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  • Tags: Blessing of the Blossoms
Black and white image of a car decorated with the Bensley's Dyer and Cleaner logo, as well as with flower vines. The parade float was probably for the Blessing of the Blossoms.
Golden Tower on Old Mission peninsula, the location of the actual Blessing of the Blossoms celebration that year.
The Blessing of the Blossoms ceremony held each spring in the orchards on Old Mission peninsula. This was the beginning of the Cherry Festival.
The Blossom Festival parade on Front Street. "The Big Store" and "Ford" floats are shown.
Three pictures of young people exercising, marching and with several May poles set up on a football field. All connected with the Blossom Festival activities.
Decorated car in the Blossom Festival parade passing Campell's durg store at 329 S. Union.
Queen's float in the 1926 Blossom Festival parade.
The Blessing of the Blossoms ceremony.
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