Grand Traverse Herald, June 08, 1899

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Grand Traverse Herald, June 08, 1899


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


TBAvKBm citr. fa^n> TRAT^aaz conuTT, incmaAM. jjme s.

Dr. J. A. Snyder,



. :"£sSH





Merchant Tailor

BoamesB Oardfl.


Md Me the •leruit sew Its* of
Sfriac <n/l«e ot WoolMe Mw
OB Mle. wbleh will be aede ep
la Abe LetMt Uyla. ead el
eaeb Low t>rieM ed^ earprtoe



put* GUas. Steam Boiler and Accident laeuranoe.


It'. Iitrlf. w. ikr Doe, e( Spele.

Money to Loan on Improved Rpal Estate Only.
4ohi»on Blork, Pfaone Ti

TTaverM City. Ififib.

"** ib?di»re»'aad‘-'bi^ihed*r“Bt
.^.ibwi. 1. n.a.eA.r u
Hum.' Bumih'
«UI breruu, kmo. II-b.'.M.

Onre Itpninie nccnslomed l<> lli.-ir uw and ><>o
withoutoDP., Wshareilipm for U-inp^ratiirv, f»r lUip- o»e, for aterilizing purpod.'A »id for tli.rniuiiit.tPr8.
to ae. W« fill lU.-ni
rii'ht, with droge that art. ri^L at pritve lliat are

"Meow, Jbt go over la U
tbar cs Take Tbte cITb tbateteoi.
tbe wDBea. rel<
-elerriac to a miwe yellot
id! U I
>er oftha room; -<ea draw ap
a da ye'll bad pk^rtaAmoaa'oti
■arB*. Jn'ent batter ea otake a
We're Btgbly people te 1
homt hyab.
Won't y- art eoar-o'
•e giMD. oa yer.pUle'
eerful ae I ahorlear-l.
Will ye bet
irt .weet'oea' or long .weet'aee' ia
eoSee? dome likea it oae eray. oa
*ome era.-lber.”
-Jofaa. who bad a decided "tweet
ieoth.—nald he preferred "loog kweetOBiu-" tbiaging to eecuce an enra allowjnccof ingar; aad wae rather die
told woButWk na a
a aad pnt iato b» cap
.... of aonbam.
Hnt be
•aid aathiag la proUTL fMriae to
"Neow. J-at reach ce Uke; ye're
tlr'hMidyT''aaid bi. bo.UM.
. Joba wa. M> buacry that be wa. able
to make a hearty m <al npoo the ruaree
feod.p oeided for nim. aad baiiag de­
dal^ taimaeir highly pleaard with
tweri fiiaf. waa loU bi^o iatt l^e "big

two bqa
- -lib
long while cai r .lowly prnin. i
lUerlnc lire. ai
eoU-rlog before, t


■rh.r’i BboUer cheer oter tbar
the bed-. .Uaeger." he Midt Doddiag

abe aaid with'a lew bow, ■
Ciag f and bimaelf akUa_______ .
Gomloruble chair, be b«aa
■eg any oae czeapt yoa.-*
to draw off bUgloeeAglaael^
. .
,Tb ud eet waai thk waa IkagWl
Ike apartment wlita Ini
Ererytbiag wa. K-----,
Tbe light faraiehiag. were
Id Ate M
iLnd galA aad a eneiala of la<
id lookte ala^ the
1 totbeotbto. Ate.
dome'l toi. eeem like tbe dear olo
to be BiUiag tane aide by
thought you
I me again."


•ub.tkBdiag we bare b-en apart ao
" replied . deep. maoBikb eoloa
"Ven. indred- Kn one will lake ay
dear o'd ________
Prank e,____
Erncnt roac wiflly. with a puxiled
■ok un kta tue. nad peering Ibruogb
narrow npnoe between tbe wi
mcM.. he MW two btod. abore a
c Mat. with ibrir back, to bim
a. X.-rB Uj.-. hb promised bi
Wbo wax .prod ag the eammrr ■'hiUi.
with ui. sanl.-Ur. K.lnbrook. In tbit
toaiidc wliMre. aad be bad c-ime d->wa
■m tbr but. daily city. tkiDkingall
' wav wnal a «rry pIraMal .orprbe
woi.ld girr brr. Hr coulleertbe,
gulden baly, and ihoogtal brr eompea
1 had aa arm abrnt her wain, fur
r ma-oa iar khaped brad, with clear
rling black bair. wa. eery oear to
Ncra'., and a. h>i guwl her, bete
dropped affivtioaateiy uj beretepasina'. .boul ler.
■ If that fellow ot yonrm eoold look In
nuw be would tbiak It wa. ao uw- to
di.pntr my prior claim to yoar affeeion..' If be did. I would aad tbe mat

He wa.a eorry-Iookiag old man ._
1 pautaed. fad d home made c.oinea.
Ill hU erta.led, ealiua tec-, faded
blue,-ye,,.and 1 log while hair; aad be
•weeridee-ly aot gWrn to knuacity.
Hot remark about the cBaIr hr
.'len-. iato the dee ia a
hi withered baad.c1a.p- m rriiy iimade Kraent feel poaitleely
1 t^^t Ugetb
Ml bate
AngTi T taming away, be .pled
Pep-. Wile. city. mice.
-a oe tbe tabic, tedrraeod ...
ooie np-n
“Wbat Ib ibc B.ine of elY Ibet 1.
MIm Ncei
era Ron., in a strange bnnd
■rird ead ■y.ierioM le Uei'.."
woodra cnair
ling and
aad datof
dated two day. prcric
MKtit beo cloecd id dark end cold,
a. kl. wedding day wu agraed
tar Bind came »Bi.uiDg eod .^liibg
tbi, tame Nera Krae. perbape
icrlke iBjuiilein. aud ihroogli the
Why di'i y^ tak tbe rocker?" that
ibe reaaoD be fell prirlleged to
o oae
ID aMeA glaai
.laaeiag toward a b.g read
Joba Key
with a toiled
wtuaer------- .j'
-After I
- -------—■
-4 P»'
aard. Id tai. lijrlil >uci r,otam looely
lion, which ttoodaear Uiet
the one wiauai last I have a
.alley roed Id NorlL Cai .linm, bnngrj.
M>a^auie>^Drw«MM i> »• b
Aad aee my one
le Uatc *we
ured, eed -wiOi » we,
••She caa t.-.poke np tbp
«a* ee«> eea e< iMieaei ««k e e—’ebw ee_____
Ui yon remember bow yoe
coDcluded i 911 1 drire eltempt U> c
aiculy. a .ndden fla.b ia bit faded ' call me yoar -brat beear I
la IM an* llae.
y.a. •■/baf. Mam »."
mean to hare yoa all to myorll 8o
.1 lie .uald fli
der itc eoppAii
Joha Iduked iaqcirmgly al hla bo*L tell all thereat of yoar beaax to be­
le ^ad. bed luroed
r oi I
(luxl-by. with lou of kto
eepT.touy. aerrow
"Vr mu.ta'tpay ao bced terblm; he Jill t eor you. Prom yoar oira
HCM.icele-eeei Mr.eed en ereof which ley e low
ID', j ,i rgbt. in bi, niiud.''.bp Mi 1.
(aKke-fracr. lU.iog reaebM the diii
I'enlee el oauidr polpu herinr eWr pin
aak.y. - ttaat. .b-died nyaba.peii
Kmeel King could hardly bi-Itorr
lOK." UictiJfee paa-rd ol ii. owe
■ ae; PiWee eeaT b« braer eer*
btok.—^oIb’ uu tour uiootka. I rvekua: rye. "Tur impodral Jaeknaapo.:
>rd fur a bre.ltaiag .pcU. aas ielia.
S.S. trrt.t.n
pceriag .bout kis inw ikc a^koCM lo euF.p.'l bra j .1 right mbw, woi 11 likr to abako the aaeuraacr out
tu.oo (.•.rfalubcD .be wa. laid of b.m." hr maltcred. uragrly. "Her
a raia effort to diMJ'cr s-naraigB. of
tie couldn't 'pear to wsw It tncl -bent beea.' ludecd: I would aev
• beoltaliua. b.v.a)i-aware of aiai. 1
ildo'iuome aaca nomorc. Ue'. here Neva capable of playiog
g ,aaefa a
Ilghl'iD a patcu of wood, oa tat. left It
lie won't doable gniD*. aad here I bare Aai
we. out Uic liglil truBi thr wiadow of mighty tryin' MBinimc.
id aobody Ml ia .oat tsar cheer, en be
wa. t >r
- Ilia the belief that I w.
taewe. for it wa. «m»ll aad moTca
goe. reg...................................ter
lar erery aigbl t ».-t a ilgut
ivndl Hbe
omy men >br ever lovedl
•loag .lowly In a daaclac. uaccrtala
rr i-ild me a word ef her
way for a .bVldtal^ee. tnea rcfnaia- OB'. grace M.m .be waa ai
baod ter dare a ligOt toou'k it
tone with any .aeb fellow."
d. k. en I'ap ne ain't forgot iL"
A**'w!i*2'vbr wi.p in the dl.mal
John oiidacd.
fai. J.-aloo. anger, eo be left tbe
aiaa. perbip,.-' -l-’ho ianltcr.uf.
-I MW ine ligbt tnere." be laid,
cittnge unutiserred aad .trade anurily
"Anyway. 1 Intend lo.find oot;" an#be
iidered wka; it meant "
- wo to tbe beaeb. Uking tbe note
cot on* of ibe bogirj. jjmpcd oter tbe
Tbereuayn'l aobjdygU him o,
in bim and reed lag It n Moond time
frocr, and made tai. >av a. rapidly ae
--------- "-n,,'- went on I*-- ........
he went along.
viMiblt in^ic dIteclloDOf that curlJ^ti let bim b<
A ebon time after, while ber Irieed
bun nobody."
’wa. wrliiog a letter. Neva walked
ilefciL^, be-Itombled along la the
■Vm. if. belter to let him bare hi. elowir toward tbe beadk and Erneat,
darkiDM*. mat be wa. doiog afo^li.b
way." John aaid.
loolclug up. MW ber. A viiioo of youth
thing la ttaiugralilying hi. curioeiiy.
OB after ibu tae until honaebuld ful lormioeM In a white dreia. with a
end hr wa. wD.ciun. of a.light .nock
ret red. Joho being told to go -'up
■.likea ...banjaad bervleader eraUU
l. br rearbisl lb- lighii for
Wberr far'd find a kbakedi
I win pay th.* fall market pricv. I' will cnve on.* cvnl a |»»niid mor,
aad her bioade curl, aubonad. aavr for
m a .null lanlrro wnich
a earli Cimb that lifted Ibeai from ber
than any ottUidd trai-oliDi! man twii pay >ou. Ctsli up. i’Icaii.' call .food at tar brae ofaMlltary grate
. A .logic rone gmood UeAcka
eadoerd bt a low picket-f-nce of roood
for your own UnefiL 1 moat liawe the Wool.
’^ring become acenttomed to etraage
over her ahoaldora..- Nae ws.
It Wa. mtrkcd br a plala .lab b» frllor
during tbe year be but
atibeMewfaea .be heard hrr
of wuud. OB wbicD wa. palou.-d. la big.
s trar iag ID the ialercU of a
.lied laavoioe .be rceegaUrd
crooked lelirr..
^aate aeibg M ki*'****
tobaccr bou,r. John took tk'i. iofinma' ntoBceatber lorer'.. iboagb ib* toar
Telephone 130 _
. pnUosnphiealir. '
waa new to brr cam.
She toraea
loft under bima B.g fl
lu-ratd bim with oat-imtcbed baod..
icu,. patchwiwk qjlll nul.tupoed la nurpriee al the ato*^
Joba Maynard .lood !n-iking at It .
Tbe wind
■w Bomeou. woadrriag ny wb-im the .Tlhe log
mm* a*leti
letter h
iBlera bud beea pat there, and for whittled tbrougb tbe ctalek. la U
irncd away be ruuf. and ■ I'.p" <
at of Uia,'"*

le foot of the
n a way waieb would
.S'rr... •ived '
He picked it up andVoHed off
wild bad be not beea ly.
L Uea np at ber lorer.
-tu. dieeloainc u new a
A SUM 9MhM>l bcb.-.! Prer«»»' «.»*Iper.leiy a eepy. Hal at It waa.
i-ta>wed .peciaciA mod a
>• u>*> in ibe laai of dream.
Mil of gray y.m wilh’^'four i
fir watebrd ber laamaoeBeet. W
iiting Dtedice ttam.l ihioagh it.
id It mran?
rm. oeruliilr br... any ingthra'ght b- keani tne ra
■■ErncL- abe togas, raintu
tbiog 1 eter mw hefon !" rjaculi
ilaied idg agaia.l the roof, aed i
■ ar rye. to fain, "if yoe btej|^c
John M be pot tbe box down .gain
back to hi.
' ' borne and bnggy In that br beard a cliio. weak roice eat:
wilkad b
' I'D a karryin'; don't ye be akrenul. harr Mrcd a. both ibia eery anhapey
4.Dm. *.>•»».» in lk» Oreoi rr»MM» tbe laee.
Ham. l-ap'fl brUiar. I>kp ain't go.n
Bnl let me lalradncc my
ter irlnol.iB-trill ye,'?
iriend yon ice oomieg.
and «a brginaieg to wi
He knew lUe am o irtilog, when be aruund. Brorat »tw approaebiog Ui
lid oe obliged to .prad tbe aigut
at daylight and di.rueered itaal a prriiy yoang lady, with teorL early
woid.wfaen tbr barkingV>f a dhi. bed fr.lnw wa. oot brtldr Dim. that ■black aalr. aad a pair of keen, deterIbimlbatbe mu.i b.-nearadwr
itcooldii'i h.rr bmadrr.mi aad ad
of Mmr wrnaada lew m.nut
k poMibie hr mad- hit war down
by Ito bate ate eaid
Idrr to find out if Cap were be- .Imriy. ‘-rbi. I. Prank
''Wnat:'' ezclalmed I
Kefore it baro-i a tir,' of i
h.nrine ■
^ HI SceMe it Finr tl Ue Btctrte Pat
look of inteoar .urprlae.
y »n atfre eoa,1*1* ftHm' Vn'“ §i’d'd^“ptoVaga^
,. ilonally.'' aaid .S'ria "Mr. Ktag.
' ik, yellow and biark b 'ond eamiirr My thM I. Him pranrea Allingham. my old
iiling do-.-from liircatila. bark
BighI'" abecrird. cbam.nd toboolmate. called fv eoe
inr liiadly
n'iiv.rj. "Eftbai rraiesac Pruk."
'■U.llu:' .boated John al the top of
Welt, aeon my word." etammored
■; ^ ' H.lioa, yrrae f,'-^ re Jon t b*.i air Hr', gone down to
A KNIFE that will kMD ao edge.
H.aj'mgrtTe. I re-Won. Ham .be wa. Broenv ' I Uoaghl-'"Taougkt .br wan a ma
omeepue dm. a. abe appear- lba« .kerrrd of a .torn, .be wa. like
A RAZOR aad STROP tbai will
BpIrmeBUd Nrva. '-! we—yon got
I do,»r of tbe cab o. a .bort- ter gocraiy "
Baeke eheeiDg a pleaeDre, or
•-W-'d i> tier go after him. t think,
Id of tbal letter tee wrote, fell of
.lemmrd clay pipe la ber moulb.
and the e.»•er the bellrr. Mid J >tae -.J'lliD-nOBcesM. and yoe draw year
ASHEAR*“»»«eol wilh.coMe
own eoacluBloDA Iicl me tell too—"
laeDdbuyuDe of tbe -SLECISIC"
don't tell mr aeyUing. only
d John.
bit ‘7
-irUimMl Emaot "Wbat
Hraad. They are the domi (xiod.
tl»ide the
ly grace in tbe wood an ialot ‘. bare bero'
I eery well .leep oat la Ibc wood..
bolding orer it a bal* eaedr aad felly warranud.
"Moni mea arc." remarked Freak,
■HMladBaaCtadL im.heerUe enddrencBed
dilapidated uiebreila. drenc:
"HuL BodoabLal
Wall, aeow, atraag^,'' mpoaded
yordeleoatyby W.-J*. HOBBS, TflftWCllj.
•• ar ^draa le eailUad to eacM*
I-Mb to furgive yoe."
■l.Md protoctioe to the e. . ..
MOM bad «> Mika ap iha IwaoNi
m be eoald aot real that
CD tt
eriiteu MtttMMk whetbar be proved
t. deaf, forerermore. to hi* weak. ____
ik nayte nnill
U nfur
nfler Ue weddiag;
qnmrering old eoloe.
then deptoted. tot two yaara later
Tkr) nad . m • difficulty la ledbeliig eaow ea to Uelr city boBc to ariog
- - - — to ber tiay aaai
the beat I kie far y« Yr'll baiter lork ,
Mkr. PrsBk -B.
9«DV>Uie bam.ea ye'll find plenty M'd.onraod oe.r. It wai

at ai5 Front Street.



r z'

r»ir ui^Rr ,1


IjnoW thi^?




^ Beans, Hand pirPed or acreened.
Potatoes, Bmpl«. BuralandB-Hebrcn.

YwUUL;! frioespaid.

A*52-AiL.1iaS: •“ •

Highest Prices Paid.


Plain and Artistic





f "““BriaSSSSs








to Loan

SvrT^orsad CIrll Ensiaeer


___ riSSSoLeVllS

Tnm Qti Sdml ttluic!

. jsarsws3UT=i:Bi“


- 200,000 Pounds of Wool


Carpet Cleaning Works


I. Haiii§ conmciel »ilh a 8os-











When you want


co SiLSsia



" -’Sr




.. JTi;;.' ".'Ill

p«n aesa fan. eMM.(Mawe. bimim. ceoeaiM, bh^ium. awuM.

Si-::;=r^ GREEI W»ITAII nCE llttCM.


wUat lettartevara)

large ..(ara toara et eateboard ate
atariod aer leUtf ia Ue vary etoUr of
it. wHUag ia aa ever-wideatag elrala .
Hrr very Ant MUace waa: "Dear
Jock. U you earaevwc la retelag Ula
lelur yoa will tte la It eemeUlag yoa
rrvally Wlte to kaow. If yoa do act
read it, yoa will aaww kaow a*
Taerc waa eoatoUiag ha did wlte to
kaow. aad oaly abe eoald toll him. to
be backled dawa to lu At Aral be
tamed ue paper atoead etowlyuto
rrad aad ia a tew mtaalia alBont top­
pled over WiU diuieeae. Be raatea
and uird it agala. imi wan eoeipeUte
to Btop. for bia eye. homed ate hie
Iinad ateed. After aaotiwr real be
pieced it oe U« Anr.ate. etoeMag
ocOT. walked
alowlv a;......................- , .
ae ha weau Tbe Aral ceaetag te wa.
coapellodtoeu^ btoore te bad halt
llaUbed it ate befoia be bte aow to
The tollowLag eight te taebite it
agala. ate In tbe nrarae of an taar%
work, na hard ae nay bo had erar atBaud to toll yoa: Doat arar again
try to be faaay wiU BA I eaa gat
eeee with yoa every Ubm."
be yonug man didn't haltbtbalot. but be vowed to blBsalf that te
arrer weald try to be faaay at bor eipaaie ia the fblara.—h'aMn. CUv War.
Tha Farmar Boy 'a Advaataga.
Aetardy Amerieaaef tbeealfBtoch w Tilly Uayaan. haowa


Statea Motel la Boatoa ate
tte Hr _
way Ceatral Hotel at Ne*
e* York.*
York. Wtea
be gooBoa
i ueaewai

a. aad te

laata iBc oiber day. uf tte Aa-gauaraej
of tbe tioeue yoatb ef Taakae ctoak:
"Jottlookat tbalaiga ea Weeblaga alreek
The Aral nawM M tte pa>
ireaym of a MaaaaehaaeUa faBily
white tl
lal'daya Tae aoaoad la Ural
Uial of a yoBBC
_______ whom
whom he
bMI lakea Iato par.oettelp.
Waca hedlealbe UwBaa'a
aame will bare Ant piaee.
mea have begu to pan «b<^ bair la
____ oarreL
___ , yoangUeroBaate
theyoBBg Irtabmaa eaa iTftap tbobai
relaad carry it oBIbey carry
w yeaUto
Tte worM
g BiB wte Bcab
■enable ate -wAr
will develop capably with eaparleaea
The farmer toy baa a great adraatoge
over tbe city Ite in being "laM"
amoag aarTBandlaga that bi lag eat Ite
^rli of Itenetry. taat develop abUitj.
Tae older we grow ate tbe aaora wa
aeaof life Ue more do wa realte* Itel
tbe eoaatry brad man baa a VemM
draotoga la tbe battle of
IW buyi-tojte^Ibruaete wte^ '
faraer'aami-«ti«thd*./Bd.l Pdraaer.

A Hlaeoen Olaaiea*.
Tte UlliBt worn la tte Uailte
suua. aad pmtobly la tte world, la
Hla. KlU Bwlag. of UorU. Mo-.a UtUa
lot far eaalof KaaBoi OI«. oa
lU Fe rote.
ThU ■ hlgb-bon"


loeboi to hw every-day ahoea. Herparoau ara wail-to-do taraoro, of ordlaary
.uwra. aad bar bUor. li.maal IwIm.
o a blgbly reapaelte member o( tS.
Hla. Bwlag wae bwa at
.aad wbea KyeonoidateBMw
ured Dearly T tael, oat hapt oi grewlog to Ue amaiemeat ot Bor famUy
aad Ue polghoara la bar glrtlah ymwa
ebc wan qelto aoaalUva abeat ter
■bL aeeaaaa tbe oUer eblldfoa BMd
to ueor ber. tot wbee ate dMaeimad
It It wee worU Ato a weab boB
BBm'e clraa* ate mateam Baaggma
.b. took aaoUer view of tte eaer Mb.
rareod aaoofb money to lift tte Otorb
gage from ber bUePe farm ate Mbte
topArate life.
arveml offertof ourrtage. tatte br
M 1 eaa ieam bar heart ta eiUl oate.-Chlnr.9» HwBfd.
Oraea-Hteded Mea.
.. Ibedmtrtete aarToaadlag Itedim
per miam of Cark*»lL Ceto^iU ud
MPdaaUy fuate a eerloa* aIfU M to
■ leUe etepeofmea wHfctew.
qalu greeo.
Tale It aot. te
might U> imagiaad. e faohiotebU Udj-

’ Uat effeem UM
a tte bair of tte
eilptioM tev.“iiraSte uJTua
■ from tte faroaoaeeopUto aoov
10 qtoatlty of nraeglBl Mttor. ate
le caoeee tte eUrtUag aaova. a»>
pogb the tozura


Some AgrtMltoral ^tgrame

\ ^^aeeriae i^^i^__.M^^^iu.,o _sai>oLa>. iii..c»rTix^ iw. .Boomu J


rknay: >« A.. « a. C kf. j

w a I r..





boa. beadire, tbe fork, were two-ilwd
a id e lOMav) eaa aereed a.




O. Pi Carver

Real Estate,



I I.
at h
at tbe door.






Hack, Bus and Baggage Transferline
> IT. a. a a., a.aadn
'■ Vearetbe

Best UTCI7 In Northern Michignn.
Telephone TO.

le at laaL asd
»ye gii ibrongiijl.l e
^ jhie daogblrr put I
,, wilba
to bed.
t big boBM byah, ea 111 go
1 cook ye come tap-1 bottle of hot water at at. feet, aad half
r UlUeb.

Frof. Bigeat Davaapart, of tte Dab

woBld. la ae A^todUzoa coeatry. be
*mk.^ be:, la lor a .pell of-mlek
•■Amaa Mafoelwte aa.ipm aut.
yoa gel I laaMral" aaked
ebeVid to Joba whro .be weal
arite poBlUaa wboa te owpB bte ■
Iheb.rt lor
lor hi
kis a. b< grttinr Bear to tbe door, tot a. a
^""No. I balB'L Fap he', got one, hot bat to lev
do*, the-Mr.
"Aay Blarlte peoiUoa M a tBBpwa
the oAteer la charge look,
te don't let nay one lay a Anger on It
ab-iot to drireawny
'I a caoe aad belpB
belpe 1ber or,r U. hmdeef
"Ayoaag mu caataOmd to taha
ibeenob. A te* dayt
.. .
» teaaoat oa a aalarite }obw
Th'. Byar doctor
we Boiwed a well-di
"A ama ea tte farm aoeor AKb-tf ba
m ghtr good ne aenraigy and 1
r elbow
Id ap:U to
pork, from which ah- cci a geo-! ;be, not I reckon be wonlda'l
ki ho r tor taciclr Pap "
owa. Wc made way for
eem tot of a Job."
jJlc imyl^li in a tin plato ene
Hat eeee the "taw. doctor', effoi
tbroogh tbe Uroog. aad wbea,
•'Ttebad-baldtarbrnahawCl MA
i lau
reacbed UcieoBabecaak latoatealr
Tnen. takiara half burned '
from th> Are-in tbe yard, .be M wbea John .topped a* Bbelbyeiilo oa half faiatlag. She wm givea fete
caoagb ter im
lea daye.
daye- tee 'waa
waa abeal
'Ae porn and left it to bu-a unokily In ................... I trip, be Bade a point of
t BedkBl Baa who bad been to Imre wbea tee berat tato laan. ate
Ae wind.
By UM light John took bi.
attoad poor aid P.p. and It wa* toBM few mlaaiB brfan ate
eay to tbe ham. foaad the --rough
mk She told os that it wb
MB." and enr^ aM
bb waaried iMraod that tbe Old man had died after
aa tUaeaBof oel* fear daya. and that
■Jme la bw Ufa that ate bte 0^oaui)JSidt tel
lied for etortty. A few memlte that te em-te him of ttetembteteto
Bewnumr to tbe booee.
igobdr bBhateste
abate ate AraeWld________
AraeWldrewted ft of Ihrowteg hb
M a epUt bottomed ebair jn.t wi
beea with ber ee
ea a
beaetlial ptoaB- Uttete te almi
tie doorway, cam bb bontoae came m
tbe doer of tbeUtUe
the UtUa ebaaty in tbe remr
‘Tbe dtotag todi
toUBBaa bis toa,



toto.tbe "lltlto
foUowtd 1
M.-wbiekwainardBOirlytobltob•B aad dlattot roato. tbe eeahlag batag
doMa^ opeDhtor^ b^ . " '
- cU trim MB-

----- ..

s; snisis’SiXtiK-'T:

MaMoW,. .
Italy bee ted AM aqaarc Bllcaaf M



0mm of

a.ate Bovtelte Mte tteb teate wtea AtoMM
tte wM. It baao^mi^



uaaJD TBATKBto Hg&AU^JTOB 8, 18W.
tooHcbwl aad «a


bp rid. m.B.mrn

tba Oltr Opna I
.foaiv bletara Tbaradap aicbt at t
aonUgblof ..................................... Inn
lanB faB oa uaoafal
diaperj. ‘ traffraat ffonera. dalalilp
aad Wffbbfaaad

Thai reUod tha ffi



dr^OfMo. Head B. Hall. LaeaaCIBe WaataaPardoto.
Bartoa. daaa M. Marrili: DoaaM B.
Hotpaa. Mprtia . Mar^Qa ffta
Traraaaa a«
aeheol aad tba
Vartia C ThBBaa.
itofanaaoerepiad bj tbe tnaalr-ala
UUa eeaiee Orara Black El
aftaaaof tha oUb. tba Bkb '
FraeA U raUn, Sara plaera UreaaO.
•aaeban aad tba beard el Bda»tl^
Ualto 8. MeWatbp, Wiailrad Haad B. Tkarbw A AnL Bctoaia eeaatp.
Bbora tbecaArod
Harrla.Da(aBaUaMarria. bib
tbeatacelaaf toida ol sli
Mandap atlerMop A. B. Browa of
lap nlaplad <rttt trraatbe of eiatt«aaa
wM.OurbeW. tUa eUp waat to LnaalW Aartap a
loepad to
Bdwis Bap rbepBea, Haad M. OUlaU. reqaeattoA prmiMtnil to Aepardoa
tba platfom. fomtar a e
board. Mkiap t|aB to maet A Ala
bMd aad aatatWad aeroB tba f>oal
dtp bate* ^rlap Aa palHlee flaal
tba appar boxra.

^ tu. OnMl^ to kitau of tboM

Ba^wa. Mabel LaeladaGre
ert JickHep.
Tbe oBeere wba. wHh tbe A
Uia eofl while
drcaaea el tbe ebaralac r>rt riadaataa. of tbe teAcben bare laaaeb
B/Uw Use eeLlar tbe epaaiapol
tbe prcpraai tbe hall waa

f^Ur «U iwMb IB tte fatare.
D*Mof AmC Oeiwr.
«M MB rMtowl h« Mo»>M of
ttBAwUQflMaOBtUr. fon»rlxo(
1hk4<9. w'kkk «aeamd Snadar at
DMMMa »u AboBt eo
r«n WacawdtrvbeU f«nr to n|»'
PMM 10 toST* bm «too OBWto ol U*
4nth. M hobad baaa lU with tbal
itoiaii,' ttoanatoiaawiUba latarnd
•t aMaaaha a»< Ular <riU ba Ukaa *D
(tototoamadboriai la Iba faaiUr lot
Bto «Ua aad thrM daafSIara,
iwll WM af tbto dy. aarrlTa blai.
Tbtn iTM a
lMteM« tba
•vtaa d rvfc PUoe bowl. 1
•NtoWt wmB. e. BnU, Oral Wood
Dtoh' Oa.. Ctoarloi I. llllaa. Praewaa
M«. Oa; Ealhaaba: B. V. Bmllb. Led^MtoWaodaawaraOo.; r. W. BaebteU. Ballalre Woodaawan Oa; H.
BnjM of tha Oaalar Utg- Oo-OeaWr;
B. P.Iwaaa. baaaaba Wooda>»w
Tba tatbite WH ledtocMa antaa]
-‘si« Leeibar Deal.
MWlBlaabarlB IS«aMl eoaair
MllreltMdabdf deal la tardfreod
ktabarlaaAa.b7«b>eb a In t oJ »,*
■ ol
Dadfa aataw wat
bwalaned to tba Bwi Jortaa Lawbar
Oa and tba Millar Luabar Oa. d
VniiBa. tba total eooaldaraUoo
•OMatoUtbaiaaliByBiaot ol onr
•IMW teaiaat' baaa made aod tbe
MoMarMad. Tkto to tba baartoai
Mlaol terdwaod Unbar Bade la Bn.
Mtaeaatriarwnaod Praak Good­

WbUa tbe aedtoeer waa patbertap
Uir lUrbiefaeol obema obolr. aaaled
lalbaaaattaaleoapHwWdlba booc^
cap bp alapiap aararaLwall kaowa aadpopalar aoopa. altaraatlap
BlpbtbpradaoboraaU tba
alwraipbt o'clock ffapt. C. T.
Uraaa iawodaead tba BiU a
tbe {mpran. a eoap, “Tbe
Klap," bp tbe Ulph Beb6ol''ebaraa of

ie fmr dA ehild of Mr.
aad kfa. Jrffertea el Kalkaaha.
Wtom hto eab wladow Spoal aottoad
MwBtUaaMplaTiatlatha mtddla ed
ttetoaakaaaetoaeleBB of IH'parti. Be
nahadapeatha pOd of tbe oaclae
aadraMbtatdowBlifted tbe^d off
tbatovak. Ba waa aaaUe to aulataia
bto beU oa tbeaarlaa. bowerar. aad hr
,aad tba hadr •«« bariad effoa
lata thaditeh. Partaaatalr aaiU

■B bat alrcAdp opao.
Bdfawoed, aad la uanal tbeeotwUlbatlM tbrovboBttheea-




MM Mia. Baldea aad temllp.
libb aia rapalar eaeuDar rlaitara. wiU
•ofBia afawdbpeaadoeeupp

IB M. Oerbett: rtea praMdeat,
tr Arparber; aaeretArp. HjTtla
deeit at Atoeltp and her AaAer At.
H. Blaatoe; Ireaeaior. LatUa B. Me
Aar Btill itaidB bare
A rerp paAeUr AIM eoaneewd
WiA Ar daaA waa that no tclntirra
orfrWDdtooald aooberon aoeoai
Oeeof tbepretUBtaad aoel eejepof Ac conuptoa of Ar dtoeqae.
abto rao^tloae la tbe htotorp of Uw
>nl Aeeoelatioa wae the oae held

tbrllllap wap Ui
raw bln Into a t
■nlahap wWeb tbm
ia whieb pBia paaaed aad tb^ fatare
of tbe olaB unreUed Iwelf before bln.
la a wlup
jopeaBdeerroentbepaan nap brtop
the Btembata. who If tba propbepp
boldt tnia, bate aa aBotaeUp bripbl
aad ptomkiap fatorc before Uwn,
Tbe elBM orator. CbarlBM. Onbett.
para aa able addiBB on “Tbe tAtUe ol
MaailalUp." Tooeblap upoA tbe pollV of 40010 be tbowed bow her bad
had tost for bar
aeoAarefbarbBt eolealB aatU
final eroA eame In IM. in a atr^
wap he told of Ae buurtc battle In
Manila harbiw wlA Ita
rtotorrfer Ac Aneriai
Oewop. U elcAlA
onUlneof arpanento Araaead bp Ae
aapaaeSoetote aad aU.«X|
aapiap Aa Ae final edlntooa of Ae prob­
lem aboald A left wlA OoApraB and
deelartnpAat the eoooeBefal ao
whIA will auralp A arrtrad at will
Ware aa a atroeper and Attar nation.
Oae el Ae enit^aUe aanban on Aa
propram wae Aa eborae bp aizir menbenof tAelpfaAprade wA pa
parfaet banaonp Ae prattp toap. “TA

■ Death UoU.
pm" TA aeooBpaatot for boA
Mia. JallaUleaaoo died attbabi
tbeeboraa naiaban wae HA UieA
otto daafbWrda-Uw Mia. Vow
Beck. TA naale araa ander Aa dlfflaeacA. oa Hoath Oak etreet Frtdap, raeUoa of MA BltoebaA Blapban.
wA darinp Ae tear pmrt Ai
bare bae aeet wiA woofierfal
letba nether of aik
B U bar waeblnp and
4rao. Iraaaaaaedcaedaaphlar. Two broepht IA naaleal work of Aa
aaaa preeaded bar la tbe ether woridi UcaAoetatroB BoAinp Aahlpkaww
bar boMnad diad ia laoo. A Aon.
faMaalaarrloa wat belt at tbabove.
■ae. ■. 8. BatobnpaMenliap, Tbere- and bar work ton
■ataa war* aeat to Viewbarp for
TA raladletarp waa ^i«a bp Bell
td a prattp word pA
Mia. bneUa Eaiai t. wife Of War- tare tltcaUatlap Aa ccaatp aadqatot
of Ac life pawed f<w maap jBn In
Aa pMeefal rallop ol boo
laerttable break Aat meat
etape aad baaldB a baabaad iBm aebool work 1a doA aad Ule'e A^a«MAUdna. Mn. Baiaoap war
teaptatarof Hr.aatl Mta. Jebii BliaWp warfit aA aztaadad tA AaaA of Ae
d Oartald. Iba faaaiBl waa bMd
A paraaA WaAen aad frtAda


& a Wnea aad Pat BardM.

flbartB B. fUa aad ■aojaala
TAba Wbalar. Hair.
»Mk Wflaep. Bnt Bap.



W aa If I ni«M


Aadao of npuM. «
.-aair aPerted aad
I tooknaoreiAi tadilB

.P lit. M

meetinp TbatadapaUrraoon diacnairil
plaM for .krepiap Ae flower I '
bripht darinp Ac aaomer. Tbty
retp prawfal to Ar frieoda wA aeat
AraA to oraament Ae proaada '
aprlnp and would A pled to reeeira
perulamt. aatora or oArr bardp plaau
foraaniBBraodaeianB bloominp. Kow
Aat tA AIA are aboat tbroopb bloaeoaiop AetlBehaaarrired foraettiap
aat aummer plaau and anpooc Arlap
anp to conAtAw aup Ware Acn with
Hra dobs llillto. Swte atraet. Hra. U
Socle. Weal Elphlb atrect or ■ A Jc.ale Aaderaoa. Wrat bereoth aWML


c.uaDdrr a
OrordU or iDuorp rctuAcd. B-M oa dt>raaa of taa bran ai.O
armafrrr. Addtm. __

-er grades a UtUs alow, so tho price goes down. Bo sum


_OK. UiLA MbUICAl, CU.. blaban. (ad.

800 Hiom

TA eonmUtoe oa brlflpB reported
Aat Ac KoaA I'aloB atrect bridpc
eoold A cooridefedBle ao leap aa taat
dririnp nrer it to probibltcd. Aifaai
dririop mipbt reodn Ae bridpc danperoua.
Tbe committer OB prietlnp reported

S (^WrilFielm Bros.,
Cor. Union and Eig&t.b

apoo Ac bidi preacBled bp Ac MnUl\<. KmriHr^aDd llallp Eapic for poA
-Itobinp Ar.'oSidal proerediopa of ibc
toap Clob waa Aid Tharadap In A.- offiMOfO P. career and Ac Old ofik-ttl
roelrewd a followa:
Preaidenl—V. I‘. Carm.
Vice Fretident—A. F. lamcron.
bccrelarp—J. A. Muntapae. ■
Trenaarer-S, K Wait.
DireeWfB, two pcara—C. K. llaA.
U. D. Allej. T, T, lUWa. J. W. HilU'

roBBcil ^A^rd ef^aeatlcui. ordin-

aacB, rlc. Tbr committor reported
Aat Ac tiailp Eaple fallrd »o eompip
WlA Ar apccifleatloBa A mUlap Arir
bid. bp net reoderin^ ataWmea
Acir cirrolalioB. The Bzi'SUi far
cd a apcci A bid and Arreforc Ae
milter farored awardiop Ar cootract
lor Ac prlaUap to Ae Bmouk. Knl Id
clew of Ac Art that Ae bid of Ae
liirectota Aldiap orer—If. HMWpot Kaple prorldcd tor tbr pobUthlap of
C. B. Harnp. B. L. fiprapae. <iao. K Ar coracll aad board of Aamtloa p^
ceedinpi frrr. and aa tbr price for Ac
ordloaDuea and oH:-«l nolii'W war ihr
TA preaidem a^ aaerelarp
the com­
appointed a eoBmicicc wilb aaAoHtp aamPnAalof tW I'.m
mittee Aliernl that It woold A wiiai
to Irt'tA liaple alw print Ac oBleial
preocedlbpa. etc. In dtoptmlnp ef Ac
matter of prAlinp Ar pbamplclt of
sJudra AcclceUoaor om.->n plam
reredAaiMd fora propram for Ar Ae proeerdinpi Ar eommUlac
mrnrd diridiiip it np. A- allowinp AA’
RL.mi.aed Kaplcto print « «z>plca
natea met and czebaaped preet- arranpe for a aceiea of partiea. ca
aad oAer forma of amawmcDt fn Ae eaca.atlliccau pcrpape. Tor price
lap» aad Ae new eaanb
ernU per
beoMl of Ae memAra aod a wmi
eecialioD net* piren i cordial
Wc wat appimted to prepare a ptaa to
paAariap to order for Ae propram. prcaaot at a fatare BwUap. The mm:
The firat aanbar wat a pleaalnp piano
HootapA. C E- Haipap. Geo. L Hopt. inp of tbrpampblcta. In which Ar edicole A M>b JoBpblne Vader.
tore paiticiAlcd. bnt the rreommmda'"Gladawae- waa tA aabjMtotAc H. D. Allep.
It to dBired torerlra Ac Aterrat in lions of Ac oompiiuee were adi
Alsnnl oration A Harrp Danbrtlia.
• Aat Ac aplradid
ol Aa wonderfs)
bp the elab Aaar tar priniinp to AA pap
aabibiwd bp Ae
« tA (srt
a A enj rjd aA APr«- mltlrc lia.k inloeonaidcr
man. whetedmA faroapbi andpi
that it bed been latcfy <!
Ae world. UraAr, ataW*.
prAt tbr urdlnan;ra. Icpal aotierr. etc
nan aad aeAor. ha preaanwd Ae
In Alb papcrai aod under tbai plan
tlpatofaman wA tea made a
Ar additional coal of Arinp Ac pr
pleW loeoear of bto life. He pare a
cccdinpa le bulb wonld A Alaltpfai.
arid akeWh of Gladetoae'e earn
A Atcb of ordinance, sraa oonaldcrrd
aAwiap Ae laflaancco wbleb went
andaduotrd. among Aem Alnp:
tA moaldiap of hto ebaraeter. aad
Iblalircu dririnp ct ioama <
of WA Aatof itrikiap from lA clip
iooebedaima bto tanoai life work I
bndprt Aa tu from wbicb wm to Are bndpta. TA erw meaaorc prob.i
Ae pollUeal field. . JatUee, hamaaii
paid tA «<»» Id AbA in Jolp. raclnp. apcr.llnp or monlop. At doea
and honor were AronpAnt bto life b
A petition to bavc Ae papacni of tie not prohibit troiiinp at a modcraic
blph aundard.
basiocna rate of apt^.
Faal dririop.
bonA deferred iwupeara waa
b eolo A Hi** bllea. wlA aoeoppr
from a terpe Amber of tA bearAt bewrrer. at aep rate abore a walk
elBWBl A MA Vadar. wat baaaUfell
toprobibltcd on rnwa atraet bridpc.
tupaprn ia Ar olp. Afwrwarda

HA RdlA GMA laapoadA to tbe
deal. “Tbe AlaMr-ia aa
or. 8A epoke W Ae pride
9o(BB Of Ae
■flp edraeA
Ac Aaoca to whieb rarioat or
atlaiaed. A lortap Aoapht a
to Aoae wA Are paa^
treat AponA ta eonelAlap her rematAabe arpad upoe Ae Bembara
Aeiaapect aad pride dae Aelr Alma
MdWr aad weleoned to tbe rasA d

A ol Aldmuaa Mnowpae Ar
■r pAidwp for raitinp a Arre
■Bill tu lor IA inlcrcel and alakiDp
tsnd arai atrickoo eat aA ibc fire a
tufAttreet parpoacf wat mloced
fArmllto. ''raicprorldB tar Ar 4eferriap of Ac AFuwit of Ac boaA in
qBBtloaand Ac laWof
pear will not A A blph ac-fl
would ^crwtoc bare beea. Alilcrmtn
Hoolapuc aUMd lAt penuoallp A
UOT oAar wrA.rerm wfaoae

South Side.

To-uu lTee<3- a,-

Top Bu.c:^y.
Road Wagon
Platform Wagon
Now is the time to bny.

Mike yonr choice early ami get the'bcfit bn;'^

and tbe fftyltf^hat Btiits yon while yon have a large.variety to select from.

your time we are prepared to Rho«* yon thirty different rtyle* of tt^ buggiet aod
road wagons, all of which we guarantee to be first-class in every respect.
We sell buggies that run One Thousand Miles with one oiling.




Telephone T9.


RrlatlA to Ae .poatiop of bilto aad
poatera. etc.
FrrdSitoA.rircnlaMrol tba H«u.
Gelatirr to Ae licaaatnp ef rafreab- g.. Bz.^.«<. was appniatod oSeial
lamberer ef tA dtp aad A waa i
eat tuada. etc.
and abootiu pallerias and prorldiap
lAi ao ahootinp pallerp ahall A al­
fat UaBB. Jaa. J. Balrar aad Daaeaa
lowed to operate oa
i'uk to raien alrccA
lice to ttrra w
blaliTe to bIoob IIbIU. defleiap
terrltorp m wbicb aalooea. map I
Bute NewB Itema.
Katcd. aad probiblUap
e localk
Manr ti<n> A of Doaplaa. apod la.sru
t aaleoBs la the Third ward.
drofraodwbUe AAlap A tA EalaAll Ar abore srarr adopted. At Acj matoo rirar doadap.
biepele ordii
Hills pramUd to IA Berrien c
ortr icmporarilp antil dia prp,
aaperrtoora cAwod lA eoat of IA acrAeoasidered fnrtAr. Tbo« am ernl cates of aaallpoz Athatcoaatp
arrcral ebaapea which Mp meet
Ato sprinp to A orer sa.TOO.
eppoaition. .
At MV PManat la alaklap a Wat
TA abore eondaded Ae n
well lor lA enp water aappip eaaael
roBline ud apcclal oulaaBS. Hapor
coal waa feaad at a
of tweatpHamlltoa. Jmbm Ae eaeeUap A>>ara
foor feat.

haadad Aaa W Ae meabBa of Ae lA aAoola or lewar thair blph' re
loUowlDp wblA Boa. Prmak
eat od Aa
bp Frank Farha, wlA rUln
far a few bIbbAA aA -eello oblipato bp Bobert Priac aad
on Ae & a WUle. wat pruaUp cajgpA.
for Aacatioa
MA KiaaeAUpBluwaaealtod apnffoedad ta Aa Trarerae'Cllp aebooU A to apeak a lew worda la
aadexprBBlapbtopleaMretBAe ftae
d Aaaddldio A a bripbt
raenrd made bp Ae elaea.
He roiead aad wlup Baanar.
WbUa dwalllM
Ae taeUapa of Ae elllBM wbaa A do- apoa Ac lapiet Aat coatB (ram
elarad Ant all woAd A paAn
Alap of aebool Uaa.- aA
bF AecoalnplatotA teak af work_ Ac picaaare af Ac da
BBof Aetwaup.^ peaap me. a
Ac'celcoacFlreatAB AlA alamni
wenaa. tralaad d\opt wiA Aa wo
X. aad tpohe ef At Icaooc
■ aad Aa clip aUlI to A Icaraad from Am wA Arc
Awbleb Aep A1<bp.
Be brtWrB ■tadtod loapn la Ae^preat aeboa
that largalp A oarezaalleat aeboH ezpcrieaoa. 8A iBBtlaaid Ae piru
apaWB WlA lie Aorowb Itaialap to of wit aA aauapa which
dMAepeaea.pniprAaaad-pDoJ eiU- will A bcoMbt iato Ac CBOriatlD
aaanblp tor wUeb TiamB Qtp to

Right from the oven as fresh as to-,
day's bread and just as wholesomp.
Daintilyserved in a dajnty package-—
the like of which you never saw
before. Dust proof, moisture prooC
odor proof. A luoch done
tempting st)de for just

Five Cents
. AikAeCraeat.

Onr •

lai^ Bbo«-room is otowded-to tU utmost capacity, and with a few miontes of

Traverse City. Mich.

Ortfersfor Job Printing left St the


tA additional Wz AU pear, bat
A pleaeiap Baabarwaa a rUtoTAIo bearp icenaae la Ae raW of tuatiOB
A Utoe Blaaebe Harnan wlA piaao- :>• Allerad would A danperoaa to oar
eeocapanlnwat bp HAAnaelW Bar- IntarBU wbra
JTA row OD Ae qaraUaa
BupL U T. OrawB pare aa lataraeiiDp ‘talk <B “Oar PaUic AhooU."
dwamapnalalpoa/Ue aaewerio Ae
Tu^ioJaroT of defferiop. Apmenl.
Uon ao often aAA. “WAl to Ae
npaoee to onr ^zpapen for Ae
Nsnr Heaomiaee lA -i-paar-eld tea '
mad Biaeblj^ wfA-an cocraur at a
of Kapaat Bolt of Katban. sras WamplCBl of fis per
dap A 'emi
wlA Ae AbA
Hto re- ImproTcaent of Bap atrect aa tar
Dodpe at Clip Attoraep and Ae ap AtodeaAbpaborat.
rae. Ae pale eoi
ward from Blmwood areaac aa
meat waa prompUp cenfirased bp
at Amerieaa ciUaeaa.
:iUzaaa. ne traiaInp to Bloop Area III
laea. dto^ine. caltore aad practical tralalap for ererp
tA boots of tAherw.
A-pllA TA blph ralBc Anaot A
AtGaatral Uha. aot eeaWet wHb
Arlapaaraadapitao. tA papnt ad
tArillapa aebool Are paw A far

boat tba Btonlap tfwal bCMa Meadap
Air lortap walAfnlnaB aad care.:
TVarerae Cilp tebaeto darinp Aa fifpcaiabcbaaapaat bar*, aad bto
plBiBie A tA preat ptowA ia namTtoafellowlBriaattolod tba saaB
bera. Ae more perfect eqaipBu
Pi tba laroca draws t» aarre at tba
Mat tamoftba Otoealt mn aoan
Mania, aad ]
■ iPlIipJaara lA idf.
baAel Trarerae dtp. A laid, will aoea
B. B. BarAt, niM paid. «aracaa fliwd wlA Ae roUa aad praaefaUp aapAlnp to deereaB Aa afitotomey of
A. Oaaa. Saaaat waad. 1


______ ________________ Modoclor. r
>d our local abralruaa aad oo* la JoUat.

.«ian.aad ai lan arair tacn
jofiujUfe.Hr. NUn' llrairOla.

oeeatioa. 4n additioa to tbe elabo.Irtnnlnpe of the prerioce rreeisp
eonnittae wat butp all the afi
I pettlap Uw tnieblnp to<jebfa
tbe ball. Frojo tba appar bona be^
piraa aad called oet bedrip
■Ub tbe datB 'U abd
Alter the larocatlaa bp Her. J. A.
oa a erinaoB backliraadp a
Plepad bp tbe HIbb Uaaebe.ManiBiD
aad Baaela Falpbeat.
Tbeaalawurp waa plrcp bp braea
AeaeonipUBMi to tbe eloB ofM
Eldrad, who cpokt el tbe rn*t alrati.
daiotp fetlooBtol pink bnnUnp anil
lapee to be paleed bp a tborospb eda•rcrpioeo were draped orer tbe amoatioo aad eaprcaaad tbe praUUdc of
UABB ta tbe naia doer aod Ae elOB
tbe papileol tbe eobool to tbe eitiiaa*
eoIoce.'POae pink aad bob piecn. were
tbroopb wboee Ubaralllp osr ecbotiU
*1*0 dtoplaped la tbe piano dimperp
are eotoeil equipped,
and Ae arranpenent of Ae '
prattp atorp aae Uloalratad the pacalop
boeea. Where leonoede and i
tballpblol kaoaladpa Iran oae to
were aerrad.dBrinp Ae orenlap.
aoo)^ mad plcdpad tbe cfforta of tbe
panA bowto were preUilp trim
OaB of ln> to do Uwlr abara toward
crepe pa^. Ae color aeheme belnp
balplop tbe world to prow io<
fuiAer earrtad oav le Ae iwdiaterea
plaeed near A
Bdward B. Obapnw. tbe ctoB bto- eupewera aanp lltUe
tarlMi. tiled that welpbtp aad reapoa- later In tbc«TeniBp. ice crcAS. pine­
alUa psaltko ia aa able aad enjopaUe apple leee aad akee
Uia a aoiMwhat aoww.
retreehnenu were A Aarpe of tbe
At fact that out ofttbe Uipe
LadiB UaVd of Uraae Auren.
. _
-'-f aatbeir
At Ae prellnlaarp bmiaaB neetinp
t aawtba
a.and bot t
of Aei-----------—
lipbt ta Uraad Traratae c aalp. Be ae lollt
ate of the
-t\ C. Gilbert.
diffaraot awBbara of tba c aa. pirlap
Vice preddent-Htoi Bstalle SAaella a tew worda a rtrld pici
etadtoa aod plaaaana. Bp tibt tlaw ‘ S^eretary-^lB Hlonie WalU
Treaearer—Un. Geerfc Nararre.
beeoaeladad bto blaWrp tbe aadi
A row of tlwBka wae cxteadA to
{eltUke old aad Sm Irtaade of
owe of tbe elaet.
MIb WiloidB. alwape a terortte
Trarerae Cltp rqealUu wat at bn beat
laaaolo. “Tbe d«
Wblw ae Boeonpaa

In Seasonable Merc^dise. -=

B-En«alll> BABt>T.Ar)oDpB
acn of ^totnud Co-e frrat non
“ «f»r»rUlr. ni,
In ibe Htolera'llotpllal at Har-j anaetekaCmp ta at Ufr uaul la

oebooi Ubcarp ami opoaod tA ««
pmpnlaal Frtdap mipbl bp aa aau
taiamut wbleb arttad tA faad or*
CAptoB Tbosnpaoa. apad II j
Maef CharlcaTABptea.a farm
Tr-------- TaaoDla do., wbila AAlap
A Cte rirar. aaar Vaamr.wu d;
d Sndap. TA bodp baa baaa i
Tbto Bahaa tA tlzA p
drowaad M Aa BBC Plata.
Tweat IA flareaal Atadv a
o( srbtob Aar* to raaerd at Aa A
dSaadap. Haarp wtad aad raA
lotoerapata Aa a

Bp- ta
ma srill aaaar a w
wada d deUara.
BMbad ia. Aa atus abeetM pattlp
LaadsiBililirabtoo* AaeporatIM tiaek taadarad aattaa far Aa Uaa

Funeral Suppli
324 Union Street.

aid dhDd. kttufpat Mato bar pa.

Mr. ^ Mio ArUto dark af Haw
Miiv •■Mibw V


a^ toaatotol tatorih. at
wUU bo bad lap bqa a TtotoM.
Yba lariat iliaWii raflwap la tto
wld, Itt toDaa win ba baOt tram
btodetoltoptaaa workwlU e<^

TarkaHA aa M^ ». wa dtaeai
twatoSaaaaUaf fftoatobarp. B. T..
Thandap. Hha waa foaad at Ua torn
lOfOUrlaaToaMtoaad waato
■tody of Mra. iaaaia imaaa who
took Ua baby to Uat ptoeadartop tha
ly parted tort weak.
Mi^ WUtea
laonopaaladbyhar ktoboad aad
od to Mta. Tnairtai tUt aha waaV
ad baoid far Ua iltUa pin te the aaatotr. The Otorfc b^ atttartad Ua
aaartry paoptoby htrappaataoa

Mli IWrtll g*> ^ fMVMMBt
«VMf»thlHMii«MrtMr •p M
fev M
*■ Om<m4.

(hatoarto llara thaa awaalp ptoaaa
■oraatoato b7 UirhtBlBC to Ua dtp.

■ pletaraa of Ue efaUd. aadUedUrUoae pirea hla by people wba eaw
. wtot the Voooart tom 1
IfeaadMn. WUna.

rimliM aMrir «o«U*
TIh Ka«r Dtoafttotoi haa raealaad a
IteaMML rallThaUef tka *—ikt
tdNrtftoto Baaai OatoWadar &
atUa Bfoekipa aaapjiaid u Ua affact
MMriW to tiM MVfv dMrtaL
tt wUl coat «a.OM aad nqaln
Uraatp dajPB'Utot tonpatr Ualajariaa airly dasllapUtapaaot UoHaaaita
■Moat wiU Ue plluar at jewela. aad
aad br Ua Bcaoklpa ta toaeblac
inUap from tb« rraarrtd kalarr aaU
atoto of Haa Tcafc Wbar off Ua
^ •MaUhewMlkaf M»«. 1W Batitoy aa Daaetattoa dap. .
a protaaioa al tbaaba at be aaldoai lav
tobaa. hU nUimc Bu)«atp baa aot a<plectad hlwarlf Qa baa piraa orden
aUabad toW aabacTT Ma to bar paid
paraaol. to ba bit ewa birUday pifL
bfpalaaato frail tor baaakfaat.
wbiU U ta col bio fU.teat bar batoM aad toll, bar (aat a
aBBimMiWMt. wUekdwr Um
000, will basada at wbita allk. triodan to tha tarel*tot toa eatttor a
wlUraralaeei lla rtbt of fold,
•a^tokkaMaaadtotoUalatl laatUahaadtoafewal.
Wbat brtopa op
Waada. iaaaartoaaa-a.
p^ot Uhoriptaal aasabada^ to
t tha bUk to to ba aabrektorad
■fkaataa grtol atrlto Mmaa tka
pabrta. dtoamda bad eaMnldaot praat
4 pop. wUoh waa foBoaad bp rblaa. Jadptap from tbaaa pbrtknlbn |
Maantolr.toaaptaratoa priia* «
Itoflia. Illi aaU Uat danap Abdbl Bbtold aaaaiadly
atod kp toa atftoi toif aeaalua lar t
Ibraa dapa cff toot vaeb ba aetoaoiad
Uaaaalaeuaf aaaripaow TO batUto

Atavtord Bvt BMli. Vito. Md W

-|- r aalth, aa aM aad waitkMvacdtlaaa o( BL Leab dreapad
tedattbatoWawUto nU^ h
toataalkakeaM of kte aoa. Oarttoa
tadUi.a»aU kao«atoa(BkaBko( toa*

tttj. Batodtoaa iBailiini br Ua
Mali to ha to Iba baat of haaltk.

AUtoaaa. a. Itoaa Back aa<
daarbtor, Hca. Harp J, Oopa. whlto
otoBdl^ aa Ua n. Wapaa raUread
toGHtop irora raa towm by a Ilptil aagtoaaadtoataallpkUtodrUa roa '

Vm-r*ITibblitinwiTbnrt Viatoraawdantolbapaataraaadwto ra>
la. B. a, batarday fraei Atoaka wltb a
toralag ap Ua D.U.B.A W.WaU to bto
laipa party af ■laara, arko ba*a baaa
bMtoarbadbawtoAnah by a t
BawwUimlato Ua air aad bit oaar Ue Bdwoatoa tralL TWej aaj
tearTypreraitoatHad rlrar and atoo
aa lake aad arraral hare diad.
wotoblao braapht aawa at a
party at lOor It baHap partabad aa

to Uatoaa. Sam.. Vadaaaday. the bride
batap Mra. Maip Jaaa Doaplaa. ice
ytaraoU.aad Ua preea, JaaMa Marpia.T0yaaio. Rar.TbaMaetUalau.

fba bOTtoa belto

•iOPbtoarto. Tbaiarsaatbaaptoad
to ba llaad with rad. T1
d|bta< Ua Itol^ aad
r lady, wbe
uaalwwtabtoabwlUUa aaw alp
b tow toat bahtod bar btoara aba ■« to
aptoaaelaala^. ttoayaaaffkdpwa

AdrtaattnxBUatoUad of Meatoarrat, OM
Ue Briitob Wut todtoa. rw
pert that M aarU^aakaa oeearrad ta a
pwtadot drabeanatlfay ITaU that
Uaaa ware foUawad by freqaaat toatotad aboaba,
Haoh daMpe waa dcM

MitoitoyOoaaroarTaaatoat tbeCtolipe awek yarda witaaaaad Iba atoaphtartoffofPT


WawOB. Tber-n aet aeir oert



^ Each dep^ent overcrowded with good bargains which we
hope may assist every purchaser-man. boy or child--to enjoy
the‘ Glorious Fourth.r
give a gxK>d idea of the work
• trtowra. TWO
ifftw COTS
wviw andflniahputonthefiaxnoaa
suite we have been selling eo many of at the very
modest price of $7.60 -perfect in every detail- strict*
ly all wool, and fully guaranteed. You will be agree­
ably surprised when you see them. From $3.00 to
$18.00 is the range of prices on Hen’s Suits. Our
stock never was newer or cleaner than now. Our
customers can testi^ from past bargains secured
from us that we allow no undesirable goods to ac­
cumulate on our tables. ' When we putepecial prices
on goods to close they are low enough so that we
and the goods soon part company.





Full sizes of tbese
goods on hand—Suite at
trom $3.76 to $8.00.
Splendid line Golf Hose
‘at lromZ6cto60c. Pants
$186. $2 26. $2 60 snd
$3 00.

lATS and

wha Ua tia wa dlawwwad tb^a

Bpea tha doer efaa
i had art aaSeiaai
a bare adopted a tonal aUoM
art trada. bU toaaaboat aah•aa a eartato anaaat, aM Ua total
wUl ba appaadad to mm

a ttrfto paaaaapar Maaaar B. O
t, trao HaaaeU to DalaU. ta aa
UaHaatoot1iiMa.aiabniadto m. aulpblly Mt of Uarrad wraekapa aa
aaoalar the total toan u Ua dlw
MlUlpaa lalaaA. ooa of Ua ApatlU
.•I Ua fair preaada oart Hati
Ktoap Tha hall at Ua beat aaraU
ildolffht itoWtap aipbl. aad
•d tort ffatort aaaailai bar aod aba
waabarort toUawaltoUaa. Thatia
btaka art ffaaday oaral^ i

From $1.60 up to $6.50
that are faultlessly mad^
some handsome pattsms
in stripe .worsteds that
are very cheap at $$.60
to $8.60. We buy pants
from exclusive pant manufactimrs who know how
to' make them right

and S2.00.

lOpicuM Euicj
lo Cl». .1..............................16c
PiKured Brilli.nU.., to do- .1............
1600 ,a. F.„r Itototo. to do- .1......................................40
^ ,toliV F^. U™ 160
to do- .1...............So
Foll,.rf.«l.F.r-l..toolo- U............................... .,...60
2000rl.D™.Otoobto.,tod-e.................................... 60
Oood.lo.^yllobl-d.alSh-Uto.-.' .

worid to Ua ^panaUy trail eOckUaU
«ba 8|latop data waa Iart ffatarday.
aod WM a oBeataa * iantollj aad baato. Bartalaitobara erooad Ua
WUaalii. Bmpaa aodrOaiaw aeto a r«Ml of aria anallar
•aapltobod a aapbarb baUoeo uaa
dtoiuHiaa, Bit ealy caatpaaloo ca
UMaadparaUatodcap. riawad by
pawlllba a
iMHl aaotooiii frao Ua altp aad aa
taaadlaffaaaotry. The Medwa Wood- wbtobba«aUaa.bttwM»B>t; at it tea
baaarritt bU baler* oa toap araiart
tha Oik^a Utooapb aaop<to« «aft


Some Bargains in Fine
Negligee Flannels.

-Oark’a Thfodd................................. ........ ...SapoolA far Sc

I ptoaa aa ■alaidap

Never before have we had so gooJ
an assortment in this department
Handsome line Golf Caps............25c. 60c
Light Crush and Fedorjt Hats -all
styles Crush Hats- ./; V...... 26c to $1.00
Latest novelties of aU kinds in this


We Will Vigorously Pursue
the Polic)T6P'a-Clean-Up.
wiUUetotaaaUaa Uatoaa eartato
day aba nut ararify handt Delta
Datally. 4t yaan af apa. a dcoaalic.
ipik. Uroaph baU tort aad oaa
tatop a haaoar. aad lay dowa
todio Sba arat takoa to Ue raaay
AltoohaapilaL 8bt waa vpartaUr to
oo praat pato aad rtllraaorar It blood

In very handsome
patterns—blue Bergee.
Ught Caesimeres. etc.—
eises from 30 to 86
breast measure—single
or double breastM coats.
We insist on a good fit
to every purchaser.

both Laundered and

• batoaa
• aad Ua

Wi Bosi unistli jiiHi n» n lisit in
Clittii{ OcfinaHt 111 tiDiHn on 13.S0
III sue Slils aili iq iS.OO ill $l.Sa
' Slits shniDsiaten.
badlM’ SoitB tnajacbets at a Diaooimt
of 06 Per Gent.' 7-^^

The BostoYi Store.

ttaUtap Uay bappiail b



, TmncOttr.lDek.



Bicycle and
Golf Suits,
Hose and Pants


dfHffMatof. dttopad
■ affatotopaaparty lato l(ead*p aftar'■aa. IhahaUatraak Ua wcrbatoip
a Ua ladaatrtol aabool far bopa, aad

^ toat* at Ua ttia. aad wa wl
bp Ua topUlaboa trow Ua a

Hamilton Clothing Cmnpanj


olWtWDbad wrtl i



ShalaaaprlphilyaU lady.
CO Ue atraato ef Oatoea
aha baa Btoda
Urbotot wlU bar daaphlar tor it
iffUa toatttal ba to taro.
At (Mb Eapida. to., a unada airaU
I to walb
boaaa apoaptod by Adalpb Jaarpaa
^UaaaUa dluiii
fra« ttatt
d« to taaaU boOy.hRwad li bouoo ap
nwaaipaip.atorip 1.M0 attoa. aa■ baaMtaatatorida a Wcpela bpitoDptolfoeatootly toeapad wfU ooly
■•t)totdala.U wbtoh au ha win
towp^talbratoaa. TbaatonaUaw
aaal Ua dtotoMO. Ha 4a «a old aol- dowa boTto aod eeoeped ap aarU to
natnl ptoaat aalt paaod co aorU
toto Mtoaaaeta The patt waa oaly a
iw ode wide.

----- Mtotoi^'ai^

yagoDs. Wagons.

Tb^r von araldtlar Ua appraa<
aa aaat baaad tralB aad did aai

a kUtod bad naatal
otoiloffiMf Waa ^aai
Ifea atobaladfc to Ua
lattodUl ba
top Oaatar, Mia. Wo. Ibootooa. 00
—Hu. HU Darawortb Ulaaa
yaa>aafaca.waaMrtwk by liphtatap
•ad bpafriffhtfal
bad klUad. aad It sllaa acirtbtoat of
BlaSerd. Oaorpa W. Blttar waa kUled
.woof kto toally lajartd. Ualr
batoff blawB away.

wttbapttoaaarte Ua boaaa'ot aer>
Mtotoa. WbaaMar Oalrap Ua prtowrvaMtoUaraaraf Ua liala. o*•toMthlp to fftoa ditok. aad droppad
•rtottlMwladev. a taat •btoh ba

Front Street,

o. _ >u~ •.’Jim -•

Mjaa>a.4iad baaa Mfkt. aaaaa


is found in

Little Folks’ Deparlment.





size, price and oplor before the ‘frush” comes.



Hamilton Clothing Co.
808 Front street,



You can,buy handsome Vestee or
Three-Piece Suits from $1.50 to $7.00—
Largest line ever shown in Traverse-Call
and bring your boy with yoa


Traearaa Otty. MIA.


ly torideat by tto aoeiabaity
ea oncy head. Tto Baatlay tooh
plm la Pcrvtwa hall, aad while It
TmImU Kanul
thoayht that thia woald to aaply
^ooiMite •MU kow4 o( ««ray to aoeoBBodau tto
- «M hMwMftrIk* rUcuti.
It wB arowdad all day Icay.
- H.t. W.
Than win B«Bb«afniB loar'dto
taeeiwtoaaaBate yraM old trteada
wboB tbw bad aot aul
WUtoaMbt^MalUhw r^teM yaara, aad acqaalataa
n-------- ^ It ku bus tBerUd Uut IMy aameto yto toller
■ wUl ta
with. Utbayatbtoiay wt
to Frat C T. Or*«a u dtoelorof tto ttoatardytmaraef-ttoaoUwbcaa toU
—ilipni—■ nu padtiM I* bmayht froa waau laadi fama of
' H tapMut eo» tod lBtoI«to tto lanriaat riahMia.aBd wboaa laboca
'«Mtetto<rf»bMlUO touton. U r#- bare aaalaUdiD tto danlapBmtt-of
^toM to to ieqaiiT niTtodtoc «*•
raatptodaetin ayrlealtand n•mtb «t tto rrpon ProlMMr Onw^ ploe;- aad whoa loeka had baea
totodtotootond tRto BBklDC
whlUBodbythalaptool tlM TbrifItytaraera aad
by thair yood wiraa aad i
told, towmr. ttoi to wi« BOTut
^ ^ thBottoyo
•adoBjoytottoplaaaarcoof tto awat'dbtoUnUp of tto tnlatoc totort- layaamoayoldaatUaia. .
Tiarme Qty na^red tto ploeeara
with that eerdkaUty^hlph nahaa tto
tto old fori yoouy. aad which *01 '
DfewtoC to Cin> t***aMiyaOlltortWMdroWBtoU Ctop
of tto hardahipc bonu la tto bmy
yma of yradtol yrowth to comfort
aad luaiy which la maelfealrd Id a
markod d(«raa la thli locality. Tto
yattoriay waa called W or^r by the
.iMteUtotolto Uto. Bewtoini
atair tod **«T •«"* *»
WM ftolk. Tto lake wu draoBd fer roc. who latrodaoad M^or
tto tody trhh* wh tot »eJ»«to for Tto mayor yneUd tto rUton
aad la wcada of oonUal wcIcobc aaaand thaa that Trama Citr
ylad to extaad bw bospItalHy y
•MTBlBttowatwVotobudbBpto- Bca aad wooee who bad aided l|
•todBloytodtoUto iMiktot Tbo raloplny both tto rcytoo aboot to. aad
fvyeootoMd of Oooofe Fot. Jtou* Trarerw City Itcelf. Be teferrod
la year.
F. Tamil. Oeo. B.
Mttor. Ooorn Soattord aad 4. B.
•rtfn4fto laq«lrtaf lato tto elrcaaf to ttoaa who had laid down the bar•MaoM tto )«I7 itodmd a rordto doaaofllfe aad pacaed U their reward.
that tto aafortoBaw BU ea
He told them that Tr.Trm
toatbbyatoldtotaldmralwby fall- beerflted by thia yatberiBy aad to be­
lactetottoalaaaurTtnr loto Oarp ll.^ tto ploaem woeld bcbcaedud
by their eoBlay. Tto thrift aad eaUto. .1
Wltori appaarto to to abeat» ytoia eryyof ttofarmenaadbaalacaamaii of
Mtoa UhtepodcMa wvt tosad a tto ameelatloB. yradaolly beooalay
•KUdMUof d«|tolttort4M.reoaltto old pioooera. aad thou jtolly cntlUed
•a Hawtoy frm tto SlaU Baah of Uh U that diatlaotioa, wb niorred U Ib
«lty.»wta Wla aad tew to utoU
toaaca. 4be tax laetopto for to. and
afold^tokato«toia. Tbm»t>cmtm'
e of thrift oo.tbe
aurdy aad laUUoetoal people,
«totod that to yrat to ooeitMle werk- lay hie roBarha Mayor Bamlltoo re­
ferred to tto laduUlB of Traroree
K to^lopodattto toqaut that to aty aad aapoMUr Me aew |
tod a alaur, Hia. Jacob Baaaa
aMdi faOory MW halldlay. which to
•w>d Barte aad word ••• atot t
dBBribed B a yrBt eenlay ladBtry
wUeh woBld be of nal beaett to tto
Tto todywaawot to Lolato
tototay whora M wai Bto by Mra.
4fur tbe addreat ol tbe laayor Old
-------- wto
•xptotod to toto MtBl^ WB doMod npoD B tb. oe»t
tto moalM to«ood Baitor tor bvtal. ptaBol Beet lay, aod tto followiay
Tto ycMuriona of tto dead nan oOeare were elecMBr
Wtoateoa^ttothtedly aad will to Preeldeat-B. K. Brlaktaae.
dMiud at tto Stau Bulk thia -ora
Oojtaty rtee prcBldcBta-Bearye
^ whara they wlU pca^My to elala- or. Loolaaaei B. B. Baybolda. U
T.T. Batae. Oraad Traeacae: Uooryc
OariUa. Salkaaki; J. J. HcLdB|»UD.
4atrlB: Major Ureea. CbarleroU.
It la MW aartalBlbat thia city will
eordiayaeermary-C. H. totea.
to the aaaBc of ooa of tto blcfaat
•t Jaly
d la aortbara Mlehlyao.
- TtotowaiaaaatlatotlaadlaybMi- On ptCBBat fBtara of ttoprecram
wa mm aad patrtotk bwUwa la the mea toe redtatlM. "4 el9 yoaay
titoatU taoM Friday aad Itwaa da- Baab Mb at tto eeeatry." by
fUad BBoalTtMlj to toro a aalabraliea •Mridl^afaad wot Un thaa
•Mtocaatoralaad. *to
tbMttoaaeaat wiU to
•MTOM UteraMto la a odabrailoa
aad tto aual rare oppoitaaltlB tor
ttoitiBlllTiyof old Usee aad tto asparteaerotttoold aaulera darlay tto
■eOey, C.8. CbTl(aad4.W. BIc
aarir yean when tbie loealUy w
"npMd laatalfbt that tlH had alman thaa a wtldaram. aad
•M^rtotocataerlbwl aad that
laUrdayaBttoeoaalry yradaaUyd

r Si

.ItomaUaywat paaldad ow by
«toa.T. Batoaaad Bart HoOsy aetad
Military. Tto aattar wm folly
« to doao ayala aad
• yMmltoaltoyttetthtayaar iboald
toMdate abUMt aaythlay yal aV
1|-|- ■ Itwaadacldad ti claat aa'
'^Mtlto winu Boaiimay of dre
Miwbiri. who ahaU tore eoaplaU

■ toirfioitto

■MM. with p
■Ittoaa to aarry eat tto oarieai total la
Tto toBowlay wan aboaaa aa tto asTtoa T. Balaa. Miraua: O. P.Ctow.B. W.Baatl^ JadyaC. Bobarla.
F. a OBbart.
Than wan tapnaaatatlTM ol tto

«iatt oraiy ^ort to aato tto oclabnMea a iiiiii aad to tara oat la a
body with a cattobU Boat. It waa
•laedaeddad to larito alt tto local lator, oryaalnUBaa to-<artlalpaU aad It
«•• atoUd that a ipeetal awaUay
•( IhiaaloMChoaldba eallad fer tto
parpeaa of arraaytay plaaa.

y amea JmC WMt of tto .
tto My factory of tto PetaU SB
Oa. wUlMM to the eambe oCaa
daMiy wbkb wfP proee cflaaBHaakli
eatM to thb city aad tto aarroo)
IBBlBbyHiB. Miaab Byda WDaoa. eaaawy. T%a taraeen an uki
of thb clty.wto wm lor Btoyaaio rntdaMaf iatoraat Is tto pro
red la Btokaary' week la Sooth
oa ad the balldiaCB.
Morrb of Boyaa QW at fJ» a. m. wai
followed br a Seat by Mia. Btdrad
end Mm. Joha FOwla.
rwaatoayh of Cbarlereiz ta
freeSetpoke of ala acBbcre
wbotoeo yaaaaa MaUftorllfa la
tto pa«l year.
4a aierebi. "BaMM of sH laada.'
' ' bya aaBbarot
UtUaytrbaadaftara pretty dMt I
Baeie FalyhiB aad ley laarwort'
a dcllyhtfBl Uulo.anreba, -'larlc
Oradiea,' wm yieaa by eceanl yirla.
Pmicraal yieatiayt waee reeelMd
from tto PrMbyteriaaaoelaty. the QnOaalral
I WUlMd W. C T. U, aad Mia.

ttohMriMtto be tod.
yaadeee tl
that the Mpaclty.e
doabled ewy eeally. Bad the eoBpaay
before aaottor ye
paaeca Uc eepaelty wUl be Uereaaed
4 my briybt aad able papa
8,000 baatoUa dey. i'eracn are elaltyieee by Mm Onmeabaayh. bee aab- lay tto factory oOcee erery day aad
jeet belay ‘-What baea we w do with already Ucre b as iadleattoe Uat
Forehra MbMooa^ aoebUM of Uert wUl bealarre larmn la tto
will aaafllary oBt Ur tyem
yieea abore will coBTlnce erery faraer
faUotbi .
Tto molnit eaBloB wm a holpfol that Ue factory eaa ferabb a market
oae to all prea^t &er. 4. F. Nayler for all Ue poutoet to eu rabe.
of CbarleroU yaee aa laapirlay ab- tto fact tbat there it alwaye to t
irket at home aboald eoeonraye farcioaaryaddlBa
4a cej tyable Icaura of tto ptoyma aera to lake advaataye of tto beaetu
wMBiiiiarUt by ttoMbaa Lola Bae- Ub factory will ylre tbea.
hee. Lola (blkUa. ^Koby Deao a^
Hr. Baoer aad Mr. Welyaad. of tto
coapasy, left for Chleayo Hoeday to
parekaM aopplleaaad toeoapleic
thlayiaad tto BWtiay
tin bore prtBbB u be oae of tto bat
U the hbtory of tbe.aaanialin.
________________.________ —k

KipotatoM of tbb year', c

factory n wheat eurcb oetll the pol
Hm C B. CarpoBter. Grped Baplde; toe. come Id. aad by Ue Uue faruc
Mm L. B. fbrpeaUr. Clarln; Mm b«ia baDliey tto teciory will
FlaabBEB. Clarlooi Mr«. MerriU, Clar- ready torso wlU a beary force.
B1 Beary-i MuetraU
The Hi Hcery biy ainelrei ayyrey.
tlon of Ml all clar perforaere, wboac
eeyayeoieou emwaee the Iradloy
eltia of Ue aaloB. will appear
SWlabery'e'Uraod Upem Boeac s
datanUy. Thb oryaolxallan b eelc
brated for iueaperballlUry baod of
to pleoMBDdiu biy doable orebeetm
of 10 ao'.obu: Iu tourtcoo aloyem
eiybl eoaediBD., twelre Tauderille
aad moat cxpeealre ooidi.
Tbb pbCBOBieaal mlmtrcl attrarUon
Hm B. B om of Morthpori. i
bu ererywbere been prtaounce'
asm MOB 10 years, dcau are ot
eboppieir Is uwo yceterday.
Iluaob Brae. A Aaletu ahipped l.SW •ale at Ue box office.
BOBodeofcaadyaorth Friday.
Oeoryt Pertebe aad wife of Borth.
Smith. PmpkTbrl; Mm Ruacbeaa.
MaaUtae; Mm'Loxtord..HaBbtoe;Mn
Dean. Elk Lake: Mm Sbermaa. Blk
Lake: Mm Liwell aowor*. Elk Lake:
Mm Anatrnoy. Harbor Spriayi: Mre
Bradley, tlarhor Hprlaya: Mm Morrb
Boyn aty: Hm Boaeh. Lato Oty.

U tto city w attaad tto Alemal
Willard Wambory baa yoae id Oraad
Bapidi for a two wata' *bll with
)lia. JaUae-4. Pmake of ,tbb eity
leti totarday aoralay tor a *blt at
4bb Arbor.
Hia BeMOalaaa of HbpIoIob ha.
bean ebltlwr Mra. O. B. Vaodareort of
duu alraot
Mia BeOc DUoa. who toe beoa *blUny Id Uwe for two wake, loft for
Wexford Friday.
J.‘V:r^lof WatWIaa. N. 1
tblUay hb eoe. B B Vaa Fieat. the
jewelar, of thb city.
Hm T. H. Spraat of Qmad Bapide
m apeadUy the weak with bar daeyl
ter. Hn C. H. BeBbk.
Dr. J. J. Cook aad family of Kahtaa.
tv wUI arriee tkb oeeeioy U
with tricada
Ba*. C. T. Sint weal to Oraad BapIto raBdayloattead ttoaaBoa!
eeaUea of lha Wmibb Dloeae.
HIM Oran Horyaa retoraad Bat
ilyht from Detroit, whore ehe hM^eae
atteodlay eehool tto pMt wiator.
Thedaaily of Beery ileheelder of
WebeUr •etreei. ao*ed to Cadlliac
Moaday. where Mr' Nehaotdar hM WafaU oretoatra. '
ader oftto beriay tatarMia.
dceoud to Tlaitiay aad
Hm H. HMtayu aad an Bea rw
lumed Tbeeday from Watertawa.
yaaeral aodal yoto tlma.
Tto foUowlay mw mibeia with Wb.. whore they hare
thair wim Wore added to the auBberablpUet today: BdAle Moorm, T- UU-. PbU C Baoar aad 8. We^mad of tte
Bora. J. M. Myen. Dadley H. Walt.
JallB BMlBba^, Beary ThNliar, Leri Monday to eoaplelc ttolr pi
4eKW. WUIard 4. - Halth. E. Btlua. aaehlaery for tbair aew toetory.
Jtoa aorrla. Wb. Map. W. 4. Braat.
The BCBber* ol ttorradaaUac elaae
OrraBBoM B. 4. Bobortaoa. F. L.
DaaU.&B. Bcbeaeld. W. w.
Fraak BaBiltoa. Mb. J. R. 4kara. G.
B. Dayrmw, B. J. Meryaa. B. He- «nak.
HaBaia, V. Meaaoa. W&'Dmer. Wa.
HbaHaab Yoaay. OBOofttoHlyb
Braekal. a F. StiUa.
down froa
tlaytea. Ueo. 4. 0>akar. Mra Urllalre to atteod Are e
«Bllb Hatch. J. 4. MoaUyaa, B
hhlB.Jea. Kilbride. C.
OUUa. Bdward MlUer.C i
Jobe Goartade, B L. RaaaoB, J. B
Blaaa. C Pybae. B. V. Boaybey. B. T.
Beatlaytoe. T. O. Shlleoa. J. L Uibbe.
4. P. Orv. CbarlB Oole. Loala 4iBelle.
Mra. PhaUM Maaroa. Mra. 4aya*la /

a laraU
tto pototoot they mb taba. BeaidM
tto beaett to the faraetb a
aaarlyorqaita loe aaployM
work wbbh wUI itoM a laryc aaoast
Ub city.Atoreeof Ua
1 will Twy each h^la
they will ba. Tto iM
an tout MadM as they eaa be
1tto Uabaa of tto k




bid:, am tbe aktia «T toranm


Ua.ccofined to bed. and wm on
ea veye cdSt. Vftto’ dace, ft
WM a
erne wfak^ -wadknl
Pink pais to Pale BmiRa.

me a ebaage to the heOxr fa bm.
We gave ber «ae pOl affer cnch
meal imtQ abe was astii^y wntt.
Sbe baa not bm aiA a day «ae*.
Wc think the cure afaMKuitMloua.
FlLANK Tdccxx. Un.^.TDCKRR.

Mr.& M». Fmnkfmte.befar
dnly twexu, atate that tbe toegoiag ia tne is every panicttlar.
Joitia ^ the Prma.



S-^ri!smr2i! VMm'Abm*. ■ctokB.MoiBt-

"i—f .f.'S

McNamara's S8,000 Stock
Bought At 50c on the Dollar

plaau fo

JUST nOWYm oOertlisf
sung other*, too:

Ol lilies'111 Sisses'Skits,
bills- Dnss SUrts, Jictets, Cipes, lit


3 Sroot (aloes
In ('hildrwn'a Hnc. Brrwntly plitn>d on aalb thme
linto of blank and tan ribbrd cotton Boar, •{»>• 6 to H,
lOe. ISic. 160.
that are the hot raloN at
thrtw priota wr frar offered.
We feel urw they're better
than yonll find anywbem
eW. Still better lim-a, I9c

On all Ibuntia and Hi'np
Oupeta. OliiDB ami Cucca
Mattinsa, <Ac.
I6.per oont dlsoouat OD
Bmaaeb and Vi-WMa. Ko
olher rtoT** will prr yt«
valoN to eijoal oorg in OarpeU.

Clllt'S S,D0l

bliss Shin Waists
50c ail 15c

Conn. 200 fills.
2 Spools for 5c

ud .hoaiuK al IW two
AMortments rery
laivr. Valuia reallr 75c fo
tlOa CompleL< linia of
«ai-U at sec to $1.60. See
onr •UN'k-before bnying.

In aU numben of Mack aod
. white, alsu in colon. A ivry
Kood tbrrai] at a lower prioe
than natuJ.

.Always look at the goods nnd prices we offer
before you spend any moocy for Dry Goods. Cloaks
or Clothing.

ithiMi on CMii, CBM IS aabi Km

of manufiiCeturers' cost

We Shine’Em

Since cdfumencinf: Ibis grcat^alf Price Sale the store
has Iiecn crowded darintr shopping hours with eager
buyers who appreciate geuoioe bargains.


, -Steinberg's ?eSrc.c»«.

From tho lowMt prleon on e<|ii4l qiuUtiM in town—
This disoount moons a big aoTing to jon—Teko ad▼antagooflt


You will ■
save money



Wf Ucll liiecn in the very
at vlea. al
t». $250.
Id UO. n ^ and »1 UO.

iiossii lid Vici Kids

These are Some Specimen Prices;


Tbe sect awatiny of Urato Tmrerar
DbulclUneya No. 17 will be held at
Hoorn Oraln oa Wedscaday and
Thatalay. Joae H-lt. la
llBowx. Seep.
DaUd May it,__________
REDUCED EATE8. 0. B 4 1.
To Natiooal Peaoe Jablloa. WaabidytOD. D C.
od|. “ ..
- -- •
- •sail. O.
KnIybU of at. Joha. acrelaad.
UnlM KxWVy C E Ceareallo
trolL Hleb.
ir Natiooal Coarea

Men’s solid work Shoes.................. ........ 9SC.1.13. 1.86
Men’s hue Dress Shoes ................... 98o, 1.18, l.SB. 1.60
Men s Ene Hand Welt Shoes. McNamara's pricis
4.00. 5..K) and 0.00. no» .............2 00, 2.60 and 8.00
Women’s sohd Work Shoes.............. 62c. 76c, 98c, 1 26
Women s Ene Kid Shoe.... .76c, 87o, 1 00. 1 26, 1.60
Women s Ene Vic. Kid. hand turned, lace and brnton. McNamara s prices 3.00, 3.50 and 4.00.
now.................................................. 1 50.1.76 aod 2.00
A Yen* large line of Boys'and Girls' Heavy and
Fine Shoes, from.......................................-48C tO 1 00
84 pairs Women's fine Turn and Welt Shoes, sites
3 aad 3}4; Eddy & Webster's Rochester sam­
ples. .3.t;0, 4.00 and 5.00 shoes for............................1.28
3dipairs Woman's Russia Calf and Goat, tan, tace
and button. 3W lor.................................................. -1.00

Id Ihdit and daik sbadia. Alao liare a new Une of ainn'a, hoy^
and youth'i. Bioydle Taa 6boa*.
Xon Ret them of

118 Proat Stiaet.^

The Old Baliabto 8bM Mrb



Beal Estate,
AConasr X^oanaarm

Don’t Delay,
EutComein .and Get Some ot tbe Bargains.

lehraUsB aVCbdUl



208 Front Street,

Traver&e City, Mich.


fa'Mrloetoo, Mich.. Jaae i. im.
J. H. BijiKx.i.xh. Db'l topi., Tmeree aty. Mlcb . Dxax Six-I wbh te
thaak yoB for tho check of t*c« la pay.
lay b belay bald thb week at tto meet of the aee'deatal datb at ay
UU bMb.^
bMba^ Wm
Wb Beary Crbead..^
FirBM.S eharcb. the
Cay rood Worde ttot I eaa ■ ay lor tto
thaaUteBlh aaaaa] oo
Ualled BtitM Meeoleol toeUly of
ttaybaw whl
ebaertotly yii
wHl be ebeerfatly
Mt yot latod tto toll OMOBt ro- tioe of the Oraad TraTerbe dlatrlet
It liberty w refer to
^Blrto. they had aaaayb. with what OelayatB are preeeat boa a dbtrkt
d’^J a* . eallafaetory
•tap bad la aanra tto aawaat ooeerlay all tto eoaatlB from Maala- *ety inly.
tee Mrtfa to Maekinaw City.
Haii CaecAiwa.
Tbo tret aaaaloB wm ob Taaaday
Hoary Obcedee took oat a pel
eeeiey. aad wae opeaod by ao addroM bywilhltoatoee coapasy tto 14tb
of waleoae ie behalf of tto leeal ehi
aadauUiaay by Bo*. J. 4. Bnadyr
WM lajared al U
Mra. B U Kellety. dbtriet prBidecit am at laterlcchea oa Hay Mtb
praMod e*w tto aoatUy. 4ftar dlsd^Ue loliowia;
eerlptotanadlayby Be*. Mr. Beach, the lantMt aad atroayMti that
of Lake aty. aad a eelo by Petrlo the world U anUeal aad B
Whltataa. tto addtea cd tto oraalay aaraam bariaeta. Tbb
waeylrraby Hta-C. B. fbrpMtar. of
Oraad Rapidt. eoalaraaea aam
oaa porta of tto work. 4 food deal of
iptoraM aad aatbaaiaM la tolayBae
M oryaalM^ of tto work, iu
MMtodatofnmpnaMit Udkaatlooi il yrowth la foroiya'laada. aad taUlay of
tto BiBloaarlaa aappcwlad by it
4 wall readarto iMUatloa by Bareld
Aek ayaab or writo to lae OeoeMl
Tltae. aMead tto oeaalay pfeyiaa.
Ycauedayacralac wb laryely dapaah tto y^ wwric atoay aad aa
*oUd w the....................
•Qiarawa tto atorta ofthcaaBaltoae fare mu iplM til n Jan MU to
Wm Uto oB pawia wnmU aadarJalytth.oa afooaatof N B 4. Aao• totoalB TtaoMB Oly thia wfUtoa


SSTeS? “v.


c Orderf for Job Printing left at the

Hoi. 6 tl. Mill Pus 50c.
t Meet WritiDt-Tib.
Value 10 ceuta

1 Btttle Buck bk, 4 u.
1 SieUFeikiiMer
Value 10 eeala.

Value 0 eeula

Al Slip M luv,
.Cal. Muinici

twill raeehre prompt attentfon

“West Michigan R'y."
8aad». Jbm II. Omad Bcpia
Lmtb TmvBiM Uly at 7«l a a
Leave tiraml Baplda at e:>0 p. a RbU
..jday. Jbm 19, Bh RayidB. Lcau
TmveiM aty at luOS a. ao. Rate 4Bb.
*'—ta pisk at Elk E»|dda.
to, . m- aUB

;________* ".lYagSkesm.

Swond Floor.
TruTm* Oltj, Kich.


( k boarfct. WR DROl YOCltoBMwtot lcptMtobyoaTCoaMUto0B8fat.kM»OT HOT TO ROT natC yiMa 8
i ; •araUdi-tW'BaU-Mr.iMtlt. W« taveytosaMUayaBt lU^ ■

pact wUI he daaad «M tUa Boaefc. * Patuna al8M« 81^ RaU; R

-irrojia I

SOluoSumDWm.................9K OiWtiargo DM to nmei;,,..........7i«


SCakooTorSoop.................... 9tc

oiT-y book; stoehj. *

Olgar Hakate DalteWar Tkaa Laowa.
AttteragalarnaaUBg at tte
te Taakaa Tolaataer.- wm ^
naan.Oaioa He. »M. Tonday.oCat of a nay aatartateiag laeteia
aad. tte r
iW ami vat ara«l ran *co no wan Bloated oa (telewo;
•Materr* B«bad TncAay. by Wr.
pf H. B BoUay. abwwt^ bk al^
Ml tea ntvnnd to ofoU Ite i
OteacatK^. who waa ebaptete of
ttetea^ Mltelgaa nlaatcan Uaop
pair porta of tte wortA
tagowiaa largo annbn of ite
r eat of tte ahkU ptoaayHheyeaadlte Bey's BaaA
r ■. IlMra te« ratente tnm
parad by Hr. B0H9 aoalaialag
■ri»ai ten a Odiila MlteaJe
WM plao appotatad to aa iBaapan aoabar at war badgn
IM. At Ite Uttar plaa te tet tte
ooavaal fora two An? ate tea
A late Orach bkiery
.10 Uc molatha
te Uk
opea tte verb of Mr. BoUay la o
for tte teat JalM teak- IlvlU
ry, tte war of Klt.UoHrU
MMlIatlaalateat tte war WlU Bpala. Ba Aeila la anaariag Ite.C A Soanoii aeribad bow all wan te bklory <
A Ural, KaaawAp.
daatkiar el Mr. Ml itn. C
aadaBblaaeahlbito! wbub te k to
teUairrsaalk by Ue solMApla at,, 4W ratardA, of pm- WblU atpadlay at tte Baapab A La? beet ehafge al tte laOrpaUaaal
OBtasn aad bow an Ubsrty was gate•U. Ttellaefa tte fateai ba Ak grkl bUI Hopday Borptay
enatka la Detroit oast aootb.
ad Uroogb tte teroka aad l««r of
na> brleoylBC to W. Taylor of Kispaotjotteanaav Ttepraal
Hr. Bollcy kairtady reedetag aaey ecoBlry aed boaa dkpiand by
ry, banoia frUrbteoed aod alanad to .acimoaeol rare ealoa to ba addcdlo
tte daeaad an aspante a <
Bcdcotrlbed tbr Tael
roB away- Wbaa Mr. TPtUr palled tba nblbll. YtatatUy he taodead a nlaatear at tte type of a bnn eolOhU a telate tte fteaal.
temtea*.J-j-JjjJMJi M«a tin llan oaa of ttes baeba, aad
to'bla Us liberty
tte benn tamad aad roa aeran Ite tte ikrd prlBled C. B taadp aver kaaad
roUroadtraekaaMol UakBOtreal. .j la the lUwalUD klaada Tha asblblt
Mt, Hotea, froa Jateea. a
Mr. aadHim-Tbykr wna tbrawB oat
paatod by hk wHa pad Mka riaaaU of tte wapA.belaet aorleaily Ujarod. is Detroit proBwea to be-nr
ad Telaebla.
AftsT Ue leelara Fr. Kelley ^
BnvteU. OoloMi Sallk wlU fin bla Mr. Taylor-wtartook aad atapead tte
cd to Ocerge Doyle Ue haodeone pieiha nptin oa
Mara TTaat lor Bad
taaaaeartteC.AW. H. Ballbgbooaa.
tareofOoapaayH. which wat voted
a of tlie to him ca tbr moat popular aval
Tba wogoo toagM waa asMbad aod
Uaalauat B. I. Kaapp. vbo
' ae of tba horaat waa eal allgbtly.
UaeoapasT. St Uc Usy FfOtlni of
addreea to be rleaa oral Tanday
bata aaployad la J. N. Hartltek'a Tte wapB waa haded wltb grola.
lag by W K. Spencer. D. D of Alaa, 8L Frsoek chsreb. Hr Uoyir acceptjawolry atara look a, pallioa Hoo
od Ue plCMre wtU a fcir wbctk a|^
StTooktar UCbtalng.
aader the aaeplcea of tte local C. R priate to Ue omalon
y aondar a watab-fopalnr with
M. BaaaaU,ltejawo>a. Jla Marof tte
tlaafc vill ttea tte podtloB raeatod Mat a o'clock doBlay eteolBg. Vicun- Mlebkraa C R Ualoa. aad oat of tte
•palo’a Oiaetaal Heed.
atew. wbe werba la Brlygk laBbar
by Mr: Maapp U bk tatterk i
aloqaeal aad aaracat Badoanr
Hr. R P. Olivia of Bar
Mp. aaar Gtowb. waa auoek by epcaaera la tba state. Tha eddren
• •• •
ligbUBUraad<|DlW latmly Ujsrad. will begleeB la the
c paiot te th
. Btiog Kicctrl
aa aiaodlai naar a tree wtateh ctaunh al 7 J'i p. a. Taeedey aad fol­
-Itten. Aaanca'e graalCBt Bloud aod
dioaUrmet tha IlybtBlDf.-,Mr. lowing It tbe CcamgeikMil C. E Ktm
Beaedy, all pate aooe left him.
' ■IV"— oa>ia o». ciwMai au. ap*.
a atraav Ba k tetldtaf arraral
r waa atniek ee tte left ankle.tte eoclcty will i«Ddrr\a laloratl
race] He nyt tbk graod aediclec It wbai
aloratl toceploraatkatalaartar
». V.«£a-»«tte aiu
ware lorn aad tba shoe atrtpped
aav morraa.vltb tntrj coaraalaBoa baa ogAe foot-Mr. Banw
oeloeo. ie tbe eborcb perlcre. H. H. poridra tte blood, loeee sp Ue uoabaaaaddad to tte
Ilry, whi lilobtt' ebarra of tte
poit vim.
i where hard work waa dope oter
1>a Blaadard OU Oo. baa rotaataril,
C E moteiim »i the louroa- vigor aad oi
alraaaad tha priea oa aapl, tenyU hly> for two boara baton te (oily rw
id orgma
01 _ ol the body!^^ If wnk
at Deiroii io Jaly. aerve aod
arbUbtbay racalra back fraa tb^ eotorad. BaaaaBad to >• all right and wbo bain_________________ __ tlrad or alllog you a Ml It. Every bov
tie guaraoud. only til ua
EaaaatebamU ao* U yaotorday aad ww at work
Ul«s from all over Ue worte tdf Uk
Johne0aaBd8.E Wait, druggkit.
tba, aoU for
ogblbit baa btedly eoBaeated to dlt.
Will Obaaga HU LucaUobplay Urm at Ue rrcvptloa for Ue
H. R Bollcy. who bai beta ceaD.
ad with tb^aty Babkslora dace It .
rt^oD wbo will be aosbla to attoad
kbad. aad wbwbaa baaa eegat
UeeoevcatlOB. The aseeam U eoaTba apodal traiD teOid«Ue eo I
la tte book aed aUtloeory bumle
aMcred oae of Uagraat atUacUooe of
Hn. Mari Daaryaad Mra. Xaadite day-wUUaaratte 0-AAl. oapot
iforaigbtoaaynn. yaatarday rej Baalay, of WDIlaaaboqf, an. rUlap To-aloahAm. Tha Wy Haoeabaa aala«dbk poal^ U tbt.aiy BocA' tbrcoaveoUoe aad Travecar City peo­
'■avBaaaavbnta. •
e. Hr. Holley bae aneptad a poai- ple are forlsute to get Uk glliapae of
the world wide Bedeavor.
latteitoraof tba Baeaab A Lay
enakBladpraalMte UtUa Bana
aaaUUCo. aad wIU bae« direct A cordial lavitalloB U extaaded by
^ aaa aailad U aarrtaca Ttaaday by
tbe local ooloo to evoiy; oaa, whaUar
ebarp el the wall ppar aad fraalag
,MMla B. B. iMalar at bMteou la
>benofUe aoelcty or not to atdeaartmeata aad alao mtteed to Ite aduad the aeetteg aad roeepUoe'. A
’crtkiog et Iha^mpaay. Later oa he
■perial tavlutloo kgina loUe C. E.
will altead to the book departaei
Iber rcapoaetbimiee. Hr. llol- eoeieika of Ue ragioo u-eoae aad
■ by Bar. J. A. Braady at tte
ateaalee Vaowledp of the de- hear Dr. Spencer.
B. A Pope. lote> agaak Tba PatoaOBrSarings Department
ate ‘la wbk'h_^e wUI boAaploybay -wUI kata 'Cbkago oo Taaa.
Mesdamee Kcssle, tiboffe
dayt at 1 p. n. aad ee Pridaj« at adwlllaakehlar 'eryealaableaiaU- filuytcr. Prat. Pybat. Kelley aod <tenttea b^taalv oo tte Ittb.
7p.n. fortte oonb. oatll Joae n. tiea In tte Ug elora. Hr. UoUe, will aeitaad Mia Moody weal to Ckdlllee
loamNorthportatltMa. oi.. aartrlar wbra tba Ctarlotdi wiU tate bar begU tte dalira of Ue aew poelUoa Tnredayto atuodagatberlag of Ue ec^rntu
atTrawyaa at, at WW a. at.
•’--------■— of Fomtera of Wnlani
Mr. BDd Hn. Fnd Dorn of Ikkeity
Mka Baby Paatadorf aad
A Tembte FaU
Maaoibothcfthkcityvan-aaltad hi an iweoind n.TMfroBi the MleUgaa Yeetaday Boreteg Beer)- Rliak of
SilB) DfMdft IdiB ti mutt 1*7 In CMI
Mtettapa Batailay araalac by Bat.
ikdi^Bet with a aerioat acetdrat
L H. Cook. Ue wall-koowr
Ujarin raealndby Mr. aad Hra. DoM at Kia Kaptdt. which may coat
tentay Joaaa at bk panoeaya.
ObW of Polka BnaU cina Baa) Jaaaary Uth teat, white ea iteir way bkllfa. Be wee at work epoe oac of
7 all k lade of frail aad otm-|
poUtathalUalibyBaraaet alnrad el tfPBBaaaloletbk'dty. Slaes bar tbe pain d the aew electric llgbllock. Please wait for bln
wotrvB. rrtti
lag aptam d the Bik Baplde tree
robWah at oaaa tte dty wlU do tte arrlnl ten Mn D^t baa baas
aaediobarted aad bn baaa agreat Compey. whea, be fril to tbe
■ trarh aad atetra tteaoatapia tba
groo^r a dktaoae d about M>-'feet
Obc d bk araa wm brokaa aod br
Brad LaidU tea aloaad hk baataaaa
ere loteraal teji
at Waitea aad baa ranotid to Tratoraa
aty. BavUlaataabaytayayaa
otraek by Ughtalac
ridad aad aeery effort 1
MUIar A Tooa«. prodaaa daalan al graaad wllb orn flntoea of bay. bksafftrlaga. Bat laet aigbt It wae
TbraaynnafDHr.OarTelllsataaolb- reported by lelcphoae that bk pbpitralattenacway. The Ion k daa decterad that be eoald
wllb baaiBBoa ta tte rpmWa
and it will never he pieor' jv
HataaL ____________ __
Bliak wee formerly a llpeoaa tor H
an old udace. hut tvhat I' .i
•nap at. All
AUnaatbanan f
surer means of uUiiinint; this
Mka Batppta Parry of Beatioa Barber b. Ckapball A Saaa d tali dty. aail
baabeapaaga«bdletlltte poaltkad oaly afawdapago wtat to KIk Bapend is to feed it on our iiburIda to work 00 tbe aew eplaa Ibera:
ate pranatad te pdaoipal of tte
ishinu stock of infafit foods,
a by Ite ooaaly aaheol talldlag, la tte pteoa of Hkt
we handle in all thite Blk Ktpidi to reader all ti
fwataCtbo W. C T. q. tetateta WUaay. mlgad. Mka Perry tea bad
leadinu kinds, and it can’t yet
ta*al Ite BateUt oBaa wtert
teapparppd' a>ektaBca oonlblr. lUlek hn aai
te tbk dty who will be chocked
Bartert A Uadoaol
ate Mte'Martha A Oran of thk dv AtODkPMfeeTaaaday tbarawaea
•art aBltad ta narria«a yntnday by tenrlleateetrkatora aad tbe rate fall
ehaiBctar at the Old Seulert- aa
■rraata. aaeonpaaM by a
yeelarday. Mr. Wbippk *IH b.
yaan aid If te 11m oaUl am March.
' >oa prneatappearaaerabe k Ilka
ly to CCS a good aaay acre birtbdap
Be Urn 1a Laelaasci^ Moety. aboct
laltesfiwBttee city, aod thi
balkloaaa. aayway.
I walk la and t
Tte ladtea of Dwv He. t qatotly apr
prkadMn Allot BalletLof Loeg Ute Mr. Whipple k thewldnt lltlnc retaad praaaatsd ter wUh a naafal aad rao la tbe whole ceentry of tbr leu
OanrM-Mandbaaparabaaad .
btMUfal gltt. forvblek ate wkbn
eirU war. Be ealkted la Ibi
MateWk iataaaat la tte aaaate
aatepd. tbSBOgh tte aolaaiat of t
Moraol Baatlld A MBlaroa Bnt Braot BBaaijj. bn beanfoU tbaaka Hn Iowa lataatry al the ootbmk ol
aad'eorred aadar tbew day eall.
Mnal Bte baalaan wUl teraaftn te Haltewtort tte t»tb for aabort eklt
laalaitil by O. Q. MUUr ate Mr. with frtede te Wkteafia aad wUl thn Ha Ibae ealkted te the 71b telanlry
omd tbroagb tbe whole war,
■te bn bnbaad te Fetey, Mtea.
■atardar tte llaa of ite Iteribara
B|w HeOey ablppai^ J. T. Baaaab<i
with tbe laaooted (leaeral.Wdb
tblapboaa Oo. to Bortbpert vaa aepi- teat Uttte Bara UCR.. raeecd X:«ait whoa that bnn oBear ael hk dntb.
ylotadatekvorfalwaaaly. whUb k
teea teat weak, whan ha wiU
Hr. WbippUb fathered gnad la.
• gnat oaatnlaantette nanhai
Ibnbothfoagbtte the war of 1817.
eopdiUoB bn for Ibraa waakb tbt
aftbat plaaA «te vUl faUy appra- glB..netef atdaehaoaasd fellow tte Wtee My. Whipple ealkted io iwi. be
ledbkapmad rapll
[leblgma Omit. L. C. A baa aot
Bfte A AldrMi. Mim. H. V. AUrtte. lade a break tkk year aai oaa beat
." And he waa,itet bkei ynra
Mrv B. Weadarly ate Mka UUa n raaord eareial aaeoada pdw, whiab dMaot deoat him aad bk upright
JabtMaaelUnad Baptda. arritad at k nry teat for Uk early te tte aprteg. baartegaad.actUily led tbe eelkUog
an to belkn be wat mat
iWa Plaea Moteay oa Ibalr vay to
eUMkdoantaktpanateoaod tteir tte aalebraud Balaa
nold. Btdoeeaoibpow
a Iteteg rrlalln, Uk life haabeea
.Bart Oaratt ate kite UuU Blyyt atr with a balloaa aad do trftee with aaaetin aod
^TAET HOW to buy
. .year a!.» here. Yon ran oave
vara aaltad la nardaya Thanday Mwete 1.000 Mot ebon tte ' oorth.
O all the vrorry and Anxiety that yon
yoc ofUintw experirm-e in
Loliarifoa F
normtay. Mr. Oarauk a ^anbar U aod who Bin carry with then a hap
HnntployoflteHareakUU Oo.. aUo
. and yon ere never in danger of "geltfng
K-ft” Many yeere ofAlioe
• nanbarelBaya'Bateatette brUa
day B. Fraaar, ferai
ofAhoe aelUng in TVaverae
Traverae Citj
Citv, aellinggoud
to aaka aa aaeaatioa bna <a tte who k BOW a
theni at the lowest pooeible prir
baa von for os
iioal degn-e of uob
_______ The
FMrth af Jaly.
dloiladSteiee lafantry
iblic run6denc-e.
ABovefcaeaUaal vatar baa baaa
plae klaode:
for gixsf footwear, aoii we never dteappuint then e tber in qnalLartyoarabrldp ralleptad te I
MraiAatJ. W. Markbankbdak yard.
Caleaoaa. P L. April tv. 1*09
ity or pm-e. This makea aho« baying a pleaaur
Bteartaalaa vail pot dowa by 0. B. load lawaaklp pradpltatteg Ite faal
Due PaTHKS. MornKaam Fauii-r—
BardaorABatk W foot daay. It
wno drtrteg enr Ite'brMp t we go. omapeet to go. telo tte Sf
B«n m borrak a day aad rkaa to a
W.iacoS Solid Oalt Sboca—
gltee thkaeraiagl will wrtu yoa
eUldthe kind ferevoryday wear
raa teat Hi lUe by drawalag baeaaa tew Iteea before I go I ban baaa te
9tan will ba aa lea araWB ledal at d tte aeddapt. MbIbcb aasd tte tewa- ttebaspllalaca>a:JseteaBc oat SuIte Laoa Traa aeboel boeae Friday ship tor danagn aad a Urn dap ap lay. Probably yoff kaow 1 aa a nip
date the loft bead. Ban aely a
''‘teaaiay l«r iha baaodt of a poor te raaeind tbieagh bk atUTBaya.
ktely. AaerdkliatHalteakaataad- bntAHataaSMOteaattlanaat dtte lager aad By Ibaab left, bat cae drr
a gaa aad on a (boni aad tte otter
adtetutoattate. TtelkUantiba tail.
ns ne tbelr arai.
BbadV lijaat right for a plaaaaat
leekop gaard aad Late k te
a. will ba cbeamd aa QOMreah
Soar BMre nf Ucaa Udia'^
op teat. We oaa bnr flrlag aay
Ftee Sam—aew etylea—
UadMnalabaraflte Betel Oal- Day. The patm will apeak ea adaea- ttar of day or night aad rnry day we
lace or beiVa—raaily gl.W
•Sm. Vvencalir
knbnbaoavtodPraCnnr Alterta,
tateaorpiag.aad a laa pn- aaa tte aagran te fraat of aa. They
teaharpkt.atePradanar Hartaayhb
• «MU te prasaalad tiy the obildna
>apad beyoad a aarrow atrip of
pMla ate naadolla ofteaatn U
yoaag paopte d the Saaday aeteel weed aboat a alU ahead. Onrnapk
t^lMroa'S ffteae that arm
tntala bk yaiak TaaidayB. Thara. tetteoeaalag. AU who dadra tbdr
dkapp^styosls wasrlag
ehllAfba bapttead wUl ptean
qsalny. aad wc teva Ua
•Sal vM
ivr ■ lev
tte paater te tte^fnlara taoi
prteae way doWB. Tea caa
eaHlynachttea. _
Blaolnbafara tte Ua. d toe na yea ouy ull tbaa that bte It not
Mn-ttedakaleeatb Oako atnat.
rarbape yoa hara baea bate
Bm baao ranoddlat bar naldaoaa
baaa lor a lady pam I aonr
lag ter PAKTOFFBLS»llb aaan taty aUraaUta laarotaBUeucoofOaaara.
wosld ban aaaa Tnterte Oty agalb.
AttteknIaM aepHiMdtte T. F.
ACB.d tte ftagT^alkaal al
nad 1 aoal yoa. aa ae droggkt lead it
io frevt ate a aaattar OM ao tte aaatb
ddte, both ad white add yraatly te tte
p It waa pat ap by a O. A R.
Bppiinaii ol Ite plaaa. d frate oaat
«B tte baUlnh Hone pear by.
tepalM hteban plaoad oa ih.
Papnkaatyaaaraabrra. I bo-----Main, ate tte bom k mw t
*nwk a«r gay pat a^ deab aaBt any


ClmilatloH 4his week 2.275


■abte OrniVs®

ADlttbe Vb*

Vs oar ■Drew &«Att>tv«rtmCT.V.
bO Sbg\ct 'Ortst &00&S
« u Sc . r«d .rill l»'aaibd 10 nU

&\ ZOc \\ve ^vti

'Dress &tx>as
36 aud 40 iariira wide, aome of Ibra all wool, aoae of then pUin,
auiiif fancy, aumc dark aod aoinc light oolora,'aold alt aeaaon fraa30 to fiOi- y.-r yard, will be markiMl u> sell Ibis cooilitK »~k

a.\ ’tusi aSc \\v6 lawiL
VO ^VnVss3Vrve'Dress Soods
D al .‘>0e ■ yard, to be aold for the coming week'


a,V\us\ AOc V\V6

^VTvoVber SUV. " m ' .
etill fjiicr and latter, that aold all p

a at 76c a yard, to beeloaed


\\ve laarAi

...Ir. IW ,,,..lii,-. 1(1

.Id,. m.lh, *1.00 ,.,ri. Io, Uri. ad,

mV\ be maiVtii 80c
Every Ollier di-pnrlttiriit ia MUt willi juat aa good largaina aa the above (kxne here for
yuur wanbi in dry gukla. W<‘Kunrautee evrrylbiug we aelL

T(Vofte\j '^siA Vi '^ou 'VDanV VV
Vswir 5nar&rvVse.

J. W. Milliken.

“Feed Yffiir Baby
Oat of a Silter Spoon

^mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtmmnmifi wift


w ad_-t;.’s X)3?-ixg Stoi?©.


Al a




[Mies' nil






Soxx-riUkiiiriRAMBLERS aah«bprwod teiete. tan ba-


^ 1

The ig«9 Price is WAO
beccuie ao rcart'npcrieocc bs* taagbi she Rawblbs baildais hew
to build better tecycte ter teas arawey. Tte nder gen ite
faeacbi -------(■
Coa amd t4t Kwimkrt AtM/or

(^UR BICYCLE DEPARTMENT it, the Wall Street of Trawem City:
w Always huslle-bustle. and the reason' is reliable ^oods at rock bottom
PRICES. , We are just reccivinf; a new conbignment of NEW WHEELS
called tfao ^‘WESTFIELD.’' Made by the H. A. Lozier Co. ^ name
itself jis a Kuaranlee. as they are the same people wbo make tbe CLEVS*
LANjD. 1and tbe price will be only $35.00.







A CtiEYELAHD, 1899 MODEL. ^ -

^ ^



^ T5W^40.Q0:

A Sterling Chainless only $76.00. (


TataUM«u«vWhDa Bn. <■ 0. BaM ud teUr
(hu ^aee Hat daaday.
TbB teaday ^eol ww larll
Mte Bteelaed BerthpertB rBItlay
•ad Mn. Ilocnof om BHwr rieadaat MOlermU.
' nanaroa.
Ovtreda Oaahe B la wry
H. B. TbmtPBaad B. r. A«Mi_.
Aaaa UidU B werfclar far Hto Jaa
OkwiM Amm B tfe* ia«ii»»» ^ ■ lodlh.
anrwbMl. TWt U tb* MMtk vbMi
Ufwse OewBet Tiamae UtyBlhc
fame!Oalla Beteoa.
to leva thii 1—wi.
Itan •( Ite tow ■ewbva td IB» ->Bm terdle of Old HBtoee apcat
toadiv e(U.CBnw wwe elek •' - Bteday with Bauaa Lardle.
tUtoWlved* B^HdUaUwei
' Mn B. W. WlUoa of Kalkatea.
hai hen rBItlay triaadi aad ralallrce
a P.Tb«iM weMto TlB*erwat7 hera,bai fOealoOld Mlaalea to rBlt
Mn Arthar Baraard ad Meh(a»k.
lad., aad Mule daaybtw Mernan

qeiU ftehlA
L. P. Bherldaa hai lte,fnmop I
hi* aew atora

Mn Acker. wUaef on of thapartaen of the «. A. Leaihar Oo.. arrlrad
y haabooyht
h^booyht the boon •
-It Beat to B. P. Bay-* ciore *sa w a
Ueyli opfora bwbarabop. Bd B


__ Cbwleroi* f^?EayItei^
l>eur MerriMB'i ttelth.
lay eiybt we had oeaaf the Boat
Mte Battie OiOrtw of Ureeerilla
larara wtSd aod rala lUnea. aceoapa
viatow Bni7 vwa Mpne win aprnd the aaBBcr vilh bar lath- Bled by terrible paalief thtudaraed
riTid, hllteioy fleebaa ofllyh^wl^, the
The leiraliii eMhe Au^rd
debtor ibeUUto tolht we anc
lev. iMi^ae before.
MtbwalvamanatVaba. Tbeie—
•a «Sto«r^ tor Ibalr verb which
vw^d<»e.aad (heaiaaU ehlbMn Kraderlek fiata'Bed
abe did their part mj welL
la B lb
We ted aiaeahevw Saadajalc^l
white atotee *r^y«€ vrow, ena dtnaaea.
Mn Hei

_ takw M le


ttM aad •rwearw' '

_ -Mra l>i«d Bdite
llte were
Mr. atel

frea their hanr eed *tn.
mired ‘earn
■ had
va hope eothlaf W7 eerloae.

Arthar Dehcoa, wife aad daarhter
•Hired Mar tut bes denej 01(7. N
J. Thv wUI Bate thii pleee the& fa

City Mooday.
eaaer iletelayedlad attht*
Tba O. B. A I. B B. Oa hare bellt a port Bateay.
aew platfara areaad ttedepotaad are Mr. ate Mn L. B- (Bapbell apeai
balldlBKaBav IByevirt toaoe aleay Baoday la Iowa.
tte^t of way la troet-of 9»a WelTMra. Aaiia Wriyht of Abb Arbor,
wbe arrlrad Moaday arealv tor a (aw
Abeet tweaty of tte SewHlt City dayt- itay la toia place. B tba yaaat of
people atleadad the Bendaywhool eoa Mr.aadMnCba* Ilnaaii.
raatloe at tba Bfwllay aehool bom
Uat Saiaiday. aad all rtpert bariaf a
WbUa A- 3. AlbrichU boren were la
apaotcwetal day*
the paatare oae nlyat laat week the atHteB,laWIl*oe
Itmepa laat weak with her iBlar,
beat boraa be had. a taa work heiee.
yet hkkad la the aaek, raplBriay a Mn U H. CampbaU.
Dr. Pk»d aod wife of BaUoa* Bay
rela. fc<« white be died the aexi day.
rBitte trleadc la tbB place Baaday aad
Mopdip ol teB weak.

Mw RevwMDhorrate Bmhml:
mat the hooM of Ue tetber-l»4a*
Mr. Utor. of tUe plaea.
Mra A. A. OrajretarMd tnm Obi
We art aU fUd to bear that Dr. PraMte AUie Arery aad Mte Atea BM UqhB tetter.
teeS teaed arary eaeemfi
■terahlr There I* to te a eobweb aaeW at the
K aocBiy../
B rBlUac Mr. aad Mn Will Sbaterof Maela>a apeat teeday with their brother*,
UMe Benld Bkkwd hai retataed riab aad Ten ate thte wire*, of
Dara Biepheatoa baa beta rary alek
Mr. aad Mn
Will Orar of Artele fw tba peat weak, bet B better at thla
In. Win
■ •• 'atA.A.'~

Hte Katie Bm rBlIte trleadc le - Bloa Foley expeeta to be lo hB eew
tterme Qw tetwday aad Ban
drey atora ^ the laat of thU math.
Darlay the tarrlMa wlad atora Boaday rrealay the atara tead waihlowa
dowa. tba tea baiay aboat Bibo.
Aaym Bele^, tea aorte te Olaa
Waaratoterta Methluy atenUa


^AteteHLBetartedla*«• hear K

— ‘
l(. Maynrd rBlUd IrBadc la Tn
toMQtr Baaday.
Mr. FMUaad toBilyhanmrad
A Jaalcr Uao» «rm wiaalml aeat



laAihB balv paaladla
Ayoodaaayear load.

waa ahownia rcyard
___ Batti* Flynrat paper aot batay
U T. U Wiita tte r
aae how maay were
... there, that part of tt* pniyinm waa
aboot two-third* of tbe hona race to amiute Beeltattei by AJiee Bank.
their feat, aa wlttoet doobt we aball
Mte Barpay rate a rary latoreaUv
tere ao L. T. L. (or tte chlldrea la the paper oa tte Budaj aehool work '
(Mr. Porrart yae* naaohort laib eo
tte Baaday aebool Icaaon ate tte
maaaarof taaebiv hy eharu. Hei
aakad tt* ehlldrea yho attote
Mn Will Beau B U Abb Art)
aebool aererel qaaatloaa. which i
Tba Balato baee bayoe work oo tbetf raadily atewered.
u—-----------------------ibaBaepriacipal fcatore of the amlay
aad Lotbaraa aoeirty.
Mn Elylo Boophtoa baa porebaaed
a bom ate let 3f Cworya Aoyell la the
wealaadof tolsrUlaya. She B-tellcIpatlny tone day to leaec the tars ate
lake life a litUe caaiar.
Beearal of oar pai^ are plaaelv *»
attead tba Maeaaboa ealahraUoe '
Cadillac tbe Plh.
Numterof day* I
Oar Jueealle ban ball player* f)
qoitc elated orcr their riatory orarti daily aliaadance. f'
Trar^ City aloe laat Balarday afu
Hte Bertha Bom B bom -tor
The Mabbath aebool eooreBlIoo
the Bparl.oy echool koaee waa well at
tcodad aad Bareporied amy loureotIvooa.
Ber. 0. tt Ball waa onde ^ha^y Int
tbe arriral o
the Bapi'
lUI bettor s

The third qaarterly awatlv of OBI.
Jo. 3. Laalaaaw eoonty iBoloa ate
Caatorrtllc) will be bald with the Good
Iowa laat week.
Harbor tebool. Baaday. Jaae ii.
Hte Tie*
O Krira aUeaded tte re
10:00 a. m. Opaniay aerTlen. led by
d baoquet yleeo by Traeern tte luperialeadeBl. Bdd. Bwnaaoa.
Hlyb acbooJ

ela** laat Tiioraday , 10:U Eeeiew laaaoa. ec^i tod by
Friday- ereoiny*.
Bat j: F Wbito.
Oor acbool de*M Friday with aa ea-' 11:30 Boaybylhelrerua 7.1c
tortoioiBeel In the biyb w-bool room le'
Beporta from tte eebotte.
tbcreeolv A yood year* work ha*: IfMu. Kaakel dlaaer.
leu done aad a oamber will reecire
p m. r
di|decaaa from both sth aad »tt yradea. . tte Cedar eckool
1:30 I'aper oa primary work by Hra
Deooratloa day wa* obaeretd here aa
oioal. aad H aaeoi* that nary year H H Keynnld* of Upono, rate by
there B wore leteml aedalaryerat
1:).-. Bow Bunday •ehool workerecaa
toadaaee Tbe addreaacc yieea
Prof. C. a. Aoderaoo aad Eei.J.Leib . •ccomplUb^te moat yood (or CbrBt.
thouyh abort, were yood. while tbe
Some caeae* for the desrem le
priocipal addrea*. by J W. {‘ateblB of
wte Baaday a
alleadaner at oar Baaday aeboola. Mte

^ .
team* tbat droee to the SrllieSilfmaq.
■ha atteBer Jallrt'or the Cbleayo Tbe Mae of
^ Tror wBdom. Emil taatoar.
waa folly three qaartera of a
-jllary DapwteeataaUad atUB port cemetery
mile loey.
today oa her way to Cbleayo.
Tbe 0. E. rntee of LaaUaaw ceaaty
>U1 boM a eoorealloe at Omaaa the ■■a aad a real pleaaare
.teof thB Booth. B<
ere fortnaato aoovb l
ood atuad if ponlbte.
lb* hall. .Wadoa-tauppot* the crowd
Joo. Kohl'* bona wac auweh by onulde that eonld aot yat lo aejoyed
liybtoloy Sooday olybi. ao parttcolar
oaewl U the almeat. The »oayt
daaaye baiv doae aaoept to rniaa
well choaen aad tboae rcadered
Itleo Beffer aad1 Fred
.* Coort Soatalu tt* Poola WelU, Mte Jteaan aad Mn J
tea hou*e by tone. One (ealarr
Baa* 1
tawlall of^reraa City arrlrad of the ealentlatoc >t that waa eaparialaday alybt aad ware the yaetta of
orefaeatr* motic led Jcatlce Lkvhlln. la Baprame Canrt.
perauaeat laHetehlBaoa of IhB place natU
loaroeof Booth Board- Buffalo, ha* orderediaa perma
yeaetloa, wiu
with a la. ate a fall ac
!day. wbaa they left (or their
eouriaiamect eloaed with yeaeuoa,
a abort play by ih* local talent of eoantiv of **1**, > teae Bynlaai Paal
B Uodan. the _
kioy*Ire. whiee aeamed to be
0 Friday of laat
Powdea" and b1*o i
The peat part of *11 waa
erol l^klyi
proceed* which will laaki
Oao. BaataBlaef Ulaad ww
Beetoetba aoirarm*.
tthaMoUl PorterUm weak.
here Next
Batardi ceenlvBopeo
:t Batorday
Hte White madaa trip to S
of tte Coart. aa liultoUaB ate
air a.
myhl. aad tte boy* will air
Bay Moteay.
Infrlaycaieat el -'Foot-Baae,'' the pow­
der to «b»ke law your abaca lorUrad.
Mn Caa Lealia B rary iU at thB
achiny fm.
r ao larytly terartBad
death of JoIioaA. Maol' aadaold
r the opaotry. Allan
Win WUcoo B la tewa for
yold Witt bmri diaem on May *3 was t>. Olmatte,
LrEoy, N. Y.. B the
a trrrtbSe ahock to hit taaaiy and oweerof ttetndrtnark
^Imaal Oanoo. Jr., arrlrad oa the (rieada. He aacmad a* wrtl at
—r---- Baehley tor a abort rBlt with oa that day aad at i: b'eloefc at
powder exteaairely
hB pareatc aad other reUtim U thB hB wile waa awakened 1
the coaetry. He will ante a tem­
plan when ha bad aotateoaiBoa
breathlay. ant be aaear rayalncd eoa- orpr
ple Pm to any oea who write* him for
The declalOB le thB cm aphold*
Jnllo* A. Haalyold wa* bore le tbe 11xieH. B. fcadayai
hB trte* mark aad reteem all mUi
toweablp of Leroy, Jrffenao eonatr. liable
Imodi- ' attempt to
who ImadaleaUr
N. Y . .Ste It. lB3e. BU boyhood aad prdBtbytte
mb. All
Baoday araatay,
eraalay, Jaoe
exlamiiie Poot-Em-teaarijr
wm jnwji _U
U tte
1-. rertBIV ia plaeiay
*^ tte market
* (parlotu *ad clmilar appearlay pro-rt eonli^ ta«M to be |^a
paratioa. labeled aad pat ap Is esrelHr.-ate Hn.*J»ek Utary of aattoa*
- boxetllk* Poot Haae. 8li
In 1««S be edme to lined Tneeree
ay were yaoaU la tewa Taeaday
II be bro*
ow Infrii
in^oy oa tte P-utipeat tt* remainder
The C. E. topic (or Sotekr eraalay.
Hay tub. B -A pwfect child.' Lake V.*.— .—.Urea. Oi
t;*0-U. Lndar, ElU CaapbeU.
J. A. Sebaar. of Sedalla. He., me
Owlay to tte preapaet* effa oarer) '^MrlMuiyold *na a aoldler la tte bU child from death by eroap by aai
eteetrteal itorB Baaday orealay ao cletl •*•* aad a member of the I. O. 0 Oae Hiaate Coayh' Core
It ea<
r. of Klayaler. tte Bcmtera of both
order* aalUoy lo the barlal aarelee.
rlBeiteri after the C. B Beetlay.
Tte reaolatloai of tte I. O. O. P
Tte aerrleet oa Daeoratioe Day ware
:or their departed brotter:
joyed by a lorye aaaber el people
Ibc proyraa reoderte to tba oftcraoeo
if hB (amUy
oreat credit to tboie^e had It
br deaths tberelore
Bnoleed. that we bow
ji*rL* cm.
to tte Dieiae beheat aad taader to Ue
etrirkea famfj
Tbe Boaa HtelOBary Soeialy will
dnnad for thirty day* and that a
Bel with Mn Boom aaxt Tharaday.
t^c reaolBticn be faraBtaad
W. A. Cook apaal laat ikeaday lo of
laally. aprete oe tte body,
TnraraeCityate aaet to the Sxaeu Taav
au> for pobllcai
ad at Dr. Pnllek-s UB weak.'"
A. B. 8ti.>ik><i,
P. Yoaay aad Mn Jobewn tera
A. A. Bttixe,




terofthB teartehy Bar. Ib.'dai'lth

SaadB belay loaded torthaABtria
IroB Ob. troa tte wart haah of the
take. .
•ad aria bcowpaelor tor theremalBi
Pew tatflte -hare eeaa tki
dwof theaoatoi
Obio« •■•ehoeaar*’ thB i
Oar palter pi
aalMtUadatetof tewa.
■wmaa wto e
Mn Pnu U aaUi« aeaa te'i
tem^B eot ea
Uaerya Baaeoor ha* a
anwpd ttereddom hep
eaatly frea JohB Clay.
Maajyld aad faadly hare


Meiald Office for lob Priitii;.






• dv
-----feprtaaatod. We ware ylad to aae
Taeaday ate ratorpad lo her bone la
Hia A. B. Oihha.'Mri. J. L. OIbha. Trtrartaaiy. She B wdl llkwl hen Mr. teOere with hU liule BlUary
ICv Blaacte ReUy aad Hte Hahd
Mte Oorah Wallar B axpaetad hone
OIbha van moac (haTrarww
*»rt/*te*«<Sty»otey. Her Bother
. rBilanlaMwaek.
0«ll* aamharef theHayteUpee---------- ------*---*-aereaWtetethe B^lt^acheol heaaalaet
throayhhera Thorteayea ter way to
tepirt. whan her aoa 11m wtew
fteak OIbha leteraed laetirtte <im baaaa real a aoltabla heoaa. :
wife lent capartad to lira '
KateahaalU.. vhm hahatheiarB. an bard leyM bare at
Th* W. CT.
C T. U. orin neat Witt I
■.Friday. Jan PtA
whaeate haaaeeepied apwltleaUa

ton TPB Bteia. WBO aao a«



'you a hiodsome 5-Pirc« Parlor Suit, Bpring edge. beAaUfnl
pattero Velour lor $18.76.


. ^


A good full spriog. spriog edge Couch. 6 feet 2 ioebes long,
for $4.76. We carry a full Hue of Upholstered Goods,
aod can give you

Bargains at any Time. 1

J. W. Slater, House Furnisher,

Treveree Oity, Mieh. ;

New Store, 180 Front Street

HE Extn
Wide Biesst
: Collar. Fine.
■mooUs finisl-pd

The bM( ever
offered, for

We bIbo can i indy yon with other gndM of HsrMte at $840, $8.00 sad $10j00.

■MilM lita.
There B a time for all ttlaya Tbe
im* to lake DeWIU-* UUle Early BBirt B when yoe are BaSariayfrem aao.UaattoB, biltoaaaate. alek htedaehB.
ottar atoteaeh <w Haar
What TOO waat B sal I
lief (rm alia* bat a care
DeWltt'* Witob Haxal Sal
ate they atoy eared. J


Eimyboay-a IBW* to Itttlay pllte
Eieb ate peer, old ate yeoae—tcirlkla
care; Daaa-*
aafe; teat tml


Jun§ 8,1899,
Thursday Morning,
Briyht aad mriy. we o
I A Reducing Stock Sale
of Dry Qoeda and Shoes.
ebandiae and onr a|mi3e United, we Bust make thie the banorr
mle id the seBeciE-tiie gimimt stntchiiiE <d people's dollen
eVM- maoided in tbe trade bistoiy of thie vhasity.

Read the Following Prices:
ifpl pBtterae in dooble fold Dt«m Goods, wewth

Q-oodL Feoi)!.® I

Did yon know we paid lOC for eggs all last week?
We did. when our competitors paid but 8 and 9.
We can’t quote a price for this week but we
will try aod keep in tho Lead. We waat your
eggs and also all the produce we can possibly dispOM of.
We- can't give yon 19 pounds Granulated Su­

A yard

Brown SbeedSK. per ^.............................. $•

Ladies' Shoes Now 49c a Pair.

gar for $1.00. bnt wiU-sell it as W as is consutent

J lod hy Ear. A. A.
EaelttUcs. HiaaieBtetor.


with fair dealing.
We sUll have that No. I Pine Peed at 87^0
per 100 ponnds.

Also Hay. Oats, MeaL Street Car

Peed and Bran.
Give as a trial and we will coBviacd yon that
Haale. BwcdBb orated
O. a. Jannmox. Prealdnt.
Han Gmm. Saerateiy.
gaaday School Ommttim.

T with tte old aoMtea. Aftar
I Mtt^teU. tottaafteaS
Btowwa held to tte teU. an of
ipa« Ob M. Pttt MBto. «(ah«r


•a* Uawae*. aM« iiewTlii *M •>



Thiaa win ranlra diploaa* from oor
- Sterma BayiB atvete la
toeol thB *priey. They an M lata
rtoa Qardaai. Lydia OoU ate Bn
raaa of Ttarana OUy eleiid « lalla. ThayrteBatloe aaerdacawlliltmiodeeheM hvetoMm- e bald oee week from Moteay eiybt
Merrl*' pew dothiey atora B well
ladar way. Mr. LaBar.
UBar. the droyyBU
drayyBU moat mrirel. bora la the aew fotwe.
Baaiiay School Con
Ihwe VH a party at t
. .
e( Mr. Bmm’a Batarday eraatoy.
P. B. Prattaad Ttei Shaae
Hr. aad Hn W. & nuutle aad wlaheato realate tba Macnbra* da- iWB Wedoaaday.
dillhUr rBited Mn K B. Hcpraoll
Chlldrae’* day aa>t Boa^. ____
to ^rana Oity rteaaUy.
p^ are teiw totea to sate 11 a aac^ ttte Etey aebool 1
Ohlldrea'a DarvUl ha oteerred hart
Cfaarin Bewy ate WillB WeerBto^aj*
ahoffer ware tried la iaatiar eoart ban
ea the tearyc of amoltate
Thera wa* a bieyela parada Deeor Tharaday
tettory opn t*f>rtoo of Pnak
Addreaa tt welemaa. A. P. Cray.
RraaBar. CharUa ate Baary ware MtePimn Mietoe Wlltobea.
Aaadate WmBwaaaettalle aaawhar timhera alteadid
aal eolon W. W. Bower took eoarleudate
tl aaap ahoB of than wHh hB qalUte.
Mn McDoaaU of Trtrma Oty B DBeaartte lad by Kre. Hr (temaa.
day. alee the araalaymtwt. Beth
■wlay tor Mn CloBoat thlc weak.
Boay. Bath. Blaacte had Bally Wal
> ynrrl trale wa* woriciv on
Beporta ate elecUoB of eSem
^^-^at the aooU aide of the lake <

Ban m wim omxvI




Will Ofay took f------ Ijr el*tba Pita
HteMortoa BrBitiv Mte TUte.
the alUlaar.
Taa Cimball. who bwaa praetiday
eadleiea at JaBalay* iU» ^ay. B de­
lay ahtey. aeaordiay to raporia. Wa

---------- Dr. Powlart* Extra •wharry aorer (alia to

MPoUarcehoelhamMvn. >MA
Ttemnt^— aattad teatearhV

then: is bnt oae store in tbe dty and that one tbe

Enterprise Grocery,
W. jfd'ROBINSOIC, Propr.


•If, at


Tin Net York Store,




■HrU^bnivtto lewMkl» «(
Ooioa. Sl tamii eoutr. for S9e.aea

TW Pkas Ketbodki eba^ at AlWea
■aaakrffnoeatodeMr. Baue a( tba


l■•ilol•iatbtlWtud cpmlMd bar
(aat ao uaij that abt baa loal all na■ ialk TlMcaaa baa bav tried
tirieeatfltacallli. bat the )Tt «>aatpaed.

Tbe aaroaat girk at
farmed a powutriaahi aad bam dai ia Vagan Tbeir
agmadse k

demasdi bardk

W. W. TarriC aad a aaeabar at 0>1troeapllaHalabaTebcarbtlbe plaat

The WUp crap balMla a« tbe

Parilaad aad tmi ortaaUa a aaa
paar- Tbaaewcooeani wUl beeapfp gerone drags, bet trp
alltad ter Ctn.OM. The praaaat lattary
«H11 be aalaixad aad a warabenac far It «M renlate tbe mcaau jwTferilr. aad


Hba neta Bauaeaa. at PalaaM.
•rtadtarBaiBerbBt dU aat teaeb
tbara aad baa feae^ aiiHiar hr a weak.
Tba fliifia Sra^leal vaad Is
MBteaaiPartBaraabaaVR dalacalaa
tbar aacbl to aaa aU tbair eSorU to SobertWUaea'ayaidat BarriaUa la
waipiai tba dlCarMaa aad MtabTWi bvolairoatMMbriekadar aad or■a BO^ aa paaribU tte atetaa qae de»aaraee»ai^lctaatartbaatbey —

b, isqb.

____________ .,-iyJtriileuiuedp. which
Ar«y a
puts tbe laeoeirM .orgaM u perfect
beaKh. e^dmfuaoif|Mik and otcrcampmrai to be beU at I'Maekrp
akrj jQi
tl and » promkee 10 be r*
taaded. Special ear-half r
giree bptbrbotela, aleo
oe all the rallroade. from the
latb to tbe nth. IkM. Joeeph Wheel­
er. lUH. DefileliL R. A. Algrr aad P.
bare promked to be proe- tbe • AIMU qeickl} ao

Mkbigaa wratbm bairaa thaw* the
..with the rtmatloa of wbm
Heap fr^lt t
trqee. whim had lined tbroaghtbe wlater are dpiag aow.
A Are wbkh originated corlp T
tp.uoraingintbebaraeof tbe Uke
snperior Im Companp et Har.|oea^.
deatroped tint atraetare.
aaolbrr bara were aleo bqi
will aggregair (K.aio.I. partkllp
ecieefwd bp laeataace A alroag
roar vio^
wu biowieg aad the fire at one time
ircaleaed a large arctka of the dtp.
>e famllp barelp ramped wltb tbeir

S. $. S.G0E8
Pranip'Jf Bntto fla snt
of m BM DMstt nf'''

•aaumnotbowobBunnie tar reu. nor what other tmol^t or maedie. bar, faikd.8.8.8.
r ■“■•tif ^mebra and «|era

i«“7uS‘‘!‘aSSl^'''‘ 'w'^id'^

- U- 8


Jared Howe wet badlp acalded at

___ ______________ ____ _______
/ lalarad while Mepellar I tbe cloibm^n feelarp of tbe Cotter
tba }olat BJaalaaat aadaaroiat la DetroHlaeledaTidarlarlbe pcaaeadletarurieg oompoap bp the borotptadlhra
r to raetara lac«aalc.
iag ofameddram. Oolp. a momenl
Tba Old CUboaa alU la Baaar Mam be had herd enmlnlag to tec U
raetad la itn aad eae at the flat
The Draytbf Oaaaleak, and bad jut
Farit. Jaaa l.—The eaat at Drayfaa beUt U aaeum MiAlraa. a belac ariuB and tenied bit boric wbea tbe
tan dawB that aa alaelrie ll^ht^laot esploakmoeenrad. A bole trae blown
'I ' arfUaewaaraIpba ratrted.
MMlbdajbplbeeaarttofC&aatbB aar oeeapr taa alia.
tbrongh tbe foonf
trtotaadfcrad a rerdlet deelariaf tor a
ottbaoplDloBibattbeodld w«tb- Jordan P. Ulbeoo.
A Baaaaa. Tba Meada of oratrebraaiT aad Hareb frore ooi tbe balldlag of the n
tba potato balrioa aat a bo« baa beae _____ ___________________________ i^annellM H waa hopad that the tara la rraai lo aridaaea lUeaeaeM
ad bp tbe board of anperrieor. Teert
aaaaad bp tba arratt at DaBa^de UalraofKf«.TenT who wDlad M- if; began anlt la the Unilad SiaUa
000 to the Beaton Barber librarp. are eoprt at liraod Baplde. allcglog
qaitMof DrarfattrUboaitba formal' k^laff to bnab tba will. aUeriac £at lalioo uf canmcloo tbe part <
abr waa loeaae beeaoae aba cot off her oOBBtp and claiming damagee altio.'
■emartr. tba amat at Oalaaal Da prattp whiu baaqa aad aror
<0. Ubatloraepe are Crane. Korrb
Fb» da Oam bp order at the ai<
Nierebe^f liraad Rapide.C. H. Kbj
■aCMr aaoM la be the tarolac aoiat A eiob called the'■■Boebelor HaMa" and llowe^g Cbrr for (kea
ia tba fewaaaai'i atUlade ia the baabeea orffaalied bp a
Ad CToet of importaaer to Cadillar
Drartaa aCalr. Balia JWdbeKpeeted laolapooarladlea. Wbab
to ratara toalfbt or temarTow. Eaile dire aba ia to ret a boaqaalMd wbea a and northern HiehlgaD ii the work
ia ptegreee oo the Ceamrr A i)igTaaqaaUaaad Hma. r^aeUetUrted ■ember marTTiee aba moat ffire a baaglae'legglDg mllroad wblcb will lap
<gr leadM Mdaj to aeaoapaa:
pletalp riadkatad bp the areau c
It wae aq Jaa. It. MM. that Kota
00000" MtB. la whteb
ha aeeaaad Do Patjr do Claa aad athaa
fnad. Bateh latter a

Uar Bara Saif 0<
, Jaaa 1.—It la aUled
■pea raUabla aotborilp that Pnaidaat
MaKUMSaaaaUartartha maaw at
(MlararartbalalaadetOobata tba
■atboB. The Ualted MaUt bcddt tba
Itlaad la Iraat poratp aa a military
pH.......Ill Iteaaba taroad imt to'

MMp oM a»arod aaeeaaa
lerthadiacoltp faetweao Ooma aad
the dliwilefied eOetn tba lalaad It
pwhatlp qaM aad atapa are beiag
tobMtotrBMaprariBlMal apw
AeeaaUtottewl aqnrMlM wiU be
the fifat bodp to Boat aad itwOl hare
fdU pawB te dietaw tba tom of for—■fV wltblB. aartalB Uaw laid
dawd bp the Uoltad BiatM
It k dholp, hawerar. that the eaaatlbUhONlaesrentiao wlUbaaoUad
taSaeida tba qaeaUen at >3ielUe oa-


At ftiot Eop, the It'pear-old eon of
FradKlIlawaadrewBed Pridap Bight
Uniatrirer. Tba bodp baa net been
foood. Bawaa batblog In the awlfi
carreot with aereral aaoM>aaloaa aad
tank before tbeirrpaa.

of dogs, there are but three sheep left.
bdMaratMHlolba t
Lpst^radsp night thedogs killed or
Injured sixty of tbe shrap and nine
eaattatbe ladoatrial eehool for lambs, and the next night tbep came
•eeaUtbaaUierw**. TteUtterkleind again and finiriied np. leariug
girk at Adrian. 8be worked her aehame
Mtk tMeaa thlarwM new daMr. il«k
aa aaorlp hot three sheep Bolejurod.
erarp lirerpamn ie
nad.-bk aelgbl^m hsTe armed Uieo.Peraararal amtba there bM beae telna wltb staotgam and are aeonrirg
_ connlrp wlU
■neb p«tj ataaling going oo et Oara.
avowed letentioe of redneiag tbe deg
betooeloato Ue perpetratara
Kluie Baoaler of
lS.wbabeeamealator ordering ear-

to the vankhed point.
be foeed aetll la« wtek- when
two bepe aboot I:
. wu a “ead but gloriOBi
peaia cd age ware reepoeelble for It all. dap" la OslomeL Tbe domesl'ica ol
thriving mioieg camp of 40.000
have tDFBrSffaa'alrlightaBd ooppe
eled anion aad hare preferred ai
demand for |sn per cent In Trail
I'kaatta of Takoeaba aeoMtaip
lea. A few employer. »ubB
loatagatd'watdi. which wae etolao
from hk ?«t while ha waa worklag la
are doing tbeir own worl
emetarp. Ba bong hii reat oa a
their buhand. are franlleaUp
ikse aad wbea be retoroed tbe
It ia Ofipartaia whalbar Ua bnantof erateb waa gene. Bek at a lam to ebuieg aronnd for domratic help
DaPMp de Oas waa lo
wbatbartbe watch wae takeb which cannot be bad except at
with a dMad bp kttar tar I
Ban la fieah ahd Mood or a dhla HM^te oUarad dd
among the doraraUm of H
em bodied aplrib
hk-SKhr, arhaaan» I
Uaneock k ■
At Ann Arbor Or. Kffaercda. aaakled
next week.
bP Dm. Darliag ami d^Ulep. bat perb hta ter hk aaaeUaa-

DaPMpdaCUaaaarehadtha hoMe
a( DaoptM oflar the latlarh arrBt
. triad to Utlmtdata Mma. Orapfaa.

WbUt attampung to tern on tba ricetrie light la the baaemeei of tmrloa D.
dbeldaa'e hoaaa at Weet Boogbtae.
girl, reealrolaaboeb which saoeed ioelnni

death. It waa not eatqoaed that the
tatriroBof blarteop aad tba
ffoUtha leaf baaa ataarted abd.bk
paakhaoal damaadad bp tba DreptBkaa. arbe regard hla at largalp taMdiiklda far the aoadanatiae of

■iffht la Oelobar. im. whao alaaed
■adv orraal bp Dn Palp da Cam'a crdaMoadtkkmaraiMUwae rapnrtad
IhM be hod attempted eoSetdaUhk


A aombtr al the cffieem at

OabdelaFaU ao the Beelarard dao
<Wai1aB Aa tbep aaterad tbtp ware
aafldlphaalakaadaad IM pelim arwe
oMIged to rieae tba piaee.

employed by Coagrmem.n Sbeldu
The mystarlOBt dkappearaaee of
CllBlaaOaefieldfromhkIiaWM fa

motfTY HARD trotac.
Sxmie mm Rive
Ao <Io tbeir «ork
uiukr all rani, of
unuMud and lul.
• riretim. thriereiiK
p u trying upon tlH-ir
ilth xml riipdcsl .rcuvU.
* "I if they wTfv entliiTs
g uni
mil night in a h
mign. -When ll'
Uoos nndrr which a mse
works nrr e>notBMl
and imbralthy be
Dvr^U lo tske.


wilh.tnmr t'
extra strain.

parimeak and li

ValaaU. book. maJeJ free by ba.ft SpeedicCoospaBy.

Traverse City Wagon WorKs!
A. J. PETEKTYL, Proprietor.
Manofai-tiire llui.i.'ii'fc. Wau"'.... ......... ...,
and S|..ii;l>ii
nf all kinds.
iU-pair >\ i>rk. K.-pBiutioL’,' Varuubiiur auil
uil I'pliulstcriDij promptl}


Also «r-n.Tal lllar^suiitliinL’and F..Tvtn&
Horaeslni.-iiii: a 8p.tinll.v.
•liillj ' Abiwtt baa cbsn.f of Ibia
i.b i.

For Infants ud CUUres.



d. litered.







CoBSBlla^and .EiamiDatiaa Free ail Strieil( Coifideitiai. J,-."-—.



DRS. 13. Si Sc CO.

Washing Powder

l>v Cruraalvd NpvcIsli.iB.'l onnMt of New tort.and see ofiae

Americas Vedical and Sargicil Institote of Isskegoi. lidi ESJTiiiSs.sSSiss*!?
, N«
w u


i» r.%1 uu. w wbu.

4W.UW 4BM Smm.

Sottol. *W3a.±tlTi g, 1“x*a*^er'se Oi<;y,









June 8, 1899.


Office Bears from S a. m. ta 8 p. m

Furnish up a house, home or hotel
on long time payments.


5 m«Ai-£iTrSs a-2S

wii.^ *T2-*-*T*^' B*'**ciiu*^'



-Hi 1.1WITT lir 1
Url. Price ts Si..7*.
P.jStCO. liiiicilh itmI r.-li .ill —


KOPIES oomniM co.,


Rxr»>.ini*n X.tUm.1 H.rb nr >nr n«|wr ii.riii,.,,



_ »'.»«.l:ryra».»rS-..twKiil...w.,«lu.VtTtl»T.rf^^..’l.klwwt»..rnrs.<-lS*rttSI.




»« Brat OBiarimfiJaad SriastiScTraatmaBt^AlIDkcraraaadWmkara
iffBaakiod PoraibklaObtala.
vw aw wiSvIr US fsToTwMr
.1111 u. i|.l'.-r..l ...


1..1.1M.17 <vr rj^ rwrj.i.w, .nSrr

•»»e'Lsi.QiNfl Una.

7»r^nm.oc»r^tDwirDmRA.;TO -YOUNO AND MIDDLE
M^ra~siu. ivwauwu UC urmuraur ,


DlfiOWBBS 11.14 ruM17 i.
. A M BgCI Bk Iw .U wsuw ■■■Siimm
CU.4 wlUral ul. w 4.

aa OTTMAB .il.i.w. IBM wb_ ^

■gi-S'.r.J---:] KAM«lgX>

kn. vrU

«t AKAlrm T

apprtiSr to stiMkm. Uw “IKwovery"

a'Jtiiu ooaagrsiB 8TOXABL


JAA IS. m.Tu«.o.imip.a



UT.U VMM l.rwn
Bum. si auukvV. ww. itirrai.u. u

... JCIALTIE.: c.iurw:‘asis [




The place, tli.^aew brick fartory at cor. Union and Slate gtroefa


emypamdkrlblat abeat thk day k
MkUklaaaAda^laMaaAaM la

1 I7 friend, eln lied .1
trj Swifr, 8|-ell:iwwni.d
ennd to ki
. IrilluiCiHlt.



W in not tell yoo how hard the washinc is every
>^k. if t'on jret her me of our Western Wash­
ing Maobines. with this machme she un do tbe
washing easy and quick and will not dread wishing
blankets, spreads, or anything heavy. TbU is the
best and chca^Hist washer yon can bny. Come in and
examine this washing machine. If yon don’t wish
one yon might recommend it to yonr friends who
would want onc.^

a Oanfiald k abeat five feet
See iaehu la baighth aad sralgbs asarIplMpoanda Bk coasplaske k light
aad hair kbrawB aad laeUaed to earl.
Wbaa lam aeea be were everyday
' J. Z. Skatey'ol Bartatlmbaa a paenliar bad al riay cm bu property aear
bhUvOlaga. Ttoelay aaems to peaafartalsrbkhk altbar eombas
v aiakk greatly In creating hut
aadpradaelaggaa. Thebedkas
deep aad en tends V
■y tares, yd

II rhfcirtane
ri'i.lcS^ In-iie
iBie emned lo add fuel
Mdertul”*' *
flpm the
totbeeaaee ofUu..-....,^
UAUra cured me oumpieielj


bpdraien io^sll
Ibrlrlmmenee tract of hardwood Hjoie Antiocfb. Hood, Colfax and Sri■n towneblpa. . Tbe eitr conecil bu
Witt'. LItUe Early Riigrs act urn
giaeted right of wap tbroogb tbe ritp fau.lieu pill sbuold. aad rellmlta. and cautroctlon of the road ririDg llietrslem lutead of weaken
log It
Tbep ur mild ami sure, .mall
bu bMCD. TbU meau thal all
timber in tbie tract will be brought
that dtp lor maoufactora.

Llcbtelor killed alrteaa a^ aad
tree lamba belaaglag to WIirBaUtead
Bra Baenab Whitehead of Beni
of HoUp. The aalmaU am peddled Barber, aged •». uid lo farr feiallp
oaderatrealoa field acBW dtotanca Ppidap momlnif; “TbU !• mp blrlhda#
m the booae aed not a atark wee on and todap 1 leare poa.','
la a ehort
M tree enaept eeorebod laarm.
ebewaedead. The decraetd war
At Pilot CbarUa PraU walked in bit the wife of Deputp Oame Warden C.
Whitehead, wbo baa.beld proinlaleepthtaagb u eleratar hola bcnr
bii raoa on the eeeeod Boar of Siim cent oflirm oe theetale board of ebariUre Wbilebead (cat a »oo on herbinbdap lc> pram ego.* She had been
anlnralidforlt peam. bet wae not
of the faalo. Ba will proboblp die.
coDiidar^ dengenraelp ill eeUl a few :
The bodp of Marp Boilbo. aged t«
bourn before ber dutta.
waa (ooBd ficatlof la a paad.
TbereetT3t.--(). A R poeu in MIebigan aad repuru to Col. C. V. R. I'bad.
auUtaet adi^etant-grneral of the li.
R. department, abow that on Hem.orial !>ep the aambrr of cemradu in
of merch. with lin poete. wai t.enmber of ccmeterici rkited. snt:
wlU beheldmebdap
ca^bla of aeatlof peepU. aad number ofeoldiere' gmrm drccraied,
eemprlae apeecb- S.3C*; numbriofpnbticiichooUreprc■eklof. apeclal ■eale aad a
idenle eooled.ffTinemM of eehool chlldna
partidpeling, Ir.SOU; pnmber of eir.c
Bart Heof. aged IS. wee drewned
timatcdnamberoLgiti/em other then
ahabt S a-elaek Pridap af teroaoe while
thoae aborc mentioned w panlripsbatbfaf ia Hoebegoo rlrer la Big Raptlng^ lo.n.-Ai.
A bop eoaeasioe. Braat Jobemada a galkot effort to eerc fain
A week ago Jacob Heck, a farmer
at tba riab at ,We own Ufa Tbe bodp
ear Hillsdale, had a fine dock of eigbbat not bead fashd.

tiUgbofOwamo. Mearip two-Ulrd*af
ppmjew. wbiefa aaa affected bp
». wet cet awaj. At eoea at tbia
np ia arilfieial jaw.

itmlLakekooJoping a bnilding
UUepear. VTne Tarera," e dee.
You get opia the morning
ul taete In the aooib. aad nbrad- np to date hotel, bu Jut been <nmAc. Know what e the matim
I aleled. Hci’ball A E.cbardeon . are
Utccu: Take DeWiit'e Little Earlj
Itep regolate the lircrand erecting a fine brick baak boilding.
aad three otbra -bnck blocks and a
promptp Berer gripn J. O. Jehneoa. brick chuheb are in coume of oonetrnetion. 8cmal ouer balldingt will be
during tbe eumawr.
place bu the fiarai .pnng water of
i tap place in the world, piped to the
tieo oa tnr oreae
or long trooblra •
.bonten andibepeopJe are aow nfur
win call at Jt* uS.
I electric iigtau.
dtp. or R K Folrp.
Folrp Crdar. w_. ______
a eample bottle of Koecbee'e Oennan
Liver Complaints and
per^o. j
i oraer . a lerjiid luet .le.r. pnidurw
r. Y-*u .rr .!I,rl,^j
ho throat or long remedp erer bad Ie
raebaulrba Hrwrbre'a Herman Spnip j w
in all parts of the ciriliced wori/l e
Twenty pram ago million,
of bottle., ;ai
. . ___________
were giren awsv. and your
voui druggUU
• . ; ..
U»»» «e.
tell poo iu kOCCCM
Wu marrelouk. I •» trsCiir
.............^--------------ceeu wu
It U really the only Throat I and Long
Remedy generallp eodoiaed by^bpsi'
-lur will cure or

■L L11 CL Hnui W HI, MSBB, BB


Is here

oit)bn>.AAWM miafteWiia I,

Mabes the food «of« Mckws Md to

It pea kaaa -Uaa aaeafk to naka
MMd Mr irnr «P
Mfr IkiMMauc whIU aaaea, oat -aa tka Ml la |daa
loraarriBc; toaatatripa ol braad.ka
tor tban. aUa trlto <ka awav aad pa
tha toaoa ovar all; or U roa wbh
laka a men alakorato dU of It. a<
oaa ot Baakroana with tka tMW
ad 70a bare a moat nlatalda dblT >
Aar told aerapa o< naat ma; '
-j I»n
Bead la tkb waj. abe.
A nrj alee wap to prapara bll
O n«M*I tbMWfc tkM liri at«« atoak, or raaat naai or eklekaa.
abopthas abalpaadpat totoaeuw
paawitbaimia nUk.orwator thick
aaad with a aprlakllu of Soar. Bart
aeraial^leeBof breoAtoaBiadaod «el
toUtoai. aad poor tka Bdxi
Ok. b tbm M^t aa aartb to rw« mat
eWt^f bafoodwayto eoJk
AWmUl Mn«g a iboaiiX bair*
a eapfal ol driad boat la a a^drr
vltk a lllUe told watar; let ft ]b
ootae toa bcdl, tbae drate It off «ei
Add a eaptui of milk aed ooa
BMak. tka Udc-beud. MflT P»M. oiVb. or two of .Bilk aad a laaip o
vitt *h«c< litBebad aa4 Imb.
' ittor. Lai It ooBe to a boll, aad allr
Wa BMi la boartl^keaaa rtaM b
a uWatoooefel of Soar wet «
aM tha Had i aMaa.
lltUe oold Bilk -Wbaa it baa b
■aa, poor it law poor aarelac


A Talubb Boolp»
Ben baneipa that aboaid
eat aad'paaiad b tba eoraar .
kllebaa aliro. whan It oaa ba
ter It wUl an May dollan’ worth
t^ aad atnocth. Shave
bare flea


............................. aaap b dleaaleed.
tone add iwi
bona, and a
BaBova tba


brl^\''^wlfi'’b^I'>a a little, alto,
whao claatAeir poor wiodowi. and
pun'll saver >ffaie rryard that laek ae

pioanot wonu;


ta aa flna Klagaliy.
aaya: "t wUl ba toMsawywaoUtoa
Bder aad ban takoa ap a
-Tba Story of FalriokBMy-U
1 tbaaght I bad bettB>da
i« aab baeaaac I toowgtat it wtBid do
>• gwwd. I will try aot to brcAk too


slip ShTl^r




...... ‘cVr...



You Have
Always Bought.

, liiiiliiMli m



BwSuab sitnaBft al


yrw voRK.

i ~i iwi ■ I ■ I ■ ■ ■ 1 - rti girn

Leather, Leather, Leather!



IM Uidan BMM.

Bvaliaq wriua: "I have a ebur: abe
will be dve yean old toa Sto ot Sept.
I bave two doilt; toe kBaJlaet oae (k
-oaeaBdahklftealltogiLOd her
b Myrtle; toe other b two feet
locuf aad her otBc UButo.
I forgot
to toll my ehter'k umr: U b loei tiertrade Ramit.. kbe bae eorip ba.r. Our
aeigbbur'k liulc girl bae curly balr aad
khe b a euBoiag little tolpi-; her aame,
bUboda Mayilnlelt.
ealitocrmip quilt. I worked
Kau bebroedor of Nertbi
> Id toe cold winter time
laiil: "I am oyearuold
' grade
My to

Joaa Srd, Ikivu.
It It inch a loralp. lofi ynp Bon
iag. tob Saiordap aoralny. wltb tor
warn Jooe rain lallloc atoaditp d^wn.
Tfaeaiaplrk are boldiag all their wide
eatcb tot kklnii
dropa. toe cnee tt tall aed yneo too,
and mwinr It oaeok about aa lucb ae
r. bat mepbe It^ba'I qnite at much
tail while blcbnpba

where a bird catu nueleallp torotiyb
ibe rain. "Swielob! bb-ko-eweel-ol,:"
be mull bea Woe baatkibe bird, for
br b happp undir (tap kkita aod fati Ub. HeLoog. I go to kchool-rter, day.
I go to Suafa<liii{ raio. aod knpriyhi along Ir. Up papa u fikblag aow.
day kcbool.
I will tell you wbat I got



M KUgaley aiaa. Bobarl b (oaruaa
■ayk: "I have a gwitar aad caa aUy
nU 00 It,
1 alto have a pair of
ua bet I eaat akau maeb yet. Tbe
b kbUiag brigbl today aad I giiaak
wlU have aprlpg aow.
We have
lakea toa Butai.ii ever eiaee 1 eaa rw
■tiBbar aad toiak Ua vary good pa-

I klop Jiri toore b DoUiioc toalcao
lal It. ead bp lu aae the dbb towele
. .1 be kept Biea and white witboat
rabbiar- PatUiaB latoapaa
Xkata^aa aUaabairba aad (kaUkc
water, add caoub of toe comp
fomarood bodk. ud
_____ j aad bp tbCB wkdte oa
fkr4MI«wa alhtaaaad mU
toe toll.
toll., Xe
Beat, aad aarra faot.
twtea aa aaa/afaeaa,
tbrparc kofli.-iabllp......................
' Liuft aoda
eraiekert willbe^p
ra aUU «Mar
mrj oaa.
(bea and beog tbea ont. buck work
Bra' wpadarfBllr. aad a pi
will ilmoei do Iteelt. while oee bav
■Boboold alwapa
. be, kept
-«S*R^naaa.«X. A.'iT. Oatle-: paaup.
lodloy to otber dutiee. aad toe taak
p- If poo bare acllber naal
I kaaplDg cine II tbae robbed uf store
offya u
b tba buoae. batter
tbaM cr
lao oae-balf iu torTon — .Vlertrd,
era aad
ad eprlakb
aprlakb yratad
ebaoao o
tbaa pot bto tba oraotolibrowD
1 oolp taka a fewbilDBtaa
tewbilnataa lu praBonk in Waabbe.
It looketeipA'otp
Porall waebluc porpoaeo bonzaofteoithe water, lo weoe dirt, eavea aoap
l->rChrikimaa. I got t nook aod
A vrilar ia Ua WoBaak Trlaaar
aod bbor, redueni toe wear on eIotoe>
Book from ap tokcber. aed
and ia eootolor to the kklo. Bakiof
rt If poo bare aeaa jaa or fri ip 1
bkbasdkeofiaod wfaita, aad will o-i
candy aod tome balr rebboe.
ibebODer. dpnad Ibra tbkklp'wiUi
of fua oa Ue iee.
1 have flve
Now to eoeot the
>oUt or jaat. aad apriakla a tkle lapor
ban pi
of powdered aad kitted bread eraabe evrrj bwll. _____
Inpaof tor week. Ilrronlloa llapcamr
urar tba lop.
Aona MeUaeof <
epniofole ol p-wderad
wblkbUofiuoeblDe in the wap
yoanall elotat>la( r<>»
Aootber dream, that will cira thr tone of toe bon z wa'ev from toe boil­
Sb^ b eight
of our Happp bran Club, Join toe boakbleeaob
haaAi al Um U aa *ffor% to ka^ eook bol little troobla to prepare, ii
er for everp tubful of cittoea, addlog
yeera old aad rcade la Uia eoBad r^l*eLaraed Bote aad Joe aod Clara
Inaa ftrtacaartoaa aUaekcl hfa- >ade with Ibaaa crackara. .
ra^'imudlp CDOogb cold weler to laake It
Uprp a eaa of praebea or aprtool*: conforubto for tor band*; on eoe Mirieb. frier b the trraiurer of tbe
be club.
,Maat lank oav 7M
^ «<»W
Beea Hoff of Okbora wrote. Feb.
tbapaaaol Ufh pmaare whieb la ao poor off tba apmp, let it eofta tua boil, toe Bcatadicd. aod ruboeaboai orjbe bad a dear lliUe vbit with
aad than add toora aaffar. to aaka a tbroorh a waeblog rnachbr—
I am going toecboolaad I kavr aot
aaaa «Uh «ba naar Anarkaa tbldier iprap.
"w.~. -a
; “<* »*lhrd aU.ut tor club. poo Bay bo
Unltar Uia erackaa. a:,ii;k:
- -|e elotoee
Ban a tub
■pf^oae day tob tn
bp the paaebB or aprieota over tbrB, fall off bolltaf
»'«>» pf ew Kood frieadk. Miv
bollbf hot boraz waf^la!”"'
om wby do work, waarj. karry, eprbkia wlik kayar. aad place aaolbrr whlchtopBltoeclothntoB,vbavebee*;aa*kru. came wlto ibra. abd we er-B Pam - b MIb Addie ^krr. I like
buttered cracker oa top b the forte of robbrd: let tbeki moaie ia toe boraz ibaak hrr tor vtB Pg.
her very much, tliir arhool wllf be Ml
w aa ImiaUrT It b aot pbTkbai eaaedAih.
er until rp^p to rloa*. froB a qua
la two werka. For peu I bave a kitty
iercBt U Saoahlar matun.
a abaa.or prrfaabail a>«k ana
Now pot tbeae b the oeea loee
oa bait beer will do; rioerlooi
and a poap. I like to ride tor poop
aaoBffb tubcattkroBffh. aedeereewitb
laa woaM ba •xtmpt:
Aootber bit cf SuaefaUe-lni blu- haveaaaddle aad I like todrivebrr.
>W, ar tamata' wivaa woald ka aa- tba bol kpnip. It makaa a dell
dMcrt If tba peaefaas or apritoU a
I got Bip poap a year a^ laat-«hriktb
b vkUatkacoaiMaaUcaof phjaV Baa fbror.
Pillowz Caa Be Wacj
Ctarbtmak I got a aew drew aod
Feather pillowt oced •
. It b prelip. We kadal'brblCbarlek, Harold and Herbert Ayera of
tta aaaM. alaa aaewtr wcmaa, <iIk
Iraki ooce a pear. for-Uirp
Getaoc Baadp la Tnral.
trteai bnmr."
Uaa riaaat Mtiralr lar plaaaara. aoald
I will tell poo a little bcldeol ooodukt
kaaarnpl. la all tbaaaeJaaaM rieUai
eetM wltb iba line of two flrl ae
Treoloa, wad lirrUudr. Ruben, Uooald
Quaker Uau FneO FudOlog.
day for toe work, and ageolU '-----oabtaiieea of abe.
a( aa>«aaa froauatiaa aad wenaUli
Ufa large aod Eo'abd Leeot Uaoialee. - If you
Take toe cold bccakfaki mukb. cut
They brbayad doddedlp to toe beipi them todrp qoJeklpf
ito egg. aod trx on tor
ock-a-day world, and aoaetbiiic eo- tab ban full of water toa la aliBcel
Ubiaakef awra to«a tkateaaan
kB puddiager boc
•Bkl bad eonM bto tbolr liraa le the belllBr kot. aod diBolveenc . ...
aad kervr wlto bolter or oprup.
of aa opportaally (or a abort rbtba mmj 4»r »*»•*«•> »«d ■aa»«.
one or two plllowk (aveording to the
Haraa farea aowadaya b
Tbap Bat oae ereobc to talk tba kli'l and more tbeui about puehmi
aabaiataaUy Mad aad laaaOeiaBU} natter over
toeiB up aod down nd runblog them
ia>1wli>i1 Wbaa 70a Oad joaxaalf
"Eaeb piaaton hath lb iMleno. lae." belweea toe bambuoUl tliep areelean.
OorKloUi Brencfa Clubeomre 1
IBOMdoea. -MiDenniee in Uekliape If one turia it tot aaoueb. uae two.
rlate In clear, wars water, wrlag at tob week from Uodgrwito eleven
qabart^, U b hi(k tiaa M atop aad ■f barbff oatbliic IB wBlcb to [-e.k DJ drraepiwalbleeud bang toemoo tbe
.berk. Mkbel Wilkoa. BdilbRedobe.
Toerr. uula
valbeowatd la our faBlIp, <z.-pt aa Uee. wbeatbeparv drp.toakr tbrmi aer, Kdoa Knight, Agnrk Kaigfat Viok
Laa«. hick Uaalea aaaaaa a p«au 01 old earpet tuig affair luat I.iokk ae t well to keep tbe featoert from etleklag
Blaaob Browa,
Koab't wife bad tuad It
Aadoveo together aod they will be aa light aod
deal Wlto kome 01
aaiba Igtaa. Wtai aia aoM <
CIrvefbad. Fterl Weib, Fnacb CBmp
that ba-t ava ■Uiile. ' Tob Boat bomU koft ai aew plllewa.—:
•ICWT Baldly ihaaraMolan to tkt
lull aad-May Campbell, wlto Vi.a
.kadrarhoaatatad.knkiactka Aafan
Tba girl who waa to ba bar eoapaa
Kraeuanv for prvaideat aad Agui
.wyer u gea
bCblU Mhar. laMdar Ika taav
la wave! ..egardad bar tboagbUol
ally tbrbi
Kalgbt. aeereiary. Tbb u good. 'W,
If lot
lokt on a prnir.
way for rrmovlog tallow er g____
•'ll b queer that eor perpIrzlUre from clotblDg bp pnliiiig kcvcral lap kball hear Bore uf Ibik club by and up.
from a ketUer could
t the Itpa. <
eboBld be toe aaow.- toe aaid.
"Oolp cnoftlkkue paper or browa paper beon; this. '
r tba apatoewa. holdbff eratp toon b ao aatebel of aap aort U our
id oo top of tor kpottaod Iroe
Did we toll you before that, toe SumBaHtobinw41ka rMffitp.
llbaaVh.- iPkt tbal tollk
,per with a faeatrd kmooiblpg
mil dtp SBOkhlavr* bave retard »3u for
Mtanlapd wmMI toaabab aata
mrr.i ih toe toul_of
Tbe grwaae apou will leave tui
that It waa a qacauoB. lor a tar goodk aod dnw Into the paper. When
organ fnao'.'. b not that ilecv
CtoMb to aatonk attoBpb to r
gnate U tpUtover tor floor Immediate We an very prt»«d of tooB all.
ntetoaa. Itbaat I
Iv pour enid water onr It and prerepl
« ahwaU rid pograalt of groead-rwat*
U peoetratiwgtbc wood Scrapn off al I
Tbae tbpglrl who bad ooBpla'ard that la poaaibir, rub tbrvpoia Ihlcklj
1 ihbBMaaaton
. f toe aatebel looked roBureefui wad wito eoep tad wakb .-ff wlto bollior
ip«el wdtiMT
Mr B. Lyuo. Ilralrr in Choice F.mi
kpapatbeUe. Wkal wen old fetoloaad water.
Wbra drp fold browa paper. •prlog. Kbe b oioe yean old- II
Ip tiroivrick. Itr P'rool ktrect, kavk: -I
Up ow tbe^kpolk^d pl^
about Ituao'i
Boto^iad^D?"** ^
uf you have any'koakbier fjr ber. ue
-. .
-------- ... ----------> torp are ■
•■Mevur Blad! " al
uball be giad to eead It oa. ' Vera and good remedy.
1 waa oooildrnblp
«( tofaaa aad iIbbb tipta Ibb balafal •■We can do owr thU,.
Tberoa'a poutolUce addrees b Keal. iroublrt wlto my back aod tbuugbl it
iilea. Bow pflaa do ara boar a bartireoif’rnTerue oounty.
wak from thr kiaarpa la tbr paia
Uae for Old FUlov Covera
about where tookc orgaok are Icku
lytac wftola «p: -‘1 ha*ae*t Ubm to
We did aot eee tbem agale eatll two
1 read abml aad knew prikuak
Old lUeo pillow caaea that an
•toO-to apBachtoAo.*
Banp aad
Kow it Ik agood Use. ta tbb niop had oiod lioaa'k Kidoep filb, aod tob
to tbe verge, bu aot over it. ‘‘
•onp arepbpalcal aba.
Waea poo
tag In plana, map be alippedloot of tb
day qolet, to look ovn oar great bun­ iDduced me to trp them. They klral
Mbm hanbd ar worried, tbaa b
coed me up la a kborl Ume. aod
llBoa eloaet aod pot aalde to
dle of leitore, writuo. many of them. action of toe kldorp oecreiioaa
baga. —
Id whUb
_____ vale
" wleter garrnidervd regular aad aori
a Bkp
aap be eatrip
put away. Abpr 1 tbe kero waatoet of toe wl
.•WbatbralantbaP ClBpIp debt
beall dla^leerm'ak If there would time afierwardk I fp
a alight recur,
r that U frriled thiriugh kbonl.l le
Oira ap; bt fo; aarTredar
Iforved with a piece of old mateiial.
reragalnbc green gruitaad lliweii rrnee.'and again r.9 tod to IhiaD'k
totawaateoM. Ban b Uw Aral atop lag flyan, aod It enckod . good deal.
experience I
pr eottoa or Uora, aad when tbi and kweet bird koagk iti tor wanu aom Kido.-v Hillk . Afler
----------------------- —( to olbcrm in
liBBrd baralachowtonbo!
"I doat kaow bow tu Uc op buaor gown U carefully brukbed to
-Aud I
tbbt abaclutelp nq-moto egg or
thaanMhaarbfav tkcaidca. iardUp dlee.' lU owoor aald BMrrIlp.
did tob to aa Bwtal korvp.
tore la left lu. it may be laaerted Dice iltile Irllen In m Copemuh. fros
I tboupbi
Doao-i Kldorp P.Ibare lor u
AfltoM the haada aatU tkay feel bean.
... ludkof toe caae are tbea alipped Kiaa. Kuto and Palmer. Nina alidealera I'nev Mi ernta. Hall,
Uha AtoAwalffbla.
Bhaka tbaa
la tbe Baefalae aad elond tigbtly. beleveayierk old. Sacuapk:
Foktor-Milboro Co . Buffalo. S Y.
BtoAaad kaekward. btonllp a
rvideatlp beloaged Tfaua prwtaeled. It la aafe to beep toe
"My papa b itir edi'tir ol toe Cope- agrou for toe Kkiled Statew.
►wait eaea,
ThU wae garaeat la bureau dnwera, a few
atntm. fraea aad toward aaeh otkar. toMarpk
'Bemo{obrr lae name. Ibma’a.
what it It________
kleeaa of lump camphor beiag to>wrd le Bikfa Courier and my brotoer Hop
Ilka. A goat. Uia va
AahaaU Utokllffaaai pat of tkModiUee. boldleg evldeaUp qaitea
t ao addlUooal aafegnart —SelmoL
toetppe. We bave a little bop about
: tatoaffoabof fhoBbd.tkat bp tbair robe, pel no dOBpael aad of aoek abapt
peer aud a ball uid aad beUak
aaad toaokareportBaalal
Alumtuom Ooteakweel a* bouay. Itbai beea very cold
Itian^riedtoat vzprrimenl have brre. Tba thermometer waa tolny,Bow alee It b:
it will be
ecu carried oo at tbe Uelted Suuw
» *• ‘•••■J’^pW boadlofora mlot Id fklladelpbia for nrarlp a pewr ttaroe bolow zero. We wool vbUlag iu
Ute aontoere part of Hi-hlgeo. at-d
with a view ot aacmataiog ifar r
- -. —U Marpi
nf alumUum for BiDor coieawbro wo enme toome we thought we
;;lt belonge to Be- • It
' thbtaaUaprpenn'aafBrMitci
0.000 blaaka of the alar of tbenUber wqnid tabe a couple of r>u with uk
battkaipb apetBon caealbat t
l«eat piece bare been delivered at tor
We gatbereclarouad her with eze
Whba we were goiag down to toe Ueio
aaatonbe wUeh Baaa Caaaa 1
BBllBl I
U-qulrlea. awd ovoli
no away. We brought tbe other
-iBPiWBUklac totopb Bb aear
appoUtod acoBBlaalao of eiperik to ODC bobie. but la a few weekk it raai
Oto of the bearden la the act
ioveatiga^ aad report npoolblaaob- away and we baee not eeez It klface "
Borlag threw oolaerubbbh a pai
be^ bez la which a tall of elotoa Jrol. aod toe vzperlBeM abon re­
b too tmd about tot puBiea U
ferred to an beiag carded no oader
hoae from the lallar<k
Uedirvetimiot iu meBWa-.yvi<ninl Uk bopq|boto ol them found good
It eftoa happaai that aaaapeelad
-ViinkUM l■■•IUtlle.
bomB k-iBewhere. B,uUi aad Fauliue
wide, aad ziz laM*dee^^'tbV<
•Mtoaap MBBa b ptBt hefon diaaer b ^Up toe Xipt|i of toe
Ito kbortor Iqyfeier'lBt each baa
Cabbage Poddiag.
avtad. aad tba troahlad boeaawlb b
to kav about toe dear baby.
pat to Wr ~wli<i aad- to kaow wbat to darb i^n caBbric, at wm
Roll a bead of cabbage opUI teodvr. Roto, wbo b Bine pearu old. aayz:
It took iwoyarda
TfaU waa< faarvfgk. oar cupof bread
, da to toa eat tba parhapa aeaatp leal.
ad 11 cneabk. oae large apooofdl of butter baby baa blue ryn. It b very
-IpfPpaM. Atawbbbanrl*«here:
tut that aad Bllbtotoln; aeaaoo wlto pepper aad he b aw fall He b oa aweel .
BmaboaU alwapa bo kept oa haad ....-------- leather,. Kloe
Kloe I
Afuraiab- aad call; Uke te a deep diah.
lUBpuf uttgar.*' PanllDe, wbo U
ton are a coed aiaodbp •d eaoofb for boz aad cover.
•Hebao Uv aad I Uk,
Bp that time abe thought abe
play wito him very Bueb - We w,
good uaveliag-eaer;
having aokl ladtgeetible.
be dt
bv rrbewted without diaavlroua eoare- like to bear mon about toat <aby aod
It atm Wuaoful” Twotf-fln
reu. aad U Uki-d '
mi to kaow bb aaB«,
-_jla bought a part of atroog gnp
There arc three or fourirti
deala. ThU abe cut aad fltud at aldea
■ eltcw aad pile upon
a tla alate.
aad aadr. aad. bavlag boapdliwitb
. rrelnaelpaad ectla toe oven lor
Artt gvoed braid aad aewrt atriaga m ea or'flfieea miautaa. Tfar upper aod
jaderkltoea will have broward kligbtto Utter to wbUb abe aaym
p. while tbe olbera an aoft like fruab- hnrt yon bad about alz baadrrd aad
p baked brv^ Tbb '
•t kMA. it arill anro iDkM:
tmaty.flve kaaablae eblldiea. aad I
aa to lu eapaeltp.
provrmrat over the o
■ocaeloB reqain.
like, to te one
B- A abewl-auaip
long tlM ago
■ W< had
Faaey wo >d ead yepeaew tee tnn
ap he cleeart ea fellowk: Rob the
It Will take a lltUa
Lwarl'to Ehle went to the aamc oeteci
irfaee witoeflyanri dipped ta bIIk
M*. bat te wlU ba BtM and
aetU ell Berkk an mwovrd; dry vHtb with Hbe LinU IIcbb forUaeber, bwV
kp clotb. apripkrr a lltUe dear toeeebool wae lota oat tovacztday.
tbea pollah wlto aa Ola kllb r
Feb. t. Tbcre won toartoaa nbolan
Whicb. let Be ozalala
wae toe'
IB toeeebool.
i«hrt nammca
Ue t«
Haiti Jobaaow waa la tba towrib
Ufe b a baanau dnwvr wblcb e_____
gndctotoaieebooL BorModIn
It wae toe babit titotte aad tbnogb a eneb wo belpUaely
laeiie. pbytical gcogtaotoar bad of ooaaldertog little «•*
.ftaaetha *a«ate ea top. tri^a 1^
pby. laagaegc aad epelllag.
w wrmra caa til thvoeghA areAlice Owyb a Olea Bavva girt. She
vote: "I do aot go la acboel. but ay
«BBa toaobca bo al boM 1 aa
QlMad goeda la tba way of aaau
k Meal wowaa Ta oae wboae prwd etnwterrtok teld owl waUI oelyicveeyeanald IbavetwolUUo
MM apMlaiw.
kbtereaad oae liuto brotoer, hbaaB*'
tbmw a etoav. bwt b lUvtd Beary Day. My litUe tieunWoaaa eant tbnw
wtew ebe dropaaflowcr pot^>«fa Baukee an Bvb aod Mergnroi. Stab
loer yean old aad Maigani two yotfw
TMOB. S. •FBAttVe * BOB.
TBcdw an a great
OM. We bavoalaa dbg.b.t te


|Tbe Kad Yoa flan
Always Bn^

Poarlb^at yaaraold toatwaa^.
fonnhotraly. (Iba aaya •be baa flea
cun. oaa bcetoar-U-Uw aad
epbaw; bb aaaa U Bey Fawlan.
Evallaa aed Bebort BarraU wvlu

Bt BoadlM and ut« ndnsy.

Single and Double Driving Harness,
.... The Best for the Least Money!

Spriag ud Suan Up Robe ud Dasten it tll Priia.
Sprisg and Sommar Workloz and Driving OIotm.

«, Prieps the let, lovesl-Qiilit, of Coots the Best.


13rosch’s Meat Market

:s is wsstit:,

Choicest Meats, Poultry and Game.]


B’tyw'l ±A Hgboapn..

Fimh. Sill and Smokei) Meats, Siungn He.



Acetylene Gas
III' 11


llUlUtlM It tMCMn.


-■;?!! E-=r.-

iBSDigrEir m iest michke ude
M u ite ausbawn to IMUE ul Pries.


V9 Ottawa Btmt, Oniiit iUpida, Micb.

Fw erk.1



^xqTOR P^TEffy^y^

M Aagea


Carriages, CQtters, Sleighs, Etc.

u.. ...ui-




Honeshoeiiig ud Guenl Rtpiiiiij Done.

Mi. riMMsCowMae. M


0t«7. l>«toalt. Hew*
•U, Aaa Arber. ToMe aa4
»oUto>Be«ea4Bwtli. dOM





- --


tepwIpiB arilhavtow a< tovbqr l» ™ 1 •■•I tnaiHaB
We tevo a ptay ■
I Co I W
^Ihaww. r«OI bA yoa •>«•«( bte Vm*OmWteak *4,:

Re-Painting and Upholstering.

State St. B






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