Grand Traverse Herald, December 21, 1899

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Grand Traverse Herald, December 21, 1899


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


T&A.TSSSB ary. OBLAMI) t&AVJLUSE COONTT. ICmilOA». Pfa.;ib»ii^art 81. 18M.

Grand Traverse Herald
*«MJMW »»MT tasaMT *1

(UTBsn om.



Dr. J. A. Snyder,


or*mn>aTr«mA BAU. «


• :‘si^

■iwiei ttMf—

OAPITAI. »l” >.000
8UKPUW S&.000

4 MBUL lUUK mans MU,



o. P.Carver!




at 31$ Front Street.

TreTeree City, Mich


Once become accoatomed to Ibeir uee and yon are loat
withoot one. We have them for leinperatore. for dtirj um, for »U-rilizing porpoaea, and for thermometere
Briai; Preacriptions and Family Recipea to na. We 611 them
ri^bt; with dnu(B that are rif^t. at price* that are riebt


a,. TaAtaaKUlB>,On(*Mre w aew ta


aw.~a eU.ete»UMeaf*Ulaa bp


Hamilton Watches,

Uleeu. Fne««Mlk«

B. B. XnXBB.

Fancy Clocks,
A’SE-.-ii-’KiS “ ■


Elegant Effects


In Diamonds,

Wewantw few reliable men to
repreeent the ■Uonceet aod b««t
' Accident and1 Sickacoe laso:
jy in
ithoDt tbe oanal amoant
of red tape.

ODitedSUtesBeDeTolent Society.
Traverae City.

*._the Maalae



Oaaia I


bad bee* ID heaarela. tar I

rraae ae


.'S S'?,


thaaknl him.
Three wae a are l«tt
Sarah, who wee kterwo.a,
B>aa bad dm

ibd; lUpa i

j; U'

D tae eh
aeiBiBk ahoal the ciaa______
._i* ui>p.e»e
Tbe buuka
aaC lire toiled Kraacee idwirae.r. re.
pcriallj the kk; blor Ue ac
tea Dad a i objectm to ih<
lUia/ .xprrieooed id.ffi.-o.iy
IB raioiDf pekhce.ioe dl ihi tell Djx.
aoa ic oeplcaeorlof
a pi~ ol

larMewa»f».«.» u iv<

hMCM. t wacb roaaeer***

They khowad hM the waa. the
a»ay froei
aad thae_"L-Bel* Dtokh
at. par
Teaaa or d«r>hC «»>« 1 iichi
' raws..of .1 aaay id | had a ofirc lold thrw aboeL Sat

ecu aad «.
ai.d paieiea
■ a Ce.uraCd
Eaaaa* City

If?'- -•

re •

:ipe aad died. Aad
le ao*t iTtara
,*»<. laaoe of'l
le aawM of he
her Baaday •ehool aeMli
a the
aad la.
e wooded bUU a«d . boofbt for Urn aad metaea ih
I aauee Heaaayleaau lory abe w«. to

s aii —bia CBiad umr- I aad aad—
>« Ur preaeai Rich-!
Bat Ur chadraa woald MX hMr
■ v~
hrrdraffad bar
bar le
le thr
thr pthM
ptaao ai

fifi. erMed f.
r« soatfaj
Sell aoelk.
e lor Ue Inv
- le
-' Jolly
Old St- MeholhA"
ServCMia t».-aaa*»
the dMipalM
MehoJk!.’-** Tha«
r« dreakiaf
day, ol batrraa yoaaf a.aotA.jd. waea ;aboeted the rolUckuf com wIU e2
foUowrd by
- - - - arperaiM his fereeer a laaiy chorM that old Hn. v.—
faraeau daiaty aad lerricaoir. Dot !ruo: jar Dr .vu.,
•rr iorfca
afraid they woald awr..........................
flory o> Ur box cmr
a, Ur Umis aa
f led Paiiadi
1 waa awrt-'
>at De'bikf leae Uae a aao oe .ooeeo .at'
W,u.»B fW LM
areas ^Itrra uf fold broan kllh aao s coBirroo, duana
IbaCfad SleaMT'iealad the oBMaav
dlaoieirlAJIy oepoeitc ioc
clean to carreapoDd
ae redecird i
aheWM loalhcat 8l brtde'a. •■Whil#
rhe wiolatrr's «ife ottered aery o' aroofBt sect a
Tbetr fCloeM to
a boxee aerr beiBf pack<
I pleoaorc. lara the driicatr ckia .(Hirer
r dide'l kMw B
MM to tareroiflereoiprr
I rd. Ue brarr ey«
eyca so atradloai ist caadfM U
diecne irctuMia of a koia
weatrre adrerally nTrrSJwed aaf
aiadeeda Oad aeaderad
,a Thr am
I Ue CBatrai ucject i eronaa cc
cobbed aload Tw.
trma of biot
floor of a ccriaie Ifoaaip ein
Tory aa
'Ueyu fromlpreJadr to roetJ'a
•■ho*1aa.~awa a<
-e Ahe lad>. Aid da>.Ual
•ooi . doctor', fra cSi.deood
araduf to city fi
Mcoad-haad e
lor ue deatiute
luae asa i
1 wara oar day be «
aaU(B hhd hk krai_
I&C w one o( ia<
la crriiHc
aoar tram1 hia
Die eoaeiug
rooeiuf heuee
W rewBterto the kevaa. tto nal
WwB apace waacxbaoatefi aaa
er who •
.. •..n.Mh"
BicBara Diefc"
wnek. ewMX «toa Maatod .thrtr
«r aailM, ^e yoaac laas mMilitfoa.}
ca.;ed him Uea—lat .xxaled he said u
—.....y prooaeM a Oua of akeaciu.
—.a the ir-------- --- ------------------------------- '
■aed ID o.arkiD« ID« otaaloBary
ice bin.
biB. She was a Ootifol fu'l
bMB eriee
a. aod aakeo for Ui<
k .oaf deferred treat vwiof tc
e fm- wooDdM ber life, bat she obeyed Tto
praaioaot c
kiDdity of bolt payiaf .;
tarr aad Erou imme of atera etuir. aao baoMU
mllee lau maale. raaatod ttoW^^
' Ortoe, CtlfL—tlilc,
'.Of for ac
.UTfe a^Eieaoora fcaUe woBtaaiiaem lay
baralBMaowot aU yoar aeagi off
budad Dos
. heroic alreaftb
:iaa rreelaed leilrra tbe I
Alter that B:cbard JeaeiSia'Ulexl- Tbafd^ aotepaak to Maf yoamkaa
U^rdday ^or preaideat ol thr Lud^ dated aabiu bkcamr a poblic aeaadal.'
A Tnaagbiar Miaiake.



fobnaon Block. Phone 73


Aiiheach draeaea nrj plaWy' Ba».

fCw pa« iL

PUt« Olaaa. Staam Boiler end Aoddeot Ineoranoe

Money to Loan on Improved Real Estate Only.

IWMaldaoi btcaliWactaaMa.'~Bk

kM life aad <


u Uirt .t rMk piApk a'knlp

Merchant Tailor ONLY
NO BLZrm 285*1





« aouMar. AtMn»> ».



eeald ladaee all that clothlar
tbe reecaa
Iroa wc ' lYalr' qeotM the doei
MBilC. "11 U DkOre DiCM

Real Estate


BttgmesB Cards.

exkii Mk rrv.

uatabala t_________



8|Tia( iiarles o( Wooln aow
e« wla. wbtcb will be Mdc a*
U tba Uuat btflaa. aad M
•Mb Lew PrMa ae wUl (arpeto

SUerMT* »i Aww.

• aaabwcrfC

^oxrsnr xo Xj0.a^ .

k»d eae the •Iwaal MW llM of

****“ **Ti5!ItIfoll!«i3r“*



Beautiful Novelties In Jewelry



Thara la m plae* wa two toaa okor
paavora. asd conecur. aa ibe;
woald preer ac-wplao.e
TBe aoaeer '.Yay. a proiaainf youo* lawyer "
aoe read aeeerai day, later le Ur aor was auio ol Bi
Tbhtdaia ato whUpw af tto tocht
Tbe rouncBkaa defUj placed tbe ateo a.ciety was ao oacoiamoaiy fratrlu; Iram huaie.
cUa ID
a ibe
ibi rtquired
- ut Uey di
ll apprecuUM, how be
rrteraiac. a eery dllTer- Th^U M aaU of aU ttok mm w*
IDk. Ib sai. -deny buck eapitaia.
laa aad refmiul Ual Be aad
d;, . lUkec or eraeM ap
awayaoluuf It wie aaeb a abort Tbatdoaahot toU aoew------------'n _f
e. UB +- M. t>RD..V ;
> Fraecie Norloa
;jui ley from Mieaueippi to
. LA
No oac aoUced 1 o______
exp.iciL Tor family r.
lUU Xboartattoy emU tto wad taw* to
failorc ot the ■ oi, idoa.iy
,.iy and ciiiccliieiy
.iciae U^c'inf m traded ; ..earud, ii oe^wodS aa Beretulore ,i
to pel
woald act ylala Uaa, far a ■
(be penbo (olioaioc
pocird myatery
For Ue tweaucu luae to drew forth
>o aaa eaiaradlU#foai_.
Ua reeaa^iU.
Bm • aa freat oaa,
poiBl was loeiil Tbe mialal
a -eiier aad read It wiu Ue same abalafflaf, i
•uroed lalereal ae if for Ue Aral umc
•pruD* Iruffi a
Uaap UM yo. omt
iDe cuy Dao


Daeo dwpaichea li
*•»« I'Droer aad
j| Dew bookv Ir

For Christmas Presents.
Finest assortment 1 have ever carried. Tbe line'
this year is especially fine and you should see it be­
fore deciding on your l^liday Gifts.


L. Al.


Pont Offlo* fioUdlna.


■■••I woald act bare Ue heart le Dadeaa7u!TDe^^‘t y^Ttb^ vte That doax aet 1
tkeaffh tou to to
rr a CDDaiCOBeai
xhidkiadUre .Sortoa.
taa^Diy boy
Ikby tore you aeew
■ U ffrora
raoi e;fan aDfl a - -t,peci.uyaa Ue i. cut for *; »r;rteD or tome Dose to eee aa' We
Richard Jaaaian dtow MwtoWa
Ilea TDudrSBM
old aweeuaarv ffaxiat totoMlyattor
LDe fUDD< laayer a icea .>f eomlortacie
toralytaea Aa iMXaat tator to hM
.1DC« Wbcacue ApuD a laic coUeVe
moaUaoid aa?'baa
jOkMl Lctlprr.
childreo uftea


' Fraaeia MorlOD. Ciilleaeilie. La. '
riul be ooilttea Bia Meod'a medical
waeaotaa utreUooa. alifbL U

,zz,rr '

ibowed correct boaiaeaa aietboo.
be aba
r. ny Dia.iiDf a aotid.-atua ib,L
iigl-t Ur etpetted oc a certa b
I aifreaUxj tia miUdak
Ua«£ by raaeanaf a lair cim
hreaca bia aalari
by a forwarded
Tbe Uird. ixxt had m.
ragardiag ceaieoia. was awailia*
dray la tae Ball of a liixanoea DOdie oa
a Sor aTePiae
It wax directed by
led eecureiy oa IDe
tc aorti
U Nor >B, Cjfioo»u.e. La ' Tbe
laitialx aio d lor Ue rireb oaoea ol



mlly fur a josbcer ante.

, -—L

a Pox. a.iee tee aanea are .
ue ou.y oaei
tae bmiiba
.Sow. yk,« oida t get tae ;


y,, oui»er«ity

Ur. Keat fail-

eer noUer at:ll lire U


r£,ri, r S'HrS'

fatere raiidaimaat c

1 looks eery old. bet
Ly aad makca Ue
Ue baby. La eome
aae wiu oa Tbe

w- ...I.rfrra
Ibc coaelaaioa m
SortOD recri»eO i
wimltoieat Biaa
doctor leadily aa*
reaaoaiug. eoaiee

- Bei.-’aa.d

er yoar loeiaf aialer.
Uaai HeClut.
H »—The ebilcrto'a______ ___
Mary. Alex—ae'a aaaM after father.
Ttel“'““"v-»am, Lick-after yo«-aod
a a lItJa aaral'
Ue .ocidiiyof

Kraoeea. eueluiiia{


Tbii ia tbe time of tbe year to conaidur lieatiDg
For tea yean I hare handled

Ch-er one hundred in sncceMful operatise in tbia city
and aurroanding country ,
gnaranke bond tpivn
with every furnace aet by


Proat street.


Trawene City. Kich.




Beet aad a fa>oriie wiU Uit
named aiaur le the eaaV
Buff, j of a bjdooe day. wiu
Kraaima oalj oaefal
Tbeyoaed d-ocuir aur»eyt
I djurwaya. elaborately careed.
pr«eeata~aae remarked uher baabaod rold hair, ryes aad (n
------ eteaiac
-------.fDiqpTaieci she eaa’t bay
ol tae tweet loieed ai
Ucr«. Idoa't believe le loadia«
»he balidete
- ippen
llul their yioi, ow. owyw>,wo
die 1
ire.ed by a txy
leekit 'tpiri-.ur decay bad faliae apoa Uam.
eetei *eaurrd
aod ue chiidrea of laoae who btiill
. cted ■- effort boi for Ue .-yoo Ba*e my Chi
t'Be.r eyee met taem Bad mo.ed to fleer aad more dodTbia wee loo mi
ly rail rd peDcL learlof a taiDkl
.ward li >e wheo termiaauak Ue | The doeteWk
Jenatarm aad Ue
U Eeala
______ ebjoymeoi
«>* 7enatB»ea
eplkoe They bad >
al.ght oimakloaa aad addiUoas ot Ue c vara aad laedoed
exodai aad eoeti
ue rebwi
yoUBd pwip eaeemeo u.
ed reaalx bat for ue coiscideccr of two affair raceed.odly
lemi.y roof
k baadiad
bekame was banod like ie aprediiy diaprla djtfldeace
others ba'lnf- alatoi
le rapid p
^j^resa is fneadabip,
ar rieea a mea. ae^ three taaeiad |
Be docu, , popomriiy
eat prao
wbea cjoalderiad
date of ei
y toaaare a*cted i
that re
ily alieadaoee. I'ub.
-aerea l-acle LcB '
iBioaaly afrerd tbat a
boys aa Uey raboed Be
at Ctirtoo'
■fleeted b.
It briorr Ue
eaat ot apaaeiBy ue docior u t apnod :
Ooe. bold oc bere'i
ey<^ ~
I eanfed
wtoed wurkmce u erecL
xeBBBfwl ell
foilowia* Lwember. Doctor
•1 waaeibeetioe
ualer wept a lew
doc-mr alirbtiBcabd eBterin*.
Ooi ao.;
f • -bs.
BO. ;SorUB
wrote Bia- trkca i a a.
ularweaoae as idbl ' Be remarked. ' ,g(g;ci ,^uir letter uaua b.
amiatuifl lo eoo>ey it to bia nr aad g, .^e for bia peerioBS yemr
oaylB^ Ue eooaiderabie eharyca. boI derUncr I
"SoBie OBC baaa'I lorrotlea yoa.
jg.i r«ired Lie *ery ooau
isrrd oe eaorai
.aarhed the affroifasbioocd frame Baaruc oa the parle
•Krom a eolik-re
or. dr.ri
At he boa diBf p,aer be i-adfwrd '
ame room ib taa old
Iw weido. to k» room aad. com- |
iKB DC bad oeespud
lUy eylac the title "doctnr.' pro
0 a boy. fe
ibed Wiu Ue same
I deobe
... 1I S' . matter where mes may be. i
cated fhiita aad tbe'
. .
.aaiirr Sow faraway frembimeucareed eoraee pmu
•Sirwat fa-mr » cktwi- be r;aea'aud : may fo oe bow loar they oiay au
c old pnsta
loB« draws iaterra.a H be Bcrae u{ away, wbea Cbriauaaa comes il»
Aod r**er
Urow osjmU oc Ue fljor "Bas Sicr* , miDoa rwrcri to ue .oeed oaea of t-,.
pBoUCfBpB of Ejea.
.roae mad or doea Be Uiak I waal a ; cBildBood—tesder memenea of a B»t


jDBk abopV

1 will pey 16 to 80 oenta for uawaabed wool, 9 oeats for bide*.
$8 to $3 for borae bide*, from 86 oeau to $1 for aheep pelta, and
tbe bigbeet market price for fora of all kinda Pleeae try me for your
own bene^L




Hack, Bus and Baggage Transferline
Best Livery In Northern Michigan.

Dreesea. cloato. coata aad: er. a SAUr. perhaiw a awewUearc a
eioUea. mcdi I rrtiTtd. aad a loarur aeitsa i
small eloihea. aboea ey oaeh a(aia amid Ue uld ti
rrklMtly am

B todalrctoyaa mUsd if ...
rwaaa ratir* praedto to

bet towaa
off WIU the laaffaiew M ________

toMt to-Mld‘eJ??5!L’**" *? ^
-itotHama era wahu baaf apeor
preaealB U show bat Bny.
peeieaded lo to dUMMOlau •
Ha had pat eat
loaf ^ of woolaa atoxfctofB.' ktoT

k jw^h^ tlyaad la tto ky alto



aeww droeoto xw^

"Aftar dlaaar Uar, wee a etotohrUa

-Uato.«r hJlTdiS^'^toS
toeawarJTe^-Sowlk:----------------1 gm aboeiad Barpy. aad todet* m
a.1 ha taaaad km late Ue hk. totoU
tad aimad^

tiiaa toe akatlaf. aladctod,
for eemy mrmbar of Ua faaOlyt^ato
a baU oa the afuewooa inototM
Chnstmaa. aad ofuimm It te tto oS
Uoeowgh taaU Ual ia eaeateto Adew^
Ue year.
Bible la read U acarly
aaJ family seretoa W
e.aarmeaaAloa arc laf
wtadocB all akrbt to
' '



-____ J Batoaaffa, aad srae catod at BUfl.a
It Ba hto aa totoa tm aatoaM. aad •

■ J«« Mw4l^, ttoock to totaafftoto MtotolaffI U

Wc always
Be ww
blc. athletic. r»d-aau<:?ito (oodto

com* WIU emotioo at Ue maar m
o. im df bo yuoarsr daya that areas
fere him lixe CBoaia from the psmt.
lo the aftoTBOoe be wcat oat wtU
CIS two eldest pephewa. Alex aad
of. aad a Uadf eff wBmi kptetoaaa
m the shop wiBdswa. aad
poialatroalofMch ■-------- ifl^iniffe
retaraed all threw had Uelr
ttosB wiu food.—MawMs CMp •«-------

aee of food w'.U. Uw iMyi
to Richard Jesoino'
Utereat U Ue fleet
Ad po sky Mae tia.
d Ue siuatlM aod w
■CbaafB. aod mawiaf poaiuealy
la aow: n#
taaiofal u bUB all laU aboat the pnmwhich had
pecte of aext year-a cottoe crop or tto
rasaeM Wall tlreci eombUc to effect kaaatod fata for year* srm __________
yet—u a week to woald be back scale
ia that ^alet bcoae of ha ia St Lowla.
e bw loccli_____________
s. be tboaybt raefally.
1 WtU easy the peo^ harry
Ue •: ?: eharfs. was togaloac
< Ucatrrot urrylac

of toys
eaadka aad eeaiUer prme*e. AU tto licbta
r brtrhtly a the McCray
_----------------------------htnyor ealtkeaiee
acle Dmk aod tto cAlUi—
seaoe of haiaoe. whmher to atady os
rare rcaltxcd before wl
eK a»ltabl. rweaacr ar make
• of a atraacer, aad
Ct- CtotoiMaaea wmr apni
Be wee always >ihd whaa itoy .
btoe CArwtBM ircw Affalael *e«atto
^ropcrly eadfelled far. aad Ue doctor (tos aad to eoald apau boceme
esww to a aata-al aad bmy daektoa.
— -Mta bMiaesaorm.

7m1m^o«m to ZSi-kST


II aba weoid flU tto aoMtaV
ad daeuay of-------- _

laua at. bat we aeew UoagW of U«
ae a brllllaai maa.
eoald be that he was u lore wuh hw.
Tbe tireet where Etcbard Jeaelaffi'
uoie wa,. wbcie Be wai toro. aac aad Bua ot hla typa am eo ywtoieMt
racy lay eleca. aad. aa aaiur whM
acre h.a married staler auii IKed, Bad' aiay come, they eoauaaa Ua totoo.
DC« beee fhaDioahhle.
Yoo coeid tell
• I kaew that
kt be pruxwa
prtipeeed to tor a ^



liar,- raialad tto •mllij^M Udy
3 loeea U dwell aaoa the tol£ff
loaurlua* wbaaato
aha waaagirL "flbo
laafl^tfaeaniewtu Uaaaaa heaaeotaer daabkaff woyi aad Itoato
araduhip xaai oh* alwaaa

ttoiMMBMwtoa Mtotofaff^MMl

QoldCtotMto^ Xo:
tor Ctototpaae M’aot mU.

Roekaadly toaadfrOk

a tto toartoto toU M ato It

Hun TunkBi aaiiiA rafflonui Si, i»m.
Att tUgM Haw.

that tbay Mttr a ladMrwnahm
tatlaihawladawa et tha -aalal
» Mama thdfe fHaim Tbay 1
at data. Ihma ha>a baaBjaaftsa
puinas la Oosrett wba baee ba
Hrad e( lUa aad eadad It by aal
Flee yaealo u^bt dutb dariag tba
twuty days. TW snrnasrb

' TT—

whDktMd «VTk» lo Fm-

•eei «tap*l M
a« Uldc*. No. tn. B. P. O nk* (or
I ■■ilnil lartnam wUefa trill.»•
IralwIiU to tbo d^pol. no Blkt
Ulolr VvdMood ft pIftBO ftftd ftl

iol Dimoeefy'

IB wUak okareb or beoftft of
aUplftthaeitr Modod fto oroa tbc
ML Hr. DtftaBftd«41IlrBBti»qab7
••d UftTMd • tbftt Fmtroed ^pel






aCmitetbotraotooft. Tba fUt *»•
loraftarfteaeptod Tbandor serslo«
ta tbo Oft»ooplrit which oromptod tbr
■malin if tbo lodfo to tooder It
IWonrftB wwdelltorodftttboebftpel
la tlBO for th* aerrisc SBadof.
8btpwr«ekad Hftllora.
Oaptftia JobawxLOf tbo auftaor Cm
«Mi broafhi (oftf ftblowrwkod kUoto
' tron Bortfort btardftj. Ibo ana
war* ft nrt of tbo crow of tbo oebooorr
HcraiarStar. whieb woot aoho


FesIolftadftfewdftTiftCO Tbo;
kroagbt (row tbo UUod to Nortport by
tbo baapor of tbo llrbtboaoo.
0 taoa*ht
Trataraoaiy bo
Uftad ft(Mr bit oilo wbqBi l|0 bad left




o WC4k I could o
Dr. nenx'. PcUcU

■ ■ ■ —


Elks' ContUDu Cbenty.
The Chri«mu gift eommitu
TrexreeClly Loige So J:s B
derieg Ibe put few weeks
,tboBgboll the members btre tot yet
.reported IbOM lo otod. atrudy a large
eombar of paekagea are tn preparatloe.
aed it U be.lered that ftw if aoy beody
little folks bur bou orerlooked.Wblle

me lilUe OBOt here
Tbo aaa wbo obso oe bora wore
care of tbe Blkt tbit year, a enmber ut
paaint till wftfttad to ffcttotbeir
older peraoDt tn deaUtote
boata* la Cblear>- R°
eat aad ftmillet In want will be eared
actat lor tbo H. AN. K.
for. '•here are DOl maoy. really drtU'
naeaoaad oro tbon
tele tamillet la Trareru City eeoilder.
a* lar at Haaloiat. wbota ^ey doclarMl
tog iU site. *mt omoag thooe who
tbay waald bo all rl(bt. at thoy eoold
la Deed tbe Bike bare foood plaeea to
abIpCres tbara on oeao bobtfolar
butow their charity to good ed<
tage. Tbr
following trtlelea bate
TM Hocelar Star bad ea beard
,plready been apporUoeed where tbey
eai|0 o« laabtr (na Plao lake i
will do tbe moot good
81* pairtof robbere, J« pairn ehom.
Tbay Want to DobaioIt cape,
ooiu. ] loads wood. : leditt'
- IWtolorLyeoaBb^ a bn
}eekeu. t otenmeit. m poirt hoee. t?
-Moaday attar aebeel aad
yeidtdrottgoodi. t skirts- « hood*. «
ptirt Blttui. tn tails ooderwear. 3
kdllraoBtraotad lor tbodabato with tbo
bmllog etotM. 10 batbelt peuioet.
Fiaaklla elab of Haalatao. were aal
Tbe ebote liti lodieaica that many
aad tbo papUt uprooted tbair ibi
lliUe folks and toms big lollca. loo.
to tbo bailaau BOB wbo
will be made beppy by the enilertd
thHr work aad atatarlal la tbo doeorabrethren CbrisLmu momlnf.
ttoa o< tbo opera boaaa. The lyoeam
Uoo to toe ebote there will be meoy
4U aot Bftko aaytblBf trtno ibr
ertlclce of ote aod oraatneDt
t bold tor tbatporIbelr way loto ibc ttocklogt
a, bat to ctre tbo paopla aa Idoa of
mile tolka lo poor rbralllea.
■ eaa do. Tbey aloo
EihlbltloB by Sebool Chliaron.
daaUa to thaak tbo appiaeiatlee aad|.
aaao which balpad to aiaka tbo aadarTboae wbo aotlelpotad a treat in tbe
phyaleal eettore ublbilioo giteo by
lha LyoacB aloe daeldod to eballaafo
tbc rraaklta dob to aaotbar osi
Tkta wtU bo walooBod br the HaoittN
(rHafcMtb^u^mod a dealre belatalaarlac et raealriar a cballedrt

tbe pupiltof the
reclton of Prof. Fiynn. Kooday nigbu

were not dltappoioiod.
tcnalomeot ww ool only
bot InttmeUte w well, aod gate
ao Idea of the work door la tbla Iloe
In tbe city oehoolt of which tbey kaew
dabatoM taka place la Haalataa. Ibe but Utile.
Lpaaaa lataado to bara ihla oeui
The firet drill giten wu by tbe
lahaplaea aboat tbo middle of tbo eblldree ubOHa from the kladergan
tamai umufofaebool. Tbo pnai- They weol tbioogb the egercUes with
doBt WM aatboritad to apeotnt a
tn occaracy that wu oorpiitiDg.
i^iiBlIiiI IInlirr aada eommltloc tldanog bow yooDg they are aad Ibe
tawakaall afraacaaMala.
That ar. tery limited time ibat they bate bad

for irainUg.
After tbU followed In order drills by

J. W biraab laealrad a talarram late
aatarday altaraoca atatlac tbai hit
bulbar ta law. Oooewe Irwia. hid '
aartaaaty hart. Latar a taieCTam
«that bo bad bau
kSkd. While at work at tbo p^ar
■nH.baiBCaouirBotadat Hatkwoo.
Irwia m tram a ttaflBC aad broke bit

Kbool called oot e hearty roond
applaate. Elmwood ateoae wu greeted
at baartlly. u wu a'to Boa
Tbe laacbeie la tbe Otk Park
tebool are well op on tba - work, and
ibeiajtoeUoe to "keep yonr eye
Oak Perk- wu aot a tala one 1

IbahowieaawwatarriUa thoek to
tbapea^maa'orelatlrea la tbit city.
Aaaia Irwia. a oktar oTtbodo--------- - i.«.

waa Id btor of tbe Oak Puk peplU.
Tbair driU wu wlib elmoet tbe preebloBofa omeblee. yet tery gracefnl
Atler tbc drill, the wleeer of tbe ben
oer for tbe term Ibet bu bou aoadoeied. wu uaooneed by Profeaoor Plyao.
Tbe coBUoV wwe tery eiouooa rha
Bubee of tbe Fifth
grade lo tbe Central ecbool aad that ol
Utm Taylor of tbe tblrd grade in tbe
Oak Hark tebool were tbc cloocei lo
Ibe point of ecore. tbe latter wlcelag

lha two etharaiitam. Mn.J. W. Stracb.
aad Hra Oomte HcDeaahl of KlnpiItr. Ml today.
Two brolbon, Joba aad WIU. taw
theawiMH that eaoaad the duthof

Hr. Irwia. Thalbtac
• alailarwhlch they
tetafeadowaaad Temore to i
by bet ODc polni.
parted tbo baildlad. Tbo yoci
Alur tbe banner had beco awarded
atappadtooBO aad to fMoeme brick
that wara to be remored. wbos tbo aeerliaof short, practical lalki wait
bear^ brobo (broairh aad bo (eU. litlenad
> form of
first. ipoakiSg c
Btrtklar t«« atcrlaa below la ■
phyelcaleoliure from tbe ttaadpoiot
I------------at to break hlteollar
of ibetebool
He spoke lo tbe bigbaec
Uilaft arm aad bit Book.
Oaautad wu IS yaare of ao aad oa.
tnddrew a strong oostrut betweot
.^rrltd. Tba (aaoral waa bald
Ibis sysum of pb^cal coltareaed
httampton Highway Hobbery.
Dr A. H. Holliday followed lo o'
A darlar awaspt at blgkway reb- belpfol talk from the pbyslciu's standhcry waa made Tbaradao at aboei polei. Beopokcof tbe bolpfaloemof
fja oklo^ OD Slawood ftToeae
lysleal Ualoleg
Loali HaClmra wudalleoriag groeerlm
forWUbaba. Bartak * Oo.. aad bad
)ut latt aema r»dt at lha beaw 0
raalore It alter It Is loti.
B. A. Tregea oe l^eoath atraaL
tBraadaaBlmwoodaTUBo,aad o

Ker. D. Coehlln spoke of the relation

rtwoee obytical coUamud tbc moral
9d rallgloor life
Be Mid that Ibr
body bu umoel
oo tbe heart ud tool u tbr
^byolMl oorroeadiogi bare opoo tb' Tbaberoci a a aattlrooma oaa. aad booy
Prof. Flynn followed alib o leeu'.
oe pbytieel cnliore. Bo spoke of want
A tba aalatal with tbo whip, whoa ib'U work bad does for him. aad nrred
that we keep well iotiead of
■hot at Heaare. Tbo tall p
bttlog the doctor try to moke u •
eritbla als laoBu et bto bead, aod Be Qigot tbe nerd of temoeraie
Oal It.
lie Bab
weal IbroBChtto aide eartala of the deelaring that rrery boor of dimir*wagea. Tba boiM daobad away
rlon cote ibal moeb from tbe end of
tbo Ugbwaymaa. who did aot Arc Ufa He tlaled that ira,mu were In
porleet physical eoadition. It woald be
Impootlble (or bim to uteh tbe meat
lly diaeaae oo earth. Heeaded by
gletag a eariety of praeileti
Hauler tbe maialenaaoe of b alia
ad toward Froat fttraov wbad a
^caagOBtaadaoiiod blaborMby the
«m. ofTtog. ••Throw apyoof-


a wadMd BP la ratbar dark.w
a ao oloatrio Ugbto mmr it.
mem$ to ba ao dao to tbo
7* to Prof Plyaa. and tbcae wboM child tooh part ia tbe drUto baeo Jwt

ptaia to BumaUsti u Itqelry.

■ of Qood

At Vassar. Aagaat Heyoxa. Ooraui
labonr. applied Car work of Wm i
Welle, earputsr ead baUdor. WolU
said be bed e uw oa hie (ether's plow
loyenirut lo Weill plaeaaadeat
owB a IS yew old orehard. 4»ailBg
r :t pear. S ebrnry a^ 11 plam trace,
plead at IMO.

Wodoeaday •eeetac tbo roat of tbo
tebool WUIBU for a J>Uy good time
aad a ebkkai. pie tcppei
d pragraw

Bee.C e PrnaoMwiUeBt
t. OIC-. wUl be readcial at tbit
feet of wblu plM tble sriaior la Ugc
“Overu'ork and loss of aecessaneouly. bealdM eoari (oreble le
1 bo oerrleei for ibc day before Cbriev sleep made me very nervous and It
■ruad guUemu
lOM will be of ao (epeeUUy laloreaUag was wiih the ^eates ditTiailty
pud laxM for (be raal Mtate ud
Special mule baa been could execuU my
mv solos. A frirod
proTtded aad tbe elogere will laelede advised me to rive Lg. Miles' N«rs-ine
seooaatiM. Ha etao pay*ta»lB
Urt. Boby Demo Holdtwortb. Mra C E
-hich Idid and
i... rKctved
.... .. im.. .
A. New Baambl/c.
In a few da>-s I was
Hof*t. Hr* a U Bacbaat. Dr. Sayder. mediaie bcnriii.
riTula ead trblo
r. U Parbt aaa E K. Wbiw- Prof enurely relieved.
1 recommend if
Borei will play Ibe iffjrtory. eed e all musicians who surtef from overqaerlel of ttriegod lulremeole will worted and disordered nerves."
epplKaUiie of JemM B. Degfeti for e
Daggett WM out from Helaty la Dsimmber. IMv. lo
rary tbe oteal program ibl* year.
hw life, for tbe merdm of e
Tbey wilt bare t eerrice of eoog ud
IU. Be bad reeuUy relsraelaborate prtgrem oo Cbrieunu
ad from ibc war.ud oae ot the roo
. to place of toe regular eherch ternrgod for bU pardoe wm that be
rioe. ud oo Kooday they will all meet
a Compen!. Clkhert. >■
ie the parlors of the ehnreh tor o geo
el blood that be pleoed eligbt ralu
eralgood Lime. If tbe wutbar permiu
IB life. There wu no dulal
whole ecbool will take e olelgb
W. Keircblld alto mw U
Capv Jamsa Burr of tbe Americu
Tbe Baptist Soodey scboel
Ur Sbercoeo. It li
plaeoed e nelqee eotertalaemat. They uy Hr Sbermu wu Ihukfol br did Steel Barge Gompuy 'e bwge No I
Bot get Into their heads, sod be Is Mtwill bore u eiaborala pragrem.
Ipruaue tbc opiolon that barge
Isfied if br eeeer hi
Uelpoted lo by all of the rlemia.
ud barge Colgate Boyv which, wlib
cutor piooe of tbe etulng will
barge, were part of the tow <
or tba excitemeot hsd ebelod HeUougal. baee gou dowo la
Doteb wladmlll. wbleb will be rai
Hr. Peircbild started for bio home
.N'oiblog hu beu beard from
a bud of jolly browoloa Tbey
D'ltooly muegc tbe mill, bot they
irnerof State ud Bou tire
eioee Moaday eight, el wbleb
When jotl ocroM tbe 0 B A I tr
will au that eeery lltUe boy or s
ell three towa broke loou from
Htou tirwl two men tleppad ool
lo tbe *noday tebool goto a preuaL
Na is: hM sihce been
from beUod an engine thot wu t
Tbt Preanytermc dooday tebool o
picked ep ud brought iBlo Bonghion
follow Ktch bed a crew of twenty unen of lU
baee ttaeir ezorclsot OD ibo Friday, lag. there end itsned to
oeeelag preriou lo Cbrittmu. A
own and stm cairylag down aa extra
Total, aboat' fitly men. Tbe
aod program mu mrke It eery pleu- cited from the,former edveoturebc
kept Bit eyes opee tor e>enu. The HcDongml hu passed tbc Soo going
ut to tbc eblldree
mee. who were strong robwt
I wltboot nay of bar towa
dstnrday eeeolng will be tbe time
fellow*, were walking very rapidly, u
OeuraJ News.
dooo b<
Tbecror popnlar Obrlelmu tree mtb wu Hr. Kolreblld.
e dlstrcM lo the tamlBeetriekeo
there wu only one followli
e program will be tbe foataroe
Being toipiciout be ^aood dlairlcW of Indie is becoming
Tbe exut date of tbe ETaagelical walk
erouod eoil uw one of tbe fellows oo eule. Aboat t.:so.uuu pereons
eelebratloe bu.not yet bau fixed
grunt St tbe side of Ibr ws)k witblo recelsed relief.
will probably be Moodey. Cbrietmu
• urt be did not
feet «f bim.
Kinisler Bndgemu. nl Ls Psi
day. A tr«o aad a euiata mil make
br looked like but laiormed tbc stole' deparuneoi
tbo cblldru beppy.
took to :
T-beaerrleat of tbe dwadlsb Imtb. •♦ler bim sod followed bim clear
able anuonel coneeatloo there
eru cbnreb mu be bold both doedey Us borne wbro be tarot
1. which
wbleb drove..............
drove them
elected CouUlailooel prea
and Moaday.
Soaday tbo principal lOem.
were oot slow In getllog of tbe repnb.ic of BoUvta. viva. Jose
ureice wUI bo bald la tbo oeulag
tbe truck of the would-be robbers.
HondayoarlyHsltpswm bo onag at
Ur Sheraee keol so rye oal Hunel Panoo; first etec prMldut.
OB tbe street. Sooo tbe men were dla- DneloP Velaneo.aacoodTlee prMideol.
UToredoo tbe corner of Fi..
Aalbal Uaprites"
Probably tbo moot eUborato
Om stroeU At they toruod dowe
At Llnooln, Neb., 'a subhom fire
planaod lor tbo Cbrialmu ooo
vnoiered Chief Beaeii
lie cod
that of SL Fmado ehareh.
light po'uc' Uruyeoe- They slert^ to raged for two honre Friday le s wing
ofHtae SUM puitenlluy bonding,
will be u nsual a groat day mtb them. •on, but Beooie showed
trlgbtenlng tbo eooriclx. ud ceuing •
»o Chrblmeo momtof.
betweeo the tioret of Barney At
loas eeUmeled at 130 090 Tbc loot u
Mid at? o'clock, ud agaie at ?
E Boogbry A Oo. Tne fellow
VMport at 1 o'clock.
' 1 by
b Drmyeoo and taken to tbe tbe sUte Is eboni Toe pro­
Tbe eelebraUu Mpeclally for tbe coop Ti le other escaped, but be la perty ol tbe pnaoe eulreeiora is w
knowo i
eblldren wUI occur Snaday
Cnritlioe Nielson receoUy paid
An 'bUberale program bM nou ai
Toe srreslod n
rislt to her nnUre town lo Swedso
rugad. ud a great tree wUI aloo be J

Dr. mua*’ Nervine

Bopoelally fine marie bl
boon prepared for all of tboae eerelof
Tbe eolebratlra of the Friendi diii
day ecbool will occer Hoodty eeanln|
A U«e will form e pert of tbe erei
log's pleucre. udd program mil t
giten. tbe twlaeipel part of wbleb wi
be "Tha dtory of BadempUon." pn
patpd Mpeelelly for tbli ecbool.

Roasted Coffee

is used every day in more than a million American homes.
Its reliabilit)'is recognized : iLs quality is appreciated ; its
enjoyed; ius price is a revelation.

Ask tbegTocer for ArWklca' Roaxtod CofTee. and 1* enrt
yon get tbe gyiuine. AU other package coffees are butj|j^>
tationa of Arbuckles'.
Invue pound portuvod Arbeexiaa' Knaoiad CoOks tawvu s IIMerefta
em. WILbvwl. pn.-Xs«v in oOlrtl Ibv l.ui u found <b, r------1—1 II noufnia
OvOnlln pen ot vumv nrurio tn s> ovlnrtnd i.» nia. nr her bum lbs l.lot.suhMet
aolrtnUMooeoninn torn Ibv sixosurv on Um u. tn« n«eui vuinnd rMnrnod
to ejwikii Eros, evwrbudr onnelO ssv tnis Usn AOOraas aU-------------— ■------n

Overcoats and


IS more kooWD ibsa lot
Be wu
•A some lime ago to ti re yea
ibetle prison, eed wnlle tbr
judged Intue__oDd teoito’H
From this plue I
time ego.
City Council.

At lbs meeting of tbe conocU night tbe following reaoInllOD
tor. The date mil bo fixed today.
BeuWed. That the water work* . .
la Liraee cbnreb. tbe ehUdroo't fer- miitee heretofore epp-iloled by tbit
Ueal wUI oerar deadey eeulni
eooncU to confer with B. I>. Campbell
rulellTC to the pnrebese by Mid city of
the exliUog water works plant ud
bad apecial mosle will add to the later.
•Totem, owned by him gr B D Cbmp
Ml. Tbe regalar ebnrcb fMtital
A Sons, or oteert. be and Is hereby
prepare in writing, a
' eiee will be held Cbrlttmoo moraii
inalrnuted b
formal oootn :t with aald H..D CampTbo MreloM ie tbc Uonau Lnlborao formal
k... k ..k___
ebareh will oecar Saaday aad Hoaday
thereof, to aobmll the qncouon of l
ooralaga. Soaday at 1«:M mil
price to bo fixed ud paid for h
the first aareleo. aad la the eruiag water works pUnlud syetom. to tbr
arbluaion tor their determination,
sceordneee with the report nod reeo
Uoo of a........................
by i:
iilag^ tbereot bold December 4th.
Two Auemptod BuM ope.
fnrthar. that aald eommIUoe
Aboat Dine o'clock Hoaday eru
be lulrucled to present Mid eontnet
M Clark Sbarmu wm return ing to
Wbu presmrod. to uid H. D Campbell
borne, two mu etlemplad lo eleu him A Bona, or the owner or owoen there­
of. for their examloaUoo end approval,
oeartbaO &. A
idthelancb coolrecl, together with
Ooe ol ttaem wu promptly
e ooderstudiog ud nooclualou or
kaoebed down.
rlT«d et between uid eommitiu ud
Sbermao eiarted up tbe otuet
sold B. D. Campbell
nr ownere of Mid plant tfoi
U>e run when be loll down In tbe mid­
said, be reported lo thtaeouncll, wl
dle of tbe sirael. With tbe two m<
euoTUlut dlnpeieh. for aub ecclou on his hula ho ww not long I
regaining ha lut aad otartad fe
Cbarlo^’algeo twldeoea on tbo eome
it State ouen ud Bsllioad aeuo
wblU he roaebod la Mfcty. altbongb
tbo two mu f Jllowod him to tbc eory
door- doperialoadut Wallace, wbo

Begins in the
growing. Ans-uhere
^between the plantation and the colYcc pot the
flavor may be changed, the qualit)' sjx)iled bv care­
lessness. inexperience, or unscrupulous methods.
From the time Arbuckles’ Coffee leaves the hands of the
grower until it reaches .the user in a scaled packet, it is handled
with the same watchful care, the same thought for cleanliness,
that you would give any article of foodplhat goes on vour table.
The house of .Arbucklc is the largest and oldest coffee house in
the world. Its employees have grown up caring for this great
business; the business has grown great under the care of its
employees. As a result of thjs personal care,

taimed to ber-bome la Pera.
A gtgeollc undertaking tor tnooelUog tbssueluol liibrelterls reeelvleg
elleoUon. M. Inu Berller, tbs Umons
Civil eagineei-. wbo Is the snthor

We SelBct TtuM

the prejvet. eeUaatM that s tonnel
r.-, miiM would cost (34.600.000, •
tbe work would re<ieire sevu yeata.
TbMiAr Uekets have beu turning
on nt Cbicego tbeatere by the ihoneud
lately, which were brueo forgeries.
No trooe of the swindler, wbou modos
operudi W to Ml) the Ueketo ei
prim, ellaging to have received them
for eerrloes or edvertUlag
At Pena Argyll. Pe.. Joeeph Oiweld

At $8 and $10

Peter Mnixaryek ol Bay City, while
orktngat.lbe CenuuTcoel mio.
from a tramway Tneeday afteroooo


aed broke bw Oeek


f CliaAper oom too heit a
ooAt in the Ii

Wilhelm Bros. =

D-xt t____

fetberb whisky
wbisky botUs in Pklladelpbla.


lecistv In Hiebigab. according to Se< disfue, end ar« to-dey worea off tbu
Rheumxticm Is e blood dismaa.
eetary Srbmschrr of tbe board ol pbar♦ary bilrhl aod eospaiuidraggis •

It sure to bxTvof I
the (TUI kidney, liver
end bUddsr remedr.
It lilbe greu triedlcol trtumph of the eine-

s.| Dr. Kilmer, ibe emi.
bbdder ^wet^ end a
..........-ful to eremptly eonnr
kidney, btedder. urtcoOd'
irhi't DliHsc.«hlcb a 1^'

nSyogbivekld! h mil be found
into many ewya. Ie bomftol work, to (rivsn
practice, omeng the helplem me poor m pb. ..
____ .poredio atccamfuiu
crery cose thot s «emsl Offi_._____ ____
been made by wbleb oil reedws of this papw
wbeMreeM ekesdyjy^^l^ hove o

Arealv Cole, n i .Idwster lowotbip
(armor, bu loei sixiy bogs ky enn.v..
A'lIUam Uarxtxnm of B.iasla. bis
sallru drovA Tbe loss by the dleaau
bean tauvy tAroaghool Bruch
Bargiare vmiied ibv borne of C. J.
Potter ol Imlny CUy.
nigbu bot aeeartd omy »10
Tbe fcl
pad tbe poctmi book be wu ei
fioor and overlooked au in uother aide of tbc poiee.

seat (eimraOr. bei wu
menblete get the dl«as.
emrelMf. 1s feet, nyeee.


evetmycetus bndy.u

Caps aif Glofts.l


w“—rih wnJ



TVInvM who atul erood axe qalu
aaMaa la iBlayaiy aad aohnU



Tee hoUder raentioe et tbe Agrirnl
tnrsl college begu et bom Friday roieeh
btlal M tnntm. (hnl 1 uotleuO the vv^
jnel reded bu beet ooe of
eacecutui lo
' faistcry of
tbeoelirge. TI ere here Mu lew Irto wdck end tbe etle

Bapeti* of < awrvef the dtete C
and mere
abow tbc order u> b> in e benlir
tins. Tbe eecraU'y ebowrd tbara err
tn ubornmate graegee. reprperetlBg
iUm la Hteblnu. ua tbat an
a of neerit to per eeei le mem
baxablp wu ezperweead dariag the



Kttaey Treabk Mate Tm Htaenble.

S3. $3.60. S4 Z

1—tbe fined made a


rher* are 76 registerod womu pbar



srada Frieze, braad Franck f»einga. extra vidn mUb <
pipibKrHiz valoM of (ilk ptiicbiag. plain and fucy Ua- ‘
W of be*t qaAlitien, and tAilnringof erpry dnUll mo«t i

wu prOpariag to ut off e blul. w
powder that bad beu scattered by
bign wind beceose ignited. Tbe b
ut ofl the charge Paroohe wu working
on. nod ho wu lutuUy killad.

strucllon ol a large locomotive factory
soitable point oo tbc Blberlaa
railway ud eleo tor a reil mill,
cut of (&.OOU.OUO. wbleb wUl be pi
ed by Amsneu eapileltete


Compare with moy ooata in tbe
city from $7.60 to $0 and IS.

Parooaa:) yesn oU. wu morally
blowB lopieoee at ibo I'nliAd diatea
•late qoarry here Hoaday

London 'Hmu Mya the Polltisehe e
rmpudeole hot beu Informnd the)
idelpbin firm B negoliatiag w


UbB'a alLvool Irinh Priex« Ulittm. ptnitl liiing, high
•lorib collmr, colora black, gray eaA
oslord, price. i.


and Robes

“ "-"1 fill pieue JOB ui our piiaos
fi be siQsbGtoiy.



Kow ia tbe tine ta boy tbe

Christmas Present In Footwear

For Sanative Uses.
■hotathkhoBaatowBUB *eath of
Larnnoi Baadap aarelnf and died
froa bk le)erkB ahertlp afinr. Ba
wa* waahlBf hk handa whaa a ahall
whlaa hk aen w*a trplac to lB*art

On. L*ww» KUU<1.
#Mllarv>a. O 0., Ok

ba leeund th* anUre abarr* (a
fToln. Mr. ABtln wa* * wall-ki
fkrBar. Th* eoe b*e aoparentl* loet
kk Bled •• • FBolt of theaad aeddeet



Jm.,*«2?‘m*eB,*£w u>
fTT» w olresir prr>|4r
letemi vem» eed -olu
near fcrekrienrr emeF—n. tad kr ■
eem.t. ueuepor purw^ ekich tr,
Tkr^roTcrn-I'UA uflM



-Too wlU mil that dariep the laat
•Mrioa of jear hedp tha Sapraaw
Covt iaduatad thattha Atkiaaoo act

OalhaBBetJMlieoaadar which Uwt
aoay ha aaacftad taalag nllraada aad
other avpanB propart; apea iu ralae

MfariUaa the tlfalAaaaaa of wUefa ao
eaaaaa dtapotBtha paoplaol Mlablpaa
haoa plalalp ladieatod thalr oplnloo
aad wiah la Ua satwr.
MfaUolltw. a
palfa. aad of ft,dot la the (all of ime
thapaepladaelarod. wltt aa amphaalt
whkhaaaaot ba talaaaU. that epaelti
faaaaaaaBrnlBfeef raUnad aad earlalb elhar eerporatc propartp eboold be
ahotohad. aad aU propartp taxed alike
■pea to actaal oaah ealae.'
Ttofonraor rafarrad to the plaak
la tha idatfarB of the Eapebileaa
partp. aadorilni the Atklaaoa oUl aad
pUdflap the partp to rrfora ia the
dlmfaaef ooBOamat the papneai
a< tbatr )0M thareof taxee bp'rmlltnada.
tiliptnne, talapraph aad exproB
pa^ aad oobWob: aad proeeedi
'There ere f.tie bUb of railroad »
MlaUtma. aad tha rellroade now pa;
■perile tabtaamooBtuif toii.ou rrt.
M. The pepnlatkB of lUebifea a
tto taal eeara wat t.wt.n*. The
aoence rate
of laxaUoanpoo
all proppreportp ta tha BlaM. axeaot that papier
apwUe Bxia. U onr t par earn.
KtolfaB nllread propartp M worth at
Bnah par aUa aa railroad propartp le
tadfaaa (PM.ui par bIU anaaaad ei'
aa), aad If It ware taxed epea each
hMU of nlae al t par eepi, tha ra
leadaiathla euie weald pap ti
iBoealli^-to »> tlf.tot se: BPOD
' ilaot eetBiad nle»<l
tprpar i^lthap wo^id pay V.iJ*; tasBi apoa ib* Ohio be«i« <m
■d niaa (fat.tot par Bli*ir lane; aad npoa Uo Wiw^i-------hMte of aBaeaad nlee (bM.nt par
~Bdt eoaa adaiulac that aaeh eto
tote an Blelaadiai. aad ftaatlaf


bale Bed* lire. 3u

Are Absorbing Our Attention This Week.

At Kelllnon the ChariB A V<^ler
Compeap. drnrrku. hare Badear>n*rel aBlrnoent
The piladpal pr<-dect of Ihecopcen) WM di Jaeobb Oil.
I child. MiB Map Barnt.
of Haltlmore latteopd a top balloon to
brooch, while ndlnp oa * train
hear Elnrtlep. K*o. Tbe ear window
en. and a endden pnet of wind
the balluin and brooch ont into
the open, with the train rnonlnc away
forty bIIb aa
Mte* Bhrot offer* »ton reward
for tbe recorery of the jewelry, and
cowboy* by toe aeorc are •couriop the
nelrhborhood lookinr for tbe lltUe red
ooD and lu B*ily eendaoi.
'alter hbaaley. who eonilrneled tbe
Booelr lanael. I* dead In Montreal,
aped ->0,
Ladteeof UcKalb, 111 , bad a wood
•awlnp oonteet in their town reecnily.

badly hart by a pile of tablB (alUaf
I’aralyelaof the-aplne eet le
He reallred ibnl death waa *1 band
BBl aiked many quBUnoe abont lb*
new land wbieb be wm about to riait.
aod woadered eapeclaliy wbeiber be
. aee Santa Clau* there. lo fact,
bla cDlef reffret lo dylafi waa that be
would not be her* when Sanu Ciau*
SanuCiaua by bl* weeplnc pareeU.
and juet before (iordon died bacta
arrlfod. And aueb a load of toy* a* be
broorbt' Oordnn dledrbapplly.
A laxy liver oiakB a late nan
dock Blood Bltiera 1* the natural. - er fallinf raaedy lor a laxy liver

To Cwro ■ Cotd in Ono Day.
Takr Vt
WIiui- Vt'inr -a Ter S,-rop.
ibr l«-vl i-uuk-h mm-l> on earth. l!o and
M ernu.
Tbiae loam of th* b<
narU) Rioo a r* ecbednl
to leave D,
ary mb. February I3th
13th aod
Hartb sth Special elecplDr aod dlnlnx
wiilcoovey lb- party to New Vor'-.
ice on board tbe xolendid niw
Dablp* "FoGce" and-'ban Juan " o
around tbe lelaad by rail, aowmi
bile, carnareand boat.

of tbe rolrealty of

-neral Haoacw. I
BUr. Chicaco
PaBBeylrania. I
... - . . napa aad ilekeia Dar be
bad os aoetieaunn to th* axenu 01 the
IterB will Bake It poeaible for
Cbteaffo 1 WbI Miebixao By or to tbe
aapB I* be mind aorta* tbe oe«
Oenetal HaBcncer Axeal at ilrand
M 1
A tpaclal effort erUl be made by tbe Baplda.
Korollad bllli BaBUIoa. H C SBith. Dirlaioo of ApriealtaR of tbe twelfth
eaneu of the Hailed StntB to eolleei
■ NorH-medriHiualrWAKS-EKa White
and tabulate laportaat data relatap
. ■eererdv e
l\»: 0
iH' "faK
to irripBllon th the arid and eeal- and (staJ dimuv.
■ rataraad tro» huetld replant of the Hniud diaiB
arhiv aod In uox-. it
Lake Aaa pBierdap
I -H b-uis. nod lie th
A petrified iBBt le * eandewne fmC. L. WelU of Lake Aaa.
w In tha
maUea boa bean fikeoreried in Bontt
oitp paaterdap
Mr* Daaorinler aad con Alfred of
It tok twenle-eeree wltneeaB 1
Raadolpb eireet. Uft patardap (or
Jnatleeeoert at Cripple Creek 10 deride
ibrea weaka nait with relatln* :
tbe owaarahip of a epaniel pup
A Qplendo plrl dlad from the effect*
MIB Aldan of Orand Rapid*. U ri*lt
of a Bht-walk la a rap-Uma oodibi.
laf her alatar Mra A. & Cook.

Cin U Srippw ta 24 Nm.

irmg ihe banefit with ■
- ahnrmg

Thk pevt (aalne In India eoeen 1
rBofiso.nao aqnart dub. oa wbieb
I a popalaUoo of aoul*.

wladowtate alraadp tab-

New Von. to the
BUr Anthony, lata of th* hnulw
ablp Maine, who


■aehar near LaadriUa. Colo.. M Br
onx m-KDkEO DOLUJB Iw eifk
bC rrriy rear •< Ceierre mi ceuBa bt rered
hatlnt aa an*p )ob. Aa tha raaalt of
faetlOMl row In tha naifbborhood. aU
tha eblldrea ban baaa withdrawn preSiS>.tkwnrriJtfp!t«Sm!yo. 3b”
troB ih* ceheol; bnt a* the taaahar hw
a aontreat with the honrd. ba opaw
I anah Berataf. aad ffoaa thtonfh
otowafaaUlnrtha atma. to


wtohtoiOfmMdcaB: hla m




are the largest, varieties of
styles and palTeros the greatest, values the aad
prices the lowest in Northern Michigan. That ia
why We .irc doing the lion's, share of the bnaineaa.
That Is wliv we are going to gain yonr lavor as the
vear* roll on.


.\r..\l\ WF Tlb\.\K-YOU




The Boston Store.


I 27 State Street

.V.-*rli-1,11 r.-iiii-<li.*«Kiiil pn-w-riptiiini in general use ninply ff
l.-itippo.r' r. h.-f
li, Ki-Hi,-Mi-kiit-ss tb-->- oflaii miwk tbesympto
ami iiiiiy •-u«]>-ii,l
p.-uu. n-<liiis-fi-vfi.
n--liiis- fev.-i. ,-uqtrol oervooa
nervous diatarlBocea,
diaturlBacca, ar*
r-u-)>-ii.I p.',iu.
Tvel utiuuriiiiil—s-r«-ti-.iis nnd fii-n-tiuna,
and owlify the |>eraerte>l
fua. linns.
Ilul lb«-t ..I-.' Ihie al tbe
tb* i-xj)eii*e
of the Utesi vital forelai...-k iif'en.-rgy lute Ivs-ndma-n t,|H>n u itil eshaui
•-tl tln-rf i> iiiilr Imp"f r,-«s>vt-ry
Often these very i
ladiea tbac
sel.-- I.-Ill|
tb- r-i iii*T»ti«.- isiiere. •■specially whan jfiven

Traverse City. Mich.


-br.'ft.- <iiaea.e* tbis luiliatire eyatom of tampoiv,,iiniitly a dismal failure
The .-hronic pAtiast
yn.. tt,.,; 1.,- ! „4 iri.<! s>-\.-riil pliyniciaiia anil reiDi<diBt They
.. tnli. l-.i.p.rnrt ll.-li. f.
While he wma ukinc the mediciiim hA
■mnd 1-aj. r ^Hut afi.-r timy
lipped ho waa no batter, bqf


G- H. SNOW, M. D.

li-asd T-»T»rao R»xi,>o wi';
Storr. Ti, l>«. 14
people . d'll ar» rvrf recorded ii Ine trade hi.: try i
that raeaox a culiMaal ris
dollar', worth ol ro.«l. o,
people, iorrot,.-. l;iue

Hji- ad.ipi-d f*-.iii all Ih- w-hixiU uf Medi.-iiiP aod Method* of Beating
.......... .
ahi. l. isv..T Palliative aq.l T-ispontry Belief To
] peril
lem. Hiemethoda


if., r.1.1 .- xlmual Hi-Viul f-roi-a h“l rattler leod to r._______ ______
hri* ■ifi-nly.-ff-.-l.-'J ni.iiiy remarkilile euree in thia vicioitv. Teetiiii-.iiin'-. fr Pill
suiiaiile for pqbli.-niion will be pabiiabed riicrt]*.
nil) ..f every c lofkleiK-e IVpend apm it aos' will
pill iDif your <-nie in bis care
r.-»t.jrM;i..ii to the heallb you oDoe knew aacl wbieb you haTA
rvvHiDHe ireau all friironic Diaeaaaa, Dtoaaaa of


Dry Goods Department.
tine t-ae.- of h.-at-y tijlii Hti-i tlnrk i luliiit:. woflli
^fe-iovi-nlury aaie prue .......................................................................3jc

CoosuliatioB Free.

«Teeth EitricM For 2Be

office io BajoIUod ft Millikan Blcek.

rksy H
ll.iolile fold I 'asliiTi-Tf. .iirv-mt .-n
, lOiie pric-e. t i-r yd
Vtnl widf I'lilileat lit i bli— tiii,;',-iil--rt pn,---. is-r id 3c
laidit-s' Hnmlkeri-liii-f.. j.-i ,i.,/

. V.'t'VA%'%«.a«’Ate4-‘OW


Clothing Department.
M-'Ii'b lir,iwi, I Iii-IQ I '•t--siin--r-- Sail*. |UV-i0'entnr'
rtlf |iri,-.
Men's liroau gisnl s, lalH U'en -uil-, pre-intfiii--rj snlf


I'ivrcc tV: Freeman will sell Groceries
at ihc following prices the balAiJCe of
the year 189*1

$1 76
loi**of .Mfu's Mu- I 'Inn. Ii:;la aod all wool SliHland
■ 1...-I .40 nut al
................................................................. $3 89
M--I. V l.eavy ri.------I • ler»--n: w-.i1i, Itr- j.r.-iavem-.r, .aVp:.,-..............................................
3ivn s lieaty -ler--y H -.- -- iiti-si i i.erslnru. tila.-k *.,<1
liroa-ii. pre-iii' • utt>rt sal- p: --

Special Prices in Snoe Department
at this Pre-inventory Sale


Pierce & Freeman,




Pr<j' iding the same amount or nfore of
oibvr groceries arc jinrchasefL

Coma to tha Busy Trsdieg Corner _

Opp. 0. A- W. M


20 pounds Grftnul&ted Sugar for...... $1.00
10 bars Lenox Soap for....................
85o 5
12 boxes Best Parlor Matches for - - - ' lOo t

: 237 front Street

Ttatatm City,




Horse Blankets’
From 69c to $6 00.

•Ind abeat

Bt Tour aid we h^ve been enableti to keep onr
tiiirh 'tandanl i*f one lowest possible cafih price to alt,
an<l It IS our aim for 1900 to secure you bigger barK-ains and give you better ^lervice than ever before,

Best Heavy Team H ir n?£s


B. staalap and El. F. Oantanre of
Maple Clip, were In the dtp paatardap
react* kt the WhlUnf,
L E Oolllntof Boplrt. wa* la lb*


We take this opportunity
to express to you our -high
appreciation (or the many
favors shown us during
the past year.

l).itron.i&e, and trust we mli^-’be favoreil bj j
wants for the eomtag year.

>u a .Merry Christmas and a Happy ?
and l*r.'s]
New Year, we remain,
Yours truly.

Compleie (or Ihe Holidaii Trala.




Ill'll FIRST r.vlt Lo\H i,.rly aJI nold out
our aocond car load hn* ju»i nrrivr-l
Slagact Line of Artintically Palmed and Up
boUtared Cuttara. < .>iu|>ri-u>);......... iIku,

*e eeleet li-uilod partiea will be
FrtEoe le abont to nke a loan of nbder the epecial Bcon of Mr Walter
RO.OM.OOO for public park* in Alperia. TowDSend nnder tbe Dana(emenl of

Veetllatioa and a<

i:-!-'. St. Traven-. I'lli. Mi. li


Mexico ba* t.noo sen In tb* field end
propceB to *end Out i,IM<> sore to oontlarle pear- Tbe tnoreaee In tbe nampleie the croehlnp of the rebelHoe* Vaber of brook irool 10 be plahtad U
qal IndUoe
perllenlarlp noilcable. tbe larrBt eoaof boaor rlna (or dlaUnraiihad
compuy waa recently formed for
ber enr before pleated la oae pw befallaatrj la laadlap a obarta at At­
raltinp reindeer In raatern Norway, lor
000.000. or oae-tbirl ih>
lanta dartair tha Ctalt war. Hla daatb
of tupplyipp aonthern
la a blow to lha ABarloaa armf. aa be anmber we will free Ibi* pBr ■' Mr.
-keu with reindeer mBl. There I*
DlckeraoD tekBarreal dBl of esil*;
rrowinc Bvrkrt (or tbi* dbI In
•Drawd la tha wrlea I
i PkUlp- faction In eostenpiatlnr tbe work Franco aad BelriuD.
nodrr way. aad with rood reaicn. In
Tbe Daoffbiere of ihe Amerlcau RevManlia. Dee. l»-Ueoeral OU* haa addlU )B to tbl* etocklnr oKhe Interior oluUoD are to erecl in Tacamt. Waeb.,
oalnd a dtoBleb
(roae Ueaaral water*, the p’^eat lakB that waeh
broD2i drinkine (annlalB ai a mem
YoBDf bp tha wap of Oafnpaa etetlac Mleblran't tear extended thorei will oriel of NareiaB Hrutica WbilBao.
IbatOol. Lelher R. Hareb eolanie In faeiteeked with (00.000,000 whlteOeh.
pioneer wacber wbo wa* nnrderad
mharti Laaoo had reeooed Llaut. J. And thk I* done withoot tbe e
by tbe isdlase at WalUpu. Waeb..Nov.
C. OllBMra aad the reat of the Anurl- of a oeot bp Mlchlran ber*elf.
eaptarad bp tha Inaorfahla at
The nnlnraltp of Mkblrap^
At Clseelaad. <>.. (iorden Cooke, four
Baler laat April.
teeoad la point of
■eon old. 1* dead under pathelle elrOanaral Yoenf added that ba ba- Halted Statoa and foartoenth In
eamauneea A Bonlb afo be wan

hte wai frasad. TUa )(dat ra»>late poMad tha hooaa. noatno the
mmmmrf two-thlrda rota, aad waa
wtlothaaaaitica.»aaa t, (dartaaa
tnthailiBi Itwaa rafamd to tha Hand the eoeraa of hi* Ibloraatlep wdhld.
loat eredlblh.
pnparaoBBlMaalatha oaaata. iThp
Tbe demaed for man for the loppiep
Tbe ABorieaM Id Manila art fraatlp
UIhUadafpatntaia that btaaob of
rata a ooattar of 000)00- plaaeod onr tha teaene of LtanlaBabt pip. altboaph k
. It b alalmad that tha OBaad UUmora
Ktohlfui IB OoafraeaoSeiad
Waafalhfioe. 0. C., Uae. l»-Tba art (t per oeot blpher than lut paar.
Mlehlfan eont'imuiao are wall rep- Oooki are pettlop Me toPT*: acalert M>
BUthaaarafol oonaldar-MBBa>,tefln
leaBtter* Mi to Mi: Bwptrt.
.allM whkh IM iBportaaoa aarilad.
b bp tha apaakar of tha
klera. US a inoBth.—Uobeble
■ar ban baaa tha mo
• bainf aa (ollowe;
•Bhenof tbaaaaata.\ba
Hi In onr I
pnMttparial aaalea aforda thaB aa Oorlto.
Bpportaal^ la fin tha aab)aal aiatlar
Binre and, Barboce-Blahop.
- a aad OBOadB
Merehaat Marine aad
Plahorieaaapnjadload eeaaldaratlea.
alao annt and nieee to each other,
aa aware that thanara BaBhar*
roralfe ASalre-WB. Aldan telth.
belnp hla danpbtar and tbe other
^ hath htaaahwof tha laftalatnra who
thralid PaBBiooa—d. W. (iBlth.
hk (atberb dbochtor.
Be had bia
htere that aarporatleaa. aaw parlaf
father had marriad airlera.
eblldrap aad their relation are qolla
PaeiSe raiIroad»-WB. Aldan eallh.
For Inaianee. oaa of the
Ip. mabaital aaa; badaa
Blaetioot. Ko. l-BaBlllon.
I boUaoa. hawBlaetiona. Mo. l-Maatek.
r. that If lhap wilf tap arida tbair
EaUwapeandGanala-Orpap. B. C.
la la tha Battar and dBllh.
Sacidad hptha 1
MUaaaadMiBlaf-Oeap. Bhaldoa.
BloBtloa—WaahlBfton Uardsar.
B place the prob
wtUhapaaaad bp both hooaa and «
able trade of tb* aew eoloeial dependenelB at tlM.OOO.OOa per pBr.
*Tha aaBpalfa lor taaatton.of railOnr fire ton* of docoBenu prodeeed
lead aad other eorpocata propartp npoa
bp Bapland in tbe Venexnelan arbitra­
to reiaa. aad far oqaal taxaUoa feaar.
Printe Uhd elalne-Blabop.
tion caae hare bean remored froa
Dletrlet of Colewbla-ti. W. doilth.
Parle. They reqntrtd twe larpe rail­
far tha patt Urea paan. Bp esane
BIretioa of praaldanl. rice prealdaat way ran* to take ibem away
toa aad partp. pladfoa. aad bp

Kid. la.-e ami lioltoii


danlop* that a eppdiente of
eapllaiuta of (Iraod Ranld* ha* obuln
adaaopUoooD MO.uoo acTB of rich

DiekarBm. meober of
e Miebicao Seb <
baieberlea at Pane aad beuli
die Merle we an praparlnf to place la
Mlchlfaa V brook
troot aad 1.000.000 rainbow iroot and
1.000.000 black haae, la addiUoo to
e we will place la tie lolerrlor
:b t.oor.wio lake tronl aeJ 10,000.001) wall-eped pike 'nile le a larfer
the iB tertor ttreaoie
and lakB ban enr before b*A


To Our Friends and Patrons,

l.ri:t,-u..-a, 86c, 38«. 40c. 86c.

. s.

WUliBB Bbeln. Bfad H pear*, of
Dawafiae, w** aaddaolallp ehoi while
bnoUdf. Be wUl neorar- '

eoal Unde in Wbi Vlrflnla Kefoil*
are now wall aloaf to eollei
Eaflkh Bpllal la the entarprier. M.
B. Choreh, forBerIp prBldaat of the
wUd* eompaaT Id that ekp. bat
bBB la Loadoo for eoBo tlBC in the
of the tpedlBW and ha* reeenUp Bailed for Ihk eonatrp with *
BrliUh BlBlnf expert who will look
onr tha property. It li eUlod that
the enurprke will
claan op StM.OOO In aomolBiOB* If the
EnfllebBea IotbU which then 1* now
rood eroepaet of their dolar-

.Mrn'a Krit Sho.-*, wbI.t |in«>f Worn-ii'a bijfh t'radi- band a-w«kl
8aI« pric« . .. $1
-b-n.. Mle price................. $800

Robhr-m 16c. IBc. M6C.S6C

I rafaat tha u

takaa a ataad with too latarranla.
Whae tha aawa of tha daath of Uaa-Sat U it apharMl. that, if tha wWwa
oral Lawtoa wat raealrad throefh aa
•f a aary la^ aaj >Ht; o( the pwtpla
•tad Praa dlapateh. tha eUrhi la
•flhaaiala ara aatlUad to raapaet. a
aaadal aaaakM ta iapwaUra aiaoaa
tea prior to tha (all alaetlaa of laco. daat HcKlala; laat alpht fara laalrac-nblaao bawaia tha oaapU haae
ahoBld be praparad aaklBC bin
harlllheala brifadlar raaaral ia tbararBlaramj,
•Maalla brladod ahoat r<iaaUt7o( tt flU oaa of the atUOaff aacaaete.
taaatlra. It haa baaaalaarl; ledlealad
«aea>»] Lawton waa ona of tha ara;
hr tha haaauM aoon of tha auta that
emeara who oatarad tha nllltair taralaa at the eloaa of thaelTllwar. Be
. The
•ollatad at tha bartaalac of
ataUee .aaasct Iw aaeadad astil
fdatat it aabalttad to tha
la at tha aut apriatr « aataaa aad of U
eoloaal wtth a oolooal'a brant far ral
-It »U1 ha raadUr otaarrad, Uart- last and aaritB-loaa aarTtca.
teo.thatthaoamaro(a apaaial teaIn 1»U ha waa appoiatad a aeaDad
aienatthiotea Bahaa It petalbla to
la the rapalar aray. Aa an
aaaatrqaal tacatloe lawa two raara ladlaa dfblw ha had ao aaparior aad
« If thh apaaial aoBloa ware whaa tha dpaaiah war broha oat ha
bad rfaaa to tha raab of Uaalaaaetaathat tha aarinf la
eoloaal aad laapwitor raaaraL Ba waa
idarlaf thoaa twopaart. hj theaa
bricadlar caoaral. aaalrawl
whoaranowpajlar Bo^ thaa ihrir
kflB^a oorpa aa^ parUelpatad
Ohara, fallr JatUha tha oxpaaaa of the
tha battlaa laadlnr no to aomadar of
praaant apiidal aaaak>n. which will ha
tUaUapoHla acnleea at El CaotT
•boat twetMlaenaaahAl.aoolB ToJaa
tapaclall} Baritorioaa. After the
tall of
Aloar ratacTlBC to
tha Pblllpplaaa. aad la ooelaacUoa
tla^ of OoawMti Bapla;. Croawall.
with Oaearal MaeArthar carrM oa
tBoe aad Wlaaaa la tha dlmtioo of
the tlraloB caapalpa that bronpbt to
thaaqaallatuoa of taaca. tha foamor
> tho raak of aalor

•.hurl.. iAl* pric*................. S3.60,

Boy*' L’affstiii Sli.--* for *ir
• nr
6a1« price....

At Deardald a latter, dated Edsoa•^tk*«MUud BoMMef lapr* dtr na aboekad toi»f
fUllftl:B, kaa baaa reeelrad froa Dan Oinr,
“Ym to«* bM« aaUad U(<ilb«r la
I* expert Blear who la Map laet
MaJ. Oaa. Hau? W. Udtaa wm abot
•ad kUlad al baa HaMo. which hla beaded a ptnp of Urtat dlan lake
aad had atlaekad. Gaaval Law- fold haatare In the IntarBt of a f a«h
aoB epndlaela. He cap* tbe partp k
retarBlBf, looteor* and wearp. Thep
tooad 80 fold aad ban had to be
met aUproparar brtbaaaaa
aral Lawioa aiartad laat nUrht lent with aaowbaak bolak aad a
>f ibai
Iba aaaa at 1» each ralaa
froa Haalla with Iba ElaraaUi eaaatrr
dlek withtoBe dape ao die
“tdMa the ceeaaloB aa actmadla- BadarOploaal Loehatl aad ballallooa
all. There art a aaotbar of ewell
arjowa. Tba laryaalltr
poeox JaebeoaltB ia tbe party, aad
tt taiatiaa fa aa f*aat aad ao iBaaUaat
they ban walked sore than 1.000
taiawidy ik

to piraae ibr young aa wail aa tba old.

n Sbnn f..r 1
and womni. udd aizi*a. if •••
fit you. BAl« ptice
.. $1 4b


T^OtAMB mmmil&ixh; sBciKBia. 6i.ltofr


PucT Plist Botes ^1.00 to $8.00.
fiiKlane ?u Bslii Botes $t .50 to JSN).
Ut» hsmaat Pv Bobs $3.00 to $15.00. i

>, Tb* large iDcrceac of our mok* of &Amawa :

ahow* our pnea i* lowMt

PI Breiiis ii lisn Whips, 8 cnB U (IDO.

Tr.«r« Citj.

A carload of the best horses from
Indiana ever brought to Tntverae

Before buyms call and see



Leo. Solomon.
ilS Brodhacen*! BArn. Btete St

'Vow ia tbe lime to buy tbe
moat SttioK


kBBMwmUal apn ih* fonncrmae nayaaohaMOf i
MM MlM thw U« WM>C» •

te rm*r to

mMv m


hototo Moh • itotoi ■■lU ik* Um
WkM tM tototOM «to
•UMdtkoUoTtoasr omU U Ut

that toiM are only thru ntatu ■
Daloa in wbiah raUrnda m •

Gm. LawtoB KuUd.
•^tooSnouo^ Homo at &*pr«
•>Vo> hoto kw> tolM V«atb« l«
vUah will poralt U« •
Uwi IkM wdi pwrida lor too oqaol
tantlaaot oUproporv bp too
toMVof too war M Ita aoh nloo.
■*I tea too oaeooloe oa osinerdla-

^M^iorv>». o c.. dk. i» oltr ww •baetod todoy wk«i ■

WlUiaa AbbUb
abet at hk bom a few
Lawraeo Snaday Boralav and died
tioa hk lajnrlH nhortly afur.
WH wtelac hk baadn wha
a aball
whinh bk non wu wytoff to
iplodad. aad
eaired to* atir* eharr* In
prola. Mr. AuUn wu a wclI-kBOwa
teraH. The non I
bk alad u a rualt of thcnad aeddaV

'■Tha aaapalpB far taaatloa «f railSHd aad bthar earpofaupreporty epos
IB ralas. aad toroqnal Uzatloa ponor.
ally. hH baaa oeaUanally eoednclad


iartoa pMt thM* yaart ByeanrtattOB aad party. pladpH. aad by
M>wUiH tb* akpalteBM of which bo
HMaaadltpala. too people of Hlnhlpaa
hoH plalaly tadkatad toalr opinion
aad wish IB to* Uttar.
"Bj a ptsiaUly of u.eo* tor poraraor
to to* taU at )»B. a prMldaatlalHByalfa. aad of Ta.oat Is toe tall of im.
toapaopladaelaMd. onto aa
Utebsacnot bd palaaald. that tpaelle
tau oa aaralapt d( rallraad aadearbato otoar eorporal* proptrty Bboald b*
abclinbiil. asd all property taaad aUk*

eyedleau of
uplialUu of Uraed Banidi bu obtalB
edaopUaoB MO.000 acru of rich
oHi laBdo In Wat Vlrrlala- Nerocte
tloaare now well nlonp to
Berikh eapllal In the entorpnor-.
B. Cbnreh.
iiweh. foTBHly
foranly pruldi
pruldat of i
Alahutlne aapar le that ^y. bu
ban la Loada tor nusu Ua* in '
intorutoftbe tyndlui* aad hu reeaatJy ullnd tor Uk eoantry
Britteb alBlBp expert who will look
toe property. It k otatod
tor promoter* of toe entorpdir
dun np •fVi.OOO In noamlaiou
Eotllebau lerut. which there ii
rood pruDeet of their dolnr

ProBce !• aboat to rake a loa o(
SM.OOO.OOO for pnblle pork* in Alferto.
Prof Peunden: of toe l eleeraity of
Pauyleaala. bu Ineaied a reeeleer
ecu will aahe It poaalble for
ifH t* be teeelced acrou toe oce

apBB Ha aetaalu^ *alu.

A epeetol effort wUI be made by the
Dirktoa of Axelealtarc of the twelfth
lu of toe Uaitod Statu to eollMi
aod tabatou lapertat data mIbiibc
to irrienUoa IB the arid and mb!

haaid rerioa of the I'eltad Satu
Lak* Abb yutardar.
A HtriSed tOM*l
C L. WolU ot Ldko Abd. WH in
aatloh bu bea dlaoorered to Batt
eity yeaterday.
Bhlr. California.
lap to* party to trfora la the
Oeaoraler aad *ot> Alfred
It took iwenirei
Uof eubtlUnp the payBoai Baadolpb •treat. Uft yutarday tor a
Jnatlu oonrt at Cripple Cieek to decide
Ir jnattbareof taxw by rallroada.
the owaarahlp of a apuial pap
u*. Utrrte aad enpruaoBA Golocedo girl dlad froa toe effect*
HlHAld*aofOr*BdBaplda.l* rialt
ot a coke-wolk to a tnr-Uee i
t OM f.tu bUh of railroad la lap her alater. Hra A. B. Cook.
M plaab

B, aad to* railrate now pay
r tOpl.QM TT&.
b* pepalatkB of Hlehipaa
Ml otoau wu S.OU.BIB.
r* raM of tazatloa apoa all |
arty ta too Btal*. *xo*e
S^tau U.OMr,

a iDMIwr. rw bW el <r
wnl. Cl-n’t-ne Suer wui


B- Stanlay aad El. P. Oaaasorc ot
M»pl* Clty^ WH* In to* dty yutarday

Tb* otoM wUdow^ airuay tak-

MiiveT-' Vici Kid. Ia<-r Hint Kulir'ii
MKhe.. Sals pries.. 1. eSc


Leuw-iii.-a, 26c, 36c. 40c. 66c.

Ir.iul Si , Tmvrr>-- I'llj,

Are Absorbing Our Attention This Week.

ni;» FIRST C.Alt I.O.UI I- u...rival! Bold sui
ourascondcar load Iih- ju»i urmr-i. lu.Ai.,.; ,
ElpgaOt Line of Artietically Paiuted and U
bolatsrsd Cuttsn. .
doltlmare to* Cbarteo a Vopelrr
CoBpay. drhrclou. hare aadeayrn.
The pilaelpol pr<dact of tec concern wu Si Jneob'iUiJ.
To.BBBHB child, HIM H*y Bnru.
r Baltimore tutened a toy balloon to
R.Mbi brooch. wbUc ndlog oo a trato
tar Rlarsley. Kan. Thr ur window
wuopca. ad a anddea gnat of wiodearried toe balloon ad brooch ont Into
open, with the train raanlnx away
B It at toe rate of forty bIIu a
Mia* Bnru offer* SMo reward
lor the recoacry of toe jewelry, asd
-boy* by the aeorc arc ecourinf tbe
oelxbborbood lookinf for tbe lItU* red
balloon and Ha uaily oaodani
Her Sbuley. wbo eonairoclad the
-Hooalc tanael. i* dead la Hontieal,
axed •1,1.
Late* of Dc Kolb. 111., fa*d a wood
>wl^ ooatoat in their town recently
Mexico hu 5.00(1 ma In tn* field and
propcau la aahd out 5,non more to oomplru tbe ernabinc of the rebelllou VaqallBdiaaa.
A ccenpay wu receetly formed lor
relalog reindeer in Matom Korway. lor
purpou of auppl.viag aoulham
markcu wHb reindeer mut- There la
XTowinx markcifor iffia moot to
raoccad Belxlom.
Tbe Dangblcraol tbe AaiaricBD Keeolatlop are lo erect IB Tbcob*. Wuh.,
drinkior foantalBM a mrm
orUI o< N'arclu Praliee Wbltma.
plonur icaeber wbo wu Bordered
by toe India* ai Wallatm. Waah .Xoe
tv. 1817.
At Clereland, o , Uordoa Cooke, tnor
yur* old. I* dead ander pathetic cir
badly hart by a pile of ublm iBlltey
ParolyaU of thcaplnc act In
He MalUed that death wu at haod
aed aiked many iiueallnaa aboat tbe
Und wbieb ba wu aboot to (tail,
aod wondered capeclally wbeiber be

Coniplele (or Ihe Holidoji Trade.
W'e Uiiiirlii ili-rti s’ Hock Bottom Prlcea for Spot
CaAb anil *< nr.- sharing lbs bansflt with our
»r-- nle-i .irf.-nt—
. n1 n,:,!.., m
&obsB and BlAnksta
S--' :i- f..- Woodaawing
w, nr. li.-n.l.i inriiT»

. Chleaxo
ItleerarlN. map* *i
bad oe aorhealina
line to th* *x*e1
Chluro 1
Hirbixao By o
tecMl CaauQxer Axeot *l


Tf Cira U firipps in 24 Non.
id\.(jualrWA^VEKV White
Wt>»: or t
N.-and fato
ib-hlv and In tima-. il will ,-ur- n <-*
IM h..ur.- ad f.w tor ivKtfh that f,
. w« l.BVlrij'i»- il neccr Inil* to
rvUfl. I*ri-8-. 2V and jOu.

Traverse City. Mich.


.1 aorreoder of r■ iroerio tbe harralo aerkin

aollar a wonh n( rr»v1. D(
oeople. lirrou.',- l.:u-i

tatoo teffh




tor your patronage, and trust we may be favored by
Mipph-ing v.'iir wanl.s for the coming year.
\Vi>liing you a Merry Christmas and'a Happy
am^ I’rosiH-r.ius New Year, we remain,
Yours truly.

J <


The Boston Store. I

Nchili III) r>-iui-<ii<>«ami po-M-riiiti'iii* iu genera] uaa aimply give
li.-y of
wetm-b,. iljcy
often miuik (hr aymptodi*

dia.--i—a Ibir jiBliatii^^eyatem of tetopo« {r.-i|ii-ntly* diamal fnilur
' lina In .1 ar-v.-rnl
. i-mi T. i-i.irarj
Wbile'liu wa ukio;.' tbe mediniia b*

G. H. SNOW, M. D.
ll-i. fr .IN ali ti|.. wboola .if MedK-iiiraod
Method* of Hraliug
- —------ ---------------------------1
i’alliativs aoii Temporary Relief
IN- r--ilt. «n-c.-rl»io and
an parmaDenl.
Hi* n

-I.y .-.-rrld- .





u,. - -...-........ . ..f

to ivorw then.

ii.p.jT.'p „ pa-i

On.* cao.- of li.-avy liirlit an.i dark ' '111111,:. woflii
prc.iov.-tilor* am

Coisultation fif&r'

noal.le f«kl ra.Ah.h-r.-, ,.fw-i,.,ry al- j-f,.--. „-r yil
Yard wid- rhl.W-l.-iM.-ti-,a pr--,.,* pr., -.
UdW Hamlk-rrli-f.,


, Dbesteof

*f«tli Ertritlk far 2Se


Office in Hamilton ft Milliken Block. Oom Btenot Satruun.

*d 3c

Clothing Department.
M-ii 8 l)r,iwii I 'lii 'D
8*1- pr|.-.

ratb-r mod

k' your ■-aac-m bi. att*. 1*^wilf^se
V-ur r,-8l.ira-i.,ii lo tin- I!ii-attb you oDcr kii'-w and/which you hs*e
w.iuctil 1-,
t n-i'a.o-‘.'ugUi
H,- traate all '.‘hronic DUm^ I
A,iui'-ii, til- Kyi-. Kar, Nim-and rbrutl.

Dry Goods Department.

•• .Sulla, pre-in*.



- -ul'. |irT--ii

$1 76

Pierce aX Freeman will sell Groceries
al the following pricea the balance of
the year IS'f*'

- |■lllft.•ll.:la and all *-->>t Sji-;land

$3 81

Uru'ai.*iKa! li-«vy .\U-.-kiiia*».. . .
M-..;* l-ravyri-A .. i.n-.l I'-.ierw-a
McdV li-a*y .l-r--y r1 -r.- Iin—i i ^,•r»lll^l«. t)i«. k
l.ruwri, pre-u.-, u-.>r> sal- p- ■ -

.................... 27c


Special Pricis in Snoe Department
at this Pre-inventory Sale

I'm-, i-liiig the same amount <yr more of
olb.-r gniceries are yurchased., '



Opp-C. <k \V M Llspht


k Hk>a P-c-t um troo

Horse Blankets


20 pounds Gr&DulAted Bugrar for..... $1.00 t
10 bars 'Lecox Soap for...................... B5c ^
12 boxes Best Parlor Hatches for .lOo S

Come to tbe Busy Trading Corner .



are the largest, varieties of
styles am! ^wUerns tbe greatest, values the bent aad
jiricL-s the linvest inj^orthern Michigan. That is
why tve .ire doing the lion's, share of the business.
That Is whv we are going lo gain your lavor as the
years roll on.

•I.......... .....





ri-bl )il.hi.t
•.-r.-ii-,ii-; and fxi-rutiuna. and ooiiify tbe |.arTi*rtr<!
fuu. I..,«b
Uiib at ill* •■t|a-)i*- of tbe Uteui tital forte,
h-h In-'
k cif’ch-rgy has 118-11 dmwD b|Kin until •xbaoxU
..I 1(1. 1.- 1- lillliOfteh lb»F very n-taodia tbaml.-ud t i «'-.ik..|i III.III.- r-, u|»-rali*i- p..*urg. <-apeciallv whaii given


people a dr>l an



I 27 State Street

From 69c to $6 00.

riinuUty Nee Vorx,
of "Blir Aatbooy. loienf toa Imttl^
ahip'HalP*. wbo

Bv Tour aij we have l>«ii enablci''to keep o..
high standard nf one iowest possible cash price to all,
ami It ts our aim for 1400 to secure you bigger bargains and give you letter ,«iervice than ever before.

Best Heavy Team H u nes s

hi* Chief r*r«t lo dylny "aa t^t b«
'ooldoolba her* when Sat* Ciaa*

nedcr toe tpeclal eaeort
Toweaeed order tbe a

We take this opportunity
lo express to you our -high
appreciation for the many
favors shown us during
the past year.

eb->w. sals pries................. $300


Thk yeorb. taato* to India
ru of tto.OOO aqnare mliu..
> a popnlattea of a

tadkaa (PM.<
uaralHlatal aad a
aa), aad If It war* taxed apoa aaea a
lUU ot «alM at « par eant. to* railTb* aiareh factory teulrod aboot
»tV'Sr*«ei wakreeeuiaai w u tar
bay tasM
' MPtaer •( IW tna ot r J Cmmwtj a Co
a> IIT.BOl MiWpoa thr t.MO bteaU ot polaloH yoMorday.
------ - UwoM. I> lar Clt; of roioOo. CeebiT
of nateaoad **!•• (pll
Leadrilla. Cole.,
toay woeld pay K.W.apoa tb* Ohio b*«l< of riarlox aa eaay job. Ai to* tualt of a
hr to* Bw el Beu-eCtObU fT*l
H *alH <»*».tot nar Bll*)r tot..
pn.M Iaxh; aad npon
■e to bolort mo omo toOornOoO rn'mi
boa wUbdraora
bce.tolbauCare'DweaWe. a B la
bte of uiiMl ralnc
in* |»M.7lt par to* cblldra bar* baa
(roa to* aebeoli bat a toe laoehar bu
t that ate tlawith to* board, ba c
aad praatlap
aofaUiarto* rtiaa. ter
■BVUatodM hla'M'

iVcMii- ii's bit'll umdi- band cwcrd

Boys' CAttstiii SliiKa for
Sale price____



Ar ..If.-r yoo yoor ebuioeofonbigli gntdr ox-ii's haod *ewrd
ebora. sals pries ................. $3.60

Men a Fell .•suo-b. * I.T !<rc
Sals pries..

Robben. 16c. l»c.M6c,36c

am* So.
mcaaaxc *u unt to
SaUCUu by bU wceplex parenu.
ud Jual before llordoe died Saou
A caetlauh uUad to oar oSe*
arriaed. Aed aueb a loaf of toys u be
bulDU OB* day teat
BIren aad. Barboia-Blabop.
broaxhC OofdoD dird happily
ad by two yoonr plrl* abont the
Ketebaat Marine and
rieberiu- ar*. who. he aid. were eoailca. They
1 UXT IWcr oaku a lu.r otao
:k Blood Bliian 1* toe eatural.
a otee aanl ad sleee ta-ete other,
IfloMipe Affalr*-WB. Aldan tetth.
fallinx remedy for a lacy liacr
balnr hie danpbUr and the other
Inralld PeBaioaa-8. W. Balto.
hk tatberk danrhtor.
Be and hk
iBdlaa Affair*—ShaldoB.
falliH bad urriad aktern.
T« Curs a CoM In Om Day.
ehlldroB ad their reUtioa are qall*' TakcWiriicf . veil.-,. Wiiir -s Tbi S«-nip
Pacldo miIro*d»-Wa. Aldan Salto.
Tor lutooee. one ol
the tw«i couch rrou'K .,ii earth. 'Si bnil
BlKtloat. Mo. 1—HaallloB.
Hula rirl'e cradfatbH I* alao her
Blactioat. Me. l-HMteh.
Ball way* aodOantla-OroBp. H. C
Three too
c buoUfnl lad ■ (
(doled to Icnre D,
Peerui Riso
MlBH and UlnlBp-Cnap. Sbaldop.
BlcHtlos—Wtelaptoa UardBer.
Wubl^B uUutu place toe pn>b
:b 8to. SpecUl aleeplof aod dinlnx
able trade of the eew oolatol depeadwlilcOn»*j lb. partytoNew for'-,
ice oo board toe teleoaid o< w
, enciu at pw yur.
mabipa "Pooo
PeHloH'Sheldoa. B. C. Salih,
OcH fie* tou of docoaeol* prodaeed aod arooed tbe la
b^ar Olalu—Haiek.
by Enrlud to the Vmexmlu arblira- bUc. eamacr aed boat.
Prirate Und claiaa—Blohop.
eue bare baa reaoeed from
Dlttiiet of Celnabla—S. W. Salto.
Part*. They requaed tw* larc* mil.
BlretlOG ot prultet. rtoe pruldaat
to take ibea bway

Enrolled bllU-Hnalltea. B C. Saith-


6c)'ou. salepiicw .. $1 4B

Dorraflac. wu naidenally ehoi while
buUsx. Be wUI reeorw

ItwH roforrod to to* Hared tba aontH of hi* laforuUoa w*ld.
iHt eradlUa.
pnpHooHBlttotlBto* ooBbta. Why
tod forma tar toe lorxinc
The ABorlete In HaaiU are preatly aape keUll brkk and dlS.-alt toaap
UfcUodof ptBopalB that braseb of
toBldflBlaBMiia Uttar of eaBj«e- plenttd orer toe rneene of Llontonaat ply. altooorh faandrod* of aeo were
IMB Itb rialBod that to* bBoad
Oh toe market by toe atoppar*
of tb* aUla laat weak. Warm offered
•«M. aad that totMWH aot *amel*ot
are as par Mot bicker tbaa lui yc
Hu dartap to* olnolBf day* ot to*
Oookt are relllnc Mt to fTt; aealer*
rMHte. to plM It to* earafnl oeaalderSts to att: Hwyara.
.Mte which lit la
B by toe apuker of toe no: loa^ra. tit a aonlb.—Oebebic
•_____ . k
>e belnp ai follow

MpalMd by to* upratood triobH of
a. to* joist n
drill bo pi
1 by both hOBH aad aoB-

$2..V), f:i 8boea for
Olid women, odd airro, if

At Oaertnid a tetter, dated Edaoatoe. bu boa lendrnd froa Da

bad rlaea to to* rank of Uadtoeant••ItioiBt WO that too Htiop In
Poetmutor Dlcknrnon. Bembe]
eoloetl aad lotpaetor rnnoral. Bo wu
‘ tomdarlaf tooH two yoarn. by tooM
tor Hicbira fiib coaalostoo. •
brlpadior c*boral. aalfoad
whoartaowpaylap BOM toaa tooir
“At oor bateherim at Park aed tell.,
to dbaftor'i eorm aad. partleipatad la
toara. tally JaoUfitt too oapooM ot abo
6i* Marie we are preparinr to place
to* •irumo In Mlchlcu V ooo.ouo brook
rloH at B1 Oaaoy
gbebt two OHIO oe oaeh II.OMla taino
troniad 1.000.000 relabcw treat and'
Itorioot. after to*
I.OOO.OOO block hooo. In additla
fall ot daailapo bn.wH tranolefred u>
AttorraftrrtMto to*
place to t6e tolerrlor
too PblUpplhH. aad In eoBlancUon
I Bafftoy, Omwall.
laka lake t^l an j lO.OOd.with Ooaoral HaoArtonr carried on
tMlB too dlrtoUea ot
Ouu wall-eyed pika 'Ibli k a larye'
to* UiBltM caiapalVB tbat bronpht to
■ ot laxM. too coMraor
raplenUhaeot toa the InteriHeiream*
too raak ot saior
and laku ha«a arer bef<
••TbokiMOtloaiO OB*. toar*fnr*. bo
alQXl* year. The toerrut In the BnaOaaaral Lawi
Im^mr tor dobato. bat lot oaoiyatle
ber of brook tiwnl to be planted
Bottoa; M It kM baaa aadtr ooBoldrrapartlenlarly eotluble. toe larreel an
beoor fiMB tor dltUncaltbod
tar era before plated in one yw beB^iMbll toatdarlBtto* Uot ■yiaslry In Inadlod a ebarc* at At- loc abont 1.000.000. or oo»-tol
—yoar body too Bepnato Into dariax toe Ct*l< war. Hit dMto
iber we will fiee tok yur
OMWttBdwatodtoaftob AtolDooe act U a blow to to* Anorlcan army, u be
lerea takm a frul du1 of Htu;
Mmad oae of to* manl abl* and
thr*wd lath* tarric* la toe I'bUlp- tallon In oontoaoiaUnc tbe •
nndrr way. ad with rood reuon.
Uanlla. Doc n^-tenaral OUo hu addtU » to thl* etoeklnr of to* Interior
prut laku that waab
r*Ml**d a dkpateh
Toaap by toe way of Dapnpaa alatlnp HIcblraD'e lonr utooded abom will
eetoeked.witb tOO.000.000 whItaSah.
ad of ipirllBtlly apoa proa eora- that Col. Lotoar B. Bar*-* oolamn la
nd tola k done witooat toe apenu
I a MDi t>r Hlehtra hsraelf.
C. UIIbom aad tba rut ot too Amaritte PtHOd to* bOHO.
The nslranity of Mlchlfae'’ rnnkt
eapvtred by too laaarpaata at
t twotoiidt *0^. aad WH
aaeoBd to point of enrollment to
tettotooawitu CB Jbb* t. foartan Baler Uat AprU.
State*, and fooriaato to
badtp* batON to* tarWaUF* oaatod de-

HadrpippBH. Thiaboiloluy btda*
oaau 1 ballo**, bowMr. that 1/ tooy will lay Hide their
|naa1 tearloUea* la tb* utter aad

to please ibe young u well u tbe old.

HoJ. Ooo. HtBfT W. UWVIB woo okot
uO biUod ok 8o« Hotoo. wblob bk baadod a party of Urat SUre lake
fitiOTnini bod ottookod. OooomI Uw- cold kaater* la toe isterut of a Jack00 otoDdlar to toeok ot bu ut»ia aoBtyndlcoto. Be oay* too party k
line, footoor* aad wary. They
orboe bo WH oboUs tot brooot. teto
kotbc bltaeot laotoBtosooBi.
lonod BO pold and hare bad to bo
Ooawol Lowloo otortod tool nlcbt toot with uowbak holala ad a foolfroa UbBlIo orito too Elovooto aonblrr bul diet, with BOBO day*
alL ThnM are a anatwr of iwell
of too Twoety-btoto bad Twtaty- yoBBC JaekeonitH in to* party,
aoToatotot*aR7U>«bftar* Saa Hotoo. they bare walked bom toa i.oue
roportod to bat*
tokaa a atoad with MO latatfoai
WboB too BOW* of too teto ot uoaaral Lawton wat roeeitod tbroof b at
too olorki In
Wmiam Hbalre. ac*d U yearn, of

ml toaoties It oo raol bad to ouaUtoi
ItetaaodloM oiopt tboold batokoa
to fiaily U. I racMl too kaaeoMatoaotaad ozpoato of o tpaeibl irooloa.
•Sot It k bpobroat. toot. It tot wiobct
«t a *0(7 tor^ atj wltf o( too poaplt
•ttoootoMbM oaUttod to Mtpect.0 too bdJttbBt raaatbl'i ofioo
too ^Balaton which HratlHat prior to too fall oloeUon ot IWO. dbbt HcKintoy taot alcbl rot* lootrne-ThUitae boeontt too poopl* bot* tloaookoald b* proparod aaklnc bla
itanbiili lortnUtlon wbleb will bo ofbrifadlar fwaral la too rerslar army.
httnal to brlodtod afaoni oqtaltty of tJ dll eat of too oalttlnr raeoaeloa.
toXbUoa. Itboobeoneloarly tadiobtad
ttoaaral lawioti wno ana ot too aray
bplbadaproatooortof too tUto tool onaof* who onurtd too ailitary oof
•Mb lavtaloltoe eaaaoi bt aaactod aa•ieo at too eloao of too eltil war
HI too eewUtnUoa la aatndod- Tb*
oalittad at too b^nalaf of
aaoMluitoa oaaaot ba aaoadad aatil
at a aarcoaat la too Mlato Indiana Uto too faatryaad woon anttarod ont at too
toepU at too boat tprlMT or anto
end e( too war ha woo a lUateaaat
wUk a oolooaJ't brorat for pal
■■XiaUlbarwdUy obtarmd. toar*- laaiaad Borlurloat aortico.
lota,toattioaamocof a apodal ntala itM ba WH appolBWd a tanoad
dtoaMtUtUoa aakto It poaalblo to
lloatoaont la tot rapailar arniy.

**J u awara that tktMan uabort
•IkMhhraaebMof tool^ltlatara who
MHwo that oorpOMtlOBt. bow paylap

Gbristmas Present in Footwear

For Sanathre Us

To'Our Friends and Patrons,



Pierce & Freeman.
237 Front Siroet

TmvsrM (Mty, MidL !

A carload of the best horses from
Indiana ever brought to Traverse

run nm bims siaa u S!.a3
IlUsm Fv Bill BDbK Si sa U (650.
In* Uwtui Pit Bolx uaa 1. JIS.BO. ;
The large iocreoae of oor moke of HamsM

Before buying call and see


abocs our pnee le loveat

Baieiias il lagn Whips. 8 cuts ta SIOO.

TrAnm Ci-i.

Leo. Solomon.
BrodhasML^ Barn* Btote 8t ^

miABD tlAiiMB iMUii^BHfl—BBB
' AJum
llf» Aar ■■ »0>«n
•to. kaU trvn mmmtim ytoirtar
iril^. wl»— It «to tof—< tht «k«
W<>«-*• «Mi

tog.aad ttaaawitoadil wiUgatota
TtaaalealtBmwl«tor a pabUe
laatallatlaa od oBeat* «• ta taM to
hall dewa tewaPaaearra. Itoto
o< eUsnrtorm. tka bMr4« M tte rwi- wfUbtaoMpaatod with a taa
Am of C. I Ml*«m. Md Mn. aa*««
•appal toto tar naa ataat 1 e'«toek

Mibnig. Dta. U.-A
mafUparawi.M w.
tmmttaabnra graatad by I
Jewe k LnagUia Inn nta BeaU «
to mta aCaut Jen. L
A elmUw^ adranm m nB dapartmm
afttaWg^tle prawbHllp ceem

toBarttaw to atlata e
will ntara Batardap.
Cutler of Atrmuida. H rWttaf
nlatlrna to tta clip.
Ur. aad Hn B L. Thuiatr of Onad
Bapida niaraad boma puaui
L- D. Laebcp of Daptoa. Ohio, bac
■tnraed borne ufier epaadtog earwnl
dapu *1MUag bn anim. Hi
6. G Oireu has go^ to Grand
Bapida to mponae to a tolegram
bim to meet Ue neatrurofa b
ruptatoek at .Vllea
r. B. Sor.r* of Glh Bapida wea at the
Columbia peaierdep.
Plekat-A c
D 8 Wap of Rapid Clip, waa a Trar‘ueCitp rieltor peciardap.
Orand Jutr'e Siannng Diaeloaurea
Earnout Bibta of Haoto8 formarip
Lanatog. Dec. t0-Na*ar hae ibU
of toi* place, la to toe city.
dtp been to each a elate of cseltamaoi
1' Uaouag of Empire, rrue to toe
ae DOW. Tta requeat of Goeeraor
clip puulerdap
Plngrea tor the realgaaUime of goal
John Ualdua r«tura«l-laat night from
a Whiu
Grand Rtpida where be was caUed aa a

Partaap Taat Ho. laa K. a T. H. ed
Haafetd,attta ravtaw Daaanbtr It.
dap* fiaa «a mapl. Oa oatward
kaaad fcalfht aarafi afll ta ctaiwad faoa. Btaaraatkeagbttobadaadaad ili^id tta tdtowtoc etoaara te tta
afaru toaia.
Hr. BOnn tatopheMd to gkartt BtaapP. C—r. A Walk*.
ma rato la aada taaaai
aoa. Dr. Hartto aad Oerewar Haca.
C-B.P. UaarmiL
MaaMckthtoft la Ita aaral
L C-Ailaa Bktoam.
aata toacaltaa ia aeaaaatoa
tta taaa. aad after tta airtral of
A A-A r. Oeaatoa.
«ta aaapaatoa, aaariaf Boafiala.
Dr. Hartto Hfto Pewata ww aoa
r. A-r. L. DaolL
: - -I pad latortataaa talk tta
flbaptoto-P. W. Bktoaar.
{ taadUataoUa Mfka roiMf aal
It to aet dalBlidp kaowa wtathar
Batgmuit-A H. Oeradl.
I aaakw. To arald tUa aasepaaa tta
tta ulaadad aaldda er aot. 8ba to
H.efA.-W P Wetam.
' akMiatokaa kaaa aada aai
taSartog fiem a tarehaa aakto neai*ad
PlralM. cfO -W. B Dtooa.
at Btogatop a taw dapa ago.
taeoed H. of Q.—L. A Coreelt.
^aoMaat at £lk ftaLptda* *
-nr danea. a C. A W. H. Irrtfht eeartog oa wbatU toft tta d^ sa tta
CAW. A Thtoto tta traraltog raprakwkaaaa aaa arrikir
■k laptoa Taaadar aM>r dto.
Ba ITM ■’aiakiar' a aar. ital ia.
kaalat aaa aaclaa oa bm track paab
a aar oa a paraltol tracK br aaat
pM trtaa tta poU broka, «
atrlUarOaraee a MrribU blew la tka
taMt. Ba waa kaoekad dewa and
taad atnuh ooe el tta ralla.
Ba waa earrtod to kla koM aal Dr.
Saattot waa aaaaoaad. Ha feata

aealaUn of tta Baglaaarlag Sebool
laatoB, Pa., aad hat baaa to <
dtp for BOBB Uma. bat atwaof
praaeDOB haa aot taaa pabitobad taeaeae It wooU tan eaaaad a crowd of
dlstolcraatad ecrtoaltpccaken to crowd
to tta nr aad laiarfera with tta work.
Tbraa Icetarea ware g1*ea Hoadap.
which eloaad the work to thla dtp
Tta nr bae boea anr the C. A W. M
reaodtane aad that# mllp toiemud

ata tta atan aad baad varrkwtir
Ba to badlf lajarod awl It brnghtocl aad ban takao a
Bocree of leetam oa the aebjeet.
taUiaqaita a ragrad eoaatltat
Tbceebool of aaglaaerlag to i
acBlod bp two maa who ha*a charge of
. Bataa atale the nr. A flee Itoe of laodcle to part
of tbae^clpinaat of theear. todadlag

a partect loooccoUra aboat toar feel m
laagth. which to opwatad dtber bp
Taaadar to Jaattoa Brawab
aiaamordeetridtj. TbeaehaoltaaahLeato Oalcn •( Etogalaf. waa r»•ebpeorreapoadeaoeaadbai at pi
104,000 popUi to aU eeaainnelthe have naeed a earpriec to saepTUaaaltoawaa breaiht aboet bra
Goraraar Ptngrae le nld to bare been
.annilatBl tolcad to tta eoan Ueada/
eerprieed at toe a«*atopmenU antop arigara father. Malt (Mgar.
jaelor Lyoaooi.
It appaan that tta twe saa. (attar
Tta Paalor Lpeeam beld i
Aadaas.hadadtopataaatardap i
eelleat lawUiir toat craalag altar to toe faoa of toe higbnt regard for
aoM petateaa, aad tta qaatral b<
the memberu of toe board.
echooi to ibc High eebool
•a ttatai Itat tta poaagn aaa
Hon azeliemoDt wae precipitated
room to which a Cbrtctmaa program
kla tottar bp tta threat aad thraa
wae nrrled ooL The progiam wee is toll morning when toe goTcrnor eeni a
aaaaraaiBBil rtolaaea. Tta tathar
ohaige of Him Atkto. who*o epeelal meaeage to toe bouae onUlnlog
haa bawMN ao a>aeh alarmad for hto
toe dieclnom bp the grand Jurp and
toe eriUeb report
paifa1 ataatp that ta lodgad a
etatlog that toe elate bad tuflered
The pragras opeaad
platot arllh PaatSea Browa Hondar,
pifw* eolo bp Him lUade Horae. Tbto loea of abool P40.000 torougb toe tnnaataTaaadap StariS Binpn« teeaght
aeUoo bp wbieb toe propertp of
wae followed bp aa exedleet m;
Unto Oalltar to tta dtp, tarii«
Uoo aatlttod -UtUe Bmketa' Oartot- Mlcbigan National Guard waa eol
haatoi Ub at WaataOMtar. Ba farmaa.- bp Irma Coonlngbam. Aa eecap. ue lUtoole Supolp Cx tar ' tio.soo.
■bMabMdtekaaptta paaea. aad
■•Cbrtatmaa CaBWuna.-'bp BmUic Clewdl Tbe gorcraor to hit mtange adro
WMi^Mad. Ita bead waa woo for
legal proeoedtoc* agalpal tee Banderprered et,Baeb totoect.
to parted c< ato naa tta.
A flee tedtatioB wae gltec bp Hamie aoa-Amaa Oo. of Kalamaeoe. to neo*ei
Attooat a Oaataaajlaa
Duaa. aaUUed. ••Aaaa aad WUItob toe amouDt of toe etata'e loea.
At toe enggnuon of Oorwoor Pin
At addalgtot Itoatadap algbt
Prapar." Dlekeoe- -Chrlctmae Carol'
waa a well ehaeao cabjret for a repro- grae Attornep Uenaral Onn bad preah«a MMa cana fnm A
dhtofPehBSnilh.fath- daetkm by .Harp :Eldred. An eiaap parta a join I raadatlon prortdtog '
wadMia. PatwWanbaigor tttoeltp. wrlttoB bp Benha Barlep asd read bp entatanee for toe aetioo mentioaed
uumegl. Tta molutlop win p
Mr. Bitalh dtoiafeU aga. aad bad ta AUn Kdth oa toe eebjeel. "CbdctBaB
Utad aatflaett Hap ta wooid tara Hplba.” wae *ei7 totemttog. Nellie •eolod asd rafrmd to tbe eommiuer
Bto^m followed with a moat ucel- OB Bllitarp affair* op a *ote of U to fa.
............... ..
saeld ptoaan to tbto leet redlatloB from the “Bird'e Chnev taprtaealatlre Ptoiecher oAernd
Man Kaap tta Paaea.


wall laaawa aad n

mar Carol.
The dtoeaedoo wae toe laet Dumber
asd wae well hasdled bp both eldea.
Tbe<iontlOD wae. 'BaaoI*ed.Tbat toe

for erimtoali ehoald
Tbe epeakara tar the
waa avp toagelp attaada
Arthur Wait asd Her
ttaaUaatUanad thto
fawail waaiiiiirltohtotottatlt waa lea Ohamberlato aad tor tta sagatire
tta tart teocav to tta tantlp of tba d«- Harold Helatnh aod Bop Hebofleld
aawad. altho^ ta
paan MA
Bight dOldraa aad to
gaatoirhUdiia ware praaaaL Ba*. Ooeh
tot PNaetad a vtrp leachtog a


Chae of tbe HlUtarp Board, acd of
Samaal B. Blcharaeog of tta bnrd of
traetan et the Kalamaina m
emtod a profoood ewiaatloB aad
etortoeanaflmiaaioihe ponlble out­
come of toe affair. Since toe co
tog of toe epocial eaedoa of toe legietotuie toore hae eaen a nmbtoatioa
Pel tble tost npa toe t
max. Tbe toreeUgatlon of the affair*
I of toe mllltoip bnrd bp toe tost legialalare left toe eon*letlOD that
beard bad eoadoctad toe ocpendii
at elate war faod* with eoamcudable
economy and good julgmoct. but the

TtatodtoaodttaW. ai. 0. weald
Utalatotaraattta ladtoi of tta dtp
aadvtotolBrtoawtwhiAkh tbap
ataaataktog thto wtoMr for tta baoeit
aC tta latobarMto. Ttoap are plaaatog
taaaadraadtog aattar to than, aad
waaMtagtatafalliwtohpthtog to tka

other reaotoUoa prorldtog toat
aiioreep general
be empowerebrtog legal acUon la anp other matter*
toat map derelop to toe militarp le
ligation. Thli rcaoUtioo paeeed.
Tba dlamlaeal of toe four pa bile
cert named U toe malt of toe arfeged
irj board bxi
dieeorprp toat toe otllltorp
eold aboat kSt.OOO worth1 of eomparu^

rea. eoaileiinic
tlrulp aew mllU^ elorea.
of clolhn. lenla. etc . to tbe Illlnoli
Supply CO. ol Cbleag/ for tIO.soo. and
toannmngbt toe nme goodt bmk
a <• i. p, a.
again for about pr>0.000 torougb
Tta maattog of Uwal No. us of tbe Beadanoe-Amn Ca- of Ktlamaioo
Batall aerka'iBlaraatioaai ProtaeUn Blekeratoff war tbe aaleemcc
Aaeodatios Hoadap e*anlag
The following t* tta leiiof eeot to
Ipaltasded. 8e*assawmaa
General White hr tbe gorcraor end l>
tolUated aad masp mare «ai
to lobnlaen toe came ae toe lettor*
aatad applptog far membere
tteferthaesentogiarmofalx montta earn to toe atoer oSetole:

rrnffi p.n

William U White. UuartarmaetrOeoeral. Orand Bapida. Htch - Hi
Dear Sir—Tne maot dieeloenroe li
eonaaeiioa with the dnitoga belweei
toe eUle mUltarr board and Bender
eon. Amn A Co . aad toe lllinolaSop
pip eompanp. plainly todJnie ina
cneb dealing* bare n~-olte<i in the low
to tbe atate of about *40.000
~ take >ocb
of tbto. I am nlled upon to
ill protect
action to tbe matter aa will

Henagm hlatobarg bae booked U.
Altrad Lae to -Tbe Racbelor'e Baby,
lor Droeabar to. TM I* a romping,
rolleking. frothy, militarp oomwlp asd
tta lendtogeplrlv Hr tae. I* declared
to ba astong the most Wealed comedtosi to tta bnetoeet.

I A good maxim when aupHed to Holiday punchasing.

•H. 8.?!^””*'“
Otreait Ooan Jarora-


nd w'eU Ih^d.

Ladies' Cloaks, Misses'
Cloaks, Children's
and Infant s Cloaks,
Ladies' Ready-To-Wear

regarding the


1 anuaal a:eeUoe of tta fkrpnIan' Unkm wae bald Piidap alghi ai
ttaCS. P. Aball. The teUewtogoa-



^ Special Opportunity
Ia affiirdeil witwi. niotb.-ni tn<l dauirlitera wbo •
Wi*li to preteui die huebnuii, a-.., or father with <
*ai.-fa a gift ae a

Suit, Overcoat or Ulster.

Special Values iu all ihe Iboie Goads.

Te« Pet Cen, Disown '
ftMi lowest Prieesr-'^.A'



TouW s, Boys led lod Cbildrei's
Sells aed OieiCDBts.el same discout.



tr.\vi-;rsk city.

Reliable Dry Deeds. Caniet led Clolhiie Hbise.


iiarp iomUgation. toe houar to tare
auihoriiT to proceed
to the fulleat
prnarmlioo. wee *1*0 aCouted.
The r<]n»'. tacation meaacre eannot

We Show the Lai^est. New, Up^
to*Date Line of



afteruDoD, nn aeeouot of a ootlcr giren
»y Repmeotalire Water* of Harqoeiir
tbtl h. would offrr a m-itlon for a rreenaiderallon of the rote on toe meat-

MRS. R. W. ALLEN,o«T;o.T?Mienablin.rd«a rroro.

That's what you make when
you buy Footwear of us.

That Can Be Pound.
< »ur (iri-—nr<-lower than any otlierj. are
atelling tb.- same grade Too can aeiect a oaefial


I* otpi" a*Tj. m «i«ii Awo apTj

AT t"AlirAl*5 Tiro AUWAATI* TPT>.

frtrtn our alor-k of Overgniteta, Levgiiign and
line of F<N)TWK.\lt CnII and inapeo(«<ir Uito.


We still have >i <'<vmplete Baaortmenl i.f

Winter Footwear.
The GaAlitp of oar stock U th« vbtj bwL
A» as low u tbe lowMt

Th® PriCA*

. OrderBfor Job Printing left it the

Trarera* Oitp Hwl
below I* a list ot the oupiag aod eel.
ing pricra of peetordap for groeert**,
prtmsions aud farm prodaeu to Trar

near Perrk per bb).
Lirar Pork per ft
, oaui\
Short wu.
Col Pork
I VI . ■
-I Cul Pork per ft
1 r.our. H L A Co 1bn»l..............
hyr Fiour. H. L. A Oo.
H L A Co Brat

will receive prompt ettentfen
4 oo

Our Xmaa trad* baa Wen
■—bave hr-eo right on tbe jump.

W.. wi-h 1.1 call et)»-<-iHl attention lo onr line of

Lumbermen's Footwear.

We Booglit Right,
That’s Why.

Sox from 50c to $1.50.
Rubbers from 75c to $3.00.
Pacs $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00Wlieo y.m want warm Shoe*. Rpbbera. Overgaitera.-Lrrtics.
in (act anytbin*: in oar line, it will pay yoo tocall and get prinm

McNamata BlocL


Ily lilM-ral lue of teUgr^b
and 'phone we bare more
good. 4M tbe way and will
keep oar atock up ao thta
laie buy-n. can bare a good

- Special Sales Saturday Momiug


^ -..duiu, — p.r:


iu Boohs, Toys, Alhnms, Games.

Tianrse City, Micb.

praatratom at hla boma to Oraad*

He SlioigesI Uee of UT GOODS

erer ahown tfi Trarerae City, in ITALlAKj FBEHOH

Real Estate, Loans. Insurance and
Bela trarsUaf far a largu wbMee
Pro(. Fri*eta>8. wbo bat tana wlUi
Awdiior-B. B. Bobarwea.
8. B. Btnmff'u manfa atoro far tta past
Tta totarmal aetkw dI tta nalim
waeta. ariu rowra to bta berae to
laAMM Mt Btanr tolata tota Wadaeaday to tta mattar of flgtog tta
prleaafarltaawal^nMcaww aen
d b^tatmal •


copleawlllhe flalebrd from tbr proM
Mn A. A. HeCop returned borne toi* week. Ererp new and old *ub
•erlber of the Herald will be entii
Tueadap after a rieit at Cedar Ron.
* oofj of toi* bandaome book a* a preWilaoe hchaobof Uwoaao epenl a mlcm free, upon eondlilon that tbe
• for ladies' lind children.'- i In our men s
I* paid to full loJeouarp
to Jem
few dap* with hi* aleler, Ur*. C. W.
• departinem we have a complete tine of
Tbe cost of preparlog aud pu b
Faott. on bit wap to Charleroi*.
I men s handkerthicfs.i
Uehlng tol* premium ha* beeo bear>
asd tbe oelyeoodiUob upo« wbieh n
(iliivtrs. mittens, hosiery, etc.,
mped Til- >»tyl-T- nrt- ap-tu-diiU-. the qaalitiiw are
can be fureiebed Huiuuaieabeeriber* .*
' Stau Legialatoro'* Work
I and fancy gbids. purse*, fantj
mbs. riglit. dtiHi lb-prire* an- oiogey aivtog to von. |
toesnbacripilou be paid in fu.i <o
Lantioe. Dec. .'u—After toe commit­
New sabBCribei* w
I buckles belts, etc. Whatever you should See as fur haUi, rap-, gli.v-a, uiillea*. colttra. i
tee of the wbofe of Ue bon*e had roceire tbe balanee of 1999 free, and I'
I hnd in agimd <lr\ goods store is here.
i.eckwenr. jewelry, panto, ahitta, noilerwMr, «lc.
taxalioo old sabaeriberu who renew before Jeo' j <
. aud pap a
.tor for tol year
merntog, it wua
be entitled lo a rebate equal
•rl.mVKS ! I’klCKS .-U.W AVS for the qualitiesJi
rrnortod bark to tbe bonte asd toe expired portion of lP»-.‘
joint rouoluGoo peaaed by a role of
, CUMK \\l) l.nuK-your visit will be profitable.
Book J
mail orcao be eecurod by cailiug at
Before tor naeaege of tbe meaeore
ae aau*i.n ofQee
Tlyl* > toe floeai
Repreeeniallre Krllep effered a enb aod moat uaefoi premium e»er offered —
Bememlwr i ft
•lilete for the whole joint raaoInGon. br a Hieblgas eewtpaper
tbat One fiollar will pap tor toe Hr.x ' i
II. aod
orople of a proposition for a general
coorrotloD to rrrice the whole *1*1*
Soelly declered out of order.
A molstion aaking tbe roraraor to
-od in a epeelai meauage oo that tobJrel W*» Anally adopted. A reeoluUoB
-iffered by Pmllipt aaliiag toe gereru> nend Id aeeiber meauage os mil

•W. F.


Would rniher h«ie poniwlhing nice to wear than I
uiiythuu! ebw you call think .•(
If you are at *
kiM to ki.ow whit u, get bicn’ for ChriMmu
jupt etep II. hen,\U the tbingD we have been
Iramimr ihriw-vi-uru ubmt liekling nieD'a fun<-i.-e*re*t y„or diapwal -all the itunRi we've
Ixmgbt for “b.m" ami kq. w b.- wtiito an-1 need*
are wailing fur you.

I W'e show a great line of

Oakto-WnUBia T. laid.



of all kind--,
as suits, sci-arate skirts.
* waists, wrappers, etc., w-t; .-an suppJty.iu
It prices ts.i-,1 tan afford.

Mr»"V iT'c

from a

Than a line dress pattern for the wife.
mother or sisterHern we have the
proper style^. late effects as to coloring>
and designs, qualities that are lasting, at
reasonable prices. If it s a blacK dress or
1C. plain <*r fancy, we have
ise yt

Treaaerar—Hre. Harp Amldoa.

•u aar avTUTBvr upreaeod toe kecneet
regnt toat ta waa eompelled to take
acliaaBa wae paniciilaFlp
warm to ble expramloae of peraooal
bat Bap—T. H. Paata,
ngmrd for OeBonl While aad elated
rua Itoka-TboaBaa Martto.
that be ballerud him to ta tboroagblp
flattald—Aagwt W. ImwM.
booest. Ba wae earprtetd that ta aod
I laataltoUoo wlU ta Jotot with tbe other mambari of the militarp
tta pnt at tba Agricullaial kali. board ahoald bare ceblhlud aueh porn
Um Itota—Btoja^ Dofb. B«> Hadeatp. Jaaaarp «. IPOO. Allan
torllad w aeaea.
Generaf Whlta took tta maltor bard
Haptald-Jeha Wabtotr. Howard
and ts eaU to ta auflerlag tram amcaamrntae' cuioh.

Those who are ia Mardi of <

much here this week to interest them and please their friends

Anotoorgood altruellon wbieb bu
beeo eecund for tbe oanr fuiurr i*
rage to tbe east.
•Bled bp one of
tsicl Frol

V E. B-iland haa returned
bauinesu trip to Grand Keoidt.


Grand Ttaranm Aetrim and Lartoneu
Uae wm be bald to Qraag* bell,
■caa Chp. Tamdep. Jenneip
leoo. et 1 e'atoen p m.
All mambm* of aeid eoaensp an rw
geaeiod to be pruaaat ea baetnuM of la
penanea will come batorr tta maetlng
0l» W. HrWerUt. Seep.

wiiaroe on a law uult.
. Don't Hia* h
J. S Hodgm of Fife take It to tta
It win pappon loriall toe UiUlaerT
bepartment ol toe Temple of Faahion
Fred J Hanceau of buttona Bap ,wua
baton you buy. I3» Frost Straet
In the city pcalerdap.
G. E Uibbu of Hanton. formarip of
tol* Clip, is at toe Waiting.
The Casturp Cook Booh
F B. Barth of Omena to to tbe eltp.
Tbe New Berald Caalorp Cook Book
Hr* J. B Utrtlc and Ura. J. V Heaaialni toe beat there wa* to tbe Her
Id Cook Booka No. 1 aod No :. aa-t
returned laei erentog from
many new and ralaable reeipea. and i>
Maniilae. where they went lo attend a

.U. ...a-

Prom tbe dtoelnurcre tout made It
would appear tbat tta loae to toe »tale
T of oolloel— -wee toe malt either
^itb the BondereooI
K,h-. hare euer
ble dlllgonce to toe mat
W to protect tbe intereeii intrnatad U
pour can.
Prom oor intimate aeeoeiatloD. aac
mp knowledge of pour deallDgu to is
portant pnblle matten intrnated u
poeir can la toe pact I nenot bellen
toat poa wen ia colinctoe with ttaoM
narttoe to defnnd tta itatc. aad
toerefon forced to toe oooeloeU
lack of proper dlllgunee or }n<
cm yoatto part oootrlbutad t
In either rlew.'my duty i* pla'
public hure u right to feel tool
eerrunU un both boani aad eompetiL and It eeome clear that to riew of
rofemd to. toe pub
hare flaWSdpDcr
liCCb..... longer
the npadtp
Itp of tbe

mniaa Briggi dtod Taaadap at tta
At the meeting of tbe BpwDith
awB^ heaaa. at tta age of M ptan.
League of tbe Picet Hethodtot church
Baww ftntrtp a bridr aaaoi
at theebareb parlore Hoadap night toe
tor aawa ItoM kaa bata aaflartog
(oUewlug otBeen were eleeiwlt
Prealdest—A A. Cobb.
ahtoteiorm. aad It waa to kn>t btoi
Pint Vise PmldcBt—Um. U Brentoan tta aw that ta waa mi
taaODd Vtn Prmidant-Hre. John
aeaati ahaiga. ASar tta aiepptog of
tola wppipef tta tallad
lapldlp. Babad baaa to tta eoaatp
toaaat toaa thaa thraa BRmUm. ~
Poarth Tin PmideswH: . a B.
toaanl teta ptoee at 1:M paataidap
Tta pall baann
taenup.—Mr. C A.fMttaedon
Bawrtl TaadarUp. Jaat Patmaoe. Poha
Treaearer—Hr WooUett.
niahart, to.. Joha Bpaddiag. Bmwra
Oryaalet—Him Flora Cbldwell.
■■ah aad W. 3. Kalaea.
Oehare -Flopd Beeeb. Bowtoad Dougetaca be taken to neorer toe n
H^aa. tta tov aiantka old ebild of ■c. Free dimme.
tbe elute bae loat becpn»e of pour
Hr. aad Mta. Oprw Poem, dlad TbonurmiiAi w. n i.
un lo .euerctoe proafr can to the
dtop taaal^ at lhatr boma. ao Waah
charge of pour duHee. and aak
Commander—Ueggle Haleimd.
tender poor mlgaatlna ac our
i^Matieak Ttoap ladi itaUulaoaa'i
Sanlor TIee-aommandar-tba H.E ter gaaerul to tike eflrot imp
impd lately

Baitodb-Htofy Bparttog. A. B.
Pmilwala ■ >. T. OBtootto H. A Obw

TUe w(U affeat s.«00 m

Annual ElaoOosa

■ere tlectad ae tollowa:
Pmidast-A. 3. Hapaard.
MMtoa.ata. It aaad aot aaiaaatrUp
Flret Tloe prealdast-Bop Loodae.
ta ad a atrletlp lellgioaa antm.
taeoad Tin preaideat—Htoa Hatia
taaa to tta tonbar aaapa an haagrp
dor nadtog aad gnaUp appradata
Bearding aaeralatp-Hre. Habet
aaptktoggeedtotbtaltoa Tta ladtot Hoodp.
ataatoeiklag ecrofort baga for tta
PtoaaeU aaentarp-L. Baacoa.
lanb—aa aad weald baglad et doaaTroaaurar-rrmsk Trade.
Maaato tta wap ad plw.
Oulda-TTmo. Bspdar.
thraad, rallaod detk (or bapdagn.
Guardian-L. A Bubbell.
aat*a.ata. ArtMaa anp ta toft at tta
r. H.Bradlep.
totaaaadH. BStna*. anoag* el tka
1. George Ketarre.
XtoakaU Flaae Oo.. aad aboald
>-L. J. Bwldp. Obarln Bltoa.
toaaigtottowltototta Bantaw w«

- ^toUowtogaia tta dieaHeoert
^t }atan drawa Teaadap for tta


'Pbone or mail prdt-ra fiUnJ promptly.

Kaaonic Block,

Traverse City, Xich.










asAitt fteTi&ig| ttBlAii^ibMfMta. sms»6Wattn ObM ^ apndl i


• tet^v tte arMUtaeaik Vwim aMte BoHdniaaateaaadnaala.aflaa Baa et Ueln to ba c**Pa. away
ttelodfateraten patbarad tafatbai
d they aaaka a bnp
hnp worth Uo
. Tteaan^Mn wOl naana
a dray
Ufbtfal-WwM wamlaf-IP tAi
aad with tte ■
TaartM*atbarap1rtifrao< AMaraaa
Hoatapaa PrUay. Dalfaton raCnabWBH wan aarral ater tte plar of tte
B * a. H. Maattap
natap. ___________________
TMratn Qty aoaaeU. No.
. B. A
Wbila oatttap weed «oar aOn eat rtf
. H. eombtaod boaUm aad
BarrSlUtT wn atraak la tba
Taaeday oraaiap. They bald
taoa with a later ba wn prylac ■» •
aanlOB la tba Haaoek baU.
lo* whb. Ivaaktap two taalb aad
aararal Btattara of bnlana war
aararalyaatuapbktaoa. Dr. Hartia
Amote ottaar tbian tba alpbl of
npalarmntlap waa ebaaped to tba
Wm. Brakal of Ormwa. bad a earrow fint WedaawUy of arary aoatk.
After tbe waaaaetioa ol tba tinilam
■cape from dntb while eaulap timber
U tba wooda Dear bk boma. A larpa tba eompaay adjoaraad to the laataarlimb fall abeat so feet, atriklap bis a aot of Soatbard A Bandy when Uty
(NaaalBp Wow. and lalariap him aaliyad a boaaufal lapnt. aad cloaad
If it bad atraek straipbt It tba areniap with clpan farakbad by
Carey Hall

Tte Daern->#««i«kh^

TtalUarhU btbw. O^Uia W»bt ol
Uk dt;, hM aad* *«7 npK> adnaeaMt«biaib.bdn>UH«crk for lb*
Pm HarqsMU Beal No. 5.
IbeeaMoaaeeUer. oadU

Be beno


At the Pint H. B. eboreb easdeT
raiaC IBa paator wUI pnaeb u> tbe
■ban of Iba ebonli asd Babbalb
aebool aad ia tba araalike a eboir of
a baaatlfal

ilal of Pollea Kaaula aaaiitad aa eld
maa to hk boma la Paw Paw Hoe
day. Tba mao. wbon aame waa Bard
had baaa at work ia a lambar east
Oadar Baa. aod baaldaa bariar
Booay atolao. bad bne laid ap with

WaBar •eaJ a Cc —net ter*.

Hoaea ol Aaaaal HeotUw

Clrcultttoii this week 2.450

(.etarday BlfOt tba boob rae afoal of
tbe abado* of tbe aarin and tbere wee
alBoat a total aellpae. Batwaaa tba
boon ol e aod 10 It wae plaisly Tialbia
batwaaB the rtfu of tba elooda. at fra
qaant lolerrala, aad erowda oa the
raata oajgyad tba aipht.

TwHra UaaM are la tba dty horn
DaWOtV tapairtar the llaaa of tba
Talapbaaa Oa.
A. B. Clarkr

Hka HayC

abarlala bn aonptad a

la tba city aebook of Barlaaw at tioo a
She hn baaa dolap aplaedid
work for tba paat two yean ia 'tba
■ebook of DlaoB. □ . wfateb k laryaly
praaaat pealUca.
MkaCbambtrlalB wu formariy a taaebof drawiar la &a Trareraa City

ly Batarday that aeltad la i
LowraDoa Paraam of Haaloa
^pjaaldaoei ottbladty.
Tba arbaela ware alartad taraiar la
tteaawlaeWfTOfIbaHiebIcma HaaataatarlarCatetartey. Tba maeblea«y H ta r°od wocklar order.
fiftaaa aaw -pbaaaa an balar pal la
by Maaarar Barry of .tba Hkaifao

raa MinloBary aoelaty of tba Priaad*
saareaaad a almllar erraalittioo la
tba Baeoad HetbiSkt ehareb bare
•aaa awarded tba Cbrklmaa r‘<ta
.Sored by J. W Slater. The npre«BUilraaof than two oryaolittloaa
weoakad toeall aad pal tba yilM at
oaea. Then will be dtatrlbolod to tba
•orthy poor, aad will maka plad aoma
aaaru that woold otbarwiae bare a
•11m Ckrtaupn

a bntlap appantaa for tba aaw
boon, wbtcb waa delayed la arrlral. bn mebad hen. and will be pat
maa are aaaployad ta the work.
n qnlekly n poaalblA All tba olb
Tte aateel teaao roaoally barsad at
ar malarial for dakblap tba baiidlap
Bapdra. area laaarad la Iba Parman*
k ready, aad Iba work will be paafanl
.Kami. BUloo laaaraaoa batar «
n rapidly n poaa.bla By tba aod of
MldlBC aad »M0 oa lie eoetaalo
wete. CoBtraetor Hadlaad Bay*
. «LA-BrlrbaBol Unara. aaaao
that be oaa tall aeeanialy wtaaa tba
Wa. B- Barrau of Oraad Kapida. iba MUdla# «rtll ha ready for oeeapaaey
Itelir -- TOO anaa of load la Uraat
■d E Bolt, formerly of Boaor. aad
ateHaytaldtowaablp. torr.eoo.
who tor tba pnt two aoatbi bn baaa
AJotlyputyaf yoaar people weat endaeUap a procary atoro oa tba
MtV » tba HUlar aebool boaaa.
r of Ntotb aad L'alee aimta. bn
Baaaltettdm tte elty. to a aodal addtbabaaiaaaato C K BeboolcrafI
rlM by Hte Bitel Blaabaw. tba A Oa. who at praaaat are ta tbeproeny
lomoa Bnt Proat ttnat. The
any wlU ooedaet both storea- Hr .
The aaw ahad tor taa alaalayof «a
bn BM made kaowa bk plan for
htate. faaaaUy araetad aaal of tba
waraiooma of Patria A Cteapaay. hn the fatan. bat will probably Icare tba
ban aanplatad aad m e aaada
' «4»T
Soa'lbard A Baadyh aaw aty Dinlap
Ball wn a faroriu aaaort Int araaiap.
rbnaeornof baalaaaa meoaceaptad
OMaaftaaaeoa at t:M o-eloek. at U> tba larltaiiOB of tba Arm to aajoy tteir
ptedawn of Bn. Barclay Jom m pood eotn aad HO faiaaaUa Tba aaw
BfoM Preotatndt___________
Tte advam of la pn eaat ta aaafat
■anWp a«a« Hoador lamaay aet



•p. mU taur J. W.

teteartlbltkcTk. j

■aakar. alao of Uk elty. ,
atom'boma wwaearSammit City
la arrow oaa latter hone before lc«rlap Haa Pranewm. and aaotbar af
rnehlnp Hanlla. Bk dntb wu daa
typhoid faror. Be wn 1» yean old
Hm. Stom will iaara rfannday tor
Now York to make nrranjrem.
arlnplnp the body boma

Three Days More w
Before Christmas!
-And we ortcr you .t >u|>erb stock to select your Christmas
gilts from or to supply your ever.recurring warns.
More dry gc>ods herv than any other store can show you.
HvUcr as-u.runrms jnd i<ttcr price* lor you. if we may judge
h\ thr patp'uagc f.e-t,.u..,i on this'siore. The strength of
-tore ;n ihr
yj ihr mvrehandise it offers for sale.

In Jniuon Court
A nit that to>k gp a tarpe *ban of
two dayt waa dacidai in tba coart -f
Janice Brown Tneaday.
Tbe no-t
waa beonpht by Henry Maelter a<n:o*t
Leak On
Henry Brnef
Both mae.wbo are i..-r
H tba atfair oa tba ant aide Moeday mana bare been at work at Taper a delkrbtfsl
Dlrbt. BSO wV wn eaptared fay
mill, nnr Soioo. nod- wer
IlM Kaeak aad aLrht pollea Qray- abool a week ape Tbe
m arrairaad la Jadpe Btba^' dmwo In facer of Knrller. aoo Brurz
kbliataiaaat of free delltery to tbe
ooan Taaeday soralar. oa a ebarra claim* that Hoaller eaabei It aod a-.e
Sapper waaaarrad lo tba ranla.
of aaaaltaed batlary
Be pat ta
not Intend to atann the m>ney bui wu
a Boat pleaaaet Uma »aa eajofed
plea of rollty. aad waa r>*aa >« daya •lopped j lat befon be left for G-ano
All of the earrlen <rera preaeau
la jail, la dafaaJtof a Aaa aad
Baplda. and made to dalircr the cub

The Saaeab .1 Lay ileicaoiila Co. amoaatlor to lit n.
raaelrad Taaeday two ear loade of
It appa*n that both Diaemaa
of ibam baiar the Mlehiraa : Awmalla were aadar tba iaflaan

Mneiler then brtnpbt am-, (or f !T J'
elalmlnp adetoeed lu*i
0 aaaki Brncr in reacuinr tbi*
pr^aat. baarbt of tba bnt aarar com-.linear *» »ba the Umc wboa tba attnk oonatry
The claim aeemed a jott one.
ad waa allowed by J a*tm Rro wn
la Bollaad. The Mafaaatile Co. i *»» »*<« »P”° Nr. Sbarmaa.
The attoroeyi wen W U I mlor for
ballerea la patrooiiln* borne indoairica |
a Snooeaefal OparaOoo
V C Oi.bcrl fur K.-oer
aad tbk potcban ka damoosmtloBof j
u h. Wbnlar of Omeaa pnwd
Idea. Haaarer HoBtarae atalaa | tOroarb ban Taaeday oa bk way Fred Wor^ourp acted aa inurpeiar
that tba, aagar k of tba .ary borne from Cblearo. where be baa baaa
Jut Baral Sii Life
j for aarrlcal
l wn a tori.Iiopmcape mat CKarle.
iHr, Wheeler waa allrbUy troablad
rl> of Bowrntuo. G, laie j- baf
William H. Gala bn Bled
i with
B a fripbtfol cealb. For iwu y. art
la thacIreuHeoorltoradlro
It litUa of It lor aoma Uma
•rare loop iroobie coL»iaollv pn w
wife. Harta L Gale, oa tba rmod of j “"!*
e cuiui d:< of
contlnoad to troable blm
kka. Hr. Gala. It wUl be re-^
aoopbt tba adriea of pfayalciana bnt
eoamberad waa amated oa a com
• Kiop’i New
with bo nllaf. Ba Paally wool to bbt
' ll pan
piaiat awora oat by bk wife, who
eape. wban ha wu anTpriaad to laare
’acted a permaoent rur,
ebanrad him with denriloa aad aoa>ndarfnl care* hare tor ;1 yr*
that the aSaction waa a eanerr It war
. ipporv Mr Gala paid tbe womaa
nmorad and a place of akia takao prerao lU Mwer to cure aii Tbr,,
1171. aod the retoraed to Datrolu Now ;
CtaHt and Loop ironnlr.
I'r er
fromtakeboak lo eorar tba woaod aod »1 00
Errry nolle poa-anu-.
wee k nkad, tbe claim belor
Tba operatloB wu aneeenfnl aad ha k rrtal noitlaa loeu. at J G .luboi
made that Mn. Gala left bar baabaad
aaanred that ba will hare no farther aod b. E Wall d’Qpaiorea.
aaraa yaonaroiroabla.

•'Kit" OanoB, *bo wee ao badly laLaaMosoa arrfead fras ladlaaa
Jorad la a nUroad aeeidaal at B h
Baplda Taaeday. U reported rattler
B. ». Hanh. fonnrly of BaMa. bia
alOBC alcely. Or- Oaaallatt wbo av
puAaaad iba Banha fam aoatb
leaded his. aay« that be baa ralllad
wall from the abeeb aad that praaaat
Aa^ an beta* bdli la tba rear el Indlaatloa* are that be wUl raoorcr.
The macataary for maklap wheat
Iba BafUM ehMb lor the aeao>-odaHn. C. EOraea bad the mlafortoae to atanb hn boon roeaired by U>e Mkhi
ttoaod banaa________________
dialocaie barabmlder Soaday enolar pan Slareb Co. aad k baiap placed.
nmpaoy will bapfe oo wont
•mab Bna. A AoBoua Bade a ahip at tba boBBOf bcrdaocbter. Hra. Ida
Wbra tba
Mtet t«a teaa of eaadr Satarda; Avery, wbara aba realdea.
She waa •larch lb about tea day*
ika and eaotnlapaU an eel tba fac­
playlac wllb Hn. Avary'a daarfalar.
rna for a Umc oo wheat aad
whaa aba l»l bar bolaaoe aad fall (nm
HaMbMOUlbof ttbeiv. aad Wee
tba ebalr, with tbe taeall atated.
•oBeleet qaaaUty lor ape^ raa i
UartlB attaedad._____________
plant will work oo potato atanb.
Tba police bare aa eye oot for a
TV (IM of Iba HareaaUla Oa. wUI
the mnollma tba eompaay k bajiap
tblaf who atolt a Saa told waiab from
ba enaad at boob Cbriatsaa for tba
all the pbUton that eaa be bad.
Joha Probart Toaadaj. Hr Proban
laliaaa c< tba day-___________
waa at work oa the aoooad door of tba
Tbe paap of mea aow la tba city for
WUUaa HeSona of Bom. aod boaaaoB Slatbalraet belar bollt lor tbe Hlehipan Telaphooe Oo. wll
am Hlaato P. Bepp of AAlaad. were Jake Partaeb. aad had left bia eoataad followed by aaotbar paap who
Uamad to nartr Tboradaj.
aatt baarlar
below. Bare tbe pot np wlm that wUl eoaatet
city, by four ooppar eircolta. with
Kn. OraeUU B. F. DaTldtea of tblaf rot the wateb._________
cltka of the appar peolnasU aad
•pultaip. haabaaaciaatod a wld
Tba fire daparuaeat took a loar,
tbe oataUe ayitem. Tbk **111
lard raa yaatarday. (e aoa a ebloteay
oreoaL The alana wae toraad la pmteoaraslanca lo tba antacrlbara
IhalaAnoflbePintH. B. ebareV
of tbla city, and a ttUJ prnlar oa
w«aMoa tarkar dlaaar at Onacr
iboaeia tbe apper peeinaela, who
ten OB H«« Tan dap at U eaata.
ow be able to talk to New York aa
waa la tba chtBaey of tba boaaa ol W.
•rll n na be doaa from ChicapoU Kear«ay. eoraer of Soreatb aad
DiaUlua. No daatare waa doaa.
Tbare' k one Wcycla thief la tbk
iBBblatteaity Tlalttat triaada.
Than waa a ebaarr~ll Uma oa rlelBlty. or-at lent
Tba BppetatMBt ol A E. DooirhertT the 0. B A I. berlaiar Saaday
iclalty. who eeadeeta
Bern—IT-------- - Blk Baiddibaa.bae«
a atrieUy orlptaal mai
araBlDC tBroark trala rolnp »«>''*>
eeaUy fooad bk wheel poaa
M a^
tba mala llae will ro OB to Haekiaao
A cob
IMa. pBbllabad tUa «ook City, laitaod Harbor Spnara.aa former. aaother mneh tba wotm for loop
BteBUboBBrBfBllp oiateBod by eaarp If. Oa tba braaab tba traia wbieb baa Ueaed an la lie plaec. Yaatarday Mr
•TCarBflBtelaUfBad TtmnneeoBS- baea laavlar ban at a;»0 will lean at
CMafter Saaday. O bar iraloa rcaaala turned npnt a bk^eie ibop with tba
mkalap wfanl: bathe bad a r
■irHra noam waa rn«M yaa
(or bk whaal am poao Tba Iblcf had
Tha Saalor elaaa bald a baalaan
r M WtitUa U WUaea. dr., of
lar. Bad oitas Baamafl of Pift mntlar Int araatar after nbool.
ooaeaniloc oommeBeemeat
we dlaeotaed. attar which a anaUar
ilatad lor
la bald to make more pUe* la regard
tba ropair of the daaapa to tba doek
tbe "Aaodal." It wn decided to
and wanboaaa of tba Nortbora Hiebi_.raaclaaa bktory aod pnpbeay la
by< tbe
tba pablleaUoa. aaeb of wbkb k to be
raaeat cara-lB. Walla they an ^aol
writtaa by two poncaa
ViBte Baxtoa ateppad a raaaway
yateomplauit k axpeelod that
haam yaanttey afiaraooa.Tte aalaala
Dfrkloa No I of tba Ooayracatloaal
tei a bard raa.
Thera wai
ipa OKU oommlttaa. mat at tba best
!Hra.Baraay ABdenootJatardayaad Bsd treat proof.
k expaetad here in a lew
TtekalllBtbaHaaoBkbloak forvB’- aejeyad a rery elaataet "ihlmbla
party." BareralraadlanbyHlaaClars daya toda$idadaflaUaly.apoa tba axly anplid by tba K- of P. Ma beaa
Work will prob­
raatadlertba daaaary tarn ol the
of tba Altaraooe. The aext mntlay ably ba bapaa la a abort time.
Thaatvy aatborlUaa Mobaildlar aa
airnim to tte tool beaia oa tba wmi
rfteA-tkaaaaoBmadaUeaaf tba dly

JUm raaebad tba at^ Hoteaythat
BaT8Hrm.ottfar Ird B^Ian. dladf:
atHaaBa. Koa. sa. The UuUipaaee:'
aoM tbroapb a dbnateh ant tmm
6aa. Otk. plri^ a Ikt <tf daatba.
aapIMarm. who laft with tba ra-

The Epwortb Laopne ol tba Pint I
B. ebaren bare decided lo panbaaa
laao for tba ebarch parlon. A eoi
ilttnbn bnn appoLatod to aolldt
i prepren
for aa -'Exp
aboalJaaaary U. Each mamber of
tbe leapae ia trylap to aan oaa dollar.
Bach departmaat will aacen a nrtaia
waya The drpartmaot of Herey aad HaJp will dlalr

J. H lapnp a Coiiapat
Poor baodaoma modare eotiapea
barajoat bean oomplaied for J. M.
lapnp by P E Walker, at a out lor
tb» boUdlapa alone of
A Kmx Clatr Bnla.
boeaea an •itaaud at tba lotanaetioa >
of Fifth aad Oak ainau, tbroa beinp |
oo Flftk aod oaaoa 0»k
Each of tbe
cotapaa coataioi aaraa room*, k Sued
with alKtric lipbu. water aad newer
eobaectiona. aioaa baaameat aad all
3 cant box wltl make rou f
Iba modern eoarenlanoea.
One of law baiop. noid by J il J..
them will ba oecnpled at eeea by
I E Waltdruppuu.
Barmaa B Belt, aad all tba otban
will ba oecnpled by tba Ont of tba
year, n they will be noted it they
arc Botaold by ibal time.

,iri.rst^rs3r.'.v.- u-,.

5WvtV\,wi^s. .
Two and I'nr-hail la.- K fe.r i ..Lirt
huts a grar, i on--

.\ dep.irl’I’ml we jre
proud of.

biiyi-rs at this seas.m



less tlvait

and a inti'* more.

©w 'Satve^ &oo4.s aui.
I'loWou T)etiaT\mew\
t.'pniains an '•ndies-\ .irieiy of'ilesirable Christinas gifts too
numerous If ineiiiirm. Uur Handkerchief Stock was never
more ciioitr. I'nceA rx doren and up. Stamped Linens of
.ill kitKU'aml .ill ner-'-Nary material for working same. Gloves.
.Milieus l.aues Kililioiis, 1‘aits and knick-knaoks of all kinds.

Half The Pleasure Of Giving
Is The Choosing.
Especially if tbe stock is varied and quantity
large. Great inroads have been made in our Holiday
Goods, but there's enough yet for the great crowds
of "week before (^ristmas" shoppers.

til: r\'

Tbev are leak-

!l..stn„- of. (.'an-lirs lo l,ll the

ihe pound, oilier ciaile^

S.,.;< and lot


^ \ complete bnnrtmeot ol ele-Uosi gracefol and abapely elip* Cbaniii>g little nlipjieni

__ _


_____ ._ui













t ti






lincsi ol (_ horolate ( reams at



— I iranges • l.emt'iis—arenhe • ..Her din­
ner neressilies" !.u> th«-m now. th<-)


be gone later.
Some people make iheir '.wii ear.<!i«-s
N ou 11 reed confz-ctioncr s sijgjr:


s. the pound.



the best

Christmas candles for

of for ,iG



the thristmas

trees or lor the home sell at


FOR uniLunLii


•'Iillle ours' s ...kings nr lo i i’.r;sl ’!...s
bags, sell at ;

We have re-ordered on HOLIDAY FOOTWEAR, several times, endeavurint:
mg ir ^
K'cep'the selection as complete as possible (or late Christmas shoppers, and .h,lv S
hundreds have purchased gifts from our splendid stock of Christmas Slippers. more ^
R goods have been coming in and we can still help you to make happy the feet and glad ^
J the hearts of hundreds more of your friends and at prices that are veniable ' purse ^
lengtheners ' to economical shoppers.

orcolorad kid and light bar'

I our yards to a |>auern and goods
worth from i.;t to j.oo per‘yard
.Nothing betier in the market or
more di*siral>le for Cltristmas.


well u'


looking for \<n.r iiuHiet s ivoni;

I'eaiiut' al



afta* warta.


pomfan eiring and Uating-




Wc have the ■Wia Bear

p^yg. gyp plmaing

\- ar


O'lr Savings Department

and •'Ajax.”
proof and tbe prices are right, at

gaiil alippera. made of velvet


11.Hi t pass US l>> on ihis line it fbu

arc •amonff Ibc mo.ii es,>.fntial
things in a sack room.
Tbev are ofleovr called for
and relieve more pains than al­
most any otber apjiliance in itudrug line.

and embroideml. or of bla^k |



ihe e.irlt

candv. that sells ..t .



nicius at from

Hot Water



iMUlldmlldJUllll LUbUS).

aasw**«.lf ■ Oerrii



arr always readt m make to lar.;*-

*m threwa from tbe bup {||a} Dmiit falB timl It 1 tr|In Cnl

FOR mLti


s|jeuial (iricirs >t hi, h maiiula. i , m •.


"Wax-b’s I3x-u.g Stoore.

Kci vut i-iir.


py, bet recairad no Icjory otber than a 1fawbrolaaa. He made no maevloo of [
ek name but proeeadad lo tba baalnaaa Oa*ai*r
ofremorlnp bk bappy and
after bk bom.


Speci&t "Dnues iw
SvVV ACaist T&nCTtis....



ExoiUnK flnaaway
A runaway oceniTed Friday foreoooa anr tbe H. 1 S E depot A
bone bitched to a lipbl bappy elartad
UQ nnr tbe Paapbore bowl and
ilap tbecotaer. meed down tbiooph
tbe yard when come men were nmo*ibP aoma oouton from one car to aa­
otbar. Tba men jumped down from .
Iba plaakinp upoe which they bad |
bean ataadinp to work, aad wan aooa
tooqniek. for the bone mo ioio the
plaoki aod koocked them down, aad.
maklap a abort toro. triad to ro*b be- |
tweaa two can wbieb ttood rery anr
tope^er. - The bor»e aoeceedad la pa'Unpthronph. bnt ba left tba bnppy
iMbied lo rslai aa ba caUopad oo oni
of ilpbt.

I’me from 6tc up.

, turd- wide and heavy as a cassimere.




The twisieil at

The hand dccorateci sell at


-is I be mecta of all shoppers. Begin with
ihe htile i-eople and there are toys and s galore at sc, lOT. and *50. Can’t
I).line them all here, come and .-see them.
Some of the rjuaintcsc and queerest things
e\<r^ifgui«- Ihe china
cut glass and
silver are beautiful 1-cyond description
and th«’ tir.est pieces are being selected.
^ on can sf.end a single dollar or three or
four or SIX nr eleven. A host of Sterling
'■liver novelties at J5C. Linger for a mo­
ment at liookCounier there you’ll find the
liandiest binding* at jji;. eSc, ,;5c. Books
tor boys and girls from 8 to 14 years, sell
at ;;.c and fioc. "Mr. Dooley ’ would like
to amuse some one at 1.25. "The Other
l ellow can be owned for 1,50. "David
Hanim" w ill cure the 'bluest fit of blscs”

the i>air.

ii. red

with baDdaome bla.-k fur

trimminc—7-V. sV - or

n * i- i-





ikimM maA

Graxid Traverse Begion.

hwkMB «alw

9^Hn. OwlMT hM miMi M
koM Im Ukloa a^.
Hn. rraak
i* S*!** *Mrlr

^y yaatarday by tte daaU <

Hn. V«wMrrt
■Mk Iv MmMI to-•

■rt*,. wfc«* A.-01 .tv

_ ._iu»f r*l»u»««»<l-------- -

l^L*mJarn& TS* "'*‘ •**■ ®

MSwUnka hlibiMMb«».

ot bv UUMfTjrtB sS«Uv *
Will SsripUU* ta OD lb« »iek lUt.
Wto Uswlc DekMB a worklsc far
Mn- ei»y.

«MCk but 1

Tbt ularuianaat latl Fridtt t<
3f la Ut H B. ebarch wat a dtcl

Sartfe Ikit jr«

«ii7tl» tor
ipatM ElMT Pwlura'* ptwt-

tai towilf wtei to
I do ttolr ObJittowt


BOM Una.
i. L. Ulbtaa bte rataraad bena (ran
Oraad BapUa
Mra Kllpatrbk aad eblldraa Mptmi a
abort Unt laat weak at Ormwa.
Praparatlocw ara tetoc Bade for a
brblBmt traa mad aslarulonaat 8mv
irdmy etaalsr.
Hba Bimacba Kall«t. wba b mti
lacarbonllB OiaBd Ktpidt. mad
Wabal Ulbba, wbo b mttaedloc aebool
IB KklBBUMO. an at bona far Ur b

Tbara *111 bo a autqu ball mt (ba
»U ban ChrlataM BUrbt.
Eafraab■aou win baaarrad.
Acoodlr nmabar Untd oat U> Ut
baa at Mra. Uriau'laai Wadotada
dbOBl taa eorda of wood wara eat
Anbv Wlltoo aipaeta to atari I
Samttla. Wmab.. tbit waak.
■kad for C.
mat waak.
Uao. Weura; U worklo* for a<
iobo Omnoll mod Arttaar HeHma
b»*a Isiabed cBlUaf loda for a P. Oi

** *• Oaaurroook

M FialM waa U towB laat Woadar.
Mr. mad Hra O. Prtoat auda a trip
to L^aod laat waak loaltit hU brotbar.

A. H. Ssltbetlled oa 0
laat wtak to bare fait foot______
eat bit foot mod look oold mad for a i
dart it waa Tory pmlBtal. bat U tel
Joha UeDoaald It bone froo Laat
iDf, wbara be went with tbt oojt wbo
wara ttot la lha boaat of eorraetloB.
Tha alia lalaetad for Ua bow M E
ebBreb watnoitaUtfmclorr lomll-owIor to tbt rraat BBOBst of padlar tc
tedoae afwrwarda
A. Il fimlU do.
oatw tfaa alia mad tbt eellar U dsf
Tte tioBt will be bmulad mt onee mod
Ur work will te doaa at tarly at poaalBible Is Ut aprlsr■mej Umokt for Ua BaBti.p Oeaurr
aook book.



□ tiaiwert Ukea to tfatformerbomt
.fUedtoeaudlaJfkfoaoeaaty. Bb
preoariep a caouta and a Cbf
widow bet beta eoa«ttd to btr bed for tree for baU'day ttrolop. l>ec 1
ttest iwo week# aad
b aot yet oai of
be L. l>. T .\1 It ortaariop a pro
Sbr. wlib Uc toat of
la and will bate a Chrbimaa tret at
Btatte. bate tbt xympathy of a li
circle of fritada
aoMMiT nrt.
ty rttoraad
.r apeadlop
Hra. Joba

rtoMt rr„l., a ll,...rd
Tbm Satar ba. retaraed from

i of l^alkatka
Saeday. Ut lOU.tblllBf friudt, to Ut Bortbtro part of ladiant where
he parcbetod a carload of bone*.
Btr S Houidy and family Itf
»»terr^hai poB^ to yUlt btr
lerday to tiali Hra. Itouadr'a partBU
u hat meted buk to at Uurbaaj..O'oiarlo
i leuadt w Bailaa
Hiaa HeUte baa rtlurrtd from Kalid bad tte mlateratofgaofttefaBftaa. waa oalltd by
Laamii .t Boritert bate opee«d a
•ale tuale bert ud bate UIrtau illoeap of ber falber.
Uoe It. wBiab will Imy bla bp for «
boraat^for tale. They bate broapbt la
Boo ci It. Corell rtiuraed.laai nlphi
Mr. mad HiB- ioba Vrabaa art aiaUfrOD ilraad Eaptda and HD.k<_
IW ralatiTW aaar Bk Bapida.
A MB of J. Ltpie bad Ua nUforiaat
K E Foley of Cedar paned Uroopb
lo pal bu collar boas brokeo while
city la.i e.eniqp oa bit way
irkiop la Ua wm
Dali Pmlrfaaekt of BIh Bapidt b lo
Elltwortn OB bualitwa.
Ua Btlefaborhood with boraaa tiaall
Hn. >1 E Rickey aad Hn. Barrltoa
Bedford, wbo tere beea rlaliiop
Hr. mod Mn. J
B Ballon fatte
niBW (raw rraaklert U friaadt tblUof Uem from Lake Adb. RlBptlty In tbt atar raUFa. wbi
William Thlrlby. rtlnratd lo
QlaB.Baaaa tea teudMooUa.^ad ^
laieadtlo po Ibu Ua Inrelter
bomea Is Cbanerolx latl tTtolop
C. W Bmatlan u bsyiiif
udtrtaklap baaUeaa.
Uoc W H Foaier will Ua.c tomorUBteWrtaAlalaadWf^lar. Ote WUUmaubBrs Ub watk.
laabora died at Ut b<
K. WttelW. toruar aarriar ob Ut Bmlah WordtD eel fab foot wbUt at ter fttbtr CD. Hoaret, Sanday
work 111 Ua woodt a few dmyt aeo
lap. after a b
8tB> Cfamsty wmt
.abora cant here from a Tiail wlib bi. pareau aed bu aiatar.
00 aeeoBot
..lattJaly. b
Hn. A. I' Htiupb, of Jaekaoa
btotStad by Ut ebaapa. I



MteBoBBaaS bat HiB. U-A

falliap all Ut Ume. Hr. Suhor ar.
rittd from Broatoa Hoaday-aad will
Uke Ut n laini back borne for
b^ Hal
Hn. Hoar


Christmas i
PresoDts I

JanttCnnareaof Ouiral Laaa. bto

I S Wllll
I Hoodxy

P Tlllotaoa. U. Wjekoff ud L' 8.
t art 08 Ut lick Ibl.
-X alia
lllatn ud doalb of fab fatbar.

.1.«. Slur's RinttoiiiMii.l
San b kMiqnrkn fa '

life eatiaf etalloe, etne over Iron L
land Friday for a rbll wiU trtoato I
Chat b'eltoBaed Joba Saabm droi
to Ruttoni BtyWtdaeadtt to attea.
Hln BUol Oaw b tblUac ratoUtat
Ut aBBBal eleeUoB of ofiaan ta tte
t Quada. Sbt b treempaaltd by btr
le lod^
et Uat place.
ut. Mbt milt HeXtU of Cbtence.
Tbt tteam
n barre
Emma Tbempain.
S L lln mut a baalBan trip v
'•ipUlB Ut
‘•- Ealkaaka ywlarday.
prt Sei
Hra Joha Helatoah b
The Fox Ulaad li(bt k< .
inud. la Hubut.
itb the eotlcejaxt rteeittd.
J. W. Bailey, a buUM mu of Hu
Utl Uty will Bol be obliged u
loa. wnt la Ut eltt ynlordty
08 Ut Ulaad darlay Ut tallrt w
Hillikaa Jr., hat poat U^ai
Salarday tteolar. Dee vU.
Nortbpon lodft. So. lo, 1. c» (>. F,
btld tbtlr aaaaol tItcUoe
Tbt followiay »trt eleeied

Babtell. uTuban P
HIM Hlaa
fbam ud Hln Hatktll wat all tt
V (j _J Patotm.
eoald ba ' aired. Other anmten w<
K ^ —W WlltOB.
Hr ud Hn Dowllaf of Bi
F ti -J Kebl
•They art 4lwi
Treat —Wm Bartlett
Tst ooenlar mod eloalof pieoca eoaxbv
I of quaiieb by Hr aad Hn. D.>w.
E F llomtoflbU
ac^Hn Lawrrace aad Hr H.rrall ml dayt of latt week
Hra. AodrrooD aoi
Latl Taaaday J .ha Party wat ukaa toe. left Wedanday
ttrylll with pleartay. Bt eoatiao-d
• Like, after rUlili.. ... . .
Hr tad Hn P E WBIlmaa.
U rro« «<»•• bbd ^ OaBBUtU of Elk
Bapidt wat •amBoaed to eoaealt wiU
llamt of OmtBt a
- Vaa 81eklt. bat eoUlay ooald at I
e to help aad t rroeral eallapae
k plate Stlordty mornlmr. rataltiac
ItaU aboat t:tO p. m Tbt faaerml few botin ta Sortboofi bttarday.
Tse MrlhnOitt booday tebool
- iday after
taattxCbrbtmu tret aad propn
’bteburcb oa Saiorday ettalap, Dec


■taCkrrla Baaaatt It oa Iba tick

Mn. Wm. ranaat nada a in
taaant aip jmmtbj.
Un- BauaUABd aoa Ward •
brtp te Tuaacw our Utt waak
^r. Steak waa aata la to»* laat Fil-


Jot 7lnaiarnai ed TntaraeCIly warn
I KMkpart laat weak.
Eadet Baeaaattr naAe a bapb
Hn. A. A. HeOoy wantteOtear En
Tte Wonub aab u)c^ u ^ ^aten^toratowdnyaabdtwtU bar
m wall I
Hte Ua Ftokard od
^ pnnad
•tlar Taudtt
tadtt atw
Mite bo
>f Hn. Boaa Ktel
Fruk B Utanatt of t
inaai Tataday aad Wi
Oaorva Arnold of L* Aacatot.
^ytids Ut auUar. Mn. U H

Foi Everybody.
I FOR THE CHILDREN 7'and go-cam S
^lun I ML UniLUllLR from 2dc up. parts, sldghfi. doll dresBcrs and com>- modes, doll chairs ami rockers, wash tuh seu. cradles, beds, rocking horses, in S
fact eveiylhing that is useful and pleasing for the little ones.
There is nothing quite as nice

A Nice, Large, Comfortable Arm Rocker.
I have them in wood seal from *1.7.' up. in cobbler seat from $2


0. B. Hotltr, t bay Clly bicycllat.
fell from bit wbeei uboo a Bit.’ wbieb
pler^ bia aide. He may die
Paid Star For Bil Lap
B. D. SlaaUD of Tbacktretlit. Tri .

a'cs:'rr.r;‘a°.;'.'i5 to';

I J. W. Slater's House {prnlshing Store, I
I 120 Front Street-

tel* aaeatarday laat.
Wn. Jdbaua b qaila raady for tlU
aratoicbtoc or wbatltoy. St parefaaatd

Cbicapo A Waal Hlcblran aptnu w,;.
.11 oa December rl. 14, IL. so, si aad

i Christmas Chimes.

ttoary HtrbeA bat foae toaU ob a
batloan trip.
Tbe apple dryer bat elotad for Ut

aMfh laat waak.
■teaol etoaaa Friday for a two wtakt'
matin Tte boyt art nakUc aaua
Tbt 8abteU tebool ‘will hate Ualr
bta plaaa tor bBStias. it oaly Uart Cbrblmtt me oa Aatarday tttalsr la
•lead of Hoodty dteolac. at Uty fint
Mbt Uttb JohBBoa baa rataraad pluaad
Wm Trmtana City. wbM tbt bat btae
to draawaktar lor t roople of

Hr. aad Hia. Fraah tolU wlU Utir

. . will bt a Cbrbunu me ai
ebatcb Halorday alchi.
>t Hr. Oarmts prtaebed hb i
termoB boaday.
Bb fatalU will
psrmii bin Vo praaeh fora loac
' to eoma
>e baadtt School Goateatieo' held
■MS to Mr. ud Kn. Bvsltotai.
>e efaarck latl 8atarday wmt act
tery well attended.
Hn. JamboB't broltb b tary. poor:
tee eoBfbt matt all Ut Ume.
A family rtaeloa wvl te bald ml
HUea OUmort'a. at wbM all tte OU.
lorat will ^ ptaatBi ^
Tbt old tebool boatt that hat tlood
oa Ut bill for alauml far^ yean b te
laf Biatad away
Ii bat beet aa old
land ourk for a cood auay
Tboiott miBore hat bad a marble
ueaBtut tel ap oa bb loL
It b a
ad bat waak n
Ut itblut
• ‘
Hr. ud Hn. Ralpb Jamboa. who
p. Martat. tomarij ef Ua 1. 8. 8.
oa H<rU ktoalkoa, watUtrumtof Ed ttalx nUCB toaU of Tratarte City,
fMtr laat waak.
I yoBBS trlaodt of RaU Hilit will
_____ and bate a candy pall at Utlr
plaea Frldat alrbi
Baebal Wbtatity will so U ttay
barcoaatoat Barkar Crate Ub w{
Cbrbupber 8wanay r>aa to Ut IanW. B Otewto ad Pori Oaaidt ww
hM laat waak aaUtoc aa ditoada Bt terwoedt ataoooat Ite tlelfbl^ b
kWH^Mtettnly raaoaand Iraa Ua
OtOTKt Haui b tola* Uroarb tte
MSbTdabautoruttla. Bt bat dint
aroaad bart tary ta

Mn. B. J. rtoto..


rSa *te*^


I. miu'iuu......... I II u- mi.i- i.. i- iti.iili-r Holiday
■ irirrl Iliv triH-i. of v .iir muMii-Al-fni-Hila.
Inlif iiliil

' Presents...........


liM-l -i.iii-lliiu. fr



hirasItedUwtooel hoM wiU ba.
Oaetr Haboa It baPdM a uw ten
ate wten dana U wUl te tary ^

T. r. Voonp't atw boatt b poiop
mthar tlowly tiaee the cold waalbtr
Tha poeaU at Ut hoial for Ut patl
week wen at followi
Jtea JoUtr.
Fruk Dana. H A. Bbbbu. Chat i
A. L. R'wabncber. R J. Cook. C Fa<
C. W Wbteloek. Tnytrataiy. ADlcklatoa. Bead Cllr E C. BaUld
Unad Rapidx. Sam 0 Cooley. Joba
Wallen. Saltoat Bay: Dr. Todd.Olu
II. Hi-Duald.>adlard of Tbt Weattrt at Empire, look dUaer at Ue hotel

if till- ftoota Claus of yui ■ youtbful IsDiy alionld drive np to
ilip tloiir with a

aaylom baraa. will ita.t tomorrow for
a loo day a nail with frieod. id Port
Huron aad other polaU in tbat part
Hob. I' rry Haunab rtiurned yeaier
day from Cbicapo
beoawrJ W Hllllken left laal eeea
inr for Laoiiop to attrud ibe apeeial
tenloo of Ut lefialalure.
Will (iariaad. wbo bM filled Ue
poalUoo et poraer oo ibe aleamer City
of Charleroil all aummer. baa reiuraed
borne to apeod Ue taolidara
Willltoin beitaer and A E Fiearr
left laal oicbl for Cblcaru oo'a buri
aeaa inp
at the caody factory of SmabtBrua. A
Amlotte. waa called to Htakei
yeaterdar br the aewa of Ue i#en<
lauaa of ber brother. Ireorpe Irwlo-

Riaaldo Ful irr came Id .mi oeealOB
! from TbompeoanUe a
t Latlaaaw conaiy. aput
iaba Kteaedy.
ioraiaplor Cbleaco.
cured a poaltloa for tbt winlar.
Hin Hadar KnBeld
„ ___ _
Hn. UariH of Cateeland.
baa TalUBA In Ue city.left tor ter borne
Hoc ateernl waak.________
Haalatee Fnday
W WilaoB. of Uu place.
b C. Deaprea. aaaiaiaal aerreaat
aoud Ue wlater.
armaat ibecaailol. left yealerday for
Coratll Uroa . keepen of Fox lajaad teaalar. bi aitead Ue apeeial
Itobt. cameorer from
Uat ..------...
place Fi !o| Ibe lerlalatnrr
-----day wlaa Capi Fetor Baaaoa aad crew
„„ ^ ,,
of four from theaeboooerMomUsr Star
“ ‘•'“d
Uat waa wrecked oa Honday laat at Eaptda yeatorday
lalaad. d.riac U. eeroc. wtod j
Dt J. W Ua.atlett ba. eeteroad
Itronaaea IB apeot Is apeeial aiedy i
The am wbtatle from Ue new tar I
laUoa^t araod TtaeMe Ucbl waa'
praeUec here
Hr. aad Hra Eay WilIiaBm left ter
_.jr ueadinr a tew daya at bone
Fred EotdeM eeeente work at Oood elall 18 Uraed K.uid. yntard
Hark H Cartia wbo wa.
Cbaa. Taylor tmne
Oood WtU paralyeta. ^ impronar.
arbor to apaad Itoaday
wtU kia
riewTuuMM'. berorc


M to Ite eUj. Ttej etteadad tte

119 W«MTt Front Street.


MMiSi I Beadle’s

Christmas Offerings. ^

ir fat fn».
way Fine by
r Wood'. Sorway

i Gentlemen’s Fur Coats, '
Gentlemen's Fur Gloves and Mittens,
Wool, Fur and Plush Robes,

NTlae ef Tar Syni*. t

Ladies'and Gents’Trunks and Satchels.

Ordlaary bonaebold accidenta ba«r
O torroru wbee Uere’x a teulc of Dr.
-htmu' Eclrctric Dll la Ue m^lciBi
Ml. bama.
aanat relief.
■ Aaale E. tfaanliic. Tyre. Hicb..
Mj>. -I .BecrTMl a loaf Ume from dya
peeala. loot fleab and beeam. eery
weak Eodol DeaMpUa Cere romplete
ly eared ma
It olfeau wbai y^ rat
aad carea all forma of atomacb trouble
It aeuer fall, to ftre lmm<


-obaerMatioe aad dlDlay eara.
1 from CblCB(o for Ue City of
ud oUn promiaeal c tin of
rablM. .ralarwlac ria S-w OrleaBM. eakiar tteloefof all Hexieo
The party win be atnetly
limited and abaolately Sret-elMa.

__1 aS?

bell. Ueaaral Haaacn of tte Andrkna
Toortat Anoclatioo.
Fernapa, bookxoC tte lou. tlekala.
Tte auaner Oackano eane tolo pert
K A WyekoB of Kiacaloy waa la Ue • aa a«ano( tte Obhaco 8
Hmday aflatMon.
dty yeatorday.
WoM Hlehloa Ry.or wTlioto tte OeaTte Koftbpert Utearp ai.niitalkn to
C L. Walla aad wtta of Late Aaa.

nptetoc a Ftor tran Btehapaan-a

.The Traverse City Music Co...

Job frmting

Fraoklio Club Friday eTtniap. n
ed lo Hul.iteytaierday
Nyt Jordan of halloa. Kay w
Ur Clly yt.lerday
Cbarlta HawBlog. cook la the lumber
camp of the Kellee Shinple Co,
Ue clly to tptod Suoday wit
Alfred Armiiapt, fsremaa ai

hid rli-ii-h ' SonU,to. ('I
. ...toll
auk inav
inav l>i*
In- A
A iiivtu.
iiivth. bat
.»to. ibe
I >ruau
u ib
ib a
a r-alily and
and nn puwiiiility
puwiiiility '' Wt<
Wii Aft*
Aft* oellitig
oellitig baiidI iirl ruiniefitr of prrlrci
VI viinai
ra> iitiu anti
aiu! ncii.
rich, loii
fall loso,
wl |«.iBHibl- prii-voAod
ua|i'- * very
— tnsy tonne for
fo soil uAkiiiK
1 >ar bhuw ruiuia
IS Aftan.- Wurth
wurt e visiL


J ti. Brojamio reloroed ye.terday
from a boaiaen trip to 1'tlo.key.
Laalie Siourtbwaite, Ray 1.
ud Todor
C. Jamea. ibe
mu who WOD ibe debate for Ue

Hiaa Anoit Irwio. wbo la employe
BMperyM let .m. I
Hlto Ida Fi^
uurt Pier aebool
and Hi lilaa Parkt Salarday ai

17 /

Sui ii ar H Mandolin, Guitar. Banjo, nt-

; .Qrsce M. Cuoniugham l‘:

The aprlea.lnrnl ImpIentBt waa at Elk kapida. rtiuratd to that
err jaat twanaiap Uroaph Ub tide.
yea lerday

UaocTa Jarravi hu motad Bb tmeally
10 Trmrtmt Cllr tor Ut wlBlar.

Traveree City, Mich. §

1H’ mm imn imii Mill MiMii nninlMMl.Tiinilllinintill
CHBISTHAS d ............................

oui aitaiok.

and Ut boildaya.
ualar PerkiBm. i
T. I- Yoaap b ttUI aaffariap wiU
7 Uerbarl. wbo bam bare
latl tlx <w tetu DoaUt wiU hb
HIh^CIm WapBtrof Bmpirt w
iDcle. Itatae for Ut borne to aaiwre
Mr. aad Hn. Bwtet uauraw oni
lowm today
T Dentmore bat parehattd Ut
tmm Baal Bay to tbit tbair paraaia.
Hn. Cn»wtn of New York elt.
Mr. aad Mn. diataat wUl tabt Btdtaabort. tTbit U bar pmreolm. Hr. blfb brad ptclap bortt Btdmoot. of B.
J. Horpu of Trateru City.
Cbibiwii dtoaar wUb Mr. aad Mr*. P. mad Hn______ ___________
•orpt AiDidoe ud Syltla HeFall
r lAidto.
ffbao tbt (ptoratd tbetook her dmarbt Btarried Salarday eteeiap at Ut
Tte esadat aebaol wUl tetaaCbrbi ler LoolM. wbo bmt beta tUltlnc Ser
____It of Hoarue Amidoo. t broUer of
■M traaat IteOcdaatbartteBreb bav
tbt brldtCTOom. Ett. Hr Boroopb per
formed tbt otremcay.
We wiib them
bo tetbaas
loap mod bappy life.
tt wiu Ut
W. W. Wbteloek wat
A mot
ay laat week lookup t
w warn atrted ud t
lamp wmt preaealad to tbt
Hn. Ubbb Dtatmora bta beta earuku of rarmrd mao meadtelp


Itp Then Uty wuted to cot It off.
bat bt cured It WIIB one bta of Back
ItB’. Arnica Salre. Uoannlted r—
for HUt*.
:1S cu a boa. Sold
. O JohBI
E Wall
.11 dnig(iau.


It VO Cbteafo


Morns ChairS. the most comfortabiv chair tnadp. from |fi.75 up.
An cMra larirc lint- of Parlor Suits. Odd Eockera. txld chairs and'
-f upholslvnoi;. a hne fiv^-pjese parler -suiu uphoUternd '
UblCE. J
But there;. BO
tables, sideboards, (>ook caso. writing desks, music cabinets. baU rack* |
”> thv furniture line.
____ 12
A beautiful line of Lamps almo.t aoytlilnc jou toant in a lamp.
llaya fal.le.s. jarjinieres. jardiniere slaml,. umbrella holders, picturea, piclure i
w eat asrUldf at
oe OB life
Oalr m
,i J u
frames, in fact we hare the assorted line of pretty aad uselul Christmas j
Jobatoa tad S K. Wall'tdrap

Etery bottle pnarantttd ^

Hrw U. S. llulibatpoae u> Haotoa



up. in willow !

up. Those are large chairs

Erart Mn Faii~
victim, unomadh, liter ud kidney !S

e ui
of oiy
my mu
Him Enma lUnaU i> tipteltd Id □ jaa'a 0 Otseut cured me e.L-kly aL^
Uecliy aooE lo .peod ihc boildaya permaaeady. .flor doelora Bad failed '
bfa before Cbrbtnta
witb Ut family of Hoe I’rrry Uaaeab r. F Coifiell. Valley Stretl. Seurerlie.
Ur. aod Hn Carlb mad oapfaew
Hr. (itorpt Irardoer of Si
isrsad from Hi Horrb last Wrdi
Mioe , will j >ln hi. wife, wbo i.
bar uiwys nwuui r-uwaur* ror uaii- c
dmy, where Utt hmd bats U take
Onrtb' DoUtr tor terbl. Huy friandt oeaday
*p ber falber. H->o rerry Hanaab
Bat. Kt.CMaa at Hapte Oly sraatb
School eloaad latl Tataday aad Wed- aad after ihe holiday. Ibty
Bat H. Rmteoikb bolAiof protncl Btaday oa accoaot of Ut Uaebtr, Him for Ue aoutb
td maetinrt bare ml Ut tebool boatt. Hillle SteSnt. polop Borne U aueod
M. Frail
Mate to twa waaba iron Uat Blfbi
.1' .lri4#Mi*l*
-Miuii). tua-a. Mo.irra.
ddlap of her tnt
Detrull yeaiortiay
Ilia.- lUtoalM LaKai) K \
I tol
ratr of Leland.
work bart bat mlromdt was Ut tWoac
teat wbbnof Utlr
Hn B Churchill, Hrrilo. Vi . aay.
fHudtbIs of Ut people of Ub plaot
with rneDiug
A liibb. of Uaydtld. warn la lb
tte &aw»Sla«a Oo. will
Hra Salllru bat ehlekanpor ai
DtWiU'. Wltcb Haarl Sairr
wart Tnttrte City tbiurt Friday.
ast ad Btotaa to aboat Urat w
bat beu qnlu tick, bal b laprotiac.
.ured her " A .peciSi; for pil«a aad
TbeTempenoee Ualoa will meet
Saperiattodtot Hlodpeu of the l.od- akin diaeaaea. Heware «f wortblro.
Hra. A. H Dtaimore-t next Friday I
dmy U look I
F. C. Tbompaon

xtaad of Hn Ubbltb. at tibted Ittt
Hr. SBd I
WMk. con aoeoant of Hn. Libblt telnp
Ww. n« b awttoc Ua toiaUr bart Tratane Citj




1 bat e a tiac lice of PuT CoatS and invite vour inspcaion. KatSlial,
workmanship aod durability guaranteed for these garments.
Remember mv line of Horse Blankets is the largest io the city, and ;
prices the viTv lowest.
The trest Trunks offered for f2.00.12.75 und 13.50.
Winter Q^Ioves aod Kittens at al] prices.

Whips 10c, 15c, 20c and 25c,


: Front Street,

TravarM Oitr Hlcb. '5



WMIImM, Om. M -fTW MBtM-

J faeofa, aad o atraac dMafaa fli
arasdarad faUo aaotefwar.N

«tM. feM>OT«r. »*k pUm •» «•••» !???—**•
Vmik. M* MMorto ppM wb««MPPP> Kl«M«Mr,
Mi pliwpi wppy ip>tp««p4fp«ri
tm Wt*um to ih» mm^n tt tW
fplhwo< BliOotmtry,

fliyliilIkKiBtar 4olH«rMM olo«00PttrAptt to tbo —■ory oi Ua
•ntpmUopt .................... ..
ropnooBMt«« hlfO oadolt •( tko forwo



tWworMM iM* atffhi- Thoyi
ihoimlMitho »hoU ottoofth of tko
Brtittb o«piro «UI bo toot toM beotk
Tho BobllUoUoB el tko traepo
bopHhadwiU Ik* rnoMt po«lblo

latkoooUuopoMoM Poy.PftvtkolU
U tho

tko Ulniotilt <Mor of Eod M«
mmooM tkoM lo koMri^ tko ■
ly o( WwklacMo wtth tko rim of

*fl-------■—■- ptoo*.

A Daily Pnllm

iM »UI foaolB la ohAW of tbo Mkloi
It ta oapootod ikatOooml Kitehoaor
*111 ooBBAod tbo sola trmj of la-


IMMWl Of tko tklrtooo ortflool ■
>—1« la Itao tooioc tko rapno
lt«« of tko OlkOTjwMUtiOBt koa MU
tko roof lodft Okp otkor brotkroa
OtOPilPC IP 0 OlfOlO ORPOOd tko tOBb
wtU )otaoa b*odk Aitbo oopoloiteo
ottho .................. to oollo far itOar
Irtbploo tko ffroad ■ootor 4*poolt.4
Iko wtootko aod ibo orotl olovlp
■ifOko* paov UyUf Uolr irlbotoo eo
IkOfaMk At tbo MMfaa Hr. HoKlaloy koUoorod oa eroUoa. vblob troo

of vklob Qoaoftl Ootaoro’o
lorao to at proaaat tbo roanaaaiAtl**.
llUaotkoeoa yot *btUor Ooaoral
HoUbm wUI atloapl to adraaoo ea
ElBborloy or MtAOraw to Oraayo
Biror poadlaf tko laaafarattoo
at* oaapolfo. Tbo latter tooro ooomi
rrobablo. at tbo tpoadloc of ro>
boniaaUOapoOoloay atakat bU ooloa *IU Ooaaral Proaoh ooly pradoot.
TOO BO*t ol Oroat BritaU't iroBMBdoao praparatloaa aay opor tbo Boaro

trMb Brttlak treopa arrlro. bat that
far Iboy bora abooa ae doalra to attoAdoo. Uoo. lA-Moaa of aaetkor
taeb latraoohod tarota. »hilo
oraoblacdoloot to tko Britlah araywai
BHtHh dloooton boro booa eaaood by
Moaoad lait alrht at Ut *ar oBar.
Jaot that UlBf.
TklatlMtbotUUalB Qoaoral Bailor,
AU tko ladirttloot ao» polel to fb*
to vhaa tko aatioA bad booa loeklar'
topotaa oAd to Ike aaoartalaty at
UdyaalU aod tam Ika tido U Ortikb



oiartlad aU areaiad Btplaa< at
0* Oapfaa__________
deaa la raaaat Usao. by dn Sttarday a. . .
y»0Bae*eB Iko eoaalty will fo to Ikorad to boro orirfatud tto|0 o doloewar s if tbo Ufa ol tbo aself* dopoad- ils ehlBooy. Hr Ooyloa. who ofapi
a Ua ofaro, ws oroaoad by Uo woteh
od-oa the lata*, m It traly dooo.
doc 00 ly la Usa to scopo wlU bio
PNUrfate ao« boaosoM ntal to tba lift oorryfac Ut elothlos In bb on
--------- «( tko BrtIM osptro m Btorly boll oo oen of boorily
tkayfsHea of Bosbay. Halbearaa borod toll at Ua oorU tod of Ua raar*
of caod bUlt loeolly koewa at Tbaador
otLoaBaa Uaal^ '
>Uad blfta alone Ua
l^tad win mew sobOln tbo stUof Ltbt HlUl.
toOAd ootaakl tnopa. aad alao eall thip of Oorart. Vao Bam eoBaty. wao
faroolpaliw».UaafairyBba will un lost by Uo tary of U« Mod
ratoday aad olid ooraral rad* down Ua
fOVOOWfaraaMyaaolalD BeaU AM
of Uo soBofalaa.
oa.wWkwat Bosbar.
Bat tba trot
tbkq ^ wfO da la be oaU a halt. Tbora
oriDboM tartbs atts^ to farad*
Tat. Aafst riowor tUU hat Ua
tko Boor rapabtls aatU a root arwy
It MOOd 4a AMaa. aad oosotlao
seUtrtBarar Uoaffat of aafaf aay■Mt olapaa bofara tut aaa bo doao.
,Ufacain tel fadlcstieo or BlUoaaBts. Deofara wrra asrea. aod Uey
D.C..Da*. fa-Tbtoooa bora leday waa sdrludaad
skwtM OUaaco


Ua ^faB t
'^h^Wd t^.r^^U Uoaetioeef
: Ua llrar. atiaalAM Ua oorrsa and orCaale aetfao of Ua ayaus, aad Uat te
all they Wok wbs laelfac dr"
b*1 wlU baadaebs aad oUtr .
Voa oalraaadafaw doaset Oraonb
Ayat Tloww-,

sMadtbaaelal ArUafftoa fa tafaat

It taara bat a sfaate to orartosr
tleUlar fa Uo Ureat -aad fa atop a
eoacb byUa aae of Oar MfaaW Ooaffb
TUa rasady qaiekly ears aU
farsa of Uroat aad laaf trooMaa.
TbtaorrldertofUa Harslasaad plaataot fa ska It pn-

tka piM far tka aaaoaatfaa. C
mmiTA, Baaaa pnildil M

—----------!-■------ - Md added


ptwMbof tba aeeroatfaa Use wiU
hau .aa faapirfa( tCoM apoa





Silk U'Ribrclla leither Lady's ortlcnts^.



a.iTHos. I SI.XI.



— It



Fair of Lace nandkeivhlef*.

^h.Bett aod Buckte.


Ladies' Watch Chain.

Children * Fkture


S£rSilver Napkln-RIng.

1.XMJ-- II

Century Cuok.tkmk.
LmdiC PockU.Bwl,.



li.rru.sDcliii.iiiT. .slrlvurmui

Our Wk. Briurr B.I.. i.
iu angtil 111 yulil to rxrtx mmsii,
fa trtil fr»» m plain m.rlofw •’» 1
k«afatur Coaipaiiy. XUsBU. Os.




Table Cover.


Ro^s- Pocket-Knife.



*■ me L»T COTFEE PW-Tin St*. SasUw BM faS








Fine Artij^tic

Job Printing


MPO/TTAinr mmoE.


wDo^sow smr oo., roiB*b OMb. |s

i Cutters! Cutters!
I have jnsl rcccivetl two car loads of

at the HERALD OFFICE. | Ponlailli CutlCTS “<> BobS

Traverse City Wagon Works!
A. J. PBTBBTTL, Proprietor.

*om. for my livery and some,will be for Bale

Triumpli Steel Rangel

Manntaetare Bnggiea, Wason* and Sleigfaa of all kinda.
EUpair Work. E(«painting. Vantishing and Upbolaterug promptly
Abo General Blacksmitbing and Foiving.
HorsAboeiog a Specialty. "Billy" Abbott hu cbarg« of tbu
departmenL and hia reputation for knowing bow to do a good job ia
well known to need comment.
Work in the dty will be called for and delirered

at my iarn, where I will be glifd'to have aoy(<Rv that IS in need of -a cutter or pair of
light lK>bs cal! and look them over aod gel
prices before buyiuK' el&ewherc.
styles, and

All latent

Time ijiven on good ptpJf.

om I ei rly and

get fir»l choice.


Tbe ftboe, the new brick factory at cor. Union and State atreefa


.T21 State Streei.^^

Traverse City. Mich.

TnwMM OltF. ICiehigAS.







wrtwotoyTAN N Atfa..,*).’ jifasa CMcwa.

Fa la&afa aad CkiUna.

Hi KW Yh bn JUnp buM
-twa* aaartydaad

triad doefatm. Tlalfad
dab efalsa. B*

Fancy Gold tuny.

OTAMPln Set.
without Gold Dust
It lightenH the lalxir
of cleaning more
than half and naves
both time and money.
Itis “Woman’s Best
Friend. Dirt’s Worst

eUUa. aad all Uroat tad
k IS early aor proraaS
r. C. Tbaspats,

M. Iwafa. Ha. Bsafar Obaaaoay H.
"inii! bit? eand* uil’^riuT'D^lub
Oapawwaacrortad wlU Am wbaa WItA Bata! Salra'- It S latalUbfa
BaaaaaaupraBaatthtdaasa of Bo* farafSaaod Afa dS<
Tark. BaAOka «f Ka* Yotb-a' pro- aoaalarfais r. C T

Try UIOM CUFFEB and you wUI never Me ^
any other.
It Is abaoluiely pure
Cofle, and m^hlog b«i C««aa.
< ^

These articles maiM FUEE in
J icbMttge for lion hfdds cut from
1 froat ofi ib. LIOS COFFEE /ikes.

Housework Is Hard Work

•r HlaotaOearb OanSUt
Ir'I rrar aaod for eeo(ba. aod
It S aarqaalled far wbo^py
ObUdno Ilka it'writs a H.

t Cfar^ Peoria. 111 . sya. -I

Best Coffee for the Money!

Accept no substituU I
I infUtonUONCOFFEE.inllb.pkgB.

Un«*da Biscuit.

lor rrlpaa aad IS of

IM kMfd faes wat OUtaceA plat an of Ik* baUdfar fa wblA
tMMkroatiaawoaUbabald wat *■•
BHM. It WM raaraalaad that Ckloafa^aaM falB aay r*«ast that ibt

Dsed in Millions of Domes!

Ntitrltion*—faealihful—Mtiaiying. UneedB
BiBCUlt are oold cm/y in a new and novel 5 cent
package which keeps them ait tight and moisture
prooC Never sold in bulk. Ask your groccf about

' faoor.

oUooUeo It porlloat. bet aooordlap to
Otoiral Ballot oabltd that bo vat
all oooeaaM tboro It as toiioet dtaftr
Pifaly dodootod by tko Bootoat tba
that faaiat Mil bo added to tkolr
Tafola rltoryottardty.aoBorlBf boory
taOH la blllodaad •oaadad.aad bolap
dopMdtoabaadeotoefaBiBtd lealof
Wtrolo** Toittcrapay at rraaklort
ooptkar tkat
Tolodo. Oole. Ooo. ia--Tbo Aaa Ar
borraDway eospaay boa daaldod to
NOlthli I
adapt tbo Hareeal lyolas of wlrolas
oieoM-al Ballarb ooUro aray baa
Ulofraphy for fltohiec soasfs ooros
niad boo BafilU ptoplo *IU dioUb* HWblfoB- a diataoot of tost
Tba attaok wklab
•lybly allat. tbit wiaiar. Me*btro
B^loboMO tran lapatUotly awalv
totld UU aytlaa b* otod to btUor
tK. ooaa dftodlat. far tbo rollaf of
adraafad*. Tros Praabfort Ut eeaUdyaslU. *00 doltrorad yaateiday
paay optrots oar farry lias to Baal
MBlap. It faUad oofaplaUly. aad
to*o*. KowaaaM, Haaoslaoo aad
lha BrtUab ar«y trot drtrae
aa*. At pruoat Ut oospaay
It apoB t Hat Umyk Oblooce.
koaryolaoBblor aad tba toot of a laiyo
Tb* wiralas tytlaa It to b* rlraa a
9Mtoa<dW artUlory.
tboraacb pTMtiatl Mtt
Tko iModlaio .......................... of tioo■ql Ballard rooont an oary dlokaartHaroball elolst to bate Ua Miy
«Bkl«. Afaoor tko fa* aaporta trbo
oataa aabalaor aad-aadartabor la
teM koart the *0*0 tbo oeialea tso ofaia OBlalda of Dotrelt aad Oroad
•rotalli that H will bo lapoaolUt far
At rifav Bartoy D- Myo. a pi
kdB 10 ptooood to to tba loUof of Lady—^ ^ giorool faan are aaiar- oaat ballast sta, loll de*a tiolrt at
00 wat ooBfaf do*B tr'is oa oBci
MtaM loot eoawal Wblio say bo ■traek bit btad oo Ut tioao wo
oaspaUod teoarroadar tba olty.
tkt foot of Uo Moirt. So 1st a rnot
dsl of idood oad ws Wbaa boso aad
' The AoalUar aoM oat atiorly
poatM. TWaliBO aoad to oaytfat l< ool aspoolad fa loeeror.


trork to fiU the laacb ha; day
after day. Ii't ooint-iting to open the lunch bag
and find the eternal bread, bread, bread. Brtsd i»
good, but ir» monotooois—it lachi novelty.
Break the monouny with the sew delicacy—

wUlbafUte roaob BeaU Atrtoo to
tbeol Iro woobk Hooatlao tko erir
tool ooByolAo *U1 bo obooAoood aoUl

' to tko Ipab wboro tko wilit of

fii. UM..


^afa’owa°lwt cared
(bdUlar vaafa aa epaia bo«a. aad a) . WUliaa PwbwdroppA dead oaHala
•att* ebatmaat. Cara
praiaetbBow aloMlaertaaitc aaveek atreat. Asa Arbar. Safarday rranlac
aow at-imaA. heart Ara i lad^iWiB* Semaaay of local Atfaeat Baeand ciU- Tba daeaaaad *a* aa old toldkw. Be
otdymiiii rerwom
was aaBarriad aad abo«t <0 yean of
Tba Beat tad Bboa tatawMag OeataayaredlW. B. LawItOe.. ■abari of
Waar-BaalaMt*.'' wlU aUppfac ma
goofa dlraet fa rataUan Uaa aar otfa

DrWlttl UtUa Bariy Biaera parify
Ua blood, elaaa Ua llTar. farigorai*
a Itula pUla far
r iroablaa. F. C

, dhlldraa of Mr aad Hrm. Sa«aal fccy.
WiUiaw. Ua 11 year old eoa ad Joba I aolda. aged «. t aad 1 yean raapacuraBbalfaa of bowactae. waa lanliliBtaUy; ly, wwa barwaa y A^USaaday. They
AA m Ua lay. Ha plaeOd a r«a bad btA loakad fa Ua bem wbUa
MbfaAa aboA A avaaaafaaoAa Hr. aad Ma BmoUi ware A a vMt

way baa Ui* U Mwa wiU Ua aboA

k tea U ua ^ haau arilMb




A large, heavy. Steel Eaage
lininge. taeevy top cover# that
by dropping, heavy eteel body
top of range 4 ft 2 In. tong. 2 ft. S in wide, lire box
BS tn. long, and oven 20x20 in aquare weight 600
innds: eoaineled reservoir with condenser drip and
clMet. A &rat elaaa. high grade
lerga high warming

t' aut* n* to inform yoo ba will
fa- v-ffy buv till* Cbriatina» deliaer.
ing bis larg*^-.-nfa and ref.-T» yon to aa
tu Aupply-you .with Kiiytbing yon need in tb* lioa j

of t briaimfw gorid*. At iba right price .
• Christmas < 'an<il>-*.
in • box. 15c; (landle Holdm, JO eaata y
t a il-..£/-o; Tree Iirnntnrnu. 5 .-eofa aar-b; Candy iBogar Toy* aad
A Frait«. :dk.-a poon-1. Kreacb CrAm Mpied, l^ic a poend, tab
; e for is-. Br.*eo Mix«l Candy. Kki a pcead. three for 2.V; ComT muD Mix--d. -*>c a pmod. Dntaa I'k-. three pvaod* for^2«; Figs
3k- a pound: rea;,ofa fOi- a poond. three for 23»r; XII kind* of
'2 Nnfa at price* txj suit <.*bocola!<’ Drop* Hie a pocfrid; Large
• I.ayer Bsaone l.V y pooad; SbeiM Pop Core -x a poand.

IPOS $4=0.00 i
Smaller aixe,aame deeeription.for $36 Bvery Baage
warruted. and 1 am hare^ make the warrant good.
Alan a full Hne of CooklaK and Haating Stovaa.



I Cor. Front and Cass Sts.

Traverse City, JlMh. !


home: cheer.

•WaapOti'ClWtoBnllWTyBnii- •tototo-to toto torto tototoi-toB ^RMwtototbwaagMtoaBayto
-Buapn Ban wna«: «a wM B«WU;


It wiU aooa be here I wBk aU a marry


Ok. ChtMnm MC*7 CM

The winds afdteetw^ato BBfectaaa
Bay hare sBellwi as darlay
larlar tbs
*to p
aaaaot dolt IbB year, let es pat It by - r. ear pockM-baohe Bay ban

iiaaad and ear bodda* spiriB

b> sera, bat------ Old liaar yc
••*sl me ao aewl
Bnt be below Ma. bet-1
-praaeb ay little prtatbrwlatw nan^Tthae • eae ol _________
tVsattboorb-------------- •— —
tot as tboorb bad placed bB tor
________________________________ daebler
oe It bad yoe bare ao acasy t<
(be aaevkfaiaei (be eeeei.aad (bare I • peed ee costly ChrisUnaa ylfu,
abrlirfatfln oe (be beartb. .Os Ibc
table ibara sbeald be s (et»-qaan pas '^'Y^tot^a^l^Ltaai prlsalM yitl
af pop-eere. seer; kerBSl like s bit of
eh DriiBBoad bas soeriaesd as B
aeec7 dead, sad sear b; a rr>at dl^
rraaust lbin« In tbe world—loreof rae; KortberB SpUa. whiefa Baj bajt
id to tbeee cbeerfnlseea. sad yoa
beea seal dees froB VanBoat. where
throw away year serliae pockettbej "irraa." If yea are forumaie
I. lor yoa bare s ChristasB Irta iseoeorfa to hare friead* or relatleee
Uriaf there who owe *a apple orchard. d^bilk
•bow do yoe Bsaafe
maeafe to yet
r«t pc^
d cH«p Insteed ol a mess What wooden they cao do: Comaaa
leraasd half popped keree will wbieper taat I'yoa canoot
It?" BOBe ooe Buy
ashstaatlal plfla. yoe i
p eoro sad pop-core, as
a poor to lender cbeerfolai
rfolaeas. I
ererybody knows who has bad any tx
>d lore, ai
w a Christmas
pecisBoe with the popper, bnttberr are
"rood-wiU to mea" all
ibrectblhce of BtBe iBpwtaaee to'
met yos.
poppmjtcjro. Ooeoftbei
If tbe preeeot yea fire is not
tbe Bsa who rsiaes Ibe ec
ore ralnsbie ibso s boBe-msdr sinother two dspoedt oo ibc<
eashloe or b:reh bark piewre frame, if
tendered with a sprur or boily or
“'The thlar that depends
Christmas wish, and made with Inrinc
If it is harreated be
in. its messareirfaiailsd.
fon It !• '•oe, oobody cao Bake It pop.
yoor Chruunss motto be. '
Thebeaira'iety ItblBk.
bstb done whsi sic ooeld." and
««ore. Erery keroei sboolil sparks from yoor fireside Ysle-I '«
let. bot at Ibe ssffir
' '
J1 sides-—deirdr.i
I rosDded. -SOI
as Ur. Uiesw
Cansunas Careber wonld*uy. Ther is s rarleiy of
The Children are. of ooniee. cspeei
rbleb hassi
Cbrisimas ires.
dappwe yoa

Utde Ftof Tmib. UttU Tsw
MerryOrBtBei, flippy Hee
That B toat I wBb ter m;
Shall I tall yma what to to
Thai will maJes By wBta ana
rial loohs aad warria ara vary
to Babe tba CbnatBsa marry;


9WM » Mlaer Is th*

A^krtiUftwto ttolifhv

Aaa th* talk k amr kfokem


SiTMt Bomb (tBC!.
til tMTistkan |mfl*d «Uh eold.
Uwmt BablB.*lac:
Ite*** • kak* •Um* IB Ow ■un.
SlBf.avwt BoMa:
WUk Um cnH. for MMkM wana.
BwaM BoMb, BiBr:


flhaltwla«Ua too*
SwaM BoMa.

wIbmt •«!»».

deer aad call ihra I*.

Jksmitle «ttec’fC«tiU.
Bosb Orbb Bkbaa its friaadi aad
IB aasnce tUt week saal be a eeiMad eaa. bat U la CM fall of rood
•■Boar (bo }ey boUa riarlar:
IBaoo! Paaoa-., Tb. oU Boaaa«e lor
anr saw trUtP^aba eirv of
aad (bo iBport of paraaaal caln: the
BOWBCilta feraeorold wUb
onakBC bvllaca of aCeetioa for lu
••Aad whaidoaa It neaa to oe, dear
f-*-.- Bban we haa( (be boUy apoB
aar wBUe aad (ake (be wards of 'Her
tyCIhfliCMrapea oar Upa. Notblaf
»tBll.baIBraM.BDleai tha Ctartiti
■pirli B wleblB oar baarB aed
Obriafai paaoa baa baaa Bade

^?ll B harrested at the rlybl
It wlJI pep we^l early io the wiol
Tbe first ut the tbiors ibsl depend
oo lie oae wjto popt tbe core >e the
Here 4s s yrest oeed of rood
JodfemeaL 'The best fire for pop-core
IS s bed of bsrd Bsple coals, allriow
lt>r bol wilbont any smoke. Tbsi wsi
the fire I bad. wbeo 1 ww a boy. to poo
corn by sp le VermooL
A r<m place to pop com
top of a etore or mace,
le mat esae
tbe iroD Bsst be redbotisol whiteh -t.
that will bare the coro, bat Jset tbe
eolor of a ripe, red cherry, 'i'be fsraaoe le an aseelleni place for tbe par
POH. The fire la aboal riebt wbeo the
coal Is oearly all r>owiar.
If It >s tot
hot. hold the popper as birb ss yos
ns: if tbe fire ts low. brior it hear tbe
Tbe other prime reqsiiU

sr Teara B of Two tbe doobte—said be twine as brave la Ireobte.
TwIee as rantle. tsrica as bled.
Always twine se aaeb iaeliacd
Hotber-s words to Bmp in mind;
Be (bat Two Yean, wbep abeh aider
Hay ramrmber wbst is told her.
Jast as Four Ymts did befora-

.t only -UtUe Foot Ysan. litUe
Two Yrsrs." bet to all oar Sansbtneia.

The ;
Y^u Have

Always Bought. Chicago—
West Michigan.

happiest, etaecriest. af all Ue aerry
bappyJChnstmaaes ibalever were. Hsi

tbe advice in oar little poem today ti
gaed for aU yeara. little aed larrc.
Year preaident'i teongbu have beeb
with yoe ctotlanlly in all UB Cbristmas Ume. aad many, very staay. ware
the lovaly plana made for the bcaatlful
tbiitfs to be done for and by ail af ua
But year erealdeet oas abaui come to
tbe eoBclaiion on UB tbe last day oe
•wpicb abc can write you before Christ
mas. that all ebe U good for ts to alt m
Ueeomer aod ULnk tovloy iboarOU
to ber ehildreo
That she ivii. do.
y. that has tbe adi
bol alas! all tbe other dotef juat now
cornea to eaugbi' Never mied' There's
anoUer year cominc and It is rolng to
be B new year in deed as well as in
same, let ns hope
Ueaowbile. let every one of yoa wbo
batUof stirlskled Iblekly with epsom rvmds Ibis step right bare a minute and
saluor mica
Oae cso easdy make raalisv Uat beartlell. IovIbk sriabm for
this hsttiQC look line wreaths aod Ue very best bappiaost of yenall B go­
drifu of newiy fal-ec Sbow.
With ing out u yoo this very mloole. aod
holly berries aod (rrseo leares sbioinc
sm-iof It. the eSecl is rery fine all Ue mloDlea ol every day
hpread four nifs sbool the entrance ol
bless my dear chlidren'
the care, abd armore wbiw C.irered
steps. S.J that irelUBf is sad ooi may
e bate bad aeve-al cantrlbnUee
l>at the preseati lo


Traverse City
Dono's Kidoey Pills
Can yos qsl< for belter adVKie''
Bead Uwesee
Ur E Ly.ia. Dealer in Cbolee Family
Grpcenro. St- Frost street saw
•>\ve toM Baay ^ple ab^.i.' Cvtao's
Kdae Pilia. for 1 koow b y ar • a
pood remedy
I was ahly
leonbled WIU myhsek ana ihougniit
was from tbe k.doeys, as il(p pa o was
about where Uoae organs are i. caied
I read sbost aod knew peraons wbo
bad uaed Ddu's Eidaey P.lls. and UU
ledneed me to try
Slraicbuned qmop in a short time,
aad Ue acueojl Ue kidoey secreiions
was rendered regular aod
domelime afterwards I fell a slight re
carvence. aod agalo resorted to Umn's
Kidoey PlUa. and aloee Uen I have bad
no irooble of Uis kisd. After uis es
nenenee I am glad to advise Ueir use
looUerv la seed of a good kidoey
medieloe "
Doaa'i Kidoey Pills arc for tale by
all dealers Price so cepu. Mailed by
Fosler-UilbomOo.huAalo, S. Y .eolr
ageau for Ue United Slates
Bber ue aame. Doac's. and
Jackaoo of Garfield, wbo
ads a aiee Uke 00 SI
>e tbe editor a week ago. aootrlb
H of tb.
Biogbam sonibUcra
s. bare s brisbt. fsir-bsired little Btad ti ceola
dressed like an sc«ei plclare or a
lo fifteen, and two growu-op
wines and spsnelm, to friends of Ue Club, Mrs Wall, and Ur
lU oat. aod two little
8 Ilea of TraveraeCity.aeai uatweaiy
npe ti >'
We now have eight
Ooe lllUe boy in s close,
lop black soil, witb tieoi can
bead and blsekaoed face, is exu
aod IS a fine eonirast
. have bad aevetal good letten
If tor company is la .
be, quiu a from our young folks tbB week, and s
suadsy Bchool. 1.
pretty drill
head of fairies, with «
or fairy rioc dance, and th r care may Thera were also some lettera left over
rated elsiforo.
be ooeetmeled oo an eIr'St
that came before UB week.
... ylfu
soonld be in s
oUcra 'Lsnrs Nicbola writes from Cadcareful

moetbeaes abont oratory,
aetloo. acUoe ' The popper
keot morior bmkiy from the time It U
pat orer tbe fire oaUI the last kernel
u popped.
Tost rolle the keroele
aboal and beau them eceoly oa erery
etde. asd they all swell op till tbeir
ekiBS caa hold oo lonper.
Wbeo they
berio to barsL bold the popper nearer
to Vbe fire.and shake fseler, asd tbe
nerry 4
"rirtblar to «>ddB (baa a aoekary
Wbat did yoa say?
•( f(ailBeea Bo tmn Bore patbelic
be popper? W
the sire of tbe popper,
IbaBIbolosoIy eoisebadlB
mlka (bat Ufe'i crowded Iborotgrb- tbe bottom of the ptpper
ered. tbst oa(bi to fill tfai
■ lataa aa l0B«ar oOB(aio ear frleada
It le popped oat—
-1 ofun Ulnk bow
-We waat (bo CbrBUaa aplrll. a
e fsdrlea.
The frownraodereH by the
.n Ur
kLV BR 'TUKhr, a
lee yoo.
I felfrery sorry when
Oood Tblnrs lor CarUtiaaa
Ud arary eoa of aa. do wa aot?
tf it___
all sboold
ap folks wbo are dlreetlBf
I will
Erea dorlor U>e bosy Cbrisimss keep well ool of slcbl.
■MManf* tba world aboald bare
CbrBlmse Is tire destroyed EUlys's borne.
essrntlslly the cblldren's
frsllral. send you five ceau toward the organ
BBBl^feryaoaad Ba. aad ao let oa
to perform s little estra labor for tbe This Idee may be colarfed and direral- fund.
I hope she will have an organ
thlak (ofatbar. oa (ba ere of tba (n*< parpeae of pleaslnr and loierssuitr
y. It Is bopeo that II
Christmas present
Uy kitwns
tatteal. of aoao praeUeal waya ol tbclr cbildrco. le one eeser. Cbrltt. may b> of nse lu those who are tired ol
•mtactha UdooBr way.
dlraellBr mss le Indeed tbe -CbUdrco'e reeliraL" the r^nlallon tree.—lyiiiiMi W-ri.f. /
aod eesreely aoy person le loo cruseTbeir names are Frisky aod
(to laflaw leward oar owe lleea.
rninod to cator to a child'■ ecytymeni
For ue UtUe Onea
I think a good deal of Uem.
-That aaaada eery aalAab. do yon at this sossoo. The foUowiuy; recipes
A lew nice foodlee for tbe little
>ed UB morning and they platmtgf Ho. aet reaUy oe, for by (be woo- are for "roodica'' for the eprcial de- are easily pn^iared.
ed In the uow. They ran and jampo
- dreoB pandas of Ufa. we mast ba riv­ leetatloa of the rhildrco.
la no form are pecan or bartl
ible cap reerior: reoer
and Urew tittle balls of snow up,m U
belter liked tbao in "pralines." al
en an waoaa bataiBBB
i of the baiter; oakt-1
tie Haxicao aooIccuoB. I'atone ifsad sir and jumped up aod caught them"
*1to vary OBiward (ekaea af ObrBl
two eberU. To the i
of brown socar in ao iron pan. ttir it
Isadore Snvdrr of i'latte wished b
■1 Wii are iB fifla Olea, rln. ri*b. sarrrt gorti
iton add some chopped dab
over a cool fire ontil li maiu.
becomv a mem •ter of the sauusbioe Club
wdUabaUbafflmaBMyoa. Think
add any waur, and be carefi
Ifdnlred AIU
lare baked and
aod also her br-tlbrrs and
Israltoni, aad taka ao Iboarht tor
bpro it When it looks like molai
become oold. pli
the Ubie. and
ArUor. U.ive. Friaiillaaod
yeWnlt. aad year Blad wiU U eeatatie proared lo cot o
r plain abeeU
he osed.
Oiareeee. She says they jaoved oa tbeir
wUbthioboaflaaai of radas actloe- (ntodloe. Whs
. . ed, with wblu
Aw place this summer sad Uat Uey
ttostoaBl^baek to yoa of OhrBt- froauof aod melted «bocolair. mask
and dot them exactly like dominoes;
ad aomc pretty lijweri ibis
MbdUo (baarhB.
win at ouce cryauUi
see are.called "dice cakes.” and wi,
s. forming a brittle covering,
Oey Chase of Nomsvillr w

-Tbrton yoa aay, -Oh. 1 ob
■are to please the cblldren. W'hel
eannt balls are tavoriu with ct
"1 would like to join Ue Suashinv
foortofira: ABtBpty pane Ba poor
sdler cakes are complewil. cal tb.
dren. and rjval tbb old-time pop ec
sheet* Into a variety o
lab. lam lenyeareold. Igotoaebool
apatto*ri>««(r(bo boot tale
bslU. Boll one cupful of syrup wlU a
pretty farms—triabfles. hearts
I like to go to BCfaool
Ubleapnouful of bolter tor hall an
hemr. Bemove from Ue fire; add a wa- the Uird reader. I used to go to school
mib'i^iek lel^'“fi^wbi^spriDk°
ilul of flavoring aad one pUl ol wiu BUlyn ^elv I think she Is s very
wn. Ten an rtob ta (hair oyea lirbtly wlibecoanul. Now uke the
_____ Tbeenclls aad skies mast be re­
fnltad sheet sod enl into fsncllU
IWak arbat yoa eeald do for (bem.
tftir well WgeUer wlU ao oleeglrl. 1 have s little call
shapes or plain iquares. as tbe fancy
“Oo yea net. alee, know of soae one
iroa epotm and wbeo ool esongb form gave me ten ceola lOr briagii
dictates; mask a portion with pink
I very email balls wiu battered ban.
B Ue pesture.
I will seed
wtoBM oat a loon
lelof. tbe rembinder with white, then
ud roil each lo waxed paper.
Ethlyn's organ. They
spnokle orer tbrmsfeaeroasqnsnlily
Peajtnta can bcaalted like almonda.
ol tbe chopped nau and fmiu. whirh
or nearest neighbors before
toiWttorbeneo era etadnt la ye
aod are mseta cheaper asd josi as nice.
a lonld be reeerred lor tbB porpeae. If
Uey bsmed
tewawben slaader pane lorbidi
uoe deaires. they may reeerve oae-balf
Jenile Winuru of Platte it eight
tonawardJoaraoyT Aabeaeh hoae to a ea'b plain sheet, and spread <
How to Wrap ue Preoecu
years old aod
toon year ilBpledlaaer. Aadbebold: with JrJIy; place the Other on top
tlevdral spools of narrow eoloird i
tbB asd press firmly loeetber: then
line Club She says she will be s good
boo. a package of imooU white tie
tbe lop aod decorate in aoy masi
Irl We are sore of IV. Jessla
paper aad n ball of gold cord
among the firmtemesUals for Ue bappy
Elmer Yonker of Grmws wants
be next 'foodies" are Pits- Lute a namber of tmt.j- uaaoo oow at band to iboee wbo U- join tbe bsosbiae clsb. and wye:
•tfrtlo a
r at aSeet.
teod making more than two or Uree
0 the trioad. bow, Una wllb s rich pof! pssu, fill these
-I am a little boy almost sioc yet
with bread aod oorrr with a piece of
mt tor con do a 11 m tto Omnaa nriit to
I go to school every day. I have •nma Pm. So surtxs wot ciB to meSsm
a BM yeark totiral. bw passed prettity cut and crimped paste. Wnen from birthday, aonvenir and wedding
Tney arc appreciated, as a
o little broUere abd ooe baby sister;
Ihfenfh tbswatos of efflietioo.
ibSM hare baked a foldeo-brown. re- offerluga.
■ name la Elaa.
I will aeed five
BS.WUI aerd ; more from tbe oreo, sod while Urey rule, for Ue feeling exiatieg toward
person who
vho b
batoWB them and are eenu for Elblynl organ.'
are oooliof prepare s filllOf of nou
(be kinds Beet liked, there should be s valued in oroporiJOT to tt Inunslly ol
leea UeKee. of Advance. Chari-le^. ebooped fine; to every teacup
-BnyasBsspmyBof baUy itbsy
connly. who is nine yean old.
of ouu add lour tablrspooofui of sake wbufiml received'’
lo gifta.
no matter what their Inlrlo
ar and one half cuptui of
iBSHmiles aad tboroorbly asprsa
valnr. make a more lasbsg or ■
e( ObrBtBas feod-wUl) bad send them
picked berries this scomer aed
• - •
r fli - •
be added If desireo—but ibB is simply
with a sard of cnetlsr to yoor Bis- s matter of iodi-------- - ------tome of them
I sad a gardeo of
iceednoe cp in a neat little shrond ol
■- Btsr^ wife, aod tf yn oas also sford boifa flULufs and
bile tissue psper tied wiU a bow
1 lad popenrs.
(limply tlutcd ribbon.
Evens p
aufticle«Uy cool, carefully remove each
U. to year dnasaakor and tbo s
I go to icbool every day 1 alndy
abeil from ibe^n. each cover from of gaioocbes rolled up in a smooU. a
geograpfay. spelling. anUmeUc. luad
tbe abrlla. aUoVbr bread. In wbooe sheet of pearl white or cream white
wUb year eUldna's sdseatloaal la- stead you iBow place the nal-filUpf.
log asd writing."
Stores, Tinware.
Ber sBler Ins writes a lullr letter
Those. When properly prsoared. air
mu as lo Urir
aimnly delicioot aed a moil worthy
ta. dbessys. "1 am a little girl five
Paints, Oils. Etc.
irlslmss dainty
Ine. Uao if dooe
BliAt, wllb rnn- nmsBbor. Yo'
oars old
I goto school, this Is my
wranStill asolher pretlv dish B
yoamlL wUl think who tbsoa an.
Chris tms- eilj. -To prepare tbB o-ne paper or even a &Mboard bos— rat term of sebool. I am U Ue first
“Bsaob eat yoor bead, it oaly I
twuonoeeaot frlatior
aiib eoliT StUi-tal______________
reader 1 can read nicely
-tootoUaen: (or tboerb It bears c
Florence UcEve writes- 'bcbo-il ie
fhe Fleet Celaorauoo of Christmaa.
eBfUe cUV tbs c1bh> ol foUowsbl
wsblp a ponod of tiurar aod a pint of boilinf
at now
I study Uird reader
ChrBimas was fiml celebraud in
waier. stir ooUl sufar la dissolved,
it. If
year «o. hot It ivas 40 ycaiu later bel
adds pint sod one half o
aumhenand writing.
yea oaa. to tbesa wbo will
r Jaioe
birain and pot
It wasoSsially adjpted as a Chrial
November 1 was
» yean old.
feeilrai. nor wea It notU^ about
ow square pao aod set
wm be terattse
fifU seoinry that Ue day'«f celeb... for my blrUday
r two ounces more of fclalii
-Ob. CtoBtase. Hsrry
water, let soak, peer over a .inert ion became permanenUy oa Ue ssib of dress aod a pair of new shoes.
Bas It rsaUy sobs sfaU?
liilQf water, a ponod ol sufai. the Derei.................................................................
sebool was closed Friday
W« bad
D Inwlarly obeerved al various
of four lemons wiu tkei
WUb IB UBortas sad cneUnrs.
i In Ue forenoon and Ifiniabed
.ea^nru h- • rallow rtads; stir until diaaolvt
IB }ey balls sad IB pain.Aprtlind in May-------------------------in Ue afl
-lallpw pan. set to coo:
-TBalthsaeoaw. Aadit.wUl eoau hard cut Into Ituir blocka aod la Jaosary.—Indies' Bumre J-nintaL
lag a lovely talL Weean't getany oae
nab year Bare siroorly. if eraiy bsari heap on 4 fiat flass dub Ue red aed
Wt are llri^each day in Ue snuahine bare U join onr SncUUs Club They
(bat wniecBss (he Cbrlst Child b filled yellow blocks altemalelT
IT badgta wbacGo tags We bad
taeeartowi^ wlib Bis spirit af syra- ahoald be ptetiily decorated
keep os and guide ueforlovc'i
ivee (holly prvferabiyi anc
toodsy sebool and nnoa of Ue -mnva^T^^IAtO^E
pUby. HskaU h
Thr proportiant here ■ ..
children around here alUad exespt
' toad, toy Ito rlad ■
are for a child's parly. HmaUer.iaaa
•If Chirtetmaa Day oo Hoodsy be.
nse tbmlly "
y its beet r>fu UUaaopoldbensed if aamal'
A great
It winter
that year yoa'U bee.
UUSB Sssley. of Elagtlcy says.
only was deal red
and taU
sU ol wiods b>U load ana abri
Oranfe baskets woald mal
Retie sumiL_________________
A to tell,
"{ bsvs (uad a gruat deal aboat Ua
seeptaclea for ibB jelly, k
BIgb vriods shall Uere
ere be aod strong.
SsusbiBc Onb in my Aaatlc'a paper
akU la the shape of a basket
Foil of tempeals lasUng long.
aad alee lo my graadpa'i paper, mv
While batUee U
. la «M af tbs loeslBst obrbtlaB
graadpa'e name B Henry HaiU. asd I
Aad great pleai
oty of beasB shall die ~
hSMia tbBdWttoeasloB pnealU
wlab to j sin it
toOhitotaas toyef lariUar lai
0. little V>WB of Betblebem
am nine years old aod I have a
ball —IxuWx World
How atill we nee Use lU:
UtUe aBtar aod Ue wastt t > j >io too.
Absve Uy deep and drv
bar aame Is Hiaa Seeley, She B wea
A White Cbruunas D-.ansi
dark atwu^UlaeU
Tto^t^i^w-s^te^^Mler-plami a
Locker of Eeadallrille.
Tbe everlasUnc Light;
Tbe bopsa and fears_______
trs of all Ua years
Idiana wbo. wntee bB hroUm Tvacy
aeh rarst; white eaadW Uenn: A
t( B a bMattlBl (Uto (0 to. Bto rblte
Are met la Use to-night
eoap, boiled tarkey. white
a aambar of Ue Sasahtae Qeb.
-PbOlp Brooks.
■to! CBtoslHBef Utatoy(tote(hwritw:—"After waiting ee leag t wUl
. II B
Tbe star Uat sboee la BsUlekem
write U yoa.
I wua up u Saaday
Sblass sUll. asd shall oot esaas:
•Uool today. Tto U. B ehsreb are -55;^-,
Aad we IBWo stUl for Utttdlaga
boldi^ a rcviral oeseUag at Ou Oron
Ofgioryaadof eeaeo.
WlU food BBsaua. I amaorry foc Ua



rnussES. esc. svas tuo ur





Tt...™. .1 totto i: *aa


L. Tv»..furCr.
Ar ai. RupH.
Lv mt BopW.
Ar TiUrvrtoCr




Tv tobv vftoi WveitoiAj. Jon. ILIM.
MldUacBab a a.


4 !• Ar OavkowA 4 n*a Iw
4 40
cawf Lokr
4 4t
4 la


oseMBiiasrlu.. CMICACO. ILL-

II is’ '•'Hr


.. ........ ... SorcioBr, Prrr *15.50



tlwBR£'o¥ iM'fTATl'oNg



SEARS. ROEBUCK A CO. Inc.) Chicago. 111.

Mt. PlMBut:W(WM., SmU.
auw.BBj Oltj, Detroit.K0W.
•11, Ann Arbor, Tolo«o ud
points But OBd Booth. Clou
Bootloiu ot Oopomteh wtth

w. H.BBnrvR.

Brosch’s .Meat Market

. auoUiutlH (I Teieleii

Choicest Meats, Poultry and Game.
H’o-wx IXL Soasoza..

iguv4r. Kaod »
.rvbB. m.Mn ..

Fresh Salt and Smoked Meats, Sausages Ltc.

T-leoboor 4

». BB08CH * S0H8.


- . .. -

■ IS' r M saerkaT ser Pi.
sa.1 csa.f <iB Uvaad




:' >»ar'-'iar



tov.. aeitkt.ouf knvv oa avovwv
.tKo.rr..i.atoter4U koiewm par mmx le



r»f er«i rvW. u. MdlUeeal vaealrameai

*. on. ce. neWv. wan ckai Ikrx laird
rvoAvtvvtlXcato. vxtopt MOVkw

Carriages, Cutters, Sleighs, Etc.





o—, tafe M,. IHTSOII

Horsesiioeing and General Repainng Deee

Be-Painting and Upholstering.

Stute St., aetr Uum.




•sj" Mean



fll. Hit.

For a Christmas Gift-


I (il'IM



15HP i
• v« «ri ««■■< >•
«l I «I

0> .



....::.:■■■■:■ I

S 8 8!S a.

SS3*-lS5 S sir \l



^V:- i i : s!s is

I IJil
S If





s* S'

«-tLU<ii or aval




reuaa. wbas tSera la
tlsk bataeeo ibeoaeirea aSd tbe
tSB* wttb which tbay are worm,
aras whera aa actoal trlBBlnf of
Blok ar aable la oot of tbe qneatloa oa
tbe town Itaelf tt la efiro poaalbla ta
lottodocr a little fur upon a Back rsffla or couaietir, a bleb arUl aarre ta
eossact the loqoa with tbe laat of tba



! s " IS i;

mm n

WSeUtaS Baa at mXB.
PB IsqSB are aliody tbt Back B
artaasca. Btak aod aasle ramalsBc
atUI the (tmrlie fara (or bUT

:i dUH ii



■5 •S'*S'S1S'1S



lou) Md » ••rapt
44 n oA • »«> >>


Ose of tbr lovHlest fur toqnea c
aeuuD la made is tbai alwtya becocoIsx boat abape whlcb. la canona i
Bed forma aeema likely to be comtlif
back into faior. Tbe bat to qo) '
U coo»lderxtdy wider than tbe
nary boat •naiie, aod bois brio
rrowD ar* rvien-d wllb aatile. tbe brlB
betox rut dowu Is front lo a


.217 Front Street.

la (ben drmprd with a »oO acarf of
erraui culoml r.-*! r*oaiMiasi-t' lac*, arlanged lu as aiiplbiue deatcD upon a
XTOund of is.'U*M-Uoe d* aote lo a
deeper abn-le of rreem colnr aod Bslooc (rtnxed
lille over Ibe


Get Ready for Christmas.

Successors lo
Traierse Cil[ Ismter Co.
Tiatiise CiiT.


■J. J. BIlEZI3Sr.A.,
S4B Front Street.



Travene City. Kleb.



Itlt brlk-tr>l Ibml a I




lUr l.nx-raa iul|iUur au.I ulliar
Cnai 11a.'

•qaal ar nparto gualltj and ai a raAfter pulotlbii u>
«0RlM « «oat asd. 00 U>a olbar. tbal
■tudjlsf (br b<
10 la a food daa] of forca lo tbr aarA&Ul>
l> J.'OI
j.'anr Bud
d w Blcbird Cob-

aa Ut proctaa of production, ba,la u4ir aa aBomoaa praaaoro to do ao,
aan Iba Nr» York Journal of Ooo>aua
aant. Bt la Bdoallr lata
«» caMldataUoea of pobUc


of tbe old osaa. who aeo
tbrealeoed. ssd II la aa


from Iicuiii- ai»l tw ntiilup

Jirlb.-.T. iu Ht

iuj.‘, be buUa
plaorta bavt

pXoel* or our arxem. aa
other. aoUr ifaleae plao.-ti bare

R Of tbla daaa aa afalsai t



r ll.iyal xardeoa.
ralliux oD 111 Ibe
produetloo of lodta rublnr at Lax>» la
due >0 Ibe re.-kl.-«a aav la ffbleU the
tree* aee belux TL.-re la a
wool of rouirol over ib* <nllenor*.
wlio tap ronne treea and de.irv.v a-hole
rubber forvalaby ovcraorklox. ao ihal
tbia loduatry. whi-b la au liii|>oruei
aource of-w.nlib i« (be colony, la la
dantrr of rtitnnlnn A aliullar dlaaaler ocenrred In «a.1axa-.-a-. au.l now
Orllre aieps are Winx lakeo lo preaerre the loduatry by Ib- eatahllibtneni of pUniatlona of rubber produc
tux plaoia

A Carlo&d Selected From Indiana Stock. Just
Received By


ThurMay. Jamaarr latb, 1*00.


af white tulk'. Voder lb- brim os tba
left aid* tk- bat la lllu-d uB tb* balf
by a •luilhir bus-li uf rluk iK. but in a
amaller >iu-, of wunc. aui

Barn on Stats street

; Coasultalion aat Eiam:aatiaa Fra: ar'l Slnallf Caafiileatia

DRS. B. S. & CO.

calbrnil fnll.v m
tb* u.-rk a
'1-r.Hl ^i- BUd Ik.i'
eticinx of M'dr It it ik.-u
iBbed und.-r lb- rhiu ■
aabi* htwdt aud a l.uu.

AnericaB ledicil and Surgical Institnte of Inslegoc, Ucl

tl'U .if xlniT tllk

The I'Olletm of i

If we aatuDjr that Mara 1* Inba
•MSd Profeuor iiam-kel wema p
well aoUtfled that It la-we mue
oome. be bolda. Ibat tbe neo aod
net) wboae buise la oD Ibe plaoei are'
set, aocb aa we, hut ol a (ar biBbef
aa«B Mi aaUBrira oaa la beUrrad to type- They nay reaeml.le ua rilrrlOf
ba d«Mad); lojsrtoiia. Tbia create* a ly, bot they are free from our pbyaleal
alltanaeasa defecia aod excel oa le aireoeib and
*Bd frsasrraUra. Bst It U sol eoocls- fracefulseaa. It It to Ibe IDtellectual
Bea. Bauerlie acM nap be tsisHoiia la apbera. faawer..r. that tbelr niperloRlarss doaB and abaolutelp looocooQt
aiaa .While Maeehlaa.
lb bbH doaaa. Balf as ottsee to a ba^
A lletBab arm. .lorlor lia« illamver.
Ml af boar aaaBna rvrr tmtll asioimL
ed lUai aioftox
r turtwaa
Bm a laita part af tba eoDBoaitr
prolwnlea He rialuia Ibal it lulecal0 iDieUlce
dtBkx baar traair ererr dajr m tba
reeplnilorT luovviuenia. tbua
faar. Bras at tbe rate of osIp half as
; Ibe luiiK- callable uf deallU(
r Wraaaer.
•tnea to tbe barM a eooaiderabi*
ire alt
Tti!« lnrr>-a«'« aod
•stoat star be takes iole tbe apatao
atn'iiirtbi'Ci* ilie or-ii.iii
br a Hfvlar beer drlaker. It la dealral-ly ^ A
mauT dlfflculile* to Mr- parkiuc. aod
exeeltlor. iu>up pais-r au.l <-uaiparli-rlally aid
'f Ibe dlnpl
Beni l«.xet hare
ib- oolr resort
oldlen ary
of Ibe tblpiNT. Wlmt ti.|>-an. to be a; <Ux*«i>ea
IMa aad pUrtMoclata. wbo bare oo pelux 00 tba
CBUarr ISteraat is Um oar or uosoao
af tba add. ooftat to ba defialte ei>ou«b
telkrlle acid la axtaotletlr satd foe
ae ftaaemtIOB of bear, ft baa alao
baas Bocb saod (or tbe preaerratiot of

*|.*aMI» .•Ml) ~.M ,r tenb MMe

PtiiL allb lOe ivaX

a Neaieal
•at reealBf, at Aaaeaatalha M » Oaat of hta own ptoSta.
truHd. aod U naiurallj
The letn«t dirtuJ of the Arad.-nlt
• baa M taka caro of
__________________________ It abould oaa lollotrt
,de tliHlli-ine !• that there la oo uii-tlU-al
treatmeul of ■pia-odli-ltli. aurxlral
. af taklBf car* of itaelf Is Ibe afifo- {»«■>•
pre.all i
tn-aimei.t iK'lnx iIh- ..uly rational one.
tbeafh ladindoallr Uw pobUc k
tber* w so valid

IBID brion
U. Dtvulafur an-l ulltm coudeiuO uo
Wa bart so diapoaltloB. tod w* tbbk ' tbef do b.-re.
aparHixl.r the p.ulloe proceiluee pf real.
-»Kit. awamest baa sooe to attack I rrofeiaor Haeckel Uke* ear* to ex•Torr oa« larxUeat or prolceaa. Boisa **•'" “««
*re cloobtie- uaar
aurxlral ■□lerienileo
•f tbaa ara iDprorriBesU and otter*.
'I*' teai|*rature or - l.I.-b la
■a/ bo. bsl Ibe Baaofactorer. aa «e •oct> <>“' »''• •»
uodi rataud ibe
baeo Bid. takB caa* of blmaelf aod "r»au.ialoe.1 oi> tbeio.
aetaftba public, aod tbe pobllr nan
iblok* it terf prubal.l.- itai tbpre
lad OM (ar Itaelf vbetber ibe new.*f f« »l aninau aud pioui* oo
BoeaaBa aid Isftodleott are vbote- *dd>r pUneti wbieb are uut to ta- fouod
MBO or sot. aad U sot It otwt flsd '»» '»' *'«*>•
'» ii”. « '•
BBM Of natiBlslM tbelr —»
llkelr that tbe<-u<-llc iiroceaa
Mara. Veti
tafredleou bare “!•»* «> ««"■
' tbao eoa

^W*Nt« luu KM

J IK- .'O' lie ■IB'.. .'I
.11 10.40.
I l> underlaid wllb prarllrally luelloeiii'le d. |«~lta of tbU mio-nil. tba
I.rtnx from 10 to I.'. fe.-t Ujirk J

turr be u;> ar mi}’ uj(.-l)- a
lU.-d atara auu»
tbw tl
togulrva ibmiuu-1* uf r-on lu
plaoru aoil wurlda ii
ko««. W> oBf aliKi
Ikai tbouaaoiU uC il

^OKTOAUa hAUC ivi't. TKt waxa


luiiiM'rrtal, liat

0« tba Mi lasd.
NDamtar Ual ebtoUtfr la tTplaelac i U>U aubjcvi b;
•anm artUi toboraiorr productt of | aL aa rtulwoi u.Tii.aL



rxoeoalre Chrlatmoa csadira.

•Mh a CtalB aaraarra kr a Opn

lallj an


New Goods and New Fixtures
In my store



“U Slara iDtiatmrdr' tia> two aakad
rtrj ottra durloc rrrrDl >>-ur* auil baa
aucacit) itM' ~.'riuu> aiiruiiMU uf nuiuj
wlruuuuicn auO M|>n iall} uf U. CumlUr riauiuiarluu. a uuk-U f o-Ucb acl-



Solid Gold Rings. Watches, clocks. Silverware, Opti
cal Goods. Pins. Opera Glasses.



ouj aiSAioN aiitca ^
towMaaiP or paa
Lous. a. It. B u
» ai iiaiidn
!•* <

Tbe rame old prices prevail—as low as ever. Very fine



Towaouii’ nr r*!«i\8i-u»

Whit U prettier or more appropriate thaa
aa article of Jewelry from onr assortment.



.slltlt^ >•• u, ■■ - - —
tf •etl.aiK.U'el.e.-—..—_

Xx'S'weare© City,




Jan. 4, 1000

OaeeBeuB(roB9b B toSp B

IS .If fur. chiffoo


irf drai.-ri of cii -n.1.1 xcru chlf- !
and Oui.b.-I at Ihr >1.1- wllb llttla ;
ItUDcb-* of iHirpl.' aod |iolr xriwD !
XTOpi-* and .'0* .>r i« u wry tliiy iduni*. i
For Cirryilai umnilni w.-ar. —pe-'
cully with lalk.r ilitdf- c-wua i|,er« ,
U alUI ootblux tii-ai-r tn- *01811— tliaa ,
Beol.*l rllber with nun
atlii-lilnx or wiib imix



. ..f eery


nil airbwaa

Ibe xcw n« »lib whlcb *b-y are worn, j
They are lrliiim.-,l the uiotl part '
quite •liiildy with on* or two quilla and >


' two aiyli.h bat. lllualrBled
chln.'i,lll. Mr It. brrm and a ixcttirnt of .tltrbed '
«eciHc eHvc'I It. en.w u a iuim of
bartonhlzlnx u inx* ixiu.ine at the left '


nauu-oi of .

riwiM* ma wr------------- so

TamUmT tba boib day or JaaasrT. tWM.
V II-.MX a—.iewnwysMawaai taaaaaW*
,....4 o,.. .... i..t.vBaa:T CMraar.



Uiro-d brii.i
krtk add baa BOW baas la DM aa I

fcBowMft of lu aCeeta opoD iLc

STinx IlliuiniloD. It i-onalttt of a
piere of rardlioanl nr oib.-r ■luillar matartaL provided wlU a aerlea of Wsfl


rerr freal’tmporis tbeae dapa of cooceotratloo of
wbao ao noet of our food
t Boat ba prepared at a rreat
tron tbe cooauner But the
i axcOBbW for re«ardlnc oopraaemUTaa wltt a food dMl

A polDt I- . xlve tbe new a-alrrtB la
plai.-k t-m-a and lauears
abould Uut. W idlo.1 use u|ioo aaoiber
while iBt^ arv bob Tbey mum cool
tiefor-- i1h-,v «r.. [lacked. DUieralM Iba
flaie crn. k. ra*lly.
lu iioll.biiix »lli-er that baa bees
laid nway au.l liailly tanlabe.1 It la a
Cooil I'lab In dip the iiortlon of a aoR.
old doth In eiveet oil or Bofl lard, tbas
Id w blTInr aud rub the artlrlea well uani the black liaa dluppeared. TBs

erTthlnx. 1* c
Adjudce.1 a.

Dtly d—orsTfve In !
u ,.f blur rulret |
vF ad.imiutTib

The plxeou-aod tbe im-b xull am Iba
ttyllab bllda IB uidllD-ri Ju.i now.
Street xloirw lu xla-,' .ir .-a.ior wltt
fonr hotlon. are Ibe pn-i.-r ihinx.'


a'e Ibat yon would (or
The fonuer may be a yasr
ilf ..Id
It will .v.«i nioeb leaa
on.' a yejf .ild. wLieb wUJ ba

M atreoftb of aucar.
as.tbat wbCD tbe pobllr teu flurooe It
fotf laoa aweetoeoa tbao It expecta. but

. drap.

talvelf oaed 1s
eoefectloBBT asd pre-

bo wilroaiil. asd wbetber
arbaliiaai owacteolbf la a ooeatlos to
bs dOBBOlBod br tbe taotiBroof of Imtaitlal aod eoapaust ebenlau asd
TbBt woBd seaa to
so reaaoa
«hr oeBposote (ooda asd drloto
Oooid sot be taoslred u bear a tutaBOB Of tbelr iscMdlrau. It Blfbt

V tbe eeBpeud lo sot leftntosa, ito
ftsa doodoallOB aa ao^UI sot pelBaae^ defeat IB t^T^^tr years


la .Vetu- tbe eud a portloo
rt. except that li u *corvd Is
lloaa. fermlDx cuDiloutiinu« >>r tba
allta. At Ibe itoloi abere Ibe allU befls. depeodlnx oa tbe artlclr u ba
parked, two .tom •core, are made,
wbli-b xlvea cooelderabl- rlaatlcliy to
tbe cover. eiutl'Uus It to roufom to
aoddeu curtee lb uutUoe In tbe wrap­
ped body. ITviialoB l« alau made for
aome abort, •loiiv.t end (’'■‘‘'ee. adapted
Cloaed (dijen. >
y belplnx t.
tba wnpper lo poMiloi

Biinifactoma wbo oaed It did Sot
Bka pslsa u lefora tbe pobUc Af the
tert. Kow compoasda of cottosaeod

Poor os*\plm of
lac pao abifwdd hair a pound of cfaoew
latr. br<*m up; toui poooda of brows
-itlfar.aBd half a peMul of Jraab buttar. Let it botl for J<*lf ao boor, i
rta freqorati;:. V|«B dooe. a a
of sucar wrt -Uriia o* tbe apooo i
oo Ibe aide of Ibe pos Poor le a
bbopooorul of extract of ranlQa
asy flaroHnx ReoKtre froB tbe Sia
ipMly utnil tbe caissMl bak..^*?*** 7^ "*"■ *»«• battt IS tba
baadi aa foal (Sa obBla nedy sad glBa lo iblrkes. Tbei poor R aa .a
•5. Bftaf fBB tba BBe^liS slab wbk* baa bees weS bottand aod
Bsrk R wttt the bark n

•sportortty of eeceisble oil oral aity
^ fat. If tbe oRich la -------------o( JtA^ifc by
' at prvreot
tbair prod-

taint 4ar. *rtae uTuot mmalS^S

Z nCi fS

aod SaanoSc TraatBaot of All PUasaaa aad Wasksasaa
of Xonkiad FoaBMa M OtrBta.

Tbe prlselpal taaaas for o
» luxe or huDcbeo of elo.
-ni w.'ll duwii ..0 the (orav-w V.,iA b.irw- ahnw.
a: tbe fnauDd recxrdloat

ap—ixjiai la tar Vaiv*ai»M». B1.1M* naertMs
: IB* i4'.T4t »o.piua4 I. tor weri* uabM aiB 1
; BLOnn U.-MM .pM l*e IMMI MW.UB. prtM
•taw. M« ecuUM aiB u to* rvil rectarar


cbloroftirm. hena
bleb evaiwrale* i
ly left to a botUa wub a


Son plome* of hackle reatbera ar*
banduioe. l-.-.imiox ao'l faxbiosabla
PEftsoaasd atand cUiup weaiset batur if*
John IloTT.'iicli» t
«Rile. Ii, b>. U'l U'v.l aa.> a •. houlaata coat hat tnr.mioxs

f*iM iTTT-fy

f la* I iali».1 m K>»Ma«a. M«4

V.. for Tfi y.
arm Iluftalan tuJiiUi.-r of tbe
wa. a
..f tlw
ooe ^ Ibe UntMTiw diairletii.
of furiiier Qun-a IJIltkikalasl. t
that I- ba* al.<iat iWl.Idd to
Waahlnxtou dll. iwnuaDcoi borne.|ih Arv-b, Uw labor nM-uber of
parUam.-oi wlmm lAdy Warwick to
ber te*vot 1—k Imuoxhi to puj^k soIW. I. to be marrlnl aud retlrr ftoa

of *00111*™ eitr
lox •lorr B lllu*
poluia of Mi-w f


a cenaln blabop q r oo* of“
rt aouili of MaiioD
“ Mid Ur. Tartmx.

wb..u] for ...ovenie -- take I will rail
tbe Siiitih*
from a walk, f.iuodJ ttw famHy

•wiiiiiitlnx amuod in and vainly trylox 10 cel out of the barrel from
wUtd) tbe dnsklox waier -a-aadrawn.
The Ural w..ddlbx at the Towyr of After rewnlnx pa—y tbe bi.bop eolaoetdoo In (nany year* waa that of (fax tetwd the botme. asd Hodluc Ur. aod
Mm. Smith in tbe idtilpx
^oxbier of Mr Huxb
riooe.1 tbe etrcuaiatauee.
panj wa» ewoeVd by
Wartk-na of ibe iVer.

Jaasarr 1».AD

ix»nAirT TO tADina-os.omixa *n*r r*M^ eaMW*.




aarmol IX
U.41 a*4 Mm

ramot. WmX-



1,1.1.1, .-II fiM-i-ir wM

wa ocataaTEX

ttaaac. Ptfaa ao* DMaaaa af WaMaa xaMkly

Ajaia IvweeBaaraa
•Mae rare* la «aa wmm


akV to
bare Ibe waiiT bntt cfaanxnt................
(Mwn Ju.ilre BuckbUl of CardUt Smith, bttweeer. SDefel?
Wale*, pmoonored eapltal teoirsce -Dear Ultlr kitty ithe ufieo doea tbal
for Ibe fiiwt tloae lb bla Jodlctal camx I only hope tbe poor tbibx baas'
recently be brab* Sown and wept, «J
• •• ~
blabop ■
Ibe pnaooer waa a woaMB. wbo wmiU
kse* axeanl Uutx tAlMnB btISbI

■S. L t ( CL milE tn IH. MOBH. I

■A—,, ax ». aJ»b&SV&.ap


fll. Hit.

For a Christmas Gift-


I (il'IM



15HP i
• v« «ri ««■■< >•
«l I «I

0> .



....::.:■■■■:■ I

S 8 8!S a.

SS3*-lS5 S sir \l



^V:- i i : s!s is

I IJil
S If





s* S'

«-tLU<ii or aval




reuaa. wbas tSera la
tlsk bataeeo ibeoaeirea aSd tbe
tSB* wttb which tbay are worm,
aras whera aa actoal trlBBlnf of
Blok ar aable la oot of tbe qneatloa oa
tbe town Itaelf tt la efiro poaalbla ta
lottodocr a little fur upon a Back rsffla or couaietir, a bleb arUl aarre ta
eossact the loqoa with tbe laat of tba



! s " IS i;

mm n

WSeUtaS Baa at mXB.
PB IsqSB are aliody tbt Back B
artaasca. Btak aod aasle ramalsBc
atUI the (tmrlie fara (or bUT

:i dUH ii



■5 •S'*S'S1S'1S



lou) Md » ••rapt
44 n oA • »«> >>


Ose of tbr lovHlest fur toqnea c
aeuuD la made is tbai alwtya becocoIsx boat abape whlcb. la canona i
Bed forma aeema likely to be comtlif
back into faior. Tbe bat to qo) '
U coo»lderxtdy wider than tbe
nary boat •naiie, aod bois brio
rrowD ar* rvien-d wllb aatile. tbe brlB
betox rut dowu Is front lo a


.217 Front Street.

la (ben drmprd with a »oO acarf of
erraui culoml r.-*! r*oaiMiasi-t' lac*, arlanged lu as aiiplbiue deatcD upon a
XTOund of is.'U*M-Uoe d* aote lo a
deeper abn-le of rreem colnr aod Bslooc (rtnxed
lille over Ibe


Get Ready for Christmas.

Successors lo
Traierse Cil[ Ismter Co.
Tiatiise CiiT.


■J. J. BIlEZI3Sr.A.,
S4B Front Street.



Travene City. Kleb.



Itlt brlk-tr>l Ibml a I




lUr l.nx-raa iul|iUur au.I ulliar
Cnai 11a.'

•qaal ar nparto gualltj and ai a raAfter pulotlbii u>
«0RlM « «oat asd. 00 U>a olbar. tbal
■tudjlsf (br b<
10 la a food daa] of forca lo tbr aarA&Ul>
l> J.'OI
j.'anr Bud
d w Blcbird Cob-

aa Ut proctaa of production, ba,la u4ir aa aBomoaa praaaoro to do ao,
aan Iba Nr» York Journal of Ooo>aua
aant. Bt la Bdoallr lata
«» caMldataUoea of pobUc


of tbe old osaa. who aeo
tbrealeoed. ssd II la aa


from Iicuiii- ai»l tw ntiilup

Jirlb.-.T. iu Ht

iuj.‘, be buUa
plaorta bavt

pXoel* or our arxem. aa
other. aoUr ifaleae plao.-ti bare

R Of tbla daaa aa afalsai t



r ll.iyal xardeoa.
ralliux oD 111 Ibe
produetloo of lodta rublnr at Lax>» la
due >0 Ibe re.-kl.-«a aav la ffbleU the
tree* aee belux TL.-re la a
wool of rouirol over ib* <nllenor*.
wlio tap ronne treea and de.irv.v a-hole
rubber forvalaby ovcraorklox. ao ihal
tbia loduatry. whi-b la au liii|>oruei
aource of-w.nlib i« (be colony, la la
dantrr of rtitnnlnn A aliullar dlaaaler ocenrred In «a.1axa-.-a-. au.l now
Orllre aieps are Winx lakeo lo preaerre the loduatry by Ib- eatahllibtneni of pUniatlona of rubber produc
tux plaoia

A Carlo&d Selected From Indiana Stock. Just
Received By


ThurMay. Jamaarr latb, 1*00.


af white tulk'. Voder lb- brim os tba
left aid* tk- bat la lllu-d uB tb* balf
by a •luilhir bus-li uf rluk iK. but in a
amaller >iu-, of wunc. aui

Barn on Stats street

; Coasultalion aat Eiam:aatiaa Fra: ar'l Slnallf Caafiileatia

DRS. B. S. & CO.

calbrnil fnll.v m
tb* u.-rk a
'1-r.Hl ^i- BUd Ik.i'
eticinx of M'dr It it ik.-u
iBbed und.-r lb- rhiu ■
aabi* htwdt aud a l.uu.

AnericaB ledicil and Surgical Institnte of Inslegoc, Ucl

tl'U .if xlniT tllk

The I'Olletm of i

If we aatuDjr that Mara 1* Inba
•MSd Profeuor iiam-kel wema p
well aoUtfled that It la-we mue
oome. be bolda. Ibat tbe neo aod
net) wboae buise la oD Ibe plaoei are'
set, aocb aa we, hut ol a (ar biBbef
aa«B Mi aaUBrira oaa la beUrrad to type- They nay reaeml.le ua rilrrlOf
ba d«Mad); lojsrtoiia. Tbia create* a ly, bot they are free from our pbyaleal
alltanaeasa defecia aod excel oa le aireoeib and
*Bd frsasrraUra. Bst It U sol eoocls- fracefulseaa. It It to Ibe IDtellectual
Bea. Bauerlie acM nap be tsisHoiia la apbera. faawer..r. that tbelr niperloRlarss doaB and abaolutelp looocooQt
aiaa .While Maeehlaa.
lb bbH doaaa. Balf as ottsee to a ba^
A lletBab arm. .lorlor lia« illamver.
Ml af boar aaaBna rvrr tmtll asioimL
ed lUai aioftox
r turtwaa
Bm a laita part af tba eoDBoaitr
prolwnlea He rialuia Ibal it lulecal0 iDieUlce
dtBkx baar traair ererr dajr m tba
reeplnilorT luovviuenia. tbua
faar. Bras at tbe rate of osIp half as
; Ibe luiiK- callable uf deallU(
r Wraaaer.
•tnea to tbe barM a eooaiderabi*
ire alt
Tti!« lnrr>-a«'« aod
•stoat star be takes iole tbe apatao
atn'iiirtbi'Ci* ilie or-ii.iii
br a Hfvlar beer drlaker. It la dealral-ly ^ A
mauT dlfflculile* to Mr- parkiuc. aod
exeeltlor. iu>up pais-r au.l <-uaiparli-rlally aid
'f Ibe dlnpl
Beni l«.xet hare
ib- oolr resort
oldlen ary
of Ibe tblpiNT. Wlmt ti.|>-an. to be a; <Ux*«i>ea
IMa aad pUrtMoclata. wbo bare oo pelux 00 tba
CBUarr ISteraat is Um oar or uosoao
af tba add. ooftat to ba defialte ei>ou«b
telkrlle acid la axtaotletlr satd foe
ae ftaaemtIOB of bear, ft baa alao
baas Bocb saod (or tbe preaerratiot of

*|.*aMI» .•Ml) ~.M ,r tenb MMe

PtiiL allb lOe ivaX

a Neaieal
•at reealBf, at Aaaeaatalha M » Oaat of hta own ptoSta.
truHd. aod U naiurallj
The letn«t dirtuJ of the Arad.-nlt
• baa M taka caro of
__________________________ It abould oaa lollotrt
,de tliHlli-ine !• that there la oo uii-tlU-al
treatmeul of ■pia-odli-ltli. aurxlral
. af taklBf car* of itaelf Is Ibe afifo- {»«■>•
pre.all i
tn-aimei.t iK'lnx iIh- ..uly rational one.
tbeafh ladindoallr Uw pobUc k
tber* w so valid

IBID brion
U. Dtvulafur an-l ulltm coudeiuO uo
Wa bart so diapoaltloB. tod w* tbbk ' tbef do b.-re.
aparHixl.r the p.ulloe proceiluee pf real.
-»Kit. awamest baa sooe to attack I rrofeiaor Haeckel Uke* ear* to ex•Torr oa« larxUeat or prolceaa. Boisa **•'" “««
*re cloobtie- uaar
aurxlral ■□lerienileo
•f tbaa ara iDprorriBesU and otter*.
'I*' teai|*rature or - l.I.-b la
■a/ bo. bsl Ibe Baaofactorer. aa «e •oct> <>“' »''• •»
uodi rataud ibe
baeo Bid. takB caa* of blmaelf aod "r»au.ialoe.1 oi> tbeio.
aetaftba public, aod tbe pobllr nan
iblok* it terf prubal.l.- itai tbpre
lad OM (ar Itaelf vbetber ibe new.*f f« »l aninau aud pioui* oo
BoeaaBa aid Isftodleott are vbote- *dd>r pUneti wbieb are uut to ta- fouod
MBO or sot. aad U sot It otwt flsd '»» '»' *'«*>•
'» ii”. « '•
BBM Of natiBlslM tbelr —»
llkelr that tbe<-u<-llc iiroceaa
Mara. Veti
tafredleou bare “!•»* «> ««"■
' tbao eoa

^W*Nt« luu KM

J IK- .'O' lie ■IB'.. .'I
.11 10.40.
I l> underlaid wllb prarllrally luelloeiii'le d. |«~lta of tbU mio-nil. tba
I.rtnx from 10 to I.'. fe.-t Ujirk J

turr be u;> ar mi}’ uj(.-l)- a
lU.-d atara auu»
tbw tl
togulrva ibmiuu-1* uf r-on lu
plaoru aoil wurlda ii
ko««. W> oBf aliKi
Ikai tbouaaoiU uC il

^OKTOAUa hAUC ivi't. TKt waxa


luiiiM'rrtal, liat

0« tba Mi lasd.
NDamtar Ual ebtoUtfr la tTplaelac i U>U aubjcvi b;
•anm artUi toboraiorr productt of | aL aa rtulwoi u.Tii.aL



rxoeoalre Chrlatmoa csadira.

•Mh a CtalB aaraarra kr a Opn

lallj an


New Goods and New Fixtures
In my store



“U Slara iDtiatmrdr' tia> two aakad
rtrj ottra durloc rrrrDl >>-ur* auil baa
aucacit) itM' ~.'riuu> aiiruiiMU uf nuiuj
wlruuuuicn auO M|>n iall} uf U. CumlUr riauiuiarluu. a uuk-U f o-Ucb acl-



Solid Gold Rings. Watches, clocks. Silverware, Opti
cal Goods. Pins. Opera Glasses.



ouj aiSAioN aiitca ^
towMaaiP or paa
Lous. a. It. B u
» ai iiaiidn
!•* <

Tbe rame old prices prevail—as low as ever. Very fine



Towaouii’ nr r*!«i\8i-u»

Whit U prettier or more appropriate thaa
aa article of Jewelry from onr assortment.



.slltlt^ >•• u, ■■ - - —
tf •etl.aiK.U'el.e.-—..—_

Xx'S'weare© City,




Jan. 4, 1000

OaeeBeuB(roB9b B toSp B

IS .If fur. chiffoo


irf drai.-ri of cii -n.1.1 xcru chlf- !
and Oui.b.-I at Ihr >1.1- wllb llttla ;
ItUDcb-* of iHirpl.' aod |iolr xriwD !
XTOpi-* and .'0* .>r i« u wry tliiy iduni*. i
For Cirryilai umnilni w.-ar. —pe-'
cully with lalk.r ilitdf- c-wua i|,er« ,
U alUI ootblux tii-ai-r tn- *01811— tliaa ,
Beol.*l rllber with nun
atlii-lilnx or wiib imix



. ..f eery


nil airbwaa

Ibe xcw n« »lib whlcb *b-y are worn, j
They are lrliiim.-,l the uiotl part '
quite •liiildy with on* or two quilla and >


' two aiyli.h bat. lllualrBled
chln.'i,lll. Mr It. brrm and a ixcttirnt of .tltrbed '
«eciHc eHvc'I It. en.w u a iuim of
bartonhlzlnx u inx* ixiu.ine at the left '


nauu-oi of .

riwiM* ma wr------------- so

TamUmT tba boib day or JaaasrT. tWM.
V II-.MX a—.iewnwysMawaai taaaaaW*
,....4 o,.. .... i..t.vBaa:T CMraar.



Uiro-d brii.i
krtk add baa BOW baas la DM aa I

fcBowMft of lu aCeeta opoD iLc

STinx IlliuiniloD. It i-onalttt of a
piere of rardlioanl nr oib.-r ■luillar matartaL provided wlU a aerlea of Wsfl


rerr freal’tmporis tbeae dapa of cooceotratloo of
wbao ao noet of our food
t Boat ba prepared at a rreat
tron tbe cooauner But the
i axcOBbW for re«ardlnc oopraaemUTaa wltt a food dMl

A polDt I- . xlve tbe new a-alrrtB la
plai.-k t-m-a and lauears
abould Uut. W idlo.1 use u|ioo aaoiber
while iBt^ arv bob Tbey mum cool
tiefor-- i1h-,v «r.. [lacked. DUieralM Iba
flaie crn. k. ra*lly.
lu iioll.biiix »lli-er that baa bees
laid nway au.l liailly tanlabe.1 It la a
Cooil I'lab In dip the iiortlon of a aoR.
old doth In eiveet oil or Bofl lard, tbas
Id w blTInr aud rub the artlrlea well uani the black liaa dluppeared. TBs

erTthlnx. 1* c
Adjudce.1 a.

Dtly d—orsTfve In !
u ,.f blur rulret |
vF ad.imiutTib

The plxeou-aod tbe im-b xull am Iba
ttyllab bllda IB uidllD-ri Ju.i now.
Street xloirw lu xla-,' .ir .-a.ior wltt
fonr hotlon. are Ibe pn-i.-r ihinx.'


a'e Ibat yon would (or
The fonuer may be a yasr
ilf ..Id
It will .v.«i nioeb leaa
on.' a yejf .ild. wLieb wUJ ba

M atreoftb of aucar.
as.tbat wbCD tbe pobllr teu flurooe It
fotf laoa aweetoeoa tbao It expecta. but

. drap.

talvelf oaed 1s
eoefectloBBT asd pre-

bo wilroaiil. asd wbetber
arbaliiaai owacteolbf la a ooeatlos to
bs dOBBOlBod br tbe taotiBroof of Imtaitlal aod eoapaust ebenlau asd
TbBt woBd seaa to
so reaaoa
«hr oeBposote (ooda asd drloto
Oooid sot be taoslred u bear a tutaBOB Of tbelr iscMdlrau. It Blfbt

V tbe eeBpeud lo sot leftntosa, ito
ftsa doodoallOB aa ao^UI sot pelBaae^ defeat IB t^T^^tr years


la .Vetu- tbe eud a portloo
rt. except that li u *corvd Is
lloaa. fermlDx cuDiloutiinu« >>r tba
allta. At Ibe itoloi abere Ibe allU befls. depeodlnx oa tbe artlclr u ba
parked, two .tom •core, are made,
wbli-b xlvea cooelderabl- rlaatlcliy to
tbe cover. eiutl'Uus It to roufom to
aoddeu curtee lb uutUoe In tbe wrap­
ped body. ITviialoB l« alau made for
aome abort, •loiiv.t end (’'■‘‘'ee. adapted
Cloaed (dijen. >
y belplnx t.
tba wnpper lo poMiloi

Biinifactoma wbo oaed It did Sot
Bka pslsa u lefora tbe pobUc Af the
tert. Kow compoasda of cottosaeod

Poor os*\plm of
lac pao abifwdd hair a pound of cfaoew
latr. br<*m up; toui poooda of brows
-itlfar.aBd half a peMul of Jraab buttar. Let it botl for J<*lf ao boor, i
rta freqorati;:. V|«B dooe. a a
of sucar wrt -Uriia o* tbe apooo i
oo Ibe aide of Ibe pos Poor le a
bbopooorul of extract of ranlQa
asy flaroHnx ReoKtre froB tbe Sia
ipMly utnil tbe caissMl bak..^*?*** 7^ "*"■ *»«• battt IS tba
baadi aa foal (Sa obBla nedy sad glBa lo iblrkes. Tbei poor R aa .a
•5. Bftaf fBB tba BBe^liS slab wbk* baa bees weS bottand aod
Bsrk R wttt the bark n

•sportortty of eeceisble oil oral aity
^ fat. If tbe oRich la -------------o( JtA^ifc by
' at prvreot
tbair prod-

taint 4ar. *rtae uTuot mmalS^S

Z nCi fS

aod SaanoSc TraatBaot of All PUasaaa aad Wasksasaa
of Xonkiad FoaBMa M OtrBta.

Tbe prlselpal taaaas for o
» luxe or huDcbeo of elo.
-ni w.'ll duwii ..0 the (orav-w V.,iA b.irw- ahnw.
a: tbe fnauDd recxrdloat

ap—ixjiai la tar Vaiv*ai»M». B1.1M* naertMs
: IB* i4'.T4t »o.piua4 I. tor weri* uabM aiB 1
; BLOnn U.-MM .pM l*e IMMI MW.UB. prtM
•taw. M« ecuUM aiB u to* rvil rectarar


cbloroftirm. hena
bleb evaiwrale* i
ly left to a botUa wub a


Son plome* of hackle reatbera ar*
banduioe. l-.-.imiox ao'l faxbiosabla
PEftsoaasd atand cUiup weaiset batur if*
John IloTT.'iicli» t
«Rile. Ii, b>. U'l U'v.l aa.> a •. houlaata coat hat tnr.mioxs

f*iM iTTT-fy

f la* I iali».1 m K>»Ma«a. M«4

V.. for Tfi y.
arm Iluftalan tuJiiUi.-r of tbe
wa. a
..f tlw
ooe ^ Ibe UntMTiw diairletii.
of furiiier Qun-a IJIltkikalasl. t
that I- ba* al.<iat iWl.Idd to
Waahlnxtou dll. iwnuaDcoi borne.|ih Arv-b, Uw labor nM-uber of
parUam.-oi wlmm lAdy Warwick to
ber te*vot 1—k Imuoxhi to puj^k soIW. I. to be marrlnl aud retlrr ftoa

of *00111*™ eitr
lox •lorr B lllu*
poluia of Mi-w f


a cenaln blabop q r oo* of“
rt aouili of MaiioD
“ Mid Ur. Tartmx.

wb..u] for ...ovenie -- take I will rail
tbe Siiitih*
from a walk, f.iuodJ ttw famHy

•wiiiiiitlnx amuod in and vainly trylox 10 cel out of the barrel from
wUtd) tbe dnsklox waier -a-aadrawn.
The Ural w..ddlbx at the Towyr of After rewnlnx pa—y tbe bi.bop eolaoetdoo In (nany year* waa that of (fax tetwd the botme. asd Hodluc Ur. aod
Mm. Smith in tbe idtilpx
^oxbier of Mr Huxb
riooe.1 tbe etrcuaiatauee.
panj wa» ewoeVd by
Wartk-na of ibe iVer.

Jaasarr 1».AD

ix»nAirT TO tADina-os.omixa *n*r r*M^ eaMW*.




aarmol IX
U.41 a*4 Mm

ramot. WmX-



1,1.1.1, .-II fiM-i-ir wM

wa ocataaTEX

ttaaac. Ptfaa ao* DMaaaa af WaMaa xaMkly

Ajaia IvweeBaaraa
•Mae rare* la «aa wmm


akV to
bare Ibe waiiT bntt cfaanxnt................
(Mwn Ju.ilre BuckbUl of CardUt Smith, bttweeer. SDefel?
Wale*, pmoonored eapltal teoirsce -Dear Ultlr kitty ithe ufieo doea tbal
for Ibe fiiwt tloae lb bla Jodlctal camx I only hope tbe poor tbibx baas'
recently be brab* Sown and wept, «J
• •• ~
blabop ■
Ibe pnaooer waa a woaMB. wbo wmiU
kse* axeanl Uutx tAlMnB btISbI

■S. L t ( CL milE tn IH. MOBH. I

■A—,, ax ». aJ»b&SV&.ap

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