Grand Traverse County Coroner's Records, 1920-1934

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Grand Traverse County Coroner's Records, 1920-1934


Death -- Causes.


Collection of Grand Traverse County Coroner's Records, 1897-1965. Attached to this record are the reports and index to the volume, created by volunteers of the Grand Traverse Area Historical Society. The records were created by the Coroner's Office as part of the process of investigating a particular cause of death; therefore, they can often provide information beyond what is recorded on the death certificate. The coroner's necrology and pathology reports may include details on the health of the individual and the exact manner of death. Inquest testimony may point to family relationships, as friends and family often provided sworn statements. Police statements and jury testimony and verdicts may also be available, leading to research in court records or penitentiary or prison records. Dr. Earnest B. Minor was coroner for most of 1920-1934. His last entry was in August of 1932. Eugene W. Sampson served as coroner after Dr. Minor. His first entry was in May of 1933. Mr. Sampson was the first coroner who was not a medical doctor. His background was undertaking.


Grand Traverse County. Office of the Medical Examiner.


Original volumes held at the Traverse Area District Library.


Grand Traverse County. Office of the Medical Examiner.




Grand Traverse Area Genealogical Society.


CC BY-SA 2.5












Grand Traverse County, Michigan, United States.

PDF Text


Coroners Records
Volume III Index
Abbott – 30
Ahlstrom – 30
Allen – 286,288
Allenbaugh – 232
Allgair – 30
Andersen – 128
Anderson – 26,142
Bailey – 66
Bain – 146,158,298
Ball – 134
Baumgardner – 128
Baumgarth – 158
Belsam – 158
Benjamin – 134
Bennett – 232
Bensley – 66
Bernard – 38
Billington – 298
Binton – 134
Blacken – 298
Blind – 8
Bliss – 134
Bopry – 282
Boughey – 178
Boughton – 28
Boyd – 30
Brigham – 60
Brooder – 118
Broomhead – 312
Brown – 30
Buchan – 282
Buckham – 30
Bupp – 148
Burgett – 96
Burns – 96,98,132,134,
Buzberger – 302
Calkins – 252
Campbell – 30,102,132,

Carlisle – 224,232
Carlson – 24
Carnahan – 232
Carpenter – 308
Carroll – 30,282
Carver – 66
Chappelle – 140
Chase – 4,50
Clark – 52
Clement – 66
Clements – 276
Clifford – 132
Coddington – 98
Cole – 48,122
Conkright - 306
Conroy - 308
Conway – 104
Cook - 158
Copeland – 132
Core – 296,308,312
Culver – 60
Cunningham – 66,224
Curtis – 232
Curtiss – 278
Davidson – 120
Dean – 10,94
Denoyer – 66
Dixon – 54
Doig - 236
Donezlosky – 58
Donner – 66
Downer – 22
Doyle – 10
Duane – 202
Dunham – 304
Dunn – 212
Earl – 84
Edenburn – 142
Edwards – 16
Eggli – 158
Elliott – 2
Englander – 194
Engstrom – 158
Erickson – 88

Fairbrother – 142
Fifarek – 310
Firmingham – 224
Fish – 146
Fouch – 232
French – 74
Frost – 130
Fuller – 146,280,308
Gallagher – 234
Gauthier – 86,146
George - 146
Germaine – 244
Getty – 158
Gibbs – 134
Gibson - 132
Gilbert – 198
Gildarski - 310
Giles – 236
Gillett – 98
Ginther - 132
Goodman – 268
Goodrich – 302,310
Goodwin – 208
Gould - 132
Goulet – 42
Grace – 304
Graham – 106,264
Grant – 308
Grattop – 288
Griffin – 280
Hamlin – 142,146,182,198
Hammond – 98,132
Hanslovsky – 158,232
Hanson – 128
Harrington – 96
Hartman – 80
Hawkins – 114
Heisler – 30
Helferich – 236
Helm – 232
Hendricks – 92,100
Heuss – 134
Hibbard – 40
Hillebrand – 162


Hogan – 224
Houghton – 300
Hoxie – 44
Hubka – 142
Huellmantel – 134
Huey - 78
Hulett – 290
Hunter – 182,198
Inlow – 96
Johnson – 8,30,158
Joy – 98,142,146,158,198,
Kauer – 218
Kelley – 20,238
Kennedy – 230
Kesner – 152
Kilbride - 266
King – 160
Kinnucan – 110
Kjelen – 18
Knaggs – 66
Kopacek – 164
Kotlan – 262
Kozlenski – 82
Kramer - 224
Krejei – 158
Krohn – 250
Kroupa – 172
Krumm – 132
Kyselka – 310
LaBatt – 190
Larabee – 62
Lardie – 182
Lindeman – 276
Lindstrom – 12
Littlefield – 8
Longnecker – 158
Love – 308
Lowe – 36
Lukavec – 116
Lyon – 30

Madsen – 142
Mallory – 14
Marsell – 170
Martineau – 198
Matson – 186
May – 30
McAllister – 98
McDonald – 216
McGarry – 6,232
McGill – 30
McKaine – 134
McMannus – 30
McManus – 70,238
McPhail – 142
McQueer – 132
Miller – 66,142,146,286,
Minor – 30,92,100,134
Mitten – 154
Moak – 66
Montague – 260
Mooney – 66
Moran – 132
Morgan – 132
Morman – 276
Morsell – 188
Murphy – 30
Myers – 158
Nellett – 238
Nelson – 30,210
Nethercott – 144
Newman – 142
Newstead – 188
Newton – 236
Norman – 66
Noteware – 286
Oleson – 232
Oliver – 274
Olman – 264
Olson – 150,178
Ormsby - 304
Ostenbrock – 90
Oster – 66

Pardee – 8
Parker – 32
Patrick – 96
Peck – 8,132
Pelky – 92
Persig – 204
Pertner - 296
Peterson – 276
Petertyl – 224,232
Pierson – 156
Pollock – 242
Potuzak – 214,220
Radcliff – 282
Ransom – 182
Rennie – 158,224
Resignol – 196
Retan – 68
Rewalt – 134
Reynolds – 182
Rich – 8
Richie – 240
Riley – 72,132
Robertson – 96,134,298
Rodger – 10,132
Rokos – 8
Round – 230
Routsong – 222
Roush – 310
Rubekam – 10
Sackett – 166
Sam – 46
Samels - 256
Sampson – 280,312
Sanborn – 232
Sargent – 126
Saxon – 246,248
Saylor – 184,232
Schuster – 100
Seaney – 108
Sebright – 264
Seger – 168
Send – 270
Shaffron – 230
Sharp – 10


Sheets – 132,298
Sherk – 76
Shilowski – 230
Silvers – 66
Sladek – 142
Smith – 174,310
Spencer – 66
Stables – 136
Stanley – 98
Storey - 180
Struble – 66
Swaney – 132
Swanton – 30,302
Swartz – 30

Witkop – 66
Wooters – 66
Wright – 8,138
Wysong – 10
Yagle – 226
Yazek – 100
Zieverink - 272

Thompson – 112,226
Thoreson – 238
Thornton – 124
Treat – 258
Trude – 66
Turner – 134
Urban – 232
VanBrocklin – 228
Vanderhof – 276
Vinton – 254
Vogl – 142
Wade – 34
Wahl – 10
Washington – 64
Watson – 284
Weaver – 30
Webster – 312
Weese – 176
Wells – 134
Welt – 142
Westjohn – 56
Wheaton – 224
Wilcox – 30,96,142,146,
Wildman – 146,182
Williams – 192
Wilson – 98,308
Winnie – 198


Document Item Type Metadata

Original Format

Bound volume.

Item Relations

This item has no relations.