't see any brillouid be refyrested.
tbiTH- tuuiilhs lu gel hte raouey and hr
i.r»ni.uii.-d on Kourtivmlh Page.l
wbo ooUlBOd the ob>ecu of the organsblrt studs. You x
le land was formerly soli]
•iiid only t-iidcr Mite quarterly,
lailof aad deaertbed the boaeeta that: uM have.Ibe weahh of some but j
» aud SK Uiv isMw kept PiUna up
as iiui the g<-urral exp<-iieace of the
would Tcault from fi
Is Bopreme and the prrsi
by yrwr. tbe cost berame more
ubllshiTs pitrsent. the mujurlty gelof tbe
the greatest power for good Id the' tbaa the land waa worth and the slate
ng thidr monthly.
E. U Spragoe, one ef tbe plo- tend.bad ‘'Clearing sales" selling the laud
The qurMlnn was
bow many
beer publiahcrt of aortbera UkhlgaD.
IQ eoncluslon the mayor stated
< HI cenu an acre, but tbo newspaiKT*. w.-nHill'-:
delivered aa addreai of wdeose la If the membera would look around Ibe Stipmse court decided Uial it eoutdo't
cards frre and not a tivwspspiV in
bdiair of tba
city they would sec ample refouilon do Ibst.
driug so. Due pub
Btalleg that a awre fonaal arelcome to <it the things that Perry F. Powers of
Now ilie land Is (smOsesKfi by the Usher said he was carrying two line-*
tbe city woald be niended by the the CadilUc News bad been saying
ale after flve years, during wbicli (m> but would kill niuM- as soon as bv
nayorai looigbt'a mocllag.
about Ibe city. They would see a
me ll Is caeatanily being advertised got home.
Dnrtag the moratag aad «arly aftop heauilful cliyrwlib many manufaeand is udverUsed again before It be-;
James M. e.llett.
After a iillle nuue disru-ion
Boon, the netaben of tbe orgaaiia- lories aud iDUuWrlM. some of Ihein
comm state property. Then it If sqld Puwen. said that one tiling Hiai
U««. maay of wbem bad oot met for working night and day.
the bighewt Mdder anil Mr. Powers pressed him was (be general liicn-Bs<
aereril yeara. enjoyed a rcuntoa and
PreaWent of Beard of Ti
bellcred (but was the best scbenic.
In the value of ailveiitelug.
fonaed the aeqnilBianee of new menPresident I-Ve5erick etptt
e gave as hte rensoas that while that searet'ly fine man out of one Imn
> velMS.j
hers or the craft who had not before
appreclatida of tbe atsociatloa for tbe
Tile first r.'piiil i
legislature could set aside a tract drod recognized the value of C well
lliai ufi
heM preaant at foraier gathertagik
(rentmeat cilmded and Ihca called on of land. Ibe next one could dispose <■(
Ibe (Kilin-. ab'|unm*'iil ubieh -lore*writien ad but the knowtedgiThe Bret nbjeet of dtecuahm at tbe
President Banto of the board of trade it as waa seen 111 and therefore ibere
I’kb iim-sts dlii.l'd .i-i I.dlou-.- likaiil;
raining gnsiml. In ennelnsion
afierwma meMag waa the matter of
Ur. Banto aaM that he felt great could be no pcruaneBI ruotrol. <
staled that ihc man wlio wriles an ud and dlsurd.-H.V ?•: vb-tettiig eii. 4.r.l
froe adretOalBg tor pollUcal caadlpleasure In bring present at the meet- Ibe other band, tf all tbe slate land
dluunees.' ~r.-. s|i„|,!e lam-nry. rj.|
daiea. The aubject was glrca caiwful lag and that there was no noestloo
Craad Travorae. Wexford. Kalkaska' papers and nmsianily udds va
graud ten-eny.
iiss.oili and te**i.-iy.!
n and openty d
but that the city was gisd to weleome aad Other couatlea was eoavertod
■blainitia iiKitn-y under littee pre-j
the pirrpeny.
> A report arai made by tbe aewspaper meo. not only once but
leosrs. :: >i«tetl"n o.' ihe, li'i'.ior law.
a eettslltee eouteUeg
Aa It was alter ]l o'elwk i
many Umea. It has been said, said woold be DO roads built, ao Iniprovrbniglaiy. I. non-tipjiort,
Bpeagtte and Tboe. T. Bate# of TrarMr. Santo, that tbe press eaa either neau made during tbe preM-ni gener­ Jourumeni was taken until this
desiieying prop.-rt>. 1.
crae CUy and C. B. CharchUl of Petoalog when tbe roenibers were token
-make or brdak" but li is not the ation or until a crap of trees could
if. 7: whipidng wifi-, 1. alnislvi
key, the npon coBlaiaiBg a teaolBUoo
about the cli«. Ben Mumague
jiolley of the press of this eountry tu grown.
language, r; nghtiiiE. :: Vi-tamy. 1.
that aU MBOOBceawBU aad appeala
break but to build oa
an example of the praellral
atteni|il>-d munler. 1; s-airh varriini.
for aapport made by poUHcal caadlI Is here Cor good aad without it workings of <he present method, he tcamer while rigs were piurided fur
;ven lodging in e.*qi, 27: doi.iksj
datea ahmtld be charged for the aame
would be weak. The speaker ei- cited Clair county where $20,000 had tbe mhci - and Ibe sigbis of ih<
given Indeing In e>K*p to sirtxT up. 1|
aa rcgalar adrerttelag matter. The
preesed the oplaloo that there were been returned to the county and the were shown.
or the 2Sh ni-ruiaiit.siH theelly pils.ui.j
araUmeat of this nwohitloa mM with
Yesterday Afternoen.
bralna lied up la Ibe press
aute bad received $7,000. Hundreds
L-.e women.
liteu 11 te.y.valid.a,
pracUeally unaalmoas favor. ‘
Yi-sterd^y afternuuii'a ineeiiiig
Amerles tbaa la any oihr prefemdo*. ot Mnall owners had also been brought
l-Sgblii'U ehildnu wete lost
Bemal of the pubUshora present egbusiness and pcaeUcal ataodpulnt
lie eloeed with a hamoroni 'itory.
ISto the county.
td ::i wb'H-te iiiit-siug <>■ stolerj. I'f
preaaed tbolr views as to the price
■B very helpful lDii'-<'d
Due of
Parey F. Pewera.
li. iiiimteT at wei.- uoitetvsl. 'I'h.Mr. Powers stated that be
bdiick abonld be char^. This vailed
Aa the name of Perry F. Powers bad uppoaod to forestry as he believed If Impitnaui problems discussed was Hut
•|Kirt Was sh;n<*l by C, W. Ashton,
from; Regular adrerttelBg prleet to
Si-curlug subscribers, malntaiiilug
boeea used In the preceding addresses ao excellent thing but be believed
apedil prteea for apodal poattloa aad
circulation, aud making ' collecHons.
tbe gMUemaa responded la the flesh that general forealrsUoa would
water Wsrha.
Wc mention a few Specials.
ol wrtte<ips
Considerable time was devoted lo ibis
aad proceeded to InpagB the allega- in injun-.
eommon county,
. Hr. Cburcblll «
qoeslIoD aad a Urge number of the shiis.-ed ipul iwlpis of
tloBs that the statemaius made by
m an attempt was made to tnni
him aad others la regard to tbe Queen the slste lands Into foreau. tbe roil- membera present eaicred into the di»total dUburs.iuonis of $4.!*",fl.
Ideas wv-ye evehaiigcl and
aty of the North were In any maaner denl* almost mobbed tbe surveyors,
lotnl <o.t of piimpliiz was $1.twenlf-flve ecaia per inch for each
melboda descrilMsi which, were praeil- >77 "b and tli>- tiilnl ma1ni.iin.vni-<- w-ns
lie stated that this
E I. Sprague said that he agreed.
laaertleB, and where half-tone portrait
al and doubtleu beneficial. This Mib- *ko7.:.7 Tile »I .-oustrtiriton was
by the Blblkal
w1lb Ur. Powers but ibougfal that
Wegtra added. The vlewa
"Whom the Lord lovelh He ebas- price for all the lands tbsi could bo Jeci has lii-en a-prohlem wlth.nll news­

gitii;--- ., i-;-and reul *d $irsof maay of the publlshen preacal
papers. but Ihe puUItehers pre:.enl -■v-.f.-.
1." adding that this qooution used. Kbould be fixed,
lie believed
were freely eipreaaed aad ll was prac
would have a familiar souad to those ttaal tbe rallnwds should refurest sit deiiion.-trau-il lo ih<- explanations ..l
ikally uaanlaious that aewspupen
their syslemk that they wer*|>rogn-swbo were not from this cHv.
n- II4.I.I-. '7 Tl..........
Ibcir lands aud ihouglil that locusu
sive and up-todite along that Inn
Lapsing Into sertouaaess
I'l iiiatnlatuuoi "
should be plsntcd as In slslcen <
s. aaddevotlagii
Another matter dis.ussasl and wiil.ii
that those prCHent knew 'that Traverao Ihc trees had matured enough for rall:*
slioniiig .i ;
local ehlomaa to the lateren of aay
ns of great lni|K>rtane.-, was ih. ti.,.i
City did trot seek (o entertutn tbe vlsll>:te:
pQliUeat candidate Joit the
nuwril through any selBsb moUve
City Net CfseBJd fflr Water.
manteau shontd receive pay for merlerlal
Int rather lu a >«lrit of true bosplial- lly tn favor of the sah- iit stale lands
With the finaiirlnl .tal-ni.-i.l i
fhibdtee. The reaolntlan. however,
“AII who are here recognize that and be didn't bellerc that (hero was during Ihe |iast five yars has lurgely
le Dolaiion that no :i<-rtnim <
applied only to adverUalag. the edl___ ............ .. .............. ....................
erie aty te and moat be the ele­ an acre of land but Ibst could be madc advanced In cost. The -sarm- te true
tortal columa of the paper being rement around which this whole nonb- producUve. water being all that wat of paper stock hdU iHlier material nsvd jfire'byqTanis. ihe'wi.ier f.'.’r’fo'ii
aervod for Ibe nse of the editor at hte
prtaUng office. It was shown sins-l
wniri.»u n<
Mlchtgsn revolves." Uu stated needed.
dlacredon. to be uaed for or agalttat
coaclOElvrly. that the prices on staple [.le
fhnber that Traverse City was the
aay particular candUlatc.
la other
Tbe eoDsteatly lacieaslug fuicign vie- forms of offlco staHouery and kindred ■
SUtement ot Pumpingleader and that other followed and be
wordi. the editorial coiuma ahould not
could work these lands as a things, are practically the same lulay '
w> ididn't brileve that there waa a single
be »ld. Tbe rmdathm waa adopted.
Yankee would not.
He sroold hare
they wen.' right or uni yi-itrs ago.,i.e. gaion- fmni|s-.|. c»lug an u<
good Utlag tn tbe town ot which he
Thu followlag were praaeai thU
Ihe value placed nut so low that the
1 yet labor and materials
have : ,H-r day <>f 1.T-I;;aliiins. Thso prood but what orlgtaaied la
O. R. Hawklnt. Hancclands would be bought for s|>ecalsiloa. largely advanced. This probl-ui is an ;e*i day v pi.niping wn- July 17,
Traverve aty. In eoiKludlDg. ho said
looa; l■errr F. Powers. CadlUae: Will
The BMller was discussed al laigiti Important one with the priming ot-twii-n r,7l.;unM «;i:'ons w.ithat If the newtpaper men would f
II. Jaimaa. lUrrIoUa: J.
by A. W. UoDB ot tbo Buttons Bay flceeof northere Michigsn and It was i| tie- lu>
Th* -rm.ll- sid,.
home and try to make their towns ill
ThompponvUle: C. E. ChuretallL Petesiceded that In the fan- of this ad-lMay 1.:. Hsdi. w:ien Inn l.••«ll•le
Trgvcree City It would not only be
key: Oeorge W. Hlachre. Brart; J. B.
vanee In coat, a gradual Inrreasc afj|..||s we*v itiinip'-il. Thi- l-i:;—: i
good ihlag for tholr towu bat for
WbleU. Rapid City: W. N. DePoy.
prices <ui various prTMlneis of th<-'uns Aiigiisi. i:»:. wli-n Tl..V*'<i*.
their papers aa well.
Kalkaaka: R. O. Frederick. Shermaa;
It was p.iis wei.- i.-nni.-.l
of Mr. Sprague. J M. printing office te nvcessaiv
Tribute From the North.
J. B.'KaaklBf. itosrard aiy: A. G
!eoncvde»l by nmny publishers pu-s*n'. wsl:’“
P. Campbell thoa took tbe flour Tcrwllligcr of the Cadillac Globe was
afayaoa. Prliatoa: W. a. Oubd. Sot
that their cnslumers ii-allz'-i] the i^iii ^iin;i>. «,
ejected secretary aad treaaunT.
lim^Bay: W. B. Campbell. Nonhport; aad after dellrertug a abort, coactee
n;,. t.,ial e,-i or io>: i
rrpurted tbat S. R. tSTIson dlllous wbirh confront tin- pHcllBg ..f
3. N. Ttektopangh. Kalkaska: H and highly descriptive eulogy ri the
fiers and that patrons werr- rlii-.-rfuIlj |,„te
cily. lavlted the asstduuon to become of Battle Creek, a member of Ui<- usms
paying slightly aclvanei-d prices.
i(s>;i (a-i t *»>i a-'li-ns wn
hte gueste at Northpewt. Tbe Inrtla elation bad lest a child aud u nratlun
>-as accepted on Ur. lUUell's mu- that a tpucial commluce ou rt-sulu-. I Tiio TravTrse Cl'y printers <»i'liii>*<l |H"' iin ipte i« ' I
PetcraoB aad
wife. Copemlsh;
tbe additional «x|K-nsc tbat has lK-.-n|
tions be appointed Carried
Oeorge W. Porry aad wife. Elk RapCuostroet-on Statt
dleorgp I- Tborsloii uf thc.ContrtiI incurred dtirlim the (•asl few y.-ars !
Ida: F. E. Rler. Meaiek.
riel-: H-is
H- u.
lake Torch was retxnied to be crlilc- and staled als*.. that in K.-neni1. He '
The Itertbern Mlddgae Preaa aaaoally III sod a ntotion of Mr. Ilawkiro business men of (he rite were In'-lin* -! J "h li n.aiu I..,.; •. ■ -iv-i,
set of rcsoluUoos was adopted sod on
daUen win hold lu aeit tdeeUag
whin th- iiuinbN
-f |.
Tbrsers' motion the committee of tbe Maacelena llrrild tbat a Icitcr to I'xy till' printers a llvim: priec.
Northpert, the date to be left to WII
J. 11. TInkIcpaugh of the Kalkas­ ot sympathy te- aoal to the family, was
bar ChmpbHI of the Northport Under,
ka Leader. Oeorge W. Mlacfaln ot tbe carried.
aad tbo presMenl aad seereUiy.
Tbe fuHuwlng rosuldUuii was adopt to have Ik-cu the l«-s| and most help
LVart Review and W. B. Campte-U
It will probably
be aome tin
ful gatjirring of .tin- Iiuhhshers of
The foUowing resoluilims were ad>H>l'
AagoaL The asMiciatJaB also decided.
Whereas. Our brother and fellow d'trthcre Mlehiiran ever held
laat Bight to have E. L. Bpraguc pre-|
lemter, George M. Thutwioa. eillior
/An fnvi'i
_ pare a special article on rvforeatntlon
aud publisher of the Central I^ake
Had Bag Chwtad.


, s3 ,

Infants’ Coats

.... i


\Vc have ",si placed on salt',
brand fifw line'of
infants' lony untJ sitort Coats, made of Cavhmere and
Bedford Con!. \\V have them both vwith and wiibou:
Capes-: nicely embroidered amj trimmed with Applique.
They arc marked special at SC'>f). SI-. O. S‘J-00. $250.
Sii.r.'y and


Baby Bonnets

Never in the bistory of iht« store have we shown a
bifser ot Iretief Hne of Baby Bonnets than right now—
rtie ytyles are prettier, the assortment larger, and tlie
opp' riuniiy'for satisfying every panit ular tawie *11
that could be desired. IVetiy Bonnets at ‘25c. "jc. 50c,
fi5c. 75c. and up lo.S^.'OO.

Other Things for Baby

Tine Wool Hose, Worsted Bootees, Knit Jacketa
I'ine Wool Underwtar, Wool Bands, Baby Bibs, Eic.

One Lot Infants’ Fine Wool Hose,

Embroidered Jackets tn White. Pink aad

Light Bine al 25c. Quilled Baby Bibs at fi eenU.


Sunday School Workers
ot Grand Traverse County.

The County Convention
will pc hcitl ill 1'ravcrsc Cily, on —

Monday and Tuesday, May 13-14

' eu^dally la regar)! to grawlog locutt
trees, aad this ankle with IthiatreUeas VwUl be published la the papers
of the aaseeteUo.

Wbeteax. Through the kindly cour­ Torch being couBne.1 to ills tea
tesy of the press of Traveree City serioua Illness which has for
whereby the members of the Northern
lermlasio hte iM-ful
MIchlgun Press assocIsIioB have for earthly career: thereupon bc
Reeolved. By the Northern Mlclilgan
two day s been the guests of the city

A ftcoizrasp Tieitsd layadm by 1^. t
aslf for lbs first l.tne ta "irpser nsomL"
at he lermeJ it. irr li;« return t
aatlve village be infe-med a Istja

, and Liabilitiek-.

Uat evcnlag's meeting was
reas la ermr panlcalsr. At 7 o'eloclt famed for Its beauty, tbe open handed
rvss assorlatloD here assvunbled
the aasoclatlcm. together srith
hoepltallly and tbe enterprising and we extend oor heartfelt aymratbles tu
«w»U. Hsyor A. V. Friedrich. Juba progressive spirit of its bastaeus men,
aniirled brother and hte c-llnia
R. Saalo. prealdeal. aad W. H. Umlor.
last but by ao rpcans least tor wife coupled with the liope that he

panloB tbit 11 was a graol piare, but
tbat tbe i>eo;*ic • tsar ne bouss; • He'd 4
had hte ''doot*'' al> the week. I

•eerelaiT. of the board of trade. c» its excellent and Influential
news- speedlUv
to health a
Joyed a supper at the Park Place. Folipers, and
strength: be U further
hrelog this, the etcalag mcetlag was
Wberuas. As we have been given the
Resolved. That this preamble a
hew In the Park naoo partota. the freedom ot tbv cU.v. bad ll for
-1.V adupled
evcBlag bring devoted to practical demoasiraM to us that our money

lot uiulll-.
"Ah liowi a i*ax o' pins ia'.*s;ed '1 *.•«):, ,..
fvvr « penny.'r'jd oa i-ounl.Eg then in i
Ihe irai** ! ruo' Ibr.v wjr teTemeen!
»h*sarir'-f.o*»leu foi-.r.etel Tin'S.

talks aad dteenaatoas eaUvened by the
two bnmorteu. J, R. Ripieu of the and been made to feel at every turn
atflIcMl brother and friend w'lib
Rapid aty Rasiler and W. B.
that we were boeored and highly priv­ sincere regreiB that he wa# unable
ileged guests uf (his beaulifu] city. be with UB.
Addram af vraloamt
J. N. ‘neklepaugh. Kalkaska.
Aftar Prealdeat Frederick h^d called
Whereas. While fully reallOng only
W. B. Campbell. Northpon.
the moaUag to order. Mayor Priedrti* feebly we can at this Ume npreo our
Georgv W. MlnchlB. Evart.
foreialir welcomod the vtaHors to the gratitude
city. BlallBg that the aty had tried to

and apprcelatloa

for the

Mr. Power* aoggeriod that tbe met
berx take thrir wiva with thetn^to

exteaded to us.
•aiertal atbe vtelten to the best of OB this occaskw be
Northpon and ttaU auafnilDe —'
lu sUUty. net ao maeh boesase -Tt
Resolved. That we cxieod
with a ready rapooee.
pays to advartiae- bnt bereuac the hearty thaaks for the faiasl cordial reOe Mr. Power*' motlwi. t|a Mlcblrity was glad to entertste men tike the cepUoa accorded iw by the presldcat
IB BulletlD wak made the Acta
pitWtebafs of northere Miehlgaa.
of tbe beard of trade aad through gan of the assoclari**

isflsO Uiffiiri.' or tbs feet nu tetv Ing. | given a> fc
Atkcd how be trtled Ibe mailer, lie late sn-

“Vte .Isur." rent'rul'd Mr. Gron-li.:
“IW* lurkry te n
1 ask where y.m gat If;"
“Certainly" reiuraed Mrs. iir-j,h|
tWeerlT"i i«rebaMd it at azta-|
tleusry More, fvo you suppose I gut
tl from tbe Lubber thopl"
"No, tutteeil." rrplini Mr. •trau-lx
lalddiig Ihe <-,rrlDg knife lam the boni
frab of tbe bir.1. "I have l-et-n u»d(
men that you provureil

froo. . hxni- '

I ader 'h

Board of Publ'c Werkt.
•of pti*.!'. wort, for 'h- yc^i
.'.■i| ,.f ib-aulng 'In' pav-nu-ni|•l•>•1Qg. r.pnii- '<• 'b<- -Mi' nli

—ri- -U'-lM-'l -f

walks uu-1 rniM walk. as'I iki* i-aviag
ut Car- .tte-r* wfU '-'.K f-.-lc SU!-

11.-A. DOU'I.lNfSecretary I.)etroit Sunday School
.\-*so< iatiun. will deliver an address tm Monday
evening. Subject; " Phc Seven I'-^sseniials of the
Bible School i lour.
On Tuesday morning fre will again adtlrcss the Con­
vention- Subject- “f)rgani7ation ihc Basis of
Kifeciive Work,'
On Tuesday afternoon Rev. C W. Chadwick, of I'etoskey. ^Topic: "livangeli^lic Work in Sunday

fJn -Monday'bficrnooii R. v. !). Coi.hlin. of Tra'/erse
City. Subject: "Teacher Training."
On Sunday. May 12. The Traverse City Association
will hold a Convention,
p. m. L'»ual Opening Service.
"Irfifip. m -Subj^ci: 'AVhat a SumJay School Associa­
tion should b**-' "How can we make it so.” Short
Talks by ,1 do. en or more vv»ll posted activeworkcrs. followed by a Conference of I’aators. Superin­
tendents and new City Officers.
Sunday evening—Union Servi' e at City Opera HoU«c.
AdiJress by Frank Wc’irn of (irand RapiiU.
You are conlially invited to both of ihcse Conven­
tions. More. you are urged to come. Lodging and
brcaklrst I KEE. this means Sunday and Monday
nights. Convention closes Tuesday at
p. m.
By Order ol Ex- Committee.
J. W. Miimki.s.


MU tt ..

Mr. KnHX« and family bare bc
oe tbr old n. Q. .Ulirar lams.
Hta* Vena K |H<r
«<•*. I
UiwMlnwB over Snndas'.
N<4.r)7 fill.- ailradol voinB pr«l
lucvCji: on HmJov w.iiua. ai>i»
aiaadlni. tbr i.iln) cri-iilnR. Well il
T'"inc vroplr,
I'layrr woi tinfi •!'! l>- al I'.i:
irmi 'i-' ar-zl Tbiitidaj . v. aiue. :
», «'i>nir rvnyiwly.
April n.

■■Mkifti thlaca talcnWiAS tor |

_I I Ib iho
ibe Wanllai
bosplui at He
Hb RaWda.
Raplda. but
bat vlU!

tw* at Fans.

Btittona Bajr.

A M»« 0«M b

Saltan* Bay. Mtrb.. Ha; 1.—Work
Wo«U it DM be wUd to BobaUtK*
-I owe A debt <d grailtode tbai eaa
lercr be paid oC " «rile« G. S. OaH.
1 Ibo ora kC.nuii nrlioul bnlldlng wa»
- e*,. Hr m'aat I. o« danr
S WrSsSd: ....
bocon yeairrday. The cnsuacL. wbirh Aboal OBCdblrd of bb c
New Dlw
"“ifrooi death, bv Dr. King’
trt«ad« lK-»e far ■ le» d«*a.
«atcd pi ilw •0*1 »-nd of Walr tircfi.
rail., for a fl.-lil ..(one balldUgha*
antrimeaL Tbtc Is more tbaa eaa be ooretr. Ib«b Iubb* were
Mr*. rmuanUlrr of Mr*tck riiUH
Mi«» Fianrm VsKser tt^uiacd from
VI to IV.eiii.B and GiUncss of
aaid of mMl. There arc no boacs. ao BSmrd that death eecBie
Urvirk Sao^aT.
^ lira. J«*n WooJgrpr la»l week,
.................................lag New »*•
Mlar.. anil they have subiot the
Amll SO.
umgb plecea that hare to be laM n-bre I ruoiTCnrvd
Hr*. Bcriba J^nna at Umm Owner
trari lor Mon.' murk lu Jesjie IMxmg aaidr. A good egs U made op of tea
cough qall before the brst boltV waa
rUltad Hn. Fred Anaa taai wct>.
irl* shell, sixty t«ru orbile. abd wacd. uad two BXMe Untie* aiade a
!. h*M
hU. lanu aim will«' '»
ihal the
R. C. bVailat left lor Itar «Mih
N.hMuc has ever
T.a.i .H. niv. .Mr. York. «..• IxUMln* *111 b. ioiU|del«I In the bei!
Illy lart* yolk
Tbe while r( tb coappiru care "
|«jt K UK alate SaUriUr. Imt vlU Haxinlay nvenlBB. rHwrr i>r wilt >.pmd
1. plare for a|oluri. <ta>' J.-ne C ISHrreen of Tra» CEB routaln* Mxi. mx iwt ceai. water, rgnallwl Ne* Pim+.v;. f..r reeigh*.
I n-Uilrot I
cidd* and all ihnwi uud lunc ctHB'
eo'Ot niadj vi-jr»
will V- mt*BCtl. ,-rsw. fit. i, ih.- aivliliurl- lu vhan:e.
and die jolk Bfly-Inu per ccaL Pfme- plaint*, tl.uiaaired by f. .Y. Hagber
Ur, and M
|„v „„uy irht
Ji* hk
V. a
A., nhfwu.
lirslly. an esB Is aalDial food, aad yet IWWS stiwv. Ilaunah itruR Store. S- K.
W-rinr-d.-ir. .\|n i
a .l-vie.i
s!iii.(n\ vliw.l
«A* miung Wt kwpthcr. U. tr. n-alkcr
n„, ivaw leli vr^rrdjv
nan Boy corld Oo.
there U Bone of the disagreeaWe work Walt ft tioii*. drugriMiv Stic and $1
tool «eek.
I for a fra «la«K-viali rrlili hix ...----------Trial bollk fi.v

'■||■I1. lulber MOail (or
Mr.- J..
V. w. ncrnoWti And Uauir a
v. jr
■-■ ..U
> ll«■•'n delayed abtm.
in an offi.e av empd
OrAWB AM Ofdivr JiaKtdi and (aiallr ' S;
.. fn.l urarlhofi -f SuI-IJ""''-p^ra'I-y -Itar.wr, ,
‘ bCT for 1'
A h.isluad rveenily *uii.ii.uv| hi*
or Me#ck aw) UJ>* Jcaotc diMwpta of
-» old. aad have wife Appt} lag IVrau-Uac «n wirnr utd
l.’belwrgjn. apwrt »umI*)i nl Mr. and,
Mr' and Mt»
Ubtrw au.l ehali*
It.s iritvil.. are
ere elianilis him a little
letu rt'iuarksblv free from slekae*.
Hn. K. C. Diaiap.
Iron Kd
BOW eaqaleUs wlicne he BOl Ih>> new
Biurinl.-I , ■ Miiiail. oixl sold lo htio:
Egg. are' be«i when cooked lonr faraltnie. Sold by Prekop KysHU
Leo (MB'-)'* tnUie'- ef C1>peuih.b
-You will urvri autotial
iluute*; this lake* away the anlmci
.1 n'alioii'

tile rruBiKirv
llaaiyOorenIcanab.. iw»rdlobl.^''^j:“'T5^VuI^
. re.r!nw
do.--', u.
Ihabo on Carl atiret. rrcenlly pur- ^.jrrrwr-u icroi of ^. liool iirai Hunoa» ........... .................. ..
aad (he
Yhe Uiile fellow looked at
U. A. Brigtaalb.
n*v Friday, and murard lu Ixt liumr
irain llaanna». <•! Ilannab.;
••tv ell."
► 1 om.Uj5
If cooked
J! If
VCD hard U difficult
mtiera have dcM me more
Ue OJarV. who bad a ralutUo •rl j'"r™nrit>.i.-i cf Ituat Jordan a
i..ud»u;i t'ji' •.[.ilus 1 cun do SI
ueltber of >Mu'oigcMinn. rkcc:.t
by Ihoic peraoax |
'W«« any n>edlcliie i ever lovk.
ter dog prat bln fnin ManUtre ««isie i„«-u ThmwU.-iv,
, _
mi: t liyU MW
I po»Cf*cd of Sloul Btomachs: such egg* I for aercral y<ar» I had stomach <rM^
Meteory atoo.l flflee.i .bsuH- abo-'
une ago. wo-iru* a* lo.ra. It M
W Sir^le'of Nonhporl U tn
-Ah. wliat Is that- ■«td they
i *hoald bc eaten with brca.l and mastt hr. and 1^}?.,^'
Iboocbt II nnuii bate ill for a plet.ire
. S.'ro here Xprtl Mih ai <; a 1..
■ I doa t kuo* a- 1 ...iglu 10 icll-cau-d every anely.
iVied egg* •" ] r!*tn/ia«ric Bm^. I would aW
and forgot 10 mm r on.
Ifora'fpw day*' «lih her l»r-[
J'^U^arlL' ^lur.biv U . j
ni," be icpiAd
much les* wbolesame than
boiled 1
g>a» tor what ihe> h».i-dour tor
Coon. aliening.............
ai|rnlt.R, In honor of K:u..-s, J ."‘I'vr [
eat*. Mr. and Mrs, W B. Coon,
Bui they w-eanxlou. lokanw.andtroe*. An egg dropped laio hot water »e.'
,80. Hr
Mac club. a> erory cIlIxOB la a h'llller Uanlsiee.
I who ha* been b.'rr
■ buying urged him lo icll whai be rould do • 1, not only a clean and haadsome, but
aad bodv ballder: aare cure for tame
or Aabcr and w-lifacs to preleel (he
.Mt.-. I..'.. Ullli-r .|wjl Bau.iday i.i araler and Ime. a* v.v.r ........ ............wwio,'.
delicious morrcl
Most people spoil
that BCithcr cf them were able to do
J*> . 1..E a
"I can keep from Kwerring. " aald Ihc (be u*te <-f their rgg by adding pep••••■• , am jng iiiv t-.v.i.u*
lb.- doi'k.
<lo: k.
r. S. K Wall ft lions, drugbKiw at Duek Lake, ttal belag tbe
gafirdar last.
|I r.a*
T.a* a*ked
ashed to mat..'
make diaw liigs
llttlc fellow.
por aa.l suit. A mile ameet butter I*
ball took tl..' Ml.wuu.1 f.
nffttpat Ukc. Bat tber* are a bomber.
j*r. ,ad Ur*. John Bury spent Sal- ifseal the uann- of a iieiwim
Norih Maniton Snu.lay vvvulbg.
There were some blushes on four ihe be*t dic»»lng Egg* eoalaln much |
iThe n-buw* ih'
• of tee trout aucam* close by aad tbeUidaV at Trarerse niy.
Beta C's.k
,of liU-u
, , Arbo: si*-, , faces. *nd then- seemed 10 bc no nbospborou*. which U supposed lo be 1
■exhibited lo be
and diiii'isy wllll Iho Misses'
Big MaaMiee istmlr ikroe mll«away.'
Mr*. W, B. Johnston
l^'.^'of'tiir. pls'i'i'"'
for further informailon.
beaefldal lo those who use Ibcii
J. J. WoolOTcr had the mlafortune '*
Aekeiinsn ami M:-> tlx-kius of

brain* much.—X Y. Ledger.
to col hi* hand gulte bad revnilr.
\ oinl I- In retvloi of
eakr nnd J.-vlI's food w.iy
Km|.,iv Wired KiUlay Wilii '.Mr. aud
Aiisns, WllheImJ. Ibe lann.ii* viollu
Dcrooda K. Cramlall and *Isler „oM,lniment lo the life saving r
Whan 8lrik*a a Trot.
Tbofeno of Gtawo attended the lecture lion at RaeliH..
U- sebcol,
II eloM-d Frldsy. April I'’-',
co jid busine-s to fawn F;. by ihe Dame oMavAHdd l.ii.iig plavlag
Aikln-wa, *n vxpen Is
ot the church April 1&.
lu-nead of April ir,.
, ibe violin <m rhv .nvetsof the metro1.. .„,horiiv lor the ihi-oty
Mrs. George Madi-un au.l •Unenb'i \
...... ..------- _.. , ------1
-. ..
Alpha KUehea of Giaad Bapbl.. oa
n ...........
BdVkei ...
of .........
<«pert planlag mill man. la her.Hmuson sod .la-.ghter
him some liisiniriion an-1 ibe ls>y will
Ilsuining stroke'
Mis. Ben I.- Bsioii anil .01.
, ktvsiiT. iravellng t
look after the selllag of Ihe waehlues jbeu >ivm Snadav ai Tom Cailsoo's.
shurilr apisai on the Litoduu oooerrt
Dive Manlgold and Inuilly f
•11111(10111 Oil Co . (lansaeied h,i
hebM^hsdaaibafi Jfraak Moore ft Son * planlDs mlil.t Tbe Xorthooit Mrlbndl.l choir renplatform
plosive force cjuionI by the suddeo
TV Shears' Friday Iasi.
April r*.
(uuverrIoB of tbe fluid* fa tbe doe lo
he l-'i of Way will do awav wlihj
gases. The beat of the Hi^tnlng vi'
reporu of Illegal flshluc whl-h.ha«e|
George ilcD*chcii i«
bivo verv many thl.« spiUig.
When Wilt Traware ' City People Laarn portrea Ihe fluid*, and the expansion
hgweaWod which will laxW: II a model j
Mari Fasel is repoil.-d
April it.
the Importance of it?
,h., ,h.- 1* r-'Ol la
l^^^^aad keop la esdas.
.ii.-r al ilils willing.
Urm borne, sump * Room arc doing
Mi'!‘ Emms Fasi-l ol
rat-knelo> s,mpl< ■•ilug al
Ibe work.
Mi „Bti Mr* A. U Bun we.v In
Mrs, Dors Itnitexon ha- lenoiu'l
The lad;c* of Ibe Congrigalloual Trevorw Cily Friday and Siiutday
from Ohio. wlH-tv she has p.-n.!
Bui when you know -tis from the
Joseph I.OVOK-P of Roscuc, Ilk. lost
the w'lntci. and i* slaving ni Mi».|
Bible aixtj vTars ago ablle serving
riiiii Milo,is kidney troubles fob.
George Gray. 8r..
In the Mnxlcwa war. which hr bo*
ost aad come a* tbe ladle* are soled . Rom.
' school house We.1SI W'cvk by the sucli
Thai dtalx'i>-s. iii'lgbi's disi'ui-e may )usi r<-cur>-red.
It was wat lo blm
for tbe good Iblag* they hare for Ihe April m. a daughter.
rp'iids lisd gathered is'-ihi falul end.
llulb Mn»«dmai. *a. Ihe giioM of
U't week fiuin New York by a wuniau
■•s|sTls lo » lili'fong
IhV pUei' 10 IIS', I
'veral vislls to hlu w
You will gluilly profit I'V till' lollu*'awMilo vt luc naagr..
'oiwe. U' cr Siindav urierii<*Mi.
raveraa City. Mkh.
Offica, City
whore retalivi- also served lu this war.
'til (rieuds frli'iid.
Sort BdgctI liUA hi* bouse nearly ^
Minor ami (amllv. who fonimr.
lu will grieve al hi* ileuih
Me «a-s Ill IVown's eemett-rv
Ti» I1» staicimul of u Travels.'
iMtoaod. rraak AadcreoB baa charge
reauiej at lliU plao;. but moved lo
Opera Hpoaa Block, Boom f
of Travers.' ftiv had cbwrse
arte ChristUn old man.
Cliy rlllM-n.
Loral Uculors-Farmeiw' Bapplj Co.
Mr. ami Mrs. r. I.uld luvi- n liirueO I'ungetnenis
April ».
Uiu- OMirt for ^Ihe CoBUly ol Traverse flty. James Olackhunrt,
Ihrir home In Hollauil.
.IlghlMl wlih ihrir new home
The soeial given for the Ih-ucOI of
Wexford; Jol.ii NoUn. Cedar Cily;_
luinidirey I
rile ('stholir eliineli hi the Maeen's-.Pixrtuikh;
rouiity.. deevasivl.
ball W(-di«es.|;«> ev'iiiiig. was nol »Adam llomrfcta has bold Ida Ibiral of her sister,
lice is hereby given that (our iGulte. BcarLakcmied 10 vvdiild h.-ive Ik'vV oh
lira.'- Ibe pain,
. K. ■I'Wtieily
parlor, at the old town to William Cox l‘>"‘
tbe »>lh (btv of April,
,0 llK- sUvnilder*.
' las' Sunday n
e.M Hiiil wmiatn Wilson areimiil of the smiw sloim
allowed for
Satmders Ml oil his launch -lo'
o any soil, that
oC Moaroe Cenler, Mr. Homrleh
Mef.iidv I* w.iikli
CIlifTO* Co. 1.-le|.h.«.e:
D prewcui llieir elalni* agalasl
(iny. bill happily was -o'ar sli.o.',
:8in this t.iiinmc,
to cagagu la lAhor buslDes* al t„ ,dnre nun and aiv In Kiii.-h will
'Ceasixl l» said court for examl.* able lo swill, aslion-: lo,ly nilonsl
ipiile |Kv>rly
Improved sirvMir,e Cere Mard.H'a nol esse le try || aaidii •
uighl and
The lake Ann «nil tWintt THeph-nn
^r. C. A. How. dcnUal. will be at
o-lp him Hill
nm-tie with liiauge of turn- Kunday.
.. .111 - •*•!, hare (heir m-w line eon,
Ml- flagli-v had ihe iiiisfoiliu.c
BKkiey lor
for tour
lour oays
days ocgnmius
bcglimius aprii
Apiil r»tl.
Trams have Tiavcrwe.
I' win lie nl'le lo lall. >•
inoluite offlerill ....e of his f.-st w'rii 10, a* 1.1',
n. prepare*! to do aU Jtlad* of denial oa..p............
Id reunly. on o Cllv a* follows:
vatk. Bwekley te glad to give the Ur.I
Kllswv.rlli lloUrm of l.uusing
Going uoith g a. in. V.: 5p. ta- *:«
'tH'iim' Ihe :ad day a Septcmls r. A
Ftew-nrt Mills piiO wile have moved
(•' lias olten irroiiiiiietn
that K d elaltas will b
lii.'v I'ills and is glad to
en one of 8>-rii Timipkm'* farms
on Mondav, ib
I' |•l'•'viol■s siaieiio-hi iimiUThe new lighl ho,;;e ki-eptr's fnml
. 11. Si ■
apilac un i v a ivsnll syrup and Migur
Going H>uik 4
:i„l dav <rt rii'|,ii-mber. A. H. 1?”T. n
• cam.......... .. day lust w.vk.
I.-Ii'o'i'^k In Ihe foreniKMi.
The nr.-il linirisls an- ev|K-cl:',l riil>
Ihaltsl April Z«. A. I«. DM**.
eek. Five cv six are •vnu.iig to l*wid
IWB nut **d make Uie b
llh Mrs. jjl^i Maishall
Judgi' of |•r.d*^l
Ile.nv Uirille mad-- a slant vi.ol
Surtlcj. Ulch.. liar l.-Un. Jave




............. .....

.................. ...



paieol- in thos (dtci-.
Mr*. A. A. |.HRfat<i(i has gone
J.diw. Ill ic vlait relative*.
.\prfl S.

«;«''t:!:::.;:: ^r.:- j- :r.-.

sij™ r

•>,srv.'‘ri;‘T:.:;i''" »>-


4GreatMoney Maker

“ L“12S'.SS;-i5;=^s".‘

Matkmal Cream




U. M4 tod ..d bto

1» -IM

to "™n.d

Plover aeeda are >vry d»«Ap and look Hirncd on gras*.
UKb Keer tkoa vewla and you asaj
the pifa« offered for tbo btrd kept

XMa recently punAaaed la Dackley
a^aatolluvt.: L. JewcIL two; Frank;
W'tffhtHab. «ao; Amoa Slater, cmr.;
lloMUh Ayer*, one; Mr*. Corelag. II.
CtmubM-d J. Btefabla*. Wm. Frost.
Tbo fuDcral of Rla OoernM-y Hall
. VM boU ftl Ibe church Sunday al 1
ul^cb. Serviecu by tbr Rev. Mr.
Uptem. The floral offerings were
■ter. among


were assorted

bMcb of Bovere trow Ur. and Min.
BteKc GiKrrsucy. a atar from the Loyal
Liflw. B broken vba^ from Social
UHir club, a wreath of white esroatlufta from Mr. and Mrs. F. Eggll and
Mr. Lambert, a large bunch of roses
(run Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Biigbam.
apray. Hr^d Mrs. F. tlanillu: spray.

Dress Goods '
SlOOSilkCrejte. in cream, Urjiru a^jYd,
^ for ibo week acUing.
'lier yird...................
eii inch all < I Siiitieff i
7,yc clolli. for tbe week.
|rr yard
tb« popular gray effooU for ..

DouWt' fold Wool ALtl CSolloD Soiiioij*. egtre


I pltiti ooktn.

, r, S&tfu to,.
tp* ter* wRk bar sister,
.g AMprton. trlBmcr At J,
**o(%ite»«Hag lor VaIpb'
bY bpv brick block. 1* ao*


_ MM o(
JItt r

' >V AM H
Mu Cody------bare al|*«l


' MflUte this year. A*
'oAMt team to hr
vtPd In iMwe hAtl.
kr« Unt M l«m


_ to Traton
p puroba-cd



to hare

______________ «bP ABUtll boy Pie

Udie* Tailored Saila. Eton iik] IW u^lre.
JackeU arc ailk Uat-d. Spocib) 7 QQ
for tbe week*# aclling............... / *^0
Cbiffon raiiAma SoiU, eUboralely trim^
witli braid, ftkirto are plaiud. Q QQ
worth 115.00, lor...................... y*yO
Short tight 6ttiw; Jftokati in th«
effect, worth S7 60,

A eelectioa of Lmliea $4 00 I>reai
Skirte for................................


The late spring and unseasonable weather cause price cutting in our many departments.
We offer for this week’s selling marvelous bargains.
Great inducements for economical shoppers.



ui* ipriaa fftock of Ifm B«1t
here. jBdndlBff
^ tbe aeimi
Mitot ib ftll the
tbe t>d^roo)ore.
We flea teve yon at W»l 10 per cent'
tm any one yon went.
12.60 Bed Spriegfl !or *ooil or ine
tt wire
bed. with fine eteel *o»a
botd*D6dtfaBc.eeonrely bolted fet..............
WOO Coil Spring with nine^r 8 inch
henry coUt for fall aIm ^


.' W^r^TMtum woa up from

!!f*lSak?^lopklai M H MT:
I, mKiU toe twf Hi^.
tamnr Mre


Suits, Coats and

Ono \A/eel>E8 Sale Ex-fcraordinary

MgBWi.spiv. Ida JobuMm: spray.
Joaoi.' TM pruecMioB fdom



'hile Ha)
extra P|»«ci

.. kUbBle Kabbel: arbulna. U. E Corea|M ABd (amUr. aprey. Hr. mod Mrs.

£i«b t* ekmetory wa* ncarty tate


SovataI lola of diOc now 8uiliii)!S



Ma'k tlOOOUeok wool1 cUy Yoretod
BuiK, ettteordiosry
Meti'e II00 eotlon Pants, will not rip,
yonrsiae in Ihie lot si

^ 6.97

Ma'a lIOOO CrtvADPlUt.>, strietly
water proof.


lite. worth
ll.&Opr Jleca’\Vor*cdPdBl«.niede
of Tnilora Ren
WOO. Ourprii

63.48, 62.48, 61.97

diud Cbiffon uolrimtut
l OOralne fcr ..
Hifoee' iriomed DroM Hat* OiBr*
1100 value for ..........
Fancy Mtulin Baby Bonnets, t
with rutile, extra spedst —C
Mushroom shape Drsre Uais. eW^
ralely tr,ciated in H)>l,vii ^ On
flowers, cb'ffun.elc ----^ (jy
Crusbeil Bosea. H in a inincfa.
ruhlier tlems. special a imochy V

15e Koil Waistt. all siee*.....................
She Clnny
yoni-' - .........10c
L'lnny Laces,
l*acca. wiih
who ineertiog
»«*cimm*: ft.
>v match.
UPtain and FsbiT Bibhw np to Xo. 80 ic width, pn yard . . lOe
Bnslte Brewn petael lesUf r Bello, worth 15c. for................... lOc
IdOilita’ gplU foot tlt'se. Uw-valuot-w............................. .......... !•«


UJire' Kid BIkm
lips. 61.60 t

early Spring wear........... E/o/fc^
A tiOc blftck saleen shirt in 9 9^
all sites f^r.....................00%»
50e vhite dreM sbirU.
mosUy Urge slree............
Ma abirts lo vcsrwitb while <«UerR.
foi^lbr weeks sellin*.

Mens’ high cut shoM with oei
(kiBble soles, voril, |2 60. J
for............................... i

linen Onter riecreaod Dnilies fr>r.......
jV: embroidered bcsrfi snd Bbsos for.......
I’.tc Pillow Top*
SIsb|^ Center Pircea and Scarfs to mStcb .
15e liiltf* linen ITti, li T,.welsfor.....................


B'lye' Blouse Waisle in eadJeee Tiri^es^pauenif. ages



ClwM fUtwn.


AM (Mr
•!*«■ a* fi----------On (lioMM aUieir-roor ratH
were Kina tor ulil aaieodmeei—1M4
Pin hnilnd elttltr-eli rote* vet*
flna «falan
Mid SBeDdiBew—l-SC.
lalbeyaaroaethoBMadnlBehaM .
and aeven. foe -the purpoM cf TCttht
Oae thouwid lii bimdred
oo the ptopoallloa to latM tilAMM -JE^^diir

R*«eiM of th* UfllvcraHy.

Jii III-

Townahlpa and Ward*

IcbUru. munir «if RrcDd
: s*.
W«- do berebr cntlfr. Tbit (be foreof the poftr or Oread Ttan
KMait U 1 rorwi idatpneol of (br
COaaty. at the eoat of not u> en
ware jlTen Is the eoBit]- of OriDd
UtOM, aad to l«BM boadi of the
Oglp«: T*o JoMteM or lb« 8<i- Oooaiy therefor fo aecerdaaee with
-prtl. I

reMlutlon adopted by tbe Board thfluKiiid Bine bundr 1 aevea. for aad
. .upervliora of OnBd Traveree McllBM (be proi
Ooanty. JoBiiary II. A. D.. 19OT.
(be rnnxTItutina
The whole Bumber of vote* cH
reen Lake -..
for and acalnit the propoted Ibbb «
UreiClMe .. ."
of WMM e*«t for
In Wiinem Wltereof. We have
oae (bm^d ilx htmdrrd levea
nte aei our haada. at Traveree CMv. I'aiadlse ..
CMrt *« Poor Thouiid
In Fild eo-jmv and state, ihl-; ninth
AB.I they were rlvea ai followi:
4iM rjfty FtT^-^l56.
day of April. A. D ISbT
AM UM7 vm Kina
Kin for (be folio*BlKbt huBdred thirty oBe voles wi
A. K. pri.VKR.
Whii.-water ...
Klvea for tbe loan—Kl.
Trave.-v..- ("Ii!.R.lfai haadred forty elgbt v<v
C. W. ASHT<»N.
■ rarif ...
«re RiveB aKaian tbe lorn—t4t.
Ilnnrd of Coiiniy ('..nv**
ibouund ili
ill biiadred
r Ibouund
Hnndred PooKeea
Miehlian. Coasty of Qraad Clerk of Hreird <i
State of MlrMaiD.
P- filoBe rwwivni Pour HoaWe do Hereby Certify, ibst thetnreTTaverFe: n.
AlMTblrtr Oae »«re—«l.
folac I* 1 porrert Matement of the
We .In hereby eertlfy, 1
^^M^I^Carr meIrM Poar Hub- vote* fiveo In the OouBiy of Creed
ilni: eopy of ihe mate
Traveree at the Rpeclai Bleetion held
Mheai H. D. Pot rerelVMl
OB the ar»i iliy of April, in the yeai
ttMred T»o T(M*-1M.
one tbousaml nlse biiBdred and seven,
I. conFlImilnn i
«wl»ed for tBd iKBltisi the proposed bondlBB .. reiii. un.l of I
WUter ft . WreieraiBD
NiMtr Fin Totn-ts.
anarhed. me re.
JaaxMt II. UrPirllfl melved
WltoeiK ftTiereof. We hive here- orlBtiinU of *11'
iiBto *ei onr hand* it Trevetre City, IIAeale ami of tl
Mid Counly and State, (bU Teelta
reeelred Tfam
ly of April. A. a. 190f.
OaOHB lUareler leeHred Sen
A. e. Pnlver.
r- votes i.n ih.- t|i<re<isi;- named
r. W. AxhtoB.
W. mwBrt Cleetont reyelred PlfJ. M. Wyera.
wilt|.s:4 wheresif. We have I;
lent «Mre—IS.
Iloai.l of County Canvareers ... . w-i u'lr bail.I*, and nrAxret
TpTAU Four Tbtuwiod Nlao Hub Atlmt;
seal nf Ihe rlreoll eonri for the e-ninty
diM Plltr Pivo ro(e«-4WS.
Robert R. Walter
of Cninil Tmvervu- iMh ninth <lar nf
Tbo whole aoaiber of Totea cis( for Clertr of Board <it County Canniseni April. In the y.-ar «ne ibousaod i
IM offiM of OouBtr CloaiBittloBer of State of UlebiRBB. Couuiy of Cresd hnndrrel re-v.-a.
School* *ai Ooe Tboanud Nlse Hdb- :
dred BlfbO' Blfbt—ISM.
We do Hereby Certify. That
rn int/ Cb-rk.
Aad tber were KliM tor (he follow- forcKoln* eopy
the *1
tat Doaied penoBi:
vote* elvisn In iW*
...... County for i
ChaimraB of the Beard i.f Coaniy .MayAeltl
Oeoriw I. Crlip rcecind
l>aradi-.asalDRl Utp pmpoeed _______ „ prepoei-*Hon named herein, and rd ibe
fleate* thereto aitaebed.
ir of SshMiU.
TOTAU. Oae Tboniuid Klon Hull- Iranaerlpi* of the ortyli
of aueb
dred RiKhir K......................
talement and eorltflejii.
i nr the
vote* (Bit for
rbole <K siieb
<t the
. - HlebIcBa wA Foar
roar Thoiiuod
Nloe Hndred Tvealr
. Two—(922.
question* named herein.
RlTPB for the rollowIn Whines* Whereof. We have here,
BUIr .............
unto set our bands and aSixod tbe
Fnak & Uiurt
Rail Bay
Seal of the Circuit Oonrt for Ihe
Counlv of Oriinil Traveree Utls Tenth Fife Ijke ..
Sana «ai«m-Ut7.
UtirAeld ____
dralBkR.'Be«d received Oae Thoiis- day of April, in tbe year ooc tbousaail Orem .............
nine buadred tad seven.
bM Nlae Hoodied Six votes—I9M.
Green .
Robert B. Waller.
Woodhrldie N. Perrli received Pnnr
I.onB Uke
Ctiudty Clerk.
UayAeld ...
lloarr A. Hannan received FVaiir A. E, Pulver,
l4f.J M?.
Chalnaaa of the Board of Couniy
Haadred TUrtr Five voie«-42S.
Hearr W. Powell received Nlaeir Caavsasen-.


^Amendment to ib« C* n titutkwi rTittjire lo ctr^l courts.
Affectine only the cfmniiiHt nf lns'*-ni anrl Jichnun lod till*
>UDties in ihc judidsl circuit io which the cooiuy oT IsAbd'a
I or may be utusted.






T..rrBi*li.s and Ward*





wmiKiB u otn

f 1








.. n



i is!


iii; g

PMr Tho»MBd Nine koe- were given for said amendment—SIT.

• Twewty

7 Two-4122.
J *
Four hundred Ihlrty4>lcb( vmes
The whole m
T Of vo(M caoi for
« given nfain.u apld a
•oe awne or weauier of the
Baaid of BAucbiIob (to an vaeaacyl
*a* Two thoiuand Poor lUodred
FlWy Foof—24B1.
eme ........................... I 46l 44! »»
And (her were Kina for the follownnd anlnst
to the
tbU atale. reUniy auditors for
Ired Nine vote* live to
Ibe counties of Bay. Chelioygaa and Gsrfleld ..........
iwcetvpd Poor St. Clair was one thousand three hun­
Creen iuke '!
dred iwenl.v-nlne—13:0.
Hiwired T
l-oog Lake .,
And ibsy were given as follows
. Ooodrteh received Oae
Maygeld ....
btmdred iweniy-slx vote* Paredlae ....
:s!|w i*2i
Andrew Francis Kowahki received were ^ven for nnld gaiendaw
Five votes—E.
Five hiindred three votes v
TOTAL. Two tWonnand FMtr Hna- Ri sgalnsi saM aarejdmettt—!
dred Firiy Four—sus.
TOTAI.. One ihoiiMnil, sis hundred
Stare of Idehlaaa. Conaty -wr flraad
dred twenty-nine—is;!l.
..•IM M 219 n;:
The whole number of vote* given
We Hereby Certify. *n»at the foreIM I24 2«rt! 12:
aroenil(Mag Is a eorrecl stateoeni of the
. =C! 241 «U 12,
vote* ttvea la tbe Cemty of Oread
,,-2(1 2«' r-s: 19
Treveree for the «neea aamed la relaUve to the leaehing of ..................
.. 921 £19 l(::9 2r5'2(l
■eal.lrnde to eonvlei* In the stale pris­

lil' .1=

devlgaatM Uterela. at tbe elecUoa on vat ooe thoiisond sli hundred elgbNet majority agaiosl .
beM an the firm day of April,
year om
Bine hundred
•upeem* Court.
dustle* of
Fhirenf. We have heret'-'
BBds and caased to be
il of (be Ctrealt Coart

ong thonaud ainOoBdre
A. m Pnlver.
J. H. Hyen.
C. jP. Ashton.
Bnardvtf Couaty Cu

Clerk «Y Board of County C^n

We Hereby Certify. That the foretolag is a correci tranaertpl of the
Canvaasere, of (he Count]
tae. of the
votes given In anch
Conaty for
r ih
the offlee* named In said
d for Ihe persons rteslga the
tbe sreHloa
sreHlon held <oo
Bated tbareta. M
the Ant day of April. 190*. so far i
It relaiea. to the votes east for sa

Amcndmcni lo ihe Coowiitmion iirnvi«lnitr for a


a Ale In the office «
Couaty Clertt.
In Wltaaa* Whereof, We have here•nio net onr haadi and aSIted the
Beol of the arrnil Conn for (be
Oooaty of Oread Traveree thte Nlaih
My of April In Ute year tme ibouMBt
Bine hundred eeven.
Bobert B.-Walter.
(Awy Clerk.
A- F.. Pulver.
rhalrwiia nf Ue Beard of Cottaiy

f HIcUgBn. at the RIeciioo held
HoBdiy. the Aral day of April, in
year oae thoussd nine hnndred
Mr and *sua« th* adopiloa of a i
pcaed ameadmret to the ConaUut
ef this Mate, relailn- to the eomg _
«Uon of CIrrult Jedcr In the Connlie*
or Ingham aad Jackaon and
f liabrila 1*
r he sKaated:: fua and against

'o the
^stttnf lUs auie. relative to providrag Mr a Beard of Osiaty Aiidllore
lor the Countle.4 of Bay. Cheboygan,
aad ft. naif: and for and against a
prapoaed amendment to tbe CoastltuUOB of this Rule, retalire lo the
leoehing of a merhanlcal trade to coorieta la Ihe fciali- iirium of this


fis' 10 |>] 1.

li HiSIH



79 12

229 4f.

« 2 »



S I. ■■ 27s


4ih ward ......................
&(h wnni ................................
Touls .................................
rarpenler * net plnrallty .

|j-BB l.-i‘;.. .
Mu.vh-til , .
I'eiadi.-a- .. .
I^'llill•lllla .

r' ii; 4g 2T
5L IS ,
; S«2 1S2»' 272

'Am'ndmens to the Constitution r4ita(ive to the teaching
of a m'chanicst trade to convicM in ihg s ate irlaon of thit

Kti«l Hay .........
Kite l.iik>- . .
n.irn-id ..
Green lulle . .
I-'-iig 1-ake____
Mnvih-Id ____
riihui .................
Whliewater <.
Travewe n.v

Towthdidu; and Ward*.




^ .s “


SIS iia* Iitirrlis«e.1 ihe dillii un.l water , w nile hrllie from It- deep i-henileal

Paredi-e .
rnlon —

! < nt

U^lu-waier ..............................
Traveree Cky .
2nd ward
2rd ward............................4th wan*’.......................
r.ih wnrel ..............................
Totals ..............................
MeAlva'y'a net plnraUiy .



lower righio (or many tear- nwil<-1 well-; Intn kiM at U - piUM a mile linilh
mil mi.iiolleil by Wlllisai lliigli.
. of ilo- elly
At iiieoenl iliH hi’lne Is

lor the •-

■t fur Ihe grist mill, elcs n
and lortniie.s nlileh will
1<s-aie Ih-iv Ijiiei

II* .nireeni inrailun.




Ann .\risir U • ujoilna a Imjcmi).


the third—diuing tiu- past yi«r



$2.00 at

We've gathered together n< arly all of our SI 50 and S2.00 Men’s Huts, including all (he neweit shapes, black
an.! colors, Crush Hats, Pandora Hats. Telescope Hats. .Mpine Hat*. Railroad Hats, Fedora Hits. Etc. and will
sell ihem on /-'t/ mii/ S.uin</.tv
betier look them over.

, Sii It, ?;: S



<>■/</ .

Big display of these Hats now in our West Window.

You had

You will surely waot one or more of the*e hats and why shouldn't you, when ihe liata are

,'nh-. you mu-t

Poh! Jor^rt (/ml

■ n Fii.tuy or Sfilni,/.iv ft you -..■uu! lo tahf at/vaitta^f of /^- &-j/ hat o/i,r

Trai t rre I r/y.

Newest Shapes, Black and Colors, $1.50 and $2.00 Hats at 98c.

:1 iisMuS’ Kti SsiSii::


.t-sesM>r li<-:’k(-s rifaiils (hat la oire

:;;i S'S Si:' S ii
9 2

The fartory elm

I-Iiiys lieiwts-n 2"« .-did 4n0 band*.


.msiderel.lp .tiidlal

f.-r/ luai/r in

... ! ins IV

?*' 72
C' 1741
50' Kl
C' II'
M 1271

22' IA7! ei:
so; 2141 114;
Ml 251 SAi
2C’ 7I< IF
sc; tit lit

and ItpenosI on Little Mitsl -u.m ilver. h- Inn iiir«f-.l i-i-n the Chli.pewti tlyer.
irli V. 11ll- deal Inviili.-s lo.i ai i>-' »lii. Ii 1 :iii- a -hi.ii illsiatits- (torn ihi-

dm Saif it./or tu-o



**' “I
A Klork eompan.r nf Morl-v eam'Sl irhemln.l C41. whirli will ennve'i tl:-

the newest, most up-to-date style* and can'i be bought elsewhere for less than double the price.
JTfptLlke ...................................
Garflvld ........................................
Oiuni.......... ,....................... .
Green l.4ke................................
I.OOP Uke ..................................
.MayAHU .....................................
Piiradire.................... ...........
}>.-nlusula ............. ............



» 42K. ^!2

Friday and Saturday Only

JuMiee of the gupreove Court

TownshlfM and Waid*


> X



Isoanl of


'vi'r' ■

S'l H:: i i


! Arnie ., .
I IlUir ..........
Fjsi I5a>
File liil .


East nay .....................................
Kite Lake .....................................
CarAeld .......................................

the Couiiti>-> of

Khnn timr lor iMiildlna » new
which will 1.e -used 1..

h'ii .

Townships ud Wards.

Green Lake .................................
Ijufg luki-..............................
UayAeld ........................ r............
I’uradlM-...................... ............
PrttlBiml* ...........................
I'nloo ............................................
Traverse Cll.v
1st ward ...............................
2nd ynrd ...........................

Iravi-r— Ci.y

conmy amliiort

...... .

The wbnie nuinlier of votes (riven wMlewater
Joha W. Orar received Ninety Nine . >r and amlnMi the prapoaed amend-l
Burel to the eonsiltntku. of (bis slnte Treverae
...:d ..................... ' 2:
HaMItm 8.
Hcifaner recdved relative to the eompenKation of Hr
2nd ward ..................
cull judges In the conntles of Ingham.
FMtr vote»—4.
Jnl ward........................... X
Lewd Blmer lleodereon reeelred Jaekano. and the eonnilPK in tbe Judi­
4th ward ....................' i:
cial clreuii In which Ivaltella county
Ptve TMee—S.
5lli ward ....................
I or may l>e slluMod wa« One Thnuu- Tots!* ..............................
Atrhla UclBnl* received FV>ur(een
id Two Iliiadred Blebty Pve-i:8.-.. irlKp's nm msjoriiy..........
And ibpv were gtven aa follows:
Join A. iBKiaai reeelred Fourteen
♦12«0 Loan,
BlKtal hundred forty-seven votes

Baal Hay
me Uke ...
Uarfleld ...............
<Ir»wn l.a"e ...
l>.n« Lake .. .
Ibtiadi e

4 2(C2 in-’.

. K. pri.vun.





I'. HuHImailt'-l.



Jri J ( 3ini<'a *. •

AHiV-ti 4^ni7‘'at. A.
ilcflarry auJ A» .
•'ll- ./

CWi;.- .


Soi.iAbtnii Vii-lns M«rhln«<'n.

In Foot wm

\V««i rK'Ci
Rii.if an.l Cj». S>
St, iiuu.....................
;Ca-; Vnwi Si. Impiil iml Si
I. SI. inii.i .


In England and Frann the Sale
of Alum Baking Powder is pro­
hibited by law because of the in­
jurious effects that follow its use. 4
The law in the District of '
Colombia also prohibits Alum
jfi food.
You may live where as yet you have no protection against Alum
The only sure proieciion against Alum in your Baking Powder is to


Till- l.nlaliC K iu Ihi-

rar.ii-i- litii-l* ’ '

... Kit.iiiie.'Ui I

A BiiTitKT lit ii..n-r.T'
nivn.V'.l iiaJ O' .i- ;>i’f:.
in-I.K-ll, Th. .• U.,I|.I.|




- siiih.irlr.'-!.

't. .m'l'y


' ‘

;ia'"il:iii'>- "1 •


captured tiy
< and lil«<iphl to the rtlai


,• Viamis ta ibo vloluiir «t

A poMK- froiB bK hOBB

the iad
Hi lin.i

ROYAL is made from Absolutely pure Cream of Tartar,—a pure Grape
prodoct. ■ Aids digestion—adds to the h^ltbfulness of foc^

II liiOii'ij 111I i\'- I ...WtiB-at fim.l l-> .hirBriljP’-' ’'.
,v:nr.'.l mat h.'h- !i '
!i, tmlinua .-f Ho- H.-.-11101; ..i
•a-llo of Chipullop.-.-,
«!.y, loV niiriivor i.f il'O

i! i. il'.; «!•

iCimUnor^ frem El.Trmh

. j

Ubrary Tru»t«e».
Tho Iwunl of lilirary iniKiooR o.«i

li.-j m.i.'o and roriodi-.f




sm.09 tHsiiioa

-I t.ijji'" lift'
riiit.i Villi 1

:ii-.l .•.i.itmoiil'. alKiot I ••■I' I-

.. Marlin. ii‘-.-il'b iirfii-.i

ht*r; ha.! 1*00 r< ai i‘»;,
Oak Park »^.<>.hl Oei. i. wad. Sovore i

Repert of Ore City Clerk.

•Inc *-'• iu.i'i-aaoU. Oiabursements. '

J;, ilmi
TUo ,n-

inado Mhrartan. The alory hour hart plHo n.imboii-il vi<!ii>-(i-.i* pase-i nnil
been lalroduoed for tire rlilirtren. Mina
a.Ii 1=1 haiiUj jiiTs.lT.
I SKldl
_ . jrurk had pitivc
tiaii.irero t I.V : C'H--"- *i'’’ ’!"■
Tire tmnio..* had
t„, m.. voar'T1o-.ot«.n ft.ionm n
a lark of fur.d«. bin diirlua
drl;. bill oirtiaini-il 'ii-.lilaid Buma«Kl t« add 2?il now v.iUiino*
lii.n* ft-MiIi ft.iiliit ur' i
at a
of S39*.r.i. a ■UnnilaT of Uuw
h<4aR reforenro hook* and Ui<> gn-aier 4lio ftiirli Ilf Ilii- ilfllii.ii.!i.ry. »;:.4.;:.vT
In lire iH-BliiiiiBB lire n-pnri
.pan of the ba’iaatir. Inrmilo llollon.
Ugiiiliic. *n w ;i
.xoa a*M-ft*i-i1 and o.dlcoie.1
■ WT HuJr IMlan Irelac added.
INiiu. *sr.t
.0 ymr
ft-a< given. IVt.;, i.-n*.;
' AMWBlianylnA tho lepr.n ws* an laVVe.-liJ.
/ho liuinim r l:c. ndl IM.- t*«uiry of thr Khrarr liroporl} <iani-.l 1
. tv tire city. till, tlliraiy buMlliir. iin.t.:i3.S= i~d
thf ;i.i'.n;
.pnonada Ireinr val.i.n: at tJiHM.;. 4in i tualrtlii i;n-.tIo. lo.l
aiviretl. .lu lire lUni.Unk* al ?lO,»d«.
i.n.l liupims in-n' »*
The flaanrlal *lat«tirem ahoaml that;
eiTCS.M Tiad Ireon reortvi-d and tho i-fiimodi tiiiai.-i t;ib”:;.r.'. ireii time
dlAanemeni* wore t»:i.:i lu oaro»> WB* eolleeled J'lW 2? it» O-t St. SJr..rliT.t't aa.l fiiini r-or. J. lSmc in hVli.
tWiT. «i.i:..;.gT ft-.M eHi. :-!i-.l. ioaVLibrarlan'c Repert.
The llbipi-lah's repoif Hiowort Uir

Kony ajas«lf>« »"■ »«>acrlbed for and M ore donated.
Tbe BUBilrer of boOWi ImuoiI
r!c«i by dcpor.mraia. ahoftlnp
14.42# had lieen *lren out al tbe luaiu
Iltrary and bSIT at the hranrh afniii.l
‘total erf S521C.
The- naiBber <rf ehlldim at tho ulory
honr froM OW. 1 tn May 1 wa» 2.iW
n; the main library and 2.CR2 at


l.lhrar.'. $2.rr2.:2.

Hriilsc.- **.t.H.rt<b

rarU. »1.n<-.7:t.-

liJLU cblldrM. a intnl of in.tCT.

nem-val sir..i-Ll»22.2*.-. »l.

The reptirl ,wn» almred
«.-loji Slodt HlltariaB.
Board of Health.

Sti.ol ilistrici No. I.
stro.1 .ii.t;io. So 2. J.I.nSPiX

No Paul*


No Deg*

I One Third the

No Eccentrin

No Racket*


iitivi-jg lij-ii'.t

Bond* Approved.
itiith Hivo; niipivvt't
yrvmi null '
u-nt. $t::.37.




Cit> Opera House BIcek, Room 4.



^ I'K ilisplay of Clothing U pfcciM'y what yon
>hould expect from the leading store of the
community. While
place quality (which
is ;hc basis of our repufuicnl in the first place, yet


wr; recognize ihe importance of price; — and we
me«;i this demand for lowt-r prices with qualities
vvhicli we know absolutely cannot be equalled io

Closing Out
'ft.iik-. -»'

cft-.-r. iiuul.-t Se. s. JiVn.ti.
'ns I i-iipnai.-ni.-.s'. |vi; ina.

nr p iiiiic ft-.irV- f
n( .-.ltii-.-;.':i, »:•:

Kill*. 1, 1 death: tUU-reiiliwls. 19. II■h-dl», two JlugerlBR and
loft llu- t: 779
rJlr; typhoid feior. 1 tC. 12 dealbs. Of
Kivni: and I'nli'n s'lret imr>“'ithis number. 2-11 required dislnfooltnp.
<m. iiav'.Ui.
•Ore fact that thi-re were :t ra*.-* of
Oi- iind .sut- intr'ivvcnieui.

inverse Ci’y.

Our Ladies’ Overskirts

For instance

Geo4l Styles.
Best Tailor Made

- Take ihi- . Ii>s of Suits we offer at —


lUphlbcria and only one death rpenks luvliit:. Sl.siHi 12
ft't'II tor BBIi-inxtne wblrh ft as used In
-Iran .I-..-I laiiu.*veni--m
all eatma- The city ha* iKi-n aide to paling. JS.I79
pruri/re tjil* tmn-b cheaper affecUnp u
ICjsi Sii'le lOwi.i iiap.-ov-i-nii-nt. par
log, $:.,74S2!t.
Fmm rir.ei


M, J. ULONE, State Jgent, Traverse City, Mich.


Sl-i-i-t cUftirlrl So. ' tl.LiH.t2.
'Street tli«iikt No. t. »l..'27.2-i>- •
PI .-001 dlHtrioi No. r>. II 2m,2.7.
toa-ien tnipvr.venreni.

scarlcl foeor. H; measles. 25; ni.-ulii-

1-: ill beau-.ifu! patterns — Value* a|ld
tailorin,; are such ha: Sl-jff'J would ordinarily be


considered low.

the- health ordeer a

Iiaijn-.. t>i,«:...9i;.
Smith rninn Hre.-i c.-.ii-nRi.m, |mvlr.g. l:.Vi2«.12.
Spi-ilal *i-ft, i-dl’-;iii-v'Nl'. I.4I24.2S ihie cafch In th" 't’> '
t of the meat ant!
Siiiii- and ciitniy to*/*, .-'aii-, fin.- .■lire. ai*lmc*«-iu.iii- .ef
jti;2.K4;..-n.'.:ii.-'$l!1.12.M,:. t.iliil.
'Si-.-.m;. Tin- c.i-d: "ti 1

Stock is now complete
$10.00 to $20.00


Till- ;r!:r.l-i:r .I.f ib.- ’n-.irynre ..lO j
The me
Dr. Martin gave a nhort Ir^se on
CMsiiniplIeB. OBpbmilxlDE tire danger tire vartou* >n.>iii-»l> owii.Hl «>> iheif.iniins.;i
On ih- ftal.-r Wfi|-k* >■;«of ppliilne on tbe sMcn-alka and in city fi.lluftei!
I.imal Irf
a:id of tM«-jiaia:le» •
public rOaees aad alao rhowlng the
ivplreiV Ihl:- yea-.- iUbnit.v
hetiofirial reault* of pleaty erf frerli uinotilU .
the new lure. Ore r.»-t. iif
air. eapodally >a the KkreplBg room*.


- . , Tirok .-n
He remmneaded that tbe people Re m-wai will l>c S121.
• Ulirary tirere 1. q i..;al .rf -Stwial -•«
oDinpirfk-d tn ronacet wuh the *e
•herarar puaalhle and tbat the ae»er»
be asteBdad da tkn Itatery dUtriet.

Trarci)s«t|y, MkS.

w Third the Tro^le

Ktivct «ll-«i I ii

nki. 12. two fle.nhs: whnoplBK rm'sh.^vliic fr.iir.I.s:.
14. two death;-:
.llphihnl*. 2f. li
.j/-N.v. t. diRliiot ;
ilenlh: amaUpox. 2: eik-koiipox,

death* among tin- lttlreretili»lii eavi*

712 Widsnonb Street

No Clutchei


the rredlDK "xmi. :.H3C nomen and

.1 tho 14C typhidd cases.


No Side Shaft


IWrtng the year 2.9ftT mon vMto.I

Rtoai saving.


One Third the Pifta


rreiii-:i-i5. K!,r..«T
V.irt:. IMMMI

fontlngr:ii fnii.l, Sr.l't7>t. ta». »i2.r.:y«. ,
PrlniiTig Jt.Trtoni
SMaik-.. M),i;'7.**2.
Iti’orv*! ;iiid s-iiiLlne:

tlrn, !Bl Kr*-o-...#l,sp-:-!i.



liutti-r and


neluiiiK. 4T.MI* iM.
I'.wr; l..i!s-4r<- -kla.. T. ISOi;. *SJS 11

t !«1. dirlded ns foilows:


McVicker Automatic
Gasoline Engine

.1 slio saiiHiioii.iii 1

Cl ni-ial Kovo:-, I.-.1;:
ItilUse. I2.k2i'.*,s.


llriog your

C. l-i. Johnson,


Other BuLinert.


tli'- nge.

Conn- mill e«.i-

•I i.lnoaiiiHi. IS
iliivi-.ft. 1


irreiUikl n ivelty of

III Ireilib, ir


BP- <rf SSy,
Tho ndinirer of patrons onridlpil

I'V Ml-*

111- alao u-Ut Black Cro*a Ton,
tSe beat for the prloe, TiOc per

pmiidr HavcyoQlMaid

Tho reri ipl:. cf tlu- oHy ft- ti-'

hreneli. a lolal of «J72. aad an •:

The board of heallli ivpirted tire
tout number of ecinltcloiis dlw^ses

•nl lii*urP»fo—Or
Oil. RiDpa
0 wound. All drup-

nlnut that AmeriCao Hlicine
Mni-bioo that cuU meat vh<>o

jCiS-/ Rre-iplt.

pUcetea and wr.o poi In lire Oak Pa--.


ul'boiish ho wa* oBl« IS

Have yoa beard


01 ,i>li1i. ft.Ilk-.

loul uamber erf buoka In the library
to he
and of ihi»r fin ftore dii



TliatC H .iuhnbon UbellioR
i'i>;lit pmindaof good ooffdofor
Hiivo you liMid tbat

VH1.1 1. .IM
•-mio.- .Ki ituiiliioiHl iiUil ihiit «.ii till.1".


hundred TtSnmo* hart Ireon
---------------------and Miu n..„.
t>0lla OMU-.t
Gilloli bad
had m-on :


I«- mil- ii d'vKii ibe Cau roaniy nmImH!) -.Ill- fli'-i rotapaay ia tho aiil*

ini in <*»4s ooiinii. Iiiiliaiia. in

..•.Ttiiioij:;..-.. Ihi:; >

n,o n-oik of ili.'city «.-a4^n=. r.
nl^ii Mrlfy o

fas iho )fBf for Nho cdivotilono*
tbo raat lildo renldocfa, a lanui-h


a (ow r<«re

In fsiifl i« g:

oC boU» thn palil and T»Siraln<T mom .. .1 lhai nu!>lImre of tho dopanmont. He olo»o.l liy ,,!iio«J Ui ilii- nlli-..i :H i!mt I'lO.--’
OAlradlns h!« thank* fur Iho aid nuit i onilixKH ai loan uvin- ii no •- !.y
(tHaprfpthKi (iuiinp tho
i„ p;,y r„- th,- .-..II.ti

1'ltiiR roporii-d


hior no ..■fimod. lb iunc.
i-ln-n ft.;;
h Mdxko vaa d«rlat««.

vu-ii- l•Illlt:^•l i.iiinr 1


Oa the Btaxe atrcel haUdlac »6i*-T

Ttaal ,




front street

Unllorm Low Prices

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OCR conversion for searchable text in PDF by ABBYY FineReader 11.

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