Grand Traverse Herald, March 30, 1899

Dublin Core


Grand Traverse Herald, March 30, 1899


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


■ w-w.


Grind Traverse iieraid


Dr. J. A. Snyder, pfe^ O. R Carver BI5
DENTIST Real Estate
’Vice at oiT onou iruj.
vnTAtm ■








An sutler pamei
I lOe. let «e. .1 aev.^. ua^ dev wi

abc earatbllf eluted ibc dour of benbaa laid tbem. asd poU la a
-frost ruua'~ and weal back
Dearbb (all
Tbera ia eraa a bird wbleb earrte
*'lVj’l»«'»r»teer oilb Mra Websler u. err* la a aacb aear lu tail. Ttab to
ad irr Belli a cjrioae ebaaire ieJn tbe prarala. a bird rrltbout fealbera.

A rieid rad bln.b baraedtoa
and with erlD(a no nbert tbat It eaaacit dayaBBtUebaaaetbrpblbsmM
tbsir «U a
•k. herrv..-hadiD ibeirdepth.b a,
I'rhi.btf.l her bmod irriablrdeul
I>.r» rate aad other aalaala of the
Maeqalreda paiUoeof wimlth*^
tbat abe morked uitb dig-ultt
Uul june kind.'pick «p tbeir bablee la tbeir
It araa MUral for tbeaa old t

iUn..MI< dent..




Plata Qlaas, Steam Boilar and Accident Inaoranoe

HR IDMINISTERED Money to Loan on Improved Real Estate Only.
ADU<kuUr mal.« ara i.MUtr r-Jrf
Aiura*rs»( Law,
Mmu«k-> Itec4**u Mm.

Aua>Mn»a (a* aM «•
•Mj. rrM aiM.Tn>r


o( wu duriM U.» -•


LstMt ZdeAs and AppUancea.

• IB.




uid MIC tbe elcfrut Acw'ltac of
SpriartitrlM of Woolna bow
oo aale, wbicb will be Bade up
Is Ibe Utcal SijIb. pad at
abeb I.o> Prioea at will aarpriec


Travexae City, Xicb.



time -Koarot
tbem all alone, 5!i";.rtorebrr.andbbc.e.n...lU.bci.
for >.t
lie tV.Hiedied the aril tpr-Bi.
tV II.
Sbe d—rit upon tbe dart—lien tbe
Id Turn I could petaioop without
—at a eaee-trec plrl- la ber falher'x,
aod I bare
fiarea'I protpbred.
bimar -ilb Tom ax brr Inter. Tbeb
ipb." with a biller little laiurU - li
came brr —rdJ.Pi; dt). Ibe pun-bbtr of
*1 be man) yrart l>efiire I’m la tbe


pour boute. at tbit rale


.TnrmUiv.Muh. '



Place tout Riders Earl; far.

biint Git; Schwl ot luilc!


Highest Prices Paid.

Chicago Prices Paid. It will be for your
l»enc6t.lo try me. It docpn't cost you anylhine. Address.
7^2 East Front Street



no a-. KlerAr.tb St.

Carpet Cleaning Works







ASHEAR'MTUcot with,cone


The) are the Snexi poidt

e axr ■■ .x.a,e.m.BeBX ...« ..... ....^ .....


B™. ti-Ueu- I..r

.Ifenlir «t..l



aaaMaaawie*. Ml
■Hb>e. M l'.ei,-u S,




'T«e«. S. •PKAOUB A aOM.


♦eta bandit ywa tophi.

Best Liver) in Northern'Michigan.
/and aad (tola Stabla ia OaaaaMimi.




reipeclfolly. aflar a

her arinx
xii'..e Uie da) xbe ban
lururd fmin bit little pratr. Judilta
fbufo bad rr..-n bard' and detlaol -tail reucited at cbaaptAodAaaded It
nhe had f«i ber-ru 1 -m bTtterihnop..ix. ■nlbrcuoductur
berbul)ontbe tU-ir’Iand ciarrcxt
c^Gi.bni ma'am. I haeeo'l had your
fere jeL" taid the conductor ptuaoUy.
-Dub't you aee bo- It lar
"Su.. )uni
)unnp man. t doD'L” aald tbe
And oo .verd frvm Turn had ever
lad) I xikiop
reached her.
rrelyatblm: "but
' m bate
It-ax nut until the llphtof KuAi
lam aOuBliL I'll
yuu a^Uier fire
mnroinp brpan lo creep into tbr ro, ui
le eueoted out fire peaniea and
X baad: _________
Brr pockxlbook lo berbap and
< lulo her xeat with very red



tie wUe what ted bl»
tapper, moody aad &-

baMk la a pambliap boaaa.
stood at the door be heard a li
. aad stepped Into a bed-reeto
r bto only rbild waa iyl^-lB a
Ktoa me. father." chirrapad Ibe . Jl illUeeolee.
"YoBwlIt be pood
looipbt, wan't yooTTae eelaiao cleared bto threat betep
be meld po on eriib tba etoiy.
"Luck xraeapaiMttoe.*'haeaM. ‘I.
drank heavily ih-i alpht aad teat eeoy
doIUr I had
I left tbs pambll^ da

btoen mea to UeiTbeUcr edw—>*•
easy of Fafaeua”bia(‘to
XX 1( may almost eat (bam
> of (be ploba. to MKJ
w tba aabataaea.
cally llmltlw. and 1
xoeraaof anpply ma °ZA^wte*taba!
they hare a boabd a
tlon.'while tbe d
>at Ipereaaa. tbiaUafi papar alOM
eatoaBcoormaai bala la oar aalioaal
foreau yearly, aad tbe Pelare exteal e(
- rtogalreaxeat CM ealy be eewRf

^Tbc bi
ed ranwayei
y rape la aeaeap«oV7
teetea paper wbaato; i- ,____
- . want to
beplealap(o (toe boards edpaptoti___
jy -urda wilta him. for antbmeUe ocT- eo^y mlasA reqatriap y plaal^
e turned li
me it waxX real e:
Thera wax
...I. I bi
bad u> flee him before
ilitSro: bnllI xappoxe
lime back
he tippered
thexbelirrnt ihe4ulacx bu>b
(bees of berpt clay.
. av.-i, ■-merped a
Ua^ epar^'M

It r.-acbed
Ubbarpy Vtnaneler
cb to llaewtoe essd tm
^aad telejAeae pijy S*^
It ix xaiii mat .S'atfaaa Mayer Rolbxyou mean
Jiiditi.. -oman;xlaSa TteBeareaat faaeUal
x>o of the foe:
Tou i-iiri'd
mkau. beleerk
tne LoadmVanuaa'. tge'bepi’iolar ul JaeUfiedbytbe
dodliti xttr’xd tiaek. ft -at To
il erotnry. Jived
the preeeot
lived In__________
In fear of ax­
imaiiuo for ycarx before hie death,
away and xlrx-pi'r' muri'. but. eeea
• J^rd

• - pixlole eioae
tbe faint llpl i. iliere w^a- oo mlxiaku
the bonrtt blue eyet and ti—py mi
le reply to a man wbo aald, a^ler
xrelnp toe luxnnex with wbieb the
iWinP xiie —at lun ax’nnixlred
. lo be emptayed wSdMM te
banker wax currmoded, that beoepht
apeak, he aeot oo iiu-ri.-d'v
I b
eaielopae, and ^ oaM aoMte
-o br a Bappy man. hr anxwered Uiier...bra^Bi
toeaked hick f'-r one mr re .mik at ,ro
n'xppy? wbee juxlaeyon
I wa, -itunp behind I
letter .x pixcod
romp tu dinner a lette
M a D.'oeix ard Mi I
hand xayinp. If you Co
I coiilln tlirlphi
omtot aad eoaearralar mv>cBkwHk
d> tVhro I learwe
apprebeaeloa. bet ]aet at prifltth
digeeit lo eae la wtet way tecM te
lime. ji.i htn i
rveoe for (hair peaUetlea.
peaUette ■nM*
lhex.^we.r> year
-Mt ean tbat wbetavee Ite at
r xaid. tnrelnp bcipleaxly to



wbieb f-'-r^-^rrr?t?!Sr>M



VraL'^l'l' "jS'i’t

expected ■

“ u'rJAi. lad


orl.-d It
tend to leralidau it. aad. Hatal M
lied fur ,
to. It Buy la Uma binci mmmmff
1 ip-iamd that tbe men were
two bxok'rx from another city, bev- to teke bim in bead aad Impnaa aeaM
leplrite*xof iBirtxliKtioo to him. for
X'-.-h inxy were Brcvoe«iy faUBtlBpat
the time of ihe nnexpeeled oealaepbU
bi- mo't nceti >n knew -- •----Home af tbe amwxlep aad prafilaMa
ratereeaf court rtiqectw are temte
d by tbe Leadoa Blaaderd:
end al: bccxnxe of my mowey.
aid Iracliy
Aoeiriaa aaart litoeeamry
a-ay be hid
”1 Thom. I boye j..o -aun t xilly
» M tbT^^rlal taUa.'^'nla
lenoopl, to think
Eaeter Coetoms
Tom; ^omTnoa
the coitoma of Biauri
very qoaini and taklap. Low-la I
left ta
laud will make brliere that tbe i
ry Ji - '
aad to
dance* when it rtoea on Eeaicr Haad_,
bleahxul ao«» ane-p Jack didn't i
iicpa- lubd tbr So thr yoonp people meet early oa that
-Bothlnpudo-ltb 'em; it *at bix j
watcbinp ber thr
moreinpand lopetber climb the decry
ber. Oteiorae. heo olda'iflee tb*|
* I window
in uU
nillxtocatchabr-liipbtof Ue rtoiap
mao away, ao Ja.-k akipprd
Tom <
a the Vlrniamr aoaa te p
;,dred dollara. and end if the xea does ant daece (heir
knew ib« ripbt of lu and be ba'ped!
r. we'll tcpie lifrafB'B,
xru do. aad it would be eaay lo Im^toeM^Sji kieaiBf apbla bento over


i.: i:.T.T,rr-x“;:.v.;z i
i.^and ^


“s'.si'j;;; I

year- that he -at f

Hack, Bus and Baggage Transfer Une
Wayae CoimtyB^ Bldp.. DE7BOIT

See here Jodith ' aod Mrk tVehe’er
letnrd t"r-ard. t
1 didn't a«|
Jnvrd to xee me. fnl I did eapret )• u
to oxe me -xll
Uo-xomeeer. 1


in and i«iy nee of the "SLEStEB"


Dr.Imu’s CompsilDd,


make xhaelap a pleamre. or

KCOBB3, Trinrse'CRj.
■r O » -rl ^


' nibidlKlIoBlPiiifiei. .
iMMnaisdi. Uwuiiiiiacm.

A RAZOR *o<l STROP that will


There —at an a-k—ard pauxe
"(int any pardeo plani.i’’" tor*
Denait axki'd. et’i l) bcpir p to awak­
en anme intprext in tbr prate, dark
face before her.


A KNIFE that win keea an edpe.



oipbi gaa^pioyerwl


‘•“rtuar Wi). IdoB-t aee
ilcalate that; It'i real
I). Aoabii

unt Sarah
. Woman, thil v
CHS' back.' Mo,II.
htd fa tb in me
Judi’h. I kanwed x
b. fore b
you aod him hed ejnan. l-d aad
dr. pped
Her prone hi ad wtx lthat hr had poor ofl Hut I oerrr once
ind^h-r rji..-J
thoupbt you would \>e tncE fuuJt ae to
oexer make up " >>
"Aod I IhioK il'tripbt pord in Holllr b> e.ime and rxpieiu.' tuluntecred
Mix Demi
"I did -rite
ibal le irr to i
Mr- Web -e- rr-umion a fadid cbs tu.i i>
. • tVnere bi
"I a.k.
'•““'ee, bern. Tc

When you want


—rap r'nrx around brr
alcn.r, Judi’hr' xbe axked, a. the ae
lepied a rurkinp chair and tellird her
aelt comforialil) therein

xpllefl* the —ay Tu’i act "
Judith wax X lent, hot

- U DKtdt la Fitv al Ikr Bcetrtc Bnsd.



Thla waa hardlr lem dreary ibaa tbe
tU-ben. Thrb.xteaerai-edacurUln.
•Uinp in the : pbl to »h-eh lir damp



Provident Life
and Trust Company

hlnp away (ram drtak.
aftar eelUh
ilnp lea wcatem Iowa aad
marryinp; aad tbea be bad relxpiiil l»-

• he forfeited all ciain.
• c-uipaxxinii of IImt

«e^ IXule ,n,wke- it Ike Mratd

o ■p=l;

Jnditb ptr—vrr) pale. AateelyfMIrr caiDc into brr r)ct. but tbe did not
- I'xha- ao-. Jodilb. dna'l yuu kao«
lue "" the tlrapper axked —Itta.atiuper
“Vet. Moilie lienoit. I kno— you
'■nbebalc’l Mollie LicBDix uo mu
Moilie. xhr'x marnrd to a inip I.t) fine
Sbe't Mrx HollU- W.-bxi
]' 'hej air oo thrir -rddh
' Vrt. I'm marriid.
It a band

Traveise City, Mich

Telepoae 130.





Sarreyor and Civil Ensinecr

tU Pv batt Gaaiaamd.

. .noklaptboiMMlly ontoftbe wlndow.aad ItWMa
lid's eoice that «vsd me."
Tbea be pave a rapid radial elite
evil effecu of army life apoa Um. aad


1 Buil orden reoeire
F. M. PAINE. Florist.
Pboac M.

-Konev to Loan

bobclwtoto^ma wbaaeva^


Ruesett and PotenUte.


S. S. avTtJ.K»



.\nd lUe (arm

Iiilir't birlb and

Hartles at oaUlde jxilau haeiaf aboee pleaae correepoad

that a B.MlUtr’t pear More U «

tUean. Prtoeeaa’tbeke

:t to met
I'bc ex
.. ladj a
p at toe
cnaraclcr of tbr cum he


. Beans, Hand picked or acreened.
. Potatoes, Empire. Rural and B. Hebrr D

l^noW thi^?


my mtoarlto by aatotda.'
r saw bto mtolake.
"Oo the
.. ibe wharf I .
aeid: "Leay. I am i
it tbs' dark watare.
c out allowed to lake
te bear a child's votoat
ry." mad ao xayiop be
pood to-alpbt. weat ]
tco-ecu( pmee
i«eMf»uirxt of b.-r eomfort. Iiixdrtbort. fat faecii
I -Uotlood •«
was tbe tan
c yul aurc iBai'x m; money'
,e,r child, tiid li.fielipiit i’n
■ he thrrtbuld
you dvn-t
know -hutbit here lx Tee bn
•nap to xee
miaed atrafifiaketw
Kaxter‘oji.rulnp,,—ben xh
ed my had imeelaMa.
Moihex.ouiu on ihefl-oi luixt-w.-'-Bid tbe conduelm'.
xirppej I
t then Judith
"<>a. I'm-liiinp w take it back,
A |„,J
»«ni na.i iranki.r f.l.l bxrbecnld n..
you'r aure ifa mine." reutraul hu p
It to tbat lltUe tU^ a
teoper, oblipinpi.r,. alip^lap the di
__________ tfa) tbeaipbt eta
-a” i
"And )utr fare, p.eaat. ma'am." a^d nmr f^lUr iB eUldl^.

Apples, „rg,.d.





at 21 s EVont Street.

oSat. «a A ■ a a. au


NO BLxrrn ssra..



.lobuMin Block. Pudne T.t


Merchant Tailor
■li ■! a.'A*iy''^>^TTmwrtyci

world. Tbaeetetaa'wboi^ratoalaad
to the eaat bad aan
bene la a eoelbei
iBoatba. aad bad p
rethraadtebto boM
after tbe war Wiu___
start la boetaeas ae a el
Uebad aloapraaelwbat bedaUlaek." aad It was oaly after to&lap In baxIaesetfarM Umee that be W


Ur adwUMi



tU .e.vM .





... deed (er Mr n'

Tbea *be rroe and butted hertelf.Ui
■v IB ibelr moatba
abcat ber uaue i work ,Tbe euwe a err '
e eaakea <rl 1. at asj alarm. i«a Iked, tbe ht ee t-.-a. and ibe old borne rr
ibeir broode la tbvir amilbt.
I aepleaaanl airbt
•tralaed «be tai'k; and. -hen all -a. jee* a number
of biaela^.
■ rof
JM bur
d,ae. made heraeif a tuonf tea
(;ereplilet diaappeannr latotbep
She beeiUtrd a liUle at toe wat , ier m.'utb of tbe pareac anaki
Ibe. UWUie«relM '■
aWL'm aeeofd«,e -HI. her atiul. There 1. a «»h, too. tailed I
ettatom. Vi place Kfr coo and tancer on | di-.paterfain.Lat. -hirh doea Ibe tame
Kint Hr tbe-ral to a : tuieur. Thr father fltb. is the fital
rerjf tbe nUfatV.used boreaa in i ritce. atnlTi hit rille foil of eMi
roontand retiThed —itba ccarte ' efier—ard. —bea tbe little Stb
- mbleeliiu
Wiib Uilt ahe bet.,,r batched Iber e-im ieoeered nhe UMe. teb.iltotinp an of the
diroiid faiberi
falber t ml>itt
modi a/tteU
eartbrHcnn —bicb —at drcnraied -ii|i piratare.
paod) reet fur l*>eVr»cliel -hue one
Mtnr aaimalt carry tbeir bablfaoa
Tba.-elBlb' Ce>al.«Vave^•'-.^., ,a, f
frtmuhirhehe ntue^r drank ber let fheir backt. aaJ tbit la nanieblarl)
Sheur..apht from the i-e.iarudi.o of tbe cate-lib water aolmils or tbuw
erat’tppl.-preebrarapnd atkinaiiceof -hat pa»a part of tlrf tin.. In thr water,
fniilcakelo add to her tupper.
Hut ■ Tne hiopopoumut doea to, aad the tto
In a Ulnae. Ibns la
errs three d. I ca.-e» e.,«M not temot p^d looklap little ball of plok fleeb
After f-eerleiue dritikire [ lonka ettremel) odd be it rife, abosi
I—o cup. of tet. ehe tet be'or •, her un j in thu.—a)
taxted u,eal uuitl tire tl.adow. of n.pbi
Tbe -alrut. too. oflea (srriia its
Juaich Tbom'd A
failrred elute alool her.upb Jnxtae
Hon bappv 1
u iu Hipper'ln
ci«n Ber
, tiuffiXBlikr faxhlqe The lalu
U-ar'Tom- It pan. of uxirp ibeOipper like an arn
a a Hr 1 told Renuit.
In arri
.Nbc Wm n
pud 1 u,id iV Uu. it It , Mi.J unh
— ____ ___ -'ll face and cjmpraaeuo been
___ thetroib'
the troif 11
If I bad uni) ti
••era. of the water birde carry tbeir
llvaoold Ibeircna eU.ryuf bitu.roete
T, m all tUee dreary )«ar>.. itittrail o’
np oo
.- ____ a preiti
dar bB)in|r rver aau of. r to luj
lean hardly be imapioed than
•I aarltap about with I
r -at the rler^-from-*e -iado- I
oxmy bruod eBaprliap 1
where II
llx back.
< >nrv 1n«>[ii«< accuetnm*’d to tbeir i»^ end ) <>u arc loot
Hoe bird, at leael—tbe pallemoat—
Take- her xuiitary baby oo'b
iritliout one. We hav,- them for leuiperalan*. for dairj- use. for sterex ibroupb tbe air wi
iliun^ parpoaeA, and for tberDinmeU>rH
F*i'-;uQlU the -a* eihautU-o'
ErtOK Pre^riptioDM and Family Beeipea to ua.
We fill tbeiu and. all. the dull
•“ ' {.ropinr her way in the darkn
Rank Ezioriioo
ri^t, with ilruca tliat are li^bt. at priixi'tbat are rij;Jil
Ac uulaaiwof tbe way li
Jhe oflrrnoonto i
irnpimi prublemx in

A Okura Teloa.

L oarbowM, OalyAai
--ee to
watched jdon tba uorb is Uto oua. aad a
llviai babiaa. bat tbo


a note of


- - ■z,;;,z r,";.?;,-.*

tbe little eillape anruex tbe «•
the p-al of tbe itoxtrr belU ct
lap oat tbeir p:ad
"He lx rtoea." the wife quoted xoftly.
"On. Tom. all thr world ix tall of lorr
Yea we 1
Lmflfl,' B -rid.


lakea. Mollle tteaui
knew yoa.aD0 i-------------»but I eiiioe to m'
Tom wax loo oobU a maa to kaet aay' to do wUb yoB.
Be kept bto
word, reeotf It was to poor a>'eooat
Jaet silaeeaad yoa—~
J xdltb did not ftatob.
Mra tVrbator
waa Bpoa bar fecL bar frte ertmaoa
wtU pxxaaoB
"do Italx to all tbe Iteafc/ I pet tor
my tnwMe." abeeriad.
"I wteb I'd
aeeer eomel
Ax tor Tom. U bn
Btapid be waa too rood f>w e— ■Tbat will do.-Jad h xa!d. ri
----------. -- --------------- door.
at yoa aad rxrryhody rlea lo ai
ad thaxaU ibaaa yaan r«atn

Ltnnp Baby Camarax.
Tbe kaaparoo to tbe beat kaowa eaample
aple of •
« Heiap baby carriara.
carrixra. -Bat
It to Bot
- >i at all riTirxearj to pa aa far ax.
Aaxtrxlu to find an animat
animal which earnee lu y*ap ia praete-'j tbe name
way that tbe kaaparoo dom. Oar


le KmUaod the lade and lamlaefp
reipa of Baary « . _____________ _____
lord ebaaeeUor WM eaUtlte la Ite
cede at oac praat aaadla ate'dar^ T
to loeb BBtil e aw bar
Kaxtwr leek
very deairabla. m
rule- tbe year |i beealeedarofaaperxtliioe. Thrre
nst be praaeala a»d
clntbe*. I a article at dew
avantrobe most be new at 8i
la imaBtitifae—
Thix. la tbr femUlae portloa ol
•AiaB aoaealeadtte Hear
imunlly. to tbe boanet. for the
' eaadodttesi
that the day to salddm a
aWpbber taU him It wMavl
upb laadmltof acaapleu B_____ (doe aad that be would teeo h
asit, except la.soatbera dUe*. or la
r hli palBB. Ba imm wMl. te*--------•berr_prMr to bald BalUteatly
er.aaddreattet hsabk^ta^


acOr ai Ibe
mxtoaebtorye«Fdaafbmeat tta habiex
kwto baed^ Hr. Barrlefc,- aid ypww voted ID Ite eaWvateto
iato tbe pooeb
'1 and beeps .
natil tbey arw b
bettarable to Ube care
c ptoatoadoyeed
U«eh allad tba

- aiiiitri.”:




Xtooatoato ..............
W.y. Boat aad faaUy. who U(t
aia aoaia tlaa aya. ara aow aioaly
ta «to Bwl* oT« ika
o/ haeatad to thair aew haaaa to Baaratt.'
IhiMfiHliMin, who br tt* «>ar. ar* Waableytoe.
Bay Brew)
baa bam vary fortaaala to aaearlay
poalUoe to tha laryaat aboa boaaa to
tha dly. Bay acTlrad
acrlthara. oa
day auratoy aad .
towarboa tha
vUnUjtA tk« t
Aaiadaj. Ha writaa that
B*eraU k a dty alnteJo Uk to alao.'
«lMi ik« DasosraUe tudM»M ibat bat tbare tba atraala are pared aad
tta d«4(M of Um Sopabltma <
wUl aM aad aasoot i» clalMd b;
BaBtliaa Oaoaia
tfc«.OMonr«i>»»»a|»ny Tieyxyk<ood:UI»notoolyfood, bo»
wfauyttotooaaoUk baU aa .
oaraaa Uitnwk la Jait Isafiaa
ufera eaadldau
lwlylorlkirtrfl»»J«*«’ AeaaiWdaU

oa aad ao*laf tim.
A «oa
wUeb birTad fraa tfvalua
r il« haoiTB ia polUks.
. TattbayaapaatUalb
a ttilr faaUy *o Uaii party
prtaalplai oad lhair aappert otaa aaoapttaully aUa wa M fou for a Daa'


Dr. Miles’ Nervine.
If yoa bare bad LaOrtppa y^cM>*

(f U*aa*relaye.--f»dre looywaalu: aad aa a retoU I tire Sar*la* toyalbar with Or HlW
............>padar-B. D. WbtW.
dared by-naU
toafrt.tlaa.are.7i — l.fttoarer7-rekc<-JlU0D- Hy K.w Banrt Oare mhI to iMthaa^Z!
Board of Bedew-B.
Too kaew. perbapa how u|a
■yaka wu *y«etod to oaeh | daya I wu able to yn to bad aad alres
Prmyyear aptoal aol- an utoat that I recld a* .im, nt,
,11 .lybL I^aMbtored to 11!
r <k«»tatrica— Ewory
ficae, Jaai
aaa; bow It twkla year

■ fair. alyhL aad 1 wu ru-laa.i.ll ola. p^ea .teal“raati
ly acaiB* to ipiit year bead wide
'“** *• »y phyeklau w*ra aaabl* to r* aad »lyor bad rataraed to a* aad sow
von ki
yoa wUb n 1 *** ay reSerlny. 1 decMrd to try Dr. I fre 1 u Ifl bad bare a4d* a saw mm.
T.o*-Ukayi»ap.wblrk yoa up Into te MU^- Bcaiarati** Krrrtoa.
After My rreUioda for te baaati I hnum.
btocboloalof.areTeucycIa* tea .relay ora bo.,1* I beyaa to .Iwp.t ,rek!Ttru.
iaated tba foilowlof ilekrt:
aaddaolykMyonltoaad yoa fall bub, alyhL aad ay ,1-wp wu q.kt and k aoboaodfA. aad 1 oarer oaau u
braked aad wooDdrd wb*a Xbcctora rcalfal At I baaitoaed te aa of te uaod telr
______brnrrer Jd
aerb-ti W
"■ bteward
korer. ivrntu you tleo koow U.t aedlcto* ay a*r*re tuadkd op. te -becr^pJJ^ J,
Tcre»orer-W. P, OreaL
Ur. Hnof Nerrla* will k>U Lt Ur<pp* cmiy fcl oyt' l-fi ay bead, tad I
h. B W.
JoaUceedte P«are-A. 0.' HrBoa. -tetiikawoaderfaibrekraadwlll btre aol I
troeUrd wlU UJa
myhway COBBlta>oaec-dl A WeJ- clou op Ue lueratod wnoadt aad re- tlae* Dr H l-a* Nereiac did aore for
*i»e te ToeqalUad tpiriu
Aon- , a* Uaa *11 Ue doctor'c aedleloe I
Hrerd of Kerkw-Amoa Uoeyabore. aandt of oaloriuattc Tlciini bate crer look "
Bbnpl* TrutmtSt ?TM.
OralB CoBBitatert—Al
fonod to Uat yreat oere* food aad
*k,lm of U.lrlpp* wrUm' A trial pa.-kay* of Dr. MilmUeiwUa
tore-lu f.H
At te Baat Kay EepBblieaa rei
aitcck e
e^latlay of Dr. Mila'
Friday tbe tuUowiBC acMalBatkaa 4alrtb« Injurk* led cud t y U* aod- Grippe whirh
iBciealearfa oob Rmtomike Kerrio*. "01 Hilea' Aetlera tcoaryr, La Grippe, if you doa't dltioa. •I I w
were'made for towBihlp oBeera:
appatlu few food. Fata l‘iil* nod Ur I
ered iL trll'yoor friend* aboDt IL It wu
wu Ir.abWwiUa
autuwiay aeou-' Li»er !• ]Ia will be’aenl abulale
olaleU tru
win brlpibra.
aerk—U A. TboBM*tiooof aybearLaed ay ecr*u were of ootl toa*y pemos who
> will
Mr, J. If Allkoo. »« Tae-ma a**., aotbatirred that ll
T#raaarer~Bdwto black.
iwoal lapw aaaa tad addrreeoa a pMtal o
iBdltaapolk lad., eaa aol ny too *111-- to obtale .Iwp o
l)»(ieeotte ptaoB. faUu
II* -laattaythe uaplm. aad aenUoalay
wla Black.
prak* of Dr. Mil**' Rmtom- down. To* doc’omdid
ould >Uc Bi wuf Uk a per. Addieu
Jaalloe of tbe pete
peace, to dll »l
ty. ISM. I *
W'. H. C. Hitcbell.
- eel lire to e than three wrek,.. I


tea'teMd^’^hTtr ----d<««a.


_____ ___________ dredly pokoe to te bleod. aad
other axtaraaltnatautrea bare DO affrci whatorer .....................
anotniB«ilbto-tek«raa(iyaof pukuo B)Mt be rrodkaud.
Hr. Wa Walpok. of WokblUuk blotch abiH)i the alae of a pre cac
aya yradually (rowiny laiwer. freo wlii<
aliUrerekrenlaBlIdlrertim lUcam

__ ars

adriatd tbi) ii be >n)i o». but thk I •■oul'
BBt to. 1 read in )dt |<iral paiM of a cure
8 a S..aaddrdded lotrt
lotry it. Itaoted
IL. -__________
IB tba
liny at flm irritated, and then diM-hatyltiy
eery freelr. TfaiaI yiadtully yrew Irs and
pod then diwoDIreniut aonall areh £hirl
nlr a hrelthr Mttir war m
iclm tbinliini i1 tooreiroy cB«
Pttoltlrely te oaly oiie for' I
i< Swin-a SpecUlo-

—beoBate U k Ibe osly leaiady whidi taa yo deep enoucb to rearh the root of
tbedlacaaeaad (oroe It out of te attoem iienuaoeBClT. .K auryirel openii
dots net nsefa te blood-the rrel teat nl ilw diww-lwrauw Ih, Uood
■of br ear tiimp liidto upoaS. ii.&; dothiOKt-ue ink ‘
8. 8. 8. rurre alao aar eaae of Seretula. Eeieou. I
riuatino. Cnnlairinua
Blood Pol«ii. DIcan. Sora. or aoy oO^yr fonii . f
booka <n Cancer and Blood Dsimb will be aaUed
Bwifl SpedAo Coopany. Atlaaia. Oeoryia.



eoBotory Saaday.


Ribart Oldley of tepire. died booWUltoa Pitt waa ylrea bp Praak Moretay foUotred by a deretopaeat by day of aplaal aeayaaltk after aae«-[____
Mabal OraatoO
Oraatoo aad aaeh eradlt k dae treaaly abort lllnea. ol two daya. hac i
bar forte earafal teayht abowa
Tha aretloB waa yiraa hy Bdwto
Obapareo. hk aBbjaet.batoy “C.rpatal
Ba WM racy aaeh eat
ayatoat aaeh aetloo aad baUered that
te tlaa waa aet tar dktoat whaa
woald ba preblMwdtoy tow.'’
After a plaaatoy ptoao BOto by ftoekt
Bach, wblA —
---------. Tba qaatlOB
"Batolrad. That at thapreaaai
lltna te worid aayeca non trea tba
itod tea ^ aaedaaaud.’' Aa

weareel UOrlppavklch haayoa c


a teyaarltn. w

Oaptoto—Claad Mclioeald.
A PiMBcrat vbe taa aloaya
Pirat lIcBlcaaat—Will Pooto.
trtyaad »be
baeoad IkatraaBt-Ua Bayaoi
«M Boaor kaowa to asarolu U*
parttaBBaSanatcr othat ibaa D<bu>^ Will ViMt vadlUao.
ama. An taU aa that Iba Jadielary
Probably tba toryrel aaabar el •
Ih-i'f Botta Blaad ap with poUUcal dUatci arer tokaa toto a E. O. C.
Ihtatalhalaaaof a aoalaaUao by a todyaatoBetlBa.wmbotoUkUd to­
u U wbkb BOB
te. CkdUlae toat aert Batarday
d BOt ha r
ereelay. April 1. Two
baee ballotod apoe
aadoatettbkeaaberlt k ^Uel|Wti that judicial •d tel orar IM wUI ba raoaiaad toto
»Xa abnalil BoTba -Istd apwUb te todya tbil alybt.
panp polite ia all vary »all. aiul
-O-Oao■ooldhaaa •ai(hi with saoy Utha
bare bea baay delay te eUia
Bapablitaa party araa barafi of rood work aad te raaallt of thdr aC<wU
■Btarial. Bat aneh la mot lha aaaa. prere'Uattey bare Dot baoe worbTha Bapabteaa
hat* a
aaadl' toytoreia.
dMa *bo la tally. aa wdl 4>all'
Both te K. O. T. M. todyaa to lb!a
te for Oa oOea of. jadya aa dty wUl
tha IteoaiMia ea>dldato,boUi to l««a) OadUlae^d take part to tba
iaa. A apodal treto wUI probably be
■alaraadodateiao. Bala antoeetly
to taka tern d
tlMdlarlhao^ far ■rhlah ba waa
■oatetod had BapaUkai
. hf ^ BBiUte amt
■%btteUah(HraM«BapabaeBa aa- Friday aad dallre


Left by LaGrippe in a \^y Nervous Condition. "Had
•Queer Feelings’, in My Head.” Cur^ by

aad are forord u> ■abait'to a read acd




mm IT flHsi IS

At a apaelal Baatley Hoadkyereatoy
tbeoIdjareaUa alUtory oryaaltatloe
aad tha aflalfu placed to yood ^atof
ordarayalo. Kaw offioata karadiaetrd
aad tba ai^a are aatboalaafk orarth*
roure preapeelaottha ooaapaay.
deeldod to toeraaao tba aaaa
> rtdl aad a law Bare boya.kdti
aynofMaad ll yaan'wlU-br
aa (ollowa:
Praaldaai-Pred dlataa.



y«M>«>ratamtkoa^» «Mek <
MAUMWiUt WM • paUMw appwl



ini-faad'nt. U
of Aha mtTantty. aada
yaar IM «aa app(
at tha
law aaaatlay tha a
ate la nn ha Borad tolaay^
to ■<
BBinhla'Saaitoa aa Jaatlea at tha Bapcaaa
apriay of Itat. Bk praai
wiu aaptra Daaatohv tl. -lapa. Tha
^«nHMaB>aMl hta atosUa* ••pv
rdot dadyaOiBBto)
aa tha MiaUyaa
^mat n««i thM >u %w%oM

hot DO ehlldrew.
^^to*tok eitr




----------ecocivEO raoH


Hta. C B Irkh died Saaday aiyht at
bar boae cu North bpraee «ireat.%nar
aa llloaiiof flrayaara DeccaMi wu
at yaara of aya aad had beea a realdeal of Ibk city forte put alalecD:
yaara. sad loaeea'fee alldrao. Acy
are: Okariaabd Alben Irkh aad Mm.
Mary B.Kalrbl of tbU city. Hm UJ.
AlaecefCooperaeilieaDdCbrUter ti
IriebofOrud Bapidc Fnaerel arrekwa
cull be held at te boau ibii afterat • o'clock. Ae remaloD will
bit tokaa tosorrow ,aora>i«
Ilea* .
rllle. Bleb..

WeUy aad Roy Hllllkre. while WUI
N^ah atto Ida Fairaat preaaaud tba
•qrpoalwaidtie aaob a>aaaar that
tbe Jadyre decided to Ibtor-farar.
A racy aeurtototoy akatcb of “Hy
Trip Abroad" waa
OUk Boll Frau, te little : mbatbc
aeaily by Uka Eeclya Moryaa.
daachlerot Mr. aad Mm. H. Fremdiod
Jatiiy. Thata la ae taaafai far BrpabAa eritk'a report waa«tree by Mka
yutorday aflarroM at tbclr boar oo
Umb to
dol^ atreeL
The fuaeral wUl
tefty baaaaa tha Daaoar^ aaad
ol alalyh toada of yoeay paopUdten
ptoee Wodoatey aeraloir al
Boolaty Ereata
IteW. Hayaaha aoBdidata worthy down Iron te dty to atuai
Tha Ba B«la Wbkl Clab aat with
The loetare waa axealleat aad bb^
lia. Balpb Coaaabk. Jr.. Friday
' i'aaly biaai halaa Ba
aftofactoa-aadapeata dallybUnl Uae. •Claire, one of te t-aoota>«ld
When It ww orer, bo
I hoaBMhalaaBaato a
foaed tbaloataf te tatea waa bIbboya of Hr. aad Urn Jataec Hatler
Vtoantapaaa tha atao
liiy. Aalt
dkd yaterdoy at tbeir boar oa F.ut
A aah ah* arlll ateti
bonaa bad raa away. Tboy
Abeet tweety-flee
Uiyb teboel WoahlaytOB otreeL Tbe reaoinc were
oorarad tolar aad eea often
aebolara plaaaad a ceaplete Mrariie Wkea to White Cload yuterds.r
fooad to ba qalta aarenly eov aad the apoaB. B. BwlfL oae of 'te Htob
. Hr. Botlre k a llaemas oa te
tajaoM toto Ita aditorlpl
riy badly aatoabad. Nobody waa ban
I laaobaia, aotaiday arealay. The C. A W. H railroad betweeti ibii city
•ataBta^aaot toaalltoc aad diaaaadVoiU CIobA
paattalallMteB to Hr. Hayaa. b«i
to te dty oe te IttoC. A W. H. tiato. aad olber aaaMiaoala.


■ate tha eeofdaBoa al Ua fitedi
aadaUarhokaowhle aad racardleaa
aflhaalwto aada udaloBt kla hi
waatoa atOl te dicsiead. Itarwdoltlte. .............tot .ap<a haaaai aSon
thanagb dloM m yato irteDdaaBd
'fM* iha hlyb paalttoa far whlah hr

rlrcB PrhUy oreatoy to M
byCtoaaaaBbartof te Pirat M. S.
daaday aaboel. wiaa yraad onroB.
both aoeklly aad Aaaaelally. A refp
laiya aad

AobarBtoyptoaeaotabyMM Jeaaphiaa VadarwaatbaBtal aoBbar aa
tbapreyreBaadwMloJlowad by adAaaplakAot te DetroK ieeraal aatkaabya|trto.eerDat.«tortoat aad
MBredtoyteaoBlaaaaoate Bopab- oomal. eoapoiadof Haiare. WUtord
' Ute ototo tdtet k laerthy of aouMar- QaspbaU. Oaerya DeaUlay aad WUI
Tha Bokard breteia larerad with
•aadolto aad yaltar daaia.
Tba Ulyylaa faaUy tnaa Poaphto
- wfl) bsaptoooadby te laab aad Ale 11111 Btoya. VarBoal. la wbkb tera
«d tha party at te pdla. Tba
wan atotaaa baaQllfal dauybtara. aa< -Mitoaaf MU B. Batua aadot Obi. tatoatoad with a ebapur troa telr
■tepB. Dwa Mba rayrataot te ailUrea TakecDdiiadotaaale. lodtoUoaaaadoDBledtoloyaaa '
to that had thnaUaad ta w
Tba loUowioy yoaey ladka trea
Imtuj ta tha latayriW «>» »*ThartoatatkMylre adeqaata aspraaHlaaa Hark Uiioa.
n of tba party. Ai Bthal Batoca, Htoak BabbaU. BOa

Wbai te yoau crore ready to de­
part Fralaudr Bore praaeated Hr
Attbe antret b^ld to Dreea l.akr
bwlh. to Boat flttlay terat iritb a
aoaiBMioat w'erc uindria
BaaUehaeaplB bahalfof te yatak toUowa:
Sapeteker Wlllk Wiyblaaa
worto. Htoada
aerk-& B Hopkiaa
Treaaarer—Wa. Dexter.
of Blybwaya—J.
Aa feaaml of Harepblaa OtPana
-ary Bratoa.
who dkd at Proreeoat Wadai

Joahaway Abbe, eoa of Baak Abba.
oaeofteArntMtilam of Ortott died
at hk boat aaar that ptooa SaWttlay
aeretoy. aflar aa Utooto of eear
yrare. ayad tt yaara Ba Uarea a wilt
aad two eblUlrea.
Tbe faaeril'W
held trea teebareh at OiiaU. Headayattp.a. _________
Hr. aad Hta Frad Schrader. Ill
Oedarytrael anre teJoa of telr la-

Ralph Ooaaabk of te City Book
on eialtcd Urea of teaa bcaaeb
ooeuaad apaal a weak to Chkayo toaU«u d aulen pottoeka aad
ks aad plaoad Urye aedam lor
tew yeodt to be ahiiftad to Trereiu


Jadyaof tedayoBa Ooan, waa
Tha aleak will oenpy te want hall
laHatoa la tbU. At .te
of to
f te City Book atore aatU a aalubto
ftotoi ho oetored te
Httolyaa. ycadaatlay froB te etoaa- baUdtoyoaBbe aenrad. Hr. Coaanbla
wD) celAls hk prauat pealtk
iatoooanole law. Danay te
rtr ol the Qty Book aterA
yaMafallawtoyhatoayiit to te Aaa
SaoMir Literary Socwiy.
Balartoy tha aarrlre aa
ter tokraaUay aarttoy ad te
«yMB d Oe^aay D. Twaaltath SrekwLlWrary aaokty wu bald tool
MMpao lataBify. ha nwa to te reah
ad toajar, tea haeaaa a Uastaaaat ool«mL >a ratoyaad thk poUuoa April
te tow «w rreaad Dre Heryaa. Vrelia )
Hofte aalaatai^ wMadaii Oaocya Chau aad 8aa Cka.
tetatebar to tbM, aadbayaat
baajo aalatUtaad
Itete lAB to Am Arher. Ha bald reealred baarty latrea.
A abatob writtre by LaMa Harrto
area lartkhte laclaaad tha kMtop «(

tiekat for tetoBaa towrebla, Leelao

Miu Manba Salib ibcyooey wo
aan nbo rr\-*nily aurd a KaatuCily
8aper*iare-S. C Oartba
.doctor fur breach of preaiu aad wbo
Clerk-R E- CaapbaU.
wu awarded Arr-ooo danayea bu
TkauBrar-H. B. Olll.
I iin« reoekad aeren propoaal* ol a»iOoBBkaiooar of Blybwaya—John rlayc by mail. Two of the lettem
•q»«ora(were from .uliom 1a Bu**lo, where
laitlaa of te Peaoa-E F. Daiae.
| Hk* Smitb fortaerly ll»*d, aadoaeof

X u.™.,..,.


-M. U Lkalla

louOof.Ua proeaedt of bar tail ia hk






Cor. Union and Eigrbth Streets.




btoada hlyb to te
atoffaoaaaf tbopaepla of tbU dty.
ha nyarda It aa taodarly aa a aa
n^rda baroSiprtoy. Oel. Baary A
Dtoa ka Stored tnaad of ^


Beaca Hike betrreze. tieoryc Uewlu.
--------------I toclioaa ter* are aow eeriou appreTh* follawlay it tbe UteblictoB Ibrntlont ol flooda

Saatoe. Moot Bhialda. Bertha Brktol.
Ella Boieblaa. May Peek.
Bawaotaaaatoaad ttaaU w loyal Bola Oar
follow te party otoadbary itay Hartto. LoUk Oaeh aad
«dtbra<«hthtekaadtbtotowto rtoWill Wtoaakpiaad aate“pa''o(tbkre■
. toatatar-li.
a>arktbla btolly.
Palrartoed eora
aadvriybtjadya. Hkteord a
ifaUwboharehadhaatoata to trmaaAddition to City I
•athafon te Wibaaal of wl
• tootobor. Ba to Itopartlal,
Barlay te
'utojtha dUa bat aureetod
uaad a ottod <
hpahdtbMIadltldaalar paaoaal proThe new idea o
Jadieaa eaaaoi Uaa It apeo tokrpret^ tha law. hr ataada aa a awdri ayo with a Cbkayo ataa. who bat baUt
hailaaai wUh dybt:
; .tadyaaod It k aot at all, aurprktoy
: that, h I IIII Hire of poUtka, hk bob. breach atwa to olbar dtla.
Aa Btock eafrkdeaedattot tha baat
artlela to ytoaiwara. reoekary, jewalaawteatoto. OeL BlI B. hatloa

§ W iliLeliEL IBros., ^

E^very Farmer ^

Large stock of up-to-date Parm Implements aad VebtcleB
just received ia car load lots, consistiag of

Road Wagons,
Platform Wagons,
Lumber Wagons,

Hay Rakes,
Grain Drills,

Wheel Harrows,
float Harrows,
Spiketooth Harrows

Our Prices and Quality of Goods are Right.
Give us a call and we will prove all to jour owa satisfaction.

Traverse City. Mich.

Oor. Oas8 and SUtaStraets.
Tctophvac t»

Our Liberal Discounts
on Furniture....
ling-it oat rapidly. Sales last we._
expectations. We are anxious to close it oat ia ordo-. to
maJee room for our large stock of

Call at OBce for Bargains.

DE3I: Xi. C AuEpTEEf,

\ '



Bliar • rMt It
•( H*rH«o. tec*d tb« ddHaWa »i tJo




.f r„.in di„n sm

VbUa to Cdbd Baeratorr Alf^wO
tb« Mwa ol BHdTM, An*01 aat apaa tba p<«^ktiaa to ba dl
•OaMrtbet ManlM. rUI|dao prltridad Oabd toto fov BUitor^ da^arv
Mtn te*a Utofiil tha AaarteaM
Udi AoldaMo wUI naha ■ laat mad
aasdatHallla. If itehstad thae ba
*01 qallUa
xneaaaUtdafteaalcaaalffdU to




Wttoa*ttoiaiaad ahaap afa

Tbanilptoe rabah hare baaa Ibwtto toa ballsl U
*towpb.rabe*aftMptraaWd bp

.\rfK.inlnB and connnct.d . jfl, ,.„r old r.»m. rIv. u. ao ooponnai., Ion* wi.hnd to
to, incre^-our alrvady lartfr. lines in the following departments:

wUI prebablp be loUowad rttp ac

Ceaadaa so* oaiajs ecB|
ecarpt to toa tor totortar. wbarr


iiA»B funm iMUiBa Mi&at w.

t Baritoftoa dasetioa. Iowa, t

Hats and Caps,
Knee Pants,
Men’s and Boys’ Pants.

«Mlaata»aa>ac*^Harllao.bat *arc
wtodkaatoi’ wtonisBicB.
ia*alaad *tib aaaata loB
Oar Iok
MontoaaaaaataVp an
wMira hlllad dad (odrlaea *oaddad
MS* ww araatad at tba bei
t*aar.Odreto.dddt.aaraeard>.ed*r aboa BIrar. N. J..aed It waa paiaud
daws fro* Darapaa *>T »*ia '«llb fartoc draiUBca week afo.
LdOO rlOaBaa dad a.uoo boloBea dad
tahuoatfroB aadar too teadar
A Waldoboro. He.. baat)olor. while
toohdptolUodallldrUaa. Tba Haar
watcbtoKbraldatba coach «
aad. with too aaeaptiea of a alitkt
waa batvaaa toa Ainartadad dad Idaade totar da,.fl,oe qallto as dBlp woaad. waa aalajarad.
prodecad ataap ala
dad Tblrd drUllerr arara throat
qalltlar bee.
ward. Tda Dakotoaa abantad
nreb for Apdrae.
dst)r aemaa tba opaa apaaa aaat « f tba
toe latrtrdd ornuot, wbo auntd on
rafla «p to tba adra of *HstVix>da aad
arapan to lh« oarih p. la toaballoop,
ICBt tea bl.lad and elaada woaad^. idtsd baa Brrrr bare board fnm. will
atari from boBto la Hap.
Tba tblrd artlllarr oa tba r«htef
lolormatl'ui> (sto^ / p «)
tba railroad abar*^ aad laat slar
«rtaiea|- oorerli
weaadad. two aiortallp.
■tp'allottba UiddU U’niera aed
Oa tba loft. Uw iwarraDU
ibara atataa. It appearr that frsit
pnapaeto are Boch below toe ,ararafrbade -.^ara
aasara la*. Nleat; *0Bedad tour la Biaop loraliUee pm-b
killed, aad oW. wrak tre«a are dptop.
fasta *ara eoaatad.
Waabloftoa, MWreb SA-Tba frl'a* Cberriea. plamaaad paare bare plraip
ple’d a
tocdiapaiebwaa aaat bp UasaAi Utta
purekne pr*. « eaaai dw i u» .ae.
Reapberrlw aod .trawtedap;
*.w.u.€VTX-, »..n»OwCaearal C>:>«etae l.OOOaai*. K.OOO
rrrat.p ulared. bet wlM
1 KWauwof vine**. .aeBaBmt COODO ao* Nm e^ n 72
‘■Saaacal MMtrtbar
•fbUPir paalardtp aheraooa brpaad





■arl'ao. A brflUaaicbarta
bp tbadaatb Oabotoaolaaiatnaffs)<»l
tba toaad tioosa of Arstoaldo bruucbt
trea Halelt* Tfaa> rapslaad tba
aap oltb alasrbur.
A"J iiaat Lira.
UraUsaaClfAdam.asd Uorrtora aod
tosr raltotod BU of Ibat r^la
van biltod.
Ltaatraast UrQali
aad l*aatp-t*o eaUatod aea a
vooadad. Tba la* pvterdap *a«
BBUp eoeBaet. to ifalt raflBeot.
'■Tba parti >1 dvtraetlas ol railroad*
wbira ara bclac rapldlp repairtd. laprdB MaaArtbarb prarraaa. The aaapiprallwap iraloa bare bow raaeaad
MarUao aad MaaAHbsr !• pathlur
"Oar aBBUtaabeauare to tba HalBcaa riaer, wbara creai atMuTtiao waa
doaa paatsrdap. Tbap will ^lan tba
praaaara oa tfacArifaarb (ruat totlartoUp. Tba iraopa ara to azcaliaai
ditlea aad apIrUa.
A procltaiiioe
atTMd bp Laaa. traarml-to-cblerof tba



; .'..nrazaiito. .

Our Suit Department
Loutniiiis enouuli'ti. nitcrnkelt inirrvsi »

tlii> teat-


Adialnl baBpeuo ' hae writl«D f^
aa illoetraUid articl
;n* w.pfk
. of
.. • Thr
The A1
fulip deacrlbiOK^I
__________ _______Sipauiaa aWar.War.—i
arawiDK its laaaoe.
Hra. AiaeUa K Harr, om of tbr owat
p-rpular of Aoirrlcaa aurel wrilerv to ,
abunilo eoainbaU to ht. NicMia. a
.torp i>«. Irt .New York for pirle '-Trio
itr B. I
tor errUI l.vsIJrd: aod it 7
rill brirla with Ib’r April aoiaber. aad ^
aafor aalf a prar.

8tau Nava Itamaabealto tokepivwat to* Hacor.
Mr. Oibba of Beaaaf cUlBa thA.oaa
^hool Report.
«( bis braa told ato a^ per dap U
8chr»l report of Ualrict No 4. Haptrie towetoip. Uraad Trareiar coaeip.
Slaer Jaa<^ I. 70 b^ bars baa
for tor BOOlb eaiileK March ». 1NV»:
raealtsd at tba Sute ladoatrial aeboo
Noahrr ol popiltrarolled. »: euBMon toMUa saw ibaa anr befora I
brrotdaratauKhi^fu: araran attcadItoktotarp.
OwiBK toBBtpidralc eoM. the fob
At faehaoa A. Brewn Orsaa*.
Inwlap .re tbr uolp oa< a wbo bare oot
braa abrea* dariar to* Boatk B**
aaall kaowa earrlafa worbar. to daa
after aiawdapa UliieB froB para- Cerdrr. Petrr H''Bmricb.. Jur BobB'
rirh. Bear BaBortto. Aocart Paa>a
Boala. LaBthaatwoBoetbaacoMr.
Bipbrat loepelliar. W’.DDlr E
Oratab wlla aad babp dtod.
Beat ia errltlar, Clan Carder.
0 Ai.'Br Mana. Ttaeber.
■pnaUUka VOdflra.
•aalt^aab baa toft fpr Bowolala.
*h*i aba will ban ebarce el tor
Yob eaa'c keep a rood tolar dawa.
Wbaa tblaf.
braaeb BBltoriBB eatobitobod to that NawaatUtraTaUtaai.
■ the baal- torp brroine
dftp. aad whlah Is breoslv rrrp popalar as a resort lor eonsBBptiaaa fro*
tHc R>urr*arrtbr brat-eelllac bitlrra
I bare rerr baadled la lap TOpnrq «xAt Jacinas Hra. Harp Harr, aped
prnrnce " Vue buow wa>>«w< dia
beria Indieordr
In dleordn. ia Ibe .tooiacb
...... kidorp, bowria. _ ____
Elretrtc Biitrra tooea up tor
Urad alsaaaad wbaa aba rrtlrad
pantra toa blood. aUTorthra*
Mtohtabr toft tba topol totatorr part- rrs. brarr eorra BoUiiadre of malaIp epaa aad tor disfta at
I lifbt dlra. Itbolldaoi
peu erw Ufa aad
Tba doctor said to* bad b


ISTote O-taz? I't-ioea.



tlQO 4


a wt^-b U d>*‘Bp


S5 I

S.: .
s <

^ I

. I*M0u paaadt
100 pof^oda
These are exrepiioni
in iLe city. ,



0 I 0 Jlfl-^®”*l'rise some lidmlsomc iliincs.

One es|K?cially gtKxl numitrr isa brown Melton-



01 Z.UU handsome in III and appearance .

i the best tailored goods.

nr I LLIl

i|T.»k i;. .'mi,

Some very handsome

nfli I
^^ncy .oWed Worsted* ever shown bere-good*
UULLnng ihat-carmoi Iw supjtassed for the money anywhere.
When vou buy one of these vou

have tin- saiisbu lion ot b-rlini! that y<»u are. as well dressed as a mao mav i>e.


OUR DISCOUNT SALE -^r:.;::::';:::r:;:^TX“r^

thiise «ho w ish a ln-jwei'surt than siiirtlv sumnn-i i:i>ods

th%m at the
iirtfs left (or






UUn iHfll ULlHn I IflLlI I market affords. N<ttlniig like our "Berkshire Fant" for wear.
usually larue line black ami fancy Worsl't-ds
.•ds for dress

EVERY DEPARTMENT^":':;;::2^:Sn::;r.::^';";;r’:::>

.\n un-

ks'ite an early inspection
large pure tases in. the l^st for cash

enable us to ntler some ter> decided and ewlusit e barKains.




Tfayerse City^


Nign 'if pTotem*
. uf yuii in lu k*e|i on coiiutig.
th.' tv*l
W.- an- alawlihlug Jirirwn pirts-iil.-Hl iu I
U>-8il llir pri.-ot Iwlow


<io.nI *..igl,t Blu- Cheetud Shirtilm
IT your
vour Eaaier
OI ».. of ua


op frui

see us:

Commercial. Shorthand. Typewriting, En­

glish. Normal Reriew. Civil Serrice. We shall have
several special courses for onr spring and summer

iA duzen g<aid raWted iialt.-nia, up tn-date
Men'a 1‘ure .Silk Teck Tira for..................................
Meo n Black Clay Wrfratrd Saiu



Eooraiotm »tuek of Spriug Soito aud Ov.-rcuaia jaai in
Wr can aavv you -la per OfOt.iio ailyuur i-lotiiiag purcfaas>-«.

Mim'n double texture MackiotoriM* with capra


Do not go elsewhere when you ean get

better instrnotion aad mo^e attention right at home.
We invite everyone to visit ns in the New Mnnson

Gentlernen are you
going to buy an Easter Bonnet ?
frjm Q-l^





Prices S25, S35, S45 and S50.

"ill do

A lienutiful line of'Eaater Nerkwear ju.i

If you wish any of the foUowin^ courses come and



An Kaster Offering

Normal iDStitute.


Weuko tano ciebu.
ancochu boib u kamnchu.

W" irr.tot ynii aiili Bargaina inDuiu.mlil.'. and a



Brlonto. .
Ooerh Caro. <
dtotarbad hpeo)

evert color \.m ar»- likely to havf tn inmd may l>v found in this line.

W. J. KbsiNSON. Propr.

For froat biira. bana. udolral aom.
a-ma. akla dlwr^. aad r.arc«U.v

Dr. O. H. Kraia aad wife. Or. LotbIu
Kbps. Wito Uietr torse ahUdrrn. hart
toft Hatttobraek tar New Veto, toraar
to Laadra, Baftoad. where totp •
tr toatitolad to that
Tbr aaariodbptfarfarooat
WeBdto laatUp of doatta
oath Afrtaa, wbe
haaaate laBeaatlp waalihp b/ diaatuad Btoea. aad wbe baeoeii
rortod to tirr.ato Dap Adrntir*.
aaa* to tost eilpaadaiadi
attbaBaatianas. Ur. rraac-r Waawto will n tba basil
XfOB aod *lb wen oBoar tbr eddaat
•auarla* phpaUlara to Sattia
ft«toaBdan>toalp fcaewa

wool, eveiy-

Slips III bliir-.Serji- silk lace, tliinbleor singlr breasted.’

•« and eannot be d



pat'btosaatatetbc ptptr to auirdad
tbatbtoaataat aiMtp caps, fur Kiio,


Euterprise Grocery,

I Oppovte SteinberB'a.

Baar SsATa
Jots, Browaa. Sorw, cPiaera. oatt
BhaoB, Fever Berra. Tatter. Chapped
Uaada. ChilbIMiia,
Corna. aod all bVis
>. aad positinlp
par raqolred. It U raaiaei
torlrr psrfael sal
r«rnaded. Price It eaota
totaperboz. F
and 8. K W^t

aaaptel.DK r»onr to aica ao apneBcat aoltouar dowa too airs
totaatp daps. Tbrea Boatba a'lnward
tba larBrrvbe was atoip a «a/ urb


htfretoforr will afipreriale their value

‘oe! t

so rae'lk"°^TXbp J. U Johaaoe aa<T
■teep tnto wbieb arrint (ro* tor B. Wall, draPKtou. raaraata^

- A aoaple of peehcrrlllr awa r
iba palto to rafaat tba'tmat
atoeUoa. Tbalr Ivllota arara
ra tba CToaad tool torp w<
ABWrtoao elUaeaa. Tbep warr
Btoaa that tacp were iroinp i» role,
bowsrrr. ao tbrp procoied
aatoat far toa eoBotp as
toapaaearad aataral rtUra ivpera aad
■othaekboBatottowiocailtoa drat

\o4>ther house i
lese low priced


or ato boan wbaa loonA


the work or maiH-iaJ contained i
1 hose who have Itoiiijhi liiv same make ol


lj{p is loo full of tb.' work and wo>rj of living
t]p((ln*t (hrsaviut; uppurluiiiiips tbui ouaie <>ur way.
ally kuu4 tbmipi by for. - of t in-uinatoin pa an- aulil nt \pry
litUp or DO proliL Tbrv
Ttirv ouDtiiliuiis oiakr il iMawible
|a.*.ible fur Unto
u» to
offer you *>nip Exce|>ti.>ntl Valiipo in Flour. Fw-d. Haj hikI

BBCh of tba ooaaup eortb la to
lae Uaclarta. who 1
oea loe■aBOa"
trioptoar la lbi> <'<'i
Uraaral OUa asaosacaa that tba
i rarfp torae of tor
oamal hie latiat pi. tw of 1 iri
Third totaatrp baa tohra tba pUr- of
turh l> i. a arriea of p.’palar
tba Toaatp-Utlrd totaatrp at ttarfroal.
<a Whirl, hodrfiaaa. '
' '
Two balialloaaor tba TweaVp-tblrd
bolds to hk .
vara brlradad with tbaO'SfiB tiUbf toe Boat aall.t.rii
eoeKrtratloB to a pi
taaaaaadbata aaeo aeam BirDtlep.
^ Tba T.WMtp-tbird to raeallad to

east at Portlaad, Oreir >a- brlapa baadradaotpreiOa who bare takea adi
ton of low raira frea »t Paal u>
Taaltc aoaaL
Biftatp-two Wichlpsa
Baa'toftorartoaSjBtom I'aciBc fur
Stoaoa. Ool.. wbara toep will aapan
iBBbartof. Aaetber partpol obr ha
drrdarrlrsd from MitolfaQ. aad 7t ol
tbara will n to CtoUforsla

iety ul pjtietns- all in.ido Ly the S4i

thii-a.l. and tiiliy coaraniet,*.!.

•< pricea witbia raarb of every bay.


Call and See My Wheels. Before You Buy;

Special Sale on Second Hand Bicycles
1 he gw.

i en give you the Best to be had.


Machinery *0 tom OBl work.


Meebantra to do the work.
Pricea than yoo «*o g« aByirbei* ohe.



Telet^one So. I»1.............

Sdesroom aod forh, 312 DidODfStmt,


The New York store,
310 Oor. Sixth and Dnian SM.

Soath SkU.


H.B. OIBBS. Pnqir.



yi. j||jf

I HBBAtB. HAhM M, titt.


rMtMta*, for

M «

Btt ^ttUM.

............................ ..
•MrufklfmaoM ■<*- Vnl W.
*Ur~.ifc.toreall yadga.

tor U* rOtof* U U «M « totorton
v.tkUtrtohttoMirltktoM h»to.
ll wH>ctM«thMllr. Mv>«


wtob to oato. hi mm thM PMP11


Chll aad wo iham.

Aedaapatota ara they

ttuaetoyataa>a wbkh oCan a

. C PatThaaka. Klagriey. Hlah.
bfMylag to y^teror of
to aad Mda Bto at. Paktl. which
tog mr abaeoea. 1 woald aw


HtTMUtd Witt w» m atorli bbmwptoae* o< tt» c«»» whtoh w» «tou4
to—ttto—, Hr. Ibrtt wmmJt to

Tba qaaattoe od Hr. Hayhah afaUlty

totattf --tor tt*
ordiMett erdiwftlac at
I to dbat dlraetio

er to KirlBf adrlM to
HU»«r pvtT uto Uto •Pwto’» l»rV
> awto b; tt«
ttow. al«M. p»re DtotoO»U« jarij.
How to iv UwB. ttkt tt> Dawoeratic
tkkrk OD Uto eSctol toUot. cairlM tt*
•ksa rlfBaiu u*d ob Ub taaloB ttokBt
la imv TBla rtomlM ra*d*; “DaBio
am.»oek«r>robUc PaopU-a fsloB 9UT»r Tlekal,WllMhtoBowdelPBblto Werl
ud CBCTira the haad o’. BrTBB.
M BBda to the
auu bj the DeBtoeratt! Itoopto-a Uotaa
Silrar partrThe fa* to. tta Otmociau of MiaUcaa Oitaw dowB ttalr
HrwdurfMBtaoatttaltr Bepab- fa^OB frlBBda ttli pear. Bot adBllUBf
ItettohMtaworttrttBevtot of ttc ttea to tt* >toto asd tba )ad>cial ooafHpl. BBdahoBldba Btoetad.
raBttoaa BBlaaa ttay woold «on>e a.
aualcbt oBt UaiBoerata.
But to order
fiMk BBtoUwa Bad A. W. Blekerd
o|»wdltoB.BDd tta oee will
MbaatplMdld toBror. arbllt ttar* to
■ahattoralnhU tt* atow tt»B ”-


•rito. I
B0i to tourfw* Witt hi
to «U head* rlUtor to

dtoB eawdldaio will Beat tta mm tatt
aad tta OoBoctaia will ha wlttoat
plaak to ataad apoa Tha taoUto adopta tta rlgat ad to gala «»at to tonuag tta eeaaar/
ttesk aad ttat ha
af rtopaeiabla paopla. aad tta aecatoto taka aay aettoa to ratotioB to
boada wklab hto prartoto tat
Bight damarii.
I Btrar psrd&aaad aay BUaby * HeCraokaa eedaw tar lo osBta or aay
B of Hr.
otter prioa at tba a
Hayaa at totUdad by Hr. Batoa.
tte pcaaaat Ust Hr- Hayaa to npporw
od by aaary iraalat of tta rUlaga of
On Tueaday tba Eagle apraag a aeaCkarlaroto aaoapi Hr. Oatokabaak.
mtkmal attack, wbieb waa declared
who to a aeBbar of tta Obarlaroto
e uaUaumy la tte caw of Eaton
•a. Batoa. wbiob waa tta welcome of
B. a. Statat»«alled boad deal Importaa'
Tbt Baooar baa' ehatgad the Bagla iwtlBoey waa omitted, that only brwith prtottog to lu Taaaday-a adit ea

Thera to a qoeaUoa at.

Irgallty of ttto It woold oartatolp be
illayal for aap party
: rtoaalU of aor olbor party. Harbaparight to bit Itoa. while Jobs Varlp bowarar. thl. to tlaply a toaa to be raa~— all ttara to to be kaewa abost laraad to ivov. bot
It to toBawbat eoatta btotoato of a Joattoa^
foriar ttto year, to tta ald-ltoa Deoeeiau who aloae atada the Bontotiloat.
u are aU aooipauat aa wall at tta Paoplaa tlolea dllrer
party, who ware allowed bo baad to
^ win*ml tba peaiUoBt to
tta work.
riMg wlU ba alaatod with aradit
toaad to ttalr warda
Hr Hayaa BKaarawfl.
a E. Doekanya Boalaattoa
ittael toapaaUrwBaafeodoea.

WUI E Uaspioa. editor of tta Cbar«BM lar Oity Ttoaamiar. to popalar.
lereto democrat, tome dowa from
nMa. aad yriu Bake a aarefal. praapl
i^barlaroit yealerday loaded for bear
iSaHL Tbact aboaU be ao^uetUoti
tad ailed to the brls with lafonatW to bto oUktoB. tta ooly <|oaaUos
Uoa. backed by eerttto docMaaoto.
‘ b^ttttttaaltaerttaBUi>rlty.
which waa ealeulalad
tteraallon tolo tte
armed with maautcrip
Wta. bridgaB. otc.. will demaDd the leaded to abow that tte elergyat
•taoM oara tad tba azaretoe of food Cbarleroli did ool kaow what they
ladtMWt tritt tta totoraait of tta tax
dolac wbeo they algaad tta aoaeouof Hoo Krad W. Hayaa
Baa of large ea
whole buatoM
rtaaet^rtoM who eHU ha a aplesdld
lOg. aa tta EauiBii
gririHasato tta board of poblle werkt.
aabttetlghtBaB for tba plaaaaod will abow herein:
hi wUl ba riaetad Bait Koeday.
Hr. UamplOB to a abrewd tompalga

oaly partof tta
of Batoa aa. Uaua. wlttoldtog Impor'Which raltaraa Ur.
Hayaa Iroa aay raapoailbllUy la be­
half of tta rtllaga to tta ti
Uara to tte toaUatcay of Dr. LaParra.
of tta traiiaaa at tta tlsa. aad
tokea froa lb
ladar tte oUalal tott af Stoaegrapbar
OadUtoc. Hleh.. Htrcb ». li

for Charlaaoto aooaty.
J. HUo Batoa. platotl* ra Oaerge
Batoa. dalaadaab

ter P. W. UPem, glrao to tba above

of Hr. Hayaeto o
hood deal: aod whettar ttey w«
dermtood aa girlag tba aadoiae
of tteir palplU to the alleged
. W. B. Thaaher. bead deal. Tbr<iaaaUoB> are adrolUy
Uaitomwaod L. K. atratoad barr fraaod aad coataia an
•D had good asparlawaa. wblla Mr
Tbc leaor of Ox
Uayae. 1
fc-nTl la tta rawrtt will taaka a repllaa tottai
latlf ttaei
gaadiaaoed tor hlaaalf to that poal- Ur. HampUm tuteru ttey do eot
Itoa. aatottarwbly'peatrdto aaefa to aarc tbetr aBdoraemeou go oi


political arguaeaU elallartiBtoUoBr
wara aaat to tte pkyalelaai.
a. wboaa rapllaa. bewerar. were girea

drgaraetly. Bat to all
pUaa an baaad apoa tta
Hr. Baapioa.
la .ttalr rapllat,
la ratarrlag
t of BOtar*
ytoWBadaBjirltoiiOB tta baaeh ol wbat ttay tald to taror of Hr. Hayaa,
tta haaaadartoaewrv aad balag a good aiatad ttat ttay
Witt tta bead deal, aad ttarafora. bolag mea of prmtoowortty latoattoat.
a ha will atm 1
they did Bot daalrato appear to
MM«waUtetta un utb.
(alee light. Aa tta matter waa pr<
ptoHtoB U tt* <rf
1 to ttea by Hr. Bamptoa ttay
awally. Jadpa Bob
atoatad ttat ba eaa p

eoualdarad ttat ttay were appeartog
toafalae light by allowlag ttalr aaoraaaeala to beeoaia pablle property
There to oee paealtoHty aboal
qaaatkiaa aad rrpUm of both ph'yel> hto kept at
clana aad clergyaMB. The clergyaca
admit ttat ttey kaew aottlag aboai
aad tbwe to ao tte hood deak Tberetore ttay
Impelled to withdraw
thmagb tta aaaertloaa of Hr. Baap-

AeahtHUl alaeUaa

tootiea of aldarmaa ttto year to
1 Witt more ttaa aaaal laa The water werka qaeatloe
map tor oaralal
Avto« ttsaomlag year aod
Itaaeatearafal maa aad aoa of 'pabBa akpartomea aad good ]«dgmrat
AaaU be ahaaoa
The Poartt ward
haatayaaragoeaby been a doabtfol
wwd. ThayaarltwOlBotbaao
J. Palfham to tta vary bmt maa ttal
MaUtaTabaaaeboaaa to that ward.
T--------- - -■ kto torsar otperiaaea «a
Hm aeaaan aad kto rztoaoira kaowlatfootdty aSaln. aapaelally with
ttawalarworta qaeaiioa. mabaa It of
aparial totwaat to tte whole city ttat
ahoald be •toetoA
A good dtUea,
•HHMtal tomtoam maa. aad pablle
^Mmatomhlma ralaabla aa





I af tte
tenl of odawttato aboald ha good
mm. Bor. O. OeehHa of tta Pitih
«a*4a.dAia.A Haora of tte Flrai
wBltoeatoOOrh-lHok. ttareforettey
wniEahaHtoto tta heard with fiyiag
wlwa. Thuyara hott aaoaUwt moa
aBdmtnoatoUaaa ttalr good work. U
hi Baowd ward Amw

m. .

B. Btogham

1. U. B.
liPT. 1 am oae ri tte irailaw of tte
nuaga- I wat Tillage elerk
lime tte boadt were iwi
dslirmad le Ur Beald, alao i
lag# rierk al tte lima of tta Iraaefer
efwld bond* oat of wblcl
Batoa aad Batw UtigaUoe.
prior to ItM, 1 think to ien. 0. 0.
‘ aa aetloa
mby to)u*
Uon to laatralB tta wld rUlagt fr«
paymuBl of totarcot oa tbe b>
by Hr. Ileald Mr. Hayaa at ttat time
aetwl at attorney
Mr. Wood,
ItM and liis tte eonaeU dirirad Hr
Uayae to act at ttalr atloroey. hat
wee* tofermad by him that owing tc
too woald bt Impwrible
ter him to act for the lyilage prerldtog
llgllattao ahoald artoe to ralaUoa to
tta'bmto. Alao Mr. Hayaa tofjwMd
tta rtllaga ttat thaw booda were oa
tta market for aaia. aad ttat ha did
not ear# lo oater late any
rrbleh woaU totarfan with Ua dwltagattarata. Itwwagiaad that Hr

would mwt with proper eoe-

aldmiop and
h'toahaiaof ttaoomalwtoa forwUtog U they bad beaa mtoiepiweatcd
ttatta boada. «ad from Oha
paper woald chawfolly comply with tte
lor hto
raqowto. Tbe artici* to yeutorday t
rwV apoa charge of porjary aad alaa- Bagla ttotou at tte begtoatog that
daragatoat Hr. Hayaa. to bto toaU- udltor of tte Bkooap refuted to print
Boey to tta caaa. Bara tottaatatoWhile
aael of Prwaeaior Barrit apoa ttto BilOOBDdaeUDad to piiat ttem U wat
bacaaw ttey dU aot com* direct ti
■Uagattoracy of Char. tba gaaUemaa aamed: bealdm It to
of tba Ball of the parpwe of ttto paper to' prict
iz aoaety at the tlaa of
tlclat wpaclally dwigned to bcip tbe

bu worked agalatt tbe toleretu of tt*
Oae of tta warraato waa toaaad at
Tillage le acting lor tte boedbayera.
aoeaod plawd to the haadtef ttt
aarleg aceepiad a rotalaer from ttc
iheriff (waarrloe. hat Hr. Batoa had
*illage-bt lu atloroey. Ikto
left ttc coBBty. aad I am Informed the
to ebdttared by tt. (oUowtog
ttau before aorriw eoald bo ma
both ehatgra are waittog bto ra

Vvuv-liaii i.luibbult

Ladies’ Suits, Skirts, Silk Waists,
' Shirt Waists, House Dresses, Etc.
See onr Ladiei' Solti at »4 60. $6.60. $e.60, $10 00 $12.00. f tc.
See our (rest elock of Cerpete


eautc4( the DemocraUc i
)adg., to the topi'of U
BPder which ^la campaign to oonductad by tte Deamerala. Bui any Ume ttto
paper prtau aeytblDg wUcb to dwign
ad tomlaleadtte pablle. aai to whica
of antoteteatad pariiea
we will take tte oourdi which
' rapatable aewapapor wiU pnranr
e atgamcato la itato oamMigo
baaa ezbaatUra aad ttto paper
uatotatoad a dignified eourte w.tbeatrworitog to paebaaliuca hgatut
eppwtog candMato. Tbe Eagle
hae adopted 'tte oppcaita
baa prtoiad Bauer wbiefa wae ealculaled toh-fiacaw roien by baw aliackt
Fragimeey hare braa
prtotod^ the key aoto to the whole iit
aatloa bartog baaa parpoaely Ignorea.
Tbaaaowttoaal artlala aad laeomptots twamoay which waa m>




1 lllv VM„1> I l,Fle.\Ilci> SUITS. HATS. CAPS. PUR!*.
I6BIN08. ETC., at thie etore-Tbe New Sprins Styleo. o( courae.

ot Lowest Prices (qualities considered) if you come to



tte deal or Ur. Uayae'a ooaaaettoe
wlthltaadwlabed to atoto ttat ttey
did pot touad to hare it aedenlood
ttey aadoraed ik If auttara ware
aa reprateatod lo tbea by Hr. itoapTbe phyalelana who did kaow
aboat tte deal, bowartr, aad who bad
Oattamoratof (olIowlBC tba eloae
ktowB Ur. Hayae wall at a cUlta'a aad
B. B. Wright to tta IHItt ward baa
Hr. ofaaldtrtolHr. F. W. Hayaa eaUed
me and preferred a charge of
aeawamwadthariiytoa pablicoSw. M.iimr In IW otorwafcm.
alaader aad oee ot parjaiy agaiaM Hr.
hatbatoamaaofgoodaaaoa aad
la a word. Aba coateaUee of tte
tohaM aaagatto oSorta will ha
Drmocrau and the Eagle to that Hr
lataatothaalty. Be to-bh aaeigetlc Uayeu wat uCTriag tc tillage attoracy ^ trial aad ramarki made by blm'to
aMpabUa aplrilod oltlim who
at tte time of tbe traattcUoe aad ttat ^rlUaga. aad aftar

aaa. hariag ban oe tta hoard
gMto Ha to famUlar with orery deOaB Od tw altyh tmalnaai aad hto )adg'mml wU ha ralaabla for the city.
AMmama Hnalagae haa alee made
amt all maabar aad bU work for the
^ dartog ttopaat two yaati oatl^

■aha a good record oa the ooaacll.

ittar oolaBB of Uto papar.
Tae doc
aaeati priatad lo tte Bzeuau today eracCtiy

aznuze ruioa.
anra ttat Ur.
ible aad that ttr Eagle aod ibe
hare garbled facto to maki
Short Cut Pork Per#.....
fit aa argamabt ealealated
r tw tie Thlrdtograec tte Bepublieao caadUeto.
leoatt Jodlelal elrealt of Hleblgaa.
Thalatwtpbaw to tte Ucaecn
EzUBtoad by Hr. Tnak tor plalaUB: ampaiga to a aerlea of ^ueatloat o
U. Doctor yoe realda to Ckarlaroto pUad by Will E Baap^ for ttr pur
pew of abowlog that tte vlergymeo Lard per R>
aad did to ItMt A. Ym, air.
Huttof per k Daly..
What oHeialpoaUtoa did yea oe- tad pbyakiaat of Charleeoo were detairad wtaae they algoed Ibe Creamery Hfitur.6.
capytoltM.lathtorillagar A. Wall.
Oieuapper it
t of Hr. Hayaa
Qau par bu lold).
Ifetok la twt-61 waa a aambor of the
wbieb tte EegU utea Cora per bu.. old...
ttat daeeoUon waa practiced.
rheBwoaa almply larltee the pub Ic
Q Waa JOB a meabar of tbaoo
t tte tlaa ttay eaployad Hr. Hayae to read wrefally tte queaUoo* aad
. aad ttea read the alatcmeoto
^I‘Z’’'^*rEior Taavi^zcirT i
aaeliyatioreayT 'A toiawt
Yaatad aadartU to ttto aoralng t Bi
A. Vaa.alr.
The qowUeat are'auleadlag
g to laM. waa ltdoeier? A. -Pt aad tad eoald hare broogbt- po otter
ttaa ttowglraai >acaate la puV
(lag tta qaarlw a awdiediparpoac to
Q. Btoto wbattw. at a awtto
apparaet to abow that Mr. Uayae
the OOOBCQ. la wbleh ttat aattor
obligatod to tte Tillage of Cbarledlwawed. Hr. Hayaa made aay itoto- rolz la tbe bead iraoeactioe and ttal
10 tSTonadl rrttb rafaraat
b'a rlolatod ttat obligation.
It to clear tta If tbe oalltod
maactlOB with ttto bead trai
tloa. A. Be did. whoa we amployod sooy la tta argaaeot pretenled bad
brea broagbi fonb
tte qaatti
hlB at rUiaga atioraey. ha aoda that
•oald hare brought dISerefit aatwert
Hr. Hamploe called spon tte &k>
Q. StoUag ttat he waa............?
ywtorday aad rtqamted that tacduco
mmiU wblca appaarad in tte Eegle be
dtotlag ttat ha waa totormtod oa
priated la ttto paper. tWUog ibal tbr
otter aide.
ustlmooialaaade puolic ttrougb tbc
By Hr. Balataod. lor tta dafaaaa:
Bm«ai> ware aa lojoailce lo tte tlgaert
uader ttc elrcumtiaoeea The RmxMiK
tta boadi that had baaa already madfr decltoad lo prtal ttc matter fjr tte
eaaoa thai tbe publlctiloo of tte doe
A. Yw.Hr.
laeau to ttto paper waa aBaatborlacd
the witaaw wi
by ttegeaUemeo who were parilee U.
The otttoaloB
Hr Haap.
prarwthat tta Bagla parpwoty gar
bled tta twUaway which It gai
for tte porpaw
hrtogiar dtorepato apoa Hr. Hayae
10 gale Bepabllcaa rotoa.
qawt ot ttto paper dlrwt. ttat tteir

hto.dwlgB BobM to tba tight
- *a Baiwiliri wmrt

Trarotpe Oitr HarkutBelow to a llat oi tte buytog awd uel -

■laroto ooMBty oa Kabraary Mtt.


of all kinds, such as

Covert Cloth Bult.

Sasu. AgtBt It Tnrtrm City.

aoey-aad tta whole ttaraof—of Doe

tbalHr.-Htyaa wae
Tlllaga dartog tta btod
aad whatter ttey kpew

Ready-to-Wear Garments

Aga of Cnarlaroto la ttat traoaactlwa

ratlllad toOM la tta araail oeart

■mH^ laohad afito ttalr jsiereata Uayee wrr* girea by mUtake
letter addrtaaed to tte clem
BOB pladag the hood Batter bciorr
tbea to a DeaoeialU light, tolerraga
Uag tbaa apMiJrbettor ttey kaaw


.. ' '

“• .. .........
The ledwa are eordUlIy lorltod to to•peel tte Oae dtopUy of Ea*w Hullaery at UwHlBBlo KoealgV Wrm
pule. !»H Pay 8V

-rclal boute u liable lor tbr debit
Duriag the pat> fire yean
of bit 0:
ttaa lea
-a Uutaai Fire iDtui
ipaolee bate fal'ed to Uichipiu
It would be well for eerry ibluu
farmer to look deeper taU Vbn
Fire iBturauce ratot bare
Ulobigaa by old lint
aa tta part of Ur. Uayi I, wblla It tte
aoUta uaumoay bad
rxlrat at aoe
Hr. Uayat wuald bart bdea eodoi>ra
of all Ui
•y tte pablle for bto aeUon
ralog Ut
lid line •
d tatot
Tba EmoBP today aappllaa aome o
II be ebeerfullt rlrra be
>a aalttod toatimooy.
I au rzpt-rieucr ut tr*i*b
wh^ ooaplauly rsaaarataa
tte butlaeu*. eoniluou
Hayaa aad atatter wblcB tta Eagle
agency uorib of liraad Rtp
taould hare prlatod. The Eagle claim*
euiart of the beat old liar
and J-or»ign Slobk Fir* lodr. Mayne waa to tte empjoy
Aiaert,mc aod
Comoablre • od glee* all lot
the rtllaga In tta buad uaatacUob i
prompt aad prraoetl attoalioa
,Tpra to *bow ttal Ur Uaj
rtelatod bit triut. Tbc Ri imbo abuwk
or aadarlt that Ur Uayee wat re- hiutauialng FiaaU (or Eattor at F
rtiac't grreoboate.^CaV aadaeelh
weed from hit obligaUoa to tte rll-

I baiaby eartUy. aadar ay el

whabbawaa aa tta eoBBefl a law

HtbaaaparTtoon bBtatocoBHte.abd will Bt OBOa lakaaprctolptottloBoa tba Board. Hr.Carttto tta Third la kBOWB ubtB
fll. iTMlIn-*— toaa aad wlU aiaka

The ataora latter ww wrltloa to ropooae to ao toqalry ab-rnt a apray
- -BlUmoto.whlch
apray paap it 1> rUiaad ttr Ulobigaa
AirtcaUaral College raeoaaaodad
Aoy paraoB dralnog to lecnra ttto

tott. ttat the toltowtog to tta

aaeager twt baaomaUaea orer d aa la ttto eaiela order
tor Hr.

yMaaga- Tbaarbola dty will raMBbarahtottatltwat Ur. BaeUBga
attawa^lMMBWtBltB aaeBrlBg tor
ttaatlg tta attorn Ara aagtoa which

The Clroall oe

Tba UorrUI A Hwley paap k
1. aIttoBgh then
goodpeapa. Voaia rwy traly

A Matter 01 toieraai to Eaary Fan
la Fira laaaranoa
Eaoeela'ly to ttto ao. If hto properly
iDtared la a Uotaal
“ Itaal Fvrr
Fire li
Untaal laaoraaer to a sartoenhiy
tfftlr. aad ererj pol cy holder it pei
•ooallr llat le for the debla of the Com

me eomiug in erttp day-

Dress Goode,
Wash Goods,
Fancy Goods,
Linens, Etc.

MTTfM b* •

Never Unctersold,
Quality Considered
INSPECT THEMM. n-i Working Sb.H^........... .^...

. Sl^OC.^ViSSf^W and $1.76

< Ufonli. t.'oin toe*,


lW*'S,.b.«lSbo.AulM................................................................................................... 76c
Pib.. Drew Sho.*.................................................. $1 00 .od up to $600
W e $1,00 and $3.50 .Sbooa. eoiall *««a. at.............

.......................$ 1 46

< IzfoM*. aovcral $200 kind*, to . lone at.... 1........................$1.48
You get Value Reevivod at

Frank Friedrichs.

19^9 £9^ 9£y939S9£9S9A9^9S9^9£r9&9Sr9^S9S9S^

I Business Change |
Wi$!) line <if


I a.-itc tlie west half our siore in five days lo make room for another (
tluv will arrivu ncft week. To do this we will si-H

All Books at Cost for Five Days Only.


This means 10. 16. 25 aod 33 1-3 per cent, dificonot
S Dii kim. 7 volA. linen........... ................ $148 Hoott, IS vota, i Rawia..........................$080 <
“ Irciiig'z Work*. 10 voli. I mirorco. gilt.. 876 Hooei'Hietory Eogliod,6 vuU. } ealf...^80 (
Quo Vadia. linra. (Satarday only 1...................14c.
Hositivcly nolhini; like this ever offered in Micbifran,
^ Wall Paper during this sale.

Special Prices on i


Saturday, Apr. 1 1333333333333333S33a3EEEt£EEEEEEttE»EEFl
1 o’clock,
"We are ZtsTot)
Horses. Cows.
Bodies, Wagoos.
2-Seat Surreys. 2-Seat
Single Beggies.
and Platfona Wagons.

•e of Cbarlorolz-t
t. who knew all tta dataU of tte
mot tte
Bagla to be tolw aad that tta team
tta Bagto Tawdij aad tte
itaeal atafl prtotod Tawday ww topaWiabed yealerday wUl probably be
the elrtor ladga hy mallei
ealv Tbe Bbdocp smly aaka all
roiwe to earrfally oaoalder tM
At to tta tottaia aad topOw whieb
•wta made aad to gtre - tta wi
appaarad to ywlcdayp Bagto.
from tta toaa of them ttat ttr
m to to tte baade ot a graal
■aaltwwataot pimaaladto too
OometotUtaato ai
.aai^batog lakoa to rafrato from
bellerea timl
Time girea <m aU a.
ad aazl Headay tte rerdtot will be tor
apoa all ihaaetaaltoeB
right aad Jaalhto aod ttat Hr. Hayae
TaeqawUewof Hr. bamptae
Btrejuittrrind with a mr load of
wUl buazalted to tte beach af tte
klealatad to krtog jwt tta raWoe herwt. ttd find myuelf (w4to« too
Thlrtaaatt ladlelal elwait —Hura'la«
pltoi ttat wore roMraad.
B*ey tad wtat to let toaie of tttm g«
Mkwd of boraw of til riwt aad
tatatlaw wara w wucMm to toare
LoatoB<wof Ml
*. wbwe head
to tta
*’*e gnnd oowt
________ whUa eoapliag
Bad ttr aatlta bala baea akaaad ba- ape ea terribly err
; lunbrr wtgiwt
can a weak ago. to
to atm at Mercy boefora thaw mw tta Baoaaa ballaraa
I } Mat ettopy t«T earery.
pital, aad tte pbr-----------------------II wtt eztoa»loo ------------that they waald not aaly daritoa
to reman porttow of tte entlaal
allow their aamea tojbe wtttdiawa bat tte Hub leg aad graft It to
I •tgoe. with top. good w t.
lUdoelarattaamtteaa adnptod by
loata barrtot
Oawwiaia w aatowtty afiwas aad

i BUT wddo believe in SIGNS when they are as convincing as <
I those which point to the increasing demand for our “BEST' j
I Flour.


At Pioneer
Livery Stable,
B. J. ICorsBU. Prepr.


--------------------------------------------- ----

Etttrr Worn ol Artr*b-r-prto* *-t C>«p»ay of
Biuton curry ous tb* rfouu ioaot tbc ^^ryT
-a Prtag Coiup»Bt lu file Buur
ctr^tu^ bookleit. ■rhtet for li»
UBBUUtlir trtlitis tad betutHtl
tbe w«f of booklrW
booklrt* two otrtlculirly
amhla/bettur pubU.kwl It tbtlr Itou
ttt. tteir g«m. for tay wwat.

caci.b. wer.-rr






lUM jUfMIl MitlA aiiMt iS.
Mm oM OMi Tn««w MMUr *M
M OmH «• «h« BMlac «< Iteik
jMi «• 7M*. fattar tt Un'.
M. A. Bm o< Oak Pm« aai Mhw

ol«b*tota JMMLMefTwmav■^BokwtU«.lM*a({lonk|art. B*
•M «M of tb* oM MMion of tb*

8lftlaad*a4 poUleuoAi BbBU>< le
ba aanma al Oadu^ ia Ibal vtclwtV.
SalwrdaFVlMd wUeb brwacbi
•IILU wu lapanad .bWb lattr a 1*
pen wnu of a aOU aoi* oaluble
lawA Hr. Cai% haalM Friday wltb a
Btarla loan, a laad wbleb wu boofat
Ly Cbarin JaCriu ter Hr. McKeeaa.
laa laul aaeaal paid baia« •■■«-»>'
Tba prta* wu W oaaBi a byibrl aad ,
ud wu u bwvy that aoBU of-tb* 1
ou bad W b* laaevad Marc li

kiobaowof enaeoburwU Bba ^
tba.aaady aad aallarlar.......................
lor* of Dr. Klac'a K*> DIbbobut f<
CbauBpiloa. CoMb* aad Cold*. W


_____ ____________ Brooehllk.
laalaaaB aoaaiy. a«ar Ba'
ana aad all dtaraaea of tba Tbroal
Bap.^lM. B* llvadtbrvaBBUItba
Cbul aad Loaf* are 1
U. (bJI oa Ibr DrunbU'
war bnka oal wbaa Iwo of bla
and J. U JobwoB aad
beyt aalMtad. aad ba balap aaabU to
n*. It
Bernlai aur Uc aad li ^
bar* Iba tana alow*, wavad back
Erarr U
Oatroil. -wbara ba bu ll**d avor
Daatb er Wu B Bacbaa
aa. Baapaai BOM of hMunmar*
HUllaa a. Baebaa. died ai bla boon
apialblar*Btoa aad aaaay aa old a*l- aa Iba PaaluaU Maaday alfbi of
MB Ibnr-foal eood
Uar will rama^ Utt wall. Mr.
I will luv* for Oawoll UM nora- ayaawdaaotdplaaaar of tbla rvyioB.
Tb - T. B.ra.
havtaf wiiar bar* la year* afo wbao
boy i yaar* eld
Buldu a
B. H. Unk. Uw -ail-kooWB ]
wife aed two aoak he iuvu aa ayed
Sappon Haywa
■. 00 hb roaod. tablep •
taibcr. thru btoiaan aad thru akiar.
It bu baaa Malad troaly by DanoTba taaoral look plan Tbanday
«t* la Trorarw City aad alarwbare
lO io.o eloA froa uw !**»**
Ibal lb* Bapablleas Bitoraey* of Travwill ban.
aty wart workiaf for lb*Xi*»o ebarc* of lb* fvdarml
Suur Flcwata.hou.i t,
eralk uadldaia for elieall Jadfa
a of tb* dasauad
. of F. H I'.iec VV.C
awaat U falM aod lb* aliordm Tti.-phea* Mo «
.lloaad deny It by un<|BaIl«ad
laat of Hr Mayor Atlorn* raf*lw —<•' »*•
ary* Fulor. Taraar aad Twrddle brClab wtll be bald la Hoalara* hall Fri iBf OBI of tb* ally ytnorday
and bai Util* boprt arerr
day afUTMOw. Ta* profra® will b* ban (be eppenaalty le alpa tb* «olaebarcaof Hra b. Bobcru. Babjrei:
- la uid Ibat ib*y
IB lb* Bcboeto. "
Havio^ bought
> ae bad ibry b**a
Baban* weald Ilka lo bare all tba la,OuDQ. iatoly kBOwo a* the %
pnpared 10 lake pan la Iba
: Molr barn aitd atabloa od State; M
Impruvamauia la lb* Bvfioa
of lb* tab) Ml
•treec. 1 bhve refitted
Cbarin. Koarelbal of lb*

Stables aad yveiy.;!

Bbme. Aud bave put In as
Tu T«* VoT*u:-We. lb* aodrr- Store 1*
•»pb B curb
•braad acsbartof tb* clrand Tr»T*r»» ,jirr*bie exteai lo'bl. bi« .lore pre. Uro uewlot Of horaeaand n«<i£|
MbooU bbd »Toff«wr Prsat of lb.
aoBBly bar take Ibl* Btauof B.llop mrauw) to tbr aatleipalioa of braryiROd am prepared to meet all I SR
paUte Wheou of l>»« P«» irUlud lb.
• eery c»Ub day or sight.
j $R
pabllc oar hlpa r*c*rd lor lioa F W.
loml oohooi boOdlaci Hooda; bad
A apecialty will be made of M
Hayaa, iUpabllun aoMlBW for dr- pood*
(a^aetod lb. wmklajn of lb* .ralaa
iviwo .tair* more roo® la hriof tbe cATe Of farm team*. Hav
>11 jade.
la pnetuw aad.r lb. .oprrrtooi) of
W* baa* Iba plautaooSdrcor U> bi.
1%. TimWM
CI17 Kbool* an a aod.l whlob ol^
lobe Iboroofbly uoallBad by eduaadaeavor* of lb* alalo n.h id pnfll hj.
Uae. aepartaaee aad aaiatal bbUlty,

Circulation this week 2.200

Tba Hbbaui U la roeeipl oTb UtUr
froa CraaM tkalaaakr. oo* of ib. Oompaar U boya. oho U ooo lontad la
Fori LMTOOwortb. ba.lBf ealUud la
Traep B. alalb 0. B oaniry.' J. E
Bna*. alaoorConpaay U. oe* Of U.
mrelu. ha. am aalialad la Troop B.
Bolh boy* nporl Ibat Ib.y Ilka rafalar

for Ibit puiUoo
Darlac all oor ac-<|oalDla<ior wl6i
kia ba hw aver proa.o tatiaaalf w be

abalrl FOI. lb* au« aid* all be ra
leodwlibrrDiirr laapih of tba roo®.
firiBf macb addiiiooal apao* tor ibe

I kSOW Wbat yOU need. WheU ^
Ui towu coffie aod ir-e me ! SR
ThAnkinn you In adTADCe. 1 . |R
remain, Vourt for buAinebb, I jjil


Tba flror will ba aboti faav lowrr
Wa rw*rd bln u tba ibaB that of tba oitke now la uaa and
Id tba Clreuliaod pill ba aaoluaed la tniatjc uaalinr .
,r (bu | Wt aod plan
Tbia addluoa baa .i—o
rapid locrran
of oAlea work
L H. OaoK.
1->Bib B.WBBT..
Tba Bra dapartaaal waan’lad oai U A Orta>.
d. H. Bl®*...
- W
IV Ci ima,*
Boralar le railaralab
a Um. <1. Curau,
Jaatin U. W. nonla «U1 bare a dai
i»W Fan-Bi
b<ai* la tba old B*cl* balldlac ea <ini U C* am
to tha Mortbara TaUpboa* balldla(.
■an Froel atraal. Tba Bra orwlaalrd
■ tbai
a dataollT* ebtaaay Tba danK<we*. v’loleu. r^reaiiun..
New LiMary Book*
U.rarlalba. UAff.idillt.ruifanr'll aolaowaaito •»
The foUowlDf b a Hat of iba boo^
raulvad by tba Ladiu' Library Awo
I Oily Opara' boM*
nof Mr. Aafoallaa'ady* «er)i* elallOB alau. faaaary 1 law
i-Th* BaoorabI* Fatarbtarlliif. V.
win ael ba lowraplod
L. Ford.
a I. *»«■ o« WU&aMbarf. vbe
A dally papor of Wbaaltaf. «a*t Va. ma-oid CbwtarTalu. M
ban>l_m ai B^aa*. I. aary
haa Iba followiar: "iMtebar B. L.BaDt. ivn—Tb* llaanofToll.OslaaaTbaaat
of Iba Wboallar l**a>. arrlaad la Iowa
>-DtB Hkbul. Hlasklawle*
IUm rnM* ClMof Blaw.
laal BlpbV araompaakd by hi. farUa
l-Tb. doe of tb* C«. Ja®r« Ur*.
Tbay an raclalarad at lha Howall Mr.
and Mr*. Uaal ro lo Miubarp today, IMM-Tb* W.
of Coaay Fork. Opia
whan Ibay will riall Hi*. HaaV* raUBled.
ilaaa. Uaal laa 6*a loeklat yoaap ivu-Tb* WblU
who baa liapniaad Frealdaal
Howell Bbd Haaarar byll* OMal favor­ 1*14—Tb* Daj'a Work. R. Klpllof.




Easter Lilies, ir-’.-r:

li UlOttt.


Thaqautloe u lo what or oUUlu

1-TbaHoBU of atddae Tnamr*.
Bf. B UeE.*y
inr-A Fitted Haldaa. C. a. Haaoa
ma-Tb* Moral labaetlaa. I. r. He-

aotlBF I* aalUad by lb* oily obartar.
Tula Ml, daeUaW *. which read* u fal
Iowa; “Enry alaetor tball aota la tb*
HiMMayOayefDalrelibaa aooapiward wbara ba aball bava naldad daradapalllabaalriBMrU MM* Paarf
la^Tbroapb dwamp aad Ulada. H
lap tba loo day*
l-Tb* Widower. HorrU
iJiHMvIaoo lb* poalMbla read
i-Rad Rock, T. NaUu Falfa.
rrUbF Mr. loavall
ad lo ba Ib tba ward la w
IMt-Batb diduof the Borlar, Heary
II BUUata BrlfbU.
aad tabu hia recalar aaala
iait~Tb* BaUla of tbr dUabra—A
•M^Broa. A ABlolla. lb* a
Bio *My MkWB. baa* jut parol
I—Paal aad CbriatlBa. A Harr
l»W-Wbaa Kaifbtb

IV Bmrf Oralllek of UnUiekvllla Tba

Mr*. W. 0. Lowraaaa will not b

aMMlPvtall bar parlor*.
Ik* Ballar. wbo wu pticbar tor iba
■Milan laal yur. will rapon at Abb
Arbor ■asIHoaday for praelle*
thaTMalBMTBiBW Laanataai
IbaJ. K.Ur*lllcACo.M rwabad wltb
MAuaaadafolaadad ap wlibeulen
•Otfc. 1«a niU M workiar two aad
•habalf habi* o*« Una avacy da



Our SavioRs Department

KoaroB n«aai.i>:—Id oadar that raiat*
I oar ally abd oobbi.t way
■air ripbl 10 tol* at the oonlat
arlar elaeUoa. 1 tbtak It wouM be
wlulor yoa tbrooph tb* eaUaaaaf
year paper
aniele aaaaa. aaoUae I, of Ibe ooaatllaUoB of tbla tut* wbleh pronde*
aotan who ban lakee oat their drat
fall olUeeiu ia or
dar that tbay may uerelM tbeir rlfbt
( by the (BUla of toaowat tb* ao®laf aprioc riartua
a law proride* that ooly tboae
Tbla, beweaar. will wot ba Ib* aaly eater* who too« out tbeir Inl paper*
vlou ta Hay Itb. lavt. will be v
BBtonnaal of ti*dbl aoUaal Vaaaalitlad ta vote
without thair
■rday It wu dalaluly deeidadtea*

Cariaaariaf.-- aad like all tba a
h* eoar*a It wu a flaa praoUoal
abd aw* that wu frutly anjayed
by all.

Owe C-ase "PVavi "Dress 9ooi.s
So^ ^ aV\ etaVm a\ \t \-tc . «•
in sueV a wa^ ttia\ •» canUV^VavaiVam^or

Divert vs ao laort aV VVv'vs yriec viverv \ivtat •




vott tom^Veit >fic a.t viv a bosvivorv io sW^ovi Vivt iivoaV com^Ve aiatV
T viV 01V saVe va aa% siort va Draotrst CV\ft \Dt o»aa\ \o aVvm^ ttvTOttqV

"Ktw before Havit ib« betiv abit \o sivow suciv usiuss va

T>v&ss &oods a\
^Vi Sivb^ts aa4 "VOtbucs \>vb\ ^ovv car iivvAVt eV

6\3vt CarpeV
■\Dt Ate wvAVvAq a SVTOA^ Vv4 ^onaw Car^rt basincsA

>Dt bVov VVbw a\

• \0c, \9c, ZSc Vo Vkc, &V SOc Vo SV.OO.
CaVVeo aV
' ■PCTc&Vos. S6 vTicViti o)\4t, aV ■piaVi TJtoss 9oo4s &V

So. aV St Vo \S V-St'
iVt.aV StVoVS V-St

IV iti» "VCXoVoT iaeVoVs Vo dost aV
■\Dt CAtT^






4bc \o %% 00 VAVT



^Dt ib'v^^ \o caV\ sptcvai sUtAVvon Vo



>De.mAke"NffvA4M> S^s
\o oritT CdMbUVeWAt'KbA&i


F. M. PAINE. Florist.


Easter Eg^s

sitiniinntinninintfflittniinHi ininffliT! ntwihin iinii'

of course shoul.l he
in all colors of Ibe rainliovv. to 1/“ •
make ibcm ilifTerenl from your
cverT day vges.
Wi- have
Vafli Zte Dye 1'ahlpts.


Dry Goods

M Id Flowar.

I»n—Tb* OutI* lea. dlaalay Weynaa
i-Tarlaria of Taaaaeoa. A. Uaudei
>--l>klc. Boban Barr,
bait of tb* Blfh tebaol aad olban Ibat laio—Wild Bl®. W. Hla^.
.—Tba Bad Axe. B. B. Croakait.
atlawdad tba leeurw.
I laal luun wu riraa
Matt Maw daoaad Papon
F. Oalhlaa


Or*Aa luatA amiaMa laur aa



oeo. caens ijs


paarofaoy al
u Ibr riphi 1


Ea.ster Egg-Dyei
which are harmlt

The Coming

Make it imperative for
you to prepare for epring and iu
acendiiiK wet weather

Is undergoing vaai changes, and we XFill endeavor to make
it interestiug for you to visit our department

are the very choicest

^AT $1.00 AND $1.5p.



dcalfa la allraeUvc color* aod ibe ua- Ibat they auy qaatlty tbaanlav* pad
ael low tbeir eat*. l®por®*i ®allar*
larkl lha beat le iba narkal. Hi
«f tbM kiad abould aot bv a^teeiad.
Ibla a wow aiul uUl«f hu M*
oMad apoa aad U* walla will :
i.iH* A. Lubaboua

mtUan Marpby aad Hra. I. Y<
avarylblBC M
bM al Ibla ally, war* aairiad i
Ib* hotel will
lljiTiili|1)ltir •” K. Wrlfblal
in appuiwau aad aSord
BM hiMa of Hr. aaa Mia. Ktddar oa fenateaedla aary law boieUueuide
Blfblb Blnrl

’blab wlU b* a r«b' adaaolaff* lo tba

Vatli of wadall^ iba balldlaf
■wndlalbaaeraaraf Fraalaad OlvRta.QatMLa
■dibal laaewatdarMNdMaalalultaU. bu baaa faataa
-Uaaellb* aa.____ __________ _______
' aiad wbaa oaaiainad iba baUdlai
a**® D«kB aad Walhar aaeh bapt*.
uM with*®. The BBoaioa prav^Md
C. fl. Be«aa wUI h* htrad by tb*
aba baUdli
lb*aaw*|tu«B(%.Ua ularFMAM
Jeba Kyaatka and O M. Prafi arUl b*
HH«bd ta iMb wav tta «aaM®

New Spring Shoes

■n r ■ Aibtu

aaaoBae* to all bar frieeda
iboarb abab
aba ba.
•a tpaclal
for walarv •aba w
■I day* (orppealarv
<pr«i»l.**aem bad iklrd fnd*
ab’iw enrj

darie( tbr
tlBuuawUlbebBU at Oraac* ball,
iivllu of bal*. boDB
Tbanday. Friday aad Balarday of tbla
lleerj atyle* u rood, priee*
plau tor aejr addlUou to lb* Board
**aakb)«faalataida. B.
iM aad Blawoad awau
taboo] balldlBfapalmMr* la ktodly aolleltad
la Batarday BajaUbartaiaW. A. Daaa. F I. Walbi
F M Aabloo. Tr*varu Oly, Mich.,
Ml*. Balrabu baa* apaadUt aad F. B. Jloer* ubBllud plau aad
14; Pnwl •uwl. oppatito WhItiBC
wlaiar wUb lb* tanlly of b«
Mr. Deaa'a ullaai* wu
m. T. T. Baiu
M.Ud aaab; Hr. WalkarA aad
F M. Hear*'* wuBK.BM.aa.
ilMdaaliw Faek el tba U. A 4
All uldltn aad aallora that aarvad
Hr. Hoorat Wd for Ib* dtafUac of
wmtit dlaydaylat bt* trala -UA
la tb* OBlaB Army far ku day* or ®ora
PmMM*af iwo BiBiliii aad a bafcaB* plau aad aaparlBleadlac tb* jab wu
hoBaamdad le® thaa 1*0 aaw
aar.aUbaaaiUaltoaa array of baad IHporeaalooUaeul of oaaat Iba
ta Jaaa Mad. 1114. be or hi* wid
balidiaftaad *). paroaal apea lb*
Mui ■#« FatetaalnUi^a«.
olbar. laaladlac tb* aaparvUaa. Bo- owor eblldrwa M aeiltlad lo aaoorh
tfa laa bu baaa<laMad v
IKbl. ■oraJaad to aah* ap tb* l<u aarw
Mil aaltlamml. wbatb® be proved
r. BtaadM. of Oiaad Baplaa. wbo oa- hk plau aim off wdad aa utta
abaadaaad bla bo®a*uad elal®
«a*ta la pal U a Baabor of laprova at reed draauleu aeaa lha dnl
■OM. aad Bl Iba baW ap la toed
**apatarlbaaeulBc ruonataa.

Darin; tfi* paat Ten Caya wo bave been;
our immense etock of

We Want
Shoe Trade


Good Shoes
at Low Prices
will ;et ii

For K*n. Women and Children.
Has'* Hifb Cut River dboa*. up aelea. loor lutb
OblBad aad waur.oar prlev
Never aold lor 1a® Ibao K tv


Carpet Department.
Now is ths tims f jryou to buy your China Mattings.
Our regular li2c Matting, sate price .
Our regular 25 cent Matting, sale price
Our 35 Matting, sale price..................................................

25C ^

Another extra good one at 25 cents, for.....................

17C 3l

Heath & Milligan ManTg Co's, best mixed paints; L
X. L. Eoof Paints: Wright A Hill's Linseed*Oil; Sbipman'astrlot*
ly pure White Lead. Etc. We are always in the leawl, and It
will pay you to get our price before buying.

Tba LedluArtdolIrbtvd wnboar linav Horyaia dboa* 'Tts dlfforcatnyl-waalael tro®. laee e* boUoa aaw ttyl*
ra at n ta 10 pv <jo
Hr*, r. H. Aabtaa bu bau able 1
aaaon tro® Oeri KaeU A Co. <

• ‘
• • a ■lady
y of .upMaaoa
la MUliaafy w«rk. oaa of abatr Ant
eku'irlBaar*. Aba will b* plaaaad
W ®ui lb* lad®* a( Ttatotu Qly
al Hra. Aabua'a ®imaivy . .
aad abow Ibau iba Uiaai atyU*
ba®aadba®Ba®, A aban afvowr

DoB*t fers«t wa ar« th* HBadquiutara for Booda

A Look WiU Me&D a Sale.

Th* Pf^Mlar Shoe Bona*.

The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Go.

mill iiiiiiiumkiiHiu'^UUIIILIIa




.toulii ^ymamm HBEAlP. MAiai >ft. IW.
^SaMIgwraMTtaaBns Olp IMp

Qrand'Traverse Begion.

fern *Wm« *i


*5!teir—,. -

to 'Tb* WrtM>r


iltoi J-aato Baht, ud

:«ato* JobMM •pmt ■ta bOBi
•uhA-r Aadanostotoall7'

Mia. Fred HtaCotdtoaiekvnb gripB. J. aolloabaali 4reaa to BeUalra
W. L. Frlah aad aOM diora to CalkMkaPnda; eHtb ter> BapU CUT
W. L rrtab dfoea
^Mia-W, U


[airnp bcHg, who
ceaUp. tan torn- T ia what,to khowa
aa the CTLaarp boaaa.

la W got hi
itraa ecaaatBg aeraoh
[kt waa aafa.
Tha a

1 Joe fhAetlaa were
aek UebHde'e boma Tbolr maar frtetea
retberlof a lote of atoo.----------- ....
Jola la-tohlog Ibam a happy lila.
Mr doaaep la traablo haetaaedto
Then we. e oorerte aoolal bald at
D W Froau oa Saiara baoedt of Bet Mr
atteadiaea waa act aa large aa it woald
haaa bSaa All arj ipsd it aad tfat raeaipu wan aboal T-

the grip, bol
M. aad Mn
dtated It'fram Pelar Ea^t.
from a trip to
I good asm ol mooep waa tabaa in
Mr. Y< taaa mod wife baee
tba (I tod Templan at U
raeeatlp eaoaled bp A. CarBora ^ Mr. aad Mia. Anhto QaAla.
glecB at Mr. EeUy'a A good
Mte 0«trada HaerUttoworbtacat
Hr. Bsebaa to anloailp til
I alek with aearlet leeer a Ie >
Mia. H. A. Oolrarb.
date, with doabu aa to bis i..............
. U aeari.
Hn Baebaa la gattlag tauaraad the
8. roiar aad J. SoUlraa drora
babp to ImproTlag.
' 'MaatoOlrlaataraalBf.
Mrt. Krante. her daagb'tarate
Hlaa Srlle EeUp wlU Itaea fur De­
it-law, of B'------------------troit Wedamdtp. whan aha goaa toi
L. Mr.
medical ireaimeai- Bar farolhw Sam
___^ Traraia* Cllj Mot.Jimmie Spleep bad the mtofortaaa tr.
J. H B MUtorto
r to auaad tbc Ha
- aenn lejarp recaletd a
eSecta of a
Brat ‘unorb^bU*f
aga. Ha waa atraek la the
Or. Barba aad Lawrar Boatlac of
aek. Be UI
ras wblab waa bslag atad at
BOB by a was
waia ban oa baalocaa thU
itprtogpola. It fl.w witbgraat foeett
•oentfag Mr. Millar’s face ate Mar
lag oat ala iratb. It waa a aerp earThe poBpg people of Yeba war* to raw eaeaps from what might tan bssa
ura a -debate Satordap Bight, btti laataat death.
dobaKilaoe. «rbo baa beaa anfafed rwlBfiuihe auirm they poalpor ' '
lalhaahlBcle mill, {irti
Sooth Arm.
Mn. J &. BaiioB to oa lbs alek list.
It looka aa U they might for
Wa are glad to nport Hn. B. T.
Prop tatto.
Mboot eight lnehMoraaow fell latl
M. J. Hanoo to ooaAaad to the beo
A. O. Falrbaak* to baaUag loga to
Satardey; the brae leal >oow faU ataap
QalMb aamhar el ear dUaaaa laarr oaeUmriB all wlouw; It makeagood
Carl Btatlaga ate wUt want te TnaalBlgblBg BgalB.
srac City tba tTtb.
Mra. Joha HeDooald to eerp tick.
A. Katoer baa boaght tba OrlStb
rbedoclorwaaoelledlaatFrldap. We
tedar iroa TraeoraaOItT. oheraahr wtob ker a epeedp reooeerp. The other Plaoa lot of M a—
tea baoa U1 tor aome tima-t
Mr. aod Hn.
eleb oooe are all gaibiog at praaeni.
Tba tea nar old daorhtar of Mr.
Hte. B. J. Ueao ealled oa her father Tniena aty the ITib.
ate Hia. Warras HlUn »aa barlad
C B. aad Hn W. L. Ptap araot
aod to eay good
. iMtTbBiaAaT.aplBmlmeaUirltla beU« pcaMday for diaper
oye. ha^ba morea to Traearae City to- Tnnraa Clip jmUofiMj.f
O. D. Hamm«ed aad Hanp Aadea
Tkfm m qalu a KnlT Uma at the e^nable.'
•eat 10 TnTf.iae CItp
got a
I aeothera pan of the slate wber> tick. U able to ta aroaad again.
■a bote,
that eroold aeorpt a M
- tMKritrelaomloaea
Bit daaghior aod other ralatlea*.
prosed from her roeaat 11*
>a loohlag well; game the trip did him
- ----------------btaeeated A. R
thriatamtarl tha Oorlph Pate------------



twLf3C:S'..rKS=UK.Charila Ponar took atrip loLaaalag.
Mist Ttama of Opakama attaadee
ehareh Saadap-T.9 eaadaiBoaielTraaoraaCltTwaa
HllloeOota aad tamtlp ban
back to their homa
JtAa Haraball baa boaght a
r. to terj mack woiaa.
Jeraep cow ol Ctopv Johaaoa-

ttraa bp HoL Aadaraoe el BIp

Oeorta Hall baa raUiaad tram tte
anrtaaala. when ba tea baaa toerUaf

Mra. M. Maetonhr ate ter atoter.

M abla to be aroasd
I. b Blmao u Im'prnlag earp fast
>m the bad cot he got with a law.
Oap Tbompaoe aad Oaorga Uaaal
hanflotobedeattlag weedlor Ihawib-

Mra. H. 0. Blotefote aad daapbter


MtB Uaorfo Oarn^of^Tiaeoraa CUp


ate Iteidap of laat emk.
Tte Mlaaaa Oara Oaartar aad Mabel

ate Will naartmr nlled .
la tbto aalcbborhood Snodap
Mra. WUI Oeo. »bo baa beoa rUlUar
Bar aaratta. Mr. ate Mra Priek of
Sartb MUtea. rotaroad aoma Koodap.


B. J. Bama
Ohio for tta U
leg hto pareeU ate f

i ,„Vb‘,rs:


Will Btojamla baa hired oat ta w
for Hr. Oarlate of tha Paaissato

t^teCbtoyfor tba »aat^. Tb#

f AJ


Tta people aboat ben
brra an moeUr im
ranrlag tram the grip, aad ae OM to:
sorry to tan that geBtlaaDba taha hto

f^t^Pto tato m;ra^atday

ai5." sr.i’at
baraaUa^ '** *Stota2^ra **

’ Bidrooni Suits, Odd Beds
and Iron Beds.^

I A class la ehrsisiry bat been orgaa- ‘
aad rrwtn
at « o'clock...................' ‘
,I lied ..
school hoaam.
jraiorj of the w:bool


Jfclaoe oleaOB Itea tbealekllal.

Hn Baakle baa ratnroed Iremberl Mn
Fraaklln madcaabort s-Vil*)
ralara trip to Taaacacc.
ta •> Sanborn a. comlog from Tranrmr
Hr Obarlla aad Mr. Jobawio of Binr :
V'* "A“«‘«g Sunday
, •;
•m sron hen oo bualaaaa Saturday- , Mm Maggie Aodrraoa of TraTerae>(#
Two boiler maken *«>“• Mab'alre j "Up a Jormr^lnchrr io our achowU.
tibia place.

ioswaua.on'2 That W6 EFe mating some very attractive prices on. If you
s'-y© money l-'ok over our stock.
Writo a postal card for our Baby Carriage or Bicycle Cata-

A aiaamcr waa accD oa taka Hlcbltaa eff sireplag bnr ^01 laat lliaraday. golog aoutk.
B Fiaber went U>
■day U> allead the f-i
ral of
bar atoter. Hra tarab A. Ri *1 oay ereoiog.
it was a ancial
Piaber to oow tbr only lirioi member I
ofhar falbcr'alaelly.
I taMrfu
ly drap d Uy.
It to reported that Ur Terbelda of I aod yrliosr waa area er.
naera City baa trsoed hn wood',
w |.'r ml
by M;

’li^Vr^. Mta'“4

,r.T^Vr.n,:i-.,K jVl<>eues. rmy different styles Baby carriages.

Another ploeerr baa left oa. Mra
•rah A. Blog ol Empire, anlerof Mra
.. G Plaherof Ibia plaoe. paaaed away
iMt Toesday. Mm Kiogwaa otroio
Btbarg. tawla eoubty. N. Y .
«. ItJl.
Id 1»M abc
father mod Immllr morrd to til
lau, aba warn married
They lieafl at M'oeo
an then mored V> PdO


^innCiiy and ^

se if tinrt r-----------*

! tbrougb tbe woo la hranpord bu i<

of tSni
aiekora b
vat of aid
cable dlaehi
bla mbaenee Mrs. b-i...
Klog .ea^ tor her
family of small ebUdreo ariiboui a

r 5?;

t-rA- L.A,A




ai.g I.UI 11,tj Ihr sunn.-.. ,.f fbr eight j ^
,a tiir.»,rf. C.u'.f..tuf -d from lor.r i fc

124 Front Street,

Traverse City*




t 1.

by iworulh.rd

Boys’ Knee
: Pant Suits from
; $1.00 up.

B^E'^eralls you I
ever Saw for only

= Long Pant Suits
$2.60. $3 50, S5.

Grand line of Sbirts i
at 19c. 26c. 36c. 60c. i

25c, 50c, 75c, $1.00, ft.25, $1.50

Largest line of

Bike Suits. $3 S0.Uill.S5.5O.
Everything New—Ko Old Stock.


in this Judiciai Circuit.

Espcciatlj low prices oa





Undertaker’s Goads

- - Mich.

SellB the Very Best

i.porir t
.. ooBid
..laid be. Mra K
Kcgwillbsg wi
drei.ed ,
_____ itaered by her maoy ffirprla
• .UBda.cti...
riiich will Or Ibr j
-.rnthful. hoarai. aelf aacriflciog i
aopie womao. aod ad atinpathlxr w
bcr family lb t
Dl. ..................
Aunt's V,,.-.-



^ r«

>. iber
Mra. K ageodurad tbr bard
ahipa aad prlealiooa locldeai to lhr',i,.,og,
aHUemenlot a new oocoiry. aof wa*
tlwmpa ready to load a briplog baud (
tta alek aad needy
SDe waa tb
mother ol aiiir ebudree. three of wbi.i
bad died pneluaa to b'cemlog ber.
of ^_thr I
r ol
tbe Ineca two aorta aad f-uir daugt
icm'io moora her lose I'or srrrn
yaara Hn King b
aeallb, and f >r ibr I
yean bar
itaca abe
Krrwkah h-.lgr. .No f.-i. w.i.i
cblldrrn. She baa
ta.trr aoc.. 1 at tbrlr ba.l M In
wife aloe - the drai
ng. AO'I IH
.Surp-r >
bcr boabaed, eight yean ag«,
sbe was teoderly cart-d lor. al:i
at (Imas It required murb patinic



J. W. Slater, House Furnisher,
iteO Front Street

oSil‘T,r.'''S..7r'iS r

J. B. Onp to aboet tkraagb with bto
wlatar lamberittg aad aaptaaast him
•elf aa retey for eprlltg.
. jBdantaad that Wtaltp Warm
haa raated the Uttlaleld boate aad
wUl more Into It for the aammer.,
Cbariey Valley, wbo baa baas a
lag ban for aboal two poara,wUliobarn to bto borne la tta oaaUra part of
is a few daps

OUnr lamaa tomaeh pitaaad wUb
tta Horthport aehool. wblab be to
Hr. Hoe bastaan haallvate pW
tiag spice
Be geaaail the wap to
Northaort after It.
Jobs Jehaaca eami bomi tram Oete
Barbor. wbon ta hn b
taallag.laat Bataidap.

[ We Have a Full Line of^

mbaraara rxiaaatej tu
The lad let of tbo Balia! 0
ra bor.
Sbe tad
aridc circle^of (rfooda wbo «at>D(l, -errs a Iteeotdlaaer lathe
lelr apm^oi^ to too altlcr aiubfmmUy ta.inccuooday.
UiaiBg talbrilocHof tba
dm W’bitr. ibe bgtat aobool
, clt-srd daring leal
>1 w

Tha Cedar Run Soa-lsr echo 1 ■
mralatlbc cbaorl buocay. Apn.r
lor tbe parpaac of reorgaa
»-oe I
Saadap aebool sort rlecnog ■ fll era I
orsiagpear. Eeerpbod) iaicrr
F. H. Beeetip atoitad friaada at Lmbc •
reqaaBiod to ta preteav

last Friday
Mro Bea Blabp aod daagfatar Belca,
Hr. OUl-a aaw mUI haa btaa ry
who ban brae rtolUag friaada ben.
tan retaraad to Uter boms la Olaa torawaok. Ibeagh It baabraa
roagb waatber aoma of tba Ura

Bte. Oatmaa to baldlag raeleal maaV
Jwalatba M. B ohanh. Mia.Te«rB.
lyW Oaibama to balpUg btm.
a. K. BrtahmMi ate Prod Cartto atock of mliyeerp goods nta pan c
■■I mar «fom Dk Btpida oo tba lee lb* room eortpled bp tbaatear ' ‘
MatBaalap. Tbep oaaas anr bariat
MHaaaartoai Uma. ate aalt vaeoee
Mr. aal Mn. MeOoee an mo
. mMM hataaafWla. bat rna flaallp tbel-e«<f their letaat aoa. F
eeratoea were bald at rta Orng^ ,
to-dap. Se*. Cnoe oSMatlag.

- Ste dTdiftafts^yi^sis^

I. wbo bat been

Last Saadap was the dap te roragasBd Bmotp aad family ban rataiwed
borne after BB abieaaa of all wtatn latlba Sabbath aebool. bat owing to
Mr. Gmeep is doleg eatlom griadlag of tbs bad weaUtar but few won oat. ao
It waa poatpoaad aatll bottar waatbar
grala mra a weeb.
Tba ebampioe load of polai .
braoght lato Cedar Boa last Tbanday
y Aavdea Nawmao. ate warn sold to
HgEUap lor
baler Best Saadap.
Urn lam of Sm «».
Mr. aad Mra. I. P. Whlta araea the
Cbarlet Korrto lost a ealoaUa bam
tick II
% few dapa ago, oaa cl a Saa team of
D. V
blackv TbU It tba aaemid Uma Hr
.Yorria baa bad thU matetad laam broBatter aarelenal the Coag^ ehareh
oalag aa aaUn t
m Sandap enalag.
William Eiubea had tha
I loar ooe of bto borra.
School begloa oae week from lo.dap
to worklag at tba caw
with George Clrmeot teacher.
Mn. U H 0 Clemeai aad Utdd-grateIra Wtaato .
te Kaawtok ate
M> reloroed from BarrieUa lo-dap.
ack laal.waeh.
The W. B. H. S. will meet oegtwaak
Oaorga Barnard la at wock at tba
-Tbiuteay with Hio. 0. W. Fraliek.
twm;i,fmMr 0111.
Mtoa Stella Bammood of Loog Laba
Fresh StaBord. wbe hn baaa s>lta
waacaUlDgOa friaadala towa lo-dap.
1. la gaialag slowly.
Tba C. B. 'meaUag Saadap enalag
CharUa BUbtatW ba
ill ta lad bp John ClaBi ad Bmtar
of kllllag a Saa gnp toa today.
Mr. aod Hn. Daaial_Mpm
Hitt Zrballa Bcbart eloacd berccbool
mond from
in Bmolre Pridapaod to epatetag her
aa Ida Splar’____________
eaetUoB at homa.
h la bar horaawortt lbs

Mr.ate Hr»B.J. Brtakaoai
Tianeac Clip t»4ap,
laal FrMap ta Tiaiarae Qtp.
bcea atoltlag tria-'
WMSald Allaa ate hto atolar.
^MttaBdaptaOid Mtoatoa.
M B. Walt ate B. J. Beiabmaa an
. tl wdl ta attbehemaof h
B. {torrp. Pnday. AprU ;.
teaMag patatoaa to Traeatao dtp
MlatMalUa WalltoboM oaaahpn
Tba eagalar mea'iag of tta Oeag'l
aaMMaalrem Baaaoato. «ben aheto
borah will ta bald Satardap aftaeooa. Gommaaian tba Saadap follow-


J. B. Hogalaod aad aoo ban W

tojibot ta^diitg^^e^wair for I

aad Sod tbai« are aot aa aiaap b
aa waa thoaght at Artt.

Capt A- E
Mia. Jmoar -------- -----------tolag to Chicago aod ban
•anr^ poaM hlfh aehool popUe
^MTiavanaCftpnra a^raalap roher spring i
abc taagbi
ftiM aaaatar.
^ow etorm haa made good
Frask Saplor tea parobaaad i
alalghlag agaie aad aow the tai
wUI ha baap drawing
Bearp Doae la aaderbrashiaf aad
gattlag retey to dear a pleeeoflaad
whara the bsaoUlal rate to to tha bar-

aaarartoltlacat Mra.
- Mr. ate Mra. Arabia Muro eallad or
- ■

- BO laat Tboradap.

“««*hlto. Me., o
llaa. wrira that hi



Bae. Mr. Oaram
Mehat U tha t

...... .

Parfeetlpamts at oaeb vltaU aoallB't
Mte LtalaE
KoanrfMto. Al ary drag atma.
thaa lha W
to IteaammaL _
Mia. Baatar. who
there's an
wUi baaid at Mr. I
Blab aritb tba grip, to
Ketoaa child dim where
»tea former- tails.
Tba aann taU at tha Oaato'aabael
rdtad Ire
Ir bare IcnratraUp haa i_ ...
.oaaa biardap ratalte la tba a
car tram Cedar Baa.
Hr. HapM of Gtoariraela ana U
atleaef tba aama oMaara aa n
li JoLb Mocia.wIU Isa^
B-Thomra madaa trip to Tn
Joha W*U*r to M ib* atok Itoi.
atp Tbaradap.
_________________to rarfng to Glaa
Oartto Vavtor to ts>7 lU arttk lha
torn lo^. wbraba wlll wo^k to '
a Haddo aad Mtoa Taaa Cordaa
Hr. Dap the eeatlag pear.
la Iowa Friday.
■Ill leeain a two wsaha’ to
Jmtfk BatoaMbM aaalaaUa:
— -|tterwUlaaeoatpa«pUi
baraalW iraak.
*■*«*«**««»«« »;•
iticr FrbUp Bight.
■la. 014a of Tnaaraa Otr
ate tbap will ta able to eat it.B B B^rm la oat agaio. attar to
BOMX e< Mta. Jeha Lafdla.
Loals Zialak tndad h»aw
Wa Iran aaerp to loare of th
Hn. 0. C Tbomat ate Eatia Hof
If Ike Obanfaf of Old Uie^oa.
r Hr. ate Hn HcOooa-a baby
ta wan Bmpin atoUara Tiaiadap.
' last SalBfday *■
Mtoa Oalap Jobaaea apaat a law dapa
TbatnmoBtbaoldtebpbnof Hr.
laat weak at Arabia. U« g*nt ol bar
Id Mrs Jobs SbanlE dlsd Bataidap
•Btar. Hn. Fraab Baobaa.
Wto ZoBlab aad hU ateea. ^ BaIt aerp akk.
aa Zialek. of Btat Jordam'-bn ib*
r Marpto
rp. Bto
paaau et Hr. Boaltk'a brothar Fnab

Hia-BeaWadlllaad daarbtara Lila
pm4 Hake^^ Btoaraitb are eUltlaf aipM
Mia. WIU Oaa rataraad to bar baae towD laat w


•a tbaa aar oibar a<|- nradica to i

aCOUl waMtelkaaira 0«p
Leato lamas al OUlb Pto wM
Mr. Batten wrat taTiaatra\pltp

«;i^ •!!! m

S. BENDA &jC0.
, 124 From Street


Traterse City, Klicti.

But we have sot the contract to dispose of uncUimed

This i« usually let to the lowest^bidder.


wa* let at this asylum for #1.50 for those sent to
Ann A rbor aod ♦2.‘»0 for those buriird here.


contract specificatioo require a ptam hospital case
aad outside box.
tractor (3.00.

Tbe ^rave aloac costs the con-


Ir it not fair to presume that this


^osa » made up from those who have money to pay.
It Ui^cuBtomary to scud tbe r< mains of patients to
the contractor who disjw.kes of unclaimed liodics un­
lew thd medical superintendent has Itcco instructed '

Crescent Chainless Bicycles 5

otherwise prior to the death of the patient.

Free Hearse .to my patrons at Sutton's


Only $60.00.

and vidnitj. in care of John Deuster.

Stoek of Uadertakers’ Goods at Maple City,
ini care of Ryker & Chance.

324 Union St.
Telephone 92.

Residence over store



1 F'lp oa rr.-«.'..|>t H •'ic!n
ftatortto kri- Dbri-r alopi^d ia Cri-gcrafa uotll 0
uts-’d th* .-iji-riiii-niHl Ufa;,'• Vetooeou bk?e MruiKi the

(be repotbUoa
repDtatioa of 'beiox
t —
f prit-r.

Adult Chain Models, S35.00
Juvenile Chain Models. - ^.00
» ’QQ nsAoa-els ITo
OIL Eb ilix'bi-bdoj . •



C*ll Aod exatnine IhetD and get b btaoHrol Crteceit Catblog which explaiw is deuU
C'rMovot cofulractioa. Every
^ C>
ik goArABbied. Aik CreioMt rUani-HbeF am
rtobl experiese*.
t^ll yoa abuat their etaad-sp qiulUic

CHAS. J. EBNER. Agent,

• H5 Caw Street





Traverre City, Uich. S

j •ad tha


• iwah«<tk*tfM4ar'* flfhtlat. »•HNWtMrt* Wn bM« Uta*.
raw tertm 1wt« towi cat la «ira a»4

nwwsi esrasr. ;

0MUrda<llMnWan>rltla • irtMfolor tra* M ll»»>ioa. *lll> lira■■MfWanllweUw rad Mralla,
r rad Papoy la lb*rara. Tba raWi
nWot raaaatbUMkn k aioatlwel

>. to wltbla aUty yarda at the

teS.Tm-c'urririi*:: wis

aaaiberiay exactly li.1
aaldiora la tba ereriaeaa of Saatiaye
rad Paarto Hriralpa era aera to afraa ranaa.
ably, labaa tba raaolatioB '
iladtail- did ael debate It.
| k. iracaaeaw^rawniiafccDi. Krr.e'a
lit. prebabl. that OuaW Braak.'
bmtbn--eat Sra U. ibH-diet Jaatlea. lylU all'Jadyaa aad eira «aM d«aaM paifeet M Huaera

Kaapara of LadlBytoa rad Poiat Haable life aariay iteuora bare boaa or
dared^toopce tbeir statioes sad ooaitekauMi ihctr craws oa Taradsy. April
4. at audalybt. There is bow bet lit
or alooy tbe Mietalyaa shore

lewB. Thay g»n e (net yell pad tba
n-ipMep «r«ra pule PlrMrra. Abut
ino Had OM lha wblta Hw
T tbera ia the (nubra
Ooleral Paailaa. with iba TaraatUlh
ppup. avpn poraap tb« rlrar
oae piaetdaet. Tbla eeert will bear tbalwertuwKitBirlBlMrd. ItiayalsH*
tared elfbly priaoaen with pU Ikalr aad deddc aU appaak. wblcb were ter- the Um.^eafkM Iba Hoed M leaea tbe
rarlnrai oitrly aeet to »pala ler daekloa. rad
eapiarad lor<y rabalp By tbk^oia there will be M appeal hoot lujedy
4; no Use OT'earensiB sUtsBlBt: (be
ibP PHIpioop' S«bt WPP draorpUtad.
rr ItyimUlhr ponaraTSsiwridaep.
TbP AarrlraDP rdlrpload froa barbTba dktrtbetlee of tba ft oou OOO
Ika loarariat tnaebw U tba odcc el
Ira for wkBsK'u. In •raMosrswa^
tor UaHlPP pad pra raptlat thara to- amray the Calwe ireoea will probably
sl«, X V..
.lkara>ad*wralo.rlprt d.ep
plyU. Oeoerpl OtU' briirada k eroop- beyln erzt week.
rl to ikisa
«arat.M • gBoi head ra>nIPf p trpeawork brtdfp. Oala'P briy-Adrlora! wbo^rtaa*
tTaablaytoe. Mareb
AaorMra trae^ edraand io doabl*
adp raaplplPf Ob Uip popUi brakol frew Cuba raodrrd by 8eoor (Jaeaada.
erd«. roUloc dpraplj-. rad
tba rtarr.
which be reyardt aa traatworthy, arc
■rtaiitly drappfaria Um rrara i
The I'l
the Cebzo aeaewbly will d:ianlae
akaWM p
bafora the red el the week, prebably
wn oal «r Oder I mise 1u tx PtoTTr t- mi
VHT. HewUlhsderernJilrblUr.awlse.-t-o)
p (or tba vooda.
Haleha ladiapanad. baIM Hera • Cetdee Molsal Itererefy. •ad I
bourn bisca I uoppH USlS( It •>M
llraloy IbPt Iba »"al •It'oUra ao
«o< rrarsfc T haw aot tskae asr laedK-tar oT
SSI tlsd. aad tear bars ate- IO work rerr> .!•>
aanira the allaclraeaol tba tarily. It-will e

radraeaily opralay of
lookee for


BPtlata will ba alter tbay bara rarair- Jadyneot. to a |
object laaaae ol tba daarkpnp' aSplra la Caba
tptly la tba alybi Uaa

ly pad buniPB

I .fraet. tba

tba tewp of

tand today Ja trae. tba aate body
«ha Uaa pra tbae oppoalte Morp-'
tba auay baa ratrealad to Mplidoa.
lUbPi tba pfWIaay pdraaelay ptceya
TbaabaUlatof t'prraaqaa waa pot
raad tnia LaLwa to'KetpUaPa,
awraaaarrylprpaatooa brldyaa. tala-


BMfea boa bprslay taau laarkad tba
lira «( adapoaa.
datbalapeap .. .
hanaUMan,lad by Oblaaaa. Waybl
latbaaraudad. Tbaaraoadad *<
raaa aWarad Ibalr lajarira braaalyi
oMoltbayraapiraabroacbt io
la« ••Oowpdaa.- The PaaaayV
traopa took alaa erlaosara. PBopy tbaai
pffnatBaked aaptala eftba Maeababaa Mbp.
Oaunl Hadctbark dtaWoa eaaakttPB ad tba brtffPdaaol OUa. Bala aad

Boakela. Dec aailec aaai
Uirawoeaded. Tba Ho^aork tbu
dralroyad hpl( tba towa. loeledlay a
ilia. Marab ;7.—Yaate>^y..UrB.
Lleyd WbeatoD took tbe towa of '-UeMalaboa. Tbe rebels
atfoeyly eatreeehas before It aad ibera
WaaaabarpdybV Thera was a ba
waatof Halleultuv la tbe day.
wbieb tbc rebels were reatad sflar
■oerotdena fiebtloy.
Jiaw York, Hareb
The Joareal
today prlau tbe (ollaelay.
toB&y bKoey by mail to be cabled
there Id order to aroU eraaorablp
at MralU:
"(icDerat Oik.belora the dytatlay ba-

wylitoara in tiao. Tbay eaptarad
*a Meat el Pole oed Baaatieka ea
tlwla(l,Ak Praaeko dal Uoata and
■arpataa ea Iba riebt aad elearley
ttanW tna^M la treat ot tba lira
aa, -aaealatd a eoiaauBkatlaa tren
MClb <raa Iba riara to Oaloeeu.
AyBlaaldo. tbroeyh OaBaral Bioa. Iba
Tbay bora alaeaaearod peaaraal
Sprakb eaptalB yaaeral. aslday U tbe
tba fpilnad. praeUatlly eoniralar <ba
.werloaaa badray prepoaals to aaka
Howor ad Afa>BaUOk araa at Malaboa
a tbe laaaryenla. OaaenHMali
aW U tba feet hlUa at Biocaloa. tiaradaralbatblrdar.
ttitary. tba HeaWaa. Eaaaaa. Praa•ftaaalp. Kakraoha. Wyaotiar. Oolatade. futb Dakota. HlaaaaeU aad
Brafna aetaaiaafa. Third. Poartb.
baiaataratb aad Twaaty-aanoed rayaIan. Iba Dlab primary rad a haUalioa
ad the Teeaty-tblrd rwBlam.

Uraila. Mareb r.-Col. Heary C
Bybart of tbe Tweoty aacoed reyslan
wpt killed yaaterday
when Uraeral
Wbeatoe'a brlfada took the towa ol
HallaU aaar Hakbea. Bla daaUi
affacUay. Ueoeral Wbaatoo.
wbe WBP by tba dylay etaa'a aide,
barrd bir bead aad oald: “Voe bare
tbriayb tba nbai llaaa. aatUay tba dope nobly."
woBBded oAoer aaillad (alatly
aarayb faraaa ia two. Tbc Amariaa be beard tba pralce ot bit
aaaa«rad WUya with Mbla .
pad nobad (enrard. rarrylay erary er and raplled. -<ajad by. ya
thiac- Oaaa tbreoyh. McArthar'a db dona I'b taoolA"
Cotoeal Eybertbad brae
•kdaeawBBC le tba lalt. drirlay Iba
el tbe r^alar pray for to , .
Wbaatoa-i brtyada resalaad <e tba Be was Bade a eoloaal of rayelan latt
Jaly, aad trap etade a briyadter ot
.later. Oi Deaattbar I teal
iBttered oat as a brlyadlai
MataboeoW t
r Tallabu. bat yaaeral ol aoleatov. aad look oira

f xr.—


tto Awricaa brlyadM tvapt ibaeeaatry alrar aad eaptarad aad doatteyad
Muar Irum Uta PUIkppteea
Pollowlaf k aeotber letirr Irem Dr.
A. TbOBpaae'a bretbrr Ctearlaa. who
ksereteyte tba Phlllpplaaa with lb
■ ftirid by Iba Iblebaaaa of tba Pirat Hoateaa eoloaleen: .
Jnda. JleActharb aad Hala-a alaSa
Hralls. Jraaary U.
wafnqaaaUy aadar a yalllay «ra;
bark la <iaartera ayala.
Ware ralleaed by
racaaceeraibythabaat Tba
for a while, at laaat.
rad Dewey bad a prirate eoafareaci
whlebnsaltedlaatart of teBporer;

Olh. Mad today: "liaeArtbar bolda
-Jlwtiaa. Thara waa aaaara HyfaUay
Opr apaaplltlop arert pboat

Hicbiyra'a Dead is Caba.
Lpaalay. Uareh H —Cbaa K- KlpDnyer. Hlekiyu-p rapraaaalat-ra In
Caba. baa reported to Ooaaraor Pla0 tbe work ot esbaolay aad
ol Mlehlyra
•Tba arork of

. wbieb hare added
. Ibb pro. Tba total aeBbar
ter U Sfi.of Ibii ansbea ;o balony A
Mlehlyra. Tbe toUowlay k tbe llrt el
PBOa. priraiea where aet deeiyaalad:‘ Joba U ma>oas. Co. bl ittb.
troe Moratalo; Qaorye a Und. Co D
»tb. CliotOB City, la: Dotes Taonrat.
OsK. Mtb. Amada;JobBOiiaar. Bor:
yerat.Oo. K. ltd. iron Moentata: Ao*
ynal Joeatoa. Oo. E. mb. Iran Meeetela: IWk J. Noeb. Ue. D. mb \a
yaaoer: Obas. H. CltBeas. Co >1. Mtta.
Cklemet: W J. Dolao. Co. D. ttu Oaloat. C a CbaBbertela. Oen«ral. Co.
.. S4th, Charlotte: Joke A- MeDoeald.
Co. U, mb. >oel Klyla. Cot; H. i
Uriels. Co. B. ittb: Peiar Baaa. Go. D.
ioba Ueyra Ca D. mb: Albert J.
■ra. Co. D. ittb: Thca. Uilbarl,
Co. D. mb. all ot Cklaaat: Tboa. E.
BaaactV Co B. mb."
KIpllnyar wkbaa tbe praaa to
BoUty all iBtereatad paniea that tbe
atepBer taariay oe brard tbereBaledthe bodira gr tba adldleri who
died la Ceba. wUI arrira la New Yerti
the latter part ol April.

‘rsW Trerct^ ^nris^^ SlSSa'a

Tbc other nay oet Is H'bren towstbip near Cbrbeyyra. a deer wbieb was
betoy persoed by deys Jumped
plekei (core wfaid. uelostd i^c yard
iairreioftv Amrairooi'sfsra ho-ira.
fbe deer aopearad to he tired-.u . suit
la aueatpuay to yrt oot of thr ra
eloanreyoiCBByhi in tbe p.eSrta. Mra.

uarsK oiBraoK,
<-raea rre<-.rer Oeastt. MM—s


salBsl from lu poaltMB rad was
koocked orer. bbeyot no anln. aad
aaearlsyanas. knocked of! Uiepi-kau belore It could release ltr.-lf

HralKoe coenly bps the ..oly large isll.Hj .O-Sl.. P

Ooek of Wild tarkrys left in Ihta stale..
There ba*c been sms I Harks ol •- to ifImported tram dIHereat pisres up 1«pt no .04 a.i-Hseo fciLi..n) c.i I a.
oorth. bat thr wild lurkcreseea last
week Io Ibis enemy wt-uid ladieate
tbk noble bird u OB the ia. r -aar The
MTcsotUs aCo a noa rixfbYaa
last aaow atm m rtrere Uirm oot of tbe
A larye loree ol workaara rad em
swamp sad aiaa* termers la the Itrar
pleyca ot tbe Braaab A Lay Herraoti a
1-skeaetUem-Bl bad ae oppariaeilr to
worked UlU tela Sstsrday i
Tab--iii.ii.s-Hiui 1-ml 11,1-Bil -Ht.-fiitik nlxiiit
taarisy oet sbriraa aad eoeolera la Ue
■ re Wrksarouod a shock otoshnsked
dry yooda departiaaat preparalo.
eora. while bis broie r made me coonl
m. irtber fanacn who saw tbrir
tonnarlyoceeplad by B. K IV:
iraeha tell tbe loeai taunters ibat there
area raaorad ud replaced by
are orer I.aim.
ee Tbc alairway laadlay to tte
Henry C. Ward of 1‘ootise owos a
oeel. Bear the
fdoaad ep
araUou loede term tn Crawford county cooWstfby of
l.f'Si serrs. Uebad io nor «etd Iasi
for tbeaddli
seres tf wbrai rad ryr.tbreshTbe aooth eort
ade-wsboabelstromliium bare •»>
will br I
acres apple orchard. He will coostrn<-t
a bsraaod uBdriyrouadalablts for M«
prearat a recy diHerrat appearraoe
vbal It baa deriay tba paat taw yeaia. bead of cattle; is wioterloy orer :i«i
Faeiny ifaefrobldlapLay wiadona will bead of cattle, bred twn Usl<oways rad
bea baedaoBeplPte ylaas eoanwr rad [Isrbsms. rad will bspid s two-story
tnsM) leei
abow ease, oaeoftbe aaw kM with
his terse tv-k of Plymoatb Rocks ud
rlara freai .tba tlwr to tbe
I'liiiijaw. .1 lit U-Kiln aijtl Hcris. Hi >:s.' (..r ..n-i
diay room for elaborate dkplsy Snff WrsoddtU- Ue fass s yraoary
Mswp tret, rad especu to sow
Aurr Cur« Liniment.
Excelflior Liniment.
oda. Oo the cral rad
seres ot wheat ibis season
Li(fhtDiQ(f Colic Cure,
Beat Pure Condition Powder.
. eoBoeeUay with

■ To Horse Owners and Drivers..



'■ i



I'talllpiisuklM' of Poettec. tbreoyh
bUsUornry hsscoiumea.ed a datusye
le addition to these Inprere salt sysiost the Deu-oil. liraBd Hareo
ipleic orw A Milwaukee railroad >?'>,-> h.
OBlfltof bradaoaie aicksi plsted Hs tisnkler was on treio«Kbe Ifllwaokee
Junetite. Detroit, about a ..-ear ayo.
and was pat off because be did not
ford more rooa aad attiactire display yire the eondncior hit lickrt when
of tbe eitcBsIre Uaas of dry yoods asked for It. A train from tbe oppoManayer Moalayue Is prapsrloy to a.te direction was sporoaebiay oo Ue
pash the dry roods dapartBeot rad oo adjoinmy tra<-k which lisukler did not
espeaae will be. apared le maklay It are He was atrnck hr the enylnc wri I
tinlte badly iBjurod
At times he bat |
been Intue rad is now cuofioed Io s i
More New BbUOUbxsrelreal. Tbe eomplalnsnt in the salt
Tbe bolldloy braiecei ia Trararea
ba arranyed betweea tbe main oHico
aiy tbk aaBBier will be
alee rad the ebetraetora are promned rad Ue place where Ue eaah eY's deib
in Ue crater ol Ue room a i
too of Bore arork tbra le
Tbia desk will ba remored
. paat. lb addition to U
raom for tbe cloak department. Many
taybBeatioeed ta tbe Hi
days ayo. of wbieb arcbltect oUer ImproremeaU besides
tloaed will bo made. The :
laea are eapacted to arrlta from Chi



Good Single Harness for $7.60
lAru.i Hies-rt'u.-iil of -lt.iU-» Mil'! Itlai.k.-U !•' is- --limMl
f..r Hi- s.-«a..|i «l If.-duittl I’rirvs


Mdlac sad Wslktnr P


- Some Women

tyo Cored,,.
The, were selected by JLIQUDt Ue beran,
laoeyer MoBUyne tiuriny bis recent'__________________ dren is s aecessarr
Tlslt u Caicayo ud ore Ue llnrsi period of yr*t pain and diMrera. ^ey
itouhl vhrUicf ray medicine cea rtlietc
tteir sufferiop. Tell mey they besiute
about Ukini those ioiurious ioicnul
AdtUUoa to Tonneuar Block
■BittBRa ao widely sold. But they aisy
Bcary Tonarlier baa bad plans prabralaaab eolleffp.
plaee tmplicli fsUh io ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
parwlforaa czunslee addliloa to the
of tbe Tonneller Mock oe Froat
■a raw_reaideoee la p»«<»rali
idryaadthedwelllay wUl be eo
strait. The adalUon k to be iTtf ' vfakb Is i aofteal^i. relazinc ud soefbwbaalalahed.
feet iaa seand will be built ol brick. ' ley liniaieat lor ectereal use. Ooubdne
ptete and
Hr. D«u nine prepared plana tor tbr- Tbe coairaei faaeWn awarded to Hill women should yef s boBlc st the druy
for $1. sod Ire
aproeeBeat la tba store of tbe .£ k
Ekpids Iroe Co. aad Ue work k com­
" i every liicUhood of its ssetny ft
I booKdpein. ^ * * ** *
OOB be
Brel Ulrty feet
Sererel new dwelllnya wj
hariay opralay from Ue asl
1 casree of ereetlac. Mr. D
raayad for a flaaly a
ooBpteted the pteas and la
a raadlay|
Ue eiwtrncte bare baea awanted.
•lory Ip bciybk It will be'
Ueae reported are: Xht
liybladtraaiaboveby a eircalar aky-!
I rraldeoca ot An. Crater,
IlybV rlybt feat la diamater, Aronad
Any adult suffriioe fromsca:d
eoatllhooia BSwnsldeBM tor Pro/. C tba akyllyht plpaa will ba arraoynd to
tied on tbe breast, brencbiiis U
ra alarut fouatain wiU a or Ion* Ironbies of any nsiur.-,
baaeUlBl saw borne ter Jaeob Fortaeb, spray la tbc oeater rad arTaayemenU win call at Jas. U. dobosoe's. Trs<
for the water to kaoe from a errire of City, or B B Pole,. Cadsr. wlll^ oreon ttlzU streak H.aoa
llr o'?
of Hos
BosHr.Dara k also remodaUay Ua terya
area'ad tbe elrele Io artistic for- tented with a uample bouir
ol ensrye
kU tbe fonetala. on Ue
one person.
Waablaytea rad Prrahlla alreeu. tor floor, will be a elreolar laob. which
, ebUdree wltl
Itboul ordet
Prrak Bamlltoe. Hr. Bamtltea baa
form a pood wfaicb’VmT^ e~
.throat or ‘uny remedy
la eontemplation aide a Hee new rennded by palms rad potted plaeia.
a sale as B-w.-hee'sU'ra
The fouaiala will be illnmiaeud with
elrllirrd worl/
eoirecdeleetrle iecaadrecenU at nlyhl.
ayo mllUoes of botiles
rsr. aod your druyyirts
ereaUay a yoryaoas effect
ue atrart rad will hr atodara In
IS sneoMa was marrelons.
Bealdes Ue above
m deeerlbad will tell
only Threat aad '
.w.., a,.,.,™.
k fiynriay on
feel la sUa
I by drelm ii
partwii' be esed fair a stable Tbe pr'.se Its ralue
I ,
by Aycbitecl l»ara.
black, for whUb be
k aaar.y ooBplatad i

.•. •





hrepital.' Ibadcbary^
reeerd for myaalt
sqoad by sbooUay oae native aad
unay two mere arosed wiU Maaaers

srj=.*.?-s -s: ittSssSS

Winter Needs

a.SsH 1 .-X.. *M
Mote IteBm
mrt m lu.-^ M IS. -M, 0.1, ..fiM Trewn.

Id Blankets, Robe, Cloies inf titleDs.

A Stable Blanket for 76c,and np.
A lai^ line of Wool Square BlankeU;
Pluab. Wool and Fur Bobea. all pHcoa

Gloies iDd litteDS in.all Crade ud Prices.
Trunks. SatebeU and Toleacopea to auit all taataa at


pricaff that inanre raady aalaa
1 am


irball.Ui-.iiiv lii»- nf

tiuno. whii-li ai.

uoudh. nil n*-tr a^rc-

.ffi-red hi lnwol puuiblt- |jri<-vn

m Freat Btnat.

Travaraa Cit7, Mlehlf^.

r andf^
‘ «p-ir

I wieb we weald yet late a yood
aad drera It faaek arltk eaeald<
sharp battle. Uee I think my show kor M^tar. TbayUUaaarly JOO
abciter Job wonld heyood. Since we’^
aatbaABd. Mrayprkeaaraaed
yet new ufflecn thinffs bare ehanyml
M«a wan eaptarad. Tea eolaaa eiU
Baltc and Helena bvys pow stand
pnra ea la tba Bereioy.’'
tlWTshowUan It tbry brimyed
Iba prefrfaa of Uaaeral Otk'
aaoUer stale while ap to Uc llmewfcc
saaya was mada they played favorite Thli te A nedidxW tkat eixras KerTwo or Urweot ns barcAad ear pk-. vonaacas. Urer
Bta btu belay rerarrad at- Ualabee
and Botrala.
tnrealaban.' Tbryare
a aaaaad Uair doryad retreat lebetJtiUebbst lobe had here I will
BUb and Blood Dtseaaea. MUird Malaloa aad the eomblerd (er
ouaamia. Beadachea. Coostipa•eadyoaoDC.
1 Isob preitr thlB In
trd BPrawat e( tba Aawrioaa
ton. cte. It rcBsotrra piropUa
Ur picture bat I welyk‘Od lbs. with
and BcautlOra tbs Compicaton.
DO weirbt of eloUre.
Csn stand all
kinds of fstlyne wlthont tirlay.
HnsIt eauaea tbe lirer to throw ed
Matebvo. dre mllea nreth of Ha -Ua.
clre are hard and Arm rad I Ml yaod
_ _ _
bks faliam bsek to Haiolos. iw. aty
sot bear anytbinyoto.rrry<arat Atil«BlimCDtlU7 vanass, i
BlleaaarUefMMlte.' rw Am>i.res
borne, only apae.latirr reawn. jingU of cffiate^e mtHXKM aod
Iterateaa avrad fitra Cs'evoae fmr
Tne weather t« flee, only a little hot eflM msdet> thsr Iwh.hir oB
■Has bwa Haalte le Ifarlte... iw-ive
The alybts. bowvrer. are raol amnfrb beiltby sioniadi axl bowcte. ’
■dIaaertbotMralte. Tba Amn
toalrepeomf wtaMy and Us moMinl
dcABaCfl a^^unto
iarward BfviBiat. bowavar, hat i
teeware aet ae bad as they a
a Haal ateadat
Jtaletea tba nest fartr-elykt b w
Onbra Arwv *•«■. DUbrat.
to become cl_
tekBMld demiM Ua Heal kaa'.
. Mareb M -Aa^
W^the poti^
W Amarleu toreaa are aet Ira *11
Baetiay dfCnbra yrorrals bps i


Blood' ond Liver Roioedi
and nerve tonic.

floor will br In two parte, for dold d*U‘M eouniHea.
Btornye aad eairlarc room. Tbe to oadatory will he lor Ipe storaye shd
bay left, wbiir a ponioa ol It wUi be
aai apart as l.vlay roooss for Ue porter
For labtau sad Cbildrea.
aad jsaltor of Ue block
TolswiI br aa eztei
.^mprore-1 Tki KU Ym Bin Ahnyi Bn(kt
mmi aod wiu oret about aa


apiUr sod wme tit-.y laaynayia

j____ -

TbarearemaiiMMofUe lohal.tra'o
ofU* Philippine Islradt who aerer


in bile. It cleans


It were:
treoaraia nraarer. pisraacarv
k uias.
afeaw that tba Intaiyeate are srmis Harnradea Esjaa, Hayla E«dr.H4e.
MHtra aeoU of MaaUa. whore IawOtis nraarka. "Uwtra will leak rat
Ira Iksra'
a aod Eiai'a bafy-

or tmpure

Fbra pnlek remedy sad ou U
parfretly rale for cnildrea let nan
eteelleat fat
UsyteUa i


If you are goiox to
dye any Carpet &aRS.
Dresses. Feathers or any
old thing.



Ua aaaara of Ua year wbra pnena. te yrtapn. aore Ureat; 00,1"^
--------- catot^ btoaeblU aad It
tnaiblsa are to ba ynanted apali
neUtey "k a flaa aabstitow.*- 1
■ Us ora lafaltebla rarasdr tor all
laay. Uraat ae brnaehkl tiratora la-


IVJiSVlu*.Ik«sm- w•» wwMre^ *"
•te W IS> MMSM W tSr SHU oMUmiras. iwlte

i4teday«fApnl. A.O.UM.

s!s;rs.tsr ssfo;? syrifiris
mr w Tiwwte Cua. BwM Trevww^—--

l^ey are tbe best We can sell you any
color you Wish.
White Babbit Egg Dye for Eastereight colors for 6 cents.


datHi. aad that U* aol- Bt tbe rOOt
b* allowad to aaoapt ibai It it pkamat to take and itt affect
afltothera by Ua I’alM Op tbe aTBtcu m
^ Md ia

re—t. .

If yt n barn a eooybr Ur
tetloo. weak lonys. paia ia _________
MR-v I. a Larasvira
difiealt breeihtey. ctobd
. ra
at beaisaaast. let as sayycat One Hlabte Coayb
Care Always reliable aad aafa J. U.

Do You Think Of Dyeing
This Spring?





t du plow, drag oM


OB tolruaa
yootooW- WaU. t will oloao ay letter
by wtoblag Ibo Statotoa Qab oigaato
and toa edlloe of the Voaag PMk'a Dw

If. S O. Bft-m. Bfltor.

■... -____


d. oad book tnm toot oi
[;:;r «r«M Ood^

. EBOwrOaottM.
ABOag tba caotoBootiBOod at avl*
arbyooae foBiUcB. B rory aroity eo>i
wbBTo there ore o Bosbor of eblldna.
to too -Sgg-boaV- Pv tbto parpaaa
BBor Booty eoloro two or llirca

A Cm tar o roleo.
•oeo to toeScBoLO tootqi
-Bad tbe atftat before Beeter bide
0 OBBber BTB tartof (oIobo. I b
or elx lor eecb eblld. oarwherv.
for foIcBt to too
ywbe>e, to ell aeete ef ptotoe la
Boratoc tbe ohlldraa otort oet oe
M ^^tbriU t. «h. «» Of BKOAi.e. Bed DOW I wish orery oee toe
wbo boo too popa weold eat it oot tbrir boot. Wfaee eBcb eblld hao fooBd otom, while tbe otbero
AadM^^lhOMMioWM of >MI- oad pat It wbore It will eot be fetfot' oUllhootoe. Thb flrto toeeblldrcB
OplrlB ef larpeattoe will etop o
It deal of pleaoore. eod It to rery

ooe tbe........
UtUe tou
torlr oproBC toll of brlgbdy eolored


irpeetloe oad booed oe. Bed raeewed
ibea d y. will oarely briay tbe'poa to
tbe oorfBce ead core. It baa baoe in '
twlMto By foBlIy with oooeeoa.
Ha>- M. K. Heau
flwrfcMWi! ,l>0 tauortr »iU p*b' tvoM^C^j^ooU IM ont “AM Iho (nM wal wlik
•« ><•>rntaUm
taUM bwk M lUoM oaob

' U 0brM wm doM tbon oomld be
' BM*to* hoTlSM m4 «W4BltbWS
U oolr uil tbe

Sieroo. toolr Bprtac VreatiaoBt.
Tbe boot Umd to ooBBroec poiilof
p a otere for wieter ore. to. wbeo It to
. ibeo doWD la ttac opnaf. la retaur
io( toe pipe, beep eorb Iraftb fad elI looide oic eoltrcly remored. Then
iseoeloy with tbe piece wBleO eaMl lac ci.lnary. or tbe leaytb }.>u>.
the kWrr. Dumber each rod of each
tlb. oo ibc litolde. wufa cbeik.
Then la tbe
:r Id Bulog

**fbore to oeotber pretty wb)
tbe eolored rggi. Jeat toe ai
BBka a.oeot ead baeo Biddle Ji
H. Todotbla.lBkeBroDodb(
with White filoged tlaae pB|
aeally. bare a .mrer }iut to Bl. makt B
white itoaoe-paprr brsaadatoS wlib
0 Utile coitoo wadding Glae ber to
tba top mod BIHn all aroobd ber with
(rloged ilaaue paper. Itolot ber eoBb
rrrt, ber trill yellow. Oo Batter Borrlai- pet ber cm ibr breokfoai ubi>. oad
bear wbal ahnuu the cblldrra w I (|re
when told to lift Biddy ofl and ooe If
ohe baa laid ibroi oo <«g.
In a eoBber ol dtondoy aeb<
yearoohired tgga were'glron to earb
child l».-toe lofaot depanme
h •' '*
rrooderfully. Tbeo' egg>
abould 'be bard boiled,
ti tost If
•• br'ce.

cliieoi one ahoold be brokrs eo barm
will be dr ne torlotblagcr fueallaro.—

itMCIUn'i ClUf.

Oppe wpeciBly. to
Hoisriy TbUitc 1 FiBd tfcafnl
protccied by oiliaf
be Boeed
Ao old atooking bag baaglag beblad
K'rryotura requlriafl
piaitoTB mo
tbe kitebeb door to bi Id tbe dual
BoMor TteQKbta
.^jp which the ■
s cae
I alto krep my choriog Bit
•M WM. OMl, Mote, OTM J«
wbeo ant la car Tbto
. ApmMtbelpkBt: ^
Bade tv aay oar co
copoble of
■f drirlojr' from a pi
d olorklog Irga la tie
nUldr p.
. tor aame bog.
BBlto. Take a guod at
4MWthhM 04111IM Oltm. ^
It may jotv Bl A book,
oa BciebaBW are to
tbe alorr, Irarlag'dbr Irgt to hang
». bcbled ay, kiicbie
' <tho hMUM of Bte oMlOM dna
■ ropplag paper ood
place. Kalloo Bgotb toe'ood or aide aure
roBcred, oiro the eorcr.' Tbia Bakca Oleaa waale paperr uo toi aae lb toe

' Wo tote Bla to lifo^l throM o*^ a Arm. Uebt box. Porfbead at o berd- kltoben.
A grope baaket enter to cat bread ea.
ware alorc a aet of foor awirel caatora
Ayoud aai. atrong rociigh to bear tbe
Agrapebaabet aeor theaewlog bb*
mac to drop aerapa of cloth and bite
wrigbt ol BS ordloBry aiore. eoa be
boogbt fora dollar. A oat of I
I thread while aewmg.
BBilr, ba-d wood wh'-la iuraed
A aet of pockeula my pantry tokeea
Tho Itootor oeatorto oio w Boor m B'iie wi 1 attowrr Bl ol/. Attach
naprr baga. wrapping eord aad eorba
WoBMMrtooocM. Oortellorotb*- _aUin u- tb« to X. a.nag tbe aiiUre for bottloa la.
An old paapblet. or aeterwl thkVMfo tm» tnm oor orao to lU lo nor alnuture aboot ooe half lacb h'lgbar
tbaatbeabBce belwoeo thr atore aad necacB of aewapaper, oa tbe klicbeo
10* btoto to too teb. oUl)« irmod, xiac
Tbto ioal loarra tbe Irga frey ab- lftoen hot dtoboooa: It proMeU
tell M ol*vo Uo tooro. 1># Lord from tbe tjor wbcb tbe alorr to on the thi- oil elolb
tiftel AMlIUlo bobowbe BM'led plaUorm Uy ratolag tbe •tore o little A pMe of alee light ollelnth: aoo
• to* tolof. brivbt dojo to Toor booooi. oa ooe aide tbe plaiforu <so bo rcadl y ooter tor the wMb aland.
odjuauid, afur wkicb o cbiH coo more
Md IhM todod llko.0 fracllo flower. It
oaywbrre oo 0 leroi, Tbe atore
Md VMHd o*v loootof JOOT life Ic abould be kept oa tbto plotform. until
tediwr, tboU rioo. Ibot b^orcd Utoogotalo place lo ttw foil Tbto ‘'a piece o( I lace WacoHog fringed end
Mtod, *teo ODol *00 t«to to rooro.
o anloher oboto the woebolaad —
btefOM tote too not dorkoMof ble to btork tbe otore. o week before It. fnr

M Mbfliwo world. Bo oholl rloo
tttoOwUl booftortooo Bootoroionitof broM-bf.oM toeerb tooro moot
tolloM teno soot teo. tooro loo
tea too ovory mtiww. oM oooo to


Hprlog to toe boat Uma
oeded repalro. aa tbro o
bo takeo of odd Vimea

» Bote any

Hooy perooaa ore not owaie
iho BB be purcboaed Boro teat

'ellx Cballeox. for a clear, bcaatlful
oiDplextoa aad perfect hralto:
uly by tbe aboot. oad too oboII pleoeo
Ooo't drlok tea or eoSee.
or tooeo cot out with ordtbary obimrc
Rrlok pure water- •
Eat .
. - op^co.
joaod flga
UtebooBtflof tooUUoo tihrlol
becoBo gray and oaby, with
Bat o few aallcd olmooda doUy.
kolte to remoro toe loaidt layer.
Iloo-I eat aocb oalaal food
lotto hoMVflf too lUioo obeold U It will ibea opprar quite bright
Ao e«r nr two a day,
y. oofl tolled, la'aahibg
.mg’ toe'"i
toe aioe occaaioually
atead of meat
to rioa# rrell,
Kat ao orange etery day or oo.
MbMmoo o»d toroi oU ■oowooo ae- rlaogar. toklag core
beep* it luokiog quite
] .ke new.
Walk two or three mllroodoy.
U baild.og booaro doalgaod .. ..
lUtoe tbo iflbole body dolly la tepid
Bootod by otoreo It to arldom tool aoiu ■rowT.
Ber otorage room ia takeo lo to oecoaot
ItoB't fret, don't worry; be calm aod
A elroet or Otore-nXUD abould be pro flileV.
•idrd for toe purpoee. o» atorraare leaa
Follow tbe atorr. yoo will be prr
dWptocMd WooUo
to real If kept by torwielrer.
<ag. healiby. beaatUal and
ood oilflobBOto el liable
than wbeo placed In a ro..m oaed for
at Ogr.
ber parpoaeo.—UcMl tfuuaib<r|«<av.
Frud Pan Uootoral
Teoiea Kopipea
IVkxb aed clean tbe mackerel well,
tee pot to aoak
..............In eold
J waleri
water with the
PorOonaao c.ffee bread preheat
Lrt aoak oil day, ebangeolog a apooge of ooe quart ol aweei ak-nolde..........................................
aeeeral Umeo: at oigbt
Ilk, three plBia cf floaraod eac ball
totoobi tooftoolIUcololwoi
igolD, lake oat of «water,
aeopfal of good yeaai (oor ycoot cake well agaioI IgolD,
* lea oM tovitr wttfa ov
ibd harg
barg op to dealJralo all
rll boaked may be uacd).
lo tor w^^ Uiy aud
■bBbllii. oM toteorooleoo toleod
orallig aod torre quarlera
r Id butler oe a hot. iblrk
a ofo
..ingpaa. Serre with melted
e cuplol of beftOB
Mwttlo.aM totooollrrjaleo ood I
boiler poured orer. «u»i
ftod to too Urd.-MMedtatoec. prepared aa followa:
rated, a Ubleapooofol < . ..
oae eopfel ol rmialna. atoned, aed aufll potato-rsnn eold belled polalnea In
Dm bAoo OOBW toWB clrot flour to Boke aa atifl aa bread loi b pleeea; eoaer well wilb Bilk sod
totooM oM pttoo towte oorth. Gra doagb—joct atlS eBOogh to handle pot In a eery large lamp
lightly. Koead Tlgoroarlyfor fllteea pitch of aalt; oook wall lo
■lly to keep
iBlboleo, aCd I t Hae tiolll p.rfeetly
_ ___ « tlireot light.
until Bilk twcxiBeo tbk-k
Tbro lull UuBt ao loch itaick:
ddtoooouew. oloottoooitotoodeoort lay It Id long paea
Serre hot {While conk­
oMIl H oboU WoMOB llko toe r
whipped Cream—Leeeio of whipped ing, aboke orer polalnea a llitle ailted
floar.i-.Cf Li.utoUhU ~
'toa—aod tbry are maoy—will rr
teld-ttoBtoto too aoMof the
ce lathe aloirBeot ibat tbtodcllci'
ttmii 00>0 ooiooo boefc. Moo
a Imlb la Biire ra>lly mgrated iboo
DlpbthaiU aad Creap.
•Odteltooot boBOO bleed. OIrr a
plain cre.B So lei there be wtalppad
Take a tepapooofal each of llqoU ter
Bbtoo UUoo of roooo. Htrowollibe erroB 'or toe a<rowbeiTlra oad Ibc ad
lurp-ntine, pot la ao old aan or
Otttt'wtto Booior ■oitoado. (or the eboonUteand toe puddioga. Whipped kreel aed place oo the flto. A thick
' - Iter. ooBfllBro, 0 iBuiU.
black amoke will arlae. which will de
teOROOtioo we eoloheolo to^y la- --------------tadeof aiua
•trowbrnlea wbleb M airoy tbe tlckoto Ilb
d toe' threat.
•Ball and la —______
the eroupy riclla r
I. Be win fall
frrior. coo be aenrd aoBewbal odran
1 a deep alerp as.
a large bnwl witb'aa
CDIIrery well.
toe to
abBodoeveofawoeteoed whipped et
-poa toea
be too faradrantod.ooe aalt water




ywlnhati tad CMMrBn.

Of HoBDonoftoo H-T.r.

jtMr tboi^t. tMr Mm. Ibitrllf*.
------- - 4„ MMtBf WiU .tfe» b* «HMd M ao*

WMM, .toMM «V rrrX._ o.» talO m.

■Mk tkM


--------------- o happy tlBo.







- you oa
_____ Irvai the •
Deoto aboil be o<_____ ...
Per away good oegela'drito
Might aod aio aod oadorca:
Barth awobaa lo amilea. olire
With ber dear Lord'a gladacqa
Beoalag toea from dreary heart
Coder aoowdrilia chilly.
Id Uto hood Kepringa the fl
______ be reac aed Illy.
Brrry Mlile toricd bod
lolullfr hr rolaea:
Kicry widfl wer cf the word-^CbOBU toe dear Lurd'a prahea


The IQnd You'^Rave
Always Boo^t

Tbrough Ibr aVy . treet rolcea ring
Calling you tn b rrtoco
Llillr ehitcirea, Orur. lock «pl
Toward Hia bngbli raa picwaiag.
Lift up eaer) bran, a cup
Fur tba dear Lurd'a b raaloy I
-Auck I.iido,.«


Etta Bopkloa loterlocbee
Mnaaopkiet. latcrlocbeo.
Abble Uopkina. Uterlocbcs.
UotldA. C«.x. iBicrlocheo.


I'oldo Lyno. 1
Uatol Milaoo. leteiloebeo.
JameaB Bplv.y. laiertocbea.
i'l .yd Kerry, lotmloefaeo.


Alamie Crowfonl. Wexford,
Uatle Crawford. Wexford
Alma Rugero. Good Harbor.
Crra .Bartlett, Nortbpoel
rrerlrude Von Holt. Omena
Laora Wheeler. K.k Kapidu.
AlraJ.Elyea. COBatot-a
Wamir Lard.e. Mapleioo
lUi-l.ael Lardle, Uaplrioo.
laadcra Lardir. Mapleica.
ti.Ua H-ewt. intrrkcbrn.
Maggie Hrowa, (Asg Lake

ri S

• t"


B^ars the

barai toaara aeau a
Jrparta a. It aaa. a

Apnfrri Remedy rorCdrixiipaliOD. sour SloirMch.DtarrtiDeA
Worms jCoiivbLsions.Fcmishnrss and LosB OF SLEEK
tacSlrab- .Sigiuilurr nf

yew S-OHK.

You Have
Always Bought.



a .e tU’L.
Arl to
a <ti <11
r.a P a Ueeo
i toa ar, « a. 4r Oaekawa : r>-a L. ,|

!5!iI), E. I'K.ILL & CO., Sagina.y, Jticli.


10 <;
• li.le

•« r; DawKt-*imi,to
•« »•
ax. Vremmtlto

^ li
T Jl


Chnicjst Meals, Poultry and Game.
ITO'W'l 1J!A SoasoxA.

EuminiUiiD il iMcbn.

Fresh- Salt and Smoked Meats, Sausages Etc.



taackan at UraM tea«Mm iiMg^BtoJe .

- r. BB080H * 80VB.

It la f.^gbt wito iLlerrol to Tr*r-I am mtlrndiDg achool ood hare oot
Btoaed ooe day tbto tcra. I aomelimea
godowDoo tbe Ice and go toactao;;!
aod borne tool way. and wrbee 1 go by
toeplerlhoTe Uou pood odmue the
pretty alreoffl ol water that Bowa fis.m
tbe^ter eourae tbero. It toaamall
elreom aboot tea lacbea amwa and boa
fall of about* iwelee feel, aod wbt-e
leaBDoblDMon* It It abowa all tor
eoloracf the rolobow. Tbera are k-e

|t peruiiu of ..oly ooe aoawer.
It canool be evaded or rgnorad.
A rroae-aeCiteviUi-uapeaka here.
n|wdkalortbe wcllarrof Trar. rre

.duey I'lUa are a good t. uiedy

e’Ni^rreai aMWIaU batowM pee wteO in

‘Var iir*gva«v uv aedwnoii maif eai
v'f°y»r> ■attoweCtoalreadyn^ ite •

I l ad

watoa hS tetow

fail, d t.i give proeipi r*
kiooiya and backa. I.i
Db pa.n in tbe i
e eei d-red me m
mat I c-.-id tiarfliy .••••otlnuc o-r w- rk
l*r.«.-urihg« K-du. y Vi la at a
drug atorr. I ne.d tbeiD w itb 'ouwt aatlifaciory reegll..
"Tboagh 1 don't ■aay poaiip rely thai
to* remedy cured mr permanrotly. r
ta a fart that I l.are not b*m itoub ed

Ice bvrga. We enj y
maoy oa boar on toe ico.
■1 eo^ed tbto Cbriatmaa more th>o
I ever did toforo. I aeoumpouird Mr.
Banb aad c^ildrea to U laod oa Ci.riaimnaeve. towilaraa tbe vclebralioo at
iba Lalbetaa efaorab Tbe dt«
aod tree were tie pretllcwt algku
's Kidney Pl a'ara f-"r aaV t
rreraow. There woa broutifol .logdralrr.
|-r..*e Vi .-o-a
lOg ood cbo'ce raaoiog. aod I enj -yod
Uitooni C.> . tluffalo.
Y .<
il very aoeb- In all I waa pmaul at
threw Cbriatsaa traca. Iboogb our
ler did not bare a uce at toe
aebool bokae. bat we hod fpoakiog aod
OlBglOg. >
-lope eoBv lo a while age aod aaid,
’If you want to aee aomribiog praily.
Joat go dowo aod look at tbe brotb
So I wcut. aod It waa d p
THl.U. si/i;.
^Uy oigbt Tbe water would ooBC;
oporar tbr tee ard break, and make a, El} f CNID BUO
perfect abeei of aDow wt ite f.tom. . r,..i ... ...„i..
tbroogh which we could o'ot a.e ibe in':':, j;!,;"’
lake beyond. Oee plate ibrre «aao',




Monuments, |
Headstones |
Markjjfs 1 ..S.-HE-Sr-'LstK.'Sd.'tr

U -me proof la tlu.- tort |b-u.if.

torg* alosg the afaora laat arocarr af
tero feet < Igb and U to e btautifU
aigbl to ace Ibe apray dnalcng far
above tbe blgbiot lee berga. t.ulake to only froaen out almul Ihiriy
roda from abor^ ood tb

aplaab oeer i


Mr. Jeuica l.aerbrar. i.f liil IV. tot.-r
reel, lb.- -f t:.e i:..:


-a —t k, to- Mk—, Su ."TfurS™."'“Sl'.'-i.'lSS


ere. w.»
•10 » *a to

DiUrlhullnK Ageutu.



leant Uraoiie. Mark)* aod Stoee Work, aod eauiep .11* orice* P.w. omaijertng tbe qoallly of arork
{. Our ^aadliog of BoaoBeolal work eoat>-« oa to-niaat adraatageoua torma.aad tbe bener-en-,. in.M-i-iilnioera. It you aiw tbloklog of buyiig fiy-.aiiu -u
I. W .1luld oe well for you to call or drop oa a
card before piauieg your order.

II I). ALLEY. Proprietor.
^ 40] Writ Front Street


Trmeeewe City, lilcb.




Carriages, Catters,S3ighs, Etc.





Grand Rapids




iiaeaaea will bagraaiauat aU in avawteo

M« CM eaa rawa-ve toeaa Ibaa Ihraa BM
evwdareetiBraiea aaraea tawrOare ef Ihecfl•aarr gracv. d elU ae HUaea aeaaaSe wkw

Djmi c

Travarss-City Granite & Marble Works, 1






Potato Cbowdrr—I'tcl aed ollco
-------->d with camphormled alcohol, gir.
(xpo Brdloni.>U>d potauwo. pal o PB a’teroalely InquaDlitlea to merely
laige traapoonfcl of boiler and a qoail krep the threat aolat
Tbeae are oim
of bo-, water 10 a alrwpan. odd .aoll.
emedleoaed raaily kept.
rienee la By own fsBllr 1 om peeof oe«ytoto( tool io tte oad abro boiling biU ood ibe pilotor.
alowl} fur half oa dour. Add
I to reeOBBrnd aaBa~^lrr(«L
•M btod
jatoed and rook
Bl uf milk. In li Juat a ay to a
holroM hoootUoL Ketolkc to oioy
odd-n.nrr oronooirg If rrrreaiii
■ra oligbily. aod
dowB. MBor boitod. bototooodeorl
rr, beary iboea tbonid Deeer be
AllUle eulerrlan
MBOodyteoM dlooooo ood rereore
>DOD a Child, caeo wbeo It to two
rlcry aeed. or bull
_ _
•M doott. Lot toeoo lorry to the
rceyeoreold S. me will aay. "But
ffoa flBtoB. “Otoy to Gad to toe
ekira ahoold to aupponed - The
a abnu'd to allowed to grow
Mflbt. ood oo ttrtb poooo. food wUl
rereasrd potatoreood boa
atr-Dgby eateral derelr-pBeal. which
oorcopfulood obilli.( bulUeg
thlacoBBOD practice of --aoppu^lngt'.
oeer nor quo'l of aliord pulaior
alaray. blodera
Theweakrot anklm
ooerra UaapooDfu) ol aalt aai
In t-hlldreD and aaeng adolu are tboae
oetll teodrr, addiog alitt rator.
wh'eii hare lung toea artlfleUIly aaplog water If breeaaory
Whra cookeii
laoottoooh JM to rev reprodoc ailr lo oereupTol nen milk, noe table
UBiol bollrr ood ooe ood o half i.opHooef Ubi old oefre praekor-ooor.
Peiaio C^aa
I of Hold baa. cut in rery amall
M to too Moo ef Horoh Md.
;ra or ebopnrd. .Corrr and let ako
U BOO oooldiooa too root OBBor' gently flee Bloelra tood aeree
a Wood dner. raladreai
IflWBt. etoor ood help tooro eeeoeo
Dbliog half otroapoonfol of while
il half a cupful
bet Bilk.
labirjt roaring. taoMltlDg ab .plaafaiog aoti:
••bytoo ooboowlodctof of orory feed ftinlTra®It la lo Ue dlah - apo'oful of bolter, a Iret
-oahed along Irafor rtrfa.rwnod
tttog whtoh lo to yeo to Obriot Jmo>.-'
hove auytdf
bow Bte Boeo peefoooly ood -boeoU.
Roapa for Clooautg SUeor
n.;.e preilyr Vra
•I'l -d, n,v»
folly woold flew ote teoewtodr
la tbe boiy life of tbe woBoa i
plaica, bot it woa tooatormy. b«t tball
aOBLbyorbwb both tooeo boatewtof Blaetoroto cwploiy Ubo it eery pre bako ID Bumo rioga
10 wbeo II to the prattleal.they Bay to habod lo |
^oaa, aod ktiowMge Boat taka
Peorl to one of the girla wbo aoeo
plsaeollobar lo the lotrlhgeei bo
raoUftl and biigl
loatrod cf rabbug wilb
pontoc ood toTBte'too recolrtof. pared
eholk f..r boora. toe allaer
waya. and when oi
Ttowbooewo OM tooru too aloe eiee aaay clraord la a lew biboi
Bgof onUraarBecileely
Atterearb mr
Itev Btedelttouer of MonrbeCrekiBd ^ * I'crabonid le-pot loaaBall aic
tfw la a wWe-awakc Kwaobloe boy;
wrllee; "I am going to write and gri
Ublrapiaoclol of pcmurrrd borax boa
a red pis and a card and tell wbat
Booy Boea Maao wirald ttoa be bceo oddrd. thro takeo........................
am dcilnf Intely aad wbat I csadra
ohMOOd, Mw Baay. aaoy eloada of ly ood laid <m o anfi ,
am going to aebool aad have a geeA
... -obb..d wiiba pWeof
(Might ttat ooab oSarw are not ap.
Tbe bnrox rcBOtra tor larotob
Ubo. (To have elgbUea aeberiam la
pnriBMdwaold ttaroby bo lifted aad
ilck'j. Some prrfrr haring toe Water
I OB la tbe foartb grwda
•ttooaoUgbiof BBOClOB
ion I oa bot M rnor baodarao bear It. aoo
bate alBgioc every Borolpg.
lttto.aod ttoBo dlohaai
tr'ansBe to Utoa O Neil. aad abe
to very good to oa We oaly baVeats
*Mld ttoa (aaoleo life I apoUrer. eeoo better than Iheebaii;
vekamere le ibto tora.
HWW. WbDtaglartoaa ttlag It tow oklo Hy eooKkewpa it wipe theall
“Chrtatmoagifiaore the next ibal I
■waltt tttowDOcMtoanpfWlcilmiut **' •(«>■«■ '^'ba and kaleeo with
111 tell aboot. 1 gnt a trook and a
vtovtbeok. We bad a seery Cbrtat
to rot toe gmaai ood Itablnea an her
mao anda happy New Year. My ato. I M«a Mfl OMagh. Bora Bight bo ' o'leM
Mnt ewyy'doy
day ood It .
Deed. rwV
Higlite tlMfln. WhtfTAFMr
» borne fora CkrtotBsa dloaer
OaM MDdfll. MUwlMar Mr
They bad aa ovenlag ooppte (cr^rtot-


West Michigan.

To fain.^p.

Brosch’s Meat Market

aia W-| b,r Haw;..,., Wil:..ui.l.urgJai!i -|^aA Lardir. Mapletoo
Alio-f. Hriuktuao. fi;d Ml».i,.o

True WwrtM-rrarrr^i-ltjat t«>
Tre.e Ire.lac TTerew <Xtr at k-4D w. B. to
.' traauiweU tUeiaa taCaaeato.


KAcr copy or wflAppu.

Jraalr Aebl.y. WapleCi'ly.
Bertha Kggli.
Oladya Karl. W -ifi„d
I’.art ll..irare, Kuik.Ii-j

»«1 l.iMao Mjai-ra. K.ugaU.i
Ml Oite 1 M-mroe. Ar gi II.'
»fi Henirr Hawl:.y. WUItoiu.burg
MT -Uribie Hewlry. tVilliaiuaburg.

Next week we aball hxre lu borr.
of BoHX CtiKXK aad gel oiora of cut
letteio la, for you all aee w bal a liiilr
aMW we hpea
We can bare ih.•borteat bll of a T all today, and the
real el you will allll bare to be poUcol.
bat all will c»mr lo time
Fetol WiDoe et Ud'a I'ler wretr In

RotkBcs DigestiowOwifiiE
(kaum.Mwphnc- wr»nerdl

Llbble Kitrbr'rman. S..rtopnn
Edward K u-beim.n. .Sorthrwn.Harry Kiteb.-raan. .V pnhpjrl.
B arr Avery. PuBffill I'liy.
Ileaaie Arrry.'Sumcult Ul'y.
Mjnle W yi-ki fl ."lon-mll Clly.

Harrb fi. lauu.
• » F.orenrr IVyck. fl. oumBit Cili,
By the llior ytm trad fbta. diar >b
alt) K» Sumo-ll miy,
ail He die Monroe. Pumciul t\lj.
dreo of Ibr Suoablee. fcaalir Kut.cloy
will be almoatyhere- Veur pr>ti>-«at
• I* M-ren e Jeor. Sumuilt lly.
wUbra tor yoo all a bappy. bapry Eaav
MJ IL.yStoker..bu«muCliy
cr. tbe day that -eltlrotra the riiug
UH Xellie F-li.r. Traaertoriiy.
all Bay Fiabrr, City.
frcB toe drori t.f oor dear U rd Chrtot.
one ao prorra lo oa Ibai. Ilrtog oa be
»K. Celia Flaher, Traverne City
HIT Ina Keonry. Traverae City.
would bare tired were belo our pltcia.
we. too. a) ol; ahorc lb a glorlooa
«le Menyn K.noey. TrateraeCil}
•MU M-Mted IVrkiua, .WwoeO.
tog of life after Ifaealnpul d'Bthto
orer. And. dear cbilrireo.
•m Klmer t>a r.-ll, TravettoCily.
oar Sunablae rolra tell oa to ell pen of Jail Lealer Haix-tl. TroveraeCity.
tola Chrtot life. We Juai odd a Hu e '*7-/ -Willard Wil on. Irgrerae :'iiy.
»:3 lleorgr Frrrto. Trarerae City.
more aad aay. -1 will try oot to fret or
worry, breauae I have k loalop Father
»TI Kob I'raBaa. Travrrae City.
to beOTaa wbo will take care ol me
»:i Kiward Haxu-r. Iravcrae Cily.^
talwaya ao there ia oo on-d of worry 1 VeTil Artbor Morr.n. Tiwrerae fliy. '
will try to be bappy breauae lie wanU
Earl Iiepdtti't. l■.trti.u•llnl.
me to to happy. I will 4ty to be helpKay Ilrpolt.y. Itri.-e.-.»-|j..r,
fal. loTiog aod kiod to ertryUdy at d
“to K'orat A. It.err. ItHrri.n-beO.
•3U II. pk>i,., Inu-rlo.-l.eo:
rerry llalag tbiog becouee wi- ereelL
aid aad young, eblidreo leuur FstbrrV
all 11-toge fk-it.-r, Inti-r;o.-beo.
bouae, and to do ttarar Iblnga la to do
al: It.ivrA 11 >«ie. InierltK-bcu.
wbal oor. Elder liroihrr did lor
-■n EUtb W'lBcI'«-mb. Itoril.-it.
1. It e'\\iDidi.-omb, IbirlU-it.
naand for Ibe world "
• I*. Carl E l|c.U-.tri.n.Ti,BVi.j»el-|iy
Tbto to JuatalitUe bit of an Eaaier
•1* Jeaale It II le riaon. Trov til}.
•iBon to yoD. SBobesma. bleaalDga oo
you. eeaty oae:
CbrlieJ.ckM.i...loreetdvin l.roa Strati.t.'fl elgp-^
“tU O.lve Aaiiley. Mapl.- Cily.
Oae ol our foya. John T. K ackvf
EaatHay, boa oeot ua at-uie beautiful
earda for our abut-lea We arc going
to aeed them for Eaater to nor vJppb d
ehlldrer, aod they will br a bright
ofraodbleeto the belpUra lliileooea
you may to aura. Tbook you lb torlr
aame. Joboole. .Your Eaater wrlll to
Ibe boppler fur yoorSoelog gift.



Horsesioeing and General Repairing Done.

. to T


•it can be aerured oo aapliuMte tt
.r HuperlBl. BHent of *Trtn^llHD.
;uwa. Cwnada. or of tta —^rigril

SpkUUj eoBdaeUd
txnniQu will lam '
flU Ohisfl&d lOaUfaa
Pdlsti ttt irmUtt Cfliads



Re-Painting and Upholstering.
Sute SU. aetr Daioa.






StHs? iStSSZtSiJi'St

ticM Vp<m tb» OkwlmU

iaaMro xiu’wbm laBAW m«MobpW)^:H«w.:
OautttBtiBBal AMBdMBt
lot Traenn
u iMr
So blfUy b be ea-

OfOWth (rf


BamUtoB COpthlac Oa

Bond OMd
Mseb TMttnoBT Pa^poMly
OataU VhIU Ua Ba«Ie Palled ta
Prtai Ip Ha Auaek aa Pnd V.
■Apaa-«bo«lar Mew Ua Saa
WbaaataaUBoejr la Vacd AialpM
toapat la a rofitlva troB ^aaUaa,
Obafcad vilh Petjary.

Mek|ilM*laCbvle*uu wnnl jm»
■COMdBTisu kparUos ol Um> U»U
maof iB •Mill wbKt
Um o«ieu»e
«I ti Md •bleb b oplbiead la aauvbar
eolatea el Uib baua.
.lni>« tbi
taUMK. ibc £•«>« vel; «l*va a MrIte olU: Ibai puriMa «blea oSel*
mau poUi la
tnt. beartaia laatlwo; ol ear;
a wbe aai b>i<d ap la u>c bead
Tbe K.(l«.
bofraror, doB aot alalc that Ub
/nm Jiulk* imd U uUI-t tu^«a*.ya«l bODuiiM >// tab uaihaimy ohtoB
abaKadlrBabeaauBBeaut dwarraot
•aa ^ed lor tbe arraat of Ub' aaa

Tbb b auae^ 'WMi law

bb BaUodabarab

c and pepultr tradlar |daee.

Tba dMoftad aaeaaet la Tacaday-t
Karl* el tb« CbarieaoU boad deal la
wbk*b Prod W. Maya* *** lat*rr.t*d. bead of tbe BbbI too OloUior 0* . baa
nrared la Ue elaUler trade In
aalU for *”eM Ilfbt apoa a *abj««t
■hlabhubMB adopted byJpaD'BO rrarem Oty far a period eorerlar
eralalor iba parp«« ol prejadeiac lb* weaiy flr* yeetaaed It will
riaacc iailde bb bly *ur*
TOten aralaal Mr Maya*
la order waaeata the *st*eaioa of Itnte Uat be baa
the C. * wr. M. Kailway to Charlevoix. Uat honorable deallar* aad ap-to-date
tb« elUar* of Cbarirroix bni*d b««da arUod* aad eloa* l>acb ^lu
to tbr amoael pf KS.OOIL Tbeaeboada craat alouiar aurkeu bare taroarbt
wlty to bb builaea*.
war* oleaaibly to ra<aeiD»*T forth*
of bwlle la bdlldiar ap a aob
balldlnrolabHdc**«it»» Plae K **r;
>1 boiue bare Woarbt rich rrlarralitT. railroad aid boadat They
,rerod to Mr. Heaid
Bpoo Uifox b>od« for arar aad ao rapid baa beaa tbe lamaae Uat
baa rradeally beee added
Use UIdMoeeO t>. W«d tornoteec^ pruMaJiar* by la) lartloa
nairalB tba payorol nf tbe Interrat on
U* boadt dfur tbb date ao inUrBt
Il»< Mr. Healldaa'.rM toirtl tbe
boad* aod tbe eane *er« placed oe tbe
Barbet. Tbe fiel^ai tberr wa* pati
deelDierMtaadUatliUratloBia oae
i;y breaeoBBeDoed


Slaiklaff os« _____ rad bbnon al bb t«ud ollixra•watt ffvnMUv Addad MlatorT Ulp. bowermbi* ba«laen aeUeda and
of OMOfTrovenaaiybaeat Top- do* p*newil q**ll»l**. It boo woeder. Uea. Uat Ue bwalom of which
be b at Ua bnd ua praai^ aad be*Wbaa a BOO bn baae la boalaon
u Ubpartal Uettaie. Aad la
I eanaablty (er twaatyffva yaara a
____ iiaUlBc Ua lepeutioa of bb Beai
Ban Mr. BoBlIue baa aad* the Has
laanaaed Hta^

Al Baa Fnatlaeo. tbe aluacr llorlc
arrired Iroa Uc OHeab via Hoaolulv
Friday, aad brier* ecwi Iroa Hoaolnla nodcr date of M^b It. Icl.ior ol
faecrac of Uc lalc Pnacei* Kale
I. wbnaled on Uc aiiU aitaat.
faacral ol Uc priacw


------- -

u Uc Urreat

aberaet Uc diflTae beam waf draep
laoa Tbeaecoad baiulate* rolutcer eyriaecn


See That Cut ?

alar tton U not ooedaed to TrarClty. bat U exuaded tbroueb arem eouBliea la aortbera Mkhlraa. I


Good* Baporiue


-ssi cr.,-:

lac aad rralleBea'a furabhlor
1 tar Bolter eilb Hcoa* " KreryOo
Lauly lacnaard damood* forced Hr ; ui* pan of tbr cuair.v Uoow* H
e ao eVorl to ercare DOW and Ucy know loat be bar
alUoarb aot nroaeoaird to Baal tar. Bomlllno t
__ ._____ V —» toobbieU. nealcai aod l>r*i *U
---------ODd Boally be

oorUero M.cbi<*a
ailaatloo. laterferred *ltb tbe retdy
IfStlag a rpiB 5S*«i> feet! i, u., ooly atont la i
Ble of lb* boeda Mr Hetid Ibarerear of K McNamara*
Ibplay* ao colirviy
........... oew at
lid ruud* to work off uo ao u
wbleb odjile*
Tbb addiUooal rdom allorda|[jr
Mae* Uas aaUlac U ataod apoa.
ThBaanoUarportloB* of U* tBtlaboot
in kao
. Object I
liar la laafaiJOablc u
Boay which wa* ^.r*a la Ub bq<i
lllar the b-mdi era* to oHiala soar
• lualu}
Ue iikc*
wbteb would Urow a d.lfcraat llrbi
tar dbplay of road*. Now tbb b Ue '
Inrrallo boi'dicc "(b* lea." U
.,*1 la properly cut i
latrrat elolbler oed rrbt^*'B*‘‘'* (*''<
lirnad hotel at Charierolx, U* ere
Up b aurc uliUm conditi-iui
. .
Il.oda *
MiebIroB. Tbe new part will be * U the Icao-r uf laabioni aa>
daloaa sailer wb«b appeared to
derated larrely to ebUdren-* eloUIV-1
yatUrdayaKaflcr Joat iwcaiiae. bat
aad U. atoeb coaUla. U. larynl aod

Ctaititstio&Al AseaiBBSt.

It gives you k- good
idea of the perfect fit,
elegant design and su­
perb tailoring put into
the fine line SPRING
TROUSERS we have,
just received.

hr Mr Maya.

tar laaad Ual lair anasaeu had
failed ta etuilar a ausprde U Ue
pMiBeratlii eaadldau, aoBeUtar Beit
be doaa.
Tba aoa pertbaa UlUcy
aad Ua Uadar appeal talM aud it
wBaaacauary to briar U* Bepablioab
lodbreeuw la order to

ward* ratered lato aa.arreeBrat to
•torb t<vethrr Bed diride the aBoaol
ebleh ealrbl bn reallted oe Ue tale of
ihe b^d* A »alr of tbe boad* wa*
■miB by foal ■
fteetrd deal'y. Ktcd C. Tonpl* cl
m by lairaad boaot.
Bap>d* Bidiar la iBablry the
br parebaa-r briar aa B«*lero
uapltallti Tbr oonpmtatloa tor aab
lay Ue wie
saawlU Ua faU baowlrdraof Ur tba aa not paid by tbe parehaaeraod
Obarlaeaia aoaMlL
Bb eoeaa
Mr. Uoalj bad
wlU U* aaiiar waa lolly haowa
placed UrB oe the Ba'bel


Tbb dbeoanl aBiuotad to (S.OOu
Ikadeal waaarx>< ahlar (or CharU. ad wae paid by Ur Ucald to Mr.
Uaica. Mr. Btte* refutod to pay orcr
U Iba BUblbbsaei of Ue freat Uad
Eioo aod bik amtolal'* Ua par
ma Park lae’. which briar* Uoutaad* tlOB due UrB and U>* imae Haetolbc
a( dallaraUUcedUre every miieih of
Etta *• U itrt. InyBcot* of tbr
u alb-rb- UillBooyle which ca*e were coalalB<MI an BO abaard Uat Ulaklar rolen «d la lb* Ewl* of yeaterday; Ue eowOl rMleuIr Urs whaa Ucy eoaelder tire to* iB mV of a^ae wiunar* belor
Ua M«* aluailua. Tbra tbry wiu d*
It Ue icellB-iey
plan Ua dwrnorfel sraa* adopia
la bb <••* were pHaied la lu '
by a Bo<era aaily aawap.par to aala
low oeyoad a doabi. that Mr. Mayor
Wdue of rlrbi or Jjtuce.
a« not tudty of aoy Isproper or an
^ pec^l* of Cbtrleeoix are U
r..feuloaal ooedact.
ptopar peraaaa to ro W lor facu reWoea ueeale of Ur bead* waaaoa
aardUf Mr. Mayae. aot Ua Kiyle. oirudtbe aurebaaer dealred a allybC
Tba laadiar euuaaa of Uat Dnaty rbaare ie the wordlor el Ue bobda.
iveil rrouud
eriUabaarUaaaa aad a^aoerlty which aew boeda is Ue ana ol It.VOOii a
abeaU sakaUa E*rl* «afl liaeaodlUa place of Ue
4ata blaab wiU abaau. Mr. Mayaa
ich a* Uere waa accrued
lien U Oharlerxlx.
Ibtereat it Ue oaonat.of d Toooa the
uat Ue’aU^ awial d^^eaUBtly idd boeda, Ue vlllar* r>Ued
- Uak pla« bad U b UM^^t U* aaouDt by Ue re laaae. Aad wbal
ptepM Mew Uat Prad Maya* b aa
beanl Baa aad baa a taaord that w"' ibecroptranlaa of ii* butelcoeleBptaad Uaakanl aarallay. iraa by
platad-bm encared. u* aaaa belor
nillt aaoe Uernafier.
At Ur au
OUriaeola wbteb aboald watch Ua do- of U* eooncll at wbleb to* bond*
laraoCbarpaUbarreaBl* aad
UaObarIrrvIx cosaell ablcb i
IMbppRiral utMr. Hayaeb aeiiou by
idler Ua traataeths took place. Char.
leeaUb Uat dtleea* hare aoaie to Ua
ditTT-' at Mr. Meyea aad la Ub
btoacd aedociaBaata aoapletely rxaBeraUer Mr. Mayae froB acy o
telasal dcallBfa or ol aay .ayre

tbea. why aboald Ur iicBoeratk
didala aad bb papar iry to dbyrare
bisT tllBply bec.aae they aa* la
Uaaaaettoa apawibla b<bb* .properly
^ifp-'-*-■* by wbleb to prt jadioc e»
I* old irichfor wbleb Ur

alePdproB* BeUoda aralaal aa honorable eaadldau aad U* rrry *UrB<aa of
yaatordaybaiiaek will rxclie the eea.
aace a( aerry tairBledea ciilara. be be
DaaMeial or Beput 1 d a paper or
paraea wbo woa d ttoop to Ub aort of
Badri PTiur Btwi bm tbe o
biaaete of Ueir owa acta.
Tbr Deaeratle eaaoldatr la aaUotlxIar
. nrUoda draiivy* Ua coaUeace <
Blrbt oUrtwiac bare brra held la < aa
wboaaplna to tbr lofty tPl.-r uf iadyr.
Tbaaaw^prca ol HL tvier»bar(
.paWwhpluilcaeroeeurrf tbr uoadiMwauf tbcao-eailed IbbIm ilUlrlot* of
Eaaila aad arpnfU y s*s*rm la Ue
aaetsra part of Bi
>f U*Bil Cr aa • wlaty
atarad vS ue borron of aetaal rtarr*Uea. bat tba aoeietyb faadaare ala at
d aad Ue din dUtrm
afyarbarr. baa pr ideaed aa rp orale
at larTtUa sorulHy
wlU typbaa.
nairy aadotbar pablaotal
Tba peaaaaia an oospal.e
aearyUlor aad an'iirtar la*
aad aiUy ^laa.
fnUey (all randy tleilBa to typaao
aad aeata anrvy ValanUa rurrr>‘
naatrlrMproBpiaM U* Taira proelaaB appnr doosed to a irprtiitoa
afUahartaraif INI aad INI

laoa ood brary taxoeyrre wpea
wot ood were beard la laroe of Urn

.Bpleto Ilea of eloUior «of|,____ _the cno-i
mo.i cBplrlc
JereallB ever ahoeo lo Ub aactloe of , Koily ap id *tylc* aod anorUDcai <
a I ibc
larpaat di
>c larynt
Mr. UaalltoD b Bakli
Lr. ry a^Uy •
•pecUl effort to Ub direction aod tbb
haa already baeose a popular reaort i
tor little sea.
| Ihr appirc'l wi
upoe by aa
Tbe mala a mr, wbleb la fTxleo fret I
wllb her 1
lUy «l
_____ to know that the 0i
of Ue beat atock la Iowa and •
larraetockol raatiimaa'a farebhlor there are do *hop were and uu
roodib dbplayed.
Tbb daparlaeal aiyic rood, lu be worked off uptL
At Bcnda-a lauUrr* Bud
etlaod* to tba archway leadlar to Ua
Tmy Bod ruurtoua. aalc.

Thaceotrcjpf tbb adfn 8>or b fit'eb
jp to yoatha' aad aca'a aaita.
vaat tide of U* atire I* devoted to
valla., and kladral r»da
rbrbaacacat aadcr UI* eatire Boor
eoBUlo* rcaervedatoektof every blod '
of r«oda earri-d lo Ua twre aad wbeo
Ueabelreaupaialrtan aapUed
rood* on on hand to All Uea. ea
Uere b never a lock of eholeaaeleetioo* :
of op toulaia wearior apparel for tea
boy wbo daaim
aira b STxfO fact la
Tbe rooB op
ait* aad b act ■
prior, fall aad wlaier. Tbe laibrior
eparlaaol b alaaoa Ibb Bar.
Bo rapid bn bna U* laerrse* that
Ir. Haallloa b Brarlar to build a
brick addlUia ia Ua rear about f.irty

{Tif'ltii^ay at d .ulu ^for
KreryUiaf duraiiic . aod
He "*ob to wear tbe la cal atyir
hat aad popular tie
Uc Bad. tbro)
Brada'a. wbere.J.w prlcea »"rt >•
dniipr to aew
oew r-«'
r->od* have aidid I
buudlor up a rmat
bn lovrain 1
UiPC or furattoioca
laulimr Hcoda aad r:
• rood.. Eicryd^arl
t atot-k < '
up u
acol I. .locked
aod ifala I* Ur
itoi> nrw aiu


I. Ol U* mercy '
onir draire may be to woe
L-k. Com* Odd arcs H-oda .
era of KkUloB. If! fcun
V. Friedrich block. I'ravrr*


-11. ij'-


CesstitntisnAl Ame&dmeat.


airlei oUeatloo i

Below We Give You
An Idea of Sonfe Numbers:

•'. /’ ri
a reaaooabl* ww. .i.ic u< avam. •■..u



' iSTif

Tbe rfllee.of Ue
nmodijlw. Ilbat been eelarred aad
prorided WlU all th* appolati
ry lo ao exteaalve
Hr. Haalltoo will have
accrued iptervat aaountlar tod.TM. furolabed op aulra. where be can Ua
act* «■ i»- Itv
Hut tbe Bari* of jrvairrday prtowd a
aaMlyaedeooreairDily loobafier ' i*r iv.w.i-iuanf.ciai*
porUueof ibeteaUBoey of Mr Bata*, bb pHralc and public loi
aod by lu fraraiaaiary
ereud wlU Ua-baaloeaa.
ipU to eooalrnel aueb teulmaoj
Formerly the Arm wo* known o* Maa
Maya*, while '
titoo A Millibao.
J. W. Hllllkmi aod
focU had heca pabliabrd
Praeb II •Bilioa •tartod In botiona toMaya*'* traepoauloa woald bare hero retbrr about ft year* *r<>- Mr. Uamll
Bade clearly to appear, aod that ia ao
larlor Ue«IoUiar deparlarot
far aa Ueae brldr* boadt
and Hr. Hllllkeo tbe dry rood* rad
ecrerd Mr. Mayae wai left We to ileal ol it. Tbe boila*** rrew to feet Uat It
WlU Uaae boada. to bey or aeil Uea «n oeennry to eepann thn. depart- £ KKJ
ortakcanyacUoa be aew fit relative
mau. ao U. paturrablp wn <)■“<»»• >1?;^-'."’.
to Uea. Juti tbe caa* aa any ether ad aod two aetmrau ntablbhanpt* g„
llaeo ol Cbaricvoix. and that'then bavebceo rao. al.buorb Ueyarveta- S lac pdrarj M mu rriiiim. .M It- .mnaa
aa BO breach ol uuat oe bit part
orcled wlU neb other by olVT* b"li'
lo Ue eaac of Batoo va. Batoa Ua way where Ue oficca j >lo
wwKi rrencs u. .ale
al b-.-vc
JaxdtH uuNru.x.
elala wa* mad* b.v Ba-ea that bla euaMr li-iB ItoB ylaced bbbaaii
red to divide the d-vno waa veld ol
ba>l. Ill a atock ooapaey aad ear of
Ibc yreead of public policy Bad be
veet oe Uc wlt.k-* ttaad and rxaperOtori and dutvricd Ue focU aoaalc
to war of hia/^oor-lrlrd aod «MrlealjU
seaiala Ub Unicy
He alaadcrM Hr yrv. iLo* r>»lbr «bi m a rroewrdT
M> Hcarr »i .Brocij. N i
Mayer aod chaired'>ia with belor
to bb trail, a* app-ara by bb toaUmooy
The V-at a oy oj tbe nUcr
wiie boa hero bit rlrht boud aalramoa
wllti*%*r* lanal of which waa naii'cd
T.w maay yar*. waa placed to Ue poti-'
ibcBarl'l •'•■IT* Pull (Amr «bitr
t.r.e of atebapt mtaarrr apd Va*
ebarfc ol lac mea'a aali
ilnUoaa aiUor.ilar Ue n bao*
re beoe la oo wiee aff.-clrd U' rx
leetofUe liability of tbr nliarr. rx
cepilerUat It eared iBc vlllacv tb<

I P‘,‘5f;7.5 3SaVl..l!i'i '"..■."Sli
« u»

ali “«

r-s:,...... ....... ....


576- •T'S’o cultffs, brown inixu.I gooiis—.splnndiU pant for
tliMiur.d liusiiiess wear—bought cheap: sold

'S aldn ortr' 'be bualaea* al Ue o:
WlU « lady a.-'—— ---------praeikatiBr attorory who aaUorlx.-d
ioMw aff.-i
Uemtkior of a eosplaiot tor alaadrr
perjury ead a wbrroat
and placed lo Ue baoda of Ur abcr.ff
M at Ue bead ol tbe hat. cap and boy*'
lor tbr armt ol'u
aald Bam. Beiwtm
and cbildrro drparimeela. Airbb
darkaeaa aod dawa brf<n tbe abrrlS

$2 00
$2 50
$3 00

245- -SlriiM? WoTsliid, grjty and wliite—a handsome
some pattern—roinpares well with inrich higher
pricetl irouds.....................................................


272--*Siniila»’ t<» above—-guaranteed as to j^'wear-—all
»r—all of
above an* per fectly tailoretl and elegantly
shaped ..............................................................
254—Fine Strip!? Worsted—same pattern as $4.60 and
So.tKt irniHls—a handsome pant, good enough
for any purpose.



M fwgUHt fPw. ymrur m. Ibb rrr* 1________
raoruc L-top uad pm a. .. tb* atoa «*»m
’* “* eioiaior
Um Ittim^nru fc.«v Pit..
Ui«<r hmuU
tonm on eoarueaaly waited apoa
>ialaad aSmded every ^purualty to ntrau Uey «ar* Uelr loat effort I
bfy Uelr waato.


BoU Mr. Bamlltob aad Hr. MlUlkeo
Mro Matt. Wallet. »l WUtonet. Ky.
pn^naa oanar taeir .rniorai
wae waa Barrlad while qolle yoaar. {* nner. and Ualr iaurrity aad pob aamwwMwJl tarrmu aaiMLWUUpmw
teM that kb aam* b*• kept
aaerot. Uanotberof foarteeaebiUraa.
She ne apirit have nand Uam to ba aoarbt
at of Uo CbMiaa- batriveo MrU to iwtat Um liaaa. i, natiof* at
• ■vUlaalltw**<*LmO>wwmnOa.ia Bfmw
M paou* a
am Aaaanbly al ClovelaSd bl. abeok aadoaThondaylntabe^neatodbar jnrKr. Mill
imib>« wn
Oroaad bn ban bttbab hnbaod wtU Mipmta.
Nr. Waten I*. ibNiwnlea
B to
Ua SUM Baoaia, vbar*
*vsSMaB«abMiMa to M)btB«ko bat*0yena« bmamd Mrb. Wittoo baMbow aervUr.
Mr. ilantllo.


iit-T-wSiiK'fsr- **

atomoBtobCbMUSMtoM M ito


3Q7—Fancy Stripe Worsted—will wear equal to
four dollar goods—-neat pattern.....................

Mayae prvaeated Ue aai

burden ol t
■at* aod baa coatla•only eemaiord away. Ur b dcrkirnl


0O2—Cii ;iy ‘ lieck Cassiiiu*re--.will look well with
any coat and vest--gootl weight,good wearers

CeMtsUesbl AffiBBiant.


They shouldn’t be­
lt requires skill and no
little labor to SHAPE
a pair of Trousers.
Anyone can cut a pair
after a pattern—it's the
skill used in-pressing
^urs that'tm£es them
bold their shape so

------------------------------ urw-c

With Ub brief deaeripiloa it will be
■eBTtSat Mr. Baallton baa biilliapa
t BUOceea oely
otulord by boDorobla method* and

A wiUlo every aoo'a men

Are all Trousers
Alike to You?


We have made extra room for our very large
stock purchased for our Pant De]»rtment. Oive
us a call and see the goods for. yourselves.

Hamilton doing Compaiiy.
N. B.-‘Pants as low as 60c.



«i te pMUn Kor wu tb«r« nncb dlf<
IMe* Mwm tb» «yU «< tboM act*
«anla. M Utr ««« (ksmL aod that
wWek «o* ttuTMlU r«tb« tbu that


wroosbl IruB.
lUta raotiBee to ba baard
arbaaia ct bard apgU is aual
ikalKd as BBcertalB charto-


I ««

______ nacta
FTil an biend to BMatina bat em
or two aataita Tbty an oaaoea
hnded WKB,
lha ^ la' BonaB laabl
^Ti tba“ib«
^ para- .
•m*a atfcb aa tba (oUowtaa fonsed p„


•«“»*. •a.^hr


aod ct

coat of poddlad Iroo aa coinparad with
truia to torn oot

Bbbs to pnwrra lit aacebdimcy.
Bataboaaa" "CCwartal;
The rod of Ihl* ernlory. which la
•« to bU fommeat I
tow Dear at band. will, lb tbe nOima■pate. barlBg
eeled lo wr>oi(;fai irus. tee tbe end of
b la hardly poialhta to oa oow. with
:bt Iroo at a dittisctire de^faaiaS tba
ot acWsca araiuid aod tba ' ........ -ttviit pcThapt In tbe cum of a
a aritb whicb wa «aedUL inw or «uue other high priced
an MppHal to (ortB a proper BOUOD of Iron apo'ially Ordinary Ur iros will
IhadaikBaa which. (orwaDl of tbcaa. [ liava (tiupletely diNi]>|ieared from tbe
laaotnd tbt ............. of tba people to inde It It lieoimlse lum'atlui.'ly dlifiMrnBtarto afirr tbe tall of tba Bo­ coU to aerate Biatenal from which to
mb aarpdra We are told that tbe era- maODfacinre KenniBe l«I iron, thsap
■toi wen ao iRburatil of gf«rrapby baa h>u liees the cfah ( deprndeBta of
that at crery towo they approached la tliebfrinio maunfai-tnrrr. who li prte
Mtni Barm they lnqalrad if It waa blLlled |.y lie oet fruui oaiDK poddlad
JarMlasi -Wbca t^ at lesctb reached irvis i-acTiit to thoe who inalti npOB
harlBK iscck barr iruu wiibuBl
«Wr nfatltaa aad frieodt
Rarth Cere.
tot at tliam aome few atranli
0tM foBBd their way Ui-k
raetev Koeip|. • (anwDi waM
WM Btm bad nrwa In thoat dayt ft preina bae louud a powerfoJ
mU aoL eoDtrary to the prorerb. ib< D> w roralive prinriplea applied by
Mral tot
Eewy'Uiilr conimnnlty BBolh. r Orriuan pritel. Paalur Polka of
Mb then bare Ured uiacb wiUuB It- Morra. in Kh.-ni*h Pronla Nor water,
lull earth b hu abihUuleth. and aa a
Ihiolu-cleri he baas hie panaim OB Bib­
lical duclrlB" Tltrbildel'
loan wae created ust uf curl
urth. by earth
ri to have rerterd is ibe modem
Wrtd Tbt war which tba Veneti
1. be ciiri-.l.
ly Bee. Falka
pMliewi^ ap>B«t tba Torkafite prraerilae mod pUetele to all
afciB di-'iK. blood poiamlBfi. aweUanmereUl in­ iBKe. I>aiu. biokab Uiuha and iBtoeal
Guiuplaiute aa well <>poB woDBda ba
Trad is a particn- asiiiota with clay. Jn upls lo “iworlda
tluae dtoroni of beat
tne pUr f,4 Ibe - '

» paid to tbUprirl:
iB He tiodr of eXtneUBK Baelem etutta
. called Kar­ from the Uilv and rcpltdiiK them with
la time to new." be diracta all hia patlmta to
ha appUad io tba oew. ria
Itrilf both alrep at'oiubt oB a bed of earth la tbe
to Hair aad rraace aad
muniiai he prepana a mad hath to
them ID a hole dog in the KroaiMl,aDd
1 triwa tbltDodacf U
Chon be eende them oft on a "coBKilotiunal ' Uu> eccentric method of treatfTCWlBB
^MMM oaca a laoeth. bat they wen
le of hclieien
f toa >CBlaaa to allow IbeiB to be dieted.
i Omtj a (aw wriUaa oopto wen tnc»- diktrh-te
, totoad lo aarb aa aabacribed aad
inn-nt to tbe honaiiiKof hia patieata
t TUrtyaolamaa
■eraln• to he rroctrd. wbrB. sofcriOBately
to Paator Felfce Iba police iaiertoad
£*MaS!afi^luBmn^ Flmm aad tbe eccIcNaatical aolburillai waa
■ Itoead'rertlalBK
eaked to tohid the twloat'a forthor aclllfll il tba toltor of HosuIxDa lirily ar a uiedioiae ruan. Tba stUBtor
^■ritoatad MtyMt beinf eredlM of faUdiaciidre u meaBwblle iBcraaaliic
a (or maklDK tbe and Kneipp a anroeaBura bad betto took
OBI to thrir laorela UuaDWhlle B BK)Bt iaU-iaecrvctrdwFatherBBMpp
afbaa aMabUabad to the parpoae aod
.-rikiolea -^lUBon fiam
WM (hat poMed ee tbe walk of paUic
t afliebtw


«M«cmadaBeba la raoaetiBnire <
thatr cbbUbh bdai criminally find a
m phmtda. Ihonfb the word ila^ :

■ Diaibetb tbit tbe boBorof cc

tf tbla tanatry. that tege

awrywhaau nwilrrd t


■nfuns b>


lB to pnbliah from time to time
" . ■ Mat beariBK ibe faUowlnc title
••The hflleh Ucrcnlie. intdiehed by
Mtooritte tolbecQOtradlrtiaouf (a^
H|l«to' Of tblepaUicatlontbree cupid in the ilriiieh unwam.

n. IWh Tbefiret article deled
WHtahalL oonuiu adrina from eiir
Tkaada WaliiBmham tbei the armada
waaaaae totbechaunel. mitinK for tba
oottaaea aitha lerurable Kale AbacMar la then mrm of bar majerty a
itai. Wblefa conakated uf HU eail. dieided
tolB foarr aqnad
■qnadruua. cummandnli by
toalardhlKbadmitml.«o ihrArk ..rat
tor Fnaeia Drake and Admirah Haw
Ondi-r tbe head.
totiiaiiii wUeb tba mayu
^tiee had on tbe pterioi
mar Vi raa rmorauuo u> aiano cry oer
With IbeirbTw and fortune, to the Uul
OlMtolba aame bead appeara tba (..I
'•Yeatardiy Che
etch aabaiMrdur bad a priyair
layalr an
vbT bar uiayeeiM and driWrrrd a 1
r eualainlns the mto cvidiala.


«baa Kaa.
Id prnmruut a lim of Amorirmn «can ntiKun it waa ctmeau u uoia that
the enmba ct teaun yimt axaotly equalid the oocnlitbcd nouilKk of taaritonai
noBoa It m prxibably tne that
lbcr<' an- pttt aloai iwu cnlciTBWd MBora lo each bunuiou or baa Than an
aimUnriy aUnit twice ar-mauy aojaaiMB
aiiliman auBao wtrrui<e nr eooiraland ihim an- pruUiht} two UaUHil
auluoBue to >T.4y Ull.W.

c rvuaom. to ibrae miiue an prObtlua.^- A hiKhi-f Toi«^ bring the
uuoraul. atcnti-i> tu ii> uwna Iba
aituoiiuii. Thu uacunl touw and


coltivaie what luiyTaf'to aa
midiucre ahilicy. Tbe
banhme. bowevec, la tboafibl of aa
duly an urdmary nmrial. and a roioe uf
tbe Qlm.aa |uMiluliiiiac may he left to
. (rJKmuiv ui the dark. uUalb-

A tUla*.- f
u< w.irld m Uae n-«|>-ci. The women '■
••amg nil.."
ktvp iiuiL't. or ainlo aod ■
•(Da.l al U
tirp Dice.:_________________
Uiom>« droBa
luKjii]iub toien Tbe
e paid
peal Tteoea
bo lUKubr
lUKubrenia av.rm?e. bot
a a Kirl wl
the Uon* part Wliheat dausiw ct
l-'T feT> r ib.---Miiia. kiuK out abino j
One snnui.iiUK .'h..rna. Ei'ery iaK-i*ickt


"Mr flpeaker Mr Tibba ie oot boe
■e a R>i>plicani It* pity or ayupathy
Hr Tibb* 11 a man end tbe bead of a
(aaily Hr Tiblw hai irtei tbe diary
alnalck w.irld and ema uoi Re bae sot
become ai diny or ai atok aa yua aiMl L
aad. tberefore. 1 will not refer lo tba
bnmto buiueof Ur Tibba or tbe old
aotbrr «U>a on dooht.
prayiBK h
, prOodtoUr
1 will Bot refer to tbe,
tbe panleied brntba
wbo. like myaeir. kBowa
tbal Hr Tibia
eaDoel fail Bnl
wben 1 tblBk of
ponder and bow || mart nttle tbe
talBlw wtndowa of Mr Tibba' i
deare And Ur Bpraka.
do Wiab that tbe SKitber of Hr Tlbbe
woBld kimlly mentloo tbla
to that pnya. fur. if abe did. I belirra
11 wooldaBlI lUoiltatiInpDU ben
we woBld ooa>a ncara cum mg tack best
"Mr Tibba
e nifeelf haa
Uowa iato tbla
lie lie ih/eoblimlly
of luck Dwiii
.tiny cl
• her dleHpia
IK aim.
« wbo oppne Ur Tihle are flitbtinK God
od I will
tell yon why 1 think tbla I aa atoppiag at the Tnlana botel. by tbt faith
of the ban Iberpf Uy wife and baby
an wiib Bie ih.-re Vaitciday tuoroio*
I bad lawn op e.-re early diwimlBK tto
of a 8c w uuuatitBUoa to i



Adiroadiuk IX»-i.a—Bow lonp baaa

_____fc._ j .1.

N.Brll.y«md, Neb., a brd pniri,
fin la mr<nc in the UI1 Sehaa. wb eh !•
BOW dry rleier it a fu 1 riaecp. Hae>
atackaof natbreabed min and handwcla of toBi of hay hare been burned
near ban.' Sma 1 farme.^, it la feared
may be baniad ost Tee inwe. wLich
la poorly protected, war orly eo*ed by
eerryoee larolof obi aad beatmp bark
tbe flamea

r<mi eufl eeCuun^^oaeara.
While oa ha hrrael I leaa a>r be
Aad acKitr taeaUw ac; Ufa eat
"Kbocki knockt -Comeia.' lansrlly
old. expectlns a bellboy
"Hr Tibba appeared He eanw tc
tbebedaB^id iienator. lam naiaed
Tibba. aBaTwasl to be paseuf tbe aestla I want yun lo Buke Ibe Ml <d
tbea tote for me. pinae air
•Mr Tiblw I rrplHd. N
lo yon that yoo are ODwdibf aw
rhatt Oon'l yoo think to tba
kind of a day aad tbe lime id day that

r-fleeted by hupi’iahed
a axreeahie
>e ll|
lirht. The tn

Corot whiailed aa t t frirjed
tnm and r

March 29, 30 and 31

iTfiu ral eto.-k- tiuvalue.- una|>(>r.i>;u'lu!>k'.

Traverse City Wagon Works!
A. J. PETBETYL. Proprietor.

alt wool .Scrji'-. ;i,.
I'.ili'-rii-.. :; ,iiu) . ,



Atib Oyneial BlarkamitliiDu and Foiviiiv'
lacing a Specialty.
''Hilly'' .tlOiotl ha* i-iian.’** of tliie
atidliii rc-pathtion (or kiiowiaK iiuw tu du
well known
lown to nWd cnmia.-nt
V^rk in the city will be called f .r and

II end Stalt- ettv.-la

Th* placo, Uic new brick faciorv at.

TrawAra# Oitw. BTichlrnP

DRS. B. S. tSc CO.
Tba Calabniad Snaalaluta. I umcri, uf ii-« 1 urk. aaj no.


AncrlciD IMicil ud Surgical InstiMe of Huskegon, lick

4 ; h.'di V M.idn.i- -I



i.s,' ;i|.

The largest and aiiosi eWxtrate sti<k
Wl- have ever shown.
Patterns thj' very
m-wfst .-Ind as usual our juices arc the very
lowest. Mattings from luc uj..
iillin-g Ingrains at
Kmssi-Is from ;-.)<• ni..



Our past
week's l>usiness has
Ireenahumt ontniij.'s |..r another week.
Ojr prices equivalent i

Si.>. k
, oiii| .
cost of in.itenal

Don’t waste your time, buy
your muslins of us.
W e sh-i» ureal values in
fill' defiartmeni. O ...
suit-an- avcll tailored, of

April 13, 1899.

OSce Boon from 9 a s

\\ arc showing untiMi.-il i .dues in Novelties
-imi I’Uin Effects. New I’l.ti.l-, s|>lcmlid values,
ai 7..S, JO, i.'c per yard. Wool and Silk Novel­
ties. some ,<:o inchw. wide. ?;c yanl. 4,i» inch
A big ranKT of patt
patterns of I'riniminc Silk and Waist
All mimensc line t»l new Wash I a|,r,<-5 consisting of
>' -iiign.tni-,
.iiigh.tni-, iiiinuies
Dimuics anil Organdies, ri.iin ami l•'am.•y Welts
4 4 good Pcrc.tle tc.


Tratr-erso City,


to4p m

—....------fact that a to
«"« laid in a flat that will prara
***^ cartalal
ba can
““ ***" ■ ^*dlctiaB
In apartr
Mte made tbe nnwUlii

Ladies aii icol Coteri Spring
Jackeis froin $3.00 up
Ladies' Skirls froin $I.0R np.


No end of new designs and colorings.

Our prices are

------roll Ooodstrongwhitcbackwalipaper.prcuyde- >v..uld lx.-ciiejp at fx;.
I r .ll I h .i..-ir..’ii .01 .-l,-ga.|t a-sortment of lilimnier. Egg Mica and (iilts, would
I..' .1 i..4 1.
(jili IJor.Jcr jc ;>er yard.
. r .'l
\ I cl.'4 .111 hue ul :me embossed high art Wall Paper, would be; ccheap at 15c
infill beyrind description Must be seen to l>e appreciated.




H..fl.'-l g.< ..1- ,ii
u;i-p. d,iU'. I '.ir

r Ea.-tcr Gloves from i
'c right.

r..ina.,nm,,h.,ds tnp-case you.
wittiin reach of ail—slvle-t.'L'k is fresh and a&sortnient

Tf)f our Men's and Women's
$12$ up-to-date Solid Shoes.
Try our Cork-luner Ladies' Trt-On-Fa
$2 50 Shoe.

Our st<K'k is onnjilcle and


L.iri.'c-i .K-partmenl io Xurthern Michijan —one of the cheapthc slate—the most skillful irimaier-to execute the

w.irkinanship <if high

_______Avo roamvx oobb


thaI avCol eaeru
aOeru aC aortr
rortr 'lee aeC iW
ll aamaeaa* eeiw laae •aUw la u. teale

Trairag* BXAWDAVBaUW]-------


Hiiv i
Jirici I


toeij aoc peer

‘'raSSknsrtrt.A ahd ahoiAi. ul.

a al Brct ar ?e> all e'eaew veakae.
ar hear oiaU aM hear viih i.
‘dTueUral III.

wl~*-'i!y.Vi.I!'” (Arils 2£h5^ r«w

^ "^“f tbSlbrin to­
argCUlTtav. Caraenrmta
Tba preiwnttaa ta aa hard aa
— • • am* luefater In waigfat
. and iBoxiMaiTw —

Pritts from. S5.00 tip

Cbildren's Jackets IroDi $125 np.

ir. Urer. ma^i^.chrve
«a aeeer talM la iheoi

* bar baen ieTented


Ltilits' Silk Capes, trioiiDeil litR lace aid beads.
JroDi $2.00 Dp.

theirrcwi They bmb appear grirat a
dUaUbev. bnt wbeo wr apiwimcb tbM
wa And tbal they are to to IniarMoaubla than wa had ametevid.—



;he lai.-si shades and bcstj|^ieriais.

•and I bare been up Muiie lioiet
•'•To. air. all uien eboold ba mdy
to buxioca by tfau tiue. wna my ro>uiBdc*. -tiQt why do yun rdaie to me
and bow did yoo find me?
•• ■! aaw yon la tbe Climax aloCh
poterday. and Ur Uaddin. tbe ter^per.^m yon w«*e a eeaatot.' cute
"I qaickly
iickly glanced
slanced at my wifa the
ins had atopped.
iOK a ttranKT ruice. bad rated ble
compUint and war aittios np. luektag
Ukea jack
area and can
“I aid. -Mr Tibba. I winat ate yoo
to excoae me. I will call <n too later.
."•Yea. fir. I will ace you.' barepUad.
■ad wept aeray
••Sarah tnmed bet head and aaid.
‘Will. I am few TU
• Mr Speaka. I anaa aod niaad tba
nrtainuf tbeerindow Tbe eaut aeemad
flocked with a awarm of goldra ^
Ibe ran. that had been away, war
knockinit at (be froal dour of tbia plaaat Sir. wbo can tell of the eyatema aad
eyclte be bad amiled aptnu of bla uapakahle glney and aablimil
llgblof tbia
AI oae (inrai
Ban aorely die. hot. air tbe fire 1 bad
*oo> in tbe eyee of Jimmie Tibba will
Dot die It it older than tbecan It baa
riood flooda of atom and wrath that
' tba] ann t)Be U of tobottl ____ ________
tbe Iwmortallty of tbe aoal
Tibia waa olMad. —KmibrQl*

. 4*;iUcrm. ami makei, in the grreatc-l varietle.- n

d..m.-.Ii.' an.I iiii;..iiie<

Unnulacturtc Uutnfifla. tSacntie and SIc-Il'Ii
U«pair Work. Rcpaiotini;. VamieltiiiK aod I pbuialcriin; proa>|it!y



We exi. ml 111 vour>clf ami tfi.-mla^ a most
cordial iiivitaiion tu vi.-it u.-on t!ical)«i\-c dates
ami trKtH.-ct .Iiir m.Ttnihci-nl
of NEW Ileeerd.

^•i^ HT(^*^%!bt "teaid.

-ftaftteib mil
Hansaibmad lab>|i»UlcIn-.
' ,
a. Yearaadtn.
Veanaae. wb*
reka. . .l—ll..
lUfatomnt waa prflpeto I, Aaratar-nh; Umt taate,
a raMd that U
mib. ovah a gallmi cd
efl cMab-.
to ohtetltei waa
11 «wte«, t
haadUflcall aad delicauqnnctdah at cba»-to uto to Una _
> datarmlaawbu^ allgfUt to «< *» teKaUitntey-a tnvtte aona mh. ^
tea. bat * wajofite Dob bmaa
Yaikee—Jlnh. tot la atehlag. ' an* It."by tiraflag to wboM
* Uwtoi vnr a calf (a oar
-to whair
Iba mmm Wemlhto py-bntoaitoa am oea* AU.WIO.—

etinj.'aneeuDle etrw-lue. rtwi e

toSClrt *“»rVtT-*

w . «ato



siltuioi aod Eiamiaatlon free and Stiic:l? Confidential

oM refrain i
ding uf a fiuwa

0( B.WW T>M> anl Uautallv. aaC

»oirr«ii..». ib* m nmn^dte
tri.-i. that aulluic di-r n..l. .» huu....
l..A» i. a nn«i-i.iaul> I'am* than aiii*.
tm; Tl-ir poWu- <-naal many a
man frotu ib-vidi.plug ib.-pJd bum ta
bu kirji.i. Ikauba. Un«v ic. t^wclBUy
._ - vutilsecl that a
abuul.l UIK deprud im bit
baa Mndml bia mapnty.
-rmuta. a penu.-i.oia .xiiimaiiotbgloCoaBBUaalaDrr Wright a can. Iwi many a fath.-r will rM bia arm
% 11 Mato
tbe Onlob ar. op iu IniainM with a auin of tamj
iamltntloBato tbecarr and whi-b U dvcul.d tu paring bla artialie
^ lastoiBliidaalperauBror tniucm a f*w
y.«n md|ui bia twemtin
him a capital of
m ir M.Mu.uwu
-a totheiranie
flat tell. tot. «W.
Aj caretakerr and irwefaer* MfiS
Mean aaipluywl. and Uh-i
fttfUt cc Inmatca ta &17T.
And TuSeld li

1 laTna. brad, tba ncracoal la lA caBla and

dry r»da aod dna
Tba dpHacopaalBC
SprtBf oeaalBi l»rba IBU wotb-;
lac aad tba bi$ atora will be a laroriu ;
tor tba Iadlea for the resainclrr ;

"At fi is Ibe Iiiornlnc Banb
iy botuiuiBK lolbe Whins teby. rock0 net to Bleep aad to


Haenn that allChafai.mrbe expected
Ite Spantirda oar Uw cuorwue .rf
wgypbaiiimtof1}aam.tbai beabonld tv
fcaiaiaii telfaebut ' Wewondtfwbat
iKigbl of emiaaaadun tn

thaBraUualrffaetaaaar a<

Thar* are aboet el('bty diatlect Ulbea |
iDsy bead Bb freckled.

a Tan
aBnoaafacalt atabdlsa tb«ca firiac amnsf the Baileea of the Pbilioplue. i
at me bow Be U lunkiDi op bow bat Tba Uoroa an tbe moat blaodihiraty 1 A a-T-l aay of I ] mioaUi'c a nl^r
leaga keowD.
' (uarel bar teen Cc.cred .n Pana
(oriMarlT all bla Ufa be bat knkad dowB
^ fiKicri tiuc-w the Iic.1t from
tab# bn ^Ibadtba bic feat of nsaU'

I tbai bulo-y ^ ji.h o! j'’ake.'^oli’l"Z* I
.____ ,.
r**'.. .
I a vokm " |i lujv
iWl that >-oua'
EnKliah pap
| tnuTht i.. I. .-,,Un.;:«l II may I.. tlu^ Aoettn D.ibaoB la sccndlled with —
; i«.-H o. 1., .icin-ai.d, bnt, uav±.
‘‘Ww TOtten in a copy of tte
Allan Poe
er it mu‘-l iha Ti„. uej. f..-. .i i.
w<*ka of Edgar
[ du<iwery lo a <au"-r of |

nUgto. and ibe y..un« |pnK Jneuea

ll it Bot^Bltoaa

wbf« Ibt oppoaaoppat
wCtiKd Iba aroau
oe a local bilL Tba q>aat-b
••Mr Spaakaa. I aomlBaaa far pa«a
JlB TIUm of Daridana cuaniy Tbara
SB ba eo flJtcrua Biallaa aaerll

1 BO tailnad paaaaa. so
npim BO tnlltlcal palla
D tba mnddy If
daw asd Mr TIbfaa froco tba oMp
iDoaBUiB lotB of middle TaBBota
Hr Tibba bat


MS. L A t CL nmn ni in. iKiaH. HCi.

Wc most earnestly s.i'icil y.
insp-ction of our spring arrivals. Our
cl.'thing ihi'__scav'n i- wd', tai or.-d. jMtterns
jiatterns and styles well -elected,
-elected. even
e»en %o the
cheaiK--t. Wc offfer m..-t marveious bargains in men's suits.
A -[Kcial bargjin--J"0
, well _____
•n's all wool sprijj£..Anits,
eich ^350.
>i:iis from Tic
/ic up. Children's kne^ pants from ISc up
I’s Mills
Mvn> wool
pauls (no sbiMldyl from Tic up.

Our store -will be in full trim on above dales.
Music Evenings.

The BostonStore,




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