Grand Traverse Herald, June 15, 1905

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Grand Traverse Herald, June 15, 1905


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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Ptah That arat Ksmrnaa Trato Bpsad.
: to aaa yoa. What to the worU's
omae to help mammat
got IBU the chOd! PbUer was here
“Tlmra ara tab la the ara^" raU
what he measL"
tataadaat at the New Torti aqrarto
draw haM rather Uaa walk a
"G. BO. dear. It's qUto aaoUer Utog. test alMt. aad Peart toU htos. as soV
aUk «MT tte NMMttT raw.
can swim faoter thaa Ue awtttHe dual mana ptaees V ctoU 'a* rib ema as a lodge, that he didn't love her
Twawarovlora.ttd <wotfwi-mra. beranse be weoMal let ber hreakta' oat hearts 'eos UM bUfisI eat oeeaa gieyhoaaA Tbs DeaUdh
boa 'T—Utogs nke thetn*
Sm w* Moral
It her BoUto' f do weU as . toad, tor laataaee. would be cely
"WUl ran. Damps 8mra, what dU be *b'assod';,^ God Uearad Ue lotas
n NwD niCB Ma UMII nl» «*«
■aude poaras.' bat that yoa and mora. B-'we know U' oa^ Mr that It loheter to a raoe wtU Ue amber fish, prarsaa tbe stogie frem manylag for
hs mesa. If he dUat awaa sat! P4
tram Bermada. or Ue cravalie.
(hat yrar. and to tbe marrtad It hm were keeptog her fraa getltof the Cabeoettied. Newrmtraet'i
fhrOtfMA. both
lit ■tor
spaed of BM to almply waadartU.
blessing by rafartag <o I
Uet. ef It wa’nt fr her. Td a
lokaasdeaU. The ttaiM hoU that tt
Job hesitatod.
Totef na tor d«r« •Oil U aura—
a sign yea weald be hipgia ha• "W-li-p. I’m Trald I eoaUat made.' as she called it. Aad she woaad forUer bTora fd sar a word t' yoa It Mows how far tafertor to human
the kriA o< OU Olwr!
ap by trtling him aot to coi
■boat Mkin' ap; bat I cmX sua’ k f togeaalty te aaura.
s ef the tmyonaai part wUM a
make yon unaiiimi’." he
Wko an «w wltbMtt MMWt ouaUa spasdtog a few days to Loagwvi
"Wbra moTtog. their bodies are
aay toager this aay. ‘n —V
•r ased fnraem'ly «o play la tha
"SbooM fiak yon tood. If yoa know her any more., becaase God didat ieve^
UoM who woBldnl be 'peaeaesade,' I'm winto’ f let bywmes be bygtmee fr atotoiy a dark straak to Ua ooaaa. aad te« act of Ue law: A BeatM tratttNa
It his -BBUon" w tatog these two yoa own seX* was Ue
Tk* a«ira Uwt to vtrt Chw «ouM warrtog arals to peace and harmooy. lag retort.
and she oeUdat lore anybody that Peart's rakA N yoa an. Wtai d'ye It la aafe to ray that Ue Empire SUte bolds U loMy to wtsn wbM gntog ravUm
cxgraas would prara a loatag rival dcr a ladder.
It's like Uto.- he said, God dldaX What alto her! Wbera ly^
Watotog aloag the road with Oaltop
DmM trtaatoi o‘«r m «M «Yr oaa day. nriSag opoa him the dsty of "g-poas two folks ain't ben gttUn' dU she get that aotkmr
■a ta Ue era tora
“1 say Nat U' same." was Barn's smTo miss Ue merak to eatW aad
drop cae% rletoak to a alga ef apTbe story ct Ue laddent of Ue pre- sar. This Utogb gIRto- on my UaBatoO
'toag very wed t'goUer. to kin} o' mad
vaaeea. Uey saddcaly caina
•ni bouto
tkto kora
proeMlag NMaesA Brety ttoae oaa
Davto Here was the gUdaa oppor at each other, 'n' deal ber aoUto't' cedtog day answered Ue qeesUoa. bol aarvoA ‘s' I caat sleep alMts Utokto'
T* a'tttto Hto MRoent hawr.
It agerded no suggeptioa of the am- T U' little (Ike V U' way she's fertla'
taraa a kmf npaide dews a-ahtp to
taalty. PYoaipUy tarnlag tram hli ap­ do weU each other—'
BtiBctoK uraur rlikt (o to* eora- peal to mea u tnppUeatlaa botors
Bo ef-ef—yoawe a mtod f Ml bodies. Ue grrateel wIdU being wraektrt. Of this Ua DalM sayi •V
rres. I know." she' aodded: Hke er of dealing wlU Ue problem of Ue
B«inA lor ibt toUi of OU Olotr!
esU U' ol' gradge o« fr Peart'* nk< forward, so Uai Uey MB draw and net a kM lira topsy-tarry K to M'gaod."
pm aa’ Osmaa Wng."
And pow braaa one of ibc ctrangest
my luad on IT; aad he Shore Ueir bodtoe UrtxiU Ue water; ■YheralMofaOraadtotbsr."
Job Stoned. Row did she kaow
tf totoe Mna bara a boUm (he dasty path, aad bagaa to baalaga
aw opens Uc water te'rraat.
wtnlUU to Ue htottay ef any of Ue •traudwd oet Us hsad to a haUhaavea to thatr babaK. while (ha two aboM their qaansd? Who had
IW ponraa* aod stfaMto to,«q ‘
wbUe beUad there to ao back pirawith beads high to air, waat oa.
Itog ber aayUtag!
parties eoaeeraed. It wee a hard time ashamed, not orereordlal. sray.
It Mail iH all hU urraa to a ■
xmgeore graadthUeri: at toast.
dlM Prorarta,- .qaetra: “AtP
Who-^" he began to qaetUoa;
aadi hli
way. and. wbaa tha wroa'Doae!' saM Job, giasptag It as ha sara. Ueir tails slipping Uroogh Ue
perfect rase.

there tnltora at Ue table that Up torf
Ol^ tto
br tor OtoB at yera
'■BliieBM are pailt somewhat Uto is taraed the wraag sUe opwaidr
be wiser not u pry Into Ue nuttr. __________ With a strange and 00- sooethlag of Ue toe of years
lTkM'n~5wSM lb* Tito toot ot aaob to to sight The case seemed i
at lOdPrUae attended Ue eg(Bbut
iss. "Wbee Job V 8am make
melted, sad a UtGe of Ue warmU of
slbly M mUei aa boar. Bebeoto of tog of salt to an idea artotog tram tha
•r sometaMly oomeih V does saU- held to her poeltkn and parpose. ta Ua old Meads]
ad baeom a Core adage, aad
Bol lihuaf ‘nfli MtaaMT ai
Uaegsh are very much slower, for Uey
f of Ue anetoau ttat rail was
ippoaad to be ayaeaymoaa with to't- brtag them (wo folks t’geUer. ao' tor from being a chlldiU wblm. tp be
taUrfera wHh each other, there betog tooorrwptible. It was. Umtaore. mtae
Uayll be Man's 'n' not mad at aaeb (oTgottea over nlMt. or diverted by
Hafrak tor tte toM* «( OM ptoer!
Ue gift of a new toy. the Uoogbt of
iaxy BM Ue rame as laxy people.
Ue srmbol of Maadsblp and U It faU)
Tha am Ue baby to Jobs aad other aay mora; Uat's a p
sricable Utog. however, that casually Ue aactaBU Uoaabt Ueir
Peart poodered orer Ue expUnatloa that Sunday's serawn seemed to hare
OBB. little Peart. A baby is always
Tbtor 0«M toajr iu aun a«Tw pom
"BoUer U' land." broke to 1
become a prlodple ef ber life.
woBdofal thing. <d ooone: bat (hU . moment gravely.
“ihey's not 'noagli Y It f make aa dlT- BU do not Natle asM oUer as hn- MeadMIp would ant ha ef taag dnifr
ror vrau* oa a battlaWaia caryl
Tbe two m«i grew aozloaa. Uto mce; yoe're wetoome t’ It."
la Leoearda da Vladh -Umt
man betogi do comtog eat of a aab“Do you flnk safa what he ntosat.
Mar Ita aalSa Wr4 »ra bn to aeora- baby was of the soperiaUve dagr
Utog was becoming serloas. Was It
Supper" Ue betrayer to rapreaeatod ta
Tell yon srhal: let's deed them two way exlL
HaraU tor tba Mto of OM Olorrl
H who repoulbto that Ueir baby had cast Uem pastnr's oa boU tides T It (' John aad
The tastrat BM knows are Ue Ue act of spUllng mil.—Srtaewd.
■ CBltf Darto. thaa toh
gardad tba JItHa mlU vltb (aalto0
oBoUerty! The dally vUlu
Bpaalab stackerM The shad aad all
Bora; tbetll take cars T U' Itoe."
tinned, bat were far from
ahtotovorahto- Ko day wa* eoai'
“All right! I'm weU ye! Why dUnt Us hecTtag family, too. are ta«: they
A PtaM Pot (vaiylMat.
If shecooM domo. Peart left Ue room wa Ulnk Y (bet befbrar was Ue hara to be to racape betog eatra by
vKhoataTUUtoberahrtoa. No
before Uey .came to. If unable to ee- beany responw. And Ue tom tattle oUcr Bah tor food. It to doabtfal
tar boa baiy Job BiMt be. be oooM
ehe eadorad Uelr prescaoe wiu ct Ue boondary line was fbogbt.and whether a shark or porpoiae eoahi Ue taim. It to qalto hasIUattng ta
AMtteBaabn tk« aton la rea db- alvays dad (baa (o ■Yaa down to
"O dsart pa I oagfat to have
tmost iDdlSereace and apaUy. U •m.
,MtM a stogie one ef Uara fast fish,
JohB'a t' aae peart" No maiter how laaUed at av owa s'ef tor makto'
pn over the boose and hara la
TW niMto mu ba (ha Wara haaitt Urad Baai olghi be wtih (be day's aoeh a '•takto '•tead'of laaMto' a^ se Uey spolm to her, sbe answered, bol
Pearl looktog oat of'the wladow.^ bat by drtvtog rapidly to a aebool i
eearch of some pankmlar thlag that
wortc. ha ‘■goaaead be'd go ap t' Boaa's aito'sur. Daapa. what dow to essed- tbat was all. Sbe oirerad no ofafectloa raw Uem comlag up Ue walk to- Bah are aaable to eaeape and are
1. getttof all oat of taraU and
when they ktoeod her. bat ao reapoaV aae bar pat (h- kid t' bad."
fbrtho aura oatho pas.
r. Fbr a momeat she watebed kfilsd."—Deiratt TiUuae.
feeUag all (he tima that an the pm
Bat the aaiae Uw of aToldaaee praWorn Md worse! Job gtaiied. tire kliin formed npon ber ruby Ups.
BBcampreheadtogly. Thaa. wlU
itoaee yoa ever dM have to oectag apt
floau (ha btrlpaa oa tha lac
ralM Irara as UsowImk. Both rtoll- Why eoaldat Bder Dane have aved She made ao refereaca to Ue quettloa
at every atea. aad maktog v yntr
ed tha baby every day. bat aavar
that eafooaded arma for next Bon- at Issue. evIdeoUy eoasldertng It of ao
sstod that Uere never was a Naeb oa
Tha taara aad Ua algba tor tha Dm
oaw time. U oaa ea»e to (he; day, a that Sam Oallap might have aee to attempt argument or remoala!
earth where the "MUdraa" tore ao
thatara doea
Boratog. (he other toM the aRetaooa
ihsae bothersome qoeniaaa load- ■trance; she eimply tcaoiad It To Ue
de!" And wlU
Utogs as they do at yoor hooap.
an oat at (ha ahadoara of aai^^uac
er eraatog tor hls paU. There was aol
a glad Bboat she sprang toto Ueir
—and to the eod find tbe aitUlp last
ebeay. tovtog, (orable. wlU Just a arms as Uey. came tote Ue door, ber eomotkm. while tbe other was hot
•eat aboot It; almply
where yea Ml it yoa^! TtolBj
Chtoa (ha aun oa tha ftac.
•hade more of Uoughtfnlnasi than oaly regret beliig Uta she eould not
■d to know by a klad of lasUBet
gotog away to tf
"Blessedf W—h—y. blesm meahs
orartimee of papyrae. as m
1; but bstween ker.aad Ue two klsa aad bog boU at once.
Oaaat tha taan tor tha flap! Wan wh« the other was to be there. Nor
«tea they w«« gUded and aad bsvtoga
who wonUppsd ber a great wall
tbora aay Jaaloaty: that was tha
a Utxia late at March
thar abaa to Tatar
self Ue net ef Ue a
bad snddsmly beea raised. Iran ^d n«rt day. and Ue service bad began daokad wiu Nweto, aad Ua mom ax- idoaY want
iga part of U. Naltbar
imt aoa> uwBith loot araa yat win
harder, and toe ao Gtdder. srhaa they arrived. Just as Uey m- part arttou of Ue day were empleypd the bogra and girts yoa hara pa aadify
iMMt to tha Ijast tha ratal
te tbe foot eorerlags of
maat Ipait «ai aaf-, tha other to tba blessed baby aor bis
lered Ue door EMer Doane was rea^
“Yra. tta4’. ft: Utort It. exactly. God
1-Uoee daya
—i---. ;
weslUy pauielani. coatala. eoiperoni MBW4tolsrest in her.
log Ue propbeUc words of ts^.'^X
.res 'em fr doin' of It, ■a’ He says
and Ueir farorlira. ta no article of The bast way to avoid sack strasi
And Pearl, on her part, repaid tbU good Utogk iKMt -pm. -a' gives 'em drawn upon t'
Oa Cba aura of tha hag.
lltUe child shall Irad them." It is
more vagaries been shown. aa Uto to to make It a MN to pM
derotiae with aa aaswertag aBaetloB. wbai they want"
donbtfuL however. wbeUer the oftUtoga
every ttoU
Bata eC to Ma lagl Por Ra Ufa
Today a lady who dealrae to be oonaMPioB the bmtoalag of ber eoaseloai
The Chiu eras tllent for aoae time. talfaere rtaorted to cuunlng bribes. xregBUon noted Ue colneK
bnatha a pram
ered In.Ue height of taabkia wean Uey are tued. and that aatls for a
plaee tor the eommoneet tUaga aboat
Thaak goodness;" said Job to him­ One proposed a sail, sad a picnic oa
Ttat taara hrartt aad taara haadt tto
pointed as mach aa possible,
self. “I hope Uem queetioos to doae."

tartd toUi aar baar,
to Ue time of Queen Mary Ue taaU _________________ It will not do to
ptaymata: they rocked her to sleep
Uta# Ue hammer at the baas aad
Preraetly she rifled her head. wlU to Portland, with Ue deiigbtt of tu tog llUle Pearl Darts walklag ap Us was all Ue oUer way. aad It
m tha atora to (hair oDorata. thatf
hi their siroag am: they folded ha
happy smile playing over her face. busy streets and attractive stores. alste clasping Ue hnnds of hw
norr abatl abara .
Moary to iane a royal prac- Uea never go after It. Tha man who
toddling steps to ha first aitempU at
'graadtnUers. — (Urlsttan bdravor
“Damps," she said. "I'm doto’ to BoU proposlUont. elUer
dom that to a poor, miserable creaUep.
With tha atan oa tha Bag.
waOttog. Aaoag ha artiest assays at
would have been accepted under ordi-1 World,
and be knows It Uaweif, no nae to tcri
wrmnake yoa an' Dampa WaS."
. nntoaa H. Haradea, to Waahtogua
•peach was the word "dampa." A lit'Waal, child." muttered Ue man. nary circumstances wUb great enUui- i
him: bat Uere la bopa tor htok If l«
Ua lata aba named oftto. each by hU ore to htaieeU than to her. 'yoa'ra lasm. were declined wlU todlSerenee.'^
. -in Iget that kthutar. aad 1
MM phyakal paesllartty. Davis was toyin' oat a tolerUle hefty )ob fr yoor- Peart didn't care to ga .
r win to
otaaa shava aad bald: be was -Oiand- •elf. I'm Utokto'." Then be added to Then Uey tried coaxing and appeal, | log Ue rraders of CbAiilso Work wttb toee" totrodaeM by Ue tadtoa of VeaIt was staBly a grastlCB ef a t
lower Me. "I dnno bat yoatl bat wlU ncr'better soooess. Peart told ;au experieDcca In Ue Arctic regions Uey really were. The artlelee were
daryUae. that mittol oooree of traabalr
fetch It. ttaoagfa. ef yoa oaet aei yoar Uea plainly. In ber simple Xaby' Here U what be has to rar about Ue really a ktod «f sUlta made of wood
Me arar ttora mm laaraad tha dlBsr
—"Damiw Bmura" and ‘Ttomps WuS.' mind otao It."
speech, that, if Uey couldnt be frlendt j comfort of Ue Interior of as taklmo
aaaa betwose tha words *-taaa" aad
leather, and aomoumra reaMed
Into Ue llliiitTita<Bi
‘Iklas." TbaralM ofthepropartyto- to ber baby parlance; aamm (^ ibey
jBrt u Uey paeeed Ue Oallnp place. wlU raM oUer. they cooldnY be | dwelling.
Ue absurd height of It InMea. Beea
(Us day. al- Sam hlmartf was eroralag Ue road to­ Mends with her. And slowly Uey
"la a lemperalute a UUle below U« a (rslned acrabat would have dlAealty ta the JapaiMse to girea b y» raport
ratrad *a* aot moat; aetthar party
taoaU hara hpra rteher or poosor to tboogh Peart Is quits a big ^ aow.
wards Ue barn. Peart -saw him and realised that to this Mild. w»—>D Uey
Ifreestog.pslBt tbe Eskimo will remora to walking cm each Utom. and ordl- apea Ue klade ta books most la damaad at Ue Imperial library ta that
aay amenUM* dagraa. whatever tha
aaiy women had sadh trouble with
toraa. M oaa sard M to aaotbar; I aom way it was boras to npoa her
•C Dampa WnB. yoc oaMt to bare
Ue equivalent of the white man's ova^ Uem that when Uey attempted a coontry. WUIe only lA par coat of
Ue total aomber ta books to tha Uwhat was at Brat aaraty goaatJra graw totoaUle mM that U wa ha doty to^ beea at meetln' today! Ze mto'sler
cost and cap.-r-aad to Ue toner suit,
leaade Uey required Ue aartft- brarr. Mtoilag u UMtagy «M railtoto dasatta aautta; Uttar tbtogs attoad dtvtoe wonhip on the Sabbath.
snek a funny tex*. I fooMt It matter of supreae and vitol neceaiRy. which welgbs peihapa onwbaU or two
of a servant at raeh tUe aad an- gloB were asked tor, aeenrdtai to tha
r. one Banday she gravaly
sren aaU oa both tUas; aad tha two
Then they grew angry. All right! Ulrds hU clTllUed broUer's every-day
rscords ta Ue past yaar. there wan
ha totaatloa of "doin'
toea. Job Oavia aad Sea OaOapi,
but Dampa Smura says li was ‘B'ecsed If Pearl cbose to act thU way. tbe ciotbea. He dosrn on the reindeer robes
demaaded by rcaderi >14 par asat
trtoadi from chUdbood. draw aaan to tarah wtv Oasua Wot." who chanced
dras-ia( might. They could get aloag sriUonl----------------------------------------and enyoy the cool
----classifled under Ue hrat ta mtthaaa aiHaattoa that iaatad tor years. It to be the sraralng eaOa that day. To eras IL An', damps. I'se dola' to peace- ber! Things had come to a pretty | hla bouse of snow. More thaa this, he
matlcs. adenee aad tnsdletoa.
Hew Birds Oreaa Wawada.
was BMb a toad at assoeg soathara L r amtherb reply that Daapa WoS make you an' Dampa Smuve', an'—an' I ptat Ifgrown men were to be ruled • Mil per*«n the most delicate cmeraWorks oB IHeratxire aad toagasga '
pagplt taghl hara toaaat .pisuto oT;
want you to come wightover an' shake! by babies! But anger to poor food for ^ Hons with his bare hands to this ternto tbe number ta 1U.7U—that to. SB
r raopoadad. "Tea. ha U. an' ha's bands whrbits,wlgbl away."
ksdvra md tha tpUUag af blood. To
| hearts hungry (or tore: sad both ■ peraiurw. which would stiffen oar fin- ■e prey for sportsmen. i
per ceBL. were asked (or, while II B**'
thaaa nee of tha rasthara kHU M doll' to taka m wlv him;" which ^
. . not button ao facoHy of aklltutly
The two mea Kmhed raeh other I knew, however sirenuously they might ra™ so that
dM. af raarae. for was not tba baby’s to Ue fara—a long, level look ta ha- deny U. that life wasaY quite tbe same overcoat
.hoemrtng: aad tak-1 Some will rvea s« bones, taking Ueir ceot of Ue appUMttsas were tor hotam
word la«t Go aU throagb that morn' tred. without a algn «f rtienttog. Tliea.: to Uem now ttotoUe light ef Ue little I lag bold of hto hand, you will flad It as !<>*> (eatben to form proper baadage*. OB htolory aad gec«n»*ynetloa. tte report rays. Bads DO
aerad tho other at B ha ware m> ioar lag sarHee Sato Gallup sat to aa daae“1 gnem 1 slat got ao call f shake! udy t face wai withdrawn.
l wnrm s-d flexible as that at Us cap-! * French natorallsi writes that on a
cnalomad plaea to the liuta ebarah, baah weth i
So Ue Banday
around again, tala of tbe ship, siiuag la hto comfort- {aomber of oeeaslou be has Ullcd place to Ue ctoselBed table ta boMp
«M a atogalar taad to that It waa wlU tbat (toy flgara bolt aprlUt by today;” i
-Come. Peart." called ber mother; , able Mbln
! woodcocks that were^ when shot, cob to demand byrradera to tkto JapaaoN
"a cartooi coairast to tha W
aatbaiy pNioaal nd to no wise afhto way.
"time to get ready for chureb- Dampa: But this li as nothlag to prove that, valeeetor from woaada prertoosly re
perteace to moat BigliM paMto fna
faeud tha raUUoBS of tha two £aa- Bgato; only It was Damps Bmova who
"Nor me sreU i hyKererit'." eallod Wuni be here before long to lake these ptaar people are comfortable aa j celred.

taka her thU time. And so it Job after him.
atas. They had Urad side by aUa oa
' tar as temperature to coneented. for| to "ery Uataace be found Ue old Ubrartra." aad to Ua axgarttMi ta
(he Upper Bead tor years. Hair Davis grew Into a crattm Gaat Peart should
le to the
- i'OT DOC dola’ 10 lurch ao more.' on the reindeer vklas, which make Ue {tojary neatly dreeacd with down Aaserleaa llbraftca.
Works oa art, iadasutm, saglaswr
aad Baraa (toUop had beea aebool- go to choitk every Saaday. see week MUd. but there was ao poealhUUy of mamma:" answered the child. -TatoY bedeloUing spread out oa a bedstead, plucked fram Ue stem teaUers and
laataa, as had ibalr hasbaada. The sltttog srtth J<to to the Davto pew. aad mlstaktag Ue meaning of the ncUoa no use. Dod b'esaes xe peace-maketP, of acrild arow. are two or Uree lltUe ! skilfully arraaged over the wound, erl- tog, mlltary and aaral adeaea Bgare
■ dlriidrra of tbs toaUUes bad playaa to- the next with Sam to tbe Oallap seat and the attitude at the two mea. A an-'l ato'l peace-made anybody aa'iMlldrea. stark naked, ptoyiag aad teatly by Ue long beak ta tbe bird, to Pfomlaeutly on Ue ttol ta addlUoaa
to recent yeara tofthe Artrra
gothar BM totoaey. AM eveo rat, al-. oa tbe other aide of the aisle.
grieved, palaed leak came toto ber ao He hasaY dot 0 b-essin- tor me. taaghlag to a way Uai leave* no doubt
cxbre baadages ta Ue imperial Ubrarr —BeMetad.
tbeagh the ma wsn net oa tprakto^ 7 Dsoally Me was a moet^demara aad lace, and wKh bowed Brad she re- aa- ! alBY doto'.
taraw. the totlmsy of tba rrat
white Tlallor from Ue ship Is sU- had been applied u> ouBds or broken
dsccreas beam; bat one Sunday she snmed her ^homeward way wtUoat a
It was BM rebeUloa; it
imairad. todaad. this wm a
toemed greatly amosod at eMnetUag. 'Word. Bat at the ppie the flopped, aeepUftom; It was simply a calm, ua- Uag oa tbe edge ta tbe snow bed. boa- timhe.
Tbe Danger ta Eraggeratlea
- aotopart batwm tha partMa toimdl- aad laaUiad u heraelf several tjmes and with tbe trara renatoc down bei
fact. Iai«ed ap with hto eloUea aad fare tol Ora day he kUled a Wrd that evlJoha Jacob Aator aad hto aom rt
attoy eoaeeraad.- la tha last of thatr dartag tbe service, to the sarpitoe ef cheMa. she said:
•ome eorioBS may Ue UtUe one raw j keep warm, while oaly the Up ta Us i Gently had been severely wounded at aueaded to bmstoeas la Ue same
Morify totervtewt, 8sa aaU:
"Itampa Smuve." to whose somewhat
impa Smore. I doat waat yoa to heraelf as beyond Ue pale ta gift sod Ura. watery nose proyacM ficm Uej“»“e recent period. The woaad was —a mue oaedery bolldtog to P
■a oaa that this thtoTs goto' 1 keep
ngs {coroed
I covered ai
aad 'protected by a eon at net- street. Inst east ta Broadway, a
d aad an- ‘ mass to tell us what race he betoags
to today, aa' I doaY waat yoa
yoa V m ftwa harto' aaythto* f do provtog aaythtog hat am<lustog. Aad
(Mtbers, which had been a J. Headriefc la HeOInre's. '
M to aee me aay more. I'ae del btrasabto: aad that Urough ao taaRjU. aad Ual be to
wath aaoh other attar thU. bat thei
plucked by Ue bird from lu own body ceoKaat ecmpaalca there was
had they'taft tbe c
to atop tarto’ yon. (or ae mto'at-says ta her own.
■arranged as to form a pUsur.
aeadat tack U' mt T th' tolha. aaad tbe twoke ost. wiu a Uttle giggle.
Dod doat tore tem wbai- won't be
Bam Gallop, stobdtog la Ue door-!
. Te Btart a Bslky Heraa.
B? I a-peta wa Bight agraa (' tat
•O Daam Smave. wasat sqt taa•Psade. aa' I maeiaY tore sem way. beard ber. aad turned qulekly.l Aa oSeer ta Ue polios dettU aaU
(Uagi m> ao watb than aam'a avar." nyr
.... - irface. Tbe tralhen were

what Dod doBY lore, mast I! O dam­ and weal away nasera. WlU a dwbirecratly; "When I was a moaatad po-i.
Te whtah Job UoaUy assratod.
_____ ^alrty netted together, i—alter"Wasat wbai fnay. chMT I didal ps. I wtok yea would be praceraadc. pate gaawtogat hto bean. Was there: Uoemaa I Iraraed ta
j aately oader aad above raeh eUer and profttohie. bat permaaeat." Aator
Aad tho eoavoet had baaa taithfany sea aothto't’ laagh at."
tood lore yoa some mere!"
spy tniU to Ue cblld'B BoUan! Was | and-ktod method ta eurtag
kept, la ao way had eliher mss aoaght
forming a textile'fabric ta warned him whra be bagaa BM (0 ttk
“Why. te mto-stertS ter*. ’B’eesed
I she ran into the hoese. travtag be keeping Uto aaget oat ta Ue pare- { borae. it not oaly
to tatamipt the tosOy Moedahlp wasdwammaakscB-!"leldoat What
glre Ue
p.u to Ue '
power.—Free Frees.
a walk away, greatly dtoUubcd dtoe ta Ue-41rtoe taw and blesatog! I does
tabtowaaUh. The twO^asra
-•raa wbM pooBg Joha Davis braaa to
aad traublad. Not that he atuebed aay
Bmamaa—(oaaraaUlBgtaawo-jaatoml. Whea the horse refuaea to go.

■ rant trirads. Hafiaek speat
srtth" Horn OaUsp. aelther tathor
weight to what she saM. "NaUla’ but man—to a stabbore salami Wbat be | take.Ue (w>i tom at (be fetlock aad
Seeds Hundreds ef Vaarp OM.
tu hto patron at hto PonUT
taado otoaoUoB. aw ptaoad aay dbMOdtoh aotkm ihet lak." he mut­ laMa la will he to ahr to make up ta i bead Ue leg at Ue knee Joist. Holdll, A short Ume ago. to aa oU direr aaot. Md bceams erne ta tha tramssa
Otaela to tha way of Ibo ataaoth raa• “dampa's" tan i tered: "aheUTrgh It before morala'." wouX And it was not imUl Ue rad] Uus (or Uree mtomes aad let K doA.: mine to Colorado, dqrtag Ue eouree ta Ua Aator Uheary. Tho post fraaiag of traa tore. Neither was at the
Bat wbea be called aext day be ta Ue fellowtog week (hat etUer Job sad Ue bone will go. The only
qweatly raOtod Ua oU man oa hla
araddlag: bat baU
tnoad ehe hadat forgottea. She was or SsoB wonld yield to wbat boU knew] to which ...
.................. ..
hraeaU tbe strata ta roefca. were dto“Why. Ur. Aator" ha maaU
■Uy to tho "Bttlag oakT aad h was«a
are to Bight, nor did she come at was toevltaUc., Then, on Sataidayj Ive Mstarr ta Ue horse Is that'be cereced. and oceordtog to artnittoto my.’VIhadRWayanrtadwaaaara '
«paa oaaat la tha rOlMe that tha bills
hto wbtotto ae oeraL
aftexBOOa, they met to Ue ^read. rat | can n,ish ta only cm Utog at a thne. who hare examtoed them, they bear ta It I wmdd hs enataox" Thagnaftor (he aew baato for Ua yim eoapla
“WaU. llsaeaasaesam^I
“Vhere'a Peartr he «a«dhed of hto tor ftem Jeha's hoaaa. WYU lifted aad hartag aude ap hto mlad not to' evtdeBcra ta hartog hara coaeedkd
Mi more, aad
-kaB-aay batwara thatr fwmr botoaa Umt yoa ■mamliir howtse dwm- daa^terdataw.
beada and averted eyes thay
(htae tor haadrada ta yran. Tho ta hto win. amdt to Ue amaaMOht «<
vara paU ta bob aad Sm.-Bhara
makan to always makttV'ptoeas oa’
“Cpeutra She ran away when she pamtog eaM ether atur Ua OU
aaada rrern pUatad. aad hare came «
Now Tmh. Ml Ihllaek «
’ taOMhoaMeaU
tattto' torn toll na se Boor, ^ sey tw yw eamtog, aad asM ehe dUaY tea. whea Job awldraly
tmaaMjM pm. Uaa PM.
»oM boU wara aarar tbaraAt the
Ofeoaraa all thU had aot boaa wlthBt may aa asert to heal tho brmh
and roeoadla the dJSsaaeaa. WIvea.
ehOdrea. sad aalMihora bad triad to
every way to tatog tha bmb together.
BUor Doaae. pastor of both, aad re­
spected by both, bad suivaa for-raeost-



MM ^

traat caBp BONla« wOl be la prec-j
naa. Tbe dMasatm will leave berel
annday BoralB* over a apeetol. n tbe:

tattle wUtt ttey hna ban todntrt0*«. cMft*« Witt m<u*n. wn ttHl
naly irapartaf tbftttt tttaa days
Mtt oottlBg rtae loT^eep tt*f» —“
-ntmtac. •IMen.w»*J«r3r
. »t S oldock iMt
MUl •!»!• tbM pled.




fMtt nmdv^ awd.
. A* ttTj«» «»■ <X. OH*" W*’

- • • Baldwlo they
or bte Unle daaiMer. Ftorwbe waa at tba beardlac bouae wfll be Joined by tbe laric Sadnaw
of Hra. Pbrd oa erveatb atreet. After driecatm witb the foil Woodmas
Tbe ran
Child aadM
idoe. where a bn( will be taken
to aoa. -WM. HeCod.
Ofawa, Mitt- J«e W.-^toat Taaaday while Uta. Oea. Htttaw. who Ueaa Jr- reaUtec oa Boee otreet aed be tor Milwaukee. A crsai camp meeitnr.
held ereVy two yeart. tbe last onr
aboM on and aaahalt altaa oat Uxm nM ha woaU uke ear* of (be BtUe
ithia rtlla«a. waa iaalditoa<»a hot feed
a tttea te the aariaai at C batne at lodlanapollt. when tbe- raie^

Mnoottattf o-elott. a
t two oeeaatoaa.
daafUar fell iMo a pall «T
Mr MUiwn <oamlf. wUeb oaMd at
tiat the ttUd waa fhootti to be
Mind Mfladn Mntts. ttnj « tbr
n Mahieaed thaa burned aa the
•ad Btt ef Beofa Olery.
-ww whkh nt«v OQ tb« dock
Sbora af lu foTBer iteT and de»epall had bam oetilaa acme Wile titoe.
.MM h*« €»*•■ 4 hnfta*. tbe
•o ao doctor waa ealtod aatll aotae ented beyond aU radeBpUn tbe op^ pnpM r%. Fri« WnOoMk tn
boBi after. At pmml the chlld'a pTObrlnm of (he name >f "tsmbllna
-M «• m*)«r aanUiMi. «m 4C»1b
palace.” the City of Trarerae. foi
eoadltloa la ttaridertt erttkal.
'^adjN'Md nUJ tfc* Mrt Mf* «f ooarc
e pride of the north and reputed
PnM* Tt. J04nh MoMMr.
Nearly boat hteM.
at tbe tlBe to be the handaonie
«Mwd wttt • rMatin of tt« Uqaor
Mo. tbe t-yeeroM an of Wllltott
•er plytna n the Omt Lakea.
tow, «n 14km n wttb a pMa <d B-hltaey. atratt a wlr* while playlii«
tbe bone of eonteotln betwe.
•^j^lir aad a daa <d Me lapeaad. leap frc* Satoiday aad eawe very
the bookmakers <rf Cbl«a«D aad (be powMchwnp^. Tha eaaa a( tt» |«onearly Matef the elsbi of bU left eye.
tepartaeat of the Wlady City.
wnitoM IfaAlar waa aatttad by
Tbe UtUe feUow. In eempahy with a
1871. Tbe City of Trarerae waa
ember of oampaaloM. waa pMytod oa
built at Clerelaod for the Hansah A
Lake avane. Oo a fence waa a piece My Co. of tbto eliy and named In bnChartea pole ea. Trod M. Jewett aad of twtated. rwaty wire. Tbto atrock
or of tba borne of tbe ownera. She waai,
own A. JewoU. all of B
biB atonaalde. above and below the KT faat over all. with a main aalon ol
Manhlp. waa a^tlad oat of
aye, hot laeklly -nne of the poteta 170 faet and the Mralihln*a throutbifnmgk the altorweyi. P. C. OUbart pneuatad the eye Itaelf elae the aedrere aurpasaed by no lake rival,
V. ftoMMto Yba eaae of Bardaat wooM bare been matt nere leri- bar entire coal bela*
haea WahottH ra. teaa Vlakottll at
ooa. The wooad waa atieodcd te by
ly after eompletlon. the boat
M. bated a MU to eoaetiwca a will, with
phjMelaP and m aertooa reaulti are
W. Palttla aad C. L.
Dapttt. waa tehn ----------------------------Oeorga Baldwin aa pUot. Tbe rao
New Yaehtln* Hanrine.
cxelBalrely between Traverst
-pocah-afl to tbe Uile of an eioettad Chleaco. and no ateamer o
. X. > DarM att 9. -W. Patehla. the laMly fotteo up Banatea that
• • i waa better known for twenty
na% waa pM ever tOI ahottto taitt tt jnat mada tu appearann from


a calf, her Mule


te the WD to aat aMde dead, Jtta Chtoaco. The Bagaalne to devoted to
riad all northern paaacnxer UsAc for
tlian tt. Mlttaal Straac. a trial wUl the tetecaata of yBtttamen of
thla port untU the dbilnlabBent of the
ha had at thia term of ooart..
pine diatrleu esuaed the Hannah *

of the BMaatee la partlealarly ttonely

hnnht te a TOidtet at • o'eloek Mat noBbar of yattMataa n tbe raat
tokaa boeanae It telto of people and
WWA ted— « tedManateM.
pletarta thteca that thay know,
Vpin e< »ot MM thaa OM yaar or
drat naabar to asMllMt In ova
thaa taa ynn apnt httted prtaoa ^11 tba half
lood. Tha rahdtec Batter to alao very
Sl^ enrl^ her of ahaadoeu

' Tr—^“*r Mlowtei the auooM
dear------attt W the tennu'wt the loiy.
•vary aaBwaa poaalble.
notlea waa aiade by the atloneya-tor
Dr. Wadawofth Wanan, a tot
-tha dMeadaat Mr aa arraat of |adr Datiaft ttyatotep. to, the editor.
jBitt whMh waa allowad hy the eoert Warraa to wan knowm la Travaraa City.

Lay Co. to ctoae out their



pine tateesaia about fifteen years tfo.
whn the City of Traverse waa aold to
Lnopold « Anatrlan. tbe ownera of the
Lnfce Superior Tranait Co- when


Mto Ml Mttk kpohd. did ttteii at T;»


be brid

at which Clerk

his sou. Capt. Thomas Baldwin.

a distaace

So feeU.

CAPITAL, B200i000

No Umes w.-r.-'

broken, but It to frarod thuraal Ic ■ ' Juri.-. w.-r.- re.-l.ud ihil may pr.-..e * WMOll BflBlIiC
fatal. Ilv

iskt-o til bto

OWfl '

S KT CcBt aumrefl an nw DfiiflritL



vrSi.' fwTl^

dlSrrrnt phr»icUns tor my
witiMui r-wiJti.
1 wrat Vv a phy*>-

Prank f

A airmneer named Salten from De

Curv to BK.


1 s«v« it llnio sltcMIoa

ixolt came tbrvBab here tbe otb«T day

»R. w: J. BiG(aNS

and called en Natooo and Jamea Hon­
l^nnbcmlUc. Ha

or. aelllnc them atme aibck in a seat-

239 E. Fn»t SL. at. rb« t«


era col<l.t>>lBe Whitt toteved tu be a
Mobably tbouebt It waa up to him to


S£ 53teiacCSH«rt, iDd

do the Hoom.—FHnt Journal.

aad 4Bt Wtlkaha lU.eV, Tta.wia air.


Tire Insurance!




Plat* Clflss, StMUB BoUar and J

Money to Loan on Impinvcd Real Estate Only.

Warns Cstmly Bnk Bldg, DBTBOIC -


Ask For

Travaraa City.

Room SI O Naw Stata Ba


tb€ store tbart Pills tbs fflost Procriutioitt

wreck of her «ood name to better ex-

Wilhw Charcoal tablets
Art- useful for a lurgi- vnrii-tv .>f sloiiiiu'li ilisonlera:

The main deck will


Htartbarfl, Sour SlQmach, EructiUon of Casts . Bad Bretih, eic„

Wv have ten cent iKickoiJia of Cbaruul ThUoU that aiv

etricUj-0. K.—III.'!««t wv have s«vii.

Trj- a lackaKc.


muiioy bpek if tbey ure not aatisfactury.

W e. Tiwr/ SI.

I aome US fed toog by more thsc
thirty feet wide.


to sad sue aaaa—a wmi m*f npm osssOtota

Slater of this rlty will attend.

preased to the tollowlux dUimtcb;

H. R. Mki-DOSALD, Manager

Tra«'«f City. Micb.

be filled up as a bar and restauranl.
Tbe oM boat, properly equipped witb

Better in the way of
Screen Doors and
Wisdowg than the
kind we make for the
home from seasoned wood, with latest' attachments,
the easy to operate kind?
If you would keep out the tiics and mosquitoes see
us about Door and Window Screens.
Our finely made screens will outlast anything oo
the market.

C1Uzons,PhOf>«.32i Boll. tee.

W. L. Brown, MHtBQir.

arvtTed here Tutaday. drauebed with life preservers and other safety applls. will no doubt be given a got-enithe rate, battand by tha bail asd be; permit to -ea-ry from l.SOO
after a thrtUtoc

•wept away, readeria* wudlat Mleblgaa ootalde the three-mile limit,
a aeonetUy. aayt tbe where the authortty of the stole of
nUMls and dty of Chicago terminates.
a Poat
tee. aceompaaled by J. L. By lagBl dadfloos tte great Mkes are
”blgh aaaa” aad are under the Jurtodletkn of tbe federal goverameoi.

Ma'tntt (er aaariy tony rads, braak-

With ber passengers safely oo board

Me tta ttM aad twtoUad tha rails oat
Maktts. No oaa waa hart te the ao-

U to plaaned io have tbe City of Trav-

•dWUaa Bto aa ter aoclh as BeOalre Uchwaya to ttto cityTiMWait aamharto* ahoat atety te
”Hr. farfusou aad aynaif iMglaad
MB. Ttoraa aacteas aad the ^Lt of we ware baviiia tUMlar experieacea
mm wostad all alfht. Tha lai
ttoee set by Qeorfe Wesbtectoa

centera. The steamer at best Is a slow
boat, but to her new occupatloo this
wRl be ao drawback.

When tbe last

raee bas been run the boat will return

latt buk had to be damped oat of the drilrerte* Oovenwr Duawlddle's mek to her dock sooth of the river en
can and the tratt stralttianad aad sue.” laid Mr. OerBatoe. to recouat- tnaee.
•attM hMora the care could be haalad let tbe adreniuae of the trip,
It is believed by Captain Jones
pot af tba dtttt. Tha woiVIm not meet
thirty plaeae there were oo all legal diacutacs against tbe operaooBiMMd aata P:M ttto moralac. de- brtdfat aeraai the streams. The horses tloot of pool raoms have been
e» by the new project. It will take
were tbe most decile 1 bare ever j

- Mytectoptec about tooriaea hears.

They wmt Into the streams aad to about ten days .to make tbe rhsogm
" Bl« ma Itoeelvad.'
some ^aees they were actually com­ required in the boat before she
Tko totiwt sBfito MU whteh has pelled to swim. It was tbriUlBc. lotes be ready ter serrice.
aaar ban raaaivad ut tbe Travaree ihroach Baddy pools and creeks where
ro alleged faaodbooks were raided
Thareday no bott^i eould be seen aad the depth
•var tea <:M a. B. trate oe tbe Pare only gncaaed at.
MargaMts ii|intttlu detoyad amt-We ttouttl we could see our Aatoh
ter foe two fan daya aad thraa fuU Beer Sparta Tnesday afteraoou wheu

yeaierday afteraooo by the members
of Asalstoot Chief of Police SttnettlerY gambling deian.

Four nr

were made and three tdephooes
token out. One* of the places was

ntolhta. Tbe cMoe turae tram Post- the hall stMB struck ns. It w
'.aaetor Oaern Bal dewa to the tost
recular' bombardmeni of big k* balls cd Mark Brawn mom S5. 84 Adams
otofk la Bm ware preparad for the aad II waa well atch Impoaalble for our streeL He Was charged wliboperattog
datefe aad the IsMk af tbe buUdt^ ■nod tMBatsra, Jack Starrs, to keep
handbook. George Smith inr ar-t-* >«M atoarad Mr the Msa wWtt
slal as an tomsie. The other place
Us hones voder coattoL Ateskei
'toMttil ever three tons. Bakla*
m that of John Lane. 37 Adams
they shied aad we neaped by tbe
pito Mm- faat Utt aad lea teat tot
reet. He waa elwed with operating
»weet martta. a tumble down
Vbrae drays haalad tt traa tbe day
ndbook. John Scott wms nrrastMl
.to tha eMee where Bd Oarasu w
alcht wb«B we rceebed tbe cilr aod
to reeatva ft at 4:M. Jtt S:M Witt aind shd water soaked etothes we
Bat aod Cteada Palver ar- tbe noRteat todktt* pair en raeitaad aad Mtr aa tossr later the la-. Oeraalae aad Hr. Pergnsna left

Going to Build?
If 50, the South Side Lumber Co. at Traverse
City is the place to buy your material. Shop
and mill work done on short notice. Give us
a chance to figure on your wants.

South Side Cumber 0o-^
Craverst eity. micb.

vma Mda nUt Mr the Nerthpon
WUItoaMeOaoLsrhohasbeeB i
•adflKtton BoO elctt aad as matt tor lag dt will to ihC dty tor i

Ito. fitaA wfll toave <m ttot date f





A special paint far each purpose, attooe
slsp-dMb mixtare for alL
Not faw priced, but highest grade at fair
honest prices. \oo know our repdticfaa.
V say ttese are the best paints we know eC
Vou’tl say so too alter you hare ased

Att aboat ^Sib-

Hay, Corn,
Oats, Bran,
Flour, Feed.

lAto ^work* •ttw

nijl/lfsn< AD regular aiseain ftott. Special wagotoflBddeiJi*
msde to order. prompUy.

Only the-wiybe*

terial used, and (uDy guaranteed in every raqwL


That are made to ose u weD as aelL

They ve

oot made of cheap material, aad ghrcB a flatty
able, and oeaL

It will pay you to investigate the qualiiy of J-ecd.
Don’t ,go astray on account of cheapness altogether.
It pay's to buy the best. It is a good indication if a
merchant selb a lot and has no complaint: that indi­
cates satisfaction. We have been favored with praise
in that.Hne. H you haw; not tried any of our above
named goods do so now, and don’t for^jet that we have
Land Plaster, Paris Green. Sprayers. Sifters. Corn
Planters, at satisfactory prices.


Taken to Aariem.


Theii varnishes arc at good at their

hack steBptoi aad touriaea snii bw


e was asrenJlBg tkr laddt-r
rrarhfd the »up heforv hr reallud It
aad.tcM*d.df. fallfngtothegraond.i

Darte* the iwniy years of

erne steam oot Into tbe take at a low
ttdMt aad aa aatokly as poaalbtewott delay aad ptasead by tmeut bualasBi. rate of speed and buslneaa to the pooto
. m -bagaa ok the rapalttec of tha thay hired a taam of a While Ctood will beglB as soon as the wireless
tiS^ A (BR WH aaat te aad
Uvery maa aad be^ a trip over the telegraph brings news from tbe raring


heart anion, and relie\-es the
pain and misery.
Take no chances; ntakeyx^
heart strong and vigorous -wilh
Dr. ililcs’ Heart Cure.

A BABlANa, Cittlll.

ras tolking to somr parties bvkra j

-ice pot In aa a Trarerae Clly prodact. but two enpulas ware ever at ber
betan. OapL Oeorxe Baldwin, and later,

A dock has been seenrad in one of
k. toadad whh batt. to Cbtateu, All arent weU imtu tbe the IlUnolB Central slips, near the
mouth of the river, and the floating
hrtk* aad draittii u tba track train' arrived at White Clood. a
dHttad tha day «Bd dragad a ear of otdern ware raeatred to bold the train pool ronm will pot eome through any
hwbor tote teia dtttt with IL five and not attempt the ramatoder of the af the city bridges, when trouble
^MN «ian toft tba rmito aad tore up
Whitt waa reoderad tmpoaalble might be axperieoced.


Traverse City will
lerta tbouxh with

ttelr new UBitorS. which have Jurl
been received they would preaeal i
Oo Ibe ITIfa

once witb Dr. Wil«’ Heart
invigorates and
strengthens the heart nerves
and muscles, stimulates the

tdlag the taddt-r tu U»> Hshu;
abiwc to trsi the focss tt oat ri ibt-m. \

waa aeen at Mncklaae latoad by JuUua

• MtMl rate of

■ '4,

the depree teama.

completely exhansl the nerves,
or rupture tlte walls or aneries
of the heart, and it will stop.
Relieve this terrible strain at


iral ynrda at Mashalt. soet witb a puln-!
r ant seriunz accidcni
He was ! A T. HANNAH. I

waukee and Cbleaso, bui laai anmmer

lAW passeogers.
trip tram bto hoaie elty
Wktle great secrecy bas been malea of a- bBI to aat' aidda
WM made by ran end
P. a OObaM and Piatt * ItoTto bebted a uom that aeold utt be ttlnad by Captain Joaea aa to bto
tuned batt by ctorma am baOed by plBot. It to aald they eoniraipla
every afteraoan to a point on Mke
atfuasna from -wUtt tbe bridfes bed

Mw MM ttd ttto Mftt Of Hitoh-

lie bad aad cootMU will be on between |

bay ronie waa lopplaated by the
caio. Tba boat at ne time made an
other ran. It la thought, bttween MU

are tea attoraara for the aaaa.

' NIB.
SW tnte waa ratndtac a eurva at

creat oamp meet will be held at ttal
tneetlBi! of tbe Feresters,
ed rank of Woodmen, will,

route from Duluth. Mackinac and Chi

-MOa tnunaar M tertaly dlrldad
n.tetttMaattef the trim nhdwway

^ ■'''tTlttiMntnt Bd'lhe ttnrn. while
«h— conaa thah halkt to the entm tenrnri ofthe yoanc glH. Aa
||r aa tte Jary aiood dartef thair lone
hena of daHhantln hethtef can be
.toUMd «< ibMr baneta.
tW chaaeorr one of John Btm«
vto Mlttnl Btraai waa ukan ap
mnrated toilowtiic tba

ed and'chahced and other Imponaat:
tbe weUare '
the order are dlactnMKl. Not only the

Ewery pain ia the breast, diffiwlt breathir^.
fluttering or dinr spell means
that jt>ar heart » strainittg it­
self tn ils -effort to keep in
Tliis is dangiAous.
Some sadden strain from overexertion or excitemcht will

baa charge tt tba H^u tt the eke- i
tie aemaplwn to tte Mlttlgan Cen *


« Qohea waa adialttad to ball
harteK nttt Baay auBn
Cblca*D. June «.-Cblca*D to to hare
Hit tatter to the Bor. Leroy Waran,
a floatlac pool room, eoanected wlili
__________ arraet. Ahaartes
tor»^ one of the leaden 1a tte
'tte Mr a new trial wUl ba heard at boma Btoalonary work In Mlttlnn tbe raclac traclu by wireless lelea.
Tnvdna. cny at toan data to ba an- and tha norttweat. and now paator of mpby. Tbe old steamer City of Trav.
which ran for many years to
SB Mler. IM^ tt wm be in the
the CoBcmailnal ttnreb at Old MtoMBttaf9Mr.
Moto »r. Warren hna ton* ban an
Qaptala Siepheo Jooaa aod work was
nttaaMatto ynttteBan. aad ba ipmt
a at <mee la fittiag oat the sieam> -tteM Mat aaBBor enitolac Is
to tor tbe aew s^c«.
aorthant wntere. Bakta* Old MtoMn
All tbe paseMtger eabias on the saMadoBartsB. -Rto Bany trtesda
tooD deck wlU be tom out. mkklug a


U to not expected that apr chanpi ^
will be Inaaruratcd at ihto year'* mce.-.
■ readjiun-1


Ute PeblUbtea eonpany of

Mdatt. Mitt.. JOM •.-Alter twob- aa than lire bat two pubHeatMoa detrttttt hoare of daaiMmtioai b '' • Ttead totheaubjeet. One of theae to
ttoaad doora the Jury te the
pabUabad to tha anri and te of none
Pehn aarder trial wtdtt baa
tor*aly devoted to tha tetamta of ihnt
jpM tha aUntteo'M tha Laatana Clr- aaetm of the oomtry. Torah-aff
ott nwt (or *w datt thla watt, wlU nnteiauy appaal to the tor*e


MY. JUNt IS. ttOS.

.........................where, bettenla* n the
mh an2 toelte* iWa the' Uxh. *■

IMH.AK. B. ntoMtwilWMl
Mind. Mteh. 4aw L-Al 4:0e IhU » h*JY to Madit tb* Mtttr ud tM
l»ek to «fc«r
^i«MMIk« J«7l»tfc*«»*»«rA*tt tto (oMt


6ntob to catch tbe e)c: butaredsnUe, cOBfcrtTbe tteapeat os the miAet. / qiality eoBiidfred.

Once nse-1 aod you wiD buyno other mike.

I2« Stair SIrttL , w\ UtctOr PctClIyl.
Hare yon ever tried tbe

Voy-ttl Tlffttr Ttttttt antf Goffmmm

Bo{iaI tiger
They are the beiL



Cnmed Ctnt
t«mat0t$ .
aad Sahaaa

Sold oedy by


SeM lUpart.
a. J. Sacra. St. Usds; DtoOkl Paaaaa- saa taaktoc. tbtdr wajr towards tbel
t of Om*g~“ar*od_
TWtm—ai <OkU Diilf raalM tt csr A«oat W. C. BrttUm. Swtoav: dock. «t » o'eiaek. sixty paopio wora 1
p. far Modh oadtos May M.
OaMet rassrafw Agmi i. A. Wtl>- aboard aad tbe pcwUy little bay boat;^
Mur n ctTw U

of tk« •OMW vaddiw of Bm. Mi
Mn. a H. apov d ttat tfV. vUca J. R. McCord.
f<r a dar* P»«a.«r«. A—a* tbwl
titHiJ MV St Ow1«* t. Mr.
Wamaa-a CMk
««« Capt.
B. Chaae
asr tardy.
■pMrt ImW* kMitk 0017 th* luadlTha lalaraattoc aabtaet a( fotaalry ■*. Chary Cbaae. tomerty M Wortb-1«. hs:
at* ntetlTOT «OMCattac cC B. H. ^oor.
was dtaeoasad at tba W<»**’s «tobi l»*t bot aow od Appteo*. Wla. Tbeyi ^ ftaO.
Crlppea. ^^J^
Friday aftarweoaader tbe dbaeOoaMiwlU take a took oT«rtb*oM^hoa». I
Mta.aL.nsb.RoUeaH '«asiaipoed-!«tMAtbe(toaaetorB.Bowtbei>eaati-;^^t(c^^STaM8 BIssard. Bv
r«»rr parebasad by C. A. Battle cf stridctoad. Lola McOatoba. Bal^ Dfx.
IbI^. LobU. wbowttfc bis aUter4a4aw.,^ Laalie Otoea.
d win. KB
Mrs. M. A. sale* to aaeb a aray as to
d la Udt, a
- -................................
to occopy tbe Boat-‘
-- Senaoor

Harry Heask*.
Mr. tpoor^ tbaotackal eeam to ecBTtoce all that tbaia U a leadaaey way to Hottbport
toward waatoa deatraettos to oeriOMrito eottaga. mmt to WA
artatra ka was for atona yeaiv pastor Setae tba aobla ftwast trees that they via the nUoftU troB Cblcaeo.
Pii^ &-ria Hle^. Brlra 0^r**L
W. 8. AadereoB aad sister. Marcaret, >'
eT tb* ftiaotoiOwiil «*wcli at V«^
toourtn*. sOarward «Mtes to Tm*- is, however, btfag pot forth
mrn cur, Wbata tbap reiaatood for
ivodaaia. Mr.
aftenrwd Sltod to plaat and crow where aatme has | eord. Obi


baafb faaDird
won dfmT know boar or by wbiato
MfitlorTowrMnT OCoMOMyosi
dosT. Bui



off. tskiag toe hab with
It woold SMM (arm agato and be as had.,
ns before. My doewr said it sras
Eocma. asd psesotoed an atotarent.
which did so
IthratrkdCntiCDia Soap and Oistment I washed
her head u warm water aad Csticora
«oap asd gesUy combed the scalea
-Off. Tbey did not csmie back and bet
'Aair grew owt fine aad tkick. Sbe it
sow a year aad a half old. sad has BO
trace of Ectemt.”
HRS. C. W. BTRGBS. Irasistaa
Avc.. Bridgepert. Coos.. Fri>.rr, ifijfi


I Sose Dedde

.TVoot (Ae fbae tia tufee fcorat
Urfuetnry no hand taneka « tOX
if ss Ofmad im yam- Hfcdv.
\f.Tlww.. of AsMiiiMD HoBiea wetoae XJOX COFFEE d^.
Tbwe in Bo stronger proof of merit than oontinned and ttirriM
tag popobiity. “Qnsility aarrivea all opyoailioB.’’

Mrs. Barges write* Pcb. sB. igo}:
••My baby.wbobad Eetcma very
badly on her bead, at 1 told yoo briore.
after Mingabe Cwrienia Rrtaedie. Was
eared. ^ is ao* aU years old. sad
has thick hair and a clean acalp."
Instant relief aad tefrcshh« steep
for shin-tortoied babies and rest for
tired, worried BoUurt to worm baths


VeoagtotSdod and Yeaa^ Comatitt la Mldil«M aiM PrebaMy tha Unitad ttotos.


Reasons Olby
The MeViokrT
Gaaoliae Enffinoislfaebefft
1. One-third the nhniber
ol ports,
i. No geoa,
ooma. ocoentriM. tomhUng
radb, or conpikmted meehaniem of any kind. 3.
10 timea as quick as any
An dectrio] Gover
other. 4. Ovring to the q
lor, engine wiD stand SO per
o6nt sodden overknd without slaAing. 5. No ndjostments to
get oot oL order or poxxle the t^erstor, 6. Antomatic valve
action. 7. Automatic oarbnretion. Thcao are cxclnsivo points
of the MeVideer Antomatic Oasijine Qigiiic.

iQieati aad grotteat of abui cr
This to tbe porest, sweetert. most
« able to make tbeto Srsi of a
npeedy, peimaacat, sad eeoeenucal
paUle appetraace In jest elffbt weriit. ty miuiaty driUlac to conaectton. laj wUbsneb fame as tbeir local work af. treatmewt for tortaring. disfigartog,
rapidly, the Hay tbv C*»e * concert, the proceeds fords them, thv are now planninc to
• tbe
- fact
- .........................
— rtill netobborins towns and hoi
aeeret of tbeir aacees lyliic In
\ betoc devoM -to tba bulldlns fund of
that they bare met falttatnUy for \ tbe Catholic cboreh. whkb was recent, be hoard to Traverse City In tbe
praetlea ibiee rimes a wpek ever tlnee ly boniad to tbe enmnd. Tbe entire future. Tbeir inemberabip laelodes BBretosocead wfaCBall other ream
dies and the best pfayridant ML
tbeir onanlsalloo. do matter what! procram. tocindlas ptoao aelenlaos Master WUIle Payne. Thomas
other attraettoos mbtoi e^l them, aad | was given by tbe members ot the baod. Harold Cronseih. Walter. Haas
today they have a large repertoire of i At present tbrir acet average lea
Harold Haaksted. Pred Smlsetb. Oaear
ov*rtaree.Bto«hBe.walUeD. twoateps.' —— w'"->
Reltsel. Adotph Rufll. NIckle Peterson,
A Muskegon boy It saU to have used
aad other mnstc. tbete betoc at prea machiue that stretohod bU be^dit
anlformi of blue i Ralito Perk and WlUle Britum,
e«U IW erteelto^on tbeir list. Tbey
Inches, and succeeded to toi« way
to which toey d,. \v. H. Payne is their maiiace
Ctve opea air cMceru on u average
togetUngtolothcU. N.C. Huskegoo
great place for sireteblng things,
Dothe OM
MMwt to take tbe The school children will celebrate anyway.
wactoe aad Charlotte. imU) UM'. wheo
tbe toSoeoee of ttaU BMoey mad ace
his toOtoc
tbe forests from the baad ot Bine miles dowa toe urrow peninsula. |
Moral to Badtoada, OaL POraeoMber
lb ef 'the bey.
et year* Mr. Spoor oeenptod the boa- creed. The forests of toe conntty hare
. M^dloiiil paipK there, aad be etas been so extensive that to many It has Lewto Inceraoll. Hiss ingereoll and
One of nmtate-s piwdlgle*. Wilton
led oBsecMBsry to bestow aay Mary Raoeean with UtUe Oita Fbr. Thomas Rowe, a baby'with two beads,
to tbeir use, betog cut waetefaUy.
was revealed to toe poMle at Calumet
T of yoimc girls wtth healthy h
MO a?ear aso.- Mr. aad Mrs. Spoor and with no tboagbt of Teprodeetioe
rocontly. Dine months from birth
bav# a bost oC old time frioDds to or recard to toe future. . Hr*. Stiles tog baskets filled with good things, the end of the rirti elbow. Instead ot
toe deplorable eight of the look passage, theee being toe UUees forearm and baiid, Is a llllle heed,
Traverse Oty. who wUl offer stoeere

s epoa tbe
foreau with their grim
Laura Carts. Julia Williams. Louise ferily formed, with nose, mouth
ray of motitoted tranks, scorataed mad Hale. Bdn* Crellick and Hnry Parr. sockeu. but DO eves. On the left hsnd
Of toeir tntoUi year ot married lUe.
diarred aad wortUeas. Tbe SoaUi U
and Mike Lluey and U a thumb and ivro flngets, the .tarter
toll of aaeb pieiarea; yet It has been nleee. ID*. Charle* J>arka.<were
welded uwelber in one.
ternad that trees may be aaed for for a day-t vUlt with Hr*. Walton mi- losiead of betog <m the back are oo
paar, gsopriatore e( toe city boob this ptupoae wltbool toftwy and toere- aen of Nortbport- Mr. and Mr*. A. W. the palm, and ss a result-toe band
store to this etty and a targe atore to' fors there ts a alowly growtog better RaaUll and two children were on for closes outwardly. Where the right'leg
BM BapMt baa baea ^wMred. R.W. ■naaacemaot. The lands glvea toe tbe day's trip aside from Hr. and Mrs. should be ts only a stump, and prau-od
Baeebar of Oraad Baplds. ter years ratlraadi have been despoiled of much Jamcn Avery. Meadames J. W. Btyn- ing from tor knee Is a foot with three
«M eff toe into has dtspoaed of bli toIk* to a Jus
ton and Prank Bradley who were risll- toes. The child Is bright and Iniellitaraato to both atorea to A. 8. Hobart levtog presldoat theirr amUUoo i
Ing Northpon for tbe first time. John gent and Mfaerrise noimat.
.and Ui two asi. & R. and A. T. Ho­ be diedted.
R. Santo took the occaaloo to open tils
bart The new >ra wlU hereafter be
Tbe year book at the departmeat of new oottoge at Omeu and little
r toe UUe eff tba
Doo Champney of Chicago look
«oaMW. A. 8. Ibbart and A. T. Ho. toe dlSeraat
to fola bis grandmother. Mrs.
baft wot baeo cdmrge el toe Traveraa work: to hrmi
Jl. J. Wolfe at Blreb eotugo. The fine
^la tbe 81c Rapids store bo* to eat tb<
drlvlog horse beknigtog to P. H. Cloud
wB be 0|4toAed by R. R. Hobart, as grosTto «d dealrable kind*, and treat* of Ctoetoiiall was token aboard and dcbontoten, Tbe two stores repreeeot of tree planUng to waste places. It lirered at Omena eo the retuni trip.
Sway baMntoi totaretos and have see- wlU. however, be many years before | Hr. Clood pa»lag tonmgh here yesleroMdad to a
Ibls aUeBUaD.jday for Omens. William Oagnon of
it of Mr. Hobart present aeeda bring ali toepferi able toe hotel Columbia took toe trip t..| . ww-vsir-iw*- Y-«aw r^frmww
to arieod ta
M**d a few bom, with hi. parenu | ^ *tKDtCISt. THAT CUILM
Mrs. Tbomas Cox delivered a paper NorthporL Many others wciv aboard I • . —
_ ____ _
Inspactlng tha Syciam.
«. -nmw w-% I. maio..- n.. u«,.
There ween two PaUmaa ears ftlled paper afaosred atoai a hrip the toresu j
V School Cenvcntlen.
wito CMmgn. Bamlltoa A Daytoa and are to the ladastries of toe state
Pern Maniaeria vstao lonraad of- bow recklessly they were osed. The coDventJoB of Bast Bay and Blair Sun­
How often do we
SMab <m to* aoato benad .Pere Mar- flood tram which toe state to now sot- day School asMclailoa. held Jnm- 3.
bear the expieeffMtta Onto whieta polled toto Trav- fMlng would not be to deetraetire «j I»US. at PcMi
sioD. "I amranerbv
etpe Cfty at U;ts oa norsday.
toe (orests were oo the hlllsldee be-. singing -jesus Uves."
*Mtoriy avary atoia to the Dnloa U eaase 'tbe trees wwnld bold back tbei Os accoaijc of the late hour and the
■Dcm’t ^leak
sapflMsttd by «ma cf o«r repreaenta* aUt which «B* the river beds so rap! absence of J, B. Barney, toe derotionsl
ne." Uttlethu
rivea,* aaU Oeaaral Paacager Ageat' Idly. The people whe depend oo water
jl„l- w.
■.r.MoailarofDtUoU. ‘WsWantto power need the tree* oo the hlllsldee
ike yoa Irritable;
j Radcl'ff.
■to «v acMtt neneatatad wito
a* they regatote the amoimi of water; Responded to by Grace WillMy.
perfoi-m your daily laaks or ■
raanlng Into the sinam*
keep ft I "Rally Bound the siandard" was
ateady. The praaperity of toe »nn. i
V) toe aammer nveL»tw u brMle rianmteH nn <hs loo '
eobjecl* Of oor program.
entire organs in wouju
tty to targely depriiOMit on toe lam-, * j^per •'Ralatoe the Standard in that nto«-tenth»of the
Hcancat. rhstns ijnioknat
Tbe party ^bwed at Dalrait aM ber wUefa to fast becoming scarce. I On- Own Hcana." by F. D. Taylor. teaUeci.
Honest. Positiwlr n-movt, all Mxiini<-iit or foreitni siilisuncyr from milk aod creotn. dtetnAges
lift tome MoMLiy. Tbv traa^ ap
1 rerr inctrnetli
Blevplesaeas and i
valne of.m'ilk
pur cwiL WUl ptjr tor ItseU In pnt scasos.
SdasOR. Will skim
milk whotbor cold
nseuaskm by r H. Eve,.
tba aatotoa paK pt tba atata a> tor
Afur sliiglag No. GO, two rerltailone
or wanii and net all ibr cnvirn. No tronlil*'- to Hian the floor'tindor the DeUvAl.
Dt__ _.. ............
Pottb a* Macktoaw CRy aad warp ra- setting oat Mkhlgan -bod lands" toto
— given.
- w He rSaved Si
- Mleh- Fitsof derweaiuca or rwUcs
with sik’ht feed oil ettpa. You don't {SOS it's oiled, for you know it's oiled. 6»jbl under a {joailivc
taratoc la Oatroit dowa toe wlptam Jack pine, sproee and >'orway ploe. *el,-’_by
Mias Anna Brtorer, and -poor ’ irritablUt.r. Spirit* easily a
.a>-]iantiiig tresm
0." by MlaS Edith Etaey.
, that cue mtonle toe tough*
iben quoted, tram Utile Jim."
s of SimdsT (cbooU
..toe party ware;
Cbartos Garfield, wbe U At toe bead given, after
SeeiL Ii's P»We4 Rise.
.tev which the report of the I between the tboalders. Lorn of vrice;
OaoenI Pamiiagto Agtat H. P. Moel­ of toe
h Sunday school
conveailoo serroa* dytpepria. A tondeucr to err
ler, Detroit: Asatstaat Oeaeml Paam- bo* to* G.M(l.0M a ■ of atata land
d by toe se<
*»tpioTO{*to. All toil pototi
S« Agent W. D. Calloway. Ctodaaatl.
Nothing will relieve this d
After dinner and -aodal boor the eoaditiOBand prevent Buothsoi
V. A VotfeodM. TraveUag PaaM
trstioa aad snSertogao sorely a* Lvdii
Afto H.
aad Qeotga W. Aader- con WomMY qlabs do tor toe preeer-; bf toe preatdeht.
R. Ptottam's Vegetable Coapoond.
:4m. Chkacu; Dtotrtri FBSaaager Agwni
P. C BMadtat aad Travaltog Pasaendtocaaaioa was led by Mg*. Z. K.
gar AgMt W. V. Litsey of OtadBaatl: Brans, many girlag tdeaa as they oc- ....................... ......
Traverse City, Mich.
StaMri Faasaagar AgMt Wood Pat- caned to tbem'wUefa mlMii be of beofiUB. Oartask a; Dtotrict Pasaeatar efit akmg toto llae.
iHugh Prooty. F. D. Tavlor and C. H. - • l«M <Me wtM aarvoas’pecMotkm. ba>k.
AffMt B. W. JiaiMBu aad Oty paneaTwo of toe Intel
Of which made a very Imprrarive meet.,!5,F2;“ wenM w*» to* flaw atosoM
•M.Agart K. C
■ Dwtralt; toe aftaraoca WOK toe marital"M
BOM-1 ing.
_____ _____________ _
nMMtt FMMger AgMt H. T. Ofay bet*. Mto* Helea Hocra gtvtag an la-; „ Hie Mtagtag
Atagtag __________
of “Cl^ toe SoUd
aad GRy PaMsagar Agvmt J. A. Rat- strameatal aoto aad MUa Loottn Cab Hock.” riend the aervleea.
^--------paO. Oraad BmM*; Dtsutet Paaaaal« AgMt B. P. Alkou. ladlaaapnn*.
Drives out blood impurities. Makes strong nerves and musdes.
Pliai ExeuralM of Seasaa.
yoiiiStol I'wcaat. baad aadtbeynwncast
hod toader ao eotodst to Mlehlcaa.
a aot to tbe Callad State*. The.baad
VHercaaiied f^'htb.-lWf. tbe boys
•Mtto tocethB ea the oil of Master
Wmie Payne, aad deolded tmaaOoaely that the CM ibtoc cioet aeedt
SettOM Bay was a oomat baad, aad
tha oM net of peoide bast to SU tbe
danaad ww tbawatros. Tbay did
not tot ttoM SB to waato. bat orsaalwd
•t OM*. wd by hacl^aad talthfnJ


Nervous Women

- To Core a CoM in One Day


Tbe Delaval Cream Separatw
Prices W Capacily
150 to


Pounds per Hour.

Reasons Why Y#n Should Buy a DeUval!


-smssis. 33s=si===

AgMt Prank P. 'Whd*. bmdsvffie. Ky.:
Tvaraltag ParaMgw AgMt C M.
Pratt. HM-AgMa Jann.: Travaltag
fRrangm AgMt W. O. fMltat. Rleh-

M oa Fridta by a Momid: at 8:W t^ the first raeai^
a tbe'My^ouU be palled off

Farmers Supply Go.

127-135 State Street

The children*s friend—

Gives tone, vitality and sup.

isrs.'iojs'i-s . wte yoa con be as aa^ eand as
QUve cotoBlnee.



JL rirttrtwiT timr T-rVftmr* Wimr p<rt>Tlrtrf « Wier «•,
va PTMidcat SooMvrt for kti|
HOW » ®rt«rlo* tfc. awOw w
wip., vUefe rwcM UuUa asd wtod
Ucw lo rwalr dwwsei tuMtlBcd IB
iMr rweitt b»We with Che Japwae.
to dtlicr JwreAhBt port or dlBrnotlo.
IB unl dfriee srwt IndlBwHoB l»


far thH aetioa bb4 bbbj' o«ci«lt a

Lwian. Job* 7.—TM •vciiIbi;
ntiBiwiI '.prfBta a apodal dapaieh'
tntf HoBBo*
•tMw (hal tafor' BOthB ^ raaebad ihara ihatOesard
Kan*!. & of Cba tftdaJoa eoauBaidata of the . JawBaaia arao 1b Mudbad^ to naklw a vMe toro awre■aatagBiBBt the BmatoBa


Mother’s Car

adtooto w that aide to dow dowa.
The dyke to atlll boMla# iu own and '
the MTer b faUlBC alowly.


The tOmti Tea Here Alwayi Booctot, sod which bv beeo.
U oee te- orer 80 ream, has home the denstore of

LOT 182
LOT 183
LOT 184
LOT 188
LOT 230
LOT 235
LOT 236
The Kind Yon HaYO Always Bouglit
LOT 237
LOT 196
LOT 211
LOT 212
LOT 213
LOT 214
All CeaxUeirfetta, InUtAtlonB aod“ Just-aa-pood” are bat
trlfl* with MidMuUagrerthe besltli of
lataOi snd ChDdrao-Ex»«neBc» •gaiaat Expertmento

Strwek by TcwMi.
rhaInriB is s hBrnilfi BObBtltate Ibr Castor OQ, Pare*
. Honor, Mich. Jrne 8.—FeUx SleMrie, Drops and Sodthlnr Synipa. It to PlenBanto U
pbm. aaad to. wh atruck by a T. * ,
neither Oplnaa, Morphine um- other Nairotio
A. A. frel*ht last Bisbt near the Cry*-;
fW an la iw guarantee. It destropB Worms
_________ __________
cat lake croaaiBc. He warn burle^ about |
•ad ahays n_____
It corea
and Wind
Jbmb S—The meat Imper* aeveniy feel, two rite hrdtcB. bU bead i
Oalle. It r^lena Taadhlny Troobles, ctipoa ConsdpaUon
eat. ahooMer badly Injered aBd the
and FtototoocT. It —alninafrs t^e Food, recototos the
•Bd Bowela, strlnc bealthj- and oAtnnl rlecp.
body lerTlhly bralaed. The attendln*
It of die RuaaoJapanaw mr today phyaldBB Ihlaka that he will reeorer. ^
The ChOdrw*# Pinnoan Tho Blother's Friend.
Mr. Sttpbena wa« retamiBg fiom
alBttohiMJha imwawto’ Meta
1 rranktort U« «l«bt and wak drlrtB* a'
Prato ad that BNy had fn^Hmd
bena httehed to a earrlasa. It to
bankbif hooaa at TrtoaU adwioaa that
that be wax aaieep and did Bot
BwM tin Bi»nia.rto£__^^
■mparer NlohalH haa oppaaied dirart, bear the tcala. The horae wax killed |
if to.PraaldM Rooaavtot. aaklna Mm and the carrlaie badly daa>a«ed|
te nMUata to tha far Swtan. oooMct
AAer he had been atmek the train ■
It la wtoamtaad that lloaala la wHHnp hocked np and he wax taken to Beulah.
• htht
where be nwBlni at prneent.
^ „ ..UwAU •» lui ni>
niRth Gdd#R Jubilee.
diildad upon yaatarday at a maatlin
niBl. Utto. Jnae »—Another day of
•r tha etar^ alltolal family.
atrecu cranled with caod aatnred pco
St. petrabdi*. S:*0 p. m.. Jubc
pie mho ai«“lto«tac the Una of their
Om of the hlcbwt RduIbji oOelali Urea. IPday the whool chlldiva of
mho acted vtib foM BBthortiy aald to­ the cHy and coaolry Utod the alrveta
day l« Ua ccrtaapoadnal of the wnhaparattoaninetaoK. Thousaadx
icatara were la the Hoe of
mainh. The now Cameale iHwary
“We hare not weelrcd Jipaa't lerfBa baUdlBC waa dedkaied. Preeideet Anas yal.- ho aald. “and bbIQ we do It sell of the Valvera'lty of Hlchlsaa.
la lopoaiiUe to aajUf the war lx bdas the priadpal^peaher of theday.
this aflemooB.
full ..l i.-iuler miiiiiu.'EI and still oili.i
drawtor to an wd. Wa hope it wUI
Aiaoelale Joattee Brown od the Sudaratop oorwaUy. ha,t the altaalMa la pwine court of the Ualied Suiea do-j
l■.-a•ItKal^’ IMm>
ao daUcate that tho all«hteat more iYy^ aa addrew oa the “Sapremoj cbrl.ttolir^l!!*’"^*’ ».-TUt *
' oin dtoarraage tha wbole peace ma- Caart- at the laylasof the ««er
Norweriaa n..
Ox«. ri,i
rid nf
of ii...
the .m..
vnalx cud sl’.ul;
e of the now e6nrt houxe t
blamx of the nuloo, lx flylnR oTcr the driv<
U to btotorad la well-intoiwed dr•"/"v
public bulldlagt and other pUcte wm ■ark. .Siximitl'T
for a Blfi
dee that ndd Marahal OyaBM/aad
throosbout the couutry today la honor
Oweral Lisarlldi hare beaa erdewd
of the dlxsolotloB of-the union betwoeo
___________ _
• to sot enlace la hUto hoatlAUaa
and Sweden. WanbJiix la
Ad aAocbu sail, who dm-'ii't
moOat tha Ihetptnaeat
I bU hl-B^ <:
s worUas far Twiy MUlor w
harbor Bred a aalule of iweaty-on. bU a
i-cc«. Ii ix xaM
suax and cemnoolex p
• .«j
ftaie occurred the Utile iwviK-r* fame cvir el
U June I.—The iraopt waa ahlnsUnc the ham and the tHnher'
^J^p,^,ole of Norway.
xli-li« «earlns »now
aii.i.- .
Is a cdUatoo U Mlnak which be WM SUadlBB oa brttoe. let-j
_____ ^rtomwl u-ih mum.-r- :
Two petnaoa wer% killed and tins him fall to the srotnid. a dlBtaaee I london, June lO.-Kln* Alfoasn. r„r rsj.of tweniy-oine ton. In hla fall he 1,^0 has been ihe Buest of Ensland. ________________ _____________
nrmh a acaffold on the aide of the
lodar en rotno to Madrid. Priot^'liwtotw Jum.tto-Jt IP lanmed bnUdlaS braakins hla Jaw. hla aoxeie^ patrieto of Connausht and Al- ,0
•WLAHabto aBOmrSy thBt ABaBla and
I xrc^ caaatanlly thrown losvthcr
• d^, hBw aaaiptod the auweitton
intaiMl tojnrtea. He la
IK the ktoB's vixit and natchhy PnddaM ItoBnevaH leok- Yery aertoaa eoadUMa and Or. Fra,fmwell.
B If a royal
tod.^ (ha andihd d tha Catoani war »ck li alteadlas him.
dins will soon occur.
's^ that a ■aatina al inpraBBolf—
(%aitea Hoekfadcl baa parchaaed
af hdh Mdtona la aamrad.
the H. r. BotiSbey property here.
It la halleead tMd Uhlaaa a hitoh onown thto a aatttameat ef the dl
-lutl si-d.-fth.
haoeian huanla and Japan la ntar at


Trwu ktorn
TV ^^nhpert sx
Tniiii»inT,» fro^jrwxkwt waWtoa w
Tnll s

bWB eowaw i:aa iMis Um Itwiia
•« W-dtee tot eanh


In Uxe For Over 30 Years.

•a (Be ruiera ef both Ruaala wid Japan
•MOia them (n aryanpe a meptlns af
plMiliylwilHrixa ta asrM on peace
J. Baniraa hai bU new bouae palat-j
terwe raaximd tt. Petertourg today.
ed and to puttlag la new fnmltore. - Plymouih. Eng.. Juo.WTilk- the
Dr. O. W. Fnllek to. aem ca tbe| aubmartae “A-D” wax maneuvi-rins
Btreet erery day now xrith hla »ew an-, thU port today three explosions tvcOrand hapWa, Hleh., June h—Imml- toBoblle..
jcurred and tte boat sank. Btshteou;
xmnt danger eeatliuiM to threaten the
' men were aboard the eubmarlne of
Mat aWA Omnd rtvar ram atoadHy
.wblch only four escaped, the otbei
darlv the nigM end the devael
Copemlah Mir* Jane I.—Thomas j fonrteen belne drowncl. niveni
a the aunken vosn-l.
B. FTtlk*. •!» m «o. Urn, b..].™ «
Ineh ef eie rtiro.
by the beard ef puWle wertn ee far bousbl the property. Landlord mllcki Boxton. June to-Bcfon.' a crowd
have aueexeded In maintaining thx a a tret elaas hotel mao of Ions ex- xix-rlators Prof. BUba Thomiwoo >
waat oWe dyke. TMa memlng the
Is a prtdd to'irnlsy pennlite.1 half a niHMon v.
river at ihle point waa within ei|a feet
, of HuctrirUy to |>axs ihnmeh his li'vlj
ef toft yuirx 'rtcc.
John Koud, who for some time has! There wax a Ha-h front th- flnu<
feet will tend thx Seed peurtog ever
wHh the Stale Lomlter and the id.'elrle sparks---- •
the toiidi devaatatl
two in^iiU-i'eni
cootpany. Haatolee. aad who to sue-1
aeere tf facleriec.


<l»». tw

My of Septemtir. A. D- IP


ad torrii^ the day. Induatry la parah:
tocex east on Seeoad street,
typed ato the big eteroe ateng eanaliAboct two block.f< new cement welk

The creel ef the

nrv-i'nc Iibxy I- Sad in ilM pnwilWB wa
a, 1. r~,-»'-l I.T il.r btaUM urerkaxar

*A^>Tu°r»i)»v oreXriri.ll>w« aMpwWxeThese an- all early selcciions and arc ihc


Handsomest Lots in Oak Heights

The whole bunJi of


oay. irro Slataanth may «t Juna.







____ _


if sold al one time and for cash down, Wi-ould be

..... ^


fkv Orwad btoxm. DWMt. Twl^ CXasBcx

the most charminR addition to Traverse City. This
addition is now larcdy hnlli over, and good .lots are
nm easily obtainabh . The-be lots will be sold sepa­
rately excepting iS'i, Wl. Is4. which must ,bc sold to­
gether. .Ail must gy for spot cash, and the prices
will be

Shortly after 1 e'elertc thie marwing
the braakwater
doors of an etogaat geaenl store ihlxj »
•aetiaa ef^he eij
----------d the tow lying rnk rabmlag. Mr. Noud li a man o| ahllliy!
sod baa a bread aaperleaer la the boa-; Omad Rapida. Mirb.T Jutudence aaelien te the nerth lx being
Inexi wtotld. Ho hat opened wUb a 0
rapidly aubmerged, atoe a aeere
new line of foods that are the be« ownership, EuBcne
Nuaxa are aurreunded. PaiaUtoe a
which could be aelected aad the ar r>o\ xtoekholder. havli
remevlng their geode to the upp
raaseaent of hto stock Is very com-: hU Interest
' ■Mrlea and eMklng perMMl aafety.
plele and the lalerior of the btilldlnp; »>>oxe name
The river eHaatlen grewe mx
pro-enu a eery pretty sdipearaacc. Mr. tcrrt. Willis Hall Tumor. f..mi. riy
algixhieg hMoty. thx river Hxtog atsi
cojoylns a T«T lt«»d patnmChlrae.. iouniar and Memitul.
Uy and Ihe wexthar.bureau at i:iD>No«»l
for a Brand pood Scimitar ix now- the new pn-siili ni atul
etetoek aaye II vrtU rtto one mere feoL A<» •>»> the outlook
Kcncral manatter. Twenty
PivefHindfed nran have labored eteeto iwatomi seems very promtslnK.
-.dollars-eere paid .Itiwn yi-si'TJa> i
At a meetlmtof the It
great dyke wMch wae built to pretaet
tbe'wem Dipt but R threatene to go
apt MW whtoh would cauw a fearful taken to make preai Imiiroremeiiis lo
PcletwIjiiiT:......Hr. UXb.
Trbroll. ...... b...
want eWe not already under weter. 1 «*" Pride
of havl« Me of «»•'


>ERE Marquette

OTCr pteductlim of laielllsent people ■
In Rutuia am) their Inrtreslae n-:i
Is danseretis to the welfare of the .-tc- \

; day of the tlmato between -the BasI- '
r .
;naw VaHey TmetlOB rumpaay.aod lu'
B‘reh L-aves.
flPWhM. Mich. Jime ».-^toDd coadl-, atriklag cmrieyes opaed uuletly. The
of the ereitici ail
«*»»« la MIchlsan are Improtlax today, company stanrd to mo tan today. <
rar U -Birch Urtre
from 1*ie Frarklin P>e«b
Waaiera Michlgaa baa lotered a kwi Tbe Artt car left at t:ic this momias : I
hr -Birch Arnold, ' «ine i;f
ebi'ipaer gMkhM from the rerem , the etbrie toliawtas xhprtly.
..J. OSb-Ub..
Bach oar
cocirlhuTOre lo •hr
a one Of tbe.X
(ttoadbarm. With the prospect of ti le 1 carried l
Iirolt papers and other prriullda:b.'w
to war wU ^nwrrtwi.ts.
hcgatoai oop to ytoxe that aoetlOB to eoopaay’t depailm bealdox tbe crew. ■
xUee B. Bartlett, at she is know n
ha-tja a **5^"!r.
atitppad of tbe gradurt of waalih. The stanlas of the rejyraa watched to ha-home life, lx a Detroit
rtrolt woman.
woma^'^ n«nwxes ..
.« TwT-w.«ry?^.
Ttopdieda a( otnie ptev killed.
i l.y a small crowd of strike
aiBBd rfiM at Oread ItoiiUs larked I thlcrew w-tihoui demoeiareiliiii.
^ ap lhto iMStaf
Hic Hreot car a
ly ran Ire a

.\s the price woold be made .-tcconiingly arni to .^llow
for holding as an invcsimeni. Come quiick for . :io:ce
of lots.

Aiso One Acre Let msmsm
in Birciiweed ii^K
fronting Kast Bay S rods anti running back JO rods.
less a strip two rods wide on nor:h sidi; for sireeu .A
verj’ desirable lot in this beautiful suburban sjioi.


123 Front Street,


b»-.-.-J,'TTW»ivfc*'.it*w««ix aaywUXH.

cake: rub tarlo a
Sour two oaaeet of bsOar. a tcaiisuw-lthe hollow eenier wlih iSertewed herfal of salt aad two tBspoBfato of, rlei mtsed with whipped cnan.
hahtog powder. ThB arid bbBcMi ! Sirawbnrr JeOr Kesta Soak kaV a
iBtlkionakeaacritdeagh. HU golek-! box of gsUtlae to baM a cm
T. roll eei Moat <»e aad a baU laeb.' water for half aa kov. th«B add a ptot
rs ia ihidtaeee. pot u a gioased laiss i of boUtog water, a cap of grawatoted
l«aare bi|klBg tin. aad bake to a very sdetr. aad the lolee.of two lewBa.
WUh the taera saelBg twa sawr
Cmim 0«lt and Mrgoiek OTB'for over twenty Maates. Hlz In the wbitB of two eggs, well
Com <Mt U4 ptv. OU trtMd! Throw “Bal.- tber said. Iwfa are aaoc i
Ipttt to haU whB takcB fraoi the beaten, aad stir ot<^ the Are aata the
aad spread esB half with batter, geuttoe U Assolved. hot not allowed

Tire M U coMb brlsht um
To heed and to ran. ai thr call!'
Plaos tbe Vjwer half on a taige ateat to boO. Tlage h a very’risdkaie green
•1-;^. e,nlstc: pot baB the betrlee oa tWs.; wuh a UiUe vegwahle ecK«ag. SitbIb.
la aerraat to ai;.
KatMnki t mt anim lb* «tM
bea the ether haU of tbe shortcake; aad after allghtly cooling pat a •peca-,
Belag slara to the maMTs aatata;
sad pat the roiaaloder of the berricslrm la tte bottom of eaB ladlytrioali
It BtTMH IBB serve. 1 aa ftaa.—
L laet SUvura, W W. Utoh stroct. Ksw
nMwflWK Ma the MmMv wtDow gar this to roar natter from
antop. Wblppederea»nayeUherb*;iDcW.8BallJg*lidoBk«ytorth«ee.|
poured over the whole cake or senredl i«t the JeDy harden to the asoldi, tl>B ^
<n«t MM iu r«w h«m the oMB
Tha Evar>«e(Kilar gtrw<aherry.
work, wtsboat
with It la a sBarate dish. This cake I itBd smaller nolds. which nsv be;
Mlehigaa itraaherrtas haew bee
Bill serve eight pertoas.
i lamblen. Inside on the Jrfly. nil the
spaea between the two bowls with the;
the narket tor aooie Ume aad tha faAM bBT Us UanU onmlM* '
- , loB Mr.
As BnUM M ««rt w* Hal hiM gOM rlas wUI sooa bo cheap aad pleaUfal. y Sfaoeteake is one of the diMes! the taslde of the smaller mold wtu hot
M/Ammr M I gto^ sMarro
Thai«-ts eo berrr whl<* leads llaalt to rhlch to historic. So other shortcake i water remove II carefully. rUl ibc^
That Bsnorr tdls »e ef—taUs yoa eo naar ddictoaa ares or U se
an compare with It; aad the celluloid i «P*ee vacated with strawberry char.
Parana Is them
tarredlr popnlar. Home Chcar
a»de of poor, dry spoage j lotto, aad stand to a «dd place for at;
OH trtwA to eoMs aM plar. weak U a
ake oae sees ia coafeettoaers' wlu-l Ibsi tonr^iour*. J»r tie strawbom |
Bad amoag the naar teslpct eollaeud dow. and gBerally served as a «mw.l rbarioite. make a boHed ca^ wtu
ahowM we alwara lofl, asd atrtrs Iran varied eoarees will be toead
BborteakeU a parody oo the de-i one plat of rich milk, \he wJUies of|
Mr sate?
eaeo^ varieir to sail aU tastes.
lelouaboatemadc shortcake, which to! foot- W -«PI^ ““»«
. QMS tong a«> Ufa bdd a di
To start wtth. here are seven df- made after these dlrocUons: Hake a[tnbleBoons of granulated sugar, as<!|
UcioBS daterts. as glvea br aa oastera rich. light tee. blseull eras:. ustog;<
e of CO
cornstarch moUtWe Mthhig knew at okiIom tbooghta.
little cold mUk. Boll all topaper.
amooni of
■ ?,or jala,
Sweet Shortcake—Three eggs, owe for Wscoiu. iwead of mOk mJz U»| tatkar for slzjnlnmc*. and wbco ^
OV B than bng wo ihraaU
.............................Udn; ttoUy cool sUr-ln one urge cop of flue
eaptel of sogar, two tablospooBfaJs
batter. «ee Bsat teaspooafid of ercaai bake H la a quick oven, on round jelly ^pe strawberries, which have been [
^:*aa-wlth M <«oa Bora
of tanar. a snsll half teaspooafuJ
cake Uaa. While hot cot each cakf cruahrd snd sweetened before Bros,
. oMaW war
toda. Beat the baiter aad sugar
n two layers wUh a strong silk Utreud. »rto*. When resdr to senre loosen:
Where rosihtal-faet ia haadlan i
MMt cmu£ CflMPKli.
getber. Add the ecp. well beat<
SB a knife will make U heavy. While; tbe jelly earefnily from the molds aad,
are atiar.
HU the soda aad creaa! of tartar wlib run tot butter <so ride of each half, i Pl*« c«> vrrttj ebto* plater. OThe dell- ^
OBse. M wi kaow acala «M (die dar:
the floor aad rub throu^ a sieve
when cold put one of the Isyera.l rotely tinted jelly with the pink filtlOE;
■waet Baanwar^ TOtoa ta eaUag tb tbe suBT Into the beaten egg. Bake to
cnui side down, on s big piste; cover, makes a vety charming combtoa^. I
deep Oaa. Poor can bo flllod
t with half crashed strawberries, pal.' Strawberries en Surprise—Totsi
g / was riiiidbw tram orsnsorik, os I
QiianUtiB given. Kkve three ptots o( atohly swteleaod; thto pat a Isrer of; UshUr »ce»‘rr oae quart of fine ripe;
•oftcowaMeto toflsa varottoo tor three j
B&ed with a eopful bt be cake, crust side doun, ™ the Uj-- . Wrawbervies. one small cop of pow­
aad aoteroAr my aervos were aB masgrusv •
sugar. Spread a larer of stiawberrics er of befries: cover thU layer wlUi the ;<>red sugar, aad one-fourth cup of or | ees grBtfy la aaod of rest gad a toafc
weot swsy fur two moatbs, boi did not
OB oae of the cakes, lay a soeBd cake eroshed Berries; then a layer
nfr vt uiv • —-g- - ... - - ... —.------------------f
togot my streagth bock. sUbottgb I was taking <
over OtIasBri coverorlth berries. Ora
this with i
!*''-• lorries and pmrnish with
cake. eruR
I tbe doctor gavs me before 1
neriague made with tbe while of aa vbi^ bentos, and serve
sugar j»WPP«J cream colored s prriiy piuk
ablespocafal of powdered aad plBiy of sweet cream.
I wl'b strawberry juice.
be wroed over the lop
Strawberry Trifle—Flavor
^ca wiiblB a week 1 foond
real Taakec slrawborry abort-1 of double cream with half a tosapooo i
larer of strawberries.
better, lastde of a atonlh I
Bavarisn Crean — One guBit of cake, make a rich btoealt crust. Tra-1 of lemon extrart. then whip to a froth.;
r, roa2y ahqgbla to taka up
me plat
1 sayi It must be baked In roobd | Arrange linger strips of cake logoabta:
Tha Car Caiat kUla.'tha tnMr wWa baMMB «. Ma MLYOn.
lares eupfal of soBt. >>bU a eopful of
aad uerrod in wedges like a ide.: fashion In a shallow glass dish, and |
boiling water, half a captol of cold wa- WbB it eomro bon the oven, Bm | CH 'be crater with altefoace layers of |
very dUflealt to overeotoe.
Soak as nueh geiatlae ta the
aBeawhrPBraaahastoaadFBBrsM or the grant
kaUe and spread llbetally • the cream and flue ripe sweetened ber '
ass to ao BMy bemss if that Ik
cold water aa 11 will take np. for two with softened butler aad set covered' riea. Place ifae cream that Is left in a * spring. BumeUilng
Bsa« we taaa
did notseemtogatmoehbMtamtU t eoatatosBOBanoltaeraBylcl^ Fto
hoara Hash the berries and sogar to­ Into the warming oven until just be-! ring around the uuiside of the cake. I tnvigiwate the brain, nau cteanse
With no eCBUBttons I
began aslag Pamaa. Hy roeovety was
aUperioeUyharmM. It eaa ba
gether. and let them stand
the Uble. T And It; Slrawberry Junkei-Altow oacquarl j blood. ThatPeruBawtUdo this is
Blow, bat 1 waa Improvtag aad 1
IsBgto of ttom wltheal aeqolo
Whip the osam U a froth. Slrato the makoe It a bit soggy to pot U tpgcthrr of new milk to bewme lukewarm on [ goad all questtoa.
gladtoosaltaas oslag It.
sdraghatdU Foraaa does not pt»
toha from .the berries,
ten rolnuies before It U to be. ibe back of the range, then pour it In- ‘
Weharo oa tUs tbeosaads of leUmi •'At the end of two moatha my fe
ry rosalio. It U pstmaaB*
throogh as anrii at possible without
Jest to ht o«t p< doors.
. For this fllling. wash, hull and , to a glass dish, swenes to taste and , Wbteb. testify to tbe curaUva
I restorod sad I looked aad frit
the aeeda Pour the hot water on the eraab with a fork the strawberries and MvororUh Icmm. Add. silrriag slight- i ventlre value of Fernaa la
betlcT tosB I had for yoars. Tour rem­ HhssaobadsgsctBpB ths lyil*,
ellmlasms euarTb by
gelatine, aad when dlssoKed strata It sweeten to taste. Do this long enoo^ ly. one' rennet tablet or ihreofoarths '
edy U vreU worthy ef a tBeomj
dIUoes of the system. We qaets
wvtog too eaaae ef eatsrrk. Tbsre aia
aad I am pleased to giva II M
into the strawberry Jotce. Wa« *' before tmiag to allow the sugar to be ‘ of a ablespoon of liquid rennet. Then I typical eaae;
a mul Utade of bemss wbers Furvaa has
Frank Williams.
fwhtoh Bhoold be Ua) In a (
no enUreJy dissolved. When ready, set It away to coni, being careful n«
tor twBty yson.
Tb aU o( u WhB the wheas
Mr. Frank WUllaau,
of tee water aad beat uaUI tbe ere
aerve, add one-half-pta' each o> to jar It. Jus: before sen tag flll sbir
lew Tork C
;. atrtoga
beglai to thkkecu When as thick
am aad milk to a quart of berries, bet glasses with tUeruste spoonruls of' tsriao (^inrc
■prior cottrro Bosm
An koywd aright, and om elsar mask soft custard stir la the whipped cmm. Place half of tbe berry mixture be-; the junket and tllced and sweetened
mad when U U well mUed Urn taw
layers and serve the strawberflrai. Heap whipped cr-win on
••last spring qiRrrrd with malarU
la an our hearts;. Joy imivwaal, keasu the noaU (It will moke agpriy two other half as a aauce over the portions; top, aad put one line large berry dust j
jBt to be owt of rioora.
guarts). and eet away U hardB. Serve as they are served.
! ed with granulsiej sugar ta the cen- ]
----- ------------------------ ;-------,
with whlwed cream aronad It. or If
i ter. Serve with almond or any dell- j Both ftrawberriea aad cream aboold' the ceMerofa^aaadIHt.aiTaBgethe layMs In tbe ptostoring ketUo.
the border of the moold U used have
A StraatoOrty Chapter.
| cate cake.
; be ihoreughty chilled before they are bot rice around them, sad pour the oa tbe store till the aagar It dlaaolvad:
the Beam la the eBtre.
That moot eaerilent household mag-i Strawberles in Meringne Basket*- j pot into the baskets,
cold syrup over aU. Serve al once. aWraw ftwward aad let U boil tB mtoStrawberry Ice Cream—One quart
Strawberry Cake—Cream thre^ntes, skim; take oot the beiriM <m
azine. Oood Housekeeping, which j Beat the whites of two eggs to a ijJfl j eirawbcrry Pie—Line a deep pie
• •Ytoly tost a datoy hr the riatoy tteaat.
oee quart of strawberries, one .bounds ia good thli^s, give, the fol-' snow; add two cup, of powdered'sug I
It well, and fourths of a enp of Mter uatll.llght: I pUtes and set la toe saa. Boil Urn

odd gradoally oaV cup of granolatod | syrup ten alnopa toager; poor over
• BtoBdag tor ths pawsrby
berry rotipB. all td wblch have been' and strawberry Jul«- to a erior^ delinrawberrim. sliced augar and the -well beatce yolks of toe berries. Keen la toe sna a day of

, cate pink. Drop ta spoonruU on buj- and sweetened, and posr over a cap oS three ^gs, betting earii oae In tep- two. bttoglngt ilta Wore (be dew-toUs
. « Only totoaaaabeampsiMbgthro- oae or two bou^. Add the cream, rub tried and found perfect.
strainer into the freezer
Froxen Strawberry Nectar—Whip; (ered paper, and put ta a very cuoi whipped cretm ahich has been sweet­ aralely. Theo add oaetaatt cop ^ ooU at BigbL To can toeak Me three qaaraad treese. Or the
tie pint of sweet double cream until oven to dry out. Cook one cup of sug- ened, flavored with lemon, and
Sift together two cups of
errs of a pooDd of augar to a posrad of
UozB •rut and the wbdle berries thick. Fbid In two cups of powdered' ar with one balf«up of waitv until it whisked lightly Into <fac stiffly whipped
of baking powder. berriBi-^t It oa them over nlgbc :
nqiped la at the last.
sugar. onetaaJf cup of flnely chopped : will rrsek. r«e this to fasten the nuw- white* of iwn eggn. Another dellcKnir and add to the other It
B. Lost-1 tbe morelng p; roir the juice, boll and
Strawberry Sponge — Soak half
blanched almonds aad ooe quart of tagues together in the fqnn of mile pie may be made 1>>- pouring a i.lni of ly fold in the silffly whipped whitea of
BMage of getotlae to half a cupful'
allghtly crushed. Turn . baskets. Just before serving All the rich custard wltile still wsrri over the ■be <«gs. Bake ta layer cake Uaa to a
cold water for two hours. Hash oi Into a pudding mold haring a lube lu I baskets with fine arawbenies. tOavberries In the paste. S- rve very quick oven. Whisk »he whitea of two
raings. or UBUI as thick as you like
qimrt of strawberries and add haH
ibeecnler. Pack In loe sad salt, eoverj sweetened and raized «ith wtklpped cold.
The last time throw la tbe berrioa.
Jwt a word at wantog to
cnptol «f sugar U than. Boll another with a heavy blanket or piece of car-1 cream. These sre most delicious, aad
powdered sugar. Divide Into two por-j Icl It boll k tow mtaolB and MBl up to
Strawberry Cu|t<—Bultcr romc flarhaU eupfal of sogar aad a cupful cri pet. and 1« It stand ta a cool plaee| especially rtcinty for festive occaaloss
Hons. To half of It add cme cup of ripe jars. This keeps (ke Saror aad toapa
Bat the Xiord is gloriAed to
cups »ell. Dip the edges of some
water together for twBty olautea for three or four boors. When ready | or qoramer evening rL-rrcshmeois
enisbed strawberriei and one-fourth - of the fruit.
tadyflngers or strips of sponge cake la
Put tbo strawberrtB ihrougb a sieve
a rich syrup that has been boiled to cup of blanched chopped altnoods. and CremHpandmotberii Strawberry PrsAdd the gelaUne to the
placv betw.« the layers of cake. FIs ; „rvea._Take flve pounds of small but
and take ftom the Are Imraedtately:
since, -raere n.-e a few other women the "crack," and arrange them edge vor the other half with lemon and.
strawbmriea (wild ones are dethB add the suawberrieo. Plaoe la
bolding a similar posiiioo in the Unit to edge around the Inside of the ritps spread It ov. r the top and aides uf the ndims). add a few tabtaspooB of bM
me IS thh dap of ‘toms- aad ’kiw pan eg aatsr sad beak flve mlantes
ei States, but Mrs. Sroltfi was one.of
cake. Omsmem with a few Am- rijv ;
»a<l tti them to eook oa tor JeUrthe first and probably none have bard- tard m lih four egrs Uatea thofotshly. eirawberrie* dusted with gronulaicd pour ta a jelly »-»g «-s IdkTe to a
gtoA* but there to oM good. oUdash- add the whites of egga aad beat uatil
er routes than she. esperlally in the
toned troth vrhleh has beB preaebed (be mixture begtas to thicken. Pool
Fugar. S<;rve cold the day It lil< made, warm place over Bight to drip. Add to
Couk in a double
boiling milk.
ftoB the earliest times and which into the moulds and let tbe mlziuit
winter. Often she bar driven many
o llb or wlibont whipped e
five posBdi <g broken loaf
mil’the ccnsunl will coat the
•hooM never grow ontof.datc. Tbe harden. Serve with cream and augar
milvk through a cold and Ultadlng \
Strawberry Lunch—Roll imC pa»K''
theo Slid one iablesp;>-.n of gi-iBtiawterry Jelly-Three idnU
OoMri «< O"0teor U ao old that
There Is an (dd adage “that one;*"''* storm, sometimes going direeilv
taiber thin, cm Is Into round. »uh a ,.»tf . fl( Rraiaed honey; boP
apt to be forgottB to theawlatter^sy ripe BtmwberriM. ode box of getatlne doea not know what they can do until ‘oto • Cta* hank and eiih- r'dlg her nilne which hei- been softened '« old saucer, and ipread half of .-*rh pi.-ee „ ^own to a told: oyrwp. Fill pint jars
water, stir until » Is Iborougli:.; dJetlmM, althoiMi tta bearing upon life « plat uf sugar, ems pint of boiling
forecd." Such was tbe case oTUrr. way out or go a long way around. Her
with sweeteacd halved sirawta-rrlc*. I „ foil as possible vrllh fresh strawwas aovnr more needed than to the ' tcT, tair a plat of cold water, the Jnlct Smith, of Madison. Wis. Her husband, horse Is a pet. She has him well fOiwtl. and flatur *1ih one i-s-pinn Holslcn the ed^ of Ihe rutst.- w ith, iK-rries. the flaest to be had Whoa a
oI vaellla. Lv; it cool, then add 'tat:
bany aad wum aad serve sttmia of of a Jetson. Soak tbe gelatine for
an old soldier, who gave bis right arm trained, so that be will slack up ar be
white of egg. tqU over Ihe »ih>-r half.' can la full screw oa toe lid tightly,
hours la eoU water. Hash the berriei to save the Union Intact, was a letter 8o«« by the boxes for her to drop ' ptat of wtiipfsst crL-aai. EUr lighily aad pinch toe“edges toe.-ihvr Brush [
^old water In a large ketIt ahoaU ba a part of every pereoa-S' with the augar, sad let them sund tw
toe letters. The United States guv !
lei it cone to a boil, then open
logins to Mlffi-n ship until Ilsbi.aud tbe tops with melted bun* r and sugar, u,
daUy rimy to take a few nlaates to the hours. Pour botUag water on tbe fnil
and bake to a pale l.n.wn ta a bot
f„„ the froU too
js'ncy. Place !.y rpoonfuls In to.
early menlng before the dayY work and BUBr- X'reas the juice from tb
oven. Serve bot or coH wi-.h iirawByvnp moat be kept OOfT
oip'. alieruailag with halved .irawbBtoa. to throw abooi Ihcawelrai tbe BUawbetriea aad add U and the lenoi
berry sauce or whipped ervan.
! hot—a good war Is to keep ayrnp ketberrivs. and kv. p v.-ry cold UdCil time
Mantle ef Paaee. Tbe Ume spBt ta juice to the dtasolved griatlne. Stral
---------------------1 tie ta a pan of hot water. Seal Jan
to sen-.-. KemuM' tic lit;:- cnk. cup*
thu wlU be more ifcaa made op to the through a nai^lB, pour into moulds
' perfectly air t.gbt and kero to a e
corofuilv. and set each ua a pn-lij
-In ---------OBM wtth srUch the day's wmk is ae- aad harden.
ve ta almplj
al lydepl,,e
I The following recipe, given last, dark place. The preserve
CT7 Pie—Line a deep idi
cnwpllHmd. U there mart b«:hBrt
Suar.U :ry Piombtwr. -'.Varh a’nd Fnr In Home rh-r. arv repeated by |
oihm. let thsss be over UilagB this, are dish with good plalk paste, fill it aoai
hull a quart of Ooe riiw; 5trawLc.-Tles ,^
-------------------vrortk while, and aot over ordlaart SOT ly fnU of Mrawberries. sprinkle ove
and press ihrongh a sittc. Make a]
r Urge laMespoaorult o
.yrup with thrc.-iuaruTS of a |.innd'
The wtoa eld sage. TImea. itThU re- ■agar, aad dredge thU Bghily trlih
of sPcaf and itr\-<-.<|-jaric r, uf a c-ip of; "
'-.ply (o the AtfaBlsas. Bt at Ute root ef flour.
water. Add iLis to liic slrawl»»rn!
the natter, aad BdlUi H. nmBas has
Cover .whh the apper eraat. ftilM
pulp. cool, pul It into a fiw.-.r. and
pressed the thoogfau U nut as thin as potslbte. and
torn until It begins to tbicktw. Then
the foltoMag
edges neaMy with a sharp kaUc. Make
sill ta one pin; c( whjppud Cream aad
**Bat the ro<g Is w> tow’" thw said.
> the CMtcr and
remain a tide hmger ia the
■ ta
to retara; "u
*-to it
It aor
edges , tidily Ugethm- so that the
Ireeier. Put Into a tnold. cover tlgbtWen. ire U high B tls low
joiw of tbe TntU may do)
edgu.i with a strip m but(The roof
if thlk covert my bBd).
whSc baklog.'
teve.1 paper, and pack ta Icc and salt
I toctfthroogh itt stUI kto the
Serve the same day. tt U baked, or
for.three bear.. When ready to serve,
the under crust vttl te bBVT.
IS •
dip toe mold quickly Is hot water,
. w^ they BU wHh a
wipe dry. ai;d torn out oo a shallow
dish. Garnish wiib macaruont and
fine sttawber-t--.
Below are stvea three auawberry
a to a sparrow!"
BOareea. aa oasur paper, a St. Ixmla.
Put bolt a cup of well washed and
d ts «y.
. Detrtdt dally.
drained rice in roe quart of sllgbily
' toorady
a cierka ta toe-sailed bolltog water, aad boll rapidly!
easy Ume. bm fur twcciy mtaiiict. Drata and pnt it
case. bit toe flillag baa as maay sartoUoiu as toe -typtcal* Ysakee. with dellvertag the letters to their poper dciwtvcd of twl-door czervtae; while ta a doable boiler with milk to cover
weU at ber work, othna. tike MPx. Smith, are eoustanuy and a tabiespooa of tugar. Cook uoUI'
she was appetetod a subsUtow ea^ out iq toe open air. aad toongh ber toe rice U toft aad tbe liquor alfflosi;
L soaM bread aad wUd fialt tram
ro-qaTt^ c( tidied berries. rtar. to Fehraary. IMI. she was ap-’floUea are ardoOM sbebattoead- absorhed. Boll one cap caeb of sugar,
pdatod a regular soksUtate feuer ear-1 vantage of oui-doDT IUe.(iTiBg ber ox- aad water to a thick syrw. tbqa let It j
*B0l bow. If the Savor I tassof
Kbb« fTrortm-WM.
/to they so wtome dalnte. tor broogbl..
eooL Heap (reah ripe suawbentef to j



Spring Fever, is Spring Catarrh-Nothing Robs One
of Strength Like Spring Catarrh.
Pe-nt-oa h .toe Finest Toole
For Weary Woman,



Jbwsf a< eStor’s Cdb



your Crtdif Is Good at



L. B. OnU>. a Voeriute. F.
a CwpMtw. J. fletiMMr. Mr. 4d4
Mn. S. OarTM. MaadMM H. J. uul
M. I- Cpdrke. WDUmb Core, c. E.
OuTO*. U A. Merrll ud BU Ql»M Jollied tlie C. R. * I. epMel.
The epedal froB LeetuM coosir
the had at Nonhport. ThU ebatu Of
arrlrad le the dtj tt 7:1« e. m. »tth ■ re^rd. Hie tu e BMcnetlc nwuie (eioaSonair espoaUac and Uarliu a
cti ecMcbee tiled vlth toltr 300 old < ud he drew MI to Un.
chUd nader tla reua o( a«a aad
eeUMta end tbelr tiicBde. two bude. I Mr. Aodenoo Uieo core e Uet o< the, whtdlT ahaiduinc It wu atrandp
the Horthport ud the SaOciee Bor. j Uttee at tboee who had puaed oo
taake the rirom TAmu dty: Mrs. John I
entire trip a bamh'e
Btaek. wboce boabud wu
the laBlUar (acee of tbe oMer
Tnvetae Clift flrat hotel keepen.
baaed and t^ point wu
beta «r the partr were R. B. Bpeeeer. 8. C. Deepret. at one time ou o< Tra»- Dotnpheidhytheeoart.J«Iytnb*nrthe while haired ud t
pbo- ene Clip's leUlng boalneu aten. Rev. tag will be had in ihte city for a new
tegrapber of Northport, who. for nur- J. B. Hall, a wen known pioneer. Hra. trial.
Ip half a ccntaiT hu qleilp gone up Chariee Paige. Mrs. Hinard Thome.
ud down the northern region ud Mrs. Harp Pierce. Mrs. Map YenUb.
taken pbotee of probablp Bare proml- Bellp Flsber. Mrs. William Rennie.
This week pmetloally ends the buy­
nent-gatherlags ud people ihu anp Gfudma Furtaeh. Mrs. Snlfka, Mia.
ing of last year's potatoes «b the iocBl
known reeldenl of Hiehlun. Old Chahoc. Mrs. Calbertne Krous. 8. M. BBrkel ahd there are hudreda of
opera honee. amang those to attend Chief Pewakep. “Oueen MamoerluBrown. M. B. Jennings. Peter Nordnd^cf tasbete wWefa will roC
bdag. 0«n. Henrp H. Dnddd. Con- and mup of tbe Uatd wild daolaeoai green. George B. Hall. Tbomu GUrop.
lathe p
gresaoteB WtlUas Aldu Smith, Jadge of the foreet even hare been tOudj VenceJ Sl^. Philip Seeor.
Tbe a
AUeo B. Horae. Judge 8. <h OahOU. upon bis negaUvet. Albert Baraw.l From Long Lake there wet
U gotag Into the Chleago amrGen. Roasel A. Alger, Uallod StaUa Hr. and Mrs. Cboster Slebbiaa. Hr. geoe Davia. Charles Tilton. HenfT
Pension Agent O. A. Juee nnd mup ud Mrs. Charles Oberat. Mr. sad Mrk. Howard. Coraeltus Cooper. BsBoel kei ud betegteg sixty oute a buUM r
la car loU kite.
Nate Pulnaa of tbe Blgbt. Hr. ud Whlnerp.
Tbe Uetry crop will begin to earn
Promlneni In this Uat studs Oen. Hra. John Potnam of Oneu ud sis­
Prom Acme there were John A. In after the flrat of Jaly and tho proaHenrp H. DuBeld, who. u brigadier ter Mrs. Hills of Good
Scripture. Henry Boiler. Richard Lu. PM are tor u ImmsBU erop and .
eominuder of tbe TUrtp-tUrd and AUx McKercber of L«lud. A. Ooben. Mrs. Uter ud Daniel HeOnoald.
Thlrtp^odrth Hlehlgu ud the Ninth G. G. Banb ud daughter Bertha. J.
Prom L«eluu eoutp wu Grandma
will be rouslnglr wd- 8. Ulddleton. Hr. ud Mrs. Wilber P. Steel. Mrs. SHsabeth Deisell. JUn H.
1 bp the E
Steele ud W. H. Steele and two
Tdernns, of which the TraTeree dtp Ira Ranger. Mrs. Howard OIU. Mrs.
From Monroe Center there wu Mrs.
hope were numbered. Compup M Chris B. KebI ud Mrs. Maretoa Dame. Clpde. Reaben lOTCjop. Mrs. Hap J. Ihe'diy and algud by every— who
bu been extended u InTitelion lo be W. H. Papne of Suttoas Bap ud his Osborne: Daniel Maeon of :
it to retain Cnptntn Munaalle <f
espedal eeeort of their general UUIe bud of boR^ere all Mup.u Uargalot Qrap of tUngalep.
;tee Salvation Army In this eUy. Tbs
during tbe parade, arhich lakes place bees, greeting triendi akmg the ronu.' tloderwood of Sllgfala. Mia. Sarah euuln's tiae to «p ban nnd aeeordT^iesdsp aftemocm at 1:30 p. m.
At the depot the Northport Bops- band Cram, fonnertp of Monroe Center. S. lag to the regular rale ha wU be
The amoe of this dtp have beeo In- pUped a tue or two Jtut to Itru M. PnUer of Almira.
trauferred to aooM o«ar mnUw wTiled to take part Id the parade also. thinu up. The train pulled
From the penlnsuU there wu CapL leu u exception to Mde.
J. H. Blakeslee baring been appo
Daring the ainy id the oflpteln niM
James Ucaotky. Hr*. Kionpa. ImmorganUe a eommlitee to make the
Petoskep. Mich, June 14.—Tbe next ard Bteveoaon ud Joauh Oteia. the bto wUe In tbe dty they have daw
neceiearp arrangements for the occa­
thdr work u exodloBUy wait that
meeting of tbe Old BetUeia aseodatlon dUest mu OB tbe penJnnila
sion. J. W. Hunen bu been appoint­
who to Che ali^test noof the dvll war ud the
wOl be b^d In Traveru City. This was
ed bp the execuUve commltlee to aoqualoted with them deeint that they
decided upoo at tbe ttusliiau seeting of five
Melt Urerlli&ig for the pfograin. The | this afternoon.
Mr. Andersoo closed by wlahlng that be rettloed In Traveru City- Tbd
I. B. Ollbert,
have been reached u they aeear
following were the oBeera he could meet with the members ooe
J. W. MflUken ud L. Roberta
•year froa today In the Qaeon Qly of have before, the nafUtannUe have Md
elected; prealdeot. Jsbu :
music will be pretheir trooblM and net pueed by un­
roe. Traveru Citp; vice preetdcBts, H. the north.
psred to ubmit a report at the next O. Rou, Btnmet: Ceurge BoHnsoc,
heeded. dtotreu bu beu reHeved and
ao matter how «dd tbe day or dtoUelanau CSurt Ended.
Grud Traveru;
The June ttrmmf Circuit oouri fbri agreeable the eaptein and bto vUb
: George Crmker. UManu;
B. a PetUL Buxle: J. A. MdBaghlta. •Maiuui oounip adjourned Friday through the past artater have labond
readp been received from two drum Antrim; W. H. Bockn. KalltaaU; sec son with nil buslneu completed ex­ faithtnlty.
corps, and Bereinl outside bands who
They will not tonve tbe dty If the
reurr. C. U. BRsa, rtarerw Cmp; cept a few chueery matters which
>eoma RccltaUana and Baste
treasfirer.LoweU Sours Traveru Ottp; wui be traaaferred to the coming term peUtlou prevail and R to to be wnw
on ibe camp fire programa
hlitortu. Wll 8. Ahaaruo,THHrW of Circuit court for Grand Travene esUy hoped that U milh-bm- .
this being obtained from the home Clip.
Ulenl of which this dtp map well be
There were fullp 2.000 people presproud. It It expected ihu owing to.
it ud on account of the beautiful
the large flotilla of power bosts-whlch
dap. the time wu'spui verp pleuTraverse dtp hw that a laucb pautip Id picnicking, trips to the SdJabe arranged ud U.u


iifl Re Held in Traverse City, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday,
\ June 19,20 and 21,1905.
in the erenlas from S to 7 o'doek on
Tneedar and Wedneadar. As there are
abont a score oT fine tunebes It la beUered (hat their owners will be (lU
to assist the eommlUee of amaseaeati la utertalnlhMlie reteiaaa bf
traattne tbut to lanboh trtpa The
•RMtada ud dub bonce of the We-qoebaw dob will doobtlesa be opu to the
C Muatei for the eedre three
daps. tCToomBilUee on lanocbea eoe• MUidtbo^lidMaD.
▲'•and Bal «d atrua iru laM npee alab of U L. eterenaaB. dtp editor of
■tka BtlMr of dteqndoM and the ooaa- the Brenlng Beenrd; C B. Mnrrap.
wetr MtWheterllr ud the detalla are
It the hate
wloti eoauaiueaa
who wffi tae to it th« hothitg wUI be
Mdhf4h msktac tte eeut ou of the
M0Ht tmt beat Tiuaiee Otr wrer

Ptaes far C
A Mbettai.of the eaecoUre eooimlttee or tbe O. A. R. wu beld to Judge
Robena’ oMee Fridar aftenux
whleb ttne-the aoiidUng ootns
made a report moot farorable u to
tho ontlook for raising Qie gSO
doetoed Mecaiarp to carrp oo the ei
pensea attending the eoeanpinent
This will be expended for apeUete
Ud their auendlng expenses, decora­
tions, BMle and other altmetloos
whldi are aeoeaurp B tbe eocei







trlotk Btreemera they wUl reedve
ovation for the dtoptap. An excursloo
One of tbe most interesting feUores
is pluned cm the bap for all delegatu
of the dap was Hlatoriu Afidersoo'a
during tbe encampment ud cm Monpnper.
dap evening uather exeenUve meet­
Mr. Anderun begu bp staling that
ing win be beld to make Anal arrugethere wu always a feeling of sadnern
with his uDual report but
age of ten penn. from Soiiou Bap. ,,
wlU be la this dtp during the enee—
•« -»«»
1 and that the ofIt, tbe date of their appear
fleers deserved great credit for mUIng
having beeo fixed
It M aoccessful. He then passed oo |
only Is tbto bud the youngest In tbe
to tbe ead ^ of bis talk, that of ea-!
worid but bu a large and well learned
.rolling thou that bad passed on to;
repertoire u that the pleuore of
) bold a reunion wlih the greet majoritp;
tenl^ lo tbelr music to folly equal to i...
' ^ ^ In the skies. A. la pear* pari the
that of much older plapers. The band
last pur nw msup removed from |
to uder the leUershIp of Dr. W. H.
earth, so dup that be did not attempt i
Papne ud will aenompup tbe old setto lake up the name* br counUea u:
tieri to Petoskep t
In Udliioo to U
tbe eaeampmeot.


He look up three from Grand Traveru eoutp whom be staled he eould
not help mentioning. Tbe flrat of
these wu Hon Perry HatinU. who,
With tbe promise pcsterdap of fair died Aug. 14, IW4, st the age of al-''
Bklm ud warm tuasblne the member* mosi SO pears He told of Mr. Hu-of the CHd Settler*' assoclaUcm ud all nab s arrival here In lUl. bow. I
ihelr friends combined, made prepar-1,„.o business with the HunU A '
ationsfor attending the auual me«- :Up
,hat buMneu
ing beU at Petoskep today ud at
sy every resldem
Leelanau and Grand Traveru cou-: v,ia,ble boWIngt In tbe clip of Ctl-i
U«B Who hnd up idu of gotng wu up:
He told of bto laierut In Trav-!
Mittae aigiipil the Mia that s
agut qf the O. B. 4 I. and -wm M. i Uw week's
uddolng. Downihe road in Leeto-j*^ cup. what he had done tor Com !
«Miau of tha dtp aaka a uadi
While dMegaua are
expected UF
to Uie
the i ““
u far u Cat HeU ......
point. [ pup M
M M,..
ud tbe
that wu
V «A1^A.-LVU
W.V warm
»u, ■regard
tet la tMa dbaetlaa. that tha dtp isap
II .WU deeUtf to ndverttoe tee en-; number of goo strong, tbto will u-1 •“"*
w™i«M of tee
lAPBvu terougbout Northern MIcb- dooMedly be mnteriallp tncreaeed bpi"" “ Northport. tee rigs begu lolm* bennUtol dtp c
SMk. Mth ud SIK. la kautag
;i^ andundfcrttotei-coBiniUeecsm. 1 omaide
omsUs Ttotwra
vIs1>m frnm
.ii porUou af
passugor;Qoe«natpofibenortbtha Bpndaua d tha mcaslna u
Stoting of J. W, Hauen and & M., tee state who wtU take.Uvutage of
**** .^*” ^. ***; i.
C. Bates.
a MnaaOhUaa at tha gairtoUsB of
Ben wu appointed.
; the extremely low mice to nnend tee '
H. 1.IJ b—b„ k,n«
nre now In floe vncnmpBeni u well u vtolt tee north.
A frnmt» OMMae. vtaleh wtu shaped Ilfs believed teat when the
11 lb b-r. bb, tb. I
(or the wedc beglulng Ojm .b
Traverae at# went In force
MitaB tiaiu nad oddau at the re- veterau arriva they wlU he given u J**"* 1» are u followa; For tee lower
iXamllp wet* not tbe only mounen bui
ouUBhMMi Rhea Meodap wfahlag. eordlal a reception u up city In the
Pern Marquette which palled col at handredt and hondreds all over tee
' '
7;M. while ihlrtp-flve Joined
state of Mkhtgaa and er« ooteide tee
■tete hu ever glvu them.
Hapar A. T. Friadrldu Fiaf. L B.
border* of the state. After toockittg:
Oemmuder In Chief aisfhFMV qf to. retnn limit to tee 23rd. Rates tor Northport apeciaL '
Tbe depot at the Pere Marquette upon her early life, be-look op her'
gOhtd. On—iillir M. a Morgan. O.; Bostoti wtu he here ud
a have a longer reP- oamr. S. S. Walter, t. W. Bawiea.
work ulllsg what she hU done;
r Hepkiu of Detroit Ud urn Mmu^ p»d utU ^ 34th.; ^
AU delecstoa *U1 nav terir tuivldul i 1“ ««
*l«i toe
throogh the home depnnent of the
e uUcipnUng a day of onslloyed Herald, of tee thousudi cf yoang
tlngutohed gtKsU.
: piemre. amoog them being E. B. people who hU taken ti
Tbe hotds nr* preparing to ure fc
'Mllier and wife. 8. E. Waite. W. 8. bow «be bad been o roftheoriglu-i
------------'.the Puk' Place \'
Preu Womu'a
€ designated u duutmeat
Her lotetest in tec bop*
veBlBg.a root
and giito In the at
wu decided to have tec Tra
d the Park
* wu *-8tDries from HlehCity band lor H«B4u..4venlag a
d of the cdebratioa. recepstoo at Pat* Place, to the pi
Igu HtoUwy for Boy* «
and Ibe oAoen of tbe W. H. C.
Uu Horton nnd & 1. Sprflgu. Mr.
« Ttoaday ud campflreu Tw
Udlea of tbe 0. A. R. and tbe bend nnd Mra. W. 8. Horton of Mobto*
wenlag. ntoo a portion oTthe da
oOeen of the R of T. Tweedny^evaimapflraawfllbeboldatteeCRr


Suits for Bops
and Wen,.,.
Siies from ihirty-one to forty-flix
breast measure—yoo voo't need to
look around if you come here firit—■
Suits f<v the boys from fifteen year*
up at

$«s $6e $7.Ms $10
For the men

$7.00. $W. $12* $lfs $1$
See the new store and the new

Smimln I, mrf purchm, «S

tit m, 20l», 2M, iurita a.


Sherman & Bunter
236 €. Trent St, tnetrst Qtp

n 'muMOAv, JUNK ta,«
to R o bnu? -Uro Dr.
trie OIL A rot? r.rl



tUnr Motw toft

• 01 Conrll boro beu svordod
f Juilo -iL PouM. a eetorod o
1; oBd tbo ulr o

told! Sudor. JUM »■ to oUM WtoorloJ
t br I (orrleu ot toe Ant it. B. toon*

bo «m BO to Broouro to aur tbo

« flv and mpMt U M tkiK «o tMt

Iblns like 100 vllte (tnduU.


Mr. M««o hu o tone
Ao BUT u eu bo tooroed be woi U; Soiurdorir to fiicBdo to tbo dtr to vtoh
rooro tod opd bto Doae to clru o<
leeoH on tbroah bto oerrtoo.
MOTM U O blfhlr OOtOOBOd B L. Crovaor. He vu u a^ moo

”lV»nirM CItjr ia* «fi»B w»»t *•
» do tod«r ■


*V «< ■
ifhm tbo “Bora of

tl- wo boro, tbo
tetb 0000
vUk tbo «M (tai


w»Sa '


■iwbiir to tbo Bptrortb Uarw to too OBd

tbor (<N|bt for —Rooord.

poor. BO poor tool douHr
bo vao forpeJ «o lolwr dollr.
Aobtor M. B. atm* ud to bobor to
bto larlB*. o torowoll poKT *u fiToo Dorto* tbo »int* bo bod rbopprd
HOBdor OTUlac br too toocoe ot toe! vood for Tariottt
bOBO to Mr. 0B4 M«. Fnak Hill* u I lu« for Joha Ib-onlr.


ud h«d
With toe aUtiR '

i: GrsdutcMcdkitticftftBeitBBna
• OiirefBUy

tbo N. B. porooMfo. Bdlontor N'otto Bavood oruoe. Tbore .ereiof vtatrr vui bto ouoimUIoo oa.l l.. i
■Main will kave T-vver,.. Ciiv u> S^^*?***
ooeutr-Are paou prueot ud 1 vao foreod lo »eek uoto<^r.
I€:30'». n
S.r,«.,,a VOS (put lo O »«7 how ' vbotCTer he onuld flnd-to do.
for portl.-otor^
J.m. s ->
no Hiuer
Hiller oone
bone a
to o aoehoeA ...ue
lliUe o»er o w.vk ---------------------------oco be
br Bor. KoBJi^. Aftor tbo eoroacsr


orataK, tUnr R. Wola wd Him
UMio KBlKht voro unUod U aorrlac*

ibo luvpr
wtUi iWr ottood'DIMalor OMMSl TrtpoK. Mrt
oau. MIH JeooU Vadoitmn ud Ar«r tto uurlor. aoks that the tkor Boldvto. dma to ibo bcw« of
June 12ih u. 11th, .1,
ta^ «i tbo nhmnMm <t
tbo brtdo. wbor* oboM tbirtr<»o to Vito JOUBOU lulona. DlirlBi the : eo deulolo ot Jiul toe time vh.-u oaliBBOdiou rtotolTa bod »»- OTUiai too Ciun oad vofen vereUnre demude toe mlniettatliin ..f lor- jvre Marquette o*em» will s-ll iirk.-i'
fc* «l»d to * |KClin^t»T*
h 'u"i
kiftono ttet
MDbM to b<»0f to th* DcroNitn Tbo «rud oad btoor, tbo ponr aUonmed ■ la« buda. She pitied bln b«t did aot a. a -ate
•# ttol tto OKltal
w«« tototoollr dooormiod o-JU. Mr. Mono vao preoeatod wlto o *dW top there. In reaper lo the old ^3,^^
Hag o fttl to toe luxae. The ptvaea-, nan a oppeol for work, she aold tool,
tottoa tp*^ vu mode br W. H., be could Bx up too tovn ond vbile be,
--------- ---------------------)Ci> BcmtUDW lorUa laopN Md l>
Uw taUMU Of ibe |iN4to
f»r UUi kadod with toaptlu dolaUto. geott ud Mr. Horae rootoollr re-:wu dolnf U remoln ot toe Cbopta PON SALE-Form team tlu X. Kini
ma>- :T4f
vood ovemie.
odwoUoB. to tod. •doowtoo of tfe* Mr. obd Mhl WoJoo roedrod boot UUded Vito vorda to oppreclotloo, borne wbire he mlebi kIc-h and eat
______I II ||[[|| —T --------- •uotol preouu. wbleb ulj porUollr
I tmoll oBuunt
am » coToranMt rterdo the pwwN upioto too UUi Miuto la «biu toor hi_
Deoler f, ' AllenV Footjnie old moD vu grateful ud vet to *
ore boU br tooir Irtoado Moar load
, r.-d H n
verb Vito o vlll bnl o week ogu 6oi-! a m.wd»r inr
a wo Vito tooa 00 toeir loyraer
I. ArfcIV. H.
U W. Com ud Hta Roee VuVol-1 „rtor noealBg be
s token 11
Atall dra«
keabarg vere united la norrloge at : pBeumoala. tiiero
Old Mtooloo Loot
o'ekitoc p. a. Hoodor ot the bone ol vould bare tnrned him ovoy la his

U J.




moon an. Otsu tuu muUlu. Trarstm Uty

lo t>iwaua« V»


~ "i

PIORU Oort RBOkoro to Ibto totr U K. Cleerlood. Rev. Tbmnu OR toib«^ih. there ore more vbo would not
at Obd dofooud too (M Old Mtwha toe rint Hetbodlol ehnreb belag ihr : ho^* mkea upon Utnnielvea toe lobor
tooa la o boUr coetootod. veil plarod oMeloUng minuter.
i<K coring for u oged poiieet obout
It boBor to toe oeeuioa ibe hone! vum iber knew notolng. toiriag too
vu tutofnllr deeeroted vUh poUed j put yur Hn CUpla bad cared for
a and hu be^
pluU ud before o prtotr orrange-' •
--------------- ------------ --------------

TrapoC 1000 ibtt tooodr. Trronr obd

toMbUM do Mt fo bud to boto .Piiiiw ud totaniidbM obbu
aotod. OM tosM giro tnr to tbo otbto.
. H to tno tbto odoooUu to door
to tbo ptotoBtoOot to BMOto. tbo
•nut tool too toulTod tbo utiu
Iblii I ilftoili Ilir‘

------ - —

VuToIkooborg. o ototor to tbo bride,
voro vhiu olbotioR. no bool mu


,vw a brotoor of toe groom. Orrio
QOM. TboeoroBanrvuvIinRaodbr

I bto dot* to tuou

obbMtoatotouWuMO. U
tog tbU OOBOOB. OTor,tvobaBdrod inkitotowtod ud (bou to bo to
tU Boongb OB tko MUooari at Cbleogo
' A uut dbtnt to MtofeoMd •
UotoMM. no BOOM toor bo toU Fridw Bight tor lake poMtA among
toon boteg Mr. Deoker and Bro troBi
pu^ MUO ttoi-nrlr btoutr obm Omoho drlVtiig here oM Utog trau-

notn* *« tbo dukbOM blrudr
Si Miu dur Bntoo «(n buku ud

to vtak ber hoppinws lo llfe-a moot

vu held

fro n.ihe


• to toe

0 tbe graduatea.

ItbanUu -and hBrtag ouatned toeir CbBM to Klngaler teuhiod home reo- redUUoBB. reedring tvo enooiva.
terday aftor apondlng 0 obort time ia Haxei & Jofaaaon wu Ibe raledictor
<t compoaltloo ud deliver;
tbo dty.
r. N. Olau to HayfleU vu la toe


The oommencemem

not too NorvogUBo boro too p<

etty oa buttnaR yatoorday.
odareu vu ably gireo by Prof. Wm
aptrtt, too oomo opirit toto powmid
Hra Will Chaw a»d ctolldren left P. NeedhoB( ot Tlarerse City. Prof,
too paMtoo to tun eoontrr la UT(. la for HayfleM yesterday afuc a
^aedham spoke of toe Iraportuce cm
toovB M too doelorBitoB. *ne Norvo- otay la Use oitr.
.commaacemeM tlBM ud of toe grR<
glOM b*To BOW booB Bor Boror.vffl
Mrt. Joale UKler to CadUlae vu In work to toe publk aebool tyatem.' nc
be eoBKoorod.’ 8Bch nut aukns
too dty yeolerday.
mtaatoo to toe public school la to makc
good NBBdoUoB for 0 gorornmOBt I
Fruk Bdtaer loft 00 a bualnR
K»d ciUaena. Tbe qoallftcstkma
> Boyne City yutordny.

good dUten are aetlrlly. booor

Ooorgo JohntoB toft on a flaking trip


y\\ 5.L.C0RNLK FKON i f. UMON

' [f

The Ch^pest Paint

uyooueoaeio. 1; tbsbijh^trta

AA^HIPMAN" Van White Lead coBts op
^ more per galloa than lots of paint with
half the durability. Estimated by the year. "Ship*
man” White Lead is the cheapest paint you can use.



Uto .

- - ------------------jSsl'iKaS

Hannah .& Lay Mercantile Co.


bla God.

Tboee of

A. B. OHIeu to SuttOBO Bay ipoBi
Mterday at Hoito Whiting.

When in need of a physician




toot so?
'Buyings plarui afaouUt tx-dune
to much tbe name spirit, look­
ing to toe sersloea tbe piano Is
capable of renderlnc;. tor It mar
be the lui you will buy during
a lifetime ud you wut li u> re-^
main a piuo of nerii f»r
other gvneraUun at least

caose they are pwullarly made,
rhey hare dlsilncilve tonal ds(tied exclusively In tbe Kimball.
Then. too. the best tuner* ud

Frank Loobm vent to Late Ann

la too dty sisttlng U

Huxle Kcaler.

H. B. SUl itot today for OW Hlaakn.

Daath to Straapar.
A lakR In by a «ra
glrea a plane to rut bit b

It a

food to Rtisfr Us huge
too city yodoBfay.

yar. $1.U0.
lUOlbs lh«{(.'ai>i'URiiiiiUb-<l ]

Hr>-r}'«bcrv womoe pmiac the aimplieity
I and uisy uction of





Why? Beentw l^’fp t«*y U. f.-tol—«Bgy
to k«q‘i» cl<«u—to tum-PoillS erOT
womaa wfe* bdps alwBi Ike dairy kas a rfflt
t« iBsirt oa. Ajl oth. r sojwriiertrHim? 1»rf,
II «-atakiKox|.lamiiR;tl>f TaliuUr Hr^mtura.



1 i 5. and I 1 7 Stato Street

CaU and

Ilutiicsaii'l lUriMws

Elgin C. Lewis.
June. July and Ausiust




piano makers In Atnei^ca admit
tool tbe acUoD of tbe Kimball
piano will wear hifiger ud rust
ff. H. Shaw. Prt... V A E. Burch., Pris.

is the-fam'l) that buys


of us.





Prices Are ReasonaHe
The priera we will quote you
on Kimball. Hallel k Dans ud
other piuoa we earry will meet
jrrar moat hearty approval, be­
cause they are "rigbi prior* '
Ail plAOo* lo our store are

to be foQod uywhere conslal

W. EMo. member to toe school
prodaet to bar I
Jamu Kinnk to Hanlatee t* to toe board, eriilr'a fev veil chosen re­
fOTBm to Bagttoh ou oru te too oym- dty today.
-el. pressBled il)e dtptomu to toe
K too sura
bto to boraMr. aho had vat
a. % Wtdtaer to Hapie City to to fdiovtoc:
X oad'ev toe dty on a sbnrt badneu trip.
•to ptoBtod toROBd to Hg
Oleaaa. Ida Neuen. Cbu Carlson
Mrs. V. Harder to Grand Rapids
Bdvard Kesaea.


r ill f..r (' Fat Pork, j
riiritaii Varluf \
>kir: for
Ills Ht-MiI (Pali.- |

retain their gucul tune quality
kmger than uiber makes Is br

marked is plain figures, one
price 10 all and that toe ioweai

W. B. NIchoU to Nortoport vu to
too dty yotoorday.

r Uvl I'UU-litT i

or Uwj-cr. IL.- tlrst IbousliC la

leas fur repair* when It Is 'ei->-

i. B. HoodereoB to CadUtoe vu la toe detlu relating to himself. (>
too dty yectorday.

b at tte Casb Grdcery.

201 So. Union St.
226 E. Front St.

Do Yo« Consider Its Ancestl7?-Ils FamUy
u In Ihelr ablUi); Ihu ebarge
for their Bervlcc* U at ll•*Rl a

•* WHY?

I The Place to Buy

A Piano?

old tbu uy action on (be mar­
In Oala Drooo.
8. W. Chamber* left yMterday for, fatare Impedu aeu
nogs and butlbg gtre a eUy a gala Cadllloe.
] A vortoy clUten 1
glr tiMd Botolog emo OBB.
B. & SUaley retntBad from OmeujbcM. An ondylng
oomototag mogneUc U “Old Otorr'’ yooterdAy oftor InataUlac
‘leboaU be bla principle, and cm
oad at Ito oigbt to Bi boBMim Mdo lyno lighting plut to the’ Ckmd cot- doee bla honor depend. A good
'-toe ptoM beat! qulekar and tbore la tago.
sen must be moral. He must pei

It brtaga.


strty-W. B»i on». >-

beU in RorV

>in[*tGal essay. “LongTH
M. a Cnme to BnoRoa .vu In toe lov." by Edvard Noaaen. shoved care
kBR Bto boon M effMtro oa toop elty reotordor cm baatneoa.
-epuaUea. ud toe ctau prodiWoBld hBfo boon bad not thU be«
Tbomu RoUlR to KlagAer vu
u veil handled by Chorlea Cari
kept In mind. But tt SvedoB vuu ohoklog bands vlto frieada In toe <dty
Urt.-BUabeto Ray. gho t
war oho «u bore it. u toe Nopvatoo clou song. "Tomng> gave a One
OhoHw Maear °f HaifleM vu In orlgtaal reading. Bled vito humor and
vu Bot toe (WBlt to hot hoBded im- too eltr yamardar.
bdpful toongbla. Little Charlie Oleaoc
palM bat vu toe taduH of corufut «eMr*. A. K. Btodeflah ud Mrs. M. greatly pleased toe audience vlih U»

» loro

vutiuH funiiiuiv of aU LiuJa.

I EurciOM.
no Btoalo bod u traigbt toxtow

giao nKHin to King OHor to Svudia. FrcR noadoy^ Kaeotd.

Obo boBdrad and
X akUlful t


Hr. CboplD circulated I ______ ..---------------------------------------------------------

HIM Jobnt ot Nortopot. Hias Von- funeral
forrod br too Nortoon Miebigu
Valkoaburg^ tMiaer hone.
URtaUu oonponr to Bk Bogh

paepla of Norvog bsre M vtih to

•Igkt that lOBdo te Bobto toOB^U to


■ &rS

U-liii-Util ami moot Uoialilc* fioisli
bnnl or
‘*rilliiu»t color* for reiw

Hr. Cou to u lo« to mv .ha, .be old man ! I
vu giTvn 0 decent burial In Oakwoo.1
provided ^fvhli ironblossduUlge J. W. Otekmsa
largo Bumbor to frloBdt bera.
no OBt to town guoste vere Mluet flovers toot the vork-w
Leila and Bertie Wordea ot Hobel ud ...t r. ™i,t,.»u» n....»«

«bo ooporuka to Ntotru bbd 8*0-






dttoUlouo rotng mu vbo olio hu 0

ball Souirdor orentag. Juo 10. ud
MtotuT Ud tbU u ttouttotb oMtuy TBvu tatg. The ftaight pert to Cbo- too tovgrgm u anwmnrest In loot
. Miu. VbU It dou II VIU bo o Ur borgu to o outrol point for oootern VOOkt Herald vu oorriod onl rety
tiaMe u tor M CUreland and Detralt
•to. KT««» bb*
»tol«tof br
no boll vu beutlfully
tiu tou tt ua otu vbu tu eoutn oad too nUaoto ooold bore eoapletely doeontod Vito toe etau colem. green
leaded ter Cbkago. ot toot
. to muatob «w I'otAued •* ou
Ud vblio. and too oadit
too fTOOtoto ptoNd lo tbo vortd.
large and opprecUtlre. ne mnaleal
loBdt«( awr van toft Iff borlbr toe
porta by ReU Cook, Mr*. U ). Reddy.
Mtoeourt vbleb vu bound aorto yeoN0U07 to toatriouo.
Uu OeoOB. Ido Neuen. Hn.
tmdar. Ttm latter boot left bm.
DembHlle. Ur. H. L-Neuen ud Ulas
mto ot 1 o'elaek
4U boa
Nu Helm vere Bnelr rendered ud
mOTBlBg. John Baab. who it maUng
cook reoeired U encore. After Hr
0 kBrtgRi trip to ChiMBO. vu 0 PBODnmbrtlle bad touked toe udlenoc
ougR .OB bar oad Hf. OOw to tbta
(or tooIr inlereet In toe school.
U K. Holmu of Empire, gort the In
OBU-VW to toe Dnttod SUtR. 1
roeoUaB ud

vttota toe braoat to orory
flag to tUs naUaa to u


iiieitif imiiiling »«• U -ylfi.mi» rlvapi)iiwltli' y

laportut TMiure.

^ amo vm ibo tooU to too tottowto

too people and lor too people.—Bee-

«4ll 1..1I .-mvl., I*s-I ur UisU-r. uu.I will

She bu o Tory Urge nlreie to friends
Troval oror too ioko route U boeb-

bto too ro^lt to oi«or»
Moor to tbo SBiopou Utkat Uu

iBSSt.e <J bow lutis

l‘..r ii!l...„isi,l.. ;itp!
.i. lIV


r nw'i.
p. Bea/i.opumy, f„r tuno. Terms,
Terms, IIIW
mor«- down trd ba>ure _
Elmer E. Webs^. Poottoc.

The b*Me to o popular roaag tody cept toe name to
to toll totr. boring boon 0 graduate to whlto be drt«ped In bis
too Ttaroru CItr High oeboto la l»O0
>upled with Hople Roplda.
oBd for toe post four yRra hu beeo
Uoador he toy la the borne wbcfe he;
tooeblBg in toe eehooto to too county.


• oiKdbto
oiBdbto vitb
tottb • oum to lood.
1 1
ndooWodlr (bo
pmt totoibt bbd

tut too out tot bar bo

r r,r

could OB a eooeta in bis room. But dc-1
spite ber efforts be died early ycater-1
dor mofulBg.
of bla put. |
No blot Of

no hoppr eoopto ‘eft K» » wedding Botoiag to vbot lay behind toe portrip toot onarBoOB to Ung bake ud ertr to bU decIlBlng re*ra. no word
vUl bo 01 home to ibeir rrteada la of wbot mode bin 0 homeleu wu-!
oboot o week ot 7U Woboier atroet.
dmr. no bint of uy he held dear ex-



Cure for FIlec •


droR and conM o boMinet to bHde'a him to the laflrmorr. ao the fourth paLoots. Ho.
reoR vhUo Ua brWeomolA Ulu lauro tleal vu odded.,10 ber list..

ateut toirtr gnooto


stricken with the dlw^r- (aUsiarsrraay
any e
too buatlfni ring urrloe being used. But the old mu's friendlcssncss tpno bride vu oUlted In 4 too ollk pealed to her ud she couldat lead

nut of toow toe eova arm pilgbted.


tbo dobt to Apt aotoir ibid, tboro-t
MU bttolUatou OMotot tee •

Ih-ii/lcounty, for lilOo
Terras. »l‘"r ot
more down and balante at r. p«-i
Elmer E. Wehtler. Pontiac

^Tjeiood Paiiit Paps^

em with good musical s^ weartog Qualiliee.
Our . small



makn piuo bwyinp auy.




I'he reason




htire > CJU have a host of patterns 10 choose from
ami a i-lcasing number can readily be found.
Then auiain that question of price don't bother
U U» iun« .
Ob rsBainxsBd



at all.

Ours range from i>c a

double roll up­

ward- and each and every [■aitt-rn shows good
\ alue.

Be sure to gel yours at the

tvtbsr n


City Book Store
Bthrt.Bmhtr £t...PKft.

trmru 0»F, ItWtA


•iMwoTfiAVEME HCMtA -muMOAV. MHt lu mn.


trip to Honor thla Bcnlac.
; J. Kowrik ot Cma I^ier apeat raster' dar neeplae.
Thoe. T. Baie*^ aeeotapasled br Ut
John CampbeU and John Ulrtae letl day at Hotel COIoDHa
for a dar'a Aih^ trip os -Carp \ake.
J. B. AiaUcr of CadUiac is la the daasbter. VUa CUiraTlefl OB aMnlac
for Chlcam. vbere Ihcf vlU apead a
O. A. Blnchaai aad vUo «< (tewc dtrapeot reetcrdajr la the cUp.
Mtea ^akv Kdir. who ha« bren
hra. H. Cnnolnckan at Cedar dtp teadto* the L "
Boston, la hone tor ber atunnef _ _
apeat realerdfy at'Hetel WbiUaF.
Ortop of Famlna
U K. U«aa of laiertoeto waa ta Uoo.
Wmlan C >-el«B. wife and lUtiej
the dir resm^lar.
Miss Alice Cribba el Elk Rapldrjt-n arrived in the eJtr .bU nomine
r W. B-C D«l>.
as lo the very
apeot the dar hi the clirj from Ibelr borne town, Lcland, and re-1 ewd. la
lone torture. loth to Tlcttic
MIta Marion Boberu. who has been [ ported to the Record a laree and aad fricod*. 'TVhco
-When I bad cimaumptintI staat'-.
stasi'-. ' wrfue
Wts. M>3 per cell iBmi aa line DeiMlts. tlaUIac her pareau <
r siowlh of bocm
the count,! Uun In- lie
- -la;. • street for the past week retnmed to scat ihia si
rvlllafieof |et^ iidldnre atul\'icood d«to
Chleaso today, where ebe U elapIorcM hielaBd Is Idcailr situated and'thcrc Is rain, t at lam took Dr. Kina s New Dis‘
ao reason why Ibe scaioa there aboold «vcry. which tjolcUy and pcrrectl;
iB sMtlenmt work.
B. L. KaahU d Klncrier was l« | >»* be most prwatslns lo the tesidmis
town yesicnUras well a.« U> those who have ferrlled hronefaltla etc PtwIlUcly prevents
A.BQirarOvUttlsapendtastbeday oBt lu undolstiiic bills and clear. pneaBKala. Gnaracieed atj —lo the cl r.
loaoaenad Bood pshlnE streaais.
Store Ca s. F. H. Meads
ECRU} rooc
Charle Narmaa of Werford pas-ed! DtwMjFood eommiMionrr
CommlMloiirr ustac
ttemc ^
Sc *wd «
bStH *
ibroDch t^e-cUr on bl>
Kal-;' an<i
aad M>
^1s iimiiK-ns
umbrella, imHPfunder ^Ich he h».ha<; .jOc.
1 R. O, Grrevonnr of ivirolt, arrived In
i™.,-. Il«™,

Clrcalilloii IWt wwk 2,750
. -r*» HmU !■ icdebicd <o Hn. La; Mw €( Cedar Bin for • beuUfuI
biMoet of SBiDBer lowerv.
I JQDC i: the boeU of
IbjJSpftbem Mlefeioii Trm«»pcm,»fc* fWTiity win leare Cbloco erery
TiMdAI' *t 1 o'etodc p. n. kad cnrr
9tUv at 7'o'clock p. n. vrltrliip in
(dtp ewiy nnndar and BnBdaj
noraMca. -Tbc taUa have bees
, ^ wild laMr.

w.-J ttiw m

Mr. ■*.> Mn. B. F. Sdn-bM.
I Lake Ann ifaU momlnc afti-r they could unfurl tUelr ll>Jilns tackle.
-jyotb sireet
speodlnp a few days la the dtr, Nol finding i< up that way they aeiv
- John BUek and wife ot lateriochrn, here, laU-r Iravlns for bleb tlmlK-red
--------------------rere In the city reaterday. rcumln*
up the Iktardman. T.hey
A Bad Beam,
onie this noon. -^ p^rd fmni aeain abo-jl Ihe latt.-r
S’’™'* ilaT }ou will pet a bad scare.
Georpe B. Habbcler of lAke Apt. „art..rf tbc *«-k.
•M la the city yesterday.
»|„ p. ,, Bare and danshter re Rr. Kines NW Ufe ItU*. a sure core
B. C. Ileaee or ProTcmoat (pest the turned this momlne from Omens for sll bowel and stomarb dlseas< «.
ay at Hole! Btllln*.
j ,*ore llK-y spent Sunday with Mr t=.trh ax headache. bHioasnesa. conlv.
new. I'lc. nuamnired at Johnson Dru
A. F- Banting of empire was thek- ' p,_
Co. ». F. H. MmdP, 8. K. »>" '
tag hands with friends In tbrcMy-yes j1 C. E. Rnody, formerly clerk <•( ib> Sion8<m»' Drug Sioree. only "
Montm sod later of ibe Todr. Cran-J - "ic“Ml. M..d. B.«„. i^r M,
....d U,ra.dh lb.
Lake, where she will speed Iwo weeks' Stindsy ia ihe llitie villarre. m-berv b.wllh her parents before leaving for
nras ua tiurt'ljr • pleasure trip. ili-bUsI;
his arrival lo company with Anhiir

men's Eanvas Shots

Five o< the aevoB d(4ecBtea trom
Traverse City for the BrnaMNi's coa
vantton to be bold at Laaalag Wedaes
day ana Thunday of tbte week Wi
Taeedar nooe. Those that went were;
-Unacaa HcLanghllii. ehltf: William
Rhtrer Irnm bone company - No l;
Thomas Shilson ftan No. s, mak
Klapaeh from No. t. a. B \<ag).rrom
1*0. S. whUe J. W. unukea and Hem,
Colby, who represeni No. J will Hsavita the moralag.

Only $1.00 and $1.25 a Pair
Beys' and Veutbs' Canvas Shoes
TIu-l«>ys are hanl n;i tlieir sIum's aitil .-aioas
we.irs .-IS vri-ll as a i.'®'*! ttiaiiy l.-alin-r oiii-s. &->
wlTy n-bl tr>- anivas this linn-?

Prict 8$c ta $1.00 a Pair
Cadies' Oaisrds. Special Price
Mail.' in Hlin'k. Tan of P.ili-ui l-«-.-itlier.
la-.allier ill lieW "liiliw'li Ti." slyli-.
< ixfonls will surely y.>u
you (or the.
in-Iy siirpri.-uiiri<->

Only 0$c a Pair
Cadics< Slippers

And you know why, too. It's
ibMC Kray bsJrs! Don’t you
ksowihgt Ayer’s Htir Vigor
rettores color to t«y •»•(*■?
Tell, it does. And If never
fills, either. It stops famag
Mr also, and keeps the scalp
cleas and beilihy. Do rot
crow old too fast I
.7r'.Mi7S5Sl'2f5 ?Tv*:’2
I, •> •m.b.Mi M lb »«.(« IP, bpi' frtm
iMrWBc mb. »F-A ,i».. Sb-MPb a, wsb,. ii,i
L. a rt..«isu>.ras'.Mi vug.


This store will be closed every Friday afleroeen -dorloc the warm weather*
commencint July niu

Only SI.S5 a Pair

Fm Growing
Old Fast

SaC per Yard

traverse City State
' Bank

dtlrn's Safin Call Sbscs

H. B. DorialiAaBd ^te ed the Lcclaaau hotel. Omean, arrived lo the cli}
oa the special from the' sonlh on
Thursday, aad left for the teseif town
ai t o'clock after a halfday's i^f
- r days el trdrei and
ewiag to the railroad tie up. Mi'l Dor
land Btated to the Record
proapeetP'were moat favoiablc (or a
'^jioed aeasoB. the opealag of the hotel
being on Jnne Zi.

Indigo Blue Prints
new patterns, just received. , We place on sale at the remarkably low price


Prepare Vour Teef for
(Uarm Uleatber, 0ool
Comforfable Footwear
Jlf Comfortable Priced

waa la losra Thareday. preparing to
Wave for LebaDoo, Ho.^ where be
aad hla Ihmily srill make ihrir home ta
the futare. They ^peeled to atari "6o
TbanUy. but owng in the poor train
cnaaoetloca ware obUged to wall. Hr.
- FiMh fai aoeUBg a climate where «
mer testa ail the.yaar around. -


Apron Cbcck Ginsihams
4e per Yard


' At tte neHUkc of Ur inwieea Wed
MPOar Uie Stale teak wai (elected
u depocliorr tor the futte of (he
_____ ^
i iMtDor that the hotel was 'n i,.i open.--!
Kenhen MIctatm Mplan. their bid '*'*‘"**Mac (be bfcheat -rate of late^ on PromriJalurdaVa Becort.
! underhis nanacemrnl. It.- M;r. n>io:i,dallr depoalta. Suiael Garland
M. Wlednre of Sutemit CJiy sp< '>
deeled trecnirer ||i p)ac« ct 3. T.
UaaBBh. lealceed.
Fin'. Jitw-'nt.mimii-liii're or
the city on a buslnosi trip pwterdiy.
Tremaine spent Sunday
Frod and Tom Bailey bare tomOscar BeegmUler of Kingsley
|«t Slights SWin#: with her rvtellv< =
Ollier causes cannot -xxror if
iBetad a baadsoBw twenty-foot latiach in the city ycaterday
■ Herman Squires of Wret Nln*»> . yonr raoiiey is s.ifcly depositfor tbemaeiTea. The boat Is a
I. J.B«ldy aad wife Of Cion Arborl«"^«-’Sartd
*sl in Iho riiiilts of this kmt.
promise stem ^edd and la cculpped are In the city «~iai•'
*• Higby.
with a Fay A Bowu engine. The
Dr.-J. C. QauDUiitt of Elk llapids|
B»rt Hanry went t.> Cav,.}.
est ■'<ini{)ouml<<il twice u y-itr
bool U aaned afrer the JapaatM ad­ bw T.MMM. .1 p.k >lb«
MM- «"“■« l" «•» b« ■»'miral. iWk aad awkea a vary paeent llmi- per evni
a B. Puircr of Old HUsioo la lo the Mrs. Tracy Selby.
fal appearaaee oa the water.
Ernott Wlegand returned test Sai
dty today.
Mrs. E. H. Bucher of Manictee urda.v from Mlisoori, where be aiteudO; B. Murray, barmc^pohed of his
cd the university.
lalereat la the UIIIUw>Ulgbaii>-MurHiss Looltc Buck, who for the pa.-i
Bast -lonUo where chc was
rar laoaeh to George W. Laidle. hi^
porehased the Lady Margaret from tmlled'by the death of her alsler. Hrs.j
the Binder Mtata. The Lady Margaret ' Kasflaka.
Ralph Brooks of Old Mtedon Is in |
ta thirty feet ktng aad is propelled b:;
a twelve horse power Wolv^ap cr the dty today.
Mrs. J}.'W. Clapp of Ccalral 1.3k<
cine. BbewillbevaedcmBaatbay.
apeat yeaterday In the rity.
R. A. Rymer and daughter Miss
l%e new pUu ot Orend TravavM
Hande, of Iradellc.-Tesas. arived today
ewuaty. wMeh were Mmlled teat
tar by Bedater of Deeds Frank W. lo spend (be summre here with relsWUsoo, arrived test week Wednesday Ilves aad frlendi.
Pearl Bradabaw left ihls more
Mias Pear
fresb tren the haada of the bookblude:
visit at Cadillie.
era. Oeabtedey Bros. A Co., of Katema- log for an eriended
Arthur Ashley of Keystone passed
sap. TlMVAre STatt inehea pad rnpreMt all plat* ot the eoonty ahd Tiav through Iho city on his way’ to Sparta
«ae aty.
Ctende FarrlDwn of-Old Mlisloa U
Fire Chief Murray has ordered
tpeedlng the day la the city.
new Are alarm bora for ote In the
Chartea Baumberger of Norihpori
aiy opera boose gad BteteberW* treed through the city this monilag
Oiaad. They -wUl be placed on the X route for South Bead. led., when .
stage and wlU operate with the Game- s was called by a meesago'from bls|
waO «atem abowhig up a aomber the father .vestorday asaonndBg the terl-'
same as say other boa. The one
oua lllaoas of
aged graadUtfaur.
Sjitiif Ciilf is llie most jinietiviil ii-iilln-r in
SulBberra la Na 8 aad the one
A. H. lumaa,. formerly ot Nortbport
tlHiliiim iiricinl shoes. It >1<ks wot luink'i! ;iml
Ibe City opera hosre te Ko.».
but eflale yeare a resldcai of Indiana
wears well, Tlioy'n' niii'le in piod style.
stated that Mr. Inman
bad anffered a severe stroke of paraly­
qraad Rapldt Buaday
tanay bours sis aad which, at Us age. S8 years,
* orerdM bhre oa the leoini trip,
would wllbout doubt prove fatal
rtrtag la the dty at 8 o'clock Monday Richard Banmbergn-, who Is niicnd
aoraliig after leaving Grand Rapids at
the Ferris school, will Join lii>
Tlieri- is riolliilik.' enoK-r ior Warm weatle-r
6 o»eloek at alght. They arrived at brother and the two go home logeiher
■ than e.-invns. It is liu'lit uiul .vet wears »• It.
Qrand BapMs Boaday afternooB at
Mrs. W. B, Cray and two chlldmi
IHie.v'n' iniiile ill black or tfO’y.
tiUriaMaakegon. The road has com- left this looralag for Fife lAke. wbi-rt
pMed the repairs due lo waahouu and they will twmala for a two weeks' vlsi:
hereafter alt nrahia wBI be run dtrecL with ber atetcr, Mra. Sperry.
from Monday's Rroord.
Mrs. James Scott of IkU Hiy leli ft.r
PrOThmoDi (Us raereing to Molt ivls
D. R. Robtason weot lo llingbam In
spend a few days this moriiing.
E. P. Oagnor of Korthpori was Hi
the dty tmr Sunday.
Prank Ci^ of this rtty went in'
Solon this morning.
E. Reaeh'and Fred .ktt..lier c.i
lUie spent Sondsy
Hot. I


Mail--of kul l.-iillnT. bail-! liirn.-i. uilli strti|i
j)ii-l l»»w. .\s
as y-in'll lin-1 at iiiaiiy
•sat$1.2->. Our |'iri--i-

Only 7$c a Pair

Cadies' Serge Shoes
a jc'r ''‘f th<^- --anv
J sliji'On whi-ti y--'ir

Only SOc a Pair

Cadies' eemi.rt Slippers
All nil !-'ailic-r •.tiji|i.-r. with sir;.j> oruiilumi,
IilS-li- on a « nil- iinf->rtal)!-- List or a iialTowc -r
lUori-Mvlisii owe.

Only 50c a Pair


All colors and all sizes of checks. These will be sold for



to plan for porch and lawA faniiture and hammock*, you witt
later, better (jet them now. You will then have thetn^i^en you want them.
Our stock is lar(je and the ijoods are new—^fae best we have carried.

Porch Chairs


and settees to match, made in the dtu-k brown with dull hniih, all manlier of
odd shapes. They arc as suiubicior the house as the porch. You will Ijlu '

Patent Hammock Chairs
the easiest, most comfortable reclining chair ever Invented. The occupant
inu protected from the sun at all times by means of the extemion canopy top.
It is so restful for reading or sleeping, if you please.


Reclining Chairs
the kind that arc so, can bo'Toldcd up in a moment's time and carried mih
you. ^'au want them on the porch or the lawn, when you have a picnic or go
camping or have an outing. They sell from 75c to $3.50.

Old Hickory Porch Furniture
The most unique furniture that is made, manufactured from small hicitory tree*
with all the natural rough surface left on. AH manner of shapes in both rock-<-rs and chairs. Some have woven scats, some are solid, some of the backs are
woven, while others have spindles. You arc sure to like any of the styin.

Camp Chairs
and cami> stools are most handy for outing occasions or use c I the porch or
lawn. You will need them many times during the season.

Never has there been such a line displayed in the city, all the Anost striking
combination of colors. Nbuwill want a* Hammock when you go camping,
when you are at your summer cottage, when you are at home, and this ii the
place to buy them. Prices are from $1.00 to $6.00.J

StHtr pf Seed 5$M5



Btia Mran' Satordar etaaSac.
The daaix Satnrdar eecatiis di
^ boatv ot the baaebaU toaa *Bi
craad sneeaa. Ereryone had a ft

<»rand Traverse R^on.

aad Mra. B. Warner aad Er
Nenie Warner aad Mr. sad M
1 Lake had dlaner vUb Hr. i
L. E. L Lake SuBdar.
liases Came aad NetU-> Raaa w<

t OMtral Laka an ritOUag Ufa.
_a. Bert KMkr aad daoiWer of
Ttarwaa atr w elalUac rdkatirca
aad oOUas w oM tiMada bare last

Mr. 04 Mta. nuk Bocrn nmt
aiMv. aaaav ud Mo>d» «t o»
Btato ntaniad to W
turn* at Sotoa oa Satmdajr. iptr rto-

to bv htee.
Omt HaaM «aa a KliifMo]' caUer

MiM mnaa Barton otosed a a
iiniwfal urBWoebool at mil at
last Prtdar. She wlU go to her hone
at Trarerae CItr the drat <d the weak.
Wa shall mlaa her ften the Center.
A Baaber of oor people aad a aoi
bar of West Caioa paopte toei at the
the paopte there otgaaite
“ '
> fellewtac odteere i
iiteBle Bophtsa; aecretary. Hr>. A.
B«Mth: traaaw. Bd HopUna.
Hr. aad-Hfa- Oahom letorned .
^ bow « vwt at 8. H. Oaborti-a
‘lS!'B5a <Mora baa a brother tU-

JKiJt™ rt«0^,«.» M~. Wm.

aanael Hrera was esHad away by a
Id^raiB from bla brotber'a wife, itatlos that hit brother was at* expected
to lire. They lire at MIddletop. Mich.
We bo^e he fooad bla brother better
lAeo ha.arrtred laat Saturday.
Hlaa M. C. Potter went to Trareree
Ity PrMay ereolns to do aoa
«. retamlng Stmday emalai:.
Mlaa Mlaa Hyera cane bonie ftnn
Bohn Saturday U> tee ber mother.
Mrs. San Myera.
We are rery torry to bear
thor Ralaton pot shot laat Sunday
while In the wooda.
Mr. nnd Mra. Silaa Gray and aoe
Gordon. Mr. and Hre. PePbu. Chariea
Batea and Mra. Laura Bates all drove

e ap froaijm
to Alt nnelcb, 8. SUlekland. | tended the Children # Day ta,ereleea at
E^oddy h on the tick list.
the CoacresnUonal charch la»t Sunday
Mr. and Mr#. 6fMs are apoodlas Serening,
Hla Martha
Haat drmre t<
aereral -weeks rrilh their
J. Olbb*
idlth and C. Canute b
Jane IS.
last weekboth been very in the hWeat OniOD AM had aB very pleasant.
pica# .
time lal Thnraday at Mr./Ri.......
Orrtn Priest hid a losgtng
Levi roi drove-.* well 82 le« and
got a good supply of water.
Jane 12.
Mrs. Wa. Alfolre for a lew daji
W. Brown and wife aad Floyd Bmllh
iroed to their hone Sau-rday.
and tantily rpesl a few days aftheir
Hlaa Viola Grady went to Barker
Ned Taylor of Traverse CTy haSifarm.
bean a goeat ol Beubes .and Arthur Amo# Hall aad daugMcr of
City have U-cn apeadlng a
a held at
and Wet
bad their bu#!ncm"m<»Uos'and *el^ ^Amoa Kcnni-Uy ot Maple City vi#!tM
lion of offleera. Tbe (oikialoc oEcer# - at Mra. Rlcbanlroo # Sonday.
Hsthewa of TraTcrao City' la at wee* elected; President. MU# Re-' MU# U PvptK'r aiionded tbe graag-'
Bate# buying, potatoes. Several have becca Shelly: vice president, EMrt meedlog^ «HIlam#bui» and
cemaignad their

Staoc e^NBiag OBT Tiav.
«ne CStY office. Dorioe
tbe pant meek we have
fitted nwn gliSBM lor the
aUeviatko of




than erer liefore in the
ol tiine.


Kxaminmkieri W-rmm

tary Mis# lAVtna Undley: mlsct-l-; PHeod#'church June 2:.
> #lrons talk of holding
lieasurrr, Horben I.ludley: li- camp mrvtlcg at ibe lake
brarUn. Arthur Groeaaer: onmnUt. auctsi.^^

Yuba yesterday.
a Ladies' Aid soelely of
Mrs. Wbllctord laal I

Seraral from thU vlclnlly «P«^ «|“‘fte^AMal^Chlldrcn'. Day win i*'
attend the Old Smler. ptenlc at Pe-|„,^.^
oliserved In ,1,,
tbe EvanrHIral church oo

VTe do not use dmga in teatini;' c
or treotment of <**«.

DR. P. A. WOLFE. Optometrist;


Suite 419-41* Wilhelm Bloek
undrrUkc the
. kl.lBO d
.•dllcr. of-Cl'.-i
kev. la., but Qcrirle Inner# did
lid ti. 1
^a^ld^^^k^cray Mjen^JBai-j
far go3c.
kidi ..
________________ neat Sunday. I
.. .................................................
not sit on a rbalr wHIuhiI
Mia Addle Crisp, at Uii« place.
G. A. Hettler, presldlns elder, will o«-; cn»liloa; and siifTere.! from tlh-idful
There »*11 Ik- ’irearlilnc
h.-adaebe. and depresrSon.
.. on backache,
....... .......................................
irday afternoon. Sstiiroay
* tiirday evculnc
ovculnc m
in Bleetrtr Hlllen*.
Hliiors. he
however, I found
ing. Rev. Heitler ,'r„re
r„rp ,jort tv them wa* rwtnrvd
and Sunday
;unday m.irninR.
akoChaa. B
W. A. Stclly. ' p,.rftc:
B. Connine and wife made a Oylog >win bo asalsu-d l>y Rev.
Tte A«
trip through here-ycelcrday tn Ihclrj Mr. and Mrs. Hvi
vtiH' KeUch^penl ,„nle
ly In Traverse City, ncy# liver or sioinach^
Saiuniay and Sunday
<< the
i»u..Wc„.F,ii 'SiK' I It I 4 H.l » It .> 1 »4 I I I » tl » » I » I I I i
-- Ine*. Mr. and Mra.
Mm.' ___
Mra._0. Greenwaldd and sou Willie of JohnMr. aad Mra- Haines.
A- Panlmnd Mr. and
.d Mr#.
Mrs. J. Paul all Traverte
Travertt- Cliy arc
a vlMling A,
Bit & Son.-, dracBb'-s.
' ~

picnicked at Green Lake
Leke yesK
bolt and ...
tMUUic iMatl'
;ed her aUtc
aUter. Mra.; June It
Mra. Howard visited
**STlrii>ri« kaa bU boooa eoartr
Mr. llavla la bavlne a new windmill g,4„«.rOBin.ftrT<>v TOLam.
In ftavarlA nllaay earrlage.,
disinfect--'! al the ronelusion rt c
Hr*. Henry totea and children were ■“i;.»-mv.™, a,.;
Iwt Thursday.
be poaata aTHr. and M>
unoon. AU
------- 1 and Sidney Baton.
Mra. Ella Myera nnd ehfldrca we
*%,. M8 Btridcter Md *tte' w oalllng on Mra. M. Lewie Bondar crenW Ma.TraTOTM CBt; afev dan UM
*^e Hlaaea Erma nod NrtUe Warner
Th«e wL a very large tiiendance ;
: |,-nS Arulea Sr.lve.-V^da’
of Tiaretpe Oty wete rrialUn* with
their parenia orer Sonday.
i at Grant church l«t evening lo listen 1 nidi', c.mrrt.cmv'uukm mMvt»ay,«M''
vxorclac#. which
<> K-f--r
'./udiJerilr ti-We^«>d
Tbe baseball same between the to the Children'# Day ciorclacn.
aad Mn. J. sriortoe rWM at Lake Ann nnd Almira lenms Sunday
,> have Joel received a-ord of the
a Hortoe^ over Bniidar aad at- was 7 to 0 In favor of the Almira mm.
I t 1$ t < • • • t • T
t $ $ $ I t t t I M I I < < I
Ih of Mr. SUBdliib. Ilvdied
£Si«53ff?SS2;u.bClifford Case arai a imcai at Mra.
S tbo ChlUrea-a dar oiorelaw




in hU ehaix. He has been akA
Mra James WyaUeft Tltaradar for
orm 9
He wa 77 yean (dd. | a risit with rdatlres at ESk^ «»<>
Me was a kind. Christian BeiAbor and ' Glen Haven...
e wtiT
I Geo. Johnaon of Empire wo'ln town
Gladya and Hnrtaa Ceorse rtillad, Sunday.
' . A .

" >:,v


|Try a Herald Want Ad.

Security and Satisfaction are found in
Banking with




Traverse City, Michigan.

frv- ^

In wych to Take Advantage of Our Unexcelled Bargain Securing Offer.


w4 And H has been no trick at all to do just as we promised. Our offer was. for ten days, ending June 17. inclusive, to duplicate any biUpof goods on which
yoy may have secured an estimate an^give a bonafide discount of ten per cent from-the^est offer you could get elsewhere. QUALITY CONSIDERED. We
ha^ proven to dozens of customers that we could and would do this.


come: and see: f-or yours^i-f’.
Tee Boxes



OviT 300

styli-s. |

With no u88ortou>nt like lliis t
tlriuji'yon don't want.

We can please yon here
and save you ten cents
on tbe dollar.

lower than othen.

Steel Frame ,




AH-bi^ Bi^t aa.
•ortmest in tbe city.

Stn tea per con.

OEtalted Cr^ Efteided to tH Psr>
ebasenb^r This Sale.

HAHDiE Sad Irens
of every di-MTiplion.
Just the kind y-ni
have been wanting.
Now is yonr time to
get them.


Jit tbe Same Ciberal Cerms


Smltarf Coueffts
Can 1*c muik- iiji in any
ai7K‘ l>wl. Jurt l!ie llhng
for nn eslra nK-ni
euinnioT cottage.

■> Kitchen
a Cabinets

Boiiglit here. IntUu
next ten
trill ,
net j-oo a luffJgavini;.
Nothing- reserved hi

JoBt like cot
Ue to anj^PVtiaB. Jnrt
^tbe thiBK fee atBoms
wn. Special, 10 dar*.

.\1! si-ri-s. till .-ol-ra.
The liigp*sl ami 1‘-s'
nKSortiiK-nt you wiU
Mi.'higan *T.-n |--r
rt-nl hauvl "II 'i-\. ry
"la- f->r t.-iiMavs.

you don't have to take Bonn-- 1

tbetr own oost m a bid.

Bll Carpets

Iron Beds



Your o|i{)ortuniiy only lasts three days longer to
gel anything you may want In Carpets, Rugs, Oil*
cloth. Linoleum and Matting at an actual discount
of ten per ct;nt belter than you can do elsewhere.

1 And Nhori ends of all grades of floor covering will
I be olTcrcd at much less than first cost.

w:iitl In jKiy

Cen Per Cent Cower

Picture Trames

I Mad'- to order. Get your picture.s;framed up no«
than others ort all Carpning, Oil Clolh. Linoleum, |
Matting. Portieres, Ucc Curtains. Kemcmbcr

iUindow Shades

For Cen Days Only

I Odd sires our specialty. All work execut^ by at,
< expert.

> Ol«y, KIk





Or. 1^ J. TMMh retawea tael Mdar troB the aeathm fan e( the
•tate. He atfded the niittac M the
atate boar«. e( health at Aaa hihor
aa4 thee rtalM Ua pAraaU aad
frMf befMe ntaiMhc hoM.


ClkPjfcWB <Uy BfctoM tt tto Ptm- dar aehaoi eoar^Oeb here.^tardB;.
kvMMS aim* tax tadv •«« rwr W» pTBfraB xae gooA. eepediflT the
tM. Bar. DmM« am * •tact talk papen writtea oa 8udar eeheel «« '
hr Mn. p. Banam ot Ma/Md ai
ftaktr ot rataW UM Mba tlMtorr Spear, aad the reeti
tloae br Mba Beralee Sttaeoa
I. rtridu bT ai» •"---- ------------- * 3enrdea. Mr*. .
larto4M'. Mfs. Jok* OiwTtku
rae CItr 'gave a
K. T. Rm feM
oa her rtsH U>
the Baijr Ibhd. whieb vat Ibtcead i
i. Bptn vaa elected
_t aad Mba Ada Thayer teeAboat tvo huadred people
Mr. OrwdI and »na <rf CMt—o f M
Uc ‘nsrara* Lain Mart
Mr. Bwu dr NoclkpeK aad Mr.

Uatleday aad C

ttesand Maodi.
■n. tery Bratei. te Mh
bb OteaJr. LfUte Raai
" ea Cbarte Banr ate A*
mended the C B. eoar*
(tadar thb veek.'
baity Ml thb
veek for PM btaad. vhe*e thep vUI
■peod'tbe eanner.
A. M. LeaUe of Chtego b weadbg
a fev dan b tova; •
Mra t. U Dane al

k Thlihin ate )■ W. Baza TMael reaon
lute the gnasads ate bnlUbM aatll
tt to MV tte SMimaa.'i hter anil the


WHERE eiSEUypS BREED. No Need to Fear “Cerm*” if the Stomach
Be Healthy.

TW Meal bretebg pbee tor dtoeaae toatte rdte. It- to ibeohrtaty MoeaSe paK trtflhTMte rtg£*“
> Thera to a good taobt Urcry. ate tvo germ* to a veak stomach ate dtgeeUve ■ary, If oa* vl*hm to be vetL to as*
lEasolbe taembea vhieh ,mMt every ayaien. The food, tattead of bebg aa- MI-o«a tbe oBly kMva raawdy that
eaearaloa trata ea the M. A N. B. at almllated. tara* bid a soar, altmy. fer'saotbea aad heal* the maeoaa mamWrito. vhieh to Dear the boat taabng.
ovaed by-Oeorge WUteaa.
.hraae -of the atnmaeh aad dtgaaUT*
Mbe Carrie Tort vast to Trarerae
Mra W._________
The pteo I* aotPoBCa'tt the paUk
traa. ttlmslairs the soteplezM. thd
Oty Batorday to rtab a fev dan
Tbe Mbce* yeeab aad Hargaivt ate to veil atteadte.
____ _____________
(rteada a^ rabtli^
PTOMiatba* are helag mate tor a|
^ ctrangtbetu the nerve# of the ctemaeh. ‘
aderven of Taarene’ City
u U a gnart
Mra. Alfred Bovera'b eatertal
-bade b tova Batarday. .
■ pf the t
bar bcother. Oea Btarr. of Maal
Btdaey TbrUat .gpeat a fev dan of
J. C. Poaae‘nailed hb too.
lb veek b Trareree Qiy.
trtat auoraey. vHl teUrer the addraa*. ’
Klrehacrh ofcbeetia.
Mbs Mabel Aadeiaoe of Trarerae Klreteert
te. of ...........................
Ctiy va* tbe gueet et Mr. aad Mra grave raerabti. hall m
framan,-^------------aad other sporu v» Ell o
No ordinary food dlgrtalve o
.Theraday erealag. The
tram the Ktagaley echool* thb year Moaday at Onesa
HeedasMe M. and 3. Ulney aad O.
vere foor te eonber. Blaeehe Lataode.
Mabel Clebad. Wai. Blek aad Oaeer Parka apeet Saturday b tova.
Beegaimer. Bach earrtad their part
Mra a BcoU b rblUng b tova at
titeo tor aa Heetrie tlghtbg ayeJonel*.
veU aad eoidd be naderatood b aay tbe bMse of Mr. and Hr*. 3. Scott
a^aad riaMr Thdnaba Mabel
pan of tba raon aotvlthataadlag ibe
Born. Banriby to Mr. and Mra W.
. ate Ilfl.QW (or a bridge aeraei
aad OMla 1»i
fact that tbe ball vaa erovded.
a Johaetou of 8l. ianea Baa'
,tba aawMai la tba 0
Mia Lddb SteOea* b the goeat of iwoal oo aach oecaatoo*. Tbe mt
her Bbter.-Mn. Oea OeawaL
for tbe oecatee vae
err down to pacts.
Arther abbiibil, who baa Joet aoara Kiaipler orehe
Hr. aad Hr*, ioha StaSoid ar
Don't tall to see vs before Hayios time. We handle
■ b vortdBff at the eleaed hb echool at Lelaad. le apead. Wyaoog la aolo vork.
enpybg the reaidenee af Hr. BourbRead
Whet Traverae City CRbem Bay
Iv a few dan with hb pareau at thl*
Mbe Oora BeoBeld reuinied
the light running
I*. •MMawa a>d -J. Baran vei« hi
Get fMvn to the taeu of ibe natter.
Mae la tniuameborg Priday u
AU eoelety vlU meet
TiMwaa Cttr Uat weak.
Trarerae aty
Mbe Clooe. teaeber of
take a etraager'e vord. !i U
^Pa^i «aate ef_^^ret
l the hone of Mra Rosa
««sler lo prove tbe iruthfolont of
of Ote
elalenenu made by dtlaea* of Trev_ r tOUTM MAVPIKLO.
Artior vere le leva taM WedaeMay. apead a fev
ene City than eadbracmcni cemlnt
golag rroiB there
all oa the gala «
Joha Baakey apaei Soaday u Mr. "> her btee la <rcaa
ling vae epeal In nneb. redu- from cone faravay pbee. Read the
Hema Ftebaa a
tloa* Md daaebg. Frutv pouch and Collovlng:
CHt bet ereelBK.
Monroe Morec. of 712 W. 7lh dieel.
vafen vere serred lad g highly eaMw^VJor a'fn^lan''Mm
^t^Doao-* Khber PIIU uved my
Altoraey Neriiager
)onhb erroing va* epeu by all.
Mm jjdayMg vhere th^ hare to «Her
Mrc Ourlee ipeat Thnredny b
that make friends whereever they go..
D at Cedar tact Taei- T!,'
■ Loop of PeHttoa vae here Trareree City.
to ^e.'lwt 1 Bin «
_lba Bib
ncStiS^ aad Bbnhiibi.
Wedaeadar. rlttuag reUtlree.
Leonard Siede. vho has been tcH- eboold lodge from i
dapaabeele-vere veil tepreeeai
BereraTvoat to Dacy Lake Bnaday. ouety 111. I* eonraleaclag.
the'^reetloa at Sault CK
bara oae day tet veek the mrpMtcr
tve ep hope
f threei
a a (teee aad soe Chevy ipeal
Ml fitna tbe top ef the hara to the
a «her 1 COE
iiurday with friend* b tova. arrirMr. aad Mra. Oee£r Sraaa rialied at grooed. He vaa lafnred qelb badlyPipe LAKE.
te OB ihe eaeonlce tram Trarerae fUdaay PHb. va* ao veak that I had
the hetat of Warrea Tartar Soadar.
Mr. aad Mra. Begeae Pbber of Olea
to be tod acroe* the floor. A lumberMra. Pieaeea Tboerpeoa. aoa Percy
O.. r. IVtar aad vtfe aad Oeotge Arbor vaa la tova tet Pruay.
man adrUed me to use the remedy,
aad daughter Nrilb < Mayfleld vere
June a
-IVtaraad vtfe vat to Nev We
June 11.
leltlag me al the same time to ibrov
guetU of Mri.,Aiicuitbmi
■aadap to rblt Mr. ead Mra. M
the doctor’s medMIoe *v*v. For five
other releilr« Vet
agdar. Mr* Qeo. Taylofa daagbi
aU day* after I commeoeed tbe
irldge aad vlfe of Qraad
_____ _ rale of talk' Oran and
Btmenl. tbe kidney >eerctk>o« mere
called to attend tbe fnRemember the place, 128 Front St., where we will be
grata look tae
Pitre blood, and befmn I used one box
oeral of Mr. Aldridge * Mber' bet
they were clear aad regular. I tolpleased to meet all old .and new friends.
Peopb are eahireUag tbelr core aad
to bb
teved up tbe ircatmeoti and even If
Dr, Bldvardi aad vlfe and Hr. aad
B eotcrubint there I* * recurtoaee I can coaactee et White Ctaod. Ha
it vlU nail
Mrs. Harry BIU of Oraad Rapid* are
hb paneu a ahort Um. anar
aner vbbr are vAI loatdpd. Applca are aeatcely
tloimly tay Doaa * Kidney Mtb cured
' ~T. T. T. RinbaU and moth- xnpeny in* »ee«
Ora PalrMck* of Trarerae aiy «m the tet atlaefc. aad saved mr llfe.ootof blooa.
nie yoeag foUu of the aelgbbor- ^^j^B^Gray made a trip to Byrao a Mabel dsHor one dar tet week.
For tale br all dealer*. Price SO
Rlaacbe Brare reureed lo her cento. Fotter-Hllburn Co.. BiiSalo.
Md veot BMlag et Cary Lake Baterdar aad bed a (airly good ttich of
New Tork. sole agesto for the United
H. W. praaer has moyed to Haatoo. bone at Qk Rapid* Priday.
A large number ettended the snrOaa J. Barth. Sr., v
BA aad a big ttee otbervbe.
Citiztte Phone 761
Hr*. Wm. Itep b vlelUng her
H. C Cate ealtad oe C. W. Wlllbae aoghter, Mra B. C. BheUer. of Tiay- prbe party at Mr. and Hr*. John
Braranhaad'* Thundty In honor of
-Mra. NT 5b“%rnb
tbelr *00 Burl Ugbl
' '
Howard i.
_ .
J. W. Dtahenaae called oo Mr. BaaMb* Bil
Ttailora PTMar.
db oa MUIer-a HUI Satanlay. aad oa I at tl
Toro out to the temperance auto* |
eoioyed hr all.
Mba Ptareeoe Ax^
eoaalag hoac b tbe aiieraooB bb teddy.
meeting at I'lc Hct*todi«t church next 1
W. H. Bockc* et Kalkaska
>d tfcftMgh thb hi
orertoat Ml froo the boggy.
Hr*. S. T. Pllklna sad baby rblled
Monday evenbg. It la aboal time the'
here Monday,
Mba BteBeae and A. U Bnttb vere rebdrea b Booth- Boardmaa bit
A- 8. Pray
a tripP to Trave
pnple of Lovell bettlrred Ibemeelve. |
- at N. W. Herrtagtoa'i Batar- veek.
City Thoraday, letnrslai Friday.
tbto eueatlee. Wblle tbe; drowse I
Hr*. Martha Seeley of tbli pbee.
eata. Mr aM Mra. Oeo. Peck, a ptft
---------J. W. nckermaa-a drirlag atieaded the tnaeral
vbo l« aerioutly III at Sk Rapid*. It la blissful tadlSerenee. our bors are'
horaea got choked eai^eau aad died
Mbe Alin. Rtaac CIM bH^a
a veek bier.
M^O*& Holbrook aad too Harold repotted beuer at thb vriltng. but It betag dettroyed. In Cod'* name, wake
up!—Lovell Leader..
Maple CHrSatordar.
Mr. Koeeta haa a ate teaaa aboe be returned lo tbelr hone at Trarerae
Hit* Fannie ^rhank* of
Mr. aad Mn. Doase retprac
City cAer a tvo veeki’ atay vlih her
Id* ritlled at 0 Uodtey t Ii
Fimakfen Soadar.
B. 8. Cate haa a aev drtrlag horae. mother, Mra Oardaer.
Hr. Banker ba* a nlece
niece rtdUbg
^Jiteregueee tet a eolt a (ev day*
A. Baaeor aad vUe rblled at Pefrom Petoakey.
loakey tet veek.
Cba*. Roach of Traverae City___ Par Eater to Cura Catarrii Now Than
Jaae 1*.
Cba*. Hedgha of Rapid City vaa a
dopn oa the 7 p. m train today, re—ra. naeor. vao aaa i____ ______
guest of W. W. Brover tet veek.
at Any Other gimen.
dtalag .^an la the U. of M. caap. ar.
MAVPIKLO.B. C. Shader of Trarerae Oty b b
Mr. and Mra. Bd Otendeeabs are
Nov is Ibe lime to uee HyomeL
rtMlaat Batordar. aad her abtar ate
C. O. Haakrretonbd
tread Saaday fro*
friend* ben today.
ben tb* early eumioer days make It
vbere bevaa caUed by the
Mr. and Mra Unkletter of Praak- ■o easy to cure catarrhal iroublc*. Tbe
MiJ^lanarat and Mte Nan Helai death of hb nether. Arthar Btovard.
fort are apecdliig the week vlth their Kyomel treatment, breathed for a few
atbia^ the eighth g^da «xer>^ Mra name«*
attoedcd to Mr
dausbtera. Hn. 3. Rand and Hn. Ray rnlnoin three or four tltora a day In
M Olea Arbor Setardar erealag.
, . ^Meabacoea
^^H^ Betoae pteeMed to ^ .1
May or June, vlll do good twice as
Mr. Whaley of Keyatoee haa mored
Mbe A .
Mr. and Hr*. W Roberieoi.
quickly a* It did le January, and near­
tato oee of A. 8. Banioafa bonaec b Leeunile.
dovn from Travi
averse City Sunday even ly everyone kaovt that u»ed faithfully
------ begtaatag vork oe a
The Rebekah.
BvBUI cir'oiao Haraa <
tbeo. it completely rid* tbe system of
-..................... a for
tenabed Monday r
caiafTbdtakrffle naltar ea Sohdar.
- the haaber of cfrti eaglaeera. la
Hyomel Is a purely vegetable prepaThe Lodte- Aid aocieiy net
«Hkp thb rear win be M. Thep hare and eeved ter Mra Addb A. Oh>b«
fgUoD vboae active curative properOLEN AABOR.
■ set hD antrad ae nC.
are given off wbem It 1* breathed
TharMtar afteraocn.* There
Gogeoe Pltber returned Fridap^Tfonr ' Itbe
Mtaa HUtoa'a echool vUl hare a pta- tvoatyfoar preeeet bealdee cL-------aid ef tbe poekrl Inhaler that
ptetbg for the (neeat'and 1* bein pio OeorgUn Bay.
Me oa the Old eatttan- pkab gioead jnitf aatad. vafera. anaU oekee and blad the counter at Mra “
DCS with every ouifli. It deelruysi
kte. Bva Warner and five rtUQm
germ life tn ibe air passages, puria vaek troa Satnrdar. A prograa vtll tadge vere eerred dartbg the aner- during
_ her
|WednetJkyhe glreh U the ehefiM
itbr blood by supplying additional
Mb* Hand Burdge. tewther
ter b Ibe I for a vbll vlth her
parent*. Mr. and
Mteei Mary aad Aanb Donay of Mra Addb Otbbe, Mra Burr Janee.
nb. and Its healing, volatile, antlyd.................................
Northport Mr* N. B. Sheridan, and' other friend*
Obaahra were le tovm oa Bateday. .Jra Praak Bayvra. Hr. aad Mia Lea
>r a ahort I Hr*. Dorvey and ion V■obey of Glen aeptlc fragrance rea^iea every
Prat. Manicfc of Aha Arbor arrlred HoUlday. Mra Pbu Banian and the
ten through (I
Mteaa Beetle temoo>. BUiel and
Rior old Ri*er. a very
Marte OIbbt aad Bertha Hobba atdog. that va* the cf
iplete Hyomel outfit rn*l*
leaded the Suhday Behool aaeoebUoa
vard Fltfaer
lonely night patrol
one dollar, and constoi* or a neat
- -togatBannr -• '
■toltoa at North iDhalee
can be carried la tbe
Manltou. had diphtheria eo bad be bad purse ortttal
vest pocket and vlll last a
Mra. t>. A. Brtgbaa ef Otava vbited
funeral of ............... ,____
to be killed.
W WMla. Mr. aad Mr*. Wa. Ooata.
Haleotm, vbo died suddenly
Mr. Hickman of tbe Ktngflsber club lUellme. a medlcloe dropper, and a
bottle of Hyomel. Extra bottles of Hy(bbe ehlai--------------------L.
. Mra. Alfred Oatb ead dae^ter Qey --------- - aad la a rtry ebon time ...
procured, If deelred. for
r! about six veek* ago.
ago He improved In oraelcert*.
«eal to Trarerae City bat Thoreday tlghlner brake, a Bylag pleee Mrlktng
I-1 health for a while, tl
uaftror- flfty ce
iNck fear b qalla akk at thb Mr. Hfller, the aavyer. a little ebore - ............. Scott.____ _
• able change cauir
tarrbal troobU-* can be HO qolckly
tbe ankle. bbleUng a vertooi cot.
borne at Traverae CHr.
I doctor to advise h
la votUag for Ihp.
aad readily cured, the is m* of Ibe
Hiea Bthel (Hbbe of Trareree City
Mb* Beeaie Haallioe
ID’omel ireatmetil abould c ronfolly
bae beta vblilag her auat aad other tey* toft for Cadllte SeturdBy.'home of hi* »Uier He ba. bev-n I.
Mr. jaaM died at hb
InveetJgated by everyooe and
trteodi hete for a fev dan paet.
here they vlll rtsll foe a lime be-1 greet many reson* In the tet 1
pleic outfit rlHAild be In every borne
WeM Ohtaii Bnaday erealag after a
Haitr Bargraat, vboee bone b at tore Bmie enters tbe sumpier rmbool ,e.r* and like. It here tbe brat
ItaBWte niaeaa of draper. The taa- Valdoeta. Oa. arHnd Mevday mob
6 E Wall A Sou* g1<<- ibeir persooal
the empathy M the eeure to apead the enmmer yaeatloB at tbe
ranlee with ev.-ry Hyomel outfll
O. A- Clara, vho 1* working In Cnd i He will, retu-n le Aegnst If
y sell lo refund tbe money If It doe*
bone of hb enaL Hr*. Addb Otbba lilac »pent Sunday al home.
| The Aid eocleiT will bold an
give MtlsfacUuo Tlie-i- Is no rink
' Lather Maey ha* etarted balMlag a
Greea of AMro visited btorneam »oc1al le ih<- chn-rh ne*i S
ihenh tet Seadayertei
heaae oa the tony he reoeetly par^
urday evening. The rickets that have whatever to the purchaMr of Hyomel.
chaeed ef L. K. OIbha

.mthar A. Aldridge died at his borne been sold on a quili will be drawn,
Hoiihew Cering of Plailsmouth.
Jane U.
Bpringfleld. Jane t. ipns. aged IT general Invluiioo l> given
These machifie» are carried ia stock at our shop and
Meea «we eery aloe aad the ehlUrea
yeaia of general debility followtog laNeb., has been tovUed to deliver an ndThe n»ln l«*l ereninc did not I*
daaem bach prate for their
grippe. He came lo Michigan from
can be seen in operation '‘buzzing" wood.
dres* al tbe annual banquet of ihe
Mr*, f. A. Tiipp retaraed Taeeday "
with bto parent
Ninety Burns club to Edinburgh. Seoi
vlth ntppgroeeA aaovhalU
eyetiag fran a fev dan' nett vlih
old aad has lived
- ptaati gad Bowe* a Tbooaerabea
"Irlnd Hra..Joha Ptetee et Maatoa.
. er 30 yenm. He w
U vho vere Uere.
Pred Tabberer of Ftte Lake va* to
Bltnbeth •Bi&y to lt» and by Rev Mr. Holmes of Qapire. which
a vide rcputailoe as an orator
elshi children terc been borti to merited the applaiue c1v«
Tbe rolo Last January ibe Ninety Burn* club
The faaerai of Mr*. Wn. Boeker them, nix of whom are living. Mr*. by Mra R.-ddy was fine
aUdn-*»ed by Lord Rosebery .
>e* Bnan AraoMI va* hHd from Jetee T^bert eg Tbompaonvllle.
Mr. aad Mra. T. J. Carai aad daugb- the Oemaa ehareh Taeeday of tee Adoipbna ef Grand Rafdds. MnbeL .te>ded lo the encore. The c
tera Ploreaee and Cora of Trarerae veek. Bbe learee a ttebaad. a tce- Tom. Martha aad Wilbur, who reside
A Centlintnl Strata
Oty vere BU Lake vlaliora tet veek. moBlhi oM babe, a father, a laother. here. He ate leaves a crippled wife tbe clasa prophecy of
tnny men
* brlgb'
. Mr. and Mra. Praak Bear cf ~
tear abler* end three brother* to and two hbtefs to moon hto death. I* realised, tbri'
Baida are naltlag the taUerb ;
noara their ten.
Mr. Aldridge has siwavt been a high­ ITof. Needham of Traverse City
a conrinoa! strato~ because
«Ha^ Mr. aad Min. John Horrtoee.
ly rcapected cttlsen mad will be sto- listened'tn with graai attcnlk*___
« finanrla! or family trouble.
Babift (tana of T^vwee Chy b
terelr mbeed by all. He wa* a memIt and distresses them both i
appbuded Original reading,
vMUaget hb tedeta Lovell Boara.
atberaa church et thto place ber of the I. O. O. F. M.- W. A. and loudly
r andI physlcallv
of Mr* Ray’s ftocei productions,
Hr. aad Mra. Prad Lepg were B tedvillgoio-l........................ ...
K. O. T. M..M. lodgea Tbe fnneral
■ Lhke tebm bn Br%^^
■M Mb. Mania have mate a torge wa. bi'td fnem the M. B. chorcb on by eight-ycarolcl Charles Cactooc
the Mbeea Denaa Boar* aad LoU drcto.ef friaadi during tbelr atay beer Friday afternoon, ihe.l. 0. O. F. hav-_______
Om vore eleeted delegalae
vbo ragrw their gotag. We vbb him
I. tow vtulliy aad deown the bouse.
Jjjra l-raw ~~
saecM to hb new SeM.
ferent lodge# atbnded to a body. It The line valedlctorr of Hqsft Jotai
tpoadeacy. They cannot, as a rule.
Wm. Howard ba* pureha*te the Ur- waa the largest funeral that ho* been n. delivered to a manner
to merit get rid of :U ’’cootlaual airala.” fast
ty hara toemerty owned ate coteoet.. _________
It* beokb-destroylag
__________ _
praise, which was above by tbe they can rremedy
I hr Cba*. Crapo.
hearty applause. The s
by H. i_ effect* hy taking frequeut dose* of
Jacob Pevtoss to having bto tauwe The many baauUtul floral pieces at- Neasa. His* Naa Helm
Green’s August Flower. It tones up
c» eviy pabted. testtog > tbe high regard to which he va* toudiv encored and
tbe liver, stimulate* tbe kldoeya. toapaht • few dan U BB Inke tet
Caro A Crotoetto mlU tatohed tbe to heM.
snre* healthy bodily tuBctkns, gtv'es
is one of the oldest and best koowa
-•aaon** cat Thnday.
Jane 13.
appropriate re- vHa-ond spirit to our * whole being,
A pedro aad flinch party was glvea
Windmills. Sold under very best
kcniatlon of dl- aad eventualtr dispeU the pbysteJ
by eevwnl cf the yoiptg todtea 'T^kcNORTHPORT DEPARTMENT.
Plralg piewenlpd or mental distress caused by that ’’coagnaramce—both Mill ud Tower.
dhy ewMlag. It toaeadbaa to aay that
Mra Warrea and Uece of Colorado
Uasal sirato.' Trial bottle of August
^ A
BOt Lake pooob atoro the gweal* of Mra. K. Witooa.
Flover. 3»c: regular atxe. TSc Far,
Every farmer knows tbe old
graite at WU-, Ray <taa* ratarnte Tharatey tram
Mr Bondry of Grand Rairfte tea
- -y 8: B. Wait A 8
Utew tad„ wbere be
haaa attaad- mted the Kerthpon Beach hotU tor
wood wheel wmdmfll; it wiB \
rrofeeaor John K. Palae who has
last Konger than any ocher wiiMlf )
_ m. ^|oop va* la tova (rqm
Mr. GnsvcBor of Detroit vaa ihel
snast of Hr. aad Hra'O. H. Date a'
mill made. We also sell Pomps,
Mra. Ooa Jatkatn veau to Tivverae
few daya tUk week.
i Hr*. Chns Cook is vMitog ber
Chy aodar.Pipe. Fittings aad Taoka.
Tburaday aa a ahon riatt vRh Us
Mra W. H. Hsrlbat to 111 at tUal mother, Mra. William -WeJto.
paiaeta Be returoad Priday.
Bora, to Mr and Mra K. Lestem. a
lecl of music at Harrarff. Aral as
dnaghler. June g.
'MBtructor and anerword* a* fall pror, having beea tbe tout occnpaai.
d^Jnna itth. at tbe Bhadoy steool
_Mn.1L Boranu M rWtlM In
ef the chair.
BabEhiii. Hn. L Blpiov. at- Leroy. ^ Mr. aad Mra FV«d Ntea earn* down
IlSend tl7 StateStrete.
Mte Tina John la apeadtog a fa*
Myrae NaboA the yooag naa vhA from KeyaUme Saturday i* apted a
To Cwra a CoW In Ona Day
We tdl Hardware, sQ kinds c( Ann Hto
' fev day* v«b ratoVraa kara.
Hi^ ate Mra.C 0i Bvltl W Satar- Janice «f Rnnaamvllto. N. T.. arrived
chineiy. lapitoMBto. Wi^cms. Beg.
dap a«m tor Uk* Rte7)Sn «hw to tova tUb wwk tor a vtoii «RE tdto> at DnA tta an
- gka. sad Bamtoa.

-■SS.’S'g. .



Milwaukee Mowers


A Complete Stock of HUwmikcc HayiM aid
Haircstiflg MacUiciy, Twine, Oils and Rqolrs
on Iiaid.



Use HeraldWant Ads

___ ■5»’.7£





igf - W





L, J



Im wirAI 01 ni BAST
St. PeWMtwnt JoM l».-tt to tutai
cm nll>W« Mtfcorttf U-t «fce
baa 4MM«d tktt b« vtU wK
th* d^nUUaB fnm tha alJ Boulu
t—itm (M«nM heM at Moaee».
vklek was aHaetad to pi-MMit tlia addr«a adoptad b, Oa eoagraaa oa
Tharadar- Jo«t
ndnal oMW etar to raealve the dapatatloB eaa ealr ba fuaaaad at. He*
taada arc nadr to auka ratolMteaai7 ataurtal IT the datosaUoa.ia re(aaad aoAaaea hr tha eaar.
NaaHy 1» KHkd.
BL Petarabon; Job* 10.—A dUpateb
npom that aaarir 100 poraooa were
Mned aad vooadad la rtotla« U MiaUtL Tba
ware tba ekW

win tw a
tto rOMo- ‘Tte raaca ^opid pre*arir haca elaad at aooa if tba oOMttd
ter, bat H the ualB did not iMca
natfi 4 o'eloefc tfea Um waa taka
with- a tboqfht m tha cnate wtre
I aad wlthteatoetkw aad rwdtaOOH whkS ware aoch aalojad.
Daatli at Honor.

•or. Mite. Jaae IS.—L. C- Hatt,
aa acod aad ravaeiad dUaen o( tUo
plaM, dlad carr aaddealr oT kfaH
mnMa at 10 o'doek tUi Manilas.
wu llTlac alone aad aa ha did not
IMTC the hoteo thia ■oraiag
oelKtabon eaapacted that oaoe<
waa wraas ao tha door waa hrahao
opaa. He waa fooad lo be driai aad
dMaotraUr- He waa tt raan old aad
waa a aotarr beeldea > conwepoadliid
far the Tiararw CItr Raeord aad the
Detroit Free Prete. la addlUoa to e
wife, he mrea two aoaa.

teMly aaeintad to tha prapaatUan of
ritejdtnt Seoaavalt and that dia w'll
Bar City. Hlcb. June It—Plra eara
. (Vphlnt pltelpolantUriaa ta tflaMaa ■aaanad by (trlka braahen and anarde
.tha tenhi Of paaea. Thle orat ean- were ee« o« by the atreat car codpaay today. A erowd patbered and
thraaU ware Mde. The can, are I
operated by tnaa fn» Oraad Sapide
■WHiartirh. Tha tUae and plaoa a( tha
aad Cbkaao. Wlib oaa or (we axeapjoaMh^ are new halnp oanildered. • Uoai than wai ao barllas of bricki or
V suoaia want* Vladivaatak.
St. Palanbuts. Jaae IS.—The eorreipiiirtiiat of the Sorippa-McRaa Preee St. PMenbnrs Joaa It—FOUowla*
iba ordan laaaed by Oeaeral TrepoS.
Clffertad cafeMaa of what Rmala It ihe new aaallUBt mlabtcr of the laptapand to weapl la tha war of
terkir. .the aalTcrdiy oHdaU bare
aad what-the efedal heiwTa Japan b
wllllat lo ajToe to. Tha boreancraer
it aar prtee. laadnd of poor youas maa. Trei
^ddte ta that If Japan ilnpiy
Jimaal li that when tha poor hannanrti bad tenai with the nittaiatiai coma adaeatad ihMr apat ate opened
ttat'^tbey Bint altbar be aeoeptad or to tbalf wroasa and they beeoa
Snata bellecoa the poelUn af Oaa.
UBPdtnh-a amy will help bar to aa•BBM a bU«p« attKade tt the dbnodn of peace tana* while the paeeUoa
Of aa ladattBlty win he cee that will
raadn tba noat aabUe haadUas
Than It aa aaaal ehaaea that Iha aepaUBtkM wtU be wrodiad onr the
tntara of Vladlrg^ BaasU wfll pot
t of Vladlasm to tha a
mlok aa a ural baao Bad U Japan
ladatatarRanla’ashrttfap'Wadlmink. tt tt ataBoat OHtalB that tha

T OB -The UriJe Foxcc Tfea*. t
Pteiuw. tot IS and wta ef tot b. H
they weaud alt
ueria report.
• the Ttece.”
httdertac t*»e
4. H, L A OD.-S Sad add
te of eMears aad other crowth and a
■ Of the Aid. t»
Alfred M.SadUi aad wife teLoweto'
tacTan■ etrtpee.
*T, seta «"aeU. eae. SV town *t.
ctoslac eoteC. thd he Whh Tou TIU ^ Bbt>. I^ty JealoeBlei
d tasre the ceatop to Oeoeral Waah•c-r,W> Mcy Aaala..doeec wItt a .troe« ■
meet; *«.*i.
ty the Orest aad QeaetuI Oet oftbel'
Baaixr a 'ox brBl.
:o the eoBtelnee. ai
Hate. Cdeay. aad waa a wbHk srttihd. I «>•
aeta ef aeta. aee. St. town SI. mac* •: | Edward Swaaaoa. Vtte Pmideal.
Tboma* Oood. Senetarr.
Waahtastoa took (he **■’*
of to Hea*ew.- ,.1T«- Oeeval
Hite Bbibb Meerel*. Tteasarer.
^ ^
bc Mrt f
^___ I Joteph 21ka and wife to Otto FW
the aaey. bat It i Ptaa
'• wile, wa* «MI recelrrd
Wt oa the toad.' eewtta Mr bite, mad bad a
May IS
After rlacfnc No 3M. Wc»t I'ataa
tec for ektUed- aeedlrwart. When she ■acetS: 01.S7S.
Oeweiai Was
r .AM wa* e»lrd to yce the*- llne.ef
'work, wbk-h ttc-t «aid bad talrly row-.
(or (be aae of the
- nird of plrklns o"' beea* to* the
MilpM and the BaslUh Caha Jw.., tea had drawn, she aotksd that the, Perry Haaaab. et al. to Lecl La, aaafctiler '
This waa raised oeer fata army Jaa. 1. ’
toateee. Br, kit IS. Mock A H.. I- *
NeH Aoderwe of Maaixee e
Gruwa < vior pcTsidem. Mtas Xfllxui.
m*. at Catebr««e. Haas, aad theif"*®*
a>*> Srd add: US.
lo,* rberxr.oftbHrprocraM.arst ral'
PnapMt Hin. • ho eU-potated. Wbea asked her rea
pen tey plaatcd
•= lus .M Hru. DettS'd fo* aa addre*-. •
• Led 4^otiite«
, Sbr drM told how the Ladles' Aid
ln> rrtak Branrtt
teir.1 l«rk lu war tltete eod of ibe
teaeuteeat ta Ice honor. This wai' »“
»>•!•«< ‘a
*B towtow Tb'
Sovih H.-lioP:• V.l-«t
_Md by the ar«y aeoM six aonUs.
forte for ih- eoWlrrs.. Sir said thy
After the Dedaralloe of tadmwdeocc. ‘bey were Sre-pMated. 1
Hr. aad -Hn..L C MUIer are rts-od Ladle.- A.4 i. a aOMc aaoe for noMe
il Witt one ;*eti of ewU. icc. SI. town SO. raORC Be eotor um.- s-iib re'aricao <o Em wort, door for iV slH; pad needy. Ba--^
aatlonaJ das ■»• waaied. aad a
naiwr» »be folded U,
m.or rtml.i 1-r the waicfeword in all
,eltp of the sclaaers the
parwenter to Cots U Car-; n„.,
ThOr Tttotnpion of Scr-Jth tbr-tr We-I stand b.- Tfw- preeMent
ated. pottied alar aad preoeoted it u» Ote-,
hmcm. aeno
Hanir.Mj railed .i».-r pad did some thr.i;.;b tpe tnoi** -owo-thv
Laurx Purtaeb to Oscar rri.Hjrtch, »hopplac-tne .lay la*r week
belac griiped by a band, and In the ^ ooatpmee
toi 4. block S. Trac
T rfeurrhte
• R<H«T:r..i: of Tiaverse ......................
tMl.led 1:^ thm:.e*i: .b^:^
Sorlal. i-ar aa lajpi>naBt pan
Mrv 5J i-arraoi i
rharrb work, drnwins ta the
and helplnc
'death of Hits Aur
I aetv i i)-ir«tev
; ’Messrs iMwirnce fM>, Atfre.l IVaiIbe TfxrerSe riiy school*
H. Auicusia Adams died
deuce of hf laitiT. James Adaau.-la copy H >bi- '.laiau-i
Oakwood, June Srd. Ih’i. at ibe ape
iof thlrty-flve. The pdap oui of this;
CKur-h a-n Cc
lllfe «,. a somrise to her manv. ...
.friends, aliboucb for eume mostbs
priwloes she was In d.llcato h.aiih,
: but Bot usill within a moolb

, any approbcBsloB of fata! res-jlis « hm :
isytnpioms of ESatrlUs aad ncr*o«
'lac (d midiey by varttus kttdr of s
ipniaira'tao deeetoped which liafflsd
Craaf Aid. four memln.r»; West Vc-____
medical skill aad she puased auav on ion. seven; Bendop. luo:' Grown, nlnt.' Moo roe Outer A*d hefax called up-



if tVlr eSoru hi that

waa then called np»a
whom -V. va'»te-«>
bv' B^.por Robert ,Can*«er « B.-ndon.! Mrss~mittcer
._.e e-iallilcs of mind and
Br iborouRb mental iralnlnx sbr
After Siapttc No t4 aad n-av. r by b-s of ttieieal lo the ladles Of the AW.
; was prepared for ira^lOE. aad sac Brwhw rarpenler. rtie eonv.-nilon: which was followed by variote goad
u!lr followed Ihe. pirtessr
profession In procvidcd tt. ri.el a chalrtaa-:.
I idea* ftv>ir ditereai ooea aad bmcM
the poblir schwils of Traversef City.
Mr» Banianl of Orawa was Heeled. Uuii
' unill faiUOK beallfa compelled h
It Win* i« the proaram she muesi I AHer slmii
_ . . , tcaatloD.
Una was called (nr aa to tbe
Mr. Barnard br put la her of.................
At a« early afce professtoB laitn >“
tte venlrre II aeeBifd to
moo. vme Iks. 1. V»C bee*
ceaUr a plii* tree, ladlcallnc by the she -desired it. it remained so for Christ,
r Ceatrr|be s
and It «a*
trsei i ihrrfT- Uaka of tha ehaia. el|*teeB years, whec It wws chanced iV ooe aim of maUax ot^ il
leat akalr.
rdod lo elect

Chmse. Juaa II.—A woet bound
mwaper tnla roaatts at a spend of
tortr Biles aa hoar embed Into
aonth booad OalBBOt deetric ear at
la 1. and tha BaUmn * Ohio
raltroad irncfca In Sooth ChUnsa
Tha followtts panow ware la- crooad Witt a Beaver upon It. ladl of Vemioat. lo UIS It waa ehanced ,,te fuaeral which «* held on
fumtahed br the Mosr»- Cen-jaa Wtow.
: praak Hoittn. motomaa. ax- • .
___—In <o ikineen uirlDte and twenty * day at the hooae. Services were con* n__.s_
eaunc laduatry. Tbli t
padad lo die; Andrew MeCnrry.
I by Ibe rfealra
dndor. probably fatally, and aoTeml
I aerienaly.
Ibsse wore Ibou^l lo amack of Mo-^ admtoaloa of aach atale. and Ihla Is:,,^
arompanied by Mrs Jamer* After slaclae No l». tbe c
hammntanlrni A ema was piwaeoted. ihe flaa of today, which waa the de-1 suiherlaad, C. O. Whliromb dirertia* j cu,.j upon the dllfcreal Mds tor then ; orrr.
Bnttau Bay.^leh.. Jane IL-Hn.
telsllTea from o-taldo present; Mrs. Gilbert —
ana Sattertee aa old and rcapeeied idolatry; aad bealdea beiac on the^ New To^ city.
«the brothers. Heriiert aad Lticlua.1 Aid coadneteil 'he devo*loul exer-.meeltta
redden of thb rlllase died yeate
r-Ne*atmee, Mrs. Harry Anderson.! cues, which coaaiated ctf W«Utt_No-; eominUtee.
-Piotasta are\>^ nootredfiott ttnny
aneral ooewrlaf thto aftetnooB
Saanara asalait endlas tha tar Mat- at 1 o'doek. The daceoiad wi
■luted by Utt'wa* a eonmoa remark
ofn war between Bnsala nnd Japan.. yeara old aad a widow, her haaband
SBlna mate of ’of hta death was received ibere^
IS# proMota dana nalnlr fn« mill- dytas a year aso. Barlal took place tt Oovaaor Herrick. He aerved as Ilea- ‘
Mr. Adams, and Mrs. Alasw.
m I'nioavlllc. slsier of Mrs. Adi
ury drdtta., While the RaMlap of- the SottoDs Bay emdary.
tenant coveraor from Itt! to ISX. hu made from »5.000.<v«l
Sclite say too aaneh eonfidenee eboold
while William McKinley wupwemor. noo as a manofacturcr of ollcJoth. He
•at ba plaood la the peodlns MSOtlnVleaiia. Jane ».—Arch Duke Joaepb Hta election to a third tern la prac becan la 1817 in a mile bam, and now
tlM If la hallend that Bnaeta eriU net led bare today. Joaepb Charie*
idn a faiwahia opportnnliy »
took, arch dnka «( Anatrla aad royal
priBM. of Raasaiy. waa bon la iSSt
ly arises Pill takes hU pH
. . res tha BOB of tba last bat one
llao. ttal.. raeenuy. wu a uo-v
h,. ^„„uiTrs One man ll:nil a. m.—<^lag senlee, led
13 OAR ft.OADO
Attidnndor Moyera’ eobtt I
paint ta «t Kansary aad was eapedally
bv John Wh'*c
•d by the gypay triboa to '
o» —.“«■
I nm] the wooI-ukI mi«|lhnrc it. Monc^ ii do o)>}4?rt. I
IliIS a. m—Review of lesaons of
' of the preddeafa |
Etnded BBch aid.
and hunters of Cailfortila «ntbe nuarler. Rev J P. MTiUe
bare made tvyatyacto with two of lh<- latu«gt wotdco milk in tbe
Hta ittlet cMd dUeovery waa the Uwg
E^t, one fur o(ii'-t]aikri<T Mood and thrao-cishtfat Uood, ni^
• Made by conn Oaadaip
Tom mine In Kem eouaty, from wWeb
Real EaUU Traasfera.
11-50 a ta —Tlejiorts cf the dieerenl
the ulhcTjnill for ^ the losre«t Rtadeg I can ueL I mart hara.
of yellow facer oa the Itihi
many mUllona hare been taken. He
> arhools of the dlstriclPhromao BUckman ao0--<m
WaahtBSloa. Jne IS.—It U aadar^ d Panaatt are iwparted by Oovemor
iu III! thirU-cn cur loads of Michigan wool. l\in tht-rplode vill­
and two brothers crossed the plalu In
Wo. Boskey. eS of aeV.
atood that The Hasae will Itkelx ba Haseea aa haetts ooearred between
,, ' J:Ufio m-—Opeoln^ servires. led by
i' to {«.v oD^ c«nf h poond mm tbati any other local Imyiw
the early 'SO'a
the aeena of the oontereaca bet
nci*. sec. JO, town JS.• ri
the Sfih and alaib of Jttte. The
•‘■-.Rev. J P. While
pays, Biid if yon srill liring me jrwir wwl. anti do not find this
Viacount Hayaafal of Japan has in '
. RMda aad Japan.
1:15 p. m —S. & address by R< v A.
pabllc today U larser than any
exactly as'I say. i am wiUing lo pgjrfroni $1.00 to Sil.OO for your
HIrner J. Mor i A AlilagioB,
Mary E Loucks
thu hae preceded it. Moat of the clc- (bnned ibo Scottish AnU-iobarai “■
« Co.’s Jihl » *_S p m.—Recluilon frem * -Xteiditt, Jaae lA—The eorreapoad- titta are Attottaana.
dety that the Japanese police
troahh- in coming. Alno, wlroew ntwls a •bcsirer, by madline
'“*■ I aaa. tot 7. block 0. H ,
,r .8. S
eat of the Exchaafa Tdegratt eo»cate tbe “smoklag laslrtnaeatyor by Imnd. can nund me hisadtlrpm nnd W>w aailig-,JbR(|M bo
»*•*"" ■
ri:80-p m.-Paper IMO
paay at st, Pe^^ wtrea ihal the
ilh nader *0 years, aa well“ * VUj
•“i Julius T. Hannah. « al, 'c Floyd U j Harbor Bapilst S. 8.
baa. and I will aeod tbe abearer. Also. I would b- glad ^ bare
supply of tbe wasd. Parents aadj gj^,,^
. i,,„rk'6. P H.'a ' l:on r m —Song frsm ihv German
Qmcb Chrtatiaa of Spaia. who la
you call at my wartdioaae and sue t1i<- wool I am getthig, and
from .he f.,i.r s S
battled aa iBBCttae priraie fortnac cnardtaU who knowtagl} permit ttcjj^^
yon will find I am not bluffing Irat n.**! this fall thirteen caro«ea*e are liable 10 a ane or 50 cent. ,
j Mnnun and wife to Mary ,
i„ ' Mrs, Ithn
frara her aada. the late Arebdoke Al
Ictela. Bring your wool an<l your money is retuly for yon at JU
aad dealers who (urolsh a minor wlin.,, Loucks. parcel, ste. s, i.iwn J*.' J:Si>—l*ap.r from ih.- Zion
the wherewlihal may be aned *5. Tbei
,5, „ ,
a who will ba adeetad
ountvs to the poond.
years beM eene *1,000.000 worth
thioosh the Xwaelorea
*a 1»00.
; ,, p
J..,,, f„
H.»»o»oiid' J-t» -Suntey sc;:i|..l ...rk h> J.*b
Volied States boate aad retained posR. SOMOMIRKROKR
Mrs. Cinsrford. wife of E. Marlon-„ yjmmer. uro-l, Go.«lrtcb ► add
WaiOaw. June lA—Martial taw haa
Crawford, the aovellsi. al.ihoort thel
730-732 E. FrOfttBtf-not
Both I-btete-JaUteU fnr ,W •*»,
Man dedared at Breatmoede wborc war of Spain wUh ihU coantry. They mother « two grown dntighiera. l«iwii»», ,ri, nf su«,. r.-r is. J$.
•| ing by Ihe rotiti'y M-crelary.
SfbtlBS bu been la prosreM betweee are depoalted. with (bo remainder 0 aald by an Amerlcsn woman, who r«-‘
3 .-in—Rtading ot mlnu'.-s of Itn I
the Jews and the rlotere. The trouble hsf boUlagi of one kind or aaothei ceally met her abrbaeV to look not aj
Bulk-r Esui.’ u> Ord.-'
In the Bank of Bagtand.
bfsaa Bwday wbrai the tamtahei
Jt Bbol. abloodo. slfloder,,^., Heirs,, lot* 1618. l.l.K-k J. K.-rn-j
One of Carrie Nation's- most teiaaerree aad dirtatlaai attacked
,1^.. |w i. *«-.
lown 3»,{
sataoua dliclples baa been Myra M. and graceful.'and eaceedlngly lond "f,
JPWtoh Quartpra aad derastated a
aoclWy: fliilte a bullerfl.v. In fact. and'.
Henry, srhose add of opmatkas ro- aliogetherdlBcronllnhcriaslPS-from
wnuit iH
MDed or wounded aad aeeeial attadi: cantly waa Arkanaa Cliy. After one her hnaband. -the home of the f^»-; vi rmbi. i«rrcl. Omter Park 81,
eta were wounded. A aaiaber were ot her salltaa into a aaloon she wu fords U ta Borronto. on the luy of,
The Sew Birdkilled aad wounded la Hotetaya ftsht amstsd aad bmasht before a Juatiee Naptas. and there Mrs. Crsndord ^,,^
at the peace. She dared him to aae
paaie ptccalta.
of her lime. MrOa*-|

her. aad the macUlmie promptly acRaff and wlf- t„ Julius T,
oodaud her to the amount of *100 lord aiwat aevermi monlhs .ln New
Vork only a ahortnime ago.
; lUnnih. paro-l. see. UMown :7. range
Aeand Hapida. NteN, Jun^
Dewar. In rveouniinglilei II; liiiw,
Mym'a oouraae case way and abe
OiMas »• the Hkdtau elteaUen.
>( this couDiry. says hel Matilda A Ifeirrow to Anna L'
'uUr apoioclied. HU boaw retaliaiW Hdland dwttltee In the •
Wc place on sale today, for iKe balance of ilii> month, one of the L’reaicst bargains
- Impressed frith tbe uni--|
ij,;. Oak Heights add:
ted the da^
umSarw part af this dty urere d
taken by Americans ln;,|'
ever offered in the Suit line. Over tif'.y '
of the newest, choi.e*' m.aicrials, made
James H.yllydc's tl».0M salars
In lllusira'ilBSd Hkk. Manln.
al. to Herman Hy.
up swell-just the way you like to have
-worth Sri-IOan.i
your choke
drawn ftom the Bquitabln company
IhU charactcriatk- be tells of acjdngj
parccU; tl
for only
ragged aewtbo'y one cold afiSMinoai .chas U Gonsi-r aad s ifc in Eilsard
with hU eyes glued on tbe display laj MeNamara, lots K. 17;idork 7 H 1
ttakcr-a wladow. Sir Thomas sUpptyl cc.-, 6ib add »1.7l«.
-dime Into tbm mile fellow-* hand/ gj»„. ^ MUbtaan to John N. >1
'The boy exeUlascd, “8ay. If dU ain't 04 „t sw',. sec. Jfe. town J5, range
Tha ainployas of dl the faatartaa are money than the preddent of the Uafi tack. I-vebcea wUblB-for acent and'|;s„
ed SUtte for a ycnr'a work aad they
goiter Kilpatrick and wll>- to Rns
are am obllc«l to eatertala haU so you gimme a dime.* "What did jou
Man ta taneral all aver the city,
, wi;h ribbed lop.
Wc are selling SOX good
tv street reltaier ewiplaree are dtala. lavishly- NevertbeleM, snoat <t them want tbe cent forr uked Sir Tbom- (- Tpompsoa. parcel. Oak Hcigbi*
Meted several Umaa each day In fee- are ddag fairly well la the matter of as. "I wua fOlB-to buy aa extra Itr.add: *750
see what won. rve a dollar on de’ Ashley B. Gurtls aad wife u> W. U
llvlac and spending mane
third race."
Brown, parcel, sec 3. town :7. range,
I John Kendrick Bugs
And besides every fifth dollar *p-.m here gets A_I’KE'I TV SMIRT I-RHE.
Leading cUUens of Chattanoosa ll:.»l
aensa a-cUi copy of one ef hU books
Wm. I- Brown 10 Fostee Kllpatrlrk.
re. still bar- Teon.. are agltaUng a movetoent to
aharth and dmvs Be vmrahtapera nwt
mltli tha aW af the ppliea. All pather* ing (hli laacriprioa on the Oytaaf: erect a memorial m Cenevai .H V. lots g»-SV Oak Heights: IJOO
"To hU (rietel J— C—. srith tbe re^ Boynton, late dean of Wuhlagtoa cor-. Hay Dvtl i'alrchlld u> Blmey J,
gar^t aad eateem of J. K. Bangs. Jaiy.; rnapondaati'and head of the Chiula--Morgan. sS oI h>t* 15-K. Grover
UOO.- Mr. Bancs bought the eci Boega and Chickamauga national park Park. tl.J>a'
eemmlasloa. He is reeogaUed as the
Floyd U Smith and wife u> A. C
.'WOtatetbarg. Mleh, Jnae 0,—Tbe aad erat It to hU' friend again wkh
ttacrtptkia beneaitV “ThU otig^tor cf the idea and It was he.KitJer. ei aL parcwi; »I.600
wants of Pomona grance held a
tatefsstlnc maeUag with the new book, boaght Id a seeoad band book- [ who'drew up the bill for the creaUon; WlllUm L. Brown and wile to Wm.,
gteaca at WBltamiharg. Jaae ( aad I. ahop. ta pruasated to J—O— trtih re-iof the par* oommUstoa aad preaaed-F Catalan nwt, of nm w and
of ,
WMm tha rsfalar pTogram they had aewed aad reilefaud rapids aad ea- .-lu pusagettroagb coagrete. -me Idea awt.. sec. 14. town tt. range U; Siuo.
teveqr Sat rwn af a trip made by
B by J. K. Baam. Deembm. Its*.* has atao been urged that Ceueral- Heaw Prtedrieksou aad wife to ArBoyaUB aboold be burleri ob Hlankia- ibur J. Kllmurry. parcel, see J8. town
tio «( tbe members at arnad Tiarary Rtdge. where he wa^ wnuaded.;». range lO; Sl-StaV
csee grange (o CalHorala and bnefc. 11
Thai be nas Cbalianqoga-s best (rienji Charlos Wilhelm. vi al. to Louise
sMe ttetenad to with great interest and

wool- WANTED!

............... .

MEN’S SUITS, $10.00

3 ir loc

Steinberg Bros.
Traverse City, Michigan.


m» wtan§a»r« b



w be win raotleatc durtag tbc n >- dabbed together mu heaght a am
>' ttagM eaetlim poap. to be atwIMd. »t
.iCaiveruRpU Dtah (i
tbe eealp. wbkh. it le ewpedad, wO
baa made a great
e MpfT growth ef hab. '
a tbe dtaewrerp ofr and

. eUef raachrltoa*
J he aaid. modemlp.
rt rtcek and taa tow a
1 (bmi lamed d IM. C. a H
» torn-pean ago. oa whhh ther b
thwtam for the order whk* be r
r tbe dtp; tbe deek wRh a
aMthtag aMc. will ao M -aac
> cored Mtse ropatUeu. '
eton. weknmiag all otoera. deM-' i
reMSU. Other Poreeter* trda 0»
t Tbe tnah echool baa c
■s a^ Borne ef the i
gate* and Fonaton la a bright, happp j i
lac were C. B. Maaa. W. L. O*
a. P. U hroa^t out - pndatkm of Haddock^ w
UeedaiBai Harriactoa. r. J. Kltahim doeWe Uap
alphaaoae. which I
Biller, r. D. Raa and Nettie U J<*«mbip hr Mite Floreeee tweatp pear*, aad pet had acrer forcwni retan. Hr has amrpted the! Brm Trarerw dtp be
aoo. Bdaa HackleberTT. Ajmb Pletl,
leworo allmtiaato to the Mad at hU
aad will go badi a«t tali. ^ aerarved at (hr poplar i- < i It Hapor
r. M..Wetaea and Kate Braaa. Oraad
wHa a|urth. Pi
_ Atteniep Croes ap- ,getmidde. which be aad Dr. c^er' Aeutmlacd to ten oot another win-1 Frtedrteh bae IsaoU a pn
Bapida If repreeeated br masben ct , bflfft aad happp lltue talk, refenlag! paarad ter tbe paopMla the cbm abeet ,_________
worked out______
latter west loiUM ’eera
. :*uggeatlas that thrp be ■
the 1*0 eooru, Keel aad Grand Rap- to Ibe former boepUalltp d four pears; lo be tried la place d M-alter l»na- Maall*..tb*t pramitei to be atlil more
Shonlj bdote the leglslaiurr ad-' CWdniac hai bad (rouble *___ ___
Ma. Ooort Kent. No. S. bHDc bore ta ago. Sbe aald that abe boped ail ware j ger. wim tried the caae la Juslioe V» |
than either d tbe others. J~mc^ a bill was passed autborum* lar*. a* ba. Tnrer*. Cltr. and
the penon of Hra. Lottie Jobnaoa. amplp repaid tor tbelr attaadaaee and ler^ court, tom which It was aplpurke. Dart, A Ca. d Detroit, hare Detroli to boed ttseU for IlM.isw to erxp oworrs are ..ppmntliig them with
Uaade Parnia, Harter. O-Donnefl. Mar­
with hope* that tbe pear would! pealed bp tbe defense.
|onnpleiad amagemeau for puttlag romplde Oraad and Lalayme boule- maple* and other rarkued abadc.
tha hlcaartr. Barse and N. i
be tali d p
Prapoe. «blla Mlia Nettie’M<
ar^ Reooed.
rtred from tbe tale of the boud*. sod ereo Iran water ixpet. are ofie
'market. The ac
and Carrie Foeior are ln»a Ooon
CkeuK Court.

i At the evpalBg aesshw d areult pet been glren a
whkfa the beard at eetimatr* to tpe- tiaie rutoed by l,b«ae pruilllr poptai
Kent. Bvart ia here with the praB- Pram UoBgajm Record.
t*o maiten were bsCoru tb*
clal seasloc will socm aaifaorUe. will and It Ir estimated tbal It cost TnrB. J BurchSeld. aged
drat. Mr*. Ploreeee Ymibs* and daagbAt tbe opening ot the June term d!««»« »- «- •“
«“ bare an lasue -Dutch” Holep. aged ». d Chtrlollttc.j
boukvard «r*c City about a bnodri-d dollars laei
(er Blancbe, Mr*. Rodner Hepbera court tbU afiemoMi aa Informal call fo»tw^ *» <be Charle* Lavrreoce r*.
aroaad tbe cltv. park d.-. year for repairs Official t
hare bees arrested, charged
and Mra. H. R. Kuru. Tbc coei
d the ealsadar wAh made in which It Charle* Jdiasoe mabdamos proceedrubber* tom poio^
' pa^tmeni officMIi tey (hr strevebe* to of ibe
a Ooort Trarerae, Mo. i. 1. Brart la named Kale CaUaban. No.
, timsd that thirty case* were ready [ !««■ »o be tried by cooit and also the
of » peode'
*“P''««1 are oo Gmnd booh- self last evening at the meeting d the
a f. n« euire delecaUde vHI be 140, In honor ot Kate Callahan id
trial which Is nnasoal. The twoj«**t» •» **• Oewgo W. Patker
angered hr the Ihlerlae
Holden load adntb to He- board of public work, ibrough aa order
Rond Cltp. Jackson beln« repreaeoted
M d vIolalJoo of the liquor law.! J*®«a Fllkla*. appealed ease ton '
^ ,b«, youngest broiber d' ®"* avenue, from Bt. Aubln areeuc to tbe street commlmluner t« remove
by Mn. Jaaaie Cole, aanlor woodvard the People va J. O. Hatrtitns end the Juslke court, was heart, the court I toward BnrcbdcM now serrtng leo
Cbem- ,tK<-i and from Gntkx are a irvs* at Blmoei and Harris stnels
and Mra. Sadie Hammood. rice efataf Paoplo A Grant Wlachart were eon- »«>“«■>«
the eight dap*' aolie* waa
: one to Mack avenue, aod en Lafayette tor tbe goM of (hr cement sidewalk."
rsaxer, both (rum Court Todeema. llnuadovero-laf toiheabsewetom
TbU U of Interest lo Ue
bouirvird. frvMn Grand boulcrard to It would aera ihai the eed d’thc popd Raioa Rapids, t
No. ST.
the Male d the compUialag wlUtees** *«»' fmiemiiy as two statues am la Elks’ carnival ihcre four
Mr 1, in slgbi —ChdUlac'News.
, SoMtrn arenue.
Dinner waa tetred In the
lodap la boU.
tofc*. "Or bolding that la all cases ffiotcbHeld wlU be sent to tbe reform
^ Wright d Lyre fame ha,; An eadied man enterrt the office d lntbecaaed CharItoLawTeneetp*.;tourvcen dap* are”allowed Id appeal acboGl. Hdey will probably be re- “>reatciiVHl to build, to U- followtag'an »ton Rapids paper. eacMlmtnr
to over a bnadrad and aopper, idinner
aad lep^ tomorrow will be aertred
Cbartes Jdutaau. aherfg. a bearing
SMied bemuse d hit youth
' psrograph. a Lyre building at CUdlllac., "Tbat ooike d my death U false, sir!
hr CoBpaaloa Coen. No. C. 1. O. T: U» order to toiw cause wms before the pealed cases In Justlc* coon
Owtse lA
towua-rKalamasoo. Cadillac I will borsewhlp yim wbhla aa Inchd
the Iarraniwmeata are perfect la doaad mMicattae Aled by 'he re- Brat heariag eight daps are sufficient.
aad Copemisb—have accepted mv d- pour Ufe. air. U poa don't npotagMa’In
taU. about twentp-Bre ladlea belac la Mter* attoraep. J. J. Tweddle (hat an
Tbe morning sad afternoon aoaaloe
tor. reeeoily pabllabrt. relailre to a' poor next Itsue!' Tbe udUor tnaend
auwtiunow and ererTthlBp koeva to Hsne be tomed to form aa Uaoe tn Tbe morning and afiemooa seqsloaa
new location for mp Lyre magaxlae."! Ue tollowlag tbe neii week: "We rwbe appeltaing baa been prepared bp
U Ue outcome rt were devoted to John Hooroe el aL va. tom thick aad fast. Six arrests were aald Lyre Wriihi In a recent Inter- gm extremely ta nnaonsee that tha
l#e committee in ehar«e. who hare a replevto served by the oounty sheriff Hlekox Hnll A Hill eompaap. Hr. made Saturday night. Ue men all be­
in Grand Rapids. ."All rt them’ paragraph which slated that Hrbeen at the hall eanp and late c«okbi« tor Us goods aad ebattala d Cbartaa Doerr being Brsi wllnen for tbe com- ing ieuteru tor (he BuMc Motor Co. have f«Qt ue vrarm tarHatlcms li>! was dead U wllhoat foubdatloa.”
aad rMelrlag d^w
Ikwreaee aad Ue reply d Ue defend- dalnaA Uls (eetlmaep related to (ntarlas W. Plaids, aged 13 years, was
1 stand ready to mere, but Rsl ;
erder, to whom all hoipiuntp U due. hat after a^msidamue bad beea^noed
d Ibe sprayer,
bleedag nuke to young and old:
~ rier-f Bxtract d Wild StnwMn. Marp Braaa. peat eWM raagar. bp tbs eouR Jaa* T U
d the Pmple vs. William
rnnslv aIaa* k.S . ’ *“
At*. I don't WaSt tO gO tO i__
mrito* speclAr tor dyncmlaty.
Mrs. Hauie Benole, cUef ranger, Mn. charge that Dm mMtora were Beelng Logie was complete^ yesterday .afterOlive OUl. ^ chief ranger, aad aanp
unknown localily la British “«* *» o'rlock after Bfteen mlaules
tram d tbat kind rt bas­
other oBeenand member* are on con- Columbia to MOkpe debt.
If* a mi
;*< dnibemikm Ue Jury returning" a
Ucuom dutp. DaaM HeHullea. paat
verdict d "not fulUy."
..K.,. log pils* emni be cured; a mistake to
auffar a day laager Uaa rou can belA
cfaM laager. R. 3. MAoaald. hlgb Prom Tuaadap's Record.. '
lot being .takn and this waa unanlUng Uo dignity d my prdeaskm. If Oona-a Otatmeai brinss iaatnai rolMf
mouslp tor acquittal.
chief ranger. Bufua & Ftmeta. Oraad
Tba evealng seashm was devoted
„ I,
. .
, 'here to any pap tomtlog around looae and permanent enre. At any drug
RUh Bamtarr of the Hl^ OMit dt Rapld% hlMi chief aecretarp. WUIIam varlotu mtUm. two dlvorcea wblU
ImmrtMtalp after Ue eloee d tbe
KaMir of Cadillac, high auditor. C B.
Ua docket haying a h«artag
"T"”' '» U"
VOarM. high meaaeager. Charle* Bp. aad (wo damarrera bslag also toered. Ue case d John Honros vs. Hlekox.
Martalaed bp the M«ie* «d the oeait Petoekep. high Jnalor beadle, and Tba Aral case ta be Ukaa up bp Judge Mull A Hill eompaap aaneiinced as
of thii attp who are aarrta« ftae Oluf Nofdrum. PetoUep, btgfa aadlUr. Mapaa vras Ue divorea •( Cm B. Hcr- raadp (or MaL Tb* ease ti Ue out­
r« la atteadance,
riAdd vs. Austin I. HarrlAdd. Dader- come d baslaess dealings, the comuuuree »«»,
Onerar Burrow* ^ives at
meala at Pomim halt aad
aark. Ue 3H pear dd aon d >Mr. j KaMmasoo and Perry F. power* at
Tometrow's prosram la aa foHewa; wood A Dmlor attoraepa. Tbs ease plalaaau being Messrs. John Monroe,
lag thd detagaUi at thatr IH
»:Se-]iaMe. male quartM. Petew vras baart and taken under advlaeDoerr. Beajaaila Tblrlby, and Mra. Philip Soper d Pitot vrbo| Cadillac doeaal make any
p^^deot myedf Mat
, The Ant delegatioB to arrlre for
paarnd la Ue aegt divorce caae at L. Oralltek. Harold Kneeland, A. B. mas. each B yean Old. atepprt Into a
oiat w* ara to have prithe mwtiag of the High OoBai^ Cota-: Report-efeommUtaaa.
Paper. OroahpaUkha. Jaaet Rai
I can see my way clear
complaiBaat agalast Oran Oark and WliBon aod WilUam Tblrlby who Shallow creek to wgM. m«e mud tom , ^
paloa TOreatara ot WaaUra Mie^gaa
ud next time
dedsioa was rasarved after heartag formed a qoparuershlp tor the mann- bis shoes, slipped an was carried own | y, moUer
reached hare on the <;U Mat at^l oa Baftle Creek.
Mualc. ridln aolo. VIetdr Bnidp.
leetlmoop. C3iart*s A. WlUy d Reed I faeuro d kprayers. and Ue contract Mrcam and drowned. HI* body was |, run'tbat will urprlae Uo
tha Pare Marquette inln from Oraad
OompetlUre driS bp Court Dewep City tor Oeorge Van Oorter va. Ue *blcb tSup
thag formed with tbe defend- (uuod two hour* later lodgud to a < .^ttl-ft"
■ Bapida. There an ^ eourta of the
fuarde of bomor. Cadillac.
Ormnd BapMa A ladian^Railway eom­
bartmd wire feae. aero., the Mromn. j Bdev. d Ue Mormon church are
Ihratton Citp npneeated. Ooert
Musle. eelo. BMadw Toenu.
paap, aataruA a demurrer aad D. O. P.
Roy IMaleU. a ooe-arutad SOP. aavrt, down to Bhlawaaaee couaty. Just now.
- X«t aad Coert Oraad BapSde. There
Paper. OvXIrder. lu Alms and Pu^ Warner, prosseutlng ettonep d Ben- eooTt Tbe bUl d complaint cites that tbe life cm Friday d Ua Araarold; prMeeilng Ue doctrine d wife piu.
an Afieea In auendaace tom the pooaa, BaMa Sheffer. Tnrerae CKp.
ale eoantp. made a damairer la Ue the latter Aim were to eonatraet one ehlM d n man named atBornep at Kal- { mUty aad
, (Brawr. tadedlag a dei
Mualc. tnatrumeataL .
d Jennie Waldle rt. Henry D. hundred eprayert at a com d tSO each amsMm. The man was driving alone} puace d mind to that bailiwick. It
two from the latter aad
lS:0t—Dlpner at ball. Mualc dn^
and certain materia], were lo enier Burtiek street wlU the child beside 1s tald. too. Uat the eMera are hMrtcd
paetad-Orta moRUDg The dHegtie tag dinner hour bp Bmwood areoiie Ryan and Joseph Hacklep. The de­
murer was made on Ue ground that Into the *pra}-ers which, so the com- j him. wheo the horse beoune fright-! Uto way. Cadillac has no Immediate
from Coer< Kent U Mn. D. U Plorp.
there were two separate eases d plalnanu aver, were dm used hot in i ened aod threw him out. leavtog the ’ need ter Hormoolem. any more tbaa a
aad tha tDUowiag oBoera of tha eosrt
1:00—Solo. Mrs. HeMallaa.
Mead poorer materials were u«d [ i;tcle one to tbe tent akme. Duffel, dog ha. for Are leg,, and .boot Ue
am ia attoadaaee; Mn. M. MeCartp,
Bleetioo of oMesrm.
The morning aeaslon waa oeeupted which ao deteriorated tbe value, d the saw Ue danger of the child
most effective plan (or meeUog Ue
. oeatot. Pant ChMf Mn. Lcdtle John.Maith aad ooUeetMa tor ForeBten vriU tesUmoap'reMUng to Ue Logie
' maeblnee that they were unable a dash tor (be rig, lumping up on the elders would be to throw Uem to (br
■amp, Vlea ObM Mn. M. S. Phnjer; oiphana home.
ease, Mrs. NIeboMs Tuaglas appearing to put them 00
market andjho^ Back d tbe buggy. He.*elx«d Ue child lake and lei them sluk or swim —Cudagpt Oraad Rapida baa with U Chief
Farewell remarto.
for tbe people, after Ue leiMiraoap aad
Ulempl to sen were aad Uoded on tbe pavemeol. Whea niae News fitasw. Mr*. Carrie roater aad the
Song of asMmhlp, Beet Be (he Tie
« d Hr. Tonglas bad returued.
I pratoed tor hi* act be simply mid
~ 4iimt* ta Mn. Nettle Morrlaa.
That BInda.
been taken.
ce d this Mate (>f~tf-.|.’Tbc child vras (hers and bad to b
Ko hue would ever be tortured with
^ OadOlae delesatioa anlred at
oDstI eDDStlpaUcmOf
everyone knew bow
S;0»-BDat ride oa Trarane hap.
At Ue afteroeoa secskn d Ciroutt (air*
to Ue sum d $3,000 :aab«l."
• o’cloek Mat Bight aad .aimbend
C:00~8apper at liaa
eeort U* case d Ue People pa Will­ vrere caused, also tl.ooe
Haddock, oncof Tost', former |
Ikdnp-elght. ChJaf Bhager Mr*. F. D.
X:30—Onad ball at Forastera hall. iam Lod* vras Milt on after oecapylag to making repairs, break, aad other footbau'.Urtr«’ and he.rty as
Maaa. Fact Chief rMa. Leek Rea aad
The toraal aad legal opealng o( the tvro prsvloaa sessions and' at S o'clock defseta. tlwr M.OOO proAt. *hlch
Dalagata and Orator ita. Kate Braaa. Aftta aaaemblp. OampaaMaa of the laUe Mory vras told tom tbe wiueas would have been —— -Thaae are' ftrarteea fram Ooert
bp the 14-year-old daughter, Bva amount between what said mnebtoes
newer and twelre from Court Lagan.
eoM said plaloUS and what Uey
There are alao twmre geUlamea. alae
Sbe told In a straightforward way
of whoa are In the degree team. The
aO abe ooold remember d tbe qaarrrt
laAlM of .Grant Doerep aMo bare a,
and was tuned over lo Prusecuilog
JUtoraey Cross for cross examination,
CMff'BBater JL J. MeOimald
sdli, Prut A Darts tnd W. P.
whkh did aot materially change the brought
I Mat otealac aad Ruflia 8.
etory. Prerioo* to the witness two i Cruiser, aitoroeys.
I, Ugh aautaaiT at the High
vrttneases tor tbe deTtaae. Mr. aadl«i™*'o at 10 o'clock and
Weateni UleUgaa. ta
Mrs. Joseph Lux. were svrora In and : begun.
with tte Oraad RapMt detamUoa.
of Shore to eloee out at leM than tbe priiw of
Uelr testimony was Immaterial, ad far |
---------------------Toreolcn hell preaeated a hrWI
plain leather.
FW light 00
118 Fruit St.
aad taaplrteg appaanaee tadap aa the
Jeel. Herr Lsu. on old Oermoa with
ennrd aaaembled at lO-ohloek for the
Tarcne Qty, Hkffi.
■livery white bolr aod a foxy smile,
from the well known
agaartn or the two dape- umiiei
aeeded the serviea d Fred Wurxburg
MUS>Iaau of-maldoB hair (hra. and
sa be speaks noUing ehsaing grounds fur aa alt
os overstocked, ns we were oUigvd to boy in latjje <|paotiti«g, larp-r than onr room can afford.
ammea ot Jane aweeta, ware need ta
"The boys." urged the prvrfec
(ho praduae deeoniJan of (be .tong
Therefore vie mast onlond. Prioi-e are no objiict. Bead Uu-followiri};:
Durtog the otrly part d ihe after- bare a place where they c
ban. while in
MM a^un Ue ease of Timothy J. have n good time aad meet
Dundon. ebarged wiu forgery, wax oo equal groood. We must
caned and his beadsman. Junni Han- their desires aad 1 dout bellere tbey
uab. aUed to produce the said "Tim- wUI leave us nd go to Ue
Boys the VirtorASOO
Buys Kirkemlall's
Buys Kirki-rulnll«
oUy -J. Dundon to snawdr to the la- .atroog pdat of the psjxl
'' «al baleoBp. pletare (ramee and roeWonmn's Shoe*. Xo
tormuion Aled
... - —
Buys Kirkcndalii
moralist was that at tbe fr
•Tolia Miiriowi- Wom­
$3.50 Patent Lanther
tram until the dap. Flag Dap. eo well
spoadent was
better $S shoe made
fS.SO Men's Shoes
en's hand
and Russia Tan atyU
named waa tnilp nbaecred bp the Forfor style and durabil­
with band
8ho(« with easy elas­
iah Oxford*. Blncher
. eater of the atale.
soles, fine kid upper*
-The amalag bom werh tUtea ap
tic inq^p.
styles, ritetuion tolm
O. R. A I. Ue Jurors lor Ue June ! conUuued the prdesaor. "i
'•Bh (he reccptloB of laooaNag rlalion
term d ClreoK coart did not report J mrot yvru did not bear mi
«im aa aooa aa the tralaa arrired
JFloreoce Youngs d Bmrt. p
(or duty until nearly 4 o'clock ye*ter-|and swearing among the roeiesianu
-pABed to the hall and «egUte(«d and |d ibo assembly, at S:»0 ihU a
day aftera^ when the Ant case. Ue I but ibai cannot be said d U>e bops
spaat the few bean beton dtaaer In
ring Ue aeatleg d People va.'^ William. L«gle. appealed | *ho gather to crowds
nm or pleaaant drlrec araoad Ue
from JosUee Verley's eouyt. was lakso ner* of our city. I say to you that Ue
Bay* Men's Oxfords,
Buys Men's or Boy*'
Buys Women's lacr
Buys Men's Work
ap for trlaL Ju great care was exer- sooner the city see. At to purchase
aolm. kid
■hoe*. DO shaldy. kill
Satin Calf
Shoe*, buckltm and
Vhe dalegUhiB tom MhaMUe waa
etaad In U* drawing d n Jury ns Is^rome plaee where the bops can i
oppere. vrorth 12.00
wggble to oMala aap apeda] rate orer
uppers, exteushiii
Show, made on 1905
Inc-, with half double
cited to Important criminal caaecT >n friendly coeiesu. Ue sooner
the world over.
(to M. « K. K aid eo Mat eeealag
eight Jurors vrere exeused befoveiWUI not see them oa street cor
te Utea^ thoogb be begun, that bF had b
slda ,were antlsAed. Tbs coon 'UOd to quesiioaaMe pisces " Tbe ideas
a untie Dari* ef Oca
them crerp year Mace Ue oivalta- took Ue oeeashm tor much vnluable|«r the Traverse City editcalor.
Whaeliaha, No. IIT. and Chtrte* tiou Are yean ago. but pear bp pear advice to them before the ease began'alooe applinble lo bt* own town, but
Babap. ebJef ranger of Owirt Maala- Uey had grown stronger and better. and to so doing toaefaed upon Ue well-1 with equal force apply to all eiUe* gad
taa. No. tot. arrlTod at n o-eloeh. The He spoke-high Rnlee d tbe order as
>WB bospRallly d all attorney* and ' vllUges of Ue state. It U worth) tbe
Buy* Infants' Kid
Poteaker delegatloa of eeren. Mr. and
Buy* ^Hisses' Kirka-bole. (be teal and underlplng purapeaklng d this raullooed Ue-aUeuUoD of tbou|taifuI miud*
Buy* ^Chihiit-o'e L-toMn. FTad Bp. Mrs. Norata OelcMhee. pom of tbrtr gsibertng togeUsr. to- JurtTs about aeeepUng'Uelr kladuesi | spims d the Aeid and the gymnaiium
1m^ Moccasius,
endall's Sl.UO prior
Buyt. Boys' Canvas
8hoe*. siaes 2 to >i.
Mn. Dorathp Ortoa. Mlct Otilia New
b aod'Wverp oee In Ue during Uelr serving upon eases with
whilA. pink, bloe, ton
kid strap Saudidg.
luoH SIkmw with ffuar*
Xot aaDV left in this
- man aad Hr. aad Mn.
Oluf Nordrwm ffiietbods d detail d cemeatiog clomr which Uey
aad red.
nutced rublmr aolet.
tom Court
. la. N<i US. and frteadabipa in Ue frataralip. He
, .
- ____ _
OaoTt PModt^. No. SIS. eame' oa the spoke d Ibe buoeAu d Ue orgaalsa-. perance.-and its need during Uelr nl.; every town fogylsb i*l fellow, wiu
11:11 Pece Harqueue. with Harbor lion la bMegelarp aad aald U«p had a
teadnaee upoB court eatlen. ns Jufon-1
aching wlU rheumntlma nad
lerahlp to be prood d. A touchable little Incident ocArred' poeketbooks wiib gorge, who forget
clotM by saying be sras glad
durtog Ibe drawtog d.Ue Jurvw*. and that Uey were ever young, yet whose
Boys $1.00 to $5.00
Buy* Ladies' Patent
after Fred HaalltOD d Fife Lake bad < eontributioos ct^ld without Uelr
Buy* Ki^endall |2
Buys MisiuM' Vici
Wosneo's Sum pie
Leather three-strap
bee* Bummoart upon Ue Jury. It waa: (eeltog It. be saStoicDt lo mra uc tornnever rip Little
Jennie MeUwUliL Oeorge Lawreoee
Kki Shoe*, extension
-Oh Happy Dap. So Sweet and dlacpvured that he was not a cltUsu' tog gratllode d Ue rising gmeratiua
Shoes ia P si t e o t
Sandals and OxfMd*.
and etbers lo the aamber of tweatp, Dear." a mio
Miss Bismbs toungi and as aoefa ebmUenged by Ua prow-. aad looeeu up U* t^r cramps tkai
OeBto' Sboeto vrith
■edem sixes 9 tu 11
Leather. Idea! and
•old ererywherr for
diwm Omh SeeeeM. No. S43: Mlaa d
of Bvart.
Brm< WlU
with vloUa
rioUa oblljaio
bp Vie- eotloe aad exeused He was aboat to' eome d coostaat squeextog tbc -alquoted aole*
vrorth tJ-00.
Fiemeh Kid. $125.
MAWde 8«e. Bk RaNdi.
I Ur Brodp. Grand RaiiaCicMmpantod •
tjto court, to a bhtt Joking mood;mlghip dollar."—DetroU Trlbnae.
to tte
Wtn jMit am cxmxf o
le Ant
(/iM m* tfXkarat to k«
MOMl MMaUr «f tlio O
Wactaro Hlcfaliu. ti>« MCt rear Ti»
«we otr r«n u uiw. aiwi Bap«
takloc tfee tfcird a*»blr. Joekion U
tertk. tmUl Iwt yaar QiAiUkc acUc
M tiM M>aa1 BMtlM
bat •
nd «D todw Um peat-op ItbUae ot tve
trboie mn l« M fortb ia Um muopoHi«rib»MUaadT
b sad Tnrem Olp li
opaa wWi d*eroo»> 1bocpltalnir aod
> tb« Afib auMblr «l>leh
dpwna lu door* thta BonUap
o-CM et Fonaten bait for
d>n* MWlna. Lact''evcelBC Uie hall wm opaiad
lafoimaur aU nppw n<t«« to Uly
daleftua aad t'oreeten.' who arrived
fmn -ibetr boBo unai and tpeai the
eir*la« la the ball iMdore repalrtnc to

I b*iB4 the ettU teepoadiv to wHb a

mtnrdtaate drill








^^------ -


1850 PAIRS













15c _








Here are a Few Items from our Furniture Department fo illustrate how eyerything in the House Furnishing line is being
sold. Come quick. Delays mean loss to you. Remember everything goes at the same rate. Ho Leaders.

The life Is cul right out of prices Everything goes bekrw wholesale cost. If you need anything for your home tay it now-you will
ttrls a^in. Re?d evTry
then come and see the goods and you’ll buy. This Is probably our
by Ju^ 16st. if possible. Our cheap lines are pretty well sold. These prices we quote you are on better goods, below the cost prices of the poorest


ttO» US. ia« »i. ..y »». no* ny. lu. ™i, .11 coto., iiass to*

,r&^!:r.':$4.00 85^:.r‘$2.25 “r‘$t.oo

I Child’s wood tnsdle fafed/ like

m. ™t,





sr.y,,^.. r.l'S:S.“°.$1.00 ^.$iS0

10 fancy Iron Beds worth from $10 to $S5 will be sold at 60e
on the dollar trfiile they last. They must go at some price.
Come and make an offer.



Solid oak China Ck»r-t. likf fuL worth
Soli.l Out Sirlr-lKwrtl. likr>
$111. for...$8.60
cuU wortii $1'I llir' tvorlii
ovff.bultotp-t ri<t of il wi!
ofTi-r it in j-oMt $7.00

Itamaer, like oat, worth tiaOO,
for.......................... $5.00

Et-d.llkewit, worth $6 if it it worth a
wot....................................... $3.00

'Book Cese, worth
tia.oo,wiirso for
only....... $7.60

CchimTp. like cof.
wttrth 15...$2.60

The Above 3-piccc Bedroom Set, $10.00
Another Bedrccm Suites, 17patteins left, will be sold at the same ratio.
go atl$12jo $14, and so on till they are gone.


$25 solid oak

Finely Enished Mahog.
any Hnaie Chbiiwt,
was lU.OO, will go for
only........... $4.00



Gaataateed sted c
Bahy Gab. Uke eat.
ic«d work body, worth U6.

Wc also lire Two Ilrcc-Piccc Parlor Suites

Mahogaoy'pasel backs on birch mahogany frames, covered in French Verona, worth $30.
will go for $16.00.
DKE FiVE-PlECE SUIT E. tame description ai above, was $55. >cu can-have it for


Moms Clmus. I.kf cnl, hair


oak. R«-ker. like cat.

cul, [worth $1800, we only ®'“p,ievxrw;W°~so°rthem
irga. noci gci iw»c,
swsu »ucm Udiead»^^^
L-aoies aesirs,

rnn Str”..-..... $9-00 f^:;L“or“”'.-' $ 1 -OO



iiac cu», »ouu


..$2.CO , goesat....


worth 19,
ROW at-.*:


....... $1.60

Large Glam Umps. worth

66c, will go at 27c

We have a very heavy Kock
ol fine laixe Ceeter Draft
Rochetter Ump... Somethiog over 80 of them, aad
they moat be «>I<1 Ihe lame
as the rear of the gooda


gia.j CCUlS OU lllC DOllOr Lit. cM, ^ gU WC Ask Is ttgl JM
n, goesat.
St the roods an at Uie price.

or yuotnicy cost.

If you can afford to, buy a Heating,Stove next winter, save money, buy now at 25 per cent below cost.
and Cook Stoves on hand go at the same rate. New Royal sewing machines, agents’ pricb $30, our price $9.50.

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