Grand Traverse Herald, September 21, 1905

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Grand Traverse Herald, September 21, 1905


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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TiuvEMe crrv, ojiahd TRAveRsc eouimr.

Parts 1 ti4

hichioam, i>«umoav. scpTCHBeii», im».

damp dVdu of metal. BtmggUBg
It was oooe other than the sberl* of
the orgsatmtion cd the
Pat Miowed tastracUcas. bat It w:
Prtatad IT R«IMK.
bU feet he laiaed a baadfal to the laa- JeSenon. -Can't ypa giro os a band*
tbU weak has Uwn cot
hard work. Plaally be asked Phil
Cora-fed pork tarolshea oar taWw
If I AlMld (U« Mliht.
tera'B feeble light. Hit .Hmbi
We are on oor way to Wright's oM and copra command s high prtee all provlaees in rlrgla forens. as wcO as show him bow, Phil did so by takJi
W ham. am! mamgaa.
Mf Mode «oM look'BpM mr quM bled: hit bralo throbbed with fear miU. where queer things her been over the wortd, are oasHy>slaug, and la tegkms tbat have brec severely nit. | hoU of the abovrt wlib bim. Wbaa I; besides
«\aad lard. COni proboro cf a new hope. Were they aO- gain' oB. Cuent well her to lock on virgin aoll shoold produce gm^-te- At the tome time, vtgoroas work Is J reaebrd home I tried It. aad afire rdscestU si dt ponltry and e«gA «
vtkerteuit lAiun
▼err No. the color wai reUow. 0(dd! Saady Werll op fer cogatcrfclUa'— snlts wlthiu a few years,
being dooe toward scqslrlng a knowl-, working about Icti mlautcs, coaghl oa. which alooe n•e.^.aartaa.eoamHao
Aad «M tb«X <i«U had Ml It almott neagtag hU greedf haada deep leto tbst's aboot tbe sUe of iC"The niillpplaes are eentrolly lo- edge of the forerts everywhere ia tbe i Now I never swing a shovel or fork more_|Wbea a
bydalkn) lhaa
the ahlalag heap he drew them foHh
WUh antted effort tbe three mea CBied and eloee to 'markets with a islaads. A large farebarlnm it bring I except for along throw. It takes one ' we do of wheal. Ofron atarefa warn
A»d. Urli« ■wv-vUte Bewm
Orerflowlag. Whoee hidden lifted the rort, only to hod that the trade of more lhaa tl00,0«).»M a formed Ihrougb Ibe efforts of brtween | some time to leant the easy way ef^ abowi f7.000fim per f

Wr h^,
trearare had he stmabled opoa? Kaeel- asle bad snapped dose in oec wheel. month, a trade that It constaally IS and 20 botsaista. collertors sad for-' sbovrliag things Into a wagon with one, lag of the e
WodM moott H dowa wiU Uartal iag there In the dim ll^t fab gloated
-You folks wall here; 111 get a wag­ growing and t^al'should be of great esters. We find apward of 4W differ-{ bkuIod. or oakiadiBg bay without' gfae. comta aad other ptodaeu mads
OTcr Ihc yellow beaalle* as a mother, on from Wright’s,’' naid Basins, start­ valge to the islands. We have val- eat tree sperict within a limited area.' waste of streagth obd Uaie, but a mile: from the bores, bools and haired thrt
Aad (eU tB7 baadi with Ub(
might orer her flrstbora, imUl lorle op the-road at a llrdy pace.- uablo sad vast quantities of hard­ aad it it estbaaied that -from l.2no in careful practice, with this Idra always' tore-fed aalmals. 'tte all Ihsaa ws '
felted be climbed up lato the world
light was dark: he burned on woods; we have hemp, copra, sugar; lAM will be fouad la the Itlanda Be­ la jBlad. will e^c ooc to arcooplUh must add a product of ooreoll, aianm.
Fwr hatXi. ao •■vtJ' ud ao nU to- ad went to aopper.
past tbe home of bU employer,
and tobacco that ISOJXtO.OM people tween m and TOO different tpeclos are from OBtvfourih b> oaethlrd mors tn x > xlueosr. whisky and alcobol. dftsd and
Not a word was mtM to the fa
quickly to the old mill standing tileni sraal. Next year Manila will have tbe brougfal lato tbe market each year. gitoB tlmr.
; sold Id cakes, for aaimsl food, amnaab.
leat aomeoae ahoold lay claim i
In the gloom. Iu solitary occupaat was best harbor and docks Is ibe ortenu Of which about 40 are well known. A
I have seen s young man almost use Ing to rnimons of dolUrs par yror.
- tr I «ho«fd dio liHUshi.
Pewty aeqolred Nchca. That irigbl
lost In onsuspccUng sl-^mber.
and tbe faellltlea (or loading and
detailed atndy
these 40 Is being
pltrhing ooe load of bay Nor Is tbat all Ibsl e
'Hr frlawdi voald eaU to alad. wtth a wakefal tme to Saady: the raaj
bo effected sn eetranet- Taylor could loading large orcaa aienawra
made. Igpth by botaaisii aad foresters.
c wbo nnderstood Bfsldes giving food and cMhlag U the
torlac tboacht,
Wfity of great wealth lay bcaelly npoo Dcrer tell. Wcrl] was swakened by make that port a grand depot of sap"Of the 4g.OOu.OOO seres of wood land
form of animal aad vegetable prod.
«adH fcladir dead the \or bead had
la the Dorolog there were deep feeling a pair of strung arms ralsng plies for that pan of the world,
la the talands at least 2O.O00.O0d acre*
acts, as indkaied. It givro tlCc aad ‘
llnea of can- la hla face that ah the bim ;rom the bed. ‘
' "It Booms strange that so many peo­
ylrglB pabli.c forest. Burvey* by; chap a good old neighbor asked me to sireagth
BiN»e tnUe word the froM lipi had years of bard lock bad never WTobght.
'*I%cy'ro after yonf Taylor ex- ple should be nneoBadoas of the great
foresters bring ont tbe fact that In ' pilch a load of hay onto the stack for | aad oxea that lUI oor fieida aad haul
■^ai-a tfac mailer, pa?” Mrs. Werll claimed. -Cm oat as qick as possible. fuiare of trade in tbe orient. China
•aU this Tfrgla fore« there Is an average him. Tbe day was a hot <ae. but 11
momiude of farm prodaeU to lbs
kladly aAed. -You look tired; Pint
1; don't Hand looking at awakening ard will not cci 'Its stand of J.&oo cubic feet of merrham- wanted to show him tbat I Muld work : thouaaads upoa tboasi
Nrbed aoft'
me. The p
strides In eommerrtal drvclo
able Umber on each acre. I would If It was bol, add I went at H wltb »j markela. from Halae
-Ith hard U'lD- on tbe softest bed your gold plee
Japan in the ncarfutare will be a powrash. -Hold oaf hold oa;" be called. I aad from the Dakotas
ban the mind's oneasy- replied are coming to arrcsl yon."
fartor Ip thU development and
-1 don't worn you to kill yourseU. Now.^ Texas.—Exchange,
andy, bruaqnoly.
wlU look to the Halted States for
lAOO coble feet of Umber will be foond take it easy. aad:ilt>n't try to lift your-1
Aa early trlali to hia gold mtae r»
-Come on. I say' It Is a goreroimi operation.
op each acre which coold be mariteled’with lie hay—you caB*! do
•aaarod him, bowerer. Batranee
offense and wiU go pretty bard with
The Pacific Is indeed an American
once, aad much of the remalader Uiai. you know. Nor don't try to get
PreVessor Brteger. of tbe Brella
the oeilar waa prohibited uader p
ocean: we have the cbolee Islands In after we have completed the InvesUga- the under part of the krnd off first. Medical iBstlinte. waa baatty at work
■Ity of deeaplUtlM; be gave aa
‘Bat 1 didn't oannlertelt.- expeatu- that great aea; we have tbe most fer­
workshops that 1 have dc- Look about till you find the right place in bls.laborntory, sunonadod by a
iri AooU die towlcfat.'
laled Bandy, now fully awake and alire tile spot at the gates of China This acribed.''
to stick yonr fork, then whatever you formidable array cd ebemleal aad
the siiaalloB. T found n dry cis­ spot tg peopled by m bright, ami
get oa II, If It Is only a vtsp. poke ||j|^i‘leriojogl^ nteealla. A disClegsMitern bitlf full of gold coins In the cel- and happy race, a race that I> suscep­
onto this slack" Bcreisl times b' W foreign pbysiclaa called apoa him
-It-i all pUntod.- be explalaed: kr."
tible to great devekipmenL To open
The eywa that ohfil iM.w^ arertad
showed mo where to sll&i Ue fork in­ aad watched fals aliaorbii^ tobor w«h
<and IVe got a sale fer ail I kin raise
A light of imderstanding Assbed Ibis country we need Ameiirans with bait as Interesting as the words they to the bay to gel the top laypr. ByUe iBlcresl.
ClaBee •
^obM teak apow m aa of rare, pa^ Look here, ma: t^e Harthy to the lato Tayk>r-s mlad; Ho recalled na In- u kven sense of right mad Justice. wl|b niter before the curtaliv Is rung dowa time I got that load off I had learned
Tbe profeanor'a atieallou mmsd'to
best hotel In Jefferaon and lire thar. cldeM lopg since fonrecten by jefferend money. The American go­ •r the last time.
eral Ulsga. One was aever 10 roll be aexioualr. bat aim bcmrienaly. cood-yc seer
a gang or bop plriers that
me ialnds. however, should
What, for fasiaace. could be sweeter up a forkful on the bind.
reouated on a vessri which was eavMBat
rcaJIre that it Is tbe country of tbe than this pteture of the laat momenU
LT with dattb. naeoale qM steal
pUch whatever I got on the ftwk.
Harthy. and It was not vniil -sereral
ago. brlr In tbe spring oaeot mpluos He should treat the native of John Richard Green, thb hlsiariaa*. wbeUer It wmi Iliile or mnrh. aad Wot
lehwr eleyr
ml t am 4i
consideration, and the ready re­ He had spoken the last srati
So I BtMt reet, fortiran e( alt, to­ days later when W^ tossed a faand- the men had been arrested In a oelgfato pile up a forkful except when pllchfnl of gold coins Inlo bli astoalshcd soring city for passing
sponse of the native will be more than tender farewell Aod gratitude to those lag high.—Farm aad Fireside.
wife's Up thni she rrollte bow gold pieces: tbe other fellows bad tnd- gratifying. Any honest and Industrious standing around his bed. and then.,
Oh. Meada. I ycag toalght.
-big- bU •nightBlBg musbrooms- were dealy disappeared. .
mtn will succeed In. the islands if the placing bis forefinger on his pulse, be
g to OIrsetlons.
Xaev net jwar h^Mca tor mj dead, cold paylng.
I thuDder. yoa are lanoceot native Is wltb him.
looked up at the doctor stooping over
take tbe medicine In a re­
Then U was that JeSereon was snr- eoougb. and I guess I ena help you
-A land survey of the Philippines him. and with a smile aUcrod tbe one cumbent position." said the pbynirlas
The >i» k kmelr: let me fael them prM oat of iu somwdence. Sandy, prove It—«oi I wonido't harry. Just has never been made." said Captain word. "Blopped."
bad becD called to altcad am-UWevll.baf made a fortune in a stnide »wn rp Iho whole troth and walk a Abgara. In answer 10 Inquiry, "so that
Tbe first Alexandre of Rnsslt was Jur^ Irtshmab. The man's srife was
. makgeeUyo(me:lnmli
■ek raising masbrooms. Brery (arm, rree maa—although a poor ooc." Tay-; the estlata^cs of the area arc not very much troubled iu his last hours at the puxtied. but Would not admit It. Tbe
Xy talterlag feet are pieread with
srlthlD a radius <<
lor added, with a sly wink.
Icniph of lime he ocriipicd in dying. BalUmore Bun relates the coaaeqeBeci
ae^ a ihon.
the next two weeks bitched hU borso
"Jett my cussed laek.’’ groaaed the United Stale* aulborllle*. reported
ly apologies to bis at- of Jter talae gwldc. Sbe eoafideil fare
Torgtr*. oh. hearu
before the old mill to negotiate for Saady.
J.I4I Ulsads. with an area of IlS.nys lendanls. Tbe last words be spoke dllcmaa first to her husband.
of the magle-epawB. bub to one
-DooT take It so hard." The younp'r Koare miles and a popnlatlon of T,wife, words spokcb with
Tim. dear." she said, -here's year
a rapt Is' mlae I
and all Werll shook bU brod. .
gSS.fSfi. This-divert somewhat from deep icndenicss. "You must be tired. midlriae all rolgbt; but tbe doetber do
-Ain't got Doae to spare.- be said.
ally on-tbe bowed bead. "Harthy and tbe Spanish estimates, but they were Ellzabelh.- When Maximilian was fae- be saytag ye jaast tfake It ia a ro80 serioos has bneome Ua acoaisa
Martha bkiaMmed forth in tbe gay­ I will atand by yon.-—New Idea Haga- based Isrgely
.. ..— — ------- ----- lag the rifles of bis execattoaera be coombsni poaitka. and elver a wan et laancts la Ue caaal nose that the
est gowns (hat JeSerson codU pro- Hue.
The eulUvaied area of tb* 1 bad no thought for himself. His mind have we la tbe house."
anpply of lasect powder to Tfato saymElags. bracelets, chains, be­
Island* lvatx>ui c.nnn.oon acrv*. The - was. full of tals loving and loyal wUe,
"Ye mnigfat bo cry wan." suggested try has breomo aihaaatad W aa
dewed her ample peraon. There was
Timber In PHIIIimines.
forest area Is varlourly esiimsied from | and Just tw-fore the fatal vriley rang Tim. -Ther's Hin. O-Marre, oow. abe emergency call from tbs Htoitary o«.
end to.the sighing swains who sodMerer, staee the days pf stage eoech
4S.OOOJIM to ^.Wi.OtiO acre*, and I«|out he exclaimed. "Poor CarloUa!" do alwnjw be having tbtngs ebiaf-UMe
rs William E. Curtis in C-e :
oa Ue laUmoa. A raqolamoB..—.
— ----------- " her. fnselnaUoBS. Her Tbe greatest wealth of tbe Philippine prolmbly about 4S.0O0.«wto. Of thl«l "A king should die standlog.- was and bandy
peeldasti. had MTersoo bean ao
by Ibe army medleal deparussat
father, daringjoe of ber frequent vis- lalandi Is la limber, and if the gov- about l.fWO.OOO Is owned by private the proud senleBre which closed the
Bfpaiid from lia aaro^ as oc
So Ue wife made her appeal to Ue for U t
to the mill-for Bandy continued
««y that Sandy WgtU merod his famerameat of the ifnlled States bad pdnies, and the law requires
vsBled tbe fact that there ««« but' M
XVIII of France. Crom- more provident neighbor,
guard orer his treasure,
fly from Bafai iTHghfi d&apfa
Iskea them oa spreiilation President regdsier their titles In the bureau
well's dying, words were. "My design
"Mrs. O'Msrrn, me Tim hss been tons 9t tbe needed mtartal to Knur
faslng to more a
if was asfrty 1
old Soar min Into aamptaow qaa
McKinley would have been jaallfitMl ic forestry before cullInK Ihc Utnl>cr
York. ,

Is to nuke what baste I can to be 1 hurled.~
„oc. and
soo Louis
l.doib XV spent bis Iasi | The poiw soull
paying Bev«M times Ibe amount of them. Up to dale 121 e*tale*. e... gooe."
It b believed by the amdical oSem
views as to her aalrimonlal ebanees, indcmally paid to ^In. Capt Oeo. bracing rT.ODO acres
a boom hs Soat;
llmhcr. liavel moments tn trying in cheei
, qoelberi"*" *•“ quantity desired oa tbs latb-Ye*, and he's that
eawlrary. S waa hk known inablUly fertlddlug aoy farther "ooiuecise with f. Ahem, of Ue Ninth lafaatry. who been reglMt-ri-d. ami the ofllclals n-i ny. aliendanis "Why do >-00 weep*"
him bis mldlctne to s re-! »«» exbaanted Us kuppir to Ue eoiro.
to erawa anything that had aet tbe Bat Taylor.IB keep a sharp
Jias been* chief 6f tfac borean ol
coomlanl position.' and. Mrs. O'Hara. try. Tbrec were porobased at Ue si
-I reckCB Wre got enooiih gold estry 6ver ibero ever aiare the
. rBkv teagaes to wagging. Bandy,
Lhould live forever? 1 thought dying wc haven't waa la tbe bouse. Wonld lime'20 teas of sulphnr and 1«n Iron
wkoaa blade brows and swanhy skin pieces to boy yoa the lloetl habaad In
upoo private cslalre. Only ooc-larg-r would have been more difficult.ntmcni was csubllsbed. has
k>ei tnolnd giving me Ue loaa av pots tn which to bore It. lofsUer wMh
" he eoDcluded. "dold buys
hdkd his name, was a big. shlfUesa
retomed to bis post at Hanlls after a tract Id the Island of Mindoro; amountIS loam of newipapera. wfakk were.
of France did nol live l< yout?"
thing; you kin hev jour idck.“
feiilk of a fellow, who had bcea
sn.rnld acres, owned hy I complete his last sentence,
couple oCmonlbt at the cxposiikm at
•h. - Mrs. O'Marra was puttied la
Frenchhard lath aU his life; the tmldroa of
-I pick Rat Taylor, rich or poor.” at. Louis, and la couferenee with cap- the religious order known as the Recj- moo," he shouted,
ulioners turn, hot ehe. t«>, refused to admit It.
fortaae frowned him dowa at every proraptly aaswered Martha. —Gold iUllsts wbo desire to engage In cut­ letto*. has not been registered.
dragged him roughly to the block. 'I "Faith, and yet can ave It 'and wll1^^^' taro Id tha wheel ttls *ai1y life had cka’i bey loVc,ting timber for export to tbe United
In Tbs Wrong Chereh.
'The market for Philippine timber die gulltlrst Of the crimes Impaled tO| come." she said, h irtlly) "but m*
been spent in morlng from town to
-Harthy. yon'ro allu>.JM& a good States. China. India. Australia and
U Manila, a few cantocs
la a eerialh cooatry town Uved aa
Pray God my blood fall not on { friend. Mrs. Flaherty, bas It; afae bortown In search of hlghar wngea; his child to me. and 1 want to be
’ countries where there Is a profit­ being shipped to Hong Kong and Sing ; France If so—.- At this momeal | rowed It Chemsdsy week—Jlst nmad
'wmiiaB who was very abanat-mllid. .
^ yaaiB la grombUat orer wbu dad to you. so run along bnek
able market and a^darge demand. spore. The war caused great destruc . his voice lya* drown<d !•' the loud! the third comer heyaot. forelast Ibe
0“ Bimday moratog Mia walkaJ
■ISbi bare hero. .
hotel and hev your fling, but doat talk When t asked him about tbe condiproperty. The country people! bnsitng of drams and a fceood laterl poomp " (to ibe quest was cootlaned. |
“W we-d a mayad ’lB Raedrille when
. sore about Taytor. He can't bev OBs the other day be said:
IcMt their mooe.r and their stock*. | Loiil* was no more.
| Mr*. Flaberir. excuse me fer Iron-' ^
services vtgorMsIy. Tbea
I WM geitlB' OSM 'a half a day. I oai- eay o' my gold, that's OaL•There 4a a vast amopat of forest
home* have bren destroyed.; Chscle* I also died wiih aa nnram-; bllag yet, me being a sihraager eo-1
enllertiao bag waa passed to her.'
dau we-d a beed 9a iop with aay cm
Hartha met tustas on ber way
eal'h In the Pfallipploes as
i rpads and bridge* rained, and
pipicd iK-nicnee on hi* Up*. He luroed ' ilrely to yet. hut me men U hnned.!
!«“,*»» • <«l» U It. ibe looked
’em BOW.- be was wont to say. dkeoa- town, and Irorfally told him h«r fa­ vclopmcot; but It will take lime, mon-; that aa effort Is being made to rebuild. on the *eaffr>ld to Ap»sk 10 Dr. Juion., snd tbe docior ssys. 'No hope of sav-;
. Bdaidy. to hlf toageuSerlng bat pa- ther's edict.
magt-meni. The arrhi ihi-ru is but liille money to pay for nv bishop W Ixindon. but afler ulieiing; Ic
s sbe looked s
It hev nitod dears onless yei give bim his midl-,
4kat wife. enOag iku >!• nereKaU"Well.- said Taylor, .-yoa- caan pciago is the one iindev<-b>ned ferliu ’ t-nuMnir'Ion:
e people and mantel : the one word. "RemTOlR-r." he passed.; elns In a
' Mrellf:*^- ■"'» * expresrion of a
kg addeodam. -Jasl\y rtned lock." blame him so mneh. He U md of spot In the orient. Markets for all'pil and prorlnclal guvernmenta are | a* If doubtful wheiher to continue, and didn't happen to have one. so I stepped
8he pH np. Sbe
ht toor anAorty'^^ was ns (nr as you. Harthy. and waaU to a» yog a Ue produce It can raise are strong! (luor. Sii-sdy m
p gres* toward recon-: then, shaking hi* bred, walked firmly over to borrn Mr* O'Marra'*. Would ‘■otrkd down Ue aisle. She overtook
arer from a^flhg aa eanesi start, great lady.
and rloM at banV.„^bor I* not diffi-j sirunion Is Iteing made, bowerer. and ' to Ihe block.
ye tnolnd me taking It the while, me '‘■c
*'">■ (>>r rollecttos-bag. wSo
-•thint ao ase to bro!>> “
"t d think be woaM prefer to ace me
10 Mscure and Unis is no danger* native UuUkt I* mtich used. Phlll|."Iton-t let poor Nellie starve." were Tim being si. bad•«* tuffrised si ber rapid flight.
Mk.- be woild sl^ % hU paUent tppy."
c or pirrpeny. Any company or pine timber I* very popular lo the Tbl-' ibe dying word* of CharIc, II.proving
-Moind? Av coonte not!' r.iurne-1
•"?»* rtareb!'’ she
■wife and w(|ll^^Bgbicj.:-<anha.- -Wbst an ntlrrosDfisblc girl yon Individual desiring 10 iiiva-siignu- ihc now nia-kei*. AH of lon-iand China a' l<-a*i ihai hi* last ihniighi*
Mrs, Flahcny. *tih the poiltu read- 'hlipcrcd. And, taking put Ut cola
ust be! Dua l floe eloibss. tiring In forest rreourecs of Ibe islands
rod sa b
,^ls wiibout timber and moeb is Im-1 for himself. James V of Scotland died - Inese of ber Dailon,pIliy;' "But sorra ahvbsdpuiln.shehurriedforU.—Sat In eai laxnrr, and marrying Into <ne of the fiad ibe officials of Ibe bureau of for-: ported. MsalM 1* nhsrer to China; thinking of the *iirce»»lon News'had | tbe day! Flalb n>-he do In-molghij
first kmUlcB coaHiinU- bapploessr
catry In Manila ready to cooprrmlc to Uaa soy other country (urnishtog Um ; Just been brought to him of the bIrU i oosUddy
! dropped I
. ----------------J. t^rty girl,
"luybe It docs ^ some folks; bnt
A Woman's k
n In Inter year* to Ue flure tost nulghi and b
not for yon ow me.*tUalas Taylor. Yoa
wltb nasplW^hkA
I tdatk eyw
eyea a^'peoayan
tbe Won
------- ... ------------ -------- ------„ ,Bio him Ue
Mis* France. Keller mIf ----------------* Msry Queen of 1
rad eheeO^nr motWs ha^lps said, one day. that you would rather
lari: after tovrelors. A needed. A good market for cabinet 8eol»-shcn the dying king exclalmej | best way I can. poor man! " said TUn s'
l'w*uv of
Tork. Iliuabad MlaSBUi^iaB bsr from tbe Ir- have me for your own than Wright's large n iBbcr of vet? InvItlBg fields of: wood should al«o be foend In Au»-' propbetlcsl!}
The crown came wllo j wife, as she hurried bomr.
artmlribly at a raeeat dinare
nakUbkdkeaiTMtrimmiy. aalrwben farm with all Its acres; I trtl ytm
levriopmeat should prove at- mils. Japan ahd the Vniied State*, a la*» snd «l)i go wHh a la**."
‘ pariy a poldt which she wtofaed to
Bnatas Thylor. ooe of Wklgbt's farm­ now. Vd rather bare you than all of. tractive to those w^ bi-Ileve in the. The cost at the nflll oi native manu-; The English prince consort's last'
a Sort of Communism.
"kke In reply in a man wbo had said.
hand fell a willing captire to bsr pa's gidd.“
fnisre of our •possessions to the orient, 1,
j lactured
of —
U* , Many years a
• lember *hould average
- I
.---------- ------- ------------------- —
bef'ire the produe "Women ai
tkariki. she pare her bearhas i^ly
pluased exprtasica overspread
The regions offering special allrec- than »I5 per thousand few. board lofty and >-ct humble pljtiy of his Ilf*, j tion of gram was equai to the demand.
eounie,- MU* Kellnr
- M tbongb «M bad ben a landed pro- YVIur's strong face, only to be
(Mas are Istoad of Mindoro, the cost
’!l BdmK that womia ar^vata aad area
grnde woods ' -| have bad wealth and rank and pow.
ly shaded by a eland.
of Laron, tbe Cagayan valley would then pay fair profit, and the, er. bin U these srere all I bad bad bow a. produrtion tocrre«q. the'prices
There are a thousand proofs
*'?!? WerlU bad been lirlag at the
- Twill be years before I roa gire and the islands of Negro* and'-idtyte. higher graden a be sold at a moct j wretched I should l>c!"-Excbaage.
lon.-n-d fm..ter ih.n th.- rs- ..f wamt*" *"•
mU'ktltl •ft’ ware than two asoaths
The greater Ue distance friim Manila. larger profit.
A fanner employ.-d sn tod..*triou*
haadsomet man In tbe rooai If .
dpii^dy was seised wltb oee of hU
siipphos. the loss the
"The legiflsHoo now rcqncried ol
wasted EnerM.
Irishtnan for five year* at the rate of . vv.-n no. ..|.tto- back of bis rotlar.ssma^picBpelb cf energy, eooeelrtng
efaance for suercs*. A eompanr cater­ eonim**.'' continued Captain Abeam
One day I saw two men shoveling!
a mooih "and fouod-—board. lodgtM Mltaai Wen of raising moshraoms
He stood sUenUy with coetneted ing (be PfaAlpptne firid should go pre­ -looking tosard railroad develupmeut _irih into a wagon. One pushca his: !“*• »s*hing and mending At Ibe en1*'**
ff*«tly bednK damp soil of the cellar.- Some- m*. oao band clasped ffrmly over pared to tarry on some agricultutsl
Ue Island aad allowing monirlpan-;
pile, lifted R aad'i of ibv term, he said to hi* man:
Mrd H* r-*-rk.
uSKad toM him that mashroonia. U Msrtbs'i clinging flngere. then with a work in addition to logging, so as to
ri l»«d- tossed It Into the wagon with Ue one'| ' I ea*>'' afford to pay you 1
haaikd rlMit. wcip a big paying prod- decidod shake of the bead, relln- give cmpMyiBeni to Ue logger's fsmA Huge Luneheen tor s Modern Klog.
-...............- -...........oitHirm, The other filled bis abovel.! ■ have
art. He *cnt at H with a wni. dlg- qelsbed bit boM,
- For the lunrhr.m the Lord Mayor iff
ihoald alHo be equipped with a, tariff will. If cnamri, be followed b> , ufted .t up gave It a *wiag aad up In-, o«>e>
I have sated npihlng. A
gtag wd plaatlag for hosna. and there
"No. Harthy. dear; I cannot let you
lymdoo gave in honor of the ktog nod <
n complete sys- an era of railroad construction add ;
In a few momenu Ue
Is.a proalMniy that hU (hrlfi might make such a sacidflec." saM he; "Walt;
queen of I'ortugnl in the Ottlld baU.
tatlon. so as to munlclpri aad provincial Improve-J-4^-„p He wa'ehed them a
hare coatiaaed bad be not 'aecldcaully your father may change bis mlad. If supply Ue Wand and China market*: j mcffl*. which means m. locroased at- 1 ,,,
Nov IT. supplies as foDows had to bS .
..p,,,- b, called to Uc
Saaadtrid Into a bole wltb such foree we love earti other wc ran sralL"
laid: Ofl" hundred Inrevna of soap,
It should have s lumber rard In Ha-! 1
for native wood*. China Is buUd- „„
s-togtng his sbovel, Uno back agatol'-Exebaage.'
as to dUledge acroe totten planks oor-U ps don't change hU mlad. or yoli nils aa well
dbifacs of sole, to diabea of tohster. M
each Chinese port.. tog railroads and ycarlv tocrea.ring It*
y„u ntean by wasting all that
----------------------dlsbe* of partridge. M dIShWi of eat*
Bars, ni aiange mine, and die aa
well laid ont town shoaM Im sunc? ' demand for limber
lUllIppine motion* What do you swing yonr;fisrann of Ansts Was Fire,
late wfaal. at that esrtllag moaxsil. oM maid.*- Martha retorted, with as foe the employes. Tbe sefaeme of ex market should take at lea*i li»i.f»o>.,noi
filMfs of phessaau. 4« dlsbei
aaemed a boliomleap pit, bat whIA much lll-aatnre as she eould etmuoaad.'
later prored to bma dry ctatem.
That same evening IRasiat Taylor
"1"^ A
«!«-, Ko,i aagejM—»u. no.,,,.
-Jest my ci^iad luck.- be sacirtmL as V^terlng meditatl
meditatively down the.
*1 was banted wader a oalacky star, State read, when bb
pastry. «4»« platea. IJM
rt.1—-So„M,pl«. .TO oc «.»««.
-a. to^Idlaheoreff
'___ ■
an- thar atat ao nro tryin'!-.
overturned vehicle sad
... „„ ^
u.., ...A,™
* Bat bU sprawltng hagers oaio la
lag to lin It from a rm into whieb k I best sites for ______________
It . made. No record can be foond of any
^ ,hea lift it rraight to « “» balldtog wtU fire extlognlslieni. ''
twact with Bontething that to the had totaled.
' should be marked osL Land
--------------bere attempted dor- ^
fooltog away 'n*
toosh felt Iflm surer dollars—hard. HeUo.
caltofl affa^ltortWlM.[purtiaseyhr the
y aBdaisobyjtag Us Spaatsb admlnistratioa. Stnee ^
j—. -

; Via. B. A. Brynt of 0» V
19a c*lM (« OMtm L«k« lloA«■ •eeooDl «t <fce niiicn •( IM in'
tfe AMtkMrtd n*<A-Mta. B.’J.
Bed#*. «te dted «r ehol«r» iBfutaa
M ,*:» Teendw «»•*««. BemHw
««ih ImgM to Trerer** Oty «* the
« o'eledi tr^ W*d««*dwAt Oratrat Lake tb* een** «•«
tone to tie d9* «» to«r little girl*
4rewad to vUU. cvTTiac Aoveni Ml
foOnred br * amtbH- «C trtendA A
ynfwIoB of Bewert ^ alM bnw^t
Me tke btee at TtaT*«** CUr.
. Tke iBBetaJ took ptoce Thandw »Iteraoae. Bet. T. P. on«n omcUttoe *>d B. U Cuter dltecttac. Tb*
peat tooUKrto AliDiMt bautbrttoi.
, feM meitto the deepeet trBPMhr ef
itotUtet ABd triad* at bese.
^ AMoag lanUr PUea.
A WB'erheae bum i« nppoaed lo
M Obariea Citai aed hU borne to
MatTlaad vu toaad dead betweea a
tm of hiBber aed a' loaber pile at
tlia Booth Bide lanher eoopar aStordap. There va* aone dUBcaltp
aa to the IdooOdeallcio bM Boally
Cbarie* Btaa*. «bo vaa with bln peatardar and toat elthi. and Hartin 4aalac*. pawnbroker, IdenUied bloi ^ a
Mta who bad given the Baa
Charias Otnaa The b>bb waa a eocatoe
' Baad and bad tried to get the drag at
aeveral plaeet.
Aa tooaeat wma to have been beU
tbia norntog at 9 o'eloek but waa poU
patf aiu thU anemooB at 1 o'clock.
Md hr Coraaor fioU
. beta aad Dr.

1. Dr. Wll-

“Put Dowrtog- A lioaioo. has
inraed eel to be a aegrast rrom c<k>TIbo odtoec o( tbe Arm wnt remato
ft it trae however, thA the ffnleel gla. who for two pears hi
gwerading to Baglxnd at
la tblg dtp aad oader tbe
eff Hr. Bherwood. wbenc
reeelTed bp Hr. OIbbs the pros- worictsi on a rhiekrn (arm. a^ when
cp has been ao ship dcBcm- pocu seem brlAn tor tbo eomplcilon! arrasied wa- to u omn
A the line. Hr. OIbbs showed to the I tor a wife. Her pairbed
tinted to u oBdal capadip la
rd reeew corvespudeoce from *! "rtth tor paper, 'lo kecpi-riho devil
be has Away* bee
valued oo-worber ud advisor.
large New York flnuclA concern with i

which he hat made u agreementIt toj,0!
•« Dontord.
eompu^ This correspondt
last letter dated this week, assure*
Ur. OIbbs that the protori will ma­
beca burled oa Konb Foe Utood a
terialize Ud It to..atau><t''ihat to alj
pears ago bm dug upf
probability the llac cas b.' to <ipcr*ilon
bj- next June or Isjv. Hr. Gibbs
doemed It nccessaiT^tlr-vgfrato
making any ftaiemcnu relamc 1
The; power that pVe
s guDDy tack with them ud a Hnc. oBlft he was positive that the life Vnd moiic.. ..
will be built. He ba* eypended
smAI handbag but no other baggage.
force, or nerve fluid,. located
men were very reticent ud when cAisIderablc monev of his own. fufj- the nerve cells of the brain,
anyone would euler the car they would $I£00. since the first of la«t Jsuuso' aad sent out through the
puU their hat* down ao at to obtenre In an endrsvor lo pd tiu- |irojtv;
ncrv« to the various oi^ns.
finuced. Il Is a luge deal, however,
their fac« sad gate inienllp
If you are tired, nervous,
ud monied men areyery eareful about
Window. ,
irritabie, cannot sleep: have
Bbortlp before tbe Q. R. A I. UAd making dcftniic ppomlw* until -wBer headache, fc*!' stuffy, dull and
arrived from Nortbport this moniiiig
melancholy, or have ncuralgi^
message was recelved*fiom 1
A pramluent coglacvr was in ibis rhcuRiaiism, backache, peri*
eHy a few mouths ago ud made a odical pains, indipcsiion, dys»
port advising tbe cbief of poliee
prebud the two men ss ibclr aetlons Iboraugb InveKtigallon. His ' report pepsia, stomach trouble, or the
suspicious. Chief of Mice wu suhmliled 10 Jhc lioticllug com­ kidneys and liver are inactive,
ar life-current is weak,
Ashton met the Uyto bat as there pany referred to and cAitldefed favor­ -,o„
lucinff fuel
fut is n<Ecdwere -no srarruu nor no «her ad- ably, and unless liiere Is some BPrioii: something to increase nerve
elect from Nortbport officers ig bold hitch there Is fair proslKet ibai Um
the nerves
icn be was powerless to lake uy
Xcrsured cither (bis fall or rarly nex
vinc is the fuel yon need. It
With their coming came
feeds the ncr^•cs,produces nerve
from Nurihpori thA the gold supposed
A Ibe condliions Kizrrnund
force, and restores viialitv.
(o have been boried on the itlud bad tog Ibis colerprisc. Mr. (Slbl.s K-llcvr,
bcu (bend aad the two eld 1
that the Old Uisslou ih-.ii.Io sl.oul-I
i>m. ]
cv'ndiK'd Iv nr brd. 1
the Baders. The story It to tbo effect nut lie basiy to cAliog in (heir 1
ihst a mu to the employ of Out Pi- and that be abuuld he given u (uriber
luder said Ihsl Ibe two mat bad lo extension of lime. The rouiicll has
rated tbirtegn stones In a bcap
granirsi U oxteusiou of bis franeliiM'
Ittond. They removed 'thcM stones and rM. bcllevos that within a
ud underneath them was s 1
very few' w.s5ka a defihiie siau-roeni
tog directions where to find a clump of cu Iw made a* to whether the ii.-g>
flee cedars. On one of these the dale iUlioDs will mnUTialUe. He says that
-18*0- was blared. The cedars we
to case IMS Cnn d.H-s not oompM.loesled true lo tbe dirrciions. so it
Uiv deal there Is auulber which siaudi
aald. Ud Uo cedar* (ouud. Oo one
ready to take Its platx-. liowovi-r. Ur.
waa the woalbcr beaten date ud GIblw Is firm iuhs boliol that the presbimcAh Ibis was n ebesi of gold. How tjnt uegultotiuns will g« ibruugh.
moeh m not suted.
A Recortf reprcscnlaUve totervlcwe’l
tbe men today at tbep waited to tbU
dtp (or a train lo Mackinaw. After
muchliueAtoatog. to a guarded tori ot
a wap. they toilmaiod thA they bad
! a find but wbal or bow much
tbey bad scared they refused atrsoXEW OPFlCe OVER PEOPLES SAVINGS BANK
totclp to tap. The iDfonsatlcn
result of skinful ud persistent goestiontog.
After more guetUontog they wi
asked It they didn't know that a r
Ur* of iho treasure trove belonged to
stole. As tbodgta takgn off hi*
ffuard. one of tbem saM guiekly. “All
we have betoagi to ua We paid
Plat* Class, Stssm Bollsr and Accident Insurance.
own eapeRscs ud It la ours.Al oars.“
This seemed lo sort A break Ihe ice'
one ot them said thA Sbroeder.
the Nortbport launch owner, whom
they bad first emidoped. had
deavored to charge them Iff for tbb'
Traverse City.
Room SIO New State Bantc'SulldlnEuse A hU launch. They had engaged
him at Si u hour but be InslA^ on
ehargiBg tbem tor tho time thA they
wind bound. .They settled (or

cibit to raneb thraagh toggtog toc0|-

abaolDic need «* Ue -ooke" vtotta
ifgcd epoD'hlln the aeceaeU}’ 0* apptpat to a phrakdaB for a praaertpOoo
for the drag, bat be replied w both
that be waa a atianter with
ibirtpAve eenia and eooM get no
tatioB with hi* atoaH eoB.
«c threw down the chaage at the
4obDMO drag Aora aod aald: -Tboogta
I have DO ptooe to aleep toalgfat aad
aai a Araager here. 1 will give poo all
I have for }oA one gtala aa I an at
a pelBt when I matt have It.- Boi
petterdap the new Uw became effect­
ive wherebp ae Borphtoe or raealDe
caa be aold wltbont a pbpelclaa'* pre■eriirtlOB aad tbe atraa^r OMid
be relieved. He evWeoUp went to ibe
tonelp tpot and lap down where
bodp wai foad thi* morning.
H^op ataied to a Record repreeo
Ure that be was to a precarion* e
while Id tbe store and looked strange
after belag refused the
Cbaries Brans, tbe eompankin of ibe
nn. was located about 10 o'clock a.
Batordap bp Mode Rich. Tbe maa w
very much surprised when be learned
what bad happened to I

“My borne li near BeAuw ud I
have beea at work to the woods ne
Ludlnglon. I came up here to get
lob ud pesterdap aftmoon some tim.>
I gettlbg a drink at the fouatoln
on ihe mAB sired, iFroni sad Cass.t
Tbit fellow came along ud sAd be
was tired. He sAd be bad just
from Kalkaska ud had wAkod pa.t
c wap. He bad a bundle, under
one am ud wuted lo knew If I knew
where there was a pswo shop, i told
bad seeo one and be waated

ptaetk undeacr tbep «ere of the
npintoa that hU death was da to apoplggp psobablp ladoced hp drioklag.
.Bherlt JobawB onpaneKri tbe followlBg iiUT: A. a: Campbell Baraep
Itobler. W. S. Re9. Horacw OoBbar,
n H. ftobertooa. Mode Rich. The folil joA got ooi of lall
lowtog wltB^ae* wore oommed; B.
r there where be bed been for
e. OaAer. Oeoige Mepera. Btoftoen
BUtos, B. PeaBlagB, 4oha blackea. Ihlrip dips for steAtog tbrne pairs of
shoes. He sAd be got. the puU at
Okhflto Bvaa*.
« time bA had hid them. He
I» 8. C. easier, a yard maa to th« em- got £0 cento oa the puts ud
bought wbUkp with It Then
ptop of th* Booth Bide Utmber
paap Portly aRer T o'clock to tka pawned hit shoes ud we got U cents
asoratog Btephea Btitea. who waa na- lore aad bought'some more boose.
“We were In a nloon on Fraal
taidtog lumber tram tbe oar
tbe body toU. totdte^er the ArM .when ho Wuted ebuge for
eo be said, ud Aartcd out.
tods aad tow U aboet Ibe same time.
7Jto*toawaalrtofanblsbackbut hU Tfeen 1 lost him ud went Into the
ttM, month a»d aooe were covered drag eiore i^cxt door ud wked If bo
had bben there. Tbep sAd he had.
mBb Bead a* thoogh he had rolled to
MgTBtotoa. He had on a black anil; Then I went back
ukod If ba bad been there. Then 1
and ilACBed to the SAvailoa
TW toM was eo dtoootored that It Altar.
“I loHosred the BAvatkm Army to
Bbertff Jottaaon and CbM of Poliee their hall and Usieited lo the service.
AgbtoB wM aeUAed aad a eaU seat isA eg H waa praitp near over I
to Conor HoMsworth. who took looked, araund ud there sat Croat.
ftoarga of tbo bpdp aod ordered It r»- After the serrioe we wait
Eber. Ve' hsd eaeb bou^t a bottle
whliky wild me Bnisbed that
• where aa t
nt ahmg to tbe bridge (00 Cass
l) ud AthA
bodp. Tbe laee,.bowevA was 1
or oa fClt Ade we separated.
. ewtflea. Ha was bAow median
I Wuted to go borne, be saM. 1
h^t and btavilp bunt When:
$ii»» be bad erldeetlp beea dead: asked him where be lived ud be told
me to the eootb. to Marptud.
aboet sersa bom.
wuted to go bp the wap of Mokli
Barmal who rlewed the corpae w
lAd him to go lo Qrud ttopld*.
Iff the eptakm that be ww "Cadil
ibdt- tbe w wanted at Rapid Otp
lor robbing the poatoOee. Isiier
then ud be
PawaOroker Hartto 4enBtagi ideoUn the wap he told me that be had
■9 him as the mag who. early to the
•vaalag bad pawato bb shoes at tab tried to get eome cocAnc, but could
ptoee. the pawa ticket being found to. noLr He Aeo sAd that b»Wd bought
hto pockeL The mmn had given‘bb tee cento worth jF-Mudaaum, or Bve
name there as Charles Crass.
lae I was pMp full. After Icsv■ieBBlsga bad advanced btm M OB the shoes and to addlUoa had gIvoB tog him. I wuderod aremd down town
went up lo tbe Fere Harand
btaa aoUer wlr which be bad oa.
The mas eridoaUp wnt dlroeUp guette ram*, where I Aepi Al night.
DC here pMerdap moralgg from
(ram tbe pewnihop to John Btoekea's
BAdwin ud am looking for
aaleoa. Be tame there to eoa
When 1 was told what had happened
with a emaaioB who was taller
>0BS I Amost fell ibraugh tbe
pavement.Tbe mu told tbe ^ruggisu thA be
wHb but one cxcepiioB. to
. Tbe two moo bought a ball
lUte of Ohio, been to a -plve
plat of wbbkep aad two beprs amouat'
tog to all to SS emtU. Tbep drmak the where he conH not Itod one place
where he could buy cocaine. He cUted
' wbtoky aad thea asMB; tor
Mr. Roxburgb. that
Perth mote to tho'Mye. taping that
that was all the money they had.
Ukra tbe cure, one at tbe Walker core
BAweea. 7:» aa^
« «o'clock Friday A Ctevelud. but bad BA derived up
tram It.
Bight tb^ went Into
RW A UAbrrg'L
Ip sober
Both mn wera perf^ip
. sad...
•at drin^ a drop to ^ saloon btti
bought baH a plirl e^ brandy which
C 0. Sberwood. who (or twelve and
they look wlU u—“
c Ade of
hsir pears hw been manager <ff the
B the lumber pile was ml estate iolerests to this city of (be
aa empty botUc. tbe sbe eommonlp liunah A Lap Co and to charge of the
eoU to satoems for.ahU plob.
peraooA cstote A the tote Hon. Perry
Later to the cveBtog. tbe maa with Hunab. bas tendered his reslgt
the mUslag Aagein sloped U Rich A to take effect Oct. 10. Hr. Bherwood
Uaibetg's and asked after hb cempu. will leave Immediately (nr Erie
toe aaptog that tbep bad become eep- where he will make a vUU a Mi old
borne ud reiura with Ms mAhcr, wbi>
• Vblle to Btoekea's pUee the
will to turn spend ramc Umc to 1
noattwd thA be had JeA got ont of city.
- toll A Kalkaaka. Tbit was brongfat
After (bis period of needed rest Hr.
ap bp talking of the KatoaAm
Sberwood will Icnve for Oiark.. where
nB. HoAlyo saU thA hb bon
be win loin J. B. Wagley to nn Inspeeto MarplanA but lust what town Mr. lion d( the lumbcrfng toteresls whU*
Btoebea doesn't
tbey, In compuy with Dr. H. U.
Tbe mu WM aitnad the dip during aer of this city wlir enter Into.
thd early evealag to a (raltless uucti Wagley. wbo formerly resided ai
lor cocatoe which ho eaW to the dt.» RapMi, leaves the llrA of aexl week
dftiggbu he bad been a vlAlm
(or the upper pemlnsula to tkke active
al#a pears, bavlag aegnlrcd the habll Aargc of tbe lumbering totermto.
wUle betog a-nurae to a boedtal
The ftrtD win d«A erientlvAy to yel­
fiahlmore. Md. He entered
low ud wbHe birrb and cedA ud tbe
lattor limber win be placed a
T wtitoibe
drag Aocea «me after snoiber
esM^regueat Ibr a grata of<com%. martcM as soea as possible. The lamwhite oBerttg an (be OMoep
Tbe had. boring totsreots ate » the Immsdlate
tbb9«*e«aBtti At tbe lotmeoa Drag vtotoRp at Oark and need bnl UUto


TraTcisc aty Slate Bank-,

rl.- BUoff. aged ». who b dying
from buroa ta Mouat Stoai bii^inal.
illadcipkia. says a Ararngi- mai
ber room A midnight and set
fire to her hair.


CAPITAL, S200.000

202 VVillifim Blk„ Ciu. Pbone lls

SURPLUS. S27,000
A Geaeni Baakiig teslaess Dtse :

Your Life Doni OBCiiie^SiCurrent.

S per C^t tUovefi M ruM DetMttB..
AtS-ur. 1. »tw u. IW Avwllmmrat A %Mi


J. J. -rwKDDUC,
I saw BtaU Bank Butoias. Ttst.

i,w. emtiitt |Sjp'S:!:K:'K..ts.~‘sr:


in -fix avv Mah, Aaak ihaMins.

Siitnl PfietiM;-------- ;----------—----------Gndute Medical Deparunent Strses ’


sr‘,.r;s.f'a;5; ■K'f-.ii'iJr"!




'‘•r,ssi-£‘ is3,5iL"S;.:S;: H


MU^'i^EOdiut. lad

339&FrsBl SuatPhoiem



Tire Tnsuratice!

Money to Loan on Improved Real Estate Only.

Toeadap algfaL the two men srcai
over to the lalud with Gas Petuder
tabUUoDcb. Btrip this moratog they
raturaed ud lAt on the first trAn ont
to their desttoatloo. as they said, being
(toaw City.
th men were poorly dressed. As
d each other as "captolBaad ' mate. ,Ono wore t long
braA ud bad keen btoe
ud thick
r^lu probabip. Both were rat:
aged. Heir fear aremed to be that I
omeooe arould get a aitopehot A them, j
The gold. If they have anp gAd. did |
Bot bcloag to King Strug. Tbep were j
told Ihe alory A the supposed bidden I
treasure beloDgtog'to him ud were!
much surprised. The treasure they i
aupposed to have found Is prob-,
ably the^n; meDlloned by tbe Record I
few dayB^ago ud flrat published to'
the Korthnort~Leader.
Il Is ihoughi that the gunny sack'
(bey bad conlAned loola rather thaol
oy. Neither man had lhe>toppcar- j
aaee A a lurabermaD but looked morej
like aAlors or men wbo had fAIowed;

The aetlcm of the Old
pk? to making a tn<>vem<
■he notes given Iwo years ago r
rraenUng'tK'.nOO to aid uf tbo eleeii
railway project promoted l>y 1..


u bl» progWhen Ihese notes were given 'Hr.
Gibbs was in negollaliini wlib a fiuuelat coerera wblrh bad agre.-d lo
finabre the enierprlae. but owing lo
the Btringenep In tbe monep market or
deal fell through. Ever store, bow
ever. Mr. Gibb* bas been working iltllgitolly lo bring about the ronsiracdo.i |
ot a street tailway la Travers.- City.
Ud u ^eetrlc jtoe (O Old Mission
He bas had several eogtoeers here
from New York aod Chicago, making
toTestigaitoos and tbeir r^MH-ts relafialterlBg. In fart, several bnedlng
bouse* have, signified a desire lo nr-:
goriaie the bemdt tor the railroad but
np to thb iimm the raaalH bav* oa;


WapstOtamplaBk BiX-rDETBOIt '


You Know
of joit btnr mneh we
aaa help jroa when
bnikliDg before mu
cloding any oonlnct
for Ltmiber, Haterisb
or mill voHl

Wc make spocuil iaterior worit lor Braidenoes and Pnblic
liuildinga. Store Vtonto and Fistnroa, Toreh CulomDiL Stair
Work. ftr.

If it's mtwle of wood, wo oan make it.

easy .to solve if you come
for tlif sohilion - lliv problem
liow lo get tbe mcrnt luniU r (*f
warrantable kiml for tho h ast
money.' We hiivcn't Ixvii in
tho lumU r businoas for years
without learniiiH bow to huy
Iwarding. studding, flooriui:.
stair luniUfJatli.sbinglos and nil
the n«t of the loni; hinilier lino
sell it to snii ('ustomers
as to quality iiinl
il lunce.
lo Lave yon prove the jiroblein.



>ePnona.S3i««ll. lOP.

Spitfb SU* Lumbtr C«.

We have ju-l received

nitdlum, mammoth, White and Jtisfke

C^lover Seed
If you have to sow sryme, we would be plca'«-d
ijsh it to you at a price
nriee and quality that will
11 be
l.e i
isfatAory to) you. We
iiave Timothy that is right:
can liiul that
nay not
lOl be
lx;; the cheat>est.
chi |.est. but
is a lug different e
, compare
irc the quality.
seeds. We» have to
i handle the got
trade, and that we don't want to do. We h.ive also
ceived N. O. Baking
is tine for l.akin;;:
only CO cents i«t gallon.
Don't compare this with
cheap siiifr. We guaraniL*c this to give
If you have a separator that needs oiliii;;. j^ei your
oil of us. We have it in bulk,
will sell you any amount.
save a good deal of elbow grei
ar Board, Tar Felt Tar
We have also received Ta
Get rea'dy for winter:
Roofing and Building Paper,
Get your goods of P,
it is almost here. Don't dela
K-. comer Front and Cass.


! mm

cm, MICH.

it «iM p'lv .V " ‘ 1" ’••ill aii'l exiimiiii *ht sf--!.. Wc-haw
HuskiiiLt Pins.
K-rks, T'otaVo
II.. ts. l.-.i-iTia E.rks. iLisk.-to. Sl.-ii-'in-s. Mraw Cult,r-.. Kraut I'liU'r*. ■•to. I'all'lin-I S-• lln' "llloeg'i"
I'ill-T'' I'-'laln Il.i..k.

rRANK TRUDE. iVs Frmt Street
\Wvln"'' !• Itrst ' b'- I'lti f-li'ip.

Have >“iU ever tned Uie

syakl *riK**’

•Phd eo'ff***

/fop^/ tiger
The)- are the besL



CMuatd C«n ^
»ai SstmoM

SoL! noly by


KmmR 9’rBsniI SRrrara^


ferth oror tbe wblu oorertat aad Dorn

UteaU rtmg /Ufa «mbH
I wn tar HMT «i wmy m
tnH ■ta»«t n01n»

ntoa the time came for Tlm/tu<
etoosin' Broadway when.
She stopped a moment to leave tbe boapital Hiss Johnstoo bad k '
how. 1 got nn er er heese s thlak. while the boye. with a uddea baU day oB and the two left togeifi^
foots, bat 1 alaT fcaocked up ter bnrt. ’ saepIrtoB of danger, burned Into place, Tim was Oresacd’ la a new soli of
Ctotbes and looked’qnUe a oew
Tbe Burse passed <m to the nest eoi each to bto own cot.
srork ca


I wiata roB Bad rrery oao of t^Sno-

Ttbobtoo eeald take care of sneb a targe family,

Bbt. •

ao we brengbt two of the kHieaa aad
left her three u home.

to wlgwaam oC toaUpek aad tlreh;
Of eaaeas (tat wary toai OB cafotslnc.

They are all

giowtag aad seem to tore good tham,

We ere goieg bec^ to Uaalstee aezt
D otwi tore bin (to ttaleot larefa:
Friday, as my talber to to awme Into a
: wlMcau. dear, tynas and grey
sore aad they ara golag to
tore « fine opening aod tbe <
. And a bear that wtot boUir to
aad palms and cut
dowers and I weald like to be there

Sesidea. aobool will sooo begin

gil- she 4

help for ti. Ulm Jobnsi
-Yes. tlrae. (bets Ut: I’d les slopped tcdmtloas aad could, not disobey the

Door Picdtost—We
tore toea
ead Tlmmle was left lo himself. He
^ptBc tore for bobiU itaiao voeko.
had imly beea btougU to the botplml
a.Xew 4ays,hefere and ererythlog was
obloen were hero with no. We tore
' iU aew and streage to him.
I wtaftay «• b« M M*nr M I
food tlseo. Noarlr everr Bight
He eras aow la a ward where iwcotr
we have o bl< toefre BBd It lookt oo
cots, tea oo each She. stood sgslast
yretty oblnlBg
i«*a try to to lM!ii« toMu)
tto walls. They were white and clean,
There are maer kmo and we eaa 1ml«to Jdto to ororytody mM to
and la even- aoe was e boy who bed
Ute UsBi orotly well.
•oonr IMo« thbi»
raeeived some kind of iajury bat was
Ur Wrthdar came a week o«o aad
H t ovM- (ott io tiyl^ to to
atoosl wea They were
we tod a Mf dlaiier of rrmoud'chickttooo tktnfo, I mn *T»y, try
derly nurmd and po geoerously fed
aa and flofa and maar good tblaga. aad
that the place seemed almos
la the
heaven to the poor lliUe waifs.
aad had flreworto. Some ehlldrtti
Over each col hang a large wUlc
trott a camp aear hr to oee the
card. On the one Just above Tlm’/>
The rockcla went awar
bead was written in black letters:
out 0T«r the lake aad wc could boar
iberf atrike the water when tber fellNumber 2t<.
Two mtle fine caiae
Broken leg entered January 18. IWO.'
Cm wai Dorothea Blue from Cadillac
On the clean fretb shirt Tim srar<
waa Badle Cbaabera from
fastensd s tag 'opee which was also
yyaakfori. We had ooeh Tna maklnc
seac “Number 20.’ for this
I torta aad bonaea aad bathing,
hospital name, the
cUldren being
batblac alot u brown, trimmed
toosrn ooly by ihclr nambeft
wHb red; Thgtnla'a la red and white:
trying to spell the words en
V **>’*' Sadle'e is Mae sad white, and Doro­
tbe cards hsnglng opposite.
thea's Is aU blee Ur aunt said we
wes - BUI Fntsel. Niunbcr •. broken
tooked lUra s Sock of birds.
ana.OM Tiiooio Ml Orand TrmrM toy.
1 tod sereral birthday gUlo. and
fractnred skull." and other similar r«>
Wtltlca tor Soulitee.
waa. a book esdled “Dickey Downey.’
ords down (be Uag.
Wkcs tto doyUsht tod« «Mo tto iwlbirds, which I tore almos
In tbe nest col to Tim was s little
Uattoa. (he sob of sn orgsa grinder,
AM (to ehUditti. CM CM of |toy.>
We breoght a Sock of little dilckeas
and the two boys bad bees discussing
oreond far o
tbu had ao etotber dowa to
t of tbclr respective call
MB toBO UBTd ttolc with ns aad two lorely UUle kittens.
togs, when Intemtotpd by tbe -rbanda"
Tto old cat got caught la a trap aad
of the
•nm toe tor tto tatao «< tto
hart oae leg so obc could sotreely
*T’m goto' termorrer," retamod tbe
walk, aad my bant aald ato aerer
By UlO toBBtUnl OfBOd

Twenty i

ikto iba awse caught Us atmaiag.
“Ok. .“OB are a bootblack r~


-Is yer gladr asked Tim slowly, as

them all quite wMl and
where the mischief began; that luwa.!'‘“

an oM (sshloned chaaitooment. such j
as the doctor rememb<-red. bad been
O FIaalgan.



Of tto woadeM matoabUla of 'mothAad bartoUto that aaw aoam tot


Thaialastar -roaadOraadTiararse

rrlday. Sept. 18.
New wamheib )|lhlBg ataea latt r
■mlly n« Chattta Patfclaa. Floasle
neks. OolmaMamie. B. r. D. 2.
Bay Brawa. Melaoo aM Sdaa Wy
MB. nvd. Ira and naads UUlar.
Hartlti Blwarda. ItoiUis


bartom R. r. a U
Maadla -Bigitoaliii. OMikh. R. T.
After oar kmg aaamr teat, with


<* «bt grim «l.l d.«-ior.


verity ut the punlihment wlib i
nlceyt sense ot Justice, until, ss i





said, the buys were ‘noil dressed" fur
. denlb." langbed pspSthe Qlgfal.
-Ebtll talk IIS to death- ririnsl
Host of
suon (ell asleep, but
Tim lay awake.

He was resileM and

He pushed back the covpra
and toy with wide open eyes gaslug
about the room. Hiss Jobastun
taly a short distance away. Jatl where
(he dim light of the nlgbi tamp rested
her (ace. Ttm fell to waicbIt bad beea a bard'day (or

kind betrled nurse, though be did

“She'll iuar

out 'her

Ititli- r.>4

^>or ll'tle red tonguel tAuui

Herr}' said
Then whsill she do," senffod Rob




u blmsvlf.

lOse n-usb 1 heda t er dune It. Ebe's
EB awful good ter me." Then be lay
U a long lime casing at her. bU
»r little starved heart reaching

sbllp t knnife 10 Itiwane III' wuimds
BV hrrr-_
Tbsl was really tfat- worst iif all.
Virginia 'dldn'i want Kj_iall; 'vk’lk'”
Mr*.'s lllddy—O. she didn't


“YoD ain't mad at mer' he asked

expected to be quiet, but Tim wai
leas and wrIggIM about to bed.

“Mum ss an
repealed In-r.
solemn little ifauughts. That
what Kithin hail said.

I meant you'd |

never—no. yoo'd m vi r—talk at all.
"I. have 1.., ' Vlrgluls groaned. "It
would kill me 'thoiit I could lalk!'


For a wboh' day she tried howls'-'
hi-r'p still. lUii It was awful—awful!,
look her a|H-pitle away, she ssli!.

Fhe eotild-': . *■

'Ihour she cmiM

talk. 8be euiildn'l |ilay. she etiuldll'i
gom slc-u that uigli't. Virginia

PMto Saashlne chib of LaCn
*^Cbb1 do lt.“ omiled tbe little lui- doD'L thlak about A any arore. just go
ally talked herself to rlityt. telling 11;Wask. aiet Aug. » apon eae of our lan.
sleep.' and she smootbed the eovHe '‘uuiloiid" siorii's to he rself in tbe
tacky hull. The maeflng was nailed
At this, as It awudden tboogbl posto order at I p. m. nadpraeaUi a UD 1 eased him. Tim . Jerked the pillow
Th*- next nioMiiiig i-arl-- Aiipt .M< ri<
from under bis bead and threw h at
h’srd a siraug.' souud tii Vireiiihi’Us neighbor, with a bunt of laughter.;
••No, ' s£e replied. "I bad a UUKmom. which wa, o,.».
b.r osu.
at Tbe meeting was opeaed
TTie pUlow went bej-ond the mark' brother onev but be went aaay s long
Sh. hiimed m. .n aluim
with a eong, follosrefi by a player by and struck the boy la the aext cot.; time ago ■hear, drar!" she eJai-.ilai.-J, sufUv.twr presUeat aad a! eoag by Odette irbo. eatchlDg the intcetloo of mlscblrf;
tear gleamed In ber eye and wlih
aad Fhagle LfieT'Boiber-s Dead gad as ebUdren do tbe measles or iStlcken: qalek aympaiby Tim asked. "Ain't he
moanliig af t!'e qut--i Imie. plcttmVine prealdeet (Hiss Lee) pax. tossed it baric agstn. then hob-; cornin'bark? '

rae< Hlas Betm' lettaf to the dub: bled out of bed and called to the boy
No. he Isn't coming bark," the re­
Alter I
• riiv rallcl !
ttoa after a lUtle talk by the preel. to the next eol. “fine In! Jtae to!"
plied sotUy.
deot. tto maeUag doaed by staging
qll was merriment and
Tbo poor Itule wall bad touched t
Virginia ws, kn<-llng na h.r bin•nood-Byc. Dear Saabeam.’ it was de­ confusion, every patient who could get concealed door In her bean, and she
cided to meet at HIsa's la two M of bed was hobbling or crawling took bto band ssylng again. "Go lo holding on tlph,
toociie mid uilerlng Ih-- .ttaiic, si.
sreaka. At the ctcoe of the ateetlag
around, and some of (hose, unable to sleep-••
cign<-xt Mi'-ndf
Till -uisl'. an*
BBS b«m aad a pan ef tafiy follow the example wera helped to the
Bui these ministrations were q new
loul.tiiit glas.n'i,l
Id. aad all^ ealoyed a taSy pull la Door, while peals of laughter filled ibe delight to Tim and be pcrslsud with a face In the
small, anyy-iis om- ..u-sldv «.r.- i.-.i'*^
wistful look on bis face;
word aad a general romp becao.

toivm and M.i.-mn liui fuiw -),. sr-,Utoaie Smith. Secretary.
The nurse eame hurrylag badt from
"I'm goto' erway (rum bore tnun
gllag imir touguc wa, irymg to
the tuning room. She stood In utter slD'iir
Surnmlt City. HItA.. Bept.-ll,
away, ah I how Vlrgim.. I,. ;,1
Basement before the open door: surh
Dem PreeMeat aad Vice Presl«sat—
"Ves. I think so: are yhu giad?"
.otinds grew stranger an,I lur< ICn<-r
sight bad never before been wl;.
Tto loBg. bosy vacatlea Jg/tod^ and
"I ain't got no place |•o^'lc1(T tor
••\VUt to the wo'1,1 .vr. >,.« doii.r
to that hosplUl: then tbe altua- go ter,“ he answered slowly, "eo 1
va dU Bot do aaytUag'thai wooM be
Virginia! cri.-d mituioia :n asiov.-h
Utercating to write ahem; Just helped lloB quite overcame ber gravity aad ain't got nobody pertlr'lrr wbul'l be
«to Joined to the Ungb. bnt called glad ter see me. Ef you ain't got no
pape ea the terar. bet pepa says
boy UT yer own I could guv myielf ter
yer—I'd be sho' 'nougb goo.1 '
There was a quiver to her voice a«
she replied. Give yourself to me; why

Camp Boaair, oa Oraob Uto. Aagas

paned aad aaw ob tbe tablet:
paaktag. St. BqmtUy distrlbqjed'
Bo asasafi Bla'toad cBputy took aad

lot^5, r’se. •::i; ss advcriiwd nn ho"' sold

LOT 211
LOT 212
LOT 213
LOT 214

These are all early selections »nd are'tfae

Handsomest Lots to Oak Heigtits
the most charming atldition to Traverse City. This
addition is no»‘ largely built over, and good lots are
not easily obuinable. These lots" will be sold sepa­
rately, excepting 1S2, 1S3, 1H4, wliich must be sold togeih^. .'Ml must go for- spot cash, and the price*

The whole bi(nt^'^f

"You 'rldli ' ,
yniit l•■nel■<' ai,.(
laiicl>,.,l )•a;,a


that's kind. Imi I wouldn't know wha:
todowlibyoa" Then, st-elng the sud-1 ,
wlibia hearing aad hurried lo the
beoa ao boay dolBg It that (bey eould am r>tog to apply oar Sapsktoj motto.
hot ctep to lUl aboat It Bat (his week
-Atot Is all (HU. Hiss Johnston? It. nrtbtok about it in the morntog and i
Hark D. Ktogaley.
a M of krrety thtago tore bappeaed.
list cease tmm^tel.'!" be said see If I could lake you "
OolB^laviue, Lsqwwr Co.. Hlch.
stanilyTbe nurse went hack to her jilace! ....
^ nrat-eame a letter from o^.dear
Sept. 7. UW.
"Bul I eapnol stop It. doctor—at near the lamp, the eager little (ire of j
eacoad rice preaUtmi. UHKg ilboui
Dear Hiss Bates—I em a little girl
least not on the momcet; the poor lit­ the child still tteirm her.
So place
ber liMf ^piag trip «a tbe sb^re ct Id rmra old. fly papa and mgmma
tle chaps ore feeling (be effects of.bsv- lo go!" She could nol baalsh the!
Orpea lake.
Bto asadi us a poem aad brether aad I live with my grandlag enough to eat perhaps for the words from her mind nor the sound of
aboat the days wlM Trandto Otr
®w, bat we are' going to move
la ibeir lives, and of being tbe stifled sob In his voice, - poor luwas a (lay hamlet and the wtladsaiood this fall.
I bare one brother. His
-warm and comfortable aad cIobb. I'm tiejssyfarer. " she thought: ' sent back
wtore your papas aod massmas top tois Ctorile Perkns. He Is J2
glad to see that tt^y arv really cbil to the great wide world, lust to the
' day- Wbee tbe emnlato gro« Iw and
Old. Plessc send my brother
dm after all and ean laugh."
crowds of Broadway, or the Bowery,
’ tto aaow U deep, perhaps. U w uh and me each a card and buutm; also
■Bnt dlsripllnr. disciplinr. my dear to be again irampled under Ibv bor.e/'
her. Anal
will tell ns some send my little schoolmates. Nelson and
ladam." replied tbe donor solemnly feet, or worse still, drowued m tbe
Toe Little Things.
startoi aboat those days, wbee she Bdan Wyman. Floyd. Ivab and Fran"This U disgraceful."
depths of sin and ml-ry
To ssvwas a wee UtUe girl.
els Killer. H^U Bdsrardt. Hwudle
Hiss Johnston ^ved her band Im­
RcTBoIds, Boy Bnnm. Handte Hlgbtploringly towards the eots and cast aa
.Iiolghlr.r, BDd X- wb, •’•r l•.•,•' Tbo eeepnd good letter tbai eaate mire and Floasle Picks, esrh s card
appealing glance at the children, hot of vigil s
wh...<- H-,. l,-r-M,
from Irene, tetltag of ber happy aad batitm. Well, at my letter to g«.
aaltfarr bad any effect anif tbe'turned again bow could it be don< Then h
<sn llctt- u. who*.
..t- wUi ctoae for this
s^mir. aad tbe aesi was tram oar ttog laag eaoogh.
towards the doctor.
thoughts went hack lo other days, lu may K»,vn wb<o-. II'H- u'.-S'ar. ■
bU Ssaahiaer. Hark Klagsley. who al­ time.
"Ton will have to—to—rpank-lhem tbe mile invalid bratber wbo bad gone ran promo-.. wh,.*c
ways has JMs of Jolly things to say.
—my dear madam-spank them.? he sway so long ago. and whose Hie bad Wishv, you rah gra::f>
Ago 10.
Emily J. Perkins.
FMm tarwwv Wasblagtoo tbe tralas
salm grimly.
been so ho'jnd up with her own as to cfci-crfully our owl
eame piWbg stoag. kumag .with a
Ik tweWy children, oae after' be Its guiding tofluvnci even yet
fi-hil to olfj.A-. 1,- oC ,,t 1:... i;
letaer tram oar aewcat branch dab.
Tiounle O-Flanignn.
tbe other?? Why. dorior. I eouldn't; :
At last the hour, of watching kiD,:e.~r.f snu r-ilf-d.'hisl,
I*’ r.i.
Mb a pHy ttox nre ao tar away that
-Your aaue to Tlmmle O Flsnlgan. 1 would need help! I never did such; passed: she went off duty, stul It wav
tW- Ihigg, tbs' n'lwiv Uk*we eoaU am aU W ns tore tod a So­ Hat II?" asked the aurse who bad
a thing in my life!*
1 late to the followicg morning wh«-t;- Which mu.' U.
ger la that caady.
paused betide one cf the wUie cou
"Prebably not." be replied, walking she returned to the t<oj>'
?d of a out of the rooBinn dignified
Tim Wl* watching fori,Br. „oid mil- ur.r^Mr........ - il.,
Aad las to a loag list S aew amm- great bosplul.
At tbe door he paused bedorc the table her.eager-v.shd that he, too. bad been
ntW.rarily 1. ..oill gl. .hx:
bin from aoattora UlAlgan. -We are
'earn, theta
-here tbe tablet lay waltlag to receive thinking. He looktvl wan and nervous.,^,,
glad to woluime them, era we not?
led tbe Utile teUow whose eagdf kis orders for tbe DigfaL He wrote in a* bis eyes lamed toward bee full of i, ,,
,.n.,a8h u, shsia.r. fr,.m .h.':w urem totUng into faers.
quick, nervous band, then passed oe
‘wurd.-. sovvtuig -va.,. jaii. cLh-radiNext week ytrar preeldeai pfU »B
"Aad srhat do yoo go when stroog wllbont aaoiber word The doctor bad
-1. yer goto' icr do l.r' be Baked ■,mu, or d„|y
yea the first of ito ptaas obs has atede aad able to run aboat r*
of fats own. but be bad
toglTeyoapliMato She thtato h U
-Wsirm. I aaed ter to> er street
nd donbUess they had
-! Iroff. r
gotag to be lotd'or faa. aad abs bepes cleaiifi^hsl bne lately I'se been getwith- the order.
-••Idlllr Thlrcv."
yep win agree srith tor. Waidi aat
ss Johnston

LOT 230


OTuele was tbe wasbiTwomai^cnd at
wutys bad
homethlng .to

know H. and the unusual experiOTonlr said, ' rture. sh. talks lolke
B Of (he last hour bad added to the
me little piddle-tlisi larht yereudn'i
-U»fct sorry." said Tim

LOT 184
LOT 188

In. ' Have tii be mem tr an oyster—

B'AOI to SI sll! Hut thst ilidc t fright­
with a strange new stmsc ol repenten her a* much sn whit Atint Mi-rry
“Well, not -meUy: yer see. hits nwlee and lenderxess.
said. Nuthliig rrighiiiitd her as'biiK'h
(ul nke here.’
Tto nnrae left ber seal. pasi>ed dowa
riw supisxllig It was
“Too bet." was the reply. 'Tm gtria' tbs ward, ibeo back again and near a* that did
MB. too; data' know but wbui I'll gtl Tim's eol. saw bis bright, wideopen true*—honeM 'nie. blaek sod blur?
bralsad op er|in Jest or purpose ter eyes gaz^g csgerly toward ber. and
ihinighl stniek temir
Vlrgtnls's suiil. Thi-u what wiuiH!
It was now almost dark, tbe cvcnlag
■What Is lir- she laqalrod kindly,
happeu? Wa» Hubin rlElii?
eal was served, the dishes cltated emning nearer; “wbal is Itr

was of' tbe most Interest to ns. School basllly; "Boys! boys! slop! get Into
«Bly emootfi) letters to keep as from
opened Sept. 4th.' Hiss. Alice Arcbet your cots st once. Nineteen, twenty.
fecitag loo loaeeoma, bow alee It is to
to the ctolr. We een Cdl better laicr- Aeren. eight, do yem benr'me! _<Jet to
hare ihlags beglii to bappea agalnr
twd at once. I say(''
Tto atta too beaa ahlalag all orar oar hbw we'will get eleeg. Oaesi U aU
Just at this moment the physician
tto wMk laid out to done It wUt keep:
bread laad. and
as on e lively knmto. But tor oae. I: wbo waa maktog bto “ronnhs" came
a tolBUg. top. tbimgh Iboy baro.

LOT 183

^ VlrBlnls't Psraipa Tongue.
Everylnidy asld ao. but they ail sal<i
It In different srays.

if coosldorlng Ibe msltcr soriaasty.

awsr, the alght lamp lit aod the boys

LOT 182

He gave a sbrUI squeal,

then another, aod she passed on
-IP." thee to tbe next, vsrylag tbe

Ing ber.


places before reacfalng

remless. toputettw-TWaie
O'Ftoajgsa who ttarteJl
It. so she rode til a fans where Htss Jobsytoc
mother lln-d.
walked gravely to kis sldd-sad tamed
Now SI last Tim bad a faoiiiv of hi
down tbe sheet under which tbe~ntUr
own and be was surely the bapplei-fignre began to wriggle.
boy la the SCaje of Nea-Y-«rk. He si
“Slop resmtlBg, twenty, stop restotUisr she said, and In a few momenu ways said be would have b<.-cn a tsjm

“Why, jny poor child, no:
“Ton better keep' still.- said bU
ju mean?" And she drew a ebafr
Will cloae by btqdng Ml the band
friend. “She doan' Ukc tbet."
oae and sat down.
tore had as alM a raeatioa as I bai
“But I am -been this sllU tur this
"Wtn. 1 done hit; I pltcb^ my pll^.^nr^wah-MatoMo- had.' WluTloTe to all.
long In all my life befo'. co blu bard.“ ler St him." jerking bis thumb lows^
rram yonr Saoshloe girl,
replled Tim.
bis next nefgbbor. " T wiiz er lot er j
Siaplag sap trwogto aad atoirtac plao
» ireae Batey.
Ho reswbed Us band out from uadcr trouble ter wbup us all: i wut er hli*
UConaer. Watolagtoa. Sept. S. 1M6. tto covers, trylag to toi-cb the nett' Job: i's sorry 1 dwe bit"
Dear PrcsUcai—Herald toaag
-WeU. If you're sorry. It s all right
Am afraid this letter Is too long.

They crossed on tbe great ferry ,
the into sad wal tbrougb n>Aa> l

Uke a good nurse, Utos Johastoe
had Obeerred bdr petieatt closely: she

Tbe isrgeti ptatooa bridge In the
world to at -Calratta. and Is a perms-

if -ol.l .it one time anil for cash «li>wn, would be

As Uii: |»ricc ...jui'; Lk: aceor.iiiiK-ly :irnl to :i!!ow holding a- an inveslmeni.
of lot'.

Ctim.; <!,m' k



Also One Acre Lot
in Birchwood
Fronting East Ha\ ** rotls and


less a strip two rod* wid.: on north




.si.le for street.


very desirable lot in tlii' l>eau:if;i: MiLurbaii s[Krt.-


123 Front


• •orUidnku O,


ay Mdd aot leag av> thM-^hg;
•on apewdtag vnlnable time In
ttlteh to iwqalted with a
UCUT.r.t.MVI»S«l. >
HIgbtir tooaer teakhn. Tbe gtwaiett ripping up garaaenta and teoovatlBg ___ discovered a new way/fia save ^ makea; also a v
are nbould be obaerrM ta the guoda. ito Bare that the mierlal BOtay. 8be has two Aan^era. cme (dther with eoro or r Mioea adds rtchA
to worthy <d the work aad wW repay eigtK ami the other tweiv^^ la buythis wwt to keep the Itaea re
lae and MCigy expended. Hav­ tag patieros she takes thoap' for teo- never be detteted.
row an oven dlatnaee away bum
Fairy Cora Brmul-Hade with
redeecaaor. Expertenae wUI great­ ing decided this, go ahead as fallows: year«M girls. Poc the fetto glH she
Blp np tbe goods with a Aaip knife eets doifa and for the older owe she aral baked ta a dish aad aerred ta
ly aW oae In working theae rowx
ly. but a begtaner ahonld one tbe gnSde nnd poll oat all tbe cut threads. Shako eatarges the t«a-r<ar-oU paUeva. but light, puffy tliecA the follawtag to
___ piece well aad dust sllkea tahrles sbe to the oaly peraua sttlifled witb dainty brmtafast or luarheoa dUh: To
ntlaebnenL After tbe firs
atltebed tbe guide may be mored tbe! with a'piece of flaanel or aa old ailk the reanIL Aside from the fotly of each copfn! of com pulp, grated
ehon>ed. allow a cap of nUlk and oxA
spoiling the fit « the gnraiei
fctoehief; woolea materials m
required dtacaace end the see
mlnutea la a doable hpller.
wbtakbraom aad more streogth for the meaai that the eigfat-rear«W
foMowlng roeru worked.
lOve and add a taMespaonfi
dresses too old. and her alater In those
Frequently n narrow strip
too yoeihfnl. ft>r there are dtattnet butter: beat (wo eggs tspamu-lr. stir
crinoline o{ akin cambric la inaerted
of milk ta the yvdkA miz
>ln and nkobol are explo- styles for every age. A glil ef eight to
nnder n hem or between tbe folda of
tbe ctolh. nnd the aUtcfalng workert aives when unedtosn^ fire or n light. a mile child, while one of twelve ii gethcA taen sift ta a cupful of yellow
(broogh tbe Ibtee tbldmenaea. This After dmntag mate^nto....^th thesr long aad lank CMUgb nsaally lo re­ commeal mized vrith
moeb to give etlffncsa lo tbe bang them U the open iJr for the quire apeetal paint ta dreaaiiig to avoid baking powder, brat veil and Insl be­
tames to evnponte. and. If colond. do maktag her painfully artf-cooiclowi fore ponrlag the whole Into a bullereJ
edge a> to ^termlt the atltchlng
baking: dUb atir In the sllff^ol^
propcrif. worked and show up better' not bang ta tbe atm. or they will dry
btlca. Bake ibree^uanert o' ttreaks. Clean with m pirce of
when anlBbed. Some dreeag
Helpful Hinia for •ssrtnp.
Mr In a steady ovem
me fabric If poaaibic. or at Imst
atrip of taffeta, as Ifa:
Tbe followtag belpfnl binu a
Com rellsb—Ten caps of corn
beautiful flnlsb, but It la ntber extmr- whb one of the lamc color. Do not
from CDbl. leo cups of cabbage
linings, as when washed they given by a writer lo Woman's Life;
aganl. •
Wbeh Jotalag a bias plceq of ma- chopped floe, flve red peppere (largel
In taming eomerx or. In fact, ndftiai- shrink out of shape, and a dreaa
■rial to a straight idcrc. alwiys keep chopped line, on e-haIf gallca vlnetmr.
Ing the work er changing Its poalUec
the bias piece underneaib. ai this piethree
while under the machine, one annoytag lining. Wnah nnd Iroo (be linings and
cop* of sugar, four Ul.lesi.moful* <K
tbem down for chlldren'a frocks
point can be overcome by laiettlng
Hatf-wom sbreta abould be cot Jn white mustard aee]l.
only. When tpoaglDg any malcrtnJ db
■be needle directly ta Ibc c
fulB ol (viery
other desired poalllon) and-bedding K It with downward strokes, using
together, and the ncwly<ut edges
k one-hall hour—Selected.
down while ibc work I* being tamed of the same or simitar goods.
Wben washing goods ta a tatber op faemmed. This rossidernbly lengthens
r poglUoa. If tbU la not done
ttoclr lease of life.
the work artll atlp na soon na tbe preua- pure soap and water do pot mb
Wben mactalnlng a' thin material,
cr-fooi ta raised, and If tbe nppe
such as eblffon, place a place of pN»rr that nutny women, niherwisr ricrer
thread docs not snap It will be dmwi groaUy soiled places, and U a,delleslc
tb the matertol. It will pre­ with the needle, think It dlfflenlt
long aa to spoil tbe symmetry of fabric do not mb OB tbo washboard.
White woolen goods arc diy clean* vent It puckering, and can be cosily Itaea aircet Jacket. The tallnr'a moth
tbe itllebes; besides, when proceeding
r.B.paTldaoB. tarn Urol. 1
lib best dry flour or eonmeal, rob­ removed afterwards.
Army. Washtagtozi. D. <L, ears V. K.
with the work, the needle may
To avoid marking velvet whoa
■be iaekm lining fur a paltern
Insert^ again at Ibc correct point, bing the article In n'targe bowl of tbtoi
Ing It. lay anolbci>|ffeec face down- cut out a complete lining by this, leav­
tbnktag II off and repeating U
otr mJoff (tefw fi a* rowMdy
thus breaking a perfect line.
vcMBfvft ooMpaMWa *• PenwA
e Iron on the wrong tide If wahl to rest -j-our fingers on. and ynn ing the prticr half attached for a guide.
All seams abould be well pressed.
strikes sr tav root a/ the
Sew jfto'llntng tesgHher. leaving the
cmas*d. but hanging ta the evening will And when yon have flolabed
With very few exceptions tbe
tag that the pile will not be flattened: under am sesma opro. Now tiasie. In
A* gyatom lo o trmtf awasr
ed open—one edge each eldc
Builonbolcs. on ablns should
half, flulng It smoMbly along
ooy.r^lMoaOooo As Mtaary
A deaning fluid that is highly recom­
of the stHcbing. In w^len goods tbe
1 rhaeitoUy and unhesi
attag in the irttuUao of ll.~aa moat
JDS may be dampened n trifle so ns mended to made as follows: Cnsoltac.
outside UlPibntlonbolc ftltThen rip out the other half of
trf uarflo—rou Joat eajr Smly. “Pel
make them net flatter, but al!k one galkm; etber. ooetcaipoop; cblortbey are nea\^if
If Ibis
ibis to done they will liBiog and baste In tbe mu
aww.- and in™ U> eooictbtag elee be­
A »te» e( OMT red slMA
JDS should simply bare the heel of olorm. one teaspoon: ammonia, l
M long as the abln Itself: Hem Ibe new lining verymBlIy all
tiiraach H, it fore the teed baa line to ptaal llaeir. the Iron nm over the line <rf aUtchlng KAspoeos; alcohol, one gin. Mix v
wlibont tearing away.
around the byllom. neck uPfronts. 1 f yon do not derlvv prompt and
Get Into the bebil of IL aad roa doen without touefalng tbo cdgA. Silk roar and do not use near a Ore or it
If in sewing on hooks, especially
and ineq
wUl go ta; factoryTssnlu
laetory Tssnltt from the n» of fVrohw
bow tutieh MBBlor tbe window* also be pressed like velvet, tbos: Hold closed room.
A aiiMte lo pMi.
to Ur. Hartmaa. gtvind a
of a Usdiro. they are tbe . armholes and under-drm seams,
of ibc iw1 will be.
one end bf tbe seam ta the left band.
n* doll oM cerUi ud etoaded skr.
Arc }-o« eaalljr burl br a real or
wUb someone bedding tbe other end. cleaning deUcaie colors, oa the i
‘ Beside awit woedinu bri^t.
agteod ellgfat? Pat It awajr—burl
and.with the right band mn the Iron moBla staUea and will dlarolor light with balf tbo number of stitebes oth­ gbod pressing wiU flnisb your work vies gfalto.
Asd tree and Sower end eterrUtlas
ta the eoergy of good work, aaithe
Address Dr. Hartatao, PfroWsmt at
ibe. seam without touebtag the' fabrics. Buy the last four dnigs ta erwise required, and will not become very satlsfacturlly. The sleeves are
BcXdeed to trmr licht.
simply cut from the old lining and at­ na ■aanman Saoltarium. U4»mb«w.
bodr'a waato ia donaumed by exerctac. table. Tlie bema my be pressed
qusnUtlci of an ounce, ns it will te loosened uearly as quickly.
Doee the tbooght of yeeterdey'i failure the table with a doib over tbe silk cheaper ta the aid, and keep for fu­
Wben mroding kid gloves, use cot­ tached at tbe lop and bottom, flntofa- O'-Uo.
Asd Utfonih the roan of taler life
bamt jooT Putlt away; refuae to be Avoid pressing sUk na much ns peasi ture nse wbat is not needed at
ton rather than silk, ns silk to likely to tag Ibe armbole first. Tbe secret of
Bo*e hwv (etk I've ki»wn
have MM..
the ...............a
ted. You are not a nitaed eaaUc. ble, aa tbe hoi lion destroys Its crisp
leilWSUa sleeves Is to SSM.W
This aold deans ailk and woolen ma­ cat (bo kid. It la quite worih while to rellutag
nWd foeed the Bikslc of thestaM
that the gboeU of the dead paat aboold ness and Impairs Its luster. Woolen terials nnd does not shrink the fabric, provide oneself with a glove needle, longer than the sleeve* so as to allow I after dinner. It will rest you
' AsdaodeitaUtheirowB;
you tIUnk.
make a Tcadexvoos of your ntad. Itae* goods, on the other hand, are greatly leaves a bew Itaish. docs not yellow which can be purehased »i any plenty of rtiom at tbe elbow.
Keep Ibe alu|> bartai-tlghtly eovorod.
•mm hsm folk tor whom ttao am
the fear of eomlag dlaaaier dtouea* impioTcd by pressing.
while, can be used on tUb most deli­ draper's. They are moeb nicer for the
' eunabaaeoecloodrdare.
or it WlU be a feeding idace for files
To Shir by MaehInA
you? Put It away. The thing my
cate colors and taWks, and Ik
irpose than ordinary needles.
TopuKltchlng as well as the b
With shirring occupying so. impor­ cm tbmr way to yoar milk pitcher and
For whOM tlH Sowen would oJwari
’ come at all. and anyway, the Of skirts ia tbe tatter material shonld trcmely cheap. *
Alwaj-s thread yoOF needle before
tant a position as |t does at proem on butler plate.
worry wlU not ward U off.
Pour out sufllelcnl of jbe fluid
pressed very flat, under a damp
culling the cotton to roaure ihreadtag
dresses and blouses and etathca of
Atesf tbentasr-wwA
doth. Press all edges 'after they are cover the niilclc to be cleaned, us:
the right end: otherwise It will tangle.
dcscriptkib. a pay tu dp-K h}'
tnmod over, baste before sHtebtag.
amTihesTted talk who vet weld
Cat yrsut eotton; do not bite or break
tu be carriod off allvo a It la lo by
abowB Irritalloa or seiaab whlmi
Put tbe article in and wash at ,vou It. Use tbe right size needle and suit- machine to worth knowing.
and Bgnin after the omamcoinl atltchOf enuree. it will never, lake the Ktnn'herod lo.dntb.
wrong Jtidgmcol:—but, eren if you lag bns bm added give It a Anal would wash in water, rubbing the sills- roilota for your malertat
. - When Ueebtaa ehtaetr cnpL '
doM errore. If yon presdng. The sUlcbed edges of silk soiled iqmts eepoeinlly with an old soft
plarr of hand work—nothing onilil: A tin wash liasin will Ian but a ahori
that yiiur thread is flmly and r
Wbewwr bad • word of cheer
but at least It Is a fairly good sohsll. lime, an nunmoaly iiM-d. n> make It '
bare kep< youiaelt frw from bnodlaic. dresaea should only be pressed light­ Unthbrusb on a flat surface.
ror tSoae who oIsM or wept;
fastened off.
GIrdICf (and an last a long time, keep (bo bmimn of
lute for many ibin
UiU your miod la atill ly to prevail gtasslng the silk.
you my
Wring out from tfaia and rlnac In a
it palnU-d wJlh common nil palni.
ter itotk wboB It wsa seod to kaow.
many of thorn requir
Bccood-portion ot tbo fluid: wring out
In coat making, pressing ptayt
Wbo Mdo the daU STOW brtibl.
Down pillows are'aamewbni cxpisi'
bogta tbe nett i*r freebly end sanely. most Important part; it Is simply ai , again and bang In a draft until the smfli as Italian cloth, sstero. and black of sblrrlag). and <
prinu. always use silk, as the black
Asd ahod ikheet their wv to earth
done oa tbe alvc. and n good sabalilntn to made of
prising wbat a tailor can accomplish
cal-talto. Gather them wfaea nearly '
, A war bwrwlr M«W.
Wtanlh tbe nee In sighin' if iroiir noul with bis Iron. At tbe front of the nrm- fluid, as it can be used a second lime sewing cotton turns rnaly with wear
and wasfalng and spoilt tbe appear­
strip from the stalks.-Tic fhlek.
bole, where tbe material Is a little ifo:i on dark materials, like men's ckxbcs. ance of Ibe articles on which It to used.
Aiis A I thlok bow good a time
Loosen Iho lower tension, leaving ihe close down will expand Into a fluffy'
RntaramTor aunny. yon’re got to inll for a stout flgnre, the . madeiial Is block dresses, carpets, etc.

aerair brills to POM.
When sewing on builona befofe you upper tight, and stlteb your rows ez.{ mass, and (bia will puff out tbo plltoSi! '
If the article Is loo large to put Into
sbniak so as to reduce the dize
B on e< w OMId look OB Ute
lay the bnuon on the gnrmenl. put acrty aa if you were doing plain jlow.
Homcane n-blowin’. or tide n-n
make it conform with the figure. Tbe the ftnid use a,sponge or cloth similar
k their ti
lit color to (be soiled fabric. TbU the ilircad through so that the knot siiichlbg. When It to all slltched.puli' Ifthorublierontheclolbsaiwringrr
lapels are presscdjn such a
-c S. PiBtt. ta the I
will he on the right side. That leave. the loose threads undenicatb. drawftig:U worn oul. rover Ibc ruilyre with
Time b s-eylo'—a4yln’1make tbem fit ta at tbo neck edge, but deanser a1ll not remove stains made
It under the button and prevemv II ljf,p nuitrrUI up wnH It to as
ivtei’a tbe m ta Wlabiii'. fer the dend lie flat OB the coat at the outside.
from lielng Ironed or worn away and I yoa warn li.
for whilp rlollics. Of rournc. colored
wasdii-d ta water.
In applying what ia called a mu
an' duity joareT
When color has been dostroyod by Ihu* b««lnntag ihe loosening process. I Then fasten both rods of your fabrics might sula and moke trvmUfi.
Didn't they bnre croaaei? DMnt they collar to a lady's coat or Jacket, press
Belore you begin sewing, lay a larg-1 ,h,p,ds. „d your shirring ia done,
•‘Tbo blibTT tatth aakaa otUI t
on the line of perforatloo* ta the pat. acid, 'ammonia will neutralize ifac
hnre enree?
pin across (be .builoo so that (hc Lpif sboui too mlnuiea having-pecir
same, and after this pslng t

Pep^ra Stufisd Witt) Rtoa.
Wbafa tbe nee In- weopta’T World will tom Which forma the roll of tbe collar
----- ; needed--------------------•ads go over
the pin. 'After
After you
Instead of an hoiy or two.
.Selroi green peppers of anifurm
• fbr wo grow Bko the tblnp our •
at Ibe top <rf the neck nnd stretch the rcnorcs'lbc original color.
have finisbod tilling I hr bnk*. draw
nut don't try It on deliente stuffs•.
lower edge, wbicb rests on 'be outside
idar. rut off Ibe atom rod. and remove
nne to n-ffyteii-adlyln'f
• Asd ttao or cUc at wo Bln bleb or
S.-.-.IS. ThivTW the peppers Into
of the coat, by pressing with tbe lion
and round beneath the buicoA ThNiprii
"This is the third time I've bad
Tnke tbe road wntestoi^-aB- the ol-l while ■irctcblDg. Press also the seal
1 iBilIIng water, cook for flve mlBuli-s.
•,. low ■
dress apart." said a woman In exasper­ makes a stem to sustain the pulling!’
’ world at Itobett^
I Ibt-Ii take Ibrin oul. and drain. Ham
which Joins this eoUar to tbe lapels.
and wear of the buttonhole.
Trarel aoaajMdded; there'U be time
Good Fall RocIpCA
' ready rooutti boiled rloo to fill them
The Importancv of |•resalog canne ated tones, not long ago. "I feet
■K good
enoutf'for feel
For variety, try rooking a cboprwj i„_.„x,TflowlrA Stand fhe n<-|>p<w*
be overempbaalsed. Eacb section of Ibrowiag the whole thing away
When the Shadow wmee aa' aonitert Ibe work should be pressed as Ibe cosi never touching It again. Mrs. Wusriz who find ironhle in flulng tbemaelves (
with (be stewed grom ,hus sudr.-d In a l*kc dish, and dre
“Ov-lialf yarts of
^ delicious bIrod ,i... r|„.
vim bmicr'. four a IllUp dual an' dalaiea o'er tbe breaet
The odttortal this week waa written
advances—the acamt. all tumed-orcr said she hadn't the least bit of (rouble
iirong Itaing' and c
ter thie departtaeat hr Mrrtie Koon
Ttmir to a-OjiB’-a-Oyta'!
canned or fresh corn l»£)W- „.,j. hl.vk the popiwf*. ooftatN
edges, the collar and the sleeves.
r»MijBien or Qraad Rapida. and U dlTine to aHyta'-4bllyta'!'
, used for (he purpose.
- th-m ciok covend for ten 'mlnutta In .
When Ibe facings arc applied, aooihcr
aueeess. I am beginning to think pa­
—Attanta CehelJtutioB.
For n tasty ulad lo serve with mrs- ;
„w-n-Ju*t rooutti to host Ibem
and sttirh It as If lor an ordinary
per pallerns are a delusion nnd
It Into dire a green |»-|.|K-r and four H,.„,ughly. rncuver, leave them It:
dress. -Indtrad i>f books and eyes, sew
five young onions. Serv e- on linurt .
for five mlnulro longer, and
"But Ethel Woods is Kn yosrs ol-J logrihrt <lown the frool. then stuff tbe *
Deal »eoW.
Tbe naaoa why eo
Frrocb dn-sMilg
I serve tbem In ihr disb ta wbicb they
ordinary Ironing board,' which serves
lining nrmiy wire sawdust, shaping .. . ^
Wa all WOBI to lire the wbotaaonc real the secret of.thHr home maan- for pressing everylbtag but tbe Id yonr Marie only seven." anir
■ "f "'V'lwt-rc baked.—Ladles' Woriil.
a. you proceed hew a strong lining
steamers to
IBa IM I w eate aobodr waou to farlnre Ilea, not in the style,
sleeves. A sleeve-board Is a great con^
I pntteni like that and gel a gnuJ across tbr tsutom so as to stand .« a
bs Mortild. bat the little bahiu wbirb the slipebod ftnlabtag. Tbe October vcBldk^ and may be made of A board
h v. g.-«ables|
pfum CharIcMA
table: add a stock collar at nock, with ,
„ . iiin.l|o. arei While Grand Truv.n-.- ploms are-it ,
gWw lato BoitMaeoa are sot alwar*
of tac New Idea Woman's Mags- about fif^heu iuches long, four Inches
"Pertalnly: why not? I turned It lo * P'er'' "t '‘“'“k ■'■">»« ’Ac top. Tblst^^^^p^
p,rrots ut into fll^.! rtv-ir bv-sl try y.b* del., .ouk rerdpe
aser to break.
xtae teila bow ibl* may be avoided by .wide on one rod nnd two on the other:
draping and i
< a. ..t as tortilp ((«. dessert:
There ta Jeet wTlhlsf Utat loerl. oalag»a Uttle wie. Tbe article to
tbe board to one Inch thick. Both rods carefully all around and followrd the i ta™**-' •»
The-iwo are m
tahlf brlag. .eataVdeprcaaloB. and followa;
as well ns edges are round^. .If this direeuona to the letter. I eanoot af , trimming blouscA alro for flulng colthat ta btoodlas. The btackoet or ladi soned with bulUr, sal:
Id atUebiDg a garment tbe greatett tannot be obtained on ordinary roUtag -rd tr> buy a pattern for every ggr-1
<1 pepper.—plums
da« th^L it 11 eemea ealr ta a ire meal be exeketow. wtacther
roil nvake for my family."
----------------------; Exebangt
pin may be neatly covered and used
"It to economy ta tbe end to have a:
About Swaet Corn.
Saah.«aBset eredie enlktaeoe. for it ia work ia only on the Inside or tor onm- for the parpose.
the sdWBK of wrath and other
mentatkn. After tbe eeam* of the
t-, an.l rr.und tbr;
It may Ac possible ibai aftef. press­
Helpful MtatA
Ihfm in
loeotr thoo^ta thaL'hekee then lire
to. alterel ing iwthCT hard tbe mnrtis of the Iron the friend, positively. "You kad better . romblnation of flavolh Is mor.- delight„ li.rd.llng dish; pour In
Hlziog (I'jor and milk, or water. wUli sides of
fa] than green corn and tomatoes, an.l
asd get la their bad work.
ancT Dltlog-they are atUehed lust will remain, or. perhaps, a gloss wlU
spoon is r.futi pretii rloppy bust- HP- plim
now ibai the- Isttcr arr- to be bad targe L-ss. Try a fork
. Mppom. s«t thse an mptaaBut oolaldc the baattags- The elltobtag appear on the right side. Jo remove
.1 away n
and ripe at low price, they mav be
Ihai^t hMalle rm. laatead of iuxuri mutt foUow a continuous line whetber Ibis, wet n cloth thoroughly, then
“So m-rv.iii*? ■ Tr> l>m;: down and quit.- .--i
•ver be made to fit because served together m a novel and appetiz­ Iking a hi* of a nai- -v.-ry day JuM M-rv- w:
almlgtat or currlng. nod llule wring Jt out: toyUito over the glos^'
It coTTertlv. If people are ing form. Eiihr-r corn from the cob or
dllBcBUy will be fonnd if tbe batting spot h« tbe right side of the garment It is s
Ite exactly, or the garment a lender canhed variety may be used.
t>oen pnpoly dene nnd tbe lines and set a hot Iron upon it; remove al­
a studio apron, that is net Scoop oul enough of the interior of ;
of the pntlcm presorred.
most Inauntly. Uft the cloth sad >br
To obtain tbe beat effeela In siUeb- gloss win have dlsapeparcd. to'bli-: snppoaed lo have a snug III. It Is poasl- large, ripe. ev«n-«ltod tomatoes to
exchange patteins. but. gener­ leav'- a Biifllrlcntlv- thick skin. To
ing. the marhlne abould be In-Cbe best atm damp rnb a whisk broom llghlly
possible condlllw. It should be well elver the spot to mtoe the aap bf tbe ally speaking, tbe money Invested tn each bolt pint tvf core pulp ilf corn Is
patterns to never lost or looltob-1 canned, rbnioflne nnd
oiled, tbe needle properly adjssted and material.
• nadd half a (easpoonful of_salt.
size to eorreapood with the thread
Thnt swhatweaycrloinc: now. W.- oiv 4*.-lI a)»itt tlinmn wtoh Ihe borrowed pii- two tablespnonfols of milk, a of
nr silk lo be naed. Work several rows
Fer Hofnc DrzasmakarA
: eouTli
pepper, simmer for tea jaMiiies. fill
fotirth* of all the piaooa ooH in tliis vicinity. If ^ a«oa a trial piece of doth aad adjust the
TbU to tbe time of the year wben
conUnae to send her belpleas children Into the tomato eases, put a bit of bu'
teasloa to Iocm. U^tro. Irogibro or'(be busy boose-mother must turn
one of llie ftrw wJio arc not l.uyini: of tia Iherp must Uto
ter on top. put a fiat pan in a quick
shorien tbe stltefa. A medium stlieh | ottonUon to fall sewing. There
some reason for it nfitl w<- woiiM like to know that reason.
la best for dreannaklng. One'slum- aebool dreases to be made for (he ebll- ter vanity, for abe Is sure, it would be n ov en and balfe for alsiut balf an bou'
Wiiott our tfoodi arc tlic ix-at .m-1 our pri.** tiro lowefft why
Grt-t-n Corn Pudding—Baked brow-n
I's clolhes to be fresh- sinful wmste of money to bay pauvnis
bitag bloek which Ibe worker frequni dree, last s
shonlti you not las amoiii; tlic li<i»t of salisGt-vI cpgtomtTn
I ly encoantera when working on wbile eaed and brightened and made to look wben sbe can borrow. Samanrba Allen
who are MTinB many <lol!ar» yearly by tlctiling witJi Urinv-'
Imatarlnla Is tbe sutatag of the good* like new throupb the touches ibal only IcUt of a woman at the minister's do- poultry, (he cure, young and elthe;
ncll Jfroo., the lanreal an<i b-st retail mntic boosu ia the
______________________ 1 with madtlne oil. It is tiever wise
mother knows how to give. To some naiton patty who asked every woman chopped fine If canned, or grated from
women ■■ given the happy faculty of present for a pattern for her basqne the cob. tbe following Is a peifert
worhi. The next time you want aBytliing in the lim; of
waist, and It to to be presumed that dish: To a pint of core pulp allow ibc
« a -knack- whk*
music, call an.f cot pur prices and tt-nns.
,lloB, the oil U IlkelT to di6p: ta fact.: gnrmeats look even better than i
wbUeotbera must acquire this tbroagh sbe coold do nothlggrerlth. By gedins leaapoofiful of tall, a dtatt cif pepper. *
teaapmoful of sugar and a little,
taag appreaiieesblp. Home OiewHa tulleeOM sfcrm^^tht be able >o .
abe bad n perfect BL
chopped paj^ey t( liked. Bnke.balf:
an hour ta a hmiered dish.
o LmUmi H«ie Bmto. 159 E. Fnmt SC
Tbose who have nor tried ctoopplDg'
a before nslni .will scarcelyI





PE-fliHiii mmm




JfmmU^ BUUr^s UUt


Sntlsdds-tothehraltlifulness of the food.

" ■* "" “



r%cs 5 to 12
I TRAvente county, hichioan. Thursday. September ei. ties.


U tbe cabinet waa s L taken. The bid lag tbe form rt a welcome for the MMn. Rote nittud rt tko
and paireat wtii reeeire ibelr mafl by
comlag paator. Rev. L. H. Carpenter,
t rt Bkncbe Brlmm
R. F. O. fraa Uonor.
and a krcwel'l for tbe rulriag paator, SUnrday mad Sonday.
Rev. L E. Hrtmea. who bna bad
tbe venerable Rev. J. W. Hiller, wboe
Bltbee U
chance rt tBe M. B. ebarefa at iMs
leaw rtrsut^alam aerview hat covered a vau BeM in tbe brother. Ed'iMIromti. aad family rt plarc. has
CDniJgned to Weityuem to tbwclty for three yearku a Bonb from ISSS.
fort. Rev J.
UmbfclM wHl Vnme
Tbe liUie edIBee waa tragiaat
yoary rental rt ooe-Uilrd the tolU owl
here. During their two years' auy
wlifa Interett at tlx per ecu and when pr«ly with fUl foliage and Bowe-rs
hvre>lr. and Mr*. Holmes have made
Empire. Mirb.. Sept. l>—Henry many friend* who regrw their depatt■be ibird paymeot arms made to tare placed there by loving and willing
hands. Tbe pitrgrem for tbe eveniee: "'Uher rt Grand Haven Is vixllfaig bU ure. and ihBbMt^Hfto ff.all will
■he systetn orer to the city for $1.
Cap‘- « “• "’Uker. ax Sleep- follow them to Ibelr
Mr. Marny moved tbU the lowed begna with lauremenul moale by;
Bear life Bring lUUon.
bid be accepted. Hr. Olllett Mrdn-d Hlss Ftorunce Brtker. follovced by a 1
W. Reynrtds aad wife. WIU MorR- **• Ortnent and grendetaU rl, aad wRe. Tboa. Deertiig. Jr. anH
Gamewell bid. Hr. Blngbam tald wok> by Mr. Boacben. Uler which R. j
Adams and Verm Carr, Miss Eula Reynolds drove lo llcmor
be wasn't prepared to TWe and ftvorodCity last Monday aad Sunday to see a bait gaare bMwesa
laylog the maucr over until anrtber which waa gteuly enjoyed by those In i •
meeting. Mr. Gllleil thought three atlcndanec. lAKcre Emery then ren t foesdsy.
Ihe Honor nine and Ihe Grewa Fttatndered music followed by a preliy duet
C«iW and family, who hare Ulggers.
HpcuIU could be intlalled with
het-n thing al Glen Haven, bare
pretest airees and buteiiee and Mr. by tbe Misses Florence 1
Hr. aad Hr*. W. P. Reynolds atturned 10 Empire.
Atibrtt made the aecetBry motion.
Irtided tbo funeral at Honrt last TneaMrs. C. B. Ackerman and twin jtaj' rt Mr. ReynoMs* slMor. Mrs. Ran­
addrcM of welcome
Only one ordlnaaM wat passed lau
ereaiag. This wat an ordinance ex- eomlog pastor. Rev. L. H. Carpenii I dnughiers left last U’edoeMUy
dolph. who died Sept. 10. at MaalMec '
I ten days' vUii at Ravenna and Hart, from aa operation.
lending ihe time rt the tranrhke was then givra by Archibald^ EMi
esce hi wortt of tbat klad..
___ „
____ (o by the pastor him [ Prot. W. K. Ferris of Dig Rapids will
granted L. K. Olbbt I
Mr. Beeia hat tarred tbe dtr writ
Hr*. »>anV Rsdllnger was takea to
«» «»>e K. O. T. M. M. bar
tinici no electric rUlway In the city. srtf in a bappy and delightful vein. C.:
(or eoreral jean at eltr cler
Grand Rapids Thursday, wbm sfaei
H. Jobnaon then apoke kind nnd nppiv i *•’>■ P’"* *^<>aT “laht, &-pi, :J
Tbo. franrfaliie. wbich
baadled that oMce tbioecb
■be borne rt the t^lbolk- '
datively to the miring pastor. Rev. [ e**™- A- E Willard spent last week sisters rt the poor.
erplred Nov.
^ o( the atoet latporttst UatotT ot tbe
Treveree Cky vlslllng her parenliL
amendr-d ibat Mr. Gibtn jrat given J. W. Miller, of bis Mllhfol and pains-1
cftr.'darlax a Ubo la wbleb It reHr. and Mrs. George T. Bakpr rt
><rs. Mary A. Gould is cnicnUning
URill OcL 1. 190C. to itart work aad Inking labor among ibi ^ Ihe re«alrad a Iml fa««l ud'aa exitert te
Chicago, who have bcee spendtag the
gm with which bis ryilrertSil wasae j
dangblers. Mrs. Jobn Gabel rt Au
wull Oci. 1.1P07.10 complete IL
the eltr derk't oSee. Mr. Been poesummer at their callage. Tbe OaMa. oa
eeplod. A most cortlU wrtcome was I
»««> Mre.'Oeorgo Thompson of
aaeaea tbe reoBtilie qaalltlaa tDr'tbU
Gin Uke. Irtt for home Friday tm the
coUlBue Ms chnrcU Alansdn. Mldl^
Bey Neariy Ete.
iMpprtast poet aad tbe work of ibr
'slegmcr HUsourL
•>«'**'* Twed.'lo retuttu-d last
tHj citek't oSee has beea kept op
rllle. Mich.. Sept. ?n.- UBItaUao with them. At the dose rt!
eolorod finlly by tbq aame rt
response by Mr. Miller, Mrs, Ca- Tuesday from a two weeks'
Robert Boak. Jr., an l^-jxar-oid boy of
tbe Boat excallcM Baaaer dortoc h
Hall. living one mile north of town,
ihk village, came In contact with
ter. she wife rt.tbe Incoming pn< Traverea Cliy.
terau ot oBee. Tbe Btabert ot tba
eitT eouadl. aad eltr oBdali
live guy wire Monday evrelng and tor. gaVe a cordial lyvitation lo aD lit ' B. A. Voice made a abort bnalncss bave'picked and sold over novoa banquart* rt wild berriB In BBptre
new paslorage on Bohemia sin-e;. trip to Traverse City last sreek. M '
W voUt patUd through hit body
Ir, win rofrei rerr naA that Hr.
P. D. fUyner.rt iioaor was In lolH'|tbls slimmer.
Bean baa tovad fait adraaiace to
grasped the guy. which be knew to
The marriage rt Miss Alice Pairanl
tllghily charged, and .n doing to aoclai boor spent In which all were FMdar looking tor a auayed horse.
-oeeepl a belter poalUoe. altiraegb tbej
Prank rt Cbt^ has ben
Mr*. Blixabetb Rohr went to Ann
brought it in clone eoaiact with the tborougbly at home.
will wiab bha weU la bk aew plaee.
Mr. BeeN realgaed bit oBee Mat algfat Seized at Clt^ Cieik to Take PotitJan elib the lUunub A (.uy Cimptiiy uuisformer shell. That be was not
Rev. J. W. Milky ras neen at his Arbor last week lo bare a surgical annouBped lo take place Tbtrtday.
Mne OB StUe street op VAVdoesday opereiloe, performed on her eyes. She Sept. :i. at the borne rt Ibe brido's
to take eCeel oa tbe^Ent ot Jaaearr.
tntlanlly killed It a lUracle. Hk com
Ml by her non, .F. L. parents. Hr. and Hr*. tPm. Farregi.'
aad Hapor Prtedrieb appolBied Bbert
- T------------------------------T" panlont were more or b-*» tbocked. bat
r a rep'renenuilvc of tbo Herald as
and that ihe majlcr be referred hart; aono terloutly. When yooog Boak
B. MeOor to fla tbe raoancr aad tbe
bis fnlnre work and as he Iboogbt
commllieo |od the city attor- waa released life was almott extlaei; rt tbe fniure ar It presealed itself lo
appoiaUieat waa pronpUf aad aaaalMr*. C. F. Rich and danghicri
Lay lutercata. Hr.' Boeri' rcaignatioa B'-y 1(1 agroc on the priec and the man | but arilficlal rotplrallon wat iiivimpllv bis mind's eye be found even graater Mabel and Ethel returned Thursday Bnn rt Traverao CHy vlallcd tbe Bret
Bowly ooaflrBed by tbe eoaaell.
waa net raeeWed without regret and ncr of perchasc. Tbo ffloilon carried. | rernrlcd to and he wgt liroagbt to life posslblllUcs than In the fleld of Mbor froth a month's visit at Hanntbal, Ho. rt last week with Hr. Sullivan'* parran be waa rltlbly aSoetrd w^m he IteOQlte aMloa wu taken In tbe mu-' a ravlaB manUe.'ln which ttarc be »e- which be has Just renounced through
E. R. Dailey returned ibo ndddle rt enu at East Empire.
Ht of Ibe Are alarei t.vMcm Monday i mUard a few bouty.
dfaaM by the peUthm wbleb veat be­ Bd it The reaignaUoa foil
bis advsseed age. "What sbUI I turn Itai week from as extended business
Mta A. E. Forrester ealertalaM ber
To Ibe HoBorablo Mayor
evening. On Mr. Abbou'i motion
fore tb* eoaaell Mu nl^t atklac (o'
Oplues were given end sleep yim- myself to?" be asked in reply
parentp. Hr. and Mn. John- Chandler .
bk sppBBtmaai. tbe aMloa of Um, Coanell: Geeilcmca—i hereby ten­ wat docided m change the wire* from duced and when be awakened yester- quenion. "nb, I shall be called upon
rt South Fiaokfort. last Saturday aad
der my retlgnatlon to itke effect Jan. Ihe electric ligbi i«iU-» la tbe |»o1w
oaoadl will be gOMrally approred.
said be «bs all right to flil pul|iUs wherever a minister
L' IbOC.' I am led to ukc Uiit step rt tbo CltUeus TclepbuDc eumiiany except for burex on his bands ani I railed away or III. and tben Ae preThe BveBonlbsrtd non of Mr. and
CirwR CoBt Caterktr.
for tbe rentoa tbu 4 am offered cm- aud 10 alto put tbo tyUrtn on.throe back. Hp Is prariicUly none
Ur*. Gordon Baric died at oten Arbor
Tbe cstaBdar (or-tbe Sepiember ptoyBcnt rt toch %nan
or four wiceulu. InaUtl new wire
for bis awful cxpedence.
A- B. UTUari went to Traveree City last Tposdw Bight. Tbe IKlIe ooB bad
Urm ct Oitmlt eoort which <
my duly 10 accept the place uBered wherever ncecesar^ and pin la a pine
two miles from ibe city where I bopc^ Wednesday anif nrinmed Tbureday.
III from Urtb. llndertakor Adibeen
BopL K. M rather Uebt tbit yeu
me and I alto with to leave the work twiirbboard U tb« rentral tlatloa.
Work rt Beard rt Trade.
to spend much time, and In fact, there
Jamoa Daly 1* building a sebooltwaaiyerke eatea bdag on tbe dodeec Of my pretoBl poaillon at well In hand The matter ot aturege battorleB wax
The dlrectora of the boeri of trade are so many avenura for labor tbam bousc In district Ko. 6, one mile nouib
IBara are (oar ertarlaal eater, tblrteen at potUblc bw my tueccaaor. .Oy Jtn.
unil] ibe r.exi meeting.
« Tuesday' nl^t lo consider several sbUI be busier than ever." and Ibe of town.
Mmm or (aet, oee ebancory
1 Ibe peadlng tmaiaou. Including taa
tJii&or Ihe proper*head. Mayor Prled- ■autera rt coasiderahlc Intereat whica bappy venerable pastor rejotced glee­ L. E. Doekqa aad family left Thurs­
mutara. BBUirUly naalaa throoBh rlrb road a communlruion In regard give promise rt fflUcriU development fully with bis quiet little wife who day for a future borne at Ely, Aatiim
the oMee rt elly clerk, nlll be treli
Uni alann eykem or Ihe niy. Ur >»ter on. The otBreni of ihe Travers- agreed Ihst they would flnil goirnty. The iKUtI wishes of a boat of
Orant V
doted aad can t>e conrcaietiUy laken walcd Ihat-efier careful int <-sil|mtion I City Ixuri of Irade bate iM-en dlllgen'.- least to atiend service togelber Just friends go wllb them.
It rt tbo HteUcaa 0. A. R.
ll«aar Mw;
up by nnmher.
j he found the Bn- alarm a|>|>arsius .ifl *>' *t
“>“e lime on various like rogulsr rburrh member*.
. Last Thursday aas the last day rt
I with to take thk OPpoMunliy l‘>| ,|,p pity In cxeelient rondlliiin It wax i brrttoalilons hut up lo this rime there
the Bmplro-Platie stage line. The postJ. O. Hatchlst. vtoMUoti <t tbe pnbikly Ibank til Vbr> _vworking order a* long ae there I
Industries preHenied
oIBce ai Platte vMlI be dlscoolinued
IllBe Ue; Oeot«ii H. Croaa.
Dendon. Mich. Scpi. :o._Mr. am
illxturbanecs but which have t>c<m sulisiantlsl enough !.
Ckaitea K PUrB. battaidy; Oaorce
Varranl the ex|>endiiure of any of the 1 Mr* Blmer Dowman were very plea*
s the system. Ii
K. OoB.
e In me by rhnoslug 1 i„ieth.
fUDdS voted hr
l.v the petiole.
rwwikin However.
Un,r<.>,.> |I snily sunirlscd by a niimber rt Ibelr
Oirit HoppB. ataaUt with tateat Ur me to lU dtnlcs for tkic premn term. 1 sllgh'e.i brvak would p»f- it ,
out of many that have iK-en presented. I friends Iasi Monday evening and Uie!j
de «reu bodily barB lere than the I (cel that I owe my friends at------'
are reasonable prnspcris that evening wu efK-nt with game*. Prof. 11
olofev, working rink-r. Whi-ni-ver a break <1
cataB c^Burder: Oeorce H. Crota.
for tlepplnc ool rt ofllee n..*, yei'( Ih.- ,.xrr..l Ih.. *..,-1...,.,.. .. .k» „rtont '!»>« will Ik- maierlal reaulls In s xcry J. A. Hoyt enlerulncd the crowd wlthj|
MIMabetb Oarn'ei. John Xialaebell weUare of myteU and family. 1 belki u. j ft^torlte eere ni.llB.-d a. soot. a. po» sMrrl time, which will please (be peo­ some fine muxle.
at aL. tTBpaB on the
jntUBct inch actioo on my part. '
ple of Tra4<>rM. City.
Bihrlyn Deahe has l>een spending!
Uitfcmarkabfe} If >on mw tbe abowa yen
To Ibe cseenltren. ald.-rmrai and,ro^i ,hem and ihe hnxtrd —.........
The board on Tuesday look up for a few days al Camp l,oke«iew. Hector 1
L eonntleB tbonaaada u valna ataembled. T
Wnuam SehacUer ra. WUIIam MU- other dty offldUs with wbom I htvelp.,.,, He ndvriiuiied pulling the syr- omtslderstlon three worthy proposl- HclxWD taking her place in the »toro [
I y”^TB°*°pg breadera. ^ Tbeyhad^^
las. re^eria appeal; JohatA. Laras- •erred I alu wlUi lo'iuy that '
Mr. and Hr*. Allen arc' taking 4n|
lien on a' least ihn-o cl^^ulls In order lions, either rt which would be fully
■B. Prau * {Melt.
only hope that my a
eacb year
that In rase ol a break only (Xie ibiri appreciated by the rommunliy Two (be Grand Rapids fair this week.
ndorado yoeetry Cemlpasy ra. Baa- sa well treued at I have heoo.
Hr*. r>«ke la movlne Imck from]
of it would lie mil of commission s> of them are not large but will em­
«M P. Hodtat. aBompalt; OoreH A
any one time. He also rcrmmmcvuleil ploy from thirty lo fifty people each: Green Lake
Obba Prau A Oaek.
. ........ another whicli will eifip .
Prof. J. A. Ht»i gave a line enter-:
■ be InslBllallon rt storage
, tuineries
John PaffhaaMs rt. Asdrew WIIMr. Hurray raovi
ore4,4h<nhe reslg- which woiilrt'affect saving of frum | hfinlrod pecjple is a proposition of tainment at Deake's hall Tncadivj
aaUoa be accepled and the owulon pre- j tc» to f*(i c
i more magnitude and a definite pUn evening.
OBkw. Prut A Dark.
Hoelor MeLcan Is aorklng for Hr |l
valM. Tho mayor, before putUng the ^1 the requivt of the mayor F C has been proposed to the board uf
aitrk H. eieaaee ra. Jota Newt
took oeoaston to say that all | s„.vcr rt the Gamewefl system, ha t trade, Thto enterprise looks very Allen a
aad Bits Tasderrenter. aeUoa ot
and It Is
proMble (baidebt on fadgmeu: Oleawia A Lee. deeply tt«reltnd,lhal Mr. Beers should, ^rte a careful cxamUmilcHi and re­ wlibln a short time the tnard will
take tbto step and the thought -tohijjKmri ebat the „«,en, was In g.K.l
------- lie by 8, E. WAIT A tic—
Jeha W. PatebU (or John Hewcoatk
Nesseti CJly. Midi, Se|il. ;<i —BoTti
by the eounclL
U.nrtlUon. He eert.ln have something lo nnnonore which
tJhorge VaaOordes ra. 9. R.. A I.
A peUlion signed dry J. T. Hannah 1 rhnng.-n and nlvo that the system be trill show that It* egoTta have noi to Mr. and Mr* J.vman Hall »epl. 16,
BUhray company. trwpaB on ibe Id a large nirmber of other* .skins
circuits. The nmyo- Ixrei Id vain. The three propoalilon* twin sons.
. «sar; Cbarlea A. WIthtqr. T. J. CBrlen. UmlB-'R. McCoy be npppln.ed 10 1111]«„..,
Hr*. Keoiiv (d Cn;>emlsb vldied In
^.0 been allowri
mentioned were referred to the proper
Hr. Beer.' ^ <ra. read ^d under ,
eunmliiees for ImmetHsie Invexilga, lown fval'irday.
Hoeeubal. taaomfUi: UMerwood A the proper bend. Mr. HrOny wn* nplion nnd wKh Instnirtlou* lo rormri
The infant child of Mr and Mrr.
Vklor. Prut A Oarla.
pointed by Mayor Pricdrlrh. Mr.
as aoon M poecible. The (-ommlltee* Chavli-s Ml*, who ha* been quite *lek.
Peek A Hni Pnnitsie Compaay. a Been will nppolat him hit deputy nnd
will get together today and begin is 00 the gain
earpotUieB. ra. WUIIa K. Wlltoa. irce- he will at once go Into Iht olBee so
their »-nrk.
Ralph Slmon.K made a business lrl|>
IBB ba tbe cauv W. A. Pmkek. Prau that he will be Nffliliar with the dui lev
The soeretnry read several rammunl- to Ma-HIa Saturday
A Darla.
by Jan. 1. Tbe appointment was made
cailons from i>«iple who had manufar.
Mr*. Clara Btamsn of Ddrolt an 1
Cbarlea Wnb«ta at al. ra/cbartet
llately so tbat Mr. McCoy could
luring enterprliet in search of new Mr*. Bln* Cornell of Coivemlsh arc
a; Lawresee. diBeUilkmy attaA- gel acquainted.with tbe detail of the ’
localloQ*. but with verv f.-w exeepllnnt ! guests of Mrs Imvld Hirkey.
•teat appeu: Psim C. albert. 1. J. oBee.
these emerpriM-* n-quirri Ihe invesi
The infant rMld of Mr and Mr*
PirtImiBsry steps for the ItsBlng ol[
mem of local raiitui a* as Indueemc-m. John Dnni'ili. whlrh died lYIday. wa>
Bkeey $. Morvn
tbo IkO.Ot-O worth or bunds voted by
and In some case* * i«dii* In addition brought here for burial in the Cattanlb
tbe people last spring for park pu:to aioek subscription*. It has been cemetery Sunday.
lie. John A. Loraager.
Hosday evening. The'
shown In ibc'pasi thi' It 1* very- dif.
Mr». M. Golden, who ha* been vUli
....................ra- Jobs J.
ConUBlttce on parka repined Uisl rev
ficuli to sell noik for any enterprise i Ing her son. Rev. Father Golden, th"
Know that when it comes time to start to school it
rvlerla apepU; John
•ral pieces rt laiid had been exsmlne-l
•whicli Jis* Iteen In oiK-rxi too elsewhere, i |ia»i month, left for her l.oim- in Oran-:
er.Joba J. Tweddle.
nit.ans to ifct their supjtlies al the
the purchase of (he
but It 1* believed tbst U one or two Rapid* Sati-day.
MbUgaa' Boggy coapaay ra. Ferric' halt rt the BaysMc addUlon. wbleb
Bond lAyiAg Industries should be e«Word sras reerived ihit mornlnr
iBpMtumx eeBpaay. treapaa on tbe llaB between the bay tbnre and PcoinlabllKfard in Traverse City, that lhe;<bal George Brlainer of Mtrllln.
. B«e;.PafBCCabBt.WiUiaBP.CrotQBiaiQlng 621 fn-t of bay:
»ah-of stock for ether* will be compar-: brother of E. W Brimmer rt thl.fltmuge. >ui west of the city parin'
ea»y. One of these under e<»- j place, was very *lek.
Aadrew Bohrabaefeer « at ra doutri by1. O. Bryant anjl that the I
. .. r requires local j Mr. and Mr*. Alex &i5_iih of Thomj.
Hoary Aatbeny el aL, ueapaia oa the money tceuiod to buy parks be navi
: sioekbnidcrs and it U believed that In aonvllle visited in town over Sunday.
B«e; Jeha W. PaUhM.
to pay fof the same. There aoemel,
! tb!» particultr rase sueges* may be atHr. and Mr* James Wldillfleld
A Aieay.

1 taincd. Inasmuch a* tbe ententrise U Crawn werwln town over Sunday
J. nr. iMoe ra. J. C BoMbbob. Mil to ter and arveral motions and OMUiieri
Elbert A McCoy.
rt i-ndocbted reltabliliy __
Hr and M-* George Hill made *
.1,11, tin..
bnalDCK* trip to Thompsonv llle Satut
rreaary rt the board Of trade, mad.a* CHy Clerk
| dend* oa lis eapltal »toek.
dayMaggie M. TnnUI rt. Hark M. TarexplanaUQH by-saying iMt n wa> I
'__________ j The committees aptninled to'ln- 'Mra- Hsrrie Brimmer of Manistee i*
MlU dlroree: t^nrUl H. Oage. This is the j;rcat center of School Book and Supply
easier to dispose of tbe bond* If-they]
! vreiigaie the proposiUou appeared Ibe gueet rt her »oo. E W . and rnmll>
Alice Mona .ra. Rlehdrd Horu. dl
lisnsd in a lump asm. Manlsti-e, <'’>«Mn't Insull that at prcaeni oa ar- before the board last night aad will ‘ Mrs. Walter Bump rt Uarilla visile I
rotte: Lorell H. Oaga.
Furnishings, We buy all books that arc used io tbe
bad triad the pleeenea! laabhm jnd i
<rf Jkv price, he ribougbi that | doubtlets be ready to report tn a very her sister, Mr*. Jew,e Coyne, over
OBtrede R. Banndcn rt. Bdward bad had troable. The board of trade | the «i» should be used for-the fir*' abort time.
adjacent counties.
BaaadarA dlroree; Prau A Darii
hM InvesttgaM a number rt propoal 1 ••*rm system. .
three rt these propoidckmi are
Aitbar Payne ra. taex Payne, dl- Urtks but nnoo rt them w«iv> rt a ehaj-1 T^e last biistnws of tbe meeting worthy of the elosesl investlgatioa and ! Alex Smith and family rt Thomp^
You can't foi^t the place, but we say it again,
mvllle were gnesls of his parenu.
reree; Pbb C. OUbart.w to warrant aubsunilal aid ricrepi ‘'
ri«d1-vg rt Gin bids on tbe ‘ favorable conslderaikm.
Mr. aad Mrs. David Smith. Sunday.
Korn P. Hart.m Bamphniy Hart.
Brnaswlek4la!ke company wfakb : Rri* alarm aysu-m aad pollee alarm]
Several from here attended the surBrarea: Pnria C. Gilbert.
ao^Vetmt*>*lcm. The
- bid
- rt Ibe Gamewell com-1
imaMar tbU dty (or v
Wtlem and Farewtfk
KeUka PaPatty r«. LerMuoJW
He bsli^ed that H wa* s pany. was tTbi for tbe fire alarm syaOne rt the Bost^deUghifnl and la- Copemlsb Toesday.
«««rae; PamCOIlbcri. .
^od Mm te have tbe money ready in jlsrt 'cm 1*5 If a cahlm-t was m' 1
glven Tneaday
Hr. and Mrs. C. Donovan of East

Cora LoraU ra. WIIIob LoraiL dl- «aaa • rrilabM proposlttaxt did crtnvji**;**- Wrti eompany's bid W tl^ evening nl the FOnrteentb Street M. B., tout
CoUtx risllod at Win' Wright's 80s
TCtrw; CdtHI A Cr«M
pollri- ^larm system wa* *776 leas tion j ehnrrh hy the membws. ito aEalr tak-1 day.
peter Peteraea rt. Mary T. Petemo.
Prank lUiailiaa tboocbt It woold be
ChM«* l> Cny C4MK.
a cond idea to rcfrr the mailer to the
Tin rMMt4WtemMkn <E Q. a. SSw- dlrtece: Joba W. Palcbln.
vaof M BMUer oT Ite r«s] ertsU
Joetpb Trombly re. Paaale TromUy. rity auoracy. Ilia Idea was that if
dlToree; John W. Patcbln.
| Mber piece o( raluble. land caiM up
Itltwln-TT- of tbe Hnab * Iajt
Anaoe C Smltb ri. HacKie Smtih.l Utcr.'tbe diy could buy that alto. Hr.
tmar €t (AM eilr baa maK«d la a madtvoree; Prut A IMrlt.
| ningbam mored ibot .the mayor aol
ttrtal efcaage ia ibe ninldpAl af
Harry Dnue rt. LHIIbb Doanc, dl-|rierk bo autfaoHzcd iii buy the land u.
wee; Amil F. NcrniiKor. '
j lUun. 'B. U 8|iray«r didn't iblak
I wl»e.ti> iBBert Ihi-iirlrr. On adrtce
auer creatad br tbe reilgiiai!«a of
jx-„,. Attoroey H. r. Dark Ur. Bio.
Ur. Sberwood. Mr. Been will derate
Otailea M. Boers, who baa
: ^,0, *i,hdrcw the price and bk moat saMfa tlae at poaaible io tbe work
^ o;„ u.c ooaocll deemed It
o( eitjr elcrfc'e oOkw oatll hto lueeetaur Bdemiy aerred aa.elty clerk {or on-:
baeoMB (aalllaHMd wttb Ita dttlea. term aad part e( the seeeed. reelfned ] „pedle« to purrhtae the property
asd tbea eater aeUrMr into tbe work
of bit eew poritloe wttb tbe Haaoab
* {AT «o*paar- It It aeedlett
atate ibal no better aniolatiBeal
eaeeced Mr. Bberwood eoeld bare M
- Bade, at Mr. Beera It a llrat eiaaa of-

No Trace of INseaM






Jill tbe

School Children
City Book Store

Cbt Bobaii Co.


Cnoine Citf, mkl^.

0ity Book Store

>AV. McrrcMCCR t\. iwa.

^TraTOM Herald
: HBRAia ANO iiseew M.


•nie peoide «r tlw pwtttAla am be4MMC dlAmrACAd orer tbe leek of
POAribiml«A beiAMA OM MlA.
ifaA ACM) TrATOrM CItr. ABd bATC beCAB to dMpAlr of erer kAvloB tbe
unrid tcAAAH Wbleb bAA beee la eetlctPAtioA AO Bmnr pAATA. Tbe AUsatAtloA of tbe reman baiMeBi tbU jrebr
^ tMAOd AO AfllAilon for ifaprered
MgbwvA. Abicb vlll probabir iaaoIT
id bobedt It tbe AMreMot U
H-nArarae wtr pmipte Aie uwiwiw
to tbe AkAtier aod Heror rrtadrteb bAe
d tbe people of Ue peBlotoia to
Imibedlaio ACtloe to band a drete MdbwAT'fTom Timveree Oty
t NUaMa. iod bAA blmeeif ete^
idbe A llberot eeetrlbatfaw toward
espAAet. MAjror rrtedrteh
« that if tbe tartMn. froU stewh Add reeort owoen of tbe peeliui
*Add' lAtae A food for that perpoee.
■1 TrarerAA atj boAloeeA sen woald
e HberAJl]' toward tbe
. To tbU fud Add AB
A.Area* the towBAbIp. aad a aarc
I the Bt^ AM fad wbleb <m|U be
A boolevard betweeJ
id AAd TrATAiae ooold bA bnUt

l«rUiBcd fer U* rteortrj. H« H tM
totltrr of bMM 8Um. who work*
far Dr. H. B. Om of Troreiw# Oty.
Ur. Btom was famihl (O tbc QrMJ
mrcTM boepiUJ TawiUr fadrmlin.
(b« iBjoiod mu bdos plu*»oo a om
fai tke bum* cor At BoBiDii ettr
wb«r» be rODAlnod with hlA fAA»r
OAtD tke boApItAl erouto* waa raACked
vbeo tbe dtp AmbolAoee carrM -kla

G. a a L

...Mto DoirtHt ud Tallin. tr.00 to
CUcagp. M.OO to Gran.l n< :-ld’ on O.
U. A I. fnnAl eimmton. UitoUr Srd.
gSJO to RMhinoadi. OcL leib. Aak aay
R. A 1. Agent about It
aept lltouetS

ANIUH 6. R. & I.
trait M.OO. Toledo BJO. Oilcago giJO.
Omad Bwldt 11.00. Tbe aecoad eato win bo to Blchmoad, lod- on
lay. Oct. 10. Pare gSJO. Ticket*
good to return tor 10 day*. See G. R:
A 1. agaob for full particular* or addiees C. to Lockwood. O. P. A. Grant:
apfd*. H%
aept Wwocil

AiiuAL Excaasi***

Hiehlgu 8n«ih<-ra &v. Tueeday. Sept,
mb. Special irain win leave Omni
Rapid* at liM a. tn, ranalng through
llboiiL chugeI'are. Traverec City to Cl.-reland
On Tuesday. Sept. Z«ib. far DHiolt
and rouira. $n.l<>; Hi'ffato.
founal^rtU begta tbe pablkailon of
OM^IUkPIDS - ^'oo
L aerial ABUOrd -Chlorb cf the 1*1- "mmI. B<S. real B.WJ**. JeAc* -1 Tk-k.-ui good for M day*. Pameabn. •
end.'' W^ I* said to be one of
T eS g ft A T. 0ctSh«T
beat juriea ever written.

: -; sd

diACAoeU of bU iBpufca waa ^e by
A eorreetlorir
^ It^'eedtndTuyM tS- IMi te sf Oetote.'
local fAyaleUDA.
The itooft of (hr niarriage of HU*
He WAA fMiAd lA A eritkal coadtUoA Hary Good, which apprarod fa an itr (hb paper eomr Uaut ago. I< an
fmo talArtei. etpeelaUr tboee oa Ua
. We with to recall H ud rccUf/
bAAd ud tbe lower left li^b where a
ipouod CraMorc of both boaea
fOAAd. Tbe tojory to tbe limb
tS.lft to Detroit ud Toledo. K.OO to i»«*’
Al A* aereral deep aod raonf
CMcago. S1.M----------^---------------cote aod brultea ^e bf ««taf lu
n A I. annual
eObloct wlib tome Uutruneni wbkh Thl* resort te matfe uponWednmany
eat deep soebea Id ecTeral place* be­
low the knee. A deep eat on tbe h
cAiiced Biueb weckaeoc throaab
protuae blecdiBK after tbe lajury
fore be eoald rocelre medical atleotloD. Tbe riKbt abouldrr alto belair
badly lojared.
Hr. Storra by al tbe potot of death
ratterdajr. A cbADpo for the »
took pbee la tbe eiotBlDg which
Heitage Trci
Thwr Haiaage
Treatment* _riven »' ,
Hr the reault o( tbe .(back i
Prow elrcet. cure Appendi ijhjjwi
I «U> anW. rnr thra^ n n
leumatlim. Nerve Alimoul*.|Jj;^
. Kidney; Uver and DowH ■ i
titwblr. Conwipation, etc. Sample,,
ircatmenl free.
/ reapcieded to. At 10 o'clork
QTATK t'V Hlt'BIOAKthere wa* eearedr uy poUe percepU
bio tad at » o'clock Id tbe afteroooo
by la a aemKoBBeiotw coadltloB
l roFC«Dl(ioa of bb family who were
bli bodfide. «{b wife. Mra. Gc«r«e
r m*tirr bI Ua- ateW ol
* Low ffato ExeuralOT to Ohio. Wednea-i,
Siorr* of Summit City ud daagbler.
11. a talbo*
O. a UbM of Orud Rapid*, aod coo.
G. R. A I. unual cicun-lon to I). I
Cbarte*. of Kbxby antred od (he
moiAlec train while aaotber-aon. Aa*oo «L. of DelroK. bu becB wired for. r-. ro Sec G. R. 4 I
daret. that PrU*>. Ih<fw imr •
t. t> inn nail, *t I.n
Later—Hr. Storrs died tbb moralBf (tcnlare
pi tew or. J
I Yn|(.ju m Ohio point*. Tickets Cl*'2°’'
To- . u'rkiea la tba tai
o reli
witliln llftemI!?-?.?• S;.Sd^hlrT?a'.^«‘".V
hUAainfl Man Located.
Uh igmia'tor full p«nlculars
Prank Hiller wa* adjudged iDBaae
Saturday aad waa caaualttrd to the
ar.teoMim« U ..-.......
Nortocre Hlchigu aaylum.
SarM. that aaM p-roilon^Be time ago Hiller weat to <bll
iMkeenn. Cra'pd Rapid*. Rrie gZJO. j
Iro^^td i«td raiuan, *e>!
forab In (smpur with hb wife. Me
Sunday. 8epL M.
worked b aa aaylaB while there aad
rrain will j.ave
J.ave Traverse fity
City m
became Inaue. After bo bad beee
IK a. m. Sre posters, or ask agents >Ktd Oownif. i
eonSBpd In tbe aaylnm there tot tome
Uae H wa* dlaeorered that be wa* not
“^H, F. Moeller, O.r. A.'^tau
a reMdent «f Calttornb but of Hbhl
gan ao bo wa* eeat back to Klngaloy
Bear whito idaee hit parenu lire. An
attef^nt-CABc a* far a* Chicago but
tram there on ho came la company
with hU wife, aereral day* ago Hflier
Bred from the home of hU
pb fa IHaydclt towaibip aai^S- .^.

TVkM*cte t-r

u Clcbni

Ann li ta on »
■r hand Sdlt

Traverse City Markets

at^.sr ~".y_

•MlnMnlta>. llvlu. Traa M I* .
_______ -pa—St aatip
anip c— avth
avik ai
aala. Mm
aaa tarpia i»a«a.Ua-B.u*« ta aaU
iSny dtaanUK l-Hau.* Add
bart.rra-aaaat%tr. Rich ’

ri• w Ooo
Arriving ''




PiBiMAi^QUETTE jilit

Amoiif' tli.-nmiy tiowtok*)*
jnat i«.vviv»). arv 'I*AlJll->>'
niey ^ all |•ric.■« :iml m
ifrTetaus wiiilbs. We
hlan have tho .'Xlni wiillha
for aUrat i>eniJ<-. mid nrv
fhowint; Uio widiKt akin for
n 00 bi ho foBivl in tin- city.


1 fiUly appreolat* the tBpn>»*.f
Laaat Mm Wantad.
c Boaae.oaipeatera are in demand by
^ gOTBamebt to work on the Ittb^ of FaBBtt fa toe rtrll- eerrlce.
Htqr nae wUbfag to take each a poal^ caa flic amUratloa* at tbe local
^MoStee before Oct. 1 throat toe
Heal board of oaBlaera Tbe pay
ft H enu da boar, dgbt bMr* a day.
ftaatpOffalloB free from New Tork
#ty aad pay to begda at Uae M 1«arfag New Tmk. tbe trip to Ooli



22b E. Fmt St. 201S*. DtlM

Kow Hilrar Hnfa] Kni,^
Fnrka and Spoons just 1Q
Ni-w VVhili-Sotni-Por«vUin
Wiirt- nml a aupt-rh aaaortnif’nt of JaisuifAC Wuflf jnrt


RA(n*mb«r dho PIaca. j

Elgin G. Lewis.



pon rariT parm. thmy


. ne people «( the pealaeab
I BBlmea) la their dealre tor ab
b raDafay; aod bo makoabift wQI
•MoA.tbalr dealre or tbe dMaadt
J ibp towAsblp. IB the BboeBM of
• abetilo raitway Itee, bowoter, it b
S|BBd tbatatoe drlTAway Dorn Tta».
1m aty to OM Hbeka wobU atlbKHU Ufa reeort bectaAM aad brtai bea' M to (be ftrtoAr* ead fruit gro
^ Bttit BAoeaaarUy baul tbelr prodIda to mtibeL Tbb ta a eugr
to* Beeard bellAM* that by atted
MtkiB. as lapnnM highway eaa be
haOt that wooU BAke drivtag nd antoBobSA UBrtng a poattbA pbatuM,
a* w«U M iBproTA tbe baatlag faeOiHMMtba.BMfaBlb dtoaortara woaM
raragemeet to


.. Catarrh and



With a Brand New Stock of High Class Clothing Representing the
Cream of the World’s Best Makers.

to* a bm^ Bade a bridle ou^of hi*
aachtfa and Mo* atrfagA rod* U

Yon'n find here oar of tlio Wlasat Dbfttayt sf Hsft’i Bad Beys' ClstUaft !■ Travsm City vitL many attraetire qjedil Talaia.
Sept- 1«.
Rev. JaftuEd^ baa^BAB rAtnmed lo
thli charge for eboUer yaer.
Hr. ud Hr*. J. a. Hodge*
daugblar WlnlfrAB ere aUadfat
State fair at Giud Rapida.
Mr*. GrabBB of Tmverae City waa
a Pita Lake ealMr bM week,
la Harrb. wife and cblldra bare
DBA to Detroit for a tflML
Mra. M. Harkbam aod Mba Aau
be uiaeded tbe U. B. eanveatlou at
Sontb Boardmu aSturdky.
Mra. Ulb Culver u'd danriitar Agbea. Hra. Mwtba Barber ud D. Cbeeibro bare r

Hba Bra WeU*

hu rribrued to
Orud RepM* after a tbpeaweaka' vacaUtm apeat wilbhar^areou. Hr. ud
Ml*. W. Vi'elb.
Hr*. Corah Cook aad daagbter Vera
bare retarMd bom n extended vbh
at TraveiBa City.
Allte Ctafk Apt

''^^c^^i^w'arrtTAd froat^BeauraoaL Tex. for a vMt with bb paP
Hr. and Ur*. Geo. Hodgea. who have
beao the gue*t* of BeoJ. Sinclair ud
family, have returned to tbelr borne at
AddleoD. H‘cb.
Mr*. A. B. Wood* of Oraad RapUs
b the goect of ber parent*. Hr. ud
Hr*. P, Naylor.
Ur. aod Hr*. D. C HutrUos are vbKing at cadilbe.
Hi* C.*T. Klmban bar goao to
Irud Rapida for a Tlali.
Hb* Winifred Hodge* atteeded tbe
ball game at Huton bat week.
Hi* J. J. Nlehart i* the gneat of her
parent*. Hr. ud Hr*. W. B'cU*.
Leroy Maxu of Klngah
teet at J. 8. Hodge*' Snn
LonU J. Racbon ww take
m aad cnarerted K tato a beaoutnl
er*e City Saturday by Dr, T. Y. Kim­
>. baildfag^bb aprfag
ball. He was adJudEcd Insane and
(ted to the Northcrti MIchlgu
d a* a private

eoal 'VHn at Omeiu.'
bOBoaa. Hteh. SopL id.-WtaUe
ftlDlag lor U artealu well aa tbe old
^toBB tana joat aoutb of tbb rUbge
* faw day* ago Praaeb H. Cloud of
Otoelaaatl atraek aa eleven foot vela
ftceaL The locaUoB b aear the toore
ftat of tbe farm.
^Tbe flr*t ladIca'Uoa M-flm vefa i
f Brnfa of alatc then a 1^^ of II



I. agent for par■ept Utooctg
*■ Kjagiby. Itbh. 8**c 11
. to fereaet u accldec
ftlom of SUBarti <9ty waa-strock by a
Impomlble to be prepared for I
Oil. Himan
I IL h I. paoMger tijafa tbb
1^ eerfaQily injured. Hla bead aad over palB.
|My were badly brabtd aad one leg
b brobee lii t*ro pbee*.
Hm 6* \
<*Tb« acddeai occurred ut the . . .
tbg fa tbe north «ed of Kingsley. He
m driving a double team bifabed to
HU. jM^Hang b vUUfag relative*
b potato wagon and, .
Bdl aee tbe uab beeaeae be drove
Spnr^ Studayed at borne. i
lyer* ha. bought 40 .aerc< of
t{p onto tbenrack. The train atnek
d fromn F. H. Pierce and «
tbe wagon fairly ud Storra wu
torowa about tbrae roda. Oae of tbe
Cmxed by the *udde(i change In al­
titude. B. SebmItt of Lot Augele*.
Tbe wagon wa* brokeu a*.
•ronw for Ivtmi. crowied ihrongh the
wfciAow of a Bleeper at Hanna. Wyo.,
and waa ktlled. Hb wBe <«ae back
- on Mamlnnfloa h %a* teamed that from OmaSta for tbe body. Sbe nld
ftlom w*» more badly laJnrM Ibaa be bad glJM oa Ut pereon. hot only
gt Siwl tbonght aad few bope* are «a- IISA-WUfaaA




iTiCll CtiJlJlliJ

“f, ‘^".7

Thueo can't be tlupliaitod at oUkt stores nt l<-a» llitin $) --> to $20

to get them out of
the way. All in good^
shape, and many
makes to select from.
KIMBALLS. Stor>& Clark, Chicago :
Cottage, Estey.
Clough & Warren,
and others. All
marked in plain fig­

$10 TO $40
Ea^ terms if desired

Sik ItiiB SitHiay,
Firat'customer gets
first choice. Every
one a bargain.

COLLEGE aOTHESf^^ ' Knee Pant Suits

Mwmio Moum

IL B. HAimERe^Froti.

iH'llf Wtiralfl. Beautiful <•» t 4>b rrr\
>iuQ MofaJ (irtiv-a. nti.

ti* t t=


PnpuUrjirice at $1.25. $l.fi0 MKl
unwle WoraUvIa and On* -imert-B al $2.00. 2.50,

$;i.oo. |;t.rd>. $i,oo mul »5.00.

Mz«s 6 to
tb yt»T%



Sergus and Tbibefa for all-amund

Veiiofui liiuvl eoeiA. cua-

tom trouaei*. Iiiub t-liamcler tai.
■lonng and workouinahip.
heavy Cheviot Sniu for »cluv>l or
bnainiwa avar,



Donble-Hiv.tiile'1 Two-l’u-cp Siiiis


Suits of


. Scr^TS. Ki'-li ni;.rk Thib-t. Kx. Ik.
si\<- Gny iiml Hrotni Mixliirea
: and S<-otcli Tw<v"lx.

Stjiiali. dust

ilefyiint m.ilcri.ds; iumI. .lisljnct.

Triple<yl RttsBiaii SuiW.
MiiiUry Norfolk Siiils. Kaiicy Bib.
ainii Suits, etc., made of fine impnrtavl woruleils. iiritiiiislicd
BUtls, wrvea and pn-tly a]] wool .
chf. it>l*. with jalJ-nl belta. ailk
til- irimiiKnl, uatiy

ivc. high ctaas iwU. rii-*: ImiKlifc

JJ.50, *4.00 aod $5.00

; scfviix': stroni:. tn:mly styl.-s ;ii

atreniftb ami elianicl-f. at

ts, 6.50, r.50, *10 ana *12

W.- sIk.w i:-»»l line of chiup'r
auilB at$l •«'. $2 00 and $2 .'i0.

*2.50, *3.50, *4 and *5



New Shirts
Excellent value*.

2St, 50c, $1, $1.50.

AnoDt Our New Fall ftts wilt V fmmrl



wilh j.’inntiD<-S!i. dn-ssimiw. and -i d.trn ■siyli- *«-iJom rta-'lii'l.

of Ilf.

-3.00 fer Ihe i«iual of aiiv $-'> tial
.....................1.5ft-------fuUlyr.iat$2J».$2,S—----Rlyl.-s ilowii to "•Ce. Soon- swell ImU for Uij-*


50c, $1.00, $150
Bays’Cays. 2SCSB4 50c.

Beys’SUm,2$c, 4Sc,^



The Boys’ School Clothes Center
Famy Fabric .Suit* aiul

Wc WUl Sell He Or­
gans at Most any


S5.00, $6,50. $rso

Takeo in exchaoce
ANOS in last few
weeks. To make
room for another car
' load of Pianos

nnfinishi-a worato.1.' i
Hlitck XbiboL Ftin- v Ohfviol j

$ 10,’ $ 1and $ 15 :

an-l every Luly wlm haa Mys to
clolhe shouM make it a point to a





at BOOB tbroagb a vMo« wUeb b«
took the ccrm out of be «M taken
fma Khool and onenloDed eloaelr br
Chief of t>oliee Aabtoa. )le denied
the whole efcatxe iB Wto. but when tofonBcd that he woold bare to repon at
potlec boadquartera be led the amr on

r Ur. B- c onii. book and (tier In aimtber bldlnc pkare
the note*, bat the noDcr wai not irtnnied.
ne aiorr if onlf axtotbcr case of
•eaimi fever on. the pan of aniaU
bora. It If alaied l>r tbuac' la elote
toncfi with the roans lad and bU cotaTBf that Ibcr were prejutrlos to
ran kwar and Mooda>- ooe of hU
m PIndInu Mam>v.
^loBf broke opeo bit private
bank and took out all hif nrliisa
the aUesed inteBtioe of ^Isfns fare?* you have a eonsh, cjld, sore thmai or
Sfand ronawar. Bat the nunt is ebsi Irritation,- belter act promptly,
like tv. C BaHxT. of Sandy Level, Va
reaent froftrated and the font a
He «a)-ir "I bad a terrible ehe«i
iniuUe; ratiae.) by smoke aiiil e»al
dust oa my lunss; but, after fluaios no
relief In other remedies. I was cured
Death Koll.
by Dr, King's. New Discorery fur CoaHra. Lacy A. Harren. widow of the guniptloa. Coughs and Colds," Great­
late BaiDuel Harm, an eld pioneer of est sale of any cough or lung medlrlov
In the world. At Jubnrun Drug 8lor2
of this reelon. died at S:«i Saiordar Co.'s,
r H. M.wds. and- S. K. Walt A
Booa of ptralffla. agod 7S roars.
Mr. and hira. Harren eeme u
snieed. Trial boiilo Ifte.
On neeouU of Uin nab of tactneu
WMeri* at Fonch -vtO not ^ a pieoe of land la Grand township,
ckM tnMI tb« nUdle at
Mtb. where thej bowed onl of the foresu a
most beautiful borne.- Tber bare one:
eblld. George, wbo aUU Urea oo
' C W. L«a*r of Sokn aenda
: «anid macnUleeat ’apedoeo* of oM bpmealeul.
......... .............
Tbe foneral was beld Hondar after-; /ecu Mr. Blackman'R father, wbo hat
pmtibm tbat ibov wbat StdoB ean do
noon at S o’clock In the AdrenUst- bum many bouses, bams and milts,
will be to tie shop alio. The people
oburch near the farm. Rot. Hagb of
Chat part 81 Che^nly will be gla t
Tbo HetiUd was i
Keonedr. an ofd friead of tie family,
know Hr Blackmar has resumed
vaak br r. H. JewaU of Maple Ore
Prait PUB. with a basket of datie^
The funeral
iiBder tbe direction of W. S. A
Get off Cheap.

S percent lUowedaTlmeDeyccItA.


Circulation this week 2,850

tan ChattSBop,
weak or tbc tm Of next wertt to wtsd
up tto boflDead of the Boaioa Score.
to Prabate eourt Satordar a kearlac
af elahaa aniaai the eatate of Sarah
t. Banaar was bold aad alto the Baal
aeeoon of the adartalatmor of the
• .Pbaeba Palgt anaie- ,

e may well dhiak. he has got off
ip, wbo. after baring eoblracted
■itlon. is still able
Is bexith. Nothing
Ba.'rr Oartea. a pltmcer of Will:
Is but Dr. Klog's New Ufe
laiBsburg, dm Sonday momiag at bU Pills. A quick,
pleasant and certain
borne ta that rinage of bloM polaoa.
fnr headache, ennstipallon, etc.
age CO years. He learea a wife and:
dre oblldrea. two sons aad ' cbiee
daagfatert. The, tuboral wai held la
tbo ebarch at wmiainsbnrg Teeaday
dag aU lOtU oader tbe direetloa
of Berrer H. AndersoB.-

a Ji.P»aebar snSarad a terefe la.
tar la OarB^ towaahlp Wedaeadar.
wim oa a BKtanaih broke,
After A two rears' Ulaest of luberoia pne to Mil alBd stilka Urn loalf Oarlei Beran Tostoj awar Fri
•<ia Ow head tad abooWera. ^
dap momiag at II :30 o'clock at tb.
of bit fatber-lc-law. Prank Ben
W. & Aadmoa veat to Oraad
of Slfi Randolph street, where
BaplM Hflhdir wrealac, where he will
bla famllr. bo baa been kladl.v
tahe 'traatneat hr a spedaUfi for bU
haarlBi that hai beast rerr nabanaas- eared for durlag tbe greater part of
Un to hln In hU baalaaaa tor the past iba past rear. ereiTtblag being

TO. M. SloeinB «f Pipe Onsre Pam.
das one aad oae^aann acres of back*
Wheat Wadaaadar la two boare. Mr.
Aoenm U Bftr-aU yean aU aad tbit
Via the Bm ba had cradled la tweatr
. -P. J. euror briact the Herald earnof White Vleur ootena. flee of
Phldi watgbed are poaade. Hr. StoWw nakea a apadaltr of >alala« oaaad flada a readr narfcet aad
^pd price (Dr aU he ana timaab the

aaggeat. and. for
tln.dcepest gnUtode.
Ro>«rea a wl|e aad oee child. Wil­
lie. three years of age, He was a son
Of Mlchaei Zeran and had been a residoat cf this city aereral years, belac
>0 time engaged la the bicyelo
hasiaen. He had maar Mends and
rraa reapeoied br all who kaea- him.
HU njotber pasw^ «war aboat
Tea rears ago. ’ He was a member
the Modem W^jbdmea. under whoie
auspices tfieTSaem -acrrlees were
coadactod Snadar at t o'eloek at tbe
ABbarr H. & eban^. He was also a
member of. Hose ooifipany No. 4 of
tbe local Arc departmeat. His graadtatber. Norman Larrablc, of Centml
Lake arrired la tbe dtr baK an boar
attar tbe end came.

Ivhe CeUtaiMa made the last repitlr rra of the eeeaoa Batardar. Tbc
(taneat was takea oC Pridar aad
tame time Ibla week, the CMumbU
will take a load of pesebea sad ether
ffarin Preprity SolA
tait to the Boo. OaptMa Webb atatea
> wbo left
the aoaaoB ima been emeUeat. this city WedBMdar were Mr. and
J. a Blem of Fort Wayne, lad.,
eknled «d aboat <jW duriac Jnlr.
wbo. to lodge by the saUafaclJoa' they
aaed over thlsripn.-^ere aUil
A )ar«e aharlrmrl partr aeroaaded
than aatlsBetl1» they laformed
Hearr Batea aad Ulis Mar SmHh
Taesdar oa the ocoaaloe of tkalr mar. Ibe Herald that they bad bcenpothor
(due. Tbc trocoB. who la a poptilar ougbly taken up altb the north that
r«BBX man'of Bast Bar ootertalaed they purchased on Tuesday n l!0aertBe partr with dpart aad refreahmeala farm aerea miles east of theehy and
. asd Uter departed wltblae Hr.ead hoiwd to be back Inside of a
weeks. Tbe property was told by J.
I. Batea a loaf a 1 bappr Ufe.
LaLoao and eonslsU of a Boe fanti
;a tot ptaasaat farewell recepUoj oader. eulilvatloa. Mr.. Blem when
nn taadered Bar. hi. D. Ceirel aad speaking of Ue ebange for thorn saVl
soil hero was a'^easare t.v
tflte at the Brat Hethodlat ehaini last
wwk. acT. HP. Cartel, formerlr work In while south whenever It ralnej
pteaidtac eMnaf tbia dlairlet. rrU to evcrytblBg became ao clayey an!
to the Ptm eboKb at BIc RapMa aad Btlricy ifaai It waa more than diiagm ai Urge anmber of bla frlfBaa aaaem. abte to even d>alk around on a faryn
bled at the nirreh taaCwe^ to bid much leas to be work It. Mr.
Mrs. Blem have never been aort!i
him loedbre.
before and look forward with great
W. P. Keaaer; who wWdled the pleasure to tbeirmew bqraa
While aewlag machlaea laHhlt eitr tor
the last sixteen rears. b^cWIlb the
Haanah * Lar MeraaatUe cf^ipaar for
tte >pat ^ reeta la We ahne oapac19, has boeo bSered a postUon aa-trareOns anetmad throng Hlcblgaa br
Ike WUte S^wlag Machine compear
aad trill beeiB work the Brat of Oefi>.
her. This Ua deaerredTeeagalUoa of
Mr. KeBB^'f faithful aad aucceaaful
ynrfc aad bit Meads wUl wiab him
BtsU S1.000 le Matas,
rigartnc -ta two etcnpailn taslde «f
two weeks la the sUagae raeud of:
Asaaee]; Cola sea of S. B Cola
wwk ago SunBsy yoaag Cole, who la.
ahont U years old. was csngtil In the
Ncr-.bera Miralgsa asylum mekn
peMi with several other compsnioos.
ae it Is sOegM. TtMeBsy a aeeoad
Aarxe was bracxin acsiast the yeamt
M by Mrs. KrlsUas Clsasen of C2S
Sooth UbMo stiwet. who talseed her
natss. Tha-pollfe depsriiaeai was ao
ef the leas and as Chaaaeey Cole:
m aMsffsd te have eaierad her touc

a Bank
Vonr t;irc'-r,s In business de­
pends largdy upon bavins ibe
right bank back of you.
This bank is BlwayR ready to
aeeommodato* its depositors,
within-fhc ll'-lt. of safe nii.l
eoDM-rvaiire lianking.
V WV pay Interest at tbe rate of
three per cent on time deposits
and savlDgs accounts.

Cravsrst etty State

Ladies’ Wearing Apparel
New Fall Styles for Everybody
Wcw Coats wlitStylc and Quallly

Smart Styles In Ladies’ Suits
ThBi are Hat Extraragait Is frtee
Sobs women find the bny{|« et s
8sit quite a problem; those that-era at
feeed her seem to lack a^le>^oe may
be satiafactoiy bat they lack evwytUnff
elae that makes a suit what it aboiild tie.
If yon have experienoed this tronUa and
will grant ns the prmkge ci abowing
yoconrsnitawewiQacMiriooe yoa that
notfaingis sanrificed in tbe making cr ,
daaigning to lower tbe price and tba
higW II... u»
dand ebaaedymada
meats yon may
y have
yonr price limit where yoa will ead we
will more than meet yonr expeetationa.
$ i O to $60 are the pcioea.

No. 2 is fine all wool Kenc}-. made
like the above, yoke is silk, set^e lined.;
Same woriunanship, only better cloth,
The balance of onr Cloak Slock is
the boat we ever had, both in beaaty of
Rarmenta and in exoollent valaes. Tbe
long looee-fittioR garment is tbe popalar garment of tbe season and we show
a very attractive line. Prices are from
$7.50 to S33.50,
Far lined Karmanls an- fast taking the place of for garmente. Yon have nil the beauty d tbe doth garment with
the warmth of the far. These range in jp/lob from $25 tO

Jftisscs* and Children's Coats
No one ia mm critical air exacting in matlen of drea than
ia.tho yoang misa of today. %'o please the lassie in style and
the parent in price has alwayg been a problem with the makeiii

A verr pretty wedding look plsccl
Ssturday evening at ibe honit> of iticrS
bride’s fslber; Gilbert Pomllson. thej
eoEirsciisg. parties being Mlrhaet
Lsrdy sad Myrtle Rashton. The coreDtuy was BOlcasIzed by G. W. C-r-jrtJaj

Calk BDout

B $boe Sale
Our sale of tbo E. C. Lewia stock ccrtaiuly caps the climax.
Never in the histoiy of our store luive we sold ao many shoes in
Angast'. The Lewis stock was pmclicully a new stock of shoes,
hlr. Lewis having had them but a few mootbs.

Ecery Shoe is a flood Shoe


Uar makers this year bare seemed to ontdo thmhsdves in both;
ne\*er have we had inch an attractive showing at gannaots for
the yoang folks as we now offer. Prices are $2.76 tO $ I 6,'

There are two coats in cmr line that need particnlnr atten­
tion. They are the two best Talnos in winter coats that are to
be foniid anywhere. Tbe makera stake their repntation on them,
and we are willioK to pat oars boeksof them, too.
Ko. 1 is* strictly all wool. Empire ef­
fect i that is loose effect'from the )-oke)
yoke is ppud with ulk, fall ombrolla
skirt, plaiterl back.
in. long. iuUtd
velvet, shawl collar, half satin lined;
colon are black, brown and nav}-. and
the price is $12.00.

Separate SBrts-llic KHm Yoa WiM Ufa
Seldom w31 yon find a better line <d exoIaaiVe styles in both
wnlking and drees skirta than we offer for yovr inspeetian.


the meet wanted stylee are bore in the most popalar a^/)M aad
Everything inlWioe from the knoekaboat akirt at
|3 to tbe elaborate ailk ette 'for drera wear.
.very oomprabeoaiToat every price.

Tba abowing ia


Gives you the promptest and most caraful »ervice? cMjyan
the prescriptions when agreed; is the mostel^ran^ fit­
ted up Drug Store in Michigan and where you can
and rest and meet your friends at any time :


tgid to tbink wi' are selling them at such redoced prices !

1-4 to 1-3 on (he Rcflular Price



aiem«ii*s Stoocs

Hen’s Patent Calf Shoe*.
Blacher styles or the rtgular.
.The swellMt shoe of this Sfi*;
sea. They sold for ^00.
now they go for

tVomen'a Patent Calf or
Kid Shoos. made by the welt
process, are good valnes at


boo and $3.30,


Men's Patent Calf, Kid and
Calf Shoes in the new styles,
shoes that sold at $3.00 nod

Women's genaine Dongola
Kid. newest shapes, a good
wearing and very stvlith shoe,
that sold at $2.00,

Old Fast



And you know vhy,_soo. It's
those gray hairs! Don’t you
know that Ayer’s Hair Vigor
res»re» color to gray hair?
Wdl, It does. And h never
falls, either. It stops falling
hair also, and keeps die scalp
dean and heahhy. Do not
grow old too ftsi I

and keep oat the water. Tbcr
sold from $2.00 to
rednoGd to

Fine Kid Shoes, with new
. patent lips, nice light soles
for dress. They soU at $1.50,
price now.

Fm Growing


Crwabid br Car*.
A. G. Plan of ms South Fnlm
atroei while at work In Petoaker Simdar nlfht on the Pure HarqneUe vaa
caa^t between a cable which was at.
taehed to a ear and the ear Itself, and
aqueexed badlr thoush It U bard to
aaecrtaia at pmeol the extent of bU
The cable was placed Into nse to
draw a ear past ibe twitch and In msnlpulatlns It Hr. Plant causht bU
s^e In the wire ao that he was oh
able to Pxinoale bimieU when the two
earn came loceibcr. The injurr. is to
blf left xldo.



What About Toot Hair?
Can you use any of tbt.'se?

Ayer's Hair Vigor, Hayes’ Hair Help, Satberiand Sis­

ters' Scalp Cleaner. Barry's Tricophssoas, Lyon's Katberioa, Parker’s Hair Bal­
aam. Hall's SicUiuD Hair Bestorcr, E^n de Qoinine Tooiqoe, Danderine.

The Daintiest of Toilet Soaps
Monad Violet, Bosadoni.CBshmere Bonqoet, Colgste'o Castile, Bay Sam, Palm Olive,
Biwinol. Cutienra and twenty-five other kinds to select frwn.

The Daintiest of Odors
that are made are found in our great stock of perfomes.

Ton can buy them by the

onne^. from 50c to 90c, or in thow dainty cot glaao bottles put up in h^ndsnsne
boxes. Selling from $1.00 to S2.3a Th^ make a most delightful present st. any
season of tbe year.


Beautifiil Pearly Teeth
are a woman’s pride, and they sbonld be properiy taken care of.

Hnndretlsof luirs of Boys', Misses' and Children's Shoes this sole. It's a
time to' ahoc op the wb^

We. aid yon in

keeping them in tbe best of condition. Babifoam, Sbwdont, Datrifiea, and all
kinds' of tooth brashes yon will mlways find here in greatest variety.



0rand Traverse Region.

Mr. mad Mn. Prank Kro^ eflKeiitvai^ are eniertalnlnc lalutTOi
la -CMar Ban.
Mrt. TbOBas Lansls
.ansls SI
starU for Online lor a skCTi BarBer. C. W.

•aln^M taU «a uaa. All een
«iiM mnt raaeh the Herd* * .
l«er than Tmadar neon el awhsraak. tbe hone

Arc Yew Bnanpadt
Tbe Kick are iBpnn'ine. Grandma: Basagetf people atmM (eocBber.
llBols laet ev»-Blng tor Swioo^Bar. IlkltoB Is better. aUo Jim Eigler'i bal<> I that, atter marriage, 'many oaarreM
1 ran be avoided, by kee,.lng thttr dlwin> Rarnon 'Y T:«Haa't fl« the h bktte-.
n good c
«t Of her rltlrr. Mrt. Dutnt^flle and
1* vUitlag her iltRen. Mr*.
inr Blllera.'
a. 8.
S. A. Brown, of Bennouv
Blankbertifs are picked In Urgc^famil
vlllc, 8. C-, aaya:
By wlfo
and Mrs.
laya: ."POr
BOW. Ibr
onaltty beiu toe. 1
Rubs, ...................
•'w* H't'c
Ibr 01................
toffored InIcBsety
r«sety rfroiB dyspepsia. Com*
oirM Bar', relatives. She will reium home
I and 'wife tisUed with ______
h a torpid liver, natfl »ba
jpaaenl a«i\ lam Tuvs.My i&fer
etv ■ morrod.
Saoday Ian.
tliTSiah and vigor, and I
tuScrlns Wilt cbc!...fa inlawnm.
Harry Caoliflcm.e was a Coiwinlsb loti her
___r a men wreck of her fomiersclf
' OracJcia I^she* spent several days ! eallcr Snnday.
Ivery nl.»ianiis Uf. week with her.;
Ur. Cudnb} of Lake Ann called on Thro *ib<- tried Blecuic B>tet*. Whitt
lielpod her at <*re. and anally i
UlecL-. Ur-. Jk-rsey. cod family al Gleu • Ros» Branyon Sunday aftemoon.
lttr>'ly we
well. She Is now si
John rarmela's father from Obi
.ting maebtar.
u! bmihy.’' J<
a Drug Store
Ur Clticti? and a f*icrd of Cftieaen. has purrbated profHTty' near
-kwid Satprdv.
Mend, and S.E.I Wnll * a
Mnr>- Cate came borne f-on
:«ho '-•V.' li.-nn at I or—:i G'ove cot- l.eke. where be will movf^s ibv
drugclsts. sells aad
trbool Priday nighl and turtle,tan> several w.skt. routed yetterday riitinataUiing Evercii
ihf'ir iHp U‘ Buropc.
Tbe R. F. D. rSatp bom Solot
•r frim.U. Mr.
rcs.dt hfy*
nfy* of her
livery. sm.
’ ram of a modem
modern b
rjeriod b^not eitendin; bn: and MraT IV. U.wrs. Ur.i. RrOiU wat

BMbcr. Mrs. BtoOfT. Cor m few GbpiN cmtlj.
(any p^le
here are tioa-,
Mr. Boa Mrs. Henrr DotiB hire ^,4
-inncA h«Be from Acne, irhen tber :
Im. Prank Krcliner vlsllod al V.
hbvc bMQ rblOne Mr. C.J:jb’b deter.


W IT aawaapandenta faU «a Andlaca.
I. aeooBpaalel
thaira UvtiMy mar
Tbemaa Hanna.
aMt and Lena
aama tftar Uma.
| Mlaan Sadia Canaiit


------------------------------: drm-e over «o Sw'lh Boaroi
; rr“W *»
Hiraa Clannol ^
and wtfc «and little; „(xni »ltb M*s. George
Mrs. Hai^Tmlur. of Traverae City
m arrlvad
b the
ati wife and Tom
M vlaltiBe relaUvei and friatda In tbe ■"»
arrived <on
the afternoon

_ _
r with
^Mra. Bnsa Norrla ot Cedar Lake ««T bare been spending n couple
ij„ie MfOosker
MIii Moree and Ulan Kent hav.-to- b»If • mile from htojialo ll-r
caHad («:Bwene Umloc'a


FovMter Ohio are vtsitlnc I
- -- velmai
U- i ^an??v\!c;aAL-:;r;- a^tSig iKlTt^?;..- C.v caller, Saturday.
hipln*-,. ^1 ,.rr.,pertiy, '
\ Sewirn Skiver and wlfo vlslusl
AlHe smith.has moved to the sU- ^ ■u^<^^•an.
T-a.-erae riiy. who >omer', parent, over Sunday.
ha,,u-vn (i bvr son. at Sooih Man!
Mr. ant} Mr,. D, G. Shorter of T

L. C. Qtfcu«-y fa gittlnc along wcllltrv the la-t tbi-l. -o w.-k,. camo .er,,- Cliv. Mr,. McCar of Trev.-ra.



Paot of Traversa Oty apaat k^hl,
Hri. Wm. Lavender of it
Bnaday tritfc ber parenU. Hr. and
M™; John Getka it aln, on tbe lick pcnlniula it vl.lilng her b~t
Mrs. George Pool
.. _. present writing.
n Uauer
e la bu..—---------------bulldlat
Hr. nod Mrs- Edwin Pen have been
tivlnd and wife callad c
j Twin Mo-itna
enterulnlng friends fmm Coldwaler.
Mit Lake Bs
Mn. L. B WbJiaon started for
____Van Ness
gep,. IS,
, riiu.-with k. r flrA bn-van.i, Mr. P...Ml*. Orta Harvo
jeo Tuesdav to visit her son church to be built near the Blackman,
*^Ur. Builhran «d Cedar baa Sve men
ball I
In spile of
. al of he- «.l.i
Mtd unaa pioving np Ut farm hen
•r larltb'U
'"wffilam vSte. aeco mpanlcl by hi* there wan a large
and la golitt to oow rye and wbeaL
iwe early dayitanddaiigbier.
- ..lia
Scelv- tot Blackman Suntlay school a
Sept. W,
who has btwn on the'yctierday.
gone to Long Lnke to spend a week.
'which b>'jibler they seem^
elaiUo ui 'hi, plant.
Mias Leona Seeley cd Grand Rapid*
, Ma BaUM
toiertalDlBg ter returned to ber boBC last Saturday. dreve over to Man’eu list Thursday.; Grand Rapids.
*«**IT CITY.
Mr. E- Oosnnt. who . has been ta
Mocker and brother. Hr. and Mra.
able Jc.rosufnC‘-„i- ^Vh’e
The M. E. peoiile of South MaytoM I


■ Biehnaod.
• Bond. !i *
Irlng-over the
lb return of.tbelr ■ his school wxirk tg^ thlk week
looking for a location for a home, re­
Mia. BIw.BItoywt Travar
Sariui I Po,ie of the t)ewe> Stave
timed Isat Friday and.fa'lnn a favor­ romcr paslo-. Bcv. Wood.
nafttne Crttoda.tB iki|.i>iaci
Tbe acbool here comnienced las* Co. wav here Sslurda:
lay and S:
able aerornt of the climate, price of
. itn. Junes C-andall ~
land, pnro water, etc. Mr. Oonam'# week, sritb Miss Madison of Klngtlej- . .M Hall U rsiertalc .
.and famllv f-un the ,0"th.
Cl in changing bis loenllon Is. the aa teacher.
c little child of M- f'd Mrs. As
Tbe Blackman school commeDoed i
J. J. Tweddle of Truver.o City
------------------------The little «
r itol tbe ellmaie will bencfli Mrs.
we -k.
; . Rr-sd*... i.t a Rliorsase.lp the .rpiO " >et Pete-koa
IS aarred and a very pleasant -afterwas enjoyed
. brk* yard
being etoaSa down for three

Vinting her parents. Mr. and

Sept. J9.


r-K.*",;" 'j-i.Ladd
Tbe faml'ile, of G. Orofvt nor ntid ,\l ; .aetureM srv -rjing i..- .■»|)i.imeni ot

rv'Mtmed tr
afttT snead
of month, with frlcAl'S Hall «o^ a lal'c trip to I.e'-im! yi-*-1 making viiietur from iv-arli cider an I
. hrr- and at Tn
Mrs. I^otuberius nnd children .'-prnt;
'' ’
b.ish .
ttf p< jehc ,
j.jjj.j,,.; „{ ^^nV

son Carl aiul Mr. and Mr-. Curti#
e was a dance at <^c toll 8U- Leighton are'tdannlng a few days' out­
, Sunday In Trav« r,e Cliv.Most ot the farmerB have (hclri
F. Bright and Wife Ull Saiunlay to
ing this week across the bay near Elk
„ a'r SlocuB and 'wife arrived
wheat wnrc4 and arc prejiaring the : visit relMlves tr Olil.i Rgpida .
t Friday night bt» Ogemaw
•• • “tv ha, We- slek •.*'/ iis.-i
Miss LiXElo Evans is boarding at gnnind for____
' r. where cbey have been vlaiUng
The potatoes have been struck with, w^cel:, >
:t« and eonsequcnily
eonsetiuenily will
Mr, and Mrs Rnlllvan attri>,|.-d ihe
I' night
nigh! this
go^ a crop as exiiecied. -Some irrt- ooera in Travers.- City one
; week.
Tbojsas Lannln and Miss Annie port ttot theirs arc deeavlng.
are visiting t
Prank'Macko and family left for
N. S'sive
I. Root and wife took the .topman were ma-rlcd onletlr I»*i
'Cc.lar Rt;-.
Thondar afternoon at Tmversc City Chicago on Tuesday last.
by tbe Rev. W*. 'T. Woodboiise.
the evening n sreddlng supper wAs Ntmestol
Ktmeskal are threshing around Maple j1 St. Ignace.
Ignac. where be has a^^t.ltlon a«
n ocBtcrenee. which U
] fteman t
-------------- -------------------- - *■-— by the rel- City. ’
11 mtlraa They recolvetl
....... nlee
.! praaenu. The hapov couple have the l ited him Ian Sunday. He Is very sick ,
Mr. Penning.on's sbv.v o
im' C. H. Ba|et, asdlben wlsbes ■of their frleuda. They j and growing weaker.
jfrem 'Trav.tro' Clly
r relatives for. a few dirs last will Uv» oo tke Laimln farm.
Orandna Kralii vIMicd with bU ■ the store bU n
a. oi
one day re-1.
Mn. Trounan Is
here visiting beridaugfaier. Mrs.
Mrs V. Hlavka.


'td i 'u-nli.-ri in mirrUse

r‘ss.v*r'isr«'5s..“- sn;--"'--'-””"*„
^u™ «*vr,.LD
„„SE,' aisrs i'-v

nrflar. *. Mra. Annie Krvaaa raffed on Bd
jUUine-a Sanjay.
i AptoB Kavaan baa fao^t a M of ate sorry to hear that marton Is not;



■ rTs. ritv were the guest, of y
. '
Mr*. A. B. Puller over Eundsv
* lOtTSaward. 81OO.
«. •> S'orrs. who live, <»e
wrll U-p. half mile, south of here, mn
l-atii th,iib.;^ i—u I«»
very ,erlou,. If mu fatal. acM
tW ^'vurrt.''Kins,!-y today.
He we, .
cvf i- tlw ..Bl»>«itiTe eurv- o.ot kn-», t.. pair of colls ant) Ju«i rtVlilnp I
......... .................. ...........
“ r-e railroad crosHng In gulag
IWl’ing hill he hiKt control c
1 h*'y
^ norUi-bound train., M-. S'o-ra wav
from ’he w
wagon .............— ...
,d«ih* iVrab.wr?ewh^.v Uu?.Uiic b> iS ihrbvvn ff»m
Jimken in
plneej. the other
iDjiireik iniernnib
Jll hi* head. OIK
ktirtw had to Ik kll’ed a"d iln- other
aco.,Tsie>io.o.: le E1UV alMi hate to he.
Sept. !V.

Aiwokrd hv • Motr
labor rkd. nnlO
ores, a Chkagto mr«wt
applied Bucklcn'a. Ar-

(PxOfk’g Savinea Ejiri)

£ratJcr|o 6411),
^iaicn cn (liclagrs
Gmlcflcn Idnnm irber^fit
I'iincyorijcriflf Siolij
flfiOflcn wrrbftt.
.u&CTt ipJib;


* ' We sre lYiakingari advance showing of Heating Stoves and during the.entire month of September we will give a liberal discount on any stove In stock.

Come 1h alfid look them over. You don't have to take a stove now in-order to get the advantage of Our September DIacouBf Prices. Juetcome In and pick out
the atpye you want and we will hold it for you. Renumber, you will need a stove inside of 30 days, and you can save a nice tidy sum by making your eelectipn.
now. Weare^goingafter the stove business with prices and terms that the smaller dealers cannot meet.

Ulinner Oak Beaters $tcd Raitge$

JI Guarantee


of •ntisftotion with eveiyClieerthl Air Tight wesdL
prfnl bogter, jnst like
iahed stcol



hcay-; cast top

•ad bottom, massivo out frout
. feed doOT, will take huge chunks,
beentifnll; nickelod.


beginning at $«.75.

Cbe Sturdy dak
Jut like cot, nil sizee, extra heavy
cMt pot and movaUe elide grate,
dbaUo front feed doora, will hold
firi cnoQ^ ^ last oTCT night,
handaomelj nickried with open



Heavy solid cast base, mas-1
sive fire proof cast pot and ;
slide crate, cast front'feed j
door, beautifully nickeled, all;
sixes, just like cut.

Trom $5.25 up
Oft C^k StcPis

No tetter heater made. WilV
burn anything. Solid nickel
base, roomy ash pan. elabor­
ately picketed, just like cut.

All mzes.

Am just

like cat Will take
latge^^nnks. With
cast legs and setew



I thing for enrif cool

From I.2S up


Our new fall stock is e.\.pcctcd in daily, and until its
arrival we will continue to close out-old stock at



.'\ L'ootl ^sicci ranjjc
will so*(p pay for itsell. W c handle all
stjlcs from $2:{.“r)
iii>. Kicr>- one sold
iir.der a posit i


A i*ood heavy stove.
with large resenoir.
a perfect baker, b.iilt
to last.


Only $14.00

Good $tooe

Only $17.75

Like cut.

Hir eights
^ust like cut, cast base
and top with swing top
feed, heavy from feed
door. Only S'kTu.
Same stove . without
.from feed door. $o!75.
Same stove without
nickel fenders, 4 75.

inch wood.

This includes .\xminsiers, \'clvcis. Tapestry,
Brussels. Injirains. Granites and Hi;mps, also

Thor Coverings

Will take lb}
Perfect :


Jlctual £o$t
of all lir-cripiioira, including Rugs.' Matiings, Oil*
clot'.T, Linoleums.

Only $«.7S


Several J{mnatits

These ard but a few of the many styles we are
showing in stoves. Jus; come in and see for your­

in pieces large enough to cover an ordinary Hxe
room at less than first cost.

We wn Utm lt« Httoarc tt ahnr y8E thnagh
Wwt whethwyea wli^fe ^ <r ML

Yoor Credit is Good Here io Any of Ov
» m* Tetoywra* OJ«x. Klk

mnei T-toorwspBo

Tb« niMi pmetlualtr ciMnd up
tfc* mort •MM. tbe Iwt Crtp uUns
■n b«toted •ainmn- ritllora tnwi, Ui.>
foMt. Bwter Sprtoci. Ne«k44.*uu.
Qme. Nenkport ftitd Oadw Ledri.
TraQr-tra iMucecen left tkii port,
‘woeg tbea bdng BlMp AtweU «sd
fUDllr t* KgBMJ. B. CM
datigbtM-. B. H. Horgn nd mnk Kgfke of

«riu be ukM «p •Jai« tbe tay befora
iMTtBf. Mn. H. H. 8. Btller ol LsvTMM. Kmn.. Mt from Northport Ud
the cotugo u now cloMd for (be
' PoutoM. gpidM ui mil frvH cooHltoto the frdgbt eotgo, while on her
TOtora trip • ftn kwd of wogou will
be brodcbt to Old Wnlaa. The riob
ot the PDbl. Rnrtor Bpriagi. cl

New Mminp CempM.
The TroverM CItr IflUIiag m
le the I
1 (■ M>t ret c
pMed. The Mpttnl stock of the
pear wOI bp ns-oeo. tU.W0 of which
In tBllr ptld la in cub. The loebrpor•ton ere Che*. Wilhelm. J. U. Ugrig.
A. W. Bertah. Benj. Thlrlbr. Praak
Totrobo. ^ P. Oeftlu. Bewaid Whlttag aad Wm. W. TUrihr.
The compear has perebSMd Bftr
feet frontage oa the aorii aide «E
Premt atreet fott west of Btraab Brot.
A Asia's new eaadr faetorr a^
adjtri^ the Pare Marquette tracks.

s Btec catered the pMc*. Hoppea. who
; U aa attendani. was is waKtng as the
I patch had preriooflr been dUh '
Wbeo'the bore were
mat week.; (],• patch, be aroee aod anempied
The Oaicer cf a M4 aeeratarr haa take them laio eiutodr. Tbtee of tl
bean a tmltfol topic for dlacaaaloai at bora stood atm bi:i the foor otben
•Urted '
eocatr aad
a dORble barreled a
A Sold aeowiarr la a perwm gcaT^ed^Ub
wbo win derate hit Use to golag. leged to hare shot at the bors. a pot.boot from pM to puce orpnlria.'
new aociet,tea. atrcngiBMiag ute weak ,
mopped were tamed orer •«'
aeetoUes aad «»<ht all that be can.:tbe <................................
g eg police, who
As It was neoestaiT that a penoa gtre'
The mauer was allowed to re« unlll
his whole time to the work the matter
to^ when Hoppes was brought op
n was rery serious.
' for trial on sc aMdgrlt made by the
It Is bsUeiwd that the elereaih dis-: boy's
mother wbo is s widow,
triethasafgred the whole matler. Mr.l It U said that t^ boy was itrx
Coreyow repmseats a Bible booM and |
ot the shot.
It is necessary for him to wlslt erery j
town aad hamlet in the elereatt dim
j. e. Saari. the Ftanith agent of the
trict. While he It there he caa do the Mlehlgaa Lead aisMtatlcm. says the
endearor work. He asks ao eompaasa- Manistee Newt. |s now In Rctsla for
tlon and all the money he reeelres (he pgrpoee of chartering a ctHnpanr
go Into ^
the dlm ( .W derelop a copper stoe to wbleh U«
—---------- --- ----------- wlU
-------- W----------he
trict fund. The district famtaher him ^ together with other Uiebigan son. are
the proper llwratote. It U beUered : laiemsted. Mr. Sasri has liioiy wrltIbat young men or women In almllar^ten Mends In Ma-.lsieo ihsi the mine
positions can be found In other Mlehlto ^ an «ceedingly rteb one
gan dbtricu Mid the perplexing prolr |
...... .. ■ ■ ■ .....
The esnert Is Prof Ko.
Finland (i
TbeeoorcnUon closed Wednesday
examine tbe property.
with an addresa on “What a PUgj^,^^B
■ • ■
Prof, f Senig't T
yrt wIU be farorable.
d)Ie. be
erse City, the lecture being llhistrated | «alcs otif cost
com and dptoars
*o8ps aam not 6i-

WIN Enlarge 8u
C. E. Taylor, who for aererml years
ondueted the City News sUnd and
subsetIpUoo bnstaess to the-postoace

B. Cook for ttfiOO cash. Qorand bat
alr#dy been broken and a griat mill
•ad aloyatnr win CMctad at once
Mr. Taylor hsmltased tbe large siom
««rkham bloek and will take

f.rr4rr*.m i X z I k;-ss

•ad wfll ba asad as a warefeoaaa and i will add a targer lint rt sullonery and
generally earrit
good general
eald Btoraga. The mala bolldlBC win r»d
Tbe locallon In the postoOee bnildba three atorlM and b
lag has long been 'too small for the
. aatfaa room win be taeated la the business and tbe new store will make
nar. A faaaral rnmiat bnsineaa will as excellent stand.
ba eoadnetad by the company aad all
Beand Orer to ClresiK Court
kiadi of wSeat'aad <m Bonn win be
Orrie Hoppes appMrod before JasaMBtaetDrad. a specialty balag mads
af the maB^aetara of baUtwbeat. gra- lice Amll Nerlinger on FTldsy u>
answer to tbe darge of shooUng with
haa aad whala whMt Soora.
A large alaratar win be installed and lateat to dO great bodily barm lets
the hlgbast mtUt prlea. paid the than the crime of murder. He walred
tenaara at all tlmea for all klada of axambiatloB and was bound orer to
grahu. J. M. lagrig. wbo has Imea tbe nest term of drcult court, bti
arltb the Haaaah A lay Cag mill for bond bclugmigaed by Dr. J. D. Monsoa
tha seat twenty yaaM as bead mniar. and Mr. Hoppes being released. Tbe
vm ba geaaral manager cf the aaw bond was for $M0.
The ease Is tha onieomc of the at­
tempted nmblng of a melon patch at
tbe atylii^ laai Sundpy night. A party
eaasiatlng of aoeen boys alleged to
^'Tl^ aleraStt district Michigan
bare been Orio and Claud DIshler of
' OhriRtaa Endearor GaiOD Is the Brat
Ninth street. Leo and Hoy Suple of
4MMet in Mlehlgu to hare a Beld sac. fill Weest Elerenlh street.' Cbauacey
■Mht. Oaerga Coreyow ot Northport Cole. Frank Detelsky and Btiner Van-

many yeai I age by Russian miners.
After- being
bctni unwerked for a long lime,
found cow that modern meUiodi
of.redDeing the ore work a reroluHoa
in the srlenee of mining, and the oreSi
from tbii mtus are esperially suscepti­
ble to chemical treatment.
J. E. Saari learned of the mine when
be was abroad last Vlntrr. He tnvc<tlgaied and was made general man­
ager. He has sold shares to Bvrt Hen
del and n. a. Palmer of this cUv to
Jullns Hannah of Traverse City and to
Diners In tbe npper peninsula. During
bis absence from the country, A. Reckonen of Kaleva. is taking care of Mr.
Saarl’s work In copncctlon with tbe
Mlriilgan Land association.
It ^ not been decided whether >he
compiny sbatl, be chartered lathis
country aad operate In Finland at a
foreign ecrporalion.-or whether K shall


D.. Mrs. B. kUDorr and we Cwcge.{ cf Ttarerte Oir mcMceed av, Ih* Scott: Lake \T»w Moose Manday.
Sheridan, led., who' Bd L Beebe of Kalkaska was an
Dtck Jacobs has taken a laaberiag .
npaiTW pgxTA»P^
Slk RapMs rtiKor Monday.
fob Bear Howr.
;1«UK HEALl^ USTOR^„ stertlag. bare msraed to their
The ecfaooeer Ada Ma^ It at the
O. Ol obrne of Beaton Harter Is rim
^le- iMSkM er TbeaMSi ef Hma Bw : hornet.
i Cm^«
- It company's deck taking pa a
King frieeds aad rriattres In this »*
Mrs. Tmman J. CM.S of TraiMe cmrpn of 3.000 Urrets of cement far
a aesM
i q,, vm the gocai eg her da«htsr.: Green Bay. Wls.
R. |_ Mclatoib wn« orer tram Trar>
to Ultra M : him. Wlaa Poweri. the ftnt of the
tag her parents. Hr. and Hn. Chat, errry call .d dn« nccptlDg
Dg the w [ week.
her! I
A J. Seeley went I Wmiamshwg
, I ■
1 I II-■-----fc. <j_
v>. WnUams
wiiunms of
w niUford
ruissoin and
Mr. Hetrick U eaieitainlng friends
Hiribun of Bangor are 1
from Ohio.
mnlfm.U'dUaclf.aiidBerTonsnesaaad gnecU
gaesu at the Charles Hackey hocUfF
Mrs. Carpenter was a Trajerwf-Cfiy Imtabiiii.r ukr tbe pla« of happi- on the east side.
rtaltor Wednewtay and
•«« >nd amiability.
Claude Cale. of Towers A Cole Bras . ■ The qarxtao whrther frsler-^ .
was over from Kalkaska oa bsatstos t-firian soHetids in MlcUgsn i
(he first of tbe week.
write to-eaUed
nr irastee «
Elk Rapldt. Mich, SepL 14.—
I Dr.
F. Lewis made a professional tracts under whIA speelal privUeghs
freight bnstaesa makes more ware'risK io\Acme Monday,
givi-n renaln merntM-rs was prwbouse room on the TlPage dock necesj Mr. and Mrs. George Pereoai of
s-.djyl A
Aitonirr Gttu ral Bird WeJtarr. and a thlrty-foot extension will
: Torch River bridge were Bk Bapids
•do by
bo built oB the west end of the pres-.
I vistiors Monday.
ternal lasnranc
ent ttrueture.
j George Brtnkerhoff ol Chicago U to deslroai* of issuing such o
rSa^MOp. to! town, called bare by the serious UIdcm su^ance Comalssloniw Harry i
Monday and on Tuesday began tbe
|[ of fcis father. P S Brinkerhoff.
;h<- opinion that such roairarts wi re
erection of a cottage a: Rex Terrace
Miss S'clilr Hill has retnrned-to Ha- la TlolatliAi of the lillrhlgaa law. anil
for Mrs. Anna H. Newton.
scB. Ingham county, to recumc her the attorney gep<enVs ruling was -a .
Dr. J C. Oauntleti baa procured the
school duilct.
accoiilaure with Ihl- Insuranre asm- ,
necessary blanks on which to make
Messrs. U A. and Charles Collamore tnUsluner't views.
tor walleyed pike fry for
planting In Bireb and Bart lakes.
H. A. Klag. wbo for tbe past (wo
years has had the management of
BDd irritable, tha
Skegemog Point resort, has reelgnpd.
Is unfit to care for her eliilC BMston will look after af-. mother
dren.andhercoiKlitltion ruins ihr cfaild'a
the point daring the balance dispusitioa and reacts upon brrvl
of tbe resort season.
"rhe motherahool
sufferinr vrilh barkBupt. H. F. Blodgett will occupy
rooms over Brett's hardware store.
life a b
B. Deugberty and Joseph Booth
L>din e. I'inkham's
yesterday loaded 40.000 feet of pine '
Inmber for aMtjtnent to Charlevoix by
The timber
recently cni i ptacemMUantTCngnlariU^*'*
from Mr. Dougherty's property
>.«.y within
the vliusd limits.
IbarMrs Itnkham:
Word received from Mri. A. E. Imub-


schcr. who receoily underwent an op
tor elctatyww^^ ovarian
eraiioD at Builerwortb hospital. Is to _
. V
i was
wu nrerans,
un'iuus, tlivd
Uivd aad
and tr>
effect that she is gaining In nuuw-,
rii^. and K dU not •ennws tbonefc I rosM
atrengih dally, and If bo romplleailons stand It
arise will be able to return home In
two weeks.
The Ladles- Altar aocleiy of the. R lSnLh.Q.k
Cathtrile church will meet on Wedneta^Ikivu S. y
day. Sep:. N>. at tbe home of Mrs. F. 1 Mrs I>;nkbaa advisen
C. Johnson.
: tree. Addrosh Lynn, Mnm.
John Monroe of Enst Jordan, who I____;
v^-_r.^ _
■■ ■ ..
earlier In tbe season, built iHe new'
municipal dock at t'hls place, is again | her sister, Mrs. A. M. Cosgrove, and
Bendon. Mich- Sept. 1S.-M. Drake
^ chlc»go Is here for a
returned Monday evening from Onk- rs^lrs or. the Iran ewnpany's doet: f.
,e„,- visit with his son. F M.
land eooniy..where be was called by Mr. Monroe Is still nursing the In
Jnrlei which he sustained bKlumplng. B„-,t
the death of bU sister.
Brawn of Chlc«a pretldent
Gertie McLean ot Grand Rapldt Is from a rapidly moving train at Trav- j
^ ; of the Elk Rapids Iron Co, was in
rlslUng friends and relatives la Benattend- ^
„{ ,[,e week,
c. W, Hailing, of Central Lake
Hri. Deake ' retanad Tneaday to tag a meeting of the Prinskey Pres
Cnmp Lakovlew.
wasiheguestof A. B. PalrhamtsyesMlis
Dleic Jacobs and wife entertained a
the Home Mission‘Istard. delivered
amber, of their frlenda at their bon
s Loraager of Chicago Is tpandin Inland Monday evening In honor JI iDleresUng lecture ] Alaska 1
juple of weeks at (be home of
. i church Tuesday evening, t,;: I’^wiher.' WII lioiin’cei'T
Ur. nad Mrt. Crowell, and
ing was apeut wUh games. i
Mrs. C. E. Wheeler Is cnlertalntag; Mrs. Lyman Paiierson and. son, A-

- ^ Rate $6.00
TOLEDO . - Rate $5.00
- Rate $5.00
Rate $5.00

Tickets good to return until Odol>er ISth,
inclusive. -See posters or aA 'Pere Mar­
quette Agents.
M. P-. IViOEl.L.£R, O. W», A.


k going full blast. Buggies, Wagons, Farm Trucks, Land Rollers. Grain Drills, Disc Harrows, Spike tooth Harrows,
and Plows are being turned off regardless of cost. You must see these goods and prices to appreciate the real
bargains we are offering you. We are not “Goingiout of Business” nor “Going to TVIove," buT will stay right here.
We must turn these goods into cash within the next sixty days.

Here are a few of our Bargains in Buggies

W 'a

.Arc as good as money can buy. They are-going at $Si5 to SOO.
Here are bargains that are seldom offered.


A tll6Baggf *iUi
WiUi Prabber tint............................
A (1S5 PbaetOB far................ ................................................
....... ..............



Studebaker, Capital and ^rnlth Farm Wagons at
Prices that are Way Down.

that were sold at $1'2 to $17, will l>e closed out at

$10.00 and $12.00
You cannot afford to miss $n opponunii> like this.


A Stsdebaker Finn TnicX. the best ever effered. ftr $28.00
BtirnTB ud Spring Wagou^^l^ to


B«t <

' We km «thcr$ tl 5 Md 6 iicb Uro fit $25 fiod $u.

to be closed out at $7.50 to $12.





tfe« fell ipprOTil et ti« cov«tbid<
BppsaM to tMr lora of eooatrp
BM •» tbdr pcncwU InfiscBM to l«fwt ea U)» popsUot tb* f«ct tku
eBMiiwfcmt ebuJDM bp Jtiu thronsh
tbe traktp prfll teeatt nocb u> the futwe vettare of ib* sailbo.
Tokeheau. 8«pi. 14.—Troope are
sUII OB tfwr Kuw4Ji>c the (orelgn
•alatwi. eMUeBCBU «ad hotels althaagh there It do oetward ladiet
that there wfll be further tronbie.
Hew York. 89<. H.—K. Bato. at
the Vaiaotf Astoria, lodap nU the
ooadltioa «( Bartn Komara eras bbeheaged. ' He passed a coiBtprt
Bight. Tbe doeton .do aot
knew wlist hli silaaBt is. but sap
Bight be tppbold fetw or ganttose.
Bate suted that the baron was sortp
was BBable lo loare for the coast (bit
afterBOOB as ptortontlp anaaged. Bereral«( the partp left, boverer.
Bwibi. Bept. 14.—Ctar NDcbolas. scctaopaaM bp the ecarlaa and <AUdm.
will arrive at DamaAt. tbe eapKal of
the graad dschp of Hesse, nest week
aad roMte nUI lata la Kormber as
gMsU Of the
duke of Me
Yhe trip Is •aeaUslIp tor tbe beaed*.
Of the health «f the Raeelaa moasKh
aad his wife, both of whoa
Mrge of aerroBs eoUapae.
.-Indiana After Laks Front
«ortbport, Ul^.. Bopt 14.—A
era] covtdl of the Ottawa mad Chip­
pewa tedlaas of Mlt&igaa^ la ae«fc>n
at Walkerrine. Oceana coioitp,
week, belsg called bp laadera of the
vartoos ropreseouilves of the tribaa
•bo participated la the treatp of Chle^o. relatira to tbe sale of the li
OB the lake hoot Jaines Kog«bM}eo
of Peotwatar tassed a call tor all
lUAIgao ladisDs of tb* Cblppowa and
Ouawa tribea to sand dde^tas. who
•til draw op a petMloa and preseat It
to the coart of clalBS.
*nie Chicago wstar treat claims bare
ksg beak a sobleet of issue for the
' 'MUwaitamlt ulha. aad bbUI reeesuip
BO other tribe atMaptod to take lasae
ah the aoblect, aad all papaeau

_______ _ Hleh.. Bept. U.—Bobbers
broke late the poatoffiee bees last
Bight and eecBiwd about PlOO In eaih
’ I believed as mnefa awte to
The safe was blown opso bp
dpnamltc ud eompleielp wredeed. A
deck over'tbe nfe stopped at l:Sd a.
m. wblcb Indicates tbst was the time
of tbe rebberr. the dock evldaoUp
having been stepped bp tbe egploeloa.
Tbe postaffiee Is locsled to tbe same
bBlldtog as tbe Bbermsn pioneer sad
adietolag that OBcc. Tbe robberp waa
not discovered aatll tbe postmaster
I, snhoDgb two tocn were a
here, early tbto momiof. Tbe nwa
eacb had a bag ssd they separated at
that place, being aeon to go lo oppoalte
directions. While this inHdeni may
have no relation in Ac robbery It l»
thought tUt It mav leal to the epprebesskm of tbe ihlens. Vem Gates'.
__ Jeweler,
aboot a block away.'bard
a load report'soon after I o'clock ^thls
ling.'and ns tala dog waa
bought Ihst r
greil foM he thought
mtgbl have been shoolla; a
mdc no Investigstlcn.
Cendenesg Telegrams.
St. Petersburg. BepL 16—Alarming
reports are received from rarloas
Jewlth distrleu to the effect that the
Jews tfanmebont the eamlre are arm'ig tbeinselvei and spreading brasdset Uteratorc summontoc tbe people
> begla a reroluUon.
Ksrlstadl. Sweden, where the commUSwedeo and Norway are
meetlag to effect a dissolution of the
union, ny the situation Is Improving.
There U no reason, seeding to tbe
> aiarailst
laleat latonnailoB. .for
reports that the Gommlsstonere nsve
delivered an cltlmalum which la likely
to r«r-Jt In war.
t>ODdon.«8pt 15.-Tbe BsrtdUb min­
ister bad a Imc Iniervlew at ibe for­
eign office tbb inon^og. Itlsreporlea
that Lord lAnsdown has ssked Norwsp aad Swedsa to arbitrate their

SMbSS BAt for Irtnf

- y. » — •


IM Bnaspill lopssf Ear
Ip little girl had bea
BBgatag for tom pears from ecscma,
md darlag that tioM I cealB M
•et a Bight's sleets as her atimest
ssaa eeip severe. X hsd tried so rnanp
RBiedies sod spent eo much moaep,

tdisagc erst manifested titrm the first
appMcatioB. 1 gave the child a bath
with Catieam 6oam asiiw a eaft skee
of inasUs cloth. %iU fdid tm a
dap. •Bsffi time fa3owing with Cnti.
CUB OiabwBt..sBd at the mam
tins Rave the Resol vent, accotdii« to
diiamosA One boa of Oistmeot
and two bottles of the ReselfcEt. to^tfcer with the Soap, effected a peraumcBteue. J sabmit this for pnb-

Coaffistlnc of Cottcon Soap
Oiffitmeot «f>d PUU.
Tbe fifot step ia the traatmeat of
tftlOBie Boems
remove the
scales and ernsu aad softes tbe skin,
bp warm baths vrith Ctitiaira Soap.
orj caiefallp and aoplp Cuticura
doth and Und la place. Take the
Reaoiveat Fills, or
to medium
doses. Do not nae cold water to bothtog. aiad svoid cold, raw artods.

Sts dtp sorprtsed Mrs. Abbs BheD;
here Teeadsp. Al! brought Ihbir bas­
kets BUed with goodies aad a veep
ealopsbie time was bad. Hn. SbeU
was ibe redplest cf very nice preeI


Leo Doffe of Pomona warj

M^idap aftemooa. A geoJ.

««np went from here to tbe fneeral

Sheriff HoUand were a: ibf buh of ihe
county as It was eosrl week.
Mnf. BOllnroB is bivtog her new i
bakery Hard up which will be a great'
We are gl^dfir-Wy Mrs. Ceorp:
Dodi, wbo has been very tick with'
lung fever, is Irdpi^vi^. Harry ttal:
It the whole thing tothostore stoce ;
fals BoUtcr's slekcets. as bis fsth<.r bar all he can do to attend to ‘U bowl
Mrs Jebn Dcneit has a big baby boy.:
Mother and aoc ore uning nicely.
Aloszo Chub has mo.-^ bis uflee loi
bis bouse.
Tho ladles of tbe M. R socit^ will:
have aaotfacr tea-c<-ot suiipcr T-jt-sday.l
Sept, 19.
e cement aldewalks arc all So
Isbed for this rear.
o new eemrat block boa^ Is near
tag compleUoa.
Cr. Herb CoracU Is preparing lit
ove in Ms new eemcnt.j>o9se.

I. & E t UK on

Tke Se^ oi Good Coiiee
t xaaka a food cup cf
Evan tito bei
____ srithout
_____ „_________
gdsA x
Dirty, adulu-ratod and qaaerir
U^ded oofiee gach ns anseniPidooa dtoJen abovel over thM
eqaqtera won't do. Bat to]» tk* poo, dean, Ttatirtol ftavond

UON COFFEE, a, kaSr a d lataw Olka-

the coffee tliat for over n qtmrtor <d a cenlorr lias been dailp
welcomed to rnfllioM of boaee and yon wdl 'make a dri^ fit
for a hinjv is tfaia way t



Vm UOS corns. SacoM ts >iy kw nnKt m am! —■ lU
Orlsd rvar UUM CorrgX n'-Sn tu. I m *-4
l -«crS n;.. sad mt
•m; V Ui- i-a.* FlUBliuwusDtlMe^d vsier.c....^.'> u. was, s Bsa ssWr-aaS
sea wtuK otsBssgtircEsIstcto
m a mice), Ucs >—m om iS tto>rac mis:

j5iagsss.*tK.dg 5augia.T3 at: 55
TWO WAYS *» Kmz oorrsc.
Si. wnewd lawlimil srvfM. afWtoCU«>ddsM«<eMwsui.asdtW
^ «f •onlme UOM CffiFTEE,
gcefpe aad pww seOR nnir mm«
-------------(Bold oUy ini lb. a1ad|w%iges.>

aw* lucB-bradt for vslasUe pre:

t rigM


,.*i. . . <«»■*.


c. L Locinr«pD, o p * VV

A natural frtak has tieoa rtli ri--*.
Notice of Special Meeting
Lake Ana. MIcb. Sept. 14 —Mri. In the sbapr of a well on tL-.- (arai of
Charles rraaklln toc'k ar. ovevdi
Leu Deiiric-h near Hollaacl. Tin- .wtiid
morphine last night wlilently with- iiu,-,
„ai »ith.arh great Ic
tcldda] totem, domestic trojbie being,
cv^t Is uuiwarti. J, ^
the eaate. Her life was saved wllh , njeee, of ^voi and swae of eortlii-r-'thiis,
«j yvdirfroa U>»d»i
t--v • list.
great dlfflculty. Medical assistance, al.fe weight aro hurlel far away, when " h»»r.
soon remoted her from danger.'
| bystanders try to drop them Into the cvmv
William Beckwith Is 111 srltb throat i ,rell. Wlil.tli-!-. mouth organ* a:iu ilin
--------*-r.d <b> Xosrd'i*
burns b.i\e l>oea si:»p<b'lr<! ovc(>»>. W SaWI
J. T Tn-ck made a- business i.-iti to, n,e „.|..nlnri. and the ale-has' bbiun IWtadAiiBCWia. ivn
Trave-ao Citv toftor
ibi-m cunlnumiriy.
8. S. Bornci' ia paialing his woodthed and nuhtog imprevemenia oa his
opwicaraaN. omw v
1 At a Mccin U ihr Pmbuc C'oan f«r Iba, in a nnaan on— tbmla l—tlss. whirs'
ODaslyrdO sadTiwnw.b'blanst ihs Fro UUts H pwwauap >• reowia.aaai.aBd ni.M. L Lake baa returned to the
taw OW—. ta tha Cl tv of Tnvarw* tUfv. on F Albw ii tt-ffnirtanpentozula. He baa large timber In­ exantiy.^sh^h ^
*?’ "i* h—e|>T ^ Shit I.i^ evi
terests there.
rrsdK.Wstk«. Jodeewr'

VutulaTr TrarsnaOtyaafdows!
rorfbbwdu. IinroK. TiMa. Uraad a-|aa.

riliVE.'.isij'.'.'rJvvisj... .
J rawfin
■. r. KoaiJA.


s'.KShfs stKi stfiar®

Ely's Criae BaliJ



nsfrsxs^iJr^Th'i^.M.cb mi.



K a Cow gave
... ..... ......


Scott’s &nulsion



The Best




and sold
rat tlic





To Cure a Cold in One Day

TAo Laxative Bromo Qg^e


PERE Marquette

eonkda logs, the Manistee rlrer. sp-:
AD 35^'
Fgjys. Baw. Frud B. Wibr. Jadna d
peers to be oae grmit sloleewap for;
In lha msiS—- at tha «»u cf M
msnp miles. Two scows are at *or}:
^<ta‘r^'nci^^gbt>e OwpeaUoa.d^.. ...
SBd the Bopplp seems'UiexhaiistJble.
Tbe fire members df tbe compaap
John Graham of Traverse Qty reg
have pocenilp increased tbelr holdings blercd U the Lake View House Wed
droih. wd who v ooeeniliUd br l.w to m- at ten oTiork in ihv rmBoee.alt. <e loiaiicb aad bli poutlea araylai (ur Iba alliiwiait
■ a aura lo
ancta belaiiclnc ’o oJ-t 4. a. nuir b- u.r—art laiiwlaa *l» aaMmt oaa
br acquiring a eeatromag Interest 1 .neadsy.
cvaa-sl. acronli-c <e the i.-onMoM of Iba ■»ibeawdroaolalaaas(or pvtaOswl. taMVMt
the Madar. Saaiael PokocoB. ft has the Chebopgaa. Narigathm eo^np.
ataioti II cue>caaiiila4rani:on.vidad
aad raat. In tbh obw, o( Un IcOevUf daAndrew LaForge nttendcH ihe Petot Sattafaction
a beeone ksowa that neap of tte!
la tbe Cbebopgan river will key Presbytery e; Omens tills week.
«-«v or m.
d Cbippewas claim latarst Bt start tuKU-nest pear.
Proseendng Attorney WIlliaoR has
OTcrtp through tbetp anat liwuf MiVi d—rowland all otb~r pmaw nne-un w—i. twaolar Umov- waiih .m tbs
been la Ctsricrohi on business for a
IBUmtod IB «ld ■wuusan- nwolnA lo a|> wial Uas vf —>4 dasenbed laad to—ctkia has
» Mcalrad papumUs tor the
rwsraia ■ iiiin cd MUd coon. ibM u ba W;w-miso^iUa.twvnir-roaraadtwoety-Bv.,
few dsye.
baldm at the probat.. unkw, u tbr niTcf In tuva iwwireUn'nortaof laaarww wist:
d la the tpoatp of OhiElk Rapids. Mich., Bept. lA—Tbe^e
Ulse May Rogers, after a pleatsni
Travrrsi Oiv, aad ah >w van—, if aar ibera ibiwco wui al-uc said anriioa bbo tbirtv aw
time of the treatp. the are at prolbst seveatp-two stodents en­ vltlt wllih-bcr uncle. Jolia Mulrooney. Saarrt'"and' dm
ba. <rb> tho onyorof tbi- pcotxaw abooM rodi: Uwow nortbvaralM wiib >bo westa
aot t^ rrartioL
and ausib-juarset bno fit aald wv-*lno to tbe
1m -Srladed la the aale did obt «a- rolled la Ibe Elk Rtpldt Hlrii eebooi. and famlb, has mumeil to her bcni.>
OTATgOFIfKTlUUABr.Ceoaiy af Oraad
A A the water froaC •« that gs tbe
increase of slsteen over tbe corre- St Newark. K. J.
rpondlng date one peer ago. Bp
Chris and Mist Huy Nlffencggrr of - t» eiail; Trial tUio >Bc 1.^ lu-lL ^LY ewdar to bi tiafcb^Md la tba Orud TTawrpw bawd ttou-aW inb lUi
tonUBS. te Warns SIrast. Krsc YorkHvraU a arwsspar pnalad and Srcalatad
war. the local High s^iool Is wMl i
Boulb Haven have been here on a visit nonus'.
________ ' loialdd asaly
ssaly at
of Uraad Tnvwsa, (of tkaso
Cii>-s>v Court ''aatwlnurr
>neges and nulvenlt
Mirs wonlciy
to their father.
Mra. H- Sebaeider. who has beta th.- OTSTE OF WCaiaAK-Cocniy »f Oraad
Lsuia UatWljnn. aad Lao J. LobW Mali Jlalaable of
gaes! of her diugbier, Mrs. L N. At a —too of the Probata Coart for tba
■be Is BOW the poition is ecntroverep. attending these bl^er tnitleutlasu of Spring, has returoed to her Grand Rsp /^raalroritiaadTnwraa. h.ildraat ta. IVo
marntmut tm aH pans of Mleht8t^ Normal. Marp Hack- Ids home. rsa th..uraad ma<- hnedi^ and Sw.
«n mra haatealBg to if’elhervlllA and
Bvs Aslett.. Bessie W
Mrs. Frank Vernier left jesterday Prcaont. Frsd a. WaUar.Jcdc--'Pr-.'.w'i :
fftrOttBM aad CUppow. daecendants, Agnes PaAs and Lottie Canon; Val- for a month's sojourn al various poloi-,
fAo ai* aMe t/tiaea their IlDceve verfnrnl Ulebigaii. Heniil LoU and to aoulbcrn Michigan.
Un rsadineaad ailac ib.-|iMi loo.dslr wr:
IBefc 40'the Chicago tribal rMrraUoo Paul H. Wright: Alma College. Haltle
ef J.Ao s. ri/ht. rra&utaihi-r aad fnrad
The Iran Co. shipped two esrloads firrL
ofnlJ mionra. mrlaii asoac -ihrr sblaa-*
Farrell; OUWt college. Kell Morrieoa; f las hark yesicraay. li was hauled tkala euardlan >>• apnotstul of ilir fwta'ruf
smo-a ant that locb oib-r aid (srtbrv
FeetoB BotoM eedinge. Lena Pnllex; In on wagons from Creswell and goev aaid
ardor ai>-l pf 'nl1ie« say W bad ta tbv
ai say t» miutrrd bj ibr .talou in
Ualversltp of Hlnnetota. Beatrice WII- I Xfdllsnd. Mlc-b.
aor-h ear*- sad- Mid imvtdi.d
- ns Kwv. John Jae^. one of tbe lianu: Chicago Art Institute. Wlllian)
rruptn 11 b ord- rud. tbsl mday. Ih.
Mrs. Joseph Booth and daughter are
day ontetiAor, A. D. kb', a*
.. Hor-t
sik- ^
imamoac-or tho Hiehlin dlriBOA wh> Reg.
ba. why tb» ,—,
fon-nooT. b.-aautti««l for tar h*wr.n« rf .
at Bprlagvale visiting relatives.
otmoo.aadtbal Ibrcxtof nf .si*,
« a full bhwdwt OtUwa. claims that
The Bk Rapids RIdi school atbleCIc
8am J, Seeley has been railed lo Ma­ aunors.
and alt labar vrraon, IntarroUd in
his paMBts, the Fapm-mwBwapk. re- imMlatiaB beM tbelr krst meeting of bel a couple of times rvcestly by the Mid rdate.arv tsuSrrd toapiaur al a
of ^id Conn, thro to hr bahfrn at tbrpr>-iatr
BB>rad ihalr Indian papments cm the tbn pear Wedaeadkp nftenoon. Tbey serious Illness of hla moilier.
OAce, In tbrClW of TTarrrso cm ,»aJ dn.r
cam—. 11 any Ibsv br. wbr tba tiraysr .-f lb<
toatp d CUoBpo while the repressata- addad tolrtean now members and eleetMr. and Mrs. Wilkins of Wankesha. eelUoiorah'nld ani naain!.
|insud*iu«I rirroUtlA
Bves or the old ChM ^kasoo and ed tbe followlag officers for ihe ett Wls...Chai. Hodges of Kalamazoo and ABd It la mrtbrr ordrrod. ibil cant i.n
nuuiMir.wa*ipr*rbieitoMMdiw of bMSttesrr ^rs noTtea to th« prrauaa 1rup«»--; m
didcf WaBb-ge-gap-kake, or OU Grep suing pear: PretideaL walker Lang: Mrs. N. Davis of Bangor have beet MtdraiaUcf
tHr prndnry of ,ald trlltloll.
thebearino Ihri-.-ot, br raorins a • i-iit of
Httt, who drove the Blonz from Mlchl- vice president. HarrpJ^Hggs: secre vlsUIng Ut. aad Mrs. Richard L. Dow- and
tUaonl.«U.I>rpubU-bsllBlbr (Hand Trsx .
rraa floral*, a nn giipi-r pnnted and nrrn
•U. Mamoag the elalmaata.
LTV and treaanrn -Blm Ooldterb.
lalrdlnsld <--.omr of OriiiJ Trir.r —. fiofThn Ottawa and Chippewa laaders
igTATETW KlCStUAa-Coaaty of Oraad
The tollovttfm the rocently elect
Mr. and Mrs. Hd G regware are at tbr—Maocmavr work* iirrvi.s* b. m.-1 day
• that the
j officers of the Preebrieiisn Ladies' Alaason (his week visiting their son
:0>< WALKER.
Sudp ..Iprolsu,
aktl boMsBthbd of the' anmher to re- Aid eoeletr President. Mn. Rob C. WTUlam and family.
lata obrole
PWMt esi the Mad la igMoiIocL B«i: vice presMaai. Mrs. Chss. Dan
Lem R. Bmitfa rhlppcd hl.-i Brsi rarThe KUbigaa OCtava aad Ohlppe- IdM; sdcretarp, Mrs. Homer Sip: traas lood of poiaioes this season, to Chi­
M are also ahont to be enrolled bp
Mrs. Martin Kramer:/chaplain, sago, yesterday.
jIffiat 'MeNiehatis. who has soeeatlp Mrs. Hrarp Ortchen.
Ob nsdlBS aad BIlag Ibr pMtooa duly toU
hbsa appelatod at Wnahtagtaa to
Rev. C. 8. Ktslep bas been reUned
#Bd np the Grand river elalmi. rep- > this place tor an«ber year by tbe
r br porsoc and stataed msC smors.
Copemisb. Mich.. Sept. 16—Father
TCwbupcb u hwdMrd. that I nday. tbi 91b
^iiatlBg tte sale of a naw mUi. which H. & ooBfeKmc*. and will bold ter
U (ts^sla r. A. V. Itto. it II- o'rlorb la
Golden sod mother nl Nc!-«mi were
^ famished the Gland river lodlsss
t:r U» baartad of
church here Snndsy at
arid loslnoB. aad tbal ib' arit rf htn of
IB the treatp of IIU. and was aftei^ 10:30 a. ra. aad 7:M p. m.. also at the calling on frlc-'mlf here Tuesday.
sblmlBori aad all olbrr p.-r».s» Invrsatod
10 iB>d Mlair. anr rsn;irrd*io,a;.ira7 at a
nh^ter of Uorcabee ladles Of KesArd aold aad tha.amoaat fiaesd In Elk Lake church at 3:00 p. m. Bev
tb tmasarp. where It has laid, aeoi- MUo N. Wood wUl eonduet services ai
, O^Sobab^/m^T'Ji tk (My-"^^^wSrSi
air.aadabouc>i.»- If aay ibrrsbr.vby <ba
#>laUag iatcreat aam the aggnpale tbe Pij^byterisn dureh at 10:30 a. m
prsymf tbapnIK'Swiboald aot b> aiBtod.
Aad It 1. fnr.L.f .sdrrr.:, <hat oaM pott.
KaewMJOO. ^
iitsiT«irx U'HI'-'u- tbrp-rM.1 lii'MiBladia
and T:30 p. m.. wllta praeblng at Yuba.
Thcsi: machines are carried in stock .it eur shoji and
Mla—uii -d tbr Iirodrary of ooM pMJtioa,
^ alight ooBtroverdp has arisaa la
2:S0 puja. 'His morning sabjeet
aad tb>faMnai ti.n«f. by caadasoeuMef
can be seen in operation "butriny" wood.
Indian departmwt as to whether
Uu. .iklrr to la |>id u tb. ilrsad Trsr.
1 bo -Buriaess Prlndples of Ihe
or—HmUl. a t-wnsput prtalsJ aad <irr»
- » atDcmBt aihoa;r be spread on-the Bible." Pioaebinc at the German Relaird U1 SI-I x.-xmiy cf Ufwad Trai—.fOf
tbrariacrsMiT. sMhiwvTtaaiiaaad day «f
^«ai roDs or Md to the descend- formed church al 10:30 a. m. Masses
the Grand >lvjM Indians exelnCaiboHc cbnrcb at 9:00 and
mankind would have
10:30 1. m.
Bev. C. W. Chase, who has been lo­ invent milk. Milk is Na
” ' Vfant tha NeBM Back.
lled al Kewadln for tbe post three
OM MMeB. Weh. Bept. 14.^. a peart, has been traMferted to Old HlaIkoapklaa has Dm appototad a
■man of OB# to aea what can be done
Bsriy pnistbes are coming la briskly
la ra^ to takMg ap tte tlO.OOe thU week. The price remalas al » to
•orth of lUBas Imed bp the penlatnM J7 ceau per bosbei.
can digest iL
fhimwB la order to aeeam as tieetrie Peter B Brtnkerhoff has snfficleatly before
-lan‘!S''oljr'«iit at thadatJofSfi’awloalbl
• as. a! Tag BaMrrd aad FlflT-Oar Dutlir.
Una. ■
rewered frr>m his erttical lltoess to
and Tw-atrar. Crnt.. asd ao AlUfBM'i Fao
This aetlcB la taken bacanse the permit of his soo George, who bat
.xfnrt—a raa^r.-imrid-f r>a- la Mid WMS
I nsr. aad ouMiHa-po.MafllBa. at l.rr b.riaa
' atcBote of the notes bcUors that the been with bim lor s few days, rctnroUn IMitiutrU la rrourrr tba Moovya mniai
pso^eeU of aaeoriiig tbe Uae are far
Clileago yeitcrdsy- However',
Ib—i^'r^rta^'^ tb. i.m-io- of
tM bri^t. Two it tbe dgaeti have bis dsugbier, Mrs. Wllktoson, alto of combines the best oil
m'.. .'wtalDad la Mid u'lrttBfr. aad tb. aatnt. m mri can Bad. aad prerigoZ. oatm la
Aad aad the others do not want gu Chicago, will retaato wlih him for with the valuable hyt>ophosphites so that it is
bImcb hka^ over them. The SldjMn
was saheeribed three peart ago whm
C. J. Brown left yeeterdnp for Trav­ easy to digest and does
ai Ua’elicli la the forraoia. tbrrrwiU laaoU
the ptospeota of tbe Traveme Clip. erse Clip sad Bellalre to adjust some far more good than the
a< FoiJtc AorOon la lb. Mebcot Ibo
Kartbdoorof tbr CtooK Rcata -tbai IMretba
Old Hlsaloa and Pealnstila electric business msttlcrn. Mr. Brown recently oil alone could. That
l4a.rarboMtb«C1rrci:0>ort {arrwidllMBty
cf Oraad Trarma- u hrU.c Iba tjrrelw. ^
tBBd. promoted bp L. K. Gibbs d Ttbt- told hU newspaper property here and makes Scott’s Emulsion
a-niadlbaai-lBMjnrac'.'cr m mocb dirZil
a> caar ba a—rr ic pay ibo aMooat daacw
«ne Clip, were go^. As aotblag has Is andecided as to bU futare loealloo.
the most 'strengthening,
Drives out blooU impurities. Makx.i strong nen-cs and muscles.
baea doae so ter. those who made tbe ttn. Soamer of LfktegtOB Is here to
nourishing food - medU
fe.cfFlfcaoBd.dara.aa ppandal br laaaad
Bates demre the msnsr cleared np.
spend the wloter wfth her daughter
Gives tone, vitalitv snd snap.
a>.aiMaoladfer tb—a.lbr prrtala. hadaf
cine In the world.
defiled 10 aaid tU'OCfafr a. (o-laor . a. an:
Mr. Olhba was seen bp a Rcoord rep- Mrs. Laaatog U. Grant. . ..
Tb.aoBtbM4t qaart.r if tbe toalfeaa. qaarGcT it Irora your liniggiu
rascatatJve todap aad said tlat while
far cf a.clcia ziacl.aje. loaw xaaaty MViot
Miss Bertha Hall cf Chicago Is visSartti for (roa oamplo.
BOthtag had beea done la
u ilteg Aar tether. J. C BalL
SCOTT A 80WNE. Chomlsta
the line, that the projects were W
40S-4IB pMrl Stiwat Natv York
H wmtu he b«m.
tbegaesto RBapWsfrisBdsu
I SO«. and SI .OO. Ail drwagtoto


Trail liar— Transia lYty II t» a s., aos_a—i-a( P.-Jk lau uaib aad «uib
TrwlB Isr— Tval— (Ylr 4 n. a SafsnsS*
las I— p**ai. annb act sstb
Tram Wax— Trarir— <Tit> bw a s. fv
lalaUoatbr S.atLisntnBoh
Trala Uarr. Tra..-r— Otf 1W p w. 4*
(rsati rs tb* a->r*Hpart laaicb


I’lic children's Iricnd—



OoTB entuag te tbe order of the dar
DOW. HreTTona te tdraM nf the fraet
Mr. ate Mr*.». W. BhllUdar of Laka
Ana will go to Grate Rapid* to tbe
Hate fair Hotear or Tbeedar.
There win to a dance at Wnilam
Bate*- OB (be Ord of BepL
WIU N«l*ea of Trarerae at.» hot
boen rteitteg bit ttetcr. Hra. Viola
Iteke. (or a few dart.
w and daagbter
*M of Hr*. E

aad etaetrle Ugbtiag pleat for D.
■M s STM ahar *n ntuas.
Mim. MdBtnh mod Mrs. AUrteb
Mra. FVr* ate two children and the
tm« bcMh tom MitoMir Rl. M are Minaa-BIke Kaot and Bela Poha•en of Oiagorr^ reaon left on the
*^Srm%Ured tall M Homt am- Mlnnwrt PMdar tar CMeago.
Mj. Tko man at (to MB er tte
Bteve Daaa. arho hai been rlaltlDg
taeitth taaioc atood It to > lo (aror at te Trararae Qtr tba peat wwk. raOran. Next Btodar HoMr eonaa to utraad bene pyidar.
Daok Lake mi* id aae «*o wtu tba
HI** Alloe Parrast wa* to b
order vteKlBg wtib relatirea.
UIrdMMA. U iotoaea or Ortoaa. lomarir o(
Hra C. r. Rich ate two di .
arrtred on tee HiMocrl Pridar on
war boon to Bnplre.
har ata
Bortaa. at tliU piaca.
’. ate Hra. iobaI Dnaa of Bnpira te rltlltex with Mra Abbey and tete
Tiflled at
e of B. J. Hiller
Minor Aren drove to Qrawn SainrvuluL
dar to >ae bit atelere.
Air. aad Mn. Port hagart at Orde
nplrr wtt ibrongh
Mr. BUdred «f Bmplrr
Mo, bara toaa TtaHiac Hr. Bonn's
for frail
Mn. A- #. put* antertalaed her *i»- onr tietelir eaarBHiog
tmoT. Mia. Acaaa PUe. ato aapto*.
tar aad hoebate U« week.
C. B. nr* aad ha*« ratotaad bOM*.
Hr. and Hra. Heei? Cau drorr lo
r. i. Zlameman It on the
Bar. Hr. Wtod U the praaaat praai
Trarerte Cllr Sa’.erdar to de tome
*r at tlM Praabnerlao efeoreh.
TialBia A**7 ba* a (orto at w»
Sept, li« «oi* paUag hta baau. »hHb a
dr. ate Hra. H. A. Jobbelt af Trsr.
a CMr are rMIlng Triende aad rel* Ktatooninip*. vbo baa bem «bIU
Mr. Wire and Hiram Warren
paoilr, ii galte wall apOa, vc an glad
ibretbed owe dar laat week aad the
ta btoa
yield wa* favorable
Hra. AgBM Pita «a* in Hat wc
Mr. RuDk-a fdlkt are cDlertetelag
taM tb^ d*e^ter.~Hrk Bron~ao4
baaband. ate ate >rer tine
bate a few dart laet week.
Min Lrdia SteSest an
Mr. Rank aad bh friend from Indl
Hra. Caraen Waroer of Lelaod rUlul Boa
called on Hiram Warren one nigbi
Geo. Oemeol'a
I'e remer
te' week.
Braale Parr
Him Salam* Warren te WortilBg Tor
Ira. A. WIdrig.
Leonard Easiraan la buUdlr.g a new
Praak Mooroo at BeaBoala la rial:,
KerMaler ba* a new torn nearly
iak r^atir** bar*.
npleted In place of tbe oW one that
LtaCor laala Mt laat PrUar for De­ Charlie Trnnball bat gooe to HtrF Hrack by lightning a few week*
troit for'a abort riolt vlik raHtirea raid. Cwn. to attend TrlnHr eellegr.
aM filtod*.
gone to eoatbern
Jma Kasb vltlicd ber ton. Ben
Mlaa Uia Conr r------- ---------------■atlrn
Naah. tel Sotear.
Bar viow. vbm abe hat
H. Warren bat been ronalring the
bota worfclagfar aowe Uaea.
.........- .. prenriied hit Brat temon Rmle tebooltaoDte' tbe patl few dayr.
~ 1. to Mr. aM Hra. Ooorge Gae. bar* tait Suadap ercslog U> a gqoO
Bnekwbeat enltlng
a ODO. B^.
(be day. .
BmI. II.
HM'aad Hra. Saanal SaMdlar aad
Hie* Blweh Dmb or AagoU has
diagbiora. Uni* aod Nellie, at North. ten rloHlog relaUre* In tbi* place.
vtUo. apiM Balardv aad Boadar with
TheoBore Warren of Detitdl It rbMHUrea here.
Itlng btfparentt. Her. dte Hr*. WarMn. Wolfe te very lU at tbte writ
OoaoU Daaa rwtnraad laat WodMOBar troaa Mewbarrr. wbaro be baa
Mra. BHdtag'li ependlag a few darn
boaa warWag la the aMlan.
with ber daugfaier. Mr*. U» Bwaaer.
of (bU pbee.
- • • - - baa baeone the happr tbe gneti of Jier atetcr.
poaaeeaor of a new plaao.
Hr*. C<n b epetelng a few dar* lo
Maude Teiegard
Tiarerae Cllr.
Travertc CUy.
Mr. BolloB U ^lag to com
Mte Edytbe Taylor te III i
drpIng applet kodar.
Tbe uarM* are learlng bow.
Min. W. H. Hurlbert reUirned bond
tea tbeir praoenee. Tber* are
(hit week after atteadlm
bat ferer patleata that will Tenala on at Alba.
me (lOM lonter. '
D. L. Bun rcinraed borne from
Beta. .11.
Omena tbte


tew Ban.
Mr. aad Mn. Ftaak Dalien ate Hit*
LlOie WiBKaaley took awoper wUh
Hr. ate Mra Albert WUUeO a week
ago Bnteay ereolnp.
The little daaghten of Mr. ate Mn.
Joe pDteka ate Hr. and Mr*. Joe
Kcbranka bare baie qaite akk. bnt are
better at tbit wriUng
Qnlte a anmber fram here aileteed
tbe dBDCc at Tblel-i Salerday erenMn Stdaer Skeffer and a little glH.
Clara HalrereoB, rambled eo far Into
tbe wood* tba' they got taet. They
auo KOI eoaked with rm beforc^Ddln> tKnt> B-ar m»
_ J
>B Sonday tet.
Cfarft ADdenoi
wBt Saad&^ih
Oner Biangvlg
tbe electric light
planl a week aco Sunday.
MIh Jotle Halverwn «|■peel Balnrdev and Bander wllb Mte Relher
Benaaa of Neablawasu tan Snaday.
r W lx>effler te entenalDlni
mother from Cad'ltee.
Mlaa Jotle Halverson ^av bewun
ccfaool work at Traverse City.
Hr and Mrs O R Claypnol vte
friends at C>^ar Run on Sunday 1
Alherl niililon'* falber te vtet
here for a rhor. time

The ^ckbone
of a

Mighty Nation
wd—food for brain, food for brawn, food that {*
og, that givas eoegy and covage. Wthout a prt^
c of this great fandamental tnth no nxtioD can rix ^
As an article of {food, soda crackers are being tned more and
gaere eveiY dap, as ts\astcsted bjr tbe sale of nearly 400.000,000
packages of UnwwdR Biscuits
pined ts tbe (DOst perfect soda' cracker the world bis ever'known.
twill I
every meal, giving life. bealUt and xtroigth to tbe Ammcan people,
Ifau is very truth hertiming tbe backbeme of the eation.


The people are bnay wi king on The
pnMic roads, and they a . improving
Bibel Carpenter drov
Saturdtv. reiarnlag I
^ns. Rice has purchased a

wm n Brown u. L A. Koggle. pa.-- '
1 B'lark of cholera Infa-lnm i
Cco. FoTod 'c*' lu' oortVrn Wis­ »l Bl : o'clock this nuirnlng.
cl. KlngalcyrM:..
consin last Tuesday.
Ml!.. Al Nlzt^ ot Wf«niln»trr
Will Bmitb and lamlly of East Hekd
«> Intcrtacbeyp
Manv 'i.arar. anl tner arc w.<rkinc
Wsnion W.><ln>>sdav no
out the tiu"! appropriation* i.n ibi- clay
and yravrl Slate road and mark ruail
aimHIe CwwH
>mliif nid jemme Konoii
Thp infliiriK'c of rllmallr c
Ring a liltcli HI ihc nonb
n ihr
rod I>r 'be l'■srll Tvted, Ibey having
Itnm'b utiTdrawn.
the louts' bid In forjlolni; the Job
Mr. and Mra. Irvin AVolf of SllghU
. Real E*ate TranMerA
_____ and a regatar itae of
S tre Ubc- giicsia K’initea of Mr. and
<i> food dlgestiuD.
oRitne of East Kited.
Mrs Fred IToml
Win. Urtisscr ata wife 1.. ('laHH|t.4ynan
Syrnp. Friv cipe-'oratlon la

Corn culling te 'hi- order of tbc da). Rncknrr. 1H I. block ft. Roodricli's SniSK- monilDg 1s made eectala by GcrC<"'l nlghia and wnrtn days arc Odd: Ufo.
insn Ryrup. so
so U a good aight's rest
wlia' te rteded to maiir-c pra.nta.
ihe aliseace t.
John Klliu r and wife lo Joseph Pa; eniigh and dcl'illlailag night swM.
Mte* Uc'h K.irlcr ot TrarcMe Tl'.v
READ ALL THIS. * f, w day* vteiUug with Mis* tdRlI, i>arr-'l, H, L. « Co.'a 4tli add Kctetlcss Dlghl* and the exhaiisitou
due In mughlog. the grealrel doagr’r
You Never Know ttw Mofncnl When
Fannie Howlii, f>liib Elkcv and!
ii'tlve. can l*> '
Thte InfMvnaUen May Prove
Alice Tavlor have rci'ined lo Tra\tes'e < . Wotvdbjry o J. W. Mllb r.
laklnx G<rof Infinite Value.
ersf City 'O resume their siiidiev In imfitr of attorney,
md regulotly. .
Alvin E. llauK and nif.- to Jno. Gali- Should you Iv able to-go to a wanner
It te worth eonslderablo lo any clll the high acluatl,
rllmc. yon will find that of tbe tbonzen of Traverse Cfly to know how to
saiids of cmsunuiilvc* there. Ihe few
be cured of painful, annoying and lichIng piles. Know- Ibei that Doan'r dAv^wl,">1r.*ndMra A-temSteVl «^Yd Bmlib and wife to Oscar who are Ix-aeflicd and renin strengtli
Uliclirll .ft Mahan have sold l« i Morse and wife, n SV feet IH PX. Ilavl- aru ihos.; »)m use German Syrup.
Ointment I* a positive mned.v for all
MnoB Wmr. eallod bone br Iba lUcighllcs of Fwaiop land. Tbc W>
' land'* add; EMO.
Trial b-ui'es. 26c: regular b1ic.-75c.
licbiness of the skit), for piles, m
V tod HI*. Wta Btedte war
FYnsahj by 8. B. Walt A Bop*.
etc,' One appliralion relieves and
. Plord tetter « Btoru wai ealted ___ t* at Hr. and Hra. J. W. tUbehart
Willard Wuinburg leave* tbte week sootko. Read the IcsilmcKi; of Its wa* hold for S.idin ca*h. The fU> acrt« ’
Bandaron the west Kl'lr of thr blgcrcck
ten* hr tto illeaoa of bit moOmr.
I attend tebool at Big Rapidr.
Kutematoo's aastteataeni bn JnA. Thaj-crill; *:S5,
,-haa Batter bat ratwaed boate from
Mrs- R. D. Henderson. Wf 303 W. | 'be Klack road
Mlaa Iva Greene of Travenie City te
Bor OUr..
says; "In the sum-j f"r .*SR0:
, James G. J.'hnr.m. dtvatesod, cstme. erttesed g5.'*f».0u0 lo Ihc lail (Onr '
vblUng retellvet and rrtendf in town. Blecenlh *!*«.
td. says;
wdstiH- at i
Mr*. Prod* Hdaia of Bor av hat
years, and now to (IdAMt.OM.
ir grand'
C. A. Battle bat erected a fine new
-«i ■■■
teas MDed bagM aa.BODOtoi of the
‘gratTfl ; ">e dance at Mr. and M-n. Henry For- j
at the Ranch and te building
*r recovering.
........ ed br a
August T. Rose■Bmm M bar notbar.
A verv riiJ'iyaW,. time was had
Auguiu Itns.
? )-e*ra eld. broke out in
.. rioM Baacb woat u Bk Batdde
now. •In '£. ••
Iiltirk S. Jl. L. A Co'.’s 3M
■ week ate perbapt laager.
hair i '•peii'llns » f''*' day* with her parcal*. add: $*3I>.
-P. K. Caanloeba- •»«« >■»
■ ,AMlte - Pimp, arte
c of salves and olni. I Mr. and Mrs. Hrnrv.K Ci'rltele.
Margaret riark lo Prank Filer and
nmiekat m Mlkatan. retoraod Sac .Rev. j, D. Doete ba* relcraed
dance SI
s' Harr
Harv.-v Martin’s. a<
linlne from more li»n| 'Tte- •lance
_ -.'s-..,
,nd all wife. D 30 (eci ..f lul* Id IT.IS IS. Id.tck
Snad Bnteq’**'**
Itevi u.H..!
H-ad was ....................
soli a
anotb^ year by the receni H. B eoh-.onc doctor during
greater iian
bail a very i njnval-lc fltii.'.
> . TwuSoe K^ar bad Hlat Oale
t. Oak Iterk;
| the somtocr. h'- v
^ ^Baag attMdod tb* pkak at Am*
Hontre Cbapman I* apeudlng a
The lAdlcs' Benefit nociety served • "
Kta K. Mc-rvw to Geo. w, Sackeit
Mra. Watteoa hat bm rblilng ber
xUii'nu a' Manto''
TTie sore* s|illi and he '
Wm. Blckle. ai ‘ifrU place. Bbo .upper at the U. R. parsonage after
and wife, let* 3M. block X. H.. I- A
'■]’ hSKjP/Prap at Traaarae Cllr halted
misery that be screanK-'l i
the butbwss meeting ten week.
bba-k 3, i'. H.’.v
^-VlJte. aad Hra. A. 8. Prar.
Mra. Jetan Hnzic and Hra. Lee **•!
I Wi'dr-'MlBv evenips
Baughtor left for tbeir borne ts Alden Induced to try Doan's ornimeni,
.'nl add: ii.inn.
ry rharaitelgn. Will s
and OlndHone. Minn, this week.
firsl appllcainn was sc soothing
Uicv- lUrrtte
8. Iftrrrn. ete
Ai ! icn of Travor Cii V
B je bonding n
of sw*».'Me. ifi. losrn 2t. rang'- )I;
neatlty nod Thursday al Harbor we coDllnued Hie (riteiment (he erup-land Mrs J< Forurn'*
lion* gradually disappeared unOl fin-l'ff'' ‘-'oial'I.- 'Ini.'
Catting corn |i 'the order of the dar Bprlngi.
HMted Aaoa* aad daughter Roth
‘tr. and Mrs. Jovee and funlly of ifllr the anucaranre of thr skin was I Mr. and Ur* R. Carltele ad'I Master
Hiram l-.'nnard to B G. Hamilton,
Mm to TtaTene ettp taat weak.
■ 'lleapoll* are the gnttets of Mrs. natural. For a neighbor's child «f. I Hsrr.v retiirnel fnun Detroit last Tucs ok- of DW%. *cr. le. town 27. range 9:
^ CHIWd Pnr. who baa boto werUag
rlleted In the same w*v after roeaalea | <!*)' fveBlug. Mra. Oarltelo l» u'litc
^MaTobUgh^Ai ntelooclr damaged Wolfe.
Bt AhaAteou Baadgp at bom.
• • om h“r journey, but baa fully »Pio.
FARMERS Umv CO.. Travtrsi CHy.Aldi. .
Geo. Covycoo attended tfic conven- no treatmcni gave relief. When 11
found Doaa's Oinimeni so sncceseful i
on al Alba thte week.
grandchild. I applied it fOti
Oecar Dam* apent Monday in Travfirst night 1h manv *he slcpi
Mtea Wagner, who ha* lieea (be
and twTore seven o'clock nczi
Hr. aad Ml*. A1 Bagwar aad da«h.
tar Baalo ratvaad fim their rialt
her me:
Loer Karen died h I Saurdar
'for a'Xo?!"‘ir’ci”'i her'ta4™nj hT-r
Z the irarrtett.v
' laat Batardar.
moan at l:». About tour week* bureday for her home In 'Bolding.
day*. Doaii'i Olnimeui 4s oc I Hrrald slntf s".| i* home It*- a sh'tnj
- Hr. aad Hra. Alfrod Oarli rliUad ngo ato had a atroka <d paralrab and
Hr. Cterte* atetar. Hra. A1 Oook. wear alaea than baa bean falling, altbougb
ation which sets up (u the rep- ’i""’,
Mra. AdrrlP'. "'Ull an.T dniightcri.
ftebkfcct, Mot weak, rotaralag PTIdar nble to be nronteoome of tbe Ume noMrs. B«(ord a
Irh-iid* hto
For sale by all dealers, Price so
VRb a aanbor of toabol of Maetaea. tU n few ateatat bahire her death day* of IMS weel
a F. Wrlgfai o
spondio tents. Foster-Mllburn Cc .
^Twaaip MW noMbara ware takaa la Tbe foaeral will be beM todar Id tbe
uffalo. test week.
tewt OMtar Of«Ma laot Tnaadar Adventtat ebnreb. —
----- —
s* minister lu thte rha-B'- i.f 'he M
Tbe Oemelery
■Walac ARar tba laHlatorr work are la card of Ua---------- —----------Ik.. Vt. Ihlf.!
.«* Boa* tabla* war* aptaad with a tad. the temon wQI be
Doan's—end E. rhi'rrh T.-i* s
br .ose of Mrs. A. Job'
for Toor CU1«7
DO other.
tewataaai taoMr. which all iK down ler, H. Kenaedr of TrCrene Oiraty i*
M aad dM teatea lo tb* oMefcao pio
Mr*.' Weber of Trav
John Kannedr bat a new threihii
f)m;nie S'S'-*-!! arrivi-l Th"r».te'
„jest St the borne of
Id Mr* !
aod atber daimia* whtto wara pra4M
Mr. aad
Ton are tlie JBdre. liTcaU
AMhengh Undcrsherilf ghannoo
patad tor the oceaatoe. Hr. Hill, tbe' B. H. Banowv made a Inuteen trip Bordeaux.
whufocr yonr
V ■ B Johnston optmed the store Port Huron iravclnl c.orjo mile* tc
atgaataer. (ro« Wexford Oraiigr, wai' } Trararae Citr Batnrdar laet.
Pteaeat aad helped la the laltteUoo' H. Bitard c fatellr hart been enter roecntlj vacated br 8. W rnicr. on test Allan 11. Josl,-n.ou a ebargo >■f^
—t ‘
aliiill licniiuMiDmooi;
Bar*. H* wa* wall plaaaad with tha telDlnc friendt fftn MMUbera Hkhl Satnrdayr Sept. U. with a full line of
men or a alavc (or otbi-re.
IMBrait at th* Graage, which baa.O gan tbe la.«t week.
Srat claas groceries. A stock of dry wife desertion. Joslyn will protaht) ' >|r N.-tirrl ••(, \.'l.ra*k*
ft-. During hi* absence of a few . te vi-liitig hi.- Irh-ml. Aus'lii Over
Dtek'Zoo rctDraed from Orate Rap- goods will be put In in the near fii
months be scut bl* wife 1300 and sh.Mt tel week. He expeett to bar a turc
Heana. P. Roebe aad R.
farm here.
afHL It night bare ben a *etr
Hra. Bller cangbt b ronog eagle one •pent Monday at Carp lake.
.Ml imreiiU must mra-l omi moot it now.
rROCRASTIN.Vpaa ablr, bat loekllT do bam vat Bar tet week wbUe tonlpg home
Dr. Mork and friend were gnesla of
TI< >N will i;.>l li"-l|> miilUTS mill may 'lim-nuMae^'our ehiltl.
Btan to tbm Utougb tbe baggr U a from MeHrk. I’ U a Bite' one aad Mr. and Mr* F R. Davis (bis week.
toiaptote wreck. Tbe boti nme out neaurnt B*e feot tram Up lo tipMr. and Hrs.D. H. Scot' attended
TflK F.'MTT lliHt his fys nre we;ik, Ihaf he is troiiblod
< wa* alda « (he pole ate let It down,
TravW. Biaaebridne bat had hit bouM
wilh hfjuiacbea aotl iii’rvoue Iruiihl'T) wln-ii ho bltetif's acitool,
jordir of the ev»-n*tiu a
fte hasp mat to me oldr o( tbr palDicd: B. Kellr did tbe work.
■oe City on Wedota^' evening.'
.lot s tioi .-was.: vou. SUCH CASES ARE OUR iPEOALTT. flte ate dtepaB onr. throwlag than
0 Cura by 8. E. ■
Tbe Wtet UnloD Aid wtlT meet wlUil Mra. Barnes and Aoxbirr Helen
lA'eot. Tte tema ran with ' Hra. CbamploD tSepi “
lefi TharSds." (or Ihclr home at 8l.
WE GUARANrEE fo comvi ail exiaUiiK rwror* in' your
Walt « gens or Money Refunded.
Louis after inendlag the summer, at
%gr. foot talBigg It.
Tbe nopulority and Increase In thclgreailj
Norlhpofi Point.
Mdar Oaona praaahU hia ttrewtU
Tbe Ladies' Bern
sockly wll( meet sales of Hromcl are unique In the an-! here,
aamea at Otaat aharch lait Baadar
afleniaaa He aaptate-to hare a ealc
ai tbe bom* of Mrs... nTmimwD on mate of medlelDe. 8"Cb astonteblngi n.rarge S.nrra ua* *
cut** have been maile b> ihis remedy n->rH--hnunil ra-sence in
tUa weak ate aian lor Dab^ when
0*0. Huater and Jay
(hat the proiiric.imira hav amhortzeJ! wp'ic ztirm'Xing n. .
Boday at Traverae Ctiy.
bom*M to work to tbe ateUtrr.
Mr t._...................................
d Mrs. Conger- and
Tkaak moftrleb and wtfo and so* IMt left on tbe Hllnote
Illinois Tbt
Thursday (or 8„K. Walt A 8ons to sell every pock-'oear rtiaiifra's warefcou.. of Hyumcl
Wniard of Traverae City
tbeir home in Wteconsin. The) wore ago
Hyomcl under an absolute I'wa'. dr.v ing a'•-*» of re:
Cliizans Pnen* No.
guest* of Wm. Kelson and1 family
accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. K. E. guarantee Ibat ti: sin curt-catarrh If'n liiml'-r sagoc and i*
Suite *13-414 Wilhelm Block
Traversa City, Mich.
It does not the p urcha«or can tiave hi* ^ iT,oi 'h" '.-im, twra.mlne ............
Mr. Metaait ho* nored tate..tBnl<r few dan
te Dtel^tonp. where tber will lire
Robert Prauae and Fred Roth arc
Iiv 8 R. Walt A-Son*, i th,. train. lx''-ai7i>' "umanaacsbl'
..mi-K Horsi- fu». Dv .
Augusta. Mleh, and Atm* Hooker of' Hyomcl
CUy for a short suy.
rfrdltiarv rhtnedv 1'■ iiaaho.1 on'n '"i ira'-k .n frx.v .
Habsean of Manlsice and Kalamazoo smt last week 'n lown.'l* the onl method of 'reaunm: that'
Percb Bohioa It good tram tbe Bock,
<r.gfn>- M' .U’o'r' w*- 'Urosn
kt'<r.gin>Kami Hawkins of Sultoes
gbesls of Mr aaf Hra Rodgers
i sends by <
vtr.'ck hv 'be
*< i dltiaoce
.srei* tto gnests of N. Faulus aad
U A. Barnes bv bough: out the bar remote pari ot the air passages,
iirnlnc *
aess b-slnes* of Kolb A Gagnon.! aamir al- tha' desirov, all eat
' tatoteoat of Ufa oaxiaa otaUoao for lly this weekP t'^'l
. Esslgn'i.
Ite tmtnh dloMH. laopecM Bleep-•IIIVBD aad Dr. FnUek. ae- which trill to In cbaige of Earl To-1 germ* in the breathing organ
ira, Uir Tedtnsn. 1'enu.n
lag Bm and Mortb ate Boalk Haolharness maker, atribe sjore o(| riebCB.and purifies the l.ioo<l.wlth addl- nr;iwnioc ezamin'-d
toa oUUOto tbte week.
„. ... Baree*.
illonal otooc. and make* a permanent fr.jnd a> *ma*t. ■! l.w
Mn. ftebmak tren Ktowood reaort
Bora, to Mr. and Mrs.
After (be reguUr buslaets session of I oMcomnleic cure of catarrh.
taak tbe Mlneorl for
or non
bona rnoar.
Prtdar. > Sept. Tib, a daughter.
the Masonic lodge Tnesday evening a, TT>e complete Hyomel outfit cosU'und h-r hc*d
were hartl-Rj.l-----B. J. HUter-----------bat bean
*err elek the
Hit*** K*(Ue aad Katlle Panlilas ten bouateoa* supper era* servwd al ihe;bot IIJW and eonsUt* of an Inhaler hruifo;'. Dr Gareer csml- down Iroui
pnat wwk. bnt hat
aturday for Hnnteing. where they B*dd cottage. Several new member* ■ that can to carried tn Ihe vest poeke:.; jraver-e ci.r m and z
were takni In ard fifteen came over: a medicine dropper, and * bottle of* rotvk'.ilTaiiot 1
will remain tbia winter.
iKirl 1- wa* d'-eidi'.!
Sr. Bdword* of Miner'* Hill wna te
A party of young prople altead
from Torch Lake lodge.
i HvMnei The Inhaler Izs's a llfeil
'• bcis.onal In Trav- .
town Pridap deteg dental work.
waicrmelaa party Frtday evenin
Tberoa Biralght of Boyne Fail* wa.«i a“d tf one btxtle doe*
l,.-ar' l,';rn.' "K-1., before the'
tbeboote of 8 K. Btetawood in b
tbe guest of Mr. and Mr* Matthew* |'ra bottle of Kvomel--------------------- ,,, .o-iire . ................ ...x ;..rr ....................... • rxen
,, a *imr.:
hare "iDsM
. f:rf<l ...ene *:,tydci>n>e*«.
of*MT*teMHiv*** *'**“■
j (or F« centf. |( te the mo*i
ecooomlr*] ,io
,io all
all 'hai
'ha' ihi‘« ra- :o *a>e i’’*- limb
" •"
msMt- mformarior
at mat Blla Hedni at Laocaster. O. (hi* wert.
St •cooomlra)
I.r bzek or’-j'. the ftOB'eriis."l fnr
daagbur Meta, Hr. McKee aad two
treands <*ere lllttolaaled by CbiUia* Lottie Putnam te afendlng: of *» remeillc* advertl*ed
for the C'lre
cire; rw>>
one borae ren ved :»• l-oke- l.ft*
•. ri,.u..
II" help v! Ml«-na.
narranu war* paetaigiiri on the Htotebool In town
; of catarTh. and »tetto
(H*i anti a l«d ga‘h anc war ••»iu al'.-r p"
in the future, jutes*
teaterm. white a bage.boa
biased on tbe beach near by.
Peter VAirabnrg took'a trip to Trav-j IoHowb Nature In her methad* of out »l>t-r} b> a «h.)’ Th. o:h. r ee“.Tc *y*iem Is tirragihene
anarl Pridar (or Oteago.
r..».PT of !hc Herald ►booM
Hr: ate Hra. Ooofe tsarter. who tbe fuestt utllteod bv reastlng
_.. ra-au' ea- and dlg.-.t ibr-•rse ettv this wrek.
jtreatlng dlseases'V^he wpteilor?
wrerelv'i* .’iired abu-n
offered by 8. K.
tr.eaiat* going to ktop Dnr * cni
The (aativ cf Mr* weife
■''■" through
V- .'blp.whleh1,,eK,wllMmr.:
lag was erjored by all.
lied to her bedewe SaiCrdar o
- . daj wilbou' dl-Pom{<u!, jo.,r
* te.-. "• i-r M1*ea* at tbeir
Me* four Ume*
Hrt. Oranorr *M altar. I
Hto GMirgla Paulas spent Satarday
. few miDMes
a dar an l ' Rev atx' 1
In *al' Stomach oeml*,MI«.m tshlets. ’TTie. !^ ' VI .me mile lablM oW of a Sfi

at Traverve City.
I yonr catarrt te^enred_^_ Thai's alL _ tor Rn-lsu.l
• Rev. ore noi-a mert :.-mnor*rv relief. 1'"' J™, V,"' c' Th!. nmedr before rocli
cured S E. Wai' A Sons wi'I
Al«. Hasan
B and
as wife left SMordav
cotepoeed of vpleable icedlr!nal
■r Km*, where
refito rocr money.
sere ttoy were eallM by
,har the revsKt- will Imoel.
1-eoefli : .
tto.lRa«*t of: Mrs. H*M»Y mother.
ood prevm' r"»macli ■ '“Tnn.
__ tlHatdt Bainrdap on bb t..
ill's bealth. which is verv poor.
.organ*, i
Ur>«Bd Hra John BoaeV. of Trav^------- ---~ ^
TtaH f-ir^do te BPtt Hnalra.
IBetar* BUEen*. Br, and wtf*. wbo erae '.CIly visited M' and Mrs. Joe
was received h.’re 'ibl* morD- troubles
To Cyra aCa)8 In OwwTtoy
| Word
8. E Wai* A Suns to show you
M* tad Mra. floorge T. Baker of toro^paD (o Qoraiaoy. srrired at Rasi Herman a meek ago Rondtr.
'*"■ '"f-'"" ■on'ol'. MTien there are pain- or dMri-** • rite •margnt.^ under whirr (her '.ell
i«ri tor bona on the Ml*. Letato aBturJay <
Urw, Ad* AVhitloek and rtuldren of
trier.rating, bead seh^ U'lfl'tng
il:-:j4rT.* TM* rsliiahtr jimeiv
aad nil
n Dkte rtelBlty. Tzarerae City vlsltod her pareats. Mr l«e.
j The little one bss been •aSering from' |
: 4mit:nf uJihrJ. L nr.uure boalib.
Mr. •

Utile Havel Hate, who fiaa lieen
Haying with her grandparenit. >
and Mrs. N Dcmierlr. will retura
her home In Ete>i Jordan this week. ,
Hitt Anna Biirdlrk spcni Salurdty
aad Simday wl'h friends In Rentoote.
■nice Johiinon of Denioala will teach (hc school
tn the dtelriei vrevi of here.
Bd Crawford te cutilng cora'for N.
K. Deincrley te expeelli a brother
TroB New York to visit bl
Sept 15.




•*?*- _

Treedom or

This is a Responsibility


DR. P, i. WDlfE, Prup. OR, B. L PIOLSOR, Assistant



Herald Readers' Chance for Profit—Everyone
Ought to Grasp this Opportunity.

' 1


Ira Otwdoa M tsaffaed la hb> bed
oaad over to the OrHOMOR.
He eras toBs bar Bandar. Elk RapUs accan at Afeme and was aerompealod by on>l JaiUce
call eonit a ama named Rydef beeat
Hleh. Bapt. it.-Tbe- hut i wtth the a
to bo a bvarlic i*ndesToa« lor Saadv ^ nf her pa^la Mlaa lea Scripture.
gaw of has HoBor has wtinesaed thb bad fiw ycara.
' Neal C. Perry left yesterdar to iw drove a team of bmxea beloagtag
estmahia partlcaa.
aad ten fraa the aeaffoM.
was phtywd
yrsarrday betwroai A pmd aamber tram bore win ^
Tbe Peldmaa dwWSag boose pe asae bla atndioi at the Agrtealiaral Doytra Leeaeo mt of towa whpw-:*F -s^m waa
Jeha Wtalera aartwwlr eaea^ eerlGihpn aad I
.was full of booae.
the toMien' rwBBkia at Tboage
<ns lajarroaedar laat-wcefc. He was Both River «re« ts belag put la IbO:
favor of Grown. Twelve innlagi { eom Uk- ibU sre^
Truman Hawley of Aldca iraasaaMary Waters has teased tb^^bcati
golBg front the flHd to the tva. rtdiM best of repair and wUI probaWr bc
exeufsion trolnj
mlilioa AmericaB.~an*er ib.
'oo a dlae drill, whea, the teaai bacase aaed hr I>r. f- C. Caantlett. wbo gads
paaga or«yq»|Bla-No need
(rlgfctesed. thn^lag Ur. Vtaten tram I fab nCee raom in (be Odd Ftdio*
«* B- • “ ■
Boralag to brigtatea the borne cd Mr. Hcanis has had aa oapart^ade at eevleal. One of the wbeete pasaed ; block too Untiled.
Mr. aad Mrs. Oscar Fladley. wbo *°Y
etml yrarw and the iravwltag puhllr
crer his BtaouMer aad a disc cot a loee : The aeboooer Ada Madura rloaiwd aad Hra. Fred Bnia.
rVut let (he
Tbos. 1. Hogan, tbe grocer, ts si^ will sUil Dad the Ceott^ a good boose bare bc«a visiting Hr. aad Mrs. N
e mtle oaea aaffer from
gaab In bU bead. He is dotag alcelr ; from tie Bk Commit and Lime coolU-r lanuriBg akin dUmad is looking after Us farm dntln ipanr's dork Frida}- with a carpi of ping high, wide and handSMae. It's a ; to stop at. Mrs. Waters has purchased Ely at this place the |umt two weeks
iB-s OI
fthe Morrisna trsMTOce oa the east returned lo iheir home in Homi-r Iasi
3.000 baneb eff cement consignsd to
bomo with a brohea leR ai

Bar atgkl alz «o(Mt«a «a N«rlbport
'Mai *m e«cre4 throu«fc oilber
Boon A vbiBcnn vbicl «m
Ir prM opni. cri<lnilr PHI> the aid
A a aucBC era* bar’; *b>eh *u
*la<M «D4er then and titled lo that
the locks *«rc broken off aad the (euaaee ude easUr. Oalr t«e fanlllei
are sUn at the polat. Mrs. Harrr
Bladie at Oimad BapMi aad Un.
Tealah at Cbleaae aad ibouxh iher
thea^t tb*r heard Mne e«e mtldas
a dlsutbaac* Saturday Bight, paid
aUsaUae t« It. thtaldai U the vtad.
■artr Baadar amnlag Ibej left ter
a dar'a eaUDR and dld.aot reiara obUI
Bask *bm to the- neoatlae Hearr
Halt. *bo looks an«r the eloied cottagM arrired'trafB bla acartir hone
aad dUeerered the bnrglarr. He feaad
tlM feUovtBg eottagra opea; Vtiu
NOTV ovaed hr Aided Vard el Phlladel^la. a cooato of O. A. Ward of
Oiasd RapMf; the Qica Baleh eonags.,
Braokira. K Y.; Brraa Weolser cot­
tage. NorUtport: CoL 1. H. Battle. 8t
Leala. Ma; Oeerge Wlnsaa. Kalamo' aoo. aad the Oedar Udge hoiid.
So far as caa be dlacorered hr
Hearr Hall «>ffar aothlag baa becu
dUtarbad thoagb be ta eat able te
kaev or the coataota which the eh^ed
cottagea are aoppoeed to coBiala. One
aipaclallr atiUdag orcrsleht at the
hanUn «aa a bottle at vhlakr wfaleb
Ibc fa«ilr left'a week ago.
BIk Rapids, Hleb. Sept. 1>.—
George Sarasln. wbo leccDllr went to
Baal Jordan to ffnlah the interior of
a atora boUdlog for Jobn Monrae. U

n Iteiw at ouce.
nefae Bruce left yesierdA) | aide and will ri
Btrangcr elalmlng the me of Green Bar. Wb.
Charles Tykr and L
Tower A Oole Brae, idiippod a car- for Manistee eonaty, *1
ioaeph Burke.-who had betsenplored
teach sdiool.
married a few days ago aad are at
five dkr* br the cemeat eempasr eed kmd of poUtM to Chicago. Friday.
Wilier BalierMnria'^Craad Rapids
diacharaed Saiurdar. proceede-l, Henry BUt*. wbo eame here from
Jim CrsirtorU. sheriff, and 1>. G. P.
Traverse CUy about six years ago to doing the fair. H^smt this morning
side butch- Warner, proseegting atloraey. were In
uke (he poaitloa of superintendeat
John Couturier. iS^waatridr
' town nn Imml business.
(hat Marshal Frank Ho*e took him In of the Elk Rapids Iroo company’s t. has so far rueorered from
John McCabe Is a aefferer fron.
He w*a taken brtoro Esquln- Heciric Ugbting r'Mt., has reslgoiM
:t lllnevs as to again be It
asthma, lo be iafonned. Bouire-NorihHeLaaghUn Hoadar ndnilng »bo m- mad will be succeeded tiy John
poMd a Bne of tlO and rwu or tbinr
dara In (he eoatr JaJI. He d»ee the experience under Mr. Blink.
Jarksofi lo atinid a sessloa of the medicine when Chief Vand.-reolk looki
Mats Uilu Narkertnan, wbo U teach­ , Knigbu of Pythias grand, lodge as a
and easts for practicing without a
Hcreaficr the Irene ore broaght bWe ing tbo Alden achool this year, spent iiTpreKeetaUve uf Apollo lodge.
br Ibe WlDBCbago will bo unloaded bf Sunday with ber pircnts. Hr. and Mrs. I9J. K. of -P. He wni also aiirnd thelPlfina or that h. sr-oad his xweailoo
Wwt Hlchtgan fair at Grand Rapids U‘ Frankfort. H. ouirUideil aa It was
the too Instml of br the hour as for­ JuBCtib Karkerman.
| l«'e (>»f re«rtlog he wouW cash up.
Amll Ijiraon has re<lsticd bis po befiwc returning.
merly. Tbo price
slUon with Pbimp I.yneh aad is now
Joseith Prosser, wbo has levn hen-| Mr- l»ssiion » Iml-- has boro ijultc
tbe longsboramen
tbc steuer brlagi ],bOn ions lo a loaii ninnlnc one of Uir Iron compaay’t. (or some time g<-iilBg the Iron rtmi-UH. but is contaU-song now.
pany’s new -elam shell -hoist in oiwra I Sam Willis was InOsossO laat
and It Is expMtcd to unload her In dummy ongines.
Miss Trixie Turner of Csaaoimlis. lion, left today (or Ills borne In Cieve-i week.
foorteen hours with tbe new boUt. re• J» Wheal sowing Is about done with.,
ecnlly completed. This means aberat wbo has been rlsUlng her aisler. Hiss ,„.I.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mr.xain Itfl'lhisia Urscr acreage Is sttwh (ban evi-r!
gS omu per boor for the “bora be- Charlotte, a teacher lo tbe puhllr
inoraln- for a few days' ilrft in Grand 1 l-<<<’rc here Corn cuKiig! Is tbc oriU r
blad the ahorels,'' ftticeo of whom ore acboola, returned home Friday.
. joflhetlaj. Crops arc largtT than etcf
The Mlasea LsiUle and Heth LffFurg - llapidi.,
emplored in the onloadlng prooesa.
John Mdlroouty drove to Acme Sun 1 rcen In this locality.
U U. Oroat baa purihaaed the Ouo have returned (o Cbie^ and ttatlle
Powers bBlMiiig on Bridge «rccl and Creak, respeclltely. afu-r a pleasant
! June U Warner, the popular ll»
F. - forte vears fir, k%iwlcr s Exwin more bis laundrr there fmn (he liait wllh their paronU. Ur.
i Sirxwls-n-. has been
I man. Is very III wlih u-hulera roor
Vernier bnlldliig on North Rlrer Andrew l.siFcnse.
rurlnc summer omiplatpl. dysentery.
MUafiWry iliilrooncT was the guest
dlarrliiHa. bl<«d} fljjaT pain Iil the
Tho ianneh Emma braogl|t a targe of her pan-nts. Mr. and Mrs. John Mulstomach, uni tr hai nevir yet lallel
parir of excursloelsls over from Sut- rcKUiey out Sunday. She is. teaching
' i'f II everrihiny rialmtd• Tfor It.



Everything in the Shape of Dry
Goods, Ready to Wear and by
the yard.


ro,e skin

Bushels of Bouquets
■qti- hindri-il» of leliiTf »e.,|>aVtfrom oor gradualen.'
now hs'U.'<Hi wiib ibe leaillng bustncM buean .hU over tbe land, are
most miirlUsIvr evidence of Ibe sstix-riof^ of iTilfr|rb|rli iTta
Shorthand and typewrilloS. I>ankkre|<tng. lankiag and Mdevn
oOce meibods. as Uugbt b) us. }«ve«ltae wav hot onl) u> iiumi'dlatc
rerumpe-Dso la a.vatlUK slniatloa. bul lo high inelmu.. Hrm lutmbir
fhl|i and Ibe hot that life aSerds.

The rvawvu U plain We itain .arh sKohvii in do . viiythlnc as
well as It can ;«i»slldy Is- done. Tbc babit eu.lun-s—aul Ihat mtwas
la-t os miVt you aa .< xpi-ri In your < Uw'Vi lhi«-.' Tl.rrv c a pIrtUant. profitable p.o-liKm nwdy for'ybu graduate.
It will i>ay foil to carol: Monday.

• ■

Traverse City Business Coliege
r jttneer Bi>wlog Ms-bltw Oflle"

l-hiM Fno! Sir-et.

FronrandllDioiiStSii terse City.
One of the Largest and Best Selected Stocky
INGS to be found in Northern Michigan.

Never before in thehistpry of this store have we been better equipped to supply the wants of the public with DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING than the
present season. By.placihg our orders early we secured the advantage of the lower market which means a saving to you of from 15 to 35 per cent. For the
nextteridays we wili offer some Extraordinary Values from Every Department. Below you will only find a few quoted at random. The store is full of just
such. If you donHsee what you wantask for it, and if we haven’t got it Ih stock we will do our best to procure It for you.

From Our Silk OepaitmeRt
li SkQn
Colored^TS^ctas, 82 tUfnl vOu ferent colors, worth 75c. ^
II Cllffi Yard.M inch AH Silk CrtpedeChene.
HI 9UC worth $1.0a Grey. Tan. Blue. Pink.
White and Black.
nn Yard, 27 inch ChamelioB Oros de
Ai vIlUU Loodre. It’s the newest and pret­
tiest silk for gowns.
lA 7C« Yard, 20 inch Peau dc CyM?-iili'all
AI I 3v tbe latest colors, also bUc1c. worth $1.
Pretty bright satin lustre.

Umbrellas at 89c
Underwear for Ladies, Misses'

See our line Egyptian Cotton 2-piccc suit at
25c a garment. It can't be beat.
We are sole agents here for the Munsing Under- <
wear. If you have once used it. you won't
have an>Thing else.
Misses' Munsing Union Suit.<., 50c. $1.00 and $1.50 :
Udies' Munsing Union Suits. $1.1.50, $2.2.25 to $8 :

Newest Fail Goats,
Suits, Skirts and

If you want anything in Black Silk: wc guarantee
to save you from 25 to 60 per cent. It will pay yoa to compare.

From tilo Dross. Goods

Ladies' Empire Coatt, 50 in.
long, double breasted, from

$15 to $25 .
Ladies' long, loose Kersey
Coats, lined with Squirrel
or White.Bcar Skin, Irom

$25 10 $35

niio colors pfi^^omiaate this season. Wc hare
all the neWst weaves at popular prices.

Extra Special at 7511 Yard
§10 todi Broadcloth is Dark Green or Navy.
Worth $1.00.
S| *1 AA Yard. 56 inch Heavy Cby Serge,
AI VIlUU Navy. Brown or Black, worth 1.25

■ A AQfi Yard. Moire Velour Slditiog in tbe
Ai &vw changeable colors, very durable.
Fleeced Cotton Goods for Kimonas or Dressing
Sacquei from 10c uptp 25c.

Young Men’s Suits
Sizes 15 to 10, cut in the smartest single and
dpuble breasted styles, finished with careful
attention to every detail of fashion. Pick
from newesj patterns at
$5. J7.50, $10, $12.50 to $15.

lOc a button.
$I a rip.

$2 and $:i. Others
at .yc. $1 and $1.-50.

The New Autumu Fashions in Oothing, Hats and Hahcrdashcry
Our Clothing is designed to meet the requirements of men who want
st>, artistically tailored an.l perfect fitting garments at moderate p^ces.

Fall Sack Suits
$7.50. $10, $12.50 tff $25

Ladies' Long Paddock Coats,
in fine Tan Coven or Black
Broadcloth, at

We call special attention to the c.\ceplionai value wc arc offering at



Vt.00 up

$1.00 Up
Silk and Wool Mixtures.


Dutchess Trousers i “YOUNG’S” HATS

in single and double breasti:d styles,
Ladles'. Loose Box Fancy ■cut on most graceful lines and beau­
. Mijciurcs, $10.00 u|>.
tifully tailored at

At IQa Yard. 62 inch Mohair BriUiantine. in
M Nav>'. Brown, Red or Black, worth 75c
Wool.Dress Goods from 25c up to $2.50.

Autumn Schuol Suits for Buys

Silk, steel rod, paragon frame. It’s worth $1.25 In a broad selection of attractive styles, made
1 of sturdy fabrics and tailored to withstand the
Others Up to $5i00
; hard rubs and strains of school life and playE time.
U. $2.50. $3, $3.50. $4, $5 to $T

Stylisli Fall Overcuats
in al! the leading designs from a
short Top Coat to the extra long
Paddock at a priic range to niii
every man. Strong values at

S10, SI 2.50 aiidsts



[Suit Gases S5



SI, SI.2S, SIJO, $1.75

! See the oei. jap. Ca«.

Extragood fleeced garmenu at 50c.


Wuol Flannel




Shirt,,. 2.00

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