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  • Tags: Fishing
Two men, wearing decent clothes, fishing in a small boat.

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An unknown man, standing in front of a brick wall with a pike (fish) hooked on a trident.

A Photograph album of pictures taken by Hanley Wilhelm and his friends taken before WWI of their trips around the area.
Photo one shows them both fishing while standing in water. Photo two shows them in a wooded area carrying a small crate.
Black and white photograph of a man fishing in Willow Pond. This is probably on the State Hospital grounds. 1898-1912.
Eight black and white photographs of unidentified man on fishing trip to Ranger Lake, July 25-31, 1938. 1- Man, labelled "Jr." standing in front of cabin. 2- Man in boat on Ranger Lake 3-4- Man with fish on dock 5-7 Man and boy with fish 8- Con…
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