Grand Traverse Herald, July 06, 1899

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Grand Traverse Herald, July 06, 1899


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


w'\ '(Siri^ttib Str^iiieirs^ Kmtt,

Grand Traverse Herald



Dr. J. A. Snyder, ;■ O. Carver^
DENTIST Real Estate
, j.

«BWH L L L istm. lull ■■ I ■■ Biet


Merdiajit Tailor

AUorM^ M lAW,


Hpriar SlylcS of Woolcoi now
00 »lo. which will hr mode up
lo Um Loiml Mlflro. ood kt
each Low ITIomMwill aorpriae


at 215 Front Street.



’ '
We fill tbein
B>1kr.ywlulro<}.^».l ibra .11. .1,.




j| Haifing conuacteii with a Bos-



200,000 Pounds of Wool

nr aaywkere
A B. XtXAXa.



*rk ' T


lk-uk.Si rolorro-f prrelktrd
Thr MoUan“r. a^U
•At poo-,
- rar,-.r,br lo^-llrat mVof old-, pU^n Ur world, and U.
flow to
“ Koruo'.-Jukl; what I a
lllllr rillirr.
, ".’f- a few uiilr* trum Am<
•nrll.jou rd I
ir». I Ihiot:'
' Aai
to br ,laurb..l out' It
beeu tkmma. nobody eaa Ull
lonp. for lU cicanlinrm; aad toi
iUed-. th..p..l thlor. Nr.
■f“”l if'•ADj'wayTThrj'rr w3 pretty, Hr
Uatbdi lorUe Idacaal atyleot
bou». and yard, and rardsaa aad
'll'* '“7 *"** •’"‘•“r'
ba.r Ur moni; Rvrr«-U. The prupir, Iboarh ooiy pea*J’** -111 Tb^'re-on.y V
al My rate »h >« her that I. "ri'?.;!
bad bn
aatk..arr all rich.aud alllrw] a pMe M
Sue' Twrau dulla.t
' tbrir town; it aseow lo br -Ur rrsaa
------------- rood day loro.:-.aid tbrl»o lufir art of old blur .luff, wl
bo.lbrw uf Urir Hrm to keep Uelr

a. 1 Hu.1 kllhr dw,irur».|. ti ik. •!•...






aotaaiiclpatioo uf bufirtioi.
royare U> remrmker very diktiu
— e DBBerDUA parliDg wordtabowi
him by 1 ir mrmWrk of the • aea
..y”U wbicb hr belocyrd. aad i
wared Uec:ub color, uolil Ur r
Uip had .watir far out iuto

"1 an.? put on ui. oav


I that hr aa. loukinr ai

tree., or lull|e
wbieb make o


-I of ^lurrd
notipf Ihr pood hi
()aoer. aod -ntpim
new* wbrnrrrr
-«!ly flor for llrlio. hr K|„.'a,DU ih« " thi.uyl.i Mae.
, i.,r M..I. Ibr oraml
brholdr'. repardi
“* n“* ‘7'r
"‘‘.•u Urherwlf bad
I which hi.
•ury au4>c
retimed u.hare
•e betwrr

..................... ..
ioUc*d nr nlwayabarinp
Idne dre**r* nnd
jc Chinn or any
wanted it. Why

TraTaraa City,

Taint Cit| ScbNl of luic]



HI OecMc 11 Faiv (I (k BKtrIc Icul

r B- ooob:, -


When you want'

The wrII-kaowB

A RAZOR and STROP that, will
make abariog a pleasure, or


ASHEAReasy.Ucul with, eomr
<0 uud buy-one ot the "EUCTBIC"
Umod. They uir Ur Curkt rood.




Carpet Cleaning Works





ful Ihoupbt ki.pprd lulu her
And before be knew what hiop br bad
loll ot Ur _.etuhl,:'and
Urlru'. adiuiraliuo.
adiuiraliun. and when, dvr ' p,
minulr* later, br wa. b.-inp hilo.lled injr^,"an*V,'7;d iMprr* uVnarkh^iuT
U the wailinp hanaom By hi. friend br | her own. and bow
bad in bb po**eaa.iDD Ur prii
ebltiop eai-d. with the iPKn
Ur back:
ert Edwa'd'e
br.1 witbraforlbr : t!!.yujo»'’apamrV'h?r Vwa woip'c^l^
lernf V
'rll. m..
had beard Ulno^ld
). anil maybe br oiao'l bed ii
I wb cb kbr or.rrbad
iflcorerlbr prince'* foyal tu 'jr
but they were f.irpot
1 b*d an tueb pm* ..u. pa**.il>e
■r. and .hr ..ul. Ibcupht of b .
and >dr*nup.. ann Ibr


anyUinp rite that !* pay ard '
por^uaand gneer; and Ue root*ark
1 w
with tiles raralahed till they
abler like L...................
Errry day the atonra In Ua yard are '
waahrdaad polubed. and allppam'ara
at Ur door ms that any oae foisp la.
ilmaperor dweller Uam msat take
sR hit boou or aboe* before utttap
loot in Ue bouM InildeererrUlap la
u clean at conaiaol mmibblap aad
rin.inp aad palnilop and raraiablnp
and ruubinp and poliabinp can mak* K.
Tbe Boom, of black .and yellow uiarbla
lalaic, are kept .liperry naplaaa fram
ao mneb fncUon. all Ua wood-work
plialroa. and rreryUlsp that i* made
of mrtal iadaulkapat buraltbad Warn.
■lop In all Ue world lUts
I Inrre pardaa* belwena tba
rrrarr trimly laid ont bed*
nitw Bowen aa ialCya aad
nyacinU* Ad Ur rarmtof belha; aad
in kreplnp
erylhiiap rlar

. the world, bat tuy nt ho.
nod onint and raraiah aad aernb aid
pirr lh»i n r*l d.R;umriil t-.a yir'. 'i Huttupnrr time rrmor»elra»lrca
krrp ciran
Hut Ury UUl erm-vUidy
^^o wanted ttmr to fai,
well wbo poet Urn. aad errlaUly if
>ipy alway. brro lo are Uc conn- frowled Ur rur^loo.our -'Veu ouithtj
UrrelaoBe gueerliUlr rilUpetbatIa
“ *“ **''■ io*lu- mylai,cir.. andSuewa*obb
aof Ue old world.
lyet it ri
rialtiap than any Other. It
Of bniineaa in a preciical kente Jack
bnp. It will be." enitrhatiemily
knew n.ilhiepi br bad bad Ibr reyula- replied Jack
r.,n t.mi.
ipprr wae ready, walled and
] kcboot and collcrr iraininr. he
. and no l.u.Und lamc
popular iu • Wirt'. wbifb fact wa*
BigKMi Oraiiertne in Ue World
Harry and Willir a'.r a little, dropped
.»U-d by bi* c iBtiuurd pieaideocy of
-'Pnsre of Walr* Akw-mbly." a vilwri M.Urr. Ue owoe^f ibr fa- onUrlonapr and went u alerp. and Hulr. la Ur Aupnat AUaatIc. L
nxiooa. went
bip praprrinr of y;r^iontrcilr.
e Offraoirttioa driited tolrly for mon*bi
.liphud by man. mnal bare baaa a
t to thcfr.iol p*lr, an- looked down
ukcmcpi. and lo which *11 tbryouoff
r-*al dallpbt- to Ood; for Ury were
r ihirkenliip Ur beat He erer plaaud. Tb* wbala
down Ibr
abwsl oi , Nolaaipn.
Rdiif’ fur luncheon •oosdrd Saoln'Bartinra. at
. a parden. aad It term-d
of bim
.lack dlicorrrrd Uat rrre the norrllv brtl kiffUU, ah.1 i.
to br farorad fraCB uebepianiapabora
i!ii-,4dddrn!y, «br mw lipbU fl»»b.
of a Aral royayr bad not the puwrrui
all Ur ____ wild parka aed pardeai
crptlon of a hip emr a few nillra Iwlow beh’d c-.ntuw-d alrpr. bubryinf loand of Ua
dcetioy a eery rifer. u. appetite.
ibr r-iund
round of eoiee* in apceou

Seated next lo him wa. a blnff. but Mootrcilo, tbe larprut »ipr in Uc fro. and Ibr
of frar anddl.irnr
food nalured EnrUkbmao. who order
loSnile lorlnp delibemtioa
B— .. .
"I wonder what bae happroed
ItatopcoTrr* arrr* and iu trunk!.
rd Uc m. *t .urpri.iny di*br*of fowl
Ur Hpht. aabmarp. lifted leu
aad cablaec.
much ti Uc aecrrt alDoal at larpr arosud a. a man'a at Markbam rr ' abe rxclalmed
______ ______
1 orer and orer apaU-,
amiuemcot of J*ck aud the cr.dcat body. Ibr fruit i. picked yearly, not own bran brpao lo brat guickly wiU amaard and cramplad leu foUt aad
dltyuai of tbe lady '-ppoeite. wbrne by the boa, but by Ur Ion. and It ia a nadrAnrd apprcbrnaluo, wum ahe
laUltM aad hllla. aahaoUad
a mno rundown Anrnbam'a atrpe and
pair face *arucd her cumpasioo* that rrcal cuilotiiy.
jwtu*he*iinp eoiee flic I
A c.iribu. Irpcnd altacbra u thi.
her place aould mnebofltie
end pronod and tealplur
bbr aaw.kouo. that it waa oi
rinc and *n older rinr, frt.m which the
Ury and
d aoil
toil Wiu
wlU placlert
plaelen aad rieara ily oirb'.ihe .faipwee piu-hlppand prearni vine it an off.booi Aecordinp mrn from tbe abop where her
errry fealarr prowlap aad ohaaplap
v&iac Hhc a onulirJl in a miUmce A to tbit ttory Ibr old emr-wa. planted
frem beauty u baanty. hipbar aad
the mailer, Mr llippir.*'"
•ycloueihat bad been Urrateoinp to
bipbrr. Aad In Ue toUneas of tiiae it
.ulke Ue n»*t had folfi.Ird Ue prum
wna pleated ia prorrt aad brIlA. aad
she. Markham-k h.rra.-run aa.y and Urrw the larprek moatrartrd. meat tmllfel,
i»of Ur wraUrr bureas. and din.up iKiopa Maria K. : r
ealrion. mu.ic ruuin and deck were dr- wa. about to make thr trip on bnrkr ^ him—br waau i la at >pditioo to dritr. aed tn-wi Lrosf. atabaraal. oanlHap
back fr..m ler- Aopr n lo Saou liar- i you ter—a—litllr-wril. a—aomrwbnt formf. wiU bcaatllnl tram, ia Ua
bam. and upon her irarinp brr 1-vcr. I minfcated. in fart. and. yon ter. Mr. world
• rrj.yrd Ur
UrIpbC Mae made Ha border
IionCarlo. Maria Ik miopurr hr I **ovria tried lo a.r.p Ur borne, aad wa* wlU ware easbroidery nod ioebart*:
Uoapb piiyiny ibr .
r lo brr a cut
iltlop frr.m a pmpcTinr ' a —'rll. a iiii'.r—"
aatic ■
mnpoitiernt deawrla were oatapread IB
'i ■ I-Uenrr bnet- a.ked Sgr, abrept- Ue midd'r of ;t. moaay taodraa oa Ua
w- UM-d at a ri
d not hi
Marlaatnrk iato I ’v breakinp inbi Mr. Illypini'. incuber- norU. wraonaa on Ibr aonU, aad
lit cuttil
bimMlf a. I -at br ei^d. be
made faia way
. o'ci.-ck to tbe
, about
.bout <blonmlop pmiriea aad plalm: wblla
It 11.or
amokiop room, iru.linp and taoplep
lakmaad Hrpmabone Uresapb all Ua
a Karba
that bl. -cabbapr" fricud iiB* a* pouii
....................... ..
op-nlap* aUkr. aad
Ijnrrd. bat wr don I tbiak Mr. Morrw
aailor a. he lo. bed u br. /
SOT b'.rU and braata parr___
-wain» Thryare briopior biro borne now.
Tbe older
TrueU bi* owe e*tim^on of himmatlop.
EtcrywH^re. erervtrbare'
ell, Uc EopUthmao waiJc .mfurmtily and lakr to
-r all tbe blrSesd eoaUecaL Ueta
Sere il
ii altm.-ted
altm.-ted -prormi attention. 1
Ckconeod in one of Ur pmt leather where
t beauty, aed melody, aad bladly,
danpb’. r, -bio. i. to br cui. : *1' he- preaeocr of mind, t . ret ib.npt
cnalr.. placidly coj -yiap a pitw. .icHr The
oleeomc. toodfal abesdanu.
.11 lic'd bu birr goartrr. in thr rm,m. I'» read.nea* by the lime Ueary waa
nodHlnrbed by Ur rullinpai-d p.tob..........................Urbara Chamnrr of Com i monphl in
Tb* Power OI Moi
"How now. my yonap friend •' hr *»- merer Tbe ..or i. lo br cut. Brat, be-1 .*od bmerty .hr kept 1
aad ^ Wblla 4^^^ BT J. ISarto ^ Hrbim. (ale^^-i*rd
claimed, in inwardi) dubbed mntr I'a armra r on Mr - M.lirr . i *• *h' U*e
’■biafai roiee." "llun't faepin lo feci a pronndk krrpa tbe pmond* fore.rr ; b-c'diop.^aifl opr.n tbe h
All farrlbllleramt
Jlturami waapoar sow, aad
Tract, went too Bear loa Uala2
lIMic.gniffy.cb?^ la. Che .up d bvidr b:s. il teem-d to !Uon
la a DMpbbor'a yard. It waacalird
' 1 feel l.aca lop.
.brr aa if al Ibr BoeUlnp* leibc
[a pet lion, out wa. mo wl 1 aad r______
remark that yon b
, w'rrrwcrtb
rprU aoUiap betide bim
Itnatso llrlap Uinp
by Ue atorm. It mi
— aafs wlUia.
football pane." paaped Jack.
*J«‘llIrkham-‘’."' *
■Hettcr .It down Before yo
broken n
.lory cm Edward , iBOerd
iro bi. draokro tolly baa and
• Yon *
kaowt it
kind Of n
irarly.'bBt not gnltc. Kor RearT.-abie lodelrerUrcblld. The ACrlma
•r two or tbree day*' llloaa*. brpan New.■ irll.'beauryef blatacap*.w|Aah
aek waa tealed
a'r CqI W>;|.>m W CiB|
Clapp, forju, ncjeer-aad inaweek _______ ___
Il rgaaJ y da* U Ua Hoa'a lorn fer
-cnckrl la tbe oelT pamr for mea lo
the da’inpuahed rdiUr
f.Ur of the ,
m,u,b*d orer bim wiu Biuaic aad a yoeap womaa'a pruaaaa
Hr aad Mi
ulof miad.
Hi* poreraea, aaalap Ua
^--^ow, Ula wa. too meeb for Jack, j
be perl! of Ur ebiid. ma npaialm —«-td
bia Americu lore for all Uiop*
npb inry qiarrelcd furioutly about. „oe.wunJrd.
aa nermrdiaa nad batuord to a wfadawmblic garation. arerg tl ,
wfaleb loobad ont apoa Ua Ik
Bporu and aUlrlim waxed tot
Henry haadrn
wiU a ahOBl to arraat lu atu______ ____
Inrlona nalil Ue dinerr poop
: SprXn*^” a*ub;rat'^atT.;: I
broopbt It U a dime.
etafi^fcT catUr wa* naderdiacii. {
-Hr Ur way.
r, Snr. I pacaa
yon oyipht
But Uc Enplwbmaa. mneb lo 'aek'a aiou. Hr AUintoa railed one day at
that art of bine oarna. after cbBtB UwBrd ita fair ebar^r aad
UrprUe. U.leaO of reeroUep the em
"Taler Uit aad pe toAnrurn't aad atocsd .ls rapt attaatioB.
Tba hoe. ia
phatic method of ape cb employrd by
Ua maaaUme. pu npaad ma lahM
Uc yoanp oollepiaa. -a. apparcstly
UHUikia Ur arwa^bem abooiea-l SnrUaakrd
him wlU a baarty kim,
dmwn more eloaely lo bus, for it Uer - tlltrr?
...------- ’Tht^iUrnai'-"
What U
- oae Ulsp dear u a Hritoa'a bean II who bad ai.drw . rxperimrort him- aad br rolled ber eloaa doam to bl*
dtaderarroaewaa; Uaa. gaHsoak
aport. aad Jack'* ail-apoasd and tell at hit
plaer la Cobarml.
• I arta <boe
oroerh knowledpc had due more lo hadapaod arpes-bkewa
a of prc>arr I ter wbat a irae
HlUr w
•a him a place in Ibr pood praem of
Mr. AU,a
IT nl do moo
bu fellow imrrlrr Uas all Uc letter*
t. aad weal
ofiBirodseUoBUat becoeJd bare car
ior. HUalcy of Eaataa amebaa
r.apuat be wi nid look
•t». yon
Tliat Dipbt Ur macbiarey brake Ctepp. in lellinpt
tb* I
HcElaley-a baaftataa abjak
•wlUlB -10,e„,d~<
-oowd-d Awc.aUoa
lobCT beM'aei
owe aad for twelre day. Ury loaned daya I read of Ai
prMltjiap bia prowiw Mm u pw
addrraaiap mat_tjcA4wpc
I ite -troiMU of tbe sea. namwiala aa farmer*' liutitatm aa ratHape
ra aad lariap derwa law*
of hla *i
oat It tor farmam u C How.'-



The o rcl.bmg bri.-h i. the ini,.1.%.rkl .'f ...
m.ich ibukvind'. of « men air kr.<.iue c. < il

12'nS! "-str,,"’irt. -„u.

SarreyorABd Civil Easlneer

uppoM. hreonid pet there

beanb rapt, tuen at preen bofam.amcIrt bear*, blue trees aad Ua HkaTbr honMW are painud la ibe brlpbte.t i-aick*, ju.t a. thr owner fandeai ia


A KNIFE that will keep ao pd«rr.

IToney to Loss

oicr of
I di.eppoioted if yoa don’t .rr Ur
liaer of IVaIr* II wwolrl hardly errm
riebtfo Ur prraidrnlof tbr-IViocr uf
W^m arrlbr rcyul gooi
club wa. l amed "
-Tt U all Tcry well U tell a fellow u
r Ur l-riBcr of Wairr.butak I donut
epect to be presruird at court, aud
»y Bod my .bort rrrn more r»rneirr than ! bar- plaBued.-l cao't
laclly tee huw I'm goior to taubsus
lU royally, rr. i, lu pirate llrlro. '
Uourhl Jack a. be wrot i» Ue buld to
err If bia bicycle wa. all riebt
Jack Hartford bad orru Irll
It ao orpbao at la. a itb tbs^nsprci nl-a(..i
rr- Hii
llitlr pulnmuay had but llir wr.-k be
fure brrp handed urer to bit krrpiur
abd Ibr tlr.i um-lo wh cb br had out
e eurptu.





oraddrw J. l.,IUUaa,Mtt. S^L

yard, and


' ™ narta''are a?lo Jed'^n the atreala
and aocatlir. Tbuurh Uc ralMUff u(
irio. pi':ea.
. tlAuk and maklur luitter aad ehrme ie
I ibair oecupaliop.e.trearrr woolduc.*
• elllur iulu
irrimarlBc that urrr werr aoy cattle
" thinp. aad tbeuyou bimt u. ooUand- ..jj:
■ ,noi roibC b- throw I lo the rr(iou. unlfea be west U Ur
:lar« rood moory for e , Orsntilul rrern meadow, back ot U
|buuke.,or"and .Ia.-k pasted brlorr a
-.indeed l■w..lV I -i nrrrr aeu Mm
' 1 wiTieh' R. Y“„T:
•<«'b"Flhib(f ara.i." .aid sue, dakb.ur
Irriol animal, lo alep ou
■d .toil fdiffrrr;«
•,.u.-u -ai» bad^^^pmr^ Aod all
day ahr
.hr had
plo^or her
her- «> kcrupuloealy clraa
all day
breu piraaior
.a hr ton
abb ritioo. uf bow pretty bri walk anywhere In w'
Ilia allpi
c Enpli.bmaD'. ruddy .-opBir t, w.-ord' look drrmed in Ur Uik.
icchlaachrd v. a drf, rroti.l white dr',c. f o’d blu.-ct
t. U.t hr bad »rn the ' real
K^um sir’, lack

I'rum Ur mldtl of ' UrlDg mr bw
Itof blarney .lonr.- and -Iljo-t
w chip a piece of wi^ from

Telephone 130

Ooiid Relialilp ArpoU for tbr
DoitMl Statea Beofrolpol Socipt)-.
The laofevL atronf^eat ami moal
reliable cooplby in tba
b. worid^
I want a K<wd man U> work Boi' ^
Liberal cu^ ]■
-pire , and riciDitjr.
'tymiaaion to the rii;iit Den. * all on 1


'■"hilr'i Ibr prruirkl.-’aurdlly rr- Ur rmhoekmeal Uuold ^ee way —

i. '■ ‘••i’’''"dare In .
tier i.f
.,f 'ttVrt^1
»r Ue Prince

TbrOnirlakl Draf Ha^






Helra'e Orders
e^y dhek Hartford miled for

I wiirpay tbe foil market price. I will sin- one cent a pound i
tbau Any outside iravtiliui: man can pay yon I'anli uia I’leiuk*
for your own benefit 1 moat have the Wool



in rirblrrupckcr in order 'prrm

UV have lliem for t.'inueratiin', fm <lnir}' tiw-. for alt-r.

tlixiiiK purpuaca, and for tlienuomeldlii



I- "i.ood rraciont.” rarprd Jack.

Oofe Ikwiiiiir aocuBlotLetl l.i tlii-ii iiw anti jnii Ar.

wjtbuut one.


ii;s..'r.?,:r.xK7.s Xxt',


Travorae City. Mich,




.1 l.ler
Vko ftir tom tk

riKlit, vilb ilruiM that are riiirUt. at prii-<-e that are rii;bt

tjnoW tKi^?


.. .im ...» «r Ik.

TELL weather TALES.
Brine PremriptioBB and Family li.-.'itiHH to ns.



I■-s.-i “i”-r

rrreolrd to fait bisff bai >
.u.<krr.ew~.»A., i‘«»'''“P“‘00-by hr
cop. "dool you lood, ' oad NcUrrloodo. "low oobo^{of 'iAwkAi ^'■“•1‘iavwr kholl horr^^ fall ulea,-or -low loodA - TkouiaiMlO

Money to Loan on Improved Real Estate Only.


rr^tir, si'rsr-irs.i'i.'sr!!^

Ik. w UrM«4 r.>t.*rf ikr»r*;mM


Plata Olaas, Staam Boilar and Accident Inauranea

lolino<m nUM-k. I'buae 7-1

haliercd rP*T8l«e Chioa..
Tho Qaooraat TUlaae lo itaWerM-'
- -Come i,. rhildraa. papah eoiilar.
IX do I M,d .upper U reodj.- colled oat Mto , —
Morrm urolor fmm Uie bach door of looaatrj U«laod le; thol ItioWm
—- cottacr. u> baop a trmh towel Ioa adioaar r'"
-Sr rock.
low Ur Irrrl




Business Cards.


Wkupew ireOIC Okev.lbr OMiyiAAi




I that hr ihr Uo
faoood waa 6>aJI
I to ot pole, hot ta
Ichorprd, Jack ao
[breomefreav frici
;icfupre Abowlai
;aad deieriDlaed «



ha Mama'of Ola aiorr-loiw.

Washing Powder
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M au^klaat. TkU rWlrl I. a wl» aJ »wpaaaa aaA «rr) ta a.



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Hr : 6rand Traverse Herald

i bt riod (a haar at bla 1




Bar. J.
plaaa oa Tbaradajr araalaf•>• HIM *M«» VI.M,
Tbe aaa^ will
itow him OIUM Md HIM Knt.
boMa aad will ba
MhehM. »ukM*d tU flU K.^ yUdi,
flad to wtlecMi Ltolr faiaeda.
fcmtMMM HiplMca aad OUHI»- Wood
Waed la aall kaoaa la tkto «19 aa a
H(M. n<9 mUI •*¥<*• tUi WMk mmI r^Uraa
mUIM OM. h«U U« mmMm ef» CR7U
haaiMM —*^-j- vkkh wUI la UMt yBv«ii
wall kaowD la Haaloe.
pMMaaaat raHdaa.
At tba Oou Uaksaireaddaal
Tba boto ban all baaa rh
lhaMV«fr»AIW*^ >'
a at tW aadlatba t
bndaotUa aeaoel to t*a Daafaad nnt. Traranr: aaeii.t
^ tad..aadHlM
OUaUaadHta KmiI an taaeban 1
eicbtb. U>aeTnr:BlDtb.
Tbe dab baa baae piwi lad with
elab ball aa a coeUaaal li> vb} aad the
itaa t«a>naioa of
it will taka olaea oa tba K -rU.
wlaaarle tba baadiaap v..
-aaMa eognred 00 a allm i<
bait aad ratalB poaaanlen •

Bamsar KlodarBartaa
HiMJrMla Miloball. tbr aaw kinder,
Wbao Iba aowlp waddad eoapla da' ranaa loaebar aafaod bp l‘«)l. C.
to tba UaaiacM eoUafe.
partad troM Haatea tbap wpn follow
^ bp Iba alBoan«ood wbbMot a laip, rirad la tba dtp Prldap afleroooa
(lOaUraad Baplda aad itarwk Work
Hoadap. althoopb tba acbool did aot
eoMMaeca aalll Wcdas-lap.
I. bat tba naalt <
HIteball la aa
raluablr s<iuWtiaB to
laaat. Uatotaaaial; oaa of tbe k>^
Iba BaalaMa eollara.
aalaaf rUe lodpad la oaa of Ibr

TbaUood TaspUra bald aa aaf?aribafTOOM aad aaaaad bis « .,wdabla aad latomtlBC acMinn laat oea.
iof la Hoetaraa Ball. Aliar a mul

a tba dlaafraaabU obatada 1‘
ww a daltou opataUoa aad Ht.
'OaaphM waa plaaad aadar iba iafla
- a Ibarleaws

.B, wara aarrad bp the |

baiar iworad. wbleb waa aot a plaaa

Suffered 20 Years.

ToTaaBonae Hrauc—Wa
to poar carafal coaddaraHo. _____
taw bare flraa aaBdaat
tba paat. Mba oSatad Maap caod aapfMtlcaa. wbleb wlU doabUaM bear
trail la Iba fatara.
Tharaponaof tba dlSvaat efl
ebowed tba road work of Iba dab
lof tba peat peer, aad wara Ualaat
with aloaa attaei
Tba report of tba raeordlar
tarp. Hha Uanneda bprao*-ora aa
able raaosa of tba work of tka paat
pear aad waa fell of pood hiala to faaa lollowa:


Iba departmaau of tba pom.

The Uwa of meat atolra dadaro
tact tea boara. at the Moal. ahall ba a
lapal dap*! work, aad tba coBBOB law
at pebbe odaloa bolda utbb riew.
0U1I tba ralaU derka of tbia dtp ar
raqelnd to work froB 11 to II boai
par dap. Tbia allowa tbes aotlsa f<
airsian racroatloa or oatdoor
dae. orta '
maap raaM the
p aa tlBC that
tbepcaaoali ti
labaa from tba
paaaad ia alerp.
To iCBedp ibli aril wa take tba libTboepbUapaar opeaod wlU brlpbi
mm U. HAST ICWI5, -Ue of a pruBianp of addrcMlop to r< a tbia letter
iTl eral farmer, mod wrlj tuomo bp mil
Itbtbabapiep poblle to whom we
larospb tbe luktotaac of c
• oM r»dd. DU armr BcImooL S. V..
work aad whom we are reqa^rrd tc
deat. Mra CkwbclV la bdop
wnim:'-Far l•rbtr•M-rra reat> I bod I
e Mlimdpdi
if bar boa- pleaae.^ ^a aaarlr all eaari the proprl.
_____________ iiejoumrad of bar
9 paid tom oumo of louorr lor dee.
t of tba pear- to allow ibeir euplopn aoUable ti^
aoretUMI reaedlr* uHbout brew
totbcBaelrm it the coitoaera will
rr« poora mro lop cuoditioe vmo
o'wladM. which perh^ the sasbera wiMBt to do Ueir purehaaiap la dap- mlarmiot: tba trmn sour would .lortle oed
aloaa koow. bat tba prar cloaca with­
If poB will eodearor to d-tpoar kboaout cap prral diecradlt to Urs tboacb
there are ao brilllaat achleraoiaDla to pli« la daplipbt aad eipreM pooraell
I. llwcosao.oalrr.li________________
'orot-earip cl- Pier-'’of ibeatorM.
. will be BO doobt of tbe aacene of K.rrioeosdKrmmodLmrl'lIlo. Altm
a Ckirbeu prsldcd at aelp two
tbemediciseatriDrdtoboraipo rpret. but
■^attempt lo aeeure aboriar boon of
lapa- Mra. D. B. Carter, let rtoe
mrieruaiiicmrrwUiu.i>l taermo 1.1 B>niet
_____ leal, preaided at the three followoebaaer: I mud U lur 01 oicbi. nr 01
Aad la esebaope for TOor BMiataoer uu breaw to labrore mud I ropuj^ t
lac saetlan aad waa tbae callad to
-p proBiaa ai'oBpl. eoorteoai and ao brlu-r.BOiil O..U 1 mm at arorip rw
theboMcor ber aped panau where
tt brorip rwoiorod
her I_______________
mother bad set with a palorol ae -pepr.atneuip-topleaae''aereioe. while to Ucmllb mooi.c oltiipaccmopripcci
oadPT tbe preapot loop bourn tbe limit blmlrr.lilloo'N,
rideolaod whereabe
or boBaa ceduraucp la utaap tlmea
U1 a few ■
paat aad it it Impaagtle 10 plea you
Soera the daUM o( the chair derolrcd ibPaerTlepweonpblaaddeaire to do.
jpoa tbe tad rice praddral. Mro HorTap ItiCTall. Cl.KKWI.I'of 1
userii. Uataa. wbo hule Iboapbl
aeeeptiap ao rCBOle an boaor that ■
RaaoluUona^ Board 01
would be called to 811 tbe reapooeible
poai^nl tbe clob'ac^let eaaealire.
DU. UlUb HUU1UU.(XI. UkBoTb iiuL
beldSiapear, Hra. Oatea Uaa praaldrd
lotabdeal llrawo le riew of bla mlpml 1: aad la ber abaeaee. Jooe Vt Mr*
aatiod, vubmitt«d tbe followiap:
P. J. Cartia. tbe correapowdlap w
At Poatiac. Tillie Went, tbe IA pm
waa called apoB to pmide.
Baaolred, Taat the Hiard of GdaeaUoo of Trareiae City
lid ala
• ■ •
.p reeurd their deep oldpirl.who waaaolarriblp burned bp
ride foralailar ei
npratioa------------iptiap-tbe raaipaatiOB ol a naoMna employ. diad Tburmday
tbe auperic
to the eorpa of el
' It of acboola, Frol.
T. 'Irawa.
t klh, Urm. Oorbetl aeat la
Baaoirnl. That we taader
ider to Prof Battle Creek waa kicked bp a borue thr
tu tba cUb. bat tbe Urawo our aiacere tbaaka
• f nH- _
bla flf- other dap ao oeeerelp that bio ripbl lep
ladlM, dimILkiaP to break the lie which teen pear* of uirfailioe deroUoo u.
between the bon and aakle w^
boaad heraodoarlp to tbe clnb life acboola of Ttareite C,lp. aad the e
hroken la twenty placao.
aod luiatarecu.
dedlard to accept -It. of rdaeal'OD ia tbia poriioa of
itarecu, d--------------------------alata. lieder bla win directioa our' 4Me frail prowpr In Berrien eouaip


' Br"

lajoredwhllala to
,le.orlo wbOMUia elate ta
wlberwtaa ladeMad. ban baea nfMnd
to Attorarp Oaaaml Ona bp to Boord
ef Hute Aaditoa
IdaRahB.tobriphlcat of to
who ban
to Ceieenllp of Hletatoa aadinl dapanaaaataadwbo. alaee bar pradaa
tioa la i*u6 ha* been pnelieiap bar
aad actiap a*
CbiaaBaderCbariotte Howe,
teadto iatematioea
Loodoa aa a dalepatc from
Ao lafurtaled boll owned Rattle
Creek Wadacodap anamooo. Hedrcee

oil waaatUl at larpe.
Rickard FloTd Nieboll. a farmer Marqueueeooatp mioer. waoarrrmird Mar
tborp. Sootb-Africa. aa
plaaed lo Jail In IVeloria oo a eba^r
ol biph treaton armloel the Traaaraal
poreramnl. .. NIeboll U mseklap to
Ublith bia Amerleae ell r-ombip

naaaaat ftodoa
na-WUbals Brea, aad tbair
plopM aa)orad a dalicbtfal aarlp a
1^ ilda rrtdap. arWap at 4:M

Un. Adfl U.Bm.
Chariotte SL. Luicuter, Fb.. Md)
tsnd terribly 6«b fenale diicrdas. Her nems beem «aAtfiat. Bbe «wl8Kd iat« p«ii».
tbe alipbtctt labor weuied ber sad
Freqaeot fiuntiiig aad diny gwiia
would COM OpOB ber BDd <flh*
would &11 prostot* Iq • sweoa.
After trying several pbjsidarw
witboDt aucceas ills. Herr b^as
taking Dr. WiUiam*' Pink Fills
for Pale People. Sbe stps:
-■ The pnis brought itnnediste
MX boxes
'tlUans’ Pink
PilU ibr Pale People bad done
what all previoQS treatment bsl
failed to do."—/-ri?M Ur £xsminer. l^nnsUr.


At Cbarloue to N moethm -old ...
of JaoM* Panifa accideatailp pot bold
ef aenpo’1‘arim prrea aad drank •
porliooofto Boloob before be wa.

Bio reeeeery in doobiful

Hra Wh l-non lloollltir
borp, bnupbt a met of faioe teeth in
Oa TWmdmr
wbilp pmrtabiop of i.e oremoi. mbe
brr mruth lillid
aoiubrr of bmr^ aufaoUncem. wbleb
.h'.-h hmdbr7>mr lueoeard from Ibr
pimtr Ibmupb tbe
Imtier had a'uarbrd («'n,
Tbeoutai oripioally^c
(IS. but U DOW woriblm
leorpa WIrd aad ber IS v.
old daupbtrr. Tillir ol |•oogB: .
wereeodearorlaplokilla lot of »
bup. in a meceed mlory room.

Pimk P,ll.f«T*taPrupl*
I form,, all tbr rir-


ill.M. Viiu'Jaii.v. triuna. or,
•nrrr.| of
CIII-. liHn.UUoa of the
hnui. lal.-iad mlW rumpiriKiH. *ad all
furmiul •.ako.w rilbrr is malr uc fnaohr.

XioFbL XtlsLato,
^ U.C L lo 33.130 TfA ,

Aaotbar Maw L.o<lo
t W.rd a elemolp olrpaed on
gaaae Clrde^b'e.
a Ion] braacb
tteh. aod an rxplooioo molted
of iba Bopal <>c]a. waa orfaaiird 4a
IxuldiBp wa* ibrowo out o' thr
O a Kdlowa' ball, la tbia dtp. Wedeaw
window arid tbr Luum- oared fro.o lire
dap areatop. Juea saib. Tbk ordat la II Horpae. Mra. LadI belap loo tick
b'ao.laaiaarepaied tbirtp-one crataa -of
hut both Hn tV.rd mad ber dx.plrter
aad a half
tree, or fltic^ mad
urattead aad tbe followinp soatb
Ittoat. Tbeouaber of puplla from
were both bmdlp burned
dab with deep aorrow aad re
aeutoj.utit Uur bipb eebool tram tu
bait bi
mrepeloambe to tell wfaelber or
ihoaMfiil Uiaa atrleUp blO >nda
4sb wae repreaealad at tbe
inr lilUepirt will lire,
order, aad adslta both aaiaa to aws
lerallon held lo' HaaUta; la B0et|Blpped wllb librartee. laboraiari-«.
tloe of the Imrpemt Mb erar eopturrd
od Hr. aad Hra. B. Wllbala <s Wn
I Huakrpoa rirer wa* epearrd by
Kaeelaad and Hra Batae.
teaebool bulldiapa aad e,|alpmaBU About tooacramare belap crown there
■Vblbalnot. bob owl
pw Bare Jotaad tba local braacb. aad oMcr
Two recepiioBa bare baaa I
Prank Apmoble tad m frtaad
It war
aaalad with a palrlotle aDorealr (aa bj oaraelolfiad Ibalr laleotloa of bator ibenew fme^ry at Uealio llorbor
1 bat bcoOBe an 1
amlorpeoo mod weiphed 1=.-. poundo
Inrilcd.aad Bortaat facto la tbe adaemtldo of t
At Hap Clip. Alexaador 11. Aaderoon.
o’peared thr frpm UiiTbatoliowlar oBean wan eladad aa inloTBal atteraoon ^ptioo^ re- Tlraud Trere
Ifqoiir dernlrr. aprd
ll.ubiiuu. Tbepraduatnof the aaae took carbolic, acid by mloukeaad died leaded it. their qaltcd otreaptb briar
i^flbe eltp
W. Baler—Alban U. Browa.
iiaaM of tbe BM udtalned wilbnui epasiaatlon lo In a few mijutn.
' to do ao.
Forty pound*
W. Adrlaar-HlDole Isaeastar.
pear bat baea Ue rerUiua1 ol tbe bp lA Dolreriltp of H'cbifae. tbe ('ol
Trrreace Mulligan, a farmec Irr'iap
W. Traaaerer-Haeaak Drake.
wiapof aticb
erulipef FeaaapIraDlu. Cieaell. aod
lawa. which, bail
Miwilar nrip aaoa«b 10 oatoh tba
nr I’aimprm. waadrirlap'aloap the bad prubibly
li DO fanhar m
leadia< e
eollepn Tbe work of
W. Beeaatarp—Hartba llrowa.
fMaaUto waU aappUad wUb aodaba
the acboola
romd when amlrokeof liphltlap k^ed Lake tlwbipao tuapawa.
. -jola baa been Ihoroupb
W. Cbaplala-Baatar Hooker.
raaolta pralifpinp Tbe pe->|
cf‘lhe‘’ fetore of tbe dob bat •
both baneeand t|*<ily ebocked tbe Jb'A moal pecollar accideat oerurrad'
.rdad with aaiiafaeU-ie tbit prowib aatea ol tbe wapon.
KalUe ^rerk.
Stephen It iberu f,
W. Uaard—Blatblae bBilb.
of uar acboola, wbicb aabodp lae ideal
reoiaioo of lioban Ibrr. a iw)|. from a ladder and ia the deMsenl bir
adf aad ibroopb tba eialoa of tboae
tbe ebaraeUr ol tbe
W. Saatrp-Cbaa Uabor^
A OfbM Ssltb. Harowl Loawhom I tbiKk eatable of jeaplap aad euperlBleadeBL wb<
dier of the Thirty third Hlcblpmo. bm.r foolcaupbl between.tbr patent
wboaeoplaioaa laai
' for tba laet Bfteea pnr
Hto Uidk. B. non Cald- aad mw**'
been located la Cuba aod will be dim- OB tbe ladder aod a rope. Hr huap.-lo
. waU. 1. Oiaoa Baatlaca. B. WlaHaaapera-1 pear.Ueo.
mld-Bir until almoot
»e it flower]
thalbe baacooalaelli
cooalaellp baea the friend loteread aod aeal to bb fdraer
aliiad Valiar. Lealaa Cblklaa. Hilda. dla;rpaara.JaBea. Jaa M.
We all kaow that that bualnaM proa- aad helper of
he freed hlBorlf and fell.
that ba baa
pan bMt wbleb U ruB alrieHe 00 bnal
tbe hiphemt idnia of char
ear*: Ikrcp V. Oaberse.
Hpatariou* dianisod robbrrin bare
metboda wllboul
(ear of erillcUm.
apM metbodL
P. W. Balar-CrataUara.
oeeurred ia Kmlamais Three women
Joaiab Martin of 8-nil. Horen
No omeer wbetbarof atate. dtp or elub am becB a praetleal and pn^r
bare *ulT >red tbe Ion of diamoad nap* atari a llunkard coloay near Niaatae
lid be eritieUcd for eaforcinp
Tba 0117 Sooaa.
aodc omcar
• •belap

That trie dally llle baa been aa iaapi- Id to meat iaeiollea'jle nanner.
Throitpo aa eiehanpabr baa come tolo
|>B to lofty
_________ J rapoaed la hiBOr
TkMawaaaapaolal Maaila* of tia
of a l.uoo acre tract of laori
thep d^aoforee ibc law. la tbia ear- ■aaelded ibr <
Joteph Ward, a raaideat of lliedee.
ioaal slABdaRl.ef
oeoael] Mdap alrbt to tba parpcM el
Ueolar eaeaecUo-. we baee bp-law* tbia panel tbe elate
Who ie nearly «r.
old. 1* prubably tore, keawu aa tbe proarrlp of the
rataadlac Iba ollp boa^
Him. CU Hall of HaBdoa. It la tbe which bare aot baea aaloreed for _
Trarerae City la «a la . bis, Bot only
lateJortpe Peaa.
Mr. Hanin boo *
to oldMt teacher in tbe county if
Vhlah taU daa Batatdap. ThapayBail eltp rblliap with bar aotber.
an able adBlUatrutor of iu acboola.
number of aOD* loaMlrl him aod It b
a tbe elab ta prada- but a pubiic apiritad aod broad ainded to ibeeute. .
•I IhMO beada waa prpridad to la tbr
him Ida Pickard of Lalaad ia tbe laiitp of%dl
wMkeaiop It. Tba eaeourwlnp ol alt‘i*n It ia wlib deepaat rapret that,
that a ehorcb to the o*e >f
The Preecatt cormpoadeal of the
aBBoal badoi a ah^ tisa ao. bai neat of HiM DM HcOpp to a few
ihoda I* dMtraeliea.
If the
•i. wa aerer a niat:
niatlao Wet Uraoeb Berald-Time* !• reepoa.
Ul* rellpioao aecl wUI be erected.
awlaf lotbalBirMiiof taaaa. di
lawa ol the cisb an aafiireed to
ble to the foUuwiop: -a PeBakpleanim
HutkepoB lo prood of oae of brr
' Iba BOW aeboel addiUoaa. It waa drcld- ‘‘Ac Dake a( tbe anrsH aeboi
tier, peerp ncBber of tbe dab will
Doleh tam.lp from Pmlrprure. Toecola ponop mea. Fred Heerraao, who we. I
YfallaaU ia la tba ei|p rslUap
teea bipbrrrepard for tbe dab bead ledatopaTMaalottba boada
.aae iU lawa are atroop aad aUad for Hoe of rrotraaorUrawo f>r ao
Cl , loqited oo the plain* recent
bar Mther.'
from ibere leal September to llerlla
• foaDdatioe It three are artielM or tent pomlllon
We concnlalau
Mill* towothip. There are Bre bop* lo Uermaap.
bi>A Hae 8ebe6rj4 baa poae to IVceeikiaa which an aot pleaalnp tbep Mate Norm,
eel Coliepe lo eecurinp
P blB
Uef*mily wtao*e Cbrlilli& apmn are
the hipbeal reward
troll, to elalt with raiatirM to a
ttao pcsli
_ tnioiap
Bipht Bueb I...............
belter be ameeded or mmdinelor ol. tbe
mpeci..elpamlollowr:»U.rm«. Lo-e.
prraroird bp tbe liar
wbollp ellBlealed tbaa to be dellberiaatitatloe.
0* ItoboustotbabaaAaaadaaoSar of
Let 01 then
ihea be loyal

maaofaaeb hipb char
John. Pwlro, Ummble. but are familiar. okp wllb a
Hra. Fred Calrar^ BOB baea pooe atelp eiolated.
las afpiot IKM tba nrat MaUoaal
our new ..flierru
aad when
whea wa ■elrei
. acbolarmbioaad larpe axper- lecPUed iii. Irow. Jach. Pedro aad ibe twiaed will, yard* of red. while aa.)
Baak.iBh*b<aaMlba latoaat to k
tbem to oflloe today letA ba with
iaece aaaa educator, wbo U ao perUtmr.
taepareoBt. It waa daddad to aeeapi
u^andaadioplbal^para l^aa
taelly Blled. wr bellan. for the pli
the I'reaeotl bate ball alaeoa tbe Fjui
and .-oat of arm* of tbe baroocM oa
Urs J. R. Jaokiaa aad HIm Both
be baa bean called to flil
the oOaraf tba Mata Baok. Iba baodt
of Jolp."
D Cwnijs.
one tide aod the mooemm of Hr.
lar«B Ira ymn.
Tba aspor aad Bopara of Hmaealeaa are ptMBto of Hra. |tltuHba^uT^-lawa to tbe Inter with
on tbr other.
«tok weraaalbigrlaad le aaMplaU the W. (knp BoIL t
C j;i ai-a
airack la tbe mbdomeo bp a btbrd U
J. B. Frek aad daaphtar of New
■r dan oa time, rapon
Ilaaiel T. HcSiel.-a weatibp e.
flew orer a maw ml Cooper 4 ••oiler’*
teed. Hbm , are la the dtp. tbe paMl
lirioratAne Arbor tab* jukt re
loaalp aad oiderad aprecd in fai:
a U oae Bare tblop I w
illl- He wa* aeeioaelp injored.
if A. T. Peek aad taMilp.
lurond from a bubiaraa trip, Ibrouph
a the reewda prialad lo both dally
like to BeaU',0 and that k IbpUlM Os UoOop ntaraad to ber
part* of Kooila aao Fiolaaii. Ha *a
AlCildwater. aeltp ordloaaee
r. I baee hewd lazier aap "J am
apan ia thaeity aad a copy praaaalad
hacaa oa Mata ataarl Fririap after
poiap to do any club work
that tbr Fiao* are leariap ibeir eon
> Profaaaor Unwa.
o'eixe of woacu In tb* cli
apaadlap tbraa warka la iiraod Uaplda
IB aUipIaud* for America onaccom
f of map aldewalk except ibal of
-the oirt edthlap mad ni pier my
Oacar Friadriek baa arrieed la tbia time U> uip own work." Soeb remmrko
State Near* Itami
Mpl. laM.
dtp elalUop with rclatieM after
ilolalloe ut ibeordlBaaceiiaaurF
. emlaata troa one who feala
A roral freb mail dellTary will be
aipBoBAaIbat tbe club told*
ajauia to aaptbl^
(luo or WM dapa' impriooBmeat
paaria tbe Abb Arbor BaltCTallp.
but an orpanita«oa to wbleb It I* atanad to thetenrllorp aboat Ypailuuoiryto mak
Joaeph & l>eck aad daapbler. HIM
nlber ale* to bel ap and which aakea
. IMB; ptl.OOO. « PM e
asd to tbelr familim to jiie Ibem lal
RdUh. of New badford. eialt- one Ideatifled with proprwwiee woseo
DaatMbM 1. taii.apUoB, Oac
Aaewereoatractor at Oalaaat eraa
tome other eouetry. uraallp lb
lap Hr. Paek'a brolber. A. T. Pe.-k ol of the clip witboataop effort oa tbelr
married al Lapeer Wedaaadap
Uei; 8)1.800. 4 pMaat daa
tbia dtp.
part, except tbe paptoot of ll.uo aa- luabfe to abuio wblle labor
I'oiled MB-laa. Heapeahaeerp blyfal;
Tbe couple wUl aail to
MU.epUoB Jasa I. law.
aaallp.ltolTcor.MpouailkBOw. 1 wae to import forty aapran from
ol the aobr'lelp aad ladoalrp of tbew
him Ftoa BeUlaper of Maple CStp.
Korea oa Aapuat SS.
chatrato of the prapnm committee,
boaril of haallta at
aaaod Ibeir worth a* quiet peace
arrieed la tba dtp Mtordap to apaad aad It wae bp d[llpaa\ coax lop mad
Al Duraad Hn. Cyrui ftuble wa* ableciUieB*
gacea that alpaa will be po*^ <
a faw dan aad tbe Fourth with Hka bapflap that *e wan able to prorld*
poo with leaden of tba pear aad maap
i new aicamer Illia-ita of <ba
KaUia Oowdl of Uearto ootiara.
which eaaaad ber doalb
Htaa Ella Chaae aad Will Chaaeof of tbaae were Baallp putbare' *---------- aldawalka
tsad ot the "fallbfal fe
i ID tbaraaona toM 1
otp >Map8ald. era la tbe dip. tbe paHU of rrallp aboald
■laiee Fridap
At JockaoB, Hra UpraatU Draff w** laler.
br allownl
ber Biidas trip
Her' eel
lemdfwo taken aiek auddaalp while aealedat tba
ml Odell, a bicpeliat. of Ctaarioiie
wen almilarlp aapper table aad died aooB attoward. era*
anaabol monan aad aU'tbe
JaaUaeJtdta VarlpUaajeplapa
ew­ ia
---- -----------tbrorra
- from •—
bi* abaci, WIIVBI
braakiop the harbor wac greeted with a cboma
bamorrad ia
rorh bp Sodiap
,«hMfMonian<iBlektp hdap popal.
of claam whUllnaud boomlBgof
er. Hru. C. i. Hlofr and
At Gik Hapldt Peter Feldsaa ai'ippad bi* collar boa*, aad recelrlapa aumi
aemban willlap
•lad orlib rlatlen. Dr. A. B. Oatbap
A cOBBiUeeof eiliarB* aad
buaisDd. of Joliet. III. Hr. Man- rbeclabeaaaot 1l_ ,
Into a eat ol acetate of liae liquor at of enu aad bnwea about hi* f*ae.
.. . .
•adtoUpharaarrlrad at Bdpawood
excunloe wiih a band wra-. 001
ntura boat tbia weak but Mrs. become wwteat facto ia Ihehipber toefaealcal works bernlap oee lep
■a hBca alaa Mra. Paton aad doapblar
denlepmeai of women witb
thl*aSlataxiat- quite palafollp.
tbe ateamer Mualc. aeoompaalcd be
T will raaala aeranJ weaki.
Clip ctpiullau bare Ukea
atate. We become
itemlad lam
« Oblaata. Joka UbIm aad HatUp
r. asd Mr*. Paler Bora ban ntars- lop
-bor logo aod other amal I craft. 1
.lap only when wa work to It aad aa
Md t. B. dead aad toMllp of Ctada- rdto Cbarlouc after'a waek'a elalt
e form U our ruled*
ad* what w*
would aped molaiio. knpHIp taraiap black. explore to aeal. Iroa aad pa*. Thera
aa« baea arrieed at Bc«h-lw.waata to ban with their aoa. Prof. C H. Horn.
Tbe Reading Trlepboae New* lall*
oar elab toba
•erenl placM le a larpe i,
It la attriboled to hi* harinp been fraat
^ad tba MrtaiaM,
MImm Hariea Pboapb Hr. Hore te oipblp yean old
Ihecek'-meof a local flabernwa Ic |
belplap to iKileadariapaDlphtride laat Fabn- two mile* mi of that place where pa* bait wbec be wUkem to go oa a ftab.
•ad 0|ln Paraaaa of Danp. K. H..aad be baa ardaat flabarmaa, aad be aad eldual elub of which we
- aad when ipelled
make a brilll
It blaa H. Hbaleaa aad hMllp aad Mra. B. bit wife aajopad aoaa pood apon la top. wr will pat men aoul and
Id tbr be moo* to gw
barac wllb aaumdp fl
Bear Lake b tbe oalp 1
a. HarHaa of Topdra. Eaa.. an at that line while bare,
on bi* lawn, aad than early la t
tboupkt Into it and taake duty a plan
Tillareia UaBxlecauolp wbeae sebool will bagia aboat Jolp I.
<M HlMdna to Iba aoBMM. Mra L
Boralag before daylight, aprinkie*
il. C. Carter, wbo baa baea at tbe are The dob caaael epial witboat
taatill IB tbe uoffradej clsaa. aoi
A. OUllwhaMef Oaldwato aad Hra
crawl to
Baaeoa of Ibal place urrm tbe el:
J. •. S. Ptaraea ef diaaloa an a- moatb, taklu elaetric batiw a
the *Brfaee to get lae molalare.
get rid cl to BDesriBblc diaUc
-milo* aoalb of Dariabarg.
flMMB. whanTliB. FlMooa baa a eel
armel wiih a itacaa
futan <us tbl* club uball bt
’ barlBff to aeboollacaUp traded a* badly awaglrd Is fnmt el t
arujapar of laat wlBtob uumbered aatoap tba meat Iboophtful
aooa ac pocalble.
be tbealdeoftoS.I!
W. B.FowanaadtaMllp of CWeapa
bptohaodfcl aad IBS few
aod helpful orpaolsutioii* ol to eUla
1 Fridap
The C. A W. M. ba* coatribaled (eo
an at OMcaa to apaad Iba aaMiaar.
ha* all bewaau.
ia bcallb.
aa tbe woateu wbo baloep to U ar«
Hfi. Dadd C Bwlbaar ef iltaad
Aa odd ea*c of •oicld* ba* ]a*t omnrcapable of Bakisf it
ProfoaaarTbwaaead of tbe
JhvUa B at OMaaa le apead aoMc Uaw teboola aod taailp. aad C. W. Lewto
Seldom does a bride tmmi
mml BO ^*r to red la llraat lowaabip. Haroa eoaatr
•tad. dorloff tbe
ciatp'a leir grimird* al Hallaire aod taka the Barnage
riagc row* a* dfd Mtac Mra. Itarld Vaaot. bemaae of ill braJU
ef MarmbaP. left oa the aieamMOelumapply
af tba dab’*
8. B-l^iinU aad (anUp. Baarp bia to Cbarlaeoix Fridap.
etbarwiaa flxliiff up to pramiaea to Bctaer Read, wbo
ebowacMarrla^ TBonl look a doM of laadaeam. bot tbe
Tbep Booep lo to elab bona* faad.
BapMi aad U. H. Bopan aad wife o>
« n J. JeaB«f^tte. Tbe Ip arrleal of a phytleiaa Meed ber life.
tbe labaa aad
of Hiu. r.
. fbiatob. Baea paaa la FnraM Lodpr tba early taU Hr. IbwoBaad will take
She told ber bosbaad it wa* of ao
Philo Miller of Coldwaiar.
wadding occarred at to boaw of T. 8.
Traeia. Htaa Etta Backd* asd Hra.
AIlro.ea to Wbitaora Lake mad.
ae. abe would rapaat to bperatto
iito aa mtparialMidaat of tbe
' D. TurwM wa* anpoiolad to leede ar whom to auw ba* aappMied
Pmm pmaat prnapaeM Old Hlaalee
' aaplum to to iBaaoe at g«i«.
Abb Arbor. Hica«aed-c bose ta OBlIl abe bad abakea off tbta Mart*:
at Newark, Ohio, haetnp but
wtU Able pear baea a baaoM anaea. a* aeaatlp bM^lecM le tbe piaaa
iB Lot AagalM. Cel., wbrnee abe eaow.
Wllb grant aolleitoe be beg.
toaeetralpearu. baall.MB to
•Inadpa tofa aaahM ef raaenan
Tbe claeUoa of oHcar* wa* bp ballet credit aod tbe atate wUI Baba a da- arririag tom laat Hoadap. Hr.Jmo. ged ber to poatpoee Uicoparatloa oaUI
toeaMdead ato Men baee baea boob . —.. Wemaa'a Clab Aaa^.
awad oa HUIar’a ffuardite to to
taaaplopad at to UaieerBilp be got tbroogb wiUi ble
sad rMollad aa followai
«d to Iba Beaaaa at tbe earteaa bo^
lag. bol abr loataMl tot abe eoeld aot
The'Wo“'» Club"Inid u loop aad
I-realdeut-Mca. U Robe^
Tba lallowlBp an at tba (NdJItoto
pat to CT#at off lalM tbaa to fellowEB*t;aM.<iMef
Flrat Vice PraaidaBt-Hra. W. D.
ef VerMBb bIM
BatUr Craak woMsa lost ber
H—: Mra 0.
acbool teaebaru. 1.
. aad when tbe peraoa wbs toaad lag Friday, tbaa to laaerml
aaea; J. 8. WalnU ■eallB*. rn«rta
at to open
(ieaoad Vice AwldcBt-Hr*. B. C
araad .t lo ber che acarie took bald Saadap.lbMtartag oae dap. Mr.
MOwaakae. Mr. aad Mra Cbaa H Uoa. Tbougfa to rneeUnc wa* a loB*
Dcapraa .
aad la Moeiag bta bead off bacaaac a ooe-eeat pciage g*aal agreed to Uta. bat for aoMs ma*alin aad Mra HarrIaM. Topaba
wa H WM owe ef to
iaoo ao a dtBp it fall lotoffroaad ttaMp which cbcelalMod had baea U
RacordiacBseratop-MtaB BIb Bad.
*d tbMDorblp aBjapabI* esMlaUie
urtth aiKb fame tot II
a mbalog. That waialltoraiWlacyofto ciBb asd with ibaeK
rp-Mra.J. H. He- Mcerul pieeea.
bagottobtaboaaatpi. rataradaat cfltora ebcara to to comlap
Baarp Hedtokopf.- who ruakW la lag to paras aad iu caab coaiaatc.
aMapptto*«M**C*— an alao CC
■artooBtookto to •MoelBtlosta
eorlaua tewBahIp. waa bitlf* bp
«tok ato taMllp ef Paark.
Deriog to laat Are peart of bta l-f*. .
briebt OM with proapweta for to^ Fowla.
- HtaHMB^Saat aad Wllat of wffbBwd dallghttal work dariai
Hoe U Q. Reaaetteaaardtolw araet-IS^
UbeariBB-Hr*. J. F. OniMpia.
we lltaa<
odlB SaMmlbiaaioaialdeof to aitp Miu
Boaid Af Diraatafa-tbraaraaia. Hra.
^ toon adl^to Mra HfliIwla WaU
of Jai'hiua: a rat«.<wa bara which i
ThaMaaUavwmaanad lo swdM by J. U IHhba; two ymra. Ham J A. How.
oa- aad to lauar aaear coaaad warWag aaM MM fllOO Baa.
Fridap to bara ^
JUM. ■
R. o«M to aatetoala Mao's laiwy.aad
aad sarh with ItadaMwMaaoidaadM mL


abdaditiatl prSliiiaV oOaar aad baa
Lacier rm HPtbU CtoU
tUaS tba ebair wllb paaa aad dkralVp.
*na foUewixd'la a eiraalar iaaaad bt
ilabaraddioM Hra. Oatra apoka faal. tba BnaH Ctoki MfaaliaHaa.
tBftp of tba napaaeiHUUM aad oppor.

fMpMr iut

ItoptaaUaaot aaaUac abewan of
rtaa atlar a aawlj mUt Maa aad irUa la
adaUcbttalcaa«eMaad oaa wfakeh la
a hrlaf read
laafeaad eaallorad bapalaiM throafI
•ha Itm at tba brlda aad frooai thaa
IlMaaaUM baa lu diaadaaalacaa. bairanr, aad ta Hr.aad Mra
' H. J. OaMptoa Iba paaur
pnu; ,
pnaaan »M auarlf daatrarad


.^BBAIfg IMUVitoa aaAAhl>.mT <. tapp

ThaMaayfrtaaiyatQacfa^. Wood,




Wr bare Uanraim Id l ily I'roperlp. Var
i'ri.prr^. Timber t.aoda. and all kiedi
lal I’roreMp, SWek. Hjrcbaadise. Aluiwt ahptb.ap yaa

ril.v mud

farmpr..prnj; wr

l.iktyr Iirfiropenp with the mea tot do the
work. 00 driHira around oariflice; alwsp*
n-bdy farbuaiaear. rumriooa lorKkrtralBA
llurpHiplewanlbiarll If pea bsee moBrp jatlBp idle we cm plare II to pen ,
im ellt edpr arcoritp. If you aecd
-Siaorp we .-an pel It fur pani, wr

UK -e ODcBlrom •


will help .yau outon aaplblBg
that ran be brliwd out We
barrmn peed] .dleaa; all
trraird alike and to

Seeood Floor.


TnT«ne City, Mlcb.




Furnish up a twuse, home or hotel

Pe> cu.. .............

, KiPLES DUtFITTMl CC., ----'





324 Union Street!


■MAM ninm kiiitAi.n.,mt«, un.

twiM at tkaakM «f

ia Al« SapeftU «• iMa

ttsnucK raviutKix

TwIthaU. CbialeiMW. II

MMlMdaMof fU.MT.
Tba l/'alwd SMta* aaaM at «B}*ador
•bwww tb* alatc doaarUawit •>** yrtlew faaar baa
IB app •aae*

m ib»
■ tokwrrkMMMJrrt tMr
H Mirtetk. ra>rtk.

■r lb«kMar«»M'*
I hnaaap

ft** ■•or*

horapUoaiviUBBM om. b*i U*
«li(*h K**iUU «ni


•■y r*ekl»* *<|

rro are protwhly few srp arbe la
tbr iBomootl n-oetaet of thrir brana
harr not some kiBd of aa oarWeaBt

roartbrslthoafk tt eeaoitad
Hra K. a Baaraa oa ayad wowafOf the TOO aparuaret* which t .
' -!9 yMT*. waa hilled by. the aa.
lacyadBry fra* la daBalt. H. 3.. royal palacr is BetUa B laid lo <t
CtiMOf thatrala oa tbo
, worth af peep arty. tala the prrarat ew|imr ceaCM
MHof baaa at S:40 p. m.
prlroB oae. kith ,
loor|i« 100 paopla bowel laa aad alwoB
as aearlac the eoaaty ilao 4*oX
.nil, of 20 n»w* 00 tbr flm fb.K- ...
of tbo city tbs oayiaoar aM trail
ukbB tbr S.-falot*
radawowaaoa the Iraek.
lobabnaasl alyaala ware ■
frpwardcd Bat week o Aoetb Africa
at.Sral Ib* at tbU fart bad <uo.-b to do
ftiw Weolwteb.
ea that aba bsare.tboa. Piaally
with tb, ctMjIre of the rtuta-R.r. wbo
aha left the Uaek aad U* trala alarlrd
tiuof war walarial aad fodder waa
•pafalaat a a
(Orearded from tb* Wetdwieb deck tbrni at iDD.« at poiudblr la tbrir ordaeir, howaear.
howaear. bebrr the trala <
Iptnal ceiidm.nk. Lollkr the n-nwloaiuwwl dowB Mia. aaerw atepoed yard le aoetk AfrIea
drr of tbr palace, tbr emiN-ror'a prtAiPari* Cbariat Vwior Cbarballei.
beak apoa tb* traok. sad waa raa oarr
u> are tlm)dy tkoneb artl>tlby tb* aarla*, her left Irf faeiaf ea- Borellav litarary aad art criic. aad rally fanUtlk-d. contfi.rl ratb.-e tjito
•rrof tba Praaeb aeadewy,
tirely aerorad. Tb* tiaia waa aloppod
I luxury Ir-lae tbr .fusilbaol rlutran.-r.
Iwwadlately' aad aUealloa ylraa ko Hatarday la bit aataatielb yW.
little. Tbr tai

film lor luariM »t pramt.
Tkar* wm om tklaf ot aalrarml
taaaat •kkh kM baa* kaaftac fra for
■ taaf Uaa* bat Ik* eoaa
dlMMSadaa bold dai
•bleb laeaJ
•Ilk tarihar eoo.Iba el dallkara- tb* aefortaoaterieilwof Uwaxldoa'.
troracap. Altar Moal
bat aba waa bayoad hawao aid aad
died abortly frow 1 iw ot Mood. Tb*
reawaiaaeaaar* rory diaiaewlay. .
It I* kaews that H>a. dee*** I*
ataoL Tba ■Medaaal U ahon
deaf, aad It araa appareat that aha did
iMtatalia will ba {ar-raaeklaf.
aotdbUaetly baar tha drat aiyoaU.
eoaalueaeffiredaa aaaodAaal
harlqy loft the Waeh the
atdlaf ibMaUbierelaa ahaU ba prt>
tfsla waa ware astarally aMored that
hlUMd froa all •*!■* Is tba eUj froa
ibrkaaw bar daayr.
Her ateppiay
tb* Ulb day el H«7 lalka Ulhdap el
bsekon the track B BaaceoaoUbla.
8*MMb*r aaeb yav. Aed Uai ai
bylbeaoafaaed Uaa* of
ad iba ordloaaa waa adopUe aaaBt
• ahasBt. alaa b* i



ballt, aad bItUey bat
abtr* of the teaw. la facL
OUg dark BMtad waa aboat fwo.
alayedafl-Hcawa aad the two-lwcabbattSMIaaaetM of tb* aeoelal a*by Baakl aad baifks ware weH
placed hits
PBoaat waa eadorad paid aad a
baaty Haatat eatebor abowM that
that be Itexpariaaerd'In the bwii
U aiuiw of lh< erlfiaal a«na
tod Lad maeli 10 d 1 with Garaoe**
tM «dty to pay eeo-lhlrd of the aw
tb* llcwtd Ba^dt player*
Tb* ortfiaal aaUwala ler U* work played a yuod aad telaaUSc yawe.
waaftn. BetatyBapIpoerMortkrap waklay the loealt Spbi for eeeiy lech.
•MM ttet tk* adtidoasl eoat wa
aflw wbeo e'eloek before the
M thsMvBbaa la ooat awlarlat aad to taaw lined ap aai^ lowt:
ac»« .ww^ oBBatlMad by eoadi
Atornaa. MoaMfaa. ehalnaas ef U>*
aMwIIlM flw otdMai.oe* broafhUorth
w of tharaaMordiBaaecB
aad tkay wore eoMidared.
iMportaat waa tkeeloaadaaaanti ordintor wkaal* <w walk*, froai Hay It
fearptewker u.
aAoptid. ttfoiatorSict *0 day* after

IMhataatef akooUaffallartea. Barry**Aa. etc-, waa oBarad. Taa'vf
tMl wdlBaao* pteaida* that bo akoof
tarfaltaryakeoldbeloeatrdn Propt
alnat katwaae Dalea aao Park ttraok
Uat aaatlsf a paUtkie waa neei*od
Wklaf ter tbo ropMl ef thla low aa«
(tet tbo atiMt aoaUonrd ohall M clew
BdloroMhcalletlaa. eacopt
«rlnoopor«loak>Bof tboehlrf ot peUm. The ordlnoBM ws* paaM te ye
ipte rffaet Ib Iwaaty day*.
UtarAldtrsaB Haauac* off-raB a
Motioe flTlDf perailaaloa to Wllllaa
Marral le epaa hkabeetiaf failery
today. Is rlaweftb : proTUeaaaf Ike
TboBoUoa was

Darteo...'N wotay.................... 1 b........................Bower
Pur tbo Aral Are ieeleca tbo p ayer*
la both taaws Aar* deapatebed rapidly,
bat la the sixth Trarerae aty teored
tbairoely tally The eaaiaer ot strike
QOtt wat rewtrkable. Caraoo dlopoolay


Kobeipai ebnre^ "Ihw* jai tie- n.ypl m»lt.-r 1.
» lt is doe yraOeiteo ; c-btultwr. tbr a
« cHUMlIy ill
eotiic* at Sara-IIrr-d
Hfi Doddt. SO eld lady, wbo
'BlUayMr. Fc-rcaww


Ur F

,L.‘— borood todoaUi U.tol,hl by ' ITT

of tbr wan-idnor
tti-iv art Sni;». S.-tido.
- nifarr. ■ll)■.■r«l'll
' bel fan itiai 1
,11 a ud n.d.-r
wi'hodt bariup

*r>luc rimf.-nau.-.* fnvu iiUo- to
nUr lrroMnp. TIr-nrrt, anlu.'.'balrllk.'. dark l-nian. and
liui.<Icut. a rlnsl'- idan, A.atl»c
Ir-s.l of a .lr.>wnr.l cirL fn-iu ain.,
ibiM- ■..i-.-n. Purr n-.t*. «hi.-b .Irl.
le tbr la.ufi fo.,1 fruni Ib.- uai.
ihrrr ,L>,d, .oil brrr and tb<Tr a L>u
.T asd ranLrr. or uiC dl dr

fR-tn I

01.1 r~ix,..n.,nrr
uau.- ..|.lr:l.,n. x. UMI.-al <1
kca. Tl.iH-n nit.-* er.-r
.’••'l-xi.-il I.. ilu- j.rl.-utlj tr


-; I.-, bleb

ii. elir

il »|q>.n. Ti.- W'.'ll•^'■l tn tl....... .
............. U...II l(.lrrr,i|..i
tkr flsiir.- inched ti»«g

Tbe Wbitr rirer recawpad«r* and
nltab I tea are daarinp at H'bit,
u->ck*apuary. Tbap era Uee*

Ttaeaoelsliau o4aiii>*d dewow-uation, Baeday in liraweiN la Lirpe aod
la Aloe*, apalnat Ua alaeioral refora
bill. There were no aarion* dlaordcn.
• Ue police'
o ewordx. wonadiop

iU-IJI»-KLlvar.T !•
MMH-. I'V*“ ”f>f
" »> hi-n« oa .Ki. ,
ft>Ver»-!j I.
T u

•I prial ..f .•ai-b U-vn.. .lan.lli* to.
aturol |>>Hli-ou bu>-iu It, .-.'Ui.-f a
u III. radiat.' |lmr<- k Mur
nurklu*.-. Ii.. |r.-lli« li.. TM- p.-.Ill-rIty add- cr--:itly *- •»-, M-niity vf •!.,
s.rl-.u, .-lard.-, ay- l-l. e
l•r■■lll;kl ...III. lu-.t.-'aiid uion- liui—r.
luM tbr -unirrhyu.-iuil..


arc la.|—iliur navIxaMi.
■•A..|it tum aUvIlMfiSvi.
r- rtate In aru.» waln-i
!• ACaRlM ll-r
IV ti.rlb. II
a.luailon will —n■~»-j f.n- thry nuiVii'ly
r.i|.l.l.u, end U. d. i..luh-Wy .,o,tr.-c-.l.

r;.u...r.rj-t,o dnv.;, Ii. tir- I*'*"*'
ilHi leil.i,. leili.n-llv. I•llll•u.. HIM
ir luol-c-t.-u iln,.-t |.|. r, •■hdlwfTal. of |. an-l
nl tlora.'nnlil vr.




‘>VE8T Michigan R’y."

KpworU Urarnr HoaecnUoa. - Oa*
..rr rat*
SrII July iv w -1. . BcUra
te Aapaaicu
UrsAS.iKt.KS.CAU \
s- E. A -Coaremuoa
o.. Urr rat*



dralclu ai-aium wtat uM.-ny.
il- ...
A Idl ipf l.iiul IU Ho- »iriiiiu, hWI. *'•<
fL.rld, tru.-l- n. |...i

lr.-i.:ar f..r«u, w.ifa a .na

raniin. fruiu an to
n •Ll.-h Uirr.- ar.- Joi.lni.t.-r« aa.l »..ib.-r
ll.-Uf.-. to l»' CTantcL.

i.|d,y a -

Itr l.-Uud Ho- v.-«.-I.''t1..-,
-ry iniH.. -l.d- i.f —

siVhay e\. j'


I Iirrili! or i''ot>iUui. til
.. .
ic I* rir-ut al crk. .-x.-.'|il for

World-* KK-yrlr lofrl- .>.«■ tor* rat*,
r.l Aupntt t aod t R. I-i|b Aoprat U. '
- SIA.IARA rAMj«?N, y.
' .
Sppcial low ratea Aapoat trd. tt»irn Aapu>t IT
A>h aprau.
tl A. R. Kseampmrat. l,>a*cral^
ill* each way. M*pt*inbar. fartle*>r» later
I'lrrsHflUili. PA.
V P C f. fnawmytar*. Sail Anpaat I u. t R*tara Anpoal It u 41.
V. P
ttaafararMo. BaUJaly
iIJ. Batare-Ialyil.'
ill lafonaatloo may b* bod frtm
aprnuor frvie^br <i-oorml Paharapfr
Aprnt at Hrand Rapida

r It * fi E R K <cj will ran
A mu. cr..ii,. bi A .•lB»r1..rr ,WB.
ay ri,-i,r>ion tralei- to MauUW
on .hr f ...wirp ,U.~; Hay 14
dl« ir-oi-i.. nn-I"U i«
Jnnr-11. v..; J.iiy
;l; Aop. v., 5«.
I lb.' ofi.-nH,.!. tbr .-m- alnsijlafr.-niartH*l ‘,-nr »L Hu- fairty
•y a, a li-irtH-i.-IrwIi.'* »
'Wl t. Tr»-r.»lra»r Tra*
uni. K.pltq-1. ^ f-oirtt trxa left
Mkc aill eniml.1.- .w.-r pri.ra
II U- foainl trxiwaHInc
tberalU. AooUor treipbl trala c.l jii... .p,
*»»-. I.iini-li 1, at 2
n-. ail.l il.rn /-)u-rrr.illv |.nr
n *. in. Krtnrs. iravr Miinlrtrr t «>
wiU the wrack, aod Uro a
Hi.- iOHU.-, f..r ld.o.ll.-j.lly II,-I tv IbU oirnl IIm- rbll.lnm
irtlrl.' In N.-CV York. Tak- il.o
‘n fh.- xfirrnlr.a if lb.1 Ho- .4-1 -fl.y.l- I'-ral ratr.'oorfarrri.und tnpbrtwrri.
n l .lallmiL tint to rtreed (I. f^rur
> d-njii-.
!• to I..
tin* fnxm Maowter-on alU-rant* bun-.1.M li- nA SPECIALTY lyTTflB
^thr •( —
for XI...
The staawer Tee* bat srrired tron
pl.i o.,i of III- .y..-il..<,, ,.-t wl,..,. „„r ,br
>r a ireb with a larpe pan/of retore- dlM-nvu-i- alxt.- qlTaIr, mllb lb<-.
|N„id-- e>. n-.Hli tb.-y I.aihI ..v.t tbat at'
L v'ch-rk. whrn b«- prxh-rnlly e
lac IlxwaoB wierr*
Wallaee Haya .arrlnc.' drtr.-. At 11 L.u l» a
of local p,|it* _____
tbo ,jruul-.u <;|.«-. Soe^uot-t <i„broayht oat fiS.nciO lo pold dott. u.t. il.r.-w,|u
nody id iN.iniiy iKco-rr.'-, rn.-oi,.nL-iKiphi Otbrrt bad bcs*y buxe* of the dIniHT hr k|«
nu'iit. Iiul -w- ,11-h^iiI banll) Ir.n.
woUl. (kpt. tioaoe reported Al.oon.wio clilMr.-u. and
on boord.
. 10 or l.iAi. a
- n-turd. 111 l«I Mlp.’.l. l.-.Hi-V.-r,
Wi*.. wbiboi jael breo eleelod do^
- ... partweet eewwtsdar ot the 4i--and'an,|
T.-l».iniiii.. aiu'l. Id f^ .-v.Ty ..,11 Ih-T.- .an I. i.Anayotlbelt^afalie for
.latr. of,.-n In ti.r m.MI.- fn.iu r. In ili.- uu.rnt —th. to nr l, I. trnr tl.n1 u;. ’
V*. eolbael of tb* Ar.l Wii
ear- lue until 2 ..vl.k-k Ui tl..- nfi.ixuum,,
airy, trow wlhich adrlail flt
a.s Krrtr hour whi. t, br ran nmrr fr..uj 1 tjo-^ick.
. I ,f'-''*'’' '’"-O Hint h --r.
■om Ialtc-nclaunat uillltatj-1
o,.-nrl.-.' t-ii.,iu.u\ 1
»1 Uarndoq/iapl
, or l.torr runi-tlcaw. Um- ruifu-ror .qu-ud,
*■ n-.-r—.irily '.*.-r than H-.uEl.l- no d-.uhi. that bo wu, i-r.',. Ihu**"*’ ***•
'•''‘■iH-ii- f'T hr l.j «
I- if .d..n„u..i Atj:.m.-. ft ling il>,-m with Hu-B.-MI. of i.-rt.-Hi,
The4tBtnU*metcrar Made 1
r”" al-.rr all ihlne, a fauiily lunn. L.tIoc'
inf.asl. .............. .
eauiui. from a ,|,.-ir vn.r.->.i>Huil alialun.-Di- f-.r «
tonlry t.eoilrelmall wHh an -ato- hi, bi.iiK- and Ivadlng a Ilf.- wbl.-b In | ArniiiA t.. a l«H r-.i..ak. a,ul i« u-o -v.-ry
|tui IL.- iwul.-ro !.n
leln li.lfdo and
tt a It, ,lni|d!.-ily and arflkliy may well <T>->l‘la*.l>- «" Hi.- |•ll!-1l.•^-uJfaIly.-— ;
Hail from <n box
inn m-rre a, n bljrb rxaiu|.lc u. bl* auL- S'-wOrL-jn. TuiT-, f-iiu-Yaf.
ca]. Jmta—
^laryhlx mile* la Irapth wi
pra<lu«-Jy .l-'lln-l t fh- I—Itli.Q nr
Uaa OOF ha f Ue time
Atblrtb- par>
Oi.r vf tli-x- II,me wlil.'l. enid-. m
UatltlUratocovrr UT-rani* rraie
. wh-hw. *
T.-lranii-'tr. ar.1.VU.1.-U di— rllV a, “Wrll w.^l, ,
flu Clotliinif.trwlv f»r llw Foarti. Baa bent imini-^.
WiU bora* aad wapon.
war form.-.! Ja CaL. I.y
■n.- but Hl.i-lj. •n.'vrrlbrl.-M.. b-lr«ly
Man.v I. b. i.avr 1,-rii raitiivJy .-Jijwvi oataai| mboy>iU pArtullr
An order ba* been lawod tn ts* por-'ndnil.» vf tbo nnn.arrlr.1 non of the '
' Tlall,. . riif>.riminMi. to... a liiti.,li
fa.trrn dl-in
raori of Boplttb prim»o to Ur rffoet diy. wlu. .■..mMn„l m ,
pardam ranu'.i Ir- k.qd putne wiibvui
wli.-ii ynuly
thotallcoavicunederpidop penal ner-;rt.ann* ..f ti.r fair enaMra
cbbl Ti.ii. I,.
- fh.
ad.- pawr-d • IHr.iit ytibrluz an. »r
- da wbo taarra net pawed Ue Ibirtl | ts.nmiunliy aiul tu ab<-i au.1
,1,1- «trir-i ai
|l,lo>t oi,l:iy and |T>-,ils. i-SIrTlaitt
idard In edauUoD niBBl br rrlicrad ' oii.-'anikrrfrine nni of 1^, h.ii*
n-l. -MThTt t. Ihr
Slvaiir-, vmd. L. tbr A|..lh,-art-.' a.,
fram lober oe* boor dally, to be di-rot- of
A, wu.o a, tbr' btorkcuanl wl... did Itr l.r rtrlaiiu.-.I. ,-lrty uxtuniil} draiyhi, ..r g.-t
lOiil Ue'cAiTiet
of Ibl- .-lub U-.-anH- known tbr Ar.-. of nti.1 a ir.llit- litilr 1>o l»liit.-,l .uit a
Many propla were lojared le a rail
wxyaccidrotat ffloxfjnl. is Cbiatei

Plain anil .Artistic


llljK-VLI) JOB Oi-l-lCE.





w.-rr n.a.Ir mlw-tajdr. S.r
It'll ni«nl-t,
wn, th.-lr lot. atfel the)
ayndicuaraeeouy vlTrr.

.--.Ibit. aod .Imuci.l Lhi. h.t-k t.. tlrl.ln.vnf tl.- J.r.i.ili, amtl Ib.-api'lnn—
i.f a ^i„i.i.-rnl.l.- .-ym.l. -tVl.,.. ilial
e rafia-1 Yoiaie IjuV.-, ..f .\ hiailni ain't Ur i«ri} ihal .11.1 [It.- «l.| tbr
ed Ue offer.
Sow Ue Miatiaaippi ttml tbr nw-mtur, bad to <uniu* wranan wl.n, ,1... vl.-ilnifc a« -li"wi. m
ehopUr. Deaptatera of Uc' ne * Confrd-1 carary tfoul-b- Ui oreaauUtt aeaint farr- -tbai nin'l my bn.lniii.l Ami. laUU-,. wbai an- >.Ki iMrrf.-Hi.- lo
rrmey. hat been pirenaaopttoe on Ue j
*“«• »» IH’O' of tbr y.mni
*|ft -Hot |»,q.l.-', offalf, f..rr TL.- ro-.
Hra lltvla will •*'lra would bav^ th.wi -a.
rair ai-.h.stxi'd I.. tl,- iiH.ff.-nnr.- mna
r Mtu-ra.- Ur inter .
nail to U* eboptrr tor pjs.oiio.
-wl... ar.- fu.t oalT *M.- tv (aa* ray- nf b- lia.1 —l*.,l,‘lim 1, il.y-iii.-iinl with
Clu*r*l Wbcclcr will receira order*' tbwn»'lvr«. hot yrovlrtr for a wif- aiUi* week tn Ue Pbilppioaa
Hie par- P.. It I, d.iill>lfol If a tn.-inlu-r of tlw
Ilan..H.«-. .-lot. .-an d« nih.-r- Afb-r
*f*» dapartmeot ba* brard •'* ni"i‘'be «t iwh butnlllailDC rxi»-rt.
fremGrorral Otta.
SooraUry Alper '^*-’' ''«• Pn-ud w.lrl. uf tiu Atauv^U
aaidtodai: -All Util ran aay
• flub na. l-^.km ,n.l th-y in tlil,..-ii-nii-u,
that ib*y wonid ura Ue place to baU

Tin- i-lui. r.,*-i.r.l., lr„«

....... -


mao wir. wn,'turtiii.c n ...nirr -.tnrt.,-lr-m vf th- It

. immry a> n<d i>. <

Tke Arat aadlrafMry of tb* doclr.-e Amrneaa anapicia Fpr Ue flrol Ua-e
MiiCXty AUoroer Dodf* otaiad lo Ur
kw of Ue SpasBh Aret c« tUotlap. la Ue bUlory of U* Phllipptara prtioommcu that tba dopraaa eoart bod by Ue rieaeu aader Ue eowwaad ot
bold tbai tkaUw waa ei»l •ti-ioaal Rexr Adoiiral bawpeoa waairfaerred at
iHr »ri>bt dkaaiatd tka <i ■-wtloc Mowporv B 1. Mewday Jply i. by the
■cfUeebildrM compl­
tra* tbo drfl aad relicloa. -irb-i ablpa ef Ue NorU AUaaUe aqaadroa.
aUaaaad rolod-ao~ oa tha w .isatt by tha atiaebw ot Ue iweal eUtioae
•Aapt.kMbla WM tba oMy aotsllrt
rwaele te Ue harbor la pebetaL wfaieb are h«>"
r llmaalliry
alabratlOB bMaa at » o-eloek tbc repalatloa.
________*ol»irt that, wbrn
wbsa "a^ 1 wa- tba war Uipt raa ap however, that Uapallee will t
do la UU dlrecUoB. for U* rraaoa
Axp* aad Mtlap of waay eoloct OUer
AhipplaroBd Ueysebu In tte bar
harbor UattbcaaUrraooa rale ara aaalea*
o Uo mmdaM of -3^ weadTtally drraoed aaffla ttomly
eiiy were
to bare Urtr children taagbL
The Ur find iaidaiic*. ]wrvrBU Ib^ulrtrt
fn«i being Uftrd apwitfa fwtdr and
rtiM-rit. a L Ib U* *nxmd. from brtsp
aad cart d.rao. AI ygreral
Girt i, Ibr bradrd viUlixrr and qaiU-


rtH and *B *t! nvw bweayvbe
to an *gw»rtr. and d-wem t ka-.w anyher la her
t muff, ufvn b-r ,
le 11^ Ulnc. aoil •ll•-«n't licdlrv* aayUilnc.
her r.sliwk
an>] .lowat tblok aayiblnz.'
tFII»rnl ',-r.
-Uy .irar ,lrtrr. " rr|g -rt tbr partort*
hand* aiM f~
rqv'l-I-rt Witt
plumy tv, ,0
wife -ypn don't kovw w'Uat ircdiMr
I- vf a fraibtall mh.cb h> wraiw th­
M. My burlsad tbluk* br koewe bow
at BlgbL Thu Iiitlr pvt
to co.ik.
inc hi:: gu thy-ugb *;! bla |------------r waje f.ronr-r bW (or-JT-|

eallnc l>
live* •»»
pet. fu;i
iw-ay le the rousOT- Uvw they a
dierr rad bvw they aarrlTa ao
■cm* to km>w.

5 .r.r;.'£¥ r,i

The Ptices teloiiaie lor CODD CIUTIIIIGMo False Misrepiesenalioi....
Lota 1043 mod ISOlyM-a'
W.«>1 roitll. FrrurJ. fs.-~l ,1

Ukk-wy Bill, ai
an fiyrt
0.1 and w.- - X|.
111 Urge
numl. t, t.. ICr.
gt,,l rating. Prcaa* I.
lb. hi.-tvry I,
inkuHiiv LI
-•un.r Syrta.
.............. _
. vrry f..i;d •* tip
flJwtnot, fvnii A trirtlvn .rf H»- rt
fart vf tbr Mirtll.-rran-AO uail
Ihvogb' lo Ana-rlra tbey ay
gy.nbd Iliv llvur. bn *y «alt-ti 1
plj ataun


stall pMla netaolata will beunpkl Evglkh’fvr aa
ladatlaa to priaalo di
>« tbr firtt Urns
1 rillafO waeAfsd trow all the ahlpa orus
Mrtart^mptbaa been Made
• mriatd
aqaadrea and Ue OwstalUUoa aad
Ua la^upa
Tbc perm
lated Allaa saeherawhadaqweUldUaar. AperW maat ba* sppoiaUd sevaa Aamrltu
aad race* by Ue eatatal crewawla- UMbot*. omoot them belap Ura*
tMealleftktchMofpelloa- Ha slwi
dBBpbtefsef Uc lata Oolooal ^b*rt.
•paMatad H. Visioa. Jay Bpaafal.
ol Ua Tw«miy«*eMd ialaaUT.
WUUaa Aeborwaa.C. W. AMtia. B
aehooti will ekaorra Ua SpaaM laattLaacwarthy aad A. U. Beoaow'te
vaU asd U* AmatlMB Battgaal baUalaa Tkw Uuw bo
aSaatiape deCabaai
daya TbU la tba fltat vlalbla aparatlaa
aamberof aowraaaa et.yaUow I
ea U* maMoi ot U* atw civil perrara■ fMtkoPaailk’aaly.


.-arl) arpvaU
AImvnd, or- la A.*!*, florhofy
and M-ro.-.-.., TIv-r We s-t
•|Hirt.,l fytn klalnga.
Or-ittnill, .,m>- Hi- FU«I In
dira. Ifa- W'-rl llrli-.. and Ih- l,Und»
vf tb- l-a.'iil- nrar tb.- rqaafT.
llBiri nut, cy,» In Euy.i--, nn„la,
Aaia. >.Tth ArrVw.'airt \viyb A.......
h-a. rilU-ri, nr. a'*|T.-i.T c»f liat-l

1} .lirnkiuc. 1. y
,i...l I.,
orgaib, Strang.- t- .my. ii
that ,*ly.r1» 'tb- Ur*,
w.M-bl lav.-, a lor.-r;
mr.- aad -led'e kU- namrty—. !'•; rinnnrfal
Vlll U- rr,|madrd tv
filillratlvii.,-fa.iwUI dlra-.lvr. and ibrl'"''*
'‘V., acrl.ulhiy la
that tbr fair **x «1I1
»"•' •wlu''rbil ottltry. In .-tt,- T1h-iv
P-unml* <i^ca, ao.l .-l-rtri. lty.
exiwrtrbrr ebooU I,
nuitniu-.blal mila a-',
a I...
l|.bT, Tbr
a- nm^ Ue
The Uat^o* of tbr Ltmdeo dln»
Mr vf MIC.
____ /
tory weigh* 11 I-S pvvada
A Pamaa-a Arralr*.
«a a.*lr_rrwiltr Ivond It
iy«iidr.l at.jut tay baa
1 vbS PanUD dtvlnr: "He»' the
H aoyy«t
n..fl!iMr p-rk.t hand." nai.1 Mrw lln.lmaa wTklag

rua„™ : .X Il'i.'jrTj!,.'-:::"'' .V'“'V

WV *ft. rulkioc; and aImUdr
_ .|
A laviih
laviih espraditorw ct
tliiM Stnrr_V)
mrnir* yMhlPBAbls,

SubPiABCiAl. Or»M^ Olothiof.


TraTef*aaty....00.0 0 p-Ti) 0 0—1 s
OrudBapMx,-.0 <>uuono40-os
Batterlw —Carww. Uaol; Krwa,
Aboat A37I waa teedTedatlha pale,
to ba
hoped that
Ula lead la faadt will ayala start
base ball fw U* seaaoo. It local Oc»rralWbcrlcralUi*U«*l.Ualb.
Tk* otdlaaaee relstlr* to boaplaf
laa weald only lake a head ia'Ua
be May perform Uere
korkrrakopaaoood oa Handayt woa DtUor aad hrip aloaf tba orpaa xapasaaatad aadwlM tba daeday pro- tiaa of a Ucsl clab it woald aot be win dopmid pon M.j IT UcDOVBl Otla- -Tiwy-y aftrr
aiul irutkr up"
klbUira elaaaa waa adoptwL
leap before Trarerae Uty troaU bare
At HaoMa. Ue pnblie eebo^ w*rv
Th-n tbr Hub
Aldarwaa Wrlfktbeliorad tba ate*
of U* old Uwt
npened Monday and folly 4.000 pnpil*
m-iiiU r, bvp,law aowpaUiac bakliqr akopa to harp
bepoo a eoaroe ol laairaeflea aader


lAtrrvrt ard ratrrtalaiT.rel. •■«w^*m»Te.r Wb-v^r <«ir »





fall}- worth T7.5H. d-wa up aalr prin-.. .7...-•4.S8
Lots 11^. 1260. 2705.8707
7705.8707 -An
MoortorDt of Man's
Man'o ifMliioniiljlr all wi.d'fi
■brat <A■ trimmiuta, •*[}
.'fanL-y adibt.
•ml fitt.'ft..
H. fuUy
wrirtli 8f.40, daau npMl.- prioB,
b.5i«- f.

trintmiDifh. a vrry Drat •an
'up nalr


Lota 848. 8461
Indndra « lot of Ura'. Hnita in hmeo
1671.#303.2834- W-jrau-k,Silk Mixed<;«aimr«a.H
«<*>! ( 'lay W.jrwtrd, tbr Iwwt of vorkmaaabip.atyipuid
fioisb, worth tl2.c-i*«D upas]* price............................
Lota 4010.8186.4464. 4087-Mi>i.-6 raorptioully <»• pakr•nUwl d»t>iiD^'.*lrarao,v. finiab nn.l w.irknunsbipooe] .
biunL Bdld rverywbterr from $15 tu $18. clran np Mil*
prins (‘boice fur..................,............................................................$8AO
All otfarnrcimlly aa ebrap in proportion..


Dt; Gnus, mts aif SkKS, Gens'»f lilies'Fmiskiip, CatHts, Rail Papi. WIIIkit, etc.
All Go at Grand
■ Clean Up Sale Prices.

The Boston Store,



rrr U* trlrM>'’»* l‘“» aay* Ur arUlet*
T.ckru will ha aold at all nallot aa
r« Bocba.trntrd
Tbr rrmarkah'.y b>
mp UeeUea. Oaa fat* rata Ball
a«t font day* 10 Trai
Betara Aapaai JO.
wr which will amnui
loqvandc ofdo;i*ya.
Ballraad train
t. A W.'HaeA Oar fare rMa Nall
> taaprndrd In Sr.ath Traaa breaaiw ol Aera.tli aad It Knsra AapM *0
‘.r namcroU waaboau and
r .lpr* are ponr. Every *^M la tbir
rrtwtnof tbrutatr .•ab-M^b wairt
mack, add tbr BBpty watrra bar, drtavytvl thoarard. i-f arrr* of e -.toe
ell Jnar 7; to su. Urtara July ».
and racn htw.dr. bonara aau cwl
Ali.hlcrtt. the riw waa *0 aadden
AmaneBO-IWlcerr Aw'a. par Ipr*
Lbat wbro the water wrot Uronph the
*lh. Aril Aapaat !• to «. BMra
era! I nrpr.jT* wc
apnat n to Mrpt. It.
aud S.r b':
llElUmr, MICH. ,
^Jdirl bar,' arm 1
C. K. r Uiarrolioo. tWr tara rat*.

7 0'.-l.. k I.. w.irk.



e bad ladlao, Iroai Ur Uakma ran
aac* brpao Tbaruday nipkt aad
paeWfor there day, •.Uoat foud. rew
r waSrr.
Word from Whit* Eoea.




tv ru.—ULl.-r lu

t re Kl » wa* arrratod oy a eam- f..i,.i„. n.lllrrrr.r and nx.xL' l..B.-ib.-t
bar of winera te whom hr coofeaied a-iih clvIllauV atiir.-.>f all kind.. ' la
Ue robbery, aad Ueeowwiuoa haop- fa< l. il»- only canin-ut uM i.i ir
jeaiim.etl.i-r. h. * <Ir.-4lnn KoML-ac
Sxwuel L. aea.-Bi, MarkTrrala. aod
hixfaneily will po lo .S •edPac-'^'^^le ’
le Uodos he ba. ban
I bearOU3-.,„.,l, ,i.unij- ,
by the ireatweat of a ilwediU
iU dm tor. Ui.bur In hi. .d
aad he u aow poiap to -....................................... ..
la Sweden lo taka Ue r««alar Swadiah I vbl.-l

lov.a*—I InuM r.mcN rwvHc (HalMU.

ibe bead, of which old

‘“.tlr-*l*e«,tb 0:;^;;.% Tnd

eppooley uaw 7 Tba arrort 00 either
I were aol aaweroai aad Boat of
t« were eira.wtda Jerowe WQm waa the oaly player ban dariay
day. be beiac laid oat for a coep'e
aiaalcw lo the elybUi. Tba leni
purer* did aol play the last half ef
tha Bloth. bat were eietorioa* by the
follOFiay aoorr:

| Tb
1 ■'n*'

tU.|.V aii.l B.'liiltrl
■nrhiiis Xe-ay Hu- roi,
r ,n|Vr.,ltl,.n.- in.1 nl,
-■AUMi-m the fnA tlcxt
ii.-x IumI .,oHr X .llffrraudlror, ;
•m ti.c tr. of t.Mtny.
;.;r.ri;-i.i,l i—.i-ii„ 1.3 -H.innbioa
.^'dlTlB'-. niul b'Div •.mnl.i..i;
11m* In Hr- f.d».;..r, ..f tl..- I*.-r«iai


. Caraoo UmMubool

"—I, .k,.
partiro' —... ‘if
.. ,1.1,
;hl, date
bai>|a«- "• f"H
i KriiU.r. .at a xural ..f thirl.-.-.

It la.
laytoD. U aalay a blayrapb to pbo'-- dom. ihrti
rrmphtbeynwtbof aaswllcreea oi.k
family, brisrrp- 'whU-b pU<v 1
ITM. ukiacafrMb pBiore boorly. ' ■O'l B*-elio br tprodt moat of hit time '

-l*bi.H-uih era.
.-.«rr.«I wlib I'ic.
Aellii.Bof Uaraas baa a yrleeance ' tur.-, ..f
l.uK'b t.-li>.d fratui-d la
il.-o.-ath tb-' ttiidv
anei Idea* laity
••aw he- eaaaot keep hie* cow. LUi-kwaad BB toqaaat will ba bald at a UeiUsI Sutee laradwi haee wdrcM neiiuil c-luutiU-r. a btreYba batrd oladeeavioe waa fraatad
o-deek tkl* n aralaf altar tba etew el alleowxiaioUeaabarM aSBauilary<l.'-..tatl.M.,, ao.1 N-y^-od
paalalea to ao*a tk* Oak Psrli pritk* ir^B rrton( freoi Haalata*.
Hu- l.utn«.|» and .lr.-«li,i: rkmii. huwe
awy balldlof to ike eoraar el
L BaarM had baea WT*iBf as
■ allb |.u'tur>-» and lui-td.-ul» la the rio.iBtheltBilyolA. B (iorr. Bear
A-palltioa tor a a«a
llraUiekrllle. dba haa a daacblar. Mca lapUafead few Ue fawily of Hr., ‘ T-ou.-tMJ..!*hoth la Mimni.-r atid
a. E. A I. %nek* aad
JoIiaB iilieor. JirlBf at l*o<Boaa. a TUtrie. a laborer •Bo lost hi. life •!..'* wIui.t. Ib>- . mia-ror rlr...
teinpaworaa* trowdeaU lo front of a«xl iLme-tl..- uilfSrni -f n fn.K-.lj
daachiar ll»laf aear HauUlba and
pnrral, acv.- .«i .-xirann
aootker lo Cbicapo? Him. Stirer waa
A OarmxB atoU Al.too le pold Aaat
BoUflad last Blpht ol tbr oe •arroBoe.
with tba aalaMwar a»d tba reTBO Bau Uama.
rally •lleae baadred paopla m<
0 B Harray aakad to bo rallomd
raroraa Cily Moatlen defeat
fiwa eoMtrwtUaf a aew walkadJaoNit Uraad BapMs OnsocTBi traai Tataday
tebkpraaUtsbeeaaoahaaapaeiea to af letBooe by a aeora of I to o.
pettoaaaaraa walkaa oeoa a
) BBsa Ihroarboat waa fall of
eoaU oreara the saeawT •«■■. Tbia toe play* ai^ Iboacb tka plldiera held
lb* eppaalof .balasMa dews pretty
-rba tna*ar*rrap>»t*d a balas
*>me coed blu .were loeored.
A»d elalu war* ordered Both toama playrd an alwoit rrtorUat
paUtotbaaisoeateffs.STa*! *
cawe. TrBreroe City bolof ered.tod
waa eoaalderthla diacaaaloe la rofard
two erron. The dlasoad waa
toallowtaf a bill el J. A- Moor
wet aad la bad eoediuoa.
fM lor o bona aaowrr aod oi
■oa. wbb pitched a maalerly
Aoliw Cbapball tor •» M lor a
fsM for tb* Soasa l^a. waa wall
•adopriaklar. Tboo* bilU woro o.k‘d
#Ud tbroacboat. DariOrtbeea
bp Mr. Kyba* ol tba board ol odaeatloo,
.aaa* be allowed bat two bUa. aad
ow ot thaw
of a *07 aerstcby
. Krea. of (iraod Kapidr. also
plicbed pood ball, allowlnc B«<v blu
irlBf the caaie. The oaly laoler li
bleb tha blM were boocbad waa li
the alxtb. wboa Balfka lined oot 1
aaMbtr. The artiplaa ahea’d nroee•banof wlU Parka oe Aral. Tbit
avilf b* paid lor Iroa ib* park taad.
adraaewl Harm to third. Bo..kl
•ad after aoow dlaeaaaioif it waa dr- flaw eat aad Cbraoa lifted oae left
oldad to rofer Ue clalaw to the >olal aoarlac Park* Ula tally was the only
park «eaaaluaa ol tka board of adoeatMa aad tb* eeaaell tor aadiliacIkaalalaMetof tka boMd ol peb-

«r.t loodlT-aart otaally la wnno bUi
i bmt rutapaa.T-lhal 13 It tlei|dy ,
odd lleoiv. Dko 1: aad 1» aad nai
’ ulbert. and lOrh Bo-e hero furmod I

Many ef pen taxT* aera tb* I
anbw. Tirldly errra aad IlTe.lookloE
«. braitap la bb.oculBC.Uwr a Hrb
■km of u[lTrTy.|Hir,dr or U.'ro
drr**ilurad fk-wen. Ilkr drllrate Ultra.
Tbrr lift tb.Or thick oral b-arra an.1
fncAr bl.iwioaja well al»rr llw au-n-f.
of tbr WBira. Lot k.-rf. tb.- Ir-nry ai.-l
>ncfut<-al |nu half, au.1 oftra wboU.i
nlwo-tcrd Tboew iukI, *m-b to |.c-

Mrs Sylra^ J. U-Snuiran.
lb* necpruhlnnt of Uo Maryland
OnaaaliyC.-.olK*wYurk. wn* talaL^
ly bnrwed walle abepMnp in tb.
ef Urraby A Bill la VknwAM. N. j..aad
dM U tbr MnhUnbatp boapiUl. ntM
aarltp ar^jrrd Pp^
>-!ice.A that Ur ueppt.
Iliad n waicb. aad UelBi
■. ralehlap
be lipbt otpaa.i« drw
-orr. •prradaoqoickly that abe
necloped tn Are b. fora bclp -rirliiil


jttUTBimnfca MflAMuroT >■ im
I M»y. Hflfeiksi?:llaa.i Um.



W«B iMofld llfM^
CtarW B. akaUoa. tke «MltaC«lik
i tfltiyraM wn foactad fkVt/kf
*d aatheref-UBkStapk'’ attic III
VW keatayd. woa aaaOy oM U tiota Bl^ MaOey. who k at '
r meattaattha Onyrayattaal
' a caM akd
kora. A ys Mtalyaa clrealk JaHaa T. I
CMra.UC K. wm
. la Ibc }:U race aad
vpcta acne.
Hk baekbnyataeda
U K-Baobwana wtah tab far hie flfBtbaatlBt:llb. the bnt I
m erer madm takiay nooad I
la lUaeport. The apaai
L C E. hn ben weU In
u ef Mutiny the abonaot
-Clack Tom'B Oabli
i ■mrtala dkman a part of Elmer McOey aad bide fair to make ac
nriabk rseerd Ikk ecaew.
which k paddled oa aa apaat caaoa.
edleiwnof Ike •
WladVIeter Moatayoc aad Eobmt Mac
dooald ware the only two wbonlcred ecraadOraadEapIda
eiatta of the czceeclay .bln
ehooB to me aad mine by m*IU
thkeewtaak Tbedletaaea wn lor m
of friends in Traearic City, k tbe treat
feat aad woe woo by Hr. Moalayae.
sorrow Ibat bae come to aa
Ike priee halaf a kam.
Hy eooe. yraadeOB aad aiece 3 1
TbediriByenlaet wae partidpakd the Mclnd law. permiuiay Uc ■
la the wkb and arayer that wb. a
Rme ef Bcod abali oome
labyaaarakerofbaye: Ue only eat BidBal owaerablp of Detraii'e sir.
d adte
abaadfrieadi may be miatikrrd
emefal noe belay Allred Heorm who railway*. The opiBlea ny* that I
aatly. area ae they, hare miouierf
woe tbm prixee. Herbert Htoek aae
■ k aoeoaaUUt'iooal. that tbere
Mae E U Khun.I.
prirr; fleblny lackk were tbe artkis
neb ofi-c a* tke"Deti(dt etn
railway 00 amimioB. ' that tke defead- •bnacrapbS*
The W. W. K.mbe.l Co., its Proei
TVateneaty maialaiBed her repo uu'hara DO title thereto, aed tkai
baiere«ri>»d aeuarplete line
tatta ae aa orderly town Taerc wen Jedymeat of oaster may be mieredr
rrapbie eappl e. da addiUoa
e eoen baaed lu opioke almost
DO armm made, altbooyb two ladlaa.
all Ibe'laieel tbeet moeic. Tne phoqtt
ly OB tke prapoeilioB tbst tke law yrapb aod cramephooc are
aad tkrae ekiton were placed la tkr
oDetraeoaiioB of tbreecUoael tbe
d this let
coop to reeoerr from atiaela of Ikalr
n which proeidm that
loy. They were releaaed lael cecaiay
tall aopply of piecea can ,t>e
loi ba a party to or
Villie Lee. tbe Cblaamaa. bad aa
eablbltlooofflreworimla froat of bU
laoBdry. whkh waa a aoeelty aad o
aay eacb work except ia tbe
uibeted aoo^l part to tbo ei
Boy Trtur l*an» lireeo aad Kiadiny
tore of yraaia to tke etak of
talameot of tke day.
Twine from Jnliox'Campbell, at tbe
other property."
Tbe HaaUere malamlncrf dkrir
rath hide Hardware bwrc and yci
The work of the \»mimio< pnxt
le beat.
erd of pnt ycare by patliay >P
Ji'Ui e CxyroKU..
'------call aad wiaaiay ook
elTrio I'aMo 8tr
yin op all itaonybl of doiay
tbe rala- a Uryc
with the
> .for
cr of the membere <
time loeime. tbe
abiBC dab riulod Hre. M. E. C. B^ice
cbkre hxeiay from eercB o aeeaaieea HI SKhklUN AMI liaANII SAPin8
yceterday aad were eharmleyly
years Id mo.
The dfckion kaoeke’a ilraod Bapldx
All of the commlttece woeked bard
mta oetof a Udxxi a year j >b. Ralpb •tr. p m- Bale *3
I’ep.l. Pl.xv«* rilR Sv«I-««
riaka waxaepoioted aeerelary ol tbe

ICBpOMlbU ud Ike wlj
wkedliMMdIfceAene knir Ik akd tha objceta of the order ea4 >i wa
jaeebPartaefa aad P. Kyaelba
hefWBtelMllyMde ike welkiD rlac lowed bj tke meaben- . t tke
teb three laetfally trimmed riya la.
vUktkadlaaaUleeea^ w«(lria f»- anrehladoB feok 40 ki'. itf. la aattj
MM. BeitkuwM *11 U Ike proaeina aad earrjia* eaen They iweId of 0»apft«7 emted a fiae appeano.e. aad 1
At 4 ft. a. a U
Id W Ike rifttdeaee of O^Ulo Sower of Traeecae aty'e aiecbaalea
Uwraaaa'e bakery wae rrprtaeotod.
i. V. Melawftk. o« dtau eiraet
MMftdlaTftliai«01d UI017 iritk ap- Mr. lAwraoea'a baadeoiar rif- hraail- B. ChM>ia. the carpet reaoeetor.
Tke Elmwood' HaoDtacMriBy Co.
fatly triwaud la dace aad baaUey.
pmortftte ead correct araj eerai
laryeliaeoftSe •■VictoryThe Clear Maken' Ueioe made a doe
Aflawaid Oapma aad Mn. Melewah
ppearaaoe la wUte deck JeeheU.
■erred eoSeeaod breakhel eak
errylay a .aaaa.
There are aboal
tkevUimaad Ike be;* left tkree
raalw ckeeee lor Ike eaptals and ibc iweaty of UWB aad tkey reprtaealad a fleyimodMaUay.
le ofvtke meet realietk wae tke
■•C whaa Ibaj daparlad.
of the Trareioe City Lamber Co.,
Ahoat 4 d'alaek It b^aa to rala
eoaeletlay of • cotaplete eaw mill oak
aiiUlalalaUinaappveal that ike
aeeal^waeto be vet aad dlaicraa- mngooi wayee in produeiac dfan flt with a laiye drcalar raw la operaloo
a larye lay.
JobeLariiial^ayoeddlap’ay repJoha Proberfe '
TbaMudtlaeabafaatebe rinaoai
•eof latblfiy wae eery altne reeeaUny bk coal aad wood betlaeae
««ad. aad to fear that Ike .1 eaeat
wae appr»
woaM mmt a coapleU dixapUoa c
priately repreaeated la a wdll armay- ttai t-ie demoaetratioo wae made esch
cmaelaUietaea of rary dkoouV■aMtaforeeftadaearyl
ly eoaditieoa.
Ike dtj waa ertnrded I
tie bowery daeen did a ihriTley
I to eloae altnUea
Tbe wapoae
aafodtr. while etnaeee o
buiane aad tbe rala made tbeec
y a float reprteoatiay a boaee 1
u ellU more altratUre plaen of
r name, baadm^ly palatod aad
Tbe Boy's Baad led tke ealttbaaip
arrlead aalU Ike aoeaM
tkal aae eoald aearaair rcallxe where Ian. Tbe nala.fcoUre of tbew
The charch eoektka profiled laryely
BUd la eonecl eolore. .which w
tbeblywapoaeoatalalar the cireala>
k their laocb rooms, and ceery reeku
SIrub Brea A AmloUo. tbe whole- raftialoeo was ruebed all day ami
daread a poetf
laat Blybt.
aale candy dealer* and maaefaetar
MfaMa. Tbep
able that Doaecldnt
h laelndlac clown aad eariooe
a eery larye floak dryaoUy
era*, recorded yealerdey. In *neb a
-ed aed bearing' eeeeral ylrla 1
lyama. Ike -ktler mabiay candy dnlUcrawd tbie li a rata thioy. A
re-arlib half
■od tkk faalara wae iaeladad la the
anddietrlbatlayUamoaylke crowd*. ranawnyaeeideatis nlmuat a dally m;
W( panda la the afurwodk.
Ike wet doeea frUhy yooBf foxaa
in Trarerne aiy. bat yceurBcadah Twirlere. beat ball tram, atThe dkplay of g. K. Uoorbey A Go.
wiiih ir toe, latarfend with Ike pUae
dny tbere were no each eibibldoor.
aeted eoniderable attenUoa.
AwdaaeraUvthaaatarloiaeflbcbaai- was elaborate aad eonpleia. 'U eonand tbe riyilaoce of tbe officer* lerr
M hloehk bat the wladowa praaealcd e^lod of able road eariae propelled la ider belay wyiaat afaoai I
epooeible laryely for thk denirablc eoa
a n1i ■rtaarenni
Ualoe atraal aad by elaaiD. a read eeraper. iwe threeh helybk to tke peraaa of 1 I Wiaa.
treat airaat were aol daeeralad ae lay laaehiDae aad a MeOormlek reaper, whose akin oa Milk k rams
The baade whicb trrred aeyeatcr
all drawn by the biyenyine meatloaed
yfahnate ee wee iataadad. bat ik
aerrrd tbe pnbllc well aod ail of tbrm
. flaefl-mtbnriay
d. B. Cbambera of Toledo, eblrf ayeaV
did an ^wtaal a eaf7 oadlubli
are dracrrlny ef eomplyicBUrr aoUee
aad saaera] aaaa^ for Mieblyme.


aad E. F. Seyder of Urmad Bapide.
aaotber repreaeoutlre of nacbloery
Harabsl Eoberta wae ably ataeted by
Tha ngralac bail fame waa
Horyaa aad Jack I*rrr7,
aartip dalanad alwi. prlwarlr beeaoae bandied by Bonyhey A Co..
loted. wbo tarred a* orderllee; aad
of Ike rata aad dlraeUy baaaaae the
bk aide*, were O. P. Career. Rr.
i4alU^ laaa did aot arrira aatu
Bollldat, Jobe Loraayer. aad Fred
Tbe Gnplre baad appeared
aaoe awl iataraak
Wtik poealbly a wy Bae repreeeauUoa of Ikelr boe>.
eae la a biy Boat haodeoaiely uiiamod. farmer ecotaaw ia the parade aad
Mafioasaaptko tkM wae tbo larveet
Xwo baadeoairly trlnmod riyi de- formed aa fmporuat part of
amwd near anea laTweAlk atraal park.
AbeetaeMthaiala oaaaad aad aoea- aerlbad tbe yroeery beMacae c........... motleal prr«ram aod yaeo eaeelleat
eounalemeatwll day tay la earioaa
itaaUytkaaaBeaaaeataaddlnlpat- bela. Baruk A Oa.
6ae of the fioeet wae the float of tbe parte rf tbe city. It la a yeod bead
ddthaMoadaaaadariBf aMat of the
aad Empire baa teaaoB la be prood of
I of tbe
eioa.” Tbe 1

Pfltii GrMB i&d Slkdisj; Twin*.

riiBmitaloe, aod wo* to reeiyo bit lest
proBtable office at aeerelary to I'le
oreraor. Be will now eraliane to
Cl ae Finyret't priralc eaereUry.
Tbkdeculoa diepele another ooe'ot
■remor Pinrrae'i mist eberithed
dmmv maeioipal owaerablp. Diide-


tt alnrad ot Bae aad renaiaad a
little boye aad aa naay pretty ylrlt.
Tbeeomalttem.baeiay tbe oMebraw^ beariay aa appropriate laeerip- tta la charyr were;
EtceeUee—Thae. T. JIalea.
tuiecte' baad preeaded two biy fl aU
attentioo aad xff >rded e
of tbe laeket factory of Welle-Hlyotaa Eoberta. O P.0areeft_.P:cUlIberk B.
qawy. Tnedree City
The Bnt wae Baely arraayad with W. Baetlaya.
. Like those df the cTeolB* they
naaBypaopta wlU
\HaiAal ef the day-Jadyo Lbrla
etlBax aad
earefcUy aeleoted aod aocccaa• taker betdaa.
maaly bellt ap. While Ike other eiA
felly set off. ________ ^
loaded with bnbel baeketa. attneU^ '^llclUny-E-E. McCoy. C. 8. Qaeta
Tlnty of Oeed ■nte.
Tb- re wax oae fexlare of epreial sly
1y arraaytd.
^ a^M. W. B'kkerd.
It wn thaeyht eariy ta tbe ouw
''Ti\dndieplay AT V. Friedrich. H. oiflcaace la the parade oa tbe Foonb
Tha Trartrae City HaMe
IkatUabiypd^waaM hare I
D. Ckmpbell. B WilBelB,of Wilhelm which Tery few people aotkad paraalnpIrlaydIaplaT. The faatan be­
«len ip. bat OiB nnm!
Broa.. B. E Wneer. W. J. 8proal.
Ucolarly. At the bead of McFbereoa
lay a head eoaipoaed' ofa aamber of
ChUdreoh parade- -SepL C T. Urawa: Poet, marablny ride by ride with the
praUyyirle.,jrbe neak lb«y pUyed
Petri. C H. Horn. Prat. H. A. Cobb.
eoior-bearer waa Joha Bobiaaoo,
n dificalt aad elaealnl.
Deeoratloo- A. W. Jabraaa. Bprayae. e>-eonfed*rate aoldier. who carried
Swlft'B Chbaye B4«f Pachlay Oo..
Pratk W. 8. Aoderpoo.
staye and atri^ la tbe parade and bed
haadiofmaoklBUiecdty aad dariny ■adeayooddlipUy.
Mae«(.'A. W. Rkkaid. WUIard Cbmp wrapjH. aboot him the Americab Bt
•be fenna tkay paraded tbe emeu
Tbe doer nillof Ike Haaaak A Lay
bell. F. U. Heamada.
The eealimebt of tbk will appeal
to all parti of the dV aad maek fllled
ol made aa appropriate aad
Military dlepUy- J. W.
eserybody aod lx a f jrcible IlUxtratli
tke air la all dlneUooa. la aplta of tke artletie dtepley. Tbe float wn
Eyeerlba, F F. Ureer.'
riybt at homo of the obliierallos of all
«ata. Utlartalkcday tke 1
aad boatlv- aed a
Traaat^Uod-K L.8prayae.CB eeclkoal leeUay betweea the. North
were iiwemily fanrabla aad wbat
made of floor
riorrad^ Jtmn W. Caaalay- aad Sonlk. Hr. Robiosoa eqr^ed
promtaad to be a dlamal faUon benme eacha. while tram tbe doore eonU be
aem. K H. PopA
Ike eoafederala army tkree ye^
a aanmm ,Tha real profram of Ike
MB baye loarea of broad wiibla;
F,rc erorke-E E HeCoy, C.EOeria, der Ucpcral Krayy.
flay boyaa with Ike bly parade aad
Ooe of the meet aitncUepfloatc
Qco. R. HcLellae.
aadad la a Man of ylory. The Bre- lhatet a B. Oibbk Ike bicycle reCrUla laBrttUk ColnablW
Ftredcpartmeotdkplay-E 1- Falvmta dl^y was.wllkoitqoaalhm.
naj maaofaetarer. It ba
aaeoarer. B. C. Jaly
Tb^ B
yham. J. Forteeb. C. W. Aabi
IheflantceeraeoolBtUepan of tke
^r. Olbta' force of worl
l. whicb
Hleyele parade aad recce—C. B. Bale.
atata.aad tke oommltuehad ae well wltb a fall oatflt of bicycle a
a tbe'Atlia
Clare Cortk. Ralph Haetiefa
anaacad tbdr prpyram that
tUreet yamea—Fraak Fitcdrlab. Pi«d
Ihnwi wUoh onwdad t
Victor Petcr^l'eearrtaye and wayoa Cartk. Caarlee Back.
wki waa reproacatod by a flmt op
.. Iboperatlee, aod by re oriey
Iklitbamplaae-U. W. Ba«. H. B
Data atnat brtdyo, won lath to Inee whkh wae moaated a floe carriaye.
allow Ctalcayo eapiialku to bnild
Uetce. Jamee Harebk,
altar tkalaat raohet bad boon flVed prodaet of tbe factory.
Ban ball-W. C. Uall. Jamea Eeboe. tbe Krltieb aaeal reeeree. iboayb tkey
aad tha Ita baltaa bad baaa mat ap
Tbe Ckneeet baad praeeded tbe ele
held alnaefram tbe {kmlalon yesFrank Parka
Icfay tbeeoa
yoak bletarinl float arruyed by tbe
enmebi. treat to amaab owlay
Aquatic epona—J.
•preead tortaaataI aad the ayatem cflklaU aad amaloyee of the No
recUy to the people loeicy eooSdeoce
adoptad to ntO^ eg tha ptarn work, /.eylam. the float wae aa ao
la It for tbcM acM. The allorocy 1
ad wltbealahltaaadtblapanet tbe
oftba eTOlBtloB of tbe
eral mpoeatble for tbe leyirialioo
ABMrkae Iley. li
fonwd -ootof offi.-e la obedience to pub­
The-ballooB aeecaeioa '3y I ■ Mabel
flafi tl tkii aaUoa
lic oploioo. and tbe yorernment will
There wma many taatana la tbe tram Ike flnk
be oqmpeiled to yo to tbe imople ayalo.
Madn dl^tay wkkh; dmerrm ^lal
oaooftbe yraataat teaU of modem tioae. Bat aot tkroayt tke faalt of reUre.oryireplneeto tbe opponlilon.
aad ^tan> mntta. Oompaay H
leetrtcal aetaee wae Ike Btaaecer. W. B- Oarraw. or of
who faeor tbe cacotraypmrni of Ai
taiaadOBtata^Btrcv aad tkolr ap- CUdwell
Bellmoot. Tbe taallm» ia ahaye.
lean eokrprke u> the pretleee.
earricye attracted eooiiderable alteo. shaped affair. 0s<*0 feet la size,
dameauntleae ell akmy kSo llae. Tbe
aad wae worthy of cpecial notice, yrtiead wae eery damp aed tke rale
aaUlata ware clad la tbe aalforme wtakk
ebem Camp No. !tn, Modem bad molnceed tke atraoepbere to that
they wor^ eri^ delay actiee eaelee la
imea of Amerka. beoefleiarT 00- ia lofleUay tbe ballooe a qaaatlty ef
ekty. wae repreaeeted by two floate. atam was forecd Into U with tbe hot tion.
air. ibae readerlay tke aanaeke difll.
Hr. and Hr*. Whllney WaUriot. raealt aad oantielacloey.
Mta Bell- enUy married, arc in tke city on tbe ir
aoei. boweeer. made a yracefal
weddiny tear aed are yaeeU of Hr*. J.
darimy aeceaeioe moaalod apea a bicy­
W. P*teblB.ektcrof tbe
cle. bttlowlay lotbe eeodiUoei deaeribJ. 3. B^aa. tbe yraoery deaim. ed at balloon reached a beiybt of only
11*00 feet whoa tbe aemaa
ata^ea eery praUy aad
rata, lhay wore ylree aa
Ble flo^'^
. atay Ika reate which wae Ur4ded
Him B«Ui
earioae arlkke' ballooa and deeeead
artthUMOhaanierlke yaaa^ eoldalee bad diflkaliy U detaebiay ber
wherlfroatbemrachak aad when
e llamllloB aotbiay Oo. wae rep­ abeeamed^wo MTclr. paraebalc aad
lied by a float of rare aad artntk-' tbe yirl came dope la a heap.
Tbaadama wae kaadad by Jadye
aebtata. manbal of tke day.r The fW- erlylB^ty. Tbe riy was a two story Meauly she daly saatalaed a allybl
bmlee. - The crowd wbta wiinaatd
tadtay takd. aad a rood baad. to)
leriay aad adeartklay. whU. apoa
I appar atorr was a yroap of wbat
m to tke t'altad Statre
w people miyhi terBT.yeaalae
rtea. woe moaoted.
I. to taH army.
army, e<
eqtpce. Porto Bleaae aad Bawaitai
•nkaadla^raanof Ikaoompa
II were they yoctea aa aad ao 1
MePbaran Pota wae
M led by tbe mar
rally did tke character* portray the
LeleI B. railed
nlkd by J. C M
ba^trban tank ramladad
ramladad old rr
of Uaek 8aB-a
1 bear. 17 mla..
an of Ike aaaaa of tke rekellkm.

Weht Michigan Ry.
' srxiMV. Ji i.v 1-.

Doh'ltnkt thkehanee uraltnad the
;y Vied. Traia :
inienallny aerr-cm at Hay
will leaie Trarerue «>Iy
Ireaee liay View at n Hi |
CAUI' HF-KnXii ;
C .V W. H andii li. It i *v. *yraW
willneil lirkeu a*, fallow*;


B. .1. H«R4iAX. ProprictcM-.
I Platform Wayon. 3<ieat«,ail leyond
>rdrr. pria- fis im.
I lw**e*l exieoaiee top Ckrriayr.
jcwlv paloled.
paloled. pric-;
ic-; *4t r.ffi.
Flurry, rood ordre. *4<i cn.
. . .larlor Bui.,,
I Top Burry,
y. allicynodabape.
allicynodabai *is
l Road Wayoni rood ae ncw..f7S 00
I Lamber Wayon*
I Cow to trade for a p-my.

lac oo
u a* B^ls
led by Verlla T
Hit* Hertballatkell
•II of tAlliao
fa«t monied borne after a eiilt li
city with Mr*. W. « Uerreoee.
Dr- J. C (laaetlMil aed famdy >
tarord to E'k Rapid* ymlcrday at'
• •eodiey the Foorth with Ur. J. '

..raltofl by



^ ^ QomB amvilig evGTf week.

(Hflk J

This SoMonta QoadA.

Ten Per Gent. Discount
on all Carpets.

TbiA Sprioff'fl DMifftiE:-

BiUiHi Dti Cnli. Cupel m CMIlii IHS.

have iPini'en a. amvi-peifiil 4-*p>-rinient awl »1H
Ihi-oiiii- a |)i-rmaiii-iit i1e|iartmvDt <if our ahtm.

are ninvini; off fshl

We have a

Uiuen ill Vm -tite any nli*|>-'

et..-k of 4tajr tinea—no

IuiMh all you eaa cut Jn Uu-m.

Prices 48c Up.
All Latest Nuvels, Books
and Hagazines.



■W. 3’. HI-AJRSS-A..

Real Estate, Loans and Collections.
Masonic Block.

Traverse dity, Mich.

Farms and City Property for Sale.
price *460.
le c&arieroiz r -flUy; xuK'l -ra v*wrtB-fll; yoodaeil; p-dc.flaoi
in Charleroi* ' 'inty: I'U *v'-w impro*-W; f*rai balidiay*; yeod
lilM fmm Kuii Jordan: once only liuper aer*.
Ea*t Jordan: price oaly *10 par rara.
»od; pr«oely*S“
171 —4ii ftcrea In Chartrmi* eoonly> xmall impmramenla: price AIM.
17*—reiaemnaly?', milr* fromritT: from* b* idinf*; fixid orebatd; Will esamr la part for limber land or city property.
Bilrat-tnlb from city on coo4 road; vofler y-wd taneri frame
I: orehardvyo
. . aoil;
soil: e
of .wator: -...........................
aellmt fl.Pxi. ooe-tkirda
of *:nn ft yrar
and Iriereat
iMenwl _
._ . .
Oaa-third eanh. kTanaa
lai—Houer ftn-1 two lolson F fib etrnet; price' .mn
137—rtt ire bnlldini
balanreran be
I4--I7ncraa Ii< a
rariety of prat

II ezehuye to part 1'irH'm.
northweta ?elty: l.ono trait iraea. rqoatly baariayi
plomft. eberrimnadftoplca. Friaetl.MO.'

Orders for Job Printing left st the


<will receive prompt ettertlofi

We Meet Any Prices Named
on Footwear In This City......
_ir quality' cuts aoy figure
Our shoe trade was not built up < cheap made
footwear—wc don't sprinjr FAKE sates on onr custom
ers—When wc advertise anythini
lything von will get valae
received -Yon.can't get r-omelhing for nothing.
We want your inspection, and will name prices at
our store that down any so-called snap sala ia this
city—Wc have served our trade in reliatile shoes for 16
years, and the people ought to tie convinced by this
time who tbe Old Reliable Shoe -M^i^ ie

Make no mistat^—

B. 1. MOEOAH, Propr.

A nice lot of Horses, among them
some nice Farm Mares, one or two
Draft Horses, weight 1,500, and a
lot of Nice Drivers. A few Cheap
Plugs good for any kind of work.

Special Sale on Suits »
and Men’s Pants.


At Pioneer Iiivery Stable.

lee. sailed by <CbaaBaefc. Tima.
boae. 11 mla:. Ibra*.
*71. K. O. T. H.
, Dot. ealled by'Sk Chaaa. Tima,
talr, pcettlly arraayed la the cioion.or hoar. » mia.. U *ee.'
tkeoedaraad baatlay. A bay*
•mbta 'of the ■ockty. wm tke
Baoyer. •ailad by Hr. Bubaa. TImi
by Ita Acym I boar. « mla , SO rae
Prariam.ralladlvJob.Uk. Tima.------------- „-w--

PricM BlAnffbtAffod.

Jnly 111 >0 111. Relnrn AAya*t
One fare fur ronod trip.


PgnowlaytkaO. A. B
hataaaa. nlaolated to pwtrar aclaal

Closing S^le on Ladios'
Suits, Gloai^, Etc.

.. ^...

will yo to Bear Imkc today to rial!
ibelr oack.
Isaac Feaalaytoo. wife aeddaayhler
of lodiaaa are tb* yB**U of Hr. aad
Hr*. J. Feaalaytoa.
Hr aad Hr*. D»e Shorter and
chlldrea of Cedar, arc eiritloy the fam­
ily of A. A UcCoy.
Hr*, larz Taompwm will lean Ihk
eeeaiay'for Vermillloa. II.. fnr^p-^few
wttk*'ekit witb.relaliree.
8ar«eyor Nortbrap ba* yoo^'p Cadil­

speciaf \®ties
in dpslnttola m«rch»Bdiae are offered yon by THIS
STOilE. Amonff ihwm. we ckJl your ktl



I Jaly 74 to Anymtt
8 W. Porter of Nortbport.' k in tbe
Aayuxl *I
Atk ayeaw f -r fnU loror
rotlioo aod yo ei* the VtWt Hicbiyae
Hr. and Mr*, t;. W. Kraao of HaaUiu. UaUxias.
klee. are Id tbc-elty.
tVitliem Kxtesoa of Co. H, retahed
to Cadillac reelerday.
C A Traey aed wife of-Fife Imee
were bare for the Fosrtb.
KI.Laalner weal to Maoktae yi
day to atleed tbe berte rare*.
City Altoraey M.C Podye w
CadlUkcyetilerd*; on bnxiaeaa.
Ur. J.J. Cook rf Kriamezoo (pact
the Foarlb with Hr*. U. Ico Brryy
a W. Shaob of Cbarieeoiz aprnl the
Fosrth with Mr. and Ur*. C. W. Fbasl.
AatUn ikcrbolt of 8ooth Rend, led..
ie Tkitloy the family of Hr. J. A. Say

LoeitaoIlkayaBdhktkkr. Loclk.


IjOur 5c and
lOe Counters

Excursion Notice.

The HetrapoIUae llrand Opera
paay. oeaberiny )<> artkix. will
pearal'sieinbcry'x liraod eezl Mob
day aod Tneeday ereninyzl'Jety lu aod
lie Moedty rre^iay they wdl
>nt for tbe'flrtl time io Traterse.
Cily.'-Tbelinheiaieo liirl."one of tbe
yrealcai surceewe. aod on Toeaday
reeolag I'lanqartie't maxierplece., the
celebrated opera. -Frb-DiaroU."
xaperbly stayed sad coatamed. Tbk k
the yreatcat and mnalrxpeoxiee altraelioe 61 iukiod loekii tbitciiyaadaa•aredlya beany welcome awaiu them.
Tbe loetie will be uoder tbe diraclioo
of Mr Arthnr.Warrioer. tbe ms
director of the Urai-d.


““ “SSU

it the famng
Jed CballeDyc
yebeoa aed
orcbcatra of iixteea trained ma-icisn*
ender tbe able ienderabip of
Ewer*. The free c Oivrt an
rade and in front of the opera boutr
CMirialt of all tbe laleet marrhr*.
qaickttrpe aod medleyt. while the eon-

kmorraweteoiny. July Tih.


Boaidefl Extni Low Prlcwa on All Hi
of Dry Good*.
FurnUhiDEOood*. HktBAud Clotbinff
_____ ...
pay yon to
what we offer, forwe etaow only
•tyl«-p. And you'll purely BAve
money on your parehnpea by taking advantA^ ol

roUoe to It crea aatodaua bit nll«t
to equi taiatloo. Tha opiaioa
le eonrt ifn eraabiac blew to tbe
’.and camlay'directly on t->p
of tbe opinion recently filed In reyard
to tke Atkiaaob law i« particelarly dk.-oarayiay;

for their ezoelleot
Laat Blybt the H E A 1. iraitway
»au. No
*■ comoelled to pat on a ard-rad epee- formanre k by far nor of the rery b*tt
Cadillac aod iatermeaiaic eeer yieee with a Iraerliny oryan-z*into ce
lioe. Tbe manayeoieat bat spared
neither mrmry or lime In colleetioy
the eery beat moeical Inlent. sad Uii*
and from poibU alooy the liOA
one feaiore it worth more than the
' by tbe local priee ol ad-nissien. Tbk attraction
iOR eircom- will be presented at bleinbeiy'a liraod
tbe rtab the trade* dlxplxy wax laryer

we offer special'

Jll.8 B>roxL-t OUL’ciot

ettiis TUfttn kmiA mx a. iiw.^
: Tbt tareaarb }«fy, ta^ad Vf
irtM uilomiimi /aallMOapa to la^alra laid Ua Br•»aM*4*T. labtoMd. olUal Wa
tba daatB of
•airafWarela^ta. ■; kn^ltba aped Hta. M. C Baeta Oa tba Feanb.
tac to tb« eU; Taaater M h »
' wad a Tordtot
wtv a Am aaw aalr o( troawta.
dariarta that Mia. Baaaaa eoM to bar
daaib by belap raa iwar by ataa.
Frad Maij.* f.
at C. t.
BaBbarH.oetaH.AKrB rallraad.
aod’aaaaj»ir«t of FUa Laka. to
aadtaiaryalaoanraaraiaa tba tale
«alMa»oadaria bark vaaliacBa
w ftoB all Maaw.
eb<vbadhto«ntraaa. paaladaad |rf>adbtoon barb, f'aerda. aad aada
roadatotba mm» la tM daya. T*e
I ataB barpe Flalebar. which ar.
taiaaWfdv^ irark er
rltad la Ula port Batarday soraii
taHy, daarvad ap^ at aipbt tor Cl
Maaapar tllalabarp haa a
capo WlU a MCPO of laBbar (row
WltltoB Beltaer.
Tba reaeal carrM aaariy half a ■IIOpera Rnmpaap, wbleb will allow bln Ilea feat of ata>>e lambaraad ta loadat pnaaa to. ao. aad 7»c for Ua- lap raeerd waa brokaa. Hr. Beitaar
eaatad to be loaded la 7H boen
ba $1.00.
Tbto wUI plaaaa a
401.100 tael. This btaa all pm
a-to„ -a
raeorda oa theaa ahoraa. Tba hlpbrat


State Bank.

ThaObrtotiaaeaaieb lUiMlplaa) will
boU epaa tat waatlapa adj.
Otaapa ball, b^alapSaaday. Jaly 9

BldarOraaref UadaoBrUle, Hlefa.. of
ryaetb dtolrlat, will taka ebarpt
of baBaaUan

>. alaeUea
a Of ta work for Ua
Irety waBber to arpod to ba
Udrria bar on echlWtioa at bla
tbeaa KaaUr riaalbla Btor'l* “
wbleh sabraOMl for aoafliac two
wbaato lovolbar ae aa to eatba iheoi at

Clroviitioii this week 2.275.

i ’

aada iritb Ue lalaellea t
loirlar two rldaim. wtobtaf to rida Uadea>. (odoae wltboataltbar baflac or
rratlof oar.

ABr«a Matao waa Iwoatfkt to tM
ally How‘ay tarafaw by BbirlB
ItiBtaB rbanad wlU laraaby froa
Darid ................. . of
Klaptlay Ba
waa kreapht befeee Jaatta Brawe aad
ptad aot paflly to ta taarpa. Ba
waa booed crerr aatll Taeadsy BcraiBpataoVlaeb to await tartar trial.
Tba eharpa apalaat bla laforlareeBf
froataturaof Ifyaeoop
ba Utter
aware eat a

Mbb HbHob Pittt UttrBM tB bar
kboel at D.bora yaMarday.
Baaiy AadarBB^aeatWlafcy
iCawadta. apaal ta fWlb lb ta city
Hta Jaaaia Cartto weal to Datroll
Taeaday at oae of ta dalapataa frpa
Ttmrma aty to ta C. B. eeataUoa.



A startliap laeideBt
BoideBt of wbkb Hr.
......................... ... FhnBdalphia. waa ta
sabjeet. to aarratod by bim as followi

acatlea. Tba artiel« ebarpod as
atolea ate a 8U n
taaa trolliap baoka.
Tba ball aaked for araaudtotTOO
and baiar enable to faro ah
Hearo waa

tad. palajeuaUwlly^lj

piowiap woakar day^'day- ThraL
phyoiciaaa bad pleao air ap. ForUaately. a frirad adrited tryiep 'BJaetrie BiUen.-aBd to my preat joy aad
aorpftoe. ta Brat bolUe made a decided
iBiprofeaKBI. 1 evnUaaed Urir asc
lor Urea weeks, mod aa now a well
A QoaauoB o>
saa. 1 know Uey sared aiy life, and
Tbepood pame of baaa tail placed robbed ta praee ol aeutber eictlB.''
Noooe abosid fail to try them. Only
by ta Haatlarm oe ta FoorU
Mleeaup>r boUle at b U. Wait's aed
Ktpida Dea-mtati
J. U. jofan»o's Drop iitaraa.
that not by a aenre of 1 to 0. baa latermUd Ue faaa aboat Uwa aad mired
ta iatormt la Ue aatioDal pama.
atroep has been Ue aeaUurat la fe­
tor of placlap a pood toaa U Ua field
For tba Oraat OoaraanoB.
. ta eirealaOoo
of a anbaertptioo paper waa tiarud yaartatae la llalrolt Uto weak will attorday. Tba raapoaau were brt-«r
uaclDtaiy of ta aaerpctle
espeewd. bat to maloUio
troo) Uto elly aadrleialty. H
lay.dtoirletteeratarr of UaBleraeU
dtotrieU left Tareday rrealap aad took
wtUblBbtobip eahlbit ofaoarealra.
ipilod in^m eolicctloto
froB all Otar Ua world when
elety la koown. Hr. Uolleyb
Sereral eraeV p)ayeia an ready to
' to an ntroonllBary wlltotloB
naa berr at a laoaieet'a aolice. anoap
aad eery ealnatla. aad fait• appo‘af
OurSaTings Department
UcD fiddle Wbaelar. ta Uird
seat aa aai
.. Uersbibit
Uaet baa rreoited
■ hroopbt bla
aereral .oBera to play with laapse
otaf Saaeo
bat will remain and capiain ta
nuaUara if Ua toam to reorpmoised. Ue
Hta Bataa, Slate Jaafaw SapariarrreitedatolepTamto po tail yaator
taodaot. ’*11 TuaadaF alpha
of Ur
HtaCiertreda bprapaa weot jbatorweek, and if-----------------, waott hawi_
----raa City
ay Doraiap and will rcprrerel
ta FtodrarorTMlapa. taorpaoof ta tBlI aod to witilBc to pita Ue team Ua : Sll«I BlpHlt IlM U fUl III T«I In Ml
iry atart h > will stay and pashl
it aloep Tbr sabseftotioo list to oo> a ’
“ virT*!‘.i-^ai: Jas. T. fWaCU b.JOshars who will alteod
and If ea'iarb D pudp^ by Satarday s ! c—sirt‘
mad Hra. C J. Bbear. 7..IU V7pleaooi.

Stmt to be aftraettus tvootat attobtton
at tVitt tvmo,



■aptt^abarab wUl
rkBwaaa «lrttaa fIT Watt Niatb
amav. tbto afloTMoa at titok
i. n. MartlBek to auklap yalaaUo
•iBiriiiBiaia to bla atora baildtarea
Fiawtatroat. Uto aala raoa wUI be
■ate la>«w by tba raowral of aararal


far tba aew factory la

^ snliWaBd wlli laava today
tjatMantrlpwItba load of •
I^Bbar for WUea Broa. of Ohkarx

lust \v;ui;lithe look

Bd. Bardy.oeaof Ua alaetrical aar rally 4a Teat I
laawa at tba power boaaa of ta
Laoaard U. Haber aad Mtoa Aoea
oaidiaae Blaar BlacUic Upbt A dearer.
■aDoaoar of tb ■ el ty were narrlad baa.
TheprMldaal. Be». Dr. Fraoels E
Vc., awl wlU a rary aa
^y afMTMoa at 4 o'elecb la tba Oath
curb. Keoreiary John Willto Harr aad
alto Aaiab. fbibar Baaar oBelatlac.
B of oaa of bla haada.w at l«tt Treasarer Wllllaa Hbaw oirieed at
■aU are loeal ratldaato awl well
At II o-clodk Dr. Clark ■Ilcd lo
cripple It badly. ' Ba waa eltoalap ta
aano«] i
'of ta
atall esaitar la tba power hoaar. wboa
rbnip U Hirdaad Hta. Aoratla Biasad oaae la eaalaet wlU tba Cnltod^A^y la Ue Uetol Cadillac.
Ua-neaibera nf
rlap aad ta bead waa terribly
a. aad diacutwd
Haadtoy atMr»«a .by Jaaliae Brewa barta clear Uroapb to ta palB.
Ohortlj after tbreeo'elaeb. Tbeyoaac Bad a clroult beta tonaad daaU would
peaple will aake Qrawa tbeir felara bate base ta raaolb t>r. Oaner
■ad by WlIlBB Loedoo aad

Tba baalna»bafare ta Ualtod ao
elety waa ijalUly teaniaetad.Treasarer
Sbaw'a report abowod expeedluret
daHap tbe.BaAlyear of |» OTS aad
worba. ‘Ua wUI ba laid ap ter
paoaaatod to laaee tbaai wlto Mta.•Mi BOW la ta traaaory. Tba report
Vbaekar. no Btatoetraaloa Friday or tlBd WlU Ua tajery.
efUrorpe B OiaS, ta Boatoa apeat
at tba Baottot Aarab as balarday
Uallapber. ''Kiep of ta Baaror
deparueeat. aader
a.'eaau to Trareiaa City ToaaAU tboee barlwr Bowera to d<
Ito bbe Hateabaa wea irial WTiw

. 'lap that ba will b rladW
. .ataraa City 'tba arai.ebool
Iba alaawar Caarlo*ei« arrirrd la
I. tba aityBaaday.aa bar Brat trip aa
aaeawanr to tba Patoabay. Hi-a bad «
iarya aappa aa' heard,
ard. iaeladlay >
baaow (or Wrvy J. Marpaa. ifSa
laoa baP-^ra
tat arlUba bare aptoa

WUI Boob ba CoBplatad
Ctopt-Joa Baaarato to aab.iip rapid
pnwraM «iU ta aaw dock of ta
HlUlpaa Web Oe. aad aspeeto to
bare it ■etol^d'laaida of tSraawaaka
_____eewplatad Uto will ba ta toapSnia* la Ua dt^taiap-mTaat
la laopU.^ aalaailep lOo feat far
latot£Mu..4haa ta BaBaabA
[■y deek. The }aUiap .pra;w. to
adopted la drirlar ta pita. whiU aaablto rapid aad aPactora work.

m« \0V.

biv& iftc.

alUa bcpiBBlap of the flt«1
Tear. Jaae 1. Ihm. Ii.iio: reealpia derlap ta year. ICT DC): esabndllarea.
• caah BOW oa hand, Si.4io. The

as ware elected tmatoai for foar
years; R>*. C D Brewa. Mk Joy. Fa..
Frof. H. U Willayu Chloapi: Bet. Saaaal HcNaopber. Boatoe: Bee. A C
iwm. Toronto: Bee. Hapb K. Walkev
D. D . Itot Aope're. Cal.. Be* J. Wilber
CtaapBsn. D D.'Kaw Tork: Bee-tiaerpr
B HeHanitaao. dtoabaKelHc. O
Tba forapofap ware eloelad t -aateM
feraytaBpoa ta reorpantoatioa el
ta United eedety a year apo. BUert
Ipaar of -Kaw York waa dected
ilaa to aaeeeed ta lata Bar. J
Btet Freoeh. D D . of Kawark. g
Be*. K; B Ut.S. Phlladal
phU. waa Bade M addiiioaml irastoe
tepreaaat ta I^BOBllaa. whlea dr-

Two HaadradiB WadOlac.
re ol ta United an­
taibtoaty laklap ISdayafw.tbrJ
dta 8. H. Bn
ay. Ba waa wtoaoaud by bto taibrr. Jo■arrlapa oaraMoy Batarday
aapAMadab of Utodty aad toaair
wbta Bade toawB.Kroi
na foUowa: Ptealdaev Bar. Or. Frsaeto
' ly happy otor bto aafaatrlyal.
Bta Hallla ArM. beU e( Uto dty.
aark-.aacietary. John Willto Baer;
• Mtoa Hary Ki^ raoalta" a paiafal
tea aad wife
i^rar. WUIIaa dbaw.
All throe
iajary baeaaai^ drfwUra aldawalb
Tbto ■arriace ta
are (r«B-Boatoa.
BapraaaataUeaa eo
Taatday. Bba-W rtdlap oa bar bl- wkM haa baaa aalaaatoad by iaatta
ayau aa tba walk eo Siaia itraat. Ikowa alaoa ta bapaa tylap
WtaahawaatbrawBlrew bar arhaal
ial haeta. ataraB yaaia a^ aad
bp ta iBCHiali. af tba
It to a raaetA whbU wU ta laud

Special, 1-4 Off


IBo stvtV tvasc a Varje tvae o^ tlaw V'vaA o^ Cartataa votvtcVt
ts t\\o most st^ttsVi tWaj 'to cartatas tt\ts 5oat, aad ta
ot4ot to 'vatTodaco tV\Xs Vtao a)t make a.SvoctaVQtscoaat 5^
t5 Tot e.oat. Vrom tVvt TojaVar mavkod vr'too, aatvtcVv \4o
saavaatee to tie as Voa) as aa5 otW'doaVoT'.' Svtt^a


like d snow lUik« unilfir n July ^

Popular' Shoe House.

day to bare a pood tlBa wlU tba reat
This to oaly tba
aaeoad Una ba haa beea la Trarerv
av ta twaaty yaBia
Hr. Oallapbai
laatoaUe la bto ptatoa of tba wort
Bta latllad Wneat bar at tba boa
of Baaaior Hlllikae io taBtatcaaaBte
Badcelara. tal tba flebartoaaof Hfaditpaa bare aeUiap bat pood worda
ear for ta aaoator baeaaae ol bto efiortalaUelr babalf.
OB ta flkkl apmlaat tba Bah treat ha
deelaraa that the traat did aot a
oat of It BBite aa well ta they claii
Prof Bydar Oaa aaat la ala aoeapt- aad that U waa oBt aacUoa el ta bill
«Maot Ua peaitloa aa prladpal of wbleh paatlto. dec to Senator Htllikea.
' tba HIpb ptboal, 'Ho atoe aaat a that took BQch of Ua plory from ta
totory alalBod by Ua tnaat.


Bobbinet Curtains!

of acony on his'face nii-li away J

Alfred V. Friedrich

M^. AllMtoaadIto W. a T U.


^S\i«i[a.V’?Tvc6 tic laiu

enough Tor-him." 1'ou .nii>ihi I


It ^oas 0^ tVvese ^amoats \»^t to eVose at aboat Vvat^ vrtce, Ss.aa, $a.9a.


J. W. Milliken.



Is -just this-You want soma idea as to the probable
cost of that building you^ri^^ in mind. The first,
inquiry will be where to get the best g^ods for, 'the
least money.

In our Hardware Dapartment
You can find the greatest assortment of doors, sash,
window glass, locks, knobs, hinges, window trim­
mings—in fact eyerytbing needed in Uiat line.

Our Grocery Department
Supplies lime, hair, kalcine plaster, cement, building
paper, paints, vamiebes.

After Your House Is Built


Well Make You '
Prices that Will
Sell You Shoes.
A1 -Payed. “V". IF:c±©Az?ioIb.


l-'ront Ftroct, Tmverse City. \Iich.



"S^ectaV Tftct

“Don’t M This Man I
if it is flot^

Aun. whim you ask him t
llapMB, Jaly '* -Ibe body of
A cardea party will be bald Friday
come araumi hmr amt have-..
T li.eit. a wall kaowo lanaerof
raalacoo tbelawaaof L.'Babarta aad
Birerton lowoahip. baa been fooad la «lass of \Vil(t Cherr>- or Or.niur t’hosiihaie from our iro col«l
6. U. Brackao. Tba procMda
aabaa bear bto hooar. Tbr cir- siarklinu sotia fouiuain. Or hriiii; your htist'girt. oT your
ba aaad for tba otfaa food of
laaaea of I>la'&'a daaU are eery
wife around lo rt-vef m an Icti Cream Soda, at
pecallar, and po taUsfactory esplaeatIoD can ba plrae. The body ab -ut
taabdomaa bad oeea aaactared
If the wntbar U aafarora
ebar^ parlore will tw n.
BO olber alpaa of Iajary. The
Baad.*wi at. ... a balloeai
eletlB had^erldeatly bled to death, and
BaUrday afUraooo. each baarlop tape
bare aaffrrad praat paia. Ue
wlliap tor priata.
Tbara waa a hipb
was loaad by aaaarcbiap parly twenty
wiad paramap aad tba aacaatloaa
foarhtartaftorbto death. Dials waa
aot brllllaal aaceeaaaa. Two of
1 aboal in yaata of ape. a proaperUas eaapbt oa telaprapb wlraa aad
all prower, aad ^paraally had
ta Otar aallad oat of aipkL
oaatoaoaiBltaBlelda. Ua Icarea
Uadar toptarad ta raaalaa of oaa of
a widow and Urea ahlldren.
ta baUooaa t^t bacaiae laaplad wlui
ta wlraa aad kto prise waa a pood aolt
Haay BadearoTora
Dslrelt Jaly S -The oBIcfra of ta
United doMetkaoICbriatiaa Kodraeor
did 'aot aiTira today la time to hold
tba aaaoal bailaato mee|iap of tbai
aoBpletod wUk ta taaptloo of ta
esrperatlon at I0o'cloclb''ta boar . art.
ratotopef UecTowatta loop la tba aad ta BtaUap waa laU la eoDreolDp.
■alb road. Tbto will ba raited
Thiapeefti traio froa Boatoa was a
lawdayaaadwbastoaaUe eemtery^ atofta of Ua tonpormry ooap<otioa of
will pnaaat a vary Boa appear
ratify trafBc. CBaaed by Ue larpr
b^WolChrlaliaa Badaaror apeelal
d aa ba baa

ba tba raaat of Hra. H. K 8l

m ttevcT \w& b Wet me ^OT

e«> o>i OiuVii-aiuv SiUi.

sdi'fc’s IDx-ixg S*tox*©. \

tey Mklw tba trip ad >( ■!!«

Qiu Vo\ Cor&t&

. iwm I
mm •

SMcctirr rvkxcMu.Mi>.

ijoxiL.Vook tbou bfteot

ooCT 500 xD'itt kaonj tVvo Toatsw.,

IYnce'Kc ai.


Haa Kraio. nMdiaf abaat three
■ilaafro* Uraira. iraa tbroaa fro*
A aaw oaaA baa Im racalred la
hit irbael Hatardaf Borelor ao4 bad
Ihtoaitf lartkaMattlwlii. *K. K.
bit aboaldar blade brokaa
Ha bad MaUla Hiller, tlierpa- UoyU 11. y
iWiraad. ___ _______________
•iBoo. Urri PaoBloptoo. Hattie U
. oeaadad far trooi tato boae oa
J. W, Oatar ba. jaat rvc-oad oaa of bla war to Orava nbaa ba raa lets a Walla, city; Bibelye Getdial wUI repreeeat the J'rrebyfUiaa aociety aad
IhalartHttaiAltaraaaalBll of bad‘ iBB ttalcbrl Ua aodety at Kami.
Hlaaad Konoo. Faytoo aad|^^
can* to tbia dtj iBBedlatal; aad b
TMjlH‘1 *« •O'tk.faa dwch^Ooraaow tpeadipp tbalr enalloBa
laOiiS tiro oartOMto of maeblaar; ter tbatM
ibeirrrepretlre bomra. will jilo Ua
Tnretae Ciiy drlepates In liolrola
-Jobaiholtot Hapla Uiy aad Hta
■aaanrOrapar of Trarataa Baaeb
t brlak factory oo ^froat alrrei Joyat of Omaaa win « aa repraaaniabM.alataatbat he «1U rvaatbaraitof Ueioa. TbcT are already d.
tirM of Ua URlaaaafcaaoty oalon.
aart to aa—ar yaeato today.
larbwlaeat aad baaUlar..oet ordm
OUera frOB Uto city aot drirpatra.
' JtBO-KaUhaaaoeepMdaiMBlUoolB
bat eWtocm. will be Prof. C. « Uoiat
mab rnadrt^b atora, barlac ratlra- laiproaed ooadltloaa. Tba eapablly
and C. A. Hopbea.
factory to bow auScieel to
ad feto boalUoa la M. HaadaAUe’a atorapanalt of a greatly laerraiad oolpeV

ar.StoSjrdaod J. W.Faarlfaf Bib
topi* toda la oa tbair wbaala itotar>



Then we can fumisb'tbe interior foom cellar^ to gar­
ret with goods firom the cheapest to the best Begin­
ning at the parlor—there's the caniets—every grade
known—Curtains-everything in lace and thS opaques •
—wide goods a specialty—leather, plush and rattan
furniture-an enormous stock to select from -onyx
tables. French plate mirrors. An elegant line of fine
hail furniture. The sitting room is the plaosi you're
in a good share of your time. The fittings should be
light and cheerfuL We can make you a beauttftil.
room. We can supply you with absolutely everirihing'
necessary, and the same with all your bed rooms-the
largest stock.ofthese goods of any firm in Miehig^Ti
We can make your kitchen the most pleasant jdaoe to
live in if you select from our great otock. Hot an ar­
ticle you can mention but what we can supply ypn
with. The house furnishers of Northern Kioblgan-^

The Hannaii & Lay Hercantile Go.


hM«8wi i tov b Hb^teiBd. 8e

to. wiu Hktod m(M Ull

____ Bitot Bad iMrlMH
tbtob tbat aU prMt
bwaatl froB It. ^aai


IW-Joba aaff. Oaad Harbar.
Bee. Sae.-7lola Jeba. Kortbperi.
Oar.Bae.-BlaieS(aBtoT. Haptoaty.

raoftbto B^ai Oirtl^l^*

Tba EBOrtaa OtaB
TheBaaortoa IHararr Bad dabBttot
^ laat
dab. which waa or^iad
toat wtolar
by W. Sdward aeB<Bt. SeaUael at
el the
itfBad Lidr^ Order of BBoriaoa. oo
tbaPawtoaala. baa baaa boldlap ■week­
ly Baattoca rear slaae.
Tba BaaUatt bate beea rery tolarMia. Utaataad AUdiM are alaeat
aattof mad sBoy r»d procroBa bare
Maad OorUU tapror- r-rr .lawly.
UtUe Moot Oaa g •
big Uf pliBtloea rreelrad. The Orsad-Lodta
rMbad byaboraa alai'ii'r
Order of BuMirlana baa aeat aetlea tbat
> ebanar will be praalad.
Him. HatOa Wlllborr. t
Saab DOW laklar i'
B lab •Ida to band a




WUbo, ta wortiv l« M. H.
■■■fcy ^ael tert Hudaj bai ae
B. P. Dm 4)

la^mpta. -Hy Walk.- Mr. Powli-


>( ladtB ( « tbb plaea
Irtbday I'.rty at Hra
Poem. •'Call He Eily.“ PlotB QeUabda'a. Bear Bala*
Oaraeboolalaaadlaai IVldar wltb
PoeB. ''Piektot StrBwberriaa." HrrleateiatbeBaacbfnnr. All aaeau
Ue BaahleB.
mi«mU, ^r.. tM
> bare a rood Una.
Moaie oa orraa. Hra- Powlboa.
Dali Palrtaaki aad A. K. l-ray want
•■Somatbtot." Kraak
MtaBoWMefBMUi BoMda
> Kalkaaka Taaaday.
PoeB, “Oar L-dta." Mr*. Powllaoo.
A. Q. Palrhaaka west v> t!k Ba^
Sm«S^ Mr. aad Mn. Prad
baraaoaica. Jobe 7..>ltl*r.
for the wb
' Oar Sa^paAeol b Baklas praraHia. Baaa OaodeDe'ec waal
iMte fo^a plaala la ba baU aoaa Um«
dab are:
Caplala—Wai Beabtoe.
A. S Pray «^l to «rawB Friday oa
PlBi Lla'atoaaai—Flora Cleaieet.
... .................................................
Saeoad UaetcaaBt-HyrUa Baabi
Bob doB aad rrif* of Caatral Labe
MaBbarablp raairieled to BBortoaa

M Iwt Tbaradap. re rbblar at a BamBnod'*

SSaSi.'ir 'r

FMd «argU. Jr.. «aa at Botae laal
--------- j la Ita iBlaraal of tba >v«at;

^liw Buia Barlbert aa<< ireraaa
euxx LAU.
Hr. aad Hra P. H
Hr. BrUfa

tba sblortoBa


aha baa twee attead'
tar aebeol.
Hta PloraBce Briaki
Jaaa M. vUb a '
___ _______
larelaaa war* rery b Tbiltof
food. Tbara war aa laak «f fDOd Un. H. K. BrtokB


AroU tba Stb
tar. Swift will beU nrrlaaa la tbr
Hr*. OnrUi b eery III aad bar trieod*
araraaaatbol tba aebael boaaa
are eery narii alarned aboat bar.
Oeotte Bbellerly bad the a
Mia. T. Q. Manal af Weafard rlalud
9 laae a borae tba other day.
a* Mr. TUljpaacb-aiaat waak.
Hr- Jarritt b cattlar aoiaa brloat a 111
^'hie^o raafia'ad
biibad I
of the llBa atocr rarly laal
■ MiB U. Haawall baa pardnadd
Tba people that boecht tba
oa tb
tbr beat laat I
pa toae oo
ly It for tba i>
SAaeliB dbtrlatMal.------------------Oawlerd uaebar ekiaM Prlday. aad
Monbpon DeparunaBi
Mhaal la dlatrtet Mo. I. Hlai Uacola
BraanM i*r u* Biiuui.
f ^bb^”' *“'**”*~

MaSa»iay attar a rlalt wUb bb laml


BaHaadAMaaad aaa^ar.

Hte AitcaOiU reUraed iroBf)ni-|
Pier Friday.
L. H. CAapWI sad wife riailed
Fred Stabbtoa of Baarer
riaJtlac la Iowa.
Tba Ledlaa Aid aoeletj wiU
weak with Uta. DeOoIler.
Hra. Aapaata mereaaaad twoeblliraa rialted TraTar*a CHy last war'
Hra. Saiab Steele, who baa baaa

PraapacU weM Barer better at Obbb*
reaori ihaB they are thia
Ids BDder. the Baaaramaat of Hra.
Slaadiabof Grmad Bapida proniaea to
be foU froB
praacat ttoia Ull tote,
latbeiraeao. Alreadyocarly all tbe
rooBC are aaiated aad leqaitlra are
eoodaaUy brlac reedrad.
tbe oaw couataa Jaal raddy for oecepaacy la oaa owpad by HIb DeaB of
Graad Bapida. wbkb baa baoo takao
for tba aamisar by Hr. H»lr ol Iba
:. I> Viar
oiarebaot of Slaatoa la nicely aettied
to bla new cotlare which la oaa of tbe
more rreaat addiUlaa
Prof. A. II. Carrier and aad faaiiy of
Uberlln coUetr aad Hnu Spear, wifaof
Prof. A. Spdar of the Bma collate are
oecapyiet tbeir eoltiita aed will rcmalo for Ibeacdaoo.
Che-mlD-wah-ba. tba preUy
»my aoaeiar booia of Abel T. Pate
ol UtBBd Bapida ia alrpddy opeead, bbderUamaoBtemaai of Hr*. Carlyle.
Amoot tbr tBoatalla Hi*.
(IraBd Bapida.
ivw>fcit.,/ lor a Resort.
,Uilfa doaea deletalee. acUar for
-Of r.,000 teaeher*-la Ue pobllc school*
of' Cbleato. were In the cliy Satarday

afuraooo for a taw SSara tookii
tba arntter of « kite for a "Taacher*Sammer Bmort.- Iq be owned aid
taaaafad by tba teaebor* of Chlcato.
BaMa Pratt, tba BawaBnearriar tm
Tba party cob* sted of P. U
H Ha Bata Voice nude a trip lo TrartbaiaalaVraa Bapliala Lab* Aea.
er*r CUy laal week.
prieeipel Barr* baoU W. H. Uobrrte.
m»M bb Inl trip tetaiday.
Mr*. Bylow atlaodad tbaeoan
rk Kbool: C. 0.
W. ScadI ObarleroU toat week.
dor.pnaclpal Robert Uorrla aebooI:<l
OatafB. priDCtiBt Aimonralroal aehool;
B. cbBieb tare a loetol
I^to prioclpal Ha wiboraa PchooU
toa' Friday areatof.
trto, priaeipal_AadBboB sehooL
el Ucud BapMa. moUimof UiHpto«e.torHazlaaded tbe coarteetoe of tbe city
Hi*. Poysa aad aba Wmia of Settoee by Mayor BaaUtM. ez-Hayor Smilb.
BOB Baarlyaraf7baaH« B^l^re bcM rlelltot Hra Albert Sopt. Uoraaod Ur.Aaua. praaideatot
the BnslBCB Han't AZMciaUoo aad
PiBBk Pbbar aad laallp aad qailX
dAatktor BUMl are wore takas aboat town and ont to the
BawW ad athan waat to TTarai
atpiwtarday tatabatotbaaigbta.
Ttoraw Heacb Beaort.
Tba tb
Hka Wlalfred BaUblirnDa loft MooTba Bllb ahat 4owb ytaiday aad
.heir .UpoBl wasllmiladbat wai
ty for Trareraa City.
HHt Rdythe Bordrai > larlalttotla to tbe best adraatafe poalble.
a slu they wOBid
Pr^ PbaarWaet
_Jt wlik bb braUar
lac for at
t Friday.
Joe Baaaiater. a former reaidei
of rained, adneatod and bozli
ttale plaea. la rialtlor frieodt bar*
llkk KeaUamae. whom it waa a p
LBd npoB their ratara
from tbe north they will probably atop
orer a day or two bare to farther
reetlcale Uie dBirabla sltee ia UiH
tb'b to^
la rieialtP' They left oo the t:t« Uala
Frank Baaaom. who baa beoa
■ aanJi cm.
>t for acme Ub* at n»~
Circuit Coartretaroad Borne Satarday
......... .
Tbe calreaar ol the Jeae term of the
If waa to lawB Taraday
Htaa ■HiB .lobB retaro^
court woe Belabed Friday afterMbiZabUa Habartaiiaat Saadayat froai Settalu 'lay. wbei
adjoeromeat lakaa. .
riaiUatberaiaUr. Hra
Coaelderable baslaaM hae been trai
Frank Kriedriek ofTrarerae*
Mia.^<brr wUI arpaalia a ttoflac
eteodariac tbe term betaaBiaber
uee hate altbc.- beea eoaUaaad i
setUed oat of eeart. tba* cattioc dewa
iwt TM.d.7^^
,bly. Toe




...................... aofTrareiae CItywaaa
fiMM^HHa Battle Dame Saadayof

J. H. Z
Jeba aaff aad 0«>. BoUtoewof BenMtoanbdBotorarWt.
A. «. JakfBaa aad wlfa and totfnT
taah dlBBar at tba balel Taaadp^
B. W. BabbaU af TibwbA Clly did

sec tbjeslauat aabrokeo foreel
band tbreosb Uia ap
yiee of brash Bad (lamps.
The tood
wheal of bb (atbar-a blcycla. at tbeir will be told loeetlleia ats low ffyure
home la Detroit Hr. John F. Seaealt after tbe timber iseot away.
the Ibsmb.
At Tastln, a aey company to belay
At Jackeoe,'Mary Oittca. need foar lacorDoratod with a capital slock of
while eaUey peeasU with her brother*
and atoUrr*. bacaa Isayhiaff. Tba pepsol clipped down her throat aad lodyed aod Fewer company.
IB the doctor officeloCadillse. Tbe nraln (object of
Cadillac, a dtsianee' of, abod\
sizteeo mllJa. to iraaemli tbe cleelrlciwbicb it 1* fiyund
deteinpe about ;!.ux> borae power
Iti.insi electrical t .lu. which ckn be
ased for jiybtioy. faeaUey or factory
power pnrpoae* Tbr lead* mad riybts
tray hstiny
Hart Kibbe la tba flrat Coldwat
to oraw a wianiat card for the I'aria be started at ooec aod it Is ezpecled
He baa Ipwn aoUflad bj the plaatjrill be la operaUop Septem
ta Troy Ltoadry Macbloe Co. of Chi
,t be.will hare cbarteqfUia
Frapk aod Charley Htum of Albion.
aabiblt in l-arU made by that
pM>yItoa Oootior* wrltea from Preqldio
Cal., to bla mother ia Jackaoo aa.vlat
he aaoaeU la be ordered to the i-blllppiaea at any moment. Connor* a
other JackwiB raea hare aikad to
placed 1a.tbe Uth'rdtrd Siatrala
Cbarlaa IlaaUnttoo. •* Pittoford
farmer, waa Briooaly lajarrd by falllot a dUlaaoe of Si tret
a ladder
la bla bars. III. Wk waa broken mad
bla entirr’ body Wow tbr dor*
tabraa I* pat*l.r«d. Ilia rocor
Attorary Uanaral .‘rro ba* d
that nndrr tbaprerisioasof tbe l*w lor
tbe care of the ionaaa. passed by U»
l««UlsUrr. ladiffrnt iosdaa prnons
will become stale cksnras after t)ir
eoDDly to which they reside bare cared
for them ooa year.
Hrs.A.U. Kelley of Kniloway.
reported dead Friday. She had be.8
anffarloff froaj tamor a looff

t Olaa Arbor waa
fBtod BB tba eharfa of Immy ■

' to. Halter !

TP. A r^T.Tn

1 li.ifo solil them four years atul have not |wi<l .i cent fnr repairs fur an Kaj;lc yet. t
We have them for $26 00. $36 00 and-$40 00.

Then ue have



New Store, 120 fTont Street. .

Traverse City. Vich.



Jarmr-wskl. « years old.
af Detroit,
.. wae
was teacfaloc bit day to
■■polst.’' Hia ebotyao. lyiay Dear, attraetedUteattanlioaor bU foar-ycarsoo. wba palled tbr triyyrraad
empUed a M of shot loto hU falbor-ebip. Tbe Iriarod man Isto Har.
brapItoL He will lose a l«
perhaps bis life.

atotb yrade pnpils wrote tbe
loaltoe. and sll pamed.
them are Usrtey Kraao. ayod ti year*
readeredallowiar a jadcBtealof >IM Kraak Carrell. seed it. aed Ueorye
Jacksoo. syed 14. Tbeae are probably
R. J. Hersaa. the pWoUff.
•he eaae of Alice Nath acaii
ha*e passed to


oilier craiW of Hanmin a( $6.50. $8.00 and $iOJ)Q.


will raeXv* prompt •ntolMi

lioB of the Jspsoeee imperial ed oration
society From Japan I'rof. Amdd w:
Joarary to India, wber* be will leeinre
W sudeata to Ue yreol cities.
Hia lecUrcs
ie India moelly on
1 rell^.

The dintricl Epwor b beayne con
teotioa opeot'ondrr Ue>bndo<r of a
yreal sorrow aed loan. ,He wbo wa«
fsUcr. bruUer.
roUer. friend aod fellow
worker, i........................................................
J looyer. At Ue n
non. amid many i lean of a o
•arrow, we pas* Ue foltowiay reMlatIoD* aad appoint a deleyauoo to
1. wiin our u-arai offeriny.
tted wife aad ebildreo of ou
father in Itrael. Beaolrrd:
let Tbat in t
Epworih Leayu.
wbom he mentloas to hm last confermer report, we tender oar moat tiacere
-ympaUy and lore toUe acarreiatirB
of our d< parted brother,
inj. That we beanily
wonts of oor di.lrirt pmldrnt si
wntoy of Uto tesslon: “We t
prraldinyr elder wbo took
ntrrcat to tbe L
aod to
youny people yveerally.
to sad
oat of tbe ebareb "
Jrd. Tbat we tosad lb him wbst be
eter catreated as u be: “A yood
aod fnlltof falUandof Ue Boly'lbost.



Di^ you know we paid lOc for
aH laitt week?
We did. when our compctitocA paid but 8 and 9.
Wc can't quote a price for this-week but we
will trj and keep in the Lead- W« want jroar
eftSTA and also all the produce we can posaiblj dis­
pose of.
-We can’t give yon 19 pounds Craaolated So*
r for $1.00, but will sell it as low asi is
' cOnsiUent
ith fair dealing.
We still have tha^No. I fUne Feed- at 87j<C
wr ino pounds. ^ao,Sa.j,.<
17. Oat^ Meat Street .Car
Peed and Bran.,,/Give os alri^ aodwre wiircoovince .jon tbat
there is but oneatpre in the city and that one the

ymterday. statcntbai ea Jane
Tbat to Ue face of Uto
CbleayoA NertbwBtera train alwk a
lieo-year-old ylrl wbe
playtay oa Christ aad Ueebaecb. aad luokloynp.
tbe trick near the bridyeoter tbe Gs braaUe a prayer that as Ue mseUe r.f
so U. may IM
eaaabB riw. “Tb# traia *traek b*r.“ Elijah fell apoe Elisha, t^od
saye tbe raport. “aad l« ears psseed
r ber.bat betoy clear of tbe wberle.
waa only allyhUy bralaed oo tbe
j.w. t

A l«-yrw-4dd yUl el tbe lodtoa' tadastrial aebool to to tbccoaaty >11 at
m Bey.
Haay of Ht. Pleaaaal. harlay eaofeaned to wt4arad aloBy tbo itoff flreiitbe boiMlay
sbwB Bad faiman bad bees eatUay the ylrlt- dormitory asd ofltoe. Tbe
owmapatOBL AaeUcr BSwBpt I
the Hlmra

onr people attaaded
ton at Omaaa toat
, them w.-ra Mr. and
rea. Hr. iJiuiae. HraBfa-

»■ Ohio fompatiy porefassed
scresof isod totirmile* from ihat.tib
laye on Hope creek. It • ba*
fenced to and fin bead of yoony «




Aboat lw<
tbe C F, (


top kintmEiiIiil Snow to Bela.


oraatoc eoJorad ky all
TtaBWiU baaa lee


Iny winter-* oftllny aad irspplay
pedlllon. Oetoitpr io last they m
lato H. J. Wood s buollnycsmp.
liny camp, thirty
milee-Burtfa of Hsnitfqur.
ittiqur. sod re ^
BSiotd there no'll Istl
St week.
rhrr g
were twelte mile* from
m any settler and i HM
snul thyeau..!#)
did not see a
this week
oow wat lit.- feel ^
deep all winter, and they con.
their traps only by weeriny
shoes: Tbe mercory stood 4N dryrr-s
below tero. ,They repurl Ihsl w.d'
were trry nuSwrou*. aod that thtoe
probably killed llfiy tieer within fltr
mile* Of tbeir camp^Iariny the wint
and that tbe woltt* are doiuy more
etterminaie the deer than all t
huotei* io tbe statr.
A larye faille ranch to U> be eslal’-

■ t* n. tmcaama. oisioa,
: -Uat HlBBleOoarb Car*
llfp of oar little hot wbaa
wliberoap “F. C TVetap-

I Do You Want a Good Bicycle?

raekel qsite ■an-rasfsUy.
msllfloosly looseelny boau atony
tbroarh wiUi their fake w*l to Uie Ue bay there from Urir mnorinys.
nnrosd asd nimbly esurbt
Joatlce tlaye bs* reported one parliesJ fact Umt
fast moTloff traia. deapile lb4
■ sad oihw* bstr been reported.
tbey - ---------- ‘
U may be totcresilny u Aoya io Ue'
W.. alto can au|>pl>- •><« uritb
bsbil Of iodnlylny in this practice U
koowlbatsucbaa offence 1* .liable to
recnlt to a heaty See or imprisoameBt
Of both for the offrader.
torea-lffatlon of Ibe dl
“little praebes." He asy* that he will
Little Kratrlce HcMaant of Acbie it
You cm'ifure dy*prp.i*.by dirtiny.
bare lo rotke olber trips before be can sofferiay from wbenkeo arm wbieb wai
tot irood. wholesninr foml. aad plealy
arrirr at any copi-laitoo ratolire lo the UerrsuUofafall from a uee.
iL—K idol Cure diyetu.
I of tbe disease aod lu remedy.
ojorj was cared for by Dr. "niomptoB. food wiuif
aod I* msdi
1 thoasaod deltof* la a pretty
ilrrmans and Ai
food elcrd bill for one mse to pay
easi bate appealed to tbeir coatuls for
hotel for himself, but tbal'e about
to protect Urir property ia
tee Offure which r«pr«sreu tbe
Ur erent of haalllille*.
tout of tbe recelpto which L. O. UllGeorye T Udd ofthe Yale onl
key has paid for board at tbe.Hardtok
Tcrslty philo«opjy drpsrtmeol. will,
boose to Kslsmeiba
He bss
lestc New Harm to s few day* lo benearly a elaady boarder thero for
yio * lecUreOonr io Japan, oe ioriu ulii i.-tr-D..*t n-* .n. r„r i. ttil. -.-.rt.* *

wee oo Friday *Bd
jury at 1:1.1. At «:io a

MaryA-BoaawaicTBateda dl
the HHaea
aa? I^ilJ?*Middto from William H Bom oo tba eharre of
too. LUIto Paleraoa. Bril. Uckey- Aa- eraalty and nrmSipport.
a. Nalaoa. Fata aad Frmaeea W.^
Hra A
F. a Lewis, a member of tba CbarioKaeof Tl
I. BHa u*
>tz LambarCo.. was to tbeety Torw
u Seydar
■arielt with
Mr*. day OBjoytoc the celabrat
eama bare for
for ^ parpeae of loraUac
te^Qmrlero.z lo mrnil the araftoflac*
(. i^tob bad broken away
from tbe


Ue lidusley it well under t
tbet* will be S.'«m fSUle oa the rao
eat. bat ahe r
A sbeepraacbtoaltoao be slsrled
aad at laat aeconou wae able lo U’k tfaslixiaaty. TbrreAayreal deal
and recdffnise her f^nds.
IiBCOC no ty especial ly adapted
r raarblnyp
Kasezville a V year-old eon of Knand ulurer
rinarrOberff. of the Hicbiffaa
fsetoiy. *r»s terribly injored by the eery little forest. As tbl* 1* the first
i-tule ranch in Usl teclion of Ur
crplralon of a ffiaat flixersekar.
, the eeoture is to be wsicfaed
left eye was blown oat aof bis
with ioterest. If it is tneccw falt Uerp
bsad-so badly Uecraled'that
will brsyrest deal more laed takerf
ap for Ur same purpose
Lttely k larye party of eriprU-d
tramp* *>orked Vereoo oo tbe charily
-e briny msd^Uaffboys

bmowioc toa toebaleal defect ie tba
WaakBiao akant a week, laat H
la at- Bithl.
papeia tbU cela was dUrnUsed by
liae beleayiay to a farmer nei
I^StobbtoBWoollo Trartraeaiy MBtof tbcpleiaUff apdberatloraey.W.
ford, sad aboat two weyks atoee tbe
a. Umlor.
I to be tazed asatost
• of tbe latter day shot ic fewHra UbWB THMinnn aad Htta Btala
wat aboat v< yn mad. Pretion*
• atOsaHa.
Is the caralzbea c*aa of Ueorre Lar- toUsdoAb. boweicr. the doy had ba­
>0U- Leader. TIaa Jobs.
L. T.
Ti^ay aftOTBrOB
dlerao. 11. Blits aaa B. T. Edwards.
rn oow. and to*;, work the cow be^labeaJadfBoat waa takao by datrill Boot BtBto to two waaka. Jaly
a. aad Its oVaer has bad to
rj ClMaal and wito atarted for
Tbadirarea raea of Mabel C.
draw* ra Willmm C. Aadrewa waa

tbl* company will be to ^ect wire

Tbe roideaeo of a faBlly
llodior.. located oa the mock
oaer U-iIWaald. baraad tote Soaday
etoht Ml* lladaba luecraded to ra*
toff her e»e children, bul jornped
lojorrd betaelf ao that ^ afurw

Hra M.




The taciory broke dawa Batarday.
Hr. aad Hra. Morrill waat to btoe aoBaeoUate ebaraa aad abortlyAfierAaa Saoday ae tbe'aa.^orahMi.
ward aba wa> dead. The ■
F>. TallB «a* la' Harbor S|
axamlaad aad (oead to BadUto .^d
OB poiana. which la oaa ' “■
d aeoalof patoi daadlirat poiaoea koowa.
a dacraaed waa oaa of the pkioeei^
i Mil. Halllrma tall of Laclkaaa eonnty. loealiot IB
Bora to Hi
«ok.a boy.
ricinity Id tba Aai^ •areatiea.
B. SlmiaoM aad f>.
baaalwayabaadoaaol tba laadri
City came op oo tboca
bolb koeUI aed ekereb eirdr
Omaaa mod rieiBity asd aba wll
Tba water toak. 'raceatly built, b
qallc OB -------------------------------------------

H. Tallar ax

Cn a* tba (ant of J. A. Rid«rdaciB..

krf«MskB*Bba« toada. bat th« rn
iBiapMtiB# ker atfoato sal win be held tbara peadlac M IbvmUtattoo by aa tadtoa acaot at HaebtoyAtOaBdaB.MB H. Blaek. bwbU- loo. wbea it to tbaaybt that the «yakaowB ptimser. fall troB a ebarry Waa tery -rf Uw Sra of Jane It. wbea tba baebtoroDBi^Umlferi
ato baOdtoff baraad. Bay ba aol**d. BadeUreabwrdeB All
rm totersBlIy toJaraA Ha amy
Boyneaiy. Hieh.. Joly i—Losbsr
" - . - ■ -"11*000
tmpa. harae aad slz dwelUaya..
by O. Vea Ptottaa. laeaisd olyht
> seaadlT. e>
eometbtoy lea*
laybetm* I feel
east of this ptoeo. wm« totaUy detWoyad by ir« at } e'eleek Saterday,
to trill eteryoa*
baqely owmplay with
cboiy„aad yit* ber“‘
Htaa. Betwaea TM.OOO aad S99..
aaa. fell off a toed ol bey. aad broke
000. foot e laya, sou cord* of haA. Price soe aad Trial boulm fi«e the ^ly nnUa*
kHabooldwami fraelarod
stobca. P. C stJobosna-s aad Waif* dray
slalfbe aod all
11 ton
rao. He will die.
Btery bottle yastmnte^.
baraad. Tbe lorn to ba<
Hra Sarah Tbcae of CeoatoaUos. la
BBd tAODC: no tosaraaco
bBiUlac bBStoam wamaa. ffba ran*
Tab Boot ff*i.Tk ia Ue —
Mltehell Broa. of Cadillac, ire ezterberahod. workloff atadBirhartaadlay a railroad from Lake City
self, aad alee rase a elyar factory.
township, eaet of Kslkadka
John K: KIlTalo. a farmer Urioff Bear
IraptloHs. sad pea'Utely earea IH1» It*..
tllUya Tbe liae ii c>
Three Uabs. waa threwa from
Wbo imrwqtfad. it 1* rBaraatoadiJK
From there,
reaper by bis team reBBlof away. Tbr
poinis. braaebm will be raa eat to fhe “^a^Woe“»^u^b^lS
abarp kalTB ol the reaper literally
limbered tood alooy the way. Oae' of B'rbtJ fl Johnannaad a. B Wall
cat bto body to pleora
tbeae to larTeyad oat aad will trrwto.
At Romeo^barlB Fillamra died from
itraaye towasblp.
- - of
• '■- '
of pari*
or aboat riz milB from South Heard.
at bla borne tbara
This liae will opeo ap a larye
tractor tbe fiaast'hirdwood timber to
the stole, aad a few yeara heaee.wlll


Charleratz. Juae »T-

Fkadly SebclzitMM.

tt a

IZiX: •


•a AOToe WiU Tear
ir SA. *n*> Ur*.s«-msc. trmm poe*
JW*. A IaAJ WT.UW -TW SrH uor I s*de
UPSIS .11CU M 1 *• IS S*t Slwr SHSC H

Enterprise Grocery,
W. J. KOBIRSON. Propr*.

L-n Wl.calicr wri'o.
C B. OeOBBBZT. P**p.

238 FfOirt 8fc/


A Virginia

THrm' otb. tv vtem ■• tp V*«
» m l> lUailp br tV atMItof Ai
•ad tram UM Um oawMd to
l.«w aoldtan • w«*k U» IV PhUi|>.

iViVoeoulry VII M mpooKblB
!• OMJ Vir W»r MVTM. Ho Mite
bte otftefo iador tVt tVn Vll V as
•topvlorBotiUV teteodo on mmta.
. pMiolil ami QOV VtV Uollod auMo
noVdospooMd to VootVBlotVt
coVIliM V Ihte Uv. Md Vd mr1101 ■! to Voo Botert t>. PvMr Wa
•arfcoaavw PhDtpplM MriB
ODodlUnoa an aet mV V to admit of
•aj dotallo plaa la tb>« dIraeUoa yai.

-laaA baytaeloy ate bobV before ebo■eoMit. SV M perfectly -ell v to a
•> bourn before tV beby *ee ten>. and
ti in tebor km fbas Ve boon. SV Vd
..j moTBiac etefcwm. v headaeV. ao dietremjay ttebtacaa, no ewoDee or rtetay
braaeie. HkrbabywvVMfaadV picAst^fUKdau
tureofbMlIb. :
• ofllUorlarn
IMdMr k tv oebr reiB.
ody knovn which reVrea IV cipaoant
aaotTBCled for IV evuak of tV ota melhwi. It k e Vimest to V applted extoe. all IV atelal te vbleb “te to V temeOy. Nolhiny bul berm can come from
IV prodvl of tv OMteBBtel mate teUny medtefne letcmxlly ai eueh Umee.
ADtammel preperxlloat eVI to rtlirve commteea." TV flyort will V lifewlu' biy mothera «cb bm oeOy bumtaiyx. bul
aad with ite bav -111 V ala feet fear
.1^ I Ik..
wot IV «ota W Vtikafo, ooviV
lOoaeV It malv u* it •» oold
•1,000. TVqhho vbo ton tV,

bf«llaby a?-year«U biy. took it ei
himaolf loopaaktVoflMdlBf yeei
’0«BarB< Moira
Dr. JobB HlteVlI. of Orotiaad. O..
a aoaaia ol IVoldvi HcKlalar. «UI aalrea. Boooe
ibereapm aoad
dte M a tMaU of BoaatrDha
by the latbar ot U < epaa I •

TV diat Ivtl la lire mmiV »- rd boy. aod tbe jary ooaldod IVt V
oolrv (r«B tV Yahoo at ilMUte.
Waah.. —» o( • teUora.
Waabteytao. a yrouy ttery te to\d i
Wmiaat Brood, a forsar la- ab
aboatArebbtebvHarUsem. apoilolk
of IV BSlrotoltv, lirlBf at Chteado. Vleyato to iV Uolted tllatea.
VahWMmadotV VIr to tt.nn..
t. u ttaliBB aaawd Haryacal. bv
a yntty dasybler. EleBora. -V te b
oo dely II.
ttbe deeiref
Aa oallo tor moaj. rroia for daollar
atura allWmarr
la Uormaap. Prof. Viator Voa Aa
Vrr dted V PoUarUte.

Pa. arod

MVHarteWniiaaaofWiehlla. VH
otgoatead a aeetetj of iroowa -b
■marry aov |Ml bob irV foafbi irUI)
r te ia iV
teaatlB laapoet Vapllate aod vieet
aita la Hair Hoateo lor IV eara of eoaMBaalraaoUlon.
QrawVpaiia W Vaoma a fraal
pte«M la Mpala. terodler . voa tbo
ailiM. la Aaatria l.wo aoUl
After Av java o
HaaaVirABa VaatWaliBoat arfwiMO baaeh of UrdoklM from Hawaii
fariVaaUoMlmMam la Waabiar

mt im.

a ern; V
laleafael ia Gbeelvd aoMlIeaVy.
At IV HartM irn'em Friday. Hary
aa Aaaali -ae fOoad yallry of
dtetay Vt aktar. aa lateau o
atrlam for tea k-aaa. tff aa-diay bar
rakaV l—t
teoead todMte. TV
mta bad pmtooely
ur'e life, yieley a fatei

Boaolela ov
tVmarrlayeof Klay Ororye, of Tooffa
kterdyreap. to Fi
mej-wUy of tV pmple ef the telead
abed bV to amiry FH.-mCMeol
KlBa.aad aereral mortlaye ot .dlyala held -Ite a He-orkayiay
loladaee Klv Oaorye
miad. Vttorrery oommaoleatlon tbri
Kiay replied tVt Vrialt
cbolea, aad teat If be coald aot marry
The Byadfldd llecateVCe..Aflaata.6A
Bid BOI marry at all ”
loetaatly eooaealed and tea
.Aeeordlayio leu adHeoe. orteoial waddlay took place oe Jnae l ia tec
rtelaa eoatlBBta laaetauofaooartals- ebnreh.
ty —bleb borderd 00 r-rolnlioa. Itk
raoTkl O k in an Inlerete- aa'd
aald tee Ctaieeae empram do»aaar bae
. -Ite W.uun men. M.iwu for a flyfat
ptebad bar falib la Jany Lx. -bo for
foree and r>M>io,for yarriaoB permuyyaare bae bV bit been catered
a. HijM- C-arral (Ilk eoaldanpty tee tbroae.
Be faM a
a tee rrroll la the Paillpplbee V
»«rt In tec pereoa of one of
the next rainy aevoo and eoubtV oil chief anaebe tbroayb -bom
Iteb eompicu order tbronyboet ibr
oeeded la BetUrlay tee emklnodk- Drneral UV dnae aot think
prdaa do-ayer to eaV an rxual teat
tee Fiiiplnee ip’iheir preaeet euUMter'troope Vre bera inerraeod aad be panie of krlf-yoreromenl. Ue VUrera
plavd In wmmeV. K. no.
Vlicree blmeelf loTaioereble. - The
emprrae do—ay-r bae brea bk tool aod
aoaruby -oeld reenit The United
teeyeoeral feellny oo- praraile teat
blBlot-ill. In hikopieinb. VcomvU
hk ant taur will M to cut hrr aeidr
ed to aik.i.laln a onnniderable Ijrce
aad place bl'nwII on the tbroae
.a» fo- an iedrBnl;e,orriod
Hia. Emma II. K.
terautearem. dMaiVr reeidenee in
Waablnyum IVidny alyht.- after an illomaefeaveral weaba. Atbul a moatn

Nioii r Tuai.Nn


Bmra of tti Dtciois'


Wa^ Coaaty Beak BWy., PBTBOII

Ciri Yoorsolf at Hama.

Waarr yoinyte yireaw*t<.airraii.--> Fink

eyetem. end endearor
ke.-p it ehui in with ihnr tsuAivi d-we. «r tmUkh
and mercury The m-iuth mid throal and ..tber deli
lnlo-.rr», aV ihefiyhl i.e.«.l.niml iiKlefin.telj. tl
D.-reduntyellikn Uiedl~-k«e iiwlf.
Mr. H L Myer«, IxiilulVrry St . Newark. S. J., «i.
hundred ddllor* with the di-eU'r*. when I reklixed that
they could do me no emd 1 hV lery- epoU all .wrr my
b dy.and theoe koon broke out into ruonmy kore> and 1
endund all thr «ufl.-nm:
thi« tile dikeue produeet. I derided to try s. r^.a., a inrt re—rt, end wm
euon ytratly improted. 1 f..|l,.»ed tb-relt j.«ir 'Dirreliuru furdrlf Trrktownl.' and tl - iarye »i.|i.|ehek on my
cheat beyan to yrow [uiler end «ineller,»nd before loiS

T'T^ tn! BIEjSTI

aelf at borne, alter the d.wtnr* bed f«ilrd conii.lei.-lj
It i> reluable time thnnm away to vxiwt tV d,»-tert
.ur tee dUeau - V.

vie lb an entirely diOerent way from potai-b and merrufy—it forree the
poieon out of ter »yitrni end pel« rid of it entirely
Hence it curv» tV
dkeaee, while other reardiee only .but tbe (i.inwin in wbrrr it lurke totrrn
ronttanUy uqdeniiitnng te'Conmiulmn. Uur .yriem -it pnrete borne Iremlmrnt placet a cure within the reach of ell. H> pre all nnnuierj nr^iral od*



IhJyou k*n« ibai you cell bow leare
Copemkb al • :S* p. m >m tef Ann Ar
u>r K R aad amre al Car- at t U a
by tea
m . Mt heaeani. T.It a ui A Uk T;4a
dapaaeae aellora of iV pteyv Vip
raaeed aye. *ba belay ia ber aerroty a. in .’O-oBko e;ul a. lu . biyine- -x oi
-are foaV la the Vy
fltte yor, raVrrley bn oneUe to re- a. m . Ltakiny iu.4oa.rn vd l)etre<t
tbday aV towV to a v'ot o9 Vore by
n.r.oa. m ?.
enperau from tbe etlate. sfue yn-Vberman. -bo -ore afraid
ll-yoo koo-teat tek trata arrV
rnpioly —orae. natll'-a fa— deye »iso- a eleepioyckr. -bieb ruDetaniuyii l
IV VdV mure tbaa oaeeBu
-M Bern death -M'laeriteblr. bb. I'l.cduaDcl teal tile coinimay c laryi.
Manurw-ture Biii'i.'ii'K, Wnu'uuk und Sl.-ii-lii. uf afl kimli
aeattadV by ber aoa. Dr. VuU vly one dolly for Vrte?
le BoUeV a<
Uepair Work. IL-|iniiitiot:. Vaniikliiiu: mpI l'pliulit<-riik;
A dlaea^ etemaeO aorely ander. lloDF.
Iioeebealte. lidnUk tee urain. I '
(ievnil Ulai-kiiniilhint; and Fori;iiiu'.
of tbe ord-faebioDed typr. located rneryy. drairoyi tbe berroa. arei
Boy aprcad of tVdl
;'HnraceluM-iiit; n 8|>i-iHllj^^l«fi); ' .M.Uiit Ima .-liriri;
prVikpovi• to lekaolty
iBkaol.y at
and fatal
bin In Wrat Waehlnykm,
Ibo moB Vra Mrrted uy ccrau.wiib
looblaytee I'otoatac and tV bilk of
Ibom late IV bay.
fiykpevia too well konKH U' nI‘.^l*^1•^IlIlU|l•llt\
Work iu tlieViiy will lu- t-all.kl I
riTC baVrtd poaadt of droamite
and k canny teem
them erery day. lu In
No. 1!W.
yradlau are Bn-h teal It aa
tare Hporua Dajrol, M Y.. a Jolt Ue
cnrlny. F C Tbomtpoo.
tbatVll V told
Aay adolt euffi^v from
fom n cold »er
u by tV oldeat iaVbllaala. .led 00 the braaev broodhl
oebliik. teroal
or lov tronblea of nny
j- natow."-bk
Aamall |V
tflll call at Jaa. U. Johimoc
Poartbof Jaly foitlriUea
City, or B. B. Foley. Cedar, -ill V preklrrllkMIlI]'. V.-krekll c
TpAverM Oity. MicblfrRi
tdraaaela oa opoa lot boot aa old lalcd —lib a lample bottle ol Boa-

Traverse City Wagon Works!
A. I. PETERTYL; Proprietor.

fc>r ami di-liventl

CHASE & SAKBORCito^rt«re, Boston.


brii'k fai'tor; at our. ruiofl and Stale atre<-ta


praVblyMtortebaatwraoa la OaV
teAMiimia, Maaera Bov Ahum
Avpa BUlloda aod omI aatelaa. Vt la

HteVp JoV H. VlMMi oooord IV

aMoad. oaoVlf fvm HV Botea Goald.

abaaa of yalloir frrar

tiara bMa oCeteUy raponad doriat
tMiaattrroVyiM VallaroVCaV
Thia lateaa tV total -a'ambor of eaaro
t««f9.o< wUeh trralra Vra varV



Patcliiiitk; Ym Cm

Tbe place, tli.-



wbkb tv dyaamV wae
Itorod. Their paroaUbolBt away.
•dad rapidly hatll the
tiam eaoiht tre. Tvladrememl
ad tVdyaamlu and irltb bm eteur
atanad oat to break the email Vy roe
erd fora VII mile daeh.
Ute. eteier
pridwtlr dtelaaaad him la IV raealv
for alter tv eaplootea aba wae foaod
aVar hdr motber-e Vd Tbo boy «w
pleVd ap BBeboeoteat la tV .WBliy

ebee'e Oerman byrap. free of ebarye.
Ooly aea VlUr ylrca to oae petaoe.
lU-kr riibmn l-nxei'
aad Booe to ebltdrV —iteoal order
) throat or Inay rrmedy rrer bad
ko rrkdUj ran luil.kirm]
eachaaalrae tb-ebre'e Dermaa byrnp
In all Vfla of ter elrillfed world. ate- Ort k clmk r or dM.T-anly yrarm ayo mllUoai of botUre


it le really tbe oaly,Throat and Lcey
---------tUy mdoraed by phy.1One Ti ct— • ■oiilr-in enreor
pmrrlUralor VI by dratera la nil
clriUxrd cantrtes.

For Infute aad ChUdita.

TtVt mVMloratV a
talo Obrede lor a BoatllteealdtVt
tat With teodiaf. Bean of
army to eeorey ibelr foreea to tV
-^lipiaa laUode aod pleae tVm aadm-UacoaamVofHaJ Oa. Oite k
Amarieaa troope ptalaet tV reVl

ioolakiac Crrrera'a fleet,
bad IV -trealer- rapoelroar elDoe It. Traeo-Uteate•reat
lb rieebic illamluUOB. VI GOllr
My tVy aollpeed all tbalr rirate. Tb
-111 teat aatU Nore'mbar


Consultation aoR Eiaminatinn Eree and Stncily Confidential.

DRS. H. S. & CO.


ItUe life BayVearn-iBced to v
I deUy Cholera lafBOtnte. dyeOmaVwill VopraV «iUi elaborate enury, dierrb.i-a come eaddaely Only
A wamaa of Heaat Varaao «bo dte -------idaalee oa Jal, I,
Ueele I
eafe ^an k u Vre Dr. Fowirr'e Ex•ottaaak haroooay, bad. by voonmy,
*------of Wild Ulra—berry al—aye
eoloelat «U1 aead opeeiM
latated flralim bUte. wbleb aV tbalr prodoete aV lUUe traepa of tbe
la IV
Jaly a orill V tirea orcr to boaorlDC
Admiral VbleyaadoiVrcSImre «bo



TV I'elchrawd ki

V otMdoro of IV Borro reoo.
OMtea of nil^ ptpan tor,
wIVte dV Aeeorieoa IteM at Haaila

BobvY 'Wla.l.til TI g, Tra-vei^o Oity,

New Capital Wagons




July 7, 1899.

Offlee BouiBtromPa-^toSp. tn

U'fTtr sy».

Cid afllt MD >WI0 THE RUSH



N^tVrta rellerV ia t-eaty mia
Bl^Almokt mlrvnloae. Dr TVmb^kJUaetrle UU. At vy dray ;tore.

4B U- dl
drIiybYrul-ay tercaob Ibr
Blttac baya -bleb alp IV llvof aimlUr teeiaa r—tee birth of foar teiBkalk on-k rik Franklnn
lieea. Aoaooau of rai^
D Arbor BkllraariCoipMarV
eta of tv birte of foar,
Taeae immrnke .kleamerk
fire aod in ooa aaaa ate. ehildiBBata uaeb t-o pcrle ok IV Upper Palalara OE
ud (iiadato
Ubm -ace foeod. Vt la
e trip from Frankfort_____
•r Boaelrled of Vte aitle aad
cbiyu k made darlot ter day
faoalm. Throe
pe» plyhiytraln oa tV Aon A
teteiMitey by tea foot teat tec motear L R . -H/h carrieeaelaeployrer
Toledo te Frukfon. arrlra la Ft
te V. le yrare old aad —elyV ooly
ort^l k.M a m.
■mpeworCkteOBra te tV.ff it iV- piioBde TV fateer of tea qeartei
ttaraponorneafromWabahmi bora laborer.aboet to yaaie old abd -el,
.xr terayb d
day lialB from ToledclIMe a»re than bte -Ite.
MdAMly tetetdielad by tbp rteeroy of
to Frvkfort -eaiTlca a ti
*ree rrolinlnr
XbVIa. aeOar
ebair car. aad
- ._ij FTvhfortai
. , _
Dec of ter Comvoy'e cai
flraaPabte.alVfraa>d;iVi Obtea
ferrim Irarm Frvkfort dally, rxeept
Bonday, at H:M p. m for Ka-vnee
TV BO-.atabtee af IV ‘amporor 'ol
vd Hvltewoe. Wk.
Pcrhkpe tee moel Importaet feaUrr
earaeaay aratooaet afaoot Mpoo.OOO.
tek nmu to uarelen k ter tar
aod -lU aeaemm.dati on borem aad
lai pameryer lem are lower ui Wie
Ma^AMaa Thai-wUI alto V lodflmkiaaad Upper Fcairwala viau tbv
ternmam V M morrted fraav aad
^vy oteer roate Vkayceuabnoi
aaVmw aV ibelr famUtea. aV tor
Matedtebeatlara aad otVr aarraata.
beenv Rhaadx. CeaUrfleld. O,'
-ae: - lauflerad from pIVuraor
Two rldtefl aod lactew oaoraea. both
.IV ibyt e ^ elybt yearn
No remedy yare me rcamdar mam. -iU alv V baUt.
Ul aet'l IkWitt'a Wiicb Beiel UaJre.
AtBLLeateteadtecy. ataSy roiM
laaa tev a-noxef wbkb v'BaDaaUy
nrad me " Boo hley. brallay. perfrei
OSaar Baarabv loaV eiteaealV la a
drtDrale fVl youth
'iewaraol ooeaterfeiii
MtetylraabaodatalVaaamot moote made of. Timl k
ay oaaaadtey us.MO 1a rererategt
tVeunolvoalh that
Dr. ISrree'. Cddct.
WbeCelbe-erctef Vp y. riyaroae
ba-de.f^aV'blVof lai]
baallh? Bimp'y kte-plu iV-bo-ela.
L It yl.-re ta?m .liyretirr powrr; it tbe eiomaeb. tbe llrer aod bWaryk
aiBoU tartav te IV property of Mte.
■e hk food into pn] aVridiing tuoay aod aciire. Kerdoek Wood Hit
Walbercar Wackarte. aa a«rd Oermaa
id; II cneblee (V liirr to krrp iVt Met don It
el pure and frea froa UUuot poiauoa.
-a paUeol at IV
dk him with nneeater ■rntyUi end
- mxkre him in IV tn-el
HVBItea C. JVBaoo.
yein, aad krr;- him an.
of IV MemeebaaeUt
ttoryprtteo. dted aad-

131 STITE STREET. ■rv-j

Come to The HEEALD Office for Job Printing

The HereldJob Office

Largest line ruled and unruled flat.
Linen, Bond and Parchment pa­
per; Envelopes of all kinds, and
Card board of every description.


ful vd V

The Traverse City Music Company
A Fine Line of High GraeSe Musical Goods, Hidndin^ tbe


kai-Jnkvd.-.iiTae»iiec OovoluUon FraeInd
and atrtetlr
atrteUr <k
OBBOVIOMU sm aad rr-kulkiv
tW C4
far iOk awfal eCrr—af—rlr nar OBd ttie-aiT
1^—edlk. c—voeo *V er™^..l,

A6EO ,(EN.




OEM yaVa.ia-1 ra>V «u

KAabirci ao.ariv—eaienayaa IVtOMmylt fr^rauMtul tel kyy^.fr-kagm af phyefeal VkUur. yakkk


Erd Pianos and Hafps “
Farrand & Votey Organs
band lostrnineBta, Violins, ffnilara, Banitm, Sheet Vosic sod a T^i^r .
of einsll Mvical Uerchandise. Call sod exaniiui <»r fpMdt sDd get
price- b-fure you pnrebase. .

AMotki. tit-

'^MmTffirobFso_________ _____ kkdt—dy. BsaiUac tb*— ter —ady. earn—f

daaor aftVMabopof BaebaeUr. Bv.
Be*. U-ard Iblbou Btaark, D D
mbareeV-eaacaaal. It ia Vlirrrd



— _.r a lem...________
tembla tormral___
te Ibr
____ folk*,
aod te come older o____
Eee.r* eared. Iljaa'a UialMl aerr

KEW Boor#—

dMaareVpt alia oaly by tVa
ttm te tVtr bahaK te tV Di


ureme. ik- .kM rMUua—cix k„ucro.u. p—

dted. bol tee foort^U proVbly h

Wagons. • Wagons. Wagons,

L. and BO« of iti«

Wtub Uaiel Vlra Vmltlrely preraDle
bl Wkoaiv- Vaarr of eoanurfeita
■DeWiit‘a''k eApa aad eirax

. OaUte P. ButtatMa of Hetr York. te tv. -ay ol yeearoae eeUtey of
■■l^tmlybt bare Ven--irtVt III
hM boofbt a tract ol lead of l.MO
tie oVyh badb't beea aAlacled-l
MMB te Haoeoar aouly. Va.. irV
tee aad refleeUoe of teon^de of eoi
BBmpilrm. Una Ulapte Coayb Car
Veoapooooe mall oqatepV tailAtef
I^GoruVaadeold.. F. C fbomp


imericaD ledicai aid Sargical lostilnte ol Misiedoo, Wet




Orden br Tuisg Preaptly Attaadfld te ^ A
CempBtnt udfielUbleTusrwithtbeSMt ef:

_____ -mS

Taadeyb teeatlac of Vt la


team hV alau IVt V Vpte' to

and know test csmpeDtiub is strong, bat will endauir to gire ov'
rsloe received
ri>ceived in all asres. We sod ov agents will eadsBfOr
•V.VM—urea-adkyivui-. .pp-arer Bm, roam rnmd v. i*.av,.a
oar^livn. Always lepriMob.
01SCB,AII( VHAeaMu, **—7 *a*e. tu trat all coarteovly and fair in all oai
ad4ml^—p. ing oor goods just ns iJtey are

flTliaBAt TOE NOSE. breaeaiV aV

___ ___

It IbAJterh-blab tv Mtteh oemyMatVIafl -Virrei V bteadrioe
a aapUMot fatyaaa «a ao-

. y -





mmat a o. D u^pSTSeua

H. Jt. Jiocars.

ted by W. P. ±moB9r aad,

Stm U BnMdi Block.


wUHito AiUbit. Mf t m
•iMiiMiiMMtrf riMtui




Km. K. B. 0. Batm. Bdlior.

jrtlr. aad. wbaa It
BanBar Jaii dMoribad. do aot Ilka to
plana oeaflM apoa aaotkar laOt tW
waa ba bndiae. Bo, an .ar^lir b
Botkarof iaroaUon.'.i hi
.» .at hit
apoa a plaa that b «.t-<
••Mf Blaaa alaHaraat
aad aaooMieal. 1 braak
.. ',llrbt
Lord aaada treat
Aa- tka kllla aa' Ua flalaa ioak boardaof Ua beta* I
Itkaaaaaeala' atreat
apoa aanb tlaa>- Aaotbar ,, n>* mar be
pOB tbb WlU perir t tafr^r.
Tha a^
I aotU tba akalf abot ■ i f Urra tb
-I im‘ taka all
ooai In raaebad.
It b ro'prteinr bow
rn» tkaafriaftateU
r tlanaan >»*y ba n..--d a)
Aa It aoaaaa (rea ika Oaa wkaaaada ik
- Aa' mj baart-ll baat
anall aarlana la tbln way
.Uka latkoatkt Ufa avaat
■Jallr sar ba poarad imiIIoc bol UTUI raat la tka raaia aada ik"
plaiM DOl prerloealy oaatad. It a
apuoo or lorji ar nUek U i>lM:id lo tha
rlMdrek If kapt Id a, dry
plana. Jallr baura lo rrUiuit > Bator
tn«WactaralB. Dereawaadt
aad eelor fora raar or i*u at
Haw la tka werid I ino».
Tba wai Bar ba waabad wbao
off. roBalud. aad ao BUd froai yrar to
VhMttotukila tk*«^n
rerIM nla, ro« kBO*
‘ H>kM Um aon bUdw r
A*-s un le tka elmr.

•*Tta.r-r-r. U-ra-r-» t r.
Baal ar roar aabreUa. -bralla-'
Akd HetkarTe^aotWn Ik
Look at baraeaaparaadaaarrrl
■ka*! rvaalar after Ua eklldraa,
Tto krlar UaB boare la a bar^r.


Aaat Baa at Ua wiadoa !«• a.
AkdUaPbu-beUrd-aa’rrfaudr'. board.
Wltb Ba. tkat it'a c^ac U rala.
For. bark'
■TV-r-r^-r. tr-r-f-r-r-r-r,

Maat aa yoar aabralla, 'k^"a.^

U) Bianjia wuaiii a ^.lau,
ra'a BBia bar bare a kirad r
To «aU. 'ad Iraa. 'ad aeral
•CBaaa. aan ba. -Ho aaa laikl
Aa BMblB' at Ua Mb
Atat iMt tka irorb far *aU<
tkA araatdaai. ab babr
*IM utkar day ba Mid. -Now. sa.
Yaa r* dotra to Ur atoro
*Sd cat Uat lafTola earpat yea
Waa BmaUa' eaoa bolero.
(lau. If It eoata foar dallaro I
DaBtaarel Twea’ldo ao aaora
To ban boMO-Bada ng earaoU aa
TBa praaldaat'a froat ran door."

Tba Tina of I'llaa.

UK,f, Si z
Uaa an.rea tba/ a

of Ua dabrb of food ..n oseleared


TW daar old-faabhBad blaU rearerirsi Baby in Ua rninlly,
1 aaatar Uaa aay of Ua aawar nrlaOn
Tba'docnor bad cone lo late iron
of Ua •ortal'a art aaa arar bo.—pat bard day'* »ork, drltinp from place l
(oBaot tdaa teoaMlor of I'aredtaa
dayaahalfaMtaiyceaa bj
aUar saUar loa( faw* b
tMtlapalkaol oU aca UleUa Laad
al atar yooBlar flowtr*. loaad |ka
a*aat rowa whltk fraw la treat haaka

Bade a tail eaU OB a oao wiu Ua anp
aad bad taraad Into bad. doa Urad.
It waa leac after Bldnlcbd when tba
UlaakoM ball nac The de
aaak laadaap niaap. ApalD
ruf oet a^ply aod iBpai
noaUaed la«lBc. bet Ua doci
bear Ik At tka eUar aed of
—T iedn' "pored'*'
iU Ufab awaaunan aad p
are»audylo«?Mr* Tha bell omoaead
bha.aad al laarU be daeldad to aa»war It aad atop Ua rloctnit Ha took
down Ua ravaltar and *kontad -'Hallo''
Kra. 1.1. Oray of Treaarea aty talln
^n^t you. doctorr- aakad ao aafc
■aafaaaw i^lo patiV fralta
aba baa bad reaoBBtadad lo bar by
-Vaa. *bnl do yoe *aal7 ' npliad
frtawda aa rallabU 'aad wblah aba b tba ttadaol. *bo koa* Ur doctor «a*
Urod aad did abl *inb u> wake Ub od
tryUt wlU airawberriaa.
1m Ua eaaa *ai arrtoe*
rUl Ua ooM WlU Ua plekad oaar
■‘Tbb b Hotta. doctor. U i. Pott*
aad wiibad barrlan. Uaa batlat pir H* wife waawd a* tooall yon op to
KwH a riU lyToa, beUlat bok dll ep lUl yon Uat tha kaby wouldn't pby
WlU hb block* lo alcbl aod aaeaad
Ua aaaa WlU Ua MM aad aa^.
kind of bMry aad dall. Wkal do yon
ItiBBWBy wall *erU irylatutba *Bj^pM b tka Batter, donor? My
anaMofaMaat laaik lor UbMriec
la labor wUI ba MafldirabU
•^o. I d<|D’t Ikink ba k." replied tka
At aa alatoal aappw raawiUy ^rod aoU*. ."Bbi ba anarzed ooea to-aicbl ••
-Ab.-Mld Ua bocu* doctor, -Uaf*
U TMtBM Olty raaau Ua rallU
a rood sics. If taa anrezad aad k aot
ad WlU Utaold BMla waa ao ai
tararkb ba k all ri«ht Yoe aicbt
^ydaoUatUa raeljBWMMkad lor Clra him a lltUa water If ba wake* op
It will ba wba to pal It aad ertaa: If be Cak Mo warm leka
“^1?* J5rh“*te^' Hncb obliccd
Berry to bare had to dkturb yoe, bat

- Ab.- tboucbl Uy pale itffdMk
« of Ula dalieioMap- •nh»i k IJ for Ua doctor. Wkh I
aoBid ears It a*MUy."
Wbab ba Mid the <
B tba aaxlday be
Polk-bill wa*t relied I
ThrMfraM tOBataa*,
• U'nUelrflretbaby." cnplalaad Ur
OaaublaapooB aalk
doctor, "aod Uay ra Urkled to dreU
M pay aay pHca fur Ik I eonlda'i bare
Oaa put rlaaiar.'
Clara I'otu aey batter adrleoBreelf."
~A'u»*<u rUy Sl-ir.
TwBBBall oahM,

A SnnaieT Pluwar Stand

OMhalf aap wklU aafmr.
iMoaaaaadi Ctm raUMWid p^
parikdd Ua MmUm aad oaloaa aad Sr'Jre'at^'l.e^fret'bHoi ibS
Wop aaa.
BoU Ua rUnar. aapar.
._at two tact abOTc Ua 6r*t hraa^*
aaH aad Bqptard aaad aad add Ua Tha UlUar Ua 'branch, on UbT^
abappad BUMra; olBBar oaa bear, nichtly siomp Ua batter for yoar peradd tka applaa pared, oorad aad nt Uoppad
to aoMlI pteM aad eaok aetU tkay ara
aetk kaal U aaall Man: harp la eool.
^ Aon.


A friaadof Boat dnad'Mhaat to
s ^bllU Ua toUoWUraipalBC froB
TW nmiitoH. la rapard to)ally BakUt whlab aka kan foaad kdlpteU
■IM pauuc awv Jolly. 1 na wklU
waa. allWr paralaa or aparBaeaU. for


Ko* paint Ua whole Uioc creaa


•rdleary |
Uta'or r
t asd ua
cbalm. a ________
od ahcliacked or rerokbad.
areju»u a UMc for a foasdaUoo. be
aaad flr'c
Isc IBCl,

ream. Uaa add iba wbllc ot oea acr
«aue to a ai.ff froU 'F-Urof Blib
aa leasBoonful of aaallla Srlnir-i

Beais the

A Good Fiaat.FnM.
Aword to flowrr-loarre; Ur ool
■osla u

hMDM aod *ckook.

Hr. Jamas l.sscbray. of t<f> Webster
k siba /Mm old. wrote oa la February
••reel, Bu*s of tba Kniiwyv at tlw Oral
"I bare written M Ua Bkmh i> tw.ea
Wooditmb Co..*ay>
before asd Uoucht I would write I'llkare a C”Od remedy
acaio. a* I would like u J/iit Ua ban. • ioB lo use Ueoj sarersl lima* and Ibry
ahluaCInb. CbrkioiM I fol a picture rarer failed lo gite proinpi rclirf rur
draur'Sis yur* I waa ir.mSIad wllb
my kidneys and bscsacbr or wSsl 1
•all of eloUa^ asd noaa casdy call a aunib pain is tba back) w
m scTCTs readcrad ro' miM-rabi.
l' bavr breur learsisi
also uoubird w|U
ili*m In
•Imte tbk winter asd I like ki *
. Ibs'1
Id hardly- ^cUrur
my wuik
Pill* al
I'rocurlstr Doao's li di
drug •lore. I uted Ibrm w'llta mint satislai-t'iry rreulu.
-rtavueb I don't uy posilirrir i at
saisak Sprckla Sbek Ibc b.1 cow
' rciurd)' cured nic p-rmancu li. it l>
we bare Wa bare two oUare.
that 1 bsrr b >l bres truub cd iu
I used lijaa's'Kidnry
eiea year* old. My birthday 1* Id Feb­ tbk way *
K.l'k. .Yoi
a wrlcuma tu uar my
ruary. My bruUrr
ocas rrcjiumrsd tbcui
I <lip*y. Il<
higMy." . '
I'apa ka^ay moetul Ua llnir
ti'iaa'* Kidnry I'llk are for Mir by
and oy isamua k ilyh
1 c° M *-'bool
I'ricr f.o ursu. Nailed by
araryday. My tetebar k Mk* lliicbal ' Futer-Mllburn Co . Iloffalo. N. V.
I lor Uc Fulted Slate*.
Harry IVIIson of luierlocliaB wrote

bread ansa, li
Isck. wide, aad
anhrif aboat n
Uk occur
•miy Mth* rlcht
arm. Tbk will oerra a* a »maM Mbia.
cllber a* a' rretlec |
foracwiBC Bslerial*
Hclow tSI*. acalsot tba cousd* of Ur
ebaif. attach wiU olronc cord or winwicket batkat of good auv wlU am
-i beard about your bus
Ua woeklj Is March
and ksli. •hisa Club asd 1 wast M ba a mrmbai
y work.crocbatai

paper*. Bacniism
IC work or pap<
year* old aod am Is
t MblcU. ate —lIuuM-buid
Ua flrat crada. 1 study readloc. spell'
loc. arltbrnetlc.
Cac«cspby. tear acbool k out oo
>oB't coin eeser feramoBlh or
like M CO M aebool. J lire four tblle*
of a cspfol of aucar as
rum loterlocbce, out wa grl
add the wall brates yali
r* aad oea____
of an
bare. I lire on a farm and balpSiy
ol fl»a ____________
BaTortac d.Irrd
Is altarsatel} pspa when tbara k ao nebool.
•cast cupful of flour aed OBc-bat<
HabrI Clrlssd wrote from Fife baba
cuofol of milk Add oea acaol tea
...uBful of Mklnc powder and bakr is la April; •'The Sevb of ll.-cembcr *
a modrreic ovrs.
Bored oal here and arc russinc
boardlsc bouse Wr rsprvl to co bo-nr
Ur last of Uk WMk or tba lint of UC
Crnam ooa-balf of a cupful of butter,
tVa Ureal Uodc* when wr
ciipfol of piiwdarcd aucar asc
............. Hr Ik tba' wall bMtei. are at hoB* Wbas j go to *chooi I c«
to Ua UcMca aebool aod sMdy ariUmrlie. CMismar. rMdisc- caocrapby
aod spalliBC
<?ar aebool cobbcscc
Ua drat Mooday is , April, bat I ooul
ateoree—'lubir T<il*.
Botfo. I Ilka ttfc°’'ccrmui.di. Twa*
Uyean old Ua'lUday of April
A MQ*»Tra»a.
haac two bratbem; Howard, who u
k pretty pboMcrspb fra
yean old. asd M'alirr, wbo k*rreo.
>de ftuB wood mooaaa. Ma
wtuld Ilka to }-la the bu'oablar Club
wdrr ailff caMboard. ib
rr>> for Ua picture. ' Kaateo Uc at Uodca asd wrer Ua basce
. u It wllb ntroacclsa.'or aaw It
Hare k a latter wrilteo New Vaar's
CommkaeiBc slU the bicbaat day by onaot our daar Hula tiasbrauu.
shad, at tsa lo*)MCT Ua frame, work
llos't you tklok it k Uiaa it wai
OBtward, -«'"Cfl^ yory darkml for
Ua oslnlda edee
»o oyer Uc whole printed'.'
oorfa. of tba trsma lArn dost wlU a
NorrkaUla. J^. 1, U».
elMp braab dipped laUio maellaca.
Ussk tluiriiK —I wk^ yon a Hap
aadslfidlamood dut oterU before it
kqsiledty. Tba-dlemosd dual can be py New Year.
I'aasd sue and all a*
liUlacblldrea akited my'isuatlea and
d today at KorrkVtlk aod pai
to tbapoatotlijeaed col all
latter* aod Hussbloa baden* aod wa
tear bapoy cblldnan.
lac. tearaeaersl aawnpaper* loM email
pleeeeaod aoak them is water. Mis Ulok It waa olcclo luccire
oae posed of flmr asd
e 9nart of New Year's day .' It i* a nlre day to ke­
uatil Itk
. .........
-iUoc It u..
■mooU asd free from Ismpi. Mas ett> els saw aud-cood waya. Hear AunUc.
lahl.pooDful ol Siam aed two Ba took l.isz'a awd I M Traaersa City
•iuru1 bo Hoc water.
Sat is OS Ur last weak and wa Mt lor oar ple'.ores.
■lore *when Ua paste will cook aed
Malaoaly coiof M baae uaa aod Ual
boil ooli! Ilk
I aaked ma If I eosid
<|niw IblcIraadpR** It is
islo Ua crack* will ba larca
.................... ........................
It win jooo
son harden pod
you Ua proof aad aba **>* I can
auk. tba floor amooU.—.sdicreol
ItwIU sotfadafor alenctlma if Uc
don't sBlna <n It Tbc proof k eoi
I oar dab tor Ual Bead* Ua aua>a M Bake it brlcbl. Well. 1 Beat
,>ao a* to eke Ua isala cbai
write. Frpts year Hula Iriond
akioerd oar*, asi
Aluu BBianiAi
pourloc orer a Fresc
UiUe Liuk waste sa to writ
Ilia ai
of acarlak wbl
Creao appeak to tka cyr. bat; iheMy* shadee'l wust her letter
wbllc Ibc
ir nrkpsa**
-- blaDdior of
II Blsadsp WlU mloe.
•picloca* aod
oooIsM Mtkfi. Ua pa‘Uksii EiMTiia—My mndmacet me
ate —
Ice cap and Muewr tor a Oiriatsiaa
rasaaL 1 will try asd be a cood girt
■friceratof asd lea are lacsrlre br- Adah k sesdisc you our proit aad I
• boiler. w( ' • prenreu tba w.ll scad you one of By curl*.
apotareoca of'oll I' kept Ip Ua ordi­
From yoar lltUe Hanahina.
nary closet. may batu^aa
LiMic Huctusi'it.
able to Ua rye. a*
Mlate. by placli
UadtebeoBMlBware clad Indued of tba Uule picot as
luc It OB
carUaa pk
... ,__________
plate aattisc
tba same <B a flat aumh os tba cellar tana which bare sol faded yai. and m
fl»r, »sd Isyartlac orarlt a clay fliw- for Ua •sasbiny esrk Uay are nlway:
». whkh baa baaa prarMaaly briebt and will naaar fade.
-jbrd laalda aad oat. aad orer
which sol I water baa baaa paored jast
before wmated lor —
Are year sorrow* hard to hr
tebaa-Mu waa
Ufa k shortsns lt ^aflw
Do ^_a dr^^t^|;AaiB ot as
Apply aralea M a bra aa H the akia h
asbrokaa If brokaa. wMk tba krska
aad apply yareltaa.

aoaarlatUa lopaoftlaaM
I taka a
o ramore a sty
faitnad of baddlep oal tba plaau
Ma-aaaally aa Mpty baklac ao-dw
yon wkb for wietar It iwrrlnc try the imnpooafal ol tea
aaa-aad baad It at Ua top «p for. »
oBtof npoak TWwmi laaaalud la
Ula. a^ wkM Ua JUly b Ina naily ^/^^ICel all Uabrofltol Uaaaa
poaradintl. t bare aoaarbad Jally
Oo Ua aoproaai of *Ietar tkay will
BeaU^aryaMliMoaMp. wkM pro.
■wine a^la, t
iweew tb«
MUdlaUbway. TW dltarnt rarlluas and ferafl.
locarof Ua left kaad.
allM My ka dMltaatad by wrlUap
In yoar Hcht hand.
aaU aOM apdaa allpaf paaar.
a flujfikly ftPB band M pi-si.



The Kind You Have
Always Bonght

Ueldaa 8aoar-f>aam tecaUar two
Mblupoeslukof bolter aad oaa cqplal
of pewdarM aocar; when aery I cht
^d credasUy t^ wall-^teo yolks ct

aod yal
awa.T by many who are Icaoraal of Us
I refer lu Uc water Is which
led before cook lac
bkim '
Article*, add asoueb hot,
II you BoUar* and *ktar* really want
^rm Iba rinse walar. Uas
* and loyr abide.
to kaap tw boy* at koma aed make
poor aoout the nioteufyour plank asd I
Uay will reward you with as sUis.
Mem Wppy j.l Uy fl*loc ep
dasre ol crowth asd bloasom. HouseHare the walk Mparrd.
r plsstt res empty I
Wbaa tbk Domber of UaUr.n>i.
Uair maat rinsing
r* around Ua yard. i
bookMac'oa.raad Ua Konrtbvf' fely will ba oner, ■bra<ibary, raapbarr
•ryot currsni .hu*b.
unrtaloaat IW w^Bj- iWIr bika aadiwlib
aed I wlU all'IU
a11‘IU bappaalocn
bappaala^ of pleauet or Canifw produru
a with
feet I)j SOI put
irre, but
' Uiaca
aad wa abalj know tba aU ry
TbkflaMr... _..i ba anrpriaad M aaa
. oe« hlddao In lb,
asyihlBC'iiaal in ibls'slmpja farldl'/ar
■ueheadtwdonafuraamallnuB.aod day Borslsc when
tba prlsMra daow Bueli pIaa»oraaBd *| j;.yo>ani will B*od Ueir copy lor ibi* pace, we »re koow ol It —.Vlr> rnl.
^ takas In tka pleanaal ruom -far. eely boplsc fora lorely day-« day
wherele we,*ball acalaacb oibar ter a
dear l.ltla rkll under Uc itm at "lyy
Hloyck Skiru
Ua Istarloc. OoUaca,''aod cro* aaoy ol lu bat ^SlBC a lirisc as stroocrspbai) in
Tba departaaot of tt
Wa ijnalotad wlUaacb oUer. You
'hirb lBcludm':Ua palest tfll
ryarsl buDdrad womes clerk*,
Pr.idaoi I* yrry bappy is Uare aail.
r UaB ride bicycl. to an] I'
(|BIX>B* and pant weak Ua aury aball
aiw. and durloc bualna. boei
D»tiy U^ek^m^fo^iOBc time ao be wrIUro for yuur readiof.
Are tba Slat, m.nt* ul Trsrers* Ciiy
CilireosHui Mora Killatke Tsaa
clary of Ua ordai
Tbosa ol Uitar Sirascar* '
PC wdaro clerk* WMrlsc bi-y
Tbk k a rlMI iiuaalioD.'
fharc latters core morr Uoua poor lettam
ele nkll a dartoc ottoe boar*
U k treuebt WlU lateraal to Trs*Uat; came wlib Uc wiPMr'a lea and
mucS lobbylDC
. ba
arsa City,
liptl Ua
aoew, M*. the nprisc Heia bu<
It parmite of oaly one aoawar
Dark ban as
___Secretary M'ebstei
bloo'a and pM, aod Ua auBSat
It I'saiioi ba atadrd or iesured.
BouDimd blBaalt a cl mploe of ibc
A 'I'rarprsaf'itycItkcDspr’aks bare,
introyamy nsd- Ita aeeosd Uird. Hat tkay will all I^rt
ibort ak.lru. aad t'
for ISa welfare of Tr*iaraa
ad la faror of tba, bicycle facllos out ot tbair bon by and by '
•'For ny park" Mid Saarelery Hark,
A rll^a's statrmaDl Is reliabir.
"lapproyrol Ua b cycle aklrt- Haay
An Uttar stranerr's doubtful.
'One of oar little klasd frieedi
ladl.^ls the deg^m^ot rlde •bre|»j
Home p.-oof k Ua bret pruul.
Ucy wear the blejwl drew bardlck of Soalb Masiloe. who




■ rlr *klare. aad i




uikr“Are tS;":*.!;

_____ ,
pIrMat and abaary
can re^'

Moan which damnod U-lr praisaw aa
aaura't aMtanfare.
It u oaalM to pat ap ncraee doom al
Ua BOlrancaa aod acnaanat tba windawntoabetoettbamc* ifron tetlia
UaB by artllffnaea of the U««
It la janl aa aaay to cli
ap Ua braaklaat aod dUoar labla a
braak apUe floor at oane altar t
bmI. aad 4arkae Ua room, aa It b
latua ubiattaad laUnc>ara oft
Ilfbt to latlte fllaa.
It Ua UMa at
wall for Uoaa wbo are eol psoaual bi
UalfBaab. Ilaboold ba IbreloHj eor
arad wtU a xiaara of chanaa cloU. aad
Ua Riea abuuld ba darkaaad. No hot
food or Baata tkat will attract Sian
b k B.i beeoBi
beeoBlsc u Uao
abeoil auad U Ub way. bet nboald ka
WlU BC. -ahoQi
I ahoQia .
Bcrar ob
kept ea a plaU aet In bot waur. ■
. tbk deparlBeel
ad WtU an Inaarted bowl aad 1
• ho lido wbaal*. •
Ua orea. If Ua babll ol aluUc
if tbcB WMrInc
Ua Ubia paoelantly be lanbu
MsU Is Ua offlea "-.'«cir»«<d.
I. aDdttanfoodof I___
Cttatr for Plazu
I'l *111 MteUebout*
(>oaof tbaeuMstlak tor piatrt work
a of maDy fllaa
k a aoBforubla chair wlU juat t
Ip to keep Ua reuUne of work U c
rlcbt alopc M tba bade, wh Icb isu*l
M afford a rest for I
I cnOlBC doUa

-'Bdtkaa.*'baMld,'ad leebadatkar
BI eauMoi tba prataeeaof
A-laiKfcIa' klad of aly,
------- , . loaoBiy
n>rbacr biiekri
-f-rafo wa aicbt tad aeaa faraltora
>10 ba
taa lolarated b a eotared
^^-d ^ba Hto^My.;Tka becOat
beckat for Ub
Uli pdraen
of^lraa rad iroe. wltb a corer. Tbb
'Bd w^ad bar*beU ayaa dry.
baekat aboald ba acrabbad out «Uk tal
*Ki pa. .aald. •Hbo. ao*. talat Ua
da aad boilloc
boillac walar.
Ua iMlda aad oeutda. aod Ibor.
ootbly rloaad. Thara 1* qowxcbm for
Ua praaaooa of diahaa of uocerrrwl
topd of aoy kiBd In Ur kilabeo
aoae aa trull ta broucbi In ll«b' uid
coaarad aodielaaay
Itar babit
ThaeUar BoroiaC wbaa Ua adlu ooaarlac frolt wlU a wlra cotar *b
tliahaloc ravpared for the cabla win
alUBdapartaMtBaslwbar -Na« aata tka buata from Ua prnanea of
0or»ar' (oraalaaMb iMk Uare wi
uoyor tbcM eaafnl. but abBoyiof litla abork aaka and
lylacoB Ua Mat of bar ^ekalTa Ua aoataacare
treat baaah of hiMk mm, eoal aa< baap all your prealaea aa elrao ai pooalbla, balora you banc up frafraat
aaaataad haaallfaJ bayaod worda u elaatan of boU clotcr lodriaa away
taa TW Croat door of -lay OotUca
dlaa or pnt np wlra acraeaa. bad oalU
waawldoaMB aad it >aa aatyuisa craapad'oeiwltl ba aaodad
ho* Ua aakaooB flrtr kae* bow (o warn. Un BMr piaaaaea of arickbon
laa> earetol oacaanlMlan Ua

Oaa-balf np reWat.

tocataway. aad I.rcroa
ar at it Is BSPy laataaM


'iSw iiib6d*rf^BiS

laio tka dry Bii
addlac more milk if saeaMkry te
M a *cry Utek Mttsr. Mall two
apoesfukof batter, add to
aad bMi hard for s motaei
eoa cspfal of blasberrlM
pickad rrarr. waabad. drained
ad la flowr. Tars Into a wi
Mid. BMm for two boars



Always Bought.



T« i»k* •e*ri.w*«B*«aar. Jaa.
u I ao • rkirk a.

{satisfaction found
J Trunks, Satchels, Telescopes at all Prices

i: is “ssiSr

45 ss ..“.TSSSa.

'SI si

IV P> aw





• lU rwBl lliMt.


T .1?

Trarer** in>r_

_____ ______.imulwrwaa'a


'West Michigan.

J*\Vhi|K.- I.aslios, (iIovi'S and

• in j|] trrJFili'*.

Btere**^ Mill

§§ Irr .

i Our Harness Line Hie Very Best tliit Good Leatber and
' Worlminsblp Can Produce.

TfATflCM Olty, MIcU^d.


Hrosch's Meal Market



a i jiiiW

I10»‘ -

ooiBO wintm
___ ^A* «i«>B

Ar iir.1 K*plit>



I » * IB;

1 ap

t • II »
a n it *•

I la




Choicest Meats, Poultry and Game.

1., Kit B*iaa*
• rlrairowo,



fresh. Salt and Smoked Meats, Sausages ttc.



W. B&OBOH * 80N«.


------------FOE THE SUIIEI.
Cnnaniil ud Sbtniiitd ifl tti Y«r.

“.•;r‘CHAS. fi.DDCKERAr. Prop





Krom Btiire to rreiiil. tii'c. ofti-e to facUiry
are ViTj: uaefnl autl an' -ItOW Priced.


Mt. PlMMlBt! OWMM. MBAV, B«7 Oitp, Detroit. Hew.
ell, Aan Arbor, Toledo,u«
point! BMt ABd Booth. CIbaa


l**uii-Ha own PriVAU TeU
ViV liav.' aoiui'diiin: New i I lliis line. Write
lie for priii-s anti iDfurinaliou.

M.B. Wheeler Electric Go.


M.A-H.S. St.

w. a.BssraTT.

•MlPeMAci. SMeee.

SuiiitUiB 9l Jmitn.
te r*ar, *111 a* a*

Mataa*.m> >• *a*
w **a*u. i« ua

areretu. kaad M .........
iMKlwriv **« tl.................
■*teaa>**«n *M Apru
Tur Olb






ppIlcMU tcrUIrd

re*i. *M M tail iwlvw npararel k aaa haMb.

ar*.‘ftad* U« auawkial r*«aia«adkt.

Carriages, CutteFS, Sleighs, Etc.



Be-Painting and tTphoilatermg.

lacptea wuj b*arelt** *> *ii ib*u*liuw


Horseshoeing and Genend Repairing Done

Are m Uat wiu hope delayed?

WhatdrllcbM My sot abida.-

IUI8T8B llD nRTBUm 1.1.


Heos'wlll coma Ua ffUd tsIlaM rest aad Jay and psaea;
Soon Ua saMiy tbrmd ba apaa.
Aadtbaflaal labor deaa


innKBcuinn * By. a. urek* aapi*



_ Ishere








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