Grand Traverse Herald, November 14, 1907

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Grand Traverse Herald, November 14, 1907


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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fm ONE

?2gc& no 6



Rr*«id*iitl«| CandtdatM..
reles«le hln U> Mvond
W«ihJii*toii. Not. 9-Upon Mthor- pj«». |t U said Utat while trarclItj that cannot be questioned U cao |ns through the south a week or ten
be sUted that Immediate))- open Sec-, iU)w ago. Covemor Cbanler was met
rettry Tatfe return from Ms tour'by mauv of the sonthorn democraUc
around the world. Prcaldent Root*-' Uwders and assured by them of their
eelt win write to blm a letter for desire tvr him to make a Egfat
pubUcaUon In which the pimildent their respective stat<» for the detegawill act foM plainly bU attitude to- tinos.

|So*>-n. TraTerse City; Barton Jen-| -A peoiV mho have been as falirtilr N' w York has M>U miiea of eUerts' Mr*. W. E. Martin, president, of the
r;nln*B, Traverse atj; Ceo. VaaGerd-, tevored as those of Mlrbipia. In all and spends |4Cs:.W« each yearjclub. melcoeied the imesU with i
t|er. Kingsley:
KlDKsley; P.
P, Miller. Kingsley::ijiat
Kingsley::^>at makes ihem
them free.
fr«-e. Independent
independent cltaning
cleaning tb«m.
tbtia. while
mrhile streei'sleenlng
streei'oleanlDg approprist.-addeas.
appropriate addn-sa and
aod also
alto Umehed
11^ WrA.
™‘“‘ *'’**
. lU
’*“*■ *^
cut: land prosperous, may well, upon ooe It Chlcap> costs the city 9S.316.S1?. briefly uiKia her «v-eut attendance at
if w L
y*»ra ago. Charles M. Parker. Traverse City: [day In each jesr, assemble to retsra As to the majesn of the law, the the P.-d.ration of Woman’s clubs
a ben Mr, Peray was a boy. be wanted I Mark L GU-ason. Traverse City: tfceb thanks for these btesilngi to l.nnd.>n njobbies- acd their tosses' »l.‘cb was held at Flint. She banta gun very badly. TYiere was a gun.Warren B. Horton. Monroe Center; Almighty C«>d.
shile the's.-w Yerksjen-d (h.- gentlemen bv suung that
re|.ai^ne*r who had an old bored Washington Cos. Monroe Center;; j -It b our d-jiy to render tribute of pdiee e<wi
and Chicago’s she wo’ild not like to uke a vote to
out fine that tad been left at hist i.yoD M. Horton, Monroe Center; >atUude ar,i for the is.fii-.sis Howi-ver, going back to i find liutboamany
sfi^iw a couple of years and he of-'willtam Anyer. Wexford; Ctas. gkla ! ^nilnnance ..f His divine goodneM. (opciajion flguns. ihleagrfhas more anxi.'L
laee on gusUefered that to Mr. Perry s father If hi- ner. Wexford; Harry M. Phsll. Net- To acl.noul. j-.. iheee bHwsings b than sni.M of the stales olihe union nieas
would shingle the roof of bb ahop.;*en City; All.-n A. Skinner. Bucklej: ! Clrfnemly aorthy of an Intelligent IneludSag lows. WlseotAi^ Ten-,
Ten-, Hon G. (3 Ccnill rrwp..adM for the
The father told Frank that he'would Josephine Bbard. Wexford: Marj- and etilightrii. d people.
jnesse,-. .v-tiraska. Minm-sota. Ken- g,-ntlctneo. .latlng that the only obruJMakably bis determlnalton not to
against M Bryan, they would give blm the gun If he would hoe [Gehrelt. NesM-ii air; T. Mitchell.' "We hav.o n-menltcrm! In tnekv and Arkansas, lln-rv ar «'“lj I J.w-tlim they had was (hat ttiej were
•rcept the DonlnaUun.
PollUcUn.s lend blm aid through their *atrict four acres of eotu. Frank was will­
Traverse City; Geo. F. Smith. Trav-'merey during tbe past year.
Our seven statiw that have more peopl.
Iniu.-d to VTJv, attendhere of all grades are loohlng
Governor Chanlor’s ing. tbe ^op was shingled and final­
City; Walti-r N. Millard. Trav-[tanvsts have t^-en abundant to re- among ih>-m being Miebigan. Ml
ibe W.m
word to Utla letter with as keen In- friends say. that be declined all prof­ ly after many backaches, the gun was eree City; John S. Horton. Traverselward the lal-o-s of the
Ohio and Indiana and only two
president of
teroat ai they do the resulU of elec­ fers of this kind, and told them that
Jo«.ph McGougb. Traverse and supply the wants of o;)r people:
a iH.pnbik>n as great as i thH, £ppr.M-:aii.
e bODor glrtti
tions. While thd majority of them unless they esred to come out In the
One moniing Just afier daylight. h< City:
William Higgins. Traverse'pur habluiliunshave l.een preserved 'London,
tbe bdies
ire strongly of the belief that 'the DOW and supi«rt blm that be would took the giin and sr-ni out Into the aty; Geotit.^RBff. Jr.. Traverse City; |in peace ard o-rr families have beeni T},.. j,
imunci-nu-nt of CntisulGen-1 upon the success with which they tad
ive the third
. piwstddbt
wooibj. He was sitting
fitting do«n wait- Rd M Br
have to depend upon others than woods
Bmdway. Wexford: Oliver J. [prolect.d fnira pertllenee. We BtHl ecal G. | ^ .tnderson that Hie Rntril-’earrli-d on their cluh work, hut stated
bis letter to Judge themselves lor active work In hla be­ Ing forNi to gel lighter before be Rrodway.
Wexfurd: Oswald Hvrkner,' wihiue in the full en>>ynient *>f lua gov.- ni», m had;
.-p-nt up ' Ihv* «s he had l>een n-qur«led by Ibe
have learned that the
*IBft Mil)
half at the sUrt. He also Impressed went after game when a l»arirldge-Traver-MJ; Al- Ihosi- elvil. s'jelal and religious rights;
■vine the - ladlns to be bri<*f hr
prcqldaM wll earnestly support the
them that he is not fIgbUng Mr. dropped down -wlibin eight fc»-t
idionao n. Huellmaniei. Travers- land privileges, the way for which
Tail candidacy.
(was pai-.d l.y ih.«e who estahlbbrd ..j ju’, ,j
Bryan, but that on the contrary him. The gun was lying scrowi hlsjoty;a. W. Jahraus. Traverse City:
Slew-art's orehcftra plated
■ ■ That Mr^oAerrU desires the cam should the party after mature*deHber- knees and how to got It up with,
Chas. Irish. Traverse City; John W. the ruatom of observing Thanksglv-! nJkij li.
pain of aaxt year to be conducted atlon decide that Mr. Bryan Is the scaring the bird away waa a problem. Patehin. Traverse City: Ed. Btidson. Ing day.

' ■ should I- is’s. .-, I
Tph a reanoie
Anally by means of much Flfe take: Hugh Boyd. Bat.w: Chas I ”Our oUenanee of this day should, ,.ro|,i'i p
Phrty Hoes In spite of beat man to make a fight In 190S. the
•• • 'Bra I.
strategy, he did so and without stop­ Mauvill. Trarerwe City; Chas, Oeh-jn« be eonflm-d to our churrlies or'Wjih a
spirit be has been Nebraskan would find no i
rwuy from tln*;B. cm>ert gave a very pleuiiig piano
ping^ to take good aim. he fired and rcit, Neeten CTty; Herner Blsard,. family fir--i<d". If the poor and •
.. for the past few months. Is Biaunrh supporter thna he would
to; -A’tiU. whirh Is rr.-t iTlng, „,o,
Chirlolle Isgrlg gav«
broke the bird’s wjng. Then began
his rehement
U Is thus shown that the situation rhase.
Ipjsi’rt every
the;,„ readings that were heartily en.
or^iOD effected between the repubter tangs. Nesaen City; John L. Ram-jus. stare In
as to leadership In IMS U
valley Slat.-,. -Will 1.^1 jo.ved. The program was one of merit
Around and around went tbe bird sey. Nessen City: Dan George. Trav-|thank God with better grace and add'v-opgr.t•il'N
i * IMan In New York city
j:-' o dlr.vt o..-tti<l with the^.n,,
time quite as uncertain lu ouc party
appreelBled l.y afl.
^Independence League
and aruuod and around through the erse rity; Sanford Lemon. Troversoj'to the Joy of the family reunion.
’eummi-rci- of (he wfaid. In v‘e(r of
as In the other, and that tbe aciion
,,n,gr»D, ,
brush went the hunter, finally after City; Jamra Hawley. Elk Rapids; El. This- Is Inurestlng as
"I rcvpeetfully recoiimiend tliat the ,^ig
of each largely depends upon
liasslng a big tree S.'Vio times—Pci wood Stanley. Traverse City; C. C. [people of the Mate suspend their s<i:itb .tti* he r-r-nt n-toity «f thej„, cBjoT.-d. and the guests were
‘throwing an Ul-mlnatlng sidelight
final dedslon of Theodore Roosevelt
in Im-jthen nsbered 1o the tables wtdA
rys’ count—be saw that the heavy MeCrossen. Travi-rse CUy; Saii/or.l j bnslnews avoeatkms on the day thus ,.Tt.viti,; tVlr barb, rs and wateHu
upon the president’s purposes and atnnd Williams Jennings Bryan.
j srere aminced tn Ihe dining room
helping him any,
* tltude toward 1908. U baa been a faFuller. TntversiI’pdlko. [ set apart for this grateful servirt- and ■„ of Immediate ‘an ^^-^t. bee:
set It under that big tree. At that Traverse City; Alfred HerVner. Tniv duty. No busineeo will hi- transacted w«->i w< well ns the east may be ea 'and very beaiilirul th-y hioked with
^TOrlle theory of tbe third term lioomSeriously Injured.
I di-riiratlons of yi-ilow and white
Instant, the bird stared off in
s^ers that the president would accept
Herman Cramer, aged «. a car re­ ferent direction and he ebased It two
lehrywanih'n’iims and snillax. and the
a In order to Yuse Imo
TVaverse City: Willard Saxion. of the slate governmiiit."
[trade. The r"eej-t action taken w
w»» brlghleii.-d with deeoratlOBS
militant following all of the tndepen- pairer. was seriously Injured In tbe miles before be caught it.
Interlochio: Ed. Wilson.' Traverse
Hiaril puis that eonulry in the lead
' ^dent slemenu in the country. A corClly; W. E Cranston. Traverse City:
Some Chicago Matters.
present Is In a Sery precarifof
jThe mem- served was a eredli to the
started back to the tree but the gun
^ jnollary of tbU theory has been thst by
Chicago. Nov.
Fifty moarata^,hp
Pray. Mabel; Ben Ston-y. Bates;
improvemwH „f the harbor iook'p,„,, ,
condlUOD at bb home. SSO West
Id the lsdl.-s recHved many
wasn't there. Looking the tree
Boch a fuslM be would smash the
Brown. Mabel: H. Snyder. Trav- Norwegians and Anieri.
"C and the money
' eonipUmenis upon tbe manner la
Tenth street. He bus a deep gash In
carefully., he saw U wasnt the sitme
. k ,oUd south and thus effectually wipe
I and the', '-t! In the ts>;m <■(
e City: Oliver Holden. Traver-ie weglan d'-scent. In Chi
foreign which they entertained their gurato
bb forcbead and an Injured lung, tbe
one. M be looked some more, ft' City: Maiinn Weathers. Traverse vicinity, are |irvp.-tring
«•.] oot the last Testlges of secUonallssi.
ivllles (n' I
latter Injury being the most serious.
genU-meo's night.
Isblng what a famlUarily trees City; Jaf. W. Jackson. Tpvorsc City. honor of their fellow eountnmai..;,,„r „
But his Tiolent ---------- -----all dutiable
woods have especially when
Capt. Rnald Amundsen,
tusloa tn the local New York cam­
NorwpiiupTrted into iHo d.- Ja
Work at the Clde* Mill.
certain one Is wanted and there w«
paign that baa juat been brought to a
gian explorer and scii-ntist. who

cal' In tbe Pere Marquette yards. en acrt-s of them.^ Finally, gt
Morgan A Son s cider mlU.
t that bli mind is
the first man to snereej la ttavlgatlng the harbor, building of new dor)
B’ashIngton. Nov. 7—The navy
>lug a plank. Tbe plank slipped and clock, after going over tbe entire
', while
lywbt-re near Its
BUt»Bly set against tbe nooiksrtlsan
northwest patnage from the At
p.-irtmeot Is exerting !t»t-U to pre
ft>-e«>n».tPUftlon t ' the wal--rfn>nt. “icapaciw h
r T& bam-la of
he found tbe gun setting the features of the- plan's for .
currants wbleb bU course may
lantle to the Pacific <Hvan. Capt filial cow Ihe Brrrlllan eaidtsl has the!^,,,^ iisUe'
Much of tUs U shlppad.
where be left It.
InUmste personal
large ships which
will ask.congrcss •Amundsen, who achieved
the average being a carload o
-That was the meanest trick a imrt
and poUUcat friend. Herbert Parsoni men who were mith blm say that be
mthortte from gaining publicity.f
famous navlg-ilors from Cabr.t
a day, This product goes to every
"1 tn the case of the new ships recom-', “*"1 Frobisher on. so-j|^t vainly for j
a monber of congress from one of struck bb bead on another car. tear ridge ever played me." be said.
The last of tli-- striking telegrapb state from here to the Rockies whlek
tbe silk stocking districts of New log a gash about three tnebes In tboughi more of that gno U(en I mended to he constructed by ihe.'lfo'' h'“ro than four "hundred yeAi-s,
operatora In Chicago—the
'mere U certainly an envlal.h- record for
York. Is chairman of tbe republican length In bb forehead. Tbe gash was Vould of the best one made now- and general board. It Is Impossible to at-j»'*U «rolve In Chicago this week,
phythat cussed bird knew It.’
‘ of New York county.
iln aulht-nUc Information reUtlvo to
he wilt be the guest of the Chi- •tiaees this week did not leave union any manufactimr.
So far about 2.900 liarrels have beeft
M tbe pr^dent'a tnfiuenoc that put slcbn was unable to take any stitches
the features of the vessels beyondl«BO Geographical sortety. Incident I.radquartcra
their dster shipped using more than ».000
In it.
The HunUra.
s Jnexporfraeed1 Mr. Parayns In the
the ^jero fact of thrtr bigness for It 1
be will shake hands with some o(
A bolt struck Mm In the right lung
n*ty-two Jiunlers left on the is certain that they will be rtf more;!''' rountryni-ii and hear thetr eiil..- rpi-rators had told them what they bushHs of sppira or 9B iverage of
p^oa. WbVD Mr. Parsods sScctod
HioicM t-f th.-lr lK->ia>|..r during the miMv than 1A00 bushels a day.
faston with the Hearmt elementa
than 28.000 tons displacement: Fouri;F'«
h‘® daring feat. Tbe eipM; [.
••The roii-l-n-1 id you nun
difficult matter for the
Ih-sldts the sweet cider, there Is ■
M. yesterday-afiirnonn for the upper Tevii-lneh rules may be luhtsHed oqj‘*!’n safl-d from Christiania a UtOe^
the county ticket, he gave U out that
. while not exactly i
pcnlntula. taking the car ferry across ;he new lattleshlps, The id.-o Is w'over two years ago In a sloop of only make TDi- sick and dl--.gusted with !
be bad done so at the president's be- to draw his breath. A» present he
in general." said om- of the girls, has been greaUy Increased lately.
r the Infloenee
the water from Northport.
They tive tbe fourteen-inch projeetllos the j f^riV-Mne tons register, lu cours.At that time tbe
were equipped with bunti-rs’ outfltf tame velocity as the twelve-inch I'av «cro»w^ the Atlantic -You loar around here all day play­ This Is the boiling down of cid«r>A
is tbe canebrakes of Louisiana, bunt' ■plate;
ing cards and expect Ihe union to task wbleb was usually done al heme.
The accident -happened but a short
Ing bear. As aoon as tbe president
th.-rehy assnring a comparatively^' roast of Greenland and west thro'ich sujipnrt you when you should l>c doi'
Tbe elder Is rx-dneed about 4 to 1 and
distance from his home and seeing Griffin. In all there were &• pwsmerged from
irajectory and accnriicy of fire
Arctic oeewn to Bhering strait, Ing some hom-st work.
Tbe girl the average output Is in barrete a
learned wbat bad happened In New that he was seriouBly it not fault) engera for Northixjrt on that iniln.
greater erosion or wearing awajl Besides waking the passage. Capl rtrtkiTB hat.- made efforts
jday. As yet there has been no makWilliam lies and 18 friends com­ of tbe Inner iiiln- of the gun will bg Aniudsen succeeded In locating York, he vtolenUy repudiated the Par­ hurt, his companions carried
yon m«n talk ;m, of vinegar a* this Is delayed uaill
sons fnilon BPremeDL This action on there and made him as easy as puesl- posed one pang that will bunt to­
provision of new tutw-s ttj
■ after the sw«t elder Is shipped.
bb lan has quite upset tbe calcuUHe regained consciousness but gether In Ibe wilds of thq upper pen­
insula. Bight were from Howard
'tlMa of tbe pollllcbns here as to the suffered great psin.
Tbe bdiliiioo to the mill has tnora
president's nntlmste purpose, because
The accident is particularly sad as City,
More (h.n .on
e. r. fro
„i------------- “
rcr|f~m the
the firs. rt-Ilc. of,„^^„^
yourselv,-..’’ Thb. gentle than doubli-d tbe floor space, adding
It ecBTlacee them that Mr. Roose- dr. Cramer has s wife and three
More than Soo hunter, from .1
,bst England
-»«hn F^klln. famous cxpedl-j
preclpli.trd a dlwusslon three floors. 60x70. or 12.000 sqitara
parts of tbe state have
VSlt b aUll a robust partisan. By the imall children and this t
or coum- tkts. with the new thirteen and one-half Inch
flk-l wiih disaster in thcLon the changes wro-ught by the last
same processes of reasoning, they fiiwt pay day In two months. Some­ orqr tbe G. E A I. and Michigan
machinery Installed has greatly InArctics over »l«y years ago and for
for her new ships.
three ni'ciths. In which
•• only note
bare icacbed the conclusion that he time In August he bad, the muscles In Central ff>r the north, and the open
created the oulpnL
Postal Savings Banks.
j which DO lets than thinr-nlne. differ­
will turn a deaf ear to all Importunl- his arm so IisiUy torn that be was nn- season is »llll twxi days away.
Auckland. Nov. 7—New Zealand ent n-llef expedlUoBH were fltli-d out.
The 3:24 M. A N. K. train yestertiee to accept renomlnatlon as a non­ able to work.
• There Is no chance for a genera!
has adopted the French posut *avr
the operators. M-ich of the
partisan, for that is what It would
ly afientoon alio carried a large
financial depnwsinn with such crops."
10 the third floor by elevator.
that was reculsriy banilled
tmiher of hunters from this city.
amount to should he consent to lead
William Jennings Br.van last we*k
Funeral of Mrs. Iky Butler.
laph was taken over by tbe There they are cut and are dropped
In addition to those printed )>e- were established by Ihe eolonlnl gov^ bawled to an interviewee- alove the|„.[,
bb party neit year.
the ground floor to he preaeed.
com|*anie* during the -arJy
From Saturday-k Recorm
fore the following deer license* have
The news has reached Wasldngtnn
presses ar*- so powerful that
•trike. When this hap­
The Oower covered casket contsis been Issued hy'*Cnunty Cl.-rk Walter: ■ riiinent in Hif-7, On n.-eemlrf-r SlsLirror of the str.-et car and howl of d*,
from New Yofk that after William
Ing all that was mortal of Mrs. Ike W^-n E. Horten. Washington Cox, 19i*C. there wero M- |.OKtoiaces op.-#!* Pl«vful lake |.r.-.-ie- He shook hi* pen- .1 many bauJne»» houses dl>eov IKimaci- murh ' rewmble layers of
Jeonlnginryan bu made a complete
for the iniiiiiartiOD of saving, hanki »’‘‘'’ui ilaU:ii|y f..r empiiati*. and Jerk- ereed for fbe first Hm<- tbe d- vrlop enars*- aaeklng. This U boriiod alButler,
Ly* Stover. Monroe Center; Wllllum
tour of mat state week before last.
•'W'urt to prodneed lo
businws. with 2!'S.7i-.i apconnis. mali-]'’^ bis iliumh toward
the we«. aunt of tbe long dl<
, be gave hb friends tberv and else­ the parents of the deceased. Mr. and Anger. Charles Skinner. Dr. C. S., g n total deposit of llX.ltit:.;:::.. ai '*'’• o-*«nH-d vO<-lf.-ri.usI.v In hl'.lyBrnmos. The p-sull
has bev-u a ^"*'l’
where to understand tbnt should be kra. C. C. Mais. ]0:c East Stale Purdy. Wexford; Harry McPhail. N^
•erage of a little over tp
‘'“r. -.vou cannot tankrnpi;j^rmaneiit Increase 1 t th- volume o(!«- ‘hrowii on the dump but a. tba
bebomlnsted neat year as the derao- ‘ireet. today while many friends who sen City: Alim A. Skinner. B>irhir>: .
«*rom now Uistrad at etoc
aci-onnt. and re|irt-fi-ntlng i'lbe fuiiide wh*.-n they mtl their crop* telephone-traffic, and .inlou o|-ratora
eratlc aUndtrd bearer, he wonid want had known and loved the young wo- Walter tang*. Nt-ewn Oty; John e''sum equal to ir.c a head for the etj- »”r '■''** pric-s and—" The wind had
5, ,.in 'i... „ long day lMfure[*^*-'- *•'*'' ron !*• used to a very
ID life called nod expri-ssed Ibelr Ramsey. Nessen City; Dan Ci-orge.
tire popuhlllon V the colony.
j |iihiti-'t cot hh l.;g hat. and c1ulehed,the
; us!''’®^ purpo«.
Cbanler as
running mate. He Is sympathy to the bereaved husband Sanford tamoa,' Travertu- City.
was practlealty Improved
said to bare
•e told
to everybody who tiu Id rehtllres.
,ot^ 1
ling <»( 1-3 coi.t.1 upward but IWe*-[’“""I
»'Mi »h.> other he dug up
j;,. , ,
rs 1-foro tb«'°T
P'-'thU 1
Tbe- funeral was held at 7:30
a right to bb confidenee that he has
The Deer Hunterw.
jam] t
«*t I* reckoned only on complett‘car fare a silver dollar,
pot yet made up his mind
mm Soturday's Record.
pounds (I4.?fii. Interest Is aJlowei
Etsnston to lecture
S. Gruas:
of “O'whether * not It wUl be beat for hla gallon church, tbe Rev. Domas CochCp until 9 o’clock ihl* morning loi from month to month, comenclnfe -Th" ITine.- -.f Beace.” Renewli
party to renominate bnm. At tbe lln ufflcjatlng. assisted by the Rev. deer hunters bad taken out liemses with the first day. Deposits made <m duitm- a blockade, his priceless
•U-l-'. Iw IndlrtAUlngUm. The pall bearers
aame time be acknowledged (bat the
teaauti opens tomorrow and th- ,the second and subsequent davs dh
1- Uie rejwrter he add.-d;
r.l. a V
preasnre on blm was so strong froi sen- cho*i-n from among tbe former biggest kill iu the history of the Stale ■
{otorm until the first df rnx-nt trouble I* lajgely due
•iTirban d;8d al bis home h-re al 2 o’clock
llusllerw. the Min l»-aro that 14 years
the big and
expected. The 11*1 follows:
'the monOi succ-eding. Amounts may
*birh have dlsck.M-d'j;
•lirretur. ibbt moniing and with his paaMne
In the close states In the middle west ago w-aa -Oie pride of Traverse Cliy.
Sjm* D. Voxhurg. Summit Clly:
exnl.diatlon i.f-" a jertt of the ear',
•rar* of.lh*- Tillage
one of Ks oldcA
that ottt of eoDilderatlon for their and of which Ike Bulli-r was the i-op jSBn A. Utrarger. Traverse City; F- ,^,^0*1 Is allowed on the sum with»« « gold standard ar
f bas'and m-»t highly .-«te.-med clUsew. a
pitcher. They were W. C. Hull.
Ittteresb be might have to accept bb
Close. Traverwe Cit.r; Chas. E-:
xb^ first day of
-'Oetitl..,,* valtirv. But 1 d-. 1,
elrfl a on. Bis;n:aD who bad done much to bnUd sp
party’s nomination. Loyal tollnwers James Kehoe. Tracy 01111^ l>ave Hensel. Traveiw,- CHy: Janies Rad»nj,d„,.ai
[ :Ji"t lay ihe wame npoo the adminis- ys :•;•<> ar- ti;- .1 w-.o i-tatid the v.Ilage.
of the Nebraskans In Ohio. Indiana. Campbell. E Wlttieim and V. S. rllffe, Travi-rwe Clly. H. F. P. No. 4-;
Raising pganuts
| '"aBon. It has mervl'y. ah. pointed ou’ l. u:: 1;.
In 1.;s evl-[ >to. H-Jff was twice village prcaltlUnob. Missouri end Kentucky have Burns. The music was In chargi- of
Cin, u. Tr.r,r,,. Ol,,. I
rod. TTie wages of *tn is d-iUi in di i-nt dl-t,'»»s that be ahould be,dent ac-1 wa* a member ol th« cona*
0 blm that he owes it to ■he Elks, the singers Iwing Dr.
n. t™,Cl... r—ri'
,}1 l.u,ln-.-> a* it life." Whereupon 1h<a.-x-d with the loss of life and suf cl] for a t-nmle-r of yeara. He can*
Soyder. Henry KiBg, Mm, N. K. Degeii nw. r,J>r Hon; AlWn X,.ran>.
them to lead the party in 190S,
„ the peanut anfl ' ride- e!o-<-d and Mr. Bryan leaped
ring Judge Cro*»-up' said:
"Of t'- Klng*I>-y
years ago frtMn Canada
if by so doing the reMlt ehould show and Miss Nettle C. Cra.v. Many Elks
J—tb cra.,0-. Tm- ___ ___
ar*f ''®n' Gf car and ran with dignity f«>r
___ asei
_ thi...
t.'-.s hurts To eay that I do and had !iv<i1 therv continuously. H*
that be made a groat personal sacri-j »•'=''
auendanr,- at the stnin-s.
e City: Ralph Car ■- Klnt:*lp.v: Ja* pjanted «o 78.743 from 37.1 in acnis
iralr.. He is a gi-od ruaiier. on or s-.i enie, ««u>ld be ur.true. Like any 'ojk t,-d a t-'s-t and shoe *t/»ra here
Ther have told him that his
hlslK*'!"'**'*'* from out of town wen- Mrs.
erse City; Toney-|jgj
and it U nport-d that W ->fr a Jickel..
. [rfub- ml:;d«d nf.n. I do ewre. My[aild eo-d-i<-t.ri ihfx up until three
Mice 1. Mace, of Ik-troit. grandmother;
: tame al tbe bead of the ticket will j *»«’
«;->o.» Hader. Ftfe .„^'
p,, jiiuj-ted W
founded some 2.-'-C'0 yi.«r*;fr!.-nd-. j ’am snrv. know that I
y«f*rs ago when be retired and turned
1>riag out a great democratic vote ln!<*f
deceased; Mrs. Lola Moy
; Vesper Juilklns. JMe, I.ak-;
season. Thus fir ’-fute Chlragn. ha-s Jurt .eUlmr-d 4.- a i-rti jer regard for hemaa 'life acd Hh- luKluers over to bU am-U-Uv,
thrir itaies than will that of any-! P^riland, Ore., a sister, and John
Fi>-d li Judklri*. Jlfe take; Lo-ai* F.
peanut ptaniiat i* duti-‘l>oulaTk>n for ih- city proj- r -if, and a d<-*ir- to deal ju,Uy ta-ds Maelgold.
body else, that this will help theml'’®"Mnsk.-iraa, a hrulherln-law Judkin*. Fife tak,-. WV.Ii- W. Brown.
rrovluc.w cf Magwe aud «
w-th all m-m.
Thy acedent •»
Mr Huff was 72 ycaia. 4 ttonOia
In their local ffghU. and wiu be eer 'of Mrs. Bulier.
r Lake; Gardner C. Hager. Fife
t.<.a ihft eat*, sleej^ ar, ■ hustl'-s la r-harieri/m was due to no defect In and tc days of age and was bora In
tain Mhoid a half dotea or morel The fioral offerings of sympathy' take; John H. Hager. Fife take;!
Mir»U Mori Hwrile.
' this dty. What amaritjg thing* have ;e*m*fr-.Mtloa or machinery—wa* due .Germxny, cvmli-g to Pt-nnsrlvula
(WogrAlonal dlstrieta.
{«ere many and M-amlful. the Elks - Ellsworth Mills. Fife take; Solomtw' Washington, -Nov. 7—The director
1“;-.'! StaU-s of *-,’..•!>• io*a human fTTor."
wiib his parent, and then movtog to
It U not known wbelbcr Mr. Bn - Kagles. and K. O. T. M. sending hand • Smith. Wniton; Thomas WUHarnt.-j,, ,j.p
tnrtr-4«ed t-j An.erica.. It was 19-- .'-irw ago that,
• -----------------------:Canada where he was lakrried.
«n*s alleged desire for Governor Chan-•»«*«' P'"’’-* ot ehry samhem-isus • Walton; John C<i. Summit City; J.
^ iJib' -umost earieity the
Kctnan.-'. who fo-md }.‘.■ndan a vil-;
The Wemang CiuhJ
,fn addition to tls wife, four doogliIvr to be named as hts running mate [roses and earnatlons, Flow.-rs wen•’ Emeraon; tost Bay; F. SUies. Trav^j«ranci*ro. Fhlladelphk .'t*'*’->*‘f» to a city—f..'those day*. It! With a proferior. of y.-iirnr and tern and one son, one ^brother and
has btan eommanlcat.-d to the New'»‘ro reeclved from Ft. Scott. Kas. • erse City: \*. Linden. Kingsley; FreiJ^j,„j Denver for the nvliuge of thel-B’'* .war* beft.;- America was[wbi«e ebrr»anibem-jn;i artistically fo-jr sister* *-jrrire him. Th* chllYorker. Nor U It known how CKner i
On-.- and Detroit. whUo• efarke. Kingsley,; Walter YlngUng.
bullion on hand, aqd d'^rovert-d. It U le»» that a century a-ranced with vine* of endlax and dren arc: John F, Jr, Mr*. LoaM
Cbanler wo-jid receive riirh a 'J™"'*' Cl*7 friends sent manyi);|Q^]pj.. j Weber. Kingsley; A.^,-^ry o,h,-r l.-aneh of th,- treasury
dock* quaeV-d undisturbed' of yeljow and white ct»to Man'g-..ld. Mra. William MaslcDlA
aaggectlcm. He t» earnratly In the|""™l offering*. Tbe tnierment wa*i,\v.-tq*r. Kingxley; E. 8m»h. Walton: department that can In aov wav
«> the Cb'cagrt river. N--w • Londne paper- the room* of the Woman's Mr* G~orge CtauRy. all of whoa
race for firat place on the ticket, and:‘f **•*■ tomily lot In Oakarood
jc. jjijjor. Klngsl. y; Dr. W.-bst-r.
j, xrorklac uvertime. ' ! ““d s-jburt.s—-Gretter Lend-JO’—hav- <!.,}. presecred a pleasing appearance ihe In Kingsley aad Mr*. Sag* Byaa.
although the relations (M-tween him-! Mr. Builcr will learc tomorrow' Klngsle)-; C. Hammem. Kingsleyf:
an area of 43(.<19 acre*, as against i:.-< evraili^ in h'>nor of g«nUefflei;-* of Traverse CIt.e,
aelf and Mr, Bryan are v,-.-y cordial. a?ternon:i over the G. R. A I for (’bi-'George l.utman.
the 11 (iff: acres inside Chicago’s City night.
Mr. Half was a member of the Gqr>
It Is believed here by aome deaxe rago and he expects to be In Sas Sleder. Trav,>r»y City;
.[ tanslng, Nov.
—Gov.* Ffs-d M.jlimits. London'* mnnlcipaUtjr ex-' Although H was ar. informal affair cma Lu^ran church and om ot tb*
1 with iHrtb
Dego. Cal., by Novranl-r IG. Hls:Trav.-nh> nty;' Wll
' W.nrner's Tbankst :cg day prurlamh-, p"»ded Iras iban Chicago: ita atreefs'ibe ladle* tad pr-parM a program of ■ dtr»-eiora tor many rearo. The tnfr "
that Uu' New Yorker would
mUe daughter. Fay. *in remain with ,-rse City: C. Mltbert. Traveiwe City; tlon.'sritlng apart Nov! rs as th.
'are :.120 miles In length as against: music aad rscltatloBs. which was I eral. sen-ice wtU be held inn th*
vtat petiiUallr rvMttt (be Nebns- her grandparents. Mr. and Mr*. Mae*.'Frits Beltnor, Traverse City; Claudvjto eat turkey and rejoice, aays:
IChSeago's 4.226 mile* of rireets. ^glvev rariy lix tbe evetdng.
|cbarth Monday a

n.“ •”„:rr





DMth or Mr*. Rank.

been forcM to take a Judge Nerhager otr^ charge of Jump­
vacation owing to Ibe cloalng ot the. ing a bonnl bill of »IS whk* be ran
at the central hotel.
schools on account of dlphlberls.

Mr*. Biiaboth Ann Rank. vlf« of «T bank note*.

JaiDM M. Rank. 4le4 at her hone In
Mothera Oub?

BUIr townahlp. iHcht mile* aonth ot
the Clt.r at S;ic Saturday nomliiK at'
ter a rerj’ abort Il1nr*» of liver

A Mother-* club was organised nt
tbe UblOD street acbool Tburaday af-

RedUUon—Ruby Hooker.

Jumplog board bills tbe
der the old law day Murdere
prtcM of wood by gathering up the
This win be nK>reclatrd
.. relatrd by those !wb
drift wood that comes
boarding house* In this city.
waves snd U strewn aiong tbe beach.

PUno aoio—Leph Ayna.

There Is gulte a riratry/ In

for Bume time, but waa not Ukee ocill

until a



Tkoradar. »hen atae became very 111.

Residents along the bay shore oV

tain a IliUe relief from

8be bad not been teellac veil


Trarerst Qly ,’Satc Bark

deadly germs that luth In Ote ordln- and he has

Song—Firtb and slkUi grader.




Hunting Accident.


Traverse City, Mit h
Sell yc-uj-ourb-U lor •house or bar*.

A. Tracy Lay. PmidesL
R. Floyd Canch. Vk* PreetfiinL
Samuel Garland. Cashier.

Me c...-rr at

all time*

a full liae of

A. ,t. Maynard. Asst Cashier
A. J. HxTilaBd. Asst. Caahlau.


Mr*. Rank vaa tbe motber ot elcbt
Mra. Frank Shannon read a very drift wood, men with
Iniereafleg paper on the "Purpose of drtvlBg along the shore and hauling Fri-eland. aged 23. shot aitd probobly ,
SURPLUS. 945.000
folk)**: Mr*. Bell Praxler,
og wagon loads ot msrkei^le kind
Wabaah. Ind.; Mn. A. B. Penrod, ot the Motben* CTub."
o'clock (bU morning. Pull drutl* ot
Get oar fi;nirr* aoH compare our grade* before bnying
Tbe fotlovlng oSieen verd elect Ung wood, and peopte who oa-n shore the affair have not yet been received
Monroe Center;
Mr*. L«l*b Rain*,
Look for the Big Bed PUul
fronts have to be on the (oohnni or but It ia suted that Freeland was
who made her borne with her :
thejy beadie* are stripped of every- hacdllne'bl* gun very rareleasly and
eoU; J. Clereland
Rank, who
Cor. E Hih St had Lak^ An.
Phnoee. Beil :sKi; Citg' K18
tUng bigger than a chip.
, Ahe accldest was the result of this.
taacblDK aehool at Monroe Center, and
The young man was
bunting in
One man who owns * boat ai>d a ComiiaDy with Miltou Biter about OU«Cheater C. Rook, who live* nl
Cora tram ha-i made It a paying business. half mile aorth of here, oi-ar 3lee|s
tamtly home.
It lx said that he
Httd bos hauled cords of wood to bU iDg Bear Point.
Mr. and Mi*. Runk came with thHr eproat-Buras.
Tbe club will meet tbe first Thurs­ borne, and no matter bow falgb-tlu!' was dragging the cub by tbe mucr'e
(amity from Indtaoa three rear*
v.b.n it caught on an obsi ruction and
and aetiled on a farm In Blair, where day of each month, tbe progrsrar to priens of wood soar be will
nils dlrrnarged. the charge of shot
efliering hi, Imd).
(her ha»/alnce lealded. The funeral roBsift of talks and papers on cbild pienly to burn.
I'licolort-d >Ia{nn p irticularly boe davor
ac itt
Th-.' yo.iiig man D unmarried. iHls
will be held Monday afternoon at
excc' s'renirih.
If yoi have tr-ublo iMiitijr
;nrrtits hve tn this village.
SpMlaUut uf
.The program committee consists of
o’eUa* from the Orawn church, the
tea that it to your liking trj- a «ampU- imun.l ofvli;
Rer. Bmeet Wood (dneUttm;. 1
im-e* on yonr c
Wc will uke our fham-oi
Death o a Pioneer.
(»|i l-N 1
Carter In ctarite. The Interment
old Miss
d after a be In the Qmwn cemetery.
t-DHndler db-d at le
to Grand Rapldv
last nlehi. at the horntmof her grandun Btook
Travotoa OMy '
6. P. Career went t
. I^ln
line of 313 \le*t Six- •
Change In Heun.
teenUi sirvet. and MMs Beulah Miller, OTy tltls morning to aii.-n.i the fuo- it years id age and her death was
4AII ot tbe dmcKtata of TraTerac
Ml of her brotherlnl..w. John
due to Ibi iuflmUii** ol her years, she
ot &09 North Elmvood\venue. wi-rijn.
R«» rnmm*
City were.entertained Friday nlaht
hti.liig iK-en all ItivaUd for tbe past
united In marriage Thursday olcht at
In an up-to-ttienuniite hunting
by H. R. MarDonald. mana*er df the
tbe Pemvood M. B. parvoDuge.
rulu Attorney P. C Ullle-n l.-rt his
Anierlean Drug Store, at hi* revliDd Mrs. I-oedlng
are well known in affaW\ln ,-li:irce nl l>u oSlec girl and
Y.. k .
denee. S31 »>b*ter alreet. The dm*
this city. Mr. Loedlng beln* esporillly b‘®d mhiH-lf away 00 m;. m. * x, lirii toget
.... ST
«.Ttl eweejnug the }5lr:»lU ot 3
atore men were very hoapitably enter
_ on
.._ tbe
«bts and wID 1-- fu-tll.-d tw
from Old MI»«lon:
well known
side. -new.
vbeV K
____ f.
2.ITfi porta a reef IjHig 13,.«h.
lost Ui the world foi a
short time
talned by Ur. and Mra. MacDonald
‘ old bnniestead. she l>eace- ^,^.,1,1^
.... s:
4.WS ttnie bearing ifroni
:ted with the groeery firm While he tries to fill hi < game bag
and the evenln* was devoted larsely
fullv iia*«,d awac after a long and Mryovon
.... :
‘ s..:*.: iigbuhip. *itn a us t depth
ot Courtade A Loedlng. Mr. and Mrs. With deniicus of the fim-st.
utuful lift-.
.. , T
:-T9r leet at pn-o-tit stage of l.-tti
Mr. and Mrs. William Cole nnd sun.
Loedlng will make their home In this
'iiv. fluiudW'* hu*»>*ud pafM-d Ontonagon
. ... 3 .
Tbl* region wa. orlgiiallj s..
There vnB one
dty aud nave the very wishes of or Bserett, Wash., who atv rbdllng
------------------ 'd in I'.v. but not -tavini: lu tl
her parents. Mr. and
rkl’dn-u were Lotii to thvru. Mrv.iH
many friends.
. ...Ki
S6.I33 duviv the tii'Mlern aubmarlue
Eastemlgbt. W
paHsiri Gov. of MapMon. bring »n adopicJ
deelalOD a^ved . at to which
It majority of th<- ,be least d-iith found was 2« f.-.
tbNmgh llte city this
on fls-Bht- r.
Ay who knew the gentle.............. ,
their dentil ibnvug’i;
a*r^. relative to the hour* of cl>i»> the reef
Narrow Etcaoe.
their way lt> Keytinne where thev
oM Indy Ikcatne her tilend and tbi'lthtlr own cart-l.-**aew,<
Ing tbe dm* *t£fe« of the city. Here
to have a length «-f |hrrv q ;a:.
Charles Decker, a Fere MarQuetti'|wil|
jWlIt visit frleudi .Mr. Pole exp,-et« leave* a Jjarc- imnilnr II. *Lncytvly:,r.... ,, ,„,t, tue imn and the
■^1 a mil'- strtTrhlng f:>:e u-.;d W9JV
after the atom win eloae at
narrow ascape Fri- I to return west this V-jIl but Mrs Cole 1110 ini for !nT.
i n;‘ii*-% a M;rv*-v of the llgurie
with a width ol a quarter of a mil.s|wnd the witiii-r with her pai
o'clock every evenln* diirlo* the week’ day night Irom being killed by the
When u ciil 1: »- ar* of age,.bacl-j f,o,u ,h,. vaiiii-j, nilDing 1n«p.-ctoiTl;.- '-r.’rt ill standard
r*-turnlng In the >
In New York slat-. Mr>
,„rticatH that eiuplmtnent
except WedneadayB and
Saturdays, blowing out a cylinder head. ■ He
W.i;:ld have
d.-pth of -;t
Mrs. Hi. rb s Hal
was fonv.-it.-vl aud U-c.mi.- .v £uemW,',h..
n,.,;.! »,.rkint* Is saiicli lband on 8uodn>* the atnre* will open cacApol with only n badly bruised
iriirj Irotn
Mamst-V. of ll-e Methiell.t rbiitc’i. Sine.’ th.T.|„-er
When the north end of the Uke t,
Thv v- flgni.-* show that whil.Mr. she has been Irii.- to her faith auJm,,,
at 10:00 a. m. Innrad of 9:00 a. i
■wend, aud a m-s :> rolling, dunng
. wlM-re they have been viOtiuc
„f Houghtoi, an.
Hallberg at Mercy bosplial.
of gal'-t-. thiK mxM of
. Decker wae ridili* on the pilot |
wv'h her death.tliechutch Ir^** nfalth-]ontonapoii cvmiiMe* bad
Mrs. A T. Maes, of Detroit, is the
lout worker.
W-hen: „!

Is a m-nace to the de,-p4«f
ww-of engloc No. el when tbe cylinder gaest or -aer son. f. C. Maes, having fill and cotL'rientlou* work'first in-ganlted. *hei,ou,^„f
,„iai .e^id.-nt* occurred.
carrier*: and *s It !l.« clo«- to th.
Pleaeant Suipriae.
bead suddenly blew tmt and a piece eonie t»> ati<-nd ih«- Mueral of her
'r:tnio a mcrab
Tbe Udle* of tb» Creawnt and 2900 about atx Inches in diameter struck (randilaiighter. Mr*. Ike Butler.
doill.n.-SK Ihe Ole.1'
ienil>er of the
In the Iron mining dlsirl.
Mrs J T. Bovd and children w-iit
Pedro club* planned a aurprlte
In the n att.-r ot tbe eaute ot John
Ju*t as it happened.I hi
ni- of her d'-aih
uf Marqu.'lte. Iron. G«cebir
I to Bab-s this afternoeu for a visit
Th.' funeral service will la- hcldiS’ ii- on '-ounii'-s. where
R Johnson, d'-cT-Bsi-d.
Mra. Edward
Vaton aged to throw his right arm
;«iUi mends
'.Tl'Wk tonuiirow afteiuoon
lrb!« were eniplov.-d and where
Notice l> b.-r.-by given that foar
■treel Piidav nlKbt and
eucceeded. protect bis bead nnd at tbe si
Mrs. l>r. r.n-ntle>-. o{ Aldea.
!mu.nths from-the :41b day of October
chiitrli, lUcs occurred, was T. tfi. or
e thtoensli
After they had ayrtved It developed Btani. the piece struck his arm. imln ' Mrs.
Mr*. L M. Prentice, of Barker Tn-eV.
I- officiating
A. I> IfHi;: bav.- bcD allowed for
!■ llev. Mr.
|H-r eefii greater
that It was Mn. Lauiner's birthday, a tnlly bruising jt.
rn’diiora to pi.-S'ml
The m;;nner iii which' tli
fact which had been overtooked by
ngaicsi said decasi-d to said coart
Death tk R chsqd Pray.
u et tbi-l-- doiTni tn the iin
Hnd tbe pirn struck h m on the
for examination und ad]nstmeni. and
« T-Rlel. tiiH; b--<:a>fifled ns follows:
tbe Kuests hot made the
nccaslon bead, it la probable that he would
W lllarisliiin: MIH
Mrs. Anna Gill, of Muskegon, and
that all cr.-ditniv of said decrased are
lie in Male ! of vanott* nature. 34; fallii
d Pray dl-d
«ne of Btlll more pleasare. Refresh* have been Instantly killed. ^ at It brother. J. W. Hilliard, of Ihg Falls.
i.-quir.d to |ir<*.-ni ttaelr claims to
3ii; blasts. 13: .-rush'd by cat*,
penu of ice cream and aaeorted was, be will be able to refuttflo work Minn., aniivd tbl*
sold e>..irt at the pmuate office, in
and asihvxiatlou. 3: fa’Iing tlmb.ii.
left later for Norlhport for a visit
the City of Tra».-rwe City, tn aaid
enhea had been
the again Monday.
-died He.- wire. I; nilsi.-.k«' in s-lgnals.
with friendh.
.-•. imv. on <u- b»-fore Ihe 2Sth day of
ladlea. P«lro waa the feature of the
Th- g-yfltert single fstalltv
The Bccldeiii happened In the local
The Rev. and Mr* Gould, i.f lh.F.-t,r.iar;. A l>. IW's. and that said
V .: ocn.irid in a ra:isway rag.
evwnln*. Mra. Thomas Hurray vln- yards while tu was doing some switch- UaptUt church, of Torch Luke.
be beard by said eonrt
111.- Rolling Mill luire ::i
nln* the hrat prise and Hr*. La]>ed In tbe HI'.' while on ihclr way In
Mh day’of
lay of Febroary
i-.!il ill 1S<-t <■
Narqii. lle cuiity
; Y.iiJ. at*
Howell. ■ leaving a doiialion for thej*'
!! o'Hock hi the fans
Fbntsee the consolation. Many beauliif'.:!U and seltKd <1
barrel k-htrh the BaptKt rhurrh
tHul piearnU were left Mrs. Lautiier
Peteakey WHI Cwnc.
Lady Maccabees.
fiHIns to end Kltti.- Bar.A P thr.T
t *"’■
and tbe evening will long be remeiuOn Friday. Nov. J&. petoskey
M.-gr/.H- Hiv. L-ldy Mar.ul..-.-> ..
dians. Th.- barrel I* iniddiv
Elk Haiuds. was reyally
.'iit.'iY'toacbool will come hee*\4o> play.
band -wlU) pleasure.
•Hh useful articles and will l-c 1
Judg.' of rrot,ai.'.
w-;:- lair Barker Crr'k
this altiTnoon l.v Trav.-rse thtvfiHve
around i (or shipment nextx week
frum the effect* of th.- accldent.
No. 332. al-out 45 tad^s arriviag a
n Kate
• Term* of Court
to get flnaneiai aid. as the expenses
rive children sorvlve. four aoiw
I1;!S th‘« moraine. TflR- were me
ir Detr
Lamed. Oliver.. Warner and Thomm
Judge Mayne has filed with the of tbe games are large, all the rivals
Uv a delegation of ladles from
laths ol
n.l oc- dam hive and »-srort*% tn th.- lodg- eonaty <^sfk bM order flatn* tbe term
; from 30 to 1<M mil.-s
away. wMch
has been
gnindo-V The ftit
,1 s.-rvin- wlll'be a. y,,,
„tv-ie a UMiutilul dlmu-r was 1
o( eonrt in the 13tb JodIcUl clrenU. Nearly every one asknl gave making mother. Jdrs. Adam Strieker.,for sev--.irnhig from
■oial monllis.
Miss Stiirk«r wii] ri>-^
date* for the v*rlous counties tbe Petosk.'y game poaeilile.
t,e r. .b'euee. the Rev. .
the ladles' Wert- guestfin Wtlllamsbure Veih.«lt.'-i .church.
are ax follow*:
Traverae City is In fine shape phy­
t-esidoD. and a fin.- pmMrT^C.’ H. Coy. of Ald-n. arrived
Ifficiutii-g and I'R^ertnk.-r Cart.-r. • •
. r.-riialtohs aud a drill
— Antrim County.
sically and has a ta^ numlM-r of this morning to -vldt her p.trvut)-.
ru. g1v.-n.
Supper, was —ne.1
Fourth Monday In F>bniiry.
t^es and fancy play*.
The tsiys Mr. nud Mrs, Andrew Yoang.
a .arlv hour lU order that the Udl—
Mrs. A. J. Ariustrong
Fourth Monday In July.
were defeated Ivetore. but tbe fact
Death ot -John P. TilloUon.
; , . light leskve lor home ou the .-v.-ning
morning for Saginaw where she wa»
I» you are interest'd in a rantr-it »iH p-y yi'O
Fourth Houday In'Auguxt.
that f'errls tmuld uol gain
J .bn F. Tlllotwm d .d at bis homcall.-d by lh.- illness of her s siei.
lii .-tunuiill City lei
X.o.-mber lith
Fourth Monday to October
them oncoun«g*-s th«-m.
iirid Mrs. G.-orge Flsh.’r.
f'j call and *x mine-:he Mall*a».le Stce
K>n.e and
:diis from Elk Havlds. Fran.i.- Grr-H<wa*
whole 'sch««l will la- there to
Mr. and M-v. G. A. F'-rris r«-turDod Bf:-r a long Illness.
Charievola County.
n^n G'-orge |■*re.w. Ml-
le' u- shoA'tou h wS:rmi: h. tconomy, C- ovc -I'ncp,
tfi ibeii- home In
th.- "S.i-*"
thl-Ftrat Monday in Pebmary.
ro.4 and b.-lp them to .i victory.
t'.l Miss .I'i*-n»on arrf\l-l v.-.-j.-riiv
-ruirnlng after a viril wl:h Mr. ami
and h.- lived «nl
Dorab.iiiy and Beauty are Combined.
Second Monday In May.
Mr-, \t. \V,
Fiiirciuld imd «-t‘ur
I bav.- Is-cn T4 |k
Will Debate.
Third Monday In An*u*l.
friend*. Mr. F.-rrls Is sxfoini. r tu-w•Ut forty y.'ors a:
There ur.- pruaperts of :i duoale 1.- pQiwr man who got his start ia lhTilts ranije is a great saver of
and Lab">r,
r An
aine to the region
Plfth Monday la Nov«nle*r.
tween sm East Jordan team and a trii Journal office, a pai>er published In
Ind.. ♦hk-TV he t
Grand Traverae Cobnty.
of Mallea^ii'- Iron and -Nieci, wlttd ii Kcthcr
The Trtiv. r*.- City Wotjiin's club
be iHectcd from tbe Ia-wIs Oas- this city al-ool 2<i years agix
Firal Monday In March.
Mrs, J, F. Kohii. «.f Pelding. ami
I ke a byilcr and if properly used wilMast a lifetime.
DebaUng society.
Second Monday in May.
■oaterr.d TRem one of its m-rabera.
sister. Mrs. Phillip Knder. of Ionia,
Two years ago tbe fliit debate wa- letl this luornlm: for their
Itrs, i. s*ie Gill.-'pie, .-x-i.r.-si.l.-nl of
Pint Monday In October.
Withuut any exception the Malleable is the best
1..- rliib. has ii'st b«-.-a iiulili.d that
lativd. Mr. Tlllot-.n wMheld and since that each school lia- afl.-r intending ili--fumTal of iheii
Second Monday <n December.
O I'
.-M- ha-, tes-n ..pMnti-d;.l.- to
C J.i'-irn •«-d rari,'* made today.
ao- that tbl* y.-ar wilt ic iht
Leelanau Ceun^.
b- Nalr-mil Ffleratl.m <i[ WomaTin
'Tuesday. OcIoImt ;;o. at IMoskey
;vi-r ;
Third Monday in |>bruary.
I- regum.'
-U-l-s from th- Michigan S'ule F«-derThey have been visiting th'-ir co -dns
scaUered r
show it to you.
and let
The m.-etlng wlilrli will
le1 number . • V ilion.
Flrat Monday tn June.
\i;--r iiirmlng
in this city MM. Nick KInk.r and
Pleasant Evening.
> ago. he S'll-I :.-i;l In Bir-ion in June is ibe gjMi
I -. auout thrtie
Mrs. Pil.r wamm.
Third Monday In October
-..-Qt in cl'il-d'im.
Mrs tlill. .•i.--#.aThe home ol Mra. George Cross,
- -Id boniest. J
The adtoumed srnxioa of the Sep
dso-b.'sTi mad" .v m. ml ■ r
tin- '.nof 623 Sixth street, was the secu.- of
Old Hunting Day*.
tember term of circuit court ad>oan)'
very pleasant- affair Friday night
Fo'jri-.-n d.vr in l.-ss
cd laat evening at e o'clock to meet
when Miss Bertha Barth entertained weeks is the record of Ii. N M.
i„ wife aud 1,Ur.s- chiUli.-n
wttb the next regular term Decernwho front ih<' time wh-ii he wq'
Found Sunken Reef.
12 young
ladles of ihe HHpen..
b:m.- ..w non, Ih-r.-y. l
nough to
another eon. William. 1-111;
Sunday aehool class of the Church of
h-.- it now- w-tIB
xramar wl
. Moiiiana. and a dtugbi.-r. :
Christ. Various games and'cont.-sm
ue Crawford of Bi}fi-ld. \
- features of the evening ami
Mr. M.-l!.- has not l>eeu .-xcraiint
g r.l his bedside
!.•• funeral atTuiigi-ni.nt—have
everyone thoroughly
them- tb<- limit. huT the 11 deer were se­
a -rtetlm of a tuaUdy that had puiiled,
1-eii m:-'l-.
I.lght refrshninls .-onsisUng cured bv him in Ito- .lays when d.«er
phyalclanx. Edvard H. Hall, easbler
weie i-biitUii! !in.l th.-iv was no limit
cream and cake were s-rvecl.
pliic.-d on the-nnmb-r «>■ b.- kill;-d t>y
or tbe Arnold Constable Co. fur :«
Died of Diphtlwraa.
The d'-r-r w.-i.- “hot b.v :•
yean, died at tats liom<- today from
ith.-rln r:.ii»-d tbe.'b'uth -f I
EUnty tronMe Make: Yon Miserable.
pun that had l>oeii haud-d J,
, Will Locate in This City.
-.-,1 I. ‘VI J.rrl|.tur-. lh- oldest (laughl-r • '
myxedema, a rare disease caused by
S. Baldwin,
brother of Mra. Mr M.-blo by his grand father.
Mrs. Vi'.la Prripiar-. at t‘i- bommmtlnued contact vlth painr money.
•rill to cood C'lndmoii.
It ts
b.r gratidfalh-r.
Wiliam M. Sti'.;Charles Jeffries, and hi* family tmvo
Tveniy years aisMit
In eounlln*
,d Mr Mo^o
.Nfvmlwr ath .1 H- o'.looi
arrived from Noblestlllc, ind.. and <-x- M.'ioatiil!.- eomiNiny. and
id Mr.
Jlr. 1MOLl
Of th*e fumliv
kat■MMy Infect^ Mr. Hall vltb
pert tn locate In Traverse Pity. Mr. declat.’< that It W'Hild <(" good wbee-t ill uil’i Ihe diseirM.'. the motbii
taking up tbe practice of law- toilav altfcoiieli it has mu Utu In us. and-bet two daughters. 1-b‘t. ag.d 12.
, for 2<> year*
Baldwli ■
.Vproptos of the diB.-i.iic- of th- and 3THa..T v,-ar» old. Tbe y..iinpest
lb-- month here this sum ' tm-anlng of tbe word :hunting" in tbt '*n-i*h1-' Is
ImpressedI old days to what it means now. dei'r t,;Hber Is- sllll very lU
Nil funeral aerti -- w.'ie h.-ul,
1. a .itvd has Uow decided^,:^re F-. plenlifi;! tl was no unrommmi wT;o-t i.rayer betiiii made
------------ ANAEMIA.
-- -£hllA.
f:t to find them In h. rds of .a dorer
iki- it !i)-> future home.
Th- .tn.Vr.sgu
Ycm «rt*r wdl wff y
^'1 itKiri'. but IlM- guns 111 tbes,. dav' er:oi- ’Ills aflei'io.-n!
HMic. k> dw ■
i carried olilv ..tie shot ami K-:o;e ii Vti'l-•Izkiiig eorupain w: . .n '-fe-tu^
M dw lq» Md cyehb
Gave Bhori Talk.
[.oiild b- rvloa.led th.- herd took flight
Death of Mr*. EH* MeQoeer.
■Mn Used.
r BalU. j Hunters at that time were mole car.
Miss Ada Walter, late
r alw base i
I»i--ih claiiii.d M-s. EK;. McQi:
"Y- they n-alio-J th.~.i
Creek trnloitig srhiml. met » lb aboutW'l’ I't
o' ?.
(II thflr .me phot w.-iit a-'tiay
tb— wlf.i of Arth '!: McGii.-r
young people in the gy-mnasiuo
j lost their deer
b UAim B dw S«ry dsasst dwi SK
the Frieods* church l**t
evenin' ;
Mr. M.«blo state> thai at tbe time
«MBMda.cowWltsdra.)y sMslsud
and gave a •hort talk on light exet Ibc B.<ured tbe 14 deer he neyei
r-ith. V;ie if-a
,1. Mra. MoQii
rise, giving some Instructions along fdavIlBhi id-ca
the b:vak of day uud would r.• Mr. nn.1 Mr- fich-mb
that line, Sbe exprMsrd the -need of
I out until after .lark
—id-s her !«•'
tn experienced trainee and anyon-'j,,.
1 of at 4 aud r. c-nts pc: cnls; two sister* and .1 l-ro'h'-r s'l
ns he hauled them In froir- vLO.
loluntc-riog their
Thev srere secured fn
OeaUia >n M'nea.
short Ume
Uli|e would
wouW be greaUv
greaUy nppre j the
^e^ w.wd*.
children. Ore of whom of aUll llvln*.

A Gcsenl Bfifiklic tesUeu Dw

S per Ceat ouawea *• nae Depootu

We Believe We

have the Best Tea on
the MarkeL

D«. F. J. H




Price, 50c per ponad.







The Farmers’ Stiffe




(I f )rsri;g an.l-Citron IVal.We just received
them. Th'y cook and taste splendid. Orange and
1'•♦non i'l
per. ptjund. Citron is 4'ic. We also have
Card.d Pineapple that you will say your self that it is
a l'e£«li. can't b*; any belter, that is
per pound.
N--w Figs. New Currd-'ts.'New Raisins . You can afford
^t'j g'lt some of i!;is lay out. The year ha> been so prospero'ds and thanksgiving diy only one in a year. Get
something ex ra for iha: day and have a good time.
These fine things we hive memioned are not all wc
have. We will help you to seltc:: what >-ou will need.

Pale, Sickly («ris

liy. A. W. Chase’s
Nerve Pills

tn* fiiadi. aungdioa iht htast ■ aeooo tad

Sccth«p««saBd>i(awui:<vlA.1X Chsie
M.O- thr Isaeui Rtmrr Book striver. sr
eadwhnrawkwr. M<is « slldstknor
OUL «. C W Mwi» Co. BsCsIa NY

Miss Ei
•LtSwo___ ________ ___________________
M mtmsv
dgsmoo. esuU art dsA
«4lr*ii sod twvhd. vwvpsLsad ^
Doras, could n« Ulp wr ha Dr. A W.
Qvaw'. N«f«PDhii>crai>hl)cwwl»^
owl'FsW '
For sale by JilWMa Orw| Co.

6et Your Supply

' Coii'.e to Corne-r'Front and Cass Street, that's
where your money will be returned ii not satisfied with
your trade without gfun-.U;:';.

Mbra-i-tte. N.rt-,
One. h.;:;.lrand,f.’rtv.fivr m.n vrr- l.iibd 1-u t:: 'ISKtlesetnfreel-' m;.;''
iron and HtpiiFr mines of Michx:.i! mg more akerol ^«a^^{l-Rt•
d-iri-.c the fiscal year ending 8-i t
S n-ioBlif vou ha.e ki-iney »>i
3" lest
Per thciusaad men employetl Me. IVten wnlinsmeatto
thed-ath rat- was 4 013
The mSms gencf'tat offer in tins paper
A'"**penlnaua adiireastiiDr. K.'inicr
From 9Hday'e Reeorfl.
{made a misdemeanor for any peraonjare all located In
Icr , J.
Mra. A. r. Anderaon and son. Louis,
»WP- l«' «Por lodge at fay co'intUw trikuury v
■ N. Y.
The regu'isr
..k th.. .aiv boarding house aa a guest or boarder During
Durin- th.- year th
of Omeoa. itaaaed through the rit>
j{,e day. week or monlh. with in- ment to T-.l.'K men. the largeei '
f fiftv<ent and one, do’W sire Imttle* are
ihla morning on their way .U Alma
to d,fr*od
owner, prvs ber In the history .»f the region,
------------------where her two
OemneAaod prietir or keepw of the pay for portioned hV counties th- fatal .
Frank, are is eollege. l.«uU Ander- such hhatd. lodging, food or entertain- occurred In the various mining fields aov imsuke. 1-ot mi:emlwc the 1
1 SWamn-itool. Dr. Kilmer s h«smp-K<e>:
f ta fw-u.i lueni
\\|V^— ae toUows:
Deaths. No men. and the address. Eituiiaiator.. N. Y..
..every bottle.
there, as
as tbe
the youpff
youpg P«Plc
people ar-j(
„ there,
Xm Vfbe^ i--ro
juat stanlofi in with the'r
pltTVica! I




SXANO Tuvnsi Hnuu. tHuMMY, K>vnii«i K nm.
•■Pmyer.” The eerrleea elortng with
the hmu. ’’Sbe^etd. Show Ife How
to Go." aad a brief addrcai by Mias
V i. Malone, wbo alM read the
rere^'a full tenM.

womes. beeotnei nrnc—ry______
of Br|rlc«t of •neb iTmptoaa aa
SaokMbe. InrecoUriUM. DUpUee-

bcoood. th*t L^dU E. PiakbM-a
V^UUe Compooad. nade from
satire root* asd berbe, baa cored
store cues of fcstale UU than v>j
EB-a health and Uisfaloablelo
ge^kriiic"w««M te ^dld-blith asd dorisr the period of Chas(«
Third, the mat eoloate o< osaotidted and gratcfol teeUmoitaU os
die at the PtaUam Lahoraterr at Lros. Maia.. raaor of which are from
time to time faetsc DobUahed hr epedal peiteiaaioa. gin abeolote eridettce of the xaloe of Lydia E. Pinkham'eVe»eUbleCompoondaod Mra.
Plnhhao'a ad rice.

Lydia E Pinkbani’s Vegetable Compound

feU down a BVit «t
ctalra October 23. A«d Thnraday
without having regained constiona-

General News.
Aaaettlng. that hli children were
ehamploii lureafle iteeplejacka. John
Tbomaa AlkcD. a well-known chimney
lack was bonnd over at'SL Jfeleea.
England, on a charge of canslng hU
three children—Baden. 5 years old:
Gertrude, 7, and Lydia. IS—to lake
part in
climbing n chimney 110 feet high. ‘
The agricnltntal .collw at Toklo
has been experimenting for seme

TJie Rev. Theodore Gradln. for six
years pastor of .the Swedtoh Baptist
church In Cadlltoc. has 'accepted a
le first Swedmk BmAIM
church at Bridgt inn. CL He wfU
Ukc up toe new p
Dean Chaaner.uf Adrian was call­
ed .to Chicago Sunday by toe death oC
Us .toter-ln tow, Mrs. J. W. Channef.
Tuesday afienuKra-after the funeral,
the Cusband was token with a talsting #peii and dM. and was hnrled

Bracing food for steady
Katritive food for heal­
thy appetites—
Strengthening food for
sturdy musclesThe most nourishing
y wheat food

s of makfng
IHiper pulp from It. U Is now rrported that unexpected succtaa has been
with, m-hich U very Important for
Japan, considering the great abund­
ance all over the empire of tbia bam-

____ than to year* haa bora earinc Female Conmlalnti
Dmgi^lnir Senaatkma. Weak Back. PalHM and DUpWm
fiaumation dod Cleeration, aod Orgasie niaeeaea, asd it
aad ezpeU TVraore at an early stage.

Louts Leudder of StuigU lost tot^
fingers and hto thpmb while rnnnlac
a *aw Id a local factory. A year ago
he hwi his right arm. Now be has a
little finger and jurt of a tbumh.
t-eudder to fn j.-ars old.
The 33.:h*.- oigan for the Trinity
ehamh. wMeh was presented by E. C.
Way. president of toe Scottefl-DUIan
Totoicfo ci'inpSuiy. of Detroit, and
who to a resident of Marshall, has arrivid. and the work of insUHIng it
has begun. It will lake about three
we. hs 10 omipU te the task, and the
dedication may bo held 4>n Thanlt#giving day.

F. W. Bebenck. a well known cler­
gyman of LitUe Galli. N. Y.. taaa writpQhllc letter In which he ad-|
Tocatea aUrrlog trampa out of their j
Wmneo anffering from any form of female weakwaa are inrlted to
bad hablU.
write Ura. l*inkham. Ltsb. Uaaa. foradriee. She U the Mra. Pinkbam who
The states west of the Mississippi
baa breo adrlalng aick women free of ebarfre for more than twenty
Mseas s combined wealth of more
yeara, and before thatahe aaalated her mothrr-iD-law. Lydia E. Pialc
ham In advialng. Tbna abe ia eapedally well qualified to guide aiek
than tU.OOO.l^.OOO. and the aUtc«
to neahh. WrlU today, don’t wait nstU too lat^
Im mautan and
Word ■ was received at Adrian of
esst of that river ISO.OOO.WM.OOO.
dmst pnof paAanu.
the jB-irrisge Id Chicago Monday of
A ham In good condition can exist
Mtos lluda Cfodman to Tell Taylor,
M>oat gi days without food, so long
an actor. The w.riding was a rulai'.:s plenty of water to drink.
Seientlat’a Second Church.
John, the Baptist's Prophec/.
i.iiioD of a courtship of a su-ek and
It Ik uow nearly SO years since Dr.
John, the Baptist. In prophesying
Acknowledging the aeripUirea aa •
sandwiched In between rehearoala
Sliddan Jaehaen. of the United States
gnidivlo eternal life; acknowledging the coming of the Immaculate Jc
and performances. Mias Godmaa at­
and ndurlag one Supreme Being; saw even In thoae days, the spiritual bureau of education, obtained
tended the theater last week and reeacknoalodglng Hie Son. the Holy Idea of a Messiah, who would haptUe congrtaa an appropriation to Import
ngnlrod her former acquaintance,
Obciet and man as the DIrtne Imagy with the Holy Gh«»t Through this reindeer from Siberia across the Der­
whom »be met while, a student In 8L
ing BtralghL During the first year IC
and llkcnesa the fonnal dedicatory apl.liual baptism, the chaff of
loseph* acadeniY^
aervlce* <f the Sectmd Church
Crood Roads CommlsiTtee*«J^rte .
During successive
Christ SclenUat took place yesterday of truth and love apiiears, melting. sou personally.
and the <
1 formed to halld
morning at 10:30 In the beauUful purifying the gold of human char­ yesraotbers werefmporied.until near
roads in several t
pew am.>mbly room of the City School acterized In the sermon aa a purifica­ ly a thousand bad come altogether.
lAnsliig have town woravd In their
tion from error or aln. the 8plritui% There are today no fewer than 16.000
Of Unste. MIdat the bloom
efforts to put . the pton through the
dhilrihuted In
fragranoe of many Bowen, mingled hrptMm cleansing the body of nil Im domestic reindeer
iMiard of sup<-mBors. They’aay the
with the green of pAted pelmi. the purities of the flesh, aod preparing herds along the north Alaskan coasL
Mrs. Hetty Green's portrait is being too much for him.—Cleveland Plain
Onb of the kutoer'a chief enlhusl- project If not dead and that a \
Another field of
Maemblage gathwed there, aolemnly the way for further approneb Into
York D<-aIer.
arms in connection with the manage- rued dtotrict will be formed with
been found for the dog In war. He Is exhibited in one of the New
promised to strive, watch and pray aplrltual life and Its demonstration.
The largest mica mine In the world nieut of his pottery faelory to akin to Lanring. Meridian and Wimamstoa
already employed aa a aeoui. He is picture galleries, showing her wearing
for that mind, which was also In
False Repentance.
ill black bonnet with a bit of U located at Sydenham. OnU. 16 miles hto practice of following strictly dem­ townships for the Improvement of
Christ Jeaua; to love one another; to
Special BtresB was laid upon false now to serve In the ambulance corps.
- be meos. meriefni. Just and pure, the repenuncc. dt^ounced In Mathew; Two French army surgeons have tak­ white. In which Bhe U Keen so often; from, Ktiig.uon. The product Is mostly ocratic principles In the treatment of fifteen mllet of the old Grand River
rellgiotts teneu upon^ which thU 23:13; “But wpe onto yon. scribes en up the question with eageraeas. Strange to way. she baa small curly- utnbor mica, with some silver amber. hto men. WYitle he to In residence at road, east of LAnsing.
iHmttoc will be toe mecca for all
pointing out the' UmlUUons of hii- j hatred dog In her arms, which mni-1 the highest quality mined. The mine Cadlneo. which Is toe case for alxiiit
church la founded. With this also,
Pbar-ioes. hypocrites;
M..U at.... .... .. .. i.._. - ._______ .« I
agency In collecting the wound-'
»hnt she Is at least a lover of Is one mill'
from the upper end of eight weeks every year, he arrives For.wU-r* of America on the evenlag '
the right hand of felloaahlp was ex­ shut up the kingdom against men;
ed. of whom, after every engagement. I animals,
Sydenham lake and the mica Is trans­ at the works rt-gularly at 6 o'clork of Nov.-mbor 18. when «ourt Mayflow­
tended to the <dty. euburba and other
neither go la yo
er will rededicau- Its new home In
large numbers go to dwell the dismal
Thomas Yeakle. formerly of Freder- ported in hulk from the mine by
neithtr suffer ye them that
11st of the "mtastng." It la contended , ick county. Md.. after a long hunt, was barge to the railroad at Sydenham, with a coeery "Good morning, work­ the Jat-koon block; Court City of the
The opening volunlafy. “The Mid­ tcring to go in.”
th.1t dogs of keen scent could, with found In Indianapolis. Ind., doing odd. where,it to shipped to Ottawa' for men." A chorus of "Good morning, Straits, of Detroit, will do the tnldle Movement of Mpxart'a Mass.“ was
demonatraUonf, as outlined
your majesty." is utterod In reply tlatoT)- work upon a class of forty
played by Prof. W. A. Smith.
In the sermon, sifted the chaff from
The Univeralety of Illlnola has trt»- nlscw hotel. A few days ago he reIt is generally known that there Is The kaiser tbM) jinkes his lour of {candidates who will be put through
audience then singing. “O'er Waiting
wheat, and unfolded the unity
iteUfug toe men at work \ that nIghL All nearby lodges wtU be
Ulned as dean of Ita college of engl- tured to IndianajKiUa with a deposit a mom In the BHltob museum set
Harp Strings of the Mind.“ after and the reality of good, and the^
necriDgand Its new school of railway to Jils credit of 3C5.2M.45. bis Fh.-ire apart exclusively for forgeriiw. In the looking ai the details of (he machin­ lDvlt4-d to participate In the featlvlwhich the respooBlve reading of the reality on the nothingness of
ery. checking aeounts, etc.
tifs. which will begin with a hraai
service, subjeot. “Mortale .
Christianity, further revealed in the englneerlog and administration Prof. of the esute of George T. Cline, bla lime Ithe museum has been In exlsnncle.
the most perfect se­ band and red Ore parade.
mortals.*’ was followed by prayer. Bcrmoo. demouatratea Ihla declara­
At the last general election In New come Into its poasession. In some cret service In the world Is that pos. Then the hymn. “If God la All and tion aod Its Divine principle, where.. «aa born in Barnstable. Mass.. In
All." aung by the oongregntion clnaed by mankind ia made better pfaj-aleal- 1SS9. was graduated from the Maa«a- Zealand there .were 263.537 men and cases toe object has been on view for sesed by the
ehuaetta Institute of Technology In 212.E75 women on the roll. There ac­ some itlD ■ Iteforo the forgery was It all the patienoe for which toe orl
the apentng asreloe.
ly. morally, spiritually.
dlsrovereri. The public Is not admit- ental to fnmmis.' The iSte
“Mortala move towards good or IS79 and went Immediately to Purdue tually voted 221.611 men and 175,046
Spiritual Baptlam.
People tn Tcaveroe CKy,
university. I.afayeue. Ind.. to organ- women. In 14 contests, the women ti-ii to;the room In which the articles Manchuria offend ample evidence of
Through aplritual bapUam and lU evil, ae time glided on. If they an1. Wait A Sona Ouaraitdepartfient of mechanic*, of
the v.ilup of the work aeeoroplished
Of the
V caurrhal Treublaa.
reMltant regeneraUcHi. as Uught by not progressive, past failures must be
which be has ever since been the candidates clecU*d In these J4 constlOneself the Inmate* of Towc*^ter by IL In Pekin. Harbin. Port Arthur
John the Baptist, who pressed In the re]>eate^ until all poor work Is ef­
workhous»\ A woman aged 84 year*, and Seoul the centera of on elaliorato
No other remedy or treatment for
■ncles only one was unmarried.
wOdeiaesa of Judea: “Reprat Ye. for faced or rectified.’'
catarrh has ever been as popular or
Prof. Joly. who made a geploglcal
A Judge. In delivering the prizes lUe hai aiqilied to the lioard of giiardiiDS system were esubllshed. by which
Spiritual Leaven.
examination of the stones and the de- other day. In Que*-n'« ball. London, to for an allowance to tobacco. She said secret service men. disguised a* bar­ made so many remarkable caret la
k followed, applied a
Travetwe City aa llyomel.
“Jesut hade his diseiptea beware of
hria collected
smoked 71 years and missed bers, servants. Itinerant merchant*
The best t>*-opJe attest lu caratlve
- the construction Buccveniui
students.ln one oi
of laeiarge
the large
atnmg practical lesson In dally life the leaven of the Pharisees and of
glmploo lunoel .WrU tb.,
and traveling priests, ssrarmed all
aad thoo^t. as read by the Misses the Sadducres. which he defined as
fair way la
he had found rich traces of radium, gret there was no "kiss sign” o
digest her food. over northern Asia. There was nei­
K. H. Makme and 8. Adams, readers.
doetrini'S. His parable of ihF
The lionrd decided tO com
ther a village nor a mllltarr post which Hyomel was sold, to refund
Indicating larger deposits than have keyboard of tyi
the money unles.< 11 gave aatlstaetJoa.
'’Sorrow for wrmig doing,
leaven, which a woman took and hid
yet been dlsvovered elsewhere In Eu­
her r^iiest —lAndon Globe.
that esea|H>da observation and many was the l>est proof when It was Intro­
one adep towards reform, i
ia three measures of meal. Ull the
rope. He believes that the existence
Joim Hays>Jl8tiin>ond. the mining of toe earlier aucceaae* of the Japan­ duced (hat 11 possessed unusual cura­
very oaaUm step. The n
W^olc was leavenrd.' impels the In­
ey of education In New York, say* Il­ expert, has had a career of romantic ese »-ere due to the exceUt-nee of the tive power*. S. E. Wall * Sons took
much radium cauad the abnor­
grast ntep.'required by wisdom, la ference that (be spiritual leaven
literacy is much more general In that exp( riences. After lielug graduated
filvlii* •
mal heat developed in the construcInformation supplied by the mem- all the risk of the treatment givin
tte test of our alneerttrsignifies the doctrines of Christ, and
J puto
state toan In Germany. France.Great from the Tech achool at Yale, Mr. bora of the secret service before hot- aattsfsrUon. and left It
Uon of the tunnel. He Is continuing
chasers to he the Judge.
the apiritua! Inteeppctation (hereof.
Britain, Switzerland. Scandaaavia or
his researches. Although scientists
Hammond went to the Pacific coast tiatlee began.—Chicago Journal.
lAier. when Hyomel was used aad
"Every pang of rep*
Age* paes. but this leaven of truth Is
to prjietlce hto profession of mining
recommended by our well-kDOva
believe that radium, discovered by
atferlng. every eCort tor reform. even at work and must destroy the
ph'ysirlans and business men aad
—V., dtotribtrade In Canada em- engineer. In 1S93 he went to South
SUta News.
Mme. w«...
Curie (n 4302 ..
to widdy
every good thooght aad deed
«-ntlre mass of error."
their wives as a treatment that abaoAfrica; In the service of the Goldfields
John Slater, of Algonac. Is under lutelv curtd catarrh, no matter bow
uted over the world in minute quan-i
k(fp na to nnderatand Jesus' atoneThe eloslng (bought bore upon Job.
Utie* the present principle souree toj““®'
i-why. and bis brilliant engineer- arrest on a charge of driving hla wife fu rious nr long Btandlag. the .alea
t for atu. aod oU In lU efricacy, who said; "I have heard
Thee by
pltcbblends of

»‘>op over on Prospect ..„ ---------------attracted
rapidly grew and today there la no
the attention from home In her night clothes.
hot If t? • sinner oonUnue* to pray the hcariug; but now mine eye aeeth
few grains of
0>e Colonial Ar of Certl Rhodei*>awbo paid Hammond
Hiram Idetts. a wealthy faimer of other remedy In 8. E Wall A Sonf
Korth Bavaria, where .............................
and repd!. sin and be sorry; he hath Thee."
(bat has such a large and sta­
•- an old bind
n.lbm .pp™. lb . ipp ot pHebbl..a.d.cb.nlth
wb.«. t- lo.toffl fa month os mining expert. M.irahall -was arrested October SI. stork
ple sale.
BtUe pen In the atooement—In the
“Echoing Job's thooght. the false
A po«»a of nidlm. If 11 rould p. ,-"I'P
out Hr,, of dltOcuU Hammpiid soon was the recognized for a1l<-gM assault on his wife srith
The first breath of Hyomel'a heal­
at-onement with God—for he
Umatea of life and happiness. Joy
bought, would cost about 3300.000.
design and doing the other work . mlniugl aethority of South Africa, bto an ax. 'i'hursday a son ask<ul the ing air kill* all ratarrhal poison.
the practical repentance which re­ and sorrow, are ilron>ed and
Try- Hyomel today on S. E Wall ft
The Schiller statute which the Ger'o « lo'l-emilh. is a mar-,f«-s amounting to more than 1100,000 ^robjtc court to declare Lt-tu Informs the bear* rad enabiM man to tain the blist of loving untelfitbly.
fh.ns' offer tn tvfund the money If
: n;id hto proBi* from liivesi
man citizens of Oevetond will erect '*■'
•*“> have seen him. -Hie;
the (M-alnieiit dtoei not give yoa satte the will of \«'isdom.'working patiently and conquering all
airick 0*Drlet). of Kalamazoo, a Isfartlon.
' *Tf rlo la not regretted and la not that to unlike Cod. for 'where your
B.rffn. -file broni. ffpfn- to a ffltf.l"
ff*- "hoiifd.r. By Ih. ,i.e of j
lesaenlng. then It la hastening on to treasure to. there will your heart be
ovor toA-en tool hfph. ft .tfo.-, Uip’“
of-«''-A -itti ti‘-|
physical and moral doom," neb. srere atoo,'"
pool ...tod ,o u oTO rttfi. Spoofi"<■

"“S" i
leadltut tboaghts of the sermon, baaed
The offertar. plxyril by Prof. W.
■"<- k'r
I- -"'K
npon senptnral texts and "Science A. Smith upon the beautiful cathedral fns of U.C tooik , Boiffo mpor
»'<■• ■> '• “f fl”' f"and Hmlth. With Key to the Scrip- organ of the City School of Music. ■ Th, «o, Sebtffor «.tu. for fho “ '• «'■>
1Yc.‘- by Mary Baker G. Eddy.
renderiug of Hayden's
lb, .opfpior, Hernfimo M.i.oo, bodJ«b"">nb -TO l»ib «I U« bood. -

Mrs. Pinkham'5 Standing InvIUtlon to Women

Uneeda Biscuit




Everybody Is Delighted


with the MagikUceiit. New Model

was never reqnl
of our American hrolber* to toe liter­
ature of Germany. The German wboj
gop« to America become* CD Amei1ean In all that the word Implle*. hut!
even unto the third generation he is |
usually loyal lo Germau poetry opd
German song."
The principal use of cobalL says.
the American Marijinist. is la color-!
e ^ss. It has the property of col-:
in^glnss blue. The oxide Is used;
for this purpose and U melted with;
the glass, which dissolves it atnl U
colored by It. TYie other ust-s of coluilt are small, although attempt* are
l>elag made to use It in storage bat­
tery work. TbU.tiowever.can hard-,
ly be aald to have pa>iK.-d beyond the
experimental stage. The princlpal-suis ’•

Edison Phonographs
n t-ver In both appearance and
Thev are certainly 1
The PHONOGRAPH is Mr. Edtoon* scknowledced ••■hobhy" i
• mod) to enilYOdJ- hi* very lai*-At ImprovemeBU and lr\
. They reproduce speech'
ecir and UiUiJc In
. Buy one of thirse new J’H
kPHS and you
• own fireside.
The world'*
Kt-i-k *-niertaluBieDl away from j
vTiatv»t • Dtert-ilners will ci*m<- lo you. The very l»e*l »lug*.T». play­
ers. fYiui-dlai.s. lAnds. urchesiras, vaud-vllle' stars, etc.
It Is hnrd lo
tba’ ill this varied and uiilltiilti-d enlertaiiim-rnt can l>e «ti)r»-d up In so small a
si'ac.-, to be enjoyeil at u!!l. l,;ii tli.- genius <»f Bdtoon’s roast* r-mtnd w-*-tas almost lo jK-neirale Into the
('■-.ilm of the suia-rii:iti;ral and the PHONOGRAPH to -imdoulito-dly hto greatest achl<-vemei,t.
Tbe new PHONOGRAPHS eo« $12.50 to $55 and with each is included a larq* MominjGIOry Ampli^ng Hern and lateii model hom-erane Jaee above ■Mustrat.on). Cd-son Cold-Meulded Rewdt coat only
We sell complete outfits on EASY PAYMENTS .at the lowest cash price, and without interest.

You win do better woHc for
I cup of fragrant d^cious
Ply of eoluilt until r.-centty has been ;^JosA Coffee —find you

Saxony, oui
but the
new oi»co»vr-,
discoverirom paxoiiy.
im- nvw
les of toe large quantiuro In Oniaric:
ma^ be the means of opt-niog fields.
use* of cobalt
- ^
dY ctU
^ ..dibi CbKd. ud «i0.''<)a for nf domestlr ---------tofore unaoiighi on accuimt of the dls-Yb nd dl .d-r p>bl. d counbdn b soarc-a.
Officer • ■np" Ball of Ana Arbor
found a buggy and a harness about
!two mile, south of the city. He came ^
find huttmt &w«r witli dwa* who ora loobaff for otylg aad
! Into the dry and fnund a horwe that.
-VIU#* fcraad. azx -«,«f,ctared kr Backer. May» 6f Co. a
had l.een Stolen , from the Owoaao
foawMCt mako* of QuUna'a- Boys' aad Yeuafi l^'a QotLa|.
j Transfer company a week ago.
go. and
andffBarWBtee tken in grery respect.—Tke lakJs toll
j told at Ann Arbor for 345.


“Viking” and “Viking System” Clothes

i ■'
vriD T«t better aiterwards.
Cuts youi coffee bills fiboul
o i i
Sold m ODC pound packages
otiK'. scaled for vour protection,

-’ i" i
. Loose cofloe ISDt thc Mme—
it may be dusty, dirt}' aod bad
fw youT 8tomay» aad nerves,
cd U*. (haa-.K>r
Si. hMI. Ud si -Wsi. .

Editon Jobbers. Trzvwrae City.
►“(ill nu- f'lll I'arilruIY.y-Trial
styl. Edtoon P!-,oa*>L-ra:.b
Name .................................

Any r.-Ilal.It- famllv In the rlty or state nn haie on* of the new
style PHWOOllAI'HS for a trl;^ AHSOLfTKl-Y PHEK and without
Incurring any obligation. If. after trial, it to not -t-rlrTtl to pur­
chase. the O'Jini n.ay lx- fviurn.-d at Ol'K fDCI'EZNSE.
We make
this gent-rous Qfl*-r l>ecause we have full coofld'-no.. In the genuine
Edison PHONOGRAPH and lt« power to arouse. Jnrtrict and entertatb. No one w-ho *jnce experiear.-* (h- ;<i> It bring* lo the home
would wlllliiglv part with it. If v-.u wi-t, to take advantage of owe
3Y.-f- T«*a! Offer. FILL OCT THK ror'’O.N and tnsll or bring it to
O'lr store. A* ordem are filled ;n rotation It Is a*]vi*abl« to SE.ND



Beadqnarters antliWholesale Depot”at Detroit


t to sery
raa • o’clock before the
ln« refiwas. wblcta was
to im tbe M. t. A. A.*- That eicnaa
'•xory work was beiru In tbe todee|entbaataatk oiaale:
Buckle. Mkk.. Hot. 1.—Cm^II U retarded ae a >oho «ad tbe larm' mnmi
give Al-'rooms.
There baa bt'en no time In the
r. A. P.. C. A. P-.
BnM. are flalahlag np a flac lot of m lininedlaldr decided
. He's the boy from Manistee.
bioa fun sway In tbe IntercoUeidaU
aldnrslka on tbr mala atmts.
Yes we all know C. A. P.
8a^«T U pnntd «r hrr rflUre Ui by wltbdrwwln*.
vroeet him. boost him.
By withdrawing frooi tbe Interrol- live men as filled the' lodge room for
record a* not a dollar vaa retaroed
Yes well boost him.
ieglate. the U. A. C. athletic teama tb'a oacMlos. li was especially Into tba coontr
C. A. r.
tooger partldpata In tbe trrestlng because fifteen fawns wire
The atreda are lined with Joada
of this
war the fact that
of poUlofa. Preaeat prteo li »5 eenu. cvenu over vbich tb# M-. I- A- A. properly nued wllb antlers and nuwj Tbe cause
rir;Mr. Palmer is a candidate for the reboard has direcUon. 11. A. -C. will no have tbe right to browse with tbeii
Mn. U.
KInkIdp baa opened
oomlatlon for anditor gen
"racket*' store in tbe Baird buildlnp.. longer enter It'a track team la
IbU organltsUon. Vhe Manistee or- [ t-ral Of Ine state, and that be Is being
M. Perrr. wbo has acted so faith'- annual Add and track meet and tbe
cbestra. a very fine musical organisa- buotb>d by bis enthusiastic friends In
fallr aa an aceat for two ream, baaI baseball team's acbedole. will be arI h!s home town was fully denonstratKone to tbe padfle coast for tbe win­• ranged as tbe local manager dealret. tlon, furnished musk during the
(fd In the singing of the above lines.
A*ent Tbonpaon. of Inier-- Tbe .farmers' witbdrawal from >be N. tmpllficatlon of the ritual.
L. Joyce, of TravertK- City lodge.
ilately upon assembling in
. A. does not mean that athletic
locbes, baa Ukan bis place and It
request for vocal enrelatkHu with all tbe oollegea in tbe lodge room a very cord'al addnms of
oersiac bit patrooi weD.
toruinment and a very enjoyable adThoa. MacBrtde Lomber Co. base» Intercollegiate will be aesered. Alma welcome to the vUlttag Elks from
amngto tor their OMaon'a cat srtaicb and Olivet wlU be pUyed In football Mimlstee wu estended by Exalted dress was delivered by Chaplain J.
Bukr J. G. Straub, of Traverse CUy E. Memtt. of Manbiee lodge,
«1H eaceed aeven mlUlon feM of Inin-1 thU fall.
bar. moat at which will be liardwood.| Tbe U. I. A. A. has gradually for lodge. Mr. Straub laid ,particular roncluded his remarks by a rendlUqii
Prof. Wlllebrandi has arTanged for the last two years became wi-sker emphasis npon ibe corAal relations of ■ lullaby, that found cousiderablc
a bigb aebool lecture conrae conalst-land weaker. 11. A. C. track teama between the Ellis of Manistee and favor with everyone }>resent.
log Of aerea onmbera. Dr. Mika, of bave never been cloaely pressed for Traverse City and assuma tbe vlstt-.dnssek were also made t
New Tork City, will deUver tbe Brat Hbe championship of the M. I. A. A- log brethren that their presence In Beaver, of Mancelona. And
laeture at the Coogr^atlonsl church The local baaeball and football teams Traveiwe City was highly appreciated Wlllartl. of Empire, the regular prov
gram being concluded by an addnws
Batsrdsy evening. November 21. Allvhsve also Ireea cons'dered as good as by tbe local Elks.
. ;Vr
» Boyns. ui^n
interested In edscaUon and progreai any In the Intercollegiate. There are
of the country are orged to'attend the never more than two or three of tlie
Tbe Aral pan was conducted by the, the Leiitflte of the orgaiitiat:uti of i


wbota co-jrse. Season tickets are on
Store at llAfl.
e at Jobnaon'a Drug
gle ^krte £6e.
Prod Moore, tbe rural route carrier.
Is easily making his IT-mlle drive
dally and arriving in BocUey to time
to Htdi the I o'clock mak train out.

itichlgan colleges that bave a chance
win in fotabsll or baseball ehauplonsblpv and for that reason the
races have become oneoldt-d.
Coach Brewer does not claim that
M. A. C. Is In a higher class than
other coneges In the
nerertbeleas tbe farmers have b«pe
Caataa Diatrlcl School.
recognised by the larger collegesjin
Beport of Coates School DUtfIct the leal few yean and tbe AggW'
Ko. S, Grant township. Not. I:
athletic standing Is now considered
Number days school. 18.
equal to that of Wabub. Purdne.
Number puplU enrolled. M.
Averafe attendance, 21.
^^I»n^bwn^^r^r^f:^l^\chcdu1e more football and baaeball
niiwortb Brigham. Nelson games with the larger colleges. The
Im. a. C.M tem hu

officers of Traverse City lodge No
521 and tbe excmidtfication of tbe
second imrt of th- riiusl b> the ofl‘-|
cets of Manistee lodge, composed of,
the following:
Eulied Ruler—C. A. Palmer
Esteemed jAtadlng Knigbt-John H.
Eswemed Loyal Knlgbt—1. J. 01-.

Testimonials ReceivMl Daily Telling
of the Wonderful Core* of Tortun'ng Disfiguring Humors of
Skin, Scalp and 6lood.



.“I was Bfflieled with eesema on tiiT ,
tam and bao(L aiMl 1 uwai toeilM-al treatBM3it far ISO areL>. but to bo avail. 1
: tl«e funrura
ilODfdieF. a^ a
Cuiicura Sitfp and oiw box of Ciiiiciiiw '
Oiiitna^ii fur a little i"vr a montii 1 j
was entirely cured. Mi-« Ju.iik- B.
Chamberlain. Msn-v. R. l\ D. No I,
K. V.. May »h. IWA”


“I sufiivird for mote than ten >1or»
with a rkiTi di*si-e. S,n*< weTCOn iiiy
kfnai>dlbrv-|t,a>l<-inr.>.-k. rhynnaju
” ’ in lo ati, me. but they
were callnl
Enjcl-rble Affair.
did nn- ii« g<,
C-m..I. Noiliiiqt xreowd to do
lal luntil line dayr one c!
of luy
me ai.y p«*d
The evening wax devoted
(rtmd* advix-d
trv ihr t'mie
greatest good fbeer and U
RnuelMw oih-I u-liirli
....... 1 did. a-ndir. Ii«
of the moKt Muccesaful and enjoyable Hum four wivks
wi-ll. 1
»lvk^ J was
wax made
___ __
'taiiplele Tieatmeut.
a,ii«i»tthe (taiipU-le
gatherkigs that tbe Elks of either clly used
ing of fuiinira San. t'ulicura. enibyed. The uMrs
Tnent and Culiriira PiTla and 1 txirid
vcr>- appropriately decorat
nwfnaUvvrv«u<vne(ul. Myfriciidsuivr
most conspicuous bring an ; gunnsrd at aurb a quick cure, and 1
elk's bend and antlen almost life
Uf« I am glad to tell <



The Kind Von Bare Ahrays Bonebt, and -nbloh Iiab been
■“I uxo for over 30 yoarw» hua borne I he sl^mainre of
— and ha* been ni.vdo nmlcr bi* peretil»ervlsH>fi slnoe Its inlbnrr.
An«w no
m> one todcecivcyouii
lodceciv c v-ou in tins.
All ConnteHeits Imitotion* JUid**.1ii»’»ar
E\p«>riniciii. tliut trifle Mitli nnd ehdnniror the b<<uUh of
Infants ami Children—Bupcricnce «ptiu-vt l^xperimenU

Ca-atenn f-, a lutnnlcx* gnbrtltTite for Cantor Oil, Pu«v
and .Siaithuiir J^yruits. It W I'lcaanitt. It
ctinuimn iieitlier Ojtloni, Morphine nor other Nnrmtio
Mibatarifc. Its age in Itn ^lanintee. It destroy* Worta*
and lUlajs KeverMinc).*. It cure* Dinrrho-a ami Wind
Cttlif. It ry-ltf\«>s Tcethinir Trouble*, 'cure* C«u
und Flutiiii-tii-y, It nsMiiilbttv* the F<mhI, retnihUe* tltn
btoiniu-h iiiiu Itoucln, trivliijr healthy niid iintural nleep.
The CTulilreu'a i'aiuuva-Tho Mother’s I'ltend.


Ssteemed Lecturing Knight—Dr. C.
2t IUU6."
C. Webb.
, and-double English rioVu
-J. B. Merritt.
; beautiful decoration was the gift of
{Ralph Andersuu. one uf the meiutM-r»
“My two childmi hall tla- ort'Vr-.a.
'of tbe order and manager of Queen
le first nm- hail it for five iiionrti* -all
Ollier (luard-L. J..Lorenz.' ' C ty Floral company. The class Tn- over
tlie'Uslv and we lawl Iwe >lnc»i« |
The first imrt of the 'ceremnnlrs mated was the largest that has been tmil Isv. 1 sa»-|lier,iticoraUenK-diea ,
was admirably carried out by the of- received into the Elks' lo.lge for a<«ne mlrertised and bruiglit i‘ '
flem of Traverse C'ly lodge and U time, one iiotewbnhy element being Hoap and Cuiiriira Ouitromt un.l t utlcura I’ilb.aiiii
I’ilb.aiici niter ii-ingiltr
ii-ingiltrni ii .va-n't
la needless to state that the proev'd- the fart Ihal the youngest Elk In the but a, slsirt
sisirt while
nhile l■•1l•rv
Is-b-rv she
afar Sas riinsl
logs wore very entertaining, the work rotted States ua* adorned wiib My other rhild nos :dao artiicicl :
tlK I'ulinira
I'lilinira llemcdh-s
llemcdii-s cured
h.-r al-sj. -'itdgi- K|1S|IIS'I1, «r Ibi;,]
being very finely conducted. The sec- snilfts. the member being Earl Joycgrade. Leo Sklnger; aeventb grade.
Noke Dame.
ood part, however, was a reveUtioii w ho rocelued the initiation tmly a few \Vr think ilie Ciiliriirs KeiiK-thra iho Smiths f:,lln-r ceve a U.u.i l„r li,hat on the niarkei. .nnd weal»nys keep
Bertha BobMlir; eighth grade. Fred
fo many mpihlK-ra of Traverje.jClij' «»>'•> after lit* twenty flrat birthday. ] the Cutinim Sai> .-enl ('ittin;t.-i tbiit- Ihi)> a|>|x'ai'.im->- in i'oi.:l at .lu-- I

.u j
lodge. The ritual was exemplified: It was announced by Exalted Ruler merit on land. It. it Crtiwxm, Ls>vo> tlin.-. Smith waProm Prldsy's Record.
' Esther Orar. teacher.
li'.-ile of KiiUmaxoa nsyinm
Mrs Mabel Baltes Williams left insl with suitable, paraphertialin. and the Palmer that Traverse City lodge W.v. Texn-, Mjya). Iflltt
night for her home in Denver,-Colo. |offlcerm of Manistee lodge proved would !«• extended an Invitation
Till- iirw
rvudi: r>iniiiilv«i.,:. c'|
OipMbaria at Manlstfqua.
M. B. Holley toft iMt sight, tor'tbemselvea past masten In this very exemplfy the first..part of the ritual
4 li«.MStlvMatnMxIMk.*
K-!it ci,:itit>. thi- find of its kind Itij
ManMlqne Is hfivlng quite an epl- Chicago, where be will buy goods tor Jnspiiing ceremony. It was the fin- some time lii the near future In Man- ___________
ih,- stai.-. Is g.-ning ridtt down t..j
demlc of diphtheria, the first cases
juUonery department Ic.t exempllflcsllon of the ritual ever Isti-e and it ^oe* without saying that - -i'
I.UsliicMs and i-stttir.le-: <in lli<- >'■'-< of
Jnn.tii Hall of <lwn^^^l usqkv Fri­
appeaflag rarly la September, and ao
Hannah A Lay MercanUle Co.'s j,jven In Traverse City, and hideed It the invltniion will be accepted.
the prn|«>s>-d iii.prm.-nn tits
III find his iimoe burn­
tor tba Phrsiclaos have been unable
,(oted that the Manistee lodge
hs stated
le.-n secun-il. At 111.- lu.eling !l » Ho managi J to get his family
to check the dlaeaae. Several have’I| Mrii. Mary Coliflowar.
, ,unds first of aU the
decided to hits- an . expert t-iigjiii-. <Collflowqy. who
wbo bH been
tbe lodges of
ot 'MichMichoutside la-fore the house was Con ;nd .ejruy<-i. Thi- sime.vor will ledJed and there are many cues In the
extended atay In tbls^ii^ig
the exemplification of the from Saturday's Record,
city. Tbe aebools will not open for
y, Cedar Run Ufia morning wiks' ritual. District Deputy W. H.
Mrs. J, Donnovan rvturned
i.-mpbiyed i •■unaui-LlIy.
The t«dy uf the man killed
two weeks st tout.
for k visit
I Boyns. of Grand Rapids, witnessed pire thl^ morning.
I The Selti Aniomotille C TrasisnilsMrs. C. Halberg and Mrs, G. Sporre'uie ceHwonlcs and when they were
The Rt-v. aud Mrs. George E, Ldvk- ton last Wednesday and sent lo Ann aitiii company. iec»-jitty tirganln-.i Iv
left this
morning for Manistee where concluded gave a very Instruct ve and hart, who have hven spending two Arbor as that of Thomas Kearns rati ^toim..-, has .biM -d to lorat.- ;is
Uater AnderoM Dead.
—----------idonlifltsl h) the mother. Mrs. , Inrtory
Buckley. Micb, Nor. 8.-4tostor P.
retoUvra for a ahort : complimentary address whieh was w-eeks at "Hoine»i«>d." the BUBiin<-r u«t■ Is- idoni.flt
lV-l:oit. uiking lA.-r ll'*Andenoa, aged fi2. died Mtly this ,
Igrratly appreciated by all of the Elks home of Mr. and Mr*. John R- Santo. Mmy Ktarns
btick iiWdiiig at N.».
reiuraod to the <lt>- this morning.
i <>"org.- \V. IVniglass of Kalauiaztxi Ib-i-rlior :iv. >;-je, that city. The ftni; •
Boraing at- bit home here, after a
Charles Carver went to Summit present.
flvo-weeks' Illness of typhoid fever.
y, ,itand th^funeral of
J. 0. Corwin, tryv.’llug salesman tor <ll<-d from !i|H»iil«-xy while 'aitciidinc aitiel. 4 .if incoriK<iatton provitl.- l ,
He leaves a widow and oile cbHd. bep xiUotoon.
In the City i llUflUon sule. He
hisloQ of the .Initiatory undenakerB- suiipllt-s.
the luaiinfacl'ire of. - v-- •‘•'eg e--d
At tbe <
1 llvl'd on ihi- fa
■Ma UX ,.««>».
Si, ,. I. •
Koridl— I4n todi>' ectemonlcu. the Elks ut down to a
.111 t11 • .
• i' - b^
Tl. (
Mrs. E. R. Dallry. of Empire, who Isirn.
chiff ; ..i...
s .n.ti,
:(.lm iMcKay. Jan
inscath ami C. ar. Iiirent.-.! by William J. S.-ii: ol
Injj has been visiting friends In the elty.
l«, l>l1cker
Undertofcer E. L. Hogbei, of TravGeorge Orospoer, of Cedar.
Trnvcrae City, the feast having rtturaed home ihbi morning.
e City. e»me this morning to prethrough the city today on her
'"'^rM ^bv ihe*rt'cf Frank
N«- C. I'ultpr left this morning for 'Ul.-irk Hand " Jmcra mailed lM?twcca
The aiinouh.-. meat from ih.- a-idi
pan tbe wmatoa tor bnrtal.
Botrdmen. She wm
“ «J\'ima4 D BlaJdgood of Owosso wher,- she wilt visit her son, Wnnlpcg -n.l Medicine Hat. Dnmmy
tor gi-iierars offic- that H,.- will be held Bunday noon In ,^„p»ned by Mr. n>d Mn. Pr*d STLttle Tavera aaatoted to mem- 'VHUam R. Potter.
Packages put o.ft were si-lrltod away, tlonnieni of the r'linmry school luo;:'
tbe Buckley church, the Rev. Mr.
returned to South
, menibefs of the lodge. The servletT* *- Co*"°- «’ Empire.'retore- although offlrerw were on guard.
ey ciie,. Kviil nieii'.) oi,;> *4 per
Hopper omeiatlng.
rUiUng at Cedar.
In the d Dome this morning After a short
The Mlctlpan state lel. phone man ita cieai”.] (-iiiisi.-rmiiixii among li ------------------------Mira Mamie CUrk returned to
stay In the city.
! ag. re wul com.-te Battle Crei-k next
ns-mlh-rs of th.- ttrauri ItapiJs biuv.i
M. A C. Notes.
_ 'Kingsley Ihto morning.
I i.ble. arranged lengthwlae the length
The Misses May Stevens and Agnes Wednesday an.l Thursday. All-trouIlf e.liicati.';i. If ni' ..ex ibat tbi- tiai'i
bat Loaotng. Mien.. Nov. 11.—The
Helmforth. of Elmwood. l«ft , .
■ ..Me being
Solon tfate morning oo ble men" conn.-cted w th Michigan's
.-rs' s:.l:.-y f.tnd will i-an 122.*"“.
Mkhlgan Agrtcullural college
m. morning fm'^na whwe
7,“™:’*';independent telephone companies will

...... ... AND SniX ANOTHER


t Sears the Signaxnre of

The Kind Yon Have Always Bou^i
In Use For Over 30 Years.






^blc. The dining room capacity wm
Mr. and Mrs. B. H.uae retumeid to also be present
cdtoglate Athletic _ aaaocutlon »> „mp near that place.
, Hn...iriH.m tor the crowd nresent and Morlcy this momlgn.
| Mrs, Effle Norton of l,aVe
wheh organisation ^
Elbel Pocket left thto mom_
_ spread_ In Ulw
Mrs. W. D. Gray and diildren; left who wi I William H. Norton.
hgv. always conteMlad tor firwl bo®Harbor Springs for a vtolt- ngrlors cohere ^Ing laid ,or
morning for Newberry. L'.i 1*..
1’-. ma.rt^
marr^ iil an Ithaca celclihuton In ;
0(1 and have generally iocceeded la* _yj,
wito friends. She wm aceompaalad
The capacity of the tables was where ahe will Join her husband, who jpo*. being the l>est Unking co-jpUcfirrTtog away the championship P^t'.py
brotbepln-law. Orrin
uxed and many were nnabii. hwi secured a posiflon In a clothing i.nscntlng th.-rf>elves lor nurriag. .^
I who wUI vlalV*iriends at Mackinac
gna'»eaU- During the course of -store and will locate at Sewlieny ha* secun-.l -a divoic-. She alleg. *'
The faeoUy eemmittoe toat
the banquet music was furnished by iH-rmanently.
pdwUcally decided to withdraw
Hr. and Mrs. Robert Matchet and the musicians from Man
D krom
Thi- n-f.-it-nce
W. I). C. Germaine will n-turn
d. pannu-ni of tin,
UtaU- library has Just com|.).-led an
Joo. R. Santo wM ‘chosen toastmas­ Now York C.ty this evening.
Saturday townlhg charlevolt today and later left
Conductor A. T. Peck retfimed to (xliaotfiiv.- cmni.liatloii .m .Uucntl(.:iter and conducted the program
.when tbe Albion manacement noUfleA K,Bg,iay for a vtsll with friends.
Torr entertaining manner.
At his his duties on the O. R. & 1. this niorn- and public schools fur th.- use of th,Odacb Brewer that the «*me aehea |
jg pierce, of Kalamaioo, Is right Mt DUlrtci Deputy ...............
W. H. Boyns •----lug after
t we«-ks' vacatiuD Which state cousi.tuUunal coiivenilan
n|pd for
afternoon would —
be In the city on business.
.w. Saturday ---------------------buamess.
f, Exalted pult-r
lns*tl s.ibstani-'- I Ihr Ihwv «
and. at his ,left
Rulc-r C
C. A
A. hi-spent
hi- spent trislilng
trislilng frienox
friends at
a Coldt
deatji of, Mrs. Ik-Ila A. Bii.kl.-).- ..f Ib-lh^
the game and Coach Brewer
i.rd.'d a JmlEm.-iti of* cousin. Martin Pi-rrln.
aadUtely communicated with
Mrs. T. M^. Colby left this moi nllig egaitui )ii r hurl.aiid in
was heartily enjoyed by
p(««hen and attempted to persuade
Arthur Lardfe went to Montreal. ber present:
an bill i»
for Tustin.
them to cone to Lanaing.
Can . ibis morning to visit his psii^ifigjwlllrh she hu.l (ur;iish-,l to him to
Chnuncej- Carrier left tU;*
Clam Bouillon
Tho stndenU at the college held
jiay off mongne-s ..u t,i- f;.mi Tlx
for Kingsley.
Long Island Wafers
couple have Si-parat.-.l >. i, —1 liiii-Mr*. H. C. Wodgeti went to Elk
Mrs. Eliza Btinsor.. mother of
lag and declared that Athletic rela- lUplds today where she has a das*
Oyster Cocktotl
during the twenty y.;i;-- ..f ih.'i- n,a
Miller, who was vMlUn|J
Pickles from Maho. left fur Canada aceom- rie.l Iif.
ttona with Albion should be severed. of 16 pupils in piano Inwtructlon.
t expended conBoast Turkey
panled by Mrs. W. J. Wilson, sister of j |{-ii;;s l>,iirni..ud.
lUX.lllVandermode. of Grand Rapids,
alderable money In gdreriltlng and wbo bM been visiting his brother.)
Cranberry Sauce
Mrs. Ed. J. Miller. 143 Slate htr«-t. jfr„:u < was l.i-ind try.rg te
aeenring officials for
Saturdiy's William Vandermade and family, left Veal Loaf
Pressed ^ckei
Cl'Jtrles Benhelt. manager .if the eet-r tlx- resldeiu-.- xi Mrs Davxl
this afternoon tor a visit with friend* j
Cabbage i la Royal
Grand opera house, ha* rvtuilu-d fioiu S.-e ..t liunflcffil Slx-iiff enui, y r--:-:
Mashed Potatoes
Oroeo Pei.- a business trip to Grand Rapids,,Ik'ti-^wnnl<..t.-d with th- tiwo-.-., uniimn■t Charlevoix.
I anticlCfiuse s large attendance
White Bread
Brown Bread
ton Harbor and Chicago,
|tle* u:u! was^reet-.i i.. put th.- mat;
' SwM Cheese
Mm. Mary McKercher aud daugh- on a .nun and be’d h- met i,Elks Had a Big Time.
M. A. C. and Albion bave been bit
American Cheese
iter. Ml'-s Grace, of IvatsoO. are to the Durand D.-arninn.’. »h,. is
> ■
The big meeting of the Elks Satur­
ter rivals for several yean and the
. M. was ,t,irl.-d a;-m- .,m ib-day evening wm a led letter event lo
local stadenta are of the opinion that
K. ivher will leave Monday for Ite-Vfini Jtuira.-i
the blslory of Traverse City lodge ^Jo.
Albion purposely waited until Satur­
After the good things had been dis- tio.t tor a two weeks' stey.
i.'l Sliv.l.T flfr.J
Th.- civil siii
It was one of the finest galberday morning before cneellng the
held ln TraTerse P»e*l of- Toasimaster Samo gave a
^ _
who i-aelies «t at f'harliUle hro-n^t I,-.- MIX J.-xIni^ she Elks
game. Coach Brewer wm told Balur City, msny coming from surrounding »»»» cordial welcome to the vlstiing'^j^
1 g,
Bunllay with h.; K-ll) f,,r. th- .ilheej scliinc
*<-llinc xL^xr
day morning while tolking with the
towns, the biggest bunch.
Albion management over the long dls- being a delegatton ot 60 from Manhumor interspers.-dGihfon
and daughter.!.
of r-.-irt aud th*- e..,
Unce phone that the Methodists istec*. headed by C. A. Palmer. exalUnl
Mike Fay. one of the
p,.„, MaJ- No crm-ual uaminiloday
were not anxious lo meet the farmers
ruler of Manistee lodge No. 2S0.
"f «>«’
^pcanse "Coach Brewer Is attempting lowing In hta train being a bunch of
friend* In Saginaw and Do-' Of th- l*t rriwlnal rasex
prominent clUteni. The dHegatlon »'«» delivered by tnlied State* Dis ,
bad Mr*. Myr.m HendoraoD left ar- f„r ar.-s-cT MUstior - ot th
rame br special train from Manistee ‘flct Attorney O. G. Covell Herman
.tu-rnoon ft,r Rapid City. [Alter t.o*„ law He- eomidaintng »i:ois*.
I Stewart's <
“”’ ja visit with friend* they will n-fatn being Sheriff Graham, wic
and was met at the depot by .
,t — ... c.
and ship Ibelr hous«d:old goods to .pursuing a vigop.v, rr-i>:.f- agalmar« or Tr...... C,w lo,,..
! D,...a /HI, having U-cided loin
Iniak.-, blind pic*.
* .Sr iB.err to *»r «.*••«• trim IlcWtaC. Ibe Elki'band. Tbe dMagatlons from »Poaded to an encore with a seiec-ip^^,,^
ilUrdisi or Prxrudiu PlW. wM Isitbj Striek.-ti with aciii- ;u<S c—tffv
both lodge, formed In line at the de- *><>« “o
cornet, playing the piano ,
soon alter arriving at Battb- Cr.s-v
pot and marched to the lodge ,room* nccompanlment himself.
^ nilltoghsm. of Scottvl
4n an Impoalng array. Front street
Exalted Ruler Palmer addressed
of hu daughter. Mre.‘ H. P- from Ijikv Odeesa. for a long po-ipom-d visit. Mrs. Mary Houleit. agt-1
was brill antly Waratoaied with red tbe Elks to a very Inspiring strain. McCowbb and family.
|T4. di.s! r'lldav. Mr*. Howlett had •.
each one of the E3ka carried and eveo'body who'ha* heard Mr i---------------niece there whom she hr.i1_ n->t see;.
mSmsS rreu lirt >aa sad tu<ni4ias pUn ^ne or more Roman candles which Palmar make an address will realize |
Bute N.
Ubl/t, wn so ted .tel Ik.) av-Miuite Bf
Cad.IUc lodge of Elks U planning for IT yean., and her rts;
ateoim rr«B p.«(s*.isasl dali-o
I ote made a very brilliant lllomtaation on that It was filled with much that is
the street. Tbe parade was watched entertaining M well m Instructive w to purchase a dialrable rraldencc to tht* fact.
"iS' by hunfirefis of psople ;atAerefi atong tbe Elks. Ipmedlaiely upon the eon- property close to the b-zilness secDennis E Smith, of Olivet who
...... ............-jrks.
of* the
dty which it will iiM for was convicted of robbing a mall box
jihe walks to geet tbe Elks aij ^^eir .eloalon of —.
Mr. Pnimprs
-----.k« lion
|Mantst<w hunch delivered the follow- a temple.
in.-ar MUIet*. has.^te>ep rt-l-a*ed. by
vUltlag btelbren,


.Dr. A. W. Chase's



s.b..-4 b;:di-i


which »

New Districts Now Opened
for Settlement

Sm, rt tk,
Urn* U Ih. (ntMiatM
lell. 1.1 t^mU k. ...

Ih. oresiule .hu
W. %.UIH tlV
.r- l.t-.-r

1.—In* 1. nrb

sill >w SVl CWgptx. ■rt.lMl,

M. & *. J. T»H OT
<Cms4r... via it 41* 8..



................... .14 10 piL Sisa B
------------Vi*"iv.ra*i-i a *"* B E.

r-«in, fur <>d*r il'.., *ad P
« * m. aull
“r»T.. Irmn fetUr lily and
ii > :i* IS oaua.o- n In

If j’^ou are
u‘-n(f don't tli-mge for
met prop’c fnd it bard to
B--t good tof:, I-. BUT if
you are not isiiffied—try




an-! if
• ••Sqnar*
lag cup
p cof cofiee that
all coffee.


XXXX Coffee is prepared
to gel your f*-/or, and to
hold it. Sold by


First-ass s

- -i with your feet
; shot* yon 'fon't

«, .t-H.ipI Pan Shof6 ure.
N, l.-:w cl^inp bni bow stood
•k the .‘ay khey are ma'.le.
A-k alir»jt ihr.
Shoe, for men and boys.





'card ter nj babr >Uur?
8b« !■
'quite a UUle babr- 8be eaa Ui«b.
, We have tou ot (os alto her. I cota*
I wltr ck»e.

Uln Toaag. 8be is a good Ueeber ffioak. Sonirtlmea sbe sbaTte tbe rim'nod while tber are gulag up toet
1 wat to Traveiwe Cltr once wtto pa- and Uates a circle on the knob ot <!»nce. eiap their hands, pass a tat.
!«. bat I dM not wee ro». Mabel Bate* bis bead at the back. Jnst as roo se.,- «vtr aad muler toe hall, catch It «i.
WitUaiBs was oitr president then aad hair cm toe small Japanese doI*» l^e >i,rks « their bauds and guide
she ,gare me mr button aad eem And again. sometin>ea sbe will leave;;- ar-.-nd the irom or aloog toe toa*
NaUiie Haubeiter.____
card when 1 got bome. t go to San- onl.v a scalplock and two toreloeks. a: aill
•Mm M« R*0UlMl« ■ «l Tit*
Tobt IfUle babr Nator aball bare
in these diPerent wars. Just as an i Whh tor« tbijr do wonderful tricks
but I
pecker sidled araoad a tree uunk
HmM Vmm« ^Ikt s«imMm
Ido Jwt aa aooa as r«a send me ^ u>Aay tor J bare
and peered at bar wlto bright area, her ____ .Natalie. l wball be WT.goeas I will close as mr Utter to
Your praaideoi, Unghad acftlr to her- glad to hare bar tor Ctadle Roll ba- ttok long. With tore
tocees wnh his hair nnUI he goes to into tbe band. From the band tber
rba and
self, aad went on her waj. gdad to braebooi. which be does when be H make It Jump' to the edge of a sword,
•bMrt MjrtMn*.
toe BuabeaBto. I an
kaow that toe KtUa fiirrr Mk « toe

hee or six rears old.
where U goes on spinBing. They can
Tour true Sunbeam.
I will try to b* •
The liiue girls. Just ap soon as tber' even throw
toto the air in soeb a
Age 10.
Edna Jobwoa.i
Mn^p4 malw wt%r
air were all aboot her.
o«. s». i»7.
able to do so. carry tbelr babr way that
in come back to tbem
ditr roo mar call
gaddenlrabecame toanopen qiaee Dew Preald«tme, too. aad that we mar reallr art btntbrra and vUters about on their again Uhe
bncka. It kmks tonnr enou^ to see ’
aad erted out with pleaauiw lor there
I twgbt to bare wrtuea to T9a for ,
a little girl carrying a baby aitaoet
before ber erm was a witch basdT a kmg time but now I wUl wrtta I
miy IMfis thln^
OowY Low It
:JUEsf :St
as large as herself on her back and
bush to too blostom. Powers to No- »«" been picking up potatnea tor a
Summit Cltr. Nlch_ R. F. & No.!
There are tome things (n ihU world
trember are atraage
aren’t long
—------------------- time, but bare atarted to ^ool
Not. «. 1007.1
hard to keep. Riches, tbe
Ton wonibr how the baby stays on.‘proverb
tber? Tbto.brave UtUe bush always
Ibis morning. As I was going iwr President—

rs, take wing* and fly away

......................... snd a with many of life's treasures:
bloesoms then,-----------after lU
dried, dtod U> aebooi 1 aawaUrge Hock ot wl!d
)t has been----a —a
kwg ---------------time stocei 1 If be Is - - ‘•“'T
-------------------------------------leavea base fallen. Your prealdent *«•« *yJog »outo. toe aecond flock wrote to you. One ot my Uttle gtftdl**
**® ‘>«**«* their
_ Is uncertaSa. But oih....... p^Jssesaloa
wlabod yoB could base Bern It too. > base seen tola fall, hot It was toe gsbea died. I base's lltt:e btotoer.
1th that plump Btile ahavshav- „ ,bmg* are our verv
very own We canmotoer."'
boeauae toe queer yellow bloaaomt Mnml flock 1 ever oaw. We base He will be two moBtos old on the
“• •‘'’f
««*" than aa not kwe them or be deprtsed of them ‘‘bere they are: I ml.-ht base been
looked aa toough all toe aBoahlne ot toree caU named Teddy. SoUle and' ninth of Xovem>-er HU name it
wonder why be does not make a QQif.^ «« «i,i
. aewlng ail toU Umedf I had kept my
toe afiemooa bad gotton Ungled In Miflt. WIU you pleaae pot UnIce E. h, i
lard Hnlett Will yon please»
"I can never keep anything.’' cried lemiieT."
toe branebea. How i
. you Taylor:* nsme OB the Cradle Roll’Sbe pnt hU name on tbe Ciadle Roll? h,'«o wb*t hU nurse is doing a yo-jTHc girl, 'almost stamping wttb
A Pretty Story.
know sritto base] flow, s. and the was two years old last May. 8hf U a u raining today and it rained and
*“ ^ staring up at the eua
newsht.y took the Sixth aseaoefunny eeeo-poda that * -pop- and send neighbor’s baby. I will ck^'wltb mowed yesterday. Papa has’
« becoming blind. ^Jl^Jr^4^Le^y*^iajTtok«
tn New York cliy and sliding «atoe Boods flying through toe air? tore to all the Snnshlnera.
to town and left Up and toe hl^
things .way and toses toL”
I am yoBr friend.
Brer so many years ago ■
-.v..,! then, my dear.- resumed'her
Blrl with mamma
and baby. The babyi*^ '*’** "*« ®”'y
j *”-tvwrt’hermvT^^^
her'1 **> ooe of tbe cross swta^^aUeop. .
Inex Barratt
folk betlesed that there was magic la
hs. been sick, but 1. better no*. WeU
. r^vor teJ^
actually srleep. His bead rolls around
temjwL If yon
ery'IntercoUng it ma^ base j
witch hatel. and a rod cut from the
but he dm* not wake up as hi. nnrsr
^ “'■» y®*
tba'4cr~ Ml. fee. were bare and his
brwh would quiver If held over burled been I base seen tbe gocse going
> er. Ur.
treaanre. But your president llkee to ““‘b. I should like to bare aeon
i haj„ wjhi, ^i, thjak bis Cradle ui™ . too.
It U surprising how many gajne*
bad u^ your time tn
oser and piMwd
think that tbe falry-magle la witch toem. too.
ludi earn is pretty. When be geU
like ours the Japs' have.
Besides •«'«blng for the lost scissoru. you
hatel Is Ui toe pretty Icaaon «»•«__
tdder be can be a real Sunsbiner.
1, iw^. mt
____ ________
Tnrei8k.CltT. Mich, R. F. D No. 4
hopscotch there are battledore and
dlrtv cbeek. An old geatlemaa la the
abutUftick. archery, bouncing balls.. Tw have only gol into a passion and
"We do not mind toe cold, gray sky.]
Nor. 1. 1107.
smUed at the act and «ttoRaohw^t-Sabr M llw TraatoR.
waytng anything held out a qnar“O. rock-a-bj-toabr •« toe tra»top." tbe autuma rain, and leaflees trees. Dear Prealdent—
ter with a aod toward the boy. Tte
Daaie Nairn to aatasB Soto a!ac: See bow we Moeeom and shine in' I toongbt t would write yon a few tt««r Presidentsers and loalng them.
and mauy forfeit game*. One game lemiwr. my dear, and wben anything sSri I
d a tuqment
. Daar ItttM babr ba4a aafelr mar atop
gone! Smile with tie. and carry tbe button and was very gUd to get them, time but you see I go to school ail Is quite like "SlinoB says nbutnbs is mlslald'keep cool and look for it, | reaitoed tor
JB aouK little cradlea till aprlBc.
sunshine into the duU days as we One day I went In to get my button day. I went pant Traverse City this up.' ** It is ealled bans hana: whicb You would better keep your temper, j as sIleBtly oSered a dl3»r«eil|maa
You’re locked in a blahket downy and da" So your president smiled, as to wear and It waa not there. I mast ,ummer. I was up at Walloon LaA in Esgilsb means nose, nose Tbe even It you lr»e all the little property [ across tbv aisle held out some peMlea.
^ .otl.
the witch hasel seemed to wlah. and have lost It some Ume. t was very | had a n«ec lime up there. I thought iWdcr puts hU drat Anger on bis nose you have; getttug Into a paaDon nev ‘and before she knew It the girt wtto
^ntod need have no fear of toe frost walked OB.
BOiry that 1 lost It 1 looked all over of you when I wen. through Traverse and rays. "note, nose, nose, eye." at «T bring* anything to light except an ; flaming cheeks bad taken moBcy
Totfse nothing to do
swing up
The leaves had nearly al! fallen, hut could not And li. Will you send citv. 1 have apt Icut mv Sunshine but- the same time clapping his Anger t>u untaappv face; aod by losing your tem-Lfrom every paasenger tn that end of
> she looked up overhead at the »e another? 1 will be very glad to .on. I have a Tedflv bear
It is bis chin. Tbe others who are looking per yo-j commit two aiiia--you your- tbe car. Sbe quietly slid tbe amoaat
at him bard Vobsbiy urill And UAlr self get into a pasaloo. and you ac- into tbe eleeplng lads pocket rela toe arai of toe mother-tree toss- bar* braoebes and noticed bow the ««» It Well, yon wanted to know wM,e.
Angers on their cbln*. too. unless cuoe somebody ejse of doing wrong moved ber muff gently from mder
siinahlne glittered against the leaf what my coon's name was. One ds.v
youra very truly,
they have remembered to do what So. my dear. I rv-peat.'Keep your tern-^ his bead without touiAag him nd
budsewsytogeo far
nbore her. Did we had tt out doors to play and cat
Carmen McKercber.
*Anrwben the wind blowa, the era- yog evernoUee how
tbe leader «sld instead of what be per.' "
I got off a. Twenty-third street toetodqneertoe IllUe »ome apples, and one morning ahen Ii should like to have sewn yon. Cap
la mked."
buds are? Here U what
trtoeper-;*ot up It was gone aud we cannot men, and hope that I mav. next tlm
The daughter began to think She' Ingatl the passengers tn a prottr Ul- Tbe wtod h yonr ancle, be makes
The Iwy.k hare kJU- battles. The got over her 111-humor, aearehed for tie tocllnatlon of tha head that awspm lelu about tbem;
And tW anywhere, so all the pets we ,ou pass through Traverue City.
e noise U be anre; yoa muat noi
strings aie gummed with iMwdered seliwora and found them In her own 4-d full of thanks aod the poaseaston
________________ "In all cointrics where the weatl«- ’
U a cat and little puppy. WeU., .
. be Bboekod
glass. Two boy* will try to cut the work-bag
write to the Sun-'
Weys ef Tiny Japs.
er U COM. buds have little coverings «nf »‘*>er wauls
i 01 s common secret
If BOtaetlme* too roughly be shakes. of scales Uke those of tbe Ash. These »Wne Hub. She thinks sh.- would
lu Jaiiau there ore a lot of babiof. sirings ol each other’s , kite with
ecalee are very thick, and are glued
to be a Sunsblper. eo ! gue*4 i In the day time tbe eireew. lined •“■"‘•‘■''d siass. Or ewurse. tbe kite
The ground with toe snow will, be together by a sticky substance, to *■••• close for this time. CoodliyV. with the paper'-kUted bouscH. are fuli attaclu-ii to the •‘iriiic which is Ar^-t
gUstonlng and white.
keep toem snug from the cold winter] P«.m your Sunshlnei.
.< ih- m. Tbe rtrevt Is their o-,lv j<7' A*-' 4»-*y. to the owti.-r'k sorrow
Tbe Unb will be far. tar away.
For the buds tbal you se^- In i
EUa Tlanimoiul
l U yr.iuird Tlu-te are- so tunny in till- •=’<1
.’ •- "f •‘i-' ‘•;*l>03*-tit. Thst i.
Tha atreama and toe bnoka will be tbe epring are not new buds, but ' Tour ooon must Ii0\e 1u-.-u n'q;ii-.-t >trei t-t that If >o;i n«et t.i ^■id^ oil
on p -■ W’eh ’■ lt<-r w.iv ot fisl:;!;:.: than
tettened up tight;
lade last year. Just as the l*'l >1 w»» K’® bad be sot away.
horw thrjeuh ili.m >oi
'Most people know tkat if they have
! ' So aleep. pretty dsrUaga. Ull May. leaves were falling.
a fa-J-rni-tilUic .-Jai."
to clv;^r! Tluo
Jlwmb wrijsilltig bm flkk they need Scoffs Emuh
“Theie QBeer little 'winter ctadl.V
Truvetse city, Mk-h .R.F. I). No. 1. the way, a funny thing ahum a l1iilt-,Two lo; * ^li down oppo.;..- eaeS oti,
"And when the wind eeaaee tbe cra­ rock bB«k and forth, through all the
j/cn to bring back health and itrc&gth.
.Kov. 1. 1!h)7..
’’Jap- Is that wben'be 1* push.d ovir ■'> *»'*
hold ol hands with th-.dle WUl tall."
blcak winds of winter, and toe Uny Dear Presldinthr dU-a licit cry. He lulls down liarjl «*:««»« - ji the air. Then they prrsVoe need not sUrt np U aland;
buds In them are os safe from barm | I thought I would write a few iliu» .-norigt.. you ibluk. to make a h«>b-j I 'ic^ihunibs together hard, eaeb to­
But the strongeat point about Seotfs
Ue atill. and sloop on UD you bear ns toe baby by your own coxy Are. *« ’fH To>x that I would like to Join in the •troci and you listen to h.-Jt; :i“K
l•>“b the other down. The*Emulsion » that yoa don't have to b*
tbe birds oaa,
aad quite as warm.
Sunshine Club. Wlli you send tuo u -boohou." For a niomuni y»u lliinl: o’ri Intlld snow forts and have snow
sick to get'resnltfl fram iL
Whr nothing «an do toe toast ham.
“II you could look Inside these cii- “
•“<> button? Fi>r peU we bave then- Is to but there Isn'i bsttlts tn me wlr.t.-r time,
rtous <endles’ yc*u would And them " I'OPP}’- bte name Is I’ompey; and a The voungUer Is still a moment tot K'ery boy and girl who has seen
tbe wind
O. Wbc
toe birds lined with a soft downy substance. t«thls name la Tommv. I am a little c.dket himecir. and then he Jumps up “»■
It keept up the athlete’s stretkith. pots fst
has seen the Japanese
am* bome.
Iwhlch is really tbq-bud's little blaneleven year* old and t am going on his awkward liillc wooden shoe* Jt'CSl*:-- If )ou could go to Japan
on thin people makes a fretful baby happy.
Tbe Aireamtot and brooklet
tk«. that keeps H so nice and warm
school next week. My t.-acber's and rms off l« play. Oddly, although
•euld know why Japanese Jug
brings color to a pale gnfi rhrrfri, and pretn Its Yrodle.'
name Is Miss bulinan. I tike her very t'-e porches do not bave rail* around R''’« »’» «> clever, for the Japanes
Aad «nt to iMa suMhtoo toe bntt«"W’hen the weather gets warm
My studle. are artthmeXic. ih-m, the batles never tumtle froin '®''“
■pents coaghs, col^ aad consumptia
! enough, the bnd begins to aweU. *pA>^«dlng. language, epelllug. geogra- them.
i J'laRllDg «ito bouncing balU .and

A birthday in Japan does not mean
Tfc<y throw them up In tbe alt
ed foi
Food m cancel
real birthday. Everybody ha* Ihe]-.
wsl^ yoong and old* rich and poor.
birthday. It U New Year'oj
quietly drop oB, as there Is
btoaket and aU."
nothing tor tbem to do while tbe Hammond, aad be would like
JolD day. and tbe bo.vs mud glrU eacbliave^
O. baby bads, aang to pour, saat i
Andit cootaiiu no drags and no aleohsL
that another birthday besides. The girls
i^vaa grow bigger and bigger, all the
K^ts a little Uop'r
tte •pttorUm* has come, to# n
he can write. Well. 1 guess I will Is the third of the third monih. which
softly tall.
"There are leaf buds and dower
for this time, so good-bye.
wo dd be March Z. and the boys, tbe
TV wtod U now laktog a rest
bada. Ton may know them by tbelr
dftb day uf the Aflb month, which, of




Cut Stone Work

I for rick and

shapes. Leaf buda are Ung and point^I« Mae Hammond.
ed and the flower bods are round and
M ®1<« *o bare yon for ■ Sub
abort 8<Kne of these UtUe buds have •bine glri. Sadie. I am glad'that you
leaves and flowers too. Don't you wrote.

wonder how ao moch can come ont of
Glen Arbor. Hlcb..
ao small a Iblng? No one but Ood
Nov. S. 1W7.
oonld do It.
“In very warm countries toe buds Dear Preoldent—
a baby bnda, baby buds, wake from
I thought I would write a letter to
do not have toe coverings of which
your alaop.
we have told you. beeanse they Ao
“ I have not wriUen for a 1on)t
The woods are oU laaBcM and
not need them. A thick covering
• «a
nn*! hope his letter
-__________ _
would do toem a greot
giwU deal of harm, will Sod you the same. We have a
sens MO m coiag
Is Bhep. He U
to koapT
your winter orercoat to toe heat of •
kind and gentle dog. We have
.U raniy 1a ttoM yea
j toree eata. I go to sebool every day.


conree. would be May 5. The moment
a blinking, almond-eyed "Jap" baby
Is born. he. or sbe. I* a year old.
Wb<-n New Yeaifls 'Day comes be l»
During that tr>’ing period in
t»-o years old.
If he was born
which womeo so often suffer
as tbe bell In tbe t<-rople was ringing
from . nervORsness, backache,
the last stroke Twfore midnight of
sick headache, or other pains.
New Year’s Eve. be would be two
there is nothing that can equal
years eld when tbe Am stroke cf
Dr. Miles’ Anti-Pain PUIa
New Years’ Day rang out
toe air. \: -Xhey stop the pains, soothe the
Everrbody bs4 a good time
ncrvcA and give to
great blrttaday. The Tun Is *ui*pbse0
to last two weeks,
The girls on tbelr birthday get out
the relief so much desired. If
tbelr dolls. You have seen Japaneeo
taken on first indication of
Do you wonder that your piealdent I
my teacher very well. His name dolb with pink ebeeks. queer Ast
pain or misery, they will allay
rilday. NOT. A. IPOT.
the irritable condition of the
hem. Joining atoeo last re
Berves, and save >*00 further
many iure'no* I>«t 1 expect to pass into the Afth beads. Well, they have big and IIISORCd:
suffering. Those who use them
like that.
Some of th<nice things fte saw on her walk.;to a ■‘'“rt
> Vve two il*terA-<tle doUs> like
Tboflsaa White. Solos. Mich.
I at regular imervals have cea*Each


’ Sadie Mae Hanunond. Travetue
ed to dread these periods. They
rbe leaned by watching aud studying j®toer sjalerf tune. Ella Werner that yini have to K«»k twice to, see
oty. Mich.. R. F. D. Na 4.
conuin no harmful drugs, and
‘The November w^lk in the wood*
mr younger sUtcr's name.
M) whether they an- r«-al or' make b.; leave no effect upon the heart
H. Y. F. SwfHW"* Ctoh Crodla RelL was aoe ot the happiest thing* she brother*' name* are August and Her- Ueve Thi- girlii carry their dolls Isior stomach if token as directed.
had .this year, and
sbe could «»•««. My sUler BIU Is In tbe alxtb tened on toetr backs. Just as their
Unle* E Tayler. ago tsro yean,
Little ^ "i'\fv,
,u in^i' Ac t
lammlt City. Mlto. Name sent by talk ever ao much longer about It If «t«d seventh gradro. Sbe goes to mothers once carried iheii.
time (or ns to have some eebool, too. I have several i>lay- girl* and boy-* the world over, wheq
taes Barratt
mates that have Jola^d the Sunthlov Uk-j- can have half a .chance. Uke to
---- — ^
WlUls LeoMrd Hnlett. age two
Club. We have four bors<« on oar dq just os "growa-up*" do,
aad' r«it.” l'think'had f
mootha. SammM Oty. Mich. K F. D. I
farm. 7 Beir names are Maud. Topi^.v.! on the boy*' birthday the air <«| ... ...• .— *—takaa ;
' - No. t Nome arat by Rhoda Hulett
DoUie and Jim. Irt Ihe country the full of stisnge Aab. whicb look a< if
D-, Mll«’ Antl-Rsla FW* are sM bg<
have come at laat. but we doat care.
1 thought 1 wpuW write a letter to loa- «pd red. They look very pretty, tbe wind They are on top of pole. '
*0 we. Sunablners? We all love prel-jyon. I have been pickingup pow- *■ ihave nothing more to say. I will scO every toy is holding one of tb.*.to aeeiwts. and that la Juat what toeae toes. 1 get a cent a bushel I do not t^toee tor lodsy. hoping to hue this lu np; The n«h are of pai>er. Tb>- ui'i-l
Milo Medicfll Co, KIHlwyladJ
Rtoet fall days are fnll of now. We know bow many bushels I picked up. prto<- < *1"
• IttU*’
i l^Iows through them and make* then
If they,
■Mb* the floweru and the bright-col-1 We have nine eows'and nine calve*. I Mabel Holland la my
a name.
jwrtecl.- Uck and forth.
America Is in#- naiioo:
| cctually swimming
«»d leaves, of conrae. and tbe birds j Afteen shctni and lour hor»e*. f have
go to Port Oneida *ch»>ol
with tbelr gay plumage and lovely two atstei<i ami one broshor One '
I Til.- Ja'.auv»-‘ •iiilh.-i »i-lithta«
rr slv I *" To get my .-I'u-ntion,
anaga But it i* aaeh tun to hunt for three year* old and
' «?..:vc--.h- h.-ad «; sh,-Jap.
the iwetiy things'that are itlll here. I My brother
i-l.-vcn I giiv** 1 hat?' FrtTU your true S-in-bln.T.
.r >:i- .'*-1
B L' S1 N E S S
and If we look rioeriy
enough we,told my n»ry
tfaU llu-e I*lru*-j
Mat'C-: M- HoUiuJ
Whsi a tunny, cimnin: . little v. .-vUN I\ ER SITV
cannM fall to And them.
[send ni<- n eard uod button
that Isf I laughed when 1 rvad it'
The «ber day yonr preeUent took I Your liulc Sunshine tx^-. .
.\u,l tL.-u v!,..l a
>.,> -! ■
' a loug walk, and dear me. stoat a
’Itooma* White
you-R men sno w;r-en to
- I»iavck l.itn*' IVinuti* *hf all! e”
«r;r. mOeocnOvnev sRO su:k
W of IntervutlBg thing* ahe .dlacev- ] Write again <*oon 1 was *0 pkqm-d
Maulstet-. Mi^,!ovt.r i;b ti>-.yd except one epot. al Ib-ecss.
It hat piven the ttart
er*d: In tbe Aral place, sbe thought to get your aleef letter.
Nov. 3. IStC. ibeck Of the ueck Here she will le.ito mousano* upen thous­
ahe wa* s'.onc. hut all of a snddra
Dett President—
{a litilc tuft ot hair, Hke a small I'n
and* at young pccpic. It
nancy gi^ rabbit scampetvd ncros
kviUe. Mich..
It has been kucb a Iscg Ume since r!* Sam's ehli: wbikker. A lHi> Ister
can help you. Write for our
catalogue and g'W u* .the
ton ronA Then.
V. 4.' 19P7. |l
Il wrcle
to tbe Sunshine Club that I vhe does vrlto bki hair what i> done
Chance by spending the nest
Chipmunk begatt
•thought t would write today. ! go' to!with some dog*, and wfcst garoenerk
s>x month* with ua- Enter
be saw her be ast op on bis hannehen: I gnon* I will answer yonr Iriter school every day. but have noi been do with some shrub* on the law*,
a* stm as a piece of llcbeo. then, which I receivi-d long aga I have lately because 1 have been elck. My she trie* to cut.It In queer shape*,
W. F. Jewell. President. R.
J. Bennett DA. C. R. A,
when be thonght ah* wasn't lookiss not had time to write very much, *0 studks are reading, grammar, arltb la order to eee which i* tbe moat
Principal. 15 Wileea »U
wMoked ont of night ta an Instant tonight I wfQ answer. I hare not metic. speUlng and writing. I am In becoming Sometimes sbe shave* Ue
Detroit Mkeh.
Than toete was a nudden whir of lost my pin. I am in the fourth grade toe third grade. Hike to go to school top and leave* the hair growing
Vtog* overbead. aM a downy wood jyet. Wtll yon send mv a Ondle Roll^every dx.r. My teaebers name ujatound iba tslge la a ring, tike
Tbe Wtda Vve reUned. and mead
ow and nook
MNodkMH ring with toalr ang.
And. triUtog a cboraa. both streamM
and brook
Aio dashing and rippling ateng.





You Want A Homa
You will Dv'vt-r reerel the step and in a few years your
home wUI be paid for. Get out of the rent class.
t can aeil you an
, (haa rent and think ot toe

easy paymenU. It wont cost von t

tafisfacUon of oaning » bum? of jout own.•

Ask lor Floyd Smltn



N tbe prt«;-;cl of 1 r b«*l Mlc'hig^
wlnt*r wheat, and there U no better
fli'.:r UQ tbe market.
1; - givi-I for broad, cakt-s. or pan•ji-

n MM
.. 9 .k.
tne II,...
nosr ^Iffh
witii all
au rk,
tae arwirt


M the wheat



. .Jib






thurmaV. movoimr m.


bonaa'and retan to tba ftra. Heat ajhas to be laid aalda.
On Satnr^.'thU and lift vlthoot biaaklaf «
a'ed. rtondv Ml > the entire tumbler
pint ot milk Into which fou hara eUr>jbefore the clotlm are aoRed tor the'vamml platter. letOnf the crarjr
acqsalnuare who foud tb«
I pUm^ of coda, thicken wtth a waablnc. look over i
• drain orer U. Now Karviah with par- food d.-abea. atHlrea and floor <t her
J of batter rubbed Into blecloths and napktoa. boidinp tkrm' aler and kcrre at once,
paatry tairly aiive with red ani»
two of Oonr, poar thU thickened mOk to the llsht. Uae e
dashed rayeune p^{>er freely ore
wltb the oaaUtjr of tite llti
r Carpal and Ruga. them. • The neii monlng there wer.
erery thin pUce aboald; be
One of the rbeapest and prettleat no ilgcs o( iir,. amemg them,
1 M neatly aa poaafble. rugs tor a kitchen or da’ng
- Split Pay Soup.
jvon have no Idea how rncch lodger^ may he made at odd rnomenU from'
.nc Clock.
kina ahoDid be bid tightly together,
One of the after dellgbu of cook- n„„ *iti
j„ u,i, twenty pound, of ordinary carp-l
r .-r clock «
na there ought to be no preasure on
j rags. ' « thee are an cwton and of »tox-rooei .< lock set, out of order thy
them. Keep poutoea la barreb or ing corned boot la a spill pea or bom-j „y.
toy Bonp. Set the kettle of liquor
^bright coSora so much the better. Vae
th r.« I* to taken to eotne one
A man cao build a palaca,
aside orer night. Ilemove the “•‘'u-y „r later become worn and unfit lor “• enxhet hook which the handy
cj, .„ias and repair
OB poUtoeg in the aprtng.
WUli tcftr «alU and atout;
aDTatin are too
lul be ««=
‘*7 «t«
Tou f«un a
It. but n tfc- l.tile kitchen dock.
If iitlng a dlaUnce from market In of aoUdlfled fat on tbc »«rtace-lhls J
A-fcaa can build a tample.
U excdlent for frying. Soak a ptator;,^^„
hickory stick. Just use the ordinary
co-t.H .c-nlj a doU.r or two at
Wltb blfh aad Bpacloua domr: a cold country where there U much
more of apllt peaa orer night or Uke
‘•"fx-t balU. If you fltsii.u‘..alky. K .* the honaeBM no nan in tbc vorid can build enow, a chill room In which to keep
•*’^!thli little augg.-siloa of a good bsc taw- run tin*.- to idi-ce the rag*, you
*o ’'!• Vw ‘-.nd at potttag It In
be made from
That pwcJona thin* called home.
“<* poultiy
large clean box. At the begli
tor old Utlecloths 1 lr»t may bel of
»h-ra at
many of the/''"'r
j !«.r , for five c-B,.,-rpoonl egta
in p-icetb-nt rieanlng
of winter aet the box oonranl-.te, water and all the beef liquor (nnlea.ip..,^,,^,„j„^^,
It b the happy tacnlty
ca-. s nnd wtll oflew
.n. tt,
1. .
-bn, tt.!i“
• l-">
Of woman far and wide.
I a-s- I-.ISC ef u».-ful™. .ttt.ttll, .nbm.Utt.. ir i»«l-■""‘I
To turn a cot or palace
(-P- takv.n OB! of the
Into aometblng «dae beelde.- _
mu, ug l.urt, uupl.1,, i„ ™..s B"*
-.-g-"' »«- “
Ibis ftj; |.f d-ue by
Where brother, sona. and bimband, M .Id., .n>bM u . a«.r -Itt-Itt llltl. uuuurp. of tourt<-o inrUrt.. .iid tton ’"?'’ " “‘H'' -’=-1'’- *- n»k-.
;;tl'e ks- tai.dl-s ne
Main.. b..„ nd p.aiaob. Pul u.ll. “"“™ " "I-'
l-ast twenty pnuodt whatever yo.i cat! ifH-tv* *i f..
and hooka Inside no which to bang Kitehen HinU and a Few Suggcctlcns
With wUHn* tooutepa come;

Stay the fringe l
g>- vnu will-luiM- a rng that wlli

^ • T.O (h.
A plac^of peat where lore abound!, meal and poultry. If box li kept well
There are an many almp’li
’**c edge, which w.l“ U- «
admiration of everyone, and »">' I*"**
covered with anow. meat may not
A perfect Unsdom-^iome.
as tbCs.-;|^^
waring time and labor iu the kitchen '^‘>“''•1
ih=t win alnustt cover an oidl
carefutl, t.-a—lone L. Jonee. freexe. If It aboold. draw frost out ao many abort ruts to cicanltoesa. It liltb- napkins arv quite as prvtty
'•'*»* •
by placing to t«old water a few bourd.
.more expensive ooe> parebaied . . Vllrh.-n and will tost for >ears. |
ta they are practiced ao DtI uadq title In tbe same manner for
Meat once fntren abonld not be thaw­
tle. saya a writer In What to' Eat. I rvxdy j
the Malrwas measuring the wldtS d."‘^0 '
ed until need<-d for use.
• Wltb brickt and atonea and earrhare known a woman to work -an
.1 tslflUi
in aelectlng pumpkina and Kqnaab•
insa fine,
how wjlh acouring soap on the InUse for Left-Overt.
back and fonh. 1- '
long as n.edcd,
ea (or winter nae. chooae those that
• Iba boat from foreat and from
aide of her u-a kettle, who knew.
If the c».-ck Is not t.s, Meat Loaf—One t-jp «q «
prp-illtvt one, though, was n
thoroughly ripe, as they will not

i}nat as well aa 1 did. that an oyster or t cold meat cbopin-d floe:
• tnndq entirely of- Hue and will i-obn wtan and run la th
• Bltb tasm- bean and purpoao •
"I -tt tt., f bid-a'd or cracker cruniU..
and for an up-sialiw b.-dmom, II:.--. This will seiv,' to w,i:k
• clear,
iflrt and should tx- alinwd-d :
pon^ C---.IS
matltug dUlUdSUVSJ
furnished lue
the border,
■----- - - .*
pumteiutt, ..„^dtt
• Be labored (or a weary year
meet. Season to suit tauto with'
,nore was so much- satisfaction•
To buUd a bonee.
salt, pepper and sage. If desired. *lx!,a
s.nitao eff.-ct as well as the''''*'*'
stored In a cellar do
• With genCb word and aunUt
Bany a model bouaewlfe ■ who well and shape into balls and fry
ot J;-vr until 1
irtlsUc. Th.- work Is very speedy *
floor, but stood them on a table or

pridea beraelt on her imAacnlate lake In a loaf. Just as desired Fliitind you will iw surprised at the re-,*line huK evapornti-d. then pin
box. An attic that Is dry and cool but
• A heart that could srlm care
kitchen hablta." usee In her cook­ tlthcr way.
tbc raito- aimin and scfeu
dul ltWB« >«ly temporary, and on tire
cold ta aometlmra used for stor­
• beguile.
lag water out of a teakettli
To take off tbes.- lltfV sltght.-tproiteeMlq^l^ troubie would
tender:------------------- ;___
ing them. They freexe very eaally.
• A anateb of aong. a little flower.
voir, the Inside of which is so
them the opposite way oomcl.a.k.^ ' ’■-i.X-._ --meat from which soup haa 1-et-a mwle.j
Save Your floap.
nnd will rot If kept in too warm a
• It took her far Iraa than an boor
te 4te( amf
crusted with this acfumiilatlon
• ■
omc» • af*»-Itef
choj. very fliie; take «iae taolwpapB-| Iti'i^one pretty Iwth room there (nim which the arrow'" |w>!ntA
ft m
me. ooO I
tiieotM w erv aiacaxd oboot
To baud a borne.
time and dirt, aa to be a mi-iiacv
iif crackers. 6r bread cnunbs. to rtands a small blue and white covwas mdflieO n IcMte this ciimma.

^Uoe L. Crowell.
Then I tried 1‘eruoo, mmO to my greot
* Mada in a Hurry,
. cupful t<T meat, a hiuall plecejot cred jar of odd shape which was plrfcvegetable
th<To keep a refrigerator absolutely
toytoMUbetpeOme from tbe tint
d K.vtdtoto ' »a .m
lilies ..d ttn n.,.
tVbnn company dt^ la nnexpeetspecs- und<r the kitchen table will dose/Mk. oado iew bottiea cwrod
clean, and always so. It at all timet Season
pepper and salt iud jnst -ntal devaumeut. fn tbc jar are the
prove a conveuiencs-. saving siuce
i-nough sai.-r or milk
•;s of tniid-t soap that are bunud
•-U built np my coBsutuiioo, 1
taken up with luv-kd-ls. etc.. l-.Mde be.
pik Into cakes. Then fry.
:o lu waste or to accumulate fn
0.11. U... .n.r tt. 1.1,0jliig
neater Have It made with tbc
blto of food left there until they
■ well at
Vi al Scallop—Chop remains
irtH-k to week. A» often as the Jar
r baa UtUe waya tog faablon: Ueaanre one cup ofi;Foods aet away most have pcrtccily
I d slanting dloci
IH- Ki-iler.
iM flm-. eicason with pcpiiqnaners full .t Is flll-i
sugar and one-half cop of butter and '
vide lute as n
V cAmianmvuu
IVe have oa fUa many Iboosaad tosilM almpllfylng her work whit*
r they become' totaled.
lard mixed, Jwat allgbily. add two!',
of crumbs in a <tl with l>DlUng
■ Uke tbe s:«-w. W* <u g»vt
new to other people, yet which, when
practical and i irt on cssriora.
Place a anmll dlih of charcoal to the
uilerv-d bake dUb. thin bits Of bai-,l-Q<r. after sofccoing. an- stirt-d
ersoBlv s slight cliinpsd- of lha
toM. are ao practical that we all won­ whole eggs, and beat again till thick;,refrigerator three or four times
;r; cover with the meat and -win to a Jc‘!ly -like conxlsiency. Thru a
^ Handy Table
der tha\ we bad ilot thought of them and creamy. Now poor Ida cu;
weekend you will find yonr Ice chest
Ith gravy and milk. Repeat this OP I Uhlewpocmjiii of glycerine, a icasj.«n
riir kitchen table l-v ^e vervV
ooraelTea. Home Cheer makea a sweet milk and three cups of sifted I as sweet aa desired.
flour coutolning two teaapoontula of *
Jer until your disb h. fill, coveridg ful of borax and two taWespocmfuIs
the toj. with rto<-. ‘ •
apeoUlty of tbaae. thb week, gather­
Another "kitchen utcoHir'
with crumbs. Cover and bake are IneonK-r.M.-d and lh<-,„„.., ,5,,,
,h.. tin, given. U the b
baking powder. Put In a deep
ing and eomplUng them from many
-IpacHncss Is freqiienlly overlooked.
with a spout to it. grate nutmeg lib- i
1 ho-ur, then remove lid and bruw^..mUtmv Is kept for the lath. A wtoi l„,h.. f,at-u --is, J oa t.. »^hak. n „«cv
aouroaa. and paaaea them along wltb
U the broom, which needs cleaustag
erally over the top and bake thirty' '
Cookies of Scrap Dough—After you,pie way i.> us.- pp UU of soap Is lo',„5.,„
r-aroe t»--n ‘ ^ ihrorfel)
Tnur!lii siralncf and
the hope that arerp raader may And
well as one's pots and kettlea. Tbe
have made bivcuiu. you often'have j k*d-p them until there are half a doi-l^.„».„,
„-t u
WI-U corked. In a ■omethlag to them that will lighten
dirtiest, old veteran of a broom will
Maple Blaculto—Make an ordinary '
lUUc piece of dou^ left. Here isjen or more, then m.^.tea them air;,,trn rte-.ifr-, n.'-atly under the top «vwl place
he tiRu. tattle with
ter dally taaka.
baking powder blacuU dough and roll
and roiitinue nnUI
•r the ia»-!oi Hot lil^hre from tbe oven 1
andlailn Oil*
. «T,tt .tort to ...I
„ ,1; without harm to ‘be lime |
out very thin. Sproad
u board and spiiiikli- with
■en taken up hy war or Ume and atrength U
Ht' of clnosnton and butler. Spread
•Thrift, thrift. Horatio!'
the lal'le. and for vario-is other pur- ter.
OM of the flrM eaaeotlala of tebor- fouKh aa much butter aa augar. Roll
tliv butter on with a knife. Now make
|>C}<-B it will U- fv".nd very useful.
nrlng and a writer In the lAdlea' np the dongh nnd slice as one would IU brushy end. as that rutofi Its shape
mil of this dough nnd slice' about
The Useful Wax-Paper. '
and If stood wltb tbe bnishy end In
World tonchea upon thb aa followa:
<> Inches thick. Put In a grvaad
So many ttso can be made of
)t a jelly roll for serving. Bake la
What to Take.
air, tbe water and danu>n<-xs rollect
*^y motherb adrlce to me when a
wagi-il thui It Is good^my
very hot oven and serve hot.
and bnkc.
Celery Is g.Vdfcl tor n. rvousiuf:*. bpwhere It U joined In tiu- handle atnl
glri waa. -Make your bead aare your
e<erj- —-^d
scrap that comes
Thimble Cakes—These UtUe cakes
iig eoii.-ldefd-vl a n.^e -tim'ilani, '
n,h Salad—Take cold OshI o«
of auy
aiiy j
.................teala.' It b good counael In n hoffl<^ adapt themselrea to many occasiona. It becomes sour; then, too, It It apt kind that Is left over, remove all skia.'*’’'^ house. Urge shc.ts of this hiay j
A lamp of s'lcar saturated with
ly oetttng and I would like to paaa tt Aa a breakfast dlib they are most d<- to mar tbe wall with the dirty straw.
c meal l«Oi"'
vidtee.rr boxes
uvxes. buu vinegar will c'ln- biecDughs.
■ many mijor,-. .nnd pomese<Tw ot
Imoes. etc., and break the
Hilo i*>^ —,,0111 twk.
very ciMy way to clean a
on to aome.who -don't think.' and eonlldona. make a pleasing novelty for
imsll plocy-i. P*
a dreaalng
cardboard l■^xea containMten a felon Brat begins to .make tor nlaxth te p!«s-e.fnnilture nmy
•equently And honaewoA hard, and luncheon and lend an old world fea­ basin or sink. Is to scatter salt *>ver
made as follows; For each cup
<*nd,v. seedless raisins and oth-JUs aiipearaiire. take a l.mon, cut off t„. ini.-reafed
V ho
ta^ng to nerroa and muaelea. If you ture to aner-dtoaer coffee, when tt Is it and rub It with a wet cloth. If any
‘ fined with a very good •
fish take < • well iH-ateti egg. i
formed It Into
are going down to the eeUar atop and served to the drawing room or tibra- stains atm remain, rub them wltb a
waxed (uiper. This paiM-r'l, •ctrer It Is ke|>t there the bv-ttcr.
)aeL She flrri
i- a. tath aad
little kerosene oil ttbe odor of which tablespooRful of preiared mjstaiid.'**“*’‘*J'
think U-^ie b not aometblng you
Witb one quart ef flour, sift two
w'rapptog n|i luuehes. it
There b great m<*dlelna! virtue In‘good scribyiig
t.-i wwu-r m>4
will soon evaporatcl. and they wilt three tablv-spoonfols vluegar. one ta-' **
ean carry to aaro a lonmey tba aame
poonfula of baking powder and
•oonful butler, aall ami pepm 1‘‘"T*
»“bK. It is|.i Iil-uis: dflien raw al the very te-gtoprv-' r--ri-^.ved most'ol
‘dlaapjH-ar aa If by magte.
On im
l have found wbUlag to be at efI. «»«>..,,
u.«. r.; -in ...
J'glaxsi s or
to a rr.-:i:u. wtlnlng all the nitne.'
t lots of
"f Jam.
Jam. and to toet
larla. they have a derided b-ndeney . samliuipi-S ,i t- to llnat.' Us rrinovah
ten b, r> Br W— lo«j 11
u, U. n.UU.n,, fecUve a clcacner as one could wish. When cold, pour over t
so handy that It jays
To cheek It. and art advanuseoialy Aft.-.- It was ihj>ro ighly dry ti
nitex "P. >■
"“"‘‘V”''’"■ which has been added s
111 kldi!i-j and stomach tro iMeii.
' oI c;vts of v-hlte enamel paint WWW

celery or lettuce leave
The skin ot » ladled egg upj ll-d U> applied and th. HtUe kuotis KUveqcd.
lettuce leave*.
a boll, will draw out the «oreii--.s.
{Tlor sllv.r hook* we;e weiewed to
under *ld< of th<- shelves tnr
Rdi;sh--Chop flue any pieces if
eolil bulled ham, togeth«T with |a ty S4. that It can la- .-a-ilj reirnitcd .katto and In easi i of alka!; poisoning'cups. A plate rail waa nddc d al a
For niliing wUb milk ct wa-'clve acids. TUs to a general ruU-.'small eoM U-lwe the cabtoft was
large slice of dry bread. Ibit toD a fryIng pan In whleb you have browned
•wnedV ter tor ihirkeulng. alwav* use a fork. IJakijig »nda Is a D.-nr-«rj»nd rem.-dy | patot-d. This, china Hand ocrtuteq
si>ooiifiil offlmtter. Add a half
(If pliit « mi.-r lumps ami U t.ikes l«-s In cage .>f acid s■obulDiIlg. Vjn.-gar,a eorm-r of th - dln'ng room to the
imuy te urud for the alkali |Kiisnulng.l,,w{ier:« cpqntry bouse and its pbof canned tomatoes or enough
.. . .,
,,, or ptot of molnsaea. one and one-half
ir rr-dx Is added to dishwater Bo; llem.H-rhuge of the lung* may ...lor serves admirably to iud
make the mlvture molvi. Scavoo
>—p~.Bi .1 ttte «. I.V.I
Care of flheea.
salt and |x pixr. Make hot qulekl] Vfwp will %- n<s-di-d and the gre-ase distlnciih-hcd from hi-niorrhagi- of the „jr the d'-lieute ware ia«)i1ayed on it.
mi.-iiiaiii by the etoi.-ei-v of the j
r jiit-- rhltia cwMnei du>* not »jk
An excellent preservative tof shoe apd serve wlinh-baked potatoes.
f"In «... Th.,..™
-.•ever :,lluw t.-a leaves tostanr in'blood. It it is fr.iihy and
a l-rlglit’.^al to all tu.-t.* nor hannoiilxe wRb
leather lx vaseline. If n amall qi:anways by which we can save atepa to
Rissoles—if }ou 'lia>(,- *i>me pasti
^tt. • teapot. Have the |-ot color. It to frrnn the Imig*. If of all di-.Ing room furolshliig*. but! It
Uty be applied to new ahoea It will
STeourae of th. day If we have our
,»lnj „
lidid and dried every lime ' after |a dark color and tji.t fr-tiii, U 1s from
be jam as ea*y to trarefqm
soften the latlbor. and if enameled
nhtoktof eapa' os. and It pays to
■ate two egga. leather, will keep « soft much long.-r: ■It*, otherwlne eaih-d ment turd-']
Uavc the cover off until ] the atomach. riure tie- f-v-t and hands, s wii.-i t-.f Irlto u g-’d. n or qoari'ramke work easy to more ways Umd
over*. Roll it out and cut it In ob-'’
;linroughlv drid-d, in order to prevent In hot
bttt j-lkp ted b.11 . 1.1.1 .1 mllk,|„,„ „rtl..rll, ..g rung.., U 1... 11
I eoid 1
a white ooL
-d oak e
or round pieces; p
ibui • mp .1
tt.„«g g.ttt.
. ra--«f heiBoribage
lih spimnfiil ef prepared un-ail
n.gli-ried jat.
!<dthelungx.ur;-, ..(cr th*- sn>marb,to
c.p ..d . toll .1 -Pol. -Ptot
bl.gk..M ..d .P... nib-.
Pretty >ini'*h lor CurtainA |
oii-r like a turnover, press tile
'Va.nh ii partry toard always .with 'csim; the bleeding to from that roark.ItUd -UP ... tttopo.. of bPkl.d:pM -Itt IP. v.»ll„,, iP-lr
A Itovi; and T*ry eff.-ctlve addl^loa
edgeg together, and Uike fifteen mlpI powder, a tablespoon of melted but-.„rine ausimdx win tw
cold u2t-r and soap If yi'm wtoh to! Wormwood boil-d In (luegsr and to d.-nto. imrUias J» to cover Kho
In a quick oven Serve with h«
Ah «^ge given tbe gollovring
thorongbly. Stir to light-improv,-d. Have alH.x of oats
ke.p It in good color.
Never wash' aiip i-d as hot as ean to- born-.- on a laiR" curtail rings Ire-u which they
teeneni tinta:
,jj. the well beaten whites of the eeBt-n,,pj,.
this .l-o.i!.] ii. an iro-1 pan or sink, for spriilM -ir fcriil-e ,}s an lovuluabU rem- ar- liiiDK «iib whiu- rtrtton’ropc. T*w
Ci-Hage 1*1*—Chop cold meal ver; ihe -Sruti l« «pt to leave tdaeV mark ddy. TIh nCic.-d m-tiib -r shoaid nf- rv>;>- to Irt- used abouid Jh- th- i^fTo keep cranberriea all winter, pick Bake In hot well-greased gem pans to ^
over. rejeeUng all that are soft and ^
a for about twenty min- button them, flil half full of osti and nc; toll] ani mush
white, to difficult to .-raw, . ,
'iterwiird to- p.lW la flannel to retain' Itu-h si/e. and th- r»og« are- covqre-d ;
hhflt tor cooktog. and place to a ytea.
To rtiiove mud sutos. allow ihejthc'heat.
by wlidtng the ro{»- sromd tlw.
stuff the tops «lth crumpled ittper.
crock or llrkln to the cadUr. Cover•
er leasiioonrol, salt. «iK<>k of p-'ppe mnj lo dry on ,the article and ihe-uj -A raw ogg to on^ of thi
ost uu-' Wb- a the ring i- thu*m-wt-red; lot
When necessar)' to wear tbe shoes
•light graUng of nutmeg, and oof remove wHh a stiff brush; tf a spot'iHii.,,je
with cold* water, changliig water or- ^
yvith Odds and Enda.
fw«3», and may {« Uk-D
uktout a fto/l -f the rti- hang d<^
empty them and they will be ftpund
caaionally—at loati once a noath. < New soups can be nuidc from nae
hall cup of gravy or a Uttle hot wf
dip a plec.- of llQMi in Uroag v. ry < a-'U i: Ihi- yolk Is ti'rt broken. RaveJ ilila
A kiKt to opdtixh
to have kept their fbapy. and will not
The cnabeTrioa most be kept nnder -ieas.appearing odds and ends of food,
ateoho and ru'o until the t[«rt disajs'A litu- n'dni'-g grited uj«n the egg.
,Jl.dVUt «o to»k«^ t
Iw drawn If they were to the lean
(When a cup of vegetables is left.
n earthen
goode.i” 4 Im-Kular taaMi. Tioro
damp wben tak<-n off.
ished lotat luj lake
Lemons also ean be kept to water stow them slowly until they are comthoroughly wiih son;. r;.i-.pp.-d pctoley sprinkhd wer algpilil
aio'A totr eurtjfln ringj: »
And will be freak-looking and much, pleicly disintegrated, then If t^e
•arpet br.s.m ta hot spapsufo. it. qr some »,.tt ao-l a daWi ,.tf ca>.
Care of Mdt-Wster Bags.
-.. . 1 eoMr-Tii. ' The eufUlui- to which
Jnder. Tney must ba entirely cover-,liquid a<-ema too thin, thicken with! Bolling «-aii r should never be pet
A My«ierlou» f
A most app« sheke tin nearly dry and bai
e fr Pfler V
fffst aps'fl'-':
te. * dip Itoio.. .10. tort 1. .to.,, o, . to....
-.r.l« >.d th.;
’«-r t-f serving h-ft-m
tV' straw will dry quickly. Not only
'e,rk.-d with w*.:to.
The toxna; to, P. ..n..rt P, pl..lto rt.ali 1. .. .r.-™ rtupJ,b.„

Due cup cold diced jr
will the broom last locgey. b^t it will takek n, a np^iritre.
wb:.-h th-y w-ie h"nc wax papered
iTbe repialna of creamed codfish, and
tt la water.
old cooked lomatoe*.
e.-iri rar|cu to-titv
Old -isdT CIO drugvtoti-.! want a
tbe lap Ixfore putting In the atopuud w* .pap' r in ecHiTea
T» .................
To keep mtscc meat from one year of anccoiash. alao. can be treated to^.^
p„refully press
cups cob! diced tKitato-s and one
ml fisn Into the refrig* ra­ to-i df c-vr-.ine'plJU. I»-;Vr;-t-WTiat fl-v.:,; .-d-ii-r; O'—
'hesc dcrigW
to another, pack In fruit Jars, cover this way with aartstacton' rt-sulu, g,^a, This makes the hag
l-in. I*t;t »nc taMespdgoufuI of l>u
ter. wrap it liahtly to a el..rb‘ wrung !r th- ynotl-T with the dog- tjid 1M> ya.
0*! af.'; ■■-■A wurk-d I
to the depth Of halt an Inch or more But the best poiage of all can be „ „
prv.s.ure"of into a si'lldl, tot-, this finely slice
from milii wat- r. Thi-n It will nut <*<.-1- itodlvaojiily,—1 (vaiit yc/a to. krmw. •ery Ltai.r illj--, r-' '**' Ihcc-irM
with melted beef suet—the auet made from the pravy and toast which ,
.‘ir. that ay hry-d-ati'.! to a e.-pn.-wai:. [Tf.-; were j.'vjf} • .i-!*;-4S In ttemiiBkes -If left to It. After
should, of couiae. be sweet snd good remain after fricasseed ehleken bas',|^|
i:id l-rowu the nnlo
• To j.rtve.n fli-s fr<wii g-tririK ini'* fe-iiggipt puts ap sna,.. q.-ilnto- p!!!* ,(3.-e,g. ar,-} rii*-■» hi-Covered lint*
using the lu;g: drain out the water
—and pBl the rubber ringa and cov- bo^n consiimi-d. This should be a
Id-t It hung iKittum-sIde i^i for u little slightly, add the m*-at and toss ligh' the n;eo?. reioove the mtai fr.v.i-t"'- .'I, ;iroIo;:rd sHi-m*.
tor VI'S taade thm
era on the jars, seresrlng down sa ed to the same manner until the t
!-*rr-> and wtjs- it dry; il;i-ro-j.:i-...
The V.1-V to-»: rwurtol pc-nt tor In‘ while, then take it down and with tbe ly iio prevent sticking ■ until It
|can be rubbed throut^ a slevt
lui. will, powdered borax; no i.o.ok-'d- nnd ehll-l'.-n b the j.lce pr.-v‘ mouth blow a llttK- air Into K. Ju‘t well h<ated: add the .tomatoes a
The hot house lettuce, which wills ah.puld then It- thinned with mtik
1 Home-Made Folding Bed.
1i-4t do not it
ll;g required
«d from a sto-»k or niuniia .riiop
' euinigh to keep the Inside from com the-j the
SO quickly, can bo kept perfecUy crisp U »«l make a very palatable soup.;,^^.
„ « -will often do If «ea.--on with OQ--q:arter raUspcai
I wife.U e
Wton ivwy knife hoic-,'!-- g-'t d'«s thoroughly trUned and Wii-d about'
If wrapped In dampened brown paper rtmlndlng oae of the French country
a te-d to the
tUvd>li of careuae mpper siud on- eolor-.i dip half a lemon in salt and five wlii-jf*. Tt- c.-i.t for ttJj-purand laid ta cellar or cool dark cloaal, soup* which are so trftea ihlrkd-nt-d
g ai.'i.'ake much aatlsfs I
il of salt. Now cov, i-ji. .-n th-m; theB wash
-lii-t-.-pose shoa.d l«- e,-» at lt«s! itre«» almipsl sure to be rutovdl'Jpu: l:j!f
r Aid with bread.
Fol^thc I
lug it apart. If the bag ever should and draw skllli t 1-aek of rtove < ly to wjRti.wai-r. .und the hi n-Ji-s quarters of sti inrh thifk. Tb.- juice fOHW t
drop lettuce to. root down. Fold top
■ win to- as wLiid- as who, ih-y were, may Iw extiart'd from the meat by a gre-< bed spring ted tovteu
stick. p-Jt Into It some'hot water w:tb range, ft ga^ stove la! rllpaebe
ot paper over to exclude ffght and What to Oo with the Careaaa of a
a I- nson sque<:T«-r or a ni-ai . prer*. dtimt Idflc-a on one*Klde; faster
I few drops of atnmonlA let it rc t'» mat under skillet, turn fire at hew.
air. tat n« crush the leaves.
Turttey. '
. :
If I-I. iirt:- girls that le— tSw-.r which com-s tor this purjois..
;‘id* or lilagre to the w*n dbo-tl
. then with a low as jmsslblv aud nx-k i-iouly
P^Dlpa. carrots,' aatolfy. turnips
p„t together
tvecty fiunal-* w:t’i..-!t dlsturidugi hslr ril-to-.a?. will fljvt put a sruail
r the Arc the bro- ,hm. dull edged
To rite-fare Ilmcwat-r for t >'i<-fao! 1 •-igbelgt-* <»f a kitchen chair froiq tbe
ne the toa;atc!. rill-tor ta-id aro::ud the hair, •‘■.-•u ti- r>.>. »e|.et a large, wtd-tn'y,;'i.dd to>t grtg-r. Tte aprtog may swing; up
and beets keep beat and remain ken carcass ot the turkey, the aluf. ,h* imdde cart-fuly. Ner^ fold.a" lag. At the <
plump and freah-loohlDg If buri.-d In dug and any bits of the meat you after It has once been usi-d a flan
lied the whole on I*:- riW'U:. It will stay utitil they,tie. ‘Fill, tt- toittie lo the d*q;th of i.uale.rt tbe wail in the daytime te*I ‘
rt.d « rtSl, 1. U»tt or ' rtrrrl. m.,Cmor olth rold o.l.r u, rorrli., lor ttr rebbor b^
mixture And hare thickened Into a wiih- tft'remove 11.
jihr--- «.r four iti-hi-a wlth'rlak«(fl i'
:-■*-dvWB on two kitfV.n ebalrt «
aunding 00 cellar floor.
Cabbage and act at the ride of the range to very uaefnl
h- ;,d milk ari'l let It stvnd tor twcuty-fonr horn rivi-t. If It if waabd k-rit tel otf
- which
d, lleiois j<41y-llke gravy; and tu4
keep beat In harrela or Mna with come slowly to a boU. l^ei it simmer
el.-ar water, nitered rato sJgM.-fmt up n ahelf
rt»e Itegth thick part of tbe tomt-'oe* and •skc.iM it- rtr-sd-d o tt to cold water be- fl'-r-d
roots nppermoal. Cover to keep out tor three hours, remove from tbej
A Stiuh In Timo.
the potauw.w will bare fonned a to-af fore l-lng d-pped 111 hot watef. olb-!waUr<r ane pun- w-uter will da Th- a: to-dl spiiMTs' and lark a tertadt..
raU. Onlcma keep bial on abetoes or Rre and vet aside until v.ry cold,' Do not allow holes to appe.vr In la-ltiful browned• crust
skillet' crtrise the eff-Ht o< th-Jieat upon !vat-r will only Uke-up so moclt Un­ -.i.t>i.tid IL Tl^s shelf hhoold tot flv«
In open baaketa. Bquathea and pump- ^kim off the faU atraln out the bln linen until tt la aU ao thin that Itlbotiomi «l.tb * abaip . kalfe loote ite, mlik lart.cleq wtU give a atreak-'lVhenit la -Hduntgd 'u It wlU te la fert ahovo tte bed,




■friwds Were AlarmedAdvised Change of Climate.

im i k i

Jt0ma4 m emtw^s OMr













Pages 7 to 12


NO. 4S.

|m the Rock «( Damoclee. OrtclBAllg | me nae drtesed up model called Path-1 The stream of lignld Ere runs down scow, but tbe timber ts nearly all CTl|eoamerce of Cbarievoli u enthuatoot Gardner Seed Cq. and in 1847. this
fomilof part
pert of the cliff. It he» been er Noah, carrylns a Gargantuan um- the central ditch until It come# to the
PaiIi. Kov. 11—There Is c . tntbor.fomilnf
nw the ta^.
. ^
. !*’*'•
»» *»«• b-esme P U. Perry fi Co Tbe' pr«m
by a'brelia and weailug a beard as big as | la»t trench to Sll the pig moulds.
1 to Idar i . flnnly apllt off from the
Tbe yearly output of aleobol to | line Is being warmly endorsed. Ub- ent eompanr was .incomormled In
oMhltobed In Preaoe. ud Mpectolljr deep llaaore and now lien on a bed of
These being fflled a dam to pul In 15(*.00e gallons, in the past this has eral finanelal snhscrlpU.m. to iheluTS with a raptui of ITSo.OoT
Another car which bad great auc^ and the neat art If filled. This to re- been In barrvto I-at now It will be, bonds have already l«-n pledged. Vp' Mr. FWry was either a stockholder
In the braru of r«al ‘•henae«’ of looae chalk, which baa for yearn be«u
JUeretore, u thnt of Queure Ptou- cnimbllDs away on the aide odslns laa was thut of Bacchus, on whlcn' peated antll twenty or twenty-two taken awaj in tank cars only,
, j to this time mom than 838.000 bava or . director In a dozen hanking mud
as seated' the god crowned with j Ions of metal have been east, and all
bert. *ho wrote ••8tlemml«” nod the luwlploc.
Th. dia, .
aln-sHtr lyvn
IwwM. auhscrtl.ed 1^
___ financial insUturiv.n* in Detroit
from J-0 to 85 ton* . already
in Traveroe
.S'ow the recent heary raltw have
ne leaw-s and auirounded by the moulds arc full. During part of Of Iron.
“hUdewe BoTwy.'' which l» by many
City. IJuveYcr. no personal caavaM I Ms chunii.-s. whiU> Urge, were ah
emeldered the flnert novel lu the washed away ao inuefa of looae ebalk fauns, Mtyrs and bacchantt. while.! this casting tbe slag comet and to
haa been made, but there are a large'ways private. He was a truHee of •
that the centre of sravlty of the rock Sllenus went on before, held on his aei«rated by gryvlty nad run off in
French tonsuace.
The StreM Railway.
number of business men who are Grace towpital. the Detroit Uusem
kettle to be dumi»-d upon the sand
to bftBK tdpldly ehifted, and a few aia by Greek slaves.
The dir»-Ptor>. of the boardoftrad' ready and willing to make generouv'of An and 011v,n college.
A atatoe of FUoben by
bills that surround tbe plant.
which baa }u»t been nnvellrd at Bou- daya aso the enumoua maaa was
held a meeriag at the Park Place sabsertprons to tbe bond.- ..
' A wife and thr^-e children survive
The Elk Rapids Fumaea.
i-njo slip over aoveral ynrda.
ea. where, Uke Coreelllc.
Monday jflght for tbe specific purpose^ Impressi-d upon those present that all
Looks LUcotVelMno.
The Laae Superior-Inm and Chem­
As soon as enough of the chalk bed
bon and lived for many yean, repTbe damping of the kettle to a spee- Of disooartng and pushing the «r.ei; acbscrtrilen* made would be return»-d
la 15-no Mr Ferry was urged by
has crumbled away the rock will tum­ ical comiuny. which
T«onU tbe novelUt ataudlns
hU friends to be a randidue (or gorRapids Iron company. Is one of the
-mber. took ..upper tn tbe
the dining,
Mnple attitude with bead tbron ble on tbe village and annlbltoto It
eroor on the republican ticket and
most interoitlng places to visit The slag to taken by a dummy engine to
back—* ^raete^Uc neetere. With
the lop of a bill and tbe kettle to
lip In. the tilth t«not was the leading
niini.-d to the parlors where
„ ”'"'"'***• ”*>
The government englneera have refiectlon In tbe sky of the casting overturned and the slag runs down
kla Ions hair and tonir flowloc muiIt was decided t«. have a comml«ec rauendate alfhn.’gh eventually unsuomay be sFen In Travorae City
they rlgan. during their deUebe and big build, he to likened gone down to report, and they advise
the side of tbe hill, giving one a good
outline a plan ' CCsffuI,
liberatUAs. The keynote of the altthat the vlUase should be evacnaced clear nlghu.
•omewhat to Mark Twain.
Tbe Black to of steel about
uaHoD was that the railway project for a sysiematie canvass of the busiA torse number of ufticlaU and lit­ nod rt-bulU In a safer place. The rlli hundred thirty feet hljrt>. An eleva- flowing down, the side o| a
Royal Vlwtora. ,
Should be pushed and that the bual- f'Tis men of the city 'nuij close the
agers. however, used as they s
erary, penoni went down to Bonen 'lane
■tier as s».n a« poeriWe. Preslup the side to Uke up the would look like. When the snow is
I.pndnn. Nnv. n —Tbe empel^"»pd
lo be present ot the unveiling trf thto1 the sight of the overhanging rock.
tbe ground great clouds of steam liue eu.erpi.M-. wu
I ore and rhamyl, The furnace to
empress of Germany. acoomiAnled ^
to the “faUer of natural- srv besitaUng to do this, though
!of tbe wet hearth syatetn. water ba­
a nuip;;tMts-sulte. r>>acbed England
Mm*' Ih modem fiction. M. Enffle Ber warned of the danger confronilng
ling used to keep tbe stack ctsil out­ kettle and nit.
ly for a w.-ek's visit with
gerat has Juto told a fniiny story of them.
completion Of the canvass Stereral
side of ino fire briek. Tbe life of the
------------ --- the CMt to made the ,,o,
Hriltoh’ royal family. ,.1l (he veoeto
PlanbeHY rec^Uons at hto little
of those present expreiu>ed themfirebrick to about two years.
iron atm red to covered with a layer' Thp
of the Chaanel squudion gatbeevd in
apartmeni when he lived In Paris
There would seem to be an epldei
” I S.-IV.W w being ready to KuWrltoCarbon mmoxide la token froita of sand and then water to turned on'
The apartment was very little and Ic of thefts of art treasures in Prnnee.
I the Isinds and ll w.-js suted t>ortsm(niib Roads and Joined In a
1“ of
tbe top of thcStock tn a come-down j for hours, to cool tbe meUI. As soon tbe pnuq.ectuses had been freely dla-ji some
salute to the Imperial yacht Ilobeathe novelist very large—hto friends News has Just been received that at
tbe metal to cool the long ban tributed and the ,«>ple Rerierally | J
pipe and fe mixed with air and
called him 'The good glani."
Poleur-Teruoia a valuable ntssil blown into the stork as a draft. This
♦ broke
'I At fortsmouth,
Ihmsmouth, alter
after an
i exchange
One day at ooc of these receptions was stolen from the' library there.
ind'led a
mixture to heated In tuyorers and
.the imperial guests
there was a very large crowd, all
TbU book of hours" wbkb w( gives an Intense heat A part of the cars ready for the maikeL Tber.'
i'rlse should l-e pushed with aH pos-! , ; /
Ctm«truc.lon «.mp.vny I
^ speelst tAla'andUmraered
well known people, and the atr be- presented to tbe library In 1827, by
gas from the stork to need to fire four win be from two to fire grades of
caoto ao stuffy and overcharged that I>r. Lanvin, cootalnd fifteen beautiful
lu.llera -ihat fnrnlsb atram for tbe Iron In each rant, all of It faoweret
•Planbeft asked permission to open minUtiires of lubjecta taken from the
large pumping engine.
the finest ebareoal iron, that very
the Friiice and Frinreas of
tbe window.
Bible. It to an octave, contaiulng 153
There are four easts each day and valuable in’ the iron market.
Iv .11 ,t ,1c .a-oilm pm-cBl
'c n—','*! ■». ccall„-«
Oonoourt protested noisily; "If yon abeets of white vellum, the m
the stock to filled from the top with
llcn.«.K«. .M the ,aac ot:
Each step of the manufacture to
toh royal family.
opan ever so IltUe 1 shall Jiave to script being In punile and red Ink. a mixture of Iron ore, charcoal and
,1c pic«lPC.,<, protect ™.ld I
>«»•“-- i«pccl.llr la T™,The plans made for tbe entertainpot ^ the furs In the.houae round'll dates from the beginning of the Ume rock. Each (on of ore tokea the watched by a chemist and tbe ore !s
mew of the emt>eror and rmprcM are
m», for the mere lonch of fresh air!fourteenth century and figures In toe charcoal from two cords of wood tn. tesUH] when finished, Tbls is one ot lie Inlrtidueed Into this locality that
the very Important parts of th> man- would toe better for Its Induatrial d<-of the most eUborate character. A
ento tbroogh me Uke a new.”
IcaUloene of mannserlDts In the Hbra- reduce It and a certain
Death «( D, M. Perry.
Invpslutariure of high grade iron,
{•heasant shoot In Windsor forest a
of lime rock to caime the slag or
Detroit. Mich, Nov. 1!,—D. M. state banqm-t In St George's Hall, a
meat, taking into
mr Mend.' Said Planbhrt. "lor If
cnarooti Kiina.
waste to separate. To melt this mixlieneflls that would he reaped by Ferry, sr.. of the Vig s*vh1 firm of D. luncheon glv.-o by the U,rd Mayor of
have to abut the window -again
tar, a« ,lr W.n I. □.«, U, Ut !».
“-"t »>
tte toith commercial and industrial Inter­ M. Ferry & Co. was found dead In bed lamdon. and a visit to Eton college
■Itoll he compelled to sit In my
lac .applIM 1„ . Waloar c.Wa,!"""» *'• “
““"H ests as :Wetl as by farming Intereate,,
his b»me by members of the (am are among the features ft»r wb'ch ar­
in Paris, bids fair to become
pncplnc J.POP c„M. M par nlpul,.
tbe opinion was expressed by promln-J
fais death being the result ot heart rangements have been completed.
The Caatina.
w®«>d. The smoke from thew
nual festivity. It baa Just taken place
business men present, that It is: <Hs"ase.
Tbe smaU vutge of Tormery. In again in the Berey nelgl
While the ore to being melted the
•>'<> I**® bj-produrto worthy rff tbe most earnest and favor-!
,r. ! it
in commercial elrelee here and had
Bavole. to In n very dangerous and which is the district of the entnpols casting mould, are prepar.m In com-1
•'~»ol and able consideration.
U-en ill Ms usual health and altendManlstlqur car ferry No I to tbo very
enUcal totnallon. A mass of moving and bondage stores, and although the
of lime. Tbe
acetate of
lake sand wet enough to make It acetate
" lime‘
g to busineiK up to Saturday.
Net Let Opportunity Slip.
fii*t victim rvpori«>d doriug tbe deer
took to overiianglng the village
‘T “tnufarturen. of paints.
sun. so essential to an aUnd. A central ditch is made wlth'L'.
presented In
IVxter M. Ferry sraa bom August bunting eraaon. Tbe carferry re­
feet above It and may
Oil company takes tbe all lu details and
e ofi'^^'*
festivity. WBB conspicuous by Its ab- . gradual fall away .from the
18. Ig."":, tn Ic-wis copmy. new York. ceived a hole Ibrongfa ber roof but at
aay moment crash down upon II. It oenoe. the fete was a grand success.
.urS are
. From this ditch there
sensus of oplnton that for the best till.
| His father
last ri-ports was doing nicely and no
; the wood tor la
It was quite natural that Prance smaller nes that
t light I
,1- tualt,- w„ wtllcW M-rious result* are looked for.
metera. and sboold it lose Its centre should with fetes honor wine growing to U t supply the "pig moulds." When line cl.™.l ,0 ...kc fact tt l.n. 1. I""":;;'.?' ’'-vcp-c Cll, ..1 ,1, Io.i...,n,
a young
It seems Ihat there w.vs a hlg crowdgravity and tall over tbe precl- and wine growers, since tbe vine to all to ready for a
,1. cl., »m«
Ilf hunters armed tn various sorta of
ptee It wonld certainly pulverise the tbe chief product of tbe country, and in the base of Abe stack Is removed
-Tic comwp, am tS.OOO Ul. oI.-n» Ckcr Coa„cacUon comp.., 1.1,1. .anmer
8l0 a munth but mail- ways aboard the bbat at the time of

'i aged ummer
everything done to nttrart attefiUon with Iron ban and at\flrat a small ore. C3.(HH) cord* Of four fool hard^ waiting the action of Traverse City,
to acquire an edneotion.
her arldent and In some manner. Dan
Tomery ts a place of S50 Inhabi­ to It in view of the iwent crisis.: atream Of tbe molten ^tol comes wood every year. All the ore comes
tants. built at the foot of a precipice. which to not yet over, will do good. onL Tbls grows larger ualll It be- by boat and the wood cornea largely Charlevoix and Elk Rapid* are also j In 1853 he came to Detroit and b«- George's rifle waa diarharged, the
awaiting action by Traverse City, thto ^ came a clerk In a m-hob-sate station- ball going through tbe roof at the
At the top of the predpiee and ore^ The procvssloD iras bf the most amus­ oomea a stream nearly tour ioebea In by train. In the past much wood
being tbe principal i-oint to be touch-; ery house. Bavlnc hto money, he ac- cabin but noi<ody except the car ferry
bnngtng it to the huge boulder, known ing description, find included sn Im diameter.
came down the chain of lake* by
ed by the Interutbaii line. Thetxutrdof qulr<-d an Interest In f-e M. T. was Injured.

The Hannali & Lay Mere. Co.
We are fast geUlng oor Cbrtetma*
Goods on aale and we aay th«t it t*
very ndrioaUe to do yonr Chrlatmai
ponlble done oarty. You will have
■0 BiDcb off yonr mind. Too will not
get caagM |n the last mad whirl of
hurry and hustle, and you can got
jaat what yon want from tbe most
complete stocU.
W> have a parlicaUr place where
we will put aside any arttrle that yon
buy now and will mark U for you and
deliver ii’Just tbe ptOice and hour that
you aay. It Is eo convonlcnt to bare
all these things done In Ume.

Something to
A Tie from our enormous aaaortmont. No man can have too many
Ties and yon can own aereral nf
these, (or we bare tbe biggest assortprice to Just a "quarter of a dollar."
prevailing shades.
We have a great show caae full of
the "HeauTifs" that sell (or a Half.

Librarw Tables \

We were told the other day by peo­
ple who knoa-. that we had a* pood a
display of Library Tables as they
bad seen In either Grand Rapids or
Chicago- It really U tbe grealrat ex­
hibit of these beaulltul Ubies that
has ever been made, and we have
never been known to exaggerate a
statement That is one of our poalRve rules. All the latest staapes. and
kind* of woods, tbopgh tbe Uisalon
and Golden Oak are the most
popular These price* are fully with­
in n-arh of ever?' on<--84.S0. 86M.
•750. 88-50, filGOO. $12«& 812-50.
$16.50. 818J)0, «2050. 82550.

We Are Most 'Agreeably
At the number of Stm*-* that we
have sold in the past niontb. and the
reason Is very plain. M'e have
good* that the pepple want and the
prices alway* talk. You sill like to
h.-ar them (or they ttU you where you
are saving your dollara sith each pur­
chase you make ^gre. These stoves
Iiuni ooke. wood, hard or soft coal.
Our Siovi-e pell fro 81.50 to 85S.00.

Remember that Sub­
We take Siibscriplloiis for ev.-ry
paper and magazine that Is pnbltobed
and s-e ato'Syv save you money. Rring
n* your eomblnat'on and *e will
fig'UV|fr\- you. It will tovy .vou.

The Hannali & Lay Merc.. Co.
Tbe Store of Qualify


Mercantile Co.

“The Store that deserves your trade.”

The Convenient
-Trading Store


The First Snow Reminds
That you most have RuldH-rs. and we
have them for we carry everj-tfaing la
Rubber Footwear. Come Id now and
eavi‘ your doctor'* bill*.
! Warm Vnderwear for M«i. to aidt
j Warm rnderwoBv for Women. Just
[what you want. .


Warm Clothing for Children, to fit
Warm Mittens for Men. any kind of

Warm Fur* for Women,
lint ill thv city.


These Cold Days
you to buy Warm Good*. We
supply every need.
I Wann Rlu-rp Lined Coats for Men
I from 8350 to 854W.

j Warm R-ibbers for Men; all sUen.
] all price*.
Warm Ruhl>era
! alzos, all price*.



Don't forget the Warm
It ts Just tbe moat cnnvenltnt
comer to get a warm "Somethlbg to
eat." coffee. Chocolate. Sandarlchea.
Bouillon. In- Cream and all mad&er of
fancy dtohea.

McEvoy's Coid Remedy
■ hare told you many times
juM what you want. Better get some
ii"w- and prevent any further cold. It
only rosu you a quarter and you srlll
find out how good It to. Think what
a quarter will save you from.

Want a Good Book?
Rom-thlng that will uke an evening
to read? We have all the very iatosk
, M;,: y time* you want to re ad out
l.."1. Some of These new onea are so
good thnt you will want to do that
same thing, and tell your friend* all
about Ue clever saying* that at«
found In them all. Gift W.k* by the
hundreds, (or every occaMon
to tbe vc'oDvenleni Book Corner." We
like to have you "hapjHtn :n" and see
for yoursrdvw.

Got Those Blankets Yet?.
Slight Just as well *leep warm the**
nigtto. UV carry the biggest line to
sel-ct f-rom. Blankeu. Comforten.
Qullto. All grades of good* and all
I'rtce* In tbe different gradro. Jt is
a ea»e of supply your want* in every
way. Price*. quallUt.-* and ctocko.




Grand Traverse Herald
rnTT TInnSv •* Trsm a
VBM-T. S41»
eto.a.SA«M .
....TM ri'Umi
i.W. Humm..
ObAm* a. Ba«i
■dlur tmd HaMB*r.

. .B4DiBAdnBar

and the lop notch prices, the heavy'
potato crop and the
good prices would prove very aUiae>


Here for

Mrs. Jay Spangle arrived this momlag from Northport briatfEg with her
daughter. Rise .VeHa. who U
crlUeally 111. She was taken to the
home of her graadparaata. -Mr. aad
-Mrs. Medad Vinton, of BM Proni


, isY',™

T.-.TE or MirlllGAN. THE PRO- OTATE of MICHIGAN. THE PBO. >r the cciinly of
bate eotm for the county ot
Grand Travetwe.
At a seM<« o(
the city of
^hc /r. t a... '’Uflre to .'X* ci'ty“ of ^ibc proUaie otfiev tn
Travers.- City. in «aM cwmty. ob the
njh d
of November. A. D tM7.
Hon Fred R. Walker.
, Ptvwem
H, ., Fred R. Walk.-r.
Jndgv ot Prakaie.
1-r. --.Mgi
In the matter of the eautr of Li*
In t:.e o.a:., of the csi
field Brown. d.-cea*ed
Rh.-‘a Howard
i Uargan t Howarxl
E & Miller, having fiW in eld .
court Us iwiluou praying that he hr
\Viib.-:i Earl, lui.iug fi.rd in saM aulboriied, empowered and Ucenaed
to av-11 at prlvsto saje the Interest of '
uid vstnte lu »aid reaf esiate then.t pHvate sale the ie- ia described.
It to ordered, that (be l«h day of
*re;n dc.-nuj
eceabrr. A D l»o7, at ten o’elack
It I* ord<-r>d that the teth day of
probate ofD.-0-int. r. A IV
SI ten o'doak
the fon-!ii-in. .v: *aid probate of bexring said pi-lltli>.
tK- and > li.-;,-i„ .-'pointed fo:
It I* futiher uiUeTed. that public
hiatlng Mid i>riUi.-a'
'notice tberroT be given bv publtea11 is farth. ! imicra-d. Uiat poulic tkiB of a co|>y of this order, for throe
noiici- then-of u- giveu bj publtca- aucctoslve week
liini of a copy ol U-l. order f« three
i-jcc-ssive week, pr. v .m* to said erse Herald, a. m-wrpaper printed and
'3. of braruig. in ifi,- Urai.d Tiai i-irculal<-d in *ald c,i:-ntv
H.-raid. a n.-w ►iia;* r ju-liit.-.t and
Judg- -■( ProbOb-.
circulated li said evuiiti
the Pro­
bate Court tor the
Grand Travetwe.
At a session of *ald curt, brid at
vlran.l Trrver
t-r»e City. In said n»unly. on the gth
M a -.■sslon ot muI
_# V ...—•- - .Xt,—.
b. Id !■?
p-..:..t.- .dSiv.
.dfi.v. in th,- ,!iv .q Ttav
tin- p-..Ute
• rse L'liy, in said .-..unty, Cn
uran-! 'ira.erye.

Hogs! live weight .
Hog*, dr^ed .................. .........
Sheep, with wocJ on ................
Spring lambs, live wei^t___
Hens, old, live weight ............
Spring chickens!' lire w-elght .

Just a Few of
the Meny


Prom tVfdncsdsy's Record
ritisburg la w nugbecr i« local
Tallow ....................
Milppera. owing to an emUiyo Iw-iru


Full I
heavy underwear
Thratorum having bought tb»- ,id,- tracks In tbe yurd* nod cabdugv Then- will bo r.o occasion for
tor ladle,. i.H'u and cbilduc
Inureott owned ...
by H tt-.i......
with I'r
gud apple can helping to-overwhelm
VuiiOU* grade* .1 wool and
ised. the transfer being made by tbe railroad men. Tratrrse City comtleeced Hose lor ladldes. gents
Ibe esuie. Ouribg bU su.v In tbe miKslon men have several cars bound
Tb* flaaiMlal atmosphere all over city. Ur. Torrey ha* made u Urge
aud ehlldu-u.
It :Cu iiuai
'to rHlsburg but it Is thougly. that
iiaaUvd bv C. A. Hugboe thilg
th» eooDiry u rapiai) cleerlu* jnd number of frirudsmni^hu» w-<nkei| up
Mens afid I'o.-s L.slhcr Mit­
they will be ivcelved as they wen-, Hsii'inh Ih-ug Store. S E Wait A
U>e «EeeU of the recent alswrbnnce
1. druKglelii. :5c. Try them.
oxcelleni bualnen*. his lUm belsr isMpped befor.^ ibe embargo was de ‘
tens, J-'--..-.- and Aktiachan
In Ne» York are not searljr so terigive bU pulroiw the beat that can clETOd. No more car* will In-strippe-lj
r.lcves, »-U'.
Dj-xth of Isaac Moaacr.
on* u some ot tbe irosi floancierB l>c ubUlued! He w:il continue that
lu that clly, Chicago bring
' l-u:>c Mojser died at 5 o'clock >e>.
M.-O b ilJue FlaiArl «Jivrof the c^tn- feared el the outset. policy and only the latest. Iwet and destination at ptvtent until ttwbhlrt*. «nc.. etc.
ii rday aiternoon at the home of hi*
As described in these colunai befot*. cleanest Olnik wlU be shown.
bargo Is lifted.
daughter. Mr*. Shirley Hiue*. C\9
the flnaoclal imnKetu-y In the east
Potatoas Went Up.,
West l|f-nth street, at the age of TO
«as due larieir to the opentloos of
Shipping SUIgha
E. R. McCoy today received 14.000 y.-st*. Reside* ^tbe daughter a widowThe Caldwell and Loutlon wagon
SOM ot the larce trust companH*
iod apeealators and natural strlna- works are doing a thriving business pounds of onions from Kalamarou end two brother* s
ener vas felt in other parts of the this year, and are gradually extend
Poutees took a Huh- flniry for a
eotwirr and supply of enrrenev lug their territory. So fa^•thb fall
beeaaie linilted. (or latse enterprises. they have shipped four carloads of short Ume yesterda.v aftenKwn. buy-,
Rovesor, tbe tm|>ortstlun of ftS.OOo.- slrlgbs. and will ship seven or eight jers paying 40 evn^s. Tl)^ dropped
to 35. the market opening at
' OUO ta cold frtmi Europe hM created
Into the northern ireninsuls.
that price this morning.
a deellna of aatisfacllofl in diaaoetal
Oafy 40 loads of produce werc
Mora HunUra.
Tbe fl. iiiwixl f.-r Pure-Olivc Oil is inorwisitiE
18IDE every Jay.
drcles In Ne«r York and has sUrtSeveral bunting parti.-s left this wflghw yesterday on. the city scab-*.
Our troJe id Oiive O 1 bai
tut re ihao tlnohled in tbe last jytrar.
ad the wheels of flnaMdal proKress
TLis i« DO Joubt Jtio 10 tl e high RruUe Oils wc baoJle.
whlHlnt assln In a much more satis- morning for tbs wilds or the upper SC of them l*elug potauxa, four »-ere
apples, four •hay. one com and .me
Here arv sjiiio c.£ tbeRi.
laetory tuaoner than has been the
tlmld deer.
Among these were load of llvcBtock.
. case during tbe past few nicmths.
..Vntouini's iltaliaiii •
- - 70<- pint
A. 8. of E.
In addition to this great supply of Frank i». Wilson, register of deed*,
(iim-aimi'd (ltaU>i>i '
• • -tOc
The American Socht.v r.f Kqultv
goM from BuKpe, the United States and W. W. Ilrower. of Fite Lake, who
(Ftanchi ..
• TCv
shlpiK-d their carloxrl of anph-s yes--,
treasury officials sre working night
Laiiiier's iu boUhH •
- »Vc boltle
Icrday ties fli-m in Chicago. They'
They expect
and day. preparing an Issue of WO.- by n oompauton.
. Sylojar (Califoroio) •
- 70e - still
ware000.400 or ‘eurrwy which will be dls- travel about 40 mile* west of Mar
bouse to he shipped to the same firm.
U yon are usinj; Olity Oil let us convim > yon thwt we have
Mbitted all over the eonoiry. Crops queue, on horseback. Mr. Wilson
The society has in all 3.W barr»-ls
ibe be-«t Htia iu tbe oily : All tbeie oils guariuHefl nnJer the
from Ue great- west are bcclnnlng to purchasing a fine new- p.ick sadtlh- for
of apple* in their wan-huuse which
Pure KooJ Law.
tnose knd Urge amounts of money tbe purpose.
«he>- hoi«c to t>o abK- to sldp at
wlU be required to handle the Imexrly <laie.
netwe qnanUtles of the prodocU ot caat In tbelr lot together and will
Mr. Ibilmer. who represents a largo
tbe farmers. The movement of these hunt deer In the vlelsity of Si. Ignac
C. Vi’. Miller and A I- Siurterant. ecmm *«iion firm at Chicago, did not
crops will put vast aniounU of money
r-turn from that city last uight a*
I and be a good thing of Honor, left for pednts In the upper
.generally for tfae flnanclkl situation.
Butter Easier.
Blrney Elite* and Roy Whalen left
Loeally. very tittle effeeu of the New
The butter market to a Hlllo ea*l. 1
' Tort dtatarbance has bc«n felL It Is for Mayfield where they went
tMs wcV. and egca are jii.-ntifiil.
especUlly gratifying to sute that tbe setreh of small game. Harvey I.nncthe fctilelly fresh but cold sltrrag.local banks are prepared tn cash the worthy also went in'shsreb of siitsll
Slririiy fr,,ali egn* are v.-oelved In
drafts of potato buyers and comnds-; game. He eipeei* to hag enough r*b
Mlial! quailtitiis fiofn the Chb-ato
atm honsea for potatoca bonght on Ml and birds in the Kalkaska woods
ni;ifk« t-. which auppllr* the smiill d.tbe Traveree City market TbU In to furnish hh< Tbftnktg'vlng dinner.
iiioud us they bring 8,-veriil rent'
Itself. Is an Indication to the farmers
Out of Danger.
per duxen. and there are not
of this region that tbe Traverse CIO'
Herman Cramer, the w' repairer, elioucU housv-keepers wh<» ore wlilln.:
banks arc able to supply tbe funds whq was ao seriously- Injured Satu^
to pay more for the sirielly I
■ecMHtry for potatoes marketed
day afternoon w-blh- at work In (he than the market yrcc on eoM
tbia point
Fere Marquette yards,
age, which are carefully * irl,-d
.-In Cbleago the alluatton Is much out ot dsQgcr by his iihyskiatw
taken all in all ar,- generally
more eatistactory than a creek
though he still auffers a great deal of gradc.
It was feared for a time that there pain, be 1* doing much better than
Turkay* Hot 80 High.
has been a shortage of currency was St first anticipated.
With the approach of Tbanksgirbir
which might hamper tbe
piople are beginning to sit op anlarge eoterprisee. This condition has
take notice of tbe mt-al markets tbees passed and the financial outlook
what sorts am! conditions ei
to cgtoatnely bright all along the line. Bari, and Mrw. Cora Mcrrlfield
norriod Snnday. the ceramwy bring lurke.vs are nffen-U for tbe Ul^ diiiui
a at high
the day ot thanks lip to date m
wages and tbe tactoriee of tbe eounprices have U-a-n quolo! on the kin :
try vc mn full Ume except In a tew took place at the home of C. H. John­ of birds, tbe dealers and' crowe-toolaked caaea. In Northern Michigan son, father ot the bride. Only the kii- earh‘ waiting for the t>th,-r li* «i»-;ik
tbe prospects are for n heavy trade. medlau- relniives of the ciKitiieilng A local dealer gave ,-is bis opin on thi*
Crop# here been plentiful and high panics were present.
. and Mra. Bari will u- at home morning that tlu- price w-tiui.l
pricca have prevailed. Under tb
to thrir friepds at 5:5 Wnshingtua reach !5 eenu retail, .A grow-.-r wn:condition, the farmers will eonUni
iti the elly ycrierdiiy mkltig up
to be prosperous and when the farm­ •treet.
for turkeys, but no prtr,er Is prosperous, the Traverse CIO
Wonderful Cenma Cure
t shares In Uiai prosperily
Cotton FIceesd Blankels. * -fl
8o (ar as Ibe financial aituatioa Is years." writes N
more than S,'- rent* fj>r dre*-u->l j
I- bunk-r. Sar
jsually «>>ij i
i In this section It Is much to. Pa. 'Two ««t .
I'F Saturday only.
more aeUsfaetoty than It has bemi In aaid the case «-| I hopeless, his lung*
We then employed
other sections of the country. The •eliig affi-cied
itht-r doelurs. I>u
benefit resulted. <ni!l be more plenUfut. uiid If tw.
same Is thie of Michigan gencraUy,
Bv. chance '
. al-oul Rleclrii kevK bring too high -a pric- many
lullle andratras
Hlttei . bought a bottle and soon in> Uble* will be graced with wrt>-fo:'!
-nly. i»-r px
ticed luiproremt-ni. We continued
thl* medicine until several bottles ed bird* hivlead of the
pletely cured
Iclne* and t>odv bulldiog health ton
13.—CIokv,-Whe»Cloaks for M.aae* and cniidren—T.'> ciiwk*. .ill ,u
tourists not drawing as they should,
Gusianteed at C. A Ihi8la<e Urug NTSC. cora. 35Sc: veto. 41«*c.
l-> II year* of :ic--. iii!i|:ht. m-diuui and dark (
an aaeoclaUon ot CallforaU business
Hannah Drug Su>r<-. S. E Wail
Ikeirolt. N..V. 1;:.—Close—Who..;
Sons, drug stores. 5i)c.
aw bare net aside -an Immense fund
>c. com. ft.V. oiii?. S:c.
tor advertising and are eondneUng
vigoroas campaign estending a welLondon. Nov. IL—Tbe betrayal
Ladies' Cloaks. 8<lk Lined
ooaie to everyone from tbe most bum­ a plot by the reds to assassinate Em-; OleurUu-k jK.rk. ,.cr bb! ...
.'III with gvt-y sattD.^ori
ble worker to tbe persuis who can peror Wllltaiu during his visit here .Cleavback pork, iw-r lb . .
fi:5". For Saturdiiy .-lil
live oo tbelr Income.
resulted todsy In wholes;
Short cut Of iKvrk. pel bhl .
Tbe men bebind Ibis prv>ect arc of every known dongernus
‘I* ....... ...............
capable business men and tbetr enter and sustdeioue person here.
Men's Work Glovst-Meu
. g -ijqualuy !'-jtiie;
prise Is simply a money-making
Scotland Yard men. who are spies
high gauDliet wrist, goc
sebemo Judging from the character In various organisations. tlpi>ed -off
-Salu.-diiy only at .. '
ol the perodicalt need, tbi- appropria the plot.
Mounted guard* and sworn de(>-c- Oleomargarine, per II. ..................... i*
molees have faith wongh In advertis­ tlve*' nrv constantly about the em- CSrc,se. American ctram. per lb
,V.- lined I'mierw.
ing to pour money Into It.
The roault srlU be that the populatloo of CaMforala wlU receive a grwt
Salt, per bhl
............. .......Kr
' Cett Fnand.
Impetus Tbe ads lire well srrittr:Graina.
Hibtedly poaneos pulHog pow
Men *. Corduroy Shirts-Me:
i gu::d q-iaitty
S'lirt-,. cut Very
and opporiunitle* to glow and gUiie'.
v^in. per bu .............. ..................
:i- 'oiy oqIv :ir
There Is plenty of good land in the |>erfp
- of in ■CTiU. iH-r bu ....................................
Grand Traverse region that cen be cipleni consumpiltm
r>' .1. HUB Co '* Brat, per J>H»

' -t belli
Yeung Men's Suits- Yv’ius
aUll booght very raasoufaly. There
iH .........................................
............. IJ.:y.-ar*. bn dark gi--y
to UDd not SO good that ran be woti-- the other K.vmptera* left one by
Middling*. iVr 1-v.l lb*....................}i
hi Sf.'-i for Sji’tr.i.-y ngi;
ed at s profit If modern melhod* arc iinlll she wo* iK^rfeclIy well
Bran, per 100 U* .........
used-and then there to land, a small Kliigs Sew Discovery'* pos-er
pvr ti»n ■................
anwnnt. on which It to supposed that coughs and cold*
No iber remeviy ha* ever eqa*
nothing but tree* can be grown
Si-rirg chickens, per lb
f'ullv guari
rani.-fd1 by C A. B-JgB-A
ack. grey, and
praprriy treated, certain crop*, which
g Co.. Ha
Djuc Store. S.
In the and srotild be ptofitalde. could
be ralaed there.
P.vtat»ev i-T t..: .......... ,, -.
The Grand TYaveiwe region could
are tor
aUnd an intlux of desirable Mulgratloo. poople who want to make hemes borae Maynard Blue. cT Walton, ap­ Egg*, per d.>x .........................
.for thsmselves and their tOilldren. peared before Justice George W. Cur­
tis and waa fined fin and oosu. The. ^^heat. per bu ..........................
a of the ttstou
iplalnt wo* made bv Edward RipShould be exploited even ns Callfornls low. hut Blue forestalled the officer
Is and the resnh would be braeflrUl. and made his appearance l•«fi<^e the
Callfurato's biggest asset to ber officer bad lell the rity tor hira.N Be
eltmate and while ve cobdoI mstrb pleaded gallty to the charge although Cora. Ii. war. ,35 lh»..................
that of coarse, there are other fea- he declaied that be had not beat the Hay. ii.,«e. per Ion..................
tnraa ttoat could be braoghi out.
hors esuff-cionily t,v warrant a
Fni example. <he baaner fruit crop ■nr of lilt
r» an-t h'lfeiV, light

Pure Olive Oil

maifs Drug Store


In addition to all the other great bargains
that are being offered at our Great Fall
'Sale* we will place on sale for
Ten big ItenKT Ibat yon can*t resist-




I day lyf N»-v, ml*-r. A li li*b.'
IVtMUt: Hon
lodge of Prolate
In the matter of Ui,- t-slale c-; J«*
s<l>l:iue L. EkrI. decea-xl .
Arthi-r L krl having fi|.-J in said
court hi* petition praving that h.- "b*

t Ibe esute of Clara
John W. Itoichta having tll.-d ic
B3ld cvoirt hto petition praying that a
certain Inslramenl in *l1tlng purpq;l
ti X I ■ tx- the last will and trstametn

Kimiirf to
sale "f-."-'.’-.! I -I-•beI-nrtmltilstration
.rf oa>d «
said eftate In said real «*Ut,- Ihrtv., Iw granted to hhnself or to oume
other Vuitable person.
............................... Mrd dsy 01
fh'-c mber. A

raid >irob:ile

lorv'ii ai!j I* hfriS:> -ippLaatsJ f
hearing said priilion.
It Is further ordered, that p-jbl
notice thereof be
tioii of a copy- rtf tl
'U.-cesalve w>xk« pn-vl
of hr.:rinc. In the O;

iBted tur
; to hei,-by
bearing said t>eUlloo.
II Is further vwdr-red. that publl'

, Ocv.tH- I

rul3ti-it in said

Judge of Itobb

A Narrow Eacape.
| Never ran lell when you'll BWab a
W. Cloyd.u merchant of Punk, finger or suffer a cnL bnitoe. burn or
1 Me. bail a narrow escape four years aeald. Be prepared. Dr. Thomas*
;i*'i'. when be ran m Jlmaon bur Into Electric Oil Instantly ' relieves the
!:m frimb. He says: “The doctor |atn—qutc^v cum (he woond.
v-.vnt'd to anip-itati- jt hut I wiiulld
tin’ rciiisent.'I l•o^KbI a I'ox of lturk-< The frurk cost bra rcaasd l« be
1-n'* Arnica Halve and that cured (Tie ,
) of fashion In Loader,
dangerotta wouud " :Sc nl C. A Bug
;•«. Driip Co.. Hannah Drug Store. F and to relegated to bank elcrk> and
I cry-gigMls flourwalkors.
Wall B /^ou*. druggists.

Capital stock lall paid ini
Surplus and Profits leamcdl

Cash in Vault and in Uanks •

Si..'^7 462.60

Increase in deposi's since our last pubii>hed statement Aujfust 22tjd. 11*07.

Oldest and Strongest Bank In Northern Michigan





We 6nd many remoaet patterns oo band now
which we are closing out io room tots at about half
Special reduced- price on all varnished gelds and
white blank patterns.
Indication point to a raise in price of papers
nvRt season. It will pay to buy now.'
A big stock to select from.

Don't forget tliBt these prices

Steinberg Bros.

City Book Store
Traverse City, Mtch.

The Hobart Co. Prop.


siiANO nuvmw hkhals.


tnur»oav. hovkmkk m.

^ «, i.'Er^'xrsr

Have You
a Friend?

t\. S. An-er*t>n.
. .|
aboat aii BKdiths ago and they,
■ —
i Uiih are reetlng together in the HillConstipation canses headache, nau-!***?
■ $45,000 ae*.
diszloesa. languor, heart oalnlFrank Smith wUI Boon go to
Utlon. Drastic physics, gripe, skken.
her daugMer
weaken tbe bowel* and done cure
Barnard, at 5ndlaiiaj>olia. Her
Mard CUneh. Tia* rn^daal; 8mW Ov- Doana K.-gulel* act gently and curelSmith'
ted.O«U«: A.J.Jt*y«»d.*.J.a«TlUDd. constlpktlon. 25 cents.
Ask your --------------------Then fell him ibout Ayer’s
ntBKnw»-ju Tncj Lv. a
Cherry Pectoral. Tell him
CMtoek. «t*. JoUa> T. Bmwk, tood
Ing hi* apples.
how it cured yourhtrd cough.
Ml. B. C. Dkrth imrj
A nice new porch has greatly ItnB>-roo Hiilett Is buUdIna an addi­ proved Guy Tfaumpklns' house. It is
Tell him why you always leep
tion to bis barn.
a circular porch, none like it tn tbe
ir in tbe bouse. Tell liim to
3 per ceat tOswctf wnme D94citt Bd Wall, who has been gulte «lck. ronntv here.
Not. 11.
ask his doctor about it. Doc­
Mr*. Hill auB on the sick list last
B. B—Adliw all ColUrUecK and Oertw week,
_ •
tors use a great deal of it for
Mra. Polkwma and pon who have
Clara Miner spent Sunday with her
throat and lung troubles.
been spending a ftw weedts
H. Miner of
Th* bam Usd el’s t*sU»eixlaI John FOIkerama of this pi*
■■Bold lor ov.r amtr T*srs."
^ to their home in Muskegon
k.gon Fri-] Mrr and Mrs. Sol Franklin have
Mr. »«ee.«

_ _
(moved- to. Traverse City, taking their
Ldkd Survay.
' Mrs bogart and Mr*. Box spent the! llttfe grandson. Lee. with them
Ccltcd SutP* like iiUTey
L. Brett Friday,
Mr. and Mm. Utn Carlisle are gocompany
•tcamcr Scdi^ vtdcb bu been eoback to their home In MonUna
Mcel Ui
tbe StnHi of nienainM the Summit Arbor Friday tbU week, having spent several
light. They look In about |20 and months a)
at th
the ........
home of Mrs. Carlisle s,
MaeUnie. report* an onchan^ bard every one reports a gne time.
parents. Mr. and Mi*. G. Dana.
Sn*e1 aboai about SOO feet to dia- JusUce l.«ce went to hi* brother
__________ _____ _____ Nurthport
f Ayef* Pilla a
itime v>
He expects to sow to visit rolatJves.
mettr. arltfc IT fc»t of wnlpr on It at Orliis Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. B. Herbert go
iftMeot suit.-. It .Ilea SkSO feet KB a few acres of rye. and then go to
wont In the wood..-for George HuletL Grand I^lds otmurrow to spend the|~
or ire CbiborKUD rrlb IlEbtbouae. and
The Baptist Aid met with Mr*. O. winter.
4.500 feet MV
K from Cbeboygan Havens Thuraday.
John OaloBd. our genial mall car- QTATe OF MICHIGAX.
Bogart la anffertag from a rier. after a thr.-e weeks' Viioallon.^ bate Court lor the couuly
Thia Bhoal is off the track of the aeverc sore throat and enlarged ton- has returned to hts work again. ** ' Grand Travi-rse.
>I to
ihur De Vol
1 be anbstltute.
tbroogh carriers, because they keep
In the matter of the estate* of Al
Not. 11.
Urt I'fer. dect-SM-d. \
areU to the north here to clear the
Notlc<- ij hereby given that four
ahoal north of Cheboygan llghlhouae.
from tbe TUi day of Novi-niThe Ladies- Aid met last Friday
bot for boau entering Cheboygan barber. A, I). IS>uT. have b*'Cn allowed
hoe It la dangeraotly cloee to the with Mr. and Mr*. Tbompaoe 'n Elk I
Inr cri-dltor* to pr«^-t-nt their claim*,
Rapids. They
ley had a fine Ume. ao
against said dereus.-<l to said court
for examination and adjustment, and
This n«lon wu ortginally Bounded
A, W.....Smith
........ and
Miss Ethel
that all creditors of said <Jex-easod
In 1851. but not nsing to those days .Tompklos^were shopping In Traverse
. Saturday.
the modern BObmarlne sweep, the
- alreadi with IndlRi-stlun and
court. al the probate ofOo'..
There |a about two Inchm of a
weak stomakh can with care and the in the city of Trave'nie City, lo said
Jeant depth foand traa 21 feet.
'be ground this morning.
uac of Ul-o-na stomach tablets
county, on or iM-fnrv the 12ih da.v <>r
ready• for Itl yet;
there is tots of c
store tbfdr digestion to a bealthy >
March. A. D. ivng, and that said
to husk :
dltloo. ao tbat they -can eat wliat t
claitna will be heard bv said court
In last V
want at anv time arltbont fear of
on 'Thursday, the 12th day of March
Of Calumet, stofved in Tnverae City read. "Ther were no aervices at t
treaa or suSoring.
A. D. 1906 at ten o'clock tn the (oreAfter a few- days' use of Ml-o-na
to vtelt their son Dr. T. A. Penhalle- mera]ehurc
Klomach tablet*,
tablets, the
tbe hei
headache, dlzz;
ton yMteiriay while on their way to la.- It Rhould
read "Mrs. S
Daied No«-emb.-r 4. A. D. I»0T.
ding, drowsiness, bad
BImloghamw Alabama to spend
moutb. coated tongue, nervonsness.
winter with another eon. V. j. pen43-St
Judge of Probate.
sleeplessness, distress after •'stlng—
hallegoti aaalatain general manager:
all these synptonu of a weak siomSUMMIT CITY.
of the rtenBceaee Iron Core and BallOTATE of MICHIGAN. "THE PROC. U Porter was In Con
md oompany.
Indn last week.
bate court for the county of
llht tbe vital machine
Grand Traverse, to tbe matter of the
«chee1 Money.
estate at William A. Langmurtb.v. de­
The dorty-flfth seml-anunal apporceased.
Mr*. John ’iVeldncr and two chil­
tlonfdnt of primary school funds
Notice is hereby given Uiat
dren went to Ludlngton for a visit
was made by the aUta yeaterday. today.
niotitlis from the I5tb day of Nn
care of the food tbat Is eaten, wllh- bet. A. n. )9>'7. have h^u allowed
-There wlU be dUlrtbntod in the next
Him NelBe Fee of Traverse
ojt Indigestion and tbe unpleasant for credilurs lo present tbolr claims
few we^ among tbe primary achoola spent Sunday with her mother.
full feeling with which so many suf- agalut said
of tbe tuts ^2MS.SS4. which la at the P. L. Pee.
' T after meals.
t. O.I. P. Carver. Mr. and Mw.
S. B- Wail ft Sone have
mte of S4 per caplu. The number
that all creditors of said di-ceased
• In the 1
e reoiilrcd to present their claims
Indigestion abd all stomach
' said court, at the probate office.
■iday .
IDs that they give a guarantee with
the city of Traverse Cllv In sa;d
Mr. and
every 60-ceni bin to refund the mon­
.uoly. on or l«-fore the 19th day of
win ey If the remi-dy falls to give sntUarch, A. D. 1908. aud lhat said
spend the winter with their son.
ih. F. tacUon.
Ims ■will iM- heard by said
O. Winch.
the 19lh day o f Mareh. a. I).
Burton Walt of Hantoii has taken
Wood Wanted.
13.076 tbe contract to buJId tbe cemenl
A few cords of ciguieen Inch flrst- 1908. at ten o'clock In the fun-noon.
warehouae tor the A. 8. of B. at ttlTs claa* green or dry wood for imm<Dau-d November II. A. D 19<I7.
21410 plaee.
Part of the material for this dlate delivery. Apply at Herald ofFBBD R. WALKER.
9.062 warehouse.was placed some time ago.!
4*i 5t
Judge of Probate
14.796 but owing to lack of help It was post-,




day afternoon at the Aabary U. B.)- Mra. Chandler, who ha* bMn sick'
church Carpenter*' Union No. t*« ln'“»4
«<* months.’

Buy Your

Rubber Footwear

Cinailrtm ttis weak, 2.825



Nearly eve yone has a ditlercnt idea as :o h; b:st
thing to wear in winter. What one person sa>-s is
"the ih'ng” another person won't have, r
We have nearly everything made in the line of


winter footwear, so you can find whatever your choice
is at our store.

Leather Top Rubbers
To those who wear this kind of footwear we can
truthfully say that we have the best.

$2.2$ to $3.50


s£iieN of^.Gaoa SHO£s ^





3646S poned It Is cxt>ectc<1 Mr. Wall will
J complete the
John P, Tlllolaon. a relcran of the
Cha*. Hallberg Loom Lag.
Civil war. and one of the pioneers of
Charlm HaUberTa right 1« was Grand TraverBc county, died at his
rCBWred at Mercy boapltal, Manistee, home in Summit City Isi
ycBterday afienoon and the paUent
at last reports, bad raUled nicely and
entered a homestead of ICO acres In
was re«Ung eaiy.
Grand Traveree County
The leg waj/removed above the
- Paradise township,
, moved
I health
hU faml
imlly here In 1867.
right Ane«!. It being neeei
up that tar tn order to eecure healthy falling; Ihim. be sold the farm three
years ago and engaged In tbe mercan­
t was tbe raaoU tile buslnesa In this village, which Is
bunting of a blood veesel located on a part of the old bomeTlllotaoi '
wUeh Ml tbe lag Ufeleaa and It begood- healti
slthb for aI number of year*.
gaa to abrirel np.
buk was not confined to his bed only
The news that the
short Ume. He -was i
waa reoelred with nnl_ few hours before death, but ral­
eeraal regret by Mr. HaUbergb ouny lied about 9 p. m. and blddln ''
yr. Muw
IV it-si.
tilenda In tbe city.
>nlal disposition and one
of a aoetal genl
in tbe
who will be greatly missed
A Bio One.
wife, one
imunlty. .He leaves
OaaA. Mich.. Nor. 12.-4ohn
daughter. Mr*. George Crawford, of
Lonthger, of Trareree City, has Jwt BayHeld. WU.. and threw son*. Wil­
ahot a buck weighing 200 pounds. liam. of Troy. Mont.. George of Cad­
wUeh Is tbe teaaoD's roeord up to illac. and Percy, who has alw-nys
lived at bomeAlt of whom were with
happy him except William. Among the floral
while the real of tbe bunch are de­ piece* were a large pillow from the
termined to eelipae Us record or wear
was a ehnrtet
thgarboda out dUng IL
member, the first g™npe_ organ­
ised In Paradise township.
Car Bhortagt.
BL Louis Mo.. Nov. 11.—FoUowIng ell. Peter Hutb. A. J. Albright.
tb* meeting of the officer* of many Wilson and George Porter, all old-wil
lumber companies here last week the dier*. The Rev. A. U Thurston condneted the senlces.
Dr. Tedman
yeBow pine men announce today that sang ••Beautiful Vale of giomewhere.'
four per cent of the mill* In aeveral
•Shall I Be Forgotten." Thf bor­
as In the Evergreen cemetery.
•tuae win be closed. Only SO per
r J, L
eeat of the employee will be working
tn charge of the arrangements.
‘aoua beconse of tbe car abortage.
Not. n.
-City Miaaion.
the city mlaelon at 404 South
Uokm *treet, eondneted by tbe Rev.
• W. Murphy, U aUracUng
crowda. meetings being held every
emlng at 7:30. The city minister*
are beginning to take hold of
woih ana the ouUook U very
LRtla Child Dead.
tBlerlochea, Kov. 12.—Cbarie*. the
14 months' old son of Mr. and Mr*.
James EU'«. died at 7 o'clock thU
morning of bowel trouble. One ©ther
child, a daughter 9 year* old. t* left
the bereaved parent* The Juneral
will be hrid at the borne In Interlodiea Wednesday afternoon al 2:10
o'clock, the Anderson UsderUklng
* company in charge, and Thnraday
morning the body will be taken
Saginaw «or burial.
Death of I
Mchtnond Caster died at bis borne.
802 Second sTrewt. corner of Cedar, ft
6 o'clock Monday morning, at tbe
of 6C yrara^Tlng been Ui for a
time with enma^ trouble. Me leaves
a widow and one brother, whose
borne U In Buffalo. N. T. '
Tbe funeral *rtl| be held Wednee-


W. F. M. 8. meeU today with Mrs.
1. M. Campbell.
-Mr. Kcnette and family of Barker
7ieek are unovlng down here on the
I. Cams farm this week.
Ash'tt farm near Barker Creek.
Winnie and Ora Ritter are attend
Ing school at Winiam>^bun;.
-■ Andri'w Umlor
-load of apples.
John Rliler ha* a new wind mlU.
Hr. and Mr*. George Miiiiro have
gone to Benionla for a wet-k's vUil
with friends.
Nov. 12.



The snow has come to mtk<
farnu'rs gel a hustle on and it U Jiirt
mhat they have been doing for a long
Wllloby. Hr*. Mile* Giltnor.-

Fur Lined Coats

50c. $1.00, $1.25,

The Best Thing In Overcoats

$1.50 to $5.00.

^ They are ideal for comfort.
They hai?e all the style of a cloth coat.
They have all the warmth of the Fur Coa* without quite so much bulk.
There is no garment that can quite take the place of the fur lined coat.
Buy one of these and you will.have a good coat for years.
We arc shofring a splendid line of these—all of them from a house that has been in the fur business

for years, “and

$7.50, $10, $12,
$13.50, $15, $18.
$7.50, $10 to $22.

For the man who likes and; can afford something extra nice in an Overcoat
these Fur Lined Coats present attractions not -tu be found in either
cloth or fur coats.


Wouldn’t you
like to buy
just as good
goods this
year as you
had last season
at last sea-^.
son’s prices?
We won’t say
how we are
enabled to give
you this TiriFilege, but just
ask if you will
not be kind
enough to look
at our

makes nothing but what is right.

We also have a roost excellent line of Fur Coats

50c. $1.00 to $1.50.
50c. 75c. $1.00,
$1.50 to $3.00.

By all means see our line before buying anything in Furs

no bigger line elsewhere—no such val.
u;s anywhere but
50c to $1.00ir WILL WELL
for any time spent
looking at our winter

Hamilton Clothing Company


that are excellent for ,i^ar and are not high


Black Kersey. Bossian Calf lining and collar...'..
oollar ...... .......................................;................ $50.00
Black Ken^, Black Cilf lintd with1 .Muskrat
Muskrat collar.................
Same as above with B»rer collar
Black Keraey. plush lined with (nr colla:
$25, $30 and $32.00
Black Eeney. Nutria collar, plush lined..................j.
BUok Kersey, blended For lining and collar.......
Black Ker*ey. blended fur lining. Bearer- collar

■............ :........................... J’

Finest Black Kersey, beantifnl dark fnr lintvl. genuine Mink collar............................ .. .$150.00

Splendid line ol Fur Gloves and Mittens and Fur Caps

r. George Harvey U going
winter In
The apple crop t* about all seenred
but elder apples and 1 guess
It ha* been a long tune
men went to day to their borne* at
Benton Harbor and elsewhere.

rand Traverse Re^on.
Iv*ry wMk cermp«nd«nc« It rttM itu to UM. All eormpend—• atuM naeK th« Hirald effiM n«t




ans n •emtpondtntt
lA, thty may b> ■>
afUr Uma.

^ ■MMOamat'^Ma^^a^' Ida Budd

IMt laic ve«k lo apaod a month at
“ CVvpIand Md_ Canada.
..n. H. B. Gill and bar brother. W.
. Hmiard.
afrlTod Thorwlay niichc and
e the *eeh tIbIUdk trith
The K. O. T. U. M. vHI hare
anpoer on Wedneaday erealn*.
Wr, and Mn. Louli Strack bare
bare mored Into Jdrt. A Steren'i
pntUfe for the vintrr. Mr. Slrack
hmrlna accepted a
tilth the reilroad.
Mn. Benui and little ton and Min
Mental arrlred on Tburaday
' f and are at home In the ConareKBUcnal iiartonape.
The ladles' Benefit nve a chicken
thfm fS.t.
The Rev. Mr. BenUI occnpied the
iHilrit ill the ConarcRBUonal church
. . Bobertton
Lrland Sunday mornlns. where he
(wm the. pulp't
in the M- ..
K. chut
, .
Word waa recelred toniabi of ’the
death of Mr McGnltlen. atewi
...the car ferrv^’which occnred at the
marine hoapltat at Manlatlo'ie. Mr
McO'illlen waa Jnet recorerlna from
•o attack of pnenmonla and r«n»id»r
«d oot of danaer Mra. HcQnillen
left with the mnaina of her hnaband
and Mn. McQ'imen bad Jiiat told
ihe'r home there and were preparIhr tn make their hone here for the
irynnathT of her many frlenda.
Mr. Swanton waa In town Satur­
day lait.
Mrr. It E. DeGolier and RTand eon
Bobble leave nmraday to apend the
artnter In New Tbrk.
^1^ Biwpa _.WU^ wm leave
Ur for Clereland where abe
will apend tb» w'nter.
^n^phrey Thomaa trill Jeare tofor
. be ti

winter with hrr aist«r, S3. Jacoba.
Mr. and Mn. T- Wunburf returned
trw Ctfleaao Uat Friday erealna.
e they apent the paK week,
ar Dar"----- -t—d fUBl
Ume. Will Oraaa

I Mn. nut Bamtim a t la Tramae
Aucst of Mn. Chan. Jobn.
Mn. C. B. K«hl aad Mlti
~ - irdav In 1
and Mn. na»o of Maple City
apent Sunday with Mn. Dagos' mother. Mn.
- I. Lackle.
D. H. Power Rft Saturday luumig for Pontiac.
Oao. Lcalle apent the day iu Trav
■ae City.


Our.- more the croand la covered
nth aoow and It la rtlll faUIng.
Farmers are penermlly nwdy Bar ft.
[only a lew bavlnn any etopo out.
Mr and Mn. Tom Pny and daurti I Fotahaae made a good yield but the
rr visited at Lanta Pray's Sunday.
P’^ «
«' preaenr
The flnt enow storm of the aeasoii I Cnm la much Utter than waa ai;


most cash

r are sorry to luoe Geo. Mi
One etideov'S of the careful manai;ement of this
man and tjtnlly irom
The.r expect lo go t< WaiUngtoB
Iiland Uke I
bank is that we always have more cash in our
relatlTrx In Trarene Qty.
MI»s Mildred aawi
Bouriaan and Umlly left Uat
Nor. II.
. alck flat at presein.
■reports «. lolly I
i) for
Foi talend
- • - where

vault* than the law requires.
;Wrs. MeCowan who has b»wi
ated by all.
apend (be winter.
it! tveoveiing.
G. Freeman has purebnred
Mlaa VelU Spanale waa .takeu _
gan of ;nrlnneli Bros.
ri|e^ >s vetun >r>u i
I >A toad of .vouiig people went t.>
Fjr some time past we have been catryinj;.
Tnrerae City thia aramlnr (or med­
from a latga apiing i,
MtTgan tichool h'luee in Platte to
ical treatment.
ship un Tufsilai evening to attend
and have now, more cash on hand than ever belUa clnb waa royally eh- hill wrat of town, into on
igp- revival service-, conducted by the
^rtajned at the home of Mr. and Mra. tbouah the. wot* U tempo .rlly av
fare since we commenced busiaes*.
Mr. spd Mn. OeorKC Spaoldlnp
have moved Into the routh suite of
The prayer mt-etlDg at Jos. RemiPc .
wi-ii jitteadwd Tliundjiv
ihe-aecond flood of the IVn Kidney O'Staaca Cats* Half th
were appointed for entertal
men Aches and lUa of Tra
rec<-lTiur rooma wen decocatad In
CHy Poepic.
corn auiki.
Jack-o-lanterna and
A number e( the bo'v
Mr. I\blf la reponed IB palninc.
■w cuttles;
akulla. The imeaU were met at the
door by the committee and were wild ( Wolf has rone o camp to
viuon atiJ
wati/l” “hei
known aa "the aacred order irf wltchallowtd
ea." dref led In white robea, decorated
WOltam Wiae of Doyno City wa> body vulfera tiohi The •
with black cau. with their backa
ili p-wiia
hnmped up. bata. creacenta. atan. here-laat week to aee hlr mother.
Ovi-rwoik, straini-. cold* and other,
etc., and wlicbeH' bats. The aueeta Mn. 'raicr. He trill uke M. and it:si-f
liij-ire ihr k'dney-.. and when!
were all aaked to rcslater. (then the Mrs Oiler home with him «r aeon as their activity l» Uksemd the whole
Carl Haiv-> of Trnverae City cam-IccBilcmeD arrived, which waa a eur- the aced couple ahall l» sUIe tc. be budv -.'ilTers fiuin the evxrenB of uric * ip on tiH- ixrarjton Sundav to vl»lt
prise to the lady aiirala. they were all tonvi-d.
ui id jKitvnn rireiilalHt in the blood. ^ib 1.1- parents.'Mr. ami Mr* Rufuinr'ted to the aecoad i floor where
h• ^ aui iwiiiK pud lanciior :iud ^
Hallowe’en eames weit plaved. Mr.
lv come,
eunie. and Ihero
there 1b an i-v !
Truiene City Ftldsv rnd Satur- utlu.i, Itlv
Vaa Schreeder. Mra. Minnie John and
oo 09 tuv tja u <*.<•
v> ar>
or i!ici.;;.liiK
towat.K diu«»
-im; temlinev
Ura. M. O. (lacnon received prlxes day. .
earner. After the pa cnee the par­
and Mra. S.lte. ar.l .Urghter
h..rfor‘ih.. --^o.vr
ty adlo'imerl to the third floor, the at­ of Tnverae City were callers
hiI-it. Mr. and Mr-. i
tic. where the decoratlona were atlll Thorapron's Sunday c«- Kl.iliov Pills act dlr.-etly .m »•
^geaal.r from n.K.0. will !-• with Urtiloritie t
Mr*. Fred Tahherer
In evldenee. The lablea looked very
Hazcl,Kldpretty with their decoratlona of moun- Tlrlt from her «l«ter. Miss Ha^
'iisttn, Mlrh.
der. of Til
a«h berrle* and leavea. CoverajOer
’I. Honor Saturday.
■ n.-'ijiiiu-.
d will
will IIKU't Hit. WflA
J —
BPrrecI children
h*ve reliinMit from siti ex- Randoli.h Btrea. Trav.TSe City. MlcL'.
Islntv eourse liineheon __ ________
. .
with Mr«. J H. Davl.
"Kldnev Ttoiii-lo ha.! aggra I Mr imd Mrs M. C l>-»is won- the; "e
lufonin-'l tl-.u Have Ora Tl. 't^dJv «
apDle ^ded
tvidH risli
r.-lntlvo in Ihe ivavn
wh'eb consisted of nut and apple
.---- - among
.v_ ptj,,,
vntir' jitiil Irritated me tor w’me time.V't'"'* 'f Mr .-3d 'It*. Ib-it \V.-5»h ham amJ f.amil.i w.-re go.nv to mow
Th»- Rev. Hr Zimmerman preneM
salad served In npple shells, and a-a-<*««5«' P»ft of the eta
My back was lame m. Ilmtis sore Si'hdnv, also tin- ehllilren.
, to W'ashiiicrue rooa.
fer*. Wolntil favor* were placed atj,^^<M- moved *1"".*"’',
into -town from li e an<» tviid.T to the Wuch. the «dney ' Mr-. Nellie Pn.ti wa» calling ou
Win l- iku-bn' i_.-m-.v.yi hi*
<ir_ajraxl t
..... plate which
....... ........
_„res nf town iti- niM-i.ed hib iiellcia a.-is weak nnd the M—reUntK Mrs. V.ola L;ike Friday.
house away Irt.m fhe ii--w one and )!
when reao, caused much merrlr
The next co'irse wus Individual pump
aerv.d on bonbons
_eai)hage*^Th ' Mrr'^Newromer
_______ and family.
vi..ii.»i m.-ami
aim vsj.erially
esi.erisllv arouu.l
aroun-! the
thi- kidney
Kiwn v.f Intniid.
b.-r .la'igl.t.; Ii. l;;iv-. n.-ln
:«r. *v«on
-'Fr'l.n Tlmrv.lay
a ^tle Traverae CItv. aSturdav.
r.'glon. gatr nf no re.i day rtr night.' Mrs. W
Hop. '
'>=>* 'o
.Ilf . llhJi^nl^ or elJe'lou-' Ml- J. 1. Cibh* nnd Ml«s Eva W4r-* I used renedles and doctor lu-d will,
liuto. l.:'k-








..... __

tore Ileaving, all ^remvRrt ier^eS -o^e Skrdmnn river, is .ertouxly, this remedy fora lew weeks, I wa. price is very low. only S*. nl the
«.ia, ehiW
dining rt
Ira e.-meteiy t
Leh .oMrt III
• vurid. and there has ben no n-tnro present wriliug.
by the I
We hear that .Nathan Smith -who of lh.> compUlDI. t owe niv riire eUThe ladv wlu. was visifliig :.l Mr*. nniiBilny They base i
responding i.Oh « roustN The club
Ihe comniunitv in the
—. _.r. aiVehsoa with rhetr evln-' broke both legs lael week and In at tir.Oj to Doan's Kidney nils."
■ Nelaen Wlnie;s' has r*tui-ned to her of
' ji. « .nd look forward temnling to get up from hl« Ired . For sale by all dealer*. Price ........
U‘ai. W.ok. gnn.
Nov. II.
hreVe hfs bin
hln later,
later, was
was taken
taken to th.- cents. Foster..Milbum Co_ n.ittal.v
Tbe Humlie. . will
me.! Hi Mi*.
Srihtl * honora
name Traverse City
City hoaptul
hospital Sundav
Siindav laM.
Inst. New York. t-d. agents for the In'.ted Ellis 'Ihiyl.-s'..i> N.rv.
further honora from tma
same I The-------------------—...
l-et, ev. r> one crane and bring their
young people enjoyed a mai d states.
t!..—. r.-. —-.
at.- '
Renirmber the i
ibeir mallow roast

> Mn. Marcar^t Storey trill leare
Tkiinidiy for Do<iwagtac, I© apend the were Traverae City







-The Old Reliable Home Furnisher”
and we must reduce our stock of staple goods to make room for the.m, and so are
making liberal discounts all the way through our store..
^OUK STOCK ol dlnUg room TbUcs and Cham is
cxecpUaBsUx large.


Hdr* ira'eome of the pribee we are making on them:
Solid Oak Table. 4 Inch leg ....................................................... .................. * «-7S
Tsolld Oak Cane aet| Ch*^ ......................................................................... 6-^
Solid Oak Table. 6 inch leg. M eawed oak ............................................. 12-SO
6 Solid Oak quartered flniah. Chain.......... ...................................................... S-M
Fninoua Victor Table*. C ft ............................................................................. i H-Tb
Same Uo.e with F'loch l^eg........ ............................ .........................................
DiBific .«Mea tnwn *4.60 to...............................................................................
DUUng Chain from »S.SO to...............................................................................


Bed Blankets. QnUts and PlUows
-Ion- Is hoadiiiiartera for ei-"n<’ti:i-hi buyi-rs In this line. \
u vxlr.T larg- lltu- and our prlns ai- tt-- v.-r> lowest.
Biv Rrillng a good full ^i*e
I.l.ii.k.-i ut ..............................
oth.-ni at sue. II.
and up t,
In Qnllu we nrv »hoB-ic* a good quilt ;

This is
Stove ,
lead as osoaL


endup .©,
0 carry a lull line of Sheeta piilew Bllpa. etc.

leSlACE Qkiaiic^

QTICK MEAL Range Is taking the

F. ople Biv flndmg it I? not Hie prir.- you pay |f-u iiQ artii'!.lat yi-.I g< I for ih. money that count*.


O'.ir heating stove buslnetu. has b- en iKtier thl* ;
i>.'ranw we are .bowing everything one could wi>h
the l»w<*t to be had.


Air Tight
, t Hoaten- from S5c to .
.hi-aier* from
to ...
Curobinutton Siovca from fC.73 I
Pnit Coal Siovuai from i:. to ,..
Hard Coal St^e- from $2S to .

them and i^auist rcdace our stock about ooe-balL
W. are filing at thl. .ale. a good 27 Inch Couch, with back. at.
■ « inch Conch, canvas lined, good velm.r covering, at ........................
gt Inch all ateelcenatructed Conch, velour covered, at .....................
30 inch all ateol c«atnict«l Couch, velour covering, at .....................
30 Inch aU ateel conatneted Couch. 5 rows of oil tempered ateel
spring*, velow covered, at......................................................... ...............
30 Inch Conch, same aa 110 one. onlyln Vertma oovering ..................
Same thing In Plush ............................ ^............................................................


*.00 '

«««~. ».• » ................................................
lit 0. .................................................... ««>
I—tter Co«b.. r™. Bl.v lo ...................................................«U»

We are showing a fine line, in tact we are^show*
ere Is on the market in Lace
Curtains, Tapestry Curtains, Rope Portieres, etc.
x1 [lUir ol lBC‘‘ rurlHlr.s.

'» to
. . .
r and tK. t



Prices that might Interest yon taken here and
there through oar store.
too piece aet of Diahee. with seaUoped edge and decoratio
Mi*. rott.« Sad, Irom-. p.T set....................................
Copper toUom ttfut ;. No. v .............. ............'.....................
Washing Machines up :rom.................... ................................
-Meulcine Cabinet.....................
Staving Cabltwi. with mirror.............................................. i
Wraas Extension Rods. .V to ..
Irrnlng Boards. THr to .............................
Clnlh.* KaekB. -St'w to..............................
. j .
Willi Uintp. rontplete. with exlra .

::,eh<-. wide. 1

of year to rtner yot: fo..- ,\ carjsi will k-'»P '-111


-ri-e Ruga to Order, w n make teem any abape er a <

.■r.' o; 'Ll


:lp tr.iiii
are agent for the tamoui C

We make Pietura Frames te Order.


”Your Credit Is Good





These Prices Need No Comment
lx>nsdale or Fruit uf The Loom Bleached Cotton

Read These

| Q|,

Stevens P. All Linen, Brown Crash. IS Indies in„
wide, a yard..............................................................I UC
Bleached Russia Crash, extra heavy, all linen
worth 14c e yardOn© case Standard American Prints, in blue, greys
red and black, also fancy Plaids and Checks. gQ
a yard ■


One case Cream Shaker Flannel,
worih today 7c, at................

25 pFeces Water Twist, bleached
Co‘ton, ah excellent Cotton
and worth more money, a yd. 8c
One case pure white Ogtjng Flan­
nel similar io Daisy Cloth,
lighter weight at....................
25 pieces Beaver Dam LU. un­
bleached Cotton, 36 in., a yd.


36 In. Siikoline in a pretty range of patterns, all
choiM goods and worth anywhere at 16c.
Excellent tor comfortable?. also some choice
patterns for pillows, a yard.............................
30 in. Madras Cloth for Curtains.and Draperies.



. |5C

36 in. Curtain Swisses. large selection of patterns <|Cii
in dots and figures a yd at 12:c, I£ccpto ZDC
Tapestries for Draperies and
Upholstering, the best
line in the city to select 00 flfl
from. 38c up to................. Otf ■UU
Many other pretty Art Draper­
box coyerm^s^ 25C
screen fillingsat HX15. 18.
We also carry a complete line of
guimps. nails and other uphols­
tery goods.

Some Interesting Prices
For Shrewd Buyers
Something We
Would like
To Have You Read
ThUUtbeontrncluBiradrT (mO* ator*
la Travene CUr. Don't you think It U to
jonr adrutace to bur vher« all tb« esor
tr wd cafdlal of a oo«ic«ni la derotod to
Dry Oooda. Ctoaka. aod Carp«U. Thli U an
aco of aiioeUllata: It yoor oyc* aNded
tfeatlnc. yon wonU «o to ao ay* apoelalut;
tf ytnr ueth yoa would go to a doaUaL W»
are Ion aa nnch apeelallata ta our Uae aa
t^ are In theln. That people do prefer
a "apedallst" In dry loodi la cTldenced by
the mvdi that dally tbmg thU store. A
apedeilat la better equipped to meet yonr
needa lhaa one wbo hae many llnea to auperrlae.

r Drt>aa Goodi
than all the other atoree
We can i

1 more Cloaks and

anlti than all the other atoree com-

Some of the Best Ladies Cloaks at
Remarkably Low Prices
We are t.ff. ring st me of ihe gteatest values in Ladies’ Coats this seasoa we have ever put out. Goods are ,
not only excellent, but the garmen s are beautiful, possessing more than ordinary attractiveness. No woman who
is looking for a cloak should overlook this splendid selection. Note the following: these ire ooly a few of the
good one*:


*“*' B^ments that any woman ever bought at this price—fine quality of broad.cloih. 50 inches long, lined throughout with fiue Venetian lining, ffandsomely trimmed*with velvet,
braiJ and soutache. This will appeal to the woman who wants an extra good garment at this price.
*10 TC No garment we ever had attracted so much attention as has this one, and no wonder, for it is a
garment that would pass for a much higher priced garmem. Come> in all wool broadclotb. fifty aod
fifty-two inches long, io both the Marchioness style and the fitted coal. There is the new Kimona sleeve, also the
Gibson effect. Full satin med, also interlined for extra warmth. Beautifolly trimmed in both velvets and silk
braids. All are coHarlcss^ Noih-ng like this garment has ever been shown before.

Rose than any t j atorei In Ue city;

*1 6 QA Were is a garment that would pass for atwenty-five dollar garment anywhere, io fact would be priced
epALPaW „
imported broadcloth in navyn
navy;^ Brown, tan. Cardinal and
black. Full satin lined and interlined. Beautifu'ly trimmed in seld braids. Kimona sleeve eRect, inlaid velvet
collar. The greatest coat in the city f r the price. Fifty inches long, loose, comfortable.

We can show you lareer crowds each

S19 7S

1 more Carpeta asd

day than you can had In all other dn~

Now there i
» aOBie rceion
theae crowds; here they a
Theee crowdi mean that we must bay
in large quantities, which meeaa lower
(•ricea. Being an exclusive boose the bNt
eoneerm ate always anxious for oor buelMSS. which always gives us the advaatsge
of getting a chance at the best thiogs tret.
Tbst we are Baking these tower, prices
than any concern In Travme City, we
think tboee given In Ihla ad will convince
TOU that this U the place for you to trade.

'? 'h'
*>"' in liner cloili and more bcautitully
trimmed.' These coats all nave a, :ivo style and grace that characterize only the highest
grade coats. But with all the'good features we might name you would ihave to see the garments to. appreciate
their beauiy aod worth.
S6 S8 or $10 “TOUat thes; prices d. not think you cannot find them here. VVe
Wf spu VM. spA.
„ strung on ; hese as we are on the higher priced goods. 1 hey do rot need
quite as much description as the better oltes. But no matter what your price may be—u s here, depend on that,
and just a little .better value than you will find elsewhere.



We boy direct troni the mills
Good CuUuD UlaokfU. h6x~e in grvy. us
oip<‘lK-nt for the prlov. per pair

Oiie of thr boot HlankrtK
pvi>r bad,
A0xM>. is pry. Us asd whitp. all tolors of
torden. pvr pali

Rxtra bvarv 0«rmaB Bnlkh. C4xM. vUh
extra value t1
flser o

St.50 op to $S.M

Em Spiclal in «ool Blankets
pLild*. atrictly pun- wool, usly a few pain
of eaeb. but a larjee aaaortniest to all. ValBO, IJ.Sli. I.;, ttsid 16.00, choice sow

CojDforutile, cuvend Is allkullse—filled

W.JS, U.S* and *1.7*
riser gnules covered with Sse aatlse
asd mK>d with the flneH grade of white
coltoD and quilted,$xooiipio»4.$o

IiowB ComUrtablc* at

W?' “’*■



Mestnr MlIU in both vslon and twopiece Bulii for both ladlet and children at
Kurcl MilU-anolhiT moat cxn-llent
Brade wv- r-arry In ladin' gooda In both
unlnji and taopleCf at

OOe to tS.00
Slirtton Mliu-Thly ia a partlcuUrly
IlDc I'lirlerwcar. Th<*e people luake a
xpeclally of tK.- fli of the carmenU. alao
a*e very htgb (tra-1*- >ama.
It you are lof-klag for aomeUrts* extra
nice. ihU win api-.-al lo you. %Ve carry tfaU
ID troth Infanta' and ladiea' gooda; ItHasta.
:Sr aod SOc ludlei' Union StUta at

$$ '■■$ t$.H
rtu-a Mllla. an extra heavy SMced gar­
ment in two-piece and udIoo luiu. Tboae
who «-ani extra warmth asd*sat can; about
bulk, will appreciate this at

VVe are ,howtng a iseai ezoelleot Un«
of, and panta in fleece Used at

$5, $9. $5 and Me
We have an excellent Cnlon Suit at .


We have aboot i>0
- Children’s Coats all diffrren:. kind
....jyj that
>.-ai we
wi; have
liwvc in
111 one

We place on special tale in dozen Silk Petticoats in black, brown. nav>'. green, tan.
cardinal. Made of hoe quality of Silk, cut full and trimmed with
afitched band on a<leep circular fl ounce. The best skirt we ever Af
offered at.............................................................. ........................ ^*VU
Also two special numbers at $7.50 and $10.00. These are without question the
best lines of Skirts ever offerrd in the city, for the prices.

Look for the name Heatherbloom on the hanger. We are putting Aa
out a special lot of these io black colors at.... $i 00. $2.i5 and


r-s ““ir

prlcea os them ul! i >uld require eontidera-

hoe little
They are fioe
little coats but only a ft' w of each.
to give yi-u.jt ur choice cf thoeand
oe and they sold as


WV are ffotng
high as Ss.5fl for ^0*UU

Two Specials in Ladies’ Skirts
We are going to give you juit two specials in Skirts, but they are 6ne ones.
A fine black Storm Serge, excelleot quality. Made from a manufacturers surplus stock and bought*by us at^our own price. These come in
black only in pleated style and‘are worth $7,50. we offer them at VtR*VU
A Storm Serge io black, brown and m\y. These have two broad bands of wide
wale serge woven into the cloth, which give* it a trimmed effect. This is a
very handsome skirt, made with 42 gores. We are the only ^
store in this city having this skirt. Price.................



Mr. and Mrs. Robert OHrer and fam-|

Mtoa tnii Ho
Horton to TtolUog her'
Real Catrte Trantfara.
alrter. Mrs Tucker, at Rapid dty.
City. 1 John V^rigtt and wife to Sadtoj
Joa. Moflcr baa mored hto family'
H. H. U A Co.a
here for the winter from LeUnd.
•“>- *IS00.
potatoes from Neasen'a dock
Procpecu for the remf>rft1 of the' *”“-«■ D- Wright to Sadie Palmer.'
Frelfrbi to'being reeejvtd on Prank canalDg (artorr from Lrtond to this
d. bik. H. H. L. A C^’-'a 'tb.
Ftobers- dock. Boato will call there pla(>f are re^stnuc.
E- Mullen to Cha*. D. L
now the dock is repalred.
Napoleon Gaffthler to worklse fcA
>°t* f* a°d
Uk. S. Fer
' i I»«-d.
vnr.>. »’.<».
D, D.
ar. Court Com., to
buy apfrom Cticairo. He
ilemenu »n«1
and Is
l« iooa llv- Iraac M. Minnie. loir 3. see C. T *
I the baiinks bold Stock and Implements
The* mroe^'toT tight He'to tunlOR Ing
•“» in
‘«J his flat just east of the bridge, jr. R IS.
planoa. a bUBlneus be'has followed I Barney Qs-.-cbelmer
bs)- mo
- —- - - - -hto;
- -ibeth Swarthoot to Matilda
jfamUy into ***”
part of ***“
the Oauthlcr:
Gauthier : Cix ptu.. t»ro
paro U. Wiltiamsburic.
Williamsburic. »■>.
lers all
; ' p H. Danltls to Male. Minoli
Charles Cibaon. and Bert Sheridan
sa t; a«c- H. T . . R tl.
acted today foi ‘
Ity Monday. .
j C. T Crawn • - «•
W. =■•
Edgar Keith
hutitloR and irapi
-Vor. 11.
. lot i:. bik. u- oMr. and Mw. 1
_ small ;>arty. of friends Iasi ereiilng|
music, singing, games and conao j
drums, some of them causing almost I
lou *1 acl 31. Uk. «. K L * Co.’»
aldesplittlDg tougbter.
were . the |
IMU. „„ „.
amurewents. Ther were treated with doses ,ft.-r mciJr ami : btsltimc'. I (dd SS'sXi
c^rt Itondeliou, oc.-balf
iidie McOarTr and wife to Julia:

Where th<
Door Opens

The Manistee going




. «kWy to .«! to
eoEy iIk toito ^

ao matter
___ _____
wtui tew
K wcadicr ctotnaa
«r—and ii yaa only kitrw to mudi
ml eaniorl y«i os km to a

Toowoto'lbewittolimeanolkcrtor. Tun. ike wick aa to

*The faiside—the hidden
erf every Qothcrah suit and .
overcoat^ tailored just as eue>
fully as the outside—die seen
£verythin^ enterin^jiuo the
injdkmg ^ Qothcraft Qothes—
the hair-cloth—the canvas—
the lining—the thread—all, are
• selected for durability.
That's why Qothcraft garmems rarely disappoint.

B. Taylor Cttal
Gilbert. Clinton and Clifford ,PrmV Kldmys, overcomlu
rho Hoi^rd Brown mare a business der weakness and
City one day tet’^] kinds, tf taki.n livf<ire the stare o
,:lifs disease.
m1« ^rtle Worden went to Trar- j
]bos«- who have tiled this sav |


_____ r hmto » Bito and ...

mmUlanr^ IketoaiontkcUi4^h.givmg keal lor 9 boon. It k Jghi in weigti—euiljr
carried iron racm b---- *■-—*- -*--------- *

e^'lfuu?e;;:1rf"Mab.e are
t forms

d ry-«!nlsht.
r Mad.

and Howard
, d“r wea'kness
>fi Thursday for the upper peninsula.
deer. wc
We wish
wish the
the boya
boys ail
ail f„o:\7a.Thi. kldm-^Jl*. nT«rnn"-5 hunt
......; dPcr.

V indent
Heady light-ideal to
d plated.......
Made oT hram-nickel
plated. latoH.......
imprmrd ealral diait burner. E«ry lamp wanacled.
, 11^ dealer dam Ml carryKrtom Od Heakr
and Rayo Lamp arrile «t ncartat agency.
L comiTAirT

Uke Thuraday. rct.irnlug Friday.

u ‘ ,ri"^s U to said toSl

J. C. and \V- EL Kowle .•state, min­
ers' order auliiorultig ral<‘.
Samuel 1. Crotser to MllUa;
l. sev,
set l.f n»
ty M

Suits . $10 to $25
O\’crcoats$J0 to $25

. John W-:

Frank W. 'i-;.!.'


Frvss'nian to Janjli H
in lnterl.s;bi-n,
NVls„n to Harry lograirc-to in lai.-rkK-bru. »


•s was llm

south MILTON.
Tlie ground fs covered with
Miss Cora Scolieiu .*i >VniUni'lii;r:s of Sew York tb „ mortilii;: and it to still sni
Tbto to tl-<- first snow this seas.._.
..I Mr- and Mrs M
. help celebrate
•1 Sluapiulul those who atMss. IMU- rt nmm acd chl'dr.-n of McCarthy
Elk Hflidds are v -Iting retotlv.-s.: 1>. t:. '\V'-ak»'<i|' «-ar rasr fi m
flintier waa en- noaneemenia of it to th.-lr readers.
(her.-. ■ ■

;Tisx.-.-s,- CKy
a bdiiuesa l:ii>
KdVkLlag-' .•
- of a happy day.
and Mr*. Roverl Sitiirh and M.iud:.>.
T.™ « Cert.
IrtSrtoD " are moving oulo 0.. Cur- Tl - K. v s?. J. Hull ef Itt.a.klju.Rlrnard Pray, who died Wedne*day evening, was bn^ed In the tvilruder.and liv
bv Vlr
yiriu.- of ih.> Mai ilc
Angell. whin. tl;.,-> hav.- Mlrh.. fll'-d the pilplt ai ih- lUptto:
Uiii't 1
made 1
Uamaliburg cemeterr mday. Funeral n such c
provid'd. 1 do Rented
m o'clock
oV ■ a!herd,
lereby fi__ ami apKdsi ithe urms nf
1 o.ncu-^atii
ik.ra. to Mr. and Mrs Thos. Para- tvenini!. The local
o.r'cuvatUni h;..>;.i( n IKwn'.
heldl at the house at in
gu.-s In-taul
He loaves four sons and a daugh-llhe Circuit Court:
Itlni a eall. and it to
the var ous ,
Nuv. .
...,‘e. Smid«v.
Mr i,n<j Mr*
Wood> was tbe cause iOf hto' rounllvs oompn-lrig the i::th Judicul
Saturdaj- bh.................. • will aecept.
'lor childr.n, A' »
circuit of .Michigan, for
I Tonight to
1 a deer huiiUiig
IMS and
a* follows:
H»nt a few day* of valion of •«
Kent* .for Ibe Kdiire and • -......... ----------------Antrim County—The Uh Mondav J'ast weik Willi her sisKT. Mrs. l.ewto itiiMr tourse. A gr«-l many tickets
4n February, the 1th Mondav in Mav til Ka'kuska. Thev n-lurne-l lou-lh- have t'i'vu sold.

In Augurt. the
1110111485 te a vtoll with their: Ou Friday erenv.g of ihto w.'.k or '
Mirr. Horton left tbto morning tor the 4th Mon
mother Mrs. Macready.
■ ciir. the first numl-r on Kingsleys^
Chicago to spent tbe winter with her Monday ,In October.
CharlM-oU Conrly—The 1st Mon ; fcjto* Ujt..- Browuson entertained first IwHirv and mu.Ir The, Basswtssl, pope., white birch, pine
r. .. k.. lone
klr. rcters of Leland took tbe train day In Feh^ry. the 2nd Monday In nwidl forty-five of tor fiTsds at her Mayto-e Male quarl.l will then np '
Muv, the 3rd Monday III August, tbe
..a„, prldav dUiilnc Dancing >-r in n deligbif il proeratn 0/ song
M inches Jong.
this morning for Traverse City.
lad Monday in rveewber.
being the prugnim' for the « veuiuc,
_ .------------ ifiom Kiar lneh<<e In diatD.-ter up. Will
Grand traverse Cu'intv—The 1st wi-ich all enjo.ed. .Mr. Brownson....................................................... .............. I
' '
e City today. .
vtobaenberg and vnfe apehf Satf...!.•>•! ■imgs iCat mill or
urday nightt aad part of Sunday with June, the 1st Monday In October, the |t with relative* In Oregon and other 1 u*isrr .ii-i.-- la
nay railway sidetrack
3d Monday la September.
yeMern staus. Their friend* wtoh
their sister. Mra. Prlfeto
of fifty miles. AdLeelanau County—Tbe .irfi Mouday jhera a» dellghthil
deilghthil visit.
'I**'-" •
Mrs. Harding of Leland waa tbe
guest of Mrs. Brow last week.
niary. tthe let Monday In Jnae. ,
d Mends
Clifford Cook has entered school
for tbe year.
Misacu Ehnllto Sebaub and Effie
Clrc-iit Judge, eat dtotr*-ssec
Traverse City. Mich.
It: Cedar 8L
Mosler were Buttons Bay callers last
. |lIo-sl
•Uaiker,>. Ohio.

Mra. Emma Pray to on the sick

: week for the benefit
r fen Uat
Tke abredden are at work at Joe
Fearr't today.
Mlaa Bra JaqiUata of Trarerae City
vlalted ber parenta here tenday.
Arrtlla Andrewa or Frankfort baa
bean rlaltlng at J. W. Jarretfa the
paat week.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beynolda are
in Tiarerae City today.
Mr. CoIllaoD and friend of Honor
Tialted the IsUnd Orange Saturday
There waa no acbool here FHday,
the leaeber. Mr. Sage, belos-ohliged
tn go home on aceount of eickneot.
Toeri here «

The Rer. B. M. Koopa has begun
apodal meetings at thi' Jud Platt
school bonne at tVeat Inland. Tbe atand Interest are very good.
A load from here attended the pie
•octal glTen by the •tchool
..chool In
._ the AmtdoD dtotrtct Saturday nigh*
light. •• —given
. .for the benefit
. off the
library and wsF quite a •uecess both
aodaUy and flnanclally. |I7 was clear
ed. Mocb credit for the success Is
due to the teacher, Mlu Bertha
Nov. n.

tbe first of the season, but gone
___AJrord. matueer for the Bell
tetoiotie company, wa* here Thura- In a few bonrs.
day. looking orer the route,
N. B. Sheridan made a biHlness
\ Mr. and Mn. C. E. Maynard, who
ip to Traverse City last week.
barp-been Ttoltlng teu Claire the
Bora, last Wedoesday. to Mr. and
l two months, are
Mrs, H, L- Keasen, a girt. •
Mra. Price and little daughtes'-of
Grand Rapids arrived lut wedk to
spend Urn
with ber parents,



J. A. CASON & Co.

one: we:ek i_onge:r

PRICES at this season of the year. Every item in our immense stock is on sale at the greatest
bargain prices of fhe year. Our motto: BEST GOODS at LOWEST PRICES.
Shoes and Rnbber
Goods at Prices Never
Before Equalled
by any Store
In Tnaverse aiy.


Special boeton Make......................................
(rood ijuaiiiy and Ijeet thapea. Sale Price..
Choice during Salt- .

II 65 volaefl ererywhere. Our Sale Price.
HTorth *1.50 fl pair. Our CballeDge Price..
Worth *1-00 a pair. Oor Challenge Prioe...
Worth 50c a pair. New..

Men’s aolbing at
Lowest Prices
Ever Advertised
Traverse Clly.

j| gg



All •ike*. Oor Price.

SviTlto S, »orth tl.50 to S2.60 while Ihe.v l«t.........................................................................................


....... 39c

PifldW: _____ .. a Mixtures, fine line

of patu-m*, 29c value*, a yard............................ lob


........ .....$5.97

‘ *-


Mrio. sir,,

Extra larg’

Men’s Underwear,
Sblris, Gloves
and Socks at Prices
Not Equalled
at any other Store.


„....................... '......................



swto. Wto SI-25

*1 2-) avlui-s. Si>ei-ial price..





Men’s Wool Hall Hose, Special a pair ................
Men’s Canvas Gloves, Special a pair................
Men’s Bine Flannel Overshlrts, *1 Talon’s

The Globe Dept. Store

'Bargain Givers to the Massses’

irimmed. *9.50 jg

li.l.iJ vclv.t colUr „...i cull.. laocy Brai.i Irimnoi, fT.M value, ourprire..

Blankets and
Comlorts al
GreaUy Reduced

:.......................<............... ...............$1.48
. 98c

Extra wide S5c value*, a yanl .


S'*I*rnum.rti?^'*™ rf o?™alctial t2 7.j yiluc. Out ..>• iai i.t;.v.........'........... .................................. $1-98

Wcl‘U tailored, woijh f^.50. New at..
Sold c-laewheru for $7.60. (Jar price .

AU Wool Novelties and Plaids,

Cloaks, Furs and
Skirts at Prices
that will interest

.....39c, 59c. 79c and 97c

........ 59c

< lor Sp»*cial Pr;c;» .

Fleece Lined Shirting
< )ur pi


Outing Flannels, L=g!itan<! Dark
CV.~U8, -0 v:,;-...*.

(J’jrpritf- ...



i ^


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