Grand Traverse Herald, October 19, 1905

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Grand Traverse Herald, October 19, 1905


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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nd the Me. dtlldNaaa Bore toward (be
01 SliB Marred bU Ttoloa tor
[. and (here a«a |aet (he lean
I la bto unee ae he bade hta

bank. reoHied bto danger, sad a plcrcBg abrlek BlngM with tbe roar of
tbe vetera.
-Ota. T«b. dear Tob, cobc bat
Be! Ftorgire my cruel arorde.
come bock—(or babr's sake
Bine!- and abe bald (he Uule. ket.
Bhleertag (hliig op In tuD rtev at Its
parent oot ib tbe rtrer.
He heard oot ber worda but be aaw
Ms child, and ererr (eeliBg vantobed
before tbe pateraSL He tuned and
looked at (be toverlag maae ahore
biB. aad lor a aomeoi tboae oe shore
hoped be aigfat eecape. But tbe next!
A terrtbie grinding orasb, ae (be great
tree patted, oa- avtol. aoSed roar,
and tew a stagle Ineiaai tbe Ituabermaa'e fora stood poised on the broken
He fctaed bto bond oaee,
Bbore tbe die case tbe vontt. “Ii
for yoo. Haggle: you and (be baby."
le weol down, and was bon
away by (be nuhing swirl at watera.
Half an boor later eearebere (oond


Tbe seotlael'e eye (alls opoa s «ork
spot oe tbe gr^ a bondred tact away.
KtotbeabatowafacloDd. The dark­
er spot B ^e eeaier le e roek Uftlag
Ke bead ool of tbe eaitK Hetailead
it before tefcaeaB ca^. Me can aee
« to no danger.
-U»k! Look! Look!*''Hto heart Jamiw again and bto"
go bade to tbe dark spot. They ettay
tor two or three Blwate*. dartag
which Ueae tbe crlekK to
silent. DM aostedhng awve? 1s tbe
Mack spot wearer then to wai?
-Creeping! Crawling! Ooaiag!
So shouts tbe crtekM. end now
mUnel la aare that the dark spot bat
advanced. Of coim It bas!
also ebaaged the line et Its advance.
WKh baled breatta be valu and watebes. The man vbo dtoutrba caap withi
cot good caoee wiU be Uonted vllb
cowardice. Ah! II does Bove! Tbe
black spot to not now over Btiy feet

Snskan WKMwt Cyeo.
irtDg the recent dry speO tbe
Tbe druggists night bMl rang fabnneb from which tbe stock ce the Hias. liule by little, tbe totoed Is vm rtoealy and. with a aaeb nsSad .mbtOTB of AblIJsta MOlcr. of Hi
esray by aa caear (bat ran tea V per. tbe vortby diBeaset caBe don
«wnty. Ho., to.vsiesed. went dry. and
by force of anas nor yet by M hto pajamas aad opned tbe store
* earne a problem at to bow to wa­ artritratloe. ta fact, this Insidious (oe
“Poor fellev.*’ he Bsomored. a* be
ter the stock. Tbe braneb to ted by
bas already toqlatod a targe rock frooi
-I want a ^le at gBfftr Me.
toraed to bto work, “lite taae aot
spring which babbles out ct a eUC on (be rest <B tbe tolaad. wUch.-oa ac- please.- reqassted (be eSBplaeeat Ball eawotb vhh Urn latelr. aad be to
bras and a thin streoa cf water
tu BoHtarT
dividual vbo «(ibd vlthoat.
(or hli
rtaiku at otaMK MbM at pHi.
stn trickled ^nm tbe (aee ot tbe cllB be«B Wtod ta (be Oernu tungne
tbe dmggtot was ta
I. bat t BbOBld'Ki
Th not In a qnaatJty sufllMe
-HcMb.- which Boau monk.
citato be perecaal. bm tbea bc reOold ud eriMMB, crlaMB and recret tt oaj era were to betell Uio at
ly the needs of tbe eioek. 1
Bnt OS the ravagee of war have bera •ecOd that since-be bad caaM doom
«oldIbli vorK~
enrred to Hr. Hiller that be Bight get presided agalhM by tboee ekOtod to he nrigbt as w« do'
Hov «aa tb* b«rf lU nptnrc no*
la Ibe aiaaller od tba two aeantitr
torger supply of water by Masting the art. tbe (eibertond has found K | “Twicty eewla ptsa».'-ta t
(oratobed apartiDeBtc that eonctltnted
oat tbe Mlfl. end no ealargiag tbe
appeal to the abmiy of j -tire ceou win be allowod on the
n» nett »*r» ed Joren
boU tbelr'boine. Hariaret Hardlaa bnled
apmniT tbroogb wbleb the water CBglaeen who are rapabte of ptwent-1 tie wbss returned.*
lit la Ibe prepontioa ot diaaei
by the eleTwo boars Imcr ba was awakened
TM lore (bu Utar e/M leokod br Ita Olaaebax at the eraeked porcetoio
Aceordiagly. tbe termer, with his
bcea dapided to baild
by another rtag. Ante be dwtoonded.
to bov told.

dock eo the mantel, ebe quit ber work
ro eons and aome cf ibe neigh
wall which to Use win aumrand the to And the BBS eeBptotBt tBtOBW
mue loK bidoro Uw. tb« rmn bait
be tweltlb time, and golBK to the
drUled. boles end set off a charge of tolaBd. opon which the waves Bay at tbe door.
door, looked (meaellr down ibe loax.
dyoBBlie ta Ibe face ot tbe eUfl. Tbe beat with increased (urr.
-Hees-s your bottle." be raosarhed.
Brs la a caloDdor of -ertMoa
■addr etreet. It van deeerted aare
result exceeded (be Boot aangule
will reMst their aaatoagbi (or at lease -OiBBe my live ceaiA-^WIadelpbla
far eae aolliair *«aro that eaaie
(eiBer. for tbe liO rears.—Detrtdi Newe-Tribime.
bteadlBB aloBc ae foal ae hie tbor;
charge Mew oot a targe bole la the
—Tabto Talk.
cUff and from the apertare (Mis eoot the elBib ol and and aoov beontb
- -8bo«! SboM! Sbool!"
torged a stream, of water bnrst forth.
In Um rail.
tor tbs Br« tiBa. m
Tbe sentinel sofUy poHe back tbe The carrent was eo ssriti and tbe (orqe
thaggtot has ratoui the MlawBg BMov Um the roar la bin aeariM bed; bto feet aad tte xaete ot vlad-aad rain Ibe braoehes of a tire where it bed
npaeiUag talB at ioleft by tbe now receding'water hOBBier ot hU heavy carbine, ratas cf tbe etream so great that the exphir- slroHed aloog Holbom. with bis trusty perteaee: “An a
. Kow etoetMlbe troM to tbe steeoo
It was at flrat ibooght that (be me the wenpoei quietly to hto sbmlder, lag party were carried oB their (e^ tyke by bto side, be became fascinated other evcolng to tnfctog n'npaek flf
dead, bat eloaer examlnalioo r aad tbe loud report It followed by a
-Say. roo hearar be gaaped. oe be
had aontewbal s^b- by tbe sight of to Sthmooger’s large dost oat of oae of By ova eyes w
No* stooke lk« trw «( ibe Waader
daebed np to where Utnaret etood.
reeled (be (eciTbat he breetbed. and
ioag-drawn. ae wild end vMrd
. that tbe ctarge of opso window, to wbkh were disptoyed eo sueceatfo! thu I sead you parta
"What do yoo aeaa. SobMe Carcoa? liberal dfaoght from a lonibermen-e and toll at death that no one torgeu draaaJte bad. la Its apiioa,'opened s
huBber at parUcalariy fli
ators. to the bope that they may ba
Hisb li tb« taodtoad aadtar br Ibe
fliaek forced down hie (hioat partly re­ il for a month. There to wild eontosioo cave la ibe dlB end that the -apring- says an Engitoh ^per.
Hare I beard wbatr
aaefol lo cbemtota. who are efiB «#‘■Abool Tob. He'e aodenook to eu stored bla to contMontnese. That >r a moment, and then everybody to
e itbese dabs silver' be ashed pealed lo do this Btoor operattoa. tlto
lly the eatlet ot an under­
the flahmoager.
(he Daareet le lOB above the niin.'ai)' bob' ever' night Tob Harding was earriod
Bdy, .
ground streaB flowing oot ot tbe
panWe enterad my eye oa my way
body Bare hell be ftUIed. 8-poeed yon- (o bto wife, terribly malBe< aad
“«limt to It?-Tes. sir.- Bid the atoh. and spot­ borne, and was eaasiag a good deal at
tbe carrent made
To j»reM the bOltopt vltb .aeartna knew about U." And eweltlaxorer (he bruUod. it to true, but still allre. UaThree or (ouT men advance to tbe tbe esve dlBenU ot.exploretloB.__ ting a eounurBOB. he bM: 'Pat yoor pato- Flodlag aoae ot tbe asaal Bsasa
iBportaaee of hU Boue
der her leader end beppy Bialstra- dark snot to And (be body ot'an In­ (he torm'er't satis era^lod in as tar at flhger bera and try."
at band by wbleb to get rid (« (be at(boo^ttae orebin galloped
ikniP be anally recovered, and titna bto dian slrelcbed at' toll length
-No. thank you.’ reeled tbe Torl^teder. II tboegbt of irytog e Ibnafl of
they could. Tbe cave namvs rapidly
(errlbie experience gleaned a li
earth, (hot through the breast. Eighty and within 10 or 12 feet tram tbe open­ ahlreBan; -but 1 deaY Bind putttof H>rgled tewjed to tovB a bow. I ratoefl
For B alBBUt or arare Harxaret ttaai will lest bim all hU life. Today rods away are bolt a hundred
By doc's tail ibm. to (toe U they can the
' eyelid. Inserted tbe bow. M (be
ing so It to eO low (hat a man bas
etood leoklBK blaakly acroae the street not a bappler trio lives than Tom and wtrriori. waiting la the dmriaiew for crawl on bis hands and knees to make
lid fall, tbea drew oot (be bow, bM
Nov l^e the bean to the
Uaigaret and (befr baby.—Otebange. the spy to return and report. At the anyprogreas. The water wbick flows
tbitafb tbe daehii^K rala. Brery Ml
to briagtob oqfc ibe
. boaec ■
word iba bad oUeTed (bat BonilnB re1 of his dcaibcrr they tnoont from the care to cold and clear aad
Xov fiaaa the blood to the sen
eaired to. ber Bind
The Cry in the Osrknees.
po^es and ride away.-SeleMed. vKhtn a few'houra at(er the
• taae;
it an tedtoa hgd been seen ell the
Btrength, aad eceaed to bpra itaMt ti>
was released Hiller's stock was in no
Mow vaBa tbe aoalftOM fte.twaaH oa her rery eool la great red letters ettefnoon—no signs had beat i
The Laitoei Man.
danger-ot gecilng tbiraty.
Oortag tba Cirti war. hMorflBg to
<tf are. Tbe loOK bait of anger, bait with.
-BL there!" aaid the Bihmo
1 day one ot tbe (ermer'<
Tbe poet may slog. “What Is eo rare
Bdlmb (0 Ood ta «a aRaraaba.
at .lad repitiatdi. with whieb be bad
Tbe ride had led over ground
to the cere.- thinking to ex-, growtog alarmed, “whistle to yoor tbe PhltodHpbto Ledger, a eaptato tff a
as a day In Janer*..baL we would eebn
eoffipkny wbleb hod staty bb la Iffi
dog: Ac's gnee with my erab.lam la the Taller the taitM are atlt^ toraod from her and kissed tbe baby sterile (bat even sage bnnb could not back. What to ro rare ay on October plore It fanber. He stooped down
racks, none cf whom ware at sMr-Not L- replied tbe TtHtohIre
ale^ qoletlr ta
- Boddca vM IB (be atabWe eere.
day? When to the air more pure and get a drink and was asuntohed to ■
geile as Ihe oOear tboagbt they abonlfl
cUeat ot ibMr quarrel reioraed vKh outcrop ot flinty rock—(mm one ridge exhilarattog. or tbe skies so bine,
wrigHIng black object come whirl- Too wbUtle to your ctab.' Orer (be vtxxU ibe flace ontart.
a (booceadanolber. until at Iasi we can
That night ibe TorkaUraBan bad be. hit oboe a pton which be bMiavB
tog .oat of the cave, borne oe t
, nariBg (be pHde ot the tnralBB
the sunshine so coxy (uid warm a
crab for supper, aad (be flahtocager would care tbelr haHt of tortauea. Ow
told by ber teera.
the Loop river, aad vest Into camp la mellov ts In Oetobtw <tori?»
rent ot water. He tolloved tbe
tog oner roll-eaa. (ba eoplato. Wlo enter Is. fid. on tato books as
-I caU4<l biB voribleei aad dniak-:
scattered grove. No signs o
little way to quieter vaiA- aad
Ibere is s crispness to s trosiy Oc«to» ta the Teller doabt Ita dead— mr ebe aJd. with dry eree and pale,
draBlag bit ooBBawd. aaM;
>ber BoralBg ibat makes one feel lUe found that the object pas a aaake
A riadbw aitoat tbt parple tcld. tfetabHag lips, --aad be to neither.
-I have a. alec, aony fob fl» tbfi
about two feet kmg. black to color aad
vaHcfng miles and tnilee. The*
Ow tba feOI the oaeot to aped,
Almaet the Wertdto Knd. .
BMB to tbe obwmf. WBI tbfi
Poor ToBf nott^ he does drink
the -deye when the - woods are barAad Tooth aoee op ai(h a aaerlM -L_.____n le
Tbe Korib cape, itorwar. to not quite toxlest BBS step to (be frawtr
No sign ot dsnger.
Btobed with red and rasaet and goM. Urely without eyes. The boy caught
■ Bbleld.. ,
Insusily flfly«toe b« Mcb to*
B«t aad dtaeppoIntBeai at hto hard
Klgbl .comes down as eoftly ns
nake. and. after ■kllttog It. enr^ the most nertberly Usd to Borope. but
It to the senRh ^ the year, tbe
'‘-Tblodore Bobens. lot. and be U always kind
- - -.
child eleeet iu eyee in sleep, snd tbe vest lime. T^c fruits are rosy and
(be bouse. Since that time auB-Why didn't yoa elbp tv tbe towfi)Ood. It 1 eorld recall By words!
light nwBM from tbe north brings s mellow with ripeness, tbe produeu ot bers ot ihe snakes have been washed point jaiilDg out toto,tbe sb. arariy
•raaktat the Jam.
thousasd (eef bld>- Leading lo the inquired tbe eoBmaader «f (be ow
to U too Uie? I may save Mb yei."
................. te Mood to
■IvtBdok:* StatHardla* toraed
•p to a rough path not dlfll- ■an who did not eome.
CortU Lotaber ebmpaay'e nllls
A sentinel
otmaiurtiy. The Bowers uke on their vIlblD s abort time otler being ex­ ilt 10 ascend unless It be w<
Jmb the aalooB 4oor. where toe etood stood oe the lerel boUoB adjacent
"I eras too toxy.- rapltod.tbe eoMtor.
bsnk ot tbe siresB—a second
posed to the light. All ore a'blackish
Oit gorgeous colortag.
^ >pmt1eK aad a look e< rceolotlaii, tbe lirer and aboot oae hundred jarde
-a tMrd to tbe west. Ii seems albrown In color and are like ordtasry slippery. From tbe top to the edge of
Nature bat been budy at vor
M jnitt Ttoiead bto Mae eree oau at rare froB W. .Half a mile above (be mil
Flerida's liiigl**
tbsord to take these preeauilons. immer and new with work completed
les except that they are absolntely tbe cU« to e half mile or mora of bard
I Btoatnali. alagtod with'the aitoarr la tbe rslkoad eroese^ the rirer over
liking over stones or tbroogb mire.
It to pnawaed to roemm tbe a
The criekete alng nnder the ttiBee— tbe puu on holiday attire to enioy
without eyes or eye eockela.
^ ttea. ''Wtaa a tBaa-'h wUe telle him long JRB bridgeund' from a potai jttst fleld-Blee nm about In tbe gtaet—tbe
At last we come to tbe edge of tbe glades, tbe great aad praetkaljy m
is general talk In
^ *a bto taetb that faa to a efaltUeae, baiow tbe sootbern end of tbe bridge waters of the Loop sing s peseetoi The nys ot tbe son no longer bltgfai the neighborhood and tome of the cliff: tbe suK though li Is nearly 12
Vlth'beat. but with soft, mstemsl
a ttfaxare. aad that ebe rer«to an arUSetoi ditdi bad bees cu( to float song as they flow past our camp.
o'clock, baa almoet reached the lowca*.
touch (bey make snug aiSd warm, lln- good oouDlry folk refuse lo drink the
tba ^ abe tiat laid eyee oe blai.
edge of Ms daily path, but to still tor
logs ta(o tbe BlUei high water.
vfth a ricbneei of bealiog as If water to (he fear ot other strange
. tbea. I
It. that bob baa lluie to It vae this bridge and tbe dlicb tlia\ calm, quiet nlgbu as
(oreknovlng the approach ot cold win­ creatures which they ihlak may inhab- above tbe tblmmering sea. Ttou lumd ibougb excuratoae bare bOB Bade meta-^ aotUagto'loae. Aarvar.
that lothsly point (eMIng. except tor throughlL It to believed that (be toad
for the trooble wbicb
Ured emigrant to l|I> lest j
underground river. Bealdcs
I atom deoepi Squire Jobaeoa'i oBer. now premlled.
the preaeoce of these arounfl you.
ild be rtkr valuable. U dralaed. A
sleep on earth. Seeing no Indians....
These arg tbe days ^ all days
ipaay bos bean Bemad lb wWeri.
Au Sable river was a icaring. boom­ ,haM argued (bet none were luiklng and
light flakes of yellow dust, that you era quite out ot the world to
He raeebed tato tbe,pockM ot bto ing. yellow flood. All day tbe ^t waieUng. We who have-fought tbe stay ouidoora. Oel as much of the Oc­
you have hllbeno apeei your takeUewjirkaBde Beatage to ralwd
tober sunshine into your bodies as you which MBC ot those vbo have ob' re ooet, aad drew forth atwlogt, broken from tbetr. inoonngs
the saatier to expeetad triBi Oovsn (tom
Kearney to the possibly ean. 8|t In the sunsbInF until served tbe matter say to gold.
let .^t paper. Slowlr. above, had been rusbbig by In tbonof tbe Powder river know him your whole body to saturated with It.
to ten bow far the flahe^ pMtad bv every storm of wind aad emor Broward to tbe noelda «aw
Ar (be Stlh Ubk be. weei
.^ov; snacked by tbe Aery tummer iegtotoure. At prseeai the etate gets'
aandi. Bni now iBBcnte pine trees. beiier The very absence ot his (Oot- The (issues and blood vessels wfll
• «wde priatad la UriB. fiarlax lettera.
and plUless winter frost: no won-i
rarebae whatever (tob the ragtoa,
by (belr roots, were boroe up­ prltiti It a menace. The quietness of sioro it away (or vlMer use. Lie face
ik aot ret dir:
dee that aeltfaer trae. nnr akrab. nor while If (he evergUdee wera dnlaeflon tbe bosom ot tbe raging mrrqnt. the nlghl it a warning to be heeded.
downward oa tbe warm dry earth and
scarce a flower, can exlti. Antoqg the aad a portioa of tbe ragtoa pot ondar
<B« of (behe BKmarehs ot (M;Jareet
bat the let the stmihlne slmpiy penetrate
A- Vanlaliing Island.
Tb the aeraoo irtio vfll i
Uw addUlotul tax rauim
had cnngbt between tjia--4m middle eentlnels to fast asleep. Some of tbe every nook and comer of your body.
It is not probable that there to aa must be reckoned the world's end.
. Seat ooHeetbic |a An Sable rtoer ^ piers ol tbe bridge. ^ formed a nu- horses We lying at full lenrb.
weald probab^ be torga. Wichaage- ' >
Lie there unlll you can aetuslly fe?l
«a of land, cooilderlng site aad loBUeeabore Cartto before daaiace U
rapidly growing mass of | led tn sluBber ifaai their heavy breath- the snashiue Inside of you. going
Imperdone to (be lamber nUb at that polM timber and debris, (he long tieai of Ing ean be beard (or yards away,
the wide sraile of waters.—Albert L.
. Wheat Mt to Orasrtof.
through and through.
taht tothe welfare ot lii^moiber coun­ BoHs. to the Booklovers- Hagaxlne.
I win par oae tbooeand doUara. AU the great pises .vrlthlag aad rolling U o'cloA all is quiet. Even tbe erlekF^tTitoxeml years (be toct has baa
The October sunshine will melt try as to the island ot iWgotand to
‘ ftafca c( Ufa and Uaib to be bone by together like tbe bMcojis tones of gl- ett have almost gIveD o'er their noise.
raeogatoed that It Is every way daalr- ■
away your rheumattom. II wUl dispi- the CleTinan empire.
. ON oae aadAtahiac the work.
The Crafty Jack NebMt.
able that tbe vleier vbBt giwvtog .
gaaOe serpeats. Not only was the“ Fleecy clouds now cover tbw whole pptc your neuralgia. It win make vlg
Tbe relatloD of Hellgotond to 0«rWhen the settle- on the western belt should be extaadB to tbe nortb
W. L. JohaaoK
tary de­ beaveet. Baking tbe nighi i» darke'. orons and strong your nerres. It will lany Is unique, eitoated as II is to
prairie sees a |Bck rabli for the flrat and went as rapWly ns pooslblc. This
d Cartto LetMber Ckn
struciioa. bui tbe dam itaus forae.-l but more nneeruln. As the^^eyei look
corpuscles In your blood.
le Norib sea. Just off the Bmjaland. time be bas an idee Ibai be can akip
TbraetlBS the paper lau> bto pocket, caught tbe vaien np Ond hnried ihem oO over (ha levM plain tbe sbadowsj win give a hsalihy glow'io the skta.
It rlnuslly eOBBends the eniranee tn out aad lay bands on the creature
'fta atrode barrMly down ibe ekipiir and ttaelr ponderons amatm down take on a dtSereni shape and have I Walk to your place of business ihesthe Elbe, a river of Germany flowtog
' Btdewatt. awl la a few nUotea etood the ditch and against tbe miila below, "occ Ufe.
October mornings.
Walk brlsklv. to a nonhwesieriy dlreeilon and emp­ wltbout any trouble. But that to where
gets fooled.
| ter vbBt ripeas soMs.ppt Mrttog
• beforo the larte briek boUdloc which with a vMeace that must aoai aeeonHldnl^t! ThVriirec reolinclt soft- Biwhe In deep draughts of the crisp tying Into tbe North sea. and lu AcThe rabbit to awkward, appears to i than the spring srbeai. and It to wsU
watalaed Praaldeat JiBaaon'e oSee. pllth Umlr destroelioa.
ly enter camp—bend'^yer tbe sleepers,
When j-ou roach
qntoltlon from England vat of soeb .
lame in every Joint, holds im onp| known (hat the worot ravage* of not
A ware ci tadadaloa ewept acroae hie
To get at the pise trunk and cui li and Bvr Blnnies later ibe goard bas office arrange your chair, if possible, _ , _
. daoeaeheierapadtbeMnfaia^^BDov would release t»e stratotog. (BBbllngibeen cKanged. Those wbo slept tre so the sun can abtoe on yoer body, ub vltol imporunee that tho^to of, {p« „ ,hongh It pttoed Mm. apd al j occur while the spring wheat to to aa
ot Oermtn territory In Soutk Af- together create* the bettof that he I* a Immainre eeadhloe. Probably the
from bto ereU-vora ibeee. It,«ae a totsa. restore the ragtog waters te | now as Watchful aa foxes, those who ^snd down year splpe. toasting li. ^ca was not considered loo great a dilapidated weock of an ongalnlv. ani- Boat desirable verlettoe with which to
pernooe nadmakte aad aoae knew thelr attural chsanM. and save the watched ere to the land of dreaaa.|ing the nerves eorafonable and quiet
tertflee to effect Its exchange.
Bate thing The tetiier to surprlsel, experimeoi are those that poascoa the
bridge and (be mills. ButwoctoMml HaltpaSl it! Nosound now bat lh->{ and healibv.
The strategical advaoatges offered that he cannot -grab" bln. Tbe te:-!charactertetlca cf the ao«alted danua
who cat ur
jpurltog wetera, and iboir monotony The housewife tboeld do as much by the location of this small totond
iler'e dog. also, to confldent that he ran! varietlee.—Par* aad Fireside.
When Tob Hardlhg. ax to hnd.' would Moec tbe eyes of a semlnol who ofjier work as poeaible to
^ been appreciated
make aa end of the rabbit Hcj
----->----------------stepped upon the bridge and atarird; listened loag.
sbioe. 811 on tbe pord). nr to a sannr when It B-as under ber rulA and eanbrtoUe*. ran* leisurely toward tbe rab-)
RabW HIraeh'e WH.
. s«M wonaa 4a Boat tblaito/V^!enM on his Btestoo. not age at the group! One o'clock! Now there Isifae qulei- comer ot tbe yard and let the
seqaently it had been strongly foitl- Wt double, bis mwed. doubles It again.! One day tp a
to hlBaetr. aad iba Mae eyee ^teaed, bo stood loektog otv In breatbleat! ne«s ot s grave yard. Hen and horary bathe your hair, your neck, your t
•toad Btaybe I hamt doae by her leaee but felt that he was witness. ^ seem to be dead. The sentinel to the your whole body •with
- ■ ‘
'......... Wt-glTtog base of operaiiont to ease of war. Af- ■ vben to! tbe rabbit dlBpp
■ vhat I alsbi. For ber oake aad tbe « a tragedy. {Bast girei a sHddpa start. He would warmth.
ter It became German eoll the fortifloa- to som< flying grbts. a vanishing'^'*^h divtoc’s dlscas(.~a ' yo«ag
babr^ ni try It.-The man to caBB»ttog kfaee.\i deny it on bto oal^. but for an lettani
Take long traaps («
thB wera increased un^ ' '
streak of light a twirkitog of twolman scrambled Into It byfort the todf "WMl. Tom. bt toaK roo wit aa- downright tuleUe." said aa oM luB-|hetIepl. He shakes blBseK and
1 Mttlag
ride horse* forirea (hat ii well-sigh I
prodded feet exteaded reersrard. andl<i^>d 'eke I', pbr some aomeato tbs
Sertake to cot (be laa and mre tbe
o bsd spent bto life la the ■ over .tbb camp.
All U ..........
peace, -bat
back,------take---i bicycle trip, asythtog.
- -he:,-----It bas been Oted with eome atom he Is goae. Tbe dog sits oe bto banneb-1 '■hbl .glared at t'<e offeodM to to­
■Btor oaU PreaMeat Jobaaoo a too- Brat aad 00 tbe river, “it oogtats-: bas received a shock whlA makes Us; everyihiag to be oot in the soathtoe
that the sUe of eHllgotand bas na- es and conduds* that be did not ffre: Ikoce. Plaally the rude young maa,
Beat later, ae Tob. bat la baad. etooJ to be allowed.ibean beat tasie'r. His stand Is st the-and fresh al-.
tertally deerrased. and that U Imme- a rabbit st all—Detroit Tribune.
igrosrlag restless. isM; “Hot are you
bMtaehtodtafc. *Ho roo fcaow ibat'lt
Bn Tom had already reached the [ foot of a couoaweod. He alnkg-down! Opea the wtodows and doors of tbe
--------------------- -startog at Be for* Yea took aa If y»
to a daaaerooa pleee ci woiftr There middle «f (be tong ctruetara. and was | on hto knees and peers out from Mtber j bouse, let the san sbipe to tbe rooms dlale steps are net tak^ to preeaat
fonber destruettoa. the lime may ant
Grato SiK Lake Otaappaaetop.
; would like to ea< Be!' “Ta lOrMdto arobahto- aot aaetber maa in AJ- feeling Mi way down over tbe tam-isldcgf the'iruak. Nothing In sight-!all day. Hang the boddtog-oot on a
be far distant wfaen It wlu disappear.
to do that." auvsrafl RabW
eoaa eooatr who woold m the rtak Ming, grtndtog pile as oaly a luBbe--, nothing bnt tbe dark sbndows cast by line in the yard and let tbe snn and
ot the aeasorsBBto' salt lake, one of the greaiesl natiiral i Hiracb. ra a Jew.(
for tvta (be loB aased. ladeed. it
Now be stood with earefol I the Meads.
i sir iborougUy renovate li. CM every- taken from time to Uae shows tbafs
wDBden of ABortoK to farntsMng aa;
. tae not eo Booh pltb tbe bope ct ear. tboUag upon tbe huge pine stem, bend"Chirp! Chirp! Chirp!'
thing soaked and Btnreted -whh Ibe
-sting tbeae lor studenu to goM- {.
Nst ths Msras Hs Waatta.
tax the BBto ae H vae a l(raa»tr to
Bxeept te eases to setoalc dle-j Haas, the mrallst. w
aeeure eor lataraace riibu that the
reward waa otered. Howerer, if roar the chips fly at e
powerful stroke, to awaken every toeeper.bat it Is not.! Storing away Into the sjitem great: Walkl« aioog tbe .bora at the-a-ibeen kaowtThto e^iedMat toj w^^iald * eSle^^^ta^ '
p tt to MK Br piaee to To an eye not eognixant
(rf hto lerrlbto, Il it very low a-d c-let.
reaches, qoantlile* to October sunshine and Oe-Iter's edge, oae ean eee that the iatoad I twenty-flva years tbs lake wlU baveigtohg r
e. Fire yaars aid.
> roo. It roa are «
.. _
tbe ears to only otte aenltoel.
j tober air I:
-------------- --------------of a.thlck May. and tram entirely v
■bed. Tbe raoords show a; sound Os a quail. $I7» eatol dowa aa<
have beenfniiowlng hto doily rocattoB; -Watch! KKteh! Watch’"
make (or the wtoler. It will give; this
be readily nndersteod l
(aH to MevB aad oaekaK feet In, be goes tB Blta witbeol stopHag.tor anytbfag to hU look or aanneri Hto hBrt tapy to hU aoath
your body strength and energy and rl-j that tbe aetiou to tbe
tk* tato ihrae years. Tbe deepeci pan : Haas (brew bto u*ua« skyward. “Not
lhat denned the eontrary.
trorda Came t
taUty. IivlUsBakeUeevigoroDtsndjteadtonhderBlBetbeBheretoacmi to Great Salt lake eoatalas only forty | (or me.' be Bid. -an ter me. t
-Aad U oarthiax happau to bc. tbe
Bal (be woaan. wlld-eyed and paa;-i tpofcB tbeaithfnl that you will be able to pass! extosL The heat to the saaBer tost to water. U the prewet rate to! vonldet gir yta t ecats pt Urn. I
Booey wtn be paid, to Max—my wK*r lag}.wltb balr
wbere? R-atMi fcr through (he winter mBWhs-Waibwl j cauera cracks to term b the sarfaee.
(all .of oae teoi'a yaar coetlaoes theiliveeigtat bOb oto to «« tontty and
*V tbe lOB 6 tanboK rea."
by epidemic and onionMied by oenia-1 lata vbhto wntar from rate and a*. toka Is beaad (o be dry wltbla forty I I'd baL-B wate back (too aOaa*'—
WBItoa tohaena wae a Had beartc»l arbo last now totoefftbe group ta tbe I -Watch! Wateb?- Wateb!
j tog snow gtoleeta, «M taa wWo
wwek (be: VBratotbewouide.
|r‘-*i'r~ ryfiiasa
OoU MMd erlBWW.
• goUOtn Ibe Marta tf orcbord md wdM.
OK tb« (loita Ut« tawt ntfoM—
Bm MM mod namta wd o»k

. .




«IUN0 Tiuycmc miutA, muMsAAV. October t«. imc.


IriTcrsciaiy State

Mayor Sweet of Craqd Rapids advopaly's oBtos.
Ti«»^iWV »«*«*■ tiiam.
P. a WlUlBta* i. *y~ (A-SR tb* w*M Kw (be aiate examlMtlaB of tbe aw
r kbettd Bl* «lth
•Mttot «< tb*
.reau of cities cf Ibe stale and wouli
CKrOM>«»W WM Jirtd JMt -«•»
the legtstaton- rveaed the o«eB
tbc Boldlen' and tailor*' relM.----«a4 ttofollowtin.eattw «>«et^:
of stale sceeBBlam.
- C
ka vhleb tboved that atiilgbt 4a- ApMe tb buy bis bou4p, goods
PrMANt. J. T. HBiBtt.
Ccorcv Blodgett, agat oC4IIe Mt«^
tey was the moll of tbe4abor*

Ttee uiMlrtnnt. VUtUM Loodstt.. deterraiaed by tbe aoaber . the acbedOARhANP, CllHil.
Igaa r-«ir«l at Monroe
rveelverfale betas aa followf: Wty aebool of tb* pad year. With |5M appropri­
eamurr. A. V. Frtedrtch.
lea cents -coasdeaee
Mlarr eat teaa tbm bCM; ido ated tor the la*l year'a expeanen it
M Boaaetory..Mo.. fra^ lysBr (Hlow
fOQBd that tbe total aaoualed tj
ntrwum.' J. T. HMiiaJ.. Wmia aebool foon*. not than tlMO; lli
srbo want.-.! lu pay fJr /*wa»k(ag on 202 Wilhelm Blk.. Cit*. Phone
mt.ll that (be toad oran orenlraab the gsrtt.
Umtcm. Babart OUwOl. A. V. P1M- Hbool fooaaa. aot Imh ibaa H
SURPLUS, S27.000
Nrille aad Mary Bgll ba»e,^ver* the lit*.I24.1Z.
ildb BmmI OwtMd. CbMl WUbelB.
' TBAVER8E Cl'n*. illCH.
A. W. fcrtAk. m«* V««ba. U E, lijoe.
Mr. and Mrs A.',Cfulall wa
U reeordiaa (be anaber et mboot reported that tbey bare bad ato* calU
BRRkiir BisiRm Dwe
Tbe rapnti
tbe ««Mra tbowed Ktwt ta a eouaty reeiuika rooms dorlac tbe year owing tbe tbe eoaI|rm. Crarcs amt danghicr, lAsa. et |
tte ecmmir to be In aoad akn»e mad re BM toeladed but bll rnral. cradeJ radea gtovlag older and eoaseqaeMly
iMproTCnenu dnrlnc ibe pMi or city aebooU opentlac uader tbe jmlBC lent able to <k> aanial Uhir, Sonlb Roardaan vl*ll<-d Mrs. ilunic-i
diarter are lacluded, !ble (rlvln* eoue- while the Uallles are growing tnure Aureday.
OBBlaaioncr of ibe Grand Trat- nuaeious. Ac coaBlailon recunBrtgam bbb>i toen this week|
S per CCRt tOtwe* M TWe IMBnOto
county aeaeral saperrlakm over amded that aa approprtattoa of STb" I Aylag pota^ tar Cooper A Cooper |
■ Ap»l« Cnan In Li^L
Mu C. Ilor^ * Bon nre opwnl- tbe city achooif. Tlader tble la* there be aUowed to emer tbe debcleBCy
pf Kalkaaka.'V
tbe expeaeea of tbe OMiinc year. .' Mtanle PerryT^Tv^ to her boa?.
Iv tb«ir eider Bill nuicr grtAl dlttenl- are twnr 1Z« eeboeU onder bU aaperrlDr. Wiles’ Heart Cure has
ttoi 01» ttU o*lM U) ibn poor appk alan. xirlaf faia aa Uereaae fraa MM The report wan nlgned by R. B. Cnraor BOUT Grand ApKta Hba4ay. Ml*>.| inatle (nanj* hearts well afWr
cMp. ■nby report UBt they b**e - to II.SDO aad for tbi* lacreaae Coasala- aad D. O- Rborter.
Parry bas spent the greater pan or they have been prpnourtckl
mnlrod n lO o«r eeat crop thU i
tleoer Criap. bai tWelTed tbe folhrethe snaaer witbiber slstcv Mrs. Zara' ho^lcss. It has completely

business CARDS.
tbMih they tre aaiac eSortn to reoeb lac letter U
cored thousoruls, and will ai*
onUrlac dlitrteu m Ur •« But JorIt of PsMIc lailrectka.
invariably cure or benefit
^ Mrs. J. Gould of AbanM was th-S
wayk aad areiu. relatirr to tbe report guest Of Mtv. Crandall Raipniay.
4m nad thn nstroBn polnu of tbc txocase ol lieart disease.
] every c.
of Ibe comaAloD of tbe soldiers' and
iBMa penlMoU. Lnni rear ihe .crop
Short breath,. .pain around
Vcni Burch ha.s fnlsfa fata Job of cu'-;
sailors' rrtlet fund, tbe recoaaeadj- ting bi-lBlodi lews one atlc west of [ heart,. palpitation,
«6ald not bn bandied «hleb was
P La*
biM^t in froB Ibe mittwadlBC i
deteralae tbe aaUry of tbe coaaU- ttoa bf tbr F. W. A M. coaallter betag here and will eeamenc- a hard waotj dizz; fainting an.1 smothering
apclls should
lid not be negleciet
Ur at Ue lew priee of U cenu per doaer at tbeir meellag In October. All
Job ta S few days.
• MMred rtlle lUi year tbe prke ta the aebool* In ytuir eooaiy are under
JobOBoa and Htinicr are bnlldlng si .Tahe Dr. Wiles’ Heart Cure
Boabie, beiac «0 e»u per baadred.
anpervInloB. Ineladlng tbe ecbool*
arehousc opposllu Lawrence bot-r and see how fluick yon will
aad borer* are belu panbed Tor ibeJ: of Trayerbe City- Too bare the i
S«s3C feet and will bold.-about TOOoi be reliet ed.
It cannot make a new heart,
vam ta erery dlrenthB. Baioaeload right to adriae with the board of edu­ ,L*ke Abb. Hleh.. Oct. 11.—J. D. Har- busbrts of potatoes.
mm raeelTed Priday. thn re^Tbore- cation la Traveree City that you bare bert' la in Ut.. neasaal for a abon
L. Wise has atove bis family baek^ but will restore a *ick one by
strengthening the heart nen'es
4ar eoBplatiaB an Bode oa band. ta any other dietrtci in the ooaaty aaJ visit.
here from Mooresiown. wbere be bar; and muscles, .relieving the
TUi U tbe oaly plaat of lu kind thU
generBl way. keep your eye
llred tor tbe last yearf and a half.
I nnnatunl strain, and restoring
aid* « Grand Rapid* and tb* bna»y
Nlueallonal eoDdllioB ef the Htv. has Just rolnnittl home a/rer visiting
Mary McClellan visited ber parents
min fhk»*»
----------------------------—- aerew pna* baa a fotw of 4M
All. of eooree. abds to your burden*, ber parents at IhU (ilacr. Mr. aa<t rU
I Asi Boardaan aSiurday evenbig.
valcbt. tbe palp beiac ahaoat dry but we are anre that your people will E. C Uke.
Myron Hareoun of Kalkaska wa* II
S. B. FtM started last Atarday o town Tesaday.
aMa«b to ana aa Tart whaa It Uaraa be wiluag to make you aueh. eoapentba praaa. A car load era* shipped
■atlOB a* It ought to be tor a eouair a rtsli to bU rather at Unwoud. Oat.
Aero is o story told to the e»ccl
the Boo Tbareiar by tbe IHjnola
tike Grand Traveree. Hoplag that the Miss Kellie Wtaters of Aompsou- (bat a certain brer hnnier al ibis town
vlllc has been Tlafttag ber brother. wait besir bunttag a few da.'-e ago.
rrlaor* will giro your p»pet
ef T>r. kin.*' nren
Uetaiiau ClrnuR Court.
BideraUoo la (be aait^-of eoapeasaHe chased Ihe brer, so the «iory goes,
Arl Wade bas sided up his rvsl- Are or tlx miles, when be brought up
Tbe October teno of tbe Clrealt UOB. T aa
:y I h»d to gvi Dp from nve to ten
deaee aad putUng. on a coat of paint
eoHt 40r tbe coooty of Leelaaaa.
NI a Blglit. 1 hue* t*k.* s.-.'TSl
Very respectfully.
laroo- Thrre he Ion track at
and nr hren Is u mrular am
which wrcatly ItapipTes the appear- him bet got. word Uter on In the day I
VkkB epau at LeUad. Oot II. U one
p: H. Kelly.
tt tba mmOmt of tbe Thirteatta Jn-LAWyEIL
At tbe jdnee of tbe aftenooa ae*iie!i
that Mr. Boar had passed ihroajtb|
8. 8. Bureetl Is siding Us
*B.^U*J|««LU-Tre*t Ohio.
f 4Mial
BHsai dWrlet,
oainei. bflt
o« tear
war atBiael caaet, yeetarday tbe Judge of probate rtgiort.
Moorwown on his way Ki'silttsvllle. i
« ^
0 iBMOa
laaM «f
«( bet
taet aad three cbaaoerT ‘ I adaltted to tbe Kortbem blleh- butldlng trtib steel aldlog snd slso re- E. D. returned on the ariernarw train,'
d on tbe
^ 4eaabM ptaped
t docket. T*o lean aeyiBB tor the Insane -there
roo&ag ibo Doyle house with fell n
bringlog with hlB two oiiari* of bear]
■ ere rkilaUaaa of be nawocted at tb* expense ot the tag. .
> n^^ooMoo
MtMbler of eoBBty of Grend Traveree uatfl re-; Bert B. Smith is <a tbe sick list.
t&a iooor Uw,, Winiaai
rroreacat bBoc Bbe deteadaat in
d-je neundBe** of alad. If eOeeicd: <^e* Jewell aad taally bare
bolb.' Tbree Bthoppy ceopiei ore aik- within two ypars," Prank Kapple. Car-: moved to Merrtll. Mich.
be that tbeir bead* be ooUed aad one rle M. Conway. R»n Hunter. CZarlei
aaaa'Cf barttaiy la oa for triaL Tbe QuBeM. liOuU J. Roehea. Wtlioin HoOoel. Mary BbMdd. Baaa Zie, Mrr.
D. 8. Willard U haring bis town retAwia B^ea. Mr*. M. R. Tregea and
TH08.8. tPffAQVB A SOB,
Ideoce palBled.
An Ibepb rn. ?T!ta VentkBa. to- Richard Warren.
WUUaa Habbcler eompaay has Jum
aab. (C. L. Doyteo. ProU B Davla.)
The aftenieon seaalon today
Tbn Poppte n. Hermaa Atk. atatfr glTCB over largely to eenialu'ee work, arted 'luabertag for next year's cut,
WsTB* OsoMy Bsok Bl^-. DBTBOIX '
tary borgbiy.
L. Daybo.)
tbe eeesleB belag called to or^
Aa People ri muaa HoabUr. Ti Z;4S aad B. O. Ladd again brtng reBlk Aplds! Mich, Oct. 13.—WedUMbttoB «f ttaaor^a*. (C. L. Daytoa.)
eiected n* county exaBliter to
day evepliig, On. It. tbe ltdies ol
Aa Paopb ca. WUUaa Hodiser. rtS- coed blaksrtf.
Cresswcll. North Milton. Auth Milton
tetha ef Uoaor U*. (a L. Aytoa.)
Aensbject of aepamnr bounty wa* end Kewadin gave a harveti supper af
bepughPup aad upon aoUoa of Saper.
i.4aaeptaXlrt.aa- vtaor Beeehaa, n o«e‘;u«r‘s trial In KewBdiB. Acre was a largo aiiendPUteGlASB. Stum Boiler end /
t. fPnu * BMto. G. t. Ooytaa. boeaty dltbnracmept wan aboM to be anee Botarttbstaadtag the severe
Btorm. Ac abetal was a great
1. W. Mtebaa.x
yoor buildtto|( row—
panned'when it was nipped fa (be bad
Jaaeb Taanattar Tt. doha O. Plaak. temporarily by Bupertlaor D«. vbo, eess and' tbe proceeds' are to bo used
if yon would get the
MiiiMilt. (Oovall B Ooia. A. P. by aa Baendmeat. allowed It to be tor the Kewadin parsoanse.
roof on before Ae win­
Mre. Award Wood, who has
put over as aupeela) order of btislbess spendtag the pest two weeks at Cen­
ter weather aeti aal
taUI 1 b'eioek.loiborrow. Supervisor tral Ulic, returned bumo WWdoesdsv
/Ada t. XlUaar ca. WUUaa A. KURoom 810 New State Bank Building.
'Traverse City.
ham and Add were added to' thc of IhU week.
Come to us forwhat■ar. dtretM, (A w. Potebaau)
alttee bf three to look up.tb-r
•■MB Bbaaier va. Baaiy a
ever yea aeea iiU.whchurch art at the boae of Mrs. W. G.
Bteame. (A. F. BarUaf.}
pervlsel Aliya, the report to be given
Crawford Wednesday aDernoon.
Beaa Webb ya. Jodab Webb, dl- Baturdi^aomtng at» e'eloek.
never a case c^ 'wait
OA Power* spent Wedpesda)- at
eetea. fprett A AtU.)
Williamsburg ta the interest ef ih«
■ your' ■
U tba anaoapaU ca
All Telephone rompany.
Byaaa va. Joaepk KIrt a aote tor Proa PW6>y's Beeord.
the limit at all times.
Aa BMniliig aeasioB of the board ot
MA l>na Eplnner. who ha* been
. N4MUtba«aaaftf aalLtbaplatBUa
We anticipate your wants and supply Aem at the
ubUI : spending the v’mmer at Pei Terrace
aoataadbg that tbe Beta wae
least cost.
left Aesday for Dayton. Ohio, wbere
with warp* asd knots iiotircsbiy
bp tba BdbadaBt ^leh ha doBlaa erer o'ekiek tUs anereooa
report of tbe coanltu
nhe expects to mnke ber home with
absent kdowb aUt-k upon utnek
into the Goaanalcnboa of Bor- ber brother. Albert Spinner.
ra Siis yard. U yoti have the
veyor Aliya aaklng Tor larger quarter*
leaat interret iii nt-w building or
Otailet Acker and family expect
aad atao thU be be allowed to keep leave for California the Utter part nf
building alteniinns ur n-pair*.
iBOorde pertataiag to bin oBee la thU BOBib to Join hU sister aad tnmlly
it will rei«y yon toaeie onr slock
and let i» quote pricea, whether
at that place.
CItlsen* Phene, 82i Boll. IO0.
' tbb attaWoB'the foUewiac report of
ita ar .,
Rev. Milo N. Wood left this week tor
tbe oaMty HpetbteBdeaU «f tbe poor
imj vamt .uwuuicuS Ot thonsand*
tor tbe year oBdUg Zbbo M, IMS. tra
the <iuickesL
dtsignatlag the vaults
Mrs. CnrtU. slsler of Mrs. 8. J. Dev.
■Paieai aaabted aad cared tar 4S.
of tbe registre of deed* as tbe deposi­ taleads lekvtag for ber borne Seiorday
. BanDaowaarpooBBoott.
South SMe Cumbtr Co.
tory for tbe beok*.
after spending some time here. .
Obtbbg. ftt.lL
Surreyor Aliya, at this point, again
W. J. Towers left Tuesday tor Kal­
PBBd. $SU.U.
caUed aiteBiloo to tbe Ja<
kaska and Leeisvllle to assist In InOeeToywee to aad trim. «1
Tsatortng Uk sto$ of Cole Bros, nl the
Bapair*, M.U.
■aexpeeiedly or oM Utter place.
of boars when be eoBaUered (bat
needed tbe book*.. H* stated to
Bk Rapids.'Mlcb.. 0ct. 14.-Rev.
If you ore gviing to bay
tbe board that be bad already kept tbe Hoklea'd ot Beer Lake Is spending tbe
principal bdoks la hi* own po*- week here (he gnesi of P«er Johnson.
aeasioB for Bve Boatba wllhoui the
A^raamage aal* will be glvei tn ibo
knowledge ot Register of Deeds Wll- OariSiia bnlldlng .Oct. SO and 31 by
eon who. be elaiaed Jwd sutod ibat tbe Udi^rsf (be M. R. cburch.
tha^book* were dally called tor.
Chartca Mahan rumreed to Kalkas­
litiy yoti '-aU ,ind look otfr gtod <
tliil f.i!l it
reyor Aliya suied Rinbor that be bad ka Wedne*day.
VC<- start our Air-tighl
-ir-tight StaveeatSI. This i* on 18ia.
tbe oplBioa ct two attorn^ of (bin
BtovL- wit!, l-ir^il-.rgi- foel bjv-nitig. 'tast leg*, cast eirew
H. 8. Atasee made a bottaes* trip
city who upheld his poaltka and oaU to Tragrrse City Prtday.
•Iruft ao'l th«- moot sto'iv>-'yon ever uBB' for ibo BK*oy.
that (here was no quostioa as to <
P.H.Basworth has rented tbe
bad auibortiy to retala ibe booka.
over F. M. BMI-s bardware stove as t
ii.i: W00.1 stove. W< r-».n «*Teyon tnooey oa«nyll)ing
. Frosecutlag Attorney 'Cross ap­ place of ntodence. Mrs. Ro*'
There is something new to be seen in it every day,
yoG n<H-.j Id (be stove iiii.r. ,
. |
ta tba beae peared ta behalf of tbe boord and aaU who U at Oaykwd U expected here
4 b<M Bbdetfv«Bd epileptic. 9KA>. that the la* wa* clear upon the sob- shortly, when they will begta keeptnz
things that you must have, indispensable for kitchen
.AblBtoouai paid tor aU porpeoM. Ject. tbsi tbe books wae to be p
deeignaied by the
John F. Boyd bas purchased tbe
Wa/Maioa place oa Trarefsc avreoe.
as Plates, Cups and Saucen, Kniv^ and Forks, Sad
We have a Crst-eloM Tin^Sbop,
Biuraaee o« tbe
TVs Ladies' Aid soelrty of Sacred
ly bDlidtag which wiu expire Mxt H«atrt ebureb will meet wltb Mrs. E>I
Irons, Ironing Handles, Lamp Brackets. Hammers, all
' PreBi Auradayli Becord.
tpHag was referred to tbe eeBBlttee .Barr next Wednseday atu-rnono. -Oc*.
Ae aornlBg acaaioe of tbe board of on butidtaf s aad grounds crpislsU
uzes of Tin Pails, Milk Strainers. Dinner Pails, Memo­
aoparviaore «ai uken op largely wUb Arrow. Add aad Harsba to report
The IlllDoU took lAOO pounds of bn:
randum Books, Moose and Rat Trags. Mmcing Knives,
BOBBmee vork. thoogb tbe aauer of Tuesday aoralngat 10 o'clock.
us trtia tbe kcwaain ereoaetT oe her
tbe chBBge In tbe ttaie aebool bv. inA coaauaieauon was read frea the tarn trip.
Gum Camphor, Camphor Balls, Ink. Mucilage, Pens
, criBitbg tbe eaUrr cf tbe eooaty com- coBBty sbertlf la regard to the
Have you erer tried the
LawNBM MostU U buUdlag nn
■dadoBor of aetaooU van praBeuted by of a barn ea (be grouadi sottooi
and Pencils. Tablets and hundreds of other tbipgs at
dlGoB to hU honse. kWBled near (h^
«oy*t -riBBP
. OMBly Clerk Waller *bo rMolred a the coonty buUdtag where he ei____ depot
prices that you will say yourself are cheap and good.
fwaaiwtralira from tbe aoperutend- Uere Is pleaty.of space, bis rmaoa tor
Maitta Brasrn ot Leelanaa county
i. Atrtck H. so doing belag bU desire lo psrebaee was he^on oScUl boslnere Friday:
Cauaoi Cora
g that tbe eab>eci i
a bone for ase. Ln bl* oBcla] ^
Mr.-and.Hm. Bert
; eelre anerUiaa at
He saw be would be wtHtag to lay for Prea Chleami Aureday pveBiag.
»ai Ss/aiAi
: Oetober aeetlag St tbe beard of super- tbe ke« of tbe bane tf a tare was
E L. Beebe was in tbe ctlj osi btnTbey are the bexL Sob'-taly by
; ateora. TJader tb* tbe Be* sutate
prorlded tad that tUsjaould do away taeiB FMdarr
- i* BiBitoery for tbe board of eupi
wlU large bUls tor Urery bite wUeh
W. Hath was married at Midland
the increased basteas* ef tbe Aiquy Toeadny eveatac Ae DOuiile retwn•eeeasUated. Referred ta eou
- Bk BapbU Tbmwtay and wilt c
' tboagb they etay .oba.age tb* aabry at oa banding* aad voaada.




/ F. M. PAINE.



w. p. orotser,





Tire Tnsurance!

Boner to Loan on Improved Red Estate Only.

' 2»E.Fn«»«n»







match Our
Olindow Display

A Heating Stove

*TRI.JDEp t4« FrostStrert







- %ssrMB.awsir*^

Dmi’t OkWbL^-i^










ar yriaUMt-l wfll >rUa yea a
littia mtar ta ttO roa I «Mdi Ul
nwddto BMsey.
bia a Mi^bar af tba H. T. r. Boai
Maple Oty. MIA. Oet. 1 1*01
etab. WlU n» pteaaa aaad a
ladcc. t a» a Hitia kItI eight yaaia lllilelsttar to ten yon that I •anU tta
dd end ga to aAed nrarly erary dgk' BwtmMitmohUmfnt
cBlaathaolatratTdv- I M to be a member d Aa H. T. F.
b^aMMbaforckaH.T. ra. C. WBl cMaadJ
1 will now tall yee Ibe name d tar
la tha aeoMd grada aad I beta i
ahiae elab. WIU yoa ptoOM aand ma pet Boras. They ara Maeto. BrraKto.
}«ni idsaM %mi mt a tedt*. 1 aat
am a Uttla hap sere* Fadra t rend ta tba chan. I lifce'to
HiUe bor 8 yaart eU. Md |o ta aato
i orW try MMT M Mfty «r
Miss Laxlb Daaa. BboUyotykJ
yean dd. 1 go to aebod and an ta
ararr On. > m la iba aaeoM giada
to aAod I tore foar bA|hert
fr«t «»Mrt
me wbon I an food aad get ay ka­ As Brat grate. Hr
t toava may tiapar tMwa. Mr
I Are alatenl I mill now donr by
I wll Cry <• N « li«nr m I
les wolL We bare gtlyMgki sebei. Mtaa Doan. I hare a dag far a pec
ler^ Msa ta mac Litda Oeaa.
tending ny beat regnrdt to all.
la. Oood-bya.
fla name to Cbpialg. Ooodhyr
Bha la rary M»d ta «a «Ma I lai
Roby Itoati.
M far M I can.
rroM yo«r fianablaer,
I From year Uilta hey.
IRmM aad aat nr laaaoM wall. Wa
4 wlU tiy la ka laataft ha^
LBibie Hkka.
Oka Barrewt.
M MM M aaarykaay mC M
WoMord. Mieb. gepC n. tIOS.
Mpary UMag |M«.
Osar tvaaidaal I tm write yon
Mtoa AxtoU'a Bcbaol.
orrita a few Hnaa ta yoa. Our
If'l awar fafl la iqrlM la «a
HUIa lattWUten yo. | weald Itta i
Maple CUy; -MIA. On. I^IMS.
tone la {lira Ftenve Axtell. Sbe
Wexford. Mleh. Bmi. 2t IMS.
«MM thbivb I «*(■ -Tnr. tor.
ba« wabarof Iba H. T. T. Bttaabla
Otar Prvaldrai—r an a Uttla bor.
good lepcbar. tot Ae nakea na
Dear rrealdaat—3 vDl arlta roc
atab. WU ym gleaaa asM aa
clAi yean oU. aad wqM Itoa to into nlad. I an In Ae foonk grade,
abort lerier to loll yaa I would Hko to
taadse? I am a boy. olght yewa td the Boublne stab. 1 l^ra-a..^4w;- atodiea ora apditag. arritiag. arilb-'
aa*e yiM aaad mo a bodae. I auaad
aad 4 go to nebael onry day. i am la hit name to Carte: two kllt^>,had. noUc. gaegrapby nad rendlog.
aeboel o*err day. ! am In the BR!i
tba Ibkd irade and I taro maar elsTA Aeraa.. I go to aAoot-nad rand ga to iblr^ean yenrw I hare g
Cradii. Our teaebor'a Bhaif U Mtaa
baggy Umaa. My taacbrr-a eat
ta Iba ooeoad raadar. I wlU now ctoae og sad A ox tran. Tbcy ara gobi
LUrio Dnaa. IP>a la bird tn m «*ca
my land by nandiag my tor* to Ml I aroA. I tore gM one taniUar mad
wo are good. 1 an otoroD years Old.
the BaaAtae bora aad glrit.
ao MstMV I nan eteae fnr AIk iIbw.
Welt, 1 will haro to cMaa tor iWa Una.
Sobort ttoati
Toon trd».
Ooy Oopeiaad.
Forest Elner.
Maple City. Mkta.. OeL 1 T*».
Xaara oorr (roly.
Monroe Center. MIeb. Sept- «Dear Ptatldrat—I thought 1 woaM
Bnrdlckrllto. Mteb.-Oet. 3. IPB.
■m ataacL ham, b
Dear President—I Aoegb' ■ atoaU
Hoaroo Comer. sapL K.
eonld WTVetoyoe. I thoagl
tea for a long tine. I an «dng u>
it down a«d write to yoa to >«t yoa
Daar ProaMaat^Aa this ta caA
bare not written to yon U a Ions aebool. Our (eoebrr’a name to Mtw
ee-MtarwoM I tkoagU 1 woald writs tiam. Tharewm ahoot flfty-elgbt AU- Florence AxielL I like ber rety well know ifaat,! an no> well aow. 1
Fir* Vlea Fraaidam. Clara Bataa.
CDteg'to aehotd aow 1 an la
I m. Far Mndias I beta tsadlas. drea moiled now. Uy peu ai*
My atodles an rending and arttbfOonb
gaaaiM Vlea Fraaldaat Hra. iraar
reader mi .ny aiudtos
dthWJe. Mamac aad tucuca. We •at. a aK ard a cow. I an la tba mrtto. pbyaldogy. geograAr a»i
Poatarar Wilalda.
haoa a-«owar cardan UU ywr at nt third grade. My studtoa are pbyaM- apelltag. I an Aelre yean dd. New readlag. aritbnetlc. toagoage. physlologj. Irogyaphy asd apeUlag.
nawBlbenw. 1 wooM lika to )oU yoer agy, artthmeile aad raddtag. I can
win hare to brtag ny totter to
ny lenAar very well. Her ma
not (biBk ad aa; more. Good bye.
loaa Good-bye
Nianhar a( memhM halaagtag Oata>
Mtoa Ftorrace Axtell. There a
From year gonifaiiier.
Fran year Bimbean.
Ms aAoton'ta our aAod. I only
Age 10.
Lola McCombs.
iubri Baau.
tore a Ca steps to go to aAod. M
Kama. MIeb. Bom. .2L 1»0S.
Uooroa Ceoter. Sept. 31 ]»<».
Maple CUy. Mk*.. Get. 1 1*05.
taacber boarda at my uacle Pder'e.
Dear hrcMdeat—Aa It is ^ plaasam
Dear PraaMcox—I wlU write Ww a
Dear PresldA^ bare ooi written
to Baaday aebod erery Suadar.
ateoraana I tbooMit 1 wmld wrlto yoa mile ietiar tmtMI yon I woold like
for a long One. i an at aebool today We tore four noatbl of igimt Ato
Bit Chlar It'liiiBUBg iba rciadaar aad a letter. 1 an a lituo girl tan yean be a member «d tba M. T. r. Boaabl
There ate tweric aeboUn at aebod to­ tall aad two weAa raA&on ibla
Old. aad 1 go to nteM orarr day. I dab. WIU yes pteaw aaad me
day. I an in tba fourth grade. I
noBA. Well, t miui elate for ibla
an la tba Fourtb gtada. I baya
badger I an a Uuto boy Mgbt yw
itudtoa ara roadtag. arllbmatle. li
line, to vtoblng yoa goodjbye. I am.
baggy Umaa. Mr taaeber-a aai
oU. I go to aebad erary day. 1 am la goage. phyMotegy. geography a
Tnr SnaAlae girl,
Mlac.Doam. Bbo.U yaty ktod to ^la tha third render., I hare maiy I
speUtag. Wa tore w walk a mile
Martha Learla.
wbaa I Om good aad lean ny leaatna tlnwa. My taaebaFa name la Mtoa aebooL Our taaAer'a name to Flor­
ence Axtell. 1 like ber rery weU.
Daaa lb iba foroat tba owl erfaa *To- WOB.- Wo haw tfiy-eimt wholar* m Llxsia Oaan. She to rerr klad
Wdo About ^ Cattory. '
aehaal. My atadlee aro foarth raadlag. whaa I am good aad get my I
tore my Cbriatmas preoAi yet.
eospla d weeks ago Vice PrealwaU: Wo bays Bfiy-dcbt acbolara la Altik it WU rery pietiy. I bare b<
Hark. how tba
triad ta algUag
dent Clan Saiet tdd ygu of her rtoli
to aebool erery day alaea H c<
to Aa Onad Rapids lady who makra
mancad. Well aa I caaaot Atak d
Toam raapeetfoUr.
Hnah. or the owl aad tba vlad wlU get
speelMir of rntotag cels, nia pretty
anyAlng more 1 wlU eloaa -fd- Ato
Harry Hsaalea.
BMUry to a ptoA Orand Raplto peo­
line, ao good-bye.
Kaxila. MIA, Bapt. 31
ple ara very praed d. ud tad
Far kiataws U daaaw aad batter ttaa
Pion year Baniblaer,
Soar PraMdawt—I win write yoa a
tha Oread Rspida BrAtag Preea gsre
Hide lattor to t^) roa I wedd Uke to
leraettag dracrlpUto d It. I
be anember of tba H. T. F. BaaAtae
BurdkkrUla. Mieb. da. 1 l»tf.
eoMd ace the plclerea d the
etab. WlU yon pieaea i
Dear Prealdeni—t wim bow wrile dainty poastos that lltatirstad tbe ar­
a 'mt bor
’ t an a little boy tn yean yea a touar. at MI Aa teboton nre ticle. Tbii to.s'toi Ae Brentag Press
gdag to. toe. (an gotag to aebod.
aid aad 1 go to Mbod eroy day.
KarUa. Midi.. BepL St. iWL
tba aenad grMa and I bare many Oar tsoeber’a none to FloranM AxAll Ae comfortt of bomeDaar Praal4au-I trill write you
UUle leUer to tMl yoa that I weald ba^ timaa. My leaAer 1a Hist Ui- Idl and we Ilka tier rery wMl. I ao- Aan tbe oonfocta d tbe borne
ttead when I.wat eonlog to aeboofAla Mra. H. 0. Dykbouse ptorlded tor bA
Hka to be a member pt ibe H. P. P.:
KaUe Dtaon.
eoloay of Persian au at her 1
BoasblM dnb. fnil yon please send
Md Aa toares are fsUtag- toa My Wf Lake .arenoe. Tba ntii
Lew ia Iba akr haaga tha tait tadlag me a bmlte? I am a UtUe boy tvetre
Karila. Mtah. Begti 31 iMt.
toeitaer a«d stotar ware eat tran-4ta-,
yaary old, aad I go to aebool erary day.
a d Ibla Ane bona, or -rattoiy.
0.1 SX-kb
Vk. nMi I am In (ba aeooad grads pad I bare Daar PraaMeni—Will write yoo
UoU s week ago A aa esearston. My
liCUa ktiarto teU you I woMd Him t birthday will be the elerenA -d ihU
■Bay happy'hmea. My teacher's name
be a member ef tba H. T. F. Ban- monA: I will be ^larieee years ohl.
la Mlm Liixle Dnaa. Sbe to rery bind
sb^ MA. - Win PM please sMd me Good-bye.
to mo when 1 am -good aed get my kaa badget At the-farm where I lire
Fidb your friend.
Sana well. Wa bare SftyAigbt aAolThe building, wltb lU Aiahle cages,
ibay,hara two targe dt«L Thalr aamea
^e May Baau.
ara ta acbooL Oaed-bye.
autacu more than ordtaary interest
, «wMg la yaar bannnr* aM Cm U
ara Vtotnr aad Max. Victor has nine
paiaing cart Ad
BnrdlckTlIle. MIA. Oct. 3, l*»l.
^r da*. Sbp to rery proud d bar
isMtM. '
It la a frame boildlng
‘ Ralph Dixon.
Dear Prasldeni—Aa I bare not writlhaan la yaw atoam* at gawwa Md
*e tare aald ala of tbam
and Vie to rery koaly for her bMtoa. (A lorm loag Una. I thought l weuhl BRca by Airly feet. earefMly ud
palaiA. bat Ae
fw a vaal oMaf M (ha tMck ad tba
a I baraat naythtag etoe te ray 1
woitb aod beeaiy d tbe stnictora
All I am well, and hope yoa are
111 bare to ctaae.
ih* I am at m*4<ii, bw a
tbe aame.' I an solng to aebool aow. annad be a
Tonra tnir.
My tenAerit nane to Mtoa Fteienca
HaaM Cogan.
[.amhmatle. agetlAxtell. I an ta tbe elgtiA grade. My
Carey Fwm.
r Md tMgigr. aad I
Big Chtat la eoaUag with igladaar aad
Biadtoa ara Usury, mmnar. arillitore to COM cboou^aad today to FHThU ta the. room u-^ere Mrs. DykItorita. MIA, Seph ti ims.
eirll corertuaesi.
mj little Btotv
Oaaalu to wakae h
Orar Praaldi'M—I will write ymi a
banaa shows ber cats. It la alio tbf
Ocaala. flbe la oaly Bra yeara old. Mr Htik letter to ten yoa l wooM like to readlag.
PnaM% tba Mg d
My' l^bday
•“f U W br
laaebar's naaae to Mtaa Dam. I Uke
be a member of U>a H. Y. F. Banahtae flrsi d Oetober: 'l was ekres yrais

bar rery rnoeb. I bare got a IIUIJ
elA. wm yA ple«ae send me a
red and grera. 1
alatar. Oracle, aad conatn. BwL Be Ik badge? I am a IlUle gtri aeren yean dd. At I eaabot Atak d may more I!
wUI eteae for Ato tine.
I hwdwood Boor hsa Am brary rags i
-Chicago CbraUde. augiac wUb as aad papa aad maam. old and I go to tAool erery day. I
Fran yoor tortag StoAloeF
kre beoAra srtNiad Ae re
too. 1 like my Mater wry much. There am ta tbe aeeead grade and I bare
Olio Jas.
“■* »Wf wtadow araia for t»-e cMi.
am orar «fty>dre achdara to oar
A chslr or two graces Ala rooto for.
hawr rinea. My laaeber’a
' THday. Oct. It.
aebool and them are Bnana la tbe
BurdlArilla. Htoh. Oct. 3. I*i».
Ae aenmnods'iin d Ae but
to Mlaa Uitte Dona. Bbe to
New amabwa jatalag bIi>m Mat cbaRclau. My eoaala gota IP school
Deer PreaMsnt-Aa I hsrg pot writ- gnesta to ibU Adralrt boat o!
toa Ua to la Ibe Abb ctada. J^iaaae
n lor some tine. I iboogln I weold I (cUne "ftor taudred '
fiftyOlea Bsrrowa, Lana Wlaebeome. asod mo two tarda aad Mai. tbr my
drop yoc s few Uara sad let you knew • Tbera la s plctore rail A oeeb.of tho
Laer flarran. Allle Payildi. Brwin and HUto atoiar aad mer'Baad them tt ^bt sefaolara ta aebool. Oaod-byr.
Ast 1 sa well snd boge you are Ao four aralla sod pboiograA' of Peralso
> yoor Btuubtaer.
UbWa UIcka. TUOpb and UsHe Dtxan. Nauee City. R. F. O. Na L'
Onr aebod
who nAe sad tore made
Amaads Copland.
LMa Potter, Oandc PrMai. Floyd Ooh- Aged.
tret d Bepiember. We tore a grsad Aeir bone at tbe Rotoeo Cal kennels
ran. -Haid Koabn. Ooy and Amaeda'
Karlta. Mich.. Bepl. 33. IBM.
One SI recera a
after aiedr.|grace ihla rail. ImmedlAiely back of
Wexford. MIA., hept. «. IPO*.
OoplaaC Harry aad Bayawad Menxiea.
PnaidAt-f wU! write you a
Tbe beedni
raon la Ae toAlled
CJeon BUaH. Ml ad Mlaa Uule Doan's
Doia lefter to toll yoa >1 woOd tike to taat. ao aow we Art go asd gather tag room. This is a hardwood
tea tf a loag time. I wfll write a few
aAaol la Soaih OiBBt.
her d tbe H. Y. FraanAlnr:
I WMld like to bda tba etab. WSl yea plem acM me a Aeia. We were tote udey nooa u I and down elAer aide ta a row of big
CMade Bhaak. oty R. P. o. c:
trap doora
Harmnt aad laabal wnaoa. City R. H. T. F. SnniblBe etab. | am
I on a Ut'ta btfy tea yew Ae time we were Isle. I an In the eM- tato eorTeapOBdlng Agra outside;
girl iMttaen yearn old. 1 am
F. ttl.
dd. and I go to aebool erery day.* I elghA grade aad my stodfA are btor faulldlag aad benAra are p
fooitb grade Wa barethlrwao geMs.
M Ae Alrd gtade-aad hare raaay I wry. arithmetic, pbyaldogy. grammar. Si almplog places. Bopectal alleoiioD
tbrea bmaas and Bra caule aad fbnr
happy llmea. yMy teaeberb aana. ‘a
Tour preaidaat baa base data
apelltag. clril goeeanoAl. baa bora paid to Ae veoiilailon d thi*
oee bBBdred and thlrty-aarea
Mtoa Linde Oo^ Bbe ta rary kiad to
good deal of tha lalklag la tUadagantoon and Ac materallr' depaitneni
me ^wn I am goiTwad gat ^y ka»«at iaialy. 7«U waak the Is goMy toacber'* on Ae npper door On tbe aecood Bov
soas wan. Wa hare ftftydAt aAol- name la PtermA Axtell.
lac to giro the waea to MOra tram
tbe otetlier peratona with Aeir Itlik
ars la aAod. Oood-bya.
two attoeeto, that * Mtoa^'lda^ Dm
good to A. Wo tore frar mcnAa d Angora kliieaa tore ncluslve reign
Pram roar Boodhlnar.
la Booth Qraat. aad Mtaa /ftorMe
sAooL We tore two weeks' taeatlon Tjiej have Apeeiallr eooMructed
Lode Potter.
AxMt ta Ladaaab eoaat^ We are
and 1 WUI hare to bdp dig petatora. rages and In addllhr- there It a big
Clad to wehnac eiyaata^ new i----- tatiae to yoa to IM jm I wonld Uke
Oar aebod graabd aras plowed AU playraoB In which the little feliowe
Moaroe Center. Mkh, Bept- 33.
IS be a member of the H. T. F. Bnhen Aam Mlea DMa-B adjaM.
Dear Prealdtat—1 wUl write yoa a ^ Old makee It rery rangh. WM. hare reercniloa and needed exerda*.
atone elab. WIU yoa ptom sand me
Uttla toner to tell yoa I wooM Uke to aa ny leuer U getttac teeg I will Id alt tHi At borne i>-era a-e thir­
badge. 1 am a lltur boy tA yeara
i letters hare haag^reeatyad
teen dtoUoci
to a member d tbe H. Y. F. BaaAtae Mote.
Mtaiy ta wbhR tha mamba^ ask Mr dd aad I ga to'oahabl ararr tar. lam elab. Win yoo plenae seed me a
On the Aral honr st tbe back H tbe
Age U.
eardaaadMManadartkatrllttkb^- la toa totod grade and t bhre mar badge? I an a boy. etorac years oU.
Haoi Jena.
little kttehA Id whIA M-a Dykhoowato aad Macen. Tha rale * the dab happy tinea: My traAer’s name to sad go to sAed erery day. I am ta
praparas food tor her Perstoa bra:iMaple aty. Mkh. OeL 2. l>».
Is that an Men be oM aiMMgfa
the AM grade bad I bare many hap­
IMr President—1 wUl write to you ttee It la anall. wery cooranient. and
rbea I on good and get ny kato read dad wHu hetm ibey caa
Dmb Altar Iber*
py tinea. My teacberis name to Htot today. 1 an gotag
•Ml- We bare Bfty-elght aAol- LUrid
jede. for. we Ml want to be btgMWgb
to a coel bia for Ae Hay furnsA an-1
tana. Sh*tor^h«tonci,Acbfr’. aanela Mtoa Fterttoe i
to aadersiaod eer ntlea aad try to art ta aeboei. Oobd-bye.
a big storage bta fa cleaa sand,
We like hn very weU. My s
kaeg that. Bo After tbU pleaaa vMt, P»n yotoBnahteer.
: ter Myrtle to toacblag uAoo] at Pisa*Cleon Btoard.
oata the UtUa oaaa aid sU yeara tdd. |
sat Grave. My sindlA ara htotoo. baUdlag when Ae brattag aysto. ...
eomptoae aad the eoiT^ stractare to!
CUiule Priett.
Moaroe Center, Sept. 33. iMi.
raphy. apditag sad dtrll govetnatsa'. eiertrie H^ed. Baalury plembtag
Moerae Ceater. HIrb. SepL 3L
fla# afteraooB I thonghi I wooM write
Dear PraslAal—I wUI write yoa a There are twdve sebelars ta school taaiMtod Bbd every preraatlra ink.
X>nlT one latUr waa race!rad tbto to yoa. It to nrarly winter tbe Mnret
to gire Ae Peratas prize wtaaers .
week Idling a puny of a pal kalmaL •IB anon «r»> ot The wild flowera Uttla leuer to toll yoa 1 would like to
Ftom yoar SoashlM girl,
Thoaa pretty pastal cwds are waktag •re all gone bow except the rtoleu.
to U.
etab. WUl you please aeM me a
to M aani. ao bony np and tell
There are house plaaia alee yet; we kodge? 1 am rier«f veera aU sad go
abMt yoor pern and ibelr ftmny irtAa. hare eane aka moaa ratet.' Par peu I
Maple City. Mich.. Ocl 3.
to BeboQl erary d^. 1 an ta the third ..Dear PrpsMcni—1 an a UiUs boy.
hare Bra eau one dog aad one raa. wnde sad hare rary mssf happy
Mlaa Dona'a Baliau.
The togh nans to FMo. Tbto to MI I Unas. My terabsrto ra*e to Miss Lto- Bve reara-Md. I go » school nauiy
dapi I tovs a al
KarUn. MMb, Bape. 3i inoe.' Ma tbitik d. Lora to MItta BoaAtaMe Data. She to vciy klad to me is Tabby. nM oer poors a
Daaw PraaldH d wU write yoo a
The etophaat ta hto prime atoapa
•hsa I am goto and get jay les»a Wa My taeehsr’a name to Him Ftori only flve hoars a might, sod Ae oUar
Bttte tattar to tall yo« I woold like to
wcB. We base BftyMMK obolara ta oms AgteiL. i tore tour alsias aW
ha grows Ae toss sleep he re«elreA

; ^



LOT no
L0T'|82 ^
^ LOT 183

LOT 184
LOT 230
Lou 285.'286. ^7 » a

LOT 203
« LOT 211
LOT 212
LOT 213
LOT 214

These are all early selectionB and are the

Handsoiiiist Lots io Oak HeiEbts

The whole bunch of

if sold at one time and for cash down, would be


Also Ooe Acre Lot
in Birchwood

Fronting East Bay 6 rods and running back 20 rods,
less a strip two rods wide On north side for street. A
very desirable lot in this beautiful suburban spot.


m Fniit Sfreec


eoce la a wbDe cllnfas to a laa'pot. thu the ihlUrM wfll thrive span 1'.. choieeu pan of Ue ttalk.
to rather limHed. aaA ikto to a '
Tbe beu way to keep ietofy fresh
These praportknt will be fOnnd right
•eat or cold
Pe-nMu Cm Nmv UfR.
pity, forft to a food aad a mndl-1
» seal to dUaatee. When To’’one pound of lean pork add ou •ad erltp to the tomeh It to wrap an
la a wet newapaper. then eoW with s eament at the Bret raah. Htmre la- j
wonach tnwble aad an emption.of
dndra. to toore naantliy, tagar la ooe-:
dry one. exdodtog Ul nlr.
(be aktn arlaea In aone tseb war. add tpooBfol each of salt aad Mge.
Ah other food tabttance* In
Tbeve are few aoopt thu wpi-<ap'
fee diupa of Hne water to the cleat
stay to dlcett aad !
fom into BU cakes Utie HnnburE^ pare with cream edecy aoq^ The
of milk-and clre the lime one a
aaaimllaie. It doea not tfritau Ue|
neak. aad fry In an Iw* pan. They
con! taUet after each neal.
tad patae* throoib It rap­
I beirltcblM of **7* are an narred V
rouoc tuoaeh mold be tborosghly
If Wt HM tti« Tim*.
by that «■V
reLeft-Over Potatoea-Blko down
I Hlia Ooldealacks has (hat naladr •»
gaa but rather by the intestine*, st
lo little ladles—hlemlabes e(
knew a perfeetly bealthr chOd .jme cold cooked poiauet. then bat­ dneed on* baU. Then you te*e a white sre all engart. Thanks to tbe prop­
ter a Breproof dish, dutttag It with •Wek Ilk* a Jelly wbMwoW. Slew all
With nr muer aUt iliM auad* Jdietidn. SomaarareafiletedlB^ who could not cat red raapberriet
id erambt. minced panley. the Alts portions of four stalks of erties to It, It to «Aly aatlmltoted by
I var that oDe often wondeni srhr u« witbmn the Boat Hole« attack of In­
Boely tratod dieese and popper: Tost crlery until very leader, having rut up Ibe lalettlne* wiiboat orrrloodlng
item “a'bahr e«nlexlon“ It apvlled
in n
■ to mr toHr lire that nidMi ■>:
ttnall. Cm Jast enongh wnter to cover, them for any undue Mctb of lime; at
___ ______
To be sore It It the like tbit, do not force the natter: the aJtoed potuoet veir IWiUy to
he IbM I woeM a«e nr aMl
creamy.taoee, poi a layer which Hwold be mostly cooked out In the Mae wHta eertala ripe trulls.
MUi Xontt the tun-1
hat the frethaeai oC tidn m«celr waH. That little one had
of these Into the dish, dattlng It will, when tbe criery Is taDdeally cooked. Betide* It to very nnlrittootf^ aeariy
j when It It OCR Aired, but a vomtn of
Bother who kept red raapberri
grated cheese aai^Jrtohly grirund Add talt. white pepper, antmeg and a every particle of Its own weight I* *»lart bat a tkla that
out of her
br all the netbodt which and lo the tod tbe ootgrew ibe weak- black pepper, repeating these Uyeri little iiigtr- Pas* all through a eoarae
Hooey to s medlcameni wh'eb can
tlu the dith U fttR. and flnltbtog with sieve: add two cups of tbe white tuck
nodem tanJealc tclesee teaches, while EM aad now enjoys the fruit.
If 1 had the HB»a
be naed for varitw pnrpoeca. ^tpeiv
. ityer of pouion^totaj teetott wlib aad two cups of c
daiAter often iioet UBcared
Rosy eheekt beloog by rltft
cs whose ml imimeai eoastola
with erutOB*.
' If I had the time to let av heart
tor In thlt reepect.
every chUd. When they are ltdtteg pepper and tali, and poa^a, little
strict food regimen should nte It
Baked Ceiety—Parboil four stalk*
ShHk oat add take is ar Ule a part.
It It ao eatr to correct the (aoH U aad there it no lUaett. tbe esnse it tl- solved baiter over the top; then bake
edery. cut up fine; pul to a bakiagi dessert In place of Mkre. fralU ■
Th look aboot ami to atretch a band Imott any child that'it aeemt a pUy
to a gcalle oven tor 30 mini
be lack of on
dtofa with a qntn of meat tudt which nuts, sack a* almonds. Htmey A**'
Buekwbeai Cakes—Be pa:
T9 cHnrade cMrtaned In nodiiek that BO'hert ibould not take the UtUe ercUe. L« the little people
still oae more advantage, rtleh to that
paint needed to sire the cfaUd a
the freih tlr. It I* the only rouge they
fub ot butter and two of Bour rubbed It acu as t mild laxaUve, and that
Ah. Oodl tf I Bicht bnt joM alt aUlf
Ed. Their color will Utend to itself it it adalteraied with com
*• raaff fly everyAMr»«r**rJwnffh«
to a smooth parte, and beating Into vatnable properly for habtioal eo
- ttnimiem ate.
one ffoart of cold water li
Aad bMr the note of the vbi^poorII U given ^It c^iorioaUy.
the yolk* ot three egg*. Cover the patloB which give* tire to many dtoHon. Jobs Tigb«, N«.» Htmsvn Kt.,
afraid of tbe cold weather mlOH tor or deep crock. Add one
ordert. Without doubt H I* to
Ocdioe*. N.
Member of Asretnbljr
I think that mr wlab with Ood>
ir child hat tome cootUtutlontl of Bit aid three aad thiee-foprih* top with finely grated bread crumbs
doable action that bemey owe*li* repu- from the Fourth dtolrtet. Albaayeanstr,
wooldrhrBe■kneti whidi nnflu ber fee tbe life caps of buckwheat and rub tmooib. aad then with grated cbecre. Bake
pauenl atrlrlnc
N.Y. write* a. follow*:
ailautet In a quick ovea. Tbit to tailOB.
VI bad the lime!
It may ba kwe before bU beat effort* ifatl sturdy boyi and girit lead. Dret* Add ouehalf of a yratt cake ieom1 Peruaa ha* my hearigr tadoraemeat
At a ntccotlc It may be reeomme
of the molt dellelont form* la
can ■« at the root ol the malter
her wamly. then tend her out to fUty. pretsedi dUtolved lo a Mule warm
s* s mtoratlvv tonic of tuperitw mrrk.
ed for tleepletsnett. Two tpooni
III bad tba time to Mara fran ym
At UOM when 1 bsvc tm> eouplnely
H tbe it a reaaonablr healthy yonn*
ft iBe ftee and lips chap Is the «in- wuer. Cover aud leave 1^ a warm which celery tma be put on the table.
Hew amtt ooBfnrt K7 word could do;

Irukra down from .eseret of
eraon, yon eaa clre her the peade* ter wind., apply this cream which will place over night, and the nmrt morn­
A»d I Udd too than of nr nddeo u) man akin that la bars by right
tbsl my fneoltlM aermnl acMsIly at a
ing add onehsU of a tetspooaful of, le white portioBt should Me tor two
heal ibem over night; Two ounce
” ~
soda dlaaolved In boiling wUer. Mix bouTf la a highly teasoaed white ttock. to pTohahle Ihii honey In eiteh T
Flrtt of aU. plmpiet on the eUWa gnond olf. one oufice white wax.
(Mspitet) WdlgeMIble t
To Ub rwr foet wbta I did yoo face are more from Internal than mra oonce tpermaceili. one ounce bentoto itot always rcoavenleot nor
and body atrwh wtU> new Uf. tad
absolutely aecetsrey. for it Is very »c- which retained In the ttoifiach
molatsea sod bake on
ecienial rantei. and
lard. one.duarter
V tha taort aback of tk* bnrado
gum mtaolve the catnpfaor In the al­ griddle. If pioperly m e they wilt cepubte if this ledlAii part it omit­ inrbs the nightly rest.
“I mominend it to a man t)rrd la
That Is not aU.. Hooey mixed
Cndd force their -way and lei yon plain* of pimplet. Ida to one they
ted: but It should be cut In finger
mlad and body at a toale tnptrlor to
mond oil. mix srlth the othor Ingredl- be light utd deliclons.
length*, tprinWIed wllh tall and nut­ tier serree as an exeelleut gargle anything I know of and well wortoy
retuU of blackbcndt. dogged
nelt all together. Beat until them without the accoi
• Brother*, the sonit of w nil would poret. and ean be bealahed by aenib- creamy and coIiL "ITilt sboald be t|v maple syrup.
meg. dipped in beaten egg nnd then In and has the merit of being rery agtee- rerioa* contlderalloe.’'—J. Tlghe..
Eaces* ol work ao oommon in ear
eUme— "
Corned Beef Hash—Select good bread crombt. allowi^ lo dry. then sble to Ibe taste, either swallowed by
blag and oInttoettL To be tore, tbe plied after tbe face , it Iboroasbly
aceldeai or on purpo*e>.{«- hooej- min- ; eouatry ouucsimpalred rerves, leading
general eoedltloa of th» hodUf or: washed Wllh warn water aad M&le pieces of the leon beef and free them dipped again In eggimd bread crumb*
I tOMtsrrb tnd eaUrvhtl nvrvuotnvM
from gristle. Add to this the tame and fried a fight brown la hot drip­ gted wHb water It dcUclons. And ibe di*es*s tbsl to rrepeulUe forhaU ot
gana affecta iheae plinplat. bat tbeie soap.
quaniity of cold chopped poiato?i. Put pings. laid on a paper or sieve to do. anciedi' Gauls thought such a bever- 11 nervons troablea.
mutt be exlefital care Into the ha^ •When tbe pimplet come from
I drink of tbe Ood* and
a lump of butter tbe site of bp egg Into iben served on a napkin. Another ny
But with a child the natter U .•ore blood, ote the'followlog
Pernna cur** this troufato twMOseU
termed It hydrooel.—HediMi Talk.
Is w-dlp the stalks In a flour bMier
nm catarrh wherever looaud.
tanrepao. gdd a Mule be
ot. ' Tlio blood and' ttonacb Alle you tre glvtogMuterail
e Per lOBortow will prora tman- • readllf chute tn ertipHou tnd this menu of sulphur and molastet or
If you do not derive prompt aad tatim
and when it begins lo bubble put stead of ecg and bread cnimbs. aoc!
Try This for tlw Hands.
result* from the use of Peruaa,
• Othar udar.
be meat and potaiees wllb pleniy
leniptlon mutt be treated through
other purtfler; Two ounce* al­
There to an oU tayling that there I* srrit* Bl cnee to Ds. Dsrtnan, giving a
• With lU Beasan of joy or aorrt
mond oil. oae ounce spermacclti, one of perore. but very Mule rail.
latcmeDt of your esw, and be will
Jibing new Kadei- the
islopUly. but do not mash the powhite wax. one ouoce beaxonaiRich food It bfien the cante of a
be pleased lo glvt yoa hit vslnsble Mh '
• aimei'ttr
edtord. ooe ounce oxide of xtoc. Melt lUoet. Now. let 11 stand for
fine rath appearing on the face
Ing powder, snd flour to make snA- rut tpoiled quickly, and are expenalve.
Address Dt. Hsrtmaa, Prasideal ot
spreading unUl It eorert the face. At the ingredient* and beu until etrid and moments until a erntt forms
Make it lute a loaf shape, cleaily atiff. The tomato sauce to made had her drugghit prepare a mlxtnre hi Tbe HarUtoB Saaltorinm, tMiimbaa.O.
crMoty. Apply tt night and the plnArtt hynpton of this, look ti
glycerine, rosewater and diric add.
cakeRule oye’t diet If tbe It in the habit plet will dry away If the blood to put
the latter beJag the etseaUal add of
«• It ecMtar Und worda aad torhic
or eating Phtiry. deny her that lukury. In older at tbe tame time. .
lemons. It was found to'be ooe of (he bolled. or
salt water. Dr
1 ' quickly together. Then ihlekened with a tablespoonful of
Teach -your Ultle dai
it bard to do U. -Cot
bc*i Iblng* she bad ever tried tor well kith clolh.
« «mi traatlnt to Ood Conpleteserve. A little onion may be grated flour: add same of butter, with salt
down the .candy tupply—perbapi It ber ftce properly and
keeping her hands free from chtpplng.
To take ont tbe
bath, or minced ptraley. ' pepper and nutmeg.—Table Talk.
wUl be neeeatsry to take it away alto­ the follows ytMtr intlrnetloot fattbThe fdlowing was clipped recently after rltmalng a garment wfth gaso­
gether fur a while. Keep rich neat' fully. «nlU tbe I* old enough to take liked. , ,
from tbe Boston Budget
Apple Taffy.
line. lay over the place a piece of etaan
Chicken Slew with Dumpllngtof ber complexloB at well at yon
«t«n her and let her hare little bolter.
Here It a timely auggetllon for ihoti: * In fall and winter a bouseworker white tissue paper and press with a
She thoold eat-cerealt. vegetablB and can. do It for her. no mUler how boty you have AO old fowl li will reqofre | Wishing to plan reme novelty for tbe often has great dlfBculiy In keeping
Iron. This wiM at once remove
bollijig; a young i
TO the eatnal obaerrer the worid frnlu. with tone ot the leas ri^ you are. •
ber bands toft and white. Unletn •II trace tff the s>aln.
AC night the face Rbould be washed one.-one hour; so -time ymirseR ac­
ry and flth will tide orer
sem to hare a taahloa of nttUng
tome soothing lotion to
tht? will
are held Just before tbe boMday
with warm' wuer and caiiile aoap an I cordingly. Cut iiivthe chicken and *f >
To Glean Cost Ceilara.
aktoc In apace faiUr Uan It did In the gbe irouhltmt
turely become chapped, etpeelally If
boil In cold wuer Put one carwith a CQwel Dciii It glows
ThoM Ao have struggled In vaia
Anya of ittce eoacbea and tnllov dtps.
docs any heavy boutework.
On the other band a rati
Take care, however, not. to irritate tbe CDl. one-half of a turnip and one onion World.
' TbU would potbeaobadUlhepeo- -on ImpoTerltbed blood.
Many women might earn consider­ good lotion Is made with two itorit of 1 tvmovc gfcssy deposits from thi'
law a frying pan with one lablespoontender
^a on It had not abaorbed the
roMwster. two psfU pt glycerine and etipw of coat eollsra will be glad of
dtUfto reuolu fron the eblW* haring
fnl of butter and fry brown. Add a lit able pin money during the npple tota* yours will.
the following recipe:
' tortr (d hanw and nwftt. but Inttond loo gtito that it rich and nouritblng
cover and
until tec- too bp making apple taffy, or It might one part of eluic acid. Thto rule has
not make a practice of applying any
tf taktoff ihlActoaUIy and only trytoff tntuad >4 loo muth. If tbe bat '
Bqoal pant of aafi so^ aafl foDer'a
been used for years by a woman wbore
masb through a colander in- prove a novel feature among home­
to do AU wa know we can noeon- llrtog on a very IIAt diet apd the cream: the above redpet are uteful in
made tweela for a cburM fair. Jndi- bands are always toft ''and white, earth well mixed and beaten together
special cates, ^ot otherwise tbe let<
tbongfa the ,hat charge of a large torm with a liiile .milriu of torpeadne. '
rath appeal*. »fr ton
en. A few mlnutet. before tervlnq.
and doet.a great deal of kltebcn work Hake It Into a ball, aad ,wheo required
hearty for n while. Never greasy the young thin knows of anything bm
boil up and drop In the
I it called the '‘greai neats; but eggi. milk, soups tbu are soap and wa'er the better. In
assist. Belecl medium site, and ask But for thto mixture, which tbe nset for nse miber dip it In hot water or
plot of sifted
morning only cold wuer sboald
Anarioan dbeate.? Sono people, how- not grtaty. and rare beet.
your dealer to leryon have (hem all every nlgbi. the says that her bandi Bolsiefi the part of tbu garment to be
used. This will dote the pore* of the. fourth of a leaspoonfnl of talt. one
#r«r. teen to hare the happy ftenliy
would be roogfa and coarte. Vaseline rieaned. Rub tbe ball tn and thep
A general rule for the child'* diet U tklu and keep it from becoming ic
hMping icatpoonful of baking |io»- an even tire. Also see that they are
of dotog'ererythlng with the leaat ei- tbit: Qlre harrs-’-"—*----let It dry. afterward wipe over quickly
der..and milk enough .for a soft, dough.. free from worms or rolten placet to, of course, good, for chapped bands,
der and chapping. Children have
UtiiRtort of 'nerroat esergy, and rebui care most be taken that it It not with a cloth dipped In hol*fifier ‘until
ibe food the eraret. It Is all greu way of wiping Ihelr tow only Cover, and boil britkly for a few min Greenlogt arc
r-si-isf plaeld and unwearied In tbe
_ 'to think thtt all tweets are btlf dry Do not pemli tbit, t'nirer ulre. Remove tbe dumplings before, , •» considered, ..................
...... ..........
but the ro«.
andX-cream rubbed on ibe Mpn. for It will produce all the aoap to removed; dry the tpM '■
nUk of dutlM which wooM drire olh- bartafuL Br^ tytten. old and young,
iborongbly with a dean cloth.
dishing onl the chicken, snd
be face to
'«rt to ditaaetioei.
amber taffy over them. Gel the poln'
needs a <«>tolD amoant <a tweet food.
them on tbe *me planer.
For Faded Haagingi.
The teeru of one boty wonan't sue- This ihoul/c^e in tbe torn of dee-, ehU>.
Nobody i ed tijckt at tbe wholesale confecltonAunt Same’s
It your young beauty to tt
Here is t hint that will comp In play
. cem was told 1i a recrai nagutoc at
waste hardt'uud
after lunch and dinner, with an
Sally making ginger-j er”*. or jou can
mas* of freckles, give time a cbaiM. could beat
during the fall cleaning.
lional candy treat In betweeo. But Many a treekled youngster has a bMU- br^d.aBdlhtolshowsliodld
hns- ah.. Kill ItIt: Heat
from a carpenter for a triBc. if
Araund tbe^twta.
.aha bore op onder her ntnUold dnUet. avoid tbe eouttuoal eating of candy.
quaA irf dark Orleans molasses Cut and point them, and put each apSilver that to ntrf* In coastam i
ilfnl akin In later year*. Freckles al­
' aha said la bar aimUt nanner.
m craves tome ac
I keep blight
ghl If wrapped
most invariably diaappMr lo tome ex-; sligblly. strain It Into a bowl conialn > Ple »n * «'‘ck. Set one teaspooifful of
“Well, yon aje, I }ntt do one thing
d be given If it 1
•pp'» • ■“"*«
* '*'•
white tissue paper and p
entirely. For the turftcc ing onchalf pound of melted butter butler snd half a pound of white
,|ln soap
MR with
w-llh a
■ bard
hard brush,
hrnsli wash
Ash the
Sru. and than another.'
bags mtdo of canton flannti «
freckle* tbtt come huvrledly at the and ben’ logeiher. Then add one poun-l
Itther off Alh cImb water aad after­
- It fo«di so slnpla that naoy will
tiny bit of gum Mmpbor In each bag. wards niib alum water. M'ben dry
toning of the tun. you mtv uac of hiotrn sugar, six eggs, one cup of
pate II hr wlCh a anlld. but ita rory cheap atore 'iricklet ibould be nipped
twenty B
To ciMB paint brwthe* on which the ^
le simple remedy, bui never apply milk, ooe large leaapoonful of gronnd quart of syrup, boil for f
eolort AH generally be found to
tlBpIkitr aad tieedon from worry I* . the bnd.
paint has been nllowA lo harden, at
of the drastic bleaches to a cblKi's ginger and one-half of a lentpoonful or more, add two labletpoonful
have been restored.
the entire secret ot ifait busy wotaan't
vinegar, and boll nnill the taffy
Keep your little dmughter In igoorthem for tome boor* In linseed oil, anil
of ground cloves.- 81ft one
SMoass. She does not lir to do a doi- 4nee cd the ehanu Africotfee and lea. taec. If you want to pee! yourrelf,
then dote them In turpentine. Finally.
' piMlA Tomato,
bak•n things with her iqtnd while
.poonful of tods and stir well: remove wash iham with some good yellow soan
TTiey may Jm^iarmlett to you. bn<
child lo Ibis manner. The 1 Ing powdc
The small yellow, pMr-abapad umo-'
handi are dplthlng one talk. She cooused
they win'not treat her to kindly- following prereriptfcm it quite powersnd cold water till quite clean,
f„ ,^1,
and they
Snag bar Utondon entirely to the duty
Holly cases of egtrema tallowna
,^aabed. wiped and wA^od.
and If It or some other as ful of soda In a Mule milk and add, pitting theiti to dralc or • clean wire then wipe ibem and put them aside il'l
betoto her. and aceompilthes It asrifur young cheak* that ongbi to be charm­
harmless does not accomplish the de- last. Bake In sheet pans m * dow , toaster. Wh^ cool, but not cold, rob -wanted for nse,
and aniilr hr ao doing. At the a
ingly pink are Bne to nothing bu
Says a writer In Good Houdi^rep' j|
rtuBlL leave the freckles to oven, tnd cover the lop* if ihey brovro rech snple o^ buUered pltte. and
elovee, a i
tine, we ▼cnioie to tay tbu In
regular enttom of drinking one or boftb work ont their own Mlvathm. One loo quleklk. Raisins or other dried I '*7 la rows on a buUered platter. This ing: The bands of my skirt, never pi«ce of ginger ri
d three pel
ffOlai.boor before tbe dv'a work betevengat. Thetis no doubt ennee lemon lulce.-t»e-h*lt dyabm tn fruits may be dredged with floA tel' to the soft dip. you mutt experiment tear away, for I sew a piece of an old .
^ ^iiit lo pieia open her. the plant her
Just right
of Ibe delights of both of them, and gar. ene^iaarter dram powdered borax; added to the dough, If llkcdkid glove Jnsi where the hook* ao-l,
pounds of sugsr for
work at tyUemaUcaHy u may be, aad
It will 'run off In a lew bonr*. If this eye* are to be Placed.
children toon iMrii to crave ibem bottle and keep for a few days, apply­
I five mlnutea. Three propiAloB* ’are
with an abhpnna] appetite. The wise ing now and tbeo.
A Talk About Ccltry.
A cloUi satnrated with coat oil will I
pounds of lomatora.
.toanacr. '^rlthoui baate. wUbaut rest,
moihcr dlsttogu^het between
There are virtue* In a bunch of cel­ the lalfy. which jou can return to the clean a sink, bathtnb or
The practice of putting veil* over
After the rlnt r has cooled put In
natll when night ecunet. tbe mb look
cravings tut are' nunral and wbolofacet In the winter should ery lar beyond the general impression, kelile and boll agnln. Set the keule bat become greasy ami
the Inntatoes t 1 let simmer tiowly
haek npon a day of tuceottful act
on again after dipping the eoft dip. from esc.
Bome and those that lead to dire r
dayt- .which will iVepsT a generous
d on only the coldest
until ihvy an- clear.
icar. Put tbe tomaand boll until tbe e«e« of ri-c todt - If a spoonful of borai s put inio
frequently the
ihe eye* may There is a hidden value In ibl* t
Jar*. tKdl down the synip iM
ttgOB of her less ayslenatlc titter who
,dr<appears. and an apple covered
For the child whore food does m tuffer. Never let your little lady wear lent vegetable as valuable as It
tbe last mer In which w
ciMbes I
, ^ ,1,^^ —Wtmisn’* Parra Jourhad tolled twice «t>ard and done only
: tbe amber laffv to a Thing of be
------ Inti
eliher pUe orddmply to eoiiteqneoe Free Prest
apple. for a ’’criery cure" is as often Do not rub ibis lot In tbe butter If you much- The berax sbooW be dltsolvt it |
a glait ot mUk at bedtime to worU lU
reaUteid as the beneflclenl-effect from waPi them pretty. Being hard,
Hi a Mule hot Aier b.-f-re It to add•nM* duke of -Mb'*!, who bold* nine.
an uBlImiled use of grapes or apples. candy assumes fantastic shape*
to the rinsing water.
; The ^reltiatt^ golden eurit and weight to gold. Tbe milk will digest
k-ii up oM traditky.. old
Celery Is said to-hsve certain me the wire* and looks mvlilng. Be careMatting may Im- cli-snrd by wasbfiri:
more rapidly If It to warmed, tito '
the biggeu of bit* eyet and the
ac i ful not to bunt. The amount of money ll with Ater tr. -shirt;.bran has been] »i~ri.
lead to a sweet sleep. If you a
idi-'you rnn make mnsl depend on the
liclout recipe* for preparing the com­
nervous, Heeplets mother, the m
you take .to this habit yeuBOif tbs mon dishes which the -gold mon ” rei- tlon of the *y*tem. and few. to faacy.j price of your tpple*. their dalnllnett.
: far more than those which be wooH eonsider it a disagreeable rem «nd on careful lim not stingy dipping.
imptooutly ciattet under the bMd
ll thcl
The ^-fashioned snlphar aiid moUmos dote for Impure Lknd. while by Of "fapey flxlB’Af
Honey at a -Haatth Feed.
Cori HMl Dodgers—If propeHy
Sugar mnsiHuies, K^iher
BO -meant jileatanu Is one that wtH
meat and fat an Indispensable food for
aerer heeeme Obtoleie. for. It bat al­ nade tb
there All be wioletome and
ready to its credit too mtoy cas
greatly relltbed. etpeelally by dytpep lout aliments. Surely It would be more - the.ynalp
ynalpieosnce of the nonaal equllitktot healed by Hi magic. Tbe prw Um. Bin onf plnt'^f white Soutben) [ sensible to gain the benefit through * , brlnm health. It is nocetsary lo Mt
teriptlon for mixing to this; -Two
meal Into i bovf) and in the center add | generous o>r almott exrlutive diet of, these three arilclet to be well. Vp in
ll of ihoneu- I
I tpoonfuls snlphv preeipltaie. from
Ingvegmablej the present Hgie we have only milk as |
I which the lumps' have been rubbed. inland a pbA o^ salt. Poor very , It to best to bny the large bunches, j a compleie foW—thtt U inclndlng thej
aeariy a cupful of boiling nier over | boldlag a tknen or half a doten ttalka | three mbtiance* menilonA os being!
ttwroughly. Olve the efaUd
tbeBMl to moltteti it. and set It aiMe.^and doore the tbori. well bleaehei I Dgeetsary for a dally reiloe
m h fM s reretable arestomrer.
spoonful of this remedy the Brat thing covered, for half an hour.' Then whip! bekda Not a bit of thb need go toj Sugar is represented to-d great exin the morning and repeat the dote at np one egg. while and yolk io»elher.| waste, h will give plenty of the ten-j teat in frulu. except that kind whtoh
bedUme. Ke^ this np for half n week. and Ad two table^ooBfuls of milk | der ponhms for table use and pleni) I we nse to sweeten ooffee. One geU bat
OBuniEu. BBOd.'
omH for half • week, repeat for half Stir thJ* Into tbe bmI. aad drop b.r |of tbe longber ptru to be cooked as at Mule of It fram vegetablre. It exift'
a ereedi.
tpooOInIs Into a boi greased pan for vegetable. servA w
the thiUr* Stomach be­ baking. They resemble merfaigBre
a celery
at the
.bakA. pad require a moderate be trimmed off. aA. Alb the «reM
-In Amec one ha* at bto
from tms dC there aecM^ whktb the oven. BXMHeut for brtwklati.
Teavet. kept for flavoring for eoups.
sugarA dAes notblng but
an*t carcMI mother cannot ward sR.
Sausage—Let me Arise yon to Ave graria and tiewt. uatag ibe.ceeter of
snA stuffs aad hooey,
An indulgent friend may bare
jour own sanrege grinder ud make tbe roots, finely choppA. In the talA.
to very lAigerilble and cannot
loaded the etomaeh wiCh . fnilt or
for you arc- or be very nice atewA oA leosooA.
^e as a rtffnlar toA. CaaaA stuffs
candy. The Boat aoral you
theasure lAtit AI bei pettvtng^pitjThls pan to cgBsIdtred-by many (hr
bet sUghtly valxiA. aad jnttly.


eHhi't taK*


There's a Great Deal Of Pleas>
ore. in the Right Pfaiiio


improves the flavor
udadditothehealthfttloest of the f<^.


i0rmnell Bro6. ©

r-' ^

VMa Ho«4wY BMort.
TM ent mmMi ot tk« YMpimiM
toMnue” opnM at rorwtar^ kail
Uli aMimlai: ai • o'eioek with a larga
anwdtnro o( taaehwa Otw OraaS
Tiaiaiw eouDtr «ka war* pioapii?
aanlM awl tb* Erat laetar* oa -Hw
tsra StMT’ wai tkM ENlrerad br
Prof. KMl*r. vbo oeeapiaa tb* chair
«f MtaBca at the Ml Ptcaaaat NorwU
' acboo).
-Wbai I* aatare *1947?" ProTaafOr
Kaalw artad la Ma o|MBb« taetare.
-' H* ataud mat U waa. «nt. at tanaUtadoB br each eUM of tb* natve
. anoBd bl*.
6auad. iba parpoa*.
iaaralnc tboae tbtofi la aatara that
are baat wonb kaowlac, u> the aad of
total tboae tblao that makt Ufa toon
fUaaaea wbp U toodd ba tanibt;
Plrat. baoutac ti mataa bi tbe cbUd
aatboBlaBai aad dealre (or kaowladpa:

tbetle aplrli: fourth, beeauae (roB
oa* oaa pal everr alaeieei.
Profaaaer Keelerr wax followed br
Mlaa 'AllBL who par* as
Metim oa “Pritoarr lUadlap.'
*0 tolBp toe apoke oTBaar etai
who ofua coax froB boBoa wbera
*«7 uni* t«adll« Muer la bad. She
a^ H toottid b* tto
leaebtr to •orb op aohool itbrari**
that abOBld ooatala book* aoi oeir for
refaroBT* bat atari** for eblMrea a*
woO. toawltoadlbatcrerr
a llbtvr. Tbraaph leadlap ab«
, tboatot tba tolld bad tb*
Wd for other woih.' MIb Keeler
tboapbt that the eoadoet 0
dnd la aohool dopoadod
roadiac aad *be atatod that amar «bo
ware aot aa imitr aad balpfol
other* toad aatter wbito ther aboald
a«. ‘Prtmmrr loadlap aboald be dltided late lwt> patta, |he aaU. Oaa
pnpBir bedhp ib* prapoiatorr oWJ*
tba o4bB eoMlatad of readlap proper.
Llttl* ebndroa at* able, ebe nid. to
Basier phoalet aa wdl aa older o
Tbe Bor* readlap plrea ehlMioa
batter roadara ther *r*Afiar a tae bIboU roc*** Prefeaior
Kaalw pa«* • ooaUaaattat of bb *obJaal. "Xatar* Stodr.' doaltap with
pn^ aabjocta. a oat with
ttt t*o oM«* aa tbe froat laet aad

It oral opM daa*d croe aad otoppal
dan. Tba ebaorrlap eblM U tbe cm
: amo It ptBd la ororr nfaioei. I doaT
btoer* tbo t*aeb*r takea palai eaoatii
' to pK tb* ebOd ekM oBoato to tb*
tbtapi they uato.” ho oaid la.ofcalap.
'Vnto' tiat Ob ebUd to obovro aad
TWaftBWOda •eoaloa bepan with a
aeboel .aoap. after whkb Mite AOea
I her lectare «
Baadlap" la wb^ aha r
Uie habH of tolMioa readlap ahMd betare oWtoio a* It lire thm ooaetooo* la tbeauMwa.
- .Pntooww Kate thea apoke oa tb*
Oaod Taaeber." H* dirided bb qoaU-btatloM iBlafoor, pood health, atroop
paroaaaMtr. aeholarahip aad power-

aaar wai that ther wore aot atroap
aaoaph <0 d«-otbar wort, bat war*
atroap etwoph to Itato. H* aptoa eepaeblir of roat aa coadoeir* to pood
baahb. Proper ekcn-b* ebe. catered
tato tb* aab>*et a* a pen of tbe bw«
(riatlBp to pood MaHh.
A atme Tiporoaa petoooaBtr with a
anpalbaib! apirit B that penpaalltr
Sebeiertblp fell to tBirt ^ with
Ir. K««M aad be adrocaMd a ipbwm Aa-aaeauepleoftb*.
vain* of tbb be aaid a(f*a(Mr treat
•oOape eftaa par* bel^^Mrrlea tbe
•rat roar tbaa ohr »oBoaaf
Ther MBpIr roMd OOL /
He apoke et Hanr MoU*e. aatborIty aa ooro. who wa* a poor bor *»«■
Baaalo oeaatr. who walked e4pht*ea
■Ota to tbb CRT to ailead acbooU
, MB baeoBlac aatborttr oa com, wortt B Iowa baa BereaaaJ
tbe predoetloe bOMKOM bnabab tbe
peat rear.
Ha Ooaad br dDatlap ea tbe Bat
•MHAmUcn. -power.- or tbe tolUtr to
Sartbp the BaUiato two Betwoa

. '^mm TaaadaiY Haeord.
Tbe aceaod dar't acaabn of tbe B■frailoo BaUtale bapaa tbb Bortat.
ProfeaBer Raabr readlap a ari«etion
-IMB -Tbe iBTtotBaat cK iaaocMe.'
br KnraU Dwipbt Hlflia. ProfOBcr
XaaBr adviaod an to nad tbb book
aa H weald Iplp tb«B to be bMlor

taaebwa aad to awoaad la lUe. Hlas
AUaa'a laetur* 00 -Prisarr Rai
waa (all Of pood potau. It U bar beIM that befor* a ehOd eaa laad waU
be noH bar* a blpb ataadard of toadlap aad u> rale* that ataadard' the
lar Btwt bare a bipb ataadarl
Oa* of the bardeat tbtapi to vorh
lalaat ii lb* UMorreet pradlap of
Mdan. Tb* flru reader aboald ba
ptraa tb* dnn pradan, ate. Aaoibar
polBt 4* tbe rcrinriap of butu. reaJlap aad re-readlap tbe aawo book durlap tbe rear. Nothlop 1* paiaad br

with cmaba. Tbe BapUto apatrow
Me la tor fta )eat deaeru aa a
MN ktllar. aad ariUlaerr laahMa were
foreefallr aeorad. for tbe wta|
Wrdf war* arUde* of eewBodltrABodp tba otbar ralaable bird*
aaaed aa aaornl waa the dowar t
pedier. wboaa .ralae ai aa eodlla
worth deatrorer was SUS per aa
Tbe raasoa the aonh ba* eo auar «><■
lla Botbs U Ibe aeareiir of tbeae bird*.

OB tbe BarkoL Stody yoor hoB* «Nr.
Sad oat what eaosod lb growth,
routed bUb. aplala. a rlror.balH
alorfBB pooBWpbr work. Keep
rcattaer r«
aboald be •oBeihl^'tbc child can
really tee. Study (be lodaatrla

Of tbe brUe's pareaia. Hr. aad Mrs. I
t Man I
NIC teelBel. -At aooa they departm: Boy Power. •■lib of Northpoft and
to a *M wedding trip to Hllwaokee. I. „j„ Ora« Alice NetiMoa. dnapklor
allW Nw ^


' **

KetlMto of AlbeK

Mr. and Mia. Ole Laiwui 1
the funeral of their aaele. Henry War-iebort*. dyde. Ohio, wboro both b
aer. at Uelaad yeMevday
^ bers of the (amllleo gaibmd ter. Ibe
that Dr. O. A. Hollldsy be hired 1
J. Dancap baa ararly completed hl«. event, Mlai'
Mlas'^-etUeioa la a wcotera girt
centy phyalcBa and be paM at li
- aad an arus\^ mrrlL Last yoar alio
r^tar rate ebaxped by physldtes (<
^otm Waller’s I
' I Bet Hr. Sal^ while he waa la AlbereaO* bat not to br paid Bore than tTO fart being mored.
. . aiiendiap hi* brother. Aitbor.
for bit senrlns for ooe year.
Tlllie aad Ailre noUaaMt ^ was there (or bl* baalth..
Tbe aubjeci of the renewal of Banr |
to Milwaokee to lislt rvla- fianiy roBple wHI Babe their HdB* B
nee then was takea ap and tbe ilve* and frieada.
\ tBtroll.
Bonata HAOO for tbe pall. ttUMn
for the ««Mrt beat* and H.OM ter lu
forwllare wa* amneert for lb* vartou*
apeaeies whieb will. be tbe bolder*
being let at (be dlaarethm of tbe com.
1>e eoBBanteatioa of tbe sheriff Id
regard to a bora waa read and aetioo
deferred nntH tbe same coamliiee
Yob will alwaj-a find, oanped on tbe tmil of
rbicta reported Bvorably for tbe erec-:
Imatnitehuiiam. a number of tae-me too" Tanetv. Th«y aiw
tito'of a frame bam again look up ibr
the ('bus thaL lacUng tbe emerRy and originalitr ^^(rtrike
cost of a eemeat and brtrk ban wbicb j
might lake precedeaM. Kioe hundred I
wltotolbrndo. Yob will
tbm oMogKBuDy^tti^'wdir
adverdoltara waa (be amoant decided uinn |
tiaetnenU. To mcrri.r nwntion tbe matter is to dinoee of it.
any oBouDt over H.OOO would ne- j
Yon know the kind of |wof^ that do tbrqe thin«B. Von know,
oeosiutr bonds and a special elef iiou I
too. whetbi-r it laj-a beat to trade with Uie kmiler or the trailer.
der In be approved.

at I
Proa Wcdacodar'* Roeonl.
. readlai
Profaaaor KeHer •poke a few Blnulea 00 tbe -BleoeeU nf Suereta" ai work., WllUanutmrp
Ibe opeaBp oeasion of (be loiiKute to- Beet at wniiaatabarp Sstardar eftei^
_ »e laaebara eUUta the ptwduali:
The flrit eleoieat of (nceeas I* noea. Oct. it. for the
fiM the aefaool ^rdea to eapplj ai(
srork. The aMnod. iilckioiilreaeaa. it and KlDpsley teaefaen edit be aotlAet
raadlBg. Olre hualerr of pboale*
b hit belief-that there la aa pood a bier when and wbere they will Boej,
tbe baplaBlac. and If well taopbt. tbe ebaaee for a rouag man to aoeeoed la
IB the (eaehlap profeoaloo as la
•card of P
bw or medlelae^ Hr. CMip took ex- TtoB Tuesday's RBord.
ProfoBor Keeler pare a talk oo tb* eepdoa to Ibe itateBeeit and a llreir
The BStler at tbe Oatlng Beach .Reoaetol Bide of aatare itodr. tqklap tbe dinauaioo followed. Hit* Allea aal-i aort atsocbiloa eamc op before the
larr* of Blee. eaierplliar
It was each oee'e duty u> *o lire a* to board of nperrbon tbb
*«tc_ wWch do lb* Boat <
do tbe Boet pood la tbe world, aad 10 aad aeeordiap to ^e opIakB of tbe
etatloa and toM bow t ezierBtDBie lire people (oust bare koowlrdge aad' auditor peneral tbe land can't*
la briai
aeaae. Tbe (bi(^ eleaeat of anceto* ^
> Carter until be refuse* or
aebool. iBpioae upoa tbe ehlldreo the b boaeaty i* Profeeaor Keeler's be- ncplecu to pay uses tbereoo. Superaecetiitr of eeleeUop oalr a perfect lief aad ihe foonb 1
Tlaor aillia. toalrBSo of the comBlttrpe. Take the ebndiea laio (be fleldi.' Mbs Allea eonilotmd her leelore on tee. wrote Aodltor Omeml JsBea R.
bat «rol prepare rouroelf. harlap aa hand work. Free haad lllasintliia Bradley and the (ollowinc reply waa
•eearate kaowMpe of tbe proaad
wu takea a^ whiefa drrel^ the child received;
wbb 10 eorer. Ha adroeaied (be u*e Ib obamlop' and woiddnp oal iheir
"In reply to your I«ler <fi tbe Itth FYoB Wedoeaday's Reeorfi*
County ReglBtcr df Deed* Wilson ai>
^ a aobool aqaartam. tboopb apna Iw
ideas. Work with roBa
Inst., It aeeina to ae (bat It would br
poared before tbe board of supervisor*
qolrr be foaad that bat oee
esplalned with whieb tnany naefiil beat to ****** (be Oatbg
Is Bomlng Id tbe iatereau of a counbad erer uaad oae. He aald tbo Brat tbinpi can be made. Wearing b also ■on as a whole and eaetlnue dolop so
abstmet oSee. He had Joat returned
tbiap caotBi doable la tbii aq^ pmtir aniored'br the eblldlqa. which until Hr. Carter refttaea and nepieeia
poad wai tbe death of lie lOBatee.^ as explaUted la detail.
to pay taxes, Whee the taxes are hot from Jackson. Cljuoo. Kent. Shlawaato ipoorance on (be part of ib keeper.
Profeeaor Keeler pare an addre** paid 00 tb* property as a whole, then see and WexforT«oudU*s wbeee be
Pot fitip*' CSX* loto R. auke it like on.-SebopniooB aar'iiaiion - He
probably they Bight be relumed do- looked Into (be ad^blUly of Omnd
aatare br luleR apriap water aad plained bow a ecbool room can
llnqueai and bid off to ibe state la dae Traverse rauoiy buying or ratablisbpa tbb nee a rear, heeplag lie heated by indoetloB hr a Round Oik coame of tiae under tbe bw and final-' Ing abaunct syiteima siinUar to the
oae eooiKlea. He
porter tbroaph pbai llfe.
store, seitlop the atore In the corner ly come under tbe five-year bw where- >
illB Alleo t^ tbe aoiibkel of pie of the room olid plaelog a jacket of fay the land would be deeded to Ue found that Ibe avrr^ mlnlinuffl prtoe
wt^ere the county owned Its own ab­
(ore work or Bt atudr ai
l^Mt. irea aiDuad It ooe foot bigbei
ale aad (be plat vacated.
of bar BOTBlBp work, for abe asM. br
the atore and eighteen Incjies
"Ilf Is a very unfonanate coodlilon stract office was tl-SO including six
Bo detag tbe ehild could beeeaw oc-j
U. tbe Jacket eoaUng
aad ooe ihU depanaeni aonpfat to tranafen and an average charge of 32
ach for furtber traatfere.
qoalated with eoai* of* tbo preal aiaidoor. loarlBp a place 10 pot iu ehanpa by loptabtloB but the Mil for
report Of (be coBodltee on
taijilee«a tbroupb ooplaa.
the wood. Bet In a topbier by (he that purpose was defeated In eatninlieqaallxaikia was rreelTed this after­
A pletore whieb eeatalai' aalotal ODUlde door, ao it will
aBo tbe report of the cdbaad tolM life aboald be aelaetad.
Vnb a cold air doct. a sroodea box.
Mr. Qlllb wrote io the auditor geapletorto aboald be auto a* to make ruuBl^ under the door aad opealng eral Oct. it auifap that A. 8. Carter Blttee on county poor.
Tbe report of tbe ooBBittee oa i
(IM ehlld better, oaa that prow* Into nnder' tbe store.. Tbe air,
Jaeksoo bad pbtted abou^ <?d
(be beerU of tbe child, oee hoop pore b then pasbed up to tbe top of acres in aeCUens SS, S3 and Si. town- lualUailoo was made a special order j
where an eaa aa* It.
aad cfrculaies froelr. Take Bblp 2T north range It qest and sold of bnslneas (or tomorrow ownibig at j
-I bCar a eolee.- a pletore of a large
the e«dd. iBpure air by tapping tbe the land, wbkfa waa barren (dalns. (or 10 o'rlnrk
Tbe elalB of Dr. Chase and Dr. miL Bernard dog la an atiltade of Ib■aer near tbe door, or If tbe chim­ auBBCf resort lota (or tlSt each and
teaiag which b piaead to tbe tralalap ney b Ugh ron a T pipe to a few HAS addltBoal (or reeordlnp. Tbe belm was referred to tbe finance, ways
tBeat>)( (be H(. PleaiaM aebooL iBCbea of tbe Soor. Another
ortphia] ^t and-iwo additkas mb aad Beans eoBBittee with Praaecat_
Boiad ai (be aa'e bo*( leeed br aO <■ BtUatfre. which maBy school roomx talned about IIAM Iocs, of which 4JI00 lag Allomey Cross.
lack, nttt a dbh of water oa th'
recorded and U waa Ike opb-- Tbe probate Judge's report OB the
pletaro* to be oaed ip Itapuape
to tbe tamace. TTie eorreci loB of the bo^ that many Bore bad Isaac conaltied to tbe esylam at
aboald be Bioueted br math Mbs tsidpefatore b U degreea. Wc tnn- been sold which bad aever been re-; tbe eoonty'a expense ap to JaiL 1 was
Allea iati>. ai tber prooait a raueh not ba fOD careful of the driakleg corded, (he sale* bavbg been made referred to tbe cobbIUco on filAnee.
smier. Ahy water that cmdcs from
all over tbe Ueited SUtea aad Canada. way* and meaiu with the prasaeating
Tbe eftertiaoa eeealad opeaM srltb wMI that b not tweire feet deep U He evblned bow the lots bad beto attorney.
Tbe clectioa of a siiperlDtendetic of
lb* qaeetlOD boi wb|eb was la obarpe Borface sralcr aad unfit for
of Mlqa Allea aad Prareaaar'keoler...
■be oeoDly poor to fill O. P. Carver's
luo the same dlpptw for all ibe
-Our CoiBBMel Blrto- wa* tbe eub- i ehlldrcn as gema of dlfieraat dittaies
pliee will o
momlnf at
i*M or Prqfsj^oeler's addreat.
can be eonreyed from one to
Mr. CHIU expBlaed that (bere were
of the srorat eaeBle* of tbe toap blnU A drtnktap (oaotalo orat-sugpettod ai two highly laportaal qnestloaa before
the Baplbh apamw. He pare *er- a way of doing awayArltb the drinking tbe board, tbe firai bding tbe atop^
era] Bethoda of
cup. ABOiber way waa to pbee
of (be sale of the properly io (b* OMnKeaaen dty. Hleh.. Oct. 1$.—Mr.
the bast of whieb b to poboo tbem. faucet In a covered crock, lotting (be aer in which It was now roiried to
and Mr*. Janet Wldlfield have moved
BoaVtap wheat la a solailoa ot ai^oh- child draw tbe water.
and the second the mode of .taxlog
aiae and ptaclnp where only aparrowa
Aftrr tbe lotcnnlssinn tba qnestkia
II was' (bongbl by the bneri
Mra. a Bean la quite sick.
Tbo beat way to lewrti (be box was openod. after which HU* that nothing ctold br done to stop ibe
Mr*. David Mickey Is visiting frlotid*
cbndtoa aboot blrda U to take t’h.- Allen pare an addms on -Pbtole*.- sale and tbe property at Carter’s recBbs oat and study them.
whlto tbecBlaed mould be pikea (be quesl. bad been assessed |o-hlm Io n
Mra. John HoHand and Mr*. Bd King \
Ther* are Uwee t^apa whkh will first year of ibe aebool life. U Is Im- buDch. the total (ax amoont last year
attract and laeroaa* Urd life. PlrsL poaalble 10 leach ibe first words by being S12.M. It wsf furtber believed ot Oo^lto were'guects of “ilrs.
make botnea (or them. Seeoad. food. aouBdt of letters but teach (be aoood* :b*( Carter would ualood thr property Biawa SIOKBt Saturday.
James Zelgler of Cedar Run hat
to eat.^hd third, or Mten fit the mb* time you teacn hen rwfu*a to pay the tsxa*.
moved Into town and irtanod a groi-ery
pbBiy of water.
thettCPtTMa. Simplify tbe work. Ii
It would cost SI least SlO torb Io
Mbs Allen pave a fipcTSB oc lun- reqaMa a preat deal nt drill and Hate. assess tbe lots wbirh aras about 100
oal traiBbp. Str&uy claanee bare
A touUc totrt win help proatly aad
they were worth. R
■ Saturday nigbi beqa added dartap tbe Bat few year* eortaqa ways atwt be derUed to pire they becsBe dfflnqaeat. tbe sales
attended iconsiderlag the storm) aod
roml teacberi find little time for bbad rarlety to keep tbe child li
would be cry expensive to tbe coanty.
.a fine time enjoyed iW all.
work. A few year* ago book learalog Other IBM of work to be takoa up {The
wtahed to knew If ihe.v
The Lady Maerah^ will give a
ut eoasiderto enough, now Id oiker with jibtoles are word |du
ronldnY he assessed as noknown or
pedro party and dance a( Hacaliee
be educated tbe ^pU mnst be (filly and ayllabificatlah.
1 dit>pp.-<l from tbe
as the toad was hall Friday Bighi, Ori *7
deseloiied. not oaly la bead tniBlna
Professor Keeiv explained how i<>
Warren Stebblnc I. home from Lake
but hand tralabg. Aa carried out in laalie A weaiber chart. ^
Tbo rOnort nf the andiior general
Mlehlgan. where be ha> been worUn;
:he city acfaoota pupils are fiadlap tbeir
Mlea AUea g#e an rxcelleoi talk was arcepled an<L adopted
own porttcular line cf work. Manual
During (be afternoon aeetlon. Dr. O.
Eugene Mix of Traverse Cliy visited
iralnlap can be plrea B' oecupatloa
eooaldet. a great help
E Chnae appeared beftwe the boaH
work, aoto a* (ree-tanad paper, cuttlap.i ^^00! life, tvery school aboulri hare' and explained whr be and Dr. Wil­ Us parent* bere over Sunday.
Paofeaaor Keeler pare an intereiUag |, ^ pwfeiiSr^ basket ball, aad helm bad charged $30 for (be Cbaries! Miss Myrt* Hlchmlre of SouUl Uanllou Island it vlslilag In town tbls
lecture on 'Yhe Sebeol Teachers'
Cross port moriem- AWlon was de­
Creed.- Toqfonww aneraooa be will, ,hlcb «te be played by
spaak ea -ReelUtloa- totbe city teach- uio -aiMB ■rt.rv.stMi Ih.
i Mr*. John Fay and dangfater, May.
J^riria the iKmrd of super-1
jHend. In Maniatee Sunday.
(or girla that sbe does ter faoy* and Tisori yetterdty altenioto. which be,„h- r,„w ^
HIM Allea. oner tbe *
Iblnk. tbe teuier ibould enter | ^ ... o'clock, lb* repori of the eo««
’. teve an Inier- heartily Into ibe gamo* with the ehll (mluee on tbe county poor, to whom
referrad tbe
"School Oardent" was tbe enbjeet of the MIebiMn board at oorrecUoas anJ
the valuable bleu end auggeetion. of
Keeler* lemure. It U on!/ cbariii**. was reeelTed ea followt:
Saltans Bay. MIrh.. Oct 18—Mist
ibe preceding telks.
hui few yesr* that Amer- •That we bare vUlted tb* poor house
Cora PaaluT Is In town siienrtlng iba
Prof. Keeler tben gave bt* leetnre ! leena have been haring aebool gsrdens. and copfeiied*
. with
_ tbe
_ snpertniead_ _
teacbert’ lastiime.
to T)ur CcaiBto Blrda." taking (be In Prance. Gemany. Italynnd Switzer->nu ot the Boor WabeUne^ia^
Undenaker On went to Lriand ye*Mtchlgan stototer. tbe rtoto. as Ue land they ore'obliged by taw to have |
*< li* poor food and 01
terdoy to direct the^foneral to Henry
ipeeta from which to draw eoocln- aebool toftleoa. it ermtes la the child. (renuMet ere exaggereud and “> •— Wbroer.
alons. “Bird me." be told, -is deereea- s reepeei (or bemeci toll and teoebe*' *■ we ton learn everytblag
g U entirely
Pat Potony to Btogbam poaseJ
tag at tbe. etarmiag rate at tweoii •; them Ue wonb and value of a dotlar. ■tufaelory at Ue ptMent time
Uraogh town Monday on his way to
thro* per eeei ter Ue peel tee y«en., Qive «acb oqe bU own little plot o(^ -w« believe that tbe boUdtag is In ttoOBd to otttod tbe Circuit coari
toaoBs are tts eae-lgromd and let bioi talaiUaod aboald
It be ceenptad beta there (his woek.^
t beiadeqoate
b*;'adeqosie and
Bies. Ue
booae eoL bring its; want*, giring hlm tbe respoaeiWUty of j longer woaM need
and tmThere ar* rixty-fonr teetoert SUeoA
------^ ---- or for prodooe. j proveBtota." IL was also roeoBBtodemrlagand--------neUlag
tag (be tosiUin* held her*. Tbe aoctod grvat roasto of tbe d«-! Stood tordens will bring the partoU. «d Um a eolttbi* ptaee be purchaaeJ
His* Mery Poster of Traveree City
itotoProf. Keeler laid « tbe door of! papDs and teacher eloaer togetber. and {or U* tore of Ue eountr
Is visiting ber BoUer.
tbe Mddea cUaate changto to Mitoi-ilu tafiaetoe for good wUI be frit to .m -n-WBrnim loner rroanto^
Claas Warner and wtf# and two
goo. aod ta upboMlog (Us statemeatju* cOBBcalty.
ride to tb* city. Tb€ Mmaliee vUo sons. Joka aad Cbarj**. attended tbe
b* rriaied tbe story ot (be htovy saov; Hist AUrii followed wttb a lectare were awotaud to look tbe rite bp >«fuBUBl to Heary Warner yesunlay.
talc ia tbe sprlorri two se«-|to -HOBe.Oe^pby Work,- wbito ported that twenty sere* to load be bring a bmber to Clans Warner.
•OBI ago. wbto be tooM aixty toad i sb* cialmed sbooU terolsb a (toada- •owned by Hr*. K T. Dcu to Oerfirid
Ifls* Gertnde Strimel und WlUtaa
birds bOtad by IL while nooUer meoh i lioa tor tetare g«egragby work, nod It tewntolp three sod e half BlMe aot
HeCuDy war* married Monday ersaher of tbe ML PtaoHat school etoaui I eltoely MObceted witb aaior* stody. to the dty Mor tbe BaardBsa dam
iog at Sl HlebMi'B CatboUe eharch.
tm dtod bbd* a* a resalt. Daring ibe I Let tb* tolUito Body tbe wnMtitnt St cost of $1JM Mtod be poKbaai
Tbe bride was atteatod by ber etater
Mr. Knrier nid he ted overiof tarmlBg. '»wiiteetaTiBg. a ertam- sod tbe TWpori was eocepud aad Ue
Mtae Sopbta Btriari and Ue groom by
torty Mrds from Us taoto pnreb. wUto 1 err. Mlow tbe ettosUoa to tb* raw'
Holbord StefBri. Afwr tbe wadding
te ettefi otate far ibem ted «pv^jiBU*rtaHo tbe —Itoet prodnet piaeed :
eettmemt tbto iMoirod to the tote*

Shun the trailers
$e E. malt ^ Sens
“Cb* Csadtrs”

Picture Frames
To fit any sige picture can be promptly obtained
here, as wc hatce every fadlity for doinif the work
quickly. Moderate prices.

Tbto new taUet of new 25c and 60e pieces of
China are just now displayed which are extri|
good values.' It would be difficult to find pret*
tier pieces for the money.

A line of well bound books at 15c and a new lot
of artistic gift books at 25c ought to - keep tvery~
family supplied with goqd leading. Just look
over tbe good titles, too. .

€ity Book Store


cwMfM atr, nutk.

look like overeoatb—and in
fact Uuqr ore Otvrcuato. bat
Uiej’ oro
ConU. too.



Kofi, light, d^. btrt tlie
doth in alao Waterpcoot A
CnivcDi-tle t* the



Most UMful Car­
men! i Mm
Gan tiava
Iti. «. Oregact in <x4d
Btetber.oirla Bun Ctet in
-wet waother.

[bt 1905.1



atatoh^ am go to BopM CKy fee a
w ornam of Mt Waat Seroatt
L A. Htaae of tkto etty wn. tbe Priday va* cpe. day at 'lie Wo*aa'.
Mglaa* and'Say Meld of tbto dty d.b>Bd aa
oa j Mn. Tbare* Caspalgn
im*.n Oa auuount of tbn wxech
e braa at Cedar , ——————i—
ber vny to Souoa. Bay vharo
___-• of tbe Pera Mardeetie -tlOlai
_.. o»er
the guests ef brr, Tpaversft City MarkstB
beta caUed ee aeeoMt of the t«ne*oH<Uy
*«re aeat aroaad by *ay of the O. ^ •raUy a .indy of-aatbon ■
dabchlrr. Mra Prnnk Allard, rrtanpl TM. rvperttem.aeunaaW.Siaa
ber graadehUd.
' Tbe meetlM *••
Bayofeuca waab. T*>* Marataisaal
L. H. Gage of BIsaiiod reta
of Hn. O. U OoaK*.
foe cViaaaaa irt psaaaa.
of Nortbpori *-••
.Mrm. D. B. Wyakoop had tbe ffr« aneraocB fm a tea day*;
Tbe Oarrer agracy Friday adjaned paper oa the prograta. ber
'riyrd U the city this morn;*, arcom ,-v«rao,a
| ABriaa.
Death MaiU
le tamranee on tbe boroe W Mri.
; hU n.aUa. Ibmaa Cbajn>
Death etotoeed need Mr*. AhneBM Boolaa
fit Weboter otrae*.
;ney ol Cblrtigo. «hc trill
Ban Batardar at * o'ctoelt. at the aUeh va. damaged by fire to the ei;tlme vlih reiati^-*.
dren tbe roblen much .indy
aad va. I!^ HalCte.' Crroalag -here
tomllT base. tdt-Bast Preal etreet. teni of abo« «ts laai-eefc The cbll- glren
aft* a brier mneM from heart troobld. dren-. elotbea were aiw deetroyh*, en- Itotrocd to vlth da* in.eren by all.
im Tueviay's Record.
8ba tta.^ ibe author, of the pan.,
Tbe decMaed wme the tolfe of Warren talllBc a foitber danBkgc of tS4r*. A. C. rrilbj «.l ;il S"
(boro vho wrote ibdr pr«lo«li^ m
sorolag after Men<i [ spruce siree; fca* jet.nraeJ fni^i
San and Maree bealde tbe ac^ btieTbe are caught In tbe hack of the
.MThk H.res
baad to whom .be had been sairled topre and **e pot oot by Mr*. Butou
IIM a fe* d,y, tn tbe ctt> vllh rvla
roto r,’eek,
ytoll le South
' '
picture li
•flTHilne rear*, three chlldrst.
nnd Mr.- Piark U*tor. ton. Cmlor
«»!i. |.r iottV .
dasee. «bo llred at hornet Hrt.
Mr. ud Mrs J.c > Roberts
being tbe wife of one of (be cUy*. Bre•W.p'C uu
johnaGa. roahUna t*o door, fro* the
D-iir.ict. f
(amllr. and another dan«hter In the
bosineiiv tfip.
High aehoel Lecture Courae.
of the* aalborro of the
eoothern part of the etata Mre. Han
.. r„,t*et- »W-in«nn .f 1
st nnd Mutb nnd will remain |
Tbe date, for tbe different nan
TbU conniry 1. rich In the mementos
had beea fedtof III oalp elaee Hoaday
' tiT U »« M 1CO.U11W •*
. Xorthport. tav-ed ihniacb 1
«t •««ek..*oold
and va. not eoataied to'h* bed. The of ibe High robool lectore eooroo hare > the old-tiaro vrliere-lbo* who
been rottled epon a. ntlifnetorUy as icoBTeyed their Idea, by mean, of
tnrday's Record,
1 «>dn b«r t
j ,„jlo*ion. vhcre .ho
He. The plan has been to open
i t*. «!• b
H«rr ae-i. tb^ terod a torohe of paralyeto orer a pear
oae of tbe beet number, and tbeu Idea vhleh they wl.bed to rire
W«H ttr^i MtlwrilT, tv*
ilt- ncD and bai Anee been an Inrmlld
wUm In tab rertev « Sbn^:
ibooKb n tbort Use mo Ae vent to
Mlu Minnie Wall had -Coloolil
L. CaaBcM of Honor .pent Friday
, -The «w«nl
to ««*•«Bapidi. Her hahana left Piidaj and lecture*. The oowae vUI opin
M»» trip.
J tbe dly .. . cueri. at Hotel Whltlnj:.
-|n*lr «tob«»rT. A tmtop* WD eroniac to brine her hoae. fhe ftor. « with the Crampion Ocmeerl Writer*. Hl.torleal. ReUghra.
of Xortbport-.r ,___
._______ ^______
:. Jnl Spantic
Albert ttocb
any. a bl|h«lau yet populu- Poe'kal- and Me dvelt upon thoro
Itoch of Eik
E RapMs
*«9. tb* *ecood ton*t »ta«t crop toarn) *ni be held fro* the ho«e
Ih tb.- clly Ihto moraing for *;QlMI CHT Fitl UliniM
marteal number that will be a tUac .*bo.c effort. *e-e w eloeely Inter- tb* Clt) yesterday.
•1 n« « cood wtiota eto* to * ««»•«»*•
at 10 o'<
Mori vWli wUh ter father, Med..lVlu.
J30O.000 .-agh Capital writfl*
aiM to ihto yearh eoarae vlch4i woren vllh the greai morcmral that , S. H. Beach of Elk Rapid, va*
tkto <rt
tottmt that to Imatoti- charge of H. L. Carter.
Of the ben in eereral year, if not canted thto country to leare the the city.
bta. Alraady tharo to a .ptoodM mMr and Mrs Cus RuB of Boynt- C>'<. I
Hr. and Hr«. -A. E Bclltager
Winie. the l-yearaW aoa of Mr. and the beat. The ne« nnmb* wlU be an moth* eountry aod become a nation
alsa «aMhd for tbaaa prodoeu and
vho have been In the cUy for . »hot. |
•* fortoca trade to no* rannlnf nppa Hra. W*. Bridsoa of Old MUAoa. erealng vlth Bnen Thompton Seton. unto Itrotf. Her paper va. a mame
D. H. Biriga of Kingsley
apmit ye»k“
^ awHbar iwrt braaklng eeala S6ne dtod Batnrdar fro* etaoton totaata* the noted anther, trvrel* and lecturer of name, that Mto brooBe known no;
Tbe funeral «aa beM fro* the
in “Wild Animal. I Hare Knovn.' Mt.| only la tbli conniry but aeroro ibc terda) la the city.
.Id* Of the Impweawnt tn den
Mrs. C. Sparltag of KingsleyApeol »
> eomes'dlreetly from Ann Arbor.
and va. replete vllb In- B. R. Itoily of Empire vro In lh<- few hour* Is tb.^ city'l.ri.y
*ad» to obtained trow the record tt 8t*day afienoon at i o'eloek. tbe
a basl-.roro
ctncmiDg the I city yeeterdsy looking after btulnees
j the oiilrersliy teroHlag i
bank «l*r1a«e. «bicii In the nine hartal taklM ptoee
; ness trip.
lire* and worbs of tboee that llred In ' imereata
aontba Mdtatc ScpL M amoanted to charge of W. 8. AnderMB.
i K. H, Allyn roc* Hie W. A N. K. for
nag (ITT. Mien:
Jan. II the Cblengo Ladle*' that period. Mtos WaltV paper atoo | Phil CrtOn * Kortbport va. regi. Plsit UU* morning oa a shon-burinen;
. diMAMAMAM. an tncraaae of MartT
QnartM end Ooocen eomrmny. ander shoved that she had gspcnded carefu;' lered al
-tTd*e*t0T*lnet7«r. Ttatotoa
Dribert of trip.
' Ml phenotoeaal ^tUblt. and to more Mr. and Mrm. dame. Lardte ef Old the leadership of Estelle Clark, roill effort apt* It.
j Cbarle* Joynt and
Mr*. O. L. Coulter bad a very inter-; Omena are In the cltjAod.y
, dm to the aetnal »«*U> of bdidneaa Mlrolon died aatorday <ff cbHera In- be bere. vhiM win be tolloved on
B. The taneral va. held fro* Feb. S by Prank Bobeiaon In an llln;-___
■ ttaan to hlcta* prtoda and
. papet on
current erent* and the 1 tiero trip.
WB* Sunday afieraoca at I tramd lecture on Rnuto nnd tbe Bus-1 uisver to roll eaU VM by mean, irf tbe i Hr*. John Budd of Norlhport
±. Burial at OgdenHrarg in ftaaJapaneie war. Mr. Roberson ha, ogme* of noted eolootots.
| rired In the city thU moreing fc
Jiwt rewrodd from the**^ coonitle* no ■ Daring the afiemoon Miss Ora-Ever. I *ton tI»H.
' IhdMlrtal aeUrltp hr ahovlBg iaiger ahaige-of t
that the picture, and story wm :>c; eii renderoir , Very enjoyable voe.11 Mr. and to. L. B. Smith of Honor
groat roturito. TraSe 4a already beWMhOateaP
for tbe Beduf '
that cf an eye vltnero fresh from tbe rolo. Mlu LooUe Buck played a very • paroed throogW the clly laat erenlns
Kiiffalo ha* a Sedety f<
; n*d oapadly. and ecroe of the road,
A Hoae oata oa the Pere Maro»eu»
1 from the teo^.r trip
otoMt dooUe the
2U E. rmt St. 301 S*.Vfflai
hv'w'lilB-. nc record c< toereantlle nn Into a vnahoot this aide of PettM'
e Hoyt skllttDlly readeretl a vlultn to Foonialn City. Ind.
For Fair Trni<rngnt
Mtos Mildred Dockeny a
Muro^atoo atonring. the total tot hay Monday morning nnd va.
idetHy vrodied. The vredtlng tral.
tbto mornHIM Millie While i<
..g^asAlae nstthi balag only tTArory (ntereallng.
M anmaiBad from thU city and left
: Ing. vberc she .will spend Ssnday.
'Ottjm. agUato «lUA0Wto0 lor tbe
Century.- ' Katherine Rldgvay. ite
Pridv. Of «*. farsmartaai,
d:i0. \
i P. W. Beck of Bates vro a Trarers' .
ben reader and ratertalner In Amerto im n. a A. OtMtouaae^r. • I DO
year.John A. LlndHiy of IMS Boyd aav lea. *Ul appear tome date In March, FTom Tfiuraday’. BedoM.

* ciiy rlsUor ycHerdar
niM va. iBjurod. hot JaH hov badly
glue of Old Mission
aecempanlpd by two vocal solo-, Mrs. Ole Johnson of Suttons Bay ar.
a»ld not be leaned. Be vaa tbe oely tou. MUf BoMol. a contralto, aod' rirod la the cRy thU
ling for s
through the city thls.mornin-, ew Uro l *M(* any rohsntstfc
Slur* «*(.(>«, amp.........
man oa tbe tnln that vat bait.
l: bars Hr Id Aep V Osk a«»..
: oa her ray to Fife Lake, where ,b Franeto Hnghee. a dramatic tenor. Tbe I day's business trip
4 It) phe CM4 Dmt ..... ........
Tbe troin 'va. In nbnrge of Con­ conrse vUl be cloeed vlth the WbU-j Htoi Maggie Barne,
»i,j, trleads.
TMif »D'siDmws*mfffm • .am
ibrbngh the chy ihU afteinoon
orsen Parker of Old HImIoo vm
aey Hale Qoartet vfalrti va. so niiL!
niit- paaeed
lining and- left thtveraally plerolng to all ticket bolder* loo her rcuiro from a len days' vtoliiu.^ city
aro moM heti* and there an
1 Grand tUplds with her brotto'.''of,prnoon for home with a load of gru- I
that tbe rot*. wUi ramata
'A Thti WlU CffkTiKe Tm
Tk*«« .rill bp Mid br ,tndenUthl.|ci.rpnpp.
' Mr Hpnry LppPIp of ihH pIppp.
n-'u Tiy. .j 1p
peaalbly adraaee. In eartoai
bPMppMdpiibp: «M.J.upbippiPMppd
_ _—.
-to*ai »rp.<11)0..
a. wm.r-*«sbtoBoctloB. of the state, potatoea taro
D Ibe city From Monday's BeeMd*»
of Fife Lake arri'
M dMtroyed by rotting or blight.
tmu to oa* to a Haa* anant In Ckta
morning on IkisIdcss.
}C Dolberg.
and the plan
<9oA» than tt the aetiUien portioa nf
Andru, of Bendon arrive l' K. A. Swmi vent I
MiTtag ata price of reserve ali

^ <* 10* A SeVtoo of Arttolaa wm App«
in Ibe City today for a day!, nay after momiag oa busioesa
Tbaaa Celiavoa. entitled. Ttoi* be Ibe nine a. Iasi year.

Gnul Tranrsc HcraM

TM cfUteal CM* «(tta r«*i> «•■
mu.WartvekB wm a#0# p>raM4





Farmers' iRsuranca





gMt mow the farmers an r^ed
toUh potato dlgglBg. and they an taTIM great dUBctdty la aacaitM aal•etent brtp to gat thHr potatnaa oot
the groaad. Maay fanaata taro
•WUM to TiararM .Oty for msm at
good wagaa. tat ropy lev an to he
had and aany o( ttc (araert taT*
baan torood W go It akma. viih what
help they oooJd Bato oat of their
ovnfaiMIMa. Otb* crops hero bean
actrOBOty good, and tb* fniit yMd
'aaeeneni. with the eaoepUon of srlntar
We. Vbltaaro acf MUbL
r Pries, an ntong the Una taro boaa
good, and tb# famm aa4 trait grovare an enjoying n rory anttofiaopy
property- With tUa ooadtfkw among
tbe (armors, gaaecid baalii** to Trot
area Oty to boand to be atlmalaied.
Already tbto edmahu toAlt. and tbero
to a rory bopafal faealiag (W.tta viat*. Bacord.
UManasi Term ef Ceurt.
Tba October ter* of the Ctrcalt
oonn f* LesUnaa vaa' tranAt
mdda doaa Tnaaday at 4;«0 by
tb* termlaattoa and coattnnanea of tbe
oBpe of Hennan Hymaa n. Joaaph
KM. (be caa* barlag haaa brtmght
ihroogh attoneys PraU A Darla and
C. U Daytoa and Joba W. Patten,
■nie anil vas'lor ebltoctlt* cf a
altogM to taro beea gtron the plalatiff on Fbfa. t. IMt, for n.lOO.
dafearo srs. strcaneei upon the point


0* Maaa abd Car* ef Plane*

Piano Talk No. 1
Barpalebocd. and before tbe HkrpeL
<be SplnaL before
Sploet earn* the VtogliiaL and before
tb* l^rglnal caiM tb* Oarleborl
btoe ttaeae the
CtoTfcytberlum. before that the C»tHe. before that the Dnleltoer
Psaltery, and before tbe* nil
BgypUnnMOreeton'and Boman HarpA
Lyrlci lannmerahta
o*e of tbe harpa of aa^ty
e atrnta srHb a gnill or “^aca.- totte were
e Mtb tbn
tbroe tar-

atrlagi and aoow tbirtota. HodUcaUeo* of tbeae variettoa formed
nap)* nrlaged lastrmnent. of
Middle'Agee. The Itoaliery va.
box sritb metal nrlngs aerom it. and
srw plttcfcad vKh a quill.
-dulee metos- or Ouldmer. meaalng
“sweet aonada.- *«■ alw a box with
nrlagi siretcbad over IL bat It was
mruck vlth eroHmffnleks.
Thin we taro the beglaaliig of tb*
plaao cf today. Space sriD not permit
for tbe bote to taro been signed ac- ns. In this •‘Plano Talk." to continue
li^ry of piano evHntkm.
eordlng to the d^te-^en vbsn. upon
tnrtbsr rasearch. lydereloped that the wrty ages, aomc of itaise harps,
Mrs. Hymaa. vbo wrote tbe not* for or stringed msi'niment), brought Mbprtoes, bet bltlary does not hdher hneband ta eta did aU other beal•** affaire to(falm. had made a TUe us that they were sold on easy
mooth'a mtotato
date and tbe payments.
voold those eariy-day people
note tbarefore ab^ taro been
dated Harefa 4 tautM of FM 4. The think If tbey oould drop inlo oar etore
guestlOB of tbe ds^ do* aot latibll- any day thto week and roe
ptola-eaMd epright plaao
4ate tbe note bet It canded
folly, that sre offer special
atay In the proceeding* for farther reof *te
aeaiM for the defome ns to vbei* tar thto week at MM. m
cash. «C mmthlyT
tbey were on that date.
Or. another pretty style, nid e)s»
. Tbe cate of Jacob Tan Attar
Kortbport ro. John O. Ptonk of Chleaprtoe thto vertt MU and MSS. cash or
go vu settled by a verdict
cwne of anion.- tbe case being the paymeeis. M or mere mcnthly.
■ outgrowth of farm car*, timber enttiEg inch value as ihtoheuld be bad In tbe
olden III
vherq m
Could those CM Romans or Greeks
the reealt of bto car* of tb* Sooth
*M oer KIMBALL PtiBO of today they
Beg toijmd tarn.
.' The case of lb* People va. Hermaa voald to teto-eenaeie. over the beantlful
tonal quallUee. the arttaUe
Ask upon the Matw of burMnir
tried opoo bet one count and the ro designs, etc.
U Oar “Plaao Thlk No. r sreH taro
sptmdesR received a term af nlaeiy
gays la the Oeirotl Boose of Cbneo- more latercntag *atim os
Ihc evnetkm of tbe plsta.
TWe two cans of the People vu. Wm.
> itodkler were net hrangbt up but one
; was pleaded guiUy to and a fine of gSO

Elgin C. Lewis.


To Secure a

Beautiful 43-Picce

All you ne^ is 99 cf oar Pfemium Dish Tickets. We will
continue to fffve these tickets urtU the last of this mouth
(Oct. 81st) ap make it a point to have enough by that time.
If. however, you Tail to secure the desired amount, you can,
with only 60 tickets, get a pretty underskirt, a suit case, or a
This-atore is now heavier stocked than ever—the ne* Fall
Goods are crosrding their way into every nook and comer of
this big building.


■ ^

2 flEAT pUttc>1S

'S-SycE DiShl

[s This Beauntui

Dinner Set

FIftm (ISIS gl CMS hIFhs, Tid Cists if
Oillip Ml BMnts, n4 Fin Cms at UHlamtr
that were lost on the road for nearly six weeks, to our great
inconvenience, have arrived at last. These goods will be
marked ^oser on account of their laie arrival than they would
have been.had they come on time.
Not only ypo, but every person who has their own interest
at heart, should take time lo call in person and investigate
the great advantages of purchasing at this store. You will
find profit aod pleasure in risiting us.


CDpS £. S


KIMBALL MUSIC BOUSEj Dry Goods, Cloaks, Clothingr


Traverse City, Mich.



ifacmtb bo sisted that bis hotae waa la
New York. Wbea la the eltr be bad
lour bottles of wbtdkr with bin aad
Mr. aad Mrs. Oeo
Mrs. Sarah Baraea. vlfe of Oaente n la tbOBgbt tbai the liaaor waa re- diwre borne Batn'dar
Baraaa. died at tba Oraad Trarerae apoeaible for the deed aad bU after- where !► KeWerhnoac
hoapltal Taeadar alghl. A .veeh ago lapee of mcaorr.
! White Bewie,
Mrs. Bsmaa topxO^
Tbe Silrers
HappT Re«>n of VWt.
I Mich., aad Ce itertllle, St. Joe eooaij.:
«hea the bone aUrted anddeelr sad
they wrre playlna the (airs, and ;
UaeolB WilUama of Kolfbf's Perry. i
was aUabllr tafared. so sligbilT
B^Uy.Tl^ri ■»*■»«! I
<»L. arrired la lb« ellr laai week oo. »a> Do^hern Mlcblfmn is still abesd ,
■adkal atteattoa was not deemed
wealher. The. have bad It rer>
9 Ur. B- c. OMti. etsarr- Late' ceopllcatioBt easaed bia war to Nortbpert, where be will,
! cold aad four laches of aao wat Ceaterrllle.
and she was takea to the Oraad Trar- Sad a bride la oae oT the Leelanau
Ulreat daaahters. Mlta Ttoa
cou aOMretf «■ Tlw It^Ntlk erse botpital, where she died.
The lareral eenrloe was a' 10 .CM... .b. .«l .b. —.b, ...
o-ehx* r«at*f*»J' foorolot from U D. compaay Mr, WlUUmm to bU weaiera
e PeTTymaa aad family bare
CarlU- aadertaklac rooeta. Ia addi- borne. «r WlllUms snent aererelj «•«
from Streeter, lit- jrbn.tlotl to a husfaaad she leares two chil- weeka la ttn Ttclnlly last year, as t (retarned from
aiBg^e earnguest of bis couilas. the MeMr..‘J^"
Thomas of Norihport. and bis rvturti'
,nd Mrs EIba\aark momed
New Eapraac Campanr.
^ ‘ (or a bride Is Ue tesoll. It la eapeeiej ! from tbelr visit to Deflance^Mlo. aad
I'Dlied States E*- ,hsi Miss Florence Tbonms of this rliy i reimrt a very pleasant ilmcbad..^:emy ;
Ob Nor.
f the younx couple 1 of hickory nuts.
press company will open an o«ce



Circulation this week 2,900
' Lae 9Mt.* KBtMlM beM arrlvad at
tU teak satortar tro« Sauaot
Bar «i<b a amaU toad of ahUulaa. Tba
. boat baa been pirloi batvaea tbU
. ran aad ua Bar tba part waab eanrtac aattll Wada of trelsbt.
citr fcilBaat Caldwalt aad Water
Weak BapanateadaBt tom bare ratmad from a trip 'tbroo«b the lotith
an fwt«tba ataU vbldi waa nade
ia tba f«t«er-a aaioaaohUa. Tbar had
.a reiT piaaaaal Taeatbui.
ftaapb Bcbadtt aad MUa Mtaale
wei«. aaarrlad on Tbimdar
Oatb Bobert WaHafa .pri­
me oAot. the oSelatlnc batag «ne
' hr I«lf» rrad-B-Tbqr both
halM fim OtawB aad we attaadad
- hr M Bivrar aad Mlta Reaa Ca­

. meddlaf «d Mlw Anna May Edmonds
' -M Obariei EennlaoB «( Bast Bay. Tbo
. ; wedding nrm Uke pMee at tbe home of

WMd baa beea reoelred of die blrib
•t Taooma. Wash, on OcL Srd. of a
■on to Mr. and Mrs. TToyd Brake. Mr.
Drake was fonaerty a rerideai of
Oraad TnTerse. baring epeat hit m- are life unlO two aad a haU years aga
te MayfleU tovnahlA Sbiec that tlmo
- be bu welded ta Tacbma.
Mi« Bdltb end b

tbelr borne. Tbe blaaaoms ere
fWQy «nd bere dblu tbe appear
I ad swine- Tbe tint «Mo eoatalna e
bmteoee «R9 of r«l apples.
The win Pf B. Brtetol was adaitted
» tp pTObaie Tbnraday. Ii reprei
; n etUte of I10.«0e coaMatlai of
«tute and pereimal propaHy. Today
tbe anal aaeotmtlng of exaemtor Ji
H. Monroe for the Jobn Bam eetaie
V wasftM.TbeeeiMnofwIeuaftltOOO
Of wUeh a portloo boa been under liil-

_Bd'tbe ofiee flxturei. Tbe pn
belp wiU be retaJeed and there will be
rery few cbnngei. Hra. Compton anl
daughtfr Maud leare for Detroit
Bomw where ibey .srltl make ihel.mtnre borne.
Mr. Compton la a Bember of
.Kalgb|i of Pyiblaa and tbe nnlforai
rnnk and rery popolar in tbe order.
Pltemda In that crganlaatiosi will be
■orry.^ eeekfalm leere the city.

l> getting.
le ata’Jewi
Jno. Berghoil
- _
YOat proBlawl to be a wild wettera altloB Ip Ihe aev mill and exiH,Ti
ite of bone eieaUng Sunday after, build’s reeldeace-yet this
J. T. Boll’s house la tr»
noon wat broogbt to a suddea lermtaa- Info
the Aral of tbe week
(U» Monday moralaa by Chief of Pe
lice Aihioo. wbo. after aerenl hours’
diligent ceercb. located'WllllaB Fhafell. tbe man. and pUced btm In Jail.
Craeie Wells Is abou<
Suaday afternoon WIHla* Aeker- particular
ehaage a* yet In (bo fever.
Baq ’of OarSeld areoue placed bli
Mrs. Clyde Hoxrie has relumed
boree and, buggy In tbe abed of B. J.
Morgan’s barn. A-Hitle Uter, a
who Ike Welt talked with, cantc anJ^
backed tbe berse €id boggy from th-r
taring that be bad the borae
from tbe owner and was golai to drive
out to Mb plaea of work wlU It aear
Long Lake. Half an hour later Mr.
taan arrired and found hla “rig

ley s
great convenieaev
bv check—Your hi-5i* btxi..
hihere the money
tbowa Just bhere
and you can have yeur
book balanced any tlm<
imcit sick
Money deposlled in our ^vlags departmeut
of'*Ihe monlb.


; Qujbt.j*mr STOHB

W/ij/ Refer
to Doctors

Death Hell.
' OUboft Adam, an aged aad K''
apeeied ptonew of the Moaroe Center;
"■ petffbbotbood.'dl«d Friday at » o'eioek '
a. B. While Mr. Adams has been
= alUng (or aevernl ynars tbe mtd wat
sadden u he waa only takea aerioatlv
aerioatlv 1|Z Ay C/O sf mm.
be b>av<<< II




This Time-Your Home
yard (or S6-iiich Hemp Velvet stair carpet,
kind, until sold.
Carpet, worth iSc.
yard for good quality
Short ends velvet an^
Rag Carpet.
to IS yards. SI 26
4Ca ft. 00/» for Ingrain Carpet.
goods, at....^..............
/uC W vZu Good wearers and
splendid patterns.
Hamlsomc Velvet and Brussels Car^
pets, new Fal! Goods, at per
for Extra Heavy invard...........................................
grain Carpets. Oth­
ers ask 50c (or same.
yard for Wool Ingrain
Carpet. Just two pat­ During-------------------tbe dull season sve- -have
terns left from ^iriDB selling. Worth out and cut up into rugs all rettmnants
and short etfds of velvet and B
55c. .
Carpets. The rugs are
SOo. 00Op70o
such as are usually h^rd t > get. SmallFor our best Ingrains in choice pat- est .44x44 inch and up to ^-SKlO-ii-feet.
bargain in a rug be sure
you want a bai
nothing better to be had
•iesc. We want them sold
show these gol


Just40diffcrenli»tU!n« to choose from. NVrerdUl we show
a haiidaotnerliiicof psttemA Printed goods fyiym 45c squAft* y«u up. Inlaid Linoleama.
the kimUbiit wears life time nwlalwaysloiA the ^25 ftlld 9*50 SO. ^d.
LACE CURTAWS fl.OO A PAIR—in While or Arabian, filter gndea at $L9I.
$2 50. and fS.00. Them- ore all apeeial vsfaies, abont t9^ cat less than regnlar pneea.
'nTese sn; better than ever this seaacm- BesV
Oar line of Arabiau
tifal puttema $100 ts $8 -00 pair
Two special numbers at $L98 BE# S8.00 pair.
Iriuk PslBt Dpsr PsEris aixl two exteasiMi limas nxls tsomplete for SSCoutfit for yimr glass door.

rnriu Strir. CMckCarn,. Friop J1

around, at............................................ LM Covets, also Table Covers in Tapestry.
IN incii Stair Carpet.............................. lOe j 1 Bmsaels Carpet, withi border.... CSc Rir yd-


pimni rd t»lce a T«
Mu ,<-y 1- safe t
iVdrawn toy

Cravtrse City State

U has bten said that

Bert JohnMB baa reoelTed a telepSM tetUng of tbe aaddea deaib of
Miber. JwMibnn Hodgw
in Ursa. Ud. Mr. Uodgaen taarcb. driring oot aehr Fife Lake,
where be bad been lafonned a rig had
aeea. but returned empty haaded.
' iMg lake and bns Bsar trieni
- «bla lagtom who wtU went to lean of Monday aoralng OnaUve {lerkner of
bU death. Hr. asf Mrs. Jonattaan OarflaU lowaablp (oaad a h^ viic
Johaaoa. bia daugbUr and aoada-law. fammoft OP IB hU loiaad’tinoB aearen
bare been rUUtagWb We bosae - foabd the buggy-|A~(Ce nearby woods.
Chief of Police Ashton la the mean­
. Jobamm returning Monday, while his
, srttewBalned(or«lonf«rrWt.Wben time had been aotlAed aad Immedtalcly started oot ia psarch. He visited
Mr. Jebaeoa left Mr. Bodgaen
(arm la aad around the rlclnlty
noiBlngtr la tbe best of bealtb. but
. Mb Ai^'Pebumd that nreatag.. The of Long Lake, where by dcserip
giren tala of a elmple little abiwl
faaenl was brid yeeterday. I
urrWW by Us wife and three dangii- upea the chin of the tuppoaed hor<b
thief, be fonad the maa, WlUias FaarWTA Nra. AUoe Jotasoa of tbU
«Bg Mn- f- C. Jobaaoa and Mrs. Joa. ell. who waa working la tbo potato
Aeld of SuperriMr Dory«A The
Noaran of Lyna. Ind.
Ant empbaUtnlly deoled all knowledge
of the horse eecapade bui the deocrlptloB of the maa exactly tallied with |
A prsltjr wsAdiBff waa tolSBaltad
tba bOM of Mrs. t. YogatitU Wad*- that given |t B. J. Morgan'a ban and
w«nb itiwM U U:S« toi^r. th« coB- be was taken into custody and lodged
uaatus parties baiag her daaMXer. In Jail. He It a stnixler In this coun
Mist Edna ^d 'Heav Artnatrooc ty. having come Itom Bepteo Harbor.
Ber. T. P. Uiloo of ^ Church
Cbrlit «r»t Ibe oOelaUak-BlBlater and
tbe niiiwrn] wu wUhealbd by sixuca ffooM -The rtag^Wrice waa
aacd aad Ue hrUa hraged cbarmlag
ta wMte crepe. She cairled white,
The boautUol lear.M of autumn
wore diod for doeoiaUmu and' the
eonpM wat aarrtod beneatb aa arch of,
these taavea. AHer the cercBony S| Because we nuke nedicises
wedSlBS dinner waa served. The
for them. Te give fhcni the
hride aad giociB will leave (ora wedformula for Ayer's Cherry
Stag trip to Arcadia after which thev
PectortI, and they prescribe h
sriU fO to Copemlab. where they wfll,
for cougbs, colds, broochhfs,
—k- tbelr boaw. the .srooB being
consumptioo. They mist h.
. (roa that city. Mlia Yooag hat a
larse antabBr of friends bore to wish
Then you can sfrord to trust
I barbapplaeaA .
k. Sold for over » yetrs.


Brlgham-a Wore I
Ell Grover U
residence lodav.
Hall A Walion a-e working on ib<
front or the Clare lo be occupied by J
ft Coanipe.
Three potato buyers In lown. Poia
S5 aad 2fa- are morin* freel,.Mr. Sundlifa U «rorklng on hi* nev
blaektmlib shop He expeciR to b<



ibla cUy. Tbe company bs( receai
Califoraia. Mr Williams Is a ranch
Putt of Tragic Hesning
displaced the Amertenn Express com­ owner aad Mias Johns Is ihe daugbler
Are ihese lines from J. M. Simmons,'
the 1 of tbe late Alfred Johns, lawyer an 1
of Carey, la. Tblnk what might bare (
amodaie the local | cirenlt conn commlAkmer of I.eeli- resulied fiopi his terrible cough If be
oBce will be lo-1 gau couaiy.
had not takmi the medlclae aboiil
: which he writes: "I had a fearful
calM wilh ibe Otr nesn stand la the
! cough. Ihal dUturUed mr Blxhfs yerl.
sisHihsi Mock, m Baal Prent street.
1 tried everythin*, but noihlo* woul^,,
C. B. Taytor baa rented tbe company
reliere It, nnill I look Ur. KIcr's New ,,
from a member at the Church Aid so- Dlscorery for C^nsumptloa. Coach' ,
half tbe store room.
Tbe new oSoe trill be fliied up with elsiy ol Ihe Matcheti M.E. church rt- and Colds, which completely cured
' iBstanilr relievos and perms
eatlrely new coldea oak furelt-re and gardiBK an Item In tbe South Haydeld me
neatly cures all tbrnai and lung dis
staUng that ihe M E. eases:
will make a eery handsome appear­
prevent* grip and poeumobla.;
ance'. Tbe L'alied States company op Aid had dug tbelr poutues tad would At JiBnaoD Drug Biore Co's. F. H .
iPratet on many of tbe Principal lines build their church a* soon as they Mwds aad 8. B. Wail A Sons, drugMid them The srlier'stales Ibai a gisif: gparanieed; 60c aad f l.oo. TrUI >
of Ibe eonatry.
year ago Ihe Hatcbeii H. B. A;d bottle 10c.______________ •
Chanpe In WtiKIng HeUl.
pledged tlUO toward building a new
The tug Burgher. oT Uie Coffey Beet.;
Tbe WhlUag hotel ebabged baadt church and as -they had a small »-f
wblb- Ashing off Bawifr' point, landed .
Monday raorntac after breakfast. E. C. cleiy a friend offered to gire ud pna S4-po-jnd trout. TbU 1* supposed to 1
Comploa retlrtoc and Howard tvbit- pare an icre of laad for potatoes. The
Inc laUag possesaloB. Landlord Comp- potatoes werp planted with tbe ex­ :be Ihe largest trout eer caught in Lake j
I Michigan.

penditure of tl 00. Last Wedaeads) I
they wew dug and pitted walling :
boose. The building is owned by-Mr. MiWacton price, -nre members d» j
of.^^^MWed bt sudden I
not Rxtmct to build the church "or-1
B. C. Compum baa been tbe landlord but with the help cf trieada they hop- ( nipatloo. Bract- up and I
of tbe Hotel WblUag for tbe past nine 10 do ro In tbe near fotureN Several' Klne s New Ufe P:11s
yenn and di^ag that time has become
well knosrn to tbe trarellng public. He
*• t Cure headache and dlixlness too. At
baa many friends la the city wbe
Joliasoo Drug Siore (7b r, F. H. Meads
be slBcerely sorry to see btm leare the
; and 8. E Walt * Son*' drug stores;
bKsL* Until bis future plans are
fettled he wlU remain with Mr. W^ltHeatn. Maepnde a-ri
tng la tbe eapuliy of maaager. This yen of ibr HacBridc Lumber Co., are
geoeai wm probably continue a hjrrr making prcparatlorn lo pm up
fbrlr reildfnco.
a Hr-lihcw baa hit pe«- srorr
Tbo transfer Inclndes the foraliure

toery Person



‘Triedricb Sells the Best
Shoes in traverse Gtf.’
Some Say ‘'ci). ouamy is B««tr.’’
Others Ssy "CDtPrlcuartCeistr.”
me Say “mt'esmMnc me dm."

took these Prices Over
A SBoVpQR MEN-Xoi Ibe U-st of couriu-, bill II
gojd sa^ t’slf oboe, for............................................

/ oOO

WORK SH0E« FOR KEH A good limin L.-i>tLer
shoe with boB\v up sale, in lace or buckles...

/ C/}
1 mcfi/

SHOES FOR WET WEATHER -High Top shoes ar.thc brtt for w. l wiuiib. r. ^ e have an extra
good assortment of tb<oe'Shoes this season-----

^ /)/)

wear. As ilepeudable and as stvHsb as the high
/ flO
prioetl ones. It s a regular $2,50 shoe for.........' i .70
shoe in regular or Blucber style, wilh light pruuil of this shoe
h«»vy soles. We'iv pruiul
WOHEirS KID- SHOES—Not ihe onlinar)- eheap
looking shoo that sells iil $].25. but one with as
much Blylt' ns 511.50 shoe.....................................

The Stove Question (
is the all absorbing question just now but we make .
it so easy for you because we have such a spleii' ^
did stock to select from^ We want to call your S
attention to

which is the f^est stove ever made; all tbe latest
prices are from $%.00 to $5-d.00.

’ements. The


is the stove that givcs^splendid satisfaction. They are sold Irom $12.00
to S25.00.



are the greatest inventions of modern times. In the "Royal Hot Blast" |
;he device for consuming the smoke is built right in tbe stove and jft
this way becomes part of the fuel. It makes no dillerencewhatlifclyou use. even the dust and scrapings from the bottom of the coal bln
can be used. These sell from $15.00 to $19-00.

are the cheai>est and most economical stoves made. The>’ are so easily
taken care of and such splendid heaters. These sell from $1.'25 and up.

that give such universal satisfaction and require so little attention.
They are the best "warmers" you ever had in the house. They sell
from 52.75 up.



U.i of

V8C and $1.19

and the greatest line to select from. All sizes to suit your rtjom and
your pocketbook. Sell from $12.00 to $25.00.
are the heating stoves. Rqmember there is but one "Round Oak and
we are the sole agents for this north region. These arc so made you
can burn wood or either hard or soft coal and the different siiies sclh
from $12.00 to SltO.OO.



Grand Traverse Region.

era' beoe at Oraod Ra«Ua to
hii child ren for a wbOe.
d rM« Jaaea Lardle of Old
if« aooarnlttc the loaa of ibelr
Id tahr that died laat
i^ehoteraiDfaBUm. The
au at the Jioaae Smidar
a o-ekidc. The aemen
waa preecaeo hr the Rer. Mr. Cbaae
arOMHIaaloD. The bodr waa laid to
real ta the HtHaide eeiaetarr.
Mr. aad Hra. Baa Oherta* ipaat,
.Soadar at Tiarerae. atjr whh Hra.
Ralph JaoeaoB.

mmmm rMeH Dm H«raU HBc« not

ST'jrjsSLrrtrt’ ‘

4MW I*. th»r war IM

rail t» End

- jilUp* ha?« reihtiS'i Tia»dTaa C3«t
of Mr. and Hra. Jarolse

Domlaa of bai
Bora, to Hr. and Hra.
VdlBC a vaak with rtad'<
Wedaeadar. Oct, uch. a dai
aad Mn. C. U Donlae.
nor Whaley



B aad cbUibalr All o( tpeDdlDC a week with frlebda aad rdatlrea.
daparwd. Uuaklsr
Hra. Bddy of Trareiae City wsi a
loi- (brlr ■aneroaKr aad
Kayatooe caller Tneaday.
Mr. aad Hra. Anil Anderaoa aueaded the fuaeral of John Aadcraon a'
Trarerso Cliy Wednaadav.
Ralph Tboapaon of Mayfield called
; ' " -' oeoENi
oo fricoda at BeKacr laat week.
Aid will oM I
The MIsaea Wlona aad Mary Craadall rwicroed home Satordav. after
«aad :vUk«U 1U «DBlani*. >00 ba^- apeodlnc a Wfek with ibelr-uncle Dan
tar tai all ABd faally a? Grawa.
Mitt M*Ot1r McOarty ti atleadln«
T«ra awv bad bra It ea^t fire tber ibe taaetaera.' laatl<u;e la Tnrerae
City Utia week.
r mat Aw nttacr .liaa Rooe ta her . Mr. JanlaoB has J»t bad * dtotera
aa^ at aaaover. ii U her fini pat In bit booaa.'

■kSssss; ■

H, a
!>' *

'^'arm-*Artkar fml^ln U «alle alel
« Ibe'hoMa Of bar ddreata. Mr. and
Mra. HaMT HaUrlob.
Peter'Slakealey la drawing; bit coca
;.'PciUM are ranflac out macb M-. borne.
WlUlami baa . tbe pleasure
icam of hit own
Rob -LMher o( Ett Sapida wni r»
' «2ril hcnae tMe weM. after a aojoara
Hr. and Hra. Wine vialied with Hr.
at the bcHRe «E -Mr. and Mra. Joba WUl Taylor-s folks last Snaday.
■nia foraaartr two.iBOBUia
A few ttom Rice's Corners attended
<; aiM Malaa Braai. the teacher, bai dmreb al BHtaer laat Sunday night.
a»e Ib.auead the tnaUBitc.
Mr. aad Hra. Rice called oo Bert
NMh laat Snoday.
Rev. C. WIIHataa aad wUe visited
with Chester Wllllaiat before teavlne
v< )tai«u IteO^dtu la oe ibeaick lU:.. tar CaUfwsla. ooe day laat week.
Will TaOeo a mother bat arrived
from tbe aimib. She expects to stay
• EkM»,er^;a Cttle DH la gaite aick with bar ton all winter.
Hru. Shuak aad daughter Dell viabK^rSira. Mrer of Maple- lied wnh Mta. Hliam Wurea one day
tea, ti.««T
at last waeb.
Hatty are aUll engaged tUsglng pobar reuM^< Mra. Nora Kalaer vaa eaDed here tatoaa. Tbe yield Is light
Cooper of Grawa la helping Mr.
Deaa Dtt.Raplda hr the death of her
bMr aMtar..
iOld M'^.liaa retoTMd from

• -- • •

I l^elat ai
Htaa' Rather. Lola and Apaea Ayera' Saltoaa B
ire all boiae traea Orawa cs a rWl. { Cbaa. Aaderac
It* Reed bu had the adafortaae «; Ttarerae aiy.
pom hit band aad ara wtib papow- Staleer Garth,
' of Not^port rtti
Tbe threablac auMilae wbUtie la! Hra. H. 8. Aaderaoa was call

was: "Readret.___
helpa Ibe maa more la hU work tbaa dlntna poiaioea aad I
be helpa her la ber «o.-k." The ]adcw<. arc Ihr prfDdpal ocnipatlr
- o' the aOratatlTi the .male a

OaPt Eerrew TrauEle.
.< tUa a bad babli lo borrow aaytbloc.
. i bat the worot tbloc yon caa poatiU)’
; borrow, la trooble. R*bira aick. aor*.
heavy, weary aod arom* out by 'be
I paint and poUoaa of dyapeoala, bUlena-

1 Eowa aa1
oc KalanULioo.over SuedaL). Mr.Jobnd Mrs H HeCosba drore i> »or It •■naaaed in hiilldliia aod pur- brood over yoar ayaptoa L but By for
Tiarerae Clly
Here )
CUyiTrarei** CUy lati FWday.
cliased a car load of aalerial frwn,relief to Bleetrfr Biller
la rteiUai ■ ' “

fonetHr*. Abhec.
of Mra. Jet-ier.-eClly laat Monday.
.-'^7»Wpped It lo Kalaaaioa
I fnlneaa of all your irtMble*, and year
A anaber of tbe frieada
Hr. and Mra. Heniy Gate are boeae
eare her a pleasant aur- . M'. and M-» Haler* Tla-tcd/^a' E.! Bern, to Mr aad Ma Leonard Hoi-' body wUl *ot be burdened by a load Of
froai Ohio, where they west on a rialt.
____ 11 betas ber fony-BlBlb ' Barr* yeaterdtv
- Ildar. On sih, • danabier
debt dl»ca»p At Aohaaoa Dw 8^.
HUa Nina Hyen b boae on a rlsit.
ly. A dainty supper was aerre-l I
E. Cbatnploti mad< a baataf^ trip' C D. Hankt baa returerd froai a Co. a. F. H Hi-ad* and 8. ,R Rw *
Mitt Rekab WIltcB and Bnber Ayvery eo»>-ablc erenlac wt»'
to Trover»c Cliy tar SaiurAy.)oL-tlnni* :h-i 'o B'caton. MIrt. He fKmf dros »io-ca
Price EOc. Gotrera were tbe caeata of Mra. Lanra
I n.H att-vtiii
McCOrntn will lead iiie/'lc»«ne :baa l««t- alro-nt a week.
' .anleei
BatM Honoa).
Hri C. 0. Carver of Traverae Ctly.
City. I meeUns nex
next Sunday cvcalEw
: _ Mrs.. But JaDt a and Mrs Praak
Mra. Cbartey Bales was the cueat of
Hra Rirfn* Bates Friday.
who baa been vltlUny her sister. Mr*.
Oct. 1C. ,
i-' iotacy is
couLbs.* Mrs
Is ngunng
flgurtec on
o getting pow.-•
. E. I. Lake did some bnlcherlns for Wm. Daltoe. reuirned home Saturday. I
Lory |•a^ke^,
er, of Bath cr
» lor Ita llgh^tag plant froa tbe Boyne
____ Warner,
Dan Pratl today.
wbo has
has bad
bad aaUu-i
Un- {
aiurday tor river,
The lidlcs left Saturday
IS mile* south.
certac illness passed asra> quietly i Mr* W E. lines of Soulb Praak.
lenry Ros-;.
oflhosehooUlnUil. Copeinl*;*
yesterday at bli home here, st ib-1 fort visited «
ace of fPyeara. 31 days. 3 months. He' vtcioitv Ti-et.
D Traveift fit), spending a mmltm
waa ben in Leland Jnly lb. IHSt. and I Tber<l was a danrtaa party at
if the da> »lubt» •eing ■hcre*w
died Oct. H. IPuS. Tlic- funeral wa* { home of Geo Ravmo-.d las’. Wedi
Eugene Foster
beld at the German Lmberan church
.port Tuesday.
Adam E. Bell
•r of From.
cancer on taylip for

rear* thAiV-eracled loriiroble. ml Burk,
re I Thev are vl lllng another
Uxsh' Oorlyai
healed IL and now
IDO caller tnis wees.
kJobn Cad.,
Ttavt-rse Clly. '
C. H. Chandler and Ed. 8 Seeley of
a trip
Fred Small of Beosonia wasa caJloliV Mrs Damortb a
ami haruB. SBc al Johasot,
Cedar Rapids spent a few days In
Farmu* are digging Uteir potatoes.
I a few ; ^ >*rtdav .a-‘t
•rc Oo.'s. F. II Mcttls aad S
town, returning
They are a talr crop, averagtag abooi
Walt A Sons- drug sion-*..
of Bm<>lre made a abOft- one buDdrad bosbils per acre.
Mr. and Mrs. George will start lor; Pcpler_«lslii-.l
8. StrtekU-d and J priest haw
visit In town Ibis week.
D Traverse Cim
bouliil a bay baler anil have begun .California next Tuerdu). where the,'
Bunuel J. Record of Glen Haven
xieUdllell’^feijtt A*bw bab been
i'wlll make ihclr future borne.
la town Wednesdav.
work wtth It.
graaied a divorce bSPliRk hto wlfe reJoaephlne Hanson and Mrs.
a E. CHppeu ba* sold bit farm to I Bert Cook hts giinc to Chatham. In
Flint ba* fiur fnaed to acoompuy him bar* from
Diefc.Snoawd be a’ti] bla family will I the upper peninsula, where he will' . Fllat P. Smith
, chased a t'-.Wiw s
and win erect a Sweden la ISEt and baa sia<* refuted
go to tbe stale of Waablngton. where
busking corn fo
bone, j Mr. Moore
0 theirr future
they expert t
large ibret-.slery apinment bouse.
Laat Friday evetiltig Ibe membert ol,
I be a box social li
} But Rapids the Wan L'nlt Aid aocleiy and tbeir! .There
In district Xo f ncx
Crippen's .v.
lor -s .i achoolbo
I famUle*
ftmUle* tael at Mr. Crippen*.
Hoo. B. P. Blibop called here oh (larewan aarprlac party. They present , 9a> rrening
wllb, som.
*om« !!'®'"'‘■J
led Hr. and Mrs. Cripnen wllb
^1'.- ihro.hero. hnv.- corapu-t.-.l tb-- I * E t > t I t i 11<< t « t • > I < «I r I I t I ri
Ous Ruff and familyyof Boyne Fall, rlh-er knives, forks aad spoons, for
crt Browu.
wtlch they both kindly thanked their. w“'k lo
done in'bllis nclgblKirboiNl
the gnesu Of Robert
tartui-rs an- lUgglag pohas made an ex-! friend*, after which supper was I
! (atoea. Wage*11I.TS a day.
Depogitg BJqr to s*
There was a verv pleaagMdfathc
vtUitlfswn ERj ** :
ir CsQpbe!l I Mrs. W. Cook's last Friday even-1
r. J. Deett and V
i this week.; iny.
I the relatives aod a fc«r|
Annually) nllowcd
Clly was In i neighbors met logelher to a party
E. Ronnlger of Trot
; given ID htTDor of Mr. and Hra. Morris.:
town Friday.
o( Buttons Bay. UlThe evening was spent la muaP and '
vltlUag Daisy Bryaal of thU place.
! aocial cbai and ai II o’clock a-lovclj
' Onto. C'lrv-_______
or ToLgoe. i
Nclson-Torey of Cadillac made a{ supper waa served.
.wa.i.-. '«
abort call bore Saturday. .
i Mr». Emma Howard went to Trov.,
Emma OcLong went to Trarertv] rrse Ci>v last Tnoedsr and oo Wednc' tdetasbosswio i*. cut of Toledo, Cooaty ••
City Fridayday she and Mrs F. Clerelaiid t«»k
-------------- —
yM^. E. Maro left for Richmond.'the morning irolo for Battle Creel. '“t.'-'SJ
Ind . Saturday, where abe srfti ]oin her i wheiv they expect to stay sev^ro:
Hiss LydlA Nelaon Igfl tor‘ St.i Mr. Harrev has (be rbenmail.m iw
Charles. III., where the brill apeud tbe< badly in bis feei'ibai be esn hardly
i* Stt-pbai Lautser. J.0.0mttor.-1>r. H. B. Garoer.Bonj.Tbiri- *
, walk.
German Cordes went |o Hllwaukeej Fred Johosoo is quite ek-k.
Bsir. cwUrthcsKi.iskm uMAUr.sad .. l».v, Gco. W. LiipJic, F. CjJegmoDd, Wm. Loudon.
week's alay.
The W. C. Aid will mm wIGi Mr*, srtsdlr^lyueairtd.,.ltivlniwi..m.«H*Ms
Saturday fo
oflbrnnnn. Amd In'Mtiaionulv tiww.
J. Hania veni 10 Charlevoix Tri-1 Ccoroe McCombs Get IB
IThere was a lively dlicusslae at .
ri I • 11 • ti 11«111 f •,
,J » » I I ♦ • » H
Misses Cora and OeoigUjUic llierary sodety at the town bail Ball'. WtsilyPllU ATT tbsbsat.


f Withont Notice *




$ay, mr. man,



Do Vou Htalizt It’s Stove time ?
looking don't neglect to look over Uie Inrgeet nnsortment of Hi-atim.’ i'tov..-8, fook Mtov.-g. imd
Baagea you ever hfid tbe c^portooity to ic8|>ect. We an; gettim; two-tliinU of llie etove
busineas in your vicinity and WE WANT YOURS.

63 Diflerent Styles Oealiitg $tooe§
You mighLtotter make your selection from tbia mammotb alot k and gel jusl wbil yoo want
tbaa to buy •ometfaingelaewberotliatyoti think nay answer ihe parpose aiidai tlx-s.ime time
{Mjr E litto more mooey for iL Toot prnntse far (otare paymrat is legal tender witb os.

J. w. si_axe:r




----- - ----



5' .--V I : M

•? "-ja. ■

— m ^




;^U>. TMUmO&Y. eCTOUA It. N0&.
cue UMPC

fal aavUt. Mkk, OeL M.-Ber.
mU Un. WMtT fc BOW »lwtty IpMUd to tkt HlAs IMM. y
B. L. BM* of bUiuka v<U Mow
itf (to |■■wl|^^l OB (to Whaoton
OB Jht trt|> to »wtota SWafdv.
HIM Mmrmu DwiMrtr nand
tooB rrtdv OToulB* oner opobAIx
nre twBto to CblcBiD.
Mn. WinUH WbIttoM. vho to*
-toto 9«BilB« tto ptot t»0 «0to •«
TmtoB *W»* Mr olMer. Ito. Wot
ur t4^ nurtod rrU^.
Frmk Toralw
ar rMnwd fra*
vto MI t ■ TMUis tton.tto ptot
Hn. U BMkwUh. wto to* been Is
IMHUto tor Ito toK «l> M oltfct
aoBtto. rcUuMd to mk Bairtdo iMt
Hr. wH Hr*. Jowpk B«U«r. vho
tore tocB TtetHnc la Ontto Bapld*.
'ntariMd hbao RMar.
. tto tollowiBc lo (to «BroUBMBt of
' 1^ Cedar *Aoot*: OruMr roowt
St: >rtoMiy room, 4T. BoU doport
-M|a MK ia tto prlaMTT toom io>
ctosH atoroMa Hat Wodtotoaj
•MOTBlac. Tto poptlo ««ra adtfMMil

( ctoat wr pitottoUr.
Mb* rar^ aad Hr.

>(*«• a PMopttto to tto MOltort at
ttotr pBpUf OB Ito an*n«M «< OeL
II tiom « (ill i. Tto waatbor w*t ditasM*^ tot atoat two (toaM ladM
waad (Ml aad oatorad ttoir hoiirt-lalStr. PBBOti aad wam wna aarrtd
M (to HiWM TbCMiMoe aad KtovU
TU ,prtmry papU* tor* ftat SaAM''Hia*r*tto aad teat Tbandar.
anaraooB (tor oaiotod taUas (to
para tod plaidBf ttoa -la tbKt o*.
taahtoe fra* wtot Oxt b>«*s«I aboal
ttoM-dartas tho atadr or tto totaetioa.
UoT ■PasBlBftOB ao Hiawatha
■toawei flalSraa at Hlaatoah
atm mpoeM crodit tor taTias roMtotored *o mat detail* aad acted
ttoM to tadito erlglaa) MaBBor.
. Tto aetool raoM are toiBB di
atod eerr piatuir with pauad f*r»«;
BB(BHB tiMaf* aad Sawto
: '-^dtot*. to additlMto aew a
‘tataa. a eaUeeWe or pa*»a«
taraa aad anNtortat* I
. Tto wtoaen ol the epalUag (BBteat
tto peat week war* HabH Haha
IkM smda. aad Trad Wrtgbc. *a<»aJ

altoMor mtooto wto la port toat totan
WlaaMrad day ertotor
BrUto «■> ealled tonw FVWar to (to
toby or Hr. iuid. Hra. PWUp Draw or
mao* or bar Mother.
Bled Satarday. Oct. 7.
WOtred Deato wa* aarprtaad Tberekr irtolat to a aaMbef oT bb ro«as aad tto taaera) waa beU tnaa 8l
Btoada. tto oeeatina Mtas hi* gr- Harra chareb ob Hoaday.
yeaterday tor Barar
taeatb blithdar. *Bd a merrj tri
etty. wbere abe wUi rlait bar daatoter. Hra. Bd Plak, to a few day*.
Aasaat Ouo oT PiortMoat dU bB*i*** at tto beak bare yeaterday.
Philip Bsto. Jr, (E toat U
«■ Dto*r*Moal aad Dab Bead, tto
drore tore Hoaday aaoralac aad Mt
typtold ferer pattoat*. are reported
OT*r tto Q. B. d L oa a baatacM
OtSa batter.
J. W. Raad or Walorrllat who ha* to Traeeraa C»y.
Joaepb OlMrd oT Biatoa« towaaUp
be«i rtottlas hie mm. Adtotort Bead.
«a a caller here Hoaday.
r. a dark weot to Cbarievola
Saaday oe tto cteaaK- UUaoli aad
retamad oa tto M. * N. a to way or
roeeMoat. Hoaday yrhlag.
Joba OU dM baalaea ia Lelaad oe
a H. Paweia weal to ^|^pon
Ole KoBBap tataraad mdap
Bitot rxMi b>« ^t la aoathan Hfcboile Lareoa wa* a UiaM taller
StoUa Harrto. wbe baa boee apaad- Headay.
CtoDs Waner weal lo Ulaad Hobic a coopie or weak* la aaothei
day lo look after bit booae aad :
aiuhigM, reiened toaae TrUay.
J. O. Daftoaa apeel the Mat few day*
Oladr* Oar* baa bebb apeadias
ia Lelaad la retord to waM «•
tow day* la Iowa.
Tto yoaax people oT Beadoa are or/
Bottoa* Bay. Hfcb . Oet. H.-Tb*
M plan iater oau Beadoa baa apMaMtoaBlrtcBl taleal. aad wUb a lUUe bar** etdaey O. Net M loadtoc lamber
t PeteraoBi tor J. O. Ncaaea of Haai*.
Staaley DaareaMo I toe retaraed n.
Tto leaebcn' taatiuie of Letiaaao
fltm Booth Boardaia
eoBBly wUI to held bare next week.
cariac to bb motfaer.
Joba Watal retamed froa bb trip to
Bessie Kinaey apeat PrUay alsfat
with hb etom. Wllfied eDake.
Hr. aad Hra.^. Palber fetoraed,
. fi. B. Darb had two See calrci
jarterday troM a tea dayr trip
tilled OB tto railroad raeeatly.
Dea TboBiaa of Watereilet b rbU- Obfc.
Hr*: L. A. KMtyoB or batMordab
bis toeada aad reUtlraa ia
PloaHe Bartoa letamed Saisrday wa* called tor* oa acceoat of the UitroB White Cload aad FtenoBt. where ia* of her daughter. Mn. J. Bit;
D. H. Powers toft for tto mmU
■be baa beea TtatUaf rebtlrcA
Hr*. Pwri Hallb oT Tra*ei«e CUy of tto state yesterday.
Hr*. Foeto retaraed froa Detroit
wa alto saeat of her parrau. Hr. aad
rrtday.Hr*. HeUIbn. Saurday. . . .
Hr. aad His. Cbo* Whraer were
Pleaale Bartoa b ea tto aMi list.
to Lelaad yesterday oe aecouai
Perry Braadafa b wotklw to WUI
of the lUaaM of.Heary Waraer.
Hb* WeU* fpea\ Saiidv to Ti**- brother who b eery eldc.
U*r. l: P. BoUae mad' His* Aa
erae CItr.
Bolito Tbited relaUre* U Moo oe
r CeaH. Deato aad Sail WUHs
Iter tto Stat of tod weto.
tourto^aa Batarday.
At Bast Letoad a weddtog
-BUI’ BowaBh toial the* was aaee
ptoce UK Wedaeaday at toe bone ut
to towa rriday.
Ptoak Jaqalah. tto snbl health of- the groom's pareeu. Mr. aad Ur*.
Seer. b Upt «aUe baw tbeae day* Philip Egeler. at l:»0 o'clock Hi**
Betsb Btebbtos of Nonbpon aa-l
looktof after typbold patieau.
Philip BgeUr. ft, were married. The
oareMoay betog performed by Rev.
Hr*. Batoa of Frhoktort apeat Buaday here wttb ber daatoter, Hbe
Btiib Baayar.
Hra. F.sB. OaiB sad ioa. WlDaid.
rKumed borne yesterday from a tea
day*.' trip to toe south part of tb* *Ute

la toe llP.eao toMage salt orOB*.|lMad. tto totter aUegtos Samasla-tdr
B. BaUard of Batile Creek agaitoM ■
Tto eaaa had baea «■
Mrs. Hatite Belto Aiwtod of Mempbto j * ***''
k ber ^ e
Twa, a Jary to tto efteeH eoatt. after- todto ha. lor tto »r« time gtoea
C. A. Baamberger wa* to towa
a*MB boar*- dcllbefalto*. raterMd J raeosaKkai to weaM a* eM* tb *a<b^ .
wtoeO. B. B I bya tbb weak. '
rerdbMor StM for ptototlC. While goniwmrat .by apflallBt Hra. Batoi
The atoamer tBtoob aw to pen yea- •Xie- defegdaat stopped at Ito PoM abai Baaade. widow of tto late Mb- <ddtog trip, they
y by Ber. FT.
. .
.. BatUe Creek, to Jely. 1»0S. lice Baaade. a rWtor to TerrawS^',^
g at tto BL Hletoab cborob.} C. A. AlbhoBw tetaiwd bom Pto>
e aad Balbrd'e -rig col- laU.
S-year-oM eee oT Hr. aad Hn.
SotoM bad tto Bbfartaae of taUtos
aad atrlktos U* face oa a nail. The
tator wa* ta bad that a phyaMtoa had oa Tberaday.
Ber. Pr. ttucaah b tto owacr of
to be ealled at oaee.
Hra. Lau aad daashiar. Un Baaab a eery See drlrtog borac wblto he parbaaed of A. r. ABdersea of OBcaa.
Etaorge Hanb of TrSTerac Oty b
pcBdlag a fow dart with Hr. aad Hr*.
Bd Sterwe.
1 by Hra. oarkb tother'{Hra.SdPbka





ThoMpMMTnie. Hfcb, Oct. 13—.\
Verier, who to* toea to poor bealib
far BOBW tbK. died yestentar at
bb h(we from patalyal*. Me bare*
a wife to aamta hb kwA who ba* the
tow teaUaetoal ■yMpatbf or bn. Hr. Vcraler had
the Bsek obkal maay frlende here and at Hoeor. hi*
perM to a;fta- falser touae.
ftoier JifcasDo iwd Hod Btoekblll are
lUe!aa^tto!t^ laHhaakfon atiaadlag the aaaaal
seettog of toe'seperrisora.
WUbur Tolbert b selltog Sb«er
aewtag taachtoet aboat tto easeth'’ Darld Detyea fcM a cow aader pe­
. U tor syatem b to a deraar ar dreamstaace*. ibe broke ttto
kltdkCB and ate aa umbrelb aad
j a package
of yoaat cake*. Tto,yea»l
- >eiacelrtobeaoMeactlreai>A.wbbi«
I caused Tto oabTtoU to raise and (he
I eow died fr«B tto effeeu.
with other*, will start
are More liable to hegto thabdasUwebeewoHt. ttoebwaratof a^ldena* with team* to drtrir to Oohnado Tber
aaeaeeof nffoeattoo.bol CSirdto- will take la all toe aalerBl beautiei.
itoew Ixadacbe. dread of lauwadtog
erU. eoand* ia tto ears. timUiilT. pal- aad Biayhe other* oa ibe route.
plUlioB of toe heart. aBarb* tofore
a Oraa: aad
Urtto eye*. Irregatorbiw owiUjiaHiw- Langui,. eldCM child -of Deulpl aa I




krttotoaSM^^adAa ,

Ut dMha*. bat wiMM
watt ar Ua tMw Iw
iaoUtf B OstVrall
. dak B* aeafraad. i
MfaMdaOaesa* Ub*A*iiU

^w^lLirttortoe aperea^ toe boad. of wedlock by toe Rer. Folkerperiod of tlfc rtocD #omb'* great:of toe Coagrecatiooal ebareb. at
-----pair,I after a baplbffvwlto rice, togk
Boead b toe woHd's greatcal remedy
tto ABB Arbor.
They will vUlt CsdlUae. Big Rapid*
Toledo-' Hr. Orsat It a popular
b^hyS torn j aad

old'tie. '”
■■■ jmertoaat of the arm of Croat * Bell.
- Lydia ^ Piakhaia-. Veget^ Com, | ^
h,, beea aa eadeal “tollo '
Codty Telepboao
aad^bSS?^ the j
>d aerroB* ayMcm aa ao other Oa. aad ha* growa
op bare. WeU
__ IwMbcaare extended by all. They will
.. B. Q. Hylaad- of.Om^ 1 m»he tou place toetr home.
A fanier north of town wa* badir
—rmterday. He waa looklag
hU peutd crop growing upon a
Idffi^My wmB<^EfoSb»!Saje aide MD. digging Into a blU of potatoes
from tto aader side, they rolled down,
biurtag bim.




SfrA^nnkbaiB fot
M fr*e and alway* belpfaL

Dacblnery aad egnlpaient i
meW modem make.

M« SswifBB Moan,
to BtU^ BB
toa tod af their
to OaBafl C
Ta tUi IpBBdBttoB they aU ■

«Ua lapds. sHHhdy camS fraal. (
SBtt b BM4a to a «**Bt sBtialF ad aD-wal totatah M« to

J. Wilhehn.

, Do not let that date goTjyAvithout taking advantage of sofne of our great bargains. Our stock of Buggies, Car­
riages, Wa^ns, Plows, Spike-tooth, Spring-tooth and Disc Harrows, and Harnesses is still too large and we must
lhave the surplus in cash by November first. You have seen some of our spedal prices in former issue^of this paper.

T- - ,



I We wiip you to bear in mind these goods are Our Regular Stock, and Strictly Tirst Class in €ocry Respect, and if
you are al^t to purchase anything in our line, we are confident

You can best be convinced by a visit at our store.
tage of a iai^er assortment.

im ■

The best bargains go first. Come early and take advan­

Che S^ for QOality and^?fitisfactio^.
. i-

■ ZC _ 'i'.:' •

-..L-ii", b,; JJ;



wllsN d-eteW. wbaa It m ebaarad
H.—Pmm »•- Mt ^'m » gnat pate. Pbratr-—

WMhkctM. Oct
twem RaMl* u4
MWiria (ML na «au.4«B«ta
WM Uf«r«MB b/ AglMIllw Ba
tU» wcntaf U«( lb* CM.' hM •Ased
'»!• AgMUU* lo to* l«*t7 c€ Port*.
OMMb Ud «l BOOB KlBlit«r TBkBUtB
tbc »ewf tbBttfee slkBdo hBd
fmHcimmt b
act «Kk the bcCBptUBB fd (bCM BBgDOBUOBI tktOBgil
tbe AboMM mbm 4«pBna«st Bad
tb* FtBBBb to«l«B oSm. tba srsl*tie* mom BtMiag la ii>* teM of var

teto tber eoWd amre. Sir Hnrp m
d wHb aa attaW of apBCope aad
bsMrad aitbiB a (ew Btaataar wKbPat
bartag aliarad a ward, to tba prM
et Bran Stoker, wbo bad bna bia lalilato-MMter for awap paara. aad
tom tober totlMta (rleada.
emt eanaed tba groaiaat pato aad

Meat Paatbia M Oarwanp.
bsb pmc* a*Benia. Oet. ll.—Tbara U bbA arl. on. II.—The feraal deacB to Bbov ibai Gerwaap'fl Mat
U BWWlBf woree. BepeeTe
(arlwtaB of ib« ftar (er a •
ti«D all parti at the' coaotir i
priMMfq reptr tbBnto wbb aadB ■eatloa at tba Moaom that are
PBhUetodBr. Tb* pTBridna BortiBlir btiac tabao lo abate ibe faalae. At
aeaBti Bod BqMBBBB B bop* tbBi tbr IP—>««* a eoatfercMe of tbe anmldpai
imAwiiui «m naalt la lb* BBCiMf oalberMoB In tbat .'esiea daeUad to
aatabtlBb rofular imbbU natfcau aad
DC be BBrtfi belB* broBfbt
la tbe Healcb paHie naibats. Bin.
rabbit atalli bare beae opeaad.
81BM borae daeb bei liaeB Ib price
todBT.X Tba
abd d08 Baab 4s <u> toetar ebUla
4 oBlr br •
B auBber af MBMpaiitlea bacan togrbna« ttroocir (BBfdsd. 1b< ear ioadi of aea t'lb at tba <
Keun wBi drtr«B u the lapertal tom aad aAllaa Ihea ai coat to oKIPBIBCB. ne piBOB ttBBtr V«t iBtO
lUt atpadleat waa drat adopiet«it «MBT. CrtUeiHi of term bp bd at BoUacaa, bBi ba* bov ^raad to
Ibe amr U the 4M U (erbMdaa.
aa WaaipballaB elUsa. to Foaea
with the pabUeattea «f tb* tcaatp
Bade tblB afunwe* Ob aiiat «i
•BOd laAnniHii tba Jap«aaw ja i*- pbnr that tba orlia nt Mata li Mill
traU fraa enUcUlOf lb* Umi cd rlaiac. <ne Sepiembar lapon aboa
PMeei«0B the poaBd that ibe 4m»- that aane UMa roaa dartne the MBi
iBiBtkM boU of var BBd paoee arc
tba ABtooBB e* a ntoralsa p«»war.
aoMlm are BdrlMd ta atlUsa the «p- MStar* ef BaHta aad otbar laportaat
portBaHiBB or pomm bp rnai»iiif to tom H m Toled to appeal to PtIbm
VoD Boatov, tba laperial cbaBcallor.
to taba Manrea to alienate the eoa-


Kobeck & Hoyt

•m b* «acuiir «bm

HMtlpait Man I
OaUalt. Hleb. Oet. 1
. ^ a^im arbo robbed bin aad CMt
bla bodp iBto lUalU bar to be deraarad Iv ebarfca. Arthur tUadMutt,
a«ad S». or lUeblfBB. «bo bad baea lorMnliOB la Haike, (or tbe Border
la tba I>bmt9laaa aU paara. Mt a ^ Fraaldedt DIba aad the orertknnr
-IfagM death 8apL lA BtiMakoff m ed tba gOTeraBeat. .
oaatOM eollaetar at Maaila and ai
hi bad traqocntlp doaa batore, anWaablagUB. On. l«.—Orden bare
tarad a boat «fltb two naUra boatMa ben tamed bp tba state departtont.
-tonBkeaaUectUnat .tbe aaral parda. tbraagh tba aapp departant. for tba
Tba sattraa fcaow be m carrplad rOteaae ef tbe Roaelaa toteniad ablpe.
oae at Saa PraBelaeoaad three at HaM WMp aad perpatiated the crlM.
alia/ This U ibe drat olBetal reeogalMara LMartp Hr Plitaa.
tk» bp the Ualtad Btatet of tbe ntiBk Maeaban, Oet. It—Tbe onr Aatlon .of tba BtuMrdapaBoae p
to~tbfhaokb treatp. *
aanu U wbkb be Botborties a ooaaMetaMa arteaBka cdAhe oae ot tbe
taagm* br tbe oBebU ia
I. Pla.. on. Id.—A telat Vtataad. a tadoni tor »hMi tbe paopie baM baea eUBortag a loeg Ubc;
Loab toitrnettog that tbe ooBBiltIke dfcaae alae eaacala aaar piM- taa arraagtog' ior tba reeepUoa of
Mgaa «Mah tba Ratalaa oBeWs bare Proeideei Bmapelt shall racogalie
aajopad la ocaoaetlea with tbe Ha- tbe aegreaa of Florida. Aa a raasli
Blab appotatiNDta.
the praaideu VOI Babe an addrtoe to
tbe segropa wbito here. Tbe eoBBl:iae bad bade aa prortalaa tor tbe
areia peagcaaa vltb Aaurleaa baadi- aatond-dUxeaa. who asked tbe prailan leohiag lo tbe Boailag «( a loaa dent to addnai tbata at ibe Baptist
tor it.ew.Md reoblat.
aeadanp. wiorad. Tbe ooaa
bodged and tbe aagroaa arraia lo the
BatMap Aagrp at Kbig CMaid.
ptaaMnt aad Loeb'a telWraa
BeHlia. Oot. IA—tbe tataat pban o(
the OCaraaeea anmeed belt
glaad aad Qomow bp tbe alleged dlaaloaarn <d proBlaaa to fOnaer mr•
alga MlBtetar Meaaae od Piuca cd TbOBpaoonne.,Hlcb.. Oct H.—Aa
BrUlah aopport la mat od war ba- article ffoa Oeeatar. Uhb~ appeared
twaaa naaiea aad OarMaap orer tba to tba Tren of Oread Rapidt uping
Mwoaeaa gBaatioB It praaeatad bp Ue that at Oteawaod, a Utile rlOagc
b? Ibe fera
OOTBaa papers. wblW deelare thM
KJag Bdward nre JMeasae a poMUre Ibdaitip. . That Mj>>toera sUpplai;
pfOBlaecdBimarpaaalataaiceiB araat aboot M.0WJea^M per watii u prae«d tba tbreateaad war. Tba laleeUoa
man was kaows to gtobrr
Wtbafclaraa laialotbedi
bl,SM laarai to a dap. Laep Tobag
MMfta a aew aad '
to ablpplag ferns fraia this town and
UaBtet toto tba i
this to.tbe daitp sblpateai tor sis daps:
OwBaa papara dM
lltOOO'. mM. K.W*. 8*,0«. IT.WO..
•a ardb eoaaptraloi
Pl.OM. A total od UP.WO ledpat la oae
weak. Oae aan gatharad In
le.OW laarat. All are packed In bosoe
Wiahlagtog. OeL <U.-Tb* gererw- tor abipaaai
BWt taaomae ot aaUoaal feaak da- panens an aaploppd la gatherlag and
paMM m a norat tagganloe
bonchiBi tbe tearis. Tba pap leMI tor
tba bdakdct' eoarafeUiB tkU
each waak will areraga dlU. wo the
bp 0. r. dOUa ed tbe deeoed NaUoebl raadon ot the aewapapen
baak.Ma.pA »b rlaw m that an that Ucp Toaag gaUtara aad ablpa
anuBl antrtbt.{kM> wd.
Iota dr faraa aadAbat he la Ibe king
. baak to a toad t«
tNb In this indatUTir of oorm^ (or aafagaardFraneto Stearba. tbe erraile rioUnlag tba dapaalt^ tatemu woald tot of Hasick. m In town with bla
nlea tba pabUeiaaaSdeaoa. He said can. TlollB and taato.
' that U daHag tbe Mt bra
are doing him an InlnsUee
aatloaal baak bad^trlbotad liOO la uillai that be traded tio acres of
paartp to aoeb a toad tba deponiota tg land tor (be tIoHb ae be lire Ito
arerp baak that babtailad doriag that aerea aad that Ibeir beira of Ub tote
parted woald bar# beam paid ta ton Ole Bull woald least 1600 tn
aad tbara waold ba IUW.WO U tbe in- ■gain get bold ef the rMlA aa it Is the
paidaoemA Tbe
trMlB that .nismed tbe world wbea
Mat apnUr dtndad tor aad agalart that tamon Bull was aposi this earth,
-tbe propoaKloa. ot tbe belief tb^ pantos
wbo ran awap wUb bis can wen emOraateai Aater Dead.
pkgad bp tbe bein ot Boll borthat tbe
LcBdaa. Oet. 14.—Ika BaglWi- aatboritles wan po aleae atter Ibeai
■ apaaidag w«ld bai nSored aa irra- that ibep banm frlgtatMiad aa
parable leas bp tbe aoddea death last tbe can.
bldit <d’ Sir Haorp Irklag, who
Dr. H. F. Sterea reports a n
BileMaaUp lagarded aa tba Beat rep- diphtheria at Artbnr ' Canar'a,
Msaatetira Bagiltb actor ot aaaim. waltto. Hrs..Oartcrb#lagtbeoaeat.
■ porarp Uares.
Uned. Proper preeanttoas will be
Wr Haarp dM/imUp la haniM. ukre to eoaftae it to tbe
He m ginai a *nea sd (arawell pe^
Potato digging s«d com husklog an
fertaaacaa la the Bagliab prorlaeet Ibc order af the dap. Tbe slight
- aad tbte weak waa ptaptag aa ngaga- siwtt of tkaradar started the tarBen
ant M Bfodlard. appaatlag la aeporal to hasUtog.
> larartta roiaa.
An.talant ehBd of the dabSkter
- After Ibe pertonaanee. Rir IlnirT re- R. Ueanld cd ihU place If. gnttb til aiib
(tuaad lo.hU bnW. Mcibtai bit
rholMS tnfaaiBB.


a A i L UK Gin




4apv ml lato cteet todaj. Tbe
tarns of acraeont are la Haa with
tto MUBaarp gIreB out at PDraatODth.
K. H.

THE KKW doubto trURM**
VOtHO MDTB oTceeonis. taae:
tbe broad laboL tbu nleo ahape od tW psateeBs. Doa fia ap.
lack, all B tboae bemstifni amt grnpa i on lAU
Haesllun Cteibiag Co.
and may Btxtareaappeal to(b«pom:
------------------- ^
men. The new oess mo baee lest; Anotbar stwp wlU be added to tbe
opeoed beat all.
|j>ew bacH now ia coarse of eonstror
on 1441
HaBDUB CMbAdT^x^lKM to Fllai. mak-tag it a slx-nory

nab. mUfh waa nrp Itchy dnd ran
COBaidcrablc wsterp flaid. We tiled
cearytkiBCwa coBld. bn kpiMt worse
an the tlM tlU it spread tabW eras,
toga. Msa thaa to bis entlnbdSp. sad
_______ ________ bloodmands
Ote ydto^ atnt woald ka« OTCt


arad hr —d wor-nev. m —p pan SirSS


“* M-stSsa.a<a»« I.

Olp 4BAfaeews.
—— e» plsw 'hm lb-- drmlK'osnfa

**Thar* I* a distinct dl -

— 1 lUenst.'SWtb—Is ^>4 aMetews. or w>

* Be was bad aboot Mght noatbs
«Cea wc (tied Cotleara. 1 had aot
laid bia down ia bis oadie la-tbe

Aod tb« differenoe ii-j»ot
alwan in the price yon ray.
bnt in the .proem of sele^
tion. Our gaimeoto are exact
reprodoctkwfl of the bisbeat
claaa costom made moduA

“■ dTstari reuef •

SUITS $10 to $25

n washed falai wltb CotieBTa Soap
said pat oo oae apoUeattoB of CntTon WtBMt sW enraae sootbed
that 1 pot hba in the cradle. Yea ikie*t
know bow glad 1 felt wbca be (elt bet­
tor. IttoofcoaebesofCntknnOtot.
Blent, peetty BesroaeeabeodCottcon
8eap,M aboot half a battle ef CtrtiCOTS Jlcaolseot, to pBO. - 1 tbUk
be oCld base died only lor the
Mna. M. C. MAITLAKD. Jacper.Oat
‘Moretaraiateyears: Mrs-Haitlsad
WTlteB,BnderdisteorFeb. S4.1903: “ It
aSords toe ploaSBie\to ialorm sea
that it to toarteea years tlaee toy bey
sras«n«de( tbeterrllde aUa dtoeaae.
&baa beea pennsn^y cond aad
to hearty aad etroog-'^

Cadillac. Mteb.. Oet. ic.-^e Mmlaalka of Mn. Belle FeUewt and
Charlee Tinker, alleged mncderen.
was adjoorned again tbis aftenioao bee <d the InabHUy to secure the
cee of Court Stenographer Hendenoa. Tpe adJooniMat Is umfl Oc-,
M. Mrs. Fellows- (smilp of six ebll-

on 14-U


fit. foUof iBdtridualit.v. Each
important port, like- tliecolbr. Bhoolders and lapotA with
the ainbrt "two'’ tlmt abowu
expert workmanilup—

The new fall shapes are handsome; tbe silks are
new aod our NECKWEAR DEPARTMENT these
days is a sort^f Beauty Show.


' satwreay. th« ♦«« Hay of Newomber.A.D. inoS. ff•iMWmrtoB*«> Brnma '


X5c«Bi 50c GOODS
Our fine furoishiog department, is attracting much

QTd.tnoffMICBlOAB.OeBrty W OfUM



Fonr-in-band anito.
seweat atylee for
Fall1-ISi.fiO to OS-aO.
.ioaaian Eton suite. $2 to
Military- and Touriat' Orerooata. Bgn <i to 10 yean—
12 90 to $<>.-')0.


-Ainilsliliif iBepartmeU


aad sold
I at the

Lg tWdwill hmas'



The latest in \eck«t«r—
Asoota. Four-in-Banda. Puffa.
Bowa aad Strings--2-yc to $1.


Don’t FaU to Visit Onr
Hat Department

These machines arc carried in stock at our shop and
can be seen in operation "buzzing ’ wood.

yte can display ali thr c-orrect atyli-s in soft and stiff
Hsta-ll to 13.




—Bi to SO.

m plan tbb label on erery
nairtragc of Scotf-a Enintoimi.
^ man with « fiab on bto Imck
to ohr tradAtuayk. anti It to m*
CnarnaM that Bcottk Bmul- .
tbRMt or Uroncbtol inmbkw In
intotit ormbilt. Moiit'a KiiialHun la one of tin xmitr«l Andi^
imiiam known to tbr ulcJk-tilV
wa am you a amis Ada


Wish we could cat) every man in town to the
phone and ask him to come to see our

Winter I'nderwear—$I to
99 a luit.
Cotton and Wool Hoaierv
-15c to 50c.
Stiff and aoft bosom Sfairta

for foi- PreiKBof

PERE Marquette


Haamon aoibing Co.

About 3Ti.t>00 bosbeto, cf peaches
were skipped froia Grsad Ranids durlag the season. Tbe crop vns about
M per cent of the early estimate oaiag lo rnlns at tbe rtpenlng season.
Horaee Dantop. tbe miser wbo was
token from a garret at Ponttoe siiffertogwllh toeoaiblor atoito. and beneaili
whose bed was found a wmlM ceatoln.
Ing tl.600. died at the Harrison bo
tel. He wu a bioiber «f A. 1. D«»-'
Up. carriage manufacturer of Pomlac.
aad bad wMModo nteMsewte-HefSH.
wbo bad taany tlBtea tried to get him
to lire with them, but he renwed er^affer of a borne, last wlntw be pr.ferred to go to ibe Ward farm and lluin aa abandoaed sbeep shed, and bu
fatal inness Is thought to have r.
suited from the exposure. Tao ot bis
trunks were tilled with good cioUitnpi.
but be always wore, tbe sbabbleat and
moat ragged ralmmi be ooultTAud. He
m about 60 yuara of age and owned
consMenble pnMv toB PopHae.

gi-I«j«oai.o r »T-A.


$8.00 to $2S;00
A-FEW DATO ago we adTenbed ti.r
sale of a lot of pouag men's eulta, 34.
3S. aad 86 tltaa, sizes for small ao'!
BWiem slM Bea. at ftA« aad mS”.
Well, tbe wap they base goae sbos t
as the Tslue of offering go
ba apprectotirc people—('
longer the pWUag wilt be poor. Betu r.,

• vn- wtsbiaUaiurBSr
:aaa>-' Uu ibini-iiru i»t> al Beoa aad AaMr'p



DimiEiw BU e>» r>«r • taWHI ..n u»- bmo US' Md
uapKirt lur mor. thM lAirtr Mn (SU
arewnd tip mid man«.n>«
(S>r«(c.^> ... tbruirn. I4 bU rntn^Mf Ub



H.n B

''VMA^WlB.Aw^ne.lSatbpYIrtaaH M
Saturday, tha TMrteantH day of
Janutry. A O. IBOfl,


ta» Jlorth Ifcw of toe < 'otn'iloaLto

The -children s friend—

Drives out blood impurities.

Makes strong nerv« and muscles.

Gives tone, vitality and snap.
Gel il 5em your .toglBt

with m*a aWoratT . I
RUW c4 xiraiBa. Vll' Hi
«mih <..»fc«ir of a* ■«nh«»h>H ,0 .ar
WUJI«.>-| .lOort'r'U —-IK* iui«e.icm».1da
iwoair Sn B-eik of rsa«* V.B wm| iBiMilasrorty am-omorror Ima a«B>Hrf to IBs

Hmm*. O. M. Omc. Or. PM ««4 mmdt. fertoM tokn* or tor*.
Onaaa Ca bn pn* to ladtoaa.
mmt tbo
-nutew dm ori Binb«k Holtce Pover* tere bofU •
Bast baa Bdbc u> tbe aoBtocra
mmt Attm «i Mr*.
Bm- lUe uM opcal iko tlw la ktttlac.
M the ftale (er a rWl.,
Min Hkolr^Motan rt^araoi tfel*
Bd Pepper waa wwhe 01 toU
*on fns« .* too d*r*- TUIt to a«aad
week wlto bnrt trooUc.
Vet Bnwa to boytoc sheep aad catB^Md *M «iawd Skm Ar* ikli
On»<rak to MIA Bi*ili eo«M uuoi tk«
.SI T {SlkS^al. to Hiaatfi.'
laad. anar »pndtoK Ik* M** ^ >elr eotiace the flnt o( tb* mceto.
Monet toe tomm hare ^arty i
to tOTH. Ik* COMU «f Ml*» teaa wntotor pocatoM .tm. aad Mno hai
their coca baakad. Iitoacoodcr^
Ci*j’»- Tfcey «!• «p 10 t*k^
P. C. OObart sad faarily took dtaaer
4 tU* week frtw a U
of portrMco ktttlBc ia B
alto Mr. Papper Boada).
to Oiaad BapldL
- -h -ood«.
Mra. mniaa Barrow aad mb Ray- . Ml. BUtoit to oot to wA a* be kat
OBd left toil week IW toelr hone
Tiarene City, after apndlni a few
Rnt*; loto tt aad dl. btork C. O.ll
week* to wwa. tb* *oM of Mi. Md
Mr*. O. na»* aad taadly. “i»brtUT •! Ibl* •ntla*.
0*0. Barawd li drawlni grat*] M
Ookle. north of
•other. Mrs. O
lb* road b«««n (he Mortbtaad Beacfa Sw”itf^yt£ BaaS*wta t
*1*0 droTw oot
Mod tbe wttter to Ttarara* City.
tbt aritMiboMbv ____
chtoe to ProT**
Uacoto WflHaou of Callferato
1^*n» w*< a Aarch Malal at 1
Jneph Heman moraed hom toft
mittos rttoilret and rrteodi to un
A aarpriar pariy waa flna to boaor Friday momtog tma. Aoo Arbor,
Min Bnioa Bartb t» Toeaday where be wm ot take tmtowot -tor
Uf nn. wHdi are Boeb bett^.
Mr. aad Mrs. Frank E»U rUlied at
.Jez. HUton if .
- ooU Halrenonk Sunday. .
bcritt nader hU ban. Frank b
Hr. and Mi*. Allle Saltb eoiertaJn_ Ttea Jobat. Kellie MidThe Mlnai
Is dotos the irofh. '
1 Mr aod Mr*. J F. Bright a week
Uaeola WUlUan
letoB andMe«r*.
Tb* -oienelaBeat
Batnrdar and ^aiphtwy^oi* fpeoi BtmAy Hrs.-ACBella
Port <
HeereU has retoroed
Btfbi b^ H. Viebtai et Ptaakfon
after ipndlng the-----------largalr au*»M aad wttfmt Mtorad
(b* apnktoc *«r BAA. AfUrtbefoMr. aw
tertataneat «ai ow the crowd vnt Ptann. Aasirla. study of pletoies and Tliad
oot to tapper
to ih*han**(<ToaiMMd<Aiia** wd
-oBday ernia*.
the ranatodar «( ib* arnitoi was
Mrh TUa ttolHvan li some better at
D. Beott hu ben appointed to take thto^wriUBS.^sltooutt there
I* h«B. Ttoltli
to* ptoeeK J.
wbh bar aaraata tor a fear dar«.
Mr*. Bto Ooed U eeiicuuly 111. Mrs.
Mr. BcnlNi aad daafly. who b
CtoM Ca a( OoM Harter rtoiud mt
the aamaier to their eottace at . B. Whit* to helping to can toi her
«>tb raMBrn Boaday.
Mrs. NMUe Haman niertaUwd Bcr
tBoM-wUI b* ae *M_---------- Ilia' PUT. toft toto waok for tbMr _Mor.
Mr*. BopUa Hemaa. aad broth
-ai oar taacMr, Kin BU0. aOcaded on* to Uaatoi.
or Charlie Bondar afteraeon.
Mr. and Mrs. Chaa. Wt
lb* laMUauat Sattau BarMr. and Mrs. Mathew aillto rlalied
Mr. aad Hta. Albert Praan rtaltod on to OlU-a Plpr oa BonA.
with Mr. Md Mia. HniT Mekardt 8u- O. OooUer to apndtos a few dap* bMyata. Mmwd Mrs Mbn Bank tio.ooa



AnaaM^ktohithanr. ItstaodtrerUasadhetoBatoreriL
b's toe ib^n wsy et ^aitasg pnd iateatW
Tbe ^ghl to be protected is the eedanre B*( of s trade suzfc hn
.ben leog recogoited by toe coamoo Isw end nierced by the
cbfDCLi J cooru of EagUod end toi* toeatry.
Tbe GoeernDeat pals ill marl: on s bond togiee it eslae.
Tbe MATtOhAl lUCUfT COMMunT P»t» >1* mde mark in-md sad
^lite oa end end of s peckege of bwcnH.-cmctere or wsfm to
dutiagmto the** peodwett eod to gasnatte tb* rjoe^. end if don.
To more rlcarlT cwmpislieBd tbe resi tsl'ue of tliuHUe mark, try
peckagm ot BUtTEK TBlK AISCCIT and LEMU.S &N.\PS.




Trade Mark



Oct. it.

**Mt«« MaitA Aatm atteadad tb* toOLSN HAVKN.
A J. Baeord of the poreranea

, ■«•»**“ ■ ................

-| mid be -of use." be add* nslvclv.
I -os a 9«*»ber of the wnair. but while
Its Iwlhieu* HN Beu Felt By u'my dtoirlei would probably send me i.
Muy Travere* City Readsra.
“f ‘••P-""-


______ Mm A- W. Baxter of Granu
Baplda are to*,goe*it of fttond* and
°'l2t.*Snl**'oto«?yw**t K_
From ccsema or ny Itchlness of toe’aot suadenilr rwpubllcu.'**
and the Mia*** Beanr ot Platte toft . J. W. Ctoih aad wife of Polaaki an
witkont sarfftoal operation.
goen* tr t*o fir. Waller (atolly- ,
i Pnuirteol Blot of Han-fnl lire* s
... Beasba of Cadillac, who has
erne feel gratefnl to the rem- ■
D- Benbeoa the ga**t ol her soi
&mn's Oialmenl hu eootbed bun-: ^er sereniy yean of life, more ihu
■anal*. Mr. aad Iba. A. B. bUa. or
'half iiused u head of the unlversliy.;
>ber I '
thtoptoea. nalr naar fnaad* wUb with retoUret Toeaday.
Hen’s what one Traverse City clil-'
deelem that one.ol the most d«lr-1
witlioot the vae drugs.
Mrs. Joha Metonls was to town PtlItM • iMg —' .............

**D.*A*Onm, of SIS West Ninth ’
■KlrfacUoni ot hta itfe eome. !
Mn D. Htfbrott ha* g
Mto* InMle Carter bn bnn i
bsvlng had notfilng to do with
*llfwKDBtoaB*Bpp*ratC*darto«t8at. tog to* pen weak with her pa.---- Oak lor A vlalt with retaUres.
Mr, and hta. Oeone Carter, at Day-* H. I
TVjSIS •nib* Doll aad *Atto
R. Day baa ben 111 the p*M
.BlrtMT at* to aneaAboe at toe laaohMM w?^uM of tU^lc'»'“>
Mr*. S. Bagadpn of TraTerse City
•n’ totuuu at Batua* Bay at pr**STHAIUHTEN CB088 EYES AND
I reed a nrmber of aocsiled hit sboulden ihrown.back. and to at
to rtoUlbg frinto and niailret.
, bat ban’s Oinunem Is the only eager to get oew facts as when he cn
Mr. and Mrs. H. C Oon of Tiarerae
^Tko tataat AAd of Hr. aad Mr*. B. with hU Btota, Kin Bnaie. M
Cllr aro go*dU of Mr*. Oore’a pamu.
BM Cook apnt last Btaday wlto ,Mr' aad Mrs Jao. Btrahaa.
and Mn.'J*s. TeaCbort haro
ceatf. rOster-Mllburn Co.. Bnllalo. rewnids of my life." he said simply.
Saael Beeoau ha* beea Ul (er the gOM to Petoskey for a rUtt.
given with orory pair o! RlAiaea..
Bageae QBaekenbuth to working In New Tork. sole agenit lor the Unlled
Mn. Pronaaa orcnuilao to ritittoa
_____ s-U'l
Don't Irr the Abr suffer
from eclern^r
tAaUrn la toll plan.Hnry-Hoostocu the anall ooa
rUltad the tormer’s ]. O. C. DWberg.
Botn * Olmmem give* Insiani re!>*>f,
« Trarera* Qty law we
-rs.qnlckl.v. perfectoy^sefe la cbil
they wlD TlMt toelr eoa* MOe* aad
JlS^BoSh DntA etnet, toraerly
ClUxan* Phorrn Hd. saa
aod by O. V. Adams,
*!^aad HI*. BtoAharat at Watford Aaaa Bntka of Good Harbor ha*
Trwvena at». tfiofi.
dr. ud Mm Warm Raehow of
n hor aUler Carrie'* plaee a*
Office lessdtsp is
(or Mm b. H. Day.
pemtoh apnt BbbAt .wKh O. Z.

Uaa_Aaaa Baaeb of toto ptoee
J to Ctaa Arbor Soaday.
Ocncral Nsws.
msier. ihi- miverfily of MlchlAn.
Tb* Mliseo Cadftn. BsMit
and KelBlr Alfred Moseley, hetd of the Brii—:- - - - - - - - - - - - - - ■ ' . . . ■■■
... ■
e left 8BunAy for Bottons Bay. when
i*y will
will atlead toe teacher’* toalltute.
t. A. W. Baxter.
*3?: and Itfa. Bert MeLaotf.lto.haTe they
E. Bebutler s
;cMrf* tt the beM dartot too ahone* Theitoorge W.We*»tl loadad with
nrdWDOd aod slab* Thursday for MU- Imlly at Tnre
Yale this year. Another will enter tb* oalcKly cure* the woead,
_______ _______
B.-'Bay rtolted U Bnpire Bonday.
same imlverslty next vetr
I. 1«. ■
Kin* Hdward to ssid lo be growing! No Man StroRfi^er than Hi* Stomach-'-Let MiRhoden srholan a Oxford unitfr\OM Walhar has goM to MflwBi
sity. Boland. Are come to be krxfwn
Miss Mac Cewey ha* nioined from there sis "RbodeUeni.’’ ’Thli Is norlo
Wood waa in Trarerse
r of laki week.- He to a TisH at Trsrerse aU' and Acm
any wsy
way a term of reproeeh, for solar ____
had s____
The stomach to yoor vUel center.
e^ with Mt<Hia and •*_j*^‘* ^
Mn. Fred Blae ud cblldnn of
K ndM I. U.
n ,at toe Omd TrarPope Plus at preseo: to cirCBpled In :
the' j-oung men bare been eontpieoMission an gneeu si A. O. Blor'a
bowme well. ThM
C. B. Bancroft and wife apent t
u4»« m Ibe Moaroe .
OUSlr snCCeSlfUl both inielleetually
intellectually coliecttog
vuim»es tU
.un- tod
uno drtits v.
of the
...■ vaticu
cxolalns amn cure* of heart. Ilea. «♦
wni to TrareiB* City last week
nday wad Tbanday Ay at Kalkwka.
It era* lA custom of Pope l.eo to belli
tin the cases where Mi­
Thril rtfaftro*.
tost week with toelr naal ctoaa anTwo
warm Otheoa died at Ala hone
rtalnmett Tbe onwd was aW a*
glum. Ud CbrIsiluU. toI Norway., fluncisl
fluncitl distress,
dlsl^. In this wa> seven! thai thovid fini be
Wojrae Ph»A Betf. M. aged ts fat... tors* a* expected, «ii toe puns kept parents. Hr. ud Mrs. O. & Clark.
lt, to the Qost wonderful bealtb PoSTinna
two aoaa. Bdwwd ot
Are. since toe Porumoath peace, et- nouble families were
able to tide over }’«« cut np the aeeoolit of bealtb.
;torrr known, *rd to «o'd by- 8. R.
Boja^to Oharta et Oln Artor.
*t%i*^^*ie^8milw*^ he
__'utoee. who has ben rlai^
Everyvtrxan of the body to susUtoed Veil * Sobs under u abeolin* gWMr
aad oZr BawAtar. MM. Any NerwtoaA relaUrea la Detroit, retonad Friday .1 Miss Beatrice HnttttA. wbo leares tobllthed Reeaevell streets, ud to two dUBcalUe*. but large sums thus loaned
intec tAt It cosu notbing untoua R
other Bnropeu> cllies. Oeneri ud Are not been returned One nurquls
■oon tor her new home at Cadlllar,
tf (toaHeroto.
estores bealtb.' Just one llille' taUet
The snn>*r at the Odd Peitowi All Parl..the«labIl.hoen.ol.Roo,e«l. who owe. tzi.oooi, to be sued jn
Pratt Plaher waa Vor boat Sooth
Urea DoSy wnt to Trarem Clly
rut of a M cent tox of Ml-o«a iw a
Aierday nltfit. glren by the High street Is propAed.
Thanday toai.
I win *uon ate a
depanmeni* of the vei!r*n .•coDomy to
i- ,he form .if blood. Po' this
eebool. wu weU A'roaiMd ud about
In your health.
Presldeot Loubel says A tfll pi^b-, the order of the day.
^ , reasen. wheo the stomach Is MrenglhCbrU^
_ retaiaed
bpm TotoAo. Ohio, |M claand. whie.......................
Friday emlag.erei
pet lAttarge ot toe bendtog hooae a>
Uroy Maxsto cpnt Baaday
M^r In Marin,
n u Mrau. » d< IM »•
ita. 3. W. BeegnUtor reurned

Mtoi Mnato B. Pamai or bn Bn-


*«E«fS*. F«. ma KU. fc *%£Srt^MESt?'S^;

. a



»«>< •»«





m. P. i WIUFE, Png. DR. aLPUlL«l,ts^

. ^^Ss'sssss'is


o-na Strengthen Your Digestive System.


a tat.

pnM ot wtom wo were treau
a UUl* oaow. ftoet aad hpil *torv
W*Bae*d*r. Tb* todto*. wer«


oabe* . .
Mli* MsBle Sheridan retnned (ran
m aoi atnld ot a Httl* ■torai wheo Traren* CHr Baaday.
nigMtt to a good non. aearly all to*
ninhen were preeent.
Bwni totters tan Cktoage tell ot ___ - .
(emeeilagotU . _
toe narttag* of WaB«r Moore, who Lodge at Bnion Harbor toto week.,
Wlto his pamu. Mr. aad Mr*. «dn«y. Robert aad Meiton Wood an base
Hear*, were aid4ne roaUnia here, fa- a ahort Une. the baakK taetary at
nored to Chleago ttoot Are year* Trarene Cllr. when they
aao. WedUooUearsthanaiBecdtoe ployed, baring etoaed dowi .
htM*. Hto MnA' faore wish him
nocB tor and a Uto tfhapptoee*.
their friend. Hr. BwkwllA woriclng Is tbe sasae Iheiny.
The Ktngriey eebool* an etaeed (or
three Aye this weak, thwtnehen be­
________________ k a trlp-to-TraT- ing fn Mieadaoee at toe leacbers' io«r*r Ollr tola WMk.
fUinte In Trarerse CHy.
Tha Ladtoa* Aid aoetoty
Tbe rain l^htnArlna many tarmers
from seentlng tbeir core and potato
"'‘aennaB Jt Ula
Aooiber oew strip of eemnt walk to
tW«n rttday la itoww vtottlag retoU<
being laid, reaehhig troai the band
bad mnda ‘
' ' eoraa la. Darllag's neat mar. Mr. sad Hr*. W. a Ipluttcm i
Tbto wUI be a booo to parties
daaghter apent Moaday >^re
petmtoing tbe
lotore they
Mrs. 3. Wrtstey to 111 at
A. Leterto ot Lriasd
Walter Deyoe. wbo spent last wln-

- - -------

Trarere* Ctt* _______
Mrs. John KcanAy spni a (*w Ays
at this waek at Ugblhoan Poial. Mta Bcaric SteWAi at (hi* plaee
aad Mr. Philip Bgtor ot a
' sran mrriA Ian wen M______ ..
twain Irrn wa* tfrn then at tbe boca*
at toeg

a N. Plehard spent Monday *
borne In Letond .
Tbe L. O. T. H. Are e harrast aap
per la lb* towa ball on FrIAr ern& wbtoh was well atteaded. The
lAhtoa were Utocifiiny decorated wlto
frail aad Bowen aad a hoaaieoai
. -pa was Mrred. Selections et ti
Mtal wnlc were Tendered dortag
MBtor It lU kt ihls writ*^rm. a. M. Dam bW
•tBMlar eriik Mr. Dam

Ol-.j •

0«a to Refund Heijey If I4yem*l Dee*
Net Cor* Catarrh.
TV> toe Bdita ot toe Orud Trarerse
We bare beu asked recently U to*
In your
per* I
■ regardtag Hyomel per
___ ■* we oBer to refund the a ley to
thia.ueaioent does not cure entar
. ....yoo would .ilespe
tilespe aint
alnt ibU
letta In as conspicuous a plaee as possaylag
slbte la .you- .Aper.
. . lAi we abaelntely agree to refund lA money
- of e Hyom
Hyomel oollll If !l
g urA^rrh.
MtSt cokttots of I
ffilsBl else ttPA o
e times
dAlIy.' WRh tbto is InelAed a medlctac droppCT ud a boiile of HroiffeL
The ontflt sells for ll.OA eod to * most
economical irtatmeni. for ibe inhaler
tost* a llfellaae ud there to enougg
Hyomel fa sereral weeA’ use. while
extm bottle* can A obtained fc- 50

118 Front street

Here is where your dollars will go the farthest. Here is where econonny prevafts.
Here is where we defy competition. A visit to our store these days will convince you
that our statements are correct. Just a few prices for an illustration.




__ n«-.


Skirt* with shirred yokos,
made uf wool Piumms doth.
Him-. Black ami Brown,
worth Ay 00. c
Men's Blue Flannel Shirt*, a
Black For Scarf*, trimmed with
il u >
elostera and tails, r^ularly
in. oor p
BoU for 11.50, our



Men's and Boys' Fall aod Win­
Ladiu' threc.<iBarter and fdl
ter Cap*, worth 2-yc and oik-.;
tong^ all wooTKera<7 Ckwks
and Black, i QQ



.me* Wise of Trar-

“■ ST"

j years, ptoyed wbh matebu duriag Us
-Oraadma" Beckwlto wu ninety i arattaer’s abeeace from home, ud wu
yrars oU last SoBday. She eayoyed a L„_^
tltDe sarpttoe (lom soa* of
bumA to death.

TravefSe City, Mich.

The Busiest Bargain Shopping Center in Grand Traverse County

*"we inui this letter will settle uy
dtobts toai may Are arisen u to our
wlUIngaeas to retond tbe money fur s
hare returned (rod toe Dakota bar- Hyomel outfit, to emse the pnrebsser
‘ etiy eallsaed.
r^ Aeldt. ,
s*}’ cmpAtlcall} tost
on Hyomel btdds good.
^ of
one day last wee
— -.............. -fund the money to uy
Mrs. Fruk Wehsta aad tamRy dissattofied purebasa wA simply
Are morU to a place abcml Ibrcw
aecadtoc to dl-ecUoos ud ->oi bent
mile* cut uf Are.
Hist Hattie Maneheota. who
RespceitoHy yonrs.
been nsttottog with the boaai
i» A. L. Thnraton hA

' ""«•




to wear over
lumU-mHu's *<>cka.'
.rthl..*>0, oor price *“0


Men's Muh- Skin fJlores. liticl.
knitted wristlet*.
gpecial price per pr- *i*J
Hen'll aOc hmn fle««e lined
I'oderwur in ell
ea. special price, each



^^4 I


Ladies’ Flannelette Kimonas



In Black aad Colored Taffeta, very EtnMigpomberi

At'$im fl.50 and $2X10


The mow beauUtul doth! and neateM dedinwe e»ef had. LONG KIMONAS in heavy fleeced material.
Japanese patterns, $8.00 and $8^.

At $se0, $7.50, $10 ini $12
Special tale of Satine Petticoats, 1.26 value, fyx $1

M mt

TiHK ^wAt-riry


.Sixteen in stmborst flounce with 4 in.ruflTe at
bottom, extraiRality satine.

ready-to-wEar apparel
When a woman chooses a suit,
she looks for style, if she’s tasteful;
for worth. If she’s wise; for work­
manship. if she’s discriminating.
But most of all, she asks one ques­
tion. she applies one final tost—
"How will It lookonmer’
. Our stock of suits wiH be inter­
esting to you whatever your taste
may be—however critical you are.
however fastidious as to details,
you’ll be pleased, because

We now have the greatest show­
ing of ready-to-wear garments for
Ladies. Misses and Children ever
assembled under one roof in Trav­
erse City. Thousands of garments
to choose from. Every style ahd
every price, from

to $100.
This showing is.particularly In­
teresting to those who like'to be
correctly dressed at as small an
expanse as posslb^. We have
garmentsat any price, but the low
priced and the medium pHced
garments are given
much care
in selecting as the high priced
ones. Whatever your'price'may
be. you may buy with perfect as­
surance that we are giving you
the best to be had at the price:

The Suit that Looks Best
on You is Surely Here,


Blouse effects, Eton Jacket ef­
fects. 52 in. fitted coat tffacts and
Empire effects are here in abund­
ance at from



$10 to $40

Oiaircablc CUflbii TaffdaJ^aists

Nowhere else will yon fiu)l nirli atiitmvof spU-mliil (l<>pen<lal>li- furs as here,
in nil the new swefl atyles hi Sctrfs,’Tle*. Boss, ia SBsQ. medlnm ta4 Isire
elkcis. u Ceaey OMOsiam. Sqnlrrd, satvnl sad hlcaded. RIto- Mink, Jsp
Klak. Nona AMricaa IBak, Mines. BesTer. Hodun Bay and Ratsiii Sible-


Swell SkWS
{Z98,$3.75,$SJ0, STMn b $15

Pric« from 98c to $75.00. -

Children’s Coats-Hundreds of Styles

8.00Jxtra- vail
_loes in Cashmere
its, in colors, at...*..........

tlic FimsBliig Touch to your Outfit.


Id all cloths and in nil the oolort that .tte oioat dosimble. Every motlu-r of
(nrU shoald see ihih mentahoTitig. .-Prices $2.75 to $16.


The new gray, m ail price, suil is ibe
new flounce and circular effecta.

No. twl—50 in. I.adies’Wooltex Coat of fine lisht weight Ker»«^’.
lined ihroughom with Skinner's satin, yotc, front and cuffs
I___ !J____ 1
_______■ _ I___ j_„
braid and velvet
beautiful dri»s coat, ^^,Q0
plain Empire back


$18, $25, and $35

Ncc Cravennettc
Coats just unpacked.' These you will want for
.. Grrv.
are here.
• shades
• - of
Olive and'Brown
and Brc
now. The po|)ular
^well1 as the staple Nav
Nav’>’ and
anc Black. We have the swellest
line in the
. j city to choose from.

At $10, $12, $15, $18 and $25


.... 16.60

Ladies' Siberian Bear Driving Coats. 42 in. long, extra heavy and
warm. Suitable onljMor riding when extra warmth is desired,

$18.50 and $23.50
Astrachan Fur jackets, the best values we c\*er had.

At $25, $35 and $40

£s;^r“;Srnr*‘!.'?^ 23.60

A roost beautiful line of-52 to. Scotch Mixture Auto Coats, half fitted
Empire effects and fall fitted coats.

At 18.50, 23.50, $25 and $35

MTooltex Oont__ ,______
Cfaerkx, nlenud
rvJUr aual ruffs. battuD trin
mton Bine. Blown and Gpwh.
ent. OnrladeratllO

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