Grand Traverse Herald, July 13, 1899

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Grand Traverse Herald, July 13, 1899


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text




Grand Traverse Herald



Real Estate

IB cm n




BoBiziess Oards.


jvo BLurrt iss\,
at ai5 Front Street.




3o ^otl


Uf7 M.'a<t.eo.! eM'lro.-iA.rck look.^ ai Saa.aoo S. a looked

Oore limiirie aoruiitonnd to tli. ir tie.* and ><in ari- Inat
aritlioiit one. We liatv tin-ui for l>-mpemluiv, for iloir}' uw. fur at*-r.
i; (lurpua-A and for lla riuoim-u-re
llrinK i’na< ri|itii>us and FaAily
to na. Wo Gil tlu-m
ritfUt, with ilniKH tbat are piuhU4tt iiricra that an-riuht




civo one rent a pcraiid n




for Uja

MMi. antt lUai iM l>i In

The lATKial, atron^t ■nil

Miable oiniipeny io the wurld.
l,vBDl •

(ifia a. •:aw>:«r.a.
OibnUBisaiMMa Blark.



nian lo*«ork Em-

|nn> and viciaity.

hiberai <mui-

liaaiiiD to tbe ritrlit meb.

Trtiem City ScbMl ol luicl
trnfmiumitim. TravarM City,




M. BiKEiUC,lllit. S^L



Ill IWMt II Filir II tk Bklrlc Biud

KRurr'thicks !(

When you want

Tbc aril kDO<


Carpet Cleaning Works

make ubatiDC a plrauurr, or
A SHEAR eaey local altbveoBe

Carraoe^i^i^ fMUw Bmmmim

Id aad buy one of Ike “gLECTBlC"

They are Itae Bom cooitb

A. AC«aplB'.P*«B

W. J. HIOBBS. ImiiuCin.
88rv«}rorBQ4 Ciril Engineer

Briar IS Jeae Mad. im. be or hU aid'
oa la ehildna ta eaUUod to eaaath
Ban Uad to Bake ap Ike Ituaerae






Washing. Powder


Vaan aoiu to glireawap

X ii-ipgifS
lllsi *M
w «...


il*..i Andm half the
Kuf yrmleil aennom) buy bui Uita-^*ck*(B.

...u , I..., k M. u,*rr UP uu


erroacof ibeia in the »up-fi,ii.e do
. rreI'beu: they ik. irenihle.
allboncfa aiiaed inumiT reo: dirrcliuii
aad at ao entirely rtiffe.eut pervoa.
AppareaUy uonieiuine btd c<»"«-roue, h r It U plAiB eauueb Ihut four
roodautured ebum—that i.. «ro»d.nA
Cored usd.e ordintty circuatfianee*—
like Arthur. Mob. s»« And Aleck aoul!


Z a‘”:U7n'*a * :.rf.,.*r.n u'-“"

..JK KB^iSassrsirs^.!^^



hard OB 'e«. fatb.


‘‘^’■rTbefr c:a2irh.u~«d

ood 410
•aer bri•lefiy.

•u-***** aheto anybody eUe aWf
•Im to deaert ain CO. too »
•d <i^ijd*ih“^ ^"CVtoeeto-

bn ibrlr alien Uoo tolled to tbetootk■Bc naa1itle.ofoll 00 troaMtd aatora
by LieoL W J .WiiuiB.of tkeCbttoco
bydrocraphlc omre
The eapiriaaiia
of many »ait aoier tollnra in aeeraac
toiolr dlMtlerle thia iBaeamiaTO
eo eo *»uafactor» that L.eut. Wllm

.^\rba“-to:iother thlaft be aay«:
■ Thick aod btoTyoile are the btot.
Biaeral oil. are not a* effccUeaaa aatnal or Tcc.tabJe olia Baa petroleos
>u riven rood TMBlie. bat aolteraeM
'beo llitrrflned
Cerule oEU Ilka
'ocoaout oil aod tome klada of AU oU.
'*reol In coid arotlier......................
-------- / aad are in... .
"** ***’to7dIvantace Aeaceaer-

aml>er of rnoa u. II » tr .0 1 ai lU. •»« I s,«oi.h ahikhrra ao'all You
f ft aeefc.,
drip out .I.ialy ikroucb the aator
TbU —a. to) taui
.. jr yeari,
■••y.. aod. to the
nie bill*and nolhlo' vi krap
Mr. Vale. Aleek and
, iq the rill.jfT, the eoataplon ath
iter, ab' beais't in it do mnee with
eteaaal the arkuoa edCct leail.-r. •>•
e o' tbeae emaf little ahlpperaal
heir eoiopui uni, 1.0*01 .lijfifiy. pride
r» by ciofcr. than ——" aod ereryitaluc eaeept their oao meaneer»free*i'
hnied old Lap Xe»bll
tor pa-, miaiio-.
He male a few
'o thick there aa.ju.1 A. Cu’xl reaAOii
rullm Of .orf ou a bar aad from life
for •ailevinchim aiu-ily and mean.
IheiA kid •oMiera V
u aad airaadad e.
Finally ther told Mr Vale eaerv. Nalarally. the trouble aith the boy. thiny—boa they hadeair.-d u>« nam-vt.
"Wfaen til U oard lb* a*Te* laalead
▼a. A Acyrceor eeipeioe —
’■■•ceo, but they as/. toUervie* to
tod iniendeil pUciocaiu-to trruu.t
ntcraabinrovarUedeckBlibaalAemi .
"I d-.n't toe why C.p.Yle.bil aanu
to Ibree'aiaiAbtr
ktdr folk..
felki. proTinc. m. it niiu. and. latHy. AieKk oa led out tncata tearinc aaay the esbla. daaolry«a. that Ihro .ta 1 b.V-ii .laoderuu. plaarda and *««e tbeai to
ik they ith nr lb. halche. aod tba
credit for eoUi
oorr^lm their e-tinialeu! tbetfeotle
biller room, COB. In loar .aell. aad
CYri'doau U) ■e in that hot •
He read them aith a ratlwr amaanl
There were othera. how'Ter, Eo the faer. and then era*-' » leclnr.Ml the to tichl.’*
eiliaca abb bad eotirrJr di(Terei.( npin Eiaya 00 the dancer ol Ju
richt ao' Srb'
richt. If yon 1 <IL I doo’t be
Ion. on the»ul ieet. aod in.i.ied -hai ii*u H.ium
wa* D<b»d;'. builaekt hut Mr Vale',
‘Wheo the Teotb r«vlBMi --------Hcnlin' tor hi
and tb«t be bait and lubledlr loth a
The bay. aere thoreorlily bumilia
boBcfroB tbePhIlippioB tbapeople
far a* they aeul
iieal and a lecal nchl indi ji.iaba' ted. aod tbe km l r torcU.-ncm of Hr
of amtem i-en»*yl**oi. B..1
r pleaaed aiih bi> meidJ.'.
I b A to tell me al
; Vile uiirte them f-laorto than-T.-r,
•e.i ihr(..iebo,e.
Koriue trouble aa. about a
yuuor felteK rota 'alff o'bl
belorcioc to bull, aad aroN
te after iii»i
' Ik tner'ei
» they thiak
tner'ee 'bf<a Vhr“‘»Cb
! tne erirkel'a-M 1
The boyi nf thi 'llla^e had of lato
------------------ Th-^-^dia
...,..'tjia 11,0
•a. aod. aiib the -< “VJ
takea a cooiidera ' internli io'eriek
uholeo *■

r" to coach thi w. ibi
tniQilltat all toaaed the 1a*t. Ia>d
el. and bad orc«iiai tao -eleeeii.,'
d adliebarre from Col. ilaablW
Je rreal tauC'ca ,1'
AadcBAOTlIir till be aaa a rack
aiib the iatention of eej ly nr lh<
raeol ablle na the flAar lioa Tbe
came u aacb ai potoiblr darioc Uir
lltol! you what It i». biya-'told
•nldler Itroiar to bi* home al (lieoo*
apto aod ain't
day I
r. and wtaila taklaroff bbbatto
ooe Uirnt. lalklor Uiih Ui* other
Som. there ”a> an *100010 fleld.aay- three oeer the matter. • rUneteeacu'n
rraodka o' hla- that
Ibe oeichborbodd raceptme call aayb-idy aaaea until I kesa for
ile'alaod. Uneofbi. ■oea'*- certain what I'm ab.iui.aud,
lere to i'lrty Rico la.i mark abnat tb* bald baadad heeoM
I loahaam
Ju.l Ibe (nine fi>r a crirl
atorMr Vi'e. H any.iuccref toy.a
Hwoaa bairaa* dbappeaefar aod be
rrtmed.aud' a*
ai tney lay idle, the eei
i' cirarette*.
hattoead to amurr bb rbltof* that U
fur a muipeot iman
>Doa-had an IT. cream
tbr aoBld tnikFaoy olje.-t>oc
'B abM be come hoae;
don’t bel,e*e any one a.mid havV I
ir aalBC It
lu fact. Ibrr bad play
rear, ’tbe beat ia tb* enoairy noeaplnd
»pe raaie there ai U cremT .uce
J "1 d-«-treckollhei ihataoyEtofy bad by our troofw belaoos H taiU a^ Ma•hU lee eream e^^ttoB f-a old lUa i-ilo* b latoow raouch to
Mr Vale aad ant oa.y alloaiT)
o lllarally
Hut 00 ooe aauled to. Waet they ! VheT
mtodnau. butbaJc.iue difaa aan
tiare year hair
aearcc abMt tbat our hauou. lip
cbed them aitb noa.iderable lolec
latroba a*a
aay aitcuuoo to tbe fate of tboae a
to nhip 'em ie here by
neoE the bny.. h->a-err, remi-u'^
lad. and ohm of
traard that he bad noticed Hr Vul.iplalat.Wto made afalaat oar
htoothmeeh toao ao'oat W
•Bile eery reimly •» nc li ft the fle d.
• eeyprd ' tVijr-i'i it roe. an
and bad heard rtm uiutier to faimtoir
“-•l-heand Aleck pantod. "ncy.."
•■iBaeaod made tba btatof It. I
rradiii' tbe othpr day i
He ibai a. It may, ahen they ami taid baa Dot ecarrevaUar Hie eo^tUoM
le reciBkal that aooldo'
deaa to pracli-e. tito a*zt mo-olai;.
Titfie I *
■ n Eaeut ther aoin-l no aleeodnf
ther foaad toreral Idborer. at work
(hcdeld. aad a
cirral JeLoehopbat: I d like to seen
•omebidy ^k old Vil. liricc* '
Bleep n' ear. I'd like to beard
lioa ibca to play crickMisbt Oeetroy AU Ufe
el on It
ne'-l aay.
tT.eepia' eara'
We mu/
To be aa uLialerva’ed
In n lirned aeiic'r in the eorr
licked to death torn hoi e»a. eaUl* /'lOahury fTNw-ulcle Tefeorn,*.
luiobrruf iSc E.ectrkal Reeiea •
iean-Aoylh^nr 00 afaeela We didn’t
raced oe porter to bniah -.ur
.AaTe*la deecrihe. *MB?of aUexp
,' the darned enod reavie Ual ae didn’t
cootiderior tbe fa-t tbat tbee aerr ab Ibcots In the Uoe of ei»etr>cal cnirr
I btT'anclor ■ to breth.
•olately iDooceotof Ibe •maJl-.i .ba-.- of tairn Toitare. aod c<va* detal 1
{ -’TNi-o there'* a« tbi. Ulk ah-ipl
ojII ablob he Dial.
of oanerablp in Ur laad.
II iv. □.
lao I." headd.."ai ..'emb*a.aed bkef We'd a'hwo airbty ataicb bare made taoaay. Thi Mylo•eryHa*er Infic to aetime*.'and thaw
Tiive force of a few n .;i.!rl*l to r>t lt~einnaamrd. peuibed.
yw^ter* were no canpt.oe to the
i.4 I BOldy nr any other aay. We tkoacht
u,-ea« Incky if -e eonli C'l»«Ule
Hearrer. tooldi
’ rubber ataapa aura aqaMly
n, About alxm the eeicobor. kora
r little. ADd «>n>-i,4eiiily talUnl a
freat deal.
There »e. ui.rf -bi U- paid
reatOD for belirt of him q-iiie apaltbt»oTp.'^‘7^tb“‘Sie.'S






'Vta.-' b. Uld. whSlSr' bb h*ad-








H,. J


Hack, Bus and Baggage TranslerLine
ea«Mtetoa«MC.O.W M- «. B.e U
a-C..Aa« Aaw Uoee-M
TtaTeetoCity We are toe peeple m beadle ye Wcai-

Best Livery in Northern Michigan.



Xelepkone 78.


,’sg".,'™v:.'gg"ir2g'TSi'Truiritj s

o* now and t
bb wealth to^U
TAMr. .Sj ,aer->'>h to
. . araoperaad U
■><> BOOOJicht
BOOOJtcbl eaenraloo. by c«b!
alu* abo pet
a plea 0/
of 'rabbar
rabbi la a
tbee. aetloeaaedaYitrarkreiy
■■ h Im o'taabouriae raalu*
- of Ua
t Ua
auaebad ko Ibe aad ol a
poaerfa. d (eba'Ce. bebaee 'pl.y
aade bb fortoaa dlar ay boltoa*. baein’'it lead peoai
r. lui-ued tbeinear for al
-i-h the toorh«*t lot o' bomu
tbat tbe atanapbere airh
); tb. drir.
a torTibtep«-ilWiity, elil-^i NIr U’lllaa pen’hethat erer wore anlforat An'
mw^a. ItalaTaotorti..
9Al thry tome
:rookev ai-fa bl. piereine inulle't •'«> tbi. Sap Jeaaa eelebratloe. ae'I
elaeioc. but alu.' i>
OiaroyalUaAayear. Tbalaeoator of tbe roller akoic .mode •l.aas.aau,
more capable o
I’aa ly U B>v
dtylbrtokid* aarched lu froaL «ad A eoaiBoa oeadle Ibraadar b annb
abeo their lem
... ... aitn certitu.1, that p.-ri
A Booth to iiA aaaer.
r «one rf 'em pcS.ri ap lihe a Vad
•die*' rtatalioo* of ont.nic Ilf* oa tbe , w'ry
riob. Bleat wot becioted by Iro tka’io • I'
TbaBAD abodbeoerred tbAtaeoa.
die If laparad At oa. aad .reaid atiab
lieaBV a* the feller aay*
’ tor al' and deuleectioB nf lu lifeSemly into tb* .oekal pAtaatad tb*
f qo,l toti, aecid'etally O'at ihey're cola’ to eelebrata tbc
daa sad (oaodad tbe laifeat eudia
•quare on ••Old Vdle,- and thleooe of *aac aceaaaletTre eertar* nf Saa Jeama.
A leap of cal -ill He for other UkelyakiraUh about
tbe aaae Aclory la the acrid. Tbc Boa abn
■ontof ralttable time and tboorb
tbiek they railed at CfUDve* alaav tba mb* of aa aw
raaatod 00 tbe .illy prj«l aa. estoriea anaS'cled in oontoet With
■It fab brira ovar » mUlia dal•Vrie don’t eeJeAaafal
Kyrea. bat tb' a oo
took them anme Um> to come to a d. the penrat -Btiaae. a.
aJOBf an wato tbat 8ab''-'.'htoio‘. R,a,r,i.
ice of trick*, for there aere isKar tbeee are elen
aay* thao ooe of aaooyinr lh>oid ree
Cookto't Ten
It WaaaaAxMTrao
'tlemaa rery, aad 1 tm warv
a Raphael tcacbed aeoaad aitb
Oatbaeeeaaioeof apabUe ra
Coraatalk UUilile*.
youtbfal pinteraaere eerr
At Mopbr. Aaelralta.' (be aAoi
inrvBlot la a branrh r>f konaledre In
■ of tba loa*. after beiar dp
ableh I aeald oiucb
*ec m.t bo.r Kt-.n.
o you aaoiv jraaioi
friend* ezeeediar *lupidaaaufa
.. __
riaally. after ooliule
1y, eellstote. aortta >«u.> a loa. need
.... tbeybad f dirid 1
.Aeeided to prepare a I0
if-'roveeaBrnt at ao autoattie be.
aoibcB. aar« aolawaly A40
btor ar rarioo* ancoap
ttopper fa taattleabip*: excelleet ctrd.
tbey pat tbair aboald«B b
•rkaaboat Hr. Vale, ai
. board, a Dae r-a-tc of
piper, an
aa aoe
If pip-r.
they aoald be ear* to imd
. aad dea'I ataad U
... oa bis prealeM in or.
qaaled fnaodtUoa'a '
tbe tra*: Tkb talsad Bali
Uoaa. to that tbe
eiit caule fold aod a •nperior rlae. ^
1 roe tell ae tb* difreeppoe b
' .bU aelrbbto.
bad of i
Thy ealoe of the eellnioee lieiar trm ,,
A^Boyal laacal Hear aod
■Deda ■
I aaahlaa It -ell kpoas
Wbed a leak 1,
So to aork. they
they.aeni alto ao ever. I deeeinpa
Ihecelltloae aaelle ). .ocb a;
^N'^' rrnalM tbc tiev. "Wtet b
*T that aoald baer beep eatrearly {m
mtaorr ae to autowtletily clcae It j 1^'
proDlable ia a belter caee. aod be WilhDfteeo
toa. of TWiba-oeth
^ Etopbe^a
aoe>i erjla’-nte la aiade.
-—liar they bad a taer» etoek of pla ooetaiof
I of d*« law
____ a. Irforaiarall abn cboa.. In read ableh. a* already alated. tbe pm
tierrb ryot, -’ll I caldal tell tbe . .
that "Vale aaa as (I'd Muar.--Va'e.
ie aba paylaff at the rale of
feeeaer het-eea ayerlf aod a J^ata
tbe Old oaaeexMM other
I’d tie mj tiripe* tocwlbae aod boar
thioip ohoal Cbicb Vole ableh •reaU
Tba Caltod BtatM bM AlBBt 41MM.~ laleeeeUBr to tbe acrid at larre,
e rreai I'aJ'at foal.
Mg Baanad fioBt. bat tbbiB baMr
aoe praaariiae 01
a peeper tarllac
la NapH* alooa haaaaalar W aoo Vaa of ■
naMI^Tda^^ ^bajtaBa^d^,
rmnrd to lb* aid rapecibala.
«*ead ^reoal. ata cat ad freaSIAto
A Loabrilta aaa bs aIttUa ham

ana—•*-—« C— UI.




7— ------

^^dfBnaSt7e“-Uo"““i5id fltal‘y'|7^'k»'
UBbhlelo Miretoee feoiD taU meaul
•luck that abuld kuil koeb ad eiin
ordiuArr eaee.
iloL oL: oh: abai A eoneyLvt arij e
ti»et be 1...^:
V u euuld aiui e<


the; n. k. fairbaiik company









The craiUcil old Uache'or I el

If -rraee betaeei
chatia' *om I
afaiiefralber L.
in raeb band »od eEiailo
A »:i fixil.JuneBT ■>b^l lat je.1 talMi
up hi. eTerlAAllo' I

yon like a rona. y icSr, brealbiV
amuke out nf bl. aa*e an' eara, 'v 1
:' .rrUiB’ like an lojau
Ii'i eaay
irbi I d
Jorh to ebAM aavtbiiic that rnsi the
aad theoI eon
. - .
her way, but tbU hero j,.b'» (fol
irrouiKl. I'm nine
B iinc to
to ai:tkeb'T...ruah.
draatiaek* ahen Ibe other I'l'cr (
lajrroa. but
>dl b.- kurc you doe' •- inui^ij. head that be aaau to
-AT A aorJ toooe of 1____
! cb»in' ao uauafk out o' the wood*
Aleck Ahd b.ia luraed while and red
e ao loaav cyclone, by CMh.
t'leroAlely durloc tb» apach. and a
lead into you nil yog git tod
■u rrecreatfAllen. bomblr loakiof pair
Warn ae bai
notrclBC ^
‘onlin't »ee
toclmenl ua ab tiled
heir ciinfouon
Ida cuorpaoc ao* one. lUci '
bio TO il
into carp-l''the bh.
C-l *o• deep It
acre: aooidf up to the huu».
the aacuot
icon, ae U'
uaed to becio toauRM
• h va 70U Aum-khiBC, aoeih
• e'.f hat ,a havUe
_ „„........... lea* arcrmeoUtiee than tbat 1
W ae^l"’ **■“
AM aere,jj^„-j
„ lallTof atall.
•P COIN under the brad o' tarcel

.... Si-.g:;



1 COCM Iherdoo'l—I juatcoodaa'
of coriiaiI^*J’*oi^iJir7h^5'S?l?
they e^a-t.
it they did they Then they toot a toiaaiUle.' - "
iltlee to Hr.
talar tfl aak* Itnjalriaa about
•out the fari-

L-irL'T-;.. 2."

The .rtulilki* Uu»l. I. iKe JiniJemeni .-f t.ei'.rr «.th


It neeai a ■taapede aad


A KNIFE Uial ail! keep aa edee.
A'-NAZOR and STROP that aill


3“‘’l5r KiSi’fti'aThM

Ti:? j‘;ar:.riVtb;‘""


__Honey to Loan

^^e crcaeeet oM ebap la thd

Weil. It aAAD't A mere DOthinc thml
had Acermeeted them u>. And ikThap-.
joacinc from the bov. . d. of toe
iloeetioD, .'.lei. Vale. K,g.. uiicbt liarr

Unildd Hut^ Ki*urv»Wt Soi-iet^.

• .^eed At M- Vale'. cru« taioaer
"Why.the ericket fiild. you yoaac
aaife- 1 aaatoo the Uunc la be a
--------- ‘nl noa yju'te It all.
ita< aell let yua into It
el a creiki




- **'"

vnii-Tirsi;.’;:- Si


II pay tlir full market
I —ill
than noy oubtidr tmvolini:
for yuur oau
I mnat bAve


Airmikb liar iAaI{i

i" •'?!

bu. -bat do yo* tb.ak

Tclcflmnc 1.V)

<inod - UrliBlilo



Traverae City, Mfch.

L Hayae.coiuacleil Kith a Bos.

A'ss-j.a.'Bag; •



•?o>in»iD Hlork, plioni* 7a

\ki n M-i-i-rM I «»
WANTED! 1 (araish200,000 Pounds of Wool

•illmjea .kbiroen

»*■«;* ?«•»■» oldled to ^"*16^*1!?
r ia Ibe far a^J
aeet aad thaaea

Ihelaul, of
Jeau Taon
helllr of Baa J«a>a! .
lUuIrl la. Itar •
“»» «' "Ith ibe , a«r* lodi

lhriB..lTe.c{.i.cea7ed aad toe o^
* baule aad a blraaber preyiloBC to tke toddle.
•addle, tke a
wledtb-B •
i1-Mlcolr.bblt.SooV •
aiib blckri.
eee.-.n.-- .nd I-'oier,■. you
aofa'd vooil
i»e».-r eoae Kiac aod hta coiasoaloe keeplnr. Nr.
baek to
.'batQe. did ^P.leadlac tke criai rode ____
bone alita all the deeertor'* beloacfaca
aa nrer to bia.
---------------- -,U
They a^ m
-.Noa. you 3
^ .
■^Ubc mao
-Tueae buy* doo t teoMiaber the ol




AM •bun

Plata OlaW, Steam Boiler and Accldadt Inaumnoe.


:noW fhi^?

root u-u.Wl
«n> (all. .*.•
Ml rr^ I. LalUrora a Ml a pla

Honey to Loan on (/nproved^Real Estate Only.

Merchant Tailor
BBd M» tlie eletnct new Itae of
BprlM Hlylm of WooIfm oow
ea nole. abkdi am ta node op
IB tbe Intiat Slflm. bbiI bI
•Bek Loa IVkoBOABwin oarpriw

18» aorkae.. .tillr-la.* Sd ih.“
•uxri Mr V.1*
direcllooa. pod. a^dr^of aooHr,,'
fhuck!io*i,Vh.MwIf ieaiDoiiBti ^
•.kr »a..,r, m br ^.Ui.rb\^nd ^Ue Bell

tWwOoa I amiaaa.aterttX^


AUarter* Bl i««r.

Pot .beer, eoel aerre ood

AM mi lue Wm »w..a:«/(r«





SMm MW BIB'W—•- HwawAM Msn.

T». Ola VM.,^ KJC*..
Ui* braoy|j|l^ table Uibi

'riaarrl. down .
rarUcBloi a^ of .^.-rythloe.
•r larucelar
- J" 1 _ .
.od inorkiBr
nerk.BC rapoc.lly
ihr me. ahlrb
BAI pmiD'Ot-aL
:,.u___ .* ______
ijibejoqd U.ah.oMWB.ibri.'i?.*’'*^?.




11 „

.10 am..,

OAMTAL Cliw.uuu


and Aleek. ab" aere Ibe prioe
aorrn Bad ih« neel daiiee eMrla.
^^^^drcidfdtoprrfonB^airt A.

Lt; O. P.'Carver Ml



PBur aaKHAa. n


Dr. J. A. Snyder,

— nr.“"'-^‘* -*’*

IcM riacleader. of
■nr a prieatc conli






■toua.jgLT la ligg.

gM. a, O. b<MMi & B-iD* MoUtM



dMWShM.-P>«f. AM* ». w»ita.
•UM-frf CbrtMlu asAMvar WerU:
Bm. Jtoa B- EUioU. New Vark Qtjr:
> Y«uw IVi>pU Mv U«>P Tto4r
amdwm^Mk ■-lift, wff PUter," PmM«ai A. B. Taruc. Ub■HtlwaMrijall 'to *tot«.(»>k«n< ealB. Ill : "Boa Um Paster Ma; Help
to Tto ta «to (••«’ tolte Ttor YeePT l-tople.“ Bto. W. r. Wltao*.
tUalltOB. OeU.
U tolb ueu ike r«oleU0to wbl*
tod toe. toepled I9 tto totod of
.M •tn »eetotto la. ealllto
epeetol Eodto«re» to d- Itofr .f
Bobaru of Utah fro» •

•Mtoetttoir letara.
Ttodto«n.eleto MdeiMlAtotoMlehUttoO toMrena . Inird c
ttoMtorld«l»toBitoBnt >tol '
D. Barr-.ipl.e,
toTto(bde.*er. A eee ef
etotoet eo.BU.eMaa arte .ptorMd Urud Baeida.
« pmidaad-Bdward
towwd Ito ^tfora a ebe Bar. Mebaatoh Bejstoe. D D . of Dauolt.
^ntarp^OBnla Pan .n.; to Eelttoaaatlto toerder
t. led ^
totoea. ««•
hj OM
ei ef toe latoaie
• W. A. Prian ..f «:
,t toe
Md teoatore of
th MetoedUl K>
dealerSaperigteadeaV-dr. EllaN.

Biatop Ktoda of lUWood of LtoBlaC.
Mtokioa^ttoprrlBIMto'Bl—Brr B.
ef «ecnte*T WllUe
.to toe ■M«re ef Pmldeet aarh B. Allea of Uaaiap.
OoodaUaaeablp koperiet-adrat—W.
•on toiT e—n»lto ^d 1
B.tunof of Detroit.
Itoi toere an m* st.aii Bedean


Tto report Wtop


ito'- tod •Tbtoe'a Setohlec la Uf Beal
Stoto." -»• *»hrmu -----^ toe tfcrtailto " ■-------Mtoaf e.reaUtoto.-'kotoi toarto Ttot Btoaarer. Haarr ntot drer *to eratytotor !•

Bar. Dr. J. WDbw Cbaeawa. letov
a( toe -«toel boar.'- tod B. O. Oapto.
to. Bow Terb foapel a!.t«r.
to. pMlera wito bate a.

Bn. Hettlei de>Ub of
Cbarlollr: Pnebpteriaa. r.rr. (Me A.
D.. of Btp C.iy: Uelted
Untoraa. Rer. N O., Uarbrnoe of Petoekep; Bafomed. Ber. T. W. Mollanberf.’ of Uraad Ham: Mrlbrdtot
t, Ber. Dtrid Juoreof Adriae:
R^reopal. Ber. WiIUbb I.eeoaofAlEeclleh Letberaa. Ber. C. 3.
Kelfai^ of Orud Kipld-: Weelepaa.
Hetbodbi; Ber S. A-' He <. rail, of

tofofd;UbarebofCbrirt. Uir. C A HeUmiBo. of Aoe Arbor; HapUaV Brr
Clark U Brarra. of Oraod Bapidt:
lal Kpiaeepal.Krr. T. U. Aeder
orVaaHereai PneWIII BaplUl. Ber.
L Marria. of SparU: Priende. Ber.
Leri T. Peealrptoe. of Trarcree Clip:
Africu H. E .Mcp. A. B. Watere. of

Tka effort, of itarorae CUy,cftallaB
Kadaaror workan U tallp appreciated

I Detroit. Hlk Mabel Bataa, Jeeior
. baa pirea three
I that poaiiloD.
thre^ toe by aBaat Iroe reeoaator aMeaitceiloo. The followlepelippiop
ottototo. Teat Badearor was. breto froB tbe Detroit Trlbaoeauppeata tb*
ralae of tbe work of Hln II
"Tbe Jaalor btooer waa preacBled to
^ B^eelrtoybedyloatoa dry a
tbe Jaeior Badearor aeeuip of iba
Flret CoapTroUtoto' eborcb. DeUoii
bp Hba Mabel Bate# (».Tra<

• toe •^sMbear~ me carried <
deaV rrbo^e as eloqorot addrrte

■leaeaier. Budreds of yoaa* per.MM beared tod appeared
^Allto fftoaeda for toe two Bale
. elateabgbtoteto|e.batapeatpoMBe;
Bom tolar toe break of darre this
«er«lac*ketraatMBef toe Dali
MtoaBolelCtoiUM todlai

I for toe' teal aed
>e bp
raraeatand effecUre work
tbataoelelp. Hbe aoM toe aocietp
arBtqeaoiiueiol doAerwasd auppllea
to toe boapilalt. where.ibrpBeaded, eeei beaea of book. 1
Winlooafp delda, aad
d, aad ebore:a
I bad beeo

coed apirlteal


B. A C. rnKm. the
tM Indlertiadia
i¥l .lu^-r of B Ifart S. V. .rtw.:
**• ••lee.dlN-l.anrafr-eBibr-.njrea
of in hnlih. aad
■eblerrrruarr: 1 InSLi] •mei.rnar afirll
amlaaaofn. 1 ne.i
aitradVu up tadUUa(rol>l. I

mi an, oolrlUiMai-eiar IJad
rl. patra'l turdlrlDi. and lakra dn»r» f"«>
lor. fur jran ■llbout U Inrbrlrnl
la'lraiya .. .
air borb jib-aaen to aU

» addr-n. ______

Dema. Jalp a—There wen ae |
il ■eedlMi la toe CbrleUaa Bedi
arMBMMalchiaerrrill toere be

____ ____________________be
Hlchlgaa eirand to^H


Tbe W-C. L A-

WoBao'e CemrUrp laprorr.
Brt'T’becadap altere> ?;M le toe Udln- Llbrarr
pertm aed traaeaeted eoneiaerablr
baalam. itfllcera for ibe eaealag peer
elected aed toraaoeal report of
tba reeordleg a^wrp .wee reed bp



r «M Bar. Dr. J. C. Tyi
L 'BAr. Dr. MeLurie of
•reaUpa. lad
------MpiB itoeller to toe fciedral tome of
led bp toe fail


B bp Mayor Praak
statrarat of tbe obj/cu of toe
rrelloB, bp Hoe. Prank Well', pretideetef tor tiele board of brolth.
bTr. Id reft add rraa
, Hprirae of the ryr. bp Dr II. A
Laclilaa of IlrlrolL
Hpgirar ef.tbe bomr. bp Mra.
IlbcnnioD led by Ur Picd B
belkeapaf Slice, araberof tbe atatr
board of beelto.
Turodap STrelag.

E 0.,Ladd tbu eatcadrd aa ierlu-'
frda.tod' Did MIbiob Baadap
trbaal to bold toe arzt eeoetp eoarraatthatplaea. Tbe lariwtloa wm
slaooelp aceepted aod toe follow.

Ladd. A. W. Jariiaoe, J. R Baraep. Mrs J. B. Ilibbe aad Mra. C. 8.

Barrie A Jaaklaa. toe last Pridap la Brp(eabar
»a^. B.<p.
Hia.Jeba BlghMad hMrMarMdw
tklaallpAtMecMHIac M Saatoi^u.

-_______ _____ ilarp—M E Browa.
Tre^rrr—Badie UilcbclL
War.—Myrtle Hooker.
Coe —Llbblr triah.
Cbap.—Hprilr Fea.
B. B. to W. U -Jeseir I'aagbora.
L. B. to W.—It/Rtta Moaroe
B B * V. U.-Ebbs Chaaaaa..
L. « to V. O.—Ella BBltb.


a a wm




The walrraepplp i.f Trateree Cllr.
Hno.J. W. HiUikee aad H. L. Spragai
Dbce tien Ird bp U. Moeteger
Weda.sdtp MoiBiag.

utj}» 5-m :(i-« u.:wgJl yiU if-J peH-wHnin

r- M.1.MM - rrrV..:;

- >r »r»i-M'l»ifiaCHCU>b.T--...I a

r, Tl.'.':.l '

|«0. BA. A Baskel ef

11; ■ b

Mo'. »e
^ MbIr.PInCnbmt't

. A Pocket Mirror

.... ..

DAP rrr f

- Tbr pia'lecurp of N R krro.-.v :
Soot. wr«t of tor U. K A I. depot, aai
rorrlp rteaped dralroclion by Crr Pr da
uighk Ab POt 9.C-Ctmra wrir diicvi
rrrd through tbr wladoatnf tor build
■ iig from ibropeoailr tid.-wf tbr rirr
andaaalirei wm luronl io iioiard
airly, rill-drr drpartiu.'Ol retponer.

J /

k a




____________ ^__________ _

. ,


lotidr tor’bolldi’ gaad


roeediuga Qtadi-il my difficoll u
at tor building for rffi-rtJrr work, but
prompt aetioe ^oooe eoelruiird
blaie. Abrarp wind wm blowing at
tbr Uojr and tbr rraerraeCitp l.embrr
Co't force wae^llrd eel to br
emrrgeiAp, m tbe yards
Uumgbl to be le danger.
Tbe stock aod buibbag ore fellp insand, tbroogb toe ageoop of Joba R.
Owiag to tbr dUluce of tor faclorp
from tor Are bpdraau the eembrr
alrtami arailable wm llmilcd.
Bdnale la noted for moorcca, bowaad' be added aaotorr lli
beer, altocbedtotbcbpdrael la
of SUiObrrgiUraod.on Pront street.
Ue-did not inlt for Toloateere to c
cad of toe beer acrow the r
bot-atooeelauDcbed a dry goods
aad ferried bimtrif aeroai akd
bad aeotber good stream on tbe ffamB.
Tbe leal oo tbr premlan la ,greater
thao ai Siafteppoard and ae rxamina-

the pear b
ai'd art out In the ceta
1 ecat of g:i :m. haVe
_. . rraaBealal gjwer bed*
raekeriee la rarlout part.
_________ rirrr. which no* Bake ..
dower brda, la wbieb bare bero art l<u tor entire dcalracUoc of the building.
to balba aed maop plaoU aod Tbeleaeoetor baildiag la about I'Sn.
_______doeated bp people wboarele
iboataod eoad bag*. g«l<i aod luoo
tereet^ le toe good work tbr iadba of batbrit of raluablrbrrd were dae
ibat IltUe oae-beMerd Tbr raloe
Bga:;.«oaoe ea eaer :<uei
of toe seed rteredt »luui. makiag
tloo crrrrd lee errua. cake a
toUl hto of Bcorlp. If not qaitr. lloiKi.
rberrbt le-rlhe City BookaW
rha total aBOBSl of ioearaace b
elaailDC •u.bO.. We bare
While a ^t deal of seed bad
addl^BMr erw ,a«a. today, ’'witb bMB abipped oat latrip toere wm
tbebaUhccof gicu.ib la oertmoaprp taoagbie toe buildlag to mak.
to atari tor new year oor pmapeeta arc
eery dieutnue for the eoapaoy
M. I«M.
rerp bright for a aoeereafel falare.
tocAnnotbeeB bandied eo well.
lagwueelledte order ip
In addlUee to tba bearing of toe re>
IbepmldeDkC U. hMra aod Dr
at followt;
A DeUgbifel Day.
• eoadaeud bp
Hmldeet-Hrt. C J. Eeerlaad.
Wedoeadey. Jely Sto. wm a moti d*
B. Hararp. Bepor a were plm bp 1
rinlTiec prerddeet—Ml, L. (to,!*.
Ugtalfal day tea large eumberof tba
rmrioaaolllearaaad bp the preaidri
.Beecad rlee pmldeot-Hln Jeaale ladlce brlooiriBg to the Womae'e Some
of tor towMblp aaeoeiatlou.
aad Porriga MlMioBary aoeletp of the
>lid Tier pmldrBt—HrvMd. Lpoa. HepUatebereb
HepUttebereb la tor
thr eec^
ig eeerrtarp—Mn J. V. 1
rerp eordial iBriutioe girre toe eoelr.

ilaed la Ue -popalar book. Tka drat
prapeMl rraa fraatad irito laaphter
bBBMOBlaktacB. Bor. Hr. Shaldoa
bad tar to balut bat bs fawith th'ea had daelded that it
Miacad rrito tbe qeeetlea. -Whp
natocltl trcictarp—Mr, Be, Smith.
“Wbp ^ «P frlMdar he «rae( ea. win to hold a rally at Trarrtae Citp Treeaerar-Hn. M. r. OrUu. ,
•1be«elltoM>ur«^>Mr aiUllou tob pear aad eagrealed
Hoard of direetora-Hta. Jtoa Olllb.
Itar toeadTiMbllltpof bold- Mr, Maip JoBtaoo. Mr, A. A. MeCep.
iMltoeUBeriMforaoeBeoBe to adiBgltataoDrotbrrpoiBl. Tbe rrpor Mr,C U. Maes aod Mr,l£ J. »-,]gboB
alter dae eeaaldrrB
to tola bladt- Mr. dbrldee baa beea
red tod earried that toe
aaetotoa mmi prdmiaeal dparea le
Rebekab EieeUou.
be brid at Kiogalep. aad
Bia sadkaaeea harr
Urkad TrarrtM Brbrkab Ladge. Ke.
MtoelarB«a^ottoa aaettoaal
Ite. at toeir regelar BorUeg Uel pa. bat toa awn-lade of bl.
leg iMUlled toe followimt oacoa for
ahdald rrqelre.
------------ -btrMb rrlto rrhleh to reply.

The best Coffee is Arbuckies’. The only Coffee to buy is Arbucfcles*.
The right thing is to insist on having Arbuekles’.


tka ■eallitoi an atoadalad for Bobdtp Btaal^ Bad firdwalle far lloadap I toe eUte with e ■
Deriag tor peat ------------>«kt.
rfodaalad iato thr adrmooed
niB ■oPBlBcb -talu boar' la Taat
Mearor wm aun larpelp auaad^ aodetp aad tbe toarebn bad reerlred
- toaaaltoarof toaarrriaaaeaai. The OMrlp 000 aaiBbera fron toe juaiora
laat ■MflaiB la toe bl« teata before Tbep bad door rSlebat work le the
Haadapopeaedla TMta.Bedeareraad loaperaoee aad Binkmarp g.Ida.
of craeltp
WiUMea. at lac'eleek rrlto toe
(iMletMrde oa baad. mad «lto tbe
aiWfaCMepirlUdaaaror. Tbe Bale
Btodap School AaaociatioB
baptetotoodapatTeal SadMrer. irai
Pollowlagb toe report of .toe 1
"Barad be Berra.- -aeU OoaeaerethB.*
rPM toa fBto toane la That Willla- bif of torereeatlre e^mluee of the
bp Bar. (bariaa H. Kbaldoa to Ibpehi
Xaa.. le rmleii • .lib wUeb 1

I>r. J. II. Heaau. E. W Haatlaga. ff!.
Aehtee, Eaaeael WUbeh
i. h. Mania. Wb. L—THrprtaMeat.
eeerrttrp aad br. Hearp
7 B. Haber. P.
HaBlItoa. SpragM-'VraU.
COBBillrr oe Btxlr-E E Wbllr
W. H. St, ff -ea C K tior
TheoaUiecof toeprogi

Wrdeeedap Afuraeea.

Hia J, K. lilllbple, a. follow,:
Wr bare held eirrra aoatolp Beet
■ erreral/board

•Mtore batag toe Haadap anemaa

Arbuckle&’ Coffee

The Imp irUner of arwrrage >a/:itir,
wito tprcl.l nfrriojc to Trat
Clip. S & Walk IlitcetilOB led
II*. Colliaa Jl. jofaeeloB of Uraad
iDtorS fiiBcetormalb bp hraU Ktpid,
were m f-rllowa:
The water aappip for Tiwrrrae City,
eoollnard. I'rol. Helot Pall will, la
:lldo. gire a paper oa "I'eri.
water- I’hll.C. Btoerwill
1 preaeot tome pbaara of the
rgorotloo, aod ferttarr Oitcauioo of tob
iap)rual<|iMtioB w-tl follow.
Wrdeatdap Erroiag.
Uoa. Prank Wrlb. preaid-ot of Uir
Itau board of health. Iiiu-ewlon Ird
.bp Or. H. B. Uarerr aad Jir. Baker,
* u b. beau—S:»aH.
aeentaiy of toe bmnl. /Mat.c will be
a proui oeBl leelerr of cteli araaioo.
.The objreuof thrronrmlion arr 0
borer, drireo byp
rerp well, wloaioc-third taoeri
ffcaeeutoo of factN. Ibr rompariai
aed tbe d.wetvoa of m -iliad.
tor free for ell race U C K.
beer made tbiagi a great deal
. It beet
«B a good traek for Alaoole tbaa tkr end Ibeaeriegut bu
leuodrd purely at e Brdicel
did. Tbr track waa Imry alter
ralaaof titr rounhaod tbr lootJ boca- tloo. bail, tor tor pMpIi grnrralir.
ea were arrerelp baedleeperd.
ea-1 llnirly tupirt of local Inlerrat will
le nbiioo to toe nat le wbleh U.
S. waacDlrnd atpight be Uid Out -tne an-l tor ladira arr aaprcl.Up ...
AlBootr. tbe Wioerr. aboeld bare bees Tiled to brpriB-el. ,
Tbr placr uf in -rliag aed ferllirr
barred.hariDgbrrDrkpelled front tor
partleelara will i>- g.Trn' leirr.
Alorruao Aaaea-ialion Iraeka io
A Natr.iw E«ot|>efor bringa •TiBier."
Ttib tact waa

celt, aed U b proUtdr tbat ibewlll
laak^oBr rerp good UBedurieglhe
Tbr other toeel taorare ar
red froB Haabtee yeeterdap.



It has set the standard of quality for all CO
etitors for the last thirty years. The strong*
* estdalm any competitor can make is that his coffee i«^‘Just as
as Arbucklea'.*''

Thr dalirt aad piwm . f tor braltb
oSerrt aed local boanlt of braltb.
C. I>»b
IiiacettloB Ird bp Judge MeAlrarof Maai>lec.

ootdbeoTrred. bowrrer, ue II towere orrr aad ao Uir Uiae for
baapvard Tor mar I u-lr bp AlOiootr b :;III-^ f<-i a mile Tbua It.
he aeea Uial L C. K laadr a atoat enditablrabowlng
The other borara from thl» plaee.
betaa abd TuBiep H. toal were
ered. air owaed b> B. J. Horgaa aad
lalrotgraT ailk wito cold letlcriac. L H. Salbberp, raapeeliT.-lj Billp
llggleadrorrbilb b traea.
aad wu Irealred bp Miaa Aecrr, prnlI, C. E weaabiperd yeeterdap from
of tbe aocietp. aad Mra. Harrp H.
who wa» HaeUler to Hnnd Bapidr, wbrrr tbr
e for toe work will be rolerrd le raert la eboi

abe bM doae. Bpfore toe preMataLlaaltoeaeaUar
t Brigbaa H. Beberteof Ilea Mto Balet road ber report of tor
ra aalp roasblp draire. la toe elote.Tbe anap el Joalon la Hletalcu.lad toe leal rrUI be eababe Mid. "b three llsee aa later aa
nep of
that aerrei for
eoutrp'a flag le Ceba. tod tbap
brigbt aad brare aa aap that
» f*,___
ttotMoeearaalloaULtodea. toele fagsd eader toe bueer of Cbrbt
Biaea the laaietaU cooraotlon oni bare
into older eoeieUea. ee

Two Facte About

■a with a BM

bald bm tob oaaBar uder tor w
aplen ef tbe beard, tij wMOrcidL J to
bold toe eeattoUea ea Tandap
Wedaeadep. Aag K aad tl. OBtaa
l-mldcei-TVB T. Betea.

Dotoblr aaioac lu membara.
'■•■la tbe face of tbcM aceompIUb
BioaU.’ eheeaid. "Il mej eecm to ibe
aiaaller eocieUee that il la ao aa
•CalaattoeepMlac ef ibe (alee ef toe work tor toe beoaer aMtber pear,
lied pee toot il ta
Obtoeoatoeatoleadpedar. .Afurdto
qealltp. Dot torseaelip. of work; that
aaeto^ vUbaa to toe eeaumry aai
tiBiHl reaolattoa itm aatberiied, pn.^ttof la toe aaae ef toe CbrieOto
■adtoraraecIetyacBlMt toe epeelac
to toe iMea of up

- n# •Mlibjr

tp l-p Mr, Jam-e i. UlSb. toeprari toe
dap at ber home la kl>>g. ld.
etboapiu i
7 ail who .1
Bate M to aonakr of It la the after.
the gaesta naoiled ter acoaple
of boare to toe pleoeoet MapScld chap.
oi. that brlag tbe ragelor dap for thr
rj [irugiaB wbicb wm ably
d bp tor president. Mra. J. A
Tbe program ecuietod of a brief re.
flew of toe Poreiga miaeloB work mared by the eoeleip darieg the past
UoeofUoBe Mlmloe work bp MHs
SetSe T. Dorter wbieb wm rsrp later.
ealleg. iMtrucUTraad iespIrlBg.
They bed oleo .toe plMoare of
ireUeg maop of the M.pflrld aed

All wen inilp gratefel to Mre.
Uibbe for tbe effort Bsdc"lD Bis HoBr'
whieb fare aacB a fflsd day of

lu IsUowablp la ^ Msatm^

Xteal Se-tate,
. Xarad-eara;

t'eraoDsI Prorrrty. Slocks Mrrcb-.
udiee. Almost eaythlog yue
went; moerp to loan 00
produclirr city aod
farm property: wr

List roe'property wito tbr mra that do thi
work: tio droorsaroond ourrflicr: alwspe
mdy for buaiaesr; come to a« lor bargama. '
Oari-roplrwatititoaell If yna hare BonV laying idle wr toe plarr it for poo
'on gill edge sernriip. If poo nerd
St.II lirip yoo 001 00 aapthing
that ran be briprd oet Wr prrdjedicr.; aU

trraird alike and tor

8«eood Floor,

Travane Clt^, Hicb:



...... sis'ii.iijsi-..;;;;!.'--.*:.-;

Tbr throogb day uA
Prukforl carrire a free rrclining
chair ear. aed
rn in Fn • •
e:iop a Oe____
ferries leanw Pronl


Ask agents ai^t ^

32^ L'nion ^5trect.

9wn> mnm htuunji^ smt » uw.
Herald uNTMiueNKSNiineL

, Oar. Oi



toaUtob* tb*


Who* Emrj tMdjr' at Arilafftea.
; Vm Bmb Op.. «ae toklac a lln M
:<>aaptBakbUth8Bb«B> atoned kr
• la. Blood pdMlarnttou oad dl
tbBBCbhtoBm«n oaieototod It did
aotaeea Ua. oad dntli ooeo foUoato
At Bto Bopito the rteerboeeataldod.
bat tke lower doa wool oot Maodoa


eat bm

llta. Datoy Boarbto oad daarbterof
an rUtlac Ur. oad Ura. Wa.
a«baa Itanoto
Tba Jaalor C B will ylra aa tor
Ultdlaood Krw Boaaof Oopovlab on .naa aodal Mt Taoaday at Uba
Viola Jobab. lee cr^a Are ood bn
E E Caapbrit drora to Lalabd. Sat
^ itoy aad Preraaeot Uat Wadaaaar xaaa .a Meoeolooo loM woah.
UM Bortoo Wbba ealabrmlod bw, Tbo O. a; E ood W. K C rtoltM
in> birtbdor roeaaU/ by piriaf a par­ In. K i> Lawlla toat Haiarday. ‘-Tb<
ly to bar rrtooda.
^ ^ Moaloa waa dm of rroat pltocorc lo
Hra. Arab Uibba
. . aad
aoo WUIIaan all peoaaat.
oapaotlby to atan for Ulao WIid.N. Y..
Utoa Chnatiaa Gartba o'oaad bar
Wadaaaday tnakit w« tiikh.aebckil at Ortott Prldar aod ntarowl
boaa itotorday.
. C B Scaldar. W. U. Bobma aad P.
V Uona of Cbicaco were ban Friday
aad Sataiday looklac ap naorta for
ultUk'^ Ua teaeben at Ckln^. They aaearo
.................... 1., aren bon flahtay Ual |9 be larorably lapr^ad with ibU re

----------- Wtown of Owyaaorilla.
lad .'la rwtUoc bar fatbar aad other
:«Mlo»M.M0. TWapper dma omou totourea.
Than wto a partyat tba raaldo
teABUItoow8.owUw to tka b« tor
J l■«beaB. arUto hoanurdod Ua flow Ur. Paraaa Haiortoy oiybt to
of Ulaa BoM Oarla. wbo to tbo ro
'Ira. ParBBB.
raraara aruaad Beat ftwaa who
Aaale Dtlu aod Jack Oaly wan
.beta■oweia foraatarbaota t
-larriadat UaboaMof tba frooB lo
Brart Itot weak. Tba/bare tbe bni
Inaora flowaoaat eaar tbe pi
. 0.bba aourtateed tba
tba ltaptla-. Ulaaloodnla
of inra
City laat Wedanday. lo
aftai B a •*■—*'-f wae bald lo
Bp.tbaran doabUal <
tbartaarckoodan '
rlroe which waa lUiaead to Oy << ilia a
■ of PortUoTaa.bao ianra aodtaoee. a oeBber froa KtayIbo diaatootloa of owalay a bona aap- atoybaiorpraaaal.
A arttflatol lootb ~
tdbaao toatar flaah bad araa takaa I


r aoo Laaadar ban I

t»Mro«d hae »««« «

»rf «!>*«« eoW >»d «. tk*
rMlaMMeet tWtMra. —May tk*
■ni 4«nM* f«ad kaowB.
At AUMM. Owrn T. Rlrk
kteUBtljt——dal^iAid bta •»«
:wlU • ■Bitot, tai eke acBM
:ta)B>r- B.toBC»l--b. matj J*«.




-MM iMboa I
Paorl floetea et

no dtiart Ine la fna Ilk

Ur. Doroey eallad ban tbia aoratof

tbaaalMlb Motor friada^ wan
^Jaaa^Piddlar of Obtoafola elalUay
aapad. «a of iba aalaial'a Uetb
■Itod wlib BOlal aad bo baa rafalard UnTraabsUof Poraat BUI rWUd
frioode ban laat weak.
-Tbora la qailc aick. D-. Pnflloar (rtowto la Jadm pf tbe Jack* Ura.'Tbora
Jled low
aaaToaar-oawho toft uif IT tor ek called lo aea Ler thia turaiay.
Ur. Prill called oo frtooda at tUe
OrMt Store toko an bobw fri(fa<
laat Salarday.
l<o^fe: of UoBlalw
e Iroocfel
a Oerl
aura. Un
ov borr auCa.
aarth of Iba beaBdaiy liaaof HiaarroIB. wblab aara iba lafoiaf parttoa an


Pear of tbeboboalc plarae hae atetad at HoBOlala
twaoaJeeca aod Jely t. I.IH
were laeraiud atCliia«o fa icrrier Is tbe Pbllippioa.
lo flra BOBtba flity aew eottoa alU* j
bare been bnllt or prajecbal la tbe{
SoQtb.ood tbiny-aiee allli la-that |
aacUosan lobaeolaryod.
iqaaaee of tbe reeeet atorar,
Ibanraiaio eaatoro Silaia an onrflowlsruclr baaka oad coaaldeiBblc
• baas daoe tba aapa.
arooda at AlgoM. W. Va.. to abut to
be ut atTke ralf of ».uoo feet per
day. It to uttomta^ that flee yun
-Ut beapmt to flatohlog the inet.

CEBow u^cniau aur. • doec uc
oniaiui USILVBlT.baS Ik Hal b

Eu iMdai B (R Be asf braqu. db.
am ttE tcE. M ihU tosn.^
BUUcvut mauAfllB bo S IE. aki

J^r~-r»>~ h—.Trim.nw «cvt.rr..



ord.riair lorye qnaoi
lln of r fla frowi ftolios B-do
Bcdiata abipai-nl
ManDoJI Plrldorcbicoco.aai
'idaal aad a arnbrr et the flra of!'
Uanball f-leld A
.bsaaqaarterofaBimoa dolion to
oanlaCinioIy oo aaarly e;T.ii(W.OOO
If prraneal aad rral pnpi rty.
ia bellrrcd to be tbe lorptat
■due fair c
I todirldaal <
li-zd for any or all meBberi
faiaily in ueeoaracof tbe llaainaat
C* Urge, f'lr P.fty Ujllara Oalr t,
will be ffered ui uine tor Jal
If lattenird. eali or wri-e.
r R rvw-Kritiv.~l^p.

Jo«a»-r »ruwWlo»—Mrf vr Iwi

SMirdm /Old witbut aid troiD
from the atomacb,
and to made to <l'uX F. C. Tb0Bp»a


It takto tbo yoaap pao^ of tba H.
E ^rab at BoUIba for hMtltar. Two Un.. AfMw riaitad UaplaOtyooe
■aaki acP tbv dn^dod that Iba ebe'Ob day toat weak.
. Ilrb ad .fay otoetrldiy.
Hai 7 Uuabrlll flolabod a a
year of aehool at tbia'plM' wbieb
tot^y (to
r MoafT aad bad aakea tba aecoed year baba* taofhi
Ibo work raabod Uuoork oe tbat oa
I Edea Hala elcwad bar tora ol
Saatoy loarMoa daya tour, tba llcbia aebool at (itoa Arbor Uat weak aad baa
mn taraad aa tor tba flrat tlna.
oow eoamraced to Inch a two auaUia
E O HoCbba of Patoakay. war at tara to Ue Price diairici. our here.
Bill abal dowa oa tba «tb ud It
Oraad Bapida Hooday to Meet iba reproaaoloUecB of SoeroUry of War Alyer.
Stolp-foor wialiin of tbe Potoakry
OBMfaay bora alfaad rrqoaato to be r»oattotadteraerrtoa lo tba.Pblllpptooa
WilliamaoB ud family bare
Bad MoCabo la trylMt lo bare tben takiota a body. OoL McUairlo of tbe ____ book to Plaber'a Bill. Alibonrti
tbclr reaideaea wu abort 1a tbla place
Thirty aaeoad Htobioa. baa atoo oak- they Bade auy frtondi wbo werq aorodfera eoMaiaatoe to aorao la Xki — aee Ibetn Bore away.
e eoaalltoe act to poke amape-

^TfSu'rv'S'T?-S ?r£
Wbat UUlu Ooad Sboaa Uoaai
‘Tbe Moot aad Shoe ReporUng C
may credit J » l.ewtoCd.. maker


...... -. ......... .w*. ..J ...


■aa told that a up of raaolla
■■•lotaboUed woold prore a
toalBfUitolbo nMoral ol dirt aod
alalw. Ska triad it. aod toadad I
odtotolaptooMMlatoaperttoo of bar
^aod ayotoowa. aod with ai
ontowuapu bv-fife
Tata Baattor.
Wb'lautbaatiaf tooPHarek Beary
habr. of Bear OtBwferd. laBbcIlo
aewMy. IBO b aOrer gray tez tola
botlow tog aad ahot bar. Wbn be
apUt tka tog opu be feaod atoe yoaag
oUaar gi«y testa, ou of wUeA bad
baubi todwbubaakot tka awtkar.
Ha b^gad tka awUn Uttar, aad oow
hM eight sUrar gray fuaa ter pou aod
a flbo praapoot of .aktog a fortoaa
ealoflkea. Eleargray tea peltoaoll

latter (roMbka

doited Biolaa
ton yaon age wbw be wu eUll a rulAaMof Swodoa. he hod Igaaod tka
aaiiaal teaulgkkortpure Ibo totter
ttatosofblatood. Tka mb wu
out lo ropey hlabeoataoier wboo


wbleb taka pUu Aag trd uo
d uttlera' picalc gr-iuUat this
Ula Edu Bela to apao.Dtrd
coawliUsoB pragtaa If Itraiuos
tUdrd the plulc will lake ptoun

muefactarer Get a pair at
The H.A N
Saaday eziuni------------------- ,to Uanlttoiee
on tbe f I'ow,ting datn: Uay U.
.......... Joly «. Si: Aag. 6. SO;
Srpl J. IT; OrL I Tniualuee Tne
m.. arrieeat Haaialer
II a. m Reluni. Iraer Uaatoiee Hiii
p. m . arriee at TneeneCiir Kiiop a
Uaaal nie. one fan rotitd trip betwaei.
all alaUoaa not to exceed flt Exeor
aianfrua Hutoteeon alterpalc Sann W ri’KX'.*i«i<*><, Ageai.

Ike wuiker tbe ■
tka Saadayaebool rally aod plnic wu
• to tkarklalty------------- -ad. aad..
agood progru
a reodered
u foUowa:
8oeg--Tba NaUu*a Boot.’ by the
Kardtokeilto ttooday aebool.
-A tolk tatka ■------Strirktood.

Jutoh White.
rtou Aoir.
Dutomf.loa ' y Ulto I.illtoii Walla.
SaeitoUu, Htoo Ibynie Birdaay.
Sy by ibeJIapU City Sooday ubul
A^totiu, BtUaSuu.
■...............b rnmaln.
ra^ky Ur^elto of Alain. _


be goiter by L.wall Willoaeu.
At Uccloaeof taa f*otr%m


toad.l. Ber.
ud Ur Jaaaa Piddicr.
Tbe Blral. Ur NoMb a but. broogtl
etaraloodof people froa Uleo Arbor
aod the upteto lorlied all tbe Saaday
ool ebildna to Uke a free r>de on
ra lake, wblek wu aeceptad. A
grut deal of c-adll U dae the prnldnc
of tka lally. Ur Jobe WbUe of Solu.
tor tba aaeeeaa of tba pleole. Ur
Becker of Uaele Citytoe[utod pruldut of tka rally tor out yaar aad Un

araaocUy wtteeatmu oaUl ok
yau or two ago. Ikcy wen i
Oboftead away by uy BMdera Pird
a LeBate etoltad frtosda to
u av tool wwk.
Plpu te Hamlto tewB. fee ikey a
•at than to ks obaraMd aaiui a li
paeahaM uogbt a large ob# to
Ura. E B Kohl aod ehltorra wni lo
m>ag aoBU of gooda While
Tharaday to elalt kar parhlMtlegbkprtoaabMi towa tka n>- (toarlcrola
>U of that plau.
Utoa Lottir Nelaoa la eitlUag Ip Ulleach tbay baaa bacOM a gnu
D. P. Bozle. wife aod an of Lalaod
UBu. aad afl tbe derlon an ru
wan In Iowa Saaday.
toUgat rU of tbca While ur -of Ju Bustoler. who hu bus rlaittog
rtooda here, left toat week.
Tbo Funb paaaad iff earyqalatly
bare, there being au ulebntioD Owtoff to tba raiB bO pleale wu bold to
TkoMW Bokaaa to Iba \of. bat Boaron Ibagrore u bad bna toleaded.
peaaiau to briag aalt far doMgra. All Tbe Bead Soya of tbto plaMaiawi
tbla la told oothtoeoa rat aad lu daa- tbo Funk IB Tfareru Cl|ltj. taktoc
pari to tba ' '
Tba C E topic f
ipdae to.
a banty far iMoulpa. tka aooo
.. ____ ____I0;»u»7.
•ow paid by tka aiot. ood .out
Uadar. Hi ~ '
Iboutelka W^ldutood wolf.
Utoa Alke Uill left tor a etoll with
luda to Uilwaakea Uat wek.

Bee. Apgultoa Carmu praaebed to
Tbek .mCktbolleltkbop
tba Coog^ ebareb lut Sooday Tbe
' wuwell au ' '
load. A . ^to.buterblddu I-- ua
at flowaaotfaoarato to bla dtoou.
Two Cklaeoa. drletog rack Mly today.IT. flu>aotoot UtoadbtolDws
. thrwaghikaalraataef Vaoauear.toob
Utoa An Votoe toelalitog to TiaeeWUng frWa. '
Ju Bompk^. wbo hu bcu apeadtabtlahad u tba ebon of Lobe Brta.. Jag a taw wewin hen. left for bto kune
■ orTatoAa A alto of i.on aeru^ to Sb jAiBto toat ThUMtoy.
bon auarad oad flt.aao utod^had, ^^J Ak Bw^aff of^lugn la etolUag
Utoa U^a-B^ of Omna wu eteTke Adlantto ezpoditiu of U. da Itiag Ur. aod Un. Sultg toat week.
I. wbobukeu
Oty tor

____ __________ _____

Tba barge AUu H. OUl aallad/bua
gated 0 onttant tar to tba auU.
Otawfard rakbaoba of Terr* Baota
WMalfotraetprooutor. baltont lAo _____ .___UlUarb
WaoteuanlkalrlaatlMa. Be aaya loatwook.
M. P. ShtoBOr. waw prla^ of the
EafaaaMtea'bMrofau to bay Iras-.
aahooi bon. acTleafl toat TWday be
^aadprt^abaaahunabofply ■Oka Wo hoM bm nUI oobdol iom-

--- _


""A Onr Clotlitni; trade for llie Fmirlli lias been imiiienae
Ufu^lots^ltove been eutireljr don-*d oatpoii.mcD) lota pariialiy


‘ The Prices Below are for GOOIICLBTHIIIGllo False MisrejireseBtatioi......
Lots 1043 ud 1301—Men’K dean, v.41 idaI.-.. iip.i...dAte
wool anito, Freneli fsi-nl Kti-ioldera. 8eri;e lioinifB
rifB ami
Vi|«ed, (nlly worili *7.50. dean op ule prii-e.............. $4.



ionable all wool fancy vuita. b-at of triiuirrnsfa. well
maiie and BUitb, fully wqflh
dean U|> able pri.-e,
choice for................................... .............................................$B 00
3164 SBd 3160—Mea'aiiivieibic plaid fancy all arool caaeiim-re npAo-daU- Snito. well toitoreil and U-at of
trimniimm. t very imt anmnier onil.dirtipAltlO.desn
upoale price............................................. ............................ W.90
Lou 843 846,
Indadea a lilt nf Men> Suita in fanev
1671.3303,8834- W.inite-V. Silk Mixe.1 l'■a^e.inl-^ea.a l
wool Cloy WuraU-d. the 1> st .if w irkiunnaliiji. style anrl
Coiab, worth Hi. cleAD up aale priiv....................... .... .$7.00
LpU 4010, 8186, 4464. 4097-Me,,-. exui>tiona«r fine eoar.
antnd duthiotf.dtvan.'e.GiiUib and workmaiubip com­
bined. aold everywhere from $16 to 118. clean np aa>e
price, choice for..............................................................$8A0
Alt otherp eunally u cheap in proportion.

Sri Gooils. loots anri Shoes. Geers' aid ladies' Fata,
isbiees. Garrets.'Kell Paper, Nillieeq, eta.

Go at Grand Cle
lean tip Sale Prices.

The Boston Store,


We have bought 10 pieces of
White Goods at just about half the regular .
price. We might anlc W to 15c for them and give you
jour money’s worth, but ivc have marhed them at
juBtSc per yard. Ask to see llicm. Tbe he.vt valnes over offered.

Black and Colored





Read Every Word of This Ad.
ADt \i.rrt
4ttu «m4» •bkotk. ’bbi’
WvtVeA obt
«44 ywte. totr^
TfltteTb; «q«ti
bVt W4 tbOb^Vi ^or b 4t«u—«me Vbw
tmo-bbA VVtet dttjB’m tHe. Tvect-Urt ttit poor steft
\tvt ntTTj crtktiv 0^ OUT \\r,t dveM «oo4b 4locV->>D«
W Mrtti ttvem Vn »\x tiAb bxi $Atk4 Wtm u ^oVW'.

A great many ladies would like

lo have a satin dress or skirt if they knew
they could get one at-i‘1 to $1.25 a yar-1 that they
could depend upon to wear two to five years. Wc '
have a Black Sa'in. 27 inches wide, fully giiaraniec.d
to Wear two ycii.- and not .split, crack dr rough up,
price $1.00 and $1.26 yaid. Colored Satins. jLV
inches wide, same guarantee, price $1.60 yard.

7 Chili'S Spring Jackets M
former price $1.25. for 88c. ' Four Nflvy (rid IVimmingl.age 4, f», S and 10 years. lormcr price $’2.50;
now $1.69. Two I^ighf Blur, licauu/ully tiammed.
regular iirice $-5. to dose $2 98.'

« « ft «
Kverytliing that’s left in White Pi-iuc Jskirls wiil iie
clp.sed out at the foirowing niluccd prices The $4,.t0
kind for $3.26; the
kind for $2 98. etc.

received. This is one of the
Lowell Carpets just
mosi interesting dc|iartmcnls in
this store. We always hai*7! frt-sh
goiids and fresh bargains in this departjnenl. All
Remnants of Lnwell Carpels at 60cthe yard. A few
pieces of that 29c Car|K-l ju>l njnnyil up. A few of
those Elegant Rugs left at $1 98.

Saa. \-a5t
Thto till, to iiiAile up of B-bit «e foitoiiler tbe

SaVefAct I5c
Sjol t-S9t

Tills lot id **^**’'

die linrt -SOi’ quaiity we

. '

ZA S-S9t
of tbe $1.00

^Viefiice 59e
ta\ A-69C
irmculsr $1.00 qn.litr-

S.6F 5-1»c
Sale TTVes "lit,
Srot 6-99C
This iq tbe fim«t Bit of i.’ond* evaw offtwed in
zny utor,- fur Uu- moni-y. They are bII aingJe
do-sB pAlh-riui, not one of wbi.-b ever Bold for
Inw lliBM $l.;Ci kihI some of
fluid «t $2.00
lUi- ykrd -About H8 pntterus in all and the price

Another lot of those

. Wonderful Bed Spreads
at 98 Cents.
'Equal valnes were never offered
in Northern Michigan.



CwM. flxi4 Ufa Vkt

Creseo Corset


If pricn wUl onir do ft We are cuttint; and slaaliini: prifea
oami>fcifolly—iiotliint: n-s-rved.
A lavirli •■z|i. n<lituri-lof
motley ip'BOtnec«wur.v it tliii ptim lu an-ure PashionsWa,
Substsntlsl. Dr«ssy 01othln« We muat make rooui for
early arrii-ala •

1.01. isis.’iMo. rroe. nrsr -a.

White Goods

Tlie Greatest Values



Lot of Children's Hosiery, |jc, go at 10c
BICYCLE GLOVES, at 59 Cents a Pair.
One lot Fine Kid Gloves, Z for S1.25
25 Per Cent. Discount on Leather Belts.
25 Per Cent Discount, on Fancy Pillows.
Child’s Percale Dresses............
49c, 69c
Child’s .Nlijslin Drawers .......
Ladies’ Corset Giver^..............
lc.3c. 6c
Hookz and Eyes./......................
Hooks and Eyes/bump..............
Dress Stays../
6c, 10c, 16c set
Shell Hairpins..............................lOc. 12c, 16cdoZ
Steel Hairpins................................Ic, 3c paper
Hair Crimpers. Louise. 3 bunebe* for......................6c
Leather Covered Crimpers........ ... ........... 6c and 6c

SifiJ Pi"i............................ 3c. Be, 6c, 10c doz
Thimbles.......... ........ ...........................iceach
4 Crochet Hoolrs. in holder, for.............. .............. 6c

Ho corset s^cctoW^ cow czmc \v
\o ttiVs stock or store ttiaV Vtos ziet
szeVv a eorktoV Tece9t\.az Vrom ow
vabUe; ow eastomws zre ow
best aioertlsers.
■\bcarers o^' tbe Creseo CorsAs
are qaieb to see tbe eeoaoiaq a cor­
set tbat eazzot breab at tbe matsV

Summer Underwear,
Children’s Sleeveless, all sizes........ Sfol^lOc

Hot Spell is sure to Come ’
Hot weather prices oo Shirt Waists.





Bahon rroat Oeanm OoawaatiML

rokUA,srfaas*W ^

tteoftteTcu* P-fJ.'.
•irbtM uuMk>T. MM M<.



Datndtaad an tadietdoallaed by ad» kr CkM. T. Wrifht. la •»» rate la ease >peetol liae of irork: ba1
TMaMr tka aawaoftes anted by n deep a
aplrltaalltyaadnaotalaadnoral apItntelpratet oar. Than wbe
MMtoM beU lUm of Ika «
,ra had telfdteaga «f aoaodlrr
imU la rwh Plaea balal.
mMV «w
«aar kgr viaa _nsaU.n baea te iSarra el iba
Taraar af tUa dtf aad Uattad aeeMy. with owe aecard twoBeaanU-'tebaatofsIl.’' Il^a
BcrUeabU fact tet daHrg the koan
«kea Iba naaUaga w< r lr pragma
.lawBadnrshadgra » r .naMlka
m. A. Tliallaana
li-e bcaas to thcecom
^ naeaaabaa
aad tka patiuaa o( Wrifkt Ufal parka aad rariad i nu ol la
(ar a fardoa ia kalaf atraaaooaly
1,--^ b7 MaaM -M Ika «arda>«d yoaag people wen fladli.g grrats
M. aad Dr. l^yimttote Mg n.rltoge la
naah K. Tbaikar. whna frlaada of tka ••wW?a«lty." They a.rrc altoadtog 10
ptaMraraworWac ataally bard la tkdrMaatarkbeatoe
It wn aayUiiBg bat i rloosysowd.
Wafaaor. '
WhUattbtae aariy ia tka laraaU- aad Ike good bass w.v K> loloeUoea
—-— *-------'----------- —»<««»«» Ika dr* tel area tba tired
t Wrirbtk top nUceypaaaed b. ur after boar
UiroBgb Unlr erowdod c.ra raagbt Uie
bappy apirlt of ikaoeeaeloaaad isUr'
wlib tba serry threag ebonag ikr
Booge of>oy aad ooo..efauoe while
gotog to-aad from the mTrollao
groaBdacTbe dly belonged to Uie


yoaag Ptopla.
U. Use -1
dfty sUnfzes lha diy the iocaaa
midaaaao^tbcd/lrgatra giree their
tret wars gmUag. Uie eityb hose,
aharchn. atorea. psk. aad baarti
ModUm aadthMtharo baa r<
were ihrawa wide ooea and a atocere
edaaU dalaaaa la tka car. »>- alao walonu wae aeeordMl eeery ooe. Kero
Mtaadad Uat a fart of >^o Jarr the wraths, thaogh it tried ile Mat at
•hkb triad Wfiflit «aa P' jodloM. Ctat to ftowa. eoaU r<r help btralrirg
aad IMt tkara wara othar TMaoo
loto tslln whcB. after a delagr which
aaaidlatofBiordarlalke Sral Ugn* eoercrtod UieUnu.toto
-ned the apeabera to addi
an' of asbrcllaa. Uie epiritod aeeg
taMflaeathafreaaeBtleaattba trii
woold rtog ool “Let there ba tbowrta
B. W. fiBlIk of Maalatoa and It
of blening. Bead Uws ap
nkaw of BoHawL raprraaatad t
MMte la tka aaaa faofen tka beard aad
Tbeoffieeraof.Un Hlehlg
■r. PraUharaadataUad tUteoieatar wera aalertaioed by ■ r. aad
tka aM aad adtaaeed mi
K ttorippeattbeir bOBM oa
Matet tka alabM of tka aapporti
AraaM. Tba royal hoepitamy/-f Uitr^
ooe of the anal bnaUUI of DeirMi a
bnaUtal booua, which aatleipaUd
era^ waat. aod osde each day
twardlM bte ferotharb baMla, dii|»- tog bone eonlag. will aars be fw
dtbaaadtbataUtioMwUah rxIatMl gottea by asy of tboae who eaperlenckatrraaa Us aad Wricht prariooa to td it. A earefal nllsate gaee W.uuu
drlagatra ia attoadun at the eoai
Albart OMi of Baaioaia. «bo area Uoo Indadbg sesbm of the Deiroll
MarlflofBaaaiaeoaBtyUtka Usaof neletira. IM meetiiigewere held, wilb
lha sards, alae taaUBad aa to bla
total auendaoceot W'.soo. net in’etoding M eraagrliatiQ neetlafi. in
r. artta of Dr. atom, faetoriea and atmU
Mra. U. B. 1
r.arwfraaaalaad taaUdad i«- by one IS.nm peoolr.
fWdlavthaekoraolarof Tharbar and
Baebday .wae ehaiaetorlnd by tba
tMt ba waa oa goad tarma wick earryiaroBtof aoeie ape«lal, liar of
Wright af to tka Usaof tbo erlarr.
tboQ^t and'tbe noet gifted aad elo8as W. A. Parks of Praakfori. who qneolapnbseteteoBld ba foaad
aMMaoftba eaaasl fs dafaas la the raligton world, gore the toaplraIka trial. taatUad Ibat Ikara araa a fr«- Uoo of their help Ja tbeae meeUagi.
aaUlwaaatisMtlBBaatia eoeaty la'
UasUafardoa.aadlt wfa ooly aa wn deretod to greeUoga from wsid'
aaaMkMl aaaafUoa wbare tkere wm wide CDdnror.
MiaiUlii to raiaadag Wright.
Theradey uselag rreUdeat Cisk'e
atilsad tkat ba drsly ballarad that addranaadtha eoerentioD aei
----------- tka axtaat of the

wm tel Wright hod aliMdy tafletod
aaa^lsUaerlBa. Heargaed that
■ads Ike arldaas at te trial the rsAM abaald bare beM
' gnats

ttoahsaefto'daekta lha aflarwMM
Miteolattts Aialto oaatlai
Pros there tbay wUl go to Praakfort
tka ate af Wrigkt attraatad arldaiWtod attaoUos te dooUe sardar
kaiagtesaataatetleoallB thiafart
afteatato, A^aowthat bands a
fwdaa latsaat la te ean bn bna
teltad aad lha qanlioa of a pardoa la
' teUl^la^ns latornt. "
bs.wUaetoaa of the a
tr beforalkeknrd.

bat Waffataraanto te laes aur be
It saa alalad tagr wife......... Ikal
Wrigkt had gettaa lato legal aacaaglcfte at Aral, aad Mr. Haraball. adepoWiDartflof Bnda ooaatj. aoogbt ta
■rate! te raaaoral of te Usbs.
■ads paaeanof law, BewaasatM
Wdgkt wlU a toraa S ana who
to fttte Usbs away aads-tke ordaraof Wrigkt. aM frotaato of tbeoaWrigkt at the Us > war arsad wlUia.
ettaaad raroirs.
Haiakall fladlag
baaoBldda aoUOag with Wrlgtalrotorwid to the rlUagaaad sat BaparriaS Tkaiks aad tagatbs tbay rauniad
tothatagglag aaaaa.
Worde .
whn they ant Wright aad tka
abet Maratoll la lha brnat klllli
toSaaUy. Tharbs Utod to wrw
gaa tnm Wrigkt wbco the lattsgrmp.
piBd with his aMdtawla
ear ahM Us thioagb the bead, after*
sate akeoUv bis la Un braas,
togUsalto. Thlalala aatotaao
ly tor Ika
b Wright snaoaeieted.

■.B.A Batlsaf Ir

had ptaparad
ainaaul. 8m after
I af feallag fatal

oi Bowaae uereas

Flonda where aha west tar kn haaltk
aafarolsMteago. flka la sneh isprarad to haaltk.
walto arara liaad with tklagi
QaotgaHandaraaad bridaharageoa
sada by tka joatora to tetr
te FUak arts rialtlag to tkb c.ty wtU
abtaa* work, lattara
Mn.A-.AbbottaadHrt. WOdJoals workera la bena aad faraigk
I.«. Bona loft Friday <s DoptSBis plan fa tka e
MttararWtofaonrol araels. '
. bowaes. wad tka wpada
Miu. HarytanytskngOM tO Faas is^ Ttalt wlU triaada.
U. B. Holley of ThaUm CUy. Tba
C'W. HUIsetHaaltoba. la la te
large ran wn sowdad dartog te aa- Mty rbltiag wlU kb broths W.
weak, aad te adaeatloaU faatare
Iba eebMl waa rary narked. Ii
Mr. An Bala ratoroad Friday fttn
weald take eolusaa to danriba te
to abaaaea el aosa Uaw rlUUog rrUaad carton Utoga eablelud, a Um to Chkogn aad Uroearilto.
larga part of whlah are -the pamaal
Ctork of Oraad Baplda.
pr^arty of Mr. BoUey, wbo hn aeaa la tbe goeat of Hays HamUtoa a
- Atogtes Istelni taayaara wUeofSutetOoUago.
la atidaga latUrtog. gtreo Prcaldent Clark dortog hie
tba yrorld. aad garala wbleh bare baea
.tod bis by priaoe aad foraio
■adettoa. aad which bare baea wad to
opeatog tbr gmt lalaraaUeoal oea
Badears llterataiu aad
fsty diflseat laaguagta at
iraete soeb atteaUoe. sad tndgn to
iBltod BBBbs an
looked alaadadalredTbeBodears Wsld natadellghtil exhibit of tba origtoal ahetohaa
made by lu llloatratora. and te ariatdepanseat of the
to UaiUd aoelety
I tally rapmeatod.
a eotoraod
Bodaarsdaga to <
owav uad pbeugrapba aad bright
idenis work pal law rlaible fsn
rrare the sraaa of dlUaC Uie
book! of apectotsa who wlahed to take
tbcbelpa ba-akto tbcirewe aoeipUra
The Bunas wn rialtod by all the
promieeat apeakera aad ofl3.ici« of the
aoeieiy wbo ware anUbl-d to
worda of psin-1«^ oonnaadat:
Hr. Uoilryb wsk. aad with one aeeord
they dslared that ao bolptal aad laatmeUre a thing moat be made aa
sore prumtoddt faatare of ail falare
Hr. Holley ^ apeat sqptba to pre
parlag the ciblblla and arraariag
tfacB taatefally. mad to bis the sed<l
fs the gmt aaeeen of the sns

aa. bat m expect aeoa to be;'to Ue
"I” “«r leaoen adraaecd to
eorafielAa. Tberu ia rary little aew
tkeptotforsaadganlkHi-soUo Is gotog on at praaeal.
Un eoBAM yes d rrsk. attor which
J*t a. Fnaxxs.
Idaatdqite Tka
OompanrA. Tblri U. 8 A.
rm of aerlptara or nag is atala
afte)af7wn tkat I
bdnrs aoag. plodglag son wg^.
FiadFadera.a\aBgBnaa aboal *0
ad gmts loyalty to the aarrin.
can efWe. wbo had baea wsklng
The qaiat deroikmal hour each
D a tarn sear Bnchanan. west to
lernlag act the keyaole of the day. NUea Batarday to riait hte broths, aad
ad ware toatraseatal to girlag te spoo bis arriraJ to town toft hto MWUtotArUW dowa the old Ce ls apUfi and high apirliuaj tooa which cyeU at a boalam plaea aad diebaildlM An Mala toaad aa eld WUy Bsked tka eatira mreai
appeared. Be had Wk wiU him aad
■ sadaafraw^ asd ataflad wlU a
Tero UaoraUoae thk gas ware rt- n.a Uoroagh aaateb bn failed to
«lte at tiaaltet two laebn loag adead with aaeb sarkad tars that ao Urow mj Ufcbt cm hi.
' Mdaalaaha^aqaarur lUak. Tba ceaeastica la te tatora wMI ka ees- taM piny ta
Ttaa yonag
dtegto Mater torsiUM. asa aad glato witboat ten. Tka Jaator head.
an rary sack alanaad

age it rm nbaa
The plaee wn on
ite to te top ol te old
abaft forma two or Um back ynrda
Tneiday Bornlag the grante aaddmly
eared In. laariag a rardag bole ten tnt
The abaft tantnrterirUlsbninaarif tl-adte

Everyone Pleased 1


W K-mball Co., m *r«at
c reo-lrad a eompletr line of
ibic acnpl e« to add tioa to
slabeei maaie. Tne p ipno' gramapbsie are b-rumlog
Ue pnnola r InalroisenU and Uta ta Ue
onlr ria -e IS nneUern Micbigma wbare
a full aupp

TneamOity markat.
below It a Itat ofUetsytogaudaall
ing prim of yealorday Is gresuin
pturuion aad farm prodaeu in TinrerueCIty:
Dear Pork per bbt. new............... fltl OO
Short Cut Psk
A Mosieal Traat.
Short Cm Pork
Tba Udlsofliss Epteopai ehureh Flour. H L. A
•Rye Floor. II. I' A^^Knt..
araaonrad tba Hlalcblord Ka<
Heal, U. 1. A
and Roney's Boys Concert comp
Prod. H. U A
ooosri al Ue City Ugera 'bouse, Eggaper dot.
fs Aogaal let.

Dr. W. J. B^giaa woBtSalardar
Port Uoroe. whara be attended Ue
seeUag of Ue Bute Deaul Soelaty.
Alicia Bodges wbo hn been rbltigbs graodmoUs. Mrs. Albrigbt.
n KtoU atroev fs two weak
inrasd to hs booM'to Hodgn dotsty.
Hco. T. Plnmiaaraad chlldroo. who
bare been TbUing wfU Mrs. Ed. Peaae
lafttsUeBorUdaliirdq. Tney were
' ba Hln Ollie Peaae. They
A auMcHpUoo
will ^ad aoBc.tise at the aorthera
tatod to anUl in bringing Uta fine
empany to Traeese CUy. . Thta
Ur. aod Uru. lieorga Bnyds o
leaaaal are Ue gneata of Or. dayds doae In ords Uat Karanagh.wbom
will rnmember n Ue marrelou bny
afld faslly.
Hra UertradeThytorofTsTaHaou. aings of eight or nlnr yeas
ia rialUag her parenta. Hr. aad Hn K. be rselred by a crowded bp
anbasiptlon paper may be found at tbe
I City Bookstore wkerr all who bare not
Hs. E U -ntompBOBof Kalasax
yet had an opporlunilr to do
iaalaitingwiUber daaghts. Hs.
ndd Ueir nams to Ua long
L. lUebaat of Ulacity.
aa already enrolled.
Ray-Wait of Ue Pioeas drag at

iacojiytogaabstTtoaUen. aad Wal
ter Hurray ia ataialing to tbe doUta
aronud U« atom
HnsJamsot HayBrld hn arrired
to be city to take up a course to Ue
Buaiaen College.
AlUrory W. p.nroisrarTirad to Ue
city Tuesday from the aonU.
Hita Habol Bain relaraed Tuesday
oigbl from Itetroit, where she attended
Ue latornntional Cbriatiao Endnts
Hs. W. Pound and a nnml
trienda eeJryedaaonlingaiMe«h-Uwania Tasuday.
Hra. C. i-L Tayls went to Hnyfleld
Sarara OelaThe gale * hicb prrrallad'll^re rU- Tarailny fsnrUlt
I ooe of the moat m
Penal went-to Usnd Rap.
la tbto Imlity
time aod aose daaugc ws
'Hs C T. llswn
and ^wo
0 chfldren
ated aloag the bay abore The pile wbo bare nsa rialUng to l«>li
drircr'aacd to boUding t
to^ to Ueir borne oa Waabingtoa
tbe Hkhigan BUTcb Co.
atraetl^radsy moraing. '
wildly daring the. pfgbl and
Hra. 8. A Dorr of Eabway. K.
finally waa parUally wrecked, one bad in tbe city rialling wilb tas aon. John
atokiog about IM tael from the Send of suie atraeb
About !:» o'clock
-Jospb l-ock and daughter. Kdiib.
oornieg I.Cbl
h^re returard to Usittoome to Setr
Beaale wn noMbd
lledford. Han . after rbillng wiU
wbosiught to aeeore the pile drirer Ooeduetor Peck of UUcIly.
bad set with diaarier and neoampa
Loula Webber bn ratnroed from Otr
ed by Pat nasa M went to the as
Uoll. where be has Wp xiaiting aioee
aod dtacorerrd t< o of tbe emptoyea
Ueeloaing of school.
Joe Bnaraia. owns of the outided with Uie
The sea had pul out tros Ue
abore la Ue atom fs Ue .
irtogUeeruft and tocosiagia
eoelaei frIU it ibelr boat
and they were pselpitotod Into the
the Indara to hi* own di
ae difllCBlly Uey aae- Ue drawing department of t
Uop aad grew clonr la touch with bla
led to gaining aafety onUaplai
L'alresily in don Arbs. la t
l^lTidoai cbkrah work. InUia
lag pile dries bat toaad Uiat Uey olUefamUyol Alderman H
la satura of pobliv
Ull togmt daager aod Baable
were aUll
totcmlwn dwelt upon on the .theory
e ibe saeblae s
to bit religion
Qilef Beanie and Pat Ilea
lontbelng trae
rlrod Uey wera la lora ittalta.
City, a late gra
to -Ua baat totomla of bit
bay wn ao rough Uat It rraa Is
Unirasity al Ann Arbs.
bic to put a boat to.tbe sea
Hs. U. Jenkiaaand His EnU E(«kriday wn daroted largely k- dlaciiafiaally after urgiag. tbe two sa
«s wbo bare been riaiting Us Carey
dnperatc eflort w reach U« ahore, by Uull relaraed to Ueir bome-io Han
They batted with Ue Iona baurday.
raglag walera fs aose Use aad taalHra.' Joaapb Shier hare
rrai^d Ue abore almoat exhauted. tnrticd from a Tisit ia Canada wlU
fs Ul <
• to raeeire help
ebtofand nnaa aacortod Uws to trlends aad ruHtim.
aling the linn toVkleh Uiey
water wska where Uey wera dried
Mis Jenie Uilmore Ela arrirad
pedally totemied. The eoMlniee V
fertanataly llctla the i
om WoitchaU. where she hn been
aarrleeot the day flUy broagfatlatd
riaiitog fs nraral weeka
niaeaeathelhoagfat of the largs
IL Ufraalbr bn gone
k to be done u Ue nesbora broadBagtoawand'Bay City fsariait. '
d their aaefalam by pracUeU taCity Lumbar Co., aad ioa B Santo,
Hr. and Us. A. W. Pack werecat
leliabow rape darlBg Ue eight Wstog Hr. paek't brother. H. L. Pack,
balerday moralag wn gtreo to the
nd wife, of lonto. during
thoagbt. “dared to aerre- abd Un pn>.as wbicli eaaaadtba wracking.
wn eaprciatly balptul to all
Hn. Horrii 'bewia hngonaW Detroit
the aftoraooB a gmt rally war held oo Ue bewapril aad gunwale. The o
of repalra will ooTaxeaad gtt.
boaoUfui Belle -tole aad toleraal
**" ,j. i(.
laUaserOotoBbiawaa'toread to
Claralaad. where Uey
will riail relatirea.
Miaan KliUa and Maggie llpao
Bad Axe. hare ruUiraed home, aftc
riilt.wiU tbe Hisaea Theobald. ^
Foltowing ia Ueaebatanecol a lelfr
r. W. 8. Hoes of 81. Looia.' H
■crired from Jay R. Fraxs. wbo ia
icame to UUelty racanUy to riail
fs the Btatea wbo were their aerrloc to Ueamy wlU'llrus KebobroUs.Dr. W. K. Moon, bia da
fieldaad Will LafayMtoot Uiaciiy:
elded to remain and will praciiee med­
UaBoadaytbe ragats'eboTek
Oatooeaa.-P. I.. Hayll.
icine ie tnrtoerafaip wiU {lia broths
rlon were held, doadey obnrrase
Thiata about UafliBlebaowf bare
Hs. H. E Unody and. daughter.
wae the these at a graat aftei
ad to write In a lone Unto aad al- Mildred, aad eoa-aiftoo, of Howard
B^ag aad two belpfnl aad iaapiriag
Uougt Uere U rary lltUe
eneUDgardsebeld; one fs sea
to aay that Brace aad Lala aad I Itoorge Hyes and family.
■ fts Uie ercBlag
all wall and doing rrell. Uongh we
'uisCook left yntaidny
church nrrlte the coaaeeraUoa i
ore worked preU(f bard,
for dpokaa. Idaho, to rial
baep dolagaosa bard work of late,
sarchtof all day. doing gourd dfty
[is Ida Pickard, wbo bn been Ue
-rary UiMaigblnsd CebUng to aik gnstofHisUs KeCoyfs Ue past
>e of Uc m
stUsinn MtUeors two wnica. All
^k. learn fsbs borne to Leland
Inprenire of the a
if aa welcome alaep wbao we can today
MoeUy sorelog wn glrea
anaub a chance to He dowa. wtaieb la
Lontae Whi^le wbe bn bean
ad forulga siaaioDa. the progtas beat reiy irtaguls iniarraln. The sol- Inrbsaunl. Uru. HeAroj of
lag la ehaige of then wbo hare dera­
dlrra beraare fed rary well aadV to
Kighu etml. left tor a rtait to Hay
ted their life to Uiia wsk. The great
mind it rary sneb.
lew ynterday.
lois rally la Ue afteraooa. wfapre
Cooaidereble loregieg ie going oo nil
Noble JobaaoB left yraterday fs Ue
theprogren-f Badnror aronod the
Ue Ume and Uc naUrs bare Jearned
"Boo” where be will riait Is a we
rrorld. u lllistratod by nreral
to fesoorapproaeb aad readily Inre
rrUa HoldraorU bn gone to Headred boyt aad girU. wn psUeulsly
n is eoa-eaSoe. Wbcoiwer we mareb
.Waab.. where rb* wilt meci
pretty, dad the beaaUfaUy
torariably go ooi
aotarsly l.OW childlab
and take anything .that sight atrgte
Bodcaror mga tet delighted
K. uniriiofU. lu ebslnapecths
the gmt aadieaee.
brmofUraad A Ulltott. will laai
Uta moraing fs Milwaukee, where be
The SS.OOOpecvIrwbo mwded the benwbea c
guard d.ip a
two iBseaee 4eau fs the eloaiag
willnltendUecoorentloo of the Ka.
seeUag sill loag
tioaal Hardwood Laabersen'a Aaaodatlon. He will ba aeeompaaie


lAU.JTOf 18. 1M>
trtMdaaahecl Haa,U»«teM»a«
WCiqrtarartall. ,
■s. EwjaslB ThMby aad Nia.
WmtaB TWrifo ate daaghlar kara
gewato PartCbaanntlsa abort rtait
wtUfrteda. '
Ms. A. P. Ellea bn guwe fs a rtait
-Uk friaata ate ralaUm at WwA Fariagte ate BrtaioiriUe. Ohio.
Eobart Han lafl yaatsdny fs La
Boy wbtn be arlll rtait wlU rvUUrn
kfsrapatetogaabsi tiaae Ic Uta city
Hr. Bte Hra Uaaa of
Dirialoe atract.
Joke Maedbai
city afIS apaadtog Uc year ia atady at
ClacinaatL He wma acecBpreied In
tela diy by Hs Nsue ate Ms. Ctal
baa and tasily of Wyaod .ita.
Jeatph ate Bar I'skelt left ysiar.
day IsTnUa wbetT Uey
isday on the alaass CmceeL
Him EUel nibba left ystsday fs
Hayfield wbare she will riail fs




aan-oiwLS' R«ea.r

Kullar per lb Daira..
Ommery Butts.R..
bme per D ..............
I'au per ba (old)....
Corn ps bo . old....
PoUtom.iier b
Salt per bbl....
Bran per lOQ. ..
■imxu nxTa opTBATninn I

Our Special Sale of
Ladies'Shirt Waists

Wheat, old, porbu*^............
UaulNo. I. per ba. (new)..
Osn. per bn...............................
Potatoea. per bn.........................

■iHH Atirac-tiil
ur.-At dral I.f AtteuHrm the puf ws-k. The
ue’vi- pin I.n urg and atjliuli miuifai an* inb-riteiiiU nil

Frioen: 36c.ise. 69<i. eSc. 78c. 88c. $1 IB.

Bed Endowed by Lady Maecal>ee«
The foUowiog letter rcceifi-d by Nra.
Lena Hammaod of Trarerae Hay Hire.
willcxnlBto IlMitand proreot apeclal
Aysx Hahucimi. [>>. ik Si-i >:ii!—Yuor
Ivtierur Joly 2ib. recciretl and 1 am
rary glad to know your 'Hire baa
drd ao generooalr to tbit n<
The eodowiog of ibia bed
rn ia sruifily one of the grandeat tblnga wbiek an order of w
could do.
Tbaokiog yoorHira for their
rooa edolributlnn I am.





jOur 5c and
isfsiaia: ^ 10c Counters

hnv.- pimj-iin nm-i-.-nitiil i-xpnrimnilnml will

Uu-oiiii- H |writiBiii-nt


All Latest Novels, Books
and HagaEinea

C±-b3r Boo3sc
■r -yirVtf I w w '»• I ■ u ^ m g ■ y ■ y m ^

Estate, Loans and Collections.
Maaonic Block,

dAIuroar. OUin-r 7, iOPP,

: price Mnn
g-todaoii: p c (d).
: farm bulidiog.: gate .
anfi^oolj fire miia fram Etat Jordan, price only tiu
p»r acre,
-7«l> Acres.ooly fire mllda from Baal Jordan, pricr oelyfiio psni
a In Cba'ireoi
I '
!J—toaerra'in Charleeoix ooontyi'i
... , ...
!«-ill acrea only r -v mi'e. fram city; frame tni Idiaga: good Stahnrdi will asebapge anme ia part for timber land sclly propaety.
in-ao terra fonr m Iraa-wU friauily oo rood rand; uods g-iod fens: frama
bonding*: wiadmlll; schard: good a-iil: plenty of water: WIU esebnnge
fscily property s rail al tl.VO. one-UFd eaab. balance on Uma wlU pnymenu of niw a year aad -nu-rral at 6 per ca—
'HooAe tad
aad tw
two lota no F f-.h atreai: price llrWM
(hto-UIrdeMh. W»kgn

-ATilll|^y Ip-r-.xil


Jd-eg and lol
n S made it

Toioe eVMt: will

port tstarm.


: We Meet Any Prices Named on Footwear In This Chy......

Near Iron Birar Ue fist intfng ac­
eidettt Uta aeneon oeear
rerod /Ssnday
night while into
-bergAod Erick
lUn^ fs

Hus JoyalofOmcaa. and John BeoU
of Hppla CUy. delagaln te the
Battle Craek mao has raeelyad
DetraiL retarnad
fram n friend to Ohio tome remarkable
Oac ta ihe pboto.
Frank WelMiB of tbe F si Matioonl
ask hn goee to P -n Horoa te aUcad
1 on Ue mTstaltoe
B ralrt eye. which wma
Bart Fails, fonasly of Uta el^.
mow of 8L
8h Aagntlaa, Fla., f
Uroagfc te
tan nraalac o

Traverse City. Mich.'

. . Inarms and City Property for Sale.

■At Lapeer, a amnll hlazeat Ue home
fsUe fe-ble minded deairoyed about
wsU of proriaionA ie Ue base
tnlUesoMbfliotogball Turaday
night. Elecbnc Ugfat wires are aupmed
to bare cnoied Ur trouble.

Ms. William B. Dir of Brady
•kip. Kalamaxeo eounty. to geltlag a
H. B Hollar rauraad Ini arantog bouleo
from Detiulu where be bad ebatge «f
Ue C B. aoerealr cxbiWtIoa to tbe totarutleaal oooreaUow.

bnlilii nil you ran t-et in tbrin.

Prices 48c Up:

The maaagenieal i

tbe lattor to Ue forebite. killing him
InatanUy- {

'^^V linvr-a umkl ntiurk nt .i-iwy oDi-g—bo

ill Vm - Jib. Any «lia|*-

to be berennd brlogyoor folke. :
'nlmiod about getliDg am new
tbsi crerybody here will S in
ebin aleeen bualltog aod if ^oa
good eiolhet they will Ibink
ik yoo
dude or a gold brick man. Come jut u
ait: you say nare to tleep oo tbr

Three rraldenla of Vickabcig met on
:he atract tbe oths day. and tbeir
tasra made qdlle an aalmal eollecJon—Bair. Lyon and Knba.

our nturu-

Kviiii: iiff faul.

tVe-u All be Toere.
Empire. July ll.'In'.-'-.
Khit-u MouMm. Itni-Kn —Segoviatlooa are to prngrm fs aome of tlie
brat atiraclioni erer aeen to nslbern
Hiebigao. Tbe fenlurea of oor fn-e
etreet fair will be aorel aad plraaisg.

bay wlU tbe hired m«n Oor plana are
being oerleeled ersy day for a
old time. We don't know bow yon
will gel here ycL bet IhiBk yoo will
Are 14 drlre or come orer in a ballooa.
We ahall l-rak fs yoo. bowerer. set
ronte or tbr oUs.
Tlie Leader
elsm will be open to the craft and
Ue pis and lobaeoo on the manlic
Vous fraternaUr.'
W. E CAui-H«4_Sec'y.

V.luiju; .'lU tnftiB.

'mall am) l'ii|n.-.Skirtn -fnuli ntrivala in th«^
i-ry (Kijiiilnr
i'riive rtEhl. tou. il hi t2JiO

nre.ifT.-r.-it yon liy t)iin nti-nLpial yoiiH find kanJ lu n|unl
Tliin n|>plh-ii inrlii-iiliiriy Jo ouiu. See uiif ^-..ida
am) prii-i-u.

E. ilru'i..
FllAM-|> E.
iiLCo^. Ull r.u.
Trarsae Bay HNe aent the money
rterred to to Hs. Korn'a letter fram
be priu money receieed at CteUiac.
Tbe balaes will be u*ed to rellere
tbeir aiek and needy membera at borne




*"p.nan^l aecre'ury—K I I
^Venaurer—Hob. J. II. Hum
Ws -B W.-TSirner.
Oon.-H VanWie,
Cbap.—William Hraker.
t:.I,,„I-.r..i.l H.,..I.
E. 8. to—Aloni;n Fox.
K-8 toV. ll-JamraKear.
L 8. to V. ll.-j;fasls liraI. (i.-E. HvLanghlin.
rj.;(i —W. n ilulltaw.
JoapoA Boon ao-l C'h«a 8 Joboann
re Ur repr-urntnlirc-r of Ibii. lodge to
>e nsnd lodge wbicIi msu to U«y

C. P.-Tny Tbotrao.
II. I'.-J VV Kaberlann.
8 W.~Wm itanfield.
Secrelare- E

Styli.b - l>.|i..dAie



J ^^ !

Al their regi-lrr msling Fi May e*en
log Trarerae Ciiyieoearapm lOV N-. n.
1. O U. r. inatalled Ur yaliowlng

Hi-rr- are a ft-w *lyW.
TlutaO ami one thou
tamd uUim cAiritcl

b u p r
I t
Kgga. perdoron _________ _
Tbeofliecs toaUiled by
eseLdgeNo -.riu, I O. o'K.. al ibrir
OHREPToi.ET K i ir.rii
lugnUr meeUng Uta week
O la. a Iii..||. ll.rl li.
N. 1) -A. Biladenn.
V. H.—"hinT Tbosofi.
-^.-ordlag aecreUry -Chaa.

City in o.-tober.

New Idea mi

If quality cuts any figure


Our shoe trade was cot baiit op oo cheap piaHw
foritwear—we don't spring FAKE sales oo oarcHsloior
ers—When we advertise anjahiog yon will get Taioe'
received -Yon can't get something for ooUiing.
We want your inspection, and will name price* at
onr store that down any so-called snap sales is this
city—We have served our trade ie reliable shoes for 16
years, and the people .onght to t»e convinced by this
time wbo the Old Kdiable Shoe Mas is.
Make no mistake. '
. >

*W'TU?B>rajE« BlpC^




WUm MtATOM iiMUU), JTO» 18, iSM.
AdvwtM^ Mr lid t ^ tta ftfOtr CrmataUMcb^lt Brat. MabiBBd *boM tf
W( U te.MiMtlr.. rirad 1. the 7*0^7 trith • toi*
That Mtkl
(••lira M MMMdjfMMMbOlpMUn.lA eterca c< 8 B.
|u*BU4u».^>lMi»bca UaCraat* Bairatt.
BwTwtt. •*»!«»>«)»»•■»««. Ba
■iilDr rrJ>leM Md wm** *b« b* *M
*m MMpuM bj Ui wa. L. & Bw
Ihm. *be raalBed orar tar a aliart
t raid IM tad. UMMvWi W.O.a OrrMiae. Bfrar
rrabIBffM rtraM, ad) dataf tb* UU boarda «n» aorarad. vbila Uc
troatbaavawaf Fraablta [»*r aad Icrda tract <a tf Maaiaraa.

^ rxearalo. M tb. Ool—bla U. »a ab «ab«Maigf Ibtladira
^ 1 -aaUf«
_i^k . - *_i___
i ablldrae, >rbo >hb «a taka Ibair 1^
Tba W. W Rt«b>11 eerapaa;
hru alaa« aad rajer a r««ale.
ralad ^ M. B. Slraar. aaaaad latolboatinn
aa» qaanm la tba Harkbaa Na«h-ta-traala at ) o’cloak. allawlar
biaab TaaMajaadara aatraarp eea- aaplr Uar for a food akole.
(ortablp aitaaM, bartair piratr nf will baa rood ebaeea (or ]i1It partita
I arllb wblah IP aSaw tkai( Mper- U tprad a dap la tba croaat aad oe iba
•a at tba r

I m. a

VT, OIM*.____


J, Twadd.a.
atbjae7 of tbit coaot7,niakra asipbal.
la daalal of Ue pKcc pal allacatloea
acaloat hla t>7 bb wila. who rabaiar traaafmad aad tba work
eaaU7 bocaa paoaaadlBft acaiati bia
dHalar tba ellta (>w Uw aaw dnek
tba Miabtraa (Han* Oo. will ba ra- for raparata oalet -aaeoa. Ura. Tweddlaeaoaadaa ivJroeUM to ba Mi
Twaddla fraa dlapcalB(
oertala propert7 bare aad eollectiar:
r of bb baadt raerutlf
Ohirara tbir
•oadraerloat ebarfra -bleb bare i
wrak. wbrra ha bra aeaa Had a poal- raadj baae rrferrad to
Wratrm R'actilHaa, raana
Carrar. -bo -aot from
of tba aaraalata edllora Ba will barla
to Alraka l—o Ttara afo. aad aftrr

«t Mpaday
ipaodiar arraisl aoaiba ia tbr Copper
ilrr. reUraadtiSratUr. tut
Oral Wood Utfa OoaiMaj. fall 7
araio raalarrd iato tba rdO rrfl'mt
da7 aad tarnka bti wrtat la tiro plarra. HabMaaieloreaiiaa ralaablr claim
8a>wM Jaat atartlar a bM^ aart load wbl* -at lopatad br bb brother laonaamnotb flnnr trhaa hr allppMl. Dr
r, aad th.y riyiMti
WiibrlBMttbatirabra boara e
lo-ork I
wlllberaoMtlaM bar-aa Ibr Ifijarad altaaiadoB HoaaaatCraek aad 1. 1
ataa will ba ahir to wcrb.
irofraarof tbr r

- Circulation thU week 2.275
Soward Faefc. tba r«aat o

•tat Bart^.Bar Waliaad (.. Bock

rata qalla
4 Ua PM

All Uiwrart baakir booba frota
Mlablraa ‘Traaallar Ubrarp. Be. ft.
pUua laUra at tba aast maeOag.
Tba BsauLO ta ladabtad to F. H.
iowaU lor earraaU aa larca at ebaritabaad abatrlaatbaalraoCpIan.

Thr Tiarrrar Ota UiaibtaRa rrerU
ad a larpr to- of lopa fraoi Battoa.
Ha> Hoada* .alffat. Tbrf -rrrr braarbl
here b7 th* nnapaa*'* tar aad are heiBf rawed la the nin.
Tbr cna>|Bne

r offra for
A Bwycia RM*.

Fruk Uraat ^ Oarfirlrl alarthd Jaly
00 a leaf tour thraark the aiair.
baalarrrqataUtlraoflart at rarioat thrjoarary Bade M a -brel
poiebaroerUiab.7 ahorta aad ttirj Ha -ill ride lo (Iraad Baplda. Uaalar. Kalamuaoo aad Uaatoa Harbor.
« briar broarbt tbMfaat aau'r t
rblUar ralatlrta at the diffenml
Prom tha latter place br -ill
T llea-e.-ho trt a r»e*ntl7 tahe abnaitoCbieare -here he -il
aaatfrfd to the praltlao of
rkit with (riaada aad ralatlrcs.
tba tralalar drpartBrat of tba Ve*|. ripeeu to br r<w* abont tbreq -pahr.
laiiU aenaal aeboel. bat brra eoUded
Death of Mr*. Osrtli.
fordatroe tbadiatof Hrptam
Hrt. L A. Carti*. —ell kao-e la thli
bar. OwaaqoaBtlV be -ill Iibr* tb*
uamaalty aaaaoldrauler.dled at tbr
bnmaof bar cUarhtar.Mia A. Ulrbior,
d artb* It
oe tba prBlBaula.Prl^7 aliar« auaek
IT am be arlriaa1l7 latanded.
of paralyab
Tbr'droraard -at rr
Ifbe hta alwaya b—a
Tba W. W. Kliaball Co. -ill calabraU, yaaraot afa.
thrnpaalnrnf thair aa- ttorr la tha ana of thr leader* amonr tlu old aattlrr* and -III be really tnbtad from
block Hatardar
krrelrrle. ‘

e'eloek.Tbalr do* Pbi
Tbr laoaral Wm be .bald ibb afterMartla.Baaalad aad
pom. froB Xhr borne of'Mi*. Ulfhlon
«araare( lanr Uka. wara raarrlad probably tha larfrat aod brat ia aorlhat > o'clock.
dalpTtb hrOrMChaa, ImUm at tba *ra Hlebltaa %lll he aaad. Tha H^tyt'
lead aad MartaarlTa orehratra
In j'eauea Ooart
farabh maalc Ig tba rraelbt.
a of UWb J. Cenaat ra.
omaa Kelaeo aad HbaTfiKr Hater, Joaaeb Hraraaoeoaplad the bUaaiioa
Jattica Hrowa aad a Jury Tomday
—are aurried Taaaday iDOnilDr
-at a raplerla Bull '
aad laftoa tbr tills tiala for Cbdillac
abort waddlar trip.
Mr. NelaoB of the plalatlff Impoondad byllohrr
Irld lor
b-aUkae-ela thb eltr. baior ae KfUU at bi* farm la Uarfl.
and ^iraad orer to Hr. Henaoo
amplby# of tba Batarprlra frooery.

uaa Kaaro aad Fraak Ballidaj at
(riar wMo bifata Jaaaira Bran
aai7tarleaa e

aMdiBiaaoar pBvlekarelr-tfWeld

MHal party to ba rfraa la Ua WaqaBVacalab bOMt Friday araolap.
W Ua iMMa aad! Ua B.
IBM laaHUBsrUI aajiy It.

by J. R. da^U^
DaaU of Jobs Wooawam..
Jeba Woud-ard. aa <Nd aad rraaaeta1 eltism «.f Ula piaaa, died at bla
aftraoooaM|oUaU aflar aa >llama
wlUdropay. Tba doara^ sara mw of
4ba sratl haoiPb maa la Ulsaommoaitr
sad -ra hirbly asUamrid.
Ba laana

eoBdaetad by BoHcy A Coa.
chaagad baad*
pwaad by B. W. Barcbor. oaa of Ua
euBjBBy aod psrai^i of Ua m«
aaUl rMMlly. Hr.>raehar hra w.Udraws all Rf* lourma la Ua Otaod
Baplda earnraoy aod aabk ahan r«ta
UaeloniaUeelly aod o Igrfa taah
Hr. Beacbor will be la
Uaelij today aad wUI a

b hare that br (tab Boat at borne
it oxJia. orwer fouoa
fnaed* brrc-III be fa I to laaro of
—111 bopr It mti
* loareoaiiaucd rradeace la
Tr.reraa City.

of Hr. aad Htv O. L.UoMer.dled T
dar at half paat a

Watbiartoo alreot. WadpMdar 1
Hr. H.llar -m pra.idlac rider of
iar at clcrtD o'clock attar -i leb tba tbb dutrwl orar twralr yatrt aro.*ed
raatint -era lakea to Koaeiale WM aloo at ooe tiar. preaidiar elder
Citf. led . for barlal.
Tha at
of the Kalamtioo dulrict
«a_Bj (ricadt of the laaitf -ill a>


Word bra btpe raerirad bora
Boooclar the death of Hrt. Ab7
Hfr ff <r. abter of Hra L H. Uarfa of Iblt cilj,
Pitubarf OB Jooa
Hrt. Han
■a atteadaaea
Od..ber tutar at the time
Pfa^rr it <|ti(e -all kooro la tbb
eii/aad Star frlBBdt-111 aoura her



““ “

iPuld OlMBd^ BUdiSf TwlBh

5rS?L5-i!’Esy".?«: -

Hack^ Meek. USB. FnatMraH.
will gtea a fraa a»oartalBBMt (ram
StaSa'aloebte ths aflmaiam wHA

They’re all talking
about,our great- ■-

V> bare breo oamplemd laat ei<bi

"—rn HiMpr

West Michigan Ryt

DodY mka Uk ehaaca
-^1 l*a« ^reara^
...._aa City al * a m.
View al«:M p fa.

Clean Sweep

Workro Danof tha/Hra
yraterday afuraooo dtmacad

The rrtt dpiu .
ar*d to tbrraumt of abioi ta»> u
lilhoaebt that tha bU>- oririoatrd
ailber from the aariar nvitn or a tpark
fraa • p*Mlur loeonaire but.t
drlarmli r which. Tbr .
tfajmoDd f'laaood.ia. the foartaaa
ipprr slir.tuf (be bu.ido.r but the
fear old ajo uf Tbonot
o-ar a s>r -** .i 1. -atar
farmarr .of Hn
AsUaouaiaaU -err all urtal Utar a. a r.
ds'mar*'> Tbr rom
faearal -m bald from tba CkthoUo
is eery busy ccitinr out ro.L
eboreta at . I'ruTemoaV
sod yesterday -u bosllinr out
Ml*. Helao H. Haker of Williamt. SB order lor taa Osmeron t.jiiil>ar Fo
arr. died Taawlty aoruior of of Torcb Laks le spile of Ur 6rr
br.rbt't ..iMSte H.« Baker Ur rmalOTrs krot ob *itta Urir sork '
y.araof afaaad irarm two aoei
aod -arc poly foroed to qait by Ur
two daarhier* brtkiM her hoabaad, doadior of -alrr. Tur
llrory Kokrr. Tlir lanaral -ill uka maebloary. ho-rrar. wa* abut down
plrcrlhbafiaroooo from tba cborcb forooly asbon lima aod ttu* caoraiat’
at Williaptbarr.aed -ill be la eharkc
r»oa at usoal. -lU but
uf H. L Qanar.
lU Is delay. The ordri* kKicb -arr

----------------------J will bk
HI iBraatlok.
Ia Iba MMlag tU
Boy* Baad aad Pralrraw Mr-*—
erabeaws: wbe bar* Men
mragad le .(arakh rnrak fram T to t.
o Clark, arill lira make r.cordi Ua»“
-mb. raprodra-d.

I Alfred V. Friedrich

tbafooBdrybaUdiar of tba Trarrrtr
Cily Iroa Work*, allbourli tbr pruoipi
work of tbr tre drpartmrat prrrrutiM

Shoe Sal^

C A W. H Md I). H. R. A W.acuto '
will rail tlrbau ra (ollu-a

Whi. li Wnan- n..w haviiu;. ' We re .l.miiic onl lin.kfHi lot* in

RAY View.
Itrll Jaly loan :a. BalorA Ai«ut IA
aa farclurroa—
M roand trip.

lab Sill**., 1 lifunU. .Slip|..n. ami -Muumiar SIum-b at W rvdm-.
Tlii* io llmaimJ up..f of tlm inont *u.i-.miful s.-aiH»i. *
luixinxMH Wa Lav.' .v.-r .l.iti... n^d wr
r.'iiil) f'<r fnlMim-iiiiyiii



I.j .-l.mii up our ulo-k

IJ tu I*
Itotara rath.



Aucratfl. A*k ageau (—(aH laha-:
luttloBsad roTlaUrWrai HU
(is.> DxHat
iHavg*, U. I>. d

La<1i.w' Fine lilHi'k «r Tnn Kid Slic»m in tli.- .-..rrc'.-i
Myl.-b. m.i ..1,1
pri.^ -a- »i Clean Sweep
J^fee.................................................................................................................. $150

Ul The Coadiuoa of U* Traranf 6lty
Statr Bouk.

Om-li.1 Ladi.WTan Sl„-m. tuMiari.mHtfoodo. wa*


.\u,.lli*r I..1 LailW Tau 8Lm«. r> *lu*m. al...............................$1.46
«t Ifs- and........... $li»


1 IM Uli.,' Sl,pp..rk, l.ruk..n ai«m. « HAU PRICE.
Big U A. R. Hraiinr
waa laaaeba.1 upoa tba bay from
A larrr ouiubrr of t.iri aoldirrs and
ab^ east of tha water works,
a-.baratan la tba coaac J rooms Ti elaa'acbiar wm a aacoru., althourb
day Dicbt lo msk<- tbc prril i.inarr *r
rlabsrata aarrmuaj
Brat* fur the blp aacsni j a.-ii'. of
tbr UraodTraarror .Sold rrs *0.1 .S*.|
or*' A*»>-ltli in, to be' liciil
rraeafnl boat* 00 tbr bay 8ha Is t(
Th* rontnpm.i
fact lour, with airkrl platad maul’
will br *0 rstfos.T.' sffsir, and a crcai
trimmlora. thr deck
of carrey —ill, ur put .no tbr
laid with oharry and maplr Thr^mat
will easily hold tee perraoi aod mora
At the Bsacllor Tun lay C immsadIf BrocMary.
•KjbrrUbfasiaid 'fb.'flmt w .rk if.
“ le boat -M lannebd la lb* pprotha arraoemeou -m tb* sclrctloi. of
of Hr. aod Mr* Hock aad ao'rrral
aaecut'ivr cosidlttra, Wbi;h is
Irleads. ^Ir. dtarbuck o^ Haacefo
made upof liie. J. W Hiilikra. u. H.
builder of Ur aariar. aod Mr. Fatter.
Ij'a paruar. -aa er«Mat and auparlo
H.-laU-b aad Judge L^no Bobrrts
laadad Ua alartior'of Iba carlaa.
Jodgr ^brru aoaounced that hr
-bleb k a Urra horse pt-er propc:lrr.
had appololad oo bis suit fur Ur •era.
Iioaly nqi'inda fa- momrautoret
aiOB. I'omradr W H. Tbocker. adjalaut.
tba aachiaaiy le worklar order aad
kmrade Leri Soule, quarurlast molar Ua trial trip -u
BBdrr farorabic ooadltkiaa aod wlU
A fflorilar of msnib*rs of McHnrraoB
I’uai -ill Or bald ia Judge U >l>rru' c
SceUis cn-aier to aiak* luru.-r •
Tbc sub-commltws —ill br oam
r Ua eaccutivc ccimolllar Isirr on.
Tbr sctaooarr Alice M. Borrs. i*
lor OB HU cords ol Lamlt^.-k tmrk
•bipprd to *hc lirckrr l*sllicr O

.Mia*.--' and Cljilu * Ula. k nml Tan Slion* at............................


WoiiiHU * .S-nji- ('unkTimi........................................................i................


\Vun.. uV K.1V.' Slipp*,*. IS. ,„.l .................................. ..................



Clean Snreep Pfices all HirouEh oar stoat
It lou man Genuine Rargaies ile»'s your time.


It pays to buy shoes here.


•Uri* Ut l(i*ki«aar>an7*rorara Irarm*.
1 »
____--iiThlff nC Itr aW— a*—M
Om.*. *•—J*—nlr *»rar irat iW hWiM Mai*.

A 1 -Pi-ed- -y-. IFiied^rioiL

a Smile
I'ti ihc fuen of 4h<: liouseirife U> l>e
alili- to count some of our

To ba bound Baad aaa foot for ynrt
by U* claim, of dwrora it Uc
- - - I
Ilrorwc I). WiH.aois
..................... ...............Tell.
,, ^
ol Haoebratrr,
Mich . icll*.....
bo- sorh
alara —u madr free. Hr rar*
' Mr
wife bra been so hrlplr-s/or <rr yraia
that the could aot tore otcr in brd
After usiog t—o botUr. of
Bicelrle Hitter*, .hr is -nndrrfutly
improrrd asd abir l-> do her oWn
Tbk aaprrmr rriu-dj- for fe­
male diarasr* -inickly currs. arrron«eera. slacpieuncra. mclancbolr. buod
oehr. hockoebr, fainting snd diuy
aprlls. Tbi. latracie-..rlnor medicine
is a rodsrod 10 til -raW, .ickl.r, run
do-a oroplr Ivr-.ry houir riiaraa^
O*lyr.0crais Sold by Jotio-JO
A Wall. DnirrlsU


-Men'- Fin.- Hla.-k and Tan Slim,. piT.'i, $800

C. F.'Head .s makior Ue

Biary of a Aiaer.



H-otMhiaib •

“East Stde,
West Side,
All Around The Town”It's the same song of sAti^t^tion.
Some remarks are heard:,'
^^T^ave you tried a package of those
'•Did you gel some of the Corspany's
new Moeba and Java Coffee?"


new ladies’

.•\immg her belongings—Nicest -article to


ever made - \Vc .have

They're l/cauiies."

"I'm going to order one of those new


different si/fs.



oil stoves I saw there yesterday.".

from 5c and inc for the smaller to if, and


"The company have got some of the
,*,?i for ihe largest.
nicest China I've seen, and .it's cheap.
Once irit'd—never



from the erm-kery de|i.Trttnent.
It all goes to show that people are


OurSavioes Department



in the Chest



I lisciples of I/aak Walton, ’the fath­



advantage, and money in their pockets to
gel their fittings where the

•in the chest

is healthful, arresting decay

and preventing watte.


“Don’t Ask This Han
ifltisHot__ a
get hurt!


thing, but we a^ here to aifim shat cold


enouch for him." You


er ol angling" w ill find it greatly to their

agci BiTT ryticKLLtn

Largest and
Best Selected


Just wateh the look

fer lo is

TTie ^est we re­

Ice ChestYou want to keep your fluids and m*»*ra

Can be found.

If you want other inform-

cooI'Bnd sweet.

of agony on his face meii away
like a snow tlake under a July

when you




W CKXVS T>rmg S'tX3CE?e.


AHSKHBI.Y.,' Tan and HlBck Kid 8h<«

come around here and have.
•Urmlae wbot aball b* dooa
■Mre. Mary DaOnu of Uraad Baplda. asrHsloarsoMaad cma daarbiM' U
rardlar tba fatan of Ua koalas ^ gla^ of Wild Cherry or Orange Phosphate from our ice coIB
has Ud aaraar e( UartaU aaoara bk lOM.
Hr. Hoedward arm buaoarialudUkeilyfaraeBa a
soda founuin. Or bring >-our' best girl, or your
WOMraadBmijirbUaBarv -ban
yMn eW,
«ha wlU aaOaWU a Batbaada UpBa IM •ma bald Baterday Borwlar at
abaapi-a)la a SBall wag. afHeUtnmUandAaMooRaBWab-------- f ' Ua bral^M
—* <.
0MM.RM.«.K.W|UarfU.MMB *HU 1. ahra«w.


Ktaralap. Tba fbrraer
laebairadwith two raara at latarap pinatatML
Ho .Baa lirlor kaowi,
(rara iha aieia at ttymaoop aad Balllof tba —rdt aad th, -orb of tbt.
dap la ehaivad with barr*aritlac tba
itdbirieitatbaK B eharab. Hr. '
darlar tba airhi.
Hlllrr't drat work la lb« Biabtrr wm .
•or ia wbat wat tbro heowo at tbr
'^■■oooIbc Jair Utb. t*o rata fratg
Lrora Trarrear Clt7 at * a. B. Lmi
Trartba Ban
WbHa-alrr e«u,v Id the .prior
CIreaHeDan. Ball of *Mo war Sard
and -blla b« bat ebrrrfa I7
wbleba«7athai aot braa far^bbad. e.-piad tbc lot of all Hatbodbt Blsb ' -------i'rr.> DKlItvu. U P. A. I
Oonii PLorM roa BinniaT.
broarbt Bp aad tba data tart aad a food aaB7 appolatoMrli
for Tbaiadar. alarwbrrr dorlar tbr latl forij 7o»rv'
ShariF Smpaea broarbt liallld-j
fat tbr Uraud Trarrrra r^ioB. -hara
froB Kiaralrr Hoodaj aaroinr aad bb drat work wm d^iar. bM orro tbr
ba b BOW iB J. 1 awalUar t. laL
daareti toot Id Hicblfta to him aad

Both bride aad gr^m are popalar • ad careforlaTrararaaCty. J. W P
they will ba warmly eietraulatad by ehio appeared lor iba plalotiff and P
Dohaeo briar* Um Bboui.d
C Ullbart tor tbr defredaau The ease
IbM Baa^ (rieoda la tba city aad
> awplF ad ibd raapbeerr
sraa decided la farorof.the plalaUff.
Wedded aa UtcB Houtu
It b a elaar aabvlika rich
Boaa tar lafal polata ai« lnsrolrad aad
T-oof TraraiaaUiy'i.ery oopala
dWoM la datar.
Hbara Rraala aad Bllaor t^b of
aara will be aopralad.
yoaar people -are married yaalardti
Oraad Btpidt bare arrtreu lb tba elty.
St Ur borne of tbr bridt**
Tba foTBar Bill take ap a rarUw ol
reparalkMU are baler Bade for a Briber. Hra
atadifa fw tha aaeoad fade ia tba
lerable iBproramrat ab»t tbo Wctatcr strraL Tbr OMtrael.or parBMlaaat Oollera, baiar a laaehar la
mbile tebnola of Oraad Bapidt.
Hr. Herbrrt F. Ilsurbry.
Bllaorwill. bareadbalay of the
. (tfBtd kbMt fertf Baabara of iba ehleapaiaUarartletkeea- Hi
Tbc oeremooy ^»aa pcrforiaed by
taaaM Bar Hire Hea'
Brr. J.A. HraadyiD the preraai
balldlaraod-malra fl** >Moaa to beWorldad with a
ralatirm ol tba haffpy eoopla.
At bar boBO Ob Iba Bay Mora.
daalriar laatraetloa.
( -mLi Tatllar sow aroaqd tba opaoiar*
lay^t ^ ths dteplay -ladows.
Uaorra B. DuurlManpported Ur g
TteOMiralW. C.T. U.wUlboia IB
yAjMsa. JraarfaUnra will ,
Nfalarataetlaria'lba parlora of tba
tbaiM^lart. HaaarerHoaUrarwtll'
•maid. A sumptoas^cddlor dta
. tr othaafaetory ii
tint a. H abaiMattiWp. B. Friday.
tbs oraaiBeatal ralliar to hla
’*■ oarred aflar tbr oarrmoay
Toaaeller Uoeh aad ao- hra o
caprayarly. srbara li.-ui take Tba frarraaec of beaatllal fiural dcoorifaeMHm (a aor
OtaM Oark. of OndlbkrlUa, mat Hlebiraa. Thaoldhaiory rooB
tba plaea of thr wooden 1*000 Th'i*' allassaddedaeharm u U* oocasioa
with am aaaUaat wkOa pwllar bark baatMltoraato^iBoafar atoek ■
add rmatly 10 tba
aodtbae*aat-aari*aa eader happy
Tbamday Boralaf- Ba tlaabed tha
portloaontbai boaa rat aald* tor
top of bb lad fool'ia a rary palatal tbaMaafaflppata. ThrM-roomb
Fratarday aflaranoa tba c>
' Flrat toad ol FntqtoaaalanM foraoaUaro Hlebiraa oa Ueir
part of tbo aa* addltioa to tba
Tba Hlebiraa Btareb Co. U ac
WUI Baadriaka. Jr . kat aotad lalo
waddlar toor and after Auruai
■Bred to buf all tba potatoea of laat
Uay will be at home u Ibelr fr
MaaawhOMoa hat Blfkth atraaL
yaar'tttmk that U9
Tha d-amar kaa kat rboMtly baM
I til Webstar street.
drat load parehaua br th- eomi
MBpIKii aad laarary aratappaarlar
Ttaarrorim ia oaaiberrd amoer'Ua
boarktsaurdayof J Forma, and
mateledofMit baUels IBrcnu- basiliof ycuor buslacm men ul Ua
br.oe promlaeot is tb* iirriilaba Barry of tba TrartM O
paay -HI aoaa bare Us'r maehlnary
.-aitoral implrmrul boalerra of Q E.
Bori* abora of Uka daparlor (or
Oa.. BAalJyrrealrlet la>M qa
lo place ^ tba irarb ol iqakiar alarch
Hsarlwy * Coi Thr bride hra al-sy*
Of d>b (MB Borabport be ahlpa
yaehiiar aad bealtbfal ra- w II ba oely a qaeatioe of a rary
la cborcb —ork aad a
Hr. Hoatanc b acaOB- -arks They -ill last the maebloary
iberuf tbc Firat McUo
kb yaebt Ooatra- by bb hpoD old stock ra as to hare thrlr plea I
HTba-t aad Bert. Roy toadoa. la abaps by Uc Urn t Uli yasr'a crop la dot vbanta.
TbaCAW H. BiU 1
BBpbUMt.ariaed H. K Walloaaad ready {-market. Tb* work
it tba nau.
*00 of Ofi^od Baplda i. C Hotraa faeiortmb
t ataaoa. Irarlar
aad IM. Bta. aoeoatMey pha party
a ri*>or*blr dlaoonatoB blcrpaUek Farm r* barlar stocka
^bM»fMt»tyMi:H> a. m.. lataralar
elradurinr my July clesraeee sale
I ,
of old DoUtoat'miot rcaadadi
iMpa Bay Vlaw Lt 84a p. b.
fcrtforUea atUa a - factory.
OaaMmatef^Ur* batarBida
Uoaae Farokbar. lau Froat 8l
Iha (et'Minimal abarab Ibara w
lAo F. Bala of Hoaor. formerly easa
out m Qraoa Oharohbaabpraya’ Bratier Tbnraday m
At SuiaDarj B Orond
acar of IbaUmlpta Patam. UU Oo
Hrs Jama* Hurraa ofOblaaro,
ta«. TM8aadaraarriM will lira ba
Thr reoo-aM Qaaodioa
a W-B Hatarday aa baaloera.
lapandlarUaaammerat Park Place
linrars. -ho hare *0 trasont tnored
Mrrad lor tba aaera rMoa.
Hr. Bale Uadarad bU rmlraa- bra mode a ralsabla and
arnerfainlilrrai Rritaia. Caaada and
J. ». Jarrau baa p
d tbaMI tloB a* aaaararof that extaMire rrlfttoUwea. BpIaSopal ebarcb. Tbc tbr Uallad Slain. -Ill appear st SlrlnB fraa Joba Mpora. aad p aat, UeretuT* Brea a fraat maay, rift u a braatilal roDalllQs. —blob -as brry'. Oraad acxl Tact lay rrealar.
aa el,nrret among tba rood broarbt m this elty from Cblosro br brsdrd by that remaricabi* aopraeo
win aaBdrat lbs tmalura to tba fatara.
»>. "The Hiocs Melhs- Tie
He hra prored Ue W W. Kioball Co. It !• a du lala baa taraalad Ig a Mw dalirery
ay car-t**a I
<B Bblah wiu help MalBlslIy la hit blBMlf aaeaealleatciUt.B and a
aadUcaalyMcif lu klad
drlightlol marie TheatraUrro
iBaaamaaararof tiarilac abUliy.
In Monbrra ViUiraa. It bra a rich plaaialinn t-nr* a. sueg by Ue
Haragim Vuartciw rf Ui. spirodid or
UId the
• Hraaae. feraarW of tbk
arar two years
ftp learn toe pleat m ebarcb maalc. It k la appaaraeoa gaairau.Hi hare giraa them a ealebrliy
oBiqsalrd by aay other. Tnk pepolar
dotar bMlaoM lib* «bt -nrhof a eloU '
illarvi a pipe orraa and esa be retartaiomrat rb.rold ororc a m.-l aaeacraful eraal hero
TmkeU -111 ba
LIrb talar atcackUe buo*e ofJ. K
y didaotampat Ua placed OB rale at tbc box office lUa
Oaatoe.naidlarUrarmrcs aoaU of
» roeallie*. bat aba
Ua eilf, oa Tharoday ereelu. dolar
a kh dly offered to defray Ue *x.
■MA'dA^BIaabra Bat »>lh a b|.
bat irjsrlar ooiralBaodayarralBr *ud tg body eotalda of a ahoah
f fraB.barwbaa)
Mrs tisatoa. The bolt ctraU 1
>t will be Bade atooM.
dsTB. TbalaRarm-M dto- UUaay sbattariac It hMly aad U
. Dr. Utrprr Ml
lau Ua atUs A door a
ObMrad Banos.
tbatoiarad Tba aty bM.k*Wrs torBoriy ewMd
bj ths Arm. Lyon. BamUar. Eymor A
The report at tba TVaraM City Btata
Pclaar Oo of Oraad Bsplds aad for
Baob wbUi appoan is loday'a Uaaui
*PwaMMBOf use. nn.ooe
Ti odky
paMM an ora abewl>r,y^

Baa.J w HaiarbrabaMappolatad|l7 ntraWaad
c-dlaraidarofM. Oraad Traradra |

■wm aaia ht DaaU

ation about the finny tribe—best places to
fish. etc., we tell you all about it.

. We hare the laigett assMtmeat ^
makes and sizes and our prices are right.

The HaoDaii A Lay Hercantile Go.



«. HMt to mcMt q.lU .tok.
Louto tmw h«»
* ■“
B.Tmltor«ad tomnftaw-"


* to Crawford haa raWiard f»
rtolt to Fcmakfert.
A Laarti bad tha
»»M‘ (
to toot badly a arrrb =-r • '«r wUI .
MhaaWa ta won for •
to Uaala Ootoar <f K.a«alay to (
aWt!^ frteda harto.
MItoUllto Balattotb'
aerotatoow wheel.

120,000 tint If Firahni, ifuies, Carets,.


OaeofJ. Iterllh drl.i'k bontofot 1
late tha hMbrd win aau at berth bled )
teat badly. At laat arr aau ha I
bat little boptoof lie r«- .t).
Tha batolabarry ara»n -to pearly I
aaaL Than hare beea a coed atey <


Mn Imh lUrtto ntBTMd b<"
aaMravtolilMtwMh. •

Praak UlUaU baa a new wheel.
MMBartbaliantohaaa aewptoaa I
Bntet Uebty toatoliiac frtoada ii

tr baa roae with the Sllrat
■eart Oo. aa haa of Ueir


And all kiodB pf honse furnishinefoods for less mon>
ey than they cat) be boofbt today at the factories.
Fnmitnre and stoves have advanced from ^ to 45
per cent., bnt I have my warehouse, 30x117 feet.2
floo^ and my store; 25^ixl00 ,fect. 4 floors, packed
full of foods that 1 bought before the - advance in
prices, and in order toT^uce it I .will give a good
discount off the old prices.
You can boy stoves now from $2.00 to $7.oi» less
■ than you can after this sale is over
We have a full
line of cook stoves, steel ranges, air tight and heat­
ing stoves.

^ New Store, 120 Front Street


Trayerse City, Vich. S

t Otwd B>i>d« to

. ^5sS^*££i;2rsS'J

Mrm. BIbfaprd of T>mr„nc qty ritlwd
hor poTMU. Hr. mod ton. B. Dotote.
(toWrdmy mad SoMmy.
Omorc* SeripUra oC N»w York to rtolUac mt the
of J. A. Scriplmn o>


raff airajTjBJN-

Xeha Oooe bma tbm a
WlUto Depoe mod Archer Oolloea CCirmad fc«a Wbltehmll Friday. Uwlag
to tba rmla mod aaddy remda (bay took
the tnlB (o Trarcfce City. .
Two littla beya bara pat la tbelr mpptotoMPi«c«ally;oarbtL. A Whlta'a
aadmad tba elbar mt Bon Baad-a. All
mrm dolsg weU.
Htea Fmltor mod Mmatlmn of Trmr
erw< aty mr« rtoltlbc ml N. W. Uerrief
■ teTtolt- laob.
^teWoUMTud t
Hr. Cobb tomboot tbe'amae: moat
aif tarawwh. tM
dmya aaeas qmlla m bit battler.
Vomb Bdioeto emUtlng bay for Vi’.
Mf. aad Hi*. B. P. Dm han hte topme.
liilltor friwto M KalliMka.
Bar. Hr. Bokbem of Koribeort will
Hwl^to te wteoC lh*dar-'P«- nmeh mt Clamr Hraek meal Mkoday mt
TtoJ ihtwMttetortod; If ■ol.'c 0;M Mat
Jnl, la
Saal'LiwIwor Kmlkaakm wmaie the
•ICbborbood Monday with two borac

FtoPk Hoekia dtora to Kmikwka
Bto nomMrtohem«aa«taU tratf Saadmy. nlnrbleg Moadayt
' Bk Biplito. «i««ra ah* haa taaa ta
UwyarC-a Uaaaaato. of. Bellalrc.
ad bto lalhar warm the rmeaU of W. U
rink Thataomy Bbrbt
Hta. Will Oee of Elk Inke la rtolUae
bar pmrcBto. Mr. mad Ura. W. L. Frink.
Hr.mmd Mra. E. i. Holleohrek aod
Hr. mad Mrm. Oaorge FrI
CMl raUtaaks aad A. 8. Piar
epaot tha Toanh ■ ~
Vita of te imia.
Wnito PIB7 rida a i
Hto A D. FriakofTrmaerae City to
TtotUac trieada ban.
PoUtoaa mra le^ag Bne. hot tba
wnara' old eoatay—pouto bar-'
laaeat and taUre warfare to bagaa.
nibara'of the Ormace are dotaManaCtetaBar■t baaiaaulB wbolcmla parMr. ~-|------- iba lallRiad aadltor.
rtf. >mrto~
lax twlae. eto. TbeOnnr tomllre.



neeat eoBTaatioa at Chmrirwrtx wma

■Mtead hr Urktataw Uto ^rlaf.
Hn. HaUto Wltea taaal UM«wk
«r|lh ha panbto, Mr. aad Mra. U. U.
'^UordMcPaaldMaat tharaarthal

^^^Flabto to btagbl a Saa koiae
Mr. Byaiaa to la Iowa wttb bocaaa

Oordos Bmrl mad faaUly mad Hr.
tnily Bwred ap Iron
Mtoaaa Oattia aad uaj BatoAd. Kart Oaelda Uat Salar- Hr. ^1 to
•ha ha«a baaa tor acaaa jaara la Ka« tlltar op Fiabcr'a water nl
ilUwiibnmebtaory tor nmktar ablactoa.
■ Clark, mn old aeulrr. stmrtod la
Mr. OlwhaaJt af ladtoaa wadai
nmU bctotof bto owa make mboat
>r yian mco tor lootolaaa, roll
Saa. ftela« aad «Ua apaai
Vawlh al Maatea.



Pair M

::i,'^crt:S3r„“.s cane bona Uat we
Wbca aakrd II it •aenwl like bom


^Evei^hing gSod and cheap at

Wier Sprechen


■to McLavhUa to qaHa toah. '
Baa. Mr. BoktoiaM af MaUpert

. AMtoaay Wirt A. Oeek atmrtad'Wed■tatey toriartrana. where ha wUi lo-

One table of fine casalmeres and worstede, real
bargaine. Bold at $10.00, $11 00, $11.60. $12.00.
all go in the lot Your flt in tbe beet goode--16
. to to daY6 supply.


Many plain .ilk faced eooda.



On 3 table of t lo choicest ami best goo Js we have
had—In a general assortment of colors, worsteds,
cassimeres, black goods, blue-serges, silk faced
goods -best fitting—Stein-Bloch's. Hichael Kolb’s
and other fine makes---form6r prices. $18,/$14,
$16 and $ 16—all go in this quick sale at

; The bMt twer



ziU iilfiMlMUrSamrUrBotiK.


tha w. a b.
ja lollowfair
fie IV reaolrad:
elaeara ihaekato
tbv^diere-wlrca Iaad the local taleot
for their
- City
-ity for
kied aeaieUoce
■- •
• •
aa eetartaia
I______ oar "
at a e
Janr t«. lew. Had of oaraaa
waadae to laelr eSo ta.


Hauuia Uuiancii.

Follows men's igoods—prices correspondingly low—every suit a
bargain—$4o6 $6.00. $6.00 for gbods that have sold for $6.00
to $10 OO. Tuis sale wUl not last long: Come while the assort­
ment is good.

(3-oo<3- !Po(D]pi© I

Brtdi.”wbtoh aettled'Vo b^

.............- I— __. ..r eggs :
We did, when our competitors |»aid bnt » and 9.

berabe •raaahopelan rictin dr coaeanpUoa aad that ao nediciae eoald
9 her. HerdrarxUl aor
' ~

Wc can't quote a price for this week but
will try and keep in the Lead
We want your
eggs and also all the produce wc can possibly dis•pose of.
We can't give you 19 pounds Granulated Su- J
gar for $1.00. but will sell it as low as is consistent J
with fair dealing.

We still have that No.‘ 1 Fioe Feed at 87 ^ic !

po““^s- Also Hay. Oils, Meal. Streeter y

a tarr Sax.Ta^ the wopd fori

Itorae nMlIn aebool

On th6M ohntr* oonntan-AU in plAiit Bight.
Colored good!, white collar band*. 60c for..................................... '................................
Handaome colored good., collora and fioffd. 76c for...............

L.EDterprise Grocery,
W. J. ROBINSON, Pfcpr.

228 Front St.



Are yea TrooHed with Dy
ofruaiaiyoarprjf «rual w





-......... HiUPrt.


u-Buj lia in pBltem-«alf Piice.

Early Btoeri beartt
Thry lead geatle anl
a. eaaalBg ao pales



tfen's Whiu Croshm. new. bAadfiome....................... ............

>wio» ialariat.


Men's Summer Hats and Gaps-^Prices GiiM'n Two
Men's UnderwBAT. Mveml lou. 60e for.

Give us a trial and wc will convince you \hal
there is but'«»io store in the city and that oneabe

BrapUoaa.aad poalUrely aaras PUm

IlcriDg pUaaytoldatei
OtbaearaUre prepertlaa of Da
herer falla. At aay drag store.
three yaara.

Will Offer Men’s Colored Shirts

Mra. Michael Conaia. 1

A aea rena to
Packard SoDdmy.
Mta C
Bxaia attar a rwh with bar atou
Oata Uwto of Trarerae City.
Hta Laoa Beinlortb elaaed I
•d t«^ of aehort beta Eri^.




kaar aaaaux.

MaBiattWMaaat asa^^^ dtoataia «a tha Mallaaal

- . H. M. Mallory did kaalana bare Wed
Hta Lottie Bata el TimawM aty
to^tecPMt eC tba Mtoaea Itaale}

The New Store
124 Front St.


Tx-a-TT-erse 0±-b3r, TVricli..


_ Btotbm EltohM to atok with tpphort

.One table full pf nice.etylish wool caasimere suits
--$7.60, $8.88 and $10.00 suits- none better for ^
the price named. Take them quick. Now

i^uiuiuuuiummuiui uiuiumiumtiimmai muimmmR

•bcLocbt a fawITLid to bar dclU
foBBd beraelf beaeflted from the firat
Otto Kropkm baa bmUt a aabatantial deem She coottaacd iU ooe aod after
laklayaia botUea. foond beraelf aoond
.■to ■!«— man
Ctoartoa Bocoa^ mad a 8. Packard aad well; bow dues her owe booseMar Ladi^taa aedar.
t. aad U aa well at abe ever was.
—- - -MW nowv mad eirel
O. M. D..niMial aad Mr. Oair'droaa
.-trial faeulea of Uto Ureat Diaeorery at Ue drag aiorca of 8. B. Wait
Will aad
Bri^t hmea pi
aad J. u. Jobaaaa. Urgd botUea Su
■to. Patar Itehaa to atariac at Wto.
kmum-t la ihto plavat laton,. tor

ZSit* ...............


We alao.ean anpply yoo with oOtfr Entdeo of Harnrert «1 $8.60, SS.OO’and $10.00.

Woi. Bcarbtoi to B<
tad Hr
Mia. Httoca. _a fcsa back to hto
host at SeotlTUIa.
Mr. WUIIm—a mM fanny norad
adc to Ftober^ Mill yaaiarday.
la aatrlifa tha M at da>r. TKalr
mu9 MMdi ban wtoh thaa happlMr. Boarbtoe mad Bamma I
-ndaaboalaan trip to Tton
loot waak.

Mia.AaaUa Btedatok aad bar.
MScaadBarMaarriT^ HoMaj i
Mj^^ara raaaMM Mia. J. A. I

Cluinges took plac^ Saturday pre. paratory to Monday’s beginning,
when ^very inducement wUl be offer- ,
ed tp'customers for a time to buy
seasonable goods at low prices.

Great reductions on all our CLOTHING, HAT«, F0RNI8HINGS during July and August
Men’rfiulte, worth up to $10 all go at $6 60; Boys' Suita
h up to $8 60 all go at $1.76. Best 26c Overalls iu Trav­
erse City. Straw Hats for men and boys 6c. Elegant Onderwear 26
i6e.. 36c, 49c. 63c.

wUICUtothaOte kr e>m<Mlir

*nd Awrto okUdna an «■ thi atoh

Our CentraL Space
Turneil Inle A Bargain Oept:


Oeorre Ymek wmintrprtoed UM«mt
mrdmy arealnx by m apabar of bi>
trtoadamad naithboraxalbwiiif
._____ ,
ealabrmu htoUithdmy.
Tha PTMlay
WM apeat la dmi>elii(.

Mn-ul Ml* raliv. from Lai^


DeWiu-a LiUlc Barly I
frontbaayMcnall poiaaa
laltei. ragalalc Ibr
aad lirw. aad parifj
-•Slopd. TVt
.pale nclaa
aadVre haa'H
Jd rigor tor
tUy roatiac II
. r. C Tbonpa.

w toaa aad

«red ny body

I aerned beyood

For forty raare Dr Fowler’i El____
rt Wild Htrawberry baa beep eariag

■trie Oil. Bretota/iia.'Si.nsvr

aM nbaatew^MM MdaM



aum mmai itutAU), mi ii
M. Hr. ilcFtai of K»to—fc
ia Ik* M tf • bM •!

A TilirtM


A AlMtaiar bu keearnd at tbt uw
Jarllafaaiala dtoMd wise, AMea.
wbaNthefalloflkratedaer tcm of


AtilertM'l*. white » b«Mt «w
■wliiMaf cManaa^
eatanter Ban>i
atebt, wfi**—a

era kiUa
I lajered a

nku •aw_i._
____ *.1
Khalil ^1.
Ml bMwaaa*lb*
a-a. klUad.
CMpl«l*0*nlMr w— acrioMl ot Ik*
OfBBfaaMa of the etata will koU
ThMj fliwl lltefclim* VBivBlMn.'
atHac(tefMte Uwd*** will k* coteMl or
Ik* ThM^lk ncliiMt Whlek will be
«r*aUa4*trdrtir-«rtd**. IIL. tcoa Iha tei«ait la Ika htetor> e< Ika ortaaHUklfo*. Wteeoaal* ud Illlootera- Inviea.
BaUla Oaak tkrrahlar anehla*.
•bo* an aaUMirlif for Ik* *toU
' Allk*kdJ«UBi(M*r*]‘*eae*itira*
tkat tke ante of
nld te<te7 IkBl IMr^t oad Or*od that lb* thrateilar ■aohlaa IraM to be
will aot b*
.Bt|M*<rlllh*UM|wloslp*I raaniltlBf
MoUoM for lb* ■••• >ola*toMt fr«» ro for the praaeaL
Hlehiflaa te azpretad
At Haaiala* dalantej, Aacwet 7.1a
faralab froai thf** lo foar eowpaal
>4. tail frow BdMTick,
of Ike ThirtieU nvlwael. Il te r
dtetaaoeoiaufeai. allllar tala iMiaatIr.bpbraataiattala ana aad aboalder.
A wMow aad 4kra* etalldraa aarrlee

Rlr-UIrd aod mn/.
rraieia. Utr> will •» leadored U Tbir
ly-dr... - Tbinywrooad. and Thlrt,■fUcmeeia. In Ikat order. ,
iMslBf. Jair
Tb* KaUoeal
Uaara baa b**a *l**a a tboroarh »b*bl*r ap br erden Maed bj A ijeiaat
Ueaacal Cbee ai tb* dlnotloa of the
•Illtar7 board. Tb* aanber of refl
aeou la Urn *(*■* atmUa te rrdaord to
Uree. with aa iodepnideet baualioa.
'. trill cooUat
oftwolre caapaotea each, ieetead brfere tb* oar witbtipala.
Tb* B«w nrlMBt* aad tbelrafieen
re at lollowe;
rir»tletaB|j7-C<doarl.C URoratna.
I. Job* E. BraDelc
najw. Tbena* B; Baraolde: owj >r.
UMrj M. UqbU ebaplkla, Tboaia* W.
KcLeaac aietetet *aiiraeo. Jam** A.
Ki*t: *iljetael. Uanatr* I- llaJery;

aitOcrolaM dariaf tb* terlaf
leloae of a Jewteh •Taarorae
Kiadir aflerwooa a'plaitorw oa wbleta
.bimao people were .lac^lar fe
.arelpitauac amt of the pa.->plr la vi
pit brlow. a dwiaaee of lerpral fm

li-ecbaler. Btbbf Ai

The OtieopolU party that weat to
Alaekaorerayearareia atanboftbr
•Ithy Inan. write boaie that they will

In m two to Uree days

ia Gladwin. Glwl
tad la mi. nud bs I


■«afaay bat so-




Iterrrptte'^'teS e«i^bteni«5



Dpea Burs.. Ulsra.'.boaa, "el*.
• --------- saunales

HBa Ogogaay.

These Hoi Days ^

prap-rG-ia bu bsn etsuily groweng
wa«a Ue total noM
imported ws only
BbrdGI. Peru. Jam and
cyloo. Indte. Afris Ue
pins andUe alanSot Ue tropical
. Ulsaod barsla pour Into

Traverse City Wagon Works!
A. J. PETERTYL. Proprietor.

lii- n.-w liri. k fm-t.iry


T. I.-pJjoiie

and Klnti-«lri-<-U

Ti-ktatm City. Mlrhiffsr


$ 1.00

DRS. n. S. e'e CO.


Aug. 16, 1899.

Aluiiii: i:
Du yon know that you

boekle bs become ay.onymoui foi
dm ioga in Ue torsite br
hie bs girjn i
-iffee grower* i
swypartuf Ue w^no: sd s larg
baying always makee for good boyii
' oot aurpriiLng Ual ArOmrklr'. '

GroIrbqlC. corrriag Ue msy l-itie

New Capital Wagons

1 atomacb
r. j_,i. ..
. r.


Uc.uannd.of ------lU as au-b Unt it sa'l
F.C Thoin.poo.



Largest line ruled and unruled flat.
Linen, Bond and Parchment pa­
per; Envelopes of all.kinds, and
Card board of evjery descriptioa.

Per Isfitau end Childra.

■auh.ndPos.hie to ObtoiB.




Ue proses am sUrrly i^lceom*



The Herald Job Offict




Come to The SEBALD Office for Job Printing

ptelcw i-..d..d,-. 1,1...
•K. Oriarlrc-uliturdr


' ■ 1


Ml I’lesant. T.i:, a
. .Uwsao-iul a. m
. Linalng fuqiia.

.tee'^‘^'sn'ten"r::5is iS-iiHSHSvr



American ledicil and .Surgical Institnle oi Mnskegon, licb

s from 8 a. m. b.b p. e

IW ^
xas oo£urs3£% sxoxtE].

Wagons. Wagons. Wagons.

CoisultailDii and Einminnlion Free and Stiintif Calilidnniial.


Van Camp*R &>u]>r, .
Potlfd Ham.
Pollwl Tonjrne,
Clam Choidcr:
Veal Lroaf.
Vimna Sausage.

And don't take a two pouu^ can
Chase & Sanborn Coffee-The Best.

AIbo <r.-iU';«1 lilm-kemillJiiii; aiicI ForudUG.
H.tre,-eli... ii,G nf S|te. i«lly.
"Killy" line . liatv*. ot tl
departnieiil, an-l liin D-ii'itnli-m for kuiMTitiG liotr Li do a tir-el ji»li

Tlio plmv

Corhi'd Hi-cf.
P->rk artl ){v;i
Ro,isl ChickiCot-f Oysters,
, Drii'd lioof.
Sour Krout.

1‘icklcs Mixed. Sour and Sweet, ,.

Mniiiifarliis IJiii'd'te. W nif-iie HU<i Sli iflo. ..f all kind*.
lu'pnir-Work. ll■■|■Hilt|iu|.'. Varuirliim: «H'l rjili-deliTitit; |in>m|>tl}


Ibey am.................................
Hut ine greater portioD of Ure.
urted isstoined
ramoo._trmot Arbuvkte Broa —ibv
largsl toffee dritei

And ba sure you take lot^ tb ciat
We Can Supply you with


to aay addyas by SwOl ■«».

Well ktKiwii tf> n-'irl •■oiiiiu-'lil
Work ID tlif <i«y will lx- . Afl-il f.,f nml d-liv.-t.ql.




sk.t:x.*K ! “Scr'i:
Voir.i.israr.L''-^'.;;; s.

•a of Art
dutoUe gi.______
nndioe eyatem___________
_________ _I
u eawl to pnpelanxr
aMOtUraasllosUos to Ue olty
aad te worU npward* of •la.wB.
In wbieb u* Get te tend Ue penks
•la by
'. “toto a wealUy er boy*adetcltc panot eoBw arUrU

e. but ^knew ihni Ui"

Blear and araooU. and 1 wu rured j

U llESia

iroealBg tbe ralirsd bridge
atHimarT.Kritsbtewbsl Tbes
linding daab of nigbulag.
wbte blinded tala for n moment and
to Ute moment be rsi brad fosmst
. a wagon. Ue longs of wbielMiliioosuf booMw in e.eiy secluiB o'
lek bim iqnnreiy to Ue toe*. He
I terriUy Ipjosd nbeet tbe bsd Ue cuutnry lodny as bat Arheckle's coffee. The teat of experience
berids fevtog hteie. brokcB. Oh* hs tnagbl Ue eestnl boosw.fe Uat
le)nrtea ^ likely lo prom total.
brr tolU not sly m -ana money send.
balGml^tesppjying tie beet coi­
■niroagh\£e gcMrslty ot William fs Uat msey caa proews fur Ue mffee dnnkera of ber boenebolA
One immeos ndraatage rmirmtd by

atnetama. seept Unt Ue property
It* prosed* Uoald be aemi -lor
■se of fmndiag a h.wpital fs U«
and sllafof ladigeal aad other
Bick and ln«rm prmma. aad Ys a
Deaaoaaes' boM."
Ibe property
aom^tem Urs Iota and a half s the
eoTBs of Labe aad Emmet eteaoto. to.
gatbar erit. Ue hotel balldlag.

lakPB many bloi
'aiU left I te'tra
aad* tbe Itetetni

6. n. S.. Ui- a-iie bcxl.-d up eoirpeP'*"”

Whj' tW Femuea l lrm-uf ASacktc Bnn___
ad Irrllulilllrr. t
CMirulibaneiaortMCuffrelmdc. ] tael d£i>,„m

Sid. we-Ulrd o( Ue cnGs c. iTae



I>t*ma thirty jenm,
It my leg was
------------- ,-an. it finally l>p.,ke
began to mread and gr--w w,<rae

I--M Uan a U-a of whick ^rouo


It lee


Kottodl "WthiTlTa.^, Xr'a-vor’fAO Ci.T;y-,
>s. *1 .uff.'rcd fr.,111 pit.... M'T

■■What might bare bpea''—II thatlli.
e congh bade'l been argleeted—i.
--d sArellon of......................................
Cough (us
cars soghe a^^lda. P. C. Ttaomp

■ ledlreet.
fatal aoeUst. Jsi s it brakr. prwnk
Hilte. ayoang

II.IC of tea smarkab-e'lst^a' •

h-na. sparkling, tempriatu-e driak.
cantaialDg medl.nnel piupcn cof well

I'l" te >*TK sod.Mtt

pannftka Mteigan aeddaato. Tbe mUk. s ws 6sl etatnd. Bepotted
eaaaoaAroeraaberwaiUienst dsd- aiuupu has bsB made to lalrodos
lyof ibaaxpioeirs.
a swage eyalem to Ue PIret ward,
bat ercry time Ue eiUics of that aac-'
Tbe Bs year old -dnagbler of Hilo lion bare defsted tbe most
. Opg* of Clard.pat bw qy* st SaUMa^ bsIU fasid will reeemms.
—sl^ wlUa •

-tolaytogof swes io t
was raBBiag wlU a bsUd to bar. baad
r Hlebigaa State bank at Gate
wbiDatwiaUaadBtraab Ifae-boliU «a
Bapida ars broken Into Wednradny
Bight by Bry MesiM and Fanl lirowr.
agndlOandltynam. Tbe boy* gatoad
•ntsaer from a mar sllar window
aaeil for a cobI rselrer. They went
Uniagfa Ue sllar aad apUe etaim tr
tte* bank ifBta. -The amoant taken
ws ahoai »*u. aome of U to gold.
boya wn
goM aniliat. Utoktog U

mas at wuawn who arr sick aad j

niprr bererage s we look for Ur
IncofUraun. libs been nf inro
tlQisb-r ralnr to Unuunda of prwpir
•applying Urm at oos teith a drli.
CIUU-. brni bful aod IL,rat quenching
drink, occnpying Ue sme pl.s at Ue
family lablr s ten or exffs.
lu growth hu been rapid and re­
markable, lojig aim-- saebitw propor.

Uoo-sbotwsodaand powd*r bnm<.
■Is. broias. sorain*. wouodi
uty nalte, inaect aGngn am'
ooieg-qniekly bealrd by
Witch Uaxel Salrc^PsHIr.-l^

; Praak liar- soe. ws opraed Febsary it.
: Adolph Mltobell
to aqnd 0.1 IS.•Bfon and I
re as tn.oiMrotoi
la tbe library nad At.toO was. aibbert aad Charls
book* Tbte te ue
Cfcttettea. Mb Cleseaa; Pay Uonlaarr. Inrgstanmerer ordered at one Ume
arsorteratPaw Paw lake: A«<aaaci, to tbe city. Beck year abonl sag bted
QlaBrick. Baad Uty. Boator Jobs.
-es oot aad as Urawa away.
atItenaafudge 1st a lag.
LiiUeeThe epidemic ol lypbcAd fern Uat
yaorwIdOartradn Alford of Ys
urngad to Ue Fist ward at Haglkaadted tres banu snad br ex^
aw Is wrrsi woeba la bow alGIbat*
ate ot a Brecrackar thrown at her by a
1 to tb* abaens of swes to thal part
raekles boy. Aod tbte te only a nsali ofUe eily Istead of oonUmto.ated


t HcaUbtni Dnnk for Hl^t WeaUar.
This la Ue iwtm.y Amt aaaaun for
liealtb'iil di
-ms'gu hsoiwart*
ir war a«aW
s Ilirs will W,
Wign auprrnielr
-.-laputed rslffl of ita own In ni. oi
Acs ysr. It has stood- proof agalst
ImlUlion aod counterfeit, and now in
lU atrengU of full gn-wib rtes far
abme any arricua compi liuoo.
Hninmerand IJirci Bxtbecr as aso-


ferry Oeodwia of Marebajl; Joboa.Clln
Hn. OearmCooay. Paw Paw; Kaocb

■o Tortan Ei|inl to tin
lttW.n«l Boralof ol SvHS

fk>u.l iisbliwist hrl-uhs.tan lolerripw with HaiUe I.tiiort. on* of
flr- yfu.'o-uyiael, wbo nan j i*t had a
l, iDq eofileriti e w|U the fsni.-inn pro
Laborlpsys Krryto.' story te


____ «*a?n ini*^f«to»sS

M'*-r*tme. Ind . writs;


The doBaUoo* of Jacob Hl'
Mew York to Uamrd bare been ac
spted, aad will be arailable by as
ysf. Ur SehlS gate *">.i«».
toe a department lor Uc aindy of Kemllc langoege aadlltoslore aod Snn.»U more to fonod sbolarebiiia for Up
; pnrpse.
Certain sndiiioaa
atiach.'d to Ue gift*, and Upsp wlU by Ur nnirer-


Vs™:.• »"•>

says the sge aUiry is hut
iHit be was c^uAned lu a palisade like
mclreure, a lall fence, that was little
better Uan a Sgr For the msl G-rial
IrdnaasCbl^tO-Nell. at Wublor- acredrnu hr wsaiilij-ctcd lo ri
hands of ramui gnardt
too. ba* d cid-d to sublteh a reserre
eopply of anwBblLlM for Itac nary .anil ipilling a pllcbrrot water h* war kept
wllJapeod -t«w uuu
without Ual necearary arUclr enGl be
ared to hit agony Iron
aU ooBgrrat tor another i
AnuUrr msans wsi toksna lamp
Gee of Ue mst reiaaek
oa Ue nonh Pae flc e;
larg- -i.rnlngosr DsrfuV bed all Aight
uog,'-M. Ubori wmton. -ruellgbi
nf halibut lo Alukan w
attracted ewarma of the fsrlnl tropiKmtll susaern catch srgoea lo
bourn' lime. aad. Il te ao atrangc thing si laasis Uat si a maa alirr !).•« v
Ini dsaded nlgbl mo's tbao the broilios-a beodred Uouaaod sogln

Tbe dead body ot John DUon. a far
laborer, aged «. wat foeod' In a Itg
bat a mile and a half aortbeaM of
Peter D. HeNaafkloni ,*stel*
Grand Ledge. Ue dteappeared Jeee
PoUoa ws foadd by bte aide.
"It la a aurpriaing tact." syx P
,l qaarbrsantar.
I aarl^diaaopoiat
il-uton. "that in uir tsrpla in
I* of Up world, for Gir Inal ....
hnrr u(et morr people hnripg
l^woed. Iroatoa. CkteeMt.
HoorkAtCoidteiier, tbeiUle pnbiic sboel need Green's Augut Flower Gian any
M, Saalt die. Mtrtn, Cbeioycao. balldlage bed a elos sll. from dre
other remedy, for dyapepeia. destiged
Alpaaa, BayCny. Kedlaaw. Flint and Tbamdey Bight TbeBae eerriag* and
and atomaefa. aod for conalipa
I And for GHirlaU and ulsmU.
bora* ban baraed at T i.>w nsriy
persona Ailing ofBcr p-ailiook.
*l'.l»Oo; sane of #re inknowa. Hay
lieadachea aod genrsi bad feel*
bosateoloaal. Prcd Hbnbel. Ir.'; astet aadgrain ^relori. bet tbe carriags ogs from Irregular ^blu
aalaarfaste. Ctearls D. «. Colby: ad- and bores were snci*.
Ireen'r Anroat Flower '
Jelaat. Cyrs P. KsiU. Tbe eaapanlr*
injus Ur ayalcn by
Pnraanda Shaabe ot ttetoo Harbor
. ia excellent for soar
laealrdatJaakwto. H*MW and Adrian
Indigealion "
elarted Tnumday oa bte. bicycle oe
will einltltata tbe dinl IMcpei
mod tbr hsd < f Lake MicblbaUalloa.
- Cilr.V.r”lj K
cbing for Ue body ol Ttaarman
teld W draleti
II clrilix-tl eonoMetraadU of fortywifbt bm Hnllane. Ue yooag man 1st from
i-d bst at Chlcarn. June
IbequtrtermiebWdeaeral will farelxh
KIdaey or BlniSdcr Troubls.
trip te maje awler coni
ttys auewfmia kWiwr. bladder or erini
If ellan*. father of Ue young man.
nqeUtleB, M far u pi
arr WDUbtea. or trow uw tiequeut or w-aniy
Tbr small, el ineorposled eiiy la
etotbloraad aoeonterr
Dr. gaanae'a Bldaey and HoehwHw
awl.rewax W
MiUlgan te Harrtene. Oar*
<*r lu iqnlpweat.
• ebUdrs tt apaadUy carrd by w
•rirbJ. ilebniidi;aw)w. Noll
toej w. Prank U. ItortA a,


TVs Foifol DIsusi.



Ut. Hopr eollrfc In tfar littie town <.f
JaektoaoB^r* are daily laforwedif
Bxri*. Oblo. palriolicblly
lrr» frrr
iba cityjo
. . eapecially •cboUratalp io tfar dnt l»i reb
Jft Brerpwee.
Hotar rrry •rrioe*. .tpabteh war wbo fall .to lior
plllatiar te belor looked ap by tbe
• killed lo
a aq
Maaeo aad • ion Id ti c Knrd BlBie at l^irl Onw.
They were neon.
UnoTf* Oaalete were amaled for drir
tram ibroorb a teaeral pruert etreetind aa old ebafl wuen a lank nl
Tbia te tbe diet UuMi aa arreal

icalBbelalltebicaDiiiAivaaL Tbrj
r, Hurt H
a, Abb Arbor. will retara witboot aoy calA bat lou
of uperteoea.
el W. T. HeJacob Boacbtaa bee arrived a)
t eeloorl. Jntaa J
uorbtoa from Detnril aad te arraar
W;-.jor. PdrtorL Abbar;naJ>r.
lar to ro«pea oopper alum oe lale
r. Ralaab* ;.*arfeoB. tnwiaoea 1).
Col. Praak J. Uo^ker'
Eooarlaa: antetaat aotfeoe. Jotaa L.
other eaidUlteU are iateratled le
Wrhbarti ebaptalD. Cbarlc* B Kac>;
adjataat. Will O. Bardj: r^ltMUl
AlUsad-£*plde.Gny Forbee. egrd
Kaartarsaater. W. K. Kiaaey
Om> wxa eeorcblrgto bte cOis work
faatoalocaUdatOraad Bapid*. G.aad
Baraa. Ealaauiir.. UaUtoOaak. Maa Tbnndxy moralag. when bte bicycle
k«ec, Bic Bipkte. Haatelae. CoU- atniek tbe rar track. Tbe fsk broke
aad be ssc down with a Jar wkleb.
Joba P. te feared, will rcaalt faUHy


noq were qait*
Irr br. km.
laleoke excltrrrthaiteklnimi"
went, for at dml It
lielievcd wf Stiime of •lincnien
tuAeuntaJoaprleathe reel nacr of Ui
r all wuoeo, and M enl pmoee bad Iwcc kilUd
‘^jU^tfae ekio;
ta* eboold fail to aaod lor it.
prolracle.1 dronphl la

uter J. C. Hl^aMl

U I to :» bonrn dalTbe o. IT ... oraoge4toil rurn cropi
ainst dsiroycl and Uc dm-ne
wbMi I
Mn. Joerph Orabaoi ipraeA from
1 of tlir nal>rrn' prnr-rion erns a
trlof CIrrelaad awlor sr wl.rh
easing a fan BP.
The ruri! pupola
bolloflirfatBiBretruck arar
In |
• ai»ing from tbe homsWadn.
A lltucdiofbtcrof John Berber of
b jar *be died fivo ber itjo'is.'
n-wkieg r-1 r)ln town reotrra.
Btlnffi.dlid fr«4 the rCecte of
Tbe P.-aocb (orrra.nat bm*.rraBM
IruubV teaugmrntod by aa ootbrsk
klek frme a borne., Thr aalaial kl ked
tbe L'nlledbtatee tbcrlirbltoeoa’ttrurl
• malati.l frrerthiongh uning potrtd
aaolhar bone aad bit thr child
e pier laadias at tbe foiled blale*
tbe face, prodaclaK eoacauioa el
balUlbfat Ibe l-erte
-'w York. IVorld'K Paris enrrs.

of tbi* klad bae oeeamd la tb* hteiory
of lae city.

Tvt- p

AtCono. Italy, tbr V. lu elrctrlcil
rihibitioe na* been toully drelfoyrd
by Srr der todefrcUre electric wim
Mbay rails of VolU prrtebcd.

I ISj*ar«l
ue. llrUf 1


ptu*a.n*TOiuaxo uertAJ.

"••w............................. -


The Traverse City Music Compy
A Fine Line .of Hi^h Grade Musical Goods,, inclndfiiif tbe

Erd Pianos and Harps
Farrand & Votey Organs
^od I^romentB. Violia*. OoiUrB. Baaias. Sheet Vombc ud a variate
of bqmII McmicbI Mr-rHinodiAe. Cali aod axamiae oar
^ CM '
prict« bwfure yoa po:

l»U •■ritex’i anw^e taw rSM aai.


OrAm for luiBg FrompUy AtUBdtd te by B
Ce^petest and BelUU* Tbbct with tbe Beet .ef B

M^. lerelac le^,*oel .c'r^lMarr ,r

raanir. Piiw aS InwwMe er w«w>* -.ub-.i.
aa4**r>aaeallrrelMt;ia*teWM I
urelweel mm peravea Uf t~a*lar i|iern-nii «r

e aad oar affeeto will
IH.acUXbOlhc EAMSesTS la nwrr es*

s they am



W. L X t Cl. muTt W la. MBBM.


Staceia Bnwfa Bkick:



mUM fftAirMtoa HMtoU)JteT I»,JMfa.


Bwrilvlada.______ ^..MM Mwl far nwm >|S Mi
■oeeam: Wrap

Mota tmapoTMUar br ilMl ‘iBOotaao
Md «ial>trM<l pkCM «f tt s BMlln.
IhM will
I sot loaby.

Wit'i aclcet

MM. M.B.O.BATn. Editor.

'i"-... ....


tha WIdMa. sad aeoHa to Uw aar
aarjr. sad eoM to toe d aHIliur. to*.


_ od boMcreall. ttM froB
odor, mad eora woter. aod tbe eoIoUon
>beold be oatotaied. that la. toew
aboald ba ah Boeh bU added aa will
diiaMro. ^fUr^bolUni allch^y

Uaa. BbaitnaaaralearMa. Hartoa
reutorears fratilivaad Jnln M»I7
• sod wbeo toeimfbly cooled tbe
aitoaraatof Jaaaa. AIMw i
Dab- brloo BSy be poored orer the batter.
U b^p7 baeaaa-. . - V. I balp Raaaretokaep the batter well
. TMaMtali anMOfM.
........ lea byieeanaof
" - weiirht
Oy do M* dr to ■MBWIB pmM.
plarmloa top of it.
It. If tbe batter U
Or--------- ---------------------------BskaaeoattarrMBC^ ■ ■ : d.i
d to Coot.
float. It will eoar
Id eootael
beeaaaa aba tam wstr
>rr iafaal with air aod ba Injarad.
brotoer: Barbel. baeAh„ <re*a balp rwBorea thr air from tbe brine and
toe fermeata whkrb Bar be prra»• MKfa ta (M MaorM bird
bar laibto water toe avtor widow etroya
eat Id the aall or water. Karp tor
ersarepu beeasae the .-raae it oil la j«ra eorerrd aod on the bMtoai of toe
»Mi MM>t
cellar or alber eool place. If tsbaare
d, pot tl Bin oa a board or a atooc ao
sao. borlar In r ir paatira ua
^ThMM BormUraton diMMacfar
prerent tbe boopa rattlor ot It oaybt
to be DOdentood that batter for loop
SadSto tM MMUr* «TMr;
wbp bare >
e,>l tried la keepinp moat bare tbe bottenniU nrj
«ad bM* laid
la ISndlM reBorrd at tbe Use it ia

WhM tU.auSerU WMaMf.
■ \ Treated in the maoBer ladleabeir mirioi.r 'llanb>' tlenba; tbOB
there abonid be ao rilflleolly io
AdevatlMMMtbaiMDrdiaboa ' . arlcaraful sad trooWrd aboet aasy
irrlnp tbe anuoier better aorplaa
nM baM tbairFarU M«c plarad; .
tolsp: bet esa tbiarla oeadfa
be tollowioy winter aod aprisp
MaaMBd Mn li*«l maao tfcril fl«sh.
Mary balb eboaea tost r>d pan
fWiagak'n van UnaaelMtaloeti*. aball set be takes away (nm be<

tbair liUl*

** ^•*i"i**




' AadWUlMUBaofalKhl:
*11 MllMi eoaBlad oa tbair Use
WhM toa aaa^ eat e( alfbt.

pood refrlperator from tbe afaap
eoaUall tba way from tl: to tMl
eordlopto tbe fiouib. Fur a cheap
pet two dry pood* bosea. tbe more
atantlal tbe batter: one of thrm to be 1
or 4 iaebea aisallrr than tbe other ooe
all aroond. aad fix tbe topa to open oo
boa or atroop leather biopaa
Urper tbe boxea of coorre the more
eoareateoee and aoafork
i’laoe a
••Oodpceer arosld lead yootoedark- eoopie of loebna of aawdaat orer tba
bottom of the larpar box, aod art the
If b^t yoo eeald'baar tba lirbt:
BBaller one Into Ik Bore >. leeb hoica
Bat yoo woold sot ells^ to Bla csUI
tiiroopb botb boxea at eilbrrend. ee
the top. aod ioaert a roll of atiff pa.i
' If toa way w noalasyp bripbl:
board In each to act aa reotUato:..
d Bot care to walk by Them All Id all thr ^acr betw«en tbe
boxea with aawdp^k Pol le abelrea'at
Ooold yoo always walk by alfht
either end. Iratlop apace In eeoter tor
a larpe. deep pro or pail tbal bi to bold
" 'TU teoe be baa mase ao aonlah
tbe lee. Tbere can be two c« three
roryoor aorrowfol heart to bear.
pen OD wbicb to baep palla of milk or
Aod Baay a crorl tboro.<-rawn
._ A Iwe
larpe tin pail, wliba tblo.
Boryoor Urad b>ad to wear:
lad boord attoe boitmo. to pre<
Be ksowa bow few wqold reach faaae,
. belop bnilaed.^wMld
be the moat
IfpaiDdidbotroldeitbeBtoere. .
rrator, k___ ,

UwbeUbeaeatethlsr oraesrlealty
to baow bow Bao;
‘ IMar bMfd tba raatlar^ erew
Chsss prisu. Is whole or part, the folWbM bfa Maatar ba'daated;
Ear ate that abas ba baatd Umsb lowlar reraea, sBet Hems
eery feed of tbeo and «>IJ duublteto
eoatiSM to priat tom aa looraa toere
. Cbrlat wept o’er Jarawlais.
la a BoMtfauca
Aadaald. UkaasMbarbea
rd aaff far toea-Mt


Briar bi^

It toesaiBd raan. bo doabt;

bfato toar'M jtoi

tbifar *»

PbaB^BtoB fa all plar*d rmt.

••BoBaaesda yoo toe bUsdlsr dark-

W altoar Beat, or Cab. or btMd.

Aa^mbaetolar qalta"M^i

t 11^^ toara a wofaas Is all. U.a

'iKedMM'thBOw toa sMsad aaorib
0( toa raal ealM of dallan asd OMU.
Of toaMrlarpBMla fasllxatpaaa
Oftoafaraaxl **’«>Mon Istme.
WMa patfaaUy <bbM1m is OMte as

anataa*fraa toaBa)ptal BaaT
htooMabcBMwIh otarwfae.
Who fatly Mpae^faa bar pete.

WbM aba oeer. and oear. and oeer Irl
Vam^ bar paddiair bad aoBOllB

OftMofBoftoaBalpfal BmT
■raatoB than p Mild la baribtotd
WbobMat'oraras OBM bBBd.
' d^BMBtt BlIHla Bors opaa aUll_
MfMatooaibtaf “MUerplir
yaM^w^to^fMbto.w^aM wlU.
J- to- ..y M. Who Mtor
afaa of Biddy aad wbat aba brlB«a
I tohaBpaiBM woil h toktafa.



. Iho fauowtar estraet troB a flPTBOB
IB • Botad dlel^ fa coed far Boss
CMBB’aaarBCBetlato-day. Itfaallae

Aod toa faniaee of aeeeo fold beat:
Tie toa esly way. belieee sr.
. TokeepyeoeroactobUfeci.
roe 'tie alwaya eaay to Waoder
Whas oor lleto are ylad asd aereev
■■That) saaUe yoor hand In yoor
Aod atsr. If yoB can. aa yoo r<>:
Voor oeoc otay cheer aoste oor behiod
Wbo^ceorace U aloklnc low.
Aod, well. If yoor Ilia do ijBleer—'
Ut,d will lore yoo belter ao."

»l room, aad corned in the
daya with a folded blaekrt

tMt fa toa leaf yoo wasUa toepaatry.

tstootBBU.Mtfafylario toaeeol. foil
-.•■ow any woaaa kaepa boMt^toaat toa rallffaa of CbrlMJe^p bar.

Joly alb, ia».
Thli ia toe story of the Foarfa-lbai
diaappolatlap.sorry Ptiorto c'Jaly of
l*y». aad ystlaao BBsywayaa '
bappy, ptoaaaoi day.
Woaa are woke la toa dia pray
lop Upbt to bear toe rain coao paUof
ihp dowo. it oeodrd a pood deal
bear! aasabiae to k*ep ttae etoada awsy
from Bony faeoa In this c.irto cn
of OUT*, mod ifilsado-t broe foi
ttanabiorTa" aarely It woold hate been
0 far drrarfar world than
1 koow we were true.—at Iraat we xro.i
to be.—aad bopcd'for toe raio to
and the cl coda lo no away.
Al Iry ODiiape--eia Wsahlnpton
atreet”—there bad beeo preal pr.-pars
The lawo waa orccr ao pretty
with its carpel of soft praaa ai
roof of tall preea treco. aod iia bwderr
of bnpbt flrwrr*
llwupnlnp lobe
Bocb a awrek cool resllnp place for tor
baoabioe cblldreo aod their Ured moth­
er* wbeo toe noisy, crowded down
■tows atreela'bad prown to be '
ooBs. and we were polnp to bate aucb
pond Umra oat tbere, all of u:
b.-uf after, bpdr (be ralo came till finally we knew we moat pire tor
whole Ool.dr«r arTmopemeota back
toe cnbMia aod blnebirda nod wre
and oh the rest of toe nelptabors who
Heed In toe Urea aod la tbeir feather
waterproof clotbea did not mre for the
rain, oor. f. r that maMcr, fo
Fourth of Jolycllber. aoliwi Hi
woeder wbai tooae thlopa witoool
featberadown toere on the alreet
makiop aoeb a racket for.
Hot u for oa, wc bad to po lodoora.
aotoe aiUiop room* were hoop wlto
fiapt, wberefer a fitp wcwld haap. nod
all Bade tweet with fiowera a
pretty aa It cooid be for callero.

ty-foor bootv—Srirrto;.
Mcnoer Hakea toe H<^e.
Oaeof llelroll'a IcadiDS citifOtbaa
brbe cbarioiop daopbten of whom be
• rery limd. He ba* alac an escellrot
le. ax-ibcr of the aloiMaid youop
lies, who toll floalnt atorlaa abool
bar aoperior attrActlooa
toot when tbeir
. . fathern aeabonteand
all oaaeiobled Id

Mere near oeipbbora tc Icy Cottap
Aod Ibeo we were pled lo welcome
two of oor pirli from I.ake Aou. Mar.toaHeboeider aod hHtella Sloelair, aod
a dear little cUH we baft. After ihal
calla were more ouaerook and

- In tlM avaaiiip to M
down to toe barnyard

with hfa


oa la tbeir

imattoal Uxaeefriv,



M boy wnlebad the Bilk Baida at
ark. sod bla eyas dwelt with prowlap
oodevCD toe rtaarlaoa priod ol tbe
Wa Jaw*. At leoptfa be tamed to
a bcats'd said:
im fee all thea <
mold, last six toot day.

Tbe Kind Too Hare Ahrsyo Boopfat, and whiefa faaa been
In use for orer 30 rv*fS baa borne tbe slpnatare of
.had ban bora made nndrr bla per^••-tpmldoai.dncwUalBlbnry.
—WWrocc-CBCnc AUtmr itoonetoderrlTe joulB tbla.
All Cnantcrfrito. Imitation, and MottoUtutoa are bat E*.
iwrlmrufn tint trifle «ltb nnd cmlanerr tbe bealih <
lufaau nud Cbildn u-Ex|Mri<-ure acaluxt Kxpr

Aa be be^ la bfa hand a brokea toy:
He looked In my toes for aa latlaok
and toeo
le said withaaipfa mad a dowi
-If I wnld lire By life orer apalo.
I tolok 1 cuBid toa totter ba) "'


The OplBlOD* ol Score* ol oor F.

CaiHorla J. a MiWiriilo f..r Ca*Cor OH. I*are«nrlr. Dropa
and S<i»iliinp Stnip*. It I*
and i^eBnanL. li
comUIiiu Dfillu-r Opium. .Morphine nor other Norrotle
aulratniirc. Ii* ape I* l«» puorantre. It dralmj* Vt'orma
and ullsyo KoterialiDto*. It rnri-a HiarrtiitB ond Wind
U r.-llrveii Teelhlnp Troubbts tnirep* ronallpatlnB
and i-'Inlub-iH'). It a»lmibu.-a tbe Fmid. reculalea tb«
Olid Uoweto. pUinp li<-nt«tay and naluMl sleep.
Tbe C'blldreu’B Fannevn-The Mutber's Friend.

Kcaldeoliof Trstene City like olhee
Amcricao cit-zoo*. if makiop oo iD*r*tBent wool to to sere of petting tie
•ortb of tbeir Boary.
They waot lo oil me why* and whervfoiv*.an<'
<0 a direct ratio to tbe raloe ut tor it rcutmeot ihry borrow aod ferret uolil
MUafied •tith'tbr cllab-sal.
Take au
loataocc lo tbe rvalm of i.roprirlary
irwrkn<>w of a fr.rad whu
»e hare a
faith in
tlie prrparaiioo: if we koo



111 Use For Over 30 Years.

tfaieMeo cook Io a double boHrr for
twenty mlontba if eoraatarcb cook ao
o boor. When caodird frou
; a doable
It of aopsr
ia rtqolrod
Id raaktoi brick
k ice cream allow two
full of pelalioe to each
M- pieper Ice cream a*e the
. r. In frrciiop lee er<
takes ot Ibird a* much salt u ier.
and the
tbe br
bw abcrald
be oo top lo pack.........................................
aflet tor frreclop
l< tbe salt oa
top. Alwaya allow toee cream to auod
boom beforeaerriap.aa it

m*r, aap ao will BaDyracaliao-buopry Maah ooe pint aod a ball of ri^. red
boy or pirl who. to other aeaaoea. bu nrrsnU-: pot ipto a JHly-taap anti
qoeexe oat toe joicr: ma*h ooe plot of
been praared oowimpply into '
' laasbrrriea: iqoeezeoel the jub
rice of wriUop frolt lab^.
topetoar. aod
d*^'* la aimolielly it- Hoarti •
taalc-: attirat
l tirat add ooe cupfol of anpar,
froit lodicBlcd espUioa lu etjacla
r Ih' fire aod stir, taste aod add
porpoM alooa Tbere ia ooibiop —
eoofaae toe eye of toe booaek.cperu ipar ontil it la pirxiaot: wbro tor
sMroMitoteltoeahelaaaof herpre spar la al. diaaolced. atraln and ael
OB-M closet Io aeareb of a pariienlu ■ray 10 pel cold: then set lb Use Ica-

bot they may bspnrehaaed rery cheap

ly. aod come oil numed asd ready to
auacb. itlaajeueay tostmaoya
pcopieaelre aod wcH cecopied booael»e^ will make Hberal oae of tbem
tola year, and tbe fact that the froita
Wbick they oiatlepobh may ba
sliM stacb Bore qniekly aod i
tbeir aid toeo with


■o dl. d n
* f.iun.l


o-VIc .a
. bran, wn.ct
brae :..rp-






l-tvt la*.

J, e n * *
S ssji

(at* SB*

^ Oor Hsrocss Liue the Very Best tb&t Good Luther ud ^
Worliniiisliip Can PraCDce.



(51oi-fs ami Mittri
in dll jrrii*li.'>. slyli'!- :iini prices.



• US fiMi 8Ua^

Tr»T?r*o City, Michlgon.

lirosch’s Meal Markci






Fresh- Salt and Smoked Meats, Sausages; Fic.

Mt. Plauant. Owosso, &*gla*w. Bay City. Detroit. Bow.
▲so Arbor, Toletlo Bafl
poiDta East aod 8ootb. 0
coaaootioBs at Oopemisli wltb
H.AN.B. Ry.
San'IPoas Apt. Tnladn



ilnphoDF 4.

*1 -ru tUpld.

Ghoicesi Meats, Poultry and Game.

.d;S .^5

l.< Bl. KapiU.' \r-

XvTr.irr-.ii,.. a i* if j. ,« n

ir '

U..IU Kant orrrr dar *>rM> Soador.


Acetylene Gas

<.h*rlr,-.B.S.toril......... • t Spa
r.u.*, •vau,, day auaak'S.Bdax.


■'... m

<iu.nlAniix avrrzd*/ rn-atSaad
totiw SarU.wn

' EtiduifaiiuiIuunBlfrBMUaud.MuL

*. B. whIeleb electric CO.,
'.•-.I UtUwn Klr.f-1, Grsud, Mk-Ii

/Tbe prraidrot sorpriacd hrmelf aod
all her family by beinp taken aoddeoly
ill the day otter toe Fourth,
arsoo-l at all brlphl In her. the chief
irr.abieotade toiop ber toiop preeeotcd from properly ediiiop tbi* depanmeot tola week, bot It yon will oil lorInply esesae her. aa abe it sure you
will, it will all be


z m


^\OfOR PET£/?r>.^

Houbioe be with yoo

amall boy-* problem:
. I waoder bow I'd like ik

I■ x*kts
;s *1I
* ml I w


7. BB080B ft s6n8.

fiaoabiiia baa torn recefred
JoboDle lilark. wbo aeot paperw. while
large HOanUtyol papers from Mr*.
Cbarlet Cole will be pled ly welcomed
br some of oorabut-io frirodx before

Mew Carrot*.
Cot off toe tops and wash toem.
"Are yoo plad to see me. Jolinn!
•lap *affibeet to well fill a fllat meu aiJtrd the Bioitter aa be took toe nr
>llD tbeir faror.rr. KulltorBlD Mrely eauaph ult- of toe hooaeboid oo bia'kuee "Yc
----d wairrto eover oDlil teoder, drople toir.- lUped toe little t.Jiow. -Tell Be
.s eold water for a aosient taod tor
aktueaa be qalcklyalipprd oe
Prepaie two-toirda i.t a plot of white
• J you
—ace. uinp a few apoontola of to.
a>a If
Iter 10 wbiefaW earrou wdt«


West Michigan.


I. Rs^-cw-ir:
IKute. ."kildcvcryab.-re

rlkil orer apalo with faiier ak
and larprr aumtora
Hot we wbo
have oor riait will net ei j >y H m
did that bappy day id ot
toe .rain witoook fur H wu al
ataioe wlibio.

day* tc owns.



a Trunks, Satchel's, Telescopes at all Frices. ;

Carriages, Catters/Sleighs, Etc.

Tommy, aped fi re. barlep been told
lat a baby alaier had jntt arrived
•OOJ heaven, narehed Into toe room
01 oot 1 teady toaerra
mod said: "N'-xw, Mist Kaby. tell utall
Another recipe ia. Uke UrcqaarUof about beavea ‘fere yoo forpel it "
aler. add one ponnd of praoulaler
sapor, }oitr cl two lemnna an.! a Ismb'crfulof currant j«lty; boil lopetoer:
U ya and plrb, U.-n to ttood eeeck
ten mieutra: aUaiu aod ec '
Throw back your ■ilder*. aod tTI
Ice-box. aad io.i befort
voor Inept wltn -ai : toeo yuo wui
lar. addaeoploi ot:ers.

boiled eppa. _ .......
r tba Utlnce aad add'
to tofa a apooetol of salad droalappr*. oi
pared aa follows:
Halad nnuiap. or i>tW|Bt«d Hutard beowoed.—aklrruol.


— •




Hoa>r pood polots
tor makiop-.of lee
Milk aMuId alwara be scalded or It
may to^ir watery, if fl <ar la uaml to


The Kind You flaye Always Bought

aey remedy. Fur yeai
with a weakoesaol the kidarv*
bat-kat-hr but Ih.
of tbe kidney aecrrli-)0*
tndaonoying, preoilv d.
-hing my
Djao't Kidney
. I-IMlt bao
Jtbrd UiU
it trouble aod if 1 cc.-an
.-sd say acyfbinp la
J help conriner cother*. I am
glad to do IK>,
e, for I know I would>
to harr anyonr adri*r me
icine which drir* #0 oiucli guud a*
iMao-. Kidoey I'ifU did me:"

A tolawErr (erui'r r<-crrtly pnrriia*-

rva.i.. amw Ina* mL-Lb**'. Mn Olaxaa.
* w. aotvaoir var

U1 t.aoratoe. of »l Web
>ay»: "According to my
I experience I) an'. Kid

nBO'x Kidory IMItarc aple by'
alldraler*. Frier to ernta. Mailed bv
Poaler Uilbnrn C» . HulTaln. N. Y.,*u1r
agrota tor tbe L'uHed mate*.
Kenrmtor the oamr. Huao't. and


< Bean the Signature of

' be wUhr*
a qairrcl with
■cm 00. the qatiiou. of tbeir ; iJp.
lent aod rcra
' 'has aajplet.pp')'y toUo ki> Iti-pio
Mr. tVm



iracbr* .Vn.rK all wel' koown
aed any our wboati
there i* ootoiog
tbe said prrparatloo cao im'rrly br

^rk toere ww 00 lime is wbicb toere
Are Ml acme haubior'pi

Ampop ibcsc who were here from
parlor be looha aroond In a olaap
oolof UXCD wtrt Addir U-Mulle'ocf
pointed loaaoeraod Irquire* brlKkly;
"Why, wbrre iaereryOody? All pooe Arcbir. Clyde Canale nf Hnr
old aod Itoeald Champiop of
Tbry ooar're him that ererybody ia at
Willie. Fdwio and Jimmie Tremaloc
oMl?ymwbaIt Incb^leonba'^tVa/b B-oerxiepl thdlr motoer and (Irooeed (rum Klmwond. Vera lluryea fn
aad drain. Melt oae larpe Ublcopuooalu at the'labl<rwateh In baod "Very l*}op Lake. Kolb aod llariy liaU
lal of bolter i
AdsBort I. rzie Itrcilbaopi from Kl
ballofa teaa
qoarterot at__,_____ ____ .....
wood, (ioorpr Tbomy from liarilr
par aod tbe drained braoa. Corcr waipoiop'.’ Wliattmcdo you expect
cloaely aod shake orer tba but Cre lor berhoiDi* Stranpe ebc tell me While some t f the Troeprae City b.
tost helped make Ihiop* llcely w,
flraBtoolea Add about four U
apooafaU of bollmp water, and dr*
Carl lleTradurf—yoo mipfat koow Carl
atUe toObealde where tury win
would to on band and aliininp. ooieouk qalte ao faak Aa toe water crap- ilprUmbout sod conaulla
w add more, but oarer
. r more than until V o cloek. wbeo toe "loaf plrer" aaode Toller, and toe pirla were rep
apoonlulaat a lime. If tbe bean* of tbe benae retama aod la rrcelred a* resented by Uerli ole. K..**ieand Ueire
Haonep. Carrie aod I'earl Waltoo. tier
lamp to.y will be 1- nder la twao If abeliiad beeo abariit a muotta.
who make* tbe fa
tyBlneler: If older they may rrquirr
Irude Hcott. Uroeciece (luirard. Wil
aa Back a* forty-fire nUontaa. They
toknma Sliaoe aod Ids and M.-rerdei
are rary icoder aod dellcale. Ily way
lUrry These last three aod the preal
Fire Frosuogs.
of rariely a praUrpol onloiep or bait
a teaapcioeful of ooloo Jaloa may be (lelatine I'roallDp—lliaaolre a ’ trpe dent had a pood (Imr all ny Ihruie-icet
added to toe batter at tbe b^lebiop.
pinch of pelalioe Io alx lobleapo H fula "belnreo limra." wben oo one el.<
Heaoe aod Polotoea-Strinp. waah bolliap water: atraln. tolokeo mlb wu there, wbicb wobail nrVerforpcI.
- aod aeaaon with leoxto.
^ cot floe CM qnart el freab
Prepore •Atfa°bou«^U
Chocolate I'roatins—Six
Ml wuD'laiarpc crowd oot of
Ip the preeedlop recipe Cook for Uo
4U), bnl wc diii crjiy it eery
Blooleo. toeo add ooe^balf of a copful
cop* powd0^
of boUlop water aod one plot of ai " wbitet of toreeeppm. Stir tbe iwpa
eapeciklly tbe litUe rlaiu with
. Into pently. Slid tbe chocolate and gradual­
qaartma. Cortr aad conUoue I be cook­ ly toe tsrar. beaiinpsll tboroupbly to
with tbe cblldreo and acre thrice we|.
top satll toe potatoaa arc teoder. add- bIx lopTiMieoU.
lop a little own wslcr if------------- j
Yellow Kroatlop—the ynik of c
For toe real we bad caody aed leunBeua with Browa tfaoM.-P>Tpar«
asd cook toe bMM aa Is tbe Aral tec Sd' ^par^n^la -to*fl" ror '**T
oeade an.1 a tioy flap for each little »iaHer, and if you could see the preal pile
potiotoa abould b<- need tfa'e mae day aa Bod
________ Froatlop—Tbe wbitea of of bapa of candy aod^ dap* icfi orrr.
batta-aod tMlymlaerd bam.
■■Old all araoi ooe. we ko«v. and
alowly tor flee bIooUb. Add oec Bble three eppa. ooe ponnd almooda tores
apoeafal of Soar. bIx rrell. toeo add enpsaopar. tes dmpa extract of rote Indeed a-e
pradoal ly OM nopfol of pood beef atoek ‘'ooDd tbe slmoBdt tom floe paatc with way deeiaed by
little aopmr toeo odd wbluaof eppa.
asd aUr ooUl omootb asd thick.
Keadirided amoop you.
aea with prpner. a Uw e aaii. aee.liall «por asd exVaek MflT tboroopbly.
lid bare been a crowd of you bad It
of a tesapooefolof ooioojatee.
To color fruBiloc pick, uae alrswber
toa baaoa ate toeder atraln orer them
not rained, aod that we euuldo'l help,
ee asd cook tor fire aieotm.
loioe Other dor maybe we coo bate
Salad.-au-lsp the beoM sod

OMOd wlto erdleary Caeoto. or MkM
la adlaary oeoM. It fa too leaf of d >faBtla bapplBBa. aad all toe kapodiMfaoetoA do— troB BearM aad toe
MB are plooMd troB toe tree of lUr:
MUfaawaotoaodwIto tboa—wlae
a( tooklMdwa.aadU fababadlatoe
MM of beaaa trial. Ah. ay readaro.

••Ba wM Bakes to# ktaAaat boy.
Makutoeprcalcal maa.
Hraataam aaracd. la tmeal aasaa.
Ualpiap tooM you caa "

CoooernioB Sirtos Beana
Btrlop Heano. tSeimu Style —Btrinp

‘alnaleoptowfae Hoilin
wThMBfa aotolBf Mt oid-faahhBed
water ni
mil leader, or they may
toUBfaa that wiU ’taka a wosaa aalted
be CBoked le bt.................
better. Uermoa
toMMb tba irfafa of booM llt< At tbe latter setoodI U
oaed let

iBLtoeio ^MaitiMetaoraBOT- afasd ontil eold. toeo rtoaeoff toe ...
alWWtstwOldoisrsMfeoUtato Tbe Wrwito^enly of bolHop^ jmxer^Uraii
droaalop. and let them aUod no boor
Bof toa boMaboia are m
before aerrlop. liarolah with Boely
•Ma altMd far by toa ioy of belar to, chopped parolry.-.Nfb-teiL
LmbeU for Frou Jare.
rtaof lab.r-aariopder>cea aod
arranpeaenu are pow broapbt oat lot
toaoearaaieoceof toa buy wome
today. Aatmp the man reeeol
rnally belpfol of toeae may be ted
•d toe pictorial Ubel which ta deal
ake toe place of toe hand wri___
la whiefa need to dlatiepaiah the
Teat praaerrroaod JelUea atored In
Irolteloaet from each other, aod
which took ao loop IB prepare Many
ed booa '

M ><leaMry TbocbV in Twalra L«aMt~ will Bot tMCb. Tba lodpa tor
U to aotabaadfol e< tofa.a
■■pot toat.'’abd a ipOMfol of aoBt-


'■ hTres

guimuw 91 Teato.


------ -


■MiririM off dost that
toasafl Aeisp toa aaaaa Ihtap dap la
. —_______ tnutard.
PiBBolrey*. yellow with apeeao be
bat bor I'd like I ■ to.—
d day oat, toe year Is BM year oak
eleBoed byadilolltB of ooe ooaerof
■atiogldi<>a-> like h ot
I too bato
- liric acii io tee iwsaeu of soft a
bea 1 found that he was Be!
ifroB Inmpr: tors add one
crawl to toa cop of riaepar, pat io a doobte- boiler ppty wlto a braab and wash of
or a SBM jar to toMea. beinp urefal
aotto bara.'aad >aet Mfan BkiM 11 ____laa ore boiled is soft a
toe Mby keep, pauiop bithasfa w 5Ei:3^
It 1a amid tost toe frBbseaa and pi
hb Booth all tM Uae." said Bab .
Bot WbM GMfai
BBS of tbair Bitar wtu M tou
VI poms Mb trylap-lo bold hfa

florsesboeing and General Repairing Done



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