Grand Traverse Herald, July 06, 1905

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Grand Traverse Herald, July 06, 1905


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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poad ^ esrala'a atlpcad to d^aad
Th« aii^
th# EtMlifl.
>. vbat room vaa there la bla aarBHMih u4 fwdr (k* tiwpm rMa,
Ufe tor tba eoatraettag of
Omm tawM «€«. arllk mnN tv
UasT Sba bad gireo hlai ao azpeaalTa

HMm lOBg, tb« tere rU edaeaUaa aed had tatalp loat alaion
bar aaUre taeona. So had aba aot
fiMr «« tnMl atatead aad tettto otala oa blB iBpoadbta to aet aaida?
le Url at hta aide, bar emnea for
Ttw^fcgfl ETBoad atakN vlUt tMr
vHb bla la ararp particular, eacaid—
Aad eoMM
toagb et Um SMb Is aba betag of a ptacUeU oatore—wltb
aord to the cloak
Ad area that darlce aba eoaalderad
Tbar mA tlM apot «b«N tbe noOtar hanatag—ia Ua.
. ' at«Ai « ^
^oa cooldat aaglact poor Botber
mik Ak«l>lLe>«MliV Ito Uttla bwda. for aap oaa." aba aald, braratp.
lW«i||d atlka caimt aicbt
-No,- ba adalttad. “ao; tbafa troe.*
a rnmifA weMvtm tiaak tn>
-So roe are forced to make a dotp
of aaoaaaicp.- aba lUd.
plaaghaeot: -niflraTOB
Ba waited a aomeat, rcpcaUag bar
vorda orar to blateU aa .tboogh ba
at EOM. JWW tabr tt Uaa." had aot reached their aeaetag.
ta the Bother of taraaiJoa.- aSe
*-A tdaa obbT be
pat la qaleUp. -Aad I like poo.'
oa, with a ebaage of loae, -to
BK Bladir WU klaa a KMtar bM.’
Boeb batiar for pour daroUca lo dulp.
lifU tka babp with naalr wrvot
Ami caran wttk Uaaaa Ha aaUUnj Yai. I do.”
Bar laat vorda baalihed bit perplai' ^Ha »«ar Aaaka' tM Ha ^tlaptad p. Ibey alto aiioke to ooUtp lha
loaa'a bearL baatlag wildly barealb
.ABd It erowa vUk dNIfht la t^a te(- the odrraet clarteal coat.
-Bat It 18 ao bard.- be aald betvaea.
|W^ dlar-aIf clench taetb^-aomeUaee. a
%M an lor Iba aavtala." <ba aoldlara darileg. alaoat more tbaa I can bear:
Her epee hnkad no raoroaeb at bla
batr. «a kaor. baa oaa for an." for tba dbrda be abo-ild aot
To tba aeUlm' brwta tba babr ta apokaa.
maaad '
-OIra me.- be aald, -oat env
atmc. mfb saa. aad bf
to belp aa through tbe
Uraa tareaied;
aaptp daA- If taere bad aot bean ibla
Ami loadar It lao^ aad aMtbar tab- UUa. atialgbt trap of dulp
taOaa vUb Bota Hv. at^, kUaaa iMld POD—r
tbar aharA
‘Tm. Ob r^" ahe aald.
-I bad to apaak?" be quaatl
-Jbat aaek a UaB." niaa tmm
aba aUd.
*ltrhaB I lift V bor t gara 10 hlM;” -ataoa pon-hara apokaa.’
-U lore,vara Ul?”
-Amt last aaok a klaa oa lha partiac
“Motbiai Uaa eould bare Bade me
I gara to iar ^ aa aataag alia lar *’ lore poo ilka tbta." the aald.
Oolp hla look tbaaked bar. -Nov.-|
^B!b wara tbe wPrta a< dib aridlara
ba aald. -poo moat forget that onea I
Aad tbalr aj>aa vara aolBtaa tba Uaa waa teapiad to plv the man. Yoo

> •

tbay gava.
Tba Vasag Ourala.''
«tbar valka4 aooaa

eaUarir rootbfal Cana polar thaa Ita


yvwt. iila.’‘baaalfL*1aBBehabnga
■ raapMilMlbjr.- UtBUetoMly hb
TOM took tba naWUUa t(Be vuch io
,<«Wi charaeWME It ia. tba. pOrtomaaea of Ua derMlt taUaa. *UM ta
■aah a aattow naUar; .1 do m( tfaiak
va half roallaa Hr tranaadoaa aart-TalUag-of-aiwUgottr aaid aba.
Hla volea dtoppad to om of
priae, ateoal of brttaUoo. **What do
pou Baur ka aakad.
*1 bavaoY graapad tba oMaoUco,'
aba aald. *Tt ta oalp vbaa 1 a» ta
pata'that I faal nka thaL’ '
' Ftatalr ba waa aartoaair aCactad.
tor ba oraa tgaorad bar trtroloaa
aaida. 'Tha taagar I Bra,* ha vaat
aw*tba Bara 1 as iBpraaaad bp vbat
I fbal ooortaoad ia tba crptag aril of
tba dair, thfi giovtag taodaoep to traat

gar bidtag tba aaatghUp aate a raO
' of laagbtar U as attartp
tater•ratattaa oT our datp. botk~to oar
aatroa aad to otbari. Wbo aradPb. alvapa to BdOP ooraalTatT Wbat hara
va dooa to aara tba prlmnadv-patba.
tba aaap poaBOgaT Thara ta a baaatp
aal hit toko had grova aoft aad a IIItia haakp '
*Oh,>hat ta Hr aha aakad. *T
moat ba aoBatkIag!" ahe OBBUaaad.
-Haa Ue near—* bora aba aaallad. a^
tboaib aavUUaglp—'Iva hta rararMOO haaa taatattag oa tba Iftaao lata. ataa UbH (or poor aanaaoa agatar
ma.-* lia aaU tbortip. aad Sarealp
toBgoirad tha taaptatSoo to )ota bar
*lt Boat ba acaBathteg." aha taatatad. *11U aoL H oaaaot ba. dtaBtaaair
abaI taQBlrad. *«
“Wool poo taU Bar
alia ptaadad. aad a
aft bMLtabad. bar avaat apw
hlB ta BPBpatbatta alam. ‘Too ega
tntat Ba.* aha added; -aad U ari^t
baatadlaf.Bo ba told bar. It vaa hta aatara
vrap bit Baablag ta maap vorda,
araet atda altart of aaerUea ta aw
paetad ptaeaa. Bottbaglribaaddiaaaad did oot Btaa tba aw> of vbat
*ba aalA baoaoae of tba
r tba baaglogB aad
aav hla ali^ ptaa td iVa laU beta.
Ibta vaa tha traataa. that ba vaa rovlag hlotaalf to ealtboep vitboot a apacial call ta that direetloa: rather froB
vbat aba gtadip galbarad, with _
■troag. tarbotaai'taaalag toward tbe
■arrtad atata aa a prafettaca.
tba Ugh aloH fonaad a otaak at rightova apaa, bat a tack of Baaaa lenoad
tba rau raaaoo. Wltb 'a vUovad
V loovport, abdTBT Uuta bo-

<Be. might 1 not emdaager the otbar?«ba wUted a moment, but tbe gin
hod BOtblng to ap. and aba vaat <m
agUn. apeaUag rapidly, bar rolee rlbrallag. -Ttaep tap lYe apoUt blBL
If ao. It ta <alp io UUla ibtaga—be
baa a beaut of gold; but area for tbe
Uttia tbUigf I aaat bear mp pustahaieet. And wbo can. maMura tbe

e bread, bat I klcK ef them are w


bar to; bat I tbaep aba took It at an
tdla boam. ezcoaable ealp becauu
tbe.apadker. Alao I fancy aba baa
not vatebad poo and our curate ta
eonreraatlon. Now. I hare."
-Wbai are poo going to doT'
gaaped tbe girl.
-I am going to tell our eunta Igiw
aattera itaad between bla mother and
mpaelf: he ta between—and—-

pram hta edlfiee bp parA beoer form of ptae barit bread ta' sho
a >..n.4.«wn poujig prince In chastag tbe six feet next tbo ctafcli
mads oot of oat flour, groond from I the
of plerctag. with a dagger, aaj buildlag. but after making nrraagv
klladrfed oau mited half and halflnglf d Japaeeee ot ancient times. I meeu to this rad be was obllgad to
with ground bark flour. Before eat- The story 1s that at the begtaalag of [ withdraw bis proposal becaoeo hta eoalog. the cakes are made crisp bp a tbe preaent empide ibis old man was [ giRgaUoa could not raise the aaeso*
■light uftattag.
a great warrior so powwrful tbat he ean' tunda This was Hr. DoerpepY
be subdued bp tbe emperor, opportunlip s
Tbe Inner baric ot Ibe lUTer.biirH
Puree baring tailed, strategy was' ft Tboogh be bimaelf ta a vtUe man ,
also aSorda a meal wbicb ta used for
mixing wltb rye br bariep Boar. Bread reaoned lo. and to (be emperor aeat and a Roman CatboUc. be Mv ' (ka
ta CO made all over aonbeni Bnrope. tbta handsome young prince disguised, thing from tbe colored Bapdeu' petal
woman, to rislt tbe incorrigible, of view,—aad preesmed the. six feet
ta many paru of Rasala aad ta Kamfanraat had a tbootfil apart I If aba dl^. tba vlU forglre me ’bp ra- eebalka. The tame bark U alao cook­ fighter. Tbe rua? worked; tbe young j^of land to the eburefa.
ed op VHb flab toe to form a nuthl- prince gained hta coofldence. aad at an , When a Are came to uiis geaomn
(rom him uadi laielp. and be bad al- aulta.' or 1 don’t know b«r.opponuDu
moment stabbed him.
i man on Bundap moralng a few weeks
v^ known It. Nov tba batili of
know aapthlag
Osnwa la often.apoken of bp tour-' ago bla oriored Baptist aetgbbars hoB
Durlag tbe siege of Hamburg la ISIL
pm baa blinded him; be eeei wbat
almost every j)lrcb tree wllbtn some tau aa tbe Horne temple, for the rea- a chance to reciproeaie. “Too wpaea
be baa tecst ao kiag—bow many of <n
tbat near the entrance to the . stay here and pray." the mtatalm
"Of eoarae not. I tbougbl you could mllet of tbe lovb was destroyed bp
do that?—and a« wbat ta actually be­
the Bashkirs and Cossacks wbo strip­ bouse ot worship
fore him—hta father Ann Is the tar help me."
Hr. DararShe looked at tbe mau'b Srm monlb. ped them of tbelr bark for food, aad ■talue of a borse. nearly
away and be alwapa Bm and deareai
In the preaent. We have baco ao mucb hta pleaaant. klodlp epet. "I «Mi to also tapped them lor'taelr sweet tap. was preaeDicd bp some cltlxeas ofitnep.’’ 'Wbicb (be inea did to
ivedixood effect

that aooe cf Ibe Hrarp10 each other, ao mucb more than only help you much more than lYe helped
la Iceland a moss known as tcriand Kagaaakl. aboee names a — eagravei^^^
bofaes were Imraed. tboogh bo
aolhar and ton, wban there are oth- }ou at preaent." abe aald.
moos it a very valuable addlUou lo on Its sides.
tics of animals are x
all ffffm
"But 1 can't gel tbe woman I want tbe tesniy food suppIR-r erf ibe tahabarm to ibare tbe aBacUos each haa lo
imoa lo the temples of Japan,
The well halaaeed life, tbe vtae «e«
g.ra. I am a coward. I cannot tell me u'niesa I can secure e bride for our cu­ Rants. It ta picked off the roriis.
t Kobe, there 1s one place Cf blnatloB of sweetaeaa aad nUwaguAi
ton be it DO longer Brat. I have aet rate—rieer bim out of the wap."
dried, and grouad into a Bae flour
p called (be cow temple, wbeiqi
--Don't talk of him i|ke thaL' ahe wbicb serres lo make nourishing bread
him before everything all^Jbeae pearu.
ws of cows, ot varying slxes^ form BapUau-aawellasitn tbe UverpmanY
and-^d BOV. I mutt do ao onill the langbed.
tbe principal orcbilectural feaiOrM ease. It Is llloatratad. also, veballevw
-And 'a trooblewnae eooacleace find tbcm palatable.
ta tbe pig temple, on (be aamc ta the ease of the |>realdeaL Far tko
The girl aummooed all her tiorc^ won't let me go lo him after waUditng
Oats..rye and malxe alt eootain an
him folluw you ^about with bla eyes, imouDi of Dourtabmeul, practically plan. NeorIp all tourUts make a (rip man with Mr. Rodaevel'l's appreetatloa
oouraga to her aM.
"But If be aboBid—tblak of marry- naleaa 1 can bold out aome eon of equal to wheat, and tbe composition to these curious places of worablp, of such an locUeai as ibis dsoMas*
lag^lmteir. vonldn-t that make a hope that be would be auoceaafuJ la of the grains ta very almllar. but (key and DO matter bow UtUc niglish ibe
yielding lo mp prompting—lo propos­ Doue of them, however flne|p ground, 'rickshaw men know, they all uudvrdlBetencer
■Tbat would, rt coorue. He woold ing lo you. In fact. 'lo—er—clear-tbe make a bread equal la texture or stand where to go. vben ibep bear mirablu In olben.—Sac
aot need me la the name wap. tben." wap for me.flavor to (bat made with wheat, for the direetloas "cow temple- or -pig
l^ila of Anotaet TImb.
“Cant pour- she blutbed and the reason that wheat flour has th«. temple." PossIMp the Japanese tauYel even at tbe tbougbl her tone
Tbe Brat dolta of whkfli tbere ta aap
Irembled a Hlllc, ao atroag oo her sailed.
property of hoMlug the gas prokucad slatton somewbu softens the egpreswere tbe ebataa of the pail. "But be
“I abonM not like to. Look berp. by fermestatioo better (ban any other sloBS. but los the Kagltahopeaktag trananrea nacartbed from tba raiw ot
louriafs they savor almost of taeri- Babykm. Tbep were aamll l^uwa la
11 aoeb a bop for bis age. He won’t Utile gtrl. 1 am as safe oa a boose: flour.
tblak of tuch a tbiag for peart. Tbe you cu TUry veU trust me. Has he
For those who desire s noveRp la lege.
terra eoua and irotp. beuUtaltp
SpeaklDg of the horses la tbe rarl- carved and mast bare been faaedaak
man wbo loree ate new wUI find me told you be loree poor’
tbe wap of bread, banana flour map be
-Ob, why," tbe cried, “must got
an old woman when mp bop goes
reoommeaded. Bananas are now des­ OBS temples, when Gov. ‘Taft and bla lag plap-thlnga for tbe IllUe AnapHaa
avootag. We are old loren ai It It It round that vap? "
iccated by e new process, and ground partp were aooe riaitlag tbe temples <*ndr«n.
Tbo smile deepened slowlp in
-C caadiit bM him wait. "
into a flour which makes'a bread or of NIkko. they were staadlag In front
The mtle glrti of BprU had machaB '
"He. pour too. does not teem such pleasant, kindly eyes. “1 am ope
eakc. which ta very autritlout and also of a small but tMtaiUifnl buildlag oaed leal delta. lYe afma and ta^ 9of
as tbe stall of a sacred borne that bad mered bp pulUag atringa. modi aR«
a:bop to oibera aa to you. pertat<ar correctloa,- be said "Do you lore our pleasant In taste.
tblak that beeaute you are no eurate enough to share bis small In­
(he pear 174S there was' a severe belonged to a deceased general. An the faahtoa of Jumping Jacks.
pouag pouraelf. dear ^rl. And bow come will such addlUoos as a step- famine In Northern Arabia and Pales­ atteodant stood bp. now aad then feed­ The dolls tbe eJasale Greek cklUrM
paUeal you bare been lo me!" abe falber mighty permitted to make to tine. which wu caased bp an unprece­ ing Ihq boqse a few beans on a small pUped vlUi were made of irax aad—
plate, as tbe rtalton made mceep clap, decorated with bright ootara. OM
said, comtaf back lo ber accoaUnned It?"
dented Invasion of locntu.
OB Tor her coniiaBlop.
"I lore him eaooA to take bim
oeltod pooM coa^Vbo irtad-Tbe Arabs caught tbe loeosu brtbe offerlaga to tbe tacred aaliaal. Ftaal- kind bad morabta limbs aad Ra
■ I bare fell I moat apeak, vHboul a penny-U I got tbe ebanee." mlllloo..dried them, and tben palrer- Ip one <ff (be party aald to tbe guide; cMbee vev made to take off aad p«t
-Dtat!- aba acctalUad -doot hurt
“Well dope. IllUe glii! Tbea 111 taed them ta tbelr flour mUia. mixed "Waa tbe general wbo owned tbta oa. Brerp doU had a bad c( Ua OML
or it would kill me—and
mt Uka that!*
"Taka poor ova %ap. tbaa.- ba BOW I bare apokea. You will reepect manage it. ' 111 aeiue tblnga (or the .them with water Into a qtlS doogb bone killed In baUler
these dolta reprcMated ffoda aad hv '
-No.- replied the guide, “be died roes, bat vMtewr ibep were made to '
fonr of ua out of hand."
blKparad, vHb a vtatrp aaila. -And - eouBdeaoe. I kAow."
and baked them Into cakes.
And tbta ta wbat be dld.-Loadoa
laaa poa alwapa, av one lore. Too
Tea.*’ Mid tbe girl, “pea." Hbe
This locust bread was found to hare bp aich." iBetroll Free Pi«a.'
lapreaeat tbep were dreMd jrRk laff*
aloaa bold mp laaret—aifa with poa" a^doB ae-btM abe could the expreaaton World.
dlffiosl the 'sane taste as oallbeV
tag care bp tbe lIRta Ora^
-Dcar Ood: bow aafp!" aba cried. ^of her aympatbp. haling bencit for
cakes, and the Arabs liked U eo macb
The Well^alaneM Ufa.
As tbeee eblldrea marriel vhM
And ao tbap parted. It vaa tba oatp
baldaaat of ber vorda. the preocThose
tbep wera rery poong tbep piapad
Stranpe Kinds of Bresd.
cupalioa abe couM not butab from
Many of tbe neuropiera. or netwlng- ..Ing how PrqsItleBt Roosevelt eoold with tbelr doita oaiU Just befkre tbelr
In BHlsln good wbaaten flour 4s one
Bnl the other bad her of the rhcajK-Mi necesuhes of life and «?d Insects, are used for food, tbr 'juatifr bla enthualaallc recommeada- voddJag dap. Tbea tbep made a oaeBut that vaa aoCTbe oolp eoDfidaaoa
itlon. and ecemud lo find even the poorest can allord to eat principal among fbeee being tbe le^ -Jloa of Pastor Wagner's "Simple Ufe” riBee of aU tbelr topa, dolls oM'
arlth which ahe waa boaorad u about
Ibe face of hta well knovn devoUoe eloibca laiUaded. Tbep dedicated tbeai
that ttaM. and. ara^p aioogfa. it nothing ladttag.
bread, which ta beiur and more pure
extateoee, have (bla past aa a plotm oScrlag lo -ooma dHtp. tt .
waa tba aarata'i laoUtar wbo aen put
Tbeie wer* the queeUona which than maap of the comparatively well- either broil them or roast them and
povara' of aeerel kaaptag,4»’’'tbe troubled her. filled
her waking todo In other Ehiropesn countries ever grind them into flour. Tbere ta alao week bad light ■fa<>d on the puxxllng the little gin I
teat. «ie prefaead bn joaf^Mdoa with
s beetle known as the "Cossus" vbicfa problem. On the occasion of the one
Beat ber retdeas to bed— see.
barled Mtk
tenth aaDlvenarp of St.
tOBdi of ftattarp.
In Portugal, for Instance., tbe impor­
-I feel I ianai tall aotda oaa. ap
tation of foreign flour Is absolotety bp ceriaio North iffriesa nsllves.— PntricK'a Roman Catbhllc Cbureb.
Thtis R bainew that tbo klad ami
Waablngtoo. the president, speaking fas^ of deli whidi comtoctad tlioM
dear.- aba aaU. -i aball tael batter pie for tbe nke of aarlng fonr Urea prohibited bp law. wltb ibe result that Pearaon't Weekly.
frdm a stone portico to a great audi­ aadCaV^lldraa are kaowa. AU tba
tbaa. -Aad tbare.ta ao eaa I eoold un from aacrlllee? if tbe decided to tram- the to«slled flour commoBly sold In
ence of men. womea* and cbMm. spedmena which hare beM kept WrRh
ao oaetip aa pen.- wUb po graal aaaup- pie OB her cam bonor. at tbe desperate that country ta adulierated in an apJapansac Love for ArMmala.
pleadlBg of ber own bean, should she
Con. blogl'a promise that Oen admirably deflaed vbat be really be­ such great cw« Whlad glaaa doora^ia
Sba vaa poaag to ba the motbw of belAp tbe mother to the son. or the
A flour recently purcl
Por-i Stoessel's horao {iball be well eared lieves to be (be basic quaJltlM of the various maaeama were takaa from
baf big aoa. rary good looklag, rerp eoB to the mother? Was thecae ao other lugnl proved oo anaJpals
recalls the deference shown come soundly developed man. “I wish." he aome tiny toab.—Detroit rrao Praa.
Hire ta aanaora atlll. Bbe wap of Bceompllsbing aa end so keen­ per ceot of kaolin or ebtaa clap, while | of
aacred animals In (be icmplei raid, "to see In tbe average American
Bailed at tba giri. while >be glH ly dealr«4T It seemed not; and to ahe (be remainder waa mostly ground rice | of Jatmn.
ciitzeo the developmeot of Ibe tsro
vtaead, beeanaa aba fcpaw ibu aaila waited cat ta ladectaion. altbough to busks nnd Bnelp powdered sawdust! { Unlike the
seta of qualities wbicb we can rougblp
New Zealand tbere ta a bird ealtad tba
I vail oo aaoiber face.
Indicate as
wait vaa as bar^iblog aa she eould
In tulp wheat flour is also
world, tbe lempb
i built 0
*1 hope pan wiu aot laugh aLae tor
qualities on the one hand Vhlefa parson bird, or -tnl.” U U abeot tbe
expensive a loxnrp for (be poorer small plot of ground but are oReo
a Ullp old gooaa!Aad while abe atlll'waited abe bo- ristses, and a subsiliute Is found In seallered about tn tbe park containing make the man able to bold bis own. aixe ana olii»e of a blaekbIrB. bad baa
*Ai if t abooUHime the rieilm of pet snuther con- ground ebesinou. which, however, acres of land. There tre targe build- and those which on tbe other hand a pair of dellaete white tbha U Ua
miLke him >ealous for tbe rights of Ibroat. aad ta a gtaeay dofk craw
“I dOBl kaov-vUi and aae. I aap- BdCBce. tbta time from a man again,
Inga and small buildings
poaa that ta pour idea, no cae eould bat middle aged aad iro»«rap. .
mucb as for bla own otberwlae. wbicb looks Mack la tba
It Is alao la Italy tbat acorn Boor ta worship and others 'for various pur- others lust
■nnsbiae. It can be taught to cRsw,
poaalblp taU ta tare aHeiw.vrtl, thlrtp-Yoo look like a sensible ilule glrl,- u.-M to 4 targe extent. The seonis I poses. Por Insiance. at Osuwa temple ; rights.
he bMan. abruptly. "Are pour
are allowed to partly ferment, and are' ,t Nagasaki one gains the maiu ea-; Sow we all know a few men like to ap«mk. to whistle tonea. and baUdea
Lbeae tricks It has.a reperufre which
"Ob. why aotr
-I hope so!" the smiled
Hum chopped up. boiled and dried. | irnncc efu-r ascending a flight of' this, and we have oTten been moved to
ta not often equalled bp aap odwr
-Terp vail triad, dear! Tarp.erad"Tben. altbough we don’t know
Tbe bread made of acorns Is black. I about one ibousand stone stepi On tremendous admiration of them. Sodi
lUblp aUd! But 1 am more than iblrtpother, poo'll forgive me bitter, taieoselp nasty and by no each side ut the broatl gate Is a wood- men press iRelesfl) forward ta the
Bra—and I am la lore. I doo-l voodar for asking you a queaitOB ortwo which means a aafe food.
' on figure of a warriur of berolc'siu. | pursuit of whai tbep believe to be a Bote like .the toll of a ML or tiM
bigb note of an orgaa. It can
pen UaiL”
beyond mp limit, believing
It Is. however, lo the north of Bi- sealed In a chair, ami armed with' tbelr due The)- will take bullying
-I don’t—ttainkt-! dtd!tbat ImperUneaeq ta the last ibing rope ibM ib^slrangest subaUlute Is to | award, bow and arrow. As ibe guide Intimidating from no man; but they i mimic every bird In tbe bash to part
fectlon: It will break off Ja tbC middle
“Not badly! -But ibera. I daft want prompUag m«.“ ,
be found for wheat flour. This eon- passed them he said: "Those arent keep ser-nc In the face of every dia-l
taite melodp^d Indulga in
» to tblak that baeaaaa azperteaea
Suddenly arrested ta interest, the stats of Br tree ha-ric which ai first gods, they are Just representations of culiv and annoyance and when, after
' a strange medley o( touada which aiw .
baa taagbt me to tau^ In tba face of girl nodded.
ipromlsing mate- godt., " The buildings to the right iff careful o>n-ideralloo. thev
impossible to describe, bot lf poa eaa
irtaaa. I eaaaot aUlt feel. Child,
Yea will yon tell mf It you ever.rial possible for the purpose of food.Mhe entrance are not tbe temples ihey are s.rung
tbara ta ao tare like a late lore for
below tbe surface, as’it were. In j Vet during tbe great famine In north- proper, but rather a string of amal! or small, they acknowledge
a laugh, a sneeze, with tbe smaabiag
tearing poor beartatringa. . Practice those kmg and seemlogly conBdentlal, era Scandlaavta two pears ago. whole , edlflces that harbor some of the sacred
fully that fault ahs been thcln. W.halpi to make perfect, pathapa-^ talks yon hare wltb^ou^pouag cu- families lived upon bark bread for ] property. One comams a lively yonng. give them and ihe world sives them of a pane of glass." It wfll be some
to the Idea.
don't know. Womaa lore aad fflarTp
I months on end, and both ta ^inland* borse that was presented to tbe city
respect. Whenwe wish to put a tag
The tai ee«s twiew or thrice a y
aad nra happilp arar aHet—buadrada
“Have poo a right to aikT'
SiberU It funns a staple j by somee wealthy
i> wr rail them true gottcitizens of Nagasaki.
I and has large families. Lika the a
“I bare, at any rale, a large Interest article of diet.
| This horse Is considered sacred, How-'tlemeo." i Bd that whether they
I birds <ff New Zealhad. It seems to be
partaaca. aad I know vhgt 1 aafmplag t itake.Tbe bark ta stripped from tbe iiee* ! ever, It wasn't hta fault that he didn't boast of i college deg-ea tir onl
true, that not oae voanan ta a tana'TYat sands almost the samo la spring. Ibis being ibe seasoa when amke a light luncb of a,bunch of Am- such scam r educiUon a* our little red i unconscious of danger from man. It ta
pity that tbe birds of this tatand ara
dtad arar Bade bar ideal aa I. ao lata, thing. I aa afraid of wbat t map and the opemtiOB ta most eaallp perform-, erican fingers that, ta a guileless mo-; scboolboui i> was wont to bestow.
becuming so scarce, for they speak to
haaa found not np: but t dont see. at ibis 1 ed. The outer or tealp
aiiempied to give bim a familiar: ad-’iUon to manllnras and coosidera-,
aoeu naiuro wm*_____
-Ot.- taii tba girt. -doeeaT ba— moment, aap reason why I sboold not carefully removed, as
c inner or j pat on the nose.
, tloe for others there Is apt to be gen^
speak tbe tratb.~
stringy bark which ta the only part fit j Great care ta taken of ihU animal. > eroeltp In the soul possessed of both
teanl be tava you?”
Then TOM bave?"
lor food. This loner bark Is then dried j which Is really a U-autlful beast. It; swee-tnen snd .irength And gencronot exut.—Kxenaage.
-Tea. dear, tbai'a wot tba barrier. T
’’Somedmes," ehe admitted
in the sun and stored against wtater.lls taken out for an hour's exercise sliy plus justice coaMIluie an ever- SOO Dead Indians Soon to ba Owg Up.
tblak U mp age. pan know, a fUlore
-Once la pariicnlar. petbapsr
RYen reqnlred for use the hark Is everp day, and is made to work but' Impressive brace of virtues.
Hare ihao W>0 bodies of Wpaadotte
to retara mp aSeetioo voaM bare
agaia dried
r a alow fire and ! once a year, wbeu at a great celebraA eonrreie example _. ..... ___ rxbumed la Harob
mi^ tba pMare in tba be)
’^Never aUad: tbat tells me. without • ground. TYe m iMsjaiitetfed with' tion ta October It Is driven 1a the pro- modest generous American as this wa«
se of tbe oUoot ladlaa
harOrekaa ap tbe Ukeaaaa
poir eommlitlag pouraelf. what I j cold waS into dough, bat no yeast j coasloa bp tbe high priest.
cUed bp President Roosevelt, two dart | burying groan
,nd.*l, Kaaaoa. located la
Meal too aooe. vonld hare atapad tba want |o laiov.' He amHefl and
or baking powder ta employed, and tbe i Near the bone's staU Is a cage ooo- after (he Bt Patrick s spe-ech. In Intro-; the cmi'ler of the boriaeoa divtrfet of
aprtaga of tare before maeh barm bad
her with a greater -show of
kaeaded------italnteg a dedr, and not far asrap
: ductag Pastor Wagner lo a Washing-, (Cansaa City.
- hope^
----- , t dough
. la thee Itaorooghlp
-----------------baan deoa. No. Lam aparad that.
falneaa. ’Hoaor me." be said. -Yp Ita-1 targe flat cakca as thin as parchmeot I saotber coQtalaing a pYeaaanc. T
Tbe ton andlonce The he-o of tke simple,
I tblak you knew bow I bare bred for leniag a few mlnniea. I have U from j Tbtwe eaka. before baking, are! guide explained that Umae
crea- little storv tbe President proceedod dlaa Territorp.
and ta mp aov ever staw fata fatbar UsmK^fr that our young curate ta pricked fUl of bolea with an lastns- j tnres had beee dedicated lo tbe gods.
ground, coatataiM
died. I hara taoogU him op to I
DOC( Ukelp to
think of marrptag Tor a
It made of punnigau featben. aad : bni that they v
■old as a
bwlaesB Work; li
bla dead fatbar bapimd all living
long time. Now. I am very anxious to' then put into the oven, where tbep - poor pbeasaat looked as If
was I Stable was buned to tbe ground a i is valued ml more «bs" tl«bfiB0. aad
How can I BOW aekaowtadge to him marry bla ' metbev myself, sad It | hare to be carefully walnhed ta order | hardly ta Bt postUoo u> bold
fortnight ago. Hr Oowaep. it appears^: the sale of Hurow cemetery was Baally that a Veauar tbaa hta fatbar baa
that tbep do not bon.
| high office, for oae of bli feel was b> i bad hng beea trying to nerve bis dap decided dpOB at a. mernJag of WpaaartaaM fiv me? How eaa I pubUelp
Tha eoaklng proeeaa takea only a! such sore coodlUoB that be wm obllg-, and generation bp gtvlag bomea to douelBdlaas. TYe land baa berm beW
tacL and prorlded with
very abort time, end when done, the j ed to staztd un one leg.
i the huoeleM Homan belpleaaaeas ia tnst by tbe Uaiied Statec goreraWouldn’t R bi
worship Atm—I shall never carty oot cakes ora lifted oot aad bnag oa a j Not far from tbe cages of tbeee aai- appeals stranglp to Um. Lem spring lew slaoe ISSS.
Bcrnega in hta area? Tha aaad
aip wUBi. She thinks abe baa dlspoaed
' ' '
■ livery
Fire hnadred ladlaM wtO tam to
aovad ta mp bop’a bearl baa fldhrtabad of me-ahe Is tbe best womaa tbe
tbelr oU bMdng gruaide'Mre to em
tare ad AM ta worid hnUa-bot abe wrUMtlp a ItUto
tbat Imre from time lo time .been
Mid bare come so dooe to
pentoe tbe obamlBS of ibeYadlet ff('
U I stnBcR at the bU tMdflfiYlag my power of pmaemdedicated to ^e gods of the trmplr, eolared Bapd«.«arcb to to deprtre tbeU Meemora. W(w Tok WertiL





Bagm ABldoa and Mtoi Sadie
KtoKdjn were welted to asarrtoge
Weteeedar. June t8. at 7 e
thebOBWcCthebrldea brother. Beorr
Xlocdom. -at Loof lAke.
Ai Ae ettan of the waddtoc
naieh. ptota br Miss Lncf QeweU
of this dto. the hrtdil party took their
taee Wiet a bowar of terna and lack
noaa. wHb a Urge beOI of fern and
loaea, whan the cerenrony waa
^ fortoad by Bor. Hugh Keenedy
hrtdo was fowned to cieoto allk
eanted blush roses. The brideamsMd ,
kOM Amy RlagdoD. a alsUr «< the
bride, iras dreeeed to blue eHk BoU
and tarted ptok roaaa. The grooB.
. and heat BCa, Pereleal Ctanley. wore
eeryed to the'
thirty tata the Been being:
Arta »tod on lettoce leiBea.
and betler aaodwfaBaa. OUna,
taorted cahaa.
Many dne grBiits were teeelred
by the happy oonple. The bride baa
bOB alaariy MeaHM «Hb aaboola of
. tbs eoBUry ter tba part aeran yean,
the tort thiea yean bartog chaiga e<
tbe Lnu Tree etaol.
; The grooB la weU known to Loag
taa township. hsTtng been to the sbptoy of BtaA Barney lot-three yean
iBrtc. Thay have Bade a host cd
trMi 'wbo wUl wish tbem well to
tortr Barrted Ul«. Mr. and Mrs. Aal\ -ta left on. the noon unto orer tbe
? a. H. * 1. lor tbrtr aew boBO at W. Bands. Waah.

*: 1



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Tire Insurance!



SURPLUS. $26,000

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PlateGlasa. Steam Boiler arid Accident Insurance.

Sup. B. 0. Joynt_______

Hymn* by Ibe aicembly.
ceOast UBdlUon betwaen here and Old
Prayer. Rev. Tbomas Cox.
woold ha eery slight aa all
Report of the dl*trlct coovei
they nead to nearly every «aee Is
litort tbe material for which eaa held at Maocelona. Mis* Bra Yonag
the FOurlcenlh ,8lre« dtureh
bUtoed to a great many places
MeWethy of the Aabur/ church.
ntoag the pentosnla.
Voea] duet. Will Ooble and Bula
The reggla^ runs will begin Joly
0. Tbe trelfbt can tflll he driven Marvli.
Paper. "WTiat Frtrms of Bytlemallc
by twenty-four boree 'power ngloca
aad will have flvetoeta Urea on Ihlrty- VMItalloB Are Practical for tbe Third
Department.-- Oertnde Dell.
sls Inch wheels.
Papn. -PTwcllcal Methods for Lit
Tbe Boogfaey building el4be corner
erary cnltare In the Bpwonti lA-ague.
TrBtlan Una an PenlnmlA
of Btola and Ceas alreeU Is being
The Tfwnwee TVnrttoo ooBpany end ovated and. tbe-company will make Min Mary Minor.
ntbtooHpTboreitor thto their headqeariert. Tbere’wtnbe
Tool eolo. Hentai Smith.
Paper. -In Wbat Chanoela Bbouid
•rentog at 4:M after aftking a Uip of
btatoable aU Bight
Ibe . Bpworth League Hlastocary
inapeettfi ntoag the pealnaala. MreryHoney be Inveeiedr Min Belle HUBO an the trip wae eery weO satinBeglanlng Mbnta';: Jnly 3.
Sed with the ootlook for tbe eBtue
•nd the fannan mpeetolly aa«ed MBcr CiStota wUl go Into commiawas ptoaaal with tba tonorattoa aa H atoe to tbe Travorae Bay line. Tbe
H>e Trauarwe Bay Line.
Craaceat wlU take the BonWa HeybofThere Is no abeet of water It
N»«b4a-wsBtA run and will make two connUT whkh equala In beaotr the
Tha party arrived at Old Mlaaton i trip* .dally leaving the harbor
Qiund Traveiuc bay, and vlsltort from
^ j U:|B Bd wera Inaedlatrty oanad i m. end arrlvtog here at pfU etopplng abroad are lavish In the eulbut
NeB-ta-wtata at *:15.--'8be laavea
an aitaent dinner by Jmadlord Potwhich they maplfcst over the
Tiaverae Citr at 11 a. m, raaebas Ne­ fiOT\ Traverse Clly and the beautiful
tv. Tte Bean waa aa toltowa;
at 13 noon and Bowen
of-dhto aplendld sheet ‘
Harbor at UilL On bar aeeoB trip
'..r •• Boarttak.
- Bbm ^
water. During the e
Be toevee BOwaip Harbor at 1:30 p. IfiOO people took advauiage of U>c
Baknd troat.
at l;4E. retching
^-■tata. Bread aad iMttor. Qieen pen
contooa given on the bay by
here at 1;4L On her laat trip of tbe Tmvdiep Baj- line of steamer*. 1
• Apple pto SMwbe^ riuwtcake.
day ahe leavee Tnvwtae aty at 4:30
tpHbemaelves deUghted with
Altar a ahwt rart the maditon p. aa. reaching NwB-ta-wanta at. their experience
Arieea by Mr. ?jal*toe and Mr. Blake i:IO*Bd tbe harbor at (:M.
In thU eoooertlon It may not be out
. ' .and thatr partlea m throngh the re- The following U the acbedule of the
_ j®* P**®*
tnention the rare advac. nttaOld HlsBchpotot Thentara Ortombla gotag oorth leavlag
Trayu.- Ne^ta- “««*
Trateree aty people
^ ' farlp wu Bhda hr «V «C the
CHy «t 3:30
11 • Northpon
” “>*7 wUl, and It Is a slgnlflwoiA Bd tbe ottotoBs cl tbe dlBeient
the patronage of
Ubbs were ehiatoed.
Potot. 13
Kwth- Northport lt-» p. m.- 1 atoameri I* scarcely suBclenC to war
H. K. BrlakBan
Mleta eald:
• T Utok that tkli eaterpriae will brtp
Ihs r rt at Old Ml
4:11. The atop al Northport Point;“I
a body of
b that
It has needed Ji a
«f TOM tratiepnrtafinft hm
will be made otoy whaa there are pas- i
busy with pleasure seeker* alone.
mt TtneBoa aty.“
». J «™.
ol Ho
- tta knd By ohlerttou to tMm and .lU MS-o. T».
I• '-'ll'
•II OMBad wflUng to do what tt«P No-wn m-mu u.^
sniiu 11" •“>
f"'MI b. » O.U. .»• -ooU Mo IM,: O.OI1.PIH M- K-U- -1

•Bta to help the ooBpaay.
e and safe. fU'es of
W. a ThBpktoa oaM; "Aa anoa aa to Nmah-ta-wanu and Bower* Harbor:""'*'7tn eaa that the company Beans
■an wd win do o«r share to balp ooL" erau ronad trip.
I can lake advantage of pleasure trtpi
Tha pariy-whtah reUriMd by way
j on the bay at frequenl intervali Wbe.i
«t the ototor road reported It to he to
M. E. Voting PoaplW Union.
— —3 1
outglders that a trip can be
wary peod ceadlttoa.
Tbo 3r*t nnlae meotlng of
had on one of the bay boat* fron this
The hn drivn by Charles dlSe yoang p«>i>le
,e ' eliy lo Northport and return —
atarted from tbe city wlib a wda
spring and before tbe party reached A.bury M. E. ehOrth’Monday evening t*®'* <*l«tonce of about sixty mile*.
thrtr derttoattan II had to be tei
Rev. Hngb Kennedy presided aad n
rarilr repaired. ■ Hr. aite eaB hu program eonsi*Ung at paper, and j
party Marled ahead of the otben as It mmde wa. followed by-the organlm-1 ®"7- Captalrf Webb ha. made special
7®r the summer se-on. and he
was naeesnrr that be tboold tub very Uon n( a city union of Bpwortb ]
aatDr- The »ew bos drlvea by A. O. League*. Bev.^ugb Kennedy .poke! »hobW
■■aawwi. was tha nest ear to leave of Uie obtecu in calling the «ee«ltic.'commiioliy
Tfat-re are no mure beautiful sthKs
•nd tba BneMne was driven throosh aylng that the yoang people choukl
to TTBrone City la one bei£^.and become better aOgualBied with one an-: In Michigan than Ne.*h<* wantwr
irteea Btoalee of aetasl runalog and
aad Rev. Tboraa* Oox apoke o{ I Omraia. Nurtbpun. and (here Is oi>
twice tbe bus waa brought aesily to the opportnnlUea of «ueb a aociety for
trip than
a BtaadsUll by tbe bad toads and was work in Ibe city. Th« following of- woler to any of theye polnu. The
summer itmo arhed^e 1* printed ih
repaatedly slowed down to avoid Seer* were looted
Prertdcal. Walter DavU of AoM^
Mr. Blakealee nald this moetUng: ehnreh.
' afforded should rerialnly appeal to
•■All that the. company uk* of ibi
Vice prertdeal. Mist LotBie Thee- every one. Oplaln W«-bb hms operpeatoarta peopU U lhal Ikey tpeod l bald of the dm rtmreh.
lated thl* tine for a greal many year*.
mue Ume gp thrtr roada.- ..
Becmary and Ueaiorer. MU* Hand ' and late year* at an expense which
, The** are caly two place* which an Toung at the Pourteoith street^ was nlmoM prohiblilre. eoaslderlpt
In extremely bad oondlUon. The flnt ehnrefa.
i the amount ofkauslMw* secured.
A committee
the farm of Daniel MeHuIton. where TaBge*D«nt* co_____ _ ______ ______
the ralaa waabed the tad trm
Douglas*, ^ Bastart and Ml**~BelIe i rnoage away tram tbe boat line, but
road. The other
MUler was appoinied. The next meet-: In spite of that fact tbe growth of the
I of Tbamat Obeilhg. ing will be bcM in the Asbnry cfaurdi j elly shonM assure tuOelent support
4toowt two Bllea north of Bower* Har­ the totter part .of September. The to make this enterprise profllabla
bor. where aoaac nSfrsWorti to being Asbnry yowBg people ten ed refresh-I'r here are hnndred* of people Is tbe
doeo oe a hm sad th« groMd I*
lU of alrawberrle* aad tae and a eliy wbo are dally neektog *ome mean*
ptaaaant aortal time was enjoyed.
of passing a few phnsnnt boor*, nnd
Tha Mrt ^ ptrtttog the road* to ex- ns progm aa toodeied «
we believe If they weald ota try tbe




bay trip that would be a soiree of coo- > Mlntoa harbor are now belas op4b
pleasure dohag ibe summer, by A* owners wbo Bre come (• e^
itor 'he warm ds.** « summer. Urs.
. .
j W. K. WriBlil and ebUdren of Tra>-eni'
Rceert Notes.
' icitj- han- srrivi-d si their pretty
With the sudden change from the
•■"'mer iKPtr.r. lli^ UsiemsB eolUS>'.
tong cold spring to tbe midsummer where ih-y win spend the summer.
followed by Mr. Hoot
the norths summer inssient
rertdents begin «> arrive aad (^o ap i
.gd fsmUy of PevHsi. lit
the little cottages ready tor their te. ^
Gertmde LeSogwrll an>
ceptlon. amang those t« pass thn>ugh
,re also here. 'Hier bsv-- rtim>
city Thurndsy being; John Osii's
eojo.r their hiime on the point,
nnd tomOy of CioclBoatl. Mrs Wtn j -pie PIm-sJs now open and ntpecii
AuU of Dnytoa. Ohio. I • N.'-nli tn. ■ g.iesiy -«on-.
and Mrs. tMUmsa and dsuglP
-rht p„ner house is also open sn-l j
ter of Cincinnati, Mr. and Mrs. H. W i r..*dy to ri-ei i\e giies^.
j hmTon kit side?
H v.-tii have any ot these
KoHerton and tsio ehndren ol Indian. : -yi,,. Riishmorc. bouse Is open sn-t ]
spoils, to Uniena; Mr. nnd Mrv. K W. j s.-i,'.*- Trumbull of Cblcaso Is wiih '
McPhall. Miss McPbsll. Jn^et and ■ ,^.,3,
Monroe MePhnll of Ft. Wayne and
yy, c.-orse Black and ilsughH-r ;
Mili-s-. Ht-an
Mr. and Mrs. August Wtret nad four
st...rk.T, and children an-.
strcfte-iion-. weak ht-art.t. ai-.d
children of Ft. Wayne, who went to ,,| >o<in l-> Mrs. ilushmnre, also Mir- ' rarely ever fn;;s to cure heart
Leland where they will spend two
all nf Sprincfleld. III.
i di-i-.i-e. Trv il. and sec how
months. Ibe laiter family taking |<osu. q. Rrfnolds an.l two young.'- ,
sessicn of tbelr cniiage. Pine Acres.
j,nv«- b.-«n stayiiiu at Mrs. Husti
Mrs. t). H.' Powers and four children
f„r « f.-v Ja>».
Ilf Pontfhe were passengers for North-j-i,.. OM Jdl'r'-ui H<Tirli association
port where ito-y will n-maln thnrugh- i* r»-l.tilMing the eidcsalkf.
out Ihe season; Mrs. C. K. &-in and Mr.
■' r-JuilldUm hla dock,
two children of Cincinnati were guests makinc ii Ihrt-e enough to acci’mniiat the Park Place on route to Fountain ante ih- ri.-iun- iv IlMnolv nnd Mir
Point, where they have spent three
sNUona; H. W, Hodgion knd wjfe and
three daughters, aremepanied by Har
net and Herbert Webber of Des
-nir.- of Adrian Jotoftf
Moines. Iowa, being gucals ai Ihe I*arfc the hininnndiial or-‘er of B'-nedlcls
while awaiting tnnaportiuioii to Wednesday luithi Or lintisom A
Itoc-- W M i-s Mal" l llowr-s of Hudaon
• _______
I,, the altar; Ur. H. A Wriithi martie-l
Old Mlsslmt. Mleh., June
Tlir HIsr I'lon-nc*- rieencr aii-l I'r. <5uy M.
resort wwMm Is at hand and the eot- Oalin w.-ni to Ktrlis...,l. Iml.. to claim
ages nlonu'tlie east shore «r the <)M Ho- hai..! of Mirs Anna Ow.-us.

-Lae •»••»>> to fow PiwM.
A. tcrtotu aeetoau eenrraa
wmk WtioMiv to om««M ti»m*lp.
tba Ttotta bttmg rt«d Pomtfca. •
tonaer a«*4 iHattm. wbo *ai b# UM
mp all BuaiBer tfcraofb Um tmakla*
o( Ui toft 1«g to tosr ptocM.di
tfe*Uekl>s«a** or bU bonaa.
Mr. ftotrafka T«* rWln» on iooaa
tarda oa bU wMoa. and to a w
Mst before be could pmeat tbe aoddeat tbe boarda cHoped forward.
MiOtoc ooe of tbe botaea abarply oo
tbe leca. Tbe aalaal betea k|akl>to
•ad Mr. POtrafka thrown under bU
feat wai nnaWe to aroU th« blowa
and eoBaeqnenilr the tibia was broken
throe tunes.- ooe breU beto« to
.ankle aad three to soeeesslOD aHi
and a few toehes apart while the Ub
' Ola waa alao br^km near tbe ankle.
Tkf tojory le atore than an ordli^
break aa ao tnanr aoia]| tratoMU add
to the oertoaineae of the fracurea.


Money to Loan on Improved Real Estate Only.

W. P. 0R0T8ER,



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\\V Imv.- just rttv'tiU)- 8U> k.-.l .;i c-.msi.K-ralil.- .(uaiitily uf


ttlell made Aouri.-oo oolorol
il to buA GOOD THlNLi- It y<*ii an- int.-n-sU-'l iiaTift'-r a
Iiouklet or ip-l a l->e Iwttl.- lo liy. Unnrt siw H.V,



Whether for doors dr

219 €. Tr^ttt St.
H. R. Macixjsali.. Munaj.'.-r

Tniv.-r*.- City. >|icli.

You'll find

ifaem the only BatisfaoC^
tory Screens for Home
or Officeli's not a case of how cheap we can make them, but
how good to sell at a reasonable-iirice.

Going to Build?

Give us the opportunity uf showing you hdw really

If so, the South Side Lumber Co. at Traverse
City is the place to buy your material.
and mill work done on short notice.


Give us

a chance to figure on your wants.

good they are

w. L. Brawn. MonBMpr.

laPhena, S2i Ball. I

South Side Cumber 0o.
Cravtrsc eity, micb.


Over lhal Tuh of-Clothes (o be Washed on a
Wash Board.
Tli;:! is akk.ii;’ loo iiiodi.
Mak'- your w.«rk'as easy as
possible aiul buy one of oi;r
Washintj Machines
S ou will
_*never rugrei the small t-\•I punse lhal you pay for the
washer. Ii will p:iy for itself
in saving time and health in
a few weeks. We have them
for S3, $:i.25 and $3.75.
We also have Wash Hoards,
Brooms. Mop Slicks; A\c Handles, aml.n loi of- ot!'<-r
things that you have to use.






Ha)in£ and Uarvtalint Tiait

-• lic-rc aiiil jmj v.ill
-.rii- tool*. -W«
h,-.. ' J •-I .r8s.iriin.-iii Ilf il,.-- ; vrbk'b yon
\r.:- ...ur s.-l.s-tiiiii6 ;ii |.n--I will ploam.-yon.
I-f'--vtlii-s. Siiiiiljs, friiiii-- ll.iLc-s. Forks, fb-\\l,. n, 8pn.> .VMur |..L-.t.-s IIibK-hroter
.\ir Hpr:.y,.f wiil, itK-M Kl.«"
1 • > nr--Ihi-In-St m:iili-, (■................... I MS-Un-m.

F-RANIC -TRUIOE, 146 Front Street



Hive )-iii i-vcr tried the


T»«»* aknd OoW***

Go^dl tiger
The,- are the UsL

J. J.

Ciuntd Cen
aad Saimaa

Sokl -ml) by

ft-rerk« »♦*-.



Wtol msbt tore tmIM Is « dl«utrnoi mtagrstion ak«g (to Pm
IUr«M(u vu mjertaAtiaitv «tcbtat thiongk (to tKarU U m crew o(
■M who vortied Ottl

10lMttod(7 grweiBrtteeMceB
mta tt tto tnck ud. bnM4 br Uw
* hlfb wotbMt vtod. «to Are ereid
•lOBc toward tbe rofliv et WltUan
TlRUT- Tbe fire wto dlawrered aba«t'
T e-etedc «d work waa.tnaMdl)
town to «op (to spread o< (to fli
tot la Mta •* tte eSorU o( tbe Ore
iahUrs fo«r -skids.’- ceMalalat s
IMOe teat «( Blseansawas tia
WWW ladneed to aatos.
Had (to tre bad baoUter totf boor
attrt tbere wooM tore been areal
laager ai (to wtole raUvar. wbleb
eetalaa aMitr tjmfito feet, gouw
.--^ap la BMke. It was after a o'clock
tUs BMWlBg bcdow tbe m sacoeed«d la eeurair 'deeaehito (be dsMs
aad br that UM (toy tod' barwed (to
craw away from ta aader serefsl

(to right of war to (be Pera Jtsr.tootte aad tbe road was balH. Imaedlstely tioable totos tor tto Pere
Harfloette. for Fanwr ttowa bi^
to ttor ap tbe traoto aad perfom
other dolka wbleb were not ceadaelre
to tto peato of Blad of tto Per* MsrPraU ft Darts of TraV'
aty, suofaeys for (be Pere Hsr.
aaoue. applied to drealt eoart for an
edoa restrslolag blm frea latcrscalB rasamed la May. bat la Jaly tto
faiwter aaddealy baili a ehaaiy aad
placed It dlreeUy across tbe tiai^ sad
eadoaed tto tiaek wltb a feaee.
Soil was agala begua la Circuit
nirt by the Pere MsrqaMle for
iBpt of eouit aad steps lakea to acquiro SB ortglBsl ItUe to tbe property
of wbleb (be tanaer bald but a tax
deed to. ta tbe meaatiaie (be boose
wbleb bad beea balU bad bcca re(toTod by the road offlelsis. bat



Soap,Ointment and Pills i«


the World's Greatest
Skin Cures.



._ Treatntail fit Ewj
lDiM»i, fan Pintles






Tbe Best
and sold
at tbe







To Cure a Cold in One Day



Four Fads For
Sek Women
To Consider


Aspinwall Spraying Machines


You cannot afford lo let the insects, blight and rot spoil j'our crops when you
can ifci one of these "Sure Shot ’ Machines that docs the work rijihi, and at a
that the above staiemehts are facts.
want a hand sprayer.

.A trial will convince you

If your acreage is-not large, jrerbaps you will


PRESSED AIR AND .\TOMIZERS—(he greatest ass.ortmeni ever shown.


is the lime to gel one andfbc prepared when (he bugs come.
Yours for “Quality and Satisfaction."

Farmers Supply Co.
127-135 State Street

Traverse City. Mich.'

SSvi^n^TT^____ .....



word of the marriage by proxy of bU
d In waking up
Depbew.-AdrlBB Van Bercbovc. who Is
■ 'Harvard and getllag out good crews. glory. "We’ll lick 'em'^aeat yter."
MW la the Dutch gowramtit serrtce
• ahd in thednal regaite with Yale
yrtled the Harvard supporter* after
la Java, to a young womaa la Rotter­
the rece. and the Yale crowd did.not
dam. Holland, aader a prortsloe eCthe
but what the truth was botec
Dutch Iswv Tbe climaU la the ^t
unbeallby that (be offleer
prwferred to have his bride remain ai
,, , ..A.u-Noggle. a farmer In the Tuatla"
biuil hr is given leave to reluni
b»l TO- » l».
Mrs. Carrie McIntyre, (or the paal
„„ K„„,.
> ream president of tbe Kalsmasno
,b., ..d ulbi™ ..
.l.». bib. b. ... .
W. C. T. U, la a meeting Friday de
lb.r ...
b..d.-l, .
dared tbe government ebould paukm
T.-n Eyck, the l*esl of professional row ■
drunkards. She said men sacriBced
Ing otsehes, Th.- rece of ihe 'tarsliy
Thnv Mloonkecpera al Martoa, OsIlDIM
Ibdr health for thdr country In tb>
vigfais was the harj-i-t lu ih<- hbiory ccola eoumy. were arresud un a re- '
to preserve Its boundaries at
i>( the •-vent. Yah- biok tbe >«-ad ni rent Hnnday.-aerordlifg to tbe rillagu
thl' government's order, and were pen­
the RBit‘and hail two s.-.-.iudi. at
It tn-wBpaper,
to-wi>paprr, for
fur soUIng liquor. K*
ne asoaixiag itchinff and burAnff
sioned In return, but men who saerts.vtonds at-two miles ►!» charges were fib
„ mlb-A, BU«] then Har-'cver, and they t
Brcd body and soul In eonsumlng oftbcskin,aaihcc*cink;tbe£rightfnl
liquor that was Ikonsed to produce as •mliuR. as in psoriasis; the loss of 1
and only hvii by part , trial.
crustinKOf tbe mmip. ss ia
Uoaal reveaeue were more drscrvlnp bsiraSd
- 1 1
..I . . k .li.Sl.w, .MIMlt _ '
return tor Ihclr services. The dls
BST-. W. T. Woodhouee has rclurned
from a Ostatag trip with, a spleadid cussloo was occasioned by a plan t<
Tve lee cream and cake to prisoners
catch of trouL—Kews Item.
, urf salt _ ,
(be Jail on July Fourth.
id dccoi
of almost superdemand a remedy
onc>] for fear drunkards bnnian virtue..
•ucs to
.. snecesafully cope
evealag eamp-Bres of hundreds of peo­ would spoil the progTam.
That Cuticura Soap.
• • m. ThstCuticuraS)
. Oiulple. war roterans and- other elUxcns.
id Pills arc such ttaaili |truven
When business closed al Uic end ol ment. and
It. No
statement is
The Grand Army is rapidly disappear- Ihc fiscal year Fridsy uight the bal beyond all donbL
lag bat yet has much life and splrtt."
made re-garding Ibem thatis not jnsUsnee In ihc state treasury was I4.W7. fied by the strongest evidence, Tbe
!99AS. During the year the -board ol
State Newv
Imi^iatc^^'l.^e muio^
anditore allowed 6.8S3 rU'ms. a of speedy
and permanent cure, tbea^
EvotT (rain and every steamer (hat
comes lo IHcfalgvn now has passco a^nst 6.81 J last year, The-total c tolnle safely and great economy, have
ARE POWERFUL AND RELIABLE'. • • -m the - ’ *
-----w-ho are boot on enjoying the nn- I ihese claims will not be known for i
led nttreciloos of (he peninsular week or so. but they will be less Ihar
. ._ .’. When the mercury begins to
eixxle In the mile glass pipes.all
be oBered the Cutie_ way from Utah lo Sandusky the peo­ Charles WbCclcr bad only
their srorid-widc sale, due to the per­
ple’s minds revert to the coolness and. whiffs of free a|r when be stepped
comfort of the Hieblfu lake region of Michigan’s prison Friday. Shorlf. sonal recommendations of those who
All who oaq -do so come north. Oo SImpsop and es-Sherlff White of Win have nsed them. Fromssmallbcgistrains, ateareers, yacfaia and aotomobllea the begira Is made, but It re­ oebago. Wts., arcs’.ed tiim at the p^t^ -----...... ................rivals, and
monitvl hosis. eouiiUiws^vals, sne
mains for a Toledo lad lo outdo the od gate. Wheeler has*iKTv<-il five year
buatdi. Boy Knabensfaue 1s so xious j
burglary and is wanted In the Bail tr.vde inilifierenev. CntjcOfa retnedirs
have become the grvaU-st cunilivcs of
lo comn lo t
their Ume, and. in fact, ol all time,
purpose and Is
an air ship
for nowhere in the history- ol mclieinc
in ihcclonds rather
Ingio risk :
while he has a reputation in Texas ani is to be found another approaching
a Hich<
than fttrego the
in populariiv asd sale. In every
Here's to you. Roy!
Wisconsin ss a dyapcreic man. he wv them
clime and with every people they have
t your blooming kite will bo
always, a model prisoner. Ho wifie. met with the aame rece{aion. The
ter at least until you hsve cr
eoobnes ol the earth are the only
and cried when.................
and that ]
to their RTOwtb..They have
peculiar Incldeni Is related In fioic piece.arrive am«ig us
ManUtft> News.
neoion with the disappearing .»f som- conquered the world.
sblp. Day county, is land In Robin lake, near RIvcrdal.
hulldtng a model district school hopsr.
It is of stone and cement, with slate ACout three aeres of land on throof and ste*.-! eclllugs. and pracUcal- shore of Ihe lake Just simply brukty fireproof. The school will accom­ away aad snak completely out of sigh’
modate an scholars. The basement The land was covered »-l(h full growi tlrs. Rose Hammond nf Grand Haven
These machines are carriedjn stoclc at dur shop and
will be a playroom, and the librarycan be seen io op^ation “buzziofi;’' wood.
and stage will be In ah alcove ip the trees and It Is said they went d-swi lat.- bv>’n niarrl.-d as ihc result of lui
with the ground in wbk-h Ihi-y wer< id iQAi-nr.! lu a Grand Rapids iiaper
of the main room.
rooted and no treee of them can In IV Mrs Hamniond, who wanli-d a i-ofound. Men have tried to n-neh ih- ..ifoii a.e a botis.-kcopvr. Out of 5u rvlie funcll^-............
trees with long fish poles, but eannu
illc-s Abe aerej)t<-d that of Hart. An.
est district school li
nliT\l--« foll<iw.-.l Ibelr eiirrc-spondS iasiied find them. One would naturally sm
It now devejopt that ll
by the ownm of Ihe s
pose iho water woiibl rvl«e In il.e laK- •neo sod they were married !•}• the
salil Ibat q.-v, C. J. K.-use.
by sueh *n action, hut
Bide was nothing but a
^ »5.0M
JamvB Wray, ooseh of Ibo Ik-irvui
advertising, as the race
have been pulled off aayany­ remained at that level
how. It la said on the best of suihoriiy bernre taking Its normal U-vel again
that Inspector Mansfield ootiflod the
Officer Souser.of Muskegon arresteAndrus Brlehson s,« hi- »a« w.v'kin.
clrcnniKtances would he allow (uil of the l.umiM-rmao's hank at 1<
a race, as It was against th>
■ro- ,,-fiork Friday nlgbl. Briek--.on salmoot roles for tbe rcgul
Ream vessels oq the lakes.''"^Hs
Haven peo-1 tliree <lays, and s-vlng
tbe challenge | thought the bank was
waslssne.1. Knowing Mhat It
walked In. Ho bad tMo in n->ld on hiImpossible to hoW Ihe
person, but gave an areouitilng, for
log la mind the saft'ly and welfare of
The poll!
tbelr patrons, they decided It would
1 plannee
bo better to remain slk«t than expand robbers
with a lot of bo) air.
hat thki
bank aand that
being open The bank had fie
doo'r l>i
OAu in Its vaults at lh<- lime.
of the I’, of M., cl
wise holder of ciilircc Itterary di.
FYolerlek Hart, a Hvsiings vet
mrai honors, and H. Clifford H. Stev- who sen-ed with Oeneral CuMor.

daks OB tto Hebw.
Tto bUowfas dltoateb appoarad la
Tkaradara Grand Bapida Press;
. "Otartanall.
Jane »/-A loklag
fwnark ande to a letter carrlor aad
oewttoard by (be fawny whsberwe
ta tto ^iwet eaoao of a BDBiber of
pie U tto Bast Bad waUag tbe dieeorery that they are heira to aa aotate
la Oimad TrarerM ooeaiy. Michigan.
FHday Attorney Jota J. MoUoy
«Hi (o Trawiae City to aettle tto «s•tata. Tto belni are W. J. Bntler. a
aaktoa fcaepw at XtOt toatem arenpe;
wmwa Bauer. Jr, Mary. Bntler.
iaam Batler and Mn. .^aa Hagbee.Mstaad of dtooorerlag a fortnoe
tbraagk a Joke. It looks rery dim
HUM Joke was aa tbe b«*ra.’
Mm Brawn
tato U that of Mkbael BoOcr, who
lie man who backed the Pera Hs^
died soTcral year* ago. aad U only toqeeue syatca aad won bis AghttwM tbiwe aad four haadred dollarn.
By tbe Use Uw lawyer’s aad other aspewpaa are lakea oat tbe betn will t«- agalB plaead ,
a very SBall alia as tbelr -Jor^ tamer and kit
It down. Trigfat'aad fear of reeuap
tloa of tnBq proTod (oc
as eto was tleft alone,
’ Baal Estate TranalCiw.
Badtttr Gaoeral to r. A. Xaeetead hnabaadjwlbg In Jsll on a ten days’
aeateeco for cooteapt of coar
aad J. a. Oto. ODtUoala of error.
wat taken out U1 on a cot and
to a friendly ncigfaborh bouse end the
reDored by being
^LOsHm L. Harttebd to'Wa. Hop- dragged off with an engine.
as John Brown ragsined bis
liberty, bo feUed a tree aad »Dtchod
Unaett la tbe topmost branebes with
Wtesbeater ride and for a6ao
LMtaar. loU <• aad 40, bioefc g. H., Ll
held alt a w (hon^ doallr dis­
ft.Itok UUiAdd;.«MOII.
lodged. Ctoos reigned uaUI Oct. wtos
Jteiker a PtoBlagtoa abd wife
Pera MarqaeUo purchased
' tkdteH ll- Bbetaaa. Ms 3» and 4«.
' kioek I. U, U'ft Om*s KKb add; gl.- original title for gS04-froqi ur.
Ilenh of St. Johns, but beforeililc
JoHiw T. RasBah. et al. to AdiUbert of land wtoftictuiftfore OrOult court
n Baalrea. Ms S aad 4. bloek I. P. tbe earner bad gotten out an InjunrH.-a 4U add; »90».
Adelbarl D. Squires aad w«e to Ar- from traOeUng orer bU land and
tkar ■. WUSCM. Ms t aad 4. block a, attempt .wai made' by the lauer
disaoiro R Uwufb unaralllng.lbo road
P.K^4tb add;-tas.
- Tto j; B Orellkdt Oo. tip'Howard remaining cloacd tram Janau^
Wbltteg. Ms lO-n-lX, blodi 1. QiUlB April of Uila year.
Parmer Brown did not consider tbe
ft Wlnaie’a add; gaso.
Poha N. Keaaedy and.-wife to Trank JuBMiaa slaUDcb ewongb to prcTcnt
Rterka. sM of aw|i aad aH or aig of
awH. ase. S4. town », naga U; aa.- ten loaded can
to dog an IDW
locaso cSTorn in front of
B. Otorge Ward to Bafaa A. miber. them, oompletely botUIng up tbe rood.
te al. aoK of awli. soc. 84. town 17. Seulement was cffeel^ recently by
D expect to reIbo BIkiltapIda Iron eompany-obtaia' flag* IP; ggOO.
the (t. (d M this fall. Sonen. JCatberlae K. C. Barate (e Albert W. Ing Jointly with the Pere Uarquolto
as a Junior law. Sitp-enson.
. Pick. teU ll-K, blodc ft U, L. ft Oo.’a a lease of the right of way for a period
s htisinesB manager of the Inof six yoare hnd In (urn ezecudng a
win become business msnsgei
M.add; gftTOft’
Tied B kae ate<wlte ta Towaaklp deed lo tbe defeadant, John Ilrown,
Cupid s -ms 1
; sf iWnasla. parcelNae. 17. Iowa 30. eoaBeetlag blm wKh Uw original ililc
at (be expiration the time and pay his Wallace show s
ers were quietly married, and
sf to Albert J. Bltorney tees, be to pay eoeis.
ately after the roailnoe of ■ I’awnee
tbe cost of tbo ortginaj lUle, fl
Hill's'' wild west show Clyde Miller, a .
tbo Tvrtoui other mta and gl'C which eowltoy. and Barliara Nevarro. a
- H. JUaoowaky to Charles Wrlcft. lot was paid John Drown In July of last dalnlv liille enntortlonlsl. fouuO Rev.)
year, U Is eeaecded by fair minded J-C. Mrbonald of the Raptlsl rhurch'
U. bloek 17, a B. B.; gl.
were marrii-'l. The hrttle Is a'
Kbtbaitae K C. Barnes to Loelsa persons thsl the farmer was certainly and
member of the Nevarro family of arm-, inourbospi
■m. Btotoil. patcek ase. M. tdwa 16. a stayer for wbai be considered bl« bats, with Uaniuin ft Ilniloy. but she becomes deerssary
ihrttugh negU-et ..f
rWita and dno reward
quaireled with a-broiher and left the ' Budi
sudi ivmptums
ivmptoms as backaobe, Im-gtilar
.itewog; gft
' and psiinful
painful meuMruaiion.
Joining •l‘awn«- Bill." and
Pater MUto and wUe to Peter J. for wlanlng out single handed against
MOka, Mia of awB. tec. at, (own as', a corporetkHi millions.
lungs on the
he big inlrvaneh. located the sido. buroiogsonsafion in the
raage lo- isoft
•• to UaJ. uaie (I’Bwnoe ach. bear
Annual FUhIng Trip.
----- and slceplcaanesa
: Gtot. U poster to Nertlager ft AshThe prirate esu' of the PesinsylTania
SlcuxD.—Tbe medlcmr that h
' IM. parMi, aec. Il.tewB 17, raage II;
_ ___ _ one of tbe own.' ihe re«wd for the largest nnn»b<R. R. arrived In the rlly Inai Friday
• K..
folurned to the sbow | at»olote cures of female ills is Lydia
Traak ft. Pratt aad wife to AbUe J. from Carp lake, where
.X ' BTOuads they found that the wedding E. l-inkham's Vegetable Compou '
laaKD. alt of Ms lS-]P«-:i. bleto
week'. nicHtee irln thl. ^ine ene^ i
'tipped off. " and that Maj. I It regulatav strengthens and cu
■P. U.-S 4(b add: glftOft
OdMIa H. BUto to Ctos. H. Barratt.
»i o™ i...!
thirty rear* It has been helping
aaH of tali, sacu la. town aft raakc
»; gift
ftMoa B. Haftaalord and wife
.___ ____ -... Its, rcgelsiiag
•attb BMe Lsabar Co, M 14. Oak
onallty. It n»nslro*tiao perfectly and oreromHstgktt: gisft
jnllies, and ing it* pains- It has also proved iLself
jmeated by . inreluable in preparing lor childbu-th
. Brwwn Wse OmL
of vmsourtom the membere accused ol ent^. «►“““« ^» colonists are setlllag
Xaltotka. Mich, June go.—The
a forv-pound fish, which Mr. Mu^ OO governi It land. The island, which ' ijelted and grmuful teatimonialsoa file
tented cans cf tto Pere Marquette mg
township of Chippewa , ,, ute Piukham Laborelory at Lynn.
ray discounted 25 per cent before re­ comprises
UI 20 miles In length by jjaea.. manv <>( which are from lime to
(Great Oeatnl aysiea) tv John leasing the story. Mr? Grafton it no count). Is ateKii
' grreiest pnini. There time pubUsfacd hr permission, give ab.
stranger lo uortherxi
uorthern Hlehlcan.
Brown «t Kalkaska kas boM s
HlehUp^ as he 15 In width at its
tlmlKT. Vhlle for the solute evidence cl the valoe of Lvdia
e«t «f eoart after two yaara of Utlga- always enjoys the deer season In the
t(dl IS rich, and entirely H. Hekham's v'egeUbteCaniponod'nBd
vUdi aad pravea an apt nimrod. Tbe l|atu>d for almoct
any crop possible to - Mrs. Pinkbam'a advice.
tloa ta which Uoe it kaa uppaarad aa (nr was attached to tbe reguUr
Mow In that Utllude A liicretive oe-. Fomra.-Every ailing woman in tto
tto daekat of tbe twealy-elgiitb Jadl- train and
cupatlon is ttot .rf ah.-p raising. Wool rnited Stales U askod lo areept tto
elal CIrenft eoatv Judge C C CUttea- ntttbnrs.
j brings about « cents per pound in the ; Allowing inrtlaUon. It U free, will
ftea. Ctolllae. presldlag. three s<
.irtng Umhs M.
•| ^ market,. and
«. A : bri^ yon beaith asd may save yofr
Words of Pralie.
L<..r>ll. nf
flad or
of mineral, ,..
of value
value, >.■»
aNe Ums. twice reaehlag tto 8ajiel of unfccnwn designation, has
praos eoart. aside froa beartagi «w
say eouarnlng tto en-; been
m aaflering from asr
sarMw aadou te chaaberv
I colonists, and
a are invited to
‘ Two years ago tbe Pere Marquette ■The Qr^
enraicrpmMt and I tto Michigan College of Minn show
with Mrs. Pinkto W. H. c.' (
tlofi last vrock atjmli'lng worth
- le the develop i
lattapptsd to na a ^ar two
AU Utlera ar*
hq^ Urge ati«M-^‘ meat Bt
wilt be
and answered
JohglatoalaDber district la Kan
leoBBty owMd by tbe Elk Bapids true
lneml*r, of the Drtta SIg-■
eutepaay. . TBIs spar wm called tto Nu at tbe annual banquet at the,and surest wav of
.. rrcDverj
volnme of «zMahan braaeh aad ran ter eighty red*
hos- Hotel iBiertaken at Pine toke, became .Hdrtsed. Out of tto
female ilU
ilU Mrv
■ested that (hey did not ,________
periaam inVtaHar
ttrwngh tto Itfreere fara of Joto
-PinUum probably to* the very kaowlBrawn of Kalkaska, wto placed a glM these tsro MM add fay the ampU w
--------- cnr^orPonlUc;^ that wOl help your care. Sorely.
rabw npoa tto right of way. aad to
me. Tbe boys took a five-mile I uy w«n. rich or poor, la very fooUah
arriving ta town at da) IlghL I H rim do» not lake '
' gate tto settleaaat was eCceied tto
1 Ume to give Pawnee UUI'aJnaen
gcaerona offer of aeriatasen.
■k Bapida Iiw ouDgny gun
tteteUng pnhUe eteM aa nuo w



Jal ct-b. t. IkA hm of Mum oJ- .* » bo«l t™Rth
tm Md ■ tolf
________________ Me U ib?^-«»ndv The ffatsh of the crim-ste

Jaync’,s Tbnic \fermiftidc



*^ivcs rosy checks and active health to pale, sickly cbildrcD.^
And it is good for their elders, tcx).
Ask your druggist for iL




Oil Mil,
P. •*•HMtiofi h*r* hM prwum

FCARCD. flo uothar aiBdiAr ehuie hr tiie M*
pprtr os mpothcr note. lUekni cWm


to be Uboeeat of the dtatse-

Cure For ailgM.
ig the atrikm
that Mn »
BUe. OAd^ June S6.-4lae J. F/
may >«aeh Oie pelet «f epe" reeeh*Hyeer. »Uto bortleeliuiel iaapecuir^
tlOA. TM« morning tho hocboe •Mrto
for Oar«eld eouotr. really dlooovered.
were ovorpewered by a meb and Hvo
tfertot-fd I • »«kD<l Which elll prerent pear and;
RMBlan ■taamere <M
apide bllfbtr
The •harveo llhewlee erlOi groet quern
Mreer mr* be baa: adenHilo oay it j
tKleo of merchemftot. whleh ere.*'
iBpootlble. To prove bU polni ]
TfPopo were hurried Is the eesno sT
tho dioturteses and tbed aavoral uol-

Mr*cr has anransped tor a denoiutn-'
Ib an apple orchard pear RlBc tbte ;

leyo at the rielore. Tho caaualtios ate
(Wtboloqlats from Colorado and sev-|
ssthnatsd«tmhlllod and«00 emunderal other vesteni ataie bavc beeo In-'
ed. Many M the ueopo (n the gurirUed. Myeer. aayo he ha. dlwwered
esn ere said to be qn the paint ef
pause at btigbl and eill under­
take to prove It by bllgbtlna. sittalD
Pnetkally the entire harhqr frent
lorty-els^t hours, any nnmber o( tree*
. tiem OuarMtlae geay to Ih “
erbleh the ocIcnlUlo may select. With '
.^sek. a diatanea sT^ mile and
hU discovery be has foiiDd a preven-,
has bean diatreyed. The pelleb haee
dve. ■.
ning I
is utterly Impoulblo to core
craaad I
blight.- saSu Mr. Myncr, -but U !■ po. ;
vaHaw parte of th» ally befa^ deysible to pK-rret IL in ecctlotu of tbe,
fire which ureo eUrtad by tho rtatare to stilt burning In varlaw aectione
and valumae of thleh ameka pour
of the WaMtif etrueturea. hanging <

Ing to Vloo Admiral Krtigole- aquadren

and aelaad the

chips Bftar killing the oBloora.
Camplotaly aiwrehy roigno at Odoo-

f/ 2

1 sM^tenKriaadBe^-

Bears the

OpiwJtarilUae BorMnerd.

couiury like the sremern slope of tbU
t can prevent nil tbe apple
blight and from 85 to >0 per cent of
tbe pear bflAt.

tho town nko a eleud. UnaMclal
rwnaro oay tho erawe ef ahipa belong.
. have mutlnM at

V(tr TnCantfi sad Children.

The Kind You Rave •
Always Boogin i

In lower altliodes

M pv eent'of tbe ipplot

can be

imaaid Loss oe SUSP.
ftoSiaat signature of

sa aad ftghUag |a in oonsUnt program
batwaan the aaldtora and atrtkare.
gt PatarebuiFT^m- Juna JOHuudrado of ^oaplo are llaelr^ trera

Vasblngton June

The following i

BUment. of

tbe opcralknu of

treadury (or

tbe fiscal


year ending

tbe panic etriMian city of Odaoaa
Jane 30. was made public yesterday:
day baeauao of the fighting batwaan
-Tbe govomgieni fiscal year ends totho strikore, rmrtfnoui aollore and tho
orrow.'The iressory deficit for ^e
treopa. Tho guno of tho batllohip
year will be approximately Itt^.OOO.
Kniaa Fotomkln. ap which tho oalleto
This Btnount Is subject to a slight, but
mirtiniad after mu^ng tht majart^
not ualerlal change. The last repon
of the afbeara, are MUI tralnad on
of the sceretan’ of the treasury esti­
Odama. Tho bambardmoirt of the city
mated a deficit for IfaU fiscal year of KlngsIcT team Just rouldcT get
woe ohort being diecentlaued by the
|18,0«.l»6. The mlusi deficit eiecrfs enough and, that was all there mas 1
SBlIere erhen the runerei ef a
this by »S.5M.OW.
• rede wm not tntemipled.
•The rceelpu for tbe fiscal year
Railroad Fight U On.
bavp beau about tSf3.Oon.6oo. Rapids. MK-h.. July
thag tbe receipts estimated
TitMible which has 1"-ob lir.-minr.
tlea by mutinying nnd figbta.hnv
by the gSEfcipry of tbe treasunm^ls some limt among the omnrrs of tlir
eurred ths;e between the troops and
Hanlstlque. Marqucilo A Norihpro
last report. TbO expendltor^^avc............................
tha asllere. Ths caaualUm nu-------boon tiCTJoO.OOO, or about |gjioo.o6o! railroad,
rellr^d^ which
wHch J.dn» r.-v.'ial dies in


haf aiid no sh^i flying the lluoeUn tag
wm dllewsd to enter or leave tha bar-

NIns ehipa had baen burwsd
•seeming to the last udviem and the
deeka ere in nalna. The oenmr rmmeo
to anew dimatehm eentalning newe of

the outbreak to pMO but the Uteet
» report sMd that Admiral Krwgel, oommmMIng «ie Slack sea fleet wee appraaehing ftriniii and a naval bsttM
wm eapectad to take place el
eight thousand saMare and wartoMn
•t CroMtredt hava mutiBltd.
. SL t>aMn*iir9, June aOr^Tha battla.
Milp kniaa botambln has auirendsred
te Hmr Atelral Kregar aomna “
tfw Slack aaa .flaat..


ymt recMrad, whWi------------------ ----(Mama at » o-ciook thU aftanm.
atalm that tba mutlman on tha batUmhlp Kalaa PedamhU ■ have bosn
traPafarrod to other warshipe. Tbe
govarww of (Meam Is jnaalar of Ue
aaya a report It b
that Vice AUrM ]
to that port tsUb t
Kalna Potomklh. Oat.
--------brtiad at Odmsa to guard tb
kla. which Is maenod hr^Aa
tahea from oiher vewU trf tJ
rcm. There Is ao eoafiOFSth


ili-fcndlng ilK' M-rond divorr.da> r. i» il
. third mill-. Tin
Kuli bruuj
irlt'd in Scalth . list' •
css.- Is bi-liig


it'ru-n to 1
vision »s«
-.f ibe mart•iago. At the prr.«<-nl K
rklng sSni.- rich claims 1
111 have acain insile a
Mrs. tisii's. furinvriv a da
Jnne Just cloalng s
a detennleed cOurt un (be p
•rfiiruiiT. is ihi- jmingor of 1
inrplns of nearly tl3.0OO.OM and re­ number of <bi‘ siockliohlors
_. .. .
1 marri'........ ..........
With tbai oh.leci slfU-rs miruiu^hiduced the deficit from t37.000.000 to. ,thc present oIBcers.
sb> as a sr
In view a apodal meeting of the stockJ. M. Ilarric Is
uTi » pre-MV
bolden'maa held jeslcrday at t
■ lesfftastlv at llarrJr (ur llviof the receipts of Ace of R. R. Mvthcaay. aiiilllor
; ut*-s ami ti
this fiscal year with those ef the pre­ Grand Rapida A Indiana railroad.
e same eMrt’i"in
Tho ofllclaU of Iho road bare lieoc mill oshIM' 1
ceding year «hows remarkably small
divided lor some tipic and mhet Die of cll~in-- ■.
receipts (or the lime came for llu- t-oyiiiar annual
a n-h
fiscal Jear l»04 were approximalcly , mcv-ling In this city on the first \V,.|- a».l r.veni-i
tt«t.OOOMO: for tbU year approxi­ inesrtay In May. tbe date s«t by '.be by- be poset-u-i-i
I laws of the road, Pre.Ddonl nioymcr nc-s ahirh is deielo-H.I
mately t3tl.fi00.0M. Inlergaf revenue and Secretary Cultbaum refused to he talks With a gixi i-1.
reopipta for 1M4 wcprtlSt.IM.OOO: for ‘ mil the .meeting.
iimiy the mber day a
Tho other tuockbolders then im' to- wh‘> had here ruhtarMng In
.......... 1M6. t333.fiOOMO. Mbcellanooua re­
golbor. with the roaiilt that n ccuoral ■ plhis and illrvcily
ceipts In 1*04 were t4C.70fi.000; In
tlockholdera' mccUng waa called (or! phased lum >0 niticli tba* be a-k.-t
her to httichtsm
Sb- roiiMiit S" Hi:"
-A eomparteos «f the expenditures • -About thice-fottrths of (be stoek of day. nntl the roftisal cmliarras.-d hint,
of )he tsKT years shows wider vsrla- the coatnany »-a* represented at the 'nn he |dm-ki-d up cnit-see and sski-J
mefil ing,iaert’after disnissitig Ihe eitua- her.again the r.ett dsv. .Antulier eii
tloM. CIrll and'mlscs
tlon It was decided ttrad)ourn yntU usat-rreni (nti-i-fi-rt-d. Imt ••11 He- ihinl
1»04. excluding payment
Monday aften^n. when a new iKiard trial the slrl aect-pt'sl and was iih-aseii
the right of way (or tbe Panama canal. 3'^fllrocloro
leeiiial eiiteriaiii
<i( d--lighi[ul !n'.i-llcciiu!
I Pup Immediately
and the kmn to the I
nar-l-- nrdered I'li- lune
chase Bxpo«llhm company, were fii:
^■'I'^The prosenl Imprd of directors con- and as Ih-- dUii--- were tinvuitht 11
4W.O00 thU year they were Il4-,t00.-j
■ *Ihtlyniei
Mllwaiikw; hvil.ed ui> and Itit.i the :
mom'-tii lie wa
lutn. Milwaukee
fiOfi. an iBCtmM of Ilfi.OOO.tXK). .of Joseph (igli
rjiger. v,u«-»s'>; P W. Knhtiiisn, . ... r.,..,,....
wfaldi more than half
cage, and H. Ifc~*Jctbcaoy, Grand Rap-; one •■■nl diiniig the meal and
tbe postal deftdeacy.

was over he wnv Jll^t able to gi
-War 4ciianaeDt cxpendllnrea in
"Shall we n-iuni to the Iheairr
1»»4 were fiufi.800,000: this year.
Oeneral Nevn.
fIt3.4»«.OM. an incrrese of $7.0M.«M
the rate
The klni: of Pelgiunt Is di ii-lntitni: a ”
Navy department expenditures In
tSnla (»r building Ibal recalls King '
1*»4 were an loerease of filiAW.oon.
Ludwig II of Bavaria. At presmi bis '
indtons In 1W4. tlO.400.OM: In l«ns.
• • •
bniliand the cl' '
tW.fiOfi.OM, an Inenase of IA3M.000.
(40 ■ Snuv^j — . ...
Peaslon paymeeu In 1*04. $143,600.- -Muni dee Art*." whi

OMr in 1*06. $141.700,MO. a decrease
Itch . ts curls. Sum., uf (>0.r Bur
rhlrh ■-etewv t. .n<UJ. IB.- Itibd.,
of tl.OM.OOO. iDicrrel payments were rovBl cummand an

t»oe. t4(.ooajK«.


DmM ef John Hay.
mriTi K. H.. Jnly 1.—John Ray.
jy of sUte and oae of Amermieet sUtesmen, died at ^1
r borne here tbia morning M


members cf the K. P. lodges al BcotiraUry eoBered from nreemic eonvnl- vllle and




graduaUng troa Brown univenliy bis was taken back to L
June 30.—Sectary of, pheasam (arm airli'T r^nimc-r hom'-.
Magnuhn. Mass
War Taft and the dtoUnguIslied party
that will aeeompaoy him on hi* vlsU,to tbe Philippines will leave bcie this ]

aflertioon at 5:30 on their way to San |
________ _________________________*1 Will
Frasetoeo. They expect to reach San
be baM In OevMaad. Ohio, and the
hody wUl leavp here for that plaee 6t- -FtmDctoco on ihe evening of July 4.U oViodt iPtoOTTow Boralng.
eroatlng tb(* Itorlfic on the steamer
Oyxter Bay. July. 1. — President Muchurto.
RooaereU has sasa a raeaaage to Mra.
Ray In which he teaden the deepest
Buenos Ayres.
Ayres, ArgenUna. Jnly

^ 1.1' '! [!I'Ti?''

“ 'r*7-!s

waived eiamtoatkm before JnMiee;,, ,i„. jpologlEal gardens.
Boostager yesterday and to held under;
---------------------- ^3—
noe bonds (or sjvearanee at Clre^tl
Kingsley Lest Oama.
Rlngiley. Mich, June 30.—There
a res] I was mourning and lamentation In the
bnal-1 Tillage last nighL The Xlngslcy base

Mtate Insnrnnee and 1
y Mas tore al fbe time, to charged wUh: ball

went to' fiUsion yesterday

' fcaViog sold to Ral Roberts a (orgeii: and by two little measly rant wa* pat
’ MM aad It was on this that be wa* onl of b^neaa. Tbe aeore vas only
10 * ^Ttbe borne (mm Is aim busy
g tow
**vw U Was.
mmM* ’ The
4 ue gams mm*





TmiB tor.. Tr.Tf»^ oiij sqo a.




Train srrtsm la Trm.rn- nty lAp auaBS
T-ufi. m rnNB novtS mU «n-%a
TtviSBmTm Itmi gunbsmt lOWia ^ato

la tort Jum«.IMS.
Tmim tom Trsvrtr CStr a» Inlltos:


LOT 196
LOT 203


r-f Atom, MUIn.Ukstortx aaW Pmitoiy.


LOT 211

LOT 212
LOT 2i3
LOT 214

XimAay to Ja^A. D.
ia& *1 Ml O rtok to tb. fiamuia. to luM amtoi. uArr. to asd to hwtoy asstoatto i«r

These arc all early scleciions and are the

Handsdniest Lots in Oak HBigbts
the most charming addition to Traverse City. This
addition is now largely built over, and good loti afe
not easily obtainable. These lots will be sold Sepa­
rately. excepting lJf‘2, ISH, 184, which must be sold to­
gether. All must go for spot cash, and the prices
will be

eurtoi ('nan (or toS oautoy to
I, Uir
Omrrthto to toMtototfoto
cv •> oiui-h ihon-ul M may to moatory to mb

-«-niu.i •• (ullon *0 wU. *lto mm hag .

lUi^bV Wrt toinSs^onSTnoMtoto qw'
ur o-iai to ■mVto twmtyWm <mi. tows

The whole bunch of


Ati-in»-»" forll.wteo.-'”oiiilnm, Trsiivx-'Hr. Mtrli

« i»

if sold at one lime and for cash down, would be

i goed^oM and bard (ought btit the

As the price would be made accordingly and -lo allow
for holding as an investment. Come quick for choice
of lots.

vltiliirs. s--<'iuliiKl>
p.ld. n I


tihle (or Ibr-m. T“
from the anitf
'•"fh Is their


Septembor. A. 0- 1 ftOfi.
1 servant
*t lu .i-rk.'k m tl.s l.wvMW
aid <Uy.
1, and he Is respon- isut'jm Co .11 CB<-sas*-nuU snd
. aili-ndatini einne f-atoaud Is » r.

Joaopb H. Choate Is promloeatly
meaUoned as the next soercury of . Parana baa bad strange
- “jviT: malic elisns'-*.
I By the great extension of
WmiSBi r. Gsie«, better known
Plate.. tbe

dorks of Bucniie Ayroi and
tbe harbor hire been Invadefl by loat- -Swmwal.r BUI.- of ib- m
Chargto With Forgsfy.
lag Istatid*
loro fr-rtb the noted cbaracU-r, ... early ............
* of Iland■nst Jordan, Uleh. June ».-Ji
_ Ibc Itorans
batnk* of
These have
U HMkctl. the young man who a week] brMi^ boms of tropical animal*, hun»tp waa arrested si netrolt and rDrtds <rf Wg w-rpeou and many crows

HaekeQ. who was e<

a yuitMi. KMlvvy C» Ito.
Tr»..r.- Oty 4
Uu <<■’ ■■ulBW i>-«-ia

Sherlll Field

was nptified to he <m ihe lookout tor i

'Tita Hay waa bom la Salem. Ud„ CtoveUc and he dtorevered him about (
') ,(smmp.o* Arrangemc
te lS$t of Seottlsta aneoelry. After la the act of gellJiig money. Clavelte | made for U»o payment of the bet b>

the preeent time, but an auibor
wwil. He to eurvlrad by a widow, P
danghlaw aad ooc eon.


PERE Marquette


Iaol«.n. Ostende 3£tT.'fTSiS
busy for the king
ti.yn, insO^r.Uk^ in UtwrM^ Hustt
and Vlllcfrancbe.
ire u
I.UII1 al
project Is a hall of fame. 10
- mtKki
tbe portc ih- Namur: after
of King Ididwic'K Walhalla
Itcv. Rolicri Simmons, patfr of the
Christian charrh at
In (bo newspapers Celling p<-ii(ile fhai
---------realed.on Instructioos.from the aherlir Bcilbor coats, collars
highly s
county. It'if said be had
at pis el
been begging or aollelting money from
for the two years. $*4.5W,-

TVmUw l.v Cudsr City .m Pm i mml tom to
<X . a. ul
iVy tto achtobme

r L.uxtewooD.o r AT A.


B^rwtol^'^ctrra^ hTspiauV

i. Jnly 1.—A deapaicb t
from Bt. Petenborg mys
■ agcacy fro
- the RasaUn minister 000.L Akhanp.


LOT 110
LOT 182
LOT 183
LOT 184
LOT 188
LOT 230

Ur For Over LOT 235
Thirty Years
LOT 236
LOT 237

So tar DO speciSc tgr tree blight bar
ever been given to the world and the
me of the' Myser desotulratlca



Fronting H.tsi Bay 8 rods



less a strip two rods wide on north >id<-


back 20




very desirable lot in this beautiful suburban spot.


SCOTT’S BfOUKm stoa m s
teUgc te carry ihi wstocasd and
m»ed syttomsiees ^ H can Bto
SMdleilre i^b,

Also One Acre Lot
in Birchwood
123 Front Street

. BrtMs



;^n day of SupMrobar. >■ O-1 FOF.

<itj, IIU..IU. fc mr

thrangh tbe «wte«a tt the bariCroeg of tin lodte. with at Uteat'

Mwtm mm4
9f Tt»
IhMU r»mt Mu UtuUm
I win try ..w «• wtrry ar

M that seemed to *e* far Mycnd atoned sky.

Sitties Fnn^Michi|a|i ffistory
For Mkhigui Boys told Girb

ber not enme to b«r reUcT; b* tbc
•furiwciB WM oUU.yoBn*. tbe t*«reo-ekM* dlooer bad beea eous bn'o
tbon Ubo bcdore. ud there «•• poor


nr one U»ee-U>o W«4 of toooul and BeUadome <* ooine beotowed
i iplrUMl u vdl u pbyoleal food thM the doU by DoHi- eoofla. ■ yotiss med­
«»e* u> the fwtolo* ot ihoir llMtie*- ical •tndobO vlih her trues beauty

fi«t abMrt aayfliln^

jdtlW. otrotrOlo, to tb. «»l


akin* or bH* of bark.

and ortoles. thrushes and Uacklurdi with a knot of >earlet (oath- ‘
er* on each shoulder, gay n-.l li.-ade.l «ui»l|w. ker> and noisy
bliw Isya. ond'aurb a sound ••( rluticrlng wtnc* 'and chaiierlag

«md her a mrd

Ume. (or the liule talking water* would bear them tad carry-the

beoK'Wheo Ibey left the earth.

news to Ibe tplrti* of tbe wUdemes*. wbo would be dtoptoaaed

li^ sky. snd uttered tbe mme .hrill yell a* wh.-ti he dashed

button. Her ba»u|“»a‘“*:

Our school will soon be out! •»

curious superstriioB.

dlr^^ ud _*h^ bl. bead

tba tbade treee.

I must close aad

tabe can of tbe baby.
Blenn Dell.

the bisse of s July sun (O' the |
(bic'b would probably elapse Ih- |
tare help could

through the lug.

again, her dingy rhwhe* were rbaned to n.l«-, irf r bintni grmw
and her eaue to a sliver toath.-r
at (be BtuBlng Star,

men wbo liad teamed them from tbelr faiben wben they were

0-wee-aeeatepp.Nl out n^oofi green turf »priBkl«l witb beauti­


ful Aower*. tnd, iowlde a large and verj Aae lodge, to ^

—the legend of Mackinac Uland:
before a wbtle tnsn had dreamed that such a world as America

J<4k)as because my power to greuler than hta.

Ifeat lodge, which looks to you like that amall shining star yoader.

Many tullois came to ber. mighty warriors and chiefs of great

ee«d In irantfurmlngjau toto old age. Yoo must be careful, hath

renown, but sSe would listen to aune of them, and much gmnder

of you. when yoo go In and ooL Ml in let the beama of the star

grew that this abouliLbe so

fall on you. tor they are his arrowa. Tbe food ywn aie umlghl

After a while, a little son cam* (e Opgeo and O-wee aae.
who wa* a* baniliiome os bis mother and as brave as hto (alhar.

fisherman from the lake*, ot a warrior fresh <rom the war path

As he grew up be learned to do everylbtog that was done la hi*

wll^ feathers waving and war iialnt glowing bright, told it with

gnndf^bcrW ktngdom. Thro, as bl* faiber ofteejold him aboot

loud laughter, and be who listened took on 6r*t a look of blank

his did home on earth, he teased him to tear* him to shoot as
hey did Itelow.


So his father made him a IKlIe bow and aossa

snows, and one day let (he birds nut of the cage tor him to
shoot SI. as be did not think (he little fellow coMd bit tbrnn.
But the very Aral day Ihe boy hunter brought down a bird. S^
ninnlng lo pick It op. was snrprised to. And a iMwutifnI youBf

sweev as that of I-a-dlllA. the red-breasted robin, when he swings

woman with an arrow through ber heart.

As her blood fell upon

Ibe ground the boy fell himself going down, and was soon ralltog

that sbe bsd a stubby lead pencil, bui.

beiow. bsiT marrii-d 0»-et^. a lillle. thin, hern old,man, scarce

Uuougb Ibe cloudL

there was not'm fragment of pa10 be found, and tbe wgs Just

able to walk, and loo poor to make ht* tirlile a gift of tbe smsllest vslue, or even to bring to Ihe I.Wge the food sbe must eat.

but to It all she answered:

btreb seek. 6o. as legibly as was pns
sible under ibe clrcumstanres she In-

"Walt and »ie>-'

lovffoWB in Ifie golden


after Hie aunsciilng.

beauilfol custom

of Lake Miehlgsn toward a point Ibst sireirhivl nut le(u the
• deep water, and on which they eonid see as il^ey went the red
camp Ares beginning to glow to the twilight.

to mellow note* from bluff to bearh and l«rk again.
All were gay .and there was m"Ch merry chatter and ring­
ing laughter, and the vouag DX'n ran rare* alimc the beaeb. and
leaped over great heap* u( drlfiwixid tor ^re delight In (heir
youth and airengih,

But p«>r old Os-si-o^ydihl hardly go at all

It was bis wife * sirung young arm that lfri|>ed Mm over the logs
and atones, and he looked like nothing no much o* an old. gray,
crippled graiu>bupt>er. dragging hlniM-lf uver the ground slowly

wearily, while hi* mate* leaped and

meadow grasses.

glowing lamp, lu light so pur.- and snfi and y.w »o full of Are
that It seemed to throw off sparkle- c,f name

As be looked, they saw hi« lips nuive, and heard a Mw
murmur of wewds.

They tliimgh’ Mm a chlldl-h old mao talk

Ing to hlisEelf. bu< one uf the sikii-r. who rhanreil to Ik- walking
clowe besiile Mm. h««M Mm say. a. one jay* a pniy.-r from the

it he would only fall an.l ln'-ak hr- neek. then
a young and hancl*ome hrotherin taw

with a tangle ol grmie-iine (alltng on r i'

X* they eome near It.

they were stanled by a shrill yell fn.m n- se-., and at the >ame
moment he Aung Mms.-lf h.wd foremo-' i-t.. :hv ratity. Imm.-dlately emerging from 'he other en,l
Ah. but then there we-i- l.k-k* i-f wnti.h r and erle* of sur­

For he who eanie (n«n the log wa- 0.*eevi and yet not

|„,s poj,u,ty

In place of Ho- liiile crtpphd old Indian there stood a

tall, straight young mao,.far hand-omer than any of hi* brothi-r*[

silence, for every I

,had toft her best doll—a wax darting herdsman 1s knivUng. with Ms bead'

I dare w y«u will never be tempted sun; and. conarieoeewirieken by the; ,u.„ight,

^Tial a I'l') 1

A great hollo* log. ojieo at ••aeh ■ n-l lay Juki t.y the pith,

, TBit 1* a tolly whidi you. av ^tUe. whose complexion aw* of Ibe - most u„,^reTed. and U offering hli eieningf
lad* and toaslcs, are no» yet gnllly of,: Aellmte >»rie«y-lB a chair on lhrjp,uy„.
tot Of the CUSI.UU as was Hamlet, po^ l-««l to the full ray* of Uie *ummer;„.^„

I’lty me, niy

doesn't do It!" and she laughed gaily *- -he l■o(lI,dt-d forward.

to (be sill; (asUon of painting which' der the cherry tree, whence bo nasi herdsman after berdsman. who pas* H
wn* tbeu much In rogne. aid one can-' now regarding her

Afipy , ,io^

whuh means


been ettndliig UD-j
The ciy to heard a grest distance 1n
Tbo I,nrd Hamlet pntoably referred: Ul he bad reached a point directly un-! ,i„, fp*, ny. •nj j,
up by

a^ tbe old world baa grown ns scorn-, porch, which mast by Ibto Ume Iw ex-;

The iKwnilfuI star

had never been ao beautiful befiire.

: tram wb«v b

pheu ifcere it

sun has-set. and

hlgbest peaknare-no. In fhe
Tbe berdmnao on top ,.f ifae

In-law. lithe and suiifl*. hi' hUrk eie, ■■••rMing with radtaol
light, and hiB brown eheek* gjowlng wrth beali!:, every motion


With a .pnnginc leap he *»s a' the bead

-erf Oie procession, going JW .wiftly that 'le v roul.l wcareely keep
up with him

lie looked l>ack oM'r ho- t-hoiililer with s delighted

gUace at hU voting wife.
quickly brft-k to her jnle.

for a momi-M. and then came
A little old woman. I■enl nearly double,

to ifc*» wiy.
Begleci of her famllv Into wbleb be^ mountain again lakes hi* burn and
. But aoanetlme* little folk—and big- aiipeUie bsd led ber. sbe prepared (u\h„tiis -OondalgbT''' Tbit erv i* an '

and walking with a staff. *o» huhbllng along the path where the

A*too-.«»»h<' for (bemselve* descend and c« to tbe rWw brforc|„ur«d by La neighbors, and carried,
otbor face* (ban Uk>m> with vhliA as-' Im-parable damage abouM have been: on like the ffrst oMlI every one ha* ,

hiuhand wein lendeili l-y h.-r side, and iii4|»-d her with lo-lag

Inre endowed Ibem. They mrl tbe Upiduni'. And then, and not until Ibea. (old bis
with habitual MHWrtitg or draw dowa i.l<l tbe liiile. girl discover that »he[,.>,«ny«


good-night. — Ex-[

_____ ______________
mqmoarigupposed L Uttle Nettle Roekfordt borne ,fs In'
e pbyslugnomiids
tell' tbat tt would •-----------tv iKtnsfble farNjier to^ndiana. When 6re yean old she waa
trowni. aad------------------------------ '•----------------------------------* and chin actually M descend aad paaa Ike bull—the vt^- here vUIIIng ber aunty. Upon seeing
u* (hat the
le sttangpr or weaker In outline ac- .plpaanre wbleb be stowed si herBiwl! s number of people leaving «be cable
curding to (bo dcvelnpoent of t^- movement eonvlneod bar of tbedan-; car*, sbe exclaimed. "O. Aunty, tee all

kMW that the ctiiur and , ger of sneb a cuurto: so sbe satstill; tbe stole people getting out sad trash
Sbe wa* jcnm gotog Inf—InierOccwn. Jr.__

merlng Wings came flowly flasiing down, with bl* father, and*
mother wiibiB. All reitled on the highest eminence of Ibe island,
but a* they toodied tbo rwrth they were Changed back to human
form, but not to buman site.

They were all dainty Utile tdrUa.

so tmaU they could creep Into the pouch of a moecaalB flow
and hide .there, or sit between a botierfly'a wings and Bend
tbrough tbe sir.,



Because 6s-smo wasjurv^Jsmllr-wbo used the inrfle for
it* totem, or family mark. Aese Puck-WodJ-Innc*. or Uttle Men.
were ealled Mlsb-ln-e-mok-lB-ok-oBg. or Turtle Splriw and m> Ito
island came In coi-rwc of thM -to be ealled MlchUllmhfklnac.


which 1* now shortened to UaCkinac.
And stUI in the summer evening*, wben the nlgbU are
warm, and the moon Is at the full, the belated fliberntan wbo
rows lo from Ihe lake at midnight, thinks lie sees cm (be highest


cliffs of the Fairy Island Ihe gUtlering walli of the shining lodge,
and hear* fatot. *we.-i music .from where ibe lllGe men and
wonx-n an- dancing arooad it. singtog song* 1n honormf Oie Bvea
Ing Star,


(To be eonttoned.)

to where the evening *iar hung in the wesi.-m *ky tike a great

ktod Hgmiet meant when be said, ratotog hit bead and satlBng
'I through his Alpine bom. • |»ral*c the
lOod Las given yoo one face sod you ; breeto once pr l'slee.

\ slowly
advanced I t^ird Poir"

■ tvea change tbe sba|A of eyebrows, eaten her Bit. remembered-that she;

Uvnded over (be.

Often ho stopped anti l.*>ked o"t over ibe

them the lodge with shinlwi silver pole* mid rsrverfag of ahlm-

water, all (iDiMt with pink, and pahft blue and r-r>mru-ie yellow,

B'bee the sun bss

haring [ mipulvs.

Tfie air was sweet

witb cool, woodsy scent*, and In the thlrkeis of OeJar along the
way the whippoorwills were singing and answering each tuber

that live* farthest up shouts

not wonder that be was dtogasted to (msi. as ws* shown hr Ms twitching;
(«■ Ibe women of bis coart cover their tall and distended nostrils.
i |py,


' tog came they w<-re gotng together along the smuoih sand beach

depth* of one's heari:
“Sho-waln-n.-meshln, noia"

set Id the deep rsfleys, sod it U slili
shining OB tbe highest peak*, ibe

All Ibe stolen

and their strong, hanUwme husbands were invlloj.

Hew the awfut 6*y Good-Night
Away up le (lie faigbesi monnialns
In Swltgerland.iibe ^erdsmem have s

and It to that wbieli to wrong, and not' So absorbed was she In this delight
tbe mere word* or faooi.; (ul orcopslloa tb*l *he quite failed to
But tbe kind ortooesImeaBtretheBoUce tbe fact that the bull. aBet

He looked up ah he lay OB the son green turf, and fluuar-

log down from the sky. be saw coming hto bird nunta and uadra.
thHr many colored wings flashing la the-suBl^cht; aad aflrv

other, which gave her ihi- appouaace

mean tbat (bees is bate to your beans.; daik red oxbeaRs. -


. Not king sfiiT they marrl.-il (he father msile a great (c^t

loo. the inlmal looked ao peacefnl that ache or a one-sided esse of mumps:

desinis unheeded by the{

shores of the matoland pWnly visible far away to ihc north and

Vmi -hall yet sav itiai niy choice wsv the

In Wgor of Ibe EheuiOK Star, whtch wa* Just beginning to shln^-

eilbout Mtmctlng bU aUeotioa. Tbeu. of having either a permaneui tooth­

each otbor, aad irf-tofn— was but; bull, aad was eooo In safety among the
anuiber way of awaai^ "for they ^11 leafy branebes and feasting oa the

Suddenly be dropped upon a bcMUful Uland^

sumwBded by shining bine wsters. and with the foresl-eoverad.

'Jew and lauiGoer tollowed the (wo wherever they wen(.

ber bi^kereblef and tie It about Ibe

cure shf could reach It and reti

tcxinre of ibe skin are affected by Iht. to conrider the aiiuatitm.

was enchanted byme.^d ao all these changes came ”

end be wbo (old l>, whether he wa* a hunter In the .wood*, ur a

lo the springtime, light footed as s deer, snd whose voice was

BterUng talked H> (be wee girls of tbe I waa la sight, so she slipped between
Uaemeai dtotrlci on tbat subject. He) the bars of the rail fence, reached the j


He tried to kill both you and your wife, hut coald kwly sne-

went twlrily from -wigwam lo wigwam, tad from camp u ramp,

deed Ibat spreads It* nweet pink blossoms all through Ibc forest,

and Doris’ message was st onre read,
wbervnpoa’ the farmer himself went to

w'lifa heulng andvcom- , was a prisoner.

He lives to the

men of ibe tribe wooed sad won them (or their wives, UU Ml
were gone but O-wce-aee. Ihe youngest and fairest of (hem all.

Tbe beaultful U-weeuce. fairer than Ihe delicate mls-ko-

liatee: my dilldr^ for I want to she was Incdloed to think that
and whenever Dortu felt tempted to
latk ’tp yoo about mtUng tows. I stories sbe bsd ^ told of bU vicious disobedience, a look si ber disfigured
daol mean wo (are*, ibongb there is temper bad been exaggenitoni.
A doll remind Ml ber of wbai such l>><a alee .little sermon is tbe way Peter | careful surrey asiured her that no oae hxvlor ^ cost Id the p*al.-Ne* Era

h\- ‘

ehaminenl of a splril wbo Is your enemy and mine, lor he to

howevar. tor one by one the braresi and noblest of Uie young

tbo woods rang with murry sfaciuilng.

DoHs knew perfectly well (bat abe Ibe te*(M. returning a few minute*
Mrs. Cbarrymaa baa a bey aad girl. bad been forbidden to go Into tbe Held later wilbYii^HtUe girl, wbo was In
keedMf. aad they an the' alceet kfad —she had not
very penitent Tmme of mind
4g Boashlaon.. SoM^me I will bare abe bad torgoUee; but tbe boll was
Doris St once (lew to the relief
to ten ,yoa aome‘MfM about them.
•tanking quietly ,1a tbe abade at tbe
Bo bar* to tbe Uttle /mooe." aad we (artber end of his domain and tte tun had already dose Us wbrk. aad
will hare to «h—fc hi tor It by trying Cbeny tree full of ripe, iuscloux fruit, ever after, (be waxen darling bail one
te remember to mal^ the rigbi kind of vras ao close to the fence that she felt 'cheek very much plumper thsu the



"You have for a ioag while been suffering under Ihe wa-

They were nut left to him tor Bmay yesr*.

on s maple bough In May time and sing* to bis male Ip ber nest

Miy. Cberrymaa w«l ears It we take
It Cor osr owe depsrtmsst.'’ - Too aee.

and llpt with rotmeltes.

"My ton." be aald to ps-se-o. "bang up .that oige of hlldf '
tell you why 1 have brobgbl you here.".

Tn her Joy. she duund

oogtal to road that, aad 1 dost ballere

rresenily. however. Doris,


astontobmenl. and then be, lou, gave way lo such mlrlh limt

•cribed the following on the square of
Bammll City, Mtoh.. June S*.
Dear PrceMeni-l have Juit oob
"I am In tbe eberry tree tnd the
bone from tbe Children's Day exereome day. aad eee the funny looMag
claea. Wc bad a very
Hme. I bad Bull won't let me come down. Saneaiarks she makea. vhleb took
iddy pleas come drive him sway be« place and waa
wrUlBg la 4 toroiga laagnage.
u* BeHadonna Is melting to deth
to a ptonlcjat-]
wbkh tbe typesetter usderutaods
I Ibe SUB. Dorto.Wa bad a dinner and lee . .
wbleb m»a mimcUoss la mIsspelM
Tbto sbe tied about tbe migeon's
•ervea. My alatar^can walk from one
words Bsd chaagea te the copy,
neck and tbe^
Mialr to another. Tbe
that Isn't wtmt we ataitod to
little aslonitbed by sneb a burriddle I went uTeBenstai
about. IB reoBlBg the praC. sbe
promptly flew stmlgbl for ihe
you lick vritb.a stick. UmMber you
across oomothlag wy1UaB,br Mrs.
Bdck witb a lick.- I wUI have to etose farmhouse, wben abe,geatly tossed It
aearyauB oC Gnaad Rapids os par.
into (be sir.
for this Gma.
pose for Homo Ctoer. aad sbe saU
Natamlly tbe return of tbe Idrd ibos
' herself. *Hy Bsaablae boys aad girts
decomtM attract^ some aUMUon.

aaAml complextoas witb rouge and

Os-ae-o aad

at Ibe door, and then do you and your wife come to «ad I «iil ^

One summer day a piece n! new* came to be told, that

will bare to come aad waleb her do H

mak«|fur yoarsetves anaiber. '


cxtolcd. there lived tn ladlan whose family eoBslsted of Ian
beantlful. daughters.

1Iv.nI 0*-x -o'* (tther.

door of which walled to welcome them a powerful manl'to Or

In (be wild foreale of Nortbem Michigan, long, long ago.

Homo Cheer doparimeot—11 you
aot know what raadlnc proof Is, you

(oU them tbat to ’•pikt- tongues at I goal of

tcslsnily bis wlie ws* >cmng and beiautltul

Once Bofv the tojge in-mbled. and all al cwicr they wore

lodges, and listen for bour* iogelber to Ihe stories of the old

came and went, in the'wigwam* of the tmnd ot life Great Lakes,

reach ber!), Doris;

oge.| woman she had

U**<--o agato looked far up Into

Uut when tbe winter hushed tbe chaiier of the runnlog water

This to one of the stories told year after year as twnlurles

al Wnitomabsig tUt winter. about to abandon ber idea when tt oc­
curred to ber tbat she might write on

ButOwee-nee was xill tb.- -am. Iltip

and snuw, men. women and cfalidrea would galb^r round the ffm

weeks of ber stay si tbe farmhouse..
sbe bad made particular pets' of a pair |

I waa St Sunday aeboel at miUunaburg ysaimday. 1 Intend


bird voice* a* there wait

and (fie gqaalplng streams were slUl oad.-f tlx- covering of ice

beard « sound whicta brought a sudden { ,
my of hope to her mind. During the

help to ber.

Wbll, you wUI have to eicoae
aerras sometkltid eapodally good aba abort letter. Good-bye.
always waau it forber boya aad flrlt.
Today the Was resdiBR “preor- (or tbe
Ago U.
. Bmma Ritter.

They would never tell ihi-lr slories when

The sisters aad their buBland* w«-rv all birds, lou. robins

tbat burned on the grotnid la tbe center of th'<i_wlgwamt and

tsra. Ruby Foraythe. Bernice. Harry
______ went over to Myrtle Lyle's the
other day 'bod had a One time undCT

The Michigan Indian* had one

Ihe brotdis and river* ran d«»r anti free In the glad summer



write a few Itoet to you. Wo
well at preset and hope you


mure dingy wood but glK-


t-wblta plgooni and It was ooej
Dtor Prseideai—1 ibougbi I would
of Iboe Urds whose cooing note bsd|
The dlidi-pak i* tbe bathlbK ptaeo.
wBU you a letter, as 1 hare not. writ­
sttraoled ber notice.
The copbcaH Is Utoir borne.
ten tor a long rime, t am well aad eagerly around, abe discorered Ibei
are ibe tame.
.And Nell sod I most oee. tbe while.
pretty creature perched on uoe of tbe |
waa my brother's birthday and be eras
Their nlxhtly dip Ibey UlK,
higher brnnebet of the tree and peer- {
adrventeen years old., Wo have slxtying at- ber curiously with lu dark. |
That not a cUtgle «*!« »«• h»»t
rereo lltUe cblckeM aad eight bgas

By unUloi Is the to>e.
bright eyes, as thoqgh n«aUy aston |
setting. Bchgol wa^tott about a monlb
ished to discover that she loo. bad beTbs silTOr, kshreo aad forks ssd ago a^ I passed Into tbe sixth grade.
arinreal In ber bablls. Doris
w'ai be M years old the lllb of Augare the little wbUlle to whiefa tbe
Tba \oddtUu bsMoa are;
gusl. We take the Hprald and I like
bsd lau^t tbe pigeons (n respemd.
Ma boost them (e be sore sad kaow
to read tbe totters In tt and (be story
and. to ber delight, tbe bird at «pcc
That nose hare waaderad tar.
ot "Micblgan History tor Hlehtgan
ffutlered to her and perched oa^ar
Boys «nd Olrls.~ I bsre my card aad
shoulder, where it ssl preening !tu
,«Wa waata. ssd nib, sad wipe tbom dry.
pin yet. Well, as tbit Is all I can think
’ The mile girl bastlly tell
ABd iBBfce ibelr taam aMos;
of tor Ibto lime 1 Will close.
in ber pocket; sbe knew tbst ibese
Thes rlBse' tbe towdhi that It takaa,
Prom your friend,
pIgMiu bsd occasloBsIly carried notes,
Aad spread ibem oe tbe Uae.
Anna Bhane.
tnd (bat It abe bad a pencil and p«And-wban they all are oatedy homo
Elli Rapids. June I*. l»l».
per sbe could write and tend by tbe
Aad Mamma ooeiea to aoo.
t)>miu.aaildeat—I tbougbt I would
message which would bring


‘the rough bsek which (onaed (he roof and wall*

•as changed -Into tbe gorgeoui wings nf great- bottertlei aad
dragna-flles shlDlng like Jewr*-I> In all the oulur* of the ranibow.

wind, and ail ibingi ibat were.

Traverse Oty. Mlcb.. June 1*. 1*06.

‘ Oear^plai baads" an wo.

lertng sliver,

father sod mtober had dSn-n was a gr*-*! am) eagle aad hi*

Who for their bath have eome;

She lilaaci os. aad says that bor

shells; the pole* of tbe lodge were


Tbe Indiana bad ho wriitcn language. cicaprihg a way of
communicating new-* by a makln^of rude picture* on stone* or

rived bid lu spirit, as did the sun and moon, the ibsnder and the

Tour Bnnsblne ^rl.

■' W« play tbe dlobe* ttilMfes aia.


There was a rustle a* irf many Aoshlng wing*, snd where tb*

M sbe had made up her mind
ni * fate
mamma read tbe Bantblne iet- that the u
was sealed (lor wbsl wsx doll could,

■Sve lWnk liY toU 6t foa!


The woojea bowls tPd

that tolked aad bird* that conld speak. To them every lake and

grandma Dell snd 1 am going
MM time, la Angnsi. t like tg'

Tbore U * Uttle came we play
At sishl. when Mhool ii dboe.
WbSe Mamnm rock* wee, Ted t

Ot-*e« looked around.

eanhett lars thuoe like Are. and were irasaforatod Into scaiiel

Yet they were very (<asd of alorir* aad

letter from my |


They rushed to the door, but allW^ Uiw

thing wtihlD waa snddealy changed.

Many of these were legends of Mtnltoes and fairy men. of bcasu


rtoing into the air.


bad a great many ofTbem which ikey loved to tell or Uafen to



All at once the lodge began to ihMto,

personages to her ehndlsb soul, and |
' Kingsley, yunc 19.
she tell that abe would gladly undergo |
I>ear President-1 iboiigfat I would
any penalty rstber than ihsi Bella-!
write to you. as It is so warn I can do
donna should suffer ibrougb her fault, t
else snd baby Is asleep. I am
fibe waited unUI the buU appeared i
going to school erery day and bare
u> be tooking tbe other way. and tbeu | it missed s day. H.- sister is going
a tunive movement.-toward
to school. This Is ber flm term. Please----------------------------------------------- - - de-





ou.r.r-ba.t baao.. bor

M^J |


■ '

ihaa they had ever heard Mrfore.

lUto a great mirror below (hem.

Tbot'o Ul « tb. ooraoo a,
.„oa b.. am taobi... oio
dtat. Uf.,«,tb. Utia« o^oojbat! Dort. lookM aoobO tar
(Me* that wlU «II (bo vorld vlih
i: lAe ksew that U found I
UHtbtaew end beasty. Shall we!—
when tbe waa she would probably be j.
Myrtle Kaon Chermnss.
pnaisbed. but hkr dolls wen very real I


A* tor tbe othara. thap

thought the bird* Is (be woadgJi4rv singing ^ sweeter adBga

were fair a^e the (opa of (he irres. and the lake lay spread <mi

too, Ui.1 tb.
, poriuli. oiiootly oioMiitloi la the etooJ
altar or atooroil. otrattata,«oi ot i
j,. a, „a„.o

M for «• i eon.
I will try to bo tovinfc tMpM
•ad Ua« to ovoiybony oM to
•very IMof thb«.
' If I over Ml In trylnf to «o
tbooo tunp, I -« -Try, try

.The New Ploy.

&to words to irbleb be ItoieMd eagerly.


. I «rni tty to b« M iMwr «■ i


A soTSd fl(

fatot music bc«BB to be henm. and to Ot-se-o it sooe shaped ItafiB

pretty «-wM-n«e had be«-n a neuneni b-|ore

tlm now her young

A Race BstNueen flnads.

hand* or.-' the ..le-iacle- alotis th.-_road t
Presently they arriio.1 *i the great l<■lce wlx-re ihl- fesji

The llasbful FJanhqiiake

was lo be held, sej viaie w.-re olMlng are nd on the soft skins

■mvver anything so delickm*

Surelv tbi-rc wa*

All were busily en
lie oat titohl. look-

tog at bis wife, (hen gazed upward when: the sky could be suen


I.rougbt by

'any. thank you!-and I am sore Ihgt

There was s Aavur to It

gaged In enjoyment of tbe feast but u*->oo.


,all. " of onr Americah kinds arn, said
I to lx- grski to cat: but I doa*! ciiN' for

They l<«.ked si each other as they

laated, then lasietl and looked again

Jbai none had ever found In (o.*l before.

ing what to Vailed ihe Buman snaiL
•and aiiotb'T

|Fri-nrlimcn loi.i South (ioroitoa for
iftsMl many yearn , ago. "ilume. tt not

placed 111** the ground, while food ftpui iM' ropp.-r ktllle. neamIng on the Ares wiihiuu. wa* *e-\<vl Ile-m

rtrotebed along tbo railroad track. HIS.

niN-k and brad have turned Into a
PenrhyD and Cslly w<-re always play­
smokraiack. and a eoweauher is fasing with sntmali of one kind or an­
K-hed to the (root of him
other on the pLsua of ibi- liott-l, iMlt
Imnd snails live a' long time. One
, llieir Biull family s<-<tc<>d to give
brought from Egypt to Englalld
.them the mo,, plra.ur'- IVnrhyn kep, •“ ™
tablet In (be Brltlab
them In * elgsr l-ox of '■a-th and
Museum on March 25. IStC. On March
Iraves. and had name* for them all
;. UM (DuriXj Ihe daiesl. some one
Tht- only naro<-s that I can remember
saw (hat Ibe paphr on which Ibe creat-.
; "Funn) - and "RuM>eni"ck." and
un- lay wa* *oll«) and that he must
"Slow-and-Sieady ' The cftlldrea would
have come out uf bis sM Il. But as bis
talk In their mL* b) the hour, and ihn>
"Ellxenlng" dmr was rlosed, be mutt
pie who went through the Iinh- hotel
bsvi- gone lark Into bit bouse again.
ofllre hod in Ix' careful txn to n'ep on
TM> kind friend soakAt Ibe poor (ela waudering mc>llu>k
(toe aflenuxtn
low in warm wsn-r uiiljr be fell so
. there w o* a gr>-ai rtoti'-r on the ploxxa
mutb IX'Jter Hist h<- IIvinI .1 do not
■Pi-nrhyo would exclaim. 'V!o it, Fun
know how miicli ioui;<->
AnutM-r snail
r)!" and ('ally would Khrlek. "Faster
—thl« line from t..*.-i falifurma-lived
tsslstf. KuLte-r. .tewr' You will beat
six year* lii-I'iorK without fond
yet. iton' wirTy"' I hiirrU-d out to
Have you ever k'-i-u the etiail. Helix
learn what iji.- eiriiemi-ni wm ovnt
‘loriw* U«i<-n to wiiui I. said about
The .hlldn-n w)er.- kiie.-ling before a
In itiuiion I' Is eiceejlnglr
l>>aril winch kIOim-'I up from tin- floor
crsnfiil. at oiiiea geU-ing Its beautiful
le a ildtir rung Two sualls wer.- rac
'hell high siHn. Its bi>l). and twirling
inc up biir oil 'be board, of courM-.
II ariniBd. nix iinlik>- a Physa. again
Th-lr long mek* were sirMcM'l o'll Id
l.iiKKlni: li» lire")- harp cioae to lu
true rac horse Kiyle. oii.l ibeir honii
IknJ) . the shefi when in this iaii pu*llengtln-Be-1 and shonencl eagerly
Moii '-■iiiiiiuaJly oaclllaies o* If the
ntihlH-V was a gvid diwl ali-'O.l
animal iwMch Ib very small in propor':h>u trliNj to help his |»-' hy pUKhlng
Ilon to IM Bbellt coiihl not baUnce it;
him. Ixit .the snail loB^hU balaoi' . hiII rarely i-ier moxw in a straight line,
-In-ll loppb‘'l OCT I'rogW- In i'-lale>.
hill i> always Riming and wbiaking
.and If I am mu mlMsk.-n Kui-ix-r l-a:
aU'iii. and Ibis i* done at limra very
A'l tills n-minds mr ••( Mr. (Jllver H'-'
uutekij and abniptl)."
ford* rliymo, "The Snail'* iTisro."
Over in France they are fond Of eat­

One of the auihor « .Irawlsjcs show* \ reorhyw an-J Callv would pcS think of
tbe ituMI In bed, w ith M* shell bung'gobbling up poor Funar and Rubier,
over the-foot post; to the other he I*

- Exchange


apBL But the seat Bontag Igutnp we^
>ada fo qaJehly
A TWtor^koiM mrTtre
fcwfc tfo aiP dtiBiBd pa. carry
wUb 'Che pHu* aaata or win­ when By hoataaa did aad got bnahthe ho«r «Ueh kaa beta Oxod. 0>«
uBiwella wUh a
(Hi wMle'Aa Bilked bar cows, for lagy hoc* aad siUc
IB tbc hoBM of Her Mead, abe akoald dows «* erea a weHhept ear. With
had a BUBher at tee enet that goldMouaied.haai
nriralp ^alttoite keiaA vttfe the pow or a Kehraaka aoaaet TiBtble
.“Y-yea. 1 gueae—"
BBld aim ao cae elae to Bilk.
tba ordlaarr w»re «
•Wtfe-"Ko. 1 dldat aoOee hlB.
as I SB si Then t washed the diahea aad straightb<m» baa Ha Hole paeeUarUlaa whJeb
Med ap the beuae. whkdk waa a large Whyr—Hhektite Tradeamaa.
ng to Hsair. A yong *W aborid this mmeat wrlUag.
Now for the hag! AH oT my toOet Me. erhile she ^Id tbe real of the
aapect the oMar people wboB.the
Whafi toBtad.
eberea. At flrat abe fiwtted
The huBflrad. leader thlaga that 1 S^da U a fotollT. »d abe abooU be artlele*. Indadlag
If you have the blues, read the I
Th* Vagabond Road.
and tblBble. loo.~ and a few bottoas wbM I came to go boas aha said abe ty-aevMih PaalBabaRaajr:
ftaa cao ton to anotbcr
earctnl not to laten-Cldat know bow ahe would have g<XBow I ahan eoaat tbe* dracHsf
a It. .DOT take tbe lead aad aafegr fons la ahouadBace. are
Ae<V>ek la empty, read
' Tbe ataU. brows Uchwajr tbm,
made of allk with poekela Itaed
nple are pneeat. All
Laid oat br tbe good (atbera,
jid wbea- be ecnea abatl b^ hla thU ehoold go wHhoot wayia* la tbe with rabbor (whliA U a font tried JoyM my visit much better laaa > l “T.TZI.r^T'" nMnd-irad tbe ttTieMm b7 tt* asd oar aoaa;
would.tO have sat around Idle to be
Thli wts parae. tbe aeboolboT.
or well-bred rpnof **«••
aad tablet fora the remedies for all- waltBl upon. Tbe haMu of a IlfeUB*
Tbe old sate etteka. aad bm« bl
ellsea seed a word .of eaoUoo.
Tbe «aaiiJT«aa •*»«' «>'•
Beau to which my flesh la proaie.aBd •re hart to drop. evM for a coupe of read
tbe door.
Ue thlrteeaih chapter et I. CottaTbo bridegrooB and tbe brlda- ''
eaAad help Urn with hla Hiabbr oaat. apeadiag the erealag oot and
sBall bottle of what bT r»d
A baw proeaaaloa
.ealla the “O-Bejoyful" for Joying ooraelvei. There eaa e no let
and lar
late. U U thoaghtfal for
» yof «re dUcouraged aboat your
Of jvm bearta and oMgueau.
roles for '
Hair-CaaftallT. tbe ancb.bndaad
Asd aoae tana aalde
quieor to wr won. Bot ehatUag esergeney only. 1 elwairs carry
thn BMP i work, read the Ijcih Paatm.
h do aa abe would
loodir or langhlB* oo the auira aad
Or pipca ICO tbe Vagabcaid Boad. ■
world growing amall
tented nnd happy to do. nnot
Don't nut
put and
ABd tbe afoot «aae he laaBa oe a
youraeU great, read the nlaetoMlh
diatortrihg Che teat of tboae
Oh. tbe Tababoad Boad. bare foa aow
3 Bu^ m IP your
wbo are alraadr la bed. Aaotber good
apoage. teaspooa. kaire.'pencfl. pos­ guesu tee thP ytni are patting your
Wbea be ia aeated la hh owa bl* polot for fob TlalUn* *lrl U
If you ranout have yoor owa way la
How deaerlbe U ts wordaT
tals. night Pippers and a little block
pleaaed with ererrthla* that 1
everrihlnc. ki-up silent aad road the
of wood with which to keep the win- yoo. Too maay people trouble thea- thIM chaptef'p Jaaet.
(That la hla ahaeiM waa ao
for her aad not be afraid to <
her thanka. It Js batter to ear loo owa-opM. Just a Ut. bnt not tbe telvca onaecesaarUy about what they
If you ar^Pl out ot aorta, read the
4dll partalai Ha plaaasre
Aa pMaaed aa aap child, he'd tdl ae BiH^ tbea to any too little la the way rldth of the ecTOM. nearly completes thpl give (bPr gueau to rot. Tba twelfth ebaper of Hebrews —Selected.
. 8r loeh. paatare and UU,
the outat. for I don't think I could efaaaeea are they didn't come to get
Aboat hla rlatt. bpw each dag
A Pri goIng.froB borne ebooW apt MtaM«ne PI of the Artlelea l ted use­ aoBPfatng good to rot. Very IlkPy
ibey have enou^fo eP at borne. BP
forget that abe It an advertlsaaent ful and adding to my eomlort.
ip them know ihatTOU are pad whM
Addin* whUe I atn^e the aoft par to everyoee abe meeu of the borne
carry reading mauer
DalMooffr CBdiw
the iPaurc | they come and anrTT when they go
eoBes fioB. If she la rode and daiaoe. for 1
4Bd be it!) (a dotUag at all.
from It in a long Joaroey. which
“Bol aothlBs’a dalle like gaula* noisy, U abe drops Into alan*.
trouble or Inconvenience to yon P»f
bona again."
DMtp asd nfe la the blghnr. .
dulges In any praciica not qPte be- prosy life denies, and my uyea do
—Ann* SpeiMOr TwilcbeH.
Tbrtee teapaetaWe. too;
Bg a gedtlewoBsn. the nainral (rouble me. cbougb I ki)ow nM every they will like to come again.—Cbav --------------------- ------------------------- -j
Msy.itiT 8.MertdUa

ence U that In her none ogenaa one can avPI beracU of tbe prtPlege. lotte TYibnne.
Hare are d
Mlaa-Clark was born in UPty. | gt, InAlaaHwU*.
Member Hcroyd
When my Journey is to be a iong one.
Cbatch aad *artet la rlaw.
. Tba Ooaat In tba Haoaa.
agalnat B»d maanert are b>bb
Maine. Uke many MPnu wteien. a* | HtgbSehoP Alnmai AaeJn^Bs!
Drewina fer Trsval.
L too. trarel tba toroplke
ary baa beea here oe a vlalt.'
and are easily eondooed.
VarloQS inquiries have come lo bc well as MPne men, she went to Boa-1
grata auit ease, ao BDcb Ilgbter than
AdU (bare tx mr abode—
plalaad Harr’a friead a Bother, with a
A visit should always be eoaehid'
(he leather article. In which my ex­
look of apology, “and wc ha»e noi yet qnlees .there are cxeelleat reaaona
cooM la ber own slate. Her first po-1 N aflMMtr pnpteaA
tras In tbe way of underganneoU arc property equipped to'do It comforl- tlUon waa IhP P a Iwokkoepcr. Her i -I waa la a tetrlbUeoBdlUoa from a
1 halt for a Bcaant.
iTod ap the booae. She fa tbe dear- the oontiary. at the time which «
ably. Proper clothlug, auiUible equipWbaa DO one la hr.
- prl la tbe world, but I cant help Indicated when Ibe invitation wna beatbwed. together with robber*. rPn menu, n calm atae ot mind and
coat and more reading mPter.
Aad thro* a lea* gUnoa
Unleas one U very urgently
thlak^g Ibat idie baa beea badly
I oaually kete well, for I eP i nbUity to make the beP of tbinp
Tu. far don the Vagaboad Road.
broBpil op. From the nioBeol the treated to cstletid It. the pan of wtagUdly have hop ber. but ber energy! ^ j
^[auaroUd, bad beartbura
nr^waary. 'For a Journey by set
but little trait, exrop *ben
—Don Road Ooodale. la UptdBeoU-h. arrives abe traiaplei roughn
dOB ta to go any before aayone
,( land, tbe elolhlng tboold be t
could np be kept pent up or be coo-,
fasadaebro. aad Mt roadowa coBall By rolea aad aeu a bad exaBple be In (he least tired of your preaenee. breakfap folia tb appear ou accoui pipn and comfortable. PUin. dark : fined to a desk. She loogod to get, pletely. But la two weeks Pter 1 took
- delayed irPn. a^ Pwaya try
to mf chlldraB. We are foad of her. In boaptable boaea. where the vUltIn tho enat Fraa Wood,
short enough'^to escape' out and tnahe ber own way, but all Feraaal WMaehaagrt psreoa, A few
rot Hghtiy and drink no oojice
wm may b
Oh. to be oot la the great,
gnat, free «wood. bat J^e aad 1 draw a breath of relief
the ground. CoOI cotton or dark silk Just wbP line P baslaeaa abe did nP! bPUaaP tba oudleiaa ^ a gr^
sired by your aoeeesaor. and 11 you night.'as my ahilliy to sleep la n
fron the beaever her ^liawre over "
' AwapboiB the ham'.
abirtwauu. or warm flaaael ones, aa
that o( taking mine care I
“Now. Bother." pleaded tbe youa* Hager beyond Ibo time aUoUed to
ihcr demanda PlPn. but nep avenue, in UuhIm. uuc day she BoOeed tttu ayatan 1
Vhan the boogba of tha tr^ *«« dfangbter of ibe bouse, “doat you your etay you may be the cause of day.
lu »« 1—
Thus equipped. And a three, four neckwear; plain hP». nP heavy on
emharrassBcnt ted lacooveoleace to
tblhk that yoo and Aoai Jaoe are
; a Vp'l to protect from aun- and it occurred to ber that it aros an
• To corar the wortd wh« the worid UiUe too old-faabioned? Too really
bure. wind or dual; comforublc. excellent loeaUon for bro to atari In
afo not quite modera. Hary U like nbt for*« promptly to send what U fol sMMB. 1 rise early
la hai*: ,
d aboea. and oaarfltttng tbe dry goods.Ilife. When she applied for free mwllrol edvlea. i
th> lla whara Hia Aa^ Bit to aad Boet of the pria I know, and wbeo I rolled her bread sad bolter letter after
for the place the owners P the bulld- pcBdaBoa held atrteUy w '
visit her the wbold family are amaied her her home. This la Pm- dress in the toilet room and nP detrci,
aalodlshed tbat a young giri
in myr fello*
fello travelers, who I wish
pleaaant lafotmp note, tening
at ay parUcolar ways, though-here at
Aa talrlaa that }oib
fancy allk p Pher blouses, ruf- woqld nllempl, to hire ao expensive a kueceaa ate ahe mate a targe aani P ,
er homeward Jonmey has been ould be aa consMerPe ot me.aa I fles. frills, lace. etc., are
boere yoo are sot Imprened with
jplBCC. but tbc'ageni being, an old ac­ money. She atlll eooHnne* In the bMsafely aoeompUabed. nnd Timing ra ot them, t dreai and •
K. I^'u^
0» «»•
train or biaat; besides looking ont quaintance ami kociwfhg her Mcrgy taesa under ber maiden lUBe allSoagfa
i can tn my berth tor tbe
and w..—
"My dear." hPd the Bother, with corttP thanks lor the .plrosure ahe
p place, they are quickly rained, and end determlnulon. not only rented It since Bsrrtad to Chnriea F. AtUnaoa.
I BMckar that fllu Mergy.
That «an
iBagfoed that you. baa bad tboogh she has already
to her. but pat In the flnuret Paa tbe theatrical maBager. tte'lstar pubgive the vrearer an
Maay women remove pi of
bally expressed them when Ukin*
■ away.
whM vlsIUng la a atnage
' aet'nbour llabea atao 'Bl'
A aalchP or handbag U a necessity. In
oldconld leave a tqtl ot year glorea. leave of her
getting a stock P goods on etedit, ate
*1«t**a a ptaea ott ^ra' -baath
« autbor, and that too has paovetf
Mt trarelcra I know advtae the relPn- It should be placed the neeeatlU<
pocket-handkerchlere aad atocki Bark­ FVec Preai.
up al­
Ing enough to be some protection in
toothivxlmk aad I bate
eaae.P the poaPble emergency
Cemfort on tba Cara.
the Pher rooms at the house; If yon
bruih. placed In the cheap and amaster
The Merging teakat.
turaad oa gas aad Pectrle Ughu and
venlent celluloid eases; bnisb and
left UBaecetaary buraera blaPig for tic to the Paeifle oeron. not quite mid­ This is not all that
wrapped In a large handkerefatp.
II If made P (be aiooiMt willow:
bonn In the ovMlng, when you were way, but past Omaha going weiu Thtol traveling, ‘but 1 hope there arc
irU deep and ropscioui and wlde;
lilect-8 ot old underwror. to 1^ ui
aot needing ^em; If you came late
TP the meodlug that Itro ta Ha bor>
profit by another's experience, and ia waabclolha and (brovm away, a tbwel.
breakfast ahd IPe to dlnaer, aad gen- (PI P aa maay things that a
willing to be-ndvlaed My one who baa poatAl carta and penpl, the tnj^k key,
my joaroey i
Secaa always lo naad ot fioo4'u4a.
a purse with a amall amount P mboey.
. Through hoora that are happy aad etPly ran aainck through cve.7 civ ooe. as I ahPI here relate. 1 am anre.
Ate tbe ganncBU lla heaped m roeh
paaeadil Md goodrever.
fdiet one baa (or little lUnroaea.
1 nasa that I'm lagy. hut, aar*«r.
tag. ireallydoHknwliiofyoqrlcont rmpWtng a Journey, 4oBg or abort.
Is a long Journey, place In the bag an
I hpk at cbcB ofiM ate sigh.
1 waat to be Mt ia the graat. tree
Tht Welcome (flaoL
(will be glad to learn some P the
da aad I-SB-rtud
t.-aB-d^ P Mary, but
extra waist and collar; if the JonropBball I ever tw able lo grapple.
So much has been aalB at^nl
the next lime the paaea here I shall Ibinga that travPing many mllea In
With a pile that has firows twp (ate
must be made at night, a dreatlng
enterlands baa taught me.
pul her' In the sMotid beat bmlroom,
aacque fP the Bleeping ear will be
high? •
First and foremoal. I am dresaed ulntng. the duties P the hostess, etc., oeceroary. CarrT your own drinking
aad BP In the gucai cbaBber. She U
-tThere'a a top taper Biwayrf P atote-^
there would teem little to add.
from nearly lop to toe In black allk
too destrncUve. loo exasperating,
haa her oern theory, regartleas IP and uae U. obu'ron contract dtaibn.Japaneae wash allk for undergart
• "ItlfiByJoylatlfotofite
baa raloed the cover P Uie (fro
• AtavarrturmlarcdhapBd.
menu, and a fine blackJoR allk tar a of the fact that no two persons are
hurean by spattering It with lat
the public drinking cup.
made ever;
• ThaatroaganBpa qDBradeklnd • cradled the eoap diah. «o that I
Bhlrt-waUl suit Ibat baa liiHe PWte alike, and what mighl suit ooe would
There are tatrirote taske-all awalt^ .
Place all. your money, excep what
e ft hPp me anterd with my * bave to buy aaeiher. which apoile tbe Itaea to break up the monotony. On fall ta suit another. One woman woold you need (or Incldeoula on (bc Jour­
Ooe magteal hour P."apare Ume." '
these gnrmMlt no ^me will show, hurtle bor guest out st 6 o'clock in ney. in a email bag. to be bung aroond
• Vloafl. . •
; it"
Win ft comer ShaUIeverpeoMasH?.
•POP Mary!" P*M Bale. “She aad tbe dual ahakea o« at the alightthe neck, and worn Inside Pie', waist.
I start with fresh hope every day,
• «ABd Paro t have ao goU to gin. * last have fplen into tboae carPesi eet Botlon. A xpp may M reaoved brotefoat. In order to aare Ume aad Tbe bag can be made of Itaen. rlbboo.
I Yet the basket baa sever bsM empty
trouble. Anpher would keep ber la
• Aad Ion atexM Boat maka • wya while she waa at college.
with aoaiKaad water aad a
I During all ot Its burdraed career,
bed UBiit the work U all done up and or the lop oS an old kid glove, and
Here Aunt Jaae taierropted the coo- bol. which T^Arrr in my hag. the conCARRO
oBce. for a few fleettag bobmU, '
abe haa time to feed her. We will sup­
tenia P vrhlch tePl be revealed
• My Sww U. while I'llee.- • eraatlcB In ber nsoaJ
Ask queetlons
R*bee the baby aptel I'l. last tear.
pose P course that the guest it ''she. '
e ctofl
* ot. Aurfl Jaae la an eoergeUe apta- aa the novP writer would aay.
only ot officials. If the window lo Trout slibough turned, down U dlRreoi

atp wbo baa eoBvlctlona on every auhopen, and makes
places she at last succeeded. Oradmuch to bh -aaid, except lo feed him
The You
jeet'nadp the aun, bat wbo U ea- aa I have had the cxperiMte tbdt even
ually her busioeat In creastd.'and by
well. 1« talm roam aa be pleases aad draft, stuff nea-»paper» Bel
pedaliy pmooiiBced in bp JudgBMi VBT dark or mixed colors will
seat and tbe window hard work she kept ber billt paid, her
he Is at happy aa a rot In the sun.
WbM It coBM to bringing op girti. Umro show perspiration sUina upon
credit unimpaired, and In tbe conree P 1 rt the other day ate aaku4.tbe buleb' .
Late this eummer a friend wbo lives
the sbouldera on a very bot day. and
She spoke eeverPy:
time she was Independent.
ta ChlcBge sent wort that she was
"I knew Mi mothp before the chUd nothing ron be qor
Her next adventure, however, was
"Have yoo any BM* l
rOtMld OM eonr at^ pwoe thla
coming to make na a vUll. Of course pat your bag on the floor and uta It
such a coadiUoa.
fur a fooistop. It will save you a great
bread land ot oura, on«,P the things aa born. NP one P the tribe ever
My aboet and atoeklnga are P tan. we planned on her having a good deal of the Jar, and eventually much much more profitable. On<- day she morolngr'
had the gboct P an Idea P Udiaeea.
'■filhmpa? Whai an (heyr inquired
that woaM be Mt aodcMble I
bad been iovlted wlih oth'-rs by
ta(d. ' We must have
mldMary waa not well ttarted. CPiae(atlgu<! If four hat tirro
aarty inly days would be ttt o
aammp w.rother than the black. My
take It off and (aslen it ta ibe i
Artam* Sawyer
“Indeed. I do BOt k»ow myself.'
trains and boaU all loaded with peo- qnMtIy the la not an IdeP gueet ' nightgown, for the Journey ia alio P she likes gnd we will try and pUn
back of tbe aeav tn from ot you. with
criticism* SI." *»•
n»ung wtfo. “hut my husband It alpta gatog tMfifWhfra. Tbe tlse waa. a faaUdUwa house. Nenrlhelea*.
shtblai^ wash allk. In which 1 am perhalptna.
1 extremely pleaaed with H and she rre wayi talking Sbdut a slump W tbe Barnot ao Bsay yeara ago. when ooly the the take p bw hreextaees aad ewePtbe ton the brlaga. we snat Tectly preaenUble Ip the trips wlthro It.” WelU she came about
Wark yonr trunk In some way ao It:
Me would like ta pob- ket, and I thought I should like ta try
ttte took a ana^Ber outing. How the
Uutiugb tbe aiaW' from the dreaalng- o'clock one night, and Pter the l
can be eaiUy Idenilfled, tack a cart on j
xcmcgementa tome. Maybe they would prose btai.eutoa haa apnad unUI there arc few
rooB. wbea I am ready to “turn in.-' greeltag was over, ahe said, "1 have li. aa well, with your name and deatl-'
who do np take allaaai a few days fashion P bringtag np glria to be neat
It Is IriBBOd with whtie lace around come U> sleep aad rest aad be quiet, nation; keep your check and youi with Mr. Pidgin to do *o. 1
dqrflC the pleaaant auBBer and foil III ooe P these daya eOBC back."
Ideas of ber own as to bow 1 sbould
for I am to tired. " When I asked her
I wonder if glria wito are eomethins the neck and ileevea. m. iu funereal
A Carmlng Mint
safe place, keep
BOBtha tor Beaded rest and reUsatiea,
aapect It
per and >uur wtu. be neai In appear­ thought ber wild
aoBlBg home refreahed ta ml^ aad like Mary ever Pop la their
Tops of frail ran. can be claaaad^lt
eimilc sbe pur1 bave never seen any woman on a Just some bread aad milk U all I
ance and surroundings and you will
body by tbe teange from the bkbP- through the sforld to reflect that, while uata more suitably dresaed than ! am wanL" WbUe abe was roUng
Rbi-advertised ttai y are plaete in s-njr mlllt^ vtnaMr
ybody llkci a xephyr. few people
get (hrongh the Journey wttb llule boWly and laroely. .-..-n In magaxtaea and left nntll tbe mold. eta. comes off
. uBy P everyday Ufo aad roaUoe
telerate a eyPpne* “«le at Ibis present moment not that It U j grovPy tafortned the children that trouble-—Farm Journal
wqrtL Perhaps one P the grrotert
several hundrrts of dollars per easily, wbeo ih*^ a-'v washed to wa^pfparticularly becoming, but berouae It | they fP chalk and water In Chicago
heaeSU we derive fnmt the ebaage la Ibought. a mtle Ubc and a llule coo- will look u wPI at the end P my six j at ten cenu a quart and ih|e wna the
;e. and enilr.-l> up.m credit. Sbt- They sbould si.- be icrtbbsd with a
the opporUnlty It gives ua to look ' Pdcratlon fer Phare cOc
ber o»n drummlni:. vlsIUn* the brush ta cl--an ibv grebres 1a Itie side
diScrence between an agreeable gueet ttaoutaatr mllea P railway travel aa | first real milk ahe bad lasted In three
- Oar home Ufo sadour work from a <
.kstores In ih- laroe ritlus. taking of the lid. Tbe result Is aurprlUn*.—
foml perepteave. SoReired by dla- and the reverse.
ay orders. The teniure proved a Oood Housek.-epmg.
1 have endless ?aeck Ihlngs '.ln' my > from all noise, a froiber bed, and ho* low MKfarn baking dlab lay enongh
n you are gPn* on a visit, tbe flrst
taaea. thtaga that aenaiM hart and nnrilcea
I bag. which are single in thickness, aa ahe' did sleep and rest. getUng up lo
lavPy take on aew buanUea. wbn •Iblng P wUro you bave to0 think U
om. lirvak as x^y fresh eggi
; stocks and ribbons add materialir to rot breakfast with oa or not Just ts
OMsparod wtlh the nearer laadirope. ' whether or bP you are
c bacon as will cover ll well,
(he discomfort when the hrot ti ta-, ahe felt Inclined. The late garden
^ we eome back to IhsB cootcnied | trunk. If tbe vtalt fa to extend
irefully lay some vere
folanos F"or 'Vou
! vegvtable* were a grrot treat
and tetter fitted to roJoy them than j a week or more It is wPI /o be
To redoee even thU severe etaStume.' We all enjoyed ihe^filee qalrt vlalta. ■llcea of bacon round tbe sides of tbe
woul^lBve teM possible, had Ve Tided with ctolhea for everr
dUb. Stand ll In a modernie uver
geney. and these cantip be so cnaliy I have a waist P black China tilk. I She aoula iaiie“Ioo* walk*, for^
CBMITEll. nos.
Bevar ekaaged our pPat P view. M m
Ike till the Whllet of the ego
suit case aa Into the | with u
NPanPatBayheahleto dnm packed Into’
and —•,
eltio* ■ —:free -from
of 'l. Then serve in the dlsb.
It will afford you conatgnt
smalbaltcd or 'one which has a rouuu nrok —
- - -(he
- - smoke
- - -and- Importlles
- .
our SaUea for an exUnded varotlcB. larger com pass
Bacon Toast.-rCut choice Uaeoa Into
rfitasurc for y.-aru nod yeart.
gIri It Inrlled l sleeves, either of whklN* leka wetabt! the city. She felt that ahe waa uae of
tart *voB the ataj-al-boaaee caa fled steamer iruak.
ita slice*; cover with cold water,
Ilii-iv is Dutbiiit: you con add
one ot a bouse Hhan my traveling suit.
1 the family and tbat

opportiBlUea for vnriety aad teaage
taku «* my i ring os to any extra trouble. »T>co ber j beat to boiling, boll up well nnd drain.
to yoor burnt- that will briiiR
ta tbair daUy Ute. Our bMntlfol bay
then dry until a crisp, delleale brtrwn.
ynn ei> miicb untertainmeot.
ate —«r lalted lakes aad streak
ready email obloag pieces of
Think it over tmlay. visit onr
dress, and when abe ahould! at once pul In a bag made lor the pnr-, ve^ sorry ta tee ber go.
•N easy P tecaai, ate an
white or graham bread freabty lo
big Btorc, limm about Utc
riy gowned for a lunchuoo on pose. Then I hang it up until It i»\ One summer we bad a
fitele aeppw. evM It it taken one catty te properly
and:bu(lered. Cover' each piece ol
May temta wc can and ilu
aparM afteraociB tea. Her ireTellag droaa needed, ten atlnutea brtoro I arrive at
aa far aa the orchard, er tl
with bot bacoB aad aerve at
Dioke. the grttat variety of Pi­
be was up ta (he moratag as
wDI meet tbe reqniremMU at walk- •Bai^eattaatlaa. Aa soM as my. bat it
with a emall«plckle aa aa appetixer.anos and OigBos of which we
dlapoaed eg. I pnt oe m.v bead
taaat give aa opportoidty to let go P tag. drtvlB*. Of going nb^U it be
arv «c)asive ageots. Thia
white bat hem; my' the go all (be time, she ttald all sumIbe atrsM sad strata P life, aad Uae abort ate amatt^ withhot eU)Mtatr
obuy and eaay
makea it tmay tol
jouroey. by late ate I mer a^d F^de things ao lively that we
plah. wj
to- a hiok P the bloeaky aad a breath IrtinmiBg. It li a good plah.*^«
Jwit Lika a Waroan.
to pay,
pused the moet Mjoyahle aumBer
p tiesk air. Try It. •

So oUrer Musk Honac can do na «r^ W y«.
Hnxbate—"My dear, did you notice
(hat I caa remember.
a. thns tasnri
ibe day before one-goes.
MS. «ad saa S tbe test ipd relax
Eun line ol Talking Machines. Beconla and PopoUr Mbsk.
I amtaot much of a lr«veter myself. that gMUeman who Joat got o« the
WbM I go to bed t put npoB my
do Ht more than tempeBsaie for the Ua arrival oa tbe ease day with Ha
owBcr. Tbis rosBot be tepeoded upon head a boBdanaa. a la baibtag eap. but I did a Mete's to n
UtOe extra etert P praparta* for It.
ate -my lotep are atlU protected. I couple of weeks, a ymr ro t*
Hwte Birii. I5» E. FwtSc
haosytast man ta-the tight gray mrtt,
naually. wmt thin Mate ^res. white Tbe test day I tUak I waa i
derby hat ate fow dm i
ttarms ate driRa mag dday tralaa. Mte my haada from the gi^ agpear- fiolta tika cqaagBBg ate was t


00 thingT il GOHEflBlfPE-BlI-IIIL


JfoaPte einic tM




tm TWO
TitAvmE ary, ohaho

OcL *H SeM SMohtar sfunow aad
' the MvUaDoa of tke «MVMr
pMwL oaem ««n oloeted u f*
H Btato; Tkie inoMoit. B. O. Jojwt:
tarr.1- M. Blolctirtao.
IB BMIthm to UtO Bken tfeo foUovlac vfli ooBBUtsto tto board *t dSroet*
on: 3. W. MUIUmd. T. a Pratt, P. P.

tt to bdas had at tbe after-

beaotp'roew a»d ferae with
of red. white aad Woe. bet. ae aaaal.
the r«l beaotr of the aOMr wae “Ihe
Stria- who, with their
IbcW a:^ prettr fo«u. Bade the ooooe that^rtU k»g be
bared br fae larifad foetta. i
Xl;te eietitaie maaehed to the dlalas
non aad therek too. tbe talrtea had
baoB at went aad qtiaatIUee of rellow
nwee with feraa-naSe tbe faUee veer
attraorive. IMIeione lea
cake wae aerved nd then oa *IUi the



Thursday, julv «, t

batr-mn* CBorae to which the .AgM
^rrled off the booora.
Foot mce* greased prto. three
togged and sack mem Utod la the
Bpam memeBU.
It to CMlmated UiA ever two thoolad people were A tbe Deck Lake
Park ^elebrAlao resterday aad tfUee
ibe SIhrer Lake reaort aad
AI report a big time. Aa ah^addrem
was delivered br Hem. Geo. G. Coveil
A Dock lake aad tbe proffmms A both
placed were well carried oat Atboogfa
(be tAb bothered wnae. Tbe Ladles'
AM stand A Sliver tohc'ncutd them
Ktogatoy had aa old fashlooed-tetebrstloa and a Ug time which passed
dsbt reen
off without any accMeau whatsoever.
ada aad'ibo priaarr lastructor
Tbe fair All be aader (he t«- A lively temp during the day occupied
had Blx rear# of tuccenful worl

perTiaioa A the ehtof A police aad the sitcBtloa A AI rittoeas not Mber
Tbe bsaloesa aanaser of the
engaged bnt
ooe wm eeriootly
cfatof A (he tre department, while
' II P. Nerllnser.
bun •
(be cooDcll will be a eomaltm A
All W Arm here the week
Lemrertd-Lsrtfle Weddinp.
A JAr 88-Aag. 1.
A pretty wedding occurred A the
e. Br eoerw. be baa
ome A Mr. and Mrs. Louis 2cch A
4AOO Miles In NIih Oera.
d up a srowiac reA ertAe bod.
nrc are maar pkmeera la this re- Grant street Monday cvealag. the
ad tbe "Kerlinser BKhanee" ic
couple tbA were nnlted tor life belag
wAI aad favoraUr kaowa tbrtnsfa the gloB wb^ wAI
across (be ocean and thn tbe loag Roy LanUe and Mias Dreah Uoaraad.
Tbe Graad Trsvem Bulaeu Dal. overlaid Joomer from the eastern Tbe ceremoay toAt place A 8:30 and
T^(r opeoed Uondar aortiins with
performed fay Rev. TbomM Cox
to this dtr. It Bsed to take
verr brisbt proepect for a sDeceaefA them weeks then to mereir cross
A the First Methodist rimreh aad was
itetprlae. Tbe fAlewtng pnplli were
Itaessed by about thirty gnests.
BOW. maak lagenAtr be
enrolled: KonaA eoaree—Ceirie PA- bridged space tbA tbe 4A00 mile JonrThe bride looked verr sweet In a
tor. Com Pmr. Martha HewllU Jcaalc aer takes oalr a lltUe over ooe w<
drees A cresm aua’s velltag aad
PAIer, Mabel WAter, Utde Erie.
Boben Lore of Saltcoats. SeM- she carried pink bride’s rosea. Mtoa
Clan Hoxde, Ulaa Pord. Eva TburuU toad. arrived In thoc Ur tost dght. Alllce Lemmad. her sister, wm (be
Bad Grace Lncaa CommerelA eoone harlBf lAt Glasgow Jest atoc dars bridesmAd and she wm Allred la
—Alex. Mlkowvhl. Asnea SaUlvsa. Ar­ ago. The (rip acmes tbe* oceoa toAc
n BUD'S veiling aad carried wUle
thur Ziauoorman. Ida Beatoai. Mlaaie seven dars and ta«
I wllb plnl: camsUaes. Bert,Cee
Votniba. Oeorse L. Kaapp. Dator Pike. Burned In coming t > Traverse Cltr. acted as best laan.
Irene PohOrA and Margaret McGarry. Mr. Love wUI vtolt
Aftre tbe ceremoay a. wedding sup­
WllUam LoodoB for a while acd iben per wa/ served and during tbe evmGave Hbnnif Up.
return Aih his wife. Mrs. Love is a tog sasorted cake aad tee oeam. The'
Gheriff Cbas. Johosm left Saturdsf sister A Mrs.ilioudaa and has been bouse was very oretUly decorated (or
motAng for DetrAt with two prison,
the occMloB. lfa( happy couple gtaadera,'Warren Bllto. who was senteaeed vtoKitog bere several weeks.
tog aader a bell A eveegneni aad
to A dars A the Detroit Hoose A Cor.
dAsles while around the hoose were
Orw<«n Team Wen.
OrawB Mich.. Juir 8.—Tbe Cmwa ropes A daisies aad ferns and pAms
......... ............... ........................T wortriu. base ^1 team won bolb gamee
oa the paving Job. had been a tuglUve lerdar aod ctmseouenUr Manager Van
from the ranks A tbe armr for two Horn needs a new bat. Id the i
rears aad feetlag thA be eoAd no Ukg they played the OvA Wood Dish
A Tmrerae City at Sliver lake.
g (hA be'
Braytoa aad Th« W«ll Kfa
id desired The Grawn batteir
a be takea bade so thA. be e
Krumm. wUle the OvA Wood Dish
I eoMiN9i
. free man agala.
batterr was Batch and Howard,
Wright eaUsted A Port ]
sre WM « (0 4. About 800 people
roHh. Kaasaa aad was ssA*
liaessed the' game,
he Poortb cavArr. He wUI to
to Port Warae. where he wUl b
la the afiemoon ther played the
Queen Oir ream, alao A Trai
Duth RAi.
cilf. 'IT'^ Queen City batlrty
Joeevh B Elman paksed awar on BAby. Butch and Gibson While Ibe
SAafffar A the age A 72 rears. Mr. Grawa battery- wa* Braytoo
Emon WM cme A tbe pioneers A the Scbmltt. The acore wa* 3 to 2. tpenlasula. and his fana, which was
three runs being made by Joe
near (Md Mtotoon. wae one A tbe flaest Scbmlli. Over ISOO jteopic wet
la the eonatr- Bo fought la the Ovil Ibe groUDda
war aad was a member A HePbersca
port A this dtr.
Fourth A July Cell
In BddlUoa to a wife, be leaves two FYom Wcdaewlay's Record.
am sad two daogfatera. the dauA>Travemc City dlda'i celebrAe m a
len bdog Mrs. James Dunn A (As city yerterday allhougb there WM B
cltr and Mrs. MsnbAl A Old Min
exAlement bere. but Traveree
The funeral was A 2 o'clock
people todlvldually did to a great
Bondar. Atemooa from the Coiigre. extent. Over 400 of them took the upe^
gatloaA cfaurrfa A Old Utosloe. Rev. rial
L. Warren oSelsUng. A auaiber bf
1. Koeor. Man­
t.tor Touch. It
the membera A MePberaoa post A istee and other polau. Uanlstee had
He will be in
(bU cltr Atnded. The tuaerA
big cclebrAloB. a n-gular old fMh
ODder the dlfacHon of W. 8. Ander. looed Firarth and thoae IhA visited
that cUy bad a very good lime.
-ATFooeh WM to line with a celebrAhm
Mrs. Lum M. Doabam A DBDdee. also and many people visited the lake
Midi.: wbo. for the part two
and flsbed all day and ibep stayed for
made her hosne with the famllr A
flreworkB la tbe eveaing
Aloaxo ToUco A Grawn. died Sundar St one o'clock at ibe age of 9C A

taosht there. 1a tbe Call of iMi. be DM favor It bcaaase It weaU tale
besas 1 rack Ins la tbe Tmvem Cl» ■oeer out A the dtr. Ob the ether
of jadcBOBt bttftc dw bwo
Bim achooL Fnx. n<wai
Uoe which w to the UtBe et toiag to eharse of tbe coaaadA depertaaat baad. It was elAed that iaasnw'
praoi had prmated a verdM betas - he mm achool. Prof. Keedhaa the eonpesr carried 8M people It aadhobtedlr wdbM leave aone ■
beee offered a $1100 podi
notherB Htehlsaa. bA pn.. . here.
aM COM troa Jottlee Du- naiyrae
Cttr. He la poeeesaed cd «Tbe street fait wfll be pA OB hr the
i-e coon at Klaseler «a>
CapttA Anaaeneat eonpaar A Uaihea takCB op, the can sfoeiiic oat
Cbariet I
slag aad Aery show to gnsreMeed
of a gneerr bill of IlfAT. Oeorse W. the BonaA
devn rean aso. He received be Btrtetlr bmtA No gaBbltos «hAPartter, sneral Berehaat Bad die- .. _ resre acbooilas ia Gemaar and
soeYer wlU be pratued. A reprepwtaer of freeh batter and ea
to 1897 catered the Tmver»e CUr
Him ectaod. sndiiAlBs................
Etostter. betas (be idaiaUI^ n. Ji
PSkUw wbo raa a caap oad a stoMOT bosors. —----------------bUI la ParadUe lowaablp. The a
wae-B _
B has been i etoeAS woAd be cleeed leAmiBc, bat
appealed by the ptalaUB, wbo
board A^s^lym.
tbe OUvei; tbo cnaBsST waniA the exdiwlve
the fonaer trial tacelred a verdict for
____ for' the cototag rear. '
I dsbt
Of aetloa.

mMIbs fa achedale eaaael be faUr
perfected oaUl the arrival of the'ad*
Sftloaal. oan, wh«k the tern
aAodale^vUl be awde.

Sorted event at Old Mleelen.
The sedal oveat at the eeaeaB
the dfttar partr S<v« br the stria
ad OH Klealaa os
The taoet
hall la the pUee


1 a kAX« of Bolanea which be
vaheaaeaUr denied ever pardiarias.
•arias he had a barrel of It AI the
Itoae and dMa't need tbe saUoa. which

defcoae aad each teettSed that Mr.
Pariier had ewera la their eeort that a
cheek fer tlM paid ap-the defeadaal
In fan to Feb. T. the caae betas tried
March » and appnled April. Saartbwalte * Alwar for the plalotiff aad P.
C. Onbm tor the deteaae ate tbe bat-

. The^arr-ia tbe eaee-pf Charlee Ef
Oariiad VI. B. J. HofSaa, wbieb reUied reeterdar nomine at 10 o-deek.
were Ofleep^ booea readerias a dedBleB for the pUotiC, fa the ana of
|1« aad eoiU to be deteralaed later.
Tbe caae od Oeoetc W. Pariter vm.
& J. SflakBaa aad Hre. W. D. Jaam PUhlaa. both ef Paradlae townBaslar rtaperoaad the partr. Theeot ahlp, which waa eaosed over a dlo
BoM sroeotr bill, wae aleo up to the
«f tawB soeete weia Mlae KUwtrtr ef hnj doriac the late aRerooaci aad
both Jnriei deliberated . ta eeparate
eoBdave natll 1 o-doek.
The faiowtes troa the Haritord.
lait ballot, tbe
Oaau. Bralas FOA cd Jane SOth. wfU'
Ii..ef tbe torr Staadlas
ha od iatoreet to the
trieada od _ ______ ^ded. eo It to nBoOetollr
Mr. and Mra. Tmaball la OM MMoa hamed. natU It wn seen to be fotUe
d Ttavome Otr.
Com adtonaed thto Bomlag aatU
a TTrta-; Jalr (. when aeUoa AU be takes far
o'dodc thia aftemooB
wae tha aeaM od one
of the farther. adtoomBMUii. la tbe Beta- - • ' }adge Marne AU be
dtap A the
At IhA lAOl-fwA^^th^ASicS^'S^5^^»
Mm Manerte SkfaiMr, ■daashWed
Mr fafa*^**
bees dtopoMd A il - - Areat, beeam the wtte ed Waliar m WJ^wblS it^eip*^*wS
em«r TTbiMU at Chfaasct oesaain oeenpr aboet a week to dlepoee A.
TmoD plarm Mpropriaia aaiee
t. MumeUe MuM itoIra MnaacU ol l^^AvaUoB Arar to to leave^ etfr ia spite
Bade tomain blia here
The bride, who waa strea la
A leosL The captain aad
Ttafe br bw ttlhar, wmi beMrifaBr
■owMd la whUa eloar lace over white bto ortJnabto wUc bad BAir
Ubertr oatlB. Bbe wore a talle veO the eomlag r«A in Traveree Cltr.
held br a wreath of pOarti aad eanfad there wn k> noeh work aad wo little
tine to do it, hat tbe orders cside/to
B hoii«aet ef imae of the valler.
Marr A. Whaplea of thia dtr wm go to Adrtaa sad be will have to leave.
aald of hoBOr and wore white erytUl- Hi* sacceinr wUl be Captala i. BouBm arlih Taleadeanoa laee trtaiafap MB. who ooBMi here fron Ana Arbor.
Captala MaaseUe aad hU wife ea;
sad a hat of the aaae aatertal. The
, bridnaBMi wotp attired iasowaa aad bere qAMtr aad ImedlatAr went
hats of the oaae bad cafrled larsa work. Therein wa* tbe eocrei A their
'«M« urn Bdilh SklBBar. New TeC|i: work and kept at IL Tber reached the
Min ■tteabaU C Itea^iPhlladd- poor aad thejowlr aad IlfiA thee
pua: Min We B. Mporo. Mm ThAr ~Ood blcas jou" has been t
Hdn O. tefli: Mm Beta Catlla. Id places la Traverse Citr where the
! A the MaAot wu never beard
Bartfard: Uba,;Xny B^ood. Mew
before cxceA IP a prolaae naJ
Chartee Laab Trwabi^ Chleaso, WhaPther did. thcr didst tril about
hPidhn ef the srooa..
beat aad ther AU leave the clir to


the time tbe danger to the nearby
buIldteM. srhlcfc are aO boIH A wood.,
was riTcninulr grmt aad hM (be
Old Mtosloa for .a weric. arteT^kta flames had a tow mlaaies mere beadthey win ■(« A hoaw a 219 Bast way tbe damage bijUBd all doaM have'
much greater.
Elgllth Areet. They received maay
very pretty preetmte
ito was the flm Are A^Bay ImporHr. Lardle to a flremaa on the Pere
e thA ba* been foaght Ath
TboM Murray M chM and the man-,
aer to wblch he haadled his men
■bowed thA be tolly aadArtaads ire
fl^tlBg and is (he fclBd A mmugw
meat which makee the work effeetoaL
Tbe loae to aboat tl.OOO.. E. Wi Baa '
tings A 80B have 81.000 tosaraace on
Fire A •
(be boBM. Tbe greAA part A tbe
Saaay Baak botri. which staads on famltare was aavad.
Daks street afar tbe bridge, wm
Death A KtofAty.
gmted by firrTnesday A 11 a m.
Kingsley. Mkh. July 6.-F«dward
Tbe origla A ibe fire to oM haowa
althoagh It to ttaoaght that It started Stoae died ycAerday momlag A old
from a dAecilve cblmaey. The land­ age. He waa n years A age and wm
lord. C. H. Scott, was oat A town and oae A the beet kaowa fMd FAlOws la
tbe «re WM dtoeorered by Alexanj|r Urn stale. His wife died earn* yean
HcLangfalln wbo wm driving S ago abd be left BO ehlMraa. The body
street sprinkler atoOf DniOB str^r was taken to Big Bffpide today for
Tbe alarm was iriepboaed la and atoo bortol.
swn to Iren^box No. 31 and the dePrAcaaor George T. Ladd A Tale. A
pinsH-st responded to serpristagly
attain A Ibe oloae A ihe Japaaeee^Raastoa was.
by the A- will go to Japaa tor a term A two
oader. tbe aaspieoe A tbe Im^
foru A (he flremes the headway A
Bdoeatkia soetely A IhA tOtOh'
Ihe ffre. was checked. With tbe high pertol
try. to aM la (be devetopmsBl A (ha
ibeast wlad srtileh wm Aowtag A


CUfe Dew Store


Trom B^ad to Toot
We fit you out with the
Best ClothioK it is possible
to sell at the prices we ^ote..

Suits $7. 50 to fIS

Traverse City

that are perfectly tailored—
properly desigoed-io short, made
to pt, aod fit to perfection—

Park Place Hotel

OQce worn always asked ftM*.

SiMtt Monmib M) IStli


.0 deceased leaves (wo
James, of Ouadee aad Bniln A Lake
Silver lake and n<iek lake both had
When the news tt the proposed
The Ankn'^ VaaderGeneva, WIs. There waa a i
colivltrAkins oty Water sports, games
watar. WSw tortt: Jaaea
prarer A the ToUea home this i
Frtekm «d Chmsoi 3. McA. Johaaoa,
noon and tbe bodr was brouEbt to thto lum, Hoo. George C. Coveil spuakiag
keep the captala aad bis Umllr
B. SU'Jeta Hcasu. G. Dooslaaa Baare. 8o sreA wA the respect tbA citrnad will be shipped to Dundee to­ at Duck lake. All
<n>,.pd |Con.u1^lon. E...,ln.Ua« ||m ]
kla. Babart M. Bkfaaor, brother of the
bride. aU of Haitfacd: Mather B. Ran- ther had woo. IbA the petlUoa
Old Htoslne also bad a relebrallon
kiB. dhrbdeok; C W. Baaaaa. New ualvenAlr signed, no nAter to whom
iDd (he excursions from ihUcIty look j
tt WM presents. Bnt those ia Ugber
. taw a better Held and scDt
up quite a number
1 Dj*. MCDOHEld
The eharck waa baadaoa
The Columbia aod Crescent took |
rated-ta srea aU white. pAaa, aa» •'“■Ir °f dtrOB
Min CaAfata ktaosAle made her The ydong man was only 19 ymre Ad large crowds out to the morning., »** f"'
paiasw. fame apd white eBraattoai

I wd llngertng diseases. HU extoiaive
farewell tost aimt and left for Ksto- aad leaves a large aomber A (rieods
bates Bead la laim mmOf

maaoo, where she will vtolt aatil to mourn for him. The funeral *er- aa they would (>ave been bad ibelpractlee aad aiipertor knowledge ea««eU A oamaUoBs were ai
weaiber been more pleaaaolj uhle* him to core every curaMe dto' •bepewBwHh.whltendarlbboBa.and lolaA hr her pareoU. Ther will bid
Wbllc tfae people to tbe mato. A-' eaac. All chroolr dlseaae* of tbe brain,
(alewell to the people A-TraTcrae Cltr o'closk to 8(. Fm rla church. H
i burled to leaded ouislde eelcbrAIODa. ihcre spine. Dcrrca. blood.«kln. bean, laags.
Tbe deeomtleBa A the opadeas about JAr '18 aad are now geiUng Bauer oOelaxIng.
were a number of private celebraUoas’ liver, stomach, kidbeys. bladder, and
.BUaaer realdeaee were data
In the clly. The flreworks looked very bowels acieolifirally BPd successfully
, CaplAn Munsello's suceosMr to a
their dapUdtr had ridiaesa.
The toaerAAJ.B.Bimao; who dlod'[ pretty from il/e bay aod there wcre trcaied.
Owtas ta the rooeat death of the laaa A smA abliltr. He has a perOR. McDONALD pays special Aicobmeh nothar, the reeepUoB whidi fecUj elcaa record aad has doaerreA A Us faocpe A Old ifisElon Saturday, j flulie a .large number.
Wlewed waa Ataaded oBir tar the la- work la Ann Arbor and other plaeee was held from the home Sunday! Other* still, didn't care for the nAae Hob In Catarrh. CatarehA DnAoess.
nedlate ralatlvea of the tanDr aad where he has been staUoDA. His wife .aftemooa. About elgblem A the civil; and racket, so they jiulctly strapped Oo Threat aad Lung Diaeaacs. Cbroulc
Aso an able worker aad both-wlll i war vstaraiia from this city Atcnded | >belr creels. Jointed up their rods and Diseases peculiar to womea. Kerroux
ttaa bridA partr Bad ttaeir (aaeUm.
Tbo preaeata, which were dIspiBred take ep the wort: here wbors (be cap-1 tbs toafrA. Dr. LeRoy Warren A1 enjoyed ihe day aloag^Abe quirt ud Physical Debllliy. Rheamatism. i
'tola-M»d hto wife lAl At with a vim! old Mtoal<m bad charge A the aer-1 rtreemi , Tintmlsj rgTnot aa IdeA p«wiy,|s. ScurAgla and AI chronic
fc the bdllBrd toaa. deabtlnc
D<-rvous dlscaw-s of M-n, Womoo
pan. la woAth mad beaBtr. aarthlas aA Wiu aadpublodly necomplUh! tIccs and with flltlag words brought! day r«w ftshtog and three were off

1 comfort to the bereMWd famUy. .At Mrgr catches reported. Ibat to no rcc- and Ctlldrea. No malire whA your
----------------------! tbo Ogdeabarg cemetery m the-*ody 1 wd breskera (or ibU seeUoa.
dls4.-s»c may tv. T^IERB IS CTILL i
The oobAo will Have tcalstit far a
Chaapa to BoAnaat Unhmreitjr.
,0*,^ mu, ,he'gr»ve J.
The prlaclple fcaturre A Old Hla- hOPBT Then DO NOT DESPAIR!
trip aad aett taU will probablr po to
PiA. W. P. Needbam hM parebased
Kammlaga aooaded tape over the; »ioa yeaterdy were the baae bA1, bnt coasuli Dr UrDoaAd and get Bnopa. '
the interest A PfoL B. B. BeA In (be gravh The pAI bearera «re Harvey '
Tbe Old Mtoaloa acniba and
im-brtde U eae of Harifardh a
Grand Trarerse Bnrtaea* onlverslty
-Core, John (ke Elk Lake leam* crossed baU and _____
asrared thA the Doctor j
aad wUI realga Us position h mhbthe victory went to Old HUskm by a
corTtorUJ wbA Als yoa. and If ^
safasfA teachor la thd Hlffb «tooA la
score A 16 to IS aad the Elk RapWs ^
curable be will cure yoo. j
order fa give AI Us Ume to tbe work. ^
, _______________
team was saowed under by Old His- -p^me naable 10 can, wrile for sympcmalt Court.
Pram Friday's Rmmrd
Mr. MeedhAB U very well qoAISed!
•treat FAr U Cotoinp.
I aloB to Ihe taae A 22 (o 0.
; ^0, -btonk. ’ Correapoadeace strictly
The oaae A Charles E. Oarlaad ... lotakeaplacetothebastoe^pmsfe., Travme aiy will have a slreet; The toanehes Aaaa T. and Lady Aa- __ a-.
B. 3. Muifl*"- Fkleh WM bOffOB fa Or- He stBdaated from the McA high | falp.'tbe rtly cooneU hariag graated,---------------------------------Elk BapUs
ndt ooan yootartar moentac. oeeatoad achool fa 18P« and taagbt to CrAUek->ifai oae A the stresu A the eeaAoB tog the d^ and brooAit
reara. to 1900 be ABdasM
* '
' : Hestoay eveatog. There wm one dto-l crowd which etayed AI algbt aa tbej
thrae sssriBB*. the Joty rottrtag this
The flfcelAlst.
■nsA^ A 19 oirieck aftar a Thani mi be iTkdfatwl
“rirr i
agalaA the proposItlOB. i boato coaULBot na la tbe heavy tea, i S4I aad 2M Bart FAtaa BtroA. '
hr tha eeart fa MBdfr a Jademe
K A TpedpaU and aJaor-fad. A AMerman itoeketBy. who dujThe I

Vndil Emlni, Jflji 2M,



- BEAR IN MIND ouf street number—236
East From Street—and don't neglect to call
whether in need of anything or not-ralways
iJfad to see you.

Dap Oaly.

Dr. Donald McDonald

Sherman & Banter

€ood Paint Paps


For all .AtiUe aiwl in«Me^ [mioting use Boy<l»ai's Frepafrtl rainto. 1/propi-riy appliwl they
will not crack, ped or bjigter. Aid will give aitire Mtisfnctioa.


Is the beA sad moat doable aniah for hard
•oft wood flo(»B. Kine Irilliairt oidofs tor fflooT»tii« furnltorc of all kinds.

iT\VVAIT5 drug 5T0PFj /7,
c(irnp:k. kkom l lniqn JIJ


:4raiiA TnTcrsc Hcrdd


sra. •. • •???

BMW In tb« «« fw
wn bOT.
^l»t M*
dartcMsd UNtor and •oo4a-»u*ii W*
Uuu dMB*t get *p wbm tbp Dornbie
—IP out but ibcM boM«* are
BMh fewer (baa tier erer hare bdeh.
There If cUII naeb nom fur improrettcat and U U lo be finecrclp hoped
that bj Beat year, the old -faihiooed
Fourth wilhpnt Hf dahjer* wlU hate
reurtked to Hay.
.OfMon, July i-^Cownt IgnatW
rted frer? St. PeterMurg for Odeaaa
a apeelal train today. He to verted
ha hat been gl**" airthoHty to ti
with the iMitlrware of the Raaalan

M^TUaT.Ofipd W«o Oiaa. B. Ma-i
tef. lot U. Moek *. Btn*wood add; *1.'
BdUb B. sAnahaD to ArrlUa Card-'
rr. bd 7. Oak Helshta; $IS0.
Bdwtn F. -Moon and wife lo Mary
J. Oorfflp.
of lorn. Mock K. H.
U A Cp.^ 7ih add: $H0.
Stau of Hlcblnn to WiUlam H.
Wine, nwto of nek. aec. l«. town «.j
Wb. H. Wine and wife (o Odie Hc-j
IMrry. nw|l of poto. aec. l«. tow®
ranee 11; tUO.
AnaoB R. HnanaXord nnd, wUe lo
Heairy l^kBsa. krta 84. 85. block 5.
Oak Fark; $1,000.
JoHna T. llaBnab,,ct al lo Calvin AGlbeon. loU 17 and e|4 lot 18. block 3.
P. H.'s 4lh add' 8735.
-M. B. Hengertord to AotOB W. Bar.
tak, lot 33. H., 1* * Co.» lllh add.
John P. Maties to Hubert Kranu.

TTRVWM City MsiiwtB.


Protect \^ur House.

when customers de­
mand the BEST.
Steady call fpr the

SMrrtary «f ftate Hay.
WHh the bmIbc of RpemUry
the neighborhood of Kne«liHe Hay thle eoualry hwef a mae
■whoM «-«—■» acdMlBUnee wiUi the
Everything to quirt at Odetaa to­
aSalrf of the worW-oade htm' alDoei
toralaablolo the admtalMiwtkm.- John day. work Mhfl f«Mmed in
FVom Satnrday’a Record.
Hay waa a eclf-ma^c oao pad be did
Frank E Oj-or and wife l.avc for
When the Xnlaa Prternkin a
, the work well. Bofw In Salem. Ind.. of
ihc'Soo In the Domoly. ebvrr Mr.iyi,.]^
I. the pert ee^in boarded Oyer takoB e t^tloo with the miTcao- wprtaa<ye*»
d demanded that the aallora purren- tile booBc ol Barney DIoomroeCiL Mr, ,c»
BiwwB BBlTeraliy and hU riae I
r. te be treated aa foreign deaerterm. Oyer haa been a trurted'employee of I
world waa r^ld.
the Boaton Store for cisbt yeara and
Seowtarr of State Hay ~kocw the
blB (lepnriur* will be looked upon with
g.wp" and he held the ibroads of the
univeraal regret.
tore. A. a Allen and Mra. Earl WalPARK PLACE HOTEL
wortd-a polUIca in Ut ^d> thTongh
The St Petereburg cerreapondent Of lace of Arlport, S. Y., paaaed throuah
Omn-boan uatO M a.m'irfT *P >"
iemg aerpMlDtaiioeAip w|tb Ibeo.
city this Boralng on Ibeir way u>]
(Btbw man In the eonnlry can «ep
the Reuter Tetegram Co. aayi a gen­ the
Odar Ron, where they will visit r
, r hia dioea and fill bla place unUl be baa
The crov^the cniirer Mlnine Iroiw
bad Obm do baocNsa aeonalnied
rt Cronatedt haa motlned. Woeingde
tba BsUifiUeUy of detail that the
ebay erder to put to tea. The veartl
-Wary of kaU muet maater;
^BBt-Coereury of SiaU Hay had Hoc haa been uken edtaide the pert.
> fip think of olberlblnca. He had Ume
' :to new the. world throoKli the eyea of
Obaaquica for Hay.
^-a poet. Some of bla worka, andi aa
Cleveland. Ohio. July 3.-Thc train
b-dlai Blodae.’- will lire loa* after hla bMTlirg the remains of Sceretdry ol
y aa a ntateaman baa become State John Hay. which left Kewbarry.
.... ’’a’i^^'SI^iwsTh"m !cnduaieMeakalI>eparUBSi«Barnes
N. K, Sundny. ronched CleveUml as' Bcicctrtc OH. Al any drug store, I
‘ The yemtta of lUa conntry may do abertly after sir o’clock this momII t0 cnalate the example of John 1^ In another ear were Mra. Hay and
>y and aeek not only lo egoal hU at- party. A eommIUee of rcpreMnlatIvc
te aa antaiMman. bat leant to
lo tbHr work well and yet n
to tbe'XAamber of Commerce balldtag n.PInoh.UaeAllen’a FOOX-EASE
« tbelr maater.^fteoord.
at 10 e'eloek. Here It will remain un­
til the funetal on Wedneaday.
At-lDmc^. -»•
In accordance with Mm. Hnyto withFourth Wee Sane.
WbHe Ibe rotnru aio not yet all In. ca the body will n« lie in Mnte and
Cy De Vry. head aulmal V
« Mas aoiDe erddocu yat to bear the people of Clevclmnrt will not bei
a,>tbe ladleatloiw are that the per- glvoi an oppoMUQlly lo tee tbo face
r enlace of aedd«Bia-thla year In UIcb- rt the dead Blaleantan. Mra- Hay
a to much licbMr than iael year.
Grille la rery cmtHybic newa to U
froeat'ea bir a ‘'sane iWlb."
V- The aewapapera of the alale and funeiml Wodnetday.
yothera. for eome tlroe. hare ben adReal btatf Tmnafei
^^oeatinc a eelebraiioh of the day wUfaJdllna T, l&inafa. cl al. lo George
- ipR the aaal attendant bandaea.
Wttowl, ban and Mind. The eniaade W. Ba«. parcel. H.’a 6lh add: ISM.
DaatH B. Pdddeo to Harriet M. PadStir-r- fmlt InaBanch aa.the deadl>
den. loU 16 and 17. block 10. H-. L. 4
counly. for 8800- Tennt, II'hi
more down and lalanec s' "
lie amaH boy may aot enjoy the eele- Co.-a 6th add; 81.
cent. Bliacr E. Wcbatcr.
Alice R. Ilowk. ot al. to Dc BUa R
bratloB of the day with a Uue coated
”"i“ .
. pW4ow-qb-htoWbow4wt It la much Monroe, pared. P. H-'« 3rd add; |««k

J. W. Smtlitt

6nml Pnetitt



U AINTING )Oor hoiu« «ilk. -Siat>^aiiV..Pfl^
■ . White Lead isdike sheathing it in Metallic
lead! Perfect protection against decay. No other ^
paint will give it.

Hannah & I..ay Mercantile Co.


Try a Herald Wan) Ad.

proves to us thit the
publi^\arc recoKoizinj? the merits of
these instruments.
Let the good work
You can
rest assured that
I'lANO wc sell in
this CO m m u n i i >•
strenirthcos our posi­
tion in the Piano
“.A broad
statement." but we
arc proving it every ^
day. Come and sec

Sumimr Comfort
is made easy by the. use of •


We show excellent ones .from one
dolUr up to seven dollars.


purchasing a large, quantity wc ^



arc -enabled to give belter ones
for the money than us^l.


0ily Book Store

M. B. BARKER. Prop.

tnotru Oif, IBlcb-

tbt d»b»rt C4„ Pnps.

FirelUneoflheBBason. Dlili One in America. One You All Like. Dbh’I Wail!


U yi II.! CViK-qjlinn

\r*0 Only WiU W$it EwH^ia Turing *meri«e. Contegyently the Only On* to Vitit Th!% Uetioo.

For JO years eicilinj the admiraii.’n of the whole . iv.lir.^1 nation,


tm a,ii„p,
•• »•/“"'
»»•-• »•"'
Hu Wu Ar n * Hogatotion that Hiku for it iko Looiot of 4// Etowating
Tbe Very KraiB kacking Dtvatnv of Sanfot Honmnl MatCTiainrd I'.ven Hcy.-n.l Hi» Mrr.1 S.-inv;utnc .\i,i ii-oiio.,,.

fidblti'aM CtttBwi Cl the rxu
lllMlrated by Thrasclvce.


Pfililti WinloK, StjoaM. PtrpmwiepfcMSUihe Ridcn • ItbRitfre St«<i
•I every Campcaa iieurrtrlai Nallea.

Wttgo nave rnon r«r r; x
Tcng KcmsPUCKL.


ry Iren yaelrc Kettoa «l A* Otin

West Vril/ East

FBtlWTttR HER0E8. .
lisrrltoa ViiiuryRrvIt
OeUckBcati efIbeA
•Mbe Werl8._
-The Dlylae IsfaN.-Ceylrt

torMfal and uvwauutoa rtib lirtiu i« of aa Rdiar-atlenal. R«ifln*d and Inttruet-


nu£ oaiuTiLmusM. GHifHiaur «ko rmoir PBESEnreo er
»EU mnns.

...........'s.;,;;:-'* ■

AGuiNAioe-s vrmuai

rReB THE nmmmft


"V-*" “

HMbihc Ulm it vra ueen helcitc and |>rubatdy nothiiij:likr jl will rwrK- wvii ai.-ain.






THE WIU> WBST With its' Plainsmen.*. Cbiefs anti tlu-ir Fol­
lowers, Oowboya, Cowgirls. Sroote, Bmui lio BnsU-rs.
TH&GRB4T FAlt EAST RcmiletKli
' SioKakwe.
Sinettkwe. Himkxia.
Himkxto. Filipims,
I^pimm. Boors tind Slranco Peoii
Every Bortion of the Ttopicnl CHmos.

Excursions on AB Railroad Lines.


Mamlous Bedotiiii Jrais,


Larfest Troupe Ever Bronflil
10 America.




- .

Over a Mile of Magnificent Street Parade Starts at 10 o’clock a. m.

Mlaa Maad Bardge la apandtog
few weeka wttb relatlvaa to Chkagi
ftna aaiardv^ BMort.
Tbe eottage or Mra. E E WDao
torn i€M>e BrtB* or tLU cit7
111 aooa be ready tor oeenpaaev.
_ib Boot for TboouM^rUH
• Tba Laadeya at Laaalng i
tfaoct Tlllt vltb MCBdl.
Mn. Axel PMonoB wM dambur
Bertha Itft thU Boralac (or SmaaiU o(% week la iahwafter a wartC* rWt vlth Hr. a»d
L. Oreoaeth at Bottona Bay vaet
Jlla With Beau left today (or a
Tialt at PeOatoa with (rtaada.
wnilaa Manianld nr Rngvley apeot
TK* rUamoMi C.iMw.
i. lam tar. >■ O Derk.
raateniay la the cUr.
The lateai aewi from Parti. U lhall_____ ________________________


3 »tr Cot aOvwei «T1M BcHrtik.

Omlitioo this week 2,750
The Craaeart bacaa hernrdar no
The trr-- Crweiat vtO be «a». t««Ma tkli OMOM ^ CapL H. C. pioiB
or GkartmU (oraerir (be eaptala o(

Ftoai MoBdar*a^aeard.
i. M. SooU aad «(• or Proveaumt
paaaed throiiah the city thie aax
oa their way to Maaiatae, where ihay
wUI Tialt B. J. Boott.
tin. Baaa» Dfagae of Soloa.
baa hew rlaltlaK bar alater. Mra F.
H. BeMeh ft tbia cKy. retaraed
ar hose thia Boealac. '
wmiaiB Olbha weat to Harleld ihlt
I. E. J. Campbell, who baa been
aroo (or aome Ume. la la the city
to apaad the rooith.
Joaeph Kruboer. eooaty tnaaorer of
Loelaaae, ta la ihe diy today oa boal-

beat (or yoa to take that great remedy m be
;kmedby W. T, McOee.of Vanleer.
Tena. ~t bad a cough, for foarteen
yean . Nothing helped me. until I
tmk nr. Kina'* New 'DUmven- (or
Coagbi and Colds, wblcb
(or Tbroai and lung Troublei.
S'At JobnaoQ Drug Store Co*, f. H.
Meadi. 8. K Wail A Sonr'drvg a(nn«:
price Me and 11.00. guaranieed. Trial

Baall____________ -...............
at Greek at John# Hopktni onlveraliy.
Hra. W. 8. RoMawortb oT UoUof. Balm
wife or Prot. Boldawortb o( th^HlehA Btirprisc Party.
Igaa Agrl^und coUe(e.->»» to the
A pleaaaat aurprise party may be
city today oe her way to her tamiaer given to your atomacb aad liver, by
heme oa the pealasola. Mlta Newell taking a medicine which will relieve
dlaeomfort. vie: Dr.
at HerMea. Ooee.; wlU apeod the KlDg-a Newand
U(f Pills. They arc a
immer .with her. .
Mlaa Leah .Cpdy baa coae to her rrilet and cure, h ■ bemiaohe. dlulness
and constlpatiooonstlpaihio. Wc at Johnson Dm*
home at ProTMOot to apeod the
>. P. H. Heads. E B. Wall &


is palnttog tbe realA pretty wadding opoKred at the
nal*B^^'‘oMa'spent Taeahd«a at W. H. CraMim, •» Btate
day to town.
■treat. Mpaday evealag. >ia o«tJ
About tweaty-flve wow la attendtag partiaa being, bla atm. Joaai
aaee at tbe ir«.nni,» lodge oa Tue
Cmadal] mi Mlaa Gl^ Tork at day evtotof and a boaoiaout ssppt
was ssrvad at tbe borne of Mrs- M.
Bodd to boBor or tbe oeeasiem.
An exearsion waa given to Buttons
Bay cto Boadar.
John Garttae to boms (mm Traverse
eeremoBy waa wUaeaead^by Mr. and
Mra. VtealaaA Mr. and Mra. D. Ram-. City.
• srtte returned
ftwd. Mra. Homan aad two oblUtea o(.
CadlUac and Mlaa JtakaWUaoaoTBE WUker at Dnintb apent Sunday
the garni at Mr. aad Mra. J. E Batle.
PrM. MaiTto aad (amUy are o

June. July and Auguat


ssi "

201 Sq. Union St.
226 E. Front St.


1011) RoU«l OQta.’SSr
(i lb fancy Jup. H(«tl Rice. 25c
lOh per. lb for beet iiutcber
8c per lb for Oear Fat Pork.
lOe pkfi for Puritan Paiior
16 Iba Beet Cone Gisnalsted
100 lbs BeatCaneGmnulated
Sngar, $6.20.
' CsH ud ret ^Ico before

You can bank your aavini*
here safely and conveniently,
though you may live many mile*
sway. Interest compounded
aeml-annually at tbe rale of
three per ceoi without present­
ing your book. We Issue interest-beartng certlScales si the
same rate K desired.
Safety vault boaes to rent,
only two dollars per year, you
hold the key. Write or drop in
and see us.


Eirtfred Laetum FMd.
tba Btexia Coaaty Patriot at
M giTos tba (OUowtng aotlea to Mm.
J. J. Oray at 4M Soutt Oakm atreet:
**Lnst Wadaaaday oraalag. at tba
Metbodiat ^anA. Mn. Hartba Oray
at Travnea Oty tore a joaraaUxad
laeiva oa *Tba Good BItbep cd Dae.'
MoK Oray U a vai
iVMkor aBd bar lata
atoda with rare BbSI

waafal and baaat0al tboagbta aad laaocu. The watt waa ao (all o( other
■utsra that attaadaBce waa limited,
bat mold thb tody ever gn
Frankfurt platfora aota afae probaUy
wnoM be greetad by a large aadl-

Own Up

too doB*! like (bose (ray
hsin,doyea? Aadyoorhas*
bud certBiBly docu't like
dicm. Tbea vby bm (ry t
bottle of Ayer’s Htlr Vi|or»
It festeres color to gny btir
CT^ time, bU die deep, riob
ooler or cBriy life. Aed It
cores dudniff also.

These are the seasoo’sbest sellers for the young Isdy frpm IS
to 17 years old. They rmircsent the best things in ready-towear garnjents. They batfti that natty effect that is
your dressmaker to get. We are closing out these choke gar­
ments that sold for $10.00. $12.00 and $18.00,

Children’s Jackets, 4 to 12 years,

Our (iffe of th^ garments for the little folks has always been
ver>' complete. Oiir season for them is over, but there are to
many cool days and evenings whu a-light wrap will be accept­
able to the young miss that they will appreciate one very much.
The price is now within the reach of the lightest purse.

Former Price $3 to $8, Now Half Price

bsylar ebewbere.

CrapcrM etty State

Elgin G. Lewis.

Ills store will be closed etrery Friday afleniood dorint the wimi weather.
■ commenclnt July Ilh.


the 4tb is Over
Vsu'vt stMtd dean «e nwrk again and mant
samstning esmlsrtahlt far tbt bat «Matb«r.
8tr* ar* a Itw “conderts.” Pricts com*
IsrtaU*. to*.


Illtn-s Satin Ban Sbets

A Dry Goods Store
A Hardware Store
A Furniture Store
A Shoe Store
A Drug Store
• .
A Carpet and Crockery Store '
A Grocery Store
A Clothing Store

SstlnCair Is the most prsriirai K-ailicr In mfrtluT:i
prirc-d shoe*.' It does nut hsrdoti and woan well
They're mide In foc«1 nlyle.

mtn's Canvas Shots

There to aothlng cooler for warm aeailier than canvaa. tl ta jlghi ana yet wear, sell, Tbi-j re made
in black or grey.

Only SI.OO and $1.25 a Pair
Boys' and youth*' Banoas Shot*
The boy* are hard on their shoes and can«-a*.*<-Br*
as well as a guod many leather one/
le/ so
» why n
cnnvai this time?

Priet ssc to $l.eo a Pair
Cadi**' Oalordd, Ssteial Prfet

Khigatoy Won OaiM.
aey and Kate Jetoasoa w
Kto^tV. Mleh. daly t.—Tba Klaga- lIlBols Thursday.
Porter A Peek are ocoapytog tbelr
toy baaa ban taam radoemad lUalt yaatarday by dedaaUng Maatoa by a
o( n to «. Tbe gaaM waa apiriied and Peteskey oa Vedoeaday.
bar< (oogbl'tram tret to Ian bat tbe
local taam o«May«d tbe visitara aad
won tba game. It ia ctoimed that tbe
Maatoa taam bad- a Qraad Raplda
pttebor and alao a Walton player along
«a baltaBL The boaa# taam U back
■gala to favor and the nlae are
gardod aa baraaa.

Printzess Sailor Suits

V. ft BMW. Pm. sr A E Berdt. PiM:
tomk-t BaikUac. (MsweU aad

b St tbe Cub Gfscery,


TLatoad had
>RT t------------------NORTH PORI
__ _______ aad taally arrived la
I, aad la bow opea (Or towD thif weak to apeod the aomaer.
M«aia; 0. M. Dame and W. B.
Campbell aad (amillea left Monday lo
apead a few daya la camplac aad fiah-



Tiie Place to Buy

r. W. Martladin and taaUr have arTtoA Mink aad wife c( thU city left
t»?arta the oftT aad arlll «o to hooee- tUa aooa for BiaBham. where they
feMptag at m Weat TMth atreet Mr. wDI apod the 'Ftmrth.
MaittodUl ta the aea priadpal at the
Mlaa Carrie Bteby of Seyetooe
Trarena CUy Baataaaa eolloga.
le dty.

e nilDoU
maa Wbaaua at AngM aad Mte Mary
^'mtT J.'ipaatie are apeodA. oae <8 m lal9 arare married by
• RoT.aT.8toBtathlareaideoee.Tbey lag a (ew daya la town.
Mlaa Mlaole Brown arrived la Iowa
thU week.
or AB8M aad Mlaa Bertha Wbeauw or The U O. T. M. bald their regular
meeting oa Friday evening, after
which atrawberriea aad cream and
other dainty refreahmenta were
lerved. The tabla were taatefully
---------- - .--------.1owem. A ibbn program
Id a pleaaaat evening apeni
Tba Wr-Or^- .U. will hole a
t bad aat Era to It and the Eamaa meeting
on Wedaepday afternoon
rnaalHC throogh aoM dry n
the home of Mra Bdna Kalaey.
Mlaa Bmma Ddtong arrived In town
t wh« tba Biamn arrived. Ibe
to apeod tbe aummer At tbe•itlagnMhed by helag beat- tbla week
I of Mr. aad Mra. F. E Davta.
e T. P. B. C. E bald their regular
eae meeting la tbe Oongregatlneal diamfa pariom oa Monday evamlng.
FiQbnU oonit wA boar Friday
Mra. PMk. aeeompaaied by -her
^ OB TBiiona bMrlnga. the poOtlon «raa<laoB
Oeorge. drove to SaUaaa
Bay tbU week.
Hr. aad Hr«. Ddlaelf left thli w<
imrpfcy who died a few wedta ago
tba waau aide: a bearing (or tbe
at helm In the C. C.
BhaOlBg wlata aad the bearing at tbe
1 at tb“’cw®
Mam haforo tba eonrt on oT '
_ evening.
MMb waa again adjoanad antU Jaly
___orebenm (nesMed mask during
the. evening. Tbe proceeds were alx
Miss Lottie Neleea arrived beme
FBtdM and
wnra la tta otty rom Oread RapMs Uls weMc ft
tail wlib relatlvea and frliBdi.
and taapaetad the tog Maggla tt Char­
Hr. Smith, tbe aeeUoD foremaa. bu
levoix, wblcb laid at tbe-do^ 8at8^ purebaaed a lot to the Raasoa kddlday. Tba boUara at the boat ware tloB aad will imlU a borne la tbe aear
tnaad ta be ta vary bad cnedUSaa. nd
^°^A. Bger at Ldaad spent Moatbe maater, J. E FaiiBaUer n( Roithport, aeya that tMgr wBl be repairad
Barth ta visittog (riends
mdlataly. The laapaotora yma load to Tmverse Cliy.
to ibMr pralaa «( tbe eoadlUim of tba Tbe-LmUn- B<

man fw Wi

Made in31ack. Tan or Patent Leather. Pat. I^wlher ta new ''Gibson Tie " style. The^- Oxtord. «m
surely sorprtse you far the price.

Only 4S«s Pair
Cadits’ SHmtrs
Made of kid lestber. hand turned, with «irap and
bow. As Rood as y<{u11 And at many stores a)
li :s. Onr price

Only 7BC a Pair
Cadits* Strgt Skots
Every lady should bar.- a nair of ih^e
Just tbe thing to slip on alien your feet are so tired.

Only SOe a Pair
Cadits' eoaifort Slippers


And that a mammoth one.


Here you will find

You will also find several most complete departmenu, where the finest
goods arc carried that can be found in the largest markett, pnrchaKd
for spot cash and sold on the clo^st possible margin.
A Bicycle Department
A Carriage Department
A Sewing Machine Department
A Siationep- Department
A Piano and Organ Department
A Legal Blank Department
A C-loak and Garment Department
A Cut Glass Department
A Picture Framing Department
A Wall Paper Department
.\ Book Department
A Drapery Department
A Toy and Game Department
A Lace Curtain and Window Shade Department
A Grain and Feed Department
A Paint and Oil Department
A Farm and Implement Department.
A Harness Department
^A Plumbing Department
A Tin Shop Department
A Sporting Goods Department
A Silverware Department
A Fancy Goods Department
A Masons and Biulders' Supplies Ctepaftment

Jllfred a Trkdricb THE PNAH & LAY MERCANTILE GO.
Stntr pf 6pp4 Sht*


M. tin. OUUwr; Tice pHSMfct.

Grand Travel^ Region.

i.« ioii: =«eereury. M,.

at tke
bone of Mra. Lecseil July »- A pr^
(m' will be KlTM) aad a fooi tine U
expected. Ererybody U inrlied.
Mr- aad Mra. .................-

. ie BUby of Trarerae City waa i


eJttTwrSU *» U—• All

*M*^wkea”^”MSiday ■«* *«
Boyne Oiy to celebrate the IWtb.
tin. Hair JanliOB waa a TmTorw
- r caller Wedaeaday.

“ ^ir HS£b"

rte and Will Cler
iaa. IjBWle
tnraed freo the
Berale Btotl baa reUmed
from a vlali at Cedar aty.
Mr. and Mr. C. & Green and
. vwilu Mr,
KCanelb of AMen are Ibe gneel
a* AM eodety of Maple City b
relatlvee and frtendi.
ai dlnaer.
Ml (amlir are camr- Jburwlay
Mlaa Nina BprVbolder U rUltlng her
awu aad wife
of Trmn
0«o. P^nia
lac at Otacn
•ter, Mra. y.lmmer. ai Bis Rapldi.
IUn« bU aliler. Mra. A. J.
t WUaoo hM'BoU bli place here lo Cliy are TitIUns
Mr>. luule Oreen of Dick l> ihc
Kber fric
While. BOd other
Mr. Krawdiril o( DetnU.
■eat of her parenu and other rela.Mn. fi. B. Cate i

[j* . 2S7*t»r*t2*r*' ** MW«E


attended pou
bMB •tohiBK o*er lb* lamu wbU* City iry
her aehool at
,ry Cate ftalabed
Mm. Cookel'a father oapt. They rfr
ai will go to ML
IjDttiM to Detiolt (bla BtomlBC well Port Oneida Friday;oand
I’lcweanl Tueaday to attend ecbool.
Mr. and Mr.. N W. llerrIneloD ,


“1 knew
fur tear waeh«.
borne to aUy ntU, Mra. R. D/irUla*MdUlSe
ben I waa atW with
Itb typhoid aod k
kidId her BKdbar.
nm, Mia.
mre. Houle.
oar tbt
twe mcrU.
. “A
wrilee Mra Aanla Hi
to Bearer _ . a Ibat Tnae- .MTr traoble.T. Hhinet and Mr. wad ma\weni
mb v;
Mr. and Mra. ~
| U. of FIttebnrg.
day Vo rialt Mr. and___
_ Pa. -and When I gqt
Mlaa UUlan Bowen, who la worit* Mra A. Pnal Liip
one ef tbe hot
I s^BoMeyandtamlhrofElkRap-lbeuef.aJtboutol
ig In the Hatrietta Herald <«<», la dayaat Oreen' le
Mn. Ham_>me for a few daya. She wna ac­
_____ _ _ Rap-, am! bad lo mt Uhand* on my ham
ika, madeber a ebori, ...,
toale Tlotoo went
companied by UlUe Nellie Jeiman <E
lldi iaat Saturday to Btiead echort for I when I walkad. .»«-tbla. .terrible
le next fix week.
afilctl** I wai rtwctSVjqowricBIt.
rij killed a raiUeaaake
**Tb^lOngileT Imaehall nine No.
Orde Bance apd Stella Atwood rtcra. etlrb reetured my b<«>^ aad
.. cm Mn. Stnndlih'i tam.
w«i to Hanioo Thnnday. The game Wediinewlay*
.no* I! eeu
■ ~
.ade and aold CS
Mra A.
Ramiay made
molted li ‘
uie rtmrui.
i -.-rnighl ar t-ti-r They m..
»eda Of buUer laat
Hugh I
HIM Eunice BabMu west to Trnr. t aaedorful ' auarnmn^ to cure
key for a
r aod kidney diiorder.>:
a*i Hooday to atirod t
,„v A, E. U........................
B iproc f
with Mra. Oeo Brown Tburaday aflerand brolber Carl; H«adr. Si IK W-ail «amr drag Blore.;
cr friend.
iloon. July C. All are Inetted to at­
vlfit frlendi. ; i
*enl to 811
Georre While went to Boyne City
a been rigHhig
r baa Itarwe baaebhil
A HaUxkeller ear. atocked AUb aJl
i^yrif IwKh the Ralkaeks toll team os theivin.i.
tbeivin.i. uf -bwne- amt decorated
decorated. with
trddard i
1rtor»- Foonb.
Tticin., ,jr . «m run no the Piinbnrg
ibe Wt*t Vnloo /
Mn will surer aod daughter Kada g |.aL<. y;rie. ix-twtwii l-ltalbonc and

Mn Borr Jamt and cbIMree e
ierty but there tbl* tommer here laei «e.-k.
o CopemUh Tuewlay
There *111
an lee errom eodal at
I Mn. W. Dixon It on tbe alek lUl.
with ■



,”7“ I '-3'E“

ciTloje.1 by Bill Mr. Frank-Vinttm of iliU pUre and I .uni-t,ni"'. >oai i ire,
‘ ^
'I Mn. Ik-m,.. Iluxrie .d luiw recomed iirrinly ir>lng .-verrh
L^r:'.” •" flee. I r
Ml» Myrtle Oiny ha. rotum.ri from
who aitmdod.
I borne IBM Friday
8*1 re It. vitb.Bucklin'. Arnlro
; great (o'r bom*, enu and woondt
j u.on-» Foreign MU.lonary noclety.
son of Trarerae Clfy are gue*u of the ; two montlw ri ManUUn
^ “ M*^'
' Wfc. H QlMell of Detroit came
>.■ •
Dr. Walter family.
petting Saturday to »pend hU vacauon here * *•
“clirk ard''«» N«1 of' *1" ‘•p
•I'^ool eruiche*.;
Kelly UmU-r Co
Mr. aad Mra. Prank Bright of Cedar
)<,(■ from the «bore here.
• jaly :
and Mra, RanwBi of Ranaomrine.
CadilUc are the goe»U of relatlre*' Mra. Frank Bayer* spent Tueiday ,
Thacker hai returned
---------------Y. vlilted at N. W. Herrtagtnn'a .
and friendi.
- n tod daugh-! .Tbeortrjre Rodger*' and family i
i”p.l* tl wRere »he bas been at , -----------Mn.
^ Tra'eroei* »»»*»*»*»«»*»»**•• »**••••••?.
Sanday! TheJ- alw'called oo Mra. Cai
Mr. and Mra. S. Coon rialtod at A
pf J. L. and Mr. Prank ’ ^,,y
Maying «l
Harry 8argeani. W;ilt;Mri. *. m. Smilh.
^^l??.‘*Bad‘ Mra.**W. Meteer made
nth Gibb, and MIm : joea lo Manl.tec oo a vlrii wit
-- I._
a. .B. Doherty.
abort call at M. C. Oalc'a Sunday.

A little book it Rirw. Drawg ittirngt *
______________ _ _ _
are camping a* Hog* : ,,y„
Jimmy and NelUc While called <
Hr. aod Mn, R. D.
-----------------computtmloH earli-iune had iX-e. Intrir1 barii lake.
I Harley Ucliey I. TliliiDg bl
Annie and Maggie Calc Sunday.
me to Boyne for a than vUiL
i«l .rinUiitMW lor Uirtw yonra frotn dhile ena. Hr. and Mr*. IJ BralnerO.
Rer. 0*0. Uwl* of Frankfort w*.<ti The family of War^ Buyr
Jily S.
ircnla a few daya|J<*n Vanderrori and family are ni»-pruman Avery drove to Qie <
of lufet cntr>-.

tbe gneri of bl* parents
Raney lake today.
t dar.
tntt week.«
A fewOeman from Grand R«d4* j X. M Smith i aa in Elk Rapldi laat
A (vrtificutr ia iisued inatrod of a took. * .
Her. and Mra. W’. T.-HU! vlMiad at - Mitt Ornce Gardner and party of
- town ~ - ■
------- -—' Saturday.
Draw* intenwL
on tboae ,rasM
L Inte*.
-U. 8. OtUnger-a Friday. reUiming
In Trnreree City laat
1 O, E. FIft
dab) onkoa' roocwi-d.
borne Sunday.
Friday tak
Mr. and Mra. (
McKeage, Mra. Uo Halllday
will be pushed after i:

tnraed from tbelr tIiU at Mnwtwd
..rnlly. Mr and Mr*. Pt^ Say- Pimnh. / . M. Smltb hu already c
Kivt‘ cbi«kg lo otbm. . Each chec^ a .
and other potata. bringing tbelr niece fere gu»tA of L. Baker ^d
and Uon Rote went to Betaie lake five acre*.
s^abwBKwiptforthfdttpoiitor. AsaW **
borne with ttaem.
July 3.
* !h!ty‘'r*
In Trarei
A. Bnrim laI rialtlng

and ooQvmie&t way for payiiiR aJI kind* «,
home ,
aiy for a few day*.
of accuimtii. ' Wl- foraUb rbtvk bouka. ^
Catarrh Cnnnot no Cornd
broagfat her mother
Mra. Wagner
’agnerr bro
nne ^di ticr from Indiana.
payable on dimand. No payRMBto “
ya«k Still bad a boree quite h.

made usot^ oo written order cif dapoai- *.
r. J. Hroamon wu in iro eree
bun laai crening by a eow bookln
tor. May V- mad.-, if depoaitor to
In the mouih. ,
tiriw, to intlM-r bugbend or wife ooiiVl ^
fit walk placed from the aireet walk,
riiltlDg her litter. Mia. Monroe, and
draw. All boaineag alricUy oonSdegitial
.. bla hou«e. Inclndlng atepa. Chu.
other trlendf here.
Walter Stadlebancr Till d ^hti Hoe&lD did tbe work. '
brother nenr Ttarorae Oty o
s aehool riorod laat Tue*itun a plenic In tbe wood*, where, rori«rt
^«eaaio Oibom ritlted reUUres here
[Sliriy^r^'SnglUg and rei . large crowd bad gathc^te^^^^^
over Snnday.
Ladlet- AM .aoctety
It t I < t I < « I M » • I I • t • •

‘r'csr 'z.. d...

- Some Informatioa B^anliiK Bank Deposits. -

a aad frteada. Mra. pa­
id la aJao TlaltlBf h*

a5»oI doa«l Monday. There will
to A ptaMie tbe itb ad July.
-- — t doaed her aehool MoaAOeeEtaad
U aaOaa her t«t aooiidi*. 'W» aball
^ulr *. •


sgteday Mndac to apeaui tbe Toortb
^ilaulrea aad frteada.

tw'daya with frlenda la thU p
lulte a nnmber of people f^ thU
M will eelebmte the Ptorih




peoples SAVINGS bank:



.....jgr 'retail furniture buyers. The gfeet annuel furniture exhibits ere now being held in the large market centers. We will, as usual, buy heavily.








I nerer more forcibly
i portihyed than wboo
' agood nngehaabeeh
gelaoted. Eaaily op.
orated, viUi half tlie
CKponge aod twice
tbe aatistaotioB of
esy other stove. 'We
L have tho exclnnrc
' gale ol the maihet'g
fiiet chcHoe of nnRea

Btbp Cabs

and Jet Btitts
That we carry a full line Of Summer Necessities. Screen Doors. Window,
Screens. Lawn Seats, Chairs and Rockers. Hammocks. Croquet Sets. Lawn
Mowers, Hose and small Garden Tools. In fact anything and everything for
the house or lawn. Just step in and see what we have and we can convince
you that we are offering big bargains in these goods.

Despite the hea\7 8prinK .trade our t^rpcl d.-ivtrtnient is
gtill the best slocked yon will find in tb.-cily. Vim eai.
t»i-t jnst what yon want at just whnt you wont to puy.

Jlod efCarls


\fj'a gvffiincr ostrag* deid greatly on theaa.
eeyt^ for the Uttle
i’e oomfort baa been
earoftilly looked after in
the^ieotiogiaf our atoek.
Tour ptraniae for futnro
p^inentia alive ask.

Modi-to onliT. of styl.-h of m,-l.lini: to s.-l.«t
from. Aliy siz.- you wiali at a muvli U-*s linun- Ihaii yuu
,-aii l^.•l t-lgewhcrc.

lUindow Shades
.til irntd.-R litl'l
II’M siz-- Sli;u3,-S-•» sp-aially.
work ill this .U-jvinm<-iit is -x<-cutj’! by an < ii*frt

In any iioaulity yon
may wanU
and kxA Uiem over.
A fine lino of pillows
and aeda piUowa.


Oil eiotbr Citioleum
and matting----- Cace Curtains
in all grades at lowest iiric(«.


la all floor' coveriug at lc« ihiui cost-

It's now of never with
ns. Tbiise wi- fail
I mdl now we'll have to
! carry to another, aa
1 The k-ver We'D oto to

r move thenla
I ExtresMly LtorMccs

and year OWB terms
Will save tboir own cost
hi a aitii^ season.

Picture Trames i

In ail sizea. from Uie small llintw rn(r to the full room size.



Swing ebair

} .S.. b,,ilt ilial ii re.nlily
|V-uljn»ts itA-.'lf to any |rsili-,1. ill- l"«ly may n.s. biiiiii-. All ibi-l frame.
; Will wtll.stand
All ' wt-aiiii-r -fust liki- cut.


in »„ -ia*. a* W*!, pn^nLa..., . Urp.
intity of throe at an
J -inantity
r low prira
fend are offerink' then at

and Portieres!
? < )nr 5i*8o«tn--nl ill throe inaki-s il iimn'o-sanry for you v
{ tokc somelbing yon tlon't want. Come ami look ll>.-ni ov.t


tiiuc l;

than smaUer ilcali r* coukl.



> TfiAVEMc HCfiALe. THuwfOKy.-Ajlv *; im~
Artbar Bpuilsc «a ttSTMtte
r«*U«iUT Uberptf-

Claream Pairfaaabs aad wUe ealtcd
a frtaads bore lari eraak.
Mie. C. M. BeoBMd of Wlimabw*
«Bs tbe saest of Hta. C. AMnnw


B was a gaest
•a and fa«tly



Twiu Sbdnw l« tWUb« W» ■««.
Caap No.« of tbe Ward emic, near'
__ 'SJ'c'b. ii« oc au> naiM Albk.
tas bnkea tbe record lor oae
■n* bom of Nonm IM cmbW niaileeB ben Friday.'
Lota Hon »•« to Tneane OW. day's week, vbleb iocladed coUlag
fli« imor wnlac U4•mr «of* fOrtmto ta tavtaf
wbaellac aad loading oa tbe cam vlU
bon bnr tr —
tbm obd n*«4
leader »47.tW ..........
feet of. logs.
- oatmlomoodiMbiBgtent^
pr^mrt^ Tiareno City to
la tbe aftmoca a« tber started tor


Pmak Atfctasoa was cHttaglisr.
Peter BMutos of Port Oaelda I

ta ettaa narwled ta ibe

Pnt H. j. Jacoby, who vM
leads St Tmvmc City for a wi,gnater

' snd

triem reminded UhW hU «
btitbday ta« Tmday ertotag b

toUen. Dyi■ tb*
--------------tadlgesUoa err mmpani

wire QQlrst they nmU taemsrlre* of a
Biaadard oedicta* like Or*
Creen's Angm
isbed ta le boor*. John i o<eim. All departed npmltag a tae porcr. which has bees
ll?*oS5ri*hM meed bli
Iboasebold remedr for i
nv rty oo eectloa fhlrte.------ ‘ —
2f^£535«ytaJ«*^ir~all oTu Bb- aad
be has a }ob of eattlac 40
Cleary toreoiao of tbe a
orabard on • gafu Loef Pralt tarn, gust Flower rousn lb* <
' *BrToibbs and' wUe vtaltod tbelr Inbsr into Woekwood.
iboi ereeltag appetU* and Inssrin*
last week.
Charles Botioa U MU np with rbeitANBWBR IT HONEBTLY
n Sr., prepricicr of IbeMi p*rt*«
perfr aigeelloo- U lom aad rltalFrad Aill
■ lixn A* «nln system aad makes life
ni»i Pray drove to TraverM City Are the I
a- ef Trevme Ctty
flaa Balsted FtMar onalBStodav.
I. »c;.f*raMr site.
Jtly t
A. O- Fhlrtoaks ott Traverse Oty
as a caller ben Mat«
I da's hall on tbe Fourth.
Arable Gardner went to t^aeene
TUs b a vital queetlon.
ex speakci

It I* traoght with lalereal
wife are
lib her aonu Mrs. Victor Vbkoebll. , tbe house of reprceebUUve*.
n* CUy0|MtdlB«tbe
-luraed to ber
It pemlls of only oi
las (heiida.
JolF! _____
li eaanoi be evi
■m Watm aad ftjirfly retaiaed mATravem
_ .1 Clly
Qly cHIzcn
cHIm speaks
Bpe^s be
berv.l A mue
iitUe life may
miaAti«ntholrr1sHta.Sbalbr. .
Bpeafcs tor tbe welfare of Travel
hour's dclgy. Cholera infanii
- TBar. lcraerbas bewMAlag ateeleatery, dtarrboea
suddenly. C
oe. come
Man b«» tbe past eraak la tbe;iBtcr
to hsvc Or. Fowl
M et tbe Latter Ov Saleta.
An otter wtraager'B doebtful.
ol Wild B
..-Ibieet dree an radac betn at all
Home proof Is ibe best proof.
polau at tbe coemoa. A.
CadHr*. Saicick bat beea ooJta lU. ber
dtalac oa aarroea preatratloa. bat U iDg oa a ashing esctmloa on tbe Ulsc, a freight'brnkesBan on the O. R.
PMlie river. He wUI be gone aeveml 4 U E. R-. raanlng beivreca CadUlae
settlac bMier atowlT.
led Traverse City., says; "Hy ad. W». Jooea <d -CMona
Mr. and Hn. Uaie Daily of Emm ireas b P. O. Box WS. and I will wnwer any letter seto to me hy aayooe
ba»r at clr^ aad bojs epent FW- visited oar taMeksaltb tolkn. Hr
vrbo really wtehee le know If Ddsb's
•realtw vltb Loalle HoConniai la Mrs. Barken. Mot Wadaesday.
KUney PtIU ena be depeeded epoa to
or of bii twnUetb blrtbdajr.
. Hr. Seoa m Biored fats familr bar Jasselmaa aad toiaUy. pleakkod at -------- -----------------~hli b my
We ReawTC (ke Ctvsc
aoH «BI eceaw tbe BaMaia boose^
Md Hm?^ajn Myers *od obH- for twenty years, mad always enjoyed;
m Ban aad tamllf speat Baadar
also Mr. aad Mrs. Bd Labe of tbe beet of tmeb. seill about two:
AlBlm wen gaesu of Mrs. My- yean ago.* when my kldoeyi cither
Dotber. Hn. J. I^ey. Baadoy. weakened or wwn orcr-worked. 1 a«f
arid be held at tbb boo»e Of Bra.
. and Mr*. Oeo. WDobee. Hr. P. lend from pata aad ooblag ta ibr
lyia.-'Tbple. "iAuWamlU- "
8. Tocher, also tbe Misses Carrie Wag­ small of the back, to seefa an eztcfil
ner end'Jennie Tladell aticnded tbe that I waa BDlte lame. A rellcoad enf > /i^eUdiea’AM old taeot
day eieralses at Bast
glaaer wbo bad ue«l Oosa’a Kidney
ABee Carpeater Friday afteraooa, Joly
CBBse Mtecket.
Pllb advteod me to try ibem. The
"'rha-Bev.‘ Lewi* uid Eev. Btricker trealmcat relieved me. .1 slopped K.
held mellag ta tb* .chapel Sunday the trtnUe retorned, 1 resorted U> the
pUls again for a few days, another rekr. aad Mra: Too Xlrt oC Ol'le Pier ^7^tmoroB called ce Mn. B. F. lapae followed, when flnally I decided
eislied tbe lauer'e pareato. Mr. aad
to take a tbotoimb coarae. I used als
Hrar Aaaa Ktacster assisted MrL
Hn. Ftaak NeMfcal. oae diy, laM
Deleclire TUBb.«
L F. Alimaa with bee booaework
attend tbe Oraad TrsTam nalTenliy

Don’t tall to see us before haying
', .
the light runAiog

Milwaukee Mowers
that make friends whereever they go.

A Cemplclc Stock of Milwaukee HayUgaui
HarYcsting MacUnco’. Twine, Oils and kcpalR
on lianl
Remember the place. 1 J*- From St., wlirrc wc will be
pleased tp meet all old and new friends.






Kaoen has paa to CMIcmo (


t last week.
Bora, to Hr. a^ Mrs. Fraak Harvey.

Pt>T sale by all dealers. Price S
cents. Foslcr-Hilbnrn Co.. Buffsli
Rom of Ft. Jeantag*. Oh)o. New York, sole ageats for the Unite
b vtsKiog at tbe home of Graadma
Hr*. Wyakoop's eoostas. Hr. aad
W am bus. Tear Stroboda. a
Hn. James DIE and Fmiih Cataiaa of
Pr. rtaUek, wUb hU maut. paaeed amins Etatioa. vtaited with A. C.
What'a the eecnt of happy, vlgoroo*
Wpakoop and other retatlres the past beaUb?
tbnasta this pMoe one day.MM
Simply keeptog the bowgU.
annate for IW Oneida.
BeU Wyakoop was aTmverno CUy
Bart Btlser M peeUac bark tee toha
raller Tboraday aad Friday. .
Hr. aad Hra. Nsta Skiver and HtriwS Bwofaod^ who tee been drivMk-tea* tor KeMeekil Bna.. n- -e AmBter of Cedar are vlilttag Hr.
taned to his bom in But Kaason BkivatA pareota at tbb place (or a little
I B Otaunetit Tiever
Hra. A.'Cl Wnbeep and loks. IMag- Easily eared.
'*»u'BMmt M wolhiaB for Joke Korelief. peitDanuil curd.
las aad TmmM. also Mm. Wood, faUs. lasunt
r drag store, to cenu.
spent (be day at I)pli lake yetlerday.

Jaly s.


Mrs. Geo. Barley and Mn. J. PrOBM
an OD tte aUk Hot.
Bora, to Mr. aad Hra. G. C. K«M«rM la a TOTT poor
stave <d haatth.aad It M tiand that
MoaaKy idll oeenr.
^r. and Mm. d<Ma BoiBaad aad
Krt. Peter Beknaa wera abepplBg at
fbavene OUy Mat Batarday.
Mn. H. Bogers and esaa. Ueyd and
^dsk^TMUed at tbe Pram tana:
Bobble Lasker of Nortbpoa aad
BMMea Dace of Travene aty reamed
to tbair reepeodre beaNe Met 8ata^
BV. bartBE Tiattad relallree at tbli

- itote.

Wb. WraiMT. who baa bein oat wt«
fir atm tbae. maned bose Mat
week to wUans tbe weddlas «ar«
wWtB.mted hM tarotber Bartta
Una Pentaer of Letaad la mn _
: Mm. MaL Ony aad Hobble' Pmaae


of tbe «



ptaeck in tne nraaotbowse. The tntereate
ereotte. parties arc
Mbsee Rachel uhdI Bllen
Blh Waraar. HorUinle HI)mI and A»
m» Warner. Johan
vast Bremer. After the excrataee
pleale srlll labe place ta a-greve ae
by. Bmybudy lavlled to otitod.


V. tl
tlic eyes tiy the ai<l of onr inatrararnU. lonm
tell n.............
moiv vitality
....... they
. . ore nsini;. know howniocii
LcRscs tliat omkn ttho AbBMillsI BarUu-y alioulJ one. untl Grlad
noL Tke SynqitoBs Ka LoBccr.EjOsL


Da P. I WOlfE, Prop. OR, a L PIDISOI, iJSlstMt
CttixonsPNonoNa 3B4

J^pSytwo prices. whM you can buy NEW GOODS that are worthy and right up to snuff

^George Moarae retained borne li
Friday from Maatatae where he has
been taUng- iraatmeat for rbi-----

Hra. win Powers of HDt Baptds vb.MA Mends-aod.retaUvea here last
jm' CnmpbriI. wbo came here from
OteUk. lad„ so ecrtnasly UL b
Mis Joeepb -Boon are-risKtag
tires at Beaoala.
Mbs Hand Braombead cf WIUMssbnni vblUd wMb Hba Lots Gbraa last
Htai Hair Aan Gee aad Hr. Osemr
•Wbsatem were married taM Batarday
at TmvWto CUy. We wtah them a,

.are. lAue opxaswa sow coiiuruo
of Traverse CUy are vlidUiig the formaito pareau. Mx. aad Mrs. AMx
Ml*. C. D. Towae of BHt BapMs
------ ——sdoy <g test ,—-■ -“*■ —
e aad family.
n. Bom BceU at Tm
Jag ber* for a fe* d^_.
r. Baaker-aJBtbor rteltod eutv test

• aad Cmvridd of

W. A. Worden mteed a Bar tare
Thnradoy tad It nmblag M to a «abb.
lor tbit •cam's, erm ____



ny'’^S£XlS BROS

Because we are going to k:I1 for ivisiTtn Days A HUNDRED BOYS’ KNEE PANT SUITS whh double
seat and knee». all this season's make, all chmee noUiy patterns, all sizes from i to Ifi, worth every bit of :i.00. for

OlM4mV $l
Money faadt for every suit that can be matched of bettered at thU price. "Don t wait until you are too laic,



W WOLKOWSKYS Whirtvita Doaeon

TA Tllld ^ATTNI" Wf&N
lU -inC IVUilV BlAa





These same suits are sold by many stores at 6 00 and 7.00, they are ail new and the kinds that arc sought by
ta^y mothers.
aaeadlag tha-Fmic^ HMslmary o


Travorae Ctty. Midi.

Don’t Buy Old Clap-Traps



w^o is particular about the fit and style of his clothes, we want-to say
right here that it will keep him busy duplicating these values.

Splendid'patterns, perfect fitting, clothes that will prove satisfactory ard which can’t be matched for less than
^.50 in the bot stores in America. Some stores get $10.iX) for suits not as good. We warn to ® K fiO
do a hustling business the next ten days, so we place these suits on sale for just -.............................

Is a lot of SWELL SUITS for men and young men. made of fine Worsteds and Scotch Tweeds,
1 O C\f\
in single and double-breasted styles, every suit worth Sl'JXOand
for only.......................
^ J. V»W

Pants at One-third Off"the"TTegular Price
Is the way we bought a big sample line.. Fitly itair of them, wortL^H.OO to
VUIV UlVCAI iJUllVi i*ii1C

are now on

^ ^ 05

rcally wonderful. The values and the variety of tasty styles at
25c. .-.Oc. $1.00 and $1.50 can’t be matched any where else.







You'll profit by investigariag these offers, even if you don’t want to purchase. It pays to be posted.


Tta Leogeri, Gnadret. Rkhevt FREE STREET PARADE Erw
EvefT Kenung st 10 o'clock. On* SO-Cent Ticket admin to Evety
Chilftea under 12 year*. H*U-gic4,
Doorx o(ca at 1 and 7 J

Res«ryed seats and admission tickets can be se­
cured ori show/day at S. E.Walt& Sons druff-store
at same price charged on the grounds.



Large stocks of'Men’s and Boys’ Light vfeight
Clothing and Furnishings,' Summer Under­
wear and Hats at a big saving.



Silks, Wool and' Cotton Dress Gpods, Linings,
Trimmings, Bibbons. Ladies’ NeckWear^Un^
derwear. Table Linens and ready-to-wear
Outer Garments at great reductions. ,



B City and surrounding country and is bsing looked forward to by tbs public, as they know from past expsrience
Has become an event in the history of Travere
that they are going to get th? greatest values for thsir monsy'that has been or will bo offered this season.

Sale to mmcnces Saturday Morning, My 8tli ”
m Salt
Cloak: Suit Dept
84 md. p.ui.« imponed

Silt ,39

iBUclcT«geta, 50c quality.


.......... ;..ia*5..aa<«>r.................. a^a.av

80 md teav^dl «lk


It U a staodiog rule in this department never to
carry over a garment from one season to another,
and there fs only one way to do it and that is by
making a deep cut in prices. Below we only men­
tion a

$10.00 Covert Jackets


$20.00 Coveft Jackets

....... 9.76


OSftOORcdinaotc Silk Com

' _




Gents. White Handkerchief*, full sixe.


65c Men's Night Gowns


75c and 85c Men's Night Gowns


$1.00 Men’s Night Gotvns


25c Underwear, Men's or Boys',
50c Porus Knit Underwear




(Uaist Suits
-26 $16.00 voloc
*'to..?'”.f.^.................. 12.60
.49 $20.M»alccs ^
' 16.00
2S (« c^j«f m aU Black aid COlorei
VM Gaa^tlut kare soH frnn $1 ip.



talking Skirts
$10.00 valoes

............... .... -P®

Sumnier Dms Goods
^”feio«'Sc.SSS"..“^ -10



$750 values '

White Mercerized Watstings, some are 1 I
short lengths, worth up to 25c, to close * '
5(h, plain white Organdie
White Curtain MuU with pink figures, was ^ 1
2^, sale price . ...........................................
Choice of all our SilkoUnes. new patterns,
at.......................... ....................................... '**


Fteri^oe. the I2c and 15c kind (black
<mly) for............................. ........................

Going out of the Curtain Business. All
to he closed ont at HALF PRICE
from............................. .



MUS&IN UNDERWEAR at big reductions.
1 f\

Cor. Front and Union

This includes all suits in
spring and summer
weights that we have in
- _ are sure to
ttodt and you
find your size
iee in the Jq{.
SUITS, value

Ladies’ 25c Gauze Vest* in pink and blue
for .


At this price you pick
from the finest Cassi. meres and Worsteds in
newest patterns and strict­
ly band-made. Simply
kigh grade' suits for

1 Q



25c Shield Bows at 10c,

“up's, miJ. to

on Ihese

®“'t?$lf"at 10-00


50c and 75c Dress Shirts



................. . ■ 9.76
Reniiats Fancy SHls retartless of ^

White Duck Hate at......................... 26c
1.50 Straw Hats at..................... ”1.00
2.60 Straw Hats 4t....... ...............1.76
Odd lots of Straw Hats, 60c, 75c agd $1. . Qf«
An assorted lot of Soft and Stiff Hats, 1 QQ
regular $3 values, choice of lot..........'
Another lot ,1.50 and 1.76 Hats

Choice of an assorted lot
mostly All Wool Suits at really the value of the
coat alone.

$1.50 Jersey Sweaters
$2.50 Jersey Sweaters

Six Frock Suits

50c Boys' Blouses


- ^.......... .


Sizes 34, 35land 36. We charge for the pants
only, throwing in the coat and vest.

Boys'Cwo-Piece Suits

7.50 and 8.00 Youths* Suits at 6,00

$2 50and$3.00qualitie.


10.00 Youths’ Suits at-.............- -6.90

$5.00 and $6.50 qoalilic*


15.00 Youths’ Suits at-......... '16.00

Blouse Suits, values up to $1.00.


Cadies' Slones
Black or while Lace Gloves, were 50c.
sale price......................................................
Ladies' Black Silk Mitts. w;crc 50c.
to close........................................................
Ladies' Black Taff< a Gloves, sizes 6 and
6>4. were 25c, for......................... ............

Bov Many

■Odd lot of Ladies’ Belts,' some ‘-were as
high as 75c, to close...... ............................
Ladies’ White Wash Belts, gilt buckle,

Ladies' Black Cotton Stockings, triple
heel and toe. 3 prs for...............................
I .a'dirs' All Linen Hemstitched Hdkfs,
"not more than 1 ..doz to customer, each,
Odd lot ot Ladies' Collars, each
only ..............................................................
Remnants Table Linen at^............HALF 1
All Linen Table Napkins, size 5*8.
Standard Prints.
per yard.....................................................

The Reignirig Style
nie Oofia* coUkr. inttneoerd
fir*tt.yo»U»t Sprinc. WM «iutctnnV »rpjpt«J ty will drtMrf mra
ud iltfcr,- copied eader au>r
br»nd4. n'«ie poMCM iu dWincliCe
.'r»l« pr.dpcrfect fit. Bc$or«to|t«t
tt'c C,*rli>»Cw>a Ostic*. a cuUar
you ll cajcf »e«nin.

If You Want to Know

ab.«t »eartn* qa»liuei. am* T"«>'
colUfi each time they jouTthe
CooSrr. Voa win find that Cortim
Cooa coUin oetweer otban^
' Asd here', why—
They are alwayi fell «y>ly
J coeeKth with hemeyTateriisiac cet
I eueay at the eed of the (oldisc lise
I to they wiU told poretimee withoet

} bretkiac- R*f»l»«5a55Etey6«ea.

WIL.IHEI-M FiTO Story Building

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