Grand Traverse Herald, August 31, 1905

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Grand Traverse Herald, August 31, 1905


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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MV. AUOUtT tU tl

man so quickly lay toe (<
not over three feet la height.
beveled hair, wbo stood by the break­ and scalded and bnag IbS'W dry.
TIM RmR I> tiM Rabi.
The marriage senrtee of Russia U a
with tbe labor of bU haada.
By a torefnl Slndy of condlllOBS snrHe declined toe tovltb^ to dlaaer.
fast UUe dabbllas the eupt aad sau­
n* toU MM di>unc •» IM eutA few instaaces mar serve to Illus­ most solemn kad aaemd cervmowy.
cers la aw sreasy water aad wlplas given by Mra. R«ishaw>-wfe« she rooadlBg toe life of plitus aad by an
trate toU point: Tbe writer saw W. 8. Hwilag toe Md« and cn{in at the
them cm a towel wtaicb. to say tbe
of the ehureb. (be priest first sAs
A »oi«. «•** •>«*•
nade bit way directly to HairTS
least, eras tery far from being spot­
able to prodohe toe most extraordinary, ago w^Ing at hU bench la Coloradn the groom wfaetber be will hare the
lessly deaa. Sbe eokired. and with ottcc.
. Bat sll tke «lr Abova to coca Bad fUil:
“I have made my cbolec at last. comblnaiions. One of these be has Rprings eBrntog:toe mooey with which brid^ bis wUe aad whether he bos
Tha tiaaaaitoMa of tala to to the toad.
aay other ia marrtage. Bepursue fall hobby—that of prospect­
.“Ah. good morning. Mr. Meredith. Harry!" be announced: "It Is one that aamefl toe • plumcoi." bevnuse it parThera to ao deal, aer heat, aor CUret
Ukea of the nstrre of tbe plum and ing (or the prectous metals. Later I. celvlag the nffiasv Mitoni. jba aak#
So yon have eome to dad us all st would even suit my grandmother!"
Cripple Croek. when the sljnllsr queettoas of the brffta-'had (*"Might I Inquire wbo toe fortunate that of (be apricot, barlag Ibe beat
Far thoae »ha tare aloac the dfaaUax
0 had yielded up to him celves her replies. Then be ,Madi
sre hare for our three lervaou a damsel Isr asked Harry. Uylag down polou of both and toe dlsagn*ablc
book; "and bow are yon so sure features of neither. Another he enRs toe golden treasure and he coulJ<ouut them Into the ebnrcb. where ttae'tMr ^
briber and two sUlers. They re­
I slags a asalm and an ektcoe aad Uia
ceived this monilBg the news of ihelr of yoar reverend relative's approval?" ti^ "pomau." something new In tbe $12,000,001. at hit own.
Laae. that intrepid goldipriekt says prayera of Uesstogs up<m
Tom toU hii taoming's experience. way of plant life, and amounting to a
racludlog with: “If sbe wilt <»ly ac­ cross between tbe potato sad toe to­ hunter of Alaska, whose fonune
e gave them sll p
tyngs are prodoced which toe priast
go borne. Wc supposed o could cept me. I shall be the happiest man mato. *Ttae edible portion of (his plant ranges somewhere up In seven figures,
lays upon (be analgioa. iprtokUag
get a women wbo sometimes does ex- alive, and aU owing to my grandmoth- grows above the ground and eonalais only a Few years ago was worktog by
good advice."—Womaa's farm of a small white troll, which tastes toe day to California, at a time of life them with holy water and blsaatog
work for us, but sbe wps eumsed
like nAtoev of Its Imaredltte (ore- when most men began making ar­ them. Then, giving one ring lo toe
for tbe <Isy. sq we ace obliged to do JoumaL.
b«ua. On the eoniraiy. it hag a de- rangements to retire, redrn Alvarado. groom, he says: -The aarvani of Ood.
rat we can, ourselves. I assure
M <«1U« MO B
Parral. Mexh' .N. U Utrotfaed to toe servam of Ood.
ligbifni flavor of Ua own and Is much
she cumiDu^d. with a mue
Worker of Wendcra.
like a fruR than a vegeuble. A CO. rose to the heights of (ortoae from N. la (bo name of tba Father. Bob and
tough, which Tom before bad often
TnMU. bMMtt 04 Mlit»i4 «( U»«
Away out west near Santo Rosa,
Holy Chosi.- Qlvlng (be other ring
tbougbt pretty and ragaging. but at., a man named Luther Burbank is third curious new growth Is a variety an obscure walk of life.
To ilume wbo bave not traveled (he to the bride he says the aaM merely
now sounded false snd sffecteil. doing some stanling things with plant of strawberry which produces s new
ebaagtog oamea. The bride TO groom
n. MM. gmat oil .4«Mi»t me
-ibsl I aai by no means seeuswmed
now influencing toe ptaato In toU shoot sad pUnt from toe fruit Itsedf. mining regions qf the west, it may be
> such w^. abr have 1 any desire to direction and aow in that, but always Then be has cnltlrsled a white black­ of toiereit to know that there are vast then loin tbeir right bTOs, while too
8«l..b>tlwMBdlUUM.I»M«Mprieel binds tbe ends of bis epiuakhit
Doomo so.~ '
urging iliom to grow lo ways th^ will berry and a tobacco plant (HMstmads unprospected areas of mineral bearing
tsinlel over the Joined hsada. TO Mm
-Csnaol you allow me to assist make them either more pleasing or ten feet In bight, wltfa'leavcs’two feet territory In Idsbo, Houtaita. Ulan.
groom repeaU after him: “I. N, taka
youT' ashed Tom, politely. "1 was more useful to mao. For years he wide and three to foor feet lo length- Nevada>and Aiirona. to aay noihtog uf
thee. N.. (or my wife. TO 1 wUI glea
brought up on s farm, and bare ofien pursued his investlgsitoas to the face Stlll another wonder Is nn apple tree
tore, faith TO boaor to vadUok.
washed dishes and made myse(f geu- of the sneers and dtseouragements <ff that produces to toe neighborhood of sad Oregoa, that bave been run over
to a supcrflelal way, but not thorough­ and I will mot leave thee oatll firoth:
too different variettM of trolL
- WUdpepi^alBtaadelMar.wl^ead
may God help me. la toe holy aadteMThis worker of wdpders has dealt ly proapocted.
••You!" exclaimed Adele In aucb an
^ TrlDiiy
TO with all (be aatota."
lM> a law of the ecoaomte^
lonished tone, that Tom roold not obliged to go wilbout food Bomeiimes with flowers, too. By ^fnl breeding
bride also repeau: “I. N. taka
his shelter was a shed, sometlmea It be has evolved a calla Illy an inch aad dUlrlbuHon of mineral wealth Ib^ne
forbear Isugtaiog.
one geaerntlon of m>n,(«aao« flad l^fcee.•. N„ for my busbaad. TO I wM
••Yes. certainly; why notr*
L nothing at all: but through all a half In dUmeter. n perfect
“Oh-1 dont know—only I Iboqght
privations be kept a clear idea of
lencs to wedlock, aad I wlU aot Mva
a he was m tog to do. HU ability ly more pleasing. On tbe other hand, share of tbe opportunlUw.
never did shyiblng."
toosandi of acres of mto- thee until death." etc. ThM to# priest,
bos finally been recc«BURd, nltl alone be has taken the common Held daily
Ad^e: then endeavoring t
made eith the'nad hr feaee apd
taking away the stole, InwsMt (hair ease, she ssU. 'Yes. If you will help, by Ihosf who flrmly tried to diasuade and bred It up In site until he has ethl ITO fn those hew weaten stalcv
rock aad UII:
prospector may set bis bands. TO says; “What Ood haa
please Uko ibis besvy tea-kctllo Into him to the beginning, but by foreign what be calls tbe "SbssU" daisy,
firm |da*4aaM oa the bniwa. deer
snd home-experts In plant life: and which ,U from five to seven Inches In stake opoa a dlseuvery aad obtain Jolued together, let no man pot asaa- If
(be kitdiee, and set
mw B»lB—
der; TO 1, 4a_ unworthy sarvaat <d
sdsed (be kctlle. and.lbrowing
the genennis Carnegie InstlluUoa diameter. Whew he flnds a flower that Eovernmeot title to it by simply oonDrta fiMB the tn«raat oaaaB dim
tbe mtatog regulaihmt. Ood, by tbe power glvea to me. Joto
. aad atni.
Vkrfei In a frank. brolhMy way. quite open the door leading to the kitchen. has placed the 800 of tW.OM at bis
crossing tbe room towsrd tbo disposal, avsilablr'for ten years, at the qualities except an agreeable odor, he which, briefly, are tbe erecting of eor- you to holy wedloM. aad I dadors TO
irhara all tbU der.the ktot with (oM- UBiike bit n»re formal and ceremonet Tvx-k or posts to make kaowa toto ^ tlw power of tba
sell to work to oiereome this defi­
stove, when bis progress was srrcsicd He or $10,000 a ypar.
■ua ainaner with the eU^r sisters.
adwlas* '
designste the corners of tbo claim, the Holy Catholic tbs nama wt
Breede hr the oadtoa o( the aew-hora
“Well, what do you tblak of my by (be sudden spposrancc of Ida from
These are substantial encourage- ciency! to the Duvsnit of this line of
If Adde looked raeats and into way a iriumpb (or Mr. work be has dercloped a variety of digging of a tea foot bole at toe dls- tbe Patoer and Boa aad Holy Qboat.
Ibree cousins r was Harry's natural
....... .. point.-TO rcomdtog same^tb Amen."
quMiloci^wbdn be and Tom were oner
Burbank, but long beforevtbey ware dahlia, that stiff and ungraceful flow­ the district recorder wltoia ninety
After these words the erowates
eg Ids* Ad old dress, dirty
more to tbe street.
reeejved he bad bad triumphs that he er. wllh tbe odor of magnolia sAd new
slippers run down si the beql and even now prises more highly. The beanty of texture; verbena planu un­ days from toe posting of dlteoverr no­ takes place. Tbe prtem prays (hat
only oxpraw my admiration
madlnt aboua tbe nUejto nOsd la
they Bzay live tt om TO may be
by saying th«t 1 *sh U were poslble .burst out at tbe sides, no collar or rof- evolution of planu that be was able
raM with love to oae flett. TbM
pcrlencc in prospecUng (or tbe
dtrlde myself Inin thre* scpnialc ne. very lilile hair Instead of the magilrcct and eontrol and the creation of (he trailing nrbutos.
puu It OB. the bead of tbe
. U ea« to ckiadtoBd. wkva th» ftiotHost of the remark^lc reaulu
aad dtolinct ladirldusls tbat 1 mlfdii nlAecnt tresses he bait so often ad­
lew forms of plant life bave been
groom, maktog the alga of the eroM
achieved by Mr. Burbank have been
Mcb of tbe toir enstoTetu a band mired. and what tjicro -was hanging
and eaytag: “May the aarvoat o( Ood
MeH U*M motlBUto> ahroeded
and heart" replied Timi wlOi mueb
Bnglaad stork, but be baa bone traasbe crowned, to the name of the PaItem 'stored Id blank astonishment.
plantotlon well and to bis new home Bllher be has made use of cross-pol- that the -lenderfoos" hu luck thst iber TO Sob and Holy Obese AmN."
I the old'Umers green with envy
A heavy frosm took tbe place of the he has done things that hare set toe llnstlon—crossing aad bybridlsallon"What, wliboul even wnlUng to disor be has irvlved at the desired *md The tenderfoot will look for mtoeral He toed ctowBi tbe bride wHb tbe
Bsual smile, as she curtly
world to gating.
.. Ttodey eloas (be pau that JeUtlbem irer whether tbeir di'sta-toweU are in
words Tbe proUmea te ibM
places where tbe soloos of mtolng
good taoratog. Tom mterod an oipolproper ordorr' roloncd bis friend.
One of Ills anal Important achU-ve- by careful selection. By Ibe apirile^
___ TO tbe BplMJe (TM tbs bfe. not ____ _______
ogy for bln Intrusion ss he deposlie.1 ments. commercial!)-, was tbo proilue- lion of the pollen of one son of pisai would not deign to look. TO. b
Tom toughed.
^abd BarW to OhriaUaa Bbdsasor
nftea mokes valuable dlseoveries to •tails and tbe Oospal from BL Mu fir*
“I bare a presepUmcat Cbnt I shall his bordeii on the stove, and turned llon of a (hnru)ras and edible ractns. to the stigma of another variety,
read, while the eerriee eloeM with CT"
places where scientific men say It
forget'aty rcveroid gcandmoiher's ml to retrace his aleps. Just as Violet
There are mllUons of acres of arid new growth may sometimes be
ektenc aad tbe dlsmlasal praysr-^tiTice until irbr+ob Isle, ^en the Im­ leced the dining-room. She did not-ace land on toe globe that ean support no clurvd. partaking of the nature of both currenre Is a geological Impoaslt
UtUe VieMfe i
la tbo dcvelopmeot of mines aad
portant event of meeting my Into shall him. bnt addressing Ida, said:
vcgetal.le life but the eactus planU; forebears. Sometimes Ibis hybrldlxa•How bappaas It. Tom. that you arrive.
esperi"Run away now. Ids dear, and dress
irer. through the 4itscks of aatf
Muar marriedr aeked Harry 8toaflye Manvrasturs of ■fiptoWlia. *
lee TO skill are prime requisites,
for connllesa years the cams
“And then remember It fair tbe tek before tbe callers come (oriyon. I have
Bope cf bis Mead Tern Heredlto. as
Bnrbank ts a lover of beauty. If the sad to few lines of heman endeat
“A remarkable fact th my pnfM- of your life. 1 suppose" observed Har­ already Beat Adele upstairs and will plants bave taken to growing sharp result of (be appilealioo glvca a plant
skllI-<Dd knowledge so amply re­ . «a.“ OBld a photographer, nporiod ia •
ry: “tbe principle of •marrylBg In BoUh toe disbes new tbsi I have done apines and spikes ^on tbeir leaves and
Ibe Chicago Chroaiele. “Is that we por­
warded as to toe metallurgleA field.
their fruit, so as to render them that exhlblu some desired ehi
basic and. repesUng at leUsre.' Well, my sweepteg.'
With few egeepdoas toe lot of the trait artisu can give to a Bluer aay
“You have been kmg enough about
ne from aiiat^. It was Mr. Bur­ tsUc It Is carefully preserved aad
btqie my falr eouslns wUI not be the
MsioB that U dMtrod. A UTO
II..1 hope.* muttered Ida ungracloui
bank's purpose to train the cactus to every effort U made to increase lu average mine worker la better
aune of aucb a catastrophe: '
look, a noble look, a sersos look-^ Is
aeverthelest avaUtog herself
Ibe knowledge that It was -sale, that
>No aae ta td am that, old fellow.* must leave you here.'Bs f have a ps- her sister's oBer wUh much alacrity.
ironble to os te pot any om of
there was no ueo^ of spikes. Now he Where feleclion is the means ^- elsewhere, so if tbe prospector needs
radatoid Harry- tJWe am aot eo todse exproMlOBs oa tbe uori woofiSa
“Here are the dteh-towcls. Violet." she grows cactus plants that are perfectly ploycd. the most careful cxamtoaiidn. more money with which to prooecute
And be hasilly ran up tbe sieps.
Ml as to deetlae tUtog a good-looldBs
said, extending sevenil greasy, black- free from thorns and which are excel- of plants Is made. Hr. Burbank pass­ tala research In tbe bills, he has but face.
Left to himself. Tom sannteaed flow- esed artielet to ibe young girl.
«aa Ilka you. with identy o* arooey;
Tbe motter-U aeUevsd by tbs ropto go to some mine and work a few
food. It Is esiimaiM that if es with marvelous qnlckni
yk bare yea aiA Mariy UIrty yean ly alettg. thinking of tbe youBA-fadlos
Tom had been medltailng an ee- the available land were to bo given menu of pisBU. and out ot a million munths, chon be It to pbssessioo of etltloa of oertato words, irroo.(orlaoM. aad DO more piaspeA «( aettUag whom he bad tost ajen/Tl must bo cape; not an easy sBalr. as the sisters
stance, came to .ms TO said yoa
over to the growth of toe new spike­ specimens perhaps only five or six wl (be funds to try bit luck tgaia.
tbaa yoa bad tap yaars ago. Now. If confeaaed tbat mOe Violet occupied stood dlreelly in his.path; but at
wished to look dtstiaglilAad. 1 wooM
troll Tribune.
less cactus In ten years (be plants be retained (or future experiments.
it rrara ma. wby tba eaaa to Tcry dU- bnt a small portloa of bis thoughts, word dlah-toweU he Involuntarily
pose you to a dtsUagntsbad otUtode.
He has dtme many (falngs (hat see
vrould be producing food enoogfa to
touapt. A doctor, laai atroggltog tola wlikb were tiled «ltb Ms and Adele. stopped aad glanced armiad.
A New Dsaert Wbast.
supply twice toe present nomber of to approach the bortK-r of tbe Black
pnaltoa. to acaipMy oooaldcred 'aU- “Bal t doubt If either of them ever
"No wander my grandmother
Inhablianu of the world. One plant Art. A year ago he phsduced a crim­ ‘ Hitherto, the ehlef drawback of Ibe
gibW'hy (be ■aWdi-waklag pmnuBss, saw a dtob-towd.“ was his cooelwUng tiemed «e.“ was his fim Ibougbi
that he has now Is three yean old aad son poppy from yellow popples, using macaroni whrot has been Its toog. oome InexpUeoble reanai tbe priun10 say poibto* of tbeir srortdly^Ptos rofleeths. as be rosebed his botrdkg tbe soiled towels met his light,
biars COO pounds of fruit, cxcolleot , hundreds of thousands of plants to tbe bard beard. dllBcult lo separate from elailoD of .the simple word biaU'
danghtacu; bat tbay ate aU ready aad bouse.
he hastily aM>rOTCd (be look of disgust food for man. either fresh or cooked, process. Then .by crossing the com-1 the grain. But now comes the aa- gives to (he mooib an atr sd tbe moat
eager to smile upoB you aad yon might
Weeks passed on. Tom was devoted rhich rraased Violet's lace
mon garden poppy, ao unual.'wlih the . oouncemenl 'hat, folln-iog years of striking DobUlty aad dlstiaetloa.
while the leaves and stems make
to his- attention to tbe Hisses Rcn- quickly laid (hem aside, and opeotnC
"If you waat to bava ia a phofoccllent food for animals. The Irult of . Oriental variei), a perennial, bo pro-1 eTperimeni wllh a do»e-n varieties of
I Tom. ■till sbaw. Rumor bad sssigni^ him flrst
drawer, abe took from H a pIcntUu such n pUnl possesses a flavor that Is! duced s hanty perennial. He ean take! durum. Prof. W. W. Olln of tbe Colo- grapb a look of sereolly yoa Most My
toPgbtog. “Whaa I «ad a
* blend of half a dozen delicious frolts ‘ one seed capsule nf the poppy plant; rjjo
Agriculiiiral College has |'hosom-.
supply, soft, dry and clea
with Impatieace for the time wbea
wbo aoB earns up to my
as wc know them, and one of the most! and by proper pollination produce four;
|q producing a kind that is) "» (<"> want to mskt yowr
Ida and AdcfK4^ both ....
pipadprd <d demeatie rlflaea. I will la- the eagagemeat should be pobllcly an- and Tom venturod't^ renew hU offer remarkable things about the perfected] distinct varlcttes ..f flower from the, absolutely beardless, thus combining! I«>k small aay. ’flip.' :U you waU
Ttte bar to boeoam Mrs. Thomas Mere­ Bounced.
to llolet. who siSried
plant U that there Is no lendenty on I four qnsriert of Its contents—tanual, 11|| me advantages of the best wheal ' tnake It look lar^ My. *fiabba^'.
Heaawhile.s dmost
dith.- ,
little as sbe for tbe first time notleed lu part, to revert lo Us former type.
iwrennIaL crltnw.n and white flowers. | grown with out toe dlaadvanisgos of! "To have an exprraalM Of mat
. 'APd What TO yro graadmotber-i brought some good aad sulScienl exBut sbe recovered hyr
Inslanre* of'Mr Burbank's vrork'••* *”'**’‘*'*‘' toe ordinary mscaronl'wbrtU. At this i ehoty.. It 1s accessary to My. 1
for him to call at Mrs. Rrnsbawv coDtpoaure at oneo, and qulelly an­
pacallsr doeCHaa oa the aubleeir’ to
along practical lines are bewllderingly i *l'l> unerring Judgmenl. He Is able lo ^ ,riling only 100 grains of the lu-srd-' fbMk'.^
mat house: a new poem, the swered. at she defUr filled the dishfalrod Harry. (
100,000 plsni* s ils.v and seemsi
variety have so far been produced. | "To have an esprMfilon ri pflds or
numerous. He has Buct-oeded In
-1 praauam aba bod mote tbsa oae.pan wllh ftean hot suiU;
tog (mil iro<-s that will wlihsisnd ale to know Insilncilv.-ly )ust what each uot the experts are confident 'bsi they ■ hauteur, It Is necessary lo My. ‘pboaMld Tom: “bat tbto abe^brOenJaxty or a plan for tome cceurulotL Of
“No. (hank you. Mr. Meredith, I soleie frut-zlng wiibuut ilamagi-s t(i ■ in do wbi’n it u majiired. A slrlk-; „„ ^*4. (n>m the«- lOo grains i-nough , ol*-' "
Impteasad opoa my mlad./^AIwayt Tiolel be saw lest tbaii of the other shall do voy well wit
Ing commerrlst ttai hi- iiertormed at; wheat to seed tbe entire state at C«,lo-—
look at a sroama-a dlsta-t^els.' abe alttcrt. though they were very friend­ My sisters have not IMt much for me
when the supply 1* available, a ] whit It Coot te Oioeevar Anm*eM.
buds ms)- bf literally .i caiuil In lec one time ws* to fiiroUh s buyer with
woaM ramiA wiU modi tolemally. ly, aad be treated her wllh tbe same
You had better walk Into the
|g wheat production will be! The cost of the dioeovgry Of Atners.-rlmis hurt to Ki.oon prune trees Inside ol nine gg*
•No matter bow well abe pUya tbe falOlbMy frwaknMa as Harry.
parlor, and they will soon Join you."

•n.ler ordinary circumstances . msugurwied. and the famous "Number
computM by aa ilalian
Oua. lovely June morning, be p
ptopo. or dags, or bow
two y.-sr* and s bsK would have been j qd,. Hard" of North Dsktua and Monl-' ,.,iiu,r ot antiquarian turn. From fioc"No. lode^.r vepllt-d Tom. "1 will
seated himself at Mrs. Renshaw's
gMg« aM can apeak, aerer marry
Uke myself out of the way. with apol- ^ biickliervy bushes absoluiely free rcqulr.-.! to mature tbym: Mr. Burbank : toi^. now the standard of excell.-nce unieBU that be cUlma to bave «
quite SB early hour, intending to
nlasa yoB see aba uaea acA. dry,
surt<-d almond bushes
arrbl*-es of toe dty of
aia aad plenty of tboa wbea sbe vile tbe three sisters lo pass tbe licsu- less you win really I«,mc b<* of some
e palm to the desef) produri.
' Oeoos. he learned that- CbrUwpber
they may be drawn over a woman's were suIBcienily high, be grafted
wipes bor dUbee! Be sore tbat a girl tlfal summer day in a long eouotry
service. And believe me." he added cheek without eoratefalag H. His ei- prone slips onto them In IbU stsn.
CdHmbuB received an annual sslsry
wbo nsas aoUed or wet dtob-towidi drive.
'<if sl*ie«-n hundred lire
earnestly, with in admiring gtance si pcrlmcni* with walnut
Fertunss Left (
He noticed tbat there wa
Pees aot know aaough to be tbs wUe
mUe figure iripplnF-ro light- ,ppcimmi that In tolricen years grew HnK limit
valued a' tains, w ho accompanied him 00 his nWashington led ai
toy la answering bis ring.' wMeb was'
ly about toe kitchen, and mentally eon- ] ,0 be gjjj
the sire of another tree j
in Adams left ateuii plorstlon. received nine hundred each,
over fkoo.noo: John
Harry laughed at this dePaWcP <4 not usually the case with Mrs. Rendie-l so poor thst he and iti<- w ig.-* of the crew were twelve
trusted her wllh her two sister*, "you ^
i«-eaiy-clght yearw old at tbat!
oppertjntties far Huttic'ru.
boosawlfaly koowtedee. bnt praaeatly
VC- b.-cn a pauper had nut and s half lire per month (or/MCii
mlnlns regions of jbe
Imigtb he heard a light (Outstep In tbe win moke me very happy by allowing j uaie ji^ i,ad caused the shells w i i„ ,b,
purchased bis library tor oo-mler The cost of toe equlptoaat
[grow on the now, so thin tbat the 1 Rock-)’ and Sierra Nev
h to tbe hall, and In nnorhev moment tbe door me to help yi>n"
llf-ld (or ambitious young ! $2(1.000; Mmllson l-fi about $IW,0oq. of th<- floilUa amaqaied to foorteril
“Oh, very well," said Violet, smiling! birds of the sir could peck bol« to j then. Is
was opened liy Vtolcl.' Sbe bad a
old ladTs Maas, after all. but I
Houruc dirt! poor and wms buried at thousand lire.
wTOnaderstaad bow. la-tbeoe days. broom hi her hand, and a dusling cap and blnsbing s tittle ss she met hi* | them and exirsri ibc meat w lihotji dlf-| men.- no matter boW boundleti
the cxperiK’ of n-laUves: John Quincy ; Tbe entire co«. tbereforo. did aot
«ri9ka apply tba taot.' Host young covered ber bright carts, but sbe bsile gaM. "If you are really so much In' fieulty; but when he found tbat ibU .‘mBbtlloo may
Here and there, settlereil over on-! Adams leif about
at hi, exceed thirty-six toousTO lire, or
todies (Mt we know' have perhaps him good mnrnlnE wlih as mnefa ror- need ot employment. I will try to pro- j yrss belag done, be caused tbe tree to \ ____
Jackson about iM.iKSi; Van about seven tbouaTO dollars—which ,
nevar aeea a dlsbtowH. Now 1 think dlaitly as usual, and Invited him to en­ vide some tor you. Sjipposc you s«| f*row (rolt with thicker shells. Tbe' (ou thousands of acres, lie posslbili
i.iwio; Polk, $l5n,«on: Tay-^
.«( R. I promlned to tatrodoee you to
“Please walk Into the dlalng-roi
my eonatos. There are three of them,
arrange them'-after they are all doae.“ | bluer tannin foond to toe English vs!- quanScattons necessary to win some of wealth: Fillmore left $20,000: ' amounu
all bright, pretty girli. though I think for I am Just sweeping the parlors.'
share of this wealth of nature's Store-, Plarcc. $S0.MM; Buchsean, $2<>'i.ooe, the still
Toffl obeyed, and wa* rewarded by' riety.
tt deabUnI whether they would fulBU
ambition, energy TO a fair! Uncoln. rS.OOO; Johnson. JDO.OM: : erable. north prie. a curio which. If
taraed tbe handle of the dlniog- bring allowed to bring a bod of coal 1 The rapidity of growthj
health| Gram lost bla wealth In the Grant A ever dlseoversd, woold yield aotolag
was discoiinied by to»i>tate of bodily
m -door, there was a sudden rash, from toe cellar, and do various otherjtoe wllnin
wtfa. BUn yeo smy find them pleoi
occupation knosra to toe Ward failure. Hayes, Gartleld and buLglory to toe weatbrr-baatM axot
a hasty bsag ol \ door, snd a hurried little errands, during which lime be | resalla he SlUlned from forcing chat-1 In ao other
•at nequalntanees, TO U yoa like
writer are there uch
s opportoaltles for Harrison were aU moderately weJI off.plercri. It U iroe th^ mIgU brlag
eariamatloe of “O VlulctT how could _ aotlclBg toe nralness and dls- jnut tree*. By hi* own methods be sac-1
win go there with you now."
eltli and Clevelands, fortune Is probablyj barit^ a few splinters rt tbe prio. A
“Agreed.- rMPOaded Tom. TO (be
-two friends BOOB toTO (bemSsivM to preaewee.of the fislr Adele. tboarii lot­ MnerlsUv obsemai of the dean, drr : that bore fruit at eighteen months sad seashlp and s 'grab stake ' to com- j larger. McKlaley's fortune wa* not dab sTOsricb might ba made ti (boat.
bearing.p^boi It wa* only pete to toe race for booeat wealth. In'mneh
over $60,W0.-Phlladelpbla TO placed 00 view toda mmsim. Mt
dlshlowris. and toe skill with which, oae t
tba poribr aC His. SeuMw. Hanyb
mootbsokL Tbe yooag treta were ao other occupation, pertiapa. esa sjPress.
j we doubt JL—Bx(*aagm
to tba'aloveoly dreased girl, with dis- when doM nslag them, sbe washed six n
The rcaac ledlM were at boiae. and
as BBJTT had aald. »ere brt^t. pretty
Ida. the aMesi. was e tall,
ily braaeuc, wbosr ma*nlflc«il
dark eyes sad aboDdsal rareB tresses.
Id to eoapel nalrersal hdmlnUoa. tboiifb she had a powerfol rlraJ
IB Adds, the eeoQiid datwhter. srhoee
deltoaU bloade beauty showed to
(reah.sdTaata«e beside her more brUItoat sister. The two were eekaowlad<ed boUea In tbeir own circle, aad
tew, wbo knew Ibem. ever paused to
Stre a aecond Blance at tbeir younfer
r.—time TMeL As sby aad
sbrteklae as her Oocal aameeafce, she
aroided the m asaenblaces In wbleb
b$r sisters lored to shine, and passed
ber boors ploamatly sad peaeofuUr
with ber books, bor nasle. asd ber
DowcfS. Oie was not presoai when
llsrry and bis friend entered, but
wbea ber couain, with whom she
seemed a «roat farorlle. asked esprwiy for ber. Miss Adele carelessly
desired the sonraat to call ber. Tesn.
who was eoareratne srtth Ida. dW not
notice ber entrance, till aroused by
Harry's roloo saying:
“Mr. MeredUb. let me Introduce you
to my eooMn, Misi Vlolei Reokaw.And lunlDg quickly he was sur­
prised at tbe'slebi of the clay crea­
ture. so unlike her ddef sisters. There
was nolblDs nacBlflcem. sad little
(bat eoatd be termed strictly beautiful
Id the almost chIMIsb Osure. but some^
thins indcacribal^ wlnnlnR to the
cbestaDt curls (hat clustered
about lie broed, low brow.
Tom bad little Iliac for.abserrniloa.
owerer. as Ida aad Adcle dshned all





ain't BO lowtoodar; they alat pot that dayv %he ptayttoai eSort to ipcoklog
an aad the nttabafb Citaitt paMS aaa aatar to theaa eooi
AmMM Ctmmd PmtmNi Injwy.
aad hair oa ‘ea." After a while one for ftmr boerx oo ooe day Is BOre
there erfi he three prtoee i
Mi>. & K7*> ud dufhur «C <»1- arebMUo haa 0tm hta aa aovMIe leh artoBL
ptopoaed to the etha at tot- BMT seoaton care to atlcBpiAt 1:M p. ■. the hto atne
««B. «h» «r»
vitk tkc t*Mj ■laodMc aaoi« the hart waddai
Iowa: 'mpoaptothekUkaadaee every foialgn subject be knows all
J. Wmk« *1 U« ObMb iirMt. ««r* ttaditaUT.
• eieoe. aad yon po ap to Mr. Car- there la to know aad haa the knowlThe dalM tor the dUoraat aaa
to fern nWnMd to tbeir Mii nrttw-.
■ and aae ir di^eThla ABedean edge al coBBSbd without rrferpuce tn
.mtaaaooaaeedWar. Theaethodi
botota to dumuamla. So other man
MtotrlBC to «■
T are
or aelllac aad reaerrla* Mats will be
b«t week. wtU bo obUfod to «
ha^ beea Bade to To- fcitoWt so much about the Isthmian
lar«dy tbe mmt aa last year,
la tUs dtr for omm Um.
Trayene peka. Haa,. i'TwAtf or Preeldeal canal. Once aoanoae ask bow toag
yroeeedf tma thla eoane to tbe peat
___I win de- Bootertot. aoMadtoc OK,reUable aa■no mnr ooo !»«»

> Ue central
to TOtire tor tb« otght. Xn. Rjaa haa (oee toto tbe Dbrartoa aad atoool
aa to the
grooadt. Three o clodt la the
bod atartoi
*mcH tbo oufco to reoBf or tbe dty.
neuM tbe toga] proceedtn • tlOM
OTtor for tar daivWor. tmnm to the dtSerwt baBdtosi haetas
United BtMes Senator
aad MOtad. «bo f« to the bouon haco hoocbt fioai thla fbad.
clodea a l»-yard dan. l«>-y^ dan Joseph R. Bartoe to AWIeoe be dierunning aad Kaodlng broad iuino and
« tho «mt aod the taoe o( the Ttnt
The oaaea .to penoa* adtha
brakao betveeo the '
eMeetiag tbe BBltB are care­
Dr. Lawto Waitar to FVe Lake, who
TleT a'^eedar log throuah tta fully guarded, but It la kpowu to tatd been la tbe dty lor two dayc re- Sni
ebtite at 4:M- At 6 p. as. a game to
odtotol cireloa that aueh Janairieii
odred a BUBipe .oa Ptoday froB
OaaM itae WoMHif.
bare been made and that tfaeee In-,
If j-on cannot, h u doe to an
hla tone ttat the poatoSce aad More
A Otar pr*fJ
gulriei have eouaed a great d«! of frriuted or congested sUte of
«tacaoaAas.ttrdatlhe)nBeori. B. wkldi are eoBbtoed by biB
the brain, which will soon deAi the charge* agUlnM
into nervous prostration.
Oeotial Lake, the MUaetlai brokao toto laat alpbt and robbed,
ator Burton oa Wbh* b? ha* mo
fortita hatOK ». Boyd’e dee«ht*f. tbonph aothlap to velue waa Ukea exNfitnre demands sleep, and
■cnictiGed. al
,lou I^^CWIUIK Mrf H—M—
in« Itahal. ood He>t>en
Raoeh * eept tU to nUBp Hooka and a UtUe
as sabxeqoeaily it is PS inportant as food; it
here with ' - - ------ ----eaady.
^ dty. The eHatlac eMkr«>
aad that varioua unlooa In the amaller act aside, are to federal oouna. oAv is S part of her building and
btraoee waa paioad by ptodag a ma win be repreaented.
Eusuining proecfs. This perirn!
TWO ball ga=*» wni he played In toe word to the prcaldent to the de- ^ onconsciousness relaxes the
weoe «C eoly tb* ladder at a' tear wtodow. whMB !•
the Bomlng but tbe «xaA V-------■■ putmeot to JuMlee
Mr. eod Mte. ana dMaooe CroB tb# pmad. oo ae- plaee bare not be* decided
aolle pros or otherwise drup tbe pruae- mental sml phymeal strain, and
to tbe Btopiap to the loU The
allows nature to restore ex­
r for o preOT
aod poaunee are togtober.
8 -MahWniootl
^ _a the
* Wco ahare. where they
hausted vitaliiv.
ai^ to the local dallln aod tbe
Dr. Miles’ Nervine brings
Vftwaooapiaotweaka. They thoogh It waa evMeta that the robbery
wtoctog tnn will grapple wnh tbe Coal Co. atiomptod to open
sleep, because it
hne lafcta O^alta «f nwaa to the
pliMb^ for the hMor* to tbe day
NaahTlIle. T.-nn.. after a shut­
soothes the igmation and reMoap «ato aad «a ha at toaae to tin to the More, which entatoed *S. — gamea will be
K- gre
' Innings each.
down to over 14 moolbs. J- B. RusL moves the congestion.
Mr frtoada alMr Bept 4fc Mr. Boanh.
Dick Henley. John HcOorem and
It is also a nerve builder; if
who to M^vad to aUehoeTi ftoewT.
other man were shot from ambi
Robert U. Burnett to DoMon. who i* Rust aM Healey are <JeM and Me- nourishes and strengthens ev­
to a wdIbBrwa aad popalar yoaag
eqneotly spoken -to a* a poaaltle Gorera Is prohaUy Iitally wonndeil. ery nerve in your body, and
M at thto <dty aod hit bride Bade a
creates energy- in all the organs.
. Btoa out*# to frteada dartap her real- exeept popm. Om drawer waa k
demoerwUc candidate tor governor
Tbe company had rtooeed to r«oi
Nolhing will give strength
ehuetta. It a weallby and Irad- nice members to the Hiners' union.'
i 4aon hare whfla tafctop * eoaraa la aad tbe key foood lytog to aa
and viuiiiv as surely .and
- lalnets man. -who baa long i
S IM mn ac^
afterward tt the drawl wbtoh the *
J. U Rodgera. the AoericaB eonsnl- quieUy as Dr. Miles’ Nervine.
mloefctog the oaiy aeteet to the cote. d^ eadent aerrice In keeping
I ^attoia City Barioeat OoT
geoeral at Shanghai, haa bad an inter­
Noihlag there waa foeod to
tbe party organtiatlon to bis aute. He view irith the taoUl. who aald it wa*
al ealoe.
Is IdeetiSed with torge^ undertakings, bis Inleoiion to laaue a pcoriaasathio
? . ' Ml^ Staael Urtara C
Dr. Walter alwaya took the atoMpe like toe recent gat
The haadredi who a
ordering the Chlniwe merchants to
Bostoo. and nobody stands blgfaer a* Shanghai to resume tlieir trading in
nm'ae^ lecture eoarao will tod boBie blgbU and that
MU'.' N.rrln-. at.4 ■!-' l-ruiuit.l lK>tna
of loaa. The <■« c^Uaen aad buttoees
I tod not *lcpt fM-MU tlBW.
t M iBWMittog aa array at taleat tor
American goods.
tha totaliif tooaoa at haa erer ■
Theodore Rwerelt has filed an ipto the most
except the cgfdy. auggeata that the pIlMUM In tbe district court to Oma^ to thto popular peoplehc
troable wn taa'ieJ by atoall ba to be admitted to cititeotfalp in the Uoiled State* ecaate I* Johu T.'
. «t tataiUlaBBito Tito Botleal tepMorgan to AlMmma. Ho 1. *1 yoar*|
, tarot are parUeplarly toe. The toe- boya. thoun tbli. too. mint bare been toe United Stales. He was a subject Old. aad iwo }«r* from ihU lime he |
doM to detroel aHptoloa. to tbe doc­
of biperor FYana Joeepb to Austria will complete thiny year*' cooUnDou.
taro fciytoi, howwrer. wIB ba apaally
beeSat. If n tUH. he
■ iptoanitd. fftaot Thotopaoo- Betoo; tor atatee. Thursday
and eerved in the Auatrinn annr- He ^ the .ena.e. During too reaad Hi*. Waitar aod daagbter. Hr*. was to.Ptealdent Rooserelt'a lougii cent nbon eas.lon bo .poke for more - JAHet MCOiCai V«w JM»ni Ind

. «ha taaiew anther add bnotar. will
Cora Cook, who la the aaMMant poat- rldcra reglmeoL Uring now In the
Waro oa
AnlBait I Hare
»w«e four hour*- for tmo sjicec.ive
■ topwB.- He It the aaOior of the book Blatreaa. arrived to the eUr aod itoned sand blUa to Western Nebrasfcti. be
Hr. aad Mre. Bobert Walter to a dayh
wiou to become a clUacn ao be may
. .jOt thla
and alto ”Ure* to the
OM HlaakB. ao that
' ' Bnatad.’* told baa written tery eatentbe poattoBce waa kuowu loeMly to be file a claim on
? toraly tor-Ba^t^; tbera it a very
ia Cherry eoohty.
V tatereettos atary atrw raanlap to the wn^the poetaa
Tbe profeaeor oif pbiloaophy at
aat and thla, eo Hr. Waitar atatee
LaOar Ho*e Joarnal by Mr. ThoBpDalvBBlly to Berila U euppoaed
aoo. CaiUdren. yeonp pctada aad oUer ■ay hare oaoaed tbe-eSort to eo
have as opporurally to eoealdfrably
the robbery In their abaaoee.
paraato to ertoy etaaa wfU he cotertafluanriag the iateUectaal life to CerNEW OFFICE OVER PEOPLES SAVINGS BANK
tatoad aa d ttotiaetad by thto aaer to Walter aod tomlly retuioed F?May many. The latest occupant of the
V potaro.
chair U AioU RIehl, the nucccaaor to
Tliaro win ban
iWeaaor DUthey. He 1* deecribed
war by
Uterary srtetocrat aod a mao.
Hie big good nmdi etmvaoUon to be
■ow oo Ike
great aloqaeiice. "Back lo Kant"
breery writer heU la Pact Haroo tola weak under bU motto, yet he is ao the
BMpleat to tbe Amerieaa „ i™—-. works of Nlelxaebe. whose ductriDC.
tisr«T*at I* tha klstoiy
the Michl- he say*, have been b
PlAMGlAss,steam Boiler artd Accident Insurance.
eg .
Thii M tha drat oDavnattoo td bi ■ BUM Komnia, tbe priaclptl peace
Hicbl^'t JagtolMure ap- envoy from Ja^. hardly ears a word
rlated funds to asalxt In tha im- outside bla own apartment or the cociprovatueat to the roMi to the cute,
cr. Con
and M the people to tbe sute have
It la tbe
a or lea* c
the c
-------------dining rooB to bis hotto la Portato ath
Room StONewState Bank Building.
Traverse City.
the other day whan (be dlminutlre
thu the people to evacy . _
take an acUvir InUraat in the proceed- oriaaul delivered blmseU to a bri.-t
A. H- ^oett. member to tbe TTav'kW Id tb* ooontty today wJihoto
acted nnlmstiob and every­
' Hilton. Mlai BMfwny to a reader to araa City board to pabUe worka. baa
' ' .,i____
hr t^a^ eowDcU
to at- body ftot certain that at last be was
n u VI.*1-1.
, ^nt toertt aM tML The other
about to spenk. Catching the eye to »
Biaiirn to the eoapaay are Bnadeal
startled waiter, be spoke as follows:
ft "baatotoa to horr <k* prepron Thla
time gefi^BM will attend and U ad- *1 want some besns.■Mm OM to tbe BOM pleeatog w
aad atraai
TTie dnke to AthoU. a Scotch peer,
; Oh »o T. X. C. dL OUBM at i
ktanar la (bla aaetiou ebould
whcre>auwan. il
It vHB ba importaot. aa tbU holds nineteen title* - snd possesses

Bapida MM year,
the pririlege to presenUng a cast to
Mnry cm who altndad tbe conrae
to bis sovereign at the eoroS mt yonr will bo totaioaM la kaowhouse lini»hed.
. Bvery Umer abould
from t.
ni tbot the WMtoey.aato goartot to take an active IBteroaL' beeaaaa the BStlon. When -tbe reigning monarch
matter U to gn U iBporUaee to tbam. rislu BUlr Atboll nndeo\ usage de­
grees that th^duke to Athol!, on bend­
hire tlK- siwk always
Rev. M. D. Canto HoMrad.
Mfia ww taaa. Ar packapa tbar* baa
ed kuae. sboBid preeent a wblie me
Witii lunil« r ■!cli>-en--l ...
The ttma is drawing aenr toien the to hU royal guesL When the Atboll
Rbver kaaa a Bare popular eoneart
gMm la the oRy ttaa tbe MO gives raluaWe serricc rtodecad in tbb dis- meeting takes piece, In early
iTlet hr ProMdlng BUer M. D. Carrel tbVdake Binrches tt the mad of hU
br «M WMtaer brwtbera laM
TMk wot aHa ta-m laAaa- gnAet to tbe MetbodlM cbarch wilt be de­ dSMlWb lo tree feodsl fashion, and
S0ti/f> Sldt Cumber Cc.
«nee—avunlag.whl«kwfllglvaapro- manded la a new fteU. Ber. Csrrel b one to'tbe Tew Sctotlsh uob!« who
h« eerved hU cbnreb la tbe Orud keep up old tradlllboa. old sporia and
•M to atr^adVd vmal aanl
Traverse dJMriet for sis year*, -well eld gnare*.
•Mags Indka- TwrtK la tbe
to tUi coBpaay aad they have set aad rslthfally. aad tbe bcatolu to the
Jnnlua O. Orere* to^EiiwardevIlli
tor tbe splrftasl weRare
total Mkad aMcen ou many to tbe mlntstrations
to tbe people to hU ctmreh la thU Knn.. is tbe moM noUble negro farmer
^e BsnyfBVdurt^ tbe laM year aad
in the United SUta—probably In the
lilMiJ qbautabguaB to tbta cuBtoer.
world. Ho U known as '.ahe potato
_____ __ iber* to
«• aNsle iPVMPtbe Oaoige Crampktog." bis right to Ihsl title resilng
ference held at tbe Asbnry 1
taa Osnoart o^Bpaay win be a rare chutTh
the fact that two yean, ago be sold
Friday bight, joined with
you can
Muat. Mr. Cramptou U a graduate of
— « a fitting tesuure.160 bushels to poUlocs from his
In wbkA Ur. Carrel farm. 1M50 bnsbelt more than
tim Londea OoUage to Huale and haa nialtot
■■g la tafWab. Itallaa aad Wag- and bU
I produced by any other ipdlrida bandoerlaa opataa. la addKian lo wbicb be
tributee Id his
tarmer. In addlUon. he boaghi
ha* hatn a meBber to a private choir
and work for his people
from while fariners and sold at a profit
at BacAtagbam palace. Ue home to The preeentsUon was made by Rer. twenty-two carloads of polsloe*.
Queen Vtotorla. He ratigned a poel- Hngb Kriinedy. sritb remsrks appro­ Grave* wss born a slave In Kentucky,
priate lo tbe oecasloo. snd Rev. Carrel
tlon ag baaao to BL Margaret'a.
• d feelingly.
leniKgiy. exprewing
—‘------but has been in Knnass since 1S79.
■iBMto. to eoae to the ABeriam cosimtloa to IhU erldceee of
as cheap at P. K.'« as you can at the factory. Wc
Mrs. W. W. BSckmnr bn* preaeoted
eeit Btagu. Hr. Crumpton U an Irith- sincere rejmrd. * -------- ------- ----- keep them for your accommodatioiL
) (be O. A. R. the superb
maa wtlb a muileal tenperaaeat that
bridle sad btnokel that (be late GeaMabito him la -addition to hla mualenl
We are receiviog daily. Lime. Cement, Paints. Oils
kmar. eommsnder la thief to
tnlBlnc to Babe hb Basic popular.
and Varnishes. If you want something in- this line,
the O. A. R-. had ordered tor bis osr
TV Loadon Mualenl News aayt: *-Mr. Ume It is «
nnotber field o
al Ue (hlrty-elntb aanusl naUaeal spgive
us a call.
Odoege Crniaptoa haa a glorious voice, beappolBl d-to
to this community
eampmem. which take* place in Deoboth strong nad lymiiathetie. and sung
_ eider
Thai best firown Coffee. Chase and Sanborn brand,
will regrto that bU dutlee call him ror next moeib. Tbe gulpnient it to
with deep expiessioa aod artistic
that of P. K, Don't get "something just as
taste.'* ABothar member to uiu com­
(be first time by the geaerel's
good.” get the best.
pany U Madame AUoe HyracL
w. General King. BeneetorU Ue
enatraho who has sung at the SymClover, Timothy—Judge them by quality, not by
nrtlelea will be used by each succeed­
ptaoay coBceris aad alao ballad
Labor Day celebratiM lo lake
ing commander In chief at each htilon
price. There are eight different prices on either of tbe
ceru In Louden, raceirlag Battering
BepL 4 are practkany.compleled and
praa* commepU In BngUnd nnd tbU
above named seeds. If you invest in cheap seeds you
tbe Aar promises to be tbe biggest snd
coantry. Mrs. Blanch Bak^Holeomb best Labor Day tlmi Traverse Oty
^Ir°lI^^JS)^^rZgb4L thmw-yogr money away. Get your seed of P. K. and
the pUals to the compaak.^ her haamsraete.
8Ubo there was n circus eihlbltlug
you will jind thintfs O. K.
recoed as aoeospaalat arttb Campai
Tbe apeeebe* win be’AMlveied by Ue neigtaborbood to tbe casfle. nod.
ri sad Bnmenyl. the great rfaUalM.
,roBiaeat kxal beslaeB am
da ituudions was aa
akifflIattCM. Tbe OileagD Krenlag have anaiMfi saeeeae la tb* dty aad
night tbe otaagPoat mtya: *HeBMByt. as well as 1U andoufatedly be aceorded mtu
onung got ouL fell over Ue cllf and
other moalriaBa to aota.
rtaruB by Ue Bhorlag .BM to 4
was klUed. In Ue raeraliig two to tbe
Mta. HoleoiBboneto theftnaMplaAlM* seyara eddresaed.
keepers, looking orer the groands. rsn
tad CASS Sta.
M ibU oontoiT-"
Tbe firat attraedoa to the day vtU
orshgIBM. bit Ihr from balag the least. be the amet gsme* keid ea Fnmt
1* XMo Ocaswetar. tb* caDo KdolM BtreM at 10 a m. ThcM games ^ oathbg. One to tbea scratched bU
head and said. -He ain't' Bo *lghlandaad aenoaimtoM to tae csB.
eaastM to a Meyels laes. potato rM
work totb tbe Mnr Tork PkllhBiMmle ' fibarrew. sack aad pie iBCfB. ~ er. ttafBwurc.* Tbeataeranid: -Be



You Must







Ti»0!K CHy state Bfflk
tier tnat i
ould taM Tor two or three day*:
! cDold ulk two
HuliBcen who left the K»oi* Potemklue In ttooaaaU a few wcel.* ag>i
ore reported to be having a hard Umc
IB that eooBtry. They cahoot get Jobi
-- work with

B. BABbAMO, CltolM
\CAPJTAL. •300,000
VuRPLOS. »37,000

A GcMTtl BtiktirBRdBeaabHM

^__T- in—p-i.p-'-'-r v>.vvrw- .n. J pa Ceat aD«wcd w Hbc Defirh.

B1.W. A.r4UtSW0ITH


0*W boor. •« 1.1 IK «->». siM ; W ‘ P ■

J. W. Bmtlrtt


af-at. BVW mat. BMk SMUiaig.

RMtral PiMfiei -----------------^
----------^ HOUMW*«T«-»*pW»l ------------WOBBIBI ligwMW.

cnluic Mtuouxranoal »u*c>; B,r„“3Cjr .55 S.“,'2 ,-S

, ■ i^—-u--—-.


W. P. CR0T8IR,

sT.T. Knrpe or our flowers

, DR.W.J.fflGGnS
2» E. mu su at. PMu m


•Waya* CNaty iMk Bldg.. DBTBOIt

Tir3 Insurance!



Hoicr to Loan on Improrcii Real Estate Only.


Truit Baskets



pertsining to Lamlnrand
BoUding Matoriab of all
kiods, wo trill be glad to ooe*
(or with yoB at any tfana.
Vou1I find oar twtimatca and adrioe will Mve mougr iot yo«
when platining a ImiWingOur mills tnm out ovciytliiog for inttrior .finiah-riwr yard
CVL-rytliing for the onUUle.

TRAVERiremr meg. co7
Ctnsans Phono. S2| Boll. IO».

W. U Brwwfi. idanaAmr.

H's the best of srisdota to paint
your |-ro)>cny ia tbe laU aad psotect
I atrs-.nst wimet storms.
House, barn,'I

Will do your work bcUer'.and
cost than any others.
If you want a gcaxl jub that wS
' save tuoney ior you come in and talk
It liver with US.


Have yon ever tried the

oytal *ristar Ytatata tand OofftataM

Cnn^ Cm

Hofdl tiger B
They are the best.

J. J.

Sold only by


tataS Kbs«


e ofiabM bolea to tbe Joieto sfaeec the
rertatoJy a «elM>tfaI plarc for a boSM.
yards and tbree'laebes.
ne «rat dmoee at dltog Ua dalm
water nrpply. tvcommeodlag a ex-1 bead* of the ptumbers working to (b«
-There arc alb many beautiful placet
1b« 0»t pouioes to bo khivped b7 waa drawn br a bar oaioed Bor tbe arbor U aa lea cream parlor, a areoad San Fraactoeo.
Vo ’ basement of ber booto at Baillr Creek,
pendiinrc of SI».l*<m for wefli
bei baa been dlsrbargcd to roart. Tbe
tatt ftom here wow Mot on ttc
lu Rosa to a very preiiy plaee.
low hie majorttr and the trot place alley.
RBs»eIl. wardewof Ibebranchl proseeniUig aitor^ thoagfat that 41
•tMOwr nUaoU TtvotSar laonli
AnS:S0. TtamvcrosntNSSBUbcdodi went tothe Bteoad wtos. Noeh H. Balstate'prlBOB la Uarqueue. has denlr-I; woiitd be hard to ranvtarc tbe average
gelea b “U»«iy“ Baldwin s ranch. His ehurcb there, ft to very large and Ibc
tbe tnUmmhras that Lawnrarc Grts^ fury that the wooibb waa am siCtlng
ott^ to the ocnier. while ’ tornlshlag and alt wai train from one
td (hat a part or
Msfct tpelB<Uox a food *^4 ■Upsard, anted crook, smtenred at Gra*^ uiibin h tights.
redwood tree. It seemed almost Imreaerrafloo wai bereed praetleal gronods are open to vlslwn. A ai
Mt or enrUU prtw aaS fiztiircs
Rapids la IW3 oBder toe todeierml-i -fn the rblUppiBcs (be Bible Is
poasIMc to us imUi we
while the greater pert had dne lake to near tbe house, the snr
fm (he Beltaer taetorjrelewaed -lodtsMod)
ore of vtslUng a ferc(( of redwood
(aemtlea for IrrlgaUoD aad eontolna being covered with* water-niles.
fd lb.
tbe boorrimlnately and seervily.' as bhaigec;. ui (>xl wee were deecni^ td
Ic. a rbqM.
ircsa at Ooenevnic.
rbq^. situated
Kmw About SaMtne, Aiitiseplk tn
aemc laek pine, tamnrnri nod red graves are full of peacocks and t
Rev. to. l-lerano at lbprcNS noilrc*.
, nr." said Rev.
er. Rvery-Joae-toerc
(be Basslan liver,
Barled Booeatb s nau ot flo<
d ihe^teblgan aad
E. fC. Warrea of Tbc-e Oaks, an-, lenaee of
■Bte teaUwnUali o( the lore and eaTbe eittnale la One. aeeprdtog to hli
nounr^ to tbe enmtnltie.- of the inter j Hk-hlgan Proiesiant ebnrrhes.
SkimScaip, Hair, and Hands.
One day was spent at Santa Honlea. the <9(tngi>s nre fall.
tae« to vfekh the d^cd fri«4 asd idea. On the loomtog of Aog. l«
nntlondl Sunday srhrail eont>-n<i«n Ic Amerlrabs took (be IllbU- ini
s tpeot several days at San Ra«tMii resort town. The boitalog
Mio« worker waa btii. ter all that 7:» the themonsetor atood U nod at
isesskio there, that be wool.! gl«e $1.- |•bmpri■nl•s asd every 'Jarkhdelightful. Tbcrt! are swings, ham- fnel. the Ideal sntMirl. of Sao Fran
vaa ttonal ot the Ute Deoeai ' J:SO tbe next nnerooon It wni
clacn. It Is a rjty <rf pretty cottages,
LaeblaB Thitrada; aflersoon at the Aa- Not a drop ot mta fnlta dorlng the en- mocks and crerythlng to help
ibe auppon of l»r Jai E Sb<-nsnl of| I
beauilfol homes
trarr hleUKxilat church, loo* brfore Urc rear, nlthoogh the ihnnder ator»* time away.
Hurbsm. X. f, who Is g--o.-nil field;
,b,» niy after l«-lni
deneos. and It* ellinatc la deUgbtfal.
It to very Inleresttag to Ul
the boar act tor the aad eenrleee the can be aoen nearlr ererr dar.op on
s<er«-iary of the work among the ii<-|
mniher for aieallng i
the Garden City, to
edlScs waa UM with the trleada who tbe mountain aldea. No penplmtloo n Ml- l-snre. We .spent two oigbls
groet.I Tr.>mlil>->. agisl l.i, wai
cane to par thtir laat rcspocte.
gnthcra on ibc Uborer'a brow in thir aitheisveni. there art many beauti­ bcnulifiri lDlnii.1 town wttb a p<«wlaMrs- J Holland, tbe woman who liitehint: ci
ilon ot aUiui iwejiiy-llve tbousand. Ointmeot, and I*iUi in tbe autisepo'eloA the mtece KA the home )ae eoantrr, na the dry, warm nlr abaorba ful drives tberc and wtld Bowtic
aboodanee. Coming down the K>acraaa the Rreei. the pall bearcra It tbe Inaunt It la tonned.
and of toe blood nnd diculatiug
anlnnd tbe elty and ibroouh Sanu I faces,
bMrtoc the caaket betwen a liae o<
OraBd jBDctlon la tbe ahlpptng cen­ cJloe railway Is very ihrillinK.
ms aflt^ing
aSording j>nrc.
pure, ssweet, aad
greoMB guarded br tbe bOBmir pal ter for all the tcnilc mller meoiloaied. the steepest railroad In the L’nitod Clara valley. Las Gatos. Sara< ugt |
Springs and Alum Rocks. •
hearen asd Foreateri wbo were draws and laat rear o»cr €00.000 bead of eutes, the seeoery Is grand
Slortnn Is a very |)retly plaee. The
np to a eolumo betwoeii the eburdi dfltle were acst oat troo there. Tbe made the trip when the poppl<-» wi re
'• mmeaU.-p>!a...nd
Ol Is iwonty-nve Ihtnisantl.l
p, nliar t
asd rMldesee. Bert. D. Cochllo and weaters alfalfa and aome fnilu
all bloomlog and «e'passed (hrougb
IndtWIng Mr. nnd Hr*. Tar-j Beara tbe Cofii
seres and acres of Ibem.
Hugh Kesoedr oAdated at tbe acr ralaed Ibore. Tbo lau'er do n<A i
; waaderfB] inflneai
ifalnklns of maklog
eieea, which were sader the anaplew pare In qnaMty with the.tniiu of
The prettiest place of all to me
to weary
health, strongtb, asd bcasty
«< tbe Pbreatan. alloat ooe haodred Dortbem Mieblgno. boworer.
Biorra Madre, a small pbre rixteeo
woDoi. who bare faeoi
be p
We have visited Marc Island navy aged asd IsTilidcd In thc.
miles from Dos Angeles. Tbe populsailmeoto, as well as aui* sympsyard, the Hint. Ulsslon ISoltiras. ITc: ing
(laa Is about one hundred. Tr
Lettar Prem Callfemla.
Ihctie aSirtieos as amcmia, chloroais,
gas wltb tbe reading ot two acriptora
sidn, (be snilltary hcwilciuancrs and hysteria, and neirousucss.
to at the foo(-«f a mountain:
San PVanctaco, Cal... Ang. 1.1906.
leasooa. thp otoetioth pealm and the
Women from tbe very b/lf have
Dear Bdltor—Perbapa jpoa would side arc the mountains eoverod wlib Chinatown. The laiier covers an area
beautUnl panble o( tbe Good Sbep like to bear from ronr Bantbtoera i know, oo tbe other U ibc ever bi-autl- of'twelve l.IfK-ks- It was night when folly a^prcciaud the ppritjasdewcetneas, toe poster to aBora immediate
herd, ttkea from the tenth chapter
P^itamle, ao 1 wlU anbinU the tollo' ful ten 0,abr1el valley, skiing gently we' visited there Oiir gnide took us
JohiC ne Qneeo Citr qnarlet taag
toward (be sea. The vallc)' abounds ib/cHigh the lutrlier shops, oplnro
B of our trip o
-I*a Uomaiaod" and pmm wki otin orange and «Uve groves, searccly JolbU, gambling dens, Joss houses and
e of tjie hoauiifnl aigbu '
many other interesilng plaees.
bred hr Ber. Hagh Keanedr- ,
anything -else ean be seen, exre^
Tbe qoartet then aug “Aaloep" and
Mt. Tamatidas Is fim becoming mte.
B Waboo. NobraskA nnd there n smnil town which I
the* Ber. Coebito apoke worda ol ami­ on the alilh of October. Oar tarty to be n mile or two nwny. but .Is real- ef the ransi jniwlar mons (n Amer­
coDstoted ot oar famllr.
papa, tar brother Ward and mjreetf. tied friends there In Jnnnnry •ao'l of San t-'ranclBco. Just north of toe coCond try Cntlcara.'
- naSeetloa. “Abide With Betranee of the Golden Gale. II romMrn., Mary Oook and Hr. aad Mre. ' grnndmn dug sweet potatoes i
'• I suffered 6« years srfth atcrrihle
picked tomatoes.- summer stiussh;
a view which Is unsurpassed ftefaing eczema, my body and faec IwTbe tBBWal, piseeatona Mt <be A. Farrow of Tr^rcrac City.
anges nnd ICDrans. Tbo climate is do-1 from
other mounlAln peak In Xlie tog
. ehoreb to the toliowtog order: Chief
ligbtful. the' Blr to soft and balmy and world.
tog. and iTmgL-d fot^drotoj^i^ch I
■ o( Police Aablon and hre oOeera. The and enfoyod by all. Wo arrtred at thp sun U Dsunity sblning.
, . , ,,
ire deeartaeait repreaent^ br the San Frandico a few day* iater and
socena, but
.... ebemtcal Aitgtoe. hodt and ^dcr and itopped for a few daye. While there
the Cliff Hooac. Suiro tant. place we vlsliod waa the Ideal
I felt better after toe first apfdiaticm
ooe ataoBer, tbe local lodge of -Foretspot for a summer's ooUng, Santa Cai- trariloD of toe tatty climbed up. while Ol Caticura Ointmeot. aad waa soon
teri, wbo were toOowod br tbe taearae, HeighCB and tbe GoMea Gate park.
too olkpr. rode.' Wt- arrlTed at the entireiT well- Mrs. A.EtoOB, BelleFrom there we went to Frtono. aflna Islands. They arc
moonera and a tong Uae ft earrtogea
top tor«H-hours laiiT. The nexl morn­ Wne.HW
il ride of thirty miles o
vbleb were IBod vlU tbe trieada of where ito Tlalted .one of the
ocran. Wo all cljmbed “Old Sugar ing wo.were up In'ilmi- to see Ibc sun
tbe einekeB tatoOr.
Leaf." a rock which stands alone, eight rise and lo Hie evening to see It "art.
The pan hlconn were takea troM
-------------- =These machines are c^ed in stock at our shop and
or tea feci from the shore. At low tide It la Indeed a wonderful sight lo watch —' - tbe order of Foraatera and were: John where we stared tor Ore
andOtols fit
can be seen in operation “bugring" wood.
It ean be reached br foot. It Is siraui the sunset, to oti«-rve tSe goreoous !^„
^ Bennie. C. H. Been. R. B. Wearer. ud His. Farrow only * etayed g»e
sixty-five feci high and a stairway changes of the water and tbo shsdoS|ig
Kucotd and Herald,
Ftomk Btolor. J. B. Cameron. George weeks, when they wcat to Everett,
Regina Jones,
on, wheae they stayed for - leads to tbe top. Looking dosra one of night settle over the valleys far be-■
Bapw and Joe HnneaU^ S%e boooihA When we came to San ran see hundreds of guld-Ash swim­ low. Nowhere Ixil. from Ml. -Taokalinrr pnU benrern won gromen from
Calirornia .unset bo aecn
ming about In the water. In- the day
8taU Nows.
the rarlon hoie comp«niea ot {be clir Frabetocio, Hr. and Hn. Fhrrow bcptime Ayaloo bay Is filled with pleasure In all Us glory, wlifa nuibing
- At Battle Trcek ihc board of public
ewnttoflng ot W. H.' Bboer. James arated. Hr. Farrow going east to
Cltr. while Hn. Farrow hoato; among them arc the glaaa-bot- oft the fine elfeCl. as Ibe sun alaks to works has i]<vldi-d. after nmulh. of in­
Borehle. WUltoto Bbenr. Tbomaa
tomM boata. which reveal the orooders sleep In toe lirtad Pacific. Coning decision. 10 stand out fur Ibcalnlhlisouth,
ChUsBa. H. Koch, A. J. PetenrI. 1. N.
0 sea. TbOfie arc a great man: down wc were: all cbarmnl. • The rail
dnyi In Ban Pnaelaeo and to Jolo ber.
aad J. W. Mimken.
In tbo topr- Tbev are pcrfm-lly
At the grnee the malo qnaitel red- husband later nn. bdt cro she could
get started a Mtar'trutn' Ur. Farrow fearless and lie basking In tbe son on | It ties j. double bna-knnl. It I. an
derad “Nearer, Mr God. to Thee.”
beach daring toe beat of toe day. | boar', ride and afford, s o<-ver lo-be
catoo. tdling ber to stay, sa .be wai
ihen are came lo San Pruclaen wc j (orgoiicn panoranuLOf mooDiain seen
In Trnvorae
<niy and waa vo^ aBskma to return camfr on Ihc steamer Stole pf Callfor-1 erj i .-v.-r o.-w. <-v< r chaiiglnu. (liroiiKli
ftirif-i. ot Calllnoila n-ilwc«-l, iiak a
The boat stopgied
vlflaa afreet, laturned on Tburadar > BBOny CnlUcaototmm a trip to tbe we« webere bo en­ Lm Angeles Is a rcry pretty city. It bara. where wc walked aroiind fur a ■ laurel.
Wc are now cnnlemolallng a trip
tered tbe drawing tor taserraUaa land bss mnay beautiful j^ks and pleaaanl while, in front ot (he l*atlcr hotel
(gslms Bt Grand Jenettoa. Col.
drtrea lu and abost the city. Among were two acres of calla Ill|lcs. a sight the Yonemlle valley In a Cnvcr>-.1 ».
Kr.dAagwortbr left the dtr Ang. 7 the parka wo rlslted we fouod Bast never lo be forgollen.
had w^ fi«m hera to BL lionto. Ho., lAke to be the moqt boantUul, the nstAll-arouod. southern CallfornU Is
from wUd pinca he took (be Htoecntrl vrnl lake tor boating is
PaeUe Uoe to Pneblo and tram there whDe tha Bowen are beaaUtnl. Wcft
tberamatederodbe looraer waa com­ Lake to also a very preUy place, and
pleted over the Dearer A Bio Grande. Is the center of the Wotf Lake tract,
The (own of Grand Junetlen. which toe ofta for modern, bomen. Cboster•v
haa a popeUtM of 7;09Q. U located plnce to an oM and dtsUngulsbcd part
to a Taller thirtr-gre niOea long aad ot the dty; Its dwoUIngs are magoUgDOfton BilleB wlda The raller ItebU cenu while lu ^rffeas and fonnulos
to tjm feet kbore eea lerel end the ire bcnulUaltoonntatos riee 7.IM0 feet higher all 'Ixa Angdes alaojba^^ts abare of
arwad It
the ibeatera. chntoa. etc.
6e*en-«lgbtoi e!
It waa toe aoratog of tbe rierentb Daring the netag teasoo great
men to toU world marry I
a woman because sbe ia
whea Hr. lAagworthr rode Into thU dtqtoeat prevalto tberc.
in their eyro—
UUie weaters town. Tbe’drawtog f
Paaadenn, n-saberb of Los Angeles, boaotifnl
becaoao she baa toe quali­
I 1)1 toe gUag of dalmi bad od
to a very pretty pUce and certainly ties wUeh inspire admin-.
a gr« dar of AugnA-and deaenea its name. The Crown of -toe tioo. mpect aad love.
There la a bsanty to . I
Vnll^.“ We nt)eoded tbe tournnment
ot roses, whld waa held l^ere. Tbe bealto which is Bore A*
tractive to meo than mars' i
parade was a mUe and m half long;
two city bkxdu wben Bnt seen h.
everything was Bowers. IV float that
took too prise waa an automobile dec­ glorions in tbe p
He MW that to waH to that line orated with white canaUons.
wonld ba tedloa aad promptly deWd sprat one driigbitnl day at Al­
Ttoad n'qnleker menna of eatorlag the hambra. a lltUe town iustceo miles
bnlidtog. The. men entsto^
from Los Anictea. Wo ate our luoefa
door at the btdMtag. went U^gk the beneatb aome shady pepper trees, the
BBBwaiy (ona of appHcgtlon and branches tooeblng tbe ground on aU
pamed Mt «t a hock' doo^ Around to aldea, rbletdlng us from the viow of
thU bad toior Hr. Lai^orthy says paaaers-by. To kdd to (be beauty o(
be WMt sad told the domteeper - - too tiiera. they were covered with dark
tben.toaeetoefairyrmog j
tbe chM of ponce wished ^Ve
rod borrica. About tlx toot away
wife's beauty tadlog away
brfnrc a rear names over
- tost aroand the eoner of the bulk
an orange grove, and as everyoo
Vrhesdl A^y.balfTbe fellow “dof“ aad the~TTavene weloome to aa many as toey can
dead-aod-sUve womae. I
City man catered the bnlMtog. Irane we helped ooroelvea. Near toe
especiallv wbea abc is
acted hli buaincaa and went out the skirts to a boanUfal bouse, which is tbe mother of.a family, I
doer be entorod.
surrounded by n rose fence n mile la a damper Mali Joyous- |
Dcsi in toe bOmr. aod a
Hr. Unworthy remained to GnsJ square, li to six feet high aad ni
drug npoD ber husband.
Jancthm nolll ibc twenileth. nt which time of the year eras comptetrly cov­
IVcaetotawUc-Bcaodata tbe dnwlngi had reached €.<
ered wUb large creamuxilored and red Btoot illnem la a serifins I
upon tbe funds of-a '--------------•o be came bom* aad wlU get bU
Ttmes. The lamaiet were away, ami drwln
bousehnld. and too often all the doc­
ports heia.
srlto toe gardener's pcr|nlssiun.
toring doca no good.
ful Itol I sm glad u. write sod iril y.« of
The people wbo ware toteraated
picked a basdruL
If a womso flods her eorrific* arc Biy msmtei. rscovrey It brought mt
tha drawing were made np of ail roru
San OnbrlH Is n rerv InicrasUog Bagging, aod that everTthing tires her. beslto. orw life and vltalliy.dsik shadows appear under ber rvro.
na^ cinswa of pcopla. Thhre was t i( to a dirty pure;
What r.Tilia B. nnkham's VegrtaWe
ber alrep U disturbed hy
awn wbo waa In It simply becAusc
Inbabitaal. are all Mexlesas. they
drraras: if she barn backache, hvsd- Compound did for Mrw. Ainilry It w ill
was a gkinblo (be toraMd the larger In lUUe. low unpainted huts, the men aebes. bearing^own pain., oervou.- do for eTi-rv wooian wbo Is in poor
part or (be mob.)- Then was tbe sta- nre laxy and sit around In groups, ness, whiles. Irregularities, or dcKpun- health aod ailing.
deney. akcubosld take means to build
ttsbenefiuhe^when its osr begins.
«ani stoo wni toktng a chance ni mak­ smoking and eyeing tbe poopic.
ber svstem up at once br u tonic with Jt gives stren^h and rigor from the
ing a tortnae to edneUe himself with, women are more indnsirtonsand more apecinc powera. surb as Lrdia E. Ilnk- .tart, and surely makes siek women
nad (here were old aol^era. young sol- curious. They sit In from ot their bam's Yegeuble CompoundVeil sud robust.
dlon. cowboyn, minen, igwyan, doc- squalid dwelUngs doing drawn _ywk
BcmemherLvdUB Knkhsm'sVegemove in toe way of restoring Ulde Compound bolds tiie rv-o-rd (nr
ton, baakm. and In (net evoty clast which they sell to the tonrists. The done
health to tbe women ot America than Ibe greatest number of setual cures
of peofie ooe BooM name were tepre- children are-beggars; they run
ail other ntnUcinrs put together. It U womso a ills. This fsrt is attested
aanud o*ar and oror.
br toe toousands of letter* fr-ur grui
the street ears and beg for pennjes. toe safeguard of woman's hesUh.
fnl women which arr on file in t .
Onod JoBctlon nercr ana nad prob .The San Gahrial minion to tbo
i'inkham Isboraiory. Mgjkralone can
ggain will nee such a
pan. It Is a hundred nnd tblity


Pint fMatD SAIpMRtt.







^ II p




To Core a Cold in One Day


Sfiapes the Destiny of Men—The lofluence of a
Healtl^ Woman Cannot Be Overeatlmated.












When you put is yoor cralo this fall Pat it in Ri^bt with one of
the Three Best DriUs on tbe Market,



‘ I







crowd. Tlte prive ol everything aruee
‘ In prcmoitloo to tbe crowA Bods ware
tl. wMOls n ecBta. a bnm tnndwieb
, went at tt eeats and coffee all tbe way
from 10 cams op to 20 cenu. Tbe
bnnki to the IKUe city ntlmaied Umt
tbe apdenlaun Mt to the town aearlr
.dM.0M la cash. Tbe* pKq>le had lo
Mtop la the parka a«l Btiaeu.

years olA The stone steps IradiBg to tike gnlle^ have deqi hollows
srorn In the centers nod tbe walls
covered wUb oM laseriplloas. alto
with names of hundreds of people
wbo hpre vlslira tbrre. Another IgleresUng feainre Is toe grapevine: It
to also a biindred and tblrtyaeTOa
years-old. Aroand tbe base U

DrarHiaPiahkamsBrer daiw my ckDd was bentAavw safteerd. m I hep. tow wcanraerw have, with
priaatorkacto sad wire-bed hullirtiw it
ageeu« ny ■fuuarkwi tost I rould aot co^ijs. md toJt „y
wm spau


Women hbould remember tost a euro*
for all female dij rases BcTuilv exists,
aod that ^are b LvJis a I>mkbsra's
VegrtobUCompe un4. TakenoautoUIf yoa baro srmptoms you dooH
undmlaod wriU- to Mrs. I’inkham.
i.vnn. Mass., fur ^-eist advice—it is
f^rvasd alwa.vs br’idul.

Each one is a Leader. Come in and look over our samples. We
The Store for Quality and Sailsfactton,


,1 sriDcrs supply lo«


127-135 State Street


Traverse City. Mich.







Jayne’S Tonic Ycrmiftige
gives rtisy checks and active health to pale, sickly children"
And it is good for their elders, Ux>.
Ask your druggist for it ,

, ;j

aftiute TRAVERS* wtiuXi.
Th» Rt*o» C*fi»«rw*ofc
pnrumootlt. N. H, A«». «.—ao»
■laa »»*d JaBAtiM*- »»* bbtot* ip*®:
• qoM «*T 104W- M- WJtte ■»« Baron
ItMM took WI wto »«« to U»g»oUu.
tke koM ft tke Roaolati oKtaw
Ttiey took loochoon lh«e »ilb Boron,
cn Boom ooi expect to Tetare w
PorUMth for dliioor tonIshL Tbe
Joponeoe teToji mnolood Is tbeir
bout here
pot Ike "«‘»bh>«
to«b«o opoD none of tbetr work. Tbe


ForUBOOlb. K. H.. Awt «.-A dl»poloh from 8C INdertkor* oonoundii*
tboi Mr. Meror, the AmerfcMi ombosM4or to Bn«U, hod bod M nodi
of tbe emperor ol Potertiof li eCMJdend here one of tbe moil bopefol
rigwe wbkb bu thnt for dcreloped Id
coBOeetk* wtth the fooildoofi effecto to brio* the belll*er«it» to a
eompromlae. That the proaideol ihooM
bare ndkod Mr. Meyer to make a
aoMl •«*•' to the emperor Indledlci
UN enrOMtnoaa of tbe pteiMent. And
by tboae who ondertiaod the lUoatlim
at«. PMenrtmri!. tbe pootlWe foot Yeanlta of aoch a direct appeal arc fully

of cnettlBalBC
cBotlnalB* ia cottrec la «dle baa
has bee* Tciy i«Meea^al 1>.
Bk Bapidt. Mleh- Aa*. JI.-JaBwi le«e. He
Moftlaaa. for naarty thirty year* a badnets and maay Umw receltM ■
•mtobtlmm from the late CMtMKl
Hae^ tm ■taa IndnNry aa;d Arcwd___ lewal wedm- aufferta*
rkwax. He wai bom at Mattoon. BU
March I#, im. and came to thta place
Oaee ttfe Far Her Jb*. * ' ^
with hli pateBts when >1 yean a*e.
Moan. Mich. An*. ».-The dcro-,
About,foor yean after he eolered
employ of tbe Elk Rapida Jroa eom- tioe to her pet do* eauied tbe rttoih of
paay and haa beea wlli Uiem eontlao. little Klaa HnlbeiT yeitertay afterwbee ihc was inilaaUy kllk-tl l-r
oofly dace. He bt^aa pt lie bdtom
Pen Marqoeuc paueocer train No.
and by atrlet appHcattoa to bli dotlea
rhlcb wa» comlB* from Peutwater.
worked Mi way op to the podtion of
The child.-9 yean old. the daa*btrr
maater meehaaVr for the compaay; la
of Mr. and Mr*.
Mn. Tbomaa
Thomas Hulbcrs of
rUeh capaeliy be had been employed thU rniape. was playtna n
near the ni:
or (ome yean. Mr. HoitIbod wa< road track* with
___her .pet doK,
d- when tbe
narried to Hlw Bara Da* of ihU elly animal made a dash to cross Is irunt
on 8cpl. IB, mt. who mrvlre* blm. of the appruaehlns Wslne. UHIr
An aped motber. Uree broUien aad
ore Bln left to monra bti
BOtlmdr <toath. Bobert of Tra,vene
*nAiBd' iiDilor the wh<s:lK,
aty. John of Borne City, Arthur of as
She met Initani <U«ib i>fal1e the dop
Bk Bapidi. Mr*. Jamei Kmaedy of CBCwped.
Saalt Ste. Marie aad Mla» Marlon
Mnrriioo nf thi* place. The funeral
wiu be held Friday afternoon.

MaoMae Millionaire Ocid.
here yesterday by Chaa; Snyder t* ihl»
Manitiee. Mk*.. Aop. 24.—U>»H place aad contained MO bnib?l». They
nda one of the *H»t proi
iDdeoDbr U Ue erifli bf tbe wbol: the pioneer lombermen of nonhem were told at 34 ceots per bushel. This
NOttCT. U tbU qbeolloo ow be a^ Mtchlpao. died loidenly at bb home Is only -»h9 besinnlBB of the market
aud brigbr proaitoeti are in store for
. iwcad. It if beUeyed boro tial all
yteterday of heart dlsc«. a lanacn and the aervace l» very laivc.
either quwUoM on whkb ttare bai malady from which he had lulfcred The crop Is not as good a* last yr>ar.
Applet are row belnp beudkvl here
beea a dlTorncDcc of oplolon wHI praclicfcirc.
and are brIPElhp from $1.M to I1..5
' tteally aettlc tbcmKiTco.
Mr. Saadi was 7» years of w and per barrel:,
la r»ew of the kaowa BoNlaa atti­ wna belter kaown a peneratloB
tude OB the other edi^t polaU.
reecBtiy- He wai one of tbe
Marguett^ Mich. An*. 2S.—The An­
bdleree that Japaa'i Ibilftenct
who calpe to Micblpaa early and took thony powder woflt*. locat’d luHwoen
dewBltf ti Oio only thio* il
adraBlaxe of the wealth otfirrcd by tbe- libiKmla* and NeBSunce. blew up las’
■ako peace poMibla Ofldal* doclaro Tlntla terciU of the aulc. He took
night, wreeklaf! tear hullAIpE*. Win­
that«Uompta at word JnssHoi:. *<><>> op nmek Umlier land and apent i------ dows Rer« broken In bundredi! of re*lat ealilns ladanBliy br
o<ker yean ta the lamberin* tadoalry.
taBd,plsie pUn* fr
aame. or atlcanptln* to eonoei ln<^ew bkirks wen' »b
Mr, Saa«a. **»• "P «» “>e time of
■Hy tmdor the *oi»e of other paymenU hte death, latcrcated Id many ont^cand itbpemlD*.
*111 arall boihln*. Baanla. tboy •
. State Newu.
.*Ul not eooclade a peace treaty
Mr. Snda was wtrickon Just as Tie
By tor explosion of a ibrvtber boQor
i^NooU) which laeladei Uie pay- aat dowa to.tbe table for hU midday
Cromp. J. Drbno. a brother of toe
mett of UtdiaiaUy or oMier Baaiidai ,med. He eipirwl immedbtelr. He
widow, two foni and tear owner <rf the msehlnc, wat aertonsly
Baida ii ready, boww. to make a
woimdcd by toe flydng piece*. Several
. toaaoDablc 'aBd proper paymept ter
Mr. Saadi'camc to Manlawe In 18So «her men atan^ Bear had rntfaeu. tba NdataMBto of the Ruadan prif- wUh hardly a dollar Id hb poekeU and ut escapes.
In 1891 Frank A. Stuan began friaot, «aer« la tbe baadi of tbe Japaneae.
worked wllh ottwn BCltlnB out losa
Ing Norway pine tapllng* at Uarsbril
tteruaoolb, N. H, An*. SS--M. three Vean. SaaHy taklap tb^ contract to abade the tlrtieu. and eiure then
.KmtwtoTll*. apeakfn* of the Ruaalaa iadlTlduallr and Uyla* the fouada- 'baa kept up the good work so that
.anmya today,-add: *U Japan dooa
there are no lest than 5.WW young
' Mt recede from the podUon abe hat
licet throughout the town. He baabi-’
taken re^rdhif tbo win of the bland
A "rtb^Mlchl*aa. Cal!- jrder in tor next aprinCs l»i.
ofMacbdlM to Rnada for MM.MO.Ooe.
Mike Itoabln. a miner of IJ.-*»emcr.
peace nenotlatkiiis wDl end Saturday. toralb and Florida.
tent 10 Tounpuown. O.. for bb
imIcM Preddom Bot-ewdi cow* torand rigl.l-montoe-.dd child. Ui«o arward with a new rropodilt*.
Orowrted at Elk RspWa.
riTtng the woman found that Ihw child
Kaadio. rapmeen
ftk napldi. Mich. Aue- 26--AIbert was dead. It I* su|>pu*od that the bali.tbe mikado, conferred lor an bow with Kohler, aged II. ami <rf Jacob Kohler bad niffocatfdPrwMent Booeerell at Oyster Bay to­ of ibU city, was myiterlot
‘Whllc fishing wlib a oompani
day. Tb* emfureaeo. H b bdlered. t Btk‘rtver tkl* momlngKing's Mills. Carl lleMtilten, aged ?«related to some new propoililoo ter. Koblvr was employed by tte Perv waa drowned as the rctult of grillng
a BCttleBest of the war. Preddeal lamntoilBliraad company aad bto tangled in a Ueh llnl'. white .vmimmlns
4U»wTon aad (bar NiAda* arc no* doUto (ontlrted of taking tbe mall ashore after hit lioat bad uptri. .H-'
from toe depm to tbe imatoBre, and to lenrcc a young wife.
elMalag aaf putUag in place t
Vtot. Warner wtffcthe geett of boi
•awilch llghu In aad aoar toe city.
at the Wbe Fanner*' club plcnle
He left as uinal tob morning tor the Sleventon lake, at which evont there
b atlll a chaoce and the forces work- swto* bridge rtirb apant the rirw la 1 wore about 4.nno preteat. Addres«-*
in* for poaee arc eontloob* ibetr the outaklrtB of toe city and *to abIc by toe goteraor, Ctdin
m not notieed until toe 10 Utile and D. B. Alward
The prwidint tnOed twice but be o-ctock mall antved and was not taken
At Bar City William Ard. aged O,
b iKhtUf on. Tbe reeuli of Ambas- mreot Pear* were arouned. n» it *at t.d aulferlng from atthma. sa.. found
mdor H9cr'« a^idteiiee’at Petortioir known that toe bat seen of toe yimn# Tuesday sUlIng on tbo lirldg'
ycMarday wai Bnaatlafaelory. bnt It at man ho wBs iiartlDK tor the trestle. pmcb 1a a siarvod condition waliink
IcMl was not a rtdreS. ineflYhedeor Searching pantos were ,lm
for death. .He will be sent to theopen and wllbla a few houn after ih:> ontaabed and a aoltiian of
lectdpt at Oyaler Bay of Mr. Meyer-* lery begunj.,
At Howagtac. Alexander Martin,
aecouBt of Us audlCMe the president
Kohler had an Old acow Mod to the sged 5S. wa* tettoaily killed -by a ‘
bad aott a new appetf through M. trettle. whlA be uted to *et tbe ligbl* freight while working on the ser
Witte, who recelrcd It From Mr. Prime on when toe bridge was swung open, He wa* iwire before rlnirli by train*,
aboot 8 o'clock toll moraing.
happened that the bridge wa* open but recovcnvl.
Tbe i^peror bad alitwdy la effect
b moralnt and toe aeow bad evi­ Cart Miller., ibe lO-y.-ar-old Draob
( dwllnM tbe pn^nard cegapn^ae
dently been brought into na^as it wat boy. who dteapprarad from Vprilaa.l
fered by Japan. Me hml refuted It be- found tteating down ttroam- A litU.; a wei-k ago. has reutrued. The boj
Wnae under a disgnite Japan offered farther up the rlTcc tbe aaxloas hrilny hltuseir to »B<i ”f bb falhi-r'.
to wttodnw toe article asking ro
found KoWeFa cap and
nxmey aad left unexiH-v-UslIy; golug
mnnenllM tor the erbt of toe war
tbe young maa-a llfehwa body tfa* ODC1' to Praakfon. Fmm Hiti he
noodltha that RaaaU reporamBc fn
found in right U-A of water by WSIIe turn’d to Durand, and Ibi-ii lo»k
too military poaacailon of Japan toe Bex and Frank Wilton, two boy* wha , lrajn\r Chleapo. t-n’tn tb’- btte.
Boftbrin part of Sakhalin.
were tearehlag in a boat.
pbee he W'N’
S<- U*ui* aed then
81. Prtcraborg. ABg. 8S.—The eorreTV- body was token to the old ttore -back to Terre liauie, IBcUaua. where
apuBdent of
bulHlhg tormecta used by toe Bk be lunk a train tor Tulodo. Wedne*. imay waa today aulborised by Canal Rapid* Iron company a* a alore, w^cre da> moraing he left Tsbal”
Lamadort. too foreign mlnWcr. to an tmincst wat brld.
reac!..-d home, to all t|V*--vnc«>
atale oSOalty a^ in toe
Ten bom.-slek boy. He W ht^
maaiier. that R^ta will pay Japan
-Mrs. Hariticy-s Will.
not cuaxed away by anrum- and
no ceotrfbnUmi. direct or iadireet. ae>
Muskegon. Mich- Aug. ».-Win of atoao during hb trav.-U. J<o
win « make any «lMon of territory Mr*. Jnlb E. HaekU-y was filed fm Mumed to get any of ih.- Ik.} * mon..
probate twtay and all ber reUHvev from him and fat- n-iurDvd with tc.3"
beridot Irlenda, rlA and poor alike
-fbrtamonth. N; H7Aag. M.-Bnn- aad nninerout eharilahlc and edura- , to bb picket.
i torongb the good e««* ef Pixwldeal
r. Her adopted eon. Charle*|
SooaercK. It a counter propotH'
Monte Haekley. get*
. Inttsod of beta* a deellnattan. purely. KWfiMl Her brother, Henry -It.;
K la nadetatot^ to be framed so as to Moore of Port Huron IlM.OoP and;
tunibh a baab tor fnriber negotla- other rclBlirct are temomber.Kl. The
tkma at tote time. U was predicted at
itkegoa reeehes a Julia E
. »aaw toat Japas'a cenatcr prxgnsitkn
Haekley mcm«rb\ fund of JWo.nw. for
wuM be submitted when toe rooferthe tupport of tbe clu P's'r- The,
2 o-eloek
'nad adkmrwmeot weald he token. The Haektey hospital gets I4WJW. th sommerMin winter.
HomeoflhcPrlAdte«|uai.iK*. C»njtoMtan oBelria brilara a compiombe
gnratteaal.. Mrihodbl and Uaptb:
. MuNid be oSerad by Japaa and expect
A^bea rotperilrriy SM.oW voeti,
pcMO wOl be ouadade*.
Toklo. Aug. ht—The Japaantc aewi- and toe btier two tU.OM each ad«l-|
popar Jill-dtclarat that any compto- thmal. Of the tisldoe of oaf-half ol
■bo triaUng to the pntebaue of the her entire ettale of nearly four mli:t.tens of BafchBltn ai rrimburaemettl Icina. or ai«ot to toe public
Bchoob. The total bcqiietta to near
IAK-Tb> Pretatwi
fur ton CM «rf the war would
Japn kNur. as boto ttema are ritoHy Iriendt resAea WP.MO. Her bonao
tmpDrtaat and a comprombe It tm; keeper was willed St.uCO and ber per­
sonal propwy b bequrathod to ber
adopted too. Chariot, aad daughter ^Btar'nstU* ot the •ttttr U PhoAe Pu«*Mr*. LcIA L. Smith.
•at be rtOld. Raptare would
Charie* Moore Haekley b 25 year*
. erable w auA a aaertflee. Prolongatta of Ibe war.meaBs a hard rireggle oM. married ud hat one child:
oa our part, but we would rather suffer
* old. He U a n
aax hardabip ih«n to contcni to a reffaetkm or altmiion of our-ttoaad^- of toe Morre Uvery Ad Traarfer com­
pany and U regarded as futc ot>Jie
of^ to? over hnperferi pea». Ko beat young bnaiaea* men la Muskegon
aacrifice b too ffreai «o aeeure
He wa* edurated la the pnWte. tehoob
m tbe orient, foe whIA ww were
of Motkegon oad baring a utnral bu*lag. Tbeee I* not a dbtenttag
to tbe empire agatart narTyia* o
toeca disporltton be befaa 'wmb aftet
pAvoaM whatever aacriftcet m
grad«Ua* tromthd city High acboed*

Scott’s Emulsion


tmursoav. auoust

»<. Tsaa.

H. A E L « aW

QTATB cr MK»>AX. OMty *4 Om4



praya* ttal *4-

ia».tT tad |.reTi«td.



ta. why Uh. btaytr to «h» piaiimr taiKiM

LOT 183
LOT 184
LOT 188


-eU dtS
au, ot Two BuUrod tM PtfIvviBv P-d
MTirraty at'Oau. ■*d*<i Atonar 'a

CW llw
Otattat- ..

nanu ta fta N-rtfaiBirt braa^.
- • bsTta Ti»v-r» Oily im p w. Ita. .
(M ■'
TrauBirntta truo. K.rfiapuri Nwaw.ta*

LOT 230

BtiTtaC* M Mt* taf* WKwrtdBt WAta.
e- L- LOCffWOOO, O^r.AT.A.


PERE Marquette

.lots 235. 23C, 2:)- as advertised arbJiov sold"


LOT 196

Oly d.*t.

!i“ST“:SrtS‘iT2 ■S
: EsriPi-sir-JVi—'’oS-kSK Trtia UarfB T*rTm*.0lr 4 .m t. m~ rmotatlaa.Usl.vlUi. I'lrtMlh itsr >4 tkoKlbw, a. TSa*"lU””*TT»rii» fiiy'** a. ■. IW

LOT 203
LOT 211
LOT 212
LOT 213
LOT 214

Tram )taw Trt.W'wOiy *« hB iti:

m!*DseUi. rsncK Iwttrr
'**'gStoW U A»
tl. P. KgRUXill

B. p. ■OHaS.'^Tk^^aSST**

am. PM «. WMM. J-W tatitaatatyri tor mtota rt Im Rlbw

•rot fbrtaUM<<jai>narr,

*MW prmytay tta ^ tltawMw^to y i^f

'■ n''7"?Sa'S’


ALLF0R_8ALE! mmmm
These are ah early selections and are the


‘‘nm-otaO II U> taJrr.vt.'ttal Frvb'. thr t:*h

Handsomest Lots in Oak fleigbis
the most charming addition,to Traverse City. 'Yhis
low largely built over, and good lots
ji Cafe.., obtainable. lots will bp sold»..._
itcly excepting 1S2. ISl. 1S4. which must be sold to­
gether. All must go for spot cash, and the prices
will be
■ •

»wUI ta

The whole bunch of


iTfijgBW’ «rt> * r*J4>a

if sold at one time and for cash down, would be

to allow
the price •.’otiul Ixi made accordiii;jly and
for holding as an invesimcnt. Come quid;k for choice
of lots.

Also One Acre Lo
in Birchwood
Fronting East Bay S rods and running back 20 rods,
less a strip two rods wide on north side for street. *
very desirable lot in this beautiful suburban spot.


mvEksE on, wcH,


Bto 0»y ot Sei'-.o^tuor. A. 0- ' »0



tmmU fwmg Mb tmtkwB
\ wm fcyy b wmry «r
I «• try «■ toaa


«• k*
•M« Mai b 'mwiM# -M b
It I MW IM b trybf b b
IhM* IMufA I ««

HI tlM otb«r
a bkr
etb«r uulc
Ut «iri»
to whed oat In
A*d MtA Okann la
op At bar UU 7oaa< brdbar. half hop­
ing ba Mold help bw-oot of her porpbxlV.
-Tbepa-a a«eh lota of baWoa.- Dorta
„mui whh aa«b« aob.
-Too. ladaed. vboia oepban aartaaa
III of tbam.- nU Undo
iaMat? Wby.rUgoooiandgwitbi
roorlhrwortbanUroani drytMaa

nartote at ibe btoeb. Other otoghetoiwad tboir btareai la the dgfonte w»y». H boono dnita n eaafor a baby b iwtor* fm itt ride
aulrad la a tbah acw bonnet or pretty
. w wdlk a dabty dreei or twa
we ocher Mt to iatant apponal.
Ate Dorla woald bappUy «wbb ta.
the motber that it waa frea the babTe
The baMee grew pleap and tow
«h‘tba trotoiidr ate freeh tenh ate
w atebara thiwatlra weat a
ibair terd doTe work wM Htei
beam, pleaaad with tba fcbd
_ e their teBdrwa. ate Oiatrad by
tba biwwt ate help to tboir neighan.
One eraatag. after It haf heeoaa too
cool for tba hahlaa 10 go oat. ate the
pretty cairi^ had been pal aoia
the wbMt* Mr. Daman aald U

-Tea. ate a carnage,
la take tame wbaelbg
aano eOBtent." AM
■Iwbleroaa iwtakla b

tao. ate yea
them la year marnlBC ate ba eald that we hte
tbera waa a Idea the good our Uule Darla am done.
Uacle JImb
t block baMet. Maay were I
•elwUy Booriabad. and eoam dU
-Serioatoy. iln.- aaU Hro. Damoa.
a bnatb to freto air fiam one
t cMak I bare aa idea. Dario,
i<e ete to BBDiber. Throogh the
go tatbe year bee, ate then no ant klodnaw to the aetchbon. tbey
ate play UR papa eowee. Hammi
‘ bad propw tobd all earner: twt'Dr.
■iak K aear ate ear what ab<
Orey girae all Ibe credit to our llUle
MMnbar of ibawhiw balowglat Auf- 0."
Dorle for awakentag their aymi
It nay aeeo a atrange Idea." hM
-Ob! aad I've bad (ueb a lorely
abr after Hr. Damon had Joined them
a lltOa later. “Bnt I bare a lUilr plaa. ioinmer'-exclalmod Dort*. earning In
Tba Ordar of ba •foWaa Fbaa.
i bite H la a good «me. There In lime to bear tba lait to her fatber-e
We-aa tamed a aa* aodaijr—
■late wd lou to baMee.’ a* Dart* talk. “It waa aoeh fan to watt* that
*Tbe Order of the SolBag ybee;’'
mid; and tb^ U what pot the tbooght lltlte baby to Hr. Shea't grow (at. He
.-Aa bSaorad ■aobar m «U be.
waa Joat a little akeleum last aprieg:
tatt my bead. There 1> a tew
For avarr eoa en hare a pbee.
bloek ea ibe M«t eanw. h b -Piled and now he'd Joat aa fati^and U beglanlag to walk."
with tamtUea. goiet and batd-wei
•Three ebeera for Dorla and Ibr ’B.
bat pear. "'The block U toll to haMaa.
-Clay, pktobad iHito biu to bomanky B. R’! abonled Dade Jim. coming In.
And Hra. Damon, looking it Ibe
wbo hardly gel a ehaaoe to breathe
beallby face to her little danghtba pare air. Ibelr meUmre are all
working wnmen. Hoet to them irr. felt like Jtoolng la the ahoul.—
If {Aarmatetlaaaa jno. M roar eraa
In wnaUag*. ate me too Ured
A braia me wmrr tvloUe oboe;
a bard teyb work to take tbcdr
For if ibe aagrr tM<« «riaa
llUJe onea oat (or aa alrtng. It '
Tb«r^ eerr apt tt oaOTftow.
FuMiy Bayhigs to Boya and Olria
be a Ueaetag to tere Ibeir bable*
Uttle Mabel waa apeadlng a wrel:
tw a ball boor each day. nte
U fm meal wocUaa far an bow.
la tbe coantry with her mother. Bbe
ted ir« aaoMaloM.ioar«hila: blaming la health ta the baUee; while
>taadlag near tbe barn when oae
BiwtebW not to poet and «a*w.
Urn oewe reiaed ber bead, and gnre
Bat w a toigbl and ebaartnl heal oat"
load. "Moa. moa - Hebd reabod
-WeU. ir yon think it'a right I bare
BO obJacUoo," eald'Hr. Damon. -Ton _lo tbe banee. crying,
here quick: and Uaien to the eaw Wow
il« ralaa are aiinpie. aa 70a aae;
> man aboot it tbob 1 Ho."
ber bonu."
Uoka op yoor »bd W Job today.
-If I were your motber 1 should let
Fatoa aateb-ond yw vfli be
Ba^ Brigade!- eboated Vade Jim.
te aettra wateir right away.
-ni go down and order a carriage w yoa eel last wbnt yaa wanted and then
what woald happen.- raid nnnile
to n t-yenr^ild flatten., -I
-1 thiik Doria will waat to eeiect
FtMay. Ang. ».
•otaaMai. tba *wbeat «aw.-once Mid -that" iMd Hre. Damon, with n cmlle. know what would happen," 'calmly re­
Ate that waa bow the “R R R~ re­ nted tbe cniprit. -I teonld get alck
Hrere ti natkln«aaw oader be ana."
and yon would be a cortoem mother.
WMB yod road ow poen thle woeb trod Ua name.
Hy fatbw was qnHe site anee. on
Dade waa perfaeUy happy when abc
yaa will agraa witb hta, for it telle at
we bad a sofs be used to »e on. Oae
a-new aoebty." Jnat ae tbaogh erew heard to the plan; and that 1
oba of aar oanafafceri fa Bot trying b tee ate ber mother went down atrmt. day a lady asked my tIUle sister Bee
If bsr Mtber wss site shed. 8b<
aitee and heap awny.-»a nudtar
said. ^o. be was site s-etos-"
happao*! Bat paibapa th« magaabe ty wicker one. light but ttr
Tommy: Thdih's a girl at 00.
Doda wtoebed eagerly «hUe the clerk
whhb prbiad tba- paeoi bad ner
mamma, tbey coll -Boeucript.
took the addrW and protaleed
beard of the Herald Taong Fon» Bi
Do yon know why- Hamms; -Tio
Urer lij^mpi.
abac pub. We will all bare ta be
It wae a bright little face dtat dear." Tommy; "Beeause ber n^me
.eeiT bright ate aonehlBar ate happy.
Uu «e om eon poaeiWy auka a wla- peered oat to the wlado* the neat ta Adtolne Haora.'
Tkimmy." said an .aailoiis owtber
.take and tMte wa betete M. tba mornlBg. Todt$ Doria wele
-eiatey’ eociety. «■ «a not. dear ■aa aad the sweet breath to apring. > ber boy. "your uaJle trill be here
The baby carriage bad eome ate Doris > dtaaer today, sad you moat have
face washed." "Tea, ms. bat
was eager to be ant It was very bard
to take Ume to eat hm breaklato. bat i-poaen be don't come. What then"'
The b a. a.
Teacher fmddeoly while trying
ber Botbef eatnied ber that It wae ye:
- The world wUhaot wne oB eglaw
aa amrnple); "Tommy, wbsi
too early far baUm to be ont
wMi tba ^ rwnm of oprbg.
Hn. Domea weat* with her little Is the diPereiice betirem oae yard sal
ante treoa wera naaaea of hb
daughter after breakfaet Doris prood- two ysrdsrt Tommy (qultely):
bennty. Twa bttle roWaa bappid tnm
ly pntelng the empty coniage. Ther
limb 10 nab. bappUy ehlrpbg to
UUle girl rasd a compodltloi
stopped Brat at Mrw. Damtol's wateerother, and aspleriiig erery aac* ate
fore the minister. Tbe aubjeei waa
toanob b aaanb of a place te aat op
-What! Can y^/Pimvr me babyT" -The Cow." Bbe wore is ibli eompllbouaekaepiag. Brery bte ate Uoda
: -The
of groM oaoaiod boreUag witbteppl- ezdalBMd ae~«arp<1a«d woman. -An*
yer want to be wheelin’ him oat* Snre.
nwe: Md tho ona-e Jolly. Rbte face an' II imI he a bimain' tn the poor
antUod down opon bU. Uko tba good
“What time is It. Crece- asked
tblng. he> that fumy witb hU teeth.
Mote bawaa.
Bnt he ain't got nothin’ Pt to go bi Bra from her little bed. "A qt
WHhb^a dlaoMtamad UUle faae such n kerridge.- And MiV/Flyna to eight." Orare lepllad. "No. I doa’i
looked longingly at tta aaft-entehmad tblak It la - ’Tea. dear. It ta." "Well.
I'll look when I get np In the I
•eat and back.
cloudy, blue eyer, ate ilowty raUad
-Oh. bnt can’t I Uke him. plcuer
down IWD tow cbeeka. Vhe beoaUfa! pleadedDorU. *1 havoi'c nay baby to
day. the two happy UlUe falrda. ate
tba met tragranoc to the apple blaa- ow so had. ate all the other little
aaoMi ware all aumtleed. ARsbeeaw glrla bare onc.~ And then
waa a UUle girt to about bef own age,
•L tbe corners
eien Itlate,
e bac
to tbe ru«y month.
N. T„ that the erowdt almaat feared
Hta. Damon hiftily explalBed ber
approach tome to tbe cag^
•Why dooT yoa go/ eot.''lliorur' tittle plan.
them the affair was ipexplkable ate
"Wbat! aa’ ya 'bought that puny almost terrifying. Tbe nnlmate atekartidga tor.otber
danly broke Into freaxy from (b^
Toart tm. aneb a hWy day? Why. teamed Hra. Flyno. -Bleaa hre awwa
oatml sleepy coadmoo ate sprang, at j
Daria, dew. what la Itr^
face! Sure, an' obe coa take me Pat- tbe bars to their eagea at II to lear
*■1 wlab we bad a baj^.' aebbad the
He’ll not be mate Axed up. bui
them dowo.
little girt
be-llbeawme an' eUae."
Ktely made a batty toar to
-A baby!- wclalmed Mre. Damaa.
Ate Paiaey Flynn, after a rigorous tbe eagea. aad sood noticed that tbe
‘ lbaa.«laBelBgaata(-tbaarladaw.aba scrabUng. was tncked lata the car­
tlgern. lec^artt, paatbers ate oibert
amOed. voaiae be^ daw. aad tell riage rery telny as to face and very
to Ue cat; tribe were remMaJble lor
me an about it." tee mM. beglanlag red as to hair, bat as sweat aad dean (be roariag and exritemeci. wblte bad
as any tmby need wish,
Bpr^ ta the other animate.
-Brery other little girl bna a baby
it waf a qoM street, ate Doria wai
"Catnip." »nld M'eMy.'nte auendaati
bat me!- eobbM Darla. -Aad they
carefol UUle girl: and Hra. Damoa,
«ra enM to sweep every vectlge of
ena take It eat In tu carriage
after tailing ber lllUe dangbter boer
the pisai from several 'eagea. than
day.- Hera ake gdiped down
far to go each way. felt perfectly safe
nob tbe Poors tborau^.
aob. -Ate tbere-e aaeb lett ate laU In treaUag tbe baby to ber tearge.
/ost Cat see tbe tofeto. some mitnf-bnblee.'
From that day OarU never wished
teierons peraan had tbrowa catnip In
-Tba. there are Ma and Ma to In vaM tore haky to'wbeei Hra. nyan
to tbe big cnu. aad then tbey west at
faab^- repmied her mother, al a loet told all tbe other mothers ta (he bloek.
ctnxy at a Texas steer laPamad by (be
bear aba 'waa to eamtort bw Uitlw ate 11 became • dally cpitom to watch
dangbier. who bad had erery wtab for tbe little girt wKb tbe baby cor- loco weed. They aU tbe catnip, rtolad
la It. ate Jben became wild. Menly
riagn. Than all the'
taya tbe staff la bte for them, as tbey
Bote ta their doors to oee tbe fOr-.
salk ate refuse food for aevetai daya
area aereateas. an« Dnrii' Mtol. Re lonato baby wboaa tan It waa <
sate oa unotaal' spree.—New
Mopped wblaUlag to throw baa cap la­ lata tbe carnage ate go ferAia
ta tbe air. ate weiaba; .
lag ride. Today R waa little redhead­ Toik Praoa.
-it’s JOM tewkna! Tbe air makes
ma wau to raa np ate dowa the
atraet tike a ediool boy. WhW! Tbm!
ate tba ana ahlnlng ao brightly anty
doors] Whaab pwa wnmg with

ed Patoey Flyw. tamerrew laky Mate
Uma, Maaan; and ana day I
coma berea m grant excliaasaat to teU
bow aba hte wlutlad oat Li Cbaag
Dn% almaopagad little dan^ter.
Ail tbe neigfabore akmg tbe street
took an MareM in Oorts'
Grey, the doctor’s wile, end two etber
-Oee. wbis? Bag pordaa! A whotr Mlee dhMed tbe espenae to a ten> bteF.- rapMtaP Hn. Dawa. «aait tma to milk, ta be Mt «Pte

Tim Flret Matelm.
Little t^d pebbles were tbe amrbko osed by tbe telMroa to loag ago.
It took aatore tbaurendt. maybe mDUona to ycara ta form tbaae mprWea
A moden stone martde.miu ana tarn
oat tMt.aot) MarbiM a w>te.

lS^Fra)BcU^ffiitoiy ^
For MkUgan Boys and Giris
•r ns.H.a Clans
U JnljNipd Angoet; IBM. the ISU HHbigan was can•taatiy engaged te^iee^lBg ate ponuiac smnll bmada to tba
teamy M bn Tbnnereee:' Wbfie abreat oa dety at oae tUaa
ennreleecwti and mMClal daty men weiw left la ciaap to tba
number to one tasadred ate iweBty^ve. with aboot cne huadred
•M Pfty from other commands. While tbus ahme. they wen
Bttateed by a cavalry eecps to the enemy under Oenerol Wheeler.
BnmberiBg from six to, eight tbouianf men wUb atne pleeea to
artillery. Tbe Vnioo troops mmle a aaceoetoel defenre against
this force, revtag tbe post ftom tepiarc. nad a great .toUrete
bridge tram detorucUon.
Derlag tMe ettark. seven mea to tbe lOib were sent ta
guard HcHIRaa-e -Pnrd on tbe Hotsfan River. One to them waa
a large, powerful man. tbe' farrier at Camptey B. .from Wayae
conety. earned Alesuider Origgs. These seven men by bard
flghtlng. kept bate a brigade to tbe eaemy's cavalry from croaa' lag tbe fort, lor three hours and a half. kUllag forty or Pfty of
tkaa. Tbe enemy Pnally imptnred the whole.pnrty by awlmmlag
tba lirre above and below tbe ford. DMlag tbe dto>t (be Mg
terrier was badly wouaded In tbe abealder. Ocaerol Wheeler
fuRy appreciated tbe vator.of the dtotnae, aad came la are bla
gall(Bl Yaahee piteoaers.
Appnmrblog tbe wouaded terrier, be said;
"B’ril. my man. bow maay »en had yoa at tbe fort—
-Bevee. sir." answered Origgs
-Hy poor feUow." said Oenerel Wheeler, rebuklngly. -dc«T
you kaow that you arc badly wouadod? You lalgfai as well tell
tbe troth. You miy not lire long."
Origgs aoawered indIkBaall}.'
“I am triilng Ibe truth, sir. We had only aevea men.“
Tfae general h»kcd fbe maa teorpty ta the tace ate waa
forced to believe htm. lie laughed oa the absurdity to Ibe {Hastian strurk him. and aald.
-Well, wbat did yon expect to dor
"To keep yon from toosatag. sir."
"Wril. why didn't you do ur' anid the geoeral.
•*Wby." answered Griggs, "you sec that we dU until you .
hit me. That weakened oar force ap that you were too mote
for os.:
'Wheeler was very mock amused, and laughing tnrned to
another woMler standing by, wbo ebanced to be a fajtiof. too.
-Arc an tbe iMbtoleblgaa like yoa fellowtr be aaU.
"Oh, no." said ibe atodlek “We are tbe poorest of tbe lot.
We arc moetly Sone farrion and blacksmiths ^ are not Moeb
osed to Pgbtlng."
"1 wlab I bad a rcgimeai to sBch mea as you." said the
generel, looklag at bim temlringly. as be turned and walked




At Ibe baiile ol Mldileburgi John Steele.a private In Oempony K. tetb Hlteigan. bad bit arm shot off. His captain seeing '
Urn si only after said In a aympatblilng tone.
'Wen. John, you canT carry a musket any more."
"No. captain, but I cos carry the colors, can i 1?" replleiA
John ss bit eyes Piled with tears.
He could here the loss of hU arm. but that ho could do nomore for hit eouccry was a grief be couM not bravely endure.
Among HIcbIgnn troops In tbe Peld In IS6t. was a eompony
to Htteigan Indians la tbe First Bharpabootert. wbo dM teltbful
servlce^nader tbe Sag. of tbe L’ntuc. Tbe folknring aceonat Is
given ef a poriJoD to tbe battle to SpotUylvaela in white tbey
took an active pan:
"The Federal line tviftly advanced with a cheer, to the
deeperate coolest. Answering back
tbe thrill yellt to Ibe^'
enemr at if in coaPdeul Iteance. Jftdwqy tbe iTiace beiweei-,_
the two Unet to batils In a dense thicket to plnen. the bloody
etrife commenced, and almaai la an Innnni after ifac Prat tbuck
tbey becsihc mixed In Inextricable confusion, and the. charge
At length tbe tuperiar numberi of thf memy begaa to
force tbe Union Ubm to reUre^ regiment afler\ regiment fell
slowly and snlleBly back, ate the whole kfi was liKretreat. The
terrible sacrlPce to the trotet atteei thrir valor. ancHbe magni­
tude of the struggle.
On a little kooil. among (be thick, tpiodllng pine, where
their rlPes commanded (be country (or itaefr full range.' rallied
two Mlrbigaa regimenu. tba IM Sharptbootors. Colonel De Lend,
ate tbe 27(h. Hajor Htoidy. wbUe a.UKIe back la a ravine, was
the litb New York battery, supported by the fnd Mkbigan In­
fantry. Tile eomtmt. slowly, aulleely, dlssstroosl} rtollng donra
from tbe left, was bnniihig opoo tbeo. when Colonri Hnopbrey
of the Ind Hleblgan. commaadlng brigade. cn.I as an keberg-and
resolute as (ale. said. "Doys. this most be stopped" Tbe Irodee
hall tottered and wfalnled with terriSc furor, but the IliUe band
stood Brm. Hore than once tho bold r« bel» laid their bands on
the gans to tbe battery, only u> be driven back by well directed
volkn. A cheer arose. Ibe memy war cht-cked. broken but not
defeated: tn an Incredibly sbon ume they had re-formed, and
ogait (be (earful straggle was renewed On tbe right stood the
«lh. Pgbtlng with unequsled coolness and bravery; everyUiUg
OB tile left the «barp«bootert had Ix—n rw-pi asray. u>d tbe at­
tack oa both ibrir (ronl ate Sank, with both Infsbiry aad arillkry pouring In shot and shell, was terriPr. bnt/ibey gGlantly
held Ibeir groad. On tbo left of tbe sbirpsbooiers was a com­
pany to civtlixed indteas ta commaod to (be young aad tsmenied
Grerernet. to Utlk Traverne. an ednacied belt breed-as brave
a bate to warrion as ever struck a war path. Tbey suffered
drMdfully bcl aever faltered or moved, soaedteg i& war whoop
with every volley, end ibeir OBcrring aim tooa leugbl tbe eaemy
tbey were atatetiig oa dangeroni ground. The Pgbtlog contlnned. Near night a ramor ms aloog (be lloet that aamositlod
4 gone, ate (be cry of -gtve ibem tbe Mcer It received wPb a
cheer. The attack baa again been repotsrt. sad tbe morm InlH;
tb» Pgbi te kwlag lit horrid fury, and with a fearful burst to
snlllerT It ainkt Into a aealtered tkirmlsh. but not nnlll tbe
darfcaem come did tee hattle cease.
At tbe Hkblgaa Boys la Bine were In at tee atari to tee
great rebcllloB. ao were te^ la at tee Pnitb
U was H^II«. Rfetamood bad (alko. Lee snrrendered,
aap Lie hai'wu over. Oa^tbe Ttb to Hay. LMateaaat Cobmel
Pritetart to tee Poarih Hiteigaa Cavalry, teea In OcoTla. was
dMccad ta proceed with hM rftglmeot.aa rapidly oa paMlWe to
tea Ocmnlgee river, (or the parpero to preveatlag tee eaeape to
Jefferacm Davta. wbo was lapposed to be aakiag hla way to the
AtMatic eoaat. aad E be gto oa hb trate la foOov him wberorcr

be were, ate la coptare or kill Urn « paarikli,
Tbeo the teUaat Foorib begaa a tram baat tecoote
freeeuand«wampaerOeocgte.eadarta« wttboto , iteglMit. Mag
wnary marcbea. gaiag to onu time ferty-eight rrmaarotlre baua
wRbeat.teod. now genteg trate to tbe fagnivca tbey wefn pur■■isg aad agaia loalw aff unra to teem ks tbe .wUdrracns. At
MM they rareted AkbeyvOla wd tante ttet Davis M alrttey '
croonad tba Ocrnnlgee.
Ortertag adMoU to^ hoadite ate twenty-right men ate
seveu oMcers to the bsR moaoted men la tbe eommate. Ctooael
Frkctert marehed In the alg^t ibrereEk aa alreoto anbrwkan
watu to ptae tonal 10 irwint^. wblte he (md ranched at aboot
fme b-elete ta tbe asoreite- Here, pmitlag kte men at Itwned ibataparty meetlag the dre^ptiua to the.oae.
be wBt In porrelt to wm camping in tb.' woods about a mite and
aad a half tram the town. Hoviy y wKbta a abon dittaaee to
Ibe temp, be eanjoaded h. sad
was bow ateot two o'date
la Ibe arerulag. tbe moan geatag low. ate4b»:sftj|^ii -t^ tte
tureui btevy ate deep. readeriK R resy to aayiWeTBtegia**
utelseorerad tato tbe woodt mi twnmpt, be eonrladte to wait
to daylltet.
Tbe ewap la wbl?h lar q«i.tly tlrepl»« ibe tote prreldeo’.
to Ibe auutbern eoatederm? aad bis family. aU uaeoareiout to (be
line to blaecooied HtcUgan tu>s that bad bramed ibem la. was
plMoaBily situated la a thick pine forvM. aenr a Utile. cUnr
ruaslag broot la Ibe comp were three wall teats standing tn
line parallel with tbe rood ^ a small teat pMebed BBteM a
Urge tfc*. Near by was Ibe'rest to ihe ramp. wHh a omaH
ciMpaay to troops, mrme anay wagons, ambnlancre. boraea aad
eqalpmriilJ. .
Joat as tbe #arll«u dawn appeared. Cuhmel Pritchard pat
bit column In mtoloa. and appraacbMg to wiltala tonr or Pvw
rods to the camp uadlacorrri'it. ordered a doth to bi- made, ate ta
an Inriani tbe camp was In hit pcxarealen. Tbe torprire ana
complete. In hU Brat Impulse to escape HreaMeat Davte bte pat
oa bk< wile's waireprouf ckmk. thrww a abawl aver bU b<-sd and
' c-adAvnred to eacape. Bai the tlmrp eyre to lb<- HlriiigaB hart
uw Ibroogb bit discalae. and be' aat eaptarcte Tbe prtitettw
were at once takes to Haeon. ate Cui. Prilrlmrd. with iwemy•re to hla mtn was detailed to ereun Hr. Itevla to Waoblnglan.
abore be was plm-eil tor safe keeping In Funiest Honroe.
(To b4^tinaed.)

{tote refuge from a wlaBllBg abuwer a
TTw Little Feller.
-One lime.- said Unrie TImrod. h
nimiutlng way. "we bad a, ben that; aomi-bud) bad Ml cnrwienly proppad
bUteed only one tekken. Pbrenyj op straight, and a gust to wind Pappad
took (be llule feller Into tbe bouM It add tltopad him Pal and Mffka
and made bIm cuddle U«lte tbe kHeb-| hU leg. He war aever exactly rlgbt
ea alove. 1 t'pote the tbander matt} afterwardt: bnl conilaiied to be Uad
have Jarred Ibe rest to tbe eggs. ao'< to Pailcaed out Uke. aad mmer fooltbey woalddT batte.
- Wt. Hit leg healed up stlP. ate bed
-Tennyrste. Ibe old hea eonilsaad ga boobllog around sritb a blite te bte
setting ate dolag notbtag. till tee Pn- gto-Mong they iwmtndrd me ao mate
aUy decided she was (bro^. - Bbe; ol old Cap-n Emory Tush tbal we naad
wouMn-i own the llule chlekre al all: | to know that I got to calllDg htm aa.
but be didn't leem to mlad ft. for) Old Cap-n Tush the mat *a» a vrtcrPberer Part him up pr«iy eomfon-; able mariner wbo had been backed an
able. He grew porGy with gate llv-' the knee by a Hatay pirate, caaolag
Ing. Hit eyrii were bright at beads., tbe Joint-water 10 nm oat. ate reteerbte apMly Ire* iwiablad at be akytad {ing him unaMe to bMid bit leg or iril
here sad there, nte bte teecry little j tbe truth forerer after.
at coqjeiitte at If betboagbt I -Cap's Eswry the Boeate waa al•on was a mighty P«te. tdi wa^ pecuUar. ton. He'd gp blttelag
' pf MimteUcally aroute la the dayUase.
warU to live la.
■he grealett little tike to and b-eax he mmldn'i. toi .aceooat to
be always nailer foot! Any Ume you bit bum leg. go to routi with tbe rast
look a step he'd ran right akmg witb to the fvwte be d come lingering nkmg
yonr shoe, at If be expected It to stop' to tbe kllcheB door for Pbeca/'l^ pni
and scratch up aamriblng for him; Urn to bed in a box abe'd had ma rig
and you bad to loot out where yon up for him. For a spell, be maPa a <
tleppt.-d-i( yob didn't you'd bear from g^ emmgb coverlid for tbe little (M.Pbreny. He wasn't bigger than a min­ ler; be conlda't sli down verygjoae.
ute, but be speedily took tbe whole had there aremed plenty to room (or
'pltad: He was lonesome If there tee mile friktw uteernsate. ate so be
it eomebody arotmiNall tbe llaie. 'waa bote ooFipaBy ate caver.
-It looked like a preUy good
ate -then bit little pipe would be ao
sorrowful that you'd bare 10 drop eeheme; but <to* mocnlng we fooa*
tbe nitk fi-Ikr'dete. Pbeepy Feld tbat ,
wbaiever yon were doing and
(ben roo d bear him Ctep-n Emory wami'i to blame; bat
motber him: 1
Lk song to l.lmseir.1 Wbo*. ao twas. Tbe Cap o bad (be
whispering a
decency tu act like be mteatid (be llland direeily the llule feller's
wonid wiggle oot beuVirei your Pu j Uc feller, and ao did oM Poato. Pbeeny
getw and he'd bean ready logo to rat-^ went upstairs, ate 1 carried Ibe (uxxjr.
Ing again It was time then tor ytm lu' llUlq body out la (be botkro of my
set him down no tbe Poor and sprinkle bnnij, ate—^well. Pbeoiy’s eyes wero
yom<SOra*- tireks tM
to WMgU
dough on -J.-tee otMotb , still rte SI dinner time, sad I
and-help him akmg by rerakblng
•cralcblag and eiyse'f watching
(«>" hurting Ibe tiHk leOeT.y^^
pkklng -III.
with the
tbe ees
cod rf
to your Pneer/njo^rn*
—New York TrUmae.
••He wnt a very nervy llule icnggin.
100! Whrei you dragge.1 a pkre of
siring skms tbe Poor, he'd bollef
Beasda to Calikrity,
•prer-r--.-e-t!' which mrani 'Baafce!
Ban . Ibmtore. where tec' blag ate
Snake!' But bed grab the end. enJ
queen to Italy bare bera tpeading Ibe
He back and Pap bu tiny wtng>
try to PUN ,oe U,U snsse ... -V. He;
If. beaniUM .Male, ate
old Ponio. tbe dog scaadaloui.'j »»>■*»« 'be ctirtoaHle. 10 be apea there
.hough i’.mi was at crabbed at an old-' *»»<• are more Interrallag teaa tbe ,
fst Inhabitant; and cnsltlerea that he-'e:
r.wBfd the pUc- hlmi-'IT Hot the litllel ^rrfql legends a
feller would go preplns and puttertngj «»sls History says that they were
around bis head while he was trylns ’
f'** *»
to dor.- and |.r-ck at bis non- and boi. • bkb bad Iren rent tn tbe Holy Imte
np for hi. eycUds. till ih. old cimnod- t-J 'h- Pisan republk for tbe pnrpoee
p-tm would rl^. In wreth. .ltd mere.bringing bate a lomi to mold from
.off. twrariOB that a tired dog got e-.; H"' k™*-" •’» ^bH"
conriderMkm anywhere.
Tb. Ban Roavre krandt, tao. are
• One day, Ih-sjgh. aftc-f PLreay had '’•‘J-**
Inu-rm. lur

: put tb- iml- f-llcr tn a ,« I d mte- ; '“J'*'- ■"
lor him out on lb-back porch, ate old
Pont WM M1.S P und-r tb- tomch on!
•►’.re lombtlrara are eretowbkb Pl.«-n> bail b--r , gera-;
albm.and .ueb-Uke. a gray old tuilm.;“‘'

to a rat -am- «o..plng av«ni
1 th-m.-Ktchattg.-,
was Just -lldiae '>v-r the edg- to tb-,

pen when tbe little- Kller bolkrol,
•Snak-r which was Ibe «mly bad woM
* Head For' FSffuroa
h- kD.-w. and the ncxi reood old I’ot.:
S-.m- to you U/y* Ibat have's har.I_
bad nnllmlK-red and made a Irap tbat ’‘i’" -"k
k-w-rnt may^ intliakuock<-d tbe little pen gally-wlndlov. *"1 to ra»y lb- ctoortsl mab the aewtback-kick to H pv-nJ-t te- teP"' are telling abnut; bH think
bench ate pr«ty nearly broke Pboeny * k" »■»'• Tbit colored moa. Herritt
tn the geranltdi botlees. Bu-.
live, la New York Stale HMpls you! tee little feller was safe, tal ar iUnghamtoc. He was pul there
old Pont tare op Ihe rat. Pbreny h.-rauM be lost bis wus. Bnt i*ar be
mothered tee frightened little feller, bad bera there a while, he aaddeSTv
and waaied me to whip tbe dog.
1 developad a most aiaartag ahlHty to
•Well, alwayi when nltet rate- we'd haadle Pgurta. Qlire btm Ihe year ate
put the little teller to bed la a box ' the day to tbe mimtb. aad be woold at
with a pkre of bed quilt under him, I oaee tefl yon oa wbat day to (be week
and old Cap-n Emory Toib on tap- j R IHI. Tbra be took to noirtag tba
Cap-n Emory bad no .rate, anyhow.. most Indicate proMemt. aad became
ate.teal't all he was good for. l neveT aUe to repeat long lists to dates. Tba
teoi«lu much to Cap'n Emory, even if doeuiea aye mote laisveMed In him.
Pbaray dM. He was another to betPhltbaeck tbU U by a



Aknt «*• W»jr.

oC m •oBf » jw


Atou th* »*y!
rOK* froB Ui* dew.


Tm «orU It reU o( erl!,- mU the
ABd «nh dCBOBrttlkBt'


froai akie* ibaX Lora

He Bhciwed hb Mlmn boa


■JB coned.
BeoreB-a vrBlh voatd m«e

rW'ilMlB'* *°*K
AlflOAtka w!

Aloac the war!
IB the WBe«»Be Klfhl
mjVi-: “Wfe«« hB»

BBt Lore


to tJOth BBd

it I

Bb *BBd my gtrOBtth

10. IS.

Black P»ddtj*-Blght tUcaa of old mlBDtea. Set aaldA~ettitt cold,
preaa aa dry aa po^Uc aad mix with

hb eyea «v I'm »o reforaier for 1 ae* more light
ThBB darimesB to the world. Mtoe

ABd go. the Boot fw*t Bwoeier aOll

thick enough In cot ioto alicca when
Pour Into small oblong porcelain

And alow to B le the clood that threat

No tfoea BhBl) Might—bo care ahi
The ftmgraBoe and boa»tjrof the rose
No btak BBd bgrreo wtotcr ^1
DetlghU toe ao. alight thoaght i.gtoc
The life that aweetly doeg Lore-t wlU
the tboro.
Akmg the wag! .■
ABd awofC mnMe «X
>*rk'a clear
-AUBBU OoaaUtotleB.
Stays longer with me thao the



bawk-a cry.
ABd ercD to tola greBl throe of petal,
tailed Ufe.
I SBd a rMd|U>«
Wen worth the prtoa of ABgelto.
Bore good Ibas erll to bamaBUy.
here lights Biore Brea tbaa haU




I- '

of getotlne to soak In half a c«
cold water until sofi; ibea pour

The Oeed Time Cemln*.
Aod tola




ABd itaeaeret throb of )or.
ito toe tore that Urea thronih trial.


Then add a ei.p of blackberry

Juice and strain ibraugb toin coarse

away to get Arm.

Serve with

Oytog not. thoogh death dbitny.

Bat we have felt it gatbertog nosd.


of clovev.

Aad heard its volee o( lirtog thun­ throe large red peppers anil four large
onhma chopped Ane. Boll those In-

der. ,
TU coming; ijea. Tto ocmrtBg!

laBTBBlike lu worth portutog
hy Bight aod day by day.
{B the power of Ka remooWtog.
iB toe gnee of Ua reiwleye.
lithe glory of todtoMtag

Tomato Ptoklea and Saueec.
Tomato Soy—To one peck of ripe

Tet high hopes make toe h*rt
lomtuea. peeled, add one teaenpfolof
tonb lighter:
black pepper, ono teacupfol of celery
We may be aleeptog to the grooBd
When H awakes the world to won­ seed, two ublespoonfols of ground bUof ground

I beUeee to Lora renewtsi
AH that ela hath ewept away,

gredleata for two bonrs and Uilriy
mtonira. and jnat before taking from
toe Are add one teaeopfnl of


OB—I believe.

Joat to be good^
Thto to eaoagh—earn
CHi. we who And etoT blllowa wild and
Do we Bo( feel bow more

and one-baU pinU of vinegar and
small leacupfiil-. of salt.
Ibraugb a colander, and battle,
paste that Is Irfl Is nice to put in
Orcen Tomato 8auee-^To twt
Iona of green tomatoea. peeled and

sliced, add two qutru of vinegar, '
pounds of light brpwn sugar, one gill
Would be th« MBBtcleaa Ufe we led of
of aalt. ooe plot of onions chopped
WbHe yet oor llpe knew but a mi



erta ktoa?
Ah! toougb w« miss
All elto-berlhta.

Ane, one gill of celery seed, three gills
Of white mustard seed, two u
fnls of ground cloves. twoTs
fuls Of grtwBd allspice, iwo

Tobe-goflajs enoogh!
teoogb—jBst lo'be good!

wall ri|« ttaBM
are all right;
BapdiBg bright ov« yi»-=i'
The ilBMB are all right, lid. all rlghtl
ThBrah A way p’er toe tteaart. where

rail rtppto bright;
the Umea are all riftot. lad. the times
fc ” .

are all tllfbt.
' ThCM are btods toat edU giBg
Of the rtwee of tprtvThe ttmee are all glc^ tod. aD right!
'ute to UO. life U troAto—(he bloam

right, lad. toe

Bat toe times are.'all rig
Um«t are BllSlitt;

' TUetoewortdaamp
Tto the world you iaom.
And toe times are Ml right, lad, all

—AUanU OoaaUtuUoa.

Do Yeo Believe Rf '
That we tooeld dean that iarit't the
That will 10 aa oar Weaatog bring.
And give iia honey wltboat Ming..
1 dociT britovc H!

In the;

them over the Are In

Naw Englatid Baked Bcaaa.
SCdk two pounds bcwni> over Bight
Let boil to itae morntog uoUl *UBt
; atcaln off the water aad place
to-aii |..i.

spoon; drain and wash to three wa

Add one pound salt

lera. Turn Into a gslto® *>ean pot. Take ^k. ISO laldespoonluk
ooe pound fat salt pork, scrape ami Bake »los all day.
wash; aeore deep, pres, down totn
loaaprionrQl* salt, two
beans AdUtwoioi
cooking spoons tif New Orleans DOlaasea (not syrup); All wltff Lot water


Cacaaiwt Pudding.
Onc-half cup each of cv«
read crumbs, one Mnt milk, oor Jable-

cakes al>ool-an Inch
apart, and bake In a quick oven. Waki
a plain while Icing. Alor It a dellcalr
pink with nd flavor with

seed, and boll until
Sweet Tooulo Pickle—Scald, skin



(topt. W. W. Jai^kZtoTwit i HL.». W,
Washlnglon. D. C., wrttswj
“I aa elsbtylhreo yoWTS old. i
s Hawk,
Tetermiottto. Black
apbysletoa. Imt abaadoaadU
••Some nan ago f wma aaHBaafr
Aried wHM cBa/rtb af (Be marnarfl
iNy tatfeHaga werw pratrattag aag
* as ii w ramagr; . f
jI W flto ama a#'
yaor PrruMt- I btgma « naaflac to*
“After the use of three bolUaa every
app.-aiBBtoof my eumplalst waa^
mewl, aod I have oo besllaUaa in W
n tofriUbis rsmady

ud hake to a moderate oven two and from which the cruat baa be«i cot.
•balf hours.

Serve whb 'bat or

roM sauce.
Cop Cuetarda.

pans with a rich pie ernsi and bake,

Pile to a aerving dish, pouring over
aad between the sllees frestly stewed and
cherry sauce, or boated canned rher-

(hrccvquartera of molaasca nnd
qnanen (ff a pound <d hnUer.


h warm naougb to Mend Uwir-

Let It gel cold and aerve.

. .J;-

Pot to flve icacops a piece <ff bolter
the alxe of three coffee beana and

ongbly add Unve^tuarten ut a pound
at brown angtr. uoa onnoe of gronod

the soft part of Ihe mel­

iriiid ginger. t«c nutmeg gralcvl.
tie oolmeg In each.- Take four eggs
uktog care that they do
on and pore off tbo green rind thinly. ooe-baH of a pound of caodlod orangq
When cooked line wlih a eoauiig of well beaten, one-half cup of S[Ugar. oac .
(he solid white part Into pieces peri cal Ane. and two and a qnarter
ortuigc marmalade and flU <lic eeniers fo„nh.te.«nrvniifBl salt aitd poor grad-: C“t
aboot an Jnebcaquare. Sprinkle aril piraoda of flow. Wcok well togethw.
wlih sUffly whipped cream
Drop a ually upon them Ave cups scalding'
over tb^ and lei them stand twentypot away to a cool place over
milk. Fill cups nearly full and pvt to
marasehion cherry on each.
four bourn In water. Drain off. pul In ntohl. Turn on a floured board and
Mrs. IJncoln s
Moeba Croatn for baking (to nnc.quarier full of hot waclear waliT and boll until quite tenMil Ii-ry llila: ciU in rirrles or
;.akc 20' mlnulcs. Try with blade
rake—Tie n
two tore- talil.-MK"*n•r rak«—Ti.Icr. Pul to a Jar. pour vinegar out small squares and lay aa lurh auafi
. .. life. If smiKAh and do not sUek
fula flnely gronnd coffee to a pi.-ce ot
them and let them atoBd a few days, on greaoed pana. HU togribec. Ute
cheeseclolh. put to llie pot. pour over they aro done. Oven Jnat hot riiongh
bring carefnl (bat they do not stand yolk of one egg aad ooe-balf of a cup­
It itaroe-fourtbs of a cup of bolltog wa- not to boll tbe custard.
long eoough to g« soft and apoll ful of milk and brash over the top "f
Slmmcr for ten minutes.
Drain off. again prepare freeh vtoeach piece with it. iUkr to a moder­
away fn.m the ftqp to seule. Ilrscnc
Pried Cakes.
by adding a pound or so of aogar
ate oren. and as noun as Ukon fn>m
one lahlesponnfiil of ibis strong coffee
One cnp sugar, one cup aww
qnart of vinegar, with a good bandfo the uvra wash again nllli the eg^mlxfor frosting, put the remainder to a
ro eggs, one and one-half l(be
amonnu I turc.-Table Irik.
cnp. flil to tbreO-foorths cup with roltk. melted lard, two teaai>oont
obtainable, tin a III-.
Place in a dmJble boiler. TBlckeu with powder, nutmeg, salt; Aour t
Ue grpund ginger to aSlolh. Put lu
fuls of flour, add three- soft. Fry to deep, bol lard,
Picked Up Bi^
tbe walenneloa and IH It Just come
fourths cup of sugar, plneb of salt «d
.Very hot water sbould never be used
Pat «p in cans and let'll
pour over one well to-aii-n
stand two or three weeks before using. for gtoJia a.s it will not only crack It
frosting stir confectioner's
bat gtvew a peculiar dritoem ibnl deBne-half cup New Orleans glasses,
1C ublespoonful of coffee till of proptmeta from Its shtoing-qaalHIes. A
oe-halt cup sugar, onc-half ett* milk,
Piwacrved Barbtndet^
p consistency.-^SelociedPick the U-rrle* from the alema and apecisi buwl sbould also be kc|it for
one-bair cup builer. one iwpoon
Cucumber Cream lor Sunburn.
The cncninber cream or juice ts one
of nature's

Bent all the spleca except (he mustard

Cut to


Sijrrm^l U'rrt /’re/rarWW.Wr*
— nWA’twry A’aeaw II'OA0»t KtluJ-SfTvmt
Cand h Thru liHIItt c// rtwf


coemctlcs. cooling

bealing and sofleiitog.

Unlike some

other lotkras, It doc* not cover up d<s
tecU. but restores the akin to bealihy

erne teaspoon ginger, two well beaten cover sritb water. Cook ten or flfleen gtaaarione.
eggs, IWO rounding cups floor. Bake in

nrtoutes. then aild sdgtr. nsing aboui

a moderate ovc-o.

n pound to a pint of the fruit.


Milk to an exivdient nballtjite for
In the roai. 'in washing .lishcs. It not only
-gtaal rid days." mriassos was 0*c»f wrfietts the hardest irater nod gfvni
for swtetenlng Insiead of sugar. TbPs disbet a clior. t■aIlsbed Imk. bat It

makes a v.-ry One relli
prevents the band* from Chapping.
MilM Cake,
J '■ ffjiui [irevents a greasy uenm from
action. It has l>ecn scleaUfically dem
Onc-half cup ^^ltcr beaten
and weigh eight pounds Of amall rip-;
piaring on the tup of Ibc water.
tomsiDca. Trite oca- quart of good oaitralcd tbai tbo cucumber is con-| cream, whiles of four eggs,
pa, yellowed by eorincl
fidcnbly coidcr than ihc surrounding nillk, iw<* cups sugar, threi- cups float
vinegar, fonr poonds of good brown
quart* of milk twelve
neck-the moat sUMM «<
Oo oBweased; to amlto back to Ood'a
tobcrc. so ibai "cool as a cucum-] one bait reaspoon «k1s. omsugar and cue ounce esch of cloves.
.aldesin-mful. of Indian lacal. Ia-i It. ,i,,„
wbHen-lnay ba partaei»
« and mace. Powder the bcf" Is a most apropos comparison, j on-ani of tartar,
scald tiDitl 11 thicken*, th-o odd ore
by pntUng It to IttkAMm
'Whh toe glad Itpi oor mothen used to
Boil nnill It makes a syrup, to lls cfflcacy to cx-ies erf sunburn and afMip brown sugar, (wo (ea*|*unful> ,
,rllh while scop, rtnogtng
fcwlkms of The sklB Is doubtless due <u
Fig Ice Crest
which drop the tomatoea. and cock un|.iw deiid ctonamun. a|wnful I
ml leant once a day «nd-|e('
Ah! tbooMi ww mUa
1 milk, one pli
loneV&ls preserves the tomaloos this cool qiialily. In making this balm
.»«-*, iw..|,,„^ ,i
ground ginger and ch
yti, jrrntAn rise but tola.
at home, and It can be made ai a u-ntb inbicsponiifiil gelaito", < . and cmwholo.
i delicaw;
t will not hurt the n
To be good la eaouMi!
St Ihe rtruggist s. procore
.Sweet Tomato Plcklc-To eight
choppeil suet, a little »xli and iw.. .-.ip.
—James Whitcomb Riley.
cut flne, jDc ixlik-sp<>unftil yaaills
quarto of flne, ripe, peele.1 lomaiocs the beat almond oil for lls fouiidailon.;
of ral'lns or of sweet appb- ri.-.|.|s“i
If vrtvri has bw-n uw-d until It can
large, almuM ripe cucumlH-rs. | (.y,
Ihe double bolter: cook
bee one quart of vinegar, two pounds
fine. Bake lhr.> hours, stirring ■"-rabe ntllixi-d no longuv. It may take oa
a sugar, two ounces .of mace and oac four bimces of alraoiid oil and hall j ,,.g „mrne«. Real eggs and sugar to- slonally ih.- Brwl hour.
*csh Bcrvice by Iw-iig wa*h*d and
ounce each of spermaceti an.l white j
cooki-d mixture on this.
pepper mixed, one icaspooaful
broogbi forth again a- lianne velvet.
abonld boll six minutes after It reach
wax. Put these Wgredlcnu into a cun;
Are. add g>'Iaitoe which
of celery seed and oi
Sclecled from rcclp'-s l.o.iight to Naptha snap mal..-> a pi*>d soda for,,
et the bolltog poluL
„ Led In cine-half cup cold
salt. Sweeten and season the vlnpgir. and SCI to a basin of boiling water j
Blackbctty Preaervoe-Briecl Urge,
wax and spermaceti j ^,|j.
^ k tbrve nitoules. When i Uichlgan to the twrly -u s by Hrr. this purporc. bol tl..- -Ap linelf aboold
and scald. Lay t^c tomatoes
not be used <*i the velvet. .Wbeo the
mr blackberries for preserves. The
cn aro and vanilla and ; Hsonob Pearson Cram.
boiling vinegar otrefully. to avol.l blend with the almond oil, lo f..rm a '
velvet I* nearly -Iry, rower U wUh an
lawteo to excellent for this purpose.
breaking. Bring slowly to a boll, then uniform mass, place the cup on ihe,^_____________
half pound nf sugar for every
<dd Imndk'-rcbf ! or other piece of llhback of »be range. Peel the cucum-,—
-lake out the tomatoea with a skimmer,
nut meat and enough ground cinoa
en. and pr.-s* It. and yon have a piece
pound of frnll. B«al the berries to
bora, which should not be too yellow, lx 1-1'"= «'■> '■‘I*
WC’’pack Into
Jars, and till us overmun and grai.-.i nu.m.-u u. tx-u. Bak.
but Juat on tbe verge of turnibg. Chop 'hl» arrange th- cakes, taking c»r.
>if panne v. lvc IJgtal-eotorad vetreu
the kettle very atowly Uli the Juice
Aowlng yuh the botUng liquid when
in a quick ovcn-i;xrbai.g.-.
r.-s**ol lanl.^lxrjy
iliutiirjy w
weM to Ihl* irxa'starts, then add tbe angar and simmer
you have strained h bark into tbe ket­
-h -bey
and mix with the ..ihcr Ingrc-ll ; *l>h pnwdere.l sugar an-l put hto a,
meni, thourh
-ber CO
come oat w shade
half an hour. If to be kept without
Oranse Cingerbctad. '
tle aad reheated lo scalding. Seal,
To add to Us dainty appearance.] quick own, A« «oon ii> sUgbilyi
. .l-lirre to cotor.
sealing, three qinarters of a pound
l|.-ai togc-ih- r in j saoc.-iaoa pr»u“1
wrap to thick Imper- lo eacluuc the
color wlih a few drops of spinach Juice i brown.-d lak- out of the o> .-ii and sc
should be used to every, pound
llgbi, and set anjiy.
to just a pale sen green. Pour the-aside to co.d,
Tomato Catsup—Ci^ln pleces.'bolI

To Hfl our besru wbcrc they are


ting pul

apounful of soda. Boll until the huU
will wrack by blAwtog on ibem to

Sprinkle with powdered angar;
Baked Indian Pudding.
vbea dune or serve with maple syrup.'
One quart milk; lake out on<
They' should be aerved very liri and!
cvpful and scald the rest and arir W a
aa teen evroksmall rnp of meri: buuer the site of are luHter If
tog fresh oaea aod supplying Ibem as
eupfula of white sugar aod ooe of but­
gg, one small enp molaaspa
ler. add the whites of^ft^ur eggs beat­ cup ralatoa, salt and riunaiDou to fast as the others are eolea.
en stiff. (WO cupfuls of sweet milk,
taste. Cool and add two sroil beaten
Kxmfuls- of baking powder, and
Charry Brand.
. Flit Into a well butlered pad­
ding dish: pour orer top the cold milk
Butter rather thlt* alto a of bread
tlose Leaves—Cream

boiled costard flavored with orange or
growlBg vanilla.—Selected.

Wo may not see lu dawn anhUme.

I baltore to 8e»-DeBtBl.


r wUh water over night.

freab. cold -water: add one-etgfato tea-

cold cover this with a thick

eoatiog of dissolved cbocolate.

It one Mel ef boiling water; add baU
of sugar and atlr until It U dis-

Tit omiiog up the etcep of time.

Nobler tar to willing ktodgoBB
ThBB to oeoBiWa koeneBt keg.

ke one quart small navy beant.'mtoutei add Sga.

apooaful melted
butler, two tableOut of tha Usual.
Cboeolaie Cream Cake—Two eggs, All again, put on rover, bnke down spoonfuls sucar. IUI1- egg. S»xk
glaas molds.' Cut to tbin alicca and
and cocoanut to milk I
i cup Of granulaied augir and two Dearly dry; All once more and xiBun<
place between two thin sllcea of bntHRS ■ K DUCK.
i of butter must be thor­ all day to moderate oven. If yon wish
tered bread; a few chopped
wk crisp, remove and put to
oughly creamed: tben-add a cup
sprinkled over the berries U rery nice.
w minutes before nci^|{qg
milk in which has been dlasolved a
Blackberry Shoricakc—Butler twp
Ono pint 9f flour, four eggs, o
apooDfol of soda and a cup and a half
pant aad spread the doogb out on
Baked Btown Bread.
apponful fitt'. one pint bolltog
of floor Into which baa been alfied
ng with the knife. Bake
pour one run boiling water
Sllr the flour Into the water by degreea
icaspounfula of cream of tartar
In a quick oven from 20 to 21 mlnnlea.
and stir until It is sreU cooked, which
The soda and cream of lanar are here ball cup of corn meal; ooe i
When done ptat logclker wllb sugared
rable to baklac powder. Stir ibe milk, one-half cup motoaaea. one and will be to two or three minutes. Ud
btockberriea. that have been standing
.■most (Old. tben beat to the
ottp-bMf cup Sl^olr wheat Aaur. "
mixture unlU xa light aa possible, ad
time. Put berries on top and
yrika of the eggs and afterwart the
spoonful of vanilla aad bake in
dust with powdered sugar and heap
whites, which must be wbipi><a|B a
long cako pan. Wben done, spread
mom berries aroond the base of '
stiff Irolh. Haacf kettle of lanWrry
layer of whUe Iclag of boiled froallng
cake. Serre with cream.
Id drop to the Imtter by spoon .
1 a qoarter of an loeb thick, and
Blaekberry Sponge—Put bMf a box

been rinsed with cold water and

lATge amid the eons of mes.

T ..

Dartag'UM emnJfifl wwMta a aertoa of nattoaal rseipaa win ba fli«M to

and bake until pork is brown; toco

mnslla. Into a basin set on crmcked
ABd- meo grow better ' aa the world Ice; sUr oeeaakmallj and,as
begtoa to thicken beat to a stiff froth
grows oM.
-^to Wheeler Wlleox. and add the stiffly bcatoo whiles of
four eggi. Tom Into a mold that baa

I hMton to HiUBBB kudaeu


CoitiM l]f M Ttmns lanckNpMs

M BipsrtminT. twtoritoitod by Ornnd TcBvwraa houaakeepats. Theae raelthe cabbage, pretlodhltweexed dry. ,-a. ewrarlea a widt rm^a af datoOaa. are all Mvan as orWtoaUy oaad In toe
Oreaae a mold. ArraBge the Meaaore. aod u> each «aart>gdd oor VarioM ooontrim from wWeh they mam breupW by tha cBtrlbtoart. ar by
qaarter of a eoprol of chopped'wbllr toeir rclatiyea and friondt to the eoMtrtos named, and thorn orhe try toM
bread aad trail to alteroaie lay<
Buam for two teen. Tun the pud- oetmu. ott^earter of a cupful ' may be ^red that they an the i«al th^np.
dlM out of the mold. Serre etiber hoi wUte muatard ac«l. one-half of a cu^
New England Sakad Baana.
I frce.e. When It has ben> freeing ten

eyea an quick
To eatob thfr toai dim fBdtoBoe of the

Ahrng the wf.



bread bguered. Oee qoart of awo«.
eaed. atewed bleoberriaa or Marttber

•"The world *wwt better.”

Of tUM, >II4 »»«. ud »onB«.»«»
The wewrt ihoudtfB ihe liou^t e<


layer apriitole a UtUe eall aod blta of with egeal qaaoUllea of riaegar aad
better. BBd cont well with Wackber. water. oad*let ataad aaother day. Put
rlea. WCTlootly tiewed aad aweet- tomatoea aad rtaegar ia a bbbo
orer the tre. heto aed b*4or
esed: tbeo pet oo aaother layer.

fel of amall BaalnrtJom poda.
or cold with Bleo aaece.
—Stew toe spooBful of celery, one t
. Blackberry
-----------to uaie an l j of grated' boraersdlsb an
. H>erTie> unUI aofi. aweeii
spooafal cf aogar. Add Just enough
thtekoB with a mile
end BOM.
Into toe boiling 1 riaegar to motaton. Fill toe peppers.
with the iolce:
“Tel Btlll oeeda help BBd comfort
borrica. and when It tbtekena pour It with this, pressing Into toe center Bf
tram the clroos:”
Into small cups or mold* that bars eato. one clove, four allspice and a litABd Bbowed bia fcllowa by bU faith:
been r1n.«d wlih cold waict. When tic piece of mace. 8«-w up the Inclaloe.
Place the peppers to Jars and
rvo Vito eniam aod aucar.
How powel rtrtae b to right the
iberry Cheeat—This U nice for with vinegar. If more spice U ddslred
sr UafitnooB tea or picnic sandwiches To It may be bolted wilb ibe vioegar
While thnnge obeyed hla leading.
It ti poured over the Entsbed
d pepS
a p^d of berries add three qaartera
pound of angar. and cotA miUI pers.-Tablc Talk.

l-m wlB- U»t ior riU k.e-



tor ererr wreos.
Tel—they puaod oc ai



B layer on a ttmmi pta tto. aod graaaa log tone Umoaaa toot*, by amaarc.
the top wfdl with meKed better aa ytm hare of the tomattiet Mix wtto
IB the aane proportioa aad let the
Bpc«d «■ thb asotber layer.aBd hake.
TegetaUm ataad overhight. Drala
Whaa doee toe top layer eao be ref
BCK day. pet to aeperale Jara. eorer
BOrad witbooi Mdsg a fcsVe.

To let Ibc totret tor woridly ^er

Brieed BUekberrlet—Bricg to boll­
cream while silli warm Into cmpilcbl'
Chocolate Ma<xr<«>nf—Mix one-hall
and itruln. a peck of ripe lontotoes.
tog a quart of vinegar and four ponlKls
eggshells or little porwlaln Jws of line-pound of pulverircl sugar and ime
Then boll again until thick, add a teaof brown sugar.
material and set in a |>an of cold w a-; quarter of a iw.und of gfaiwi rhocoJaic,
spoonful each <rf allspice, gronnd
tto ao^ life's problem to deride,
ter to harden. Wash the skin thor- with the iK-aien whites of iwo cgg«
chn-es, cinnamon mnd cayenne pepper.
do beileve It!
oughly mJ nighi before appl.rtng the Flavor to tiu-i.- with vanilla'. I’reiianleaeupfal of sugar, hall a (<acnpfal
this acrid right' pounds of fruli tin len­
cream. Dry off the molulnre with a a baking Ito acc-rdlng to direclitms to
nf aalt. a riot of vinegar, a ublespoonThat oor great wortd, ns eome folks
der. Skim It ont as dry ms may be and
towel and then rub. the cream - precwling r-cilie. aod drop Ihe mix ;
ful of muatard. a nutmeg and a iri>b-pat It to a stone Jar. BoU the syrup
gently Into the skin, la '.he tnoraing lure hy small spoonfuls i.n ti
ipoonlnl of black |M-pp, r. Bull for 111
flve mlnutea and poor o<ror (he fruit.
wash off with warm water, folk.wlng! Almond
teen minutes, tben bottle and s«nl.
^ three eocceaalve days pour off
dash of cold water to make the ^
pond of sweet almonds to -v
Ihe ayntp and return It lo-ibe Jar.
llMiieaflnni mortar, moist, ring from lime to tim.
B«i tont. aa hlMoey will show.
PepparaBlaekbeny Jelly—Itse onripe fruit.
with a dn.|p or two.of rose water; whip
The -good rid Ilmen- of tong ago
Take large, sweet, green pej
part atold be red. Cook very slow­
the white, nf seven eggs stiff, ibcii
Haro better grown, will better grow.
Home Made Maearaena.
ly till quite soft: squrexc, strain. Doll and make an ineishm at the side of
b<al In. a Utile at a lime, one |»>und
I do brileva tt!
Macaroons equal to cvcd reepect
Juice twenty minutes, and add each: through this remove seeds anc
i of ronfectloner's sugar. Laaily. silr to
I Ihr trfnigh‘-n—i>c
veins. Drop thorn inio a cold brim
oujoarler* of Its wrigbi of g '
That^ we are hwe to sorrow boni^
the almond paste: mix well, drop
, ,
.t.toted sugar taMted ao hot that It will saneirally strong to bear an egg homy. The app«-nded reetp.-*. itoilrict :
Are ^v«D life to live forion.
.in b- Io„.n MW,..•“■
Have more nf Mght time than of mora hiss wben dropped into the Juice. £lir Keep to this (or two days, .changing
, I bake qiiirkl'
I dtmT briteve U!
B ««
egg add ooe-hall
Hk-Lury Nrfi Maearoons-MIx i
tbenat once romove from the Are. aad
Bat that a hoalthy. tieevftn mind
pound Of puh-eritedromfecilooer's sug-ltbe beaten w hite* of ihr.-e egg* and
Aad Ibasktul heart e'en here may AB' All the Jelly glaaaea. set on serenA
ar and one lro»hly grated cocoanat.' one pound of pulveritrol sugar, but do
ihkkneasea of wet doth.
' sail, allowtog ooeshau of a empful of
ThM Ood aeans taly to be kind,
salt to a hatt pe<A at tomatoea. Have Work into a Miff panto, tbeo abapelnot beat a* when making coke Ictog
I do believe Ut
. tim write cabbage; chop It. tak- with the kaada Into aaril cakes. Une SUr to one enpful <rf chopped riekory

Bot-Omt endeavor well applied.
X wni that win not be denied,

Orinnoll Bro-thers
Th* PtaAB BBd OrdBffl Bayen* CbUb
Is tk' hs.vwT "• IlioWma'- »•* Postm—
a.. >su.e «.~U yet - proeiisswUr as OWtP
xgu. tutus —r iMwns .. morti por.l,.sw-A asM thel to. sM»4 ww
rwsrsuUw at saarfsrtiM «. evroy
evir swralrhro j.wr».
Troi wiU Sod » Vl»r MIU-H TOloCS
AOTAFTAOK to mm or
Bslfyuean. imit—pliTWn tb. pwrebsm o( a
sPlwy.y(Mfr<abw‘l(a>MBl tmiroMX

fOcUp»'« L»Slia U«ic Hoofc I5» X Fl«t St

f 'i

©ratojem E^iralti.


heesTtt 12


vec XLvii.
Three Btmday ftiioswaya.
Cm b> inHet CMrl
lamwan were plottlfal Simdsy
Fra* rPMAar*! Booorf.
A «M« U bciBc tried IB JBttlee Ovr- aad. aliboacfa aoae rMolted (ataUy.
boy had a yery aamiw escape.
' tie' «oen whldi t* u «dM o( Ute J.
Ptaak Orcewwood betap nm dowo by a
p. FItai B»oit*w> BEBlr*.
a J. WoriBB l« islBK A. B. BoeO- horse driyeo. hr mss p«Hl *>»• »«!
sntel 00 t»o eonote. ooe tor forty- reeelytac a seyere scalp wo&ad.
Hiss' ElUs was driylap oa Pront
Are oadi of wood yaleed at 140 aad
net and when In front of tbe EDto'
(be oiker tblrty corde wbIomI at »40.
The cootrororty to dM to the aelltBi; MM. tbe boy cm a wheel rode out from
of eorUta wood by (be defeodast wbleb
8bc had not
(be ptotmig (datoia «*a -totaually K>al- s(andlB< by (be
n oqi a
lliae to atop or
ou( of Ms posaesatn bb4 euoe
d boyw
(be bsBda of tbe dsfeodaBt by flodlay Qoently the wheel aad
Oife of the
B»d was wrttoffully cMiyerted u
besfe's front feet itnxk him
Ttie defow dalw tkat for a Iodi; right temple InfllcUng a gash wbk4i
tin* Brior to aM at (be (too of tbe required ala atltebea to elcwe. It
coBBOMMHat of the yolt. be was tbe looked to tbe bystaadeta as Ibcmgb the
ras being killed but be picked
o»b« of the wood,
aad la lawfal UUe of the forty corda. blmteir up nnd pdllad his wheel from
bold as aastrws of f. O. Pfbe A Boa. Oder tbe carriage. Tbe boy seemed
baU «a tbe traoBd aad rttht of way aot to botke the cut until the blood
aoto aad abaolnie

where aaM wood was attested la sad begna to trickle down bis cheMc. He
' ahs»*ibeM.*K. B aadsaldiOaiiiife tbea walked to (be-doctor's oBce and
had ^ teowladfs aC defeadaafa tbe lafory dreseod.
The Ucyclc was demoliabed and a
ewRbnfala. Tbe ease la betoc tried
hMore a Jary aad to bard foaffat. the

pecmliar iucHent is t^l tbe sboe was

for rural free delivery,
MBS loaay.
lou aare the has been yearly raised until tSSO.
o solve sad the quielfer you was appropriated; tbea tl-SOO.OOD aad ad and placed in the new nsmly (ariory |1
being erected tr Straub Bros. A J
c better for the ednoaUoa
last year ISO.DOQjOOO raised to earry cue. a hydrauUc el-rrator a '
the work oa to ll.O00.0M people. We lag power of 1.600 pounds.
The Dmwood •
another selection after which Presl- are working now (or a parcel poet.
b it remarUble? H von saw tbe ahtort1
DnKenenn iBImdlM-ert Mortimer
___ __
England and Genaaay carry elcrea
L eonnUess tlKijsands m value assembled.
Tbete%to E
Whitehead, "tbe Imported speaker.'
Sly Iron Works did tbe
I anaiety among brasjraw. Tb<-y bad to be aasored agalaal I
pounds Id their mailt sad we carry
panel the
• tbe meau of contagious diaeasea. Tbe mauageoent mal I
oMy-foorpoends. We will bate It.
“^Hr* Whitehead claimed In bis
inches In cdismri’er i
tbe dmnaod
unaod each year by diaiolecting wnb b
Uaaon J
lag Ulk that K hfr was imported stock
■fire feet. The Hunger;
."Afler we build our roads the citybe was lh<ironcblired; as be had been
and niie-faalf tnefaes In dlaia- i
people come out with their auiomoa member lor thirty-fire years. He
tier and the water runs into the eyi'a-:
rcrolTfd to Hr. Whlinoj- of the asylem. milees acd scare our horses all to dtr tbroi
e space between liIt aadj
wum* ersumrsu. ue yas
s’bo was on the plaiXorm as a (t>-work- piecro. Lbok at the county buildings tbe pluhk.-.
u d,Mmri diM«a ••rakw aToidi coaucMa. oir*s
“Judgtng try pa*> ciperionw." he and cities. Tbe farmexs help to build.
When the elevalor to at the top of!
believe ihai the ...........
said, -we —..............—
Uvem. Why not hare the city people tbe building there to Ibe weight of;
grange is InqtilnM into the better will
forty fe« of the steel plunger added to
help build ibe roads they use. Ukc
be tfao result." He read .
tbe load and in order to equalise ine'
Josh DILbngs
to hts on.__________
'Consider weight and give the si
papers last week that the
lifting i.-'wef;
farmers bsd
grown »lic
ocwiaso slamn It sticks and'it at the bottom as there iIs at life topgrealerl ero
Ale by 8.
ail attached-wulghr u;
a piilly as tbe .-l.-.-a'or|
only In Ulefaigan bat a tu
rises. This arrangement make* i- irocess. -We'd beflere It as qpick If yM Oeontc
rotsible for the l««ad to drop for If the
bat all churches
tost farmer we bad la csmgreaa was a c.vllnder sboold l>reak the water would
dosed up as to be told that tbe g^ge
was going down.'v New York basll.noO colored maa."
Hr. niiltriKad closed bis able and elevator vrould lower sb>wly.>
members and is adding to the
laicfoitlag addrm by deploring (he
"Wo believe that the grange to .a fact that coagreaii was eooilderlng (he
Deputy Said to Sc Short.
good organlsalioc to overcome evil or-Leland. HIch. Aug. 20 —The rillSKe
tif lacroasing the stand­
gaalsatlen. such as trusts and monoiioUoa. Tbe farmers need Ihclr orgaiiiia- ing army to IHl.OW and likened the was thrown Into a flurry this morning
Bought. Sold and Carriad on Jdarglna for Future Delltrory.
(loo to proiucl tbemhelyes against,such
aUrgvd shortage of Deputy.
to tbe picture erf.the man dig­
Lang DMmm ftoas Alto ?M
organisations. Forty-three years ago
ging ID the ground -with a soldier Postmaster Gcnnan-&rdes, who Is
1 was down In Utn'toad In a bloe coat,

II gaso.oER,



Grain, Provisions,Stocksasd Bonds

idalBtUr tfoslai hto sUa u tbs Bre- torn from Uc horse's toot that stniek
tbe wboM aad remalaed stack ameag
ard wftoldD proms.
because wc farmers over io New Jer. strapped to bis back. He finished by
J. t. Fwoddia sad Jidis Jditaafer tbs spokea. Be was lakes to bU bome.
got up a mUitary organisation bb- telling the good old’darkey story of the
m Oardrif areaae and it la sM
reproseot tbe toeasel.
lae tbe mtoi......................................
maa who prayed to the good Lord night I
tbooght that any. serious remits wtfi got up a bad or
I to overthrow
night to sMd him a turkey for |
He prayed and prayed
ro by I
rltbont the lost <
the last bight wltboot succm
beeambtrigfalened^t an aub
and then prayed the good Lord to send
8tat« street and became tunaanage-


andjirospor beeanaa the farmers need- him aflef the turkey and before morn­

able. One .of B, J. Uorgan’s rubber
oogrt for twro days is stUl far
It/pratecllai. It breaks ur'*^*‘—’*
being edefisd is the dafease 4M not Ured boggles was cUndIng In front of UoD and adds to tbe social
" begla (betr tasUiBOBy BbUI aMly the lh« livery ban and the runaway struck farmer."
bocm boor. The attaatloa of the Jniy tbli badly daipaglng It. Collamer's
Hggy was also badly damaged.
Prom Uoaday'a Raeord.
to takea np tbU aftaraoim with the
A horevrdrtven by an eld geaUwaao
vHe who oaaaea two bladeaof gnat
feoalaeet-ooiuraeta «f i. D. Pike aad
aa eaea oomlag on a nm over the O.
> grow where one fpn^y grew to a
B. A 1. track on From street with tbe benetaetor.-’ said Hr. Wbitetaead at tbe
toto year are bfooght onL Itop
«TM to being laid on tbe payments

tbllla bangtor nearly to tbe ground.
Part of (be baraeta had broken and

«ni ttat Cito Tto CMk Wililirtito Mto*

grange rally, held at tbe old

tald lu iic short S1.1WL. Postmwtcr
OoT (ariliiies ier riving quidt service qAansurpeased. We pay all siiisugiis «a
Uanin Brown, wbo to also sheriff, be- mdera, thir Dafly Market Unimma5ed^fcd«dmrge.«n»PP»i'»*»<»“Heved be bad
feel that the toisiaboi
of the postoOee was not on subRanlUl basis and to osder to have a

closer knowledge of tbe poalofflcv ae
Its nmlfled (be depertment author-

ing the tnrkey was In bis household | Iiles at Wavbnglon and immediately
OoveCnroem Inspector! HartlD of tfels
' You won't get

and he then said:

until you go after It."

distrirt was sent to tnvesllgate.

Starting to Schdol


C. I- Whitney was called upon by was done yesterday afternoon and
the president to apeak briefly and as evening adM the vcriflcailon of the
tbe boor was late -he spoke for five •boriage annonneed. According to ib'i
mlnntet on remnlaecnees. which the ataiemeol made public by Postmmiler
visit of Mr. mitebead bad brought Broarn. the alleged shortage tlatea hack

the first organi- to April aad eras mainly in the money
It la cUlm^ U|b(
xarions thirty years ago and coot rail­ order deparimiot
«hld> were smde by J. D. Pike to the whee In front ct tbe We^oe^ong dob
were Issued by tbe
ed them with the wonderful work-Tif money orders
tbe ebafta diopi^ to (be grottad; bead aUted that some one bad dlMOvAatsndaat up to and fcdlowiag tbe v
he martd this deputy for bis personal use, tbe
Kwek la dbe ated iu>d tbe animal freed ered that while the farmers were tgurjtoa» iMBtrMU which eiistad beiwai
slement which was the summing up nmounu not being turned to.
hlmatof from the Impendlag hanieat.
grow that extra blade
German Corde* is ooe of the membera
’ tbe wondertnl growtii of ibe'organlne driver atfll dung to tbe lines of grass to
>Uon-. The poyrer of the grange has of the firm of Cordei Broa.. who hare
which brought tbe boyae dear around, there were others i-bo were figuring
rer been gruter than wc could use." been the leading merebaata of Leland
todng him. Tbe poslOon of the maa bow to get It from the farmer. To lb
Uaster Cacrol SMlih. Miss Dell Pep­ for many years, and It s alleged that
la tbe wagon with bis feet bneed Inatrate this be said be watched
per. Haater Perry Rantotn, Hist Eva the trouble aiose through flnaselal
against tbe dasb board and hanging hive of beet wfaUe
dllficuUles. The poslofflee is located
Oenstead. Maade Steele and "
tbe lines with the aat- few days ago. tbe
Racdiel Pepper all favored the large In the store of the firm. An effort .to
mal toeUiis him In the face brought about twenty-five thoutand workers
Will Oa To Detroit
audience with recliaiivos or songs and being made today to have the shortage
of toeghter from the wUaeiaea.
besily engaged In gathering tbelr wlnfir. Boe«lbM-Tbompaoa has tost reIbe orchestra-closed the exercises by made good and so far no aneat bos
tefa supply. They gather and gather
a lively aeleciJon, ibc remainder of the beoD made. It ir alleged (hat many of
taroed frtoS fistniU. whsyti she
Big Qran4 Plenie.
the entire summer what one man takes
the page* of the money order departsrTgBgegMato to sngaBs la praorogram being left onj^u
1 raads-T*r to. the old fa
away, learlag to>t enoukU for a bare
mi-ni accounts are so mulllated that
«laa ai K Baac ntrest. and sbe will
.teneas of the hour.
Dda. sooth of the city. Saturday. In
Hrtng. If they raise a fuss he puffs
It ha* been bard to arrive at a vertfleaTbe president announced
, toars Tbarsday morntag for her
the’eatlmaiioo of tA gnagera and a little smoke in tbrir fare} apd they
bOM . fto will not go Inio genml tbelr mends, and at an eariy hour tbe
ext meeting of Pomona grange would Uem of the accounts.
quiet down and wait until another see'
Mr. Brown to aberIB of Leelanau
jnetlo^Atore, bat wlU make obste- aeeae there was a busy oae. Arrtrals
be at Fife Lake Sept
son to begin (heir work again.
county and the poainfflco has largely
MW ^dtoeases of obDdran ' - poured In at tbe eatrancA* aad tbe
-We are like beet. We w<
been In charge of Deputy Cordes.
. ■parlitlT.
Dr- Baaeatbal-Tbea
Beard of Education.
Pomona membera
met them
baa bew' Vmger In acinai praetloe la proved the laak a pleasant cate.
Tbc adjourned regular meeUng of
Over a hundred men are engaged In
labor ukan by one man and if
Trotmee City than almost any of tbe
«oa a mcBster basket pleale wa
he Inartl of education met on E
tbe work of coDStruetlng Hie summe:
a mile they send a poutlctan around
doctors St prassni loeated* here,
perathm.afaaaketdinnerMlag eerred
lay at 9:46. wtih six members presem
wbo puffs a llitle smoke In our faces
resort huid <he Wisconsin A Michli
tag to Tiayorta dtp twsnty years ago.
J only the )oJ>y grangers know bow
Unlldlng on Uuscona UIs
and we quiet down tdedy to wait for
noon aftm taking W medical cooree.
o dUpeate bme couUng and bome
e river, and It Is eapccio.1
another aeaaoo (o repeat the afU Tbe
In bar early days of ptaeUce here she beer.
-----------------7-------, that ihe bosU-lry will bo opened to ih.only way to meet (hem to tbrmigh
went t^rangta msv of the hardships
Among the early arrivals to
...r-. .e-M. uu, .f F-;
totodeat to pkmwr life, oftsa trarellag
D U^lB as
oOeer. resnnolnlrcawKi'n'
N'ew York. See the monster g
mllaa teto tbe conntry tbroogh bllnded. and Hiss Hazel Uvlngsion of Mt.
tng bUssards and arar enbroken raada Ua aad Beteilfie Farmei; the oBdal balldhigs. costing several mD
PleMant. grade teacher. In place of
Initiation fee and an an­
Of lata yearn. wUle sUU keepUc op represeataUve of tbe national grange witb a
MUs Mabelle Coa. resigned: and Mto*
nual fee of $;.000. Try to get Iti. Ctoa
her geacral tondMM «>>• baa aude a
Minnie Hubbell as supply teneber. In­
epeelal stady of dlseasea of ohUdren. Wfellebcad reUdes at New Bruns­ yon? Look at the entrance atone areh- cidental to the latter appointment the,
way- Bee the firm.‘New York Prodnee
•headtne a yeag or mo(« abroad, where wick. N. J.. and to pa« lecturer of
illlee on schools and teachers roe- j
Baebange.' Can you think ot-anytbing
«be look tootaroe with the moet Krtbd :uUoaal Orange. He baa been In «•
■ommended that dnring tho first and i
Oermaa prafemmn. She has always tendance at grange tallies for the past they prodnee? They dlg'fcolhlng cot
second day's nbsence <>( a teacher. 80
- beea an aetire worker-In tbe count
weMc In MhAlgan and eipecu to be the ground. They tatoe n(>thlng from per cent of eaeb day's salao be de­
I ennstaat attendance for two weeks tbc soil, but they handle what w
I state medical aseoriation and is
ducted each day. and for the ihlrd.
duco and know a thousand things
member of the nailona] amocUtloD aa acre, oiyering In the time, fully
fourth and fifth days absence, »u per
fenadred auie grange ralUeA. He
more about what wc produce than wo qenl of the walary eich day Ik.- deduct- ^
weU. tt>e ocenplea a leading poalllon
an old-dme
met this
ed. and the entire salary to be deduct
■—g (fee doetori of northera UIdl- friend. ■y of the asylum, do. 8ometlm«4-4^ produce a panic,
ed for atMCDce tbereafrer.
o these two a comer on wheM'<t.a flurry on the
fan and' bar wide -tircto of frtoada
The cemmlttee on school* and teachmirom grange workers pulled logelb- market. .We should grow an organiutbroogbont Ue entire rsgl
ra recommended that the reslgnau.m
hr In the haradai of lecture work along tloD that would poas laws against It.
of Miss Uahelle Cox be aeoei.ivd and
femr aoceam In ber new fl
grange lines, tbelr last meeting belnx
against the gamfeUng with produce M tbc appolnimen; or Mlu Hazel Uvin New York. They facetiously call
logalon of HI. Plemiant Ik- accepied at
today's meeting one of the "seml«eca the land.-c.
I4U per month. Utos Minnie Hubbell
atonal- meetings. B. A. Holden, a mem
gDown In Knox county. Ohio, they was also recommended a* suppH
ber (rf (he agricoKural faculty, arrived bare a farmers' elevaior. and a farmteacher at $4« per month for nine
«f pabtle wocka. baa rsfbroed from this morning to apeak on grange
mill to handle Ihelr own wheat.
Tolado. where be attended "
Two bins, one for C. H. Larson for
i. Robertaoh. master of tbe j
1 greater c
$40.69. for work bi-twoen the ilaie* o!
from this city, the «
July 87 and Aug. It, and the other
for Arthur Hbrse, amounting to $29.6:
less unpaid onfecrount. Were referrv-l
tie over hto trip And only regreti that
to Ihe city attorney, he to report to
sonrees and educational line*
- e next meeting,
the mayor and an aldenima codd not
OlllH-rt ftated to the
8upt. I. I
rondlHon of tbe riaier.
Intention waa through hto Ulk to con-1 drel.', remmnlier that be to ikwlng a
books, suppliesI and buildings, coupled
rey the Impreaaien that It was the mar. 1 piank out of our platfom.
with tbe leacheres' force were never
He battovM that tbe reawlu of tbe back of It all that made success posal-1
beiier eondltlon since bis connec
mecUag wfU be tu- reaehtag and-brae- hie. though education was a tool loQ With
He desired that
ago and called upon Secretary Wilson ; Hon
with the
the schools.
work. with. -PMtaps there
Brial to every city reprMMted. :
' '
.polntmeni of s
of the agrlcltural dcpartmeir.
taken on
Mr roote
clUce -were r^resented by a doaen tools in some cases to woA
said, “but they all help some,- Many do you do. brother Whitehead.'urother;^^ „
posHiDn had ^Ived any
dri^tea. many of them hnmiag along of the best men of Hlchigan bare had
Alfttneaa at very large expeaae. There tbdir •ducnlkmal training In ibo; WilBoh aaW. He was a granger and If I ^pptu^tlon and Mr. Osllbm siaiel
were saany papers rrf importance de- grange.
Perry Mayo referred l hl^mr^f ; would never have been a fiepartmonl j
if It were pcuilble to t«> wlthoui
Uvared aad In paob there vrore tfelngt
wwk In tbe grenge and _
the farmers tfeongb It took slWeen ,
for one

«>n month,
(bat apgIM directly to dries of this tneceas which had been aiulned In
these years where they Bow numbered yrant to fet IL Every time President .ponse coming from Mr Gilbert thni
ciaM. Hr. SlmpaoD stales ttet a
:the flrat month U espcciany a bu»,t
RooreveU cMto~a cabinet i
AMI of atreaa was laM ttpoa atred.
one for that offleer In the effort to 1"
**The Elmwood orchestra rendered a
Ieaie children wbo may have entered
ctogalag and the meoas of keeping the
! ibe factories.
atroeta la Ml parts of the diydean of
Mr. .Montague thought the matte:
rdMa and Mwfeya neat was greaUy was introduced hy Ue pretldenriand j tnan alts tber4 to represent all
- and after as
for fifteen minutes be discussed tbe|rarmerw of tbe United Stales, and tbc;should
eophaalaed by tbe ipeakera.
P^ni' Flre Insurance risks and ea- jr„u„ U 0». fanner*
t™,™ are hmtfd
ss as rated against
hy Mr. Montague for
from all parts of the eonttneni. They 1,
____ :h as the Wfermr—
ip and with one a
..cmc. officer at a salare t^ng up ground ti
was almost a dol
ary Of $39 per "'-^nl*' *«v-^**e month*.
y thottaaaff
r on every
thoaaanf He s
fair grounds south of the cllythto saying, Mr. R’hlte-

Should al«i mean Martiiig to tfK City Book
- Store, Travetae City, Mteh., tor SchOoi Books and Sup­
plies, We have all kinds of Writiog and foocil Tab­
lets, extra good ftndls. Poos and Pohai'Boxes.

Tm Hultrs and Bhtttrs
Bring in yoor second-hand Books and ste trill give
you the host price for all wc can make use of. ■
School directors ate urged to make this dietr trad­
ing plate. We give you bottom prices.


it’s the

eity Book Store

tmtm Otr,

Means School Suits

To save money on school suits means to buy here—as we are selling

Takes choitNi of one pile of BOVS’ SUITS. WHICH RETAILED FOR­





Mere is a grand assortment, all kinds of styles and fabrits—values,
that formerly sold from
up to $4.<X».
For Boys' Buster Brown and Fancy Suits, regular $4.00, $4.50
and $5.00 values, neat patterns and stylish.

$5.00 and $G.OO values

Oomo QuIolcI


aton*^*Siipt. I B Gilbert Th^
atreel nSwnya. UMiUng pUnta nnd otiantoe
polntment y-------------‘--------- —
hy a:®'
company. which
______ waa
___ ______
wmlcr works.
tbe adjournmeni
uiehlMB. Therel
state inanranre
Inanranre tor
for an
all aicntcan.
inerej -umk atong yonr highways aaA-aee,
Thtaa are bM n few o( the n
boas lor interior
of aupplying
-mlunbla. t
Mr. Blmpmm haMerea that Traverse
np by W. O- FoMe
etty wVl do wMI to study the reports laestiuble rains io Saaltoc eouniy In i If It Wasn't for tbe graagen we would waa brought
|*ever bare heea here.'
«( the «mv«mttaa and omalder senoealy maay of tfe*



; I honor at maktag the fl


TKtr*«» Oolns: R«pl<Jly

The Boston Store


' •


NtlMiA Aid) MOOW «a

Tba Paoda«

tt» Tritaota.

r%9 ai«>rptli» «r U« Ddrttt TribVO IV tba Dotioit Vnolof Kowi U
mtM t>r eoMWatabla loteraat ta
navap^ eirelea ta U>o aute o( Mlebno poblkoUcHi o« o* CWeb
•row tba Trlboae. wa4 tbo " ‘
on Joaraal. a veofclp papor tooaebod
ta nil. Frtn tba'Jeaiaal tboro
Ao^ved arhat boeapi.O tba WabUaa
Advortifw vblcfa waa pebllabod aemiwookir aad later iri-weoklf. lo IW
d» Advortlaar wia paij*aaod br UeotiMt •overaof'BataA teoadar of
Qnad Travano HoraM M tbla eltr
•»« vdo et T. T. Baioa. tea proad>:
pabttdtor. »d lanM aa a ddljr tor tba
Ant tlaa.
. Mr. Batee wA aaaodatod wUb
Oaoffo Oawaao, aBorwart tba (asoM
odtar d ibo Altaaar ^oonal aad to•other tbo)' pobUabed tba Adrartiaor
Mr abod tear naia, whn It waa add.
ia 1H» wbao that papbr bocOBO k
« tba Midi JMUt TrUraae.
IMvo' tea boa* ab latoaoco la tbe
; data ter a «raai ataar joara, and Ita
4 teorsor wUb tba Nafra, tbaretora.
"narka n opoeb la Satrdt oeara

ttPby study nioite


la Wmitr*



•art to ttMl^T
kar« atatrt thot
h*. wMt <o *
Jtlm Sa«7« o( Vtaakfort tna
OBdoo Tialtor Toaoda^ aad Wadaoo4ar aai attoxUd tbo Bvrtar adn '
pleale at Otoob lake.
Bou Jaeoba at lalaM ia apwdtag
oek at Caap Lakarlew,
BeUa Harrla TotataaJ Tvadiy ora
tax fton AMofk. «baro aba baa boi
rtattlac m«ii^ tbo paat ala wa*a.
Ooo. Bowwaa manod Toaodi
•noraooB troB Woatwood.
mil OolTla ct Trareno Otp U viaKla« frlOBda la Bcadeo.
Hlaa Bawrer of Praakfort hao bo«
uatod aa cair laacMr baro lor. thb
«aia« jw.
Bdvart Wllaoo. «bo elalna to>
Wtvo or the atale of ladtana, waa a
o /batlea Kortbrsp ter cairrlaK

Altar a Crip to ChkafO aad MBwaakn. Mn. H.4. naaallT'd Oteah.
tna^'te retnad to thla placo to roaa»e hbr viaJt wHb bw panata. Mr.
aad Mra. >C B. Loas.
W. It. Robbell. cme«t cmr praapar
ooateTBen.rvortaartddar»lboabda d barter and M boahda of oau to


The Praobrterlaa Aid aodetr
Met witb Mrs. a 3. Powara
tbe Slat
Mrs! WUlart Towers apeaa the
Mrt d tM week wkb b«r pareau at

Her. JaekllB, Pb. D.. d Ui
baa ben tbe clieal of Bev. MUo Wood;sS'^^^ mT
Mra B. ParUasao.
deat d tbia daee.
two raan baa
Oau te
Harriott boB'e
Ur. aad.Mrt. H. B. Storer.d

____ _____________ ,... ._i!tyof atta^ing a gotid
good nigLt
Thomlay and PridBjr erehing.


-nie pamo teaoben Kt«« inaUsiotion'iD oar.cveniBK MnoM,
the nine ooimea of atody an- paraord. the aami' netboda are
eani^ial, and all the opporton^tiue of our day conraeo are hero
Tbe oolkso ruoou will Ir- opu
thU yntk
troB 7 tu ’.I. atamlard Uw. to - ao»ii>ftoda6r«beM
oonvenimli^ eall daring tbe day.
Trial Wk Frw. incfodin« tuiUou. looka and aU

22^E.FmtSt 30l$k.0tiM
■ t 1.00
» b. ta. Bor fwraretx

r« F.itk.


. ubite..

Traverse City Business Collsga

SS!j£:?KrHSv£Si^ s


239.241 East Front Strrit

Traveric Oi.v. Micblni

Romombar the Place,

F. W. Aalett d Gladaloae la ben
vtalUac bit pareata. Mr. aad Mrs. F.
O. Aaldt
Mr. aad Mrs. Soba -Ualrooner are
uertalalBs Miss Mar Bo«ers d New­
ark. K. J.
'The Mtasaa Ferris d SberaaB ate
reek at.T.
ai.T. J.
>. HltehWl
Ultebbll a.
apeadlaiAke »nk
E. B. KoWe aad tarnBr left ihe flrw
d tba treek to speed some line In [
> at varloas points oo tbe inland
aad Halo wfU be eUI>ad to trr U ore.' lakea.
Mr. aad Mis. O. R- Horse d Duluth.
Hlaa.. are vlslUac Dr. aad Hrs. H.
Irwta. to
Beach Horae.
»* d.-Wlaeco
Aacost 2S.
taaBabW '

V a atll Ad>t aad tbroo mb bad all
tber cooU do to pot Ub la. Ba draw
a prtio of twoatr dara la tba e
S. M. Btsoa BBd wife era racraattec
at 8a«lab raaod.
Bd*r WarabaB la cettlac oader
war tbe badldtac d a Aaa taald«i«
1 TboapaoB. BTaaaa
Tbe terr la areoK eovt la tba
d t» Podpta va. Halo ter mUai


poatBaatar Bprk d Haary ** >*
towB rasterdar..
UtUa teoad aoate cattle
epoa Iho atreots aadteUrtod them
toward tbe cow bastile when another
partr etepped la aad drove tbea back
LBbo Ana. Mlete. Aa«. W--A
State Fair, Oetrelt. Sept. 11 te H.
lo their bOBe yart. Now there win
aappoapd to be Om DewaU
Pere Harqneile arenla will aell
Otraok aad taattUr MUad br a aorth bo a tect ease to aaa whether Uttlo ta ■oond trip titkcla lo DetiOlt. accBiat;
Bute Fair, at rate of ooe fare plus
boaad frd«bt tiala (bid alia aootb d
10 ceats, wblcb Include* admlaalon lo
bora tUa aftBWoea. Ale cnaaod tbe
the lair. TIekeU bo tale Sept. IMS
tn<M aboet throe caf leoitba aboad d
1S-14 and 16. aood to return any day
> and lac
tbo aaptea and wrnod as tboocb *- wU vlalt tba Haccabee blowout la Paa for oar.--------toeto aate ddeiau troa tbe teat la
ereai badu la taralas ba aeened
r. Hoeller. Q. P. A.
, Isaobla balaaap^ad tell, tba OBklae tbta^laea.
* ban tasB win
t •MklBKbtBaoaarttpdb^baita.Ilie
O Cure for Pltea
ptar tba-CopoBlte teas at tba Copw
7 badr waa takaa te taka AM.
Tba OBB ta nkaowa ban.^ About Blab ball park Baaday.
0iTtilaH.8iebblBad colteitasdlte
‘ twaatr bIdIw batera the'aeddaat. be
atoppad at tba taka Aao auuoB Md U kt hta bcaa# with paitlal pamtysta.
Wm. Maadd la te Krtrt. MM, and
4 Mkad ho* ter n M to -IbanBM
MQta,'- BOW Im*b aa Platta BJvar. Cterence Maadd'lt wltb Oaorv is the
< Oii bdac toM ba atartad la that dl- ore.
HcPbWBoa Poet. No. U, will J<>ls
' notlea. Bo- had nadr balr a
tbe proceostoo on Labor Day. Monday.
Sept. 4. Member* will meet at Poai
Btaeoth baa aad la bla podot
on Casa arrwt at l?:50 to form
aararal taaora. All tba lettere la bis
All oM aoldlera are iRvUcd
pMkot won addrooBod to ttackc hreodBOi
Join ^th oaf
boort waa^ tba aoatb sMa d BJver
Dawon aad ead lottor bad tbo
' M. D. Honan. Comiaander.
A. F. Uttle, AdJulant.
street, bctwoce Oadar aad Bridce. aad
lac rotara poet Boik;
y- TtoteW tWhW; Sooth Prvktort tbe sBBe wffl ba replaced by a IMoot
r MidL. Proprietor d tba Drwdl Cab- ceBaat walk.
baia rvm.“ Ha alto had a lottor ^oeka oD this aide d tbe stroat are te
raised, to oo
• traBaroMCtadrackrthlaeRr
■,*tna poataBaikod Aos. tt aad oaa fro* apood srttb tba aew atreat fradk
bta^Mtharpootaarhad April. i*M.
non hare bate tear weddla«i
Ho tnk.abtatt U paanield aad 1
Vttbtelbe peat week to our UtUe rity.
Aa there have baen ao dlvotcas iraatMM MBor te hit pockot. .HoN
aobw wkaa ooah at take Ana.
oSaet tbaa, they ondit to help
' '
Oeorse HoTMlb oTTravorae City
OSiaaabarc. Mlek. Aag. lA-Al tbe
adalac aorrlee d ^ cooatr Bandar baa eatmd-l^ pariaen
MAU FOI T09I n-“■Aad aompatldn. tte teBowta* d- yobn Boelar te tbe dsar a
Saoti wars alsdod;
. PiBlIiBt. Dot. B. K Hol(Mte
O^etaee wUl so west. poMlbty to New
. TtevoraaCttr.
' Tte presldart; Mra. Oraaaa d Bates. Ka^
stick “doiM than a
to CbMlOTOU. Patoaker aad Harbor
bretbd" to qwHty «id
^rtatt c» the atoaBter IlUaola. next
Bapartoteadaat d .the bn
ptioe. AlowprioawithSiDiday. laavteE here at 9-AO a m.
Mat. Mrs. dtriavr.'
oct good quality wUl not
The machlaery At the eeneot plant
aapariouiidoBt d tbe prlsarr deMtisfy yoor dreires of
It BetUac nicely adJutCed. aad the mUI
ta aow tunlac oat about m barreh
d rock eemeat dally.
A MBteraaea d Mte ooaaty aBd tow:
Mp oBeari ,s«i
bald and ts wtthNheIr “better balrea." are eadeav. papers road. The ^rai d tbeee wi brtac tUi weA to deplete the Board.
The Bdattas d tbe Hobs to tt Ban d at least a porUoa d lu speck
•obeol.^’ by C a-^Nye and the aecond. led bMuilrn.
Frrt Vleau has bean te tows
•<Onr Needs aadsHo* te Hast Mra. (Hbbs d MgrSeU. the Utter days wltb hU teBUy. Hr. Tleu ta
a positioa to offer you
bdBk read by Hrs/Bemard d OrawB BOunlBi tba death d hta fatbar, who
now hifcfa psno .quality
Otbba Mt bdac abU to be prea- died racently at Greoi Bay. Wit. He
at a lower price than can
Ml Hooday tor Banlt 8le. Harie U
be bad at other times
resuBe hit poaliloa aa chief enxlneci
Ihe eoBvoaUaa Ihia afiersooB
BdlrMSd ^ Rev. U a Blaaell d OB tbe steoBer H. B. Ptekanda.
^ Travarae Ctty, 'mat to Pn U and
teUl Lyaa waa aneatad the drat of
, Vhat to aLoTO Out d the' PfOfra«' tbe week ter “8otIlvBBi£lB|“ a a^I
party d SeudU
JasUee bao•- kMacbaaublaet
^ Mra. J. W. MlUkea read a paper, Mte-«t.W aad e
■i "She Natloe ta tba Cradle'’ aa^ 3. W.
^ qroMa read oaa oo The Aray d the
tatore.’ Bev. a N. Holsapto deicbtmake a buy month ol
ed tba sMBUy wtU a vocal aete.
A. B. Falrbaaka. tba hwGtnc proAngut, ttoratally dull
a 8hf teUowlac proitaB ws«-slvaa daea bub. U U Cbartevotx and Petoapaatardar aftereoao at tbe opaalas hey tbta -wodL
Ustff UprUkS n»BM.
} Mikte d Iba ceavasUan;
Mrs. A. B.- FUrtaaks la cDterii
moat all good makea rep­
Opeaiac aerrtcc. ooadeetod by Bev. bar aisler, Hlaa Fhaala Broon
resented, to ciesr out at
dAlleah Grove. .WU Hlaa Hont«ooi.
'nearly half value—$85,
ery d tba taBe place 1a also a pueat
SIM. <115. $15t.<U5
at tba Falrbaaka boma
•p. Psymente to snit
A. Baplaa d Terre Haute, tad. it
vtaltlas A. teridtarb and teafly.
Mra. C BaekBan aad Mrs. 3. GrociiBaa. with tbelr AUdraa. have
Of S—n PBywt PUm
tUTDad to tbelr Traverse CHy hot
altar a pl«aaaat vtalt with Mrs. 'Hasry
Mr. and Mrs. teka Boalay. F.*H.
Bebatar aM A. C Tenioaatte are
MUwankee this week. '



-pt-w tte PMM

Sioce we started our $5 Suit Sale, our $3 Skirt Sale, and the Sale of many other interesting items at much under
price, there has not been a dull moment here, and why should there be.when new. up-to-date, most destra^e
merchandise is being closed out at such ridiculously low prices.


1C I Mi^AI. L.

maor Haitta la Mriac boA tew tba Odd Fallow yesterday, aad
•aestt Bi tbe Lake Mew boree.
Booc the paaerepera tew Old
tea OB OapL Polrerh aew h





Suits for young men 15 to SO years
of age. About fifty suits—splen­
did cloth and
bul broken up
in sise adaortment, there being
only one, two or three of a kind.
Wc have gatberod tbem together
for quick selling. Yoor choice of
suite worth <o.OO.‘$(i.UO, 17.00 and
IS.OO. for only

re arc deiersuned lo doec out what’s loft of satoaMw goods



....... .

Aboot thirty of tbcise

► $3.50
'For tbe same reasou as above we have on sale
about one hundred Men's Suite, worth SlU.UO,
112.50 and lla.OO. for ..............................................



KQ 1


' \


Herald Want




Elgin C. Lewis.


■“« “

Rather than carry them over, wc have markid them itU down to
theae prwa-about fifty jackete. all pew this s.'nsoo.

Worth $1.50

$5.00 SKIRTS AT $3.00
You bad Inttor barry if yon want one of three bargaina.
Never in the history ^ this Imsincre has the skirt trade bad
such a ran as djjrhig this sale. Our new fall akirta arc now on
the way and es}Wted to arrive daily.

Lot of

What's loft in

75c, tl.50 and $2.0D

-at a fraction of

—all that are left of fhU

WAIST^ $1.10

Worth rise nmVlli.OO J J _5Q

Worth $3.60, $5.00 and $fi.00, ^2 QQ
Yoo'H make a mistake if yon don't investigate these baigiuns.

New WrapiM-ts w<wth 7.'ic. at 4'Jr;

DON’T MISS THE WASH GOODS Have Yon Heard Abouttlic Silks?
15c, iNr and SOe Wnah GooU. 71/^
while and colon, at pi r yd. only *
' Worth .'lOi an.l iLV.
........................... 39c
Toull find SOI
gains in Kei
about half price.

' a).. Sun Boiin..U


Now for the LitUe Fellows


We have just w|iacko! U>e greahat

worth $1 and $1.25. at 76e

2.V and 50c Straw Hate

10 C '


III laUitiou to l«iog
strong‘and well
made, most of tl«e
> suite have


values in

Knee Eant Suits
that we-have ever shown for lads from
2^ to 15 years. Nwell styles in great
variety of choice cloths and perfe<-t tail­
oring. Exceptional valore at


$1.85. $2.50. $3.50. $4 aod $5

__yea can’t miss it by emitting here. Benntiful Seu of Dishes and other twemiums free to ciutomen.


TMOMO«V, »U«l>tT M. «B.
fWyaa^old Bnirik Tobtaa
TlM'prlec at poUtoM ce tb« local
Adrian, fell tron eweoad atory vini^P*
Mikn dropDBd fro« Ulrv <Mt* U»
to ground. bW eecaped nalBfBrcd.
«wew-«TO e«Bt« Tbwodw oftefowm.
Thii It aMtMBMd {or br ibe (ut that
«»MM tkere U a lw«e oopplr <■ the Chtafo where be eoadaeted Sonday ai
ti tbe nrlng fiam death of tbc baby
Chicago party arbo hare been Pa­ pri
■ $zr^ Bafkei «Bd wvm irMJher.
of Oro. A. Byler. Cumberland. HA
lling friends and retatlrea to and abemt Mr WTiiec: ~At tbe age of II aeoatha,
Maple City, paaaed through the city our little pri waa la declining bealib.:
MtMred. the oee-7««*l dwhtw Ibla nooa^ ibPr return. Tbe party with aeriout throat tnmWe. and iww
gave her ap, We wet* at i
<4 H.H. JobsHM «( Btacham.
GompoMd of Joba and Joaie Ubllr.
cuPM to eteiira iBtotiim WoflB«» Mn. Tercu Slra^ek sad daagbler. moat la deapalr. wbee emje^edved to
try Dr. Klng'a.K4>w Oli^m for Coaday. The foMtal triU be beU m«i tbc
Mr. and Urt. Frank E FUaha, Cbdrlea aumiiUon. Cougha and 6pld». Tbc ffr«
anghoB efcwcb Frtdor attanooB at 2
bolUe gave relief; aftcf-ACklng four
Uller and ioaepb Aadrewt.
bottlea ebe waa cured, and lT-»«iw Ic
S »0Xcit tOml« Ttse
Mrs. Hattie Prealoa of Oraad Rap- perfect health.- Nerer faila to renate
Mt. wbo baa been PalUng friends ll.
Walur Scott «t WlB Uaeo^B ttwet Elk Raptda. apcal today and Monday aou-s Drag Store, F. H. Hearts and S.
Jt A Soau' drug stores;
fond a ntaral cnrtodtr Tbonder
with Hra- A- 8- Hobart of this city and
ciaranlced Trial bnaile JOc.
tte ibape of a (rag vUb wTcn logf. It left for borne this noon.
»aa goto* tbfOBib the paM BOO
Hra. C A. Brlckatm of Chicago, wbo
Suceasaful Operation. .
nDl pood at a Hrelr rate when be a«t baa been rlilting friends at DurdkkElk Raplda. Hlch.. Aog. 30.—WorJ
Ml it and U •eenu to bave the rllle. passed ibrougb tbc city
has been rHcelved by A. E 1-uobacticBae of all tu suneroiu Icp.
Ifaat tia wjfr ba* bndensoor a succvk,
sy home this tnomlnBBiiponlaor U J. Ti-dman Ml ranuperathm at Butterwonh iK-pUa!.
dkr long enuagb today Ui visit Trav-ia^j Rapids, and that ber c<nn|>l<1
I recov.Ty Is assured. Her slst- r. MbSunday nljebfby ibc^ear window being
Ouuls fktabler,
marl) oaperience. is with ber.
broken Into after wbirh the window
n tbe Inser parliUoa waa Ukea out
^ tbe door BBloekcd tron the I
n. Rnnyas, uf DuilHTrllle. O
Tbc till worki with , a comblBatlon
...___ ____ ________e of his
Han. I. W. HinucM boa Hut been lock and (hla waa nnlo<*ed by
boaored wiib tbe appomuMBt ai traawbo bad kBowledgc of tbc combi- Ustual Ufa Polic, Holder. Om ^U’STrnVtSs" X".™;:
taa o( OUret eoUege:
ftavs: ‘ThtT are a perfect' ritnedy
OB. About IS waa uken and ao
tba Surplus and Assets
.llKlness. sour stomach, heartache,
TboaM. tbe iBtaat aoB <rf F. W. tobacco^ top off tbe aSalr wlib.
Attorney T. A. Conkn of IMroU,
allon. etc.
anudr of talariocbiB. ^led Tburadap
who wrilci a-JUlle Insuraaer for th-- ton s Drug
of ^leiB lateatniB. Tbe taaetal waa
Mutual Ute Insurance eempany of B.'VnltAIBuns' dmg slorea. price 23c.
willlamabnrg. Mich., Aur
Hor­ •Kew York la conaeellon with bU law
bald tms tbe bone at 2 odoch IWay
des UBditey hut a Taluable bone tbia pracUcc. U id the city. Mr CoOlou
monlBg. Tbe tbmhlDK machlse wa« aan tbe'trouble tbc Equitable Insarbla plw Bod be undertook to at­ anee companyXhavlng U sriiat may
'a crowd fit aboBt terity Snttoai
^ iBdlaaa paaaed tbroogb tbe city tach a team to the anglnc to move It. be expected at any time InV atocK
tbnraday on ibalr way to Jatotaft. Tbe boraea became icared and ttarew company. The alzty-aeennd annual r<wbare they will eater tbe enploy of bln. running* into a iogglnR tallow
,wn of the Mulual Ufe Inaurancc con;
Oebb * Ultebell.
abort diatnace bway. Both borsea T<
pany rocclved at this office shows lb<
and one Ol tbem broke lu nock, dyleg company-a assets to be »4t».0M,oo..
Tbe Amertcaa Bepnua compaBy tBatanily. It waa ralued at tlM.
with a aurplus of^.ooo. every
ablpped tweaty-«*e caaoe of huebleber.
tb.- liouao is npt to Is- atoUm
dullar of which .U-longs to the pulley
rtea Taeaday. ThI. H Ihe drat ablpor spent- A Hnvinkca bank
boldcn (no atorkl. The Mutual Lit Sody of
Olaaen Found.
■eat that baa boeo aaal tron bar# tor
neconut pnnvnte tin- on<- nwl
Charicroli. Mich- Aog. 2*.—The bds paid lu policy holders over fWS
acHM tine aad wUl probably be ,tba
tlu- other. Blue
body of Ole Neleea, wbo wan drowawl pn^.OOO in cf years and baa earned ovh.-.Savings book iastuxl aiiil will
off Empire two wedif ago SBUday »18*,000.0l)0 fof lu policy holders,
loan yon a small safe to take
being 1S.2S per cent of prcmlnms ive aslllog with Ibrce eompa
Itiv Ibri OraW Bad MM Talata
If. to keep your anvings
pkbed up by cse of Oickea'a aew eeived whit* Is a record never equaled
WMia were imtied la saniape by Bar.
in. without f«L Three per
W. Beaitb at hU raaideaeo Ib tbU cHy dabtag toga yesterday afternoon. Tbe by any other company.
««nt paid ori'iSttvf
Savitna m
Momday ereotne, Hr. and Mtb. Orubb body am dtseorered Jett off SlecplBg
oertiiicaUw of deix
will iBBke ibHr bone oo Soeoad atm Bear polat and waa-broogbt on to
Cbarievoix. Tbo body of Anton Droop­ Traverse City Markets
for UtB preaent.
ing. who w also dtovned, baa not
OaMwall A LoBdcB ablpped aWeew yet bedn fonnd.
baavy draya to Loa Ansetaa. <M1, Mon­
day. Tbe drayi are of tbe laleat aod
•eldlerw andtSellora' Raanion.
■oat apeoAata patlarB, baiog e«Btpped
TfaompaonvHic. Mkb., Aag. 29:—Tbe
wUb bTBkea aad capable of^baullBS aoRlers and aalloia of Bentle, Wes■any toBs of height
forfl'and MaoUiee counties will bold


Cireulitlon this week 2,750


Cravtrat eily-Slat*

Mr. Ayraa. wbe U apeadlsg
awipar a^ Mart Bar. caaght wbal
SaberM a«^4« tbe largeat.Seb Ukee
fro* tbe bay tble Maaon. ob BBtarday.
Tbe dab waa a Marblna'w utn
waigbed lOH poundi.

■taa waa aaot ■;

two looa Saturday

WhOa aoldaring tmns at tbe canklng
--Taetorr oa Friday C. E Martin was
atnidc In tbe eye by flying partfclee
. of hot lead end severely .burned. He
waa laid ap tor a few days bn the re•atta wDl am be sarhms.

tbeif foorteenUi annual reunion at
TbompaoBvllle Tuesday. Wednesday.
Tbnraday and Friday. Bept. 19. 20. 21
and 22. AH Q. A. E posts, all com­
rades. Bpanlata-Amerkan war Tctoraaa.
W. E C. and Dadles of the D. 1
ar« Invited and 1^ la anUclpatod that*
large attendance pvlll be present The
following -apeskbra will be present:
Caagrenman R. P. Bishop. Judge C. C.
CblUaaden. Hon. tory F. Powers. -D.
O. 'Warner. Pann C.'Gilbert. Loula La­
tent and John W. Wllsoe.
Tbare will be ball gaaea and aporU
OT«T ifay ■n<l the mnalc will be furniahed by acvoral bra^ bands. At.^0
o'eloek every Bomlng. there will be a
grand parade in which aji tbe rislUDg
organlsatioaa will take part. There
wlU be rednecd raiea on all rallr


It of tbe fcilni when
WTOvMod for this ernwrarecT when
weeded and as Ue Arm Has been gradu­
ally falling -beblad ta taking off
gradual laeieaM la bnalneaa, ii became
Beecaeaty to plaee the factory o
iargef basis. Bept. 18 compleiet
/-fcai year eercfing a steady run.

Your Hair

Don*! have t ftllinc obi with
yourbalr, itmitfailetveyou!
Hienwhat? Better pleise it
by eivlot It g good btlr-food—
Ayer's Hair Vigor. The hilr
stops comiag out, becomes
•oft ud smooth, tnd all tbe
deep, rich color of youth
comes back to gray bslr.


CkrpetE Hat
ting. Liaobmna



Carpets, Linoleums, Lace Curtains, Etc.
Make it M coarand «M»rtive aa pcMiWe for youi..
aarif for
The BraL vo« ba
Uttle cUhnwH. Make your wrehM^.n Uua ime «rly
for two
two rraarmi
Tbe aroofvl, you wiUJnd many odds am!
inch ikUcT aoaortment to choose from ji
w toclto op liuiek^. <>f course
I the Bnmmcr'a
-----don’t Uat long.

Ingrain Carpets

VdTct and Brussels Carpets

Tlir new patterns un- awny abend of im
evxT aliown in the; «ly- SuiUiblf rattera
B,nd Colors for all rooms.

Our full line how and we an> in pe»i.
tion lo show Uioae goods ton mueb l«»Uer
advantage than <-vvr befoio - |denly of floe»f
Bpoee a^ the luat of dayligtiL

Prtes 2SC, MC.40C, SOc. 40C. tOc jmrd


69c to $ 1.50 yd

Stair Carpets

So excuse for bore stuira at tlii* «biy ami
age. We show a big Hod ranging in jifiou from

12c to 50c yard

Velvet and Brussels Stair Carpet
We abow a line of 8toir CaipiHa in brttot
grailra that would 1* a cn-dit to many larger
city atorea. Some splendid valuta at .

Tbcao coods we boy in lnn?‘ (luantitiiw,
ipveral oarlomlt in n. i-uor; Buying in Ihta
way we Imy ch«vipo^nn<l sell clic«|>iT than
otln r aton-s. ' The new floral duaignbouutifiil’

75c. 85c and $1.00 yd

'~*IV»plc buyteirtifiea in tbc Fell to abut off
ouc r^ from nnollior nod at tbc aai
itmke llii-'homc lo.ik more nttraotivc.
did wc show aa if<«xl an MaorlrocnL

It i« tlmrougbly hygienic; it ia soft pliaIdr, '•*—"«Mr' odnrhwB. It has no nap to
ndlc<-t duRBtl lint - germs cannot Bod iodgmeat in it Tt sboobl be aewod together like
any «mlinaiy <an*t-

42 Kc to 70c Sq. Yard

Hopi and Kaba Rugs
For the dining room nod ebamlicr. Ki*ca
f.x‘1. 7.«, F.;ixl0-i’.. 9x12. Nothing on
the market that et]nal8 Uicni ia medium pricixl

$6 to $12
Room Size Ruers
Wc show nearly a humlrcd stylea in 9x12
Bogs. Wc never buy a Rug jnat bocauao it
in (dinop. nnloaa tlie aiyie is right, nic line
we show for fall wc are <|uitc proud «rf, and
we invito you to giant* through U«r pilv
while the aaaortment is goo<l Kemomber, it
is no trouble to show Buga.
Sizes 9X12 Rngs frWB »91* I3TJU

Hofi Matting
For the bedroom

35c. 50c, 60c yd

.Lace Curtains
Tlip new fall goods will ,be here abont 8^
1. Tbe Curtains we have on band are all
good, desirable goods, but to dr«n up tbe
stock wc arc marking tbeo down to make
them more attractive.
Special at........... -'...............

! Irish JVdnt.
• 25c«aeh

ODD CURTAINS at leas than wbedeoale
piioES. Juat one. two and throe <d a kind.

we mue Wttto SUles win r«ei5


Tbe two aea ookmlal i
MtohlBin BlahdB Well^'.
a WlUtam H. BockSeme of the real
reform-er 12.000 residence, being ready for era <« aaMtboriiirMtea wbo have
tba trimmers tbU weMi. while tbe
MAOO resMenoe of C. E PbHps
jtboat to rweelve Us roof. Both arc
of eorporatlona Ibrou^ stale Icglala2be eokmlal stylo with tbe brood aide tMm, can lean, (ram eoaditlona In this
Ibtfnc tba otraeL
far more In bdhaU of the gtii^al
taxpayers of their eeveral atatea than
• EG. Record of the govertiaent for- tbelr own well explotted tbeorioe btve
. aetry <M>an«eet pasae^ Ibroagb
produced. MldUto't b<gb valnaUoal
dty Hoaday n 4* «by,.'tb »
of railroad property for parpoeea of
Maattou Island. kAre ba wUl i
taxation as compared wKb the other
. '^rgt of (be forAtry sarvey wfakb U states of the Bnloa. tbe Uwa on our.
'j tikCD (here. Mr. Record baa beaa
ite books In opposition io freight^ rbirr of (be forestry anrvwy wbkh
eomblnallona. cur wlale'a Income
-jttkea tbm. Mr Rs«ard Jma been
from oorpoqpiloa fees and related
. dbame nf the work which -l4 going c
■Mtreei can better than favoTal>Iy com- ^
pni« with tbe laws of any other sutev.'
n la not probable that the progreo
Morris Brinkman letF'''Wednesday of this state in Ibe direction luggeated
Br Honnt. Kermoo. 'l^as. ti
has been completed, nor la It eotircly
iwd tbe nebool toanded bySrsagelUt aatUtactory. bot there U some valoe
•Moody. 2lr. WMtoi hyBeen look­ at least in tbe reflection that In tacb
ing forward toihB fbe ao^ time, hav­ mattrni aa In most otbera. Michigan
ing had-an aiipUeatioB la since Janu­ Btanda well to Hoe with tbe moet pro­
ary and U was only in June that be gressive Btatoa of the Union.-Record.
rooelvBd tbe appdaMeot. Many appUeanta. are tariied down aaeb year
-»nd tbe nmag man can eonaider hlmnair vary foitaiate. Ho will take up a
• The wareheaaa of the BnildCra L
Hasbne’ Supply company wbkb bat
baaa process of erection for the past
aevarml weeks U now eomplried. This
VlD do away with tbe rental of a
^ wkieb was formeriy tbe onl.v
'iaatb^ of oailnk tor tbe auppilea
tte ooapaay. The new warebouae
In tbe Pere .Harquefte yardr
Rut 0* Caas atreet where it Is aceesalble to tbe freight swUches.


Csrpet Sweepers

Wf ore in touch with more thnn
1,000 telcphonc-8. mills, fjii-torii.'o'
nnd bnsincaa concemt. Will cn-|
dfflvor to furnish <-raployniontt or, _
•ccb'; sell or fxcliunp; anyrom n bicydo
ilal .1 Vfiy moderate i-onimtsaion.l
“iWeito. phone, call., or. watch ibej
Bulletin Board for baygains and;




Fjont St., up-stairs.

€. €.Cewi$
goes out of tbe


Ole bouabt bis entire
stock, baoe mooed it to
our store and will close
it out. w w « '» '*■

Bargains for
Shoe up now. It is tbe
right time. « « a «


r"'-' -

All Summer Suits One-Quarter Off
Yo, sure we said everybody, and that really means the ladies, too. No
we know they don't wear them, but their husbands, fathers and broth­
ers do. and the ladies want to see them well dressed and with the scason s best goods. The ladies wield a powerful inilucnce and so wc
want them to know that all our remaining stock of Summer Suita Ere
being sold now at One-Quarter Off our already exceedingly low prices.
It is the best chance of the season to get a most stylish suit for very
little money. These goods will go at our present prices, so come,
in at once and get your perfect fit.

“Golden Olive” Furniture
Tly: swellesi furniture on the market. Something cntireTV new. Can
be used for the lawn, on the porch or in the different room* in the
house. There are settees, odd shaped chairs and different sizes of
rockers. Y ou will like the beautiful Golden Oiivc color as soon as you
scejt. See the display in the I-urniujrc Uepjrtment show window.

Gasoline Stoves


.-\re what you should own. They are so convenient and summer
days you don't want to work over the hot coal or wood stoves. It is to
your advantage to buy now because we do not want to carry over a
single stove, so these will be sold at manyfacturerer’s prices. These arc
the very best of stoves and you-will be saving many dollarE



Qfand Travers^ Region.

« of «acii wMfc.

n«ft TiiriMiy


•* "

Ida, erhtrre they took the boat to Od
Vtaaloa. retaralBft b the
Beery tab faporu
-----( aaJayaWa
VIM Martlla Hiaaoe took the .
ir£ today tor her bo>e at Caaaadal-

'^er. ainp baa pmc >o Petoakey to
MOd a few daya.
Hn. Haaaoe and her two Oaughtara.
,Uaa aad May. bare beea ehWag
relstleeB aad tljeoda at Batea and^
gnia. There
llaBabnrg for the peat wertt. Mtaa
Wiliaa took tba aooo train today tor
b« borne la Traeorae City.
Bora to Mr. aad Mra. AUred Laaie BroUier Btfiejr coae
Blag. Aba tJ. a aoa.
^fiSi.KSrSS.'lSitaghOor,, Aug. T7.
tM PMI «eek or l«o. BheBBeUtin U
Beeecml Year fnan here to Uc
Oraate vtoite at TraverM Civ tail
Satardar- It waa a eery pleaaaat «a^Ortas. The epeaUas <rai Bae aad Ue mitea elBltora Sdaday.
A number of people fihn
BUle waa extra IlDe. Thoae «rho
tended the Oraage rally at Traeerae
Tailed to r> «» II ">>»»« • ‘™“-...
Jaek Laarrow la P»lof hlatAborrlM. There la a floe crop of them tbU ‘^Tb^MW^ Reaa Monroe and ^
Soon are e^ag rMaUeaa at Bea’T M. toiih ao« a
eaa laat
"awMge'GMWmt to Slh Baptdi Sira,
week IW aa eraa tea doSaca.
- ABf. ».
^^lat Paatl Conr tt working
**Mr.*2d MnT^B. Soon aad bmOy
Oat baireaOa* la aboai .oflihpleted, apeat Batarday and Saaday tt Traeaad fbr ihrrabina naefaleei are ocm. neaeiiis tMr vorh.
' The Maafla of W. Kralu; .gare a
eery rifaa-* anrprtae party in boaor
Mra. Mary Oee and dangbter Belle
of Mr. KrsUa Tharaday eTOfllag. be^ weal to Korth Mlh«» Bonday.
hie fifty^otxrth birthday. Hr. Hadre

•Teetod flowera. alao

““ji.tsir:, ?

week aad caUed — —
~-‘'oth« ealaable
■nee aed d.
Mlaa Florence tJama .o* Tnrene
lU B( the e
City II rUltlng relaUrei bare.
Ang. ».


■al VoA U the Pcrtla laaUtirte. He
Iwa lnepted tbc gbettaad aebool.
hrhera be vUI thaeh thl« year.
The yoBBS rolka of thlr aalgbborhood «a»yed a eery pleaaaat party
ItMay ereeta* at the home of F.

3t?V ■W.imvm m.inM...

i SSiiSSS'iSiSl w

ViM Peart lanoo went to Tnvel^

PnRHc la AnwA
ind iRMliiii here.teal week.
apwidlas her eacatloa hm tatth her Long Lahc rlaftm laat jneh?
The pobtlc to aroaaed tt a
Hr. Onens
Olninn Pray droee to Traema
Hn. aerette gare a p^ lagt Wadwdge «g the onnUre mertil (
endar eremlag ta honor od h«r broth- taadar
Floyd K. Beach of Tratane Oty atoJSTrired'on^im liilwda thh
wiuag ax ua»c w. X——,
StTittBaaford wai eallad to
Solon no aereuot <T the Slncaa o< ber
ibU. O, WTitt*:
° j" W^Phrtand and wt^ A'antmtktm applea aM are gett
cowew. 8. C. left OB the nttnote Wed- _____a 1 waa gteen «p tt die. find
fotmrd to I
’'finlc'B. BerxpMtd-lSnie danghtcr
feeer and agne. my
neaday tor Ogdallhwrg. K. T.__ ’
rent to Trarernh Oty today.
Miss Oertla LIpWm airtrod WMaro- wteefcad; I ceuM not Meep. aad toy
Hr. Cbaa. Botokd waa a Leland rtesownak.ftom----------day for- a vlaU with her mother at atomaeh. waa •
leu dorttr*' ddrnga. that I
; WlIBwood PWk OB Olea lake.
Mlaaaa Ite a^Hna^ Phiraai
—. Botie
aft begtaatog t
The rerlral toeellagn are atltl to «Tbe
________ » Tabor. Will Prdnaay awdli Frank Holmea was tt town Thnn- eat.
am Bmpite rrtaBed frienda here
Eleetrte Blttm I ............
. re*reaa al Wexft ‘ -------- — ■-—
Otto Keroer kare retaroed ‘
Johd Clxkneefcy ebiu
Oeo. Clemeat wa^ cnllod to aiplrc
ehlld of Bder ^ oday
ea aeeonat « the innees at Ua Jar {PKaer and Pnnk
■Mn. Oeoige la <
few day*.
e Of goU OB
Tbe be
Mr. and Mn. Al Bamaer aad
lery waa
sot eery well
ter Baale are rnaklBS aa extandad
Tto ttiy Wqmen loaded n
of the farwiee* hanrMilna their
at Port Hnroo. Bay City awd p«n«a'
Arbor and
-fc hope the trip wUi do Mr. Raauey
°*iuM Haggle CunalagAam. who baa
Fteivdlah BuWatlm
laeb good aud be wUI return borne
t Ihe Tneefae
. nleer4 aad
laeh Improred la bea^
cancen. that eat away year akts- B'm.
Mr. mad Mn. W. H. Dttoo and fam­
Bedelt. of Flat Dork. Hleh.aay*: ~l
aintoo Ptsber w It tp Arcadia
ily vtalted trteeda la Keeaen City laai
have naed BncklroY Araka BMvh tor
.. .. ber.
look a cargo of hardwood liii
It It the
Hiss Ida .
Quite- aa exetllD* time waa etpertPhestt. whd It reported-----------*" here thU week
Mr. Beoti of Maalitee haa beea here best braltag dresstag I ever found.'
eaecd In Dr. Coalae a alore at Wexford Itlag rMaUees.
Bombn aud hralt ffuta. burnt gad
Nat Holden aad wHe of Chicago favorably.
laat week. When Ed went to lake
Tbe past week has been n drtlgbtfol, ihi* mttk Inapecttag Inmbcr.
were in town a few days ago.
bmeh of tianaoaa from Ibe window
e at tbe Tnverte Lake retort. Tbe, L.._------------------- ------ ----- ^
Mlu Bditb AlkInaoD. after a year*
P. H. Head* and B E WaU A Boat'
taraalBla enme o« and neartr b
looked at attractive aa at; Cottage Idlea-WbJIe. retorned home •drug
atom; gnaraateed.
bim but hp anickly eoi a aotcar barrel Mwoee In Cbkago. called on frtendi
Friday OB the Mltsonrt.
Hr. ClavMie and wtte of Maple City,
BDd knocked tbe bananaa. taiwala ere last week » her way
n> put the a
and all M tbc barrel. Iben
anlwho are; with a party of frtendt, drove here
«. Taylor and Vr« Haa* from iremely Invlgorallng
>art can. where be fa
lake for Friday and enjoyed a drive on 81e^
nal la a
at tn rr
South Manllou are camping on the no fortnnaip
lltiaor Bd will be
lag Bedr
it vpprptilon
h pnaer
3T (arm sad eanniag blackberrte*.
tbe lookout alter thla when
“ •• Smith. wKe. and
' Mli Julia TUt^drove » tte tepqt
Priaeom, 111.. E. A. Brtim nndVffe .
dlea ban
Chicago and *<-veral i
Tbe ts
I lanniirt for
• rridav
*Wc flni Onage ^ly erer h
Hiigta JIlirbHI of Praaklon
J ter CaiberlDc i>t Chicago
_ita part of the eountry waa held
.toail blackbarvTfnx natty came ' here.
>»eeB hgra tbe put week repalrtag aad
We«ord grere laat Wedaeaday. About
K, I.
600 people were on Ibe ground. After
erOrybody rhad etUoyeil a bot^ltberger aad dangbtera Hattie and Lll-1 lelegrmpb for the U. 8. Weather bni
ZniMrfc SitD,
dlaner tbe prognm wha etr«.
lle, who have beeo vl.lilof at the i renu. waa tt town Saturday.
hall tin erenlna The miitlc Elleimere.
aunber of reeltaUont aad alngUiR Plralg'a
ftoonied to OOfaga laat
Carrie Bufha bat gone to her bom.
the ^ Brotben waa floe..
were giren. then we llitcnod to tbe byApples
1st Good Harbor lor a vltlt with be
are being shipped from hero Friday
state lipeakor, Hon. Perry A. Mayo,
---------who eras greatly enjoyed by iiTri*: In B.barrel*
Him Beaale Paitant It
J- Morgan ^ daa^ter rf TfavA P. CrUtmaa of Lot Aagdet, Cal.; ibehome of hei nlaier. Mn.
Aug. 28.
t. taken on . Ml. Clemen.. 1,




' MAi
Mrs. D. A- a.............
■roib^ and al«<er from Ladlngtoa

W BonlttA^tetldcBt of the Bon- **^c Infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Oi'
tiny Macbtae Co.. Toledo. O.. called »«?.BeHlWir la.qulte
here nn httcInMii repently.
Hr. and Mn. John Hector oT Bonlder. Colo., called on frienda and reUUeei hen a tew daya age whom they “ Idn. Chat. Bloom haa gone t»LodDgloB. Wlaconaln and other points
had not aeen tor twenty-alx yean:
Mtea Hattie Bapolent of Chicago la
TlaltlBg her grandmother. Mn J. * J.V. Totten and fnmliy enterutted
WoK, and ancle: A- Kllwy. at preaenL tbeir «n>hew mnd wife. Mr. and Mra.
Hougbtoa of Travene City, SalMr..-Mn. SartA Olbaoo Of Cblcmgo ■>
apeadlng a tew daya rlalUag her
mother, brotben and alater.
The tfar«V«ra an all out after )oi
Mlab Anna Rnfka <Y Cbleaxo


BotwcII out ofr ti ««m
turn of RiQtietmoney cm
o mln-1____
ttln- week.
arrived on the lUlnolt
J. B.
L IThlman
Ing ttoekt.
ly. going
gotug to Olen Gi
At 58.

(Hnlsgra Unnra irbrtjfU
p[)ne opr^^c 9lotii'
flcjoftcn tPfrbfP. f

Over feeding of babies la glees aa
ae mute of the great mortality
among ttfaaU daring the hot moniha
of fair and Anguat, and Heallta OOecr
Kiefer of Detroit eanlloaa nmthen not
to feed the llulc onct every time they
cry Cleanllnest and cdR In giving
food would surely keep down the death

aReVnif (^abroA liAm Cp.ab:
t? Sidfll.-bciAlestaRn

a' G. Ftlrbanka aad aoo of Travene
CHy are Joadjng togi al the Mabel

* 1^! E. T- pray ritlted her timer.
Mn imll Fairhank. of Elk RapldA-;ow,^n,«*u_ „
aeveral dart lut week.
E. t. aad A. 8. Pray made a bnilpea* w^Emu.
trip to Traverse Clp-ibc 2tlb laat.
, ------- Mia* Uorn Palrbanktof Elk Rapldtj
la vlalllng fricndi and relatives here '
tar a few dtv.
Edd Hammond of Travertc City vla-1

^nifTfcgfVwrOetb, Md (I alietat nirr Ifl iiab lu fiUtAa

■How to Sell” has taught us to have unlimited confidence in the peopie. and our generous easy payt^nt system
vicinity have been furnished..

Ow ,
We haadle the leadiiiK makes of
.-Stoves aod Ranges, indudiog the
f Bcknowledged.peer of all ranges,:

‘XN Quick mcar
also a full line of Stove Fumhure
aiKl Kitchen Uteodb in Granite.
Copper -and Tin, as well/as Shelf
Hardware, Washing ttachinei and
eyerytlung for the laundry.

WevBSMBnBfKasRre x» sMvyM tkmck
nr aarc whetter TM
IB kiy V Mt

me make a
Specialty of
Seasonable ,
Our line of wmoicr goods embraces
all house, porch or lawn comforts.
Refrigerators, Ice Chests. Milk Safes.
Gasoline and Oil StoveSkPorch and
Lawn Chairs, Seats .and Rockers,
Haminocki, Croquet Sets, Lawn
Mowers aod Hose.—in fact cver>-th5ng for house or lawn.

J. W.

• T*wr-s~» oi*,,. Kiw 1

In this department we have con­
stantly on hand the largest and best
assortment shown in Northern Mich­
igan. The smallest details of house
furnishing have been carefully look­
ed after in this department and we
can safely say that we can' furnish
your home complete and give better
satisfaction than you can get else­

gemt tn and iMk arannd.

Carpets .
Cace CUHaltis
jHhd Portieres
In Carpets we carry all grades, from
the cheapest Hemp to the best Ax-*
minster; all size Rugs in all grades.
W« make up rugs in special azet.
Other floor coverings, including Mat­
ting. Oilcloth and Linoleums. Hun­
dreds of patterns in Lacc Curtains
and Portieres. You cannot fail to
find just what you want here.

Tour Credit is G<»d Hoi la Any al Ow
Deparoneits. ,


gMi«i er tta HtMM *M U4

Tbe ftmenl «l Albert
Meade tram Chkego aad HapMoa.
H^. Ihto week
U iMt rtUar <
beM m (bepra
____________newt rt*- aad a aha aerom tbe bar to tbe Oeaaera’ day anenwuk i
tMc with BMar Carpeater. who haa. kale amnrday.
beu awaw. K wn Blao a aaoeaaa laaa-. Ant-»_______

A Food
to Work On

Saarord'a threahlag BaeMae la
The Saaday aMool plealc at Oreea
»lh* to
Lake Wadaeaday waa weU attaadod
oor eOBi
orthaa .
aad ereryooa roorta tbe very bam
eorpeater. and w^noc
(r. Mato
kted of a time. There waa only eme engaged la ahy el tbeee voeatlona. de­
S!*M?*WSirt iadV ibtoe' -W- fault to tad ai oae of tbe reeiuttoao votee bit Ume to flablBC. to i
aad tbreabad oat tUt baabel * aald "We wtoh -ear momarb waa at
city ^ttag la
Work! WotkII Worklll
train. Who eaa beat tbla record
boatry aa oar eyea."
By tbe way. be baa a
A table orer 100 feet kag groaned on tbe atreeta. wbleb to aomethlag el a
Lots of eaeitjr is needed to keep op the pKC.~ ^ ‘
The Dew efMeat'bHdc* <a era _
ekmt daelr It eraa bard to t«t down
the straff tile nun witli tbe ftroat body And dSAT
elty. bctag a Croat between a iwi
toVtoad teaadathai. hat tau part
a WWW preaeai. WDl Coma aad
biAiii wing oat every tine.
eeled can. a dry gooda boa aad a
wai orarwa* and now we will aoao joha Rynberg. bad tbelr eameraa
automobile. He oaea h to carry lootof,
hare aa tea aad i
The BUR of to-diy nesdt gOBethinf more tiun
took photograpba of tbe table, eompa la. bet be probabty cmlu bla barber,
imlB and lAkrvlrw. tbe lake and
Bcre food; be needs a food'tiut aAkes enerfy—a food
lag ootflL
Bra^au la batur; Hr.
at pDlaU of IntermL An ae- eeoaed
U mark cm.
ioha Prteater b htdlter aa aMI- to (it o|i pan or the UB
The •—
Iron rv.
Oo-'a -----^iii
aaw a
ime. while litilc
tloa to hbi bouae.
Freddie Bebee li iDpronag.
Altboofh some people may not realixe it,' yet it is '
ncaobtas li the order of the dar.
elgfat montha. Lndi <g loga h the
Jaeeh f. Oroeaaer la harlac hla
a fact, proved and estaUisbed beyond donbt, that goda
will IMI aurt again uatll It
J. Brakeahaa
fe a brother-from CWcrackers-and thu tneang UnMd> Bldeult-are
Oao. *. Bflbertiiaa irf TtaTOtae
tdoB, Hleh.. Aog. ' ft.—Hra. J. to pomlble to gM la loga on alel^a.
ritber in moscle and lat-makinf elements and have a
“Sir. mad Sa* Wm. Bazttm gare a*
Smith left Honday monUac tor a vlHt wblrh will omhaMv h» anm* mbntba
W. Mcben look IB the a
ale at Silver lake la boaor of tl
Binch higher per ceiiL of tissR^'hoildini properties
with (rleada la Berrien oooaty.
Som’ tMilo. A iooA tlete
HUe Betile Jemti U Tmverae Oty
Horace D. BmRb waa down from bla
than any other article of food nude from floor.
to epaodlng her raeatkw with Meada lodge on Clam lake Saturday. He
_______ ear line.
That this is becomini known more and more every
breugbt down a party of towrtata .by
Hi* iBara Sbelir —_________
day is attested by the kale of nearly 400,000,000 pack*
Haade HeUtlan of Tnvene City
tepraaeai the Braatelleal they
>1 at the eoaatr-coMwa- Duck I___ ______ __
apeat FrUay and Saturday with ber
.dto of UnMda Biscuit, the Soett soda cracker
Rik Ramdi PfralM. do doubt
Ul- bo baU at Hortbport rshalDt from Honor.
- tioB wbiei
pareala here
would be picaaed to read » tbe Booever baked. An eneiyy-divinf food of torpaitini
tbia week.
.On Labor Day Ua Qoeen City team
Hra. SteOa Harrto retmed Thui
they defeated Hamlluo'a
B. a Oale of Bolaa waaed
valne—told in a package which brfatft it to yon with
wtu play Orawn ai Ooeh Lake la thttbb piaea HoMar la Ihe tel
Stoggeea at the aeylom grauada. Travlint and tbe wtnalnt team playi
all the original flavor and notrinient periectly pre*
the snllone nay fair.
___pley In the afternocn.
■ae City. Tburaday. Score 11 to 1«.
Marrlad. hat Taaadar aftaraeoa at
served. TnJy A* feed te ^erk cm.
Lnrto Campbell to boylnt apidei
Biinn Rro* are np the bar abore la
the hoM «r the bride-a pareaU. Hr. bare and payfat ti.U p«^ banwl.. - Mildren-of Orawe have beentopend'-'aid Hn. Dobbw; Uetr oaip dantbtar. . W. H. BUrd mtoet Salordey and a a few daya camping at Green lake.
Whoever you are—whatever yon are—wherever
the vlidalty of Torah Lake, bnOdliigA
A*ella. to Uwaid BMter, a proapW pan of Smtday tbe gam at b.'
Tbe Htoeea Hyrtle Dexter and Bea- flab abaaty aad nmUag other prepara
•H TPoag. farmer of UU towaaUp. H. B. Baird.
le-Jarrett apeat Friday at Camp Bee- Ilona for their fmi flahloi.
Mrs. Cbaa. Stean to (m tbe alek U«.
OBL Bet. W. A.6
Wnila Pannlatue end wife of laMr. aad Mrs. WDIIam Carpeater Tbe Acme ball team came dopn here
ne beat wlabaa Rtachea
were Crawn rWton Batorare a pariy je a number of tbelr Saturday and proceeded to OM Mian by boat to play tbe aecoad team \
^'im Sana Bbard weat aereral day>: friendt lam Tbwnday evening la boaor
that place. Aa -oaDal. Old Hlaaioa |

ton wMc at Uoei«e Oeator Tlaltlat of tbelr gneat. Htoa Georgia Balmaa.
wan.^he aenra helnit IS lo 10. A fea |
Hn. Will Batey.
Jim Stimn of Sootb FnnkfoH to (g joySeld. Tbe evening waa apeat boyi from Bk Rapida aeeompaaled (be I
with maaie and dancing, and all report
Acme team.
very enfoyable time.
Jamea Beer. Norman D Hawley and
Mtot Hyrtle HcLetlan la (pending a
Kto«H(* dmeated Orawn at I
Bam Crampton^are over on tbe Can­
few daya with frienda at total
ley lam FHday. to to t. The
Tbe Graagera will give a ptensc at non In Kail
tbe ‘■Mthto nuMv' did not
While putUag up moreplpe.-Hn.
•ry amfltnt taeae wbee reacblnt ttoeea Lake. Wadaeaday. Aug. SOtb. at J lore the flaay. denlxraa of the deep
ElU Bhuk. of UuKlng. fell from chair
■M. Herar miad, boya, the oibar (el- the tame pinee the Saaday a
aod broke lib.
nr hae to wlB asme time.
nSe waa held.
Mr weralat tor aa anaadad vbt> u.
Frank ReynoWe and tb
a tbe banka of tbe E
To Cure n Cold in On* Day
MorrupotoT ntPawTMPNT.
Blanche and Lnlu Reyaolda apeat Baa- P. Boyd and Cloade Wntaon. with tbelr Taka ulXaTSVE PBOKn omwtvra
The ODBMy Suwdar arbnot cnave day In Traverae CHy.
tamitiee. have retnraed borne. "
vMlad blwwaama. Frank Btatonhk. tlOB will be bal^fn tbe a
taaiwaalb. •>
Bem>nneanoDwiUnac»ektoe«iid ntnm get rid ol seme howm
daya wUb Mra. Flora UeeLoa:
Tbo rowtod ehUd of MIohaot Klat
died tbU Botalaa after an Blpeee o(
Htoa Jailmte ReynoUa <g Battle and report an eieeptkmally pleaaaat i,,’ '‘soffered^tonBrew'^oan-a^O
- twPwMht.'
gotul one price.*

• • * S** ®
Creek la R. B. Reynoldatrip. While 4hera Mr. Boaley met i meat took away tbe buraiag aad Itch• UtUc Me PaBatAttoa to tradoaUr
aodal at tbe town
porotby toglerigbt apent Sunday
nrday evening.
HiiA Bprdga. who baa been III. to with Hra. Bartba Shlaa.
Caapa L^evlew. Beatomla
WeUbacb llgbu. of wbleb tbere •—
Hr. TadliWa bM btfa oauataialat
Dr. Btoaha and wife of Ltdend
Ooaafart "pUilo la a picnic dinner Sonto nae to that dty. Be alao
in town lam weak,
Hra. Fred Snandora. who haa baaa day. nlao ontertalalng Hr. and Hra. aerogf Bd and Henry Sebober. former
. Mbr surer |i rerr (» at preaeak
the goem of Hn. B. Dam* the pam WIU Carpmter. Calria <
Bk Rapida boya. whom be reporta
Word wba neaM today of tbe tew waekt. toft Satindey tor ber f---- Georgia Ratoaan. Cora Hlaebaagh. Hra. dblBg wall hi tbe meat jnarket bualfdaalb ct. Obaa. Patmer. of the Dewey laChJeega Hra. Buaden to a t
Fiora McLean and Arable and Heetor aeaa la tbo city tbm Pabm made faBodlly pain lo«ea lit (error If ybaS-e
' BBtave 0>, which oeciu rad Betnrdar at of Hr. K F. D^ and an old real
a bolUe of Dr Thomaa Bcl<-«r1c Oil
;hh home la Featoria. a v
of^ “
a trip on tbe
Hn. HarttaeoB and Hre. Alllt
... .. ... in the bouBi- Instaul relief In eaae of
May Reyacdda baa been vlaJUag kt
Hn. Max Hlrahbetg. net- Htoa Mollie j
apralna. accldenu of any
Smith vtoltad Him. BrlUit today.
nUnola lau ween.,
Hr. Baboock't at Lake Add for
. Ant. «.
One bay hone, weight About !!«<) lha., a good wofk horae.*
tbe goem of Hr. aad Hra. F. R. Davit, daya.
Hra Harry Hirabbzerg for a few day* !
I--------------------Ur. and Hra. A. Altos and daugfaler
left tbto wadt for bar borne In Suttoat
Tbe Htoaea Effle and Grace LtoForge
!Raael, H. H. Oida and Mr. and Hra
! ainall brown ma^ price.......
^'ra. Jeaale Brabant and tamUy n- : Vktor Barton were Glen Lake vlaltnn
InrnMl in Travrvao City Hoodkv. A few good driven .irom...................
Hn. Frank Fomar of Big RapMO it Sunday.
.'prMi «. lieCanhy aad wife.
Ne Stomach Deeins. Jutt Breathe Hyof the city Friday.
Hra True cl JackeOnTllM, til., who
- The Saptht Imdiea- Aid mot with rlBlUag relattvea In town.
tope Sneexlng and Smardno.
Dr. J. O. LaCore and ^lly
Mn. J. U (Mbbe «d HayflHd lam
Hn. John Haah el AUaa. Htaa.. to la been TUUlng ber brother. H.
■e -gaeat elOtra. Hlla Dame and tarn- Dearth, of tnland..abd niece. Hra. Btu borne from a ten daya- rtalt at Empire, j
Tbareday afternooa.
a cu^^^Tor
W. C. Moore of Cheboygan li viait**^W. B, JoWoBtna retnraed Saaday Wateri oC Bendoo. returned borne lag hla telatirea. Hra A. O, Campbell bay feviT, Hyootel
It la claimed fur Ihia remedy lhal It
from a boiliieaa trip to Bt. Jamea, Bee- Honday. ‘
aad Hra Faulua Haller.
■top, ibc apaxmodic paraxyama, Ibr
lOraera Potato OBora Fvidar nftrrlalud.
Hra Etta Watma went to Traverae
Ur. and Hra. Otlt Holbrook of •n««-eiiInc. (be amanlDg aad ruanlac of
tnooa. with a reaUtof < tnid.
It. Tan DaWalker and wife of Sat- City HdBday. retaralag Tueaday.
and" other aroie
a Bay were to town-tfeto weak,
. Htoa JOBie Allea to qmlte til.
Traverae City were gueMa of Mr. and
Hr. aad Hn. Henry Uenrlegd of
aympuima of -ihia dli
mmber. Ht*. Waa. A|Uw. of Wa
dim Wagimr.4eBndlBg to a gMet
Hra. Geo. Bromellag Sunday.
Many pi'r>.r>n, have lK<n cured of
Keal eouDly are vtoliing tbelr nephew
. b cartac for bar. '
WUI Fitch, wife and tamUy of Adrian Kay fever by Hyomel. and tbe dlaem
. H*. Will BtordrmaD i»«l Bat..^
Bhri Wtdrig. and fauily.
ate at tbe pleaaant farm homo of Hra. erer of the remedy orofeanea to l«'
allirat the home of her tatber. How.
Waller Harria waa a Traverae City
able to prevent bdth tbe occiirrenr«
hrS Wwbeter.- Hn. Bhokman bad BrmMim. m. and am elatttwg frienda
L. R. Smith.
vlaitor Monday. '
tbe aannal ailaci^^dnd to ai<m ibe
.bean n tor aoma tlmA Bat It waa
Hr. and Mra Blog. Hurat of Key- of
pregresf of the diaeaae. evea In ihc
.hoped «bet aha wnaH neoMr. 8M
BberiK Browa eg Leltad apeat toAIHe and Claude Harrington of Mon­
man* Die here vltlllag tbelr retativea, nviHi ch'o"lc forma
o bs
roe Center are npesdtog'a few daya
..of Weatford. Meat.,
& amk^ WtiDMtwiD bpa accepted
and ibiak aome of agala making Elk
One 'alil.-t of Hlo tia taken liefore | ceritnia ayalem. Tbto rcmarfeatalb
wrllea. "
nel cured mi- of hay f<-ver
poeftkm at pbaimhtot tor H. B. OlIL
^ taMral waa held loSay.
Rapida tbelr home.
*cb meal during ili.- Ki.mmer laimtha. ■ re'midy will make tbe-whole dlgextlnS .
. R. B- DoManee U abb to be aboat
Hra. A. l.afnnUM> <g Travetae City
Alfred JobaaoD i( Blllng the potiHoa
and Hra. C D. Swift retimed
Elk Rapida. Mich- Aug.
The with the Fere Hareuetle made racaot this dlwax
j.revrtrt <-a*)- germs which may enter tbe atom(ban an) other
Tbla endoraemr-at la rmly one
hat erealai from Bdamre. where they day to
by tbe drowptog of Albert Kebler.
tbe dl-eaiM', cxuaod by g<-rtns aat this ach will Iw- dratroyed.
thal have l>een rec-lved
. cpeat tbelr eummer vaeattoo.
B. WoHe returned to hla beme to adboola open hern next Honda)-. SepL
Hr. aad Mr*. Bert Beer are now oc- hundred,
The neh aupertatendeat. H. T.
the proprietor, of Hyomel. and S
Juft one small ubtet.oet ^ a fd Fraak Danlord waa to Travetae Oty CUeago Saturday.
Hra Robertaon left Honday for Lbd- Blodgett. It «[)>«Cted bere today from enpylng tbe Henry Ogletree bouae on Walt A Son, off-r to refund the tnoi
(He t.iumarh t* weak *o that fml . cent t>ni <>f Ml-o-na before eating, and
tngton. after apeadlag a tew daya to Lodittgtoa. Be eataet highly recom- Sproce (tieet.
. Oon. Seat)
Illy dige*'
dlgeai in It, if!o food ' yon win bf ' —
’— ---- “
airooxeal prrmf
vaak for tbe Dm»u bacreat Stod*..
etlng poor appetite, dlstieri after eaUag,
We bear that tbe farmcra of Ibli elsimed f
«- a sour, allmy.
-I Ihe conBdeficv
Hra. AdaMto Aaipertrhf gaaten vtoH. ADdema of Utoad apoat ManId<«I toari burn, furred league, sleeplemdlgnUve (
tbar under bla tnperlnieadeacy the vietolly are Doa complaining becaua* they have In Hi
Red- imuirei here a fei^ daya laat day la town.
bowel aem, or geaeral debility,
condition for g<-rdk
I. L. Dame ratarwad bona from Cbl- tcheol* will eontiane tbe aame rarl- tbero will be bo -Dubbiaa- among tbelr bay fever. The romph-tc ouiA' m*ia • iroohle,' dtorrbcKta. or other aummer up tbee dlgt-Mive
lyatem an
ragn Thnradar
fert hrafth and airevigih.
l^e; iiiDca*.
able mandard which they attalnej , eoru tbU-fall to feed the plga.
Htoa Kate Jtobertaan retnraed
Supl. H. C. . Hn. M. E. Sbenuan bf Elkhart, lad..' '
_________ '
i Ml-o-na will aowhe
Ladlngton Monday.
LoiL wbo aecured a year a leave 9f and W. P. Brwla of Grand Rapida. wbo . A blraalng alike ,o young mtd old - ' "TSd"dtoratir“j!iS“"
mrh'Snt fitoa memaa^Ma with the
if li does not cure. The rUh to
of Hr. and Mra., Or. Fowler* Kxtr»ct of Wild Straw-1
<“«»»“»• *««•
abaence and win eater Columbia col­ hare been tbe
Milar pivau,. and itrvngibru the whole; all
lege tbto year. Buperiateadent Blod- Rob Rex for aome weeki, retnraed 1 berry Nature'* apeclBc for dyaentery.
Red nhttraa bare hat
borne yesterday.
dtorrfanea and anramer compb
Bar. Haribert aad wife teuniad
HraMaaFUtotof- eon Lane viaeadeat corpa of teadiera; Precep
Frank Wlldon of Delndl to vUlitog
CltyBenday. borne tbla week from Lnnalag.
hed ffhndi » rrmrn
Mrs. Akara of Hateb-a Crosatog tren. Laury J. Hag^rt: atatotaat. hla parenu. Hr. aad Hra. F. S. Wltoon.
Hra. E. J. Caaaawd am -maid
Ttolt with rant Saaday with retotlvea to town.
Hra Cbanee and tomlly arere gueaU Bertha Lee;, eighth grade. Mlnair Frank 1a new employed aa pblpptog
letoilvoa. .
Alexander: eerenth grade. Mabel W. eierii for tbe Humpbrey Seetioaal
Mr. and Mra. H. MeOutty vrent to I tbe Wnotoey home tbto week.
{Fecaakey Saierday.
The Penalt .aoelety aerrnd a aupper
alitb grade. Clara Deariag: Bookcam*' Co. of whlob F B. Moore,
i the heme of Mra. B. Hiller on Fri- foartb and flftb grtdba. Mamie Fletch- formerly of this place. Is general mani Mn. J. A. TTtow want to Grand
Ida yeateiMy tar % Mon viaH
tblrd grade.
Bfte LaFOrge: aecoad ager. Hr. Moore to alto la town.
her flnoglHnr. Mra T. J. HeMa
grade, Franceu Vogt: flrat^e.Char-l Oeo. W- Perry, pnbltoher of thei
Sba waa neeampanled by bra g
.mm.-Harold Handeraoa. who hae naan.
luue Tarnw; Uaderganea. Helen progreu. It la Lanalag tbla week.
lamm Conn and Uoldermnn ea- LewU.
etoUIng bare.
W. K. Walker baa added a pair of
ed at ei—ww m HotelJSeou toat
. . The new boner la tbe ^togmey, grim
Lungfellow aubool, eaat alde-^\>erth X-foot -silent aalesawe- plat glaas!
mia wee tewed Thwaday ef lam woWi
SI 14S potmda water preeeara and
. Warren will hare charge of and flftb gradm. Kora Hartee; aecoad abow cases aod otherwise Improve-l!
Mndiebemfe. ThemBIwaaetarted. _____tn-eHnc Ibta week a«d oc
aad third grade. MabefSampoon: flnt
aad pverTtbltW toeod to be aatiafae- the pulpH to tie Congtegat
.riiamry, Klaa Stone.
Gross Eyes Stnlrktesefl
ebereb Saaday moratag and ere____
George Dame aneaded tbe Oleaaera’ Sootb ward. Hargam MorrUoo.
. mtpeoi to bare tbe mill to operation to picnic aeroea tbe bay Satarday.
Tbe beatlbg eyaiem at tbe Central
New cemeat croeawalka bare b«
sham taro woefca ttofa.
balldlng has been pat to bettor abape
at xlomacb of (be over
A SMInt party eomppaed <B Wm. Jl to 1M( areeik.
: It odea paraded In the
than ever before. A new teetkmat
,9lMght. Wto. Whnbnrg. John Roberta.
Mra. Mary Swaaaon of Traverae C
ubllc«rUta aa a horrible example ef
boiler, the -Capital.' made by the
Oah. Stem. Chna. MUlar aad Frank la vimilac rolanrea te town
lit aiteodai
Mr. and Mra Roche of Indtona i
Datied States Heatiag company of De­
it wealth.
guemi of Hr. and Hra Roebeb atot
troit. baa Men pat to paefthm. while
- A hweimawIM thto eaaaon. They report Mra r.
Rartto. bj fbe Baneb b?
vairm have been pm on all the
Jaima KrU Ms
a SMl time pad a good catch.
Eyea cd Ohilrirv-n.
leat of tbe Leetoaaa Coonty .radtotnrs aad the whole lystem tbor. noihly overtaauM by R. J. Hcreer A
Mra Helen of Chiengo to tbe goem po. Of Traverae CUy. Tbe dceki aad
a to opeadtog a woak of Hra. George Bigelow.
A Written 0anntDtee given
WMb Stra Loato Braaeh at Dadt Lake Chad. Berry baa acsepied
Oreea't Augaal
been revbraitbed. while ihdflrat. xlxth. Flower, which haa been a favorlto
aa dene tor B. W. Porter.
with every pairof giadem
Poiae an hatag am tor tha Wactric
Mra. jQhnaon of Trarone CUy. Man- aevMtb and eight grade roome
beaiiboH remedy far aB atemaM
■gbt wtne Pom HaySaU to Ktogiley. damm Cook and Walter aad -Htoa tbik ehemteal laboratory room have troohlm for over thlrty^re yeara. Aa. Tha atorh eimtad the home of Hr. Hand Burdge otFUc Lake were i
gnat Flower roaaea tbe torpid Urer.
dtod Hra. ttooaa Bowart tom Frid^ of Mr. aad Stra Mattbewi tkto ... bean re papered- Tbo totttr work wna tbm rrmtlag appeUle aad toaariag
Htoa tama Botdmnx apaal a law. in ebnese of A. B. Lnabmber. All to
set dtoeerluti It umm aad vUaldaya of thto week wttb frienda to Sal- an. ererythtog^U to ship shape for the
tbe mtbe syxtom and makos Ufa
ettizsns PhonsTSl
LEWIS Rice. Mgr.
TrweMea enjr. AUeft.
esaotot of tbe BBC BagMa pablle worth tivtoc, no mafter wbm yoor eta-1
•MntAlae tbe Kbont yev m IMM.
Ja»M C»«Bdaira iWscI* >UI ba*
ck«ad *oirti for »be
J«n>aa BobWM.Md teadtr. b»
ir of tfcto »1M*. an Bmrlv i»ck
froa Orwavidi. Obk>.
Mta Btbai CMadall aad Ror Whaler
aftimlr* the opera la Trarene Clir
Hmry Hl»«. «tfe aa4 na i.
Saadar with Frad Bull aad taadlrTha brtekrard haa eiaoed 4owa for a
tew «ar* w p« la a aow «rm.
Aa*. tt


yoo work—Unssda Biscuit-'



Morwmm F*or Sanim

»•. ___






wm anse Sickness Unle^^tomti^ b StreBCUicMd
WUb HI- -







Well Known Lines


Milwaukee Corn Binders,,
Farmers* Favorite Grain Drills,
Weber Farm Wagons.
Kalamazoo Buggies,
International Gasoline Engines.
Empire Cream Separators.
Syracuse and Peerless Plows.
All kinds of Implements and Harness








SmdiUa. aah rheum, rr'^tiieteii an-1
Japan. Whoa Uito <
other dlatreasln* erniiOv.- dUemn-,
KwfflfonAtlr Vlaltins rafaUrem tor tha past lew day
taotUUea is tba (ar
yield gidekly and
- - fteworth. A>«. a.-At 11;»
retnrned hose Friday.
be dadarad andod.
«VM. Hr. K.m
Bd Bmorr has rented bis tarn i
Thera U a *rowlhf aoapldon that
Rniala hat a«i«ed to par to Japan a
Debale at Grind Rapids summer
aun of moner Ip M«> »( a catfa ladanrchool that women are betver teariierr
Um 'wwleti of tula iMHilAB, Au«. ». eliy. At yeatarda>-a tatali* of the
at hla old home apaln.
than men. decided tn tavpr-tf lorm. i.
tho woforoneo orHyM ot • eomplote praea eonferaoee the aecreti
Mr. and Wra. David Biman and ao
•coorti eo oil qooHlcf-. H h« b.*"
aaed and the rsToya conferred Roy made a tbort stay ai fkat »
tfociM to |>roeOMi to W> «
prirately tagnrdlns the flueatloti of InIt Can Be Done. Be Sco?erw(Tr»yafSe
City CHlacna Say. '
0 artleleaof the proposed treat}>l<rce-a Corn Hoakers of Traverte
To enre aa arhiap back.
were eomplclad at noon. ,Ttej provide Clly'and ihr’Maalatee bo>-a pUyed
played ;a
o that tiM
The pains of
the Bm—ifi evacaailon of Man..
harbor fianday
“f b...................................
Uanlstec buya winnlaa
ehurla at a daic to be detertnlntd open afiernoos.
Ton muit reach (he apw-gei ai the
« Rooala ohoil not pay a kopat* of
by oeneralt Oyatna and Uneviieh and
o Hr. and Mrs. Vence! Kauer ;
lASonmHy aM that OapaBooeafoi
le Japaneae prepopdcmnce c. - one day last...... ...
iWMiao hi half of th« WomI -I Si
Illy and I U<»*
'mprcially and potlUoMy in Korea.
Hinton W1ilotM-e
and fafflll;
IHit. Roaala will pay 4apan ilbtrally
Btlpulatod.lhat Japan ahaJl o for-1 Miles CUoioro
for tha earo of tha Ruaolan prtaonera
laiOherlng at-r.- ramplna om a<
tify Msaatnpho hnrbor eomni
‘ slrer-t.
Point a few da>» U»i nook
Bid )n thia and othar irayo Japan
UvbI VWood iiifh Co. ssj-K
the atroila of Korea.
Oodfry fili.-rlnf: is som«
M^riin ‘'ramunaraUen" for tha coat of
.Vl^r |f>' »l*
Uh hl» rraudfaihiT. Mike
, ,hi* kldecvs and backache or u liai I call a
work-has bepin on a permanent and gn to tchuol at Old Mlsshm
TMo la what Roaala haa paid aa tha
and accuiaie survey of the proposel winter. OBdensbunt can
prfca of paaca: Japan aaeurea Port
■' year. Too
lalso thiubled alih rheumatUm tn my
if the Baglhaw Soulborn electric even mou
Thomas Ohertng basr
Aithor and Dalny, Rulola aurrai
mtlrand. to oonnaci 8a*lnaw with Bay o Mr. MctHuigh. td Trmvcrsi
the vBloahia laaaaa in tho Uao Tang
here with their UU-r pulling
^ p„|,
, .i^,.
paninaiila, Japan gate a protaeforata
Aa the reaali of partaklnsPf a mushton-result*. Tliongh
lom feast at Port Hurtn, the entire
•y aick. labeller at tbh wrlilug.
HanehtirU. ’tho Chinaaa Eaatam railthat
family of OUo J. Rodman, aaalslant
•mancnil}-. li 1. a fact ihai I have uf.
road la tumad over to-ChIna from
lOusc keeper, were near to death
been troultlvul klnce 1 umuI tkwn'a KM
which J^an will gat a largo avm, Ruafor aeveral honra.
M wiil pay ter thy earo of Ruaalan
bv all deiletu
Becanae the achool teaehera
Wc are In receipt of . Information |
F,«,, r-MIlimurn“•S..
priaonari. Japan gate half of the SakAdrian are rcalr'lnit. the board ban from the I5taie Acrieullural Society i New Tork. mle agents
for Hu t
halion iaiand.
been havinit a atrepnoua lime P«iiDR that the new grounds and buydlngs In j Stauw.
J^tan will ba granUd fWiing ri^
full number to aian the next aemesDetfttlt
In tha SIbertan Uttoral.
ter with.
Sept. 11 to .lS. H mav- la- recalled that
n H oatimatad that ainea tha war
Nllcs waa -visited by a aevei* clee^
began Raaaia hna loot by wpiindi and Irlcal storm Tueaday and the reri- the -MIchlRan InilldlnR from lire 8l
diaaaaa 2O0JXI0 man and Japan haa dence of JaBds Pasao waa atnek by l»ulR worldh fair was moved to Dc- ^ M IWy
troll. This Is already r- bullL The
loB tHWJOCI. The «wl hi th. war la IlKhinlnK nnd all of (be m<
(race track Is a new mil? course. There,
plaead m feUowa: Ruaala. S1.MDJlOOr the family were ahockod.
will be. In addilion to comprobenslve
SW: Japan. SSMJOO.COO, Ruaala haa
and exhaustive exhibits of over}- sUlc
loot ahrty-Mght wnrahlpa and 4a(»»
product, enierialmneni in tho wav of
about twenty vonwda. mcludlna on#
Ur. and Mrs. James D. Beach of East
Arthur by
bnttlaahlp. MeatoftbaJapnnaaoahipa Bay have been maklii* a visit with raeca, the fall of I*orl
their dauKhicr. Hrs. David Elman, fpr Paine's flrenorks, each evening; aHat taara Hnall.
rrnsloBs by Knabenshoe's airship,
i.'’Kc«hiim and dilldrvn. who etc. The Woodward- avenue electric
N. H., An*. 30.have been vlsiltSK at Fred Jqfansan't
Hnartona. the noted interanuotun «»• for the past ftve
Sve weeks have returned cars ran to the grounds,
aured that this year's siae fair will far
R .
yar «( 8t Fatonburg. and Hr Deonl- lynne to Grand Rnpida.

-sUI at Frank Smith's last Fri- exceed past efforts, and everyone
eon. tagal adelfer of the Japaneae forI. All knows how advisable It Is to spend
^ oMoa ara today dtswlnc np tha
some time in such a city as Detroit.
trenty c( pcaee between Rutala aniL-



Stocking, to




They an>T»rte»t.

Wool Ore^s €io0ds
26 ioch all wool Flaked Tricots.
36incli Granite Cloth, bloc, red. ffreeo 200


New Turn-over Collars


Silk Sbawls
For the head (in creara)


One leels..gopd these cold nights.

Fancy Blankets for Bath Robes, one O QK
makes a robe, up from...........................
' Cofds to match.

Yard wide .Unbleached Sheeting, it's worth
7c today, per yard.........................................


Front and Union Sts.


Pnnto. Soc valtw.

‘.It-fit..- Dn-ss (Jinglauiia.nll ooJora.
aia^iial......... ........................................
Sbi« for LilUf Folks, sixes 5 to It

Boys' Khf«! Pants, S-V ntlue.

Traverse City, Mich.

118 Front Street

. ____________________





Talhnd Winter
in every


Ponp suckings

V ■ ■ ■


Black Taffeta, oil bo'ilcd, 36 inches «tldc. 0g(,

Extra heavy 11-4 Blanket, in grey or tan.
a bargain at..................... ........................ •

.......................... 19C

K--Drfaa'Oooils for Scliool tnria,'
School lioTi'


Good heavy tleeced Blanket, 10-4. in 50C
white, grey or tan. fancy borders..........

.... . 10c


new Black Sateen
and Pres de Sole

Shepherd Check Louisene Silk, blue, 75C
brown and black checks...........................

^ new lot just receu^.^mbroidery and

.-lOc Youlha' t\Hlon Swwiters, aU .v.l, A,rs. aiki-ial........................ ...................

25c Pair

Remnant, Black and Colored Wool Dr?«^ Goods, all Icnpli, (torn IX to 7 yards.
You are bound to find something for a school dress.

See our new. Chamelion Vnlvet Finish t ,00
Taffetas, 27 inches wide.......... .............. X.ww


A' 1«..g CvAtod Pant
iiil^...................... ...

62 inch MojAlfi Sicilians, our regalar G5c RQ/s
quality, nav^ brown and black..............
Sha<^ Plai^ one of the newest weaves,
injbroirn, ^vy, green, also black and


Yonlli.' S.A00I Sbc. 6h.« 121 to

We find on going through thefetocks that we have lots of odd
lines left over from our §ummer trade which we have got to
close out to make room for \he new goods arriving daily. If you
are fitting out the children br school It will pay you to >nvestigate. We only mention A few Items picked up from the differ­
ent departments.

23 inch all ^Crepe dc Chene, tw. grey.
pinMi|ht blm^ also black and white, 5Q(*

4H inches wide
at. per yard
A Uack ribbon, extra heavy, C inches 1 Qa
wide, worth 25c, at, per yard...,*........ Xs/V

A hundred and one things must be purchased vnthin the next
few days. We can make your dollar go twice as far ^-bHying
School Suits. School Shoes, in fact all wearing apparel for boys
and girls than anywhere else. We mention a few prices below.



Fancy Heather Idixtures and Mohairs

Parents, Wa Gail Your Special Attention !

24 inch Accordian
I’lcaied Flounce, a
special opening sale

For Boys OT Girls.


About 50 medium weight-Boj-s' Suits to O QA
close, values ^ and $5. your pick at-.
About 25 Boys’ Suits, gootl weighta, sizes 3. 4 and
5 only, to close at HALF VALUE J

$3 Suits at $1.50, $4 at S2,
$5 at $2.50 .
.'\ large assortment of Boys’ School Suits, winter
ueighes, and every price is brim full ol value ;

fZ.SO, f3, $3.50, $4, $5 and $6


jte pric;

For a limited time
we offer 0 months’
sulfcnptiod to the
" ' -lerican Boy".mag
azine free: with every
purchase of $4 or
over in our Boys’
Clothing Dept.
5'* pair Boys’ Knee
Pants, an ^assorted
lot to close. 5(lc and


Children's medium weight Coats for school at
HALF PRICE. __________ _________
.-\bout one dozen Ladies' medium' weight Jack­
ets in black and lan. $15 values, nf gQ

I?..®?!’!*.'; 38c

for .■■■............................... -..................................

Fine new line of Cravenetics from
up to........................... .................... '•••
doz. Ladies' Brilliantine
Waists, black, navy and red. S'2'jO 1 QQ
values, at. each...............
New claats for Ladies and Misses coming on
evt-ry express.

Try them once.

VsulbC Suits
Ages 14 to 20 years, pick from handsome patterns,.ijt
•$5, $7.50, $10. $12 and $15
BOYS’ SWEATERS, special \-alues at



at.........................^............ .........................
Shirts......... -Jac, 3-5c. 4T)c.
School Caps..


Traverse City, Mich.

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