Grand Traverse Herald, June 22, 1905

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Grand Traverse Herald, June 22, 1905


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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tor »• OM 1*CW* Y#t
. ttOMh tke IroItoT •»« brnUli. *I

boy: two bwre are halt a boy. and

the MewnwNir we
AB4 pMt Ito
Mto wbere tbe
It aide ku
flasu lullr out OD tk« br«^:
no«k H Blit tbe red etoed with i
Ji»d ewue* the goNlaci t» tret.
4ad am «P
««lel toVB.




OtWMk t**

le aev aafe o
I went wtol nntJI aomc country
n. Btoektog up. paid la
tboesands of dollais


lor goods re­

ceived at tba and other dales.
e teftleBeot was made late la the
Then to room for the eft horn yto.
aflenooD and IMby coaelodod nol to
be al ibe ironblo of aendlng or laklng

ll to tbe bank.
That oA «M eo pMoete) wd etlU.
-Better tend It over." said Dan. -Ill
iMTlito dut to lu wake and the ecant go tf yon llke.oCbMalM.
-Ko.- dedded Dcdby, -It's all hsht
Aa’to dinitoeered over the hDl:
Theaih It* ilppe aM l» Jotte ifro
The otben knew their chief lo be
atom to the eolU.

firm, not lo any atnbbora In his c^ln-

IM ae M fw a Moseat for«et
Tttt. to «d>IU of Bwa-e aoed of oe

ions and made no obiectlon.

Ji tMSiiriatoBtorB are boar today

peelally rcgtTded the oflee with s
erlUeto eye. and as be did so bis case

Ben Invened the faatenlngs to all
the openings arlth unosnnl care that
TWe to snm tor the«td boree rto. sight wh» dosing the store. He ee-


I a, nos.

> mbeoluiely voold itoovel grata toto a U
nfe the»e •everal time* mnd re- and etoatne boom, and last of all. be j
la ISM envelopes i
d be could
laera was so v<HI «■
aachtn^ aad ibeo gel ap aad raa to
hanUy Bad aad deetroy the erkleoce; moved the funds lo taocled seenrUyr wisbed to egare hhoeelf from society ankeown.
for a tUoe and give hlBself wholly to ■
Catherine Dtooaded Moecow's
or begta wdrk ooldf-doore. where he bad
and a rug bed 'been replaced before If ao. wbeve bad be bid th«n.T Would
ibe task before him. A cooBdaat be^ pbaa asylom.
For manr years Ithas left oB. ®y and by. be had pNaty of
tbe boohease to seeb Banner as to | bit mil
came neceaaary.
He kacw Baybnni: been aopported by a tax oa playtag Ume to eat; bet be Uy Bat «« hV
hMe the tabes.
I to tbe
j.hark al ifaU Ume and did wet ■eemto
Probably not. Again would suspeeu-d much aad so he told him all. carts.
Dan paased a nlgbt of
, have much appetite for anything. And
11 February
Ras'burn'B obsecTsltoss bad showed j'
nn- anyooe bcIlcTC his story or would
aleep and tbe follcnrlng
d wbst was tbe maltcv with
. . eaiahlUh ,j people of Ktotucky kam
nsaal hour.; they think be bad tramped up the nar hla enough i > thoroughly
locked the
V of designed thvfl as' son had b*wn n>clocled
Bndlng Dolby at tbe door ready lo en- j retire to make pctjullCal evidence and i
far as he was eoncereed.
And. flnally. be did not have Ume to
reed, therefore,
ihervfore. be ij the previous November
ter and resnmo unBoUbed bostores. sdded a self-taken pbotogrepb as a !
threw blmsvll hesxllly toto the plan to I
The first bomb_potrege ocenrred on sleep
He toll as tbougb he mast ba
Tbe senior partner altboagh corpu- shallow proof!
get St the right of Ibo matter. Dan ' Christmas eve, IM». when Salnt-Na-, out al throe o clock tn the moralag
?*Take It all around.- thought Dan.
Irtit. was a wt>rkcr o
removrt hts worldly gwrft to the i Jant tried .to kill Napoleon. Over 130 j and stay to the Add till dark. Thto
often eommcnccd tbe das 'i -1 wool say nnylhlng bIsmi It. If
studio and spent a Urge pari of reeb i poraons were Injured by the explosion.' they bad a commission appotoled to
tobor at the lime Dan opened the Cbgy believe me, they will slation a po­
The flm Japaneae bewspaper was ciamlne him. s ' ”
nlgfai dodcloR ibo sslcbmeo and
doors for the employee lo^oater.
liceman. like an overblown angel.
ibjeet for the stale hospital for
The cashier hastened ftWward to re- guard my bed at night, and the I parlns to disappear. This could not | pobUsbed In 1*63. only forty two yean a
sane. Then he took time to
, ebaoce. are I d never sleep at all. let I take place until hi. hiding place and
nve bis plcture-laklnc device,
real cost
loo late: the portly form of Dolby pre-; sione getting up lb a
for' Japan has l&oo daily nrwnphpen and ^ him and bis family!—Farm JouraaL
Above the offlee sas a wore
him and trod Lravlly on the | lo^ for bucied treasure. Nothing Is to
on; . periodicals.

board. Dan. anmsrt et tbe ex-1 (h- gained by trdling of ibis lark, for if goods awaiting the wlnicr
W-bat Is probably the most ancieat!
Wertiinfl OIrtt' Matol.
peeled result, as'alfed the ellrk o[ the ' |-,q luooeeni the guiliy would eeewpe. Ihey had been displayed_ln their time
tbe ’letter to the world has been diseov-1
Issrd Radsioek, a wwtltby reUtlve «f
None came: the biiart bad ,hlle I was being persecuted codlcss- and were then packrt ‘ and. as tbe j
_______ excavaUons being made I the duke of >
alrcady responded lo an earlier footm regtin the esab I'oever tooebed.only possible chance of con-; m the prorince of Auk*. Crv-ee M . In sonlhwest London a hotel for wort.11,
In the mesintlme the bnnter of lawcealmenl. It waa well enough except j Mlhelm. secretary of the Austrian! tog glrla. Tbe hotel Is comfortable.
Mncb disturbed U
tbe Ibdirellon. | less men roundrt tacts down to where
Uisi nothing short of X-rays would Archaeolriglcal InsiUuiv. who has sue-1 even Iniurtous. and Ibe pricea tor
Dan with a light sti-p ladder removed | ho sra.« prcpaml lo make an arrest.
give him a view of the offlee through | eeeded In deciphering li. asserts that' board and lodgings are so amall that
Ibe camcre'and verified tbe fact. Some | The Arm scouted the Idea of Impll-

the ffoor of that room and the pins ; It waa wrtiu-n four eeoiurtes before. Ibey will make New York worklag
had. lo stale the iruili lilerally. ImUng ihe man named, bni the deieel-,
D brtow.
i Christ. It Is engraved on a leaden | girls gasp with a------------------- *
eneoimtered a hwee board to the floor trod bis picture Into the wnsiiivej |,.o vraa posillve and Dan Moreloo j‘tred celling of the
An immcaee marMo lim skattog
Rayburn studied Ihe situa- j l««l. folded to two. and It beerw on the I
I found himself facloc a ebarge o^^lar-'
conalderablo mild plate.
lltemJIy from both tides
outside tbe followng address; To the | rtak. on wUeb S.OOO people would Bad
Under Ibe clrtamslances the cashier ceny. The evldeoco summed up tbe
have If anoounce.1 the phntog I porter of ibe market al Polls, to bejample standing room. U one e( tba
preferred that some one other than following facts; Tbb prisoner bad
rMa .tbe gay people eeartoj
rapbor: -yoii ean'manage It with the ' delivered cither to Nau.lss or Thrasl-| features of the hotel. Bwlag and gyreUmMir open Ihe safe. He was to the constant Ingress In both store and
Isbod Is natural wood of costly
bcllows of your camera. It isn't safelcles. or to their sons " The text oflnastle apparatus will be p« ap a*
rtety. bad been floored WtMi badly sew- ball giving some dirceliocs lo the of- safe; he was last in Ihe offlee upon
The ehk*aa'*ay aomwk. eoetog
with Ihe whole of-the letter Is as follows: "Uneslengos | Ibe girts provided with
oreasion of the robberies:
eoned lumber. This board had es­ flcc boy relative to Ibo sweeping when
(be!The Inclusive charge Is tS cMto par aetHeyflodc.
Dolby's voice, freighted
anxiety. Q^tort to the building upon the last It," be laughed, ■ but If you keep strlcl- i sends bis greetings to
Aa high ae the birde ever get.
ly behind the machtoe and only use I bouse and Informs them that be Is to week—If cents a night. Lntd BPBatank
bumped Itself. That the firm endured
baa BOlved.tbe problem of bow’ to Utp
Bet to etoto of the thlagi we nay do
biasHe stood brtore the safe looking the neanUmc had visited a drug store,
Dotoanee^ eaally explained by
U Mats a day. For W eaau a weak
! h« or some sheepskins .If-posslble of
ere and white.
probably for liquor: had then call*
nara to rooto tor the oM horee yet Ibe tendaiey of bninanlty lo postpooe
The again mystified cashier litlened , the ordinary kind, without ornameets. board is prwvlded-at a pineh. Ttwaa
•The money Is gone." be said slm- at his lodging and returned to tbe of­
attenuon to what is not absolutely Iminfolding of the plan for the As soon as the occasion oBers I thall extra quarter the maCiM will udarly. ~Go down town for a detective: fice with A black ease to hi* hand:
Ttooagh the IlcbOitoc expreea. with tta peraaee.
to feed her boardera royally.
state tbe ease la per­ had been beard by his landlady to most singular burglar catching devtre retarn tbem.~
mb aad Ita roar,
Dan oboerved tbe board long and
A pet et tsa cosu two caata. A
In 1S34 one of the leading railroads
that ever entered a human brator,
nmelna hot a toomaat to toghl;
oercftilly. noting that U raised at tbe son and borry. This Is becoming serl- leave the house about mWnlgbl and
A seeiloD of the siaV«sooDi.'flv«rby of the United States printed on lta|j
Theagh tbe trip that tpA Boatlie to highest point a full Inch from the floor
reture to leas than an hour; bad been
ding and frail pie. can ha
llm table: The locamotlve will leave
only stopping lt> seen hurrying down town with the seven Inches In extcmi. corresponding
the wagoaaof ym
Using. He was not eonsldcrlog this
depot every day al 10 o'cloek. If obiatped fm s4*t eeata. KoaM feaaC
pick np bis camera and And the near­
to eaelly nade to a aigbt;
case, but had returned wltbout
as a poaNblo logruas for a feerbo
to vegwabtsa aad ploa pod­
tbe weather Is fair.”
remowsl, ll
noagh tbe aagtoeY 4ud toot caaBef bowerer alender of staUrc, aa not
est cab.
The wort • America," to detlpwie ding ceou naly twMve eaata. trtik
»ten oppoalte a photograph gallery
more eorpolcet than a cocfcraaA was
U fur ceaia aad ail paddings
to diameter was to follow at a neces- the New Worid, was used for tba flrsi
Ukeir to OM It as an enUasce. Instead be entered a long, light room. Inhabit­
TMUwa are permtued. bad
san' angle: the detached camera bel­ time to Ihe Mariin Waldeemuller map
totemplated uUlltlng it as a thief ed by a friend who batched to hU
lows and lens were to lx- stretched of 1S07. a copy of which has reesatly ' male gnsats are received la the halt
trep: not in the sensed a spring-lrsp itodkt.
Id. as Dan’s counsel
^jetrett Trlbwe.
between, and the ground glass view
natw IB reeti tor the'
-Here. Rayburn." he called. "devcKip Ironically showrt st the trial.
deed to the captnre of game, but
Under applied lo the top of (bo bel­ vett.
Ktoer, to Chkago B^•Ke^ thronih Ita asslsuiaee to phoiogrephy this plate next tbe lena and be ex­
Ward ee tba fiahUa,
success as a wil
Fr«kUn first
lows: the dark room thus became a
tremely careful to bring It out well,
Bvmi la some rirlltaed eooatriea hm
for bUnscIt. He admilirt betog to the camera box. and Dan held the paallton thoogfal of tuning
-s a fifth second snap by flasbnlgbl.Mm tUU have hart tlmsa. In parU nf
at the hours named, but eonid of a perwm wit
r of hla frioda mjBefore Rayburn could speak ho had
Flaaden tho mothern wind itasa
giro BO reaaons for betog there; when one view, and
t tbe one ho cape- vlaed against It. bocaase there w
disappeared down the stairs.
cloths aroond tbe bsada of their «Ulpointedly asked If he had taken the daily wanted.
paper publUb^ to BoMoo. Some of
-Some oonfooDded flashlight party
drea beeante U U eoaaldeiod beaatb
money he replied with ahwolutc
Several nlghu were reqnlrod lo per them doubted)lhat tbe country would
with a girl to the foreground. " ointtnl there for glrU to bare fiat tampM.
he didn't know. Pressed fo
feet the details. Thea a scnasUon was be able to support two aewapapera.
terad tba artist.
Hla am pnideedtog after eompl
meaning be saU that he bad not taken enjoyed abont Km; Emu Horetna had.
When the flrw.two loan of amhra- u paru efi Fraaoa thma hiifitfH,*
Tho detoeUve held a closed confer.
worm custom. Tbe aigM la kdfilB
nyetarlooily hts Insppellon of Ibo-offlee nuisance
the money lo the best of his knowl­ •uildenly thrown up his Job to
cite coal wore taken toto Philadelphia,
»ee, upon his arrival at the store, edge and that If I’ Iraniplred that he
there U to bare the back at tha fihdl
waa to leave the store by Ibe private
and left the city. Thu suaplelous to lt03. the good people of (hat city.
as flat as possible, so a heard h
.« not an
door In the rear-and hasten to n ncar- with each of tbe psnoers, (he book­
ed ihe money be
lo longer doubted his gulH and certain Ibe records suie, ••tried to born 1
keeper aad the watchman In tura: bo
strapprt to tbe hack of the tataub
for oTor two noathe.
Intern tonal iblef.
mre said. "I told
“But me np tweaty-Bre feet of rub- bad already Inierrlewed tbe cashier.
. Wkat taadwwd tbe toattar attotly
• He's mad." said some.
This sensation was sncceeded by an brohe H up and made a walk of IL"
to^rittaBy maay hosMB have a
Dan bad baes^ pumped dry of every
iweiilitniTiln wpe tbe fact that po bto lablng." he ordered.
Fonrteen years later. Colonel George
•'He's guying tbe court." said others caclicoeni: Dolby and Belknap
polefastMed to the fioor. AUaebod
«am^ waa dtooorerad to ettber to^
Betog acouaUted. tbe druggist felt Item bearing on tbe ease, except hl>
Shoemaker sold eight or ten wagonOnly Rayburn bad tbe least
___t’ robbed of cash from the
to this Is a movable am that is free
•am or walto; tbe thief evideatly Ctae to Inquire; -Want It for a nuretog aiiempt at long range pbotograpfay. of truth and
loads of it to the same city, but warr as ihitfu^ a
to tom eompletriy aroond tbe nfirighL
that his own'enterprise,
weed daptleale k«a to the ddon and botUer
glaaa darkly.
a eertalnty Dan bad
and hoped to captnre (be thief to sub•■I want ll for my camera.' «
Tbo Judge toelloed to tbe sdrond. ,jcooped bu
cleared out. but for takllig money lihder falsa pres pile and cloared
stai^ra aa won as to shadow, thus cov.
plained Dan.
opinion and ihroatcncd to floe him> bAd evidently
erldenily been In
to biding when tense*.
by torching around and aroand la a
ering blmself with glory. On tho oib“I see." snld Ihcdragglt; “goliig
for contempt of rouri. Dan considered bp diMppeared.
one of the cherished poaaensjaus of ^
ring. The Bratoa peasaata tmaglae
band if the plate proved worthless
tskn yoar own picture and want
a floe was merited, ss bis cootempi for
excitement was climaxed by a Robert Burns was Iba family Bible,
that It leac^ them to walk, aad thv
he bad bo dcalre to canattcblloo
totportant Itsto that (ha partnera ttsB- get aome dtotance off. Kow. Dan. U
the whole prosecution was profound.
bombshell Dan Moreloo as sud ' This was recenUy aold at atfeUoo to j
doat aeem to care that It IBakM thalr
l-to Ullore.
aaivaa might aa w«a bava bean aaa- were yon. I'd doable the orter.The case fell through for want of
bp,ore Ihe elly's men! London for
lev baady.—Free Prma: ..
The day pnssei] much as usoal: i
-I dont wait It double.”, relortod
paatod of the crime.
excelThe Book of Job U believed to be
sufflelent evidence to convict, from hit ef law with proofs—from
The oaly mso aware et the tbsita the eattomer: -If I wanted to nppear CTonlag found Moreloo at his friend's unlmpotcbaldy good reputation, from
also proofs i tbe most aitclent literary work In exTha fMoos oM grapavla# al
studio, eager to learn tbe result of his
aimbered foer: Dolby, the aenlor jdiipllcate I'd'hnve you supply tbe
his failure to attempt to recipe and
ib- nm oi »..<■ i
'I !•
U b— »«. "I- too Court Palace, Boglaafi. pUfitod Ifi
partner, a pem Of great wwigbt to le insuad of the nbber.because of lack of moUye for •‘'d'**'-| „,hprritmci ibo. senior partner. Dolby. t«n Priof *«>
Poolaleuch and prior 17U from a sHp ofi a vIm la *MX. la
Developed?'' he asked immediately
Havlng his package delivered be
the Arm H 4||e Ctoks pul H. becaoae
n of the law.
tog hasty cash.
appropriating the lion s share of the
still rigorous and still prodaesB cxoalon catering.
•or hrtagtog dowp^'acalea at three swnng Into the street and barrled
The flret typewriter wa*;reeelved
Tbe firm show-1 ihelr falih In
,^togs under the cover of
Icni grapen. Tbe prtodpal branch et
Raybnrn n
Agmaawf wWeh tll^ was two. and hla lodging place la another dlrcciloB.
by tbe pnblie with
suapleloa. It
by offering him n elcrkahlp. his former :
the rise U 114 feet to Mi*lb. aad Ka
• Got n proof?" was Dan's next query,
Utmt tbm ifflMarrC U to no ether down a quiet, treeembowered av
position having been fllW by a new'
„oreroom experience was seemed subveralvo of existing oondldnh is forty-fire lachea
Raybnrn again nodded.
way tarn (ha ll^-toetod aa well aa
man during the trial, either becau«- of I
Jnguin.- expec- Itoos. A reporter who _____
"Anythtog on It?' was tbe third
. IlghtdtoBSfM to* sMbstiaeUag the
proved lU real,
prreslng huslrres „r a h^< snspIriM |
departure hml.'
lylelded between noo aad UM bmeb"Jast about." said Raybu’rn. Ihen
Once there bo bnsled btosself
Tbe^e^*H to the eeeret was
wrigbtog oDe pound sack o« Ihe
ntilka*. the ifllr partner, who had mlautos to exebaagtog the abort lube* rat down to a convvaleip eba
arerege. Last year, to eoBaeqaaBce 4iC
nttipc and bad an
by long escUoM went oB to explostons of immoderate
ihtobing out Its branches. It bore oaly
of bis Ute porehaaa. Any victim of langhler.

in bi.
1" —i-b
wort .. b«l.r w. b.
sevi-n btmdrcd elnalrrs.
Dan regarded him with amaremeni.
Ttfrtoa be awntloaed w
tbe camera erase 4s nimro that the
favor and urged hi. return. Although ;
..(fhand l.v taking
brand-d with a hot Iren.
keeper.^Matet a
chine can bo opet^MJay the pressnre •'W*hal Ihe devil are j-oii laughing al?”
Dan longed to shake The city dust
, , 7hi» l.v rrivlng'early at
Anx-rlean mlnisi-r
Cold fitorspe Bear.
ot a bulb at U>c end ofa rubber tube: he demanded.
from hit feel, he accepted the offer '•
I* ' "
„v-x,.ilnc iho »'’>»“«‘'d to c to London he mas rc
A Maine paper tells abont a man
•| tc phoiographrt aeiireso*
r^allOB of soB-to-law therefore Moretoa Ud by lengthening
aad assumed the once familiar duties,!'
qureu-d by the eaptam of the sallmg
who ha* a bear to reld storage. When
tbe air conductor made It p(»slblc to scant afUrv," began Rayburn,
.nduribg the half-avened glanere of He
In the woods be saw a bear curled tip
laat of the toar was Dan More- work the shntter from any part of the could spoak, "but I never Iwfore di
men oner envious of him and the pat- *** ***^
. ,
aboard Immedlaieli. Hastily buying asleep In a.boIlaw.log. He wanted tba
He next placed tbe camera, by velopcd a gentleman to a nigbtshln
bear hut had no gun. so he plngged up
"Whatr' shrieked Dn«.
bg pNlov vKh mesa meads to the tbe help of a Ubic aad chair, on the
I., six while
.sit., hU
hts frk-od's
frl.Ki.l t overt
ov.-n symsvm- “"Wii.oi* I
d ship
potatoes, he hurried o
the opeotog of Ibe log. then hasled the
“See for youreelf." said the artlst.'|
. ’Hto Ahan aoma paople have aeqnatov top of a tall tookeaac: here it was foto arrange with wsib.- ss
jmthy chafed almost as sorely.
log home anfl rolind It to one nldc of
only made half of his .-mlN-xxk-mcnt.
ubei He had serred the Btai to sev- cased no the pen of the room contain- extending a photograph
his meals, not knowiuc i
All this he lgnore-1. te-ing al'serped
the yard, where It will be left nsUl
Dan s, disapp-aranc.- swou-i a favorIng the safe, thea ear^lly coaceaJed |
What Dan saw was a prist of ex
. qral eapadttos atoM be beeam
In a design that completely flilod hii
aooiher haul that
**" *'
. '7' ."Zl* *prto«
'>>« hear wakes op b«
•^B»t» wee lA Ume eovertog twelve as tar at poaalble by extra copies qj ioeedlngly clear dcBnltlon, showing a mld.l to .he exclusion of every other
attribute.! to bl. agimey.
h.-fore the boa, let.
^1. log Into a cage m
tho rubber lubelpart of the offlee and safe, the offlee
To him was assigned tbe task duaty bocka and
to luertraloa'ltig appea,--'*^' '’

, *hleh hto cnplof tolends to exhibit
aoatog the bending to the evenly trained back of the case, then under It | eioek. todlcaUng eleven twenty to the [
toTe^h supposing
, leach le-beid lb.-(luilinre of ibc roast
haeiy dc-|«rture. he u>ok; _^
v>BAar bantoma boars and opeatog'% and atone the floor to^ the looecned | foreground, where extended the loose '
>iB tbe montag. To Ban the losaes
Very Yeunq Laka.
I pcsoTlve chance.
wme . SBpaeiany dlseoncertlng:
Baiid^ ahtoi to b^Milod to tbe

By tonorrew the eatfe

toay tattor Chat had eansed




1,™ b, ...b „..


cat part by flattening It, and was gtaU-l
The man's back was toward the
tnovemeti.s aroused
twakCD under the present clreoi
active suspicions Of th» arnsjed watch- to n degree. llaMe lor the safely oTfhe fled to note that It expanded suftclea;- [camera, but the mysilflbd cashier had
nance of lacking keys to enter. Tbe
or at the ram.-ra that panleuiar momproperty: the wntcihmati.
ly to send aad exhaust ak. The te*t Ino dlOcully in recocnlxtoK himself,
last thought reminded him that he sHII
lag and Dan us-vl the plate holder*
aa gaaid to the stseet omU acareely of all this sras lo step oo the boart I
"Is it a masquerade or an adver
possessed a key to ih- rear door,
bis fn-nd ha.1 flH-1 wl-h rapid actlob
ba aald to relieve him of Rspoaall
and prove beyood doubt that any nigh: | Usement for Dolby and Belknap's new
some yrers tH-fore he bad mislaid bis *“*
such'a pis.dple necessity,
Thsae four men were. aUa the only prowler would ffl tW* manner open tbe line of elegant night robes, money
d to fact lost ll so praroktogly
method of obtammg the exposures
'■ asked '
aaea aware of the eombtoaUae t
shottor and lake, perforce, his tuaded It BOt a* r
desperate search ensurt
Ihe whole
aafe. This was the pottllng toctor In own pbotograph.

lasted until he w
.< placed r
tbe proWenk How dU the bargtor
Meretoo had Judged accuralely. Tbe
trnst Impoaed npea him reodered him


bellow,, toe slide

AB EnglUhman fooilag ll through
the we. dr grotiaed came upon a (toy loeb. Juft
T.i plow hi- fl'l'!- •
and work as hard . py„per f„ fl,i, to Inhabit. PatleaGy
eam- up e.. r>'s: as ho could, with b-'S- aud with bar- he Osbed for three hours, with no auehp aeeosied a hoy who
row after .he .-------------amr up. he never





elcaa. ao he ,ei

t» hasp tUa OM avaka.- s^ Daa.
-That wimU psutahly be a

The utdt; ml^i
ml*l be sutp^.ted Dom the ' eoncereed la the robberies.

miming foe the purpree of deUrmtoIng which yield of milk, the meralsg
or evening. Is tbe richer of tbe twee
The deeialon was to favor of the eventog milk betog the richer, bothior butter and eheew-cnakWe qaalltlea. The
milk of cow* fed oo ground

Had the' suitable place to the riore. arreaging Umpes a. those of today were made nertlereiy.
waa richer t^n thw
To eat; and tbe resttli was that he I by the same cowa from gram ffl tb*
for a conUnned oveirilght of the 'hap-: twenty eeniurlre ago. Then, however.

Xpert-1'wgl^t of r
.- ....
________ _________ _
________ _____ rwt
of bratue. Instead of steel ^ would shovel hi* food down Just a* he i
4hlamlBdtbathehadvlriteili^entogt to the offlee betw<

I umli

"My milt- lad ' said the E»gU*bwhether there

are fish IQ IW.S poni?” "!f there bo
"ony. 'h"y must i.e r. ra wee onca, air."
he e-iuld no; get as much r,. urnnil ir* l.oy, "for there waa na*
M- man aer..*, the roa-1
here imt!l It reined yealerday.”
Irr-'ler COWS. iMJl whi> did
*t-to them efean.
Expirimeota in Milk.
I the stooc-s where be had
Dairymen abroad have bees expert-

It B » iKwr.s.-ai iwwv. tor,or,.,
------------------------drawn and the ““i
device Waa s'duccesa. ll only je
i,-. ■
ijr snapped w.ib
wito -he
toe bulb. This wa*

The foar beU aa earneet eoasnlta- malned lo arrange tbo flashlight bulb pocketing the priot and
; by ortertog a duplleate.
ttoa. devishig arars aad means for la a almllar axanoer to Jnsore an ilto- wlthont further ceremony.
As he inched the street cold sweat, ThU
i,oi,,y ,b toe act <rf taking a •ho
aafety. X not radreat.
mlaaiton et the subject, set the shutter
p^| from toe safe an.i ba.e
-Wta( are we ffliiag to do abom itr of the camera and remove the slide stood on bis temple*. Tbe slgnificBDee' thoughts to a new dtrccUon. A scheme
IdenUfl-d a* .tbe mtoslng
To pick
'naked Detby
Dnn then wiik- of tbe pirture staggered him. Tbe [ wa* suggretod at once daring and ef.
nmp: so be went bump |
do both his dream
a tote supper aad happy «»• 1 proof to hts potlcct wa* alto proof of focHve.-lt
-Pat to a new aafe nrltb iaiMt Iming over them, thtunplng himself In
<h.i' bU own guUt. That he had walked to la* *t«l i^rt- mtehibg on Ibe spot.
proremeaU to to*a.- ansgeeted Bek
.he rib* with the plow bkhrtlre every [
seoaer or later he would ealeb lb* i his sleep wa* beyond ilmibi; indeed hr
The dlIBcuUl-, to bo overeomo com- ooity replaced toe amount* taken and
lime the plow struck a si'm-. rraklng!
thM: ao oae could visit tbe victolty :rocallcd being a rictl^ <rf somaambu prised a lodging place where he could -toe firm dissolved penoershlp
toe Are fly wht-n tbe mowing machine
of the sate wlltout apringtog the llsm ai a child.
be absent every night wlihoui com-;
------------------------------tried atrenglb with ibem. and wearing
carved boart unless 1^ designed ar^-1 The qntmtaa making hU bnln ree’., ment, aroidln]; toe watchman to eomIn tb# -«ood Wd Tim**.'
inch or bo’w llule was he tog aad going, secreting himself to a ;
Fish Hooka of prertaely the same out his tools, bis soul and hi* body,
-Add another wBlAmaa I
1 asoe and that t
open Ibe safe!

had aiood for ten mtouten watehtag


ser bmee for HcFhaB Bras, cdjmado by S. W. HaeUeberty of CadllUa A. CMWlBii to Paid. Oecar Wlb ____ ttewaU. Msay were kept toey.
Fort Whyne. lad. YM baBdlap Is lac.
Tke MknrteK manta m ghm bn airfOakt. Caaapketl o( OharterMi tar toe cream aad IKUe petty nhea 't8s« feet to Vthe__*roopd. . to two
TJiera wera atoot S» drte»t« and
* repleatoUBg. A aorAm » Mtsr vrifter |>r Un ^ M. 4^ MdM rpMardar. ttt* srtM bolBC
stories hl^ and to to be flatobed In 'tottors present at jbe rooTraliao this
aet. ttjiMm ^ ah citr. to h«r
' the Snest qnnlity of uinrnl wood. Hr yev vbidi was brtd li
r. Dm*. Mn. Ooek the ooven ea the roote belveea Charto
---------------mad her taUr Mt l> »>r tu iofa Ur. tevMx oBd Boyae Otr aad vU M <
Eixsorth Lanpon i
flscrw was ao prnprsm ea hti ete Carden of IMand.
{abed by Copt- Gegne Wearer o(
Ooak m lAOoBBor, r«*t.
Tbe coRapea sronnd Carp lake are l>nm F-1<!ar-s Rreord.
Pine Uke. Thif U.a berte wUMi baa fore, the bills ato orchard bmk ol the
ZiOCdBBOr. Waak, Mar It.
Steele of Kortbpnn
oatmalaMm UarOf Trmnne Ckr aa4 had ao etea^ iMe Mt tor aeror *
lalap to opea and the proepeeu'i>ni>si.<d ibrooib the city this mmlnr
e toeat In hamw has rn wad. ne C«Bah>i
9HME Onoih ODkMlik.«« bdwM
for a pood resort sessun to pood.
, on her vny
>eea a tmUlor boat aa Om Bweka. ewla^ a
Ik* Am AJkor tniB Or Fiaakfori. artp the trees n
itrkviMtatMk. w«M«4eek(itfd- Tnraree bar tor mmr rmn aod U
m rm tmtwaam Tnrona Oltr ■ enjoyed.
•d tfea ferry Ml. aU ear nfp«
tfwmn IK way.
,Bp«.nih I.etmie. which cymreoed ihl.
WBttoboE. Ua«kertt>»eth«<*tl' Northtxat vHh ike OelaMbda. bat
. eruptloii. tormewhat like a very
t to the late eeaan and the lack
' 4iM vara an to tke bM o( dn«
II geyser. U«k place In the ha, ;
One cf the prettiest of the many
ka< MroE.avoka akM tour bow* ar toarMt trarrt the Tiareeee Bae of one weddings ocemrred Jnne I4th
w«k for a .MOT fully
ami wm Urtat air mm to «d to atam. bar beota arin aot be»M oaae i
u tbo home of Mr. and Mrs. M. M. fee, vross. ,be water todled up
bat It kad ben n lone rlace 1 bad
least a foo, and a baU. Spl^.ntors .
derollonals tbl,
eale u tbe best pneeibto eMatioa to Keith. 422 Webstv street, ibelr dsuph. who •trlinessed the oerurrvnc . which
kon iMkad natng tbat I eoaU oot
Miss Roby, sod Etmer Billtni
le prohleoL Tbe
Ok nlnc^ rwi nut frnm tl... O R- *
,„p.ritmni of the e.«v.mtton
yoonp Cedv btulorcs man. boinx the
/ toMiatbeaetalMaEUvMrMai- known IB Okie city. eepeelCly Cape htoPy couple thsl tooli the rows that
depm. hurried oa, to .he P'vc hut:^,,
charge of Mrs. E. I>. WhU
tbaa arMaa dowB vnt w berth on COM Oanr B. Wllbor. wbo. as a yooai
lade them ooe for life
of Harbnr Sprlnpt formerly
oMK baekaa hf tfeiee irtena. 1 triad «d Nvthpon took the My roote
p bolUnp Traverae City and Konhpnri. Miss
In booor of the ocesahw. the pretty
■ tke oikar Mde. vbleh alao
was noticed was rovered wlih old
of this city will speak
as the captain at tbe
odtfc a Ms racdut. rrUek aaoke tke
Ved IB preen sad white. The cere- dust.
the Tractkail Mv.hods of. Idlerary
TTie ppciiltor occurrence Is eiplaltied Ciiltun' of the Is-apuc.' Sunday morn
*,MUidcaa. t roet had to laeah. wbicb City c( Oraad BapMs which plied to lony was performed onder an sith.
' dM ne Btora good thaa on Che oleeo I Orand Traeofse bay tar maay yes
by ihc chemical aciloa of the xawdnst iQR communion will lu- a<!iiilnlster«-,i
Mlap the OataBbta. The CHy
oo the bottom-of th>- l«y~nbieh was hy Rev. U. p CarrH cd Trareruc Ctiv
Oraad Rapids wss owned by the Hsn- rroalh. the backproond bdnp a bank Ibrewn there years
of fema The llbrsrr also carried out
and the evening praise serv ice
Mb A Lay foatpany
Hannah & Lay mill.
la chacse (
: A Holliday.
WUbv has Slav rasided V Cbarie- the color echeme of prvco tod white,
bolng trimmed in earnatlons at
Yols where to to ia beel<
Flremnn arc ComuiBbridal wreath.
l.ewis C. Cuok<-. cniernl mana;
PToatptly V 8 o'clock to the strains
Tbe state firemen's assoriailun will ihe llartmm 4i Balb'y show-, visl.i-'l
City Tax Rates.
of Ltdieoprin's weddlnp mnreb, the leet ln_Trever»e Ciiy In ivnu. T»ir iunia Thuixlay at ih.- n-<iu.->l ol ih9Tk cf tbe boerd of reviow
eascat rolls ot the vartoas party took Ihclr staUoat. the bride Traverse CUy delegation rclun>e<r city auiburlllcs. but aficr viewing th>
belop attired In white nllk with ebii
home Ivt eight with the acr-'piance »T sirtv ts lending to the grounds, deetd
waide abova that the valoattoa
inriialinn of the city counrll snd e.1 It would l>e impossible in show
Traieiae CUj, deepite the vUhdrawal and lace wd oarryinp lilirs of the
tsiani of irndehnvlng Is-en sue- ibrre. thi-e<in>hti»iis Ix-lng s» bad ns
er tiob^ tren taaatioa. ha« lo- trslley and tbe brMesmald. MIm Allr-KelUi. sister of the bride, srore plow re-.^slul In their i>bjen. The di-leMta>s result of ibe Isi llisid. Tile bmU dab
eraaaed |l.«M to the poM rev.
IMil silk nett. The best man wv
■ Ikvrice.i -Trcn-r.# City in IWiC" was changed to .Van .\rl»>r. l.«niu has
tbit rev to tl.4U.7ll as
the moiion lo onne here war ih<‘ Fllmore sircvi fair all nixi week
I4.481.2e6 last rev. The rale tot elir BUiworih Blllman ot Cedar. Rev
taxes this feu shove an leereaae. Demss Ooehlln of the CooprepilbrnaJ
eiBS lt.83 as^st tlAS last rev.
All the var^ except the third shov the solemn. Improsslve and bcsuiiful
icrcaaes In the tq}ato oa real and per- rinp serrlcc with tts iincred promises
BOBSl pnpenr. The third es persossl was used. Durinp tbe ceuiuony, Mlu
Anderson played “Hesris and Flow.
pn^ertr dropped fma 8211.7U
a decrease of M8.207 on
Plata Class. Stwam Bollar and Accldant Insuranca.
a weddlnp sap­
total and a decrease of U1.468 oo perpropertr- The real esUte «alu. per WM sonred nt the home of Mr. and
atioa la that ward shon sn Increase
stitret. Durinp tbe supper hour musle
of MI.262.
was furotohed'by Miss Blhel Bailey
the bride’s table ten puests srere
alioB was node in the Second vsid
Room 310 Now State Bank BuildingTraversa City.
where 923.020 baa been added to the SMted and the table Itself was lasie^
The iBcrease In the First ward fully decorated, ropes of smtlsx belop
vat 9M4S; in the Foorth. 920.144 used, tbe center pfoco betnp a bridal
Ptfih. 918,1».
The fplloviiis are the Talnatlou by by a larpo red rose In a ecnlcr piece of
smitax and rose leaves. Tbe
wards fOT IKS.
llxhied by two eandolah.ra
candles. The bride's table was serv ed
aad iiriMi Tkeitaefcr Hountaltu
Roberta and Hasel Keheu'.
von a prettr slgkl. As hish as ron
Whne Hlues Ocorpletta Elmer.
moH aae won solid nek ot iiifBT col.
Blanche Boot and Fan
aad eevered la pUees with brtfbl
gma naorsBd doited Mre and there
tin thr frllowiny; li.’isis: TIi- ruulesl. rleniKst. in<«t
wtth smB white aad raOov. Sovera.
CMaa at the foot of tbeee votmtalas
Sion- iiml slock. e-imiK'ti 111 lu ll', iiiel ;«ti a|>])nvi;iti<iti ol vnitf
Blraslterriee on leaves.
trade lliitt is slmu-n liy itpinijii and ••oiirtoous altcnlion to yonr
Rod and white candy wVers.
h).. M«vaatoonvawblteBti«aM.caliad
Assorted cake.
tko MBk fWv. U aoM tokea voMd
Mr. nilmao Is the casbler of
Eo onoa
bank at Cedar and Is a wrorUiy yti
with a Isrce circle ot friends.
AH day Wedneedar *e rode throoxh
Miss Kellb Is a cbannlnp yoanp lady
the flalaa. «kk» bfeaaa ecey «"r
with Many friends to wish her a vc
219 G. Treat St.
happy Toyape over life's sea. Mr. a
«M Mika. Tkuiadar aad PMdar ov
Blllman will make their home
H- R. Maiuosahh. Maiuver
-Traverse City. Mich.
ktfp ww eerr IMwaaUag. taMac ns
ttaomk the BaiAr and Caande
Tbe followlnp ont of ' town piestn
krts. Vs sew Ugh toonetslns df
were present: Chss. Blllman
locifctv as thoBSh they BlMit tall orer
wife. Ellswonh Blllman. Certnidr
aal»MOaetape-kalo«. Atthelrfeet
OwSD. Win. Lanp. Mamie BulUvan.
Ooorpe MMon. Luella Baker. Mabel
Han. J. J. Blonek. Anna Cadhm.
Aa ve set aav SpohoM’vn nw vBd
rie Cadbam. Blavh Bniee, Jerry Sulneae aad tnrtt trees In tell Moobl We
Bran. Herbert L. Sullivan
arrived to BetfUe at • a js. Ftiday.
be 1»M TalaeUeDs were:
Md as we had to watt anS 10 p. ax
ta Ella Kroupa. and Aupusi
If so, the South Side Lumber Co. at Traverse
' far a beat,
*, II save ne aa opportv
Schrader were roarri^ W<-dnesday.
City is the place to buy your materia!. Shop
to aee the oltr. We took the atroei
Juno 14. V 2 oUock at the b<ime ol
eve nd vtotfed the parka aad bneland mill work done on short notice. Give us
the bride's brother, Flank Kroupa lu
Moa part .if the ettr aad tke cblldree
the touiner district, the eeremon>
a chance to figure on your wants.
Oklarad It Terr waeb. Seattle to eers performed by Rev. Uemas Cnch
ladair a earr pretty place, wHk to'
The happy couple were atiendi*l
aad yardc (all of n
by tbo brother and slater of the proum.
tf( Uadaed flowei
Carl and Carrie Sf-bra^er. They
viaee. ^ohaae aad 'Brerett arc atoo
resido on Konh Cedv street In this
prettr piaen.
Whn we veat to the pier to seel
Hr. Schrader has been empleye,!
ov beat. I eee tMl you v« were _
Caldwell t toidon's for some in
tliad faatV- Wr. Cook was oo'board,
and hM many friends here T
aad whea-ke eaw n be node oU haete
brldn to a ^ular IxHrtonau roiiaty
to aiBMe nabore and ea1d the fact that
ore were here eee*w to sood to
Rer. W. T- Woodbousr « K tbe oftree.
.AFe Ml BeotUe at W p. w. and vfleUltop mlnlHer at a oule4
«»nd at iMfaaaor at 8 a. m.. ere
weddhiK at Ihe home of Mr and Mrs
Sevlid where the eceoetr to cer*
James Harden' of Sll fKashlnptnn
SilPir^aBd. nca we spi to oar
street Wednesday nfiernonn. Jane
hooM far breakfast
(he etolrarllBP parties l>elop F.
U ev yard the smn to taU ettough
Surratt Tnriif nod Mtes.Lstttle Z<
to eat, aM'ek! fae Povera, how sweet
Milks. The pranm to from Fife Lake
sad prattr! I wish I eewld sire yon
township and the bride from Itoradise
the boa«net I now hare nw UMe.
townahlp. They will make ihdr borne
ot rtnk, retMw aad red‘rapes. T
In Paradise township.
tbera is a time during the yev
cbtMraa word all ia Saaday vhool
far aad aem to be perfaellr.iceotnUM) Ihu to enjoyed more tboraupbly than I
.Old Mlasien Deck.
tber by oM and, yoonp in the' - W. n. Bap1f7 of Old Mtosinn passed
la Mwlr acv bone. We^ the edtj
nan's risb H to the Jane day when through ib'e city Ttarsday on his
vataF. lAifa to very sood.
- Toa Moy aak tf we were Ured fron dab nembera and their famfllea oto borne from EHt Rapids Mr Bagley
ov inraey. No. l wowM M pi
In the eUy lonkinp after mateilat for
It will pay you to investigate ihg quality of l ecd.
chib baa boto partlealarly forloaate the rabalMlop of (be Old Mission dock.
(a take It over asala. Oae se
Don't go astray on account of che.ipncss aliogelhcr.
. waar thfan e( laiereet that they do In nandeal locatiou lor the enJoymeM
The dock Is at proumt a sirmipht
Jt pays to buy the best. It is a good indication if a
Ml thlak of petUas tired, aod we slept of the Itttle folks. An larttnUoe ex- pter at the end of which a wvebouse
e U>
the train sa at tom.
as wsn to
to each aide.
merchant sells a lot and has no complaint; ih.-u indi­
' atructura wlU be run V an
cates satisfaction. We have been favored with praise
r people are HocUag
OBide with the shore and waraboases
in that line. If you have not tried any of our above
Baeea daily' Uafas hare fraoi eipbt to In that ptace oa Friday earryinp Tbe btoU will run nevly to ^ shore
deUpbled nnmber of cMIdran. at ibe water to very deep la tbe hv
tea coaches leaded dowk Tbve were
named goods do so now. ami don't forge: that wc have
r-va Uls ptoasure mnnlHst.
tveaty favUles ia the sleepn we
Tbto change wfll eat the dlsLand Plaster. Paris Green, Sprayers. Sifters. Com
ia. WahBdeTsmhtapreir eoETea- fa when they «to>«d the
whMA the fretpht Ua to be
lear aad oae eaa pet aaythtop they aad nrlaps ndw Ite beoatlfnl tram
ed on tracks to aboat Onebnlf
Planters, at satisfactory prices.
' ardor la the dtolsp nr. the pricea hr fhv moke Burlap Park a eoel and tM former distance aad make tbe dock
ItomUag plaee faring the warm anm- Mch easier to approach by both large
I thlak 1 an potap to Uke toy new
fayn. Tbe beoae vat pewtuty dec- and small bova.
tows, aad thto.weetera eooatry, bat ornifa with wild Oownta and tke wffa
tfaa won Utrafatoaly adorned
wia M better able to ten 7M aboat It
faintr faraa nnd brnkea. ITnfar
ts4 CASS Sts.
the Utos vna tprasd the hwp vhRe panoM thiwfah th« dty lant week an
.Mrs. A. M. Oeok.
' det*fa ta feraa at wUNi tbe bin way to WKllim aad ndnlty where
» watoyoefred Bnt the eider he wtu pidt op aoat timber tor iaiertor
Bfarotatolap tor omo tow It Enixbinp. Mr. Zeiu to' bnUdlag a


Tire Insurance!


Money to Loan on ImproTd Real Estate Only.

' -

Ch« S»or« that Fills Iht most Prtserlptloii*


Bidding for trade




Dit Miles’ Ami-rain Pill*
arc a mo*t rrmarkibk remedy
for the relief of periodit pains.
. . . --—ousor sick headjol the distressache, or any jcA
ing aches and pains that
th: cause
ch sulTc
women so much
._ pain
__ „
is weakcroi.
leaves the system iin ,
idilion. ».
hausteil condition,
it is ..TOng
, moment longer than
to Suif'
neces-sary, and you shouhl take
the .\nti-rain I'ills on first indicatoon of an attack.
If taken as directed you #iay
have entire confidi-iicc in their
effectiveness, as well as in the
fact that they will icavagTcc.ihle aftereffects.
They contain no morphine,
opium, chloral, cocaine or other
dangerous drugs.
-roT m Inng llm. I b»v
pr..iljr with F»<lto nf h*>w
Kvm nhiKwl nu-r. ihan I r

Trarersc City Sntc Bank
A T. HANNAH. faaaUfab
E OABUtMO. Cafatob
CAPITAL. B200.000

A Gcaoil Baaklic Buties* IMBC

3 per Cest adltweA at Time DcheHs.
Ato-tk.tom mm

Dr. wtm-Aini.Pain pm. am neM by . au ■■aranWh i3w btora. Oara-raatoraM

U'i.SL's'.sr crar-ssTin b«ik.
Miles Uedteal Ca. Elkhart. Ind





6oing to Build?

DR. W. J. ffiGGINS


Wnyna C«mty W Ufa.. DBnOlX



liiil ^
Mini I


239 EFfOlt SL. QLnMK T9« •

Ask For
Better in the way of





kind hre make for the
home from seasoned wood, ^ith latest attachments,
the easy to operate kind?
If you would keep out the flie^and^mus<)uitoes see
us about Door and Window Screens,
Our finely made screens will outlast anything on
the market.

CKiznn* Phonn. 32; Bell. leo.

4% L. Brown. Mnnapoa.

South Side Cumber Co.


' w.

Cracers* City- niicb.

Hay, Corn,
Oats, Bran,
Flour, Feed.


Haying and Harvesting Time
will V..I1 !•' iK-ri-:;ih1 yon viM! w;iiit s-im-' ln»l*. Wi­
ll.i-., .1 O...I ^tos-irtim iii -pf iIh-s.'
fn-'ii w'bieli you
.-.ill m,.k. y-iir 8» |ivti<-nR lU |)rl--v6 tliui will plram- you.
-.iii-li ;i.'*S.-ylli»-s. SuiiiliB. (Va-lk-s. R.-ki-a. Fork*, etc.
\\ l,p ii
spniy your piilaloi* vi-' t!i-- B-'w-Ik-oUt Ohul-r-'-d tit Sprtiy.'f with Ih-Khni" nozzle.
I'ij. > .,ri-ill--U-bt Hunk-, t'-.iM III .III'!

RRANK TIRUDE, 146 Front Street
W I- iia w ,'i lirsi-i’l ivs 11II sfinp.

.Have you eve: Hied the

Voyfal Tic«ar ^mmm snd OofVfafa,

C»aae4 Cera

Bopal tiger aa4
They are the bexL


J. J. BREZIIMABfafa ‘mmrn% fa’rofaW m*rmrn%.

: .



beach two mlWs be-tow TraTsrsc City.
t two lodges for tbe conpetllire I at that Uine Hr. Campbell states there

«k«uc milon « the cnh
«U (Mar at rorcAon, bald \m»
aoo^ was doiotsd t0«tteU] baslMoi.
•t vfckft SMSka tbs dotacMo^ ware
iMbod Jt7 o®eW woocantoa a»d
trail i] m mri— previous to tbe IhisIMai aeeUac wUeb was called t
OTdar br praatdeat Toubkb at 2;1S.
rrwl D. Br ot Petoaker dell«bied
tbe nMBbIt A the opaalac br two
titaa. -IW milor" and “Asleep in Ue
De^» (M jailer betiik suae as ao eoeeee and tbe ezgatsite thMM
OthM of the popalar baritoiie solo


oioamers laadinTw-any horththe Tiniaag delsgsws and Porentan in
the bAI A e o-dock and a qAA two CodillA tew and Horty Ritner A | •« boy nprio. eieept Korthpon.
Rapids, for their leom. the i Hony foteresttng experlenc« A tbe
boon opaiu fo the parlors fo InJomA
■e City leam dAerrlng thdr ; ^^y life U northern Michigan are re^
talk tke arealng^sss^ bs^ with
loted by Mr. CompbeU. whoee meoiWT
esA ♦«>— br TBresUrs wbo
n attendanee. Tlis Petosksv
------opaaed the antsrtAnineol wia pdetent with on a.............. —
(be iBiermeno from (HvAerls RusiJ-; j^, Campbell bos the honor of befog
the bsaoUfol song. “Old Rentockr
ttome.-' tellowad by an encore, "nie
The first paper A (be aatembly. j bees and a shwp (o nonhero Hlehl
Old Oaken BoekA- which-were both
POresters In Oenerel.~ was
then I ^ theee befog brought In by Mm fo
MBdered la azesllsnt styis.
ITSD by Mrs Ross Ely. Ailef ran^r
oocrsied the first thrwbPresidcot BorenA Toonfo thM
„„i,lne and separator l» this part
arose and in a few well chosen word*
'»"• "t*t*
“ amosfog Inbtrodoeed the inayw. A. V. Pnedcldi. From Pridoy-s Record.
The last few tour. A the closing!
of how when running the
them fo the aane
cession A the fifth assembly. Com-1 rhine fo (he winter Ume <n a boro,
the clir whose gnesU thar were. I

.rtth AnSri/n"”— “

ta^r roBdartd br Mr. Br.

Tba aaerAarr pn> tta^ Hn. Fosur. sAd:
tbsB read (ha mlantas cf the flftb as-

“OOcera and membera A t
high court oaeere, cot

aasUr'«ba coBaHaa




pamoBS A the Independeni Order A


snoWs caused the roA fo co!


tiudWfc tbe thaaks of the bodj to

He spoke of (be bumar

LEGE will conduct a Summer School commenc­
ing Monday. July 3rd. and -continue six weeks.
Teachers wishing to prepare ftjr the examina­
tion in .August will be afforded an excellent op­
portunity of doing so. In addition to the TeacherV Course, we will leach Bookkeeping, Com­
mercial Law. .-Xrithmetic. Spelling. Shorthand
and Typewriting. Grammar and Penmanship.
\Vc will gitc special lessons in Penmanship.
Our teacher of Penmanship is ohc of the best
penman and teacher in the state. Anyone wish­
ing to acquire a good hand writing will be great­
ly benefitted by attending our summer school.


Foresters, were spent a the ball W a >»P*o
‘~n-fog the machine
brllllint bAI. the lost number on the
men fo a moss A snow and

with greA pleasure
program being danced fo (he small
hours A the morning, this closing the ,
tapi )taaa adllloe; Boas Bt. PAos- you a cordiA welcome
Mr. and Kallla Ran. Laaslnc. made a pltoble city, wbldi desires that your fifth assembly fo a beflulng manner. ■ t-r.-U.-r, II, t). Campbell, built ihe w.-ll
stay here should be pleosureable and The evenlog was begun after the suiv , ‘--■'‘t. Park b«et A that city, which
danpteta rapon dt Az resoltitksis
. karteos etBolUaes at Tbarene CItr
the caaaral connlUae. the presides!


■S«M 1h» Sons 00 Fate and
Back—Docton Took His Monejr
But Did No Good-Skin Now

per hour by a street drill by the subor-! Mr. CmpA-ll managed the firs, five

sympathy and good fellowship which AQAe team from Companion eourt
the order cameniad through tu frAer Dewey. No. 181. A Cadillac. esAAned

■»-»‘'^r the lime *h« the sfe of vh,
present eourt house In Traverse City
sodeiy and compared ft (ayyirabl) by William KAmr and composed
covered with a dense growth
with the church to which ll stSod sec­ tbe following; William KsUor. Cbortes
dal captain. Baana KeDr. the d<
ireeK nnd the strueu not ;
atlBK eeiBlttfie tor a» the cosnealas
Erickson, Edwsrd Pease, CbAles Carlb«ng clAred of the pine Mumps.
benefited and cblldrsn ured
Moaded and the exealleBt ananeeVA HoIlAd. Conrad Nyfonder.

Ccticura Sosp and Ointment to m«. I
snficred for s long time with sores on
mv face All back. Some doctors said
I ^d blood poison. Ad others that I
bad barbers- itch. NaC A them did
me Ay good, but they all took my

'Coon Traraisa No. • with Us cuaidi

taa^ whieh naade possible the «

from lAosmaloriaa with the means Brnret Gray. Alfred Nelson Ad Brneet
prevldM by the PoraAars. Within this Johnson.

aasd et ths fifth assaaiblrThis was followed hr the repoK
M_S59B)tt«s ee state of the order stated tbere were lO.OOO women
H. J. NeOoiaald and OUif Nordntis culture and education wbo lived

ChArs were placed at three point*
for young ladlre who represented the
oSeers Ad the regulA mAeurers of

la.whldi the staiisUes « ^n of ths elusIvAy fo- the home and be gave Al the F^iresters wA most ably glvA by
«Dtw were sItAi. UM more inaBbers honor to the wives and moUiers and (be team wbo were (bo center A s
this pear than last with a (Towtb from sisters who are eonnerted with this large AdlAce A cltisAs who lined
the wAks Ad Ajoyed the Avel slgbL
An aaendnnnt for tbs
Tbe team deserves the highest prAse


iigh chiA ranger
respond. He sAd

for the efliejent mAncr with which all

Prebate Court Mattero.
From Frldty's^Record,
The hearing of claims In the Irene
Bennel estate was held this murnlnp
Probate eourt, the deceased dying
her home in Garfield lownnbip Jan
12 Ad leaviox three heirs. Mgs. Hattie
Hewlit, J. W. Crater of Grand Rapid*

tell them all that Caoenra Soap and

Nw>k CovfiNtl With Sor«t, Hair
- FellOut, Wild With Hchiog
Mr. H. J. Spalding of iq< W. latth
St.. New York Citv, ssv* : •' For two
years my neck wot eoeered with Ares,
the discsse spreading to my bstr,
which fell out. leaving an nnsightly
Ad the soreness, inflsmlira. Ad merciless itching made
wild. After t lew application* A
Cuticuro the torment subtid^. the
sorvt ditappenred, and mv bait grow
thick Ad healthy as crer.-'

military mAeuver# were gone through




Ooadaetora. Anna Conner. Hatba

vrtth extended hands.

imte team Ad


were passed

Judge Maync srn* then introduced oroiiBd 1b (be party for souvenir slgby the preAdenc and spoke brlefiy
DAures, tlfose being valued by
Oao^dtaBa Nn. Nandalia Barnun terrlng to tbe fovltatlon wbteh he I
lacky owners, though Mrs. Florence
BAlnr; Mn. Hands Boaa, Mnaksfon mcclvod the evening previous from Youngs, the presldenl. wa m«l
Mr. McOouAd to come and meet
comingly arrayed In a dusting


■An nornlnc ssaalen A tbs assmbl] A the “AAeru." •oyfog ihA ho bad
did bM bacln «Mil ntlar 10 o'cloc) lUended bolding court, but Immedldwins to tbs da^ A noiir A tb atelr accepted the
■ibstn A botna end the bAs noar- ^ve a tea-mliiate tAk full A good sdtnt A Petnaher aA befog praaeat. vice and wtttlelams nsd doeed by re-

via ih- Illiiicils



Ice wagon to Chaiipln ft Wood «t Chsi

flpmv: Mia. Boaa Bjr. Patoskpr.

levolx. who expect' i<> opi-n up a ne»
firm Ad deal In Ihe Ice.

Ad this the considered too dAniy

parties A F\>ro»teri to be taken out
lABofog: Mio. Carrie Bndl end Percy BtnuBcnts Ad were gre«ed with info tbe BOW AtB bos fo (be two days <’f
Caen A Cadillac; Roy B. Wafoou. Vsl mAtocHis. APlotsse long Ad conllnu
the AsemUy. Nearly the entire deleTbtr-auembly closed
V. HoIbDd. Baest R. .Qray sad
all deporting in tbe JAllett A moods. A'luu left either on tbe 11:10 or
. Nrfoader alee A Cadllfoe.
At the ofleniooa aeaolA A (he Fifth 11 :JS traiu this oornlBg and Ike sobTbe vtelton are enjoylag tbe pretty
Atoembly. CompAlons 'A the Inde- Imeat t
'Bftrue orauad the city aad the
e lAg tralB A
baa b bo«y every boar taking oat Ut- oendrai Oetler A Frtresters A Wi
MiebIgA. following the respoi
dto aqaade for tight aeefog.
the president.
Mrs. Floret
Phaaad excurakm on- the baj
Remlnfoeeneea A a Piuneer.
uaUl 1 o'elot*. iBslead A S
gret were read by the secretory pro
R. A. Campbell,
the welI*nown
■end on the program Arfag tern, and thro the minute* A tbe fost

Jodgaa eelaeted loot evenfog and the
talleurlBg were appolaied;
i - to net fo the <

Reasons Oiby
Tbo MeVirker AutOdfotic
Gnsolitx! Kngiix-iatbolxat
* !. One-lbinlthpnumber





tauDS. fcocntHcs. Ipmltling
rods, or complipstid aiurhaitiim uf any kind.
All ek-ctrival


Liavi-nior gunnuiUvd 10 liim« M ifuiiA as any

4. Owipg to Uie *|nic1t povemor. t-ugino will stand 80 per

cent sudden overlcwul without ilackirti;.

8. Ko adjastmunto to

gi-t out of order or |iazxlc> the operator,

7. Automatic carbarctioii.

0. AntoofoUc valro

Tlicse are oxclnsiro |»ints

of tile MeVioker AutomaUc Gasoline Engine.

W<- aril llarJwar-. all kind* ol Farm. UarhiiM-ty, ImplemeBt*.
Wagon*. Vag{teft and liameia.

To Cure a Cold in Oqe Day


Chappie a truck parlener. The firrr
wbleh she had purebAed from the will be equipped with ns Iinmluiine r
booth A OompAlon eourt which
wagon A Aj- city cA boan of la tb*
Mife. It Is A Vermillion hue and r
large block of lee In natural colors or,

^K. V. Hitehell. CoartlAUtag. No. M7.

lepertot tar AudtBtfola.
■May a Aaage was mad* fo tbe


doing a fond oDee boslness at tbe hAl

Lytam Ct, Pkil(ham*s
VmgQtmblQ Oon%



promfooii real estate dfci; r and Mr

stAd the souvenir Wort.
iide proclaims tho wares carried
■ ttiB. Octaa taearad the asanablr with fming
'mis morning tbe bAI wa opened
a awaA rendering A “Bnih-a^r." men pAd to tbe lodlel..
A A ATly boor aiI the ^dllUc team
PoDowfog the responoea by the high
Alar whl^ the paper ao ahir prepared
A boys served with a fine breakfast
br mn JUM Barrie A Battle CreAc court ofifoert the Hlaeet Uiey Gannett followed by Ice cream Ad coke. While
nnd Anna Fiedond rendered a ptono
tbe merry party wa in session
TBa eofopstUIrs drtn br Court duel which was moat enlivening.
mayor A Traverse Cliy appeared
Dawar gwda A bonor. CadUlae. (Ms pAttt fo the entertAnment Court the scene Ad invited mAy of the
LogAi A Cadillac gave an czhlMiioo
bdfina tor sens Una all cres were
: Foreners for an auto ride to the
Uni la UMlr tatileate aad artlsUe drill, the subordlBote team whh
lum. Thwe wbo were A the pony
peored befog the only one la western
dkinibg aad napseren trtte
were Mrs. Florence Youngs, the ex­
Tbdr maneuvers
weO pertorDs^
president; Mrs. William Kaiser
opFAIowIbg IhU tbs Initiation A a
; CodillA. first vice prestdenr Mrs. W.
pfonse and on their second appearance
caadldaie br ths Trarcrae ^tj Oeurt
8. Cole of JAksoB. senior woodward:
with stintMmnMs fo honor A the court
TsaTsne oeenplsd the rcstAi '
Mr. Ad Mrs. ChAles' Ziegler A
they received an ovation.
lA. Ur. Ad Mr*. C. A. Bornom of
Miss Tonngt, whoee swert voice
BAley, Mlu Blanche Youngs of Evan.
. «tln hMsmbly fo tbe hall. During such a dAlgbt A the morning setsloa.
Crody A tbit city Ad MAier
erifi hoar tbe Dnwood avenae orcheo- •CAn appeared oo the tHogram In a HarAd BrobAt^ tbe moocA A (be
dm Btva aahy feteUag seKotfoas aad
thaihe foeuabera wbo were a lAture
Tbe pony wa shown through tbe
uajepud the boor fo an impromto BAUe Creek, given fo costume. She
greeted with hearty applause
the trip ifatoagboat wa A great InIlfilBifM ttd Pueustert ud Com- which coatlaued during the pretty
t to the guests^ The return wa
paalCM ecatlaae to enter the dty, dances.
mode via tbe Aylum greenhonses Ad ll a pOKitiTr cure for all
Tbe first compeutire drill by the
' Oraad Bapidt aad Cadtlfoc delegates
ail ments
Grand Rapids guards A honor wa (be tomato Ad cucumber bouses were
arAvfog yesterday aftAnoon
.. of Female
t (<.rm*
- - -o trouble*, Inflamfoe. amaag them befog Mrs. Sarah ABoonced Ad thirteen gaords en­
crowd left the grounds the sboulssof mstkm
flc-cration. Falling and
Waraer. Hra. Jenale.Sproat. Mrs. NA- tered Ad gave the iolriAte and beanthe tVossb All eun-Who is all rtghtr "The mayor Ai Dhploe
Ifo MOli. Mrs. Bla Heodi, MAvloa
much Uvorable commAt. Tbe even­ Traverse City Is oil rlght.“ were heard |
Kiuto. Mrs Alice BOUa. Mrs. Ledi
and the merry laughter of the hsppy ’
livery time
tiu it
Play. Mrs. Uzxie Min*. the*^d^ ing seAlA Aooed with ‘‘music by a
bowl." befog the iSaverse City gusA crowd was ample tcailmony A the'
‘Baidde caadidAer; Mr*. Barger
pleasure which (be trip hod glvA.
K. A. Van Proyen. Herbert Diagamn o^'boaor. dlsguUed Ad CDAkA with
Tbl* is tho tenth pony to visit the rhma than any otherremedv the w-urld
A Mailcm rcgUiered this monifog with Ulchea nieAilt a lAirumeoU. ‘They siyluiB. six bavegnoe to East hay and boaewr known. U ii »;m»t infabibUG. T. Moeomb, court 8M. Hakegun: sang Ad hummed a AlecUon. . while

to tbe GAambfo dA arriving onill that oaecmbly A JockMU. JAe ». 19«2.
were read Ad approved,- and tbe follima.
losrfog committees were oppAnted by
-Sartag tbe aooa hoar a call
the preoldeot:
mafia for an dete^ca to report to tbe
Committee on ResAattoBs — Mro.
-excestlTe oBeera fo tbe bAI -and a . foA A Cadillac. Mrs.- Ely A Petoofcev. N. W. Hart A LAoing.


Mr_ I





■Bd Ihoncls Smith of this elly.
et-uie Is of tsoo realty Ad $:w

sontlThe spocfol hoorlog A \Vedn«iltj
being tbe first t
«1tb Ad at tbe Aosing A the last
I tbe cose of Emma Zle of Mayfi.-b'
that it eras a pleasure to come to this
candidate wa tAien
township, who»\ coaOiilon was
historic ground where tOO years ago ibrougb the rAks, thtr received sev
subject for lOHaDlty was Aaln taken
the re*“'mcn gathered in Jun such cral rounds of bAiiy applause. ‘The
today in Probate court a3 eo
councils and smAted the pipe A
"For eeer thirty years I safirred
pfoalst A (bp team wa Mlu Allva
firmed thriiiigh the report from tl
from polnlnl ulcers sod A crnptiA
-We clAm to be A the forest and Johnson Ad the young ladles wbo per
asylum srbere she wa n-nt jii-nillng
from my knees to my feet. Ad conld
and Batfas Preach tbe latter. Both of wood. We are A tbe forest though formed ibe port A tbe oScers wore
find nrtther doctors nor medidoet to
regular hrering set for mUy.
fend iadDoeassBts of ehienalnsiea Avilixed and Intelligent and up-tndAe Bdu Huckleberry. Emms WsUon Ad
help me, Atil I tookCuUenpa which
etoedmeinsixfoqnths. <si0ied)k{wMA were listed valnst sada pthet along fraternal lines according to our
Plclte. wbo oceocnAMed- the From F'iday‘s Reconl.
C Moss. Gsinesvifle. Tex."
«atn a Tota was declared
team from CodlflA Ad have greatly
The ease A John Monroe i-i nl. v*
TSoaMlac In OndUlac batoK chosen.
High Becreurr Sharp, who spoke at enjoyed the two days stay.
Hlekox. Mall fi Hill eorapAy Is occu
Tbe report«(tie Jodfes of ths e
tbe afternoon oeaslon. wsa called upon
Tbe clAlng hours A (be OAcm
pylng the atienUon A
patttlrs drill WBS than 11*08 tbs dip aazt and he laagblngly rAerred to-ihia TAtardoy ofuenoon were devoted
olBclals and to technical Ad business
Till- cost of the aognii I* IlCS.
loMtIe dsdsloA wUeb tber hnd
at befog as he Mpposed the last tAk the tAk Ad march for the Foresterslike is all the tcslimcmy ihal not one
Ton stia of luseing wheel* have juM
Heed A pMa* A1 tbs «tt. bsiaas dl which he was ezpect-d to glre.
orpbAS borne Ad the subject
spectator Is roiind oo the sreond fi<«<r
rvm shipped by Caldwell ft I.oiidon to
elfiad as fftknrs:.tlS for CsdUiae and rAerred In opening to the visit here os ably preacaied to all Foresters before
A (lie eounly building wLi-iu- ClreuiHolm, Mis* . and a boil l>c«riiig drayA
being the first which be bod ever made the collection wa taken up by High
I* fo session. It will continue to
Tha Atctloa A odtaM toUOwsd to the city and rAerred to the greA CfaiA RAger R. J. McDonAd Ad im- morrow. Xn uBAunI array of legal largi- proportloB* Is now ready f<ir
lalniing In tbe sbop to gu to Oruski ft
pleasure which It gave him. He doted medlAely fellovlag the march whA
Vbleb'wai as follows:
IlghU is connected with the cAe.
Sou, Charlevoix.
- PrwWsat. Btebetb Mann. CsdUlse by extending a pressing Invitation
the eollectlon wa token tbe
Pratt ft Davis Ad P. C. Oiib>-n lielng
Tint TtM preaSdnt. Mrm. Dslli oil to Alrad tbe Fiebruoir meeting A left tbe bAI for the steamer Columbit
busy -with
the complainAi*’
Mrs. John B. HendorsoB. wifo A
hU home town In BoUlc Creek In Peb- and two bourn were spent a tbe boy.
Kataw. Cadniub
alnst W. P. Crolser and Smurth
'■‘rnuT 8ui<-» St-nalor H<-iiOor
Basdai «le« preaftsnt. Mrs. Mandt
tbe trip to Nc-A-U-wonta
alle ft Alway. Ihe rfer.-ndant*.
A Ml**uurl. but DOW llvlug la
TMIa. Onad BapUn.
Bufoi^Bch. high leeretaiT A the being token. Tbe Elmsrood avenue
The dlrom- ease of 0|isl May Haleh .VaabioKtOB. Is a vogv<arUn Ad has
BsereUrr. Vn. Oarrle Pester. Grant high court. fAlowcd with a
orebeatra aecompAkd tbe ezearslon
I. James A. Hatch wa heai-il last wrlin-n a l«>ok on the mlij'-c', Myle«1
dr«A and In doing oo. he made refer­ and ditco
ArKuirrary of Hi-abli."
Tieasarcr. Mm. Bmiin Rallr, Trav ence to tbe closing tAk which
hundred Ad thirty Forester*
mayor spoke of weleoming the <
AMord. Ma>- a the members of Ihe
Shipping Thcic Products,
GkaplalA. mas JaaA RnirU. DstU< srlth srldMpen arms and the Foresters party had the bonnets A (he siilKirdl
U.lldnn nf illl* ril;
K J. McDonald,

Writft Today for Special Circvlar. ToltpboBO
•r CaU at CoUedo Omco_...

of dev.-lopmenu


Ing pain, weight Ad bredoeb
intlv relieved
reilered ai
and pcrmaneDtly
enred bv iu n»e. rnder all eircuig- I
stancea'il ocu in hartouny with the
feaaie syatem. It correcta

’ brmgulM


Rnppresacd or Fainfn. ..
Weakneaa rtf the Slomaeh.
fo. IIndigr^tioo.

clerk A the HacI perry. U Ju*ily entl-;
Oed to be called A —Ad oetiler" fur
today UBOrka tbe fony-sixtb ABlver-■ abilitv, irritability, oerreoKne*,*. alerplOfy A bU arrival in Artheni Mlcbl- lemneas. ftatulcocy, melancbrtlr or tbe
blnea.- and

14. 1S5S, Just fortT-oIx years ago________ ^____


WMttemfoy s



Aspinwall Spraying Machines


Voc cannot afford to let the insects, blight and rot spoil your < rops when you
can get one of these "Sure Shot" Machines that does the work ri^rht. and at a
GREAT SAVING IN TIMi;, L.XBOR AND MONEY. A trial will convince you
that the above statements are facts. 1 f your acreage is not large, r^efbaps you will
want a hand sprayer. WE HAVETHEM-ALL K1N1>S-KNA1'5ACKS. COMI’RESSED AIR AND AT(.)MlZERS-ihe greatest assortment ever shown. Now
is the time to get one^nd be prepared when tiu- bugs come.
Yours for "yuality and Satisfaction,"

Farmers Supply Co.
J.27-135 State Street

Traverse City, Mich.

Klimmy O

News. -The-trip wblefa was mode from’nnd Caekache
•he A' rt'
Korthpon to Trarerse City In a open | blc Componi■ndUni
Mil boat, was A extremAy {
lonn rt’vrt’eU it .iriirtni o

r»*-. ‘: ^
5 THanic rmif
"^Gives strength to men, women and childrcmM*




fltiMljr MiWMMd at «M «



Vnr TwfciHw anfl Chttlrwi.

, xfrr

Tbe Kind Yoa Have
Mways Boueht

>ewlbl« and 4*pan'»

tMTOWtH b*«<
TM f«ll«wing alBeiai atottiMM hM
W (MMd «t «h*


d and aedtaaat vlilch had |
ihrd down ai th« reaalt at a j
cloud burto of last week, the body of;
The HagM' Chartet Buuffci who wai drowned a;
3 Tocaday. while trylBy to |

>WlMn M IlMtian and Vm Japiwwt
-1« to agi
-Ch« Eoe or ftorto fto « PMC*

tort fcdto ptotoim oprood

tho I
only rfcUo of the atom.

It Miat W the
aMaen a WliHkade^ t
lioa dollara that H oHil net only banknvt Haaala tort upaM the Enanelal
toiplOB at the wholo waatom wartd.



Saplnaw. Mich. June 1C—DIalrlet j
Proaidenl John Hanto. of the Unlled-|
Mine Workera of Amarlea colled out ,
re alriko tbU mcraisE 200 mlnera |
employed at the RI»eraWr mine of the
CoBBolidated Oeol eonpony. The mine:
offlelalB and the men tailed to aerce ob
eeeenl ariCTaaeM of the men.


LOT 183 msy-'Mf

arria«aed tba Wi
w tha dalagataa will adAdrian. Mich.. Juno Id.—Cot. Rich-!
Jawn to Bwat to aatoa nartham raaart,
ard a Bobblna. well known throngb-1
paaMly Mawyart.«. I.
eat the aute. died at noon toda>- from
UtodM. Jane 17.—An arnlatico will cnopUcklOBa. a«ed 72. He baa been
Ito eutoad toU aooo batwaaa the Ena- a atato rtpretentoUTe. aeoalor. JntUaa.
ito* and Japaneaa toreaa In Manahwtt. tt the aamo baa npi been
asroo« to amady. Tka
hknrda Varemlraof Bt. PeteraborK aays
Eladaor, mg.. Jonc IS.—Prlneeu
today U learaa front an aotbariuuie
aotova that todh aftoa baea acraed to Kargarat of Coanaoght. niece of King
ter of Queen
b~«amja paadiu tba reinn of UwardMd g
tha pmea eontemw wfaleb will taka VSeloiC: waa a
■s of Sweden, son of toe
at tha two naUsni. The Swadlah enm prince. The eeremoay;
waa parforaed in 9. George'* efanrefa j---------------------------------------------------peaea OBToya wlU d
I>r. Ralph llamllliHi Curils*. lai-ly
l enifrtiig Into actaal In the groanda of Windaor caitle, the! actual drying np of usalt caluarln
Carnegie arsUunt *i IJrV ol.«.r«anf CaateriMry oOdallng. and IndeOiaUona U alio a fart
Nnr the aUar were gnibMad King preteou a aubjert of deep cuocero to; lor)', has been choecn sssi^iani
Edward. Queen Atoaaadria and the. clliosud towns alimg the groat token.!*or of a.strooom) by iht- t nlv.-ryliy of
Lohdon, Inaa |7.—Aaeerdlag b
___ ,____
The mnoTa! of lioo.uon piT^rar ap- Wtutern I’t-nnsylvania. I'r, I'uriiR*.
prlnee of _Swi
Abtoagd baa alraadr baaa iber BOtable*. The bride and groom j prttpriaUon limit will gif* the Anricol-''hough only :« jearr uid. ivc-atly
CMM< by tba giaai #ra la Moaeow arlll townd their bODcynuon to Ireland: loral college about tSi.nou a year raoro took bis dootor's tit-env *i ibi- I nl­
land It It exported that Ibeetale l•.wr(| •vrrBlt>- of Calllorula. where he rewhit* Btnttttf laat alghl la thraa eoB' and later wfU go to Sweden.
ig agticnitniv will apply till* amount f<-lv.-.| hi. aMrun.imlral Iralnlns:. i-upMich.. June 16.—Pairk^ for the oumlng two year* In fbe erec- pk-weoti.'d bj grajuai.- •••irk ih- r, and
lion of as engineering l.iiildlne. Work »t IJrk n-at-.ry.
Urea la tha azploatoas. ^^e driag <rf Down, aged *72. the
be cumaieoceil at onci-oo tnutlug.. &i,r! .V.-lMin, who Is In his i'Uhl>
to attrltortad to a pM and
ra are Mafcliig earetol Inrea- at bU tom #a toe Lake Harbor road j ropalring and building addition* tu th.- sceond vi-ar. l
’. 6 o'clock tbl* morning
attractive ar.-Ultcci who was a membr-r of ihf l.ou«- o
■ ——
; urnl design for the live large liarn. > lor-ls wbi-n Queen Vi.-iorU cam. I
Wreck at Healtot.
State Newa.
lane lE—Another
niBdi'pringa at 102! Joseph Crole.
Arbor tail. liere. who died toU week, aged lOS
vredk onaaned oB the
Cen»ral a-ew*.
son of Lis sor.-r. tlrs. Uol'on.
yeare. b«dd that record at Marquctie.
-----------Mayor Mctnellan of New York lia- _. . . .
ot Heelek. at the Mania Crotoilera waa born at Otiawa. Oaut m
tea itoer bridge eranalng.
Urio. Canada, aad is believed to bnve leased tor s ictin of four yiear* ib< ; QHKlui^^jia^A-Br
Bngtne Ho. dd.-eaira. drawing! a
toe oldest Btaa to the vtale. At hooBC he now occupies «m Washington............ ‘ '
throogb fiwigbt tfsin north, hnd Jaat laic as three years ago the old gentle- eqnare. Four year* is the term of of
arotoart too rtier bridge when toe taaa was acUve and Bsay people re-. Bee fur toe mayor of Now York unJi r
, , ..........................
tow* laTa away and eleren cart were Member that be was able to torn a toe new lair. A day or two ago a clil-'___
COD of New York was cxprcslng wm
throe* hito the river. ThU to at toe
at tost Ume.
dor n by tbe mayor did not buy a b»mcaatoeptwe where OB March II a wreck
Dnder the school eentnt reiarns,
iii.toBpail la whWi a ntunber of pMoeo- receatly eotapilcd. Big Rapids has hwl iDStesd of n-ming. "Itecauae he rin'i
~‘iaBonI It." Kil.l an inilmaie frirn.l
ganWe tajorad.
eaventy-eeven. as
I Mr. Mraeltond. "He covld hsve
, Tha prcMl ecmdlUon of the good
ef a year ago. Aecordlag
ricb years sen bin for the fae; ihrt
tb^tolag coantry whito |a ad)aeeni u
IhcM returns, based on tbe average he happens lo bo an honwt man. "
OeptoalBb betoeaka a very ptoalaiag
toatiy of four and a haH. as rempnled
Now that the Gorman cruwn princharrML Naear before hare the proe- by toe secreury .of stale, after ibe
peou tor hay aad grelh been ao good.
, bas been marrlod. court gossip. In
tost state eenSBs. Big Rapids bas ti>st ■•Buropo are considering who I. likely
Tha anreage le large and the ytclrt
3« to pepnlatloo for the year end.
win be toaay toes. The pUnUng of
| k,l,er'. se<«n.l son. The general view
cera and potatoes U about Saiahed tog tola month.
resuH a n prolonged eharl-.^
Uriaeess INn ot
aad daaplU toe low price ot potaioee
toat year a large acreage la belag pat rmri pnrty covering severel aigbis. at; u^,pBburg. with whom he wa« n.m-'.
lie. WUItoffl Moody. age>l 2".! smitten during n recent visit to l-lur
•at thla year. Thd aoil whkdt to the
Orsad TrwT«»»r > v
U In n prccnrloo* condlUon and Han. I
iMncess Eva 1* dulte a preily
btot to Nertoem Michigan, has
j„„ p„, ,7
oW. who wms ..osTOAug KAL*-Wb«-«.. rt-r.m. a»
own worked and ptoated with toe best C. Olson, aged «. I* under atwl
; ef treed. Severa] produce mee bare ctargedwUhretcmptedmurder^O^jtronght u,. in .he simple, manner
was married recently, and had been
j, 1, ctpeetwl ihat sli.- «i;i
reeeaily been here looking over
d In an eSort to get him to inherit large.v fmm tor ^Mn'niUi. mwijue of t»»rO»tj. tirsaii Tr»T»r»-i
atiaa tor the cveeUae of a Urge potato
heoM which to eapaetad will be completad to dac Uaa tn take to toe crop.
„d k«d- 1U,.
,»M,o „hdd,.
Marrow Eamme^EM Jordan.
the charge entering Moody's leg
, Baat JoTdaa. »«*> Jaae lE-Min B. Ihl^
I to the i«s1.1on of sjiperinieoilen. of
I CM of toe large rew aiUli owned and
.;the American .School Association of - »h a..yilsy.A, 1> y Ww
A slot taaehloe was pot in
opeiatad tj tbe Bast Jordan Lsmber
tbe Arety house ofBce nl Mt. i the City of
There are almii' S'>d'lPwio'.T”iif is-Srm’ub^^a' Ci
^ Bra at abeat I Ttnaneaa. and It was oot long before Ig.ftoo American au.l IWUsh reslden.. STa-'S’lSr.^"
day nl^t tran a apart worttag Ibe sbwIE heard of It and had a dray i in toe English-spreking coVmy. ar.d
*.‘'i reedre
. ..
... of -the
. edti. . __ ... CocBty.
toraaM a eawll crato betweei
- w^tiag oglaide
k lOlb
It. Jost as i this aasoclaUtvn ha* charge
yaUraary. A l>. liOt. KaM 'am aaMrnsi'i'l at
waR^ heller.
toe thertff opened the door of the ho-1 cation of the children
mid t-iortcat»«-al dtiir r.-a.rdrd ft Ui.-t.afa
Night wattoman Prod Haggett was tei two todies advanced towards the-: An English preto'e. the hlshop of nf (hr aaid BagWa of iMda.Ia lala-rT
Ih- SSr" d«J
haiptag cleaa tip toe upper part.of toe
BdJ] when be emailed amoka aad opaa
tnveatlMtkm UMVhred tbe wood­
work and cwiv^re to'be a mare el
tamre. Bareip etappUg to give tbe
•tom. be aUrted the big pomp and
with toe’heip of hi* aastetnat^ Bn
tot, gotal point, my ......
waa HMB oader anotrol. Tbe dimage
Fearing a race rio. similar u. the | bu. there Is another .o be consldorod.
dona waa sUgfat bat had too Are been one at Boblh Haven tw«iyfour years Surtawo ihe.crickeier makes s bed c.^_.t^^by nao. .<> o-,.a ..r a- •givea dre mimilre wwe atan toe
ago. toe rulored Free Maapns of Kato.;<lriw then ills moral melfsro i.
masoo have rent word .o Rev, Mr, i to be Imdiy torved. "
B»d toMy oevMtyEre m t thrown oot Corrachef*. of the colored UnioD DapHnie. Emma ('she. i:.,> fsrr.-'i
list toOrch. that Ihev will not aiumd ^ singer. Is one of ifcose pvaij.le wt
th»,fa»rti-i» .' mid da;
IWeri ona rarelved Tocaday by Poei- aa a bodx to toy the rorneretone of, like .o their tombs r.mdv fc
matoar KreiycB that the Booth Arm
»w (hurcb In (he eourse of erec-, them In case anyihing tbould happen w nsi ^
Ku^,i-p. a. Ii ie«. i.y aair
mtoeBIre waa to be dtomUaBOd tram
At Ibe time referred to a Here? Some four years agx the greii singer
aad «ftor Jnaa M. Tha teRttory torla lUa (Aa. a( tjtr brmrW
l>ad> far tb.
uiimarty kaown as Booth Atm
-hen a Kai
•end (»tka vflUta of Sant Jordan by chared direngh tbe Mreelx by a mobj a design
ber monctneoi.. aan .m .d M»ym. u« dai; —aonl tj m»-.
' Msetol act ot tha UgltUUre
he ,ho-..ght .bein
«f wbitM. ' Tbe rM caused colored though at t
. iireeha aga Since that time msi Jor- people to give South Havre a wlde;>«i and tesjiaiel
begin the work.
- Mb has boasted of two paMoScei.
ui(»-f.A I>. 1^1 Bl.llv-N.elk Aonr >.f tb.
berth for many ycare. and an atlcmpi' he sooo found she wa-r in
io cMehtnto einascipatloa day last sot to work, ibcrefore. aad modeled a
l sketch.
Ud.. June 15.—Dr. yaai was a ftlluiw.
MSd ennssss, «r jiu bi-joi *■ mar be r—
II la areerixd by those living along: ' joa^. chaHcs nelfl of Athol,
TtoM Booth, tiring on* and one-hatf
Ub'SDi.iasi ibeBdB>.in>-lsdii..r m
cissl. Istrent. r—t. sod Uc is*.'. Br^
Yaltos below Leavenworih. loat three le Bagiaaw bay. near Btandktb. wbo I is ab’yrers bid. Me I n amlve *
•CsmM BBid Bancifd ncsri-w. .B-Urwi-i ...
. dU- Ui»l mm
« and aoand-l
. boMIng <
. TtS-lA.-Sl-B IB b-ajU BTr
■tk his dangbtere hr drawnlaiE. Four
'ytniiig gUto ranglBg la age frra If to Ings.'lhat l^e Hnraa'aad.iU eontlgn- irict coon of nbribeni Wop-rfier. at 5e TT^wwiir"./w
- X- yaut w«M batolox ^ the Ohio OQS watera are gradually rocedtog; both Atbel and Gardner, several days
river aad oae gM io the deep water Since 1224 the wnterw hare actoally'rach week. While, naturally, hi* •««— t—') tt~. to«»
,l.„o M. C«>, in., I
fdl. .. ru. u l.n
aad bMBB to toak. Tha ether girif
ware to bre astostaM bM CalUe. Hat­ are now holag cohlvaied aad peo^: yean ago. Ik .1* sUU rigorous cnougb
Arenas cf a iriBUT.
tie aad Fasmle were drowned. Jalto have erecledijiobres near the bay to admlaistev ios.lce in the Igo courts
d Bt TrBTM^ OI). MKh. tka ttk
: Judge Field U aaid tt> he .be
the yonageat. betog Mvad.
e LOCAbOgh.
Un rippiad bp oven, where are now I judge la tEe reaBiry to acflrr Juuleto!
Mvtog fields of srala.
etc. T>e[e*fv»c*. .


ss, s',ss:r,.'‘;rs,';irr.'s.*-


LOT 110
LOT 182

Bean the

For Over
Thirty Yfars

i»o- ud«... H. 1—.C;

G^crtMT WBtfi^ of MBrytohd
<wd MBdB B tonw reraphook of MmtoP
mpre clippiBgi OB toBMMh cf UaptI
Avwtmre eg hto auuc. w bu fiM la
-bu cute BTchina re ABBBputhk Hi*
«y; .-I builevu It to toe ftm time
Are uy btotory at Un dareh of a gBV
'ruur of MBJTtoM hwt cwcchM «e»
.JIM Biuf I prapem to taka cbm ^
aad irwre tore toy re:mpl<- Btoy be /oUuwml by wtf bm-


LOT 184
LOT 188
LOT 230
LOT 235
LOT 236
LOT 237
LOT 196
tOT 203
LOT 211
LOT 212
LOT 213
LOT 214


toMMBuireur.BBre M.MB4.

r^tmtiTTreSn CMyIreSAhpOTt M
rr«MBm^fmnS«nh»K»n»Bi<>.iB. . ^

C L UXKVOOtXO.^^^^^ •

**'^***T4wS5uc»w- ■

Pere Marquette
Anti Bi. Mto.

B. r. MOKA&Ore-lriK^SS^^**


Handsompst Lots in Oak Hoights
the most charminn addition to Traverse City. Thi*
addition is now largely built over, and good lots are
not easily obtainable. These lots will
sold sepa*
rately. excepting IS'J. ls:i. |S4. which must l)c sold to­
gether. All must go (or s)>ot cash, and the prices

The whole bunch of


lb* drenW nui •«**>. <dnreren I
tt oS Orwn4 TtuvBnB uud lUaSB W Wire
m .It an <4 Um twrtaua fSere MB prevre
Isntl.’dwtBd latbr CH) (d TiStW CMV,

I.-I. Nn nm. cViredMuilSinr U.iU re.(ti
-<tb. tilUginiyy to TtuttjjOgr. n

’rlduy. Uiu filstMntn OBr
A.D. leos.
“ **CH^^mB JOI

IMMC Mre red. ore.

if sold at one time and for cash down, would be


(“re^i.'ESitoTfd’oisSs'oSifSB- f^iBBiT. MVWISBB. w Dreirek Aslreftre

A\ the price would be made accordingly and to allow
for holding as, an investment. Come quick for choice
of lots.

Also One Acre Lot
in Birctiwood
Fronting East Bay 8 rods and running back 20 rods,
less a strip two rods wide on north side for street. A
ver>- desirable lot in this beautiful suburban spot.


123 Front Street.


I A^'mn\
j tar pn>.ci«l red If.MtBaS. sM *U Uim

i sa'i,
r r.uguTw-sra;
rev- '-t re- ^turt tb»fmd; uitw m—ifiWB

■t. I. r,.T.irt (Dt-w-threby vinretotkapow-

Btn day of Ouphetubur. A. O. «006.
SI t-B o'-ureui ib> lavreoBU <4 red
K-Ki tb. I-------'— -—-•- • - —■* remre*.

„r — n,iybthuBiVrenarLtre irety lb. Biaaut dwu ds. re red reVTOna-


TMUMOA.v,'iUNc tt. nm.

to the I



AID Dorr

e prated peel,
ties then oOm. It b better to try the btoeud frwU Jatee; theipaRof tbe
batter la tbe oren before paUlapHbe floor; wbea well taeorponued. add the
brpe cake ta. A opaeafol la a patty
Of the flonr. lolo wbkb dredpe.
psa will be a eafe paJde. If the —
the fhiU: then add the stlfily beaten
• M*an. MTU.
Baekachey the First Symptom
aiaeada end nms orer, then It needs whiten. two leares of fire
of Kidney Trouble. *.
each, b
b a alow orecu
and (hambm. roofs aad dot
in* b «er* vltb brtd« *11 blvAlU BBt tbe woaa of the eorth-Ood with B remap pb. then Bin. AU meaebowl, add predoally efMoph bfled.
kBOwil-tte woaa balld
Is Invalnable in Such
JaM b bm with b**hfBl
aremenU plren here are lerel cap- ilrerlzcd aopar. while worklap with
IWiow Jope, with ibdBMi rah^
fub. aad the cap need Is the repabwoodni spatub or spoon, to make a
Bre ooeld act etrar troM Paradbe.
W«*Tlnc sp«f OB I*iT7 yoamt.
UoD aeosarlop cop. which tnaMores thick paste, eddbp a IllUe lemoa bice |
tor O! BO Hatter where
Mttac IMTU b rhrtha bMtiu
while. When the mass Is j
Persons Who
Her praboBt pieeetioe lit tbe war. b! )otl cae-balt plau
Moath «C MOBT *klei *Bd Oobt.
«emsJI surer pellets and oroamenti
sod thick, cover the cake, andi
Vi«B .ad )r^1 bk*«B KpeBtlac,
nay be porebased at the eonfecUoa-1 after dryloe place another coat
in* b bow.
Daalcl 1>. Didwrll. (foperviur, Noury Puhllc aad
in*. •etl-MBddlbl. wnnaA » '
Alnoad Icbp for Bride s Cake—Pal
a member of 1. O. U. F. ld» fbsrl stn«i, BpSaia,
In*. who*e ibwB b taT*d with d«w,
feetjon as the blib-priced caterer.
debt ouDcfs at aliDond paste b a
h*. Y.. writes;
PIplop and star tobea, eostbp ser- bowl; add stneea onocca of the
“Havtog used Ferena for a sbnr lime, 1 desire to
write you as to ray present eoDdlilOh.
We lire beeUe each other dar br day. enty-flTe ceou Tor a set of alx. will be crushed and sined tpgar: thCa add
•• bhco/ahfaiMd Pereas i was aafferbr/reo)
ABd apeak of larrbd tblapi. bat eb- found a ^Ise pnrehase, altbouph a eiujukh whites of ^ss. nabeateo. to
lohraab hbftceboa aad kUaty aad .Madder
piece of stiff psper taraed lolo a cor- j make a aliff paste, uabs a little
rroahte. baecasedfohcipbccAcaibtbaareaca.
doB say
Aty 4lgeotkM H aow prrtoet or>d my kMaeyo aad
Tbe fall, eweet word that Ilea Jnsl Is oueopb will also make the dainty fes-1 aaier cow and then, until a teaspomr “Jne.* tb« Ihrwah boU eeboei d
hbdderdoaoftresbbare b taty wmy. la tom. t
locos and frllla which bare so kna | ful has beco used.—Sew Idea Wogtrt Pereas she aarire credit
wcddlap man's Uafiazbc.
‘Hoping thsiyour remedy wlUrsoM an soS
lo a simitar ease, and thaaklag yon, I remab,"—
Prepheelss Cofteen«ln« the Srido.
Tbe cake b first covered with a
Daalel D. Wdwell.K.P.
• OMW. IB Ih* HoMdteeper.
June, the mcmih of auashbe. the
pbio coat of Icbp; then when dried
looib of credoaics. the time of roses,
for twelre boura, aaolber coat
Como ior. come arrow,
A W*m*iib Son«.
a quarter of ao loch thick and ' tas become the moath of weddbRS.
T will be better unonow.
' Dd iro« 0*11 BT bo* B >«*B.
dried In a warm (not hot) room; iheo Though May Is tbe loveliest month of
Coaie pela. eeme diaoter.* ttab <rf «t«B BdBTt
ih9 year, a b regarded as unlucky.
Beltef bat eomaa the tutor.
fl*d « inter d*bw th*B tbb
wedding, and the bdl oreameDt placed Joee. with her magic wand, makes tbe
Jbr The brow tad lip* TOO klM.
Tbe Lore that te^
top lust before sendlag It to the whole world paaslog fair with a proAbo bealB.
mr TOO kBOW th*t n»e* die
faslon of roses: and roses are love'i
South Ajnerleaa
Tbe Cbrlft who keepe
jBlhe^etBM at the jtar.
Cured hy Pc-m.
Kever aleepi.
^ SOdB TOO. lore, aiut I
ver pellett forming a flower every halt-. booth of good omeat for bridoa.
Do Bot rleU: Ood la Ihr ahleld
. TJoAt the fmet nd bee the *»ou
Count Alfun*o d’ Aljore*. of
Inch. Tlie edge Is finished with frills, j For the best day of the week the]
Do Dot tear; Ood b ibr cheer. ,
} del Torre, Buenos Ayrea, fiunih America.
t was nerer row or ator.
Is also Uio baio. A frill la shaped
Alt p^ peat.
While Tislilng in Chicago, vrreto troH 9(T
Monday for health.
0Mb too BOM BBd ooe's too far.
around the sides, with
Tbee hone at last.
Clevrbod avennr.ibal elty.a* fullnw*;
Ha DO pebble *sd bo pcBtl.
Tuesday for wealth,
rosettes and sliver pellets as
■■I used reruni a short lime ago lo build np my
Be^-^ iWa*, kwliw flrl.
Wednesday the heal day of all;
The groom's cake may be made at­
system, w inch was all rea down from overwork)
wwt to be bone whea tbe ean poee
DoBh tp kbi TOO. ha»d to keep
Tbureday for crotaes.
worry and a cold which had eetlled In my heck
tractive by Icing with one coat aad.
Ibwefc jrtth TOO white roob* Bbeep.
Friday for losses.
kidney*, c*n*lng me teriun* annoyance and tronblri
Where I and Bine are fbnt In from when that Is dry. placing saeibor cov-xam to UMte wh« TOOV* Btad,
Ssiurday no luck s( all.
erlng of frilU in such a manner that
the Bipbt—
Bop* to dtoib when rm wooM 'creep.
After the day Is set it b eqnsidcrcd
ProM the etnicpllap world with tbe as each al^ is cut a perfect frill goes
thatlfeltl vonldnrverJieshletoUkenp the harden of
Toogn to CBBtet whe* TooTa nd
srlth It. Tills it also an ekcellent guide very unlucky to c^go It.
enedM* fipbi
life again In the moreiag, bat when morning camel
Is (bo bride that thf aun
CM Me wlb «d eeeuode. deer,
would get out somehow. Thl* dragging Ihroagh ilfereaOf lb UtUe mlB for wealth or reshines on" we quote almoisl Involun­
tinned for neouplc of ntoaths, wbtn 1 decided 1 vnaU
CU »e BeKher ot*r aor leeeBowa:
tarily when the wedding day It bright
take Pernna.
•nm the 4v 1 aeed Mt drool
Where 6eMs are near and the llghu:
and clear, and alt brides rejoice when
• ’/ am «btf f» aMf* that I fcood jf josf f»* jaedfcbf tor
«Mo the MOW btb OB BT heed.
of the town,
the weather Is fair. If the bride ean
tarrlAl dershge- me. la a couph at moatb* t was resfored lo prriea
T»*B BT eeri to TO«7 eh*>l he
Uke-reatbM eyre ehlfl ihto’ the
At the apreaia^re^f llir fliiht sJrHri luenu of the kld> bealth aad UrrOfO, and my war* was Jto boff*- and white, pbk nad white, yellow nnd Kueezo a few tears, wbclber they be tom
1^ ~r '—‘r
haaoWBd rlpbt
of kidJry trouble, IVraoa rbould ney* should cer> burdea. I tkeretoft eadorae your mt^klae at wm
the erocodllo variety or those of

am caafWeace at the afcA. "-A/basa <r Aforea.
Ahd the ere* I tor* hot eee
la Che bean «f peoee. eeenre b
isinly l« eontldthe Idng must be dlstinetlve In flavor. genuine sorrow at Icavli
Teeth BBd cnkoe fareafclac Me
Tills remrdy strike* si once Ibr rery
For green, nse almond or pbtaehlo;
Insure her fniure i root of the dlsesre.
seemed tenet In perfect bermony Wrlth
As the beee foreoke » raee
Of lore, OB* boMely epot
the .yslem, elimiDStIBg the poboos
Whes the wlBd at eatoa* blow*,,
lalopping the ravages of (he dbessa
ney* of lhe*tspnsnl bloud,and prevent*
But before the joyful day dawns
ioel <■ aoel took* 1b *Dd kaows
ta Health By PM-aa.
Of OBter dbooBteat cbb tontrii—oy orittge, temoa of tuUl-fnitU: for vio­
end gradnallT rmtoring me to health
let. use tbe extract e< the aamc: va- there is nsually a long or short eouriMr. John Mmrao, 213 Lli.pln.-oU.8u and strength.
All Ihat’e beet of Ton mad Mo
nllb b the etand-by foe the white shlp. -Happy Is (bo’wootng that It
Toroolo, Cat)., a prominent merehsnt . We have on fils nanj thonsoad tori
—Nora Hopper, to the WebmlBst
1 want to be tlTore when tbe
of thslcily, snd also a member of the jtlmonial* Ilk* the ones given bm. We
telDg In thb twocolor acheme. If a cot liHig aAotng" says the otd pro­ Ing p..lson. and tl • prevenu t
alnke bw
verb, and iriien a courtship extends
can only give onr roiilcrs a slight
y. which arc >ere to follow If the UasoDlr Order, write*:
And the bare biwwa fields ahlne tube tin b used for thb cake, a bunch
a. year before It culminates In
of flower* may decorate the eentcr.
glimpse of lb* vast array of nnsellellcd
forth all aptew.
endorseiRenU W' are rteetTlng every
marriage, those who arc verted In
• ZMag vhdt M other
ABd ooartSer etan snUe behind nlgfaVa aad these most hsnannlxe wlUi tbe
No other phystelan la ih*
Icing and blossoms used la the house
• Bonl for ne weald do:
wlikb an apt l<
.11 ripidly la UiU^jreahfc. ttooktwagr — —-------- world bae reei.dvcd soeb a voUnt* e(
brides shake their heads with appreOn a «eld-hordorod apoi nearby the decorsUoat.
• Ai ibter. wUe. or Bother
kUaty rtmedlet aitbeui geribg Ida entbnsiastifl ieturs of lhaaks aa Dr.
Per Individual wedding-cake boxes, hensioD. Considerate, brides wear at
I’eruns cure* calatrli
the kidney* dealrtd retails.
Uarlmsnfor P.Tnua.
• OeodBod klM BBd tni*f pairs of garter* u they have Simply Iwsuse It cure* •sUrrh wher-: 'I'erons I* ih' only remcly which
I want to be there when the can there are all manner of dainty coa• Who-d BO ABcel nmiBeo
■smaidt. as it Is exceedingly lurky
ever located.
Iwa* really of any OeceCt lo ms. It
celts—oblong. wUh Initials or moeo• Hb feOoweUp to flU,
poee dewDi
maid to receive ns a gifi a garlc-r
—OIU Topb. grams on the cover; bean shapes;
• Hbea Ood hoe pirea hlB woe
square or circular: lo watered, ribbed
• Wbe BBd iorlBK etUL
You'll live out of town;
or plain paper, or In white satin with
Married In pink.
dainty rotos, violeb, etc., sprinkled
Your splrii* will sink.
at ibo head of (b« food commlsttea to They'r* mamag BHgbB hana-oC «H*
Teiy often the aamea- 'wedding over. ABer the cake Is flUed Into will not dress .faarsclf enUrely until
are only a few of the thou­ n>jcci the fair chemist, but as she was
AbA aynip ool d B0«;
tke.' 'bride's cake' and 'groom's Ihesc, (he lop Is decorated with a the'lime for tbe ceremony, and above
IfalDgs. She will not allow a mMd sand and one good and bad omens af- strongly reeommendgd. they cmeloded 'ey're raskiag buckwboat cake* biM
in* b the' DOBth ehore bI'i other cake' booone coabaod. Bacb bai lu sprig of flowers or frills. Silver pel. -pa«e.
astlsl lo piBolog on her.xcil.-t.lhlt leciine June brdidre.—Farm and Irirc- ! 10 “let her try," and Miss Doggell ii
Bathe Aeeoted to-brWee. BBd Bom* dbtbeUre nae aad ahouM be called leu will also aid la e^lng out *ii still trying, to tbe eminent sallsfacAnd piuateo stoDO—Ok, ay!
cilice mu*l be performed by a wife
by lb correct appebUon. A wedding uaetlve designs.
Cheer gbee Us epoM to them
! tten of the Illnolt.State Food Commis­ Bot Ibis to sure tto tlBse to Uck— .
aad raolfaer. In dresslag het^If for
cake b a darit trait mbtnre and b dlsThe bride's cake should be Iced in her wedding she must remoml«i--io
A cool tor teaioil^pte!
tribnted to the gneeb who are bldd«
while, while the cake luelf is usually
, Manyy firm ha* l>een
Tbeyjw maklag etetblBg oat at glaM
■B b b lortac. Mi IBU belac toeed. ta the occaakm. Tbe bride's cake b made of white pound-cake mixture put on her right shoo drsl, unless she
it Into ruur' rbarged wllb
when brosgbt
wbUe leaf, flavored with almoad. Tbe followlBg redpe* arc atandard wishes to be ruled with a rod of Iron
And butter oal of greaac;
loliilierairon of Its
ts tood prudurt*.
While ^totiln syrup made from saad
B b b ■bbc. Bot b aeekbg tfttB. aad dlstrlboied only to tbe attendanu cno*. which have been used many In the bands of her future lord. Tlie
ermfronieil on thee wltne
wllncs* *i*nd by the
right glove must go ..n (Irei If she
of the bride. It asoally concaals a men by the writer;
la oommoaer tkoa gbese;
wiBfacs to always be first In her butrtaic cx|M-n. In the person
They make froM aergM B>><i t^SekOB
it tboo Bit knOT, iBCkbc MOMBlT rtag. whhA taU* ta oae of tbe attendBride's Cake—One pound while sug- band's affections. She must remem
Udy. whose les'tmnny wllh*tood the
asb whea the cake b cot nc groom's
„ bone*

toad, dr* hope ehd cheer:
■, one pound flour, one pound halter, lH>r. also, (hat she must not allow her

Mo«t terrapin you biiy:
Chemistry Is a prcfesslon which has
It thoB art nd, BBd wOBlbt he one
tnof. aad whea'aaed b cat by the bile* of alxteea egg*, one (easpoon- prospective husband to sec her In her t«K-n_regard<-d as l>eing more fuHable lion and re-Milted In tlo-lr eonvlrtlon
ut anything well stand except
farted. *t*r tOMorrowb tar.
A coat ur taoion picl
WhBterer be thr bBcbc a Ihr weed. groom and dbtrlbnted to the guest* moad exlnct. Wash the butler free bridal attire iiaill she mee)* him be- as a^oerufiatlun for men rather than
altar, a* to do to Is siippoeed wonir-n. Tlure «re. hosever. a fes
hytbe ^ man.
Since ihe r.iahlishment of ihc Slali
. that do gtoB dre;
) Invite a tons of l>ad luck. And women ehemlKis. but In <
A ponkia of the wedding coke from tall, then beat It to a cr
speclillst' Foo.1 Cointnl.'ion. uiu-li adiilleraled
a Turkish Tmitoiwi
•o b*U thr eoui be fed BM thoo, bsafely promise herwelf line of a ’--fori chemi.n''
tbonid be saade into an teed kaf and Add tmc-quarter of the (lour lulo which o glil ei
•re Is biii/u«d ha* tvn .-mlrHy drUenvKH ,.l
The in>u*M«0 of a Turkish prtneeas
deed. BheU trelr lire.'
siried the baking powder; when Ibal she will be a happy brido unleas
eat by the bride at the tahte. where It
one womsn In ihls eouairy who ocrii ' Hie mark. -, and ibe reM greatly iBi i
altuosl as costly a* that of an
tacorporatod. add the sho shall tavo assuied In at least
pie* Ibai disilnolon. snd (hat is MIsh prnv.-d in iM quality. T»o noiablc j American helren*. At Ihe rocent map
Debc the dallr detbe.
der shonld be cut to fit iadlvldnal whim of roar egga. beaten aUffly; some UtUe parltcalar Id tbe making Lucy Dogi^i of Chicago. Illlnol*.
meiaure-i an- honey and olive oil. For ; rlage'rjf Iho sultan's dsagkler to AbBomHt Ihoegh ther be.
boMs and dbtribntod In ibeee to the (hen add allenialely nnHI tS^e eggs, of her troussreu or In the mixing oi
Five years ago Miss noes«i gredu tnerly large qiianilij--* of dccorilons i
Pars, the minister of jn*-.
FatbBUr baHac tbe burden
beaten stllBy, aad (he flour are used. her wedding cake. Few brides care to
gaeeb ni they leave.
tied fnmi the high Mho,.| ai McKm »'.•" sel l a* Hich. which cm'alned ifr.-, ihe i.rido's wedding dress
dross vaa
u of
Bb ere pboe cbb eee;
go to the altar who have not In all ney, Tr-xa* II ih-n Warn,-a uui-.ti.m n. iihcr h’.n- v ,.r uh,,- oH, » '
A dark fruit cake ahonld bo al.lcasl
KeeliBc with dieerfol briphtaeN
^ aad Is BM .
1write week* edd before cutting, so hoar; pour Into n paper lined tin and partlcubni complied with tbe old pro a* in whst oocopation she should pur ''»> "u- pure arelcl.-. are- on ll
Orer *M orer eab'
verb about “wearing somethlOg old »uo In Hie. >i-r eniry l-io 'htv ore !''■ In h-r •■xamlnaDon of s
that those who have charge of nuptial hake In modenie oven one hour.
Men IMt U wenr l*ber.
or (ho rirhest orienud talln. 4
Bride's Coke No. 2—Cream one-half aoraeibing ae*-, something borrowed; lesslon was a happy enmhinallon -t v- ri'It* ahonld be careful to make thb
Of wakaees or prlet or pab;
H tnA'I" •»' '«■' “f •"'5 I
>rtant part of the repast In lime. cupful bultcr: then, add one and one-' and something blue" The aomciblng; wise forcihoiight, care-ful preparanon, gluco-e,
BtrtrtaK enh dar to tolkrw ^
sa* copied from a design of a famou*
hnlf cupfuls One granulated sugar and new Is *lwa>i: In evidence In the aad fonunaie ehaac.-, Ib-lng oaiur
An In-rc.tlng mile poem temi i
ta the war Be has tod.
Fn-nch artist, it was tnadc In Ibo
1 again; add one cupful milk, bride-* fresh allirc. the aonivlhlng old all) Inierevieil along scl.-ailflc gr..un l. lUliimor- ''Am.,-rican " anipl,;
palaco by two dreasmaktri; they
Oirtac tbe ap of water
cupfuls flour and two teaspoon- I* usually tbe veil, which Is often ah rhe ehore Ihe work of a dbp.O';ns >r*ies ih- ouirwCTAn«
in many cases. It either sandy and
Or ee^ wartarer brad:
Worked In tho prescorc of an niBcor
dry or soggy and Insipid, beside* lack­ fuls baking powder sifted together: heirloom In the family: the something e±em1*t a* the I.—i nt'-d for li. r f-i 'I"- sdulUTaiJon of fo
« earried.
' Maktarbor world the brlptater
and (wo aoWlcrt. wbci wa'rbrd ibeir
ing the bterest of the home coafecborrowed Is easily eompllod with, anu lure .-ndeavor*. The w..r>; ..f a g-o
By aarthlBC we CBB do.
The Coal T.c Lemeri Pis.
evc-ry movemeni aharply Th<- ri-al of
lemon and hr- may be a ring or a pin. The somoihliig oral cheml-l did no. api«-ar juM i- Tt.- v're making ro.ton ci-.ihrs from the outfit was on a par wlin 'ho wed­
Tbe aaady texture eomoe by
Whether to cheer the ataar
Intlng flour which, has been broxrnod ange cxlraeu; add one teaspoonful blue may be a bine silk gorier or a her liking.'and an opi^.mini',.- pic.Or lortadr help tbe tew.
ding gnrraeBt. while the jewels prewool
Berraab of Chrbt tocer«r.
tcou-d to ibe bride Euriiassed any ever
senltng H.-o-lf .,f m
.p" ■ *"■'
sult of using bread flour Instead of minutes
Low at Hb crab we clln«:
To Insure- good suceens for herself Clsl line of f,.-! analirl. f-r .he INI Thev're making good— ou. of scraps, beorel of out of 'he '-ATahlaii Klghu
pastry flour, as the former contains s
Oroom't C*ko-One cupful buUer, the bride must throw her bouquet to nols Food rommj-Men, .be ,:nd-rt..<.k
‘ TUe ta for what we labor.
And nasty ibing* from^ood;
greater qunnUly of giulca. Paatrylone cupful sugar, one cupful swcetihcr bridesmaids, and
__________________________ ___ ;
They're making psf-.-r IhiOM from
Tree Daacbtera of the Klop.
flonr contains teas and give* a lender! milk, three capfuls flour; one level'i caicbe* li will be the fir>t one of the
Boar In mind that Klivcr oc rlccl
mlxture. Chocolate, ^ramel and veg-'icaspoonful baking powder, ono-balf i gu«w to gel married. The wedding
knives and forks should be pot away
cubic charcoal will aid
la producing] teaspoOinfurvanlHA three drops
lemon] ring must not bottled one before the
cold to prcreni <Uelr'rusting' or tara dark fruit mixture. If
brandy b ob-; exirael, four eggw, ooe-half
pound ceremony nor takenoff .a/tefaajfl
A'Baa COB belld a paboe
jocted to U may be subslllui* by pre- hlanched almonds shredded, thrcri . The prospective bride must no: aceept
With teflT walb and etoot;
A Ban ca* boild a teade
Juice or. unfermentert ] lourlhs pound eUrpn, one-half poundla gift of a knife or a pair of sclssora |
grape Julee. alibongb In the prooest of candied cberriet. one-half pound can- ] or anjihlng sharp from her lover wliiWUh Uph aad epBChMu dOMc.
baking all the alcMral to (be brandy It
Bat Bo mas to the world can bnUd
evaporated by tbe heat, leaving only
That precten thiap eailtd-^toBe.
the fruit flavor.
De extra
(bkeu reMalning fnili aboiUd be the flour, and mix well:
veil: 'the
then the yolks
baked In a alow oven, but a dark fruit of the eggs beaten until lemon color; tired la there in an old rhym<^;
take requires *' slower beat that a
add the rest of tbe flour, into
Married In white.
trbite fruit mixture When lie cake; which alft the baking powder, and add
You have chosen all right:
teavet the sidca of the pan, It Is dooe.j the fruit; then fold In tho whites igm't.
Married In gray,
iFtar the Brat tea raienies have the] cn Miff aad dry. .hake in a tunnel loaf
You a-lll go. far sway:
ovea Juft warm; (hen Increase the in moderate oven tor an hour.
Married In black.
' -'*11016 for an hour
Wiydding Cske—Oee pound reeb of
Yon will wish yourecU back;
I Moderate beat, which
ilcb' tfatmld
flour, bnuef and sugnr. one tableMarried In red,
aiattooaiT for four boon for a flve- spoonful leacfa of cinnamon, mace and
you'd better be dead:
A house b bollt oc bricks and euaua.
b the
propor-inatineg. onohalf pound chipped canMarried In green.
. of into and peato and piers;
tbas tor a larger cake.
idled citron, tour pounds each pitted
Ashamed lo bo seen;
B«t a home b fagDt of tovlag deeds : 'Aie trait abould be
raisins and currants, two pounds each
Married In bine.
thu etaad a thousand yeaia.
i pleeei. and a pair of sharp ebear* will tUced figs and datcu, three gflls
ISM SIMM* S-rort* Sk.
Y'oulf always be true;
X. hoase. though bet a humble ooL be foond a great aid to thU ooHt- frail juice, nine eggs, juice and grated
Married in pearl.
«lthb Ito walb mayboM
euBe the faltlaa. thai apm ta two. rind of one lemon, juice and grated
Ybu'll live to a whirl;
A ksHe of prleel*** beoaty. rich to After the fruit b Btea^sred. it abould rind of two orange*. Cream the bolMarried to yellow.
lhai branch of cbemlfiry and found It
Lore'a etoraM pM. ______
he floured srlth dwar^hr
ter m.d
ibr float
floor msos-j
and ,aj»r:
aogmr; then add the aplrei.
Ashaaied of the fellow:
moat to her liking. ’
Tbe MM Bl earth balld hone ballatMUd tar the cakei TbU srlll preveotj and srheu kuU mixed etlr In the ytdka,
MatTted is brown, ,
Tbe Borelty of a woman engaglog to



Jhmwi m





^ iiMttti ©ratowr^^ Hjeiralii. Ei»ii
dta- geaen! of Mtehlgia. arlred this
afleraoea <m tee O. R ^ I. aad te a
tamlUar Igate at an O. A. iUmeeUagi.
He teas poor beatth but Is so fall
eeteastasm test be woaM take his cot
bad skag it he was too m to travel.
W. O. Ftost of Oread Rapids srTtred
with tee Otaad Rapid* delegaUoe
from Caster pom. No. 6. sad is a hasGlag msaibir of tee Faraltore dtr.
' rlred at I o'dote Uds monilag tren poet. OoL M T. Onblll and wife of
Leelaaaa ootmte. Ko JoUkr set of tee OceearlUe Call aa'ei-mcmber of
Teteraas aad tedr b^ers hare so
tar eotered tee eltr ead then two eooperatiiw orders aad for three dars
teer expect to remala goeeu of Trar.
erse Otr sad ealor the grand reaakm.
Amoag teem todar were Comiados
Andrew BeoU aad wife, L Comstoek
and wife, Joha Rocert aad srUe. Mrs.
Brreo Woolser and daughter. Mrs.
John Seabary. Mrs. Alhett Banes.
Edward Charter. Witllam Green, Joha
KehJ aad Jacob Vaa Atter. Otherp
who have taken adraatage of tee eelebrailcn to make tela ^tr a rlsR a
Mrs. Wintam muoa. Mrs. H. 8. Sps*ecr and daughter. Hra. Berrr and her
SOB. Mrs. Charles VPrlsIer. Hiss Ubble
Oastag and Mrs. Tarlor sad two «
Tomorrow ir Is expected teat tee reof tee Woobey post
and corps win be here to tee aombor
« forty-are la all Tbey
la haystacks aad oaljcdds. ae'teelr
reteraa comrade, John ScoU. stated
o tee Record today.

V»e« 4b*dv^ TUeord.
l> Cite inm. TnrmM CItr
tedar Y^eoMM tee retemu of tee
tar'tf Itn. Tin sbYcte are aliUxe
wltll'Oi^ «»d tee weeks of prepuw-


wratsweu are completed sod eech

Tteg ends test ererrt^tel«sd7 for teelr coBteK sad
- teai tee Qnoes Cite of tin sorte hei
wei bees- tvmtas te lu dste m s 1


. Tke M. oClMn sad deS^stes
Iftrad astsrdsr Bight. Moreetani
tsrdi^asd late alcht. Ttena (
were ken rateardar tpeat tee V
MM^'tec woi* of tee escampmeBi
iwianil tee dte. Hdtag, walkiSg aad drtrtec or at tee bar shore.
Tad«r tee Otaad-AarBO nteform wai
a wiinna debt ud before.............
e Cite, Kalkaska,
BmnU% Fatoek?. SiaDtoa. Bellaiie.
SMKOsrt «nd maar oteer earroiibdlac
aam, ta!WM aad rlOace asd aUo.deleCataa from towns farteer awar had
arrlrai aad baea gtrea weleoan. Maar
Delegatee Thet An Hen.
frisadi bare been attmeUd br
Of tec oO’clal staff Acstetanl Qas
teaap rates aad br toblgbt tee
ermaster Oeaeral Jacob Bristol of Do^ ba Ml at TtoHora.
troll Chief HnsterlBl OScer A. H.
Tha day was davotad (a a ceaera]
Rolph DC EseaBaba. Hra. Stella Rolpb.
Jttalor Hco pmldeBL
tag tee rarlOBs trates aad giriac wel- tea aecDtIre board. Mrs. Ulna D. Klaaama to tkaae who edbe. The deleaey of Saginaw, cbalnaao. Hr*. WIUgnaa at the o. a. a tets aRefseoa
ct Kalsmano. Mrs.
fra* t to fl twpaoad «at tee Park Plaae
Hands J. Aastln. past <
aid tgeefred tedr p^ar badges from
w and member cf tbe e
tee I—mu oa credeatites. This
tire board, ead Mrs. Ca.rie E. Torrey.
I eoTTCsnoadrnt, of Groese Isle,
and her daughter; bOqs LadUe Torrey.
Tbe list of ddegain In attendaaee
re Hr- sBd Mm. C- McBwan of FreU was aot aato 1:» teat
dele- sml Heaty Dobaoa corps. No. 40;
gstsa becHt to sTrire for the state ea- Mr. aad Mrs. 8. J. CMbora of Ualoa
Oiwipmsat aad saglteer at bssdqBa^ aiy. Boat Oorbln. No. S8: Mrs. Ma^
tan at Paik Plae« BrorTtUag eras Poole. Hartford. EUsworte. ;to «;
la readlaeas there this aiorB|ag. tee Hoery Spaaldlag. eoBUBltee cm eredeatlals. EUtwtwte posl Ka tt. Hartford:
H. J. BorlsBd. D. B. Gnat pool No.
«» ^«afa« •
C7, Bay City; Mrs. Florcace Lapham
id haUeaal colors.
Mn. flotdaas & Babtdtt. depart- of Bagtaaw. corps No, 87: Mrs. Dean,
MU praatdeat at the W. R. C. aad lanls corps. No. 147. Ormad Rapidi:
Kr^ Vlae B. BadSeU. department seerataqr. aad Mia. Aafia K. Qriate, de. paitmsat traasarar, were at beadqaartan aartr Md pm»4 erarr detegate


Oeorge H. Hopkiiu. Con

aowroee dnriag the year....
of H. hot would dll U wtte dlgalty aad COMtSANDCSrS ANNUAL REPORT.
credit Capt. J. O. Benabe aad Capt
That the bswry ha»d ef age is
Joha UcNabb will .eare tor the ea- It a rapid depktkm of tee laahs of Bhpriases dariag ter fear..:
the boys <g wi was shows la DepartlABTlag eaeh halaaeeoB has
Jaae IS. ISW..........................
tddreee to tee G. A. E. «Maqp
Gala for tb« year.
Beofn tor Or. OHoneld.
rceterday manlng. Per the Brw Uatr
Tbe execntlrc a
Tfce Kent coaaty batuUoa. fa charge la tew history ef the order, teere bare canfal fa tea exptiHyuarrm. a««wtBa
of W. D. Frew of caster posl Ko. 6. Men ao new posts eeubllsbed in Mleb- tee tame at tbe lowest poiat wmslateat wtte. tee laqiUfssBsim of tec deof Ofud Bapids. arrteed la the city igaa. -It «s erideBt.- be said, nbat
this BftenooB with a caadMata for re are gsttiiig eloae to enr IlmlLcommander to succeed George H. Hop- ^aamaader Hopklas spoke as tedtows;
mrade*;~it was a bappy teoagbi
teat prompted the goad people of teU
attraetlre dty to one you- ago larlte
" -Jepartmeot of MlchliiaB. 0. i

tke Soldlen bosae and Uie oanmluce
oh legtslatore. srhile alteadi

they gate to us (be opport


' '• beaatlful bar. As
me tarlgerUed°^terebr lett as coDsecrate oartee great objects of
Fratereliy. charity
1 hiyaltr. mod to otir dsty as dtlIS. LR ns show If oar example
that tbe coontry wbkh i re as sddleri
and sailors fought to preserre
wonhy of oar best efforts as dtli
—teat oar beloved couoiry Is a flulng
t for all llberty-kniag and
sea teat

oald follow any oteer flag i
e aader which sre fought


berahip la

good ataadlag


ccot. of poeu.
. Their raadidalc 1. Ur. J. B. Gris
past tea years ■
? wold of CniiiCT post. No. 6. Tbe bst- (eresL U Is as follows;
by Frank Hamilton,
a Is woriffng hard (or ihelr (sver.
wboae guesU Hr. and Hr*. GraybltlI Ite and believe (bat tee eailook Is very
win be daring tedr sUy. Mrs. RedDr. Griswold ii one of tbe
nor. seaior vke. aad -Inspector Mrs.. lead^B.j*r*lelans of Grand Rapid*
WUey of Grand RapUs were also withi and Is well known In' tutc G. A. R.
tee delegatloB wbieb eoasisted of Mr*.. circles. He is a warm perwooal friend
Bra A. Gray. CbaawUD corps. Na 41;: of General Algre mad those high in
OoansaBder C. 8. Smite, Custer post.
a and a meoj^H-r of
No. 8. with twelve
- the Loyal Lrclon also, the latter
maader B. P. Brerett. tools i>ost. Kn. gaiilsailon beioe eompiMK-d of army
408: Hra. Mary J. Dean, (he only dele- ‘ Seers. Dr.^Griswold was s sorgeon In i this depanmeni
ullMlnK Just after hi-;"^
added during the yea;
gat* from lanls corps. No. HT, and the civil war, enllMlnK
loft eollegc.
posts. Blsaki
t - Inc perMinsllty and slalnletB i+puta-; *(-re sent, but nothing ft
further wU
e SoUlcrr home, who will arrive ilon. There re< ms (O' be a senlimem beard
_ them.
_____ It is evident
____ _from
will be the only represenu- that the hcaduuartrrt should ^
be .(--oave
aeH>*re reacneu
reached tthe limit, or aeorly w,
.Jf p<j,ui Our eBort
the Silers' home who Is Grand Rapids this year.
bold tee memberahlp
able to attend. Dr. Joseph B. Gris-.
Boom far George W. Btam.
wold aad Dr. 8. R- Wooster, tec vet-: Another active candidate Is^Otoige'
pf''-.Tte report of (he ssslsiant adjutani
^ Grand Raptds will' W. Stone of Lsnsing. ah present chief'
of r aeneral shows (bat the posts of this
Idcpenmeci are carrying 2.800 mem-


erealng. Dnited SUtes Pension Agent i -lug, and It ts believed that he will
: tbeM have been on the snvpended list
O. A. Jaynes will artve this evening. i suceesrful. Ills followers are ven
J™"- The motive of (he posU In



Srtcr* erf the Ladle* of ,i.e next eommander and that the, | ^eommeod that after a rtwaable
the G. A. IL were opened after tec C. 'teadquarter* will be at Lansing.
time. say. one or two years after su>R. A I. arived at 2 o'clock lor Depart-1
Cseeutive Board Meeting.
r^la^ed. th^^moat ProaldoBt Nril Louise Ward of; A met-tiog of the eieeuUrc board of j
!d list prevunu
Beaton Harbor, Depanmeot Sceretarv ihe G A. IL was held In the Psrk ; tu, beeomloi
log a member of another
Julia M. Hubbard of Beaton Harbor. Place parioni this morning at 9:30 . poet,
he Is « BO benefll to tbe
Hra.Mary ChrUUm-sad Mrs. Barlxiur.' o'clock at whlrh lime a general re-' _____ ..jndlng him.
martelog with
all deparimeat olfleen, were (Ie(alo<-<l same of ihe busioere of Ihe board was
through tee toteae** of the train, gone over and evefyihlng foaad most
While there Is no orgaaUatloB of tbe salisfsrioiy
jjcreitable fact, however, that lb'
t of tee C. A. R the circle wiU
Mr*. Plerence L BstoitL
rMmber o' eseoMier* «
be opcenad It Is hoped that something ' Mrs. noreuee Uewtv Bsbblu.
never been memUT* at
may be dmie toward effecting a local panmini prcsldcni of tbe W R. C 1*'Grand Arm<
drelc of tee Ladles of the G. A. IL ^ une of llie most vereatlle of women. < esnout but think
The Grand Army ef ihe Republlr
; for CammarMcr.
stll] lives, bet wbi-n It shall cease m
Bays tela moralag's Grand Rapid*;
live. It will long -.-Bdure In the t»<-ei
metnoriee cf those who follaw It «*.'■
s high privilege ihsi we were permit
TraTeree City '-will today tie it'd
ted to live in our clsy and generation:
'Mecca for the civil war vnerant of tbe :
to be setors it. the new blnb of free­
d terir- wives and daughters.;
dom. Tbi-fotir year* of strife and mn
flln, all of wHrh we saw sud a par;
The O. A. R. oneampment *111 be- I:
Wbtet wc wi-rv. ws* our pricele**
a teere tor tbre^-days sad n't?
heritage. I stn-ak
siH-ak not of
Ihe Individexporiad that aboot too from Kent'
uaL butIt of •h»'he mighty whole.
ooaniy will be la attcadanre.
the kreal cofiflki wass c:
caded asd the
Bag irlamphaaily Sositu.
"Aasoag .Oraad Bapids veterans who
lioa of free men. that mighty host
wni leave this atoniing for Traverse
cast aside tec uniform It wore, and
City are OoL George T. Turner, eom
quietly, alomsi silently, melted sway
mtadhat of tec Soldies' borne. Geo. .
into cltliensblp of the great repab'lc
it Lad preserved. But It* mlsstoc w
Byroa H. Pierce. W. D. Buctock and
not ended. A* s
Eber Rta. The Womaa
Ibeir work; as '
aad ChampUa poat will i
be tested: and o
t train white lexves at 7;34 over {
lories won bv tb' Grand Armv of tbe
iRefiuldle was the triompb of tbe sol.
tbe G. E A L Oteer* will go oo the '
dler cftlsea. The elilrea-wyldicr was
train at 2:95
(tee admlraUoa of nsiloos:—the *olCorell aad WDllsm Cole will be aiaoug
idlcr-elUzea tee iriomph of tee bumaa
Owl WHmea W.'Blaekmar of EoatoA
I race In Its great taacile for freedom
tee latter pariy. All of tboae who gt>.
Oommaader-tn-Chlef Grand Army of tec BepabUe.
tee rigtu of bi-maalty.
frtmt this city will not take tee name
of their poat. but wtll be Aaowa as the: {>-parimeBi ITialdeat of the y
-- Tbe per capita lax is tec source
who Btrhrad daring tec monilng. Tbe ! 187; CommaBder 8. 7. Kirby
Kent eowaty battalkm.

, from which wc dertre nearly all o-ur
Port Hargastt* waa half an hoar late j rad*. PowHl E-C Ckaaoa. LewU
"The Nwamst Mate cos
; Income.
,Ue* <ff prcsldret cfiReeriTed from per caplt
A. BevUna of DstreiL U not a tmadl
. 31#L
mid be eaoogb
eooaxh to oc-L
oo-i^ (o' TOar eadlag Dec.
date tor nyeleellaa. Among tee sever-' tee W. R C, would
»lt m. Htoot at Q»eord..N. tt,.alid
„ p
^ „ ialcaadldatealBtfae fleld rorteebaoorr«ttpy tee otire aiteatloo of
s^'w mpplire
Babbln.fiadt time to From other sonrea* ..i;”
BayCIlr: Ura.Mahh*HeCaba.prari-.
Kata E Jtmto nBrla. N. T.. w«r* mgt deto of H. p. MorrlU eorp*. No. »•;
;A(at« Seaator Coogden of Reed :attead to a mulUiade of datJes asidej
' by Ttwilwt BhbMU. They were ImMn. E. Loomis. Wsbtoaw corps. No. City. It I* aaM that tee Kent eouaty ; ftooi tel*, and to devote moeh atteo-'
. mafltaMr takM to tea Pait PHoe aad 8C. ML PlaamhC Hi*. F. M. Wood batlalica thTors Mr. Stoae of baoslng.; Goo to her woadevfal rollectioaaf P«-i
wofte. J. B. McPbsncm corps. No. 1«3. He was a*member of tee First Mletal- ’■ tery as well. This cnllecOaB ta oae i Cash receipts yww ^
gan SharpahoOtore ta whirii J. O. Bel- i of tbe flaeat la tbe OaUed Bute* Md j J>u>« 1>...................
LoriaMB Cawatr.
lalre .of this city waa captain of Com-j has attracted nraeh atleaUon from de-1
Atoatg tea post* aad r^M «i^ to
Oto. BrroB M. Pleree ef GraM Rap­
arrira early ea the fftoaad were Wbol- ids. oxoommaadaat at te* Saidlsnoo haad Jaae
aar pate Ma m. aad tha Woomay hen* aad ax-SMtataat pnatiaawar of
14. 1»04
......................... IM18.49
.BsMlrad laUMt..................
aarpa, No. >4,
Nenhport, who a^
Rewipts (ram all otew

/' » /

# J

this BUI
mined b
eosary s____ ______
be doee. Tbe intTelii
tot large, bat nerorteeless arc a growburden on tbe departmeal because

The bill of graateet laieiwat to the
eosarsdee of (be departmeat aaaeed be
tee rensu kwlelBtwtw w.
propriadap RtAM
tor a
‘ ' liMlag
f a
at tee Bolditn' Home.

tee leglslatare aereral 11m while tee
measare waa peadtag. ta tee laiereM
of this Terr gmtJy needed batldlag.
not’^rados who will be more than It is fcBfwd even aww that tee new'
wllilBc' to nerve at their own expense hoepltal srU aot be saOdeat to meet
(be raqalremeeU. Oenalaly an tte
tea of teat bMto bote ibou t
your determlnatieo with tbe rcqon
BNDdailoQ teei so far as you may b
able yoB instraet tee Coandt of A<
mlalsiratioa as to such expe«dluire<
work In this dltedioa be

This fond remains Intact bd2 Is de- i
i poaltnl la tee Detroll Ualted Dank.
, drawla* latereft at todr per eeni.
By tbe action <* the last encamp
lent tbe lalereat on this fund Is used
(or the eacotUBgemeat of patriotic edUupecikm as -ordered. It auy be te*
time has eosae wbaa tee laspeeiore^

MDber 31. 1»04...................12JS3


Ooplee «g these laws e

enl Orders No. » serlea Laws are
kaown asAriKo.PlaadAettto.ttb
of tee taws of IbOL
la eomiJlsacie wtte tee wtteee of
ibU depanmeal as expnaaed by a teeolMioa eAocted *t the Hst ewcampgared a bOI asklag tor aa
a for deelgaettag byjMW. .
leeatems oecahM by tee
Hlchlna iBgltoeaU and batterlea that
aot bees oal MnlHpeted la the campaign mad siege
teat_ there. has
- Bity la tee past la tee mauer of of VkJubutg. wttela the VIcksborg
P0lag'-tbe expewpes of membej
KatleoBl HlUtaiT park. This bill laof tee eommltteea—like te< tec seaele. paseed bote
tee gpswi

at the twsmtyWxte
It by Hra Isabella
unU W
throogb Comrade 8. J. luwreBce. and

----- -p#m
-......- were
-----------------It to alltee--------jf
poets oftbe
for signature, ask^g
|Mu«iuip for. (usv
that ,u
la vaav
muj mwis^vi •
widow die destitute, the stale shall
give ber an honorable burial. The
A bUI for
»d b;
raously In botb hotmes and givee
medlste effect. ABoteev measure i
seated by a committee from Posl
42 was a bill "Auiborizlng lowato
citJe* aad villages to appropriate a
defray the expeasee of the p

r«*es ““d regulaileias as ameadefl at
the thirtywlxth aailesul eaeampwal
iVSlcle 8. auplsr 8.13;
“The oommaaderla^hM or any «epertmeat conamader may twgaire tha
laspeetioD of av
ever they may beUeve teat tee t
Interests of tee order require IL“
being left oplUmal with (b« dap
tkm of the posu of tee departsnMl as
has been tee usual eesUMB.
I exprcMloB (roD «ad a dlscaaof this matter mar be of be**- .
As tee year U aboet ta cloec. w*
leant with aocTww of tec death cf Com­
rade R. B. Br"'
d M AdrtSA^M Ik
____ -_o
(CORtlaaad on El^ Paga.)


everything new
Suits for Bops
and Wen,,,,
Siies from thiriy-one to fony-»ix
breast measure—you.won't need to
Io<^ around if you come here first—
Suits for the bo>-s from fifteen yean
up at

SS, $6e $7.S9e $10
For the men
See the new store and the new

50frMH/i9 U totrf ptmhnttr Mr
tbt Wb, 20tb, 2!ft, dmiifg mn


Sherman & lyunter
2S6 6. Tnai St., trwtrst O/p


j&ud TiarcAc Herald




ClilMaab Day at Oraapa.

Oraape hall waa a baay plaea Satnr
« a. A. fu w.» A day otrtto to tba aaaaal dtonce plaeti Bobbla* aerred Ike ottSoa
tbaO. A.K,aatoattbatodtoa
brmrelT M % aoUSw. and Wa Male araUp baa baea aiMgaad. tar tba%o ibera by OraaEa. No. Op, aad atokutaltkfiilir M a eltl«. A tna aoldlar: ti o( tba na. da ebter. EraadaeMor
toUdraa vara aarrad at BOca aad
tattbfBl dtiaw: aa hcoaet «a».
ftoaddaaghiar of Otoe aeldiar or todlMdlately fidtoartitE the cbildrea'a
Maaariai Dtror of tba drU «a
eidar a*aa war* aerrad
na i«Mfml okaiiniyca of Oa dw.
laat eotolBE W a
DtniBf tba yai
___________na__________ ^____ I
boOi IB Uib
If a
' '
aoldtara at tartoot ptoeaa. A

aosraad eaUraatoE taosic dartoE Ibr
(Haaar boar, na aaaaal rtelt to tor
B. C Bate* vaa

kept 8MU- tba baatta of tba paairia.
Tba fata that tba rootb of oar balUHaAdaaai torad aototry <ai lUa day )oto witb u i j


I waa tba DaralltoE et toe vara tbara mealTad by tba boauea aad
It Matted br tba alate'wt
as ealoyable boor epaet . SalonUy a

tDcktoBf and oibari who Ion tbeir
Urea to the detaaaa et tbia coontir to
the battle aad ■aatorr* cd Rlrar
weiMi. oa Jaaaary Bai aad Srd. ICU.
nia took ptoee at Noero^ Sapiembar
lit. IPM.
GrrMlBEi ware eitaadad by tba r*praaeeuUree of tbe tollowlBE patriotic
---------- ----------Army^
of tbeBepabRepabOraad
At tba iblrty-elibtb aaUoaa! aoiDpomil bald to Boctoa la AsEUt Uc. Loyal LoEloo. railed 6i
laM. atevt vaa Bade to ralaa the Vateraaa. Society of '
tosdi BUtaaary to erect a moaumm

aaaotaaca ttai tba day b
ooe tocred to the whole p

It «m faqalra a dUr aad Uonnfh
tHr—— «( aU «ba snsdaUMa laraieai to beat rrapara tka «titon d
^MttoR to be

la Aptfl aezt.

—'to' MkMkfr or act a «■«
•haald ba called to rertae oar
The eaatKatkai

ocMa vbo to
to tba boo# aad

loBs proEtoto o< reeltatlona. aaaalc aad
aoaE> ware Elran after Iba dlaaer, tba
toeratoao bMac to ebmipe of Eatbar
Cray. no(f of tbe order. vh*ae da>
vto alao celebrated.


Teoctvra'. Eabnitoatien.
rm* FHday a Record.
1>a *Ypecla1- Joae examlaall

tba thirty caadWatea all are ormbera
of tbe fair aei axcepi tbrar. J. c. noBk
toeben. E. Hr Wllnn of Old
aad Cbarlae Will of wmtoa»-

diiwiwit T-Ti'l —


barp. The toiler flaUbed tba work for
(ba third srada teat at I o'tooek ihli
aararal boors abaad of tbe

hr tbd PNVik. •• It *Mld aaad to ba
Mon tba voik ot iba <
VHld hara aar eCaet. Bat. bofrarcr.


to fe 1^ R to wan that the Eiaatlf

Mte of tbe caadldataa vltbdrev after


atatoE tbe qoeailofi oo rTbaory and
Art~ baaod upon Htodeil a Art of
Study. harlOE aerer bad tba aub>eel
by that writer.


Modcels af liio Hlidi scbool vbo were
tokiaa the worii lell today^MHoE m
»b<- work on -School tav“ aa they,
lao. bad nrrer had (be *1111*. Tbe ivo
SpnllcncD. Menrp. Ruak and Wilcox.
. ntoieekaoMbaNertbanltlebisM


httoiMric frettht Saaday.
EM a»ar oa U»a a«li bar a*.

Dattsbleta of tbe Amerteao Reroto-; oaly plaualblc exptonatloa that cao
Uoa, Society of Ootoatal names. So-.gjrea la tbe fact Ibat I

I taenaaad wtto tba atopt aatil
k taurilw Harbor Bpribp (w tba


the 0. A.
11, nabtag
to tta attamooB tba bay «aa dotted total of WPS.
Fairtotle InMrwetieA.
vUb plaafwa ramll of all klada »«»•
Mach to my r«vac Oaarade T. B.
toil paKtay coUic to tba taUd.
. attar, of Rat No. 41 lanalng. evlag
Tba at. A N. m. Otoaitooa «M troB to m baaltb. daettaad a rwappotousaat
Xatostaa aad aboot IM paopta
br tba aommaadaHa-eSlef as special
Me la cAona of MrtaUe lasmeUoo
ban to apaad tba dtola tbe paUla acbooU. For tvo yeaia

ttattar -bad- doroted much
a work: hU
tWaa Wlatoe OatOR, Btoghaa Wtroa poBlto aeeapt
Paid 8. Sly'of tba
Iba poslUoB. wbo
and van. and Is deserTtiiE of the
hi of this dapartmeet for (he.time

tbb tott votod hare baoa aoi^ t

tba yotow lady *» ta a bar
dlaaar and took a iaa kMtla
■a opto gnu w«b aa apno

clcty. t tbtok I am eaUrelr la boimd
all- of Uh—
vbeo I_____
________ societies ova tbeir eeprlt de cinn to
Iba tact that tbe Craod Anny of Nie
Repoblle eel tbe pace which ibese pBtrlode socleUea arc qaita.vllHBff to
Oac year ago. comrade*, yoa boaored me mceb beyoad my deserts to
elecUng me jxiur departmeol com
msader. and to tumlnc over ibr gavel
to my saecc—or. I deatre to exproas
to yiMi tny Mool sincere aad grateful
Ibmoks for tbe boom yva conferred upoa me. The Orand Anar of the Repatalle Is worthy of tbe best tboagbt
and beat edfon of erery todlrMital
member, if ve follov tbe teaeblags
of ocr orpanlaMoo. ve will make of
ouraelTot better elUien*.
I l<eg toraxtend my stoeera ihanka
> all diriment o«em^ Bsy omdsl

rMnoMBeadatlaa of Past Coaunaadiv tba department tar the services b
Van Baaka that the vorfc be cootin- has BO faithfully aud loyally gfvMi.

(Mb to bold It. Tba Sra btoaad op
ArooSb tba opaalac aad tba aproa
Nobody vaa to tba booaa aicity of Bostoa Aagoat. tost, s
aapt 1*0 UOla cbOdiaa aad they laa oae of Iba bast and most ea)oya
tottkrtolbar who vaa at work la tba Ixdd tiDoa oor onaalsatfoB. So m
Pla lire than iboM- of Ike
patriotic people
Arid aad caltad llm. Tba firl’a notber oM Bay State.
e. in
' ao city srill a gata-:
«u away amtac a flak trtoad.
s old Mdlera raealya a
eriag (d tba__________
wamar veteome thaa la Boston.
'Tba yoaac plri bad topai
Tbs Dsparunest of Hteblgaa made a
<Ttopad to a heap bat a !KUe dtotaae/
goodly sbovtog la tbe parade, botb la
tooot tba plaea vhata aba oaiwht Era potot of aombars aad soldlerlr bear­
to vbaa balped arrlred a ebarrad aod ing. The
Rpaa tba ftoor aear tba atova. Krery
ODtob (d otototof vaa boraad frtan bar
body axeept caa aboa.

Her teatoraa

a Aarrad aad

Lovara of msrUsI nusie were vary
moeb pMaed ihU week with the advent

of the HePbersoa

-r bsre bee, lov,



1 better Insigbi Into

i>ERE Marquette



cerpt. This drum corps I* unique ^
It Is compoaod of three genetatloat


fitting than a

■Herbert and Jerry Sulllran. Jr, .>f'
Otdar wet* In the elty to attend tbe

A iwwdw hr tbr r«r>.

II nm*

(liano—a higb

EMiK m nniiL
If Ismntiful tone t|Uplily.
n il
pkaaing case .lesign txiut


I 5. r.COKNLR FkOSl (• LNiON

The Best of All.
^ NY good practical paiottr will tell yoa that
00 house paint is as good as Pure WUte
Lead and that “ShipBan" White Lead a absoi.uTEi.%- pure. What more do you want ?


'Uli f;mc-v.ljip. I
10c px-r II. foi

S. IT m. 0.-U
cnmlug down a grade

<|nickiy—Me bow


Hfve’B nn opportunity to Uam what oOier

fanners and daiiymen tbipk of

TUBULAR separators
to-fit hub-ller

anoc to Um all aboot tbe ma

Ill it» h.-st Ciini- (imnnlaitvl
Sugar. $1,110.
KV) Ibfi Ik-st f'tuie UmtMilaU*l

ehine for yoaiMr

U* noAom you tbe
tpiaia it-gm

the opinio otbera hast* of it*.^


115 and 117 SUte Street

Elgin C. lewis.


•..V A E. BuRh..frm
. tJXTaolT. Illl-H.


.der the


others aoraned—do ag Mcmaafai

201 So. Union St.
226 E. Front St.

ft*m Comfort nn the Finrh
Lddlaa of tbe Giand Araty of tbe Re- Paddan bad iraubla with bis bean
braarb of the Pert- Mareurti.
le Suti . K<n-hi T
iMIe. as- mempats of ibto depart- dnrtog (be vlaiar and oa June 1
day aftemooB a rall.*i>read


e sbouEb tar him to flat o*p««ib
I rii* nr die 111 tlu« Cwrt,
h- I*.-, wo: .Ml I.iivi.i or
vbea ba arrivea.
eonstaaily taaklag the !«ibwBy of the w >><* b«>i.
,1 hr
Tbe deceased l<«ves. beside* bis
wt nta betveaa Harbor Spriags and eM BOUier lea mggad tbaa to tbeir |
■tic. , Tbe cagloeer an<W flreman
ords It would be
Unlike wife, a broaer, Ataasoa Padden. of
kmED vni ba made by tba IIU
Ihmped but Condactor OToacHI of
Oa tbs Mtaseari vUI maka tba kag
Il» to*t BUhth ilreel got hi. right Sj.CS
to Uam many long years of uaifSi
Daniel Pnddtm was bant to PbM|
f t baivsaa Cblcago. aad Mackli
Iqg dlajototed at tbe knee and broken
K It u urdrred ib*i I nd>
<f Jus*
Tba Kaana will maka Ua oaa to ae coming geaerattoa. Tbeir K. Y.. to ISS3 aad at tbe ootbreab af
HkvsvB tba knee and aaklc.
s wife.
a T*a bMveco Cblcapo.aad
R was Harriet Hale, aad
Matataa wbkk to Utaa by ao mat
Hara la Raliar for Woman
jsnlUtad In (ha Twettty-flrM MtohlEnn
K HinrtaEa tba trip from CUmbd «ta
V that tlw fl
toWar Mianst tveatHoar boors. Pao-:
amtgsvs.toav* (taloua tor Maatotaa ef Vatsrans are U n floartobtot nnd , paddaa was a cwrpantar by trade aad
cnadithm. and that aey‘,
this eitr four yean sgo. Ha
-Md tbara asopsot via tba K. A N. S.
t vria as to'boUlag their''
was a member of aaOoogregattoaal
1^ Tiavstaa aty. Lalsnd ior many
at to this chy _____________
ai'toe aamc<^


—srarTiLr’ “ ----------Wo are glad to k


Man oat of tba IM of laha tfaSe to Itiaa. '
la ae «
Tbe fanaral aervicaa
dtaa la aa itag aad aa MV do
otaaMt aDatatotsd..maklaE a flag artattaa tar that peri.
5^3 tSttUoTwbla I
<* the a. A. R.

The Place to Buy

QTATX or ItK'UIGAN. I'■e.nl7 el Orsn-I

Oasth of D. E. Padden.



Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co.

p rawla are ta tba UK of “Pag'i ata-

V tbs phOAs ftvm tbssa stattau to

nUiw: fumiluv of all kiisda.


M. B. HABNER. Prop.

....... ..'sswffiaSiVE;

Daniel R. Paddetf of 611 PUth streM

I* Uie to-Bl aiwl luoat dnraNc fintoll for Lard of
arft srcm.l flisva. Nii«-liriUiant ook>» Cor nmo-

pri<«a ntnginL' for I'pi
from$ia5. |175ly»2.r

Ham BRyiAtf East

Siurtr. pi.-JO.

'The deceased losve*, besido- her
No other depart(. or rdcvived.lsgad r
d 10 yemswai aacuiad
boaband. three cblldr-o
and her
er credit'dartne to aatlre rosie ^
mMher, Mr*. Sarah Sbelder »( 1|ouieiMMia her iSrriUa U)Brias Ue glri of tba panda.
*taad. Mieh.
_____ ____________
Opantag at New Raaart.
MB atm asasletoai aad saSarad ter>
opcaaWy awsiyy. A Traverse City pbyslA OuaratiSaaA Cwra for Pu—
Mak of Sept- «h. next. I desire that lag party ctoep by H. C. Burt rridsy
^ was umnoati aad evambtog
era bar snSartogs
»~ ««« « Sliver
d at TbeA^^by tbe c-ttesy'
' ibldastbaa
b osdad them at i o'clock that
B. B. FYaioo. of Detroit was funlebed by Helm's orcbeatrs of
Tba Elftb motbar arivad
Poal. vltbout expense
the depart-; Traverse City aad ^hty-olx snmbers
a death oame. aba batag pbty a meat, where all vlslUag vii:;-,^
dree Mil anTsupdistance away.
laeelrc a beany Vekomc.
, per vs* iMTved to all vbo vlabad to
Appsils Par-WiC.
'• (he dining parlpr*.
Poet Ko. ». HMperU. arked
______ Ilenr.le
' au '
boats ovoed by
sasianr HlsaouH baa ftalshad
ilsskm to clrcutote an appeal
y. for gsm. Tenn*. Jiai or
vbo Ban and Antbcay veu* beta rannlog
r na late this pert for tbe aaioB to Owrade H. B.
down aad balaeec at c per
______________ by Are a 1 was in feeble all nigbl -oa lltito plcasare axcurstoos
Btmer E. .Webeter. Pootlse.
1 Ul tbs iato tall rtas MeIb aad hersbaaltb. Satlafled that it* va* a m^ij,p eTcalng was
1 dr Iba nitoMs will Mks UftCbori torloua ease, permission war siren
cn)oyed by o T7M people.
weak. Haay of tba Wta aa peat to ask aid frok toe pasta o(

t bol to order to catch as ba
Perns of thU city must be -Rag

tih- eatisfaetkm.

ic !«• lb for Clenr Fnt Pork.
Oc |>k« for 1‘iirilnii Piirlor
tok Your Daalg^J|or Allan's Poot-

Iboagfa they do not bektog to tbe same

a Harbor aad Imtaad are oo


For nil
s IV'pamI
If pfrT»’Hy *wd»aJ U
not rtark. {lecl or biigter. and snli give <-«.

b t( the Cash Gncery, ‘
Sunday. July 2.
•Trato w'll leave Travgrs*--<>fl >• st j
r:I>0 a. m. See posterv. or ask aceot* ,
for panicutors.
H F. Moeller.^, J?., A

Dastb Rail.
C. B. Reeder. Afor. sad Dan UiUer.
Mia, Adam rbappel. vh-u-r home
fooght to the civil was near Kingsley, died Friday uktu .
lag at S of aoBsumMioo.
oMM^'nTrtoT'pSft i’~V
JM. who vara eaeon for the d<- j bar of the Sons of Vetaraaa; Robert
Mrs Cbsppel had been sick lineimeat commaader, Tbeir Bpe ap- Redaer. bs*i drui
nbmary. 1903. and had been e<Mtllm>l
the parade gave to rbe ’
lo her bed about firt mootba
great boaor. which vaa'

K fat set poasIbW to
Nortbport. QlsaHi


H j Raw ma aiM. task MMas. Trmsa ow

to •'ontinoc tbe tmtaieul stud,
ics b«vnn at scbool.
It may
be. loo. that yon >l•■*iro to
prwnt tbe dear ooe kariog
tbo bomt.- roof srith an etnluring gift. M’hnt can be mon-

bsd tost almost bomaa shape and her
bslr WM paae except a sllEbt friaga



Ask agents
tritoinbof Jolr
. -...................... -IR. TlckelR
■Mod golag OB July
Jul 1. 2. 3 and 1. aod
im unUI July 6.
BPod to

HDImaa-Kelib aopUala.

Deed Martial


joy Mul cimliKsw the borne
coming of a U-ioved daogbtor.and Uhti' srill le thooe
vbo will alifd Vwt* of joy
ov« the ba^iy marriaiic of a
kirral one almt to to-gin tbr
{ilcoaartk of borne mukiiu;.
Poaatbly you luive jvom.
tsnl U» Btip;dy your tlaughtor
srith a piano on her arrival
homo or to cxcluuigQ lh<- (43
pbnoforanev one inunlcr

be a lUatkAllWe always
hare in stock used pianos at

a riib to aPuAty. CharCk^ Barbto Sprtan. The boafa

honl tola

,.Iiio»».1he (aiieat month of

Otsp aad B O. Ladd.
.One pecoltartlr to tbIa -apector U



all the year, is tbe. montli of
brttUk utnl roaca. Many a
foanl mother will rtmH with

in your pimio purebaae, ve
know that nfter comparin;;


Ira Aa bad oa board orar TW peo- rant Sarlea. u appeal vaa made to
tba posta to eowtrlbate to tbia toad
redeaa tba pladsa. Respotoea
IBE to aUvIy. aaotbar appeal vaa
e to Oaaatal Orders So. 6; tbe rehaa baaa tbai M poau bare ra­


osr inRtntments sritb othe
Ruikes yotir pn-tcrenee vil

■ bariaurahara1analcbt.l«aror tba aatto al4t:W a m.
It A Mkhlgaa.

braMt nuA

«tb tbe raat of tbe board. Hesan.

(be repatlUoa of tba daei
c Etraa to tbe rerotor Ui
Uareb e

,aoMi*aa tba ktoLthat tba


WfcAtlflttT ■!■■■■

Ac caadldatr: tar tbo naoood irade.
^ Hornsby of tbe Soardinaa atenoa

» Moadar a

«u ooBipellad to talah oaload-

June Brito


0) It STALE tat.

Ff It
R Wou1dn*t Do ^
To let this gloriouh l•ounh of July
go without a proper celebration. It
is patriotic toccicbratc. and the loud- ■ « *
\M cr the better.
Here are Fireworks that will doit yy
in tine shape. Irom Crackers to.Ro1 J
man Candles and Sky Rockets.
| J
Be sure to get a good supply of iw
as ours arc alHrcsh stock and are a

sure success.

K eity Book Store K

. tit dthtrt Ct., Pnp$.



TiM blc fllreai o(
B«B« Bm. »U1
to Tnrcne
Ctty OB the 1« <rf AiWBit
^iMutor ek»-i eoBIncU wtib to« BdTBBe* rei>r«Bt«U'
Utm tt tbe eircBt for 10« tnn>far bbA
bBBdHu of toe eapptia ud toe
: bw be< D Bilbed tor^toe mt et
r. £e Snk. the trasadB.
mi U « ibow vklek toe praple of


S fo-C(M alto*«i M TIM


Cticteii diil WMk 2.750


jKr’.rirs." ■■ “■ "• '"■'ts.vs srs

Icac llBW. I wonder If be If aueb
ebaacedr A. gently ai pomlblc be
WM told that UM bad been ranaded
far "Cncle Uflly” and toe aen re-

; charlee D. Wrlbom and wife toI UniK
iTmn it(
llon.-rf2ti.-«, F. II. Mead,
Mead. and 8
1 Wraticl Banak. wt* of «h of .wi* I Walt A Suai Drut Store*. Price
II.M a UuiUc. Trial li
1 Anoni W. Uariah and wife'to r .a.
___ __________

Aaron UroeabcarMo Maud and Eta I

Proapl reUrt aaO rare


An Unusual Shirt Waist Offer
$1.00 WAISTS FOR 59c

■“ ■”
wi'i. (■.™.i,n..a.u.'«Ku«u.
f r lBt»eellaa by tbe Oreal Omnauad-1
Coynr ii> Jails. M. Hiiell.
Tbe 'UBcle Billy" relorrt-J to waa niaotel. lou 19-So. black S. H, 1. *
Ctaaty Ac«at W. M. Smith whose Co.-» fmd a|W: roo.
Julinn T lUnnah. ei al. to K.lcar '


This i»a Tine tan mercerized (not a aatine)
^)ds with colored dots, mostly in red
dots: we have been seliins the name waist
all the season for one dolTar. We secured
five dozen of them from the manufacturers
at a SBcritice price, so that we can tell them
for Fifty-Nine Cents. We have all sites
NOW, how long they will last depends on
how (,)U1CK you are to grasp a bargtua

““ ^

(-0 vou fi-<-l a palo In your howele
and fear aw^ndicltb- 8af.-t, 11.-, la
Win. H Joh=iuiB aad wife o Tboiats Dr. King'* New Ufe I'llla, a nire cure
all bowc-l and riomaeb« (.
Jobaaoa A al, larcol. e. SC town *k
. * •.fiicliaahtwdache.-bllloafirea*. eortreranttr S; tl
neu. Mc. Guarenli-ed al JuboEvn Urns
Auditor fieni-ml iu Uargam E. Orlf rio„. on i. F. II. Ueeuli. 8. E. Walt t
:b. nareel
oareel; »31*3n
I Son.- I>rug Stohe*. cmly S4e. Try
Auditor Oeoernl o Margaivt R. Qrif-1
flto. parcel: m.2s.
Nettle V. Smith 10 Frank E. Smilh.
noli of net.. »<«. K. town SS. raaK<1*;
John W. Slater to jamew W. Ililtiker.
lou :i-S2. bloek C. II, 1.. A t'o.'*

^ WUef baaeball toaa af toloA
lottoaa defeated ^ Hoav lean Baadar at D::ek lAke reiort hr a 1
otB to S. m. eraa Hooer'a fim d»
feat toll leaeon. Tbe -Honor leaia
laM^j to m to *e aeoro toe drat
latdw ^ toea cot- me noio satu toe
ktolh. .
Doyla of US Mto atioeC Mt
far Bbenaaa oa TtanMay to altyad:
toe taaml of bla IttOe gnadi
Prank Prayae. who died Wedaeaday
Crea tbe eOaeti of a fall Tbe little
boy, «b« wai elebt yeetni old, wa*
daytac la a tree near bit totow Tnead&y Moraine wbra be4ell alrlkiac hli
bead oa a ftiee pareoMaL .
death deearred oalr a tew monibi a«o
—Jait a abort time before ibc
R. k. Pliber aadW. Paaatoftoa at
■rent which he had labon-d
iaiMtodrea ware la tbe .eliy PrMay bard to make a eueceu.
reakUc Oaal airaaceMeaU for toe bif
PtoDlb et i«iy MebratiOB wblW will
•ey Naariy Drewnad.
be bMd ia cbat rtllace. lltotoaiateeToay Hamlle. a >oy about ihlrtroc
Uaa Be tboae la diarge to make toe
yearn ^ who llret with bii pareoii
oMruioB toe bUcrat aa'jyiaat la tolt
qt U7 Bbst Niatb atrert. bad a narrow
raeape from dtowBiac Sanday afirr■ram «f fine attraeUcaa has been arnooa abort b o'clock.

man lake jiear the >ere Marqsetle
Veede wbere toe water I. abost
reive feet deeji. The boy* bail beva
rlBDlnc and dlrlmc for some time
when Tony dived and flniek a los. He
did not rlie to ibe nrfaee and the
Treat bar vainly
to get him out.
Tbe dry tad been in toe water nearly
Bve mlnntea when Ray LaVailey and
Da Oole. who were entalne the
uwetle were attracud to the apoi by
tbe criea of tbe boy’a frteedi. LaValley threw oS bb oat and dired. brtnetng toe boy to toe aurtace srttta him
It took about tblriy eaUatei hard
work to bring tbe boy back to con•elooaeta.

:Mra. Ada M. Bioddard. paai deparltoent Mdwtary ot toe W. B. C. arrtrW
to tot dtp Momday fiem her borne
to.Satioft. wbare toe U a piomlaaat
toHtoaref toe famed Pafabanka eerpe.
Mre^oddard U tbe widow of
Naai Batata Traaafera.
a' ratarna of tba aid Ponrtb Mlehlcan
Ida Pareota to jnMa ib-s. parcel.
tofamry and vhUa la the elty U toe
Travereo City; M.WO.
1^ .of Mra. U M. BeanetL Hrt.
Aieaasder P. Haellmaatri to Jallna
flMMdard la «. Merry auker of rhyMei
aU WM appMatad . by Oetmitment M. HoeUmanirl. Mq iS aad It. block
s. II.. L A Oo.'t m add; ti.eoe.
^Mdeat BabMit. departMeat poet.
A. U Tburatca aaf
WHkIam. parcel
'Helen B. C Balaer at Umalac. toe (aago 10; U.
noted eobc writer of toe U O. T. M.
Mra. F. E. White to Charles mil.
aad Baricre Bur. U In atteadaaee si ■Hoflcu » lo. bloek t. ere. t. town ST,
toe W. R. C. mooUnc. faariac airlred tango »:*M.
lau Monday aftenreoB and ti a cbm
Lortn Roberta and wife to Alihoa
' of toe Park Place. Bbe U past wortoy Oartan. kil ft>. bloek T. Ooudrieb'a
■read aad prominent ftaieraaliy aad add: ETOn.
aadtote. JOm at toe laieat aoaei from
Wm. O. Porte and wife to Hary C.
bar pto WM dadleatrd noentty to De- Lndwiek. pareuL TTaTome Ctfy; gl.lOo.
tmriMMt PraaUeai PtortiaM 8. BabJohn D. Culler to Wm. II. Cutler, li
- Utt ta' ba raad al ibe twenty-eeooao rttcMl *n loM »-10. bloek S; II.OW,
■IruI iTaMignmi In smIub today.
John pukdnber to -Wm F, Chaney,
lot I. ece. S. Iowa ». rauge S w; fur
. .Mn. >«dle Oram <g Omeaa will Uae»; t=*.08.
e^ tbe bMBttral eottage of *The
Monroe P Daldnln lu Vloleiie llalJ<Mk(~ owaad by 0«a. Byrem M. wln. M->« of aeta. aec. S. lawn S&. mastfMrireoa of Onad Raptdi'aad trnaa- »: Aino.
ter It iato a aammer mart thta ramFR>d D. Nlrtiuls and wife to Wimem
mar. Mr. aad Mra. Cmabeoa will
. efoad a portom of toe amamer at toe
<to« Huic baare laMeM at
IIM ftneriy. -nbe Oak." la ■hn^^
near toe apot where the Ua. ownqd
by Ibe tale Fraak QTavea. waa baread
ahei- toe aaauBer eeua taal year, and
la ae of toe pretilcat of toe puny
iMiy rammer bomcr of Omeu tour

tflfle tbe delentea and oM aoldlat* w«n anembUng to niter tbe
dty opara boate a Tueoday. an in
chleM oeamd that bad a palbetlc|
aUn. Tbe onet band of Suttou Bay
WM atoadlag la front of toe tweral
boMO aad atoned to ^ 'John I
Brawah Body." One M tbe retcrnai
. caaght BP tbe oU tomlUar air aid
atansd to alag It. Inountly it vwepl
aleeg tba Mm and erery old aoUier
WM alaglaR not m they naed to slag.
bW In Iha qaarertag. aseenata voleei
of age. "Maybe we didn't ring that
dowa aoqto.*' aaM om» Md Ui com-


-lYe eoaie to see Uaele Blllr

‘ aL.iletoM iral draated » Probate
oooii Hooday eIvIm the a
leuator of toe Henry Toofcer oatote
powar-lto lire dead oO land oaaUaeL
The' lMd la qaeAhn li tbe weet H of
lot » aad lot n of block 1 of iUaaalBa tMM addiiloa.

One of toe d
toe eHy wai Hea. FMertek a Taefcer.
peealdnai Jd- toe -Mwiyal italTatBliy
ol Mania. Iowa. Tbe' Memorial nnlTprelly la a national InetKiiUoB. tonad«■ bp toe aoni af vetrraai.eduaMkm peUey M ptactkal and adapted
to toe atadi at toe ape. Mlae elate*
to tbe Ualmi' are repreaeaied la the

B. Ntehdta. W 1*. UMB r. M, U * Jtoooto. «f Unrertn* are toe cmsu ed
Co't Tto add- MW.
j Hrt. E. H. SBltobenr.
bebetlB MlUer to Mom Bleb aad! Oeors* SheUas el KafltoskB b la
wHe. M 11. btaek t lL.L.BCo.‘> lotjUw eity aiioadloi to« aeammaat.
I R. D. <Card ot jHd«a'~Weod to toe
•dd; M.Mt.
I yio’ialtead toe c
Wn. MoLaasklU to 1
B. L. A P. Ca. rlfbt « floo aad nb.;i
■erce e% of aeb. we. IT. tooa >7. <
Oylai «r Pamlae
raaiK II: tiK.
plord k Bailtb aad vUe to Mike! b. In lu tonbeoU. like dylair of eoatloa. The
Olebok aad wife, iiarcrii. Traeenej
titan toe 1
I a lone tonire. I
"K-bea i bad conuiD|]
>.;aadd trtesdi.
• >.•• *rlie* WtB. Jl;
' eri. of CearfoM. Md.. -alter tiTlr

At toy rate, you seem to be
Keuioc rid ofit on tunion>sale
priociples: “ectinCi Coioc.
K^D-cr’ Stop file auction
with Ay^r-g Hair Viaor. It
cbccka falliot hair, and always
reatorescolopAo Kray hair. A
q^dld dresalnc also. Sold
for over sixty yean.

Jobn W. Slater to Janu-. W limiVAr
parcel, block H. I!.. I, A Co.-.-Tih add.

Frofc Tuesday* Roaoid.
Mri. pnilUm D. Kreut and dangh
ter of Dulato. Mine., are riailicg Mra.
EL II. SauUberry of Wai-hc atreet.
C. T. TbomiwoD and alau-r loft todaj
for a day’a flthlng at Foneb.
L. B. Holmes and wife who tavr
been ationdlBR tbe Spworih Leagne
oonveollon at Maneehma pa.iw-d
through the city thin moiaing on their
way boRio lu Empire.
Mra J. Anapacb of Kingsley waa In
the city yetterday.
Mra. William DeKrelf and daoghter
EUllh. wbo baa Juki graduated with

W. B. Erect Form Corsets


Mill- have wiany ftieiiiU. bnt
lu- will Cud Doui- ao cUvulUbt
aad $0 cai»p1<« ot pnahini:
him tiliend in the world as a
DfiDie of thia bank on ita
AsscU mxT ono million six
huiKln^ thonsand dollim.

Craetra. eity Stat.


79c All Sizes, 20 to 26



Must fiis^lay the American flag, so sayt'Tfo'"Dew law.
Has your school a flag, Mr. Director? We can snjiply
you with any size yon wish and make the price tight.
We carry all sizes in stock.

This store wUI be closed every Friday ifienioeB dortne the warn weather,
conuneocinr July fth.


Prepare Vour Teet for
(Uarm (Ueafber. 0ool,
Comfortable Footwear
Jit Comfortable Prices


mcD-K Safln gall Sbatt

That R person has who makes a selection from our stock, li^ in our mMey

Sutin Calf it tfao moat pmeiirttl lontlu-r in
mwlitfbi uricivl ahofa. ll ihxia not hnrtliui nml
wran well. They're miule iu j,'uo>1 atvlc.


This is another baniain, all new. goods,
regular dollar Corsets, white only, hose
supporters atuched. while they Ia« :

having prices and tempting assortment. Our goods appe^ to tjbosB sriio
want good goods, just as good as made, and just as econojnical : *! :

Only $U5 a Pair

Itlcn'r ganna* Sbsi*

Play Ball

There it oaUnni; cooler for.warm weather
thun cauvaa. It ia li^hl and yol wean well.
They're made in black or gny.

Only M.OO and $1.2$ a Pair
Bays’ and Seutb.' ganaa. Sbato
The lioyn are haul on ihcir shoes anil canvas
wi-itra tin well as a k'Oal iiiiin.r Kuithcr ones, no
why nut try caiivas this titneT

Price S5C to $1.00 a Pair
Cadies* Oxfords* Special Price
Mndc in Black. Tnn or Pah-nt ln-..ther. Pat.
IxMitherjii now -GilMon Tic” slyl.r TiicRc
Oxfords will jurel.v surprise you fur the pri<v

Only SSc a Pair
Cadies' Sllppsr*

anywhere you want to,
but get your supplies
from us. All prices of balls—all sizes of
bats—h good selection of catchers' mitts
—a gt>od base runner wants the best of
shoes and good shoe plates—the catcher
wants a go«i mask and protector. We
vupply ever>' member of the "nine.”

Oil Stoves

for cool work. Your
summer kitchen must
have the coolest stove made—that is
either oil or gas. You can't keep cool
working around a great wood stove. Oil .
stoves sell from $3.75 up. Gasoline
stoves from S^t.OO to SJ7.00, and a fine
line ol gas ranges from £11.00 to $19.00'

Mndcof'kid h<atlier. hwd innii.t. with stnip
and liow. Ab tNtod as you'll find ;it many
stores at $1 iu. Our pries'

Only 7Se a Pair

Cadies* Serge Shoes
Even- lady should h;iv.- a paii
lir nf iIk-s*' -Jisy
shin«. dust the lhin;f to slip
wfaen yohr
feet um $u tired.

Only 50c a Pair

Cadies* eamforl Slippers
An fdl U«ther slij^icr. with strap or wiibont.
made on a wide coniforwbk' Lust ora nairowcf
luutf stylish one.


A Good Rafrigerator 1^.:^

ted Leonard Cleanable. is a pleasure to
own. They arc clean, air-tight, strong
and built on scientific principles. Th^
are really an ornament and should be in
es'cry home. They woOld be in yours if
you knew how convenient they were.
They sell from $7.76 to $42,00.

Only Me a Pair

Selhr »f




1 Traverse Region.
A Urn HmW.

dlBK st TtBTena Cttr Jane itih.
Mta: Bobettaam o<-Parana C

Ksrtr -«

. st.&aer-'

Mlaa Blanch Arenr and Waa Oora
Praj warn to TlMwaa Qtr iaai «aek
to Bttwd the
CHatte Pnr drofa to Traverao Otr
A-BOittOT or MO* from B>: Uk«
BttaM ik* CUMm'i Ov •zwelM* BandarOra VWrtanka vhaaM dotra bom
will. Vn. wm TTarcraa C*ty aatnrdar.
Oa^MTMidsr. nen wu b luf» Jamaa Waiaon ahlppad a car of per
tataaa Ian vaMt.
W. U. BUtea or Aema awda a call
OM b Mm
here ooa day un weak.:
Oarraa WUaoa made a trip to Bk
h o
C;-W. Ckn* M KmdiB at.
m far of Ibc nelthborc catadM«brW. r. H. B. UK vMk.
M lut wttfi the >rad the danea at John Broonhaad't
nLMk* taaMwU was asr« aa tea
rittfr |-»ln1 at the Oranc*tell. vUek
SteOar Mteol or diardi a«r
Tlfiiajf Bk l«Ao iMt Seadar te'ao- W| W. nanniami
and mitr cf Pen«e«3% m axmcl««« at Taba.
' »m |Nba.HMiro« «p«ei a fe« dar» code. Hich.. arrirad on tba ninoU Sab
tear .Rapid Cltr last nrdar araniaf tor Kaowood raaon.
Behoooar Wooon daared for UUoaakaa ofth alaba and addnia boo
H. OnrUra. Arlatrorth nrrirad from Chi­
cane Baiardar avenlns <m tba minote
ad i^e ara rtaitiBC aad ««nt to ter boom In Baptre.
iw. t V. Hill.
Un. Tbon. Hoaier enaa erar from
fBWWVBIB: food Booth Manttoo Fridar avaalnc aad
Ml Batntdar »emlag (or Qraad Rapa*! Oar meardaea at tba
J. K. ChiBd>ell or nareraa-Clir
waa called to Sooth Hanltoa Fridar
to attend a side boraa owned hr Henrr
fe «aa Terr Ba«
Prof. L- B. Gtiben Of Trottsae Oty
A. H.-Smlib «e
war la town FridarUera lait Batarda,.
HUa Bmala Famnt of Ban Bm_ .
aad HaakeU ae- pir« waa tn town Fridar. reenmlai!
tjkam Iteme.
Baturdar- She waa aeeompaalad home
mho hat beao Teiy hr bar alMer Alice.'v.
The followlB* la the proeram of tba
the Qian Haran adbooL bold Fridar
i.aia pcaaartiic to eei<
craaind. Joaa 1C. ndar the direction
[Xm the park fio -'
of the teacher. HUa Ida H. D. Far.
ranL n» aehod board eonaleu of
«at la Trateraa Ctlr D. H. Dar. Gao. Caner. M. W. Fhralao Ttwaaa Atbit.
ram. Mnsle, Volce'a oreheatra; UtocatkA. Bar. L. B. Hotmaa; chonu. UtermadUte popili; mlatatorr. Allea
Dar: vocal aolo. Baaala Farram: claaa
itoTHT- hlatoir and piophaer. Alrm Mtmnj;addnai. Prof.
. eaiored a daaM L & cabert. nperiatendeet of Trar
erae CItr
taeteou; TBltelet^.'Lolt


S S^ **'’




Dr.P. A. WoUe

^ntSlSd iS:

K STca? I

GNsmitiH fm

Ura : B. SUnaoo of KU

, time ibai' ! J Sauh ^moa<
kidueys were ao tor pone.
csKt U
no a chUr wUhoot a
apendtop the dar with Mra. Geo. Jack-; —
kuBeml from dreadful
ail foar
lalonp eo well that all
soadacbe and deamatn
■te. ttet she would be
lb*a “^rtc B!t.era, howerer, 1 found
poa-' has been a n-ry_________
not left aarUlaa undone JohuiOD Unip Stort- Co, K, H. Head'.;
____ done for bU wife, Ur<
The ton that hare
S. E Wait * Sobs. dnippUta Trice;
Bmnh learda to mou-n her low her
nlonp tba apnr Mnoe last wlater a
husbancl and two sen's and a number
nenrir abippad.
Pr. Cbarjes W. Kcrdham. Ih- pn^.;
Wm. Douplai. of the U. * H. E.. Of other reUtlTCs and frlecds.
atates that work will 'bepin wltbtn
Jnne 19.
inCDlcdneaturand i>rcsl<lcn‘ ofGeoi^
tbiny dart on their depot.
Wanhinpum unlTcratty. iiaa been ap-;
G. A. Bripham’a
feed atore bulMlnB I p»ara or Oaio, om or Tosano. i
I polnied Id aacceed the late Geenral.
U betnp remodeled and plaaterod pro-1
pmtorr for a Bteek of pooda
| «?5MSiSthe8r5^5^•. J.wm
c?. »**“'■>■ '■«“
“ ■ muidbor ■
Tratoa hare ebanped
board u< (.-ducatla* of the DU-;
from UanlM ' '
(rict ot (>3lUDbia
of Werietd.
to^make beuer
^ conoectiona
connection. In reach- u«w-^by

Ancil uarss. one os onr oiOMt iho«era. ia very low, sdtb no chance of
acorerrJerome toitler U aUo reir


Tin a Hirald WtE AiL

write* n. L. Cn
‘-asi-s.-.'EsSis: o° n»; S .eye*."
Tex. :Sc at Jobnso
DniR Store Co.>. F. H. Uoada 8. I
Wail & Sort' drop siorca


Security and Satisfaction are found fn *
Banking with

II IS bo Btl'IOl. Iliai lO. VJIA. OBlU».

BalTs Catoirh

TbU vIciCitT ^a fboeked and saddaned Fridar to leun of the nnddrn
death tf Mra Trank Smith. She re-

Benia WordaD at-


a.-«to totii a Bte^ tiw .
eropa and vfaisc andltancd bom Ann Arbor two m^
____ _____
joka WaateocrUbd bU hand badir
We Bara Dacacbed taco, ttera tertne
imdcnrona a
me atoiaim of Franc*. U '
tr. ixmp 1
•I nm aarplcsl
mrwWI niMotinw
operatioa, She
Ste had
had near-, hart to the Naaaan aaffl taat.HoKlar.
d Kert AadMted.peofanabto. How that tte
t th^ F
IT lepawad'
Mcm^-wueaptb nnd
Ura. HtdObbra’a mwtep. aUter and
aecBKd ae cbantol at tba Iboopht of ;ter Bra ebUdreo of CUotfo arrirad
SUMMIT errv.
Hra. Htllcr of MaiUon U fUHos a health and teae. The bartband and Mat erodap for a Mtetbr rlMu
in nai hare the ampatbr of all. i The Ice cream aoelal waa a aoceeaa. istrata eoatemptoiad deaertlnp hU oUi to bla naUre *BUc«. He U a mma o
Mr. and Ura. Oao. WeMner’A
Barricte ware held M tba M. E. i Min Ida Naaaea waa the taekr hoMer hoaae, tet a leaasiijtoc letter from ! no Innrtaa. A noesmokar. a Mmikaa
‘ at the Barttett came-1 of the tlAet that drew the qoBl Over
dea'a fami^^^^lcht. A pood crowd ebaich. eartal
Wasblaptaa aam Hr. Booaetelt has no lerpoer nnd n aaeioinler, he datota
! M> had beet aotd at to eenu each.
waa to Bitccidaeeo.
terrFrank Sheridan, who went wHh BoHtnBdna Watt, wte tea ban Ttoli.; The Charcb of Chrtat hav^
peso Usher to Ocorptaa Bar. retaraed ipaad pnri of bU titae to XlrpiBU. baijihe poMtIoo of n telehritr he baa pet
mother. Mra. B. H. Wall, wflija ahe and tho new town wOI
roiara to bar bom# In Trarerae Otr bare
ter* a drartb.
dtcrrt. Mar tbe
the pood work | witb him. bet Mopped at Berae atr wOl coutooe to rote born (he oU Long back of bU own raoord to piwttoelnl
be crowned rrllb spceces.
for bts wife, wte was tben fer a rialt.
Jane 20.
I Tbe bora left here is a staam lannch. tsisiJ bemaatend.
Mra. D. C. Crawford and ooa wmU

I had a toe trip, went to PetTT Soote.
Of Mlllbfook are rUlUnc rdatlrea and
[Ontario. MO mllea.paasiBsaroand and
frianda bare ibU week.
Is not
not miKb
mofb torpi--------larser tl
7%a OTeraew of hlchwari aad the
^Stato bept are keapUc tba Cartoan ftne. all bat eotn which doea not took
i%« interior
or of the LakaMde bo
1 looks floe c lia sew draaa of pn
btoxT KUnnaatoltb poea to asThe
LAdlea’ Aid of Crant coBrcbiand paiei. Tbe
>e .to eatle D
Trarerae Cltr todar where aba ezpecta met
with Mn w. H. DUan laM WedHIrfalpan.
___ f
e Tlaw
0 raaad the cmameT.
A.poodir nomber were tterc upper reranda U spleodld. Mra.
HUa Bath Jarieaoa li barlac a rnea- nesdar.
a nice coUectioa was token np.
Klsben looks earofuUr to tbe comfort
ka thim weak boa tej dcUea at the and
. ooce In Klnpaler.
at Qrant church br the le O. T. U. M.- I jct Fridar Mr. and Ura. Harrr

' •*" Friday Vveotnp' ewa pra^V e*- ‘DomliuWVtoUTa'ven'
Mr. Wtler
Mra. Wlltr wiu lemaln (or i
Mrs. Sffl>-lb Blppnr U qclte aick at 1 ,Bd aMad bowl. Tooy are eo sreil liked i
writlncI here the achbol ofllccre hare mealed '
Him CU*a Weldner retemed bes»-' tbU
them *«■
PridAT after aoendinc a week riaUlae There mil be a parlor eoneen ptren i; "'«»
'rnB of nine mon(hs.
I tbe home ^
of Mra. Cbaa Seber^
8cbera>er-| ^cy
They left Bni-rdav for a rUU with
ter^!^ Mra Jten ^>tad
Kodar erenlnp. Jsno «. Brerr ' rclailrea I
rlted to come. AdmUaioB tbe.
juse t»
- ir waa Cblldfrm’s dar at,
A Huge Taak.
ue uranpe.
—---------- ---------icedance and
pfren br the



Traverse City, Michigan.

own judgment

4m whether the dealer who buys In full carload lotaand saves at least ten percent on first cost as well as another ten on freight rates is in a better position
%> give you. close prices on Furniture or not.

Bought here is money ^ed. The quantities in which we buy for our several stores coupled with a large wholesale business, enables us to quoteyou prices that
.would prove a big loss tothe smaller dealer. Our confidence in the people is unlimited. You may come here and pick out just what you want, let the bill be
big M’little, and all that is required is a small payment down, and your own time on the balance.




i thto
B gooS zug* hto been
wkiated. EaailF op.
wmtod. witb half the
expesae and twice
&e eatufectioB «f
''ABj other atore. We
hare the exditiire
tole of the matfcct'p
fint choice cd nngee.

Bab? Cabs.

and 7a Btxts
That we carry a full line of Summer Necessities, Screen Doors. Window
Screens, Lawn Seats, Chairs and Rockers. Hammocks. Croquet Sets. Lawn
Mowers, Hose and small Garden Tools. In fact anything and everything for
the house or lawn. Just step in and see what we have ^nd we can convince
you that we are offering big bargains in these goods.



Babr'a eomiDv onttnga de­
pend greeU; os theee.
Snaything for the
oneV comfort bto
oan^oHr kxAqd after
Steeeleetkaof .oor rtock.
Yoor promiae for fetnie
F*r»tet'>a aU we aak.

In aU alaa. fm the small throw rug to the foil room sko.

Made to order. Humln-ds of slyli-e of m-Jdiut.' to si.-li.-ct
from, Any aiz<-von wish-it a niucli h-ss tiirun- than yon
oan gel olsi'where.

Ulindow Shades
All gribh-E: and <-ol<>rs. 0<M six<- sliru^-s a sik-cinhy.
work iu this dei»rtnicni :k ex'-cab-d by an cxjyerl.


Oil €lo(b* Linoleum
and IHatting
Cace Curtains
In all grades at lowest prieea.

and Portieres

. Remnants
la sU Soar CDvefing at lea tb«M ^

A SaiB Hyneat Down aad T«v Owi
TisK setbe BsHbos.'

J. w.

Extremdy Ltv Pilecr/

Picture frames

Deopte the bear; spring trade onr carpet department is
still tlto beet stocked yon will find in tbe city. Von tsm
get jnat what yoo want at jnst wbat you want to pay.


It's now or tterer witli
nt. Those we fail to
acU now well bar* to
curry to another •eaaon.
. The Irrar well aae to
' more them ia
and yonr own - terms.
Will asre (heir own coat
ill a tint^ aeaaon.

Swing ehair 4!
.So buill
il rea-lily
luljaats its--ir to any positlon lli<- bi>1ycuiyassugn-. .\il si.^-l frame.
Will witlistand
wc;il:i-T. -lust like cnL

For only $J.7»



Cjtprm Wagon

Oar aasortaent in thf-sc makt« it nnneoesaary for yon to
take antnething yon don't want. Coa^i and kxA than over.

in an mw. aU attel.
Wc pitTrhaaed a large
quanUfy of these at an
exo^itUB^y low price
and a» offering them at
much k-sa than Bmaller dealera ooold.



» OFWy. KIk natplda rand TKorwaptoerwill*

kUV THURMAV. Jum n. t

KM* OI«Ma» at PWanO. tormmtj «< P—fti». ant**c t* bcMm
1%M«V M te «B asMM vtMI
Dv «M _______ -- .
at taint «Wi • <a* tngnai.
Okm an> src '
Mm. 0*g Bi
‘T’w.’Sauar «Tlt« tkat k* Ukaa
9TMkla(tn. '
K^u5*aa kai a rMapae at ker
tWl aiiMh
cMTiM ipni Saadar

“.SW __



Mtaa Maad BB«j* ia
a tWt at Haalftaa. Tn
aad MkerVdata.
MIB MaaTym alfoatt
waa la tawa laat w«aC‘
Balpk Traey baa iwtara
Balpb Snytoa at M
gaaat cl Ua nd*. Baaiaar
Oaa. T. Stiabaa of Cadi
hto paraau arm Saaday.
Mlaa Myrtle Crfypaa ef 1
waa tk* gaaat of bar gn
Mr. aad Mr*. Jasa H«S.
Mra. B. A. «t**»* aad Mia. Amt
Ttrrr are gaaaU ct ttdr Hater. Mr*.
a. Uaia.
Mra. Dbb Waaver tea ram aad . _
a aiae Boetta atay to Ofaad RtyUa.
L«» BID* to TtotUag f
ataUvaa U Travane CMy.
Mto* Taia Bogen to vtoWtaig bw
jiatar. Mi*. Ptdkeraca. at By.
Boaeoa Btoal* aad wtt* of Cl-----ai« gaaata of Hr. aad Mra. R. Laara.

Mr. RaaaeL who_______
LHUe Myitto WbiHca to bom
. It tttfldm bare, ataitad for te bone
imtoffeer iiitotoii ■eacatlca.
at Port —
• Owt,
tte Bor
|BM*a 111 liana a^ Mtoa Hi
4 by hto aoa am f
MM war* aaRad to mirtoge T___
in Jaae «. at tt* btn* af tba brUe'a
teke tbHr bene with him.
'Qatt* a aateer atnmad tt*___
Wta ba at hioe to tbeir Meads la tte tatoauat at tte Great ttarek Tbeiw
hove* owaad by WaadHI on Boott 'ey wvBdn gtvaa by Mr*. -'
—raao* avaa’t*.
_*aea BHI Itoybtaa aad Adah
Mrs. WDmd retaread ma_______
Thayer attaoded tte eoareotiOB ef tt* day after neadtac a watt with
Bapttot etoarek at Oaytoed laat week. Mead* aad niaitvea at Tnvera* Oty
Hlat Thayer batog tbe delegate Oxm aad Bk RaHda.
this ttaicb. They wilt vtolt iHatfrea
H. W. Carey of bH Lobe apeat
aad Mead* at Ballalr*. Rapid CHy Friday at bto saamer bote here.
otter pelBta belovo tbeir man.
Hr. aad Mrs. Hnrkle vtolted Meads
_.e. Mary Silaaea mtnwed Tee*, at Tkaaer Bnaday.
dgy evtolag ben Graad Rapidi. She
Mr. aad Mrs. Hayward of Iterwin tptai tbe aa»»rr ben.
toeka <eu*d oa frieads ben - '
B. 1. Case to baeteg te yard aw
Htoi Man Cloos toft Weda*
onlag for DetrolL
WBUe Rear, wbo hat beaa teaeteg
atenl at Aim tt* last yaar. baa rw
taraad to hto bom at ttto plan for
the tammr. He
aato In tbe fan.
Beyers] toniUee who own oouagai
g aa L O. O. F. lodge at that here bave o

sr“„"S£ ETisK's;

ma too aaeb for Kianlnr
V ai ataytag boll at tk«
• park la tke tot auoea aad
Hardy aad Deaa Oordoe McKcotle bat ratarned troa
■ ' • • a »OB tke AoHa attaoded the teackert' exas- Tastto.
" '
O. L. FnlOD aad F. J.
Ip agataat Hmmt.
aattoa at Beaaoala.ea Tbeiaday aad
ra to 1Wexford Bnadi
HoHttoa drove
kaa. Staaia la balUiaK a koaM c
nuay af toat wrwk.
loU k* booikt «C Ma Scteltl, o
Oaotge Waavar dtor* to Fraaklort
laurtty aigbL H't wUe and little
KM. JakaaoD kaa r
aoa VlTlaa. wte bare been Ttalttog la
Nme from
ttat TtoteKy for tte paat two week*.
U B.
Mr. wbo haa
________ ____
at YpHlaaU. re- teCord. imdcr tte
tenad boae aa ntaiday at last week. r. P. D. <f ttto ptoee. w
g mad piceatoc. Mr. Spaf
Kl P. OrtMtt* w«at to T«»
Tk*1abBt daoKkur at Hr. tad
CUy laat Moadar.
MtrroB IVIer H vmt atek
' Bernal of oor paeote atteadad tte
Altar a loBc DlaaM Iba. CkM^da
goodly aembw (ma Kingsley
1 te Deck Lake Boaday to wUneaa
epcMUagalew den
tte ball ttmt betweea Klagsley aa^
KOt^. two
- ' or to tv bmleei towa la tte GnwB. Tbe aeoie lesultad to ItA to
Onwak toyor.
------tte Boatt-bHWto* oaiaeot
walks aad dotag lou of geaaial la- ^Hte^tto^Iy at Waltoa to.rtsHTka wilai w*f* laid at raai la tk*
Joba HeCkrtby to bata* fron Ana

sr«d35s^. s:

"nSriifi?*J5d »*t wllk Mia. C

Boob* KK Tbandar. Oa* am omi^
addod to tb« Hat tMraaha tte Far Bast.'
aaata ware aarrad aad all raportad a
•oai tla*.
Ob aecooBt ol (ka faaaral tk* GUIWEBT ALMIIIA.
draa'a dar axansl*** war* poatponad “Yb* vn «a»e betwaea Uke Aim
ipr two waHta at tke MateboU Khool- tad tte ledlBBs stood C to S
of tbe ladtoaa.
d Hyert pkaaed away to hto iMg




Doo’t isil to see os before faaytog dme. We tiandle
tbe light ranoing

Milwaukee Mowers

tte boese Joat wbea
Cure* cToap. beato
-Ida at ever? sort.

that nuke frieodt wbereever they go.

Dteytag debris Ml by tbe laeeat
ad la BOW Mriotwly Beaartiig tte
Bitt ef west aide reHdesu at Graad
apte. AalBal matter and dead
oiBi eever tte earth like a carpet
I amar ptoeea. Bo bad to tte tlaacb
that resideau are coapeDed to (to
haadkerehtofa abooi ihrir runev while
they Hean off thedr prtmlit*. Tb*
board of bteUb to actively combattog
strett by lUtttfttog. Tbe tomty (be danger, aad to aaatoted by tte cobere all abtee'. ao nooe were bon.
Tbe Bsaday Bebooi eaaveoUo eitt'before dtoease became* preraleat.
which was brid to the Coogregsthiaal
■anditee of It will report to tte

I Jnae ITtt.
ITl we* v.
eil opon a meant of Sood protee
tte tte by . Mra. HUliki

BOLOV CE^r^tll.
Mra. T. R. While wat at Traversa
City last Thuredir.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. LoeBer Bpred
into tbeir new boat* oo tte far? tort
Thersdsy. It to only a abort dtotance,
bet they will be-Btoaed.
Hr. aod Hr*. T. R. White called oa
Mr. aod Mrs. Richard Rayne Sunday
Mr as
Hr. and
Htoa Belle Halrertan t
- _.
. baa ntnnad from
the Ferria taatltate at Hg Rapid* tar oea Bar last
hto BoaBer vaeatlco,
Hry. Freak ..
«oUe tick tte n
Mra. T. R. White reaHved word latt
week ttat ber atoter Mra. Ids Staatoa.
W. Case of Atteot to vtottlng bto of Neeser CUy li aolte '
brother. RHpb Cbm.
D. H. SkldBore to bnae from WSlBLIGHTS.
loaa Lake.
Jake WoUe of Msyfleld fpeat SodF. J. Hopfctot waa to Traverse City
lay with bit eeo Erring at tbto place.
Mra. Etbel Daqnelle. wbo baa been
Hr. and Mra. Wb. Wlfaoa. 8r.. are
attending tte G. A; R. eneaapBent at -toitlng her mother. Mra. Lola
Traverse CUy ttto week.
Merle Cmser. wbo ha* been at­
tending BChool to Big Rates, Is boae frois Keytloae 8an<L^.
Mra. ^tof WoUe d
tar hto vacatka.
Htoa Roth Iscksea It taktog a vace- Trereraa Oty Friday.
Uon from ber dcUee at tte leiepbone
exchange. MIeeea Berate Bttosoa and
Florenee Crotaer are taktog her place.
A. B. BUnaon waa to Traverae CUy

blotter. Bister. wUe aad ehUdrea i
_____ JaU« L _____
Mn hb tea.
________ a rUMai tkatr daashn
Noak Poller aad aleee. Htoa H. C.
MKpii*. lataiaad tadar.
Potter, drave to Beaaeoto Satsnlar
trad Waraor. Sr, wbo kaa
to aee te atoter. Mra. Oee.
YaryolAidkUttlakaUara^wnt- Boralag
aad Mtoa'RHcak WDeoa took
*‘ Skk la rWtlBd wlt^ bar la rt«d
tbe daaee at Traverse City Friday
HaMbtar. Mn. B. SatllTaa. at Btaplie.
Mik A. Aadeiaea. wbo baa beoa rla. 1HK( MaadtAt tkl* ptae*. ratanad to
OB Moitk Haaltoo Ulaad Mra. Bd Brooka oveV Saaday.
Hre. D. U balgn was to Traverae
family at ibli i>l*ce.
Will Uikaa to oo tbe gale.
Bay Hooroe wat tte goett cf I
^^M^ipod BHar bwB bar* M; ' There
R^^viter to In Grand Rate* qoartavly neetteg at
Bother IB Bnaday.
ttto week.
the W«ot AlBira aeboolbooi
Un. John Shaw, who hat been *l
Bkday. All are wekotoA
the past foer week*, to geutog b
’rypaa* Made a trtp (a Ba>Mra U D. Bsafford aad aoe
Mr*. Tsrio'- asd aoBt. Harrv aad
to Travel *e City Batenli
ooepb. left Moaday for Ladtogloa.
•"kSfe. .01 tut n. uaw. amt
Hr. aad Mra. Manie Lake «
eempa^ as tor at Traverae CUy
HUt Nellie Thompaon tpeni Sooday
TWKdM to b* beld at Ttarane acr goeeiB
cf ibelr pareou Suaday, Mr. by
Htoa Barrows, a titier of Mrs. Tay-|wltlT Rthel Craodall '
•^l^yBS*lB*SSo Vial tad wUb ber aad Mra. K. ' ' '
larMrt Hi-on' Heimt and too left SalbM^ Mr*. Alban Piaoa* Batsiday
Mr- and Hrarirrank Davit retoroed i nrday for Grand Rapidt io vliii trlesdi
am Palo thlv week.
The Bpworth toagne will give an toe
Mr*. Saa OKriaB H rKltlac wUb
warn eodal at tbe town «bU on Moa- CUy caller Tb';r»d*v.
bar.paraatA M|. aad Mra. a*o. lA<
ly rwcnlag.
Floyd Jonet and tomlly have moved
Mra. B. F. Dame moraed borne to one of tbe new hoaact at ibe brick
81. Jaaea oa Bai-irdav eventog. yard.
Ooraea Fteily Reaate aaaoetoUaD of
Robert BtHd to speeding a few
A number of yoang people from tbit
Waifard waa bald M tte reHdeaee ef week* at hH borne U> tbit place.
place attended t^e da-iee at “Hp Zeig
Tbe lAdlee- BenrtU aocMv met al •er't Batarday night.
W..JtMMart dtora to KaawlA laat Bee OcneU Joae U. There were 83
the bom cf Mra. Weetea Thoraday
V aad attaedad daanarty matt- praeat aad U all bad beea pr<
Ray Morris left Friday tar bto borar
toiviag boMa Soaday ttare woald have beea ltd. 1
to Cedar Bpringt.
aneee goeeta., The baaodfatly
Doe Chaapoey cf Cbkego arrived
Hlu JoHe Henge to stopping with
rated dtnaer table tpread <to tbe Friday to apead tte toramer with rel- Hr* Jamleo-.
towa toiriy graaaed oaller tu l'
Roy Dombroogh baa been oo (be
e of gobd tblog*. la tte i
Htoi Boott of Trave
tick itot for tbe past two weeks.
tte foHowtag 1
goeet cf MiB laara
Hr*. WTlbar HHmet wat a Keyi
giwa waa Itoteaad to:
ig. ~A»ercaller Monday.
lea." by tt* y
Hr. sad Mra. OlddUigi and daugh­
May 1*.
by Ome Hevtoa. aoog by lass OoraeU. ter arrived Monday nirtt
........... a by Dtwa Priest. Marfca by om Oeda’te^Jrae Mtta.
Energy oil gone? HeadaeSe? Btomte; redtatte. "Rmaita Day."
aeh oot of order* Simply a rase of
le. resaarks by lAwla Coraell. of tte week at Sottmu
torpid liver. Bnrd ek Blood Bliiert
lacs Ooraeil and Orace Horwill make a new i
__ .___ ark* by Mr. Sake ef Trayerae
Oty; eoas. -Ltttfe Blar." by laet Coraetl. reotork* by Hr. Doty cf Harriet,
Walter Kelaaa and faaUly'IHl'BatCEDAR NOTES.
tt; aoog. -Qed Be WUb Tog Till We nttev tor Btmw^tand.
_________la Bilcbt oast bo»a
Cedar. UKb.. Jane ]>.—J. BaDivan
Meet Agata:" pcayer. Mra. iolla OorThe next C
Oadar Onaday Moralap.
rill be heldd at
a tte
Mha Sthrl R'oehait aatartalaad
Norttport Coogre- will Bnltb (be cat at tte lomber mU!
■atlonal ebartt.
Mlai Bteadte BladcBore Sataiday tome lime next mooth
Judge Hoatoe of Traverse aty
Roy Hanoatord wat called to Tnvefse CUy ihit morning by tte aeriem
Chari** Btumbeiger to vlslttog
r at J. D. Bridfaf*
It kt Oraai «boreb Uve* at Soatt Bead. lad.
Uloeet of bit brotter-t child. *
Mrs. Oaear Charter and Mrs. White‘^'aM Ml*. Cha*. Katnaan at laat -Thaiadar evealag glvea by tte
Born to Mr. atH' Mrs Fred Cate.
I City «BlM M I. O. Bngbtt lAdy Haoeabeee wat rary latereaUag ___ and toBlly ipeat Tne^v to Jane 18. a girt
aka all aejoyed bearlu tbe able «k>- Travers* CUy,
Frank Tcttle and wife and CUnt
Edoolst. Mr*. Sktnaar. cf nbrnnan.
Mr. aad Mra. Reananver are'vtolUbg
Otaat towa hall waa crowded yew relaUvet to UUwankee.
Rlehardt aad wile apeoi tbe day yes­
tm^to Itotea to tt* ChUdrea't Dey
tfip to Trav. terday at Geo. Myers' at Ovtoct.
. tk«* vis b* a ealabrauaa to Olea
Cedar will not celebrate at I
Hr. Weto* «f Traverec City Bade a
- Aibar aa lKvtb a< Jnly.
ttto year but will celebrate at BcbooI
Tkto* vm baaa tea eraaa aodal at btwtoeas triy ttrongte hera tost week.
Tbe/faaerH of Mr- StaadMi waa m Tharaday aad en)oy a plenie d
- M Taa OatnM bbm BMaiday
lake, west of Maple City.
bHd at Grant cborcb taat Teaeday
Tbe Cedar AttleUc dab It practic­
by Hr. Shafer of '^ra. Millikea to ill at tbto writing.
Mia* Maiiarat miUtok
■aa and Rev. George preaebed
Mrs, L. D. Butt and non apent ing for tbe track meet with Maple
bar* a phale oa Iba OM '
CUy. Tbere win be a ball game aad
ale sreitod.
- ■ Tbar*
Tbere win
will b* tag tM« tbe eenooa. The rHiGres from a dia- Tharaday at Leland.
Witt a piograto gtm la tt* M. K;Born. Tharaday. to Rev. Dealt and all kinds of atbleUc spent.
Bead aad daaV'er of ThoMpaoa- wile, a daaghter.
Paul Pops says it takes more of a
Hln Bene Gegnaa atteadad (each.
TV O. «l M. atadtata wW aS ba
re (xamtetloB at tmland tbto w«ek. tall than twentyAtoe feet jo knock oat
aadt*MjSa^St!t a lane Mask- Mrs. Uolett. of Ktogiley. laat week.
Jamea neveat to working for Mr. a good man. He to able to walk op to
^w ttwtt walkUag 10 pooBda laat
" aad Mrs. Joha Rseael «ian for Btohaid Tkoama of Omen* lor tte
a tbto noralng. where they wDI
Mra. Jemte Brabant <rf Traverae
* ««« •» tte
M». K. rraaeaa
rraaeaa Kyaa drove to
apeed tbe eomaer.
------------- ^ b Mi. aad Mra. iaarea
1 river that weighed 3%i pounds.
We regret to leara that Dte Zoo CUy was to town tbto wee*.
e heard the Kev. ft. >a* *Hd hto tom tad will aove to
Ananttw of the people of tte plaee f Howard Bkmabtoe. Ben McFan. Ivan
. ..a aervCB
at Ut* Catt- iraadRapMt. VMla
eaj^ a nteic on Poeter'* beach
^ ^tog are comptag oa
Mr. Zoo loat a goM wateh wblto
_ Mb. Aadenoa aad daagbMr Bdaa ■lowlBg oa new groand aad a ttor.
Mra. Wllbor
aad dangtatev Carp lake.
wora Maple CHy vWiora oae day laat ittgfa eeartt kaa beea Bade to Bad It. Leaore returned borne tram Bastport
BUbt of tte meBbera at Cedar
■at to DO araU.
“nesday ereatog.
a Maintat Hilur. wba a
A etraager fpwa Ike aoath pan of CbUdrea't Day was ubeervod to tbe
rday aigbi
tte etal* ■« a ead death oae day last Coogregatkiaal cknrcb Btadar Jaac
aad all report a Sae Utoe. Frank
waak to the <teley aaiVboibaod. He I8tb. at tte Boaday aebool htmr.
Mrs. Warren aad aiera are aptadlag BHght 'went SiUag and reporu plenty
a tew days wUta rteUvet aad friends ef Wtet.
to Traverae CHv.
h to teted that Htoa te Pamat
boMot JatoaB
Mira oniett arrived at Kortbpwt
baa tte prlmarr teboH tar tbe next
A ra
Ma atod Hr*. Medatyy* took tea
here waat to Wax- Ptet ttto week.
ford la
Mr. RatUe asd tsBllr arrived tttoi
grt^aa Odd PeUowa MVttenuA week and a^ occopytog tbeir cottage
at Nortbport Potot.
Jerry Baekley. a depsty abertE Ilv.
_____ a eif MMerk Hffl wlU do
H^om Oaatar vtaRad
Aboat oae hnad-ed aneat Wedneeamal watt to BattUhrlBe aa Taea- tee tost we«k.
dav^tbe OM BctUcre- gattertag at tog to tte coantry. wat called mp by
nral pbooe asd tte to be oa tte
day. Ml* tdk* wm be to Mr. Hata’e
C Drake vtHted Meads be**- la«
fedanday aad Tharaday.
Mtoa Marie Oartte atuaded tte kaokem for a Sbrae and bvsj wbleh
•cb«n- eramlaitte at LHaad ttto bad been atolea to Jaekeoo. Jerry
Zoa KMdar to woiklag lor Mrs. loo.
Find Vote teat Taeeday la Trav- looked oat ef tte wtodow and saw tte
rigfoiagbr. BeJoBped
•me Chy.
aad SndK to SoaU BoaidW. R. CaHpbHl teat Saaday with
•ear. caogbt op with the
leutora raaalua.
retouves at batpan.
rig aod arrested tte driver. Btward
n. M. r. TVoa
J. MeOotes win toad tt*
Peter Warzxbai« apeat Mdatay la
W. Mania, at a boraethkt Tbe tee*
eeeuag aea Saaday *vaal4.
«as teoMBed by Jacknoa



AAriaa Light Omr^ aad BdfcrBed
nakt ef tte KaigbU (f Pytttos. Oddi
■va asd Maerabeee. rofaaed ta'
tara oot to tte ante meaortol
rteef tt* Catoa HeBottal asaocto

A Conpldc stock of Hilwaukcc HaytaraH
Harrcstiiig Machlncnr, Twine, Oils and Repairs
on band.
Remember the place. 12S Front St., where we will be
pleased to meet all old aod new friends.


naof Ibe tealp
t. but tt can be

ClUzang Phope 761


More. U ceats.
A local HiytletoB. to eommeatlng on
he nnnaal aamber of atequUoet that
re prceeat ttto y^. glvet tte follow.
Dg preveauuves for tbeir bites; A
(raapoaatal of csrinllc add ttocougfaly
mixed la a qoan of water v be applied
to tte Htto and left to dry. or a bsndful of laarel tevea boiled In a pint of
lard asd applied to tte face asd hsndt.
He also states ttat reoeaoUoet and
l»*e eonld be extermlsated from tte
twampt aad lew groondt by tbe ote cf
of potaab
For tbe dtoagrevaWe Heblng cstef by^
a moeqalto bite a aototlds of amiDMia'
to highly reeommeaded.-

\A^OOLb \A/AISinrCD!
I need the wool and most hitvc iL iSaaey U do obpeet. I
hncD made oontneto with tw« of the laiKeat wdoIpd buQ* in the
EasL ftito for ooLM|iiAtt<T hlocd and thiwa-eighUi* blood, Aral
the other min for all the lowte giodte I con get I mwt hnwa
inalItbirtt«ncarkM<ls.ofHirhigmiwool I am dtenibi« wlQ.
iDR to [toy one cent o pound more thnA nay other ktool bnyer
pay*, and if yon will IrrioK me your wool, n^ do not find this
exactly as I *ay. I am orillinR to.p^ufFom tl.00to|3i)0{orypar
tiualilc in coming. Also, wbourer need* a shearer, by mArhiiie
or by liAod, can Btad me higraldicB* ora) bow many flewoe* he
haA,andIwillgcw]tboahcAnff. Alao. I woald be ^ to hare
yon call at my warebonae and aee the wool I am getting, and
yon wiU find I adi not bloflmg but need thU faU thirteen cor.
Ictod*. Bringyoitrwotd and your money w ready lor yon at 16
ounce* to tbe pound.

Beeree ef Traverae City aUxent Havt
Learned IL
ir roa snffer from backache.
Tbere to oaly one way to cure It.
Tbe perfect way to to cure tte kid

730-782 S. Front Straat
BmaPtoirn |q« tan te tt. aeBt

A bad beek measa tick kidneys.
Neglect U, uhaary troubles follow.
Doaa't KMBey PlUt are made for
kldoeyt only.
Mrs. E. Weod. residiog on Maple
Lane. Niles. Mich, layt: ~l doctored
for kidney dtoease a long time before
1 began uklsg Doas’t Ktery Pilto.
and while tbe doctori agreed that my
kidneyt were disordered, for toibe rea
too (ber d'd not help. me. One of
them said I had Bright * dltcaae. M}
bach aefaed all tbe time aod If I caogb:
eold It wa^ lo luno that I could scarce
ly (tel nmu-'d n> tiicnd u. my boo«>work. .Night* I wt* grtwtir bothered
wUb paint In my bark sMch were ru
fccv.n- they prevente-j me frem tioep.
tog. There were itoo other eymptoms
comteo to disordered •kidneys. 1 pro­
cured Doan'i Kidney Pill* tnd they
be backacbe
r tymptontt. I tm of thi
tbere U no olbr- kidney
remedy <oai
be compared to
Doan'i Ridrev . .
Plenty mo-c proof Ifte tbto from
Travene City peonle. Call at local
drog itorei tnd atk what tbeir co*■omiT* repon
For tale by all detlert. Prio- U<
ceoir. Foiter-HIlbara Co, Boffalo.
New York, sole agenta for the United


The Best
and sold

Bemem'ber the name—Dosn’e—and
take Do other.
In tbe deer.park ef Tbofnat BIrkeiL
who lire* orar Dexter, a doe recently
gave birth to a pnre white fawn, which
I cxtretne,r*riiy. Mr. Btrfcen did
everylblng lo keep tte animal alive
It died. Tbe remalnt bave been'
presented to tte l^venrily of Mlcblmuteum and i^l be tklnm-d and
Muffed and placed on exhIbiUem.


These machines are carried in stock at our shop and
can be seen in operation "buzzing” wood.

MilllenaireS Poor Stomach.
Tbe worn-out tiomach of the over
fed mllllonslre It often raraded In ibe
public prlnit as a horribio example of
the erilt iiiendant os the poMetslon
t grrat wea
It millionaires are
ot tte onl;
wbo are afflicted


far greater amoog Ibe toUen.
la and Indlgetilon are ra mpani
ig these people, and ttey suffer
worse lonure* tharollUon-

trouble* for over iblnv.flve yean AugUM Flower rauscb tbe tomU liver.
___ creating appciUc aad tosurlcc
perfect dlgesiloa. It tones aad vlii|.
toes tte eo'lrv system la,] makes life
wor»h lu loB. ao matter what y
tkm. Trml boiUet. He: regal
Tic. For tale by S. B. Walt A



Joha Kterrher, of SaUne. died June
S. teriag aa estate of U.toO No will
coald be fbond uatll today wba GUI-:
tom RenttchJer, a neighbor, nppeared
I tbe protaie court and AM tte doco•eni. Tte appraraace of tte wUI cuu*
Gottlob Kaereber. a mm. oot of aa
eqte dlvlite of tte atate with bit
brottera. By Its (erms Catiob i. to
get only IS. while John asd Oirtoltoa
Kaereber get ipeetot bpqnesu af l«00.
and tte halsBee to to be divided among
tte ihrae aoa*. a daogbter. Mra. Dora:etemayer. and a graadehlld. Mar­
garet V. Bnma.
To Cura a Oo*d in On# Dap

is one of tbe oldest and besticnowa
Windmills. Sold under very best
guarantee-^th Mill and Towv. ’
Every farmer know* the 6U j
wood wheel windmill; it wuli
last longer than any other wind*
mill made. We also Bell IHtaip^ .
Fipe, Fhtings and Tanks.

116 bixY I IT state StTMt.

or aoBBWr
if poa hare Dr. { J
Ftowlmra Bctract of WD* Btrawterry g

We wJl Haidware, aB kind* o( Fhm lU)
chincpy. laigleaaila, W^bm, Dagj
gKs.aiid&neBB. -T-


tba aMowbiT >t p .
BaUdlt *a< fpoko ot Ut atoo MV
Ho Mtf* Hsplrias itfU «nr sn
oatM aa4 aM «( a JMaraa. barias
«( tko potrtode
o( tko
Wolnrteo Mto thoa itat vbU* oDUnd tbo anar at tbe ago id IS aa
a tfmBOMr bar at Maobfcaf. ■ •
•mM tbo Ubo* bo»d»*4 o—hltd
U Um BohUB Hrartt ymtmUj ofto^
M at t:W. (fco oeeaakia bHo( tfa»
•W aa«tao or tba Oapartioeat

ni fraair if** <>• Mat in Mitt' AB WBII M eaai aad aaBa.Aad BO atr BlBtar aad bt friBad,
ChMah aad keep tin We Bhall ead
The beat of glfu that« oai IplBS
Oae of wbkh an peeu ataftl
Tbe Bwaetaet gift, the gift «l BBa.

I TBi want TBiiAsr I
•tPatarub^Jhaalf.—StreagiwgTienlar—T -ra------ " •*-**—'—
luieroBMt tUu aftergooa ea tba Ml

Aad ■> cv alater aad my Mead
utaklag of tbo-Brttlah ouamer St
Cberlih aad keep tlU We Bhall ead
Hilda hr the BoboIm aainiarr craMr
df gifu that we ean ptar
DaMed aat lar trem Hoag Knag
s be bad U Ubby.
Aloe of which all poeie Mr
iaae S.
Tbeawaetoet gWltbogMt W torw.
Lc^dOB. Jaae 1>.—A dtapateh to
The addiWM W tbe graUeot wbkh
W.tLC. garo aad Proldoat BabWCl wai la part aa taUowB cieaed tbe after Raaier T«legra» eCBpaay troB
to.tha tttitftkm el d
tbaa totfodaoed PtMdoal Taekar «bo
becaa br atatiag that bo had set tbo
oat tba dtr- Anar th« ovoatag odr
» B. fcbhllt. degart ltbe Rai^ Mphoi tnaa DodBadaa.
MgfararbrOaplalBLDataa BaaaU. prealdau to Ohk> bri dooV after the
>rV the Wonaa'a Be-1 ■aaeburia. aajrlag that the RuuIbbj
e tbe addMH of wel-i hare rweaptored Uao Yaag a>o«« aad
Rrwiddat BgbMu aggotatad
OUbort. ittperlaiaadBit of tba dv ___ _____________
a tbii I SoBdaoohMg fHw wlAch ther were
i. vao tairodaeed. aha. la woU
aad BadMd aaoert (or tba dar
verdi nd tboaghti paid a trao VMT the daraTTm*** of bUehtgaa bad ■ drtrea Prtdaj bj the Japaaear irooga.
r (WtbOTlrtthlgdrtd^UoMairaJU--MtribuM »a»T. tbe BMt er«i OUpa.cbM reeelred laB bight fr,m
ooa'B tdbaw to bU atotbor vboae t>»
ibo labbr. iMMdiatalr Ooiaaia
Urea, aad that the Natioaal Jooraal ] rokto gare aa oOctal report ftooi
alga taflueaeo bad beco tho bnaooa
ln<waf ffya—■■ aad bla aldaa. Oobaara that II78.0M bV beea' ezpeaded I Field ifirabal Orama la which ho aaM
light, guided biB 4>»or upward aad
mador *. T. <3arrtaftoa of BW CIV
for thaae that feogbl for their eoua- dghUag oa tbe eiireBe Ru.alaa right
He Mid la ekalu that
hcarr aad -tho Rutalaas
aad U«rto Kaaltj of Maafca^
baiabir bo»od at the *ool of ho -ho
were iwUeatlag la great diaorder. ImtMru. Babua ittled Ibat aliboogh
log elghv dMd oa the field.
Mad* BlacbBar apeakiag of the
agtar of Sowera wao preacated by the the ccwpt had loot Bgay membeta by
WarMw. Jaco IS.—Durlug a riot at
gMt HMuro which tUi TteK a*
8 of V. to PreMeat Babbit', who as- death, the taaki were aa tall
|t.oiU yeeU-fdv. the charged
.gBMt gare Ub aad «o
reptod ib«B OBlIlVlr aad ai they de- Orgaalted Marily b bel'er thaa todUsoMallni aad the bocUIUU
-Otaioo of a church aa
Ugg aad pragar a plaee of gatberlog. partod nader eeoort Ibreo Toiulag
ch^ were glrea at the door.
;Two mea wen killed aad ibirty-Bre
H* ^ la a haggr Baaaer of the
tad* more for tbe eorpa (o do. Loaf
wooaded. fire Burtilly. While a
fMg ^ who had expcrMoed ro- At Ihki polBl Prealdect Babbitt latn>
after tbe laat elrtl war roteraa bu
police oarer wai walklcg lo ibe
aad ieUea the Bagtitt ehureb. daoed Her. W. T. Woodhoaae. paatoi
Busiercd oat, the eorpa wUl be
■treeU of Wanaw yeelenUv aa ua
Mgiaglhat he had jalaad the arBjr of of tbo.thur^ who cordially welo
raUlog marble abafu to ibelr awBory
the Lord. He waa tatd br a triead that Ihe departBMt of the W. H C. ai
Q. who eaeapod. aiade ec unMra. Babbitt called the alleolloa of
bM aad hoped that aa they looked
attcnpi lo aaMXinaic blai
laMoad he had Jataad iba aav of
back apoa the ^caiapseat of tfaU the eorpa to the fact that there were a
fWLord. Oi
rMr the little Baptift ebareh would few wMk cerrpt aad taU ibat tbeec
of the wwtartoi gU la ■
«Udh tbe W. It a bad reVotdd the he a pleasaai laeiDorr. After bit cor
Danger of V.'tr.
rateriaa aad Mid that be did aot like dial wordt of wdleoM. Uta. Babbitt,
la behalf.of the departseei. prewac
Parla, June 17.—Fraae* ie aow work
tbe haae of cbartv u
lag to the eoAcf a BoUal uadenuadaad MlicIHaa.wofh Md aaed
ia Ibe Moraccau
iaiUad ibe aataa aadar wbteb ther
perpetual Bemorlal day. aiaUag that goeutka with a view of the avoldaaciJahorad. -relief.” it waa aat *d»rtv
la a few yeara tbe rMeiaaa woold what ia maay gaarura kmhi
bat tbe righi af ald.whieh aD rounM
tituatloa which UrMteoa war. Il U
had aaraad. -Da aot tblag that the
She thought that erev ehureb bolieved Ibr potslblc purpuee of l*re■ <« tho a. A. E. do a«A
iabed oalpeta el the BapUala. Ita
aboaM bare a Hag aa well ai a Bible laler Roovler la to arrange a modoi
tba ktad. aad dolieaio. aad gaWo
She tbaa paaaed on lo a rarlew of rlrea^l uoder which Fraaee and tier
IBMtkBi which ng> V« dolag. amX poaer beiag Dr.>B. T. SBltb. aa aged
to wbOB
■May laay operatr Id Morocco arnica
tha work at tbe year aad
hd dtoeqangod aad prorottal
V that tbe aeentarr aad traaaarcr bly tor tbep rcaoat. TbU ^ould call
dMf tho hoot TOO oaa. ao Battor whal had raeeatlr bee* il'oo f°* lf‘*
oaa wVooBe egtMded tbes. ooe reiue be paid MS tor tbelr aemeea.
)t of tbe propoicj I
tor a pc
of ABerlca wat tang aad tbe aext dde- lag the year abe baa trarMed
__ _
. Mt M tbo battle f«te- froB tbe O. A. B. were ad- IBM BllM aad tMUed orer aeveotyBlUOd.
flre poau bealdM wrlUag huadre(.a
•aid.' HodloaMhblaapIrtagtancfcr
cf lettan and poatal carda
rolatlag a aad aad Mtior atarr toM of
Tbe tagUlaUre ccBBitiee had alee FVoB iioocay-i Reoead.
W'lUard Wortbnrg of Norlbiwrl wb<
priMa aad aHC.-Bo>
LMted tbe assex at tbe Boldlen'
CoBiade d. X Foote tnt latrodacod
•Ub th««, go aot of yaor w ic help
boae aad did aU that could be door
Bi«l Md bo Mid that frcB tbe fnUaeti
WiaUm aad Walter Beckwith o
tor tbe peaMooen there. One
U OaBBoadarXgwIa cf hU heart ba MlerV tbai If It vere
Mt to Abb Arbor aad Lake Aoa Were la ibe elly today.
lhli> morolng oa .
ZMiU thM apoto for a fov
her eyM were operated opoa.
Mb wbtob wab mat with go don. “It vaa a.happy thought laggeatM that tbe carpi eoatrlbate boaloeaa trip to Ooptmiib aod Tbomii
iMVi of dHriaaBa. Ho «oko df the tba ocgMltlV of a W. X C aa aaxU- tbair apare Bxmey
larTto~tb«O.A.X He rafcrtwd to the
•Mk Of Doparfaat Praridoat Bahera wbo are depaMeat for cverythiv ^ Mrs. A. Mary of Chleago who bar
beea rUltlag frieoda la the cIIt. weci
hM la
«*g*■*■»*»■ IB obtaift- graai BCrtaUty af tbe rateraba dMag tbv •« upoo the city­
ItoAcmethli coon.
tag tho appragrtatkB toward tha aow tbe pail yean aa “the bMdwrttI
’ll If' pathetic aad plllfal.’ aald I Mn. WllllaB Avery, wbn has
ibe wan’ aad cloaed by a hearty -Ood
HCM yaa.- COBrade McBride apoke Mra. Babbitt. 'Aiat the oaV baildlog ' vUmng Mre. X K. Hlbtard cf
bHady thea, followV by OoBrmde Law- oa tho grouada wblefa aeods eaUrgtsg eUr. returnod to ber borne at
•boM referaaee ta tba barial from year to year te tba boapiul.’ Sbej'
cto-dHbaBto.plrta.orl,lMpo«. |
Ito laaoiEhgM itlaoM aa a .eaoM.tar taad of MO aaeb M apHle^ to aoiw. X C. OXMra.
oraod Baptda are naltlag their ,
4Mr daaratidU of todar. Bat ha aald dlara’ wMowi bna^ iaaay gaerlM at
Thia waa agplalaad by aaylng ■ Tbe W. X C. cooTMtloa wai called OBriee A. BkeMier.
— .
w Mdlar Mm aa oU aatdier died ....
order by Mra. ptoreaee X BabbiU.! Fred Flacb came t* from Graod
thm were alwapa OMBhata « tbe W. Ibatcooaty eiarki are detaOad to gtre
at 10 e-clock aad; BwMi for a abort visit V>is
durtog tbe bualaeu aaaatoa Mten of |
The aagt daliBatliB to hg tacalred
•are tbe aatloaal preaidwt. Fanay go. who wet* .waWag for raoogamoo aympathy aad Boweta were vMed to be Fnaa TiKaday> Record.
Migat. aad aalfMai patriotic teatiwei- vttMn. werw tbaa rmlred aad he foat to Mr*. Harriet Padden; the death
WlllUa Kellogg returned li'i nicht
ar. XMa X. Jaaaa. NatlcMl PiMdeat pertotBed to tho (Might cf aU apoa of whoae hasbaad occo-red Moadv. rroB a trip to AlbloD aod Utr..baU
KBnS gare m able aad lataratltag a4- the fhBDaa dm. aceoBpaaM by
««»: Rob Bfaepard of Old Mi.olon Is Ic
dwaaa aaWaworkeftbeW. XC Bote, which be atated heraealred fitan IlfcewlM ordered to be amit to Mra.; the dly.
au laprMMd Aer gnat dailght la HaraM Qraely. Uuaugh OMaral Wte- LoalM A. Roberta of Adrian. wbA a
Latham Thomaa eg Hooor aod a
halv aUa to be their gaeai at tbe M- •eM Bcotc playtag m a farwwell The bwbaad died two daya ago. Prealdeai | member of CaM port la In the city at
Qtri I Lett Bablad He.’
Taekar of tbe Memorial uBlTerulV. j undlcg ibo eneampmeoL
mv Bale X JcBea, aatlwri patrtAfter Mr Headcrahott'i latlrai
MaioB City, Ul. waa escorted la for c. X Oartlofr of the J. F. Reym.i!.
Pragldeu Babhiu cMled upoo the de- a tea-Btnale talk ca tbe aalveralty cf|po(t. No. S:. arrived lo the dv this
which be U head.
! morelug from Peatwatcr to attend
Mrs. Ooraetta X Perry of Lanalng,! the eoeampmetu.
were eailV to the routroB aod latro- pest preatdeat twelve yean Ago. was
o. W. HaU of Pomona it In the cM>
Mra. F. X Xarriai. preaMeat at Mr daoad tbaa Beaben of the
for aad Bade a pleaMBt talk. -Iplng 10 reprcaeai tbe Cbarl.-s O
Tbe departing prveldfat. Mra. Babblii. wifi poet. No. J9«
FlBtM ceepa af TraverM CIV. >b«B
W. H. Amldan of Maple ciiv |s
•McBad ibe eearaetlaa. ta soli
wat given three iiiwti. oae frOB her
•ecreuv. Mra. Vlaa X Bodfleld. oaal the city from Mumy peat. N« K,s.
ehoaaa wradi. artMilIv (raiUnn cf recav. mcBben cf tbo.d'
Mrs. Radfieldb dagghtw. Mru. 1 Mlaa Vide Oleioo of this city l
lloPhofaBB goal. Mb III. aad the layal
■tawagtapber. mniielab teem ber* Baaalr DMrlog of JiaekagB.'aad oaejthlt Boon lor Elk Rapide when- i
MMa af Trararee blv. both frateraallygMadally. She vofce of tbe »oble of the carpi and after a brM loirMiw- presMted by Mn. Bather Roomc aftwlli visli frlcndi.
i Toe HlsSM Xmlcc Usl>H< an.l E.
paipMe at tbe great gatbertag aad Uoa abe dccoraiod them with apMal Benioo Harbor.
dmaa hr tuia^ qaatlag the Ulila- tadgM. cf tbMr laulgnU. aad then
Tho pomlaalVMis tor preaMeat were Vliuon oc Williamsburg arc In
UCB oda. Mra. BelM X OorMH Bat- PreridMt Marrln of MePhertoa eorpa as follow*: Mn. Bra Gray. Oraad ] city today.
Bar. ML Plcaaaat eorpa. No. S«^ r«- presented to wMI ebosea wosds three Raplda; Mn. Carrie X Tonwy. Oroisc j Dr Panlson has reurraeJ frMm (
apa^iet la bahalf cf the auaabera of bMbUfuI Barnes of June bkwsoBt. to isle: Mie. May Stocking Koig**. i f»»c to her duden In Dr. W..11. .
UMt'dOMtBcat «. B. C. (d MIehloa. tbe dtoartacat presUem. ceeretary There were 1»4 votes eust. M teang
M tbe Wilhelm bloek.
thUang IbOB Boat aordlalV aad ala- ad UMuarer. Dortag a abett May lu
lauy tor cBotee. Three, helloti!
---------------------emV for their cordial aV kMly tbe aftrraooa'a prograB Carpealcr
taken aa fallows, Mn. Bva Gmyj Mn C. II. Tylbr of Uaaton i<
mdi of weleoac ta etteadiv the bea- eorpa. the bamo earpe of the depart- wtanlag the boe<w:
' leg a ecmple of weeks In the eii« 1
m<at preaMeat at YpsUanil. pre*
pMaUV Of the MV. ttclr beana.
Ml*. Bva Gray. Grand Rap.'«*' dausbler. Mr^i A W. Perk.
her with a bceotiful bouquet wbleb she
aad oarpa. Mra. BalBer aaM
........... 63 8G 113!-------------------------------------- -------Bday «ere here tor tbe im tlae. rseatved with toaeblag gralltade.
Mra. Carrie X Torrey,
theaM tbv esperleoced w> fcellag of aU (Megatkau bad been mceiviM De­
...73 C7
kBMleaia or atraagooeaa. <.------- partment Poet Stoddard came forward
Bar bnroBt rcalalacMt aad VcAe of
an old aad valaable framed ptotun
During tfc morning hoar a eommli
Cec.. Lewis Case to the prealdeai.
tM Of tbe Ladiea of tbe Q. A. X ar­
rhymes were eatirely Itaprompto
rived with greeting, the eommIUee
I. a Ladlee- UBloB<emled the gmaieat i
Mn. Anna Art. Detrcril: Mn.
aactoV. which bmi j
Usoa. Beetoa Harbor; Mrs Carrie
Dear Mu. QabUlt;
Orayllag. aad Mn. Klor.
A womaa hulli ea generous plan
Me Coebran of Caserille.
To aU. to eoBtert aad comipuM—
aottliaW.XCFDr Tbaa dote yoar letnad read.
br^t 1^
twemy yeara, Mtu. Balmer Mated, the And with a bean cf goodly tlxe.
bo made a very pleaalBg speech.
. bad been a saeabor of the W. X C. tM kindly tboogtat aod watchful eye*.
Bbo Mid ta Moatag: -And when at
After the eleetlOB of tnsklem the
And simple, noble creed.
B« w« akall liM ter «be
W. X C. ad)oorned nattl tfrernrmo.
Naad tMt iball coma to we froa tbe
There were three taadldaie* for
I la our dear Hag. however tar.
(Briber aborc.
idcr and
oSke of
^.Ikedearold fiagfioailaioTwa; too deem of loynl worth;
votes wne east. M*. Aaale Soe\c
t»itae guple among wbna tbe beet Aod every maa wbo -core tbe tatae
te tbb dtr was the mweeeatol cmMk
MS be (be Rwal. patriotic and aoUe A hero, with record irue
To you. tbe best oa <»nb
a—M at Mkklgaa.’


. J

At ttM petel te the keateon. W'
RMSma been to arrive tram other craiteMUeaa, the Sml to be rweelved
Steac eto*M X te V. bMded by Commanaer F. (. Eallccg of Battle CfMk.
FfMlfcat Frederic Taeker te tbe HaUcMd BklvenWy. Mmbc CUy. >
awd Oatamal OcAatervy te erand Bar
MAla'VMteM a^M te n vatemn.


Not caly of wur aiw Abd time
be amre aatlgue, the awre divine
Ton read itaMr blswry pBla:
And Lewis Cass, wbo gave the eeaf
On mind and bUg* with egnal tMl
The other cfteM were nil filled
Tm bldjb ay>e to rriga.
And BOW Us ptourM teee to^
Iran Motaialn bring chdset loalorl;
to teaa and oeaU ft spmk. TwaaM My
O Mkb^W Wr tome


The Popular Shirt Waist Store

Hoitdreda apem hniidtBJgor dainty ficih. new Sh‘rt Wa’gtu. cmI. otylish tad mnarkablfVsw
Twitwd. Aprotts«<wbeU*waeJecsUt(Jttockco»iidotA'belowisd.aadanypri<»jttoeABaff«iitop*»
ia iBorsded, tbe very loam beuig atyliah atsd irorthy. Qoali‘j «• ^ aa Ixwutyia «sc«ri(l*i*d b«R».
white. tBdied and
plaited, worth tlr«t

White Lawn Waiata.
bennlifal atylea, fine
q«aUtiaa.w.wth $e.SO,

White Lawn Waiata.
handacane Dcw effects,
laoe and renbinidety
trimmed, worth f liiil


■ 4ap Silk Waiata.
eloffantly finiahed,
perfect fittios.

$1.45 .



At 50c. $1.00, $1.50. and $2 S0.__ _________ _
A Sale of Women’s Cool, Cotton StockInts. eitrooidlniry cheumes far
Ktvp cool; Wfiir thin, good
made underwtwr. Hen- is auotbi-r ifncit uffer
neil week.
Women’s Hot Wcilher Underwear

that •bottlit moke liwly hosineM in l)i<- an.
(lerirear acotkm:

Bcuinifol Lac« Hoae. in fancy
black, .-xa-ptioiuil Taluea at :i5r. rt C ^
will bo V* aah) at............................
A cam- of riiildfen'a Rtockiak-a. in a fioa rib
of K«}i>tiao >-um.aplU'ed befi find tAMvdxBp

Good QnilUy iSc Ribbed Vests for Kc

S 25c

• aapply for lh»- uomun-r NOW!

Hemstllcbed Haadkercb’br 3 for 6c

A New Line of Muslin Brswers and
Corset Coseis

Nire (inality Udica' white liuidkfivfaicrx
wortii 4c; at 11 for 6c.
Waua’s Neckwear to- Ue StBUBer Sttsas
Yon'llalwnya find tlx- latest htid
(Uiutkwt iioiv-ItMW boro.'Sfir awd

Drawi-ra. umbrella atyle, with loon tfimmiiie.
inw-riion and lucka-.ewaelrovpra.bfootifully


all oolora—;black. niii-y, brown, pink^
trunble in fiadinu„what you
dscwbciuevt-n nt m^oh hiKln-r priesw.


Thin Wash Goods for Sommer Dresses


silk or Usie Gtoves for tke SnmnMr
Yoi. ll end hOT the b»t

ill Ik. dlf, .1

i$c, 2SC and Me 1 ptir.

SOCKS AND UNDERWEAl-the Cool Kind for Men
abirta nnntly trimmed, dnwen made with
and paid a leaa price for them than tbe
maki-n cunild nffo^ to aell Uim for. Black

doublk- aent and (ftuaet. a wooderat the prioD.piT RSTBient...


Wo show a aweQ lot of finer naderwnnr. |dain
or ribbed. W« variety erf etyka. QQq
dandy vatnea at. per lAnrc-ni • • -





The Glorious Fourth of Jutii
By giving you lower prices than ever. We invite aU visiior* between now ud tbe
I'ourth to make our store a eerier for visiting and trading. The few prices below are
a mere sketch of what we have to offer.

Swell Sanuncr Sails

Swell Dress and Walking Skirts
$T.-rtkin<U-oc8for................................... 4.98
. ..r.. • 1
$i.'X) Liii-1 p»-s (or-----

o no

.*f0 k ind goes for..
$.‘.00 kind (p**for..

.................. 98c

....... aiso

id $6 kind for ■ nd tor................... ::::

SHIRTS, silk fronts,
m-w s!y|.-8, worth $1.

J>adir*- 1.11.1 Miss-b'
fomn-rly sold up
12 -'lU. yunr cli.ii.---

trimnu-d. this's
sl.-*!ve, worth

BOYS” SUITS Ev-rylbing that is
n.-w in this dk-part.
iii< n|. Prieeanpfrctei





Mc-fu' liglil ordiirk tt'ork Sbirts

ulways60r-. sj.-. ii.l i>riec..

118 Front Street

Traverse City, Mich.


- rniv r

FA«g n

lacttU Tstans warrtor.
Madam ase
Tratarascny tes
oMMd with saeb a Iai«s bate o( dieiBcalsbad paepis ticte te parts at

Ume *lUi d«toi vbl^ will t* of nrf
•errtee to tbo «ortd.'
Vtiw K. RodMd.*
Mrs. ^ & BedMd. tbo' dspwtts«Bt
<M tktoft Md fa
W. B. C /or (wntr-oM Tootf.
l> tka BtdM irf bar
4faU« »n- :sss iotooO lb* Bdnrd
B*Wtt kM foBiid Uw U> do naeb ta , KO.-6. Jscfcan. s ttrm aoAba afur Its tup so MS/ psoplo «t
Mm W*rti bbTlM bl«0»4cri r«h» and
Tbs ratarass at tbs atrO war ais
■ffM'iiI istarMt Is neb UtlMi Is
TrarstM atyb gaaatt. Tbs twwa Is
•omhMrtoni MkbUsiu A doe nlo
do as Ibsy wBL aad that tbsr
. whlek'<d tbs
win boaor tbs <Rty aad ibei
■hs aslbMd tROB aisS7 sooiw, seals sleeted srnrrssnUt«
•leads ti tbs tells at ib» Bute Nor I ber of tte ssdltlBC beard, tbs seat gow wUbeat a^vlae. Park
MO, essMtetsd larisir b/ ^aaus resr to Uie oBos << ssstar Ties pre*
«« that tasUUitkiB. asd eo tbs Aim dtet, tbea last ynr tbs beeams doI wHb sUrar locks aad beards
Upat talP crimads te
<n«iat Ilofipartmsot eoisMsdsr a»d this /sar
t a qa^t
sijbia.brttrf ^ rtrtbote/br Vrto- jsbe Is ibe departmeat secretary. Mn. ttasa* witb pray, fsaay at tbm para
wlOts. aad ethers wboae lor»s bars
iBssjReddeU has alvays bom tbs
s a roeae clri ibc bsea beat with tbsdr Baay years of
carred dtreetly
se j at
«t4bS .
booorabic sstnee. mlacled with each
t^l^latbslBt«rler.o(tbobtifldliid.|*alt«d tor her
Ite Jmasa la tiled wUb Tsloablc drU war, wbsa la IM* ate bseaas ether U pteasaat rMnkm. aad bnMes
lbs teponaat bastaeas of tbs soeaatp•la »TaTC OATHEflfN&

(CoMlBwd rmi Pu« 7 )
nwMT Md«r JT lA«. BabWU.
i* ^vam ee tte lookmt br

or craal tolerest. sad
nOeymsat. Tbs bios coal, brass fastteas aad Ijioass badgra deslsaaled tbs
dsledslea aad baadreds of othon who
4M BOt WMT the ddecate s badge bIb
gtsd srlth tbese wbe a « here (or (be


It was aa laspirtag sight to tboM>
who raallssd tbs Imaortaaee of Uh
gatberlag. aad it Is qalis probable tbti
with tew exesptloat there hat aoi

bring to Urge crowds la addltfea
tbs delsgates froB tbe poau of tbs ea
ftoas pans of tbe staia Tbe bot^
Ksstf to Bblase with aatl
aad tbe air rwioaaded with astkws
tadks aad geaelUBSB of the dty wi
praeeat aad aiarted tbeBselres
tbe DtBoat 10 atake It pleasiat for tbi

CfaMlW.B.C Tkotoftarw1Ubepra.!ie.aadT^F.aBtoateagadll,laadtaOowad ta
' (be dre
B at VMaraaa
d by Hrn. Kate & Jobb. asitoaal, eri. tbe form tbe joiingaB band to tea
aad mate was tea «?a do0 to Tcwroai opaaed tealrr rwaabeat
Mlrtofto toatroeter. Tbe prtoas go w' Ualtad Btetoa.
.. _ __ _______ .— t partBvan. terladtog tes itaamm. Tka
um to RsarjAtoB
Boaatog at 10 e-deok wttejdty ambatoaoe was also to Me. The HlghacboetpapOsioractoapatlitoci
ova ea a paMoUe aab)sct.
, a-etoek tee bate parlor to tea
r F. J. Mm to BaiUe aato owner, to lbe.toly w« fMretodtoc- There tea eevetal [ emted by Vt^ T. Ama. J. W. CllBe.
IteOpaa Baaatoa W. R. a
! Pwk Pton wms,clMred aad tenaa wba
~<e~>s to (ha^ilm to-jHt.'ary Tooadler. f. B-.Vadrr^, Dr.
iw after S:M teto afierwooa i were to tee teeapUoa uat wok tealr
C.IA. J. 8n>«. WUltaB WRbey SBd J. M. wbn tee arst senloa to the W. R. C [ ptocoa to the WUowtag order tor tea
Rakeslee. The arnddaes were prett tbe Baptist ebsn* toiiweepUoo:
lUj- decotaied. The ladM to the W.
s, felly terse bsadiod dele- 'Ceo. H. Utqtotot. Oss
R. e aad tbe Ladled to Ue 0. A. R.
to the W. R. C' WUBoa W. totemar. Adji. Oem Faytee Oraod RapUs poatoMee sad es-: coacladed tbe oreeessloa. As the Itoe
attMdsan. Tbe seestaa waa ette tirycktor. Dapaitaeal Qaarter... sp
ravlewiag stead.
eSM- ______ with a Tlsli troB tbe aem^mmtar PtotS; Deparuocat PtoajdMt
oaooty dark eC Ksat eoaoty. F. K.iJrew
Baaderdachlef BUBoa W. BUckBar., norraos A BabbOt. NatkBBl PiatU^
Wtoirr to«raad Baplds aad Qasrter^
aad gsrk/hree ebeets for sack post as and bU aldas. Past CoBBsader Lewis i Fkaslr B. Mtoot. Dto>rtBaat Becrtoary
masiar Shaw to Battle.Crosk.
BcBbtr to tbe SoUters- hoote Vlao B. Redfteld; Nattastal PautoUe
ODottoaadtrlaOiM BtochBal ad- (hey passed. The ^is a
•neatly applaaded atong the itoe a|
dTMsad tee asnably this swrateg
rery aUy. fldag a dae talk oo ter were tec dfv sad droB eorpa. tbe
basd. (be ron>(( band aad other dtelto tbe order sb^ bow
It was that (here sbosM he *!“>»suck an esder to perpetoale tbe Bern-; !o the parade was jast oar tsdtoa.
cay to tbe rMermas wbo bad foi-gbl Aama fakwoOBS. who served la OoB
save tbe iml&a. There will como s pasy I. VUm rtwliaeol Mlrhlgaa volae to tbe near fntnre. and It Is get oaiwvs. Allbooeb oaable to wall. R« actoto every day. when there will a fuuag of Mldlaad. a Beaibcr of tec
BO more veieraas and It I* the daty ‘ A. J. fonai port, was to tee (*rade to
of teelr soai teat tee aamo. aad[4 wheeled ehsir wbicb be propeUed
of the vallaat fathers shoold , him***,
live oa ta atlcv years.
1 a* the old vclersas passed to review
It Is very probable that Frank J. |os Stale stivv in fiwi to tbe review.
Kelkacg of Battle Creek, coBBaader j ts| viasd. Park inace aasca. cheer
to tbe Boas of Veteraas, vrtn stscceed i aner cheer was given and bats nnved
VlBsetr. He Is very popular la ter ;ia boaor of CoaBaBder-toOitor Blacl:and tee delegstn sews • „sr sad DepirtBcnt Cosaatemie^ Hopto be BBlversslly to favor to faiia. flow ! gm,
ever. Mr. Kellogg arged apoa Prof. 1.1 ,
Ladles cf tbs a A. R.
B. Oilberl to IhU city to sake ibe'
oent Lad In to
race. Alibooth lt_pras a great honor.
L tnei It : Boralag (or teelr Brst
Hr. Gilbert refused lo coaieat.
c Presbylertoa ebareb
tea St

The roiDndlIre la charge to tbe M with tbe sddres* of the pre-ideal.
forsa'lon bareau hat beea ntsbsd Urv. Nell l^njls.- Ward who ssld (bat
with husiBess ever slnee yeslgrday tee order wosld not have sa easy time
aooaW they had up W Dooa today; but. .Buvi
. . .work,
. . la spUe to (Us tbe
sueceeatal. She
aaalgMd more thsa PM people to vart-l®"*"
work tee bad
! also recounted itfc wi
w^bs ssstose^betei^lg^^A'ISriA'^ "•'t
toU-te^n* Md of the auBOee to j order etoslng by Wtog a very wortey
n bem of VatsrwB.
people la the dty directly totemtea irib’ilc.
After tbe pmidcot's sddreas, the ret. when to this ai
BWrwIia of days kmg goae by. ne lbs wife ot MalTta 8. Jtadleld who ^aaed aad datrtod o-.-t.
ot the llbrartsa and Inspector and
her are added as many mo.-c wbo are
^ ' Mm at the balldtog ertglhated vtdi serred wUft^dicUseUea at a s»ber
Antotant Adjatant Oeacral WydioS
Bg with mends, and fully %s treasurer were read and apsawred aad
K y
BabblU aad tes was ebslnaaa of Ibe Stotb Ualtod States earalrT. has beea s baty bbb dace Us arrival
faooored wtte a visit
many more located le the rarton
«• tbs balldtog eoBualUoa She algo Fbor oblidraB. all bora of pairiotie
hU hotel baadonarun to tbe aaaes
of (be-coBBander te chief aad two
■k. moke tbe b<Me cfaele. two of tea Park Ptoee boted. Oeaeral hotels and. boarding bouse*. At Ural
to tee w. -yteoR baa nat eadi delecate as he there was a IIUIc eoafualoB in locat- roBradn and after roultoe baalaess
Tprtlsall aad aalsied with ibose at
tbo meeting adyourn^ nnUI Ihto this
s Kate B. MMu: MM
R. C. witb Uielr owther. aad oae bob. preaeeted hlBadf mad provided Urn
afioraoon when the sbewtery’s rito^ri
WlUtoa U. to New Tork. being a Boa alib tbe etoetol eneampBcot badge, abort tlBc tbe BBChtoery'ot tbd
an was to tberoagh working order was presented, ThU report Was esto Veteran. Tbo taailly to RadMda na to u eld band at tbe bastaes.- a»
Qtesfwl WHIWOD W. Blaokmar.
wero tol aoMtora aa ear bate aa graat be to wow servtog bla UiM term to •ad vlsltora were aasigaed Co eoBlortOca. WUBon W. Btotemar. aattoaal, Pond. Joalor %noe ProaMeat BItoto
tel teat abe is tbs> eaty woias
ablc lodglagi wIA very little delap. crease to membership to 1« during OBBSnder to tbe Grand Army to (bei Bolpb. U. B. Pensloa Agsal O. A.
tea tettod Stataa who has sear beea graadlbtber Radbeld. who was to tbe ch'j otoea. Hs to
the pan year. Baking to all (Of i
ikvolBtiaa. and tea graadtatber ud ed witb a large aaBbsr of tee dele- Ob tbe whole. It eaa be said ibsl
taWSte te bate dlteted piMida
A hasty glaaee over hit war rwc- OriHih. Lewis KaaRa. i
B ite II III tesndstlna n to
iBtea. sad ta wtdsdy seqaatotsd
ord'SboWB teat be was a trooper of tbe. aes H. Wiley. Past DepaJ
bates at pratodoat at tee Twaaty- Other.
fsBlttor wRb lbs kaastoas date
Firtecatb Peaasvivanla. a Hrutevunl dtel.C
iimatt Mtobtea totetry to wUeb
Mrs. OrteNh.
to (he First_____
Wrglala csvmlry President Mre. A. A. DMB; I- and t
bate bsr' tUter aiad briKbor
Mrs. Anaa B.' Ortfltb to .
served bote ta tbe eastern and wnterq i OBtec, Betdra Crsaeer: Past IBMteMM to tea eifti witr.
he departMeat treaaoor to tee W. R.
sevtos. wBs engaged to tweniy-two; asader D. H. M. Van Baalte;
tet. asbWtl is auto lOMldeBt of i, has beea a patrtolto
Bctioiis. amoot teem AaOetem. Steae. live board. K. Iftee Hadtop; VQIto
la sotMoMd teat abooi
tea Lawto
which iraeas Its tbrongboat her worthy and osafal Ufa.
WashstchV. !
hsTtag senrad ee tbe aadtUag beard bwadred dataMtaa tea preaaot from
Sbenaadcab .sib-> , Bavey: Dr. W. W, Bata. biBM db .
tbe 4«0 poau to tbe aute aad bs
boars, aad wUcb wlU bold a resaka
campaign to IMt. aad the Baal t M rerl-.f. a-i CMto ef BUf Oaorga W.
■ MMM* are espected today.
at tea Lawia aad Clark eopoatUoa
S to 1ST4
Mrs. omitlr was
to Ap , «eac.
POtteted iUo ummot. «w to a fre> Cto. B. B. onfltb. wbo died alae years
pamsticnr. aad was praaoied rapUin
Itar aa boar a areaty Oaatf MMseated by tbe toeomlag dtoegates
OOdU (notrlitsini t^tee Lerristosa.
totcf. Mrs. Qriate batoags to
bv Coner cm tee Self to Five Farlr' ben «f ike varUas earM aad pMa
Seek post to MUtled to a delegate (or
mm. Mbllibil te »*:.aaaDeU«toa. same corps aa lbs dsparlMBt ■
„pleaoao galtaatry. wUrb was of Ibe state were prtMatM aad pa«M
every tfiy MMbera. Falrimaka mbL
■to to a ptriotoMt Bomber to cte tary. tee Bdward Ptomaroy I
ueaily (briber reeogaliwd b, down tee kmg line to ■tttagMM
No. ir. at itoutot Is tbe iter pteto
corps. No. A
the medal to boaor. A few years after- guetos to the toty. Tke Mikaa
tee stote.wite aigfat detogates abd ten
be was appotated Jodgv Bdvt*- ’ tbraapboat tbe evruli^ were «satUpan
• A' tttet to Mrs. BabblU-i ctoaracter
eral oa tbe naff to tbe pivcr i ualte tknmged wRb tea mtatem M
Raplda. wbo to to gtteBdaaee. btods
Wbbto Stewa aoa to tee roasoos. why
nor to Uasssefauseiu. ta white pori thro. A R. W. B. C aad the ItadUs
Ibe leeord to batogoae ot the yDuagabalo te BBte,torad by aU her frtoads
ten yesri under IovBd.;to tbsG. A. R.
- eet veuraM'to tbe ste^ being bat
dantaiitela » uuia talk aiib a Boemtainratlens.
’ Ksrty Informal Masifdtaa. ' •
igaa W. B. C bare aa toteraetlag Ma­ thlriaea years to age wbea be entered
When the war brake oat be wss Jan ; Judge Loris BabetM. TkM.T. MHa.
apMhto* to bto uarato she happeaad ury bock to teBB. aa routed by Mrs. tec aortbera raaks and were tbe Une
prcfBrtax for college but eallsied as s [ Bohen E. Walter, t. W. RHaM, FoM
the tong
la tOtoOik teat tea always made K a Ploroaoe l«wla BabUtt. aute praslprivate. seVvtag through every aoa , Commasder HorgaB abd OMcar to Us
pHMlM to toon to ovary railway eta- dteL At tee top to tee badge Is tbe straggle. WUUaa Davey to DetrtoL
eommtaskned office.
' tUy F. D. Marvte were tee nnepMiB
ttao. tea wtollad a BMa aad praytr state aaal to Hlditgaa. wtte a aketefc qaanenaaster to Falteaoka pest No.
Meralrg !>r:vea.
; coinmltl«£s^ifcecRr wbo aatotoad tee
n. to with U« Detroit delCMlloe
Hany of the riaUtag ilelegaic* erd nvepIloB line of gweBs througboat tea
: tboogta while te toate tost Angnst
deparimQil tollcer* were enienalrrM o-.ialrg. whtif pnriussj.a (be formal
dunngific eool boor* of llt<- monilBs r. -.-iitlwi Itae of gwena-^
be was harM oK tec trUa aca
with drives about ih. eli^ soil s ibiirb.-.fab- ••vealng. while prevloas i
noBto and almoat fatally Injured be
Commander Is-Thler WUmoo >V lllaek^ lunuH re.-epikm (be general receMM
nm BlioBB aothtag to deter him Iroai
' mar Dr J. B CrisncM. Ebi r R|ee and r-Rtimltiee to Isdtes were prcsesl la
atteadtog. Comrade Davey to past
other* leavloc S' b •■•cl'»cl f- radrlv r-.r-itr Ibe guests as Ib-y eniwsd tee
eoBBSadsr of Pblrbaaks post aad for
to the ssjifni
: imrior* and a pirasaat hour waa teas
tbe past elevSB years has bam qaarAntiiher carrlsK
N.v*"3 ' »ivnl ta soctal talk mad eraartce.
■1 »>ro*Mert Katmlr Himi’.
Itr. J II (irliwoM to Graad Bepldi
Iniirnrtrr Mi>» Ksu K Jom-r and l>o- avrive.t »h*irtly after tbe raeeMloa, bM
'panaent 0«unt-ll-.r Ml«> l.vdla K.. *a* grp. led ulth a hearty vaoeMlM.
IBP irea, arrivod last ercoln^.
t A Morse ef lonu.
Hniiklns enjoje-1 thi- s-jlim drt«.- ai 1
Evening ArrSustei
Oamrade 8. U. Rent to 6rand Rsp____ - ' S JO
i TM- pore Maraoette. beartag OsteJds Is bere gTeettag old.roBradei
gtirtons Riy Band.
. >ra...l. r ta-Chlef Wllnma W. BtatemaP
every band. Mrs. Bama B. Knapp to under the circvisvIstM-cs the wnrk le l*Tsto.«.-,.rf.v,r tim.-r Tbl* small
arrived lo tbe City at V.U
regard has bceu cxircOKly *cli
rived on tbe tale (rUa. Mrs. C. It. done.
voiorans ,-t tec war of l*M. bas ci-' '
-------------iUaUaa. pan prealdeai to Urn Rebec­
prvKled Id rrllto (Juries the paM year I
Tbe Parade.
cas asaembty and oaq to tec driegaie*
Ibc toial amonni to pipendl I
Tbe parade stariod a llitlc after :
to Bdward PoBeray corps. No. S. Jack.turn the iB-t qiianer l>etag
soa. witb Mrs. CyaUila HcKtaaUy. tee doeh aad after passing over (hr line IravlTic a liulsnre oa liand'of Mt*»0 |
oteer delegate, Is reglstcded lo tee to tnareh was reviewed at tec Park The il.'partir'-iti Hc-rtoary prevented j
Place by NaUoaal Cc
a P'C'ic.o p.r a cti^'ribiiiluii to a mite |
It CommandtT Ontrpe
(nr a tn-wnal ni-niimeal tor Com-I
R. Hopklat and tbe staff, odlrcrt.
lived tbit afieiwotB t
rude ft'i'im. nti. fmtnder Of Ibr O A. ^
tbieogboni Ibe two day*.
K. order The ~--rciary reported that | _
Hot Ceateto l«r Commander.
iMnon rlrrl-s hart ronirtlmted I13A0:
There Is-a urarwi contest oa for ifce fetlowed by tbe Trave.->.'- Oij ham! I«ir I he memorial fand.
ofBee to depaiUaenl ceaBandev. Set Tbe clly oBcials In carriir*-' came
W. P. C. Candidates.
eral proataeni eaadWalc* have been aell and foUowlng ihcB werr ibr al
T*t. rwndidsit-- arc mosi arilve for;
presented and are WMkIeg teelr
I te»l'lon of president of the V
(oavata. Most premtacni ta Ibe
ten b «s-8cate Beaator Caaaca to ta-Cblef Btaekmar. De*»rtibeci Com 0 . Mr*, rarric E, Torrey of Grosre j
.der Hopkins. General Bbakesprarc Irie and Mrr. May Stoehlng Knags* j
Brart. and op to\Ua aoea iberc apteUowed pfcccdtag carriages with to Ray city. Un> Knaggs i* a promlpoarm Xo be straag tadlcatloos
nrni worker ta tbe Michigan Woataa's 1
Snuior caaaoa wouM land the prise. staff offke-a.
ef Vet- SoBrage aasociatlon and the Buitj
Howevtr, It will net be altogeteer easy
Veterans nnd
eparkwaat Saeratary to tet-Woman^ RaUsT Carpa.
I S aubf. She IS j
I'neat sad JolhiwiDg t
taniag .for the Osceola cooaiy man.
a aUter to the ei-eatloBBi ptesi-!
aad Gen. Oeo. W. Stone to Lanaing to wns 9ompnny H. Bpsnlsb Amerieia <
r veterans. The bew a eoraet band • l. Mrs F n. Deonisoo. She fa
boak to tea hnpa 'teat same msttal {of.tee tamber'regkms at tea Mft aad BBoteer powetfBl candidate and workthe line metnbev of the Michigan
veadw toty Bad a mrisage to help U Itbe boattag ladusu-ici u tbe right tag witb coaeMer^le rigor. Dr. /. R.
• to little shiver* arrived lo
last eveaisg.' and with bl mwera (ha
time to aesd. 8be wu to one plaee iBetow teto Is a paragraph Aelltag to Otisweld to Graad BapMa, aaotber .U.W IM.
u,. .J4
at » o'clock wilt pomp asd die _dPtmrteei chief to staff. OeoCB W.
Mre Tom? Is a member to Ibe <
wkfcb aba vtabed aome tlsse after, aad I the adpptfam ^ tb
waiHteowB graad army vatmu. and •nag tbe/amlHar war time soagp. Nr
Tkey were met at ibe d-pe-t by Bionc. a-d A. B ConJey to 1
: lag cte. Lewis. Case for prasaattag very popular terouMoat tee state. Is Pberaoa pan Bfe and drag corps bead- sndhlag board to the L. O. T. M. «. i
Peat met tbe dtatlngaiabaf
> tbepeotoetoMk-blgaBwttbteetadte. ta tbe bands to eaergeUe veteraas
I iaae St will be tee seveateaatb aa- who seek his eleetlea. Biepbea Mal- tee vetnSM. tee foltawtog posts btoag assoctalloo belnc a preu represeou- ^ -Xeelanao.- where a short outdoor guests and eseorind them to US Ftok
wkh -tbetr colon sod tlr» at tbe eoeaapmeet.
I concert wns glvn, then, s sisnd wa« place, where at » o'aoek tee intMlni
Blvanary to tbe adopUaa to tee seaL imy to Lake Odedsa stepped tate tbe
Harray post. No. !«.
Tbe &iiera Star Is entcrtstalag | made at tbe Park Place and wbc.-c to Ibc commaader-lAchlef. departmeM
Mrs. BUtaRl’i busbaad. Hoc. J. Wn-■ aad It. to* partletitoriy tlBHy and ap- fteU this
tord RabMtt wkb RM very raddmUyr prapriate teat ti sbeala awcar apoa strong raavaaa. Bk-Beaatar WltltaB Maple Ckr. Dan A Root pwt. No. IK. MUf.fMlmer and tbe L O, T. H. M. I* ['be astkStal alta were eniboslaKirally .
‘appUwded by the boys ta bin- From .
abaot Bve yaara t0) to htan fsltsc*. tbe badge to tee
Ute.-e' to Boyae CUy. aortbera Niebl- Bridtagi lesla ceskty battalloo with. eatmaloiag Mrs. Torrey.
aaa ear to tee ban fcaewa and ablen ; bas taraagbt Its hlsteiy to Ugbt aad gaa'f caadidue. is also ta tee ttod and the eoten to Bureipa Cnnien. (flU-, Tbe W. R. C. wOi glre two prita; hrk Place tbe band amrefced through and G. A. A aad i No. l!S. WoohcT tonlgbL oee from tbe state depart-'ike city nrccu ptaytag osrtcBal sirs, i •
MBiilis to tes WbsktoStew cooBty laudc Lewis Oaas'day.Oei.—. a-stete baa a atmtlderaMs (oHowtag. bat sa
| rettovtag aa ovaiiM wherever they.
Mr^ Btaes bis dtolb Ms has tetowa day' ta MIetalgaa. Hra. AkUXt waa stated btdorw tee taAcBUont arw (hat
a«>lU nto.1 pta.wlih a laarrt w*rstobIappearedr Tbe h
biaseB tate her work wtte dOaUed: assaUr pleared to Bad that
Outaoa mar wta <mt bal H will be a Pbenoa paag,
(Coatlancd oo Pngs 14J
Tbe chief to poliee aad tee eftef to.enckmtag as coBBsri tag from ibc bb-| with Masters Wtllle W Payar opU:
gy la aa Mdearor to oeenpy her < rrarerse CUy** praattaeat stre
goad Bght before U to settled.




a ao gssrtat thw aasg tttag i niiMi. bat abore aB loee a«
Paw; AMs 8. Oarfe. Sartaea; IX e
Hay Obww ««"Tblte--------r “Setter tat tte chtM letars •
Spears. Dopdae; WUOan Dweru. Bat­
Bh was aa weS reeefrad to asragery.“ he wld. -thsa to adstle Creek; George W. Price. BestM
Ut was
waa res
rewBed aad aasg •« hita la ottn ways ate sol ta gta
Harbor; P. H. MtAlde. tUOate; L.H.
This triote.- Ha atae took oewahn ta
-Jaat Before tte tetUe.
Iroa. Haacs; Oeerge W. Howe.
tkaak tte gaartet for tn asdeeuw of
taPewed by-a rsadtag by Mtas I
Hatoa: A. U BryteL HayrUle: Hasry
B aaM that tte atagtag
The Soldier Tramp.'
ea a patriotle aaMaai by the ewpa.
C. Beams. Lodtecua; Joha a Bony.
showed that tte gaartet was wpafata
The wlaaer <d tIMB ww Hertoa WUVateertni; Walter W. Defia. Trarerae'
ta iHiitlwB fmn tte cU
Hrs. Bnna B. Knapp made Jadga Itahell wm tte
aty: George g. tttJtoo, takpanlsg.
tet ted cheam tte aate*
tte flag pre^attas apewh aaytag He flm spate ta tte W. S. C. aad tte
The altersaies are: Gari Buie. De­
. a finllte rite. Be wtetad
troit; B. Bdvard. poet No. M4: W.
Ladlaa cf tte a. A. R. soytag
Darey. Delrdt: J. S. Staphs----ckW aita 1 ^
^ aagtaty. taO ate trooUe the old songs to aeewr fsB tato dtawaatatacakWa
Orate Bapida ; C C FhiUlpa. Bai
g tte talta9 af tte
A. P. Carritaos. Horewd; Albert DoaIan ta tte tesrts cf ireryesa. Hb* be-1 (nadeat wasMS Mi'aa
Uorsd that ailh l
_______ _______ ______
haat. Jackson. Dartd C. Oaks. Katanaaoa; Henry BpaaMlag. Bartlbrd: & B.
haarta ate tte flag 1a tte haftda. that I
^ wealth wa bay.
war of tte rcbeUaa kaowa aa tta cMi.
Hallery. Lake Odeasa; Calria Wlkoa.
Be bad beard
war. bejoM of tew be had ioafaayd
Bowen; Bdgar 8! m>aldlai ~
that tte boys rf hg foogkt aa well aa
om tb^caoatry etaee kta slasttaa^
tte wne as say otter atady. Iris they dU aad he asked tte aadt
Haroa; Jeeaph Badd. Bagiaaw; Q. A.
dae u tte eOceta of tte W. B. C. that
WUltecfc.WUtdnll; WmiaB'Battatt.
trarUM ctoaMata ef nDaa. .ywt
Maaos.: Jdm Grieg. Atan: A. B.
aorer had bM oM ef tte.|nue(tac
Roipb. BKaaaha.
«haa^ Ofcie No. tS: Mro. Jolla
tolda ef tte flag. The d A
akoeM be taaghi ta revere tte prfaclCouncil ef Admitlietiwtien.
irete. looaueot Wartlagtoa CSraio.
Be natter D<
The csasdl of adnlatatfatloa an
ples for wblek tte G. A. B. fW^
Orate BaH4«.-till Mro. EUa (Aar aad!
: AfirMBlag tte G. A. B. ate mM
lODowa. Jodge Larta Roberta of this
rHro. BUott OrreB of tto aaae; Hra..
“Do yoa'erer got htaa.*’ he oaM.
tkat It wooU always fite that tte W.
dty betag eleeted to a ptaee: Jodge
.Bgratto Bail aad Beuna Wbluater.
“aad thtak that yea aw aot appra& C waa aa eOelcai aid. Bot oaly BOW
Loris Roberta. Trarerse CUy; B. a
r DeMt; Hra. Harr JaBeaes. paat do.
ctaMd? wiv. thea )«at rrmrtaW that
Detroit; Res Barker.. Rete preceeaSoa, led naay of tte beala orer bat ta tte ydirs ta tone as wrfL Adpaftamt preHAeat. Martae OKrym WOTS eantades wRh Ahtaten Liadreesfag Prof. Gilbert, she said ttpl
Oty: A. V. Aotln. Milford; Heary
•'Vkoae to arrire oa (ke eraataf
with ghemaa. wMh OraM. srtlk
Bpanidtag. St. Joaepb.
The followlag laaattaa were ta llae;
tralw am Mr. ate Mra. J. H. Wood
Cwur. Tteir aanas aw ta htatarr.
The nauer of the ddewtei paytag C. B. Hnrray'a Lady Margaret. H. A. work of tte Trarerae City eehoola aad
* at Wataoa poet aad oorpa. Orate
bat roars aad ntas eaaaet te. bat w*
tbdrava expeaaes again this year was Battle's.Lotaa. U L. Bteeeaaoe'a LU- feh that tte flag woaH fall lota good
Baptda: Mr.ateHn. Weatoott. Hn.
the esttlac sdge of tte asa.“
Itaa B.. WllltaB Aihtoa. Bobert Price. hands. A sigalfleaat aiteraace oa tte
r. L. naeh of Wataoa cla tte aano of tte nfi.PM old lefIS that the n
J. H. HcOoegh’a Oariiie. WUItan part of the speaker waa “Whaterer we
Hra. Bra Stake ate Hn. Harr Tib.
tora ef tte eoaatir. be then thaakad
oatD 2 o-ekM^ Daring tte nontag' TogUnag-s Roseila, Anil Nerllager. wbta ta reerfre taudarilon tata the
. Mia. pot O. A. iaaea of Detroit: D. SL
le people for tteir wsteine ta Ttarthe Ladles of the G. IrrlBg Hurray. Herbert SUlea' Gypsy, i life af the >tiea taoat first be taught
^ Taa Baalta aad Or. Root. dMartrse aty. He thaakad -tte rlttasaa
A. a called aad was reedred heartily. Cbsrics WlBowtaky's Uatelle. F. Q.lta tte schoals.'
aatteoa: Or. J. B. Ortevoid
ter tbe auBBOT ta whkh they had rsas Ibe department
Jnlla. A. W. Jabraas' Edaa,
« Qnte BapMai Hn. Hattie A. Shcrcelred the ecniadca aad hiniHf amd
Bailey brothers' Tbgo. T. A. Wllkla.;
_ •■afc teat pnaldeBt of Champlla W. B.
bdlersd that tte leeeoa of
“'~C, »m BBOog tte late arriraia.
Bade tte
was good tor than.
be adeptad. Departmea*. Conns
TWs ta all ooo eaaatJT bow. te mU.
George B. Hopkins was preseated
Fbote. WUllaia anlih. ^ Cartl. ^ ^
of tte W. B. C.
Tke O. £ B. eaeaiipiiieat op
ihe.oU taoae of state right# hat beta
a past eommaader-8 badge at a com of aad Thoama Staataa Mfch» WUltan
« glrc each year a badga for the
totteOlr at tbe city opera boaae i
bortod nader tte hodtaa> ef mjm
136 as has been the c::stQm for »
' •’HoA tUa PWBliig. Tte tedreea of
Judge LOfin Raberta, .
best eflorta
aad boried oo deeply
yalettee vaa deltrerad by Mayor A. Ctelrasaa of Taeadaya camp dta. Hr.
patrlotie tthlecta. It U with
Jaatar 'nee Oraitmitahr I
merer te reaeneetad. lanaad of tte
At the aflcraon aesaloB. a resolaV. ftiadiMi wbo. after tedaaaatsc
Boberta' eoll^ vbea be tn
the meeting of the Soaa of Veter- she said, that the badge waa
old flag. Iheae taare nMt pet ap tte
thm af thanks waa extateed to Trarto Mr. WIlaoB of the TraTerse Oty
aiy, to UePherioB iMt ate'the
ataikder ate otter oBoeca ate ^ela, I seboota becaase of hU apleteld eSori. “li there aaytklag ta tte air id
part of the time waa span la reedriag • _ , ,
__ _
erse City that brwds cowards T" The Tte people bare a .fight to he proBd
gataa. ipcdia u Collowa: — ~
beys ef -M look tha flog tritk that of tte aatlea. pnnd of tte tag BBd tte
n eome Mfore yos to glr^ oOcla]
which the boys of ft had added aad people of this state hare a right to be
otenaaloa to Ute feaUact of plea
Tbe eOcera were atao laetalled with
ute G. A. K. and awo ^ taws ef this country ate *gkl waat ont aad added still more gtory ta praadef Cuter.
Joy ate BiadBaBi Id tin bean of erery
He etaeed*by asktag tte eeanadii
Ibe W. P. C.
edUaai M oar eoBmaalir oa aMoaai ware, orbr tke late of the tree ate Ibe tte Bsaal ceretDOV.
agalast wrasg. The pairtatlsn ate iU as waa but aataral. He bad alao hot to target the cnmaBdertacktaf
of yoar preaeaoe wUUa par latea. Wa
coarage that lies la ihdr bsarts ate been aaked If we coaM hare Anght
*■1 agalB bM yea a wM cordial wel- : CaimoB. laappcilBted Bhyeue day. Fraak J. Kellogg of BaUle Creek!
the Jape, in response u this be dcwen ilte vbea year ortaalaatka
WyckoS asriatant adjatast gaseraL
eeptte oar larliaHaa to Beet, la oar
that wBch led the taded tte story of the Amcrtaam.
body If mcB e^ gathered tacHter.
wtea yob go to your kaoMa. nay yoa
the Sons of vuerans. Prof- L B. Gil­
naader. srho. whes tte legatkB
Lablaa ef the O. A. ft.
a«yr Wa doiB It a peat hoaor to
bert of this elly 'arai Meeud eealor boys of ■Cl oot ta fight at their ctna- In danger at -pekln. with bM a baadfal
go la peate."
The Ltelea af the O. A. B. eladed
uy-a CBIL She tkea Aeserlbed the pabare tha prtrfldte of tateartag ye«: Tte reapoaae waa gireo by George
pnaidcot and Janes A. Dana
of men said ^ the repraseatatlTe of
the (oilowiag ofltaen ikla mofalag:
B. UopkiDA comiaateer of tte detpn. eonnateer. Hair A. Janaaoa. Ha- oleeted Jsolor rico prealdeot.
4j-,' idylag aad saw the flag of tte eovatry hia eosatry was la danger as
-n ta with greataat ptaaaare that
of Ulehlpa. wbo fittingly re- rtte Cicy; Beator rice oonnakder. Dana ta from WmianMoe. The dlrlwoaM go whether aareae followte or
•date to yea. la betelt of tte people
cooocll Is compoeed of F. D. aiere Lookeol Heatala. “Did I help DOL Tte Amerieaaa aad the Jape
apotete to tte warm woildi of wel- Barak Blrdaey, St. Joaeph; ]milor rice
of tMa dty. a Dcte cordial ate tearty
Eddy. Oiaad Rapids; H. G. Cradla. bpMmb by Ike autyor.
went orer the wall tagetbar. He ttec
THinw R if ear deHre tkat year
RorkfOrd. aad F. C. Sillaon. A rosoln-;
aaked If there were any preoeat wte
was fncsed cxlcadlag a rote of
had foaght. at Gettysburg, la reai
ks irf TrsTcrse CUy and etpetially.
ta a large aanber of cries of “yas.“ be
Caster post S. V. for their hospitality
asked If Uie amy bad be«a prorMad
Oepartneni tenier dee cominateer,
and tlDdncsr.
srith rapid fire guai, U thero t
O. Morgan. Travetae City.
HemcHal Univrrsitr.
been aaythiag kfl of Pickett's
- lartaneirt jtifiler vlea eeiBraasdar,
Amotg the dUGogiUhoI tUlicra ta i
wcaiderful charge. Be taU of a North
e. M. Kent. Crate RwXdA
the city is I'roilerick P. Tuckpr. bead
Carolina reglnoit tastag M per
Department chaplain. William Patof tte Momorlal uairersli/ of Haaoa. |
{cf Its nea aad ef a MiahlM> taSItaHri
am. Canal ng.
Iowa. TbUlBsUtuUoaarasfouadodaaj
; lostag 16 per cesL He ckmed by MkDepartment cnedicpi dlneter. W. W.
noasmcQl to the patriots of tte
tag all to caltlrate a lore of tte fl
aatry by the Soas oTVe'-rtaas aetlM-l
aad a lore of cons ry.
ed by the loyal people and soelelles cf!
Wyekeir of Landng.
the eo-JDiry. It Is fl calicnal insUto-1
1 Gardaer i
From Wcdaeeday'e Rcmrd.
present and was called apoa. AlUmott
rtaory boards la the dlCerrai stales as I
Althou^ there frere four eandUatet
te has spoken at ercry MfanpngM
as founeeo rcgPEis. Hetuy G;
is tbo field thli noraise for the oBee
for the last twenty years, be wished
Cowdln being MlrblgurrTnff^oscDla-i
to yield hla plaec to Geseral Blacktire. Tbe educational poller si prcs-i
Btar. who was on
eat Is aa aesdenid coursc'aad the first;
warn allosrcd to do so, bat will bare ta
two yeirs of college work. K iTtkoJospeak at tonight's camp fire.
taalloo to add the oekt two years:
Hra. Amle Seule, .
Comrade Mepktaa.
la'.er. Araoss the pariiruUrlr worthy i Asaistaat Natloaal ISMeelar Woaua's
m of ibr coilrriy worthy school
ReUef Corps,
George II. liopkiiia ef Detroli reepcad- lag of “Marcktag Tkrwagfc (taorgla:
arc the scholanshlps tor tbe ch
It there?- aaked the soldier, «> ‘o-the cMItag of hta name, be Mid by the qoaitM aBdRefitMai jbf Cha
Hra. Godfiew. Beales
often wondered why the ncetlagt
Harbor; treasurer. Hn. Celia Barboor. ready. thouMi opened but three years, “Yes." was tbe reply, aad be died hap- were called campfires. He then aaK Ptaymg of -Ite'BUrlMiiBgtad Hue day. tte beys of today will
ser by itejnad.
Caaerille: aocreury. Harle.V. Kib. alae dlffereai states a
that If 50.000
y la ear dty aball b
dan. Detrdt; chaplain, Hra. Addalda Tweety different departnenl contrib- ik that same quesUoa apd the blghiitful blnfl }n*t west ef tte
CtaEoH CoOTt.
tbia ate MteaadL We want yea to
Bagaa. Mukegoo. During the
city ihai It would neaa at least leitaO From Satarday-s Racord.
f«el perfectly at
lag, three eonradec, Captata Tomer,
Prrf. I. k. ditbert.
fires and that woold be aa taspli
Tte case of John Moaroe rs. Klcta*.
la feel that yoa hare tke troedota ef deeied. Departnect cn>ai
broeghi ot, especial nr«ss betag laid
ef tte
Moll * Bill cenpaar srut ta tte jBT
ear ameta. parte ate pabUe ptaeaa. of Lansing ww reetceted for the fifth Otaad Rapids; Cokme! Irea. commate.
AmiM bu,«T. -n.---------™““ ■■
.la elker worda. we want yoa
time ate It bappraod that today was er of tke post at Haam. aad Dr. Root, decorated Wilh bcactlfol flkgs and a 1sepertalcadeot. respoaded. Ho, He took ibe opportaalty u (hank tte at f:» tkta aftetaoea adte tWMtr*
»*»b««l to rtaum thaaki people of Ttarerse Oty for lerlttaa mtaete argeataBts hr P. C Oflhert nd
ttet Ike towB li yoon.
hi! dgbty-ucoad birthday ao that tte sargea gcscral'of tte departneat were Cnited SlMcs army oBror will soon ’
take up a refldcBcc there
<«‘5' “* •>*‘**‘f
'•>«• enoamptoeat ta cone here aad for Pratt A Darla for tte ptatatiC aad
“We tklak we hare* beaaUfBl dty; occasion has moic tbaa oaual
obligated, la the sflerooon
.the sebooU, bul for tbe whole people opealng the doors ta the retenas. He
we are pRwd of It. ate before yoa
alfieaaec to bin. ;
fleers were installed.
Camp Fire.
i g/ T„TCrse CUy la the winning ora
thaoked tte W. B. C. and tbe The erentag etislM wu b«M at
tn to year booiea. wo want to ako* Delegatea to National Enesmpm
At the anemooh scssIob of , the The C".7 opera boose was crowded 1 ttoo. there was more expressed thsa ___________________ __________
which tine thd dleesea ef Ckarlotte
yea aeaae ef lu nw baaatlea. We
At tbo iBoralDg seadoa thc-delegaloe Ladles of the G. A. R, the conacll of
>st nlgfct and the audience was weil ] Uaere osnally Is Id aa oration of the
SettoB TB. Alfred Ssttaa wu graatad.
wmat yea to eeloy oar pare and larlg. 9 the satlosal conroation at Dearer adatlatatiatloa was cieeeted as fol
iedgmeat wu takes 1a tte Jadaea
erattag air; oar bcaaUfel •ecnery ate swl Septambor wore dodod. At yee- lows: Mrs. Aaoa M. Earl. Detroit
meer rirtaiHii af Oraad BapMs rs.
Barreaadlnga.' We want yoa to tote a terday'a taecUag.
Kathleea (Hirer. Rccd City, and Mrs. pleasing. The first number-was a se-1 ducUoas from the aclnal tires of thoor ;
iWe ea par beeaUfal Craad Tra^
P. W. Oraady aad J. W. Lanaca. tto
Lydia Lee. Betnao Harbor. The dele­ loetloa by the Trsrerse dty band, j seen every dsr. There are =o more j
mniTTt betag taken on bMot. At
bay. ate ea)oy lu dear ate tparfcitag
gates to the net ton si ccsreatliBi were: after which HIrs Blaaebe Banum. ac ' appropriate colors than the red, white;
tte tine nf gntag to prew (he jury wu
watara. Ont drink too nocb <>t H.
Delegate at Urge. 'Harilda Smith. cotLpaslcd by Mias Uyrta HUIer |
blue, the red Is for the raior aad '
•tOl wM bet h U eaderstaod ttnt u
howarec (tliere may be Mawabeae la
Qrayltag;. first delegate. Jolla Kiagi- played a rtollo sc^. strand rartatlonr |courage, the wbite for pertly, and the.
srill to taken aatB t:M
ley. Detroit: eccead dcteiate. norbr IM>erio>.. Tte selection was so j blue, the ilcToiloa to tbe great aad'
"We waat joa to. laapeet the NorthI. Tteadsy oaite reura ef n
esoe COehtaa. Caierllic. Tbf alter, pleutag ibat the appUasc was really | boly ideii iU- cloecd by ekieadlagi
ora Ulehteut Aaylen tor tte laaaae.
nates were; Altcraaie at targe. Blls
wkldt ia ta ear kerdara. TUa bati.
W. Stereaa. St. Joseph: Am delegiic;
who wu chairman of Ueneeliag.aa 'I
p A. Janes,
Rey Rpsts are Rasy.
talkn. boUt fay the atata ate which reMrs. Uae, St. Joseph:
that oa
Of tte leoML i
Tte ColonbU wu a enanar Mfttoa
Secta tko bweroieat ate charttafale
gate. Mrs. Lydia Lee. Dcston Harbor.
of the prognja. ttpre ^mld te no en ;
j ^ „ United ;
ca Baterdny u she toft tte dock, (or
apfrR ef tu clUaM toward the t
The law of the L. C. A. R. allows
wKk tte opcateg «f tte eonner -re' States PensioQ Agent O. A. jsnes of I
them to place Sags aad flowera on the
inorts ihb week, tte pottad MaaUABd
"Wa waat yea to laapeet o#«e df• I Detroit war called
breast of the soldier dead,
fleral baskets nre enutac te (or Onw '
«ee batiiUagi, apaetoM Uoi^ ate
! opened wiib a ni-nlber of faumoroesl
aace with this a beaatUnl bes of flow,
u. NorthpOTL Heahtaeranta
I stories aad ibea passed on to serloes-1
eii aad a fife were takes to the PadIS
erWcwon of tte thrift ate oatn.
laieresUag I
One of I
dea home V ■ afteraooB.
tte crated floral dnwfiMuu betag Hn. J
ef oar kaitaaai nea. TVfa w^t yoa to
rs of his talk was the figures be \
tBBiSih ftaradt.
l^r. P. Cbicbetter aad A. P. Aadersu
Me tke doasant bone* of ear labor9 regard Ia the member-;
of Omeu aad P. H. Otddtags cf Cadar
«« naa. Mr fiae aefaool hoaaca.
There were twentyjwo boatas ta the
ship ot
These figures I
dbarchea ate IlbniT. all rUble eritoaach parade last erenlag. almoat
showed that the army which fought:
Among the pitanagen who toft otot
dMaea.tkat oar paople ate latcrcstad
eeery owner ta tte elir reapoadtag
tte great fight wu Urgeiy conpteed I
the liny roota wttw tte Mtous LMtIe
M iheae tUiiga which go toward! the
tte larluUoB and contag out. Before
of mere boys. In that omy. there j
Post. C. A. a.
MdUlte ap ed Hiaraetar aad naabebd.
aad Etnoca BaabHL tbe forator of
the parade, the old'soldieri were glrea
were 1626 who were eader IS years
aad tte tatter test recatwate tte naktu ef good dtlteaa.
a ride aad also daring the parade. The
o« or ender: I< years and eader. 6M,•Mai Meat ef all. we waat yoa
Ladles ef the G. A. R. for tteir co- tag from Aina ecOege where ate Ji taBtrector ta Ike anaaerratory. HW
MH teat here yoa hare net a peegde
were alao glrea a trip oa tte bay. Tbe
years sad eader. UM.OOO; 33 and
After asking
prcceeeWm started a Itule after <
Hbahara a warm apet ter the old aol-orer, 6U.000. lo esunsttag what tte
p, a*- Boshneu wRl'iHMd a week witfc k
dHr. tte reteran, tte nTTlraea ef
o’etoefc aad ma orer ta tte cast shore
great rletory cost, the foOowtag fig
talk to a {Htalnlaarr to- mother aad Hater at Noitbport aad
poBfed that the delegaiM be isstrwd- sad batt. 'On aecoeat of a aea nnthan wbo eared the GbIob.
gms w«e glrea: Killed ta MAlon. 67,^ Oea.^ WUnoa Stock. toare ifeaday far New Torfc where ate
"Bat for yoar. ataadfaat derotfin la td for Corp. Jamee Taaaer of Waahlag- ntag. BO eroestag wu made to the
•18: died (rasa wpnads.-43:fll2; died j
eoBnandcrJa^Uct of tte Ciasd wIU take I------r ter Berlta to spemfi
tke gnaiMi eriida ot. oar htatory. an tos. Ibmerly CUted States ptseloc west share. Host Of tte boats
three mnatti abroad. StewfObonH
fron dUeope. S145I: other eanses.
at Beriia by Mro. Ctanu of BeSalo aad
pwqlly decorated srlih boattag aad
21A67: tatta. Sta.683. PtmIooi to tte
____ __
war. a eensw wu ukem of Hlchlgoa,
Oaamwl Btackmar
ral weeks wlD to apeat to dta
law ate tkit great atpcrtneat et pop- The foUpwlBg are the ddwatce flags aad the whole made a rery pretty
at large. W-aher W. ptoa fron thu pletnre. After the paiad^ a photoaad UI5.*« nu were found arafl-l ^
Haatah ta gtimdaBce at tte TRwdianal taOara. Moraorer. yea l<
dty bdag aatoog thoee cheata: D.Q. graph wu tateaat tte G. R. A I. dock.
able for doty. I'p eaui Lee's sarrea-jeo
F. O. Marrlp.
had seat MAM aad of’sad coatmealed apoa tbe ad drees of aertaa fosttrat before taklag op work
a wBte aaOca. aae la Cad atwril ai Oiotty.,DBtTdi: C. 1_ roote. Katana- Tte proeeeMoQ wu led by tte Lady
OHcer ef the Itoy. HePheceea Poet. theae 14AH were kStod or died. Bejtka W. R. C preetitlna. Be aHd wftk tte gnat uachcr. Heoand. at
la Mwa. We are dorotte to tke flag. woa; J. T. Bale. Swiaaw: B.T. (tar-i
etaaed with a triheta to tte.flag. ■] that tte chBdabMUteMaghiBrwrTrarcnedty.
Mlah H tte aynbol «t kaUooal great' itafun: Bay Otyi B. A. Chapta. Paw,
aeo! ate anity. ta K aay weeder that
yoa lore tte flag adder wkoae foMa
yoa foaght ate for which your
Pwldwt norese* Coehnn. «t Haaef radea eked to nock Meed? Toe
•mD« Ctrete Ma t. CaMrlDe. viU) It for what It ta ate for what ItrepieXn. ■h«lwtb B. Coaler. MecUe aao
Mn. N. C. Bartpoar. 6epaRiB«M
aier cC tte LaMce of tke O. A. B.. boUi brtalda tke beioUn a
beaten of tlie case etrOe at OaicbecMtamate
vlUa. Ike B«0t«a Harbor <Sdesat«>
dedleatad It to libeny forercr. It attnm teBBer Orela. No. IOT:
Wtidantirt Ctariea Oodlror. A. H. Ooe- tecta tte atragglet of oer ama. aaf
tlie raior of oar aeUlen ta alt tte.
ter. rteaia Meaor», Baaia Tai
of tte repablie. it be* bees
Doite XOU. NdHe lonoa. B
aaered by the blodd of
Moore; Hn. B. U. Blidaer et Letaa
CMe. SL JoMph: Hn. KaU (Mirer, radea. It hy bees bathed ta the lean
tewMaat of ChaapHa (Srele No. »: of a eorrowlBg people; it bai beCB
mo. ABeaaWe Bagoo. Mn. Carrie glerUed ta tke bearis of a llbrrtydor.
only at bone, bat aU
Bialiwiii. preHftet. ate Hra. Harr
orer tte world. It baa aottr bees asT—aad Hn. BHa HalL all





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