Grand Traverse Herald, July 13, 1905

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Grand Traverse Herald, July 13, 1905


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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(S^m^ ©rateirj^^ HeralJi0 -nuvEmr coimrv.

bit work that afUfsoan. wd »dt ta:
•ood a«» or tlM •cribhUac oa
btoek or i»(«r to a tltF. wd pdaM
uartaf a» wbu be
had vrinea lato b
I lato the
THWaur tt*y wtX to th» a«id. lor
__ >paper baakoL The laA pace.
boweeer. be folded darefiillr aad pot
te bl> breapi po«^
a Md bfST* n«.
That eeeatec a neweagor bo?
•nm'.tnm UM cran« tlw Hvph]* at the door of the third Bat oT «0(
bran tbtr rMcned vlOt • «m.
Wiataria aeaaaa aad deUvered a pack'
nm-t pM*k» Bf*# >o •««»•». mat ■ce addnaaed oliBpir “Adratlaer.''
IMIMK ttar* w » htli:
Mlaa Cbelbr alcaed tbe book aad '
'DMT aMW, voat TCM^** Boms
taiaad vlth mder u>4 mttffftoe:

michmah. thumoav. julv u,

to tbe lareallvtlon od tbs
pany are sab>acted to tbe anpcrr
of tba imperial eoancO and every ni- mlBsa. The exaci raadlt at tbelr visit
has not y« been dedaKely mated, kbt
Me or tbe fnnds mast be aceoa
prater iblncs are expected fi*n
lor to tbe •oreraneat.
than were reported* by tbe BnsThera are. too. other odd teatnrea
staa proapeetors. Tbelr expedition bam
at the Hast resulted la tbe discovery
caa aniaaea. AnwHcaa'
ndne at Baroa Korf bay.
offered, tae.oT ebai
lie near Msl cape, elebt miles from
mind to ask
as they base
for. wbetter H be a »Mo« mlalnc tbe coast, a mine of pspblte of tbe
claim or a whole creek or galeh. tbe Ucheai pade ^ been developed,
which pcOBlMe an anUmlted aapply
eaiy eoadUkn betac that they
tbelr Bnaoeb^ abUKy to develop tbe of tl^i vBlnnUe mineral,
sun amnber enterprise
dalm for wbk* they apply. Uoreover.
ra BIbertan Oo. U not 1 foot by the new company. Next
to moctopollw for Itselt all immer they are planalac to put into
large salmon plants at Sve
tbe proBts to be coined In ffiberla.
poinU 00 the coast north of PeiroThe plan te to fire
and IndlvIdanla.'Ameiienn or^Auaslan. pavlovsb. The king salmon, the Bnesl
variety. U fo«ad on the Siberian
for nil kinds of enterprlsos.
greater abundance than ever known
It was tbe discovery of cold
on the Anerieaa const, and while the
KiOBdike and tbe develoiunent
tor canned
ritt minee In Alaikn ,ibat eat tba
in every oountry on tbe ^obe. tbe
mind or Csmr tnefaelas worktnc- He
supply in Amerien U rapidly dimlafeir sore tbnt If tabohme waaltb
Wllb wwkmea who;
bidden In tbe eold. frottt aonb of
with JO eenu per dky—tor these
btoskb. and It Ike beatta
(^e wages Ibat the
CDoatry ^ere rich In gold. slinUsr
r natlvee—(t Is probable that
ironsnrea cooM be found in Siberia,
•rthraiiern Biberiao Co.. Ud. will
which Is only M miles sway,
rate, there were (be ftaberies. the make a soccest In U e ealmos patting



how abon we frtt and bow aball we
(pray?)—Jesua aalth—do no

Ir outfans'te tbe sea: has made R poMble to use tar pura im. Pntt. Hunt and Ore
cf ranartt some of tbe prtens «< tbe “Words
ou doeumrau tba^ bavu eomt
at J*tu.- sad to tbtt oplnkm the
be poeiesitoB of the tovarmnrat.Into tbe water and mad,
date of both seu ot sayings Is the
third eratury. to tbe goepef of John snmewhat all* the manner * ^
ao roots mat and blend
aald that there are many ttker
> debria togelb*. and
tbUgs whleb Jraos dU. tbe whltt. If
tbna prevent iu betag carried eC to
they cbouM be wriun every
Again, to fadlltate tbe for­
tuppoee tbat even the Torid UaaU
cooM not eontaln tbe booka tbit mation * a draae maas of strong veg­ New Tack, but only at WaaUagton
should be writua. It seems a reason­ etable growth, the frulU or heeds, to- and la Rome, ao far as to known, caa .
regular force be found.
able ani^osltlon tbpl ouUlde tbe cn- Mead of being provided with mnns
Tbe repalrecu bandied neoriy 4,Mfl
noolcal records, large nambers of aa^ of locomotion, with wings to fly sway
bdoyapep^W raabte tbem to float piecn Mt year, ranglag (ram tbe peppoead wylngs ot Jesus were drcalaied
document. requiring Uttie attra* ^
the suitaee of the wator. aa U the
bafore ao aaar oroar*
tton toryond flattening, to tto* which '
rase with most plants, are lo
the Christian
*T>era Mami~I then yor ad and
cnll t* atenslve inlaying and re*f
Tbna«b mattalksAeat with tmitace.
ed that before tearing
A umber of auesiions very nntiirfrtt
Cftaplac bTMce did blo«;
li they begin to grow, throwing forclngc Tbe old Virginia tuemda. ob­
ally are anggeaterfjry these dBeovtained to the Jeflereoa Ubrary oM dat-.i
Tbop mppd the BeUae' bamat now. fODPd yor BtnaBy and I throMd away
long. Moot radicle or Up
eries. Tbe flm one la. flo they throw
the pira. aoae no van wad dad li
tog haek to the aevraueott eeatary.
locatbar. idt hr rov.
eight or nine lattes In U
light oo the teachings of Jesus?
ap«Bt the niBBy. Bo won {
have been Inlaid as rapUly as saltVraat aarlp *on UU e*e. wbaa brlfht
aad as thick as oae'« flog*, and
yor ad ml coaebaata waU me U yoe
aad tan tha BOOB appaart.
falling from the tree as self^danled. abie eontemperary pap* eouM U oto.
ptra like U and pay back tbe BQaay.
tree tn Jamaica ealted Uiaed. One volitme Is oompMuiil Kad
I hope tbU wUVBaik It all ricbi'
a ilmllar point of view aad method.* ibe goango. It to not Inaptly called anott* U wMl to hand. Tbe royal and
Mlaa Otelby opeaed tbe “plra.'
of these the fod^ tree. The abadow, wbttt rieevoyal deeroes oWoliiad tram No*
eoBtamad tbraa new a*e dollar bHla.
recovered anytam- This will add sest this tree ensu Is always flecksd with Hrako have braa rapalrad. monatod
gba want In to tba inTOlId slater with
>htoe. aad so tbe grass can grow and bound ia two rolomas. and aomff
to tbe eOQflici wbleb baa raged ao
calbar tear did lUa,
lews, and tba two we|rt tears ot
M- IL iU leaves cloee rigidly at volumra at tbe Jaekesn. TbcraiM snd
long over the antheollcity aad geno' Tat iba aat aair atnOcbt tadaod. aad
Their tears ware not yet dried
inenesa of the fourth gospel. If It ran nlgbt, and so Ibe dew can deposit un­ TsaeweU papers have bara flalibsd
__ _ there was anotber rlnc at tba Ian ot tbe seals, tbe ivory of the walkept the dartbar dda..
Tbe aneteat reeords from Ooam. a*
der lu branches, tbus helping Ibe
IMar Boaaa. pteaaa be—* Upvard b«l aad k was apewed to an oMerty rna So Bossla eet to work to develop
growth of the grass. IU fruit lihs arwd at the Him at oat eooqasot U|
Ite in trifkt a«a«t Susan
Siberia aad tbe esar watched aaxsnd fattralng propertiea. tbat Islasd, are fragmentary sad bara
Is preaident of tbe Northwratorn ings. bad tbelr origin
T3^ poo lose a paraa with ffftoon knialy while bU' aableeu aducbt
from aatferi; b^ tbara »
ncreial eompany of Seattle.
ibers of tbe apoewllc drele. It aad It eaten witb aridity ^ cnUle.
%iHbl Met aaotfear orord toaicbt- donate In K oa DtaBBoourt areaaar make tbe land froitfal. Reallslnc
wlU follow that John's report of tbe AS fast as it ripens .lt gradou^ tails moeb * valiw. ospaelaity tbs orders at
tbU bam bu a toacoar
last that tbair snecesa was taall. the
tbe gov*a*. Dob HaaoM Mura. fTHteoeblngs ot Jesus ts not ptaullsr to ■off for tbelr braeflu
Hiss Cholby cupud- “Why, iyas.' imperial prospector called in
la tme of tbe Cnnartes aetib* itoo. and eeriala eouri records. MaidTbaa TIai p«v vaair «alQBB> ksd M
in IllloUs. begui life btmselt snd ibereCore mus
Bkcllsbinen. panted them - ■
aba said. “Sot I-rprino nor rivers are.fonnd, but by
pap* dated earll* (baa Jtdfl la
without a cent, worked for smsll _____ lo Jesus rather than
■oM mear SaMs" aald;
“By tliUa boy'tooDd It aad bronchi prlvOecas an^ favors, aad ooce
•od ooBdlthm. Tbosa wlU bo takon
Ba Moad aaetbar auldoa. tvas *llaar Xms to ne.-' said tbe woman, with awaited a' auecesttil Issue. But the
lumber camp snd various apostle or diadple ot an apostle who a wondertnl provision * nnturo there
to band by Hr. Berwick's force as
ng business, and tried a wished to produce a gospel la accord grows In. tome of the deep reeeti
tedlaa’ laataad.
meUsbrnen fulled to do ibutt
as tbe VlrgUla raeorde are oomthe
«ha Mda M Void o( paetaat vbaa be' a smile. hoMla^ oot tbe old eealMtber pane. Td hare broucbt It before, than to explott tbelr ebarur up tbe grocery atore to Phllidelphla. Pall­ with the pblloedpblcal Ideas ot his with veneration, the-Saint.- It kraps pletod.
. Mnatmd: -V ailaa onr
ing in ibU. bh went out west
hot I work oot aad l.dMuT See the ad- Uwdon Stott exebance.
to doetoriag tboie *d mannaeriptfl.
Aad MW they bw to*atbar-aad poor
hope of better luck and at tbe Aral
Tbe editor of the eollecUbn In' his IU lofty bead alb nlgbt wra|*i
as far as Be­ totrodoetlon elslms St. Tbomss and mist and ekmds. from wbitt It dis­ ich ooo iMuIrra a ipecdal praaertpBaeaa horn akM.
In It all rlcbt. my dear, and 11 Beatlle. praaldent of tbe Nortbwwt- attie. There he fell in with J.
Uou, altboogb tbe genarai. tranUneat
—Barrtet Herabajr. la K. T. Trlbaaa.
perbapa anoth* diadple as Its source, penses Hs tlmriy. nev*-craslag
don't want any rwwaid.. I know whnl
Oo.. Whitt operates Trenbolm. engaged him In eonver
so that If this is proven to be a fact. tore to Hide rlruteu, runnliic merrily to the aame. Tbe nmaMorlpl ia flrat
It U to low money sayself. You caa
Uneof dno
tempenod gaoily so tbat sraaaat and
tlon aad diactured tbe posaibllKles ef Prof. Hunt's suggesUon ,1s well found­ down from tbe leaves. Small i
tt was qaito by aeddeat that Cyras pay mr rar fare, ibostt, « yon like.” to Alaakns ports sad does n general the Alaska trade. Tha reaoti was
(ornad adgea may ba amimUad. M .
ed that “the mysUcal and apecnlattve
Wbw tbU wonky tool bad depart,
intlle eoal and lumber busli
•pailda baiMMd to dM tbs aotioe in
M.cnn be distorbad wUtto was aacaicblag the precious gift, and that
partnership and tbe chartering of
element to the early
tbs iMt and Fhoad* eolwn. Hs od tbeatotsts kloktt at racb other Ip at Some and Tellw. came to the res­ steam*, from whleb imaU beginning Cbrist's uytngs, whltt Yound Its Alone Ibe Istood to made a Bt dwelling notieed by tbe writer. Irai letfbUtty
ene.' Tbe BsfUsb eompany loel tbek
was In tKt. lost taratox tha paper
be aacrifleod. Tba manoacrlpi li (bra
place for man.—Detroit Free Preta.
hlgbrat and most widely setwptod
ebaner. and Roseae and the esar
wbaa fba addraas eaa^t bla eye. Tbe
dried betwara boards sad aobmKted '
C:o. which, staritog In 1S8S with a cap­ ptessloo lo Bi. John's gospel, may t
to a bargain wberebr the former, with ital of J2$.000. has
addMB was' HN Wistaria aranna. iavalld.
u' beary ptwssura to prarrai tba raaphave been much more general and less
Tbe Hertd Made Laeea ef India.
-Lat me look tl that lettor acaln,totad.4ai. Tba naaow that Bparidn'a
pesunooe of tbs original rnagbiia*
tt.000.000 and a sqrpina of ftaO.OOO. It pecuUsrly JotansniUne than bas bilberTbe Jund-woven. haad-dyed an
oaU Miss Cbelby.
palsfM a DtUa toatar was tba
Wbora tbe qoalltr o( Ink WlU not nb
In Alaska whltt se­
^ tr..1U mro
mornlnc tbe aaslsiaat
UM be had raoaatiy eaflad at UK
low the manuBartpl to be dsmpraed,
cured him hte gteal opportunity to Bl.rweelatlon of (
. then organised. CoL V. H. Von-WtotoMaaiaaas and bad tbara spaat msaagar rather aroUed the stonor
preaeuro atone performs tbe aarvM/—
eoeexkn of prime Itturrat. Vpoa wbat
(be bran ot tbe arilst.
raph*. bat sbe eallad to him:
Hrlaraky. a reUred oMe* in the Im^ ct lalmM urmant
rtooe tar ia excess of tbat wbitt grounds was tte selection dfjmr SkM- Hindoo weaver may be imterete
“My psrao was rstonad to me. Mr. bO()aUia(dg, and a great favorite ef
basaaaa be bnar
as accumulated Is hU .American
t books made? .Or, sinpid to evernblng etoe. but In the
BparUa.* tbe said sweetly, “t thougbl tbe bsart. was mode cbalrman ot the ventures.—Exchange.
taad tbd~BSrCKIbr (Sdardad
to puixii anotber way. why were Aese
making he-to an expert
New Cngtond-Ma*.
boai4 ot Broctors. and H. Ustunlnen.
flslt la tU Uikt « bn IbflteUpn. and TOO would be dad to know IL"
numerous ott* volumes of chrMUn whose work to not to be successfully
Sparkia colored sad looked onensUy kaoib* tararlie. ms’naglng director,
“I was atopplag with my Unela Eab,
or at least classed Imitated by any mscblneenade textile. op to tbe mouatetoa at «ermaat.ona
easy, r] am glad.- be muttered. “Yoo while Mb Roseae was InsiaUed as
ha aaar Jte CUttby oa any tarns.
w*ld's fair there were shown wtowr about flra yhan ago,' sold n '
Tbs bdeirtlilMIbt said that a ladrs know l.told you It probably would be. maangitt director for Siberia
of Jobn SUiart Hill, tbat tte world studenu of these critical quosIlDDS samples of this work that were simply dtlsan -of Bosteo. “aad along abo*
oulate yt^rm'^re.'
imerlea:" Then the Rnsslan olBc«a
Mraa. .ooataMW flftoaa doUasa la
rannot be too often Reminded that and historians of tbe age most fur
writ* wbo was
don't ask If-tte I
tbe flm * Dadamb* we ksd a snowoOcers of the organisation aat back
MrraDCT. bad badp dropped betwow
to waUb the operations of tbe Ameri- ttere once lived a inan named So­ nlsh ns Witt tte faeu, tte oomaxm fully viewing these laces In all tbelr fan of ov* to to^es. I ipoke atant
' I^Mae aad 0|la Kraats, on IMIa- right,- bald
crates, adds tte remark that one can­ man may not be M wrong when be subtle coloring, sars'ttaat -the t
it. but Uncle tab looksd oi me to n
anwrt t»oaoa. bad appaaM to tba tadraa ooatwny and to.dnw dividends.
Tbe torrlwry or* whltt Mr. Ro­
« to (ptorn It and teeahra a soHabla
ooce lived a man named Jesua. The
l books sre wortitr of tbelr ptoeeT Ity nnd n soft Uendtog of colors and
^ra. tbera are n tow flakes '
twward. Tta potia was dancrfbad as forgot, yon kiww. Wks tbe money alt we wd his associates were ebsrbible
. .
around, but you waU awbOa.*
terW'to do at ieast tOO.OOO
to accord with tte changeless ele- fabrics wbldi no maeblnety can dnpilrrea, tbaak you," said Mies Cbelby. mllsawittre. «ltb a coasTUnr strettt-The tall was grafrnalty addad to
aiaWnad Spaikin.- as be
menu In bumsn nature, with tte uni­ cate.
As aeon as Sparkia bad retlM to tog from Pankara river to Bast rape.
until aboct tte drat of tbo year we
read tba MrWtlMnrat orer tor Iba
versal needs and expertenres cf man.
-The Indian- weaver and dr* Itora bad throe feet. Tbcn I rawirlriii that
bto room Miss CbHby took a pockaga Beventy-Sre !>er cent uif
and with tte highest conception of s where bsman life and lab* are most U was prMty good sietghb^ b« On-.
tram a drawer la ber desk and adlag. mattiaery and other sup­
I^HB. rUb bar p«raa. aoro opo
spirltusl. personal and good Ood that eoperabnndant and ebeap. and time ol- eto 2eb tane^ up his node and tw
VMr Uttie ciHI Now. tbat'a wbat 1 drrarad It. la dne eouraf tUa pattsge plies were to eome from America, and
the world has ever known.-Exchange. moM vslueleas. He to aa IllltenU iJted;
was deUvered at ^mrkta'a battelor
pfUDOters and empire builders
sail topfb."
Tho Oxford Univerrity Prees hss
man: and all tte rules of bis art. all
-Tres. a sled might podoibly seraph
Mo tatMd It or* la bit mind ncaln. aparimsnta, aad when Bparfcln opened were given ^Mgfal to build raliraaiis
Wendertul Fire Pro* Treea.
tte mlsotlae of web and woof, all tbe ateog. faiu I BhanT gM mlna out y«L’
Bb knew that Blaa Oiolby pnaaad It be tonnd It eontalnod a new aealttln and eraiatruct telegrapb Unet ihroott- lately publlabed a pamphlet entitled
The beantlfol tree, the kuafO. whleb ce*eu of bis dye pou, all tbe (or
-New Sayings of Jesus.- Last yesr
-Oo tto iMk tif Jonaary H bagob
’ aloac Draitaeout nrenoaM bw way purra and a
oat Ulu country.
snowing and kept it np tar (e«r days
soon ns tbe charier was granted, Profs. Hunt aad Orenfell. working for tlgnlfles tte sun. Is tte produeUoo of molae (or bis fabrira aad designs
bn*a. baaaapt~*bU. bbtod* ba bad
Tor eonshrats orTto MI yoa It U the company began operatloas by. ee- the Egypt expiqralion fond discovered tte sooth snd soulbwestera poru of oral tradlilons memorised and repeat­ Thefeaees were blotd|B out of eigbC '
MtiMd that ^ Ud. Hd^fcnew that
rang to deseeve.or two til too deeeeve tnUIsUng trading poau at Anadir. amidst ruins of tte sock-oi BgypUaa Abysstols. IU flowers snd-trait, to ed to a moDoionous sing-song aa be and ooe side * tbe tana ben* was
tta oaiTlad a teatTo nr net a soxeas aa a frord. thow; Vladitakr. St. Nittolaa and East Cape city of Oxyrhynchus a papyrus frag­ color, sre egos’ to «»ral. lu fruit Is s
completely faiddee. As near as I eouM
I ^ ant
red besn.'wltt s black spot lo tbe mld- In bis slow, careful and absorbed
measure It we had eeven to* of snow
oaa Dorainc ba bad *^*soad to cal aoe yengb mile as well give op trying aad oweh ari* tbe faahlon of tbe ment containing an
too be one. I think yew
HBdean Bar Co. began a fur trade paru of flve separate "sayings." which die of It, which Is Inclosed Jo s round n*. You woold think him perioral- oo tbe level. It was stlU liUlag when
. aa the aane ear arltb bar,^
Ths vslue of tte capsule of a woody nature, tough tml tag eome mystical rellglODS rite as you Uarfle Zeb managed to plow bis way
tta dipped Into the pnra/tor b* car I wU foiglT yoo this wanes, bat dent which has from the ve-r ftrst pros­
tii enaytUng Uk this agtn.'
tan b*oia be bad a ebapee to
pered acd flourished. Already tbe And is discounted by tte mutilated ' hard. This bran has been used as a brar him singing his dIreeUons to him­ . In from (be bam. and after sbaklng a
condition of many of tte pbrases weight for gold, where that metal It self while preparing bU various dyes, cart-tead of snow off Ut' p*aea hp
Sparkia paced at tbe note la stupe- revenue from these tore baa
b*. ba alae notkad that bar .cioraa
which, with Avoir ow^'suexeeted rre-, found, all over Africa; ll Is called or iwlsiltut around his cloth the knots' called out to Aunt Hjfind/!
bad beta Tory paatly neaded at, tba faetloa.
Imoat tlWjMO. and
“If that doosa't beat—wtt H beau ___ ^ .
-I declare. Handy. «- this m«m
r Upa. nm and last. Bparkin
eombanr's aUHons totaUons In pareolbesis. are given ss caret. From Afrir* H passed to India. and wreaths of ibrcad liiat are to
and there It came to be the weight of shield It to spou from (be dye and
aaytbtogr be exclaimed, at last. ttina a ttousand miles Inland. Witt follows by the editors;
a throe days a
“New bow do you soppoae she foond tbv establishment ot tte Northeast­ -These arc the (wonderful) words precious wooes: so wc hear ll spoken produce the wonderful pattorn'of b>>
ern Siberian Trading Co..tte trade to

the different colors.
amta of .•bleb M waa.asalattat manwhisky between tte oailvei and tbe to—snd ‘ntomas and be said unto
A government report from Ootombla
.Be laaraod wit lose aft*. And'It whaleri who bltteno dealt lo furs has Itbeml. every one that barkens to
•Tb» beautiful lace dye
d that
otement of ceased, tar bow -a small icarrisaD of these words shall nev* taste of coBialns s description of s tree, known myriads of mtoute Insects and never dependin’ on h too.i
ror anotber tUng. be knew that
ss the chsparro. w^leh grows os tte fades Tbe printing of silks and oot)t now Mtor Into bU CoasSfCks has been sutlooed' aloug tbe d*«th.MUa' OMdbfW Hlwr was tBran dot- torment done not
• Jesui sattt, 1« not him who seeks! vast plains of Colombia and tbe uortb tons by means of hand blocks Is anvWU to ttK Wistaria avenoe.-Cbi- coast to chase sway tte whisky trad,
Inn a vrett..
“Poer Uttie sM!“ be Mwatod. “TU
era and tbe natives are given f* their —cease until be Beds, and wbeh be i of Souih-America, called savannas, ex- ott* Indian Indpsiry. producing prinu
TrlnMadto PHeb LMte.'^
districts which are pardied artlsUcally superior to soy maebtoe
bat that's a mighty aartora matt* for
furs only goods of actusl mnity. sottt flnds be shall be astonUhed: astooOne of the'most stomd* lak* to
labed be shall reach tte kingdom, and Witt best except during the rainy sea- priBttog. While tte men do this ex' b*. wHh tiht tiivbHd aUtar to sapm -is MIberU.
as flour, tea, sugar,
haring reached the kingdom he tbnll too. It has long been the custom to qnlslte wearing and cotoring. tte elab­ tte world to (be criebraUd piteh lake
teoa who Is develop- nttlcsi.
, *a«.“
of Trlaldad. TbU lake
clear the ground (or tte new vegeu orate and moefa admired embraidertet
R woRied ^aikU a graot daal—ao
ttwn part of Sllmrls.
BeaUes (hrfnr trade tkera to an Im"Jeaut salth. (Ye ssk? Wbo are tloD Which springs up so luxuriantly of India sre (be work of women. Tbe spreads or* an aroa at alnery-alns
' matt tt that ha rood at least toor
poriant trade in -walriia Irorv. two
acsee. and tu surtaoe to eomprasd at
ootamns of tba |*par wttboul haring
veeseto ud a staam* being ttoael Ihit draw us (to tbe kingdom, oa these plains after tte rainy seasbii. designs ud Bltcbes are huded down
one great floating mass of a
tbe allgbtem |«m what he was' rrademploy*] tar Uito ffUrpoee. In add^i«l the kingdom to to hraveii?-the by means of fire—and such Area, irfiet ^ , precious heritage from motta*
I ra cteor water.
tag. When ba artred at the oMee be
His name to John Roaena He to tbe tkm to tfaase mlnv raterprisee In fowls od tte sir. end all beasts tbat In extent, kindled by the herdsmbn. dangbi*. and the etperi can easily
From k and a similar kaks b Tea
- tatsBded to go to Mka CbMby and ot- bratos and activity of wbat might be wblrt tbe aatlras are being taught eo 1 are under tbe earth or upon tte earih. dcatroy everything to the shape of ,*i| where each jwuduei balls from
world', supply Of aspbMI Is
. tor bis sympathy tar h* hms. bat as ealted the Ann of Raoene. Romanoff many aoefai lesaoni. the oompany has and tbe Ashes o< the sea. (these are
snrrivee to afford
speci to the Phukarri paiieras wUeta ■ drawn.
nlneral deposiultbey which draw) you. and tte ktogoanal be loat Us ooarags at tb«.sighf A Oo. aad tte esar ef aU tbe
parr ra tte bridal outfll and
Tbe pitch lake to a vO. ptoca. «
and who shade in an almost treeless regteo '
ot b*. and (i was not antil tbe aoom alas to hto parin*.
and great expeetatloiis are buiR oo domot hea—n 'l
It It a small tree, eeidom fiwwiafl dowry Of the Hindoo worn*!. Tbe|»" “ •“«* •" coatatMA. tor tt.
hour aptooattod that be ragatoed >< “'Tbla qoe* ^lltoaee at BnsHan dee- tte dlseoverr that the lonnatioa to er* sbaU know UmseK
to more than » feM to faolgbt. Wftk kilken.petiteoau of tte RaJ-puu are '^h**
J( *1 heavy with
pot and free AmericaB has
Siberia to Idratleal witb tbat at N^ (Btrive therefore) to kr_
____ vapors, and from the crated of tbe
ate title, it Is known as tbe North- Alaska, .only M mites swar. _vrbo* aad ye sbaU be eware that ye sre the' a girth of about three (eet aad owsa often seed to decorative arrange*“•*« ‘ Uxnxtjo r< U«aU asSIbotia Cto, and It Is
gold flrida have produced ^ever tM.- SOBS of ibe falmlgbly) Father: (ud?) i Us pretectloo from Bre to tbo BBMa mraT, 7h~ metalwJouJi'i 'woolen flh^]
wbleb ^ tbera float aad
MBto Chalky' be sold, awkwardly.
by Rnsstons. hat tbe amnagtog dlrecOD the trank to tooee layers, which do ^ „ saddle covers, and tte tvftned gold | break babbles eoalalalag moM BomShe tookod tt U klto, wllb rather tor It Jobs itoeeoe of Alatka.
Uit flrat seaaoB to tbe Hfe of Ood?l. and yq are (the cUyTl'
-Jesus altt. a caan shall not beel- not readily ooodnet heat to tte mme I
IB tbem I. cBteralshsbte- Tbei“'**^
... ’ .
a cold >spraiildn. be tbouttt. and metbeds are pnrMy AmericaB. The of Roeeae's eoapany \S6 Ruaslan prasihaa rraUud. “Tso. t dropped
wwktog oflflema aad emplorw
of tt W. , tele (to oak) coacantag this *aee (to delicate parts of tte Struraara. tt to i „hdoed sad blended eoloriag. of tbeee | The wrahmea go oat m tto raftaos
matoes them Iprsluabte for 1 ^ito lake and esri grMt alabs of anTe shall know) that a general Idea among tte natirae ibM
American. Transportothm i
Ivraoff, a Rasaten mtolag eagiac*. . pbaltum, which are carrted atoay
AmericaB veoeoU maaaod by Ameri- b(MB.tovratlgalteos to (be rietoHrof ^ many that are Srat shall be laM and ttU tree grows <mly wbersi »td *ls annBODiitog strdng* ttois
’tte next aoratog tto bote ttertrat Is
t~—Detroit Tribune.
baps aotoo booest pataoa Ut found K IT CTVWSSt. Lawrarce Imy- They reported to- tbe last flrat and (ttey sbaU have eiar- abundant to tte aoU below. That U to
flUed up again with a pMt which has
common to aarUrwous dlstrteu Is lanal itte?).OOclally. of cootae. tbe ,maBage dteatloas ra great bodlee at inm
iteete •mir'a OkUteg Wartora.
rises during tbs night, ao that tto
-Jecua ealtb. evorytblag Ibat Is ncR
“I'm afraid Wt“ said Miss Cbelby. rent of tbe eompaby and the develop-* te^ of sltv*. eopp* a^ teaa. and
seems to be tosilMasHkli
tad she alghad a uttls..
WBt of Rassiaa terrtto^ I ' ~ ' -rich goU deposits both la its free bstara tb^toee sad that which to hid.jom
Tbls carious teke Was dHtaOmad 1*
SpaiMa was aOant tar a metosnt slab bands and nsratoa^
state ia tbs eruuks aad galttaa of dra frw ttee shall be rovaated to
Sir Walt* Rateigh whM ba laadK to
ll to Mid «( tbs maapora U«c.
wsd than MB, ta MMs tt pretaubd
I dlrneun ara Raaatoa. Opor- Btbota. and' to qnana Is the lalaad thee. For ,tbate to aotttog hlddra
reeords ra tte Kst. Trtaldad to TiM oa hM Way to tt*
which to romiwna to tbe tro^ Uatog
which sbail not be made manUeot
owvtatian. -t foM earinia that bs atloos wblck to nwlltr are dooe to
(be basks ra riven aad exUBdiag ov* A narrow s^stalfuraeasarbyteada raeatt of tts Orimw ta «arah «( SI
buried which sball not bo ratood.'
Eeatue-oie to oSetal theory________
vast tracts, (hat U appears to be da to a totes room ta dm Up of tto buOd- Dorado.-«xebaaga.
-Bis disdptaa mseatloB Um oM
to St Roucabarg. Jtcaba 'of the eom-




MV. JULY ta. .1M6.

Trarer^ Qtr State BaM

le cMpn>y.^db<
Ur tfee am feort a
» dty BBd CM Mte^
tkte «oek. tbore bio foor oaio bB>M» ^|^|,^,*^ rontnd
4 tbe am
K«tn4 bb
’ FTOK Ttwndtf'■ BMsrt.-.
vfelek dUer tram tbwe ia tfeU cKy party otu teBTe,bet« uoDonuo i
Tto op«l« ttoot «t ^»
And OAw
HAKNAhI PriildiM
oolytelbetB«tbBtlfeetl*B.BfB8*e. I»^‘
BWt toVMMSt «( tke TtstWM (W
d-a^AM^ OWdar.


Bod t>« Qa> dob MCM Wotoi
«t »:M oador dw lUm and •>
An pain in any disease U
H0i brMM. AB
«hlnM ««re BnMdBd 4U< week I
nerve pain, the result of a tw
bou IM »wW^ »*ewd *“ ^•Wafl
Tbonas W. UwfOB.
tbe cbBBte to tbe otee M ifee iIiob,
bulent condition oi the neryes.
tbo tIVB.

___ ____a deUr.
Ftoaece- fame paiaed tbfou^ Port
' subbing.' UceraiinB.
XowB. Onben oad Cnobj, vW
Tbe aefTko between tbU city and Hopob TfeomUy enroote for Kbd*4., -darling, boroing, agomang
tied Utt TOW vltb m roeord botot
bid Mtealoo. both Boaaeneer pod in fete prlvBie car.-Ha«rlmort - Mr. pain that cooi« from the protn«IM BBd wbo load Oil* yw vUb
bei^. wUI befta tbe totter part of ' Lowaeo ea* Bicm«*ated by bl» bob w«i nerve braacbes. or sen­
BiMR aakoBrdtfrMord BttboOroBd
■ext week BBd tbe pesotor eerrlce In ppa , corp. of
sory nerves. U nenralgia. a^
AMTiCBB hBBdSMp «t lBdlMBP0»«
iBdadlot Jamee Crenaan.
JMC1748. fOTTiiad two o* «fco
tbe dty abo
. . .
BT« «ho vere the emtm of tlrto yoor-t
IheM Ihr TWlr
brarlsg care a
tbe ehy and
ab«ot BBd ibo MBWliilB* Biporto •***
iDierTWeri Mr. Laweon He Ml-! rarelv eicr fail to rdim-c tTcse , > per ecu alloved aa tlaellqMsUA
ebaner while :
boa open for
BaJpfe Tftobto. t»
—laodf—-------freight- oua
joins bv soothing these larger
It tbomibiy oalortnc fete dm Dortfe*
tbe Old HtoaloD mo. The comoaoT
twejee drirorx, Tio; toiler had be,-q frt*hl«M
the nerves.' and restoring their

•n trtp; H. W Vduooyw tf CfetemiP
wlpm. a itenograpber ted a chief oo-' ilmeUjrtii by eirtng |in.n*u,«oo l-r
wd Bdto Hailcoo, boUx foBdltar ta
Antl-T^in Pills
giteer. The garare 1" the Bougbey' u,ti<T vdimikioal porpo«-e, and be
mo feohtM tfeo loed^Utabonding will be open 'about July U ,b„uBbt Ibai HncWef. Uer eoeld .^ve leave no bad after-effects, and ,
Mtetao. Croofey B»d ri*d ODbort o<
arc a reliable remedy for every
^kIob. i««b. load •» OBpOftB IB
a meetlag of Ihe iiorkbolder* (i- the !)eunle. tie has
* wortdte fooord tefeK* *•* «t be boot.
Tbunday crOilBg. tlk.'idO wortb there e‘t! be a ernnb In Wall aireet.
,-4lr. Cwoby bdn« feiffe oipwt .Bt Ibo
abool thrminh hi«.-ffarl». ica. yheumatism and neuralgia. «!»»»«
Mt wo«k Yttfe o
mimr mlso relieve Diirinesa,
Moert ^ «W ««t or M8 feirdo BBd tfelB
be aoM at par.
1 pewple «l*lr»> has now luio tl.a ■ Slcepicssncss.
«H foUowod fey tfeo lotiort roeort oC
•TbIa Bloek that to on 9»e maAct." |
„ Unsrrs and Car-Sickness, and Distress af­
M oot or MO Mr Craoby fnrthBr
ter eating.
Unete tarn rawvVad b Bead enuan, , loyal Craod Army veterao B"d a
MBfolo t» fete «i» fey UBdiBC
to our rwierpriie. We think that they | Fourteen tbouaan dtiUat* 1* the
IM MTBlCht Baer pdMttS tfeo M raltobis mao wlMet M #Ucad tba Traean , city ppateBIce In ebaeB*
should be aa willing to back such m
oge^j t„ !>,
V. V Ray mond
enierprtoe to the exteni xjf IlOO ii>the
<n-ZU. a«w BtoK bMk balkluc. ;
TrtBbte oT OOTtBftoB. Xy.. U
ad ibonld aome of the farmer* on the dj «'•
to BuCalu. Dr.
—Ml BIBBy trtOBdO. feBTlBC tfeO ««•
of the prominent .cllizen* of itoymun't ha* leVn lllltog
n»»a. *uuB»m.
; • tfeidtaai wtefe »«B. ««eoi IB Boy _ A abort aaaaioa of grand auB*
Elk Rapidf have been Ulklng ulib
.*»cral tnoDih. wlchoui pay.
j HBBBtWod. MrTrt^hQldoO abooUag eeeonod attar work waa Idpoaalbla from tfea ajaltoot. and mkay by of OTWm. IIU aaoood

l^tfe^ BoocooBlTO tlmaa. wfetefe a good Bbot breagbt down the bird day*! meerage. la tbe profeatlonal Sxt week in look oser ih- route and- I ntoo eollep.- at N
lee wbat the proaiiects •>! a line be- which paya him
a year, i.
ir tor Boory .BUBBpt to asd a atapd «» of ootoe aed applaoao aquad. bartog dropped Uui 9 on
we™ graver*.- City and Elk KapW*,
Mlowad for tbe flrat feat pa^otoMd
BBdar aaeb adTarie drcBBiaiaiieaa. At
Cbartea Career of tbli dty led tbe
rrad B. fttotii^ or ItoMlBg
A W. Fan or tbe Bod BBd OoB amatnr'baaeb with a aeore of 16* oul
V Amur Bapaatlag Amo «»iw. dab ordarad aqtdpaget to taka tbe be- at MO. bdag doaely followed by F. Korotser
MHn. omby. Ollbtrt aad TrtBibla. dnbUod bat tporty bnadi hack to dry
-. carrar being the blgb gun
I Mfeo feefoc daletalktoa from tfea MM qaarfara at tbe paik Plan.
ft wu act kaowB yeatorday afurtwo dan' abooc Two mem­
cwaiMir B. o. HeUtaa or DaytoB. o.,
fi VWUBB CM trteteda and toaktoa
Plat* Oiasa. StMto Bollar and Accldont InsunancA
M> <0M~ put IB IM10WM
^ mMa AMMai tka atmi wlada flowB )t»t wko feaU blBfe gn tor tbe One dab aboi tbroa^ all erenu.
widefe taka tfea feMa tor a felgb aoar. doyfe apoft aa Chartea Carrar of tfeto Uaam. A. W. Peek aod Charlee CarALL KINDS OF ODt' FLOWKBB
Mr. BMfcM lapcMMta tkt«. M. a Ot CUy BBd WUl Jarrta <V Orand BapUa Tor, iboagh BO bnator man was or
Of Brtdftactt. OoBB. J. ■. Bbad. IBP- bad BTaragad oedc asd Beck all day. gmaada thaa “Bill" Murrel. wbo
aged betwaan lleka to enter seTeraJ

naotlBg tfea Pataea Oartitdta ja»- oad (ba laat-NBad oT tjmrt-dTe
Fred Cnrtte, aa referee, man­
MBy or ttotndt te bb atatn wfeo baa cata gara a obaitea for a efeaago la
Msy MMdt IB tha Bod BBd On ^b. (ba roeord oT tba. day, tfeoogb botk aged to keep ool of tbe wet and deRoom 810 Now Stato Bonk Building.
Trovoroo City.
23. E.mM SI. OL rmc <w
•Mtaora loot taro blida. maUag tfee UrerM feWa to the iportamen In s
kBNkg <ke yloittBC aaxatasia wfeo MeordaateUowe: W. B. Jarrto (aUaa
raa. rain or BO rahi, unUI all
•TO teOlBr tforai 1b tbia dry. Dr.
IM blrda. oat oC MO aBd eronu were pulled od ai Mbednled.
BBdan BBd win Jartto (allaa Joan)
Cbartet Bortc aa oBetal record keeper
" MOtBBdBBplda.-tfea tottarmakUK tfeo
waa too bnsy to take in tbe plea.ure
Tba blgb igBB
THO«. *. sniaoUK * .on.
koto innlBra TOOOM tbonb feandl- aqaad.»a>tto
fey Ftad OObart. wboae aad of tbe a*alr and bto work totted
ttod^n wkkh ba waai.
la B Maatar oaai. feneo BilBf erotefen evaraga tor Ufa -dayte aboot of MO for BB hour after the aboot ggpring
bbdawaam. W. A Croaby. wbo dW out tho gmiana aTeraget of the
Wqa.CMM.lMfc »a,,J)*IBOa
Md Mnty or r*t to Biaka acot^tt.
nra»<MBaaM«MdBa|MBtoiBak- not Mtar oam tho attatBoea aboet days' abooL
£s BoodBMAaBrraeort M wMl aa MrtBg to tba lom of bto gaa. stood lit
mlBtt m blrdt tor tba afunooe'a
f/t. wood oM Jobk Oes or Datnlt.
B. Cbarreaka wbo rwldea at «0
W.« hnre it-both kinds. When wo Like a preacriplion hack of
tin or Oo feeot amatom hi tfea otat*.
Ray sliMt, has parUaaed tbe lot a<
our preacriptioD caao ibi-ro is lota of iMod Diy Ugbt in the day
AMta tko wWton to fea Kiootad tor
time and pWty Electric Ufbt at iiighL *> that w.- . an s.v to
Bfser of Maple and Third street*
r. 3. EbataoB «d Maneelm
• aa tnktlM fey Ti*»an» City ^aiuread thi-preacription and to do ili<-work oil it. Tln-n we havi___irlll start a fomltnre fartwy lo
i Battto CMk. boy marral" of KleltlgaB. probebly tbe Ma feMUlBg wtk^ will ba erected
Ui« Boodt lou of flu-, aod Ita V07 BCMof all
moet protfalB^ yoosg obot M tbr
tbara la tbe near fataiw.
MM-Mty; Wfeo ti MiklBg'tbla yaarte
toot IB tba lam aroat to Cbprtoa Oar- Tba fenlldiBg will be MxM feet oa
noot« ba did tbe iaok
_M groaad and two stortaa blgb. To
Tar, wbo waa two to tba
. na tow* Miloh ftBBda oat aa a
Whether for doon or.
C. W. PbaBla uprmUfag tba Da- tbit wQ] be added aa eagtae room
TCtM «t tka baMBBM oo tba Bod BBd
Itoli fact OBe story In bel^ Tbe
windm YodH find
OMMtfVBndatodaylaW.EOi- poat Ftrwdar ooa»dw »f WnmingUm.
r'will be obtatoad from a flfUM
an. *B BOtaiMatlgBtar of thte dayte DM. arrtrad last areMar from Us
-them the only Batisiac, power gaaollae eogUie aod tbe
baBdgmrtars at Bagtaaw osd greatad
H. H. MacDOKALi). Manager
Tiavcrec City. Mich.
4*Rt 'la MMrigaa tor It waa bo wko
_ . aary maeblnery will fee Installed.
tpry Screens for- Home
■MiliirdkoftwttMpobfeotnMin- (M trtoBda OD tba graand tbia moc The principle product* of tbe
tog. Mr. FbaOto waa bare laat Anga
MtoB nQ ^'tuny yniB ago.
or Office.
will be l.iMrkr talures.
Oawm .to a pigan haattr «d Kty OBd attobdad tbe graad bitHcap >
yniB ago. nd boo maw a gatan tale ladlaBapMla tok week.
tbe Bsylam
to tbe e
■. V. PatUsoa of Oraad Haplda.
«p kte atom aad -tboagb ba aerar
' it's not a case of bow cheap we can make them,' but
tor a BOBber of year*, has a repoumet ad Tnewaa aty » Ma plgaoB doable btadar by rlrtaa'of bahmglag UoB aa a good woftcBaa and wlD bbhow good to'scll at a reasonable price.
haata. ba watoa that be onn tonooad to tba Oraad Baplda
doubtadly seM wRb aoeeaaa.
tbaa anrly aa torgortb oa Ihto loeaGive us the opportunity of showing you how really
. made bto tost
. Lofig Ado Trip.
good they are
tba tomBr Waa* t* bau gtgaOM aad
3. B^Ttoebln of Detroit puead
ba tea oBB ooaalB wbo baa ftUowad- doitog the Blgbt
tbnMgb'lbV'efty Friday in a OfieenW. r. Bmaa of Baglaaw. the beat faeraa power White steamer.
. tba ttitod bird BP ^ Caa*da aad
City is tbe place to buy your material. Shop
ob« U tbe atau. was tab- Peehta to Banagsp of tbe. White gar­
AtoobB. *om tbMP^d^ tba
aod mill work done on short notice. Give us
lag at Baltaira yeatarday aad Uka a age at Detiott and to Uwrtaglbe state
Citfoans PNena. S2< Ball. 190. .
W.UBrown. Manapar.-,
aportMMB beard tbe ItM gas go nblMttog his car. Be to aceompanled
a chance to figure on your wants.
latter piMg an groM Of lb* MB OBd
Iba wlH Plge^ hM^boM leat m that or aad throw op tba rad tor tba gan- by Oaorce Lulber and W. 8. Tfeomp
rm. braagbi to a toa »aa* ootk both of Detroit.
aattbe^m baowB of to
of troot aa^ a tito. Hemra. Halkaa.
Tbe party toft Detroit tbe mbrnlng
. TbaaQarwoM'aaT^ diaBotbacta Pbdlte aad Srana. aefoyM
of Jaly 1 and hare stopped at 8i.
OBIS * otetock Wfeaa (be toat a*Mt of braakfatt. Mr. Fhallto cUlatog bto Johna. Oraad BnpKte. Brart and Cad
daa to
(bowofetog, tba IftlL'wttb twaalMiw
lllae. The rnwds were foond to bad
Mhsbto'wu ohot oB. V. A Ciaaby. reeding, baring aateo deren traai.
Aim tnmk bad arrlTed dortog tbe tbOMb Mr. Uelka* ole heads and alU atog. altboogh they corered the four­
SoM boar. wM roody witk bto traaty an there retoalned do tdMala of bto teen Bliea between McBato and CadU
M^VmIm ta pM or Mrta at alktaee fMl. No Joiltor crowd e*er etroek toe to (blriy-trr mlnatea.
pottaiaad maaagad ta tad twealy- town thnn tbe Qmad Bnplds boya.
They arrlrad In tba dty at 11:1B
Mna, OObait oad Trlmbla toeattog tba Hlroto OoWb*. WUl Jarrto. Dr. Hnd- Friday Biomliig: took dinner at Park
CBdrataek with true alto. AABota aoa and A T. Potttoaa. all from tbe Place aad left at 1 o'clock In tbe alierlarMBattMCrettttofiatdiMforlfll- ConeoUdated Bportsmea'a ctab beadfor Charlsrdi.-wbere they' will
-mataae. wbara a maasaga Mllad bito quartan at North Park.
speed tbe aigbt, eoailimliig Uelr trip
p. C Wood. ■Portr." from tbe Oe- fo AipMB aad tbanee borne by tbe
I* bto tsotbor Man. lying lU. who, U
will 6<.<ii l>-li'r«-aifc'l V'fcU will want eomiWe
wn ba tematobered. was ta tbto dty trdt paatlme ctab. entered yeaterday way of Baglaaw.
Imv.- :i i;..-! .I6v.nmitit ..f tin*- L-omU fn-m wliin^yoo
at iMt Aagartfe foananeoi. Floyd jMt tor tbe tan. baring been at CadUnil. ma... > .:.r st-l.-rtioii* al im«* - HI piceaa'yon,
p-*~— of tbe Haacdona Rod and toe and dropped bastoaas eare
Raadlnp for Tsoehera.
Eiidi iis Ji- vilK-*. .':'nntb*. Cradlea. Rrik'-*. l-orkg, etc.
anfoy tbe ahooL
Qua elub aattoied oB atMto and d
Tbe aew books adtolUed for
\VI„ „
.fr., j.-ur
m,. il... K.■ liuto OmJ. A Bead, a tree ptofeasloaal. with state teacher*’ rMdlag drele for ifer
I,^-ss..^ Air Sprayer with the • K-.nI Kkqf” wwde.
years of IMM are “Duttont School
day with a good raeotd a* bto day's ManageDeoL'' ''Newcomer's Americac
Proto Fritayto Boeoed.
They Ilf till- L*t made. Coiiu- in .•iii-l S'*- tb«aa.
sport. Mr. Baed represents tbe Pators LUeratare- aad ''Hailprems tartb
At •
(be aeeaBd Aayte aboot of tba Traretae Cartrfdga oampony and totae a ta of and Its Story.-fcthe books to be secured
Ctty Bod abd Oon etab. a taeary fi«
{St tbe.oaee of tho county school com
boag orer tba trap Md bta maklag
F-RANK; TRUDE, 144FnmtStfca
jmUstober after Sepi. 1- Wb'«e ‘“f
D. M. Cq tbougb not Bbootlsg. U Bak­ reading elreto Is not of a eompnlron
the targata loofe like tbinr eeata
Wi. luivv u fi«l-el.-iss Tft. Stifjp.
Our Lnnd PJasier is grountjgfine and sold in new bags.
ing a boat of new frtoads anoag tbe nature the teacher wbo expects
e told aside by th^^. rod and gun dob metobers. tbe' Da- tahe county and tuu examlotiK
■SDCrpounds in a bag. ai 70c. Use two pounds of Paris
Winchester aad U. H. C. bare would of necessity bare lo enter the
» for the with tbe dlSerest gaa m
readog clrela to order to -taka tbe
Pint, quart and half gallon Mason Jars arc on
prtoiag tbte clast ot i
teto ottat wUeh was palled oB half
queries on. geogtmpfeK^ "theory and
t tfty profcaalonab
boor 1^. At 18 o'Cloek a alow aad
^: art" and reading tor all
tap now. We have the price and quality.
Come in
gmMadly wot drimto of Orand Trnre eoaelrw I
books. The day
and get the price. Rubber rings at .y and 10 cents a
MM water made W» mteeinble tor
’I past for county teachers to e
Have you ever tried tbe
w to this dty today.
ttaM at the trap and the rcftceasa*
deld wlUi but a amaiteriag ot oook
Tbe deaing bour* cf tbe TmWae
aeorets were eoeked la half an befer.
oymt TIemr Ttata* mnA Oofftama
sad with but a vague noiloa o(
Dusters, Egg Beaters. 5c Kitchen Knives, Butter l.aFMr OTMta were pufed of with tba< City Rod aad Gnu club aboot waa as tbe true cooceptloo of the work be­
dles and Shoe Brushes.
pmir obowlng, tba rata aad pacaliar plaaaaal aa tbe prerloat boura of tbe fore Uem. tor today, set Uaes to all
Caantd C»r«
•— ----- of tbe Blur li ere, toaktog day were unpleasaBl yetoerday for tbe wort an prepared aad BO ‘
the bto* bard to tad. Befraetton an- beaTtneai of the atBwqphare was lifted -to graated nalcas saOdeat knowledge
ay wai^a
was ja goqd'
totad Into tba gMcral alx-ap aatU tba aad tbe trap or^rtbe bay
aad Salataa
available upoa (he 'work eotltoed
taboral tatoleaey tor alB toy batoa abapa. taew-wreoio is polled oefey by the state ooperlBteBdMt of instrocbNLntOlTT
They are tbe be*L Sold -mly bf
It of the d«er- tton. . __________£_
tba targot. mMtag all aeore* low,
attafirttfirst aqoad of tbe (eotb
(taMb rrad ODbirt toot bot three out
Autea Are CamlngoB atmulUBOooaly
of aa*Mty4Tt Urta ntoaaad dnrtag
•Mm KmbB fFrMr** MUrmmU.
l>e Trarerae Tractioa company rebird Load
iaqaeia of tbe atoth ereai
tba ainrmiiti oBd “Pubu" Wood of with tba third
alved a (atograB Satarday ataitog
poad^ 1ter the
DMralt iSr-MMbad- « oat of T« Baking itt poa^
> toare hg,tbe 4:W O. A A L
PS tbe otoBtaartagb goB of tba toen-



—' .




I w


fire Insurance!


w. A



Money to Loin on ImproTcd Real Estate Only.




Ow at»f« tftat Pills tbe mesi PrestrlplleBS



Cigbt on the Subject



Olell made


Going to Build?


South Craetrs*
Side Ctly.

Haprani HanastiaETIaie


Land Plaster, Sifters and Spray­
ers at P. K.’s

Goynl tiger




what win my
is Wanaw. niteoia. aeaxly bn
to. and waa a fatiwoii ^aracter This waa the dying e
g rtter men in the old dayn. The C. Traa
betrolt A Toledo rfh^Une, who n
ma. who flied three monlha
ernahed by a frrigHeai In the romahraya kept Bp oofTeflxmde
pnny-i yards at HnatiZtaa..Ohto. He
Hr. Hay.
Hngfa BaCerty. a dilaeB of Phila­ dM wUle bdog taken to a^VaUtaldelphia. haa a poor opfaitoB of the
ptoee vhere be Uraa. Hrl BaCerty
dloed TBtber &e«dy the other ercnlag hnabatid-s dcoth has not been broken
■aa anented oa a charge of dto- to her. Traachell had been at Toledo.
ordeiiy condaeL Next morelog a rel- Ohio, for.seteral moelha but his wife
UlO Jt«lMnr«w*. BBd tkere «m • orerflovtaa with real Aaerieanf
atire oCend to pot ap the BeeeaaaiT and baby bad Inal moved ttere from
etnage. that
UfiB BtMiduee of rdaum BBd eertalBly dora
bat Hugh nfsaed to leare Jail, trjrand. Hleh. The car by wUe*
Irtm^ «M deBired to w a l>M trib- playwrighU eaa gire oa aathlag betle.
than Uii ooe old bauered alBBla saytng: "No. Ill auy here. The Traoebeil waa Injnrvd paaaed 0Tcr,b]i
«B t» * TOM* Hd» Wbq WM TOrjr P
tewn'a ao atow oa tho Poonh <d Joly shoulder. eroablBg In Us ebexu A
«hr Md loved IB tUe. HBDy floral
Qoreraor Hoeh of Kanaaa ia glrlng that a —«■ might ai well be in jail aa load pendl which be had in Wa pocket
tmtoft tcoUAed to tiie etteem
. Call aroBBd on Wedneaday aad at the time plorred bit eye sad en­
vfckA bM wu b«U. Hr. aad Hn. the atate a “John- adalolatratloB.
tered hlK brain.
wilt talk it orer.SkHte BBd MUlo BOB. Beryl, erriTod That la the am naaa of the bank
Tbe flftlelb nnnlverury of the In­
lamea J, Kill keOpa the doacit track
te toeni BgBls last Blgbt. u Hr. flbelof
all detalU rcgardleg tho propcrtice corporation of Port Huron as a' city
Indoa U «B«wed u baBd.«w flier for
occurs ID 1907. and arrangvi
^Mcior. aocretary of the board
tke SeOy. Loaher eorapeny.
already being made for the prop.-r
titd. reg«it of the ngrteniural ooUege.
celebration of tbc event.
O. a K. K. AiMtad.
tute aceet at Waahlngton, tnetnber :joDmeylsg on the Orent NoHbi
In the KnlfbU of Pythtaa baU Trldoy of the HotchlnaoB reformatory board, road aome time ac<>, exralninc work | Spencer, within tbc next
being done on an exicntloa. will appUnt s
•ranim waa bHd the annoal veetlna
t member of the grain e
of Lalto nookh Temple. No. US, D. O.
be asked tbc division stipcnaieadclit
K. K. Tt-Ti. waa a tmt fair aUe»dhow many lies had licna rut. Tbe supertntee^t did not know.
a M* bat Umi to b« boM la Beptemt 1ms been nwmested tbat.Uiv
thU It would neu-r do to lei Mr. Hill
her a Ji. Mmer of Maalatee nraa
become aware of the fael. He he(4- city appropriate glO.OOO or glli.OOU.
arenaht and aaaaded the temple anUted a momeat aad then boldly hat- and It Is believed a like amount
-Tivftatkm tren the Hanlatee memben
be raised by subseriplkgi. Hra.-V
to boM the Bteetlai In that-oKy in
showed 78,00b—78,4M. tbk^esncl Bom­ Bancrofl. widow at port IJuron-s first
ber. I bellerc." Tbo crlals wiu pnared, mayor, baa wrttirn nailng that noth__ ___________ B, the nentlmept being wlU Blao;>ro»14e for ber In other
I lag Uil death win prevent her from
that thla yeaota maatlBg on^ to be Some time ago a Ur elide oecorr
the best ia thd bIKorr of the teto^
while abe waa borne was abiM. At the next sUtlon
The elecUoB of oAeen wai aa foJRoberts, proprietor of a <
atone. Sbe ran down the rallrand left tbc ear and seat tUa mwsago to I
«-coopanled by
warlBg her ted peUtooaL A heavy the tUrlsion engineer wbo was to meet
'*®^ii«rable BUali. K. ». HcOoy.
Baa«l Vum. P. C. Ollbort.
train waa atopped by bor tra feet from tbe train at a later rtop: “If J. H. |
where the n^ntaln had eared in. Be­ asks how msny ilea ba* boon cut u-ll ^.-dneaday for a ear at the Sylt
low wao aa abyas aeveiU thooxan^ him 78,i:0,“ Tntc to tho snipklon of
iwatary. J. H. Btakcalae.
tho aqperinlmident. Mr. H«1 later, ^
Treaamer. J. T. Hasaah.
feet deep.
asked the e^oer bow many tto bad,
Satrap. Trank Solllrah.
George Baum, a-70.year<>ld Willtcot. -Sercniy^lght thou^nd
dclphla lUlUoaalre wbb made bis
tonr handrad^and twenty,” wax'tbc approaching and tlHlc Harry tried
moeey In the Uather bualn<
ready reepoBM tg the engineer, evi­ awaken Rolierts. bnt. tolllpg to arouM
im married bU bonaekeeper.
With the eweidloD of the oBi
loc^g Irlata woman » yean oU. Tbc dently a liule to the sorprlso of Ur. him. tagged' away at hit feet to get
Hahodl. tho oflken were all i«.electod
lh.m off (ho.track. He siicceedtd Ir
erformed In dmrett. a Hill.
ad, and all of than named br atxlaBoglnnlDg wllb tbo fall.lem of
gctiing one of them off a-id the olhc;
crowd of over J.OOO being preaeot,
nearly Off, when the car caiaC along
with nearly a* many ootalde walUog
. w'hl
Nret Shlflmenti of CMerrles
It caught RM>orts- (pot In tbe. Iasi
to gee tbo happy.pair enter and leave.
n»e fralt boyora of (be dty on 8aU)rJudges will wear gowns of black idlk j
dragged him 20 ft-ei. Irtvilrlnr
dar reeelTed early cherrlaa in eooalder.
to lho«i worn J,y the Roberts- Ara.ltu.h
aUe floanOUea. a full carload baUw Ihdr honcymodn at Cape Hay. after rimllar

iblp#i(1t>nt that aftomooB by COo. W. wh&h t^ey «I1 take an ocean trtp ob the Dnlted SUles supremd «urt and|,^,j^^
United States court of appeals. fully believes- bis legs -would bavr
lAtrdiA The prtpe peld wbb M obbu a new yacht wbieb b now being eoma «U<* ii eoBo)d«r«d a good
This will be an Innovation tor Nrir
If earty aoar t^aerfea. .Bt^tal (deted.
Jers^. It sra derided npon after;
Ber. Seabbry Wbader paator of thO
moch dlsensslon on tbe pan of the
WoodcIlC ebapd at Norfti Dcrgen; N.
Jndgra bocanxe of tbc OlffcrcDec in apof a crop of cherrioa vlrila the crop I J. who learned the eerpenterj trade pairi which they usually wore when
before'be atudled tor the minlairy. la
aiUlng oo the U-neb. It Is likely tlial
i are
retting tbo cbllai: of tke diape) is-good to a room ter Sooday achoel aeaqtona tbe -gown habir will now extend to
other coartx of tbe state.
priOM aid ag
Immem onan'
tHlaa BP* OB the W«H tho fnlt gr^ and dicreb aodaUea. Ho la dolog the
There to
vetV wUboqt
. ...........
which Mroe. Pade­ The Well Known Specialist,
inle toidja member of the lotos’
aoelaty^eral weeks ag( that If rewski is ercdlied—that her. husband.
tbe aodety raised tlOO tor lomber tor Pimply dare not cut 'bis halr.r He
the floor and jmlls be would do the might desire to have a head as irlmly
carpenter work.' The women busUod neat and amootb aa ^ greyhound, says
arouito and eoUeeged the eagb'nnd Ibe bto wife, but Ue public would not let
mlBlstar got the lombmcr. Then ho blra. Wert! be to abate bis
mmned aa old pair of trooacn and locka to even half ibclr present pnv
aad hU etoaeat trtenda aay that
ttariod in to keep hla itort of tl|e con- pordona tbe music luven of Lunilon
and New Voik wool.d cry out, end If ho
persisted In sbom-nlng his hair ibcy
When King Altonao JOII sraa a baby
•would desert him for a new idol.
bo presided for tho flrat Umc at tbe
eld mpaaatMT of Alamo, port of the
Three cdiiors aspire to the dvmoopening of fheeortea. Tor a while he
bBtOffleld «bere tho heodom o^Taaa ant on bU narae'a knee and ebook his eralic nominal Ion for governor ol
WBB won (roBi Hexico. It waa nropeaed
bond at the assembly. TBrJIamenuiy Georgia. They are Hoke Smith. Cleve­
to eraet a i^oni hblel .there, bat
secroury of the Interior, who
— v._,j hlntAod at last be
HHa Drtaeoll otopped In aad pw.
waa at.ooe time at the bead of the Ailifted bU vpfea
chaaed tbo appt for tlS,M0 and wfll eyowuncas declared that no.mcobvr liBta Journal; Clark Howell, at the
BOW roeoBiUBCt the onclMt and
of the eortea abared the opinlana of Atlanta CoastltnUon. and J It. Esttll.
■owned adlflee.
TaDeyraad who atod that be loved editor of the Savannah Newt
Hiit ttrwBTd Ooold haa the Onaat babies only when they cilcd. because
prlrate ooUaetioB of blnia In Uc halt­ aotoebody waa. sure to take then
ed dbalOA tat foau Tea|>eeta.n:ccniag away. Besides. It woold haA been
thaariarloa at the New To'rh cootagl- naeonattlntloaal to order the klog of
nl gvdMA Not only baa ahe made
it a paatime to-gather from all qaar. Un W the gIbbO'ramarkable and
Bc^re that taa for moar jmn d<*e
kifc.Cffcekh*l«fth« dety OB the Beidlfh na*e (or AaoriMr.ndlfkA
r^iatmitMS to wpooi
iff Bw catr^i*
Toarth. Ob arrirtN kowe Hr. i
Ual fnaalBkoaU In He Banm
«m (pod tbu blf «HHr. BIM.
IB vitfe ploBrUx. Ifc0 ,*>eior •taUm Max Adeier. Thirty yran a*o. before
. Jeretopaeat of tramahlp bbtIcb.
BB apBwHOB BBi'anMiirT. Ob
tion. K wa« nataal eaooyh that Eng
MoadAr BWrtUBK •»» *“ cofnXoi
Md died dmx the operBtlPB. The lUb ptaywrlghti ahooM be eooiwl
fin«Bl eenrk- were lirid WednN- «llb thli flgare. Bat sovadaya. when


Ears LooteiJ as ffThty Would Orap | Swanom. who l. umt wl.h Ue martn.^ U.« baptUm.. fnneral. mu .
fur— RmW rntiralu ''------■ wMi I
lerat. toriderm
Humof—Three Dodors Coaid l »upped toe and tUd me to g« o«H yg ; Coadneron <• isii^iiusu at


DK. DOniilD nOIOIli lD


Cure Forjhe-Bliiesj

HN»hFtoi, Ri^.Nth.torri; Traverse City


CbqweltB, tte noted rreneh
■ Btan. notwIthalandlgr^SW many yOara
at bralnwnrk nsd the eonstaol alralD
of atoge life, -............. ..........
__ to of oarre Woot/ He ihlngi ooth<« << taking a na/ln bU mete
•bile, the chBuCenr^di <t atdnBlns
atone ai Ihal aa the I^iIIowb. Thla
repopefBlBeaa of aplrlt"^i« the eoa
aarry of other mcaba^c* the tb


iS^'3«^iPark Place Hotel

Presidest RooseveU and Hayor UcClettan toct In Brooklyn on tbe rocent asadfdetare. lttowsaaUythtoway:^l
orraslon of (he dedlealloa of the Gen­
eral Sloeam sutoe. Aerording to i
ports which had been current tor
toe* time tbe presMmil and the mayor
had BhUadly feelings tor oaeh other,
bat this acemed to be dtoprored by
Ibe otmdlallfy.of their greeting.
praaldeBt shook the mayor'a hand and
hla face fairly beamed as he said:
-Glad to see yoB tooklng so wcU, Hr.
Hayor.' Why. only yeeterday Hra.
BoaaeveU and 1 were talking abont
: you. and she asM abe woold never be
B than any other aaUsflod BnUl ah*'saw rou la tbe
man la poutteal lUo. He went to An» wblu hoote.” Mayor UeacUan
trails from BB^aad with Us parents; omitod. Us eyes twinkled, and he was 1
time: bead'Haa ached an
both of Whom died tsro yenrs later, about to make rcplp- when PrcsidCDi; wh M
■o: baa slept pooriy.been quit ! praetice and superior knowlMlgc
curable dia
ne lad wortmd la the mines, spading Reoaevtot hnrri^ added: "See you
L and nearly fainted ance c
ty. and hi
All chroole dtoeasr* of tbe brain.
' hk.Nwe time la arady untu he be­
white bonse as our guest, you
Dcrvi-*. blood, skin, hi-an. Ihdc*.
came a primer's appraatlec. Prom know; only as oar guest."
-the oaaq" he gradnated lato repor-' Joalah Eeltiln.. a rittoen of Brooklyn
r. numacb. kldseys, Mad-Ic-r. aad
tovial ranks and later took a tmlver- who haa Jnat eelebrated hla ooe ban- pleaMber. Bcr'doctoraay*: "Cheer | bowels erienllflcsJly and sucecssfuily
u have dyupepoto; you will
toty eearae. U the profodoral days
birthday. offer* a brand »«*
rS*t m
DR. MrDOKAU) pays spteial alien
ploro of advice to thane wbo are dc-1 itaftoto dtwt get "all right.”and
lion to Catarrh. Catarrhal Deafness.
reaching Ua age. "Drink a hope vaaitoies: then
Uc federal toglslator*. and he atands tec* nays Hr. ZeltUn. “and drink veguThroat and L>iag Disease*. Cbrocle
hlito among the straag men srho ap- tariy. 1 woold have been d^ cwoity
DUbaae* peculiar to womcc. Nenou- mtsrih«U the easplra In these •'rivUlzlBg rears ago bad 1 followod tbe doctor’s irtrcB you to d«^r. with your nerve* land Physical De-MlUy. RhcomstJsiti
aafla.’* Be to tie tMBor of sevonl advice and stopped drinking whisky
ataadard works.
BBd beer. Don’t give daetor's i chance Ubic CompSuDd. Sec what it did for I
nervous rtl..*.-e* of Men, W
Oaoe atoea the late shah of
to work on yoB and you wDI live pll Hra. Rosa Adanm. of 819 Ittb Strvet. ’ tad Chlldr>-n. X.j_jp«fi.T wbat
Naspdd Din. waa a gneat of 1
th^ longer.” With all hU
In LoutorUle. Ky..Bie« of the Uto Ucn-: Jl.sca3c!“maj W. THERE IS SJIU.
n>y^ toajmok to qaa the Dertor
r«snarknUy.ftne onler. the rid nan i
****"**•= j HOPE: Thro DO NOT DESPAIR:
The doakr nilcr noted tte inlensUy stops aabriskly as thougb Utile mere . -I ewnot uG yea wltopn and Ink-bat | but nosnlt Dr McDonald aad gri
of the NthBitoBm whaa aome tbor- thaa halt bto age. Be la a bbUvo of

dUgnoal* at your dis.-,,,iiuflhbisil in a etoah «ntoh best Ua lods.
troriOn*, arinaro'bsffada, ‘to* btam."; sod ffiN assured that the Doctor
flaM. Be was quite carious ebont it. peteoee as u merohuat. and
'rtiat tils you. aad If
••Why are the peoide msUng all the IfroekljB ri^tocB yran age to llvc
— * ^hootiiplT raiwlmTTimti*; yon arc curable he will core you.
Botoer be asfcefl. -Why, datl yon srilh A atoter. Ia the eoone of
Tbose soable to rail, wriw: lor symp­
see that SoagsdM wea the Deri)yr«ii- u ut_
. «».
tom blatik. CorrespoBdcaoe strictly
smraradthevvtBee. Then with-grartiy wblakj sad bew. moABwhUe BBuklBg f------ ’----- "---------------■---------*'
ohearred the poteatate: -Wsra they rnsay rigarattea.
■M alraady aware that^oae borM e
K. P. Bledaoe. aoB or the m
fBAfiMm iM aMthorr
ttte enggeotad to John
"Jim nbdso of tiri Pral^ Brito." to 'J
Uriai IB Dem. ThA. rifler BiqfiSe

Saturday Muiiine, July 15th

UosHay Evening, July 24tti,
. Til Dm oiir.


Dr. McDonald



7 •»

^iDr. Donald McDonald

fAOBS. - '

Refavlng to lire with bla only 1 by the tier. Hanriee T. Dafl-GovdOB,
daogbler. DenBls SwartOBt. a#l 71. H. A. He was fTOnally BwUBiedr» year', wbo wna Jastlca of tbe pr^ at ;ic» of the Protcsaaal mdsngal ekaiT*
Algonac for SO years, ealtod at ^ St. 'and m»w ibe good people of Ibr towm.
Cflalr cewttty Jail nd pleaded srlih ;Sre being amasod at bis qnOLr me<bttds of cbrisUantTint; man, (a inaaoeBberl* Hdore to send Urn back tu the | oda
the nS
ns lloB
lioB With
with V p
pariah work be plaai to
Mir ptWTTbAWe to SpOtd th«
d^der eg hla days. ”1 dont want to
.. ________
glri _any
. .kmgsr.
_ r.- arid a^ U

Not Core-ChM Grew Wane.

Hndmm-s rellgtous afltora are being
revolotloBlaed by.a new and hltU-rto.
unbeara-oC brand of religious acthrliy


j, the


6C. Ahna, Ofakh tcUi ia the
letter of anodret of
Cntican Soep.
it^ by Cnticntai Ointment.
r phTneiass, and1 aell vtoc bwl
d: ‘‘I tcel
it nrvdm
a other poor nlKTiug Labiirvlo K-ll
you Whm Cnlicnra ha* done for my
litUe daogbtcr. She brokc-ont all
over her body with a hnmor, and Ve
wsed s TV.f«thing reconunended, bet
witbowt result*. I railed istbrevdor.
tor*, they all clsimrd they could help
her. but she continued to grow worse.
Bn body was a mas* of sores, and her
Httle face wss-rates awsv. her car*
looked ax H ((ley would drop off.
Neighbors adrised me to urt Coiirura
Soap sad Ointment, and fwforv I bad
wed half of the rake of soap and
box of ointment tbe sores bad all
healed, and my lilUe one’s tooe aad
bodywasapdearassnew-bora babe’s.
J would not be without U aguin if it
cortfire dollars. ihaU-ad of seveoty-Ci-c
eenu, which is aU it coal u» to cute
our baby, after spending many doltois
on doclon aad medidscs withont any
torndit whatever."






Rett for Motberg.'
tired, fretted mother*, ie w*rm baths
with Cndcnra Soap aad J®>tle aariatfnga with Culicnm Ointment, the groat
a^in enro. and purest of naalUetita.

The Best
aid sd'd





These machines are carried io stock at our shop and
can be seen in operation ‘'buzzing" wood.

has prc-foiiicil Ihc JcwcItM aword
rvcolxd from on American lu the Na1 niii5vi:m ai IUve=a.


To Core a Cold in One Day £^*3^ V





Ypu cannot afford to let the insects, blight and rot spoil your crops when ym
can ifct one of these "Sure Shot" Machines that docs the work nghi, and-'at. a
C.RUAT SAVING IN TIME. LABOR AND ^lONEY. A trial will convince yoo
that the above statements are facts. If your acreage is not large, perhaps you-wIU
want a hahd sprayer. WE HAVE THEM-ALL K1NDS-KNAPS.ACKS.COM.
PRESSED AIR AND ATOMIZERS—the greatest assortment ever shown. Now
is the time to get one and be prepared when the bugs come.
Yours for "Quality and Satisfaction."

Farmers Supply Co.
127-135 state street

Traversh City. Mich.

The children’s friend—

Jayne’S TronicVermifuge
Drives out blood impurities. Makes strong nerves and miiscleg.
Gives tone, vitality and snap.
Get it 6um yew


o tte Mtkort^ WM« aett to prlMW ot K«Ub (»
4v- n It B^wtad ttet alt tb* Bca
vll) b« ^ ne lAtlhrtip Kniai
MraikiD* U cnMBc in lk« tIcIbIV
«( tlModwlB port toiw. The p
«ko teiM* pmlc ftrtekeo f««rta* »
atorw. It it ndentood ttet k tarndo bou it *1111 muxklut bir Kslu
Tl» ttnr*
dba Mtieeen. The tla» Seed br t1
■atttean wHbls «hk± tbe atipp Aodd be tortbendlag ecplred at a
but at rat ao atteanK baa bm at

tbi Bight at JBM rr aeeordlBg to
eaUe dUpalch priatad, la the bte*
York flea. Tbe
jt tbe Laadoa Standard ebargaa that
•the toaaaaere waa lacUgatod hr tte
•eeret pedk*. IM at «bem bad beaa
bpetatlac la Odeaaa tor aereral
M»aa pact dtogelaed M aittoaha.
TekSo, Jelr d.—Banm Kotaora, «toMtar at tsnlga.alaira. one of tbe Japaawa eerore and otber sasibarc at
the partr. wUeb wHl go to Waabbir
tM to neet tbt Kawton ptoBlpoteattortea, bad b fare*ell laaebeoa wllb
tbe arfkado toiar prertoea to takiag
tbair d«artare tor tbe Ualted Statea.
Ubdoh. Jelr (.-A Ulegtaai to tbe
Bader Tdegmia eMpaPr
Od«W eapo ib* Kola* MdaUao bai

«Mi M( hare MA «toattf to a ewiMttr‘Tact rear the sUto of the ;ea«
people to ■toaioaa tepoftad to the
aacMat'w< tbto to
laaple of the aer ntoaianatT mm(
th^ baa been derrioped. Le*‘ tbaa
tea thooaaad aoctotiea repottlB* to tbe
mtiied eodetr the acted aBomti

ia aae Itar ®wr 90 jmta, hsd bomo the

letlaD wllb tbo tomi traaiter to
tbo Oaltad Sutea throogta lu ipeeU)
aabaaaadora d tbo reiaalaa ct Ad■Iral
Pad Joaaa took ptoM bare
ifteraoeo. Tbe faaetal serrleea
for tbe terser adnlral irere held in
tbe Aserteaa Prolatoant Bptoeopal
ebureb at tbe Hdr Trloltr. The
dier^ vaa tilled to orerflowiBg dih
PreatA oaeeri ta toll adtors aad
promlaeat -Aaericaiu. Tbe eoOo
rasored to a cpeeial train In tbe laralldee «UUaa In wbleb tbe AsericaB
partr wlU make tbe trip to Cberboorg.
sartbv d 10 bYtodi todghi.

ported to bare beea eetoed oa tbe ser-.

a ef the ftMOlaa bet^

RxiMsrtsi«nto that trifle with and mdanper the betalth a
itrfhmR sad


vhm tbe poor to tbe aim at dN

temt of wbtob to asorwl br tbe »IU d
tbe late John W, Paroietor. rrceotlr
AM tor prabatA aira tbe Cbltofd Beeord-HcRid. Mr. Panndee. who looked
of foel to the dvefl-

KM oolr did Mr. Pamieloe beltore In
tola netted oPdotog good, bot be '
llerMl ta It eo tboroogbly that be baa
tuUr b.
toer hto Idea, far to# Tdne d tbe arbole

Fire at Baet barton.
BbM dordaa. Mtob, deir A-Aboat
t tfbtoak tad arening Ore was dtoKrtatM totoafoaadrrdtoe But dorn a
and ta a abort Use
.du Mb 'teka
tha toaadi/WM M
Thar bad hSM eadtag tost dar aad
the Sta to aippaeed to bare aaagfat ta
aotaiWby'flaPtatoeoapola. Iboalam

Mtate to placed at |SOO.<no rcattr and
toe MDd anMimt of peteecullg-.
prbOe.ibr fttod tooa to acMired. U wU
Bot bowerer, cope Into being fmsedtolMj. ne eetate |a 10 bo beld- ta
trtvt, and It to prorlded that toe
tocome at preaent-to to be.paid to toe
tmaiorto btotorr,, Prank ranoeWa.
CpoB to* liQ^'a death tbe net income
to .to be ^ to UMtoer brother
Oartei'TsSeto. of Kenllaenb. Fw
toe time after toe death of both tbe
^ prertoea ayfollov*; ■*Ibc uei lucome ebaU be Med annoatlr forere’
for toe porrtiaae d foel or beat wbiA
aball be •
• .................. --------------------------poor and oeodr people of tor dcr of
Yte vOI tworldee that toe Matoea
etaall ItoTO tbe power to engage apeata
toer nar dm proper la Sadliig Rich
ae max be eatltled to aad In
TMtotaare. Ibe aatlie
>ls.^naaDeBt find, wl
ef toe mtatn'e
'utttiua aid MT^id
wtakb--^ begoeaita
Frank Paniwtre.
IBe Merdiaatr Lean and Traat
paax Is pasad as atocator^ aad toe
win to dated Nor. 17. 1001 Tbe witaenes were Frank H. MeCallorb. Proftaaer Bdwte Bon aad Mart /K. M.

wad |l*w lir the MoasB Hus ud
whSe the Srt Aeparuneat roepgsded
. Ffttovllr BO dmenit was tbe tartog of
: tko boto todt tan lor- the axM
w«t of tbe boitoet bHgade to keeptoS kack tbe Sases toe entire ptaat
. wotod hare ben doatrorod. -As It wtc
tba Sto wae ebbekad to toe Machine
' ton before U bed dph^tooeb dasbge
ta toe rataable anebtoffr. Tbe leei
to Ptoeed at tlAOb wttb ao tonrance.

Bvdal depteaUea. Tbe period ef tawnt n«en wma from ISM to ISPT.
The lowcat price of tawt w«b ta
M boa., haea tadlt ep ne of ibb
ApiU 1»«. whea tbe beat choice waa
baat oMlppad foaadrtae aad sachlBo
qaotn at laJS to SUS per bnadrrd.
iMga ta Nertoara Mkhlgab. Tbe Tbr higbtat pHrr wae tor letter part
abepa will ba rMialtt. Abrkk baUdlag of Angaat. ISOS, wbea tor price tooebed FT.dD to fb per bnodird. Coro
was isweet to ISM and hlgbrst to ISBS.
la a table of eompertaoa ta which
oat none atom on a pile of mbbU.
tor amage price for tbr jrari 18B0 ti>
acar ibelr aew ten aad as a mMi
im U taken ae a bate. alEteee articlei
the bm with eaU. pigi aad other raa

; iateriwditoiai C E. C

« at toe B
bero aad bn reaOlted In a deep ntrltaalawUenlad.
The see«ad dar'e anate was pntodad oYcr br toe Ber. Oeotge B.
Stewart at Aabata. K. T.
WDUaa Shaw of Boatna deUrared
an addren apea ‘‘What Chrlatiaa ttdeaYofim Hare Dooc.- Anoag otb^
tktagt be aUd: -famit-tra rears
ago toe roUag idea la Ibe tbnreb was
that cASdrae should be sewn aad not
heard. 711# reaalt was that few w^
aeea, and Dear were beard. Tweatrtfe Harm of ChHtUan Itadeavor baa
raraalad to tbe tbaiab that It Is out



All. MCXAGE COmES. Id «l
tat «nlttp.
•irciwfb asd Btovor. FU fWl A
{ qnaam fg g (UOliy, UOH COmz
had bees the stanlard cdMae td


In aaeb naekbdo of LION COFFEE yoa grt OHS fuH
pound of Pm Coffee. Inaiat np<« getting the gcnuiBd.
Kkto bead cm orery package.)

VOOLAOB SPtCB 00., Taiada, Cbta.

a bat (•oco loiUI-

« rr”™ L
to TobenaotT loT hat iTon Leinin *«!
board a stranEr looklnc emfu all tur
nundrd Xitb armlig.
ibo U-odon
Ulobr. Twjrtfoaraai
ap> Ibcn>-xm< rem'*erfd a Iodk
brOrcb Ws-k. toe Hism of euu|M«ilrr
not baring tarm riptodcL a» n ”
bogr pittol. a rutlaiBi, a ring anj
of Ibe tlmbrn. of tor tl.H> .tdmlral of
nemcr. Hut tbr main obJ<-ct of tbe
1 wenb dme. not
such oblcrts. Tbo .\duil
Floreocr was tbr treasure slili.
iMi armada, and S0.ri».i>si
were Mkl to harr pour doteu
Id 101S. When tbe vnuu-l was
blowu nil tiy Ab ontbaslkrtlc aud ni-rcgrful adbrrmt of tor ettef of the
VrLransMf HnarTcnsllr. Tl»r w-sr.ii
fw ibis gold, and rxrry <-(Iort
will be pot fortli to from lls
bldtag place.

liictaaard orer tbr arrrair
ISO to 18B0. Tbr tocYcaaca for tor
prim to lOM tstagr from T.8 per real
sbrrp and 0.7 prr cent On cattle to
Skfl ea com. 3Ul «n oats. SAS -oo
tor top InctraR of «-2 «o
New Terk etatr bopa Ibr
eraser to JOW- to tor wbolraalr prior
of firm pewdnets orrr tor alwage for
toe rrars ISO to ism Is Sdi prr c«L
Of dfty-two artleke tarladed under
tbs bead of food It Is sbewn that In
1904 tUfe prirrs of all but foortm
tMM wm higher clian tbr amage
prkTs from 1190 ij taw.
Brreatr brtlclrr under tor brad ef
clolb and rtototag show ibat tbr atWage price for IBM was JLS per cnl
bigber tlwB tbr aTcrngr froiai ISO
laW. Tbe Ubir on tori and Ugtitl
tor arcragr 1000 price at S
It Ugber
too* tbe
1 to II

The free soar, a l&aiilr strip la

ttta ItednYor prarer neettagi will br Tesaa oa tbe Mezirsa Wader, has
held aad teas «r tbaekaada tar- *- be«B aboHsbed by Mrxlep. cto toe tree
toe border towns bad lo pay
aactatlea that beteag and ongbt
. rr ecstt ef tbe Haglean dnUes'-Qh
ta ear fanoaaklp. Twaetr-bYe mrs
aga toe Mat* that bad a wen

laoports. tbe otbrr M per real bring
added K the tnporia -wm. inta*

toed roaag pnptaw aoeletr *
anrpsoa. Today the ehateb toh ninwd outolda toe aaam.

Trsin iMTMTrsrmrCXy t-taam.. saama**-

*Y«ia iMr— TrSTWyCHyswi

m, ' ililH

««?-sr«ar& S.W. .mTraiaarmm trssa Boritow l*Ma».aaa

f uuwKwoou.o r.av.A^
?ERE Marquette
ra IpMatas CHr a* toltoa^
Mc^t. Titoi ut^ kseses.

*iitoi^rilSm.*UkAGuti sag PMstory.


lake. Utah, lor utt- In eun
for balberr.
HaLd.Wbw.M. AWrH
|y| rwra stir » th« roodlD.tu ci« rt

GT*.^wM ic

I^^V’lihrr's. .5


s-llb . I.„ b...h, Mr., K.l- Gdf '
do ro|iu1srd'a highwayman i

S^’s Emulsion
ahouW een^ua 1




Mtrs..>k>W M Iba fi


taM.irRrr i>. iurtb a« fasga ■



if soW at one time and for cash down, would be



K.'i'Ssi.-™ SWfhj.l:

As the price would be made accordingly and to allow
for holding as an iovestmem. Come quick for choice
Eire*. «hii liT

aoocc 1. bcr-l.r

Teoorrrrt Itaan Ilorilint nirrrly said I5*u^'Sts!7« ai7s'fl?*s4 ir-.ri.fsr-'
-1 bare absolmri.c nMlilug to (uiy oo
toe subjert. I will nuswer no .jucs- dw.oo'tS
tlons sbont If Tbr latiW-urg iTOss eth Oay of Septrmi
was taken .by Messacbo-wtls sriaicrs m
from a
la'I.c.olslmi« in 174' '
tbi' Umr ef tor French war. It w
trungbt to n^toQ (.Dd afterword «
gitrn to IJtrrsrd.


Handsomest Lots in Oak Heights

The whole bunch of

tniim I.rr*»

bita Bwar bowltag nito pain.

These are all early sclettions and are ihe

Wh»-bs.«et«r >. .™a«i. Uu i
mvsavjStrh .in lasTM^H.-ry

Tbr Ixwlsliur* ctmw.. our of Har
tord's nioai famoos rrtic* wUirti was
t^ipnrd to tuvr
through tor Mr.1. T'or. Iia» b«‘n
to tor New Tcrt Tlors.

the most eWrming addition to Traverse City. Thil'
addition is now largely built over, and good loU are
not easily obtainable. These loLs will be sold sepa­
rately. excepting 1S2. ISl. 184. which must be sold to­
gether. All must go for spot cash, and the prices
will be

n «i.

Also One Acre Lot
in Birchwood
l-ronting East Bay S rods and running back 20 rod*
less a strip tsro rods wide on north side for street. A
very desirable lot in this beautiful suburban spot.


123 from Street,



VWB leana Tnwrw Ott tM p m. to


c( the roaag pecqiie tb« tbe ktagdoai
«f-b«Yea is to be atair.
This week itatrwlx thonsaad Chrls-

bow it______________ _____ ________ .
when roasted* ^
ooSm loose by tbe ponnd. bow «n

L ebt^ aad I
rodBeta are coar
laj tmum uf tbe tatrean ef mwic
>w1iw>toe period from 18H> to-lkM.
ra a Watbtagtn spedal diapaicb to
Sta Kow York ITerld. In tor carir
alaettoa prleea ware re»7 Ugh. bm to
toe tost foar jware toer bare been
toer are



In Use For Over SO Year*.

oe d the ahuna ead teaeneoto dorlng
toe low wtatera ai a charitabto we«h
toat woahi rellere a Urge asoont d
eoffertog. baa peoaldd br bto laat teafoynt tor toe matloD of a food of
glOaOOO to be applied to tbe pupoae.

for tbe CBitod Statea tod^ c

LOT 183

LOT 184
LOT 188
LOT 230
LOT 235
LOT 236
ThelindTon HaTfi iliays Bought
LOT 237
LOT 196
LOT 203
ItDflis that Strike Home
LOT 211
LOT 212
LOT 213
LOT 214
I BMW tk» Slmtmt; at


Tnm> (or note Chr saS Fri Viwl iRO
» > m. >Md Usisr (Hr awS SsksW

hr Osrtor OH. Pshk
It to neUMU U
gorie, Dropa and f
r Ha«n
>70 Woi
to om*
pubatasce. Ittage. to ito gromittoe. It deatroja
It CUM Dtorrbw aad Wind
«od aBaja Fttfwtob
OoUe. It

latoR and oib of Ita moat ptortieal
>. tbe embltob-

he plvefl pcspifti aM that they not
ha srtradHed to teuaia. The leed
'.■lilil toleg^aphid to hoeharoet ter
le&pirilaM. Tha Boadaaa «»er
ntohid r>Kh aeppllea and the toeal am
thtotUoatoekdbargeettheKdacPetoidilei and tha torpedo bed.

LOT 182



pMaetUM ym
«d« a«a. The
tfgWd like ai^ other tefalga «aiper>


M. a I. E. nEtM




JtoMtf r«m Mb
. I «rfn tor toMr «• «Mffy «r

M te aa I MA
I wiH toy «• bt lwta» haipM
aab W<A «a iwiybaib m« »
•Mry thm>t tMB»
to I •vto-taH In tiyliif ta «•
tiM* tMapi. I •« -Try, toy

tba Sai^ ttail. ortw to
patttato ac tha
ItotMfh to. Uat « atota yl»* tt» •»
tOMT aad «oto> afaM aa low *
L bi or«ar ta laaeb tka ktora
^ tta
»MdIy doaaa
te tba UtUa vaatsrar.

rfav llaa. I Uka tba rolaa. I bava
aard tomjitwaaadtoaarBT balMy mbtr-itr*- aU with tbay
'badooa. laaaaoaa/oaalltooaldnka
U baar aomatblni d mr Ootondo
boaa. I lire in tba Boantalna. »
BUM from Fort CoUtna, oar nanratt
nlMad. Uranwe '
llna. We*atoar»an
Wa 11*0 OB tba baAk d tba Caeba la
poodfo rirar. Ptrraat and I aateb lou
of dab. tfe ADcbt aoM aiea bis
iroBt. I eansbi ooa chat *al«bad on*
and a half poond* and Ftoiatt aaocbt
that walMd two paondo. Maopa walEbad‘cban: Tbara are tbiaa
Und* of ttoat, tba Uoia brook
raiabov and tba aatlra or •oontala
•atly'a CuaUr« Bia.
treat and aayaral otbar kinda of tab.
Wbaa 6«tr wdOA eoMard pla.
Tbate are lot* of wild aalmal* bare,
bob cau. MB^B UoM. Vm. baara
*-nr lard,- aba rnr*. “»« ««T
and otbar aawU aalaala and loU cd
•. DrapapUet to aboaa!daar and «rel*as. Wa aneb Aara
barro to ride, rorreata burro l* aa»
Sba t>^ Ibiae ao*
Nis and >y barm I call Ibuy. Tba
Milk. a< aiiyooe wcnM do
re corarad vlib Oowan
To iB^ia a Una. rooad ooatard pta________ {can look fwre oar wla
do* and aaa tba anoay ransa- Proiik
4a«> lire la tba sroead. t aaa tba*
8ba Mat tba wlatora till M WM
arerr day. Tbay ait op and bark at
All fMar. aDMMb »d flcbt;
And told *a tbat aba bad tati oat
na. Pralrta dos o«la and
0( aofar, }Mt »>ta. , .
aof aeop
Of Ornbain floor aUrrad la

flba Mkad U icwl aa *a vocild baka
' A otepaicpinard pie.
Aad tobea tfraa dona. waaU it «p.
Abd IDtad It. Bat aad L


Bi loodlt.

»te bare m ma»r

vrlia lA tba pomDer wbaa eeboel M
eat and you are all bacy-baTtat food
UMp, bat tba letter ta doaa lot* ap
l irr— waiaHnire tba aha taaM
{Dm tainlbs lu iCaoa to tba wpll a
.taddat. Too W0I bB be
ly tba oaatreB
TarreD. taUtas of tba Biooatate*. and
tba wild aabnali ta CMondD.
knoa Oolorafe waa wbere Prarideflt
BaoaareU ayret bU raeatioa tbit
Mf. aai la tba MoaBtdtaB
I Boat tMI yea aboat aaotbar aka
' latter that CBM {bla weak, an tba aray
trota UODBapr. WfeA. ItwaawrltteB
by Mr«.A. M.COM. toboaa aoa Walter
if ana Id o«r paMbrea. 8be aaya that
ba:ia taMBOM.M tar«way WaablasCofl toUboat a ftnnbiaa dab and tbay
•ra soiBc to ■ortankeA^ibaeb Ha^
aU Toons Vtoika Sooaiaa ;dub tbare
Wa vlll all ba slad to bare tba Waa^' lastoa boyi and ^ri* >beoaia intweatM ID our niea.
tbtak. dear Banablaari. doea oar dab
ataned wa bare bad^ltobere ia
arery Mata ta tba XTaloa. aad
la an tb«M piBcat tba
and sirla
. are tryt^ to ba Had and lorlas, and
WLka totbara happy, laa't It a baaaUful Ibiflg to balpts to a aodaty that Is
Bflkta'ao paair brisbt ^ou all orer
ow bM laitf I .Wa Moat an try hard
to keep oer rotei. t6 that tona of the
little eaabaailM «0l not srev dim:

aldm three awalb* oU. I tblak ibli
U all fm tbla tUpa. 1 *n try aad do
bdtar aaitMma. Baal tata to aS
tabarp af tba H. r. r.
Dalbaft aad Fwaat TarreB
ASid 10 aad A
life Uka. Mkh.. Joaa to. IWfl.
Dear ttoaaldanir-rbaty not tortcue
to tba HereU for kas Ub«. 1 klaad
iba .HareU Toaas rdta Bonablna
dob aboat aU yapri aso. bat ba*a kat
my bottoo and dU\ aadoaa two aeats
ter abOtbar—l^haTa ibrea hretbare
that woeld Uka to Jofa. .Tbair aaaas
•re Bobbk. nsa IfaMTt: LodBi.,afa
I ^aan. aad Omasa, asa U. I bare
dx bretbera aad OM deter. Papa M*a
M Ibrea older boya aboat aa acre of
tbia yMT. 1 «aa dcrea to
TMTOrre City a few waafca apt. ba; I
dM aot sat aroaad to coma to yonr
plaea. i hope ta aaa thk to prist.
Proto yoor.fiiaahlBa boy.
Oratar Ptollar.

»kad ao foil of.foB ihM thW all
oaw It to^ ba
•n^ tar tba qactlaa* flaw. Tao.
aa n~*~» n waa toad to ba. WMra?
-Wbp. a pbpe. of aeoiBt U----bw- *ay--«ll aato. wba pap
awarad -TTar- to toamma-a «••
-to Htotoyreomr*
-Why. there are ■* aalmala la
ma-a room;" and. to make aare. away
tbay all rea. bpi aocm came badi. barlas teoM <Bly CM poor toady fly oo
tba wtodow pane, ood found papa ba*Us aaeb a «»d tonsb at them. No.H
waa not tba ly.
yinaUy tbay were-a
a Uuk HaroM sMd:
wta 19 for tba myaiarr., tollowad by
ibrae pain of Tory m*er feat.
8oeh a *boot want op wbaa ha took
from tba commoda tba ipoose which
bad waahad tbair
Umai! Tbaa down atalri asalA
yooasotar Harold ridtos plMabaek oa
papa's atroas^botlldara
-Why. papa.- said Datld. “It ha*
bred Bor toil Bor feat; U eaB't ba
ilmaL-Ho.- Pta aaM, -tbk «aaar aaimal
u DoCblac bat ^ itemaeb.-DOM ba aai
HaroM. .
-O. yoo feaar HtUa b<^.- reM Marrerat. slTtas him a sood bos-No.- Mid papa; -but dear me. ny
watch my* K'a bedtime; so wa-U bare
to rere Hr. Spoasa for toiaereow
BlsbL Now efl to bad. my ohkkre*.'
(b they did want to baar about t<
oew ap mnai. bot ap dain they acaia^rad. mammS «oUs abasd aad ealliac. -aaek. daek.'' to bar ebkkaoa
. But tba aatl alshi they cook hardly
wait imtll «9par waa orar. aoMSkos
ware tbay to hark papa bada.
Papa WM the spoase ao that It wa*
■wdlad aa torse a* poadUa. aad tbm
from bto pockM ba pellad out socre
■Ball ptoere of tpoofa which ba had
brofl^ fram Iowa. Tbaae he wac
too. aadlbre tbay ware raady for the
Tbay tooad the flat hoctom of the
•poos*, wbkh papa Uid tbam bad
faatre*d te a reek away tea la

them that eba-aany. many Uttia bolaa
were mtla canak ibrao^' wbkb
•noasa *aefcad ta tba water.
Bat tba bis belai Into wtalcb the tbair Uitla flac*n
tone . caaUi tbraosh wbkb
Spoasa epMtad tba watar.oal asalA
after Uklbs all iba food from It tbaf
a wkbad.
The ebUdrre psUod tbwaman piaere
of apoase apart and rew bow all tba
Uttk canal* tan Into other mtla
Papa told ihCB that, whan tbk
touse wre to iU boma aiaoBi
racka. with It* tabiaa----- "Wli:
babtoar they aU eriad. -Why. yet."
•aid pans, tonshtof to tea thalr anrKliisalay. Mkh.. «. P. D. A
lera are papa aad
and baby ipo
Dear fraaMaat-d Hbp to ^ the
bat M I
kitara from otbm’.Utttajoikar^ Pkaar
■ rertos. wbaa tbk
aa ameas tba rack*.
: ared tee a card aad-ba^.
It did aot look aa U dow now; li
Tour SaoaUnar.
Mary Tiai
oorared lasida sad oU wUk a alippory. aHmr kind of flaab. and
Oool Harbor. Mkh, An
whIA wa bold to our hand* wa
Door piaaideat—1 tboosbt t
Bowerk. like our taaa"
write a few Uaaa to yoo aad teO_Toa
0. nek a suaar Uttia •nlstolt''
I Marsvat a* tba took ap bar
a salitos toas

Maple CHy. Mkb, Joaa S. IMS.
Dear Prealdret—Aa {jhayaat wrilm to a kas tlaw. I thoafht that 1
would WTtia.^ I tare reecMad the card
ata boitoa ood was moeb ptoata
with them. I rennot writs a kas klT baeaasa I am setUos alaapy. ao
•M oloae lor thl* Uata.
Treir Ultk Bunablaa sIH.
Ira Baritar.

Sura eaousb.' said papa; ,-for It k
«A tonsi^ay from lu booe. You
a aaea tM-AfadltermiMaa 8m on
ywr aap at ac^bU. Harsaipt hare
you adt! WML that to where moM of
•bora* of Qreece."
-But bow do they
•r s« ibemr
aakad Darld.
They are fooad la rcry deep w^
tar.- said wpa- “So direr*, dreaaed
to tbelf qorerteoUas uilis. so dowa.
and with a vary sbarp. currad knife
ta them tram the rockt."
“Bot. papA.who do yoo tappoM flr«(
knew that igay were tbare and would
ba of aay oner asked Darld.
'That I ena'l tall you. my boy; bui
perhaps jou esa anewer my qoeaioa.
Wbo p« them there, and uusbi ibetu
to famen to tbe rock* «o-Ust»lyr"
-Why. Ood did. of coaree; bo made
ererytbtos." said OarlA
-Tea.” Mid papa, “and don't you
snppom ta bad a purpose to It? Aed
don't you mppoae be pul It lato tbe

Peri OnaUA Mkh, Joaa n, IMS
Dear Praakret—I win write yon
m lloaa to W you know ibatJ..jam
wan aad b^ yoa are the saiua. i aa
•araa yaara eM. I tare two aktera
'and two tovtbara. Oar school wi
» Bwoad. I tare baU a mile to so
tebooL My two itoter* and y .
ret brother. wUI ba ocnflimad tba >tb
of Jaly. We bare twa; borsas, SDk
The foDotoims robta story ba* bean haml of retila and ibrae calraa. Wall.
bomreed item tba Breolnc Baeord I .tbIUc my letter to tauias tons
tor BbuUm baeaasa roar preaUret
• Mniait yoa *oWd ba latoreated la
•gpMllas of tba ptodty birfl.
A M BofnlBfli Bse wnu
and use It a* be purpoaedr"
of C» Bant B0U atreat «na rellad
late tba kHtaa by Mrs. Kaaw to M
-0. i're ibonsht
•oBMhlas.- . -Why. yea. wpa: hot bow foany I
aeaUflUa a pareUar ootatlea of tba eriad Marsaret; -at
aarsr tbousfat of that before, that Ood'
staid tsmiireoM atore. gba bfd at­
It wre the boor tor samaa ai tba iptoBoad It aN!- aaliT Darld.
tempted to belld the mortotne Are and Wblppk-s. ibe boor risbt after NK>er.
-Tm. my tear.- said wpa. “loM at
had taoma frishtread ty beartns
aad the recy bappirei boor to all the he plaoa for. re. Let w keep our aye*
day. ao Marsaret. Darld. and Haroid
that we don't mit* bU plan. Boi
tbousbi; berenaa masuaa lift bar after tbe sponsas are (atberad they
rwi^ Mr. <B0pp also beard tba od? .aawtos. aad paw KA bU papar. aad are tar from betas ready for use: tbay
•Data and apre taktos poris d iht Onys apant jbls time wlU tbaos. are washed a siM niBsy
■toad oC waa obla to opet the portka'' Tonlsht they are piaytos tba suatolas all that aUmy flaab U rataored. aad
nndar tta orre wham the
same. Marsaret bad tbou^ of-aoo>» any din.or tmnll tbelk.tbat i
dmasbt nms ta foond. btoetar than tbtos. and tbay mast aU qiiaatloB bar draws lato tbtVe Uttia eMisI*
say MaekWTd or corrios crow, a new to And ta wbpt It it.
rahlo. llrUy and trisbtenad. hat re
-to it aa anlmair asks i
-coreradtab aamtthat notbitis aboat: "No.”
him w**m«ad bto tpadaa tat Urn, -A mtaarair aaM OaUA
r: tanasa wash bit tnea tomamw
ynwolw corttr «( a mootA Tbatam■•»o.wtfwlnsTlly .Tslenaad tta Mid which flaw at.
-O. tbaa It mam ta a Twatabla.0« to bad tbay went, tmklns tba
kartos a tmn at lamp bjta aad tba: they aU a^
■ptmsa back ta lu ptoee. tredy for nae
Uttk daitfbtar vta tUd by bar pM>^ Tea. a T«cciabk It was.,aitA-Ular to the moralns; and o8 to dreamland
rets that tta matbar hb« would uka | macb mcaiks It prored tota a tn^ tb^tmrUad, where they mat Hotbar
ears of U ctlad for fanr.tba mammn|nlp dowa to the TasataUacUtoc.
Bjiewsa and bar bnblat to tba bottom
Wfd sreold nmrar know U thread aU -Haw I tare tbootfii U-aomatblns.- of the Una nas.-Jaator Bndwrar
Ita tbkkooatlos. Mr. Kaopp^aUtod tolaald faptw aad hk «ym twtnklad aad World


SfHiesFiFMat^fidUgan IBBmy
When the hardy ptoaaar* had raked ibak ks rebto* m»
hdore tbay tad
re«a to UMiw toZbma. tba n«a thtafl tbay
ptoaaad tor was a sebodbenaa. There U oo sum la tba Valre
mlaane^ tbaa ia Micklsaa. aad
where ednoatka baa s
a ao from the fliM. OadUtoe'a wtoa toreiboashi tor tba
tetatloa of hk Priatb and lodlaa yoaas toih* wlU M ramam
berwL la tba ordtaaaea d im wbk* craawd Ua Nortbwwd
Tarritory. ota prortoloo daetorad thM “iMlsk*. mordl^- ■»«
kaowtodsa. batos nwiaMsrr u-sood soramnaai aad tba happl.
bare of ounklaA acbooi* sad the awiaas of adoeaUca. stall ba


TV sate n tretttMkn as thk camatba tokbloiol MkhlktemM kretmt away bank to the a«tr
aad kflV. aad
to ita fWBflb ks icbnefbnaM toartad kamma tM^ ecaat re ^
\ TiTin Tbaro wre plrely of aikrblM aad Taa cohic oo. tod.
• >ot ooa of tbo siretaot sasMcaikmi of a taactar cbre wa* hk
aunty to keep food order, and wa*<re4ba lackkre arekto who
wre catabt bfrehlnr any of tbo aamarore reHa Aal^ tea tor
hkreadaec fVr him there ware tba ereal bttw*' «r%A;^^relm dreit apre bto yaaas bead* tall tbay wore bUmered. 6r
tba atlas <P bareh rod. Masbanwl to ibr Are. acfore hk back,
tor to tbOM dam Botoreoa * prorarh that to apara the rad wre to
•pUl tta child was taken witk a etOTai
Nurat mrereas.
that weaM not now ba totomiad1 tor
V a •task mererinr Scree
cimas a dlaobadlret •ebotor was male to beU a breey book at
arm-a totab. and when the llrta muck* retosad to bold it any
hmsM. a sharp cat fromA wUp-brousbi H krai asato: ot be
waa made to -bold a pknk dawn.* by poiilss the tip M bl» forw
flnsar m a slrre mot <■ >b« S&r till bU beat hneh wassimlted
•ImoM to DirebtoA la one plaee m aoalbam MIrbIsan a acbool-'
y,_»» -t~wi near a larsa swamp, which wa* tofeated. a* all Iba
,napa la that reskn were, with inake*. the damlly moceaUa
and the •rnmaenake. wboae blue -er.. .wiftly f*ul. beto* parlientorty aamarore. Ia tba tear d ibe •cbooibOute ws* a imp
doer opa^ to a damp bole to the snmnd. which (be cblUrm
toelleTe^ io be a snake dan. Aa eapeetaJiy bach and craM
teseber wbo ruled there one year derlred Ibe ptoa U pstCIBs bad
boy* mad slrk. more treqreatly tba smaller one*, to tbk plsca a*
* ptmkbmeac. Accordtos ta bk belief ibere were ao make*
there, and probably there were none; tat to the poor cblMren
they wore a realHy. and ibUtevUd larrar may ba Imnstoed a*
they were forced Into the ^dfal pU. Tbelf parreu ware
nromd Anally, tad tba cruel rnomar wot dkmkta lu dnsmoA
and hk ptoee flitod by a tww
nail the a
lore for bar IHtla ebarsas,*
ter* »l«aere rrer could.
Taktos ihinss all tosMber. the hoys aad flirt* of the taStontos of the iwMiltolb cnilarr can c*msrtoakle ibaataUrad
that tba paiba of kucalns to tbUr day iwa mute la ptaorent
pUcea. and ihaitba teys of tba ks seboUboree tara Ians paaaad

tar hind log* want Crkkat.
and DoaaU ptooad tta bom in bar
froat w»»^ At flrsl Ua eooM bdI boM
ti wlUta leppitog orer. bm tba ahUdren worked poUeaily unebtog bar.
and by and by aba could aunj mvat
T ta tbrica as Us a* ba to.
tor aereral aeeoada boMtog tba bare
Tba reason wby tram te not walk
to bar llpa. moeb to Ua teUsht of OwAway from weoi^ and farms
aM aad Dorothy.
to ttat they taraat say MSA
Of eourea aba «mU not play any
FVr all tbelf Utaba are armi.
uaaf, bat It was Taty cawlas to aan
TharaV tou d ttainss Is tbk Us bar malia taUara. Tba talldrre atvays
dadared that Otobm rnwH raatty
pky area day. tal atosT Ua ton* ^
To pictaa ns UtUa hofA •
war* bod to be tmastoed.
Bat «l ttam an tba thins I Uka
Wbm Ototat grew oMar and tba
' Tba bret U Jam pkk noka
ibUdrre did arrataa for mamm*. UUr
pm oftre w«>t wkb tbem and rerrtnd
tli<, Wsbei. }uM a* a deg wooU flo.
Tbk always'cauata moeb amaasrewt
Orlcl^ wre a tiny Uttre only a

leak* old wbaa sbe coma to lire with to the pareara^
Anrnld and Dorothy Tbay fread btw sock a derre ret w CriabeL
Tbe eblldrea tiftaa had b maMgarta.
OB the doorstep ose winter ■
and her plttful Iluie meow
All tba 1
•iralsbt to tbe leader hearts
flgvrad to Uto. to tba dmrndar of
-Ton wor baby kilty, you shafl'tare llws aad tigers. Crichat. bowrer.
tome mlUi.' asld Doratby, genily. w was tbe aUr partoraMt. aad ibair vmi- >
aba picked up tbe UtUa Beadk of tar Ualaed pat eltrar* aaterialnad. Ua
amUl gsata vlU bre trieta abd-fleaad carried U Into Ua kiteban.

Mr buta brother u re small
That what I conoot are to
Jam wbara ba Maps Ak wosSrai

The OM Le« SebaM HauM.
Plymouth Roeb to lf», aad 1
o tba rallskn for fbkb they
after tbsB. priced a.
bad aaeriared boaie and coontry. and tar abort waUth and .rank.
Tba early Htcblsaa ootoatott were IsrsNy from New Baslaad or
d New ttofCnit daMcat. sod tbay stnl baU Cast tba prlndptoa
of tbair anereiry.
6o wbererer tbare were a half dotea famUlaa selUad withia reach of aaeb other ibere wa* a ■cboUbooaa etoae by. It
•toad senerally at the Inienaetioa of eraereoad*. It waa baUi of
raetfi -ktPwlth The ereriere bet wren cbtoked up with more^
clay. It was roofed with "ibaka." * rouah specie* of clapboard,
■pill froio loss, beld in ifaHr pitm by tons pole* told orar tbem
and placed down oa each end. Tbo floor wa* of Ms* »PlH to
two aad hewn »inootb. A flreplacc was conririicted by rewlos
out a few loss at one end of the bouec and fllUas up the bok
ibu* made with Mane. *ei toselh.-r with mud Inriesd of nwrur.
Tba chimney was balli of Micks told up cobbouse faihlon aad
plastered with mod. Oa the cky hearth below buraad a roorias
Are of sreea loss, the lemperaiDri- of the sebdUbutua Tarytos
fram a roastlns beat fust in frost .of tba are to xanecoM back

raria4 by ibe eblmaay estefalns Are. and then tbe mai'A- aad
tbe blfl boys were buy oo the roof with wstrr pall sad enow
balk lilt It ws* put ouL
Tbe scbeolroam fumilore wooM amose onr twealletb cenrery boy* and slrk. Hole* were bored to Ibe log side* pf the
room three feel from the floor, sod kmc peg* drireo to oo wbkb
were placed rough *lab* ■ iKtle ikntias; these were tbe desk*,
'hildier slab* with four- leg* made from repitoc* formed Iba
•rets Id the ceMar of ibr room Ibe (lualler cblldreD had banebe* with tborter leg* aod do de»k». There breebe*. tskeo out of
doors apd turned up«ldo down, were uillited to play hour* for
coanUng down hllL
A heary tkb door •sung oo wooden btoge* and wa* fa*
leoed by a wooden latch from whkh a lentbeni utcb^trtns buo^
dowa OB the outsUe. ThI*. by tbe way. was in
of fsJtenlns doors to ibe new eouDiO' When ibe istcb-tirtag
wss OUL say one was free to pull it. Ilfl thg lairb snd walk. In
toteb airlag wa* pulled to. aod of courtc iBa door ceold cBly be
opased tram ibe lulde. To ihl* dsy ibe pbrsre. -Our ksicb
itring li alwny* out to you." convey* Irom fH»oi1 lo frU-Dd ihe
Idea of uslImUed brepItaUty
r Boi to returc to our •chnolhoote li wt* s good one ib*l
by-aloe glasi, too greea and wrinkled u. took ibrougb. twi as
there wss never aaytbtog pains by lo look *i. ihe cblMree did
not feel Ibst a daprirBlkm.
Tta laacber * table was of borne manufseinre. tebool wa*
-called” by Ue master bealtog oo ibe window with a book or
oa r.*>e door with ht> ruler. Tbe course of siodr was simple,
betas romprited of Ibe -three.R.'*.' reading, rtltor and mb-

mainly naWmmer* aad from dlBerem loealHJei. ii was seldom
that Ibe eblldreo of aay two famllle* bad text book* sUke. sad
there were oflea as many classes to each gtady s* (here were
■todenta pursuing ibsi Mody.
No sneb ibipn-a* s -grsde - bad ever bees beard of. Tbe
agtertToe cJ tbe scbolsrs waa iq ta able to ~do all Ue ram*- k
(ta arUhmeilc. spell all the word* in Webster’s spalltog book
frota “baker" lo -taeomprefcmslblluy,' and psrTr soy eeoteBce
to tbe eld Digliab Rsadar.
There were ao blackboardf or school supplies of any klaA
Pms were made by tbe maatcr with a peekoife, from gooaa.
qUIIs. or. when ibere tailed, tbe qalll of a bm's or tcrfcay't
feaUer waa made to aaswer. Logwood dye or pokeberry lulee
dU terrtce aa Ink. Widtlag book*, copy IBooks. Uey called them,
were unrnled. being made of shaeu of coarse paper sewed to­
gether at borne, aod part of Ue teneber s duty was to ml- tbam
by aM of hU cherry rotor sad plammci. tMe tost bellig a wadgasbspad ptoee of toad, for ao sneb Ulag a* a toad peocll wre to
ta foond inskSe of a seboolroom la Ueoa dan. A baavy atota
and II slate panell eomiU««d tba mndaot'a ooUH.

BrIdsaL Ua cook, was lacUate to ba
8ba woUd lump ibraugh a boop.
cross snd did not waai to be bMbered
rar tba Webs of etaalm. Ue.dat vu
with tbe mile wnlf, bU U -would ta*a
bar baU aa U Ua were dwA tad aadtnkeu a harder bean than
tiM Iba pkadins* of Donald and Dor
cUtod. Indaad. bar partormanere
oUy. and aba flnaUy wid:
d bare bean wsleemad an tbe pr^
-AU righL wa-U adopt tbe emtar
and mil bar Crkkm. tor aba k re apry- tram of omay a regotor etreoi.
Aad so tbe kilim wre Urktoned
Crtekei. aad her eimalas i
woo her a plaoe to Ue beeria of aaeb
membar of tta family.
Audi s UUk mtoeblar aa sta was!
Oniw tbe cuddled down Into tbe pock­
et of Ue twin*' wpe'a oreraoaL aad
wbaa Uey all got fb cbaivb Cfickm
came crswllng out. purring eonio
ly sad coaxing to tiny. After Ibal Ibey
fur Cricket before itay
•Iway* kxihed
left Ibe t
(be had a que
way of luratog np In tta moai nw
pacted pkcea.
la Ita prealas before bedtime. DnoaU snd Doroiby would lie on tta trig
rug before tbe flrwpUce, wtU tta Ml-

... .ire


CriekM k BOW vary «U and apt tmly
' u Utldrm hut Baamrom grandebUdive aad sraaigrnadtaUdrM. Mt tea
|k mill as spry as Ota was tta day
and OnroUy found tar on .
tbair doormep.
Idem af Uttk FaNb
A lluie giri wns rkHtog a lady Vbe
owoad a CM re«red Mlaale. that hnd
been euetetogty wall trnlnad to paod
bebavlot One day Ua chBd mid, Um'
rearing kM bar otmerrathm •
ba aacrtlagtoH:
"If taa could ba cbriHlaBs. f tbouU --


ep.,nl.. reid the ^ ' bllliogeUer whso Ue »l*d lipped oTcr


qukk as a flash, aod s real -rrleket oo '
Ue hearih.While .bo wm* sill I liny kilim, [ caked msfflms. -that Vk-tor wu hart
I so moeb worse than yoo were*- -I
: Ue chlldreo began to ich ber 1 ricks
|doo’l\now,- sjiawered Harry. -onleM
jpf all Mirle. and .be
very totrlllgeBI animal. Wbm sbe 1'
waaied her dleoer. Uorotby would I
bold np a piece of meU and Cricket,
would kwk ai II so wtsifolly. a* moeb '
as lo my "It smell, good.'
Bot DoroUy never gave brr tta '
meal uciil sbe *iood op oa tar btod i
"Wlim yoo have lived a eertala Uma
' legs as tirslgbl aa could _______
be .and
Tbm she
AntlrslU yon gel 10 years yuoagar.rt 'aMdUeuacle."
. would ta • rewarded
beef. which sbe would
•- *«••»«

i tnstr mutioe
suddenly called out. frlgbtaaad;
; lake Is ber
“W-by, iben. I aball be noUtag.-—
! klt. 'n. aad wlu
B&too Herald
“re platoJy as words.
er kept Cricket too
I. for Uey did aol
A Trwa Haro.
at Arm But 'abe
a giving tbe
. seemed lo m)oy It all as much aa they cblMrm a little talk oa True t
-did. and knkad spaa li a. a frolie. |lsm." rUatos tta Ctoretond Lmdar.
; Donald had a Htito horn upm wbk*; ■ Boys,” ta aaM. ' wbM wouM you call
, be played a few tnaes. One day j a youag man wbo dM hk doty wail
ICrieket bmril him pkylag. and Bta|aBdbraroly.wltboutaiacblag.expact-{coaxed for tba bora.
Usg no graat credit for It. aad conimt
''--ftand np os 1 te. Cricket, aad yoa | to let attars win tba apptoam of (ta
ue (oimaMtadar “A baapbnll mtebm:I stall tare lU-^aoM b
jabanud all Ua bopn.




mm FROM MANY^DS Governor of

CMiAMi h GnA Timn tad^at^


state Omciais

At her feel'. In coopaor with the
-tlAle*raa*,- tbe baU netU* and
a aarAe ef Mtum locipu wdll ba
O^rtof theei
nlcbtabade gror Hde br Hde. To tbe
A by Oreaid TraverM heuwkaeperw Th*aa reU•uuie OIH tbe berHos of tbe latter pern corarlin a wWe r—ge of oabitAa.ore aU gA— •• artglnaPy oaad A tba
And tke sicu bootta orerh«nd;
met beaMiral of an tbe ______coWrtrAa fr«« wWA *l»y •••• faroiAM far «*« eoAriboAfA or by
WIM> tb» wind blOM «oU on o«
ng farothen bare CoebUden theAfeAbv-andfrAiidafctteAmArlen immed. and theee who try theAnd tto teonUi Ql a» pin-u d>od: bar to umA them, bet ab* deea net •ay ba aamwwl t*«t tbeir am the raal AAb
^fkon Ike MC a( tbe tknA U rUx- Bodemand, and tbe gr
s(oA. rail a tableipoo)
t pepular H—lean OAhen
He* of tbe tmllweed femlA orange*
A yoirrl floor A one of aalad oU. ttlr A -DOj
dailr (or Ae doUr* UWe. Tbe aUange
Wondetfnl. HA, npMt—
from foreign eoaa-,*ioA wlA a apoonfel of segar, poor
ametnre of tbe nlgbubade faerrle* ______
BetvMB Uie eoaad and Ute sltece
trie*, and a* 'l harent aeea any Meal j orer meat •Atnte. let
tfan*Od— a anddcn lift of the fa—H.
t botr wlA pAtc of grUed
parAit gro« wall* ihnmgb wblA tbe can t—Ipea, 1 take Ae liberty of eead- j We*. ec
log Ae followlag.' wbleb are Uha ebeeae.
m .«»
U. d~~r ,&U.
can be *eea. pnule her.
Tkat *HeT lb* r*teaJeT brln«a
tber were made tba*. war from my clipplDg book (urtglnUly
Aaade En ChH* Celernde (Rad Pwp»r
Ww tte thmadi th« are *bot unntbar *0 tbd tber could look tp and tec the
. la tb* dwe^rroacfei veb oC thlnca. Blaia,- abe eonfldod’U) me one day.
and Pork). book* wbeo with * rery liule labor, an
sec two pouada tiortc fine, make
Sbe Beeat the pure while. ctareliBped old cuatogne and eome moHAge yod
bloaeoma with tbeir proimdlag HlUe may have one meeb brlterT I havc- pu cake* of it, dip Into gru^ bread
Batwaen tka.MiA and tbe aolaoe
brown. Salt to
jeBew ere*, and 1 eooW bni agree.
Uiree oeotatolBg some four Aaoeaad
OocM a—aaen lift o( the b*wt.
A Hforon* growth of amartweed redpea. mnay of whleb eonW not be Hake Chile aanee Ant: Take live
wbb tbe delicate pink and red .white foond A any coc* book, nnd a* a rtiA
And wbea’ufe'e tartbBw—adle
m frlngea hre nUr bouaw- Ae'reelpri gleaned from the Home
Ontten and'flare* and alDki;
tet cmedtalf botr. 8Ur well H:i
of tbe plani* at Iea»t two feet de'—rUBenu of the vmriooi paper* are
Wfa—the *7* BO km*—*«>*«»
reocb more tnlted to the pockeibook water A very red. then atrUo.
bigb. These the Utile QM Uoe« i
And ibe fa—tn no H»*er Ainka:
■bopping opportenMica of tbe av­ spoodral vinegar, pinch of —It nad
nine *o maeb! Bbe plocto tbcin
mien only tbe band plneka tdly.
cup of flne minced onlont. Poor over
At the (beet U)1 cpMt peH—
nmnT dlflereot bolor* of pink Ae eao aAo clipping bode# for fnney work, prepared cakee of pork aod.eerve hot.
Dae* there «o»e betwe- MHn* and
And. nnd AA. In n III of eontrtiloo. bcnsebold blau. poet^, proae. UogMobBe,Ala„-y*;
eunfado (Stewed Reef).
raphy aad floral and garden ootes. and
drop* Uo poor nhniled blotsam*
V.^ cvento in A* hAtory of
four pound* beef In covered vet- medAlne U Ae molUtode
In a tatter daud Joly U, If—, vHtAm from Moot.•
■-•vAOantIc MoBihlr. tbe pui of water idaee^ia Ae weed* regnrd them as ,Ae most' valoabA aelPol
WlA enough water to cover; mew endormomt* wbleb Penua A
for the AlAena.
book* A my llbrnry.
gem*ry.AU,OoTeroor Joeeph J.dofaaatow.—yai
reeeivUig ai
till tender. Mince an onlrm. a Ut
Bat faa, A Ae heart of Ae great
«/ tola Coagreamma Brawer la «o—>
ham. one pound of nutage and n toweed paiA there A a rIA gfowtb'of
•obAs . and fled . .
moaOlag Pomaa. "~Joa^ J. Jobattoa.
• A »an». meet ne-i barn** ff
■nau. Pour over Ac nance one npooo.gcridearod, and AA. un»oUlA b» the
gdpa Vegetal (Vegett
meet es—ItoBI tOBlv”>P. &■
fol melted Uni: pour mince over the

the Md.
‘ .
Md. A deareat of all-ibe
Take (our tAond* of
:ed beef and let simmer, eloeely of Ae I'nited But— bare no
« Nev-ptowed: wOd floeren tbeir ■
MrtfeOTl BtoAL
A* Utc)e OIrl't ere*. Thli beef ^ea.'oook three faoort; *klD
•red. till all the waler A gune•
tno-a* yield
Ooi^. D. ft. MarahU fag
•be oerer ploA*. boi Atmi from mr well Ud reaofe booea. Have pre­ Servebot.
• Aaorthentaepbyraw-Uy “»**■ * wAdow 1, tee her bend orer nnd
pared two large oalona. one large poC. Leftwlch.
•Andobt^wnoftbeoeBlncrar- *
Nearly ooe-balf I,..' people are A (ome
tu tprnya to her Aeekn. Her bA Uto. a Ul of cabbage, two peart,
“Year ' reBMdy ter aatanh . asd
way affected by caurrb. Therefor* It ReflAAr U—sflStat—U—flOr^
— n* Woeblrd ealla .lB aon*
nil well ahredbroAera bare nerer penetrated, ereo ^...... ...................
A alinoet a naUitoU cone, —d it A of Hon. Rolwrt Balter, BagAler Caliad Agrippe, P*rBna,b—do—moMBiaah
Aelr wlldett game* of bWeond-*o- ded; add to aoop tioek and cook twen­
national Aaport AU Aa peopA eboold 8UA* Land Ofltoa, tPrtU* from Moo^- good Aat 1 caanoup—k tooblghlyof It.
•eek; only tbeiJtUe Girl. aeeAg wltb ty mtoot—. Add aUt to aolt laue.
lowAk gravy; Mince two ooiona and- know of Fonl&a.
“IhavetAedU lor a (hori Unto aad
omery, Ala.)
bar* Aiprovtd r^tdly from Ae Brat
tomatoes WlA row large green pep^er-eyes. know* Ae heart of gold A
Caurrh A an Amerl—• ^An—
“For aome *Aa 1 barwte—a *o»ei
Penua A aa AourteA —a '
the rcfiAe. And ao an Atereai. aebtlo
,pera: fry brtrwn In lard. Take
So— Anu (Rli* Soup).
rom catarrh A lA Inelpl—t suge.
and atrange a* Ae fragrance of the
Prepare aloek of boaea u above. siKKinfol flour, one of vlnegnr. ad
. pemnaUare—Itof tongand feared my bealA wm geaiefaUy A a
Mock; poor
declUie. Bat bearto* of PertM — • %i. ft. HtnMM. flip— Mairtat.
all Ae loni'atunBer Aniugh.
Ion M stock; boil to doable kettle
good remrty I gave tt a fatr trial and Boa.UJ. Bryan, r.ft. U—ahU for .
Who doe* not renedfaer the hartv
done. Pul Urge spogofnl of Urd In l>m minutes and senu at once
begaa to Improve. tA effecu were dA- A* BooAoni DAWAt e« Alabama, (
spider, chop flne Aree Arge tomatoes flab.
....nbrane*. PeronaeBabAa tba i
daya of .
UBeUyteaefleial.>wmoTlD| Ao ansoy rrtuai
It rwka me Ultle A whoae name
ecoAr* to repel and —pel A* —AfTb ing aymptoms, sad It wm parttoaAriy “I haee aaed PartA* fee —tarrh a •
. eatA^ and fllled tbe heart wlA
end two oBlens; mix wlA rlcc end
Tbe title mn* A AU hUl-fleWabort USA and have Uao bad
tfaMOra oakacrwn in Aler yearaf
M a l6Bto,--Bo^ Barb-.
Thm •«*-. <««•«• ^ -ArAnea#,
meed* try It and they aU pre
Catarrh A a ayaUBle dAea— aad
tb—e day* brokaa bUs of eroAery
CifliiUrf P—t.
Which oBly.uwe and brunUe yirtd.
toA on MderAI fbnn* and *ali
le. act aside UII cold. Pro eorable only by syatemA treatment.
mlUoro in aoup elock. adding two juil well
Hob. j. K. Borka, Ooltoetoe of Port,
arkeU It ean aot J
and bOAme rare-net* of Alnn. and
n« follow*: Mince large
large peppers. Have prepared boiled
MobUa, AAo writ-:
aim directly at A* depr—aed Be
••map. of On were aoA altTer ptate
egga alicetl AA nerved A each plate (nloa flee and fry browi
1 oaa neomm-d M*a fl­
eentm. ThUAwhatParanadaeM
AgUnU bU cAlm no tlUe stnndt
__ bit of onion*
«p—raa gnee A*' board of
of teop. AU Mexican dlA- have a thoRped
it hMlK—iAed Amy
Tboo^ Itlwere writ A oUb-bAck Ink
lly and M a toale it A cxeelleat.
It. II
ladle* of high dagrem
dasta of garlic and apearmAt teavew mint leave*. Ml* well a tableapoon
Hod. Jobs C. l^ftwicb, Bedeemei
A (h^ofaeial book of landa
. browned flour In one qiurt cold toupj
ploarare tn twtlfyAg to lA fl—
There A a AouAt t»A of afl AA
aolt.Uaie. '

Foblic Honeya, wbo— offlew U'ln the tto*.'’-J.K.BBrkc.
Mock: pour over prepared onion*, etc.,
AU A w«A gUlAg bold of. OlBd- I may not cot a flie-fllled bongh
Fostofflee Bolldtag, In a totter wHttoe
bond make* lA own jdanaor-. acta
S* Qu—a La Chen* (Chaea* and Meat) ! and slmmir lea minute*. Blire tongue 1
To warm Id eve my errant feet,
Hon. P. O. Barker, PoMmaator of r—pondance «l
JA own talnOA irroapeeUTe rt bow Ae Nor plttdt a berry from Ae buab.
Chop beef in SI—II piece* with la-o i Ain, put chopped A.llcl .-sct overj
1 take pleasw* A rwoorniiM^Ag
\»orid regard* iu toyA la Ae Good
Nor tap a tronk of Ae stored aweet; onion*, two poUtoe*. two lomaloe*' longue* In w rvlng •IIA, i~ur «iiice
There li no nicer dlab for break­
?Book we ai« Add AU tbe UttA
and fry brown A hoc Art. Take Argejover-tongne and scne.cold.
iai put two atrip* togoAer. wlA
TetlamownerA ^ fee.
fast than a altcod green pepper ent
m my (MM to Ae heart of Ae
■liigic sUee of bananl between.
I who may anoght-of all d—trey;
Tbo aetAcUe and artistic taat— <d
tmall Ad rook— for t— mAM—
nafdou. and agUn. AU Ae KAr
Date and Not BandwIAee-O—balf
Bek tHuat who may pioek ttd tell.
her cclllvated nature to which abe
spleiwBS band of embroldety or lace;
wlA tsro peeled —d diced tomato—
dem of Begren U wlAA tu. Dm It
WM accoKlomed would not give way to
Kino U Ae UtA to etijew.
WlA beading above.
mtto batter; Ad tour ogga ilgbay
not Allow AU A Hre dally
I the plain, bare neeetaarie* M eon
Aopped BngllA wataou. e—balf
-John H. FAley. to The OoUoA.
Bbe must avoid sUtefaed band* of;
Ad stir M tor a acraaihle.
A Ae yi*fi«** ef Heareo.we bbH
;Vclal life-; her envlroomentwtiuiu i
cupful rich cr-m. Add. the er-A
nr Abrlc at top of raffles 8bt- mn*i
MAe a dellrioot violet pertome by
•U teriTir u UitA ebildren? In doAg
gradually- to thb dale*. mliAc
Lata Faclilen
pot all her acama logetber with dexpatting tetf A oAce of email ptoe—
tbA we will And AU mncb trtdt*
posle. Aeo add (be nuU. On ac
MPBAd derttwMe A waily onneoae.
of Ac er—m. keep Ibe fllllog In a coo: of orrA root Ato two oosc— od.abs*Add to AA a boaefl et newly,
ury. and Aat If oor eyee are blert to leBemaker. Sbd b— agfive taAnt aoi
place. Serve wlA whole wheat or
‘ Inalde. the wails are draped
(deked TkdeU. eoA aBi bottle llgbUy
oM wa wm ftnd eU A* ^Mee «f Ae to be d-pAed^/TSrowB — her own
retooro-.-ifio—B nlwmyi contrive to to ose OB flne work. It give* A effect „„ Hohsn Chnljleld-Taylur, a bvau- ■liken ponlm-*, while cooehc*. and while bread.
•gd shako well. After It h— ba—
worid are U oor very door.
divans, which arc rovrrod wiA Ae
Sandwiches- of AlmopA Ad Pre«f band rror'k Aat la admirable.
ufiil aocleiy wonmo of Chlcaco
CarryAg oot AA'Aoogbt A Ae make her owti eloAea.
bnwaile.. Indian acau. Baman rervod Ginger—Throe tAlespaaOfaA ttaadlBC four or flve days, a few OrigA
niMrl* all wnmen Who do any aow-' "A life of Wk-nwui Is slllllng (o a chair*, tail iwei filW wltb n—e, and
Only Ae rich can afford tbe greU
f>lll I— tte.
AUowUg paiagnph taken from .
I- .bow U. roll and —hin
“i iKWslblHtlrs- It paralytcs
flnely clwpe<I l.lanAed alBBmd*r\^
ra; Ae well-to^o cao aflord Ac
whip lore’*™”'**’
Acc |
i„u of —'-ogany taUci. furnished wlih
nary A one of the Ate laagaiAee:
maiirlals^d umplcf u( leather lAlespouafuU ftoclv Aoppefl pre­
out of Ihe rut and go lo
“8L Bytol ap—t bU life A prorlng Ae moderau prte— of Ab lIUlc drm- into idaee. They Aould not touch Act
itmper, occupy the room,
IhU ft A Ae peopA who aee the ndle met with nucesi from the flrat. spoonful* ofAge Juice. Mix the Ip* Waatimr DetoMta.
If A woomn doe. not earn »f niffle*.!
tng an entire set of
Tentare A eeeryAIng who gel Ae
gredloBi* am ose iMWwcen uncled
:n din fawn leal
not w«n!
want <n
w M
go to Ac )i J*”
. udgte td UA. OwAeqneaUy he apeol baa gene A argently for home diwta- or If .he doe. oot
wafer*. spreA lightly wlA butler, or
trouble of monnJAg them neatly on a I'Bnn mean* EO*fl!>: It mean* going wllh gold trimiiminga. TbI* v
M* UA A A* four weHa of bU gardw,
break Ac Aell; chop Ac pnip
lowed h>
hotwwn ihlD aUe— of giageAr—d.
------tucks. - 1 down town to buy a pajHT of plna and dAgrei
A good pattoTB A B*«—IT. and j
«nd there had Ae moet marteloo* and
custlng bunie wlihu-jl buyiog them;
---------------------1 —.—
^ p<^oAr demand coming
She and MiM have mAe
detIgbtAl oKperieDoee — wlA (had- : Acre are — mtaf
out good work Do^ Ac smart women for akirts chaitlog about ibv surk of serrani*
* nr iKiok hlmllng and still co
owa and UUA learci and kind* of Ac— day* wbleb
linuo the Iiu.Idvsh.
_____It A_
WB Ault If Ae that haVe.w^lde tocka as tbe only trim-;
«Ad and flownratoAodark. and bode that
_ Tberb A flrat a nve-lpch hem.
ttau rAg Uka bdl* A Ae moaaUcbt. doe* not get Aat whtob tall* her. Tbe
utd k harp ptynTto the dark of a •osimcr gown* eall for bandwtsA and above whleb are graded tucks begin­
garden, and frelt gathered wlA Ae deltoate machA* acwlpg more tbab ning at four Acbea aad ustAlly end­
n a pretty pteto.
dainty table wlib a minimum amouci kKi '-he ordinary grade througb a ft
ing at two. Tbe mUtake Ae amatenr
d«« on tt and eglon •■lA eertaA wooderto] flt *aad hang.
lee Cr—m Cre
►-Taka AT
a=d e*i.en*- ' -he aweel —nd ' ,ipve. Ml* it and foe cinnamon,
Tbe amateor always stumbles over makes A letting Ae tuck* touch- ThI* |
apleM flnd *top^ and be aae
t iMKin. Certain varieties mai Kprrsd <i0 half Ae allci-* i>f bread, and fUror Ice cream A— A desired (tte
dlrcoAr aklrt, and yet AA A Ae —•
aklrta made br artdertal AAga. Ab^ t**”*
always t>o a,iprnpriai>-lv mllir'-ii ir. place Ibe romalnlDg slice* on top. The barter froxen tbe better). A.l m^
one for thA a—sen.
wroto of aU tb^ A Tbo Hoc
<if cal;e »iib cocia. ii-fur !• m flavor of theae aernrds well with co- loU> croqoeuca. astog the BM. It to not Bsed for AA
coa.—The DelAoatnr.
by Aelr ate.
Hooey Ad Pecan Sandwirbe*—---------------------Here A a deOghtfal Bttle atory
tote Aacarooa entmba;
UaMul Hints.
One woman tried a trick with thi—
eitieh tak— e— Ato. A* h—rt of
• WiA flare
For her oAer AtrA she A bow wide tucks that proved quite .nccesso tablespcKWirol, finely chopped pe-] Ii lx not generally known Ibal t
gbadbaml a—A and onfoldt lu tr—swhipped
valpg tbe flve and Areegored All pu- il.
BT— to Mr gaaa:
HAlc Mpoape—Blip ooc qumt of
ten WlA A* Alrte- and
«oda bi»cuU», hot or cold, buiicr them 1 lowed to ttud for it-o mlnolet are
Sbe nmde Aem guile wlfle. cut Aem
Ad fill will, the n.lxiure. The ble-1 more Bouiithlcg and mo-r eaailr dl- cream rntil quit* thick. Beat Ac
AOBM Aa ee-moas from n Arne platted oo— There A a gaibeyed tn halt at the lower edge nnd flnisbed
.yMk* of threw- egg* In and^ bowl
ro aAo whkb A ex- *«i»h edge wlA a iwo-lnA ruffle of;
cull aSould U-- ; ai.rd not ot ri half A ' geaied Ann .egg» placed In boiling
unUI tight Ad add gradaally «nc cap
Ipch thick.
Mer and allowed <u btol furloukly
^hi.>g Artv— bat poverty aad weed* ceedAgly good,
lace. As Ae-wa* very slender thl» :
Wb— lb* two •
riatc t:-.l J-sngc Fandwiche*—One-' three Ad a half minute*,
gave n full, fluffy ^eet to Ae Alrt.i
apd hawfnaaa. aaya a writer A BL
half cupf. l-gnely (•...ppe-I dates, iwo
In t—ling a plec- of clolh to see If j well mAed, wblp them .g—daMly Into
Rlehei|m *Teai< after year the gard- flvegored pattern and a Alriecs-gored wtIA wa* quite pietjy.
Poer tbe wboto Ibiu (be
I Uhlespooofjl* orange Juice- Blend At--It la a coiun mi»" rc. U you cut a Ae cr—i
She said It was Ur leM trouble'
fnUs 4 Ae flowma die. brt Ae (dalted oM Ae mlly baa all ihs
o. wliSml Ae daAui.-or
eeds for Ae summer work.
' fruit Ad orAge Juiro thoroughly, and; imsn piece off and put * match (o It,
than eotUu rofflea and moonUito
VwdaV* »«• •**
aiDotd PAk to
and salt. Ad
She WBBU a weiHItled light rnariA them OB Ae AIH.
' be-WM« b.'tieiTd ■Il.c— of whplc: if it all wool h will ooly tinge, but If
MAng and bring Joy to Ae Utn* GIrL
It etAd (bric 'ooora.
AnoAer Alng a borne dresamAer
at bread- Three arc pi—»lng wKb cotiuti !• ihere It will flare up.
4%e unto Olri to a stiaaiR tittle gin. lAIng. for Ae can m—anre
u ■fterwooB abe tot— Mosae'over AA
sbooU 1—ra A Aat wbA Ace 1* put

la tbe abada of Ae great rag*
Strawber^^ SAdwiche* — Ooc ball;
d di—au aad ptoya. To her Skins Buut not be butow at tbe foot- ttaoaM be -abort. oAerwlae one I—r*
rnpful ttrawlM-rri—. ihrve Ubiespoos
A ragweed*; they are lAe. or bolglog at Ae hips. Sbe tanat it c—sUBtly.
(ol* pnlveriied tu—r. oee tahlcipooB
Ibat sbe doe* not
IB dwuU woodto— learo to pot her Allnea* Ato Ae bJp
For apme reaaon. probably be—na* , Ing. undrettlng a 1 dresitog again fol batter, ooe-bair teMpooafnI vanilA
ntedblrtnnd 11— eompwfllr ae A— It flu and we tire of It* aombreBes*. all bAck • mm goulp Ad e tag."
Work ihe bullA ontll er—n.>". |
These are the w rd* embodying ib
a wandering fly a alghUngnie. At her cUngs to Ae flgnre. ^ most br no hat Bot been la moA favor for two
who wa Ad Ibe tunr grAoaSy. bcaUng well. '
mcalBt oonfl— Ae Inllaeas to any way y—n. The olua aatort vromeo i ' Id—* of (hie society
‘ d A a breaJl A the ragwi
It will affotd FOB oonatant
: reared Ad will ltvli_
. To tbe Uuto Glri below a moderate depA from Ae lieiu taking —vantage of Al* ud hare
seeing Ad cipenenclng (he detcrtol mixture oo iinbuticred tile— of wbKe
rteastirc tor
»ad y—ra.
conrluded i bread. The etrawberri— tboold la.
Too see srom— tttli w—rAg pUlteO dered —qolrilc bluk gown* for Ae aiiog
elfert* of ldlen<
goMw btoamim ^ as baantiailngr-.............
Tbe-rv is DOtbiDR ffoo can add
^ na the tiKde-t rote. A A\«ier
toyouc home t^ erilJ briiiR .
large social fanctloBa
firm Ad well ripened. h*c a abarp
:^plUfa tooetblng
^ B» ttfuch entertBiameiit.
ThA probably mean* Ant next fall there nothing* <
A a woBderAI bad* of att—f-a»d
knife to cm ih.-o crosswise into
of Ae worn of Ae OM-taahThink it over today, wiait oat
Ae aepaA and i«Ala •— n —yly
allc— cat-quarter locb Alek Put lb'
big store, kmn about tbe
galnto) (—ee. Or. eomeUmea. Ae Ut- toaed atyl— and Aonid not b*
BA wUI pick ap
Mice* of LerA logetber wltb a alagje
Mr*. Taylor wm by
easy term* we can and do
tie Girl tojB* Aem —mde down. and. eiBled for a aeomeai. Sbe may be too
in AA eolof during Ac mid- obliged
Ayer of wrawbenlct la-twcen.
hatmake, the great rane^ of Pi-'
lei Aeie ataads as aBcleai dame A poiw tobayaaew dklrt.'bBt she |pt ___
-toa. It A probAle ab* wUl________re^ posaeawrd of A ample priSaAwIcbei—Two niodinmanos and Oigana at which we
gre— kirtto and ernaiptod yrilew pet- loo poor to rA OM plalu to adgM rbew wAdom to gedtog fabri- for | rate for.ree
Ibe rarioo* oecnpa- tlxed. bAtiiM. iix lAloiioonfu.* pulart.- cxd)uive agentn. Tbw
foAer Aa h—vy cloth ,
tAoato. Tbs •—d pod A uo loM w—- eoraeL
mostly to Hne wlA rcrUed ta—r. one t—apoonfur lemon
tnak— it>eo^ tol^ and easy
dsAI to bar. Maay a time she baa Bvory woman fcaowa bow
for Ae 'atreec-Exchangn. _ ,
.Jnlce. Divide the hai'anas rr..<swU'.
to pay.
,—dered o—r lu wn»d«fLl moldtog “sersich" gnAera. a— aba AooM do
i — of tbe
No other Mnnie Honae <*n do an wdl by
sbe became couvli
aad tba ^dAg abados of grMm. AA B—tly aad well oa alt Ae sea;
.... all erereowded a
AA pip* ctoy wlA water
Acae wm
' Full line of Tblking Macbinea. Beeords and PopuUr Usnae.
Bgbt - Ae top M «bn^ torn Auf tonA trod:*.
. ____ _
bind .
Sbe mast pot cm )Mt
—lit. nlMt toadt. ThA Averted,
onlil the BCR day. i tmiil— to her.
ttoy caAe—d beadbg. wbb^ mop'it
tbe Uttto (Bri oa—— a potato
banana Ml—a. Mix tbe soglA
tor ber pebble pototoea-bwt to b— —able or adgefl^wlA laeeFae sbe
Iner.and Aay opened op an MUbiAh- Amon Jalea.—read ft an tba b(—d.
aout toowi AeM to iUft wHb
ft«n Utort to M Adt of iw

, Other Prominent
AM Their

® ■

MMmii m









GiimtL nos.



MttnlK .
■niAVCfMc crrv, ormio
vau oasen caa act be met.bec
•iv VI.W CM» MMa>»
ara aot avanaUe. The year beTbe Btr VM «HV M>UaK op
CNrttalM «Bta Jnlr S7. ton tbera were ton thaa kaU ai Btay
(Bun* fto tisiaed toes. Bat the
B«r. ^ Hn. H«k boMdr MA toBd for tratoad apael^ to thto
Av, Bor- ^ >1'^ M- D. Corrd are
WA Bor. «Bd Mn.: Jtoe ha* only faagn.
Item On win •» tko tttlar iwt of
Uowook. TMMrrew «&ofWM». U the
eeneO ot ■ioMec'e witw. Mrm. M. D/
CWToi Ml fllMt o *wer. Ob Sator-. puMe. aad others aro toktoc a hither­
dv BRenen. Hn Hocb Knaedr to BakoowB praelicdl totomt ta eoawOl md « papwoe ‘Tanoufo Pnd- aervatlve foroctry. Thdy watt have
aeU.- IB ether wbrde. Che BtaMer'e espert mea to eoatroi tbUf boMtoce.
cWMrn. *Tb« itKmmkm will be M The man to that forestry to very rap­
idly taMac Its ptoe* as a reeo^toed
hr Itn-Tbeane Om (< Ihl* <dtrnhSL A noatoer of forest sebooto
■er. X. D. Cmirti U aeoMry o( the
are tralalnc yeuac men for tUi work,
BW VW Camp Meettac aaeocl
the deokaod bse eatraa the sapMd alao a Mmber U the board ot

eaty hone a pechape bettor haowa
- than Jaha Breser. who at the ape cf
aaraatr MBhee V hone wHh hie bob
atSaUMBar. Mr. Brener was bora
ta Raaowert OerBaar, and eam t«
< ABariCB whn bat tea yean old, etartlac ten Bren«haTea ta the eXUa*
Tenet Xair Aaa. which took aiae
wa^ (or the trip.
Hr.'BreaMr deaerree the hoaored
MOM at **Te(ena.” He waa aader'
Oept. Ooek la Klaaoarl, aad waa with
flhanaaa drrea Boatha. belac a
Urtpant la the teion narA to

oMtep out la Uttar wiBtar w«
whM teoe U% dothea to the body,
while hta ah^ wm team ao hard
thU they oeau aot be roaioiad wHhe«t brtaciBC the ekia aad fleak with'
then He ealleted aader Civt- Hlekley IB Mkhlcaii wbn be itaited to foilodr ChirBM. belac la Oo. D. Uth
HkhlcMt. >ad Brtcade. M Urlaloa.
Uth Arav mpa.
Mr. Bremer M hla wife all
yaan aso. tUa betac ooa af iha craab
aat crleb tf hla Ufa. Re U atlU hala
aad benty.aad hU ayea epaikla wKh
the Ucht of jwth.
Iteaeaan.for leactoaa Oroad T»*.
anarirau la et head aad the dally retrips for OhiUMB. MMac here every
aeaaiac at 7 ohledt, etaadiBc throoch
tba day at «Mhd »epM« aad enia
pnhlac throat^ ta N deatlaatton the
ant alcU. arrMac ta CkioafO at 4 a.
B-nadytetheBora^Barket. Tke^
aarhu a eairytac aapaUty ten fMr
.’to at* baadrad main cf alBtasB qnfto,
St pwh each and takn thm tm of
lee to carry tbroach the trip.
fbUowiBc the light ftrawberry crop
the Aeny eeaacB to at hand aad the
crop to to good coagltlaa. The Barty
Btohtooad to the toadtoC Mr cherry,
fanewlBc by the Btodr Taitaitaa. tbe
Indtoc met. thoach tbto to
naehtac aaiket. elibt cratn betoy
hcaaihi to today, had wlH he at lu
. heiihlh ant week. The Moaat Molaaer. the BBtl to arnre. to atm thm
weMa aC. HaMMarrlee are fnt bestoatoc to arrive, twaaty quarto betoc
toaaghttothatotr today aad briactoc
fijC per erata Oaee^til^sa are mai^
kUable aad arehetac BUpgad with the
Prtaae nace lor Lhuiilea
from i to dO|oealji pc^<
■ean a cood prodt to the ehlppen
St thto ead of the tiadp afUr paytac
a btowan A BBtot
Meeera. fUrce W. Lar
att aad A->. Haettw

Oatrelt Team Defeated.

The bat baae baU team of W De­
troit BasliiaBa aalrerattr waa defeated
bp a aeere et alx to oaa befaro a crowd
of aeariy 1AM people at Bowdra Rai^
Bnday anernooa by Pioreeh
Cora Hntkere of Trarerae City.
roar baadrM left ce the ateaBera
Odlemhla aad beacaat
Bt aad IM people
wera Ian oa the dock. HaDytook rin
aad wbeeU aad ea}oyed the drtre
aloac the bay while Old Hleatea aad
HMiAoe biny eBpUed ibelr pivalatloa Bot« the bfll ci«aada.
Dellflhtfat Plenwre Trip.
OtplalB George Wstora. to«Uy. *>•Ur iBd toother, arrived to the dty
Saaday atteraoon oa the eapUtoh
*tee« toaneh. Arrow. They left Mcoday for Da)Bth.'
The Arrow to a beaatltal Hole craft
Ofty-foor feet over an with a Uo-foot
hna. She haa aa elchtaea bone
power eactae which puabn the titoi
craft threoch the water at the raU of
foarlen aUlea aa honr. The boat wa*
boflt by Captato Watme htogeelf la
the ertoler Uau aad he was Bve yesrs
baOdtoc her. Tte tosUe Balah to all
The party wH aot harry aay aad
may be
aoadi aad pmhape
They wni Ukh la the aorfher*
portloe at Lake gUeUsaa. Lake SupacioraadUkeilarori.
& M. Brail liOorad.
C. H. Prall was throws from hU torrtoce MoBday iBoniliix wUle drtvtoc
oa NiaUi street and cusUlaed a very
patofal tolnry to bto bark.
Mr. Frail waa dhvlBC to hto work at
the asylsn as esual whoa Uio horse
ae tri^eaed at aJsrn
which was lylDC la the mMdlo of the
road aad aroae dlmSTB^t toe
horse. The. aattoal wheeled thrawtog
Mr. Prall end ran to betweea the
bousos of H. Dally aad George tmtThe tofervU BOB wae carried-lato
the LotawB hoBte'aad leter UksA to
hto bene to a cab where a physieton
saBOtoaed a»d the eztoat of hto
Injarlee fbood to be a patofal. Uioo^
It to wot theaght to be eerloaa, -wmebtog aad broldac at the beck.
The carriage waa hot aligbtty damaged aad the borae received a tow

tern Boas of Chartovolz. the wUIfcaowa diver who bae beoa bebbltog
aroasd ee the bottom of Oraad Traverae bay for two days
IMed hto job far the elly water works
yesterday aad doled bto POO pooad
aUt tor light weight aammer wear.
The Uwetde to -the iatake has beea
bat acntoal tbougii H aaaia atteathm.
tlBC nwdaat and aaad bare
beea creeplag la the plpo and cm tovesilgBim f* the bottom of the bay
to the oBtor Iatake pope It waa foead
that the rlreu Jototog the plpee
aot eatinly Ploeiag the Johns eo that
a«M aad aawdaat were dcawa lato
the water, as a tell ule of the troable.
This to mow eatlrely remedied by calklag aa^ with the taai laapcctloe of the
call dnrtag some wlater bUi
when be will aot hesitate to cut a bole
through the lee and sl^ dowa a
der out of sigbt with as tittle tbougfat
tager as be did yealeiday.
Anmial Meeang of W. C. I. A.
' The aBBual meettag of the TTomaa's
Ctmetery Improvomeet asaoetotloD
Mi be ht^d today. The saagplatloo
baa beea orgea^ed tor aearty tea
rears and duriag Uial time atoMti
HAM has beea expeaded la beautifytog aad raaktog seeded tmprovemeau
la the eemetory.
Those who hare beea resideaU of
Traverse City for a aamber of jeers
will remember ibc deaolaU eoedlUoa
of tfae^eemetery Id early days Only
the mala drives and a few. braaeh
drivee were opoa, aad there
ahade tnee. flower beds. etc. Since
the orgaaUhtloa of (he amc
have beea. eel out every year,
flower beds kept flUed with flowers
frra the earnest poasible Ume to (be
spring uatn saow comes la the
faU. and maay seau ecatterod aloag
tbe drives for the bcaeflt of (hose who
wish to apeadhome time to (he
eoada. Tbe board of public
loeperatea la every way with
the e*er»rieilnn -aad the coatrsat hfI tbe beauttfaJ. well cared tor
grooiide today aad Uoee of ten ycara
a^ to vny marked.
r tbe flrst few yean the am
meetlBgi wen well attoaded aad
wiiaaga-haads made il^t work,
■everat yean, however the totercai
had gradually waned uaUI it U-dlffleult to get ChOugh meenben together
na a quorum tor the traaaaetloo
naiaemi and • the work, wbleb
would have been ualy a little for
one, baa Anally devolved upon lees
«»»«" a doeea women. Tbey ted that
they have given all tbe time
etreagth th^ eaa. aad nnlcai tbe
to of tbe elty at least give the
iragemeat of thdr preaeoeo
the moatbly meetlags. and a Mule asstotaaoe to the work, tbe orgaaUatloa
is la danger of topetog. 'Tbe annaal
dues, whlcfa. with the aannal cbkkcn
pie supper and orcasiaBal entertalnraenU aro the only eource of tocrae.
only tweaty-aro eenla. but tor the
tost year the greater number of tbe
ben haVcJ^overlooked creo this,
aad although thbre are aeariy a hondred and flfty members oa (he bookt
acareelr a ihlrd have paid tbe duesTbto Is aot doe to leek or dcalce lo
have tbe aeMrtollao eoaUaue its work.

tmavemc county, hichioam, thumoay, julv


> smea Ota with ataews to bnCalo
hide for thread which BShea It l
Ueally tadeutroeUbie. Poor old OeriBtam. tte Skm* chief, is not ben
ta his stead aro coouefl ropero
Lroder. Bert Johaaaa. quarterly i
Urea to aaake tte ladlaa raid i
tog ^aapertoteaMat of BMe aimool Ibsa talerwaUng. So cloaclr do they
keep wlttta tbeir lepcas (hat tew to'
Pmmr^TIm Needs to^tte Saaday them epAk nigtlsh. aad aot oae to,the
School at tte Bnpertef’ewdrot 8mw
Them. C. J. Heha. 8. S. aupertate*
PtawMd With Praopact.
Traverae Oly 8. 8.
D. Trowbridge, msaaper to tte
Paper—Phases to PrimaiT Work.
.cemuKTctal departmeat to the OUa
HslUe FraaUlaAnlewK>bUe
eorapany to Detroit, la ta
mBatloG--Lo«l by CHnie Wfod.
>. m-—LoelwT.^ ‘Rellghma Bdoro- the city looktag orwr the town aad
tloB.' Blben HasatoL D. D, to Bart- forming aa pMiaate to the prospeeu
tor the TTarerse City and Peali
ham college.
Traetloo oeapany. Hr. Trowbridge
. a. m.—F^KwlgB mtoaloa work. stater that hit coopany Is
Leader. Ben Wright, qnarieriy meet­ apeclahy to marittaes (or auto ttaea
aad that ta (hit elty he tees tte brot
ing mIceioaarT au^ntiadeat. ~
from-1. Cuba.
Hattie p'raapect be haa yet oboerved lUtar
raaklia. 2. Maleo, Bertha WrigbL city.
Re to cattualaBtle^Ter tbe Old Mis3. F. A. I. M, Lasena Tbemas.
tloa route aad declares that there to ao
Husle. Hr. and Mrs. J. D.-Carter.
Address. Tbe Life of tte Mlsahmarr. flaer resort country anywhere la the
Mrs. Wllaoe. es-mlasloaBry to South state. He prediria fro the traeikm
company a great aueceas.
2 p. m.—Meettag oa Btalstry and
FeaH Osath .to Hjabaita.
Mrs. Albert Powers to Demtog. New
Hcrico, who airlred at Bk Rapida
Subject. Problems Pecultar do tte six weeks age la search to health for
her Itule daughter. Mildred, arrived ta
Field to Northern HlehIgBh.
Paper, Tbe DtaeulUea aad RIB- the clly Ibis week eurnwte (or
drances lo the Work ta Norttera Mich­ cage, not baring heard from hro
band since July 2 *l whlcfa t^e she
igan. Mrs. J. D, Caner.
received a measage from him aUltng
Paper—Btamenis to Baeee
k>rk la Norttera Mitotlpm.- Carrie that he waa seriously HI sad was e
ilaUng leaving fOr. Itowver wh<
7:M p. m.—Leetare. Oeotse Tor aad he would Mter a broplial sad nadergo
His Times, Oben Rnaaell, D. D, Bari- an (giersUoa.
: Prevtoot to (hto last mesaags
bam College.
S;10 p. m.—Social boor, aasplcat to Powers bad wrtUea dally to bit' family
l|en and owing to the aerloat eoadlUOD which'hit wife believes he
« a. m.—Prayer end praise mceUag. have been ta to bare started him to
cava-, abe to almost
Dd br Gcfvas Carey. OMway.
ic silence
alienee an^ has nbauated
10 a. m.—Begnlar dcvoUooal i
effort to loroto him. Ige UUle babe.
Mildred bos gresUy Imtsoved
Jiroltt during tbe few weeki to farm
and Mis, Powers teeU thal
Elbert RosaeU. D. D..'BBritaam eoUege. effort has not been ^est ta vata ta

r. labrador, (or the '

try sapposediy to faratob (hem with
eromltliw to life and toniag to
oe to tbe pariy. Leotodaa Hato
bard, died after untold safertog i
la tbe itay aUk teat where be
been toft by bto weefceaed eomphn
for DUm Vhltoee who had
rv-un to the elek companloB totb
s Kuie mouldy flour wUeb-he had geae
dereo mhoe to pick op aftar----betag dtororded. end lo be. too. was
found after wandering for many dayt
sad starved cendHton.
George Boen. the tndtoa. bad
bertoc fartlinde aad touad at
Grand Lake, forty miles away. I
per* who bad pushed through with
vtoloas for (be two.
*n»e first kaowlodge 1 had to the
death to my brolber, Lon. Hr Habbard stated to the Baeord yeatsnUy
afurooon. ‘Was an eceoant which I
to tbe DetroH Joarnal to Jea. t*. 1PM. while elutog
little itpm at Malr. near ibaia.
ewelllag a train, out. While to the
b at the potot ta Labrador.
CailadtoB -post established near
the Northwest river. I had received
laretrell le^ troorLoB. and not ap..........................
rious frote slBcse over
receivlDg aey moesage b the months
wtmt by, and the glarlag hear liaee to
Starred to Death' was a great shock.'
Hubbard said that wblto ll
Uicblgaa twelve years aso. Leonldai
and be
making trip after trip Into tbe wilds
of the state, sboottog aad flsbtag and
romping out for weeks logetber.
**•* brother's removal
J<ew York, wbero ho became as
elated with the editorial SUIT to l
Outing he had been aepwaled (or two
yean and a half, though
froqueot Between the agee
to eeveatoen aad Twenty Leonidas
Hubbard bad Uugfat to tbe Kalkaska
eounty eehodta. apeaditig hia Satnrdaye aad Snadaya with WUitoA
The followlog totter was wrtuea
from (he Nprthwost river
party were about to Icarc the stoaffler
(be unknowh interior and being aa
yet nnpublUhed and (be last mesas
from Leontdae' Hubbard becomes I
teresUng to many readers:
Coast. July C. 1M3.
Dear Will—I've had a deuce to
lime to get ready for this trip, but Ire
are bow ever the worst 1 trust. 1
bare George Elaoa. a tastf broed Crec
iDdlsD. and Dllks Wallace, a New
York lawyer, to go with me. We shall
lake a little flour, bacon, sugar, tea,
eoSee. etc, but shall depend malaly
upon the flab and game to L^rodor to
feed na. Our canoe !■ l* feet long,
weighs SO pounds, a liT tent to balloou
silk, weight e pounds. We hava p
OshiDg larkle and a gill net. Nothing
nnUl we
get a6(. about the last to October
middle to November. Hina goes as I
as lUgolette. then hack to Now York.
Good bye ai


u B.—Workef'a oaefertaoe. led by
J. P. White, Maple Cliy.
9:45 a. m.—Bible BcbooL
11 a. m.—Meeting for worship.
4 p. m.—C- B. conferenee. senior
Id Junior work. Blbel nomas. Marturly ribcstlng auiKTlBieadflit S^lor
C. E. work.
AddnwB. Gerras Carey. Oaaway.
Paper. Junior Work, Orilla Klimm
Camo Wood, quarterly' meeting aaperinleadcDt Junior C. B. work.
T:30 p. ffl.—Sermon to Bndrororem,
Elben RuBsell, D. 0, Ehrlbam eoUnge.
All are cordially^ Inviltd to attead
the sessions to the ijukrterly raeeUng.
A number to ministers will be preoenl.
Rev. Ira C Jobnsoe. superlalendeni
evangellsUe work, will be la slleadwere of t
The Chr
cordially Invited to stlrnd on
Snaday. 7:30 p. m, and boar Rev. Bbert Rnsaell's -SennoD to Btdeavorwv." In loierproltog tbe mnanlBC
and work of the endeavor movement
Dr. Ruseell bus few equals and hto
Bddroes will be one that every Chris­
tian Bndeavorer abould brer.

Mrs. Fraaen gaUh of GarfeH toweAfter the return to the party to rlvl•hip pasted away, aged 4> years, aher
third attack of patalyate aad by bee la aa organtoatln which to a pride n llxaUon tbe body of Leonidas Hubbard
storm Frightanad Many.
cen out in (be spring to IPM.
Bth a loag sad sad Btoty receives iu tbe ealire cKy. and IU work to
Durlnc the severe storm ;<-etrrdsy
and to March the diaries to
tost chapter. Twp week* ago the aherbeaeflt to every (amity la tbe dty ceased were published by Casper Whit tbo mammotb canopy of the msto
It of thto eoeaty received a mMaliht and Burrouadtog country.
tent of Paeeee Itliri wild wet show
ney, editor oftihe OoUitg. who
ft thto eoasly received a mMaight ■houM be at least a thoasasd i
was lifted tale too air aad deposited
them by virtue of tbe poalGoa wbleb
: call to the boBM of Mrs. Smith e^l
heap cm the west side of tbe teat
Lciocldas Hubbard occupied oa fi**'

fear Bllee fim the ctly Ualu. the
staff to the Onttog. Receatly Dllloo ^
. mi mi»t a the tHnara ere h
nil betag respoaded to by Bhente
. wrovner oi easnooe axprarsr.
thionh toabtUty to calbar wkai
Taylor. An was qalet oa
br. Wllltaffi r. Hubbard of looto. Wallace, the New York altoney pnb- ,
taro hai ao tovtaUy prerUad.
their teachtog the tone bat the
formerly of Kalkask^ arrlrcd ta tbe llsbed Tbe Luro to Ibo Labrador tent which led to tbe mala cniraaes
tooralDg Mr. Jobaeoa rettroed aad city two days ago and'cslabllabed him­ Wild.’’ writiea from tbe expediUoo blew down and one to tbe pole* struck
Mrs. toalth to a piltohle coadt- self to rooms S and « of she Johasoa and this generatod a trouble between a woman, stlghlly..^lD)ortog her but
rcieetai Ara Wantog.
The bareaa of forestry halietto ha* Uoa from paralysis, aad the rcaaoe Drug Btare block. Hr. Hbbtmrd Is (be widow. Mrs. Mlaa Hubbard, and aside frum this no other damap waa
the author. nnUl a few weeks ago. the encountered.
ter the eherUTs caU ley to the toet openlM tbe first offlec to the clir
Tkm dBaaad 1W foiMera to to- that Mr. Balth tram whoa the had sagg^lre tomapdea and to a gradu­ suthor again left with a party for the
Way imck le toe dreuing tent wera
Labrador sriida ftolowed a week later located the painted and bedecked laBtaaUac ntddly both tor atata work ben eeparated tea yean bad aoddoaly ate to the New York lasUtate
Mrs. Hubbard,
letaroed and takeo ep hto mldnoe Setenee which ocK only utei osteop­ by
-aadwiihpntatoowaera. Maayato

diaas flfly-two la number, eounUng
athic walk but adcnUflc mahlpul
aew have feraet'oaBBtostaaa. aad •
wn a paralytic aad anahle to help
A great deal to tpeculaUoa la going « u« .i,*! to a visitor and they oaiy
«ral of then have Matt fOreatert.
Mr. HuUM lor msny year*, was ' the rounds to the press In cwgaid
' -tHtaed fweeter at «t.4M a year aad hlBietr aad ah)eeCed to' hUag blddee
grunted whi-n Ibe trouble
two aaUatoat torcUan at tUM eaM wwetoooe sod had paactnted bto ob- Judge to prohaic to Kalkpska county I the ressoos which have actuated tte
These people arc from toe tribe
leettoa rather torelbiy wtih the eaae aad at tba Ume to Us roriy life (here ^ ’rip to the widow, many claiming that known as Brule Stouz, aad beading
gra wauad by C
was a teacher In the achoola. hto, »hr felt thal her husband was aot them all Is tte eUchty-year-old ebieC
VBPto aa BStoftoai toraetn at «1AW, whhto be aeed to help hlraaelf'
ladtoaa a fomlar to take «hat|e to He was Ukto rrMay afteraeee from brother LeoaMas Hubbard who loot; irroted Justly while ta tbe wilds aad On-ee-dough. a member to the Coatsr
bis life la the v-«»' Ltowador trip two I others elalmtag that immtoise tracts raid and yet
Ba stato laharoe aad Mtototocton of­ the home where be waa aol
ten HAN a ynr tor a tralaod to*^ and brought to the couaty biWM on
o a teacher la the
bM oneantaed bem dispositloned red skin to (be
nter. U ^aay olh« atatee the adX Boardmaa aveeae aad Satarday seat
dThat she was |
aggregation. He
tbe paIt tte Ume- The two
Oraad Baplds. ta last ooe day from
going to attempt to dole,
TtoabUty at cnattoc the oMce of
a and many
tetj^a la paint and feattert and bis
•tale toreatar kae beea aader dtoeae- hla departure \he Invalid wife paseed tramp aad loag hunt was tte outcome toe family rraaoB sUiM (brongb
b a dreaa Is solidly twdecked with precious
•taa thto year, aad It to oaiy a BaQar away doe to unotter aad fatal rinks to tbetr.llfc ta Michigan, wfaldi was ; letter wriui
mother br the 1 elks' teeth snd ,boae beads. Old
dhy tte taUer leaving tte west to j widow In Rapid City has
_ Owl.
at a tow ynra wbn aato aa otoeUt toparalyria.
Mrs. BBlth was tte risler to i. W. tato work oa tte staff of tbe Outing. | ibl». briefly. "Thai I go as a tribute to | nag, ta
win bd caaeMared a lecalar part ct
snoahlney weather, k
Crater to Oraad Rapida who lari Jaaa- ^ where he waa seal ta July. IW.
er, dvllUed and peace­
Tie deasBd tor Iwesieia by pelaspkwe tte wfMs to LAhrodor. TbU
able wbo is'a good partner to Jake
wale ttatter roraen 1* growtag at a
riser bas beea toM ta tte Harah aomatm wiro lapU rata. Dartag tte last Bttact, who made her borne wItt ttii her ff Oottag and later ta an edltlaa right to betag the wife has octaaled to bead trimmlac and loag 4i«s line
twatve BOBtbaasvea to tbe tameaa to tat^ danghter.
Tbe Xero to the Labrador Wild.' UM
booebeada. Poor Dog heliro hla name
iHWBtiy fares bavs Isft^ to tabs ap
The toaorat was brid Taaaday odttsd by Oilloa Waltace. oae to tte
(or be k tbe best dreeaed aad best
voefc wiUi iam owama. aad (oar have
part^ throe who eatend this egpeFrIeadB Quartoriy Mesttap.
tooktagbwek In tte whole aggre^Uoa.'
gtaifltn pAUe pariaoM tau with
Tbe qaanerty meettag to the pyuoda
la tte tepssa are tivtag tte sqaawa'
a vttt OaaaeeUeat.
' theee wbe are net famltlar with dmteh. b^bri today oari eoattoom aad tbs taafly We ta eemptatc.
< tbe toaitb eritt CtaUrto.
tourdays. Tbe fattowtag is tte wm Witt tte tlipid tittle popoiae wbo
aanabw to otter Wflsee^ tram pri-ichaige to Oaade Carter.
i. ttat /aly M. 1P*S. the party ffram:
- ’
tttai like a %Ud borse si tbe approach j

tte attempt te ragata (be be^' to tba
mile eee. Sto riiMtoiil ta the toty
tetay aueapuag throng tte tadffb
to which Hr. Fwwen betaagad to leqab
the west aad locate her bnihead. >he
will leevq far Chtcago at IS o'clock
tbto eveatax where tte wtU riaiw tte
aupmpt to find news to her hattwad.
' AKboagh Mrs. Powen sara aba baa
received Bcoey jegtitarlr trw bar
bumband ap aaUl ehs left beard troa
Urn she M sow'destRats.
Wilt MtarYscM Rasa.
J. A. Honiagas ta bin yattt Gem .
will start Oi bla Mmaal cratos tbs
lauer pan to this wweh. CUeago wta
be hto ehjcellve polat aad bs e^aeU
to be gone betweea two aad ttroo
In the party thto year wffl be Mrs.
Moatagoe. Mr. asd Mrs. A. L. 8aebaat and Oaorge H. Cram. It to very
probable that Mr. Mestagee wia
sail keck with tbo flaet that vrtU seka
(be race from Chiesen to HsdUaaw.
Cepemitt Woe Ost Onpemtoh. Mich. Jnly 10.—Tba bast
game to ball far thto aeaaiB wp*
ptoyed at the OopBmtoh baae tadl

ler (fermerly with tte Tinier aa CUy
asylma ttaa) as pittter. Far smss
nasie 8paagler did Mt want W
Uirew tte ban and Wlatera eatsnd
tte bos. At tbe begtaatag to the (bird
taalag tte ThempaoavUle taaa wttta
drew Wlstora to (STor
(aro to Kartoos,
ttefr ear tw -er. who flsubed tbs
game. Tbe game wss-aa Mtowa:
TboapMVIlle ..0 2 0 0 0 0 0 b
Oopemtob .......... 2 4 0 « 1 0 • i «-•
daumtea-^aratog. Wtatara sad
LsTsos. Tboapsoerme; Deefcar sad
NoK. vOopetaltb.
Psgdr* litttag
George Basat. aded Ta. a PbOfldil* ,
phis BUIlcaalte. baa Bsrrlad
abeib Jehaaea. aged 2d. fata favmar
RoBan CathotlctaB.


eiwd PajifitPaas
For all oatakle and inakle painting nae Bgjr.
doll’e Ppoimral I’ainta.. II property aoptikd thif
will not pfnek. pud or Uiater, and wiU gin en.
tirc satialaction.
Is ti)c best aad most dttn^ finish for hard or



j Ij

Summer Comfort
is made easy by the use of

Jl Bammock
We show excellent ones from one
dollar up to seven dollars.


purchasing a large quantity w«
are enabled to ^ve better ones
for the money thad unial.

€ity Book Store
ett Br*rr( C»„ Fnpt.

Cftptnt atr.hikt.




ton Tnmx Hcrall

V r»!“-™»SV rrT"
«^^MtlUlJB AM MOM* O*.

cttr. M anr «f TflO»U, b to

toe. b« la the rtui-A-

Atog bare la ibclr lowat tort «•

bcr two Urtto
Btfcel Mi
he. w«* pMWBcn* « tk» It ;ia

'#« aerer beard

betog k

Mother Orar'a AppMl to Wonron

Uh on iheap ftaoeh.

O. B. A L while areote to North Ito-



^ranlele the fart-of-^SriMr" ■

UM dtr Tldtto#.
Uf«. UUto Bradace d Hwor Mi

Hra. U N. Harris (eraerty of W<
hou. wMt* they wOIJtPto Nr. Br^ Sertath dtreei ef thto eMy hot aow
dw. who loatod thereto Apn. ,
Great fblto.. Monu who to rtoittog la
B. Bitoi *t OU Htodow wai ir »e thto aiy with retatlrea. speaks toterdtr tadar knktoc
MdlMif of
loeatlM other at ~

of aray
ftonday. doly 23.
talas tbe -paature toadi. oa the east
TraJa will Jeare Tfaroiwe CMr
todc Caw of the Cedar rlnw.aear row-, „ - g,,. po,iPn<
aak aginu

Ham Harrlt. also foraerty id U

Werei i»*«>oy» OTerythlns stren.
A toBp port baa b«» rwaovrd froia .
Banads Harrti. tort year look ap
Ibe coiwcr of Maple swam- aad Itotc* |
Tharaiar; at what hour It to aot >•< -eeMtor^ toeatloo eighty allet eoalh tireetaadlhebot.. len la ih.-ETOOnd-i
of HOea City. Moat., where he to cooaowB. the diet WtolUhlc parea

«>»-.-bMtnaaltlt* a M aaCJla.M

^ wwing

Nty who. with hit wile. Hre. Mari

for Traretee

CUy will be laid.
dadlag a [
. taeep abearte
^ p„, pt. loot la It. Tto a |
are bloda et State
a la the heart- of tbe *»t« ! b«.n pet aad and pull the bole np aad
at Caaa asd
gtMlng 'conatry. fata. Harrt. atated . ,
„ not It

■aw. k. ruunwtora

;a>r. IteSe •*« l’r>M*r IriwUr.. .’XT'
•-----------war t-' isail M -la Kaai4a ritir
Tk •iuU>rrUraji;...Uib4.V V

torxIUe. They are teorlas rtath. The | W parttonlanj.
t-Htf took a* U dre swept. a« thcl
H. F. MotoKT.C. F. A.



.d Ok- ob.»lBe



p,nch. Use AHeffa POOT'I

tbe de^
tbe Beeord that Mr. Harri. atarted
to RaUread areaoe;,
ere%M ahd
ahd ch» width nf ih» pare- from bto tase at Miles CUy last year wtam the city dada eaa take eare rfjaad
la Hay to a •pralrlea eehooaier aad their duip.-rou. prt|K.rt}_,-«lr«laE tOgT-Kegtlrti f.-it. r diog. wl.llr an.i
to rary aeeordlac to
tte wa hMejMi hr Piatieoi
im blocJr beftoato* at Caaa dirrre aoeth.for eighty ollea through bgai Kecenlrte.
UIkwuI ivwanl r«.r lororma
BocMretr it AMtmf. N. J., 7«Aerdvry ao adapted
- There la a tow prohll.mng lie mar-j r.-o.very
The lueeWtMt^ edtreeB wu sot air Mraet wltl be lorty-fonr fret wide, tjto
ant two bloeki forty fe« aad tbe re- graiiag and that aa the Mttre n^ry
relahto to the teeehece hot to
a opea alaiply to tbe Riuatler r^t.
irf hla |or.-:.l. or.
Trau-r*. Olry. Mlrbr fuly l»lt
oBMtwMwtoL Ttor naapie, the prw- Bialaing three bloeka to hare a width
Metoaihi then to Mke mere a
Id —„,ried
aa abandoacd ,

.................IQ •eeurc tfic enannK-pl o(|-.
* fiuarani
•atttoc ■ MoeMerr Mtur. While be to of natfora) width, (he Tartaaee ^ take ap^la
We were* »"i the Tooeheiw.

• MM thu h eeruto aateoat of w

(he pamDOot baa aetbtec to do with etOB# bonae partially built and desert- .................

............. ---------------------- -


: .-il


ed. Here he -squatted' and proceeded
marrying without l!
wu good lor u loilrMohl Mi o a- tbta. tbe> iticet wMth and Ibo
BloD or the itreot proper wlU be laken to build a cormi
W: hi. ^udrea. aupporter. of U
scito of ftae grmetog laud. Thto look
ap la towa arcace U frewt
Dartoc the noaih e( April p iniblk
'toM Me Mudtoc.wltb adtaaa.


pitot the
that d high Ideele.

great labor.and aa all Bmlcrlal aa well,

the porpoec of which was to o

baoled eighty

a leiiaral optoSoo of the property

HOca CUy tbe task can well be lm-|
Ercrythlng was suocreaful.

on alosi the proposed street which
was abocl to be graded aad at tbai
hwt anr be ttopcwted to the rooBc

Ihoofk. aad

miles orerland


taMtohed for aU Uaie. thoagh it it to
ne pebUe aohool taaehera la tUt
rdhWy hut a leeporary atractare
coMUr hare aaotber tdportaai dolr
erected by raperteaeed baada aoeb aa
, lor ther art the »ea» hr which the
Uie UDddea aprtaglBg up of ,ieaud
^ great tarda that coBea to thto ooeaur
dues, oocar. daring the aumaer
^aaaaatlr. hr the aacM^
wMih. .iihf. which are imaewse
^tnaateraai toio a boa .
gertei. the whole dtofataablp. u to throat the ehndrca

appesrlBg (s aaddealy aa they
^that thto to• atuantlUbai aad «ic
thto ptoat at the dock work
; aaWe aetaoi b tha Baitas. the
begaa but a brief Uae ago. thirteen
; iMiAd or
ata^ mt^J^,
ear tondt .of aaebtoery aad wagons





Staadtag high aad entered br an
etoratar, 0>e trrt' auuAtoety for

m eaeUIeat price each bto of atoae to tested, the .teat
dtr Itair totv crop as well aa for thh brtag tor the parpeae of detern
the deaaliy BT the mlaeral aggregale.
rAa Intatta^^ atoo thU Ike
At tfaia stage cd the prana

- iHet M wheat wOl'ta good thto ton work ef a eelMUBe cbeniat Mien.
Mddta- oraad TraVeroa crag «nt W. C. WaUaco of Boeton being here
hrtag naigoed.n Otoe as any. Many aad to ttadtoem to ptoee the chemical
qf tta tomen dre atoo prepared to teat oo c^iy load of the paring
terUl aboot to'be tuned out

la this

mlrture the aggregate Ingredieni

Crete mod- (he bUre cootrau
boated to between 300 aad 3U degreca

tWMty shearers Md twenty packers ol

r»u w.iuld rcUiii an c--|uilibiium

late another eoreriag which will be
lakM care of to the same manner
Ao day before Mrs. Harris left tor lb'
east she staled that SidO -sheep were
eorraied and abeaml. the owner of ibe
corral reeelTlng three and onebalf
cento and the shearer eight ecoli i«-r

‘Hannah «: Uay Mcccantilu Co.

Utwh lime. ai
Uuore. buy ..
Tb.-y arv tiK

““i;Grain,Provlsions,Stocksand Bonds

BukA H»1s,’’BiiiIer Bowl
Hits. jApiBfse H3ts,'Fisheraen’A Hats, BJcydlslsBits, Rfsortm' Hits.
.Pott'J Bof Hils, etc.


28 Hodgas BuUdlnsl Oalroie Mlcbtgan.


Bought. SoldwndCarTloden
and Carrlod onMargins
Margin tor

. n-|s


L Harper A Ce.BsakcrLt

Oor liw-ililire b-r giving sueli
H ordm. Kur. Duly U..Tket Um

• pey all am.igrtaa|r|>Iksti<>a.
liuiikil. flW'ul .-luilgo, ..itap

an old atearer being able l<i

berdt of aheej. arc tended by a man


with a team of hortM Md trained
dogs. Duriag the winter Hr. Harris

IdeM^ death______ -..................
thto yearMtnow to prvbaie court and
yealentoy A tbe day apt for tbe bear­
ing of claims against It Umugh
Claims were prascotrd. The faci
aauBual, as the estate, valued
tSO.OOO, was left unexpecieifly .ni
no prrarrangeiiicnl wa. piui.lble
fact of there being no claim. agalnM
It thow. the bu.lnee. of tbe rteerofM-d
to bare benn te the brei po..U()<- eoa
dlllon. Claim. In order to bi- pn-setit
ed after' the prehetlag of an estatr
hare lo be 4>ed within a year, and the
paUUuoer mast Ihea give .c-eurliy f.w
costs, after wbirb ebc court d<eid.-s
whether there la suBleIcni nosun for
the opdntag of the rese again.
Badly Mliad FrsMCrty.
Acre rcmaltu ao property i»lay ao

.g weeks camping trip at Rainy

I '

E ii

wool are at band to genlly reUerc Ibc
blattera of tfacir surplus wool, pack K

rabi^elt after which they
dumped through a sliding aper

-this dty aad Heaara. Oaac Md Crotacr Into the capcdal wagon, for tbo purof Ktogaley retareed tost night from

Jlnotber Col
UioBd pofiuUr Sugmu-r
ILits jiut arriMsl.

wiHk. ealtod tbe Oaue f^otary pnaanre
TIM Cng OROddkespecta to hare berdt of aheep and
arltb a caMdly of 36d coble yards of
Tflth aarty soar Carries mdlto
cattle to tbe corral where they urii» e«to a mate and tbe wheat to tbe stOBS tor e^tog. Ae atone la queaboosed from terere atorma. the graM
,!!jtoeat eoBdHtoa that h has been for thm-tatdC^rd torq Uads, lloe atone
of {be couBlry being slacked fn Ihe
^ ^MTB. tta tanhera of tbe Qrasd Trar- (roan Stargeoa Say tor tbe toondaiiaB
corral and (ed out to the aalmals
. ItM fagtaa taro orery naaaa to feel
.Mdtofted despite ttaiaet that tbe poNeighbors la
aeciioo of Ibi;
>tato qn^ on acaoaat of the low prtoe. boree eaglae with a SfijAdne boiler.
mnlry are rery scarce, the nearest
rre« tUs bolder abore the cruahed
bcibg elerea miles away, tbougb-alace
-The Oraad Trarerie yqgloa to a.
Mr. Harris left a family coailatlag of
fqatoa M «TqrMM cropd. Ae fw- elmtar below into tbe rotary^ blowera
wife located la a wagon
aad the dart la btowa toto a big
all mUee away. It la ao oneommoa
dtat boose where ^ Is reUlaed tor tbe
tight to aee famlUea- llrlag In three
inaaial -toistwe’ wbea tbe togredk
prefrie wagoaa, and they are eoay and
MU are All ready.
eecafonablc with bed, store and ibclr■gtotato a kM qwenga ta that tarmTbe atone tr tohn toto the rotary
tog all arranged orderly and neat.
ryen after &etog crilahed tbe roUry
Hra. Harris Md her aiaterln-Uw. HI..
Lartla Harris, are tbe only women at
-»AIM ialy to the Ugh prtoe of the drytog paq. Itw^ey are heated to a
the'reach and they run the hooae. redaily ctaRtoa eUtmlr graUfytog temperetare of rrem 330 to S5« F. and
eririag (> per day tor mealr. while
bat ttawaUodk for a grdat crop of the from there again carried by tbe
(be eheep shearer. Bleep to blanket,
todM TMtoUm to alao wseeUeaL Tbe ttouooi revtdrtog rtermtora Into eix
on ibe gronaA
totaa aiw loaded wlft (ndt and wUem dUfMcU compartaiMto where
thq-ataoward tafiptRi. thto year win
cee portions of tbe atoao or eaad
Prebats Court Marten.
.wMmm a gnta ptodartlon. Ab of
being eepanlod aecordtog to its
Ao bearing, were lietore ibe Judge
taUr to taportaat bat doably ao Maoe etoe, varytag -from dost to eo<
. of prnbatw Friday, tbe Snn Iw-tng
Id Mitaaa MhAtgaa and Indtona IbreafMrtbs laehca.
From thiJ. ro- the bearing of eialma in tbe Hargarvi
ttato Mi bq tat oMkkM ef a chenr tary aereen ibe sumea are (hgewn Into Lewto relate, the relate being from
etog (Ui year. Ala naghl to an to- Mai aceordlag to alse Md here tbe Greco Lake towaahip and of two year.
•aanen tta Muket that the local frelt drrt welfhlog tor neearmey oeeure for
'be relate of
•wwara will realha

Traverse City Mnrkata.
This ropert iavnaoa up on WedftaaI day of oaph weak. Aa Herald la net
I rMpenalbla for ertangas in prteaa.

lOW eompicted are driren ihe.T
by the buodreda Mil (houRaod. aaiJ

Real Economy

IIH chc.i|) Ml M i> l^cl with which the maricet
w is flootiqd scil. for a Irillc less than "Ship'
man ’ n lk Whii^^-ad. But its short life maken
it mu^ more cos^y tn the end. Use •■■Shipman*
for real economy.


tie. tie two being kept entirely aepar
ale. In the corral which Mr. ilarrlv

•bcar aa high aa 140 per day.


‘ Tbe thmiliee of Dr. J. A. 8nyd<



traetaare covered wllh sheep and esl-

rertored to abort work by eiperle


won't work both ■

this apHag . the work |

bSMB to earnesL
AU the aarrooiidlog

time the general eooacaaaa ef optolo*

the toad. The teadter that h* tad teadad-to the Wttillthic paveaent. tto
, feto lieM la a atofa wAtoe a irad^ eouadl to ^ay tettlag the eoatraot ta
Mi tha work iMe hr hbe to iterelr It a few weekf later. A few wocki
ataaptitoorr. thara to ai
ago the diet Bsterial (or the work ar
.«hea| M. ChUdiM rtrM and was ptoleod qo the oU Hm
. taaeher do aot adtraaea aa rapldlr aa aah A Uty dock, where today a lat«<
. aaier the «m that atm diertobea aa .BaaafBctortBg ptoat to appareetly e»-

ngqiy n Ug d^n^ (or peutoa
«this twta* la high
aeaaon a


aeltas waa held at the Park Place

aad there spread oa Ibe pre­ that lylag on the abore r.f Arp
amd repnt a noet deligbUuI time. pared toundatloB to such a depth that tad occupied by a-largo aumlicr u<
' Mr. Case was to the dty today, ir^
coaprreaioa with the Treveree Cityr rreidcat. aa .utnmer
komes. Roceotly Rev. Hugh Kcnn--.!}
-taratog to \H boiM la Kingaley thli heavy roHera It will remain two taehc. parebaeed of hi: i talher-la Isi.-. Hr.
:- tooretog.
thlckaoaa Md have Uie deatilv of
- Htoa U Dana, wbo to a waaeer to solid stone. After rolUag the wearing feet retpeetivciy. the pm|K-rty lying*.
■ line of the dl.puio
As sHk adlla at Bddlng, retareed to
tee a ibtog eqaUag of dry blinmlaMaoT year.
^ ‘tar dotlea' today after two .weefca'
flush coat Is plsred flIUag any ■orvey was mad In ablch the cenu'f Ttrtt wtth her panata at Long Lake.
eaness or bnueyvomb which may Uae was retabi
rvey. l,a'cr ('ourtv SurMr. Md Mn..H. A. Klrrfaan- Md llt- appear oo ihe aurfaea. Finally a tble Hodgmaa
TuHcr alM> eaiaUll.bcd s r-ni*-r
tto sen. Cart. WMI to Kayrtcme today layer of atone chips are laid In ud
for the fracilonal wrilon and
tar a abort vtoM with friends.
rolled making the aorfa^ gritty la
the ..former
• W. R. Walker has retarasd from m appeareare. doailcss and noa<reck- Two rreldcnu
Ihvr.- at
Hesari. Fred Helmforth

.h and J-m-ph
oatlBC at Glen Arbor.
various resort tiuilder.
Ar bliullthle pavement la a pateat
of about seven years' siaadlng. the
FMlB Tuoadayi Beeord.
X a gcDcrel mlx-up whlrli I
• Bmmte Armstnag left this
Arm of Warren Brns.. nnstoe. beldg at
end of ironble li.
tar e two weeks’ rtolt at 8ui
Irma la th^
B ques'loD. all Ijecautc t
Mta. Kalhertae Jolly Md little babe
dtle. have center line was eataldl.hed
tataned this moraiag to her bone (a tbeif paveseati. tai. being the ar»t ferfut polBlH 44 leM apart. A> tb"
todav'.ao attempt Is
WalMA JuaetloB after apeadiBg a few for this city. Mr. Craymbad aad bl.
being made through the Grand Tre»days aa the guest of her oouaia. Mrs.
arae count.* .erveyor'a oOre to locate
John Aaderwm of WaablagUe atraoC
the true center Itae aad iberebv e*.
Mrs. Baauel Gagaon of NorUvort of Indlaaapolla. aside from a paving tabllah the lou of the last psreharer.
Rev. Hugh Keaaedy. the Aller Uor
retarwed beet yesterday after vead- expert who baa tbe work In taarge.
aad the H. F. Nortbrup line varying
- tog a week to the dty.
It If atated aatborttlvely that Alex­ 44 feet, which would make t: feet each
B. A..Ftober of laurtoebea was to ander Dow. (be aMhalt expert of the sMe Md ahortee the end I6ta that
while awother turvey ran over
thecAy yesiMday.
Oittrirt of OotamUa etoiau that the
Booth (rean the cwaier. Nemriy
J.-«.|gmgaaekef'ot DrtU. (Mrta. aad life et a UialUMc pavwanat la fifty weary sutreyor to the north has at
A. 1.. Ftoek of TtMa an to the city yeare and win never creek and be^ ■aoM Ume or other autde aarreya to
Ttoittog R. B. Hall. •
come waMaltarr ata K this ia-ita the aelghbortiood. evM the nalvcrahy
rtadenu maUag eSoru to atnlghiM
easa Tiaiwta City ‘has rcaaoa to be
' (heltoes to qmeaUoa.



They .ru youts -l.;k- they

Only tsc Each


Then come next week'! We are Horn* to

,each\„nu,nmn ^ m .hire
FHEE vhh


Tiing to SI500.
ext week, remember,
JUInY I7th and contimifnff
mbier. beifinning
until SATURDAY NIGHT. JULY ‘«nd. will this offer hold jjood. and what stetter,
we will place on sale every-one of

$ 15.00

when cusiomcA de­
mand the B H S T,
Steady call for the

proves i< IS lhat the
recogiiiipublic .1
*ing ihc merits of
these instnimcnts.
Let the 4jood work
continue. You c.m
rest assurttd that
every KIMU.ALI.
PIANO wc sell in
this community
strengthens our posi­
tion in the I’iano
‘.X broad
statement," but we
arc proving it every
day. Come and see

REH-S SOX, apl.-mH-l

srecifil Yjloe in* NEGUGEE
SHIRTS. 1.11 n.'w. I'f'ty '1<' 25c and 50c

5c. lOc and ]5c.





H.-HNI, f-r ..nly........................................................................................................................
Will luol ,. ri. h li;.nT»t 1.. n-.
ala*- Limn Skirt. «..rtl.i.|.U.$l->-. .1..................

M^drerA V. gnrert>a-sitM*Mi



. iiAvy. Dack Bwl wliit*-.


f.ii;iUv .1. II r-'-Il.-etion
llie ptYdd*-"! alyl** l.r.Mnrl.1
II-r. is .... . vr.-|.lioM;
II.IR v.-.5*,n
t «j4r.i.!i.l vnri. ty of .ff.-ii'- trimiuinkre. nil aizii nn.1 j.l*ntv -f ih'-tt.
l’'.^*ul' I.nlf' '*? wl.-.l it



IL-'iO to $2.00 vpluw.

.................................................................... r-

A LOTOFJ.PSIUWAKTSJ2 50 30(1 $3.00
fix t. »..rtli


SUITS tl:.,t >v. G


S1J..‘1' h.,-1 ^0 0Q

SUITS tiuvt








I’, r.n.ll- \ . st-=



V .............................


a n.-w Im -1
' KimoiKis. i.-rfo'-Hy

~,!Ur »..rtl.7S.,al .49c

nilll-a ami r;ip

UCB~Wortli »

ir. . at. I"T var-l ............... V.........................

* Z'-'


Still iiKolti-.r I'-t, «-<-rlli It-'--. I'h- :it,*l


tiixtli- ' l-rt. vi-.rlli W. 2".' a('*l

- ,.ir! lOra yarvl.


,.-r,-;.p!. at..........................................................

H0SIERT-S,n.-.,.l.-i rilSx-vl b*-- f-.r i.-vs «-l
cirU. .-xtrr. vnlc. nt Hie aiKbll-ipair, fill aix-rt. at........................

M. B. HARHER, Prop

SAILOR RATS (<>r cLiklh-n,
U-«-'rfl.At just 25c

ill l.b'-k. toll nrhl fniieii-v. iil

WASH GOODS S.-w llimici., ...1
»x,l.,ni.--t. -ortll 1l[ ai.1


25 c

Neiri Caps, «*>nli II <io. II 2-> an-I
$l:r.o. ............................................

.efore buying here, tout be »ure. absolutely eure. to look

It will pay you,





<>«yUy. ▼>■»■■«■«= ■

9 fcr Ocat «anre4 M TUK DcfMib.

toned to her bebao Ibto tooralBf a&or
epoodleg a abort Umo in Ue eitr.
P. UnreU
WbHo Ctood ponod
tkroogb tbo eitr T«at«(fl*r 0° toa war
toMapflotd. Uorebowtnapcadafow
Bor. MMI Trotter ot tbo Boano Mid■ton Id Onnd HapKti to naadlag
few dara at tbo-GatTcraaltot roooct,.
geoto Ot the B. A. Btowo eotiago.
Mn C tr. Toot of WOBaaUraTg 1
ia tbo eitr todar.~
Mrs. F. C. GoidnU of Botutaa Bar
waa la the eitr Udar oa a ahort.b«Hiaeattfip.
Ht*. C. A. HotebkltB of Oraad BapIda, who baa been etolUng Mrs. A. B.
Manai of thto dtr rotmed to '
kene thto aaoo. .
mak O. Bord. who to whh Ba
Craobr * Co. oagrarlng booao of Chi­
cago. arrired thto nooo for a few dar*'
ootiac Willi bis old frtoads hero, aad
to aeMBpaaled br SooU C. Ridgowar
cf tbo LoarCrftebfloM eorpnaUoo of


where they wK attead Ao goUes wed­
ding at hto stoter aad her bnsbsad.
Hr. and Mrs. 8. R. Long. Ao eelebis-


qhore Aey H


. toTMJnSSl'w
Tbe BUmeitd Core.
Tbo laMt BOWS from Paris. U Au
bare dtoeorered a dtoaond core
If you fear consnBpa. It will, however, be

......... .................... .. ................................... T



for _______________________________________

■neat core;- Enequaltod ooick
cure. for Throat and long Trooble*.
- : 8Ar
SAre Co's.
At J<
s. 8.
B. Wall A 8oD(- drug stores;
price Wc
&0c and
a »1.6o, gutraDiecd. Trial
bottle lOe.

SlUi SMrt Waist


New York Insuruce sen hare
Started a rigorous campaign sgdinsl
blred wiuesses, “Aystcr- lawyer*,
unbalance chaser* and profcsslunal
Plwn FHdar's Beeont.
A. P. Bnntlag of Baplro to opeadlag aeddeet claimants.
Uio dar in tbo dtr oa taulDess.
A Corprisc' Psq^.
Mr*. Wiaiato'Anaotnnigtf Ibto dtr
sant sorpHse party
left UiU matalDg for OvtoK wbore
yoor stomach and
Ao wUl*rtolt fitanda.
taking a iBedklDc which will relicTP
k. H. Ibow. Pres.
A.E.Bor«h. Ma.
Mrs. M. B. Biaapas of BatAea Adr pain and dl...............
discomfort, rto: Dr
Klngto New Ufo Pills. They
UM.muMr m thb pvt or CroMing was la tbo eitr todar.
B. Scbawb of PioeeouMt to la the
MkbigMi «Bd mode U» Hermld
rdlcf and cure, fur b
no tamOleo of Bert Harflaad.
The tUuft lATge N. S. NcMen Daniel lioo^ and J. R.
ddved rmn tbo On) Wood DUb
pur** dock SVBrtw tor <»lai«o ollb cotugeo at BirebwiM this week.
tOMW foot oC hiabw bbovd.
' bittteCaiAGrtcciT.
Mr. Potter, tbe oU roHobto'stoce Pitn Batvrdar'i-Koeord.
wn of <Nd Klukn. boo beeg aq
____________ olag after ipeod'
br tbo TrorOTM Cit; TroeUori
tflg-a abort Unw ia the dtr rtoiUag
poor to tote eho^ of tbelr trel^t retoUroa.
Bd. Storcr and wife of Sollooa Bar
were la tbe dtr yooterday.
10 »> RolUil Oats, S.V
WIIltoB Wright of Klnci .
»; lb fancy Jap. Ibwl Kieo. 2-V
tbocdtr retterday looking alter bud10c i*a- lb for best buU-Ler
Ton can bank yonr saringi
D. Oieaos of Ae Slewing Bear Pdnl
here safely and coarenienOy.
Bfe asTlng cnw pasted Aroogh tbe
8c per lb for Clear Fat Pork. :
JOTT MUM tO OOODpT tbo otto
lu may lire many miles
dtr Ato MAilag on bla way to hla
10c pku for Puritwi Parlor
Of tbe cent vbkA »tU eomploto the home Id Maalatee. where be will ipoad
tOkOjtor of tbo prooooi tora.
Ihoot presentAree'per .
10 ll» Bust Cane GranulaH
log your book. Wc
Wboo J. 4. JoctM.IUtod bli pood gare her Bother. Me*. Wlaowleckl.
Stitfar. $1.00.
eol-benrlng o<-rtiflcstes si tbe
srMU to Bon boy Soador he toend
100 Iba Rest Cane Umnatoted
same rate If desired.
riring tost evealag tor a Ttolt wlA
Safety tsuH boxes to reot.
thot bo hod SMtnod o iorie otstfoob.
Softor. $'1.20.
only two dolltr* per year, you
lie a»b Maeared fire toot to leaocib.
CtU ud ret prices before
tbo^«beBM(woMo -«< tto bodr woo Nonhpon retimed kome__ __
.JmylBC ebewkere.
ami tee na.
after a few day*- yUlt wlA Fred
ooor two foot and Upped tbo oetloo to nooD
Warxborg aad fatolly.
on orco fllxtr popada
Mr*. J. M. Kenaodr of Werford.
wbo has beeb ytottlng her toa. Ber.
Tbo Poo<bOT boOdtot ot tbo oonor Hngh KeaaMy td AU dly. retaraed
bof-boaie'Ato noon
of Stoto OM Oooo otiweu boo boon pot
Mist Bdna MHler left Ato morojag
» Aopd for tbo tneUoa eonvonr* for SonA^Boig^toaB. where sbo will
.-IM. Aoapprooab boibooBbBUtfrpfn
tta.poTouoot to tbo boDdlaa ond o “3nUtod toe C. Potorwn Jofl thf«
noen for.Kalkaska to look after bod;
do«S)o>dootr-IBT« tobon tbo
ptboo of tbo torpe trootwlodowo.
Mr*. RlAard Zoe of Grand Rapids.
.................................. her brother.
Ato oil]
Mdor'o luuo of U»e BolUmore Per. HnA
to her hoto<
hotoe Ato aooa.
' AMrtooa to ltd oeeoont of Ue intetno- Umod
Leo Hornsby.
lornsby. wbo has been si
tfokol Gb
lagAo wi
• In Bk Bspldt. reu
jo.boJftoooof Mio
bone Ato
of tbo c. K Kooom, vhkih to botni
oabOdiod to OMBoettaB with the onMotioo
u. & ttcdtor of thto tdtr. Anrdt. Oread Rapids, bd
tbo aoto#or tooMd of Uio *r- ------ dent of Ortaaell coUege.'^oera.
phseengers, pooA bond, yederday
bno o teoclbr tfrttowp ot tbo
efteraoon. both oarooU froB Oneaa
wM bolt tOM of Mr. HoDW.
A tbelr botoo destlaeUoae. Mr. Trot­
ter had bnea epeedliig a tew dayf
Jobo MoooB, o«Bd 1«. to roeororing north and Mr. Bradley two weeks with
Wc have ffone throueb oor entire stfwk and Imre Bort<><l out mid
trao tbo ofooU of o Ibotb ot Jalr hli tSBUy wbo are spending the
put on the
Tables all tlic exMs aihl ends ami rt-uiain.
■eiddobt. Bo wu wolklng otobg tbo
Tng simofbnAou luto of tibocs. Every pair is abnrgaiu.
Arnmu ovwwieM w
otrooU U Npnbpert ond n bdr throw to the dtr yeeterdsy,
a UMOO orwtoor in front of him. A
B. T. Lewis sad 7. O. Dnnean df
SnttODs Bay wm A the dA yosterplooo otnick Ua lb Uio cboot and
olbor In tbo took olnioOt potting bit '*a'. B. DonAerty of Bik BapMs wee
opoowt Bad it eoae otnlgbt at blB. ia Ae city today
arter bnsttbo tbibrtaa woild baro boon moeh
antro oariooo bat at it waa. ho wot
potafoUr bMMd bad bwtood.
Dr. and Mrs. PdUer at Thompson■bloetofUiem arc from linen tUnt sold frum $1.7-'> U> $*i.'>0.
- Managor W. W. MU of tbe Han- rUle are feneau ot Mr. and Mrs. H. A.
cat price
aah * Lor floor n [ o^atoo that tbe HaitingUn of SM -Wed NIaA atreet.
wheat crop in narthera Mleblgan to
Hr. aad Mrs. Pred Danner, Mr. and
Ml oieellMt ceaditiM and Uio flnoat Mrs. Wa. NeasoB and Mr. and Mrs.
oTOr ooea fa thto afcUon. Tbo floor Warren Batobery spent Sunday at
■Ul boo not bo« ^dlng tor two Maple City.
wotiti dwtag to the OBOMIod otata of
J. O. Dnnoan and John Graham of
,hleb.‘-^--------- -Battons Bay were in Ao city yooArpwehaao of wheat,
oroil to wwpaHag to bop and tbe nOI jC. L. Dayton of Lelaad tpoat Banwin bo etartod ap la a Aon Use with day in the dty.
H. .DfeboId ot AU cUy wont A teaNeardy every btylf imaginnblf and i-v.-n' pair is worth 30>- A
TboM Smorthwatto and tamllr done Ato morning oa a buotoeae trip,
$1.50 more than wo arc oakini; for tbi-m' Most of them $:L a
retnning thU noon.
boM COM to Bod Parit for tbo
$4 sbout.
J. BpellBaa of Boner is to tbe
Mr. Ibo rtoldotooo oe
dty today looking after badness taooeeplod tar tbeu baa boon ooM to
W. Peek br Mia. K. a Banioo. Mr. toresti.
Mr. and Mr*. W. iC BeA ot Maple
Poek wtt oatiiUr ronodol tt and
City passed Aroogb Ae dty .this
.aako It a uodon roetdoneo.
. aMTtkwBlu and CaAilr wtU ronala Bornlttg oa Adr ny A Mcadoa.
»t Bod Pait aaUl BoptanAor. i
tbtr'wUI fount and oeeepr tbo realat pneUt labaMtod br Or. W.
P. Btrangwore and *—«r on PrankUn
Everywotnan ought A lutv>- a |Kiir of easy slipiwi* to put on'
when her L'Ct are tins]. You ctin'l afford t*. In' wiAout a pair
at this pike,
A ploaaant farewtll baelal waa gtreo
■ oe Prtdar V Uo hone of Bor. and
Mia. B. L. Boaoah. the goeeta ot boaer
beUg Mr. and Mn. Newtoo FiaakUa.
Mr. and Mri. PraakOe will leare
. aboot a. wdek tor Batnaa, Now Ti
Thtt’s no btdl Ve htd no­
Woroca's fiUppi’is. with strap nndTww.............. . ......... 75c.
wbM bo WtU take tbo paitorato of b
ticed ii yru iooklBC pretty
PrtMda eboikb. Tbo oroalag was on^omen'* easy Slippers. plaiuwidL’toes......................... 50c
thin tnd fided of itie, but
jorablr <pwt la gahtea tod n
Women's easy Serge Congtees Slioee............................. 50c
BitnnUy did not Hketospetk
tboro woro oooto ro^artn aad also
Women's iomfortablS Serge Slippurs............................. 26c
ot k. By tbe wty, Ayer’i
prarw. Mr. aa^in. PraaUla bar*
LChiUien's Shoos, good wearing, (8* A 11).........76c
a toigo aaabor el%l«adt bore to wtob
Hglr Vifor to g refular btir
Children’s Shoes, extra good quality................................ 60c
tbodi happiaead*to tbelr now b
irowcr, B perfect btir re-

Summtr ScI/mI


CirculitkH) this week 2,750

The Place to Buy


201 So. Union St.
226 E. Front St.




Crasmteily Stott

Elgin G. Lewis.


Tomorrow morning we will place on
sale Fifteen Silk Shirt Waist Suits at
$Se7$ and $9*7fe You could not buy a
Silk Skirt at the price we will sell tiiese ,
Suits for. The manufacturer was anxious to close a few
suits they had; we made them an offer and you get the ben­
efit. Not a suit in the lot worth less than $ 12.50 to $ I Q.50.
If you arc interested, belter step in ton
>ming; they will not l>e here
» long. Black and colors, sizes 34 to 42.

Any Wash Shirt Waist k the Store wiil be sold at OHE-FOURTH
OFF. Ali Keiy Goods This Season.


JInetbtr Chat el

6reat Shoe

Oleinta's Sbecs. Olemtii's Pattnt Ccalbtr
Oelerds, UomtiTs Kid Oxlerds, Blemu's
Cito,41lemtii's Sllpptrs.


.Cable no. 2

mtn’s Psltat Ctslbtr Sbsts, men’s Cslt
Sbecs, men's Ksnasrcc Sbecs, men's
Kid Sbees.

$2.00 to $2.75

Is Your
Hair Sick?

Captureseyerybody. ,lf )fou sit down to a table fill^\»hh all manner of
things to eat. you forget all seeming troubles and are just happy. We do our
best to aid this happiness in our grocery department.
. '



Potted Veal. Mashed Chicken, Pressed
Pigs Feet, Vienna Sausage, Corned Beef,
Lunch Tongue. Potted Ham. Hamberger
Steak. Frankfurters, Chicken Loaf.
These are the finest canned goods ever
put up.

Force. Kom Krisp. Cerea Nut-Flkkes.
Malta Viw, Grape Nuts, TrJ-a-Bifa,
Cream of Wheat, Brittle Biti,' Ralston
Breakfast Foods, Neutrita, I’Hsbury Vitos,
Banner Oau, Rolled Oats, Lincoln Oats,
Shredded Whekt Biscuit.




Olives, Snider’s Salad Dressing Dev­
iled Olives, Oyster Cocktail Sauce, Sni­
der's Catsup, Mixed Pickles. Canned
Salmon, Pure Horseradish, Mint Sauce.
King Oscar Sardines, Clam Chowder,
Pork and Ueans, all kinds of prepared

Childrea’s Shoes, black or tan (d A fi)............................ 30c

Baked ,fresh every morning; Whole
Whtat, Graham or Rye. Ordir with
your groceries and save all trouble.
What about flour if you do your owe bak- ~
ing; We sell the very best. The Su*
preme, the Marvel and H. L, Co's "Best.”

Ever tried our particular blend of Breakfast CoNee, ^ocha and Java? You
don't know what good coNee is until you do. Then we have the the FemdeU ^
Brand—three grades; each one the best for the money you ever bodght. The
"Park Place Special" has made us many customers. We also carry ten other
brands—in faa we are the coffee headquarters of the city.

-dna Bsd hecltfay.
Mn. Sra Boecr and oba Ranr haW
wrrtood front Bt. loalt. Mo., for a Ttoit
with Mm. Soeor^ toolbar. Mrs. W. J.
tbo totr on a tmAwoo til^ reUerflaj.

^ - mm Vtotot Teieo «c Btoptiw ito


Graham Crackers, Unceda Biscuit. Sponge Lady Fingers, Animal Cookies,
Champagne Wafers. Brent's Water Crackers, Athena Wafers. Nabisco, Orange
Gems, Frosted Creams, Java Coffee Cakes. Sultana Fruit Biscuits, Fig Nekrton,
Elgin Cream Biscuits, Zu Zu. Jingcr Wafers. Butter Thin. Cheese Sandpich,
Cheese Straws,'Vanilla Wafers, Mary Ann, Gisger Gems, Pretzels, Iced Coffee
Cakes, Sugar-Squares. Cream Crisps, Cracknels.

Cable no. 3

Blemcn’s Sbees, Slenien’s Oxlerds. Blemen’s Slippers.

Se many Ue Can’t menWen Cbewjnt.

mrtr. It keeps tbe scslp


: orrv.


- - awrt Hor.MbAL
A •
__ «Bh Dr E Mr
llnnf«ocia». tor Ibot ■iibi.
CbUif BlMk >*IV-EslPrd«r «r*o*ood
Id Colvor and oou
.n I va lick with typhoid aad kid. ------ - ------ .. Hart*.
Wt bt*r thu Mr«. K. A. NDm.
an TtftttBC retbtUn
T ^ble.*rlM Mn. AM HW>
ni to Onad SMtdA '
a viilt
Mr*. »:«1 0>d tve rbOdm. «bo
order oMhe dv
hAro been oprsdloc irTtrrol ornk* In ' (
i ir« iJendlOK a »eeli to Ldand.'
j ^rybody bM • Ane efop. Otker *
, loon, boot rmrM io thrlr borne in''ii,d bod lo r«pi mi hondi on pv ki
Mn. A. Voice if 111 01 tbit wrlttni:. I*re io
oJIul OB Hn. i U^U ploce.
, «bra I «Blin4->ruB thU mtWb
Frod ARaltrr tprat PrUty In Tp«ta*MteelM U b^TaII tonmftnt- i T™*»r»« Cllf or«r
MlwtoB eotebratal ibo itb in ’ BatcHocT-woO WilMj fcFWrttfc »t«
|tr»e “
rp»k RlctarOM at I^ood
paper-, preat ityle. Elk Rapidf and Travel^ i«r», abich miored n^rpMakb aad
M^M^Tt^avMonafcachMak. Ued.hl* aUUn. Mn. Dy« ud Mrt.
■ —.............................-*-------.
ftreocth aod no* ...
I oae vDk
'' unwt In tbv iobuoTi' bDldinsFIFE CAKE.
Minnie Brown baa r»e to; rata Ob aroooni of hl*h wladf nume rtralxhi Merer. They are daDr
BtU Kolocy ipOBi FrhUy Id SutioBi,
Mri. It Vetn uid »l»tcr, Mn. Amy
for t>e yuBiarr.
of the Elk Ra>>i<U people were not voaderful ' CwuwblMid to onw
: to Ald«B ;b.t._________________________
able to return borne until the cvc-nu.c fioauli. Ilrer aod kidney lUserdcn;
I of (he 6th.
at Johnson l>ruit Siorv OoW, F. H.
i Mr and Mrt. K. 8 Noble and daueh8 E Walt A BoBt' drufatorpa;
' Anonb leaw BubJ«i nm Boaday ;
norl. Gardorr bao .rrtarned 1 Mr.- A. Eebl opeol Saturday l«
Some of the farmer* will bofita bay-'
,p,n, M-retal dart laB Old Minion
Mlfflpli !»*"» *br, Mr*.-----------ilop; "Tbe^awo of the Plo'^,
P1o«-i fro.
trM ,
a ^Iftt
Tlftt trlib ber «l«er. M**. O Tiarer^ CUy.
IbC today
Ian wsek
taadw. Time of,
Holbrook pf Traveree aty.
-n.Br.da, to rlBHirr..-• Areblo
Anbl. Staart.
l*eBtli-ib Caaiorr limilad
Mr*. Wlllla Ramtey If oa the upper,
doaroe with bit caBi of bk b
^di l^^iaTona C9tf aad other , m^Bfc 7:W.
Mr. asd,Mn. UA.Ban.0
------------------------- Mr.a»,^Mn
' I0:»0. Pf««hli.« .erflco atBuBda,
IJiii B0i‘
mm' Andre*, bookbewr
lliSO. A
A. While. *lfc andlialm of Mir FourUi at Manton.
^ IV MendlBk her racauSwIUi cordial IbvIUIIob if exxeadrd lo an to
„f Mr. ao.l Mr*. I A numl^r of tbr youDt
lx-.ll.^ut.-l oa'lan Th..r*lay and took Wf dAUBh'".

! attend tb^ f«r»»n.
______' _ Wv. w, Brow.r aod other frlcndf._
B pimlc at lb- Ix-fl
ihe Pou>th
Mrt, Eoo and chlldten, where they .arm
MIm Jenolc liacer
Hn. naaoB of Wexford riflied r
id a eo-tlo. Mr Ha«e;
ere guemf of frlesdi attd
Mr. Hoace wu boptimuJ at Ore«i ilM hare ob the Fourth.
Joly id.
olon lart «eek.
Lafea SBBday aflenBoa by Ker. Love
tpem S
Miff Harlr llurloos of South
.Mm Wb»»0.
• “jT'''‘V*
- Chaw U the aoert of Mr. make ibeir ful.m- hc«K'
O. Tompkftu. .|.-ni aeverwl *
.,*1,'^^^ (It «SB 1'e rn«l of Mlt> Winifred
^B UdiBB- Aid will be witertBlBOd
Mr. and Mr*. R. Rarl,. dayy la Tra\tT,v Cii; la»i w.H-k vltll •“^^7* '
- -■ -•
Hn. Carp«iw BbR Friday Dter
. ; lug rvlallve*.
Fred SreCTimor sod family I
Prod Itordeaux loft Monday
Hlu ucrane:'ii
ive-*u eu.< a«im
“ K»"”
, 1^1
the rblklrvn atiil
UM rYldf.
...I grand.'^
“-V. 'i;
Mf. Uolhw ABdraak. with bis alf*
family idiUdran of 0 H
irtha Peroit of T
and Mra. J PIs-k
Hattie nn.l Hanbi Bero
JcdtBBoo OruE Store
F H. H«M>.
Bad dBBgbier Mae. spent Bnndny
prepartns to ..
(i .= .b. III
'' tteiBB.
'8. B. Wall * Soaf drua ttorea; only
Afteraom «Kb the Corpeater hinlly
LererViogban I>e*ey bat

Grand Traverse Pegion.


ps:- o,.«


J5J^;2S ”





jj... 0^ ri'i.'ir.r.';:

■; K.-.r."-




______________________________■________________________________ ________


Hitt AlU CraodDI h apendlnt a

““ k^r for H. R. Codd
J. J. Nefhan a-V wife of Boult
Mi'ei Bertiice Bilaaoti of Rinnirt Boardman were r:e*u of Wm Well)
.Mr and Hra. Henry IIDmt ana
wa. In tokm iodr
wife laat week.
tatuiwad from Oiand Rapid. Wbdne.,_r and Mra J. TbompMi of Oak­ and
T. T. Crfppea and daughter Myi
land. Ind:. are rltltlnt Mm, Thomp^*ThaTr*rerae CIfy brlek f.rS «tari- m-f cfalldrap. A. M.'JeP«y. Mm. Oeo.
Jaektoa and Mm. D. C. RlncileyJuly 16

M* o5^“ SS*”

IH'K.Sb'S'rbrss,'- ”

lake fur an
will Jk‘ With
[Ita peart Dame entertDned
and Hra
Tiieeday ■ erenlng.
, -----------gnewt

a Ebeu of Carrie Helm lait week.
Dixon, a daughter.
Mia. Ollre Data, who bat been lo
Deater BlocBm and wife wrtt Ban- I Holmea and matte, after whi
Ctileapo for the put eight moothe at­ lag rora-vltlt
day la Trarene City with Wend.,
J. B. TeacboiK hat gone to llawkt.
^ FMmb of jBly was yedy «bM tending tchooi retaraed beoie BUnrwhere he baa employment.
. Mra. Wm.-Porter, who hat be«i te111. It cunvaleactng
ily 111,
Mr. aad Mi*. J F. Matthew*, who' rloutli
*"a?*^B*aaB oT Platte aad ton ^*&ra. to Mr. and Hra. Frank Hiknla.
and Mrt. V. narrow of Traverac
it of Rev. aod
Oharlia oT Hllvtakta rflftad Will
J. Burdge. have gone 0 Boyne for 'l CRv tp««t the Fourth In lown.
PTMIW awl WU« latt vert.
, Robert Aguaa ha* moved Kit lallor
-.WIoeMd Maynard t. worklnE In Harbor and Will Moi
lui) larp Ihe new Quvrafr tlonr.
innet Ow Cured
Kropp of ProTolBont,
a rltU at Borne.
^IM Mai^t MeOanr If aUewdiu praluea lake Sunday.
Mra. Win Vanwinkle of Orand Rap
Tha Chufeh picnk at Port Oneida
haaiaeei eoll^ ia TrarwnM aty.
*M larsely aueaded and Dl enjoyed a Ida It the guehi of her parenit. Hr. and
JDy 16.
Hn. D. Weaver.
MUt Btu MiRrhler bat returned
Mra. Byron Oliver of TravhlONIlOK CCfmtfU
take a job of pe-eUng
•erne City tpeoi the “
-......— from Hodge.
C. N. Hathaway apewi ibe la«
vUltlhg rela-j Kolarl^ and will begin
Hite Relh llouc
fflendt and ndatIrM D tbit
Mb bii poofde at Ami.
_ _ _
M>» Katie Johnaon,
live* In Ced'i'ai1C
I Ctly T
Mr. aad Mrs. Aldffifli of Ortw rtaIghi
Mra. 1
DBd rtetr daasbtw. Hn. W. Batay.
alBler, Mr*.
8am 0*Brlea t!Wa‘ **>« Foorth rtalt- «««at of ....•r ---------the
*^r^d Mra B. OJIawby kad eon
Albert Praiue ptade a boalaeai
took dinner with Mr. and Him. C. B.
to Good Harbo' today.
Dye yoMerdar.
jllmc aod each lady look home a nlee| iall-.rwaUrPilitantbebwa.
HUt raiea Oltoo. who it working
'W. P. Lane went to TtaTerte City

r„;u-.;"ji',.roru'-,.,i “i.-

"iStuftMlfc* dt Otwid Sapid.MB

U laat enti>-..

' A «*rUfieate is itamd inaUail of a book. *
•'" ABMPn\lT I)»«inler.vL loteirttoatb-acMiaa^

OF DEPOSIT «... yoar'from
un1« WMwaa.
yearfrom date


Moat omiruaiout for Uioao who viab to ^ .

: ■■■"' *ccotmTs

ir ilSTo■A;x7■^.^s.;r.^:: ssL..


Some InfonMdonUcgardliig Bank Deposits. “posns


and auMvoQ)<«l way for wiyins all kiDO*
ofacoonoU. Wu famiili chuA books. _
"*> demand. No Mymeots •
made eioept on written order of depoai< ••
tor. Unylie Bwde. if debtor ao da. «
Dnw, BO 4dUier bosband or wife eonld _
drew. AD buinuM DrirUy oonAdentiU. ^

71 t • > t I


I II t t I I t « I • M t t I • I I • •

market month

for retail furniture buyers. The great annual furniture exhibits are now being held in the large market centers. We wiu: as usual, buy heavily. ,




and let Bms






Pmotirel eoonomyii
never more foroihly
po^^yod lhaa when
•elected. Easily upented, with balf tbe
copeaOe aod twice
the •aUafaoUoD of
•By otbor atore. Wo
liave (be cstdoure
nle of tbe narketV
fiiMcboioeof mnitea.

Btbf Gifts
jittd 8fCarts

(Uindow Shades


Oil eioth, Cinoleum
and matting— tace Curtains
In oil grades'Ml Iciwesl prieee.

^ Remnants
. Id all floor covering at l<ws tlmii coet.


and yoBT own ' h-nns.
Wai WVB their own cost
ia a siW^ aeasoo.



^surtng Chair I
S, Imilt tlml it rewiily
ailjnsts itself to any posiliou lb.- bofly may aasum.' .41! BU-el frame.

Will •,ti..t..rf
\ .411 and -olors. < VM si/.-- sh.-ui. s ft specialty.
\ work in ibis .lepirtm.-iil is . \.-cal.-.l !-y an .-i!»> rt.

In any quantity yoa
may wane
and lotA tbem over.
A fine line t)f pillows
and »d» pillows.


PicRire Trames

Ill all sizes, from the Biiiall Utrow nig W the (idl room sivsv





It's now pr -iiever with
os. Tbore wu fail to
I sell now well bare to'
(wrry to aaoUier hs
I The lover wdH ne (o
f movetbemis

Eitrmily- Urn Wtks

De*istethoh««7gprinft trade onr carpet departuient is |
Mode to opler. nnndr.ds of styW of molding lo select
still Uio beat stocked you will find in tbe city. Yon
from .\iiy sir.- you w ish at i. mu.-li !i-»s tign^- Uiaii yon
get jnit wbat yon want at jost wfant yon want to pay.
rail get elsewiierv.

Baby's gnmmer ontingg de­
pend ftreaUy on theee.
Brei^wg for tbe little *
bH been
daretnlly lofAed- after in
the eeleetrai of oar stock.
Toor promiae tor fatare
payment it «U we eek.


That we carry a full line of Summer Necessities, Screen Doors, Window
Screens, Lawn Seats, Chairs and Rockers, Hammocks, Croquet Sets. Lawn
Mowers, Hose and small Garden Tools. In fact anything and everything for
the house or lawn. Just step inandsro what we have and we can convince
you that we hre offering big bargains in these goods.

and Portieres
I >ur assortm.-nl in the*.- mak.-s it uiin.-c-ssarN- for j'ou to
take gfHTvlbinK yon’don't want. Uome and iooL tla-m over.





in an sites. aTI sb«!,
\ We parehasod a Urge
J .{BAntily of these at an
rally low prioe
and are offeritig tbrm at
ich kwa than eii»nw dualcts ounkL




Brown aspects to occoppOiwttb a twAt4ETlJUf&
Harry Alklasaa of Chhogo sad WlU aUare Hock aboot Sept.
**2 A^C- Wya^o^ aad tem^A eeteeat walk to betec plaM la
klktaaco cf TrsTerse dtp are —'
I. D. Crate and temlly
fnmt cd J. Aatpacb-s dry goods stcro.
Bg tbair TscalicM with Ibeir |
KlagAey is amm lo Mse MUfe
4 tbteptec*.
ikta. The paavoBtUaB of Hi*. J. L.
A paitp was glree at tbe JBtomere
rndpoitbe Crete.
Qlbba to tnraU tbe .
Mtage teal Saturdar erealat It
Ilgbti ta and cbane by
n- of Mlaa Alice Beraoa. TM
IW ,
”b» Miish
iBg wai speoi te daaelig ae4 a euR aeaptad by tbe Tillage c
tbe family at Sooth r
- large
par sraa aerred
a*, i o'eteek after
Wrs. Vnoea'*
aen. (iicafir, wblob the g*e*u departed, reponteg a___________ _
- them ptoeed Id tbeir homes aad pteces:
aad her aoat Mn. BaadncK*. of Cm gas lime
Julia Tabor. Carl West. Alea. Wai-;cif bwalae**. aad ibe propoeltk* lookiI lag.
dar 'Ria. diore tbrooik to ausad tba
aer. Albert Hobbs. HIlea Kaatoer, Mr., like a “sure go."
Mnbdar sartp Saadap.
aad Mrs. Jesenb Eageltbaler aad GhilHugh Laloede retsnad teat Wed-.
Itr. aad Mrs. Poe Pmosks weal
arm of bees sllpbled la
dreD Mr sad Mrs. Jordan
bob aesday Ito Petoskey. where be bat em-;
A tramp

ktrs. Jaae Tocher of Cedar Bam
DbH FWrbuki <H Bk lUpU* «M ■ eaM Batatdap erealaf to apcM Soadap aril hbar.aMer4aiaw, Hn. p
€«Um-b«n PHterBalpk BM« uid »lf« cf B>tM
aMar. Mta. Cora Oaiaaa at Acme tar
R. e Ov4ftcr U



**Sr«. BnHer of TraTcno Otr tWo
Mr Mbor. Hn. O. yo«n>*. tut w
Jtoo ABM of PMMker rlaUo« k
itour. Mr*. 0«o, Btnker. tM ilk.
Un. Om UBdoer l» qwsdlDc
«Mk or fo IB Tmrme aty rhlOi
trloBdo «Bd retatlroB.
Hr. and ’ Mrs.’ Poba Amlsboehler
toWl OkBBV IBM « km iMt
<a lelattres aortb of Cedar Satvoak.
•rdap nlcbt and Bondar.
W. A. WordM kM ills BOW k
Uula ABors White pot her bead
•ssrir ooeiHotod.
ooiie bedlp Satardap eresiBK bp
Jair l«.
roBBtaa n is Ue cream aciiarator. Owe
Baccf was erusbod to a paip. Thep
Oy4* HsUswsr. «bo bw bees boat bad to take the aeparator apart to lec
for ■ tew daps. wlU rcUir* io Maeroe
CsBler tomorrow, 'where ha la em- *’*A1 '
^ped la Ike wtore of Ohms. Dpe.
a with ctoap <•bleb baa
Chartte ^oUas has bb«d to
isrdlp walk.
IteM Cadar Co, aed tbarstere
Mlaa Mpers weni borne to Lake
N«ala IB oar bore foe a tlam.
0 risit her pareoU. Saturdap
.-■tas Uta PreoUsa arrired b
Ins Bosdap ereoltip.
horn Orasd IU|>ids oa tba itb. Sba
hall *a*e at Lake Ano betw.
ta beea swap aerdral moatba Wo
aiw ilad to see both Me aad bar
ooo all
bsdtber bora BBta.
kin. ktetatlre aad ehlldreo eame of Lake Aaa.
Hrs. Bert Bdtell of Cedar aed kta
boM IssilAt from a abort rtsH la the
rpha BapMI of Cedar Baa called oa
ao^ imrt of (be state.
lis. White aad Mlaa Nlaa Hpers MoaVo Ma plaaaod to bob Mrs. Walter
ip mentiBc. Mlaa Orpba area retorsVeadar aad ItUla sea Oteoale back
from Bswdoa. We beam tber wete let komt from Cedar, wbwe abc baa
both slek aad feared H mlcbt ba aonw beae nattlaa. aad Mrs. B. Bdiell It
OB bar war to Mllwaakee. Wla., wtame
baa bowMt 0«a aha vlU pola ber boabaad.
Mr. aad Hra. A. L. Stallb are extel J. P. Tweddle-a
a be wUl
« Wodaeadap ereslos.
PMm. Hr. H
« lo Ai^
. . .kaalbera aad daaAter Bacbel
arrired (odap from Piaaifort. wtaere
thep vaM the itb vWUac friwda aad
sro bearp rafo abowera natil tba middic of tbe afiereeoe the
The aerrleaB at the adiaotboaae are lib, bat there whs a larce crowd la
well altoBded.
tewa. No aeeidenn wore reported
Vb are dad Hlaa WaUers baa er- from tbe BreerBckert and’eaBBOb
Mlaad a Piialor CbrUilaa Badearor.
Va tniat the member* will take ba laOaear Pobsaoe. wbo baa beea workicrart aad reoelra wnieb food frm tea
Polwoa sllww Aor«. came
borne ter a few tbe itb.
Wm. Walker, wife-mad oob of Trar-ae (^tp «r« «a their farm here for a.


Artp Alper speaC the itb In Sottoaa
Two bafcea aM eae reaael loaded
■Rh lenber et
Neaeoas dock Iasi
priw TtsHtUB paaterdap.
Tbe aiea Bar sad OTcterp resom
Hlaa Bmtba tMl baa soae to worit an flUlap op teat.
at Rlars rewirt m KmwooiL
Hra. Peoate Vaa
last eranlac from Prankforl. arbere
ir farm abeot a alia oet ^ she had beea lo aUend tbe foneisa of
hw brether-lB-law.. Pames WilUans.
re of ClwHaad. Oblo. Her staler. Mrs. Oeorge Smitb. came
rs la towe teat-------her for a vlalt with her (stber,
on here aUm
U. Peter, mod ber two slaieri.
_______________ jlealcatUmal_____ ___
___ a BretbertoD baa returned from a
t^ to tbe Bo^re Ma of tbe aute
Iftaale «aa aaan an oar
Hfoatj todaor..
Ihvh betk^s an rrowilr
. a. B. Rplter baa Botiod bto fuaUp la- erttliix of the itti there sraa bardlp
~Hra.**ftreM^pfaibr heard with
aba* of tbe death cd ber bn
tew. BCf Valoe of 'Wesford. Word
eama that be dropped dead In tbe bapAeM a few daps an.
a nahtr b oa the Hofc UtL
Hlaa Violet Ccttlas la ta Chartereli
^Ur. aad Hra. Thoa. KoMerboaae <
etahtBs reiatlTea. frarerse dtp rteRkd at ttao hoaie i
Hr. Waptender and famllp
a PollsUB teat week.
a baa rcturaad i
Leonard Miekacm U here aad will
««p sroeerles. etc., la bis baUdlog o
I Blora of Lodlacloa arrired
be ooraer of Mate aad Lake street.
A pleatgre party oa a ateamer Iron
Masdatee called here tM% morelos.
took ptedsore aeekwa from here to
BoAb Haaltcn aad ba^ wbaieport a
sptandld klip.
. ./ •
Mlaa Preoeb fa now able to sit op
ter a short time. Oaa of -ber aleeea.
Hlaa noreace, ratonied to her borne
Stiwat ImprortaartA borsa ractec. teat week.
Charles A. Vlabar weat to North
The head cHolala «( tbe H. A N. K. HanltDa test
It nridsp
lo see his s<
mitt a bwitasaa caU at the wew town tomlly.
SSltooiib.J.alp »
Vttbam IBT the wow depot .aad
tMlM bOM la talshad and work cw
^ Itfhctirk wlR.bia(la tbia wMk.
botUiaf te to be eae hdadred feet
Prsak - _____
fur PcBb Priutef
of Hlhraiikee.dld b^Do2^ tbe store
^ HsB. Oeo. C. Oor^ with other busi- kfamdap.
frtmi Trerare* CUp aad
* dtp speat test week r



a he pot it In a COB with apteteUy pre>
test Wday aigbi erwrllr 'mnliteled
beton^ag to Joha ;
w*mr. bot when be . arrired


liken s-.d Jamm W Jordan'
•Dt SskXag oo Rau lake Salordapite tM
Ml csnsfal a large Darabcr of btesk: Harrlel
saa. TMy wetghod over <0 poundi.'wilb her porenta bet*.
Oeorga Lamdgren of Glco Xrborl There to a deal of talk poiaf
look diBoer at the Trarerse Lake *um- rooadt cooeernteg tke boldteg of a:
resort tell Friday and ealertslncd nock-fair te Ktegslcy some lime te!
gooal* with a D"Dibcr of violin Septeinber or October. The Idea Is!
a good one. aad with tM amouDt of'
PMd AiktatoD. 8r, drove to Cedar; laacy stock ibmi baa been breedlag la
Satuntey aftrrr.aaD.
i the rlclDliy of this villi
Cuntitegbam li working at tke ; half docco years
Stare Cui
^y auCh an ercD.
BversJ Ij-..............
Mrs. B. Vtokoebll. dsiigfater Hattie
slock ralaers abraod I
id Biss
Bt** aUee _
8er. ,
drove to -Traverse Ctry W Fi+ 1 wbat ibti country can prodiwe in
I Iter,
day aad relurried tbe-------- day.
Mrs. B. Tlskocbll and lamllr enter-1 and
M -........................
a direct stimulus.
lalaed rwats ...................
the Ell'

I... u.. w I


• the ammal Botbteg

^.Id. fteturdsy more.DK ll.rsrh.who
J-«e J.dkw, of Msy.llte. to workte*
a rv«l estate dcoler « l*hlrap..'n ler ihc Amedcaa Mpr.'ss Co. Aboot
— ________ ______e I* l.ui yy. tw.oiy-Ave years agu ipe nMOW-famoa*
both rolling In tbe gnttcr bnt they The gitwin loW Ibe conntv clerk wbeo b.-arrr of tbe name •*» making ihlags parted wltboal and blood or
that be did wot; mighty te-ere.-iteg lor aaolhvr tiprea*
ones and Bwanwhlle the
fact,of ih.- wrddliig to be company m.t wet.
w bemsod by Sam E
Coae public, as be and hi* had
----------■ —
dopar) from CblescK l>erau*«- ihetr
a teuiwhiilij neeessliy. l>r. Tboma*'

ciiK Fm in FEiEB


. W.I. . Will ■
. t Walt A Sons »ay Myomd Will •
ewt Relief—Sow Under Ousrsntee. '

p> to (h. .nwp. eWirt. wlhi»: w-w ttlli.
k Mlehlgan Central p
o puU -oot of Ibis sta-

The season for hay ferer Is almost

"«— ■™"-

..b.™. i™------------------- - - .»• „w.



Keep Well by Strengthening the Stomach in
Summer With Mi-o-na.

aeo' pteho.
-Chas. Stansell'anil wife rtsluxl TDeo
Hi*. Freak KIrt aad rblldraa visited dore Rogers and wife of Vnlou. Sun
friends out of the dly lam week.
Mrs. Archie Case and son* of Soiiib
July 11
Boardman spent last week visiting
frtenda here.
M. A. Culver left July S aud spent s I
rciurn.-d Friday
tew days rtoUteg relatives te Alms.i
Emma Koebenlc
Hleh. returning with bis wife Sainr-1 after a three weeks’
day morning.
, te Cblo
H^llsfd of Tsancr Is vtottteg st
Freak Bright Is tM new dlreetor of {
Toamsiis spent t
Foortb at Honor.

There are dsys »f dixilneas:
S|..'lls of headarJic, sldeachc, byk-

B. R. Cain, for flvr yeas* agent for
! reltread at wtiItetasbon;. sprnb Sunday with Mr. and
Hra. C- J. Barkman. vMr. Burkinan,
■^d scbooteiatea oI ''
te Travona City
Jwe HeadM
Miss Hau(] Pone:
spending * fi?vja)*
Rial, retareed tote home Id Treverse
Clly Saturday
MeCully Is renewing old *e-1
.. Gregory of
qualDlances te Kingsley
The schooner
Hugo Win of wmisnishurg was In i Renion Hsrhpr
tor ....
tbc-dctelty of this plac and Wexf.wdj loart.-d with Ktav.-* and heading lor
tbe greater piri of test week, doing, Two Rivers Mfg. Co. «f Two Rivers. I
export repair work for a .Mrvesier | Wls.
I. .
Mr. vnil was'formerly a.
TM srhr«iu-r Belle eame In thi*
hardware sion-.
of he
. luissed
Fi'iinh. she will not te' loa’c
Itb large crowds and
___ af-i Tbiirsrttv,
ihe ror.tiorfn In-i
The lliile sicamcr Gull ihti went,
forded. The
progress (ashore near «ie Kdge**ier pier u*» —
tertered *omew|-at
of the games, hut tl

i !!-s.s i;

_ .........


SuDit-tIme* rhc'imailr palnsOflen urinary disorders.
All tell y<m plainly the kidneys are'
Dotn's Kidney Pltls enro all kidney

siMtel tbe FourUi with
ber pBienti at Tanner.
Mr and Mri. Galvin returned lo De-- street sayi
my back
tn>li Wednesday, after a shon vIsK< and hips *
iKpcclally severe when
with Mr a-d Mte, Zlika here.
busy at wo
Mr. and Mrs. Skluzak of Travorsc-attacks of besdaehA^dlxzteess
City called oo friei.da.hetv Tuesday ' slaking spelli. I knew I. would o
i to lei I. go any longor. and iM-teg
Hiss Kesek Is borne from Chicago ; .rated In bed Jn .be winter of I
for a Mio-1 virti with her parents.
i had a physteUn treat me. 1 obtained
The l.adles‘ Aid society met with ! some ro1l«^ »'
»Mr*. Wilson ninrsday . Offleer* were
____ Irouhte ron.lnued lo IsHher
eitvied as follows:
I was lariured to try Dean's Kidney
Canulc; »1re president. Mrs. Wilson; Pills and Ibev helpe<l
Canie McCombs;
treasurer, Mrs Mary McCombs.
Job- 3.


agasber than bp.


tr^^airey’lh^ most of the bait, hut when tbeir wives Hoo'tbe otVr day wacsi me cooaocior
der u> avoid the sneesteg. waiery look te.o their Ash palls »-heti l^n^.saw a lady mmlag as fM aa she.
tage and IM Trerrrsc Loke resort teal ;
Siaee tbey have begot. precUcteg.; eyes.. and other annoying symptoms get hnme, then Ib^- 1«A
{ Ktegsleys Am nine have been ptey-.ofihl
'i,o. .mcni cdual* that itf
Ivan Vlt'koebll. Mlaa Carrie Mri, | Ing some escelleni games, aad ahould i
6. F, Walt
, ,
the WIT, I»r. Conklte. who has i although hi* train wak id ready.;late,
nirdsall and Hiss Otive Bird- ■ 'he Improvemcat coniteue. we
I •’‘"'n"' IMI when Hyomel toa^ as^
ng II# preventive, or a cure, .here will be ju„ rcttrrned from an raMero trip. [ But she only wanted to kUa a deporip
call ofT
which tbey _... Mndle
-----dtr f.Mtet the
no My fever. They Advise dally Irwat-;
|„ uomoc he visilrd Ibe navy; tag lady frieod farewelt and tM dieof the -crack* teams of this
y at Ibis plaee.
Winnie ef Fm.nuln.
abend wlriMuit walllag for
FOwIcr and daagbier Beth. wM aanml aimeonuice ol hay lever. If this ' “‘"g about. Tbey kwked pretty.and ; ................go
the oscatell^ to be eompIctcsL-rUaaf
Mve tem spending g.j*e<>k with Mrs. It done, tbe attack will be prevented.; were so dlSetral from anything
Eltxa Krelser, returned Moaday to However. If
preventive treatmtml 1admired tl
tings Herald.
T home in Traverse CM»oDougb. and the I
to KM started
be front of tbe Saylor blocfc Ms
make* lu appearance, use Hy- [«CeOAR.
Q given a cMl of paint,
omel sis or iwveo times dally, and rv-, “
TM asbleet of nest Sabbath eveoficbael Hyeni hu resided and re- lief will be given at once.
taga addrewi to ~Tbe BrtAherhood of
There Is no stomach dosing wbro ,
T.*5*Hendenw.7sttte agent for the Hyumei U used
Breathed through f
Muter Ctead Core bu acartet feI Ufe luurance company, wu the neat pocket loMJur IMI -----------T te Klngaler Monday,
with every onlAl.. US
Its medicated
.............................. from here allcodod
s Lick is Fpeodtel a lew days reaches
es. air ce%. kUling
ptenteu Ume Mke Joly i.
verse City and Petoskey.
uthlag aad beaiteK
Ardte Roberta, who bu'been Ibe Irril
grown?”Inly spending several momhs here
The compleie
Hyomel ueiAl cnsii
W. Dunu.
guest of ber slsier,
r. Ml
but U. .....
extra boules _
Me. It la the only
tiirerd In her home^t
Maywood, UL | treatment for My 'ever
fever sold by S. E
rat responsl- tkm at the food conaol exist, that any
la eoiertnlDlag
not give sal-j i,mii
If be is disroae germs which mav enter the
ber sister from Traverse City and two Kingsley full cream cheese
llaiire disaster eaa easily sKMterh wm ba destroyed, sad food
larking In vigil
yoyng lady eouate* from Wlsoonste.
shipped from Ibis pulsi Hooday.
win be so mullly assimilated that a
overtake the a
Mrs. H. A. Culver bu returned from product Is Andlng already aa’,
Tbongh descried
rapid and broUby tecreoae to Aeab
an extended rlxlt In Ohio and souther*
With tM ladivldual life
e |M stomarb will rvsnit.
the "guard"
Jerry Sullivan's
of 1 against sick)mesa If It Is strong and morv ufien from a weak ttnwterh than
beart-hroken 'IglU
rislllng rels.lve* hero
j KatBmaxoo was aim
from aay othoncaase: beadactaa. back­
be S' illowed will be neutralized I? ache. and rbeamaUr pates ora dlredly
Mrs. Sage Ryan returned to Traverwr ,
aad Mrs. Breest Tucker are the par- City Saturday afli-. spending a few :
the digestive Juices or else driven caused br the add eofidltWm, nCr^
«wU of SOM. aad Mr. and Hra. Fred days with relaiivcs here.
from tbe system.
1 *
Btomach. MI-o«a cofrects all Ute. pi«Case. Hr. aad Hra. C. BnlfVa SB'
killed. IJiter when It was
Ftorepaugh' * Sells' adveftlxlng
dlgeoUoa vcDis the tormatlon of adds, and aerre
aad Mrs. C. B
one passed
learned ibai It was not SuramerArM rtiraild^ise'^
outness, kidney trooble. or {Mttete'
Item, tf quickly cured...
Traverse aiy
Rlackburst wafover frem Worn
Jttk B. E Walt A Boos te to
of ttanldblaeas.
Kopt worked la tbe uw. mUI.
fard Saturday.
ever Tbl* remrakable remedy puls the lb« guarantee under which L
Miss Agnes Haba to' visiting her
-fOlO, >■ UlC
Mrs. •Dfffell
whole dlges.ive aystem te so heollhy. Mi-fsna. ITIce U oeala. It cot
. W Over
clou oRd aweet a slate thki fennents- lag unless 11 caret.


The Htoaot Beaale Fareaiiaad'Allee
nay trUltod (ttoada te Gleo Arbor ftj4ay
ly and------------------aStnrday.
Mr. and Mrs. Oroesbtfk. aeeompaaM br Mrs. DIetriai. arrired oo
the llltecdi .WedneMav for Ihe Ken­
wood reaorC
Chas. Han. A. 1* Joyce aad Hr. AnahlroDg paaaed thnwgh towaEtuinday.

to be killed to |>UI It oul of l(« ml*owe my wbole lUr to Biicdork
ery. No arrest Ms yt-t been made. lUwid 81t<en>. Rmdukni* a*rm cot-,




u-Thiity day* ago We
thought we had a large

10DAY wc are fitting three pair* of glassei to every
oac wc fitted thirty days ago.

Others arc being cured; why aot you?^ -

Wm. Call|^ accompanied bp bit
lale hv all dealers.
Price 60
7^ wow tokm ta wMirti
a bo wire aad daashter. Mlaa U»iw. aad
»1. -trpoaareioekificfer
ber frieod. Mas Harfler. of TTarerse
•ft k/.ie sg.-nii. jbi' l.'nlu-d
Mas loeailaB akwe Haea a____________ _
.................................. Itlag friendt
do Bot delap.. WHMii ^ aest all
■ name—Doan’s—
monlb* s'l roeations -*
‘-------------”■ lake.
be orcnjdcd.
Mlaa Aaaa Ilasch appal the Poami
•• Waller Thurtall
Itb her aiother Id Oixid Harbor.
mflerlng ri-lleved
•e dtp are lari
Tbe Hteece Alloe aad Cva Dai
«d la Mipire Tboredap)
BabbaU aad Q. A. Uxbam
Hlaa Carolpa Kellie reluraed
Never f>
ii any drug r.
a boip
_, or.jiCLba

LSt week from Bewtoo Harbor, vbrre
abc baa bcoa Instruetor te aiatbeCM iwaolt of O. A. BrlxbaiBa re- matlco.
oeot Ulp to Haalstee. be becomes tbe
Mr. aad. Mrs. Wm. Phrram
The trap shoo. and;and expevts to get her off the beach ! been rc'iurned te _ llltesukc- by s
lolBt osmer with the BiieUep A Doai
Ibi Uimber Co. of the town alte.
i today.
! grand Jury shieh int.-sllgaled ’'deals'
If poa ere Ml tatereated In a tow
TM fotlawtec boose party from Do- micresilng feature and a special irate
^ermJ^.he friemto and relailvot ^ pres.-n. and former supervlson.
baalnaw. eWM and aec ibe surreuiK
trolt arrired for LoreM Lad<e oo tbe saulbbound at 6:M eook-the vlsttor* of Frank Ooneb sro vlsl.ln* him and i “
‘ i„die,.st .r. .i,h
'>te'’’'v’0 are slihtaceoMtiT. Cawdllloa of (arms. bBil<
lIllDOla. July 5lb: Mr. and Hra. Rol^ borne. One hundn-d aad fourteen vis- will star ”nUI after .he ittHan.o-j and other'
Bert Clarke and family aad Tom | bold fur Hie present
tapa aad eropa win make pan waai
eK Day. Mlaa Bessie ftey. Mailer
lally asfOelt'tiie went
to Honor Saturday, j
RoMb Da.v, Mrs. Chs*. Rule. Hr.
neighboring towi
la has o*r
- .
aboeked V auddcR doalh. msap
ale Rule. Mlv Winifred
A qaanlliy of bass try wen planlo
Tbe Influence of climatic ciM.dltl.ins
i purchasing g.« ’
white- worUne In the hapd^.
Master Hudtoe Ptric and a »er
by Ihe KtagskT Sportsmon's
.very \
E C Walt'
Talkao was atrtcMa with bean
he partv was MteHalaad at dl____
: [aU«<
arm ecptrins .inaUatip. . He wi
._____k. '
r D. H. Itey aod family Wednesday.
: mmt Ia4hc cprlp prime of-llfc. aireos
Theodore Tbompaon aad family aad hold their regular Kemi
M iRdBatripBs and erer wilUat to Hiss Aaaa Cadkam «f Oedar tpeai ike meat of oAlcers en Wi
nablan. Rfeh burdca for. others. Hr fourth pkslrkliis on Sle<.-pln8 Besr lac of Ibto we
n elegant supper •
German Synip. Fr«taavea a wlte aad a terse UnUp of
Id cojeylnc tbe acencty of the
will be aerred---._________
. the:
.. .
,ihc morning Is made rensln li. Ger­
small efaCMlM.
man Syrup, so I* a good nigh.’, res.
The Endor Stock company played to.
Pulp IL
Mr*. B Banerof. s slater of
Peter Obtoa. formeriy a «nri
and lb'' sbsene*- "f ihai m.-aX.-nlnp
la tbe Slreplnc Bear life aarlDs au- full bouses four nights of last week. Arbor visited ber yreierday.
'cough an.l dehllliaiteg night swret
bks retimed bli poalUcn apd lefi
lllustreied songs'and moving pirJuly 3a -•OLQN
Restless nlghi* and the exbaiisiloo
Manistee. Wm. Look tuna were the principal atiracilons.
--------------tghlng. tbo greatest danger
as nbstllutr;
Miss EOe Weldman of Lake City Is
eontumpiive. can biaad drrert '
regular la appoteled.
i rislilng friends he-.- ihls week,
Wc can hear the click .rf the
prevented or siopp.d
Mlle~ Hai'
>e Hiatea Ere aad Margaret.ttoy [ The Klngalev cheese stood third In teg marhlne ibl* mornteg. Ihe
man Sjrup llberall.
and reetilsriy.
Hr. Awderaos. were Aahinc at Cedar
tlsRlng tbeir graadpsreata, Hr. i the state scoring conical for tbe mon.h cr> are bus. haying.««i
SbouU »..u
you be able to go lo a warmer
Baa tbte wetA. •
Mrs Wm. Parrenl.
!of Jene. The number of pound* of' guiles numbCTjnBa-heiv spent the ellrae ron wQI find .hai of the thouHr. aad' Mrs. O. R. Cteppool called Vyred H Carlson relied la town Sun- ■ milk being brought to Ibe factory- I* Foufth ir PUH Loke and other IskM' mds’ 5^ rnsompn. ■ .here, tbe few
o« tM tetter a porems. Mr. aed Mrs. iv.
! iBOVasteg daUy.
benefliod ai
regain strength
Wb. -Wlaataakep. Boadap. alee tbeir
E R Daller of Empire, with hit |
B. a. Stone returned last Tbareday
Reid Wynkoop speet the«h at
are .‘•ose wbo uti German Syrup.
yacht Moouna met IM Snih Haal. {from Big Rapids, where tbe bodv of tcrloeken
Trial bot'let. Jle: n*"lf sir.
TM caipaatcoa are at work oa Hr. tou mall boat, (topute Haas, here teat i bis broibre was taken for Baclal. Mrs.
Nina Myvr* of Solon spent tbe
For sile by .* E iTalr * Son*
Aatotaa-a booae.
Friday and thev raced to Empire, the | Sioae reUrned Baturdsr evening.
at tbe guest of hersunk
Mr*. C
Hr. aad Mrs. Hforp Sberea ^eet Rnlianee wtenteg by a margin of tourj
Cto. worms hare
badly damaged Kobn. of this place
Col. David B. Henderson, et speaki-r
last wetei OB the old fano takinc care telnnta*
somXpatebe* of potatoes about town.
Oa*. Davis. Pearile Mareh. D
Xrf IM bouse <rf renresenlatl.e*. fas.of Uwlr bap. A Are aurted Id eotec
The Sidney O. Neff cleared WednesTbe Kingsley IFr« nine played the | Marsh tad Cllu Veroo spew, the
suffered * stroke o' paralysU In Ihi
•akawwa wap. burnlac Rslte a IKUe day wMh a load of maple for J. O. .State Road team Snnday. deleailnc a. Manistee
3 .^uque.
recovery Is eipt i7ibefore It.was pot oat.
; Uiem by a score of 51 to T.
Herman Fewllss I* working fo.
Hlaa AUe* Bapne retorned to TtnrD^. Smiih and wife aad porir ofl
Mrs. C J. Barkman stnmbled and Upbam tbedali
erae Clip teal week after tpendlag a
re arrired oa tbe Illteots Saturday i fell thipugh
tbijyugh a glass door
dot oae day laxt
» v«_ __
oewpie of woeks wtlb ber staler. Hra.
------.......................................................................... •- dar Ron rallee ThiirsdsT
To Cora a CdO In^sre Dwg

war last eraalBc. .
LPtMe Brtetaag had a blrtbdap
mstp Simdap. Abeal atgbteeo mile
friend* apeal tbe afterwooR wlUi ber.
lae cream aad coke was aerred i
aw'Be rerp prettp pretcau left to

_ .

Bitbram wein to the H*Mo umlabed

HanM, Mrs. Petenrl aad dsaghters. ptaymeBt Id a ptpef mUI.
■ trool of a
of the .alores at loUay Umogh the oBeers harr a cine lo the
« My
Mrs. Norsk and aoa lidwsrd. Mrs. KHt
Re»' E. W. Wood la apewdteg a tM , „
soon attracted Mile a crowd., w^uty of the gomy maa.’
“oLT -^S^aarka ^«oo. bS!
aad Hr. and Mrs. Loot* PeUkan are; week*' rscotteD at the borne of Wsi_*
iiher near
atayteg at the TrsTcrra* Lake -itn^Rei father
bear ER
Btk Bapida.
Taree or
or ftwr men Claimed the prixe..
Oeo-VaDOorderwaaaMaBtomeall-,mali*telDglhepwcrelbereUrat wlih
were m*in.-<l at flrsn.i:-------------------------------

nkw wexpoRo.

looMp tM in

lag lead cemrlodcA
that be wotrid like da
A* tbe.'rMHt of amilee aad beiaglaad
BSoM to take peisonsl rerr .... cm I briag coe bocM with hist to ibow hto.
sretrh ; friends. Oae
coacbl tee Urn Sutd
(MVehlect cf hto spile,


Ctl.xans Phono No. SS*
Suite 013-414 Wilhelm Block

Tyovwroo CUP. Hloh.

.... .........

‘ SiKHr''s’ “•

_ ................... J. A. Triw. left Sal- other reta'lres the te«i few days■*!
xud^ evnteg for Traverse City.
Nellie NSrris of Frenkftrrl Is rtott-'
------------------------------Maate LolOBde of Cblrego baa been , teg Mr-grandma. Mr*. P. Nerria.

Fk>r forty year* Dr. Fowler’s Ei-|
vtoltteg tor o Tech with relaUre* here I
Tbe dance at A. Ralstao's was wen Intel of B’lld Strawberry has beea earJ. S. Brosrn U ereetlng a one-slon ^ aiiended no- the lih and a good Ume tag summer eomplalni. dyaentery.'
haUdtag, lIxM fret, oa hi* tel Ja*( was enjored by all. Ihere wUI be an-'dterrhoea. bteody Anx. pote te the
east of V. Uaden's taktoo. Tbe build-' other dance Saturday -eveatec. Joly , atomach. and It has aever yet failed to '
lag arm be alert veneered, and Mf-lU.
^ ^do ereryUilagclaimed for te


Kalamazoo Buggies
Consisting j)f RCib^er Tire Runabouts.
Gentleman^ Driving Wagons.
gies, different styles^


Road Wagons.

Fruit Wagons, Delivery Wagons. Spring
Wagons, Concords. •




We can Save You Money on Anything
You Need in This Line.


I 28 Front stitoet
-1.EW18 RICS. M*r.


McMoir. BMte. jBir
jMnraM. prafert of ito dtj. wm
tketaadalMt touuUr idlled u>ter
b« «M reealrtac s SM«ber of petltlo^ The aMMlB wu wndM.
betaaged to W
mad Bored in esctadre ditto*. . It to bdtored U wmkfltad Itotoato ot hto fri*d*hto tor the
ear Md to gnad dska.
Prae, PotaaJ. t^r U.-Mere
thw trotr thotnad peamti bare
of Ike
aad are lulas then a* yyadas
SiwBda tor thdr taUle *a^ ahtop.
mbertas a thoeaaad bead. The
aat* era oManpad <B the Ereoad* aad
ny they are detenataod to rataaia
than deapita 'the eCons of the local

OMaral etotoad. ben o( the dloge of
Port Arthar. bai been amatad accordlag to
which atya the adtoe waa takaa is
caaMqaeaeo of the rereUtltoa made
by the ooBBtodiwi which has been laraatlsB. ,
Anhor. • It to atatad that the,*word
praaaatad by Ft each admlren win aot
Wirtioy Fc
gt. Paterebars. JBly 11.—A dtopaleh
*re« Ber*! «ya the eallora of the Ewdaa eratoara WBale aad Rraail
baas reilered of ttaalr anaa. Mallay
«aa feared. Ihe Slore poaltlrdy
HOhdH that the eopcror will travel
to Moscow wbera. oe Wednesday. Jnly
II. be wUl
awBlns rapreaeaiatirat of the people
toldlatky pataca. KramWa. Booie of
thagiWrtei* of the eoah. already bare
•Dae to Moaoow to aaaka prepa—
fer the ereat.
Cat Thraats Eaaoatad.
flan Piandaeo. Jaly 11.—Ber. E. F.
Md>hHBad, a retaraed otoahmary. re­
ports that|at the ilUla rlUage of Td»la. >W toliae lataad ‘ fn« Fnmi,
Kotaa. dxtr Bce chay*ed with betas
baadita aad cat Uroata. wen biased
ir ordare of the
Bareaa aaldlacp ware the aseotloa-

eesr ehlA wU riral Ibe boner
PwtomUM Mathtototf.
Eoqauala. Joly It-Hie
Radaa baiUedita Kalax FeteaMaa.
rrbleli w*« Bink by the aattaMn who
pmedend the reMd.«waa r»«aal«d
thto aMttiiac. the greetn- pan
wstn- bdag pampad out other halL
eaglM were daaBiad aad the
bis battleahlp wa* takes law toe by

to alrnys oa the eartaee of erery-


Mrs. Healer Doraey Blehardaoa.
preddeai of the paMIe record* cobBUdoa << Manrtaad. a proaitatart
nember of BatllBore aoetoty. hae besua a penoad tareetisallaa of the
records to the oM eoart booses on the
aastera shore of Marytaad. preparato reporting to the
tore thdr ooedltMa. with

WMhlBstta. daly IS.—It to otaeidiy

Tba eeadoae win be aald la a larse
at the oary yard
la that dty. repreeniatlro* <g both
___ ititoa harms asraod to this plan.
MurartaF. one of thd Kasdan peace
will leare «. ------bats for the Ualiad Btatee aesl Friay.
-Rulenll. BoaBsata. July lO.-Meia.ere of the crew of the batOeahlp
Kalax PotemUae. who sorreadered
here Bdarday. i
throashoot the
coeatry- They declare they Tore the
omr aad weip led aatray by the rerolatlsaiM The wembere of the rerolatloaaiT eOBteltteea aay the rerott,
bad beaa mediated for a tons tin
was broosfat oa preaistarely by the
bad food laeldeat which led lo the
klUlns of a atUer.

ebatse of hto <rm]ea' he fooad that
den for the jmrehaae of eopfdlei *
bdw approred Id the Boat perfoactory maaoer. He decided to pot aa
end to eoeb ellpebod method* aad with
that eed to view be decided aot
sICB aay letter ddUI he had read
coateat*. A* be reedree eeretal haadred ddly be boob fonad that la or­
der 40 <arry out hto piao be wooM
hare to woit shoot twenty-four I
a day. ae b« was forced lo giro It op.
About a year ago '«cr- Oarbutt
Bead, patter of ML »oo Ucthodltt
efanreh. Maaayonk. Pa-. esubUibed
Ibe eoatoia of kto*lns dl the babies
Bled for baptlcm. Last Snnday


fltted lato the tasJde of hto eairtafe.
a, that while be to MT whlrtod
threash the BredU^LOadoa
t^realas be oto Iw ap hto I
RadaaUI MaaekB. a aadre.ef Bomhay. India, to a rtottor to Now York
aid coBptalaa Id the heat be U
pUtad to eadim tbere^ The Bceeary
dbea not rtse to Htodooataa bdsbia
0^ HaahaUaa laUad. be payi. bat be
tan not lad a shady apot b
pire city whk* can be ased by the
pabUe to seaerd. Be aoa loo mhay
•keep off the sra»" alsaa
paika. naff' layer “It I* lalie dUferent tn Bombay. There we bare aablerraaean dUlns-rooBt.
atonhisable, besides amay other places one
caa go. sadi as the bazaar*. Udtt retreshmeDi room* aad so ea. In the
parks hose loots are erected whereto
' aa sit and Itotea ti mnsk and tohale tbe sweet (rngraaee of flower*
while cooltos off. The dty of Bombay
^Mes thywe thing* free of cosL’
NIebetas F. Brady, son of the gormor of Alaska, atteaded a sde of
coedenned Are department
New York city recently. He purchased
tbe bdf-docen aalrads oCcred for $600
lent them to hto farm, where they
amy browse on meadow grass aad oth­
er good iblags for the real of their
days. Mr. Brady say* that he will
itooe to buy the fdthfnl servants of
»lhe public because be bdleres Ihal
they deserre the graUtode of dltoctw.

O. M. Wearer lo
tt aoH tt aeM. *«e. 2. Wwa S.
t; $l.«$6.
Jeba T. Saaahan aad wUe to Mary
A. Brower, imreal. N. Fife Lake; $166.
United Btale* to Imae M. Wtoale.
tot 6. toe. n. town ft. range 12.
Harriet ha to Wwto H. Fa. tat
H. hlocfc 7. H. L. * Od.-» 6th add; $1.
Bderto S. Pratt and wUe lo Edward
P. Imrdle. et al. parutt. sec. i. town
ft. raage 11; $6M.
Bdwta S. Pratt sad wife to WlUiaa
E bsOraw. paieelL Trarerae CItyj
Ftoyd L. Smith Wtt wUe to LoUle
E Johasoa. lor $ and B% tt lot 16.
block 2. H, L. A Co-'B Itth add: $L-

Baa. Lota^MeOomha. ^
>. Canto Owst^ UbSi^Ueka.
Ml Olsem. Little Dtoaa. Ilabel OI. Lata KUfltt. Btaacbe Darla.
• amk.Bop ~
lea. Ray g
Qaade Prl
Mb Hkha. Baas) Burrow*. Bdllh
, Oar stttaol doaed with a
■kr. E Cook's grora The aust tatereattog fektare tt the dayh eatcnmlfl-

Nciaik. N. J, a taw
am,___d sC HatuU A. HUIer aad E OarfleM OlCttd. has lamOy hang eat Us
shtogla The toltlata tt the tpo mttaber*at«‘,H.A.M.BadEao.



. _
Also the Mcuire tafclag tt tbe ubto*
aad other graopa by a pbotograpber
tim Meslek. 'They wore all apprettated nod enjoyed fay ttd and
Our teacher. Mtos Dana, will go at
oaee to Ooekama. where she w8l rtolt--------------^—.
her mother and locether they willi Iw»ttJ*lyl«h.^P-l
upend the rusi tt ber racaikm rtoitlns
relatives to Empire, saathern Hieht-i
gaa end Canade.
We all thank tbe parcsU and
DclallT our festal day.US'
jboth asad
Lizzie Dona. Teach*

**chas. Hochradel aad wife to Herbnt F. Bonghey. s-IO feed lot 16. bloek
3. H, U A pa's *th add: $1,066;
Bin ShlUlag StlU. et al. to Can MSbimag. loU 1 aad 2: block ». Baytlde;
Jacob Furtach and wife to Maggie
Petertyl. lou 10.1M2. block 6. H, L.
Thai glerlau Fourth to now a thins'
4 Co.'* 6lh add; $6,806. •
ttthepast. The 8rst glory tt the day
Haanah. Lay A Co. to Floyd U was that , downpour which was so


smith, lot 26. btock K. H.. u A oo.-.

7th add; 1160.
maklBt the lovely grove al Mlvm
Lay A Co. to Phltaader! Lake a thing tt beamy and tNotoor.'
Sliver lake. O. how beautiful at U
Part*, lot 4 Jand
glittered lo the glow tt Ibe sun. WeiU. town 27. range 12: $106.
were so tbaakfol that It was our prlvT
Clow* to Edward Q.
Hocb, e27tocro* tt *H of swK. •«____ mcelstbatdw._______
12. town 27. raage 12: $100.
relse funds *o help lift tbe a
Wm. E DeOraw and wife to Ad* E
from GrawB ehoreb. It i
PralL lot 14 and wH 16. block. H, L. bsantlfnl place, where all may c
sod enjoy a day tt rest and ptoai
Bad that Mr. Bead omitted the
A Co.'s 2ad add; $850.
Real estate Tr*i
The grooads were to qoleL so et, .
lomare edute. The secret caiaa

Past at Army Warrm
eUe to those who came. Hto excellent i;
( John P. Matzea to Hubert Kraau.
when the 4mt babe was handed t
daughter. Mrs. Mtanle Hare,
Muakesoa. Mich, loly IL—Mui
lilb Rader, bore Dee. 12. 1M3. qaeea tt the place. Also to Mr
tbe pastoh. a pretty pIckaaiDny. as s K (r*> nf e tn tee* nf W 7.
Boa conaty iTta the dotcho. of the
July 4. JP06. Funeral service* lace Hozale. who lent us bit nice larg
bto^ as cod, whkh crowed for dl It IL. U A Co.'s Ith add: $2S0.
anay e« w^ and atterty jsneriewk
held at the bouse In Dakevllle. teaL under which to servo. To Mr I
Sarah Mitchell to W. M. and Clara
worth. It was the first black
July 6. by Rev. Zeaas George, pastof 8. Aldridge for a emaUer one for the
to stop (he terrible adraaec sad dorasM. Oordoa. parcel, see. 10. town n. of the M R. chiireh al Wexford. In­ kitchen. To Mr. E 8. Aldridge, V.
tolioa which to betos made oa thc baby dirtolenad at ML Son In Afty
terment took place at Blackman cemo- and H. Saekett and C. W. Barnard
range 11; $SJ6.
enpa: Tbe hay aad eon bare nSered year*.
who reared lento and made everyK. HOBtagne and wife to Richard icry. near SummlL
Hsay men who are'la the public
sraaUy. Maple lalaad and tea mile,
ibtng BO alee for the workers. To the
J. UmloT. parcel. *ce. J. town ». range
eareosl Wllllag Worker* who
' did sol—------Tent ttehtinga.
north of hen, 4 completely oremin eye today are noted for their alrillty
10: ISO.
Tenl meeting* were held from June nobly their part. Mr*. E. 8. AWridge. 1Q®»
with -the wor^t. Tbe farmers haro
Henry Blckler loXS. H. Bonnell. seM 26 to July 2, In Briphapt's grove. 244 Mrs. Maynard. Van KepflSI aad Sack-jSS^Q
lidt plaatlos a^d colUratlasett. To. Mr. Maynard wbocarred ourii
Edlop he slipe Into the pocket Of hto

teat wa* flUed and Interest Increesed. racau. To Mr*. Arthur Rouadlns
ridlns coat paper and peacll, If dnr USO.
Two hundred were osusllr In attend- so briskly waafaed dishes. T
Bsuie or Butt W. Silsby to Order aace. aad
BaRlBon. Md.. Jaly 10 —MidUsaa Ids hto lide be should frame a reply
jel. Mr,
imptoied the worid'a laen
dimealt qbettloo brought to DeL HHrs, iota 0 aad 6. block Cl. la- BtghL Ml
Middlepaisa baann. four local union pea- bis attcBtlOB be lou tt down immedi­ urlocben
ton Reuadlng and Mr. Bundy of laClark/o Ulllan Horton. nH
aaats aad aerea locd aodety. pea- ately and Ibes not inul to hto mem­
dlana. who proved he cooM wash dtohaants. One hiadrod and dxty aoela- ory. Pieddeat Loabet at France set- of sH of nwti. sec. 12. town 2S, range
rere flrea worthy meatloa for to- Ues some of the monotonous Quf*Uod( 12: $a».
Peter Glllto and wife to John P.
os to membership. Trarerae of state at hto breakfast table, when
Oty woa Ire.
be to practically aloae aad before bis Hatsen. lot 74. Oak Heights; 11.000
Ptanaii« 'uiw'WaitiBQ.'’
Kumber of vtolHW*. 5. viz:
reasoalag powers are distracted by ' Chat. E Mater and wife lo Ida M
Oenanl Nasm.
S^'*by’^oS Who toroo!^
: Bortto. July ll.-PromtooBl Jew*
Eva Burrows, Hr*. Btoard. Mr*.'
small and petty quesUona. Lord Both- Jahrans, lot 16, block 3, Btrehi
Bisard. Hr*. McCombe and Mrs. Ba- tenl. whose eomtog raised o
karanealtad Ufonaailaa that tba so$160.
hto day's
from a alckle to $61.$$. Our nrari
fkorUlas of Odetaa. Raida are {daa- Freaeh aaCior. aams op the Qertnaa bed. He receives bit confldenUal
Lottie Brower to Lnc-rtto Brower,
was deeply moved at the alghL being
■tran^r here. Thto----• flag “Jaw batttas" oa a Urse aeale.- empewi-^’'He redly knows aothiag. men not only to bed. but while be to par«l, N. life Lake;
BO much of a strai
Kraber rtceivlng prombtl
a glorious 4th.
Tbe poUM ta the street do ereerthtos One looks la rato to hie words, examBenj
dresaiag and
Names of those recolriog reward
it th*fr power to taclu the popdaoe toat thdr igpaor. their Bobttaaea. graham, btobev ot^LoodoD. Ifi obliged , Brower, lot* 17 and IK. Work I. N Fife
"^^e Lord lovcth a ebeorful glv$r.
--------- Cbc*.". BfdBtt the Jews as they pam by. It their inteUlsenee. their uUlliy. their > travel a great deal and be has I I Lake; I20II.
tle CripKennedy. I-my Harren. Bessie
Again many lhank
« oomaoaly bdlerad that oaleas aoae procidoa. thdr good sense' aad their special kind of electric reading lamp | LucreiU Brower lo W. W Brower,
Bun- crin>eQ. Albto Pavto, lv*h|y^___________O'*** Aid PretldenL
aid I* sirea tbe Jews a aew outbreak totenu Only oceadondly do




lEARER TO . .... .

Chas. Rosenthal and part of
Fixtures Go Next Week.
Stock will be moved Aug. 2nd
If we have it we
ither take a big loss

now than to move it and pay freighL cartage, etc.

If the cause Is not sufficient why you shouid suppiy any or aii of
your wapts now. we have nothing further to offer.

80 inch Center TiUo, turned legt.
lor....................................... ............................................
Hahoauny Sniihed Dresiers

Isx -----..........---.........

New Rojml Sewing Mnchinn.

far.......... .
Good WrinpBn
One Burner 03
Stoves for ..


Three Burner Oil
Store! for..........


All very well assorted and everything goes below cost.
CONSIDER what it means to you.


Wc win not carry clothing in the South, so we are forced to
convert our clothing stock into cash at any sacrifice.
CHILDREN’S SUITS—Fine worsted suits, worth *| AQ
$3£0, for...........................................................................
BOYS’ Blue and Black Suits


1.98, 2.98, '4.98, 5.98, 6.98, 7.98, 9.98

YOUNG MEN’S fine black and blue Worsted Suits. K QQ
worth $10 and $12. for.................................................... 0*5?0
500 Pairs of MEN’S PANTS, worth up to $5.00,
O Qft
choice for.......................................-.............................. .
for................. ....................................................................
$1.50 UmhreUas


......y..."...... ..............8.48
Children’s Summer

worth up to $5.00.

^ QQ

f0g .•.••aana..Wa«a«n«*aawwa*wWtwnewae*Oaa*.

SUk and Mohair Shirt Waist ^ts, worth $12.50, •


MILLINERY—Net mudi left, but what «;e have you W buy
at year ovm price.



$540. $10.00, $12.00, $15.00, $18.00, $20.00, $22.00 SUITS go for


White and colored WnisB. $840 valuen,



Value, np to $740,

Wc Have Eleven Departments


Come ana See Dow Far
^our Dollars will Streteb.

$1.00 Monarch Shirts
15c Monarch'Collars
for.............................................. .
50c Balbriggan Underwear
for.................................. .
Seamless Socks
Black Stainless Socks
Straw Hats, wprth up to $1.00,

. 3«c. 25c^

BELTS. 50c kind
75c and $1.00 Lace Gloves and Mitts
$1.00 Hand Bags
for........................... ........................................................ ..
Ladies' fine Hemstitched Handkerchieft,
2 for........................................ ............................................
Dress Ginghams
OK ^ Standard 5c Prints
White Outing Flannel
Fancy Lawrrt
for............................. (or.............................................

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