Grand Traverse Herald, January 26, 1899

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Grand Traverse Herald, January 26, 1899


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text



Grand Traverse Herald




eapt iolook BpaiABeUabopAsd beef
aUBlebt late kk face

■ Merer. »l>Bt ■ eoieer- eielBlaod
tkeMBbap BseMlIr.
"Are reeeaU.
poormUe kiltesrAod lOMioc ep oad doira tb> etreet
I BO ooe 1TM eeslBC. be took
kltiee Bp Bad alroked'liB


Dr. J. A. Snyder, ^SSSS. O.. P. ACarver
DENTIST Real Estate

ayuacair ay


BPTWB ni em-encBA uu. blooe.

mmaanaiBBUtt DR. HIGGINS








{wal.lop op Ibe alreel with a rap d
we *w or. Bui be wa« ab.ul to paaa wbec
'tbe blabup avnpprd bin
•Pardno me. my frlcad."-be aai'.
■ -bBt I expected inere nonld leaere.ew
a. 1 in Ihia booae to-olrkt
Can yon tell

PUt« OUm. Bteaia Boiler and Accident Inanranoe


miUZED HR tOallNISTERED. Money to Loan on Improved Real Estate Only.
LatMt ld*u and AppUanoaa.
Udu4ar bskI. • m« and I'»<Uk nliaf
ri«Ul4snwtl.autnrtiMi<d teMS

aid. wou ouaaajmns.


RiubiaBa Cards.

.Tobneon Block, Pbone 7;i

Travwae City. Mich.


CALL OK,^ , ,

a ^r?Ti.*sr;a-ris£:::^-s:
Trr ■.nnsa.aiuMrai






Merchant Tailor
•dA see ibe elcfABt Mw Use o4
BprluSlrte ot Wooleu BOW
os Mil wbleb frill be Bttdc BP
iB the Leleat 8t;lM. asd ai
■ueb Low PrloM •• wiU eorp^M

at 315 Front Street.

Once berYtme aocustoined to their use and )'>o ere l«*t
vitbont one. We have them for toini>ermtnre. far .lairy une. far<et*Tilizing po^^oe«^ and for ihexmonielers
BrinR PreecriptioDB and Family B«i ip«v to ns. We till them
right, with (IrugB that are right, at prieea that are right




AppleSy ahy grade.

A*S2'Bri.5i..«f *



Bd Potatoes,



SOCmSi Hand picked or screened.
P0t&ti06S, Empire. Rural and B. Hebr< n
Panlea at ostaide poiou kartat *bore plaaaa correapond.

Higbest Prices Paid.
MreMrsas>e>M««ae.«A s..»suss.
•MtM>tWmrTfbla(>sUs\rBc Hm. Tea'
alvkaiyaaeaU lor.



Biwii Qti Sctwl tf lulc!


iicapo Prices Paid. It will he for your
tienefit lo try me. It doci t cost you anythinc. Addrcs.u.
Froi'Dt Street.

Travel se City. Mich

Telepone 130.

Btil order* receive pnoipt

•l,“5l._Money to Loan
Ob twtafsB fn» and du arooaru.

*10 W. neaeaUi SC

»A9«K(a a

Carpet Cleaning Works


Snrreyor and Civil Engineer
• alaUkl^Kapirork. eoaaoHaitaaa.

MLBaeaU BaU«SirenaS>aa‘a^


Plain and Arti^c




tkD«cHK BnM.

When you want
A KNIFE tbaV-lHJieep an edge,


STROP toat will

Biake abaelng a pleaaare. or
A SHEAR eaay la eat with, come
ka aadlbuy one of tbe "ELXOTUr'



They are the Sneai gooda

made and fully wamuted.

SOBB3, TnrtheOtj.





^"!i I


Hack, Busand Baggage Transfer Line
Best Livery In Northern Michigan.


■ntf tMte a Omm



r,' ■


ecboad Fiaselaee. "toow.
That waa all thay coold iell btm aarataedingiy. Kaitarlag "Hay trio'
. bimaelf. he rmahed oaiefdaMaaa
begaa ta make a mlaala taaaaette erf
- ':aa
Ua triad
m. frum <he aiiaral laaUacta oF^
ouea. aad Ibes when be foaad they
wua.d pack and auy packed ba bagaa
ibrowlBg tbe balla at iBa hoaaa. They
wbiu aaow WMlelt
« lo the wood
Taia UeUed U
boo*e aaUI tba wboli........................
bled aa Icameoaaebaekar board. Tbal
a where i|e t* Bow. BaagUg away a

eeryibiag ba caa wa. Ntonanpulf*
Cat Cl
Frank W. BiiakUk. .•aval _______
ge> ageai uf tbe Kria rai.raad. tall* a
urdkaary. dirty, oua.dacty yoHow
aat It brvke ap a aanda. eaaard
maa le be earted uB to tba budp
aad toar atben
n to go b.
> which I

faiiaa a ck
ad. LU* :

I day I
-or lobe
a. U'Lea

.ilabuat It Ndbaotbaekeritala tba
waoa at Konryb aad Viaa airaeta.
Tary were os lb Bl i'atrlcii'a day. aad
they deurmiBod to haee noma laa. Af­
ter eoBBidermbte ehaalag aruaad a
oriDdic tat waa captared id a baak al­
l. 'aald ihegcnti
Areuad the Back of tala yallaw
lun't know wbel
;ai Ibey laauaed a hoga aalkar aad
i -oaa ).*. b
“e cr ruo're cre/cor jail
BOW of oraogt ribboB.
Dowa Iba
what be Ibiaka newa^ry
Belle- l orry ua.
i moat bedraamlag.''aald tba
.treat oama tba paradt «f/-oaU aaaauerfeom Mr Millanl .o refer oign llm> fur Ibecoiiper
retaiy u> uimwlf. bat aa be lo
inry’-patnou. th* baad wa* ptaytag
agaiB. U, euneiuci bilBtilfe-yiere waa -Tbe Wearing of tbe Ureaa."
111 aplendld Og tbe bab p uf Wtadereaera kmUiag at
Beery ai*B wore a abaaMCk aad
* forfelieel hi* right u> eaoiinoe
I ‘ All men are
e kilKu. Wbicb wa* clawing at a., rowed eeagaae* oa tbe oraaga.
Be aald to him
te a of i.oe'.f tbe abairact bioka on catwaabouaudapoatbaabatf la tba
r willing to make ao ex
e utile, aad turamg aommaa
waa ibia gloomy tboogbl
wa ibe open page..—Veu- ••■wl ;
TbrbiaBopa f.c floahed and bi* Up*
ir kiiieu opeu iti--------•■
oa tba ufllh* bk* eye exagbt aigbl of tba
•et .B a line live i
.11 lU preelun* cD
cat—Ibe yellow eat and iba oraaga
'iilc Mr H.lia-d.
aoul aurring wan.
Lotof Fob L*u
ribboe. That wa* aBoagb. Cburai
■p’™. caT.l W I 1".
a lip* lo their bard
ua by lb* rear tb* eaa of Iba patte
e I'd
Ooe uf ihg cu
going V, 8.d aomelOli'C
Suu prnaion a
s aatoaUk m*deada*bfortbe plau-glaia teat
lueaL" be aald bait ai .
aod dratblmbed pioo worth of it U IP
log aarei •alof ,
bitbop aaid toing*
port uf tl r t'l.iud SUlea oammliaioaer Mooad* Tae oat mad* a wUd roab fiw
He la to tell bli
tbe back aetraaeo, aad tb* p
L ka*ned, abuwa
f employmeBt Mr I
panoad. I....................................
fHeka^' w
aad latera.ting
rk. at IL
A liny collage atood a
tad by
tr aaa* MO maa w
gard U> iBc luDgreily uf ' '
done with bln,
er; tneb a tiny cottage i
i ea*biag_madly Ur
•I'erhtD* lb-re may be .xteooallDg to bare Be«ucru».l*d in
m.lau.ea.-aald th.
1. *e. rciary he*

. the place
m af'
Wllll, .nrrirlng way. ladlgoaVkaa in oeary rafBad batr
LxcB*e Eur-*■-------■
fur •agge>UDg
already fi
aad draw.Bg peaiioB. i: wHoa.aad of beruU.
,l woBldn i It be well ij'walt a
Uiabop bad
Numrruo* weararaot tb* ahamroak
loguieraof aoldiera :f lac reeuJaw bile and loeeaUgate
CD. '<t 'hr war of )"i: tbera are oa.
Ur had ap.ikea with otmaat defer i " a yooog'cnan upraed
inrer ao.dier. aull a-irr. bat Of Ibeir
but eecB tbe biabop » angry lam
,, eieciru' light a few feet away
Idow. tbere are aurrieiag and draw- foraMW wbat woo id bipptn W Urn ta
Ol d'*ciacerl me •eerrtary.
| aaw hr li Ibal inr
leg peodtuaa tbe aalODlabiag oambar *burt order. He toraad la a ptUo* ull
aad tbea began to aaplala.
paof s.tiT:
•.-ra»ary I
-ngt by
war nt the rerolatloo cioaed la
• nbadh.
le young
• Dutlag
du'aot'hmp^ biY^ly. aad It eraa
n.aod be ia« deliberate
telling abuot tbe elapaed, aud. wbim tbere are ao male only after pr«uy maob all U* rallrerd
.............- --.Ullacmc of ibeli mea bad recalred a tft. I*atriek-* da, ^
golly aod honoro( tb-foui
............. •1. hare applied
.uu of affair* tax tiaraakriatbeakapaefa "pboaeUa.'fooli.h girl, who oerer had a
. Uui they an
Uat U* riot wa* qaailad.
bt IB ber ate. perbam and wh,.
^ , B,,,,erook.'aodAu»pic
Tb* eat aeeaari, ai
Vbe voidwr*
>e like a mill*iooe a'onad hi*^
1 hope ruu will bem.regrarr' l.ioed old age. «»rricd yoaai
I ou* ID your ludgmeav '
Tbe war uf leit 14 clewed with the bat­
le mat ......f
ma*l atif
... .u™. ..
Marry befoP
be op*aed
year* ago
>uppoaiDg toat Ibe youag
jDd of li.* eui'
ml O.lojpr were I-yoai* old. a pariod
Lwanac Ou tb* Baaeac.
What mvh wbo bad fa:*
■ m year* ha*e apud meee.lbe Wrtk
Like Iba emptmerf Chariu V.. lb*
at heart wouid Iblok of Ooing >
ecb >vldlera
Kod-Btly many of l ate biate* i* now a land oa whtab
■bingTnaak'Hcaeen. 1 h»»«
m. alter they were o.d marriad
I bare firm my life I
loagiu-. ... _
u!*dl«uuS*uT' lonJteL
burcb. aad BiinabcaB d>lh*l
IB* Bra at
eeaie a<«d. they bar*
HaaUla I* aboai I7»
Cmieort. Ma
t* a wife V-i dirlde nl. aff.-clioa* "
So* cam* twck y
e Uao :.owi wai-m*.
V Taucawmiar cm tb* AUaaTbe tecretary b.wul aa I vmk ap bi»
- of mi.k. aaa • t
raleoi pr.wedur* il
-lafUe Oaludb
peecll a^D.
Haemg ree-ierd ^la iB '

will Be widow* of *ol'
the ban,
tto naa rtom
a tew la the year fuea It aru ia Haalla. Boglaad. rtaa*
rluiUM. aod Ibey
roil* in llmi.aadrrea
tati.nt for tbe day b-Ing fiaiai
oar aevoro at
A I» .-■O'
aad Uormaay alao barn Mrrilory m
Biabop aurrouoded blmwlf •
10 wbicb Lbe [iii-a crawled brsiiy lo
widely difaaed that tbaaaa aUmmdm '
1 plOBged lavi
of milk, aod lappeu aad •bunld marry wbea Im bad reaebad the ■am* pan of It ovary boar of Ua !•*•■raaglad aod Upp^ agaia. age of Cl y ar*. I* l«I. a r'l od K. tyfoer. ba.. of ooain*. la aeatlgoea*
aerer bar* eouogb ;y*ar* o.d. *he might hope to lire rr t^torr U* UalUd (Haua M tar abud
lore of w i< aaa cm -1
.fi the
'TBepwlui.e Ulog wa. bongry yean longer or to Ue age of «1. whwh of all of ibaa*
Tbe biabop n •ed*^rke"*n'•oeh Wlu. '
wuali bring ber aP U lbe year MW
la arnm. axnlaalea of oeloaiaa. tha
.ad tbere wai o ae-riwl-.} bard f ir ' r*ry baugry. ' *aid tb* biahup piiyiogil 1. out likely Uere will be I'aliad Bute* M Iba largnat aaUaa U
ilm- Newark
I, bal Uere will, la all orob- ue world raerpt Cblaa. It faraxeaada
obnreb wa. ere '’refg».V"'Vhr w”atrr i ^Wbil* the kitten draok, Uc baboo
a >ome.—-Vev Orlom* Pimp. la taporffeial axtaattbaamptraaf Alaa*
D9d the 0
tb- bl-ofv that
aadrr U* Oraal or tb* B »*aa ad fbaaar
•yeoiBg. 1
-a lag*
aadTraJuIt aarpaaaa* Ua demaU
II Abont Mata
of cbari»m»ag* or tba larrilary at
[it **)?«'
i *■«» »««n tb. room Ba eya* >
”*^^ea et kl* *1
• Are TOO goiag oaV .'r?' aakad the lo U* glr'- -I*®
II Ua year
it tarn,
By Ibe 8r».
m la Amarica. wbte *
failorr. aad b* a rtaall pricn
"Vm. replli d the great m*a aimply. ; from lbe kill
per oent higher Ibaa Uey ba'
> gler a t»lk U tSe work | 6t far deeeal
akiiiiy‘totecad~u Spain.
:hl at U* MeMiaBTlll* ly^rl. w.U large, leader, browh ryea. for aereral yean F.Jberuar!
iBgmea ii-eigl
If from Hidly
A few arr oomiag
wa* eiied wiU |^d la
Naples they balag ooaaldarad U*
of peruaal hka- _____ eligbi.
There wa» a ........
beat aod amaequeaiiy are bigber arteia
tory ka tb**imol* auawer
Braxil aei. »r*. of noorae, from eead* U* amptr* ol Eoaata U SBapa.
col jasd dkam*t alghL aed tbe (*c
bad Ue Bebop of Wladen
Braiil 1 bey grow ka
la p-rpalnUoa tha tlattad Maiaa oaling cbeewlly IB the grate; yet
eo pud. aboai lbe all*
eeer BOUoed U* blmmi oa a wua
rmwUVe^ ChrtoUaa aatte of U*
. wbo mighi
rnigni bare taken b>«
bi» eaie.
Eagibb walnn-w. woieb maaj people globa if eefaalal ...............
ara pteb1 going to Ue tnnbe*l extremlie of rheeb before, or Ue dlapl* le
an growa la BagU '
U* city lo talk m grimy wiwBlBg mm midat of Itr
StarnL‘.2f,SS:^.?"“m£S: ,
The nrcmlkry waubed hi*-jjlib
o, , U* biBbop. warwnng aadar Ue gralal
are aomparoUvafy Mtlag. tet la
ulcnricalty In ' '

a kaowB U>
Ibe dealer*
U*arn-*acrlA.'hBae.B** of fbeeaat little
of Ua otbar grau
aabendiag m
wbteb har* baaa
lag aympaUirer w
mUea ko Spain, aad Ury are kaowa U ana of lb* eodoUi
glad that 1 foaad Ue kiUee. tor It ha* U* trade ber* by lbe city from wbkeb UUottbamadbmthey coma
-Bcgllab walaay I* tbe aaaa of aU ad tb«
been Uc eaa** et my maklag
mra lerm applmd u It
Ulchly aettlnd
mb l
ly by the workmea
drd Uam lotted* ao plaaaaauy foaad milllU wbkek atead^^U^
Tba aam* laglnb
lomeuiiw had baaa waifbng em th* ■laraigs aaL"
plain, aad
^•apmtorto tegar «te Ste
wnlaat wa* probably glen bauu*
w biabop
0 eomlortable aa
Bagtbere belor be bad praaebi
laad. aod tba larm Cagllah walaat
Tba aa^teM^ ad ataadtlprMtolii"'
0 bla nargrtie
narprt U* daoei Warn
d tbe pte <
StUdpaopto mmmmo ■tfaiid lb
bimaalL "I did
•ymto Ibaa u a«y «*bm aoMlgy.
xe. oeaa U lb*
■Id aa
teui'^terd’^to/tU* haaaeax
Aa tettoh rter UM to laO fk» date
nUi* ail 1*. bated 4a
of bM •
aaptaUul* wUu kitte. wUUaato*
'.Vn aoawer bee-led. ' ...d the bl.hip ■

■ he aaked. peering

fir I

." replied .the bkabn he repuaiel hm


I* al*all crawpeiTli
id if »o. oo


aaryeta «»«0 »a>f





F, M. PAINE. Florirt.
PhoM M.


u ate patto all my life:

1 bare marriad
eeiaalrlrl tkateeer breatbed: a
f that 019.
Praaclaoe, tbe lit
Porto Edtaa.
a my w.
d make it area
er work.
a'ork. broader, Boret eSrclIea.
eSectlea.' had
a auanUag with te alapto
Webadexpwtad to wall. Mr. bit the
lUoaa oftba bfUeih alphabat
------------- -"--ra few weekt ayo. aod
ir world. a*d I acted
aa TOO wocld baee boae. ander aim
^ana.aeM She wp. afraid abe
catly ihoagbL
Praa•! claeo oee'er ___ _______
a aaow Sake befora la
The ^ . BI, Iiie. ,Bd be cmald
boagbt aae had ; aBc aet
proor* by wbteb aatara
apo.I.d u and Pc
1 wailra the man ^,0,
Be Old out aaow what tba;
meeaage aa that. | were
Stadr waa Oni of te qaatite
aeC be haa bwo walkloc
i for the remaiadw ol toa day.^
bi.vka lo Ibe cold t.-> Sod a<o>e milk for
a lial kitten There moat be a k'
heart brt.oc aacb coauect a. ibia. I
m ke.,< T.Hir
ir klodnaaa I
nala al.orlead ba atarted aa faat
pp-ecidrbtad—It waa amai
aa be cuald go lor the door aad. Cntblug
eriog a haadlal of aaowSabaa ta bla
baad he art osl lor the borne of Tred
Koaael. where Kraactacu la ataylag Bo
Tue ^‘Jea hajiBg eale
aanud lo abuw bla Sad. it waa kaV*
n a digaiar. abort Ilia* alter gnlbeHng tbe aaew>
.bop aeated laal be opeoeo bla hand to eae If it wi a
and Sudier tbe
of ibc Sre Climb d ap to bit ibeaame kind of alaffaalhai be aaw
abuotder. where d carle.: llae.f down faUiog all aroand btm
Tea aaoie had
melted aad Praaciaeo waa thaaoer-Bcn. He looked artmad ta aea «f aay
e waa watching bim. ibea grabbing
other haadlal be atarted (or boma
laater tban eeer
Aa be ran lata tha
lader tbe feuwaiag yard belmdied lata bla baad aad lo.
r aad darker and Ibe anow waa all meltadagaiB.
ed with -.eara There Bat waa ..ff la aa laamai; ba aeoopad it
lull aad ra*bed<ieto tbe bOBM erytag
Then all at uoce tbe bUbop
bia adopted aasU:
ar.we aod began u> bullon bia oeerMuy frlo Oct: yee? yaer- wbleb.
being uaaaUted, aigoiCaa. "Vary aald!
"lam clad I
1 geat- Whair What le li r«
yonng t
ly, I. akmgattbe
.- aald hia adopwd aaau la

nvrlil. " aald tbe man. bnrryiar "b
He bad maUkeo tbemlrbl; aod a
■Ih'aloor Jaroeyand tbe waitiu i
a', -a.! tb. c.ld f. r nnihme
-Too bad. ktue." be aal>' t-i the bra
■ rf.j.
aulcbwaa ;D»t beoratb biacbio. an
Bh.eb wpa ifi'inr aWeraooe W lb
wildcat ard ip wl betpieaa bnwif.
perI hare ovtbiar■ clae
'lae 10
lo do. tboogb.
Tbe aecretary bad peucil and note1
Sod a place where tbel
book ready, and a typewriter bealde ,
1 a Utile a.lkaod maybe
TbrK.abopof It ladertnrre aat adopt you
.■llD« hatdoBthakU
________ tried to pet It ioU)
allow blBaell tbe luxury uf real.iir .Urocc aa be walked down the atreet, Hare oinrage, my b.'y
We all bare
ffben be Bl»ht haee reate.1. '
looktnr for a bouaa that looked promu.' ..ur griiiAuruia. aed our pnaea are kepi
, Ull.aualrre luokior map.
at them preftr coRilaatly in tbe eourw
: muuth and
ol tbe year., but n. matter, ao they
. in. aao pray eyed
aoii'i crind away any of -lar bearb
Jl from ooder frownlnj beowa A jual
Illy, aed pro Anoioi.latbr lillte wife wbn waa
pridinif bimwlfoB hiaja.tUv, a enliy a
tue door aod
career'.' Well,
mao, airlrlnr to wi^ibr world lo op.,cVl
reminoa mrufa
lort rT.aeotly pribapa
- lod aetiibr-bia face like ar'in' Bad bet i.pH-i.M.a
Ctrl I anew luotf
aralaal leropor rlor of erere kind.
I me. madam " be aald oo-ir my lakioc lb« ai
borne with ma.
Wllb t iffl vb^re were hot iwowi '
me I will youryteat
pie In II
" alareinif kn
Id I I Aod tor two :
aide uf aqunlioB. aad f
nul 01
I while U
It ajtiey voltage aloud
' , called Uia>k you if you
Buicilns lob. atid for ibe,«iherr lime mJk
.i*B0p out Ike kitt.'D id. dr hw c
tier under any clrcuuiataocea
ruai. *U4 then *buuk bana* wiib them
The kiiie I abrlrked and walled
aecretary aomeilmea paua-d is Ola work ..„uiiru.a.,u»
warin.y u.fure he mured away
aad looked at bim. and wuodered If be «uu,b«, waa a
to be deoeleed.
were altn«etbrr bumao.
oee, ta' do It 'luable quu-a." tary eBtered tbe .'.ady, be pasaad aad
Ac aualere man wb-. bad the loeome ,oe oommabdi
at the aamelimcaOBt- leaned agaia.l Ue duur a mumral. aad
of a prtoce aad lirf
-tac door aod bolUog it oO tbe Ib'
b t BXBil aciNwa Biaeyra Caald
aucburlte. cleiofaU
: iki B.abupol Wiaaermare. »itr biabop found bimaelf walking ling in hi- ac-aaWaiPB place, witb a
i-aled y.o-ha at bi.
•O.lekmea c.imBlug oeer him aad
at^ aoomaly w
bliiog uwear.aad bampiBg lU baad
againat ba ubia.
‘ inoagui of ffij-"’
ID bia flralrttl baake
"Ob. you're ber*. flaalei. " aald tbe
Biabop. datcuibg eight of him.
-A dole of Ibaaka from the orealdenlk where u
. tii.fe fp- a iDumeat. aad lake
of Uir baaid %f manapera
lor Hr. Millard '■
for tbe,eaa.-aa.d I leaecTcUry, !
1. here waa tbe place
d the aeon
Bo.lenmod the alloaUen log favailiea. *■
r the end | TafJ'w^
leeer.aOylUlBg lobe done
of the pile
lleaaya that r.iur-nar iwiuuaaui iB asybuw. bat with a mas
Dear Hillard -I bare racoaaidarod
nlBcenl eoDirlnulioii baa aaeed ibe | ^ w aa Jiff.____
uecia.oD ID rugaol to yjaag HuatHome from aerL.u. d.m j.ue..aoa tbai , a nog at the bell and theulaar waa gomery
lh**<aome erid*nea wbicD
a- will eaab.r vbeu, n. fo Ibeougb | uiiowo open nd tbe maa atood oa Ihe fuea toah->w that be will maaaa uaea, eiia

tbal aepelul .all..

•A rosne.1 Tr^n Mr fiawaos
nrlp lor a fam It
Hr a—
fnood a fa'ui'r in great diain

Um Basal CBMlGSUir.


It crawled up and pet
bead and h-iw'ed loort-f '
the bi.hcp'




lOKF «aa eoBiBC
batlooed bla
e<mt B bolloB Bt tb« top
wrte^'BBd thmat
-in are
eiMBlap I
lake It
lapa oor o<lk«
Bill tak
Be tobbekU
• Lsilrd by VIibr * warwtb. tbe
ear (lelal Or a


H looked hl» l» »h
1 iriaaBMl


a bkbep. ibe bead af a; ekareb. bars
Burnt Bbov.
dreWad that I saat U»e ^ eaiaer.
Wbaa Oo. L ol ■•av
tbai I as to throtr away lb» ------ " *— taracd from Porte Biae
which I am fltlad, tbal I a
wUa them a Uav her frt_______
giTr my eeaa
try to edatotaTb S aaaiaa bad 1
teaaasy aaow aad Ua aaloakb




rb^i ^




teB*^iiUy*^p2r ------

.. - Sr.-SSSJXuK'ST."


~TMayw alf

AaadudayyoaaaM ma mm*


li to uU UW te Tarim *
■te tahuy UMr dakd

A HanW mam a Bwi rfag vMih
MB man kg itedidtatBM at Ite

a > •..
wlU Ua wartdb preffnB.
MdaotalBbworbto '

fefc4i^^ag,Mdlits.. ^AHtiABY ui 1^'.


r tiftaa, aad Ua haapibr <d


r of alady aad Ua


Hr. PalBarfaUaeoBflaol a

A IMHm kw MkM Iht tvMMrui

Wr—I m%mt l—«rij mtmiwM kf
».'A*M*««tA* BM«IOotaBW».



touraatad to aataWtohiar Iraa paW

la Ue t

_ M— BMlMM BatndkT

WM far rwn aM >t
BoM. Qnmi lapUt ud laMr ter •
.---- *.------------ ... ^ p„jtfa« M cibaf
rt^MTlaa. H* to a oafaUT artlM

A pUBefaypelaetfaB by t

Ue WaoBq'e'&mtloe of Ue iMUtala




tadewoBaB an worktor fa pnaarra
The qaeetloB bot waa ayafa opeaid
Uahtowrieiaiaatoaot Ue ell* dwalt<i elaU ara tatareat- dorfay Ue aftemoM aaaMB. btlayfay
Tbe qoBtta box atUl elieitad Uc atjBBtaaay lotperUst potato
ed to workfac irirto aad a
tettotaltp wUak taa MaMtoM Ui
faBtioB at aU. aad aoU abfa tarn
by Ue Boratoy *
tba werktorelaatB of tba ■■
« aa a M etaai
Jobs MoOoaaU. S. B Sayfar. Jadye
ota eery practical aatore.
-OaOteahHlI imprcra tha raatavraab tor
J. C Moryaa rare a fire BlBBta talk Pintadell. Hr. Stoear.' B. Vog,
Mn. Oafaa toad aa aaaaUeat papfa OB
prtoaBa. arfola* oa Ua aide that Ualr BpoB "Tbe beet Varirtlee of Potatoes- Bobert Baney, and A. P. Gray yaea
bevUon, aow «mMb, bkmtiiic,
alB aboald ba to rolorai Ue eriBlna) Be epohe bapeelelly of Ue (toUfarols
MaatoataUhoan.«a7 aad aigU aad
aoitf eroctatioe, qiianB food, bddirather Uaa paatoh Ub.
A brief dto- Bwettssd BarslNcw Yorker.
aaadaet a tnt oUat aaUajr kM
be addteea of Oe Boralny, "ElcBeponaof ewoperatlre espedBeeto
wind, oficativc breaU. sick and
wmr iiaot. 'BtorapataUMapaeM eaaaioB lolfawed.
IW of Soeeeeital FtorBfay fa KorUMn. HidUdayaaB^ cbaralar aolo lollowrd. r. E. Browa reported,
ssvota bcadachrt.
vClhrtacktaaraaaroai WB4a li
rsrby Ute Orawford.
Ifyoaarea cufierer from asy ol
ehoeloy earetal etody and
icUeeef potatoeaWBirlren by Bobert
K tymptoma here pveo Doctor
>f eabjeet.
Bsraey. Mr. BanMy aleo nported a
AOaod Wart
not ylee c
Fenaer’a DyapepM Cure will
com teat
^ to tba aaBl-aaaa^ raport
Lowell Soen aad E. 0. Ladd re­ rales bat would Bake yenerel ttnto core yoa.
■laf WarcxaadBatp. papar aatillad "A Diy’eDrircto Tab!Bento.
ported npoB Ue setoal eoil of ralMay
You must conmder ^tea yea take
r Bo. 4in, at Ua Hatbodtoi
be a yreatef ioduHry when loBberlny
wheat. >
Uis uiedieiM you are eot taking a
We eann
■■Aamastof Seed- wae reported br InlereeU are axbanied.
preparatioa hastily gotten together
yrow yrsfa ai rxteni're y ai lllfaoto
C. MoBroe-ud VT. R. Pratt.
oalttoa (aUtrad by her fa bar r
aell. but one cTolvcd by
"Boc Batoisc' wae Ue eebjectot so Iowa, but we can yrow yood wbest s
rlali fa Ue tolasdi of Ue PaciSc.
If they sre carcfnlly colllTaicd
many years of hard stud;
tOBa Baa pbofaCrapba of people aad addreea by E. !i Brown
Boo^aato. taawato aad Ua dek-.
boy ratolay eery profitable aod uld Ib
and wide experience in pri­
ed the Importance
vate practice, by a physician
Bra. U. E C Batea read by reqaeat a clear cooetoe way bto aeUod* of’ Wr. Pal
HaMrapaot te Uerw aad Bdp
boncaiy. BonaUc paper ob ••Oar A^a^pen.- fireo fecdlsy sad honaloy. He Ulaka Ue ofobw-rriny
of recognized eminent abiL'tiea.
to the larB. boececy to Ue farser.
by her at tbe receot aoBoal laoeilBr of aoll here partleolarly yood for yrowlcy
ly Beaan a Itoairaa*. I
and boncaiy to poafarlty. A blyb dcUe dtate FbderaUoB of Wonaa'i Ciabe the food, which eooatoto of clorer, pcoi
yr«e of intclllyenee to what to expeefad
held at Maalitae,which eloiad tbeday'e sbI cora. UeyareUemoet ecosomie
plsBi for boy ntofay aod bto Idea# la all Uc profcmloni and oecapatloi
le eabserTleet I
were praetleal., Ue lald be belirred It aboold be required of the (araers
latentohad Ohrtotaaa d
Tborouybneac waa the next point
Idwi ihonld be esrhaoyed freely and
The ParBon'loaUWta.
armeia are'loo prone to follow Uclr
upon which yreal a'rea wae laid: tbo- aelyfabon ntethodi aad bare no Indr
ylren lor the autotsece of oUers
rBiaanar. .
Ulllnyaad baadliny Ue pendent Bctboda of Ueir own. "eall
Loama Boaveaia.
Mlaellon by tb« Arehia dtopoaed of rapidly and ended In a yes. etoek aod crops and tborDuyboeae In wlU antnre. neeer pall ayafait her."
I Oa Amaad tha World
public dnUea.
Keep a alnyle eel of bookt which wLU
rebaaOB, which wae well reoclrod.
iltaprokaUaUat Uraa
Unaie by tbe orcbeetra cfaeed U4
The farmer mul bare an inberent yiee you. an Idea of wbat to poBfay fa
The qaeatloB box broarht forU
lete toe hto occupation. A farmer who and wbat to yoiny oat.'
atlcTBOon leasloo.
yaarMwlH bara Ua dtoly helpfol qaastloot aad apewen.
ribartabaiaa uThe erealny aeaelos opene^ with aa to a farmer beennae be It forced to be one
Leee the aalunla oa Ue farm.
affar which aootbar eeleetloB by Ue
addreet by Manly C Dodyc. '-A Imw- to oeeer e eucceae. These who are dir who bat no lore for oowa bai no plnor
oreheatra wae well resdered.
cpniented and areatwayi looklny into In Ue dairy butlaeas
Tbe ant fa ipnk opoB tl
Ur Dodye to well qualified to apeak' Uedtount falnre when Uey ai
Hi Jar B. frmttr aeltoiad abool Ua
Tbe farmer often fail* beennae be
prerna. oa "The Pouto Crop." waa
BtatUarwIaUa Third lataatry.
apm Uto eubjeet. bariny lired half bto be eoBeibipy elee. let the preeent
docs not dd at well aa be koowa.

Lowell (loan, who preare^ bto rtewe
aad do not make Ue beet of <Ucir op- alow and keep out of debt. When yoc
pvataUeaad at Peat MaalUaK. Thr
life on a tana.
OB crowfac. Be thfaki the middle
IBM aad Saraataaath lafaatrr hare
pledye yoor word, keep U to Ue letter.
Be laid that there wae no more aae- porluDlUcs
Jasc to Ue bail Use for plaatfar po­
haMardaradfa HaallartoBair York
The farmer mutt be aeayttcmatle le Your word ebould be uniapeacbable.
ful Of Independent Ufa than that of a
tatoes Be pltato bto potatoee
a^ lha Ooea oaaal.
Th# tataailoD
fanner. Parm life, bowerer. to not bto work a* the mercbanl and n
Ur. Pelmereoaclodad wlU an ap­
fachaderp. It to of tbe aliDoet
at tbacoraraaaal. It to brlaj
eoDitdered or made ae allnctlce a> it factarer. Want of cytum to a i
peal for tbe bent fatereat of the far
abould be. Tbe iriato ollarB life dii- drawback to (arraloir. Know Ue '
UaioUlanhaokbeBtbr Ua wap of
1 H Say
•a* PtaBotoeo whoa Uair tarn ezplra, ealllritloB aod dcairoyinr Ue bnpa. espraye tbe youny aod they are ercr bUltlea and aoadltion of tbe farm,
lor wbo kept the aodieBia
aalM Ua eaadltkaa ia Ua PUllp- Tbe latter ehoold be promptly atteod- looklof toward Ilf.- In town at the prrimeni for reeulla. The farmer
Ur. Dodye re- heart aoortimra and yoee from
buinla of enlBaaiaalte. earaeal dtopteaa abedd wamat aaodlec tbani fa. eeatid: "PatoaparU rreeo be­ yoal of Ueir antblUon.
The rnreromml troopa. eomaiaoilrd
boaaahafota. Thia irlU be Ua drat fa
e. aad aal'ila* of wjt. Hto ramark*
fore Uey are batched, ibea they will
by Prince Uaraei. hare defeated Ihe
aBacoouBiof farm lifeaelt wed to be. a (ailur^ in all.
Be to nnitable and were good and well recetrod
fUM U Ua htotorp at Ua world
be dad before Uey ate allre."
Tafliel rebel* fa a bl« battle
wlUIUlony boure el toll, drodyery j hence cannot auoceed.
Tbe buiiaeat meeliaf followed Ur.
whara a body of troopa bare baaa raTheMb-topic. "HermUDr," n
chief rebel'i »od and I'j otbera were d»yabadtoBoarododUaWorld. laad'
nod bardiBIps. There waaerude forol-1
B* careful about tsall detoUs bare Saylor'i addreaa. OO-em wer* elected
barlraaby Barton Cjlrln. bathe
cap'Uted aod Uelrfaeadi were eap-xwd
tore. aeanl.boineIy fare aod Ue farmer ^ email eaefaye reUnr Uaa larye epeod- for the eoaoloc year Laat year’* ofU
dHiaa to oar oUar..............................
not preaeot. eo Ue lobj^cl wae bi
at Eabat. Th,» u, iiproted to fiaUh
boyentled the ox team when Itraajlny.
were retained, with a few excep*
Dallad Btaiaa ariU aaiop Ua aoral^ of
led by rolOBteer epeaken.
the Tafilet reb-llioo.
away, be wanted (p md away too The { N-''w lucceM to not eo atneb due
tiooa amonr tbe rice preaideeu
bafarUaSrttle iatrodaaa a fbibaTbe Hoorer diyyer wae dtoeaeeed pro
'The ateamablp Lake tiuroa aitb
potoibimin of farm life ara. boweeer. failure df crop* a* to carcleaanena
l’re*ic!enl—U-*bcrt Harney
W army.
aad COB aBd barkria ee. emtea eai
Seorelary aad tn-aaurrr -k O Itodd. J.iaiuof Ur S.WII Ruealan Mnakert who
yraat. and tneb a lilc i* now filled email leaks Farmera are farmfay
•Idend. baaketi hirioe tbe preferaoet
1 yround.
E^clgaiee farminy
wiU many ooaforu that were not panCcairmaa of womas e arciioa—Ura areemlrrallnA lo the Canadian norlhfar paeklBf porpoaea.
weal, hm arrired ai Ilalifax The
Tbabewlfaf oeou
riday .
;one line waa n<'V>
- S. liray.
etble fa ibe early days farmera'
rfac- wa* Ue Bftzi preaenfad by
I aad nrat
bonea aboald ba made more attmeProemm committee for tbe eoauleg ateamer will proceed to St. J ,lin. N It .
C Morraa.
He Uinki that Ucre to
IM laaalUd to aa aaay rielory Cor Ua
A few <ineapeual*e oroaBci
ear—J. #. Mooroe. W. •fl'jeaoinfa where the paeaenveea will laad to lake
sore profit (n ttorfay tbes fa pltiior
lena«. who wea by «M pototo..
and biu of furniture will make I
. K. H^Uullea. Ura A. IJ. UcBae, mil to tbeir falnre b-rnir.
Pototoea ehoold be etored wbere there
Bay Oes ed Ua a^las. had Ua beat
e eommlllee repreoeailae
homblrat borne altracllre. It to i
Him NrltleC. (iray
to Utile beat. Be likee fa yet tboee
biiiua fa Ua eootiBt, aad Uoold be
poeeriy that aaken Ue borne uhlorely,
t ir-a»uiy abowad a^aot of caab Xrard Icdffe-Knighu of Pylblaa
which here beco kepi fa a root cellar.
aria twice Bara W wOl raVUa aiadal
Htoepnrl. Arkanaa-. lUinoto aad 1
but ahifUeaaoem. Tbe way fa dtopel
•od. »J U.
Pole torn yeoemte »o maob heat that It
by UaVoprtoiora of Ua allay.
which haee been at Hot SpHnra,
Thto to a etory thal belonyi to thr oldea
hdlMcellW keep them from eproat- BOBOtooy to to make tbe bonae pleo*
eaa uoeed and aupported that tbe
Taatortayboaolaat waa lor Ua Boat
A'k . inyoatlgatlns the goeeromnil
time. A crrteio lord, pl.wd wnb tbe
iBf. eepestolly In the real eold wiotar ; Iny Bjoke are cheap, proeide Uem eelliea of bit je«ef meaecied him wnb • aecrrlary r^lee a aaiary
|Btato to Uraa Kamaa of M faafap
aitef.T aiiaU’Bal Pythian aaitilannia
{ for Ue home; euitirain 'Ue atind aad aew UnWr •a>-inc Keep ihi» Att;bi. on
weather wbep they here t
int abould be decided by thr rxr.
Mah. PnUowfattothaaaoraliycaBae
bearL >plul puBlabmeut to too yood til yoc Sad > yTcalrr f.u] iben yociw if m
from Ue cold to keep them from freete
for tbe mao who reqnlraa bu w ife to brttne ' Our 'Uy tby onbiriDmn lay
adyini. end with hit boctcbold wrnl tbrourb Mr. Ladd'i iccreaainf rff>ru|
do mors work ibao abe cao do between Archie lo look bi> U-i upon hit matirr'e
obTlate Utodifflsnlly.
that tbe aoccea* of tbe loatllute baa]
fa.e end beet hit toiee once mare
Ur riilsy aad aetilny of Ue aanThe dlKniibs which foUowAl waa
Tbt jetter tloupr-il Bboee bit
been aa«an-d. and all were (lad to re-:
Ur. Djdye'a lecture waa full of yood
rate him la part at leaelforhi*! A bix ■ntllury eoa.truction camp
ipCBUUy halpfnl at stny ralnable
josniry AlCfalc
ttaouybti expresaaed in a plenainy
toM were exehanyed
A. P. Orsy.
ret. Uaoy eoolnbntrd alonce faRhbertRtraey. Ur. Saylor.-John Mc­
• ard tbeaalary.
ThedtocuailoB which followed •
Donald. F. B. Brown aad otben
The offleer* of tbe aarociaaloa ware
partment to uow under way. The idea
part and all aeemed loU toleareUc
-cboaea at delrgatea to tbr round
to to hare a permtnenl camp lo aecom-'
Id ir. Pontiac Uto year.
aebjeet. ihxj mee and tooecauy
neleetlon by Ue orebentra
a» much tpace aa potalble for earryiec
OBlifooed Ue p.
rbuod.op forTrtreete City tomeiii
be near fnlure.
Tbe addrem by Ura. Uary A. Uayo.
re aa idem! a drtllioff ffronnd ad poaTbe afternoon temlon cloned tbto
"Tbe Uoappreeiatod Side of Farm
term of the Intlieou.
Tbe queition
Lift'wae deilybfully yiecn and good
nbly handled by BUa* 8 Urowi
comained eery few r^uratlont.
frrm atari to Botob.
a. aoo of Mr. aad Mn Hllladi
lltodale Colleys
wblcb were aaawered with diapateh.
8oe pictured that Ue tbfayn we haee
1 at Hi SlBwood are
He efafad UatatoU rsieiay and oop
V l^ne not betag pracel. Ue
othere want, aad wbat they bare we
vaf Hra. r. B- Good. yrowfayyabandtobanA There
fbi jeet. "R~lalire Adrnetayn, of Bot. to Uc elate drpartmeei. made
tWk. waa bdjadjad faMa yaatarday tee epriairm of eropi and fire kiada cf waat. People are not coofaat aad it to
tor and Beef l■rodncll<lU." waa auae- p'y to ao inqulrr of aa eitport aaaoetaJtol
dflarwaaadtakaoteUaaeylBB by
-hat bronrn
iloa fa Sew York.
"The ebeapeal
UU way to Ucre any |troyre*a.
U V Holm.
fkarlB BlBpaoo aad Uadenbarttf
Be divided farmera fata
thin* here It a man." he t»y«. •'There'
upon bu.ter makiaff. Uc ha* bad tiff­ to more labor Uaa eaa findempioy-.
Me wbo are avceenaful and ihoee rebo yonr ideals blyb aad Uen aulrc to
in dairyiaff. Uilk which to meni- A coolie earrflnff din will r»Somelimea Uey reach tbem.
cr tnuitbe kept at «l*e fro* 7 to 10 eeata fold per day !
Ueealdebyalda Oarefal aaoaireBeDt
base wbo oompUie the i<K)yt, and yet
Ue riffbl temperature and chnrned at He moil work from enartoe to tuatel.
‘amaotal atBietioB aad h Tixj nennilil In Ihli fainrh irf firm
Urriffbl tomperature. Cbrc mutt br There are more cooUee •wllllaff to work
Make tbe farm a workebop, aad it to they who really hare tbe moat
taken about ultinff batter
Br nara
laee M epeeialiy. tor the aurtet to tc
for Uto pitiaeee Uaa Uere to work tor
Ue atronyeat lirea
It to not
1 to eeery pound. tbrm fade. "
. ,
No Aattormilk aboald be left In Ibe
Dryereat crops au d fitemt coatU- Ue home
____ - pumible sadviullr
oecntaiy to cafety aod happioem. and ret butter.
. phyiletoe* and
|i) not *rork Ue butter
Meats fa Ue abil. benoe it to mi adeto- Uat lella
Tbeyrsotcetoomplalnt Uat'Ue far­ ticked mrth felly
lo much aa it «polto Ue ffraln
Milk aeiealtotaare lelerrated la Ue cnae of
Mac oMc to yo to Ue Wcot Side
ablatoplaat Ue yroand to.Ue
Ue child of Jamr* SotamerrlUe. who
le cowl rer rlar y aad milk quickly
■idfaUly Ue aoertC neat DnderabcrlB Uiny year after year aa It elmioaiet; mer makca to that he baa to w<wk. There IbecondiliefW c<f lif
•tituiioo of then
----- 1 own*bodicw
a yood many wore* tblays
Mr. Fa'm-ribrn fare aome n-a*oat diqd Ue other day from tcarler fever.
, Hohlfao who wae yofaed by Chief
from H Uc elrBenl that to feedlay Uat
wayear* tge Ur aod M-* SumWork to UeyrosMt boon Ood SJ'The"
why holtor makloff waa iBnrr pn h'ab'.e
tiUteeBaomto. When Ue oSoma er crop.
Farmer* are elUer ninnlny
There to Boibiny woiwe
fa-VoMhrrn Mirblpan tbaa beef p-» merriUe loat two cLildrcn from itte tame
tbeir fars* or Ueir farms are raaaiay:
From the bead of
■taUsttampU to nabdaeblm and Item. UaeblBCTycsBBotdo all kind* idlrne**,which robeyonny folk* of
Be " while they dnetioa: Butler find* a ready bom*
•rr vour*
hood and womanhood
market, beef ooea not. iVe are In Ue
S-ime day come- the ,
t farmer'* w,fe bw really
after death, placed in to e
bcel part of Ue atato for butter makiuff
pre-eiiu her o«eidi«ft
a rUa. i
a* fc-d it cheap' O^mpeiiiton t* rrroiI* Ml Ichded. and «
' ipie.
thon llm« affo Ul* eoeilope wat p,
er ia beef Tbe aremffe farmer i*
tint.bat It wi
duerd and tbr lock of hair rxim nr
ter prepared to toiuia a diary
wtM hs tarsed ts SBcnpe Ue yna wae
She abodid ealllrale IW, *1 Ihen burden. Soraelioe*. eery oneo in.
beioff alloi
r.|nally adtp-ed l> boU butUriUe
UrowantChfaf Bsaatoilriklny him
deed, a red ipol beyio- to bum oo ihe
tbelieiideof ber<oaluro aod ap. I cbevh| a -faackini cocyb derelop* the laakiRff aod and beef product:
he eoatraeled Ue dtoea*c from
^ tnan. hot wUboat enrione reanlis
itPerowa tboft. Uk- «ren*th
predate i-.e beoulieeof nature.
Ditcuatiou followed fa w
thaaUnyouitBu eprsny Urooyta
UrsA.yomade a beaoUful appeal
Gray. Ur Holme*. Mr Palmtc
■ MOMd Bfary wfadow to Uo yroand.
San Franctoco contractor* en‘^l >yed
to farmers aad tbeir wires for appreci j ^P*
Campbell panicipaied.
iVnlhlny BMof hto saklee ia Ue drop.
lo fforernmeot eootiruetl-M w wk or |

Dyspepsia Gure.

•btoh to M k( mim Up Qaata atp

are the statements made by
some stores, but stiU they don’t catch the
trade. Most people have learned that a
concern where truth, honesty, and reliable
merchandise are NOT kept, is a poor place
to look for bargains-Suits claimed worth
$12.00, wind price $6.99, usually turn out
really worth $6.00, etc._
Our system of selling trustworthy
goods, only at uniformly right prices is:
daily winning new &iends.

a dtotHtatad at

'Many Invenlory Bargains Ihis monlh on
Cloaks, Overcoals, Caps, Hosiery, elc.

Wilhelm Bros.
Which Half is
the BelterHalf

i-vr!^r U.E oti biT

:. .nj Ibe cx|-cn.w will

O noUiug.



!>■■« Ihr letter luilf
Icaninz : due* it Iletter
r way Mom: d,«.-* if rwly. quickly
and (lK'a|.li. L»rv»lw
-^eautl ecuiumy.

-L Ue U.

i ri

he* Vert,






u.a,, f..


iBwhtohbsehrricd UcMb wlUhIm.
tPlUhlaaad la rmtotfay Ue boy drew
■ihhltewlU whkfa Ur. Uooltoo wae
M%M(y WDonded fa Ue hand.
ThnaBiefad yoony man won token
m ffatUy aa posUble by Ue eficaia sad
•Owreyad w Ue JaU where be wae
Muad fa Us cmre of Shertt Slmpwm
mt Or. Anderaon eammemed lofaok

LaGrippe is

Ue WoM’B Qab eajayad Ue Bcel
M Uat aoeletj rrktoy afteraetm.
••PnoUnat'e Day.* and Mrs U. B.
Oatoa. oetfay peeoldeot. had prepared a
«MHtem After Ue' hoifama Ue UtorUy Bwnlili were opened wlU a laa
yteas aolo by Htoe Jeaepbfaa Vader.
Un. l. U OlhU raadi a paper wboee
•nbjMt wan. A tew Sew TevUo^to.
A brief maoUm waa made of Ue
Mof Ue yaar Jst alaaad.

Goat tolaad Friday ooeartb*d eight
it a myilery how ibry

’.Vemaa t Secticn of the Farm
efn' : laUtnle to- beoomiair mae aod
^t'adclpbi*. mdre nppreeiatod ccery year aad the
hmppT b'rtnr
women of the city a* neli aa Ue rona•o«mii-»nd fj,._________
try matreat pe\.fil matorlally by Ue «nd dir. in tbr tll-.iird timr of a
I life Two potilioa. tie pot'<h>r

■■ ‘“‘'■’liTbai^T

(Mtlirtac he

■Uripbad left men ptayaical wreck:
rank. belpItM and mtoerable.
alerp; ooold aot rain
tlaa oould not help atm and 1 oum
tad aalac Dr. Uilea- .Varelaa The
bad bad
flret Blrblto alerp Mat I bed
foarmoalkacame at Ue retail of toe
two Rrat doam.
I bad takea tws
boulre 1 fell better then 1 bed before
fa yearn, aad aontlaard to impnna oaUl 1 trat eolWiy-------' WiKurwaae. Mymooib. lib.
Alt droxptou are aalborixed to aell
>r. HUm-'lYmiae
HUm' Keroli oa;__________________



I* rguit tte tOOMttlLt m A


ilBosfflHR lutpnjBitad Alt Gtnc.

The depetaafac cllceu of Ue promnt
epidemic of Unp are appareal i
Teoebert. clerka. bai
________ _______
laborera,_ atreet
atree ear
a eeapsay wlU drlecra. aehool ehildroa. pollea uacci
aad eeea tbe doctor* all faratoh etc
Or. AadeiBOB and 1
time by tbe bund ala
fihaiUe Bootol eoodlUoe of Ue patient
No remedy yet Ooooeered caaabo..
Muaind trasuechtfa Uewfaa.
rcMlUequal to Dr. Hllen' BcalaraUre
The yoony ana a n yaara of aye .Varela*. It quickly
■todhaBBoSaced la a at
read aaalaU aatare to Urow off
eadlj microbaa from the ayttom.
Ia time* of epiMmlc like the preaehl it
aboald be takaa a* a prcTeutire of dia-


Yeeterdty abont Ifi ladle, were pre*




«“i»e fa Ue Bafttot ebarob JSXt1“th.i the mm. bred oet hu tbroe
preaided oeer by Ura E. S
Gray. Thwtlrai paper on Ue proffram
wmi eaiitled “Uettloy Abend
our Work." by M-*. K M.
ewabttobed___ ___
bee* Mra Voorbee* to one of iboar pene
e*e Krdical DiKowry'' den eaie weak Isoo.
baa bkedum ban Ibm- obtuuate. liiweTtei
ewuxhi, torrsiriiU. toeochiii-. ihrsai dm— - a^ kiMrid aSectioa* of the air-pea.
• -' f• eexleetrd or baC^tciyA

lo..™-,>.iL H»is£a',".™3'5r.s',s..=

JoUaiu Allen of lUaaa •poke apoc
-Stock K*toiog and Feedinff He *taied tbat be believed a larmei
ihoald keepa 1 kind* of itock. fa dto
eh it now a ffoTrrnmenI rraerrr
pnee of Ue d:fferral kiodi of waau
the haunt of pirate* a'-d tba'
Many pay more alteauoc
burial trearurr i* bidden an the
fa hoc* *ad tbeep Lhaa
Uaa to their
Ueir miu* «a,
e. I ialaad
Another i«
Itoe iadffmeal in
by tbe H^niardi id early I
Alien'* addreaa waa *bi-rt but many e*ldaya aa a boryfaff fronod. several at ,
aable ideal were brooffht out Urouffit
qBtatioo* 001 to him.
Ue anatrerod tempu hbve been made to 'oeaie Ue
bidden tronaare, but wichoat tucce*.
qneaUoo* readl'y aeeordfaff to bto ex.
periroeet. Geeeral dltcaaaloo follow, Tbe tkeletom* aneanbed Friday arr
few twinff
ad. participakd in t-r many
lew Uaa aix feet, lix iaeaaa loan
The final s
■ bronrbt np
tabj-eta which were *-«
wrred el Irnffib. npec’ally the aabjeet of deboraiar which wat
almoaiuaircfaally oneeded

UBSU lann wr ixae rpa to aau raawam fir_______


$ 1.00.

talk eoatalaed leaeont to wiwmof farm- \ well cetahiitbrd rare* of turb <mr*
y eTcrrome preeent.
An eapeeially flnefeetaee wa.

j coBwimpUoa—and inctir»hle—fa tbe heal
tbe i

meaafal wer^t^ and Ua
laatlute eioaod for Ue ye^

addna* of Uea Darter. ap00,"Motber: Urdical Da«:wTeTy.
aod Child " Mat Derfee ba* made a '■ . »T>etbet the doctor* hiee erred la ihrv

.r< 1,‘tSlTJl'

fj of tbe aatare of ebOdren pad
method of tralaier Ueyonaff idea
aad bar Adreae yreterday drliffbtod
tbe mxken preaeal beeante It ap­
pealed dtreetly fa tbeir bearu.

dlacoaacd ktadrrrartoo work. relatodi„ ay ifaSa^'i
B bto.tortmaad ilia.trafad bar tbrm. , JK ltSKt

A. J. PETERTYIa, Proprietor*


to thmk A utotomt, b<y«
oadr mtOBg ct fa to nrilfov ««eAL
' ber c

tar pew miaMler
lOABUrtatoAOidiabeatMotUe be*v,o| , ^
tUasieai aabolan arar rradaafad from ttUsa
Uc NorUweatarB oeiTeraity.
far Ml
Rfahord Hardtpff Daeto to
a «r, !Da
m b vme ia New
Je haabcmi
attacknl br a vu

linfamnt wfa^


lytlra MSaatiaffo.
Mr Gaarol



{faef A Wotfa d good bfacc

Ukoc. S<^ to « fad oa.

"iSS-Ufa RnryA MayoofBattto<>.wb.Ue’mga^'?^':£rVre;’mi'U tbcfa-ofa Frtda, ap^Uag Owmr W face AfttlMcA ^-Bcfato BdAf
DPff—«* la—cmWl at U. Oalfad fa Boa.* llodi^?rkftA fa dSfa
faffterbfaa«b<Mt.-MoUarMdDacifcSartlodadamy. Mom *m* Aaf
H A kttift «d fas
b. MUaa'Hsdkbl On. BklMrt. Ii

MaoDrsetort BaiEgirt, Woffosa aimI 81«vha d A
lU-pair.Worfc. Be|*uitiog. Vanuahing and Upbol
AltoOepers] BlacMnitbiagAad Forgiiia.
IEIorweaboeuiR a SpeeiaUy. "IKJly- Abbptt Ms cbszgs ct this
irtoenn and biii^fatfaB far kDO*iag
a good

far Md tfaUwtO.


Tlfa pfaoe, Ui« Mrt M factory st cot. Uftfan ud SUfa MzmM.



fe&jjTB iiiTMtai MiftAiA. lAiraAfif fti. itM.,
Tba Ola
I oBarad for lalo by erd* of tbt
aenrt Monday, tba iowtot ortao Winp
Bxadatpoo4lto Natnal^Wdw

aabar to tbrnt tnatand of Bra.
Al Barriap. nUapad to ba tba
eeooi^dtoraetnr la UtebBaM, cnnaad

Tba Jake. B. ftaaaaU. tba tarpaat

Inptoto. andbarbtobeed wsaamtodter
la tbe war of ISIS. She wna a y*«np
woman when abe beard at tbe hauls
Tba lair WlUiaa Badleatt. wbe died
amUttoto of tbto WA
yrara. and then of Waterloo. Tbe an
aaderoryallefsaieSceday to claimxd. emrolf^'pUto ^a^rOaWlu’eW.tob Udy. aped Itt. wan w. ..mra onui
{ractoiUy at B-rerly. Maaa. waa
l»s nnUl
Other enlotw are tcrmiep all
yanrs old. Bs wpa a diraet daaeat
'ofJobeBadtoott.U>a kaoea Peritoe
J. U. JobMOm
lieedto U^dlfferanteMtoriaa
lander, at wbaan old boBataaA “Or>
r yeov keop
Mr* Solomon GtoDOn. t
dard Fara." la Danr«ra. be w^a bton.
reached, and tbe rearlrer epUlasktat

MWarlap in tl
bnpcy of Bnpy eekna. Tba pear at
tba reblela waa pun wblto, brtuianl
md wbaab and blaa panda on tba r
D M. Batey. prnaldant of tbs M


LkberBanu ReportiMtfMC. Ju- »4.-Th« IdtewUc <•
»lyBopili of tki aoatMW of tb« nport of CooiaMoMr Co. of lb* MleblfBO Labor Beraaa. flrlar r^bU asd

hw M par*^eMt wara
Oamu: a, IrU; «. Boiaadeta:
B^Utfa; *. OaaadlaBa: 1. Ptaaeb;
Palaa. aad Uw ranaUiac » par ee
aad S
eaot bad 4


Tba Faraera' Clab.
San Joaa. CM .
«Ucp-D.W.U-;'LTiue'£ri,”Sb^ i*' ^erof.well know. Hebraw 1
!f*moa«Iiulc piUa for cArat piuceBimbsssad prealdeat of *e*.
J G. Johnwto.
oral wrarpanira in-blab the trm tokto
islortoU to eeatrnl tbe dried pnaa (Wlr*rrttora MSiir.
IM see^iw CrUk ralt
an ia-eeral. baa beta prow wad f<w i
eeipnt on tbe eoMt. The ostmiriar to
niaca in ibe powaor«eaeral a e
to be aloop tbe line* of tbe Wine itrow.
Tbe prjpoasl c >Qe • fi
,er*- Ataoatotioe and Ui« preatratoin
_______ _____
____ ixaaty wiUwtilji, C*».ret.,C*»di<JsiW'"rwrotows;
I enmbine at Fresno

Cbptnin Walker, of tba Cnnard al
tba Atlantic.

Be to not lo tba laaat alarB

Dewy aaym that

aloa paaaad tbrooph aba atraau. wblaTbe pnaboat Yorktown baa Bailed
Ua Vara b owa aad tba popolaat from San Kranctoce I
abaarW loatlly.
Gnam. onr poaaBaloa la tbe Lsdroar p,id of raoelnp ice.

A band of American fill bniten are


I At Btaadlah Hr. Foran raoaatly had a
^•idApbtwUb a wildcat with ae ax.

In Spa'o many army ofti ten baredb- ''leo<* dhe.repo'’* that on Jan. 13 a
eland lo faror of Dun Carlos, aod It, peaaaat wumac. namsd rerrarial. in a
IS certain that the army will po 1 8t of Inaanliy. threw h-r three little
lo bim in a body aboald be po to I aooa IbtO the aea aad then leaped oeer
board. All four wore drowned, Two
_jdrew D Wblto. Amertean ambaa.

itoler of'
eubfederatot. xotlL-ipeiinp
Soala. baa aeooanoad that tbe queee
<;oopreaa alonp the hora |
by tbe orealdeot. Genera; |
repent will conreae tbe Corten c,0 u,,|»oppoatea
JClemeolA eranx. of Atlaau. bs* pro-1
day followlnp tba ratlPeaUoa of i
ixided lb* drparlmi'Bl with S n-pnrt of
---------treatyn^ the Uolled dlalcn.
itbr locnllou of prares of
eonOwlnp U
lack Of ships, offirari aod I ,fderale saldlers. .
SacTStary Loop w.ll b« onabi*. j
for a. indefinlt. prrkd. to r*-*.tabltoh
L-nltrtl BWte. nasal •‘•ttoos.

chlcapo. Ccl.


iar bar that aaMlcoB to pi ooo
AtBatoa BaMa Baaiy f. Hoalloo.


At Wayne. WlUiaa Blnatt; aped m.
aad Hra. feanie Kirkwood, aped 74
paaa wara Barrlad Patarday.
aoapla waaplraii a today drtoaaatrm, thBBatarday alpha
Bear Bllaa Frank Etnp. a weU todoParaar nddl'p la Pmb lowaabip.
laat aeraai the atota llaa. (rll froa a
load af bay. broahiK
Mb Death



fur'-.h- >i*e cf Uir •• mmiosary depart ,
At Sk John. K. H . tbe larprat party ment of lb* Vnitr.l smtr* srojrlnibr '
eflmmlprabU **er 'anded st a Can- -Pbilippior*
Tbr pl*ot ** d,*l/n.d



. A nnabar of aoatbara MIcfei
M8IVII wUI nndaaeer a baea tba

SlOO Brward tlOO.



If Wbefenmr a« i< la DclfeSoaa-


>r«ri USX
cl**m*, ud l«r^<> snd hsaeai wena I. uc

awiatted I7S0.



Id orde
place on sale today;



lis-a Sicc.'os erskh. prr

4c li;;:';,-;!:;:';:;;'?:,'""’,"'-"'' 89o

1 linro white dsms.k *

00 per T*-d for

^rkry rad table cloth worth «o mU

4Sc V™-;";;""'"
r.' Inch hslf b racbedall damsrk AQra
73c -•"•lb for.................................... ^OC

la ftw”™
Mxw parr llaa heck tewala worth.
Cbrakrd outtoo towela

IlAviU iwy yi>u well to atlen.l- this special sale to replenish
,' to \vi«ii

linen stuck for this yeai
.< durifijr ihi, sale. whi-llier
filer you l.iiy
or not. {■s only U) admire our disj
sjdnnt-rs' injrenuilv.

We invite

ipla^ of dainty

1 snowy white articles of the lla

Front Street.

The Boston Store,



Prices we are making equal to 1-4 and
many cases more. They melt away; ^
lots of them left, however.
^ -

The greatest Bargains yet to come.
Do not be too hasty to make purchases
of small dealers.

bat will not always be able to off-r yoa
au.\ atnountaal theae pricea. For a few day*

u.p7..d.r.ra«,UtodS.pM..................................................................................toosup.u7d.c Sapar...........................................




..................................................t 00

71 lura-rd. B.rawaBnpar.........................
lui, JaxonerLipbtbansaBoap


10 bars rood LauMry Soap...............................................................................

: :::r^


and many other barimna <>qQa[ly at gjod that yoa will
Bud by giTiu*; os a call.

Bemember tbe place, and that
prodoce aa we ean poMibty lue.

Enterprise Grocery,

d lyiba.larwatnfn


M'e will continue to Rive you :

I atorare am Wa sUr u rurr la all IM
aa* iXm ^aCaiarfS. rUIS Calarrt


the slock onahan,d. I.oujihl wh.m the tariff did n-.l exi>t
ern Micliiiian

Lr*. chief qusrtr ■-

We are Still
I Selling Goods..

Pbnl tba waU-laapaln on 110 100"
At Baldlap Barrtoen BlodprU wna
toatonUy kUlad Monday bya lead of
fa«i andimeka Upplarerar oa bla.
Tbati^na broke. WtUnp tba iraba
nnaetbahortiB.Bodba loapad Jtoi
M tba land want orw. Ba wna .to ycva
bd nnd bad n larpa faally

Our Great Linen Sa'e, lH.-pinninir wiih l->cl.n-, will attract the ladies c
hat-e lK-en fortunate to secure a handsome stock of nvw llr.-n> s. .

rstrlpc.: .ppisoi a. M.n.l.

adian port came aabore fi>.m ibL Boat' will bt 001 of txt larprt'. f lU kvic j
Inroo Hodday, when rrer built. Tbr rstimatrd rosi cf a sn- i
ra. rallptoea refaprr* . ufse'urkip tbr dlff.rrol psri* of t .* |
from Roaaia. pot tbeir frrlob Canadian . apparatus bei* and si ippibp I hem 10 ,
soil. Tbe immIcraniB hare left forjHani:*. wbrrr they will be piu to-' 1
fnnr eblldreo.atx winolpep.
I prthrr piece by pirrr. to sb^ut (:»' i>n' ^
praad cblUtaD and two preaVpraadebUdraa.

eatoia lew prorldlop that ell eaplsaa
Tba praotlto of tylap bonaa oa tba
trainaeball be broopbt to e stand.
: atraat for boara at a tiat ta aald'weatUll before croaalop tbe tracks of olber
< tbarwltboat atrerlap baa atartad an
nllruada. wberecrcaalops art not pro; a*ltat>«aatB4wapafor tb or^a'ia'
ridsd with Inlerlockinp appUaneta. to
Moa of n hnaaM aoclaty.
not bdop obamed. and be baa iMnad
WlUiaa Hiller apad U. can of Fr nk
protUlnp that at all main
: -aniB-of Braoklyo.abothlBarlfwl ha traok'crusalbftont prorlded with in: ftoolrto Monday Bamlnp. Be wna U1 toriockiope. Itbe atpnaU or paus pori with tba fr4i. and it la antaad be eroieptbaaa meaball al all Umaa be
poalUun.. oot IndlMtlap
tba riphtol way tor .sata
Tbara <t an oil well at L*<lcrv»
nntll aneb train* or e-pioaa aball bare
broopbt to a tu
*top aad bare
Aaet (bat work npan It bad hem m- tddteated by wbtaUtn. cal that ripbl
of way tode*ltod. ^
; anaad after a briof atopnaian. a



broad, wbicb were abaodoabd baler*

riyall Ibe
a In Detroit
pel of reriooa enma of
etrnck tbe tows e abort Uke npo and
»ted hlmaalf ai H. H. Bryant
of tba ConaoUdatod Faabioa plato compaey of Temple-pl.HjatonADd of'parto,
London aod Haw York.
Be waa a
poltobed talker and he act f^ that
bto company wa* to plre away pion
of fashlm plates to inirodoee l'>
work, bnt that a amall asm bad to be
paid down to pay lor blndlep, esprew
ebarpea. ale. This earn wee 'ortbe ^mlepU maey iinuoc«.
The dreMmskera nernr reeelrcd tbe fsabion
Belireed Comminloaer Waaaellea bee f




tador to Germany, aaya the meatla-1
apeetloo law
Isodcd at G
will help rather «>■»" bon American tube lb Lal’latia. Isi
Tbe prrallebl's seot-mebt, cxpreaae l 1
Llentenaat Commander Barrie, wbo In AUauta rscenUy, Ibel the porero
It should care for tbe prs.ea of tbr
ia.)palsd tbe HtrU Tereaa wbao abe
waa abandoned, bsa been honorably'uonfederau oead. to bearipp fruit.
Hc bad .olunteered <-017 I Inveailpatiuo to now lo praprraa by tbe
i wsr department to locate the prsTr* of

WhUe land-lookiap tor tbe Ball A
[onsoB Oo., In tbe nclnlty of tbe
Watokai rirer ra^da. laet Tna<4ay.
Wm. Watokai. of Bay Ml'la. aaw a
IbaatoHlq paint of b
- Be Brat aaw the track in tbe
and foUowed U aeeeral mUna.
when be earns wlibio a few rode df tba
animal. Iteroaaed a lopplnpraad bnt
lew rod* from Urn. Upon aaaUp bia
nraaba afo baa tobm oot a Jlaaoaa to
. ran away
Be bad no pan with him.
bnt foUowed It for a loap Goa. ont of
enrloalty. It wu nedonbledly tbe boll
le that baa been seen aereral Umca
IPLOPO. apalMt 17.000 < ibm. lUpnat[aPke taealpla tor 1PM wara P76.000 aa dnrlap the winter.
aoBparad wltb PM.OOO Is ItM.
7%e polieanrcindoatrloBaly looklap
fornsmeotb fel(ow wbo bn* awindlad

It totwuk rocij-riioB
—ram All drra1. I0c.spr.4uc7 er the-tm.,. of Bomber.

ne Borne cr'impoodeet of tbe Lon­
don Dally Hall aaya: "The Iialiaa
' aSeamer, Orirne. Captain lararailaI from Boanot Ayrer. Jao. 7; amred at

In IWi. Bar bnabnod.
aped M. ^a atUl llrlop and in pood
. They calibrated the sixtieth
bipartwtUabowaa laeraaaid a


It to reported from BeHIn that Prince day rTtarned a troeblll apalnrt Mrv
Berber! BUuark la abonl to rerantor I annle £. Oeorpe for morderlnp Osorpe

the clerWrom ounp-tba ofBce. e. . Tbr White War line aicaarrOcMbic.
A Botrard City laan baa a cow of
inrpeal *blo errr boill, waatnrew
•aal latrllltasec.
Tba feed wbloh
Warsaw has a ponce markat-ln which 1 ,„iiy i,„ncbrd s'. Beltaat. Tbr Oceank
-aaplaord la bar atoll waa not to bar
rery year, from SrpUmber to Norem- > ^ ro4 fret oeer all. Her rDpioen ar*
kinc. ao aba dlmbad a fllpbt of atolia bar. aboot peew ar* inaaipnl-', i,aiU for
horse-power, sad she
Is aaarrb af aOBtlhlap belter in ibe ated by Jews.
i bsa s coal capacity soScleat to rnsbU
bnoaa. Of tbeaacunaaad tS par eaal npperatory. Bar iotemceoca.bowoTer,
Tbe Maine bonaa cl rapreaentoueea >her to cirenmesripaia the p(ube ate
Maandtrontbatr aarslofa and
St anSelaal to enable bar lo pM
na ndotped n reaolnUon indonlnp ex ' spaed of twrlrr koot* xn hour witbent
P« eaat tbtsk itam art lapretad. Tba doWB apais wtiboat eoDaidarabb
aranira Ubb trorkrd al Ua rarlThere were freab ee
am tradaa waa lo a yaan aad »a
; H >c4xy ia tbe prorlno
Bfaot 10.* Boettepar yaar. The arer: Simmons ba* pieen to tbe town
particularly i tbe dtotrIcU o:
o'Eeooeba. VI*-. 4l.7OU.0ii0 fur a pnbaca trafat of 4ba «.m malta aat •[.»!
Co. which straek tbe dlrecEyparm*ls aod Phtlla-.ra in the deMrlUc library balldinp. wbicb be will alto
par day.
b wiu aaaaincat at
meat of Mewoia. on tbe loniab coast.
Stock wltb ti.Me rolumca.
Ibaarac^ waya of aaab
"cheek'' dUpUyrd. Tba rcqaeal
I In tbe town of Kypartosia. a oombrr
OMptoyBeei par day waa aa fullowar
Woostm, Ark.. Tbnradsy. 8im .
damaped by Sonthat tba company My a lost of PI.400
la. pi n:-taraaaa. pr
Blberldfia's llula boy aecldeotaliy shot , g,
collapsed Mrad.y after
on a oonple of barna wbkb bad bi
; Otand- Baplda 1
sad klllwi bla llltla t yearAld atoter-Be j B^o.iojor.npmso.T lo fifty
bteen meotba alter the loaoi
baodlinp a toy pan.
them had exnired Lbroopb Don-Mycblldreo wareirjuied.


cm- nrc cram


of (boar barlar
Caa(u4. TWe.araraport
bartac n.■t Tberawara l.»W obo
benaa. bo par caat of

At Frankfort, tba Aim Arbor railroad
tmpany are aew rnabad with
Intar'a reb acroas Lake Hleblpaa.aa
bondreda of ear* are awafUop trao».
nortoUoB from tbe west aod aortbeav Tbe Ano Arbor mr Icfrias Koa.
t aad t. aod ateamer Alice SUfford.
e dolnp rnablnp tHpa from Haaltowoe
and Kawaasee. Wia.. aod Haato.
. ja.n; Uasera. pi Wi
Hleb.. aod are traoafernop
' alUwarinra^l.UUaaadiy. pt.«0:aoalAaia, pl.m ea^t Bakata (ad fnrei' aboBt leo ears erary twent'four
.. farawerkara, PUS; 40: mar.
Bear Beaton Barbnr Mrs Krank
HaoBdaieaa eaucra. pl.M: paiatara.
Pl.M; brato werfcan. •: 07; atatol pol Daley, aprd ». made a doable attempt
Bhan.<Pl.«l:bkyelaworkrrt.pi iCtoa- to commit anlcide before dayllpbt Moodey mtoalDp. Wltb a brcadkelfe
pory. PL41: nUlera. pl.M:
pa»B Billa. H.»: aarrlapa aad wapon cat bar throat and then iMred dowe a
At « o'clock abo wna
tnirba, Pi »■ wood worken. PI 4t: iron SO foot well.
foaod with bar head oal of the water,
irarfcsn, Pl.aa; box aakora. Pi ll:
yapalrira. Pl.M; alroal car amployaa. aad oearly dead from exbaeatlen. Tbe
•IA»; baUhara aad Baal oatlcra. PI 07: only tbinp that aarad tbe womaa tr^
” PMMoca. Pl la: day laboran. PI lorap. dfownlnp wna that tbe pomp's tabea
■are larper at tbr bottom of tbe well,
be was reacoed with difflcnlty.
• Tba wtal arerapa waps la tba labor
•aorMB laat year waa nlae canla bipbar
At CaoatsnUar. Mra. Hiram B. BarliBBlaabownby UM eanraaa. Oo«:
■nod, aped M yean, went to alt dowe
pitaOBarOoa aeoaaaU far tbit, bow*
> a ebnlr Sanday afurnoon. She
prer. froB tb« fact that la-tba laat eao- failed, bnt aat baarlly dowanpoatbr
a tba arerapa wapa was Ukn froa
atrlkiap bar bead rioleatly
elaaa aaaraaaed. laalaad of apaloat bobc fnrnltar*. Tba ahock
)lba wbola elaa
faaltheM aaployad al ibla'tUatUat
tor the old lady, aad abe
gmt. Alaa. tbia year a mare pcnerai expired la a abort time, bbeeamf tii


public aorrioe. probably In a dlplomalU In. Saxton, brother of Mra WillUm
I McRrolry. last October
Tbr tcdiei-j
Theeapitolat Baiiford. conn., to to neet la for tbr first deprae sod tur
be closed at oipbl bsraattor. to prarent j peanl ty i* death by rlectrocnUoa.

Dtof an aaaetomeel.
Nrediraa lo
aay tbe claim waa oot ereo eonaldered

enna.Wie imalyVeaWwmBItowtoPtom


Hearn Barber Bprlnpa saa wltb a
teaaB wbora bpatoa are ataally to be naaed tor Uoitod btoUa Senator,
aban a poUee torea of 7,Ml
toand. eaerarud a blonde d<« beldnr
Tbe po*tBs.t**sHp of pambrbkr.
Inp to an aeqaalntanea late a deep
atereeu of New Torkalu, bss boM held by eoc fsmUy loop,
branetto by tba liberal naa of tda<k
tinst crime and dmiwder. ’
of any other Iowa la the
paiot. Tba owner of tbe dopfoond
Threbaptoll boys era ender errcct lo ! eoantry. Willlaa kiiby was appointrd
not tba Bae'a nnoic. and a jnatloe of
>lae avy^ld
to tba oSce la imo. and bla direct datba praat wUI da tba rant.
wreck the Orepon Short Line pay Iendanla bare bandied the mali* errr
I s'nea bla mirrment Is lS*o
Trreaty aoBbera of tba Featoa train.
J. 4. Lowrry. wbo owns an orchard j
HrMillan baa introdneed a
UfbtOaard forawl a band of pyparaa
r AOOOp^tmaa lo Pattis
approprtoUnp Piou.oo.,
Z „pblla tonre tba plaee at tbe paint af tbair
; bill
bayoaau. Tbe aoniada bad
raporta that tba bod. are all' boose
lor aereica
aerrtc. on
on Lskm
tender for
' ,Aa tba
j Hnr'oD. KieblpsnsndSnparior. It wii:

BUdabraadt, of Nor’h Uoalr^.
But wltb a peealiar aocidenl Monday
>r- Be weal to tba bora to Uke
care of bu borae. Ha *a« tlaod ap by
tba aolmal'a bead aad a|^e abarply.
Bylap. -ttaad orv." wbao (be borae
wboaled aaddaely aod bit bia soae off
loae lo bit taco.


asy sh.b.d‘ 2n

.Henater Deboa propoace .a. net
leUton' hoBB at AbrabaB Ua<
blrtbplaep In Kentoeky.

oftbadty. la <naa be doto
not aeeade to eertaia Ubar desaeda by

• eff CkflaUtoMe. Nornee formed nani
a-to’*** MW. Bile.
1 wtokmaateoa
am bap.
wUeb axtos pay i
^P»«l P*^.


on Men's and Boys’ Suits will commence next week, and we
guarantee the best values for the money ever sold here.
Invoicing is now going on. Our annual sale in February
will surpass any previous efforts.


A lot of Men's Heavy All Wool Kersey
Jackets Less Than Cost.

■ .r


itnairp jlEAVimgB HBBAtP, yUTOABT U, 1*U.

-M* 0pw«li<p«u


Man will W>«kwT ««■*«* ** »•


poiUat faatar* War tk. eeUbUehlay of tk* aertkara dlrWoa of tk*
•aUU* hl« *e MTMt eWiHwttea eo^aap. laeiadlar tkaaaUrc apper
wta Um B^Wku
•»*«. pnlnaala. with a peaetal oaperiaUatto MakMtlMHlMUSS at • Mdl- death oOm aad kaadquarura at Har4M«.
e< UM brt»M-t
lo U. .«*H
Tkl* dlrWoa BOW eoaaleU of twaatpMl wmU fne*»ht BapraM bMebof
T* exekaacM aad over eaUeribMtablfM wiU Ik* alfBltT Ml aMUV
_ia. AU Ik* exobaara* wUl be eoe, «U*k tkat faapaaai^ po« d*-“^ seeled tocetker bp tk* leaf dUiaao*
~'WkM»wMjk*«aUe<%k*Mrttt at
laMUChlMfe. Detroit
Ik. Mb««MdMat*><k* ap.d.1 Itpl^e potau.
MM of J«if*AUft(fc.koaMaot M
>t will be of a ctrietlp
lMt*ickt«L B.wo»ldh.Mkoo<irV»
■maaeat aharaetar. aad Ue beet tkal
Ite k*>*k Md to tk* *<au.
. be eaUklbbed to provide for perU woald b* • mnaoM Md Dotfht loaf dlelaae* aad exekaafv eerhMljaetlsrUrMd Tmtmm ooMtp to
a The coapaap will pareheee lead
amen «*z1rad «eutr U tU* B»Mr.
1 ereet a boUdlaff at Maiqeetu
JiWdUMi MUttoM. ixriltkaUj
Cor their dirUloe .apertateodeal*
nd etkwwii*. aski kMWM th* two
aad local exehaa(a. The
4« tk. a.Mtori.1 *o«»«- iBprovameaU aroand Trav.
iMt (>U Wuford *eas9 OMt lu
wUl ooBdit of arw iwUcblataparata*.
MUdTOUloroerows MBdU»l*, Nr.
lad the eoMtraclloe ef eeveral eoppe.
oeUUlc drealu to the eppar penis
MdwitkoBtW.xfari'* rent Hr. Htlecta. Oraad Bapidt and ether poieu
Nk^aBaidBatb.Tpwoa to tk* cooof the eUte- The enUre spoer peole.
oaMkM. TkatoM]; on of *e«*r»l
anls will have three ocilets.
•sAbMnUnadTnTnMii** r*a*lraed Milwaaket
•d tr«M Watoed.
Thb I* * icdid
aad Chleafp. aaotber vU Heeklui
tfM*te*kewUat w. ai^nwlM* tk.
cup aad Traverae Clip, aeother via
fM«>7Mt*e<e>r M*r-br Ml^hbo.
Bap Caty to Detroit. Sinli -Sie. Herii
ta delNr w tr* tkooU k* (appertisc
wUl be eoDBeeled with Detroit via St.
■ulaorarp wap qualilad for tb«
1(aeee aad Haeklasw Clip. The Itlmsd
liMinYT- pealUiMi la which we woald
of Hackiaac will al*o be e
•k* Klad t* kelp plae* blat.
with BV Irnaee by *U pair* ef heavy
eablra. TbI* quality of a.
Oar Export Trad*.
We will eleo be seed between St. Ip.
; Ik* pact ftark export rtoonJ will
Kdaabrr 3
. «ak*tk*wladoat of tk* yi* of tk* eopper wire will be seed between ell

CtefUtaU tk* MMf« aeamm wUl be
r%kt U Um U Ik* way ad b enMnar
bee aevaed ananlaBaftp to take a voto iMMt. Tke BNeedare kna kun *n*
iatertoa tto lormw Mpaettyund
.•a Ik* p
tke Botal BUtoanw^anon h* aam_____ tar Oavte. *katra>aa et tk*
pMai. wUak mSn

fcaewUde* of It; aad k* wko woald
mltue aaferUenmUtkM*. today efeaeallalawaiattaeoaira Ikl* baowlfM^ aa aaMdaeat W tk* •odip
etvU bUl approprietlnff 00.000,000 W
rreat adraatac** to Ike lawpar aad
pay to gpaU aeoordlnff U tk* Urx
the peoee treaty. Tk*aa*eda*rf
A litU* ovarnyear eyo ba preaad and creftad apple was aad a
forelya roUtim The eenai* e
adp of bbtorp. too, b* etaUd
dad ibeplaaUay of f.aoo i
■antlal. a* tke.trowth, prafn
ta eUBb a tree at irell at a
mOopaenlor Ike world Maet b* fa■ of tbe
litlar to a lawpar la order u aeqolrt a
tnatp *(111 foaorally «xpre*e the oplnfaalllartp with propertp rlfhtb
ioe that wbea tbe vou U laken the
Pratt wae aet faoetloae wkaa I
treaty will be raHted. Tboy admit
"Back" Bell, eoaab et tbe Aua Arbor
dared that a Uwper "laMt kaow
that there ie now apparcntlp * ma>ar. foot ball tenm. has eeeorvd >10.000
Beekoeld kaow booh.
Up affmlnet It. bat expremi Ike oplniom from nnirortity profereoi* to develop
kaeplox. hare an latlnaU kabwledce
that eose of lu opponaoU will chance tbe lemlmr iadattry la Ue PhUIppln*
of naterto nedlM. tarBlnf. BBCheBthrlr froatIM. ecienee add every other bcaneb'-ef
> ditpoeitioa ' t amaifeatod by Itland*. Be ihiaka that lambar will
be lo yreat demand aad be will pat lo
leartilar. becanee in the oonree of ble
portable mUl nnd market thelnml
iperieoee tbe tine would oflea <
bile priore nr* hlyh.
wnen be would be reqalred lo koe*
H forty-five mie‘nie eeoau cc

'Haetrad* oratota.
It W haaa
loordUUBccpolBU. The eceveraatlon
parpoMaltk* fia. toadarto ooortact
tbe eatreme eonhwealern of Ibe
tarBMtt^-tartf law wa* bmIpIj panlMola and Oalsoet to all peinu
iatk* laiwMt* of Maaafiotarw and U be perfect
^BtettfalatwaataefafrlealtBia. A
One of tbe improvesesi* dpelded up
law teM la tkal eoaaaeUaB will prove
D Which will benefit Tar<
directly le the uteneloo of ■
la tk* laat pMT wa kara kad tk* larxiDd Lrelasen oauBty
«axp«t trad* la ear ktetorr. aad the
ln( with Pranltfon and Uanlatee. Tbe
teMMakava haaa tk* larfoM beaaftei- eataaeloe will Include tbe line
MtoaftkalatrMi* 0r*k*7«vkcxranninr thronpb Rinrfaam lo Bi
■■tMttapradaouef tkelarM raackod
Bay and take In Onena. Korthport.
. aaala*ofMOMB.ooii.lMi.dlaclaaadLelaad. Olen Uavea and Eapira. Thle
dewaed of tbe rreal
Mt taMrtanee to Ihie UrrUorp by
Pratideat Gliddea aad beeuted
thtt Itwonld be eonlraeled
laartk. aad tdteooo tftk.

Tha I

11 Lawyer*

Otkar frail*, f™*d. ‘‘rled, or preaerrod.
PMiaaUdtetl.OU.tU. Theexporttol

peal men ofTiaverte City eptorU of Profeoeor Grown
lU tbe eSon
in aoabllnc them to profit by a eeriea
«Za ^Xik* azpoM d idvr
of lectnru which may pnide many in
Oadv tk* DlafUjr tariff law tk* ex. ebao^nt latere occupation* la butlocaa
perU of hraadetaSt hare iaereaied or from the fre*i profeaelona.
tkl* Ie eo wa* fully democitrmted last
tthUff la oiaal aad dairp prodi
eveotox when the Irat lectore o'
ka«* la»r**i«i1 tU,000.000. aad there eontM wn* delivered by Attorney
ha* baea iaerMaeU tk* export* of kap Pratt, who irnee tbe poanc men a
tarcolLnc ulk apoa the Irfal profeebm«|BC tkarrand total of exporU
eloB. Llbrarr ball wa* nearly fall aad
tarmptodau* ap U*
the deepest lotonat wa* maoUreled In
fDO.000,000 ia l»»7.t#M.OOO,000 la 1IK6
tbe leotnre.
Mr. Pratt * leaf and varied expert,
anoe as a lawyer and hi* *B«cea* ia bl*
tha'IeUewlDK aew* lua tonshinc poanr men some timely advioe and
npoa the'*doiaB* ef Tnverne Oly vaal W Uem tbedUeoonciacotaUc
hKtmma, appeared in Tbs Eoresman, wbleb every aaecaaefel lawyer I* bound
jMMafTH. and will peon of earn* inowoome before reacblax ibat^BTkeSeathSUe
Hk*.. h
/’ aawj
atwrj dap
day or twe nsM
k *row.
f fiMaealksspeariwBy. Blvalip
amd SMitkan of Ue road
r M UnU a (ItUa

■ Mt Mttofi»d aaUlho par---------- - rnak M. from dalla* Banaah,


Mewbare ef the axoaativ* bonid of

•aU. Jaau W. G Pieknrlac. Jamu M.
mu. David a. OfiMoagh. John G
Bark* and Pradrlek A. Porkaa. ware
Tiaemee Uty yentarday. hartny eo
finUdUalrtew «f la^
Mpar panlMla. U Uoir
a aaplUl Urmud la

Be declared there la no profcaclon ie
which buaeaty will brioc rnatrrrc.
ward* than In the Uw. . Tbe cor*e o(
the profcaaloo I* dlabooeaty. chicanery
and IrosHnee.
Tbe addrem of Mr. Pratt eon*
OMrly ao boar aad waa lltuaedtto
witbibe CTMteei latciret aad i
feaiatlaoa at frequent lolervaU of ap
Bo touebed opoa
fmporunt.^lau and explaiaed la no
luUrestlnx manner many thlnfa wbleb
younf men rcneraJly do not nndei
aland regmrdinr the lepal profeatloa.

way charier
and brUy Ue ra.lruada now wurklay
under Uem wiUio Ue purview of
yeoeral railway Uw.
Potter, utpeaklay ST ibete meature*.
rqoileralamioout aod have
Uvolved t v*.l tmooot of Ubor, tald
U wipe from Ue tuiolr

eeoaUr Ust Ury looked upon UU at
tack a yml junket Ual they wanted
u wiUdrew nnd yo Is t teperate uMn
Ur bneamr elrqueoi a* hr declared
that a lliiU atody of tUUtUe* woald
better 61 member* u vote iawlllyeatly apoa upper penlnsaU matter* than
ever to lony a jaekel over Ue road
Tb* yovernor Uli afternoon seat U
Ue bonne t epecUl mraeny* nryaUy
noinit Ue proposed wboiennle janket.
U* teke* Ue prellloo Ust nader ee.
Gon IS of article 4 of tbe eontlltuUoo
leyitUlor to entlUed u a per diem onl.t
for day. he I* actually lo nttendnnce
npoD the seatioat of Ue leyltitlure.
nnd Unt he to eo tilled U no perquielte*'
whatever. Tbe rcaton for Ue ytaol
desire of tbe member* u yo U the Up.
per Heuii uU to Unt Uey will drew lo
exerst of Ueir Mlartee >100 mileaya
apiece etd nbont >3 per day I

raaa ahoold follow bit «ws laellnaUoaa, provldlay they lead lo fhat
which to yuod tod hoaorable aed which
Bat whatever i
calico a man tball ehoote tocoett
aolyatUUed by dtlllyeco*. Inleyrlly,
aad boaetty; tb* elemeoto wbk
lo make ap eharaoter la a aian.
be Impreiecd apoa the youac man that
mea le the blyfaeal walk! of Hie are
tomaUmce dltyraoed Uronyh
boaetty of parpota and Ue laicyrlty
I tseorti tad honor, **Late tui* afternoon /ue boate
eonld not become brll- tMered Ue yeeeral joaki
Mr Col y of Wayne, offered n enbellyoBuy man wbe entered the prolee- tote t . Ue members be tllowpd oaly
tloa aad applied blmeclf dilllyenUy
Ue 1 i..*! turn spent for Irsntportn.
bit work ooold become tacccttfal. B
n fllioir nfilJtviu covenay Uelr
Ue mao wbote Inellaallont led la that exp ditaret.
dIrecUon aad wbe applied bli
tbe eoUre rnttb
uiadcfioltely poatperly with clot* atteaiiOB tc
Best wee boaad to make a
.SeatUr CoIlUywood latredaeml
himtalf tooner or Uter
Bet U order
Umoaatamony U* blyhtr roandi
Ur ladder of eaecae* on* maat employ
•vary eaeryy. and (acnlty which he pee
be would reach Ue
belyht'of hi* dreire*
la Ult ooa.
aaeUde be sutod
that Uere
always room at the up: bat Uere
are too many Uwyer* U tbe low.
*r vralka and uo few ua Ue blyher
plans of U* pnrfcMlOB
While 11
may work hard and dilllyenily be m
have a lofly aapLralloa u yet u Ue
before hrlcao reach Ur tammllof
amblliomt. Tb* moral for every |
tbe up •
CUya, bat every man who etrivee wiu
all hit UUlllycwm and ernry faeallr
ena la Urns retch a po^Uca ef boner
balore bit fellow men.

joint renoUGon which will open ap
fiyht raUUve te Ue aeioa aad aonaaloB priollny qoettioe.
It provided
tiw Ue eiUbltofalny of t iiate prtaUny
oSee where Ue tuie eou'd hni
own work doae. tie nlto introdneed n
Itioa provld<ny Unt nil
prlnUny hi
tbnll bear the neioo label ol
Ue Typor
L'nlon. Tbit to
derttood lo meaa a fiyht betweea

An eUbernte hasqnet .mat riven
^bUm Uroofh tba elate. Hr. Qliddce
alyfat at Ue Downey Boate U honor of
to Ik* iruliiat of tba aatlre aysum.
Ue npemker.
•nrecUc Ha auiaa, and Hr. Porbaa to
■h*Manr*ref tb* KlaUfaa ayuem.
AU are banry auckholdma U U* orMr*. W C. Bolden to vWUac frieedt
Oaltatkm aad Uto to U* firai tame
at I'wd Bapidt.
H. fi. BaU was called to Wanhlaytcn
they bnv* soar laopaotadth* Hlcblraa
apataM. Hanaffw Barry of U* local
Mr. Prau loncbad at leeyU apoa tb* Batardty oa bnaiataa.
00iaf* Mimnai Uo party Ulvreyh neeMBliy ef a liberal edeeatioa la hb
Hton HyrUe Oorsell ha* rMnrm
-IteHVnn^tNalnulaynUM wa* tboher bome^n Copemtob. after vmlUar
vrtu B W. Oaaalayimm aM IbmUt of
wiU everuutae maay dlSealUee and >VU street.
0Um^ way*. Tb* ebBtBclM.bat*lbaroayh adaenUm
M Mllad epan Ban. Ptrvy Bnn- doelreble, Be ImprtMil the nndl
an)ayain law mnmieta vtoU wUl
r* a* a kbomledye at UeyntMofN



That <Cd OvwaoBt GT Ulstw of
Aad ro

Gfeat Quarter Off Sale
Iff Btlll Booalaf.

W« are eatlafled thnt the people fn^ appr ffU the Big Vfflae* .we bMV gtraa
them dorlns tbU BBMABKABLB 8^. for It bffi kept this Mg ffU»« bnay tit ffU
timee. BverythinE to oar etock o

0-^©x*ooa*ts, Tne-ben^e
Sn.i'ts ....
Incladed in thi« anle.

You call -see tbe goods—and the Low Prices will do the rest.

: Jtol±eilDle I3ir3r Oocxis, Cax^pet

Clot^d-XLg aoTue.



Has the BEST Flour made more NEW customers and kept
more OLD ones than any winter wheat flour made ?


The one word Q-UALITY explains it all.
I QUALITY, first, last and always.

The yovernmeoft fn only foar yeara ia Amecact be wi
ceedinyly anxione u jo.a the Uaited
State* navy when the bpaniah '
fact that a claim (or gi:4,i:3 (rom.Gbio
waa allowed at only >>t> Mi. &raib Dt- brol^e ouL
kouLnd te.OOO knocked off her >14.000
Some oce. evldectly desirmt
.-Ulm laditan did aot yet bait of her •tertiur a phoUiyriph botioee* of bit
claim for >f::.onu tod lUlooto eoUeeted
vitiled teveral ytllerie* la
.mlj >111.000 on a claim for >347 Oliu.
f>eek the other nlyhi, yeuiay toyeUer
the necretary aarephernalia.
But* Newt Item*
lands Griyyt. eyed WJ. Meta- Uree fine lease* ned variou* other
ttele* and if be cao be found he will M
VEHV S-Looi l)ii>trirt shoiitd liave a Wi-bAt<T'« IntoruhtioosI UictioDsry, a cood Rlube, T'
more't drtt and la*t pijocerof tbe year
B e>‘t of at IfBhl six U’bII Mr{jb (Unitaid States, Nurtli Amrrioa. Simth Atnerica. Euit
probably nlto rel t ctmoee to bo<
S36. died TueMay
Aeia and Africa) and a certain anmuiil of money set aside for a Rrnde library."
Ue tUle'i expenee for t term ol yetr*.
At Port ilnron. Fred Llnttead.
—/*rr./. Graim’f brtunt f<rore lAr .MjtIcFtorntere' InHttnM, .
beennte be neyleeted to leave money
charred with aavaoltiny and robbinr *
to ;my for the properly which he took
drorer.bat been bound over for trial.
Tbe lost silver m.oe Bear the Teen
Tbe ice in Thunder bty to qnile en't
While emnvioy Monday 'oveph Myert property leitlill Ue talject uf much


ei any money.
Oppoaeo to Jnnxet*.
inf. fan.
AmnCK tbe
aat lerlalatloD ao far Introduced

book* a yreat aamber of tpecUl charand vsmbY’^*’°v Md coDfnsloy
aci* under which Ur railroadtol Hies.
*B bare been oprratioy and briny
lom all U tbe common level of Ue
ycmertl Uw. “If.'-ttid h.'. "Lb* yen.
' eral Uw it yood roooyh for touir. ii It
yood rnonyfa for all. It It U aoi, wr
should tmtbd it and make It u."
The Qoute reiurda; pteecd a rvao
luvloo that until forUer aoUcc lb.
dally ecetion* beylo at * o'clock p. m..
beyiaalxy wiU Wrdoeeday Ue S5U.
tni U which Ue Houte eOBveeed
aele U wbleb every ambitloaa pracliU- at: o'clock today
taplna. If any of tbnae preeej
Bepreaenuilvt wotk of Bty moved u
lieved that Ue road to tame ■* a
recootidrr Ue vole of yetteTOty by
yar U etrewa wlU rnae* be wn* *
which Ua-Ouwie resolved
that to beeome a snrxea* la the l^al
.rr* yoioy U the apper peaiaMBteMloo on* mnat praeUee *elfde
IcEay of TuteoU dean
alal. work aaaldaoatly and devou hi* yea aad nay vale which wet ordered
o mvet aod
Borcb. merer of tbe oriylael metloB.
Uonyht It a queer tUte of afftlrt
ovra to any bat tb* Uwyer* them, when mrtnbii* tuu Uey did oot
a Hr, Prau palcted the real aide know whet Uey were votlny upon.
e exparianec* of th* Uwyer. act "If w* keep on creallny ipccUl com■id* which I* rend of every day ■nitlcea. we will «11 ye anyway," hr
wban a ynnt teyal lamiaary reeelva a laid. Grey said hr oaderetood from a

MdaowpaunoblpM «kch abeaUM
•kaMvarhafouAowatbaUao. UntMr Braa. U* Caka ateaat abM «orakaaKdrtmHnUUkwiri aad«* BalN* doan't luar a Bo. 1 abo* oe a Ma which briaCi hla fame and bcnorablr
lieot aba li hard to bead on sum.
Boward Wkltlac iaa't a bit ba^ward
la opeaiBf hla Uciare Ur. PraU sut
ttMtt Bath Ralaod. aad E B Pratt ad that there to ao qasatioB wlU
wtU-«f*ap"wbBa***rhec«»"ekUly.’ yonay mea startlny onl la life w
MdUmIfaareietroabla. aa ha baea portaal asUalof cboonUy a profeafoedmU Noras.
L. G E
OWaed by iaUu Baaiiah. bat U drlvaa
U bar bntbu by UeOoy, wbe wUl bare
heroatnextevaaoB, afteratvro
rent. L. G E M n basdi hl(h. aan
■kewat:Ufa>t.vraanDarlfrlac aad
Mim leMhi Bewevnr, Itlmaal not be
>t that the malt portion ef the
aftytoikaonlym*e that dou tb* driv
taff. a* Hh.. Be
Belle Garland. irU* of
ftehUr Garland, of tbe SUU.baak.l*
• nreryelavermlBtwoiBanandonpleae.
ant days can be aoea baldlnx Ue rtbbBM CTW b« black iMdatar.
Bertha MeCeU. wll* ef BaereUry MeQatl, ef th* Muhitan bora* abeer*- aa
uaiatlw, haaa coed mare u Qoeee
ralrtaoa. aad decent bare u take aay
badyt anow.
AnoUar (nlr driver li
Ufa. Hark Chaw, w^ pUoU Jnlla, *
tety UtU* mare that I* alway* lookItf tarUnbutaf iLaad osaally peu
mknt aba N after.
. Mkarennd vrbM all are eat. U* favetU* drlva praaaau a pletarv tbe Ilk* of
lAleb to MMea* scan U lar««r eltia*

Prali auted that there U do
royal road to •aeeeM 1a say ealllnr.
aod Ibla ia erpecNlly to la tbe ><v*l
ealon. Saeeeaa la enlood ocly by
hard work. A lawyer la order lo wio
aaea moat work early and late aed
he prepared to fichl a balUe of bralu*.
where tact, eoerxy aad crlt at
employed to tbe lateresu of the client.

niae In exrcnvive eaaaloa U arrivlny
Cbnrle Boyer ealtoted last tammei
a deenioo u voU on the peace treely Company E went tbronyb Ue cam.
Ue doore were eloecC palyn. wot very tick in bo*pltnl.
Chalrmaa Davit tnaoaeeed that be wm finally retuned to hit home In Three
by Ue committee
vert, aaf* and toaod.
Saturday be
Ue pTOpedUem
tttkaUey aed fell aod broke bj*
•loo by Mr Oormne
treaty witbln tea day*. The propennl
Uet week Hit* May Bieh of Ktlailmoutly nynped to.
txM, eyed ft. aed Ch*rle* Fieleher
maloder of Ue lorty'flr*
Cbarch of Waterbarr. Conn., a etodent
l in OB rxebaaye ol Ue qa«*of Kalamaxoo eolley*. were et*
tioo* nod answer* nvualiy htard Id
A day or two Uter he left tor hit Xtw
foru to fix Ue time tor a vote, an<
Eayland home tsd to not expected
maklmyture Ibtl all anderstood
relnra. The foratkec wife bea barun
There wav alto Oh ayre*i
toll ayaintt Ue brideyroom* parrnU
Ur veoale yo InU execalive net
for damayet. charylny aliena­
vioa each day between now nod Feb.
tion ofaffocUoo*.
for Ue diveattioo of Ue treaty.
The Keyaeoee Bereld tellt of t man
oppoetny teonUrre made no objecGon
who tome year* ayo perehnned a 4U acre
of any kind___________________
lot near Uat city for >40u and Inter
ftltahiny ButeClalmt
triad to sell It hi Ue came price.
Wnthinrtoa, Jto. :i—Uoele Bi
could not find a purchaser aod wa*
^nt bryun to tcruUnite the claimt
compelled to hold oc lo Ue property.
foreqaipplnytoldlereno elotely
Kow-an Iron mine to located there aod
11* poatible that Plnyre* wl
be It yeltloy 01.WKI per year ia roytlquite a bit of Michlyao * bill rej'
Uee OB the ore tekea out. with proaGoc tebeme, for which thereto *
peel* ef nbeary inereaer each tncceeaurc,peBdlBy to conyreti. to U> repitet
iny year.
til tbeeqolpaent tbe *Ute farntohed
At Hnoeock. Turtdsy moraiay while
ibe eoldlert Instead of paylay back
Edward Uocklny wa* UBdiac a bucket
money. Thi* would prortde Mfcbiya
ti No. I Tamreek Junior shaft, he tUowith a fine nttorttoeat of new unitorn
ped aad fell to the botUm. 3.40>i feel
uodercloihea. halt tod thoea. bat wool
Tbe deceased bad lerted Iwecly-oae
leave a Ury* void in tb* trentary.
So far only eixteen etatea have reeelv year* la tbe Brtliib navy, tod nlUonyb

w n* the waathar i

aat laeraaM wa* ia prodMd* rn>-« <»
oratT fana ia tk* Called dlatM. Kerth
aadaoelk. Tk* export* of Mplet aad

thinnlaonier lo kotellircatip
after the InterecU of hla cllaela.
While they are eel sbeolnulp neoeaearp
aj wap*, they arc very deelrnble, Tbe
oonplcte hi* educeUoc the better
kanoe of tbe Uwyer lo achieve
a*. Lawyer* are otMa called npo ooeupy pUce* of hoeor end
oaUuaal di*c£etioa and while ike way
I* open to all it la to.tboee who pc
aell rcapeol. moral, worth and boaeely
who alUle these lofly placcs.aed tkeae

Cast -AiBic^e

Ure aelioni may be jadyed from the

-WE C-AJlsr SEXOL -2-0X7

broke ihnruyh and narrowly earaped eoBvrraatiOB ia Ue rUInlty et Booyb
hrfore Ue war a Irtpper ntm,d
Draper u«od to briny in soyyeu of tilFarm proprr-.j in Berrien couniy
ver. hut hr dird Uktoy vhr secret with
•emv to br quit* valotble Doe m«o
him Vince Ueo many people here tried
□ear ■Ikilomt void hto »o-acr* farm ll'*

• inch elol"' for :1-S rv-nte: b Iwtt-r one for
Bn eiybt-inrii for $2.26 nnd the heat itrelrein. b for $1 2.-.
We bare
have Ma{»,
Mb{», Cla.
<-'1b« BeRUter*. Black Board SlalioR, Black Boanl Eraaeni. Call
Bellh. Chalk. Drawini; Pap-r, Black Boatrd SteBoila, Ink by tbe (^nart, Wffide Paper Uaaketa.
Unlricl Scliool,
We ran m)1 you all tbew. and aiiythiline else needed >n tbe nmninir
inide aebool aopply firms
obeaper than yon can Ixu' them from ontni

oUrrday lor r-".’.ooo
eery rlrb mine tad with U* oprniny ol
.latnee Gvr oi' Adame, receleed tbe
Ue new copper mine* between Hooyh
>ry-ofv 33-etlibre rteelver In Ibe
loe ted oouaayon. It mty be dltcor
n|. iiirn while cletotny a yon.


didn't know it was Icmded "
Grip hat elrnek the Laaelny leduvBiy Btpidv ba*
trial school (or b >rt eery hard
There trnmM tod hnboet. nod
are now more ihtu loo boy* lo the | so putiitbmeot (or Ueo
botpilal and oUerv are feeliny none !
mealt * day and a

§ Mail Orders
Promptly Filled .
n Prom


■Wri-to TTs for* Pzrfoesva


A orw
o* treatmeol
Grand Bapidt capltaltole tre coaild !-*• tried Tuemiey on tcouple of Weary
enny Ur cjo»lraciloc of no lev* than j
’'«" trawnc
•leclrk reliroadv Uto year.
Thr vpeod four day. in Ihr riiy coop,
lire polou tre aolUod, KaUmt- bn-ad and water
plied. Ue men to do
IttUnya. Uaneinyend Bcldloy.
make op their owo b
A-new biuldiny will be erected by
bread tad water
Ue teaebere of Arenac coualy. aided
by tbe (air ofU •ere. at the (air yroond*
General Newt
nrxt fall, to br devoted lo an edueeJ A. Bodtne. wealthy ylana maooUonal eiblbll of tbe coonly •cbo.dvAl CArs. to emery wheel lo Monroe'• (actnrer. dropped dead of heart diteaae
telephoae ftciory bunt Monday.
A Inblvofilceti Millville N J. eretumpiece wciyhioy twelve oueoet bit ably ayyraeated by exeltemrat over an
Eroret Hand lo tbe face, and hJv rv- ImpendLoy strike of tmploye*
eovery to doubtful.

2,388 Pairs WH Be Closed Out.

If. 00 Patent LmaUer Shore, NellleUo't make, yo
>4 te Eoamel Shore. Flnyvee A Smith make, yo at., d SO
>3 te Cordovao Shore. Pieyree 4 SmlU make, yo
at ,
3 78
>4 M Box Calf Shore. PUyree A SmlU make, ye »t 3 .38
>4 te Kid Shore. Pioyrre A Smith make, yo aL . . 3 GO
Aktetmdire- Sboea. Com Toe. Ployrre A SmiU
make, yo ai .. .
.. ff 0.3
0.00 Ladlre' Shoe*. Cole Toe. Finyree A SmlU
make, yo et
2 ffff

0 » Ladire' Shne*. <Ma Ton. Fetolay Top*, yo ^ ^
*v m

— omIm *v-m in*

— ■ _■

e JK-,

Tbe ectomic dtoturbaoMt which beVonny Hiller, who oommllied tal- rnn oa Snoday la Ue prevlsce* of Ue
at......................................................................... 18S
eide at Brooklyn Saturday olyhl, bad Pcloponetut vull eootimte. bet arc
>1 AOUtoere-Sboaa. CMnTw. Ueanad ffatUa. ffb
been an Inveterate elyarette smoker lor much nUyhter .S'tol. ie Ue department
year*, and wae la no eoodition to with- of McMinn. bat been yreatly dnmnyed
lo U» provinee of Kyparwnia five vlitlaod the yrip when attacked by it.
At Albion. John Hohrbnrdl. a buteb- Inyte have been completely deatruvad.
er, drank from Ue wrony bottle in a
Commodore Pbilin. former capulo ol
dniy ture and swallowed e llberei
Ue Tex**, now cimmacdtol of me
dove of carbolic acid before he learned
of hto niiatake. Prompt medical tatto. Brooklyn navy yard, to lo tw preeented
WlU two Jew.led twordt, eat by eitlUoeecavMl bit life.
Captain Cherlev Benarll. who tailed t«a* of New Fork eity and U* other by
Sunday Beboot cbtldreo
the yreal laken (or V4 years, aod wat
oommemoreliOB ol hto word* after Ue
probably one of Ue best known Itkc
dettructloe of (torrere'v fiset off
onptaint. died at bit borne la Laialle.
ayo. Thto loil weapon will be pnweelMonroe county, afed aearly wl.
ed at Oalvettan March I
The .eraporeuw at Mtyville beyau
tbit week to eveportl* polatoe* (or the
Several eharp tbocka ol earthquake
Eloagke. Tbe work* copvume I.MO were felt TuesMy >0 Ue Valley of MexbnUeTv.per d^. ;
Many boon** were ereeked
oallooal palace w*t cracked le eleven
ynn the mfihufeci
prrfecure, the rebel vympaUlxCTt bav
_ Hoilee u Uranyere.
Fort) mea are employed.
plaeca and in eom* pita-e* Ue lidewalkt
book* belenylny lo the tensnlli^
Iny opened Ue yau* of U* town. The
| have trreybi Ue property la Tree- ||br^
No. 3* mutt be reUfMd to
■j No.
At Menomloe*. Uoa. li. H. Stephen' were broheo The electric Uyhl wlree
rebel* tre now mtrenlny lo bMieye.ere* City known n* Ue Datn tern. Greay* ball Baterday. Feb. «ih, i*w
eon. criiicaliy ill wlU pnenmonln. bat aad telephone cable, tweoy like ropta
a ebaocc (of reeorary.
Tbe ebanye to looee lo a yale Chtmboo't tilk factory
Toay. end KtnCbauln Ue pforl—
»l;yhtly for Ue belter. Tbe ftmlly fell in end It i* (eared many operative*
vraa ffiven Ue firet anconrefemenl were Injured. The ear vlablet lell in, ol Kiany SI."
kiUlny a enmber of male* and* child.
Kewburyh. .N. V.. Clarence
Tuesday afternoon
________, . DnrUy U* pant fie* wa*
Teleyrepble advioca show Uat Ut
John Jsdd. tyedeo. diedal Corunna
IDel^-BThteC:..: Ver* Cmt, A Ualteewan Blectri.- railroad, went
Tuesday marnlay
He wat Ue tret
Colima aad oUcr polaU.
to Ue room need V* bit workshop Tee*.
n ntiu ff.
settler ie tbe fine (nrmlny country
BL. aad will rereaU
bar* BStU
nremnd JndU'v Cornere.
Hr. Jndd vrn*
AdeliOt PatU vrae married yeeterday day mornlny aad locked U* dooruior
jju. Ilttbyepeelal IreqMH. nod prebIntlde. A larye black waicbdoy
born le Hurilord. Coon., nod it a lin- at Brecon. Walt*, ui Baron Cedentrom,
followed him late U*
Ml detccodaai of John Carrer, the first dirreior of bealU In Ue yymnaaUe Inbeyae eaappiny. eoi
of Mat
ttitnte at Brecon. Paul took a train
Finally Ue
from Crely Y-Noa. her reaideaec. to (roUiny at Ue mouU
Brecon. A band. Ue fire bnyade aad dor mad* a eprlny far Beynoldt'
police, beaded by the uwn banner and Uniau Be eupped looee tide aed U*
Broa'silk mill, makinf In a^hO
Beynold. then
weddiny d<« (ell to the fioor.
They bav* (ouad that the weartny
mad. aB.iiemyiio yet te U. dour.:
of tUki I* prefitehle aad Inteud U path
^ Trevrere Qiy
Fandal Philip*, (orover lord but Ue day fltwatkim.
Uto iMiare to ll* (nltoat eapadiy
of London, fmv* Hme. Patti iMped oe e table and kicked the day > h, ba* don* epnaUereblc bMleaae to
Hre. Charlotte de Gresmonl Bnrdiek
itedly UU* bereL
Finally be : U* esuainblay MltofacUon u aUan'
of Fenuo. claim* to be one ef U* di­ away.
made maay live* happy, and raMsnd
r Loodon aboard •
: u rote teaiu re.ey yiven np eneea
rect bein to a SM.OOO.OOO Mtete that
rflbaoylByooenall.BaddenltUedoy *; ^iH^e
to aader liUyatiea la Frese*. A de■•irelonSL, before fPMwlny to next
sceadcat of Ue firet De Ofnamoat bn*
eoB* to Uto country from Praae* to
The tmndaa Dally mall pnbltobre Ue
look up Ue beire. and Hr* Burdick (oUowUy dtopateh (ram Sham
An Beni toboto. wbo aader the
araUeer*—Uanha tbuaelte treM aad teMted. i
^wtob W extend_______
perndo. Kai. rmaforeed
auverel bMin«*s mat <rf Snull Sts.
rndre of Hurry Punl tat tbclr Uyntoean teMtaneato^te
and eympnlbeUe betp
Marie are aarcUnUny wiU Ue fhtkty
UUeterialofciardanrCnIbre. HaUFarnlure eompnay of PeOvkty. W ioy 10. have Mptared It and ordarad aa P. Orarer. aad alao te oar nelybben
Mte It* fnetery tbare. and Uere ere me
and triend* wbe ao kindly ■
to be reaaoaabla hopes o< vaneere Frure
M* fa *ar boar u(
reatonto. TteffhnsenlMenpdarad
dhre Btoy Ml Itolilil he tb* aaM

We have on hand about 300 pairs Ladies' and Gentlemen’s Shoes and ©xfordff
Q our |l,V8 and $2.48 sale on which we will give one-fourth off from cut priceff.
You 0«t Tour Xooej’ff Worth, of th* Old Beliffb!*.

Krank Kriedrich.

Wurtborg Block

U» Front Street



"i*-- 12S

“S Cores Wilhcot

New Methods.


If. r*.
«M»kM m4 Mar KahMt.
•KviAdMrhtlaiutM y«na^. «rkO* Mk •( tUi «lty. wtn alud la
aattatoUwv- Atafan* r!ac« Ktadaraoralacla akatoh bp Bar. Tt.
tba tkii vsB wUeb ha oaa
la^al aad ndotar kabqaat vm ptna bat
onaieclBUahaUaaBaend auaatle
Ua frtaada of Ua poaaraeapla.
■a A. daahaaa baa Aabhad paV
Tba Boro' kaad nnoiltaii Uapartp
Uw la hb ataaoeb aapplp of ba. dailBB Ua oatajacwbbh thb paar b Iba iaaat oear
tnm BoarAana laha. Tba ba
laahaa Ihleh bad aa bear n opataL
Baraap Parraat. anplop«d,aa
ar at ooa of Ua WpIbOoepaaoBO Oab
Ba^ pal la 1.000 Maa Ur.ia
«riu b^la lonomw lo eot lea for tbo
■apt aaar Ua Boaor bcpaiah of Ua
BaaaabA Imp Ob.
H.AB. B. tallraad. aat trtu i
ikmr Ua ia <ht air. Ba
oa Ua baai aad ahaaUaaa.

j^SSsriS^*aMaa.«Ui;^M«^M> aalfU - --

\ i



Tba lartM load of potateaa raponod
la lha laealnartnt tbb paar aa far
•rat brqpfhtto Ua eUp Prtdap bp
B. Walbr. Tba bad ooatal
baabab. Ur. Waller broUfbl
MO baabela

aocddaat Baurdap neroior
Ba •rat drirtac dewe a bUl «HU a
baarp load of kn «bee oaa of Ua
loft fall 00 tba aMcb. earrplaB Par.
naiwIUlt. Bb faea waa badlp onakod aad ba trat otreoaacloat for one ps


oaStaUatmt. while Martoa trat aV jfor Uanw.aUI at that
aaat eWtlaB a trtead
Tbat ppeaf; Oaa Vofel aad wife ad HDtoa Cltp.
bdp teBa aalbatobad apea bar nlar«.-| Hiab.. an ebtUaf Uoir WoUn. Hr.
•rbaa aba foead b« frtoa^b b ponm-1 Bamptar■ of Ban BlfbU
etoaofUahoo^ Sba. boworar. peer.
CUrena BaUp.
IdaA Oo.'a twre.

1. UabalA
tol. OUIa SsHb. Praacaa UePbat,
Utaala Vutreba. Oahp bbadak. floUo
aad Uamte Dope. Chaaia Whlliatr.Clan
Raiaar. Maod Compurn. Uan Tr«r<a
Portaeh. BIU 'bmlU. Jallm

Mllorortof blfb elan tbaalriaa
etloaa «UI ba alaaaad ta laara
that tha eabknted aeuv CUp Qei
ta UU Utp hare eloaad lennl daaU
wUl ba imp hen Ula iprltic la oea of
w&anbp the oonpaap boaoaiaa owaar
hit xnat at
of Ua ladaprbdaat aaabaairaa la Petoa
fcap, Obabopfae, Wolvariaa. Barbor
katUa azaet dau k
eFrlaceaad PaUaloa.
Dlracl ooBBteBotpalrina tkaldaa Ua New Dom
tloB|<riU Uerabp ba aataWlabad
laloe, la wbleb Ur. Claaeat bM beee
MW 1U.B to Ua pelatt ataaU
W. D. C. Utraalse If lo raeclpt of
tba Baraam AdrcrllMr. aa.Ana
paaarariated la Baaaaa The i
toaUIaa a ball-loec porUalt of Boban UrpaciUaa. Ur. Claaaat
B Bodcaaa. mb of H. C Elodfbbb.
aprcat ranrlia la Tnnrat Clip
aarrajor formarl; of tbte dtr aad ^mrf aad ba will ba •raralp rmud wbeo
an aralB.
Ba baa a larfar aad
«aU baoiro. The mb te a caBdldalo
r coiapaBT Uaa anr bafocr.
foriba poalUon of poatmaater ol Haand the papw eoBUioa a loaf

Tba atlaadaam waa-.m.l


alea fm Ue loeal Uedera Woodi
Ameriea. lalUatorp work •raa oobler- i wbkta tbep
red opDD oae modidale kp tba aaw of. | TbU ww fallowed bp aa oa
loere aad Ue ezeaip'.ranthiB waa wit-! tilled. •SlrOBedoc* aod Urir
bp Ortmo TiriUof membete of bp Edward Hozle.
Ue order wbo droee oeer from Suttoea : Blaaeh
Baroum readerad >
loocblBC abatrael eolUled, •Tba Heno'doek before Ue (ae of Poeerip Plat." whlek waa folbdadad. But afur- {lo<red bp mualc op Edaa BoBalt
•rmrda a Bbe baaseel reat temd at tbe
Three pant that were to bara bma
HoUl LmUeao op Laadlord H.iatram jflren bp liram SmlU. Loalae Bock
{aadUrVerac Bardn wen ommittrd
dowe to ibe rlebip ladea lablaa.
The ^ oa aoeouet of ibeb balaf U:k
City Wood mi
Uelr endial aatrrtalBlog > tbe Urzicac *
qaallllea and when tbe wlaiton droee Eparlka aad
borne Urp eariiad a laeonble Impne-, aSrmatitr.
aioa of Ualr Tnetrae Clip breUern
and iiertrude Harrla took care of Ur
--------------' oegallee The Jodgea decided la far^r •
,Ura. Clarence Ureillek eaurulaed q( the acgatlre.
ibont flfleea
lady frleadi Friday 1 ^he critic', report wa* girei, bp Mr. I
aftaroooo. It •raa aa iolormal aBair Swlfi. who had charge of tbr program. I
• E. OreUlck, aa a ’ xbla being tbe drat meeting of Ihel
farawall gaUeriag.
! Job lor Lyceum for Ue arcoad aemr*. |

aod flatlerlBC arUele abogl iba fonaf
BoprilaB Ooniaai
who baa for a laer Uaa Mmb a
Than traa aaotbar natebed bobc
piatalclarkOB the Plaal lisa alaam
{ tea plat at Ua bowllof allap Tan.
era pl/iar bHoaoe Baraaa asd Tanpa. dap aftaraijoa. belwaao tba aaploia
an aad a plrkad taom froia Ua dtp
wai a tbarp cootaat, tba aaplam
a Oartar iraa ta Urasd Bapida,
am wiaalBf oat bp M polnu.
Thirlbp aad *''''
Tripp- *ho I. pmideol. |
abefrt]i( at iba Uf fareUara azhibtt
Pin rann of tea loolDfi aaab wen TBaodora behaeldar nalerlalned about
hb BOO palOBI noIlolBC ebalr. Bb
H Ib maklnr aalta b BaltarlaB plapod aad Ua aide aewlaB Ua nmi
irlli aaeaMltaia
Imaeobta polbta la Ua Sfip iBalafi were tbr
alartlar of bb faelof?. Oa alraadp wlaoen.
Ivea proud aa bnau .uu c.r.p o.c,
« ,i,.
Beat had U't blfbtat aiarar*. U t>»1%araarUlbaa raffaUr BMllac‘of baa aaoafk erdan ak^ lo keep iba
laflM UopCoa •rat Ua oritbi(b
i «ka N. A. & B. ttb otwlar la Odd faatarjr raaolBC. aararal BMoUb. Ba
' lef.. Jbb *0U.
eat. bli aeanfa balaf 1>*. Tba other
Mien baa
dellcioa. refreabmcBi,
Uonxitn Revat. axu ...» rn.
HtoBaaaBhadak. aw eltbah
a Ella Sebaeider ,gd : *• •• l~te ban lor Maalla la a few i
' dapi we UoagbC perfaapa oar frieed.
antatha Slawood ataaaa taboo), b tad tweatj. Ur. Cbrtar •rill abo imaaTba uplDB wain waa oeiapotad of
eomndca would like to bear from
alaclsro a qaaatJt; of bb pataal fold!oa before we leare
We are enjoy log 1
Balap. Tba dtp laas: Brawa. Oao'' ItelteJehaaeabaa rataraad fres
ieeor. Cban pleo aad Haeu
ThVimll -M alcetp trimmed ,uh i
"n’*" “ "rnext•aaltSta Maria lor a abit wUb bar
bantlag. A Saab light pictun of Ui, ; which it Mem. rery ea.j to get here.
. Molbb oa Boat Fniat atraat.
latploj-lar a*oBi
roapw-Uke-bpE N Uobitc
j ho. Mnt 1^“'
■bhep OUlaapta wUl praaeb la Otaaa aiOa Iroe Co. of Cook't Mlllt, aaar
%!»*>■’ <*«»k ‘Xbaraila; taaalaf.
Tweo»y-lwo Irieodt from Tnnrre drop, with a till at ihe top with .lx dr.
toaa. a^r paBluola. Ur UarUUi Drwalac.taaebor lo.hlatorp aad City aad eighteen more Cram Uapletoa ; pai'ttoenu for amall track
pakU« b aordlally laallad.
Wr arr al.
laadaaearad tba poaiUoa tbroarb T.
M».loo. aarpriawl Uiw Celia ! lo-rd to»ll then boan with wb.t
Oa aaaeaBlof tba aaba taraleea a. Koblr. oee of lha etrsara of the
A larf* BBtaber of papita are abaeat
lab. except wkal make* ap
tbata WIU ba oa prarar Baatlac at tba plasl. Bb datlaa oill ^ to aocore tba
a aecooat ol liekBon ■
Wedaeadap ereoiOB. Jaa. ll.OQ-tbe oc ' -hemry marcblop order,
Boedad b; tba eoacerB.
A lanta
■inH M. B. abareh toalfht.
Purtp-elBbl elauei raelte dallp ie Ua
uoc of ber K.tb birthday
Oar b-.«e* w,re abipped today. alwJ
torea b eBplornd la Iba irooda and at
'AaaBaol aUebea of tbaOroaeoat tba pbat and are nea are eoniUatlj
ameaaoda oU-e lueeb helped paaa Ue »" oar oOjera' px«».wblch K.-ai«f aad
. baad maltod la Charlat Baasb balac
Hlpb lUool ibo
•00 8B lo a rerp enj-ipable saaoer.
1 were detail.^ to haodie. wbUe W.ll
Ur. tiarlaad •rill sake
ahaMB praaUaat aa< Obarlar Ba.-a
-------------Lafayette •ration hU 6ral guard duly
iheadqaarlart IB ibb alt; bsl •rill btteedaaee Ub t&mea
Qtaa N.> III i>f tbe Pirat U. E. eharb
We bare pond oftl.-rra orer Compaey
▼bit oaifhborlBK dUat froot tine u>
waa aalerlaloed bp ooe of lie members, a
gj| iLe bopt tpeak rery btcbiy of
Ur. Arouip, former
Tboaaaaal MoaUac of tbaOoocra- Use la tba iBIaraaU of tba eotapaer
Uap Pieraon Tba time waa epeot la theta. Tbr iinartarataater'a drpartioent
galtoaal ehaieh irWeb traa aatyaBaad Im Batordtj ba aaet s: otaa to the
luroed lo" and
IM Nbtaarr UL arlU bobaatpoaad bb- appar paatasala aad will tacd Bora la welcome eiallor at tbe II Th achool pea-! gamea. Ura. Pieraoo aerrad a deHfhl- diahea bare all beeo
tU fartbar BOUea.

■ CIrcuiltion this week 2.325

•'HlBh Srhoole."
Mna. eaaof the saU ear
Then promlan to be ume good prottoea to CalLfonue
. rlMbacBlaadlobb htna with aa
Ure. J.-E Oralliek aad dtaffatan. gnma fa Ue Jaaior Lpcaum aad tbe
: attaeb of dOUa aad farar. S. A.Braat Bdaa
aad Joaaphlaa
Tan- Bealor Utcrary doeletp if work ooonta
MMUacUa Plata.
dap monlBf for Loa Anr«>rs, OalMB to tba ilekBaai of to Bue; Uorala whan Ibap irUl nmaU Ue rml
ScbooU Crowded Agala.
■an af tba elab. tba aaaaal r»< of Ue wtater.
The bnrd of adaeatloe bald a rag.
Thap wna aaoompaalad bp Un.
■aad Iba Wonaab Oiabbatbaaa
Ftaak Braaeb.
Jaaearp >!■( Chat. alar aenloa laat eeeolaB. Uaaara. DarPrl(drl^l.Mad Ppbua baLac Ue
Cbaae of Baaaoeia. a breUer of UrM
r MiacAOkaapaoj. daalan la afri. Onlllck aeoempaalad bp hla famllp «a1p ataaaeiota
Tbe npon of Ue reaye aad mnaa
reported aceounu and

d tba HolBl Coladthabolal baowdolBB baaiDcai aad
pnparad lo aarra aaab aad laaata
dMB Oraad Bapida, •rbara ba bn
dorarmd naalha. laaralac tba eaadp
Ba b eoDiaaipli
BOtof lake baetaan bare.
Tha Baaau) baa baao aakad to
Mboaalpfarlcimaf •elaaa. It b ala
a aid aad tea doUan tor
•anlhrao BODlbaold.
Thna vOl ba autabad fast of Sra
ptn at the btmUa.-allaf Beat WadaaaAbraftaraeca Iba ptwptkalenof tba
. altar vlU ftna mu' to tba pbrar
■aMat tha boat antado lathnaeua-

Bboald baCantai
Pridap U. C. Dodfa aad
•n OB thalr wap u ibalr borne oa
'aablBBUB atraat wbea Uap wen
oeertakea bp Ur. Bath, wbo drirn It
delinip. aad wan larlwd bp bim
rida. Aa tbep approached Ue allBbt
rinat Ua treckaof UaQ. B.& I .Uan
Bath of umeUlaB dowa Ue
aad a eraab aadar tba alelrb.
which of eoarae •raa at oaee broiBbt U
UpOB laentlfatlon U traa
feaad Uat a llula bop >
Ip •rlUhto.jit^
leerp aad Ue botae'a beala.
Bztrleatad. daaed tor a mlaate
or twa. Bare bit aama aad pntlp aooa
iraet oo hla wap bappp aad appareatip
aakan. It <*44 a aarrew eaeapa. aad

Aar Aatad Sot. l»th. atatlaf tbar were
darmae Uam. oaeof LKlaaaa oobblanpil oa Cooley eraeh aaar Fortr Hlle tp't plooeara. died baodap eooo at bla
borne at baUODa tUp.
Uxmaed eraa
pnra of ace aad bad bma III for
me time. Ba Ineaa a wife, foar
bn'of frieada
Maa^ Barrr of tba HieblBia talora'bb dnU.
pboaa aaebaafr kept a raeord of
tba nib tbreacb tba cxobaare dar>

dnU of bla oldaai Ma. Bop W. Parry.
l Ue flnl of baptambar Ura
Pairy aad E>p. loceUar wiU Ua
Um ebildne. rraal to CallteraU le bopea tbat Ua ellmaU would
baoafll Bop-a hnlU. Be era. tba rle>f oaoaampUoo aad foe a loag
tnrj mnaa u ' lag back baalU
waaaxhaaaiad Boy 'm ll paanot
are aad waa a briabt bop whme
Maadi la UU dtp aad ' rlelaitp an
Tha C. A W. U. pardt lo ibb elir lagion. ll U pnbaUc Uat Ua raIbaaa baae atreck witb a •rbela broad- ■alaa wlUba bariad la Ln Aafaln.
aUaeftbafria A law dapa apo trna
Baabaa. Ua Ufaal aoa of Ur. aad
■as'kma oWlfad lo qalt •rotfe oe i
Ura B. Nalaen of SaeM etnat. died
aaeatodltaad aona awn (rondoi
idap naralar at eonealalena Tha
jihaUBaaron aaet ban aa aaleUtai
al eriU be bald Ula nornlaB
iSoir tba aabMitataa an alek •rlth lha ta o-aloek tram Ua beta
•eeoTlv dbaaaa aad ao non nt
•aanaUa.aeJl« Bahaa, tba stra
Aalac kka •rem at tha wbcde tot.
tIMMn Maap aiM b MbA^ If ho ton tag TMatAap. faU aM inha tai
■naaBbtaaaAiaadbhapiv that hab hnAlpailhadbnw. Bn. Umm nktai
ndUnhwTbaAtModtba aertaa of d*a a<aal
rartba fine bj Iba reaafaoetrlr pMlUed tba oltr took plaoa laat Orel
le tha cup Opera Boeta Then •
abaatlonr aeapla pmeat ai«d a
BchtdalaTaalacrraaaeaat. Hatk
(arebhad br Profataor Uanaork i


A Bomber of

youag people of bare laid lo a good aopp'i

ibia cltp bare baeo •ortiad to altead
--------------Malnrdap ereaii
•nrprlaa apoa Ura Joe Major. The erect
farewell gaibenag prerioua u
Uedepaxiare of tbe family loirraad
Bapida. wbore Ur. Uajor bM •ecun-d a
poalllOB. Ur. Uajor baa beeo la tbe
cUpacreral peare. formerly in tbe em
clalota amoaBtlBB U tl.^'Oi. wbleb OlopofT J. Uo.i, aod laielv lo tbe
Fair cloUing aod dry goode etorr
ordered paid.
Tbe eranlog wae paaaed la oleaaaoi

all Ue balldiaga. bat tba Ceatral. Tbe
saggealSoB me adopted, aad Ue oec-

naary book, ordned poreband.
Tbe tnoaarer'e report, abowlng o
kalaaeaoflll.Ptn.W waa aempted aod.
placed OB Ole.
ebamlnl laboratory fan eoHeeled tor
Ua Brat acmnler BmnaeUog U
book* Mid. XV06; and Boa-mldeal
Uoo amoaotiaBuW-t 00. Bealaoatat.
ad Uat Ue eapaeltp
Boardmaa Aeeeaa acbool waa aereralp taxed and tbat
more room reoald be needed la tba
near fniare. Laat year Ula dl^caltp
aboaldbea waraloB >o Ue bopa u •raa met bp tranaferrlBg a aambei
look for what ia abaad of Uam wbea aercoU grade paella from Boardi
Aeaaae U Ua OaatraL Bol Ub paar
'lUB- ____________________
Uan la ao axm room ia Ua Central.
DnU RmooM.

. Batafoodoapparafur fear o*alaok
ran Dixon tratnlledlo Wexford U
: Mi afkifaaa at Fbraatarb hall whan
khaMtaiwtU wwaa lae aaet faaa^ atlaadUafaiiaral ofhh ooaaia. Ura.
- hrthabaaaBtof tbaOnaoaat baad, to BdwlaCbn^l. Ura Ooraall died U
ba teUovad bj a toeW partp la Ua Pboeelx. Arlxona. Jeauarp mb aad
bar bodp iraa broarbt b..ek U bar old
borne for borUI. Tbe toaeral will lake
Tba Unrr bara oa Btalo atrwot.
plaoe lodap at Waxford
I ad laraana Uma bp Oaom Uoir, baa
1. daoBbier of
! ihiagai haatb. Tba aaw prop'bter
uula. died of
MOabiTa Carat 0) Bb Uka. wbohaa
rarateid tha bara aad wUl eoadatt plearltp Wadoeadap. Ue leU. aped !•'.
pnra. Tba laacral will be hcle oa
tha ketlana banaftar.
Baiardap at It o'clrek abd Ua barial
Hi*. WllUtb Hat raealnd a latter will take plack lo Uakwood uemetarp.
tMbarbeabaad la Kloedlka raalar- ~ L. Oartar baa eharve o( Ua laoenl.

AaoUjr eod»l daaclog pa«y will „
Tbr reg ment-ba» b-eo p^id fur Janp
poang people
of tbat
rii- uarp aad February Tbe nint of the boy*

ijuaiatanc.- again.
We go bp the war ol New York, aod
If we oodrmooj rijhi. isr Ua.tarbn
onyer followed by refrrabmeou. Ura art',
will carry u. from Jrraep City Ic
Major baa been a prominent church jPhilippine.
friend, of Ue family j
,,, ,, ^appr
be Mrrp
‘"'Icoateal-lMcllyBefure laariag Ue gareta praaentad !
uelr Iriead with a alirer tea pot a. a
token of Uelr regard.





TH..r _T- Kan*.


who bad preparped part, for Ue anlarWameal were elck aad Ueyo.Bg poo-,



pi. from tht. city helped out,
leal aelevtluaa


B. Cook.
Cook, U. aall.knowa
a. le oa bia roaoda taking
til kloda of fruit and oraa-

garteo clam Candied; eakea aad aau
.Forded delight to ibr little frieed*
On Moedap eteoiag lie Three iju\rif B If Ciob drere oat oa the peaia
aula aod .orprlaed Hr aad Mtv Jacob

Ifogremirr pedre. maalc and
a geoeni joilp Uma formed Ue pro­ rwelw. erpaalla at II » a.e .*waiC. aae
gram aad a iee tapper waa pereed Ip Ulaw. l.trrM tavrM. .11 Crwaltt 'apart
Ura Calmas
Richard Boaad raluraed peai'rdmp '
from a rtait at Balloire.



takM4«ilM10NU UltOR).
OarSavinss Department
srcrtrrr cnMSvMLLto

Him Ormoe Caealegbam retaraed I ||t<t} (ip«tl MUI U fM lU TV) llT Wt
paatordap tram Coaemub
Praek Frirdrieh treomc-md baa.o,M
-- ---■ attealioa of UeboanlirBBnllad
, mmi w.
to Ue eonmeaaemeal ezenien of UU, pmlardap at ThompMorllle
paar'a rndeaUBg daaa. Wbetber to
Ura W O Boldra of Parii Piaea baa
-uraad from Urand IC .pida
bare tba mtnben of tba daaa pariiel
pate lo tba program or to larlto a
apaakartramoataida to dellTeraaaddraaa itm dlaeataad.
Bboald membara
el Ua daaa be Mkad to fanUb on
Uona or oUer fntaraa for the program
It woald ccBM them a cml dnl el cxtn •rork aad troald take Uma from
tbelr otbar atadln AlMaaUmcan
from » to U awdaau to endnia.
anrp oae of Uam •roald Bot baabla to


______ _ •ronUNnal allghMd.
bU of tba aarnban of Ua dan. eaaaptona. wan la taeor of laelUaga
apaaker trma oatalda. Varion opla
kmt Iran ax|aaeaad bp mambaia el lha
board and Uap flaallp Aaald^ ban
Ua ataa fwakh Ua axantoat
Tba dark wn anUoriaad to dga

|mmm mm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmntK

Mime* JoaapbiBC Vader aod Blaoebe
Uaakell acd Freak Parka aiteedcd a; v. u l»> curd,
aoclal at tbe 1'oloa ebareb al Old Ula-1 at Hxiiai.i- ofK:e
aJob Taeaday night. Some of ibuec i

Tbaraday eeealog Ura. Cbarlee Jaakr
waa agreeably •iroriaed bp a large
namber of frieedt wbo called to help
ealebnle ber dflp fifU birUdap. The
Ua eomslttaa oa aeboolaaad balldiaga. eraoiBg waa olneaatlp paaaad with
leeeatiBaWUa matlar aad rr-pork at tamm. aiaglag aod daoeng. .appleUa next rcgalar mmtiag
Biittm waa m lattneted
SaperlBleadeat Onwe auied Uat
aboat alxtp

rren ezpaeied bare tlo e^t oar ael
Prtdap, Pebraarp Jrd
bp mp e
tel la.uiiteat
p'aaor-d a looebMe for tbat dap
Uke place le Ua parlor* ol one of U
cberriin crabablp tbe CoagrrraUooi
or F.-ei UeUodlst. aad ezuadad
Ue mrmbera ol Ua beard aad Ue
wire, ao iaeitatioo to altead. At i
aclof euariaep toward Ue rialurt Ua
board inraiab tor Ua elaiUog
teacher, conrepaaen to aap Mhooi
bonding in Ue clip
Prolaeoor Urawa waa glean parmia
aioa u aliMid tbe National iaancUuoB
ol baperieteadretaaf Pablle aebooU lo
ba held at Culambaa. Oblo. Fabraarp

of tfaiaga

figare it will taki
make the trip, aod
be a few of u. (bat
aalt pork.
The Ird lafaatrp gare a farewell
Paul laal Taeaday rrening.
tbe rib. and we bad the piraau-e of '
oimlog KjI y Sweer* uf Trarcree City

Now is the time to prepare your poultry houses against
tbe ravages of lice.
One application of Carbolinenm ArenaHns to the in*
side of a chicken coop is snfBcient to destroy all lice aod
Iwep them away. Resnlts: Healthy chickens and plenty
of eggs.
, For sale only at


Most people thiok that “plumbinf? is pltunbln^''—
that one plumbing job Is as good as another.
And ordinarily that is true.
But a QOOD job Is something mors than a mix­
ture of material and muscle.
Brains, honesty, skill, conscience-a good Job
cannot be made without these.
And now you will expect us to tell you that our
work is of the kind referred to as good.
We won't.
It isn't necessary.
Our work ‘speaks tor itself”.
The praises ol those for whom we have done
plumbing work are better testimoniaU/—and more
likely to be believed^than any we could giTe our­
We try to do more than merely please oar

Tho Hannah & Lav^erc. Co.
lUUtUiiuiiiiiii mill!


GEA^ ii&^ iMiXf u

Berrien at 10:M a. at. lata
L 18 tta H. B ebareb.
Babdaj tebeol it procro*
Mn. JaktB7«v toneonrta*
aadnoa* Ulareat It tBowa bpparaai
hv M* MIMk at riWlBkUW.
at wall at aebolara.
rO-Orowa aaa MibtOtadladi«*«
Bridap aeaalaf tta Htan Oarrit
toifMteCiiriiuter■OwntaOBradroratotWay frtdajr.
Mta Martka Baaitai tx^ U lor IrUad*. PUplec fa»o*. poppla* oora
^ paUl^caadp wa* tb* profram of


lltat UTlu Lownr b 01 «t<k Um


ara» la T?a»araa Ca^
a tartar ckalt la Uabwar
partflfi. 0.0. r.taU. ..
aUn Ttaaaa of Trawia Oitr
I.III______ &
da^ for BlllaM-i
* Oalraf.

Hit. loaaU Htlfferieb u aoMUr.
Pita Hartooa bat coo* to tb« wood*
■lib bit teas for tta wiBlarl
Mia. AdoUa Boontw bn relareta
on* atur talar coa* ataat tbree

boaue at Tartle’take aad norta
hU farm aoatb of Mr. Batbarrya.
Bproa Adam* li rerp alek with
Hi*. Sepmear Lewie
to very tick.
Ita teeoad qotrtorly ■autlnr c
Taitle takemmrp will be held a
P. or 1 ball Baodap. Feb Sib.
It it rerp tickip bare at pruaat.
Ip erarp body it comptaalns.
umt amick la bed.

...a aad ecmnAn o< fa*
bp tta iwnldaat ata fadtu

09 Uat waak.

la a trip fa tkaaena

. aad Hr. Baaelsp
amt la MB'* Hall
teTaaadBpalsbl. toefaUM
Itaafauof tta parfi
•u ladalffta la.
Hr. Bwaat met with an aceUaet laat
wehk. la sta 0010 a pU* of lof* to
atari ttam rolllas dowa tta alfaa aaar
Oea Brottartoe'a. laatud of oae. u ta
lataadta. thru atartad. aad to' nr*
blmtaU be Ramped orer tta baak. It
balBf nrj aiacp two of tta lofft ho*admal ta orar him. bot be BUI bar* bee*
U al­ hit bp tta other oae. u blaeoller boa
oae arm aod one rib were broke
Ur. Prallek la teodinf him.
He wi
eouw oat all ripbL
UebL Cxmmaader O'Cooacr. wu be
lut Saiardap oif bi aad auiaita the L.
O. T. STa to lo*tal tbeir oSaerm. Cbu.
Millar. Com . Elliot Taylor Lleul Com
Cbu Fxber Itacord aad flaaaec keeper.

C F. Walker, waohubi
banureialpear*, (creraiaee thedulb
of Ceo- Etpl aod hu lirta bene loaf

Ml*. J Hirmlep aad Mn. Beitb rlaltta Hr* Horf*a lut wuk.
Hearp brodb»sC8 bad tbe mltfo
tape to lou e bom while dnwU
m Botlu of Jt la the Huald.
Tbe tpuitl meellDS* held at tb
place were cloud lut Toudtp.
aen tblr. eopdocled bp R«r H. E
Bepub add Hr llulbof Ttareiu Clip
Clan 1
Tbe' Koadap ubool ku 'been n. Suodep a>
ors*Blcad. TBe followlcs *&<:
9 Traeerw City
Eiupl. —Leri HuBcp.
oxie of Lelud
Aul. Sapl.—Mr I’rootp.
tookdloaer with Mr. a
Bec'p—Mr. JacUoa.
oora, Soodap.
Wm tiiil U oa tta lick Hal
L. Buu la at bume for a w<
U'aed Mei^^
* rerp
Dlatb blrudtp.
pleataat Umt.
Siudeot'a prayer.''
MrvUeo. Ltpur U mlUos IrirDd*

B. C Ham rctarsta from Tratrm
«9 Tondap. wbere be bat be»o tiap
Altai* •arrU ta« aM*ad Uto Tom Ur wllb Hr*. W D Bloodcood.
Hr. aad Hr*. T. J. Carat ritlita relaKalaoa^ boaaa
tim at EapId Citp Baadap aad MoaIran Daaa of Trarara* 09 wa*
aa bwiaa** oa* dar laai iraak.10* of Elk Bapidi called
. Braot
Cbarlte Oaaaafotd It daekiac l<«a
tbit atiithborboea Pridtp
far tta Dewar Sue* Oo.
Hr. aad Mr*. Holer of Wblwtall orealaf.
HrnAat. Boara It qaile eiek wlib I*
tare taea eldUa* al ^arr? SoUl
at Ibi* writlac
Prtdap rrlBlDir Jobo fBrae wta

ttna end avowad e datamlaatln
mart Wiu reaereta ami tta eom
pear te farther th* el yaet fu wl
tta orvmatxatfae afata* pledfed.
Tta lodlu' Boaelt sodr9 cd tta H.
X taerfa mu sire a ehlctam pie ceppar at tta "Goldca-rod Farm*' Batardap. Jaa. nthSapper wlU be aerred
from a ta a e'elock. Tuiar mil leare
tbe Wilaoa rouas^atat
_ etet to-elackaad
............. ............
After aeppar tta
im wUl be nodered:
- * - '
1. Henry

aaateaadarta*)aat talatada

B. r. DaotBora
iMatan for tta eemlD( yaarr
•apt—Hia U. B DeatBora


AmL fcC T-Hl- CWrI. Bl»V'ast elaet Ko. 1.
V^; Ka. I. ^ra. Mary t


wtaAp ih* (0II01
. .
aleetta for Ibe caeainc tlx ibm<
Praa.—Wm. 0. Thomphiot.
Vice Pre* —Bit* Vita Poriar.
Me'p-—Artbar W»ll.
Trea* —Horry TompkintOrraani—Amp RaUro.
All of Ur. BtcIcTk tolki bare
•lek wlUi Ibe crip tbe laat week.
galu a few ol oar larmrr* aad Ihelr
wltatatteaded Ibe Parmer'i lattitute
la TraTcivc Cup lut week.
Mr Beldiep It (aaklair a
book cau for ibe e.;taool booj

X V.-eUl loot a ealaakU Jataj oow ■eallan io tbe e
feoBd tar dead la hvttall la tta MoraTbe6>ari- Aid
Ur he tbiato aha dted of heart d»- Hra Wm. Tompk

.r future,
eecletp m
t tbt* woe

__________ AUaa baa toU Ml tana
BenU Cormeoi.t.tM.
let M
9a.______________ , loBoast* beta Srm frlpnpou ibli
Ad bop* Bra AlUa wiU racaU bar oommealtp.
C. K. Utcer of Trteeree Clip It buyBdBOadDcaaladowawlUtta frip iec wheat ai tbit tuuoo.
a* b* oaaaot altaad t* bla eabool deUea.
Boban and Corab Wtltar wabt to
Trararae Clip tiatardtp to barin aebool.


Qallaaaaabv treat Tata aUaadod
lb* ranaan- lotUlaW at Traeai** O9
Uat wata. AU raperta c*tad food

Hr BatUap of Traeem City wat Id
towoFrldtp lookintt tfterlheadjuiiHr. Bdkk eat bit foot a few dari Mo maatofLoaltBorrmlnturaoea
aad wUl ta laid ap ter a wbOa.
Uorrli it Bow dolor bulana Id tbc
W* are Clad to bMT that Hr. Paid Odd Pallowt- bglldla*.
^ laletuac tatfar.
C B. Baacroft hta a tbemb craibed
bp a pair of tkiddler toast latl week.
of CadiUte
Cba*. Dattoa tod
tm. ap Satorday.
Bat. OooklU et Bear Lake bat
rapidly Une
Lop ara oomli
•d ap a karbar abop la tbia Haea
data ToBBaaa of Lab* Aaa bat dap*
with laHr*, ft. Leara It terloatlp
a. wbara be will
aoead bBtaatlr bara............................
Boeaia Impaoa of Klae*lep wi
■arird from the H. E. ebareb bare c
WUaleBnudac* froaittaaec
^efttaataMk mkUrhlafi
aadtriataaaabert elalL

idaew aa tber*
■raU^ t||9*ciU tow*, all aaxloaa
.•taoal OMaaaoead

*c*U Haadap

X J. BoUaataek Pititod hU Maedi
■aaday. rotaralac t* bit weib at BUawqrth Hoadar aftaraeoa.
Saeara) oftta tamaiaaia diawiac
petatoae to lowa.
Mta Bwoat of Elk BapUt I* tta re«*l
al Hia H. A. Poawr Ult weak.
Hr. aad Him. X P. Wtlklaaoti aad

HtaSjed Brea bar* la-arraared tbair
akUrloBm aad paitaaaad a a*- Claa aad ara aew aawlac hiaiber.
I Hr. ata Hia 1. B. WUlart atteadad
I Ita faraari' laatitaU at BeUalra Prl**d Batardar el Uat waak.
, At tta Thaiadar eeaaiac prapai
allafi oar paalor will load la a acrtMefBIbUreadiacaoetba -Work of
:«ta Boly ^lk“
BrarrNie wUI te
;*iMMa We
lobar* laUretUair
'I KraLeeter Bebbell htoboea lalle
j jdta ^^f|tat few dajra
Dr. OBaeUetl

leaepb** ebaita. Bead^, Jaa
AlB* Ollben aad Vwlor Bataop rod*
ica tbair wbaeU tnm Tkartra* dtp

: A tUlch load eoaalaUar e« It maf



e*a Hyvt aad Hta LUite BoCatta

A ctaat saay Haplotea lalki ara aa.
AboBl thtrtr otoabei* of Tiar«a*
09 E. O.T. H aad L. O. T. H. tar•tfaad Hr. aad Hra Jaba Dobs Batarlv*pa*tBC AUbadacoo«il<aa
la^ HoClatky of Tratoro* CI9
alMoaHr. aad Hra Balph Jar' A aaatar of HaaUloa poopk ..
UaBad tta Pafoia' laoUtat* at Trarana 09 Uat waak.
Mta Lola JtaMoa aalUd aa bar
■SaoaHtaAaaa Lardla Baadar aft*r>
. Htan Haba aad BaUrartth eUtad
MtaBnnaLanll* waatb
Hta Dalv Jobaaea taadap.
Jtaa Walloa of Trarara* CI9 wat
ta^^ot Jtaa BolCarlah't tanilp

T.'D.OenUlaaB tbaaltaIBkbatal
tki* vrttUf ta B

Abeat ter9 trla^ aarn^____

hnt-bridfc b
obued a tpaa ol bom-* or J Pa
-I. Utlan bu
Old one of bit borae*

i liartbe rlalted :

WiU Sa^e You Money.

People are biiHned to be iocrednlooB wbfia

^ yon offer a High-grade Sewing Maehina
* for a Low Prtce. but if ticy wonW take the

r tbe l«tb giartcrip CoarretiDB
nf tbe Lons Ltkcaed trarfield Saadi

Mtw Kelle Wi’.koo weal lo Tr
Wm Uarree wroi to Trareru City City Saturday.
tbe ftrrt of the week aad retufaed with
Will Nei*uD hit beea *09 III deriac
a Blcr little Mm ibal he boufbt while the put week but it reported better.
MiuCuriilia* likrtbe hu rxiurata
The m»«y frirnd* of Mn. Wtl
buiac from Lee * B*p where *b
Rtauep will be flad to leara that ■
Deco tascuiaS'
1* taueb better U ibe hu tufferta
Mr. aad Mr* Will Kraaklln aad two
lotentclp with tofl^mraxtorp rbena
hop* the m»p ubiidrau wOo hue been rialUas with
*be eaa eaj>p Mr. aad Mr*. Saaboie durius the mi
tbep bsri: *e*k reiurata ui Tiaretu Cup VnIr'VtaB.'^’’^*'
aleeal boau prootd
Mn. LamoB I
Hra Derbtm:
beriotae uriou UlBi
uios Moadap ere. Jaa. Wlh
Joba Cook aaotber of Craat't Pioa (Ueetlas wiH alternate between 1
ear* bu ptned eter to tbe srtat'
poad. He bu beea tick with dro
foraotaetlmr tad bU frlesdt ko
tome lime *so ibtl be oOBlda't set •
Suutavt Ur aiul Hr*. Wuloo on M.
ted til tbercusid do wu to make
oay aod Tueadap lut.
lut dtp* ti comfortable tt poull
Scieral ol our people alteadrd I
Be will b* udlp miuta u be wu tl>
wtp* ready to leod a hrlplBS btad. fuaeral of Mr*. Cadaam at bulb
He wu laid *t rut the lUtb lu^ ben S*p Toeradap.
where be bu helped W be9 1
Hc*>ra Pickard and Warner ■
Miaac* Millie aad Vena buffcaa «le timu put.
.0 town Sunday.
Wbilv SOB
SOBS to UUU' Pier, sjgdi
Waller Nc.m

«cond thought they would see bow it is done.
We buy our machines direct from the factcry,
pay spot cash iu 10 days (that saves 2 per cent.)!
we do not nn> around to sell them. They are placed io our store and ' remain
therennUlsold.soToaseetherdoDolcostusonedoUarextraexpense. Hence,
we can sell you a «wiog machine from $10 to $16 less than we could if we had
to.k«pa man and team to sell them. When you buy a machine from ns ali ,00
pay « one small profit above first cost You pay for no expense whatever.





Hirer Lake Ereasellea) ekorcb oe Satitday. Feb lilb. l»i'
Deretloaal led
Wclbp. Tnrerae
bp P.Uep Cnlac.
„ ^-------op MiM SialU Qammoadol


* 120 Front Street,

House Furnisher. *


1(1* J Tdlk oe Towufaip AraocU
lioa work, bp Aenl Jackaoa of Birm-


< Social aaddieacr.
nmxoo* (siaioN.
lac ur»K» by Robert Bam-

Sellabery of
•ecliiis aer­ Trareru
ial he held make tbi
ataool mwl iai
Oitcuaa'ioD led bp ll.
McW.ihp of .

AoaeeldFGtocegiTta to Uf. Wttaoi Ihe caller wu b..iiy
wbu It worklDS at tbli place, which re
At the J Mut l8ru.hi
•ettad io puuins bit thooldgr oot of las oUcor* were .g*U
J lint.
Willie frortlos pear llie loB*. Lwnsr:
oe tUppta BBd tell 00 a lof. Bgt be It
nooreriac rapidly.
C'.*ra.V«-oo-V U
gilte a BPiaber‘of oer people
.Ne.lie E.'iktaS—Sec
tick with the Slip.
U i.ic rt«u-o—IVf. sec'y.
.da.) s~i.s-r
Tbr atletatocr of ou
imberprueot lut
_____ -U S. 10 N O.
• MB—L S. to S. U.
r Swul
A teHuue accldrul befell
f * ter —C
WbCB iDloadInr
.ulias los*
tr [las lljlbrrtoB'
tome wtp atuiabled aod fall orec
A'we Nrikoo—Caap.
bluff, aoH two lose rolled ofer
Jay Paaaase—K s lol'
which uuted tbe bratkins ol two ribe,
U~. Btseiow —L S to V
bit collar boar tad left arm.
I>r PnUr. ^ifbt ol Aldea tealta lot* bare iteb wu quickly tnmmoerd. aao be l>
BOW fullas U comfortable U putibl.
I.,..). lliselo* —S U.
Jay P-.i*sr-V, U.
N. BawItp of tb* Bib Bapidt Iroa under tbe olrcgm.taBcatWm Nri*on—Sec'/.
O*. wat bar* lookins op lor* a tow
Him Caddie Aehlrp tpetil Buodap*. Wr*loo—Per Sec'y.
her home aear Maple City.
dapt are.
Wio UAii.eii—r.
PoUUMt tald for
Milt Bertha Wearer hu ralernc
home from Port Uoelda
Wa.ter Nel>uo--W.
WlUi* Beeale aad WllUt Pray weal,
WhilAAlldiPS down bill at tcbuol.
U > Scott—K S. of N U.
to Tiareraa Clip Sttaidap
Mark^HlTfa* tpninta both lefa aad it
C. a. Stebbl0.-L S of .S' U.
A. O. ralrbaek* weat to TiaTerae aowqalt^ belplut.
H F. Hall—K S of V. U
Clip lodty.
S Smu—L s ol V u.
guile t naiober loafa of lumbers-'
Hr*. B L aad Ur* B T. I>r*p are from Kaedlckrll'e lo ^leg Arbor for
L^oViutTif s* s^
Ibe beliains of Nratoo t mill.
■ tbeileklltl.
Ueo <1111-0..Next Sunday Mr. Btrau will pru.Ur*, damn Wttaoa I* quite tick.
Wm. 0,11^ U
Bttbe Uurdlckrille M. £ cborcb t
A E. Pairbaak*
The W. C. T I' met with Mr* 1
»9 tbe totb.
Whltmaa lut luea.lay
After tbi
Oarrit Walaoe waat 10 Trararae City
oal bytieeu bad area tnotacied.
itaiea werr utuerei loie toe dit
room where a prelUly
ilUly decorated
tab.e wu plaota.
‘I'oa wu aerrta 1
a.e o'clock
Mr* Wain
Jo* Prep drew the cbamploa load of
at tbr table. The creol wa* IboeoufLlore from Baanlek oamp a few dtp*
Heary KorioB bu u far recorerta ly eLj.iytd by all. Tbe l^l .a atari*
at br It out asalo.
wita air*. Nrili* lUmr. J»D. >l*t. Let
Dr. Otraeraf Trararae C19 aad Dr
be prncat
Clark ol WUlUaubars pitted tbrooch
UM wita » tpnlned table.
bet* tbe Mth.
J E Wpacxip tat purebatta a lol
TaeE L dme *ocl*Tsiren lul week
B A. Elar aad wife retnraed borne
the old teboul srouod end expaeU • llbeb n.FC l B LraJie rru a aneoru
erect a brick tion next tammer.
A prosrtm wuienlcrta by
11. Seesmlller leiebdt to put la an tbe youBS people and a merry
ler toUd brick tlon next to bla n joyed by all.
Ifame of tbe maap frleadt of Un.
itpurcbur. thu makinc a doeble
rUay e
L. Prey pre ber a pleataol tararlae at
1 ibrirc-m.erv The
tbe home of Hr aad Mr*. Pialdlas
Wataoo tbt flit latl.
Mr* l'r*p bat
-r tbe li
beta ritltlBS Irteadt la New Vork lUle
for tome time put tad 1
Tbe H
T. U luulled ibel
prosnm wu siren by the lad I
•truaeotal agio. Mr*.
Oo aecooet of »o________________ Seen Ir . Saturday crenlas
e hire end e lew 0
"VUlas* Uouipa."
there wu aot a rerp larse oomotap. lediu of
An old time Mec
but all teemed to eujD.r Ibemtelre*. wen pre. OL
The Firat Seulert Swp." Uarr.el
Hr. aod Mr* WtUoo *r« rerp boepit- •upper w
eartta eed ell aaj ipta tae lleLoas bolo. "Hrta laO.d Keaiecky.
able people tod did *:) tbep eoold
Belle WiUoe.
' Tbe Coariln'." Nelli
m«ke U pleauBt
Tbe ereolaf *
Ml '
.1 Fdlia end Alice Webalarbere
"Urotber Speer't Unard
epeet la catlas app’u tori p >pr rra a
I tomi et Mrt Tripleu't
A alee topper wu terrta
Mr* Ella Caarbell.
Afur the
•LdlBC tchuui hen.
tbt ltdim atd all did tbeir ttaare
sram the K. O. T M * sare a baa
mak* away wllb the s*Ad tbiop .
I boDor of tbe ladit*. Tfeu s*tb<
lb tar bnitbar. J- U. IWtar
111 ta remeaberta u one of U
to tbclr bomc* feellac Itat li
ettcadlas ecbool.
tber oace ia t wh
alereauol tbe pear.
r* ol K!as*lep
Wbat U mondnisbiful than a
Sk^mos Polal re- ____ ________ ,___ wuk taea tap Ume ry tleifb ride abd a bouataou di
before Ible tell.
------ So tboasbt the people
C- --------------------Her. 0. D. Berscr of Oraod Bepldt le
atteadad toe
axpaclta ben Wtaaetaep of tbit we
a bp Ue tadiw
end will preach io ita MapUtl ebuj
the hr
home of .S' Pu'
Wtaaetaep erenias
Mr. Mersar't Tbe a
near frlead* will be flad to web
cata* beiac fa To
him ure es*la
WooUep U. A E Pul 1
Hit* Pbebo Krffer U tiow'y rec
Woolup Kaliaf Corp* No. )
Hra Bokt (iarUad. apaat
iaf from a urere lUaca*.
put met at the U. A E. ball
d^ la Traram C19 Utl wn
Bra Imptoa e bop of afteaa pur* lap. Jaa rial. for)olol laat
After partaklef o
Ita Fruler of eoatomplioa
He wu .fiicer*
Tta coBUat la tta lodp bci* elaata
JieB 10 P.le Leke. hU former booie. MU laoeb aorrta op IM Ladi
Sttaidap traaiDc la faror of D H
raaliatiou procatatato U
1 Bgaday. for burial^HaHallaa. Hit tide oaiae oat M peUita
f iwtalllos tbeir oBoara eiacL OfBcar*
Floyd J. Kill, esta r peare dltaet
la *d**i>ee
of Mrt. McMallt
wen laa-.aiird bp '
It felber't borne Uat week UtmOep
>* defeatad eoattataata^ll t*
laadn E F. E.«e<« u lolloi
•d wu berlta oa WedB-taep. taraaa^ta tbt <
S. V. Coa-J. s. Middleton.
- —- —--taM B Aurr'
araal^. Jta. ISU
J. V. Com—John Mebi.
bu been falV
pra- with the
Uma u aoUcIptad. bp tta raaqi
Adj — B U. Lulie.
cvaaumpUqa. bat wu
at wall u tta rlatora.
g M.-E U.-Uylor.
« wHbie e moaih of
Mr. aod Hr* Ball Nalar.a an moarp- able to be OB
ttap.—W H Porter.
luen e father end two
Us tb* Ion of tbair daarbier. Habit, bUduta.
(I n —Joba Thomaa.
a iwui ffrl of artaea pur*
Sta died brelhere end e lers* oumbnof triaade.
O. O.—Aaroo Piquaaf*p.
Jaa-i»tb tajjiBwmmU. Hablewuot
Uao Clerk of Unnd fteplde arrteta
bertaoo—J Vu.VaUa
g M. SanrS—John BowalL
Mopdep reeBiDS loatieed tar tuernl
lo^p W?l« of ebaraM?. of bit ftlber. Splentar Clerk, who
Sears. MaJ —Audaew Sootk
■rtabar to all wbo kaew died Moedep
idep mo'elas. after a urare
US ta* amt ofeiM W R C were labar. Sta wu a Ira* ebritUaa slrl. to
from a ttrota et per- a^ita bp Put Com. W.B. Penarj
wboa Ilf* ben. wu rary tnul. pi e'paU. He
Ue wl
will. b*
.. berlta oe Tandap.
I* aama____________
Haa- from tbc TuAcBoa
Pm.-Mra HaSsUIwalia.
^ tore irutfollp. kaowlas
elril wer»»ier*a, aad a rup*:ted raM. V. Pre* -Hr* Frapci. Rodcen.
t* w*i'. Har uruta moara tbt lou
' It of Kiaralep ter a esmbor of
J. V. Pre*-Mr* Jaa* Taooea.
of adtar daosblar. aad tb* broUtan a
bee p—Hr* Aaaie Nalaem.
a He iMTu a wife end foar eUld.
•tar. tat ttap ail b<
>0 moera bM death
TheoUuldTreaa.—Mr* Eaubeta Fortar.
bareen maktar aa effort fa *v

: It need to be said ‘Money Talka." but money
5 i, quigj

t:9n Telk OB borne drpartmeat work >
bp tbe Hruldeat
Coaaip work: Droeral work. C B. ’
fate*. Prta. Su'lttlsal. Mertb* Barary
Fioanitl. V. T. Ottiarer, Ti-ru .
Batlara*. raclain g elmioa of ofli-er* '
for rB.oInf/e*r*L . offerinf far u ■




end < oaprl t'r(

Mi-» Steij_i I
Saaaiy School Attooiaiioa
Eeoort of Ur»at and llreeo LakeSng• r Aaaoctotion held at Moerue Cealr*

now and



•of* ol •eboolt.

HKSE GARMENTS are all right—cut and made right -wearable, fiuble kind—warm ones—bad for the doctors, good for you—the tailor
: isn’t in business who can give you a better fit. Better Hurry, for they are

: going fast.
____ r of our preaideal, tia(iBff S
had M-:
Prayer aernee ItJ by Ret L. Aler.
reedio* tb* luib Pu.m, prayer* aad
Tntlmoay meellLg with alafiar.
Tb* clock poiatinr to the dioaer
boar we all retired ta lb* tir*g(e hail
far refroabmeato aad (octal uaaloo.

Opeaed by •laploc No
Rer L Alfer. *tler whi
tbr moraigp pr<,er*m tfi
ed ta Ibe addreuet wrl.

How 1
car of tbr* 1a



* more pet
Sunday uhi . .
ued by J Ken

uedr aad otaer*.
P.i-cito'ton by Vid* Moeroe.
1.0C1BX So i
Paper. "The .-bor
d hrr chlldr.B.'-by Mr* R llari*
l)i„-a.*ioD lad by Eea.-L A!rr
Humr [irparlmeal taken up aad talk
on Ur diff.'ieni oa
We Sod we bt
ol* ia'd tbrre tb
>r three moaiba dariac i
Vrarlr reparl of L
Elrcuon ol (Seer
Pre. . J. Keoardy.
S. U..nne, Sec'T, M
Trau . C U. Dye.

Just placed 00 .s.Tle over 600 pairs Men’s Pants, t Bought cm cheap,

; you geuhe benefit. Shall sell at the regular makers' price
' terns t^uit one and all.

labip arcreury
)r raaulBd yea^

umcee led Uy Mr* J. S
ptcr Tbeuc urelcc* cJoaed
“"All I
br Mioair OtUoxer

Weights and Pat-

S. BEiNDA iSc CO..

."'SSSi ;

I2» Front sirevt.
1o,,. MU,

Fashionalyle Outfitters.


Horses for Sale

ly rrlirred and

At Pioneer Livery Stable',

Mr. S A Fackler. editor of tbe M,
canopy (Fi*.i Ho.tler, with b» wife,
and ebildreo, aofferad tartibly from La
(iH^peOae Mlnnl* h Cura wu '
tb- only rrmedy ital beiped them. It.
acted quickly.
Tboiuaod* of olberu
uu ibu remedy u a apecific for Italirippe. aod Ito eibsoatinf afl
rota. J. O. Johnaon

tb. Croau. cold aod throat ironblr*
V^l-ircaro^-ui u'tta
of OeeMinu
' Tfr. buiih
larpr ac
• take.


B. J. MOEOAN, Prop.
I have A few good


left oat of tbe ctr loBd that


will lav, Mioth,, W |<UI1 (aoaMd)
Mondcy. wh«n I CBU shoW yOtt M gOOd horSBB for thS mOOBT
“ »®yon« cBn^ond givB yon Better BargiOna
come trom CBatda,BO yon

Th«y did net

will not b«vB to pay Bxtrn for

”r. "t;:

tbe aecoad coQoly taaeaei
Let me uy I uaw uu-t ci; • Crram bale '
'Talk by Rrr. L A rr from 1 Ih I'ula.
"WbcrewlUiall abaJl a puuac mao
clean** bla way." "By taklac herd Ilaibauai
I triad XI, M-rraa Bala aaJ u> an apa-ar
thereunto accoHio*
rdio* ta toTby word
*o-*-*a r.r«i «ir*M.»a, Ta.* a>aj
Tbr pmaram oommiltr*
ara— I—a • Blr* I toai .iSrrrU *■> r
W J llllr,.—la'rBaJart- B Val aaj
muinr y«aF-Mf* M. J uf
luFur. M * M Byer, Mr Harr
Swift atSinylnr,
yondrr ]'.

I h*vp 40 extra good b*y mare, blockjf. built, S yean oU, weNgfat

A pair of bluckj built black Horsea. veigbt 2S00; a good'draft


« blocky built chMtnut Mare. 5 year* old, weight I860.


I q larlerlr oopreniioo jl tbi*
ion to IU br held a! W
April I
We . ■Bded oor way bomci
mueb food wu darl



Sylrralar Uarb wu boro al PI
_in«ib. Chraaafu Co .S V O-i .
I*p. aad died at bto home rs mi:
eulef E dfalry where br purefiaard
farm la Het lark, aao rwidrd there u
III Mareh ir»r,, wbro br purebated t
farm meetloaed abort and^ruided u
00 it nntil bto death.
Ue wu mam
Nor. nd. l«56 tcKboda Ago


Tta BATSfu of Orlp.
That modera *0009*.
tirip, poi•u the air wllb lu ti
f<VBto. *0
mnlUtndM birr found a enre pro­
tect! >B acairei tbto daeferou malady
la Dr. ElBf'a New Duenrery.
•I a ton
in poor boB<* aad
a. baee
1* aad feeer. with
am tbroaL aalo la
bora oonck yon
pnu baee tta
' KlBC-a New
' taal tbe InSai
. — * kill tta diaeau ferae
T«et tta dreaded aftar rS-ei
Pricr W eu aad tl <n Mot*p
back If aotcBrad. A trial bottle trew
at tbe drof ataru of E E W

BBBkloM AraiCB Balv*.
Tn Ban Bai.v« la tta w«ld fu
BtB. Brafaea, Soraa, Oleoa. Ball 1



I «



^r cmuliut itaiDft miy 1
Ooe fray mare, blocky built, w-‘t«ht*botit 1100, all aoaad aadB
rreatul luflneaeaDeWitl
Early Blue* are ooequallad .
e<xid worker, price foO.
inc cooilipatioe and llrar iroabic*
One brown bijrae, .I yn*r* old, blocky boilt. weight ISOO; hta —t
Jl Bill, beat pill, aafeplll.
J. U.
on bU bind leg*; aol lao-; * drirer, aod good to work; priteS7$.
One Ljay Hare. 5 year* old, weight IiOJ; ■ blemiah oa both taawf
Leg*, oot laine. and can do good work; price >75.
OeldioB. 5 >-*.9 old. weight ia»; blind'



rary. (ir-wf*. Lr
He ealtol
oompaoy I

to aad :
lib. l
iTfta July



One Krar Bon*. 7 ye«r* old, rangy built.
cultnral Jaai >*lani
Mo . uya. "9
diuppoiatad lunU-r bora*,
10 ulDf on ’Mfanle Confl
•fh Care for

a—•* -I Bara* au j,,*. .~i


« Ckiafh

■ rTo



! Sewing Machines

airnmeatal aolo. Sui
Remark* Wm Belarl..
Hr. Baraca.
BeclUilua. 'Haa
Corael aolo. Wamo Po
Beclialioo. Ida Steelr
Frank Dari* Uaalc. Bditb Dame
tailoa Fnaeia Woolur.
Warrea Putaam.
Kec'taUon. Hr*
WUtso aod Mr.
Prluofaepper. 15 cento.


__________________ _3I ;

AFew Word* About

_____ ulm u Mrtas bad a____


a nioe looker; good io all baroeH: price |8S.

I bave aavaral otber cheap taorBW at wsyy low ritImb
Have two goal maree that I will eell for $40; will p«t is •
bereeas end ^elgb for $80-wbole rig for $60. 1 ntod
a few good dririag ^reee that will please you.
Kindly give me e eell end look my stock otbt.

Homes for Millions


Afewtwo-seatedPleasure Sleighs
for sale cheap to make room for my
spring stock of Carriages, Buggies,
FraafamtaflNacrM Wagons, Etc.





•“i~i Af"t erEffects
of the

t doUaow, Haah'
a dam whlM hold
1^ bw tk« «M
1 boeb
I • treat tba
H«i^«M>lvUskWM)>«to««lrMd rlaor
rlrar udi
tba etbw doj tba wboU
«BMkaik«pU«o(UwCMmrAUiB- «bia((i
tbiat (are wap. mod la a (aw alaatoa
pw (bora waa aifblp Uuia peed toft.
pu*«. balWwrt n Vlll dMt with udt»i ItaaMSatardap tba hap p^
It aoaudtba appaaraaweta heap Uula
tb* bawd of waiwaw ptoold- oltp.
It b talaklp dotud with ftah
•dfarUlhaObMTor-AtklMDoWU >p
1^- i

dripplNr »h» rT«*« *»d d»*Hor
«w«nl. M wall M bltarUf tka proOWSP pnwldloc that U» othw •••hwdbteU b< oppoUtW bj lb* tetoramr. ThtoMllwinT»o*id«*ortha*l*o-

raobad back aad forth piektof ap tbr
lab aad briar tbam aaborr
i>arch of
tba prlaalpal caiob. aad
are eaofbt artih a boch aad llaa. Tbap
aallforlteaatpardoaaa. aadlba flab^
braaa bare bora mablap from pt w H
a dap aaoh tba paat

«lM pfthfw ihiMifin bi
■wabor of tb« board, iataanab
krtd Braharuf HoOuak. araet ool to
Mb* wUlbor* tooollMltM U>- Tb<
ford blaoatUa to tbambralap. aad bp
aakaryoftbaMMOMrabcat frea ht.'
oeaa oiaaDa fall aad brake bla lap
MO to M.MO. Wd OMIbrf lapaMOBt
tbablp UawaaaBable to pet to tba
obMf* *<>1 b« kb*l tba franablMof
boeaa aad oot balap able to make blm•eapur 1» oot to b» oowdaod wp*
aair heard be lap aapoard toadrlriap
hUlp ta oalatbr Um propwtr. bat ah»H aaow atorm aatll t n'Onek brfurr balnp
bi takaa to ooDDMOoe with all Otier
dlaooaarad. HU atiff-rldpa *rra ao la_
la arrtrlBf at aaab valoatlne.
aaaa that wkaa fnaad bueldtbl
.bloc waa
•abator txwali aoUoad two Import^lataiad arlih prrapiratloa. Ue awe
•allaaoraaeabUteWdap (toa ptori
aiardlad rram Ur kart aad axpo-ara
tbMaolaaaraBMaball be wriuak bp
Tta Atbeai Timer aaptUat tba t»oaapaalaa aol dalp aatbortord.
llploatportl .ofUelodlao aommne
bMlBoatoWieblcaa. It baa k.
lip aaar tb-ra baa«aBk|ta wap of
baaarp lor oaaeaalra aaoarlaf torpe
tarelap U- unpodlp noble red 1
llaateratoaan to torelra oaa
Ua rlfbt dinwlloe. Tbap arad
d ao to
wbtob Mr ■» taaa to MUbIfaa.
Tllatlao to him la
M-—lljtb booooa baer ar maatlap oa aaab a date, aad
rtoolatloa aatborlilac doa't abow ap tbap appolai the d<
bp tba board of aUtoao- ematlap at bla buaaa
Tbas ta baa
oa •laaldaal to tba faoa tba mealc or lap oet la tba raid
obsBlac 'aad raura of tba hodtaa of foTMi tin a rarp lau hoar. Tbrp paoaeUtorawbedlodto Caba laexaoaaer arallp pat him.
that paid bp tba laaaral ceroremaai.
Tba taharmu of tba Hap Clllaa are
bad Oeroraur Ptarraa baa api '
' maklaparra^aeata to aaaUt la (be
Dbarletta. dpbt to ta wapnd to tba lapUInra for
Obartoi B- Etpltoror of Ohi
Mtba ataub raptaaaat
tkto aaorb. Klpltocor
M tba boapllal eorpa of Ua Tblrtp'
leartb Htehlcaa lafaatrp, partlalpatad
la tba Oobaa oampalo bad la aa ImBoaa. barlar bad pallow faaar
la.Oaba. Ha aallalao with Oompaap
H. afTraaoraaCItp.
^ar aad wUl proparlp oara for tba

tola banap pl»a
or atok aa maaabari of l(lehlpao-a
ra Kalirp baa
•aola. wblla Rapraatmtotlra
aetlMd a WII proaldlap a*tn pap at
tba rata Of lit par modtb foroaohaoldtor who waat to Oaba. aad »lb for ail


In tbe Un« of^


Grip is a treacherout disease.' Yeu think it
yis cured and the slightest cold brinds on a
Its victims are always left in a weakened
condition—blood impure and impoverished;,
nerves shattered. Pneumonia; heart disease
and nervous prostration are often the
Dr.Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People will
drive every trace of the poisonous germs from I
the system, build up and enrich thd blood
and strengthen the nerves. A trial will
prove this. Read the evidence!
When (be pip law vioitcd ilm oroit.’ii llrrmin H Ri
|effpoM. Jdu. .well La...«i,,mr.«-v.t.nJ^. ao.

At Abb Arbor It U raporiad oa pood
BsUortlp tbBtUrtiipmt I'bi fratrraltp
of tba oidaai ood beat o' Ur Urrak
lattor aobirtir*. will aracia flaaetraptar
kooaalaibr Imioedlala fetara. Tbap
alraadp owe a larpr lot la a pood loca
ttoa. ud will. It laaaid. Mil paT "f it
taa Ur mtnir) for a arw bulldtop.
ihaptrrboBMlatoourtaoaar Mu.-;



nara era aaaeral keadrad oaai
tolotkaUotal Btoballaa laal katarday
flip aad toa oaaaaot dlptbaria to Uraad airbt aad waa lodyad aad fad eear
day by Haaacer Uann.
Hla aai
b boaltbp remor eoaaa bora Uatrell
tbat tba Tbtftp-dtU Htohlpaa la abool
M be aaat beau aad maaWrad oai,
■ateaBapdd'aaUltorpeompaap baa
dia beaded baaaaaa of took rt totrraal
after ea akktfBao of a eoo?Ifbf paara
AtMawtoitoaa Boa. & M. Ptrpb a' aMtoao^-lllwIU paoamoela aad It
TtPtl^T-r* U ta to a eritieal ooadltloe.
Oterto ffttall of Obtrlotte. raarirad
: MOflpwcBUdlbaotbtrdapbp I

borne and apeada moat of hi. wai
id Uealale. HI. pby.lcl
ditiOB U sureeloaa, eob.ldariay hit
be*. Oaaltaiuraot him la Uat wbra
ta la loarlbf Ua aiaia be alwaya
Urta or four bau oa bla bead.
ableTor all aeaaoae
Wbaa b« a
ooaBlry aekool boaaa ba wUI dcTote
elaarlBf Ue road of
•tooea, weede. ete.. ao aa to afford tba
ebUdrea a good playrn«od. -Itaraod

taftof*Botioa tbat
BMl Wtoaof Uadaa. Mopbt a
darad Into Ue leyUlatara to repeal Ue
gartar aaaha oa bla farm Tbartaap aad boaaiyoa Baffilab aparrawa.” aald a
MblUtaritoatbaalreaia. It are
ity offlrtal to the Sagtnaw Nawa.
tbw Uaa^ fer a dUBarp aaaha
"aad m; beat wlabea are wlib Ibe aaAtOalaabeipAltarl Uacaoe. a
Uor of the bill fur faU anroem
dtal, tall from tba uaptaa to Ua blpb few ^ple raaliae the bnlber that
MbMl (Tmoatiam Prldap maratop aad boaaty law caaaca aa •‘it to mai
waaaartoatlptojarad. Bamapdia
tbcaxpaaaa wblUla by ao meaaa la•ad Anpaoptohaaa drm talUt to ooaaiderabJa laracard
tbt idea tbat waariap aalpbar to Ua eonalileralioa. while the rxpeodllarc
abew will praaaatprlp. ao tba whole taa ael baaa aafielaetly bl(b la Ula
ily to boeome alarmlay. la aomi
tawa la traadUf ar..>>ad oa brlmiloea
Wito taattop wUl p- taWp aot ta a Ua arlghbortoc raaatlm large aam
bate boea rxpeadad. wl
pepolar paatima to
ooaaip for
awbito. Oaa maa wbo tadalpad to It ooald baaa bean aaed la macb taltar
arw glaaa daapaaia Utbaitau prttoa. advabUge TTw aparrow I. uaafal
eeta that are barmfal
Preiv aooa OprUf Uka to Utlawa
and aogood la
MMtp. win aoma u ta aoaaldarad aa
from Ue eSoru toward! Ita
aalaakp apot. Cipblaaa parajoa baaa
Kbeaalawla teaad
' boM drawaad tbera to Ua aaat taa
rmail ta bana raUer ibaa good. It
aboald ta repealed.
. A MatarlU. womaa bad a pramoalttoa tbat aba waa pMap w dla wxm
' aad madt all arVaorrmaau far barfaamaL dara aacmpb Ua waa takca
altk a^ to two waaka waa dtad.

, rtara.

Tbara It eartatolp aomrUlor wranp
la Htobipaa UU pear Hera ti m wail
atoor toward tba ud of Jauaarp, aad
pet tbara boa aot baw a atopla rrpori
ttatUapaubbeda baaa brro killed.
Tbatoa papora at Wealord ooBatp
bare oo oaaaa w teal Imaoraiiabni
tbraO(btbat>i>..attowal Ua aM»ow
batalp >»■•' * '■* •®W amaatl^ bnwpatd eat to that aoaalp waa oalf
At Maakiaaw Oltp oa aeeoeat
Ua lea la UetJaiu U>ltto« ab
tba Iraaalar ataaaar
Marta dm
eaatora aoreae uwrdapeipat alta
Itolau. diaU dkoraA AOuUc m»
ger trata.


Bg-AUarmaa ftoraard Kirk fa tar
of MaJ« JoLb P. Kirk. tb;r^.:.rai
Miobliaa aolaatakn waa fclltou ka ordap afuraooa bp a brick Uoao d.-ae
tH^ikaotoatfla Upkl pbwcr aialtai- to
At H«p atp It b rredrtad oa (ood
aatbertM UatP W. Woa;iax U »t..iat
taatoia eualraetB for tba aompltilea
e( fear torpa atoel aamiU
Ibw <aUl
■bmU to tarelap eaer to him Ur bip
plwi ba ao aaaeaaalalip maoapad fer
poaia. MUtalapoowdlUmcd imUaaaaoflacafeaairaata
AtMaakagoatbaJarptoUe ilpiata
MMdireataaamatoat IV o'ai.* Hat
ardv moretop aad rcada>ad a ratdUl
id maaaaadbtar.
Tta d luadaai.
MlUaaU bpnwa. waa ebaip-d w| h
Mtatlap r. I/wUa Parkar oa iM rrcbM at Oababar I tot torn dartop tba tail
■j^^toma-tAgartgatbla raauaaaa

.•flu )V MunSl^

iirsA. i i

we have the foUowlBfr articles

Washing HachlneB.
Barrel Churns,
Butter Bowla.
Clothes Baskets.
Butter Prints,
Egg Craters.'
Mouse Traps.
Tooth PichB,
Lead Pencils.

Butter Ladles,
Rolling Pius,
Lunch Baskets.
Pails. Tubs,
Wash Boards.
Hop Sticks.
Roach Traps.

Taanday. rabeoaig s. tl

mdoxu. xtu. ay of iMiOMT,


Brosch’s .Meal .\larkei

Choicest Meats, Poultry and Game.
fresh Salt and Smoked Meats. Sausages Ltc.

kook for the full
name on the package.

EtTOTaaaa Barbora


Lowest Possible Prices.
Call and insp3ct our ^oods and prices.

he.lih W*.u -nil he w-^oPi'ited to dncvunnitr »i»
TiiJ be live. l.—Uy
UalmoMa ■mr.rir
"I aa. irmiblwJ mita
.hortnew rd
n( tmib.
ta .hortne.
nilpici.un uf ibe :
geaend deWldv. »l,
:k «1
m jwiiMv)
|w,.mv1 meweerelj
. "1 tried uae do.ii>r .Art
.Per .n.'tbi-T
«.i.'!bi-T .,iid ii.^oir'iion
remHieo ...vx
fnead. wiibmil .piwreiit Uiiriii, .nR
m Ki'e up li..
i’ Pink I’.ll, li.r IVr I’ruple exuJle.1 in d'Si koui
lecide.1 1.. I
■.•.e.1 >m
Ue pilU wei
Cuiil'inue.1 u
uk/» them
t UkiBK
ukiB| loor tc.<e> uf I
tevtored to (ool lienlth. I icet Ui.
of otvRvmer .l.v. retunieil. I .111
iMd viiluiion
■ I>r.’ Pink I’llU f..i I’.le l’~i;, • -e 1 wooderl'il mrdinne .n.l mv.uffenuf Ineo Uie .fter-elle, t.
II. «il)fiT,.l III.I fheve mil. Air tba
rl!n-." ,
•’IlKeM.v II Kvfi.k •
Mr. Hxrlet will eIwPi .n.wrr ,.n! m |ii,
ii-XeMioK tbi.if ium;> i.rucIneeiA
Aran Cmkdoaa/y/ViWATa/.>yr>..>a

Ua repeal of Ua aretlos of Ua dUb
lawa praridinp for a eloaed aaatoa. The
Sabarmre tap Ur rofnrormaol of UU
law will kill thrir bualoeaa darlap Ua
eloaed araaon tod aaablr Uair
Itora to pA ibair euaiomrn.

teary reapeok UolroU alumni will belp
WMtatartao. daa. »u.-Tlia rtaar bad toUo balldlar.
barber Mil b aaartp reedp. aad It U
Sopi. W. B. ril.bocb of Hay Cityk
atatad oa pood aatborttp that Ua ap
alaairle lirbi araVcm. had a narra
Meprlattoai will ba aa fottewa for
eapa from alretrocaUsa laia Prtd.y
Bifbk He waa worklay at tba awitob
1 wbea, la aome maoBcr. ha lurm.
MOiOraod. rt.WQi at Joarpb,
ad a clKuil wlU bl» band.. raralvloE
Barben-OBarltaoia. au.tM;
Ua lull loree of tba
bopiaa. PtaOB; rraaktort. PM 009;
ikkboekedMr KiUSecb from Uei
e<«Bd Baaae.pit.acni Bollaad.Ml.uoui
ebair on wbirb be waa alandlo«. and
UdUftea. lie.vWi MaeUi
rcadarrd him aaaoBaeloaa tor l& tniSt.CU0cn;'
Ula baada ware palafally buraad
Fwoobap. »lt TWi Sk Joaapb. »M> ono;
at Ua polal of eoatoct wlU Ua twiteb•awataah,IO.MO;doaU Baaaa. HO..
bnard, bololbarwba be waa a«lo]ur
Mbl Wblta Ukr, Mt.DOO.



nbnn.* ‘

At druggists,or direct
from the Dr.Williams
Medicine Co. Schenectady,

N.Y., 5o'perbox;6boxesi2.5oM

raxuH ruti.


Order* for Job Printing left at the

«anli receive orompl •ttg-tlnr

Consultatim aad Euaiinatioa Free aad Stiicllf CdnfidealitI

rmbarg. tteberal Wiub.e
pureblavt T-iae-aqi
-whtUe ayali.m

ace P’aat .1 CorawaU. P. , Saiurnirbt
Bull.ting. w^re .haWen
m.p.v wind-iv pane, brwkro
The Spenitb goearameut offer. u> | Ibroughnul
The tala fur
damaged aad the
bay a raeannable lum to tbr Filtplbos •*«<• ware
r the aiaay hao
for Ue ralaa^of Ue Efpaamb prleoa.
**■. b
am held by Ue iBaurgaBU.
{ilrrxf. otwu
a Bumtar .offered
Breyclaa. or rather, uabdrtayele.
b-ri. .n
abgioaer. who eioalractad the Trmao
CaopUn railway. 1. dead


o be a .lav w'U.iti I)


Imthcan ledlcal and Snrgical iDstltnte of lgtke(oiij lldi.
Sotol 'Wla.itiii.g, Xr’a-vore^ Olty,

Saturday and Sunday, Feb. II and 12, 1899.

rating It.

ataak 1
pit, wtaarr It

*fnd>.-ate who loir-'•- ------ fa.Uiey

'beaa. a alr.'ag
e dialurb
t kuDilay 0
:U o'.-loek Ikroagbxrtil tbr Pelrpxa.
of tbr king

Ua aboek.

DRS. li. S. tS: CO.

near Jav cui
bad hi* fax-e

dent la gnii’F VO bappeu

Iiaal Are
Hroalaa and oUar Uermon cikm iad |™"^
or* aald to be doiag exualleal aervlee
At Biehvlew. III., aa earthi)uake
abuvk eroa felt elatarday at I u’elock
elbrailoBt laatod for toTeral mie.





uobelp* mea ao
tigorou* old age
Tbara baa barb frrab figbtloff ie
Congo alale. belweea toe Betgiaa <1°» «' Craeee
troopa and retaU. Ua former bavlof i’"~‘«ro department, of tbe peaiaaula.
‘I-*’!*-''' '• 'uoi.v aaiu |i*i
aratolaed bravy loaara laoludlug axxmei *" Ue booaea la the itwo of I’uilatra. : eat b.iuLiie» ih-paat re ar
wblla offloera klUad.
In tbe depanmert of Mcaeala oa tbr Bay. baek one half of ibie to the
looiao curat, hare been damaged aad 'r
partleaUHy empbaalxed I

">b.blUB’a ara now e.iapia, onl

riam. I* >a> <to.*u mi rw utao. Trstwas .
~«al|> I* <*awev,.at 7t>.ww OU.M Ihr Mm
•M. .d irarrawi. w_iwrto J l^ytaar, raa-


l-.ur.bart diapateb anTwo rlHagea lathe p’.,„e of the night. Itehiag air.
, viclolly of Phlliiea were rotaplelely Hxaa'a II olnieai .-ure* .piekIt aad laei
, dealrayrd, miay pwp'e being allgblly “•“enily At any drag aUire. MM-euk

each and 11

baatkegaaatdayllgbt Md PtoUPtititf of the gulf of Koran
Bill I'l o’clock la tbe erealog.
evident v fe'l id the di.lru’i of Z.ute '
There aeoa a Tioleoi atorm through, icapllol of tbr I.iaian Island nf Ua’,
at Eaglaad Friday algbt. a<x-oiapa |name. but there wra ao Ura of Jife or.
alad by eertoaa flood, to Walea. The I propertr there
Hacy aitgbter ahoi k*

-'"S. ~
tie ware drowned

, _ . _ ______

Tbe elllagra of Kypartaata

A Urerd, Ranara, d-P*'*l!‘*oor7oownra vei
clgbtbaadred )*ek rabbiu were H.lwl I
any elellma there
lb Uat eoaely by
-------^ - ------ -------- *
aad will be .hipped to Chicago fur free
dlatribatlan amoof tba poor
four wagosa aod team,
a baauag party.

tom m. a*ir -A i*M

f c i.u .u.*... or..x..

aaa laai wiihia tvww

WP\0 1 V 11 I n
Far Infanta and Cbildrea

^'<«*i«t» Bewn
Tbe ctaaDbeljaed vUtogra new'afraid to reto-e to

rioe waa aaapeadad aad tbe ctaU.! Ueir boinF.
-Tbe autbontira are do....
— arrived there. I lag all la their power to faraiahvat*
Tbr Coaway vallry. to north ITaleo. U
lanudai! d and forma a great lakeeenuee rammiuee of
Loagf'llow National Memorial aam
id tor Ue perp-we of erect.
I’g . . ttueof Ue port Fa We.hiBglor
baa l-wu ' < oa apptal to the public
;aa«aurto l.iaa to aoramp'lab ihia
I pnra Tn- r->m«itua aatimttoa
.liamoftencauaraUemoatto*3S,wrl .III b
to pracor. a tenaa auflenng. Many bare tor yeoza
•laiae WT’h. of ib> poet aad tbr aile eataly axniglil relief from UUdiialiliBg
and ore to-day woree
Tne »ma l-*i ooatrtbatloeI will
wui ta
ac wvlwet--------------------------------------r
- — — off Uaa
aeer KheUmatiam la a bk>id diraora.

Boara tta


Stgnaian Of

s'oh, the Paiti of


At Toled., rthla. Mm- a J. Me^’. ?“.*?.*.*.**
toagh. w 'e of a wall boowa mma of
■ bat eitr. edn.mittcd ealrtda aad at tarr UwamaUrai.^
Wmp-ed to kill her lamilr of three toot 1 was mr weaka ai
_ Th- woman wraaadoabted. ;
ly Ira.Ae' V nr of Ua ehlldrea
vldeatiy 111. taring aatea die
aaab Oaa ebild d -d baturdey
aftaraooB, and Ua mbtb'r attempted
to glee tta llelBgcbildrea. all of whom
were lo a c Itical onraliloa. a d. ae,'f


u .1
..i .d vi,*w*. r*— *-».•«' wwj w
'V-r--,n.» .rumw- 11.,
u,. «.ci

zi’’sd.tiai r»

S'ESs-S’S-r'____ _


OK rvrpi

!«■>«•« PtaMtatraauwlrui
M. la. to. rae, <e*M raw. rvM W rmmm W
niwni rrra *wwaa> aCfaMMMB

Iraai kuwi


twm tow u. M.; w

— *—

axaa aata. mw a.



14T. Orta Oaridrto. Bamrtlt Wf.




Irte* tka fKid pora deSdous ate «

■wn^^tte ful TlhtpaMliW


...................................... -................• -*-to tiM AlMtcbt;.-


rt 1

ynr Bon lmt* um ram.


Oannral a New Wi
CbUdree and many growa paepla
who dtellk oatmeal cr Ua other oecnal*
pr»par«d«ad--maah.~lo baaataa rrttb,
id milk from a ataaar. map be >


another wap
Tbe rtimi
_________if laiud. oookad rary
LIB. and^llgbtljr^^lad
in a aUlow

. Mon Uo Lcgoa
Lagoa Oooaiy
Oooair ramoi



luglp orer It. may ba Ukei
at a time aad dipped in * r
milk before eating; U* milk not •
k a olaae to kaof op poor hat. get leg Ur one annocful at e l<ma
to be reltehed. aad the
tkrae ipealtadaT and Ha down to
■riiig to errrrul enUrely Ur grurl
^Pi a olaea where talher and mother
>te of Ue Wl pan Irft In the unccr.
aadahUdraaaiap. Haw Irw ol tl^



of the
tut wa* to behind I* art eaaght ap
<rtU yet. But patienea. dear HaaaUne
bopa and girla aa*yoa atell aU be at-

JJ^dSlpphyrio^wTSu! and" “lerl>
.. B«imkti>rlMp.>^fl.!
(Ul to aopplp oar menial and betler
naenalUm. U It nay wonder oar bop*
- Aa'ini taU foowkf %t%lka geodaol aadglrlamahe eomparlaoa* with Ue
hoaua ibaj laHla* “»•»
and eitlaaP Home lo lie real aenae la
an Inaplrslioa to all Bopi and girl*,
mtantouoo tbalarm llTtnn In.piratioo to n noblar. batter aanbood. U It
Aa'Ihtl* Iei«ag: aa Po
Vmoo the form, there grew* op
with the bop a reaoWe to get away
from hla erode anelroamenu and try
tolndwhat hka band and heart ao
' tr
Home mnat ha wbera lore
ddeooe predomlnala. wbera
_________and heart reeelre (W 8rti
eoMdaralloa. where the elemeaU W
Ika hooea, the yard, the Ura. thp^Seld
are aoagaalal to oar elreamalaaoea and
baalaatarea; ao aorlroomral where
-, •twoto kla

)<■ LcoaHlltrt.SasmHCltF.
ice. BarUa PoUeek. Sammlt Ck«.
1*0. BdaaWnU. Sammlt Uv.
C»l. ImtUe C. TremalB. SammH Oi«r.
It* UwafdWaidnnr.liamBU Okl).
Ut lokaaleBowder.BosmUCUy.
IM. ArtU VIhoa. Oasmlt Ckty.
lU. WilUc Bowdor, Saouolt Otg.
UA CUUioB Wtoah. SammK atg.
lit. Ulea Sle-^ Basmll aiy.
UA WUUe Wall. Sammlt City.
UP. Mark-D. Et^aley. Sammlt Oty.
UA BeU Jatiwr. Sammlt City.
1*1 Wand Woodward. Bammll Qty.
lU. AnalcWegmlllar. Sammlt Uljr.
I«*. Walter Jeffrey. Summit City,
let dertie Bewder. Scnmll City.
I*A Emily Klagelcy, Summit City.
IPA Uaorgieite Bbner. T. C.
1«T. Margaret Ctemcnia. T. C.
I««. Ura Shephard. Trararco City,
luv. Bate! Reboe, Trarnrae City.
ITU. Boy MUlar. Loag LakA
ITI ZellaCox. Long Ukc.
IT*. Cbeeter Cox. Long Lake.
ITi Mnrray Co*. Umg Uke.

The Ki^ Yoo Ham
Be^ the

OntnXoniUae nortii

Uebultoo bo
Bat It will be fall
by Ua time you Trtd
It ool into deep plate* to ooor*llgbtly
Prick potalom before baking.
with uBootta errn (urtace Thi* qukk- Uia. aad all Will be wall again.
U jelHea orrr apd tbe milk poared on
Urr kpoage cake te good teaated.
around It and a* it terut PWky,
Halae U* fioar barrel a lew luebce
.. .* k little teland laatead ^mUleg
Irum Us floor.
with Ue mukb to beooair gruCl toward*
Ur iuu
lutes rat bole auff a rag eaturated
1 Urr knows people who could aoi
by Haul Hnlell of Kingkley. wlu eaycDoe pepper.
la both eaaa* they weqe dealred for an
Try ’ be beet of an orea wiU a piece
old lady who wa* abut la Ute winter. ol peper
meUoda of urring —
who would enjoy Ue reading. Tb(
Home Joarnal* were •rnl te Margery
fur her (nrod.and a package of tbt
kinea aecl lo Uacai for brra
Firat Buke a eu*tard of fire larrl
labla*peook of •ngar, aigbl rouadlug
plraaed that our Sunablne
laWekpoon* grated ehoeolateand oor- girl* did Ute. for there I* deep lore Is
okim of
Aa* l7»^ Ut Uaoa.
heart of your editor for all tbe aged.
Bekr quickly and *
hot lor
A^aatbWonatbo kaM
tell, and *
pnlaer with eoetly apprlataenU.
waate all ber rkildren te lore Uem
Utah 1 here eeea ae many pore, tra>
> Wbd Drat made
iboBMelslorenblanaadoolUgee aele
One- half cup bsti
man preteellou boaeee.
And the
It capa engar (brows
Dee and one-half
biatorp ol the greet meo Ig America
Elxle. C
i Frmak I
or wblte.l
will follp cooflrm ihle aMertlon
Tka bStkaeb laWr taoa:Tbreregga.
el Acme write te tell u* what they go*.
As'Nrottorreleaj Ocoa-aa'i
Fraot te burdened with tno.uo.> pubTwo cupa of flour.end rattle are arldcneea of anurprlae
Etei* bad Iwe bag* of
1* cuellng Ur *teteCi:.u-*i mil
One-balf eup ••>ert milk.
Tkep are ool ealdenoee of c
two ubleu, two hair (renege
toce e yi
year, ncccrding tu tbe e
Two roundisgteupouc* bakli
Oo» tk* Hoar aa* Uroofh^tfca wood
LeTemvr.bbonx. a ring, x pin. a box of wrlliog
ed of klo
riaror with yan'Ha.
paper and a duae
LtodoB 1a delighted w*lu the norelty
dargarlai leqoirp io diecoear tbe la8iir buiter aad eugar logeUer thorberaatBUlltlMofthe bop tort galdanoe
Clare bad two hooka, a box of writ­ of haring aomr ut It* Are ladderadrmws
Bai^(«r tko paakla^:
Into tbrta llraa.
It 1* the geoero! oBgbly, add one rgg at a time beating ing pxper. two bag* of caady. a bag of by horse* lottead of by
are called "bor«ed fire «
prectloa loeuri ell ebolliuna of the racb In well before adding auotber
a caady pig aud a awry book.
'IgoroBt miod aad hand* abet lege of ’tllr in tbe milii and al*o Ue cbooolnte
ba bop. aad make blm da aa we do ruklard. Mrarure Ue flmr before klft Clare'* birthday waa oa Ue 3rd oNau-.
Ta gn owWtaa oar OtM’euk,
iog. Add tbe baking powder to Ur
.ebether be a euu to or nntary. and (or birthday prraeou be had
. lAba woall waattkanlaoti—
••A bdp 10 pi er. old oowadnp* kaowa B*ur and lift ILU* ihe eaka Bake in a
ball bat. a ebeeberboard. asd a whip­
Bat (kv-aa**^ go. Ilka lot ear Whi
more nboot what be weou than boj* dHpplog pas In qalle a moderate orea.
.Aa’dakaaraa'Louie. aa'tkTM
We hope U wa* a good natured
liaid ping.
aw4 to at !0 pcan «f age
Do no’ for­ and eorer with '>ollr<) troating
»laor a^berwUldataa. aa- ftobar get that tbe *1 jeera to hi* majoritp U
be dellclona-Chnrh.Kr TVO.uii*.
whipping uat dlon'i hurt. Clara.
KoUUg apuite a good dtepoaitlon
alediootterm lo e faiwi bo>.
larU’lbaro aooUer OB* Ull January
Aa'ol^V^Kaw aa-ua!
farm .bop imaglaea from wbal he *ae*
A Cold WeaUat BdKgaetMa.
.V ■'ibing teie* a man'* patieooe
jOw tko rim oaA tkro<^ ^ rood
Like aar ilcbmea* of Ur akin.
■1 alway* put my Uby in bla car­
Franklin bad two bag* of candy, a
All day'll make* you mteerable.
«”ha l»*wa^ iTtig IV-Seiertof riage." u.neae mother, "beterr taking candy pig, aqd eome cute, two teblrl*.
A.I night It krept you awake
It out ol tbe boQ*r, that be may not b
•lory book and a dlm^.
Itch. Itch. WiiBcorehr
eome chilled by cold rarrlagr Uaokel
Broad IB Fodr Hoar*.
Tbe baby got a rattle box.
,lu*i Ibe *»me with evcema
wbicb are reepunaible (or many a po
Can bard.y keep tromkcraicbing I
Par* It okediam aUed poUtue* aad
It ba* a qulU of rider down wbh
VoD w^uld do *o but yiu know
ook la akOelant bolllpg water lo harp
make* vc'U wor*»
bliB OB *Dd wrap about him. ai
tem ooeared. While they are eook log
Bneh mi*er;re *re dally derreaB'Bi
•prrad orrr that bU fur urrlai
take aae plat of fi »ar. one tnaeap each
1‘eople tre lea-nlpg they can I
of tall and angar, wet with eacagfa rsg. Wrapped in thi* way he 1* warm birthday. Wbal did Ue father gel?
eold water W owke a tmuotb paatc, and edmforUble le bli litfle nut. aad
What kind of an idea do you uink it
Learning the merli* ol Dnac
poor orar It two qnana of bublag wa estoy* btertda bagely.
reoold be. Suuabine boy* and glrli, to
•I take my boy ool aoy day that the
tar and eook aaUi U
Plenty of pmnf Uat Doan'* (>io
Ikermomeur it aot below fiftcea de pul it dowD for port ol our work
Btareh. Pao* thi
mem will cure pilra ec/.riu*. i
greea, l( tbe *ub te bright aod Ue wlad leii-.i that we remember Ue (aihrr'a
a two-galloe j*r
any ’ti-btne** nf the *kln
are wall done pace them through
asd oufber't birUday* ' Vuu may ool
"1 aU al^y* carefnl about'damp
Bred Ur teai miigy of a Ball
eolnndar loo. alio Ike water lo w
be able to make Uem prceeou. though
Creek ciilies
tbtp are boiled
Fill the }er wlU we wuUer. or rery cold, kbern wind*
1 bare known a dear little girl who
tor to wiibla a heger’e Irogth of the afid »□ far barr had good karcea* I
Mr ti. A. Ayera. book binder. Of li
belted ber father a nice cake (or hi*
Wbea tbl* minlare la lake warm Srfuglog op my baby. '—iir(rrt«l
• I'rrek. aaya
attr la foar dried peaet cakt* that har.i
birthday aupper, and dus t you Utnk
My hand* bream.•re from orxe-1 womdar wkp mp Uttia kop doa boas prerioMp diaaulrad and ae: It in
Sickroom Comfort*
he eojoyed It?
And there are Utile ma Um it waa with d
n warm pUee to rUe.
When a thick
my finger*.
yooadtkofarbllaraareaadae! 1 doair
white team rlaea to tbe top It 1* ready
l*n-e bcab* formed aod In
iw liomu boakl of more tbk
dM «olM Uaga into tko r*rlor a for nee. Oorer and ant awaplnaoool
that are prelly ana uaefal bealtle* bewing tender
flat bottlr* of Ukk glu* an
dark plaaa- For foar ihree pini ba*lo
/'•U. ka is to roack." nape <mo moUar.
11^ eaJuablT aa ahowUig Ue remeoj. Itched jutuleratdy
1 tried e»i
iTr r,
. . .
dart tkaa habp hog Calla -down, aad laaraa. I take three Flute of tbe y
.:cn.-e of the day.
Fur It ten't mosey
ao etkar welting, *tlr In b bailor,
nab e u< .1
Orirt. HotkorraMtolkanaeaa.
th-i. >asu lo a gif^ dear children; it
loan boar HI* light aaoagb U>
'» I'lniiiirni
ws'.rruiay be poured lotu I’lrai wiU. 1* that Uoagbl of the gift. •o until I nriHii
; "ZM tka aaagkty aid abair hasp into a loaf, if tbu te corerad wit
bad heani It >|
■ut by •rtori
out cracking. Bn'l ll
«ahr» gnolaai kaad. WaU. art-U poaod larertadfOD DO lough cra*i will I
Ilui kuppcaing you can make no per
ad In ruB orer Ibe <
tka had old ekair tea karting kar
sent at all.
Vuu can glee lueliig kiaa. l:k.. *11 me other prrjvaraiionv «i
loite place wlib nc (ri
kakg.- Ifcamp. ifcampoB tkaofcair. iota loaree: they art
Saa'l bag* m*y be lOk-U
a wiab for "nuny nappy return* of Ur
hake when aodeat r iMnt
k*e of II3d
iBddeB aerd
wWao Utkn lakla lag that kartUm? pranore ol tbe finger on the eurfece
dey,-.' end Uat wUl make Ur father'* ban^ lo dll * iinrthing
lijan *
alockli.g may be ullllxrU.
«0a M-«n^tgbld laUnlwnbnU le winter 1 alway* w .rm the Sou. '
or Ur mother * heart happy yon may meat cured sir
I'p tn dale, and
I i
^ ko mUppad.’ ta^ rap, on tka ■amour It I* not iaeceenry.
I* tome Uiniith* after I *topp*d tbr
learlag Ue bottle, trim asd aeat.
! bp theeboremeth
of our bite of *on*h(ae for Ute year, lo treetmeat. I b*Tc bad no indicalioa of
od) when Iget breaktet acid bare it half dc-zrn of Ueae b.iuJe* can beloi
any return "
Ba« omv rtnw Ual bahp hog baked for dinner, eren Uoogb wa lire ehangel. kaeplng tbr nun.e alw
' llemembt r Ue lather'* and moUer'a
well maaaed with l(c»t'ng' power (ViaD'a Kidney IM'* far aalr br all
la Kortb Dakota, wbare it U ofiee <
(koatd poand tte (omltara.
H'uiiulir* ifniuc 0'm|-<'il<">
dagraaa' below." and we bare only
Bakg maa art laaUag U fataUli
Foe’er-Mllburo- o Kiiffaln. N V. Sole
aommoa eook alore lo warm oar prairie
Rioa Popover*
agenufirihe r S
flem-inb*r Ue
.me Duan • and take no *00*111010.
Bea^ of the Oraoge Jndd
la which tbli reelF« arigiaally appear­
Hour, a laupeoaful of baking
ed. eap it le worth tbe prle* of Ue pa- powder in tbe laturT^i two bealrc
gaud Idea.
Who will be Ue next
egg*, a eup
cap of tmilk and
big I

trt»b*le Si«nq{ute ct

Xgw S'ORK.,

■ ‘VSiirrsisr'pit"*”’"




quart* of cold water, oue kmall ooioi
and a bench of .weet herb*.
Boi.l at
boor aod rub tbe whole maaa throng!
a colaadar aad return to Ur pot. Kul
r* tor both teal and head* II a tablupooofol of buiter into a* icucti
tbeae are warm poa will pot toll
Sour aad atir into Ueaotip
Add ul
with euld la other parte at the body.
Elderjp^p^ple ahoald bare a Ik


mawtewin told kp kU pnetar
: teawklaloea tor the Lord bp going
E-op a woolea wrapp
tertoaadhtelag bit wUt and nhOdm
'.atehknaaww -itet ka ooald snanga
; «abtetkaakUdrH.biiii woald ban Bight. The ehlldm ehould here them
: mark of giaaa tn kte tte aU woi
Pat oa-eitra elotblag If you
Bbtt work la a eold room.
Fold a aawepaper orer your cbe*l
-AwoTfcafgiaaa! Tasaadlt
aad bctioB it ap aader poor eoai if poo
mart go out and (aoe the wlad la eery
urera waaiber.
Vaatilate your room* well a* it
almoat Imponaible to beat a room In
feteod kto wUa atiw aba bad baeoma
whlab ike air la Impure.
l.M the Me
j «okte‘tbaoUwosaa.oQtaide aD drenlate freely ibrougbil
Tbtba Walp daeotad worthp
the winquickly.
tMd. kla wUa aaaar haooama -Tha


. :

aldaasan.- -Tka aptrit aaear g
ate- Itbtba parrattag ^Irit
gttaaUfaaadwartkteteahaadh.-----Wkaa 1 knar a knhaad a^ of kla
«ttioi'*tteaUwoasa.-a a
MM at pttg for both him
alii artsa aw. Bp H t as faread lo
foallrt ttet la tka iraa aaaat of haatead Md wlla be kaa loot a wUa aad
■te tea lort a haakaad. (or ha who can
MokoodteatpaeUaUpaf kit
oiptlsae(llla,aaaBMhato bar. la
tearaUrttiaaha.ahartaml.aap Ban
teaaateaaabihikls. la tea rtsa
aaBoa a wUa.
I did. told.
Tka boakal^raaa’ prodiIbooT

■dU tka long stetetakaartlon-akte taraad hartward kS wUab tkooghla M tkatr
tertr aartp otarriad Ilia.'
(teteriad (eaaMaf IrtUhg.aad oka
rtrtl. enn tbop art tiara a( japt tka
mapt la again kalBg trrttad with daU-,
rtte aWaaBort. aa Mr w«bThat!
4rtko to kte*Tha'

teiVrtiM-ateall ^ Ut

Potato Soup.
Peel aod dice a d.nen email potator
and boll lea mltiBlea
UraiDoff tbi

a Salad
cabbage chopped fine,
irgar. one cup of *ugar.
i ..
I 'o ogg»; place iSte’os tbe
.tore and .riit<».m» almo»t in a boil.
I pepper aad mix *i

t te cabbage aod oaloa. mlxeae
( oobage. one uble*pooo(uI of
1*00 wiU kklt. pepper and
ho I celery aecd: aprlnkle orer tbe
le of mlaced.
>r orer all good clae

Oood "Haetp- PaddlBg
A writer in Ue Fermera' Veioe. mrt:
Uttle meat p.e* mace u
Whoa I read tome weaM^ a plea for are quickly prapared and ■
iwe ladUa^iM**-! ly luoebeon.

follow If The following letter w
tell you all about it better Uao we a
da Wr ell aeod greeting te Ue Sui
Bit City Sunabioe Ciub:

KXTX* —Uur


Sowden'a ball, Dec. }l.
Maud Fnlrer and EJiU Moody, mrt
.with u* te help lake e
*ang a eosg and elected oflierra aod
hnu a rery nice time
Tbr ufiicrr*
n. are
Iteonic Church, prmideul; BuU
b D.
lackeoo. arcrcta-y; Aanie Wrtdncr,
We arr te mrel erery oUer Saturday afternudn at balPpaat two.
We w.a *eod you Ur program lor our
Song, by the Soaabiae Club.
BeciUuon.X.iuble Viper.
Becitauoo. Edward Wcldner
Song, by Daiay Dean. Lillie Wood
and Butb JackaoA
KeciiaUuh, Paul Jaertoa.
Bacllatioh. Waiter Jrffery.
KccIlaUon. Mark
SoDg. "The Cbilcrrna' Friend," I
Bdaa Wall aod Paul JackaA.
UeeltatioD. Bertha I'uUsek.
RecilaUoo. tVillle Bouden.
Beeitaliuo. Leslie Tremalae.
Becitatloo, Clara Daridaoo.
Eecilatioo. Maud Woodward.
BecIlaUan. Annie Wetdner
Song by the SunaUne Oub.
Ueoote Cbareta. Prealdenc
Bulb D Jartaoe. SccrelarF.



immlal flonr.lwaor t. ..
n maal oMtertp

Hicho >t Himon-World’e Fair.
GuidHcdnl. Xtdwi titer Fair.



t Mil Inpt JrMrt fif CHte*rr*«M

40 TBAR8 tke STAHl^KD

-a.te- n

SSi:,:S iS i-ils
____r. *-1*


*»» *«n_.


L* Xte Kapte*
a ae a a.
Ar.trararae Ottf. « »*j.

ll Blukets, Robe, Cine iid litteis.


I A Stable Blanket for 76c tod up.

A leree line of Wool Square BlankeU.
Flush. Wool and Fur Bobee, all price*.


Glues aid Mlltens ii all Grade aid Pries.


^ 1 mil ehowiiu.- a liAUiUoint- lin- uf Ihi-ac ipjods. nil opv nelt-cg

lio&A which




li ii-tdHwiSiis is
•iiss -Sr- iHi:

g Truoke, Betchele sud Teleeoopee to suit ell teetee at

prices that insure readp ealee.
offcrt-tl sl.low.-et ixjesiblb pricce.

• I.M* •*»


lu : - I 4.


'•■CM *4 •

I M• 4S

TraTerse City. lEleUcmB.

ISS rrat Strnrt



Order*for Job Printing left at the

Will receive prompt ette'ttop.




Mt- Pleueat, Oweeee,\S«Bi:
Monuments, J MW.
Bey City. Detroit, How*
ell, Ann Arbor. Toledo end.
Headstones polBte Beet end Boatk. Oloee
DMtiona et OepeaSeh with
Markers H.AH.Z.Ky.'




- - -

We h*od> ell grade* ol

e. Maeble and Slone Work, and a
,W. cjaildeTiog Ue quality of wo-baoaiiag of mooumeoinl work eoU; mutt adeaulageoui terma. and tbe beec. ■.blamed feecrw : ■ uur cuKtemrr*
If you a
lag auyUiog ;
ear.) b.fure pli
iaeicg Tuuf order

Traverse City Granite & Marble Works,
H. D. ALLEY. Proprietor,

* 401 Test Frout Btreet

; lURii
r.y* Vien u( te. l'sn*4 *l
b, X u n.n. y *d^pi
5 , Coe^gte Bom*
JoeraeJ. C<Wui"*a!y
..uu u*ip*"i

Ta.*. era tee a**wt pteae






RmnmatB If TMthBi


*> Tr**«ra* any, aomnan*^
A*X**< lA II **4 m
OeiuterlOerttl . .


t •Week



Carriages, Cotters, Sleiilis, Etc.



1* t. Henry G. Walker, Klngtley.
liT. Unriy Bngg*. Elk Bapida.
1:*. Ralph Brigg*. E.k Bsplda
ITU. Lute Brigg*. £U Bapida.
ItU Dally Wyaknop. ElngUey.
m. Carl drawn, '^raeme City.
US. Donald Cameron. Tra*er*e at;
in. Hnnitd Tiw*. Traeera* City
U«. Erma Pork, Traeenc City.
Ut. ITorene* Axtell. BnrdtekeiUe.
Irt Mattie Dunn. Monroe Centra.
UT. Maggte Bnroe*. Port Ooeidn.
lU. Jtml* Thacker. Leroy.
U». Willie Tbsekrr. Leroy.
I ua Kina Oaln. Fiixgerald. Ala.
III. Daley Doan. SemmllOvy.
u*. Anas Wcldarr. Sammlt C^y.
111. iAIIan Wood. Somaliaty.
144. Onra WeMaer, Sammlt aiy.
141. M*aighrve«Mrtuaky. ,
I4A lAkWnVlrtr.M i allOky.

uoteaturra^____ *__■ |r_

I Winter Needs


West AlichigiaD.

t. SSSM:-

W*To» fuemy flunk lilil*- . I'l.TKon*

Aa nhaple a* te the cooking of
meal maab" or -'haaij podding" la
aallai It) | hem heard womra mj
tbap cpuld not make It fit lo cau
whole aeculliu labarleg Ue w
beUiag when wa begip •lirriag ie Ue
OMal. and keartagii boiling uatil ail
Ue meal la stirred la.
Vce. It will
apauer: but oske long wrteted mite of
moallB. let U* mitten for the ba
Uat bold* Ue ■•poddSg atl k " be mi
wlU a Uusb aad orrer Ue wh.
bead: make them large aad leoae
^Irao Uat Uey may baeaally dra'
off. Wben Ue meal IkaUaiirred la>
Uakaulaoa a hot-griddle aad tUroc
Half aa banr will e


>S'iS?iS;=ST- ai

euww.i n<r. Ji*. i’i«





111 of butter, beat light
It aod
in l.illc Link
They can be
Trry few miunte*
A pieb
te obtained by tplliuag thri
illlDg Jell.r tnalde
They are n
-kdewKb eold boiled bomioy or o

Tr*l* lr>,n>> Tr*—ne Clu M lot n m. ha*
■*,;oer*, U>llra**lt*«*e*.



Boggoeiloa* (or Wioter Coinlcn
If poo eaffer wltn cold fee-- w.
orerabou rather then rebbrr* i
For one whine circaleiloi
defeeUre.* light knitted wool eh*
wUl M foaad rerp uefal for wreppisg
aroBDd Ue aboalder* id bed.
Kell it
with large woodea eeedle* to that the
math will be open.
Do not ran ool of door* lo peet Itltera. or tor eey oucr puroaue. wliboot
throwing eomrlblng orer the bead and

«•!! j

You Have
Always Bought.

Apdrfert Rentody for OOmtipotion. Sour StoDMCti.DiarrimA.
^'orms jCocMitsbns.Fatrrifihaess stdLoss or SifEP.


Pimatig wkaa Uttle rtfUr
Man aaeidartaUp in km pUp. ap
tka rtakkg boot, aad eraallp kicked
kv gaatia rtaa. }art wbaa tka began
la rtrtka kim. whUa abn wta laTlBg
«kat aka man mnj. aad akadld aot
■aaata kart Urn.
Motkar aaaakad the babp bop real
kai« te hMclag (kMr. bat bn waaa
-goadrthaUr-ht had laoroad what aka
- ted rtaght his. aad ka had baeoi

T TiRiatuiiiriTiiT^

IK Erste Cox. Long IskA
iTl. Lennte Cox. Long Labe.


Horsesboeiog and Gtneral Repiiriii£ Done.

Ite'ate e*. parol.* .»* tero teem mi*


m Cnu BP

coil) >* HEAD Be-Painting and Upholstei^i^.

--el* lee -tw—u ta* Urisu***

tawwawe. Wtu:Ite

i.iaye ^ irt


a-,u>,«* ir*


SUte Sf., oat Uaioa.





01 POT opM «arti (or ondrt ^
lort ata*. art rtapieekipoiavmant
4aU*rtrt on Hananh, Lay eOrin
crnayoprtbnalrincgiuart rn’Ornmi
Ttnertw Boy. OwT^emrtM

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