Grand Traverse Herald, November 30, 1899

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Grand Traverse Herald, November 30, 1899


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text



^ Grand Traverse Herald

-WkAt'* t*«


iDr.J. iSttyder,


O. P. Carver




bar wUl be here b> »er It «>«•»
SM tbe beplMi nrUfW Ml «c relUm pi»«- Ibe ator* amI kb eeei1 eo 'Oeadlr. tkei enetber ra-o-.
t ABQiber M yet epeeec l»d'» dee:
.,.Ae ep if ekerp rebeke
"Aree'tyoB eaheeaed of yo«r«H U
{talk ao. vem we re doier ear beet U

Real Estate



], M. HI HLl-M.i.VrEL




‘Merchant Tailor jONLY

‘“rr- sir


PlAtB OlABs. Steam Boiler and Accident loearasce

ead eee the ele«rmat ae* liar of

Sprto* Style, of Woolro. oooo aele. ebieb will be made ap
IB the l,.aist Mvlee. Bad at
each Loo Hncea a. will aarpriae

BL. l. PLo..

\NO BLUFr! £?S'*<k

at 115 Front Street


4 bapper.


Do YOij

Wr Itavr- Uieni for teinieeratur.-. f..t Jairv

r«ht, trilli .Irajj* tlist are ntfbl. at pn.r^ Oiat


Dboiouu Toaaka(s;« ;B|{
.V mmWTOw will be a du
ThaBkadlemir." Mary Kortb aa.d

td rwbl

boi ...ter ;

to s

l»> FBONT STftecr
1 la ye •eymey of aebu

traverse City Wagon Works!

-:«iS',Tr„-.;r/'Si 'z£;;i:r'E
>•** -''r yua
reedy for tbe

'1 *i>
bal»e -e i
<Bcy U> pay it—tbe
eturaooaed at oaiw.

,Be'oibey. tbe abarp ooe. wboi
-The eloer aeier. .vtaeo.
Ber toofur
taee Brr
.rt'a all rirbl• aaouyb to taro
bar. a" tbe fa®-

A. J. PETERTTL. Proprietor.
. aad It Uka >i. my lime fa ceiT
ler.aaoUikeepuv with c.oLba oO

H »■ ■CAitFMLU-rar eauaaal la rneaw

hare aiiddcBly dr.- drd to go aoelb
aoo DO mover waoi you auruery

Alao (i-nenil m<u-kBOsiUtin« knd Fortfiiw.
Horeealto^ini: a Bfw-iahy.
•■Billy" Abbott baa dbatve of thia
depArtmonl, aD'luie r--p-Jt«tion for knowintf bow to do a tfood job u



or I -ward ii.Vb'
nnura you -LI a
1 fel back 'O town
Aey srate<r
10 for

doo't soaao. pSeaae due . Mary
We irant a fra r.'liklile men to
rrpn«tD( llie .li.nnieMt nuJ Iseef loo wrll known lo ne.ll iimifneni.
Work in tbe fit)'will be called fur ami .lelivcred
eaplaiiiiair hia i
Act'ideut and Su ktn-M [tmuraiu'e
oft -el, koowa
^ "Wurae ' ejaculated huaao
(\)ni(MDy in tbe <roHd.
('laioia No IHO.
Tbe pieii., tbe new brick fectory at cor. I nion and SUle atreel*
"Yye. wor»c.
wor.e, repeated
repeairo Ma
Mary - IVhy. 1 Wbea the Oocl r beead me qami
toUli-d wiliiout (lie ueual auiouul
■ rpriae
' Thee
luppoae— oat auppme >t
teo-abcml then
nstber wBo d.ed. her iv
. ambled pitosaaiy
Sat abe la to ta'Ipleia. voa a-.
to pe'tecily iLroae aod well
Tn'wwTM City. lfiebt»*B. sot
"U'm aaid ibe doctor, aod weal
.heo. If abe ceu keep wa hfiyit
IV auffer.Dg wmior at the atraower a dieutiau
J. I. UitESm, MU. SIKp up uraye.y 1 The a,*Baiore -aa a as a ao p'
.a su.aa. It'. : L. tbe d.u-ior
w.La-d Hlac «i
-if for ooi.v aer wu.
out I caa t. Wby. men pu arc the heed of t


li^ *»**—

MauufefUire Uuin.'iiA, Waarond and Mfiifhk of all kiud*.
Rrpeir Work. ltri«inUn.{. Varnikhiui: ami I pholetennv'prompUy



Yim; nipped oa th<
. aad ebea
: Mary .North aaw yoi
»he reaebed you you were .to
ly It
{Sbe ras to grt help
{bappeard wiibia a fee yard
. bo®e. aad abe aad her aialer- u^rtber
aad Iber
, maaacad la earry you
inoat Baer loaad you a beery

UlK-e Iweniuie ar. u«1oBit-<l lo lln ir oiw aut


a.I-1 e^'u the wbo.e awoblao-

ot tbe r'aa<Mt caroMr^
. etrr coaeAted baa .cat beee ka-

Brin*! I'r«M:ripliQniniuil Fainiiy Rm ivaei



Tr...™. City, Midi

iliztiib' purpueeo. »iid for tlieriiii-me-lfra


i OMUt I eo«ld aet apeak
‘ *y ehair. weal to tbe pibtf----------' ; tended .y haad to hi®- Neitber

arithout our.

AtsaA-CL-taa; •“ ••—

aad pleaty of tru i
Dine' yeu tbiok tbey
■ I c be ooead oh rwl and

Ibe atraafer m»v
ibaeeae eorafau at for io»orrti.
a Tbaokubi.ia* die lera are act to b



Aa uoa aa be aaid i


Money to Loan on Improved Real Estate Only.






A MbMkb BoMST-e BweT.
A. lumMla* Me. wtth e
•M Md by U «. leT^e. tt Peet «.
.... _ bed' Bet JOB ~ le. Hlee. Be WM > iwtlM*
ere aia ri»bt
>e e»a need itileep '
r«th Mhcbbtme, mewwtbetdM
qaiebiT «
eeeeewL bM
eea qaiekly
>ke« be
Md tbe rood faneM te
ekecU eeerd bo
-------------- ------It waa la Ibe Aliaatie cwa.pwww.
,1. «l!i..irat ,*.4 be. -oa tb. foenb of Jalj a«0»
n9^o*Lb^bl *
rade aav B>e wm atraefe Id tbe
back at daak . Uiratlac abell. mad bla ana wm abdt
Wh»B l»e doelo<^<
eha»C» »>~* of
Tbe .ala artery of bla ar. t>M
rra.pT pat eat .abootlaf oat tunod Uke a ferae paaA I

dread labro
aiaataa at tbat rate, ae I Wok a baaII he. . : be« r Mir dnrtor .for my daoBa fro. .j aeeb, tied a lar(a aaM
ba.i Busoc tBi. moraiac
Aa yoo i, ,l wticbl plaerd orer tbe artery
fTuIf rou d pa;ar ter ; bad beeo-wrl t»aad tbe aka.p of bla arm. aad
you re spuet And iban. you for TAur^iod^ be waa smed to tbe boapital
1 aarearA a few aoan. abd
afaia duns(^^
Aad K aek —I. .p-ke
la a looe of rel ef
rer loaod bietarlf
,e the .Bear bird laOin uot aot be
rbto a ebaptw tw«.
I wae aUeMfu: baoda e
Irrrad loto the
ta aaire y preoared foe iCT • iddea de
ay a naaioo of tbe Eleeeelb at it0.
a a.-et=- Dpoo the. aad w..or.MW beioc j* Mica . oo Aaf »Hb
AbmM tbe
wooBda waa laacB lore rtuoroai
1C Tburaaenioir
unne w-:i
1 apabaeru a ooa-arnee ua wbo Mated
reolie fio«
loournt tael oerbaM tbey mifbl allow ,
aboei b. woaod abd bow a aOM
bad rallied iraiaat
J- ®e io.upp.f loe lao.e tor ooe iBiac , rade Bad aaeed bUB fro. daatb by MWbeaatlaai be
w •“
• *“ "'‘®
da»iae »• woeod dartaf M beat rf
“ao^'C-p ‘a*lberT'’a“u.
la be aa .




...brok<A.rBkfr>M. taU

Tm SWUot • T&auHDTUs

»e • aad prr>eni.> tbe
arraoke.! and tae cuod <
. . _
ayaia. iirasye aoa diacomfnrtiry
e ra awarmrd ibrtMiyB bia mod Woal
art ibia leem Us Be bteueua »»TTiy
aelfiab ®aa • f Ibe world', diaojarleoi
oroteit ayainai^ tbe J^ri^l ‘

lie da® wb1
1 b:
Luub a oio, ui 1.1«». aaeaev aU M
hiyb la oJaes. aad thirty or forty tael
. la wiaib. to that it wUI tora a bi Ufa
acroa the river aa ;^1 M • ^

j^t^eUoa will balk# toeBaUaeaf a.
reaeno^^ir with aa aiee o( abeet nTO
alia, boldlac aaa MUlee Ma
>y. aad
ad It ia aaUmetad
aUaetad lAat tbk
tbla will be tba sMa •
,------ ..... tbun aqoarc «LUa ef finrt
I lead aeder ealUvauoe. Tba oa aelled
. aod her aeorafol epiibelofjj^
I eeleraeta. whlek are U rvUty repUt.
, ' will dlaeppear. awd a toeb at aa«* tmi
lof thafraelia well will tormfetMtothe aeMOfa ot eMaala ap eed down
da Tilly
emfba work baa baae plkAMd .
SaJy hereelL abd be or.
.. dir BMjamla Baker, wul be bUdrfaai. aril ®onilbr. waa trae*l
tekee by Ur Alrd. aed wiU ptwkeWy
but aol an tbe Taaaaarieiay dlaeec. be aomplatad ia ahoel fov yaen tiae
Tbat waa a beautiful aad boaalifol repaat. delleiooaly choked aad aet
ay Suaaa aad Mary
Aod Hra .Sc
ofUt Pkeraoha aleaa lkabeQdlac«(
w.. broeybt to toe uble la her roliia* Ike Pyreailde—Crvfcaetfc.
ll.ackweil Irftbla
W' .lard ILack-e
no*, tor the Aral time, to lek
Wkoa ua WkUi Um Oevep.ace at the .able-US the family



Ke Dob'd to asidierty aad Bead
-itbhu heed baodatrdaad
la a tliay. that reeo Mi
I prampy- 0<
, wkcMu abe ba.
: That Uru


-a Irmkmea who wast np U tta
koiel lift wlUoBi kewwtv arkM Itwie
did Dbt raooeor aMtly tram kb* o*r> .
pnM. LBa reteiaa tka Mdcy I* kbia

wioi to tba Aoial. e*d tefa t. 'la
. Utaihar SmlU la^
' Yaa ' any* Ua ®aa viU
' Will yea atop U’'
"So I alapa uto Ua otaut. b*d «U a<
aauddtot ba palla Ua ro*a bad—ITk
Ua truu I’aa wUlaf ya*-Ua walla ft
waa ^ardiar bi D ateraly
a baUdiBf bma ruaUr d*w*k*
lorfet that
tSc.r "blitrreai el roiy
"^^murUar:- aaji <T •whbk'U kw*
'Tea met bla. eod li
Bwol Br>dcatMjiUaaUld(MiUM
weal aaddeoly tobMot^
ta left batow tAr
"Saya Ua arjar 'up Baa. -Ba al^.
ed bebi over it 'kkceae me tor
DOW,' beaad. -butyoe
rr. tbaj'U taaaUrt(kl wba*yaak*U*
i.H.rutaod my ibteatmoa It tbe
'■■Cose doors, ia Ik aayt I. 'Aad it
li. bad not uoderauod itara
f ust.i that very momcol. wbea > so eloaat at all bat a barkha*lU
ere aaythioc atraa
d hope
lued to read iLem la Mery'v bailooe Uat yri rot ma laV
ivrnapv i ^ about t
"Aad wM that Ua walMabeod MIU.
dayiiybi du
I bee you bot to foer Uial I will
11. ' aaid Ibe doctor, but ovoL
ahall yet at.----------- ,............... ■ acyiBiB* to lake from you the asd ba opcaad Uc door, aad
he t«bad. nd to h.®a.lf be ;
-aod molber may yet belter, a
' ]oai
' ' w mj bond!
• b.eb opeaed lU hoapiuble waawkl ua
____abe tea be aruuaa acaia—ea<
hoor tbinra. poor tolav*
afa wkat uead aa
wouoded atraower
I aa- Aod. bacom
aoyway itod baao t torr-feo ut lo oo
be bwrlsaUUialyT'—
-rtm.BP eao beerreacad^ au-you
> w tnoin
• uffar ueedleaa ; '
□ forced abveace from
'Uraao Otww uo HbUm 0*r
' waa all Ue trail
Wky Ua Hrxloaa aalla tkm AaMOfMB
-worve P aa. myuelf " bimaelf
Wert tterir tcacr. . ... '.-eve T.a'.~e| ful lb
- _ . ad 1 ti..
aaid Marj
lUxlus a "Oraaaar^JVbaa^ A»
; by m,
■oa tbro
TK.WKHsK (TTV MICH. I llooae feah.oB Vi>u rto- abe aay
eata*^ wblU tadwd wtU
loakmf i
•Urao* n^a ^Ua^r^u.^U;- w*a
tbe aaaaraore w« baer jott n
bmly'a taary. a*d waa aoaf by aid **d
11 Lord, -e are truly tbaaklal'
Wana la aau* Ua aUdln
_J tboo«b It waa
aidaiBr It^coauaaUy.^
It esauaaUy. a*d all tka
.1 ruD^aionr aod
e h'i meaat to *ay
quiet y e.
vude .mtrraca
It momebt be hoard her;. .. a good ai
Ku* tbi
If abe konvea juat .
b«as tooaU Uo Amriaaa laMlaeabff
pa Ibe wi:; .
I'or e.vht d rv H.aekwell wi
woeU. u it awaAod W
er 10 mat
This ia tlie lioie of the year to.nuBider heatiiu:
leave to fo U^. ’rria.wou-' TMyaaAaltlMo

--------- ^aoytbioy, goaoy-i.
For ten years 1 liave liaudied
ear waM. by -bkk tLy wiU amw
osly I caa earo eoontb to keep motb-jeloae upoa
a cartoualy
aad wnb rrwi
kaow tba Amartoaaa—■■OrtacA'—1^0'
road you cDafortable—eeeo tboufb I aad looked
rerf* Mutfoitae
I at laat be aa- tbat
tbe .—
room >•. -...
r auddealy aai
*be dear old ooiue lauai.o——...
- ,□
iaat day
cooorcted —nb
with tbe one adfo t
Wary wM bow wrapp^ >a Der a'kab' ^ waa coborcted
Mary -1. 1 her era impCMtoe of li
But rraab Waur Laka
by cloak, aod -aapouiugoo her mil-, it—here the ipea.rra were—by
.had be*D
LakaSapartorMUdaacarof Mar
[ aouvbt yoo weire qulta Ue ert
Over one hundred in a'liveaefn! o|)ertUoo in tliia city
la dMlaaMoa of baUf Ua lama
"It'a ao awful day.
aaid Suae I The
eat mao 1 had ever
irub wa«« lake la Ua werU. Atria■
Jereaaoolber ih o« to be ii
and aorrouadint: country
iruarautee Ivond ifiven
.-moursfully "aod dreaofuliy ai'ppery.
explaren baru be Uiak Ua* Laka Via.
To Uiak ol n beiM W
. look out for youraeif '
Aod-aod old. to
wilh every furna.-e aet by
"I will
ki>. molber for ®e woee
' veetared. doubifuliy
*^l MoT*aaJl'2aaad?*^ bu
1 badkoo-a tbai. he m »kt
; abe awake. ' aod lo aooiber mioole
-Wei) vea-quite
— ie,aa*.b*tr*.
■d oataide Ibere—I oever would
, I Mary —aa oo her way aad baltilav
pTQDt Str**!.
Tr*T*r*« City, Kicb.
' I aad Ue Serut Dorvb rfiud
"Ob. Sui
vromda .
—e W ttokidTho^b^aoUrwTbe morelor 'waia tbat day bad
•aai It a qaoaaaoa —..A^iraak
beotijbl a atranwer to ibu quiet town, j iboae awl
. Urfor Uaa Saforior.
Ha waa raUrr arnm-lcoaioc pevac® I moioer i w he boa c
a^e. aod -aa apparently id a very bad , tare aa ou
I expect 1
U bad been eicar-beo he left eroaa be
ir/llary amilod- uoock
Ue city in the early moraio». aed ba era>a of Inoooiaa at ow t

' aaid
V.ieraeH "
:fODBd bimaell landed - umbre.ialea. - I
-I aboaldn'v a.k it." ao
erellarTa' bp.;*.,; sarrrWd away
Be ll'aa.,^, rwi»sBma-t0M of tbe i
’la a drivior duntm -ben be reached I plawaaat votoe frew aad
o' That bad ana. red blm. aod I-.tier «.
,' '---------------------------aod
Tbe oariaa baaaabawt wUob aba
Uoujot -aa to take a lean maau't blame him lor it Weoweau ^.,oe of
ealmu vary bkfkiy. Itwuaaat.byUa
we caaT pay it. ao Ue ^lemory ol
n^bl back toiowa
ladtao'ed Omabair. a towa la «aUu to be fnrucioied. aod -e
found there woald^Jw oo re
eaaiars Boiaaa.
It maUod bar la a
. aad rratitade
And be woodaa box wlU iQvae beak* aad
lU biia Ue firm
aTiy”iotooded to taka late ir tbe after ,
-------- ----------cooir .boot n^a'uoe
b. in a yeai-a ttmv. —
Booo. be decided to fU oo aod frt bla : that tol
all tbla trouble
trooble baa
rrreable baateeaa over wlU aad[wlUool oar kBowicdf
I out, a! Bttarly eBaciaf ate., oa a fTnaad of atoe oaaaai. ua*
‘‘I* haTo iv cu
•»b I .k..
drat imcretolem from belmc Ua colaraf tba Oauaas asUeru.
,U Uat we meat r«
aae'.atlic a '
Tba ahawl la abeat 16 yarda oowa bal
: Mary .NoeU to — — it ia ao eaqalaltaly kaa U^ *M U
I'ortable lor her '
.p'' I. LtrUrv' Warid.
Oo uoiMa»ayear^
oaly -fceftow*.
aveoOT bade i Seeidod to
; forward na foot ibr..oab
ShJpanr nine
e lawrnat* Miaka*
: whiea b' fleally did la aa
.b. Kew Voft
.rraapoadrat of u
d*'t^ba ' worried about i
^^’ludban mile tori
Aartc P«*»C« •« tbe WorWa bast
UeaiaAioai bad told bim. i
iBMerlorislcfcet. Stin freUar aeow-M an—
waa aua rbi. ao be e-"> a □.>*
... pay you
. .... .
•y la 4 poaMMl packace. MoAe aaly by
bmatl. white c iiiaw . .aai Uia
bia aide of
"But »b* —'ll. 5--..
•— —
■aiaeaad Hiebicaa reqaln b«l M
V rviB.i.ev.v
Ueeoeerec eoodea wid^e
Bat tbe ,I woa'd artd me a check next werb
impaai -boae famaecu arv Uya mldcan for dt ie*ebl»
I road had teemed to atretob out later ) - Next-re.--beo we need It
fa ladia Uere an L**«.Tn «br)» weal of Krdei^Cvl^
m'aably. aod tbe aaow aod trrwt uc ; We're in a 6oe &i. tcaiy
It —»
iwen * aad t yean of e«o wba tea
I ttrwt combined to make walkiO( sore j eooarh before, bet now tbat pleua. mad tow ITo.oa* wte aea wid.
a day i rua aad copoer at> 1
IdiSCBlt at every atop.
i aaddlrd wlU Utt rrumpy. bomd
the ma:a eooaUiaooU of tba
I te Uere waa not often a aua to » j ol' mao-"
V valoburw fereed to part
or er«aa noakdoattad rtiiii. oidy
bamw tbae tbia maa wax. wbea > The laroUoiary u
„ul, by Utoaaaofhc^. To ooebaeanvadafallurm. Ba.«kn7,
.. a|
.pile o' a few fray______
I Uie low. wbite eottafe be —aa aeektoc , r^aaddealy — for >o
Uc or* B brcmxbt rmuesad aarty la hla aaooM Mem.
jallaatuBe iatoa'ifni
Aod oow. aa i bain upoa biaI lemplee, WL ara Black ] aeeoo aad pUad 1. rr«at
e Uoafbtcf blmar f a. from
I be —-*1— - baalaoed bia femtatepa. be | well bad
laoaebow alipped aod fell beaeily. old befoc -Uonfb framey aad horrtd \ heap. b|»o t
appraxlmafaMy »6
e Bo.t«vrtaia<y
bad bees
Tbe hafv 1 leac.
atrlklrr bia bead aad dooblins bi* left aadOT
Bot be made ae mnr





Tiifene Gitj SdiooL ol lusic!
Im Built, Ml BM
Cbrwte PMt aad Caaa ail.
■ka«ebalMrklia.aiaal<wefa U. «

fvm.C.A beeaL___

UonBv to Loan



The well-koowo
fftiraerymaa, ®
, he hla roaada
f tab I ar orden for
all kiada of h'ralt
aod oraaauaal


rixona a

Carpet Cleaning Works
ssst^^fisr-"PMac UA

H. AcaapiN.iwop
<“ Waa^tar^i ■

<PMMW le atMy 4 kwtarur 1

Sarreyor aad Civil Easineer
• areanef aU kiada. u» wwk

•<aKr=.ris?ss‘ ■■■"








Plain and Artistic


Something New!





Hack, Bus and Baggage Transfer Line

Wbea be acau oweoed bu eyea. b«
w oa tbe bed la a .asU neat racmi
-it aU Uat be Uoa#hl of at Brat wa.
Uat ha -a. palaiaf bim leerthly
wkUe bi. arm WM


aaawM fataiof wiU bb bead aad aub
i^ Uc ^iaatUl

aa a. e w
______ aeCttr We ara tbe ptofto u M

Best Livery In NoHhern Michignn.
»aad waA Bata CuMa U fia—aaria*

leave um aao aa aeao aioaa,
-1 ^ ytatr pardoa.* .aid a aleaoaat
v«*ea.'-*b«t tit a bad eat aad l>4hoa)d


aod not a tolar to eet before I uadrr
uader way eioad.
etoao. of
o» ae'—•
.« —


tibia* waKbt a*l/aba*>M

Tbea may
.ead oat of Ue ea<
Ue .ixe ofa
' cailar
nilar fray «aa.
Cam. aboal
, omae fly. Uat appareaUy lln aad
Ue aaokiar or*
They eaam
*^'^d be WM iffo to a .watt Tbaaki
fivtac diaaer la Uc aty. tanomw. to Urive U Ue daaaeal famm. Ue tow­
tba doctor mid: He'll bare to fi*r er portloa of Ue beap. talrly a^IaC
thaaka term, oa vary diBwmt fan, wiUUam. AtaicbtUei—>——

oay tarUer ii
-'B.l yoar U._
dad I'm to e be', e

-Which wow
uula Tabta.


•ii«a «Awm MLAift tamm ia, un
Bppw?mvefseHerald .

«t PtAboli JmlabFtBcrbm
TU WMBlm ?n«iM saa rssdsed

A XMon Ksww It.

by tba Jaatorassbaned Bt Praaak
MaiehTBaaday*rBBMc la tba a.

tpsuj Cuai henib

-TlatM.swsataU a

Tbaama of the rlUapa ad Omtral
Ubatcalas B. W. BabbaUcf thkalty.
arnsksM beof sera tbaa Meal M-

krIheaMMk * Ur Hen
•le-Tbrea rWim. Bsa Maainl
aad spaa.
Oomtdy. ■
Ocmk aaap-B Otasla.
«to a • V.«.. «ka «tUr vl^ IU«-K
Paatoatar. "O d PMIn at Bose '
••oeldaa Taare"-8aakw Olrla.
' '«Un WMM •d«aaee of omUII

•MBipw c»Ua« IB lU priw «d i»UMf b* FOBI PUy■wriiMMBiatra 1m> FrUer bITX
tkM dM MM MpMT oa Um HrfM*.
iUIU*B{ lU ooroocr^ toqMM. i
IhMIbe lM«r dmloMMU Mod
lerotbo oUtirrd ooddaov It I* aoU
tut Oil throe Mm bod beta OB
droskm epiTo. oed ihot ofMr Xhtj left
theoUMtoloce to the comv w%m
they OU •oeked, ootbMr w*» beord <f
BofftoaBtflbkdmdbadr *ae foeod.
The •rgrtv* rmebed the eosp mUlj.
TbeeborlShMbmB Mm’lotlBt '
moo. The endct of Ibr Jo'r «•«
tfdratol deoth. bot there mot I
ertMe enrrmrrd ofh «be f>M
Fenaw BuMeai'e BsooeM.
FhUtp Boar, eoli kaewo to Uh diy.
aadieroaoMMr of jeore a to
lalboeoaolrrMboolt of the eoaoij.
MPiaiHj at Old HImIob. om*«l
the el9 Botardor (roa Ctoelaaati.
Oala.' Bairatee hh waf to North D4hMa,far whiah pMm be left Moadar
■acaiacHr. BoaehaeirerbcdhIawartbroBfb
(kaBcrMalUtmledllrca aad Atiehad
tbaaeaiaa lael aprtof. bartof doae
taarroamrork la MM yeara '


Tbe|ery Ib
lU-Dr K E Piocri. oD.:r To..
I Haubell ppilty u ebarped. aad a t
tee—Dr. C. a Lsler. dealal1 peric
„r jj
perir u,
... lL>
to Ud coau of Alt wae taps.
e appealed to I
MS—P B. Bolt, proaar. eoroei Mo b
od Uo.on etreeta
H»-A E. naBay, rsIdasM. •>»

.... su

deflailc airaapc^cDU haee beeu m
*e yei
rollowiBp k Me Itoe ap ef Ue I

biMraM saallsud ia Me Wesaa'.
Hab tbaa Mare *11 Priday attar
bom vbaa the propraiB took the tors

tar was aallad at t o'eMek aad wae
toUewed by tba raportt et Me dele
•atasM the BmU Padaratiaa: Mrt
' K. A. & Bobent aad Hia. B C Dn

more about II, boM >enl|
eddraee Di. Kllmw A_______________
Co.. Bispheirsirn N Y. WSer. wrcisp mcbooo raadmp ibis poswos Oder In ihu pap*'-

would fo to Cbleapo m

a Fackiap eos

t>i. Piet
ddfml.stor the PbUIppIpaa.
UpeMlbU la Mk UsIMd epeaa to plr* wbu •!
Iron I
m Idas ad-tha aaeellaet arpai
orpast. becns-d.iwo p


Loadea. Noe xT —4 ulcpras from
Cape Tows ropewu Mat Gwaeral HeM
uea hs sptared Me Iowa of Bobry
NsL eltaetod tea mils aonb of Ursa
pan. Two siUloo reaBde of ascaatUoe k laeladad la Mkspiara.
AdUpatcefros Baleoart saye that
Me railroad Wldpe at Frere. Natal,
apaBBlap tha wMa atraas at Mat
plas. hs bamAaatreyad by Me Bom
wbo are reUriap mpidly bom .Me

womro know wbea they are weM^^ wbr
they eie well Tbrj do M be»utc to

«aay Mpkal arrsseas cearaademBaod wllneeer. like (hewtymahad Ma aptakart that U Ma
■anarbadkasa brpopht to eele Iba kj'-i
ecee Wlltr of kurtbrllW Itfcnk Co s iwk
wtj ernrl, . "
teCkasmUhaeafcasdlt s diBeaU iwkewen M0.WI
lewelt wtekutw awl otkn allwrult lot m
teAaaUam^lhaacsBiry atlaifa.
ucn wbea I WTWr IWVrr br ad.
Tha UaAan M the debaU wars
U by Mto-k-C Utils aod

' iKSi'sSbriihi-S.K;

M lwdbec^;rtrela.«eeee(osirme)rw«m.
ewd His*
Saw- n
M Cbaaa.
ro,—. wbo a____
I Brw~ wnlra Mrs II a
•OP. ate
0, U.

Chatbes. Alpar eeooty.

eboi bis thrr.opb Me Mipb
' watch
At Pilot Praoii Urlorjiy, wbo woe 1 Tbe rSs boy Io D' Fred Lobretnr
M owe from a road cart e lew dayt j fer’i oAls at Port Baroe. lea brlpb'
a-o. kdead. iJii rip collided wIM ao | lad aod wiJIlop to sake hlsslf osfe
atpres wapoo
. Oor day be etiled Me rope to tb.
At HarrlelU Thosae Ikeeady , f | bard-ood floor of Me offls becaur.
UOSBI P.eaaaol. aa emoloyr of Me I
<*'de'l look tidy ellpplop all oe,
TbospeoDPlUe Lsmber oomoaoy. bae j the flior.
bno eroebed by a lisd of lope wblcb |
Albert Oompoar M Uaochreler, ape.
fell epoo bis
“• -I'U* boallBp Priday, clipped as.
clcaed bee la atary ic
prealaet Id tbe buury of tbe ladoelry
are two aad three crop* bare
o aad Me prullie apcrtpau
Jst S,you acres bar* beta

|-«W«Ml^dl«bar,ad bi. poD
bk band
baod ws catlrely lora off I brcBars
ssad apward aeros ibr aide of bi
face, probably dsiroylop oar rye

dessM apoa Oelmao' hs
aad a Aytap aqoadrm
I » latareapt Ma Boar

saps tres Ms Tielaity al LadyamlM Max tha Baas has plaaaad a
BDlMd attoak ali Ptar Ma aoaatcy m<i»y-


soMha afs, haaaH ba

Begins in the


bctM‘ccn the planution and the toii'cc |k)1 the
flavor may be ch.»iigvd, the qualilv

inexjuTu n^c or

bv t.tre-



From the time .ArluKkk-v' Cotfee leaves the h.inJs of the
grower until it reailics the UM.r in a '•c.ilcd packet, it is handled


with the S.1M1C watchful care, the v.ime th.iuglit for cleanliness,
that you would give any article of food that goes on \ our uble.

The house of .•\rbuckle is the l.irgc-si .and oldest collec house in
the world.

Its employees have gruun up c-inng for lhis.^.cat

business; the bu-iness grutMi gnat under the c*ire of its


As a result of this personal care,

Roasted Coffee

is used cy cry d.i\- in more th.m a million .\merican homes.
Its rclialiiiit) Is rt'cogni/i'il; its quaiit) is appreciated ; its
flavor is enjoved ; its price is a revelation.

taUuM of .Arbtirkles-


Praaldut Uaorrs E BIIiod of Me
State Bskoepers' aeeoelai.on. la Micrstlop maay la Ucatle euuaty wiM Mr
proas to be dented from oor collore
Ia4bk aeclt ra. woere Mela le 1000 aa
abaodaos of bee food. Beekeepbre'
eoDceatlm will be beld at TBompaoatille Jaa. 1 aad >

Sereral small artlcJs wer* Moleo aod
store Maa ooe past ws "toaebed "
They eeen broke opeo Me s»lopi
baokefoosot Ms liule cbildrea
Me hoDU aad looted It of lu coateau.
a little oesr Al
Al ae early bear Sunday morolep
Are was fllaeortred IB Me larpe m.r*
sntilc mlabliabmeat of Joba H. UcAslay. aod before Mr flams coeld be
cheeked Me aallre stock wu rulord
by fire aad water, cloMlap, boou aad
aboer, crockery, etc Tbe
las oa
Milmaied at aad le lasarM toi AS.OOO Tbr los oe Me belldlap ksUmated etA:.»0n aad k eorered by AX.000 laearaace.
Petskry aow rrj lies la Me Bast
lIpbtlDp aystem 10 lu part of Me
auu. The two eew iso horse power
dyaams were aoBaecud wiM
■yatem wblcb wu porebsaed by the

to tell how I Wii sxvi._, __ _____
A. A. Stowe, 217 N, dth St.. Sui
Jose, CiL "I hij vilvdit hexri
trouble so severe tlul I wxs pro­
nounced 'pone' two different times.
Tbe valves ol mv heart failed to
wort properly, arid aroilation was
SO slugfisn that the sli^test exertion
produced fainting.
‘There is no
said my phvsidan. so I deadeJ
to tw Dr. Hiles’ heart Cure and the
resun 1 consider miraculous. 1 am
sattsfkd it saved my life.”

DR. miLES^

Heart Cure


ill one of our handsoinG, roomy Cutters, built stroDgaud
very neat, with fancy and plain paneling, upholstered
with removable spring backs and* cushions made from
the best car plush, crush plush, common plush or all
wool cloth; any color desired. Pric»».8 right,

[ Cor Cass and State Streets.
; Both Phones No. 4^.

"In iflqx I was attacked srith
paralt-ais in my left aide. Yoa
might stick a pin to tbe brad
ioto my left hip and I would doc
feel it. I was nnablr to do'any
kind of work. aod bad to br lUTTied
in bed. I fnlly made np mv mind
Chat ! could not be cured, as I bed
used all kmdi of medicine and had
tried many doctors. At last I
was advised to try Dr. Williams'
Pmk Pills-for Pale People, and I
very relnctxntly commenced Ibcir
use Ust September Before I had
bntxhed my fine t>ox I began to
feel much better, end by the time
I bad Qoed six boxes tbe parxlysb
dmappexied; and allhoagh two
months have passed since I bnisbed
my Isst box. there bss been no recsnence of the disesae. '

^jmmmmfrTmmm fTm!m?nmmmT??TTTnn4
Wonderful Values in-

Overcoats and
^ "I

Wft B«Iaet Tha*e u B*pr«AwiUtlT« VaIixab;
Mod's all wool Iriab Friez*- UUt**rx. plaid tinlog. biffb
at->rm rnitar, colors black, gray aod
oifor.i. pricf..........................................................


Compare with toy ixmm id tbv
diy from B7..s0 Ui Is and f»

At $8 and #10
■Trade b new, brokd Freoeb fociai^, extia wida Mtin •
pipioK. eiz valtiea of ailk atitchiag,.plain
atiichiag..plain and
aad fa>cy
fa>cT Ho
-loalitieo. and lailoring
Uiloring of every detoil raoa

'heaper on
■buddy cd«t in the lot..

They a/T u ..k>l.s> Io. uM d.


Traverse City, Mieh.

a told br all druptUl 00 cuereetn
^a^botUc beurSe m meswt beck
Dr. Ms Ha«eal Cempuy, Etemrt. M.



v'- ^

^‘Ghren Up

At Battle Creek a oatiooal Irst of
breeders of fancy poultry aaa beea orpaaiz-d wiM Ueorpe U. Barare, editor
ol Me Natioau Ueme Faseler aad Mr
Uicbt^JPoaliry Breeder, s prsidaot

Daway la Ubicapo May 1st.
Waablafftea, D &, Ba*.u—Adal.a
Dkwry wiu tcaaptihs tacMUoa fa po
to Cblearp ea Hay let. tha aaatrrosry
otlha bailie oi Haalla hay. Hr k
AalIpbMd wtM Ma pppartoalty M pa
Wbaa , be laaalaed Ma laatsUea '
from Me lasmtttii Max waat M Maw

■ of Qood

Alma col irpe bu Jst bad lu caornm locrraerd by Me addluoo of 1
I bottled flyinp flib with a hittory. Oo.
The atabble laade la Bent.e eoDaly.
day io youthful aportll g'erflew Iteel
frois wblcb tbe hardwood bs bsa
era attiaetlee to arttlera aow. ae
Me prMe of wood hs adeaaeed. Ms
pleiop eooopb of prufli la maaj cats
pay for Me laod.
so be
boapbi for AX to Ad per acre.

Boots Wars


Tba sea year old aaa of Jobs Pod
eaoi aad aa aleeaa year old daapbV
0lHra.J BalchIa cl West Bay Of
fall tros a traipbl car. Tbe boy eat
r li doebcfsl. Tbe pirl frar
tar^ bw ars
Welle, apod IC yeara, Mdeapblar of a wall-lodo Borrieo coon
ly larsar helap Dear Beatoe Barbor
who rikappaarad a sesM apo. k nil
It k expaeied tka> tbe elate board r)
apTicBliore at lu smUop Mk weel
will decide whet work k to be doe.
derlop Ma fall aod wiatar oe Me oe*
experisaat esUoo roenUy loeaud e

dcrlep Mr bpaaltb Amerisa war Tb*
Tbe prosod on wblcb niatk modst aoldicr pitasiied bim la alaohol ae<
little Conpropatlooal ebareb atande k later, Mktapaicb. dlrd
Rs brqosM
tteee waiars. F. U. BIsaper. deputy
maeb sapbi afur by boalees mee of sd tha rrllc le a fellow aoldlar
past waMaa ol WiBOosla. aad Chae.
Mat city Three patlemes bare offered dyiap In tara. beqasMad >1
Brewaiar. of Ulcblpaa aaada Me baal
AlO.OOO for Me property aad acw Me wile, wbo bu prsscMd It Io
St DsM'e Door. abOSb'«laece mils
imbert bate decided te put Me sle eellspc mauam.
eoaM ef her*
SeeoBWWB buDdrod dollars' worM of
aeu were Mkea aad the followlep
Biss. Fkbbawk. Uokaowa.
Mr If N.Wi
er, of KeariKr.
pad Ma sbooas Bowery Otrl. All
Veb., aar»:
wsreaeUesly sapspod ia Aebiap la

retiad aad will ba s

>1 Me afisaooB
WMoaeloby Hra. Btltabeib Uytoa
stMpMaoaaaospaslMaatby Hra. ^
Uiraat aecak
«aahsd apoa by Mta.

hariap a hard Use with tha terser
alowp the DatraiV rbrmd Bapito A
Waatara railroad la piltim Iba ripbi
of way lor Me plaelap of tUir pedrt
wIMta Mraa feat of Me rmUroad fame
Tba road weak aa Irooeiad apraesaa

A Bead cAiy derk haelep beea lef

tbe elsad aaaaoa for iraoi aod wblve

BMP. TMr.daastpUeaoftheseetlar
sad the aaatUaat aad iaeuaetlra
fapata rteaa Mara wat Ikicaod

a. A. J. Gray.
Bmrtop opoa Me qwsUaa wore
telly aamupead. pm aad acs. a

There ti comiorr Is the koueledpe s
aftes cx^esed. tbai Dr. Kitmcr t Swamp*
Root, the preei bidee/ msdr luBIltt every
wtd> Is conrip tbewneoem. pals B tba
back, ddneyx Itrw bleOder aod enry pul
M Ibe unsery pesepc. I< eortaeu uiebUlly
ic bold wxier end ecaldmj pass m pastsp
a. or bed efiacu loilowinp uee of Uaucr,
wloe or beer, end enrcomei Uses uspleesot
oaceMiy of bamp compeUed 10 pe oleaa
diwuip the toy. aod <0 pci us mesr urns
dunnp Ibe nipbi. The mild end Me suaordisery cKcci ol Swasp-Root k eooa
rslued. Ii iiend> Me hlpbsi lor lu woo*
derful curat of Me tsoe ds«re«snp cask
I bar* t»

sse bilk to oollaet by'bk farser as
ploys, eoosirad e oeeel plao tor tbe .
petty crltlekse of ^MsioptoB eociriy erllsUon. Ueawef oeeof Me debtorcoaet(». aod he wee ready to po asy hr offered In ralle ble osktle aar
where to pal oat of eaeb ao atss- while doiop to. rxiract>d ibe rrocli
men'• watch which he effrred to re
taro DDOD peyscDl of Me aBioosi
tbe Jaetlst eoart eoe; The debtor weol afier a warraol for

Praokllo tweet.
' la.ioo w.Jl aprac apoo
tTO-Mleblpao kfp Oo-a (.Oca. B*y • tarte. aod nbsit Me ____ .. -----------■eh to ble aarprlBi
w- the ooort wiMoot -be takisp ol teatar a aealuoa
iri-J.O daoeoe.reaidaaeeMiauie
la raht of a deeieloe apalaet
ba raaaltad a eall m Bortb Dakota
|h>B la Mectreolt eoart. Ur Hobbell
BHWOeUago at Parra to bare eharae
»T»-L. r. PskatV rsldeore. f-s
Beet Bipbi street*
! p.u,t,is esse rsoAdeet Mat Ms
Be arUl tMane Me datB BM be decided io laeor of Me dafeo
HeedMeaewagalUea at oaee.
dasl. aod Is prapariop
Doeter'i Ovod Look.
TraearaeCi^T.^ Woo
IborlUee to etc Io Ms aaea -rba trial
Da. W. B. Omak. abo torse
Tbaro—ep.seoffootbaUoiK..BeUalrs bafora iodks
■BdaeMreattUeelMaeaa Itlaert
kaeka a waak apo Priday. bat 11 k al-:
Probably de.t -eak^
Baatar. bae eeae late a lertaaa. it
eome Chorob Deaw.allon
HatMod. by tbs death of aa aaela, b
la the OBBlaHh-Dosarfal eetatoa
Uftaadaod Irelaad. Wbea la t
dlly. Dr Daaak datsad to ba by Mrtb
M hair M tbeae ecMiea
HUe ad Uad nitMaarlea.
>a Balkatke paow.
hiue sesory of
The faatsf bit wealM baa daraloead
io Me eoBser. ael wsk bae beta
Tbaloeal teas weal oa ik
tFBMdtfcrSie.aM daaaaee a«alast
poshed eo rapidly that Me bollolop is
wIM the arowod leieeUoo ol
aMhta parties of BUaa. Hlah.
DOW ready fv ose. It te a esal boll
oat Me forms defeat, aod fixlap
lop, iscea with e 11 toot stody fw
Miapi ripbi; aad whes Me balUc
•ttav Meaty that belearad M a
pastor. ItleAokbed laclde Id
ebowrd bow
at enaMn M rrbleb ba weep
aapla Smrlop
Mreb. ■
well they carried oat Meir psrpuae.
BM. dt the Use the eharye wee
Calkuka bod posesioa of tbe bai
Dr. Desalt bad m Ua la )aU tor tee
Usoday by Bee. P. 1 Bryaa ol
t. aod Io c
Miils.ewtuMtoob of taada. Noe
liameborp Tbe est of Me
May sake tbe n
d flea yard poin.
bebMeMptayedtaareltbaaMatt ttabbai AbOO. aod oeqr Asoo bu already
it do'D lory bad
At Obe lima oa
aaaa«ad(aDae,aadbasMBBCbt emit
beea rakbd
It kjhopea Mat Me
Met 10 yarde laetoad
dlaapartMretcr lie.u{ Mr asooBl will be sade ap at
They pot tbe Wl oa dowoe but
> pamea, aradlt aad
Use of Me dedlcslloo.
Tbe ekitura arrleed oa Me l:Ju traia,
Uareies will ba bald os to-day s
aod pat op at Ma BoUl Ctulasola
■d at tba trial.
followa; pratofalBp at lO M a. m. b
*M ready tor Me paoie at > o'clock,
Bae D U Oarrel, preahUitp aide.
Difl-DobM Oaaa BattlaaBO delay. D aa Lewit
IbaaUaawyaataed Fraak C Bill and B. Haloo pal op Me best sUcIc Preaeblapat > p s by Bee 2. K
Bartef Blk BapMa. followed by Me
ta.Mad. Data aad Ida D D»bi
of football-fs Me eklvoro. briop
formal dedkatioD. Thera will
triad at tba Hat tara of the eirerb Mepmaxalorarr play. Bceeral OMi
asnt baa bam daetfed by Jadfi Hayat ef Me teas played wall, boi Me l.«p proaeblnp la ibeeeaolap at ’ o'clock
A TbankMlalApdloeer will be sreed
ia taear ad tba dahadtut. Tba
aod ebon of It k. Mey
Me pboat
’boat of o
a el
chabcr at ao.e time dartap tbe pose.
' trMd la i
eery elrosp oca. ladls of Me charrb lor wblcb XS 1
The local llDe
ilbp all attaeke ol Me Killeeka will be ebarped. bst Mere win be 00
M.*ar L HIU.armldBBlet tba pea
wIM epparcDt aaee, while Mey adsiietoo ebarpe ai Me ebareb
taaaia. aa aU aaa W yaan of ape.
lb Me center playa fs pood paini Trserne City people are cordially IbpaMttaadofalltUatora of to
aetry Use Herpao at sbter oprued elMd by Me people of tha ebareb 10
aadbatafalaaa. arlpplad wltb
AMthMaad aritb ao raiatlaaa MM he ap aosa larpe papa Is Me backs to po po tear aed haeedlaaar wIM Mem
bad beard tros far saay yeait. deeded Mroopb. aed B fl ai quarwr playad aod ] 'ia la tbe aei tioee Tbnaa wbo
tbepMae to Hn. Dobs tar ba lllr ble aeaal fut pamn Bat Mr Sipht doaoiwUbU drlre oear so 1
parileeiar stars la Me Sst'# ,
rood MDaeetioec on Ma C A W
aappart, at tba lisa ba wea la bk
were Tom Wilhelm. Will Scoebell >od leueiap bare ai I p m aad rataralap
.«Mary baaltb, able M yet aroaad. i
attp m Thlewlllplee time Ic
maa to Tiarame City to bar* Me pe- Jsk Slater, caca of whom pot
nlnoar at Atcaa aad atiaed (be dedlcapen Made eah A abort tlou afisr be eery faat. tiaady football
line. RIpa will br la raadlseas to soeey
wae tmea aieh aod dkd latt Dn«<
pame. aad Mere waaeoileppi
eialtora from aad Io Me traia at Acme.
.■kem Fraak. abo left bte f

tUfVyaanaco aad bad arrar
Altar WiaoatkiB Ftxtaanaa.
-efalMd hlat. lataraad aad Had a MU to
Bteaeaba. Noe tx —Tae sM
aat tba dead Mida. TbkbM^utbraa
CoiBBbta. sads ehariar by Ma atots
-kltorc off. aad apaie ebsred f.rm
4aakd by Jadoa Mayaa aad Me
A Mird pame lor M' srlre te talk- d -fWw*oaela aad Ulebipsa, bee arifiolekeplas al Kelkssa bat
a. Pratt A Dark a

TbarMralarerBraswatopaard by
Maa H. C Dodpa. wbo epokt la

B of aaoMar draft tar that
sy treabki lee

_______ ,
list tbe kidMy* sid btadB aa tar derereeuief sder.

ae Uey rater to the slllap of paeda by
epras for drse oeuida of Ibe tu
Poana Orsoca Propraa.
wbea Me poode ere oat ol Me ttaio dl
Pallowiap b Me prapraa t«w
Me use of eaia
aaal aeeeUap of Posooa praope V
B leAr etotod. tba cbm le a* tollowi
held Is tbit ally Wedoeadiy and Thare- Mr. Beuball k teklop ordeia for eUeer
day. Dec. e aad 7 Tba aeaal BBrie ware lor the Mataal HaBBtaetariap
aad redUUee* will be plrm- aod all Oo rt Maw Terk- Ba Mkn Srdcr.
praopen are arped to I
ooly Is Istare delleery. aod Is poodr
Mat are oatelda of Me etoU at Mr
Use ibet Me ordere are ukra.
•Wby oar praapaa
boBee bu leelrected bis to pa.
UeelT --Bra- Shepard.
rlilape Ikwaoia. aod Met May
-Wbat oar bi-ateaabeald ba.-—Mn.
beck ell •oilaariaiap froa Mie
A. r. U-lpbtoa
■Uraope lotoraoer
B O Ucd
n>c eillepeof OratiaJ Uke rrqalrrr
••Fallarn to laraiap
d B Kajler
a hsoM tee of ai ps day ts a
-Should a taraer’e fea ly pa' u
llere, barketere s eallen of i«
M-e A B H Bee
i tout, aaa Me leiJon to pay MIe
rakraustort euw
Ure C. H.
[ bs ca laao tbe eelt.
triad lb Me ooon tf
-Tree e—Mhoeld Ibe tarsi
^ ’''‘[JsilsOelehO e B, aod Me deteadast
OSV—Jodpr J. U Resedeil.
jedslUed all tbe facu del
The t.oitoao.r>i>
p Or.:y
rbedrIrDee Doadaeted by J. W
M«w T.lep&osrr
I Petcblo. ww 00 Me proeod Mel Me
Henaper Joi o Beiry ..t fie d ioralDaas. If eatorewd, woeU
paa Talrpboor exchaope br> r'-r".
practical aaBalseal of Me cJaai
rd the f.,llo«lop oew phoort 1
i M« eoaeUcetioo wblcb proeldn
ft—B H. Pratt. rsidrEce. rx'm a Co'.prcae alooe ebell aiaka lewe rape
I rpboar Id addltloD to wail wt.
Ibt-J vt. d.coiao - tereat euwe.

Urn, BMaiorod ae I

Hi eeMpItluaul. aad Patebm A Crot-

■ cf tbe kida; P K iStBP

Wilhelm Bros. |

MuM. Mr alk* vPoTW W
w <f Mr bmrv yalruml
oMw k wak w wwiii





•»iiig«*niwwnitifnfniiniii iin utt
arahaalaat tboaaplaaaa
nr*ap saatt lad Haaday far Omatm,
bme aa wOl roBmla faraarn tlma.
Oao. Oobb reroraad boaaa latarday
avaalap from BeSalo. K T.. whara'-baa baae tpaadlap teveral waHm.
Hre. Libby Vlatoe aad daapbimrilma el Bataa. ratanad to bar Uma
HoBday moralap altar tpaadlap a few
dayt la Kartbport tba peaat cl Hn.
Joe BaUord.
The Baaeei Sodaty will maat
Teaaday with Ur*. Jaka Taai
' 11 memben are lavlicd la be pr<
U. O. L. Beallp made a bnalaeat trip
to Lalaad baUrday

A ate tiiUw BP A
TBa paWlfam a< tbaBW________
_ram eabdaptbat
Tta freqatBttyMkad haw
mba nllaead e« faa n
h to tSat My ana
aa aU
•a. wbn thna nan Bceairm

Baa rnaetooe by war dapartmnt or­
ead ar. tmtop taraed oe.
modere way of dolap baetoan Vc
Apered It oat that wo eoald make mme ibalrowama. iTM. two am iBlaaaad
moevy eaUlap loar eoplaa at fa par Batarday were tM Uearpe W. Eldar
eopT tbaa om oopy al BIO. aad we Bad
ead Balpiaa Kmp.
•bat tba larpe aamw of ealaa provea
that we were eorrret. Tbaa. loo. we
waatod to pat aa ailal la oer borne
tapelaud by the old
eoaaty that woald raally be a oedlt lo
an eooaeeted with it. aad al a priee ee
low that all woald feel that a barfala
had ben aacane by baylap a copy
f Tbe other la. Bow lltUe eaa I
rpe aad makeallvtapr Wt have
pet tbe priee ae low ae we eoald. __



a; 7.C,,


Iwili.kod SBivriT. Itemkaeat
luk rckw of hkd com,.lent
Uki.dt. Ikllinx hkii. id' hkby

»u . IheeloerM.irTl bd. laflsa
e.ckvJ, or kiiixpikb I


tM'^mt^b dolap Soely. Wbatbar
CaaaiMtBf i
tba doctor pot ost aU tba deadly vim
.JCrapbaa oe ! Al Haaiee. lad . Hre. Mary Heakle
Ur Noab btebblae i
or eot lime will ull.
. jc aod that bat
>8 eaa
eu be I baa ben declai ed laeaae. ber
Hre. 0 U. Brlpbt tUH euye with bar Willard aod Hectar - .
publlabed. il U imp rtaal Uat all wbo
I from I
daapbur Bom Habe. lb Traverae City Baevvr lelaod for a ebon <
wtaa a copy or wU need oae
_ . la
_ the
Raadt Garlbe hat reatad
Hbe bae beea at borne oaly a few daya
uad lor
ararfaiarv eboeld bay aow
Hn Kate Wllaoa.
eat of alpbt waakt.
It hlpb a
haad coplee are always hard to pet;dayiaod
Joba Bripbl aod Charlm Borouphf;
of priet aad the i,be wou
bare botpbla.fat of brmlock timber,
..r home Bgsday. after
ofWIUoB Boaworth. which tbey
Tm M» ef tk* U*( HTBoa writUB
{ epecdlop eevvral dayt In tows with her
Ji.iix WuiTX.
I aad eoarert the world.
eetUap loto loft,
laeoy Irleoda
tVtM. aoBh KodfM el aolttsrtor.
llllam Bripbl and Dewey Bern
wry. a promleebl Kapllet
The am lectseeof tbveonree will be
(TM-FrafVetoHeMTIirUod.'- Tb.. esttiop hardwood timber for
sulhoT of maoy religious
rtvra Frldey Dee I. al lb* Tows Hail, Well Kaown Oaeats at the Whltlap .
BMaiwi WM sever dellwed. Tbe pee- Woodroa. Tbe ueea bare to fall In
»l bit home lo PUlEbeld.
by Hr UebdeieoD of Blp Iltpldt
pant The boyt know bow to bai
Tbe ir.e B ti A Co.. Pbysktaae <rf I ^

ter werked tor uui ItoMrdeir sMa-etoc
iriyasrsold L>r Lowry
tbt ax aad eaw.
Hite JvDolelr-ll la cooSord lo the | .s,h
HMleal aad earpIraJ laMi wile feead Ua dMd 1b bed.
up tome rery kevere brulaee.' ,ti
eoatlane their moaihly wae the m
horse beloap- valla lo Traversa City. Hlcb . aad cu i byma.
WiU boen tuu Bbeend la Kate psru
ripbi sad made be cooeultml al the WhIUap Hotel. I OieM-v
M Itot^ao, oae hasUac ptnj kaelar
lumbar ol tbe vUlapcr»ei
area down ih I Street, tbrowiap Hist Oec. f. from u a m to 4 a m. Tt
latalj Mued oew too la oae »aak aear po lo Acme
oa Thaokarlvlap cay to t
illll who "Sk a one lo tbe rip. vIoeotlT pood oews u the many to ealled U
Tea/ are baaiM
ea preaeat e dadleatlob of Ue eeto the rrouod.
abielavsllds They wdl ui
be lodiaa Jerriiory, V
* vUb laaeaa. aa exelUaf a
he coueslted by a larpv ana
1 ha. ordered i:
borne of Hr. aad Hre Kneeatb
Pomnos U'snpe
<raa the bceoe ol a llrelj (faibrr“d wVm-1
lepoa Uocda; evealap of Lbu eerk
bsve beee Krehe. Wilburu I. Cherry Vsle. H
The tollowiap it the program of
KarMa. Vaeataa. la praeaai a raaar Over 40 frleade ol vbeir elaler, Are Em- orxl of t> r f'-imon* or Coooiy Graotc. ; uetoeceaaluUy tree ted by o Iher pbyel aura. Cslrio sad AUkos
11 a feared
na JtiBaaeo. "bo lea»«e lo a ehorv lime lu be hvid In Travvrte City AVdneadsy | ciSBs lo call aad gvl M oplBlob c.
taMif jailavtorer. la raUaalad a
■dial tbe ooJd wrtlher will briop oo ■
U Jolb ber baebaad at tipokeoe. Wa>b.. and Thursday. Dec rm sod *th
these fsmoue phykic.aae.
^'general epidcoiK-of smallpox through
aeeemblad to aaf lareeeU.
Tbe rrea
Tbe Afserlcaa ae a Farm W’orkei
CWaf Halralka RowtUM-dlad al bb
MM aetoala. daadar B. MAAt. ate- Uarlmr tba reeainp tbe rle
ilure eat do"o to well furalebed tablet
«Maear7Bld0reab tadlaa eblal. ■ and mit.bed tbe waoH of the phy»ical
DvWtifs l.lille Kariy Him rs purify
imce eboeld be. h
'the li.ood, climo ibc liver. 1 iviguraie
aatatMOf Iba aedaUek mr elib Jaat> maa. wUn plaaty ol mirth to aid dipealo ebooaiDg
‘jibe syetem.
Fsmout little
friebd what cs.
MB la Alabama, alaa a eoaladsraic ilea. All j >la lo baartleet pood wUhee
^Irooellpalioo and liver troubi
for tbe proaparitr of Hr aod Hre. Johnlaetluc pleaei
la tbalr far wreu-ro home.
Ibe Youth k >Coapao ii
It to well
«M a ablal of tbie tribe aad oaa of
Hr*. E Cnurcbili. HerllB..Vt . i
-Oor baby wst covered Witb rub
. tbe eprr law ramaialap old-Ume lo
the year
Tbe charm of It is
DeWitl's Wlieb Masel C
ntU—eboold tbe farmer be
Hre. A b. tiibbe apeol F'rtdej
MaM wba aarrlad bit loMbawk aad
' A .pvctlf for piles
J.idgcJ G Kamsdril
course There Is no buuMbold
ttardar la Traveree City
BlraUr vUb bim 0> all pabUc
Beware uf woribleas
.e Fruit outlook. A I' Gray
It wDl not prore s
Ad. MoKaapaa. wboli ill with
Haaa Be wee meth raetted and ta
-e iKusl mueic sod redtatioai
o preuent s yesr'e | eounterleile r
loola. le reported better uiday.
■od may also have |
------MtBiil byaUiaatalaUilt eoaatry tor
Barry Em moot bad the mlalorti
Ooped al. Grasgers wbo cao will
uesely deed with dy.pepslt,
MBhlfbaharBelar aad eaaareble ape.
ee one of bit Bupen while worktop le and lake part la the discuieioa ol
I for r.kki scot with It
doctors, vailed mioerai springi.
Aa etiaalaad lobbar baad bat laial;
kuLJecu prrwenicd
' used Kodol Dys
twelve color orlol land grew
Hre. Naelm aad too Hcrl
.stte^aalpris bv^a eel-, pepela <faro._
nolorede are vlaltlap Mr>. Noelio't
vbraled Amerlrss _ . ...______
of ipmu ebal yen eat. Cures lodipeatioi
brother, W. a. Uilleiu aad
Amcricsn Water Color Soclel>ty
tu {.cur ttimacbr brsrt bore sod all formr
Are you pellia
to ible all toe t
Him Aaple lilll aod
of The , of dyspepsia
F C. Tbompeon
>kl smnuot of 0
ID for the remalc
lecke of I
... — —
Saamiryaad ai
tyare drove ool lo Hr WlncbeocDO'e tielugIt free from U
et Tbnreday.
of oewtpsprrs aod maps
•* •* Clark, Peoria. Ill . kats. ’Sur
I received for tbe x e'wVo'i
d babr.
Hr. and Hre Freak (ilbte and
by the latmt method <t i*
.. tplilliilltli il Bilmnat H. V . tx
who moved to WooOeloi
riboteo amonp the people
,.^Dnee*bo*l cured Ihe'^ with DeWlu.
Mat la Bsaartb a vela of pold aeee a; eammar. have reloroed aod will make
,. that Ik. smoop thoae wh i
I Ik lolal]l«:i
alBlopafull proapectus of tbe vol
BBaaf tbamta bar dieami. Tbap art tbit place their home
■ for mop, eeot free lo see addreaa I 'or pilre aod sk
A traveliap colored mioieirr preach­ vaoiapr whou'.i it oO-rod Ibrm
i : Tbompaoo
ili.r ol the mwt kucemrul eetablltb.
lU Columtma Ave
TM riballlcmi Taqal ladlaaa la Maxmroulo Amrrlrt, the Waoltoo Spioe
Im aow Bambm- nao. wbo daelara tbal
Trravsia-ot Trr Oraia-O
C>iaipsoy. of Toledo, li'ilo, it kpeodlog i
Mortbport Uepartmtsi
uksodk of dnlla-k lo sdvoitielop
*ar mOI axtarBilMta IM wbllaa.
> tbe tbrost sod
eeenec ler Ik* HiaiLD
bo*, r
•ir l.ioo C. ffoe, and Ihry are payiop |
-OatatrapaaltetbaBaaer; of Ibt
, e ; cough br the oae of Ooe Hlaute Coapfa '
ri*i lUik moory dirc.-tly lo
TbeeceooDcr EeU Lvook which ran
„ ICupv.
.... remedy
.._3dy qc
quickly enrm ull
lata THa-PraaldaBt Hobart tbe preal- .a tbe beach near Cel Bead Lipbt wae "0.. porehato ihecr-ffre T-... ..--------Aaat bat uaaalad all bit toelal tacape- baaled nfl Wedeeedi y nipht after eaer loeoi-Uee in Iholr ooe-poood oacksjc ''"’■‘n' of throat aod loop troubles. ' I
-inleki Slid pleaaaat to laki
watt far tba prtttat. Tbt mtmbert petit cfforU by tbe etramer Oeekema ol Uoo Coflre a motl ailrdcllve Pre- I Hars
- lOut specific
no So cm
a( Iba eablMI bavt da«t likawltt aad aad OrteoroU aad faroupbt lo ihid plaoe
lor gvlpoF sod He after effeci
* ir repalra.
Ibt adslafalratlaa will obterve a perid^r." how ‘il.c7
Tbe Womao'eriBb will meet Turkey
. MM mearalaf.

All s
ight 10 eoormoos qasoFUJ^
qaeatod to be pretest.
and bought diree
directly ol the msacfaetoi/
tnat they ure securec utttouA eongb
wiathaaaltaa. Feardyaamitabomba arrived liaiBrday for a vlali with Sam
urtb tbe
Ibe prl-vi the mull cjusurf W,.|lsn
have beaa tailed.
UtpaoB. br., aod family of tbUplace
io profit tepsid toeb<pprf.
aareaet Boon left Friday for liip Who.esalef or mal
PadmeBtkl bat bees-at Faria i
mailer, the poode aito
.. A
h. hAP.A
St do tSk Cbiidrsu Uriukr
^areaprapariap lor bit dapartare Baolde. where be will tpeod tbe wlhler ill b-ogbl kl
attvadlsp kcbool.
Thiu method of Ibtroriuciog Lloo Cnf
MM Caltad Itataa. Ht laavet la a
yoD wanted to poreLakC
Hra Htm Porter vlaitad lo Traverae
fawmaabafaraloar moatb't toarof
for wbifh you would hsve bsuyiaptioo
F C Tbompuoa.
n. «.«. s,^
r s-.V and
City W.
IhaahMaUltaefAmarlaa. BaWinTt
>l of Hrt Wjll Harrow
ailimniMbybtoitlfa.tha baaauftil
Fred Hroel ol DMrull. who hat kiff .v boy It for yon for sSc aod loeo
give It to you for the trouble Ibil .voc
Mw-SarM, whom be married lati beeae.oeadii
take In letting them know ibul yoa are
Mwat. PadarewaUt trip baa beta
The boasekecbvr wbo
alive to tbe
«aMad hf a aaw opera apoa wblab aa
sy now, by s
side of bar patronage
hM baaa aapafed. It U aow le tbe Itlap her eleler.
tile trouble, secure m if dru.rable
haadiadtbapBWHbartlB Bvlia. aad Trevnee City, for a few days, reloro
ome Tbnraday avealap
wUMtia bt itivaB la tbt world. It
Il Ibul tbr bee to do Is to cut out uod
UtokOraoe Purkimof tbto place <•
4m1i with Iba Tomaatk aapaet ol
reserve the Lloo bsad wbleb sppvurs
./edoeoday lor Ilrirolt. wbrre ihe w
> tbr wrapDvr o< every parkage of
epeod the winter with Uri K. Hniet
loo Coffue
Tbesr Lloo bead i are re
Or. Wm. &. Breeha. director of Kmltb
celved by the Woolsoo Kpice Ckimpasy
Wilbur F G.ll of Oll.-e I'ler wai
lo pay for Ihrir prvmloma
ibiWiilliiT. batlaat btea awardad by
orthport vleilor Satorday.
Abt Faria aaadrmy of tcltacta ibe
■at bee-n Issued in coBan-lieo
It Jordan, where he bi
. Otaad Ulaad priia for hH aamoroat
<oo Coffee Is oakurpsssed
abort lime o
Borne of
ID tbe Biarket today are locluded
Aaprtoaiaa fold medal worth MO
adlop a
In this HA
faaaat or Im tmlaa la puld.
few di
It Hotel
liUrvldeoi that tbe WooUoaSplee
TbawWM of Oapt. OrldUy. wbo
d customer, |
MmmiBliltbaOlymeUlB tbe battle
Cor they believe ibe beei i
»‘B« of !
•faaaUa.haa baaa aaibled to make
Lloo CoSrv is where sc
' both Mia meal ee bar paarioa of tto
r* it tal S frieod of il« good quail- |
mostly II
Tbe Ladim' Aid society met with eoo msue sale bus rvn brought aboi
I delighted with it
.ra W. Feriar Tboredtr aftaraooo Ushy pet


to we etAad om boWly aa iterer belore,
yea, lower tbao --------,-.,_Htlle dtolenlaUt.u. u. mivaocm
and We vourrlt oqU-laa*.ul coapetitioo. We have larsetr anlu-ipnI«J our wauta some «x moolht it^-o
Onr rt-yt-k fa arntw.

„a „







VaMadtham. Bartotaar. dadpe VleOMA who b n yaan aid. praetiam a
Uttia law. Bar daepeiar. Hath, leech
BOlaa Uadarpartaa. Bar aoa. Joba
B.-T. OfMlay.wboaarvadaaaa aailpa
IB the mar wlU Spata. b trylap lo pet
I HiBBbilna la iba martae aarviee
■arptbardaaffblar b a balplaat la
Tbt Biet train ibroaph from Ta Lira
VABaatba mw Cbwaap aad Murkin iBllway Mt oa Friday with npla■aaraliwFort Artbar.

aad enjoyed aa aaeteslly r'eaeast time
with taalr fancy work and la eocial
D. Before dleprrelnp templlaprefreabi
P A. Claavea of Trai - ,,
buloern oall bare Wedaeaday.
lu pec tor Fraak FrIedHrb of
~ ly wasa paeil at Hotel Par.
day aod Thursday
Jobs Hoxle of IM 1.........................
aa in Nortbporl Kel Tuesday.
Hlae della hleele. wbo leiascfalay
.rbool Bear Buuooe Bay, came home
batarday eveniop aad spmit Saaday
with berpareste.
Jobh Sauhora of this plaer reiursed
.-om Traveree City Wrdoeaday. after
sttcadisf tbe Haeoaic iKbdoI of loetrutloa.
Wm Wilaoa. for teverai years one of
tbe aarlataal Uptal keepers si Fox Ul
aad. bu treepted the malllos ol astlai.
i at (tot Heed aad left Saturday to
be ebsrpe ol his duties there.
Tbe Asbusl bntin, a meetiopol the
I will be be.d ui;
p m Honduy. 1
will be mrved lx

BipraantaMvaa of tbe AmaricuBaglbh ayaditata have beaa la Hoetaaa far the pMt tlx moatM tMariep
nitaM aa tba boat tbeap luohm aao
waurad lead far tbe parpoae of ooeaalldatlap tbam Into oae larpv eompaay. OptloM oe aaarly 6vc baodred
PboBaaad ebaap aad aad a like aamber
A aumber of eaadidaiea were loiU.
Waarnt et land have beaa obtalaed. sted iDlo tbe mystrriea of tbr Order ol
IbaaamaoftbeeoBpaay will bt the Orienleat their review batarday evesOMtpaay. with a eaplul of
Martin V, Barres. of P-leeeloii, N
b tba lataal vIeUm of Lttiap. Ht
•M a papU of the Lavreaetrillc
tahaal aad tba anUab Mi wbleb ha waa
BBhfaltlad by hb tallow ttadaola. to
Mthbplwib. prevad falaL Pirewba
'- «MMb>eMd to‘-^lap* la wbleb
Btbta, aad tbn om of tbe e
walbad wear Urn ea hb kataa. Aestt
ptHleallbwai tat ap ^ftba ordaal
aad IM bey dM foBT dayt latar.

ileti - wool^Birlioe# and Taaatini-rea. in aeVeyal ab^M,
evtra sI-hT value..........................................................................................^99

'leti'e line vnliire jiniuhol Tanaimoreto, alao fine IS 01.
TUye ill Ilia. k*. hltieu and Riaje.
You wii) price them
.• bi Jlu nod Iti our price ..........................................97.00
.V iiol.l.y lot of niylieh Tli.-rk. and Stripea, good fittera, and
Well iriiiiuiid. d nenll.-iuao'o tail, for the low priceof 9l0l00


■ aty Wantiintrton Milla bttot Beaver Overooata,
rtlnilly liiiri^jr tin- low price of. ....



L-urIng the srticlee
>eb taiercal lo buy

roat two or tl
lid seem *i though tl
auproaeblag when evary family would
bedrloklDg this famous beverage
Hagsxuia Notes
Drcrmber "New.-'-LlDpiboolI''
breaths the Ctarletmat epirli tbraagbout The eomplete novel by Eroeel
Btays under the ttrikiag title of The
VVblsillop Held." IS s
'ag iDiarvtt aad weird
•ird to-suty. earpam
sag anything yet achieved byawrlleroi
far rvachlag fame

lasnk al our creat

leader. “The Kuppenbeifner",

le.l ulier-- you may il ha* no e,|nal
Material aniMf^
lor. workmanship and lioiah unexcelled.

ConaiMnpfikMi C-r-. - WtortiM-'*
WhftA Wine o* Tor Syptip. n»-

- - Meii B Ula- k WJol riaU-ra, uo ahnddy. .....................................93.09
• -'extra heavy Sheilaml riater*. a cbalirn«e price................ 9499
Jl -M. 11 e lila. k all w.k.i Thipcliiiuruier*. other* aak 110.
we pri.-e llleiu............................................................................ .................. 96.60



MEN'S and
Tbeaaxi far Ue but.



-2a M. n'e all wiso] IriKb Frieze CLatcra. ifo where you may
here is where yon land, if you are lookitiR for bar4.raiu-: you will price Iheui at *iU. here only......................9690
\ Di-;ii. drinay. (overt Oven>>al, a atyliah yoobff mao'a top
. imt. looks as dreaey aa any at R12, we price them at.fB 90
II" I'bildrvn’K all wool ouiin. up-lc 16 y«mr* old,Rtui
IcM than wholoeale vnlue. at


'kl ThiLlreu'- half woo! Suita, in

Ooetarahnd'rlsu ber ap t
ti-s na latollfble

>1 pattenw,to:cloMat 9190

The k-reau-M Ohild'u Snil on the laarkei ia the *Mfa;D*(,'
U)n-le of wool keraey. double aeat and knee, w« prbw

.................................................................. 98.00
N> Suite lo I'loae at -'kl eeute on the dollar; accumolation ^
-loul-le br.-aiii.-d Buiia. ay{»>
to '■>. iold fttnnerly
ly , lo*e at..................................


?'• ChildreD'x Aatrarhaii Reefen. sHitor Coll
oliare. tc cIom at
le OB the dollar, eut priev beini:
.....9148 utd 98.48
'*’ Cliildrei-'. .Suita, doable breaatefl, aailor collar, from 4
to - year* of a^w-, extra 'taality, all wool matcriaU, ral.
u.-B from SI .'kl to S*>. to cloee at.....................................................9996
MonB VV.Ksl Kerney Pant*........................................................................9196
■M-ic'* Im key Milla. Iieat Kereey pAiit#............................................ 94-49
Ouretiu k of tine Paula it very extanaiTc, embraciiR «U the
laieai wea.
i-iii styliahly and pruwd righL We Mve yoa
from 2.<• io#l I" on every pair.

Ham Block.

InwWM Oi^, lUalk.

ea.-i u, .«-*isi» s aumxo*
‘ .'.'fif'-S BO« LiH.-.f


Mr .M .1 Olnviii ofOr*wu,Mich.,
would like u> cute what

C. H. SNOW. M. D., Specialist


Lumbago, fetiralgta. Baokarbe, Rbeumatixm, Bore Tbrosi. s Ooid, lom* foem
of U Onppe. Calii. (Solera Hortnu.


Obilblainx, etr,. etc.


!•*>-■ leckiToe Dv.Muv.
■tcassL ; ourm



CB -Th> Bral star of Rvihlvoem^^ Xh6S6 tlOFSOS COUSlSt Of ll6RVy^ d.1 &ft

Him Virplaa OapaoB mad* a trip lo
'raverw City ^tarday. eetaralap



Julia Huc.Nalr Wright U accomaaulad ~
j W •
1. 4. T-V •
by a froDHspii vtremal
------------------pGfiilur of tbe

In the^revmbvr number of the
-Icae Hoalblj Brvirw of Bei
tbarv Is so efiitorisl summary ol
reuulUof the rlvelioaa. "lib sdl
sloo of thel
of the adi
editor also ieaeribeu the progr
^be L O. T M bald a very pleasaoi I’.iillpaior campaign, lb < "nr tc
iw Friday tveoinp Afier tbe but
lany other man
loeteof tbemevtlar wsa Snwbrd the
enjjyed ihcmtelvek u a tocisi
Betresbmeeu ooasLktlox of saodaody
-ere served
A thoroaphly pood il
-ae fadalped lo by all.
Magi,- "blch. appropriate
to 1
Htee Hary Bordean retnraad bo<
iw seawiB aa It to. is only <
atardsy from Traveree City, wbe
toe of t >e mitol bemnUfal hi
ha hut bees oialtlax friaodt and te)
MlmAtlia oulpave s very pleaea
party Friday ereuiup si the home of ihto year coatalas aevcral striking aov.
praadmotber. Mrs. .Vrltoa. Amoaf iltiee lo muelratioo. The method* nrv
ee lo esioy It were the Htesea Grace eotonly new. hat ... ...
Idataa, I'ns Voice, Mary Johu. Lot ewrv way arttoUe.

lap*.. Clark-i piclnree. which
BameM MorTto's Ballad
kuven Jobe
Kings, aru a* rieb la color a*
. bilae tiai
Obarim Babaom. Fred Aflolter. Kaat siaioedglam window
pletorvu hnvv been reprodi
Bauar*. Julia* ImBoata
ntmolola fidelity. The colored a
U Joyeea to
m maa of Trava-oel beantlfnl of ihe
aee* waa la to
Wadaeaday aad
Chrtotmna magnilae

aeboel Hotoday after apoadlap a

•\ ^rciau in hla.-ka, blneanod browna.
l--** than ciwt of’ itialenal......................... ..................................... 9090
i;iira heavy Herriny:lioi,e. all wool, Men'aatyltah Orarwat.
UO *1^1 tiler ••oat for ?io. our low price............................... 910.00




a Uke.-,i

prii-e. on '9‘* k'fvf'de—freah. bran new. up-torilate clothiag
at |.ru-e* lew than ct»-t of iDtlerial toilay

tiD M.-U . all wool hravy CaimiBierH*. all wool Thibeta, in
lilu.-n aud l)U.-ke, a regular tf 111 ralue for............................ MAO


ii Horse Adction Sale!

.i '- ' Clothing Department

T.'i 'l--tr-Twill,-<i Theriot Suita, in bloc and black, a Rood
l>u»in.-ee euil and a uorlil Iteater. ai^-.-^ ......................... 98.96



mou* and *-,-«0 you all with rverythtuE pertainins to
irel at a much lower
than namniil
■t price U
ark*t valur, i
•r than ever tscloie.
our reputation of baiiK*ii
ihe luiM and now
............ poaition
Q Btill bs-Uer
to demoaBtltot
ih--many udvanKteu 1--Ik-irain-d liy I’^iog with no. *0nr
sl.k-k It tbe larveet. prii-en the loweal and farilitieto BQch better
to lake care of our .-oiiniioua trade









FarmMaresand LightDrivers from
4 to 8 years old,weighing from 900
every horse will be
Kuaranteed as represented, ajid no
of sale*


Ten months’ time will be given on
approved real estate security, or
chattel security at 7 per cent, in.,u,'5;terest Wood and stone taken in
exchange for horses.




11- I*., ,« iiiAk.-e
in. 0. the Ey-

islri Ilf .(II Cbroiiu
Enr, Nua- nml Thraat

Cffitt II Lk BUUIIN lid lIlHiu Mid.

Diaaaaro. DuraiaM td Wp.
Tef*b extracted tor 2Sc

... .......................... .... __ ..................................... r.„

•WMBodtea ClwbaU PloBo Oo. Md
ohdiBM owMd by a M. Walhteo.

TteWBMWMMteteotebWwod tea

m« tew
pw^telj kad «U €fn * W»
nmWwonov •*' ill Coatk OsWa
M«M. a»4w ite Ira
* Wwiawte. :■ aMithw to teo
•Wteoftoeho. Hill no wy. awffute.*
M< pofwo. Ihv will olw ooU olcw

1 o( tba Ofarawa Uthacaa te
teWfaial yoaia. aad
ria teiaaU teola«t« Ktefolor. ofwmiltotof wMw tewywte
... at aad potew HfU tenter
aoatk, Uft oa Tawdaj te Bnadlt.
ateia ho will bttnai paoMr of
ateaaaaeoaaltww IHwtoit that
ah. BWpiaMtenwUl te w
■ aoto W work to eewapawleorol
Bat. U NUItr. who wot
tea boildtoy aa oryaoiaad aolM)atr
paopU of Ui okanh Baaday at
eraw bayao work k laoimliif tea
raftlar twrlaa A ahaart teo k
■ado la tea diatrlet by
Hr. HU- boiykteoteaadyw of tea wroafcad
lar wOl ealy aafvV Kloftlay
Bayt of .
Tteawaa Otty. praaabtad tera arary alI aad torattaru aad
wreala Soaday. tVlawiUba apprw

iawd by tea loaal ebarte waabara. to
ia tea pait aorrtaM wara bald ealy
awry third ortoaite waak. Mr. Brkmkr
toaa W bU BOW fltid of labor lakla(
«ow»o t. JoiwH o( eraad Boptte.
bla tea boat wtabaa of tea wtdr
few teoo laoteUad oo ofMt ^ tto
dreU of friaoda wbea ba aad bU fam­
4MTteo Boofow (teja lUi city la
ily bara mada deriny tealr raab
teo Nooo «<
B. ralkmoa «( Waooaale.
■d to Uo ooaltiaB aad beTbaakagirum Oasaa.
(ma worb la tea oSaa. bat wot obliyad
All U ready for wa loot ball ooc
tedttaaotlaoaoo aoaoastotai baalte
atwaen Trmrarae City aad Prloakry
■r.Jawatthaa aoow w tea city to today. The Hlyb aebool team took
atey ate Ui tamUy la bara with Ub. tealr laat bard practice latt crealay.
Ba boa.baao aoaoaaWd with
ter aad tbooad ap la bauar abape ibaa
before. IfBMball tlayed aod •III
pley riybi balf-teck ea aoiial today.
Hayoard hat baea pot Id 10 the otbrr
half aad baa tbowa tpleadid fom. Br
Bart by oa Air 0«Bparbaot. a faaier raaear than
Ctete Ford, tea l»-yaar old too of
Bwiyi ford, wot -Ite aa aoeldaat tbali aad will do eapeliaal work la the
llateoy teat yill aaka him toteor aby raaa today.
Tba Pctoakay leaa will anira
adolryaar for aowt tlwa. So waa
Mkte 0 BOW air raa. ate bad jaal toreoooe. aed all will ba ratey tor the
al CW Adaiaaloe U> tea croaodt.
Bate ap bit Bite teat ba weald
It oaaU
• wk Ba waa Dot TB7 oopart li
Pollowlay la the llae up of the
•aaaftaaal of tea foa. ate wb
hat tea abot waet off. It lodyad datply
k tea boyb tbaab, laataad of doiat
•ay lajaiy te tea at- Tba boy war
Wkaa to Dr. Hlaer^ oSb ate tea laad
waa itBOied (roB tea teasb attar
food 4aal of Iroabla. OUade tbloba
that ba wlU ba a yraat daal sera
lol la tea fatera.

C. Laayworthy. left rod: B. McKm
tie. left teeklr: C Lelrbtoo.lefl ruard
H Mcletoah, eeolai: W. Voyelaooe
rlcbtyoardi B OBarra. rlcbl taeklr;
C Burly, rtchland: B. Boyer, qoarle-back; B. Uayoard. left halfback; K.
Sanahall. rlybl bollteck; A. Korkay.

ha 0 rare Mot to tea atelaaea. aod
•lU bayote all qaaatleo pad
boota. Boo. a A. Oaophan bat dar­
ky tea poat foor yeoru. tekOB a
PoUewlar la tba llae ap:
k tea aary tnBt twk of platfora
Ika Daria, laftaeo; W. b. Hooa.
arotan, ate • laetata teal ItBaraatle. tackle: Tony Erkoa. left yuard. I
OotWlaklBC. abaarWay ate upllftlay HorymB. center: B.
Oaate. rlybi
WUI ba beard, ate tea alateard tor yuard: W. B. BrauetU riybt tackle:
inateMowytnlbllT *IH ba rolaad blyfa JobB.Biackee, nytat ead: Jack Perry,
khtalaewra, --Tba Ooatlay Uaa
qnanorback: T. P. Wilbelot. left
Bpwklay of tek laetare. tea prrotdaot tBck: Dan Peary, riybt halfback. >ieo
Of ate af tea eldaat Uatare ai
W. EefT. fullback.
Ikoala tea Oallad ewiaa baa U
Death Roa
•oyoadardauof Jaa. M.ltM.
A Ohio, iBctePt AtMra. Mary Aaa Becker died
eaddcaly Monday at her taoiae
Sopire. The weae ol death la
koallra asklaoaa for Bare tbaa
peeed to bare been heart trouble,
yoaiWrof a oaBtary, ate altboayfa
na T» yaore old al tee tiae of
teot dwt we bare bad batara a d t
deote. aad wa» to eld pioaoer of Lee
kadtay etoUra of tea aooDUy-ea
atas oa Baaabar. Talawyk Ooawell. laaaa county. Btac learee teree aooi
ValUte. Balotyra. OaMoua-yat of and two daaybtera. be> baabaDO bur.
«eu dead oeer a yaor. The fua•Uteoaawtbora IkMad te I
kMaBB^tealOorar Are boat lac- trol rUl ba bald at tee realdeoee
Tbe body waa Interred la
ktaa. '■Tba OoBlay Mao.- by Boa. day.
S- A. Bwrban. Htay of oar patroaa Maple City eemrCery.

iarwUek Wriybl waa aeaWaete to
daahaao te Ufa. At tnt PoBaywlek
rafatadwtalk. bat altar aoat partoa.

■ of tee doBbla t
4aref wkirb ba waa aappeaad
baao tea aoto wltoaaa Tba laforaatkoyaload faOB the Itelaa a taporkot ate will bara a aaWrial bwriay
OpBo tea waa batea tea pardon beard.
Tba laatUaooy of P<

Dock and Warebocae Collapaed
Tae .Sortheru Micbtyaa Traoeporia
OB Oo anScred a beary low laat alykt
hea tee eentar pootlou of tealr ware
aaae aod dock oarM la and tbe wood
work eollapaed with a craah, lear.ey a
wreek wbicb will take come time to
tir aad coat oDoelderablt Boaey.
bile E U Pepe, tbe ayeat of tee
paay, aad a force of mea were at
work haadlioy frelybt aad Icadlny the
Cummtnyi witb a earyo for
Elk Eapida. aboui v it. ifar tlmben
ita a teraaiealay ioaBd. The mea rawled
batldluy ia an lutaai and to a
mamaela there waa a hwry eraab

Stylish Suits and Overcoats


Seeing Rubbers Alike

bay »o Ihi-f aril] wear nod i:«-l yimr
iii.iney'H arorth

R^uembt-r that

We Ask
Your Comparison
of our offeriDgs with tbe positive
guarantee that better values is not
^ possible, better variety not available—all
cloibing sparkling with attractiveness. No trouble in getting
the size yon wear.
Prices of Suits and Overcoats for men. iJt.OO to ♦22.50.



raoel Bior»-8 iriH ttk
[>mv for





Bay yoor Wlntsr Pootwesr wbsrs yoo
can gst tbs bMt sssortzsBDt of


Oar limitsd spsos allows os to msatlotf
only B few of tbo many bargains wo
bavs, but wo Invita you to coll and
look over our lino and bs convlncod that


Ken'S LMthsr Top Babbsrs........$286. «8.ftD and
Ken'S Felt BooU and Rubbws............... $8.00 and $8.60
Ken's knit wool Bocu with rolled edge
Bobbers............................................................... .^SJOO
For very oold weather a pair of those BhMpskln
BOOU le the proper thing.................................. $1.00,
An elegant essortment of Lnmberment
Oversox at.......... .. .60c, 76o. $1.00, $1BB and $140
Heavy Oonros Iregglne................................................. 76c

“West Michic



and tlial

Ui.- rtme

Th. Pr«Ue.l Bho. Kui



iio/ility that we

136 Front Strwit



CAWHDUKAW. ayruU will
cell on Deeember H. 15. U aod IT
offer III* beet (or.
W.- diil aot UckcUto Caoadlao pclcuatrrae way
Brtoru limit
kei p awake Diifli'a todeciilc v hirh far* for the rmnd trip
Jannary*. A*k ayvni* for nletkiudlif rubben- will wear ibe loDiJ.
<ixn DvBtixs.'i A I'
' eal; eiperietic->' makeo perfo't Tbe
Get your eyu luted aod yituu Ai­
Boaitou aod MishawHkH Bell Band
led by a penoo In touch with the Uteet
Box and Riihbrre are (be kiod we dethodt I have ttodlod under tome
mII. Priceo the lowemt
Buy ibem of tee beet oculltu In Chteeyo. Detroit
nod St Laoli With my experience I
mod gel your njoney's worth
feel cooGdem to care fur tee mat diffi
culteaM* oOce IIT Ctouctreei from
rve l> to Jto T.
all Kubltm


Our Stock

But Wait a Bit!
Todcci.le tbv biuci »f


coBa^t« of biradreds of tbe very lU
best styles, sizes and materials bare TTf
never before beeo so low ia price, ill


lateemaUcB aod euyinaeriDc.
0. U Oouliar of Central Lake •
ibr elty yeaterday
Wilbur F. Sill eame down from tee
Beaveru' Snaday afleraoon la
aebooder Bareey Baaaome.
E E. Dailey aad wife of Empire,
ere la teedly yeaUrday aad yueata


are the moit eneatial gameata ia
a aaa'% wardrobe—Gold daya are }*{
here aad theae garownU ahoaM Tt!
always be oo hand



Putor J. S. Baum of the Cburob of
'Itorlat will apead Tbaakayirtay
HoUaod •rite bU aarcata
Mr. and Mra. Bayea* E Walt of
Mltoloo are yueau of A. W. Walt oa
>cir way to Bollaad. Wbara they wQI
lali uoiU aftor tee boltoayu.
Fiuuk Uoedrieh arvat to I
tee door ol ter wurrbouae and eorartoy
of tec dock look a drop aader a
- W. Browto.
meadow welybl el potaloea aad i
cbasdlae of aereral ktoot toto aboai
of Fife Lake, wu to te* dty yeatoiday
feet of water below.
a aalarad late tea
E. B. Hibbard bu tetarwad from aa
wrecked eortloe of tee belHlny
trip Ihronyh
aad dock eoeen a apaee ol about eou« extoadad
BoIteloBUrtayoboBtatt alte a
err hUu beea buytoy potato**.
toot Tba warebouee wat packed to
af Borteporl, aad Btlaa Wlyaak
Mara with p<
aA’cM of Empire to to lb* dby
B«iow. already aaotlaoad at a
■ 0 Ktokaruoa aad arita an to IM
Tbe potaloea ayyrayated about I eoo
bwbalatoncka.'i,<oo buabel* barley elty (tom Beaaab.
tba aMdartta of teaaa wltoaaaai
baaa put to by Beary ~
Mv-ta Brova af LMaad to ai tbe
bate proaorad.
STblla Mawrm. B
Md toroar will oat dteM tea da
&8 SanwUafLahaAaB to la tbe
by tea TraatportaUea eoaueay. *
of tea aMAarlta aaearte troB tea
Ily. etapplDy at tee OolumMaportluw of tec floor teat eoUaoead earHkliio kw koowB teot teatolo
rtod «Htk itabeatflre ihouwad bate
W. W. Bcearar ad FUa Lako to to tM
«M yoteatte la of a aaoaM ooal oi
all of potaloea. alatveqaaatlty of oato city
Md wOl M*a W BBWla tea oopet
aad oera to baya. a lot of faraiarr.
to o aawBototlaB of tea aaawai
barralBOf wklakar. perk aad ktodrau
1 ttolt at


M abater to with tea Mai haUaeam fW

J. W. BUler weal to Oupa
tote alykt to Btoet kii aiBB. Mtoa Datoy
Cpp af 81. Louie. ObeaBMtora'
TWt Wtte ker naeleh faBlly hare aad
J. D. aiaur at Blk Bapito.
_____________ P. B. Ttevto of Oraad
Jaa. rwaleyeaBalato tea eitT toil
lykt to apwd Thaiih^ttoy.
But HHlu hu twtenad from .
Bee. Eteaady aad wlto wOl apuad
baatiay Mp to Maple atv. Thru
toy to Oraat toaraaklp a
aaliy by sao who took loM ebaaora
rmbWB.atopanndyBaBdafax equirret prorld* abaadaatly tor bto TfeaahaMn. C. W. Faaet left tot ylvtoy dtaau________________
tuaehad lotoly ate
Ithicayauardayto epead Thaalnyl'
toaat ol aaeartty
of Bemmlt Qty. to at tbe
lay vrlU nlatirea.
npoo (ba acaor
Jody* J 0. Famwiall aad wUa wUI
loka tea loatru'
City Ouk ElckaH toft toot alyht fu
ye to Maatoto* today for iMlr Ttoaaki*
Piuot aMat. f.
erne, wban he will apeod DaMay
W dlaurdld tlkewlae with
lot of
Hia Waddon lularBcd to hu bom*
Mra. T M. Spraat of SrMd Bapld*.
feralture for kM ttoru. P
at Mabel toal erutoy aflu a vtolt with
tovtolttoyber daaybur. Mn. C. :
tbe ptoBue were diBayed 111
te* taoHly Of Fwd Fullu.
Barua of Beutb Cniou atrut.
at all aad only eae of tees .
Mru. Blektoe of Ferawoed waul
The Ceatury Ooox Book
rd tee water. Tba oryma Bcmtlooed
The Hew Hmald Culnry Cook Book
belay oa tkt bottom aautod to eeeeral Brllalre yaelerday to epead Tbaal
eeelaiu tee hut there wu to te* Her
of water but M damayed only yirtoy with ber dauyhtotu. 8be w
aid Oaok Booka Na 1 aad Kn i. and
retura Moaday
ataay new aad valuable rwdpu. usd It
raft went to Ballalre a book of IM oayua. kaadtomely pnei
Tbe polatoaa formed tee ynater
yutorday to teeed Thaakayirlay.
ed and arell bouadMn. H. E C.
panel tee atoek to uetUe tow tee
Boyd weet to Ceatral Bate* bu bau prepartay tel* otw cook
book for eevenl Bootba. aad the flni
Lake yeaterday. wbere ebc arlll
wite come dlScalty.
ooclet will be fiilthed from the preu
'''baolcarirlor with ker mother.
aad old tublaat alykt teat
MlmOlHe Fulybum wUI epead tee tenbuof tea Herald will beeoUUad to j
aboot : ODO eaeka of polatow were •<
t copy of thto haadaome book u a pre^ .
ly at Bellaire.
bOO of white baleay
mlnm free. opoB condlUoa that tec I
rtoltMr BlateBaa. Alawt tee eatlre Iwe
lateertptkB to paid 1;--------Io full to January
ley Oeorye Jamltca lor
----------It of prepariny am
U euffored by tee aompuy Ueoaral
Maaayer E. W. SeyBour. who te io tee rcturued tokla borne to Tercb Lake ^to^lteit premtom hu beu I
elty. •»! auaiuoeed aad burried to
Bdarard Allard arill apead Tbaakiwreek. Katarully tee Mue itee
teat tee tubaeripilon be paid to full <o
ylTtoy with tala pareala at Cbarleru
January I. IvOl.
Kew tnucriberv wUl
a plcaaaat oae but be took tee al
A Blladeao bu you* to Bellaire
reeelvr ter balaaer of im free, aad
tloa rery eooly aad made tee beat af
apead Tbaektylrlny.
Hr. and Hn ' A W Youay and ury 1 I
Tae crew of warfcaru.
aod oae
dauybtor Eva will tpeud 11
bate equal to tee u
half a buodred. worked bard aad lowc
Alden. where ibelr dauyhton
expired partioa of lam at tec
elearley aeray tee fralybt uetll every
Itoi Lillian Well, who bu been at- wbee tee paymeat ti made. He Cook
thtoy exeept teat to
tea bly hale
Jeadiey tbe Audrmy of to* Holy An- Booh premium will bm teat fru by
wat to a ante plaoa.
mall or eae braeeured by calliar at
yelt. left yeeterday for ber taose in tee Bxatu) ofBce.
Tbla It tee flneti
Tbe rcBorul of the plance aed beary
Orlati. Where the will tpeod Tbaaba- aed matt uufnl fwemlum ever oflered
boxB aad barrela from the yaweioy
hr a Hlcblran newepapu. Bemcmbrr
ylvtoy with her pareelt.
carity waa bard work but wite tee
Hr. and Hn T J Heudenon arlll teal One Djilar will pey fu tee Hex
ti.n to Jaeuary I. 1W». aad alao a copy
block aad tackle ezeellcat rcuulw
tpead Tbaskaylviuy with Dr. H, B. ol tel* valuable premium tru of cut.
Hone aed family at Elk Bapide
Mr. Seymour itotad teal tee deck
Tax UuaM
Jerome Wilhelm bu retnned frau
aad waruhouw would be rebel
icClly. Hieb
Feuekey to epead Ttaaokaylrlay.
tee BeeaUmated teat tee laat oo
At ScaiBOery a Llruad
Hr*. Percy Bold<worto wret to
leae would be about tZ.OOO aad oo tee
Petukey tott alykt to apead tee day
T%e Kalamaioo Itolly Uaulte ol Uel.
etoek aboat a* much Boru. If hoped,
ante Him Edith OIbba
botrever. teat a larye quanUty of
"Tbe erowdt teat hmee ritited toe
Hn C. A Buybu hu yeae to Caw
Uraed Opera
DotoWua uaa be eared. It I* aot la eoaeeueiy toaltond tee yoldee weddlny
dlUoB for market they may be ued by aonivenary of ber parenla. Hr aod cometeloy Dbeaomeaal. Tbe
bill added |o tee ebaaye of play
pla clybi
tee elarcta factory
Sobc of them, Hra .SeltoB KItebeo.
toe runllt
ly acconst for tor rub a
bowrrpr. will be a total low. Jut
tr.make tbe
layrnal bean ylid
lotorloeben lul alybL
^ perlormai
hate ylven every ealbow many it la Impoaelbte yet
ft drace of fully Uttolyley tbe demend
lor but yrtdr
Saturday for Sprluyfid
Ion. aod to>>
I. oue (act won'
they will tprud the win
frelybLeome of
way they will aoeud a> ahorl
lime rltlt- to teal all of
.clean In teeu
to tbe variou bui
part of tee itate
-Mvrktasd May A Sell bare tddc
ootatoee were a
Flora and Jack Oaldwell weal to
beodredt of admlren to toeir louo.
Charleroli lut apead
predThaubu. .litL The company hu proarn one of
I liaola
ylvloy wite Ibelr father.
Tbe work of cleartoy aJray tbe wreck
libc blyyret bit* lb lit Hoc rvrr made
MIB Cyutbla McAlplui
In Kalamacn. and would draw biy
aod removioy tee potaloea and other
Bapld City lut aiybi. wb*
’butleem were It booked lor many,
merehaadlae to plaeea of wfety.
•pend tee day witb ber mo
I week* to com* ~ Tbe above oomuoy
oomplcud about « o'clock
Him Urau CIrvelu
e.nppun at
alykt. u tee lUloola
•la made tee j^rt dty at Elk Etpidt.
BouerDec « to
All da; Tuaaday tee
:e wreek wu a

-AadMlttoba tea beat laetaie teay
attraetloo aad teronye rliitod-itJoba B Muller ol Elmwood townboat awr baord. U la aot oely <
Tbe dock preaaotod as uouoa
ablpdled Monday at tee borne olJame.
Wrwt W oU alonaa darter lU dallrary.
wbea ise loadloy of.
OorriyuB. with whoa be ha* lire
botitwUllaora a laailar laarwi
beyaa. Oo tee and of
a loay Ubc. Be waa Ti yean t
d tok pan tee warekouue. tee •
kr yoad te av aewBaalty wham
tea Uaie of hi* deote. Tbe fuaeral
khr bayMo.*'
•rat held at Bi. Praaek church ywter.
at kick M WM ufte. belay a pan of tec
Itooora piao^ef,yeod ateylt
day afteruooa at t o'eloek.
merckaadlae removed from tbe ware■ kllUteta to tea yillaty which aaa
loou after tee eollapae. Tbe aalt eked
Tbe fnuaral oi Aatotoe Sleder
. bawiotid lar teU laetora.
be held from tee feouee tomorree w}Qlb of tbe warebouee wu ties flUed.
afturaooa at : o’clock, ooaducud by ted pile* of potatow fluad all tee
•vallable apaee oo tee dock.
tec a d. K d . of wbicb order te
haU to tea Bateot eboreb tela
eweed wat a member.
lutide tee warebouee. all wu
■arotoy at IBJO. PoUowtop U tea orMr. dleder waa enyayed La tee tailor ruoeed from tee Immediate Ttelaliy
Aarof aarriaa;
tee bole la tee dock, wbara tbe watei
« baatoaa* ia teb city antll h
ataa prereatad b» further aitaaUoo W wu yuryllayamoBy ter fallen Umberu.
hU work. He waa a member of tee C. Moat of tee etou teat had fallen
tee water bad been removed,
d. P. d.. tee Maceabew aod tee Moder
Woodmen. He uamed iMuraece t potatoee o<
tee amouut of k OUO. Two aeoa. Praak
aodBotll •enlte hiB.
lYauportaUOD Co., aad
yetber with tee compaay'a damayed
» aereo owotet old aoa of Mr. aed
ock, JO tee Mlchiyaa Slarab Oo. tor
Mru. B. C. Oardoer of OarSald. dleo
I ceala a butaeL
Moaday of acute bruDchitk. Tbe body
The ilUaola took on a yood earyo.
lalbaB -tba Lord Shall Cooifart •TB tokeo to SL LmU. Mmh..
rulattny laiyely of polatoea. Brown
A Daaaorthlpped t or * urloadt
Hra Aletta Helett of tiruwn. wife
-"My Cboawy 'lla of Tbae.of Oaorye Buleu, died daturday at brr
at tbe aye of W yaaru. Beaidet
uabaad ahe laarea a dmuykiaV,
Mra. John TIadale ol Ibb elty.
kaUatl af 9t. Addraw at a;ta o'clock.
well kuowB here, heriay llted
la tec eouaty tor a
mnim ww kald.
Tbit aw
Otou W. I'Uny of Btaybam. who hu
The fuaeral waa held from tec ebareb
MB liilBOld by H. W.
Uaderten employed u deck head oa
alUrmwp Moaday at 10:3d a. m. Etc.
awodateProLB B. Byd«
earner llltooU. retnruad Saaday
J W. MUler of tela elty had eharye . f
Biyh Bwa waa aaUtoawd i
tela elty.
ffWaak tok. Fromdt aharak.
MnaJ D. ManaoD leflyutorday for
ie Udell t
Ana Arbor, wbere the will tpead
u U4r Le
Tbaekayiviny with bar aee Fred. wb.
la atlendlny eelleye. Dr Moaaoe ac
tec aye of te
Tae funeral oeourred at
rmpaalcl ber tofar u (hand Eapidi
tec rualdeeue daturday. Hn. Cooklla
> bnatoeaB.
widow, aad learee four child:
Mn. Lloyd 0. But flaeaed terouyh
Mra Praoclidaumaki died Tut
tee elty to tpead te* week with Mr.
nlybl at ber home to Norrtarille, at tee and Mn Erma But of Ktol.
Pfclllp Bow left luteraalay tor FkrDarU B. Barw of Orate Bapida aad ayeofMyeara Tbe fuaeral will
N D . to taka bla place Io teeStaie
a O. TaiMr of tkit elty ratareed Bai- bald from dt. Praacla ehoruh today
Ooll(«e u bead of tee depvtmes
■rday afWrooco
whwa teay waot to totwrla* PoatfaMafc. tea ladlOB witeaw of tea trarrdy

bhay wfll^oad tea wtolar.

McMamara tioci,

It will pay yoo to rwit the MilliBcry
ImpaMmcPi of the Temple of ruble*
before yoo buy M» frool Street

Tranrsa Cltf, lick.

Orders for Job Printing left at the


Cold Weather Footwear!

will receive orempt attpetien

Mee t Beaver Bala, ootid soles.................................$8 00
-Uea'o Felt Boots aad bigb-cat Rabbert.,,,

1 86

Men-e Fell Boots end higb cat RubberB


Wobcd'i warm Beever tilippert


60c, 76c,

Meo-e Knit Bootoead bigb Duck Rubbers.



Womeo'alVergailert.................... $0c,36cand


Brel LambenneD's Sox...........................



LafZKinS* in Jerwro....................76o. 1 00 and

..... «


Wom.'a-t Felt BoU.......................76c. 1 00 and

1 26

We will ull by oingl- tolom.v-at <>SE FOrSTH TO of orunnal ."pel
S-nitb Baroeu aikl vife were over 20
yaara in coll--, ting ib-vw |i») volom.* from all ports of the world
aod their eat.- premanlv an


Frank Friedrich’s,

For year* Mnnaffvr aod Sto. kbold.-r in tbe Hanub 4 Lay Meresntilr ( <i., bu be* n pl«r«l lo out baodn by thp heits.

Womea's Fancy JalieU, all new oeso

lie Front Strset.



Worabnrg Block.


Exceptional Opportunity for
Township and City Libraries
to obtain some cbMca book*


Sale begins Saturday, Dec. 2.

Real Estate, Loans, Insurance and


Muonic Block,

TraverM City, Hlah.





radth* CiBhaU FtaM Ob Mid
IBB OBBto hf 0. It «M
fmn, mmt hM
tfmlt Madia* Ca|«l«T
OtdIUM M yoUM MOl f«n»i>
Ml oa TMaday for Aimdla.
vhar* to will hmomt M
Bla alMa hw» «U1 to totoa
hr Bto. U HlUv. irto MM
iraofte or hk eh*j«b Bwd>r a
ngaWaarMw. A ahoaf* to*
IU tk« dtatrtel to vbieh Hr. HllrUl OBly nprV

araa OUy. yra»ehfc Mo T«ty
.icSuidar. TVkwaito appr
iMto to to* loaol eborto aMBtor*. m
la tto pwl Mrrk>« vart bald oal;
•<«7 tolrd or feartb work. Hr. Bckalcr
aawSald of labor Itoti
<rUb bla tto b«l wlaboa ol tto wtdr
drala of Mood* whoB to tad U* fanUr bar* Btd* dortac Ibolr ratidoaco
». raUtanoa of WbooooIo.
to tto oBBltMa aad tom work la tto oHat. bol *rto oWlfod
All U raadr tor tb* foot ball eeeteri
atwaee Traroraa Cllr aod Paloake/
tfr.doBOtthM aoB* to tto eltr to lodar. Tto Hirb tebooJ laaa
latt bard praetiea laat eranlaf.
>r aad
aad bhit tostlr !• ^ *tto
. aoBaaotod arlth
aod abowod ap la bettor tbape thas
Ba toa.l
r r*an aad It foBmar
belora. Haaaball *tar«l and
«ubo«*totoloUo( tto taproM "


Bart to aa Atr Oaa.
daad Pard. tto lO-paar oU aoe of
anryi Ford. bM «ilb oa aeddaat
t»—that *111 aato hlB ralbar abp
ad alTfaat (or toaa Ubo. Ha wa*
•Mat a aa. air f«. aad bBl Jail
Bad* aa hk Blad that to woald atooi
ftaaL B* rraaootTtrr aapart la
^aifim - of tto r«B. aad wl
d dttpir
It ot. It
fc to* bork tbBBb. laataad of dolor
«ar laJwT to to* oav Tba bor -a*
Maa to Dr. Hlaerk ofiaa aad Ibt laad
Mt HBorad (fob tto Ibasb atiar
food dtto of trtBbla. CUoda tbiato
•hat to BlU to a irrtat doal
«al la tto fatara.____________
SICb Btoool Laotar* Ooara*. _
Ika aaat aaabar la tto Blfb tobool
iMmaadHaale i

plarricbt balf baclc aa aaaal te
■areard baa baas pot Id aa ibo othrr
half aad baa abown aplaaeld lorm.
k. parbbpa. a faaior raeaer than daeaball aod will do axoolloat work in
rasa lodar
The Patoabar tnaa wUi arrlre
iranooB. aod all will be raadr (or tot
ra<o* at l:» Adslaaloo to tto rronod*.
ts eaota.
PolIowLac I* tke Itae npof toe b
C Laorworthr. left eod: S UcKcn
xle. left tackle: C. LaLrbloa.Irft i
Hcletoah, eeolei; W. VoraJaooe.
rlcbiraard; B Dcaerra. ri(bl laekir
Barir. rlfkt aad: B. Borer, qaari.
back; B. Haraard. left bnltbaek:
Sauhall. rirbtballha<k:A. Norotaj

uale laaiBlrbL Tbej *
br qalte a dalacatleo ol local eatbai
ha a rara traat to tto aadtaaea. aad iaala. aad era goiaf with a rarr atroaf
arlU bapM aU qaattlo pack
Barrr Panlae li
hoBB Bob. a. A. Oaarbart baa daiaaba.
k* tto pMl fov rtara. lab* a potl
Pollowlar k ibe llae o
tlOB k tto rar? froot nab of platforB
Ike Darla, leftaeo; W. b. Hooa. left
arakBB aad a loetara that k
tackle: Tonr Brko*. left faard.
•BtwIaltoBt. abawfalac aad apUfOot Horran, eaotor: B W, 0**1*. rlfbi
raard: W. E. Beaaelt, rifbt tackle;
John Blacken, rirbi aad: dack Vtrtj.
tahklaetara. -tto Ooeilac
qeartarbaek: T. P WilbalB. left ball■aaaklal ad Ihk laetara. tb* praaldaot back: Oaa Peorr. rirhl halfback: <ioo
ad OBt of tto oUaat laetara aaaecia W. Bair, fallback.
HoMla tto Dallad Buto* baa tola
Oaaib Roll
bar aador data of Jaa. to, IIM.
Hra. Harr Abb backer died rerr
nOB WIlalvtOB Oblo. Laelart Aa-

■ Hrttei tba.
f Mr toahaaBafUB. flM. «hM

___________ ,

TI---------T--------------------• *a
■Bf lodltofilaaBdBaBkdBd obI
ABwadanMithtaMd tha a
B I* wMh th* MMbMltow
i. W. Btotar waat to Oep*
laal Blcbt to toast hta BlosB. Waa!
OsacB* Epwar. ftoatolr o< tha Fb
Vaa Bpo of Bt. iBBl*. Meaao
Plato torte atoo. left r*a«cdaT I
rWt wltb bto aaelat MtoOr M* aad
trMChtoBtto oflfw ■< <to wraobed
J. D. Slator at Elk FiMM
Hr. aad Ufa P. B. Trarts of Orahd
Jaa. raral^ cato* lato the Mtr
Bac* of
ilchl to apaod ThAAhacIrlac.
t aad formltan ■
Btot HlUto hto rataraad trem .
aearrlad le plBoa
haallac trip te HapU Cite. TVao
■o took loBC etoaeea
rabWto. Mx partttdc** aad a (a aqolrral proaid* sbBBdaallr tto khThr
la tto wrack.
Hr. BM Hr*, a W.
I loft Ito ClMac4l»to.
Tto ptaao* war* raaehod aafelr aad
Itbica reotardar to ap
flaallr taaorad to
C V. Heody of SbbbU OHy. k at tb*
lac Mtb ralatlraa.
Hr. Btroac appaar
ity raaiarday.
Jade* J <9 Bamrtell ato wU* wUl
mod aacBrad drar* to taka tto laatraOty Qtok Elekard loft bat alcbt (or
to Haalawe todar (<w thstr Thaaki.
> to bU atora on Froot
ICBS. wbar* to will apead Saaday.
W 8lbltf did Ilbowtto with a let of
Hr*. Wadnee* lataraed te bv be
Hra. T. H. Sproai of Utaad Rapidt.
foraitoia (or Us etora. FcrtBaatolr
.t Habd bet eeaaiac *ftto a rblt with
la rWtlBc bar daoebtar. Hr*. C. H.
tbe plaaoe war.
tto fSBOy ofFredFalbr.
all aad oalr oat of toaa bad raaeb- Bara* of Seatb Lalae atraetHr*.
Tb* Ceatory Oook Book
rd tbe watar. Tbe erfao BeoUooad
The New Harald Oaaury Oo^
oo the bottom eouled la etoaral Bellalr* jeatenlaj to apoed TbaokacoetnlBe tto bait Ibmo wa* In the Her
of water bsl k damacod oUr rirtac with bar daBcbUra. She will
aid Oaok Book* No. I and No 3. ar
tatBra Hoodar.
alICbUrmany new aad ealaabl* rodpen. and
Hra. Sebooleraft weal lo Ballalre a book of ISO pace*, ksndaomely pHni
Tbe potatooe feratod tbe creater
ad aad well booed.
Hr*. H K C
part of tto stock to eetOe lato the raeterdar to ioaod Tbaokacirlac
Hla* Habel Bord '*ot to Ceotral Batto ba* bem preforlnc Ibl* I
Bstor. tbe other Ber^adke belac oo
Lake yeetordar. where tto will epaad booh lor •eeer«1 moolha. aad
ra* reeorerad with aoB* dlfficaltroMlto Will be flabhed from the preea
''’baakaclribr with her mother.
tbU week. Erery new aod dd iolr
was estimatod last aicbl that
HletUllle Falchom wUI epead tbe acrlbor of tba Herald will to eoUtled to
aboet S ooa aaeka of polaloea
• to>py ol tbk bnndeome book ae a preay at Bellalra.
oiarred. aboat SCO of wbieh
Oeorr* Blakeley who ba* baeo rleit. bIb<d (ran. bpoo eondlUoa that the
Ur Blacbmaa. Alscat tbe <
eabscrtptkB k paid is foil loJaoBary
ioc <9eorre Jesieoa for ios* time, 1. IMI. TV* east ol preparloc aod psbUeofferedbr tbe oomtmar
ratoroed to hk home te Torch Lake liablBC tbii per ml bo; ba* beoa baary.
MaDaev B W SerBOor. wbo I* la tb*
> which it
and tto eolyr OODdltl'
eltr. was sBBfBooed aad horned to tbe
ocriber* U
Edward Allard will apaad Tbaaka- eae be fnroi '
wreck. Natorallr the
ttol tbe nt
ClrlBC wltb bk eareat* at Cbarlereli
a pltotoBt eae bot to t
lioa rerr coolr aad ma
tpeod TbaakicirlBC.
Bory 1. luoo. aod pay a
aod Hr* A
W Yoodc aad
aod oae dollar for ib<
daochtar Era will .pend Miaokacfrlnc be entl’.bd to a mbate rqua
half a bBBdred. worked bard aad loan
la Aldea. where their daocbler*
exoired partioe of lilra ■
elaarlac awar tba trslc^t natll ererr
wboB tbe paymeat li oude The C
Hk* LIlUao Well* wbo ha* be*
tbinc except that ia
tb* bic hole
Book pramlBB will be sent tree
tradler tbe Academy ol tbe Holy Aaamll or coo be eecorad by . .llioc at
war la » safe place.
C*li. left yeeterdsy for her borne le tbe Hkb*i.D o8l<x.
Tbit » ..................
be So««t
Tb* rcBoral of tbe plaaoe aod beory
Orlati, where abe will ipeBd Tbabka- and moat uaefol premlnm erer offered
boxaaaad borrel* from the r**alec
b* a Hlcblcao oewspopar. Remember
Clrlac with bar parcBla
carlir wa* bard work bol with the
tbatOae Dollar will pay for tbe Bkb
Ur. aad Hra. T d fieoderaoh will
a copy
block and tackle eaoelleet rtoolu
ipead Thaakwirtoc with Dr H. B. ol tbk raloable praaiom tree of eoaiHorae aod family at Elk Bapldt
Hr Seraeor elated that tba dock
JcroB*W|)belm hu ratoraad from
aad waraboBte woeld be rabsll
Trarcia* City. Hlefa
Petoekey to epead TbaakacMac
roca. a*a*tiBBted that the la
Hra. Percy Bold.wortb weet to
At SlaioMrc * Urand
tbaae weald b* aboat and o
PeUBkey laat alcht to tpesd lb* day
Tb* Enlamaxoo Daily Uautte ol Uct.
tuck abOBt a* Back Bora. It h.
ts. hae the followlDc.
with Hka BdilbUIbba
bowerer. that a larc* <|BSBtltr c
-Tb* crowd* that hare rlallod tb#
Hra. C A Boebee ha* poae to Cat*
Oraod Opera boose Ibk weak wrrr
DotatoM eon be cared. It I* not I
eoBBiy to aiiead tbe coidea weddlax
dlUoa for aarkot Ibar maj ba aaed by aODi»et**ry of her pareaia. Hr aod) aometbloc otoDomeonl Tto iplendld
> bill added to tb* cnaac* of play oicbl
tb* ttanb taetorr. Sobs of them, Hr*. Nelaoa Klubeo.
. ly aecoBot for tbe rotb and tbe readu
bowrrar. wUl be a total loaa- Jest
r, make tbe mnoxcr'^el bear! cl**f The
parfortanaDaa bare C'reb erery rrlbow maar It U iBpotolb
:' denoe of lullr eatklyinc the demaed
Hox and H-* I)
, lor best yfeoe amaermeol. There k
saitrday lor 8prlnc&«ld.
The wareboBse wat oiled foil of they will
II epend tbe a
alaier Oa tbelr °»e fast worthy of mmtloo.
frelCbu some of It awaltlsc remora) way tbry will ipend a tbort uae rUll- **
to tbe rarloB* bBilaao* boaan bat tbt ioc In the toaloem part el tbe atate.

ootaUMS were awaitioc tbe sitomu

u! Stylish Suits and Overcoats

Ere the moBt ehheatial ganBOiU ia
•-Cold dajs are'
htre and these gamento ahoold
-alwaja be oa hand


Our Stock
consistB of hondreds of the very
best styles, sizes and materials have
neper before been so low in price.

We Ask
Your Comparison
of onr offerings with ihe positipe
guarantee that better value* is not
pos-sible. better variety not avail­
able-all new clothing sparkling with attraciivenes.s. No trouble in getting
the size you wear.




Anannl Heaunc.
Tbe aoosnl merlinc of tto Leelanao
Coanty Acricaltaial Society, will be
beld at Haple City on Thuradsy Dec.
14 at > o'clock p B.
Dated Haple CUy Nor P-. )«■<>.
N. W. Uxani-M.i-.s.
A. 8- Fkni.




ilMi^ 3


Hra. Aletu Halett ol Obwb. wife
of Ooorre Halett. died 8atardar at her
at tbe ace of M rear*. BBide*
oaband ahe leare* a daachler.
Uia. Joho Tisdale of thl* olir.

datHaal ad Sv Addrowat »:M o-eloek.
well koown bore, barlac lire*)
aad at io:M> ttotaaaralTiBBkattriat
to oooatr for a locc
■ aateka waa bald.
TUa m>
Tto fBBeral arae told from tbe eharcb
Ma aitiaaid br H. W. Coder.
at UrawB Hoodaj at lo:So a. m.
aBodatoPt«{.B B. Brder.
J. W. HUIer of tblicltr bad etaarce . f
Blfh BM wa* aaUbratto
;. Elrle ojeli CooklU died
TtoWntbtOaaabar heme la Lose .Labe lowaabip.
Baaalaa and broeebo-poeamoala,
•n prnBliid la tto Writbt eat* aed tto ace ol I*
Toe faneral eeeerred at
H npona ba tra*. wblto la aot laerobtoe roaldeaee datunUr. Hra. Cookito
toia.ttooppoMil<B toaaoBB.i
waa a widow, and learea tear ebUdraa.
•d to* aBiBM* of ObarlB T. Hritet.
Hra. Praadaslamaki died Toradar
tto BaaB* BBatr Birdartr, w
alrbt at bar Boae la NorrlirUle. at toe
DarU E. Sana of Oroad Baplda aad ac* of ee jeara. Tbe faoeral wl
C. O. Taiaar of tbk etir rotaraad 8*i. beld (n>m 8i Praocli ebarafa todar at
» o’clock
«dV anaraoeo froB Kartbport.
wtaBo ttor WBt to lalarrtow PoBte*Oocjc aad Warebooee Collapead
Mafc,ttoIadlaawliBaBef tb* tr*r«lr
Tae MortAara H.chtcae TraoaporiaiMtrhU Wrkfbt wat aaalaaeod to
lOD Oo taSered* bearj IcBlaalalcki
daabaeB to Ufa. At dnt PoBarcaiek
wboa toeeeotor poMlea of tbelr ware
atdaaadtetalk. toiafloraoB* p*
hooae aad dock cared la and toe wood
Mbb la wbkb It waa abowa that tba
work collapsed with a crash, •
teaaMrattac BtBbara of tto pardea
hoaed bad aot oob* wltb oer alaUtor
repair aad eoel cooalderable aoser.
dMoA to looatatd a* tad dar
While E B Pepe, toe aceat ol. tbe
thatoOTaataaoB of tto dooaU nor.
ooBpaBj. end e force of mea we<
4boI wblihtowaaaappoaad. to bar*
work baodllBC frelcbt aod loadiac the
. hMa to* tola wltaoa*. Tto lafaroBerCammiaf* wltb a caret
Haa BMtod trea tto ladka b laporElk Rapid*. aboBl vis. toe tlBton
kMatowlllbarat Balorlal Worlaf
,were keard to crack witn a thraeteshpao tto BO* bate, tto pardoa boart.^
OBod- Tb* meB
- Tba laaUMr m PotaarBlak.
baildibc la aa leataat aad la a
•rar. k aot tto Boat Isportoal t«
Boaaol* toer* was a baarj craab
hr tto larBUfaUar m*Bb*r* of tb*
toe floor of tor waraboaee aad eorarlac
of the doei. look a drop aedm a t
Baadoe* waiebt of petatoe* aad a
cbaadlae of •ersral kUd* lalo aboat
(sal of water below.


eraporptod *n>lM
*PPle pariac*
to Cbleaco aod aotne othrr frelcbt
■DclBded. .fo frelcbt wa* brooch
to the eltr bj tto b-mt

TbSBklClflU •I'i bar *oa Fred,
k atlcodlBC eoUer*
Dr Hoaeoi
■dbaraetara* Otaod Espida
L Lloyd l>. Bait paaae I Uroofh
the city to epaad tbe week
and Hr* Brae Bast of Neal
PbUip Eoae left laatereoloc for Far­
ce. K D . to taka bk plaoe la UeStai*
Ooll^ a* bead of tto -«epi
deparuneat* of
lemallm aed eDcloearlacL OoBller ol GeoUal Lab*
tbr city rcsWTdar
Wilbur F. 6111 came down tn
SI* Soeday
teboaoer Barrsy EsBeoac.
E E. DMley aad wit* of Eapire.
era la tb* dly raatarday and ca**W
at Park Flam

aod Hra Baces* 8. Walt
ID are coeat* of A. W. Wait on
tbelr way to aollaod. wbaca tbay wUJ
Tkit ootU after tb* boitdaya.
Praok Irocxlrieb wrmi to HaaealcBa
W. W. Browar. oo* of tba aarohaaB
of Fife Laka wa* la tba eUy ytottoday
oo boibeto.
E E BIbbtodba* rataraad boto,aa
exUBdad trip tbroacb
where he'bae baca baylac petaloaa.
E A. Vole*ofEapiralab lb*
U 0 Klefcaeaoa aad wit* are b tb*
ly from Haaaab.
Harm Brewa of LaUad k at tha

The wracked oortioB of toe bolHier
Dd dock coran e epace of aboat euxw
(aot The warebooee wa* p^ki-d to tbe
door* with pototoa* aad aercbai
Tto potato** acrracBied aboBt
baabal* ts *acka. l.MO bo*bel* barinc
' Tba agdarlt* of ttoaa wIwb baa*
potlabr Baerr Blaekama (or
htm pmrod.
WbU* Hm. Bart* aUpMDt. Tto reaalBdar wa* owned Wbltlac•toTbrbtrirJllaot dhBiitto doBUa br tto TrsBeportailo* coaoaor.
Barasttef Uhadna k U Ika
«d to* aBdarli* aaearad fioB tto aow
city. «toppl*C M M OslaBbla.
brtlMMBUBkaowBltotltolatatbaW. W. Browar *< Flla Uha H Ib tto
fotband k of a aaMat'oaa) Mlar* ateofpotatoto. alarreqaasUty ofoato dty.
aad eora la bac*. a lot of famitarr.' ___________
Hr. aad Un. H. _
A. Rawtea
horrateof wUsk^. pork aod bladrm: I bat alrbt troB aa rxtMto rbU at
wa(aa,UchtpiuesbabBfflagloB. E. OasttoOUc, Ohto.


nod that

luoal abirc* B ill axk you th- ram>wfond

ofit-r ill*


llist we


VVx did

A W U D II R A W. aceBt* will

« roond t
A»k act
Gxo [1X8.IBS. o n I

ke< |> nwakr niclile to darii!-- * hirli
kiud’bf rulilier*. will wf-Ar ibe loDR-




►^IT I^ESIT’T F.A."S"-Mx
Buy year Winter Footwear wbar* you >
can gat the baat amaortment of

Our limited apao* allows na to mantloa
only a faw of tha many bargains w*
bava, but we invlCa you to call and
look ovar our lln* and ba oonTineed that


Man*. I^thar Top Bubbara......«8 86. (8.60 and (8.76
Men** Felt BooU and Bubbar*............... (8.00 and (8.60
Man'* knit wool Boetc with roUad adga
Rubbar*................................................................ $M0
For very cold waathar a pair of tboaa (haapakia
Boou la tha propar thing.................................. (1;60.
An elagant asaortment of Lnmbarman'a
Ovaraox at............... 60c, 76c. (1.00. (1B6 and (IBO
Haavy Oanvaa Leggtna................................................. ?6e

eai; experk-nc- makeo perfe<-t '<‘h«
Getyoareye* toiled and cla**e* flv
BoelOD nad MiabnwakH Ball Bsd<!
j ted by n pmaon in Wreeb with Ibe laWM
S-1X nni Kubbers arc ibi- kind we Idetbod*. I hare .todted Badrr Mmr
‘ Uv beet oeclku lo Chtcaco- Detroit
sell. PrioB the loweoL Uuy tbeui
d 8t Look
WiU my experleocr I
aod gr-t your moiiry'n wortli
rl eooSdeiit la imre for the mo.1 diS
llcaae* liflicell* Cto* itraet from

186 Front StTMt

Olaa W. t-Oay of Biafkaa. who ba*
twee esployed a* dseb band oa >
lIllDola. ratamod Soeday
hk city.
Hr*. J D. M
leflytolardar for
Aoe Arbor, where abe will apaad









But Wait a Bit:

all Uulila-rs


Ill «

Seeing Rubbers Alike

lac bwlaaat la ibte citr aatli bi* ill tb* hole In tbe dock, wber* tba wbut
a*B praraaled hli fortbar attentloo to wa*C«rcllncaaMQC tbefalleo timber*.
kl* work. He wa* a member of Ue
Hoat of tha etock that bad tUlon
the wBlar bad bean remored.
8. P. 8.. Ibe HaoeabeB and tto Had.
BaapaMla. taadlac-Ud br Ear.
potatoto owned bj Hr. Blackaias that
He oamad iBearaaoe
moBnl ol $s.0W. Two aon*. Prank •era *abBerced were hooclil ^7 tbe
BMad B. tb*;
rraatponatloo Co., aed war
aad Emil aariire aim.
relbar with tbe compaar'e dasaced
The aereo moatba eld tea of Hr. mod
:k. to tbe HieblCSB 8tareb Oo. for
Hr*, a. C Oardaer ol OarAald. dlea
n oaala a baabeL
Hoodar of aCBle broeeUii*. Tbe bodr
Tbe llUaol* took oo a r»d
AattoB “Tto Uid Bball OoBfort
takea to 81. Laala. Hmb.. for
loaiiUsc larrely of poUtoo*.
A DaBBtoSblppad < or S carle


ills ^ E2E3 E2E2 E2 E3 E3 H3^3E 3E 3E3K

aaddealr Moodar at bar boae
Empire. TbeBaeeof death le
poaed to bare boea bean trooble
TtreareolJ at the tiiae o
dBlb, aod wa* ao old pioneer ol
icoanlr. Sbt learee three eoaa
’Tba work of clearioc awar tbe wre;k
aad two daorfatera. be> haabaae
“ >B K*l*»a*-K>. aotl -OBld draw biy
and remorfac tb* pouuea aad otbei
e po
Rapid City Iset alcht. wbere abe will; bBoineto were It booked '
■eeo dead orer a r«ar. Tbi
bandito to place* of aafetr. wai ipeod the day with her a--’-—

i week* to too..
__________ _
aral oUl be bald-at lae raatdeai
eomplttod abeot e o'clock Tuetdaj
HkeOraoe Clrrelnod It epondlDC tbe appear* at Sieinberc't Grand Oper)
Tbe bodr wa* Intarred 1
Boiue Dec « u ;r.
alcht. a* the lllleni* made tbe port dty at Elk f
Haple Ollr caaeCerr.
All day Tsaadar tbe wrtAk wat a enu
attracUoo tod throne* rliited it.
John B Haller ol Elmwood lownTba dock preeeatod ae Boaseal apablpdled Hoodar at tbe borne of Jama.
oearaaoe when tae loadiac of
Oorrtcae. with wboa be bai brad fvi
rteamer becaa. Oo tb* end of)
t tliaa Be wa* TS r«ara old
dm* patl the wareboate. tbe
iBta of hli death. The faoBral
ea* fllled with bact aod barra'u
“^plS^u“k *Dd wiBdfalU; lOe ^
leld atdi. Praaok cboT.:b reatarto bleb a* wa* lafe. belac *
. nataara pkaHrof,food alatla ad- dar atierBoea at t o'clock.
mtocbaedbr remored from tbe ItaratoHMaaatok la tto fillMT which ma
'looae aftor the eeilapae. Tbe *aU'
Tb* faaaral of Aatoloe bleder <
^aaavad farthklaetara.
b* bald from tbe kO'
tootb of the warehoo** wa* also tfUed.
aflomooB at : o'clock, eoodacted br •od ollaa of pMtoe* fllled all tb<
To drt-i<l« lb<-kind uf Ku>>lw>m to
trallable apace Jo tbe dock.
tbe C 8. P 8 . ol wblcb order toe d<
buj BO Ibt-y wiU wrarKod ^t-t your
eeaaod wu a meBber. .
letlde tto waraboot*. all ■ra* re.
••WEST MiCHir AN R’Y.”
iii-mry x worth
Rrmembor lhal
Hr. Sleder wa* eanBad le tbe UUoi
roorad from the Immediate rielnltr ol
laaeUra askUBo* for Bora U
It a
eaalsrj, aad altooatb to
ttottlBairahi ■a bad btfora a
r or*ton of tto ooulrrMMB aa Batabar. IhlaBta. Ooeirall.
Wndltat. Halatria. DaMotta—rat of
all ttoaa wa toaa IMaoad to 1
,T*-----------r-*'*-- *---------- Bra boat loeWaa **1ht OealBf Maa.' br Boa.
e. A. Saarbart Haar of ov pairoo*
4aalata it lob* tto baat laetara ttoj
hMa arw toard. It k aot oalr
bartM to all oUbb daiiac lit dallrarr.
batllwUlUara a laattaf la or



Prices of Suits and Overcoats^r men. I.X.OO to



The Prnctioal Shoe Xan

befor* yoD bay

f3» Froot Sleeel-

McNamara Blool.

, TramseCItr.Micl.

Ordure for Job Printing left ut the


Cold Weather Footwear!
Meo'a Bearer Bala, solid aole*................................. (8 00
Meo'e Felt Boots Aod bigb-col Rubber* ...


Women * Felt Bala ....................76c. 1 00 and


Hen'a Felt Bools aod bixb cui Robber* .


QDc, 76c,


Men's Knil Boots nod high Duck Rubbers..

Women a warm Bearer Slipper*


Women■* OvergBiter*.................

pOc, S6c and

Beet LambermeD's Sox....................



1 26

H.\ I.F of oriirin*l r
I* were over 80
year, in cull--< lio^ tbme im rolam I from nil parlB of tbe world
aad Ibeirsale preoeule ao


Frank Friedrich’s,



Women * Fancy JnlieU, all new one*

116 rront StTMt.


'or year* MnnAger and Sv>ekbolder in tbe HanaAb i Lb> HeriDtile I 'o . bas bo-D plxce<l in onr baods by tbe beir*.


60c and

Leungs in Jersey* ................. 76c, 1 00 and

wHi receive prompt attpfttten


Wnnbnrg Block.

Exceptional Opportunity for
Township and City Libraries
to obtain aome choica books

-w. B’. b:^b3b:-a..
Sale begins Saturday, Dec. 2.

Real Estate, Loans, Insurance and
Muonic Block.

TroTma Otty. mob.





M liH.
Oamao. Il» I e( tto nm

ytba^aateBaBbteOdM. J
banb poaad a yrte taaaaa.
The hall Bia atowAnd to la
taoM aapanlty aed aU tteraatf
iajai tba loitltra prat"—- MC* Uhata Saikatka anaaiy. wltboat
____bwt wttb a ballot Barb that wi
Oat at tba naaolncb ptenam waa tba { raBlad
■ tlna of bto alon

dWekar^wfflcHva «at*l W«
«. at tin 1
tkM wllfe » Ttow to fartbw «stnrfl*C
tboUaootUnBorthoni Tal«t*<n«09FoMrBoUoHi msk BeUtdv «<
Klaolaj. b««« jBM DOnpUtod a
dvalUat boanoa* nUa «aat at
9amaat a\f

Thaj wiU non

Tba mtal party of tb* Wiaoaa
lav dab >• ib< aty Opan Boom
etfbt »a« tba Wt of tba aeaaee tbaa
far aad havaJy aa)oTod by aboat '




-Tht HaaUer - ta iba oane of a t
vaaUy papar to ba papliabad at Eiafalay by Dr. M. b Bnoaaoo aad W.
Jannaa. Taa brat aaabec »U1 be
aad today^___________________
Tba Maatatoe dabaton troa
rraokliaOliib of Uaalataa -ho
I naot iba lyeaoB In dahata Da&
aTaderC daaiaa. Bay U Hmltb and
Ualla 8«BrUi-aUa.
andtosaoftba maebinary la already

nraA Daaaw bare ftatobad tba
altbaaawoalatba appla
r. aad ba«a left te tbair
■ B Allavaa. Tbay bare baaa
Jy btadteppad la tbair w«k y

name of an aoBatbyat rarary. tba j «u
n»u. Ba waa leaatac orar
n drink at a lltUa laka whan a baUat
The pmeaada whlah ww SM. wUl ca ia^ by aoma cakaowa bantar atraefc
tewarda tba btaadt at ac F»tete 1 ua rarvidya bait. eatUac It la two
aad taklac o« an eartrldcaa It lera
path tbroact bia elolbaa aad left a
Taa OoBtac Xtobaia.
■ark oa Bto akin, bat left bim witboat
Tba SaakwIyMaB htod a B
wioaa bare Ha waa not friebuard
Tanday erraiac aflor aehoel aed aoo-1'
I oat by bto aapnrtaaeo. aad rrmalaad a
fba party of butare from Laka alderad aona Important .
eaa.wb^^ra baaa bantlnr dear la tba card to tba dabaU to tala plana tai-"weak I racer la tba wooda. Ml mat
Tielalty of Pile Uke bare all ratoraad.
1 the local lycram aad tba Fraak-;'
WlUlaai aad Frank Bataa weal to their
> tbto Sty o
ttx mchtfol Ftilant
hoan Friday, and & B
Six larribla toUam of aix differant
panad Ibroacb tba elty Hoaday alter
doclnaa aaarly aeat Wm 8 Hailaa of
BOOD on bU way borne. Tnay aerar.d
1 aoma rary dacidad oplahraa ri~ Lock land, 0 . to aa early rnre. AI!
two flaa dear.
loac other iblac* the admlaate wilt aald ba bad a fatal laac troobU and
that ba BB.I Mon dia
Bnl ba wa.
C. B Msrray and Tbaroa Horyaa baltoaau to all parta of the City Bread to try Dr Kioy'. New Diaeorai-T
are borne from their dear bonUaC «»lor CkraaDmptioo.
Altar lakinc fl'r
eot ba need ante, warraatad by Iba boitlca ba wan aoilrrly cored
It 1.
padltlOB to Baraya oouaiy.
noalllTalT raBraotaad to core ail du
rrpori tba dear plaoilfnl hot hard to
eaaaa of Throat. Cheat and Lonev lo
yrl. OB aeeoootof tba enllra lack of
clBdlBC Coarb*. Cod.. U liklppe.
aaow. Huniaraarn eo thick that at
PaaBmonla. Broocmti.. Aaihmv R.y
arry for
1. daaeratkra. ate
i Kerer. Croop. Wboop.o<
aomr ao'oU it la dancerooi to 1
ibr wood, at all

Palnfti Bicycle
ecoldaat. ---------, w^iia'andV^ J^bteC.
cycle Accuant.
While ridlBC aloac Front atraat ia
Stain barf'a
Hlu Oonia Brodhacra left for Kal
’ wbo mldea
Wbealoek. i
Empire, bad tba mialortsaa to In- kaaka wbara .be will apand Tbankajora himnlf aery palafoUy Snaday yitlof with bar aiatar Locy.
tnraoon. Be meat baaa baa ridler
Kadt True Acale
ayood rata of apaad
Bia wbaa.
•One of Df K,of'. New Ufa Pill.,
• iraek tba crcaawalk near the <
each aUrbI for two week. ba. pot mr |
when ba yol a I
ID my 'taes.' acaio." writaa U U .
waa col la thra«
hinieref Damparytown, Pa. Tbay>c
caabea bainy nr
tba beat in the world for Lirar. Sloio
acta and Bowaia
Purely reratabk
ScTar crlpa. truly rtc at S E Wall',
and J ti. JoboaoD a drnc atsra*

In ibe balldlsr
Tba aaflBa
sUar ware art Toaaday-

Bm a DaLtM-y« a«t nm.

OMr b'wa oun-asiit B^TMa u
aTV maanak-n etabaaaalUa
>aaa a Oe —Petaau
o. J«aoa-Bo~ ai

Tba poat offiea waa aloaad Balarday
em t till 4 o'clock, derinc the bouri
facIHlata the nrrloa In tba local aa
of tba fsBCcaJ of tba lata Vioa Pr«l
abaacr Tba oew board, wifi ba planed
t Bobart. by order of tba poet
peslUon in a few daya and the raonatar faaeral at Waablnrion
tnli will ba a moab batter aarriee iban
Boydilan, a Ityaar-old boy from
. bean nran by^hr^pany
Olrs drbor, caota to the ally Tbsradar
llraT”wtalolhac ly Taoiday
with a badly am band. The -oeod.
war to Cbieaci- wbara be will
-blab waa accldaoully iod clad witb .pmd Tbankaclrior -Hb bia danrbaa aaa. -aa drtanad by Dr. Moon
i™ u..,.>b. WI..
Tba bay froet at tba BllllDr* eottavc.
for too feet, baa been improrad by a where be will bacin to conduct a aart.
artnara' latlllatea. tbrooch tl
breakwater, wblebvlraaan additional
16 feat to Iba ihora. Aaklnc Bboot <o aanlb of DKcmber. eadlBC at Sau
feat from ihaoottaca to the water lisa.

by tboaa who raw tba aoei
dent, tbat tba wheel weal np at leant i
* feat. altboBch nooSeial maaanraBaa


W.lllam Brltnnr la orarhaallne bia
Whilr at work at tba yriat mill Fri­
Three Happy WadOutcaday afterday. Will Nmtib mat with an
iw mill and maklnc aaaeral importaat
Yeatetday waa a day of weddiny.
aoeldast tbat will lama bto arm for a improaemaol.
Tba beany tlmbara la
wbtia Ua waa BP oo a laddar ai both the lower aod oaper alorlea are and aaarral eonplaa wen Joined and
« baaa baaa Ueaaaad to nar- work, wben tba laddar allppad and balBC ramoaed aad new onaa put In. bacan married Ufa
Baccard and
Ulaa Anna
The mill will be* entirely rafitlrd for
ba tall, apnlnlnr bta arm.
married at tba partonacr PiMuCudil,
lire Mary JobaaoB, formerly |lary tba baalnte of Iba wtotar. It will be
Second M. E. cbarcb. tba careBedleB. wUI make oar bona is ibr abcot all week, before the rapatra will
moay balac performed by Ear. Ken­
t eomplei^l_________________
fletoUy of Petoakey, aa aba and bar
nedy- Both are wall known aad hare
bnabaod bara pnreBaaad a farai lhara.
Werkmeo are rccacrd >0 rapalrinc boau of friend, who wUl axtaud the
i. K. Hartlnak to latwonac hto >a*
Uefeantlla Co. baa baao atalpplay aad rearranfitic tba <J A. .i I. railroad
.iDcarmt eoncratnlationa. They will
faonaabold famltnra.
depot- The pc'illona of the two wait
,ba at borne at
Sooth Elmwood aaOurSaFlBES Department
8 Baada d Co. bara a fi'a of tba
rraalte 4rpoalU .1 lino >.c spa.rai auc
ladlM' room
will haraaflar
Oraad Trarana UaraJd diaplayad la
i.araoi, all Capoalw r*P«r.
OMar SoranaoD of Uarfli I
B th« aait aide aed the can
tbatrabow wladow. ebuwlnv Iba Sral
Bora LafoDlaea of tbi. city
n't on tba we.1. The InUrior of
iber af tba aaper printed In Koaam
ly >olood lo wedlock at tba oome oii^oira '.Tlw.oa llUrraJ ban.lur Ir.nrarlaC I
bar. latr and eomparad with the praa the bolldloj will bapalotad aod oiled Baa Fr Fauar. of Sv Pruela ebureb. I all
In tba .prine
and Pnada Bapaoana wbo bare
Bl appaaranoa of tba paaer.
Tbay bare many triooda in tba city | °
bainontdaar baetlnf. nurpad yea( of lo.paclor CbnfiAd of wbo will wiab ibam bapplneaa
Tba Mteblcan Uareanitle dyancy
Indpy wllh loar dear.
a olhia waa
Aogn.t Uaacnao aed Ulaa Julia
opened an
ofiaa Id tba Munaon
compiated Turaday.
Ha aaya that Kraft of Uaplaion ware Bolted by Fr
D. A. BarMtt baa ]nat epanad a dan- block Wedoeaday. which will ba In
thi. c-ily ba. more wirta than any ally H.orr at bii boiiir ycalerday morslog
lit nflaa M iU Fnat atraat, oaer A. A ebarve of A. <X Ayen. tormarlr of
Some of iha Tbair fotera proaprrily aod bappioea.
Cadillac, wbo will make bU koma lu of It. air* 10 the atata
iha raltraed eroaalnca ware will ba Iba wlab of
Ur. Ayar* todlatriet man.
properly loralad. but all of iba friaod)
Dr. Tipd TQI baa laMad tba bnildlnv
ipaniaa ware aoxIoB. to make Ibam
M OnlM atraat past to Wall'a drn<
Ellai A. dterraa baa beeo admitted rlyhl at enea.
to tba Soldian’ Home at Uraad Kepida
John Sarttioor of Iba Noytbarn MicbOaaan Barlow. Mr., waa atfiakea fle to a ratarao ef the eiall war. balnc
vUb paralytto Taaaday Barator Uka a aembar of Company C, rttb Ohio iCan Tran.portali'*a Co. wa. in the
ally yralarday eoMolUnc -lU Oanaral
ro nataara, Ba baa baaa irenblrd for
E W Seymour in regard
time wllh rbeomatiam and baarl
kl wUi ba rt*«i Batarday
ack «d
j Ihr rrpalra on the »
1 TtoBplara la Uoa
a 11 . belle.od that there
are amoojr ihe mo-'l essential
a Canto aaUcipatad.
bacinning .1- aonthrr trip for the Cbarlcaoix'.
things in a Mck r<Kim.
A parte rar baa baaa pat na tba C A
tbair aoBoal
Ill be bare lodar.
W. m. trala tbat teaea tbto dt^ at 6:>6
They arc oftener called for
Cbrtotmai baaqacl, wblcb la alway.
Md Iba CM tbat atrlaaa at lt:iO.
b'al.on Smith, who ha. aaraodi, a.
one of the bicgsal feaau of Iba year
and relieve mure imins lii.Yti al­
■MiyABdraaaf Baal Bay aad Ilia for tba Forraura aad tbair lamlllM lu
anv other aj'jiliance in th'i<a
■maa Belated of Ealkaaka ware tbto elty.
ir two yaara. reigned Houlay The
graalad a lltraii to aarry Sawrday.
dru^ line. Marllaek and aoo Jim returned racancy will br Sllcd by John Smith
Harriara llnoii araa yraotad Tae»- from ibair deer banliag' trip lo tba
have the "Oold Seal"
wbo wa. .Iiparioleedanl for aaaeral
- 4a/leWIlJtoaA. rawlaatef Elacalay appar pealn.Ble Satarday- Tbay did yearn Ur Smith left lor Toledo buvbia
ami ‘'AjaX-” They are leak­
ptelflBOrBaalUaBoadapf Haatoa.
not brlD^ back any dear thia year. futon plao. ha»a not bean made
proof and the prices are n^jiu. at
A aarrto«a llaaoaawaa toaned Tharabaa acToral location. In rlaw.
wonndad by them tbi.
•apteWa. Payaa aad Hra. Bertha
The MDlor cite an preparing an­
llattet, both ef Wbtlawaiar towa- year, bat aacaped
other aoelal for the bencSt of tbair
U C. Uorrla. aa axperiancad work- -Annual " A meeting waa bald ThornMaalart Uaaaaa waa rraatad yaaiBB. baa located In tba alora occupied . day afternoon after achool lo Ulk orar
Waite C.TIaaay of Uli city by P. W. Kano OB South l-oloo atroel.
Mi ifaM aUa H. Ptaaaar of Haaea- where ba wUl repair watehaa and tbr dettll.. although the aaaeral com.
mltieea baaa bean enpolnted Ly the
eloeka. Hadoaa. from Syoamore. Ill .
prealdantand alArted tba work. Tba
baa bad tone exparlaaoa, and
UlhaaMteea aaotbar pact of tba
-xaet data will baaonoueaed lawr, but
■ew nbarata at Aaaa. It to daerlbad aa la bare permaall;
alll probably ba Saturday. Deaam
haftafa 11 toot atwdy. wbtob la aa

Circuiltioii this week 2.450


kIM) Ofpfltli hui u tat III iiT} lit wi





We are offering some broken lots of

For children 6, 8. 10, 12 and 14 years old. They are
extra good qualities and at the discount price they are
very cheap. Some ladies' goods are inciudad in this
lot—It’s Underwear weather now.

Our tremendous Dress Goods business lias left us a larpe
quantity of Skirl, Waist and Single Length L’aUerns
They all go onto the center tabllie

a\ 2.5 "^ey C,6tv\.. TitscottnL
These are desirable i
the sea.OB.

The best sellers of

Sratii ■Barqavus 'tit (i&ipts anA iackats.


Hot Water

■Wa,±-b’s IDar-u-g S-box-e.

With Traverse City Pictures
makes a handsome present to
send away^ LitYlYe plates inodd shapes at sd6c; Pin Trays
26c; Bern Bon Boxes 60c;
Brush and Comb Trays 76e;
Cups and Saucers 60 and 76c;
Tea Pot Stands 26c: Olive
Dishes 26c; little odd shaped
Pitchers 25 and 36c.


B.MIbtn toaolape la tbalall i

thn ba otoo. of-SuInbarg*. U

iBerrat of Uaorga Calkin, lo lb.
Riyal Uraod barber .bop In CaalC
denr aion. Hr. CtoJkln. will nUn
from tba drm on aeclBBi of hi. health
Alter next Monday the pmee will
bo ran a. X anion .bop.

The (7 B. of the Cborcb of Cbriat
iDlMlplm) bald • plaa.anl axoarianca


aoelal Tnaaday rreelng at tba borne of
S. E Slroof oo Sooth I'oioa .iraav
of the axpartenooa wara norel.
otbrraaxaulog. and the rTrmiag waa
profltabir aod plaarant Light
rafrathmaou wara .arrad Thera <aaa
rr eompeay prataBl and the aTcoi
waa a fioaoclal loccraa.


A moTement U oo loaV with aery
good pruapecu of baing enrriad tbrongii
.uccaaafully. to baao » High Kbool
Sale day eaxl aprlng. Tbaatblellc aaaoclaUoB baa tba matter la band, aod
Tba anooal eblckan pie .upper of tba
there !• a decided proapact tbat tbr CongregatioBal cborcb la.1 araalng
pr. will ba earrlad out.
. great .ooeaaa lo aaary way
irocaed. ramliiad by the ladlaa
_____ elad to *50, which win bada.otad
Many baakalaj
1. Friday Digblasd all Sir Knighu 10 brn^olrot purpcaa.
d ladim are \akod lo be oa hand. from ebaritable people wara broogbt‘
Ter ladlaa an rrqueited lo bring bw- lo the church Id be dialribclad itala
ilag. aad many famlllca will be
kata of good thing, .uffiilani for two
.oppliod with TbaokHrinng dianara
>BV A good lime I. anticipated

----------------- -J

Ib.- laaof uunpiciuiu



Tlio people trnat



Tba Kolghu of l-rthte' era looking
Ulm FraocM CaOray mat wllh an
aaeldtol at tba High acbool laboratory forward with plaaaurabir antlcipaltoDa
tbalr-anoBal party to ba girrn lo
Uaaday that might baaa bean aarloa.
AtettBbaaf cbamlcnl. witb wblcb the Caallr ball of Traearaa City Lodge,
ptod l^'.*a^%rton.^nad bto^fi
.be waa workleg rxplodrd. aod nart of No 1: Friday olgbi. No lerltaUoD.
hare been lieard hot tba attaedanec
tba ennlacu wa. thrown in bar ay
ba ootfload lo mamban of tba
Aatbay OnUtok ha. gooa to Urud Npaarlout Ibjary raiu'tal. bowam
kidga and rttlllng mambar. of Ua order
■aom to nrrnaga for tb. laylBg .
wbo may ba In Iha elty
Tbi. will be
Iha ttote barge Siaary 0 Naff at
if Ihp flaa auclal aaaou of tba
ptotot ter Iba winter
net by Dr. Oaruer. While working In
AanBbaref young people of tbto Tacori. mill .bosl > o'clock ymtard.y
Tba ladira of tba' Eaitarn Star
MpwlUrotoUahomaotMlB U.cla afternaoB a flying board .Umrk bl.
ebaplar in.lltoiad a aaw plae of aocl.l
Ifara* tn^ Wbara they will aajry n right forearm caailng a bad fraeiera
anjaymeel Tbenday aflaraoon ae(
Thnnb iclriag pnny
wblcb waa proxrly trdu.-ad by the
Tba membara gaUrarod It
tbair lodge room, la the afternoon aad
. 1. r. Pnrkott bad bia wbeal .lelan'
MBNtly. abd a brokan down .flair
B. F.,Boufhay_ actarnad laat nlgbi apanta <e« bemra with tbair (anay
aoelal PoDTnraallna.
•BhMlUUd tor IV Ba to act rat
froa Ctodar. wbara ba ha. Ja.t clcaad .
^ Bold llko to trade baek
daal for tba rale of no imporUei tba rarly craning tba boabaad*
ploea of pine lo Imalanaa' eoaaty lamlllaa of the mAmban ware Inallod
ppar ^ib
^Ib tba la
Shorifl A. E llalliBger of Maple CItr u taka .upper
Tbtebiflrlac party wblcb will be bolu tba purebarar. tba eon.ldaraUpn
Ua/aanlQC wa. d
ften at tba boae of Ula. Vena Baull
Tba pine U located near
U aid a gnnanl gc
■natal af IbH Kiatb atnav
Uma Laka^___________________
Iha Uatuamaa On. baaa
Tba c«>®d» Ibat ware praeipiialad
faring tba winter.
Into tba
by the collaeaa of the

d to tb« Kortbor
Oo 'aaxebanga:
li:—F. a Baraam. raaideace
l.-Eadmaatar Ooyla. C A W. H.
:it—Saney Beak Bolel
ll.-W. H.OIbba. taridanra..
llbW. H.. HeUoacb. oOa

Yparr of it. Bijil tear- of ri..).-





tbnl a:-

fur go-.I t.KjiKi-nf and

•■V iii-ver diiuippmnt tbeuj in quaUly aD<i alwaya pi^aiw- m jm-.-

Jnhn F. Olt ba. teaod tna rrau

flrar Hoaday oicbi.
Tba nnab^ I5|_ three ringa.
etetwd away, aad it aeeBi t
ThnWtol aimbar -ol Ban
lac to lent nntlraly. aa all aoci
b D.y of
rally pnrtoeUy. In all. tc» aari
teg a^ ans ClABcy of Rarkar Creak polatoaa aad 160 pack, of oaia war
•wa n^nd to Ue Hat Saturday.
morad. Tba damacod potaloaa
r Mid to the Sta^ Co. Than .
A. i. ItaBanry. lurnwriy uoss
I llraly Barkrt te^w
rV» halac afi
« aMU
etola Partoet ala
■!.«. A. R^Bnn. left Friday to m

triKs) HO'I bad poiu >> <>f ehorm. anii w<- arv>r Inn>' Wark

.Siiod, iara. botWn


I'on^rnaa. the tn'«t <-om-

.I.tniCF’ Fine 8hi>C^. U>v ur button, riolb or kid lo|a-.
lined ibyDUtfboDl. tborouifhlf "iidJ fTtoof but Ui.-y hi ibe

For that new crayon picture?
A ^ood one in oak costs only
90c; there's another size at
$1 00. and a beauty at $2.10.
Those in white with gold dec­
orations sell at $1.10 and
$1.66. and those with a good
clock at $2.40 make a nice
gift. Then Screens, in new
styles of finish and different
sizes. One particular style
that women say is "just what
they want" sells at $2.10.

« « * »

The bral blitiord will be AD "ill wind" l-i you iiu|.-a. your
feel are proteetad witli aum.- uf our "cold pru..r fuoia, .r

»1-'-I. II Ti. »20H.

Lai-ibr' Kiij- Slii-pebs
ir* joq tfot true home comfort
Bhpp*-ra tbtl are pmr^ful aod atjliab an<i d--|«-ndal)ie for
wAnntb and «ear Ate, :.V, sSe. II. II -li. II .w

Kimt WtBSER-1. trow friamda of cold feet Made of rintb' appara,
woven and lined rilb natnral fleece lamba wool
SuK aa

Buys your choice of hundreds
of bits of . china and fancy
Oiassware, Vases, Cups, Sauc­
ers. Tooth Pick Holders, Pin
Trays. Card Receivers. Spoon
Holders. Sugars and Creamers. Napkin Rings, OUve Dish­
es. Tea Pot Stands. Fancy

Every “Little Woman”
Wants a new doll tor Christ­
mas, so we've bad Santa
Claus leave a host of them.
Little undressed dolls for 6o;
big dressed dolls for 26,60.
76c. $1.00. Dolls with plain
dresses and those with best
• go-a-visiting" dresses. Dolls
with kid bodies that wlU not
break when they &1I down.
Dolis with light hair, black
hair, white hair and no hair
at ail. In fact all kinds of

Have a cab to go calling with
or a go cart, and 10c buys one.
Last year's cradle got broken
somehow, but a oew one can
be bought at 10. 26.60c. A
pretty white bed "like mam­
ma has" at 26, 60c and $1 00
Doll chairs in pink, blue or
white at 10 and 26c; a little
trunk 26. 60. 66c and $1.26;
a doll s dresser at 60c, $1.00.
$2 00.


For the sitting room? An
easy sewing Rocker, say for
$1.26? Perhaps a cobbler
seat Rocker, sells at $1.16,
with other styles to select
from tbat cost $1.60 to $2.60.
A Rattan Rocker is "awful
easy” and sells from $2.46 to
$12.60. all manner of styles.
New foot stools at 76e in
quarter sawed oak. birch and

I ALFRED V.FRIEDfilCH The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co.

TEE T.EAnnan shoe house

rnum.mnilJSiMAiil^jvtaKm w, mt.

^ .;:5rrcK.a2rsu b^aTita.^r^!*B.*WdlSr*Ito! lu!

The Best
Stove Made

totoUy taqamlad to

Baak. d. Balt. Oadar; Mim L. Bltob------------ • bWal -

~ Tba^M^Btoarab te^]rtui^bm

air* raoaim war* batew teada It wUI
ba raopaai* bast SaAy wlU approOoaua, C d. prIM am ihm OorarBl sirnkma tram
UalBlmmla B Qola. abroad wfll ba praami
.dot- lar *>00(1*^ k mornkaL
- 'tolteraki
torn Hiwmaa. Bar Chaa. WOllams. C. Symphoak a*b
will terakb
lb* teaak

«. - .JSiJ'SKSr^

trtead* la Tiaratm
Gall* Iba Ooe*.

ltlMK>lhrw>rktnMn*aMdh«M **/'/**?* ?T*T .
Mm. BaakUurb— bm }**!-----------te bar boM la LaUod afiar a proloac*d Ttelt lAballaad.
Krad AtklM
wwUba aiwaoai

r ta IV*


jr-.rj=r “•‘"

W*u4«Mm4 tkMBlHfe Oo> t

Mr. m4 Hn. D»«« «f
■WMiMMr.OoetUt Iwt
Mr. ami. Mr*. Uo7« *Mt ud
tamteM MMiBd Tkkakif

__________ rmniamt wtal U
tom MUdWdn* term.
Mto Srirte Opflald nUTMd «e TrmT.
tud*r dMlaf dfur » rUlt
tor te Turmti ciir-

o^to4.r W- .ui««di.
^^^nj^ddtobrld*.MmM M Ti«*«rM av dmrtec
I ta Tnrataa OUy l»
•r wdlleBtto pi----


toatontewiMdad. t««. J, &. Prre
dtanto »i^di tod a«r. o. bmaoM
I Amalte. Bmm> ami Uul
■ Wito tod »IU
Ml MwrImpI Sotea a\
IwMrlf mtotf ban teMi


■iBCaad* pnvr—ctras


mat. aim Bar*
Foot Has-*0
Pralt or Doadib*.
Bda MeDoaald aad Hki Joto
(Vaur ol Tmrefa* aty atteodad lb*i
Bart Eeaaedy aad wife
.—. —---------------- for kk
.rnday .mala*.
rIalUac ralatlroe aad tna
iawmlll maeiad. Prod dUdama
Tb* eoeuat tapper firm Salaiday
Hwe Blimley will apaai
b*lar tbeoarparior aapared.
•rmlac ko tb* lodae bar* wm * rei^ (flrlo* with bar paroale
ba* jmt raeatod^l* property
at Bballaad aad morad »o O
Lambartac oparatioae are rerr actrlra*
ire lb tai* tic.blty Ui* (all. Wm«*
lalWm. Hopbla*'TbaSk*clrfoc. are yooe aad laboram la demaad»ly o>
os lb* ball.
I. Praaaad* u> apply
E C Brower i> oalldiay ao eddiUoa
Mra W. E. Formmia k oa Iba *lok
I OB to the eaai aUe ol ale baildiap
I tbo depol w M oceaplad •• a be
r. Oaalkla* did batlM
! abop It U (aid.
1 R. Pray t* bsildtac * bora* bare.
Mra Barrul Hootoltb.1. OB*
Mm. Ed Wlltoa aad obUdraa rialtad
W HMtlsc* k bayl^r poteb—all Irat aeltiert here, sad* old tr
bor pareaw l**i wmb.
,aaar. >.a.. uw. 1 l*at
Uaada Baldwts lefi HaWrdsy
Mr. aad Mm. Tbompeoa of Boatb ber way from S**> Jordaa to Oiaorti
■eebe will sake ber bos* wuh
Boardmao rialtad their daechtor. Mm.
laagbterMr*. Dr. WOllasa
Waller Waiaoa, ibr ritb Mm. Tbom^
b Inrenell waa salW aemrely
____ J D*aoB of Trarsm* Cllr
r morad to Elk Rapid*
-ad Friday altaraaot.
He wa* ealUar ber d*aybter. Mr*. V B ar*o*
raced la a well for
S L'pioB lowB.oip when I
Will Bkrl took * tHp to Owo*ao Kri
ueo tor drawlof ap tbe (
day. retarolay Moaday.
tael atnklnr bis oa toe
Dr aoO Hr*. Bark* of Kspirt art
e aaee rlaaelBConc or tae lajary
rUitlDf their danpbur. Mra Wm.
lloa Uasmoad f*** *
lid of been such sore acrloaa Ai
H A* Nee* Sbiald* tbr I«U. aa
M a larre bole wa* cat la lb* acalp
aebooi eioacd Ibai day aad *b* ra­
:h bled pratoaely aad be wa*
.araed hi>me to
cred aaeouaeioaa for a •borl Ulna
■aae to kill deer.
day to r« - a
1 oa* yat mfora way Of the bell ol
ilak* be oaa
lb* law rno* OOI.
Im. Pcoto
t Arctat* of Mtea
We are pimsad to bear i
r la tbe r
Ea*bie-> Keed bi
Hlekey.wbo wa* labee aiek
C»mp aod remored to ba be D at Kaa _________ will take place W_________

BteT* Kaflattei
Ube Stanley and Uef

teami Typkto 4
aCae^llmla; te
If yoa kare ehlUa wlih teeer.
la hmk oi aeek aod head. hp<f
urea, worasot feellor. a <trial Will
eoenaec tea of their merli
It. W. A.
Nall of Webb., IlL.
II' wrtter "My eblldraa caffamd far sore
son than
U._ a year
ehUla aad leear:
teeer: than
then two botUe.
Bitten eared
Bold by S. K. W«
J. a Job-— '■

^uLae^’ I

Card ot TbaaksWe dealre to axpra— our alneere
tbaoka ta tba iHenda aad oeicbbom.
the Pont aad W. g C for the kioda—
a to aa le the dmtb aad berlal of
aabopd aad fi
CaBuuac Hrari.
Leaxokb Hi’kcv

Edits t—Wasdera
Taan . la ripiuiiap weujajucs imre,
eoetracled a aemm caae of Pllm. HI*
.I)0ick core throarb aainf BackleBb
Arsloa Sale* eoaelaoed bis It k annih
s world** wondar. Cane PUe*. lejar
, *
laa. leflassatioa. and all


•CO. U rettlnf batter.
u Jo.™..
J. A Laadoo-a bora* droppMl dead
nmr Fmak Batner* wbert ibay wer*
Dell Dana r<» bU baod aawed at! Him Aaale E. Onaater. Tyre. Hlcb
belldiBC a dab boeae
Skrlisre''> sill laal week, aeceteital-!
•cbool at ibe ladai
Clam Saford baa rot bla mill raeater lar the amputation cl the micdlr dafer | Benia-"I •offered a loaf time from dy»
Ileab aad became rer.
a tecUoa It. where be baa belli a of the nrbt baad
It waa bU Or»t day '
godol D^apeptm
Core oomplele
amp aod latredt to cot tla* ifii* wlp te a mill aad te* eaeidaal happened
bat yog eat
Ira Wiam ha* alao balli eamte eeiore nooa
j ^0^ cme eil fwsa of eiomacb
acb troable
leterialDiaeiitrireB by the Bap
jere and wUl aloek the mill with
r^®* Immediate ml;
>l*iy tail wmk wa* eimlleoi cedar.
laetbe boildiar op for bn aew lead . In tee want ea—. F.T Thompaoa
aad aboeld h*r* beao bailor atlmded.
Bam Doamoaebolle. formerly of tbk mu and u puttiaf la tbe machinery. <
Mr Baobam aad family of Maotoo oeirbborhood. wa* ranawlof old acbar* morad talc »h* Arsalron*
qaalolaaem here laat waeE

Twenty-four gau^e steel, liued with
22 giage steel, cast hinge top, cast
hinge front door, guaranteed to keep
fire 48 hours.
I have a full line of PENLNSCLAR
Heaters. Cook Stoves ao<l Steel Ranges.

Ha. l8"Flin, 'oil($5.75.

: The Hot Blast Smoke Consaming Peninsular |
2 Is the best R)uod Oak Store made. It will save what it costs, the first winter, in <

^ wood. It has treble jointed fire pot; smoke consiuning toot blast |
w draft; is a great floor heater and foot warmer;' has double i
2 flanged feed door, ash pit door absolutely air tight; register '
^ screw draft: nicely ornamented with nickel.
$) and up. Ranges from

Cook Stoves #3.00. $4,.7F |

J.W. Slater's House Furnishing Store,
, 120 Front Street.

Traverse City, Mich- ]

ir Baaday.

umMdteHtb* p


Oa «to IHh iMb Mr. WOIteto dpoki
to—1 word* ttotmto* Oarl
tod Mto^
~ • aMbm Braoki bw
g>l«l -Ifi Oir

Tdto «r—toadaat mad* au}
tototo tet MmS—y Peck Book ib*l
JMMI. WatUtoUUtedaadaprae.
ttom ItaiTBed dto of work b*Uf
totolB th* mocto ihk tea Tb* rise
I as* k bmrd from
•dito 1......................................
teM te Ik* amalaf.


i. d. Kempt* dolDC*<
ck for A M. Smilb.
Marrltt Seely called oo friea
landay: be U from Eaal Bay.
Mm. F E Paaey ba* retaraad la
ham* Is Oerataiitowa. Pa., alter a
daya’rUit here.
Elba dllcB retoroed bomefrom haet
tpf aad broofbt two d<
haeUac oa the Manlelea.
Eer IW Hart called oa fHaeds ai
Votw oae day leal week
Fred Bdlek *bd Look Ripley bam
boarbl* wood aawlsf maehlaa
prepared to do aawtaf lor all.
Mk« HelUe Hill ol Trereme City atUPdad etaareb at Ynba laal cnadsy.
Ear. Mr. Brooke m.led on Iriendc
iham laat week.
Be». Mr. OdU far® » '•■7 >o*«®
aad pnmebl
' lilac
loc ao
ipa to Mleblcaa
ti do.«
Iar»e asoani ol rood be ie^
Thera waa* I
d aambe
rioc kle u

r toiiaUfcl* bRMtor.

r ^alr Tow lud eorth of hare.
loeb of a tUrt lo
ibe aprtar
eka Batar.
Hen YooBf w«
dar with apple*.
10 Tmeam* City


Hr aad Mi
laal Saaday.



Hr*. Scott la atUI re-y alek
Adoipbe* Keaaao talk* or raoMi
Hr. Scott'* r
Amoar the TrerpraeCity rallora
eMr edd Mr* T. V. Vo.
ry aod D Hclmarklls.
Tb* yonar ladle.' costaet at the
cboreb laat Satarday ereelac wa* welt
ettandwl. the choren betaf fell- Tb«

Mr Voanr'a new boom k pro)
lh« flnoly.
H. H. Mhllory el Uraad Rapid* w«*
le town laat Teaaday.
There will beTbaakiritlaf earrioa*
at the OoBf*] ebnreb Tbnieday m

Pmak dsam ol Blockam
•Mkrldii— lb* bom*a
Tb* Barrml Boa
ar at tbo par
Bar. Mr. Bmlth pimiihifl tb* faaaral ar laat week.
aad ibaesf
S*rar*l of lb* lltUa folk*___________
——^Bba ly«a an *c*d haibaad.
re barter a trial with U* wbooplaf
Mk* MId* Herlbat mUad
tbk plaee lail Balarday
1.0IUe MUlcrr baarmiraad brrpositkmat Klondike
le aad raa* to work lor
Srlfia MaTall baa baaa «*ry aid
Hr*. HcPall.
Daa Myem baa r«ae (o Olll'a Pier af- eelebmu the orraalaalloa of
d*toTaif*aas'*teD«*d is tbair a*<
ur hi* UmUy aod bonaeboidrood*.
lowablp. Dec. tad. by firlar a
I WiPM la at work lor Mm. aad aetertaiameat.
Bma M Mr. aad Mta. Oarria a bey.
Hr*. Voaar droe* te Esplra laal Frt
to^^Mr. aad Hi*. Darld HrQaaar
ha* a raof ol Daa ealUar day aod back Batarday

I *?hmeleriy*

W E Coat* of Milwankae wa* here


Mn. UUI* ruaka. wbe la worklac
tettojrmat,. rWtad bar ebUdrae

J. MM I* baOdlar a bom* c
Mm aheal two mil** *mi of to*
Hr*. riaak.BbvIar aad Hr*. Dam
Mm B H T^mba'I bm rataraed
' Btevamaad Tiara—OHy aam* le ai from ber rtalt IKClardaod. Ohio.
Md BaUla rarraaf* tmaaral aad r*
Hlo— Caddie Barry aad Qraa* Klee
—Mafaw dararWUaC «m
alteedad meeua« at tbk plae* laai
da—a Bieerd la doiar a
Hr. MeGooe ba* mored letoeamp with
bk force of m>D oa the Sberldao place
Btraaaa* dabmoB of OlasAi
where be will re* lor* oat tor tb*
tern—Iasi amalac.
Oleo Arbor Co.
Obsril* toaaaan of Haaklm k back
Joe Eobolakl went t > Maaktae aad
attended bn broibem
I yenurday
MkaHahd Btmomb*
B-rtMcUiwe aad Eda* Balmwei
Empire laat Saturday aad ailaeda
a.M Will OaNoT I
»be meiial at that plaee.
Sebonlr. ri*. ed lh<
lain tb* rletn.
Ity laat <
. Cook keep*
lireryaad feed
Tba bait* Bato loadad wfib lambar
bar* at thi* plar*.
ablb*U*mb*rOo.<*ik>ek la*t ***k.
Dorr Arsitroer > : Trarara* City
Ml*. DarwUof PxtOaalda tolad OB
thk barf laat
toaoda bar* Batardsy.
Sbamy* bm ealled ca trlaadi a
kmaaadk botlllU* bauar: aaa walk Balarday.
. .. ... _________
- toBBsd
a UtU*.boiwUl
ar b— Ibaatraba el paralyak.
Hr. Barrm
d ealy te p*r qHk* Brooka ol Orlatt called bar.
namday aa roove to tb* Boelh I
r aad tmeb eehool. asO
> to bar borne aatll aarlcatte*
la tb* aprtar
^Jtoa Bolden rklto bla pareaw laal

C OU Mr*. War—TM* e<f Ik* pkmaara
wto mm parelyaad aaam dr* or ala
me** Ip iba ehrreb
fmi* t«a.*>< kaa bam almoalbal^
Baoday School at li m Pmrar
•— atea*. died u hm be— ta >art maatlBC Wedaaaday araalar*
araaJl larllad loatlead tbaaeanmUoc*.
.......................teahtoaad Bbaduw
Saeial at tb* re
wef Mm. Jol



boaae oa bk 1*
day Borelnt *kea be etme down to r«
lo work ioeiaad of Sodlnr OP* earpapter b^ loood elthl men at work,
aeemwl tb* Oddfellow* bad plane
hut* aerprlm lor his.
Hr. Will
waa rary sack plaaaed of ooatae.

EM*'. $Tll0.r.''«).*10.lM, »12i»l.
"7.ero" UUtent. »i .'O. d .V. tU)
Duck I'oata, water-proof. $1 laj.
#l-t\ »1.'.0.»17.-.. $2<ii,$2.Vi
Duck fo*te. shewp lined;
Underwear Kargaina. iV. isc.
rik-. 7.-KWool Lined Underwtor at only
7.V and *sV

Bargains Upon Bargains
SpBcidl leOW Prices from uow until Jsn

Ladim’ Collareitea. up from..........................................................




86per cent dlBCOunt on all Udiee', Mimm' and t'hil.
.Iraa'a Cloaks. I apes and JacketA

Soch a variety at 2-V aad TiOe
you viil not find in any other
atore. Milu and Gloves.

Men-. Suite, op from .........................................................................................$I.9B
Men-. Orerooate. up from...............................................................................$1 86

Men'. Kid (llovee. up frum



l-mbrelltei, up from.................................................................................................... S6c
Men-a Underwear, up from.................................................................................. IBc
Men* Urem Shoe*, «lid. up from..................................


184 Front Btr—t.

Next door lo A V Friedrich.

Udie* fir*t lioalitf Robber* for..................................................................... ISc
Men'* lir*l nuality Robber* for........................................................................88c
Muffler*, up from............................................................................................................ 18c
Uce CurUint, up from...........................................................................................44c
A full line of Udim' Plaid and all wool Flanoel Waiat*.

C)h T^rintinGr

....................................................................................................................... B8e



UdW Silk .\litto for........................................................ 48c

deseriptlon donft

Pine Drees r*tlem* am! Short Leagtb* al half pHce.

Do Tour Helidaif Shopping where Tour Dollars
will Go The Farthest.

Opp 0. & W. M Depot

I Beadle’s Christmas Offerings. ^


t Genllemen’s Fur Coats, .
^ .i
Gentlemen’s Fur Gloves and Mittens,
Wool, Fur and Plush Robes, h
Ladies’ and Gents' Trunks and Satchels.

It is a Promotor of Joy aad Happiness
z Constructed on ttrictlj modern principles by skilled workmen aod offered at a I
: moderate 6gnre. it is by far the cheapest and best piano sold at the prices.
Our imall musical instrument and musical merchandise depanment ia over­
stocked and we must clcse them out. We offer for tbe holiday trade

26 Per Cent. Discount off of all illasical
Merchandise and Small Musical Instruments
It will pay you to look at our stock.

. ...The Traverse City Music Co...
118 W«*t rroBt Stffwt

TravaiM City. Mieh.

L*di«- warm Shoe* aod Slipper*, op from........................................ S8c

comes to the family purchasing

The IhdlesTl

Mm Afacw k **ry moah better
M lahm a walk to the eoltera araty
ratamlar to Hr
I amhm It bar boma aiam bar

“Men’s Fine
Winter Suits


Ctortaa Bom. alter aa lUa—Of thrm


apokrn at thiii atorr

are heaped op on mir abelree and roiintem. ready fur the holi­

Men-. Tie*, up from

Mr*. Marfaiat «*raar, ama w
* ■■*•* '>, harlac U**d bar* o**r


on ennnhiie li the Nee lark Store.

day trade.

ynu&t ladle* look part s the eontc
aod all did rery niecly Him Hay B
iDlyre woa theSrat prtseaad Him Ck

BorBHd Bros boapkl l*e mob*
'to— b«m «m Bsraallol BaplmlMl
toik Oa* o< thsir aomi allppad eo lb*
«ara Sow aad b*ek* W tM Wi irmk
to* ato* food bmf ao It «m ao r^i

Tka tUtoa loadad oa rtebarb doeb
.Wads May a lam* amoaai ol fralrbt
tod aaahaa MrWrak ad apple* aad


Oar die weather *1111 ti
Baa Balliarer te bnlldl I a bara
the lot be reeehtly parcl aad el C.


. _______ ... . 'to* at
I Ote OiM Bssdty afwrwxm.

J A. Baitoo aod A 8. Pray

I have a fine line of Fur Coatfl and invite yonr inspection.. ICfttwrl&l* **"
^ workmanship and durability guaranteed for these garment*.
Remember my Hue of Hors* Blanket* ie tbe largest in the eity, and ^
^ price* the verv lowest.
The beat Trunks offered for $2.00, $2.75 and $j.50.
Winter Olovee and Mitten* at all prices.


Whips 10c, 15c, 20c and 26c.


^ Front Street,

Travnae Ofty Woh. ^

XtovWB* Ot^. wa«t,


IMI itfMdl.t




Violat WnbMB. rare wood.
Oan HlikafBOB. ElacMay.
PkallBa glekmaba. Ctantay.



That ala aa oar of a(


latovary oanll
___ II Btw. abrad tba OBb-------thaBktmlba aboald ba.
and lobalfBplBtalaaehBddB Wbaa ba kaa made a meal UmbU.
aaaU oalaa abepoad van taa. Mix all
*ali Uvatbar; add bait a laaaBeaalml
_ bla lo bSBtroar. b« »b».
• •
-------------Ibaaka lor taadlBy _
eoldTlarfBr. It arafamdoaa tba (ol- Witb all bit tkaaklBlBia laatda*8?'“'^
I I .o>ad Wi---------W«. b*d lovlBC
Bow Ibaokfal I nboold beJU IB hlB. bad br BBd oj be foaad
Ha baa tot—
Tbat -BawB*]- the boByiy p
tlpoe Tbaokarirlar Day.
l tba UlUe mooae had ore
Km* cA thOB wBrmrd bavt o< oIbb. bis.
Next to bin
-----------Aod daeUaed iwttb tbaaka. to aUy.
M<. te>d b«WKi bott rt*d* Bod bUr»ll«^ J«« ‘
tbiof alac--aal >mf b U -»ra
al^U>tTjBKb|alr «|
tbiBC lo tbe wo Id to do
ba priatad oa
bbaebool daya itmattaml sot «bat> T«i
toea pan
p«r* •«>■•
axMa at UfbL
ilubrd it witboot
>a Boatard aaooUi *
4n 4wfe to«a
TbaokiKlTtsy flay, aod yo«r preoideBt
, Deala^tMBblBlBcaBB
BB apparaet off irx. aod betlar ibao aap Bilk, add Ibe recar. tba aalt aad t
ra bad a happy '
»dto*»«e.lBJthB»d bo|
nnaWwbo triad ibr aame tblsf aalt aod tba nat o( tba ailk. tba rlt
ihinr rV
With •uial Moa be eoold bat the ran- I far and tba a«fa baaiae »arf lichi. b
BIOS lioord OD Said. Bake tba beat [ r.»ar bollio* walar and atlrtlll ttale
ABd hW«M Bbia* Uiroofta Um b
for tbU yaai
■ •
■ Uaa when eold - »rlrr««l
dear cbildres of tbe SanablDa. aod
A rnlota' btan aloaa ma* di
year lo.iog
To WlMl tia baadi to Ood la p
reoBatrr.or wrltM*'
Tbia !• a ..reiij piaea of oaadiework tbonrbta. wbirb makea all the a
rorWrtblBC rlra Uiaaba. i
for tbe Kboel paper.
! T*o atfoarta of *biie
wblie llBeB
Usee of the
tbe da bri(bt and ' Vorember aa pleaaaBt aa
rer M BBd fladBiB. aod ter
ThaOlaealobalora I >ook.b*rply '
^ «‘bloo an r^^^
aootbarot »T boya.to_^ .f ‘be i t«r frieb^_^B .
. *mj aMd






Aa' 11 It als't t'a BraiefBl ter
Tba UUla that I'ra rot.
Com wbaB It'a flooap
ABd tba boon brlPf rriat.
ra wBlaeBlB- tba proapaek
OtrladBOB aa tollot.
AlBtBooBTloJtr B>a.
HortaratbaaBllaa aalw;
I>a «Bt Braalf li tralalo’#
• Ibobssm Tbaokarlaltir day.
• —iroeMotSon .«<ir.


WUUa TMiret. Banlett.
AbU SBltk. Bartlett.
WUUa JobBaaa. Bartlatt.
‘Teat Haitb. BartMu.


Boy JobsaaB. Banieu.
BdeaSmltb. Barth i'.
iMABla Haebey. Bartlett
Bdltfa l^boa. Treeenc Clt
SBBa PybBa.Tn.ene Cl
Dart BiBKbaa. Tm.eraa (
Barbin CaBBlodbam. Tra.erar



------------------ jdfarrblB;

MB 19* t Mm A A

• 09.

Jm *iU tatwtar aa4
bM baU
A aiMpfttl at *lBii«Bri aat tha <U
MlBtBB>« lUi BixtatB la balltw *aMTBBd «Or tUl^ad .................... .

tbia there waa a mlaMke Bade
ipaea la
inuice Ibe aoiorrepba ib tbadeaof yalUisbeney leal wrak
ow watballk.
>r oryao fond la Ibe laryer tble
Briiosbola the adyaa iBtaallopaaad
irday marsiey by iweaiy fi.a aasu
from JohoBie Black, fiftaae eeala from
o marram
d »<]nare of llaeo
Doe. Bay aod OlSord Fnatar. lea
f loa oMbioB.
• from Gertrade AdaBt. dre oeola
• be ed
froB Hat*. Boletl asd ten eeala frea
toerrai tbe firel. U
Bale, aad las eeala aenl
b.ea aoBathlnr to aaj ' 'S*' *■“ yeinar oeer a eaabkm wboae foor tidM
WilaoB,-ba replied In a a-fiaaed r jloe. are eoe. red witb a (all abirrloy of yel- lb by Bnaa May Peck tor bar bretber

• kept
eoniof ia Una to
00 taikior. loobisr bis IB tba fa
a way Ibat Bade bio asdantaod
1 waatrylnrto ri'O bl<o Use to
ml biBteJf boOB tba aa«« t


Haul Lalaad. Parawood.


Oare Lalaad. Farewoed
llalla Ocwlit. PBBwood


Lacy Kelly. Trereree Sty
Elya Oldr. Pareweod
Emma Olat. Ferowpod
Ntrab Hadley. Tn.erte Cli
Mary Alwar*!. Tiarene Clt.
Pearl Fitcb. Farawood
Boben Boraa. Parawood
Alma Layrati. Uart'ett
Haul N. Blrdrell. Tr«i

The Kind T<m Hare Ahmiya BoiiKlit. atnd wtoleh *b< beeai
fa use for erer SO T«Ara, ha* bonto the alKBalare of
1 hat
baa K
hewn madetiBder hU pernipertlBoa idnrw iu bifbiM?.
no nne to dawelve yoo In thU.
All ( onntirrreitK. Imltotlona and BubaUtuu.'e
perliur-ou tbat trifle with and rndanror the hralfh of
InOuiU BDd ChHdreo—Experiruce affitlnat Experlnaeat.

‘.............. dja
£ :8SBEdS«8St«8^ HI IStBtt


CartArU I
aod SouUilor Struir... I I n llui
c»0Ulu» Deittacr U|iiiini , Morphine uor other Muroodc
kubotonrw. I(n ace i» If •> yiuirnntee. II doMrovt Womit
and Hllitvii }'<.-t>T>>tin<‘<.c . Il riir.-. ttUrrb.ea and Wind
C..IU-. It reUeien TootLiut'
iut' Tr..iil.l. x.. iir.-. < ..».il|mllon.
aiKl IlatnlirDr}. ll a-rlmlU
SionuM h and BumpK, t'l'lok* b< Mllli} and niituntl >lec|>.
Tbe Oiildreu*. pAiii«-ea-The


I S2S88:


^ Bears the Si^atiire cf

West Michigan.

a. Blidaall. Trararaa


The Kind You Haye Always Boujit





iow Ollk eord far laday and
use coraar wnta a larye bow
'that aBylblOf had bappaxad. *'■*%(
yellow taila nbbee —O.e-I
tbat day tbe boy oadertiood that I wfT
aa ally ayaioat bit tamper, aod H HxiMrtrc-lnv
afiarwanl yol tbe better of him
Me* HoUtar Babbard.
Lm AU Uira Tbaua
The Mutiiar Habbatd ia wora tbia
Baa Ibeelabalnnaareond time,
year la a aew yalaa Tbe akirt vbieb
tbe beyt bafle to ret aoceaiomed to mot. br eery ioay. ia abirrad apoo tba
tia tbo
their aodleore. aod toe boBt boyt
yoke, froat and back, ll ahonld. *bra
>r famlll
•birred aod tewad. bau faliy a loot
fbr*at*h^^*^Hto marey—for
bey recn
lonyer tbao tbe wearer Tbe treat it
Bb ar«aa aad obaaioBliic red.
reoUe ta
Vbr Bb UBdar beBadiatlooa. let tba
■ of the mid
^jro'ol boy lookt Uw»rd me.
lie o( tba fi
faaa llthu ep. aod thee follow Bod
amlla mod beppy reeorotiloo How By
Ivllaa A bow of Hbboat.
fjBd bean leap wiib joy abd awel.i
fioatliur eada. la aew attach
wlib pride tksiall tbia tbeald ba lor
edlothe middle
middle of the back and tbe
bit rib iaaebar
I aaed baakareapoe erdt are allowed
bang to the bordc
Wtai tbbpaco b read, to otoat of •lea look, aad am aa fooUataty happy U of tbe powB
ayoaorytrl. •'at oo aoewertag yiaoefcu CbBBB't treat taoilly tba TbaelnTwo ribboat a*
brooghl areobd
OBea froa my ooy. I aoBP hU face
KMof «( ttw wlU ba a tblsf of tbe sore cleaely aod tbeo aae tbat ba U
•BM. Ibo (BBlly n-oBkat will bare lo kloy oeer my bead
I oow kovw
le eery looae froat w
baiB Uld. tba laatal tabU apead with that be bat eot aoUead me ai all. tn 1



JlniBltlr Clitor's €*blt.

roof food tblBfa»*o- tore to follow bit rlaocx. .Vo woodat
At tbe taatbAim^lt
be baa so eyia for a laacber paai bar
t looer 0000(1
.r oom'ort-SrfA-u^
bbBd taio tba nnlB of thibn
yon.h: Abjee me in the yallery ttu a
•ore. bad bU tba abaary happaoiara of yoBorrirl. oeastlfol bayood tbe power
From Pie Croat
tba day ably a pleaaaat naBory. of u "Id ma d't pan la datcribr B aek
olea. laaiead of foiB
T^Bk^Tl^ b awadilly tba laBUral btlr. daahlBC blnck ayea. a toowy neck
r'eloy Irecn t low eat white drean. fan.
M tba bptaa. oaa of tba feldas llaka doweia, a tndcaauoo of luebry and
tarerc • 'toe roon^ nardwood tUelca.
IbatbMtto yaanteratbaraad keep
aboBt fosr loehM lia(. aod. aftei
bMf« wars aad loT Lay aa baarta aboald
pirCB uf crntl are roiled ont tbin. col
them iuio narrow atripa wlib a jKr«r
ba. Bat ia tba bapplaaB of tbaoeca
"I tore away with aemo* heart, aod
I aboald hear 00 more of banj • or of aoey. •d iron, a inr tbe ttlcka aod roll th<
•tripa aroood them, leitlor oae rdjfe
Atbatod tbai
Pros time to time I rltoce at tbe droporer tka oinar. PIaoe tbaae oa i
«■ tba haart ibat Utta ts both dlrec beaotlfal rlri. aod It it boroe lo opoo •In aod pot ie a bot oeeo lo bake
a«M. OBtwardly to tba aartb aide, asd laatbai I do not belaoy to tbe kiny When tbe eratt baa got partly eor.1
allde tl.e atlek ont
Wbee a>
iBMtiaMytstfaaaplrUoal alda. than b
r taa kioydom
ibetpaecat^b jelly. wiUpp^ cirem
rise, for lb
•Bth.BBBh abaart nBlUaa tbat nil It
de.Kbted wlib a aew dlab —Eireaaoc.
MMcBdBBdvaBBbaaodariibpt BOlioB me. I look lo my beart't (
It Slop Bbc
teolat the brilliaLl e-mflaay Tb
BMtkBml aay ba tiled with bear all tbe fatbert aad motben of
/ tbe farm
aomallmr cbiltlren; there all tbe c
kiubeo or wood ataad
tbe aeoetrery
dreo Ibemtel.ri, yrowo lo meo i
but aaaUrbtle
II palla. tbat Irene la
•romao aow. wme of them with boi
wioter and dr
a«d famillea of their own. otbera
loreet'ce woman buaoleed the preb.
yel OBI nt Kbool are there All 1
lem of bow to dlaooae of Ibem lo
nMOBadwallaoB tba aabjeet alony tbe rowt of uau. there I. tea
moat eBeeisal maober Sbe bad a be
Ip U rallnd that tb«« 8 BO dntb.ABd lytyrmo tbat hat eot forme ti
mide. widr enoapb aad loap eaoofb i
admit two palla aide by aide.
IB AM JBMlBK cm wilab matt aoma prnooal inieretl 1 know the loa
aatoraaof tbe people tiuiny there.
wtt fo'Dlkbed with a hinyed reeer at
MM or IBM to aU Of Bi. Ub« ia BO rea 1 I bt.« wirked npm ibelr mloda i
p.tnlod a dark (reea. Wbep tbe coei
It M anlV tba loByloy for
waa re aed it protected tbe wall, when
diwork Caoaciuat c
It wu cloaed itaere waa potbipy tbat
aiyyettod lit coaleaia to tbe cui
■••■BdBfateMatbatUaULl-- tbatdloM
thiok bow they ••! my mlad. aad bow
«pM Vtth bnniad Bikti tba heart maeb I remember of tbedrlalltof my O acreer. Is abort Ibe alnn oallt wc
moat e>mUy dtapoaed of - .xrleOAl
BifeA B>tliM|NaBiWatetoeBltlreu dally Ufa wiib tbeoi- Now u Deedr
•ha MBO of doBB iwMBBf of tboaa bafore I reallie
Yr.n wm Neeer be Berry.
'MhPMB«BBB.«kBltba loaallawaball
>lpy yoor leeel beat
■Wtm dMh hare loBt Ita power to ban ly toward the
fiB iBdoadtbry are sot farapart. tba
yrowlay old.
BOtUof thaaeBi aad tba
yalber In my ryea aad my I eari
If OBly ttot Ibare B a eeil briwaaa 8- anawar. 'Vrn Mlta Wtiaoo It yrewiog
e of yoor
tm telh at waU H lila-thaBktcielu' old-yrowloy old
boya tod yirlt\ bbe bat Ukeo
ikea tta<
an Iraaboeat
sabaeat ool of ber life u
I arlMU oa ibM par* astitled latbire y
•bildreo to tbe beat tbeir
of; waafiar her
Boart of a Taaeber.'' la wwtb
...„i for them. U.lay
i(. It too oftaa MppBM tbat the
tbnorryaod .
B» laltklBl work It Bot ai
"Tbe CX.1 air t yraicfbl
I 0011 ahOBld ba. Tbay ai
mind yrowa calmer, aod two It aettlM
lotc Ita aecatioiaed qaieL 1 rtaeh my
• aakes. The
allUng room aod u 1 eeier tbe ramlllar

For year lalib io bomaoliy.
For briry klod to the poor
r heartay before jndr
For bripy ctadld and. fr
Kvihmkl-y before.
Kr.r diicoopliay tbe I__________
ForCbeiof loyal to tbe praaeher
P.M tlaedloy by year prioelplea.
For ttopplar yoor eara to ycnalp
For aakloy pardoe wbar la error.
For tbe loeoroocof hlyfa molires.
For bridhoy a alaaarreot lonrae
itb aa enemy.
‘•or b*iay .guare In b>a:
r.r aymotteltlay with the opp.oaa


c.' Chicego. III.
Blekcy Uemmrleo aod Hoaa U.
rich alao write
l*nr aiatert aad bo brutbw
He ia to
the taeood reader aod toe laoynaye
daot aod arltbmeuc. Bla father baa a
farm of eiybty acrea Toe cbildreo go
ta aebool erery da.t aad bare '.wo milea

Smotberaa Oyaura
to acOael oe taw tome paruidycte teatpOJOfal of butt
Bou uteree ycart old. At aebool
entered aaocepaayritb half ataltapoob
eyoaol friend* tbe eaty chair lorliea. fal of wbita peppm. one leupoopfal of
Taaebar•alt and a few gralna of eayeaoe eteolay ol tbe Mat C
my reeerle
ylrlt are yoioj
. .
... -k.-Tba Heart el
rerelnlly preptred.
Coeer. doaely i
• poke acme p.ecu ou
itr.’'by Kn. ruwaooa Huear.
lAake the pan to keep the oyt'era fi
.-...'a boat
Ib tbia Boalb'a
Iwae of tba
the At
A Woinoe Caaa.
ttlcklor : nook two or three ml
Bn. HUaer
Bar M __
Tbia cake w our of tba t apecira whi
They are F.y. Freok, Fiura. aod k.m
,ir plbm'
_______ at of tba_____
a Oeau............
itaal Ulybaabool maybcaerrrd aa appropriately at dl
Koy Mackey belot-yt to tbe ettpc
if «nad IMfldBBd Baa lor yaara baao Bar for deaaert at at the lea table .
•abubJ aad wniea a luay icttcr m tcry
IdMKtail wilB tba aeboeU than, drat
* Wmttlmg Praunc
‘ *Mh tba Dbloe aebool aad afterward
abtBoavllh tbaaaakwfdaaaeaot tbe
Kl they a-r.
A ooUoclIOn of bonu. tboee aad th
enaodyolkalperawM r’« by IjjeeD Victoria ..
-the artMia U (ail rtadt db rery l«bl
ball of POW.' tbe Prioceaa Beatrice aa a wrddiay
—IWtabad BaBjaalBbof tba <».
beat them ; flft- It Ineloded rld.ny and walklay
iwo I boon, tiee aed kUppera of rrery deIptlop. They were all packed la
cape of putry 11 mr la the tiere with
TMrteMaaoeas laUMeity.
•ofui of cream Of tartar and td
MMfl M lha tan that rerorel
oeerpHoy each box
of toda. S ft the fl .>
raiabed for all tbe beary b
ta my younreai bruLbet It tia yean oU
My* ore BMbBB of ibi do
4mMliBtll tta borea with aa
00 tBe^ryrt aed tp.
aad my yopoyeai bretber la ll bwoU
aeuible footold. aod 1 am i: yean old aad ip tb
tr fell ataocathe ailb yrede.
Lh.r teacber a aaoie i
Spread ^hereke^M
loa raylor. of KlByaiey.
Eiayaiey I
A Notable Boawi.
• Biyt leboel Incb thick, aod
It milea from ear accool boate. 1 bat
___ ________All Of tauraal la the ap I keep it tender at
Thedec-kBof Norttaembrnaad preyriMmiBg poaoart. aad M aympatby I bpread each of Ibeae c.kre with . Aretca a tbawl
twl yleee
ber by Cbarlce V. a qaortar of a mile to yo to tcbool H
brotaar Laaaie aiaya wita bia aoot ao
tabelrn a
With tbo reUleklagooUcKaopUlL Tbclgnleiw j.ily. aod eoter orer with a o’ Freoce. wbicl


Brosch’s Meat .Market

.ILV _

•MlfelalSS^^iM^iMBtBe I^^imiid

‘ rS:_____________


*^^S*nB7rtiBSriteaf a boy


•mssbSS^ that os


If aU asUtastba

a ret» weeMA blashal


Harness Oi|

Talepbine A





r)„.cireair.acyaawa4. wtik


Carriages, Cutters, Sleighs, Etc.


a tae aaoabioc Ciuo la frat



Wayu Lwrety Mmk Btdy.. DXTBon

tell yoa what I ab doMy
lay. I r> 7 ecbobl erwy day
laacber'a aa le ia Joale Daoe I lUe r wit Totem rrer "nii '*» '«• ^ t^Sta
ber rery ma b I yo to baoday aebool
We expect a

yt». ao 1 wil

Horseshoeing and General Repairing Done

Re-Painting and Upholstering.
Cberry '
We hare aeearel otba
leilata. whies wa wUJ t




Sute St., BCBT Uaioa.

Stoves, Tioware,
PaintB, Oil*, fitc.

UM WUlisB e. LmOaMi ■

W BB08CH d 80NR.

. .dlalber t

abort to bare.



Fresh Salt and Smoked Meats, Sausages Ftc.

Sweet Apple noble

Make a ayree of tbrae poeada of nrtraad agaartof rlBerar. add a tre. alUpiee aad ejaea—t aad gaarter “—
_________ __
.-.,.ctyon brepiay iaUBpoontuli of powdered *"ret applea. drop lata the tyrap. lei
sttatacsBailMr.,aarar and a lesleapooefsl of'lemreleader.
ap. p.t lo
>*WBBIh haUM larre. with a(a1. or gninee je'iy If It can be obtalo i"-*-ho.l tba tyrep antil low. poor orer
lay aimthd
.---------------• ...-----------'
thru Bldaof
of IV
It Aa
_ we ei- Drwe powdctel torer Ibkkiy
wp mil to oar PMU sear tbe frost < orer iB^leyae aod bake It to a eery
- --------------------Am |0*w floor. 1 waa taiiilcM af l_.
e alow eekn
eeko f-rr ab
abooi tea mlnaiea. waea
Nreer llyht year tn with kceoaeae.
Mwal MB of Oiler asd resets] ItthOBld'beflrm.
B. Bt not colored Tbe
Fill yoar Ismpa fall daily by dayIWflfBi itelbslesfaie ssaastmoly •dna of ll
otkr abould be e r*red IMbv
7 •» —y
SBfle ap lattaly «d yoisy p«wle_------- 1 -wOb tha B
’■AlBost aa bos aa we werybBtid BotVeoBc
thi aaoje clib nude IM hei^l do sot tseri^ne It
a ooW put
pile w»e
tbe cbbp
cake coreeca
«MBBbar what It plarbfl^flo
not 1re- by it a^n et^r catered by tbe whip- '
*» P* dsrried aboat
.............. .................
arBacy mealeat pad araam a^ ame u oo a cryaisl .o'P*” • **“‘**^
sUs for ay Bhtd awapt todh to the Old platBr-.v.
Watch yeaAwtcka eloami; rab oT.
■IghiAOTl raeat.ahd »b buy with
tbe charred parUco ewch day with a
BMW rereUatilesi af the flays ariMa
ptoee wf aur cardbnard, sad replan
ia apread oo on. cake

EuinlutiiD ol TeiclKn.

H’o'W'l t-p Seasozx.


I> >• maonlactei
tpeclnt ..f Perti
-htch <• to fine tha. r
hardly .Idble to the lak
•planter. afaTtoy aod
the material rreqalred ar<•rerel yeara of

rsae. Ayh Tolafla.

Glioicest Meats. Poultry and Game.


hayaaMfidaiaag aaaiebeaof ooUagejUick layer of wblppc.l cream atiffened !
tm«a, aad talkad aboel tae rayntim I by addiny a tmtll tabirepouo ol yela-'
that alwaysatMBd the eomtay of the tine
Toe felatipe it melted br trek i
OModab. .Aapreacplrual loaad my-. lay It lo a lab.rtpoonfnl of .»ld' water
- -‘--tialdatal oarowB boya *bo be-! for two bonre. wbee it tboald be melt-1
t to ^elab—thlakiay of them led la a lablrepooefui of buiuey water I
doalyloibelr ie wpicb a labietpoonfol
bietpoon I
ol hot
' ‘
'« been^
SmM? my^re were hot UaVreoMr" i ikeVelatle^
*NM oamtm 1 *ret to tbo eoaewrL ; cream •<>"

Mt. PlSABASt, OWOASO, 8»cl.
oflw, Bky City, Dstroi t, Howflit. Ann Arbor, Tol«ido ud
polata EMt sad Sooth. ClOM
H.* N B. Bp.





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