Grand Traverse Herald, March 16, 1905

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Grand Traverse Herald, March 16, 1905


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text




nuvcMS crrv, oiiand

Aw Mia «JH PlnMA ^ toMee
tAa bwpatrtote. bright atontec,

ai^iV Irild hbCa teas.
r tliH, apaaa,

Mi ripaaad torito and yeltow atesyw

^ wtoda at Mbtob MO 4i
1 tote toMar thato tool

travbjiw county, michiaan.

THumoAv. maach i«, imb.

L.m«;MU«las to k«ep «ril abcAd or b«r;
Chiyw Hoo Coy ttmtmm.
Tho HI»oMo DMW.'*
HM • Mo.
. .. .......................
inOng-clCT. Her conoctaQiowit of wfolmw i Ctereaoe eioliBs io kore Oe ottwr ’ -Three *97 qwor nimb antral ‘ Tboau JcTanoo kaa U0» atlorr u
«ttaB*l«re»Tinc. Tbepraaoectiaaaaaport^iDHUMnKMleoTW. T%a|eotborlou»«oru.
• teoooUr n the Na« Tork Zootocieol tail oT a* loeMnt tkoi occurroi M
Ska tooted dobs at tke aSn. plok 1
fill I
—r-f ^----------------* "•*!------------------------ *— -------- —-•
■- -»•—**-*— — ^
Thta lArakal -prodlcr U N<«l>!pMk.aodUepaaptawho «1idttbaB ,Muort'BBar.ocorhtotii»arlte aahaahookter^.
iWhlirtey aa» bla ownctoalv.
1 ndai aacMafal work, aad ake beeoioe; Toans. Jr. aw of Nook Tnnc, oUie can tben U>e **UpaM«> 4<Miia.~ Tbea* • tec snaisds. laat axMar. Tkk kara •
Oradnany n caae to be mU to bUlapeclal taocbcr of i>kyai«fier mod al-;toal oUm laaptctw of Wymlas. •»>: ctaaUtraa are atotha. a family of ta-)«ma a aioreke«»»f. vbo, omm
-Bol tkc Ptkerar be pnopted.
j aU who hare ai
V yoo oaal set ----------------------It ‘ U«d tcieocae.
tker. aocko- and baby «Mk. Tb^ {Ihiaai. aold Bahtnc rote. Porthepar.
Snd It
Tkc world oaree not bow you oM-jcal deretopatcoi and wltacaaed bla
from Outek Qatoea. and walk pane of adrerlUlas tkaa he bad a
with (heir kaadi down' and foM npJ lar«a rod taastoa oeuida hli alan.
.Utoahopkeepcr who nerer failed to 411‘to Mil. It docen t taatlar to (heown . Noah Toon*. Jr, can raiae a Tt- Kerer baa a alotb Head «ore than vtOi an anlSetal Sab at the and Of U.
» Mor Ike coraen of bar Upaj^
heft*” arho aeodr for a new aborel whether | frxutd dnabbeU 13 tinea la one nslaBaatha after tondtoc In thla Lata cate nighl a tnwiwpna. who bad
ydh are atocked up with aUan ahor.j ntc and a laOiieqBd h^ four tteea to. cobbUt. therafote the new nrlrato are bean dtnlnc a hit too «
ibnd crown to
All he < a tntoBte.faato which cannot be dnpU^ creat anxiety, tar b to^aea tkU Sab.
the tatoc care ■ awreiaed. What-: rii. or go oai and bay him o
cnied by any man In the Btoie.
hardly'poaeaa bralnaiwmt oauikwaly to the door and
, toootjcQBicry Ward aiarted his gl-1
**<*>* '’«»«*• J'' - »• bnt IT years ^ ,»ott«b to know whether they abouM 1 knocked gently.
— —“t trllh te airy pfolL U was tiled.
' *
; gantic Bali order buatoeas by Clltoc | of age.
' eai or narre. They are fed a aen of
“Who's iberar deatobdad the shopvara of bar baada.
A prmeticnl taker aent one day for > mail orders promptly and to the let-1 Ho is n modcat. mnamnntog y«"»g: g,^
of ontmari and »Uk and a! kaaper from an opM window,
'-OIl that's Botbtos. when yoaVe a plat of flans. C^inly tbU wan j ter. He bad come to Cbleago.from |*nn. *blte nocoau tar the tact tbU;,egeubles. One stotb aeems an-' “Sh-bl Don't make a nolae.' bnt
niad to It." aha dee^rad.
dlSenU. Whlteley was consoltad. He;a eonnuy town, and bad gotten a po-lbto^enmordlnarT ability to not «>« ^Baily food of enrroU. while j come flown at hnlelly as yon onn,""And bow -kboot Mlaa Rairlet,’* be naU: "Ezeonte the order at 0000.'; tdUem aa anieaman to a department |«idelr known.
{of Ibe pony niblM with consldernble! won the reply.
- boy

- - , T*teking«*etblng.srtonatr*atbn
baaie tolatore. He bad ns Idea. WbynotaeHi The
was bom .to Olenroito.
Wyo..: ^
I to wild! by mall to out of town tenomersT He j and to the aon^ Noah Young, nt Umt.
u,* ,ioibs 1 «nuer. the mnn dranaed and alnto
1! 1 heart dealera beg^ng them to “tob the goinp a list of articles which btees-,: time .foreman of (bo Gtanroek donLynte pat to one ««e. wb.» they were i down stairs.
She to tooUng tar me. I wont go In Bookeys and any other anlmtos whose! perienee to the country told him were atoea. Tbo fat^ to eonaigered tbe|,|^„^^t^j.
-How, whalY iba mattarr ke In- and eaa ckerriea this gloriotu day!"
ooraru were so weU noeted wUk>aftea dUBcult to proenre at the cross- strongest
•} downs" by the efcUdren rtoltori. Aijflrira:—^
-Htot! Pun jonr Itoe to gsiek.
Ska was on her fact and to a flask gumc. and to deliver tke <mptarea" - roads rtore. and bad a amaH ciretdar era! years ago appeared on ibe suga|
wltb Cbartes MItotaell. of Mgtond,;
the mnta was put toa sep-iten-m to* • bHri“ *
had acramUad .up tke bnak snd bgd i By nl^t be had rcceired half n ptot printed, ooottog iboir prices,
---------~ '
e to. a few at n time. The boy. eonrtdenfl by
taken retaga btetod a chimp of wild | of flw. Ha aent them to tke customer.
The orders
by bis
bis --father
rtloiuie cngc. and the fcmnle and berl4>l>
ptom buabaa. The htrnnger
! exptototog that, as tke order bad bean ‘ and afforded hardly profit
tot girt coming ^wn the path. Sbe: for a plat of
lira fleas,________
be could ...
noi pay lor hto prlatlng. He flltod them' Uy. ke«an training ato years ago. and
Paps Mafls to Orflar.
It to said that the______________
mother akd bar|
fill the toaasnre wllhoui.during bis Inncb hour nt noon. He:*toce then has taken three complete|op^*gr to have a woodeilull In aoma of the frelt growtag fllswaddled along oulte breathl^.r. Har!e.
large, ronnd face was an ocire to
igertog their henlik.
; kept this sp until the bnstocaa grew courses in physlcnl culture. He to oaounf of afleeUoo. As she bnngu i trtcu ubroad. where
• from floM
tone to bee. Her towpolbred hair was
another time un order enmo to to such proporttani that be mra up^regntor to his bonra eg sicq). »«ter,
damage among tto arehnrge.
ail on there exists u eurtans asode *of pro­
gilad up nnder one of the toceflmped,
for -seeood hand eo«n." This was'bis position as salesn&n and devoted j drinks or uses tobOMO. eachews
ton ib«! aUll more dltoeult, bat Whlidey. the I all hto Umc to It;, But to begin with.; fee und ten. and bis speui afx bonn u;
,b ,„ue legs ciasped ' lecltog the trees taom the eoM. U to
baby bats. auKatoe only to
dataUert. tke moat plqaant. and It^Tcjiasoorccrul. csllcd to mtod an aecan-; be bad <wly hto idea.
day tar a portod of six Tears in Pto-,
The tang, gray hair none other than the erantioa of ua
to her
|-li»dleroni ang-j trie old fellow he knew who had keplj Hany a man tUaks be is Ued to ai*««l“S kl* muscnlar development.
oj jj,oir bodies is so Intermingled that aitlflctol fog. A cart to packed srlth
of a frilled eboeae. Dn-|hliooflto re^ for tbo ameigcncy for 'roottoo grind which allowa no Umeforl Today the muscles of to arm toeas-jpj
baldly possible to dlstln- 'wet strew, and at the bottom Is a Kind,
tight nfipeared the gown ; aome years. ubUI, on his marriage, hto i hto devetepmenu but every man has I are Jart oaev)uarier AT an inch tesa!
hnrntag tar. and
of fanlard sUk that eoortralned her. a-Uc had obtacted to R and had to- i Us noon boar and bis evenings, nnd ; than Urasa of James J. Jeffries, ibc,
gtled aHh a revolving fhn to rmmlata
ample charms. Sbo poared from aide , gtoled upon dtoposiag of it Whlteley ; this to all the Umc Monlgumary Ward i riiamplon hcnvywrlgbl pugUtot of the . nmilfmlris. her
buried between tkv dreught. As the art motes aleng
to nMe u sbe advnnoad.
sent for tbo coflio and driivered It to;bad.
, b.r
Tbo. .w O.. .m > i™«
W ~»»1 b, lb.
....-----------... ^,^',b,„ p..o..,u.o,wbtb.
A man wbo wonld become to own: _
cr ...
and ---peeriew
Ug puncher,
called. rYoaYe I tba onrtomar.
aster mast flirt
hto altna-i frankly admits it to fato amblUost to be­ her eyre, that are as pink as Uwsc of a; Tba vapor thus erantad rrito ort to
wanted. Mn wu yon. Maneaeol';' ‘Theae extrema cases bat
an^, mhm kui disaonearal therk ^ *40 Importance ho put npoo the I Uon. If ho can not do this, then free-; come the strongest- man in the world.
ber-cbe^ mad tela, thsl iflnge volumes and cUaga to the arigb^•arenshaldlasannpa'a The lUUe one ; boring trees. The frost to tore thawed
’{will squirm
. .bobt
bu. ««,idir'!™»
•“ tt- <"*.»
titles, where hto jworid.—'Trflraae.
^ Then the' mother wUl tewA
“I mwt go borne. I anppoae. There's riwmible for bis monuiimcntsl tneeat.; »pMi a sen of f
to meet dto-1
It to the keynote, as yell, of many an-1 HkAt craft
swing out lU booked feat ana after
-------------------- ---------------(aster.
She CauM Hasrila Hubby.
a other and move laxily ntaag.
If your purpose to your very tife you j
Never (all to respond to every dti U ba^tbe vaguert sort of nmltoattan . A ateoU t«Mbar neriv^ (he Mof our penstan staUrtics
bonrdan. Papa left bar well off. But
For example, we leant that I of iU cnpUvlty. Should U re«h toe: towing note from toe motbV of «*•
aha tUnka R'n the only way to gel mnad . Nevor any yon can't do what *«' «l«t *bc right things for iu ne-,
say.. “I'll
try." !
You will ___
no ob- , UISI
it UKiy*vm»M/
bcIpleasV y—I.M
pnUs .■
— ---------- of
— •you.
- —- Never ---------—.
Ugsa CHbJSy
VIbbM., .b
■ I. “ aJong of her pupils: 'Ttoar Mia. Ton writ.
that lowe
Ibere *vbgkq
emfwy SUIVJQ
sbidia MlSbl
aoto . a.
Harriet married.
row rwUng the j
on toe rollt three p«- j on Itt stomach, at l^c flnt opportaliy me about whiiming Sammy. I barter
The treveler apnng up and lifted Us Say ntoar. “I wUI." There must be I
. ta toe
..................... “1 regret to repoft"
btmineas; SoaL You will remember that,
beat blm «p
iry war.; nnteing oat for aometolng t hani|glve you
tiR ease.
.. . :_____ 1.
be .b..,„
done b.,
by ally one. Ibnt R to
itlaar lima K to lecaaaary to tonrn blm
. white was brongbt to an end over 130 from. At night toe alotbs 1
"She'd have a better chance of that.’
ho averrod poslUvely. “If she'd do T®**"^ *4nt you have a good excuse.
'. wbeteas la toe middle of toaftoasans. He to jnsto Ute Wn.l
yean ago. Of the ;
, fllllng too 'unexpeetod
^ n«i “
;toe,there to nono ndaqnu-: yon mart
day toe ndniu will bang for born ’ yon have to l^nni
with toeir hooked feel togetber aadjPonnd nolags lato him. T wnnu hlm^^'r BO fewerjtoair bodies humped op Ute bags. The I to git R. ate dent jay no gtijinhaa
f the^Mexl
. . t, ..
. ..
iiiii || 1111 lirtiTl tr'tn rliit Mi filhtr mra lit hUTr
055 sttTTlve
qulckbantab-aaalhUato your
***1 bandied by mall
lied to the Revolutionary war. one to!about equal in sin to a wlldeal. -Ita|hlm."I ly. In soUtudi-i.oRUmes. wo hear toe
She laughed gaUr- '*011. I'm not real- *^1® • **«® '•***'’ •**«* ‘I—"
subconscious seU tell- *
A«te4ters. %T»e body, bowaver. to mute ailmmer und|
terms?" i wAri"b.
ly formldablo In that respect- Pbr I' “But did they
lug ^
our active ^
self what must be done.
*«-t l.,»« IT m
...M, lo ,«p.',.idWto m.,
. «nw tan. to *, ».
As we go out among people the


•Wn. ih, gpl- And than, an arte
VPPgtAlmta under
M ter iret Ihsbea, «D»-


tew- Ha pat down to
tPM« Wfl UR tarteete.

Mgk kff

tka TonflaMa

tadted rerifany



a or 30: not before!" sbo deddefl naIn toe great coal mines of Babearia
olntaly. 'Ate only then If—“
auotoer. Ha never gives up
ana following closely. At toe date of
All Soya Shedld Leaf* a Treda.
toe arerega wages, laslte. tar 1
tba report,
report; (hero -ere
were «lu
iAIU penrton-1
pension- j r-bpy. Ute to tarito tort reqalre!
-Ha'a rt» adoreblc 1 caat help mrresource to arim,^.
**” «“**^-“ **" ,|»
aeir. Ulvebare. Oood-by. Tongooo
* »«
paalUvelyknows bu
„a realding ontshK- of toe United j
and peratotent efforts. Yet! Orert Brlula uses
to Mr. BrewnY. I auppree. They are opmion on a «.b>cci antli stead lo
sad they drew ITS.tW.M In Jn,jed work to the only emptoymani'‘®fl» ®f ®artboard yanriy ia toe flora
opeallng a coaain. l*^i toe aa(»od;MP«« «• a»A to toe twoccre rt ax-j^^Jj)*"Nreriy half of, ^ demand.
‘^^jof posuard*.
onre to toe right."
SL .uWu^Ximt
Hodcarriere and commqfc- laborer 1
ct th*
i,yam *tg adn thm *
T*. yodngmaa law hU am amtmo’n tain deeds; he dOc. not know-'"“^jada Qusnerty pension voucher, wen.u.^ wmrkei evmyfcbere. The | to*. M.3 per real of Haw Vortrt pop■toatakiteteaid- toe gatepret. barring her way.
; be can do tmtll be (ties, and la trying j
^ artteum« the «
fflitf ^Idafl nf boardan honor
"’tffrti a mlaaia. I demt see ,wbat 11» taarns bSouth Amerkn, ert ry count ry In Mn^
ra~1liri taka ate the moat
nt? jite-wbr do yon

^____■ Ua Mmm bat on toe
k flal tek down bealda her. He
as wfl Btoe. Hto fhteana
||i Unpritr. ate toon was a ttagu
I to kli atcnlitot brewa bte. Bat
M ten teaflmiree. agd bad

a IU we have no HmimUons.
—------------ |In. doable toe exports.
the Comoro Isles. Eart and
tor re we attempt to go. We j ta^j 9^ Africa. Samoa, the Seyteelire
g^oaid they aocMreirtJy auimble up-1 Tte sort .of taking toe flrrt «
Byre. dtmplM nte-smUa*—rtl daz-;So
Bind niB.
every order. If wc wilL
teaite' What are
’ on a tab they cannot bold R. a so-,
» W*** over one cent par
“ldooYkaaweltoar."sbetemRtad. ‘ A man to always eoaqaming
toai too pension bareau was a busy |
knowledge will not do! u tort of toe last cenare 17 carta.
you ~wni..g in ‘ tag ounquored. If he does Only the
Among toe people of 1
are each year
keeping rght i;ihlnga be has toanivd
-‘ta ytmng' do without effon. be to cpnqucred.
lt,«W more drwtoa than Wrtbs.
" “ lanl. or de bretaremaa: bol I'se gwlnc
»"« «
The largest broare statna la toe
I'm toe new o
"I oertainly s
Ate hto
found who win inke lime and trouble
to* >te dn VNldh of tha-tba lu-mnu

rhleh hlJWO 1
ed. 0
of whleh
1* thrown oBi;
world Is that of Pater the-Great at St.
who took an asriler train than t bad > UIHles ate
‘ simple talto would do well to fottaw.
Isria^UareAhiyarebateparaand' St.'sw
Petenburg. It wtdghs 1.100 tooa.tataaflad. My name is Cedric HrreL: forever
And I'm going to stay here, too." be
atabborely. "unUI yenVe, rtn-nffth for the next comUt.
f'-U ton tip «fl kte ahna.
A yu^ man wanted to ttnd}- the
bncelrea Oreaa Oiameod.
. arc paid toe towest «»le.-Oem.
K^eal wWc. Ii Is the lanp«t In the
^"atealgbad. *Kot qne. no tar:" Mr daUeate fkca was <m Are. |iy—; polillcai maUioda of one of-our .suus- wnita Natlvre of Dark Catrtl^t.
QulK;, a uniqae Jewel U an apple*
&t?!Mlarbfrte stead.
w .rtai ,«l.k»r-tb. WU,.,. .
fcw pro,!. «»o« >1*
p, ,p„ .hi_____
aba ooafBssi
.. br -b... Irmla Mul wwa fhM tb.
h, 10.00,,.M« .r ~u.e. I.
to Ipv* artto mar
“Wm yoa be able
■ ‘ to read
- my;
- Ajrtca
Africa wbo arc noi black, and who do _________ ___________ _ ____ _
&*4ai of torar tedsatal
b.Ob .b.b „k. .b. 0.b.T
"• "*
- “-V--.. ■ Tbb± I. .b. »«
•Ate do you think you win anc Preris?" sated toe politician,
^ «b.b IIK. .b. o,to
^ „ .u...*.... wnrt
p.„o«c.- I. ,b. ------flaflUmAhanmyotflaak e^r aba sated tfamak^uly.
"Yca.“ prompUy reaptsded toe mac. u any aray. These aaiives have
The Britlih BosnI of AgrtcaRare aavcr>- rare and p.-^hw. spi-clm. It
lli^re that there are IJTlAlt dogs
. Ho flog np hto bred with too ric- -Then the position to youia. Von cutlar yellowlte eopp<-r cokw.------- ,
,1 . b—T.
- ilBrtre
todire rtr Ota iian going enofldmitly are ,be flrrt one of tdeaiynppllcanw , toeir tealls art- mute 'larger iten
ibr... .L
««i i
a b!?^'
half tareto. „a'pt-sure
io get a'tumble'

ro,- totware fc__„ u-too.
and a
hsU caraU.. ^ you're
sure to get a 'tumbleU-lngs.
tata hrtUe.
who coald undertake proof rredlnfr- (those of the negrot-s. Nobody ktews |
L "Tbre OMI^ Mp team- •T think I wOL" he answ^ quietly.
To dock, scrape and paint one af
Tb. TO^, U. b.1 »-™!■
bbiu I. p,b«k>U, .
„ u..
toe British Irobriads coats an avaraga
them und toe other AfrtJtes. oume; ^
and the prineo of
iaavpltrwt^"aba •m try hard anoote- IMY you think ] proof charaettr: 'bat he went straighi
, kBgort EngHsb word?" .
and this has u. be tkma
o„^ aclcnriiU Ihjak
that they are descend^
Rh poasQde, Maareeo. ^
■: to
w toe b^«bib
pabllc librery
i.vis., am
»b.u*u uv.
»»bu ^
“VaJetudlnartonlsm." said Tom. twice a year
He su up all “»*
European or Asiatic race.
ordinary price of a dlaTflmX raally- fm thtortag of toe a -AUthlBgaareporelWe.-mananre4:f„oteteedmtonaatlon.
Bagtopd gets about fire mlllloa dolUttle Iremhterahahea toRo fiwa too ................
,t,. Beanlng
meaning of
of each
each *4“
**“ wanuerco tot;.
lny> Africa
.......— tens of
-- mond to »li« a carat «<-tgnu and. o6'
.-v„ u-.
then.-. >

It TkOm. Toa ace. to the mUtt of
irth of to w gold from Africa
d.nb. « 11. nil .mbo.a.«.
ud .b. ii-n mon,lu 1. lb”™.--!"
“> .i., i„u .1 .UuiUoi. U.. irtK.-. • ■hole
' ' mfle
- ■totw«-n itK- ffrsi ate last
I w tea re are apt to hi
hut you martnY caU ase Maarqen yet." ,cnt to toe ahop of a printer and bor- toat they are aburiglnal .Inhabitants of HUDi; bbOBld be worth only about gsao.
“; re.«l ««• WUO. ,o p.«,l« on He Ibi- «.OOUT. ua tbo Uw oo
Otolo Ituoo H .Oolbll: lettrrs.
stead. .miMMUM w reek BUS '
P*«4toed the aadactaas;,
trr^ to toe wortdBre
■“ promptly. '^-Wt.lJyoB' ™a
imol , uoaooo.1, lor tb. oo.t “">■ !"tl-""‘"l
stoobti bUoita
at toe cad of a de­
those are all
few days that when he enterad apou ***«>
lls beginning and ending ",
yt, Kortowesiere Itavpda. It to
. All that anybody knows ^1to
•riYril. I a
active serrk» ha was aWc to handle.
"WhaVs thatr 'asked Bob fsin'iy.
Tba Mighty SitoHsabl to be uc Rv-t tang.
-W oonree. you nevcv!" ha cried Joy-b the work In » pertertU aattofaetorT-! any ccnalrty to that they arc toerc.—
-H'-lregured." ssld Tom.—Yout’i's
Kxperimeeto are sabi to have sbowa
>1 to butng ret
oreiy. 1 knew you hte tever. or you, o»*„ocv. Ho had filled toe ord«. tort,' devTland Hain IXalcr.
that a snail weighing a qaaner of an Guardton Friend,
{.wuud fur- pik*.
pfk-». ■'They a t made lab
wonldnY ha
Mra. Tam ThawW. ^
ounce, when crawling up s window
ingnlar »hap>-. and are drtrea to the
It ^ dMte flm tall a tab tat. Bat
lift vertically two and a
t sam<- manner a* (iMue of w
abU-.Barnam. tortfll alive a: toe age of t; ^^^r punpre. or nine’timre’lto ^
Tms AfhuainB Tritea.
r'-ttMliP'fla *m>taaur elMiMa. Mo.
In Ih-ra to found a sfagslar plast.'
re ha loltowad hte.
She has a rcgalar turn at a weight.
■MiMBMaMbt tote any otoar. ^ ute keptHec*toughed
weight. Another
Another snail,
snail, weltetog
srehtotog ontperson to think of a number capalile of 'qutdltog banm* or tklrrt
laaghlng.'• ' dRkmal Ngthreas. so unexpt
««• rana crept reoate
mld^ tower at Coney totoad. ate tSM of an ounce, drew bortoosUlly brtweeu/oae and ten. Almost Invari- i for «.-vefa! days. It u« hpmad e*y‘**^ *■’***•'*'®* *^*“ *Wy
number thought win br 7. . ! ihoxyotan coore. 'The pM» appnare
r are (hare rt theI IBMtaar the Oaada Or Vau Are a rail-, .. _____________ _________ _______ _
‘® ’]*!OW* Wright.
; a trlct^tahlcbalways rsl»e.a magh jto narwuxe the newre .d the aeomare.
; as teaebte-ia a private-acbooL She'to IBM by King Edward, toao
1* this: Yon plaec three tiny bits of!ach ate suspete the dlpertlve foae------, . Herbert WhRatoy.-toe great Lor' wa^old ahe wtmht be obliged lo teach prtaeeofWalre. Sbe to very rell^ »
paper to a row on ibe faaek of a'< tloas wltbout aSordtog aatrioMUl.
.--BMflaChflltoalam'totaeamitoffloamerehaatwbohaabulltnpabps-^yttatacy. Mow. ao baimaaed toai, and n
----------— ——
win: roektetre. Engtote.
t to mUlktoa.
.sba hte ------- atteied toe aahJeOL i
^ vw™. ju»
.j.^ board hUI bored BIO Wow away, with <bce puff, mm,
« wbieb nmtos ate ' haftorStos are
any w-u
a poor hoy. whh ao otberiTkU was th» only hindrance, bat abe
“e “ also a daughter
^ ^ Bill arid the UUboard to nav: may ariect, Irevlnc toe third undto- rearer tew wale. 1: Js gtontte with
iTm mat «#a'a^ ahegi the
i datermtoattaa to win. Ha | made BP her mlM she would coaqaer; *"tari^
. hto hoard MIL'-So after BUl sold hto Uurhad. He Is riamrt aare to aak yoa. tnre ate ehrtes tar toe pargese.
small aantogs ate oqwaad. toatemtoela tad the accepted toa 'pon, Japan hat
has in
In aefaooi one to every
eewy!\ bOIbeard
bOlbeard to pay b
biS toe)
toe * to leave the
toe caote)'
caater piece,
pMce. Ton plaea Tarty toniimtecrtaegBlpre are ataaya
to board bm
nine of her papDt of ecteel age: Baa- board bin ao laagar bered BllL—Trteia fi^ar oa tort one. ate htow toe oa hate ate teflflr* can he «Bte at
ala has qae to every tarty.
|otoev pleee* away.
any rime of toe year.
at a' time, tt yoa

teJu:^.gLtateiim;-r-|Vtte\ -ia:,.:-




l«- M Ur w.. Mv,,
________ ___________
!(or .a«tu* nadir ud crwte tat«nr.;i>«afta or the «aUr« mu. The «ute
n to the pmvout ct tht« anicto to lla rtsal lUe. 1b«umm vare cited to ooM thMcrav dim Iu ova toad the
^ MM or the UcpwtMt potott' vUeh the «le o( v—etohiae wd Bov- Udihhr vhtch vHI be ntnlred to keep
hnd^ am »i the TeoU AnMlIen tron the ochool ewdoM had tor- lu vwt BMotacturto* indoatrtea p>
lawlTi Staie Faimcre' laaUtMe.’otohed Moejr to add hooka to the tot The
fraat aa
mid atoo be
was beid to Battle Creek. Miolu actaDoi Ubmir.
e vu icivea to ot—Idertak ‘ the raloe oT the fOreat prodeeu.
'fW It to Matoh ard.!»«.
th tu
M ealipd to order' bo* the Famera' laatliuto nar aU : viMild add both beantr cad wealth
; TMim
hWoek, Tmadar wntoc. FW.. .the xomur usopte oT the ccmut! the mate and make ii a more deatral
IM, to S«PL le fL Tan. who cnHad to I One thooaaad bo)ra and ptrla are plaee roe bomoa.
'<Ba«hklpC..I-to01er, pteaWaMorthe 'Bo* la aitoadaaee a( the Hlehlcaa
The eomaUaaloBee Bt*ed hie hewrers
Critom OaaMF IvtUiite aoeiety- Tbe iA«rtoiilUwa) CoUeae. bat maar nOrejto e«M>peraie with the eute cumiaU
aaailaM were •roaUod ercr'ttomaato nerer go. Ther set their aM to evetr poaalble way to WMl~im f---------------1------ atotesikm rroai the oettn-’tog foreatry deretopnent.
' oeatotoe aute.
atooed. Tbeoe may be maebod and
He aaU nay toad to the rote 1*
>T^trn twte on the pmerun wa« dtoekeMd by AsrtcoUainl Cotlete ex- 'a-oith Ire dolinrx nn am tor srawios
•’FtoBt From FoultTy." by D. Ward tbruush the asasey of lormt prudneis. The practice of wHl^
HtoaoorL who; the Farmera' tamllate. thto creatoM-lns land to speculators who aUn the
moko Inm the ataodpotot to the ■•la-' toanch to modern educatloa. BelnUftc Umber ot sad then let it gv back to
totmto' Ba recommaaded «Bmp I method* may be reduced to an *>o- the Mate tor taxes the* loearrlas a
' ^ " prtmr honam. ahoai UtC teat to aim.; mantary form am] presentad la aa at- torso expdose to the sute to adrertlaV - «tto toto roM and viadow* on aoatb r tratolre way to ih^yoaactop and maintatotos aa aiw to d
^ ^ w giro gimt/ot tight. Benub-; Sihooto ahonld be olosod tor the day la the pudltur seaeral'a ottce to lo»k
peaa aboeld he prorlded. vlib;and the b^ and (iria toonld attend las aner them, was stroosly. cooand all
ted the toctIUUo with their parmRs. A demaedr
d be arnnead tor
“Ftocat iBBueace*"
a^onld be thrown toio the elraw to i
^‘stoo tho beaa caerdae. which U very them and they ahonld be fepreeented enssed by Prto. Flilbm Both, ot Ann
^■Mttol to haaUh. If a torse aumher OB the procinm.
i Arbor, atntc toreit stnrdea. This sms
iM* aro kept H to beat to boUd' Pito. J. D. Tower. rooeoUy retnmed ilhwtmted with etereoptloun views.
MVMBl samU l^onaca and thus avoliJ from AueUnUa. apdie on tha a^ool vhteb ptolaly abowed the effect of
%^totoff tao maap* Uffcther to oocifardene to that country which, are torceU srowths on hilly' lands in pniHHc. OU beat aad pnOaca ahonld inncd tor the srowlns to new and tare vaaiinf the waihlns and sullyins of
■BWr to lupt
^ ^
tbeanrfnce The rou«h toads arc well
toad naebamrs for the paUata; He etrontfy favored a socUoa for boys adapted to the srovlas of foraat prod
mafca old toat too fat to toy. A ' aad firli at the Fannetn' InaUtate*. wta aad caa be need for tbia purpose
asrtocy of gimia ahooldi to fed and a aad ansseaud that a lltUe atndy laio at a sreater' proftt thao could be tctoadtol to mltot aood to th* atraar^ the myatertea to plaat srowih and the cored from Uiem to any other way.
oBoa a tor vUI keep them aeratehins, methods to tourovtos seed* and
He aaM It ha* never been demonand fflvo plaatr to oscielae. A warm ^ plaata would htop to leasea the dndit- stmted that foresu will increase the
■Mb roy to fad ooto'atoay and also' ery to farm Utm for dradgeir. be de- rainfall, but It i* certala that forrais
food, aa neu. cab-;ctored. to a menui and sot m pbr«leal <>o aid tery maiertoHy to resulaitoc
toB>.tom Hans ahonld have srtiptoeedlatata.
and dlatribuUas the arater flow, ami
whan thto C*B have tone aeeeas to It' Tto next topic. '-Maktos'Good Barth thns prevent drooib* and floods.
««■ iteto aad atoo Ciena, freah wa-|Boato Whh Utile Money.- vet ably
He eialmed that Umber to ibr only
dlawtoied by D. WanI Ktos. the fa- crop that can' be prowa MaUauously
tBo. WDtM aasmle* ohlckena *have | aMas pood road* expert to Hiaaoarl. on tho toad wiihont Impoverlsbini;
snlhiaaad mliaa. Uoe atay with t^e, He flrat atatod three amdlOoBa to aa U>a aolL The^powtb to forest products
mIMs gtMT vtth the house. Alldeal earth road. First, it mnat be| will tmarore (be tards aad maiaiato
•Bad ramady to a ararm duat bath. To I atlffbUy oval to aecur* dralaace. Bee- tboir fertHUy even for a thousand
fW the homo to totee It was racMi-! ond. It muat be bard ao that water years.
liiMaM to apdii^-toMh hot water and i will not eaaily peaeumte It. and third.
He spoke of the prxiflis derived trout


It mk. Aa
ti tha laalda to the bouaa wu al*o,upoa the aurfooe. To^Uala these re-:from the sroartb to any other crop.
nlHtotoatiflad. Hm bouaea ahonld al-lsnUs be ncommeaded the nee to flOiOae cma^ was cited whwe a ciop of
4rr aad otaaa.
etaaa. Lki
Land ptoa- implemeat kaowp at th* Mitamirl' Borapeaa torch plutod to irtC had
j.. anofljha -------which he ototoMd was already yielded 375 cord* of wuwl-per
chaap. atmple and effeetlve. ft may, acre, wonh one dollar a' cord on : Iho( drawtog the tool air off from be-aasde oat of a lor from seven to ttnam. The vahte of forasu at wiud
•par )ha floor lathtoOaa by a hole to nine fast tear and from eight io ten hrenks was alto menikia^ and also
'which leu oat an thcllaelMB to diamaur. The tog sbonlfl the beauUfylng effecti
«n air. . .
U apiu lengtbwite to tbe aUd^lc. trees aloBg the roadsides and streauu•alatotha;pa||au wbkh begto tajplaced parallel to each other about and W small area* vhererer the soil
thirty, ta^e* apart arlU the split sur- Is not snltahle for cnHfvntioo.
facae to the Boat, held to thU poaiUon. Prto. S. B. Bogue. to ibe Ain-icui
by thiwe Bttkea psastog throogh anger luiml College, tpedre of
the “Fann
boles two iMtoes to diameter. A chain Wood Lot.“ an^ bow to handle |i <u
or wire ahonld be fastened to the ends such a way at to eneouraite
to the front pan to the drag and a growth of Umber and secure a
team blicbed to U to sneb a manner slant supply of wood,
that It srtD draw at an aagi* ao as to
He said the two gre«tetl enemies to
gradaally pnsh the snifaeo earth from ! yonag forast grovtbs are,Area and Uvr
to tbe oaater. If used freqooBt- stock. Stock ahonld never be allow ed
m tm
this for seoBomy to
! or twice a month durtog to ran to the wood lot aa<eaiv should
* to itoing
It win. help matertaUy lo be taken to guard a»toBt Are.
matotalB the three mdlUoas named
He recommended the ptonitoa ot
above. If the road U kept aawoih the black locnsu to vacant ptocra,
travel will be dtotrtbnted over lu aurThe stereotolcsa views used <
faca and tbn* tbe tendency to fom' Issuaie this talk showed plaiher than
deep rau aroldod.
‘ '
words can lell tbe ndvnatages of tbo
In nrgtog the Importance to thU. method* rocooiim
Mr. King raid. “U I do not say any \To be
thing Otoe ttnt Is rsmembersd. and If '
pflMbss Msy he enlUvntod vtUh ti
the'bearer doe* act get any other .
Mflfa wBsnl eanivMor. thns atoo s
tboaghi. I want him to get that Idea.' toliUam Herald.and Koy Chrr to
tog the totow to oat man.
the way to make a good dirt remd U to
Bii aa assy toattar to anhage
keep It In aaefa oondHkm that the. to barber*' toola. dotbing and otb<-r
, «B^ flaagnfl m aaa old* to tha dea- meat rato vlB not go into lu*'
bekmglngs at Owosso Junctioa Toes«oir *o that throe htowsa may he naed
Hoa. H. 8. Bart, state higharay eom-:<>ar- The men bad been to Saginaw,
flar dravtag heavy toada. th* draft mlpatoaer. foUowsd with tbe toplc. 'wbefo Carr took the examlnaUon be
hatag tram th* caatar the
and How to Im-1 fore tbe state barbers' examtolng
wMhilvo her* as.
board, and oo ibelr waj' bui had put
prove 'Piem.”
MiKtVtoiflfltirthaaftoi--------This vaa aa argument In fever to. <helr grl
r Id tbe 1
tMa; >ivor P.'W.-Otop^ to Battle rote and aatioam aM to the buUdtog
> bottle walling r
flettvarafl M
of pttblM road*.
, tl^r rtei^ oat to doon. When Uie}
— ar-w*ama. to whleto he ttoerrad'to
He deciarod that It coeU the p*opl«i foforaed after a brief abaeoee they
the waffflartal growth and the
' MIebigan more torn'It on^t fo..tu« fo»to both bag* cm open anS rifled to
tonrtfltomail tastltutloas to Bauto haul tboir produce' to markoL
; tbrtr contenu. .So clue.
Cbaak, m wboap behalf ha ataadod
We aro all atotebtoden to.the aaton laroaw a moat hearty weleoBte^ tloul. tSe atate. aa weU aa la (be loeal
He iflM a stowtag iHbnu to the laOur state tox amoonu to
I.Mrtntiiirc. appiovlag also two mUUeas to todMra. bai Cbe ux
1 policy to brtagtoi the tram tataraa) Tevennea that goea from
------------------------• toetovy Into toooe praxrote to Waabtogton amouau to
' f tmlty. thaa eahaactog tbe.totoreau to double that turn. He laid the Brownlow hUl woaU andoablodly pans the
•e wa* made by Hon. J.inest eoagrem and become a law.
If you cannot, it is due lo an
to Ypallantl. who fully whereby tWdaiHour mlllkia* to dol­ ihitated.or congested state of
Whh the hit lars would be dliirtbuted to the va- the brain,..............................
....... dewhich will soon
M thl* beautiful aad eo- rtouu kUiee for -public road Improve- vetope into nerv-oBS
ner\-oBS pr
Mf. ^e aaanred both (hr ment. Michlgaa's ahare to that arould Nitore
re demands
deniknds sleep, and
the oflclala to tbe Caiboun be4T0:.0M. but under our pre<
it^is as important as food; it
aoBMy Intltote aodety tbe apprecta- tiato conathnUon. Mkhlgnn would
is a part of her building ami
tloB o( all vtaltom ter u>e aphmdid hoe- get a cent to it Kw la now tryIn* to. sustaining process. This pcriy-l
ItoalUy ettoadad to all He referred get our Btote legtaUtere'to anbaUt to of uncohsetousness relaxes the
to Ha Iflto that to no other eeoBity are the people an amcadmeat to the
menUl and pliystcal strain, and
aoflMv maa to a high order to ablUty sUtuUqn which,i. a adopted, ttin oaalkm-s nature to restore ex­
teffteto W agrteutwre aad that to ao able ua to aecure'i<
reioor ahare to uatlos- hausted viulity.
toharmstcydoM the farm furaUhao al aM to jsa^ulldlng. Under.the
Dr. &{iles’ Xm-ine brings
aany able aad good men tor auecaaa- pieoent ayateai of toad bttlldlng tbe refreshing sleep, because' it
fto eareara in other aratoa of lUe.
buTdea faiu too baaviiy upon tbe tora- soothes tbe irritatitm and re­
Prof. O. S. Kera. oonsty auperlniend- er; under ibe pr^oaed syroei tbe moves the congestion.
<at off aehoot*. Itoektord. tU, apoke to tarror would pay only about 6-13 to
It is also a nerve builder: it
~Par^ Bora' bperlmeai Chib* ead Ih* expeoae. For every S500 expoaded nourishes and slrengihens rv•ehool Oarfleoa.- He baa bad exped- by a towashlp ur a eo«my the state erj': nerve in your bodv. and
oaee la o^aaUteg cfobt. flood* were would pay an eoual amtHtoT aad the creates energy in all the organs.
Nothing wrill give strength
fwalahod with ioatnctioa. for.plani- naManal gorerament at' much a* boib
and vitality as Surelv and
tag. ntUraUag. barvetotag. etc. Boy* the state aad eouniy.
em raenlred to make a report i«Tbe evening -aestlen ^ taken up quickly as th-. Miles* .Nervine.
ru ,
* Sflifflag
ngmanfoa to the aolL t ailitoy with toe diaeaaaloa to uple*
!' ^ '■awarr to piantlag. cuitirauag. bad relattog to foreatry. Hoo. Chartoa tV. vary ««
. vafttap. aic. Arlto aa iiemlted acBoant
£ to rapaaaii aad flaal lewnUa. All thti
. ■> flfvebipa iMual ahlli. bustoaaa abtloo toe work
fto. hahlta to thought aad ob*
• to writing and la I
far as U ean wiihout forthec icgUla
tog. aad U toeideouily be caa maka a ikm. and U now nrgtog'upon the aUte
>M»*« HMWTmt to^. tt doe* the boy the wlMlom to eawUac law* for mta wMk let to good.
grttog span all lands not suUabla-for
tebdto-flflrdm* m wbkh popU* are
aa a foresu^iyfloMftoto tew to pleat tbe oeods'aadi
toiw Bw toe growtog toaau werw high-



ler o# Adriaa to
K«w BalUatorr. -two eotor^ brother*
harenaTTfadwfatteatotera. The other
toniUe.-TtMn Bailer and Mao-M*-WrBBi
are also reeldeoia-oT Adrian.' The
fifoiber* are Tery. ttitr and «T>aiJ
easily paM tor white persoes. and thr
last one to be »nrried «rur.-d to* 11oe ihe tophoaitlini by ihe clerk
while mao




Tire Insurance!
Aoncy to Loan on Improved Real Estate Only.
Room 310 Naw State Bank Bulldtng.

. - V.


Tloe VmS

if ff Letts Cimt te 6tursattt a Teuntaia Sfriaqt
THK RKl) nStlSS AU-Asibiit for y.m
it .np,Is wm
f..r llu-syrii.;:.-, ITS A IfKIKMJ'KS iir,\i;\N.
TKKVjiihI yim kiu'« iluit it'.- lw«sI,


Jlmerican Drug Company
Travene Cjiy. Mich.

' -te







1. .«1M to U.P A<

Traversa CI ty.

Clw Star* lhat Fill* Ibt most ^criptlont

AkaaaT E. Guyaesrskv, Manager.

■ —^

A denu SaiUUc BsWasD^


Plate Glass. 8t«^m Bolter and Accldant Insurartca.




, - Very t>.-L| to dc-atd si^lce
tml.v. Ttmtli ycuu- of prurUc-pYiii.T paintfuKe suHvtled^ In
»IuRf;>a liuIM'Mt. andpr K.
of F. baM iin
viih lk*-krraj't .1I(ip1h--p» liiiioge atkil over
Siiip<-r toSue.


------------------------------- -

*>I aad 0ft Wilb.lm Stork. Tnvwto fW.
0»Br*S!WiSMhitak. 0»
Mon.-i toliiwB>«i lara»aiMidty pT'kavt*. S,.^
lu rUturpat u RuW^Cto'**i - ........................
TH08. S. SPffAetfff * ffOB.


Ways* Ceusty Bmtk Bidg.. DBTBOIX


Place Your Order With Us

Uo hot place your order for field .fencing until
you have examined the CYCLONE Sl'KIXfi

The knot on this

Interior Ftnishinc

fence will not slip.' We also have a good stock
of I’ouhry Netting. IJadw d Wire and Nails.
When )'Ou xiani anytliiiig in ihis line vome ih
aod see us.



F’RANK "raWDCg 146 Frost Street

Coraer lake Avense
W. L. BROWjr. NCR.

Going to Build?
If so, the South Side Lumber Co. at Traven*c
City IS the place to buy your material. Shop
and mill work done on short notice. Give us
a chance to figure on your wants.

Cravtrtt eily. Illlcb.

Not the old shoddy, but fresh from,

Standard make S-A and

est at

Seed Oats
On an average oats rai>cd in iliis rotmtry l.i-i
y^r are light; a part t>f ihcm will not grow, li wouiii
be losing time and mon<-\ to sow them. We hu'. <cuTcd-alot of western seed oats that are al! rigl.i for- seed, at a right price. We will Sen<l sample and pr . e
on application to any one. It pays to duuigi: secils ocasiotully. ^
We have received soroe.of onrfiardi-n .iiul I'ield
Seeds already, and we c.peci more-stipmi-nis soon so'
don't hesitate to ask for whai vieeds you ne>:<l; we may
have them in stock already. Don't forget posn.-i and
daisies; »*e have them' all from .A to /—nature's bt-auv
ties. Seeds of all kinds'at P, K.'s Consider quaiif^
when you buy. not altogether price. Some things are
too dear free of (*harge.

flte CASS Sts.

TffBtb tewflt


$oufl) Side Cumber Co-

You Must


Traverse Qty Stoc Buff

^oy In :be rtreec-nojmni that y.wr reretlt ens thtalBe. wrote the foUoVmthor * totuae wai bant dowB m*- tor: -ne^se. Itodam Utt, win y«,’
and tfem.' er>)> an
to ib'> A T. MANHAH, Prisldtaf.
h-eito.v. \V«* nutbtei:
- U4 I ■
no ;>niK oa «bv." n,plk^4f •fnrWrlinb-'" «a>~ .b. Mto,-“i ««-,
S. GASIAMD. ffMktoe.
my rtaui^Ui a.,e.;
Towtnj. “AH or jw'. old elml;. = »v ••
i,uru bp-I<B ther fire aii'l n>s raii;.
aMe aDy'-notv. of \a u|i (or n< iM;
CAPITAU *200.000 . jL
uoe tnm-tl.lilk tu®-t\»m -»li.«.i>-de;
SURPLUS. *26.000
iVrtoodie d...!'— Ar»w.


'I'hey arc strong ar J cheap*


771A A
All fcgulij sizes in stock. Sjk^:u1 wzguas ami (le%bs
%VQ||VII^ nuihrlooKler. prompSi). Only thc-my best aiafolly ^-turanlcol in evety respect
OU||yiV9 q-hai are made to use *s well « seD. They
Dot made of chdap raiicr *1, and ghr«B a Sadly
tnish to catch the vyc; but sie •lurabfe, coxafortable, ard .neat Tlx cLeapect on the ■fi-ivltet, qaaliiy coosideed.
Once u^-I and )-ou win buyoo otherYaake.


irf State Street. • Uictor PeteHyl.
Have:;-, c-c' tried the

Royml Y’lKtef nToas and Co'fFteM

Thev a.'c the best.




CaBBtd Can
and Saimaa

Sob! only by






I CftwB toM iu‘
________ . . ,
lAtvr ik«t M tk* •«««•• MMOa. A. R. tsH In Jndite RoWm' oOer PHI In«>liee«1k«ai!P|>t»«oafternoon for tbe purpoae of npf teradoed inlher by tbe »ntw »wptir pofadne the atnndinc eoamitieen tor
■, Ibu bftbe feitaiiy of ibe non In oO»- tbe eomin* unte enenapment in June.
W rcnpeete. ’»Phe neanl iMitfall darlae Tbe Smt bwtnea Uken np van tie
- '
— '-----------------------'---------------- --------- of the eseenMl Of •.rnUnWe ernw “.oao* tbe prodoctloii of • fnll.crop of Ure
«11i boM Mlwt
^*»®*-poutoe*, t»rn or vbent We aiwt de-, beta* nppolbtcd pcwnneoi
pcrnaMl cbalfwan,.
cbalfann^ ffW* Wling »d Bleeding Ecjeiltt
«C (be nmacUon of
pend nlno npon tbe «ier etored up Roben E. Waller pemnnent aecretarj
—Pl« Terrible—Body and Fk«
la not atone upas tbe aiM,,
winter ratoa. Tbe qoantU) and Tbos. T. Batea pennancni t
CDvmd biith Sores—Doctors
dirtle aiil apneln
partictoa but ^
tl cCa be Urns brid to urw.
itar that
•Dd Medic»es Failed.
depmda partly upon tbe b« '
u. ><
hare hiat aeen.
,ioo the rartoua (monliteea a
-------- aretwoprtodpajwayaofadd iteod and tbe ebairmen of each apla the
ot decarlBE
a* bomnt In tbe noil: ar« by pointed, tbe full committee beliut nr•»« eptoal^toatter pmnent-ipjo^ B^
tannare. and.
by Ibe newly nppototed cbnlrWkar* inon. aW»w. bay. manure ot.**oood. by giwln* green eropa abS ,a*n ..t * uter date. tbe*commH««ee
«awr eeeetable and-aalmal mattm ptowinc ibem «a4cr.
: being na follow t
« Ko toogne tan tell bow 1 an!



It neesa tbni tbe Ibratm iare
^tbelr *nre of n> hbni.'« Boli« in this
lytarofutMe. Tbe Micblaut AgrIcub
'.titral'oolite i» acekton. beatte lu
' tu.(«» to tw.wm for aatatoBaMe.
—1. w.
aa .foOoara:
dormitory to replace ib.
’ one bnroed. l«...oae; eudneertoa buildtoe SIS*'.*N<o; Mdliartaa and Hbrary.
(liw.WNi: BoTtegandttoproTlagbwai.
IJSW; bwa^cnl labotatorr.
w«niec d^ry bin.alread.r pmoJ.
loarrtea an approprlntlaB of
Several Important sennge bUla arr
;i(IU lo come, ladddlng an eUborate


be made front barnyard rnaanre. U
■u lbutac winter, when tbe gimd ^t^tald be taauUd to tbe Aelde wltbout
' n cwiU'bvlpotbt^ Mrbody
t. T. T. Batea
'and face we
. decay to.' pf «oan>e. 'rolling and plowed ondar that the rot
TT^ with'
; tine day it uonld
actia to be better, .
Moppad. b«t It eolittiiQee int an hng
stay take ptoce in tke soil ItaeU..
B- and then l>n out agftlu with tb^ :
daring tbe anmner moBtha. aa there p^om thto poloi^ view, therefore, the tiny.
jno*t Uttiblc pain and ilching. 1 hove „
iaTwater <Mdgb In the noil to keep tbe ■ augre ibonU be battled to tba field
TB.„. me K.b« oi
flimytog aanlMlnl moist. . If tbe noli » (ut aa made. It sboald be plowed
asUJtenuptbechalrmanfdrihUtoi- aullcriog as ulib thU erretaa. Iliad i
vstoa are eery ooatM at to the caae mider. too. not to too great a depth
of oeane aand, ihto decay la oot ptrty pu, f.r cnouab to luurs the codUdc- poriant branch ofthe encMpmeia waa
when ] would lie at rest. I bad trii-d '
very ra^ but conUniiea ta«ber thaa,o«i pretenee ot medature tbrooghoot
.i.-g —«. .. — ,.i
rbO« ■
icr Of a tenting ReDcrai en- -witiMut swvcaa. ana uir tnotlier amaUBt of air
. with theinitont made at the Mtehigan Aarlas mtny aupBoae. but la Is- bTonght me th^tleora ROTcdiea. i.
aawoit «f wati to i«l#lllrely small. Imlitiral coDeae have shown that
IMbere be mue orr no air P>«Mat ibeiwhcre the mnsore waa hauled on the
loata, snd the pec»pU’who at- Cutienra
Cutienn Soap, andoBv
andoav applic
... . '
fiMay to
''ntitwra Ointment. 1 t-octiuned with
eery atow. It tbeie be no water ptes-: the anew, when the thaws esme. did
_e Soap and Ointment, and have
tbe Park Place, and he aaslgncd
UfccB fonr lK>ttIe»of Cnticnra Roolveat. H to Stopped sltoarther. Where: pot cany away the plant food from
variotia hoUd* and private reeldeocea. ent. and oonsidcr myiclf yreU. Adv
tbe water to preMt to a
I. yei! the manore. eseept to tbd rery
while the general acsiiou vUI be beld- penoe having any doubt aboot tln'i
a between email sue*« • caL degree. Tbe losses from this
wonderful ciuc by the Cnticnra Ki-iuctos or kemsla are filled with air.
coarse was maall. It was sbown slsu In tbe opera bousoa. Ai
edi<-s can writer to mv address.
fiaenr to rery slow, yet fsst enooi^ to thst as tsras Immodlste effeeu oa the
•seeavltob tbe formation of s brown nut crap were ooBceracd. the darUer
^ _ _
gtmerai state canampmeni.
■. btonk soft spongy material imlM in the winter tbe manure waa applied
itlsta I
tonger In exUt- And Ail Other Itchins And Scaly
«r animal matter thfl U «
decayed hot wttb tbe pramtsaof praee-a to pVte Manure to tbe yarfla or -««
^P««« Cure^-Cutlcura.
M 0.. p~h. ..d.. .hcior..11.. 11.0 ™l I.
fonn no «ue to follow that mcibod when, for ;»* •
“l> Idcntilled wl;b fu1 sealing, os iu tisoriaais; thi It-st of
.ml crurtin,
to prMK sued any apeelal reanon. roiled manure U ’*«»«'
remedy of
.jtoitofWeltber tor plant food or to aid needed, but It U dratractlre of tbe
: almost Hkirhnman virtui.-st
r^ jMWiliig tbe waterboldtog .ea- barnna.
I y cope wiUi tbt-m.
Bob' tbe ralthrul dog of Arihtir J.,
-■ .That Cnticnra
ij). OittUnrnt. and IjilU ate aneb
^gii^ or tto eon ft mint rot. The
Tbe Importance of ibe faumna in pre,b.
.iiw br «c
S! nbt.
veuung tbe drying out of soiu cannoi
7“ .f”
««•'>* pra«-n beyond aU doab
aiailli ir.denay et.rMtlng: U
to biimgbi
by ibe n«Uan of mil
^fiiMlas which seientUia eall bacteria, in (be sand but little
be comforted. He^followed
iiHllto fibd tbeir way tots the regeta- after three days' upoanre. while to the funeral cortege to the cemetery--------- ---------rr.-r-r^.rr ...
grow,. tbe mock aad sand mlud there re- and eeomtoK to renllae ibnt tbe flowers
^ .
. to tbe Mrfl. tkere _
toed upon the ttosaus. ^eetroy tbe cell malned » partt out c< «. This todi,K>p«la.l.m Inm consider

; «»««■«



^ talned bla human friend, persisted In to >b«' siaiv. Tbera arc clubs for most
' going to the gallery wbere-they were of toe reaaona that ar<‘ given as cxsupply ptoni food but they do not dl-,
B*iurdny 'afterroon to be photofor clubs. socUi. political, sports.
rectly isupply
bomus. They W be
Th7,towcr. were left In the teMdouH, li.emr,, musical, etc. When
used to aM to tbia matter if they are gallery over Sunday, and Toung A Mt- ««> ««■ «»rc persons mm a club Is
______to__ eropa to be plowed nnder. Kay. the pbotographera. nay It waa l»- orsnclred on ih.- sik.. Some of the
Oornmerdat /ertHIim
fertllliera aboiUd
should tberc:
Wa go* par rocaUbtoe and meat CSornmerdal
gob jo laara tbe «»•>"«« sr,- noveltle*: Silent Tneive.
________to noftee Ibe (tosoea. burnt
___used with 1
place nnrt late that afternoon.
, Aee of Clul«. Kn.K-ken. Pretty Polly.
^-pnt to dm mom.
: The Bondar achool board of tbe M.
Pikers. Craeasy.OblJoyfuI*. Our
---------------^^oondUloBformaa(To be coBtlnaed.l
g. church of l.sBRlnB Is pntilng up an
Hundted. Twentieth Centuo.
dlgesiloa. Nntare caaaea
-DmUi Falleumd Injuriaa.
objection to tbe M»eci felr to be held Dn:tmnond Ciralc. Monday clnb. L'sia“tba ttogb fibm- of vefiriable sobauncea
Tucker, who waa Injured while to tbe caplul city this summer. They*
Dial. Cinh «>f -PS. Review club,
-da be fioad tor. use to the roll by * logging near Cedar Run two weeks ray to explanation that during carni- f***
^toU. The SpHnkers. Our
ago. died Friday morning from lu-. vnl week they ore, unable to do nRv. Craw>l. Tb.-CliiK IHrUeas club. Flinch
dull. Roulette club. Buster Brown
(blag wHb
the children and- I'lio,
The noddeat had many pathetic fee- edfecru aiv^tleeal.le for wedts after- .‘‘tob. -The KenMiigion. Yawde Boat
1. aad was c
“» »“• pronllar ccBdlUona WbUe plactng
mune to true of air. mat log on bta (oad preparatory to
•^Bia'tBtof obstacle In tbs way of mak- quiuiug at soon. ImnM be waa ill
Its fib*, sands to aome partf cf: with tbe grip. Mr.^Tncker took h1a

reenlt to the
-- If >
1 **
W»d of material In
:f into tba» rt^t
right form to make tbe soli
and capable of bolding n


* air preaeni. When log aa It waa loaded from the oppoalic


manure qr bnrytog | ngatoat tbe load, aa it rolled over bis
not enrich each lioiu' head and back down to tbe ground
(bay era got fitted Xc hold wa- ngnin. Hla toluriea at fir« did nw
^ tor to Ibe prciMTikas twralird seem aerloua hut owing to tbe weak- •
■ sjifi <«»» beatoa
ened coadtikm of hla Idngt which
^ th* other hand, name of oar low : were also badly Injured by tbe eraabeadt hare too much water. In uneb Isf against Ue log. de^ensued.,
aaesjbe deeayla
slow and the^ The funeral amngraentt wdre to.
’SBstaMe maitar. does not , decay ’ charge of H. L. Carter of tblu city and :

has proven to be the most reliable


gasouiNe engtne
on earth. Users of Columbus Engines are our best advertisers;
talk with them. When you are in need of WOOD SAWING
MACHINERY remember that wo are selling the FamousSMALLEY. BATTLE CREEK AND CHAMPION DRAG SAWS.

Ferris Implement Co., Ltd.
127-131. state street

Traverse City, Mich.


ivigeriler far WOMEN.



An eminent; physicton mva that{ Mra.KllaLe«.Fr.Ekfotvl,lud..writes:
f™.****!!'" ‘i*- IWrilrs. Pinkhan.:- ■


married ruxuea.
Ig It any u



S (Wuf v.ormlvmiTtu«'t.*a»l

0» ~ wiu.

, Stepbeoa and daughter. Mra.'Eta May
Ito a rimlla^^ple of eand. roroe; Ayoru. caipe on Sainnlar. AeMe from
ratotirro Mr.
**®L'«otontotag «2.*6 perjtbroe
per! throe Immedtoie raUtircs
Mri and ,to‘l torarefe^ dWt^ wbr^^
•ML Of deraytog organic matter, was' Mra. O. B. Clark of Petoekey. Judaoo
,^,j^M|s|LW. «As iwpwikiu of two partoiciark and wife of Lanalngand Ootvlon
hundred------grwa j Ctork
to stof i
i,-.: --------^ ----- _ of
j Ithnen were to tbe city
4» .ar
SJIJ tbou.«da
cfPlibPrttoar) •m pineed to a sMltor tend tbe last obsequlea o( the. do- ^»^ing rith Mrs. IHakbam
; immM »d tboroagbly soaked wiib;^^
has been-lmwn to this
allowed to drip efiy for fw yran! tfe~ waa'prom- “
baa 4be firipplug bad croeev*.: inenuy -Meatlfted with tbe O. A E.*a. ...........................
.1 qf Ibe etmtenta of tbe fun-' liaurobeei, Haeona and K <f P 'a and
d when It a-aa taond ! the fmeral. wbtefc took ptooe ^Bday--*^r7^
lanyfermot troable
d sot]
bad takro up aad ; ^ t p, m.,-s abriduadrottfrAndfl^i
peculiar lo woi
•I fit -porta to water. - Oa lear-: of tbe Matomle e
Ptokham. Lyo^t
Mra Ptokbam.
(or three days, there,
y^ **»• to riiargu.
■tm tosL by drying out. U pans to' The little totant dauMter to Mr. end ‘ The
(act thatthis
greatUjoo. which.
S U, «.. » pm. 1.
R«„ Mt.«P cf 0» P.IWU
■ to a aand cogutotos b^uday (ram tbe rmMencn at d p.
e matter. ■


orr XT vsum toi

“ i:r

i»ttM U tt.... IS’r'r
eud Mra. Cbartea Hooter ^d Mr.

with~a cheaply constructed unreliable engine when you can buy
a Columbus? The


ttartmcfily eoaked with water. Ap ;d*a,hter, Mra. John U Boutubaugb.
T” “
ai« Weft Seventb street.
MppM^ tbe funnel and cuntent.
The widow. Mra. Denjamto P. Hunwen wolgbed. The band had laksc ter. ir.. aad tbe childreiv Beeiamin
wp ans ratamed tt grams or watw. y Hunter W and wife iHn
IMn. Isaac than to b
ienrtog to tbe sand



a plouant, potent, and

marii. with too llttto min- ■ P. m. from Cedar. Run ebureh. I
arntter to Rnm a ieitlto ton and Bnaley of Lake Ann bfltolattog. Borlet
toe ant^ Vegetable matter to tolow it - will be at Almira. Tbe deceaeril leavee
to padc fiowB ckwely enough to bold n wife, four aou nod two daughten.
aad aupport tbie rooie ot plama:
and was widely known and reapened.



« ,UThis^Ststanent H» Been Unjortly aUde. Becaiw
jTdNgto^ .toto tta fisaeoua oonathncnia , tarn orcr the pile aad aa the cast book
Modest Women Evade Questions Asked By
' luiM aMMB. Tbe muag la uw rapid' caught it It toppled onfr. drafcglng tbe
Male Physicians.
procaee u carried loo far. > bosk under and plnolng Mr. Tucker



; r:



OoM Roll.'
to ton water boMtog <m^ir of epUa
Tbe romalna of Rev. Bea)amin F.
^ ^
r>r a simple ea- iiDwer, who died al.>*eoderta, Kan,
» where be was pastor of Ibe Eirmt Preaddicblgan Agriorilur, . ..
■ Syteriao .uuusuu.
.ebureh. Arrived 'fiatnrdar
Aomallfn^waa-aupifiledalibafU- .ftrraoonow'the Pere Mtoquetto.od
ter paper to iwer«t tbe escape of »,re taken to the undertaking roomr

To Cure a CdU in One Day li%ri

ncrac EQBIA

.. Tw''to’rbe'^b^trer^L.'I^ra.torbMWtoi;

? T.

mmmri for tte iMpeetMa od <bny. tbe inr«««i aocoi
rfelnltr receatly.
WbUe MUa «rM» Marble. Hrtas <«« la »ea*lb.
*ear Trenton, vae In Daroll on a ’ - ,i,„r rn.t>.ii
Aoppb^ lonr. mtb, m. anted *n*m. tw. wrlai
at Mnferd. Tbe dcao,he year.trbUe elerktec to • Oettojt
atom, abe alaaed ber pocbetbook. Bbe •
. bVrri^ mm vHino afl ibe .
Tbe liquor qoewtion U tbe ■ato
been la. but lo no arafl. ,
After borrowtoj!
tom fbe r«*ar»ed
bospoto tear*. Wbito tattcnUac ber
Tbn M. R ebsreh at Brlcbton la
loaa. abetayfa«jr opi«d.her natoeella. beiag um dowa aad will be replaeed
aad-weU.-ibe, pnrm. motnintaii ber wPhaa new frame build tog. BerTtQW
money, dropped u» tbe Boar.
rebeinitheldlnavracnntatarepeBda inmter to Ovid ton^lp captured lat tbe eomplettan of ttae new ebareb.

Mrs. J. n. Fannrr of SrilP EUiolt
Arenae. Su Lotus. Me , miles:
Ibar Mrs. Pbihbaai:-T**?

“»• e««l *toui all tto

it will pay you to give us a callyas wo have a fine line of Cuttcis, Robe., Ulanket.
and Sleigh Bell., if you antiSpate buying a Buggy-nest spring, now i. tin: time to
get one tenable, as we have a »mpl«e^l^^
Call in aod set one of our 1905 Calendars.
receivcdiacb w>desi^a.l
fled cndoraemenL Ko other
has anto gim-evrd for actual cures of
f^ale Jls SB has Lvdia E. I^bbani’a

ton all sick wumro
lo write Jii-r fur adviev. < bbe has'
M^nrb grau-tnl Icuer; aa t£ fultowing:

. ...


AMifi’A Wrnrn tal IM


. Vr-y


i. 11 t URE^

i n^ b»» fcw
' ' v/H« Oadwick . .
• fBl o« ‘
Oiilwff o' »Urrti
Jw»sf-**««lTW*.--«kr™Tute'^ atpntus *e««»ut4 >*r». fort, wiih Jt» mo«u. {-------- --- _-,
<aMmJek on i*o ch>r*w IB dcininoni. wnnan 1€« jmr* oW. Sol^^11 nmin fn tbr
Tlir «o «tM< otw lo Moto ca*t)r. »bk6 i
t^ta^^rfnOtHU* ntt! propoe<ltn« Jo- otfrtoolii tbr or<«. In eomin« iMn
tter^d U » pri»tob> tlir etf« »«l W W « pMM<d Oio vredl of Uie i


h* «fM*rootm.i»WII
< ~
'•........— ' -^— .

iUrtu «na oiu« a trailed'«iir
non td the »a1l» are atll! «iaaaine-



•faqi yoar Irflug Irrl
and drlTs oot yooF Oironie Cold. wlUi the only cep*wiw,MiA strtetty selestlflc. Cor* for Coughs *Dd Colds:

The Kind You Have
Mways Bought


•Itm. ■
; Thh* ancmooo *c rlalted the Oohm
iBas Fru^lano. March
The com- ‘ c«b««t. which U Ht.iaud on an emlwv'd'iwr at Honolulu to« niphi reansmaatllns an tniilnok oror
mra«4*,»erdlct Otai Mr*. Lrtand
Bunai the eniianrc 1* a mouiiforff di45rtofMrfch»laei»l«ialnK. thc
p,,.^ h,,'
MlaoB baHas bee* Intmtlocod Into a
h)«-nlBKK. Above the eeniral
enf aotUwIthfrt^ :,^ 1. a amlptorrt panel rrpresAt.
Blom-falMn Wjr, pemai* unknown. It
thP mlnlnc <ff Laiamr. and alwve
MOlpSeted that
San Fran4, , ^„p „j ^.-roie fljwn« roj^jedaoB «IH make <im> or mow armaia at ■
colmnlm* hringlna the tiehi .d
»«*- — •
rciUlnn to the new world. The eeme■ ■ ■' ■........... ....
t*r>- I* bmniimi. nichlr ctiiwM
A^ost in Despair.
■■ ■ ^' .•••WA eanttamaa.
iaartik*and iomU» tlecbiii^l with por•^nr. little tUoghter was giTen up by two pbysideos
Slim-{tarbor. MWi- March
j^laln ll<nrern line tbe^avetme Jn»t
of the throat, and we were almost
4>y aeariir
'within the wirranee Ir the inmh of
Ml Dr. King's
Alloa thin momlBKnwnmed c,uso O,^|, yn,.pK». a Culuin lewder.
gMog fonr ^ttles she was
■tw DlBoorery.
the sMRit for Iho l».lr of OMw Tom „ ,, ^crtwied with «nmt mawen .d
^ no. tb^t trouble since.;
* “ soredi__________
IrtotMi. the pretty-«KHl who (Ha%pwreat^ aiul Uanka of porcelain
ETLBB. Comberland. Id.
peawd from the AdMatUU* ertlceu.^wer* XTho-t dlBance to the left
at Berrien SpHasa a month aaa. The 4,
ntadenti' monument in memory
price, soc,an<l lA>o
party of tweaty-Bre aten. their live*
tmlverwliy tludeai* who were
iimrUed hy (hln lee. nndnrtook to jb* ,hro,«h the vtadlciCveDe«^>f lUe
mach the aaull lalantu In the river
volunioerK. Rlcbi wew »h«i
>to. cuanaMTCce 1
batow the tlllate Intbwht^e that ibe
inprtmoed ior IIR>. The
body of the nnfotiunaie nlrt "ilshi ‘
,0 i.ury rtc dead early lu
hare ttecn walked upon abow.
Ike moraini; nr In f e evening,
e saw a
ai wc were eomlnc o
• ewmoS Mar Meitey.
cemdon. Finn earao
a very poor per«
La Oroiaa.. W*.. Mareb
hnwsht in a — -..................................................... ......... i-'
I body. TbI* ^
C<rtipv*Mnaii Frank t_ DlrUmn «t
: povBbf Jwrtweae on her bed. upon cloned wailSn and taken to the farThe ciaV 1» »ald t.> haw .le*crll>cti
Vhldi abe had piled all her clothlas.
^ ,hp ^«er;'. no one blmnelf rwnUy a* "ibe «»dd.-n m«e the iwi'tiir-thlril llllmiri dlvtrSct i« «’.*•
. }ewelry and poriiBeatea of depoalu ----bolnc
W did aoi ire inBurwe " The crarioa l« anilcti* it.
m-cK ly ^-uutblul in nppcaratice, lU
in in
aaotintlns to 11.806, Mfr-Oarloue „,p burial but W told o*
aecinc • rpend the aummer in Eneland. but she «-«* iravelin* recently fr»>ro t';*"
' 'Wood art Bit) to It. toeked ibo dpon of
5ef„r^ xj„,
h.iitwnd i» fne i»rc-«.- ... Knrh l«latffi on.l when h.- linn-l. .! .ii>
bor boaae and went to the btwie of bet urt, of ibc ann wma In a bo*. When em dlBenUlM alone,
hie P«»X 'he. ca.ltwHor alM; -J*.-.'
hrolber and loM him abe had burned
driver got to ihe pince he and nn
her.-, 11^. this ih.n’l 4pi. f.-opl.- arc
bor property. ‘Ilro-hoiiae waa a total
i-lertiaK !.“}» ej mr.Kieis



___i with lime and earth. We afterS.7SS arrciit* nnil pnirurwi
paoed aad«r «nir-MW the driver acnibWne il.c
the ileMmctlon of ninety-one tone of

Impure IltMWtnre nnd other unlawful
The ceil bwla] I'mw waa of a poor
Paitama Canal Coo
- jilarrti t^'Hie ni»on
wh" «>»“ • I'l**"
Miiu Hrten A. KnowU..n <rf Roekft Ibe Mbmomioea of tbe himae on *•* «»•"
» •“ «»'> pUrml « O"
______ tawy.-r
tha taveattgaiWa ofebe Paaaam »lb • •1*1'
■ bulldina where it
t^cCTand the lid fa'iauie.^ 6he was a.lialied i«. tin
M tt ne



. ’


.....-.......-...... -


for Ove
Thirty Years



'flnanrtal mniterafs valtiwl l.iRblj. A
4*e day aalcl lo Hi'.
city and I Mis.rc; "I Itave i»beriie.l k:..imni. i
_____ _________
very elean. Toeaday will be the Mardt; healttie whether a.« Invcw ibis rooae.v
Yory low apeak bg)iahb»«:«vor> Orca. which w«l be a crear alahi.
m «ovemmeal bonds, which pay nnly
fWm la epanlab and wo have to lutt e
3 p.-r rent, or in 7atn Bold mine sioeHs.
H«Si. teMtti! ."4

r “ss-: jT





«asci! ™n,Hnrd:

•»= public.
"“' mode so ollen la conuccMgb-'Tbe fAdM* ibwts are very heavy.
loeka. titm with$cott's Emulsion
totbegrtuoddooruartaboantuui.^jja^ 4^,5.. are wortliv of
5^-iV paao
-------- .W
gtasa teak
ir«.- on a Iltde hakony of lu own. The occasional note, r rom
bodalnaf I* while Iron and bra»». cov- infancy to* 0I5I age Scott’s


Emulsion oner,_a reliable

mat. two Abcrt* and a light sprmul Of means of^ remedy mg tmbfti*-' - errtonno. They do am lue maurcaaos; ’ |>j-o|ter and WCak develop-


restoring losl nesh

Wkrti wo-tanM at luvan* ii wa*-and A italily, and repairing
ow rt their mrtnnrial day*, and tbe waste. The action ol
Emulsion is no
He wa* an a,«.Uc of
rmMOBt paimn'drow the niorc of a secrct than tbe
wrti bM fbe opening artdre« wa* ‘‘r compOsiUOn of tlie £mu1
Ocaeral Gumcc. Thin *ra« done t>rtun.'
«m.M get opinio the city. n. trier “OO


itself. Whai U dOCS
anebumd we were in»|wrtrd. then it dOCS tte^dgll nOUfish-

ibreogh the eu»romh.m*e and have ment that caiAlOt Uc ohr imWe otamiDed. »v had 1.. t.uncd in ordinarv foad.
too weak or



delicate to retain Scott's

Emulsion and gather gtMwl
J“ from iL

aome^ Ibo finrot timn.Als I han-Vriw
aoM.' with IlverkHl ccmrliroen and
. bewuilf.ilb' drewH Udi.ta. I ha>e
Rieror nctvi *4many .Damnndi a* nfnre
' 1 eamc.brre-.' _ , , '
TvrtrtOay we vwr ov. r to Fuel Ca- T'
ban*. *We ctowod In ^eoddoU*.' Onrgsldn wa* ■ on - Americai). formerly
from Oread RapIdB. MlcH_ a*,,
iwre 'With UwBctal Wood when be,


m. .. .
Ci' ‘

»<™' FREE .

"Yoy ftiv a nBUK.H.itti ic



409 fori SU. K.T.$ti aH*mR«m


>ri.r .rs. n.:



“ u.34ss:<asaa4j^

In u-iUe-e. whrvisd I bave lMn*b
hud nl Tr_«mei:itv..tntiMt TlMWee C.ibb
«T. Miclu(BB. lbt> ana .laj rt Futimary. A. U.

lo.h. IU.1..V ..I.-d*l.-..r B-pr. h hit



OBOn-HlaO. .4 Mleht^



inod*WkwaamT>c Ha.
m-liOlMUra .ORLmi. ai
HUn at law or ta •’laKp b

70,000 FARMERS


ES.iWI.'Sj:’ "-o'—l?=SV

(Is eikl I
(o tids.

Homestead - gS;r:,S‘HS""§Sp'S
aoie.-?3;’ i.&.rro.^'oiisryiiSTis.^
■ ■..r.I.-r I.' la-nul
.a Herald, a m
three WK

A.llmnl.lral.4 of lb.


I.-fl n> < fs) Botta *( nnai





________________ t\

la um » of SwtfvM. -ai paaii

o'aorae ta. .AadvfivrwMIlr^



Regular Size $1 Bottle ofVitona absolutely Free
",11a tb-- tW.-'-T " a«« finUwam

Guaranteed the best Spring Tonic in the World


Ibon-aijl 4 ih. run.tmMd


Ln..»i, .mi MrLt, .-Vt.-aW

t*J--«a-.-t.irnt..t. Mt-e...
«M. l> un. «n ». .thwl «a.rr..
, »4 _l..4 .:.*}•


:ien Not
Timrarm OmaW


^mm in*

- ;k s/ff.' t

menl-—the kind of nourishhavw
««*r m.*w,ch.Bp.dioi*si.*Bi.h.
-tao. ARfr lunch. we wvwt
wwtwhm. Th.-tiwatch
TD.tMA artHvd children In linr. n

vmt v

Election N6HC0

W hlgbs-alwwt fifteen feel. The but the SDOVe remark and
ai„.teaili.n • Mt awl
'-OTtar «oon la grill** Iron, Phlbtwlis im i 1 a r expressions'are pointed iq the .loor au.l WrarcH, te.l



PERE Marquette

Pr..ini.' «N«rt tur th« C'vaatv at Onurt
antlga. U. C.
«Ul.f-nr m.adit. tram lh«( date wsv,- alluW'
-ir i-r..Ui-r4 V. nFeM-n. UieirHaiBieaalaat
_____ d. amt .1— __________
Md ae. nvnired to iwom-bI C. ..
l%Hinth_>4 OrBB.1 Traveras. Zu^SSSarCr
I |-r.-<-el.-.' iha t-rnhaMIM -C. IB T..iln-t.-ea. ...l.r-.if ttrau.l 1 nv.-r«p<'.4iBlr,
ir .dTra»ee«-l-lgr,t..rei



maiMo. Tbero are no wladowa. bitl
-« *<’ "be vent Hold Harshai Wiancci tc
large opcBtagi. whit* have rtoatag* «RO. . As a TUlC WC dont ,^1 him »o. The arlM took the cr.ii
of crlHod iron, palaied white. Tbeae ygg qj- refer toMCStimonials chm very ill. and i.l'umly t.dd tie mvr-


m.'WtWcaia at WalM



pltriBAlT NtVrum-ntaM «t SOdilfBB.
'NotK^Klawbrstns.- ^*> >Taa Grt.e rt


Jo ibtnk we wQetd be Rrit la the ertr..
, Dm cJowm-ij..-..tllei one if
hot fanBBrtrty nechrod a room lu afti ■
--- to sic-j. uci '
BpeaMl boaao which -waa nntbh.r

w •■mMi : The tote Adolf Mtm»l «l‘<l not ear..
»o« Vl6a a^le tn the wall. BO win-1 AflMrn . II|Y 11|T
n^ueb 4..r ,wrt«K-n. and he w.vs apt r..
eow at bH. bM Ibo only llAhi we bait
I If r ' treat thru. wIili .Ream erxin.-ny . no
mailer wbal H» ii'raitk. tWi.-n h\wa.'
wan Worn tbe door. But we have h Mr.maklBB nu
hU pie:ur.pteiur.- 01
rt n:.'
lb.- tvoniK
pflilt room now, Thta building 1*
fonr atorio. high Abd wera a great -Tliat 8 wm a prominent conmatb.n the Empre*. Aust.uia
dealfif groand. Tbe Soon are all HImI iruggist said oC ScOtt's b> the conriuMon that the wnnitn'in It

_U_talUaXUlr..«bl.h.r.. En,„isj„n a short time >'•"


b'rlnrk In U»-l.'.snonn .4 wrb >.( IhaaBdayB. ’

IVbalrito .veil

M„. U.W1 j™.
l-_a 'i. 111.; •’■‘I'"
__________________ ......____a.lrUe mt-to dot-

_ nre"fwwded with *«^“rtneV^’cWWn^ Bh^Viii


Tone Shin Ye. )ii«i aplK>lnlod fW
ne<e.|imliaK} to JinEland, waa one
of the aecund deicetlion uf tklriy
jvinibK sent to this noumry In I67l! to
Ih. 4-d.ieai.-:l. He waa lh<T I? year<.
old. He an.l annlber lail Worn taken
In linnil i.y E. C. Gardner of Sprins-

thej went .to. ueliaul.' Ton* remained
In tlii- lulled Stnies for eix yenr». )te
finish.-.! hii. in Chinn.

hroe&bna and ailver ahoc l•llrill.-n. Arj. Hanipioo Mot. , ibe r.-w eliief >d r
*i ‘he eeiijj-ler>- the ooffln Ik ,i e bureau .-f pai«i.fa.-itjre:; of li,.- d.placotl PC thc- aUib. lB«peeied nnd the pfniii. ni of e<mmier(-t> oiid iao»i'. .
prietl any* nfew word*, then h H I'ml bIIib. tiulek, brlcb'.-eyasl nnil-peii.-mii
bark In ibe bearec and taken to il.: p.-.s the atipcafpneetrf a yanmi:
chapel where they Civo ati.tiher eei- el-'sanre and Iclaure. Jle. lit.
rice, tar wbleblbey pay a.heavy anm. of Thai, a bnr>l an<> snrrfrKsiui

MMWBtlaic letter ftom her da iiUiier. aboot neven lo IM mUratea.
; Ml*. IfeSott. who (t «t pmitett! la HaTkla'li a beautiful
k. Gak. pnm U wc dv-.> the fot-




field. MasK.. «

r" ’,'r "■ iir’ictiausaiBi

t ™'
make 1
a with' In a
WnrtlnKton to oieretae nn


TnmlMr»Tnn«w-t*y 1 imniUlManral

• U-.

poaorasest ownerantp m too now
>irair hiDiiU- <*ee of-law. Miss Knowl;.® la
Iciiwmd. Tbr Inveaiiiatloc eommlliee
o»r«-.« Bm of ibo oplnkm that tbe Faumn
*«> «<•/«
c irappItiBa of omnse Properly Kovrm the eoiiniry. wbai
,^la...i.Mnner«cneyMledtheJr«U in «»»>«. wo/c
lhe>- do?“ abe aska. Her rrtatkms wlH. SctiCf^Uon

^'r ::


ah.iw<Hl KHliru *.I<lr«'s»eil nirl;»»ii " The r-ieilirtin
wa* ' tllspoM-.! ■» acrepl tbi-: p' J^
nn.) wa* ihreaTenlnc to pat thi- lesidator off wlieti 0 friend whnn] the .-eKdiieloT knew came into llie ear .-.nd
H<-tile<l the ir«KiIde.


kwj.^’ 41t» far ^BMhpaH at

S. E. Wait & Sons and Johnson Drug Co.



Bears the





ri'lAirur» 6),.,t
e.f^M.aaT!--ralt.rsbrfn f
Al-«la« >y rrv_.



T.. -aa. ,-sd.».:a

erori Srntm t»y C. A.

I'l a-vd -4 ■


•> A»r»..

T«Blrl<>B.AM N.isr»- IB It" »«k .4 r.w.)tM.rv i6- '"M5 tl.r<««h lU* ‘-l”»L
I’HonatH.i -nly lmin."k<Mri.
>. tral
,BB .. n.Ui ft
-uf.a *fr


Krr.:, lh*r_»rrrr

aa awfgy’a
AumaaFa foa
i« iMliV".
lA,llar-. aad an
l>uIUr> ai lirmiaaJ Ivin atW..
nr. _a>l <rr iiWin itijai •* *■*




.Sr Ualy.i...’.,t.., *. rwaia ... .-cn- la a - -«r|,.
al*, ,t-.l Hi—.
»l.a>-V.virer.«-. -tat.)...,
■ ‘r- u*h J-t—c







el Vlt.a,» Al~ tai-ly FrV'« h».'- g-4jlW.-C*-• j UaiBaadKi-tiurs; lAiAXv



A Bitd






i» an thin ii»e. to cmd-byp. ProM
Mftrr Jumn.

Mmitt riimi’~

tm, -

ImM *Qf MMT M aMPry •ftMAWIMOrtklHB.
t««i«y MBaw kaBBy •• ■


Mple aiy. Mich-. Jaa :«h; WwJ.
Divr Mr*. Baioo-Mr brotbpr CtarAM I vodU like to ioiB yoar
'SOMfelBr elAb. Will r»u pk«M- Maxi
’ w ««cti A cord ud bvticm. We go Ui
;tdiool every 9*r. i an la (be fuinh
meU- ABd. ClArrooi- 1b to the third.
We bAve M K>1* uf abow. My |mpa
U hAoJlDf locB «o Ca4at Cliy. Will
cloM t>y cendlDg lore to all SmibiB-

ifTmWIm m t

FrAAk UatU.
TrAtvfAe aty. MichH Jan. t7. INdi.
Dear Mra. Bates—I received your
card ABd buttoa a ddag Ume ago. !
beard Ibat you were slck>W-1 b<H>e
(bat you arc geltlAB better now. I go
' to aebool erer) day. I an a little i>oy
^10 yaan old. I an in ibe Orti grade.
My tcAcfacr'A.«aABie ii MUb Lawtor
Mr ieaaottB are readlBg. irrittng. drawlac and paIbUac. I an .aiaylnc wun
my ABBt. MrB. Jackaon. I bare goi
RriilBRit> Mra. M. t. C. RaMa.
fMir brotben aad two »l«icni. M>
Aft VlH RnatBaM. MiM Maa.
liMbMA' Bane* are Sanuel. Airnnl
Lewte aad Saafred. Mr alatura nan**
are Carollae aad HahI. Oood-bye. I
renala, row SBUbeam'.
Joe Ziegler.
A FaBCaea Aeof.
TAbeaaaarafydlov eani
Aad U«a mb. idb. rab. .
T|n Tbe ke^ rattle
Ml 4ba aab:^. I

Bl. Mich.. Jab. SS. IMS.
Dear Mra. Bate*—I tb^l 1 would
write a few Haaa to 7^. Aa I have
never written to tbe Herald befoyF, an
I iMtac^l 1 vmrid At It ibday. I bare
two bfoibera: tbeir aanes are Join
-I aad Haaa. They bare wriuea-io lb.Harald aad have received tbeir car^x
and taltOB* tad think they arc Very

I act (k^tla non

i MWV CkRhM.
Wp tAl:» the Hmid aad MUv to raa«l I
tbf flus>litiK> ietioni ATP roo vorr i
' ktrk BOV* I hope yo« »re bOL WrIL I
I vlll iBTe >o riorv lor tbi* tiBW, BO
• Ktor ydor S««hta<.- efrt.
Mbj t. Brown.
Kln|t»l«y. K. F. 1>. No. 1. Jab. 30. IMB.
DedV Mrs. Ou«*-1 ADI A mile .hor:
light yeAT* ohi and vovM iihe to )oId '
ilw SuBibtM' dub. noABe Bead ae «
card and* buttua abU 1 will try (o be a
have A Utile broth­
er fdk vratB «4d aad he would Tike to
loio uu. HU DAOi U DerM BwaIb-..
•ton. Jr. Good-bye tor ibU ilBie.
Oriva SwainatuB.
P.c^ Ore«da. Jdk-h. Jaa W. Ilk).'
Ih«r Mrs. Bain—1 have never writtea befere. I Ibousht I woaM like 10
yulo the SBBsbiDe dub. Pleaie «ei>d
lae a eard an) ^Uiiio-'
1 an ver>’'
M>rrr that you are «lek and hope by |
(hit tine Ibat ytiu srv better. For
Chrlttnaa 1 got a haadkercAler. a'
gane u( atitbnre. a pair «t nittiea*.
CADd). nnlt aad'a bottle td perfamc. a'
balr ribbon aad a ailk waist. Maiana '
biB been In TrarcrBi- City lor the past
week and I was glad lu mv her cone
back. Beboul will be out ihta week.'
Fred Dago taught, aad I like hln vef> :
much and an eorry H U out. I bare
two sister* aad one brother. I will
eluae for this line.
Your little friend.
Age ».
Mary L.- Bardead.
Klnguler.'Ulch.. Jan. 31. 1»«S. :
Umt Mra. Bates—I thougbi I sroald
write you a few llDew to let you know
I an well. Sorry you are III. taupe yon
are well bow tor It I* awful to be ill. I
have bad chicken put tbi* winter so ■
could not go to alebool. Papa takes the Herald aad imna reads 'tbe llrtUUtter* !«• n* cbfidreit. I hare been

cettiac llvalc,


Stories From Mkhi^ Hisinnr
For Hkhi^ Boys and Girb ]

yyxrjDssB. sjtg-t. a
New LORoe AND New law*.
^ The eurtafeb rtsoa on n new seenu. Tbe black-robeJ Jumit
priests tare raatobt-d into tbe ntoiy rwreses' of. the Bortbera
ferests. fsstegd. of thv^baaacf uf Frauce. jhe flag of Kurisnd
wavea (a ibe bn-vse from the (oris at Detroit and MtatailiUnackiaac. at Bt. Jaaa?pb aad SaBk £ie. Marie, and Ml tbv cooniry bcw in the kiag of Bngtand. Tbe red ooats of
the BrHtob soldins gtas like wsndtring flaasea a>- (bey pass lu
-sad tall (be great gnwn wool*. Instead of tbe tiokle of the lit
tie chapel bcdl caUing lo pnyer lu solitary places, the U-at.of lU
drun aad (be sbrtti notet of t£)i fife wake the
ecbucs cs
they call tbe well drOled troops to tbeir dally pared.WiSe-eyeil with vuader at tbe new order .of Ihingo. the luilian Imya and ^rU staod aruund and gaze, to ace if ibey cau 'dl>.
r the reasoo^ of It all. .Tbe warrloru drew tbeir blank.-ts
-r around tb.-lr beads a* they alaik in and -out Of Utar t
T paddle aulteolr np «>r down siren or lake. Tbeir uid
rumred.t. ibe gay vuiagvun-. ■‘bo lived with tbvn like brothers.
whOMTolilcfciDg aongi kept ilniu to the ptod> of paddlee aa they
roved around Ibe eurvre of the rapid rivers of tbe nonhland -wvbo danced wKta tbem by ihelr gtenmlng camp Area w^Htatbo
yeltov flmon roaa luge and fair above Use tree tops, were gone.
Tbe Indians dM smt Uka tkero rcmgti soldiers who tad no cheer,
greeting for then, but ntire often a cootenpiuous glsnce or .v
donlaeeriag Wottl. There was trouble brewing la those dusky
breasts, trouble (or tbe engUibnan and tor those wbo'sboat.!
cone after him
But (aivu'el,l now to tbe Frvaebjmn a* be rnb-d lu Miebigut. Chaplain. Miebigu'* drat governor, tbe cnrnM ezptorer
—tbe good Father Marqueue. saying hi* prayeta at he wandered
ataag t^c shores of the great iskey. hi* thoughts.flzed ou tbe
heaven beyond tbe skies that were so (air and blue above blm.
—La Salk. flUed wlib ambition to find tbe golden lands tar to­
ward the seeing sun. urging the clumsy GrtBn oror the srevet
of tba stormy lake, or loliing wearily across tbe toozon srood* of
Ml^dgan.—(Mdiltac, ansiou* to esubitob bto young rity oa ib«
Detroit.—all fade sway as «e look, and all Iblngi sbUi Intp new
shapes, which shall by and b> take rormk*nntboughi of iu.tb. THE StECE OP DETROIT.

r tbsYa tbe fab. ton. fan.
Hewe XMetBAftea Aaaa

k ' «b« Ball* JobBst^ Park
a aacbiimc. KtagMey.
I ffoDand. Blen Arbar.
» Blane. OM MWlon;
Ownb* lad Bda TM OInba. Sauoaa ,
: VMk ttsar, Ttavurae City.
y«w*' M a srBUa

ytm BtwMeiti

dwnaB. bat doaa
» ata deparuaeM for it. Then

Oladya M, A ged 3 Years.
Daumier u( Mr. aad Ure. Charles V. T'auM.

We ato Buteg to bare a goclal watching the Wile
“*;tha «b of mroaty la oar aeboo*'- was a lovely Sock of then i 1 bur door
Wig wwB alB k— taken mri .
diatrtet So. C. I an going t«i' yard, but brotbev Henry cine and
>>9m BMB ** tbe HefaU tor au adwol down at Suttoas Bay every acared ttaon away. He I* ao iMaeblerr«BM' (la MWbl»a TvatceMan.
ly.and think It Is very nucJi oa*. He Is 3 years old.^1 bare a atater
FitMe aeod ne a card and b-it- gve years old and.a lltUe baby biMber :
waata emj oae^ i
J vUI dose for (bis We bare.aat nanoi bln yet. I haw
Wae boys and clHs to .read •
1 retualu. your true lots-of fan- riding oa the lanber
* V*. y
Blelgh.. For Beta I bare a dog. two
” - - . „
J"*-**"*- - WttoBB. a Wrd aad a baby, but tht
................................... _ _
toby is ibedcarest of then all. I biv.\
•««« BmHgold Boed when I s«id ^
^MlMBdM AMfe to loAlet for jBst this letter aad I hope yoB will bare tbe
^ge i.
jsMon uni.
IdMilalv. Ton da not kaow beet of Inck with then. I bare two- I’. 8.—1 will gircyoa a net tgaani-x
Maw «Mb^ (ha MM arc wMcAMg aB ‘ Paaey plaats la the bouBo aad tber —Myrtle Ullic. age le. Kingsley. H.
fhattnelaBadtberiibt Mdfaboy are aU In blosson now. I tblak ttey P.'0.>lo.
RoUle JohnsoD. age
'tor tbair MrtL And. Jglrta. whether are an pmty. i Iblok W aone of lh<- Kingsley.
F. 1). So. J . Lester John^ tMBMt to-he taaobsTB. oMea gWa.i8aa*hlae boy* and girt* who wouiJ «un. age
Kliig»k-v. K. F. u. No. 5;
.TBiaintoHirri.ilirhi nii natter wbat Uka' to earn a ihtle noney (bit sum- Charlie l^kard. ag> s. Bangor. IL F.
MBMaa to btC'you wiR ba a (allurei»re woaMget a few Biraarberry planu «>
I: Gladf* Deckard. age 7. Ban
'BBMB bob try. «M keep oa trylBg la and act then out they CouM auk- «or. «. F. U. No, l., Please send them
«ggk UM la a tort of our Bnaahlac: gaUe a l|ule noBcy . They are uasy to. «.
anJ buttoa.
' pMiBA and it appn«a to other tblnga > grow and not hard to pick either, t
SMioos Bay. Mich. Jan. si. ipv:.
}Mt Ab awch at It doea la ov 8na-. ro to aebool erfry tuy- i cpa.- | taw
Dcnr Mrs. Bates—I ib-iugfai I auuld
toto* 1T| Ml ' ,
four atodlsu. grammar, Hrll givemrite a few lines to you. •! am golngtf-.’
airei. history and
■ w^tool every day with my uIdeM
. That fat «alto t loag aeixsua. Is It to read the leltere Jn ibe Herald and
Bivt«-r..Cvrirude. Saturday 1 beip-s
KuF to win natcB to pan of a capatialiy tboaFfran far away Washpapa ba^l Itn-srota In tbe woodshed,
letter frtto Br. mea LyM. tbe nit- lagtaa aad FlorMa. My cousin, fial
am. K ymrs old and 1 have uas brother .
'MoBuy la Ptaabow. China, who has Veu|. would Mke to tan the Sunthln . ,.
aad I

™. wmu. «!.

hi. .


>itnu to na. Wb* wriMa tbl* tlne.vtw- Ifer addrew l« 4U 8. Wreten:
.■ .
p rMhal wore aeal for tne la her work.: to geitlBg galie loo*. I Will rlore
Uaut Uermer.
*«r»: “The to**bge of card* , Your taring frteod,
. Provenjant Mich.. Jan. :i. t»05.
' aane by the laat Anerieaa nail, aad I- Wtretoil. Itohr,
Dear Mn. Bates—*a I have bo;
V ihaalda to retdy. Mnay. nany ihaaks _
writtea tor a'taag liqie. I thought t
to tbs tolWrea for the earda They Treveras CItr. K F. I)
»rite bow, 1 am rery sorn
;nre Mtoy* weMone. and caase «* 10
Bs«*w-I uouM like to
been sick «. long a
fcnow (tat there are tkoae wbo are rv 1®*“ l^i*- Sutmblne elub. PHase s^.ihS
t school today.' I study,
>:tito«otoirlag us at .we ton; ao'far iron ■* a card aad'button, tlgo to actosjl fuortb reader, arlilunetk. language.
every day. 1 have bo
Ibis vlater. 1 am UrTW fouribgraiii
f«««h g- , ^Biaosblp, I tare iwu brotbers that
lenober-s Bane U Mr. Warner; T ^
Alice . Ba«l tafag* A la ,
of Suatoy achoM gbpere
nueb. A.,*gg Muv
BctaoL. Mv
nil be pul to good m la the •»«* tong few the «rst. I will M
irorber's name to Paul Plano&dou.
• woB,
!>>■*- .Front
Hr Is very kind to us. We hate eight.

Age w:
awnihs of school ihto tern. 1 liuu.k
: Msd BOtdan. Mkh, Jaa. Stb. !•« Traverae Oty. K. F. D. t Jan. 3U. 1*«, rou Very u«cb tor my card and but-.
, Dwr Mn. Bate*—I heard you naatDear Mr*. Bates—A* i have aotac
I tUnk I will come to a close fur
ta aone more SunsblaeTw 10 Iota goaf hdrere time I wilt sAd ny letter to 'hi* time, so gcod-bye.
ciab. TBto to the drsi Hose I baio the Sunablnc club. ^ have a'lliil-^
Frqn yotr Utile Snnbcnn. '
«v«r vmioa to you. I wish yob would psp that papa gut SsTiirday bedor*
Age I?
-IBanebtad ae a card and button I lasL .She tt a lliil.- rogue sud run?
Maple City Mlrb, Feb, L 1105.
' Mb iweive nnn oM and In tb* ser- attgr tbe cats and aumeUnu.e she will
Dear Mrs! Dauw-1 iboughi t would*
tnstb.'anAe- I'kave one slater and one diase them clear to the (larn and ibeny^ri>e a few Uacs to you. I ang^
, hrtoW. I arfah you would ptaase MHid abe will.cone bark and ctajrT»«« going tuachool niw; I an tavlag a vaW toother a enid and tonfen. Rls .tane laore. The other vtfr^ was rattan of tbrre.noaths now. I an la
■aipr to Bioa. He U very isod u Wv - IgbUng wlih a eat aud tb. cat tbe third render, and ny teneber to
Mr ■stoser to aeven asuntbs iM. VV •aeralobed her la the eye. We think Mr. Fhtovr
liDVMi la tbU distrta this fail, l Uke abe .to htiad la U.
tt Inev quite ueO. W.-H, 1 gn.ur. ibl.. away 1
s ll.'Sumtaa.



: .'-t,-'.U. : '


It wav a FUll.-B, gray dawn that broke over Uctrtdi oue
Oclnbar marnlDg in ITC*. The spldlers, roused .by the raullng
dran Umi beat reveille, could scareeiy believe ibat It was not
get uighL as they came from their bariackv and looked at Ui.*
dark sky taw hung with etaudt. Alt ataag the ritcr tbe Frebeh
fsraers were calling to rocii other frem tbeir .loorstopt, aakinr.
wbat this alrange'gicom could mean, and (be Utile cbihlrep dang
to tbeir apibere. Jrtgbtencd^ the dim light wber - It should
have been da.'.'
As the hour* went on tbe shadows grew deeper and aar.:
awful. Tile broad river waa as dark and sallcn as tbe black sky
above li. a* (t KWepi ou itast tbe losn. wUh uu mem plasbing»
of Ita rippling waves among ibe rubes, or on tbe candy buacbos.
In (ta loresl hollows it was night sad not day. >0 that tbe owiv
came om an.l called from the in-oi-ji.* aud ibt- little birds ss:
with ruOcd feathers in tbe darkui-vs. There wav no wlod..enly a
heiry danpaeu growing lu Hu air. and at last tbe rain begau
to laU In heavy, plashing drops.'
But a new horror oune wiito H. The rein from beava-i
ihtcB abouM have U-eu so clear, was black as tgk. and as it (el!
a stifling odor filled the £r. Stroog men^ hreru beat hcasi
aad all laces were while with fear under the s:iU gatbvrlng darknets. Bte^ one walicd tor somrtliipg terrible., bt' knew nut
I Iasi the clouds grew lighter, a wind arose aiel
SS^.1 Ib<- SI i|iborDav 4idor duwn the river and gway . WLen subx-tcanu' tbe clo-jds IlfU'd in the wevi. and onrei more- the cunn
lay sseiH ami (air in the clear gubleu light. Atioibt r uornbig
came aad the worU was.Jusi the vsoie as It bad always to-cn
with a.bright'suariBlnE and unrhiudeil day. But a hauoU-ac
memn^ was ieli to-hind. All Hu- luug'wlnivr. »Ul:>--tialn-d ol-’J
men shttag In iho cblnu^- coruv». tbdok Ihcir b<ad» when tbe
mack Dav was mentioned and hsld
-Wait! You will MV Mjmi- awful ealaiuily cOning Kuril
a Sight as tbai will never faU la-fonlffliuu iroal-k—greai troubltCM^ fast! ,
And irauUe was coning, swiit find vur.-. though of course,
the- Black Day- aad the B^k Rain had ovi-blBg <0 do with it.
All through tta fon-sL from the gt. Lawrence to the Gulf
and from the Atlantic 10 the Miv»i«.-.||ipl. there was a immilder
ing fire of Itaiv bncnlng. .that nm-Ued but a (annlag wind ui arti.-u
to burst tou* Bvreevl (tame. Tbe Indian*, hard tu kwp peac—
ful niid<;r Ibc kind Uoaiiiauioutblp of lh<- rienrh. could I'i tersr
the Insolrsi. douilare-rtng wayv t>nhr Englivb wlilier* Tb«of ibclr yi
furs to marki-t. Tbe oBcvrs
ibey anweivi!
Mcviw to,vbum
tbem wlih.<-oniem]ituoav wurd>.-aad.>onjriiim-c ^livr *«-n- drire-n
from the foil with kick* and euriK-* lV»ldt-», eKiyBbtrc tb<while M-ttkr* »i-r<- tdcallug lu, dud the ersNb «•( (alliUK ir>-c* ws
echoing through the lurcsi. add wa» iHUuiiie 'be dvir and beare .
and all wild gatuv flying iu fear, so ibsi'’ibclr hunting gnmnw-.
werv-ftsi iM-cvmtng ihcin no mure.
All they needed wai- a ;ieadei lu make tbem ru»h from
every Joron's depths and (all upon the white nru with toma­
hawk a^ scalping kaiiv. b-.*Ting buiotd bumes aud murdered
fathcru and no;her* and Hub- cblMreu evvrywlKre behind them
And .this ieadjt-r was n-sdy at Mud.—one ol the not: sebenW
and amMttaui aud at the t-ami- One mu»> irracherons of any of
the Indian chief* who ever led r:-.vir wamorv to Ualtle.
WhtfTi the Detroit river s»eot»r om of beautUul Lake St.
Ciatr. lying sbettered between grv-eo shores ua citaer aide, ami
wtib the wooded rto>- of Belle- U-- proltctiCF it lotbe smubward. la tbe tolaud uf La I’e<cbe Hen- wa* ib<- home of Punliar.
tbe great iBdlaa etief.
Hto tribe, the Ottawa* bid
principal village on ihtCtonadtan shore ocarly oppceiu
-Ule. but be. (a his dtgnik'.
. preferred tu lire alone on hls tolam! where he could ke«p mauh
np and dawn the rlv<-r and4vmmaml alt the apprnaebre lu I.:home Tw'o or'ii;:«v wigwams sew.-,! for .Hu dselUag planes of
hto squaws aad bto thUdre-n. In bi» own wigwam, in solturr
V^to. fie- slept on hto. bed U far*, ur act lu tbe dporwa) and
waicfae.t the ftantas uf his camp Arcs as iht-y -brew ibeir fltakcrlac gteuaa* of Unfit owt taro the' dark of zlgki.
Here he brooded over the vroag* uf hto people.and the
dangers threatenlag them, and here he plaaned. boW »:U oeo
- Mronr effort hr ailglit drive the wtif e liien'ai <vnet- and furevi-r ■

from Aascriral They might go samag tack arrorn tbe oceas
to tbeir owB boBM*. tfasy «f tbcau were toll afirr be gut tbrougb '
■Seedtag wMh 'ibe«, Thto'was the ladlau^ home greaiod theca
by ibc. Great Sptrli. and no one hpd tbe right to drive (fat-ai out
of lu
■ '
He was'alreta) at (he bead uf a twt of a coofcderetlea of
g ot.thv Ouawas. Oilbsas ■
¥('uwhe matfe bto plsB> lu uaite all the trlbi* n»i of the His»isaippi into one graad cvnfedetaUou. Then a itay was to be *«
wb«B. at once. Iron north to aouib. freto cast to worn, nil the .
BneUsb (on* should be attocked. and ibea all' the white pcop'v.
Wra. wpBsen apd eblidrru, be put to death. He himself wou:-l
-make Iba attack <ta D^-trott.. Thv-re were acorcs to pay ofl. tbo
AMiHta.of which- be roubi net graiii to aay one. Angvr grew
liot within him as pe rvniemucrvd gllchis ata lusulcn.t wunto
gives bln. Pontiac.' (be gnat cbbf. by Major Gladwia aad hi*
fc down yon
.ofltam carrying (bt-mM-ltn. so bauridilrr IIn 1^.' forf


By tb.' etasc of the yvar ltC2. be bad ib. -maitcf all
■flanaevL He ^boae tru»i) oBeeni fron bto own iritw and seat
tbenoni Inall dlrtwitana with messages. All ibniagb tbe mta.u
winter tvri-»i* they west. u> the upper take* and the River UUaM conntry. Aiwa to the (Riio. and to ibe'rtrato'' south as far a«
Mtoato»lpi>i. \yi,erv-viT to. y weu'. they the greaL.btoi::
wampum war U-li and a iomaltav.k |«iuicj tv-.l. symbol* of tUnib
»*.! tdood.
BTiixt a village uas rcarln-d. ibe wainurv. gBib<-r<M-aroiUd
then, and H»e stranger chief. fllnglDg bt* tomahawk to Ur grann 1.
in the c-uler «d Ibe circle. dellu-«y.-d Ibe mvwtage ketU to them,
while to- bvld.the war ivU la bto baud All llvteord w:lifa an cseiicfaveu which every monent grew nwre tntoci-e as the speaker
' nsiratcd their wrongs and told of tbe revengv wbkh was to ta
' (hvire. Ai tbe close uf bis specchTibe^hlt-f of tbe «IIKgv re­
ceived the belt, and snatching up the tomahawk, drove It tote too
nrotvM tree, uttering a wild warwhoop. while every warrior prow* •
vot taut'il In the yell, as be ph<dgcd bUaseir to do hU part, la
tbe btaody work that wfis u> follow.
Firm, however, whru the spring sbosM eninr. all were lu
meet Poatlac in a great omncll. T^ appotated placv was tai
the bank* uf the River Bcorae. near DctroiL Hare, whu thw
set line arrived, ramr’ Pontiac aud hto tribes, and here. loo. enm^
company sficr cumpany, threading ibclr way through tbe wood*
la rllent Indian file from t-very direcltaa. lUI the -IliUe rlvcAi
hanks were Uned wUn imiuied wwriorw from tar and aenr.
It was the iweaty-sevvsth of April, aad the vroods wtr«
growing gay with tbe early wiki ftawetw. aad the robins wave
singing everywhere la the tn«s and ataag the laarehy nteadnw*
^1 the swuta spring line (oimd no answering rrwpon*e In.tteao
henrts Ml full of tale and ihonghts of v
When all ware gathered together. Poniiae airppel foriHir.!
in the ntidsL A
of dft) years of age. dark even for aa ladtan. not large i»« well bail! and sinewy, hla (Be* aura and pow­
erful. he was a nan of nark among
savagaa araand bin.
o speak with passionaie i-ioquroK. Her
-ed the (nsoleut aad arrogaM way* of ibe'Rn^tob. and (he
(cnpt with whl^ they had treated him. the Indtaa
>. tb^FrvwcA
(oM Iww the newcomers had tanished their friends,
Ddlank ibensoldicrl and were now planning to deprive tbe Indl
nelrua tbeir bones and coaniry. He said tbeir fslber. tbe KiBc
of Freaee. bad been asleep, but that he had,^rd the votrw of
hU red children, and had awakened, nnd that soon bis war esaore
wooM cone salUng over the great lakis to help tbe^wta
w-tat the? bad tael.
Tbo fiery pssaluu* of hto hearers were aroosod as b'
tnikvd. till they ctaiid hardly contain thmseiroa tad wonld have
been glad to have ro^eoted the atiick apm (he K^«ttab ibta
and there. Dot he told Ikusi he would Uku tacnswe* to learn
.the strength jOl the Briiiah gtyvlaoii. end then woaM caB tatabv?
ouiiBcil Bf-w ^ he would unfobl hto plans.
The tarenlng came, mod (be assembly iftuU- up and sBaatty
Stntaaway In the darkness. HU. the monilng wun rase, there
was no irecw lufi of the grent eouncil b« tbe snofce that raae
(roa the dcasrtod camp fire*
' A* was usual la the spring Hm<-. (be trllns now Usu to
return to tbeir sununcr bones near DrtrolL and socn (be wigwans of bsri and ntshv* duUed ihv banks of the river and tb^
cuocs srcre drawn up in tang ranks on the aborc, while tbe basy
Mitaws cuoked the warrtar*' meal* uvvt the smukbig Ena and
ihe copper etared c» "^ren playvd mdsil) aroond tbe camp. It
was DotiO'd ibnl'lbto spring there were- larger camps than vverbre
tdre . Md more warrior* wi-re wovlag resHcsaly briwesn Uie vUlaces, but ib« ptople iu (he town paid Utile aitenitan to tbe morM:
menu of th.-lr dusky neighbors,
.. On the soctaJd day of May, ItanUac and forty
bto mi-u
came U> Ibe gate* <d the («vt. aad asked Hut Jbt-y might come
n and dann- «me of tbeir ceremonial dtac*» btiore Uie ofleers.
Major Gladwin at fir^ bcsltuicd. bm at Uat gaw thren permis-.
«lun to init r. ItaDifac and tfalny of Us amt tregta Urelr dance
to-fure the b.niM- of tbe grajur. wLik- the oHtcr U-n scntierv-d
tbrungb tilt- fun. tad while nppare?Hy wnideftng np nnd down lu so ainkM auri uf way. led oalyhv Wle enrtasHy, were In renJH.v ovvrtooklng ercryiblng connoctwl with the equipncifi aad.dri
f.-Bsu of tbe ftwi. WTu-B the daoce was over, they weal away .
Ivari'ng nui a •saptatan behiad (hem.
A few days Ulcr. Jtauliac caltad Uuibef counrli. gito tine
UI (he Puttamatiamiv 'iUage. when; stood a great talk lodgs lu
w hich gailM*re>I a hundred.of the principal cblcff of sill tbe (ribea
Sentiavls were stationed to prevt-m loterrnpiton. and ta ihr
dtikky irloom. Wghlcd only by the red Maze of tbe fire taralag
ua the earth la th, renter. Poaiiac udd then all (be driiil* «d »te
attack abolii "lo be made .
(To be (JonUaued.)

gome Coourtdrums. •
, Wh? w life like a tarnw'
' are- irares of care, blls of good (urtuoe. breerbe* of goo-J muer*. bridled
tr«cu<-f. and everybm'y has a tag to
im-t ibrtatgb.
What are tb,- last teeth calk-dT
raV- teeth.
Why shv-jlO s IlsbenaaB be wealthy ?
Urrause hU butinos* I* all uri profit.
vniy la Ibe egg dvaJer sure 10 sorBecause be sboww a good egg.
•^inpie feuBi «-jgs-*«ll-eBi mxi',*-.
How do cue* kick wiilKxii 1.^*'
They kick with their lereehes.
TOir aboald talldrvn mind ttodr'p'*
and Q'*7 To discover the diflen-nci
iK^evn being polue rixt q-ile^. aoe
b^gg pert tad qiurretooiue
TOiy fbtaiM a »>ee an! a dbak.-y
form a partnetitip* tk-caiise one cr'*
all tbt-eboney aud tbv ottw-r air ;be
wax (whack* >

soneUmew caU<-d poppet land on this
areunm Almost tbe enUre poputaDon
1* employt-d tusking "ome pari*
fiotl*. whlrb are- rent to every eonlry
la the wwrld ezrer' India. The WHn
Hlndojs are said to to- ibe oaly dollI.-.s ebildrrii ia the world, all ctamtries bavins vomethlag which tbe lit­
tle'gb: ran rock to altw-p and tort.
That (to- Amerlm girls tare dull* taW
ba* uuiy to read that lasi year o
gk boU.toM‘worth of doUte* cane taW
■his rouD'ry
fron: Thurlogia

Near Vorfca Raaf Data.
There are dog* in Sew York that
t<»ei set (UM Cfi the strert. They to- .
tans «> the Janitor* tn ita dvwa-tawa
toilldings and H»-ir roeways conata ot
(tu- rt«( of lbs building in wbSfi tbdr'
wwcers Uruta<^ adjolntagroeta on thw
same tarcL Tbt-re Is one adrutage

Hiatal jBatosa Hare No Oeito.
Mint doUa aie.fiorn In Tbnrtagia. a catetar has no
IvnrtnAr <d OemBany. TtariPtia to cha^/'‘\_:-

I (or hi«n>-**-/

■ • '41

»' trntmj. bwt to th<
e the aeniewi of Um I
■ an WM tho t«M l> 4(M»d tor ptMM belu oa4 A
!tfa IB their owB oaowtir. ^hoB io»cr-'aad firj^clei the
•BMle AMteB horen thoi aiOite (Wh tw UL «dll other Mt-tacored wwtirM of eatroUoiT
;w«h. tBiMd wt to Chio«o. BdKht he Skto work wlU aeodleB aad* Ao* with ntoad cvtooldHr. :«* B»w«ea
lj«t BO «t^e BB« heBotirtil BO thraA toBBMid ttojr AtBkeo tothe nittotac
ooetMtoe ito« bt*U. BTO
f™« »w*U«toiA hBOWortoMtoBpoBOlMj-toerhvtMetoocdthe---------- The frtBtcd dUBlttee wet* Berer.
I TbM CWM the WM eC eoBpBftoc the: UB evrer or dot.
I work BetBBllr ***BMle to SwttatftMd"
»v1m laoeo Bad ^rnhlrttw B(*.»ot« Btiiwctire. 8U«M trote (or
•oMtorvBBd.eprtog sad omaJMer wlB be et ectce.
with thu w4e to Chk—o
•o the tmde to tweed. etoAe eed ttsht wetsbt
the detotr. popBtor wtU
eAtodeiT anker, oaee toetki..BBd the wtoter nodeta bW toir'
Kitohtoc Kdd u -lapotted dlneU)r,the toee
TBl- U> be toeeHr Mlowed. The holeco wflt
Im PBita** BBd other
the Awrkwa mb a>d wo- be thep«»olar owtor «BfMBUeltto>Mh
______________________ the
tone- Bdhie
where th» wlthto htof a donea *Uea area wboai Mr. BodeoMaa hopf« to toag eoau wOJ ntan be worm,
toon BUI« ntfwet The work to the gradnally toeta^e-.Maow Ua worker*. -Kvtpm belu will be the proper.
Swtan4»kaaD arttoaM so<« all ovv At preaeai three worker* are erwriy Ihlag to wear with bloaaca .The wide;
the fttotrlrrii eoottoeat—with whU- all to Swtea ortgla. tbe oUer ooc* girdle to too etobocate lUr aneh par.
per* to oarlala aortollea ««toarty «■ apeaktog IliUe Bagltah. Tte big. raia- pnan. Ught ahadee wtti oUala torge-.
ported to gymm- anil ip^t new aad bll« ractorr. etected pleeeneal and In ty to spring cnttamet. and assay drewe- a* the Mope^ de- aakto* pnphcer that btoefc aad white.
d to hare hirtk 1
Attoatic Md to the work hare gtoi^ la a boU to stripe* aad ehatfka. a-lll be
ioeeanareieally deelgacd aad workto Coitogn-aeetolag plaee to BoaiMiU to lagmlar aa cw.
_ Irod ibr
to attraei=
jont here.
rrlattHoa beeaoae to the aatoiaUtor
Ire sets to tnrwover ctotor* aad roSs
The work to croaitog deslgae lor the «»«“«•
now fonad la all to the *scli»l<rr
{enbroMcrtoa calls lor no ^ght de-' .
■priag Fnahton Him*.
«hopa. they are aot denUaed to go out
[tree to deveraesa aad anlatlc aad MU ta BOt too early to begin to think ol atyle lor at leaM the next fix'
Ickaalcal akfUty. Not oaly ouHt the to spring aad satoer sewlag. The Mootba.

Tliia Pretty
Girl Sawed
of the

jCMktr UoM akOM Iffcfi who a

offle Made
: Rog^ Baking Powder hd^ the houie
oanBoiIly, fine at^
i tasty cake, die raised
puddings, die frosted layer-


finind nt die linkfrahop' or grocery does
'*R^Hd» greatest of b^y heh*.

eharatoer easily tiaaalerable to the

^ Deotoi Tribune'

Mtaf FlurcaoeK. Keanh,Ut Martactrdet,Ottawa.OaL. write*:
•■4lhwmwhfaie/<Ah««asrsfapalA ii*M ■iAdswaayhmn*l(«w.

•WtofM" ta Afrfea.
Tbe dly wotaaa keetdag boaae

a rspBU cto. Bcwvma.
be diwwn “to teale“
hai ttar 7 had like r*M aserifcbe at dsM.
The rediDgole. so s lueb to a tBTor theortoiag. orer tkV;;talinp)e
larger than the patten to be reproI to what'
He to tooth, win be nmlte as weU i*- bnt I
daoed. aad mbm be so ptaaaed as
ceired la (be linen asodeto.
araas to go Into n strange land aad
perwilt to swill eoapreboastoa by the
The lA wind
Hals will coBUaae to be elafaocately bulU up ptoaeer bocncs. eadurtog the
w to those witbeto tbe ■ u to buy.
I sad tala. Slush
worker, who. staodtog at one ced to tritttosi with flower*, while the addb hardships aad aseetlag the problems
I KDd mud ct winthe huge. >-ei Ihlry-llke SSaeMae.
will be notlcfaMr
that beset the path day by day. The
re espeelslly Ibat it has bnoght sboul a s|aedy cur*
w« HAaki, wm. aaeoeatt a
“prttott out-the patterw. Krery ^teh Buckles to all kinds are prepared for uucstioo to aroWtog luxnir is tost to
3 cf.larrbsl deraagements. wbererer It hu hasu Msd-'’-Boas
must be careloUy calculated aad ar- the spriag
and innmer .....
hata Three ,w.
the problcB ^
to how to obtain .i...
the com- prw women eenpe.
tdhged by Ue deaigBer-aad taorc pMAIse wUl be to copper, gua asetal. moeem coalt^ wbea oae ta to the: t'pon n>e fl
OMihiM M SfllMtin.
' Olre as to go pilheiy on our boali
tha Uism to bha crtgaa.
a ainiea Uny stitches weal Into
alt tbU day. Bring u to our beds at ,cuch pattern to a lac^ sample that s
wmtlfli lor Hsasa Chsar.
ilttselBsnmaay borne* Is that
Thstw mas so ay Mind a isgsad
jklght waarr aad i
itmaisInsnoBsroeUetoaay ktad. Tegtmat as to the ead the gut to aleep.”
nwrd May years ago,
tabor Is the law to extsteace
n hM baaB to
’ I naad
to a
deny length el
Whaa the etoadi to doA hwag lew. world orer. Tbe rttal uBsaUem to eadt ^
the new wash fabrics.
lUtle riUsges of the while bmlly. sur- ««
womsa's experlencs ulih
also am«
The I haav It tnm. la sptrtt.
• to us ta. aot how Utita we eaa do. but j
^. s-^u
the piacee wnet* the
Cotton neu 'wKh mumped flowers rounded by thousands to aaUre*.
.bow wo can beat
JM yea «a hgrua tta sa
skip* or lumps are to be made
Mrs. Irene Aahby-HaeCadym. wife
It has DO W effect apaa tbe eysSem.
which each day hdags to us. wtth the must be todleated. Color, too. 1a many , are still to good style.
Plato maieriata for spring aad
to Cape Macladyea, who rmatly went
•r^uv I took a long drtVe la the aad gradually eUaUpatesrwtarrh by rw'
ar« to amtal aad physoase£ must be anggeeted wHh
to South Africa to, lire, tells to tbe Muatry, sad'being too thtoly dad I moTtogtbreseae to catarrh. Tbersara
are at a premlnm:
kat eierttoa. The eecrst Ilea la the or less detalL
iniutmie of borne* wbatePctwaa has
igured. striped or dotted. Moons and ^ ladepeadent how she. has made one! ooitgbl a b*d coU whlrh settled on my
9trlt with which we miter Into it aot
The new steam madilnes that have
' la the amount to work itself. Work aany tlates multiplied the produettre creneeau are among tbe pmwtar con- to Ibeoe pioneer bomtoamM the asoii j teags. sad which 1 roaht not
had fiesTd s great diwl to fteeb a Uitog could aM be pomlble U
Bar cnBB,«lH Mptoht. too h«
voattaaml dmlgns.
perplexlag coodlUon*. Tbe boases s>sfic
dMtotly. aad ntoag the path to the
PeruBs coatslard any diugi to a warpower to a glren number to workers
Fbf hrf rtliitsr
to btor.
Sobool girta.whl be starched and are huts bdllt of earth aad nods. They Peru ns for eobta and eaisrrh sad
< least roslstoacs. and the task srtU
cotir aature.
Addrem Dr. Bartama. PtiiW* sC
aacaa to do Itastf. It algkt dads the

1 r.
tb.t I did, for It brought speedy reUef, f Ad
ShttAtM tar i«iih aalghhon'
wo:k of Umber, aad are built lu two j,
bottle, sad I Tbe
work not oompiutad. nay. “I ta*e
Stair mr aad etaa
be made upon
With the
models, itNihd aad-to>loag- If yon waai, mwmder thU money well spent.
tbe T«T beat I eotod.~ aad then—drop
Aad p«v m dtaesttUBt at laK
older electric machlaca* less npld uS
It. Oaly to that ^ wm atoep briag protUe. bnt la aome ways uMite ef»aThat MhlBC eoaM her plaaaa.
group to ibeee but*, 'and connect them.'.............................s
aot only ndrise|U
a to my fricada, I
real rest aad rtorwtolag aad the powm plkated and tachalcallys“latdUceat.''.
BA Ahad
flhd pstaa. -to artao la the morutog with a citar:
to birch are used. Mr*.
to the tprtag gowns.
streagth for the aew day.
the bones tall
eooM be slmnltaaeously employed.
One caw aid Mend helota tar.
the follovIta Reoord-Herald gi<
The foliowlag ^ to rerde has beea
to ciAC water aad ynuag gnea
t. thenillfl
Varhetoored laces sad embroideries
gtamt la this departmsai within
labM la btoltog waue. flpiaarii.
-Brcrythtog indicates that tbe
Bsonths. tat It flu the subject *0 pep
lato a Jar and the m-xt muratog re- siring bean*. BrusMl* aiwouts sad
*W •to-'oa win U- ouo to wbich itoens soft to be durable. U>* wood used
I'M eu^t to
to thee.
{Mtly that It will bear repsaUng.
The task to tracing Swiss lace or wlll be pre-emtoent. Thor..
!»». ta
1. itnoortnl r™.
T' •"
'"t W
Tta maur gnats that thou mayuto

There *™ r.'.w
>«.-• tbe
v-v boose
.• Amerl
„ *'
Bbioldery through all tbe dlCereni
Btoa ehemtally.



This tot that wuarts* thea“

B» tasHitatar to a agaea to gmad


' Kot tcaifally;
Ttaugh.woarily yon plod. .
talk carefully,
But Rate the thrsad to God.
The ahntUea to Bta purpose aore
To carry out Bta osra deslga, "
Seek hot

_____ 1. h..., „ » Tb. ram I. th..
«a raiw
'“*• .mk. rakra 1. b. th, imrauilo- « •t,Jk«.ri«. .Ukouk .««u,


.Irak j ii< u,

*to Plato aad frcueeatly coame maThey' eefflig ta made to strips to colored J
When perfeeUy 4t-ader take out the
terlal. huge sketos to allk. Uaeu
are fonad In Btrl|« for tbe deeoratlon print..shaped to a dome aad fasuaed
w rt'i;ia'"aai' tbe”.'-i^ the oe^rhrod h-«a wlto tsekw if
aad .« aw«r to cobl. a. well a.
i um thread and oddtooktog pap
to watats tw .hlrt*. aad the alhot er to tbe o^cad beams with tacks. If.
tesws to handsome lace*, dainty cm- Unen can also be procuredI to
to' buIW up W -h^ _womaa _carils._ wWte curCain
iki. M«.i rj • .
cut ail uif meui m soaii
krolM.. kdlirat rikktra ran Bt, ,iu„ ,ra«»c..

, JS££=-: :

to be common, as they are ao rery cj- sn.rthlng delicate
pea^rc. The strip* usdd for trim- time It ta laundered. Dark cretohae
however, are not *o luxwrloita. Ikerrfote. are to fawir for hangings.
••Housekeeping here ta genuine bard


rara. .. tk, ..wAttwIlfi art.
Tfctr kt.

soggy aad -maithy If taA la the water
and If tl«y are put to g hot osua they
become dry aad tough. It Is rather
n«*«ary ihmtoore to plaa the eoch.ra-r.««. .... ■


Adolph Pit. tor the SwtaaChleago colnay to b
The assUtanl dcthen “woih orer“ this patierti.


c u cold tbi-) win be stiff aad
u slice bto dtHlCatt- iMccee. The

Ptatotoee aad Ckism,
Oae to the most deUdous to rtmeh

__________ _____ -it'krai

............... ..

docw the ariMi *?mbroWerT tak« a ^ i«mded their poiniUrily. Clever pork and vegetables, we raise Ihum at
- women, hwever. have bM fashtaalng well. TIk- garden mast Uo planted in
f North i the Detroit
- Staadtog at the ead to tbe hm^. po- i^le* out of conterplecc* and dolllev. October, and wtai we neglect to plant Tribune
euUar oaeUtotlag machlnca. be eon put now that the other ImportailoDs. «e must go without. NaUve scnsnit
Aroeriean* doti i seem to know how
trota. with hta left hand, the ftogcr^lke bare arrived it will be nanecrasary to; to be had. but they are very uorg^ to cook vtgeiahte* properly, la oar
Atoraiy A of iuaaa.wi.
. ProbaWy every woawa has wda- ptoater wherewith be follows the pal-; employ the table liaen aecetswiwi for j liable, and one might about as well do butelx’ they are served datoUly Bad
iBat. Ah! the Itatv wa thnw.
dered. whlto look'tog at the fawlaaltog lera. Back mad forth, up and down, ^oaiianes.
gantabed to the .latust style, but Uii>»
Ahd ■aar aanitar A A tried
“whiu gends salM ' to the dry goods with patieal. uavary-lng skill and at- ' jn all to the Icsdtog shops linen can' ttoually. The result Is that i-v cry white
Peas are m
:«C taauir rtali aad rare,
riorea how emhrotderic* are amde tentton. the machine Anger follow* Ut, be found to all qnalltic* and to all eol- j wontan learn* to make bread ai^, rotoi
tomatoes 'lliIIUt and ouortags. toe and coarse, rough or: meals, as well as to rivan h.r bonse
That ata coaM oomfiMaMy taa>. The receai eatablta^meni. to Chkago, deelga ptoaeil up before him.
• emhrolieiT factory calls
TWauuUtae. wlU mechaakal prucl- samifa. Some of the soft linens, while and even to wash .and Iron liw t*- ,
uj* *x-c«ablc ta fact tack
At MM ata ^lad a Tittle oroas
atoB. 'bnt almyt hnman tattoUgmtce grm. aro remarkably soft and flexible. .ctothc*.to iooktag ^ tta-fault, for veg. t*blc*
Apart from all the rmd.
to the work ta the Becord-HeraM
and d^erl^. f^Bowa hta every move- Tbe dot and ring flgure wbich wui> so
-----------------------lequlre a grvut deal to cooking.
•ta tritol ft oa aad (Oaad, to alL
'A Bwtaa laeemaldnc fhetory baas- meni. 'When, the big flager glldm popular last .omraer ta still much to .
Fwr Oood lltat Reoipe*.
Th. Gtrtnan.s seem to*l:n..w Just
It auHad her the hsM.
ptaniod tedny to
ever and back across a great drelc to t-s toence.
tostance. rings are
BhcTberd-s Pi—Take alUmaio lay
pixpar. ibi- frulta of th. eartl..
Aad twM, U I could heap thto ooa
This Is'what the latereated Chkago the pattern the machine n«*Hc*. mlr- f«uia jn Hofi dull l.locs. gr«.W6 andjcrs of potaio and meat, chopped Am.
i.gunc- they do n.u l.t a vwt..1 aiak t eenld be hlcat
flad If b« khowB where rorUke aad faithful, are tnaklag the.ptok* cmbelltahed^ with intcrlactog season with salt, pepper, butter «t
allotted ilro.- to one
tiny dou to lb* pattera. When the,ring,.
Ibeau-n egg; grate a lllti.- cheese on
^hey change tta- w.i.v as toThsa spake the I
BhOiod woikun from the laad to haad to the worker ftolow* a huge leal, Bagllsh embroideries win probably rop: wet with milk aad beta-.
a* f.ror Hmfs. Onl.m* are moeb
Ttan as thsM yean hast had.
:WUItam Ten to tbe aumber to
lie. ouUlae.-a mtanis leaf appears on the; be „ popular as they hare b^ dur-. A Meat Pie With Pouio Cn,a~
Ahd «rur whlta thy hean hat bean
hnsCy plyteg the trades wd taaka lit- eBautoden* or lace.
ifi« |mi twriremonth. Compara- Take a piece of cold roase beef or v.ul
Oe imowB^ Aaserteu. are here.
...... .......... ______ ______ __
n„...r ,urm
-vThou aatto IMW the lord ktaw heat.
: cording to J. Btoeumuaa. to whtme | sllghU^^ with different designs end ma- |* found to EnglUb embroidrrv . but li afu-r removing all ib.- fat ami slnt-ws

tbouchtfni prtota.nad enterprise the;terlsta. but remain nibstaaUally’the 1* always.excclteni. whatever the dv tokr five good-slteJ poiatoca. psre and canne-d neks ‘hould be Aruined and
—it—nlilnrr ' n—kl.M.Mwk. all
______ ...
Bha taoh/hur eroaa most ^sdly bow
boll. When done, mash as .vou w.n..:.k
and embroMery;
same through, all ,I.
the X
be '
vrer^ ublq. Su
i I Certain laces are worited M material ao. Any number Af heavy, coarse. Itocn - for mashed poiaio.-s. After you have
Add Aouta h ray Utat.
s Wi-H as sail eI>»iiI<1 ta. added b
Thr IsMta tar hartaa to dtaeoateat ;und prestariiy, a new American—or; chcmkally treated that w^ exposed. Uce* Is to be had and Irish crochet mashed the pots'oi'» ert-am the.t
taufla hur loud -Just riCht.
Amcri«aataed-tedustryl*tothpmak-:to.toteuae heat the hackgrtsuad tail*: by many dremmaker* U not deemed a ?ork umll rerv nuffy. Drain a cm. i,„pr„ves them ImmruEe!.-,bough the,
Aad trusttog la th* MuaWs lov*.
1“*- ,
*. ;*»ay. leaving the detlcaie pattern on- at all loo Ane for the trimming of of lomatpes of a cup of the liquor, be- ^ It taste r
Mud* aB tta flhtfewny brighu
T>e 8wta* are a taoemak-1 backed aad perfect. Certain cmbrol- eoane linen costumes! Natortlly. log canJnl not
r. Torei take. *r» aad workers to thntalllK!. mist-! dertos are dene00 chiffons to Ane*t; these do not dveoesie the soealled swd or lomatot-*. Chop a small ouloa *
"■ "

(Ike emhraiderte* and iractagx. When.' tissue. Flannel.linen, cloths, all man-; moretog frock boilt with a short skirt Anc; stir meat, onion and lotpaio Juice ,

* * * ••••*•*, frequently happ«ns..noe to thesejaer to fabric*, coaroc and flne. aerrelsad a *^lrt watau The mo*t pro- together, and put Into a baki>dtah.
West I* taeaUtm. Ffhoever pats • • clever craft atttel* 1* setoed with the; for fotmdatloo*. All kinds aad vark- nocnced feature to the newest linen Spread the poittoe* over the <w. and
• his hMta his-wml 1s am alone* -American fever- aqd saves money to {tlea to dainty tocas and eabroidsriea. moroteg frock'Is that the tong shoal- bake to a bo; oven. Serve hot 1
• at Us la*, hat ha and God west * eoate to tbe Uelto^ste*. there U hot I from the deUente SMtertais Bcceasary der line has disappeared and the bakedUh.
• MBaihar. If K 1* dlggtag a flcld. • one chance to many Otal ha will be^for Ane lingerie or toUnis; ghratents aieeveIs-a trlAe lee* fall.
Home Maile Sau^sg—There U s
• nr ilwsiptaff a taom, nr mmddtag « aide to flad «
t at the only to tbe sUken aUteherie* used to trim
Many to tbe newest q)Orts to linen 1
ae home made saueag<- wblvfi
a shirt <’.akllled work pomlble^or Uat. Large ahrond* and coflttis. appeay on the bare yokes with box ptalu or s
* lean rea! and bacon. They
' '

' atai
atagtag 9t patattag- • aumber* to them have been for some kaig. hlgh^lled tablea. In t£e perfect- tucks faUtag from them. Tbe skirts of are ran through the etamper together
• hntrwdfchomsl
kbrnnaly the wurkor how. • uma to
tolling at; tog and ffntahihg to these vartoos ma-, linen gowas. even to the most eUta and seasoned with salt, pepper and. if
id^M ha-h I* part to *'work m
liable and Ql-paytag. tcrials alone a large anmbsr to-wwkoratetype. eJear the ground, and-ure h Is wanted, a little sage. Abdui' a
er* are swadSy employed.
stud about the hips, bnt -wbetber tong fourth as mocb bacon as veal should
• aiata IC-K hBteM-pvdaa
Tonne girts, cager-taced. Intent.: or short they are all tned at the bot- be used. Make Into fat cake* and
walk sp aad down before the long ma-' tom. Plaited aklrts to all Unds arc fry. Serve with a cream sauce made
./Where a targe.facioiTb mem crowd. > riitaas.
it will be' valuable ta the frying pan to which ibe sausage'
i#t fiMBr*«QlMt. <><'rtU>«'‘^^ tasthetataatto thruad* or stray needles that aaed re- t
nU Uneos'and trim-' was cooked?
<-i_'_______ __ ,>•
-----• machtaery-nll Imported, stoce
Jellied MeatAlUng. A bell warns the pattern work mings for ikrea gowaa ahould be tanala Btavenson ta hU toeeaadtahttodaiy tadaatry l« Amerwhen the machine mast cease work- dered btoore they are made up. rf not expeoslre eoM cut that eaa he kept on
ff.- -The day lea has aot y« reached the p^ to | lag. Nnmber* to girls are kept stead- the
1 band for a king time to wtoter Is this
aude to beto and pigs' feet. -Get from
t gsthorad. i ssachlar haedtas. with the eye ta the
km aad tail- the butcher four |dgs' feat wiU legs
■ to dataty tone iewter. that pas* ba^ aad forth ews aasen thm tbe bolero ta dosigBed to the Ant Joint, and a simak to beto to
tit lost rraii SOM
fc are tuned o« daily. I through the Cabrlc preotoeiy. as ta hapd to take the plaee to tbe rery tong eoar abonf the saam weight, sawed and cut.
■w Maadard sprelmea* 1 emhrtodery. Aaothwr lumsikildti ma-. which was so msA to vogne last ecu-jOsancnral
-;a—«ra-iir. Boa ui.
fwt i.

mt l«r.totkrad ,nk_0»L




chiwee and potato ta a chaage tha^ to
almost. idquaBi.
Af.-f SIX ur seven pouioes ha-ro
bolK-d until they are mealy, mash them
a* smooth a* posalbk-. adding a W>0|4.of ishU-*pooafuh of butter, salt aad
|Hi>p«-r. uad coougfa bol milk to amka
tli<-m quite soft Grau- a halfotaul
«f rh<«9W aad beat it Into the a ‘ '
pouiot*. aad grate a Ula toyrr to
ri^ese over the top. set ta Ihu ovea
until ibocheeae ueaU. ata .amve.
Or cut Ihto boiled potaWeu ta tatter
targ.-tdeees. a* Jf for frying and armnw «» » bakedlsh.-' Orate eh«ou
ovt-r «mcb layer to pouiow. pour,a
thin cream dreattag «r*r ail the layer*. ^te a toyw to cheese on top.
and bromb-^ktomage.


tnry CuoK Bseka *tiM on hand, which
*"".•»• *eW toe « ewil* saeh.



Mrs. M; E. C. Bst**, contain Vis b
to the Harold ofCan orr wriu
V ......................







Are Being Placed in Grinnell Bros. Today

Midii^an^s Leading


^ ^



Water la
Uvurtte report'of the readlag puhHc
' Kivr brr wouKfa or • Ub*»l ratios to gave milk so sbon a time asd got Urad
DalrytnenY iMttttrt*.
cbftU. TM Biotber att«Bd<!d
TRa NBltlmrt MJeblsaB Hlgb adml fimaral and *nii Jb* martlad daughterFtwn Wedoeaday•# Record.
par. C. D. Smith of the ekperiiseat of It. Tes r«r. ago the aarlsm benl m ' HeaRh Oflker Losrton' has rccHved and andef eanfai sasnagement has
I, this ehr! !•«««« to. ihu ettr the Wlowtag ' U »aa after 10 o’clock this morslDa ^atatloa took twroty-B^o «o*s fro* pertod <d laciatlos was »7 dari: to- a report from Or. Vkstor C. Vaughan grown la iafluence. aaefolnem dnd
lla tHie tn Mw After mmaJd^l! Tae«lar. Bfsce l»r retara,'the HtUe ■ »heti the Sftt annual oosrratloB of rarlous parV
«hc state dHlrered at day ihU herd period eoreia a period of oa the threw samplea. id diy waiei 'popularity. -Now are have a fine cnltlw aitw.tbel^ High School Ath-' aoa has bees stricken asd though the : the Grand Traverse Ualryiort’s asso- ♦» per head. They were giren pn>per 3M days, with an average od 37«, cent for euminailon. Dr. Vaughan leeltun td atnadard-works of all aubaays that the vaiet is safe. One »f }ects and firtlua. The pew building,
ietie BMcMtkm baa rtedded to toaw'famHy of Are chSMrM and alao an- elatJos began U. Hr*t Kaaloa oa-lng raihma and care for a year. Tboae pouoda per day."
- laim to Petortnw ChaHewda. other fWolly, Jiya. Oven and three to the absence of the fttw speaker on cows coasldered not paying by their
Hr. Vooilieis. as ns old pbmeer. snid the samples was takes Tm feet friim thnnigh'i^ Renemtity <>( Andrew Car- •
t Jordan. Haed CUr Cadillac and chlMtrn. and ihU daughter. Hri. the progta*. the Hon. A. E. Palmer owners prodneed .mi pounds of bnli,j the talk was largely theoreUcal as the the inuke pipe. Of tbU the doctor negle Is .a model for Its slse aod ad^fbcaSleUCassociation tas fttrague. and baby are said to have oIKelknaka.
‘per bead. Student labor eared for average fanner coHdnt pay lino for a sa.vs; ’’This water la its present eon mlrably adapted to the potpue. ’The '
,n dally esponure to the eonColon C. UIUc of Cobpeiwrllle, pres the*, feed bought. a> market price titled cow and he adt^ied discretion diiion U perfectly safe, a wau-r of ea- reading rooms are light, airy imd ptess- .
. g«Mnd.«o^9^acnpasa trophy also:
Idem of the Sute Daliymen’s asnwls and the esperUnent cleared a itiile in dairy*Ulk. scmie(hing of'a prac- cvpGonal parlir.~ One sample wsk ant* and all the appoIntiBCBts eosaiagold MdaU ^or firm place, sliver* lagion.
taken 4«0 feet Itom shore where ibere ' tent with ibe general plan and pur>
over S3 per ce«t oa the Inyeument iicnl nature.
modala tor aapcpd and hrOBi^ medals
Health Ofltcer U
houaehotd la on-itoney la MHk."
f and the manure was n« counted which
k^r. Ransom said he sever got any was sappoeed to b« • ^^yak and the poses of ibe smictore. The rtderesea
<ar ibM. A social «1U be.^trca soon ; plaemi the whole d.
a» Immune
"QuenUon of making mono' bom in .other etailons oRseit the l^or of money out of a |2S or iM cow. Best pUier uken at the crib.. These wi-tv department Is espeelaliy valnslde and
*» rateo ■MBcy.aad a p^. The Oar- onarantine.
paying cow he ever had was valued also prwMHineed ^«.
the whole forms a desirahio and vnln„„ -dyiUie
• httslBoss proposing, pun- their care.
YhWi is now bMag worked on.
late la the afternoon
and .made
a lll^e espertment at IIT&. One good cow Ism-orth three
abie public utility. As the popnlMtaa
urpoae of weedsl»Pl«* b** «*U«•“»«
•wOl also be given tpt the bes^t of the a second. call
- .fm-<h«p
given to a- poor ones, then you don’t hare to feed
Will XocaU Here..
. lag om the various neighbors and meb.islness »e consider but aelec.lon of cows
the Ilbrury wtll be necessary and
uUr ocenpanu of the Ibfccted houae“ '»
*•"* business drover, a man who iboughl a cow ,hem.
that is a faflpre. for we know ibal the ought to be a parallelogTaB. One old
opened the oSlee In the Suth.-rtaml » toostant lacreaae of nmdtog auusr
• •
- -------- ’------------wed
of* dairying
ip a moaeyed cow •in the *herd, who had---------never--had a
snillvan. an old soldier died "bloek made vacant by bto dewth id Ur. msut be provided. This U a ptaoe ‘
chance before, never been fed enough
g„na,,. .Momlwr^gt H. B. Anderao®. Dr. V'tseb Is a wl- where the city uhoitld not ekerotee foo
tt^tolRsmonhigCmlnmnlbeO., .
rtom. From South.
sali he believed that It pioprr
pniprr fotsi.
food, pnodoced 4W ponads of-_________
Ur. Utlie said
o’ckKk of pneumanla. Hc^Tas afaoirt d#oi.0f New S’ork. but recelveil tats ed moehwmomy but uh«jld k««p pane
charios 'iToaun
Tromm or
of szi
m iiaaison
'-••• —
, cmanas
maged ^r Sr«
Srs Satard
Saturday at t o’clock
Mohday" would pay every farmer in the stale of butter the flru year.
70 years old and leaves s wife and sev­ ucail^ work at Ann Arbor, gmdn- with thrbrogress of the tlmaa aad edneral grown eblldren. -n-*-*«
’The funeral was ailng tn INC. when he returned eaai cattonal development. If this Men to
the tmapoSmy «b»*cn
. ronr moaUw’.Uy at Oolumhn.
‘aad Woaipotat. MhalssIppL of IJte ***'^‘^ **^
on Toesday mormlag at lu from and entered upon busplial work at canled out. as It undonbtediy srUI be.
Worcester. Mass Later he returned the librao’ will conilnDe to be popaUr
the houae. Burial at Klngaley.
r%» mvlae left the mod bonsa nad .tx «ao left her^ m the fall la reto KaUmaxou and became associated and- of material ‘value to
SowBtoih#da»ota8diBadeup!,p«,^ to a pamonal vlsK from a
C^A. Crmay
with Dr. A. W. Crane, where his worth j munlty.
'*• MonUag tnla when tha aceMaat; sootbeni o
r and builder, bat
Charles A. Cressy. formedy of tbit as a p£)'sician received recognition.
■ ‘ ', two remain there, Heaari. John Sites
'city, has received the appolnUDeat at
The oAces a L>-belng entirely r
wont tmraad aad stoat gauges daA«er, ,n^
Campbell>aad they will reGrand Rapids of supervlelDg agent of rated and refnrnUhed thr
Loadon’t oldmt Inhabitant to Jobs
toSihli Wto oC the oaglae alto Sfi tnra la two weeks when the contiact
the Singer Seyring Machine company
as possible a complete Ubota- McNally, bora In Iratoad 1M yenrs agR
• opon which they are engaged Is comfor Western Michigan with, headquar- lory 'will be added^ which wlU mean aod 4 aeaSolder by trade. At the age
Tba tom is estlmsicd at fSOO aad;p]Med.
iters at Grand Rapids. The appolnt- miK-h to the city’s growth In sciemllk of CU he came to thU oounuy. whetw
UmaghlMeabtoaeimideietoaBUdld: ur. Trcnm stated (o the Herald
jment makes the Grand Rapids oSro nwearcb In the meiUrsl world.
he lived iwemy-Mie years. He to
■et Mgafi* the aattotaatw of Ue Sre j Monday that hereafter be would lake
'vacant but ibis has already been tiled
^ now an inmate of a Romaa Catholto
: Ml^lgan at a atmdy diet and that be
by the appointment of Mr. Riley, who
Fralat for Traverac City.
“ome for the agto. He to nlll folly '
. pever before auSered fit^n the cold as
has long been a member of the elBce
• la Ven 4tor
The Michigan Investor, the recog- powwssed of all hla Realties, to an I*
he did In the ’•sonny sodth.” “Houses
iworitera in that city. Mr. Creaiy’s fam­
A SdM a
of Michigan. In Its Is- veierate smoker and fond rf duUUng
ily are still in this etty but he will be sue of Saturday, eoo'uined a page and ‘ with rtolior*.
ceilliigs and rooms l«zl8 asd
SS»OM»FBer la the Tneerae «!»j
heat them but an open Area half write-up of the Traverae City
;arrange for their removal. Hli ap­ board of trade and Its ofitoera. This
pointment comes as a surprise to hla article gives an idea of the value
■ to BMjoMia Thlriby. W. F.:
1^1.0 gf winter protection aaS their
;many friends in this elty and democ- placed upon sudi an organlutton hy
aid E. J. FaJ^tm.
;.lnabllfly to meet aero weather. The
>tnUes the fact that worth to boundno Ibe men of MIchigaa who do tblugs In
I'recelve reeogaliion no matter in what a financial and industrial way. Tbo
vacation In life.
artfcle Is lllustraied by portraits in
made to; weather and the plowing which ought
The irm wiM make *
been over had not begun.
haif tone of the.oncers of the board,
Sad Case of Insanity.
asaeWtr of daailag la aew aad eeeood- crops ahould have been la the last of
and gives them credit tor being bus
Miss Eva Maude Darrow of BHdlng.
toad Mtolaefr and mill aupidlea of:
and the dm of March.
tiers whose chief aim Is to benefit
! who. until five wfHts ago was a popuJuat Rt«rcivm.
Sauadanad wUlaraet tBtke aaar fa-.
Traverse City
to make Ibe boani
-Edwin Black.
of trade a pow>rfuI factor in tbe delOOBoxto New
Fresideni Grind Traverse Itoitynien’s AsiuicUtioa.
tr~*Ti r **-T •—•
: taacutlve Camminaa for Encampmeitt
vetopnem of tbe conrinanlly. The
Beidlng Broa.’ mtito. was brought to
Michigan Inveaitw to a reeognUed { last Thursday.a raving
magniflcemly in
Grand Traverse
lleatlon with a very large elrciilalioo
exnenaeu, oui as ui»Kiiiui.-eiiii>
_ _
. ,__ .. .______
obtain the Ui.r. roun.y by a mile preparation. In this
among caplialisie. and Its eompllmeiu
tary write-up of Tiavme City and iu
in the
board of trade YIH doubtless do tbe
m. oni Mr..ume saiu loe 4in>iaiui.-iii lesiurot >u
Uie food
Ii~i. Dulri-:
pUln. The fanner asked ment. as It enables the digestion of
city considerable good ,
F„„,-,-!id»A.T™i, S..OC
man U
to. give up .....I,
steady P,b.r.m«,
other silage, Co« alUge will take the
Utert.. ...
!„«,ulor the ««•.0.
C. A. 1-The City Library.
__ .topw«rior mppely . *pmi.rr-B pl.«-.rf .pcPplpncy of pwl.
.r*' , ^ ’
, *^*7, “
e In'jun
n„„.u, ...
.lal. Wn:
™i.lw .UP eoni.
U oUlIy .l»R~r »m p.t . hl,h ePU,
:and as ibe IllUe-bne foil and •
I.M«.d,SuiM.p«cp».otip., TIP po»u.uyp co«pmt~ ■»»«■ turned off to o,a„p.„,Tp„i
find entVff*>ienib «r> ip^p*.
, nr other crop the Michigan daliy-one of tbe flnesi library bull
toMjMMIr toto la toMimss of tbe Fim! oonsistt of tbe following;
“We have got to ehange our' man must raise is elovi-r. Clover to “**•
^ I Witnessed it. also Nortbern Mtcklgan and equipped com­
thto city. Twnaty
i - -----------------------------------------------------------------'■plu.
plan ot
of nUMpyoieDi. p.
ne »11I<I,
..w, -Ad
suu Dt-eueu It> I,rv|>
Pp,ppp,p.=,«P.Plp.lePDU|J lue uvif.uBu,i.Ai iwu
*™“ plete for tbe generous and conrenleei
a. p„p'M.O,».f.«..Jntelort>»PP»U,0.
...rt. «, tPo UPo„r pa dlUa. of U.C wll. ll Pa . d..P l.P
dlstrilHitlon of literature. Tbe library
...... AW_______

AVAn-lt-Inf. >*•« hAiitp .InflA l«.
I . K
l» tWjAAk l«fldai »tlpp:P
- .
b, nmipyrf .P, yA, Aupid" rpf
cottUlns about eight tboasand volumee
JPum.p.CltT O.«=«-ll.^uK.
d«-p »,l. d-yl.. U.A.
of choice works which bare beeh care­
‘ • m --------- i, .ort
irt.P., Pa,
Fart mram. 8Uc« ttoa
the | Fhlghni
farm plans rtc„
where be'*^ed P
worii PPJ
«n<l Py~»»P
beroming.a fertiliser Itself. „ berPAUbmkPP
fully selected and tbe oosvenleneee of
tea grown Mradlly
mraouy In
la Influftfr
innueare I. Ftom the Board of Tra
Into the avenue of dairy

cnntnlns the
and carbohydrates
i« her other two children the building are admirable. For many
;^toaMMto nawrtaasiraiigihtodiK-W. Hastloga..Tboa. T. B»tta.T. C.
reialn.good. wonby in the right pro^rtlon for muscle and '-day.
yean the public library has beea
tojprlhtopnttto bamtnanriil Innti- Gilbert'.
helpen. Did not-vrlsb
not-vrtsb to turn tbe
the boat formations.
formations, Tbe cow cannot cun-.
__________ _
Hi! From the Bona of TMerana-rrot. I. home Into a boardloic house so bought ►«n>® enough of corn allage alone or
Faetory commeneaa work,
ln-|B. f^ibari.
a vacant bdase and put a married man clo'sr hay alone to produce the mailJ- K. Grellick eumpany,’ one of
Fttw Hannah Oanm. Vateraaa of
mum flow <rf milk, so into that ration. «»>e largest and m.wl subsunUal firms
aMf.,8panlkh American War-ltoberl E.,
e,«coniraied f.«d rich in protein is In the cH). sisne.l up on Monday
ant Hl^y to leave you wltt too many >b.v,wB.-thto being supplied by com- »ff’r beingjIoM,! from the Aral of
largt BOritoa of U h<^; The usmaitlee oomnrittee
morning that mast I-' «on ground field peas. The average Iho ^r. Th.- mill w« closed down
I to tto uU stecAholdwra.
iat tbe rail nf Judge Roberts to elect a
nan on the farm. Mr Lillie stated. Tot '>>•- purpose pf making repairs and

• i. S’utr'JSJI

3BI So. Union St.

226 E. Promt 8t -


;• i;




^ is rszz:

aip a


Elgin C. tiffin.




. .. cut out for lanneri IS every
.............................................................. snd hest Helen hss sl«o hepn lB«stt«t
« of IIcess as a local det
.-^.osing Mr. Lniie -poke of V***- “2
grratar j egeratlve «
......... ..............................
- a aUU _
'*!' nboose ttto
whatrter line they trend protection <if the dairy- cow from in.
** .
ItoratoO torihg tbe ramlng yra. «»d best tor the various deUlts.
weather and he said on.- of
J-"" rrannlneT.
^wUerUfiimaeeJnEMaelaleitttoa l
,tc fa?m breaure there I. ho-! the be« n.le. ever laid down was ’the

The-Aank eocsplw oae of t^ arai'
pup.: Square Timber for EeS>anda for to
Ueve that tf there were more taouser ?he need* a goo«l. warm light stable

^hat ’"«•
the eo.®pany
eci.mpany bas
JL- ....
whHTe ihev can '» “fh
kepi in ibe’pbikof cohdliioo. Imf»r aheg.1. The work was
■ growing pattoosn
«t in u ipaunS wPlcP U . AAdiy ”■«"« »P» -™lM y-"*'" "I— 'I- pnn- air. dark and damp quarters pro- ‘-'K-'"
morr.lcg with tbe old crew
ThU-industry bas rapidly de' throagbom the north as hnkM at by---------------------------- ------------- -- --------- diicr Impure milk.
veloptvl from a small Wglnalug until
, Tbe IndnstiT in queaof the moot crtMlj'
Creamery butter sells on the averI df square
today it Is oo<- of the largest to Its
noealled ‘^I
vIm toallni"
. „«!.^ Wrt.T „rt« „ .I.
wm f—* Thvradar at the borne of;
from twenty-;
arkeL There must l>e some reason
of Garfield aveaua.i*’^*
eixty-five -feet and fnnrtecn
and it looks as though tbU should l<e
.“Miller ef Drugs. ~
^ Tiettm btoag the mile 7-yrarH,ld ^chea In dtomaier or oa jbe aquare.
advocat<>d as the best ptying business.
E. E. Miller, druggist, is universally
msa Jack, of the •^Ivtae heaUr ’’ tbe
thnbere are r^ elm and very
II tak*-* the work away from the farm
' aearce la this regloD. Mr. Clement ob-.
rt-garded among the Indians as their
and brings U-iter prices It can be
best friend. Hik store Is thtHr head­
Capiath MoMoUe while soonlins *•*“•
'‘“ypin ou .’he market in belter condition
quarters .hii>l he Is always runsultv'd In
OM of the oWsr bora of tbeltoBllT on
"J-In ear kiad- lots for" Sew York. Jar
ail Impurtani matters. Sto highly do
fhe atrem waa ^ that hteBtUe
« “»**“*’
biiiler cannot l>e haailled In. encti
the Indians regard him that they re­
toothar was most drafioretely rick and .
rtoni street river bank near the
mianltties. Hr nld Governor Warner
fuse absoluiejy to have their pirun-s
ha immedlntelv went to the
*»tertng uoaito where tbeywiil be
Michigan should be a daln
taken UDl.-s' he acnimitanl^ tbym
ing to MVlgaUon aod raRed In banebre
the tost thms of death and the father.
'.of forty and flftr and from cbere takes
•hU b-adtf t. many strange n-guesu.
who ctolsaed to be a “beato.-' qnletlr
(inifiis than.the eneuiiragemeni of tbe
His fame is not confined to this region
sltdng to
aad mariag in
la aitaoai
almoat rear.
toa> I ^
^ Mon,r„l.
-***'*“reberet^ again are
ilairy business. Greater unifonnhy.
vsadpranngbut ••itends out considerably. Every
n tbo nsMber made her
rv>n in creamery butter, should be at­
abtpped to Liverpool.
once in awhile he receives a letter
vsata known to the captain and he
tempted as tbe pnxlucts from ibr
In former yean it was tbe Industry;
from some ut bis red friends asking.for
•omea to neaun
Health »omtrnr Lawtoo’e otcr. am- r;v- vary jtis1 as the fatwt prodof the north and ilmbem wclf brraiidit,
certain medicines. The latest is tram
iBne and teM to tbe
Dra. Lawton
la here by rail as far away as Maniun.
Beaver island. The letter
' aRdOtoWen^tJ
1 there and toier caieTbe aflernuun session, which was
J ~Shaw-wene-ge-shlck.
In order to reach the coast fariliUes
I ll toryageal
targely aueuded. began with the able
^ care off Archie
and waterways which led to the ocean
' SH^lMrta and though a
DanlctH. McMullen.. talk on-The <W and tSe Cash.” by
Traverse City. Mleh."
,b. ,,,0. «a.„r
* SccPHary Grand Traverse Ikdrymea’a C. L Whitney of the asylum, w-ho ban
p ,„pt,
years ago thto country- was all
- ^.lied
(lied Ibe subject in the
then follow.i
forest of lUs vaioable elm .and thouAssoctatloa.;
tbe absence of
sands to aquare tlmbera-were aonnal-------------------------- -- - - 7-------- -■——
f D. Smith ..f the A^iculiu.rai ..j,,
shaw-we-oogewhlk drug
^tokm no tohorad and
> goated down tbe takes iu their ulii- farmi? 1 believe this isa factorln tbi
stor-rTrtv.ree Orty-HIch
““ T®®**’’t i mate detolnaOon across'the Atlantic, protom before ns.’’.
wito’s Illness.
' “Dear
-Dear sir
They are used la tbe frame woff
The second facioi^ ih dairy farming. - Mr. Whitney Iwgan
s subject by a
- FrleBd 1 do not know your first
rai^i aava otvb loncned lor msoirai
planking of «fee ship boildlng to^r. Ullle the cow. -the ma- Ulk on aeleeiloii and rent into tbe name and ao I sent by care of Archie
ebihe which takes ihe nw products subject to pedigree la detail aayiag MiUer 1 hope li will reach you alwrigbt
are todayworth more iban-ttYCfe what aad converis them Into the tnanutac- - that pedigreebad two or three points.' i eactose you Teo Cents I want you to
Bto. has rctoaed all
-they broughtthirty yean ago.when a tured product. A cow that bas been one of them being ancestry, aod an- send satdras Bark Mes-ko«a-ga-knag
-------------- A_for
.V-----------------other p other perwaaluy to appearance. by return amU Please THl
aOa Teb. 24 an older sUier. Oraoa
atandlng brought but #1 and tbe' bred for' geomtioas
the conveVe U you
ntriek. aged I*, left home tor BH- eost to plaelag H tm ibe banks here skia of produett into milk. U more
the betters to (be asylum herd are read Indian wrlgbtlag I saw May
tokw where another sister. Hra. L^wis for market but added tour omre to ibp profiuble «*■»« the row not bred along showing by (be Babewk test a in per times ladtw wanu saow medkiae
apragae. was eritocaHy m, but tbe to; smaU price.
thavllne. CentoetUioa U ao ckwe that ctoi; devei^unent. "If wC Ulnk we they cannotn>nwouBced by English if
- 't«re bacamg IU and thimgh phyatctoni
'l4r. Clemeaf has beea engaged in ev^ Item counts
have • herd ot cattle that canl be Im- you couM rend ladiaa K qill belp them
tow ctotod the guteto filed and tbe'this ladnauy for twenty yehn. He
‘The quemion .to feeding is where the proved. It to time we quit. Ten ycon roars tnfly
. %*wne was ^na as
■ —‘ a mcahraikoaa
bro*-^ cgpetos lo mov* them to Mg.*.
9 Snd cows that
majority of fgriBiits rfaJI down.“.J>on'l. ago I w
-BeaJ l£mrar.- ,

““-v '■"t-r


Clothes for
Young Wen,,.
Sizes from 30 to 36 breast measure—en­
tirely new, line colors-^iest Values to be
obtained anywhere at $5, $7.50. $10. $12.

dats for Young Hlen
.Ml the new shapes—all the new colors-

vi ;

all the old prices. $1. $1.50. $2, $240, $4.

Shirts for Young Wen
Never were shirts shown io'neater designs
and colors—50c,


We want all

to see our line—to see them is to want
them—to want them is to buy tbetti.'

TRAVERSE arr, idch.
. -. .kiT


Stsbtf in>«icns. rc4str, cs rsmS ■
■■rv. IM. f rulatr‘ V«r(
< CMSSlt.
ltiittrsHn-r<4ir riarti, tM i labod aalbr
tn<tin»i MOUk* there hM bee* Utde nffcTlst' A. SK-reet and Ur»e- (he srekt rOii^ the elUiess tn o^.
5>ij:Stf btaar l>sia>ia«i«iar(arr- "'^JSSSr: ecseM Is esM* where DlseM hu at- tton- or Cht^iso. Tbcr«» now rendr
»»>n to mmtr- np iraIMm «• »«‘d PnJ«»-1
ZZ...VmSSmtCaaMor'sDffertng for roar laspeeUon. Ji tell Use o(^
iSleied the fnailll
«»">—■« ------ act Indies' »ai' tailored salu. slik a»d^rT?«?*r*
' owtac to IKk or
• bees ns ssaietou as soB^ kre led to maUlr shirt srsbt sidts. Ciarwnette.
jMlera Kreir wlater there ik Brare;n!a cents. Inekets. skirts sod waists, Aftar ueinc hb'stV'W Bsl« s'x vairira..........................................................
ler Iw Idteaess naonc vorUsg people, j Atoo a special line td One shiti waist
! bet tMs 4dty Is far boat n coadlUoa of • pwU froat Kenrs sad B. U Klnsej -s
dIMreos. And where there has heea of Qraod Rapids, and
.US-WiMM. miM-maad<r
diftreas there are those rendr and will- taobalr and brUltaatisos
itMdMThsnL Urxt=kii»o
.«Uh hsr*Mr tiuid _
M IBS to MUore It where It Is knove. the tsrgcst >smpic bonses is Cblea^
Townehip Caoeoaee.
D,ma,. *<r I'sna wall
imtpmr. Ic.-rnirr
h.^voBdlo: roriatpe
»!o» factorice bsre beea pretty pener- Sample line the largest la the city. ,
= ally bosy, with a posande exception or
A spetdaky made ot never dapllBo. bwt there hsa been ao depressiaM eulos atders. Mrs, TiaUin lakrsorV
^^^^nwtalelnwtJmt-lheAmef'lamon* oor facioHes. The raraisrf' tiers for Raeinr enderwrer ' la alik;
measure for > htr baatesM «> Bur , .auo
L tUrsWBt; s U ■!«»>• ll>iClt,4U,^
'' MMahlB.^Mats had the dtitrlet tail- their poUtoes and timber is lower la Isdiee end smilcmen. Call at 33;
to hMew the law will iMfcdt Ks pHeo than laat vinter. .shidi eaiues, l-'n>nt sin«t. up ktalrs.
,^^O^^pftoeor.a»»ey. TbU lai- a tempormrr detlaese lo'Baslnoss elr
Itaad cics. But WB reatorc M> say that there
___ __
Ob Tneeday. Mendi 51. the D^ircril
o-rr ■s.*


■lONE 126

K‘5; -

-slkiit aiairieL The claeae lo which; state, eaoeptrlfcrhaps. srhere a
,j,p ^y_ ^he prlnelpal charseters art
Jilh ahtaeUaS) sras raised la raafly a awdic boOa is la prognss.
s strvnuoas. bsedrume young Aasrii'Sl*^hecaeaelfa ieaeherhaows‘ Trsveme Ws ptostom Is ''“Jy
i;3»K ka<e«*e«tet.the»oaeyTUlbe|aad mibstaulal. and to make it more
l itMill tnm hti dbtrVd. 1» Is wre , ao H is desined to bring la new India- wbitA Is a snacieat paraixce that It
la ha aullgwt la catrylag ttries and li^ereaM unr proeperity; sad ; is. fofl ,a( atiirlng Inddeets.
' ^thals«,i
I la this all Jitsaes of people can eld. .
r- .
.In Ibese davs of irrrzit'd flusnee ii
«..-■___ I,
U a KTvwt source uT satUfscrioa
The ConoMllaii CHp.
Suslneas It Beomlnp
BOteerldences Ufa ca)m
s is given
a» B tlw >o» t€tai w u
T*' "»“■ t™,
of a lire
. V, U»ni.e . cur !• b, b.««, •ICbcU. .bo, . xmiCblc Ui»«U-


The Iron aad «*el nrades
' are boomiBf. Not In a spnamodic bem but a
caeh sreeh.
Ml over the eonmlT^hranidi
aaV______ "Tetllilni Arndber^^Ua amdlUan eaUU ln other lines
Detroit ls^»H »I«o<le trom the Atlantic lo the
and pMy (hoo-.^B^
^ aecUon of Michigan

- ’
- ,


carefully rc
ink«esu.-« lu carefully
*icady rise sail
anil growth of this «<•?>.
lea! eompany>- and ll :. ccrtsllf!}
special murntloo wh<-n
thinking .rf life Insurance. Over thr.“^7^00
wAre writ,

by th.
?uie agents in 19<\4; and

WWin l-sBt^MxrM


«^AO;g VAUh
inllni fnns Trmi...
mJ- trwjB “f.trtau
som(Jm-w sWimI. l«ISDr« g r<»d



of thf Iv:


a IlBl.TBBda,

_______ ^



«“«j"b»‘bb«'b'«:p.,i,h„i,i,uub,wiw:i, ,birt,ib,,


m iAn«« to ipeat



Ai^etAvc mt'B BOi aes «m im< n<r

,as;r-i.Tsi5ii:n.s:- jss^Er’issciti.-s


S. E. Cor. FrontmnO Union

Ole 0ait 6ioe )foti


The best for the price in

61W1I fntlte iff,5£i;wu,b.i
inMlbl evonty. tu




Feed, meal. Bran, IDMdlinas,
4Kom and Oats



---------------- --------------------------------- Treavury Department


We buy nothing but the best grain and you get the

‘Palnttig anil Papei Knflnf

pure article.
«brl»ri?tt» lorttrod tbttv.rniwimlf'n-

HANNAH & l^Y 00,


' this «
gusranlee sll Infti
bcinie. The
hmiwa. nsstin
ibst there
ihere can l>c
lie no IU»* to Invet
In the eoBTeaUiw.
iptodoos. These eondhlona arc bound 1I that
e sure
te Atmtat his i to *»•« local bustMss. but are
sure ii E»^mhiag
UverTthing Indlcstc*
Indlcstc* ibsi the gal-..
will be 4fUormosE, Tl
1 his onniU^ito mend as soon aa the 'spiing build- i>f Slock Is
value .AH--------------ee. aa pv
prices aro nibject
any tim
The Orand Travsrse A Arixona Mining

Thomss Smurihwaltr. PrestE- Front 8i. Trsversv
dent. No- 159
City. Mich,
^ caned npqn to express tbdr choice tsr
*drooU Jndge mod the •>
bdore them Hon. Frederick W.
UkSt hATUROAV Should
Mayae. Jadge Mayne has sereed upbn
.-the drealt bench for alx years and
have been our last day's pusl‘dnrlac that horlod he has gained ae
nesa, had net the oontrarilng
respect aad confidence not only of the
parties failed to come up vriui
the cash. When 'We t|dvertiMd
him biu
our .Anal week, ef busineea here
" I of the llUgnnU. His decUlons hsvr
.UK urere in earnest, and meant
hA* hut aad very few hsre bei-n re.
to kev faith,wttfl the public to
the end. bbL as there Is many a
IHo aad wMle hta
has no:
slip between .the cup and the
“1 «>aa amir tUaes been calle J
lip we apparently did not csleok, ktt. ■
"I*® to fill Tscandes In other portion*
He U'an able man on
lats on iL So now we are com­
[ the bench and while rich la esperteocf
pelled to repmw oor selling
': is eUll n student of the Hw. The exout sale until we efooe a deal
_; periene* gnlnsd during the term inst
with another party. We arc

I mads him stronger than
ftew and there <s no doubt, we
Ualeiu nome
will sell the stock within a
•hort'^time. 1^ the meantime
we a4 oflering our ENTIRE
h,, ..M ^ .dl^to Ibr Jndge nay esad> demoern.
Our object Is to reduce stock
-•llBt extewL .bot now that the camIn the ehorteet time poeslUe te
- ttlga has hegna. oome liuie
Tbm wUl be i
mMie n within reach to buyers
“^'tota^eet ri th;'
Trnvene taty It powlag In
Monday. April A' mod for
R^ntattea aad tn Important, aad tt ,ws renac there abouid be!
etort on the part of r
y the Terr hesthma be selected for
tk. cmadldmes on their
■srasi will he for the---------------------------------- --------------- — -



"W-*"!- "


^^:win be bcipful to all ibe tateresu of
•to’the enneuses. It 3s often tbe
ew state tq bare It ksown that tb<i
«=“• Totem or Michigan nr. not In donb:
. Mandlfevanrl
tums.oui 4hd M to srhat poHUrol poUcIm they fhvo:
- «sss Kb work Cota
Abe good of the city nor u to the ptHltjcnl pathway they inA bag. aen pi* smi the piece de re______ a odtea Umea <
B tor dis- ‘slstaace at n bangnet in Goriesion,

taigtond. It waa thrto ^eet Wgh. four
.1^ ersry eolaf tarn o« to the con- and «e-ball feet kmg.J sreigbed StO
• la hb waid. and feel that be U . pomds. had thro. =d^ks“ and look
^ .A ihri ef tha a
Ipnl suwetnro. and Bln. hours to
----------------T------- • forth, beet SB« - Presidedt Rooe.v*li has Imcb ih. mtona oSms.
th. African M. a chnrrii
) wtend to eongross the appointmeei of n
Oaad^Ming Pranpeet

Souvenir Knives
Gitwnwov five with Uit'se
p WirtsJow

! <Wataa»«ofbelMlag*p«a.
In the ^ opening up ««i, thU ;
'amt y«hr cnoaMerab). btrild- Bt. Pantek's Day Mnecaitue oy«er su|vn, 41mm du u, ,w. >S- s5.
e aiy Te« No. *11. K.
O .T. M^. M.. will give aa oyster supt and dance m Friday evening,
h 17th. at Forester's HaU. K'.l.


t •mt.diacuit^.

8*vamr rcdl->

a as. 8MU Buk BmUittC- IVttTsrw City.






lliiil i- i">t iiTcT.-rilol Ui
la tlii-iv* II Imiik
- I
i|Ui-slioii vT Hiwiti-'r W,'lliiiik IH>K >'W|»''"ill.' *f llial Ir m-.c^
liiiiiK rhiMrvii.. Jf yt»a Lnv«-u'l .1
Orvp‘ii. or Piniu.
- nny'i*r. \ou vnrtil
in«l y<iti ■
««*<• Jiixi V..U wiiol
■ to kiioiv wliiTi' you tf> t tiu- 1»i»l valiii- fi-r 1 ii'- I'lirl iiioii-'i. Iaii’I
that si"?
with t1i<-

i‘riinis 1
«ysti-»»i of (>i;«ii
Kimball Plan
fi of tlu- Kimbal
Kimball System
i-iil valuvil

One pnc-."
in list- rs t-* ••tif 6lo^• a
Itusiiiyro «biil it is Urliiy

Httrui-t«i 60 iiinii
. uy


Tfiii! is


Till-Kimball 6i>t.

is riulil prioiai! inurkino tl«' M'litnc
iHsiiim: vnln«** nn-l
iitg yonr po'kclUiok.
sr-Uint: for
!ir 111*'
tilt pysb'iii. dinlgiikC }'i u iHitTiiii'.; for
lb ujK- of itif iu^intDl. u^Uf.rija BBVi- tie mnm>y. link- by littb'. li' iMf for it.
i‘ KjbiIuII pyslom

i {iritv ill lAiiiii iurtihti. ihi-n-liy

DaTRI^ > - shoe
j-’A* V

Traveroe Cttp. hlicsMgan

ttBT tt^e
bsM. W


' isiiSSK

for .b,!g«^JI"lru?™'S
ll 31,, ai^ the dty
on Thw^. the J3rd.;«fW«» P««Pl«. and If the fanners
s tte spring ;•*» .blessed with good cre*«s a busy
t^M^'pmo'theKbssIraar Is ansnrod. There are severd | wc lotl luvn“I".»*^uV
•----- 4,. bv. reasons for the wMsut anietoses In tuber ralnOui of this p&i<cr.
__ , ihUtlaess drcles. The potato crop w
e by' larfn hot priees have beea lower than -!

1 «}vtunlly of iwois
. fo^ wiiK-k. nil-ini!
... Jinvi- ____
ti'ni to
ibN ............
of „-----ijukLs. wtatrtiimdlBb-O .n’vaJi-fiti'i- ftii;il Ilf infornmiiiin natt> llir s|svuri uH-ntn
-nil- ,.f v;,ri..w« sioi-k f.v.K juiwtU-ni ami fb|K.'r4saAhK-k
nuM'lt.-s. W. i-in iimVrili'
in vimUsi in uuy ]nr6cuInr;iii I,.«vis ,i.,u if iif.-.-metiy-aml
fiiniish wliiih,-iaiKi»lrtl at ils.- l.wi-st jamatWeiiricr.'

S', p. WAIT & SONS. Druggists

ond on>- li«<( tt.ll-, (r-*< W.lnr lr»<-k.

iittb.«r riMnulu

creased actirlty. Many ..balMIng prsv
}eets will be started soon, nnd
It Keopetho Feet Warm and Dry
already begun. The present out-1 y

Ulall Papers
Tli'mix ll- !.>■- riN/n- Jb;il oarritw no l.-ir..?* im iissuliiHSit of
-}Ei|«-rs ili-t lu-Ii-rtkiu i» irufli'<>sigy othl jirim- is iiunl*-tocoitvbIkim) urili ill,-<1.-tii,'iii.k. of tin'jw-k.-l book.
\V. ^Iiotr ir-ilivHy timt yoo 4«ii fiuil jn*t wliat ytai want
aiiJ av
A uLui to^-ihowtumi'I'-A t>> I'r^inTiin- {Nuchae4-P-.

It .1 th-.-


Many*Maken From Which lo Choose
Our Small Paymeirt Plan Makes Piano Buying Eaay.

and theb taaMlieaaroJnriSril-]:

L GffilUiX & ca
fStfnail. Iiinmtih


(ttlr.iniaalolra Etut T,«ia sau Wnd Sr, ,

M. D.b

AhlMltafiTlWillr tl »L.'-,yy,.,-- flee or all yeam. Bnt this la sirietl.v lions for the benehl of Its pulley hold«M Oty —*“t'ttcqi tha cnventlon • •‘*■1 condition and cnaaot mtlnuio;
•at mu mil a> • rmuirf «lrn■*!'
'“b"* “<
,ni br.irlnn
jtt hns boen quiet during the winier


G R & I Ti






au B. Btimtr, Brtf. m ‘FwriSt

0ity Booh Slero
/Carow CHf, ttk*.



i ‘:4.


|iP«NK =

nt] wjate d«ii b** Jm b<««®“-; Sflas Hap Bo>b of Peto^. «bi
tr virtsb me t>f It’S Odcu hM-bera at bid XUilon oc a Ivt
noetbs- say witb her Uster. Mra. it
L. Cramptaa..paiaed tbroaab lotra lo
*«« AM
J*=** Fartecb bis famne oo^UtM Aa^ on Aer rrtora bone.
*n< «iii uto pt»ictt\au idjr i.
Depmy Pood larp.xtor a M. Dan*
apKDt Sanilar hi HorUport wi:b hl>
____ ___
(amtly aPd pou<-4 (brovah unm loila)
««*-*•' rrj>n ni»r»<Ur> Kerorf.
ua a iHiHai-cK Haittuoc.
and Mrt.
Ms«. F»i
Mr*. Bobcit trucy i-r tbc Csia:
V. Ketir >eft O*^ ■ miss for Roa achool apoat Suaday in the rit>
Hatetra* Cnv^ag, wbcn iho
«rub frlcndH, rpioralnc asaln ibinIM on aeoMi of ib*- llUieu of Mn. norplar U> bar d«Ioa.
Adanb«tt>T** BistcT4n-la*. JiltK. lUrtc
Mr*. I.OMIC HIICIh-II kfi t
^ ffJTm '
•' fur a rburt visit with friends a<
M» M ••
w. i. Robte lea tbto BoroitiK hs Ibr {iioaor.
haii-niM U ibf Qaraa Cliy Ilriek MaI.OU CatB|d>»n <if Ji-imlniTi ro-^'Od
rblm comiMBy for aa oxioniloil trip u> Ibroosb town ihD nw-rnlnR on hi.- nllanRor. SenUtoD, lUEtoit aad I'htU-\ inra fnm rjtendln:; S-'tiday wiih bU
•IHpbla. wborf tbo nasbinea vbicb faMilyai Northoor!.
bare IfCM placed wUi br
K. 3. Perk of SoUons Bay arrised
Ur. abd bIn..Anbyr SInipaoBaf SXI- Ibis acraluR on a *h^ baslnoa trip.
Corner* passed throuKb tnwa
Mrs, A. liiKWt Wt.ibls tnorolnR b»r
day fja ihrJr way to iVtoskey. where iWar Ann on a Imslorsa trip.
Mr. and lira. M. Ni whti-J of WiU:}
]lb<^ will visit their parenis. Mr. and
r.narwrd ibU nu.rntn? afu-r aiieudiBR
. ' Mr^ Wimain Riiwman.
Ooy and John Milcctt kft tbls the funeral of ih. ir slu. r. Mi*» Bile.
lomhut im the early trala fnr Ibe Warner. wbUh
-----------CM and expi-ei to Ideate at Portlaad.
Proa Tnesdav* ll«c«*r<t.
Uor.E-W. WiKsl of liie Porerl Mcib3. If.^tnbc-rs aad two cblb
odtsi rhurrb at KInialey was a Travdrop rclnrnod laM (rrc.lac tram a nU
ene City vDiicr yesterday and
^jAraUMi j wertia" •oIm™ in Ot-indL
turned analu'hi* in-irRiBR.

Tr»v*rdl(^ MarkHts.

Wheo yotir shi{> ..r brallb Mrtkf*
|i»ddm rorks
"< ‘■•“"TS
Iiisetivory for Consnrapihm. 3. W. Me-;
Kliioon. of Totjiil<-Kn Si.rlns*. AU,.,
*ntr>: “1 bail l>« n fery m with pmti- i
in.uila. under »ho cara«f Iwo donors. '
^ RettinR no better when I Im.-

tie r>>rod me.'
throat, hioaebltls, eoushs anil rohK .
C-uarnnu-eilI nl
flruR Kron* ■
Bl Johnson
. .............................
8. K. Wall
»oi!.‘;- IvruR
UR Store*.
I»rlcc E«e tuid H-tw.
Mr. nnd Mr*. O, Soceo and daiitrhuw Trial bottle I
Coalla of !>«* Lak-C'passed thttmsh
PItisford |>enp:e want a bank estabtowa IhU aiiraing on a trip to Gilhy. tlrbnl a (hi'lr pnwpenius lllile vlllaRe.
North Dakota, wheia* they will spend
as they say they hare iuit lois of
mon< .1 In M'lw away In a ptaee into
iweire yean In Dakota.
Her. A ’R- •‘‘'man. pasUir ot thV
Startllno Mortality.
Oiiirt* of Chiliit. Raidil City. orri»ed
*bi.d kiartlBR'aMrlailly.
.. ..
StaiDilcs »bo<^
thU t
ilQK to allead tbo ChriatiBB
aM*«dlrUI* and iK-rtuuiltl.. To
' 'shl for iirj'vrm and ture th-se awful diaca»e?i.

Proa Prldar^ Record.
Mrs. a Ho>i of NewM-o City reinroad borne Uits moralBK aRar a Aort
tUIi here.
D. W. RcynoU*. a w^MoMma drnitKtal of Bapirc. U the paeit of N. C.
Siaap today.

>d ^ .« Mra. Lou Caaphell had little
i| I : Robert ttf Hortbport eaao to Traverae
% idly imlay to BoM Mr^^aidX'U irhew
1^ j ; win apead Sunday with hia family
^ 1 i
lipfure Muralna to .iroalaCT.
; where he h worklna.
O. A. OrlRbaa of Orawn waa la ibe
etly today on bnalmna. '
Qoeona Dan of &e Dearertno Cla^
iM passcil thrauRb Oie Sty. today oo from there.
xnys: *Tniey hare no »<piat fiu- fonroute from Ma^e City, wrbero riie haa
Mra. Norman Alee of Petor hev ir vl- .MtlfMilm a-td Blliiiusr.-..* - rlr. at
oo basloen.
r M
m \t It u-,rn»t J«l «!»»0 OfiiC Store Co.. P. n. Mead*
lOwi ber
M, Ih Harn.t
Charles l.arann of the IMM HIsb of Waahlacton aretH. for
MdioS (data left this anraloi; for Aah- da)-*.
taad. Ore., and will make a ataort atop
Mr*. II. II. JidinaoD of tUtiRhsin
VObola hMthpmMtrbctitm o(;u Seattle wUb frieoda before eootlnntor Ooo. Amati?»» «• -Jnjf o* to hU deMloatioD. A due pad- ritrvd this aornlAB on a abori Uslt
, otMK well OHior way, pno o* uoo awalu kir. Unon a the west Travi-rae Cliy frionda
RtdVn Wood jif KBinley. editor of
■fat «r the MMA.
' : aad he wai bI»-M» a ronsinR seod oB at
R» many havi- st»rie-.l small
* In the city but e\enaeeoupiR at our iiaiik, iMitlnnlti;:
the II :ia O. R. tc 1. this morolns by ^ ■he Honlrf. was
.IBR to MU-shI ibe liTture.
with only »ne •l«ilar und Kia<>bott of yonoB frieoda*
.tially KTiTwins: i'» verv Isrso
Mra. B. Kapaiek of Elmwood I? vl*
irtMcr atoetha. . Mr. Steia wUl be'pna Salnnlay'i Reeonl..
ItlaR Bt the boa? of ber darntbler. Mn.
RiaMhariif ta Tromae aiy aa a: the MUam Lena and Paulloa Rob- .V. Wletlwlt:
•Ipraar BbitlaaanaoMBbaBabaU player tach <rf Sokm ara In Trarerae Ciiy
P, W. WtHon r.«eeKt,yI the apjiolnlate %aa many trtMda here. J»d*e:,oa*j «,-a nbopph* trip
aent twu Haya aco of dinrtrt maBaiai
m^i.vMta WWier QnUlek evofTi Mrs. Pnok Peiiou of DioRhaa 1* in of ibe Illinois Ufe Insimuiire rompsny
Wt> sake pride in RrtUoR n
etty today an (be Bueat of her nU for tho. terriiory made vacant by ih.aecnuniB started b^B*e

.. ■
- ----------! ter. Urn. Prad Ahem.
retDond of W. A. White to tbo npper
“^1’;“^.? Ihrirt. nc<|Olr.-<l l.y the
-«»a laaiiooen ocaapM by WBIIaa ' jin» p«Bt. of webater atrort U rto- pmlnsnU a few woks ap>.
■*— <a the Brwbertoo Ura la Hast ,i,pg
brother Rqy at Leland.
Maynard I»aiBc ba* returtied to triil
to the cranad yeaier-1 u_ grboniiierorr led tbln.mornltu; on capn after ViaUlnR hi* par>'nts.
aared.' ^ abort bwloeaa trip to Now Y«irk
OOP of the oMM la tbla cUy. He win also apend a few days in
Wt- (lav :i {MT riMil. on K3t
. A Ouarantsod Cura for Plloa'
e..mimiin4.-.i fslo- * y. «r.
mitm df the ooootir. bavlw bee*: Umioo before be muroa.
BUiSluc Protro'llac Plliw
■RinM-T If PA»> oIXTHfiN'T
tkMy yemw OBD kr Mr. ; _Mr>*ad Mr*. J. a. OIBardwnd Mlaa
resns «w- .o<i bubIw <U bo* lose
_______ is a «B It dsr«. rma apfUMwiiwc


What Wc Have Seen




wsrM j>isl pski hf Pan. MiWWUe Cd .KI.
■iba* trtpAimiad.
Mra. G. Ouell <if nini[d>aa ta toakloB
bnslaess vlaii in the rity today.
^ n^, Alhori DewD atsl
, Twelve i^jauBhlrr Hare! of liiBchaa arc In ih.MleblBba:
uno, Roaebrook of PUe Uk«m bo sWm i
t. aonod ' „.|u»cd boBe Kwtty after apondtne a
imAtbM pMtaa. A I
,|,p |r„<.,t of Hn. Q. c.
HcCMland of South Unioa atreec
;y -................. , W. A. wniiama of MaiUMco paaswi
. -XhdceaoB. o bnitbm of W., ,^„BBb u>wo tbit anrnlnjc ro runie lo
fbr Booy poat^ i p,fp

. M ki>Mlas)wr^ChtaaBkba.ho-.^U,

V. WilaiMi. cwuHy reflatcr of
hkiaiprapartec ao edilioo of trace'
plid* tteSS of Ml the addliiont ic
Tntpsae CVtr. AUr«Uht te taaber.
aad tbS TtUBB* Plata pf the lullowint
atibvra; Wabea. n«aaU Oty. Kuiss
itf. MairSoM. Acae. WWIaashurR. In
' liifiecaaa.-«^Ue. Kartia aad Bre>
,r ' «itaa Beach. Them plau win be
WipBrilcd bp a Mac print odflioa
«Mib win be placed npon aaki by June
-1. M la npneled ibat ihey wljl po Bio
dte Saaaa w»d vIllaBn utcreatad.

Alaafta. UMle amt be act bli bride
to »a aad Ihaa^ liU ratora b«i extppdte wear A peto bo hpa a warn
BeN (to


’ H

Hand Made

They are made as the name implies.



' BAptaekef<« tbit ricj ICi*! PriOay
aaralBB tor Bali Do Ara. Mtsaoor:.
wkepoyhe will be nabod in marriaBc
Mpaday cnialai; to Ulai Oertrnde
npeaocr. a papalar weriorn girt. Ur.
Dacfcer ha* broa a fotaer -roldke
im.’ ba*^ served a year abd a half
la the Scweairoaih ^aUed ftste* to-

Wear a Pair of Our


Sis sbM—1.^ (o thla.«ity *nd wui
««em> la Ua mibcla Moek la- i Fboa Moaday a Rroonl.
'MadMinly. Hia ttoacMafa..U« Mlaaea 1 Prod Drtcll reinraed hoaw today
■4knh aad Brvmic. both t«i<«tcd t after a wcok-a ran « Wex/urd.
IwMNclaAca. bare beea hero (or some; Mr. and Nn. w. J. Rurwa oMnisoa.
Uaaa and harp fnadaaaayartcwlB who ;au allca weu of Kalkaaka. paaaed
«n ha Blad to Man thsl'TtvdrBC CiU’‘ tliroHBb town today osHtbelr n-«mi
lata ba (be fatwiv boawof Ur. Aadcr>|aAar apendtne a week a* the rbcm •>t
> IbcTr daiwhicr. Ura. LoUlo Sla<-«a at i

Soath I'rankfort.
.«< Oh* ^r cahs: oic n. Haaaon aad Adolph Sodcr
IraMWasaatBc of tba aai brldst^-Ha of Suiioas Bay passed UittraRh
> a tew daya aco b>- *Towaa (Ms aoraBR OB an extended irti>
"bridBe party- ,0 rreano eoanty. aautbern Callfonia.
,«t«Uch roMW IM Mra. Bar u P. Sodorperio left for thrae in tb,nWcrnc. Pm^fhwtdaaa^Glea Haren;
•itall aad
^ pnaiaL- Tha party waa bald at aarln* today will atw> loate there,
the rosMaaaa of Mr. aad Mm. Bay., u\» »ita Madlstin of ElnB»ley te
who MlartatMd moat SaUchttully. i^nied home tbU botwIhr. ancr belBK
I aad otbee rocial ^ ailcadanee at the re«Ur MarrJB bnt a part of the erenias's ,

The old cold goes; saw one
quickly comes. It's tbs story
of a weak dirost, weak hings,
a Kodency to consumption.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
breaks np the tsking^old
hsbk. listreacthess.sooiiie^
heals. AskyoordoctoraboiMk.

We are lor>king -forward to the busiest season in this section that • ve have ever
had. We have been very fortunate in picking up many special aod extraord­
inary- good thiegs for this 4epartroenc. You will not be disappointed if you
come lierc fot^ur <krpka. Linoieums. Curtains. etc-’etCw-We quote prios on
just a tew of the niany lIiioEs that you will toon be interested in:.

Rag Caipet, -funcy
stripe, good quality,

Velvet end Brussels
Carpets, vitb or
without borders.

Special Lace Curtain
Sale ik 00.

28c yd

4lc Ce {1.50 yd

1.00 and up

Heavy Ingraio Carprt,
handsome patterns,

Liooleumr. tbe* kind,
that wears well.

We still have a few
Fancj* Couch Covers

40c yd
The bcsrlngraia that
money will buy. Beau­
tiful colors and designs

42c to 70c
Square yard.

at $1.00

Rope Portaerea for the
arch at

Stair Carpets, fpood


15c up

70c yd




Craturst eity Slat*



Can)cts and Curtains

th.esamensifniadc to your order at acustom shoe shop.
Materials are the ver>- best—carefully selccicd to
stand hard wear, resist water and stiU slay soft and
pliable. And how the)-fit-^ed just as comfortable as
• an old shoe. The prices ait:.noi high, but an: within
the reach of alt.

$1.50, Sl.rS, $2.00, $2.50

Thi' name under which ouir dnig dt'- ea«e njih Rennlnr marMc top. Tbene
jiarTiscAi^ will In* knnwn Is fuily set- am the llaeM atiA Boat esp**alve
rinl in the new qnarifra In tho ruoms aboW eaam made In the UbIImI Siato*.
-TirtTjK rtv ivetipled by the Traherne The base* are lb« beat-KaUan marltle.
niy State Hank.
Mbe baianr«Mif the ra«w are entirely of
A RTt-at Awl id ifoic waa apem hi ibe acna plate rIbm and are abaoiDM-silsatiuK the flxi»rr« and arraDEC- luteiy dust proof. Tbiw larwv plate
mi-DU uf the best drSR atbq^ In (be rUks sbelvea are la eweb case wltb
The Bood poinu rorefully-iilckie plaied brackets, alsw aieUe
iiiiilhI and many of them Rreaily (m- lilated axtorea for Ibe elortrtr llphu
■■rtiwil Bpoa. Time and money was nu w^ieb ^ be placed In different poalobjeri. the only-tiiiestioD was to hare
Inside the canes. BHIi raaa ba*
it the- veer best anil that reealt taa four ball bearing duora.
iMw-n reSehed. making It ihe-mosl ctoThere are ala ewiirely dew leatbto
nlei.^aad naest drug BtM^-in (beauto. seated oxydUed ateri chain for tbe
. Tbe main room i* 3<>x2o wlih best-« cutnfon of tbo patrons.
Italian marble Boor. Around tbe three
Passing tbroogfa tbe main roam oaa
niik-s are tbrtv tier* of natural oak cntec* tbo pre«trlpiloii room 15al8,
wall eases jtwehing from tbe lloar
ei-iilDc with Rlass dour* aad paten* idea of gnwteei dlapateh In the flUlag
brass door kpobs. which. wbUf acting of pnwcriiHluas. A iel^tatie dooet
ar a knob and rastener arc bigbkv or- vUfa iu(b pboneo 1* at tbe rtgbi aad
namenial. All tbe wood work ta robbed directly back of tbto la tbo laVatorr
piano BnUb. The case* are reached wltb all tbe aeeeavry convimfence*
ibr.-o latest .^roied roller store for the prrpanth* of eltolra. ayntfa.
ladd. rs A new *t«-l celllnB has been esiracis. etc., etc. Back of-tbla is a
p-41 le. ptlni<-<l white with gold trim- well Blled Block room.
J- .E- McBtoy; a pbamacist of
The steam heated and light- iweaty-Uve yean eaprUcnco and who
ed byiwo large Israndeweni arrw and has been In the drag departsieot for
thirty opaque cleefrie border llghtf. tbe pant foor years, ba* ebarite of tbe
giving it at wlEbi a bot-.s brilliant cf- new aiore. betog assHiH by A. W.
fvei. resembUng the ^ual daylight. 'llans:!. (ofxnerly pharmaebii at tbe
Th<- old ba:»k tanU In ilo- northeast toylum, and who baa been hero for
ef.ra. r has hmti e««vrn.-.i into one «d several monib*. Boy Wl«e, a graibiibi- anesi wtoc vaiili* in the rnuDiry ate of tbe local High srioioL will act
whirr will be fouBd thu choirest fam- as clerk. AuprcM«l there Is bo oigbl
ily wiaoi- that are earri<d in (hls-pwri clerk, boi tbai w<ili !«> arranged, fur
of the mate.
ia ibe near fvtmw. Tbe inrrvaiKd
nuwe are five rix-foot American buslLoxs aJnmdy jmanlfcsied tn tbe
Beuniy show cases, two idgbi-foot. oee net- drug store U a awro Indiewtkm of
jen-foot aad one six-foot- Bpeage show tt* aarresA.

• 'i
• i

. i

Tbs Hamah & Lay .
' Msrcantils Campany

■mimt by toa INWI


'J--.. ~



——-------------- '

Mmr. U

Jki. Kluuk or CbtcAKb c»IM ol
vl^lor* .6*.frtr*d» bore Tbunsday l»«.
Mn>. 8ht*MR Md childmi of Raincf nr<t«T.
It to Laiand
Mleb-. *n-TiRlObK wUilvi-R bore.
Iir. G. W. FnUtck vent
J. B Bi«w Md B. Wll!w« «t«t Ui'PrWfcT.
Tr»itT»o C»r TiicMiij- U»t.
M. \V. Pwrapt wb>l )IUU- Dtttd JHj
Mrt JDO Kara* it ill «-ltb iby Rrip.
Mr. Caom.- It *Oll gatalns. but Mrs,' ^
h»v™ *.td ia town u»la>.

^ :i

lent -til Uw BIk .

Hlcbard Ferm
........................ _
> mud : (Hemda tamre [mrchased rioltn* mud
Mitt HUl U <rttStts«
frieedt to <:
Bertha Dull
' iMvUeliig to acqultv prob
Tmvertc CUy.
Brrist-y anondf-i ib
Mn.'BoMlImBrMltoDUieelckaat.tdiat Imairumem.
HaM (^m:ir apeot a .'tw days of tuatlun at U-land 1
A SliBber of yotng peofde from
Goo. Olibwt drotb to Idaplc City
ItM oeek wMh Nloa Wilton.
J«ortb ^lioti »ptm. Buiulmy wUb Will Tii..»il«v afttmoon

W. SumiBor uf Bdnore' lx

A' vbtodKas'a ioal «u


atnki V«t
Tt»v«i>o City latt {
F, C.
“Tbry (.ji-.-iii. Of'tbo ro«»WKi*c«Hh
the taiNiM' bv U in^ lw*wi^0ttNp E. V^
KilL .
•if MkbiitaB.”


P '



C&wd Traverse Region.

Mr. l-y .-! Himvloca »» rbiUlBa at
Ur. lk!1t)> > 'r
o«)o;.«rf 10£-r

'<t> rowiBon arotm.l hof«.

mud klUa Myrtle m«uc

«' « «M »»“» •®‘“

^ Oumt

ftti ..111 hermit tirar MontacB.- di«!

— ■
(ble «.vl. and loft hit fornino of »T»n
heallh.v «;^=’
«s,„v, ,tfl BOl»cd hlB^lB W»
mak.« »l-; llnr,f,i.ev.mii-t--*



tbe e*.f |.i.»«*.
k BK«.i

' 0«e mad aniir.

rtaiied Ur. and
jWrwltb *ood m
Thundmy mud tho t
preu^ m moBUi't airtfbla* yet.
rui^eda have tb^ tee all put vp in at ilic Cltbcrumad mro *111101 for pcttata pritm to
•0 up.%« VC Usiok they won't «o mi

MtotjAlto Ci*B«aH -h ending 1

; form few daytlaxi waoV. •

i ^ kI^
ttr of her Rib birthday.
aim* Ailda BorfaCT. who ha. been '
idle gueat of Mra-.M .Weieta for a feaI weeks, reluracd__to Traverae
Trarcrae City last
___ _ -_____________ _______________
MMda '
Mtea. lUrr WllUama (s bone from
Mr.- and Mrs. Gcu. Arnold enterTistutm CityI Mrs. WlIUatBa.-


> thi* iafie where tbe 1
Mtoa CoWln Dates returncl bonif Uin taJoti amay. bot wi
froi iBland Satur-lay, where ah.- hat to
m tlTBO
titao ro>llat
ro^llat Vhe
*he was
uwa w-e.i.s! v I
b«« .« a vbit at Mrs^ Atwood Lakc
A I, ibe
,be Bill
al.i of k horxc and Ut-riwini
u.-. vi„« M«r. wr«t «i
at C.ilar
Ctnlar Kun ' m.t...
n„ne iheTfnrM*
ibeTvorw for her rroM l«.-:li.
Every ftinily shniil.l hate its hum.-

Synip. nhinrex
.nuipirs aa.l e iMs. .


Jtre You TuJIf Satisfied?


Tie boiiM«K«-ii|>le.l by Wm. Mm.-- 1
tii.' cthifortuue
PM a ii-e and'laniily
id laraily tdi ih.- Rnnherton f»i..
t«- kill.-.’
burned loth.- pnmnd ytwUTila.
ra. B.
B. Wlak.vbil
Wlaktvb %t*ni I.. Traicrsc! broken. The bowimuruea 4ue
Mitt LoMic BlMOkt
rsther <rf lb.> eoni.ul - were anted.
ated.. Tb" bu
jlon KcvmaB C
' Avera avru-Easr Empire visitor*. Iiai ^ wax one of ibe »M«»i irtlili.’ t«
a B^bw from bero
tchooi^l 1k-s1b on w^»k.
'atilp. baili by Mr. Cl^xclMd iliiny
_pcre aad
asd Soloo
Tbc SbeUand
lind And ea.i'e ytur*
j « MroCwHoe
- . Monday
................ aftor ^
■ tbo fwrai
a ito voeks'
Mi.-s Etli-l Kiai'Urt lx visitiuc
to TriTcroc C«y lait>r^. ,
Onr wmeber. Mbix Horn, apeat 1 bo dirt
' dolns:
Euut.iR!'. ,
,________F ttrm of aeboid eoifi-. Tncatlon with her par«toW
Fred Wilton,and tUier Kekab and
Ada Rloeliar-. of FlaUoaitvr iii vl,_______ 4
Stolcker acbool. land.
with I|Ub Atkloaon at TtoTtrae City*
3aa Aikigcm, vut l« altendinp Mrr.Mula Lake »-erc ai Trav.»»e tiiy ^jtiup bor e..usiii, Nelllb Rlueban.'
acbMl to ^^ricVTty. aWt a vi«k M
“b** Twe.lay- Fr.1i
oro'er flo. k»wt. who ha* b>«
from p
.. *
*iek. «x able to attend ebun*
iBcni a week . Mr. and Mn». Archie Stoiib a»u ycxietoav morniap.
bona Prttlay datiihier Pearl veto ibb iructt* of Mr.. ,Mr». S. C. Wtou-re apin
Jobif Adana. Sr., haa
_ .
and Wrt. Bofnx R. «aie» last week, r.-'^rlih’ her par. nt». ndurniiip
TraroiW CRy and vm ml.bla tarn,
thto morolnp.
busy cbUIdr wood ; iuroloc to their
<xH) faitoert
lanaern arc
Ilev. B. Mohr win
have lib la^i
itor nert aumnier.
Ibis plnce before eonf.r
It to Bnirire on btud- -ou-iiuv
ll.-v. M«f;r liar le-. u
A alMcb load of young pc<9lc from
■sii.r and »e hf*i>-f.*;
Mar. IS
BMtsa# aitcadad chnreh at.the Rico 1
hi* riituin anuihcr yt-ar.
BChMl kuna* awday^.
Sunday. ^_
W. A. leOC...............
................. .......................................
W'v bav.' mil »««n auythlnp y.-i ..f
--------------------------- ---ending a,day u> riatl friends.
tbe early fprinp herald.'.! in oiher
t it OrawB with ^l•r nneto and Wednesday,
ilaee*. Sno»* it fnmi luia In fo'ti !<•«•■
Tbc bonxe. of U; T. Moure, one ntle
rl jn ibe level wuotU. and r.«cl*
~i* ^ Uinale and Canie CH-j north of WUliamaburg, burned Wedr lb.' i..|i of uBfatbomaUI- .Irifu
S. AlliriKlit »
bal>i one of 1


Tho man «-ho is

Are you rneciin;! with the success you «U*#ir6' If not. why not.'
successful i< the qualified one.

Our Business is to Pane tbe Waf for Your Success
Read what we have done for others and will do Tor you if you will let us.
Tr.-.v.jre.-l’iiy-Mi.di., JfiB, lU. URfu..
[‘itor.C. R. IVn
d ••
llv IKur .Mr. UM-k.~my:—Ever
daii-.d»t-. c.—............-— .your
|ti>i.iidltl lo wriio« f.ii how imt.-h 1 appro, into wUtit you hat.-.
I.lit niolitll I litlAv KeH
._ ................
uU ill till Us tutricJit.- .1.kou siivv yuiir si inlonts nJmi
i til*' vniiisiaktiiu uiti-ptiuti yoiiHCPOp] f-> y.>iir insinudi.m
insinudiuii imltot
ill iUaC imimriniil
It., wiini v» ilkiiik
voii fur your iiiiiT»-Kl ill i»*y»ru»i: 1.laetUiim l«>r Imt imi iimt.*ly nU ImtY.rti.aro .Urtuu n imist iiitp.rtsnil w.od. fur 1I1.- «-omuuinity.
(irtti.-fully y«ui

>. H. B
II ('bnrrh.

Do not say “I will start ne.vt month or year’—start NOW.

C. K Dcckerap Wanager
traverse dtp Business College


: top. The tonilng

I) Traven-c
Udtor to 00 the sick list.

Alao Mra.'C'ty Monday.

A.U—Prar. who baa baen at work I Conam and Mrs.
A. Ecitcr .
Kite »»>•
Iran N«.
Go. >«>.
Mar Alba, re-1
Mias SusIc
Hindi sp«t Sunctoy wlto
ilMelatt wcM.
'her parents. Sbe has been staying m
a.Wtti^ who has bee* working jTravertc city for the past two months,
AUaa keuniad «aui^.
• On acepani of the absence
—.................. ....................... ....................... ...*
m loiter, be lays:
ippllcd iMt

The ColBitePs Waterteo.'
Colonel John M. Etiller. of Hono'
r^vc. Texas, nearly met blx Waierioo
,1^,^ and kidney trouble. In a
bo' iays': i was neai

for the past aid meoo good; a.. I p.i a 60c l«ttlo
eek. returns today.
;. which

rk- IBitii
f your pirfpt Electric
Some of our Bates people have b
he tiest
irtunaU eanilKh in have been bid'
10 tbe weddlnp of Miss Mcita roa .u
Los iSbgelea. Cal., which is 10 take
place March 16th. she was formerly Dy^epgi,/ Biliousness and
a resident of Bate*..
-. by Johnson Drug Sfor
F. H. Muds and S. E Wait A
- .tile.
. A to>me talmt ^ wHI be soda oi^pklsto. »f ^
'___ •

given at West Bronrfi loTabe funds;

to get just what you want, just when you want it, ^t just the price you^ant to pay.
and you can pay a little at a time.

And see the liberal proposition we make the people to secure

, —

~'Alma's woolen industry-ls a’tfalng
at the past, ax the mill has boa dto-

• tOORawrard. StOO.

led and sold.

Ineredibto BniUlHy.
would nave
have oven
been incredible
I • ojutitattoosi
tt woiiin
luvreu.u... ,Iirom«tore u tolM to- talliy If Chas. F. I>-mberger. of Syra-

h»* BiAhar to i555g^’

JS£.**Tk±2l*2? rs***. N- V.. bad nm done the
StK'toSsfsIS could for hi* fcoCertop son. -My boy,• —-iptJK-.bc MJA "cwt a fearful gash .--------*•''
5S,V:; eye. «o
1 applk
applied Bocklcn x A^Bi^a
Salve, whi
saved bis


Hia. P. Bngiaborg. i(

to TtoHlng bar^»
.. Plar.
'*tx>ik euBpter i
for tha bsMti of the

«00.'Totato;a s|^oj.;p:H:Me*d8and3.


• I I



t Sans- Itrug Stores,




» J






and Oaorgla
naa drove (b

^ ponoded semi.




' -







Witliont KoUce •


any day.

^Joha HaMir

n. S. Hull.


^ A’ice Prwideiito; C. A. IL

A. V. Friwh-ieli aud C’lws. Wilbolni. **
ltd. CiitOik-r:

I. M. Hu.-51«iianti-l. •*

- Sl-ja...., Wm.. ,I10. C.ot«T. Dr. H,B. O»ni,.,. ll-.g, niirl-. •• hj-. liw. W. iktodu'. F. C. Dt'anomd. Wiu. Loudtni.


r< t > «.s'i I««t < I > I > > s > t< t > t > t > IT
tUcago. where she haa spent
Rs* yeara.
- Aithur Banaler attended the he
B«m! of hto ■randnKKha- at Copemtah



Get tbe

It is worth your wliile 10 look ovi-r our line of car­
pets, tugs. oilcloth, linoleupi and matting, whether you
wish to phn hase or nPi. VVe are showing all ihv latest
patterns and designs and moreover we will save an;^
one lor you that you may -rrant.

The ■•Ouick Meal" »
recognized by all deal­
ers as the l>est range
on the market. We
have a large lipc'. of
th^ cm hand.
sizes and styles. Come
in and look them over.

.\ few rtHnnatits and close-out lines at cost.

Hundreiis of pairs to select from. Were bought,at :
bargain: will sell to save you money.
Headflcbes. Ken-hiissess,
Wak Eyes, Cro« Eyes
tod DefccUre visloB.
in.’.* :n;

;/ ri£' ■xz:z

co'ul'l only r.-ach th.iw ji-opU we rv’ild

Send. Them Away Rejoicing
Mr. and Mrs. Bell of Tate*, who
' ave been TtolUng tbelr daughter. Mrs.
'. McManus, rectuved to their bome
toat Saturdar.
The alU stoned work again hivi
Wednesday. . '
Married, at (be home of the bride'*
•ptben Mtv. W. H. UncolD. on Wed
evening. March'
tbh, Htox
Once Uaeoto and Mr. John O. TUUc.
g partiea are two of our
S panple and their

Caci Curtains and Portieres

acbool gtrto attained tbe tnstUnie
Tlroiwila and examtoatlaB at Frank
tort toK xreek.
Mra. H. Ryan and dan^terd are all
J. R. Gifford and wife retoi
arday from England, where they- have
apant tbh pau two mooika. Mr. Clf
forTs atotar am
J. W.................................
nos evangelln <ff Uc M. K.
wQi vototoenee a-aertes of ro____ Ascengs to tbe M. *£. church
here next toiBday. Berrtoe* wiU to
held at lOtge a. m. and *-.30 p. n. on
Bueday and every cveaing during the

We have placed in ftcck the largest assorimenf of new spring House Furni^iDg (.oods ever shewn in
Northern Mit higan. 'The enormityof this year’s purchases overshadows that of former years to a great exieot.
In order tO buy close wc had to buy in large qiAamities. therefore this spring we will necessarily have to almost
double our sales of other years to dispose of this mammoth stock. This^We Will Do by Putting the 1 nces Down
tb a Point that Cannot Be Reached by Other Dealers.
. /
NOW FOR OUR I.IBER.M. OFFHR: H you intend to make any purchases to brighten the. home at
houseclcanin- time it is not necessary for you to wait until the best bargains are ^ne: you may come in and pick
out all that you warn and we’uill save it for you. This will enable you to have a first choice of everything without
waiting until you arc rmancialfy prepared.

Iw witiidrown «»

aHowctl tm


» I


;• lutcrest (com-


We are happy ko $1

,A GOOD STKEL R.-XNT.E. all asbestos lined.!
high t!u>c: ar.-l r«->crvoir, bull; ttr ”ive a lifetime of
Xo part of the home has been overlooked in the
selection of this mammoth stock. Here you will
•find something for every corner, and et cry reader
of this adv. is financially able to bu\ here, for your
credit is good



' :

iK.<taiian* have been r

anil hatv given pt-rmani-ui
.rmaru-ui rt*..
riii- f im
. bcadachoK and nervottMoc**—Tii/e
-rvottMot-**—Tl^se r
aKlllfirt chances bn perfeetty.-ground
drops or n

:-ionsly mitering wnl>
have ail li--:a oIi«lo-il
1 and without the use of

*THro Bis Busy S«ors


DR. P. A. WOLFE, OptometrisL
•Bite 41S414 WUtorim Sik.

Pictures and picture frames.



perfee: bcr .icc. for Sr-5-"i.\ ir^ second hand steel ranges, beep used just a
short timv-. for less tha® first cost. .\sidc from a few stove* and ranges, we do not put a
second hand artide in our stdre. We have separate
buildings for these..

***« ftosopis

Stores at Hk Rapids, Traverse' City and Tliompsonville.


■)\i ■.-■■-

■■ ;-,. -

' ■

';-. .:■

;v r_ ;■

■ '



Is eedo-.
k &HU crow GM Ukc

MM. PM DoMlae. wta-wia TWf-lfrm LmUngtoa Satiate b1«MliDK for a fe« daxi> wHk her pwaott.; The Cprorth twsw U plaa^iin* a . . •
__________ Nate kUny «
I Wr. ud Mrt. John Sbaw. of
PaiMn • week fn> FtkUr erenin*.
rctarned botne Hoedar.
The aortal party at Mr. and Mra.,
': J«^~
rrry Do
Dn Toor'rw
Tour * vaa Wdl
well nu^dcd
attended aitd.«
and a
17^ ^
I cnbiyed a s>
Mr. aad Mn.

I^mla« ikat a UaddMe bad atniek
nmlnc recPBUy tn End ihaj the plaa«"■
»«»» bfltw ««■»"« t"*

cr m»&cr u>

«tmhl hare calM bim. oeftaials
loofced like a Bird vben Ik- taallr dnC
**”* ”*
m IRtt IteUer ."*?*?*'
nierulsed tZ
aetrLyon, dealer In chidee
ebidceIanrily«To- ^
rikirti iMMgr^ wto hw beee In. tut 8«nd«r.
^ ^ "* ~M1
E. UyoBL
ik> wet
Mat foor
fMir woBilia ‘ Percy
PcrcT Rorineioti and Joeeob Coor-j eral of her alrl
Kirt Meada
frleade Sawnlv
Satnrdv «r«s- e^e,;'44g
r rronii atreet taya: "I *-*■<»•
a for «be
---------hnltoK bealuck tom at Me- In*.
A troll knovn farmer atepped'Into
■TMb OB fafi-tade
b lowB la«i ewHc
troubled aiib my
iare-a mill.
i®n Campbell of Jennln«a arrtred ^ ^ ttonxhi It
daaghter b, Qan
from the kM- a local eiorc tbe Mber day aad aaked j
B. Campao of i«i Lake *aa tbc Sanrday orealas to qtead a le* da} « neya.
**“ aa tbe palo rraa aboat
prirtleae of the merehaaVa desk
theitoeat of M?. and MTa Adlore Martin- trllb hU fandly.
„r^ . .ru-,i
IM Vra. Kay traa a arand, can laat Spoday.
r a^nodred peraoiia verc, Mra. C. L .Donise laat Monday via-!
ite|c;diom Eaapire. Bnrdick- ited aitb ber motber. Ofudma Fbr- j
Mar.U _
try them. Tbey____.____
___ _
“t* “«■ >*- ^ OonkllB mad up in a abort lime and the trtlo*i
It a an old »T«Cb
to 8l*« a 4,o_jiter EMlo and Mlaa Nora OnokUn the lUdney aecmiona traa rendered,
••a a parvdf-^ben
ineake .party Aab Uedi^ay. A;
rlalUn* at, reRular aad normal. Some lime after- -1 cant ice a thlnir back here; *alnt
a prodoeUoa of ber owa..llra. lucahe uimiaK
Oeorge Botera-.
’itarda I fell a ellrtt reenrrenee and you got a pair of ttlaaiei here ihaill
' ibree beany Cbcota. Aanee of Mr. and Hra. ^naiopner
i»»ner U rtaltln* hU pareoti, acain resorted to Doan> Klrtn^ Pllla
-Guei* ao," the geaUI cfrrk'
cbeora fof tbdr boa* (^ru». Nearly ererja rv.vnerbat no' In vain. After tbia experlenw
erj- rrencaman. m,


Msssadmktts Mafiial Life lissrucc Csa^uy,
Cmalij>tf DMwasbmr 91. t«04WKtra tK tno*
• I .

•• •
•“•2’* '





^”5“: ed the Blood farm and Vapecta' lo
Qualfe vacatea the house.
* “* “*5^
School began Ian
— Monday momlaa
j j
'irlth Miss
MUa Tbomas a*
as teacher, and six
laadore Porton and dabghier ^e pnplls
„oji, enrolled.
ar* rintlog tbeir many friends and felMr. Wfllobee and family of Old
aU*M bm and In Trarcrae Ciiy. Mr. aion visited bis sincr, Mrs. P. J. RucponoB owns a Urge farm near Ml.
Ciamciia. Mleb. Tweny-tbree year*'
„.im «.
isrowd‘fc»r“tbrne»A Ma^. He la greatly
pstonlihed at
and power houi

mNnrnBMBim nr t*
l.MtM lIM W

f-r-W ^ WM- «»• *•

era In need of a sooil liMoey m«Ji- Ase. and valkns back
placed (bem over .k.,
tbc 4

AlUkn (Ma^M Vatee
coot*.' “’^r-Mnbu?r^?Bu^to.K
F.ruer-Mnburti Co, BuBalo. N. ’■bo
__ jara. Jbo..a»d P. Kneom atored
-Cit ihroiicUT" IndUlred Ihr
y,. sole agents for the I'nliod Siatei.
t%Mr ten laat week.'
the name. IVian'a.
and uke
ct." b- repHed. "Seo any
.oaoiv -Hame. erbo ban Itrod with
fcetts?" “Ye*, ihwr ^»ecks are tip
.9. Kneora for tbe lait throe years,
baa left Hr Kneera and la at Mr. Harclerk stopped forr r>UififhU hu top." abermpon the '>e'»
flactim'a at preaeaL
***^ *‘‘‘ “"i®" through
Mr. nad Mra. i. P1aak» ha*e been
BOvlV Ibetr faraltnre from tbrtr oM
Trimr^n" to their new borne at Maple
OMp. «Web they expect to oeenpy In
tbe M*r frtwa,
positions with the, county sod suie.
An aatembly of the CMldiwo of
~ a to Mr. aad Mn. P. Kueart. a tMdt place at tbe realdeooe of Mr.
, of Kalkaska, east adrift In loneliness
aad Mrs. Jaa. D. Beach. Wodnei
Tba rippe „ raging atttnly aRenfamn, March
and sorrow aft*T • happy t^o hour*
m ui> »M ■«#» •
■ .
-i™".. ip . ■
--------In tbe salratioB'i Crows are 4uUe anmerooi.
wUncKliig the prtMlurtlon of^UppT
flblie imdi CtarUt: tbey be- -xe.« tep etin* Jannqs nplA ««IK
OUdatonc'a Physician Oi*aa wiming Hoolipin" exclnded from the hotels
^ ntsHy Here in tbe healing of bnman
n Ills as ford Iasi •
aW»d are the Bible teaches it. Tbey b
Against Growing American
nk,. tramps and made to enjoy tbe
Wm. liWle s baby twins are o
limited Hracc of the O. IL f: I. depot,
iMed WMkiy
«led lb tbe Gas- gain.
lui^'Mnl John KnibBcr wore ^ Tmmpn. Th^^ bw
j Jjm-• C«fl Is on tbe alek list. .1—-.
The crowing habit amndgst Amcri- i or freeze-thal was ibe fair of a parly
StynTiu^^ a'faitta boma for aged
and Mrs. HaiTT Workman drovt
a m‘ni
Int table:
tablet or some of sisieen pw^le ft
Fife Uke and
pat^e. anatalnad by donatloBa.
th Wexford last Tbnraday.
stive after entingi^
who walled for the
Tbonday A. LlBton^T«^c
Linton of Trmrewe City
Mr und >6
E. oO.
Bawll__ vlalied ;
" Bawiinga
f,‘^m«blng that
1« nichi train on Tuesday evening.
made Mr. and -Mn. JeromrWm
Jcramr'Wcm a u Blackman last Thnrsday.
Tbnraday. .... -Andrew
>A«irew Clarke. Mr. Gladsit»e-s
Gladstooe-s phy:
pleasant calL

Geo. Gray. Jr, has Enlshrt
nai. aay-,Offers
i"“>alrian adriaot strongly w>nai.
of money and the gagginB of
*rons .to_
BM-niv a room In i
In which lo
,n pass
aid In^tbe' “ hotel *"
the Intorvcntag honr;» Imweca the ending of
by burglars and that the eoatents of
Mliai four year*
There Is noTlitiiR
the itbow and Uio coming of the train. Too will do for a youth beiweea IT aad SI eaeb room, brica-brac. dUbes. table
i. Darid Claric of Grant
iH- admiue.1
iluni ■'10 a hotel—not years of age Is shown In an unnsnai Hnr-n. «c, bad l>eeB throsra In a pile
Tbe.alck are all better.
human siomacfa.
- •
.ine-a^lldn---------------enjoy T
In the eontcr of tbe raom, wd In the
lever. Dr. milek of JIaple
Mrs. Rose aad daughter Vera rbtli- food. They simply
; slrttwB rector of aihleilcs at the I’clvorrliy of bed ebambera t-lolhtng had been
people wni remember
What can be moro revolilhg o
Milchlgan. It sbows tbc annual In dragged from books, drawers, praasea,
Mlaa JoMi Halverson monud to
whije.—Plfej lavement. f<w four yean, of a Mlehl- ptc., and pat In a pile. Tbe hooee
and if? John
something Into the stomaeh that Is
Lake Monitor,
Sail.oriar while
onlte an accident laat
1 gan stndeni. from 189)1 to 1901. Tbe looked like-tbe trail of a cyrione. Tbe
on ibetr «a)^ visit
of corruption.
shows an Inereasc
weight of burglars get nothing of value. ,
ca«8 No. 3 Priday
Jn»«« Q«>d and mother last Pribrake tbeir cutter.
The otiv way --------------- --------- ------ojt*^evc^bodv''am'cie<l' In: ■'! pounds; shoulders became
tlon and Its evil effeeis U,io remov'e plague.
George DavU. a farmer iiriag pear
_ .
safe, i inches broader; neck Increased
all Irritation. (
Laosiag. foand a white coon In a bay
__ mauim irom luv >iuuiai:u. u»<-i ■»'i
—Doan’s Ointment Rjrtb 2.5 tnehes: cheat expansion Ini any drug •
bna «»<«» „,i^»>>e only
•• ^ *'*'"'*•
creased tram tmnehcB to 51-filnebes;
,-.8r.i last Friday.
Ulile -albino’' was as chipper as a pig
____ l>e.
Many Oaiilft Crt-ok citizens are dis- I'tOE capacity iacrcascd IlO cnblr tn clover aad bad erldently burrowed
When a Ml-o-na Ubiet is taken
nerat at Mra. Krause on Friday W
fora caei meal every----------of- Irrlu- Mtiifle.1 w-lih the present admlnlslra- ‘“'■kes: Mi thigh grew 5,t Inches; iU wv Into the stackt fw
Visited the
f^r A
a wlgler
'"'''^llon of cl'y onelals and there U an left calf 1.3 inebo*. waist.3.2 inches. borne.
rliited Mrs. T.
jiUs Laura Undley. a teacher of tbe from
snd biceps S.C inches.
iSSay. '
icbool^ Vis ^e Sonday. . tern, aad those onmns wtl!' exmet sgluion to put up
at West
Fain of Traverse CHy from the food all that goes to make Tbc colored cootlngent. ammintli
uus Christie Palti
fMlm SboBrict has left ber aunt and
Cr<s^ returned (rum Lonstng she !
Mrs. John Groesser a good, rich bl«sl. Brni miiscM steady •
fion voters, hare dfelded 1
sras a guest of...........
-nerves aad a sound healthy ^y._ If
John Amtsbnriilar U banUng pota-, («* days of last week.
found that her home bad beeo rixtted |

toea He latends loading two e
B4ker ai Halnlency.
spot* before the eeyes, v
___ __
alency. s,
■ City __
and _
Mrs. Cbrlsilne
IS eenu per bushel.
' _
lation of Ithe
'VtisB Marie Mapltou called on Mr*. Royae FalU were borne a few daya tigo. or dizziness, palpitation
o R.
It Claypool
Cltrpool ooe day mn week.
un-: bean,
heart, sleeplessness
sleeplessness, or any Homacb
and attended the funeral of tbetr on-:
To Curo a Cold in Ono Dag
Bn. Fraddle and sister Gertrude cle. Wm. Betadte. 8r.
Weebobn weat to Good Ittrbor Satarwm. Rribote. an eld and respected: from S. E. W ait A
”r??T. ,o";pind Sunday with tbeir Pioneer of this r^. pas*e# away at most reliable drug Arms
also wont tai, hom* Tnwdav morning. March 7. In the remedv !«• shown b
nuclei* Mrir.'
Miss Jope
at 7 o’clock, after an Illness erf several
to visit friends.
■'Whoopee, spring has come." chonyears. Tbe deceased was bora In
li-s an Deraiia county rural correspond
oeueraBOBO.i’ale lS( patting OB metropolitan airs ent. -Two Idscks crow* flow north
Har.u lage be
• merchant has put ovor Marshville la>i Friday. Now ftw
e local
Traverse CUy.: days.
■lectric sign, tbe flrsi one in the that first raWn.”
Home Ofllce TniTdne atj, Bek.
Baeo «t On Creek* AHimh
Intbe^iseBoe .. .
fa alek with tba grippe.
Mablatee are; Mra. TflUe'sanhbra of Klmwtmd u>«_______
Mrs. R
■ Mia.
parenu. Mr. and ablp. aad elev«i grandebiUrea. beHealthy Mothers.
Mc«. King’s
... 1819.
. jg. Ayeva.
| ■«»
SSe^^ws m
Mothers should always keep In good .
,T1.or_owo I, .0 .hc.
Forty known on- ImIrk. Power I*lunt in o]ienition.
rW Oapmalib riaited bis
The muedenghtcr of Mr. aad Mrs.
Mr. and M«-W«eaughlag violently and exhibiting all mb'-- sc,a ... t~.r .«o-*.si
•m «
Geo. BelCrteb ban come dosrn with Leland attended the ftmei^ erf Mm.
of a coninmpilvc ten- f*
„d ^
I. 4-Ha Mck. hot ao..
^ pal.
i:all or send for proa|)octoa. WV (.Tianuilw* id! our aUU-menta
eiJ?!?!!” 5!‘
of facU to lx> tnic. Utrcfnl mBnaj,'cm«it Fair tmaUnont toall
ikm »U1; tln^P^j« the
____ _
mother ond child, when I
^♦"Sunday acbool eoaveatloi,
Huribnn .returned- from Cennan Syrup sronld put 1
be held at this plaoe Saturday' all
Htock lu^ Tul^ T1 iK>r share. We will sell for a abort tinao
dlnier ^i^edJa ^'e
- at. once? No' moihcr 'should
basement of the church. Mrs. MIRlken
tn asuiy* stotrk at Sic uer share, cash, or 2oc iidF aharc, 15c eaabi
and ten r.'nU dPferml nnd to be pottl ficnn (livideuda. Ko sale
a FoC. Vabtanwr Mat week.
Mrs. John Holmes hsF beeii very spent Sunday with hto family at Mrs.
li-ss than ->0 sUan-s.
in h<
A. k Rarmora has goae to
tough or cold can
«»ed by the death ofi slek and Is at tbe preseat Usae with
cured by German fiyrtirrr
'SdiiarorTasUn IsTtalUngber
Mies Kittle Uolmea. who was a risll.\ct pnitniMiy.
PriMs flQbj(>et to adranui- at any time
— C.
- 'Tabberer and l-R b^ sister at Kinney, was calM
. Miu. F.
,^^,eeoaat of ber mother's slckwilliout iivttioe.


“ >»"“



35 *“^


^ » H's “,




Thetirand Tnveise R Afinnia
Mining Company

a Day Sura

Ores Now in SieU Hake Snccess AssHTCd







Over 700 Acres Rich Mineral Lands






Bprsy Wbe^» •even’Wlrt
li ^ died
-night -ot

the stock bosli
. MBs Aggie OriOlv will work for Mrs.
Wm. Jones-slurta. the nth for Oreloy Toatpklaa Uls ST-------Rin. Al- gob. where he cxpccu to make bis
Mra. Mary Drew
''fliaaer bae day ibOBao -Tyser a rWt.
Arthur DeVol baa 1
badly Injored
iOoOD 81
.. _ log rolilng over him, breaking
Ostland baa been tumble to can
foor ribs and otherwise severely Injurmall eo aeeooBi of sieknesB. .
ing him is still alive, ills chance*.


w BBcaa of Winifred
day bmt weMt.
wSiaa Quackaabanh Is woridag al

Cart Westob is boteefromhlt. Plsna-


.riiS'nT-STSc^.rt'S.TKS ,-TH.
*5iSi.ywi-». — »rt«,
--L: -

tiM 1>mb

J. asiniBood ■■ F. dsi' siipoiaW'oMralon

betongs to cm,- of tbc bc»t srsawo i,t is.friends and acquaictj
Interview Mrs.
rs. Hall said:
m-n bees
"The experiraoe I hate
through In
i the last two
idiv nS tost
»fe seem<-t! almoss un.-nd.i.irable. tad
my flt^rnoi* lurreascl *A

< vi«rt for Masluasa

________ _____ ___ ____
of «ld
*ld lP-cMt« t»d.aa
iito. la IjbiT : oC Mun-nsoruD. B<-eent. ns
p^rz n C'-o^-n^^arit*
varM-A A- IUn.rr.un<!.a.
aadn- Ur '
l-a.4 W'U

1 my chl-»t and the indlct-»Ut>ti '
cau*-e.j by my yourrh. prtvlnce.1 »ory
.aeveiO auRerlng I had five djflei
physician*, houebt cverrihing i. •I
. ri^t crou .(rxi
*a4 m ill In iirii a i illiii i
e- Slltw.mur- wty ha- t-wn IsaUraM
uyiKKly recommended to mo, bag fie*„y, g,^-e
, ive up lo dc#psi
•■<"One day my mliltBcr a*kr-l
I had ever tried -H.vomel. I besau <h<tn-aimecit. aud can tbankfiilly testify
that Hyumel doe* cure thlk lerriLl,dlevase. Smct- eving it my hearurg
greatly improved, andI Ibe
1 take cold.


TK HIT oEernuaT hbkd feicl

The DURABLE Fence.
None so STRONG.
All large wires.


-rmtu.a... la^tut <s>.. .. ngnasHsyla)

AtoehtWySTItt ROOF. H« cm SAK TN MET « F«nI«^
CALL AND see IT. ‘



Tmrene City, Mid.


I then use Hymn:

acquaintance* cisr
change m my health and hearing.”
Hjomel ha* made many ettte* of ea,.;;L r-;, *; «««.ii„n’w«h Hro,
1. of rstarrhal tlealncs*. In-Tra\- 4«*it.dwii
wlof Isada''rf 4iraad Train
Tra«,e— awl-.
City. Similar experb-oev* to ths'
of'Mrs.'Hair* have rTcated a larg,- Srur-“.wu!iS?’Jiin?5r

he arrived home be lost tbe
Mrth. r^-t^ •>—. w. „ ,J1MX MTW BIBBgtently flustraied
for a soclsT to be
'nlng forj
-nA*8«-8 IMWIH.
«•I Jodge earths
Gartbo spent
spent a few day* at BM thought that aQ chance of bis
iv-'anplre lam week cm haslBesa.
marriage wa* gone tmUl a friend coU l^’-er
.“1. o'^i.
Mra Morris Lralle ta vkry ni nt this

-*-----------— v—--w k.
---------- -- ^
tie* ^
sre bw
eema Ask a.
8. E. Wall
m ^ hope U be wmdd ^ Son^to ahoo^o^^^irimi j^-

“k^-a«:rsis“W3r-. ““t'K.
* ~


12f) Fast Front Stiv«-

du>d unuber IX. >«1. sad rararUnl ts tbr

flits. HIU'S fllMClE

Rev. W. Hurtbnt ud wtfe Sisited' The Wm. Habheler company has
friends In Leland last
; started up Its shingle mUI.
sad bmlly have moved
I Beainr Harbor..
r*”,Bdris. to Mr. aad Vrs. 8. H.FbIk)as.
_Jbreli 11. a hoy.
. .
_ Krisey last Friday aftentood.
. J. & Hodges apeat a«rM dayi la
r yooag people anend- f
>|Mi SBper peninsula last ereek.
■ i
Reaolutions. .
ad last Thoikday.
Whereas. Cod In Hi» wlMlom has
HIM Ullle Hnmrscb epv-t Sunday
he Grand
irand Lodge above our
whb ber pvenu.
Bon. toMlr.aad Hra. Octave DoMr-; Mte B
ling l^' I'bMefora ^ ti................................
Toesday i
rd time
Hcsolvi-d. ‘That In the
ihe deat
death of this
le*. all IB bard
oar order baa kwt a
it bst Hfod. attire,
••‘He- who
'*"> dropped In to
*® apeod-the
bontioons supp^. waica
which tried supporu-r.
Cth belag the birthday of Mn. evening. A bountoons
and be it further
Ovn 109 gueat* were presencj was not lo keeping wjth hgrt time*.
Resolved. Tha! this body lender *iooming from dlgrraoi looalRIo*: was served and all faadaCamiy Ume. cere sympathy to the bereaved famil.v.
Ridbs couatv Pragiwsslvepedra.songs; Mrs. H. E. Gill entertained Simeon.who hare been called to mourn her
(her amasomcou werw Indalged' of her Udy friend* at whist 8alttrda.r
(|„. ehaner be draped tor a
............................................- “
, period of thirty days and that a copy
The tlx month* old child ot
of MrMr. and
a^ ^ three resoluiioiu be sent to the bA
Mra. Jobn Stebbiu died last Sunday res--„d tamil.v.
tarail.v. anand to the Grand Trav
rrald for outdicailon.
erae keral
Ot'to SUllow 'spent Monday and
Roxy S. Gilbert.
of morning' when tbe gticait
Mary S Monroe.
took «balr Aspafture. all wlahtng that Tuesday In Traverae C
Mrs. Lon ^m^l^ son WUlaid
visited {Head* tn Traverse City laat,
ji bas.lnWill MeDon^l*»ar*Sl
of Uie kelly parrtK. nrarem. Pier. \
'^**‘*^ ‘ "r™
Tbe Woman’s club meets with Mr*, bliistkm of tbe bandcuS and eome:LMihW'Cow fl***
mnm at tmwuai ijui.e.
u. m. a-sunI Bwuaj
Mra. ttmer Bsaeb <rf Traverse Otyl Thd NsulU club served the mem- - *,n-<.hervlHe man went to Lansing

The Ingham county sbertS made
successful rrid on ibe slot maeblnei
In Lansing ibe other night, capiure.1
them and reduecl them io «rzp '—
-- •
and spllniei^

<^uilders’ Hardware, Paints.
Lirgi-kt ab<l bs*l Jine «.f Bitivcle* in tin- cUy. LatiT»4 SOjww and
FiahiDK Ta«-kli-. xud an np.lfMk-rtc line of Aftmral

4ir SMS Ditalina

<'''vnKnc dir, Hkk.

• ii. • i.
■ '
vRtaaid «dMiianl iuUtutisAs w4 tr«»*r»rO»f. thro^ ih*»a»«»M«jf ot
iwriwe, TW k«ir *i» SmsJ
ifianiltl till. w*‘ wSlti (ui
t»oii»t.i™.rt.i«.«..a<i.trrt^ .
U meud Uw ^ or Ipor .*li to'* kaMfa« «l «2it^ «• W trr l.
tbr UtWt cmat^vml ctr_
M» C^ feoaoM frtaid.. the iau. H«». ?en> »1| fcrt ptoaU *>a !«• cWjs rs »l»«»d )w cm taaln *M uktoc «»««(«.
drtiwud H*B*tt; TcW*»««ie««ajaa4ktta- •» be iiwWtJ.
•».««« ibe
-m* ie il-f
mart, tt
ib* MraWBw bte-bt^ cwcfeay |tu&a«>4
fhs*. cain innitblBs 9srt
ibab a f«*r aco. ibt Ubwr -ma ke»i '
iaiH8e/«f*«ta».nrbee ,curvtkb epteadw *«i M« «
obea Inf airias an boaka amr ve*
■ ^ «« Wte aaitll
. b*er etertab ia cwr hevU Uk> ■•nor;
da; exoept pa»le bnUdapa. srem X or Uil* %ai mikar torn acts aa«-4fle4f
r'clock iu m. aMl » oAetoek 9, at-Md.
let lUadaeM vUsb be bat.basiond
OB «aadar. for ^tai mm aaa aair.;
I npoa oer ciUuai tad ear betoiM ettr.
Uam i nnill
«"Aad to Aadrev CarMirte. vbo aa
“The lacreascd patttinaac ptrea the
kladir beitswed upM os* the sttt Of
maatT and the narked •n'-sexa atilitt macaUkoU baUdle*. <o bln «e
tcadlaa tbe («rBiac of (bf rtadiW
(•H tmder creat ebileauee* aad ahall.
rosm vaa a natter of eoajtrai ilatioa in
over tvmaber bln with klndlr feab,
:fce irestoe* ■boaini: ibat t^ir c«eru
last and ahall alvayt (kJ c dee? la-!
« Bire the Doanle bcirer Hl rirr bdin hU »etfa«. We irnfl thw
ranUxes •ere foil; anirerUted.
"Ujt bttfldia* aad groanda •HI e»cr;
• •Tie pairouatce cTatiaucd to anot
>taad u a t*»bu? »a«luHon aad a
anUl eoneiblac more than a
'aoaaaMt to iboM'laea aaaar pabUeU was tboaabt best toofien ibe rooan'
at 9 o'eto^ a. n. and keep r^tca oatil:
. “To ibe board oT pahUc «orka.;ar«:
t o'etock la Qte ereoiiu. This more'
!ara Mebtod ror ibeir ;«nUrias effonr
•OK abm srsotlf aporeritu i by tbo
;la obaa^lRs aod oqalMdBc iWa
patriuis aad ha* beca kep lo up^tatioa
, baqdiBK. evotr deuU belaK penoabllr ever staee.. The B-4b4a> "arrsMetaeat
; loakod liner br (hen.
the pane
at tnt: ia••Aadaaa«*uliotollt^tffuaa*'
a j * a «i
Ithe'aplMMlld aorti of an those who.
hare lo do «Ub lu eoasinicUba and Menhcr ttatfd. tf r^Aary Tn-gtOta.
• xnn ibe UMl:b »erc oivei iato
Travers City adds this anil couirjeted wSh .hr
'«'■* »•"
the a«
idea 4e
In jnind
. 2^23 voiuoe*. toeludlnz pnbUe
J boaatlfaL «eU eaulppod. artdl managed . to furalsh a balidlnc fuHr aiami^ to '
ata and panphkts At that
i) .librarytto her puUie lasUtmioBs aad',tbe mats of oaeh an lasUiutloat, and '
tron a 1
■wA larsee shoaM ^
operate at Ibe Mast
v '" jM.isa.itto:
for wbleb aay oily a
u there were co.-aparattre
juuiT fad proad.
mat fur help and at lb.'same tine nru- '
* 19 ibe library.
XiT^^ the gw
joople M to
“We are rer, f^le to* 0
needed aUealloa ' .
•-■ and Ibo.
“Siaee that time, while ibt. be« of
dnl pan
« the wcalw board aftmauai prbo are ao laiensely _
r ilntereatedlatbajMreiofiMtandpare
^onW «cry nocb like to.tell w 'be ctirreoi detkm has beea pirebas*-d.
i^.iiaaB>id...w a «qn
« ef oar pablk Ubrafy, ,Their »»«
and ladles and seinienca. a reey lantoaonber of teltunM of »ery
^ j,n to proMde al! breded eoadiUoas of fbl* roontry ponki a asfa US Park euMt aad |u easiodiaa •
b .Jttd*n«l and pcmiaal aafierUs^ In ^
saleable banks cf referwoce law beea ftsaatlal support.
la the 1»HK rpu «rf a vtotk Hfi- llna yoer temer wupected aad eapa
FSH^I the peuph; ritlzaa. Ml ieOM Clem, he betel toWawork is Trarcrao Oty. but tine wHI.
»ad loda/ >e bollert
pablie libiary .of Tcarer.e 1
» eollewicD alt lol.l of ..
City la proetded for the BM of her pro- hart-ibiK eedeetl<n t!baW. ku a por^ ship Uinriaa by rinse of bta otere is
act permit this temieb’. for ., expect
pie aad 1* orrtMsi by (hen. anti ike tkni of Ifcc veallb t.r ib<«(- iwu aieti lowateUp c'leck. Tkla
to call opoa a,number of othes.. who tiJwet.
are proseat la say s f<-«- wurdt: Imi I
>U*b!le it may serm 1 leahal eati nw thai'ba* Us n atode of li by then has bMSt umsI Tor phiUstbrciti'rf- pur
al»m is
past i* _an. ts^yweatt
of ibtrarsnclf has _
casBM refrain from lust a fe« words UsUeai foe lUe iruMt.-.i ... bran
—„------.» tbo ------------ _.
.— arcat
----- ----pui|i. As<irr«
-.............................. .apJ»dlly befoM J» oVlopk B. U
to a iteaciwl sort of waj-.
the kind of book* now la ih-Ubrary. ioiHb-eioai boM *t Ibat d* pnimtoed proilmali-iy Hi«l
ptetddtM of the board <y
‘ Up to Kebmary. 1901. the books for the aeleetim of which il«-y aad for the frtrrr.”
P-ot? liaaoBh AM nd *lTe ■‘bllonr.
ttwfiad,.«au^ tbe.nentog to order
bad for «»m<‘ line Ix-ee kapi lo a room ih.-lr predreeaaora are ri»poa*Jbkyai»d
After a aH<-ctioa by the orcbcMra toiUn oomnartsoo bis xifi was ai fwai
J. AilCbWD stated the
, to Ibe aoctmd nta^- of the JlamlUon *: that H would Jie to bettor tortc to at- Mr. 8pra*oo oal(«l oa J. W, MUlikoa. a« Ao.lrew Oararjrtf*.
(Man «t 4^ aMotinc. sayiac that the
MllUkcn block and was opeaed two tow suaio «oae else ui Ibraw ibtr who had beca tsraelv taMrumraial la tWa arme as 10 ibi- sUe of the library
gnabhaftaatenUed to rccelw the .
attemuoos la each wei4: Tor (be pnb- bouquets, wc do ni>l bositate to aay arntrtos the refereaee books to Ue bul ifal^l|M
settled aad ft Is a
SEMa4 taUdtos. dpdlMtc It.and
^Ite todraw bonks. Ftor n-vcral awinths that we are brwd of 'be klad of Hbran. Xlr. Milllkea wa< (msioe of .plea«iu|k|b
that It Is toeaud
ias tt <mr 10 the tn^tocs aad
tbik the irostoei became books cont^cd in the Traterso City the weA aide ebapei wbicb be itoM lu within a 1 Hin.-‘s throw of the Ceatr^
Un pabUc Ue tbOLoaBod apoe.C. M.
__ _____________
■ '
f^an. pnatdoai of the board of pubUc^'
Pmf. I. a Oliuri. aaperinieadeai of .
the ppblic srbools. was called apon
• 'Sr Prail aald that V was not a :
aad sutod that,Oliver Witelcil i
^iieh naker, that be mooh preferred
said that a boy's edbcaitoa bncaa ariU
ia=4itrk. bat tbo hoansW psblie works
his t^n<iraiher but be atoo said that
wkM to preoeM the belidinf; to the 1
bc»kB\ptoTc4 aa Imponant pan. He
dtri> »ha board bad do^e lu boat aad
kboald'baw idcnty of books. Oar es>h it bad done Its
acnitol ibiog U the choice of hooka

u« clu~» !
Ke Ibonchi tbe •rnstefis had rhowa es>Frllcni jad^ Use aTtaajcetn>'nt
*r tbe bunks. lM>uk> are amply <11ybbel iBlo two rlalM-s, about pet*<«<
ton oMMoks and a
aad al'UM lbfng>. ’ II I* impm^bte I'l
Mtod anywhere. ‘Tbo careful sdecmoei alt perauuv asd tmpoulbtr sa
AioiuaM Uimrlan.
lon of the many volumes reccnily
.see all tblUK'' aiais are the aoH
dded W(i tbo introdnciloD of modten
-jit pad (fernin Itoh their eaiae. ibqy
aeuwida for 1^ care of oar books and.
' bring the reader in (MOiard ariib pe^
W tbe ooBvcnience of palraaaoC tbo
M m.i» ui.«, ,w ibiw.
psliUftlon which arc iarsely due to the
. ICB«1
In <h. »—rf. of
acefol thoailit of ear board of Irusae» aboBld. and sHll be apprwtatcd
«y tbe publle I am aw*.
“Aad BOW by sinae A the powcf
.0., 00
Wed to me as mayor of this city I
«h«U and bgabcaie with two »b«4na;wwbf place tbis bnlMtac and sroaBd^ oaebabom thiwr ur frmr Acs to lusgth.'
tad all library eqaipnknt below|ti>«
-Alifr Mr. Oram's i<>na of o&re
hereto In tbe cat* and keeptoit of oar
trirrd It was idan'd in tli<- dn:g idare
:j wprd o( library IruMcea who shall .
u< 1.. tv. Hm-iiel! t.oralfH
the lAnwo,
Tave fall ebante of the aame aerstdiaa
d^tHer brtr>. biuck ui> ft.r a Urns nf
to'our ofty cbancr'aad which will be
fTp^n an<l □•-at ti>Tmd lu way to ihe,:
tormally opened to tbe jnbtlc by Ual
of f. fi.r :w.i t.r (hre«- years. Fr j»u Mr.
“It to to be^ hoped that oar cUtoen*
Millfr'* t' ws« traasfened to. Um- cuw
wUl avail tbemaelrea of the opponunl■rf «. K l^aBk«■^l wbi; atM dtotVIbatad
Ueo here aSorded. Ilteae apacteas
• bM-'te'B
Its ta^ aqideru lu a more or tote’
imaisa with tbo new and added faellle lor i«w or tbne
ttea tor earini tor tee pabllc will i
■be rily antl.iarnotl Ibe mpii<|^ over to
doabt bo ample for tbe comfon -and ««Ttoecd Ui.t not only was more pabBe Itbiary:
yiarr. I hav<- b.-«-a t'lialde tp.- get
i IliUe e»iD>M>’i*no.uf Ibe library,
auil «ith this. n.-fcrmfi.-mu'lon •vMu.Vre*^ a^
aoaveaieooo of aU aad pvctrtec *IU ^

Ito made heartily Vtdeome."
imtroaa#* was iKwtoios •«. anwi Hbrary Ofiure. with Cmod Kai>l<ts eiuv U.ul.s «< w l>u^bi . - Mr. Mlillfcon
Jk-rlol up to 1W(S. wlW'l) Mr. H (1 WaH^^ .u. however,
B.'U8prajnie, president of the bterd
rtyms aboiild be k«vt open nl«bt >«• of inieccKi.
was mit present,
and failed
wa- .•;,««! ic, tbo atece of VjwbMi^'
if tmtteee. thtm aectipt^ tbobnlldto*.
of the time. Afu-r spefl.Uos notne
-The popolottoa of flrand RafMs to •“ n-apoad. Ht. wise F. Harabum.
KrL and took idiarx* of ibc ftbmTSi ' ]

iTi uiiiV, TitifiMi ipratlnr di fnllnwiUiao la looking for a suitable loeaitoo, jaatmbott cl*itimes that uf Tfarerse
toeon F, Tliti*. wbowai instrum.-nial
: tner^be
■ *
sjorwry Twn—.
li filrea me great
mmeos were able to sveure tbe pj,y.
volumes la her
aacMrlnc th- .lonalton. *a. ueit
^r. Wait 1
i^ titee aad alao'opap to tbe public.
to have the priTllerc nod
« U«> Lo>H«- Uhrwr)- itall at a pnblle library to consl.lerably more «Uc‘'i *>P«o Ur. Thus .mid
years when Mr.
than eight times Iftat (d ours. whUt peuiJo ik Tsaverse 04t; khouM f-t '
r-kvie,! and remal
djjte ditoteasfts Ibe time when it abaU waor
f«?«alty anepUat on bofraU
' reasonable rate of renul.
d aad opoMd to
board of llb^ tnistees ibU.
mataat of ' Ttamiful and Aaeiy foraUbed ■ and’ efforts of tbe tnistoea to make tbe 11- aider^ly leu titan clrtat times :be "-irdlng to flgur.> made
hto keen•• imQfll.a.whtrh tha hterd »< bfarymoiwaaeful and eoowmtent for aiMbercf ^k* that <wr do. While ‘"T-X* 9*» hirrady glCea away the
tinue^ lo disqHUMr sqp,-amirs m iMr .t
Hatoa atotrt. iJbrarUn.
mry bHlldloe "“1 sum ot ass.isw.ouu for iibrario*.
iiAro «p to Ibe Ham rben we w«*a» «
roquin-d for that cost Mr ftycranu. '^Ii geiu-roDh Mr. Titos said tUi while ib^ bad
.,7"..^, made a elty. Stoee iltei time tbe II- '
nln^, «a a .hoaa tor the publle library of ury amount
____________ donor, more than twice debt tlm-the b«* s«we.c^testion. tbe,ufcal feelbmry bas been boaaed to ibe Ladle.-’
I-. a* a botee and after (heir ow D bume.
CO.I of'ihts heamlful hoate protWe.l
! .t!
Ubrary bnUdtog with-Mrw. KcUb and*
there 1.
i» »
an brsu-r
better home
home ■>!
t_hat they
they eoald Mtos fftolit as lii-r.riaft. and Mlaa Allcw'
tor US by the geaeroalty ..ran Andrew vail on the librirryoaeMion
Oinieitie. we'tavo the bcsiof rearoa-.
Ej-Maytir Jno. R. ganlo no* caH.-J
He ibi-n sa-r ii.
a^ .
ciris come valiuU,- adviec. He sM.
b> be well pk ated and asibiflal wUb apon and espro'-rd his plca“I am noiblng mim- thau a buy myadr
wfastwrbste; aac| aow If tbe roBorli "lad that TraveriM- City had »|ieh a
acd If 1 was autng to read 1 wooM read
win givens
tine-righita tbe money t(-atiiif(il and ialuabk- adjuiici to li-i
that is paM for Ibe a-appott ot Ikr educatloca! InnilnUani. From iweUe ■ be tires of men awl work* of bl>lory.
the hlsiory *et iW I'nited Stolen and
Cra::d BapMs Hbran'ibo tmatees wii: years op. hr said, a boy or girl to
sfierward other e-<iaiirk-k.'' He adbe abnadauily Mitolled. and proir.iee naturally a nqiyiFt and foe tba< rt-a-on
Tbied leodlnc <be book* that wonid do
tc ke^ ii. wfatre- stauix in tbe be was macb pteued wiib the a
1^- the meat gnwl U-twem aaet of 12
Irjat rwsk» cf the eJsretlonal insrl- meat of the library la reEard
' Xei-' 'he llrewjrf men." be
faton. 'of fbe eUy.
reieaUfic and reference bowl-i being
aid. 'Tr-a-l Ilf m *o Ibat the lives of
they would to a lenie
,»•. M„. .m fbM ra » Bl!
great mi u l-v»in«- z pan of your own
: tlsc- Tray,:-k(l nty bai .^be iarg*ft uiian. When a cfiUd enter* tbe firu
number and ltc*t and.9nm carrfn’.ly MV thing he thlnkk «>l it wbai kind of a U*cs.''
-The la». rneaker oa the
ft-rted cuor-Ki ct of bonks wbieta are book it waaicd. Ue bereomrs liiicrvatp>4pte id
td to the becur
beeuT elatti
ela*. <.f
<-f Ul4•rs[u^•
Uu•rstu^• aaid
A H HmUday who read a
mure generally road by o-ir•* p>uple
bcncflicd. It a eblld r--ads
reads Edward l“l*r ~
oa il:»
hi:t=ry «f ^ library.
tbaa any other tmbllc ULrarrr to the is bcncflied.
stotf of bUcbigtei. .
. •
Ercrrlt.llale be will be Impruased by Ur. Hofn.’av raM
“Id akA we ciaim'^tbat tbe people the kttomgth of ejasweter chon and .' “Ix liev.sad neailcmen; ^Tbc task
of TravelTlir bare a givaier taste will strlsa to •si-ulaie It. On tbf- otper of rompiling an aaibcailc Ualory of
tor Wiidle<i-jal lavruvcmcnt Ibga she band. If be reads 6nk>a. the emulailoa the early • v(;n(a. la epaneMftm withavense e<ii-Msa of otbugy^m of «bd Insplrod may It* liartnM!.
Traw-rse City's pabllc Ubiwry- I fonnd
naie. end 'hal-tbi* to <to<i to a griot
Hale'said ihai if tbe aieroge ne^i^r rubor ardnups aad bar* aaeceoded
moas-re .o the er<M!t.«r Ibe guul sr?d was asked vbtee Saratoiea was’We only to an incmapiete and qaestJuasnwn to Ibe earty days by Umt moat would rrpty the: it was a watering able csumi. .liowever. t bate aao-rpmepomuk ahd rfaa.-aMe/bulidtog or- place wtae^ Aatcrltmna went to kwao latood wba> tofiAna^kar la berete congarliaiiliir. tia- LadK-V IJfcrary ais»- tbei,- toone}-. X>; ftatatoga was ibt- tatot-d with the, to-ip nObaaw beu inMa’k'B. f-li:- 'I lotto vafdnae t-* pr^- ptor- whe^ the H‘-4»iaax laid down formed oa lie aabieet la a harried
; per and wu.-k hand te-baad wiib ibe tbelr wwepuna and wew forPMdeo fbC- maantr and if i; pcovep aa iMertetingcity inblk: ifttary for the Iniiral ap- <C»r if carry arms' in the state of Kew to .von in lu preseataUna as t found
■ bcUdtog aadtotellwoaal-arwwUiof 03f Vqrk- '
h,u» im ta my scan*. Iwbaff be umplT
R. S Frau said iba-..the people had rewarded far my enraext. if teeffaeiaav'w'
T “lanmepttocflittMUntiaftbnthaad- adktebM to aeeepc a idft from two tfforta.
;-------- nojDO bulMinc.lor Ue bntee of owr Amerleaa atiseu who bad aeeuasTlte Mm Travarte CUy pebUe li- ettmei
pabMc UliratT the tnweaa Mn to wHb Idled a largs.nteau of wcahb. It to brary Wfes a
. iull osihde^ (hit tbe cMy apoarfl
a tetesuim a* to how tlw-Imstae*. htmi^ In toe olTwo^.^^^ at’hfa«y of tbe Tr.»erwa faiy pahlte^J^^
Th* caewtia Uhrary.





. ms


... "e'.-

. .ijr.'Vi, . : .-'.I-


I hr Re*, J>«ill»ab«lttcl»Tw»tfrqBUiccs


b^dcf Ike s^ewiti

vbca Itio 0«*r CBuod
1« o clotfc.
jrttppxv; Kr. r»r
thu. bt
Tt^ bwJ of tr«w« d. KrTM »!»- 'wrid Bad tiotbliiir to lb.- riiy Aanar

’^m^n^miaAviueMru'uur broiwc to to «!»-*» toXTWt aad ua , rtot «a oamtUrB to be pr,^I*rwl.*»d
??: r
^ .trhw> «»-«. la tke IftoiT-. U bair.
tfc« *c «fk tbc Jrgltotitr.' to p>«
. -•
Ike Biacom •idborUtas boBdtoc far

BwoJ»«d, Tltol II be itae aenM to

la co*acr:ltai wlib thii lie cominii-

a boadlas. aad ibai (lie ui-a-'oiv U- seat
oor m»rcretiia«lTc« la Uu" aenate
and htHaloiQre vilh a
to dhp------------------------““
tart to tk« eoiultos to tke llbrMT *
above rettouikia va» paaacd at H* paraase. ibc WlMo bo beld. bi.v
, imifi
Ito* anoabl riiuald be
to MW.. Mlnor^|« Mr. a BtotoiM to the l«jard nrilira^ra to
i il
the board of uadc In U»e oMUieU nwi» dtonlteli ,lI;.od bj tbe wasa Boetlns to
»jr dwtoa katjeCoa
rto ^ itotoeetlBB >^eak foraad laat-Thamday. Tkla aaion waa ukto. be bold noil act*.

r t*to«& to ihc totwiBre I lB»c
%«»BriMoto to uktoB <
*»•” STSwiJ^totS

ib. gn«<I ^ CW«> X » .IUr'ra»<fc™lJ« !“«»=»”

«Unrr to ba Mntolaed at wito .a
toaadato ttatyilwMl alwara be at41m
*1 bij*iM^n^Obeabte^ and puto."
.AlWrwotbor Dtuim Bumber the

repoivaubmitusi br.tbe cuntnlltec ap|»Itil«l «* fonnntatWilaua to preaeui
to * ouMic metstne to clihaat*.
Prevltma to the dlar-aKalnirkBil
dlrr-axslnirkBil i«»»!«»••
bep of ihla'fe'olutlon AUcirouy K. 8-

reUtIve to tbe mirar to ibe bondlaB
ynapoaithni. iko oalj- awa"»t dbloroncca to .op:nUa. koavver. btHn; aa
ilie BBiouai.
BttimtaL, to monej
Bioney Bcrtaaar?
ralae. ' Tbo oooRiiCte reraiiimctidt-d

ISMae. bto ikm »wt> «eTef«l whoW
Itered ikto «• mshl to'Und tiir m Urgor MBoant. L. K. Cn;ta «im>l Ibto ihr^
aniMM l:« flMJWit - tie vu »aj«fMtc-a
ia Ititi br Dr. Moos ud JoHaii Sitoetx>rs. bnt It «ru <be opiDkM to FAUk
HanUum^Goo. W. Lardie.-C. A. 6kte;-. H. A. Mtttsetmu «ad oUww ibat
be aiacb tetter tu ttoto ibe
amoTiBl to CSA.00I1. Inaantoi u If ibU
■annrt eoidd by capcadnl ia pneorins MV ladn&to. aad it van fmad
adviiaUe to raiM> idikv,later tot ItvmM bean c«r matier t^'Otfe addliloaal fcada. Tbere vm» <mc anc-;
KcAltm that tke IrtoUtare be atkcd
the appni|ir!a1iuo to I1«0.«W. and that boada bo Uanrd fof ooir
feit^aae. TUa net with aume tavor,
but Mr.-Uaiaitiaa's tnoletioa taailT )
preralled. to brlni; tbo paiier btoore-^
tbP tBaaanoetliut to elilzenx 10 bo held
cost week. The roaolnUoa ombodieai
Maslleall)^ Utc flm two aectiona to.
tko report to tbo coniaiittcc. tb<- r«-'
amIutkT to tbe n-pon beine laid 00,
tko table. Tbere were dlactoabwa by
Dtberr. lacludltiK J. W. Pattoiia.jBn.R.'
Saato. Mayor FblKhutn. Tbtui. Siatmk-.
waito. E. U SpK^gue. J. W. Mniikcaand Bert t»;ilbflm:
iBuaodlattoy npoo tbo adoixion «T:tbo n-aotutkiii DroakJant HaattoBR appotaiod A. V. ftriedrisb aa ckainnaa
to a coBwtUec to anknpmcnu to pre­
pare for the BeettnK. Mr. Priedrteh
belaE antkoHzcd to select Ua own asaiatanta to aerve on tbe eommlut*
named E. 8. Frail. J. W. Hannon. Oert
propoaltion. Prealdeat Mia\nibclm. /. W.AIIIlikcs and E. J. Pol- tig., appointed the atamliny evminUpiem.
locw to tbe iwanl for Ike euaulnB year,
'on m«»;loti of Mr. MUfttenan iBTita: wkJck arts aa folU.wa:
tton waa eatoiHled. tu all labor ocnani-'
aatiuDs in tJie-atyVo attciul the maia
j, «•; Milikeii. T. T. Haifa. C. K.
ipctolw; nest WedBoaday erentef In 8 UncK. I..
!l. C. IU»j :.

tadv. ™. nK.h» pr.-,dlM »».|.

^ ^^iXrSm. il. A.


Uuuelmnn. C. A. Uusbcc. H. B^in■ tbe adjouraneut sue. "^o*. 8iuMlb«-aHe, E «- Praii.
ibe committee held a metolns and
beitan Ike preliminary 1
U a-aa decided to extond en Inriiatian‘ XVillUtDt. L. K. 01l>b«. Moyn I. emun.
to Hon. Amoa A. Massolnati to GrandI Wm. Uuudon. XV. K. Calktns. Hert XX’IIBapldi. former pretodeni of tbe GrandI Uim.J. XX'. Paichin,J.G. Straub.
Rapids board to trade, to dvilver an
FubUc Improvamanta.
mldn-*,. Tke committee decMert to ae- „
Canrr. E. Wl»^
onm the band, male ,uailei and l-.iU
‘ »>•
°JojTit. Julius Campbell, Jens IV.otscn.
orebestras to tbo city to rnmUb entv- S. C IJarrow.
l for tbo oscahlun.
Muric.pal Afisir*.
eWH to SCI ap a clrrtoar fur disiriiiu|.-_ jt«nillto
c: R
Mton. E U Sprasue.
. .
.... tni........................
i. D. Codiiln.
tion amons
the people
ibe city,
F. C. Ullberl.
Codilln. J.
Ilnlni: Oie adrantaw of tbe mccUas- T. Beadle. C. M. Frail.
.M uirt*
: ^
At a mecilaR Ulcre «1li Ix: .tkori ad y„ii.
dresses by leadina buslnwn tnea and
Forest Products.

vorhias people wbu an* iDierealod In
C. U Greilleli. John F. Ott. W;.lKelley. XVm.
tbe aiaUer to raUlas funds -far ncaIndusirktt.
t of BUndins Commlttcto.
Paerloua lo the dlscusHon iipun tb>‘ Mdrsnii,

bsHvory baait thowins Stable Roatn.

J. H. Monroe. O. C. MoBatl. Oeo. U.
B. C. Lewla. A. 8. -Hobart. L. E


I. J. H. Sleinbere. Barney AnderJ. A. U.rauBer. Chas. Caria, C. M.
Qeen>. Chas. S. Brookt.-Henry Ssllb,
O. G. Miller, Oeo. E Amloite.




. 8. Garland. Chas. Fanai.
A. a Cook. AlIcK Slclnbcrs, E Walter,
W. U. Ilnd»rw«<vl.
V A ' Haomtoid. Goto CfiM. M. E

lerllnser.y. W. Cllffe.
Bon XVilbelm. who waa appolktcd a
committee to •i’’e tu iook afttT the
lal*or organlrjUon and M-;«re their si

teedanee. thU morniait repnrta* ikat
tbe ft^lowlny oomatiiMa ha4 bpaa
oaaed from tbo rarloa tradea to ««
Maaona-p. Van Wa»toer. Ckarlta
McMItoiaol. XV. J. Imln.
Hlacfcamitbf-rrank Swaillcr.
Teamairra—Abdrev Bradicaa. iaa.
Hewott, Walter Umson.
llarL-era-M. J. Grtmtb. W«. Vbaelock. XVm. Iniow.,
CiRarmakera—y. p. oroeaman. Jaa.
Koran. Jos. KnuBmna.
Sbettoor. Hanray
Pleree. Mod* Sick.
LcBsskoromcn-Jo*. Sorar. Loala
Zock. Chas. WInowUkl.
. PluoUsMji^noa lUlttcd, lAB
I. Orciibaupt.

lemure. l!m.
Anstu McColl. Wm. L
l*a:Bter»-D. Cccr,
ucr, Wm. Omapteii.
C J. Sirons.
Oirpcairr*—W- J. Speno^ Prabli
Dulph. A Warner,
Muslclana-D.^. Stewait.
Palmer. Cha«. X^dcr.

r oiaBufarttire of rtsareitca.

To Early Buyers!


■ Lar*e invoices of new Spring Merchandise have arrived and placed on sale at very tempting prices. Many of these goods wpre manufactured for usdurIbigthedull winter monthsand the valulesaresuch'.h^t they cannot beduplicated when busy times come. The following items will give you an idea of the
l.aood things awaiting your inspection: .

Silk Pepartmenil

iiMk and $uH Dept

30 mch mile HalKilaiVVAAli Silk-.

' ’"4?,'^,60c

$i.ds‘ i-LiSssiis

s^eJRTS, made up in tlie ve^ latest st>de. of ex*
bdleo't materials. Are good x'alues at $0.
I'f, • "

lilit ibirit Uiaist iuit&

[ for the coming season.
Wr^re an ^xcillcnt-assortment at

$fZ.S0, $ISM, $I8M and $20M
Full lioe of spring Jackets, Run Qpats and Suits
now on di*play.

Cddks* l^iery

Dress Deeds



1 .■

^ 2 extra Specials in.Black
22 inch Black Peau de Sole. Hraii.ard ahd
Armstrongs make, guaraniccd worth

^ Handsome line of new

Spiino eotton Suitings
invluding (Grecian Voile, Knicker Suiting, \ oile
Suiting, VoHe_ raniasie. Venetian Veiling and
Embroidered Batislfs. at per yard.


15c, iSc, 20c and 22c

Case of fast black, full fa.shioned, triple
thread bccl and-toe. worth 15r, per pair

Cadies’ neckwear


Hi|r assortment, all the newest natty atyles, at from

5c up to $1.00
Cadies’ TIeeced Olrappers
Well made, nice and full, tbe SI .00 and ’yCk/%
S1J5 ones, to close-........ ......... ........... •

Corset Covers
A job up to C inches wide. Normandy 1
Valsn worth 20c a yd. while they last, yd * V^

Ttawe Biiy, McliEalir

a SO. bore and nttendlnc Ye ibe r
m In front ot Ut« Rnanten defeBsen ntitncne, put of lot ^ •
y family
- Uie resMlu oTtbe Kellf
I Tie Llo* brfore ooniinokK opeintloM. I .uice ID: $CM.
S TbU nlU Blve Oeaeral Knrojnikln tbe
Board of BdocaUon to CUr of Tra<
■■retime needed to aoUditr bla exhaoatcd,me atr.
&r •Co.-a lA Thoiadair'a'fim^ at' KlngU^*!*
gueetTof Ura. Penion.
add; fl.350.
I. March
Tbe lUlroad be-' tnw^.
A. 8. Bamnin was rery ,poorly W^The ewiDtry north of Mnkden it
Chy of Trarerae City to Board cd DM^y. but U now BOW emtortablp.
D and Tie Paae bat been
■warming with htmeTr. dlabeartened Bdaeation. lou l-<^S-(-3-6-74. block }3.
r tbe Jamneee troopa aoRnaalaiit who are torresdering to H.. 1. ft Co.-e 2nd add;
k^apatA recelTed in Tokio
Hitt Cosrov (if Sliglnt rlelted
______ any pnranlng Japaneae they
Akmio P. Hunter to Mra. Anrllla L. fricatdt here over Sunday.
- jiie HflTtiir«
meet. Mott of the foreign attachea Gardner, lou 11 and 12. block 17. H..
with, tbe RoBBlan army. Indndtng two L. ft Co.'a dih add: $U0.




wat ramoreJ Id ibe palace

. Ltkampu. apren mUet •
Hon river and 8ve mllct cnt*“red a
. iu»« ‘ Berlin, Marbc 14.-A diipatcb from
thrtoe Itt >*«■«»» taya that the fifteen aoldlert ’
The - - •- MBnaitleB Bum
rwfuaed to go to war were court range U: ♦»(».
ritltlDg bU
iwe iwnao
, mailed and abot within two bonrt
Joel O. Kenne;
Tbe RuMlan center it!
after tbe triali Kenney, part of tou l-S-6. btoek S. P.
_ in great conftuion. Tbe
KInu nhopt and the Sutdnlt nreade H.'t 2nd add; 11.000.
Percy Tbompson bat been ruoflDt<d
toJacob A. Frye and wife t'D Tbomat
raoetH of tbo numdp'i boppi• 'iay~i^"an“’l.cendlW Are canting a Hawhberger. tot 1.
4. town 26.
with m«-lct for teretal
iS 2 SoW
• range 10; |M.
hJb'tC hrdl rdl nil r« rdl
March 9.—A ftaaslan' ij ‘
, Floju U Smkb .nd wife to A. C. E|,
GUtoT' lumlior t»m|i lojS up Siiur...........
SL P«ei4ta.*.>I«ob 16,-Tltt.J.p- dor 4nd»ir...MM H.blooA 15.0. P. ttor 4ud 11,0 Itju, .m.II bo In bi .»
rqiorta that two Jap. .aAuo 4r.4onb o( M.4d«. Tbo uCUro ntPond 4 uo.oro Tr4..r«.aiy; H.d».
W"-'M "1'
U04 bT. I444llat ilo^um pp.
.<op,dlu»..o .4 dl.p410b
; AudllPr OO.0..1 t» 0«=4. K. H»m.
-----------^ •
MiteMn H the
General Nevra.
W«I M,»«p«B. U bnuptpd
0»"M KdPP 44.Mrf..M.4oo.d£.».on.™pt
Tbo J.PMO.O P»d. 4 Horn:
Tb.- EMIl.b Utibo™. obureb o»l4U40k OP Tie P44. bui Ibo Ronlob.
Jrtto R. Lbalo. 4Pd wlfo to Roita. doototlpp o. ll4l4«o»» bo. dtoldod
TIP j4p4M4OO4(»0tU.»lMrllub-||..,^,R.,pR.,„^p..a„p.„„ Bl«PU«4»,lPl>.blookS.B4,4ldo4ddi tp ob4b«o Ibo-PPmo ol tbo on»ula

v'rr.srr-4 4..«.4«4,


BrtUrt Weekly that abe
that bU
.V V4...
»» failure
4.4..,.. to
4W rat'Ot
4..44< hit p«r
pie f*re
fare to
to face
face wai
wat due
due to
to cowardice,

.oS;"jrs;.rr' *


j^rrs.L*,.'s,E,s —r

. .*•

••e fell back, leaving one tbotunnd
Henry Mox ui Ocotge C. Pierce, parLmtftefi. March 1to->Tb« vietertoin demlaoldler. on the balOe field.
,cell, town 26. range 11;«!ft00.
■PMMM «M0ps aeenpM Miricdati thla
Tbe mOtado's men bad followed tbe | pnuhin ft Crotaer to Beatrtcv
gtto the
of tbe -Rlalng RuMlana etetely lo tbe scene of to-jPhlpp«. nwl4 ofnwU.aee. lo, town 27.
ten” new AM over fha *0Mir city." day'* battle but it !• the opinion ofiraa*® »; |too.
William Secor to FYank Rokos. e-$
s cawead la Tghto ImUltary men that they waited too long
^. A ■ \. ^
.A^ i to irtrike at Tie Pane. The Ruailan f«ei lot 12, loU 13-14-lfi mud JC. block
•NfiamaraMtaMpiaea "• tita atrawa
5. Goodrich s add: $7w.
taoatoftentatfw event. Enemouaguan-;
-------;---------- ^----«
Hedra of Jttoa C. U*wls to Fairfield
itUiaa eTitoraa and htmdrada ef fitm
Will Bwparviat OH Fitida.
; Ooodwia. wH of aeU. except 2u acm
fatl ifita tha liaada ef the Jaeanaaa.' WaaWngton. March lS--The plans ^
6. ,own 27. nnge
for the toresttgatto^the OlMnd^ jj. ,,
The RiMlana fled In a panie.
try to tUnaaa fiare bean completed by
louI,,. g_
M. Baird.
*Mda or ,r-.D-Tri .Bhtndirad to tbo ‘
®- ”***

Il-.OOO church will be built the coBlng
Ac<»rdlng lo Tollable anthority.
August Belmoni lncreas»«a bl» wealth
by from |i:.mKi,«(s> lo lui
ye»r. TbU l» somethluR n a monib. and any
find* bU
Rockefellers and Jlorgana,

IfiRtmt The llfihtlnfl obnuwiao tejUbW. Owml^w
g. n.
dm north urboro tbo Jopnnoto .rt Owfl^d wlU preb^ly.
George C. -Pierce lo Henry
work In the field. It U nald no alien^
u 28. town 26, range
RMMiifi tbtdr fidvanea.
■ Hon win be paid by the administration jj. j,
tba ftfiMIng utoieli mada toa fall ef
to the erltIcUma .of Mr. OarfleWa re-1
w Lo Vanl to »t"‘" F. Brown,
MHkdOn poaaWo eeoufred laU y^r- port db tbe “beef trail" emanaUng [
„ bjock 3. P.'H-'s
from Kansas. Tha president is evl- ,rtnda- |mo
tey at the vfllagt ef
den'ly tntJsfled with and wrovet of
Goodrich and wife uA« D
m)lat toact of Mukden. Kw
Ib. PMlbod. of lb. oopintlMdopn.
p„,.i, T».«~ city;
baltia. Tba JapMasa Me
y and finally tbo village Nineteen teenad to Daath.
; * '
patteraon to
U uennan
New York, March U.-Nlneteen per ^ Mrs. Mary PMteraon
tel into J
Stelmel. tot 21. block C. H, U ft Co. s
•nn*. IBM. women and children, bad 1st add- $3 506
ato hand to hand flgh-.lpg. WKnosaos
Fiaak^.' parmenter to Howard D.
OtoT tbe dead are eeattoiM in the,
otbera were aWtoosly
Carnw. e42 feet f« 45. Oak HelgtU:
Mraotft aeatt yaite and houaeo and at! injnred by burna or falls in a fire in 11^00
t No. lOS Allen
t of tbe war to'*tooet. A carMen tenant iefin lightWILUAHSBCSO.
1.4 ____ .-.-.A.. -R RR..,. ' ed lamp on an empty paint barrel
to tba vleln*y of Muk-,
Upsal Hobbs and wife have moved
ten. tttogmoranyagfwadbywara
was upset, probably by a cat. teUteg
Kalkaska. The-------------I fire to tbe *barrel. Tbe
to the paint store lo- where'Dr. Clark was located.
ttoP to one pf tha moat dsipirata
iD Carpenter uq>ects l
taOTHitotbabtatoryofwarfara. h ba!
fierce fire followed.
go 10 Bufialo.
•ndWilto dulrtaaiinfi pvan part ef his

bold n scries of meetluR.. The puric
fi.rvwd the local anihoriiles
Turkish subjects from attend­
ing these meetings,



' The Thumb now'baa'another tiUy.
Cnwwall bat aaecceded la getting, itteU to be oBctolly oiltod a cJii.

atthade on (be aaloon''qaattionl
A lady who hat acen a good deal ot


_U lb*



j»^i g^rainrtac

£str.;s.ssitssrsrg,£sss JsrsAa.-s-A’ari^

jKwt could hide hlmtelf i.-um fear of
death. I rhotild not go as tar as the
...44... d„.4

«i*r Admiral Hlgglnton't lemnliy P i<SsVfBt(SUd^tw»«.«v
experience at tea convlncea him
Ku4oc I. ntuout.rj In ordor to ntdku tMrdni,
or otltdok
lu, up .hl.Ahuurp. b, tolU ol 4 vo.»d

i KL-r-silTu.'W*H

boon to u.o ppd.uo o, vM.utt »uj_y,d tjkbj^w,.M
“ ISia-iV-'JVlTrSl.S-'S’.iSiS
SU4t,. .lK-».dd„-..l0«lb0 0M-O. Tbo umju^,... A.,.,, ,. ™.„. ».d.«A
p.uU .o. tb., iblns, »o»l -I™!!» ..t^t tl-t IPUtofJ^
ctor In Ri.., *1ien an.dbrr bhln
In «id ncch.m.d elo..-by. The air
i>>e new arrival
guage of the mate, but
»vel>- «be salhi^c' *’*' ~

Salvation Army

«*• 6. town 27.




WT>*ic4y. areUblOioi. of DitUI^ once
i™'**- *‘’*‘‘*‘ ' veryone is by way

‘«I f 1 Marine Gas Engines

iRTicn the youth demurred glring bit
“"'cr Whaiel) said: “111 loll you
*• >»«*“■«■
geulng truth on their side to being o
the side ot truth;"
Bishop Potter aucceeded I
dfiabllsblng the subway raloon In New
York the (jucsilon often has been
asked: ‘AVbat does the bishop really
believe about the rempcrance quesyon? Tbe prclai(- has received Uiin-




(tcm-niUy BcknowU-dfod to ImUhe moat
iHy «nstnu't«kl. most hnimi*
so'melv (li-fiicihtl and finislictl inariuo^-'a* mianc on
mayk.-l. Suitoblc for any kiitd of i
nxioirimr from 2 to 27 liorer |k.w.t. Fillrd-wilh either touch or jump epark ii.'^titui.


itog tbo point. Now it Is annuiinceu \
that a IxkA on ••Temperanee" from his *
aPl"'3r shonly The "ork s

or eall for catalogue.

WAUTkcR nn., RAioac,

ot the indictment upon which tbe
the tUTT
Jutt J
was at Ubeity to Sof


125 Cus St., TnYcrse dtj, Wck.

Detler U Aotomobiie. Lioncb tid Gtsollie Ensme SsppUc*.
CitUana Phona No. fi02


fimp and raaahlng TIa Lang aafply.
Mrm. Chadwick Found Guilty.
-------pleasant Ume.
expressed for several years past and
«M frfil win rank hhn aa tba graataM
L. Otadwick was Saturday night found;
meeting In the Maccabec
—tor af aatraat af madam tlwaa.
.guilty ot eonapirtog to debmnd the, ball last Tbursda}. The Aid aoclety
laadaN.fdarob«^datBehmangaf|BQiied States by conspiring to proAcme was
tepanan tMgpa haa aamtead FimImR, euro the ewtlflcuM of ch«ks on a,
Tbere were one hundred
ateto aawaltpektot the wemny on a.national bank when there were w> «nd four that partook of It. After din-,
'.■i> I 111., -A..-----' fundi In the bank to her crediL
; ner tbe tables were cleared and a,
i Tbkto. Maroh U.—Tba fiating Rns-

•I Ik- Oslo h e<af (kc >«n a
-.'tan* .fMl IMB- (trait- dolUr., tor




Y ou should come tomorrow. Saturday, or any day next week, for these spKial values. You
win find them indeed worth your while. A glance will tell you how good they are and how
they make it entirely possible for you to save money on your purchase by eoming here. We de­
sire to emphasize fhe fact that these specials are all new andare high In quality and low In price.



!. O. C. T. lodge of Ibla place
MhM la tba taemarable battle of
Tbe original tadictsiwt eooUtoed vWiIted tbe Bk Itoptds lodge latt Monevening and were dcll^ifnlly eai, j-' IMSh, are arrtvtng at Tie Past
alxtean oonnts.
I drove tbe e
Thr a few daya of last
_ —- friends
each count i __ than IIO.OOO .. Itt--Ited
wat fl« tbe districts t
wttt «( Mukdaa yesu


1 laSlettBg heavy ftsmage .on

•‘i - >« «•« ■»i“!5''72i

iind iu-ltcr tlian wlint others
soli ut .Xk-4 arc lu-re. J
sitecialnt..................... OOC





Betofiffil Cfifset 'overs, us linc

of flOJJOO and also Imprisoned for two

Maa euts ol auppUai and a
OteM reports say
Wtog said to‘her;
r ld6.bMF0f which 40M6
“We have tori. Mrs. Chadwick".
er hoi
Re pHsopero. 23W dead oa tbe flew
As the neaning oi the words came
yoongiTri children of Mr
nd H...
to her ahe flushed deeply and
have -bevu
Tnailiin. March lft.>-A 8t PeterouHe sick,
lapsed cott|>IMcly.
Mrs.-l). r Taylor I* on the sick Hat
.bais dlapatcb a^ the car has sumMr*.
•I Diy was called to TravMoaad ^ war 'coimcll for tomorrow
Isst Sunday
ou account of
- vben the wfaoie altaatton will be gone
________ Mich.. March
«»4W4. 14.—Kal- .......................Himes Of iK-r baby brother
k..44-. ,-iURR o,„Uoo.n,o„.d .0 Ibo
Petrie's Ucket, elecUhg an Its eaodlAbout 60 young people from King*
’TaMa, March it.—The Jap
datsa except one trustee. The follow- ley. Suisml: City and our n< Igbbor
ansy asdar OoMral KurokU
brakM thfWegN tba Rtmatoa lint ea tba
Whlpi^. rierk. George Parker, ireas- pi^j-jog gaaos. Refreshments were
Nan river ate af Mekdan. A largt
uror. J. a: HarrtoU: Uuslces. Cland,served.
part af tba Raaaton army is antrappad
bstseaw tha farom af Qaiwrat Kurekl
: daugbu-r tisliod t
aaaasaM-. E. P. Beebe.
ate teparai NepL Tba esar^ treapa
Ucllle. last Sunday.
Geo. SevgBlIler to the lew i iRlmt-r
s with
A--------- ^1,.^. M..
Jtorthport. Mich.. March 14.—Tbe vU- m Gibbs' mill. Mr. Grelb realgn.-.!
9<-<I bto
•”*r.”"?.T**‘'laae elaeUoo nassod Qg ouleUy rcrier- position and rctfjned with hts team
**• toMio win be anormaos. It la ao,
o.—^- ,iAba« «■ nirnmi to his borne.
ttedtod that batwaow SteOO and 40M0 w and tlj© wet t^et was te^
shaddock from fllbi*' mill went
xe, Wexford last Sunday.
.-kO baaiiAtakatt. ]'with
. a matoriiy of 20. Iho fultowinfe
r Ucket:
Mra. Edward Chappie to very kick.
KorakI aaatlMiaa Wa advanoa aarth ir^?^
Rev. Wood ws* a caller In thi» neigh4a an atert to te tba IlM of mrori
Praaident, U.-R GllU
bortaood last week.
Clerk. Bert CaupbeB.
af tba ateny from Fuabun to Tie Pasa.:
ssurer. Dr. Archie MePball.
If tbli mavamant la i
Trustees. John Garthe. Isaac Davis
Will ba proritoilly Ratoingiatt of Ku-i
J and Henry Ban»«. '
Is family I
ropMk»n*a grant nnny. .Haavy fight-'*
TbU Bcani a renew^ of the aatoon
u on Tuci
tog cantbNwa ate and narthate at ,
boDdf in May and tha



=. ,.. .r*,d„o

Govns. Drawers. Skim, Eic..

An imnirtUM- line -even tme »

Hairpins, Hatpins, BncUes, Stock CoUars, Belte,Etc.
-lust ritvivml ii bi^ BliiiHiu'iH >■( elx.ic*^^ nc»' thing*, ut

5c, 10c, 15c, 25c and 50c
Tiu-se |»rir

New amlltOMty Heckwear

- oiiiy tiUTIii liitif whtit otiirrs art- •-liorv'mir h'f
styles ifil as new ■■r ms pn-tly.


SrivirH’S. 'sr;s

for -another yew. The tidtet which Master Harold Gibbs, returned from a
ntotlaii, «M Rateairo main aupply
A ___________________.A.- -A ■ - I w»s plae«Ua.j»(>posltlon to tbe -rwet" <wo laoniiF 'sojourn "la the' '.suaay
*“^'-elemeni eras Wilber F. Steele, pres! aouth.
s a* rme ean-.i.a. n—t...... *«».l
g with her
•k. u
rtdgas and athar atoraa li
<irer. Max S^roeOrt, and irostem. C.
Wedneada;' afternoot^ a reception
B. Kebl. Charles Braham and A1 Tolce. 'was held In honor of Mrs. Addk- Glblik.
Total vote 122. of whlrii the ruling »bo has beeo absent since ihe Lou­
- toteintd ta dsatroy Kurapriktn-a
ticket aecurgd C6 against s' *n.i ii'dayv. The aSsir was in the Dstuid of
’•* ”, ■“ a surprise to Mr*. Cibbo Tbdsplits.
CiHUIKWd (•!
Tba Japanese ara vigorcualy angag. Kingsivy and
•ng tba tosaians five miles north af
Mayfield. ihetY beitig aUwi lortj -five
Raal Eteta Transftro.
5 delkious lunch was served.
1. Armstrong
and wife to Bmiaet and mui c was furnished by Mtos
RA„R ,4_i
^ 4™,„^ 4R. l-R 4K.04 d. R-RRR.-.
. ndd: 3300.
B Taurkoe 8elo says It
Mr. Meyers In a
Adedpfa Kaiser to W. H..'Ay^ par- weicomed Mrs. Gibbs home, and sb<
stood tbe s r coaacll has decided to
war. TTw gausttoo
made a feelicg n.sprw*v The icri'
OsMial Kuropttkto'/autwasbr was' Herman W. Smiib^nd'^rc to A. E
ttoo aisninrd but th« coundl made no. Curtis, mistee. N. ic R. of w. so R. of
14—The belief Ui Harman W. Smith aud wife to A. a town to attend tbe reception WeAnes-


NmI Uh-ordinary* kinds. Iitil 1x-tli r limit you'll tiiid (Jtw-whi re

:>t th-»-pricefi. 25caa4 50e


$5. $7.50 and $10
Swell new Jackets at
Ladies’ Tailor-Made Suits, newest, most pleasing
styles, at
^$12.50, $I5_and $20'
Cravcncttcs, ihe very latest, at $7.'0, $io. $12.50and $15

New Dress Goods for Spring

New Hats for Spring

A splendid showing, amooy which you will-imd ihc
most desirable styles and best values ever shown by
this,’or any other store, at

U • i,;ui- ju»l i.jr iii.rI
of tii<- Vd-rj'
I ;;n,l Ijit,-4.l
m (, |T~
Vyii will h.ivri'i tnmirfi- in lii5>iiue lh>
5- r\ *iyl- yd.u’il « .■.(.! «1
^.vineuf .Vv.iofi.O'i.
< t'»r s)«-d-ial

1'Lcito.iA' lak. '-.iL.- ..

25c, 50c and $1 a Yard
We show some very swell novcliies ai SI 20, $1.50 and

$1.75 pex yard.

New Cambrics, Ginghams and Percales


McfQt^ hats

In the line ol Wash Goods wc >liow

,0 . i,,„.op.»l. »L5#,
kkRil* $2.50.



from the best manufacturers. All standard makes*the newest patterns, at 7c. He, 10c and 12K« P«r yard

an-suii.^-d.tNrT.'..8lO,3U2.>r;,n.l 81-'.. W.-'n- .„nf.J.-nt
I you a nice wioc* >‘«ni <ai nny snit at lh*->v
ihcr. priii-s.





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