Grand Traverse Herald, August 01, 1907

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Grand Traverse Herald, August 01, 1907


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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pAKT m

P%cs 1 til 6

TK* Smi «r LMsg.
“Ko. ete hasat dou it yet. Joe. bB p from-the BUe and cucbt U In bar toes were then mneh eeteemed by the
mse. as bllndlBS showers BjHary was alulae, and, J
A Uttle ef Brarythle^
tt 7M h*T« s t^d worth tortB*.
then U ao uliias how eooo ate Bey
poorer people, who would scarcely
London hu lOC.OW ntsbt wnrtafs.
Lora Ub
ond let htan fcomr do so.*'seld JoBcesy. ThSB he edded.^ “Poor kUtyl- the mimaared. “ij bare raaisred to »«««t (hem to the
A Steiiiu bull SUtor Baku fSAW
not ran iora hlai. ere ttfe-a ercolsc
deatlally; -It I were you I'd so rooder who hart you? You cut tell, prerlous relpn.
utbtm di>H.'r">-r<-d. (>ul (be stralalug
watched tbroutt the endt aad|a periormaoee.
Tinae hU brow with Mnaet gto*.
orer aad see her end eeuie the whole
Ano(her writer speaks of them ss s
baSulos the rrasB
ay wue Stan and tan racy pale, { Them are orer T.OOO wobu la
WhT nhonid sood wordt ne'er be Mtd tins out et oaorL**
-I eu.“ aald a muly toIco In thejmher d»««»<nahle product—possibly cone at lensin told ufua ter. and ahe •ad then, u Bk« seemed » moofnlu; charge ot Amerieu pnetoBosi.
OC s meod—tm he te deed*
After Jooeny left Joe stood mad doorway, aad a moment later Joe en-|to become bumu food, -sithoush sprang a leak.
{ the utun. ate aatd. In a haU whupar; Erary inch o< the biBu aku earn
ratebed hu bend tor some time. The red the room. “Joneuy told me to­
We were now oCT
of I could Job bear;
| lalu SAW perapinUea poraa.
U TOO beer e-Ms thet UuCU too.
whole thins was a poxtle to blB Had day (hat you iBtonded to aae me te
up my Bind to try; "W1:y. kitty, Wbtns did you nue China and Japu t
Sms hr ear ebOd of ao&c.
Messy known more than he protend­ hrewlas a lirlokbB B your cat.- he boUlns them with dates ud thinks
m.OOO teu of Bilk annuUy.
PnlM It. '^lo not let the iliicer
ed? If ao. bad Polly told him? And said.
tbst sudi a eofflblutlon would keep All buds were working tte pump*.' A mew wu aU the answer ahe re*| Tbs total eumber ot Bara down t»
WiUl draerred pieleet looc.
Polly had. was It at her eussnUoe
PpUy eyed her rlsltor cloeely tor
tt about MMr
soul ud body together for tboae who buL work u we would, w« (ound the eelved. But Mary scetnad to fosus I the Itth
Whr ehoidd one who thrflU reor thB Joneasy bad come end told bin moment, and. seelns that hit eyes are too poor to get uylhlng better.
water gatacd oo ue. and la By own | that 1 wu not far oC. and ete wu np|'ew
I and see her?
the snpper-taUe lutead of
mind I very much doubted any of its! and came toward the door.
The runs of the.Bttt Um mat ig'~
U (hen yrers etnee we spoke,- npoB beraeir. tbe bard linea that bad
Uek the lor yOB mv lapMt?
ever seuisg foot on dry- Usd again.; I oould not stand it any tooger. ud: PbllsdelfBla are the hurlut b Ob
Natleosl Flowers.
be Based. wKh a end mile, wbile a
Night wu coming oe wbeo lbs ship tbe next aomui she wu in my arsa wetll
aioosd ber Ilpe lelased Into a
* The national flower of tegland U
tr ran ^Mr • pieyer UulI norei j
BooUarfilrd was alnslas blithely 1b amUe.
became umusuageaUe. A uemendoue: Beys, l am ashamed to aaj tor tte
N'eariy elgfai per ecoL B the ett>
By lu himhie. jdendinf toM.
-Oome in. Joe.- she aald sently. the rose; of FYuce, the flear-d»Us; ■ea bad smubeJ the rudder, aad we next tu mluiee kitty wu forgotten, duts tt Oermu wlraralttts on
Me it Do Ml M the neeker
r walked 1
-Will you take a cup of ten with »r of QermuT the cornflower: of Egypt, were a playthiug of tbe waras. tossed And whu we did remember ber. she torclgBen.
the tolUK; ofw<>re<Te. the vlojel; of
Bow before hie Ood elone.
-Tbeo you ain't mad became I crip­
about like a feather, but ever slowly; wu curled up. fut uteep. In ber old | Nest to tbe ABatw rlvar. lA PIBn
Ireiud. the ahamrock: of Italy. th« drifUur; uQ tu tbe rocL-bound coasL
Why ehonld not your brother >hen
Mt thB his Bisslon had been nth< pled your catr
piue Is froot of tbe fire, ud acaaed dralna the ■
Illy; of India, tbe lotus; of Japu. Che
a tailnre. 8UU, erery onee in a while.
The atnnctb o( nwo or three- In
Ah, boys. It wu a night the like of ■ quite to have forgotten that she bU
•Joe." she cried. Ujins to look
of bops darted upward,
rere, “will you take a cnp pt tu ehryaaothemuro. of Mezicu; the nopul which I had never beu out U befoee.!ever saved my life, for It it bad n
■a; of SeoUud. the thistle; of and 1 hope I may never be asrolo.'been for her iHJttiog a mil- couraxe
be thOB^t that he conld nee a tee ot with mer
u avenge fteo potsdo, or an Bate
Spain, the pomegnaate.
cdftce efar oB.
K yw one the hot teen telttnc
The MU swept cleu over ns. and; and bops into my heart 1 abould not as aU bomea.
“Tea. Too ain't tnad. PoUyr
rnm « hrother'e weeplnc eyee.
As he walked Bobs, mualos and
Po«r did no( reply, but busit-d hercarried away muy a brava man.
j be btra now uuaog to you.-«elecied.
Sir TboBM Upton haa te gar tatea
Temmy Knew the Number.
' Sure then: end by Uodly eherlat. dreamlBE. be found blmeeU' suddenly seU reflUlns the tee-pB aad "tutag
Tbe ship wu doomed. I uw thaLj
on prepaitr tt CBioNB aaaBBd at
Uttle Totnmy wu very qottt dur> ud we couldn't let the people <
Own roar kliuhlp with the ebiee. face to face with a wornah eartylns
room ter him at the table.
Old Hi 0*1 Ttem.
hose basket on her atm.
Why obonld eey one be gled
When Joe was seated at the table ig the first courses, ud every one lud know our poellioo. for the a
The records la the War Depar
Wandinria last year pintdiaasd
When ■ brothn'e been is end?
"How do yon do. iodse?* abe cried, PoUy sat down oppoette to him and fOrgM be wu thm As the dessert had got to the powder ud b
I In Washington are. u a rule, very tl2.0MAW worth ot goods ftuB (te
cheerily, lettlns her baskB dowa to watched him In alienm for eereni u being urved. howerer, the boat
It wu just about mldslgbL u weU! dry. but
lly u entry U toud Vnlted Stttaa
da a funny story,
D e drary leasb goes rtp^iag
the sTound. *1 was real slaA to beer Jnotnn ‘
u we could Judge, wfaeu the vessel i that U I
It tt aald that tettudt ud ete
ft-beo be bad flnlsbed ud
Throocb the taettine on his taee, that yon was eteBed."
BlrtKk with a crash that knocked us! An afflcer ot engineera. In charge tnraa eu aceat thsfr fond B a dte .
-Bo Jim Joneasy bu been Milas
■hen it Tta the wise neah oeylnc—
“Tbaak yon. PoUy. I was Inst think- you that 1 was about to take you to Ungbter bad died away bU little soo all off oor legs, ud a big sea, daeUng;of the ootairnctioo of a rood that wu unea of 40 aUttk
ror both fiief end loy e ptOM.
Ins about you when you bobbed up.~
for crippUns my cat. has bar ezelalaed delightedly:
IL waUed away to be built tbrougb a »wamp. being
New ToA IS aridoB Itentet «< M
Then'e heelib Md axtdaaes In the sald Joneesy. -Hara lost 1
she aald. at last. 1 met him when he
bltMcK sod us^-d
Buuttetartag dty. bat It tee
to see your neltfkhcr. Joe Petennan,
moon ting mere obstacles. «
bom your boose, ud be hinted
The Little WhIU Kitten,
la which ee hcneet leash has btith.
on my way home with ay that you mlgtit hare me
prised srben one of btt young lleoteeIn a New Eaveo T. It. C A. a BMa
thoasfau fidl ot both ot too.beoBou your old D
kind scllon. pprionnn] »ith
utt whom be bU ordered to' Uke au of Hebrew boys Is etnddytag the
If roar wsrh ic Bade Bore eesy
Pody frowned.
uowUllD* and helpless spec-jtmenty
orer here ud got blmtell crip­ forther Inteotloo tbu that It should
Old TaaUBaut B BngHah.
By a Mewdly. helptns hand.
-Joe isn't scdns to here an toooort. pled the other day. “
be a kind actfon, verr often brings Uilors. Our onl;; chsuco for life wss 1 that be “could Ml do tl—tte and
Ottu brauea ara oaed bp aitIBa
■ar M. apeak «ot brara aad tnly. U her she asked.
she would bold togeiber uUI; wu too deep.- Tte Ooiooel ordered who daeoraia tetta. They ara Mto
“I nerer said no nuch thing. PoUy.' with It a reward beyond that
Ma ths daiknon TaU the lead.
-cut say. Polly. I reckon that cried Joe.
the morning, ud that we might be' him to try. Ke did u and racuMd of gloM flban as tUn M tgm BIk.
uined In Itself.
■hooU a tnther warkaaa deer
depends u much on you at on blm."
"Nor did L" said PoUy.
You nil. no doubL wUl remember
It tt Bated thB tte dtttyfbBtta tt
ftHar tor a word «( cheer?
-Wed, hs bad no badases eomlns
llfeuvlng crew. Ttere wai'uid;
"1 never mentioned roaster to him.' theory of Asdroeles and the thorn
ttUK uBCBg tbe tesBgloyid of
> throuch the window like he dld.| -Coaooel the mod U over ay an'S Loodoo waa dose B as opua «C
tn the lion's paw. so it Is no good tell- nothing for ua to do but to walk
.Scatter ttae ynor eeeds oT Uadans. AiUy cried. -It serred him only risbt
Wbai a night Is wul Nous of aS| bsoda. I euX do ILing you dt again; bat 1 wlU tell you
AH eartehlas as you so—
thB the window f«U down on him tike
another story, ud a true ooe, which wonld go below, tor it tbe chip were I Tha Colonri Insisted Ud told Ua
In Santa Boaa. CaL, la a teBtewOk
Lnra thaaa Tnst the Harraet Qtrar.
did end eeosbt him by tte les. Ot -I guru our eonsdeBeu gars It happened to myuH. ud which wubed off the rock, she would | to aeke a raqqUlUao tor uything
•aatlBg enpadtr of S». «ttlte U
m wm Bate ea^ aeed to srow.
ooune, when I srabbed bin by the ■way. men t think of It now, be leacfau exactly tbe same lee
fouoder at once, and take down with, that wu nereaury for the nafe
built aetlralr
Umhar omd oB te
So. Bita IIS happy end.
chrou to keep him from eqaalUas. never said rooster to me uUl 1 bad
| egu. The Uentenut mgde htt raqatI bad not been married a great her all who were below dete.
attgia redwood traa.
ud be cat me on the wri;
Tonr lUe shaH nSrar lack a Meed.
Wben 1 ear none of ua wul below. slUon tt writing and oo the apoC “
idd him all about It myself.- aald while, and wu u hawty
Anotrta'a gnB m3t Btoa gg WUte
mad eoeush to kUI him. But I kept Polly, smiling.
possible u be. along with my Mary made a mistake. I did. ud U great wu u foUews:
taka bu COO Bite of teOartaa oad
coper, and I didnt hnn hia any
risk; I wont to get the Uttle wtdte, n wut tweoty imb elghtaea I
-I remember now thB It ws>
Id out snog Utile borne. But the
eoifoys OjBM bBmw R bu ban
thu I eould help,- Ue pro same with me ud tbe cat.- said Joe. of parting bad come, iwu captain of kitten. «Tien J entered my cabin.; long to crou a awtap flftaen lect wortad for enr IC oeHtiutta.
-I know 1 wanted to Ml you bow sor­ tbe acboooer Lightning, nnd she wu there I saw her curled up fast uleep! deep.Tbe Xlkadorof Japu tt tad «« teb
-Bat Joe dMnW Jooeaay huan. ry I wen.
It wu all I oould .think
uU that night U wu tbe UB
1 wu detennlned she sb>»»il<t ootj
Kindly ’FrsK In a Ktn^
•W coarse Joe didnX Joe neni of wbeo Jemeuy came to see me.”
voyage 1 meant to make. Prorideace
oetta of toBhML u g
-I am sorry, too. Joe,- aald Pony, bU beeo good to me. ud I had eared be loB If I could help IL u on the I Ung Dlward attris muy tuUoua
_ Joe aad Peily Urad on adtenias, woBd Ustea to reaaon.- cried Polly.
d and Aaette. "
“But. Pony, Joe-- Joocoiy-bt^ 'Ud I hope you won't think that |
ufortable little neet-egg. which evening I left home, t buUooed ber up, He tea been doing tt all Ms "
inside my coat, next to my braatt and, reoally btt Idcu an oartortil.
ft <b la the tenk.
msbow the aummer duk gath­
traea. aor> etnas tee. eltber. tor it 'Ttet-s aU risbt. Jim Joneasy;
W88 my last eveoing at home, and
hara B tte gattadteMac
Tltere were only three of us left strikra Out an Idea which all tbs
ered aroond them, and nelibereeamed
we tfStelot rotted .dowa le n
u a bit down la
bare Joe's side of the etar. and
IS? drug stotea.
plaeee. *It was seld thet yeer* eso solns to tell Bine.- cried PoUy. 'Atnotice U U they talked on across were sitting together la oor little par. now—myveir. the cook and a sailor.' worid. taUlonsble or commonpttee.
Tbe Rorau gorarsBut haadaalM
Joa apd PnUy had been ewesthcaita.
sot him loose I bothered with tbe table between them. After swtne. lor: tbe fire wu butninf brighUy. the Tbe cook ud I made ooraeivei tut cu approve. His istest is cos of I grant tte iMt te worfe-vitd BteB
bat they ted auerreled about
hlB all day. and doctored Urn. ud bowerer. Polly rose and went to (he little white kfttea wu r^ed up like to tbe mut u wcli u wo could, udj great bumuity. No bom* U ever > ritlzraa » Bngttnd. OotBUP.
trttUas BotBr. end that they had not that nlshl. aftM dait. I carried him open door, where Joe tallowud her.
a big soowball on the hearth-rug. Tbe. wo zboutedto tbe otber BU to cOBa sold from ttae royal staUes after It Fruce. the UnKM StatM aad.Italr.
I bu Mtilved Ua nserulDeas. It u pot
-Say, Polly." be said, taking b« un­ curtains were drawn, ud everything' I n>
epeten to eate other alsee that day. In my anas to the teoee and set him
Tbe first splnslng BUI In —g—^
Poor fellow: be wu dottg bis best to death polnlenly. This Is s aouree
resisting band, n liat-e been sorry for u snug ud shipshape u could
Jonsssy ted feet been eleeted foe- down on Ue other elde.I be opera ed
l by electricity hu been
tiee ot PloerUle. aad wes looklai
tjoodnees. Polly, yon dont meu ererythlog all these years; wonX
Tbe only things did not Uke seeing I uhe.v. a-hvii s »-a come. uJ we' of raoeb flnuetal lou to tbe King, a-tad B' Pendlebory. NanebBfir, It
iw blm no more.
always bard up. for Pkiglsod li
ronad to see where the teee ot the > Ml me that yoo carried him IS ly that you forgive me?"
ere ray cost ud comforter
coouinn 80JIP0 agteto ted hu ae
I don't know. boys, that 1 cu; crowned with turf-huntnra who woold
PoUy looked Into bis face.
once wen 1» enne fron.
rer the back of a chair warming for
As then was nothias tor Un to do> "Well. I Jost did. ud ni swear
-I bare been sorry, too. Joe.
me. ud the bright teen in HarTs describe our sufferinga all through pny eiorf.Uant prices for Lis
Tbe IIM of railwar bBweea Nyagaa
that nigbL You may Imagine them.; homes just to brag about them,
ie the oClee. bs thensht that lt*w I It before Joe or uybody."
I sorry!”
eyes. I did not like going, 1 cai
ud Bourke. tt New Booth Wales. M
hut words wouldn't palm them.
Ms dntr to fo onHde of It aad hast "I wooUn't do It in wu you." said Jost then PoUy's cat. purring soft­
But what WM to be. wu
tbe loagut piece et straight tiate la
A Oitlicutt Feat to Perform.
We were wet t
skin, ud tbe
np aonethlas. la dsbattas the «wt->- Jtmeaiy. earaeeUy. "Why. there luT ly, tubbed beraelf against Joe's leg.
bad come, so I got up ud put
Tbe schoolgirl with tbe Urge feet the world. It ran* 13S mau aa a
tlon with htetet as to what woold a BOO] la PinerlUe would bcUera yon ud at the same moment old Domini­
»at on. ud Mary she tied the cold sw-med to | through us like
leeei In a perfectly Bralgbt tine.
knives. I tried
ke.-p tbe Iduen lu fililBg with them stretched far
be BOB likely to brins him ta e tee.t. could do ILque crowed luUly on bla own side ot comforter round my neck.
Tbe porebau or eale of typewritara
wretched enough.
Me Blad, ot course, tanked to
the fence.
■«onld do wbatr
Poor child, how she
fumble with warm, I
poor little thing! ud kept on mewing.|'''''*‘''F
irufl’T espied without pBte parBlmlou waa forbid­
Now. in Plneville. a good t
-Why. carry Joe FateiBU la your
! But then she could
den tt Routt not tag ago. The stop
lings are dated fro mthe ilme "when tears: u^I am not asbnmed to own and eveo' Ume I beard IL my tbou^U
«rW>ea Joe PBermu ud Polly Bay «„ds. of eooree.'
taken to eteek tbe ua« et type' railed the toaeher sharply,
tberaglnswavesto myownl
CB Barrlad.- be repeated to Mmselt.:
Jooensy. you are a tool!- tbe le Peterman ud Potty May got ma It. nriiher—I fell a* If I hud gui an ap­
snug home, where some ooe. I knew.' -Ves, ms'sm?" quesUooed tbe pupil.
ealllag. "Wall. It U a doty I owe »!««. rery red tn the thoe. "It tt rled.-—Sl Louis Globe Democnit.
ple In ray throoL
Pretoria prooUeoe to be the eoeUl
00, coBBUtty to end thB anarrel; joe's eld DoBloKme irnati
-God bless yon. my dear.- 1 said,
center of tbe Tranevoal. Host of tbe
***■' ‘”History eftirn Potato.
cf thBra the drB thing ud tt tt a beu talklag aboot.took ber la my arms. ~ud keep you of that gave tnr courage again.
Day dawned at length, and I wui
dlfflcnli tn u strict- great mining men eltber own or ate
datylowetomyaBt toeeethBtheyl -why. yea, of ooume.- i
The chronicle of ooe of t
Ufa UU I'm beck.'
building benwn there, ud the eodal
gB maiTtod as soon afterward u j«measy. in eoatiBlna trying to asUle. Spanish travBen, publlsbad 1 I t»3.
"Oh. Bob, you'll warn mor“ uklne able to see my compulon'a face. HaNl obeyed.
seaeon will te wbee parittBou to tn
hadn’t spoken for some time, ud i;
_ ----------- TT;-----paBOte."
!-I wujnsi teasing you. Pony, know- soya: "Tbe people of Peru
care of thu
J,_ .
Farm oo e akyec-aper,
tuberous root which they call papas.’
•d JcMasy took a walk out to Joe
that yoa aad Jos
almust iif.-.*i
e was

; n!eb up on ooe of Uie tallest apart-TTell. dear. He’s able ud kind
Bablw are beaoBlng very nra. and
PatarmuY Mma aad found the IB- Meads."
™ U,. .top p.-»
Tbe Spulaids took tbta root to Spain, eaongh to take care of the two of si.-: ,
n aeeoBBt <f the graai dwoind tor
tar at home.
I "BB did Joe say he wu going to where it was grown u *Xlie truffle
"Yes. 1 know that Bob; but
Item, have risen ooulderably tt prtee
- Tbe iMlIau very qalckly bard parting.
-Joe.- te Bdd. eftor some talk on take me to oourtr she asked.
daring Se lut few years. A coal
nhieete (a general; "Joe. I came tmt. “Not exuUy. hot 1 adrtted him to adt^ted It into their gardens, ud
wife butB ont oylag mil .hiol to S""
yearn ago woold bava eoB
the Dutch were eultlraUng It
to see you oo flCelal buelaeee.gc and ulk the matter over with you.
te tbu ever.
1X1.600 wenid now ba worth at Boat
Jgett ayes dew wide open.
Bay. PoUy. you two ought to make sjk; with mneh tbe same zeal that they
knew It wu no good staying
dismayed tor tultpa. Of lu Introduc­ longer: the parting bad to come, lad
"I haranX been dotag anytUag Ton take my Urioe.' *Md Jooeasy.
.id to i,,';.".'-;“""i
W^oog. hara ir be arted. with That eraniag Mrs. Jooeasy aakedi tion imo Englud, ail that we are sure the sooner It au over tbe better,
£. D. Stokra.
troBhUag YCteo.
'bar busband bow muy tasa the now; Of U that in 1SS« Sir Walter Raleigh gave ber one long kiss ud turned to tbe knot gave, be rolled on tbe deck.
Msster Stokes ha« i
Angost WUbetm. who is an ndardubing over us tost
-WBl. I doaX know.- Joaesny rebad broiBht hlai.
growing potatoes la
Wsh.ite door. when. Juat nt that mo
gradsate at Boon, abali attend the
ut I.fe, and htt'amblllo
moment ca.-ried him swsy.- ud Us
pDii cnBlouely. for he eould see that
-ThU u the first day. you know." be »yd««jlhe Unit- whit.- klt(-u awokt:
his age.
leetnrea on tte history of tte ABtriInverwSufferiDgs
Joe had aOBethlng on his mind, aad smoed taiaily. "I harelmt beu setThomu Harlot la hta aceounl of;.K,r«cb«l It^rif. ..ud a notu.u
E d“<aded t/> gi) into riilck*-n raising eu CoDBitotlosa to
I aad the kitten were all alone MW., i a large scale, htt fatter encouraged shortly In Berlin I'nlveralty.
ttenght tn draw him out "Tu see. ting the wtieela in motlu today, ud Virginia names potaioee among ibe'iaio my head all in a moment ttet 1
tbe only t«o living things out of Uxiae m to tbe extent of porchaslng eev* JOB the fight aad wrong guerally de- the fees will come In after a while. roou that were found growing there.
it wjth me I nicked
On tte water-front of New Turk
su full u( Lfe and hope. al Incubators and inWalllng ibcoi
"Tea; wfan Joe Feterau and PMy uylag that some cf them were u blgl,na buttoning U Inside my COB. I wbu bad
aty, teTBlnal baUdinu. with fntBdi
Mny get Barried." abe raid. laagMng. u a walnut ud othera coaaldera«r,i,^pd
,nm the boose
^fce last ptten oo tbe broad roof of! Uons 7S feet below tbe Breet toral
Nu one can Ml tbe feeling of tbuk- ^^
larger. ThU Virginia potato seems to, aow-n to the mharf.
thing thB day. He bad f t Joe ud hers been that which U now known;
„a oftu I have won
fulDvsi ud ;oy with wbicb 1 soon
eweted. They wUl OteUtt 4AW
the teoee. aad tried to make her go pelly tblaklng about each other. u the Irish, while that grown la Peru'»hat could have put the Idea into my after saw ibe life-boat nearing me, bi„ to tte a«tal neaU aod watob offlera. mnd wilt be bofit of pcIlteU
beck.likely to bare Been the sweet bead of taking the kiUen. and the but by the Ume I was safe in her I,
uie progrraa of devetopment. grulte above tbe foortb floor,
suer ud solemn. ttU relaxed into potato. Another writer, deeertblngl only conclusion I cu eome to U that wu pretty well at my lut gup
"Aad sKe wouldn't gor
- ^ eterga. He peraoBally raw toj A few yrara ago It wu tbougbt that
atnllea sercsai Umes. ud once he had the eaculents of Virginia, uys thain wu Prortdenee; ud. boys. I be.“No-tbree^r four day after I C« on ,.
lemperatuiw of tbe ineuba- two and half Bite wu tte limit of
aetoslly cao^t hlmselt humming u tbe potato root b thick, tat and inbea ueea yon will agree with me when shore 1 wu iP bed, bripieu; but the
"WhB did you do aeztr
^ wraber beigbt s kite oouM aeeend. Beosot
up that old toog thB had lain forgotun tor oys, differing mneh In shape from ihe,j:eu have beard my ttorr.
kind people who took
■ chicks I break out of tteir abell ;eiperimenu et Doaglra Archibald, a
K and wut t elnwlng ud jeara within him. On the other hood. sweet potato, ezeept that tbe roota we ut tall that nl^t. and the Wl- took care of my kitten u
be bkd usisuxtcr. ecienusL shew that a kite eu be
I PoUy’e roond ud racy face. thB was are not u big or long. wbUe some of
rery soon made berwlf quite at recovered quicker tbsn 1 did, and u m*jji,'m^iattn
ocrucUog the bark.'
nraulu. but It rwi made to go op ft»r Bite. Tbe «6-tea did. urthem are round u a ball ud others heme in my cabin. I wu ^ t bsd I lay iterr. I used to watch her l'Uy-,„,^j^
around bun-:Jeel wu to Mcore data rclatlra to Br
-tee dU. Thu I got mad. like a sleep, was very thooghUid aad aad. are oral, in the egg Csahlon.
: brought Ter with Be. for seeing her
r wlth'-bis hand* c
dreds of feet u
tool.- saw Joe. hanglBs Us hsud. 'I And while buding abore the
Bariy in the 17th eentarr Raleigh's cnrled np before the Bore gar*
S thought came
Us pockets and discourse learnedly
edly Ii The emlnut Belgiu eeulptor. Jsf
picked u a brickbat ud threw It at from the fragrant tea^iat B tbe up- plantation of potatoea had been re-'pBee a bome-llie air.
into my bead, and 1 ittnoed a surprise ^
^ adi-utagra of a.__
tt of! Lambeux. wbe tt regarded by n
her, aad down she rame. kleking lu perMile. ter ryes seemed filled urlth rested all over IreUnd. but the farmTbiag* went well with ns.''ud
/•fill tbe for Mary. I bad. of courae. got
I u Rodin's only rival, is bogy on tte
lege Hke drumsUcks.unshed teura.
of Bnidua. moved by stubborn; voyage promised to bu a prosperous people who had taken care of me to
o be ereetod tt 'Wsahing-IXdaX she say uytfatngr aakad -poor Jon." she sighed, as she sB rrejodlce Ud pouiWy tn part by and happy one.
let ber know I wu safe, hut sbe didn't!
Moekey Murplar.
' ton to tbe momery of the ttte George
down to her lonely meal. 1 thought Jealousy, decided that they would; We bU reached oor destlsBloe In know toe exact Ume I would be tome., x Parts poUeemu rrauUy rose OBi;tt. Puilmu. the toraer bead of tte
"Who?sera that ha would get over
hsee nothing to do •with the tnher. dlsebirged our cargo, shipped
dark when I arrived at eg bed when be wu vMeoUy assault- Puiiman Car Co.
“Why. PoOy. of courae."
marry eome ooe else, hnt It
u late u the Ume of Chartet O. a return ooe, ud wera nearing the tbe cottage, with toe kitten lulde zaj tUx tte bead aad lookad for a berg- The wcuu who made (te flrat
"Tu dIdaX think thB It wu Polly that he doeu't care uy more thu certainly it wu after tbe CromweUlu Sew fai gland eouL when the weather
1 opened toe door quietly, aad Jar. He could find none. After bind- hooka ud eyes tt tbtt country raoeot1 traatnd that sray. did ywr aakte i do for anybody, aad both ot in JnB eplsede. before the potato got
<alr, soddenly ehuged for (be worse, aod found tbe parlor door ajar, and loc*-, tog op his heU he went to sleep, jy celebrated her «rd bfnbday. With
! persist tn being wrong.
hold in BniilU sod.
we saw clrariy that we ehouid have;tag through the c.*ack I could sec.^beo be was again awakened by tte a plee
"No, hardly. But who was Itr
Iword froo either of tn would mate Gllben White, writing in 1T7S. says aome kcockmg about befure we
Na.T smicg by toe laUe at work. I waur Jug betog throws at Ms ttee. aod eyra oo « ban drew Imponad
"It wu Polly's cut. Joneasy. I things so dlfiereot.'
that potatoes ted prwraUed In his. safely bertted la Boston Bay.
•tooped down ud placed toe kitten Then be foimd that a moekey. wbkb from Fruce. Her emptorcr tosu be­
thno^t that perhaps Pony hod seen' juB then n cat eumn tn at the open district for sbotil 20 yrara ud(^tbat Tbe wind rou gradnally. but tun- eo tbe floor Jut iMide toe roon.
: mist hare entered by tbe open win- gaa to muofectora Itera aad ete was
tt, aad gnae to you aad entered a door, and when Polly saw
Sbe teemed to Uow where tbe wu i gow. wu grinning at him from toe. placed tn charge of tte srorg nt tte *
CBBplalBt agBnst me.jUmped eUMiUy on one leg she apraag
tt a mou-nL fur sbe trottod to wterajted hagtags.
j large sum ot t? a waak.

I, THURSDAY. AUG. i. IfifiT.

medical coarse, grsdoatlBg' la 1Sm|
May Hare Another Factory.
By a lltGe effort. It to possible that aad shortly afterward coming nortb'
wm OHffla. I
rarerae Uty cncld aeeiuw aaetber aad joiklng tbe staff mi the Northern,
wUe. U bare w rklng ap (be play factory, which while amall al preaeet Uldigan asylnm.
About a year deo. Dr. Caoavan aud.
- wbirta wfM be jHit mny '(toeelop Into n large one as it
“Cp Tork I
tbe stage In a few dayg^gr borne gaoiOim' trainable patents and pou HUs Myrtella M&re <rf St. Jc^as.
wedded in Pblladriphto.
forth aa article nrt osily necessary
Prof. Blodgett and wife ted FiUay W one that to not puebed to any bride baring Jntt completed a course
>r a few weeks stay at Lndta
extent This to the Gifford non- in medieine In tbe medical college
r. W. Palmar of Frankfurt tor Bua-

BIk lUpbl*. Ulcfa. J0I7 16—i
Luf. Uie popaUr cram', bu mU bl*
groOMT atock to Toven * Coir, the
tnaatM- toUng glace fiatsrdiir momiBfc or oTif tvcur rOsrt 2U. *---t
«»«aocted a vroear la ^ rllUce
ang Bo«r Tvtlraa to dre Ma atlr '
to itianklin. banag t>««B pnaidcat of
tb« Ok Baaldt mwiagt Wak aiaer tba

letr former borne.
Ur. and Hn. Byron Pfeiffer of De­
Mih al Ur. BagoL
troit. are rlsiUag Bk Rapids Manda.
R. & BovAkB uet wiik a aertooa
aaciAeat at the eetoeat mW the
ter pan of the week. HU beel
caught in a oonreror whidi bad been
left aecorored br a cafelcaa work
naa aad the b«el. Id two illc^, wai
eat tfom Ui foot. No



brokea. but the wouad. la wbleh U
eesiefkl BoUteoed br Uood, la-pnnlag and wUI be \-oxaUoua. But for
the Btoppiog «t the madilDerr br the
' aevercd dioa beel. and .pnmpt actioe of a wortmaa near, be would bare
been killed.
Jacob Hantle. an emplojw of tbe
Irae caopaDr. lor tnaar reais.
■Utad aulelde Ttteadap nlgbl bp taktag iDOrpblDe and wbUker aftet
patM of Intoxication and amat tor
aama. It waa bU Prat.arrrit and it
tt (bought the dUgnee of a tew boom

In Umi loekop waa ao ke«>nlr felt Uut
I nbU w<«k condition he took hU
life. Dr. Lang worked to aaec him
bat a plat of wbtaker and ten erats
worth of morphle will defr a hundred
phndcUDa. He learea a family.
l%e Bimlclpal dock hai boon wired

a B. 1 Frederick of tbe


g llgbuiing arrester at preeent there. After a short weddiag trip, I
they came to this c^ly and took up:
Lightning aneateia are generally tbelr residence at tbe asylnm.
Dr. Canavank eervk^ were alwaye!
elecirlCBl tuprtica and as the more of tbe highest order and the Insiiiu {

dyaantoa. motor*. asHtebboards aad
PltBcer waa Id tbe city laat er<
laatrumetits burned out
menn tbe
In tbe intereeu of Haecebae day at
to aril, they do not push tbe
Sbeman Augtst 1. Tbete via be
ngtrtaing arrester end of the busMeis
Ug Uine and a big crowd la tbe r
aa bard aa they might Mr. Gifford.
lage (bat day and the local trau at
naourtatee manufictutc notblng
I hare made arrangemenu (or a
but ll^lntDg smwict'
al train for tbo crtebraKon
stand or M
tepuUllon of
Traveiee City will be well ivi

The following la tbe program

or Sbormau'a big dny.
»:». arrUal erf exeuralun trains.


Mr. GWord stated that be u p*'
A>cljr Independent and can Bocart- a

bas lost a vsluahle and efficient
officer. He was a young man of great I
^omlse and bis paselng bas caused!

rester And the owner of ibc potent were heard.
Addrees. Talbert Slenenu. U. M. T. bad the ftrflowlng to say to a Record
lepresentoUvv roccernlng the arrestAddress. Ada B. Price. G, D. C.


tlB aMest weefca.
Gbarlas Alenader of Lsaalot speat
BoMay and Monday at G. W. Perrra-

Ciri’a nee under IS. II.
$:S0.^ladles- drill for a prtte ol 110.
C:J0. Ulloon ascension.
excursion Traina.
Tbe Ann Arbor ^ill run excnraloo
tnlna from Cadillac and Frankfort

Hartr J. Brig^. ar. U UUng
nosib's TacalloB. aad U finding It. and tb«r cooefaee will be nte
ont CB the plaint In Kalksakn oou
Gleagarry. one mile IroiD Sherman.
FMd EUU nad wife and
Kebble The M. A K. E. wui nm exenralon

Mrs. C. D. IHck.'nnan of Grand R-np
ids U visiting her sister. Mrs. A I.
WWUun Lnudon. Peon tVnshingtno stir-et.
Engslrom. kiid Mr. Nelson of the
Mr*. Grace Tuttle and daughter oI
Boordman River Electric Ugbl and
Grand Rapids are visiting Mrs. Tut
Power company. Wuilaee Campbell,
He's pan-ots. Mr. and-Hnt. Fr.-d
of the Kalkaska lighting plant and H.
O. Joynt of the Elk Rapids electric
H. B. Loiitortl /of PraDktort.
"Tbo system to in tnceessful opera­ wvll known attorney and condldat.
for driei.-aiu to tbe codsIIIuUim^ eui>
tion on oU Toliagea up to 35,000. In­
vontlon. Is In the city twhiv.
cluding that amount, and it works
ProsecuUng Attumey C. L. Uayioti
u well on blgfa lenaioa os on
of Leelanau county, u In the city call
icnaion voltages.
This bring a
in bis puny friend/ regarding his

Room 810 N*w 8Ut* Bank Bulldins-

This system promisee to rcvolu- candidacy for drirgatr to tbe coosUluliunoJ cooventiuD.
as tbe berge Cbariee'F. Neff Sainr- and Buckley to Cleogarry. For rates Uonlie the masnfacture of lightning
Miss Rexa L Kerr, irf Clnclnnsli,
^ evenlog to ^naba. retnming taoe. etc., apply to the neareet rail- arrester*, a* It Is built upon a
and norel principle.
It means the to In the clly for 4 few days.
Mtd agent
Mr; and Mrs. Ray Fuller of thus city
Bgaall Coz, arlfe and children of
The Cadillac band baa been aeoured sstiog of nllliODS or dollars in prop­
are visiting relatives at ITfe Lake.
erly to property ownen. oorporat
Bather Ciatt. WllUan Bill. wUe and for this oecsalon.
Mrs. R. S. Fox left this morning
ante comiianles abd electric comBeroral dances and other an
aoB aad Mn. McOulHs of HamUton.
for a visit with friends at Mancelona.
pofllea. .
<tak. apwt Bandar AUta Mrs. & J.


FHti Sthalar baa aeeepted a poal.
Mon In the bank.
qaeda and Clyda Cola ware over tba board of education last eeentog
Tery *ott. every mcxnber of tbe
troa Kalkaaka «ba letter pert of laat
board befog present and all the bnslweA. Qaeda NStalna thitmgh
wttk to asnut «n tbe tiaaster d tbe Ben bflng tranaaeted very fiulckly.
The application of C. H. Tbeobold
To*ets B Oole ^ocerj atoih U
and H. W. Dewitt for the poslUon of
Long bsUdlng.
H. 8. 'Ameraos and wlR retnrned Janitor of tbe Union street buUding
raeelved aad filed on Mr. Foot's
anordky erealng tom tbetr trip to
Cbteago .
A petition focthcreappotoUnt
Uie. Vrwnli Teenier loct eereral relcorge W. Brir aa Janitor of tbe
aUrta la tbe Salen wreck of 8

Travara* Cltr-


Traverse City, Mich.
Soli j-cu your l)il! for n lioust-or barn. Wv curry al .ill lim.-tt
n full line of

Look for Un- Big

ed through the city this moralng 00
her way to Ovid where she will vtolt
for a



. I’lionoa. R. 11

We Believe

C'boicv L'lictilonvl .Tairtii lurtiouiarly fino Ibivor ami
esn-plion.'il strvii^lb. If yon have troubb- i^-ttinf; a
tea that if tn your likint! try a eampb' lonml »*f this

The Owcvi.h JI of i.;e franchlrp


Cut 0« Finger,

the com-; off

Adopted on Mr. Cbtadler's motion.
tbe Maaenbeee
of the
The report of the committee on
About fifty people from thta ellUge
by about twenty of
-i.'r youi.g
w«t OTor to wilneae tbelr aoceeea. claims and accounu was adopted on
frteods. Refreslimcnls of leo ci<u’:i
The Anna TbereaaA iatge motor boat. Chaodler's motion.
Mr. Hoyt reported that the cMnmlt- -ind cike-vere served.
aUa sued, broogfal tbe party borne
Ma y Crin
e on buildings and gnnnds rocom.
Mldldgbt. carrytog a large numjier
dall wbo have bww vIsU'i.c D. E
mendtd ibat ninety coids irf wood be
a MUboat whkh they bad tat tow.
porebased from Henry Wltkop at CtudaH's family, retunicd to ittir
neat anm waa leallnd by both partK
borne at Briloer Saturda.v.
Tbe Preebytetlan Ladle.- Aid aodo. fiS.TS a cord. 1150 to be paid bin now

,i„, ,^-ond Jiunf, A local ph>sl-

to-ti -o-M to ThoraUMi Mllcb.1I. Th<fruli faun »a- 011.- of ih.- ll-i--1 u.

went to Cadillac this morning to wliih<- Grand Trav.-rj,. r,gf"« nii'l .'-.i- u
nrss today's races.
Mr. and Mr*. John EIb-I li-ft tliU >|.I-ni|ld rrop nialiiring ;it prs-'.-tit

Th.- tS!TO bar U.-n ..wm-d lit th.Kn<H-l;.tid> lor the I«st lhiite.-n s.-a.--

to tbe le-nt-T o»n-rs.

Mr. and Sirs. J. J. Burten
city are visiting friends at Meil-t.
Tbe Missra Prtiny
Mddr.-.t of Northpo.l ate Mr.t.og In. u-;.
DHtgnuiD of Pueblo. a>I., are the gu.-rts jibe city,
of their sister. Mre. C. A. Hammond.
SI. M. Tetro. of



!f you want the best washing machine made buy
a ‘'1904 " Automatic. We claim that the *
do the work quicker, Letter and easier than any other
washer made. Our iiroposiiion is! Take an Autotm;ic ,:n ! try it tliiriy days then if you like it buy it.


' '

general [

Stiver Ijke SS9 brid tbi-i' n-firlar
and the -balance on detlrery. Adopted
meeting Wedoesday alteraun
on Mr. Montague's moUon.
noon erltb Hn. Pazter Bargy.
erf DrtnHt, left this morning o
Mr. Tblrlby-s rooUon. tbe mat- frvehnienu of Ico erv-am and take
Ihe aleaoer Mabel will ran an <
Choquamogon for CTiarU-voix,
good of order.
Cnbealthy KWocys JUke tafurc filuot
»r of hiring a Janitor for the Union
cnrabB to Bellalre Boaday.
spending a ft-*- day* looking (-v<
J. W. Habbell.' wile and dgniriiier street school was left In the hands
Oeatn of Dr. Canavan.
Meal Singer store. They wei,. accom­
of Haataa'apeot Soaday with W. G. of jbe commiuee on bulldlnss Ud
Dr. James F. Canavan. firat ast-lst- panied by C. A. Cressy and will also
grounds wltb power to act.
•nl physician on the staff
visit Petoskey. HseUnaw Clly, and
. Mia. Otto power, enteitaliiod Mra.
N<«hera Michigan asylum died Frida, Mackinaw island.
Ughtnlng Struck Telephone.
moralng at f:I5 after an illDoss of
Dr. B'nltet and son Frank arc the
While Ulklng by triepbone at hia
borne during last nlgbt'a electric less than a -week, ai>]pendiciUs bring guesti of County Clerk Walter.
4 sms-.flaj;:
WlUlwn Wilson nnd wife of Kin»storm. Dr. G. A. Holliday bad tbe fits tbe cause of bis dntrh


Srerr nerre end ererr nnaele <
bedy depends on tbe blood for not
«M«t. Tkun. waletT blood mskes weak
senree and flabby musclca. Tbo
e»«. In iu work of forcing blood
threugb tbe body: tba longs, tbe etc
acb. tbe tteer. kidneys and bowels
«D tbetr srorti In an Imperfect way. and
yen gng nboat weak. Urwd and mleer>
Tbe net of Dr. A W. Cbaae-s K.
PUIa Bake a radfeU ehange la eveiy
bunan syetrni that Is slsrred and '

aradeally. certainly nod nntv
they Instill new rigor Into every t
and comer of the body, lewlots faeallb
end riuntr. esa p« a new Joy lato Ufa.
Kola yewr Inonaae tn weight while
esiag Dr. A W. maae-B Keree PlUe;
Id ceau a box. at all dealers, or r
». etmmm MedlclDe Co, Buffalo. M
For otM by JetiMan Orafi Co.

rieets of


Weakened by Oiet-Work.


day moralng. but his coodilion wasjpeeds Wilson at "CrippIvS R-Hreat."
not regsirded as serious nmll next day La*j bay .

tne dUgnosls

of appeadlclUs

Miss Tina Hotdaworlh has relumed

was clear and a teiephtme message from M. A, C.
was sent to Dr. C. B. G. DeXan-redi-,-----------------------------^loken Blit a fcT words when tbe
professor of atirgery of (i*- VDlver»l-|
The Street Railroad.
I came, tbe bolt seeming to
ty of Michigan, to come for consuiia-! When the chairman of the loterar-j
•t to hla esir. aad throwing blm
i l-tin commiuee of tbe tKCtni of trade
backward- He was not Injered and
city 1 made a report, be *t;.t,>d that a prosfeels all Tight today aside from a sUS
Ihelpcctns would be issued, giving in deneck caused by wrenching it in a
operation waa performed.
The ap-juill the proposition of the Cwjdf
hasty move to get away from the
peodix had been raptured, however. Cpnstraetion ^mpany to bu^ a
Despite this, for





first i terarban line to Elk Bapitif.

ilowly jI gradually
gradually ebbing
ebbing nway
away until
until death
death uo-'such franchise as will Jurtify Uie con-lbw.l es. . You rtav
broke ber leg. Sae rocovered slowly
a malting an ln-lb.iv. s sample boule 1
nnUI she wns able to etosid. aad a aoed.
'atructlon company
tail free, alvi a pair
abort limeaga whUe funding tip. the
Dr. Canavan wn* a native of the restmenlof luownu.--,,. — ..
tofindoat if von h
leg nneipecufliy saanwd a»to. H-attte of Mawarbnaettea and was 3i ommendlng the Investment to the peo-|
Ment:-.;* .
was decided to ompoUte the OM and rears of age. Hit Lterary education‘pie of Grand Traverse region Is an' wbra writiugio Dr. Kilta*r S:

from; aasorad fact, no good purpose would

ty.- Bbe died shortly after Uae there be went to the Cnlveralty of be served by the
atloo this morning.
' Mlcbigaii. where b* cooipieted the prospectus .






and Cup Grease
-\uromob;le and Gas lintfine Owners are hereby
notified that I’rokop Kyselka has Established a Gas­
oline. Gas Engine Oil and Cup Grease for dopel stat­
ion at the Corner of Front and Cass St. Traverse City.
Cup Grease is put up in 3 - -j and 10 IL. Pail* and
in large Cans-wc sell any amount. There is no danger
of l ire with c
; can till your Gasoline
Cans any time afterlights e lighted'

«watnr-K<e.;. 'oe.-

t twenty-four hours there seemed to be| . This prwpwue bas not berm
01 thf ra-.,--. d
It alarming •rmptoms. ban Thurwdaysiied. as the enterprise U entirrty
Ninth street died at the Grand Trav_____ I aomlng. be IspMd Into uncoaseloss-1 pendent npoc the franefaise to be obsanlurinm July
aaWllimaaad nevw awakened, his strength ulned from Traverse City—and
ago Mrs. Wbeelock

the «»* taken .to Uie aanttariimi y»‘ eras received in Holyoke


The Farmers’ Store

ty wtU meet next Wednesday alli

Dr. Canavan became nl last Satur-llry are tbe


j' Automatic Washer on.-' mil.' w.-si of the cU« . aud

oau.d t.v Mrs, C. J. Ku-.-laitd. has

home In Fife Lake.


xorrls <rf C.xljr Itun
t l.-li b -. had
of hi* left r.."/

Hai»i.-ih £ Lay/M.-!vanllle coaiii.nny.

few days In Ibis city.

moralng for Big napldsr whi-rv Mr
Ebel expecu to locate.



xVi.ii,. b<-ac.l his btother were chopj,,,.

tto:Jd impossible for them to| 4,;.,
this city.
consider oi--:ath>us
The public has Rot up
this timet ,1.,.
iK-.-n givi-fl a full ..iiillne

TravwM etty



not the
atnifd at, but to know
that It will hat.- DO provtolon which

BpMiaiiat mr
ear, nose


Price, SOc per pound.

J. J.


lhalm aiowi

Wowill takeuur Hutiow on your comiii{; Istck.

Mr. and Mrs. William iiiekey who and cohrists of tl.lny>ix am-j. s. i to
abmil V—. tr„.s„t all kinds .-f fruit.
have Uv-n vtolting In this city
Ur. Mitrh.-!i t-Rik
this fflwnliig for their huBJe In Pels- I.rm/'ii..,llv pi.-M
Th-- .‘■pn-idorutum war k.-t
J. M. Uyer* who has l.oen
aa Krille Van Hora
v.>s very
loi: It is- s:i|d 111 I-- tery sallrl.n Urry
pleasantly surprlsOd Th" st.iy evening city on buriness has n-tiiraed

cciTcr split Id two la bis bands and

C-iU on

„ Or. F.




have tbe Best Tea on
the Market.

D. W. Cole has returned to his
home at Lewiston afur spending a
Jobs Lamson and tX'alter Ih-ntun

UtsJM StM.


Cor. E. -lb Si. am! Lake Avo

Horvey Mandermn uf Teeumseb to time, ctihcr afihe I’ark Place hotel
or hy aJ.jHiintment tilth M. S SanTtoUlng friends Ju the dly.,
Mra. F. B. Clark of Northport iduis- •h-rs. H.ritary apd"fie;.nirer of the.


CrawD. Mich.. July tS—Mis. Beylan
An aunt waa killed and eonalas Union street building, slgnod by Al­
arrived borne Friday from an cxti.udtnjerad. eome of whom are In tbe- boa- fred Campean and others was reeeired and filed on Ur. Hoyt s motion. od visll In aoutbero M'coigsa.
P. U Bird left S«fjrua> for
The cwnmlUee on schools
Mra. BMher H. Hay of Unilag
mebera recommended that Miss Lou upper peninsula to be jor.i- all siipitorw to ber borne today after tea
4aya' atay at the bnaw ofBdliar Per- UeMBnas be employed a* 8.iperTlsor
Mra. Newman of Central l.ako spett
of music at a salary of 155 a montb.
*7Sunday vlritlng friends In Giawn.
Hr. Walter Lory spent (wo daye Adopted on Mr. Montague s motion.
G. A. Brigham and family i-aRe
Tbe committee on texi books and
last wartt with Us wile and son.
1 friends here Sunday. I b.-y wee
are viattlag at Mra. Lcrey't paienU.
1 tbelr way home from Lvke fJlchlcelred bids from tbe City News c
A. Ortdfaih and wUp.
where they weie vanipini;.
A party of Ugb school boys and pany. the Hannah A Lay Mi-rcnnUlc
Mlllon Harr spi-nt Siir.iiey in Trovgirta went orer to OM UlaaioD Tues­ company and the City . Book ■
■se Oiv.
committee recommended that the
day and gaee the rntermomeol “1
Miss Tbersa CrabUgU wen-, on the
bid of the City Book store be
tba ShBlow of tba RocUee." betdre
rzeuraion Fuaday to Tra-<rse CHJcrowded boMe. wider the aueplcee of eepicd for IS60.S0. Adopted on

vas thrown against tbe srall.
Daring tbe most screre portJoo At
Bm torn cim EmIA Am Blood end
■Mdllew VSger Thraegh Am Syw tbe storm, the Instnimenl nmg and
by Umm Dr. A. W. CWa the doctor answered


d In thto'.jgn tea.-, o^jlcj anl tiK.k a lilUcmoro
Slated in ^ ,u^.
Mrs. O. P. Carver and Mr*. Fred pri piv-llioR. whl.-t
'•This B}wlem Is broadly covered by
Ik.- |-r>..S"-ctue.

United State* pateuts and patents are Curtis spent tbe dny at Siimiali City
In the moomlnn* mid prior to the iswath
pending In Ekigland. Ftanee, G«rmi.Dce of the p:iM>(M-ciu«. if any <rfFrank
may and Cbnada. The sale of the .lilxns arc of fiiitbrri
rectera bas been entirely satlefnetory to Kingsley this morning.
Miss Gladys tVllllams has relumed luforii.ation^ In regard to the p!an* i
factory will be ealabltobed some­
from aa extended trip in tbe soutbera of lbii> uompany, or uf tbelr standing.'
and ri'sponsibllily. their gciKral conn-1
part of tbe stale.
"The arrester can be used on street
Miss Msry Fergttson left this noon rel. Charles Oeunn-n. or (heir chhf
r sysiemt. In private buildings, in
enginc r. N.
DcBruln, will' be
ct anywhere where there Is electri- for Montana where she bas accepli-d
pleusni to meet such ciiiK DS at any '
a poslUon teaching scliool.


lUi Oood Makes
a Weak Body.




LewU and wife west acroM the lake tnlna from Trarerae City. Man


3 Fcr Ceat aUaved aa riflM Depatlu


Uol oiir C^urvs and couii>nr>' our ^jrmles before buyintf.

From Thureday's Record.
~My ligbinlng arrester and kicking
Mn., I>iru ("rum, Mrs. C. A. Carat:
coll s}-*l<in has been thoroughly test- and daughter Uieile. left today fur
Dd proven to be auporlor
Nlngara Falls. They wUI abu> risl'
thing of the ^d on tbe ms
Mr*. Ganiri'e^ivnls. Mr. and Mrr
The tollowlng Traverse City Anrtsromn 'atriHlIlan. N. Y.

CvL Joe Hawley and wife bare
Addre»>. Hon. Perry P. Powers.
tabes a tew boneehoia goodx to Oam
•;00. ball game. Cadfllac SUz
bka, where they wUI reraala during Empire.
tbe aaaaae. or ae long aa tbe csptaln
t:00,- horse race, runnlag. best two people have used the apparat:
know that these ttoteRienis a
■sn apend bU nights at Ipe other
1 three tS and U.

’ B«D4il worti, and be ia keeping tfann
b«v- na walk U to be exteadr

illoiicj to Loan on Improrcd Real Btatc Only.

sorrow and appreelatlctn U bii s*t-j
vices to the inatltuUon.

Addrcea.-R. Rose Raney. C. U. C.

end of hU run.
Trotting or paciag. beat two
Uav new aldewulka aad <
three. IS and 13
wdka are being laid. Street Cooimta.
Fat man-a rare. IS. Free for all. If.
thM- Maxwell baa a foree of hfiees
Bo}.- race tiailer 13. II.

A ecaenl BasUfic Bttiaeai Daw

PlAt*GlaAS,8l»Ain BotlAr And Acetdant insurmne*.

expressed tbe deepest simpathy amli

a man. Dr. Canarsn was highly
regarded ia tbe city. Socially, he was
the mtuw nrevarary to carry on tl
prominent and all who knew him
ims but be likes tbe loraUoo <
Iberaan teula.
liked the qalri. earnest young mu.
Traverse City. Us luw freight rates
ll:bb. balloon ascension. Prof. Rusk.
whom bit friends believed, not with
and other advantages as a distribut­
Udios- drill.
reason, some day would mark hir
ing oenter and also beUeTce that the
place In bit cfiWn profi-sslon. HH
reel baa a better chance
1:00. addr<» of. welcome. Tillage
friAdt were .many and all oicr tbe
paod In a dly thta size and (u
praaldeut. KesjaroM- by II. U. C. Cbaa.
city' today cxpresalons of sympathy
•OMUis would locate here.
fon tbe young wife and sorrow over
William Gifford. Inventor of tbe ar- tbe untlniriy calling of the young man
Address. O. M. Sisy. G. R. K.

for electric tl^U.


SURPLUS, 830000

Tire Insurance!

10.3b. tm 'bolt game. Wexford Ts.

Ad'lnvs. Senator Fred C. Wtti
Addrt-ns. Major K. B. Uoyntun, great

A TRACY LAY. Prarigial.


much graulne sorrow amemg hto ai-|
soelatFs and fe'lov workers.
Tbe rcrident member* of the board
of trustees In speaking of bis death :

Tfayerse Gty State Bait



This is ’!u; plice where that good Cha»e and
?ar.born Coffee and Tea is kept.

I Grocer



»'o-. K.Iraer s jiw.m|KRoot. sn-l inr a*



Nevus of Grand Traverse
Summer Resorts.

The Traverao City
y bat malt by thair tialaer was also ihiai.
tod the Nn»aPHc Fool U
tSTMd oot a larce aombM- of tbeae
and they are all la
on. The power lor tbe Elk
Rapids rtectric llcbt plaat
ed by one of tbeae ontAta and It It In tbe iireek i
the performaace
^ery way aaUsractorr. fumlabtnc of more lhaa
al iBiereet
hoeiHiy iB the plaec U dolac coed liCbl erery nlcbt and ranalnc tmootb msB weighed
ponnds and I
Neah-temtk. Ml**, iulr *7.-V«r
and stroosly built
often on elMT. twlfhi dajm the both- Hla* Garroa and Jobe L. Newball of
^rson. Tbe bear weighed COO pounds
Chlcaco. arc the last to come aad take
Inc bMcb U NMb-tn«nntA
and hi* great paws almoet covered
their abode ttiere, Mr. aad Mr*. the service of tbe cogine w
v«rr faronblr vtUi buk* Ufxer r«man's back. Tbe bear enjoyed
■orta, pmir drta. eUc batbloc aolu Henry EecI of Benton Haabon are al- lenL
tbe sport very much and It was
here for the tummer. Hr. Seel U Tbe sas producer is tbe comlns Ume before bo would allow the man
and red exnert ammiilsc ead dMac.
poser as It bas all the adrantaces nf to throw him on bit hock and end the
BBKMh aandr bench vith bardlr a beeomlnr <|iiile well known la
steam with none of lu dlsadvanlacei-. came.
alone tor the email bar to throw. Mr. reclon. ollen belnc called
-We ifted in some of die
Hany and Chaa. Howe hare boUt d Apple KInc. havlnc been aa eilea- With a caa producer plant no local
Ifrtemgeni Animals.
finest hotds and trrtauranlt, but
PAckage. one pound hi9 wa^
Ane raft, thejr had aome bdooUi lam- alva aiHde bnyer both here aad KBS factory is It
In addUloo to the wild animal acts,
ber eent down from Trarme CHr and la the eael for over thirty years. faetures Its cae aa needed and
did not find any coffee to excel
there srere a number of oUiers of
bearing the name ARBUCKLES^
: amde a tan-that win be anchored out Old HUalon fanners have oflen i* the enclne stops, the expense
rerodout animals, tbe dogs, ponies in cpiolit}-ArbucUcs* ARIOSA.ARIOSA COFFEE and the
qelte a waya from ibon and dhrlac marked that If there waa one boaca IhU belBK a bic advantaer
ind horses being at highly trained at
Thai it w hat ocK Ldy wtim* and
steam, aa when steam U used,
signatufe of. Arbuckle Brnthenb
euata wiu be in older. Breiy one oa apple buyer it ii Hr. Seel.
shows bandUBg notbing elte.
o( otherx prove they befieve, j
ought to induce evoy- which entuies >x>u to presenis.
the reaort between the i
Mr*. V. C. Vanchan of Ana Arbor wba tbe eeirtne is stopped, the
troop of sea lions wu especially Inter­
wife of Dr, V. C. Vauefaan
Vauchaa of tbe
the State
Stau mcsl be kept hot or else fuel be ex­ esting. tbe Intnlllgeoee and skill man' and aetentr are Inrlted
by iHBg more ArbucUet' ARIOSA i body lo at least sample k
^^^^hc^gnjan^M^ ne nUHr~
let la the came.
bnlverslty arrived
d a few days ago pended to make steam wbeo It is
Cefiec thu aE the othm packaged
Mn. H. M. WatU^ aad Mlta Wet- ^d joldtd ber faffiU who came desired to
i whge you buy it ctvrhst price yon pay
cofiem « the Unked Sute. put! 7« ^ ^
IB EOcland. the use of these enclDe;
^ I and beys who secredy n^ icr
earlier and opened
klai oC DowBflBe.
Ml op aeir eoltace.
elephanta were also well trained, the
if toeated in the
Judee Wllcooaon aad wife of De­
lephut barber shop betng a gre
The to ih.t A,b.cll«Same old CoHee. same old fan,
the dock for the a.
oil are at Mrs. Hanball'i for the than In this country, as a number of laugh produeer.
probably umd the oU
the larcer |>ower boats are Atted with
•The HooherT." U a pieUr place, asmmer.
AR]OSA*Coffee cods leas and wigbal - ArbucUes” tbe
’^oppi*” is Dying.
your »oc«r won't supply, wnie to
taeant ret. btst a JoUr party from
Hr*. O-Brlen U cnterUlninc Mrs. T sat producer enyines and all bare
'Hopple'' toe sea llu tost rides
has suited the h^£~ancTtaste of
Ctveo MtlsIaeUon. Tbe caa producer
ChloacD are expected to take
J. Bailey of Cbarievolx, Mlcb.
rse ud doe* Juggling from
most American people for over
BaOey t* wife of Uanacer BaDey of Is no longer an experiment but Is lorso-s bsek did not appear last evenicwYomtanr.
adapted foe practical use, the out6(: ng ud has not beu peefon
The Price cottace-U now open, be- The Inn at Cl^levolx.
lac ooemdad by Mrs. Victor Prtoe oad
Hlu Dorolby Davla
s Is visiting friends in toe city.
two weeks. While doing her
•Xh me alone, now. and I'll »lsp tbs 1
■”** Mu With Psrty flhs*t%
eoe Tbomea. Paztim Price aad Mra. aae. Hiss Gmce Rardon of Chlcaco tUBd.
night, toe ulmal fell ud reoelred In­ Jack Uiney of Sutton* Bay is
talked with IW
The Traverse City Iron Works U juries Own wbicb she U slowly djing. the city on buslneas.
G. & Pancai flf andaaail. On Wed aad Mlaa Annie White of Dulotb.
tbe local color myulf It l* of ten said i cm about lbs old gtwit habit of tbs
neaday teat Maater Tl
of Miai Edna O'Brlro at tfaetr CBlto a large plant asd cootalns
lo*e. of Grud Rapid* and Is true that aMIliy to spell I* ^ | P**l
alCbough every effort U being made
bU foarth birthday, drtnc bia little cottace. Hiss Wbit baa been qolle great deal of machinery that lakes Bare her life. Tbe sea Non U a dell- wbo has been vl*Tiilng ber motoer.
I tm a oSlnrtl; “Famous |•ttmra* Aral and fsmooi
power lo nm. A go* producer fum
frtenda oo the iweon what ther call
Mme, in fact ^
Benton of tbi* elly returned to
cve ulmal and the tall ruptured the
a daady Ume. Ice cream aad lltUe durtne the water trip, anSerlns icom tshed the power for the entire plso delicate membrane* around
ber home toU morning.
a TCMrd kept tor the last we^ that keeps ber aAeat with the re­
cakea waa aerred wUIe the blf pie wal-de«ier. tallinc Co tea tbe beauty
Shell of Ibis 'City went to
Ailed with preaeaU. each harlnc
of Lake Hlehlean.
mit that she is gradually ebcAlng to Kloksley thU morning.
A reporter who bad been writing waster polished up. put on tbe Aatabonly $3.01 tor the six day.
atflDc attaebed that when pallad
death. "Plopple“ Is carried sbout
bis morning nddenly slipped hU mtrhine and MM tng touche* and slgopd bl* name to $L
Hlu Minnie Mclotire ofr Toronto.
meaat a pnnent for each cbildAeemed Canada. U a cueet of Hlu YaUs of coal was used aJlbougb soft coal,
Tbl* ivrarllvv. Indeed, still obutos lb
from place to place In tbe Unk wagII renuin till bis rye* np to the catling.
even shavings may be emplayed
lo be the eeoter of
“Lemroe ae«. temme see." be mgtlsr BCrblloTture. It was a practice chat
add toe tratiMd ulmal pbysleli
Woodawn. Ur. Yates' wlater borne
l hard coal give* the best results
Proteeaor and Mr*. W. B. Dockwlu Ic at Ormand, Florida, and tbeir home
with the show work with her contin­ Mrs. F. R. Hoover of Si. Isouls, wbo ed. “Doe* anybody know bow to apeH
that rale, tbe cost doe* not greatly ually In hope* Uai sometolng may
of Toledo, OMo, are <r>ea(s of Mrt. there It Woodlawn alio, so bersaflcr
visiting her parent* in this city. •wrirdF"
“Tbere's tbe God ftfled speller on ly of Income. Dumas, the elder DwHitler at Tyny Coed. Ttata mae Ibclr iprtos movo will be from Wood- exceed that of water power, while
accomi>anle.| by Hl-s Alice Hoes, tbe apotr' Uugbed hte coileague.' “Bow mss. had do lass
be dooc to avert her dcato i
tbao forty ghosts—
/onac coopte epent thdr honeraoon lawn, Florid*, to Woodlawn. Gld HIs- expensive dam is needed to say nc
t'ailtllac Ibla morning,
is worth W.eoo to tbe show. Two otbforiy tnlclUgent young men writtofl
Dg of e^Blpmeot.
here laat pear, barinc their piaao aloD.
id Mr*. (3forg<- Jumlok left
lioos aro being trained tc
sway for btm sbout D'AnsusD. FueaUwed to them where they ^re thHr
Saturday fm Boyne Falls, where they Everrhody had become Intenwted tbo*. Aramla and tbe rest Bat Dober place but tbjj lakes time s
Vnrlly, tbe bott laid plans of will
frtenda on the reeort raoefa pleeetsre. ant men you know, often fail, as with
will visit (»r a few day*.
i Tbougb not one of them was mre In mas was recUas, tod tbe exMrba of
was the best In the world.
Profeeecr Oochwlu la director of the tbe plana for the baae Ull came, boat
Mr*. A. H. Gill of Norih|H>ri pass. hhi bnorl wbetoer tbe e or tbe 1 come* Us forty gbosti beame known: tasoa
So far this summer, toe'big
ftret they roared iinghlnc. a* if they a good dal of sandal. At tbs bdgbt
piano depatinettt of the Toledo cen- tncM, and other sport*, hoped for and combined ihows Is certainly wltooot has lost seven acU. whicli with toe I Ibioiiob too city Saturday
had a good Joke on tbeir rlallor.
of this oaodsl Domu Mid to a Mr
peer, toe two performaneefe In toe exeeptlnn of two. have been replaced. sy to Muskegon.
eereioiT of moele ead Hr*. DnekwIU planned for. Ian Saturday. Hrstly,
“What'll you betl Wbaf« you hetF' one night:
city yesterday being
AnMmd ftOD thare two
Mra. S S. Wnllora of FHfo Lake waa tbe cry.
One of these wu a Jap slack wire
some BccMent to their boat made It
~ ‘Uave yoo read my last book, «m>
JtUt BiduB a Smith of CtDdBaatl. Impossible for the Acme boys to cress toouBud* of people ud tborougbly perforofer who Is io a fioeplul wuh IS rci'irnod loherhome after vlsltli
“That w-l-e-^d Is rlghtt Gne dollar." darner
joined hto tamlly at Overlook eouaca the lay white many of the owner* of pleatfog all. tbe uimal acts being lockjaw resulting fro man Injury
‘r son. KoU-rt K. Walters, ut to
Mid ibe prodigy.
“The lady, with a mteebtsfuM amlta.
Mpedally wonderful and by toelr
aad wlU atay a month.
“But yoo didn’t qwll It so. Ton said Kplled;
celved while relebraUng the Fourth city.
lanncbea. who were to take part
*•‘1(0. U. Domat. Baearonr*’
C. J. Midtacb of Chdillac
Mr*. 8. sinnlngberd wenl lo H
toy cannon.
M* are very busy barrest
mass of npecutors spell bound.
■T protest I dldaX” aid tbe vtallor
apent Sanday with hla family at tbalr
perfortnaneta clwcd with blp- I,akc Saturday tor a vbtH.
He r*H CetopllmevMsd.
cherry crop.
In toe center of tbe big tent, there
A man from rblladetphla. soy* a
le racing acts, tbe Anlsbe* be­ Jud Klug*Ie>- went lo Grand Rapids
iannebe* being loaded at that Ume.
“Now. will you stick to It that It t*
In tbe Ledger of that Hty. WM
Amonc the lata arrtvaU at the (be rcaolL was that tbe whole affair Is a great steel arena so strongly ing close and exciting.
on buslneo* Rabir^y.
«-l or |.e? Lei's write tt down, so w* writer
Tislllag In a town of very few Inbab'
teiel arc Joha Galea. Mlaa Blttahetb was postponed for one week when it built that even the enormoos atrengtb
Mr. and Mr*. Theodore Snyder
Tbe show left after the night
oji’l mlsQoderwtand.tunu. (me day when be was about to
attoemonanHuoftoe }un^e perform fonnanee for Cadillac, loading on
Gfctoa. John OaUa. Jr, of OnduiaU;
Grand RaiHd* are vUillDg friend* In
took his iwi make a pun-base be discovered that b*
expected (do prevenUagprorldeace)
tag 'toerein Is useleM against
Mlaa B. R. Saead. Mlaa N. Soead of I have a rl^t good time.
e city.
G. R. A I. on Stale street and D
This makes the scu perfccU/ safe people wltnrsBlDg the packing up ud
UniiarUle. Ky, Hr*. Abner HarrU.
Mr. and Mew C. A. Storca of Kli
Tbe Rev. 8. U. Campbell of Bvan- for toe specaiort ud makes It
«bepkro|>er could not bteak the tM
Him Betty Hvrte and Mlaa LelU stem. Ill, Ailed the pulpit at (be Onnley have returned In Ibelr home after
oadlng of tbe outAt.
dolUr bill offered him. and tbe mu
already booted up Ibe woid
ibla to have them so that alt toe
fheanawi of sc. Looii.
wenl out tn toe main street to see bow
spending a few dayx In tbi* oily.
Winter in Indiana.
gngaUonal church on Buoday last.
pl* in toe tent cao wltnem toem. In
be Drigbl salTe tbe dlBculty. He atoad
Blahop Woddmk of Kentoeky efflMr ud Mra. Andrew Johnson ol
The Wallace abow Is toe only inde­
sddlUo* to toe steel arena, there are pendent cirrus In toe connlry. toe olh- Grand nuplrtr are virliing frii-nds In
perwms. but oo ooe bad Ibo
elBted at aarvke every Snaday
lo proas their advaiitase. 'nio.v tv- screral
requialie amount for toe bill. At lM|
two rings ud two patfonns and there I
Inc In the hotM pailora at eleren
large ones U lng conUoll^ by the he city.
somevl their macblnrs wlibom furtbre an old white baited, oredy negro ea«-e
Is Bometoleg doing from the tliffb of I trust. .They winter In Peru, Ind,
o'eloek ataadaid ,Ume. Tbeae
Cbeeier AIrhouse of Sullolie Ray remark, and after awblbA Big englrm.
along. In sheer deoprratioo tbs own
toe grusd entry until the sbootofal
alole out. Joulilltas with too reflovllon aald:
Tice* are pvatly appieclaled by,the
The Traverse City Iron Work* ha*
that tn adago Is a dangoruu* rsuva*
peqpto on (he resort.
and many buildings, toe polar bears' Dg some time In ibl* elty.
Thole, can yoo ehange-a tm dollar
just sold a ]Sn.borse-power tandem
for local cotnr. and that II l> uuwloo to bm
Tbe ordinary circus act* were al
for mer
Mr. and Mr*. N A. Mllka are vis- bast of estraonllnary power*
gaa prodocer endne and outAt to the high class iDcludlng wime eseelleal cages being left out In toe open all
"fncle" bMked dated for a rneneoC
lUng friends at ll<.rm.-s SMing.
the boast may bo pul to pruof.Bast Jordan electric company,
bare back rides high wire aitlsu
thro bl. Mvambllng dgnre siralgWabed.'
Mra. C. O Slighter baa returned to kilte Oboervor.
Old MImloB. Mk*.. July XT.—Good eagin* to bo naed to furnish power
With a doOng of Ibe hat and a bow'
aerial putortners together with a food
>r home ut Klugsby. after spending
wanther baa prevailed dartm Ue post tor tbe llgbUng plaai. Tbe engfoe U
of (bealerffeld be replied, wttb
troop of clowns ud “Joey bud'
few daj-K In toi* city.
Whstv Vsloobls* Are Lett.
t with
of tbe same type.ortgtoatcd and
wboee trsveety u John Philip Sousa ployes. Inside ihc tent at b-osi. all ap­
Wbon 'in lesriiig a tboslor or leriure dignity: ■
Anrtnc the night, msklac the atmoa“No. marae. l-cAIgtangpootnidM'
ured by too locnl conoem. which ud bis mosiclaas was an apt take off peared lo be pIcouDl ud courleou.
lali rou discover that some vslualile
phetw jast HchL Bereial new n
l«( 1 done 'pHttum the m».
las dlM|>|iesred do not lose yoar besd
Tbo dancing of toe Petoskeys, Rus U. B. WaUsce himself travels right
an added to tbe resort pt^idaUa
with the show ud keeps
Ability of tha Man Who Was
Immediately There err. after all Is pUment J«a- tbe same. sab.“ ' ■
peaauta. who opened toelr act
WhM the World ti PalL
a good year la aasared. OM HI
said, many more booesi people lo IbU
viral Bern gpellw.
with toe evening aoog of toelr coun- watch on tbe, muagemeni.
When will tbe world be full apt
J than dlsbonoet. and tbe rbances
comlac lato lu own this season.
An old friend of the boys droppoO
In addlUoQ In tbe big macblne
exeollent. e^ieclally toe mu Quenily the ' akin games " are barred Into the Mule l>n-wfaleh might be In.
Wbeo will the day come when. •* In
IMmore honne is eojoylag a cood, Honed above, the toeal coocorn has of (be compaoy who showed a mar ud other disagreeable features
of---------------(be motor bos ——
goinc toward
II recover Ibe article.
cloded among tbe lobbla-rihrew hipatronage, the toUawlng belnc among Tust sold a «0-boi*e-powfe producer vetou* nippleoess lo the dlfferul some shows omitted.
of all. register vn„r loro at toe'
heels over t table and (leKan drawing
. the Uto arrivals: Hr. and Hr*. Joha engliie to Clare, tots sute. aad toe
ImslBess day. there’s oo
step. A Jap BwlaglBg plates full of
pk-ture* OB srpsleh pa(. r. Nebodj box oOve or superintendent's rvxim.
Proemr. chUdrea aad mnlda. Hlu Tillage water work* wlU be run by
Tbe IntersecilOD of 9lau- street ii
lop or, tn other worU,
lookrvi up to see wbo be was, knowliif Give your name end address plslnl.v. tl ■
by meaes of cords aron
Lacgr Pioeur. Hr*. Harry Btone and tot* pown-. A floor mID at Juno. about bis bead witooui splIllBg a drop RaUroad avenue plainly shows that
from hi* manneri Ibai be wa* a fa Iieldg sure tost they are corrertiy
little eon Dean Proctor Stone, all of
miliar of the plat*, sod be .poke to taken down, and If you nt»b to offer
will be operated by a C&bono ww anotoer featoro that met wttb ctreus has been here. Tbe ground
reward for Its return name ibe will bappen Id eliooi 300 years.- What
PeesB. III.
frightfully lorn up and some of tl
power engine naoofactared in tbU approval.
He bad been tbere perhap* five mSn tmounl. Be sate to leave mooey for
Porter Ho«^ which u theUrgeot city.
walks broken. One of toe big wagon*
flwingiao by Their Teeth.
me* whes be tunned the »eT*p of pa­ tbe msnagement to (ele|.bao* you If
(b the bub* and It lo
toelr search Is rewarded and gtre your toe glule tmoBDl to 3A<i0uCU0 sqMrs
per to tbe table and declared.
An ut very dlfAcntt in Itself
ty-four horse* to pull it out.
"Tbere an
y men of many > telepbooe numlier. Tben ask fnr some miles, the Slcpjae to 14.<A»j000 BBd tte
ipany of TMmanlu*. These prodcseris
[ one or. if itil. la nv.t granted, gel jermindv"
DO different In ap
ibe man opposite , oiWaloo yourself to search the ,«rt ..f son- Io Ibe s-iusrc mile for fcrtllr
pearure tbu ordinary food grinders
land* TO for s'ejipe, and 1 for detarti
don't Ton think that l» I the house In «blr-h you were siding
ii-*( jMifiularkv
except that ther are a liUle aklier From Monday's
pretty abstract. IrWh-vant Information
» «ftff » <‘«r « w. ,.o. have „o word ”
. W. Hamer of D-trolr.
and mere perfecUy formed thu toe merly Maude Comi>tuo. 1» in Ibv e
to bring Into a newspaper offlev. or did
««»<'rilro lu at least one 7'”'
tioori»h, tbe pt».vou
temar aprtv*-* at toe cap-Iusl'a th«
avenge.- yM these teeth make toe visiting friends, ud ber lather. E.
ofInUa'-ltaiit* reaep.
WfkylaselfeeBaayaey ol Vontk? Wkclker Vaaiig living of toe troupe a* by means of Compton. After spending a week about that adagit. Men. no atxouni '
>em they do nnmenm* teats In blgta
Mr*. Harner and Mr Compton snd laiy. bare fortune. ^In I 'fottir *> the ,.|.ce „. ,ui,h 1. I. to 1-'''"'
At preront
or OM—Every Wooiu Iby Be Healthy.
air. toe only support being (heir
lake a tour of the
venting ihlnir. we couldn'i have id I I* mnrned.
pla-v* are Lind siel ”
somewhat more than onetcetb. In JtAnston. Pa, toe (eeto of
* Louise Vsder. of Chicago, for­ veoied If aa angel bad told u* that ; courteoua lo aoeb rasiter* snd oniv i,*> Ttarier of that nnnilief. If the rata of
too mu gave way ud tbe
Izl ' auxloua lo b-Ip rou In v.ur M-sroh If 'o-fv*- abown by the lamM osobm
merly of this city, arrived yesterday
To look well and feel well, you most
an write ' H-c.' >»»'>"* 'be valuable .o rou do not “tatWl-w ah-tuldtie uniformly malm
toe girls fell aad reedred s» to stay a few weeks with her parents.
b* well. To do tot*, you most keep fertng from tome form of womanl rtoui Injuries.
» on ih» ^ Effect that Ibe mao «1... has scte.1 a. tatoed the glot* wDI b* foUy paopM
toe meebaaism of your body In
I. Mincer of Waichoslr. Texas, who gallow* t bang me and told me lo «h*"' ayn <• woKhy of thank* at •*"«* ““ yrarao»_______
weakness in a more serious degree.
feet running order.
Zoa-Pbora will help you. Tboueaads
paid 3. H Steinberg s two day*' <
Hue* of the *101, meter It ,
>f J'"’' d'’ n^t w l«b to reward him . Tbe B*v. Mr. croouman nnap-o«g
A woman's eeostltuUoa Is far
rtmltsrly afAtcted bare been cured solulcly new. yet the show carries
It. left for St. Louis this morning.
vak# a yhyme I'.i have «j In any more •iiIwiiiiiTUI way -f*tuia bimscit lo mlrror—faMllne. I dap.'t
intrlcaie aad delicate-more easily by lu aid, why not you? The rreord number of toem. the uimsU going
Mr* W N. Kelley, accompanied
sa.v.'Gentlemen, break iD> neck ' Peo deipbls loQuIrer.
, really betieve I oogbt to wear 0>t* wtg.
lajured and dlaarraaged—that toe me- of what Eot'Pbora has done for
her husband and Dr. RosenU
le arc tsrrn with sll sort* of brain*" .
•------' i it looks like ll'lng * be
chanlsm of toe Aacnt watch. Yet no men is proof of Its virtue. The
wild, except f
V'.u *li..tiM learn >o keep
-Bless your Leurt. Avery." said kla
on* wouM think of allowlag a walcb Pbor* cto,,-Thompson, left for D<-irolt last even-' "But I don't **e that your expanMoa ! Fut|»uto CM all out of order before repair- you books .
mj -ot. .vr better half, tdon t let that tr juI4* yow.
of teraixT. Heretofore, the xebr*
Mts. Kelley feei-ntly underwent of the adage adds mneb force to It.' , -'vr«Ti,,i- m it- pl
mjrorj the r*f>ortrt'hnr vvhi, «f«ji you ii.,i tiifl I., ki-ei.; ph,i trig will never foul sB/body far
r hundred* of women who been popularly regarded a* u uniam
operation and will be treated
are glad to roeommend Zoa-Phora
c u-TineDI.“
Detroit. Her coodluon showed
who pay DO attention to toe flrst symp- toelr suffering sister*
d*v disapproved this, (kis Drabln fasv Improvcm.-m y<-*ienlay.
tome of dlneaeed organs. Pains In tbe
If tbe dellrato organ* an- rongcsl
back. head, abdomen. rlgHT or Irft relaxed, displaced, or In any way fiH tog toem under perfen control.
aide, aad some Ume* lo the hips and eamd. and do not perform thrir diille*
Animat Acla.
cm in Kingsley (hi* morning
tower limb*. Tired and languid feel- properly,- u«l regularly. Zoa-Pbora
ud ilr*. R. C Otu-rman ce
tog la toe morning: womool and dis­ wilt restore toem lo toelr normal ac­ But the big feature of the show was
OaUit Sent to Your Home
tracted nerre*. leading to a crust and tivity. The vlui force known only to toe animal acts. In the
iiiiocd to their b»me In nraud Rapid*
Pliant dlspomtloo. Natural color a healthy woman will return
lime there were polar bears, lioos
morning after ssin-al weeks
fading from the cheek, toe light and ill be joy la living
tiger* and leopards all lo charge Of spinl In tbJ* city visiting relatives
lmpr<>v<-4 teisTiog.*
'•od luatar from toe eye. toe ooee
Thnutud* of women—not
Mrs F. Dolph <d Grand Kapidz wb'>
tJeaaani smile from toe lace—all —my sister, attesi toe fact
their various tricks perfectly except IS been visiting
these golag or gone. What doea It storation of their health by
WU. Simply that some one or more Zoa-Phon. Ask aome of
toe lion who ^Id not work wiillngty
U morning for W.-izel, where she
of the delicate organs are dot oertonn- friend* about Zot-Phora. Belle
seemingly eoaUDually menulng toe III visit a few days before.
tore, rejarto-r Itle.ral VICTOR -Be; . v.-r ciiade by
go to a reliable druggist and get
Tbe two guards sutioned
Ue. begin Its nse according u
TBene aches and palas—all
Miss Marion V|>degraff of^is city
and omplele iDslructlons in each hind too Bterl door yet witbm ccapackage.
You wilt receive 2oa- reeieot distance for a burry call were nent to Koystoee this morning
tl ib^. ntyally it j
<»«ht to heed their warnings Phnt from the druggist already t
also grimly suggestive.
Mr. ud Mr*. Jame* Pfeiffer ud
iMdor* the trooble becosaes ehrunlc pared, compounded lo Just tor ri,
A tiger ud riepbsnl act in which rv. Howard Runlog left
«<^toea*e geu a Arm bold on your proportions, ud p.ii op In sealed, si
I in Mlchlan
Ismi trouMe w
too great at U made to even jump morning for Fife Lake ud Ret-d City.
tilled, one dollar bodies. Just ask
out ihi- r<*ip>.a a.',d nuii
A aerr# tcmlc ud streagtb builder
tortxigb rings of Ate was in diarse yr visits with friend*.
—too best yM cu get—Is what yon
of Cbarie* Jodge ud FbU Cuuag
Mr* W, C SchnlU of this city
wfwa at neb Umes. Boa Pbor* Is Just
ud aimed almost as muy tbrilU as ^1 to Grand Rapids, abare she will
tool- laAen—loti of toem—nrbo hare
y *0. W* r
_ .
Idvtce to W
P:«aae -eml ne pamculara your V ICT' ofkrr. ilaa Inx trial f
Sf.-”' medial book giving tnie bones, tbe horse* being nerrou* over The Rev. C W CAaae of Old Mlseating and lasmictlve laformatk toe presence of ulmal* ud eonllnual- ton left tots morning tor Hnnlalog.
about all dlseson of women, ud tl
salfatlag toelr aver*km.
here one sill ofAclate at toe wed­
It yon to know tola too
_ way to sDCCeoBfuIIy treat them io ti
k trtol of Zoa-Pb*a to your
ding of his niece.
ivacy of your own borne You n«
IS. Wbetoer ya« are sUgfaUy
t cell your troubiet to uyoar.
Mis* Marion Bissell of Grud Rsp^










IdsntlM was by bis socks. wlU a Uw ju»t passed by the legl*-;
tbat will Intwfore with Ue Bod­
ing of the Crapsey court.
his brothef reeognUlng them.
j latore. Maraarfauaelts muiogi banks
‘ pTea 8ctiii4a]> Reeocd.
Tbe Episcopal general eogronUon
Anotber paUdle Incident la coo-jma.'- cstabllsb departortata'of Indi
■rtw- ReoorB If In reenpt ar ■
ctf Uie Dell7 U4sPr cf Tacana. tTaafa. raceu opee rveiy Uree years and tbe aectloa srith Ue wreck was Ue ease tr:;il life insu.rance a^akaultlea.
'ealberwax oee of Ue pas-j rnurh-g into direct eompetltloe
ceming Meeting will have to deal wlU
ImitoB, dated
Sunder, Julr t
the wredied train. He was la; emree ot tuple laveaUnenU
several Important problems Le
vtaleta appoari « writeup of $ .
Our OSm Ikt Butler.


pme br(«-ccs the boMi>a*er.d Seat­ In Uo church arc therefore exprew- UDtnJured aad after Ue cratb he as-j Oue of the greatest ngende* for
slated In Ur reacue work
eumulatluo U.rupiul by savi^ w*.
tle teama. Ike But^r. ttmerlr at Utto Ing ibeir pleasure that the Us
Ue dead and Injured
rcpreecnii-d. Ufore Ue time of Uo
eltr. pltcbed tor tbe Taeotna team. clerical and Uy deputies Indicate that
sovenUon ol 19u7 will prow
stooped do«'D to pick op Ue body ot Armstrong luvesllgatiiw. In tliv toavtanlBK ifa« icaiDO br a aeore of S
Mr. Cornell. The eyes ot tbe dead
pouiiag Into Investment ebaoto 1.
Tbe {.^rictr. tn qwakiDg ol
aa were siartog at Mr. WeaUer■f abc;!i a niillicm dollars a day
tbe lame etalre:
tx. and wbeo be loked Into Uem from tU<- coffer* of the life tasurance

-BIk Ike Dirtier waa tbe wfioie Ibli
«t AtbIMIc peril reetetdar aTteniOe

he threw up hi* bands ami tin
pcrimcni atatloe for the purpoee of time has been a raring maniac.
MrGowra went to Ionia last
el pHeblng a oebit eame. a trick tain- leatlng eaido»lva« need In coal
SoDdny nlglit having heard that
ad for tbe drat time thii Heaan to tbe
he tested at thla eUtloo. Ekploflves father was In Ibe wreck, but bis fsUNoitbwoatcro kuBoe and bat
few tlmea In tbe whole caumrr.
'Batter ta n>ahln|; a wooderful record

in«-e«tlgatioas will be conducted both
: the laboratory and la the mlnas.

The station. will conilst of an exand If earr hlgblT repirded ameog
ploelre pAletT. reseue trxun. obeernalaalf of that
r Uie.coonUT. being a geeeral lloQ faoufetUmpteslIng roomf and ex-

) were pall bearan



ilies la the pr^etlun of applo, t
year there iHang a large crop ot

Bator was an ofBcer In tbe signal
Copper OutpwL
corps la Cuba and the Philippleea.
WasblngtoD. July 26—Production of
during Ue BpaaUh-Americu war. copped in Ue United Suteu In Ue
with the rank of lleuteasat. Kit worii calendar, year of HH)6. according to
carried him all over CubSs also over Bgues compiled by Ue United SUtcs
• lane aeeth« of Ue PhUlpplnee dar­ geological surrey, were 906,591,917
ing acUve operations, in the trooUe pounds, a nlucrease Of 18.000.000

d good price*.

«aa buBlM. be bat devoted a great was pounds exceeding tflat
deal ol line to the atndy of wild ani- of 1905 by 80.000.000 pounds. Tbe ex­

work on the piling at the mouth of
tbe Ikiardman.
Thiirwlay night's
away a porilrm of Uic point frr>m

»-e» eompleted he w-lll pull

ports for Uo year aggregated ni

Great Bavinga.
fam^'a parks near llamborg. Germany, Prom Friday's Record.
\\‘a*hJiiclt>n. July •2—orllciitls of
be eapecu to devote some
Unelr Sam's treawiry are repiirted to
Mrs. T- J. Hans and danghtr-i
awQlhs In Ue atody of wUd animals gtc and Miss Ulnnte Votruba return­ be watching the savings bank situaof Ue Hageobeek- abowt. during Ue ed hoipc yesterday morning after
eonsMenitile InteiroL These
period of ibelr training for the por- week's visit at Old Mission wbero sneieiii and
peae of giving to the ponple of UA Uey wen- guests at Cbenyeroft, the harboring the u
eeanlry, aocurale dewriptleaa of the borne of Mr. and Mrs. J- G. Hills.
Just now enjoying such i
Hagenbeck meUod of capture, Umleg
Mr. and Mre. John Morley and three popularity a* they never knew l**fore
and training Ue wild animals wblcb chlldrco t4 Suttons Bay are vUltlug The Uil.vl of deposits is l*CMnlns Irti
the worid.
BraeM Saleixky. of tbit city, i
faer of Ue local prdtee force ba

friends In Uis city.


nnothi-r imoK-tm- atol evc'-graw-

ft'ora SJtordaj's Record.
thd benefit of Mr. HurltHirt'a bealtb.

Tbonaand Island* nnd Niagara Falls.
Hr. and Hra. R. Hnrlbun have itturned from an exteoded visit wiU
relative* In New York slate. They vlsn New York slate. If milea from


idrioadacks. and hud a very Intereatlng time.
Haring sold their
farm. Uey win pralrabi} go south for
ArUur Garland, who bn* been wiU


Kubcck E Hoyt for some lime, has
resigned his position and accepted an­

Is Cuticura Ointment.

at annual utget practice of abipa of Manton
tbe Atlantic fleet. Secretary Uetealf friends.






Mr.-and Mrs. WllUam Paymeot.of
pblfa already ectot. a cup. It
Empire are te the city for Ue day.
acMed. be for award to tbe batUcablp
Miss Msyme Solllvaa U vUH
or amored ertilaer of ehtaer fleet that
friends in the dty for s tew days
makea Ue highest flnal score with

George Harness ot Aldea Is in tbe

city on btwlneaa.

Orthodox B«dy.
Came Otua* Humt.
The terrible wreck at Salem wblcb
toook place on Ue Pete Harttnettc
copal church Uat a atudy
ananca at Ue defiles to tbe general lust one week ago. came very
. person In Uls eliy. Among
cnventlen to be held to October, at
Uoee wbo were greatly eoocerned aie
Rlehmoad. ^nyg1ala. sbows
New York. July «—It It

by a piamlneet elmgyman lo Ue Bpia-

ecavenrioD M to be dtstlaetly an ~or- L. U McGowan and Jobe Ootcoran.
tbodox" body; that Is te nay Uete Mr. McGowan la maiter mcdiaolr
are la the list practlcany no men. clth- Ue local Pere Marquette yard* a

Dr. Corcoran's Funeral.
.0>^T.tTi: tiF MIIHIGAX. tho Proshort fuiu ra! -ervie.- w.i* h-Id ^ liale fo irt for Iho County of
the li.Mly ol Ihi- late Dr. Janie* Grand Ti.-v. ix-

....... .....

-tsyliim at !• o.-liwk }«l.'rday;,,p.,.
c«nty. on the Srd
Tbe fo-iniy Medical a»-' day of juP. A. O. 1:mi7.
WK-ialli-ii and the l-Qid of irvudi-.e* of

Atlantic KiRb school.
’. H. Abbott has returned fromj

MMod la.-t >.-.1

depootta In Ameriran

annually usd waiter over a['hl* i«-UaUl- eotupnii.. a- ;t



M. & ». E TIME URB

s..... ....................................
moni’is from I!.« H-h
.,f July, A.
D i;i''7, hare u-,-r. alli.w.-d for etedi-:

urgent need* for fund* for tPe rvhai
itatkm of It* eltie*. the g..vernmcr.t
bciteve* the work ol tnc-h viral In;

ji *»»'
.................... “S*" JS




qiiil.-d to i r.-M DI Ua-.f .-.ii.Ti.' tot:ud,
•t Hie protote-offliIll a- (•,'}

Vi* Coeasisii a A. A.ILg._______
------ .7—------------- p* > pa



I. |;-.T. un-l Ii...
. l..-ar,l I.;
It(h da;
cy of No»--niU-r A U. IPe
cl.K-k in UeJuly mu. A. I> 1!*'7.
JTtEU It VVAI.kfnL .if I'mlmte.

I TT»io.f..ri'«il»»«tr .1.11 ln*pr*««ul4*T. at


-is rt.

The New Brandt Spray
The laYest of ail devices for exterminating all
kinds of Insects.

No waste of lime by stopping lo pump 11
ahead. Can be done as the
operator goes along.
F*clr Dis'fcribu'tine Paris Green. Bordeaux Mixture and etc. this
sprayer bas no equal.


Be Good
to your Icct

killed but Mr. Denney was not tajar- tngi banks as well as U Uc rcspoail- crtcan rejuiMics. The fig-'r«*
ird was torribly muUl-lbilKlM of Ue unpaid tnj»tees who last aie not yet whollj- ivaiiaWe, but
they aggregate many mll'.U-n*. For the
Ated, his right am being broken In i up to tbb time have sueroeded

■opment will be crowded.

Get a pair of our liijh:
weigbi 'fuck cr uar.vas
Shoes. j'Jrt the kind for
haying and harvesiing.

,.r two raw* of IVUtoes at a 1

I fastun

Will spfi>' I* 70»r tmiilclotig with oh'IyonefnUiiEoltbreei^UoBa.
Will Spray from IS to 20 HHls of Potetoes with each
strode of the pump.
\Vhy 6[-- Pd tia- ey;e •m'';at:ag. wliet yt,ij raw can gf-t what yon liavc

Imiklr; for. at a r~a-.;.r...'> price. W.- will show

four and Iris bark In two |rtaecs and'ing profitable, yet safe, fields of lo- next eight or ten yeore the P*.uiir
bl* bead ftooi bH mouth was cn»h-j vestment tor Uc money with whlcto iAmerican prt^am of waterway dvrv:-i



portanci- to tl.« prosiierlty that 11 h:<
tel aside |l*,.i>nv«*ifor laiproven;-tfs

There are a naml-T of other gi­
b(4ore. In Ue Bay Stale a new plan,
and bad his arm thrown ever
shoulder cf one. a Hr. Denney. After which la to be given practical trial, gantic Improvement scheme*, afr re­
the crash it was found Uat Tlnard beginning next November. 1* likely to lating to waterways.or harbor*, under
and two other of bis eompaalOBS were ad to the auniUng ot Ibe local sav or coniempUi.-d hj- other S<vjU Am-!

ed off and Ue only way ta wbleh bejthcy are Introsted.


raid <iect-n*.-d lo-«hui .'omi f-^ rv

lecent earthquake and the eountn s

lo the harbor of Valparaiso. Colom­
long been Ue banner
irtog. A loreign
forvlgn toa­
Manistee team and have also played Vnlon as regards savings per capita, bia, 100, I* ptepartog.
sted to improve Uc
IS being negotiated
tbe total of depoelt* at the llmeot
on other teams. Mr. ttxsard
HagdaU'ua risec.;. which flows nnrUisuing ot Ue I*M report of the »t
^ IBd an otber anBiAocnt of fciilaer «Bdor. It is prop^d to
Unk coe
•M M apos^ naamd wbea the here last October.
aavigably ffer seven
kliluiji are mada hmlthy. MCh« and
ITM.OOO.WO. repreaenOng a large make ibb river aavirable
At Ue time of Ue wreck he
ly llOO.ti
hundred Ullew Into Ue luterjor.
lecreusc over tbe conditloo a
sitting vriU three other young

X. y.


ill H.e Slate Mri'nri

A noriMi- iiisiam-e of*iulu is I'y.-lonv O. of - wiilcli cx-Govciuor
OSTATK OF JIKTHG.IX. Uc Prafoim.l .In III.- ac'il.ui of th.- Argemlne inch Is |.i.-Ht|. nt.
reiiiihllc tn lijijnsiklns Ue harlur of
Many l-.rt.i. r.s in Michigan hn>e l-.-l
Diuiuw .Avifs. Thirty y.-ors ago no |1... pruS'* of a lifelintt- li}o'lon*-*.

Manistee together to play ball on 1

CfcMl Mwliri,.


.At Short Enrt.

iton. where he has bAin recciring!

" Tor sale by Johuoa Drug Co.


•nd--d In a teriy. There Judtf ol I'robale.
In Hm- maiiir td tie* csiale of Della
hi* frh-iids fnuD tbr
citj and asylum alw. iir.-wm. ,Mr*. J. H.-S-1.-. WUli.-, Sblo and Cart C
Oil hit. I
l*ii.n F. Tim. saiig - l.ei.d Kindly
trcaUDCDC tor rheumatism.
w limit
I.lriii" and the' II.-v. I) OiehUn read a
.r.. burlni:
d in said e irt hi*
|iraj-r wivicr following ii with a
sh--rt b-ilk. He H.rke o! ‘ih- young
WB-'hiiiRt<Hi. July 2i-3-S<rni<- Inter-'inteliea a stomt game and
n.yi It* In- }:•:••» him i»-rsta!a:!y. of
oiliiE figure* linve I... n rom|.lI-.i | "'ivisl dxf Her ■' su|.(v.:t l-ut viio InI'SUrto UtWrio d
iiL* and
t-haracivr, Mr.
l”-iiig uiirt. r j rt-i* nUeriis I.i-.-l-rt on <rll
It i* ort|.dT..I, Hint Ihi- "Hi .lay of
lakcn by 8'mib Ane-rieuii couniriesj Anti-io-ee Ir.irt :■> be . "l<dt-3ih <4 t.
i*j .t-in-:.-, A. I". i;."7, »' i.-n..Vloehln1l*e
lireiuiiiiip ilKlr harlw>rs nnd w:!I.t-!u*' H'! Gr--, ............. .
i-liaiidi-.! .-rtcli by
IV* auaiiist the eonj|>leti'in
I and I* li.-nd.y ..|-i»’.U.i.-.l for b.-arios
long fly can.f t.. hi* field
’ .aid ivUillnn.
Punnma canal.
n.-- r. ii.iiltis were taken lo Ann ArIt 1* orq.-nri. •
rietorj- in p> are a* well as in war, and alii r a long run lo' Jumued an.I
l...r Uth tui-rnliig. wh".fe tutfial wllli
•itc- fh.-n».r !*• gtv»*> t.y ii.ildicWP*
and tbe lailln Anieriraii* arc noi to hv lararil the sphere wlU hi* Idin' hand.
lak<- plac.- U!s. aftemuon. iw and' r n ••.q.y «d 'hi* «»rdef. lor tJrr.v »uemtigbt tian.lng wli.-n ih.'' laknsbuv. Hojiii" Oiy play* the IiideiH-nJarU- in
w.vk* pn-Vlous to *atd day of
Mr*. O..E. ChnSt-nnd Dr. A. S. It..w!ey!
•Iful of rllit U tiFsMri out of the big this city jicxt Sunday.
Bccunpanfed tho l*id}-. Tlie fuucral
4*I*I»-i- prtnlid and clreulalvd li
rtilrh l.y I'nrle Siiei. and the waleis
lak.- pi..-t- at the home of Dr.
■ Atlantk- and t’arifle ■•Canr
CYfl-ONG IJSt'Il.tNl'E. Lindsav In charge of th.- Ann Arbor
linked to advanc- ilu- ciminKTcv
t-.e of oiir.'lH'St farmer* in- c..mni;.ii-l-r> of the Kaight* TempTar.

instiluliODS Vren- liirreasert tiiiruh- r of waterway
Improt .-icent i IIlHethan i:.(U'n,pft0. nnd t.nles. seh.-iues. The request will 1- hroughl ^
all signs fall, the pn-seni ye»r will
nenily liefore the nevc r.ingn-**,) ■
witness a more remarkable showing.
h.. tireBnl/anon I- working to i
This, too, io tbe face of the high cost Inercaw It* meniberehip to iiei'ide,
Bring And the fact that many sec­
solid shipping and Int-in. **
tions of tbe United States are as yet
In the country,
only Imperfectly iirovlOt-d with these
peal may L-e repre»eutatlve of e.ei,'
banking Insiltutlnns.
sawlion aud of all cla.-se*. Captain J
It begins, tn fact, lo look a* ibongb
F. ElllRon if secri-tarj «n-l l.-an:;
report* frtun rinrinnati th.,: U-v:
Vnlted stales In this period of
membership i* growing rapidly.
perily are not taking chance* fay InAnoUer big city lo ihi: *0:!:; '■(
•tlng their money where
the'Vnll.'l Slates Is Hk> Jan.-ri'. i-’.i
t. They would rather have 4 or e»
the harl-or x4 which tlie govcnira.m
en Jt-s per rent in the sevlngi bank
of Braxi! is *p.-nd!nr
than 10 per cent from a mlainf ent<
further expenditure of
Iprise which may t litUe liter come
be made for ih>- lra|)ro4.-m.-ni of
to' grief. The semi-annual report of
Amaron river, and It* irttnitarl.-*.
the New York savlnpi banks showed
TbI* will open up the Is'erior of a
Uat oee lestlislion
iHintry and will ni.-aii uioie ubad passed the one hundred million
DratU than anything that the voMia
dollar mark io It* loul of deposits,
ment cv.-i lias und.-rtitkon
wtalle another had raaebed the huge
Then there 1* Clilte. n.~|dt- I'.c
of »84.92:.6.t4,K,

8. Crapsey to his loccuil trial
heresy, so It Is aseertod tbat

ft* ■mM'a fteatast Udacy aad Bw


uuvcT COPT or wuavB.

Dr. E. B. Miner b ! nturned from
sre he ba


to this dty but a few weeks
ArUur VUxard. ouc oTUc vic­ 6.000 new deposilnrs since January
Dolb three l>anta hate many
for tims of ibe rrreck was s school mste 1st.
''at both HcGowcns and Corcoran's, patrons scattered all over the country
la no fear that tbe coming general tbe three having' been chums since wbo do Uclr banking
Uey started Into the kindergarten.
OOOTCnUan will legislate In any
Again. In Hassa^tue
Mr. Corcoran and Vlnartl went

a or laymen, who >
open In Uoir aopport of Ue Rev. A.

KMaq-lbw PHb


Ue Hannah E Lay Mercantile com-


•Bggeou that. Inaannicb as four


Loss or SUCER

otber tn the cloUIng department of

NorUport elemeot in flnanre.

ly to Wyoming,

Buttoos Bay are rialUng friends in tbe



passed Urougb Ue city Uls morning

city for a few days.
The worlds News.

John Raskins of NorUport la In U*
SC—Spokane. dty for a few days.
Waab.. harieg suboertbed to a sUrer
Mr. and Hra. 8. M. HcOoud of De^ trophy eoetlng $1.S<k>, to be known as trMt are stopping at Ue Park Place.
^ Spokaire cop to be competed for
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Oumsey of

of her turret guaa.

For Over
Thirty Years


'n t'TjuJ k;

no etiann.-ls. wharf* or docks,
i o'.itiuy of a. eiwi'*i,i-*i the
yeOTW past the sun'his
be reset vrs of Ue big 11*2 insuraoee com­ harbor 1* now luagntfic.’nlly inuipiw-d.
aeoMlated wtU Hr. Butler while te will teach Bcboot.
panies haiw been regarded aa a main and uo It* Udr till- Ui* sfaliv of .-verr
this dtr yweterdajr, and' It lo
kUta Mary Prindle left Uls morn­ cooservnUvc factor in Ur money
pined that both of them hpd b«u
ing for Cedar Rapids, la_ where she ekts; and to a considerable extent
i 1,1 icn year*.'
dnty during Ue PhUlpplne troubl
will visit with friends for Ue remain­ they still are so. But In the prest-e
Argeniiu.- r-pri.ll? ihu? sp<-nt' The m-n.t.any ha* Iw*
le public Is generally stay
der of Ue summer, returning ti>
• imdeitakiug tbe amoart the|4;w*,-o -.f hy the r-.ioiaU i.
Wall street, the Raring* Nailoiial Rlv.-r* and Harborsgungress. .niaiKc and r.nni
city Us faU.
that each ea}oyed meeting Ue oUer
bank becomes steadily more Import- I* urging lie rich Vniled States I0;favnirr rii.uu.l !.• wlTh<r;t ;i
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spanek.
tSd reriewing old times.


laUkl l-Tanv-good tdj Dr <1_____
ueUxlthai !*■ try-tbrfulicuraItni.Ctlw> whidi
lu- <‘1.1 \\ heu le
iidnin*?iua |
•oliil *cal> Hr had
iiw.i It *l*>ui ISO
BXiiilh* aixi 'lie cluM s.-i-«,-lJ | vws ‘
tturewU-ii tin-vriuniiKiio'd lou-cv,
•11 ivtuna-d Is.itwaiHl*’;
•.vksaiui I1*1. M-n.i
>1 lur ii
k i«.t
With inetu l.-.cwcL. I..i,grr aj.d win
I went lioijK' I ci.ulJ lunJIj- l.iievc »1«
w»* the
r!,0.i Her diiii wa» as
•ofta.aloi.y’., I w-ri hrrn. .eienUvn y-eart but
1 haw Is-anJ frpiu Iwr and the bud lime
I heard In.Ill Ur*!a- wa. »rU
TL.t i*
•here 1 laet.iiie !ii-ui:ai;:'itl .viib I'mi.
eura n.-'i- ibi- ii.nviwrf snme.ser-

Ully If the Mas-achuwiu plan Im--'
come* generally approved, artll pro-

Bears the

OpwmiMorpbme nor auEial.

si* rears o4 age. j
t a fnnuncoa l>rt I

larc<- ship.* c.iaM com.- wiihin Iwenly and the wi-c man will profit by tlirir
to constitute a new steailyliie
iily’niilfs ..f ilial cPy and there



RrAingbsm ^


The Kind You Have
Always Boo^



Louis T. Moon Son of
In East Bay.
Moon, has arrived from
TTie pile driver John Nnylcr is nbw
wa. w spcod bis vacation wlu bla
l work In East bhy hut will *.«ul h.father. He recently graduated fromj

buck In Uls arm of the bay and at

nhte aad l^revat Next year Mr.
BaUerwlUmakeatrip U Cari Hagen-

tbat ruoeera U Introducing all


ing souiee ufalKiile ItiVestnxiHs.


For iB&Bti snd^tUjr^

spectat woric In (be bespiuls.

hlcJi the w.-st |.ler had been brill
betwiaa tbe United States and Ua pounds over 1905. Tbe slock on hand
ut. Now Ueiv Is *i‘v<-ral feet of »ii
rniplBoa. SnbgeiiaenUr. be went to
Ue Tcflnerlea on January 1, 1906. U-r at the shore end of the pier lUi'l
(Mna cm tbe mme aerrice and nw
e eonauwpUon of refined copper
iti.l Is Is-lng thrown Into the new
aellre dtrty ai Tten-Tsln. Pekin, and for Ue year. Iitdudlng
215.000.000 channel. JJr. Monnw expert* lo put
other pblnta.
pounds of foreign copper imported, aI>oul 12.5 feet more of pUlus <ip the
Dating bU ccamectloe wlU Ue ci^ copper Imported, was shrtlu htdlurd
luink ot the river. After

mela aad bat faroiabed a great t
I a^ea

of the nation. But Ue life luice companic. will nonuafly rvprov«-d management. whlK at U-{me time, the greatly inervasrd |k>|s
ularliv of the savlnss bank. .-stKc-

be lo great demand and will cotn-

ytvanla and Maryland of Admir­

China tronbea and a abort tbse dur­ al Dayton’s PaclBc fleet, are expectsd
> start from Carile for Ue United
ing the Japao-Rotsian oonUlct Hr.

There has been an tut.-rrii'tloa
e department ol tne saving* intsl-

IS way back. Uey




• ouch of th«-lr strength wiih Im-

.July 26—Tbe I
lionnt fine qualiiy. p<>.-ichi-> and
Had a Variad Csrear.
cnilam West Virginia. Colorado. tjibvr fmils will unt In- »o ahitnilaul
R. B. Butler, press agent for the States la ten days or two weeks. Tber
It of c<n>d quality.
oottUned Wallace and
Hagenbeck nay atoy oo the way at Japanese
Ur. SeibH Mniev that the apple crap
■* abows. bat had a varied career whl^ ports, bat UU Is opUonal wlU the of­ In tViHcoasIn, UUiiols an^ other ni.rlhficer In command.
wooW make InterotUng reading.
nestern sutes Is very short and ihut
It Is unlikely, howerer. In view of
Bnler bat been in tbe circus business
Grand Travcr|te reslon puxliict
tor a great many yean, with tbe ex- Ue fact that Uc vessels are to <
eeptkio of a period during the Span- by Ue way of Honoluht.

gov.-nuDcnul studeois of finance
snodry tceent dhiturbance* have been.


no-hIt game of.tbe eeaaoB. Hif name cape of gas following an exploMoo.
his Ijelr ' It la Mid he hart ronlraeird
Pott boles along the fide, corered
la Ike Botiar. All rou faat know
aUlt of siiioklhc nnrt imlng c
•1th S Inch plite.glitf. wil allow
him.ahlrb have proved liis dnwntsll.
Ike Butler wai fonnerlr pitcher of thoae in the obeervatloo hou
tbe Tfaeerae CUr Hnetlerf,
Big Apple Crep.
emplorcd in the baggage'room of the
T Selbels, rrjiK-w-Dting "71)0
Pare lUrquette rallwar here. Hlf Bret cylinder will be BDed with firodamp l*iicker." a Cbicngo publication devntpiteblng waf done In Traverte City and air. or coal duat and the gallery
> fruit and produce trade, bs:;
4 a steel mortar Bred by
and be repMIr devetopad doUl he
been in this cliy and siiTToandlng
rocn an obserraUaD house
countrv Inv-.-sUeaiing fruit |ii'04|i
a Wg hit $0 feet away. The Bredarap and air Mr. SellM'I Mulea timl. the Graort
will be tborougbly mlxid by an elec- Traversr- rcgiijn i.-iid.-. :iH niiier io
Start for Unllod SUtta

Some of these nn-am-

fcave since been dlailnl»h".d—a fuct to
abicb. tn the oi.iiiloo of man> cumpe-

lums funeral Monday.

Ran Away.'
Tbe Ixdgvr. in connection ploalres laborator)-. Tbe gallerr If to
whb the Came, prioif a full length be mtde of boiler plate aod will be In^
who lui.« been living wiLb II. U.
plewre of Butler under, which If print­ the form of a crlioder. 100 feet long.: rratt In BenrU- roiimy, ran away n
and alx feet In diameter. A seriea of
ed tbe feUowlnr
< ago usl SimOay morning. He
*Tbla U tbe rnmn wbo pitched a safety valrea on hinges will be ar­
called Harry Pratt as Mr. l*rau
bbblt game a^imt Seattle, the Bret ranged along tbe top to allow the <
inlended tb adopt him and tniikc him

irlcal fan.


• was la Chicago.
BoU Mr. Corcoran and Mr. HeCow-


ifb-Ameriran war. tbe time

From SUn Disease from Birth Until
Six Years Old—Fatter Spent
Gortune on Her Without Benefit
“OW Doctor Suggested Cutiorra, which Cured Her in T«o
Months, Leaving


y.,.. b'.w It i.< .i.ux' if Joa wiU call at tbe



mid be mortIBed et hit «nMr. Re didAt Mem to wiit>d q
wfaea be vM'deeonwd for
«i.-ade SDd ci^ored red. wblte ud
blue' It look a lonit time tor the dye
eu off. aod BUir looked like _
nranfc kind of Aaericea tta« cbet
sllre end trjlcj to ce!itrete eu
akne. But tbe (uonleet thlo« your
prealdent eeer te* bin do »a» one
dar vbeo be'ktood before e blllboerd.
Ab end of tbe eica poated i
iooM, and Bltlf waa earcfiillr cbewlnc
np the picture of e tin can that ad-!
>ertUed aonethjiig good lo

^ to
too. 00 BHttac lone now ao I will doae for! All 0»^ imiBcd the fatiDars of Be*.
please send me a card and bouon.
this tlise, h^lns to see tUs in print.' ric rouct.'^. for the reports said «*»«r
•m richt years clA I co to school

thv werios were rorolng north, and
-Tes, well have to do If Said Kate.
emy day whan I am well and there
onrlpriBf Snnahlaer.
Ithit they woiUd soon sweep out upon sUU mom seriously; -we mari atop
la school, but
Bthel H. Cork.
I the .fanna armmd Newton—if
e*.I am lo tbe second emde.
i bare
fhoald like to bear you ptoy on'Knox river did ant keep the.r. away,
Thtn hastily she and Kit discussed
three alswrs and one bioihor.
... yonr piano.
Are .vou verr fond of And this was a sam hope, for Kna all the ways that they had beard ibrir
peu I have four cata Well, as this U
river wus at best tst a poor barrier father teU about-plowing, uvnehiag
all I can ihlak of bow, 1 win close.
against Bcythiag.
and baming—bat two glr’j such as
Your.lorins Soabeam.
Tbe Marsh fann almost adje^ned they cocld aot do any of these. Dut
Omeaa. Mich.
Oiaries R. Coleman.
___ ^ JO.
the Knox rirev. and It the wi
>. aaddraly Kate had an IdM.
1 *m very Slad to hove you Join, too.
Dear President:—
Icetdod In rroarlus It would be oac of
"Kil." »hv csih'd, vifiteJU-. ' gn ai;
Charle.. and hope you wlU write
It is quite a while since I wrote to'Nam to caffer.
Fanner of the dry sticks that yoi on." and
again som« day.
J*L Now when I hare Ume I wlU Marsh had been ov r Into JwckJoa' Ente hen^ began tTiffing at the drv
srrtte a few JInes to yon. i hope yoii”"
*evirsl times _ e what tlie;liml
-------------------of .
Suttoaa Bay. HIch.
are all well except myl*''“-*
d"ins. and he alwa>-aj The two worked swiftly, carrylag
July 11. 1*07.
mother, aad she Isn-t very well. It is
looking much discouraged. I dry ::»ha and dvod grass close down
Dear President;—
qnlte warm np here thla sommer. I j
van help bsriusj to the edge of the river and heaping
tbonefat I would-writi a letter toj
print In the
‘"vr L.r.-. '
tlic Sonabllie CTob. 1 recelvp.1 ..
Ma.-sb farm to aereaadr the twln?^
riUMjir.rwIo ofxl
fa-iB bTsfwoi'ds.
ni dose for this >rand button s long tfine ago.
supervisor made a tpMch and
Toward the end «•( iiic wc*k be and kpmforta'ne work, for they naa m
ralBlag WJsr. We live on a farm
ebee-ring and abouttbe Ik.lMvere. «art Iunder tie tdd tr«* «h«e the I

CbI Stone Wort

A. W.

WifU school ftsru we will
Storms -or, «ua.u,
SUme Swaasoa.
j-Uht mll.s away, to help
There are aome other peta that yoor
' back to town lumtn Our school
Idad to hear from von 8saln*>''‘-‘‘"v with his 'brashing.
pmldeat thinks you would en}oy seeout the seventh of June. Last Slene. Have you got your pjolge card ''*•■'*
behind, ni tbe Marsh fcoua*-.
Inc.—the beautiful. Uf borsM that be.................... ■." -I- - -.‘.erii milSuQdny was my birthday,
the iiii-tur.- uf yi.iir falt.u-s ’'*'*'* '’"I N'l Grandlatfcer Ma»h. who|ln«i-=
lone to the elty Qre dopartneBt.
surprise part;-.. I got a lot of nice
«•<« it?
»as so fe«-l-1.- that Iw cotiid hardly
At lost Kate said that the heap sru
r they are alwaya kIoh>pri«eBts. We take the Herald and I

!cavo,bis rtiolr. and the twiai-Mother Mg enough, aad Kate. s1»o carried
weU kept, and act aa tbouch they
to read the Sunshine Intere. I
•fHalnOcld. VI,
Aunt Mary had both gone! .matehre.quire a» much os a matue of
— that merybody la Traeeme Qty
will close. hoplUB to see this in print
July ». 1907. I««<»
fact as if she sas a bov. beat over.
leiKuidlnc OD them to
Tour loving Sunbeam. l^ldeacr^
"L«-r» gn flsblnc.- Kil had said tu , her face flusb.d sUh . icitetnvnt, and
NMnt-^sbtl B*tM txrwn from harm. There la a prelV Age II.
I haw not written lo the Snnahloo; Kale early la the day. and Kato|tO!cheJ off the gr-as*. u'M*jcd up
about ewe of them that waa
muM he gn^t fun to liv«- on a
lull for a long Ume. 1 have a littio’Promptly agriwd. as she always d>d.
and l-egan to kindle the twigs Smoke
ttdd ti> your presldest like UtU:
In the summer iluw.
Do jou hrotber who will be fnuw months the ^ ^
twins rigged up their Bshiugl arose In « thick smudge at«vc the
“A tnigoe came of tac. In which
Iwenty-cernnd of July. His name ta'folT'S- dag BOme l.vit ia the gardenjCemp end ate-jt the oil ire.-s
Coloool. ooe of iba bic blaeka .. ...




“i ‘•"“'““I

And ihst Is why any f«a
(ell all about tba Hanfa V
Chicago Record.
'Treated—la oae bahdred thooMbd
hoasebedds in Amerira.
e wiUlnc.
saoshlny dau^ter. who win not fret
when naked to wipe the dlahea. or
sigh when requested to taka cara of

• daughter wboae cfaM
Ralph Howatd KMIcy. i have a little
'«»ard Hie Km.-a‘Bct sl:JI the array kept
drilghi It Is to smooth away nother'ai
. Maple City. Mleh , ft. F. D. No. 5. Sister. Her name Is Bla Kelley. gh,.l f'‘‘-r to euir* somi-.< the lu.ty catfish j of tbo fire,
1 had now spread___
were tbe
wrinkles, and who la quite as willing

July 15, ISOT,
A Beat Alphabet.
to lighten her faihere cans aa hin
Ik-;ir l’j>-siil.!it: —
rrandma Kvdley la PlalnflcM. VI.. hut * '•wdy pl»«-.
I end otory weed from a space as Urge
A wae an nwful AppeUte
Chief Hurray Saturday momlnf.
pocket: a glri who thinks hsr own
have new-r written lefore.
I live in Montpelier. Vu My father 1
As tli. v a|.i.^o.■u-h<^l the stream, as the Marses* eow ,wrd and eat.-ad.
Pt»«SMl»d by WlUlara Coat.
•■Colonel Is alinCKi fauman in latcIKbrother quite as flue a fellow as tomo
V write for a card and button. has an Cncle John KHtey living in i
!do|.pltig to pick aa early ling almost to the Marses’ field.
B waa a Bone of ttTale. wbleb found
mee aad la fsome maaaer opeaed bla For pels I have a liUIii puppy and
other s girl's becther. Constant love.
Traverse Clly,
I was la the flfthjgoldemtMl .or a aild snaflower. Kale'
Thi. i»u ;;!-Ir ivevir stniU' -l «-H
Ita way adown bli throat
tun doors shea llie day wka >.< little kluon.
osteem. and a most hemered
L am a girl thirteen grade last lorm
My teachers name “dddcnly. started hack In torror, HicrC| leg for aa Instant. They brought
C waa a rubber Comb be ate.
youBc. Hr, Hurray heard him wslkPtaeo la the home guaranteed. 8mId. I hafe two brothers,
-a-a* MISB Howe. She Uvea In Waits.[i'“ “o* snrJUd like a great wriggling mora and mere of the dry twigs aad
Which proved a trUo toacbInc sroiiad and wont down
ploymcat aeeorcd
to .«li qaallBed
as my V-U.-i
» gvrUiig Wmg. I
e were thousauds <il worms bnrn-j piled them on the fire. At last the
0 waa a modi eateened old Doll
what the matter waa. In front of tbe close.
a:ijiUeauta. Address. Muther. Uoma
X. ting their way through rich verdure of i whole of the logs were ahlare, and
In petticoat and ruff.
Offlc.'.other horses- auHs. stood the bft an*Iriaa.
B waa a wt-a«tuffed Ekom.
' his bead down and emiitlne lone
Jessbi Ni'Srmaa.
' It's the army worm." cselaiiDed' the snay bad at last stopped marchalmve eighty and my dcponiueni ' u;
Twaa aamewhat criiiy food.
/faming the Baby.
aaon>. At Drat the objeet of
Do tbe puppy and kitten play
atiove elghty.flve.
My studies » r,, j Kate, when she eotiid gi'i her breath, j leg. althou^ those bcblad pushed lor
P was a tattered iwper Fan
Some time aloce a sew baby arrived
tenuoo could not be disUncuisbed bnt
gether? I wonder what thflr names aliove'elghty. My teacher's :
,„l "tNlHre do they get aerosa
the | waul
; bridge v
With aevco atieka of wood.
' at a home in this city, and when Jofas.
after wstchlnc a moment, the tftlef
worms rallied down Into ny. the lilUe 6.ymr«ld brother, vae
oth grade is Miss aiamtlaln. rivv-r?'' a»krd Kit in at awed voice. | full that
C wa» SBOtber Coat, more wiae.
saw the mouw run from the comer.
Ha.rtlly the twins
] the water. Flereer and fiercer grew seat oa an errand to oae of iheMigto
will eloae with love.
Who tald, “TooTl orereatl
CO ia front of the borM and disap­
Cedar. Hich.
eoliinin «f living worror down t
the blare, and faster and faster bore a few days afterward tbe toot
H waa the Hate la WUliam'a eye.
pear In KoiDP unseen erevlee. tn»n
river’s baiilc, :ind there they saw the worked the twins. At la«l tbe rusUe latly of course, liad lo make the nazal
July 1C. m7.
Which made that cuat retreat.
tbe lllUe beast passal bim. Colunel
Dear PrrsMcBl;—
(‘kplanaiioii of liic mysier,-.
bridgo Ml with a
terriUe crash, remarks shout the gtodful ereat. "I
1 waa some Ink, about a pint,
Is not often Uuvt we hear fr
snorted and foUosed a few steps,
m two. carrying with It the la- understand. 4vhnnr.~ sadd sh% ’’(bat
WkoM ffoatJty was poor.
1 hope yun
watchlac the place where
have my card and buttou yet and ’ again.
said Kate.
Iveding army of worms. Hardly had you have a little baby at yoar botwe.'*
J waa a Joe « Pott«7.
went totepUy. Out came tl
Ifh., rwl—' .h—c
bridge, as the twins**<>»' Shouts of triumph died "T«. ma’am," was the ideaaed reply
to pleeea, to be aure.
bandle of fur acaln. and acaln tbe
aad two pigs and azte horse,
call.-.! II. was. made up of two hugejawAy when Fhrraer Marsh and hU of Johnny ’He bas beep there naatlF
K waa a Klta with painted tooe,
What th( Marsh Twine Did.
horse snorted and ftdlowed.
have two sisters. Their names arc
old Riorv n... to D.o nixmio I
titles that hsd fallen side »««. who bad aeto) the flames, cstoe four daye now.** "WaU. wbea be gets
Aad many yarda of tall
•This was kept up for sottie Uine. Llluissa and Locy. They Jolaed
vow-^ ,
l.y side across the Elreim. They were ■ "tsfilOK dewn to tbe river. Farmer older you must bring bim over to see
D was flee poaadi of Ucorloe.
but aa Otrtoael waa lo a had pUce SuariilDe Club too.
t hope to tec
Booefat at aa aoctlon aale.
me." reuni-d tbe atogfabor tody. “Br
of the wtwld would l-e Interested
should an alam come la. the chief my letter in print, so I will close.
tbe war. bu be been Bsased yMr
M ami aa oU toy Hookey, foutd
In knowing how
put him back InKbe stall. Tbe bis
Tour Bunshlaer,
ered with Iravvr, • But npw there, **18. then the other and then both ’’No, ma’am.'' answered tbe yeonvter.
Ooe erealnc after dark.
saved Benzie county.
animal la a most lotemUas creature
on,!®*®***®'on.“«®“C'"but 1 gue^s there wUi be aonethlng
~H«vaa a wooden Noah who
Bleb at almeat any
Ask Bltnoet any <»• In Newton
I was pleased lo get your nice let.
S bad eaten it
The worms, thw be&tca back, never doing pretty soon, tor when I left,
Bad ciwced a cudy ark.
aeo happen to lay a clear or pipe
where tbe twins lire and they will
T. Tberp are not many that come
that both the[m
the [.got lolo Bctirie
Bcmrie ooanty.
oonnty, and when father was looking over ttw Uit if
O waa alt ancient Oraocee.
window sill that be ntuat pass to
10 summer time.
' prealdenu, mother was gtdng tfapouBb
WUfato a paper tmc[ te and from between harness
crcxrfis out of the town and seems to,
>l‘era«J covered with
the by tbe Han#twins It turned out U tbe Bible and the nurse wae hunting
! Pmaaemecraenaiidyalloa'Patot.
aad atalL be will notice It tbe moffleot
Cedar. Mleh.
Bmraearad apoo a ra«.
tba obleet coivs within his tisloa.
July 1C. 1907.
1 enunly and tombliog <
e lead, and marched u
9 waa a Quart of Qulaee prcaerrc
and eye It with the utmost euroaliy.- Dear Preeldeni;end. . f.vr beyond
another In t
Blioae iaaie was rather queer.
descends Into a deep hollow and winds
the rich fields belonging to Farmer
thought r would write }x>u a fv
It waa a eouen Babbit which
Last week }-oor president bad each
and out for a.mile before it reaches
' Bed aenree aurlved a year.
linen. I have my card and button yet.
Bice visit ftoTO Evelyn Hary Clark
the Marsh
t think they are very prelly. I thank
8 waa a pair <ff Sdsaors. blnnt
Kit began to ery, but Kate did not
whose bone is in Ithaca. She alway-e
Thu Marrh bouiester.J Is
a big.
for mr card and button,
And nieted from a rain.
her courage. She remembered
U ao clad to see her 8
Cotuumption in less deadly than it used to be.
ecbool It out now. I haw fun play. brown frame bouse wlilcb Bianiis
T waa a Top. which many toft
that all tbo men were away, that
back frun the road. Tbere are a t
Ing games this vacation. We I
town and that
Bad tried to apin, la vala.
'■®*i Mother Morse
A beaoUfiil boqnet of mees wu
many apple and cherry trees in front
Certain relief and usually complete recovery
nine Mg rain here today. Wc
*’* j Grandfauicr >!onw
feeble to
V was a laice Dmbfalla. borne
sent your prealdent from Nellie
h«d li™ .h« uid 1.
two kittens: one It named Snowball, « It. ma . fu thd i»m .i.h
To wnilaiB OB a breeoa.
hart of Haple City.. It made her very
behind. And on ev.-ry sldela«.d voice:
will eloee, so good-bj-e.
T vaa Ua Taalty. wbleb aweOed
happy and aba tbanka’ NriUe Cor the
stretched big and little fields of wheat’
From your Suntblner.
Aa CO bo ate with eoae.
and oats and rye. lo so>- nolLiag a!
Ululasa Svoboda.
V woe aone wadded Wad
save Beazic county.’’
pastures where the c
1 play?
Hw Best eeaiyrd to etaew!
Helen Kovarik aenda la a letter and
id teH me. wtmrt yoa?
X. T asd 2 tbia ftm defeat y
a aoUco Bhont a dear friend of bere
Here the Mareh twins live. aU'’.
Of wniiaat Ooat did vtow.
wbo died to Jbba TUa la what alio
they lived two years ago when they
Honor. Mich.. R. F. D. No.
BUnbeth L. Could.
saved the county and when tbe whole
July 15, 1907. •
Suttoaa Bay.
of Newton come out and fired eaanon
Dear Presldcni:Friday. July JC. l»07.
July 16, tM7.
New Mbm lototoc atnoa laat re■I received ray Sonshlne pin. and my and waved flogs In their honor,
Dear Prealdmit:—
of the twins was Sarah nad8he other
Bister and bttither would each
I herewith encloae a piece about
Katr, or Kale and Kil. as nearly
one. too. Their names arc Pearl. Win.
If so, it will interest yon to
Swtb OroeaBcr, Sattona Bay, Hlek.. lay dear triaad wbo died, and would ale. and litUe Pat. Please send pins everybody called them. They looke.l
know' iliai it can Le M'S'i’cvl
lo bare you print It tor me a
K. P. D. No. t.
and cords to my three cousins. Ida, alike, and dressed alike, and even with Df. Miles' Anti-l'ain I’llK;
It down to me. I would tike
Jaaale Newman. Maple Oty, Hlefa.,
Evelyn and Ceoevlere MoCrani. and tbevr father sosneilmes bad triftli:-aiivJ wiiliout any bail aitcrhave It put la a frame it I eoidd. So
telling which was wbirh. Vp to
It P. D. »a I
also to my friends, Bditb and Dslliir
elTccts. and this without tianthe time they were U yearn old they
■ CBnifct & Ootoman, Mhpto Oty. wocn you pknae do It? 1 think she jmme. 1 remain.
per of forming n tlnig halut or
a Sunahiner too.
W'aan t she?
h-ad done nothing remarkable. They
Your friend,
HMlb. R. P. D. NOl t
liavtng vour stomach disarSba was such a Jolly girl. Her nu
TMma aad AeMa Ctork. TmvMM
Cora Kelly.
i"cd. *'nicy positively cc
was Uxxlc Kolarhi.
Oty. Hlefa.
It is very pleasant to fanve mu- Ctnb they romped around the farm
a no o’. iuTTi, morphine, <
1 rcaaia >v>ur true Sanshlner.
freckled noses and sunbu.-ued faa-v.
HlftmrGroMer. Buttons Bay, Hl^
keep riirtil on growing, isnt it?
Caaa street- encioe bonae.



Wto. ™ > am,

.am b.a » ota» tiuabaa: Nnno. a„rt ha. it.... ™

win result from the following treatment:

Hope, rest, fresh air, and—5‘co«*<..


Head Ache

Mto. P. O. Boyd. Chto*«». m



R. P. Q. No. g.

Naoe wna Mi

Helen Kovarik.'

and' they learned to milk and lo Jn

Are You Using Best

Death of Unis KoUrik.
SoUons Bar. Mlch_ R. F. D. No. 5, the team and to pUnt com almost
well as bo.vs could liavc done,
Gills Pier, Jane J5,—Tuesday rnoniJuly S’. 1907.
■ear they were If cuny.
Dear President: —
Hkfa. &. P. D. No. L Ida. Evnl^ aad lag. Just as tbe clock stroek
wrong. It wqs'weC a
OenevlaTe HcOnal. Ehaptre. HIcb.
Wnil you please send me a card and
Psnrt, trinaleOmcy. and f« Kelley. known beyond, one who wUl be sadly button?
Wc get the Hmid every cold 1a the mrmg and hot and dry
early summer. And cm top of a:I
MoBor. Htoh.. R. F. D. No. I. Names missed amoag her trUnds aad rela­ week. I like to read the letters, ri
tives. Urrle Kolarik of Gills Piers, am
the army worm apiieaivd in Jai k
neat by Onn Kelley.
the foarth reader.
and Mrs. Alberi Kolarik of Gills Piers.
coiimy quite suddenly, aad all of
*tle. spelling, and reading. Our
Butt Otocmar.
BUtb aad Bstfaer Jenne.




wag cm the :ind of May.
amaumpUoD. IX-miaed waa born hare a liiUe brother, bis name
aad giria am latewwtsd la tbe part of Oct. 59. 1890. Shakos slsteen yeani.jHIUon Groetter. Will you please
mm pledge that la a promiae to bo scven.,^ths mad twenty-seven dB)a|scBd him a caid and buUoo. too?
kA to every living thing. And It Is old. Inlher childhood she was Jolly am going down town » I d better
triie. isDt It? that wbofour pels find and mUe friends very essny. She'clCM.
off that we wen>W them they grow wss lofed by evmy body who knew
Fiwm your Sunshine girt,
tamer and tamer, and show ua such her- T^en taken to the last restingRnth Groesser.
cnBBlBB iricfas that they bare learned place there walked at the bead of
jf >oo aad Uilloa ev« rome
»n by tbenuelvrs

acvso young girls '^verse City 1 hope you
The »aBtUaere wbo live in Trav-- dressed la white, each carried bou«» CSly
________________ _________I qoMs of flowcea. Tba girls were
BOly-guat walking arannd on State! Hel^ Kovarik, Katie Sbemllk. Uaiy

thrown tntn a state of terror, fur Jackcounty lay 10 the south of Benzie,
was separated Irom It only by
zUiggish sireani. To which the ciazis
gave the name of Knox river Tenble stories were told of the ravage*
army wortuB.

Ooe ot tbe New-

toB Riereltanis w-Lo bad vl'llej IB
make Jackson connty bri>ught hack -.. sic of
tbem in a bottle. They were frrm aa
Inch to an Inch and a half long, light

to « very ttareateatng manner, and dek and Joe Moudek. Sbo leaves to, have been a member tor quite a long col-Jiuns two feet wide, and falrl:^
flafiw 5ere«ly with Us Uuia ayes. Soj mourn her loss, a Utot-r. mother, two time.
My school wak out the Slst lombltng over on* another trying
tkm people Just langh and sup one) brothers, a sister, ooe step-brotber. day of June, there were then nKmths
and feed.

aide, because everycne likes Billy and
ivslslers. nod many friends. ;uf achool. 1 am in tbe etgblh grade, track where they bad passed looked
thinks he It so taasy. He has IrarDcdd They eive her beauUfuJ floral dv-jl a® fourteen yean old. My studies u U it bad been btirned by fire And
11 drink tram the streri fountolos. and1 *lgns,
Serrlees were held at St-'are;
arithmetic, physiology. History. there’s so many of em that the (arrr
Manda on bU hind legs and drinks:Wcneels churrti. burial Uklng place literature



geo- ere can’t possibly stop ’em.

pn^ manner. Ua tans at ibd Haple BUI oemMery. Tbe Rev.; graph, grammar and spelling My
ptoyteg with the dogs Fr. Engenufam qetdatlng.
It.achcrs name U Mr. Dago, t liked
Is tbe eame aa his. and be
-Hay she raat to paa«.“
j him very mvieb. He is going lo teach
bat them very ferodoos
I Best year and I am very glad. I bare
iy. yet reaUy nerwr hnite them at alL
Maple Cit.v. Uleh, R. F. D. No. 2.'three sisters and three brothers.'
to the wlator Ume he Ike eo
Jniy 11. 1907. iThree of them beatdea myself beloag





But if vtn kill one army an-

otber comca right along behind it.^
and they eat np the rye aad the oats.,

How would you like a
coat of paint on
your house?

MiJes Medical Co.. £ik^ Ind

V< I! can frc'h-n up your houitc.


the work


ri,;ht and pay I ir it a little at a

Business University

Tfhy. t

saw dozQgf of men out dtggiagditchc:
aro-und.'thetr Adds to keep out the

and the,- shake off all the wbeat krrwvm etirre that his wool ia ainad oCI Dear PrcHdeBt;—
I to the Sunshine Clob. I have a piano nvlB. There’ll be no crop this year
to qoUk aad U be
Aa my stator Joined the Sunshlne'and toke Isasoni on tt.


Using?' HANNAH & LAY GO.

the Bnirle reiumy j«><vple were at ooce

gray lo color and marked on the bacl;
and Par* streeu. Seme timet BUIyr Kelchick. Qnma
bron-n and yeUow stniies. Their
takes a stroll down Fttmi street, too., Bounja. Christina Kolarik and Mary-Dear President:—
Jaws were large and siroog. and alwhere there
6 only Mores. « be Koraon. The pall bearers were Frank'
We have token the Herald for some togethee ugly.
tblnka people
_ np too
___ KeJ-lume and I enjby reading
s tae letters
* taking
Prnak Kekhlk, Weiieel
“Why.” told the merebant, “1 saw
U tbe sidewalk be ihLc^ Wa bead chlek. Wcnwl Kolarik,' Wciiel HM-;M''ibrsuisbi“nrci'ub v^‘much'
regular armies of ’em marching hi'

In tbe most
gsaat apoit
wlwwe home
prcieadi to

z\fi« r I'oiten a ciistonicr
forUHST FLOUR ih. n tht-yarc
always a custouiirr. for tiny are so
pli’3>cd with the rchtiits they don't
tv aiit :my other kind.

IWj’.I Tike





We have eouK spk-niliTl tur,fttiat in homes that we can |

I Si-ll yon wry reasooabk. or we can buijd yon a home and yon |
i ciu |>>y f-<r it in small payments.

irr. s'p-svt.u: r.!ui
without mu-re
uf if. i.t. Cal-:.!Ur. A
. lemret^-re.g.

Smith Realty Co.


Cool Orinfca for Hot Days.


cupful of butter and add the dateu
Iced Chocolate.—fie s hosj'log
fourth teaspoonful of rtnesar. Pour
spoonful or oooda to meb balfwtol of ll gradually, beating all the Ui
per egg.
rgg tbormigbly and add K
Emz Fhtcl—Cut one hardbotled egg bolUng water. Cook In a double biAler the dates and butter, ibsa add. alter
minutea and sweeten as It Is
In balrea crosawlae. remove yolk and
nalely. a little at a lime.' one cupful
through a aHve. Oean oneAall taken from the fire. When cold, add of milk and one pint of flour, sifted
chicken’! Uver. Body chop and aaute
with three level teviapooofols of
f Ugbt. and serve In '
In Just enough butter to prevent
Ing powdei; beat iharoaghly and bake
While cooking add a few drops glasses half filled with powdered
Harios made the por^iaae. cnlor
Tht PmMarA
irly iw.-nty minutes In a weIPbut
Lemon Syntp.—Squeeie the lemons
Dion Juice. Add to egg yolk,
It thes to the beat poaalble exteot tor
Ob the roo(h bl0*i4« (mr Bport
muffin pan or shallow tin pan.
with salt, pepper and oqe.foarth Id strain the Juice carefully.
if of the ararage elaaa of booeewlTce
ma tbt BBr.vDUce
poooful of finely chopped paraler. »e pint of Juice add two pounds
rour life U alwarx overfull of
Tbo ptJtBre la
tUllaew iM.
A Bubatltute tar Gream.
sugar, and set It away until ihomtghRefill
A eoTMT cool and
When imiasisibledoprocurecreair
erery mCDeot of real pea Uhe— grated cheese, bake until ebeese melts. Ij dlssoKed. stirring It oec
Vbm i«ar tiittUe. while and «ad
bottle It One or two leaapoems illk lor coffts-. a ver}' paJaUble !
atretched in tbU coil .eomtor
Grow ere the caniDer’a t^o U told.
stlluie win l>e found in the white
seat—joat ao much U the clear sain tomato puree.
Oellclous letniinade. and II i>n<>se>uM' egg Beat the wHile of -me egg until
u la atreostb and health. To
WlMT* nmnaiowtalka like caadlea pale
Another Egg Fkrci,—Prepare egg as
light and mis with It a teaspuonful
the merit of lieidg always read.v.
lie down rwiia ao much mote than to 1 preceding locipe. Add to yolk o
WlthlB the irar mcke ihtoe;
Fancy Lemonade.—Cut a neat slice butter lUble-d to u ^rrnm..l^>( n hraip
alt down, and in a half-rocIlRlnK poai- alf Ubleapoonful of grated cbee
The hardback twUda her ciim
lag tenspounful ot this mixture
from the top or as many I
tlOB In the bammock. bolatered with une-fourtb leupoonful of vtnegir.
tower .
- bottom of ihf cup; pour Ihe coffee
r lequlred, allowing one for each
piUowa or cuahrona, oee can real
AcalDBt the wall a roo(h liac:
few graioa of muaurd and salt and
slowly, stirring while pouring,
rtoD Scoop oat the pulp, taking
cayenne as desired. Next odd enough
The ladr blreb to aUfceo eeae
prevent the efx from curdling,
re not to break the skin, and
to do anrthlBc but lie atlll and ahst melted butter, to m'ake ot right e
Wblven soft accrete to the t»et.
carefully ilon<‘ the coffee will ti
oae'a area before theee few momeota; sUtenry to shape. Arrange on
ihoiigb ennAed with cream.
BmAa that of woodlaod Boadp know of reatdlme came. If too tired
serving dish, place In pan of
(•lut of water, and sweeten to tai
Thiwoch oiuBKia of eweet-feni trail. read, foat awlna. and keep out
mater, cover nod let stand until
Brellad Chiekcft.
ip made from granulst.-d
your mlml the thouttbt that joa oosht thoroughly healed. Insert a email
And All the blo»«trl|Wd IrU cup
Clilrken—llndlers which
sugar and water rooked together until
to l>e doina aomelhloR. Yon are doins sprig ot poralcy in each ydk.
Bre (her rush down the dale.
re nut as young ns cmr would d-vlre
thick. Fill the lemon skins with
The daliiaa wUh their broad, white aomelblns, and emplorlng r»ur
Steamed Egg.—Spread an individual lemonsde. replacing the slice taken •m come out tebder and dellclwis 11
in a war that It could not be better isfihen mold generously with
nramed lor fifteen mtnul»» In-forv
from ilie top after making
tablcspoootula of chopped
BMa auawbentah and apatrowa’ glren to. There are. of eoarae, eu.inlHr. Vii-ior Pstorsudv.
broiling. Balter th<-m, and broil them
mil hole In >1. Through
leaa thinga that rou could be doing, cooked chteken, veal or Iamb with
Ka»., a well kiuiwn <wr;k two straws with which to drink clowly. covered, with the sidll sides stieeUTupcks,
but that are not half worth the doing.
of salt and a
-lowu. until nearly done. Then brown peoter sad memlK-t oi KtugLU ■—<
tadiesol S-s-urtly.wril--*:
At Blibt the aheep-belle Unkllof aoTt And the aaviBB of seire force la.
few grains of pe|>per. Une buttered
the oppi-r sides, taldng care ai«
what is left of the lemonade i
“Twelre yesr* ago 1 bsd a severe *lLoll the greeo woi« to Bleep;
me there la not in the booae moll with meat and slip In one egg!
char the skin by setting the broiler
sek of la grjpiw and 1 nwer resMy re,
plenUh the lemoo cups
■Ihe white ataiB crowd abore tl
ao eoar and rcatful a epoi aa that In carefully broken. Cook In a moderat'
soniettiilig to ralw II a little -llslance covered my heallli ami strength, but
k»l fomlort.—One of the beot
rhlcb mr haminock awlnga. It la not ren until tgg la firm. Turn Iron
fiuni llio coals if the file Is ver;
put preserved cherries to 1
Aad watch wbUe el^t to deep
old and garnish with pnreley.
pound them with lee ehopp.-d
rwo year* ago 1 b.-gin n*ing Pernns
Aa taBderIr aa o'er the eavea
lea where nirriade of bugs,
Meeingue Rhuharb Ptoa.
Chicken Soup with Beef Extract—
Into a quick, borne made
it built
slreugil. *o that In
or <ar. etui hocoeateada deep
masqultoea are aararmlng. Heat one half cupful of chicken s
Line two pie plate* with rich pa«ty
. .. One never to tl a loss I
and where, becasse of them,
boiling point, add one-eighth
good cup to offer. lk> not use canned FlUlng—Boil one pint i<f rhnbarb with
-k again."
take a momeata comfort
S|<oonrul of beef extract, one ai
cherries nor Jam. The cherries must one cup rrf water and two cuiw of gran­
1 large and
It awing! in the eooleet and pretBaoM Natoreh I
ulated sugar for fift—'n mlnulos.
of cream ond a dash be full flavored or they will ntit
Aworkinpiton'shomeiauiuaU;DBevithaUrriMtoUr. OdUna gf
tieei place In the booae. and
move from fire and add tbn
>t ssit aond p<‘|iper.
Have the serving citp cold; also
aUafMandbothsaxManbein^raand. Tha; an
M fiUckt afi-!
tnMra an the heda are free.
;>iiveoMB iterdf for rent and enloy.
put <me-lhlrd of pounded lc*‘. beaten yolk* of four eggs; mix
Custard to Serve with Chicken
BaU,wintarandsnauaer. A doctor it sent for ovary tima a
AM are no keka npon the door.
.;< ni, and It prorei no leea a Joy than Soup.—Beat one egg allgbUy. add
then lumr Ibto pie plan-*
blespoon of cherries, and
noNoaeui. Tha axpessa wiU keep tha family peer.
And quiet eompaar
ll appeara.
each of cream and same of Ihe Juice; nn-er with lamnded lahemly lined) and bake In moderate
Mar »•« to Pe*e« tUl from Che aod
oven for fifteen »r twenty mlnuK-s.
Rinmg hooka are flrmir embedded water, and season with a few grains
Set them on the ice block
The Rtylertc rtoee. pralalng Ood.
'While pies aiv Iwking lake the re­
In the ettiddli
■ at once. It Is a delicious n
of salt. Pour Inlo a smnll battered
fttmmar. Aititehintimaaaveanina Adaaaortwoaf--------- ----------—Chrtotlea EndewTor World. oppcrlte sides of the walla, or ntber.
maining whites of eggs and beat to a
mold, ploce In a pan ol hot water and
requiring only tbo ’knack,"
aariou and axtandad iUaaaa many a tima.
corker, and
H does require lie ’ knack." Plm- rtlff froth, gradtrally adding two tablebake until
: Tha vorkinpnaa araiyMbara hava com* to roalim that Panna li tka
apoonful* of jwwdered sugar. Re
there the hammock U swung lu only
; workingman's bioad aad aavat kirn act onJyaioknaa, bat a fiaat maay
Bfx Balls—Rub yolk of one hard- applcs. Ireai only, raspberries, and
w ■fleartet engu and eo^acooib Ul
fumlahlngs are pillows aad cusbiona. btMled egg through a selve. season other prwened fruits will do. but move pies from oven and apply merin­ > dollars ovary yaar.
• Brerr e*d4lme farden now;
which bean a historical valne.
cherries roust have their own flavor gue or liealen whiles lo th- top of
with salt and pepper, add enough
• Apple ttMa their bstdoni •pOl'!lU-v. J.H. 1‘uke., Psstnr o
; always keep a bolUs la Ihe b<
and Is much betored. They are often
unweighted by too heavy klnip. They earii pie. lo order to torure the
K yolk to make of right consist
• Pwaing low U every hoogb.
Church ot PiBcke . N. C„ ;Mr*. Hukrs thinks it has i
sired amauChnesM dip a knife from
aU plied on the door, however. whUe
ahape. Form into small-balls and require no addlllop of winr
• *MMtb the hlattof Atwtit an
more good than anrthtag abe has ev«
lime to lime Into a pan of «dd wiiler write* r
effect of unfumitoed ham­
poach Id soup.
• Sowa of «om attnd. bwwn hsd
wife has b*en Ins very fibsdtu/e token.
and api*ly in top of pie. When finished Of■■My
mock comfort la enjoyed. U U

Another way to Make Ekcg Balls— in oven sguin and brown.
high from the Boor Just before double
I to do her any good BDtII
• And the Blr, when day to dohe. •
Rub one.half yolk of bard lxdled egf;
doors and la dose proximity
I u«c Format. Nine- then the Ptrmat the day bU mother begoa.
• Been a traoe of oootog MU.’'
through a aelve. add one-half white guP may be used Instead), and to
eub.r bss n-lnrnrd to her tsfe, nnd she ro-day bt* Mm h rmtj. aad be tooaila
Two Geed Caksa.
wInilvwB. within easy reach
Whlto Cake with Sour Hilk and tof«/ai«ff/fific*hevrrydty,and 1 lie- the yard running and Jumplag with tha
library aad a Uble fuU of papera and of hard-boiled ogg finely cho|H«J. Sea­ every four tmi cugn (even full I sild
Uovesbctoaa-eilireaaa to-day. We reet of the rblldna."
magazlnca. And this la where 1 take son with sail and pepper and moleteo tme even teakpoon salt and imedhlrd Baking Powder.—One cupful eg sugar.
-ggs, oru- cupful ot thick oour
many a "knlttlenap" between working with raw yolk of egg until of right leoapoon pepper. Mash the yolks of
hours, gathering strength aad eadur consIsteDey to shape. lYinn baUsond five hard-Udled eggs, add two laWe- milk, one half cupful of butler, one
thing to those of US who baje to took
DC anew to meet the duties thatiaU poach In soupt|o«uiK melted, butter. Iieatlng wHI. leaspoonful of exiran of lemon, and
the irifllngiecooomlea la order to
. geywi Theighte. fee the Week.
Roysl ciistard—Beot the yolk of one .and gnidiialiy lieai in onedialf cup of
p and one half cupful of flour 'ifted
the life of every houarteeper.
fnlrly well dressed.
1 keep a UtUe toaap aUght
egg slightly, add two ublespn
ice With two heaping l<-.-ispoonfuIs
irreau. or milk. 1\-hen etnomh •tlr In
WliH.- It to toklng.
Ilud your skirt as suufi aa ll M
AU day. an aigbt.
the ehoppi-'l meat.
marie. It will save sewing braid on
The aeooe can quetwA 11 »oi » vleeable hammocks for «ie ebUdren. each of salt and pepper, tnrn Into
quirA Bde to bored through the ends of
wbmi II to ftayrnL It yoor coot
Tartar and Soda.-One cupful ••neb
rinall buttered mold and l>ake in
sat dines drained and ban<-d Rtib to a
r 0 cupful .rf cieam and one4ialf lining to worn, rip
each aUve. and stout ropes are

It ^nee betew the Hedy One.
brown sugar, molasse*. im-lted
paste. Yolk* of fhreo hard-boiled
sugar over hot wsler
la and out ot them, aa ahown pan of hot water unUl firm.
irxrthly, and nrilne. oolng toe old HaOb. BV eonl'e Utftt,
ter and sour milk, one egg. ommelted. Boil to a ndi bo.
mash smooth, and
aketto. the rope on
Ing oa a paUero to cot by. Baste toe
Bsm hrlffhtl
Sipoonful each of rteam of tartar and Hnve rvudy mu-half of o rupful ' l«ck in, then the Ireou: tell aeaUy.
The Bummer Sewing.
one-fourth tfuispoon salt,
-auaah Packer Kimball, to Ctarta- being passed under each auve and on
Prom the prem bulletin Issued by pepper, and two teaspoons lemon soda, two teasiroonfuls of cinnamon
irs.-ly chopped. sUr them In
the othvr aide over them, the atavea
sinefa the aleeve linings, thea t«U at
tlaa Bagtour.
Ihe Colorado Agricultural College the Juice. Add satdines and mix thorougli- and one leaspoonful of cloves. Beat Ihe mixiuiv sad set aside
bdeg laid parallel to each other
the band and anaseye.
following practical srilele Is token:
-. Spread on thin sllci-s of bread and the“egg, nnd add the sugar, molasses
If vsnilla !B(|
When you bnytundrrwear. pot new
-How. whether your furrow be ehal- form the width of the hammock.
A novel nee for a hammock to to
bands oo at note if the rootertal it
tow or deep.
calicoes, glogbsms. and linens, i
convert U Into a chair, by l
|K«jr. Work over the buHonbolaa aod
.Wheaever you boM the plow.
must gU be carefully .shrunken, :gs. season with salt and pepper, and and pour Into the mUk; idfl the cream
the lop.trf the ptaxat. or tree, with
*.« on the button*. Ooo-t tall la
Make ap year mind to always keeg
the cotora made fast before they
small piece of luiticr. CUi round* ol tartar, and stir Ihe spices Into
the two ends cloae ttoether. Then
Thingr t
. very article orer carefully wbaa R to
It atialght and tnc econebow.
are ready to make up into gan
r l.iea-l very tliin, siuvart with Imiter cupful* *>f fl'-ur; stir the milk and
d pu^aoar.
n-ady to be folded asd
(1 uot. If yod are faring
•TM better to hare thln|h true and gather up one aide of the haminock
Inio the mixture, addlog euSI
uak is usually considered
and a touch of niustard. sprea-l with
to the middle and run a stick through
curtains at bum.-, buy
If yw vrotJe wpra1 under
clem flour to make a Miff batter,
1 one. but can easilly be
taking the mj.'dful
wbalhar done by plow or pen.
I.SSIO a good yAae^ ltederr t^e
Often the aun interferes with the
And then oar need not beeiute
i«ri, and stitch on the-maeWoe. Now
Ihe fabric to colored. It cun be wlrhes ate new and very nice. Take
enjoyment of a hammock. When aneh
■«> try the thing again."
id at leas! two day* old. cut off
la the caae. it is a good plan to aireteh shrunken and the color made
ynist. and butter the end
te process. Preiiare a solution
an awning above the hammock, wbkh
Let tfao morvow rcet
..ei watermelon, lake out the s.s-ds. irin.- bar.- ut first, as lltij.- »»•* you ime way If they are thlu.
level teaspoon of i-owdered
will aerve aa a protection from the
In Hie balored hand:
gradually ac.iiilTi- pretty
When your stucklngs are past re­
,-md chop the niekm rather fin-. I
Ihicknws, spn-ad w
tun. and will also shield the hammock slum to two qtuirto of tepid water.
Hto good to better then our bert.
pair make new feH; you caa cut two
a tr.vrer with one euptul
plain ma>rronato.t**;tlad dresing and
Aa we eball onderatend.—
. n.ii forcd Ibiii it to eilrem»ly tioa ooe leg.
*lic<-^ ol iMiliana. Cov<t wllb pow-d.-r.-d sugar, park Hi- fn-ez.-r
If, tnmtlng Him who falleth never.
Your shoes con. be made softer aad
.nd Ir-.' anil turn ihe rralik ul
.T..n«nilesl t.> buy two carpet*
We reef on HUn. today, tor ever!
For P^axza Comfort.
III last longer If rubbed with a aoft
u.-loii Is ley cold ami I.«ks 1
e toiti.-rn. C..n*-lpii-nlly, w
i which a dolly has been placed.
wetted before any more 1» pul
—nwaoee Ridley Havergal.
One or two hammocks, lo
cloth saiurtai-d with equal part* of
■now Servi- In g1u»W-s.
futiir.-, i!i.-y wi-or out. It i
IWIM Egg Sandwiches.- Moali the
Allow It to stand
fortable rtalra. foot-reats. a
and ink.
Bobertr and with clear eyea bdlere hoM the work-basket, magaxtoes and thirty minutes to an hmir. then wring «,!k of Uard-lstileil egg* to a powd.
CryStalilZM Fruit
moi.-^ten with tilBe oil and a fe
la yoiw owB time and ptoea. There to papers, and from which the Bandar it with a wringer and rinse thorough­
Hen- is a fuggestlon “>i
Dingy White Mlk Olpvee.
ly in clean, tepid water and writ dtvps of vinegar. Work to a laste,
sot. tbeN never baa been, a bettor night supper may bo aervedadd salt. Ix'Plwr and Kn-nct mostat.l msewlfe. and |*-rhaps it
MTilrb hav.- been washed until they
time or a beuer (dace to lire In. Only are needed; but bealdas these have again. Shake vigorously and dr.v in
d.~tgn. which you wB1 find difficult
n«m-it to essenlUl that ll to taste, with s drop or two of tatasci help to bring In a little p
-Ul DO Ivnger iriTome clear, or that
With thto belief can ‘you believe in plenty ot enabloiis. Hake them ot
The W.iman's Horn.- <
sauce. Now chop the white* of the
match wh-n broken. Plain white wi
have been sialn.jd. can be dyed some
brown linen, of dentm or some other Bunlighl U- avoided In the drying.
-nii-lon rind and the
eggs as fine u pvslble i..r until they
I. to Iw nexjmm.*nde.I f.n- ordinary dellMt* shade, say* an asohaage.
wash goods, sod fill some
US4-, us it I* ■•aslly lepluced wbe
Make B pluk dye with s few drope «<
1 to not know wtxei or bow H may
new bay or dried ctever-Maa- sprinkled and If this is done with aro Ilka a coarse puwdcrl
casloarfi'-qulrc*, and If alt the Iwdroom f;.-ranlum squeezed from on oU
them with the yolk iwsle.
ptoaaa Ood to give you the quiet of ____ They wUl be eooi and restful great care the Ironing become* a
to- stRihat th.-y will fill- s-ts.-ari- of whit" or one pattern,
s,-a*oiitng is n.-eessarv. add ll before
color tube Into gasoline. «.d tot the
Mnd that yen need; but 1 tell you Uve out of doors sU that to poselUe. pie task. Spread one end of the
tuny will n-aiilt when breakage oc- glove, li- in It uotU tbe desired sbade
spreading the urtxitm- upon ellcetl
that I beUeve It to to be bad; and to If work drives It to not tost time to rtc out on a table, with the right
Ihe citron purvbas^l in Hu- *io
I. The aame gloves may
grahatr bread.
hammock or eaarobalr on next the tohle. and sprinkle II,
tha meaatlme yoa mnat go oa doing
i-mployed Cut the wstermeluu rln.l
later U- -lye^'-P
br appIRmtloe
your work. trwaUng to Ood even for of doors fifteen or twenty minutes.
I.i«-es, boll in wai
great lartety and may In* either
of d.-p.-r •ii' Any tint may be proTake Good Cart of Your Clothing.
The work will be easier afterward fool, fold that over again half
I'll p.-rf-.i!y tender, drain and weigh
Bemerobor Urod. orerirorked natuw
give due-! by li-se tube patoW. aod to

they are n«
nmnds- -k 'ery seasonable
feolly even. . Continue
Tto fboask feat! <f what
bap- will finally rebel and you
gjiig**r r'Vri cut Into thin slices, the our/lofbing the bewl <if care
at hand, any shade of blue con be
forced to rest at laid, maybe on a bed over until ll Uas made a small roll, wk-h I* made by shelling and boiling gn.t.-.l nnd p( uiu-. and tbe Juice of writ.-r in the ladbai "WneM.
halldtui of lanse rhesinuls- Dnillt
the j made by I'rwaUn or ' lump" Uue. set
ot sickness and maybe the long rest tben sprinkle more and roll ll o<
I cast thsm aO way
tw,. l-tn.'-U' Put Ihe sugar *ll
•J1 and when cold chop them
keeping the roll as tight
Amb« tbs clovar-aonied grass.
under the green sod. Will it not he
house, hang !• mtorihly onri oirefuHy with »
ih equal quantity of tor apple*, a .-.iplul of water into a p.>rccl*ln
of varying alrraglh
ABMBg tha new-SBOwn hay;
, better to take a Hide rest as yon go possible and at the same Ume keep­
t.. diy- N'.oer t.rudi a luu.l
unul, •’"'' n ^
; Ii.vl hierie. When It ermes t.
moisten with orange Juice and
ing the selvages even. When ll
Amo4 urn htmktog of tha «mb.
along? ll will make yon not only
to- garm.-nt la tbnruugbly dry : then, " ' wlUi salt or Ammonia; yellow with
touting point add Imnoo Juice,
.. or dn- grata bulled and toot
Whera drowsy pofivlM nod.
happier but a better woman.
and ging.'r. and sufficient watermelon brush briskly with a clean mllluvry..
thick: or bultoraiA
'Wbeis 01 ibooghu die aad good ara
rind or eltron to b>- covered by the Ol xilff tall brush. If the clothing i*.
js- -veryone know* of toe cScaeT
six hours- Then It 1s ready to Iron. brown or white bread. , Or XN
New Way of Cooking Eggs.
syrup Simmer gently until traospur- merely dusty, shake yoiii cos: and'
hicKqfTuul "t wslnd* hullk ®Bt
Oat to tha Balds with God
The follow lBg recipes, ar* evidently A table to muc^ U-iter than an Iron- omit the orange juice and add
skirt before brushing, put Ih.-m <>n
siik fabiics. toe goaoHae aad oil
lor this purpose. Lay the eh.q-irol w:hUe eeleiy lo apples aad
—E. B. Brawatog. intended for tlie lutcht-lor girl'
roalriiangers, and hang :ii to.- <

... ,■ -af.!*! and give* beat nauUa.
season with a Utib- salt, paprica platter that bss town dusted with If the cloBit isn't duM-vrcrif t.v.k ..a
boards berwlf. They are however, n>ll on the Uble lo such a way that It
g!-.yjulated sugar, cover with gUx*.
unrolled from the Ironer tointx with en-ani'd butler
Thioagh the barah voices ot -oar day easily atoPd’B
Tlui* gl"'’ - may be had to match
» '“rger boit-wanoUry in the sun. Wlien dry place old »l,.-el over toe urnn-r m. ul l.-^ -■
ward the opposite side of the tabic b'L.un Jule,- or m.-i>oiinaliie.
A low. sweet prvltito finds ita way; by vntorglng the rocipw to -ull
and ll to not an extraPott.-rt Ciie.-M* SanrtwirbeS--I*ound betw,*-n sbn-la of waxed l«|wr. dust garment. 1( i, i, t.« small ...-m. -1.- .a«anc- to p.»ssaa many palra. as
lengthwise of the cloth ubiii one
Tbiough dooda ot doubt, and craods
length to perfectly dry. then fold that liqtt-iher .ui.-liall ol j pound of moder. with granulated sugar, and )>ut away cover It. cut the Ci..,--1 . nd ..ff
to-y will last Into toe Dell ar----------of fvar.
August dayb. do not tty to ha»e
X winter's u T also If needed.
beuvy meat dinner et-erj- Ume. I
A tight to brsaktog. calm and clear;
piece ll to Ihe op-^ -nd 'ri ar..’
also eonUBue
other end and continue unrolling. H»*.ofuls .If s.d< butfr. working
n,. ir d^ulnera c
That aoag of love, apm low and tar.
siibstiiuie eggs occasionaBy.
thus d.nil.ling the B-nvth Turn
CheeelaU Wewgat Uy«r Cake.
iRlcl.-ni sanieme
sauler^e t.i
to make
,»-r ibt-band* *« ors o-jt by nalng
Ere loog shall awrti from star to star;
Mutter.'d Egg—Pal one teasi«ooful Ironing and foWlng In this way until gradually suBlcl.-ni
Spf.’ad on
all to finlsbel. Thto method’mak-i a ]4>te of tbe
tbe t
I sb'.n glovea with them, dyed to
That light, the braaktog day. which
butler In a small ora.-lei tmn.
> a ereani. add gradually oi
the matter of handling a large dre*« unbulien-d bread
Lace to match costomsa may
wD as it melts careftilly slip In
wtch.-*.-K;rand the nn* id a half ..f sugar and towt
Also old dtofsh egg. which has been brok.-n on jmltern very aimlde. Indeed If idsln
.e ^inuiee. Measure '*o cupfuls
Great care roust be token wUic material* are to be shrunken
Id a half of luxto flour, add to it
lingerie watoto.
the yolk- Sprinkle w-lib
:o hi^ tb
10 tearpoonfiils of baking powder i ’ '™ y-ir
I ib.-. The abomination of removing the
salt aad a dash of
:k Camfert
Wen pr,.a,t
nu.-Iy cm slices of buuirred ad a pinch of sal:, and sift thr-i|l‘’*^
d turn ooee during ___ olMTTCd toot loosely woven'
‘.niirts only of long glotm “f P»ktog
Sato a comfort to a great roomy
and si’rinkle with a Hule grated timts. Whip toe white* ol five egg*,
..fl.n. to.em Into the wrtsts or leaving tbe
Ihe cooktog, Serve as soon as wbhe Imens. Indian bead muslins, and suchl
. *w—tocv says a writer to an
froth and tneoaure ont-half! Ln.ik yo
fobnra may be dipped in water andirtun-se. ens'erutg with slice* of but-wine ci.i dptji'.ng. may he obviated by
ctaage. thai 1 am wtohlag every
cupful o' cold walei To the creamed iii- uClnc .
dried several tiroes to good advantage.
long mltta and short glOTcq
boaaswUe to the land might own one.
mixture add* little water, tben aMUe; mlwlng or
White fabrlca are alsraja made srhlter
*• d-t w Oi-r them: '.nly the glove* need b*
aad to her who dose not own cae 1
flour snd a lltUe white of egg, and so’ionr. Thi
Osu Muffins
cent to to* removed at.'able, asd the arm ood
wo^ say, let It be yonr next "exlraeodtlDue until a..
all «
of the rogredtents ,--------------work, .but arid* fifty.
R.-move the stone# from half
[hand s^ be rvspoctobly Clothed.
sagaace'- you ctmimlt, nor do you
added. Ptovor with one^ wearing
whlrt. me*i» evety-j
ing q'ualltles.
y be boiled with good renlu. ismud of dales and Aop them I
ll ot buBer lol. ll
count ft aa exuavagaaca either.


The Average Household, Finds
Pe-ru-na Not Only a Friend
in Time of Need, But a Sav­
ing of Doctor Bills.
Pe-ru-na is to 5e Found in
Thousands of Homes of the
Working Men.


jhnMi nt eeMWf oMt







the Rev. Cart 8. Jonea. Detroit.' vice
denu; Donald E. Batea. Lansing,
ireaanrer: Mra, C- A. Pinkerton. Bast
Tawaa. atatlSTlcal secretary; Carolloe
Paraona, Kalamazoo. Junior gniKTlntendeot. and JeoiwIU A. Hanley.
d Rapids, missionary aupertntendvot.

In the Boer war. Sergeant Paige of
tbe Colonials was the champion deep
sea easier of Australia and he render­
ed the EngUab cause valuable service
by atuehlhg bind grenados to
caatlng rod and ibrowlng them
Ibe Boer forts, the distance, and ac­
curacy haring been bnwgiii about by
practice with his rod in puruit uf
Mr. and Mrs. Perce will spend the
rest of Ibe wc-ek st Silver Lab
tbe home of William Saunden.

Bud«. U ii to be beld In Orma RnpId* oo .TbnnMny. Priite)'. Baiurdar and
Sunday. Nor. *1. a, a and U. next.
After aome eocMdenoiao of the clalni!i
of other clUea It waa finally decided
Plahermsti'f Asteciatien.
SO to the "FtiniHure City" for vhalia
Ur. and Hra. H. Wbeelur Perce
the er«>t «r the year for Miefalfan
EndMVDrera, and It la beliered thit Cblcagu are the gnesu of Mr. a
deelaioo will meet with favor throuah- Mra. Cbsrln R. Quick. Hr. I'erce
preeldeni of the National uaocloot the atatc. The late fall datn a*re
Five Hundred Attended.
the beat for the porpoae of the (treat ation of SdenUBc Angling rlobi.
Five bundrvd peopb-. ranging from
majority of the dHeeatea who attend ThU aaaociaUon is eompoaed of the
lament caatlng clubs of the Unit­ -Tncie" Dan Whipple down tu Ihoae
theae satharingt. and conadw
name, are t>n the cradle rull
lane httendanee la looked for.
ul the Church of ChrlM, eat down to
The pmsran la already well Id hand New York tu San Pcancisco.
and ta a moat attractive one. The Hat Theer aro about twenty separate dinner yiwierday on the bench at
Bast Ilaj. Each one picent- had
of Mieakera la beaded by Or. rreocls dubs belonging m the national ass»
brought a basket and.ibrtie w»tc all
K. aark of Boaton. the foooder of the claUoD. thlneen being charter i
com.blned Into a cllcner that nad few
Chriatlan Endeavor movement, and beta and seven or eight mote co
equals. Everybody was hungry and
ftrealdent of the.Cnited aoclety and In. The national aasociatloD
tho old folks, the primary elasses. the
In Kalamazoo last AuguiL
Worid'a union. Dr. Qarit will appear
young ladles and the young gentle­
aevenl Umea aa a apeaker and leader
men all enjoyed that dinner from the
of the aodety.
Stan lu the fInUh.
0 promole an appredatloi)
WlllUm Sbaw of Boeton, aecretary
After the viands liad been dls
of the United aodety. will alao be
preaent to ootmpy a larpe place on the also etndeavors to loOuence leglJla- of, races and games were held i
the work of dlgestloa. These
for the porpoae
proKTvn. Hr. Bhaw la the moat pcHiular Endeavor asaaker of the day and and propagating game Ashes of all all full of intermi Iml lo the disapptdnUBent of the crowd tlie footrace
la greatly In demand for auch galher- kinds.
havo taken place between
Inga The ooaventlon la particularly
Tbe aseodatlon la an educational
fortunate In aecnring both Dr. CUrk factor In leading sportamen. espec- the Rev. T. P Ulliim and the Rev.
and Hr. Sbaw for chla yeerY conveotbe yminger membm of tbe fra- J. A. Canby ^Id not come oft. despite
of the all the persuasion ibal was showered
Aipeog olbar apeakera are the Rev. higher elblca of the sport. In fact. It upon the reverend gentlemen. Think­
P. P. Arthur, of Grand Rapida. form­ endearuiw to aaeist la promoting ing that Rueb an event wotdd be -call­
ed for. Ufore starting, they had
erly smaldent of the Hkblgan ChriaThe aMwcialloD makes bait and Ay drawn up a contract which th«y- had
tlaa aideavor union; the Rev. W.
OeiatoB. «f Kalamaaoo, who will de­ casting a game Inasmuch aa tbe tour­ signed and cuch one b.dd lo It.
Altbmigh the preachers' race was
liver the caeveeUan eennon: the Rev. naments are held where there are
A. U. Barr «f Detroit, who will eon- fish, the scores being for dUtance called off. the one legged race, two
dnet the Btomhig Bible atudtra; Mel­ and accuracy and the Judglog being legged race, three legged race, four
l^ged race, the Sunday scho<d teach­
vin a. Trotter of tbe Grand Rapida by means of pednia
ers’ race, the deacons' race, the fat
. Tbe Inftuenee of the
City Reeciw Hlaalon and othera.
*-Orer Onad »aplda Way." la thte U already felt In many placea and man's race, the old maid's race, the
>'aar*a vmicbwMd and It is expected ihLi la but reasonable inaaftiDeh as 11 potato race, the tub race, the Swim
that tbe above named apeakera. carry­ covers a wide expanse of territory tnlDg race, the wading race and many
others between children and youths
ing o«t a good program, tbe fine dty
were carried out Buccessfully.
and the hearty boat of
One feature of the afternoon, w^ a
the membership total wftl
baseliall game between the classes
consist of tl
It win be August taught by Hr- Canby and Mias Clapp,
Tbe next u
Os Moonnt of the removal from the IS. IS, and 17 at Racine. R1a.. and it the young men of the lailer class win­
eute of former PreMdentAuguiUne or la expected that bait and fly casters ning by u score of fi lo 5.
The pa-stor. his wife and twenty,
tbe HlcUgaa anion, Edward F. Uod- from all over the world wlU be pres,
othera bad such a good lime that they
. say of SaglMW. has been elected to at and that the meeting will be
remained over for a marehmalluw
fiU bU place. HaroM D. «>lcer. of most SDOcessful ever held.
The an of casting Is practiced all roam In the evtming. In all there
Paw Paw. has 1/aaa cdmacs secretary.
.Tbe «th«r oOem of the uUoa aro over tbe whole world end no expert were twelve carryalls loaded to the
gunwales besides numerous private
baH caster played

Pajcs r ta 12


foot III
la tbe city; V,-llliam Abbott. L.
several years.
now. the atweeas Roscoe, Asa Hale and E. P. Allco Tbe
of the i<asi year haa warranted the ex- Rev. C. O. Atwell. M.'E Haskell and
Improvements at Ho^iui.
landltufu of a large amount of money others present also made apiTOprlate
Very attrucllve and extensive Im­
to Improve th- building and add to remarks.
provements have been made
Grand Traverse hospital, which <i
Mr. Harmofl Talkt.
I Oily baa luug lavQ In need til
>ks Grand Traverse bay. Just i
Obiirlevolx, July 3tV—Judsoo Har­
plial'aud III- Improvement made lu
tbe city limits. A large ilinv .
his imtituuou will supidy a ne-J mon. rvctiter for ibe Pere Marquette,
uddlilun has l>een built, which Is
the lock of double
:bal has Im-u felt for a long time.
only atlrUdllre. but admirably
Tlie eiiierprlKe is a worthy one and tracks tor the Salem disaster. He
ranged lor the. uses of the sanitar­
win doubiles rvo'lye the (pca'.eet en­ kiuih tu discos- the wreck wbeo .
SI bu summcT borne here, but made
Tbe sanitarium has-been operated
tbe following staiemcw:
by Dr. and Mrs. Storm
"I do oot wish to ghe yoB
White Hensred.
years, until now It has developed into mognitlecoi post mssier'K omblem sitteoefit reialite to the Boles
great success and is a splendid Monday evening, the
wreck. It waa a most unfortonate acthing for Traveiwe City. The building dress being made by the Rev. H. 8.
•a'l 1
greatly dlstreosed
beautiful location and U admitwhole affair being a when the news Aral reached me. for
ably situated among natural siiimund- Cutnpleie surprise ui Mr. White.
j» seemed like the loss of membe
lt%s that make It an Ideal place fur
About a week ago there waa a spec- ‘=»es family, toe dead U-lag m
hospital and a place of rest for the af­
ing called for last nttfit for our employes
flicted. TheJxjllding now has four work in the second degree and Hr.
"I know absoluiily noifaing aboot
warda for accommodation for sixteen Vbite was present In bis capacity aa tbe cause, «t who.
patients in addition to nine private aecreuiy of the local lodge, there
fault. Mr. CoIUt Is no the ground
The wards and roonu
I' lisiking aftn the liiv«>stlgnll(m.
Ing about flfty other Uaaeas present,
admirably lighted and most exerileni- iBClndlng six past masters. The
When a rood .cannot afford double,
ly appolnttd. Tlie operating
was gone ibrough with as usual and tracks such things are llatda
and fully equipped. In ad- at its conclusion. C. C. Langley, tbe occur and will occur uulll the
the rooms mentioned, there
meui of huniitn fulibUity Is remc
the third floor occu-j^j,
and even on double track roads they
pled by
When they approached be then call- bate rear end collisions.'
Asked as to his position tvlaUve
There Is an elevator from the main cd for tho Rev. Mr. Borgeli
OOP to the UMier floor arranged so'came forward. Mr. While w-qa atood- damage claims of wreck victims he
that paUeois may be taken to the tog at hla slaUoo not knowing what aaid:
os above in a moment's time wlib- was coming and when the master calb "I have aln-udy issued
needless trouble. Adjoining the ed him. he had no Idea that he waa to' «>'lng the Pere Uuiq.viu
I- '
advantage of the fact
hosplul. tbefe Is a ^eat little cottage
italnlng tour rooms tor contsgloua
unforiunaie kllli-d sad injurpatlenls. thus affording laolstion from; addreas. Mr. Bargeli pmented the e w.-re employes and riding on pasatbe other patient*. This building Is put mast.-r wHb tUe emblem, which *»■ I have muhlog to add to that
finely appoluled and eapeclaily , U a beautiful cruilion of aolld Bjid surtemeni. No one can feel worse Ibsn
t p^artag the legeiid. "past master." do tbe ofAclala of tho rood iBemadopted for this class of cases.
The enUre.lnstltuilon » ooe of the Mr. WhP.e s name, the dale of hia ser- selves. ’
best in this part^of the state und oueHlce and tbe name and number of
wbteh Traverae City has felt the ueed | tbe lodge.
- a long time. Mrs. Stu^ i»w 1 Being comiiletely token off
even nurses constantly on duty. | by tbe occurrence. Mr. White was un-1 That Is tbe estimate that has been
of them employed lo night wT- 'able to respond, so he literally took made for ibe Grand Traverae crop,
vice. 'The hospital has capacity (or j off one foot, to other words he gavel Tbo figures are undoubtedly low
twelve nufses. It is< the Iiurpoke
purj-oke of
Ihe lodge members a demoiulralioo
demonstration-----------u( tbe
many are----------------------------------being shipped by tbe g
management u>> keep two nurses I| of how an srtificisl
artificial limb Is made.'ere
themselves and it would be-a
for pritale calls
» I*arts of worn and taken off. the wbde aSalr Acule task to collect figure* for tJ
the city If necessary. This, In Itself, being tbe most novel speech of acapt of (toerries
win be a great oooyenlrnce for manyitance ever made in the city, or prob- contracted for la ITJOO____________
of the physicians.
i ably In the aUte.
average price paid la tl.M. while tbe
The building Is located In a im>si' After tbe prraeattktion ceremony, other portion of tbe crop will amount
beautiful spot conlaluing thirty acres the conipauy adjourned to the banquet
,.v. to about tbe same.’
en- Today whl about wind up the Rich­
and’the vegeubles used at the hospl-lroom where retreshmcnla
re raised on the premises. Ev«->. j Joyed and the foltowtog past masters
ters taonda but Ibey will sUIl come lo amah
; to In keeping with Uie surround-1made short addresses: H. O. Joynt.
Joynt. loU until the end of the week.
hum and no better place could bejef Elk Rapids; E. S- Pratt who Is Ibe
TTie market iwn mbonl ll-» for
klnd-ioldest past oaMer of the local lodge choice stock today. One ease of Ma^
found for an inniiulioD
rigs, autamobiles, bicycles and

B the mntM thin
Must Have Here Land.
From ’nie*4«y’a KeronL
Secretwry Umlor and tbe Induotrtal
cemmiitee of the board eff trade, met
and cobfrired with Superinuatatt
Bnsei of the Perr HarquNte yesterdwy uftertKiun. on tbe lead propusliHin, As told by the Record a few
days ago. Ihe railroad company ta
"up agHlnst ir for land OB which to
build tbeir round bouse and It they
cannot secure It soon at a noaoaabte
rate, they will be forrad to move Ibe
diilsloa headquariera.
• We must have Ihe property Irame- ^
diately." said Mr Btori U> a Reootd
represenlaUre yesterday. -Thla coun­
try IS enough to keep enginea ootdoors to the euramer time, let ekme
during the winter. CneBtjuctJcn at a
house os we propose to put up tokaa
lime, and we feel that tbe work mutt
be puabid'lo completion Hbmedtately."
There are three Mb at the rear at
the eld house and facing on La|e
avenue that would BU tbe require­
ments veir well end two at tbmn—or
a portion at Imat—^wn be eeenred.
but tbe third Is bolding off.
Hr. Bnaell was ailed sonth to Bald­
win by yeoierdnyk danllmeBt sad
could not he In the dty today, mlibougb It Is probable that tbe maUar
will be oeled by lomonvw.
Boise. July AO~Judge Wood today
denied a Dotlon to admit PsOtboM to
bail Tbere was no anmneol on tbe
The hood for Oiarta H. Uoyar a*
leady and he will go obi. MtlboM
having persuaded Moyer to go BUd
leave him.
A coUJtloii between a Pere, Mar­
quette switch eoglne and the BIk BapIds Oement company’s loeomoUre
ynaerday rosulud In tbe denllueoi of tbe former and the partial
derallmreit of three box car*.
TTie Per* Marquette engtoe waa
nmnlng from the Qk Rapids inm
company's aiding onto tbe nmln Haa
when the other locomotive backed tn-

Na 161 dropped aa Uie train was mak­
ing tbe aiding at TbompaaoriDe last
evening. Its repair coused-ra'-delay.

The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Company

of Quali-ty



Wednesday evening we start a sale on LADIES’
delight the ladies and astonish compitition. We
, don’t believe in doing things by halves. One bite
at this cherry will finish it up.

Wednesday evening we begin a sale on four very
necessary articles of clothing.

Five stylea of white
colored wash dreesee. all
fresh and olean from the factory, and would have
oort eiriy it. the »«m>d SLM. UM and
fg tt ^ery dreaa a beanty. fine material,

Five more styles of all white dresses that are
dreams of lovelinees. suitabli- for cborch or re­
ceptions. Marvelous creations of nitfling ami
floancing, tucking and plaiting, gowns that told

at«7.M S16.f0.

Bargain No. 2

Bargain No. 4

Five ^e etylee of wnite gowns that ate fit for
oocasion—«JOwy white
WMT on any oocasion—uo^
wUte com'
lawns, laoe, insertinja and
tioas of sheer —_
mer valoes were $6, AO •.

The last, richest and fewest in numbers, but the .
Inggest basgain of them all Saits that sold for
MEM and S16.M and fit for onlv dress oc-


Seventy-fiveColored Soft Shirts with collar and
tie to niatoii. -Inst the thing for hot weather
Hiey stand wi-ar. son and water. Haw sold them
for S1.50. but want torleon up tbe lot.

’***'** SALE PRICE......S0»0O

Sale Price $1

Bargain No. 2

Fifty FANCY VEsTS either while or coloted.
All ni-w this seawMi and as good For Fall and
Winter wear as now. Every nma should have
one or two fancy waistooato, Tbe tocinor prices
Wi re from *2.30 to $5.

Sale Price One-tMrd Oil

Bargain No. 2

Bargain No. 4

All onr Dress Straw Huts are mark<-i
at exenrsion prices.
Onr Sl OO Straw Hats............................................ 69c
l .oO StrewHatt............................................. 98c
2.30 StrawEats......................................... SL75
:i.00 StrawHats......................................... $1.98
The staple styles are in tbo sale, so voo can
bny with safety for next year as well as now.

Last, bust and most necessary—ME9PS PANTS.
Ton won't want to go wi^ont then when yon
think a)x>nt ll
, . _jta—juat the thing for snmm
>y look better and are man comfortable
bocanae they fit tbe aeaaon—and von, too. Tbere
are nearly 100 pairs and they sedd from $2 to fb.


Sale Price One-fourth Off

We don’t believe in high sounding words, but in HiGH VALUES at
LOW PRICES. Every article in this advertisement is just as represented.
“Trade where the most people trade. Thefe is a reason for it"—Daniel Webster.

The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co.



toll 'IraTcisc Herald

ot tite ebemleal. • eosMeimMe


iUa. Tana, July >1—Four peraona

■Blfbt hare remlt«d n !i waM tave
yfl » mmrVaa^ « Kotvm CHr. been • difAcoU. maucr to Ur bow
vieb tbe crippled ncoB and It a
lakes aoiBe tloie to c«t

d by the
boiler of aa angiat attached to sa
llUaeU Central fruH train near here]

... .C..


Ob*u V. Batb.....


II train was running at a highj

Sow York. JiAr 21—Tb«
icfat Majestic, chartered bj Jao
i. Moore, a Ibealrleal maoacer. a

k T. DATtS,

01 N>eed when the boiler with e]

terrific report let gu. The train
bariBK «e board sereii actresses,
wrecked and «red and the lb
mlsslnit. and fear is Mt for her «a
spread te saethcr freight train <
tr. She salted from New York Pi+
■lar ariemcioo (or Bar Harbor. Maine, siding.
ami Kince ihcn bas not lieen reported.

The dead:

Slic .vu due at Bar Harbor Sunda.v.

engineer Maloney. Chicago.
Robert Henderson, flrcmsn.

Mr. Ullom Speke.
A large coDgrcgalloo aUended tbe
VifietUn Night
morning service of the Church
The matter ot a Venetian erentsg Christ Sunday to lUten to the Her.
for Traverse Cllr has been agtuted | Thomas Penn Cllom deliver
eoMMembtr lately and the eonaeo- roon. Mr. Lllorowaaibe fonnerpas.
COB ot opinloD seems to be that It'tor o( »be church but resigned to uke
Mooid be an excellent Ibing (or tbe op i-vaageUsilc work. In
^elty.'aa It 'would provide entertain. has been very succv-rsfiil.




very abortly, rise It wlU be too Inu.
*~Sudden Dea»T .
Pblllng from his chair at the
pw tshle, Levi P. Weston, father o( E.

our conatY and state will be the one tbrontib which

of Baldwin, three Pere Marguette pas- aer. second Vie.- president; S. C.
(k-l«rpd Monday night CMUtanl to president trf pmsburg;
• hi-.'i- at
was B»r
W. R. Sheltiy. Bm vice president; J
iind a hair hours lute.

arrb bar cn the ear of logs In H. P. Htighnrt. genorsl manager: C
A. Weston ot tbe Nonhm Michigan the third section of No. 88. south
msl- agent: T. H. Bsmes, chief engineer:'•
Tiaoptwutlon company, died within bound, from
freight agenl; R. R. Melbeauy. audltwo boura at his aon’s home, comer ble for Ibe ironble and ditched the
car along wtlh two others loaded witbl '‘>r: -I- H K-.wi. suiHTlmeudent of
- llbpie and Seventh. Tbe cause was
ebareoal. The track was tore up for mwive power; J. W. Hunter,
apeplexT. and waa the third eiroke
Intendeni: H, Sullivan. purrtiaaiDg .
that Hr. Weston had snffered in the eighteen rail lengths and the cars
demolished. sA wrecker from Baldwin agent; E H. aBrnes. chief oogtnneer;
past few years.
F, J. Siirason, engineer ot nuimaln- ;
this ciiy cleared the trouble up.
He came to Traverse City about
ance of way and M. F. Quaijneii-e.
tbree wc^ ago to spend the sni
commercial agent.
Aside from the'
with hla SOD aearcfalDg for belter hours late and No. 8. due south from
here at $:S5. was delayed four boura. first three aud Hr. Qiialnicnce, who U;i
bealtb. Tbe body waa taken «
Petoskey. the l<arty was computed
borne of tbe deceased In Wyandotte,
of Grand Rapids men.
Btrike is Over.
wbete be leaves a wife and four chil­
From Monday's Record.
dren. There is another dilld. a mar­
The ilIHke is over. Eleven union
Badly Scalded.
ried deughter. living in New York
uj> jobs with the city
Little Jack Well. s<« of Mr. nnd
state He eras 68 years of age.
again this afternoon at tf per day.
Mrs. Frank WHt, of 33.t Sbvle air>-et
Mr. Weetoo
for years a resi­

The men went out last TuenJay be- was very painfully Inmu-d by h<>( cof­
dent of Hanlsloe, but moved U
fee Wi-dnesday. He renotx-d up m
aoatbem portlm of the state about cause there wan no extension of time
made by the city on the $1.10 rate, the isblf and imll.-d Un- Ininilug liq­
•fteen iwm ago.
uid off (ligliifiilly burning his rliosi which )bey wanted on account ot tbe
legs. He Is In much |sUn bui Is
high prices of feed. Tbe street rquinWill •• Wedded Tonight.
v«r brave In bc-artug tlie pain.
kiers and grading teams at work
Tixm Haadar-a R«»rd.
Bast BIfAtli gtmd were tied up tem­
R. “L. Nye, principal ot the
t Peeled.
porarily and the water waguns have
...High aebooU, la to be marrtod
wrenlng to HUs Ploreoco H. Kinney not all been out elnce.
ot Big RapUta. The ceremony
first tbe union men stuck (or leave my bod; and neighbors j>retage ptee at the heme of tbe bride s the $L10 scale: then dropped to $4.23 dietod that I would never leave it
alive; but they got fooled, for thanks
parents at 8 ohloek. Tbe Rer. W. M. but they were gtreo not eocoorageinduced to try Dr.
Irwin hr Aabo7 (drareb, la to
ment from tbe officials and yesterday King's New DUrowry.
It took Just
they decided ;o go to work today as four one dollar bottles to comiiletely
cure Ihe couch and restore me togisnl
of them were Ured of alrlklng.
sound healUi.” writ«v» Mrs. Evu I'nlid not like Ibe lirospect ot
capher .uf Cravenown. Stark Co.'. Iml.
wortt wbieii faced them after Satur­ This King of couch and cold cures,
' -brt W, Davis, aged 91. ex-rcglslre of day. when the Central Bltullthlc com­ and henk-r uf Ihruai and
kings Is
guarauieeil by C. A. Jbigbee C«. S. E
4ee^ of Oakland county, former my- pany completed
their gradini
Wall A Sons. HaTinnh Drug Sion-,
or of PtmUac, ex-rvprceunUllve to the Washington sireet. and let a b
-uggl.-ils. .'.»c. and ll.'si, Tri;il l,.it.
stale legislainre fnnu Cmnd Rapuds dozen or so of the strikers go. with
died U>day. He was known as Mark other?.

be bad quit Wall street


Gates, was a iiass.'nger on the Coro-

Mrs. T. A. Penballegoo ha*

ncviTlhelrus It la tnio. Wlilli- driving
one of the city sprinklers ilown Wi«i
Front sin-ci ni-ar llie I’olnto Inipk-nicnt factory ^T»t••r<^ay. ilic tr
lielimglng to the aliovr uK-nlioned
came frigbtccc-d and started wosl i
tilng Into tbe earti ,n«ir Pine sir
The wagon tippi-d over



injiin-il. Tiu- wagon «:iv auai.
conirolNslon tills, iifi.-rniioii.

Wood Sisters’ mlUinery store to Mn.
nla of tbe White Star line today.
Mrs. Pierce has
“I am going to Europe to spend Carrie M. Pleree.
the oMa t have taken from the butdt- been with Mrs. Praballi-gon tor
naken." said
Cates Just before past six seasons and ir a skillful mil•alUng. ■Cambimg docs not do any
ciiie any good and I am through with
Wall street (us good. It Is just posMbie that I will purchase a villa on
tbe other side and make my home
ihevtBays Shs Will NoL
New York. July 30—Indignant 1<• cause of s printed report that she in­
tended to return to the stage. Mrs.

Burr Came Off.
In a ran to the boms of


Watysl the Cat?
One Travenie City family who are.
wortiag at East bay bad Irouf for

Un^m. nc Maple street the b
hreaklasl—Uiut i*. they bad 'em
>e of the front wheels of (be c
The man of ihe bouse got
, Unallon wagoe from the Oaaa sireet nlgbL
HigUie bouse dropped off, letting the busy yeMerday and Invlegled a dozen
axle to tbe pavement and burilng beauties into bis bastel up the Board-^
FlremanJohn Blacken to tbe greand. ...................
............ home last evening, he
He euraped wtlh a few bruise* but It]cleaned them to a queen's
Inked to oolocAere aa though be would. laid them In a t^Ufol army upon

are to U- aeiectivl.

Conatitutional Convention
Tbe memls-rs of this <-cnvenUon

will hare to <lo with fonbini; and eypreninf; the fonndatioDB of all tbe Inws and legal reqfiireiticDti of onr
state fur many yeare to come.

All ibi- decisions of all

A. D. i»or.


- !i mi-m of wrl-l>. and tif

__ ____

Tlii.: •li-R:t-iit irf y..uni:j
which I1sMfBTnWAITS *- At wi\~
liv.' In the idMi* m.4 natlun in uir; • »QU.-jtor» f.»
■ -mlnv.*. Iirefiwiiional



kfc. and the hicb.-i» Imv- nf


Hunting for TrotBi*.

ari- repn-u-nt-l Uy * -f
u.| ' .>.■ i„.,j m i-:.':r..raU •» vc,r<
h-ant:-..: i..r
;havc- .-qilipl-d th.-ra-lw. for llicir, tid nni
" •'-.ini:-..:
i..r mmsi*in il...
vailu.m .K-oi|atl..u» l.y 'a Ih..;'-ighi




iK-kliHiV Ani'c.i

the courts of our state fram the least to the biKhcst
matt be based on the pririh-ires and limitntions ex<
pn-aaed and implii-d in our State Constitution.


preliminary to tbe election of ddcifatee to the ConstiMtional Convention.
nomination of

September 17. will come tbe

KepubHi-xn candidalea



Auenst i:i.
It is tj l>“ - -sp'cte<1 that i-v-h county having a Joci]
candidate will cordially s'jpport its home }ircaentaiivcre
and it ahonk] fortber U- expected that every voter who
goes to tbe polls on Tuesday. August IX. will be deatr-

lullilcal activdk-*.
iwmild frame and ;.-lupt an iui|.r.i\eil
wnfcUliilli-n repr. Milting' imm-w

- I^I* Co.
tiiiah Drug

ihonght* and the new ahilvitk-s td(
jthe »ta'e, we will g--t It thnnigb the,.
: ri-preiictuuloii In
tltt* ogivcnlloii.j
; of Ihli* cli mont.
■ kj
OharI.-v.dxct.unty offer?.
a ‘-ab j t;:.„.,i
■]qulred moif ihtin iiii un.-xi~wu-il cdi-l .u
ijaiorial divtrift. Mirh a in-itj In ib.-.n Ui.- 1'n.Ui.i.Uy in »*kl
of 1. F. Kn..*l-* of Ik.yn.-,
>*kl I'.nitil}.
' July. A. n. IS-:.
;jftly. A gradiuiie fioin
H.m, Fn-J H. Walker.

out of voting for the best qualified and moat conitetunl
man on tbe Hat of candidatee.

Whatever gool words

may be aahl in behalf of thi- several other worthy canditbtes,

it probably will

not be qneatiouod

In tin- matter uf th.‘ cirtate of Jails
k. Ilnm-ncll, dcmnusl.

'[;il ctmrsc from the Ptni.I'nnd traln.'d h .ncht y.-nr» of m.-IIv.
lil.nsln.-*? and |iri'l>-e»lonal lilr *iuc,

O-rar SlmpMUi
JlmpMui having In said
final udi
ImlniKiratlnn i



sectt'.,n of Uie state that Mr. Kogene F Sawjer of Ciidiliac it one of the meet competent and l>est <)nalifiid in

way for the ellicient performance of the work

expected of him.

Ahlioagh jast in the prime of Lis

life and bis 'rerk. Mr. Sawyer is tbe oldest man of the





He ia a


in northern

it ap-




•-du-aeient. bonorahk- and an ••n.-rgd . nirat and distm.uilmi of lie residue
r.wiUi an ar .
il relate.
hrimairt mind, tb
(amniar with profeselomil.
:it..l ..wlai affair*, an urd-lit n-pul.U-'i,,,
j, m-rel.y apiului.-.t f.w ex<-au in Iiriuelplr,
Iwt iiiih*niper.'d j aniitilng and allow ing aald accoufil
aflillatlim*. loud li.-arli.g uld |K-tili..n.

, ... .

. ...

having been a reeideat of Cadillac and a practicicig
attoniey in that city <ince April, 1S73.
Mr. Sawyer i8^ a literary and law gradnate of tbe
rniversity of

Micbi»w>- end with a single possible

bat a larger Supreme Conrt praclice than

any other la'ivyer in the 27tb senatorial tliatriet.


tfas reviewed tbrongb years tbe present Constitutkn of

b )uung.‘eduraled. fuergotte. cqntp.-jeresi
.-l.-io.-m «r the



Ih.-Ja n.-wH'-'I'-r inint.-d and rlrculalcd



iltmighi. fn-nh .-m-igy and goivl clll-.
z.-Dahil-.—oB>nc I'lly Cm/A-li.

A true ciq..r.

Judged Pivhalr.

Michigan as a cilisen and a buiicest man as well aa
throagh his profeeticiiil rvlali-.-iis.

In one recent im­

portant case Mr. Sawyer rcjirosenteil

the people of

Michigan as the State's lesral rcjircscntalivo in opjwsitiou to Ibe Attorney (ieutral's Department, and was
BUL'ceasfnl in the Supreme Court.

When you Start
in to save your money

the opportunity existing to have n man of

Mr. Sawyer's experience and equipment iiicluihul as
one of the three delegates whom the district of which

DO NOT kc-ii it .III y»ur jx-rson or lii.Ie il alioat

III.- house, but pluct. il in

ii gix'.l.*

this county is a ]iart will lend to tbe Constitutional

strong and reliable bauk.

CoDveiitioii. it would seem to be tbe duty as well as the

sui-li as tbe

privilege of every voter in (iraud Traverse- cuunty-to
select Mr. Sawyer as one of tbe three whom they shall

-------- ,


vote for at tbe primary election of Tuesday, August 13.
where it will earn yon Three


cent inti-rest

au.1 is juyable on DEMAND

Altsohite ftif.-ly is Jissiircl.

WV s..1irit jourmitpiuatf.-.



Good Things for Summer
at the

It’s as great a'loss to let a barn rot for want of a

Rising Front Ihe Grave.
A iironiin.-ni nmniifactun-r. Wm A.
•nwell, of Lnrama, X. C., r.-!au^ a
>si remarkahle t-\p,-rli-nci-. Ik- sav-:
She has gone to Chicago
fter taking li-.-s than Ihn-c iK.itlc*
Klecirir HUIcrs, { f,vl Ilk.- one lin­
look np the newet tall styles and the
ing from the grave. Mv trouble .1,
store win undoubtedly put forth
Bright's disease in the dlab--ie»
dainty and artistic cn-alions
1 fully Iwllev- Electric Uliu-rs will
(all soBson.
]Pray, <-im- me in-rniancnUy. for it, has at.
bas been with Mrs. Penk
ii-mly Kicppi-d tin- livt-r and 'bliddttr
compltrtitlons which li«ve iroufclc-d mifor >i ai»." (5iiaranl-t^ at C. A. BagIme Drug C«.. S. E Wait A Son-. Hm;
Drug Store, druegbue. Price- o:;!;
Depot Burned.
Nessen City. Mich.. July »—At 11

Evelyn NeMU
Thaw today an o'clock today, tbe M. A N. E depot
•oonced tbiMgh the Hearet news ser caught fire from a spark from the lo
sice that the report was entirely un- tomotive of the north bound passen­
ger train and wax burned
to the
ground. The fire was discovered^ In
-It U delibenlte and
time for tbe agent to save Iho mon­
falsehood to say that I am g«>lng on
ey. Uckeu and trlcgrapb inslrumt-nts
Ibe stage.- said Un. Thaw at her
rbbt as there was no means of llgfatli
borne on Park aveutM>. "1 intend to'
it. the depot waw. burned dosrn. Loss
reinain here in the city where I can
About I1.W
re^ily visit my busband.”


nlJeataii'l Stroogeat Bank in Xorthi-ri. Michigan

'i'bis mat’ scctn aetonnding

of the W51I-T ami Mr. ltoko>
thrown to fiio gniiiml. Inn Inrkily


the members of the



;,«,Dear a« may I,-, uu. .«ly
»1 laterev-ts .rf ibc .tale but ahouhl
w «m.p««l « men ,epr.-,
what may »»• lernu-.i. the oiihitibiiv.--


on. was ftully injured.

The folltnilng compusetl the party:
Joseph W^. |ire«ldei.t; J. J. Tur-I

■ John W. Oates, accoropanled by
wife and Mr. and Mrs. Cbarlea

Tbe cuuvemlop

i-u. u.;c«ixtt,v Ny<t eJuajj

| On Saturday, th. i«h Ba, „

;.ni-.- in imldir
IU1-I1’ uf <air if:--U'hlii -ll•.'ltll

short slop WBs made in tliU rlly.

Twain's dooMe.
The worst feature about the strike
Howard «larke .Dead.
as the tying np of tbe sprinklers,
CtmftoOe. Mich- J'dy W.^loward
I* caartte. sou of County TreMurer and many dollars' worth of goods
have been lost to down town
CUrke. died at tbe UnlversHy boachants on account of the dnsL Tbe
ptini at Ann Arbor today followliig
residences have also been inconven­
an opersticn. He'sas a Spanish
ienced to a certain extent by the din.
but no complaint has been made
ho board of public works as the pub­
Coiw te 'Europe.
ic aeemed te understand the situsNew York. July SO-^Joclaring

ipon ;

Information ot Interest to the Voters of
Grand Traverse County

A. B. Lynch, a Irainman of Jack-]

Inspacting the Read.
A sprrlal imln. (-onsixlnc of four
1'i-imsytvanln piivnu- cam. imssi-d


tbrir duUc. wh.a Wictod.

Two tramps.

VsDetUs nl^ at the parka near
equippid that has
Otand Rapids
are great drawing
cards, the street cars not being able and Margaret Cameron. Delia GllletLi**^*^ .Northers MIclilguti. evei.uvenl.wct- for comfortable uml
to handle tbe boaUeu. In the vicU- Floreoce Miller and I-«tsr Shepherd
Jty o( Trnverae City there
who bare beep camping at East Bay lusnrioua travelUng at band. The of-:
dreda ot vlsttori who would be glad reiurned home klnndny. They e«-Je- flrials nuike Ihla trip y<-arly andJ see
d for
for Ihemie'lres Ju*l what Is needed
to came to tbe city for tbe eveDlng brated with a farewell p:>rty last
ing. the affair being un uolon n>
The coming yi-ai's luisiiiiw. Only

season left and K anything U i
done U ttet Hoe. It tbOBld be done


Tbe sHeatoo ot d«$<«aira to
blate CoBXtitalkmal Cnaventloo.

on, Tcnn.

111.- «. B. A 1.,
It (or tbe cltiiens and ibe vlailon cooTCTsions iK-lng mndo during hl*|«hr<"ish
it* «ay .tn
nll«t a small
cost and would aUnet and Mr. Bcuflcld's tour. He has met on Turedsy night
with many lolcrestlng expcrIracM Nortlipon. reiiirnlag Uiir iiitiniliig.
r vltUort
to tbe city.
«raoo dealt largely with
Tbe matter could be arranged with­
an annual j
out a great deal ot trouble or expense wJlb these.’
Inspection uf Ihc rvnicin. They xinvitl
Hr. Ullom has many frl-ods In tbe
and could eailly be canted out sche city who are glad to wr>lromr him .Monday in the vicinity of Mackinaw,
eesaUlly by proper cooperation,
City, yrvi.-rday at l•cla*kry uud Har-j
back, even If fals stay will only be a
property arranged YeneClaa night
Imr NprlnKB anil went to Cmnd Ka]iids'
• very pretty thing and is well worth absrt one.

nor* are hot (our weeks o( the


e killed. «m fatally hurt and tea|

Pere Marquette

Bunday August 4th.
Train will b-ave Traverse rily at
:in a. m. See,- poster* or oxk t;ck»t
agemt (or pnniculBr*.

Pere Marquette
ELK Ra#ID$. 40c.
PETOSKEY. $1.00.

Bunday. Aug. 11th.
Trala will leave Traverse City r
be terribly injured.
jldg platter.
»:0« a. m. S.-e i-osier* or ask lick,
Tbe are caught (ram the chimney! This moniing. pussy wore an innoagtmt (or jiarticulars.
.and waa exUngtiUbed In a few min-'ceni expression alR the fish were
.Mca. Had U-been beyond Ibe conutd gtme.
Aug 1^.
G 1*. A.

coat of paint as it is your house.
We have a special imported red; ground in pure

City Book Store

linseed oil in paste form which comes to you strictly
pure and when m*xed with pure linseed oil

will wear

and look bright for 10 to 13 years.
Ready mixed barn



paint usually contains- ben­



your barn looks

Traverse City

shabby in a year and your labor and monvy wasted.
If you are interested, call and let us explain ihe
difference to you.
We also carry a large stock of leads and oils and

Detightful Books ot IOe-ISC‘25t‘3ScS0c-7Sc-$L00-fl.2S and up-

cottage colors.
We are paying

highest cash 'price

eggs Rtid all produce.

for butter,

Bring them in.

The Majestic
248 E. Front SL


Ice Cream and Berry Sets Fine
Vases, China and Glassware.

The Hobart Co. prop.
Traverse City, Micb.

6HAN0 TKAVCRtC HIRA^ TH‘Jit»DAV. AUG. 1. 1907.
Mrs. E. H. Hale of Otlcago baa re­

. $45,000
oowmil I. *ner Lv. Pr«M1: B.
nt,4 aimi*. vim Pr-^mf.
0>rImAOmAMt; a. J. lUmiA. a. J. H»nkBd.
nutCTon-A. Twr Ur.


ImA B. C. DMA jirr teoinr. 91

turned to ber hoDie after spending
several weeks st tbe Park Place.


Is It Your
Own Hair?

Pied Beanlsh and
have left for a visit at Columbus,
Dmas H. Marehall.



bsU sod Miss Lcaetta Plsher of
Milwaukee who have been tbi- guests
of Mrs. D. W. Stewart for the i
three weeks, have returned lo tl

Do you pin your htc to your
own hair? Cin’t do it?
Haven’t enough hair? Ii must
be you do not loow Ayer's
Hair Vigor! Here’s an intro­
duction! May (he acquaint­
ance result in a heavy growth
of rich, thick, glossy hair!
Use this splendid hair-food,
stop your falling hair, and get
rid of your dandrufi.

MIrs Maytnc Bruiher has left
her borne In Traniou, N. J., after

ess quetatlens are earefully e
Itlng Mrs. P Needham and family
eeeted every day. The local martial
Miss Fivd IrwIn left this tnurnlng
prteta are auppllad by teeci deal
I spend B couple of weeks w
The evtaida quetatiena by wire, net friends at Scnllrnie and Heed Ciiy
alippad from other pepuru of the pro
hUss Julia Pllcb left Monday mo
air!Hlel> ’levs day.
c for Niagara Kails. Oblu and oU

S per 9it dltwed M TUte D9*slts
«. a

Addfi *U OaUKtUM



Cinalnim nis week, 2.82S

wesicrn polm*.
Miss Neltle Wurzburg returned >

Almost s.nnn rases ol cli. irl.-i

tlilppod out ot thi- city yesterday, l»o
day from Grand Kaplds. where e
V«II*9W Burned.
Mg cars IM-Jng consigood and M.-rersl
B-nt a week with mends and r.-M
Alma. Mich. July SO—Tlw villaoc
hundred shipped by freight. This
«r Sumner, ten mile* eaet of Mre. wee
large. If noi larger, tbsn any
Knink W.'lloii and wife returned
almoM teUMy dMtreyed by flm ■
Ibal has been made from
I Ihi-lr liimie In Grand Rapids after
•nMnlght and enly a few heueet are
this seasau.
standing a few days id the- city
left Mandlno. The buelneae aectien
Moninion-ney cberrl<-s an- selling Mends.
antrely wiped out.
well. Ibe 'market being very strong
Miss Borkman of 733 WashiORttm
The flrae aUrtad In the read af Ay n’lth a tendency to go blgbcr.
tl street returned last evening all
df'e hardwerc atore and epmed with opened 111 Ji.::; this morning and
visit In IndlanaiMiliR.

FOR SALE—The Inilt fam

Sailer Burat
WaaKlngten, July. »-A diepateh
waa raeeived at the . , , - .
today annauncins that a bailer tube
Wrat yaa^rday on the United Sutee

Three men were aealded and

ftreman. Philip Hind, wee killed.

link- higher.
New polaOu-R nr.- almost ready lor

Clinton L. Dayton

.331 Kb-venllt »MVI, Toledo, llllt...



and saya that as noar aa be can
tho NortheTO Michigan crop has

auacked by tbe same bug I
ruined the Kansaa crop.

Wulf. choked end beat a daylleht rob.

:t la so small aa to be almost

bar arhe waa caught in her home with I visible to the naked eye but complete.
pvera the leaf, giving It tbe ap­
at oeveral hundred
pearance ot a strong, healthy leaf
dpilara. Mr*. Wulf oelted the mi
Tbo bead UMhjK-glDS to turn a
the throat and farced him to the floor.
dlab brown, similar lo rust and the in
The fellow wee almoet ineeneible beleaves Ibe/plant s dull yellow
jewelry valued

fora men dragged the woman away.

The Ksnsaa sgHoultursI


propogatlng a loge bug that lays
Thejl Averaged.
Tbere wot ioat olae Id



drirea by 8. H. Toaoibc to the Cbsicb
or (Ssrlat plcnle at Ekai Bey
Teeeday bot they rwced In esc fi
m yean down to a lltUe babe
aeoetbf old.

perMuell oC tbo party:

bug and kills It.

2MI, BCtIve; bogs, 3.400. active.

‘■Dbcle'- Das Wbiwle, aged 107.




>ni. B3Hc: oats, 44Hc.
Detroit. July SO—Wheal. 9Sc: coin,

8. B. Toostaa. 64.
Brt. Helen aiesdranlDi. 64.


egg directly on tbe back of tbe green

East Buffalo. July 31—Cattle, 133
reals and cbIvi-r. *3; sheet, and lambs

Tbe (oltowing waa (be

naylon bus n grmi many
frb-nilR In TVavorse City and_Uie fact
that {..eelanaii and
nniDlv arc eo eitaiely
erctal and ' a. rIaJ Ititerests wli:
licit Inllueuee In Mr
The iBMple of Tr»\
lig i.iid Gram] Trtiv.TB- aouniy
have imich In common wiib i
pt.i of lAH-lanaii
eimnly. tl
then- to a frtendl-.- setiilnH-iii t
e Im-iw.
oiintles In Uie ctmliwt for delegiH.-R
to the ciniBlliuilotial ctuiveiilloii

Floyd Boitask. 6.
Artbar George, f.
Praakle Oeor^. 3 moo tbe.
-Onela" Dan waa a« yooDg ae
In tbe party and declared tbet it
bta Intention to lllrt wUb every pret­
ty girl peeeest but tbe ladles In .tbe



. Valuable Leoson.
in. ap.i I loarn.-d a vabuible
n Pb<<u.ani. .d N


I., forty years nr
r Hope coUeg.', H
tond, Michigan,
'ler le«ving colle
he taught sehuot
r then t
led law-in theoftlce of Tagcirt A DenI Hapi(l.s.
Ichlgan and
d from IIbe law d.-juirl
e Unlv.-raliy o Michigan lo
lh<- class of
He ea
the same year. Was ITueeciitInp
lomey of l^wlanaii county from
iiao' iRt. 1S95. lo the end of tbe year
IMS. and again lK«ime Prosecuting
Attorney In 10<>3 nod In still holding
llial office. He Is a man of good
Ural ability, a suceewsful lawyer, posBiases a large amount of et
sens.- and ihorDuglily houesf.
nlilllty as a lawyer and uprlghineBs of
rhanicter have won him n gntMl bu '
n«wi and a host of friendi*. He to ..
roan with a big heart fully in sympathy with the CEmiroon p.-.H*le.
He U In every way quallfle.
Informed lawyer. ti man of good
s Judgment,
I. hoi
> lM>li.T.-R In IIh.- ciiimou p«g>l.
of tbe eletnt-nu.of

MMc; oals. 5(ic.

rig prasleed to wateb over him cere-

.agon al I3IC Randolph :■

y frien.l- of Clinton lx Uay. eased to jumouno- Uku lie
a eandldaie for tbe nummaiioii as

It It the Green Bug.
la It the Kansas green bug thnt
after Grand Traverse oats*

Two othcra are capeeted to recover. Howe of Peabody. Kan.. Is In tbe city




le local markel.

[most as much as we ask for the soft.
SUirOF DOrrED SWISS. yoke of Val
lace, tucked back, tucked cuff trimmed in
\'.il. lace, gored skirt trimmed with
folds. 1‘ricc Si


SUIT OF WHITE-L.-WVN with blue, black
and red polka dots, waist tucked anef
trimmed with Val. lace, skirt trimmed
with folds. Notice the price— « AO

.....................- tbf lut'v 1 flixl 'h-m.”

yoke of Swiss embroidery and French
lace back and front trimmed in Val.
lace, long sleeve lace trimmed. Skirl
pleated. Fit for any occasion. O Of

^ l«,te for the County el
Grand Triiverjie.
At a M-Rslon »f Raid Cmin. ln-1,1 .u
Ihe ProbaK- office In the Clip- 'd Tr.oer«e thiy. In s.iid Couniy, oilltlie Kub
day Ilf July. A. D. Hb.7.
Pn-sem: Hot. Fred. R.,
Judge Ilf Ihviluiti-.
In Ibe matter of the-estate of Giuug,'

Choice of $:f00. 3SO. -f.OO and
n Aff
..->0 Suits for.....................................iZ,yD


Wllklnsf d.-c«ia<ul.
Oscar Rlmpson
court hto final ud:

and dlslrlbullpii of the residue o
It Is orden-d that Hu- i:ih dny of

Many others at about the same reductions. Your
dressmaker would charge you more for the mak­
ing than we charge lor the suit

Aupisl, A. ir 1W. at t.n ..c|,B-k In
Ih© forenoon, ni said pn.bvie elfiee.

HaU Price

It to further o/di-red. tl,;.l puMir
Iloilo- llierts.f Ik, g1«.-ii b. i,ul.n<-;,ii-'U
cwslvi- wis-l;.-. I.. -.lid d.iy o| 1|, ,u lug.
in Uie Grand Traverse Herald, a lu-ws
pa|K-r printed and rimilaied In

Price to does the lot. iwr lair........... 7c

ecou of Dewlirtlle. Ky.. arc elopplng
at tbe Partt Race for a few days.



Shoes for

Hr. and Hra J. L. Floyd of Indian­
apolis are sniDBer goeau at the Park


Hra. CbartM WoUel and giaaddaiHbier of this city left this morning
for KalalDBsoo where'tbey will visit




(fading tbe funeral of taer sister. Mrs.

Silk P«tlirail.



Boys and Girls


Clara Wbedoek.

lage nf tenu equalling In


up |>coplc, but siill they must be built to endure

Bay. win sooo be esIabliRbed by John
Densler. Tbo purpose of this village

severe service.

of teote, which will be known as New
will line


* ■■

hard on their Shoes is when they arc in
Mon by tbe eltliene of tbe village and
a large party of Milwaukee people



off to speod varying amounu of tl

putUag them In Unta accurred
Ofusler and be baa secured tbe necasssry sbellor sad tbe teats
yented by the day. week or the «fs-



Haulr Is visiting friends at Old Ml.-

sew lease of life. The village I,


Us of (be Borth. Traverse Oty.

He esiwts i» rrtuain lo Ih

ThompRonville are viRiilng in ihe

The cooBClI to still hard at work

Shoes that will stand the racket.

Unprecedented Handkerchtel Sale
iiiuoiir Fill

.,U of <i.if tiui.' . abr--i'l'r*l l‘->n‘lkbrfLi>;[» Is-foo

'1' ' I'J

It w> Imv© picuv.l a

Our ChUdren’s Shoes WUl Do IH

We h.ive r- - civwi a tbipment of U2-incii
15 fi-alns. full atanduri i-loth. io a
g.«»] line of colors, al. per yanl. -lOc
'TiitTc art- ‘.nly -50 pieces of these.
::j-iiicb Ch.'dlies. pretty tloral designs
811.1..Me for '•.imoiias or house jackeU.
perv.’ird .............................. ;............lOc


d Mrs.- (Se..rce Wb.ili-y
Clex-Iand ure visliing friends lu

city fiu- a lew days.
The Rov. W. T. Warner ot T

lasts «•.- *';ll A-.11 it ai, (K-rboi...........I8c
H.-.itb<-r H-mey. Cuciitil-.’r and tllyc- rine

and it's good for them, but buy them

Prom WodccRday's Record.

looking forward to being the terminal Rlon for the rvsi .rf the summer.
«( tbe Provemoni braacb of ibe H. *
Miss Grace Corberi and Mrs A
K. T. railroad and be oor of ibe siib- File left yesterday for a few rtav»'
auntui connecting link, in tl>e intcrsll at Bk Rapids.
temrbu Use running to tbe metropo
Tbe Misses Kraneee and Ella Grant

Lot 1—.’M! :5j ami lOc
Embroiderdd Linen, now



-juand 'ilk
Embroidered Linen.
now >c, ;i for Sl.'f"
and V,c
Embroidered Linen, now

price oo tliein tlial w<- are aaliafi,-!

Q, vi:r l-.-en i-juale-i on

liiit class of g'l'Kla

Lot l-AlISl,S1.25and4] 50
Xmbroidered Linen, now 75c
Loto -.AI! SI 6.5. SJ and
TLit talc tUrtt (Lit moniim; «t
o'clock an-i you tb"uM luiy All you
Bei*i for future use.
buy for neil



IV for a f.-w days .
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Fi-nnklin irf

time of tbe LeelaasB county latr
Cediir passed ihrtHigh Ihe city y«wl- rcry walk la ibe village will be built day on their way to Tustln w here ih. )
■H CMPent. . SultOBB Bay will sever will vlidl wtih fiiends.
' die aa long as tbere to wall
Dr. Boyder and family are spenillng
bay to revhs It.


bed. Let them romp and play, it's right

Bo many more bare signified ibelr
iBteouon of ooaing that the Ides of


1,1-Ih's' 'rO-ini ii Twuri>it Coals, only a
Th.y «.1J a,

The only time ihc children arc not

......... ”

beautifying tbe streets sad

Sblrt Waists
Ilere is the Bnyini: Lvent of the Season
Ainui 20 dozen h-il of our $1 and $1 '2.5
Whiti' Waista, very pretty goods. Ia<-e
and •'IIIbroidery trimniei]. choice.. S9(
$1 7.5 an-l $2 -50 WaisU now selling
at..................................... $1.19 and f.SO
Von eann-,1 wait very long tn-l
secure one of these.

Fivf-uroii Siiandon Bells, one of tlu-ffn-

0 coming

We told you about th«-« laatwoek.bat
like al) other coo-1 tilings it will boar
ropoatioK. We oe»I the room tboae
k'owit occupy for new Fall i,rtx>dt that
an; now being marked to plane on aale.
Wc do not curry goods froni one soaaoii
to aontber. so hi-re is where you gel tho
.50c l)riss *ib»ls for............................ 28c
and $1 Dross <i>sls for............... SOC
$1 .50 Dreat Goods now........................75c

Ladles’ Jackets


ahore. will be

Wnco the disastrous fire of
pprflig. BuUodb Bay baa taken


Want style in their Shoes just as much as grown


praeatatea of tbe village of Sutlons

Milwaukee and

«-.■ an .l,.,.ing .

"btheVs up°to sVe.SO

TTsD.. have rvturaad to ibeir bones Corn, per bu
arm- as estendod visit vrttta Irtceds

to Kingsley (bU morning.
Mta aara Brndley of HIddlevUlo
fca returned to her borne after

Choice of $10, $12 and $12-50 Suite
Choice of $l;j,S0, $1.5. $1*5.50 and $1*1
for....................$7.98. and $.$8
There are only a lim^Fd. muo.Iwrof tboae; bettor not dettjr .your «.ming,
Mitsea’ Skirta worth ;5.7:. jfor..........$2.75
Mitara’ SkirU worth -5.00 for..........$2,W

Dress Goods

ta (be dly.
Ray Scbolleld Bade a buelneae trip



Balt, per bU...
aad SUM Ma Walootl

Dll yon rc.ilizc what that moans to yon
—a whole auit for what a skirt would
01.11 lu the roguliir way. At the rate
they uro goiug we will Lave none io a
abort time. Id some caaea we an'
aelliog two too cattoiner—one id light
colors, ooc in dark

Ladies’Ugtat Colored SuIU

. From Tseadars fteeord.
Mrs. C. A. 8cou and HIsa Jennie U


You get full benefit for every dollar you spjnd naw aiyjj
never did before, and we mj-:: tho.-ou^-ily bjlieve yoj cm
get more for your dollar here than you can get in any
other place in this city. Wc are willing to leave it to you.
however- The values given in this space are far below
their real worth. Kvery item mentioned is worthy of
your careful consideration. Read them alt. then act.

Prof. D. A. ItorlM-r and wil.- w1i<,
mendH are |nor fiuallly now and sell have iKK-ii visiting ui the home
W. K. I'nilor. left iIiIr ni.iruing for
Ocnlrs art- being shl|>|M-d r<-gularly. Bellevlow.
Black to-rrlfs bring ll-llu and the n-ds

funboot Wilmlngtw at Nanking, Chi.

Wulf, wife af




Your Dollars Certainly Buy a Plenty these Days

Tb< bWRt kind ol a toRUmomia ‘■Bold Ur over sixty years.’'

ran lo li.r.n f,.r choir.- M<u-k. Rlrh-

frMt rapidity to frame buildinge



■ few days resorting at Rennie lak.

Tills does not ioclo-le plainoor hE-m-tit'-ltoid hatolk-rr.-hiefs.

Store aosed Friday Anernoons



Grand Traverse Region.
UlM Mnmlv lj)iDb>'i-u Mr. A. J. Ja
MW of Tnverar Cliy. Mr. ud Jtra. C.
t. PORlnaiUa. Mr*. gsD••IvM to* tMa to u
MM imivt rush th« Htrald •ffle* net born. .Mis. Jake }';dvsnla and dsueb(•tor lh«a Tuesder neen ef each «Mok, | tera Ruib abd Mar}', ot Peru. lad.
.and *f cerreependeDta fail to Ana Arttur Domlae who wsj present a» a
- Wtolrg^ they may be g—wred that M |Pt!.
| p- at, ^ ta„de
a-de a r.-r> a..
adIdn sB tor Uie oecaalun wntcti i< »>!ved a
hrartr applaufe. The table s
' cd wl'ib tbe Rood tbloits ef life. There
waa ro*t pi*, lee cream, waiermeloo.


"riTi” z ’X' “


1“?. w;
........... - - rcry

called la town Friday.
Win Carpenter to at
A. Alleu's store.
Kitff'ey Oitease: C
« Half riw ComSeveisl teams fi
> Intoad a
lag to Traverse i
' Work.
>l«. D. H. rower returned toaiebl
Atnhie McLtoB aad Uwrcacu Kennv ot T'laverwe CUy t toiled In IvwB dais w-lih Mr. Poser campiDs.
.Mis. H. E. Clll returned Saiarday
a few daya tost wm.-k.
d. «a.
Tae gtoaa tor the memorial viedaa- A b'T bomr In Muskegon.
Oiei-«urk. s;r,i.n.. oUdi> iin.l otb* ■
Mrs. Mary Saun.lerv. Mr^. Grade
to he placed la the M. E. cbuich
(•r<.c-s aud little da-ichter uf Chicago,
•mor^ of Mr... Alice Cai
Thuvsduy stiJ jre gUiwU
tt.i-} cipcct to^l.u'.e U iD'-ii'Hvol
U will be a great Im-jcf Wr>place
U:'.i. Ed. imow and ebUdi
provim'—1 to the churohArl.^ 1-1-0 ,-.i' and l..ucu-.- and
, ______ ....
ictu.acd to their home at Boyne Cliy
.Mm. .•ritic Kililiei
■r a visit w-tihj Tresdav iiKmlnR after having spent
nney and
other j tlir
as tbe giioau of
ihe lto-. auil iliV b-Wnney
fUr P^d
pef 'hrre weeks
iRhi'.i divT-.- -. There I.
SuejMl-- Char.
»:ft--tv-r vx.v-l'l
CBjoys the cool weather Ji* re vcryi , Urr. Oeo. I>o

Weak KUieys Rake Weak Bakin


who stamniehiDd a Itiiik detemiiie ita eh.incte
.hroeloraare as name! bdow. Tliejr haw inv«-bil ibeir
money in lUu bank, meet frty]DentIy in dinT-toyg'
iiu}.*. pBM upon every lotio. exunioe and prove
book* .Hid
’seijf n{x>n
" vjurae lo ’be* pnrd eeeuriti-w. decide

mid hr in; to tbe inaraKtuuent of the bank tbeaame


lit Oral Dial* <V. rrrwHl.-fif
rreotlCcdoB of f
r--. i v
P;:;» met dineU, .m
in never
r fade from
.. Iheir
s; Cha*. Willo-ho. \\.IU-lu. .vCharliw I
Tony Umer of Ccdai
II vIsltluR L- r .
rre--|ch ii!*.
tbe woik on Rusaell Vi
Mi... C. U. Kchl aud Mi>. If A. Mcher home la CbicaRo.
H.urr aud Albert‘ Coeitode
t'lMk r .5^7
And haa Run
A. Allen s duupLItr
nearlj- Utronph their cherry ptcklBR.
Dcr’s Inrpe ti
The)- had a torse number of pickers.
•fn ehiiiT, berry
frull plcklns. the
The I>IW< r eouimlu— o! l!o- l>. O.
I- i<an wevk.
ScTiml of Uiu lady Idekers aretocrd
srsrrll.v cf help Is solved
home of'T. M. M.. ruk- a v<.y »uc-^-»sful lee
U.ier Ei.vmc l.ii;l.: .-i-mI pow.-r fo.i 4.»• Or..u. r. (he,.
A rally was lielil at
over II.0O a
■ ■ I N. 111 ^:eam tociol at the U-tm- of Mr. and lu.l. V4* !:a.V, .-.M llu^t.r vor.- .Mi.i
larP... .Meixau KriiJ.ii
.V t-rns.-. Kiuirslei: .s,..p|.«, I.,.,i„er. F.r.n
II Was diM
— — .purttT lujt WvdnfSelay tend-r t,- (!o- 1o:w,. :... kldloy
houiir of An-hiv McU'jii
.l.tnlh-. VVt.nJ.-«i. l'r,>lu.r,; F. C. Heamimd.
wai. liibaHU'd by I
. .
crop raised «
Rood lime was evculBR^
Borne yrais apo oomebody pul
(arm Ira crop of children,
few mile bull bead*, mtle thlnklDR have a Urge
r family ot busUlag
child- .
they wtwM inemase a tbounad fold. ; ren and ihouRii the)- have a very Urge j
One iiarly caiisbt Iweive bull heads orrluitd. tbe fumlly do all U
Ben XVUbtir ef Charlevoix and Mr.
that welRtacd
Cunls of Chhapu, pcturiud to Charle­
Whal'a the matter In i
stockiBR our-^^,^ plcki-d uiol they still have qiill. ,
voix liday after bavins ipvnl a lew
lllUo lotond tokis where there arv K1d;:.-.i
PHto ^
tlo! a few to pick. Mr. Counade Is one of l
dais ilrliluR frii-nils.
Dah. with bull heads and pntth? ill
foremost farmers In bkut Bay aad j
E. UTtour aad dsui
time It win repay and be a blessing to
tn uptodate farmer.
Q»rl -oix. haw been the
tbe one wbo bad the foretbought to
Mr. and Ur*. IV’h.s \Vll<..v Siindai-1 „fSV s J Ml*. Cbas. Wrtsivy
Many of our ncl^bors went to town
Miss Myrtle Jr*n of Grand Rapids.
,t her bume.
dreos dav to take la the parade and
. Filnk arHved Sunday to speud her vacaU0«|
Aow; otuers were too busy aad
J with her mother. Mr*. John.
Btayed at home aad worked. '
Spangle spout u few da}*
Hr. and Mra. Jerome DeTour and A lng*ln J>etroit. came home tost we^'^rt^loe through this loHRhlH.ihrww
rttv last week.
raiei.-e f
I-,,..-—.......... ....
naba of T;rae.
ed l’.«uir TRi-r w*» <-bo*en
> spend the summer •with his narenu : Ftiday. She to viMUiig ai ilo;i(i-iiil llK- M. K. c>:i!.-ivnc.-i
Ur. and Mr*. Joseph K
, beivj
SeiiP'mto-r at Albion. Mr J.j
.«Iand. are vl.vlUng their
A lumibor ?f resorlerv Irl'.ai.
jdaiishlcr Ruby
Elk^ Rup;d-. uhi!:5.’^'i
. . Uatnvw> w as also ch«eu os didv,
or a few day*.
'ur.Uiv on Ihe Mltooiir. f->.- 'Keiiso.el ’
Sr., have
meeting at the Btoek achool bouto ~
‘l-b’ sun- gate,
rbousc of: Ui*. Wm
Ur. and Mr*.
-iHjii.u of Ml aii'l.-Clth Ihir.- and other resort.^
day was well attended.
with heritbiy "a this side.
Mrs. ir. Ryan and ehildren retura.-d
^.e spile driver, tbe John Naylor
^"“mv* and Mr** f'^rWi
Andn-w Hesley ef K.-»adln and Saturday (rum a two weeks auy .bt
Mlto Louisv Schuler «
w-erv In this vi(-ln-(Tfyyt.j^
•;Tiwven City.
this;lc>^ Friday^
>ir». Ssm Porter reiutned.
v' lt^.'l il«i*"MyHle“wrJSi^*’ ‘
Crowds '>
ur,<l Ml* A. S hhdtx went I
and iv-si-luin'
t Elk Rapids aad the UaaiUM U-j
3 spend 0 fcw'rlus arc liiivilly ilpi- ennugh fi-r K'>od ,
last Mtnid.iy.
). maford, ds ifihter
weeks with her sister. Mr*. J. Parker. I n'K-iioii..
-j-if,. Li.ui-5. Ih-nvlit sociely will mcil ; John Xi-wtiiill. of nilcago.
Oeuve Domlae will
Gilbert of KasMi*.
l"ifran** entertaim-d •*■M.-.-. .Ma.-gaivl Swwr oa i'lidaj'
OB the addlUoa to his new ham;
the gutsto*of Mr. and
. .-Priandwhip rlnh ai h
. atone foundation to now finished.
lau.l'M,. It. iui.-., aad daukhter
iliner .vestenlay.
Charles Bryant ot Traverae City
Henry Udlncr. who has been stay-;.
helped Bmee Loucks in bis haring.
IHR a few wwks 111 Trav.-rse City, re-1
South Milton won the l«II arun
We will all weleoiie
welcome the riectrte
tamed home oae day Ian week.
Ifdnyed with Hex Terraev li-..-l Sai-.u
railroad line to be extended to Elk
Mr. and Mr* Prank Shalda called day. Score was 10
Mr, ari-l Mr*. Irvlti Rawlins* and
RapJito, running alteg the ahore* '
Mr. niirt Vi<f rii.i*, l^imcni. ratnW
^ ““P"®; lewis T, Hlckin
unr bMuUfol bar
' will I
near Jteanl.- iuki- Satuida;
win give us a
Bay and aoythtag that
r held in the
1 lor, and
boom, we are right
! arrived .It hi* home July :V.
will redprocale.
Several from here Jnlnitl Up
ie*d*y 1
Sunday t-ehool li
retotivea was t
July 3
to Bi-ll
ii-llHlrc Saturday
uu ihv Klvanivr!
at Ur. and
July 37th. at Uv.
Wdi Karr.inu Is rvtumlnj: t<r hi r home
Hr*. Wm. Edwar
aud Ml?
home of n. H. Day rad family. a:«o;
. E
Warner and lal.v
1 and HomiT HiiM :.r
Irom* lilv at ih.r vi.mmcf borne of H.
is «v)w'mg finely ni
rene City .were v
'. -Patchln ol Tmv.
I the !ltibb*-l hum- :
111. n.v on Glfti tokr.
1. of (Ills place, who will tj4-cd a
wards and daugbteiw Ethel and Gi
■ slooe fotinda-





Peoples Savings Bank



Kn,bSr« ««t^« t"** Torch lake.



How's ink?


^S‘ir'5T. Z



Wm!**Ingersoir*Mr. and Miw. P.



Big Buying Makes Little Prices
Big Selling

makes little profits, pienty big enough.
By foiiowing this motto we have made this store
the headquarters for aii economicai furniture buyers.

And this year we have bought heavier than ever before and we
figure on making this the best year of our history in Traverse City.
WE WASTE NO MONEY in buying flimsy furniture. Everything
we buy must be made of thoroughly seasoned wood, and the work­
manship must be the best. Our buyer has spent his whole life in
the furniture business and knows good material and good work­
manship when he sees it.
So you take no chances, of getting poorly constructed furniture
when you buy here.


The furniture man who does just as he advertises.


atkm laid for a tine rwaldcpce.

ClreiHt Ceuft.

Bse'ss Writtth In Jell.
ta:' t*ea fallen ^d a daaer^hktl built
:i seem-i-.l-eng.'odi.ii.'.-Uiwhl-h Vrom Tocodays R-Srtwil.
-sn-nd the ereain. toning the stump
ritr-l-o"!;*. IJ.«rao
E. Ctd,b of Boiloa who has f°r **1^
This -me nw8-;r.O
i-el-.e-tb-ro. J.f.n TT<m...-:r> tvr..:e been vMttoe in thi. cV' for a few
urcots. went lo Grand Rapid. lbU\/
In |;
morning for a vun
with friends.' Itade.l siih la.,

J(4iD,Holland Is baring a Utge ap-

pratn Toeadar's Record.

hwtlMM VM wuid o« in a whole right built o nhia hmisc.
Un. Mildred Smith and dasgtter
•Me maiiDer lo Circuit ouuit today,
two jBd*e«. Judge Davit ol Ionia and Dorothy of Yatea were calling, on
Judge Name, occupjiDg the beitcbea. trlmids her* Sunday. '
George Oiftoo hi very sick at tius
•Hw tonner lodge took eaie ot the

’■•"“■^.iFTom there she will return

Jacr c«t» IB the court i
The park U being grt-aUy hoprored
monilag while Judge "SUyne beard
B<»larr trlala in the aaiwrvlaors' Tbe grounds are being nioely cleared,
weil baa teen put down and the
fotmdaUon is being InU f.w a Bbc pa-1
The Tuttea-Hulbcrt caae went to
vOlDD tOtS'ft feet, which When finish-i
the Jury at » o'cloek last night and U
rd. will wit
tlve •--.’r.-I I-'.'O-''j?.-:
'wat 4 o'clock ihU Dumlcg Uiore
pie. It will be lini.bed b.-Iori . Jhc.
they esme back wllh a verdict ot gulb
soldier's reunion, when a grand lime
tr and a mommendatlon
expected in the viUuge.
pended aentence. Judge Mnyno will
bold ihe matler under julviwoi.'ni fi-r
a few daya,
Oenttnee Suspended.

Ntal SucceeA Ber.jamin.
l.antiiii>f, MIrd, Jt.-.j
;rt -Cnv rr




Tiiing It r.l! inm-is.^r ;i

Save VouF
lBfsriersurc)i Is teims to fat INaah
aadslloihcftsbrics. It
sboruat tbt Cft. faibe besstif^

a Ho-


thi* morning ’
’'i “
tV«j V.'i-tril.e j Franlf Wranske left thu
,, ;v„
l/'kr'i'K'-ar r
IfOr Maaielee
Mani«let- where he will have :Ml'a f.'o.
Thi.n iw

t and
jell.. Sir T.'r.iijv i;.-:.;?': <l'r-|Charce of ibe Dunham house.
houtH*. Nr.-.*“‘;
Nr.-.f“‘' einst.i)
hr,\. t atu
et>. All <u '
meet:: Wrouske
Wruuske fats
rts .
a bort
IiOM of Iri.-n.l-In
Irieri'l- In IhH
•• They a.- ■
j dry who ,u,
wlwb for noihbie bat suenrej. ■
w. ».>e \\
. .IV.,.,
bill ilH-.s ..r, »Mrklr.u
iW* ...........



Tctd and Olgri

; mnrotne lor a
n lew
few tiaj-*.
Mi>. \V. L. Ib'aion of Ihi-f city left
i«hl« ruurnhlB, for Owmwi where »be
'v:il >i-!t.wif*i frl*-:.d. for a few days.


f swxlity ia niRh


■-i—>.«r i« ,V.wti\► !-veI.
r;:- han.rt U -.v. ;;i-hf artmiMl

SHver gloss Stanh

Jul.v liiiiili of Tadianapuilr. •
food v.lil' Ii
I-!', umi
ILiit I'.v In
t.-l)- *’" *'■'
-''I tAiirua, ’
n»lf •i r'-'-'y iu'.>ii:-:i tin- ritf ib|* iKirnliis i
Utlu- .au-av.iMiy ui-re n-ur. on her return home.
a poi;i:.: >'f
b-hiiip. .V- n-saivls r- 1.1? re
H-rv'T 1- Trip*. ..f KTny.loy U In ;
cj;j. f.,p <5,.,
. I
1 half a I' .:i'-l -.f t.eef; bUt
wiUle th- le-tf wH!
tJ-.i a,
ttlul >b«- I-' ft t.irt
•* - i'.,'
. flilchie w-ot 1
ebn-re I'!, l-tir fUl ■■

So sridi or hjrmti:l clmsiu cstrr irio its asanutacrurt; sbrntuirfy
will iHPi silet an\
or tolor.
Ptoducts a pure «+.itt. rich tmith of
l«v::tul -ubducj lu.oc that .. mote Uniag thta any other. N«r«
tjnws good. •!. iL-m vriJow. foprrwt pronnunguosblie. Jdoa scm
nom^cwl. Tbe nandud ot quality to. oi-« half a ceciuty.

ral of NunlivKIi-, <iil jiiV|x'<n«r 1
Tbe eaie of the people vt. Edward
ro yi-an.'Ilf-i‘urc--<il
S, |!i
Van Bieo. Uorrlu Oaypool and
Ting Harper, charged with larceny, Jaiuiii.
esM lu-fore Judge Muyne thin ninrti.In' a plea of. gullly being eux red.
- A Careful Offit'mL
W.ll. my
Atumier i'aicbln who appeared for
•Sotni- w-uj^
r.fuinrkitt a
■' b- I1 uiini-joK .1
tbeiexpoodeata, preteuied aoveral <r- efau. -wbiu Ibo p.-oi,>. lu 41i.' ». .lb dltemib!
Lsttcr from
. Wirt.5.; y,.
.•;,.k- •»
lu udc-l
Utlon algned by men wbu knew his feared lluit
dHaly. Touching for Ihelr good ehar- fever would -l-rend fuli:! .f. this In'vijf. Iriily.
\V K. (’riv
a«af. The matter was dlacomed and ciiuiitr.v the l.eai'.b luard -■tllwr I.f n , it.jr via
certBlo noulliem cli;
ibe codrt aald In pnri:
to keep out tin- ItifOi
■-'» >«•: ih.’s.eli "s- <
*'l know that ihroaghniit the eoon- ordifs, to difinfe.-!
tvlecram. rtf,:rstil.,lio„:.l liejal.l. and .sn-f'lK*'
try tbeiu It a gencroJ feeling aBainst cwiTcd from Hiivan:i.
Real Estate Transfera.
li-ni, 10 nuike. J »il
S-'Ieitiiin. U<T-rti«raw. Camp Dsv^
Wm: ri--i Calkins to perc War- i
tb« railroad. When Ibese men »aw
•S-Jit. 17. imiT
..oucitv La:ul Co., i-i* Of ncV». Sec. 31.,
Afivs Four Months In a Oravs.
irv'lon and lell'iui. a
the mcrchoadlae aeatlered alKWt the
Nr**Oay l.iii. as Kiten ih- <im
HsH Daa. Hie ttcui iJiudoi fakir.
• |oi his Nui!. the Allf J Day. lor five
ground. It la probable that they did
WIhi lived In tbe Or-t liulf of tl>e nlifa'
11 r:.|. M ■•relor.. d.irln* the .hiy. which odds
not atop to eonalder to whom it be­
r. :.-rifl...'i.s'r.liii.y'x
tw-litb ceuljirt', ie Hu- out.. sr.ii.'liT,
longed nor tho nature of the criiw in worker of luu'li-ni tlim* «lin lias-rn-r,
R- 11i T'; - I..V.11C-' Aid
..r July II,
aVu'o-'Wloa and l« hp;Tr.Tiiu--.l by «IL . Itom.niK-e.- t-nralni::.; - Hanuali 4 Lay Co,, to Addle A-itnyi.
C.sue ruTty nnd'enjoy a lew inelal
taking It. A caue of tbia tort la lUItle allowed lilu:-!f in I-. I.uri.-d In liie:
hi Gibis-. 10l»
nod 33, block 11, H. 1- . 1 --pp
It.IV ..r the
Ilf- .
i b>, _heu,, wirh old lime fnenfa and iu4|*ito be lobiHd uimn lightly by nineif.oiiOis. In tie- }t«r I>.j
w*w» in
Jomn.-il fnnp-„

i!i-uei.-*l Vculurn tbst fore.'
tantha. of the people but these goods
n!-..'.-sls-nt..; .U! o,.t.Th'-: -.
.’- miiOf Giuvial to D. E- Wymkoetp. I w.-,.v
Oalpidlntt.levlresefall Uadawrlllbe
were not the p'T»erty of Ihe railroad: oertaiu f.v be wnuH nfl itv .u r..iuniili.'e
1.. a niulii-inimonslri<1 u.v'j. of et’i. S>-c.'3; T. JC, X. l JiU
nUiiv fatll.ld-O aud.dio iutOdc.'.iUie
1.1 the I'l.ic-. V.- i-.i: ' J i.o’lv'
\they belonged to other psrtlee but tdt.wt Hie t l.iiio- wliK-h h" livi'b- "I be:g'jor- will l-e. idlow M on the nioinids
ins to die nnd n-li.'iiio •'■.I'l'for! l..-niui.ik, 1..J ai!w -I.',
c'lmy. H. Can.nit. ;•. rt. al. to Joimlo
it - Iciitiy.
The Old Settler*' Ricme.
they were Just aa tgrred while In posinomlix Olid tlieii •'OUH- la tif.' iinain. I
I'.it a
.T>,i.r!ii-I.m.l o;. Ki. u.-ruv V‘'tii.iT. vt. al.. pare- is, $:m. aeaahm of the railroad as a trustee, Wlieii nil vv.i- umiiis-l II.:.': liyi'Ucv j
......." it i.
IV; -KlCOia H. Pernn n. N.-liu- M. A.
• .
OGDEN nncaa they would hare been locked In tir.-l hlm-.'if to uo.;. .t dear. ■ ib.ii bit'
.•:;.d hi- |..' In ««• ri.;.l.fc.s»i Siiubad*. larcvlr. Sec. b. T, 3T. *. 11.
l.luc- Alls ::ul. <111 Hie ••Idi
r- Myrtle ll.o.;dD ffom MdarMaoine penion’t place of biiaineaa.”
n-t-^'-. by iteuie. Carl Kmil-Jisuoiu
eiivuUilb.n v.-s- wh-dly vioi.iutl. tVfaen '
m Ibis i4:.r.'- If il ruiu- eul
U eiieudlng a w-ek at Wra. John
tii>ie4d-of--j. liti-s-n" a- »rai-dln iloLeonard S. lloisie
tfte pirmr will t«- le-ld on;
Senteoee waa auapendrd until the he was iip.nouiovil d.^d L. i.ll iiilenta'
.: S..U. lot. 3. C. -ud T. b«Kk 3.
openlgg day of tbe next term of eonrt nod imnawes be was biiriM lu a nar-j I
Wd. se-ve a
................. . '■-' "
and tbs men let go on their ouu rec-|
mpUna lo Cyril .A.
■ fai|io-.«
.i-H.,-:. ,.0.1 -bpil.u H:..
>. Mock. (i..rir!<
.•x--lay and a .-r.lL.1 intliuHuo h> ,-,..0‘.'>SV;rr in ......s au.
l,.l. .1
,,il ... .t,. .IM.uei . The pno :
' ■‘"*•'•8 »>' •- ’
The caae of Riley Crolne vs. the'
\V. 1' Cr»in-r. Tnisire. to Chariee
estate' of Laura Cralne uccuiiied tbe |m,.r })zri
<'\lmiii.-<1 .r'<
). >;• !•!.. \V. Hi ft. lot* JS and 30.
■iid 'far- 1'irei.- 1..--- Ib-uRm |.lknur, i
attoitiaa of Jodge Davis this morn- agr«wui. sn.l a r- - i
kx'k 1. H. 1.. t Co.'s Hih.
II Ihe 1 .uikr id <!>'
V.nceu Kom-sky and wife lo Prtj.T
Ink; It has been appealed from Pro-1 Tlci.rou-i rnliMiiitef Iii^
Tie- ?*r<ieram wiii
:cvrs. Set. 19. T. 3*. R. 10.
bate court and U hinged on an agree- '
ruln of
vnlglit to ITsi
irritoa Pierce, Mapl.
, hU pumiu. who. it U Mid. gave him
k Wood. SftlO.
V.wsl .Solo by Miss Ha-kinw.
null: i
Omir propw, in return for hb care
, r„.-t
T. Weli-im- b}' th.
s »<esr Nelsia,
i;;, Wu.'k
It'wU. to 3i
of Utam. Tbe nAller was opposed In |,
to prove Him vi.aliiy
addition. *l2«ft,
l.:.-y>i-r nimiH.:-. Rtupltv
Priobate and bence the appeal.
I bare 1its>b o.mpteiely niieiv .-ubd
John II. iL-l.rictn to T
'UII..R tUilwri Is
‘qfani.b'ra. I.v lamp,
Heon T.-.
Mare'll. Tliv
.*• V-.ifi
Tbe Cratoe trial was' «1U before .
-------------------------------=1. T, .
f Hurt de -s
hnytee the .
around betr.
Jud^ Daris at 3:49 thU aDernoon.
Eeventsenth Century Superstiti
: ill tbn-.'
■ r Sal.
Me has l-m
MiiT*i-'s inrhard
Th.. Old Seiii«-. Alr>, n-h.-r.
E'.-ank C- D.-fni.,n4 :
Several witnesses have been ekamln-l
Sianlv}' and A'uii.'v Viulr.
It Is probable that Elmer
i (b.. cb.->ri«'» lu a good many
Ill tovoml man .-r woman. * .
Raloo. charged wUk ateallng a
Ikiu* nud *' If.. U) Etwr
Hono' si. C'aiklu*
k. iltiromfwijl.l.v rold, for th.' I
tllrlSeaton, 'nm.' I'lsee
footed Hen. a sliog-baird Iv.gsv.
aw'd. See. 32. T. Jo. B. Camp Osvl* .web.elra
1 .-d liivere from the oiv;'!i. msih.,Uu Itolmsa has had Ote !W1 Wss
eibeok. will come before the cot
I-Ucke cal. That It D a rig."' "f d.-alb
vpili.-iy dllf.’iviii cjimai.- iliuu
1 1 n. »4ou«.
lie pul up in a tro.. rh»e by tbeir
Addn-as. Hu. Ip-v Haskins. Empire.
to some iu that bouse, w beri- cri.'keuj
Wtu. L. Brown nnil.
.-t-a-SliMi. rh.-n I.S.. you ean rl ■>
Fo for Ihc-y like the nerrlre
Tbe caae of the people vt Elmer have bln many y«-r«-», 4f on a sudden!
:I >‘ew
-enlliwunl aii.1 lind -i.ii -' rw:'-. M I", bl.wk 6. I
Kaae charged with Jlfllng a pocket
1. tVni o
Itlni; ". 1,v !>lir;.i-xt, Uav.
K. " H. L.
bott and money from A. D. While of If a man dnuitu of ..g- r ntv lu- shall I
Friinkfort has oecupled the ntlenllon
devil D t.-Kllu.'ki.. Tl.ol i..dr.'.iim..f] M. i;,
of Judge Mayne loilay.
gold grsMi luvki'. but .-r Hllv.r ill. 'Ibat:.'! I,.iiik,.i..
Tfae detfuse. In ehnrge of I-ester 1). If a nuiu
I«.rn In th-' Hu.'tUiic be|:':‘.-'wi. i
li-ir A. .Nirkersen
Welsh, attempted to show that White aball tie uiifunutiaie. H:r! if a flilld
:o ii"iuic .xi :
k.'t. E, S2 -nru-s of s
• wae loo Intoxlcnted to leallxc
!r.,-B. 'lJ. Ji;e.
:v H am f- r tn- m..iriv,.:i
Inotly what was going <b at tbe time, aball be very fnrtiiujite. Tliat when
■ •'i.-'liv.- -fi :.-.r inri-.'.
:ul M.i, \V. H..LyJ-!l M,-. levlitol,
but tbe wltaeas atnek to hb m-lglnal
. Mr. Lll is a sbrewd sigu toi- shall r.xTive'j.,
,,i •
ii. ra Mii'l
* story. Kane and Paul Burkbeod
money. That II Is u givol wlgue of 111-i-,,; 'i^-. vj ji’
up co^idereble ttmf with their tos- Incke It ItM*, b iiiuu- el.m'tbro.'-j,.,! ,.r- ,.v.',i
tlmcny thU nfleruoon. tbeir
lujfbt fi
i.'iy .Inwly iiii'l
fbat It Is naujfbt
for any man b- Blvo^an.'ii-v, :.-id -blfi:
M..;.N .trid. 11.1 b:.'.lr.K :i
luntA-evidenlly making no deep Im- a paire of Kniv.w
Kniv<« l.>
l<> :bis swei-ilieart. j linviuc a stnniB
1.1-. p.:' up il)
vri.- ii- -.f I.. elimliinB H..for fiote ft I'ots
l•otB iiwiiy.'l that Isc tl.u.. win:: -:\
prealm wlih tbe Jury.





Frankfort, Benzie Conntv,

Primary Elc^ctjon Aug. IS,

'. nstc


Steinberg Bros.
For Friday and Saturday.

The case of Riley Cralne v*. the esate of Laura Cralne. was flnlsbcd (his
morning. Judge rtavin Inatnirting Ihe
Jury to bring lu n verdict few the eonIrafnntA
Owing to ibe two Jud^ doing buslDm al tbe aamc time, the supply of
Jnfon gave out. and a new panel
six was drawn this tnomlnB.

Tbe case of Praocti W. vs. Henry
Moyer for divoreo ifns granted

Jodge Davis this afternoon.
The Kane case will probably
elosrsd np' beftwe moraing nnd the
Tatto and Uclmyte eases tbim wkea
Mieh, July 3ft—Mrs.
Ctanmie Cbise and Miss Eleie Knlsly
of Toledo,

wbo have



Likas Being Hunted.
Tbe extrai.rUiuiiiy Im.-lUB.nKv an.l uichiui
skUI ......
ing buDt.d
U eMn-m.-ly probable tbst be
bumstiisii aud ill., boiiud*.
keen plensiire of tbe prl.1.' r
impniltlil i-i.iisliluenl .'f tlw
wiiii.. ;•
tbesiMWi. It) pos.f ef this, an eld fill. ...................
when fr>-*li. bss ..Den l,.-.'n o>M rved to


' s::!:

U-lwi-en them. -Tbst il is III Ihrkv to *'.• uul! Hu- uiilk
have'the snltspller fuU t..wurd you.

These are bargeins that can't-Jie.
equalled aeiiwhere else.

we ouj"’.-d-the Hip b-'..':

nt.T-; ii... lii-r Ti.-.,
-a 111? liin's'l. 1
IXTld'lUB hhi< yi*- r.,«d ion 'i':',.
rjioo w'liieli
HU'Iv .-iiisiB' d in tu..
wiili nirk.-l -iiohrd'
law wiHl I.i: i-ie',1 »;H.'..II. V- Sli- !. .'il.-J.'I!.

Straw Hats,

vv..rth SJ.’

McVicker’s Automatic
Gasoline Engine

wait lor Uk' b'Xinds. appateullj
' lue'iim.'.'' v
tbe putpoH.' Ilf dranlng them .*n, and .,, i,.,,;. ',c,,ri;.'ii-..
so giving in eprs^rtunlry for tlu- .Ui,,f ,j„. "
play of bis skill. The fot erfa hi* lish.ij
present In Euglstiil to Ids Miiniri.s'IXiily
skill In iwi-vlding
nn.l U is not who' h-icd »'>i
therefore iiutvnsensble i.i *up|-,M- that Mr. i-oiri-, '! .in
he bis a.',|ulred tbe siwirtiug in-dii.-t. sp'-'-Plir-H u-i
Juki as tb.- i».Inter. Ibe hunter iiud tbe
' 'I'l'Ht’itii i
terrier etwialnly eiuer Into th.> sidril of ' “
tbe sp..rt f..r w'hieli they have iieen
bred ami to w hl.'li, tb.-ref.'.r
In-rer.'.re, Hi.-y ot
tbeir exlstenee.—
ithm Ptnndiinl.

IVL J. MALONE, Stale Agent

Mr and Mra. D. A.
daughtera. Mra. Jolbn


Mra. R. G. aBrnss are TislUng lo Can­


Long Kimonas,

Mr. and Mra. Crandall of Cleon
wet* vDltlog In town the Ust of tbe

dlttaos and bdng Improved with eew
ooate of paint.
a. 6 Cornell is baring a large ee-

N.'wl ii.Tve Several n w on:hie4 «.n
to Clos-'ont :it ,1 Bl'i.Tll pri',.
F-rst .-.-.Tn.*

cf silkl iii.iUe iiji ill a lv

II.TV.'U.ti. IWtJilil,'urn! staiicnnrr Ei.-'Ot-s
Ail -ir-s froi:'. 2<'p..wer ic-VJ borsepstwer. J.:s: wiiat v,.o want to pump
f.-p-iriitorm/fun yciir chum ami ctin-istone.
;rmd tn-i. eii;
cut K-fi.
feo-!. rnn (irjv
drjilr mws an.l borr saws, .-orn huskers
and threshers. :.nd in fact toy
ujy kin<!
of n;a'-iriiu-ry to which yc
can attach a beh I.ijbt up yopr............ ... .... ,i ItfinH with ftlec'tr





l>I:i. k Salivii ai pri .-s
within the
P'V'li uf

Frank Gardner and family at Travfast

w,‘ iiuvr tin- Genuine


erae City Tbunday and Friday.
Tbo town is booming very

Just Wh,Tt Yoo Saw in ihe Parade on the 4lh of JoJy.

Howu I,. 49c ■ .eh.

nomooa wen guests of bU taimbsr.
J. and family Saturday.

Clurlevolx Comity.
For Second :i7tti f^e nutorial District.
Primary Election Aug. 18.

WoiiM b.' ph'ssol to shew
:o.s.U whctiier vnu
rou t
We IwlieVP J'.n

buy 0

raiiiDt resist buying
yon eome lo see tlietn



wl.rtc. uorlh S2.-VJ .
8i.'i t'.. at .................................


Tr....:*" IMj. afi
ill prie.'F fr.. ji $2.50 al'. al.'iii;


7-> at.............

ai„! b; .'jO. at...............................

llml we l::iv, . t.-r sLowi, li;.-

friends at Traverae City tbe last of
tbe week.

; There are aereral new booaaa going
sip. aereral more are baring large ad-

M />r\

front tilt* ctiiiiufac-f.irers ilie

Most Superb Unc of
Ladies’ L'ndersklrts


City Thursday and Friday.
Mr. an? Urs Charles Turner rUlted


at ........................

Hats and Caps f-<r summer.
I.' .va'Far.;. <»irU'Caps,
worth 2.7. :,I,d .%.•.«.............

We Lu'.v ju*: re.'eU.a

Frankfort Tbursday.
*■ Miss Myrta Gonier was a gnest of


W'lrli; .7.,"


Btepa built on tbeir eburd. wbicb


Ladies’ Shirt Waist Suits,
Men’s Suits, W.,rth S12 -’<0
Young Men’s Suits, w -k,

Men’s Summer Shirts,

adda very much to botta lo^ and coo-


J-7. at.................................

Ladles’ Trilor-madc Suits. ^ gQ


Mra. Sabra Lelfis vWted friends at

Mr. and Mra. George

worth I"'-, at............................

<' w.,.-ih ' ....

Dplitsnfe to Cotislitulionul
Convention Kleeiioti.
Sopi 17. 1H07.

TV ladlea of tbe Congt
^sreb hare jnsi bad a Ane porcb and

Win Andre and family at

Sun Bonnets <(nr Indies nnd
mies' fii. ivortli L‘5c, at.............


at Neaaen City over Sunday.

Underwear < Men's nnd Heys
I'rdWers,. worili S-Tc.'at.........

Jackets )f"r missi-s au-! ei.iMri»:r'li?:!.;tt...............................

friends here, returned homo Sunday.
VI-. oeJia Mills visited ber parents

Baby Hoods,
I,adfes’ Duri( Skirts, whit... 95c
Ld^lcs’ Jackets.
Wi.rili 2-‘ic. ;it...............................

Straw Hats,

Von c;iD do it by havrni: this nowv r.
of tide kind .md haveu't time i-. come in. v,

whi, a I am ceiii-'
:s il:.- l«^o.-fit.

If yuu ntt-il a r

call me up by piioiie
1J.-1I "iionii Xo. J03.

M. J. MALONE, Box No. 136. Traverse Ofy, Mich.
' iffiee. City «>iJf'ra Honse Bk" k. 1
Open Kv-'iy-•SutunUy.


$-7.'A) ar,! •; W, at....................

Boys’ Knee Pan! Suits, wortli J
Ladles’ UnderM'ear-Visis.
worth 20' . at-.............................

Ladles’ Collars,
worth 1.7c. 2<Jc^ 27c. at...........

..... 6c

These biid liundr-dsof other bsra'sin a^aacriat. if not
itrcati'r. .loriiii:mir Sumnn-rl
Sdl-- now in for<-e.

Steinberg Bros.





I take five cents
to tlie grocery
and ask for
^ ^ a package of



YonTl hit the mark

Bom. to Ur. aad Uri. Nonnan NewBBD. July
a E<H‘
Walter AUu came borne last Non- day greatly Improved in bealih. Ills
Moe. Utaa Dora Wiley aecompanled
bim borne. Mrs. Allen an' '
norCDOP aUirted to go to
but Floreono became |li t
Clly and they came back.
Soiae ooe won mean enouith
polaoa Hr. Newnana cattle. T
Dlidu or Ibe atorm two of hie young
atuek did not come up with the rvuit
and be went to see what wan the mat­
ter. He found me dead and the other
t. It

ttmly polacpes
deed hard. In ns good a place
tala work aa thU la there la no ex<
to ateal nnui. lea. to poiaon cnuli.
eapeebUly aa It \mn
good wbatever, and n
sring to the poor
of and) leinue aufferii
•on ia prwty low
dumb brui
a far aa that.
wbeo he l
aiaeerety hope the wiwti
caagbt before mom damage la done.
Peek baa begun to peel bark
limber Oo- on C. W.
for U»e bnidre Uimbt


oom. IT
n lovely pi................
Moii'ague this wx«-k. if her heiilth will bom.
blessing to thetn for twenty yean
tNTmIt. She has be«m here a nn
Tin- tuinllv u!i- .-ilnii.'i ll•■.ln lii.-k-n,
for her health.
Mm. Mamie lake and children with gilef. The funeral was held ln[
... cli.-r-y live Sundav, h'in.iis hlS;.,Ly .vemng.
aftemt-on. Tliv.
drove over to Ovisijl UM Sunday to
NO Imdlv ili.<( he hud lo lie tuKeni
Mnc .Miau-I -<:i..;i
Mi-e luT pinvul., Hr, and Hr*. FTlia church »«* nic ly trlmm-Nl with
lUlifuliluuii- Moiidav.
Iwlih her Rl-I.i, .Mr. WMi
greens and flower., Tlie l>eai
Ml. und Mrs. Will loiphain luM casket wau nearly cov.-rv-l wiib
Auy their oiriy child living. la»l week. era, gifts of Invliig Tn<-ni1*. The lU-r,
Mr. Haskins of BmiiHv preached the
Tliey have IlMilM- symisiihy
symisiih, ot
I funeral s. rir.oii i.. a crowded house.
niiiniiy In their
lir sad lu-reavei..
are all ■•.11188 fine. If iheUhc r»-maln* wcr.- placed In Ho' WnrTin- <
•.iTaushopper. would only leave them I n<T c-niei> ly. 'nir- luirent. f-wl grate- al «>:JO, comlin'id ly- Hi- Rev S 1
Hveiy.ili- |R-liivll.r1 ii.
J ful lo lui! diiclor iiiiil iiuis..* at the H-wilt
Th.'- hoiipers Imve derUiiyed oulle 1 hospital, us ihey think everynhlncwa*
a iitinili^ of t.-au pui.-h.-* and buck-: done that could bo m save the life of
their child, and f<«- the kind and tenVheul II
totind lo th<- city.
! dcr care gleen her Mr. Hlrdnoy and
July 1family wish to Uiimk ib*-ir m Iglihora
{and friend* for the great klh.lDCM Ml*. Aid-liu HIM-.. hiR mother.


'und .yinpathy ahi«»ti Ihem In this
~Wllliam'Meleer nnd dniisbier'Adi.h
their birir of sortriW- Tli-} hiive.'inr
ssent liiiekleb.TTj-InK om
UUiO and got about a baabi l and a
Mra' Jelili Weldaloler. u ludy Tii
half, me day last week.
Vi an- Iild, who liu-1 b«''n ailing for l»"
«. Biooka and eon Hnu went over
months, and In severe p.sln fur the O) Mr.. J 1.. ■Hiid...
to Alqilra. Saturday, oo buNliiiwe.
•••ved of • I. Cluwwjn hue licen working at .coraiilf.-riiig h.- paroling nway «t
Whiter wln-at will
lis-BiL ring for a few tlaye list ws-s-k.
home, Thiirsdav morning Th<- f'lm■ to harveM.
Mm. ROM Barth I. peniiing lodny
and Ml*. A. SI. Smith veero d<R was held in Uio church Saturday nfi
«iih her [sirenta, Mr. Ib-ck nnd wife.
w-.-k will, ilolr iLuiit,
ing besimasi one day last week at
Momii ji Ludliigion
Trawrae City.
RiiU-rt ^on returned home after
sending a uv-iek visilliig hi* |>ai"Sil».
Ill- live* In New York.
frlendH. Hi
................................ place Ir taking a
Mr. and Ml*. r.nii.K-k iiiv visliing. (ilin AtIhi e»-m"-iery
non. He uill aiHiid gsari of the lime
huslmnd, i n Henn
Vlsliiiig frietid- ;ii Rreen Hay Cllyiunl Mr mill Mrs, E. V. Hill.
large i pHK,|
•vera! nl
lu-nna Heaii lm» retomed m
I Mam
l>ari of the timi at hln ulrt home ul
of h-r bo'is-hoMI diiTh-s.
BumluT of frti-od* 10 m-i 11 thrtr los*. I
work 111 th'- Honor pod cifflo-,
famlly^thei -(i„. [j.dpv Aid ws-l.-ty held
To add to the grft-f of H
The mill h;i8 rfiilt «
in—ilng iH-t.ire
full. Tlitituduy
John lawrenee'* mother from Can- son Hi-iiry. who lias I— I III » lo»c!i:„., m—llng
ban has flatelM-l hi.
lino- wiiR liiki-ii to Ann
, nfi« roi-«iii; in- crwim and <-.ike w.-n.
ada Is v Wting her **m and fanill
„ 4„|teh<fiil t-K-iul is-caiiUy
TinC. B. Fife ha. a »d.lor from I
"‘M:dt*r'Beck. w1io has been falling
lally H)-..„;,,v.T| l,y all.
nfl- n
a. vUitiug him.
(ho Ryimmlliy ol all. •
in itealth the tauu four rooptli..
Shenunliuiiei I* wiirking
.igi-d hnsband who r--i
wlih grli'f. Th>' fimolv Hiiiiil
, J I.. Gil.I.N and family enierA. M. Snitih throiigh'haying.
idls. dR.iim-e
*e...k. Mr. and Mr.. Win
Henry Mcfiirdy rv-tume.1 to A. SI.
u mill Carrie Ouiiliek left
Smith's after two day. atleiKliiig the
e lllm-s* o
(5111.1(0 and family aii.l Mr*. 1. K
i:(!il-i. all former m*ld<-fits 'rf 'h'“
show in Tmv. rse I
plare. their |ll•^>.^•lit home Is-ing In
They H|»*ni tbi-ir vacalli
e f'liy.
or four wCN'ka w1ib their parenta :
Mis. iVlU
.- gueuu of
A ball gome wn* played hem today rlly F^day.
Slid Mr*.
CTlnt rilfToiil a
between Uie Maple City and Glen Ar­
bor b(^, which resulted In favor of ti> Trav«
body Is glad to »ee them never-tbeituir. 11 t
Uru. Loekra ao<]
Mrr. Wm. Pugh oT the Ufe S-ivlng City, and Fred S i-rldau ol Chlrii,2o
' rvlUTTiid
tmid Sunday
Sundav from are here visiting heir father,, I.
. F
• liere rIm- ha* 'U-m viBliiiig Sheridan and family, nnd oth.-r n-lu^*Miy'^\in'."’'rrliL’!ind clui-livii weat
Uld tvlativeu 1
Uvea and fri.-i '



sftsrsStWlS.SS'ja:- •

Nolle.- In h.-ivliy
giv.-ii that sealed
wH: j- r
-Iv»n1 l.y \V
md. .Mlib..
.Mlih. at any muo Ih Iotv S:.turdny.
-. .ay. Aiitnsl -lid. lSi"7. ut in oclork
in ihe foivn.«*n for tJ..- on'cilon id t
P.SM- House (or l.u-.'luliun (VMitity
I*- to b en-cfed on
11 of i/e.-lHti. 1 couiiiy
Kiuosin loauslilp In oald nnimy and
built acvKdli

lo aecordaticv »
Act No *7: of


your c.uniy on the aucaxul Tumday In
August. ISOT. a, w-hj*fc ,tme delegaun
mcvH In nuiv.viUoB for ihe purposw
maVloc a ptM-cal revtakn of iha
rAnii-iliii'loii ot the ^le of Sttchlgan
.hall bi- otimlnatRid by all political
In wiinesa wheraof. I have heleonto
*.-1 my hand ihU aneeutb day of
July. A. 1)
o.a* & Jobnaae.
fih.-riff .d tlrsDd Traverse County.

There will be need of in­
secticidesFor Potato Bugsjiothing
has ever been discovered that
is as good as PURE PARIS
GREEN unfortunately fhany
get hold of some of the poor
grades with which the market
■s flooded and results are not
satisfactory as the Potato

eoni|doi.>d within
hid Is omept»-d. me 8U|s-riDH*ioem»
ot Hi- I'lsir and KiilMltig CaminiUiee
ii'cri... ilii- iiglii to rvjwl any and
all bid*. Tlie inmi* and 8|H-clflratk>n»
can b<' lu*|s-r«-il al the office of J. C.
P.-teraon, Sini- Hunk building, Traverue Hly. Michigan; or at the office
of rharh-* H.
Acki-rman, 'Empire.
Michigan: or ut the office of W. C.
N'-lMin. U-land. Michigan.
Ital.-d Is-land. Mich . July 8J»n7.
Cliarl.-R Ii A< k« r

not Only

wastes time

loey but also loses his

We carry none but the
L avanburg's Star Brand of .
Pure Paris Green and store
it in a cool place away from oil and water which often
makes-the very best Green

offle- Irf Ihe c.iinly cl. rk ..f Kalkaska
county. Kulknska. Sllrhlgam fur the
i-ihiti ol a CL«uly jull nnd nhertra
mrdanc with idan.
.md Ri-cifleailim* now .xi ffle in

mu.erisU and *te«kl l-> i.iud• u
lit 1-1 tirtU. :..:d

„ "1


Eltrtlen Nutle*. ,.
To tbe legal of Grand Trav«M
unty. Mkhlguii



.......... .


back was made tbe name day wltboM
dlraculty. .

w«- a''i.‘'»..ddillg «.

r daya.
k a load to
Friday morning
and . retmed
........ . .
wen. home
Jiaseph) Haaa
Maaa lui.'eolil
ha. sold his uniall
THey gu ssbout 2S qoarta of bcrriea.
Si... ..L
gaaollDe launrh to a party at Charles
Flank Naah la back oo the —
Miss Roxy Warner of Travexae City
voli aart-feft Friday with her for that
racte after a Tacatlm of about
la Tisitlng her grandparenU. Mr.
voefea. It aeeai pleaaant to aee
Mr*. N. B- ■
'■'Mrund Mrs. Frank OHd... 1
e who has been there the iNial
Hra. Karate and Mlaa aara Allen
I Card)
IgllRhL. ____ from; the J
F1v<- of the Klni
I.PiCm l.-K-koy I.U.I III- IIUM -IIUI..l.l'i
ropyinc their old I
ren of Weat Kaaaoc spent Btmday
jto l..:<
camping ground on F. ;. Fisher's
' aritb her parraU. Hr. and Mn. Wm.
at the oiiHci of Glen la


Cams Over In Ante.
.J. W. StBMa of HaaWee «U In
tbe city Sunday lo Ua
HoM H.
White Blenmer. The trip o»te and

"" "Hi'-Sr'



fator of Long Lake.
Uary Dorwy of Gleemere Is h.
Mr. and Mr*. Peter NWolllijuviu- and bountiful supper w-rved by tbe ladles
Mr». VIrta I.ake. Mis Rckab WH- for ecveiiU tjaj-a riall with her unc
om- Cbleago last of Ban Paradise and Hudge. alt united
ID. Mrs R. R Bales and Fn>d Wll- Arthur Dorecy and family.
auurday and will ■|<end t
- > make tbe occa«lm IdeaJ.
MU. spent last Tuemday evening and I
H. B. Hariiman. traveling reprew
The Young Peoples' meeting Bunday
Wednemlay out on the plain* after I latlve of the Ely PuWlahlng Cn., u
■nie Rev. Pmatley am
,eri-nlng «as In ebarge of Mias Bdlth
two days last week, made ma
W...I are eatrhlng soon- I
of Traverae Oiy. There
from the rear end of bU aucll
Thotwday. Bari Cray and wife. Will
her.- at the bead of Bk lakr
a very gnoil attendane.- and aa 1
lark and mile. Mr. and Un. Silaa
editing .
Gray and Freddie's folks all drove to
Bird-iM-y I ad family were very
ti-acherN' institute
the-plains. While,returning home they bobetui i It Ihl Ir daugbt^ Myrtle.
Ikiliv I
ua* api.rL-cl.ilrd.
hcrpIUl lu Grand
who was
got cuiighi in Ibe min siorm.
Mr. Maud Sl-ou lK Travern- CSiy.
<oo l« aWe to come
Cheme. aiv rijie In ihl. vicinity Rapid*, wtvuld
Rapiaceonuwuled by
b.w maU-r.
“ i-edav nKimtng ilmt
her vaeailon wKh Blanche Schni
e daughter
^ed by a roeadpgc from tlie
Dd Monday
le parent* loccime
Mynie falling. Hr. Blrdaey
Ikim. to Mr and Mrs, OtlU Pmll- at home, the mother starte.1
Tr.iV. IN. <bly I,.day. thlny-tWY* of e
(tbe father neA
B daughter. scholaiR pUiniie.1 i.
Horn, lo Mr. and Mrs. Amua Siaf- hospllal at mldni.
living but knowing .he must soon go.
ford bf lake Ann. twin boys.
IMlatre. The,l„K ••,. .,ld fn-u.l,.
WMbUT ITaU li.ik In Hie show ul and BO bappv to .--e b*’r moth-T.
TmVP-tTu- City Friday. al«o
CuMe and AllRi Bekali Wilson ami
arrives a,
liKMh'-r Fred.
Mmam. Will und
Fowier n lorents reaclit-d home Ttiur«d.ny
rlgarT. aud candy was pa«o-d;.
of ni-iid*.
KiNU-r, will leiuiu to her home in ing with the remain* of their

S'; S.S3
Jacob N. Wsdlv.

We have handled tbe same
brand for years-and our cus­
tomers always report sure
and good results. In bulk
or in boxes. Prices the very
lowest that good Paris Green
can be sold at

Drug Store

County liullillng cummltW. Cor. Frout & I’Dion St.
i-.Li,*i July
Traverse City, Mi<d>.


Wait for the Greatest of all Sales
Oommonoes Mondsy, Aug:, 5th,

We have received a telegram announcing the fact that Schwartz Bros, have accepted our offer of 53
cents on the doilar for their surplus stock of the most desirable merchandise, to the amount of $9,100.00.
The purchase of this stock at the price will enable us to offer you

The Most Startling Prices
that have ever been offered at any previous sale. To make this the greatest money-saving event, we have
marked down our entire stock of Seasonable Merchandise, regardless of former cost or value, and will place
the entire stock on sale.
Every price quotation rings absolutely true. The sincerity of the reductions must be plain to every one who sees the goods and honestly
Studies the prices. Get the business—that is what we are after. We purpose making this

The Greatest of all Sales
Greater in the character of the offerings, greater in the values, greater in every way. It takes a sale of this kind to demonstrate
bargain giving power which means an energetic organization and almost limitless buying. We further emphasize the now conceded tact tnac our
prices are always lower than elsewhere for the same quality of goods.

The Globe Department Store

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