Grand Traverse Herald, June 01, 1905

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Grand Traverse Herald, June 01, 1905


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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TiuvEM> errv, <

A ptattr drllte taee. with a ti
te aat browB hair aaeaptoc from tea
• ter {mb
atel at tee bade M bar bead, aad
1 te ttoable to tea Mae eyes, atliteli (ntebtM Mfw on \
meted hit aUantloa.
. moat b# tea.- Pool aoUtoqi
-Tbaro were only two ladiet cot oC
hero, and the other U dtopoaad of.
Wbat a pretty Uttta eroatore tee to.
DeaT look a day over it. 1 i
teeoebi It peaaibla ter a womi
wre her youth like teaL It't rtaky
L tea Mtora tt cm
MSS taktoc her borne. Fm aCrald


abb added, when tee chUd was i
-I aarer was ao erafated end bMrlldwed to all my Ufa! Bee aerer
me teat tee had a UtUe stoter. Wbat
does tt all mean, aad where to Sue*
I dent andetauad It. bat I feel sc
that I win net try to aee tetoci eleartr
bbUI motatoc."
Paal Aadras was paetoc tee Boor
tM deepeet perpteiHy when the doorbeU ram Btepptof into tee haU be
■aswered tte aammons to person.
-nil's my aepbew." said a rolee
tioa tee ihadoTs. wtilefa were li
m that part of tee place. "He’s c«t
tee Peters nose. How do yot
The dnavr UtUe womaa he had aotieed at tbe sutioa enme Into tee liMl.
tad begaa ehektos him rlcoroosly by
tee haad.
"Theio'e been a mistake. Paal: boi
I 4ont mtod, for It care me a ride to
a Ml^idiearrtoce tbU latoy Blgbt.
Atot yoa Clad to Me year Aaat Hetlyr
•^Jtodr Of coane I am.' he eaU.
daUtallr retarelBC her caren. while *
dtoappototed- feeUac crept Into bU
bean. “But if yoa are my Aaat Het­
ty. who is tbe other HeUy—the one I
buBicbt borne wtte oter
“1 reckop it's tbe one Ihoy'ro etpeettox at tbe Uc house." eaM Aaat
Hetty. b^Wahic to aatie her benaet.
"Ste caa go bate to tee cairtogc."
'■Bat tee has toUred." nld Paal:
"and she to quite lU with a beadaebe.'
-I do bcUere-'-becaa Aunt Hetty.
"Pee. I'm eertala that It's my friend
Harrs dauebter. I met her to tbe
train. No. she thaak be disturbed.’
Addroeatox tee enachmea. she said:
"Oo bate and es:idato mauers. and
yod cna eome tor her In tee moralap.
We-U take tee rery best of care of ber
obUI yoa come."
Hetty was awakeaetl In tee etornlne
by a geotta Mss droned on her Ups by
a pair of ruey onet. whkb were emlltoc beeidp ber as tbe looked up.
"My other Aoni Hetty has co
ekplatoed tee child. "She tonk preuy
aad tweet like you: bat she's got nice,
soft arms, and I shell lore her. t
I'm glad rre got two Annl Hettys.'
"My dear." said a kindly rolee si
tbe other HeUy eeme forward, -a mlstaM baa bean made: tmt dank worry
about it. Toar motliar’s dao^tor It;
parfaetty aafa wHh me."
'JlSfl hBoteer kiss was dropped on
In tea parlor a lluie later Hetty met
tr mart ot tee erentas before, end



—arUiT bdler. aad by tee ttoM
tee white Meteet were ready for boUlax. teeaeeand boftar woeU be ready
for tetes, aad tbe beOtoc woold be gotoc oa wbl^ she wremtad with tbe
cokwad ertldee. ■ Tbe idea bad I ' entered her bead. Bbe procured aar boltar. bM after teal always flaUbed tee washtox lob before ana
mew a toimer who had bto coracrib aboat two baadrod feet from his
feed tats and stahtaa. aad cartto
son hb Stock reoalied teat dtotance la a kasket TbeoU crib bad
M rebuUt. aad te decided to pat tee
one cm tbe asse
"Wooidak It be a cood Idea to <
tee new one closer to tee feeddots aad
stabler He studied tbe matter
aboat.tea mtoatm, and teen said
beltered It would. A monte afterwi
te aukt. "I wander why It aerer
Ml to me to place teal crib of mtoe
bearer to tte feed-tan? Ton bar*
Men bow mach time aad lagxtog «|f
eora It woold bare eared."
There are probably Bfty tasks
cbortn to er^ry boose teat caa te
! easier, and be done qakAer nad
josi as weU as now. U a little brmla
wont to eppUed to teem, and there are.
hundred or more tasks or chores oa
tee tom and aboat tee ye^ end
buUdlngs that can be made much
easier and be more qoickly donwlf e
Uule etody aloax that line !■ todalged
to. I wMl remember a farmer starttoc
off from'tee barn with a beeket of
i bis arm to feed a loi of ebotes la
yard baefc.of tee cow lot He bad
,SB worktox bard aU day. tail
rery tired. After xotocn tew stapete
set tee basket down, sad eeatlac bln
OB lu aald. -I'll be btaeecd
atak xettlnx tired of cerrylac feed
teat baMc tot. Let me see, bow cm
bring those pixs op terer Tbenelchbor be was addreesinc said. -Bpllc tbe
eow lot to two balree. and ran tbe dh
ridtog fence to tbe lower end of yoar
pig lot; or cut oB a teird of yoor
lot wiUi tee dividing fence. That wID
make good yards for bote cows and
Mgs and bring tbe pigs right up here
to teelr feed.- Klteto a week It
done, aad tee farmer nld be feK Uke
bumtltog hU bead becaose be bad
aerer thoogbl of It hltoselL
Often It to tee malUpIlelty of eteres
Bad tee tedium ot dotoc Uim that
causes many a boy to deelde tent he
win not be a farmer. Passing throdth
a mining town la tec mldn of a tararIng coonlry on a train dm ton^ iq^-f
obserred at least a boodred i^en to

ctars'passlag throagb Boott eenaty.
whose berara deaenad caap dartog
tM Btitet aad were found near the
pote. aboat which were amgraxaud
many wfld aalmato.
a~ew dtacorery wUcA has Just
been made by a xaotaxtot near Bealah,
OoU to a paenUar clay, tight to weight
color. This depoeli attiaeted tee
attention of a man of science, who.
tbe duet, pert ef wblA tmi
Its way toto bis ctomaeh. Upoa •«mortog Ms etatetog preparatory to
tirlBK, tt was found that M was ^raplrtag frralr and test bto body oxbatad a paageat. yet not aaplsasaat
Oder. Tbe aadraBarmeaU were Im-

wstoome to tM
m popOe ragalnrty attond tM tocM
aeboo) with two men aad three
teachen. tM rtaseie cnatototo
boys and eWa: mixed, as to tM
to Oermaay. A wooden sehm
has been erratml far their nema
lion wUeh cf talas two tpadoe
rooms as weU as teachers' root
Amm at tee ■
dey. tbe driR tori of tM ebUdrea to to deoorato tM boildlBg wfth
fh» oriaadv aad Bags tbey bare
broaght. aad tbra away tbey xo to en­
joy tbe ptaaeom of tee woods. I
whole fortnicht they lend a fairy «xUtence, b^ax Meolataiy fr^ and examtotoc nU IM aeereta of plant aad ‘

1 tM aMA goea 1

TM December BaOetta of Mttelgan
Dairy aad FW4 DsparMsat ralto taleattaa u the lajartaas sCects of woad
alcohol used: la K»MrattaB of oxtraeta, etc. It to mate tesitew than

from Ita am or tram tec aee of eesracs
of tamea or iamntoa gtoger. Hesw
thea H deaths from onte rae hare
been iwpertod doHag tM pMl etgbt
yeart. and theae are bat a email proM iipte tM tnuan a( a atittea
Uke mad. which was eron teen end- effeeU of Uxhi aad air beinc tM Brat portion of the lajartooa eCeeU.
“Ot raa.“ tea aaM. ooltelr. to tooaa
AaMber rery ImpoMant irqemn iB
eoralderatlan. and U Is
ttaHi tarter. *U (kaf* para
to taee baif teelr terron drtaklag wood atateol to a aaddsa daThe
' arlaf;'
to R. B. Booree. xeetoclst for tbe when learat oat to tbe open air. (
ml MMT BP tkp.««MI aad htaa tea Mto voTTled to- a iteaaU. for fear
ter lattar had BlacarrM: and I ban
been for'yean a saCenr from dys­
gala tea Ttatarr aad mtera tec •te a tarrIUe aide beadaebe.'pepsia. Mr. Boarae took a maaU qoan;
“Toor tatter eame aU rlchu'' bo aald.
ataohol to same tom have beta re­
thy of tM eto^ toto bto lUanerb. ot
ehaarfoUr. bastnatoc to wrap her to
talaed beaeBt. and began to eat li tee papils are xlrea each a plat of ported. Twenly-twe of tbaae cnees
» waterproof bo had hrouebt “I
tr'ia-tWa Mftelr aeC of baataa' Ufa
•d a datmrah dartog white wood
recBlariy. with bat srater. After eneb milk aad bread and batter, or a ptote
aorrr teat I ban ao earrtace.*
1 was dnmk: foarteen ware
each “dirt loach." per^rtrattaa began of oatmeal porridge. For dlwter. aleaattoDad;'“bat 1C U only a UUta war.
by driaktog essaaes et JaasMcn
and the mudUke sobcuace appeared
aad 1 will aee teat the rmto doe. not
.or tamte. and eigbl reeoltod
Ahl- ha eadalmed. edmfrom
tahatatton ot wood ataobnl
this clay bare been ealea by Mr.
0 afabrapt atop, -ter eroady U
i MertCea at tnaaore
Bourne, who althoagh U years of axe.
late. Mr dear—” -aaat.” be era*
B for sercral days. The
Ing dinner, to white they are naturally
baa freed bImseU from dyspepsia.
aboot to ear. wbeo. ctoaetoc toto tea
teat mimtioned 0
te clay to tonad la encooraged.
Another r
ewaec pathetic roaac fee* he teedted
WMt poMr ahaU. ttM aaena
After dtoaer tM UtUe oaae seek tec beeatme they show how dsageroes this
eneroos deposits near Boek .Cr^.
•alt toataatlr. -Madam' aaamed
Wyo, which maay'pears axoftras a shady etoarlag where e staeta to lahea. -drag to when takea foe a petted «f
1 tail rad, aad after a allcbt pann
Or atffl tea atoAl arltela tea
railroad eblpptox potot for Poru Fctadded: -Hetir. I telak yoa
troobMd mate.
lenaan and HeKlnaey. at which Ume being provided wite warn raga. and
ban to let laa cany ran- Bach a woe
What ta«h tetel uba teaarcN
tee railroad was eonstanUy corered bare teey don mad rest thefr appotol- aettan. beeaase tM drug to aicrstad
UUta wPteto ae ran are. I can do
ed Ume. when t±ih rtee to be given a from the system so Tcry atawly.
By rlgoroes etort aad seswra proeee and there eonld be picked ■Uco of breed and Jam wlte mere aUlk.
-Wtteoat walUac for her to objeet.
eaUon the adalteratad aatracu hare
aad aleaoat balOra tee bad reaUeod'
teMlent enbeUtate for soap, aad ns
be was aboo^ hr bad Uftod bar
vam. O. Thaa craat Dtetrataa, vM
>a It waa used by tee trelxbten.
to bis stroac arm and bad borae^har
All day taag tbe woods rlag with
Later tee subetaace eras tried on
Taaaht «ite( ma teT^ ti haar- won tee muddy croaeiac.
n from daoltog la tM a
tee ta^aad feet of tome horees with merry rolees of ebUdrea at ptay. aad
-Wbat a sptamUd fdJow be It!”
teYfem& '
xraUfytox reralti. relief comtox ■» a eite music, too. for eoe of the tororHetty tbon^ with a tby.^»
•Ste thtea tea trtpla ban U htate
ralo to a alxhl. fkw years tbe clay ite oeeapatloas and stadlca to that ot
Tnm aia aad Coate aad kaU tee hUtaoe. -Coe hat always beea Boaad'
used by the aatlree as e healtog learning to sing There ameog tee
lac bar brotear-t praltet to my ea
salve, end now an analysis shows teat brackemfera dr nader lofty ptoe trees.
Btreeta cf Uadoa. Buiaad. ara
Bteool. bat I aarer teoutet be oouid
the deposit contalas sUioe. alamtoa. aaUoaal aad patriotic hymns.
not yet pared with mdd. dcopHo popoUcht firaaVThr vorC hate tausht at be ao cealaL It to atraacr teat M <Ud
teal Germans lore. lar tradtttoa to tM contrary, bat one
macneela. eulphar. Uae and
batoaH eowthsaMfra mMiaptil
qalto Uko fait temlltor maaaor to eallCha’ teateh ^ atala la «■
clear rotees of tee teUdren.
itaa eabarae baa dtoagemid that plam
>e HoUy. Bat I pteeame'br tedi'
Brer hungry, the ateolars
■toaea eoaatltaie a U|^ siirrhtehli
Wa Mr la tMra aad nap » ratew of «bHo waU aoqatlatod with me tbroaeb
a bowl of soup each: and a aabstaatlal
Bao. teooeb I wlQ ataad oe atr dietoflaouaatlon of every character. Tbe ■lice «f bread before they otart
at hi. term aMr and tecrw him teal teate to a
clay to easily applied, b B BOB-COa- teelr return walk to tee city, at 1
prewar way ot tonatoa aa aaiuatoldoctor of beat aad works through re- set, gelag bome happy to mlsg. aad qft Jam aad sraaam maaiB
aftar toalcbt. I don't aadentead
dally crowing nrongn- to body, thaaks
Hex sciion. It flusbee the
had amr M aata do teiadaa ot alcht why be didn't brlag teo earrtoce.
to tee exeeltoot instltoUoa of tee foft
snd relieves coage^ea. .
Woaderfal bare beee for yean tee eet ecbool.—Grand Baplds Herald.
far aU tea war Hla feat bare .trod
taacle of ideaa to tee c<rt'e talnd.
Wban tee Howard earrtoce .
Msnltou and the TeUowsttme Parkfor from Bfty to one htedred teas of
•taaa au MMt die aad ilaa actea to aad ber.bead was aebtoc ao badly test tor bar. AUio bam Into tears. exeUim- ting, and apparently at peace
AMvt Peraeite of Nate.
teemtelree aad the whole world. They Tet tbeoe are intlgalficaBi bealde the
■he did not attampt to aualchtea mat toc. todlcnanUy;
telnr lUt,
King Uwato of Bagtoad owns al fruit to be eondemaed to a Macto day.
"Too shank carry my sweetest Aant had lost had sapper, aad were enloy. hot and odd spr^ of the Big Bora least lOM YalklBg sticks, preseated by Instead of betog dtoebaigad tote
Ufa t> DO autearr, aad daatt la ao
bargae &hd damped tote tM eea. tM
lax theaselTes. aad tbe ran was sUII conntry of Wyoming, where a few friends and admirers.

Hetty cB!'!
fralt to deotrepad to a mote mere byWM not anlil Hetty had promised over aa hour bixh. Leartog tee town. draoghu of tee eold and a dip Into tee
General Knropatkln's aalaiy as
Ic auhaer. Jt to eoMItfad So tM
tom after fsm oa wUeb warn water rellere rheumatUm aad mander ot tbe BussUn arav la Maato rtolt tee Uttta ciH often durtoc her
The Tata HeWtom
tee torsers were still pegging away,
eboria was IIOO.WO a year.
Paul iadroe draw ataacMcbotra- aftto bar. and I moat toe bar acato nay teat the child was padSed.
bate carerns of OIrawood. where na­ There to a mea <g 70 to Paste ai
eattaetad; aad by rarieoe proe see as an
Tbraoeb HeUy't indaenee Paal An­ seme ptawtog.
ttof at be toU ter tatter he bad been baton I to home. If poadUa.'
maprraitil tote atoM Uke atene.
planting. As loag aa IM son ture faratobee ererytelng but tee tow-We wUI Bad oat where she to star drus was tented to picnics and other
nadlac (* tee tMe.
Ms. tbe pools of bealtox waters which
white they leeemWs rssy doMly. A *WM mn teat she will eoaae aad toe and yon shall bare tee plaasore te amaaemenu sL.tee Howard borne, sad remained ebore the borlson sre ceold eboond to tee wUds of Idsho. Mootaas tee cradle be was rocked, to r
sugar radaory ■
AlUo was made happy by more teen see them el work, among them
baby, and he has never slept om
tpbt ^rpa of tee booae aad AlUe.' eeetoc ho- odea.” be replied, with
from tM predaet tor paring Tbe
be mtlHitid -1 mast ban aome oae crate mtoctotoc to bto bean.
pool of Cebola. of Sootewemem Oolo-1
waste to a rerr thite. etosaae ttqoid.
aad a poor UUta oU maid Uke her wUl
-Caa it be that Sue's papa has felled Hetur." who fell It ber duty to plense wearily along after plowi aad barrows. mdo. from white the naUree baal a
wtih It wae a thorar prob­
I Mutoees aad torn hto pre^rtyr teo dJud. and also become better acbemralteara
t wilder- Laara M. OeraeUoa. who to 1
lem for some tlma. AUan oae of tM
lows would hare to do when U19 tafl
-Let me asa.” he mUaaed. ”1 re- Hatty asked berwU. aa teer entered qaatoUd with "mamma's frlead.'
a teelr Loe Ancelee xriUiig randy to enter tee empkpeei eoncetred tM idea of mliAt teat she was catoc bom/. AUie tbe BeMs. aad t did not blame the
teitebar that moten eaM bar stour
pretty IHUe cottace not at all
and tee newsboy for
homes somstetog white teey know- to j,, d^j»rtm«t of Stanford Onlrar- tog It wlte ashes. tM latter betog op­
Hatty was a waa uuta tot whes tea tee Baa naUeaee Boa had deaertbed as iMonsolable. and Paul felt i
u „ oneida clrlas bad as hto little sister.
tee' farm aad taking op tee oeeapa- be better than tee phyrielaa.-Belect-1
mrrlad tetear aad ltd borne. Bba to her BO many Umea.
The erenlng before Heuy's depar- tlons they were encaged In, nor the ^
■ Tbe Wires of the yooax Sellaa of
Me aanr aate bar Btotar Maea. My
o earrtoce or ooartimaa, Poor
ts then eat ii
-Morocco are
AtatHaUr ab<
about »- Ot Boel It moat be teat nreiaea here,
Forest ioheelt In Oennany.
from the wblu CIrtwIan to tM Vea- preteed'—Bo
much mnear. ime.” Bbe decided.
eonrW aba aiU look teuc
Not cooteni wlte tee well-deserved ' ui of tee Nicer. Their board aad tadffor oM matte taha coed oara to amiOb eatertoc tee wee. cosy parlor. grounds be told her bow dear she bad [ used to “play at teat came.- AH teal
Namra ef Fool Trahm.
tee best log rom an laslgnlflcant Item P
«aal tealr aca.
Hetty tamed to her escort and add become to him dorlng tbe weeks lust | Is needed to make work lighter
easier Mk>ui tee tom and yards Is a
Some Ume age aa AamteM ratlread
hoots of all kinds In Butope, Oer-' partooo with tbe amooni ef perfnm-tt to aaarly train tlaa.- be aald. fdUfaUy;
Then followed some whispered jUtlie brain work end a IllUe lalclUampaay offered t
iny ts eonunually seckloc Improved ery (her consume.
-Caa 1 be teova to xar
.1 t attractlre tMe tor Its
mT I am quite Ul. aad i
agricultural cqUeges will [
were rlewbb
jAve eoonty. Artoena. tael Ms hands | fastest train. Nooc iff these sabmlttad
rtaca to brtac tea dnr itttta wt
bteen I meet the family,
I.. .. .k.i. there learn to, ...
use ,k.i.
teelr .___
te teelr ' tearoloK aiiracUre li tec yoong aad ; several years ago 1s ao explostoo lo a; was accepted, yet tM togsaaltr of tM
home to, tote -daea I enat aOard sack dear Boe that I wUl aee her in tec tee hata of tare'sI co'ldra
ibea Paal said:
locrrasiof ibeir capacity for abeorbleg jmld mtoe. He is able to perform all i eempetlters was not aadeasrrtog of
tozsrtoa I wIB teake bar at eoto
hto aa l uto wttboteA droadfal doabt Be«ui to creep to- "t was drendfnlly disappolnled wbeo tom work and choree will become :< knowledge. One of tbe most lateresi-, tee tasks teal fall to tee tat of a maa pratoe.
Tbe novel eompetlttae enltad atlenWlth riteteHr trltema cd Aaat Hat- I Paal Aadras' mtod. Wee It potsl- I leanad that yoo were dm my Annt teem telogs of tee pasL Tbey wilt: lag and unique rvtniu to tbe tosUtu- lo bto professtoo. Inclodiog rapid typeHetty, bat I am aura teaa teoakfu] learn that brain is raixbttar than mus|L,„o e.iabllsbcd by tee KThotosOc ao- s ritlng by means of two short stleka|ttoa to the ptatnrosqamioas aad togaa' trh awsM
CoaUac tbnach ble bta teat a mtotake bad bew mader
eta. aad that ftrmlns is not dredges^|><jrtil..s of Charionenbor*. teal enter- (ostracd lo tee ends
s of iLs a
atladY on. aad a Inadto <d wrapa,
NOae ctonee toto tee Ctrl's pallid face
telaU tea -tear UtUa wamaa-tet
teearod him that It wet c
OctOot er ifM Buts.
"■ •■'4 he was onlyjto
disilnccioD ot bstog called a full mUltary and naral uniforms, with I dally ortr Amcrlcaa nSs. There to no
rala. and* oae am. wbtto a ■•!
nour tee mielake teba. aad tee most
turprtolng bow many epople valUng until he became old enoagh to | ,tster Hiy of the capital.
ell teelr appendages of swords, straps, j better known expreos la tee world
mote aabnlto mat haU Bcmlr la ptel- cot to bed at oDoe.
t who gAInto a ret od
a slay I
^ >«*" the farm. [ o„ nrsi of Augusttbe. rtollor beiu, rashes, caps, hats, helmets aad: teas The Twratleib Ceuisry LimKtkm br tea appniWa head. Paal >a- BtepptoC toto tee haU sad ctaetot
sees shakos—more than any other puten-1 ed.* which rens wtte hot a etogta Map
dm ttattad^tor tea atatlea. ate did tee door behind him, he weAt
tome oM way, without nraktog any ef-|*'<‘^
•»* *« 4ooc for the day. ,_ ................
proeeraton. Th.
cirto late to the world He to food of col-> between New Tork aad Chicago, dotog
toe anfn a momtet too oooa.
wotoed twelre carrying
aad boys ieeting aeckUes of all agee aad eotni i tee Joereey of t.OW ■
fon to Improre opoe It or change it I
fartond. of
of Bowers
Qtfto a aatebar of iwu
A rogntob ebUd of elobt years
and U aald l 9 tare ao fewer!! '-rike r.reea
toiStoway. though often conutotatog:«>® ^^*>»^J«‘«>f^«Mto do. and] bearing banners, and teey are all
atapped oat ot tea tnia, bat aalr two aetolly forward to meet Um.
ef copper al Are or six. he dU' tlagtog oae of thoee quaiat parr e<
.tarnoes Montreal Ssprera few New
about tbe drodgery aad long boon of instead
ateltarr toteato dcoraa.
-Has oor if at HetUe come? I
ffbea the re-lgneeT to Paris tbe Era- York, and reorired Its name from the
' which a
Oao wat a daapr Uttto womaa with to aee her this mtoate!- she cried, labor entailed. One good woman of |
I lb rise early o
eonclnskia eff tee straaxer to press Boxcalc.-was tec best dressed beaatifal greea hllto teroaih which H
a pot of aaowr hair abowtoc <
^ to try to flatsb tee task be | gtranqt Medleinm In MeurRaisw. jthai It to a ehlldreo's picale. Bat la lady to tee world. At one Ume her . raas on lu dally Jovseya. Aa iqaally
tee rtte of hto beaaaL There t
“Hoib. dear." said PaOI. genUy.
Boutt I qulry will stow bim to be wto«. ^e wsrdiy>bc was erUmated to be wor<B- pleusratoue Utle to that ef “TM Boa-'
worrtod took to tea area, tomad la- 8M to tU wMb a keadatee. Too must tore BOOO. h« always tailed to aceom-1 Near Steamboat Springs,
calrtodlr opon tea atnaia tacoe aboat take hto to ber room as quickly as pUsh ber desire. She bad onewashleouaty. has been dlacorered a sprtogjsrill be told that tee ehildrea are cn- do less teaa fl.OOObbO. while ber ■ set Limited." a Bootesta FUcIBc asTea may ktos ber good- boltar aad «>»«« was filled and set oc - of mllk<olonQ water to whieb OaliBalst toy off to ibS forest ecbool, which household expenses amnoeted to sboo< press which dashes dally toward that
(UMSW a week. Today she s'predq as Eldorado of borttaBKariMra-CaUler•naaae. marm. be pea Hetir-Het- Bight it you wUb." beadded,seetos tee store as soon as she arose.ARfr ] Jooney grest dlsiaaccs to partake,
partake. j opens on tea first of Aogust.
tottul look
to tee child's eyes,| tee dtobet were wssbed tee w*ur\ ft has base fouiuS
founb that
that at
at this
this Mecca,
Meow; .A "forest echooT bss sack mi orig- lUUe ss posMMe ou herself, and dre
ir^ lartat tea other name.-aald pa tes w
> Minasapolto aad BL Paal are Momb
' awkward eoartiteaa. approaehlac her. -bat 'doa'l call ber aqat. Bemembsr.; soon became bet eaoa^ tor bustoess. an classes of wild aad dMueatic aat-1 Inal sooad. that the mete tana calls op ee tnrartMly In Mack.
by dear mooa-! to tee imagtoatlcm^rach deUchtfai poaCaptain Lrri M. Poor, ot Aagusta.! ss tM twin dilra. aad so R M sMy
rroh* the said. wUb aa oatobatto dear. Ws shall ao doabt aee ber quite 1 mad .was transferred 10 tee washing mato catesr. pas^
tato sttwama and Bear rirerto rracb | stbUlUes. that k Immediately prompts Me. was to remmsad of tbe smaltasi i aatoral that Ibk irato whieh rams from
Bod.-Tto Hedr. How ktod te ar waU to tee motatoc.I amehtas,. tee boltar beinx rolled
further toqalrics aad torastlvtioa eompaay f«r tbe toagesi'tliDe of all of-: there 10 Be Lento sbooM M oaDsd
atehow to tend aneh a Baa baiflaco
‘Brother says
that 7-^
yen are .H.
in." aald! beU Vi»WWW
etatbes .u.
la. OS.W
Bbe world —-bare
- —
of this vrtox coRtotat IThea It to koresd test the aoteortUes fleert of tee cJtII war. Compaay D. TM Twta City Limited.’
tor BA HateBKharlohieaBo(d<n.- AUta. appeartoc at tbs dMr to xolde| bar white clothes ready tor boUtog
a town bare p
one of tee a
Tha eoateatea hairM bar toto tea Hetty to ber room. *T am to show kag before tee water was bot eaoogli. B torge peraentace of raacaeala. white ! of this G
to TM High Orara ttodted." wMdi
JOB tM way to yoor room. I think | aad ten aouM hare to wait wbUe she | acqoaau tA tu pecaUar cetar. aadinew pate ot knowledge
from 81. Pata to 4* PMHe coast.
r daya ebu- White, ef Belfast—beside tbe raplato.
yoa are Just as ewost aad aad bdao-{proeeedsd with tee colored etateea'althoagh a thorough analyato has aot|that to kag. bot.
ttfol as yoa cu be. cad I afaall tare Bbe tost a great deal <ff ralaabta time \ yet beoo obtetoeB tee water Bas bee*! drra cooped op te does, staffy rooms. aU tee others betog ahreat by ■
Paul Aadan bad not beard teelr yea ratr maeb."
I boiling the etathss before raaalax: damoostratod to be a great raMomUro : get drowsy and stapld teey hare de-i oess. death, woaade or iwmorala.
TM r. r. Y.- {Pbst Flytax Tlixlaoeantatftoa. tor after teoataUy da-Too are a dear IltUt girl.” .saH ^bem terooih tea "seoood water." for hoaraa betosa. writes a Deorer lecmtosd that teelr yoaagstors absU
tedtac teat tea -dampy mue wo
RMt» Meovtoc to ktos tee brixht teoe tbra'eame tee rtestog and biataK and
toa) to wan tamwa lo twralsra aaoUi
as to tea Ttaan BM|
•ood-algkt at tee door4f her roem. flqally tec eotaesd ctateso. When aha aid. A draoxht from this "aRlk- opraslr.
to Mhreh te bit "Aaat -ami I teaU iorc you a craat deal
tea sSeet of creattoc B' ChOdrsB of alf draose ***—■* tea «M. Oae or bto «
way ti saggeesso tkeS
Giomar, Md oB ora
I fscrteU. Ba box «ip or
Itanr he.eeld. la erideat eoaft
St he approached tee lady, quite fOr
gatUac to ip^ bar taraame to bit

Twtflw6*« t.«
aatanl that the tort writato <b adtaa■MX afTn* Mtw*.
At • apMkl MMUf o( tke teud e( Ciac attlaetB to italr enra of Oreek
Awter* Bf tb« Mkrd oT tnOe \m daaeaat Aa aaitr aa 4H B. C aattnal
■tfaaoa ww apMBlatad bpm aad to
tto dmoaBtarr «< the Chrtattoa an
«Uek BPPMMd wr (krontM to tfe« PttorwaawTi^yethaaBhlaeta
toart. T*o ropwwBttHTM ct th*
a aad the am.
eoapaar ««• M tte dtr a
ago ud lookod ofM-tfea otV vttk a Aftar tha erMBdaa. aartcattaa had
vlMT tD toeaUac %««. Th«r w*t
■bon tba iMildiu ud p)ttt fomMlr tttBoaar oad BatorBatlra ■ la the
«n«4 br Cook* * VMtaa oa Bar ftftaaath Mtary pttattoc wadtoreatad
atmt. M w enad br tfea J. B. aad to tha a«a Oolltao appealed with
hU ratlDoe of ■ehototo. .Dartoc thr
OraCiek cemwr- ThU
itaoBth oaotarr there wm star
vtth tha iJMXdltara o
Thii it tba waa MMm wbld
blTaiUiatad' br Prtddaat Hai
•■d fe. L, OtaUldc. Thar rwwtad to
tha board labt ai«ht that tfaar ««*
ftnnbir laipntaad
tta bobhBiL ettha cemtm aad tbair boS■•M Bad nra eatlaead that thar
ahU to earrr oat whatarar <*»•
met t»r ■henld aaka vtth tha eitr.
TAir boatiiaai at pnaatt U rarlaf
•as « haadaoBo »ro«t. bat lhar ara
AadleaRMd lor rooa to tocraaaathalr
«^tr- AtthapnaaatttBathartrt
fnuwliad to Bdaaa taia tiaBbi
■rdara ;baMaaa of Baltad ftdUtlaa.
tU 4alr obfaet to aamtof U to t«
fttoditoeattaa whon ahtoptos toelUtito AM ba la»ra*ad, aad arhara
tiat^iJacara Bora oobbo"- -

the elphtaeath eaaUrr par^lhe vocM
sea creat to phrataa. botaar. cbeBieerr. atao the beitaatec of eleetrle
«e aad idiotocnphr. The U-

apfrlt bldi fair to allow Italr to
taka bar ptaoe acato tottafroet raaka
of aetaatae protreaa.
latMoUBC threetolante papm
’ere^atae giraa: Mra. J. W. Haaoan
ikltt tbe U*aa of hUreo Polo aad
AiBcrtco Vaapaed. boo proottocat le
iratlOB aad aartcatloB. Marco
travalad astoaalrair laChtoa aad
ibortoc racioBs aad vhita to
prtaoa darteg a war with Oaaoa dtetated a work oa trard that caiiaod
tttaa at that Use. It waa as
I to ba OBanaratod bet wa* aftar
eoalrated aad beeame a ralaablc
. Tha M^PMtr AdAt'tha «itr to pa^ amboritr oa tba far Boat.
Aawrica.Veipaecl ta ef totarMt ta
4aaa thia pRvaHrior thoB aad IBIron It. lha total eoat of vhidt nald thli oooatrr ai the naricalor for
A aWot fMW. aeeardtof to a caratol wboB thta ooBtlaaot la aased.
■tdinto, to addltiiB to thli thor Ittad obt OoltuabBS' third fleet and to
dMdk-t& to tan ttoa ISjMD ta »ie.- UM htoualf called far the oew wertd
M la atidt to toed poofla. baoaaaa and eiplDtod the yeMeelaa <
aeetotat whtah cave hli aai
ftar voald Uka to bara narataa Cltr
. ihoM tolenatad to thatr eoBAar- two wirtaiiwto ta troB ap aeout to
*Vr. OratUdc la wr toroiablr 1b-. hta owB wittttfB la which he tart
IMaaad wllk tba praooaltlaa tod ba raaiehad the^Bala toad to 14». Thero
Btotad teat aickt that if thla piopartr to 00 aothoritr bat Ua on lettara.
Mra. Bartoa OoMa lotto op tba 1lfrt
na ptPdiaatd br tba board of trada
br thla aoBoaar that tha J. B. OraUlck of tha creat phlloaoAer and outbeOBBoaor wooM taka halt the porchaaa: Balletaa of Italr. Can)eo. aad her
tofea to atoefc to tha eooeata. r later dar cealaa of wiraleaa tdefatatad that ha bdtorad it veaM be
raphr. Harooal. Bhe traced the e«rear of tha torawr apaaktoi of thta
Oa eoodlilUoB th^ tha attr I
•oadarfBl dtacxirerr of cnrit^oi
of lha teleooi^e which threw Uefat
opoo aatroaonr. Ttia waa eoaaUered
■et laaa that twaUMra paopit. aod hr hta ceotaaaporariM aa haraar and
thfrtHNa vtthto ato Boatha, with
ha waa treated br Baar with oootaBpt
pOBtolHO or toeraaatoK that aatob tor hta balMI.that (he world rwrotaad
Batactollr hadora tha aod'^r-tha r« •hoot the atia. • Marooal aad hta
ThBtooBatCaeartodaaUaa th Taiooa dtaopreiy of wtreleaa tdecnwaa dearir retiewed. *
Titwiw dtr la toaktor far. aad It ta
. MM» aotaraC tottibitac the
■Btlar toto toM taaUbla ahapa a
AtoXttoa na iMdotod ooBddtoK
fcaaidaut Haittoia: a U Otdllek, n. Bade br hloMlL
■ Bon aM 1. ir. Raaaaa to taha np
A patnioa will be a< t to tha Barer
tl» toiittar
tha i^btn of the
aaBpaatr Od aiilra at a daftsHe
• ApraoiotBd to tba beard o« tnde
katan ■aa) aettoa. It na atatad at
• Aa BatCtof datt rtba bBpahr oMld
pet oan tba flaatrM atoovat eC.atoek
la tkli oHr thar-nald aaeapt a
* ahoat 9M« tor a tara w raan u
tha aaaao rate <t tatoraat that onr .Raeordlw awratarr. Miaa Mtaaie
hcBda ncM bear aad i»tan>
aiNoart at tha rata «r ahoet npM per
PlBiwdil eaeratorr. Mra. B. Y. Prlea.
paar. Tha osBUtaa «m taka tha OBtTinaaaiar. Mr*. W. H. Tteler.
LfbrarlaB..Mia. T. D. MoMaaia.
tor 9 baaaaatotalr aad tt ta aot tor
toahaWi that tha raaaU wIB ha the
DirtalaB aapartataXttt, Mra. ▼. H.
thta eoaoen ta TiararM
I waa
tha dtr at B o'doek oo
a na takaa dp aiato. aad Thatedar froB hta hoeM at
tha avowed tateottaB of alMdtharapertodoOciaUvhohad b- taadtag tba eerrksea at tho SalvaUoa
hBnwdn, aad taataad betag todnd Bp
the atreata ht Bridaittl ta a atapor
float betac ‘'doead* at aome reaort
Ibta ta tba htatorr of O. W. Rldcard.
waa tatar tokaa to the Hotel
OdBBhla aod ptaoed ta a rooa where
rra^CMdaM of tha Pore he tar all aJeht before hta oeodittoa
br Uioae wbo aaw -hlB
rallwar retotlra to tha lo­
ad a alto tor tha ratrtah Cbaa- thta oMratag aod Btadkal eld
•ad. Oacoaer Holdaworth beta
r »aa aabmiuad. TWa
to reapood to tha ealL
mpiiar waa Hraa toTOrahla com
totoa ataa. PnaMaat Hiattoga had ^McBata. Sideerd aad Adolph Kataer
#*«• Oaaeral Paaaaa*ar Aiaat H. ad WmtaBibBic. aaeordtag to Mr.
K Motalar or the Pera Mar^aatU
Blehcrd'a atorr. arrlred to the dtr oa
.■tolbtac cpraia altaa to tha dtr. aad Tharadar aittt froB thdr WlUtaBeItod rwafred a rapir Cbb Mr. Maaltor baif tame oa tha B o’etoe ktrala tU
Itkl tha eamapoadaaea had baaa toa lha P. M. aad aeparatad at the roaed
Wrdad to aa ctoetal of tha aaaBmMr hosaa. the totter leavtag the tiala at
A- farther orBaHaratlco. Ha ataa that potal to aee hta wife who waa le4atod that tha ate aaoaatad br ftr. aldtog Bear that cad of the eUUoa.
toadtag na eartatoir raty dadrabta. Mr. Rickard dtiae oa don to thta dtr
•d that B n eoaM cat to uadi-«tth aad Mfi hta eoapaaioa wUh the aadwt|M proaoton ot tba aatarprtae
■taadlag that the two Beet at a aaBtav Mamatto BaSroad cob
tooB. Hr. Kataer caUed at tha
naU raMar ail poaafUa aid.
a* agreed npoe aad Mr. Rlcherd asked
prepodthB xa nfarrad to t. W. Mil­ tor a CM toae bat recelTed OBly ItAO
ana aat Jallaa Statohai» far fa^ar wbleh be took with Ub aod.lcdt tor
tomMcutoa.aaoiher b)«b. Here, be dated to
>Tha anuor of the dtapaalUaa of the the Beooid, be net a -geaUestoa'- and
«|epM to booto retod to Mar • waa the two eacaged to a guae ot eaide
Otto forthar eoaddarattaM bot tha aod aa oeoaaloaal drtak.
nra aad Beoaa anmBlWria to when
Jaal abort Oe Urac the ctorea
toa aauar na tefWrad to tomatata eloalag Mr, Rldceid left alooe, gdag
a drtalte ptaa na act pr^arad to to ap toeanl West Proat street, thoagh
part. ThaoatoalttoanaaakadtDcat he had prooaaded 4>« a ehort dIsUace
the report readr aa aaoa aa posalbia
m. Bcoordtag to hta euteBeat be
a roong woBtaa wbo accoeled Uai.
aad eau a Baattocrt theboaidte taka
tha Battor BP tor 9thar Attaa.
The pair taraed aad cfoaeed the atieai.
retaralag towardi"the eaat acaUi aad
aboBt to- the adghborbeod of Baat
Proaf aad Caas atreeti ther t'aioed
tato the alter, as oear aa caa be aaeerdahi
talaed aenwdtog to his Boddled ttaiemeot. aad had aot proeeMed far whea
Oraetloa of Mra. A. «. Peck of.the ther aetered a rear door of a roo*
acdtBoa aad adaertloa dlrtatoa. Tha where aplritoBs driaks
papar. “OcaWboUen cd Itolf to
Here hta
i-t atked that he
eataMM' br Hia. H. ta^acaad waa aa -m aad he jopreceed hta wDltogaeae.
eihaartlra aad .tatanadac oat. eba •he rlagtac tor attBidaoce. mad
atatad that ao tho drtttaaboa of italr. dloB aiaed Baajespd aad rec»lTBd
aboot tta ttsa ad-ttO.toBadathB cd the order. The bbb mstoM with It
lOBB. n* btoophl tooB araaer. ti ta
d Mr. Rkhrrd draak ^ gtaac a

ba atatoa ttad ha haa


thta drtak BSin he awoke thta aa**toe tftor dartorttk aad raaHnd that
he waa borrfhlr III. Be attoMptod to
.rtac tor help aad fond the pott betUB acTBaa the 1O0B aad Baoapad to
nett It aod —«»«i- help. Hta coodl___ _ HiaifnHed br Oerk OacotB
aad aedlCBl aid aaBBoMd. Dr. Hdde
worth, the coraaor. attoaded him aod
worked tor two boara bMoie be coeddered the ana oat of daocer- lathe
B4§aUBa the poUee of the dtr ware
apprataad of the coodltloe of the piaa
aad a heat waa atartad to loeata the
rcBOft where tbe doptog wa> alleged
to bare takea place.
OSort Utaer dtacerered Mr. Rick­
ard at tbe coner of BoardBaa areaoe
aad BlghU atroH to the cooipaBr of
two laea. Mr. Utaer took him. at he
aappoaad ta aa tatoxlcated emdltloe.
to the OdoBbto. where be waa glreo

Mena Coca in Court.
The flnt gaa was eounded to
tteatart horae and- cop boggr replerto
aMaap which fodad lu war tolo caai
oa the Uth of thta laaelh betore JasUee AMII P. Nerllager. the adjoaraed
. aali mtar hrlag tbe caee of BcharUrr
MatacB. with attoraer Joha Loraager tor tho platotiB aad Pred Piatt
for tbe defaue. Proaptlr at • o'clock
the attoraer for the eomptotoaat prof,
fered the defeadaat 144. the vatoe
tbe Bou which be bad given to t
defeadaW. as a propertr arte eorertoa
the price of the horae and top bucg) ,
which tbe defeodaai had cold to falm
OB thta note and takca anr ecala
Prerlous to thta dale the defendant
accepted thta aoU at *46 tor the aforiv
aaM hone ^ top boggr. hU coculd.
rttog that the hone waa not r««lvins
the hart of eora eo ha altoced be deBaaded a aBall paraeni ea the prop
artr rtM. whkh ho did not receive,
however. Be then rwplevtaed the
horw toroagh SberUt Johaaoo aad Inaoodtatrtr dIapoMd of it to Howard
Whlttog who. too. imsiedlautr aoM it
Bat. la the BeaBtlmr, the fonner own.

eerved br Oeoatable
animal wea broattt back to Sduicl.
bBm. belag toand to Howard
WblUag’a barn aad poaieaikB aad as
It alraadr hod a price on its bead
Ihrooch its sale bv Howard Whltiofi,
tbe latter again naked the tow to iaaoc
a replevlB. Tbta waa done and mgala
wlthto a tew boon CootUble Ashton
arrived with tba neoeaaatr docament
aad walked the anlia^ off tram tha
lev baraa. Tbe oheMnt bone
ia the haads of a ^hlrd owner;
so h ta stated, and ta eoUteir obUvloos
of tho oourt-tioaMea which are
dap and later acato dodiad far the
Slat, whea HAaid Whiting will begla
bis aalt agalart Schneider for replci
the aalaal after U4iad bees eold
to him.
The artt waa aeiUad br Uie Jdit
brtoctag la » verdict at exacur
tbree odnates betore 6 Iasi Prtdar
.Co the eneat of
B17A0. though It baa Ml been glveu
fort what thta covers. The plaiailB
la bla toeUBon/ Pridar
asserted that the daBagea In the ruaaJag Bgpesaaa cf the Beat dcilrerr
aBoonlod to about tlfftn dellverr UIU
aad the awardlag of danugea oovera
Tbe coata are taxed
to tbe defesdaat
Train Caved •p-Puddla.
A large mud puddle, wbkh fonunatdr happened to oostata consldurable water, waa all that aaved a car
from baratog op ta Conductor '
Urn's train on the Pere Marquette tost
Wedneodar near Rapid CHr.

lag. Tbe train was stopped
tbe crew went to worii aad rolled
MgioS. It happened that the ear was
also bluing tartrilr aad It looked bad
... .cne ot the Pere Marqeette rolllag stock, when It wu dlicovereii
that the train had stopped atoagslde
mod puddle. Tbe crew gM bockeU
Bd went to work but Bore beto was
needed, eo Oasdaciar Oralioo signaled
hta cogtaaar aad he whistled tbe
ataTB. aoBOdlag the auBber of tbeA
of fiabenaen coaposed
of OiariM B. Qnlck. i. W. Clllfc sod
Pled Croai of tbta citr- bappeaed to be
to the woods to the vlctoltr. bearing
ihe ecreeeh hiked over to the trouble.
Tbe coBdtuiar proapilr pressed them
eesTlee aad gave ibem burkeu.
With the new aid tbe flame* gave op
to dtagnst aad the train proceeded
Its war to thta dtr.
Rain Crtltigvishad nrea.
nsiderable apprrtumsten was frQ
alMwchlaat weekpnaoooulof the
flies to the bruah around Carp lake.
Tbe wind was drivlag the blate to­
ward tags owned br Ue Carp Lake
Lmmitar enapaar aod for a while It
was believed that they would be de
•trored. TIB wind went doam Mu la
UatB. howerer.
true flghUag the Are at Blagham
dar Harbrtt Bongher aad a crew
I ssBaaned to enme oven and look
aftar tba togs at PmB. Tbe btan,
huwaier. did art grt nay ek«er than
Bita awv aad tha aoUtoc reia loflar flatabed an daager.


^ Headache

I cm the
* Bib or
Sooth MaalK
B. J. Mitrgan wu-flaliM tort wuk
aadihe BUI cloud tor the seam.
oBipat thta rear is lAod.000 feet
When yoor head ache*, thero
the resiataiag pan of ib* sbbbb will i
be given oven to cutting and peeltog' U a storm in the oer
tem, centetinp in the
w-ay » "!«"»■.>»-. I


“"'•e current

*<> *»>e atom-


WUOB of this cltr who will ieave for;, rtmlongcd attackt wemkcn~lhe
in, resulting in lou of
roorr, infUnunatioo, epiflebeel Report.
[ lepsy, fiu. dizziness, etc
Tbe Otaw school eloeed Satardar.]
Allay this
I aching condition by taking
Report of tost neaib: Hn»beri Dr. Miles’ Anti-Pain Pills,
pupil, enrolled. S4: average dailr atThey Mop the pam by ao^leadaaee. l>; Bomber ^iber abaeai ; mg, stren|;themng and relicvI ing the tension upra the nervea
nor tardy.
CiBlB. untaa Krselka. Mert>- Uebir. ' —not by paralyzing them, as
do most headache remedies.
Haiie Weeee.
E>r. Wiles' Ami-Pain Pills do
Teacher. Ollte BIrdsalL
not contain opium, morphine,
cbloral,cocaine or similar drugs.
Capt. John Pearson of tbe flrillsb
-rtrt brodsrtir ta bervdltsir
dit&rr In BIT
-ml * geSst
•nn. lha prodigal son of the general j
wrs I hr.r* hsd
rrr* lh*t I wss
mauger of the Orut Wesicn rallwar l
bastofw s!r>U*
timr. IBrinc a
to Engtaad. who was robbed of fssd
and hli two gripa. contatotog bL «e- 5?^MUm^ Sn‘Jbralo*HlU snd tb-r
dcntlali. bctwCM MlmnpoIU
who arrived Is tbi’
Cream Cltr with but 75 oenu. hu lefi
.TM. B. K Bag- Co.- dortb ftand. Ind.
Dr. Mils*' AMI-PsH< Pins ars ssi« by
for ttghuid oa Vceelpt of funds eaVleJ
br hlf tatber. A few men wbo had be­
friended him were given • grand
^a'ic buBi.
spread at (be Hotel l>fl»tcr Just prior ; Miles Medical Co., Elkhirt, lod
to hta leavlag.'


Tire Insurance!

dm-rtaaa bbb .tbna a tourthpiwtBartfT.- drtdarwd RabWM fa* lag to hfa sermun te the negro
CTBdiuttca at the iwMtr-fOTnh aaaal
teneaBert cf the Tiiskecve. Ala.
anrmal aad todaitrlal tasdiute.

TiavcrocGtr Stale Bank

CAPiTAlo, 9200,000


F-I-ORIST! ACctcralBdntligBailflCMBf
S »er Cat flitowed M Hk boflrtti.


Dr. W. 3- digglns
Very bevt ot dental service
only. Tenth y«ar of prorUea.
Tonr patronage aoUriwd. to
New Mun«(n> building, nnder K.
of ,P. hall, m floor with Dcnkei^
ay’s Bssioefi College and over
Slager olflee.



put* OUm, Stmni Botlar Md Aocldant Itwuru^

Honcr to Loan on Improved Real Estate Only.


Veras Oeox Brtk Bldg, ABXSOn

Room 810 Npw stats Bulk Bulhnnp.


Not Only

Tnvorso City.

Cbt Start tbat Fllto tbt meat Prt

2nd Billdlir lfi>

tertal* bot te Ul

Standard Perfumes

* Mttte

In every line of bnaimna thi-re nre emno who pxo-11. In oeIwting onr stock of perfumt-* »t- hiivc picked tbf- BE-ST ODORS
of the manufacturon who huvi- eatccllcil: rfllmpr, Woodworth,
rccoimizcU us the liest Amcrinin ix-r.......................................
bt- conrinwl

a/i.e. Tiwr SI.
H. R. MACOOXALr. Manager


' woBdvorU
^ location, let us supply the new store from and
fixtures arranged and destgoed to suit your coavealence. We’ve every facility for taming the 'worit oot
promptly at the best price!


Travciw City, Mich.


Going to Build?
If K), the South Side Lumber Co. at Traverse
City is the place to buy your material. Shop
aod mill work done on short notice. Give us
a chance to figure on your wants.

South Side Cumber CoCravtrst City, nueb.

Thursday, Friday and Saturday
JiiDC 1. 2 and :i. wc will a<-Ii a fnUjr guannteod

Tliiti i» fl naor thiit w>- gu.tMiiU** to give aatarfhetiao,
awl if you wnnt a razor, m-w is the time to boy. BenKnuU-r the time, rt-ai-nil'-r the place.

!*RAMK TRItalDKg 14« Front Street

liay, Corn,
Oats, Bran,
Flour, Feed.


Tin Shop.

terial oaed. and fullygnaranteodmgvwy impact
-nuUareinadeuaaeaiweUasaaa. They 8V
“sde of cheap maiCTiai, and fliva • g iaahy
ficiih to citeh the eye; but
Able, And neat. The cheapen on the market, ^aali^ conBikTed.
Once tuet'. an>! you wih buy DO Other make,


It will pay you to invtaligatc the quality of I eed.
Don't go astray on account of cheapness altogether.
It pays lo buy the best; It is a good indication if a
merchant sells a lot abd has *oo complaint; that indi-j

126 State strut, w Uictor Peterfyl.

cates satisfaction. We have been favored with praise
in that line. If you have not tried any of our above
named goods do so now, aod don't forget that we ha\ e
Land Plaster. Paris Green. Sprayers. Sifters.
Ranlers, at satis factory prices.

fllA CASS Sts.




Have you ever tried the

Rex*l *ris*P Tmmm and Qo^aatt

Bo^al tiger
They are^hebeak

Caumt^ C*rM


Mad SMlm0M


J. J.Km**


. Dafidjbe caaedd hit «a t» the aala i


rboaaa' tore. It U the tnlBiUtB ed the dub
rroB U>* hmn of s p. ■.«» mid- CaahBaa. M. P. Oa
Qalalaa. H. »rt nrweheii. Petcakar; to taka care o( the Manrhai eed beau
BUbt tht aty epm koBM
Clark. WSIlaa H.
Harbor cd tte
thnased Tbondsr with ovwde who W.
prufot iheie are aeved taoPdeea
««• dnws thetwbr the Mar teftleal flpriVL.
wfcMi wa^ betav clraa aader Um aaa^
^eaa et the waM d4e Caiholle eharch.
..’Tba Jaixa. qweloM foor vai sdmlr

end cd C^wford hu hU famom cdleettOB or Cnlted Statea iiaapa. whleh
U ceneeBbr conceded to be tbe flneat

od the elob bectdu fo the world. ' The carl u u enthna^Boaa. H.
laaile a phlUtdUt u he b a aportaBotkai. O. B. WUbor. T. T. Bataa. A. n BBBber of now and anil beau.
UIs rolledket cd Mbbpb b val-'
The board alao decided to Bake
oed at «ied.MO. Whererer tbe Valbaiu hu salM It hu carried thla

dsBgea fo the arrangrant cd
•.Priatlag—H. O. Roae. piwaldeBi: c.
•Mr •BUM U> Iha wton
The ineMa icnlrwar
vhMi Bade wp the procraB. for the H. Batea. aeeretatr: WUIlam HeCsnc. i the elnb
MdM were haaked with the wtoaa
bootha wfeOe the kng lablaa. eorerad will glre an iDenbera wearing thcjwrdded nnd made into an open atalr
. oceopded the 190B badge wUb their famlllaa a free] jpae. The parUtlan on the Baldc will
«rut (m|i^ ^


phUnidie tnmniTe with 1L

in cub

port where aha hu been—and theae

n on the looLoal for any rarity that
t f
pantlel to the sutp excareloB aronad UtUe Tnverae bar! ha removed and a window aoUtjtnted
•p4M iB W
lid All a gap Ip bii BiagnlfliMt eol<9oe vUeh
^ the artielei
whMi formed ahowfog Ibem the dlflerenl reurti:jrcr the alidfog door la the cmtafdp
enter « auraolon by brtne raf­ Bar . View. We^foodcMjBg. Boadng | waH. Thla will make the entrance leetioe. The tnrl witilc In thli coaotry
Wnvhlngton. one of the ob
Brook. Harbor Point and Harbor| eerr »nch belter la,i
fled ofl. wet* beapad.
a of.
of the
tae trip. It ii andemiood. heAmong U>e p
e a large bda
' Mppar «•• enred from S n’t^oek flprfoga noae who wish nar raum
Biid'at 9 o-eJoek the procram whleh by tb* aplendld new fCTrr ronte: to Amarleaa flag for the flag ataS and
Petovlccr. Tbe eoBmltlec nnil oihcra three dub bongeet, two tmall
eoaeleied of eefwnl nuBben,
and n Urge one. Tba Urge on<
■qiic*. were «rea petwe* Uw rM- will take pleaaure fo abuwiog nil
Tbe Imnl pOHlUcin <d Queen Alezfo and nboot the; be flown with the ADertean Om and
fltos cf the anidBt Defl McDonald tore polBla of Ini'
attending ataould bring; (be two nmnller
fram tbe front | andra U very eurioiu So for U her
dtr. ThoM
----------------^ ^arse of the pracroB and opaaed W.V.
It Witt the tarortle -If Too Can't Help their family and lunch bankeC Hotjeomera. A new act of blllUtd balU prlrate l>uvine«< b nmccrneij. ibe U
i were abo ordered and repain on the not regarded by the laws and
(rf CagUnd u a married woman at. all.
I bowling alley were utborized.
Tbe cir.b U In excelloDt eoadltion Shu b the only wotm In Great Briland three new appllcalhiu for men ala who doi-a not come within the

ten sad eoflee win be aerrod free.

WBBt't Help the Bear.
Cbred and waa -followed by the flrw
raflie. s areen aUk ewabton. whleh
woe br BOBber POS^ beM Iv Hn. &
Borlt^. Andrew Honaaih then tans

acope (rf the marrii'd woman'a prop­
died at tbe fomlly home on Thnndar li probable that before the •euon Ir erly net. Tbe Idea of
“Whea the HeMi Are While With
Bficr a tlagmlag though not norloui orer. the Btrabonblp will be largely a^airt of stale coOAumc all the time
.DaMda." tba aceompanlct of the
illaeu. Anidc from the
of tbe king and (heretore no rcaponai
•mriachMac Miaa Alrena Heeflaancaaaed learaf a dughier.
blllty for tbe saeCa'a priralfl btiaiacac
foL'KaOiai b«m aaala aad aoBber
aenriees ware held at the home Sair
npoD falmr If the qaecB eoabcctIM ina called a wtaear, the iDckr oae
arday aftaraooa at S o'clock by Rer.
her bnaband'a
hoMlar k
Demu Co^llB
and burial took down OB Troyenio City Friday eveolng would a
c rcsponBlble for tht-m .
-wked the wtiela befog a aadt oC
pUec fo Oakwood In charge of U D. IS50 tiro
husband would. The king
Cnrtlai Hn. Troably wu fo bar the town. The train arrived at
sued for debt, but tbe
hhottar enaRoa wu ptt np. Charlet
Binfolaih'yaar and wu a Canadian by and from Ui«b oa until 1 o'clock thU queen can be. Sboeld tbc«hlng Hie
W. PhBrt befog the wfoaar thioagh
bl^ her fotbar baring origlully -Bomteg thar owned the city aad pro­ •ome anthoritles bold that tbe qnorn
flaBber'M: *sd n dalatr laat apron
ceeded to enjoy Ibemselv
coold not marry again In case
feopd the wfonfog.Biinber. 4. polng te coma from France. She hu been
Traverae Otty lent , had made ample wUbed to do so wlibont the special II.'Mrv raaaalle. Arlhirr BarlejieUghb ireaMeat of thla dty many yean
-thahCBie. 4t4 ButSfoont street.
, prepamtlou for their advont and ecBse and commlgaloa of the king's
ed ihe asdIeBee with a eolo aad ibea
1 nothing wu lacking that evould eir' a BOMler cuter ecg wu pot np fo
Mrs. KaUterine Chaboc. a Pioneer j bane* the bapplaen of any visitor
;mc of Ihe Bnropesn monarchs
he laflad off, and another euhie
of Trnvene dty. died at 8 o'clock Fri-jytere wu a thort pn«nm cl ad ; give very Urge .tips wheneref they
the hoaje of her daughter. I gj*„ea by Mayor A. V. Friedrich, (nvel snd others, oa the cootiarr.
Mn. HS&y Iforguaon. 70» Seroad I ,^0.
c- Wetmore. city attorney quite nlggar.lly. Ehnperor NIchofos ot^
WMtlag for Ton. Jofoe Oau." and tba
Mraet. Her death wu due to old age. of Cadillac. Oumman'der Jerry of the RussU is tbe most liberal In this repraltfoat dollf in Ttuene Cliy madt
Mn. Cfoahoc wu boro la Bohemia.| Cadillac lent. Prof. l. B. Oilberi. su ■peel. J>nrteg his brief visit to Prsnee
har dalMt oa tbe atnge ia aUhanti
April IS. ISIS, orer alsety years ago. | p,nQtendeni cf tbe Ttarme City three yean ago be spent tK,0(M) oa
gown, flaaMrafo wlU tha fotaat tog
•am t« go with 1^ Mary MwaaU Her bubaad, John Chahoe, died about jachooU. Mayor Johnson, chief exccu- tips to serranu and almost as much
alsteen yean ago. tbe enuae of hU
„{ Cadillac, and tbe Hon. Perry F. on presenu to otDclals and others.
won the pUythtag by atiBber S4.' 'A
death being a foil from a load of hsy. powen of.CadllUc. J. W. Hannen was King Edvard of England It not quite
4afoty band patBlad efcoenUfo pot wu
Mn. Chahoe leaves two dangbten and t±Mlraaa at the meeting and fotro- as generous, but u he Uarels a good
tMB rafllad oS. thg wfonar befog Hn.
eaa atm to Boun tbe lost of a loving; a„ced each speaker with some peril Ileal, both wlihin hli own realm and
. Mary Tracy. Iba anabtr bafog U.
' pent topic.
abroad, he Is obliged to lay Bride
Mfci Dolly Uebarloehar thu daTha itinera] aarriea wav held at
The-CadUUe delegation wu met at year I32JIOO u an allowince for llpa.
Hghtad tha-aodlanee with *L«Botw"
* p. B. Boaday tram the house. 70*',be train by the recepUon commKlee Emperor William of Germany U much
aad than tha arcaltor the erealng. the
Secoed atreat under the dlrocUon of.frog, rnrene aiy lent. No. 871. and more generous iu a foreign country
raCa of tha Urge picture et Fr. B»
pane, foraiar pariah prfogt and who
benfalp were acted on last eveafog. It

Lett Throe Flnsero.
MUo Thiol, aged U. uBBarried. lost

tka fool wu plaariDg to all u he

Urua flagers on bis left band while
a llfoJoag trfoad
ot the daoai
waking at the J. B. Crrilick
aitlelaa -ibea- v
pany'i mU thU moralng. Tbe young
tanehml la oaa long rafla. asmben
wu taken to a phyaldan's offlro
hafog called wfonen about crery Afth where It wu found neeeaaary to am­
to twelfth.. Sapper wu onatfonad putate three of the flngera. ,One wu
torodiboal tbU poAloa of the eateroff close to the band while the
toiameet and tha lee cream bootha others wei
-foaceRbenSy patraataad.
. At tUa Uaa.'too. tha moA tialqna
and attraeUve booth oa tha Boor
the -oowatry:atora- nnder Ufo'i




Auaph Pohi. Allred Lafoataea and ihe
Mlaau hMUa Coyne and HetDe Pumaeal.- Ahnvt S4S wu Uken In by tha

More being on gale. HUa Bally Boaen-

Pai* ilre« to Front, west on Front k-ss than tio.oon
street to Union street, north on Union malnlog rulers so

Of the' r

to Slate. eiM on Slate to Cus. north sums anil others-yen' lltilA hut
on Cus to Front and then back to too ably quite u much u they can afford.
City opera bouse. The parade wu
To save tbe life of Miss Mamie HU
headed by the dcgree.jesm. followed gers. a pr«lty achool teacher of Ear
by tbe CadiUae band, tbe Cadllfoc ling. 8. D., Jack Weston, a cow boy aad
flofao baad la hobo costume. camag''> j ex-Harvard
te which the speakera. reception com-rnf a mad b
mlttee and lent eommaiKlers n>.Ir,. a rumrade

Sores Alt Over Fan «d Bod;Cotrid Not Tail Wte She Looked
Uke-U«*le to Stoep-Grw
Wette Under Doctors.

A (latefol Betoar, ia toe foUowing
letter. IdU uf anetoer of thoae marvdou ernes byCutietna; "When
By baby wu (onr BOBtoa old her
a)^ broke oet with a huBOT. 1 took
bfo to a doctor, who said it vru
eAcma. Be gave ae mcdiciae to
pv^her. bnt she kept gettaag worse
aUthetiae. Uer UtUe face aad body
were ae covered with sores and large
sesles you coold net tell what ^
foofced like.
No MtQd ever had a
worsease. Her face wu being eaten
swUy^aad even her finger naUa fell
oS, nen it itdedsotoe could not

Cutimn Soap and Ointment, £lt
bathing her in warm water with the

The Grand Traverse % Arizona
Minu^ Company

tortBring. disfignr^ U^lag. bicedteg, scaly, ernsted, and
pimply skin, and scalp humors.


Over 700 Acres Ricli Mineral Lands
Forty knows on> led^ Power Plut is opcnticn.

Ore Mow in Slcbt Make Success Assored
We puarantw all onr i
Sl-tck par Tnlw. fl por Blmre. Wo vriU
for • Bbort tune
- IreABtuy stock at 30c pi-r sbare. casb. or 25c unr Bbsiv, 16e CMSh,
aotl ten c»>nte tleft-mvl and to be paid from dividend*. Ko Bale
leBBtbno .yOabantt.

Prices Bubjcct to Bdesnoe at aoy tiaie

129 Eari Front Street

Ttarero! Oityf M^i.


and she coold sleep at night, and fo
one mouth ahe
not one tore oa
her fate or body. Any mother hav­
ing cfaUdren with eeeema or hoaots
^1 find a iriend in Cntienra Soap
and Ointment, (sinedl Hn. Haro

toT^-i^^SPau^Sn*thit CttS^
can Soap and Ointment afford instant
relief.aad permit steep for bal^ and
rest for tired mothers, and pMnteto



Reasons Olby
The UoVkkor Antomatie
1 One-thud {benrabtv
r>f {Bita. 2. Mo geara,

radB.'or oomplieatad »»■
rfianiam of an; kind. A
Ar dectiioai Otrivmor guaranteed 10 times aa qaiek •• aajr
other. A Owing to the qnick-gguwuor. engine will ataad 80 per
oent andden overioad without slurAing 6. Ko adjutmiiBta to
getontof oder or pasdo tbe <M>mtor. 6. Aatotnatie ualve
action. 7. thntomatio cariniretioo. Theae ai« exidmra poiati
of the MoVicker Ant

The 810.000.000 baby. John Nicbolu
rowB of Hew York, is baring buUt

Wagon,, hugrv*- ‘ud II

Itfourtous villa at Newport.

To Cure a Cold in Ctae Day



, CsdlUac dclega- Wi-^loa. The learh, r nur»rd li

[cloB bearing big broo
with toe Maecabce calory and toe leg were knittlug togeiJ
with a window auh. The piece of
Traverse Cl(^ Maccabees.
I>e (narrleil In itu- lau<-:
wood allppad te aome manner and his
Mr. Powers' folk closed Ibe program.
A coliinil emi'liivi- of
Into the whirlThe Traverse Clly lodge gieci-lully Re­ Cork Works of Caoidi’n.
toe flngera off
corded tbe privilege ot bebig s“rvei'.
and gouged toe piece out ot bis thumb.
Crtt to toe gucets and tbe visitors IimhI life prereners by order ot_________
The InJuiy wu very painful aad Med
down to toe long tables, which vrn- one of the eompan.v's ofHeeri. Pour
profusely but he did not lose bis nerve
srraoged oa (he msln floor wLUc the ofllcers of the rompany are on trial on
He reeovMed nice­
speclttors were la the gallery, aid
ly tram toe anesthetic aad vru taken
were aarved with Ibc'folluvlng excel• hU boardfog place on Cedar street
Hr. Tklel v

I wvking 0

a Jotaer

Is my tecend aeddeat and t don't want

to ehaaeo a third oae u they term to
be getUag worse.- Re had the third
his right hand badly tajured
about a rear ago.




received the charge
leb wu ehuing her,

lent xfoads prepared hy tke Utile
‘This is toe foat time. I will ever
Tavcin and tervod br forix-six waiiorii on a maohine." he said. Tbte

nroetly fofolBg this store i


fm- him what probably will prove the

Oad kt Many hoapUnl at ^ RapUU
thla wlatar. Aadrew Carrel of Mapfoi
toa wen the prtsa ea nuaber flOl anfl


Aboard1 hia aUpelflflOd Valhana ea
hw tang: twee
race •eroaa'tfib-AaahiSe the

interesting LETTER


Assorted cake,
* Family.
Deputy Sbsriff O. A Myera ant! A
J. TIngley of Carson city. HootealB
Before all vrere served Toe people
mar aad MUaea Martaa aad Bcaale
arrived te Ibe dty Thursday
bad eaten. All arrangements bad been
Mardoa aad Manila Barry the laUwr. with a patleat whom they
The lea
rvwtlgn to the asylan. Fbr ; made te a very satisfactory manner
cnndBcted by HuflaaMW Hormeth
the paM two weeks 0, Bladcrlto.' aged
Martaa whIU the awppar wu la oharga had his boBe and flreslde I** tu-rible. Behind Ihe «vces (hose
at Maadamet J. W. Slatar and Deaof- an to hlBBrit for be drove bis fsBlIy; “

Tbe iDllovring
Utter wuwTittea
by Mrs. Kellogg,
of IMS Lincoln
i.Ave., IleuTer,

'iteMiV naU>^>
A chair wu among the Urge out wHh totutt of extetmlulton and ‘ “ ***
'•Pur fl«T yron 1
««npe«nt assirt
am troobM iriUi a
axtintw to ha raBed. Mn. S.^U. Riea BA one dared to tevade hU home uaKU “<»
baaqdet vru u succeuswtueb kapl
bafog tha winner.
toe authorities apprehended him and
placed Ub under safe rostruint pudfurnished by Professor
glut muril iWtwims { wu unabL to an
J>W flettlan' Maatfoa.
teg bis remoral to toe uylum.
* «r>>esl«.
Tht‘tv«ty4hlrdnnttflal awetlnt of
HU malady dans back many years

the Old aettlen' aaaoctoUoa for Aa- tooagh since befog seriously Injoted quel and before toe'banquet. FocestriB.
bnaet twelve yean agt^ al which time be
wu packed with a large
<U any w to tar.
Grand Traroree. Kalkaska and LeMahand ^
frightfnU^ I
enjoyteg a dance. Every third
■ of Lrdia B. Finite
1 to akt wvtarc. ter____
au cotmtfoa will ha held te Petoskey crippled hr iiduty to hU apine he hu
* quadrille. Merritt B. ■o civv It a
at the
-------• —.........
——— had little bop, oi iwrov?. ana wiuii Orcan
managed n Urge form. mUKeq
mUk^ elgil
aoA*»“ furnished by Wyssoog's orche^i “f<v4 latter, afwvtb-uoood wu*. foought
Jane 14. A lam aamher of the old eowa with only

■ ’.SSTfSllI

MtUen tn Trareree City aU^toalty will aitead thla maesing ^ a
sltaled his removal here.



“* -»■ “■»
■"« “■
'1 train left, after'i o'cTock.
.. ............
Doripg the dance R. W. RuL&lI u
; giuiial liuhh and (br tuiinr wenud tn (w
I veiled a cartoourontitled "Perrv's v

No better than the best.
But better than the rest.
Try one and be convinced. We do
Repairing also.

Farmers Supply Co.

Priowkey and maay fim kere^id

' lory," -which made a hit with
; to p^lAi (n, Wter fo (ww^sg^ u nUuw
not go aw abeoent o( the lack M rptitoowd. He also made a short speech.
rhad fadllUaa. Tbb yur. the ariendediess to
ibai the
A rwearia tiBdor the usplces Of the
U Is needless
the Cmli:
Cmli: S'SUSS ™’Ljdia K. Pi^'Lm's
BBoa -rlU be
We-que^ong eiub wlU be gtven fo the lac dclegalkmwu wellpleased with lOanpaauA'
■Paelal ttala wUl be run fixot NorUi- near future. At the meeting of the (he visit here.


1S7- 135 State St.

Traverse City

•m aad UU dty on the 0. B. * I.
t Thursday
^||a trata wU laare Northpott at«:»
Btter was dlenaaed and It wu dccldto. nad Traverae dty et T a.
I ed to give one but the dale was not
« will Itore Pattwkey
. flxed. if toe regatta te given K win

and wia

..xcorrhina. dUplscemeoloruIcrratioa
fteneral Neym.
of the womb, tlist bearing-dowo feel-,
,^Q lag. foflamrostiouof the ovariu. ba--kAlfred Harmsworth. ihe Loedon
. ache, llaUileBCr. gvoerol debilitr, iodlitber runs
gesUon -and nerroos proetrotidh, tbev
ij include ranoe tneea. rowing races. UouIUm al
• and recenlly put
put should romrmber there K one tried sod
city al T a. m., sailing raatebe*. power boat raeev. leu- himself 1b a
remedv Lydia K nnkhmm's Veg~

*“**®**F at;Bis coBtesu. bowling contesu. poul- tedulgtag in a taffron-tlmed effort.
TtesF. M. rate trom'Trararsejbly a came of witm- bau iBlL swim- motor car TU over and killed a little
roedidne fo xhe world hn
Gtty and Bk Rapids win be tl tor the | Blag rates and other events «f a 111*: boy fo Hertfordsblre. The occupants rweeleed such widespread and uoqusliround trip and i
iiwi in
>-ai fled endorsement. No other medirins
■— rsm|natufe. The Batter will be put into of tbe Vehicle did not slop
to .iw,
see m
.up lo ■«.
-■ ,
awweotd of enre* of female
fhe fora I toe hands of
■ a a iBlUec and worVcsl, bud resulted from
reckJessoes, -wwables.
. _ their
Ir recklessness
Refuu' to bar any other
::: “TL"
-'^-*^*°'**»«>«»«l»Fand « U is hew *tH l* one of toe The police foiled to discover toe of-imedidne;
trip froB Nortopon and II tram tote] largsst aad best eveaU cf n bke naluK ^ fenders at once and BIr Alfred* lo fate ^
f*iukham invites all side women
city MUI nears. Istemedteie sUtloM

Dal4-Mail t«* toe case up fo sensawill bSTW
At the mcetteg test Tburaday provi- ttanal fashion, offering »S0O reward for Hau.'
met. The hradquarters win be at .toe skBs were made for a boat bouse, tdeuuaesifon of the nuMOrisU. 1s aj Beulth te toevalnable to risk
B ex>
CinbBan housA
houA toe
toe oldest
olM pfoaeerjTUs will posafoly ,n b, agger one-few toe pcMtee Inraed tha: the perimenU with nnknown.aad u I trial

I brfohef. Al'-j Vegetable CompcmiMi that te cwritig
, — j toe
—----------------—■ -■«
a.-, Bngland
DMBiwuu Is
IS now
sow enjoying
^ day toU bsOil, C. W. DWtte^
of too
'------------------- ---------------------------. Tbe tollowlag.ara too er^' —•- ■— — ....
*•: ,l»ch boat owner wwtts^ boat house,, toe editor's expense..

The children’s triend—

Driven out blood impurities.
strong nerves and muscles.
Give* tone, vi:a!i:y anJ i

be dbeorsred la UuU


iist| iadebtad mkd not wtshbag to can ere

' .Mbc Tm fepom ttet ti
U Mintbled
Odw CMi that the 0«mu •«udntt
M PWfrtw tor erootaalUloa. TWi
np«t *4 to s
T«r«tai or
«B avtor 4b$«tcE «Uck rmortto
that mtM Bmiaa w toomU ha4 ar. rtfod at Taa« Tiao rtT*r oc wWdi b
Joaato Woonnc- U AdDliBl Bojortitonr* toot ba» BOtaattr reached
'Vtaaawftlsoouidered ihatanaTa}
«itU*biiotlir«e.'■~9L- FMmtoiE, Uaj St^K ao*
of tairor ka* broton o«t Id tto
■Itmrtace o< VolrnUa. totero tto Jowt
ijM^TicUmi at a rttoU aiwd tu
ffuA br
BDd K is taarsd that
aateoa txtnWo «UI grow. Tvo
p«vi tors bcoB ktlM. Tbs psoirie oa
toU dtoa ars arming tbsmstftbb and
Meat order aaa to restored at ones


MtT JI-- k dtipata to tto
PM tromToklo
■TMliimt.ln Kom atralta. TUi
^ long «KpseUd naval
U0a jaar taka place at tar time.
r Bamiaa veaielt. toeJading
aa Wniaaliipa aao
tad urea
ikrea' mueis
rn'toa sighted o« toddle iaiand

< —-

a tto Watosh yvi* at '
eaia movniag and robbed cd ftT
4 gc« vraUdk Tbe robbers than

rated to star U one alaee Iocs;
enoogh for as to cabA them.”
A sU«Ntod pig has made iu appearaace la Penn towsshlp. Oass eoantr. and tto folks are making a great
over it. U manr other eeeUone
o( tbe state sU-Cnot pigs are rerr eommon. maitr of thorn rUlag on tto.

. ,pod into the store a bundU at <M
lore iettem the stove Mew up. A Hrfragment of Ireo alived a bow
I'her ttonlder aa it Sew past, and
her gowii.pms net on Sre and her life
saved only after her arms bed
bees badlr bnrned. The Sre departmeni pot oot
«>»» ^

Jadk Bowett depntr nberlS and
sme vrardea tor Bessemer eonatr,
sa toUr the stakes with snrbodr tor
Kk. Last (an to was oat banting
hkmg tto "Peeks* br lake Saperior
and loei hU gold watch sad ohaln.
worth IlM. Be hnntod for it high and
low U tto time, bnt had to giro It np.
Laet week be was- evor tto same
groend, Uoltlng tor parties raported Co
be kUUag deer, when be raa op atoUst
Us watch and dialn. banflBg on a
sman bmaai grosrlac frosn a tree
Knnw. and not a bjt the wotm for Its
iatsrts 'Htfrfnr*
Adje-Oea. MeOarrta has prepared
getieral orders, which ombedr the new
arrangement of tbe mUltarr foreee of
the Btais: In compUanee with the new
Uw. In the dm place tto eompenlea at
TpUlaBU sad Co.
C of Saginaw are mastered mrt. sad
the two Jackson companies have been
o the flru Infutry, tbe dnl

.M time to attract tto stuntloci
aagteaer ^on aa
twitch aagUa. One tramp has bees
jMiaated «a tBsplelon■ Parts. Har Jfc^aron Alphonse
•ethatoHd. toad or tto great haakisg
>DtM. AM at « e'doekJtiU nomliig.
H was annoaneed Mar II br a phrrt.Ctaa that tto bene was tnSetlng from
■oat nad toflosnsn Teaterdar there
a adda t^age tor tto worse In
^ 'ooaditlon and his death toUowad
this morning. ^

I strike.

Plou'dUlverta «

way: Vft ponoms . knowtag i
sUvw Ipdsbitd to dhls utoee u
t^tad tsaDaiM MtO*. AH'
Ihdshted to this oOe* and not know-

wlU tto loeU telepkcme ayUa
win to OBlyMMto nnmber of bUI• other Bteamera Geer Msnsffir Sehanti
tretas Wraph a


to an U


nw nmd Toa atr* Alwajh BcM«tt, aad wHkk teh Mmm
IB DM ftor «wer 80 yemrw, bhs Mibo-^
no OM todMciwe poaim ttim
________________ ____________ as ■wof " arm tort
BapertoMBto that trifle vltli amd <mdan0or Um Mealtk ar
InfhBto aafl ChOdraB-Experioaea agUBSt Exparltodst.



Oastoria Is a ham
■orfc. Drops and
________________ Opium. Morphine nor other Xarootifl
anbstanee. Its age Is ita gnamntec. ll destroys WorM
ftod nUays Feverlshnciaa. tt cures DiarriKna and Wind
, CoUc. It reUerc* Teething Troubles, cores OonaUptoton
BBd Flatttlcticy. It hiaittinitfto (he Food. rcGtitotes tho


A corsot saved the
A Ull has been Ulrodaeed by Benator MUta making It unlawful far phy ! Emma Kedsler. who was ilred on by ;
to'srcar whiskers. It was iB-'onkaowii parties in Marinette, Tbo,
trodaood at the reqoeet of Henry C, boUet penetiated tbo cloihlne. and ibc
but tbe steel eoraet aSerrd i
jshitor. who
claims Itot boards worn by docton much resistance that tbe gtrl was not'
st« Infeeled with microbe* of every sertoosly Injured.
Bneral Grand Rnpbls phpricisai
Whether ChUbam Is to pass Ihnraeh who tore, thrveeh dc.dre -to save their
: puJenU from the pest houte. fU!cd to ;
the average lumbering
1 report eases ef smUIpox to the boon! I
cow being agltucd. cocUated and
iof henhbare In danger of arre«. The] ,
process of being litigated. In tbe ws! ! board was suriled by a number cfj
of iDdnstrlallsm of the average lum- j
and eooeludcd that ibcec^

r fioan the Sfeufltim; of

PERE Marquette-

The Kind Yon Haie Always Bonght
In Use For Over 30 Years.

i o^. “iSEiSfi!^£rsa?’t


lion of “bo«e or no booie.’’ and an ef-{
or they V sbsolotf-Iy unfit i
fore Ubeli« made to rOT C^ the umU ^ physicians. In
they are nnsblv,
,„eral odt<
program. Hue’s hardwood mill, which i arrive at a corwt
wlibiii j the Tnlted Ststea army to France tblJ
Is to locate U ChUhsm. Is expected to'
lime. Cato*
summer to observe tbe military ma^
be ready for business within thrto where deslbs were dne to a esntacl'^ii j oe-jverx.
months, and In tbe absence of mucr- that might have been avoided by a-i _______
works. the booxe element has conclud­
Itolulon and quarantine,
ed Itot a Bwede-Ptnn SUoon would be i
^^^0 born « n to all d
the proper caper for aopplyteE the delers dPiaanding that all cases;,
ddency In drinking water. Booxe
being thua of primary aeeesUiy. tbe
questlan of Imiitedluely starting aa- bouaes on ponUiy of prosecution. 3 ^ eoesty. ......... .. eaJ U»> sU erad [«*«
oihar mtn waa brouU>( up In due form Th'cre sre bow about TO In
meeting of the town board. ____ dly. Ysoclnulon will begin In
torney W. a Hill was braaghl (ro«;,jj^„„,,^ctorie. at once,
' {SUe*X‘^d*T2f
d“ m£ » ’
Marquette aa the hoaTTwright legal; ,
> have f
iwM, uia G«i niienBiji ue ,
wx»at a ite boo»
t FlushlOK. broke the j
the towB bou- TO hoprtoulr .pm.!-bob-- • ^
a. u«« .1U.JU, : to t Tbe-mpoo ‘' " a railroad Urabemsn witU '*
the parilamentary taeilca of the!» •“>««> “■« n pul off a train, punched
Swedes' UBpresentatlve on tbe town ■I'condnetoT
condnetor wbep
wbep he
he demamivtl
demimlv.l hi- ------------------------------------------------- morei*^.

to empkir the'MA towters aflUatad
«nh Sam Partes gang a Urge amoant
•C drnaatte w^.fUpfl on a raft and
|llDW«B geSoatagHnst the ntor Fens^
totvatoa brtdgn scroes tto nerkenmrk
mar. Ratnaatatr the raft strack n
todden log totora It eeold strlto tto Ssmes Ikfted aboot 1l Tbe Sre etaru
Srtdto nnd a teirtto esploMeB tol- ad on tto Srtt floor aad burned to the
, lewad. na ptdles are taTastlgaU
root, although destraylag only a space
(our (eel wide on onto stny.
I Maatofon. Mich, Mar n.-A «Jama Psttto. a Port Huron shoe­
faaiM4d bor Totiad his tuber’s shot maker, has no legs, but bU
■an In a garreL He did not know it strong eooagh to tore.Iasbed Us UtVas leaded and pUrad eoUUr and tie dangler Blla. aged ll, with a wire
■led tonr boon after being shot.
carpet -baster until nbc (Untod from
lea of Hood. Tbe child did not get
Primary SHI Pamed Mouas.
ImnsUg. Mloh, May 14.—An seoM-as out of bed quick enough when be
eeramar Warner tan sign U Mkftl- enUod her la the morning. Pettee ac4^ Via have a UO under whhft she tnally was aneetad.
la an oM emlgrau wagon, or prairie
am nomrtnate tor cOoers tram goemftcr to ODcoMr etoept minor state at- eehooner, eqnlpped with eooUag nteosOs nnd n stoek of Tankee netions.’
fteera br ftlreet veth The h<
I tto BUrd bfU yeUerday de Ted and WUter Thyhw of PimUae have
'» erttidam and aasar- left for wouara Iowa. TTiey Intend to
la (tot U wu not a wothaUe Un. earn their wnr there, toy mnlce U
I Is to Ks way to the governor, who bargain prtea nnd drive them .back to
U sign It U onoe.' Balarm leaders tUs state, where they will bring good
e not saUsSed with It as the bed prtcea.
0 thu oeUd be drafted but It U the
F. Btreh hna brought suit in
t they coUd get aad It wtU give tbe Uroett «Mrt U Grand Baptdi
IB opportaalCy to try the aagtaitt tto Antrim Iran Co. of Manoehma for UftWO for allegod negltgcnM that cncsed the death of her
hastand. who was a top flUer In their
a staadtag by their proodae to emUoy- The fatal neeldent occurred
a Bot to amead the bU and Jaly it, 1*01. wton by an esplosloo of
t s«atBU wbU they believed
stato wtoih he was U work he
burned so Mnsely thU hli death i
r«he bn wna paamd »to 1.
ensued In tour days. A widow sad
flve eUidren were left.
Aoeordlag to the ReraM. Cashier
f SWrtdt. Mich, May Sk.-TbMtatyhu aanaU eommtmkntkw of tto Hina of the Anbrlm County Bute
ct MancOoBa got mixed In hU
towd lodge of Mltolgan. P. and ^ M,
reonOy nnd ttoogbt thu Frl$ptod yeueiday.
Bstnrday. Ho therefore set
O. Boatee Bwlft of Adrian whs Meettto time inch on tto vmUt to open In
U instand sf U toon, sad on the folhnrlnc aornlng the funds of the laatlisUon gpald not be roaefaed. The
telograpb wins ww* ImmodlatUy
up aad safleleat sm
by the soon train wUb whito
f bustaeas. bat cvwrybody U
woodertag now whu It was thu rat-'
tied tto basher.
Whec tto new O. ft C. steomer. the
plaas of which am now being drawn
Wtose dttrera base Ml ttolr wi
by Prank B. Ktrby. U dou. It wtU be
IgaMed this sunlac upon mor
Besmsn totag arat with their teams one of tto gm kteambonu on the
Md demaadsd thu ttolr yards be greu lakes to to oqulppod with a teleehaage ayuem. It Is to tore
mote tfectnally pout«led day and
the systei
Ugkt to protect the estaostve p»ee of
din a hotel. Tto o
^h« tram tnctodiaries. PiMtkaliy



Owlnc to a greu agttatloa by the;
W. C. T. TJ. aad the netober of yoong^
girts on the streets UOmndBapIds at;
SCOTT* acms!”&UMi.
night, a esrtew Uw will to estabUihed-i
The council has lastnictod Oty At-i
' Taggart to draw’np aa ordl-i
which will
few win ring at P o’clock, when an p
Usme. fllaee the loceni Instanmesi
ms uader id most be u boaea..
of wlrelou telegraph tnstrniaenu on:
Because MUwaukee le whu K
the bou tadUaspolls.'mnrrtsge at 6L'
famed for being, a cliy of beer, it U Joe has been made easy. An aerogram!
the eante of a divorce suit. Benjamin Is dit aptched to tbe city and the Jus-!
A. Bvaas. of Saginaw. Mich, who has | uee aad elerh are found u the doe!;,
worited at MUwanhee U his trada iffease in band, reedy for the cere-:
rafter bis
wedding in mS. sod has been without
Mrs. Hand BslIinRtoo Booth, bavin
wife ever since. He told Jadge WiV.
the folnis: care. U Ihv'
Hams itoi Us wife Boss was s dear
la Chicago, of Wm. Smith of
girl, but ibu she would ou
Wayne county, a Jndraoa prisea con.
Mllwsshee to,llve with him.
rtet. now a h^less and bo;ic>MS crip:
tried (or tea years to persuade bor
^ - pie SB an result of aa elevator accident
„j(ln the prison. Got. Warner ha* ojm' mated Ua seaionee to expire u oacc.'
tod to SagUmw to tell her that MR. j
ssueacrd'june S2, IBOS. fer'
waakee was not ms bad as psUted. but |
10 years for .burglary.
He get tbe divorce.


■on. Junior seeoad lleotenaat of artil1«T.
One bnndrad pretty baUet '■goood*
and •‘yiued* and made Battle Creek
rasldeDU vrbo Uteaded tbe baby abow
t the aasploae of the Woa
leagw fUa thu laoe aaldde U uaknown la that dtr. Prises were award­
ed to the ohabbleu baby and the pretUeU lafaat of each aek.
A bottio of gaeeUae eltodiag la tto
middle of a buniiag area oa the sec­
ond 'Soar of a bamtng area on '
ooeond door of the building U C North
Ssgtssw street, pontiae. oceupUd by
tto Barbonr ft BtayUck grocery.


rUsite born.
Tbe UA cu of pUe la Lapew coon-l
tr U beinc sawed on Ue Ians of Ar^
thar daih. doer miUe aortt of tUe;
rlllaga, Tbere will to nme fOOtoOi
feet of Umber. Pletnres are brtag;
taken of it (or tbe beoeU of fntmre,

to tto -


ai^."y.BWlu •




iujtaks he must auftUn the rcTmtailon

ui tSS^-.r;.-pmrr, lodlu.*,

____ ___

Fads Are Stubborn Things
■nie iMdcr ol aU pabkage eoUeta.

lion Coflcc
fa now
is —'TW-vn.^f bomsa. Bwfa
popolargnooea gpe^ lor HodL It fa s

y(«i uSlMN nms hto fbo
COflifirr ol tte people.
Hin n^toRU qualitr o! LION (
COFFEE uBTiTOs sM e^oolioo.'



SmS «1»:

Qinosy Of June. A.O. ]»OS.

tVMt irTUld lB»d, loc.-i.>-r with «o «t-.nue >l>.ran tto Otrr<.u (\»1 for M€3bt—
:{c«4* srt.<ndtJUr*.*nd»bcuUr*B<lctor.-n h-idi ili.cregt—dmerttod ts—td nor
>of lom-awir. BUd Kt. ut md BtotCMr-«
murb ttor.-d *. mar to torroKir
moc—T p-j-uredljy dud murtinre or bbi pw nJ.d (or to taid iDurtcMe- tto pt'mto. V
-tberrof; bo. ili'-rUotr, boUrr la brerby
wldur droenb-d U tald MrteW taHsa


I etb day of June. A. D- I




ftwto. ttoim to wmclenB bsads. TMe stouiitl* ptottp to
UON CorriE is IBciwtor* ■BarBBtecft to Ifca iiumwwirr.
fleH tmly la I Ib. mckssea lieo-hesd <m erwr jmeksge.
tow (tow W-toed. for raltmbl* pi«miam*.

.TnrtoE Cor«loudUl

r,j?L.rs5'iS sn


E3K tu-sr."',sifirirs?s
ff^^-sr.rtaax’.SB ■

WOOlftON 6PICE CO.. Tohdo. OMo-^

Tto^Til fartUvr •'Umh «to« ■sU.seU-


° UarbfB-i. a. Raniu-.B-t..a U-I
L>n win u>d TrvtajMt



Di<.d *1 Trarwvr ITlJ

is oae of the old^ and best known
Windmills, Sold under very best
Every fanner knows tbe old
wheel windmill;
last looffer^thoo any other wind- {__
miU made. We also fleU Pomps..
30U> Cay of June. A. O. i»OB. ■
npe. Fiaings and Tanks.



I IS and 117 StBt« Street.

We toU Hudmte. «H kinds «< Fnm Mu
tddBWy. Imideiaaits, Wagans, Baggieg, and Ftmeii


• ]'




We are introducing these popular Overalls and have no hesitancy in
recommending them. Everybody likes them. We have testimonials
relative to their excellence from hundreds of railroad men, carpen­
ters and mechanics of air kinds.

MEN’S $0CKS-!SS!lltl3P-n..t Afew more of those SI Hats, Half Price
Men’s Neckwear, 25e--Special Men’s Hal. Underwear 25c, 35c, 50c
AlotofBoysliOcGaps-inaile 25c Another lot of Men’s Pants, Half Price



Our large sales of Men’s Suits this season
leaves us with-two hundred Suits in weir as­
sorted sizes to close—good seasonable suits,
worth all we have ever asked* for therp—for
young and rniddle aged men. Prices hereto­
fore $ 14 and $ 15, we will close them for
$10.50 each.


These $14 and $15 Suits for


Copp^t Hi«

a Mn





Alotof Juvenile Clothing, 3 to 10 years, regular $5 and $5.50 goods, reduced to S3.50. $3.50 and $4.00
Suits reduped to ^a.75. $3.00 Suits, ^2.25.*' A big pile to close out Three piece Suits, $7.50 to
$8.00 goods, now ^S.OO. [Ages 9 to 16]. $5.00 goods, ^3.7S, $4.00 goods for 33.



Baresins All Along the Line



OTfuvKMC nWiAjitiimoM. jvmt\vm.


Suits, Coats,
Jackets, Et?.
We bousht the lample line ol J. M.
Brady & Co, Suita, Jieketa. Shirt Waiat

Suits, etc. They *re

Carpets, Curtains,
q Etc.
PET. special price, per yd.........
Nice quality Ingrain Carpet, all AA
new patterns, at only...................

Spring Clearance Sale

one of the finest mak­

will be an opportuni­
ty to buy hifeh grade

Silk Bargains 10 Pieces^ Underwear
a Wool Dress Go»rl« lake# from
rcpilar Me tine, is the mlKturee.
color*, for thl* etle at » )ard-

goo^ at the price of

31. inch CreWB tep Sill M ^

Inferior qualities if

» iBcii Ca>l»oti Tkff«a;

you CM

36 use.

for tbvy all come m

brofra, bloc. kR**8(rtJK4 CUfItn TsSeta, brows, blue.
CM. an taoee tol. St 48c. Worth a

that sire.

Covert Jackets
Made to leli at Sia lor...............$ 7 60
Made to aeU at $12, lor..........
MadewaeUat S16,lor.10.00
Hadetotellat$M$a,lor.......... 1210
MadetoaeUat$18d»,lor........ IShO
Made to se^ at $20.00, lor.,....-. 16d»
Made to aeU at $26X10, lor........ .16X0

$IItlliK4 iW Bide Dy Frendi dres
$38.00quulity lor ...............-t....$28X»
$40X0 ouMity lor....................... 32X0
$60.00 quality lor........................ 3600
$60.00 quality lor ....S.............. 42X0
$65.00 quallB lor ....,1.......

SUk Shin Walsl Suits
Exact copies of the imported suits.'
Guo metal color, worth

for.... $82.56

fiermudabrown, worth $S6, (or... 18.50
Green Suit Chiffon Taffeta OQ RA
worth $90.00 for...........

Y'ou .l.m'i have to take the fi
thins »e show ytMi here.

W, m

maierlal^iEOBcy ran buy —tfs mf to 4'iRht cllB.rem llac» of kid
o )ou feel ctMufKitabJf ship }-tin

$1.00, $1.25, $1.50,,
$2.00. $2.25 and $2.50

Stair carpets ih' Hemp. W’ool Ingrain.
Brussels, Velvets, etc, 12c and up.
Stair I’ads. Stair Rods, Stair Buttons.
Fiberene Matting: try thb foywur
her; many are enjoying it. Pnee HQ
. per yard. :i5c. 60c and_..............
Beautiful patterns
Remnants of Bro»eli and Velvet cawr
suitable for small rugs. IM 1 QO
andlyi yds long, each 76cand


$100, $1.25 nplo$2.00

Net Dr^ Goods The aewest Ihlog
Of coar«c we liate Pt-rralf* anri Cah
ta aamsM-r febrlee. Only a few pai- Icu Wrappers -i
lerasleft. Clesrasee prio-for iheTSe
$1.00 and $1.25
•o titable U m B«t tkU aiake. W» Usd 39c; for the imported II.w c|n*Iiapanese Kimmax at
are the tmHj
la this dw wb«e
TaSeta has k> eeaaL

Axminster carpets, per yard. 1 RR
l.UU. ........................................... i*«U

Tor iiiDimf' In Ftii.- La»ns and Ba•J«u. at

Yoalt hhv«

$1.25, $2.00 aod $3.00

Two pUe, to d>oo« from, all this yoar’s

flMDDEf I AC WCOLORS of red, broww. blue, greeic. all silk—the biggest
UiTuSKCLLAO BARGAIN EVER OFFERED, AT...................................................


Black Petticoats


9.12 Brussels Rujs,
9x12 Fiberetie and Wool
9x12 Wool Art Squares

is a Corset we
xvould like to have you
' call for in drab or white
if^u want to pay. -•••



If your form is short and
stout then you should
have 354 or 440. same
form but light and heavy
cloths, price...................


American Beauty Corsets No. 123 made to sell at
$I 60 we can sell you this one for.........................
No. 446 fine French Coutille slender form

1 (YA


deep accor^n pleat­
ed flounce, two bias
ruflles around flounce


if you have a plump form.
ask for No. 55. sizes nia
from to 30 all same price

Two makes ol quabty. The McGee as illustrated
in cut, made only of the finest permanent finish
satinc with adjustable yoke, so it can be adjus^

S-3^12^in^i.clv« Rugs.



9x12 Best Writon Velm Rw. ju«^
of this lot. worth 87.SO, 3£,QQ
9x12 Reversible Smyrna
1 ft.OO
Rugs, worth
for.... -tW'VW


Free DC Sole SMrta

There have been numerous fabrics on the market of
more or less jjoodness but none riRhtfulIy beasts the numer­
No. 6a0. fine Freuch CoutUle. ihort and stout g.QO ous superiorities as a substiiutit for silk that Pres De Soie
possesses; in appearance, in fed. in texture, in lustre it is
No’jH'fine Fiunti' Coutnii.' Yonq and'siout 2.00
like a silk of uncommon quality. M.tdc in petticoats and
HerTlajaty. the' queen ol ail stout lorm 3.75 slip skirts in the prevailing styles, you certainly will think
well of them if you will take the trouble to look at them.
They need no comment from us.

Many smaller sizes in made up Rugs
marked for quick selliag.
Straw Matting Special, fine JKte £
grade, at only..............................
New Linoleums just received; nearly fift
patterns to choose from, per sq. >yf
yard. 42XCUP to......................... *• ^
For the Cottage Crex Grass Car- QC
pets, worth 50c. per yiL, at only

Infants’ White Bishop Dress Baby’s Short Baby Short Skirts AND PANELS


Hade ot tbe rerj fipect Ntl&Mnk.
Another on*-—Round roki- f.-ather
■Inawd Ib the ver]' aacat of einlmld.
and hcmstUfticd .vok,. and -i
crraadlacM. lt»4le *$ well »s Jf you
madv of flne Naliutxtk.
did it with Tour own b«tid md i
ib« trooble of niBklns—ot no iBerwueu


Infants’ Long

nfxntf Ni#nt Gown*-Y'.111
mik. !hi-m_a> i&>- prlri.
9 tz-so.
lnt*fiU' Lon# Sk-m. «aj-i a--3.

Baby Boys’
Buster Brown C

Tackl'd and laxi ftiim yoke, cnil'r.tid
TBCked yoke, floe orobroiOerj. re*-!'- tvd neck and xltme. iqcr.<-d an
of NBlBsook. SOB.
broldired around bottom, tl.SO.
Made of Boe Nainsook, lace j-uke.
lace euUar and steeve. You'll w
aa^aoon at yoa look at It. . v


ONLY rsc

(«£,i?”‘i^de5 ot course

T^AW^Rod Da„iV ■

, 35(j





1.00 Cije'co'Ss’'’''’"''’*'’""’

soc, 60c aod 7Sc

*1■L 4-8

Infants’ Vests
Infants* Wool Bands
at 25c, 35c and 50c

liar $200 Lace
lutiful patterns.

1-19 a^s!';:<;;;U.xo.0.ruffle net
Tapestry. Poniers and wWe covers
large variety.

s hi-r. [rfak- iri-if. I'li'-L ■*.:

NKW L1M-; Dress t.inghams in the desirable
patti-rns for waist and shirt waist Suits, per
yard............. ....................................;I0c. 12>4 an.l

ggp Apron Ginghams. Standard quality at per
yard .................................................................... I"



At $200, $2X0 and Sl.OO we are showinq
some very handsome cunains in white,
cream or Arabian.

Many odd Cunains to close out cheap,
in one-half pairs to two pairs of a kind.

BED SPREADS hemmed..extra size special
price SI.19 and........................................
You’d have to pay money for same quality in
any ether store.

Bamboo Porch Shades

1 (


each for Irish point door

$1,25 and up to $1.75

CR^H TOWELING oil linen. IS inches

^T«'tSar;Sged eir™

,t Me. *7.00 jnd 81.ZS

60c, 75c. $1.00 aod $1.75

Infants’ Long

^'Sxo‘1'o“r“°.^.®“^28.60 'TABLE'LYKENs!'mnex'travaiuis.'70 iich. all


- 1.26

Ladies’ Wrappers

Cmton R^siu Crash, Ueadied. pet yard

Peter Thompson's Sailor
Suits, nary, brown, green
- in Serge, Cheviot Mohain and fancy mixtures,
.00 I and....
$8.0a $1000

Harvard Mllla radervoar i« a qua
j Qsderwesr. It'$ made of the fiaest

wear It. We sell asd tvcuBUDentl


TaiTof Made Suits

VoUc Gowns

Velvet carpels, beautiful designs and
colorings,, at per yard. 75c.
100 and...

Kid Gloves

81.00 t^allly run DSc.
1130 cualRT for »e.

CORSETS. Tape Girdles

$16.00Suits lor ............................ $1160
$ia60Suita lor
$20.00 Suita lor..;.....;;,,........ UXO
$26.00Suita lorV........ .........
$26.00 Suit. ior .............................17X6
$S6X» Suita lot -.......
$27X0Suita lor.............................. 20.00
$a0XI0 Suit. lor........................... 22X0
$8260Suha lot....... 24.00
$86.00 Suit, lor........
$16.00Sollalor...,..................... 82X0

We sell tbe best 2-ply Ingrain car- »70
pet made, beautiful patterns, at • • ^
Brussels carpets, all new patterns, with
or sritfaoot borders, at per yd. 1 AA
KU.. 4hV.................................... .........

ers of these goods in
New York, and this

Ingrain Carpets in all wool filling RO
cotton warp, good wearers......
Our best Ingrains at 60c and 70c yard

1 QR

We hang them

Straw Lawn Scats
7c Each

r T-

AIA ^(tWAvrAiNC 1. tiiik.'

su nshineI

•IT. 1'an toa yaa^ OH. Wa bar<
taw waaka nera at achoel. tbM aw
aAod vin ba ort.
Abtaa Ktebda.

Uoarae Cealar. Mar U. UW.
Daar Bdiar—I *10 vrtta yaa a la*
X u«t fOM* tr«a tb* SI>C» Uaat to W rot taa* 1 aa «a0 aM
tn Ibt ataa ivaatwiba
tey dab. vhkb it baqr «rUk Sa&Alat
I vlU tba slrtt PrUty. .1 bare a
work. MMUao art btU trery Mcoad
tlna at tMooL Tbcra arc tv
8M«ay afUiMOB ia tbt Baytlx
*ai«h aid MIm BtUt HapUat It bdp- oaaabiitiMtoaMaolao*. Wba
IBC dw MabM. Tbey wllUdI at t
I Ilka to go o wtoaol. Tbe
UtOt tator d tbe work tbty bti»t
aoB d ibtotog today,
tbesootbtoa My taoebar u good and
«M I* I«wtyn» «« «•
ktod to me. I ait vhb BloaMM HerUo
BtaoMla. Mleb. ApHi tt. tW6.
•«wr >M»|
Idar PrwUwt-t lira to ioydtld. I
like to toih the
H I •vw'taH hi bytai ti «•
Sauhtoa dob. PloMa tend aM a card
ftito. aaar (ba
tNM'tMafi. t «ra -Tiy, try
to I ioal bare rory tor to »o. t bar* •aadbouoa. Oood-bye. Prose
Baaele Clerk.
aot atdaad a day ttoM aMod bacaa
Mdi ABM Barddk d oar taaebar; aba
Mearoa Owtor, Hl^, Hay 4. IMS.
d rarr Mad to no. I aa alMit rMn
Daar PretUMit-Tbare are tare
old tad am to tba toarth irada. There
dgbi eebotaro to err eeheoi. I> I
are atoa pupUt la oebool today,
I out aevaXayi. Haaaia
totbar botwht a aa* botaa tba otber
itof houae BO*. We c*Ht and
day aad bar arae U Kltaae aov «a
boye eao go loAba voodt aod gat ll>e
bare two boraat. Kit aad Chub, t
toolrrel-cora aad dog-tooib rlolau. Wo
voeU ilka to Uta the Soaabtoa elob.
eoow datodld to
iMBt aead «a a boctoa
My tuidiea are readtog, vritiug. tpellTow baathtoa boy.
toA arithMatle. gtoaator. orthography
Clyde DaMtrlr.
tad pbyttotogy.
Baaioad, Mjch.. ApHI ». IMI.
rala 1 aoppoaa tba gird aixl
Dear Praaldaat—Oar tMcbar aMad
at to vrtta a letter tor ear UnrBca beya eaa m baieCooied pretty eoon.
Wa bare a kitteo: hit Bawe It Tiger,
dMoa. ao I tboaaht I would write to
little kliiae. Tbara d a
I go to idbool arary day. 1 am
robto maktog kU oaat to a tree aeat
yaart bU aad to tbe tourtb grade,
Oor klttea goat eat tbara
•MTkiC M iOM •• ktr «ykt eooM Mt: t ttody raadtag. aritbBatic. paasaa- vbara tba nett d ^ iMfcat tbt robto
gaographr, pbyaldogr. daguaga
Tkm .«»MM bd work ttd toldod
pelUag. 1 Uke ta g*. to lebool, loold hlM. We bare aoMe he* neigbUka ay toachar; aba d » kind bora. Their otMat are Mr gbaler. 1
toot an. Oar toaebar-i aatot it Mdt am elareo yaart old.
Pitao your triend.
Wall. I wUl edaa tor tbU
Calla L. Horton.
»i|* a boabd or rwkf aum omM
U im tbU to'priat I vfll
vrtta agate tow tlaa. I woaM Ilkt
Monroe Otoier. Mleb, Hty S. IMS.
Ci^ -Cb*I 0*»I- « tb*lr WT W ib JolB tba BiaMtoa dub. Pdaat toad
Dtar PioaHtont—i *U1 vritc a ta*
Itaat to you. Wc hare iota o( ton play•IH MU. M «IM vateMd IbbH;
Teart miy.
tag out at daort. We pier poB-pOB
puU«*ay and tota-yourMupper and
I am to the dtlh grade.
BMiMia. Mdb, April t». IMS.
Daar PraaWMl-t a* fra yaart old My ttudlea are reodtoa ariibrnMlc.
a. ortbMTmfiby and vriitot. Toaad road to tbtjtm rtadar.-l Ufca to
n« bMM. Bd^
va are going to hare ezamlnaaa to acbed. Tbara are atoa popUi
la aebool today. We kart oocapaay thli Um. nara are iveaty-aigbi actaodrt
aftomoM; Ut oaMO to Mr. Martoa. to oor lebool ao*. The gird at aebool
ibt iMl:
oMd tot. a aard .aad bauoa. play borw. The teaeber hat tone t
AD MMrtBg ta My. artth a «dd
lust aad tbay are ao pretty, aod
tba tea^r tboogfat that It would be
OaioU Damriy.
-ofau uou Hri,
niee to (ell you about tba trflii
Baaaond. Hloh. April tl, IMS.
They are *blu and aoMa bare purple
DM dU act aar to Iba tn *tlood- Daar PraaliMt—Oor taoebar rMd atripat to. I hare not written rnoch.
ibo Uttd Baaabtoa latlart to :»a tba bat I gnaaa r)l bare to etoee my letter,
ThOBBk *a aaw Mm tiara Oka
day. to today I tbooght i woold to good-bye.
wftu yM a dtter. Mr bam d to Itott
■•■ olBifcl;
Tear lortog triend.
fM aha kM* ba hM aed-i Ww u yordaa. 1 aaara'oror bare to atty with
^at Miefaelt.
ay giWlBa aed go to lebooi.- I UlH
Monroe Center, Mleb. Hiy It. IMS.
AB orar Ma *oiM, aM »artr aaaU to go to oebool orar bare, tba taaetaai
write nnotbar
d 00 good to ot. Toachar goat doveftog with M ooao tlBat aftar aebool iattar. at I bora wot vritiw tor a hag
TM tan jrtak teatore botrtd hU aad va bara Moeh fia. Oo PrUay Utoa. Wa bare tow More veMt at
» bpadi
aharooboi wa play gaaea. atog and aMoot. I am to tba gftb grade. I have
Tba ThMU oortaM. aad ««Bt to bc4; aaiM. aod we all Ilka to. I will try not bean to aebool for two waaka. foi
Abd load IttUa Lacy tied ay bar Uir.. to ba a tme Soiitbtoa girt. OoodAiyo. Bammt bad ao Much work to do.
Aid mM. M b« baaat. bar (arortte
bare tow bratben and three tdiarr
Ago T.
Haid Haiaa
two of Ibea will only be two montbi
Baaaeala. Mleb.. AprU M. IMS.
tod (bt Btb of thd Booth. There are
AM. »bDa aa bar •Un aha aaOly
Daar ProaUaM—Oor taoebar toM at golta a tow io«wt yet: tl
» wriu a dttar. ao t tboodn I wooM thoM are mtoa. 1 will be
fiM feaa* batklw Mora UU am
vrita to you. I am tarea yaart old. *0 au go bareftwiod. I om eleren
1 a« to (bo tnt jpada Tbora art yean tod. I Ufca pau. bat va bare
A^ aU lhla» aaU tba to baaaUta)
atoo popOt ta oebool today. Wa bad ooM. Wa bod a kttty. but It died latt
tba oUMT'day. vlater. Wa hare tow ealrea. t«o large
Pdaaa OMd a eard aad bettaa.
onea and t«« eMail anea. Ttaelr
are Biny. Dot Wbltafreot and Nigger.
«ay HoiMt.
Wa 40 not Uka the HaraU bat *e take
tbaBtMtogBeeord. WMl. 1 vlll tooteMooroe Oealar. Mdb.. May 11.
Qtor PrealdMt—I tboo^t t wool torUidtlMa.
Toot* traly.
write aad tan yoo that aw tMMar
2ella Noltlnger.
*XdU taHk. Baaala SiMtb. yaaapb Mtoa It Mdt Ullda Hortoa. Tbere
lUbd. Alban. Bihd aad Kara are' it aebaton to aebod today,
Ttnraraa City. Mleb-'May t. 1PM.
Mm-aaMMlt Gtty alab.
birthday d Nortabar II. INA 1 wooM
Dear Pnaldent—Aa I hare plenty to
' JMa WbrraA, Sebad tor ^ Daat. Uke .to tola tba SoBabtoo chib. Will
toe BO*. I tboogbt I would write you
you atad Be t card tod bottea* Tba a abort letter, ^ery atternodo atier
bf^ Bar
BKbdaU. tMckw d taoefehto at a rarae. Wa
wiiool we aUy tor a abort tine lo arttowi aay It. We go to tba TOBge tba dtol toMUda
UUta btanaa. Bra HU|m, Haael woodt aad pick adder teagoaa aad
Wa ado ufca up u mile eolleeilon for
PUIotra mda CUaMM. Sarlaoa. R. UNO wo brtog tbOM to tbe tMool.
tba blind baby to aagtnaw.
r. O. A Xtoh.
aad pot tben to watar. aad tbM laagnage *a bare atndled about Chrianaor. wiuu aad Harry
U tbay dla we altog tbaw away.
topber CtoUMbot. Oeorge Wathlncton.
MW City. Mleb.
TNM.yow BaaBhloe glri
AtarobBM Uneoln. Betoaito Pnaklln.
iMto Bakar. rUa Uka.
■U Wbltney, Prtoeator Morea tad
|labd WaMWtM. Bad aU
Bobari Pulton. I Mre osy Bower garMoaioe Center. HhA.
Mnda 1 ptoaiM Quha a tew fclndi
Omt BdUor-ri wood like to tot
Anhir NOar. FVa Uka
tbe Bnaabloe riob.' Tttora are twaaty- tooMdt. Tbe lanrea are ipti lUritoa
BaaaBaM.MUoM Bay.
COMO out. We hare bad gulte a lot
Bight MUdTM to oor aebool. C
ot Motbrootot ibd iprlng.
oebool Me ont tba atotb ct Jitaa
bare Uloe pMt at boac. I aa ta the Holrerooo aad I weat alter flower*
toortb grade. 1 veet to tbe tourtb tbd BOOB and we got a lot to red and
erode April ?. IMS. MyUnbdaydlo white Ultor-and aome oibw Sower*
that I do not know tbe nsaM* to. bat
AuguBt. the tSlb. I aa atne
.We r> to tte woodt aM get “boyt hare .beard the* ctodd. -gtrit and
rrUay Mv H IMA iu.
aad gird.'' l eaaaat tblukoT taytbtog boya.' At our taoebar d going
By tba tide you raad ^ atbod «IU
Trnreraa City FiWny evening we \ ...
■ore. M good4ya
ha»a a*dad tor aaor d yoa aad otban
pkA n bonM to BowA nad aaM tbau
NOTMaa Toolw.
«■ bara bat a .tboR Uaa mo
to yoo. I think By teeter li loog
ttady-.badora tbe dvA daaMBi
eooogta. to I will ehwe. boplog to ter
Dear PrettaMt—t bM bartog a good tbit to prtoL
Bar racdda eoMta. Toar yratUaat
wtU ba KBtaotot vUboat tba HUd dt- tiMe. We bare' ooe cal. 1 aM ta tbe
ProH yow Suatbtoe girl,
tart vhkh brtgfataMd tba vtolar dura, IbM grade. Tbwa are alwtoM ehUAiwa Brelibnopt.
aad the boyet Uat yon will bad Uaw drM In (be eobaol today. We bare
Trnreraa Cliy. Mleb.. Mny 8. IMS.
to yrtie aMa at tvdt durtes tba tan- (ewaalraa My birthday d tbe tourtb
Daar Pretodeot—At ooe to a
Mir aad tdl tba Gtob vbat yoo aia of PebroatT. Wa bare a robtod oeat
•day. Tea wU an TaaaMbar rant. ta oor eetalboM*- K bM tow bloa arhoolntte* U writing to you,
tbooght I wouM write too. We hare
•nthtoa radt. iad baip tatbar aU cgpito IL ProB
MOtbar an yoB can. d that Mr d am.

•M fMV Mt
I «M <ry My <i •i«y •»



*"*. H3r-

TUa WMk «a bare laReri troM
fUO aUMt acbad at dome Cadar.
aM tba borMd aeboU la BMtd aoaaty, VMM yvB vOI an aajay raadtoy
Tva ar dda BalMraM't aModn
. vtlto d tba pood tlBct tbUr acbtni
bM arary WadMaBar atttr .aMool.
Mwa tbay bold tbdr Baaitoa, tad do
SaMlat work. Tea aboeli oaa tba
«NU arorfal d btaatlfel uppd tat
eharty btaaaaoM Ibot Uaaa aad TMat
SwIttMpt d tba MMa adM
to BaMbto* baadaoartan tbU vaak.

oaflura ibcMtoMrt-.aBdtbMhaffariMawaatMaaiB^iMM.
•toee then the aplriu to tbeet dead, had worriers were raU to
haaat thto vbtoe ragtoa. aad toua all ibcoe vbo campod to (beat
rich boaUM grands, tbe bcoi ^ (be stole, caate burryteg oat.
drireo by tbtor (rare. SUU tbey would go bock affaln. tad every
year they veat. tMictolly to great huda. to bold Mtettoga wbera
tbelr Btdictoe mm performed «1M toeanttUwit. aad tbe My»"x
Urioot Medktoe daaee 4at participated to by all tte patoied
varrion. Bo to tbeM forrat fnita sites aa ladtaa who o«t fauniad frit hlMttU tree (tom partalL and here Arable wat nfcce lor
rafe koeplag.
The ladtoat wbo carrtod him off were kaerwo. mi turae
meaUit after three ladUat were teen in OetroK wbo were relatlrra to bit etplort. They were tt ooee made priraoer*. and
John KUey. a brave, edorated baH-breML who was a well koowa
Detroit maa. -wat teot to Sagtoaw to effect an exchaage. HI*
terms were agreed to. aad cae Janaary day the door to tbe Mo
MUlaa borne flew open and lo Arable bounded to faU mother's
arms. A happy meeting, whooc yoyt can only be Imaglaed. for
tbere ere oo words to wkkb to tell them. The boy wbo mode
«o brave a tMt (or bit liberty grew to a worthy maabood in Hay
City, ooe to tbe largral eltlea to our tuie, to the flagtoaw rallcr.
where for moatbt he was a captive, (ram which now all iracn*
to tbe (emt hare raBltfacd. HU children ere among tbe U.-n
known to lit most protperout cUUens.
to ms. for tome of tbelr unknown, mytlcrlons pun>«»c«.
a vast camp to ladtoat wnt eolleeted oo what It now the tiu to
flagtoaw. Along the deep Indian trails they hurried trrmi
ererr quarter, tho Warrion gay to (rather* and palm ttalktog
haugbUiy aheod. and the patient aqrawt. with grrat imeks cm
tbelr backs tutpecided by wW# bondt over ibrtr forebtadt. their
eoal-blaek hair hanglag In laagted miitet or In leogh braids
down tbelr thouldera. urged oa ihrir dutfy lltUe poolee wbo
their shaggy mtaet from over ibrtr tsrtokltog eyes at they
. trotted atone.
Near where Mt. Clcmeot now lUadt. to Maeo^eotMty.n
liule boy nad girt were ptoytog by tbe rirer boak Juet out ta
tight of the rode log boote where ibrtr mother wot busy at
ber work. Tbelr ftiber wat at work to a etoartdg not far away.
and tberq teemed oo danger to (eer. Tbe d^. narrow tadton
trail IcuXIng up Into tbe flagtoaw eooairy «*Me down a Itonlt
nrar by and erateed a ford where tbe abaUow water ptoMcd to
and out among tbe ttoaet and sparkled la tbe tunsbtoe which trti
throogh tbe laagle to (orrat booths Uiai met orerhmd. Dova
tbe vlDdlag trail came a bud to ladtoat walking aotoeliBtly In
- tingle Ble. Tbelr eyet lighted up'kiThey raw the^ebUdru al
play. Tbe lltUe aoee Mood up and gated at ibem wA wWemiieo.
frigbteoed eyra. A fe« muttered *erda imeeed troM Botab U .
meoth. and la a toocaent tbe baUee. for tbey srere ecarerty awre.
were aaatebed op. tbelr criet ttlfled beoratb (be (rtdt to a brary
blaakei. and tbey were placed oo tbe back to an aIrMdy toitaB
pony and carried away.
It wat aot loog before tbe Motltor toltted them, and *ae«
the and tbeir father were hurriedly eearefatog tar and vide
ikraugb the (oreet (or lb«M. Ttrtr tiny footpriuto bartde the
water, and (be frerti tradte to Biooeatined feet eooa told the
atorr. and father aad mother weit to e deertate borne tbet olgU
with BO IKilc cUagiBg arou to g1»e them a geod-atght ambrooe.
end only terrible tboogbtt to vbai tbelr darilngt mliW be aa(<
(erlag to ravage baadt to BU tbe elecplera bout*.
A etolwan fitmtleramaa. known tbroagb all MMIgBB m
brave j'aeob Bmlth. the ladtoa trader to FltoL wot aaraag tbaeq
.bo, bo.™ .... b«b, .lib lb. pmra oo, .< lb. OM
cblldren. and be toaolred to reacue ibem. flo tbreogb the deep
voodt he went to where the vide flagtoaw teal lu vnteri hurrying down to ibe grrat bay. hit life toit^la peril by Belt* Imadt
to tlraager Indiana who r^cd bit brown tetlp loefca wHb eovlont gtoncM. Ull at UtL eoBlafl out one day into a little epM
apaee wbcce rotfa-Htoted srlgwaMa cUuterod to a rude vtllagB
oo (be rlrer-t babk. be raw tbe white facw ta tbe taet cftDffrM
betide tto curling Bnmct of tbe camp flrra, and knew bit BBBich
wat end^.
Tbe ladtoat tbamtelvct gave him roog^v^mf vrtcoHre.
for Ut (nee wnt faailltor to them at the trMla^ potto whar* they
toe* thrtr fur* for barter, and ba wat a good fri^ bM BMM^
to araay to thrtr braves. He gave bo taint of hit erraaCW
a few dtyt broogbi It abouita aa «t*y. earelett maaoor that ba
tbouM buy the cUMrem. aad before kmg be wat oo Ut way btofc
to tbe arttlemenu wlib ibeec tort babte to t^ woodt rtdtog cw
the Imek to aa ladtoa pony, a* be walked with ioog, evtagtog tuldce betide them.
So prraently tbere wet Joy to another tough framitor homo.
a. faiber and Btotherwrteomed beck thrtr bablet. The boy lived
In Macomb county to n good old nge. hot nU hit life the algW ta
an Indtoa terrifled blm ta n Manner wUdi no effort ta wUl cbbM

Stories From MkUiaB ffistory
For NkUiaa Boys and Uris

In the artt vfU roge to oa attack apoa a wkUe tatUoMMi.
tbe ladtoat atodOB ttopped U tbelr Burdarout work hut klidd
arary cab. mm. waaMS BBdAblMtoo. and habat to their MOtberh
ATBA. A aafl atocT It UM to tbe ladtaa war to 17C. te a aoHtory ptocca ta the Beetled ddirieU to Panaiylraala. there ttood a
UtUa leg teboolboota: a man gotog by one day wat ttniek by
tba anvoatad tnanea. and cveatag tbe door kmkad to. to the
eeaiar to (ba floor lay the dead ntotter. t Bible edtpad to bU
band, aad aroond Mai an bit pupllt. ntoc to number, dead ado.
aad auUlaiad by (be tadUat' kalret and bate^ett as could ooly
be doae by uurage bandi.
But to8M(lMet. after tbelr thim tor Mood wa. a little
gufnebed. they would inke n noUoo to enrry oC liule cblldron,
who batog tokuB to tbelr eaptort' boMet became beaeefortb. to
nil totcau aad porpotet. ladtab ebUdtM, llring tbe taate live*
at tbe dotky tlttoBed bort and glrit to (be Indian campa. Oor
wondert how the children to tbnt <to^eould tleep tt nlgbt for fear
lett btoora moraine enme (be wild wnr wboc^ would ring through
tbe dtiknatt. tnd tbe rad flamea to tbelr buratng bonua light up
a wild teaoc of death to taibrr and motbw and frlendt. aodtog
la (bey tbamielrea balag led. torloni Uttle captlran. to lire tbaioafter among <ba dreaded taraget.
e tired at
Before tbe dose to tbe riteroIuUonary
Orrmae Ptonle, near Detroll, a ktod batrted old Bigilth Mllor.

to iboae ktod. graM-bearied woMao whom erery ooe toret.
Ooe day the aad ber buataand were riding through De
troll, when nmoog the troopt to ladlant wbo twnrmed the itreeti.
tbey an.w a beaaUfni little blatseyed white boy. about three yean
old. The heart to Mra. Oram wat at ooee looehed, Bbc begged
her botbaod to atop tnd buy blm to hit Indian ownerq. The
bluff old Mllor never bad to be naked twice U> do t kind
He V MM niigbted from tbe carriage and ttopped the Indtont.
After eootideraUt bargaining be boogbi tbe chUd for ooe bundrod dtoUra. Yoo can Imagine how tbe ttrang nrmi to Um vlInat tailor carried the poor, toai child to the motberty armi of bit
wife, and hew eoateniediy the little fellow aetUad down to them,
and looked op Into her face with tortog eyet. glad to And home
at latL Ot bit own borne tnd mother he bad no meraory. All be
could recall‘wat a Utile, raffled calico morning gown that be deed
to wtw when be played with the papooaet. aad'vhen he tbeughi
of bit mother a ahadow teemed lo pats before bit eyet. It wa*
tuppoaed that be was captured to Kentucky. His foster tntber
aod moUier rnlaed blm to t noble manhood. He wat called John
Qranl, tod lived to be more ihtn tevealy years old before be
wont to And hU own mother In tbe boa'riful worid beyoBd.

In 1814. Uiere tired tt Detroit, a gnlltet *oldlef by Uie
name to McMillan. Oen. Lewie Cate. Uien an offleer la tbe tfalted
StatM army, bad under hit partlenlar charge Uie detente totbe
' Michigan tiortler. Amoeg the troopt under bli command were
the Wwtbrouk Rstoger*. t company of Micblgnn men. wbo were
veryneUre and a great tnnoynnee to the enemy, tt tt wnt In­
tended they thould be. Mr McMUIaci belonged to ihii compna)'.
lo which be did good terrke.'
On tbe olath to Bepteoiber be reloraed from an expedition
to Upper Canada. The oexi morttog be and bl> son. Archibald,
tbeo ederea years old. went oo tbe eommoas. Juat oottlde to what
wat then DetrolL but now dm tar rram tbe heart to ibb city. In
aearch to tbeir cows. Three ltdt. William HcVey. and William
aod Darld Burbaad. were iltUag oa tb« ground watching tbelr
own eowt. At Mr. HcMIllaa aad Ardiie pontM them, tbe boys
tpoke to them about tome tpplca they were etUag. Tbey antwered In a happy, cheery toshloe. and passed on toward tome
cowt which were feeding near n clump to botbot. The boy* tor
tome rensoo feared danger, and watched them as they went. As
they neared tbe butbet there bum from them the ffttbet and rtporu to three or foor gunt. and Mr McMillan felt to tbe ground,
flevcral ladlant tt onec tiartod out from the butbet and tealped
him. Archie turaed and ran toward tbe boyt with all «Med poe■tble. An Indian oo bonebnek pursued blm and am reached bis
tide. Aa tbe ravage tiooped lo telxe blm. the brave IIKlc fellow
■track the bone n blow on the aoae with n ilcoder switch, wbicb
be beld In bit hand Tbe horse turned lu one side tod Arcbkraa again. Again his pursuer retched him. tod again hr tirack
the borte tetott tbe ooae with all bto might, maklog him tbeer
off once more. Seretol timet this wat repeated, tod ihe poor
breathlen Utile boy alanst bc^ he might racape. The lodlto
perhaps feared to. too. aad flnally. Jumping from his horse', be
teixed him, mounted again, and both soon dlsappenre-d from Alghi.
It wat a terrible story lo uke back to the poor wile tod
motber. The Indiana, with tbelr eonaual rnidlog of the town bad
beibra this come to be nlmoti pagt endurnnee Now ill felt that
aosetblng mntt be dime to punish them tbarply
OcB. Cntt, biBtelf In tkete days a youog man. called no all
the young men of tbe town lo arm and follow blm.
At the am btoM o?tbe bugle they *,-r.- rcody. with ihcir
tougb. wiry little rrancta ponies, and ermod with whatever eoaie
to band, riffet or thto gnat, twordt or baicbru A splendid bait
ot bravo yeuag fellowt they were, full of fire and tplrtu ready to
meet the enemy in wbntcrer form they might find him.
They were .toon tmoag the ontiyiog farms, ted rodtibroogb n tong tone to the wild woods beyond It wnt aoi Ions
before they came to tn Indian ounp. where around t brisk Bn.
mrat was rotating upon Micks, bm tbe Indians bad beard tbcm
coming and bad fled. On tbe groand near by lay Arcblr Me
■ Hlllan-tbat. Their hopes were high « flndlng him.
Very eoeo they c*me uran the fl.vlng Indians and wo-d wa<
given to charge. There wai’boi work lor a liule while till <bladtoat scarred and fled to to may. dlroe^loot that li wtt Impotalhlc 10 follow them
Bgbt they gaihcrwd again oo the commoni rlcDMT
torloni aad UiampbaaL hut tad that tbey could not carry Areble
tor to you. I tound my iBttar to the
U...1J 1
were tick latt toll with tbe meatlet.
back lo wlrere hto mtoher wat oionralBg btalde bU dead (tihcr.
to comfort her a liule to her grief.
woodt to tack mothroomt nad we got
Tbey were reody tor another flgbt. however, aad formlni
aoCB go to tbe flfib grade. Plooae trad: quite nfew. Wearenlmoti tbrooghour
again, they marcbeX to the Birer Booge. drove a band to ravages
AUtu Btoltbaopt and
MO n cord and bottoa. Sebool «IU
out to wbto wat known as the Rongc tettleoiwt. nod retBrairi
tooc M ow. nbom tbe nlatb to Joae. I wew lo the woods and plckad a lot
tte ereelBg. hnrlag 4<me a good day's work which kepi
The Mayflowert are all goee now. It to rad and white lUlee and aome otbethe ladiaas to (beoe porta qalrt uniU (be end to the war
oacs that I do not know the name to.l '
it grotty new noon now. Oood-bye.
At for poor Archie, be wat cniriM tot to ibai weird, arlld
bat I've beard them called -boyn and
glrto.- We are gotog U. pick toMO
rogtoo kao«B a* tbe Sagtoaw eooatry. A country to bod todiaat.
more nm Priday and we will teed
flerecr than aay that Hrod totewberc; a eoaatry whleb ibe toroo MMe. At 1 eaaato think to any
fliaaa tbetnaalrto fcaiod & a raghn full to myrtery aad oBChaatmara to write I vlU etoee. whh Mocb
BtaL Onee. toagago. hbad beta tebabdied by a tribeoe eroel.
I lora' (n yoo and ail tbe Boeiblaern.
BO vieked to erery *ay. that the ladtoat iheanclret could not
Maodto Hnlrenca.

the itoye to lodtan Maraudlag in Mlcblgmi were now
over Btoore the edrtner of tbe while man (he dtrk-ektaaod rner
begna lo fade- out and rtnlsb at the morning mlrt dUappeart be­
fore (be rttlng sufl Boob lUlle cblldren might reel uadleWrhed
uy frar. ta tbelr hornet In tbe new elearlngi ihnt boflaa to Irt
the sunlight ta. here tnd there, nil tcrott tbe territory. MtaUgan wns the tnclton s home oo more, at It had been ta all tbe onnumbered eentflrlra part.
(To be continued.)


' write to you. I would like lo Jota the ;
Moarw Crater, Mkb., Mtv 1J
Dear PrraUeni—1 (bougbi I would Buntbine club. Pleeee tea* me t card
write a few Itaet lo M you know wba< tad buttoB. For pets I hare t big cat
■fun we *iav« tl sehool W«- gather about eleven yean old. flbe I* • targe,
trillums and boys' tnd girls' flowers. gray oae. wlib yellow eyra I have two
Three yran ago t,robin built ber aett tlrtera. I baren'i aay brvben
lo (be shed near (be tcboolboate. flbe country U braotiful (bit spring. 1 alU
came back erery year, but this year
From your friend.
iwo men came aod look (be shed down
; Age 10
Hnrtsid Orwttnd Uien (wo o{ tbe boyt ran ont In
Aibras. Wl*.. Hty 4, IPB5.
get Itai- rest; It had (our blue eggs ta
Dear Prraldvnt-I raw In the Herald
It tod we haven'( teen (be bird tlnce
My studies are reading, vrlllnx. Iangnaic. speiltag. arithsKlc. phyvtoV day would get * picture, m t will tell
you wh*i w.- dirt t> school oo Arbor
ogy Now I win dote (or thU Ume.
dgy. Wc clranr,! the yard and schoolFrom your Suuabtae boy,
bouK- W- grrt eon..- flower* to plant
LC-) Krriter
and son.- plan's 1 am going to ptaat
Trtvene Clly. April 17. IPOS
MjDe flowers tt home. We Aid not
Dear President—I will write yt>u a •pltni tor irras beraoie our yard ta
letter to let yon know that I would Ilk* full. I r-tirt’ lo M'c this in priut.
to tota tbe flunthlue club, to pira.v
From )our Runsbtaer.
•ead me a card and button. I go i Bdl'h Rill.
school and am ta tbe taeo^ grviAngell. Mleb.. Hay i
reader: my tlodles are reocling. Itn
is-tr Editor—t received my card and
gnage, number* and tpelllng. M>
greaUy for
. taaeher't name it Mitt Dunbar I ilk..hem I- ta e flue morelag We ecleber very much. I get Mayflowers toi
brtied Arbor day. We bad tebaM la
her. I bare a cal with three little fomooa nad bad our exereieet la
imu. My teaeber gave me ao Saiter
; egg.' I am rtgbl years old. B>ll. as 1 .be afternoem. We pIMUd »brw* trace.

; hare wrttt'ea a loag letter. I win dote,
leo geod-tre.
Mabel mb.


From yt«r kaaMIpe girl.
Alice U OBMpk^

AtA THUMMMV. kwt t. UH.
totea, tkai to worn tbto (
_ aaage ate aoW okaipaalag. eat toa be aate to place cd tte o
ttedeogb to ttto eltoee (rea tbe aad Itor W!Uiaabi.paiUaa. moll
et tbe roO. Lay caW etee oa e bct-|awdtee an pretty'totoed witt t
terte eoofcy ahaet. ete wbea ttry aie[c(aaat A aet* and mtaklte m
aU ready, broth eaeb owe with toUk: ftoMlag.
mm man. mtu. mm
Fnlt FYiaHig miW fyeettog I*
Bade by alxtos rotatn*. ernwato and
' b* iMur, for Odd loroa boar
tte white tnettog. Oatt*
Tia Boat Bot torgM that ra
aasrtoa *f atolwal nalpaa aitt to-Mwa to
while tte
nar taaraUT Fatter, to 70
«M dthKPOfii.
tog'tt eofteally <a a eieW betoroi Fteeted Creann—Two eapfato of
mmta-mr km a* am tma aftim bor. osd to rsanoir to ctra a ponloa toaebbg tt to tte doagh. Tte heated I aeluai. two eapfato eaiar. on* cup- pat. oMertog a uMe r
of roar ttao to tte oca>t«tte «< ■«■- •tael will aUp ttroogb tte doogh wtW-lfal batter, oa* ewpr*] tord. oae teaM« tM JMi Ud bCMT. UO.
mrnM tfc* *lr WM *iw*« tngiaat ■Mae. To« con do tfela wliboBt iaur- eat drogrUg It ooi et alape. bet a wet apoaotol gtocc.
ta kettle ate tot tteir ntoUrea ate frtonte to tte aeaatrtoa aaa*i. ate thm wte tr
tatas witb tte otter tUiw vWte TOD kotfe woeM BoUtcB tte doete aad
aaytea*amdttet«ap)afottenal tbtog.
. -wtth Um
at Iklw to «M.
btoL Let cool: add
AM)tM cODtMs* «M »
trWB aor ODOoUer of aoro lapartoM ta
it.akh: tor thii
egg*, two
Vieiiae NaHi.
teppy flete Kalaayn
■Yoar boar Wo.* teat voor a dieatBl dry fcatfe to eoaeattal to sood work la ■oda dtoaolTed ta hWt a capful et bo;
thf bomlag onaMer kmt—
Mate a ymt kj taktos half a eapl Oae gaart flour, oae plat atilk. oa*
ft «M tkorc 1 «Md (o tea R. vteB I
aUdas tbo doogh. While Ite cooktoe water, oae tcaapocafal to ctoaamna, to lakewana allk. and atlrttog a little, cup eagar. oae egg. a IttWe aauaec. j
bon at tte boaotetOd at brook&at. Biw
cvrer ttaa wbh a ebeet oae. aatmeg; fleer enough tor aotl floartolt.erBabacatetoeoapnae*d one ywst wte. Mate a apatg* »ta j
XM to tetp watf—
nu eu oooUHor mmOiag Od«r- taseh of dt«a mod vboaerar joa ore of bmra paper Joa aa
douW. CM la aqaan* baton baklag. yeoat wttb a tabtotpeoafol to anger,| liar to bnad tpoage. eely tttomr. and
•matr watcbiog thea caretoUy to Pnat wlih a white fraaitog.—Ladle** and add. U« It'ntoe half on boor, j tot ntog. Hare raMy a tolxtare made |
MMblh* ftelTT Itelt.
TA at aam
froa koaTOB. ftallc Ogata aad odola oa }<m go oboat keep thea frea toroig btwwu. Tbo World.
when Uien wOl be a full eap to yaaa. by poatelag poppy teed flne. adding a;
Otroogh ororr dor. H will t«« your' colon will act appear ao clearly U the
mkr. It lai*t «a • par
Mate a legator brood dough wttt ttl*. little allk ate togar: cock ter flee
btolo. eteer rear biott ood aoke yeor
browned, and tte paper
WUk tbooe CDoa
Dtoh Wathlng Hachto*.
uatog eeoagh more aUk to aate a alaote*. Mlrriag It ceastaatly. While
bordm lighter. Thee be caratal at paralta Ibea to bake Uroogh without
b«a mr aottar’i ooofeio J«r.
rmace ha* a staple aad praetkai quart, ate flour ai tor ordinary bioad.; it Would be ttonughly atoa It abeuld
on Uaes ood nador oU
brovolag aod thoa ■pollloc tbe dcelrod dlW waWlag aacblae that to expected aad rmtoe. Tbeu ted one cup to sugar 1 not run. Soil tte doagh tote saatl
nor vara ertcp mad light ood tekr.
uai vcrta. Hata to
to reach Aatericaa hoaica beton toag. ate hair a cup to butter eraonedl aad { aqaans ate ptooe sum to tte
tbor had Ma of asgoa oa;
|» klodoea wbkh U Irrotiaable oa
laatead et roillag ut« doogb like a
> to Wit. alz a* to tte center, plaeblas doute together,
ted 1 thihk Ite WOT tter taatod that ^
tod U yoa opgiy tt Jelly rdl and allelag tbe eoeWai troa It ctottlBt* to a dreular galraalaed
Into laak with a tester at tte bot- bread ate ratoe again. To aate tulto aad tot ntoe again, then cook to bat
tte fautBfaa at the daw*
| a,u^uy la “yoar boar Ufe.“-te- Ite ead. each ebeet of doogh aay be
raquirea aueh pnettoe, andji to bard fat Ute fHaad eakee.
Bad boa* robbod to giro tboa teTor.
told oa tte other* aad tbe eooUee cot
compartto dcecrlbe tte proem. Take a pton
OBd tte awoataaa of the ooalh
iaaaree froa tbe ebecta while tbry OMBU for eecunly fauMlag tte dtohe* j ^
Katocy* With Oiftoh Chaaa*.
Mg at a wataut ate rail tt
Idoaltaad CooUoo.
Bad bote kBOOdod la ttaa acteoboa
eia flat oa tte board. Tteoe oate to in large nodel* ntoed by a eaUe at-'
Mahe tte nae kite to doogb. aod
ter tbor aoHod la poor aoath.
Loog yoora ago. wbee tte wrlier lather to cookie*, which, wtea bittea
taebed toa - ---------------------- -------- ate roll witt roUtog pto Into a narrow roll out Into a Weat ate ptoca to a
. Bov I said to eat tboae eotelaa wboa voa a Uay gill thora voa a eeRBle
arip aboM two ate a haH by aigbt,flat cake tin. Oa tap ptoee Dutch
horn Ib tte Tillage where a aoet woft- bito. an aew to be aad* ot layen et the water to boated tte dtohe*
I ooM la non ar piar:
tte dttenat ooler*. like a ribbea cake. Mited aad tte nek lowered. A fn- • •
with — —
Hag. and reU iv with Ite >al* ‘ Cham Bleed• -*•»dartel Mod of cooky woe aode-ooi
AN tte Jar woi wrar aaptr. apn*
r ___^ WL.. wne_a
na ta.L ------‘
of tte haod. preadog UgkUy. a. that laa. a lliile ombmc. ate allk. If too MteMlMTCd metier, TH Ott etrse*.
BO fiteoaBUy aa to prodoee tbe (aall- TlMB the•"
1 pot awor. „
(our iheet* of donah any be tte dtohe* by i
I. Wa WpaklBgiea. D. (1. wrilms
thick.; Bake Uka aay cate.
• ^ bnishee aad ;
flatobed It to a c
Oh. tte -dora that woro’ vara better iorlty that breode ceetmpl. bet oa pleeed two eolor* togetber aad cut aod
-teoaseMy reeommete Parana tor
feraed to tneecwlre layarA «te IIIU*
■padol Bcmioaa like btrtbdoyi and baked la doable layers. Tbeee ore
thOA dyteopUe don that ore,
the end eoalag to tte eeatar.
ted I mm I hod a eoekle tram ay Cbriataof ttaot. or wbw oMtber Ut- ttea patlogethor with whipped ercaa
et the openUoa Is repdated.
Shape Into ercaeeats. brush wttt baatKalwy.
aether^ ooekle Jorl
tie gin wai tavitad to tea. It wa
did ttwsa only limpiisi j. and oaUae
ooy kind of Jelly or Joio. A eoeoaTbe family sice takes four disbe* at ea egg. and If Hked. aprtahto poppy
Qaa qoart to lakewara ajlk. oaa- aUgbtmtprara eaten tte tietetowqalfl
oo lach oa oocoaka that tte w
a« leiag aode at eoefecUoeer*’ sogar once, and washes eight a mtaute or
1 tel Otte of etacr oegfclac; I oa vooir •nt taued tte woedorfol eqaarti
■eeds da lop before baktog.
hair cop' tbortealag. batter ate lard,
Bilk toto which
a gw- MO an hour. The larger *lse for ho­
' te tte van
ant baa bete' tel* aod insUtutlon* fake i: to 24 dtohor tte btelen vd the vottera. OIre
RatolB Voof. ,
Mirrwd. may be placod la a tblck layer <• at a time ate hare a capacity to I.
-'. ae bote ar borbeod deni
Use tte tame dou^ but alx It la pnoaudyeoat. Hake a dough as thick | Ttew/Mtenma. ate » 07 grm
MB the eookleo. anklag a aort ot USoa hour.
fltre ae teek the teod-oU kttteea.
tend «thi»*dm fraw tte teat
glita. wbea with aocaboek oad paaQ eooky andwieb which will be dectered
wttb Ita ncadiiete ood Ught.
Fott* and epooat nay be wmWed a* ralalat. aad braid or twtot toto a loaf, Uoaka (twlsui. take four Mranda.*•*“*
Where Ite tora hooda* did their I mm earefonr enh twdpea a* I “flt tor tbe gode.'’Xfary Taylor Ro*a. well and wllhont the rack Tcgeublc* if ttto I* doae. o*e la tte atetog lae relied Hag. ftatlea them ete tprlnkl
I abooM wait to tlr>-'Wfle^ to New Idea.
-• " ap toy raaaiftoHra. I m
rteoiUag' olBoet erorr vtoier
may be cleaeted.
aad a half cop* ot tawr ate ttree- with ended rntotoo, roll up Into rained my aptettto, ate I IM Ote I
aad CM beaatUal •oBaer day
quarten to a cap to butlar. to ante etrand* again and ntate a flat braid. m partoefly wuR ate emag-''*«UNrte
Qlfe ae bote ar borhood haager ood bMBd ae eltUag la tte awalat and
tt richer. Thm atoo
tte.thlaca.vr«K>ther aode:.
braid to ttm strands. On ttto pul Wenarsoafltomaa]
aj Hundred* of iteps mai* be lared pocket-book itoto. —
htek^thaa vtfMDed poury tor what had anr baea rtoailflte ta

two strands twisted togetter.MHikrd.
ay alad ok 'Idealtoad Ootelaa.- w*ll4ltod cookie Jar oa baad. Well- eseh year U two *belres *Freo laebe* i
where I Mad to Bate a ra^d.
toiopped aimouds can atoo be ai
TaMtrray totm
Tbe Terr flrpt cCoM after aarrloge node coeklee are andi nore rare I vide and eoe fool *nrt are placed oa
tote ae boeh. aa tboogh (ergfOlag all
Raisa again, sprtad wlih beaiea
a they toioald be. There to certain- (be wall )a*t beck of the klliteB table.
the rewi vhlch aork and mar— U tte reala eg oooketr eheared to be
and bake at you would bnad.
* kaaek to aaklag. good eooUe*, ^ a receptacle for Jon. coffee ran*.
Hat ate taatO, ttete awro. tte ooaUte theae oMfctoe. I an ■« eare that the
i OD»hBlf cup togar. Wbea ttto
r. itol dough hair aa toto ttkk.
thoagbt of beiac aMe to aate tbea whteb to OBly atialaad by
< troa ar iiotharh cookie Jar.
cut into squares ate la tbe eeatar to half aqaarea, drap late tte hot cm*
- XU a. BiaiW. td tte POgrta did not lafloeaee to a degne mr wter^ tW Baall details. A good recipe doe*
tlleed. aad let It brawn. Ttea add esto pM cooked and ewerteaail tard a toomaaC dip right om ngtei aad
lag that blaaeed etate aatrlacar. pot always iiaim parfea reiulu.
>. FUm tte eatoard with vthroe allete tomatoea
Umad ate eboppad. totog toer
Anyhow. I jto net raaeaber that I Tbm redpe* an'tried ate true, a*
r to eeatar, brush with ugg. DlUaortoBKio.
• -SbrtBk Mt to4a^ uuie tUog; ' erer cared to try tte cooUee aatll 1 you wlU And U yoB tdlOw dlrectloas
OBtll dark brown, la tte 1
• VUh.pttete at M dote tearw ‘ eooU do lo to nqr owa klicbaa. aad ao exaeUy;
If ^d water I* 4
•raakfast FOad.
Bngar Oooklea—Cream togetter two
has been spilled , brawn a tabtoapooetol to floor wttt a
I kept tte ncipe wtlrelr t^ toyeelL
hot grease U

Faitoa tootea a dtoletow laoBIrflMl
• atattetettooteok^lttUevord ' Tbe god* wetw Mnd. Tbe oooMe* capfuU to-wbtte (ustr. oae euptul to
food If cookeh JIte any caioal to hat
a Bomea ate tbe enk happy— batter, ttea add three well-baeiee
■m •mail egg. Wara tte milk with milk.
and half a eaptol to tweet milk,
oetll tte kird ate aaater wa# bene,

Put la oantoarth to a I
tte bouer to tt. aad beat la tha agg.
eooagh fl^r to totke * ctke b*i- watbed. as this make* tbe gtoa* brti• ihfJhk Mt tte rnaom telte u • ate retnaed to taste erw a aoreal
Beai wdl and-add two teaspoon- Ue. but If beld (or a'DOraeat orer a chopped or CM to allees. salt to taste, Add a ploeh of satt ate aaeugb flour
■We amr oto oooklea wr cate!’

aad all Idods to splOM. with rtoegar
• niia|terbaot.OodvlUraeNTa.” '
Cera tor PaaaimtoHb
Tte coaUe* an atlll -Idealtsed tala of baking powder; *Ur It In. Grate steaming tea-kettle and then polished taste. Cook, sinln to isike out seeds, to make the ooulsieacy to pie doogh.
Haag tteoe word* oa your brdpott
Ceokto*.” tor that was the oee and ooly I half a Dotaeg. then add eaoagh with a soft, dry cloth the result util be ate scire witt meoL It to rcry good Work UgbUy togetber. pul on B
tog board ate pound Are mtontaa with or tack ttCB toto yoar hrato:
Uaa tk*p wan erer aude hr the our to make a aoft dough. As you all that coaid be desind.
with roast or oerned beet.
tte roUIng ,pia. topping the dough
i«M odd mote fleer each tlae you
I Bto gotog to baeeata aa ogUtolM.
>W^»tete»r’»CiWl wittar. It eeea* to ae that coteJet roll
tte eookl*.. It to well to atlr In all
From now OB I am gotag to teute
wtea aaaat tor tte aontte of little
n ntoea (or a few toy eatlre Ufe aad my tetlre styla to .
Ketacy With Outah Chaaaa.
I erod dish to a
Ibgtiiiw and to a hone where then yoa can vlih a apoaa. Then take out
■re^wae. tte non piosalc cote to
I will eadcaTor baraodar to be geaflow la Deeded. Sprinkle yoar board
with togar. bauer. egg. ctonamoa. aat- potoible. Hara ready a table ^raod erous la pty riew toward ottera. broadwttt flour, near tte itoliag pin tad
meg. clorcs. lall and a mile chopped 1 with a Mean tabledoth. Place the mliidte. largPsplrited ate ktod. tbtok- '
lift a Uttle orer toe doogb. BoU Ughtlemon peel Pnts together and fry dough On tt. aad potting tte bnade nn- tog wtol to arerybody. aeaa to m>;
Do aot taaglM yea an poondtag
who eartalnly
*s raised frtcdcake*, to deep lard. ln-!der the douto. lift IlghUy. drawfag tt body, ate Wertatodng tte Uttle fanlla,
, no Bare than a grown child bar- betotteak. Cot ate place, not too eloee
atm) of this mliiure, • mixture to tsom tbe ceoler of the dough
heUertog that Itete are otter qtellaeU. triad to taagleo they taeied like togottor. la tte pan. Bake la as quick
ttet otervtelB tte
tboae oDokles of cbildbood. wbea abe
i r^jtmo, atee by VO
before. to^etoBcy.
■ Jam tm
h> teU ttea oad tee wa* iBTited ~U> teete tte afteraeea tmmedtouly upon belBg>eiDOTcd from I her pareot* tnored 10 Matsacbuseiu.' ing an cipcclaily flne flaror.
and ataoM as thin aa Ussoe paper, but ' - -There U *o Bueb bad la tte boat to
aad Uke tea.’ Btoee eooMe* were
^■■telhar VO tera gn
Nerer allowoue to He on | «bcre sbi- auended tbe iwbik scboolt
great care mast be takae not to tot ll 1 I and so mbeb good In lb* wona to
It for little ehlUrea. I acBd oat to
_________ /. takOB «p aay at thoa.
toptotteotberwhlletteyareeoollng.,and later became a teacher. uoUl she'
Dumnitop teup.
.break. In Bobeate It to tte tost to a 1u»tbnt«b
It beboomxbk «ae to u tt
I home* where they abide tte rec­
teyi tha Tlatoa:'
they are peKccUy cold, put | mxiTled Gcorse D. Armstrong. UrK cream a little boiler, add the well
cook lo be able to do this. Bert |
abH to (herein Warn-Om of tte aWotea of voomb la ipe tor tte -IdeeUwd OooUe*.’ ate tt
B a rtoaa Jar and oorer wttt ■; Armstrong ha* llrcd ta Bangor for
,»o eggs. ooefoortS :
* *»*«» *«»I ooaklng appim.
| mbII see tha bright aUa to ar«r
a M ttoogb 1 oMU Witt tt a part
Mt teovtog bow to aoL QaaaBb
tel to be M vhte ate ta. ate tbiabi otnyceO.
Caraway Cookies—If ranway seed; ttudenl. and but few women In '^rrackrr or br<ad crumbs, to make* : raisins and a teaeap to floe bread,
| .ball talk like aa ootioitt. Ii
» eop of too a»d aaythlac boody b
he«m ‘ crumbs. Spread tte doogh lightly witk | uke an optlBlM. end a
to Hked, q»e tte recipe Just glren nod j coomry have a library tbsi
'itblch bauer
•oM woosh. U ate MOdi to are
I, mellod I lUar. ptoee on ll a layer tojaa opUBtoLooaacioui toltefaet that
add a b
f not flilcd opi w,es of two c _ Hare r
tMMy. ate doea it ot tte batcher^
toihebesl!t^ ,oup „oph ,jip a ttospooo to Ibe-tePtoa. oTcrwhkai *pf1nVte sugar, tuf-, I rtall radiate ntaahlne ate toste
OOOL it ate ii bwy. ate vfll oot w
by otoag tte radpe for togar eooklo*. I norris to noted tntbora may be found
batter and drap toto the fld«t to twetoen item, bread crumb*.; creryone araond ma happtor.Xhy*ttaataeattog. It ate ie oobater.
CM eooklea with n large, raundj (here, with them may also be toco
dipidog tpoau lain see-) each "bl ibe ratotos. IMI np Into n long.ienl Cnltarc.
am vithoet toad. AaaaeotaUthr part to eakate witt a dlBereat fniH
>*>* around to a tone baklag pan.
^ mipe w) ba'U-r will oc
Bhaitff to at tte door, it bto work Jatoe aad a cboiee at colon to glna netebed cutter; bronb'tbe top to the
eooky with the white to on egg or
fifteen mlnmtt.
. *nd btoore patUag to tte oven .pread
. „ ~
drtrea. B tte
that tte coofclea may be node a lUwith melted butter. When sUxu half
vr^ara for tea Stoterweet mUk before baking. Sprtnile
atetetorigkt. A wonaa wtU ebooee Ue different each tine. .One portlea

baked, barne wttb butter again. Serve, Take Ume » bate a good aapply at
eneb and prota a ralaln to
lee eroan laetead ot beetnaak. ate a at batter aay be left white, and flabur Pet RoesL
bot or eoM bat ft to better bot and it'i»Tte aad cate or ceefftaa befere boThe rmUla can be otoftted
Tored with toaoa. a few eanway
Pw a cup to b« water and on.^
tap^ored by putting ,hlpp«i j
ate only ^ sngnr n*ed. ChUdrea;
-Another of ter aietakaa to In not
ttar ara liked.
fourth cop rlnegar Into krtlic and
, wlU Btote tt saMor to get a meal when
e toeaaodd If tbe pink or Mae tiigars:
ktevtag whw to nau. It ate to tired. Another porUoa to etoond dark brown
i place In It a piece of rotmd or shoulder:
| one Is bURlafl. tor we tan not gM
We nap alt down, bet ate will dan (or light buff) with ebooolato. adding
booepNot Gee
> eopfult toatotiklag*, eroctet ohawto. eabreUer a^ or iUtto to prodoee tte deelrte
; spICL-. buy Imf. tUced onloo. ci-lcfy :
, ckantog lime. Tbe w»ee. e
teOtoa. Deea ate not know ttet bard abode; tteae are BaTorte wUb tobIIU ebopped nut meals to the sugar eooL-|
! tops, and s itoy Ml of gnrlk. bll 10
Four eggt. two tsbi.-spoouful. sngnr. ,
having all Ite
I tame Cover cHwe and cook slowly
atte of an i-gg. ooe cup farina, j,
■Ntok tJnar H abe to esbauaed. *te or ooffea,' tte totter betog.Baad tor tta
B caafotioo at ttto time, tor
wU artta leUara or flgure her ac- pole
Witt a UUIe
Jolee tluB
one and a ban boon on top to stove. Crenin tte tugnr snd but ut. odd beat-. ^ u nwmre tbsi ooatpnay »ny cobc
wttb sn even bent. Turn oceasioaally.: aa egg and farina, and a level tea-, „expeettdly or some to tte
liwtt She Will laugh at you tt you|bratoedeplDaeb. bauernay beeototte
glager. o
, but it will not need basUng. B* tare- *P«WOfnl taking p.,wd. r Bake «n n ^
Bcldes. It is a gtty tt Mka
teat that ftedtag or wrttlag aoaM; wean, ate ttto ohoeM be flarored with
aai-totaather. Alt orar tte eoBatiy 1 olnaod. ate ooeaskaallr a tow
• ful not to bum. bui let tt get well abnltow tin. ttbeo door it tbonld be
nneoarfcWnble by aay
get It), if not o*e ialf ai
browned. Wbea done, take out meat, abmtt Ihree-qnarim to sa inch thick, j
waaaa'* boapWato floartoh beeaaae ww | cbopped ant neota nay be atlmd to.
t dtoorder oad pUlag Up ttaa to
add a little water to the gravy. ftraU. ‘
* tbto custard to a double'boll- .
ton go aet know bow tenet.
| With tte Jalee at eaaned taMklWerrice eoptal boning water. Btal the eggs;
-AhMbertotoateeBiteltottottelrja preur bloe batter nay be toad*.
‘add sour cream ttickened with flour.:«N
spice ate mnl***** DtoaelTc tte soda
•Urweggs. Hare It:
a wmiUg. Woty-Md bony while tte Jalee ot
. and ie< gravy ihlrkeo. Pm mat cake mte. and t«
miDutes before serv-{
tteir aflitotoa. ate yetTi
tte bottar any to a Uttle boiling water and add If wa­
ate let oa top at stove tt rebeat be-;
Cut the STMCIC toto loefa aad a)i
a to ttetr
Wade fien pole ptak to a rtedUh ter to need. If creoa to procurable,
! fore scrvlag.
brtdgto bteare ttay eoae to tteok ate took. Soae flaruriag-arra* to be tte dtoaotra the soda to It. Mix *ofL Roll,
eroAteBd brWgea to croat They la- eomet tttog tor tUa'and for a Tiotot a UtUe thicker than tbe sugar cookka. I
Mr*. Emma 0. t '"•*™***aglae ahtoarttoto ate rw oat to
bauar, made by adding a Uttle grape If. when tbeflrwt paa to cnoklea come
Eener Cakes.
to tte oren they look “nmny- and
Joloe to tte batter, a Uttle Tiolet e*_________________
Doll real and bam aad chop fine.
-Weaaa an not Jolly eaoagh. They erne or a drop or two at good Tiotot bard, they need more flour. U they
mte too eertoaa bottom et Ufa. and perfme wtU Modoee a dWeatc floTor are ttltt ate tough. BSC »«aa floor tte
Anastrang ha. fine, Bret lire eggs with half a pound
tongh at tu BUto banon toe aeMoa. that wiu add It* Ware to the toadaa, . 1
Ibtcrre' to the women'i ‘of farina, add one tcBspooo taking
Mw ena atop in tte aUto ot perplex- Ooa of tbe flatobed oookte. wbleta
FtoMedCookka-Cse tte redpe ta I e|«ba.espeetoily tboae to xlttettryna- porter and moUtea wttb waier to
ttiM ate tere a-bearty tooW. ate It with HiUe people to tte
aaiar cookies. After baking. froM.,„^_
to* rtkb
Eoonsotuptirchafitefortta^enaUa tbea faxpotenioea
Wttb any to tte toltowtog freMtogi:
(be note prcMdeA to tte Maioe hatter
tbatappeaTlotbegr«te*tpoaaiblerht«eofbnm Metba why ^ todc
od* aifopted are tbe iwtilU of a boiled dm eiienena'd
aad that to oae r
Cteeelale nootlng—Tbrwc-qoanera ; Pederetiou to Women * clnba. ^At tte ter.
Any two or non of theae etoora
23 yuan at aarswalul bnaineoa. Bayiag ptsiiae that oar

ao aarly-ttan an otter naiwA bat j ^ pe o*ed. roOlag tte doagh om « to n capfol Bognr. aenal half a cnpfal I naaud meeting at tbe expiration to
exp>frienoa bar ptoren to ottr attire 'flatindtioB have Iba
we will pant ttea now. Worry notice bear« ta a Tory ttto .beet, and oraam. mffk or water | if cream I* not, her term to oSce. bq| addreu waione
Pocket to VaaL
stuff b tbeoL tbe oommoD aesse. tb > totah. tbednnbility.
eaiy wrlaktoe tte face, bat It wrlakle* <
toytog oae abeat oa top ot aa- ued ate lamp to bouer). two *qaam I to cioqoAra. she boMtog ber •adlesee
Get a piece to vrel from tte
tbe aatisfaetioa to meet tbe reqntm
BqU aU tilt tt bard- ^ihouad. By her aMItty and to- or a piece from -the back, with rlta la.
otter, aaui all tte doagh to aate. The
aerTstive mttaieiaB or boyer. Onr
*• •
aboaU be loM witt eoraaa •aavtea draiqiad to coM water. SUr-Bueaco abp hai brouMii the cista Have tbe buieber
{aoltkoa. Jnstaa pioflTit to bay o .t»e « tbongbyon
•Oer taktag from tte fire. Ate a tea | thraugfaooi the stole to a Ugh degree tUs. Stuff with tte foUowtag di
pait) aD cteh.
teoautal to naQla lost before spread-; to etadency. • that they bave become; tar Soak bread crumb* to milk, add
toga, bad totopar ate otttoUto.Ml the toym of d^
etbMMlag tour eggi. a sanU pleee to bam
WUte PriBttag—Break tte wUte to ttem to tte varkms
mu of the cte^ped fine and a small taeee to garMo deabt Ite days pm all toe awttt. i aeaee at tte ead aa*r«et tte eoek^ aa ^ lata ttrre ubleapaoteals to; day.' Her work has
a ctoiflaed lie eboppad flae. pepper ate aatt to
tf to -ym tony ttto' ate yae tere] nU jm at a roll J«Oy «ate or doagh ante water. Beat waU atelatetomfoc!
e elobt. bM M a
bertottelusto. After plaetag in tte poctet.
kosk hoosb
neanaly aaaaghUtebalwtaBdByiigkt I tor bath bia* to rolled. Wet tte tote tkmer’a aagar natfl atiff cMOgb.
has baea; saw. ate bake natU very UBter. Ttm
atedarktewtodotte ttlagtyeatoulcad of tte do^ *0 Uet tt win ettok
maata Froattte tt»e wbbe (KM- atotra h
«M>ectaQyjto a cteop c« tt moat, ate taaadatmm Ktatah
TOWdaOyvivk It to a to* tttog to I to tte
-ttea, witt a atorp tag ate AptlaUattIqtJy with emaam chat c( tte cteifttam
i Betooi as tte moot astetettw Kmst.







^ Frieodi Were Alarmed—
■ns Mvbeil Change of Cllmtio.




CriBBd lm‘. Huifl B

b Ahran ta tkfl L A

wnncArs umc

i - '.T^



TiuVEmK crrv.

orand travshh



P«ts9m4 !>

THumoXY, junci,ims.

ed tbe pteeeaskm was madp op ot tbe the guartsttc. The addram of weir
"Ours Psprasmts. tbe bigbea type Tuatla. wtD oee^ tbs pUptt ot tbe
of forenmeu ever undertaken on Preshyterina efcanh at Omens tUa
aged war veteraas led by tbelr lag was givea for tbe po« Iv tbelr
A. S.. tbe W. B. C aad Oompam
hearer H. J. Corils from tbe Om Ba>- maader. M. D. Mormn. aad tmmadl- •aeh a grand seals. B has stood tbe| oammsr for tom momtts. Mr. jetbaflanday maralag. Tbe church
tcM ot time, only beeasse of tbe rir-j son Is Jast
wdl filled, tbe BryanIntloas peespy- dred and Tweaty-cd^ Obkx Cu^ atUy foOewlag
ringee filled' wiu tbe memtan of tbe "Manhiag Tbraugk Georgia." In wfalA taas eff tbe paople. K eaa be perpsca-r Alara this a
lag tbe froBt
s aftm graduaTbe anetliv opcaed with tbe sing­ W. R. C. foQowed and « the new moa- which tbe patrtaism of tbe assembly ued only by tbe eoauaued eierctse ot Imve there fiw
wmipaiG a mmaor
nmeat U Oakwood tbe Impnaslve me- rooad veal la tbe cboras. wbira
ing <d “Oorisiatlfin" followed by
ired to US by our revota-j flprtaga. wbo baa bad charge ot tbe
praym- by Rev, Mr. Crane. Tbe choir moriU serrlcee took place. Tbe sang to tbe time eff five bandied
'■Praise Te the Lord'
tbaalBBtM cbOdree In tbe lawease Hood: It was preserved to as by our I tbraogb Ue city Mondsy montagafter
tbe "Gloria Patri" was sung aad Rev.; i
Mr. Kenasdy read the scripture lessen, by tbe memben of tbe'O. A. R., tbe aadtoBoe. Oommaader Moepm then ktamaeaottbeBorUand-agalBbrtheiboldlag bl« fareweu serrteas ttere
part of tbe eleresUi chapter of Paal'a fleas ct Teternns. the Sponiab war latredBoed tbe speaker. Jadge Mayse. reaalted aoRb and aoutb—ooe peo i Saaday. Be wm taka ibe hork again
vecerasi and memben of the W. R. C. who spoke to tbe raat assemMy opsa Me by Ue tame saoUee. May we. by 1 In Uc UlL
letter to the Hebrews.
a part ct tbe Commander M. XL Morgan opened ttc the appruprlate tbease. "If a man die. tbe exercise ct Usee rlrtaes. resderl
be Uvea^ln?"
anatbersaeb sacriSa ossaeuasiysad
Iblnleth vene of the lUrtecatb ebap- eienlaea by glvtag.tbe dalles aad the
DasOi at Pttrisk MaadMm.
He spoke of tbe lesson to be leaned Ueteby transmit te our posterity— I Patrick Keedhaai. aged U. M flualer of Bmdns. At the begtaalng of impieastve slgaldcaiice ot Ue dare exfram
"4JTt flsvetf Br Baear.
the war. be mid. many of tbe boys of etclsea. The sectette cempoaed ot
' day alghi u T c'rioek after a liagsrtng'
WhBetralkiagahiBCOStfce M.AM.
said, lay opoa oar own tboaghts. and; memories of Ueee oar oatlonal heroes. I
Mr Needbsm has Uvod la UU
ilry left thetr bomee and wait.
m. MA^flatardar acor OreOkAY
forth to tbe call to arms. ThU many! DeVelta. Obariet Gee and Miss Mabel opoo tbe spirit wiu whlcb Uey were las ajso Uose prtnriplea secured end I dty for tbe past fiftem years smd darMrHBW^e raa
Davli. I. Jeffenon aad bri Heary entered Into. "Upon fans day." he maintained u suh a cost. To Ulsija, his ouy bore has made a Mna
of them sroald never return
MBT lha Am ot the bay. 14-raarold
pro^ecy la IMl hot by 1K6 It was opened UemaikU portloaot tbe pro-1"ewy etKUoo seems qolekeoedlend, as we jMb In Ue tdoslag r— Bomber ot friends who wfll ilawroly
0«atiB Anltp. aitf ot Cassias .ARHp sd
reaUty. Lodclag back forty roars tbe giwm by rendering "Tbe Star epsagled >“M> being. aaderUegraadtasplmUon I rises, may we brastbe Ue s
asoora for kioL
P«oPl* »*«tog under thu | -My Country. Tli of Thee. Sweet Land
M Bar street was stndt
tbs iatbon^t'comes, bow many have gene. Banner," after wUch Chaplin Tlaraer I
U addKloa le a wlft. be learas Urea
1. das here at tl
Pony yuan In tbe futon nod all wlli offered prayer and the beantlfol «««g banner, made gierloaa by reason of Its, of LIbeny.- snd feel se insplratkm as sUtma. one brother and neraa cbDhistory
a’dedt^aad baiM oC tbe ttaek withave passed away.
drea, foor seas aad Uiue dawbtera.
oot axtenu Inferies, tboo^ be.wae
On this day. many old pholographs
The (ADdnn ai«: Bnr. Fr. Joka F.
she wtve.*
eery badly'braleed.
will be looked at with loving- eyes. leace thu followed aad in Ue midst sive to Ue spirit of tbe boar. Is a
Needham of WblUaber; Richard. Car-Be bad beea down totbebayevlMany an aged man aad woehan will ot the rioeret atteatton. spoke feellag- senseless clod snd weU deeerves our O'er tbe land <ff Ue free and tbe borne sea cftrt Prat wuuarn Naedbam.
• riUe brave.'"
dsBUr to speak fish tor oader bis
lode U a pbotograjft and will think iy of tbe scrTlee which war shoot i plty:whlle he wbo eoten late Ueee obTrarerae dty: DeaaU TT-rlhsm St.
held doaa to Us right side was a'l.
aad tboughtt. many an aged woman be observed. "The FesUrU « U serranees sad gaUers therefrom only
Mary's .aemlaaiT. BaltlMra. Md.;
Ue polsoa ot selflsbncts. and carries
aad to tblB teet U dae the eaeape trob
will look U a piclore of a young man D««d.- He said UU It waa truly
Mary S.. JulU O. aad Aona M. tt
a trighttnl aoddent The train atrock
ber momorles will tnvd back to feauval even though the eyes wei sway with him oolv resolves, tbe exe­
Traverse dty.
cution of which will dwarf tbs soolj^raw petit Inron tor June term of
him OB the side where he was bedding
dimmed wlU t«nn and sUU -no leas
JowMi Needham was bora la IroCticoll
the «aar sad the bnmd sarfaoe coor. He
laad U itM aad came to UU eoastry
Jamas Dapaye.-Crant township.
merited coatempt. tasplipjlpB—not
tact «ae to tha loog OU spear made h
h us are aged. When they west
when bet a boy. aealtag la lonU eooaA. J. MeODosld. Green Lake
ambltlos—Is the pow^n
poasSHe for tbe pilot t^ hurl him oS
bt '61 Uey were mere boys wlU
mo be moved to UU clly aad
John Valleau. Long Lake.
at OM side and not crash him aader
hopes of boys. TbU U Ue time to Uon and lu foes and In paying Ue trtb- TOO galn."
ever stace has been a —t——— ja the
Thomas BswUngs. Mayfield.
tbe Yberif. He was pitted ap sod
~’AmericaaUm Is aot a muter
make a pilgrimage to Ue graves. ate to Uem be cUled upon Adjouat
employ of tbe J. B. GralUri: compoay.
Caputa Edpsp E. Chase.
Fred W. Glass, Paradisa.
pluad aboard tbe tra^ broaghl to tbe
These are Ue nulon'a graves. Uey are Little to read Ue roll call of tbe dead, blrUpUce. of sneestry, of creed, of
weeks ago today bU son
Frank Valley. Pealnsnla.
doped and medlcU awlataace pb
tves watched hr aagoU. no mauer CfaapUln Garner reapoading to It. cupuloa. Americanism Is a matter of
Jooopb died.
George Pulrer, Wbiirwaiar.
Kleety names were listed, when Ulrty the spirit ibu’t wiUliL man's soul.'
they overtook end psssed the ouldu where they are located.
Tbe foacTBl aerriee was Tureday
Two pfeyaklaaa reapoaded sad tbe every day. sad when night came blv
Mr. Kenendy Uen eUd UU the yeera ago tbe Om memorial services This spirit we eUI patriotism. It takes
moraine nt • o’riodt tram SL FnaeU
B. L Sprague, First ward.
M was plaoad cm a «M sad harried to
was always ;wllb some new grant sMuggle bad uogbt three Ice- bold but elMtt names, u wUeb time Ue discordant elemeata of oor mixed
etakrU. Tbe noiemn reguUm amsn
Archie Ostraader. Second ward.
UsbomoimlrafewrodsdlstaBL On
The firat was tbe appteciatioa many wbo utended Ue servlcea today and complex sodeiy. educatea and elewas haag. and tbe eelebraat was
Kerman Bruin, Third ward.
aamlBaUeB no hoses wai$ teand Ttadr oaly companloo In tbelr odtSi of heroism thu Ue foreigner wbo U particlpatod ti^sl (hu time,
vues the IbdlrtdnU nnd unites them
hU son. Rev. Fr. Joha P. HnnlhBM
Oecar PWx. FourU ward.
htohea sad as Tar ms eonld be seeer- was a flog, aad tbelr cloeesi friend lay coming to Amerlea-s shore in ^er In- i uttle Roby Hooker Uen derialmed
le common pe^e. W* see and
bU two Btiphuus, Rev. Fr. Jamas
Beo Hoxsie, Fifth ward.
telaed ao aneraU iajuries were ap> In tbe trasty gun which tagged all reaslog Unmgs might be Impressed.. the bsauilful eulogy te those on Ue recogalze this spirit in some of lU
ot HlDsdnle and Rer. Fr.
Adelben Geary. Acme.
pareat la the attenooa be began
amat fvppltes on tbejoarney. Mr. nod
Tbe second lesson was to remember I roll eall^end comrade F. IX Marvin
James OHrlsa of tbs CaUedraL DsGeorge Blaaid. BUlr.
Meed a UtUe trsm tha laaga tboogb Mrs. Chase erased the MIsalssIppI U
Ue bosbead. Ue son to lenre hU
troU. dsuma aad sabdsaoon raopsetJerome
this la tlaeU did net'iadkata aaytblng! LaCrews and from thete followed the
boose, bli boslness and all that be
inly. Tbe srrrtce wds |a ebargt m
Fred HamlltoB, Fife Lake.
asore than oooid be espeetad. WbU rivor roadbed U> Cannon Falls, where tlefields except a larger manhood and ory of those wbo lay beneaU. LlnI dear, snd to reapood to Uc 'call
tbe C. H. B. A.
Christ Ankerson. OarfieU.
rau- in bU countiy’s defease; It
rlcher lUo. The speaker Uen named j coin’s memorlU address U Qettysborg
fta many yean they resided in peace
Ebner Darts, Grant.
is tbe taet tfaU tbe yoaag I
with the tnrraundlpg Sloax. When the s number ot tattJee snd wbu Uey sc- vss Uen read by Adjutant LliUe and supports Ue mother, Wife aad dangfaGeorge Banee. Oreea Lake
Botbarlsasaad dealaad dumb. Ontot cUI to arms soonded ihnnigboui tbe comMUhed. All eivIlUatlon U costly. the last sliest salute to tbe dead dated
aod tnables Uem to bear with
George Gray. HayfieM.
a hmlly o( gem eUMrea three bare
courage and fonltude. Ue sorrawt and
.The iMdinp of the pilgrim fuben was the morning's exercises.
dement Piertn. Paradise.
bees afiUoUd this way. tbe oldest
costly, the revolution was coeUy. Uc
The grooDds u the cemetery were a stifferingi known only to Uem who: B. J. McMaUen. ProtnsuU.
cavria of rock aad aorU. Cka^Jag
danghter. Pearl aged lA tbli lad. tfiougb his reU choice lay In the navy, war of tbe rebellloo was costly but the
mass of Aowera septured In lovtag
timbers gave the alarm aad tha Uot of
.Oeorge. aged K. and asotfaar slater. as his eaUlng as a eaptain had given lives of mea are riches, the Idngdom
m by Ue friends of Ue depart­
mUers had Jnu aoampmud out
. Mora, aged li rears. The mother died
a love for the eea. but la a mend- ct God U rtcho-.'
ed and Ue day was probably otaerred
- ahoot a rear ago aad the taaOly bare
Tbe Ulrd tassoa was that It may hr alaHMt every one who bad iW
. _ame of cards with s meed to de­
ABbflih Bimir.-MHB Uto taat tail cide bis M. be lost, snd catered the
purjotlsm. The loved ones awsy In Ue dl/'^G^.
whaa a jiMgw 1ihi. AJden, was taken
snay with the friend. Four yean of men UU set oat In the war of 'dl wei
The memorial servieee for Ue sail |

ts tbe State iMettrtal aebooi u LancuTw
Utko ujm, of-t^ mad
service were four brave years to the patrlotb. Be Uea guoted showing how
yonng soldier and no better etunpli Uey had net out oot for spoil tv am« ,.59
uieruoon nnd1«5«*.
1* »» effort to loaata Ue
tbe Intrepid faero esn be found in bitloa bat fur lore Of ootmiry. The j „„
c. Corps.
' ^
•eheal ■odBet Fer Neat Year.
tbs anasls of war. Being isken pris­ enemlen UU UU country has *rc;
of MePheraon Post. Sen. of^[occupy unknown ahd forgotten graves
. n.wffl ooM
to ran
ra or foreign land. Wbo U
with men of | wlUln lu own bordera. •
, voicrans. Hannah Camp and
acBonia ot Tiaretae City this year.
tMi iBhledea tbe paymesit a »6.0W elM>t other companies. CspC Cbmsc i Bat tbs future need net he feared, i children assembled In line, while Ue' I there amongst us wbo does oot respond
hoM. This Is a IlCtle higher than tbe was paroled by Ue toaUcaaers. and jCod always has men that will lead!^^ -Neerer My God to Thee" was
-nt prasidenc of Ue W. R. C.
beat reath badget bat tbe fzpanaea only the oBoers Uken Uoog whh the | la a crisU. B« how can Ue enemies.
The inasaaere ot be cast ootT There are two meUods, Uen spoke of tbe object of Ue tribute
have tocreased. This amoont dom not * '
in and traasfonaallon. The shout to be paid to Ue dead snd Uts TbU much, and
tacMde tbe paymsst ot a »3A00 note
boys In biM aad gray were once ehe«Toa ter tbe sempietUa at tbe Union
followed brUe chaplain reading patriotic
Ue trooUkis from Ue MMitfal on miei bat today Uey mingle togeUer Ue service from Ue One hundred and
"An IniernaUonil court of arbiira•ueet boadlag. The wars aad n
and are friends. They were trans- serenu 'psalm. The corps then ad- i
WHamee presssrtsd tbe leUowlag ee- snriil.
^ ««nu<i- There luatlce
Ob beUg musiered oot u Ue close fmmed. ThU U Ue richest gift of' vanced to Ue froat and cast Ueir of­ must prevail. To insure iu eadeBey.
of Ue war hut sixteen of tbe one hun- time.
fering of flowera upon Ue waters, re Ue leading nations must be united to
drad and one soldiers were left to reMr. Kenaedy closed by referring to citing in uniaen, "Flosl on shore them. support of t^e measure and when lu
I Urir dUebatge from duty. Mr. the gisU rariew when the soldlera O flag for which Uey died! Emblem decree Is entered, thetr combined
aad Mrs. Chase left Ue west for would be fonned again, bat Ue ranks of Ueir coorage and purity snd love." power must be back of li to enforce K.
hport. MlUlgsn. U 1873. reUdlng would be unbroken and Uose wbo set
"An argument In favor of Ibe prin­
of Ue post Uen adUere Unetecn years and then re­ out* In hi but never reUraed would vanced and cast wreaths of flowm ciple of arbltraUon before a 0. A. R.
again answer to roll call.
upon the water, saying. “Comrades, le assembly 1 deem unnecessary. When
The ranks were a lltOe Ulnner Ul» t tbe name of counUew Uouaands oa Uis court ii enablisbed as tone day;
a great step forward
will I'■
year as "taps" bad been blown on Uc! tbe land and aea. who hare shared
lives of several comrades and a nnm- yonr dangers and endured your sacri-' have been uken in tbe onward march
ber wbo marched last year Uils year flees, this wreath li east npon Ue ws-; of clvlltxatloe. Tbe evils of war do,
were Uc redplcnu o( Uc wreaUs and ters that roll above you!" The Sons | not cense with Ue last battle. nor|
bouQuols but bright and early Tuesday '• of Veterans Uen advanced nnd reetud.; terminate at Ue death of tbe Ust sur- ^
morning. Ue members of McPherson;-Tieroes. who steep beneaU Ue, vlvor but remain for many yeara to afpoet' got ready for Ueir*march to the \ onmn's wave, we strew Uese flowers! filet mankind. Tell me. yoc who have
IhUl ...
city of Ue dead to do honor to tbelr. u token that Ibe nation does not for.. seen tbe horrors and experienced Ue
When you are in the city—^We are
get. and that when danger oaJU we evlU of war, sbat has been Ue loss
glad to shoir) our goodi that
there wve LMf popUs la eehod U the
Tuesdaydawnedbrighl and warm and trill remember oar brave exemplars." . to humanity by reason of Ue Japanpari of tha memtb aad that the peresst.
dlsslpated Ue fear Monday of being ^e impreealye ceremony cloeed by RuisU coafllci!
you may, know what you cao hod
age of aUsBdaaoe was it. He read a
unable to properly allond to tbe Me-. the alnglng of "America" In nnlaon.' "What a crowning glory for any nawith us when you are ready to buy.
mm tnm BraaMeU AmMI of tbe ^
modal day exercises so long planned a line of march was immedUtely Uon to have been Ue leading tactor b [
et M. Madag tbe Traverse aty
! by tbe commltiees In charge. All was formed, btaded by the speaker of Uc founding the Interuatiooal .court of ar-i
W« think the values we offer io
Bcbool OD the sMmdlUal Ust for three
bustle BtAhe Grand hall, where mem- dgj-. Jmige Frederick Mayne of Chai-! blltatlon. and when established, may
' Men's Suits at
hers of too varioas oommlltees and Irvolx, and Past-Commander Judge Ue llrst flag w be unfuried over tbe
school «aa be plaoed «s tbU list.
those wbo were to pacticlpaie la Ue Lorin Roberta U a carriage followed! bundlugs In wbicb ibi- alttlngi of UU
The mesUng"then edloaraed.
exerelaas ai Ue eemeterr meL Tbe by Ue file and drum corps, Hannah i august iribonal U held, be -Old Glory.'
ball ItaeU was redoleai In the per- Camp. and tbe long line of veterans; Arbitration U the great Inteniatlonal
tome which emanated from Ue masses; under tbelr Bag borne by F..D. Marvin.' tfuestion of Ue day. tA'hat country ts
fhr Stiy ywra. CapCSdgar B. Chsee
and cinsurs of beauUful flowers so; The kmg Une of Ue proceashm from, >u a better poelUon than ours to lake
sad wife have weJked the path ot life
will bring us your trade wbeo >-ou
brought Uere by wilting Ue aged veterans was simehed aJoug the InltUtlve In esubllthlng sacb a
Mra Abble L Clissa.
head to head, aad la honor ot the
by four hundred schoo! ooartT What organltailon more apare once acquainted with us and
ereal. they eoletarated their g<
■-----------------------------^—;------------1 panties were provided byUe decor-• children gayly waving Ueir flags In a proprlste to lead In the agltsUoo n«wedding u thetr boma. 7U Mosroe — /ed to ibis^cltr. where Uey have jallng committee for all mrabera of the wave of patriotism snd most inspiring | essary to bring about ibis result ibsn
our merchandise. Street, reeieidar.
resided twelve years. For many years j G. A. R. and W. R. C. Uc oommluce was the sight to the large crowds Ust [ Ue Grand Army of tbe Republic
■dgar B. Cbaee ot Palnravtlle. Ohio, the captain has been a vessel owner, jjn charge betogoompoaed of Mesdames. gaUered along- Ue slre« on either, They who hare experienced tn tbelr'
airi Mee AbMe L. Todeer bt
among ibM bring l^McnnaM. which ; Rattle Hooker. Maggie Mom}-. Jean- side to witness tbe procession. The 1 own persons Ue borvorB of war will
Ohio, were ethootboy aad girt aweet!
. ____xm broke ranks M Ue Clty'n>«vs eoaimand attention when they
hearts. IhirtBg their three yean of Three yean ago be reUred from acUvr; Hooker had charge of the Ulrty little; cetera House, where the day was flt- i speak for peace.
ade Panti^cboice of anything in our
aeadiwlr work m Hiram college they daiy and hta resided ffuletly at Uc Mrb aad boys to whom Ue duly of; Ungly ropresented by patriotic decora-' "i would not destroy uie Idea of pastock $1.00 Men's Cotton Socks 5c pair
were lAebMates aad meads ot Ji
the west side. They have Ue .placing Ue
were Intrusted.;■ -4—
Uoas which
oomplelrly banked Ue trioUsm by ranking It too broad, to
— offerings
—. - .w

A.Qarfleld. Bboniy sfter leartag ool- fOUowlng children; Harry and Chevy. Tbe first pWlanx. conristlng of these: stage and boxes on elUer side,
Nothing else as good as these (or the
Thls would be as un.
legs Both eatsred tbelr ipodU field of boU residing la the -wesu as well as little ones la charge of Mrs. Hooker stage was given over to Uc past corn- wise as to use It in too restricUre a;
work. Mss Taeker tsklag op the pfo- tbelr only danghter. JuUa Chase ;>ariu left the ball at 8:» and went directly, mandera. Roberts. Vsder. Shorter sod tense. It Is not synoDomoas wlU re­
•_____ ____
. _______».___ _____ __
_____ 44.-_ •
afV^lngtoe. Dr. Oscar B. Chase of to Ue cemetery.
: Bckier. also Ue officers ot Ue ReHef ligion. sIUouMi It includes much In'
Uls efty being tbe oaly on* residiag
o-cloek Ue procession headed Corps. Ue commander of HePhenem; eommon wlU religion, neither is It
to Mlehlgaa. ■
by Ue flpaalsb war Teierans onder Post and Ue Queen Qty quarteue. equlvsleot u politics. sUhoogh It too
tarltatlMs were iBsaedjto
Issaedito friends In UMr flag bone br ArUur Morse of 1 while Jodge Frederick R. Msyae of has some Ulngs 1a common—It
tha date of tbelr marriage Mr. Chau
is sute, Ohio. Mtoassi^u
Ue Forty-eeeond regiment of rolim-1 Charlerolz occupied Ue center of the mock moro—It embrace* Ue foO duty
took ap a bomselead U the territoiT
I friends <
teers Wl Ue hcndqnartert at Graage stage.
| of good dtlxeaibip.
St MlaaeM. oBd perebt
ban and marched op Washington
After a brief wait Ue arterooon-t j Tbe jmtrioUsm wc need today is
le w auend street. Ue Boas of Veteraas next be-;exerctaes began wiu a aoag "Where;that whiefa teacher respect tor duly
h wooM;^ nSBsaiarT to order U to............
hind with Ueir flag borae by Martln:Bleep the Brare." by Ue Queen CRyIconstftuted oatbortty and tocakatet
Maffk'theasF-koaMlaUsnaat. Oa
BUS. ThU flag was preaeaUd to Ue 1 qaanefte, aad then Rer^ Dmasa Oeehliar n. mA^Us happy oreat took,
Memorial gxaralara.
reteraas by the W. R. C fiftcM yean. Ua offered prayer. AdjoMt uoie thn
. glaeoBtthah9««f(fiel>Meaitdlm-i Ber. Ui«h Kennedy of the Aahaty affomnd Is one of Ue emblems ot Ue - deUreriag Ue mngrtsl addimm. aad ante Ume traths, we 1
.rjBNQately.fUknriag R Mr. aad Mra.|M. E ttereb dellrrred Ue auMl me- dty to he proad of. The tost dlrtskm j thca "Fee* and Friends" was oaai
LMt TM RlBffW*.
. BbM7 MeOurr. aatd 16. wW» tl
WMkiii tta W«OiHliti fMtory fluv«Kr.ako« 1» olUedc *m tto rtoUa»«( W MddMt vflieb «U hia
He mWL \i> w*rt oa tbf
at^ JedMT in piMe at anetber workm^-tor « abort Uae otd in rMcUac
slab laoebed toe tar, bit
fliUbii eotalag la-eoatact vlth the
aharp kalraa. Be was takaa to a pbrBteMort o«ee nd tbe woBiiAs dNoaed.
Tbs aiiridwit bappeaed to tbe right
haad and the tate and dag finger

Choae Ml da tbe aerelaad aad MUwaakw toste ter tbe west. At KDeankee tbe teas was takm trom tbe
bou and tbe hetg. ardwras orerlaad
joamer be^a. Fbr twelve dam sad
Blghu tbe wilds ot tbe weu were
traversed br tbe roong couple, tboogb
near other tsmOlee were also Jonrnoy
lag alDog tbe same route. They eoaildered tbemsetvM espectaUy forUi-




tbe Hew Store

We Want
to See You
S7.M, «0. H2, $IS, $M

Sherman & punter
2i6 €. Tnot'St., trivtrst Qtp



s. TMUMOAV. JUHt 1.11

Grand Tnrenc Hcnl}



BURSES can 8Rimrs

OoB of the Flm Metho- dents «f Plte.lmke to (be toet that all yi^OCTr TO IXUJt

oand-Uiie eoo

diet. Rev. Hagh Miasdy of (ba As-| the at^ilcaato pased the exawiiaaitnB.
wlUi tbe otben to haown t» be aheo- bary M. *L, Rev. Thomaa P. tniom ot I ^ MDowtog to the list of gradaaiet
Ckoieh Of Christ, and Rer. & T. | Mdgar Delbar. CMffoed ONddea. Wtolotelyfdr. ABertaBhaOno
Mor «t Oraee g|di«oyit| attred MndgnA tehel^Bctolr. Martha
,Berasteta. Ranel Thorne. Cbsaacy.
stand akme and to perfeeUy oaOtent to

Tr*v«r«* City ffflsuitMA.

After tha toagtog' M tha doxoloo'' LaBar. Laara HMlHoa aad Howard;
Vhito tbe Bastem war may
or may not reeuK la trade adraai- Rer. C. T. Stout Invoked Ue Uesslag' Locks, all of PKe L*k<; Mary Begley
Bgn. the mailer begins and eads Iff God npoa the gradnstlag dass and, aad Bdgar DeVol or Ofaf MUsIod:



, Wrnrt>eCi

J.«. Biniu

The Japaaeee are cooted as 4>oatbeawD whowwtodeUvmtheiOraoe. Will aad Hlrtoai Coakito of aermoo. Foterwlag the tovoe^ was' WTUlaasbnra Ooy Coaloa of Acme;

aaylag that

erf the soriplare lesson. (I Chester C Soak of Orawa: tnaalc
1 aad la that t
are right

Oortnthlau. dtapter IJ) read by Rev. Rial of Sto^ley aad.B(bel Cray of tbe

etiirtf PncUci ®

They will be ahowa abao- niaaas P. CUom aad after the slngtflg' Penlasuto.>

-------- '
Oalaatad by WiUmrmburg.
ill team 'S
If ao lalernatlonal ooort of a*ltra- followed by the beautiful fiymn -Te! The loral High aeheoi
_ ____
I agnln m« defeat Satarday afteraoos
on were forneed. it woald net be an Host _
Bora Again.”
"rioa ihe'^cni that Mr. Btoadi i« ««>>*»<»»
^“'““^urg ntor asrceau-=v-i
naroaeoBaUe taaaara to ettte that the

late tairweee to thto ooentry If to no of “Kearar My God to Thee” Rev. j
nomae Cox led la prayer which was

. 'A tbort tlM MD BtuDanFM pi
te tiB eooBtrr pablitfM • pertk» or
vrUtaa br Adalnl RojMtTODto rriUlTW.

IB UiU IMt«r he

Mttd thU (be Kck of dlMlpIlBe oo
beu4 hie fieM wm depior«ble. *Tbeee
. are the eblpe Md thCM 'we the bbo.'
he mM. *^16 which I moet (Me i

la light or (be

the pMt few dare. tbeM


Thia been oM Roleetroi-

•l^e eUteiMti to the teUer. R«eAto’-plaoed her eatire hope, to It h
•HmToo SoJeetTeoeky end hh fleet.
Bat Be fleet WH wot prepMetf. the
' Moa wWa Bol traiaed and dledpUaed.
tholaeriUldehweBed. A p<rf«oo of
the fleet U at the boUOB e( tb« eea.
tM reraat haa probably beea a«t
(hare «r eaptmod by thU Use aad la
■dfll|lna. Japaa'i aavy bM been angMfled by at leaat two flae betUe•hUA
Baarfa, wttheat a4eet, ealiaothold
or OBead her avpnsacy U the EaB.

asylum grounds by a score or w^ST.*'
Aserlcao natloa wU be tbe referee of {lead the Immense aodlenee to aa-'<*
noonoe bis ten oatil bis cloelBg rae-; * »« 5^
teoce be had Ih# elosesi of attention.
Melatyre et tbe High school pitched |
Mr BtoMlI took as his text the flrsl a good, steady game bu( iho lack o
Leelanau Terpi af Court
three Te»MS of the eighth chapter of
by his sup-;.........
Tbe dochet for the Jise ter® of the
the flrsl book of Cortnthtoni.-Now as portWhile,
WllllamsburB ggto«»ietas ..
emBlt COOK of Leetonaa cooniy. opentootdilng things offered until idols, wc Pitcher, was the star player for bU
lag Joae S, to unasoally large Ihla
know Utot wo all hare knowledge. ^ '¥»« and showed up very weU oli -- -------- =
month, there betog four erlmlaal. five
Knowledge puBeih up, bui cbartiy edl-! baiting.
of feet and Dtc dmacery cm
Al the eod of the seventh toning (b(
The mnrder eeee of the People
“And If any maa think that bt knosr- score ttogd flee and two to favr- of
' The death c( the late Mr. J.
sritb tbe alleged
Mb anything he knowoth nothing yei Traverae City bat la (he eighth Will
Clifford Kennedy. Principal Cutaurder of her tatoat child
chesa-Metrapolitan Business Cslts he OQ^t to know.
, tomsburg braced up and brought to
aae on the docket aad will be the
lepc, Oetrott. opened the way'tor
-But K any maa love Ood the ramo | four nms. The lineup was:
the purehase of this eieellent
eaee of the term. Thirty
to known of him.«*«•» School
school by Mr. W. H. Shaw, of
are on the regular panel with flfieeo
•Thete Is a love of knowledge aad .Metotyre................. p.................. ♦ - Whit.
Torento. 0n‘... who
Is well
added. maUag (orty-tlTe
there to a knowledge of love” was Mr.: Rhmtberger.............c.................Carpenter
taleamen to all. out of Which the |nry
BUsell's twentog s«itence. He thro j Otompney .............-lb............... Cliff Pray
will be drawn. Poblle cympathy to
ful Business Colleqe proprietor,'
spoke of a sutemeni made by Prof.-,Ackerman ................. 2b................
Write Miri (or parltculirs about
said to be largely w{tb tbe retpoadeni.
Flynn at tost jmfa commencement 1 Colby............................ra................Cllni lTa>
the Special Summer Session tor
a yoDDg womao eighteen rears ot age,
this year. Art:*reas
and who. np to (he Ume of her
V. n. UAW. Bsmlct BulUiar. befott
had always remataed qnleUy la the
. — L-dl,. .................... .rt.............
home of her parents. Tboagh charged
Paaek......................... Jf ....
with (bri'llfBl Bnd.ptemedlUted nor(hV-game
der of tbe child she has
of love and knowledge; of how lore Seoro by toaiags:
tlAOO boll which was allowed by the
broadens knowledge. “If any man VBlIlamsburg ...1
especUl effort of her auoeneya. Pratt
hwe God. he knows as he ought to , Wrt school..........o
A Oavto of this city, ihnwgh Judge
know aad flads him oct and Ood wilt
Hayne of Cbartenrix.
tollowlBg the alleged deed the toy to Bse him to the bnUdlng up of Hl=

srizs'ris 2rsjt'sr!;.r.v.-iJr.

UU. .

et oenaat t» cny.

npea whUk the tdaat wUl be toeated
hare- are taokad opoa with taeor by
the 4^reelart. aad a eociaiuee baa
ba« appolaUd to pat the Matter U a
daflabe Biape (rr ^eaealaUou to tbe

L of their chmlged the geography of Buropr
mote than did Napolsoa with all hU "adlatcly stripped off hi. c«i. rlui
of Northamles aad that the little vessel la
• telephone pole which siand* to
part vpean at thto ter® of oourt to
which ho crossed the Medlierraacgn |
'» “■« bridge and
appeal fro® the former eoarfa dewas a greater nary than Nelson's. i ■>«»''
’*»ich wsk
daloo to a caaa with the hotel pro­
5.j ptolnly visible In about tm-t-lvc fitt of
prietor. John O. Plaak.
water. He a
The tenas opens Monday Boming
Paul or love. Mr. Blsscll then : «" hoartily cheered by the large
and wUl to all probatottty not he hair
crowd that had collected.

token Satarday to allow tbe opening roM to their feet from where lhcy|

aadlrt hi]K* ^
^' ewtarprl**
la a HMe fv^. act a large oae. bat ot the Jane ter® of Clrcali conn for
OM Whoae vodact le flaCiai'a reedy Graad Tcaverao oonaty. which opens
■rfbit, nfl wtaoea' eapteUy la saeti at thto dty Monday. Jnae lA
taa aasU for the desaad* wpM It. Tbe
Tbe tonowtog to the dodeet:^
oMeet «f aeefelBg a new loeatloo ti to
aaeare better eblpptag (aeiUUee. add



rhale tbe bcmrd of trade to dcda- set aside deed. .^Prait
diV aosethiag-whlch may er^tamurth^te A Alway.

. Amarlaa aa a Befaraa.


Davto; gets for him to the air while tbe meUI 7;3n a m. Kate ll.w.
disks ,wcvo punctured wlih surprising (or particulars.

ife flag -or this ooBOtry to float flrtt
Henry U Hvntelih. who has
om tneh a trltaBBl. This nturaoee U>« Janitor^ the Uatoa atraet ediool
i4a all the ante etrUdag slnca yetterbnildlng for some time, passed away
dtopatebea rnwi ToUo Indicate at the tamll ybome. 9N 8»nth tJl
t^ to oaee thit tbe 'oar eaei
atrwel, Tnesday''«Rer a three wedn'
paaee. the lenaa wlU he amagi
iltoese.rrom pnenmoBto. eempileatod
t|e oapltal oT ibto aaUoa and
with astham. Tbe dpecatod was alxtr
tflaatf will be known •a ’Tho Unaty
years o( age and leaves a wUp and
«< Wedtlaatoa.'thrae children, one ton to eerrh
;A arttoia that beUem lo a *hquBn the Fhllippiaea.
for erery maa. muet of aeeeeelty
ha ’hqnan" lo lu dealtagi wUh ocher
The gnat powers d tbe
When ,Rer. U B. Blaseil pastor of
w^wid hare oome to know that the the Flm Preabyterton cbnteta oT thto
fliflinnietir relauaat of* this oobbUt
who Vaa dKMn to'praaeh (he
Wlih ano^ Are not the bbobI deeedp.
UaBraale sermc^ to the g
Uoa of dlplomacT. *Tbe art of lytog allng class omRrtocal High school



Baihara ^'toeoehll vs. Ivan Vlako rs0ithrily. He,also pnnctoiwd a quar- Jdetlier Greyto^Swset Powders tor
ehll et al. bUI U> construe gill J. W. (er-iadh piece of steel thrown Into (bol
air by Mr. Rled with a soft nosed
Aaaa Rrr>pp vs. Hbnry Kropp. dl- let. Mr. Rled bad a small card be­

^ hto HaBOdal day addraaa TaeaTOtce. Pratt A Davis: P. C. Ollberl.
*y. dndge Tndertek W. Maywe elated
John Btraag ra MIebarl Btraag. hill
tipt what was needed was aa tatcraa> aei aside deed. Farm C Gilbert
tsnal aoait o( arMtraUoo and aaggeeiPratt A Davto. if that It would be a proud ihlag (or

gimidiilty." ThU aatlon to not seektoil to eat Itself forward at the expanse

Is tli>- ta-si and Iiiovi •lureUr finiali for linrd or
A>ft wvvid flrstn. N'iiiv liril^onl ctJors for rwoo*

|T”& YTriti«$rfrimitnro,of aii kinds-■

IX) Y<»r rsE

SrMrd’s aJfmtsJ
•li’ |K>uml.

House Paint

(ije {Jouinl

$11.50 j«-r 100 U«.

€lutta Hits!

matter how mut^b a gallon you pay for
your house paint you cannot buy any that is
as cheap m the end as “Shipman" Pure White
i.ead. Tilts if easily proven.

$i;X) per 100 pouodB

0/f oikt mtMi
$1.00 ix-r 100 poiuiils.

Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co.

201 So. Union St.

226 E. Front St.

If You Were Your Wife
would j'on ratLer wnsh a loi of odd flhapadpi<-cv«. full of hoW and comera—or tbppe
eiii)]>lo piihi-hV Woutd yon rather work honl,

The People


Pebe Marquette

tevcrae City.—Record.

tirv sjilisfBclion.

Olool Cwine


V.'JJ; .“■STy''’

being bit two times out of thioc.

Urn# he trimmed

Mr^ V



1X)K SALB—$t»
Sec. 13. Almira

cigar. With a small mirror be bit four
walsats to succcailon aad picked
three small marbles (ram a box with
the gun between hto legs.


Are Vbu Uatoig.Aller«'a Poet-Baaa?
■hsbe toto yov sbiri AUn'r Pont gear. «

hlbllioo of “gun play- such as hltung
flve blue racks In the rand and bitting

Will soon


watottts with iho

liiii.- y.iu'ri- uroiind.


iik<- lo iftvu yon a catalofL'too.

116 «Ml I > 7 SUta Street
>. :i Itoniwxrr, aU kii.d. »f Farm Ma<-I>>i>cry. Iipj.lementi, Wagoos,



have ilui most aur.ictitc




line of


on display. C o
and see us.

revolver re- “dhboci

itsed Cure for Pliec
aimdlraer Prt.tradisv Plira
il mcBeylt P^/> OlPTHp-T
W9stn*01.E.J.RIcdei«l-BlH"Mur-'Df!S3MSS^-rel ihot at a bunch of blue racks.

The Taimlar

lowl is very simiil*—i* MAdc up of throe
small pii-ccB. AU otbvra are rcry com|dicBted.
Li t-nil-take a Tiilmlar Ik>w] apart for yon

I’l; ;-ll b« l-



is the family that buys their WAl-L PAPER
of u>.

I be reafloft t!* ob\ iou«.

In -electing

here ) '>u have a host of patterns to choose from
and a pleasing number can readily be found.
Then 3;.’ain that question of price don’t bother
a; all. Ours range from 5c a double roll up­
wards. and each and every pattern shows good

volver sevenad.

Sri- diffenut friun, all olhera.

\\ .

Mr. Woftrehlll ts equally pruflelenl
with a revolver and gave a UitJe ex-

tinifih ill a few minnbw nj^ tbst ranr woffc
would l«
doul’ That is wliBM-«\.-'



tween bto thnmb and fbreflngcr edgewise-aad this was cat to two, the .-dgu

and know it wa* aljitdst icnposiiblc to get the
dirt oiit-or work aasily. sod ktxiw you ooaU




will not <-rac-k. p«-cl or bliat.-r. nnd will give eii-

If'frtohdR S



ffooi Paint Pays
For nil'ititstile nml iiisid.- {minting w Bt-yPn-inreti Pnhite,
If i»o|>i>riy amsU^-tltoV

Ilflcatlon evi

rmimwai. C4SH.
taken tt midnight Saiu?0a*^4clil:
Ton have all tbe powers that
ts. John WestJohaaB, down.
a broken knee cap. Is the Urlrf sii^
C. U Dayton; Pratt A Dartt. they bad. bvt they had not the powers attached to the Dsmi- of Mannie liar
Txmraa CKy.otart.
The People ra. Abm Cohen. Border. which yon have. Cecid Rhodes' Ust< man. aged 22 of Cadillac. While c-cbIt wanld eoat tB» dtp la the aelgh- C.L. Dayton; Pratt A Davie.
words wore •So muoh to do, so Httic
brat lag tbe fact that be was a Macra
botfaood of tdjm do aaw Ihla pBat
The People vt. Joeeph Hoahier. vie.
bee to the city for a good Untc. y<>-.;n(;
And to do. do It for the night
aM poadUy the e^^ a email iatlOB of U«nar tow. G. L. Dayton;
Harman became tovolvcd to a sc.if
aaotstefato^ A eoagtiUee hat la- Pratt A Davis.
eometh soon. As yeor motto rays.
fling match with a itrangvr id a ramon
ratUgatad tha eatarprtae. and baa
‘Too most sail, not drift.' Tbe rail
The Itoople i
oa Front itrect. They tripped on.? aupaned U Iheatable tenwa
dependeat oa the wind and your I!
toUon or Uqoor tow.
oteer up and In the bout and anall>
to dep^ent oo the lore of GoJ.
VUIe ao gnat ttalaga nay be ex- PraUADavl*.
In a fall the lecidcBt happcnc.1 tr,
gaoled of tble piBBt. yet if
■nee of PaeL to Aa Triad by Jury. Christ Is yonr pilot, heaven your port Harman wbo (ell iwlstlag bis iHgfai
M. woold be a very aaUttaetory adCharlea Oole va. F. N. Jewett and and tbe Bible yonr chart aad compass knee-ln such a manner that the Ilga
to oor preeeat llet of etaaurac- Oenge A Jewett. tzeapaM. Pam C. The flrst
oenu and knei- cap sere tnrn loose
Ood; the secoad, love to man. and the
■Iho board has OUlMR; J. W. Palehia.
The ambulance call was sent In an.l
ml aenni other projeeta. bat
I Myam vt. Joee^ Kirt. as- third Is love aa I have loved you.'
the man taken to tbe anltarium sher.
The aerrtee cloeed with the singing
aaar' thara are lew wUA wodd
Ptott A Oavto; C L. Dayton,
medical atienUon placed him in as
wraal tte laveetseat reqnlrad In ae- J. W. Patchte.
comfortable ooadltlon as could bo fieva than, awd while the beard of
AugBBt Hohiike TC. Joeeph Bi
tinde say wot laad
'eepaas. Pratt A Davis; C. L. DayClever Marfcamanahip.
tdrtaa, tt la aaUBytag to knew that
A. J. Woiln*Ul. reprcsectlng '
%*tiatfi lanallgatione are belag
Jaoob Tan Ntttor va. Jeho O. Haak,
Peters Cartridge company, made i
■ada of (be Tarlooe projeeU that
maspeR appeal. OovMI A Ctoet; A.
letter S. the Bgore S uad “drew bo
onaa before tbe noiin efhbe beard. F. Boating.
dton's head In a piece of card board
pvpoae of Uie dlrecton. which Is
Bonialde N. Pickerd ve. Two Rlrci
Satnrday afleraoon with a 22-callbcr
(fVPoetod by the board of tnde
laBBtoetarlBg company. boUod tor
rifle. Besides this be shot the cod Off
latsa. li to aU oaly aaeb htdatrlei as
ew trial C L. Daytoa; A. F. Bnnttog.
B. J. Rlcd's cigar, punctured small
‘ prashi^ gradual derelopseat. aad the
fuelal disks with bl( wcapoo. roduced
^Btoyaeat at labor eBadeat to warLeee Point Improvement compaay
taM laeal aid. and U nar )* atatod va. BImey J. Morgan and Charles throe oranges lo a mist wllh bla >Mrt. tor i^niculmre.
JUD.- l-2l
H. F Mts-ller, <i. V
hit several lumps of coal la the air
that wheiWTtr each aid to gifcn that Oarr. Mil to aot deide deed and
and caused them to become mcrely
the twndlua will be sBrraaiided fay
Of land contraeu
btack dust and several otben
«4(k nfegiiardi aa will protect Tre'
Coveil A Croat; Pratt A Davis.
one Oly a^laat toea: Then an earJacob Roatoahl. sr, aad Mary Ro'
tMogi bdag tacM lato and
Blade walacu also made good
Train will Uw>c t'liy at
slBskl vs. Jacob Roetoskl. jr.. bill to





UoaA oat of which at the pmeal ttee
looltl vtHe faeoreMa. The oondlUoas

.............• wMta peevwes


I .BoDnO.SUMBua Beildisf. Trs<

Elgin GtLeviSi

coodaioB Bt the (aiaily.

eaa^. aor traaepMt any aidre aoldlera home at-Northport. aad eraa bow to to
n and boys s bu were fli hlng
1 only for I “ “
to have
hr ^ ne entire arsy la the ^at poor health. Bray effort to being
IhellUoMirc. Kacraledge Is rtther <* '«>®<*»“
t be egrrted orer the Ti«t>e«ibe> made by the parenis to shield the a aeeutor or rtghtoecs thing aad the,
“'s watch slipped hl^
daaghter from pnblldty.
lu^on between .ecalar knowlodgo P«kot aad dropped Into the water. .\
The trouble emaoeitng at
of the end. aa Aflailra]
and righteous kaowledg* Is.tbe um
Bare, and there can be bat one orer the ealoona flefng open oa Soaday
s^ar and the watch
watch was
was vainly
vainly flrlnd
to which wo pnt ft."

t'ebB (or peaoa. win be tahen-np at tola term of eourt!

Napo1con-s f*- Jack<Boycl. a brakenuin en thBtoa Two brotbets, Joseph and Wltl-|
changes of the geography of Burapr i
W«^“ctte ralirosU. hsi.|K-n,nl
be stated that the apostle p«u
at this imlnt and raw the gmeratlon aeveral new iadnitry pnvoB-




3V board («ti>de hat BBder oonUd-


the world.—Record.

WMli wo BATT. the eaaaot dehad tb*


5' Cndttttc Medial Departmefft Bflms S

Be sure to gel yours at the

to the cxhiblilon,

gclllBg 22. the second :i *»d
I-stof^lng on unlucky thirteen.


pace .tale diplom.. arc ‘

by^Sm SSmam Oo. st.


r Soaday eveatag to bbbodbo
t (he ofice of Cnnnty;S?Sl».:?5
.. lag
hynui-tbe .Moxologr
Crisp add OU qff eighty- jgtogyrr U4 Bsorad Bt. <JaU era
oflnthara. The wan teat have been aeatlag capMRy of the City <
flve apniteaau wbo took the
b%t not been -wars of con.
9 was taxed to iU attm«aaL
floe May 4d. M per cent
gbm bwf'wais fl>r what was beltered (be plaifor® were aeated Rev. H. K. year agaiast 1» per rout last year. One
• be right.
Hotaapto of (he Braagdtai eh
eulwcially gratifying feature f.>r r


H. B. EARNER, Prop.

0fly Book $tore
doh^‘Bet(b*r go*, Pr^ps.

Cnptn* Off, Itlkk.

mwDTHAVtmtwmLD. tmuimpai^juw« y ti

SSi. ■. -

i««ei «*«•■ «nte» j Cquom Cwntel hM Wt «b FMmibnrf for Cnrlshbtf. u4 » • f«w
' vwkt vlO aaet hw tuber, mliUc
MMdor to tte Catted Biatae. le


P«vU»g W«*K Con
Bring «r famine
Work OB Ue perla* ef But. rrool
____________ ___
tclaii 14Pt»CBta. like dflac of
etiBUbemTMUUrCOBUUierBesa-!^ jum Montton.
The progpeu of coesaopL
Ur. s. c
'■ km briBfta* tlx eknied ®« with Mo j
tlOB. fraoi tbe beaUtalaa to tbe rerj,
end. ti a kmc toncre. ^ib to tIcUo:
IRBB Sasliiav ead ibe reemlader o(
and frlendt. "tt'ben 1 had conaump3 Hr cot aBnni Mtlm DeHiKi. tfae labor betac eaipkired ia tbU cUrFawer BRtalltble Favltig.
(km In lu am xtace." trrltet Vtt. MtSix eartud* et brlek are here aed bUlt
Tha sBeidal eommluae_______ _ of ^
Curfota. Md-. "after trrilic <1Ha. B tMi— aO-------- - ^
tw »«««■ *®«
*>««*■ «<*•»«>a*e*Me fuatttu Bul^ aeiur to *> t The earb M almadr oa tbe Kraond.
Trein.OB WeObub.TieoBwnii.lBm I ■ Eeeldenu of tlw weei aide tbonxfal Oaear Blmpeoa. Hanr KaeeUbd and eorery. trbleh gofeklr and perfecU>
Haleoio Winnie. «bo hare been ln ca«d Of " Prompt relief and mre
- Wext n«nt etieet xbould hare beea
ImproTcd flrM on acconat of tbe deep
thlB untt be alloved to set. parlDC tnCaraed Satordar. So tar w i poeanKOiB. Gdannleed at Jobnaon
ran be leuBed. iber are veil uUtfled Drug Store Co.'i. F. H. M««dt and S
Pere UarqoeUe bat notj wilb tbe sarinc
b Bone' Dnc StorM. I'rlee
uaMfc. «**i
ralacd lu tmeki Hiber, BO tbe eut end
V-.JII3' .X- ___________
and tXM a bot.k-. Trial bouie.
«M«rK. '
a Bnt.



cod„». o. P.’S-. S', ssss.*a.'s.isi'6,!;:

Soat Moeantanta.
| atated here ibat KaUma«>to «a no.
oomlnlr I. Mnrpby. aberetary of
leamer lUiatdi arrlred at the «an»Bed »iUi the Wlulllhic hot ib!8|„.,.i eommitaton will aucecesl tbe
doek Salurdtj at Id O’clock and re- *“ «<>' »"»•>« »«> •» ««<■- At iaekuB
Toutcee u Amertun
linad ber« nearly alltUy loadlac tbe; it
•i»o In perfect conditloo and ;
^ Honlnanx. France.
in oonalxBiDeni of inlaeellaneooe!
el.y »U| Uy-----------------------kind tbU
(bit year. At Owoiio. tome UlttifrelBbi and potatoe* for the Chleaco I “Bd
A Bad Bcari.
market. Three IboBmod laekt of “BIc macadam, not the Central Blln
Some day yon a lll cc( a bad aeare.
tubert were taken ob here and 1.600 i'Bic compBay-* prodiici, *aa inapectThill>«f “W •to hare

_______ Sattonx Bay. A atop «-• j • ■n>l»
been foond j 2d^*f^xwa^c“l^“ 'sa?«T li«*te
made at tbe Soutb Masiton for pola-1 >“ rety had emdilloo. At PooUac. tie; Dr. Kinc-a NV* Life Pllla. a .n« cure
toaa bnt tbe Nortb HanlUm It no
«• Perfectly eamfactorr. Aey.! for all bou H and iiomacb dlMura,
headache. bllloutneM, eoMirekmcer oa tbe ibi of atopptne pUeea.! »om arenue in that city tielss pared
Kc. Onaraoieed at Jobnum Drus
ThaIllliioliWetoibcteThnradayot.l*^l‘- ««ror Gullett b gooted ax
Co.t, F. H. Memlt. S- E B’ait A
her way op and hailed ibe life aarlnc' *Vlns that Pontiac troold hare noth-; Sraf DniR Siorea. only J5c. Try
10 whom they dUlrerad madi-! the cite. Mayor Codd of Jaekaea alaothem,
daaa for the diphtheria patlanlx bat aald that the parlac wat all that
their way don WtH not make
On ibelr tour, tbe committee no
turn. Tba tronbla there woold
pDt tbe boat la gaatahUne and baal* some hltnllthlc parlnc that bad beep
neu b too briak at preaent to HA the laid three run and it appurod really
rhaiww, P^toet are lelllac here for better thaa when am laid. J. H. Cmel^ eenli on the market and frelclK mond. superintendent cd construction
rU the Uke pdda alx eenU more, tbe for tkb dixtriet. says that the Central
BUnUlhle company bu pavemenia of
(bb material In 160 different cities and
while the lobere retail for iblrty.are la all of them It bw proven all tbai
was eblmed and more. He npertaEnjoy i vi-rT privilep- wually
tended the bytac of tbe pertac la
esteo(i<-J by a n-lmbU- oiiO
Intaf Hnrrv ti tba poiaeaaor
tbair retiwa from the tannery In afty- Hanbiee, Cadillac. Charlerolx and
srellcxjaipp^ bank. Carrfol
two faofrab. tbU betac conUened to
and prompt attention
Iba cine taetorlee of Chleeco. Ten, O. P. Carrer of tbe
to tbe Buialk-et accotinU—
CBTloada of aacar and three earloadt of | lhai for hb part he ftrored bltuUlhlc
interest componmleO.
mtmtw tbe ebipmenu! ***
*" ^
it before be
- of................................
so after be
of the Itlinob fromjCbeboyfaji .while j*he Inspection end
Safety vault bon*e for rent,
back. Heuldthallhetwr.
SttewB tbiouch (aassBcars
paaseacers are 'enjoyenjoy' had
only $2.00year.
tac the trip, amonc Ihna betac Fn>d inc wu Jut exactly u vu claimed.
« tba uv a beaTy plank tell di
Andenon Of Omena. who Is mektas a
hand. tiTBiblas U ao badly that laadtChleaco.- Captain
CM altasUoa wu naeanary. He arlil RlebardsoB suted to a Herald re­
- ba BM op for a vaak or more.
porter that all hands nre making
dally stnau In tbe way'of Bin and tUc
beat drill and ao proadui sru hb
arm oBoor that be went tbrouch



M Silk UfflbreUas
Much Under Price


more than tbe cost of a cotton one, and yoo will have a dead*
ediy handsome x>ne at a very moderate cost.' The quantity b
limited, BO do not put off your buying toe long.
Here is what they are: Paragon frame (best there is
made), steel rod, natural wood handles, straight and. crooked.




This is a. chknee to get a nice .colored silk umbrelU at a triUe

Savings Book

Colors: Navy, brown, green, wine and plum, witb*pretty bncy
white border. We consider it the best umbrella offer made for
some lime,, and you will say so too when you see them. We
h^ priced th'ein


Clitittetton^^ waetc 2.75Q

Craoerso City State

9f berdaofh- lAbtb aad thb. too. eb the bac
lar. tta B- to Dr. T. A. WUbelm of aometuoll route. No fear et tack
Tiaraiae City. Hint Cany b a popn- drill thU atunmer.
tar MukesoD yoonc lady. Tfae w«d* tftaf will take place B Jane.
AiumM Sanq-Jet Poatponad.
At tbe muUDc of tbe alnmnl asson* iDDoiriBC
dauon bald ia ProL L B. Ollben’s of
nicht. It wudaddei
»tw«ay: Bran J. ttat. tiwarer Umc
daaaltMy puipoae tbe banqneL Tb
Itk* towuhip; naler Hama
sru dOB# besaiiM the aealor elasi aet
usaawar OarBcld: Oana Sbe
tU data of their exearahm m the da
dmk.Imnc Imka; Joha Lardla, dark
of tbe hanqoM.
PMlhaala umablp. and CBartm tnrAt thb maeUnx the foUowtac ofdht. ttaaomr PaMnanla (0««ab4
Bern wwe eleeted:
Praaldent. Lu Horuby.
all*. Finn HcHalMB o( Hen Ooaeanu Uki. a oobBs ot wui 8. Ander- Vlee inwalduL HoHob Wfliea. elaaa
an Hd oiatan. b bare on a rblt ot ct'M.
er tbrac vaeki at tba Bldcm-Wea
esttase et tbeAndmoBglrtalsBircb.
TOd. They bad not mat aaob etbar
Eighth Grade Eurclaea.
oiMa IM*. tblnymlBa fmn aga
The fellosriac pnwram wlU be reaIVMb Mn. HoKBt^lt bi^ aba «Ui
IflBk fdtar aoma la^ enipeity abe dwod by tbe ciadatlac ettaa from the
elchth endu of the cliy aehools at
StedaberTs Otaad Friday momloc.
mule It under the direclIoB of
HIM May P^ ud the whole progrsuB pcomiMi to be of craataat InurUbmeralac. .There b oaly ana other
agwey (w tbme —-*-'rTf ia the itau
nS Atu U at Datnll. Hr. Qayaea


One day bK week' srhUa UtUe'Ho ;
bars Brutoa and a plammta srere seuf.;
Stac la a playfnl ^ (bey fall and''
tba former au planed d«wa for a aie
totaarm sru lajarad. He did
pbln-nr It at (he time In aneh a WIT,
thing further thu a brobe but Wed- i
aaaday ll wu fonnd oa examlAatlOB to I
be Dactarad aad ssutcal attuUoB'
wu called aad tbe fracture In the forw

Attnrney J. J. TwUdle left Tues­
day tar .Ooldsrater. where be ap i
peata la a HUsatfaiB aalt ta tbe Pio-j
hate eouri. in the estate of Mrs. aloe'
Ransua of QalBcw- Hr. Tweddle rap-;
raaeau the eUMru of a deeuaed SOB
and the point In lUIcniioB b tbe bonk
eUKk Of the Flnt KatloBiS bank of
Qataey. B. U Dansom. another aon
of the late Chkie Rauom. bu alrudy:
goM to CoMwBUr to akpaar in ibej
sail, be and tsro «(her hrwthcrs rap.|
. reauUng'tbe beirt with the ehlldrU'
« Urn CDsr^ -brother, daduiad.


Shoe Prices
For Saturday
Hnd nextOUck

Then tell bhn tbool Ayer’s
Cberry Pectoral. TeU him
bov it cured yobrbtrd couch.
TcH bl* why you tlwsys keep
it in tbe house. TeQ bitn to
isk his doctor sbo« it. Doc^
tots use s crest desl of h for
dirosi snd hiac tnwbles.


the new "Gibson Tie" stylo
with no tips.

For 98C

Tor $1.19

A genuinv Kid Shoe, not a
cheap shoo but n good sliov
ohiwp. We bought them at
a ba^in and yoo got then
the aamc.




made in either patent l<..ather
or kid. They are band turn­
ed, ao ore very coniforuihle.

ID< don’t try to soil you obat
■ - atnkc,butabatyouaant.

For $1.69

For $1.35

Tbe beat $3.00 shoe yon ever
bought and ia really as good
M many $3.50 onoa. We are
making a reimtatiou on these

A man's S.itin Calf Shoe,
stylish enongh for dress, and
solid enongh for work. ComeB
in plain toes or tips.

(Do buy Ibo But and sell H lor tbt Const.

,Tor 50C


Tor 35C

Womtn boMst Sitpptn 1 Wtmtmo Strqt SUpptrs
An all leather Slipjier .made
oo a good wiile comfurtablc
toe. comes with atrap or nou

As fine a line and large assortment as you will find in tbe city. ^
All black Hose, ail sizes. lOc a pair.
Black Hose with white fool. I5c and 25c.
All lace hose, all black, 25c and 50c.
Solid black hose with lace boot. 35c and 50c.

Made of Patent Loathit in

Eoorybody’s Bondciiitg abort to ao lor the
but goods, Don't ao~eomc.


taomon's Oxiords

Alade with aa moeh stylo and
as good woaring as inost$1.50
one*. A fpw pairs with v«tiog top.

Grade chonn (a) The Oleuars,''.
P. AM; (b) **0ai the Henntaln.’' F.:

Have You
a F^riend?

Tor $1.00


{Dcnitn’t Oxford*

Belaethm by tbe BImwood bubu!

TMln eelo. UoaMb BeuetL
Bsaay. "Ufe ot Wagaer.- Capitob
VUaada-«f George B. Barker, for. MtinaeOa.
mmtr eltr adMar af the Datiy Sagte.
•Works of WacBCr.” Ollre
Java reeelTed tartutbas to hb wed- Pease; grade chgrua. . The Old
dfac. which wilt eecor at KlrfctvUle,. Guard.”
He.. June T. the bride being Mbs Ida I Batar, Floaale Campbell.
BraUear of that city. Mr. Barker U
Grade cbonis. -Song of the FUg.”
BOW one of thep rcvrtetoia of the Sand DeKortB.
baay. ■‘Amerlu and tu Aotbon.'
- •
Busle OirfaatL
here wUi ait^ ataeere tomj
ffihtriatloM Ud but srbhes.

Put umbrella on your memorandum.


-Tnst the coolest easiest thing
for warm weather, that tbAe
is. all sizes from 3 to h.

may 1)a9e emitted tbe article you maat
ChiMren-aShoC'ispecdahlSiton ...........
ChiWr«'.Sbo« («t«B00.i)5toS...........
Infants' Shops (bUek or tan) :i to C...........

Black hose with fancy* colored embroidery, 60cA splendid tan lisle for 25c.
A fine tan lace at 25c and 60c.
The blue lace sells for 25c.
The.all white lace costs you 50c.
A fine black lisle extra light gauze, for 2^ and 50c.
show tbe largest line of misses' hose at lOc, 15c and 25c.
Childrens' lace hose for 25c.
Infants' mercerized hose in pink, blue and white, 25c.
Infants' wool hose for 2oc.
Boys' “Iron Clad" hose, the strong^t double knee hose that is made
(sires 6 to 10 sell for 25c.(


A splendid assortment of domestic underwear, extremely varied
and attractive, enabling vou to get a complete outfit of garment* to
any size or style you may ask for.
Union suits are so much worn and we have them in any. way you
may require. Long sleei-es. high neck, ankle length, short sleeve,
high neck. ko«e length, low neck, no sleeve, low neck, long sfeere,
these sell from 50c to 1.00.
The other siyies of underwear sell from 25c to.50c.
A full line of Boys’ summer underwear at 25c.
Ei'erything possible in childrens' garments at 15c and 25c,
Ruben's vests for infants and children, any size sramed; sell from
25c to 1.25.

Stlkr.of 6fi0tl Shots

i, tm^Mcmv.


g BR Lake peo^ atuadBATCR.
stereos to tte! Hr. sad Mrs. D. F. HesMe west to
red br Pnfee-; Detroit Moadar.'iteanlBg Tbersdar
sea are harlot great aer Lon. at Bk Raitea. Sasdar
lake catehiag lake ueoc
-------- ~1 Dr. Sbaak aad partr caoghi eicht la *"Mr. and Mrs. George Frlak aad'pnrer
‘■Hj Ca- one aflorBooe. Others ate nakiae floe daaghter Tbtima of Asgcll rlelied. PMdar evMlBg.
wHb Mr. ead Mrs. WnUe GvUocb
ssre a dasce la bU oew
teatebea dall.'.
Mr. ate Mrs. A. ft Dovgtertr Tls-.baia last Prldar alghi. Quite a aamto hare tba CUMran’t dajr t
Tte Soadar Meoottal aerrica
. A DBBber of reoag people from here
be Oesgregailoeal ebareh were veir alleoded tte gradoalkw egmdeea at bed wtib Mr.aad Mis. Jobs Carsa Mst^ ber gaibette from aelgbbortag towns.
- Mrs. B. Hrwtlt and slater Mrs ^grr
post O. A. R. ai- , Cedar Frtdar ereolac.
a ebdr.
air. came to
tfe* ISm w. h. Fvtria si Cedar teoded la s bodr.
Mh OlteaB fma Gngerr resort
ite deacd^
far tte pastor, did (S- took tte Hlnoarl for Cble^ Wedaektett n)dar eetaiac.
__________ Pastor AlDagtos waa
__ _________
, Some of oar rwag pe-wle atumded
tOM MairaM HllloB vaa tIi
Ben. to Mr. aad Mn. Olte Stote-!tbe eommeieement ese-elsro o' the
taied br Rev. Ztemensaa aod
ter foraer mrita asd mode
Jso. ^^se. with a force of raer. U
. WnUamsborg ateool last week aas
steed from Ssd Ttaotbr. fad teap at work epeflag the road fren's lag. a deegbler. Mar Sitb.
Mn. Jtea Morrison is <n the site rcponftbeai verr good.
PnBk KMian tea a v^.Marlr __asd Srd reree. *7boa tberefore eo- eersers throogh Dar’e term, eoonecldsn bardabip oe w good soldier of Iv with tte roads to the Karrow*. It lut.
coiapIMed for FOreat Houea.
Mias Tlda Wsrner of HI
Jem Cbrfat.'will be complet '
speat a few dare lo tbU rlctalty.
,.................... ........ .........
Or. Prmllek was called to Kortb Maa- making aaotber ____ ___
Mr.aad Mrs. Win Power of Ellc Bap i tber will make ibelr borne throasb ..
itoo ialaad laat sight to attoid a dipb- v|,tes the r«ioe li becttelag a«led.
therla case aad retnniod this a>orB-|
W. Harwood U maUnc Improro- Ida diore throogh here laat Baadar- : tummer.
Mar t>.
i Mrs. Hair Baker sraa called to A1
Dents at Lorelei Lodge. R. H. Dat^a
Mias Liable eloste her aprtac tern lag.
den last Thnrsdar ot arwot
^Pf.^M^Mn. Fmllek teteitalaod .| collage.
cottage. A new Idle:
kUcteo aad bedroom
d w^l ten laat Fridar.
. Ulaess of Mr. Bake's motter Mr.
pODbr logs,
HtsT Wa. U Haotdtac sod aos “jtea Baaka”
..Baker went Saterdaj-and will reinrn
re He
Trsrerte Cttr
Cter were ealtee (orsierir owned r Jtea Rucers.
Sewer of- Trsrene
A- Hteronr.
has eooilderable
rorli OD A.
here etertar laat —^
cottage, oew feaeei. panting, etc.
MfTts are ^roDiiax eat all
Cbas. Oerr baa bla bonse raised sad
tWMo ta;
- • --------last Satnrdar morelag to>«*“
Miss Ida
Famat bas resi
resumed her
the grooad
toes, bet onlr bought one M. as
dotles at aebcKri after an absence of tbe cellar d
tor tte wall
most of tbe farmers are dlssatislieO
Jelite QrlsdateaB baa Jolaad tte Died at IM borne d her mb. Mar. two
John Lawrence U aMrrIhg into- _ - . .with the oTice aod do not seem ,ln
Messrs, tewrance Dar and Albert
tS. Mrs. Baldwin, aged mother of Mr3s. John U •**“*lelioed
arrlred - A. M. 8mii
to sell.
<rfBaM«a^r haacalled ran Bsldwla. Tbe faaefsl eerriees
lions at Lorelei lodge.;*" **”
here ete^ tlBies oMate OB en Irasl- were held at Wexford tenreb 8aur>
«. sm.a
Tber dined with D. H. Dar on Suads,-. , and
der et l:S0 br Elder Oeorge.
Mrs John Uwrence were
Mar **. J905.
Mar 2*. >»0S.
Mr. and Un. W. P. Caanie and aoa
ene' Clir last gatordar
Harris of FVe Lake rlilted at C. B.
ie SteiBon
Stmaoi god bis father aad
Caante> laat 6tmdar.
-arekate from the sunnr tooth.
Grant teurte le pnpsriag tot
bate task to nadertake thr
Miss Lottie MeOarry left WedneP
let- Aid
LtelesA met last Tburada}':
drea's dar.
:h a bed ease of kidaer dls
_ _
■ r On
Omeaa to soead the amat - Jwitb Mrs Wm AIgnIn. There was
dar for
Bsra Bconeu U Improrlag tbe looki Ste wlll I
thd^3» sad eompUcsUaea to aodi i
missed br her g
not a Terr l*r*c attendance owlog to oaac at that of C. F. Collier, of Chero­
ouSjbst hia roeoTOT at one time of blB farm hr pntuog np a new l«iee. friends bere.
I the relar afternoon. The nett meet- kee, la. bat Oectrie Bitten did It. H'
wasdetfMfal.iaaUbraeeat ea]ortr-“
___ ntiluraed bo
Mrs. Joe Galereo
' tag will be with Mrs. Henrr Newcomb. writes: -Mr kidaers were so far gone.
- wt sit on a chair wiihooi a
from Trarcree CItr Moadar.
I Tte bors are cajorlng «l»arliig
aad angered from dreadful
corcred from her recent llincas
; snteers nos-adaj-s In the ercte bere.
beaiiacbe. - and depresFioa.
Mr. and Mrs. Cl^r ‘ “
Mar *S. 1W5,
In Rleelr
libel and
cure. ae<
It Bondar
was thoogbt-------------------------------- with Hr. and Mrs Will Prealice.
strawbentes woald be UDed. hot there
Mil “
«esa to be bat UlUe barm done to spent Balordar whb friends la this:, 1 H. A. Caiieton. bas started on
nera. lleer or st
Jobneon Drug Store Co, F. H. Mead:
tern. U tber prore to be all right
hen vU! be an abimdaat ciep of both. "^^el Crandall spent SnndaT wlJ
0*. druggists. l»riec
alt A...................................
Mar 21.^
Hiss Nellie Tbompson of Marlleld.
Mias Maggie McOarry closed her ^ Uoas is to be made.«e. demeat rlelted Traeerae
school at Beltner Frider afternoon.____________
i John D. Rockefeller. Jr. Is suffering'
C»7 «« dar lost wMk.
Bongs and redtaiions were on the pro-1
jfrom nervous drspcfials. tbe same mtl
S. a Beaiacer weal
gram for tbe afienteoa.
I «***■
idlebea added to bis
caased the retlremeat of bl^ ^
Hiss Btra Blxbr of Travene Clir] pai
aaaoB U rial maa of Btepin U 4
- father from buslneas. aad wMfh dc-'
^lag a felr dam with Mrs. W... |
lit ^teothar Oarteaa aad wife «
Bsrrr King, forau .
fled all ireatmcnt foVeo-many ycirs. ' A
Titeed with Meads ben-------- —
Mnl!%a Bsasaford weal to Trer- life sarlag atatloa Mcmdar and Tms of bit motber's death at Saginaw. He! sate and eren med
•rae CMr •>">» dar Met weak.
No Secret Abetrt It
left Wedaesdar to at'ead the funeral.;^
F- A. Oregorr landed ben oi
C At Owk and vfe aad daa^ter
n Is DO secret, tbsl for eou. bnms.
Hr. aad Mrs. Floyd Jones were Trar-1
SetsSaea Arbor were la tows last Mltmri Sstattlar alghL He
'•^olcera. lever sores, sore eye*. boDs.
erse Otr callers Frtdar.
■pend a eoaple of weeks at bU
etc, Dolhing Is ao eflerllve as BackWill Dereadorf and tamllr mored to [ l
doaed hla school U the OB OkB Lake at the Harrows.
QuaraatlBe Is etui la foree on North
Maha iisatet Fttdar.
Mar ». ms.
C j^teemi. and wife are eatertalo- Maalloa Ialaad. Then bare been two
ISA M«BlooiB*a sBther of Lodla«Um. flMthaelMe last rep '...................
Hone%7i"^”afjote®mELK LAKE.
Iba.'.'WiB. GeS weal to Ttseene asd TMUe Plater d
The Ladles- Aid aociesr
-- ird Phhet
< srbich an nported doing Mrs. WUltsm 0«e Isst-Tbarsday.

Grand Traverse Region.
i ^

We ue
of tbe
fitted in


biMt eqnipped in tbe eitj.


' devote OUT en*
. _
twe Attca^ to
tbe .dteeetiaB and ceewe
bnman eye.

An those which give the reqared retaltfl.


If Ton Waal Glasses Gnaniitccd to Gire SattsfacUoi, Consoll
DR. P. A. WOLFE, OptometrisL
Suits 4l3tel4 Wtmalm B

' TravarM City. MIeh.

Try a Herald Want Ad.



Security and Satisfaction are fou^ in
Banking with


Traverse City, Michigan.





everyone should not have a well furnished home. Our plan of selling on easy payments makes it possible for you to furnish your home complete, regardlera
of your financial condition. Just a small payment down and the balance at your own convenience. Many a dollar is wasted through trydng to do without.
Our stock is the largeet and most complete in Northern Michigan; our prices are theJowest that can be found. The fact that we buy for three large stores
enables us-to buy In quantities that the smaller dealers could not handle. This enables us to make a fair profitat prices that would prove a loss to o^ers.
200 Styles

BMoHae Stoves


Kodnat, so dirt, no
odor, jont the thing fcanuniner hm; will cool a
large meal or do a faak.
ing vitbcnit beating tbe
room. AUgnewflbip.
BMot Jnat airiTed.

sted Kasses


One a

besatilnl solid

wood Chair, all posts and




shaped seat, high emboss,
ed back, jut Uke cat

Only S2.7S

Dining Cables




CWmib from $23.76 m

Cook Stoves
ebooae tt«n; thia fact
■ «aUeayou% get 'just
what TOR want at jnat
wbatTonwwt topay.

Picture Frames
omde to order, any Site, aOSl^HoaUiBga. WBOMW
SHADES made in aB
M work enrated I7 an

Small Payment Donm

' er, strictly goarantced

Only 5.75

morri* Cbalr.

Bulftts and Sideboard*

Iran Btd*

Only $12.50


mitntt, only •ia.7S

Hondrod styles, any
si*c. any color: every
iron bed in our stuck
is gnamntceil to give
good aen-icei a good
full size beavv Iron

Only $2.2*

> OIEJF. Kite Bemmirnm mnte *THon


styles from $2.75 sp.

Tbe mty's beat
laortmcnt- at the
elegant oolid oak
I peojde'e b»t price
qaarter-sawed Bnffett, daih golden finish

A BEAITIFI^L Sideboard wellmade, handsomely finiahed in > rich
dark golden oak. large Prearth ijlato


Machines in ISdiffemt


J. W.

A good bench Wring.

Tab Wringers, from

Tbe most complete
line of
ever shown here :it
prices that the smaU.T
bayers can not doplicaie. One a solid wellmade. all oak stand, rich
dark golden
top 34x24

Only 90c Eacb




Partor Stand*

SpAOl^l—A lot of Diners
jnat like eat, a^ped aaddle aeat, high
emboaeed bath poata and a^ndlea all
tuned finiahed in golden oak


Only $3.zs
til I'xceptionally fine
’ line from
Sc> our r.1.50, SIO-X)
and S12..T0 Coodi.-s.

If jron are looking for Dining
Chairs bay where yoa can choose
from the beet asecNtmest



Dining Cbairs


Baby Cabs
45 different styles of Baby
Cabs. GO-Cs^ aod Folding
60-Carts from $1.75 np.
Don’t ftdl to see ou medinm
priced line ranging from

12.50 to 20.00
Best in the City.

Same chair with good

all stjrles, lowest prices oar assortment embraces &U tbe
latest deaign legs in tables, n good solid oa\ table will seat
Um people. . Orhly •S.OO,

; Onr line of Steel
Bai^'waa never more
ponirfete than xww. A
laqi« aix-bole, bigfa
•mb Steel Bange, aU
Bitettoa padied, wilb
high eloaet and leaerTDir,



The easiest sitting Chair
sold, ran 1>>' adjusteil to "any
position. Bi-ginning as low
as $4.75.
Don't fail to look py«ro
mammoth line of Carpets, '
Boga. Oilcloth and Linolenm |

In floor covertly large
enongfa for an ordinary size •
room at less than coat.

Easy Payments



THUmM.V.JtiNR t. 1t8L

. woftmukYrmo.
jKWfcjtiSpelboww Mft ikt tMdMr.
U> her him*
HoTt it «nsU
Bo^-aTfcM tUjttU Bodv.
Mr. MU Hn. Wm. Tutor rtolud Hr.
-----Tulor «< Pi

*^?2’wui ta

.' tsloM «lwt^

bar* prarad aartoaa. WHk a Ufbtad
sbur. Mn. Mm maick
be tinned eC the Ca* and aa
eaplOBloa Mlaved which borwed hi*
Ber. Om. LMTla
Levla of rmsktoct 1
Ibe elchih srade
•t ecu* parwtB Hr. •>« k
.......... hfwia. Hit vr«k.
Hovard Loocka U elcrtlBc tor Un.
B. C Brravr dortac tb* alnMW at
apaafcer «< the eraadaa Mr. W. K Per
Hr. Tabbovr.
Mr. and Hri. Htarr Ftwter of AMa N* or the Big Raptds BaataieBB eollegc.
beU the awUaaee pirteeUr. Breir <me
ra rWtlBK Mr. and Hn. B. Laan.
joa aad Himto Aadrraoa bare re- more thaa antored the erealag. PoUr
hr* haadred were preeeot aad erery
tnraad trom Oiaad Rapid*.
Mr. Bebaetiler ha* rawrered from arailabte eiMM belag oeeapied. Below
.J* reent aerere lllam* aad i* the I* the prograiD glreo; Cboni*. -SuuSfeagled Baaaer,coat at bla daasbter. Ura. W.
MB BU rune

bDB aad U^Kropp bare laoTed
Mr. aad Mia. I
aiatag their eiothw. Ura.
mffl to North OoUt aad i
__ . ^ or MantoD. aad their alaalee lomber.
a ter. Mr*. Boy Wood, of Detroit.
lid r. HoaU au.
Mayof Staraty waathe
rgirao brW.N
CampbeU orer 8o..._
r of Hoaor ia trlaltlag
b« father. 8. P. Tracy, for a few day*.
Mr. aod Mra. O. B. Heib-ook of
Trarerae City are gaeau of mend*
______traded I^U laal
M ao« drirtag a fiaa apaa of ad retailraa.
Fred WUeoa apant Bandar
home la KJagaley.
Blbrtdge Aldridce of Bapth Boardana vMtad la PVe Lake Saaday.
paeta ft pbwt ft pwatoaa.
Mia* Blla Ule of Oden la the gw
of ber eoaaU. Mlaa Ethel Blaelair.
Hn. John R. Burkholder died at her
J. P.'asralt* la poUw to Big Rapid*
ftla «g« to suead the Ferrta laaU- home Wedneaday moralaju Mar *4.
a a Uhgetlng tUneaa. She leave*
laabaad. three daaghtera aad two
a and many mend* to Qoum her

aolo. -Chaageleea Ue Love of the

-’i.\srgsu ss

— • It we Two —
__ _
_________Ira. Bright
leleetlon. Bla^teUi Solllvao: daet.
-Life'* Dream U Over," Measra. Pow­
er* aad Roegeegger; non*. “Peaerfnl
Klgbt,- Cedar ante qoartette; leetnre.
•HaklBg the Worid Better.- Woodbridge N'. Ferrla, presldeat FerrU Inatlune. Big Rapid*. Uleh.: remark*
aad pretMt^m of ^P***"^ hy^^

:i^' :ii:


eknr tbla ymi. and alUniMb the wb>d Mra. Stoanacw.
Hr aad Ura. JcKa HoOeua apeat
The fneml of Bfwta LMbUa vaa, Saadar *1
*i 0_________
OM Hlaaicn.
OtiT* Lardle I* MWklftv
worklag tnr
h^ maa ibe S^taira
Salau eirenh SVU«r
Piidar. , fMln
Bev. Daria at Sowth Boardmaa. asalat- ! Piaak SmUh.
Hra. Charier
ed far Sder P. 8. BmekeobarT. oSeiai. Chrtdbpbcr
tag. The wife and chlMrea hare the, aad tamUr *P«it Saaday with Hr. aod
armpathr of maar rrleadt.
' Mr*. J^m Lardle.
Har SO. 1*05.
. Ml»» UlUe H«*m la rlalUag;
ral breeding ptare fur dl«ea*e baMhax relief. It to aheolBtrty aecew
frieod* at Ibii *. P. P. Lardle apent
genat la a weak etoamch aad dlgeetlre aary. If oce wtobeb lo be well, to aaa
Hr. aad Hra.
food, laaiead at belag ai- Hl-ona. tbe only kaowa lemfdy that
i elullaied. uirn* tato a aoar. allaiy. fvr- aoothes and beala tbe mamas meia. meatlai; ana*, caostag-'gaw*. dlatreer bnae eg the tiomacfa and dicestive'
! after caUeg.^ bloanag. naniea aah fiai- tract. sUmnlate* the acBarptoxtu. aad
agalad the • Trarerae Otyi
ttresgtbetu the nerves of the stomach.
team by a cior# of M to «.
Ultena Is A ruanntced care tor all
■_1^. M^E: Baird 1* vUUtag triead*;I ,
Aak Pee.
fataed.-end pltapl«. bolU. dlMSM-* of tbe etoasBch. extepUag
>»d bkarhed akla I* tbe malt Nerv- ranevr, a gB«ia
iianiee being given by &
Jao. Bawyan ha* booght the Frank;' Whea
------------------ --------^ -aad bl^ly ousatess
- -tmTeiee Cllr
Boss tfllh every J '
K Wslt A So:
»wyer farm located «oanh of Craa-1 "•P'fWK*
teO. agreeing to refund thTmS
111 * mill and has moved <mi there. . Bake ■acb
mnst carry eonvleUon lo evevy' from any olhrr oar cao«|^
remedy not give perfect
M. E. Baird goc* to the new lowa of
Wexford every Friday aow and expect*--------^
. pot ha more time there at toon a* I >*« Alrlr* S. Jackaon of E. Front
Btroei. **yt: '
u,, while my
great many people eotne to the ktasband was la tho Hril war d for
Silver lake reaon every Sinda.' re- year* afterward*, hroko me dd
bad a
gardlet* of the ftet that It wo- i 5e!»«r twenty yeara.
rwdy to open before tbe mUdIc
roBsnlted **1.1 I had llvn* trouble. I
next month.
have taken a* mwh
H«y5*. '905.
'II might i
their medicine, Ju»t
c<Hd waiei
I need the woo! and must have it Moui-jr is no object. I
I commenced to use Doan's I
. Pill* I was almoai paralyiet flr*i
lit;VI- made contracts with two of the Urceat woolen miUa in Ufo
Tbe Ladies' «
Aid .society
N. Jaml*^
Tbaraday after- ooUctog IMn church one S^day morn
East, one for bne-tjaarter blood and tbi^-eiglitbs blood, aad
, Ing when it n^qulred an cBon to get
the othftr mill for all tbe lownat Rndi« I can Rft I mtist hare
Mr. Plau of OroenvlUe. a candidate on my feet, and nben on my fwt I
for tbe paaiorate of tbe BapflH church could hardly stand for a m
in nl! thirteen oar loads of Uiebigan wool. I am therefore will*
at Kingsley, wai making call* In Uarins to pay one cent a {Knmd more than any oUmt local buyer
Aehl aed vttialiy dnrlag the past week. thrum Into my kldnea * the pale could
have been mnre Intense. Sleep to"
Roy Gibbs,
Gibbs. wbo has lately rrtiignaM]
pays, aut) if you will brlni; me your wool, and do trot find this
:rance la which !
•hodd here Moedsy.lBe
oxactly as I aay. I am willinR to pijr from $1.00 lo.tS.OO iot ynor
• squirrels, birds aad dlslorteU HgHitts Ethel Crandall nr Keysloar
--------- ------ i,
ures. As might pe expected, anno}- • trouble in romint;. -\lso, whoever needa a ahcaM, by machine
lag difflruliy with the kidney «.-creguest
. .
or by baml, can send nu> hisntldrraa and bow niany fleeieeg be
Mlw Uariaa CIbba daughter iifUrs itiona cxUinl. and I was ariually in
of'torture from thirst. 1 used seven
J. L. Gibbs. Is ate W tt>e gradt
has, uml I will send tin- sbiwier. Also, I would be
to have
'boxes of Diiat's Kleiner PUN The
the Tnvene City high s
you call at tny warehousp and see the wool I am setting, and
persUieuily clung t
in* which
yon will find I am not blufhnR bat need thia foil thirteon carloads. .Brinjt your wool ni«l your monc}- is ready for yon at 16
Bwmlng stid spent tbe forenoon la uoiH I oo"M road for three hours
d improving the place ' v'cry evening, an utier Impnsslblllty
ouiHvs to the i»nnd.
re Johnson and Miss'before Fcorameoced tbe trosimcBL I
Ruby ^rick of Kalamaxoo arrived i »rtll gladly give minuter panleular. ^
- ixrdsv to
brother r
730-7aa E. Front Stroat
BMbPhsaa ItemUftottem
arlck and Mrs. Bert, Kidney Pills to sny lady who cato on
her relatives andlioe personally. If sb^ rally suflfrs
irned today.
tram kidney ccmplalsl gfd withes lu
trteoda They returned
:; J™®
Onr aebool will close Fndsy. May 3.! k”ow
Miss Amy Weidmaa. whu has uugfai i rclli-f.
all dealers. Price
bare for three yMrs. goes co teke Clt) ■
Hlibnra Co_ Butti
fo» a vacai'un and will i.-arh In Vhe
''■• ’ cent*. Foaier-Mllbutu
: Now York, sole ageals for tbe United
school of that place next year.
^member the nami>—Doan's-and
The eommencemenl exercise* cf 'he '
SIcn Arbor school will be h '
Sheriff Tom Word of Portiand. Ore..
all on S
-he pubi
* at- aBBonacee that ta the event of any
- mao being aeatceeed to the whipping
Dr. Sfaank; or Empire s
for wlfe-beaHng. he will deputise
Mrs. Wcatcoit. who has beee n the' the
sick lift several days, la gctiliIng be.-, (Mb*,.

No Need to Fear **Germ8*’ if the Stomach
be Healthy.

c«, r™.™. a« .^..1 s^w"^rsr.s~:,r,s

Umbel Tbompaoa. Lucy Pott. Ben Meqaeer.
Cedar hae good, np-lo-due acboolt
aad It derotrea upon the people to
keep them ao by taking an Intered la
-them aad Tialiiag them three of foar
Ume* a rear, attend tbe adioel
Inga and aboailder pan of
B^lty amide from the tax paying.
MayS^M*!^ ^
d meeUng
Ing iiis daled for the
amad Monday In July this year, and
• t r* come pro
Wa bad a.aio* rale taat Tbaraday
Hay 30. 1905.
had a b«d fyoit on FHdar aIgbL It ‘^IbTbuhet baa girl* gave a dHlgbiiQobdma lf«we were gMag to bar*, a lal dancing party la the Q. A. R. ball
M »oot^ ■!> pMatod aroasd
Mr. and Him. Bdward Carpeeiar
Fucker, at C
drove over to Heal Worwb Baadgy for
...................... at tbe Flm LuMra T. R
theraa diur^^. (Me Hartiheoa and )v«mlng from Keeae.. ....w.
da HdEm. Rev.r. Jtrtin J. Haak- has been visiting her sisters. Mn.
Emma Dinger and Mn. Ida Btanum.
Lewi* ia away cn profeaMn. Anna H. Ctaypool called •
____ ____ laeat and Mr*. Levrt* is vl*- Hra ABBle Amlmbuebler; also Mi
^^jMStoM^n^doa* this woak Frl- lUng la TTavarae City wUle be ta gone. Frank Dalsell on Pridsy last
BgR than will be a plesic on the taat
teat Tneaday Mn. Haren* Hoyt and Hiss Marie Kalrenon will give a box
Mn. E. C. Van De Walker ralBraed ■odal at tbe Miller school on Friday
Mata Etri^ar to batiar again; from vlilta to frleada la the aouthem
.............................. es bring the bo*
An ted baM tU tor aoma time.
*rt of •
. _
ih. Bveryone is
MiBB Clara Barth .vtaUad at Joa AllBaterday a* Fred Breaiar wan cerdlaUy Inrlied u come.
a waU OB bla lot in thla vlUage.
sRwf* over Bandar.
Ur. and Ura Brail Lautner eaUed <
MF. Allglfalu
^ pipe
ptpa whM
wbia ...
had bem going itowl•ly Mr. aand Mra Louis Hatverson,and tamthe
at iiy, a week ago Sunday.
Mted. Ha had .
for soma thaa saddanly di .
a foot oatU the eonpllng caagbt upon
Hra Anna Claypool and Hn. Lmey
"^‘‘iUlSw-a'^ar. Mr. Murphy, the platfovn. aad Mr. Bremer wat aor.................
~ 1 Iasi
OB Mrs. —
EIU Oooi
-m ftaM last Mcmday.
prtaad by a ahower of water at
rtm* wn be giaoibar danarn at Bal- itoaea. The well Is only 53 f
Miss Marie Manliou left Batarday
bat the pra«ure If sulBeleat lo raise morningt ffor Petervllle, Mkb. where
tbe water to a beigbt of about 60 feet she will s-----------------------above the grooad. which at thU pUce
Hr. and Mrs. FTankEIMaa
U on a level with the top of Larson's -aa City eallcn last Friday.
waitW. OomMon vMUd li
Park Hotel, and a* the pnatore inBorne farmen who have been
eraaaaa aa tbe flow eoatlnues. it aaeina
”^Tte aomaart glvte bf'lha bead la iba a* tboogh the fttare aupply of water
ILK-ebareta last Taaadar evanlng for thU TtUaga Ues imdas our feet In,
Mrs. Cook went to Trarerae CT;y
___ uwaups
of In aowe dtotaai creak. We
maa qt»a srtil attaadad aad wai grauhope that tbe village eooiieU will take Mr. and 1
r Thursday for a few days' visit.
Henry Seesen left FYlday morning'
‘'rn^Oar^ipaat Sonday at tala supe to aeeare ibl* aapply for vllage Bunday.
pairpoaaa. and tba* give u* a eowrty of
. .1 Far Easier to CurwCaUrrt Now Thar.
at Any Other Season.

■ ‘
weBaadvarynacb. Utbedliwetprasthe time to use Hyemel.
two children and tbe father and. when the early summer days make It'
aara to not aaOelMt for eventing boae
•p^« er
mother jare able lo be up.
so easy to currcsuirhal troubles. The
Mr. Ad Mra. B. W. Davaraanx.
In an part* of the vlUage. there U eer- clocks and watches.
The J
mee' lu Uif Hj'omei tresimenl. Iitr-sihed
talaly preaaure enough to “'• •
Hiss Rlhel HInshsw vneol s few church a week from r'll
meaha of a hydnolk ram . _ .
thr<-.or four ilmos a day 1
voir which ralgbt be placed on lop of days at Traversedty. the guest, of her and will ooB"B-.e to meet ihe-e
Hattto Tautoa at Eaaaoala Sonday'.
May or June, will do good twlee a
Mrs. Will Adalt.
n iwo weeks
Mlto Myrtle Haddlag ratamad home tbe hin which It situated eoBvealemly aUter.
week* during ibe
the sum
summer__^^yfiiicUy as li did la January, and
------»ek ol
of tensing ws* Injwo
Ben Btwn of Lelsod drtT< I tllfough
' m aifkt t« Abb Arbor, where sar the well.
•Brough I ij
ly cven-oj
even-one know^ i bat used fslU
>wu Tbnrsdays selling fish.
' ccumplelely rids >be sysp
■te tea apmt a
ibea, It
Mr. Van and famUr of But Jordan
Mrs. Rogt-ra and daughter E*<
E*tli«C^] catarrh.
have moved into the honse vacated by South Manltou arc here vvlslilng>-4lyomi-l
HlnS'i'~-Nyomi-l is a purely vegetable prepaNORTHPORT DEPARTMENT.
lam Seadav avaatac
ji rmlRm
rmuim whose active
acUve curative pro
Ctertea Mack arrived from Cbaitoilton* Bay is friends.
when It Is breathed
by aU. Rev. W. B. voig Friday aigbt aad spent Sainniay
■n off wh
L. Dayton.
t wraactod a fl
«pped upon a chair lo taljusi s by ibe aid of the pofck<-{ tohaler that
with frieods in town, returning * Lalu aeveland and Allle Bend tain
It Upped over, ihro»:t,. her i)rwu.„,n,y, *^[l, every oatfli. It destroys
aHUtoroto Saaday morning.
le and the orAaaira rt
and hutting her so badly that shei gjj germ life In the nlr passages, puriMra vnaiam Darrow and son. aois«1 Hlnihaw aed family
': fles the blood hy supplying addlllonni
npaalad by Mtoa Edith Dame, ar
J. W. OWM vast to MUwaakaa ..
' otone, and iu bealing. volaiile. anilivad DoM Trarerae City Ttawnday.
nes broken a* It was septic fragranre reaches every eo
' nran*r of Mat matk. vantmlag MaeSaaday In .
feared there was. 8be Is eonOned to
the respiratory tract as no medi
- Arthur Zimmerman gave a very In- her bed. but feeling vorr comfortable of
taken through
Stomach can porsltoremlag and pleasing talk to tbe
■ the caro of Mrs, Sarah J. Miller biv do Mra. R. H OampbeU apent Moaday yoimg folks o' t-he Buworib .league under
maMav to vii,.
__ ft Traverae (My.
of T-ave*ac rity
compute Hyomel ouifil c»ti*
last Sunday ovraing.
. They tw- The M. B. cteir attended aervlcea
but one dollsr. and conslsu of a iit-ai
Tbe many Mend* of Prank Dalton
Inhaler that can be cairlod In iho
Latoad Saaday aftevwKm.
are glad to see him out again.
e lencbert. Ia»t puree or vest-pocket and will last a
8. W. Porter tecft Thuraday
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin teharo of |
E and were served with Icc' IlfeUme. a modlcln- dropper, and a
Traverae (aty.
Omeaa spent Sundav' with Hr. aad
and cake. They passed the bottle ot Hyomel. Extra Nnilet of HyA reeeptioa wat held at the home ot Mrs. Cha>. ABderaon. .
I* a trip to
can bo procured. If desired, tor
Mia* JaUa MlUer oa Saturday eveaHla* Qarda (ftrlacm who U oa North ,
the bright spots In their mem- fifty
ftg in hoaor of the new laemher
Manltou Islaad, It very sick w)ib Olphof the year when
the Bpworth leagae. The eveateg
iroul.ies ean ho so qulrkiy*
spent ft omee. nu>«>c aad eodal
Little Mar Fisher of Notjh Haniiou
merit* of the
diiy cureil. ■
boft R Rapids Baturdav. where she vertatkML after which retreshm
Island died o' diphtheria laat week
... _ treatment at;
shotnd Im- earofuUy
tea b*te laklBc tKatmeat (or the last
Tbe pareau have the sympathy of the
Mrs. U. H. Deake Is very h
InresOgaied by everyone a
H. E OUl apeai Moaday a'l eaUre community.
two weak*.
ervoui prostration.
Mrs-H. Mtotaoa. Mra. C. K Pray and Trarerae (Rty.
Tbe Kortbpori choir aided In the
I §■.*& Wall A Son? give their fMwsonkl
Rev. Beaaett of Battoas Bar wUI BtallsUon of the Epworth league SunMra. Baliaeat atteadef tbe gradoatlng
... , fwante® 'Vi'b '■'■‘•'T Hyomel ouifi'
WBKelaa* at WUBamaburg Friday -jcapy the p. ' • Heciw McLean hi* rented part of |
refund iht money If ti doe*
Uonal dkank
apa.4. BrocaaheaBaad Hra. W. Mai- eveaftc.
belle teBontv and Hetirv. Godfrey
J. Span^e aad ftmlly spent Saaday aad Barney Elseobelmer of FrovetanOR Bttaadad the gradaaUi
: SnttOB* Bay.
moBi were In town Sunday.
t Reynold*
old* was brougbi
Fred DortitoWT U viattftg relaUves
r aueaded the
Mlaa Lonlte Warner spent tbe week
fllver ouanor was found lir
from Mn., H. U.l
aad friendi to lowa.
_____ _____ abscess in the shoulder
Muriel Wrtaler . speat Monday
*A*a*Pi5%qal to Traverae City Traverae aty.
'■""7 ""'™
- “ P.
» 8.
8 C. E, gave a
Westwood, formerly of ibis placi-. were: Yeager, a i.-amsic r for klarshall F;..d
Rev. C. F. Sohate* spent tie v
._jt«h parkm
nS*.^Sr^iwlativ«s la ____ ______________ibchuic
Pbri Oneldi.
■ywn last «eek preparing lo ship their t Co. of rhlea'go No i-nion man !s
<m Friday eeeniiig in ftmor of tbe now
MMl poialoes.
i .reused of haring pul H there.
ehurdi member*. Tbe evealBc waa
Is teaching at Good
Ben Davis' brother of Cfaleago has______________
pleanatly spent ft gamea after whieb
ahia^ mill, moved Us family .
rme to spend the siimme- with him
CSwfum here a few dart ago.
The next W C T I' meetloe will;
* Continual gtra.n.
Mr*. C a K^l t
lint CUataa and CUE prs- played
itr*. Geo, Bowman's June, Many men and a-oroen are constant-'
tea ft Traverae Chv Batnidar.
to whai they commonly
T. M. gave qa Ice
Mr. aad Mn. R. B. Btram vlsliad at
.term ~a cuniinual sirain' bheause
tell oa -HoBday evening. cvevnuae. ,
Mr. Imrtii-i Sunday.
s as iruuerxAj
tendcTOii;. *ouiv
tome financial
or family trouble. Hr*. Ida Bndd apent Mcmday
Orville ftaeaell STlved Tbaraday Arthur eeeu
Hinmii Johnaaa drove to Traverae
Abel last Friday evening ai]wcar* and distresses them
Traverae City.
•venftg frifti Nile* Mich., on a vUlt lo Deake’s
•itog Ihetf
hall bv (he many friends' tally and phxsimir
The alnmal baaqaei wU be teM
fall paroPU.
Rra? vlaltad tctomdi at
B be has made while aeUng In the nerves tmdly amid brtnpng on.ltvcr and
onr* ball OB Wedneaday evenftg.
P. S. Brarkeabury and daughter capacitr

' “•
wSoBdar. '
Itb ibe aticndact
teacher in o-jr schools the. kidney
Jtme Ith.
Josic came over from South Board, past two of
rears. He lefi fo' bis home - evils,of
Ht*s Tetta Bimagle spent Monday
nun 40 attend tte (wnni of Edwin to Waiervllei
Traverae aty.
. a* a rule,
best wisbee of all go alti him to hU I spondeney.
Cttr vtoiUd rMatlvw here Saaday.
Mita Hand Budge, was in Uat week.
Robert Dell wa* down from Trav- new
• ■
; get rid of this “contitlnoal strain," but
■UMel (Jteaay was a Tmverae City J. O. Plank arrived ft town Wedaet(^It.r'F'ddav.
Laura Maynard left -Honda} for they can remedy ltdIt healtbslestroytng
day eromftg,
___ w one day last week.
F. J. Mepkftt
went towent to Wexford a Hiss
summer's vfttt at her old home in | effects by taking
,. frequent dose,
doses of
H. U Tboma* apd Mr*. P. Ouftff Satiirdav
.Tte ahlB^ miU bad a__________
.irdat for a visit vrith her paronu. Berrico couatv.
-t's August Flower. It tones
mMAM M rwD Bauiday. bat atarud Ktsrned borne Wedawday eraatag. Mr and Mrs. Carlft .At- the liver, •tlmulaie* the kidney*.
Mn Flora Danr-rraond
after apeodftg ^e fllater ft (ftUCora^lB this tootaftE.
down from Trav wood
. J. (kdgrove
hrelihv t*
bodllv functions, gl'
:fpg busftcts.
'* '■'sores
sure* hcalihy
Mm Broo^taad ft tevftg hit h
bnslneas FridaMist
r^Hra. J. Palsaer, d«o baa been IU. U
I—lift. Hr. Bowmaa or Ttai
Ben tesbkft came borne Iasi week friends at W< stweod.
and- eveDtaally dIspeU
to aneod tte funerol
The Rev. Deake of Grand Rapids bp or mental dlstres* caused by
Hn!»^; who has been the gaeat tber.
rived Monday, calk*) hr the Ulneea of -Unaalfctraln.- Trial botlto of August
>f W. fteeic and family, left Monday
Tte Maecabee daeee held lari FTttoake.
or ber bomi at Crawn.
^ oreaiiig waa not very well atieodheld1 ttelr
. . .. f
Mtoa Carottae Wagbo fiafabed a
teenth annual meeUng last Wftnesday
waatal term of school at (be Blgbt
Hrs. BrowntoB murned F
at tte rosldeBce of 'Mr* IJoberi CarSeuBtor Philander C. Kqox faa;
thto week.
from a several m<mtlu visll with
Very laleresilng report ft leaaed hit Pittibiui; home. He will
Mn. Myan Albright was eallad to Mlaa Violet Akeia spent Sunday at Uve< ft New York.
■ >c br two o' tbe'
Vmv mt
tv tte Oftaa* of a rel- ber 'borne near Hatebb Ooas'- About 6.M0 ralataew tront
_______ wbo « . oresent Old of- live ft Washington during tte wfttor

Mlaa (Jarry at Lee** Bay _
ptoatedJD East creek yeeterday.
ft Valley Forge doHng the
gaeat of Mlaa Hattto Woolsey.Biinday.
Hr. and Mrs. Jiftn Fewuss and wa* made treajrrer I: place of Mrs.
mer. PllUburg people
________ ____ FVitm came ap -fvem BaWwin. retaoved.
It Ibe J. C :
« Knox has slighted their town.
-Maatoa Baiorday to vtatt iftaitoea.
A aarprise panv waa glveo at the j*
Mr^ Mra. T. C Tabbatgr bar*
J. C. Pease ate John Fewtoet were home
of Hn. &itlv. Hoat last area-------------------IBM to Tamm for. aa axtoadad vftlt
boslBesa ealtot* ta Tiitv
lag ft honor ft her 64th Unfaday ami:
To Ctsr# a Cold in C
TCOBBiwr, monci
wtih Mra. TabbaroF* par*>ft.
ft ber brother's. (>as. Bartoe.'T ----------------------------Mrs. W. K. Oftrk waa ft Ti
May Z*. IMS.
'Wat. I>7«r waa home frua Boyne that
irtio waa 59. About 50 ft tbeir frinft; *
Ctty a bw teyq laat waft.
Fans Bnaday.
C EL AatenoM ft Kftfriay
Harmaa Bayhr to rnute sift.
Hra. Otto Mate to ealeriaCftg
Mr. aad Mra Wm. rwwftas cama ap pnaeets at tokens o' their reapecl
BwTfl- pany (nm Maple City thto week.
Hfthen lore their 'dread for "tbat
trom HadtoB Mcteay w apewl llo- and esteem
Bart Fraakfttter aad Roy Ktog ft morial day.
terrible leeond ■umatof- when they
May ». l»05
ror*M( Sndayft ft (ftdar.
have Dr. Ptrwier'a Extract ft Wild
Hla* Bmam Moses to takftg care ft
n. J. Eftfiga vftitft
Hra Balft Coat. Uw
Strawberry ft tte boato. Katare‘S|
- :td*v,-v.a.v>N.''
“ fc-Mt MflttevL ft
: Mv. ate Mrs. Tam SttMm and (am-'
d flgy flawmad bri^ nd Dy apaai Banday with hm Hotter.





- --



..... .

Thfe-COLUMBIA" Dry Cdb are the kid you
should $uy to ignite your gas engine. .
Grand prize awarded the’ COLtffilBIA" UryCelb
at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis-.1904.

Oealer in Automobiles, Launch and Gasoline
Engine' Supplies.
ChiMB's PksM 502 or 48.
Travsns Oty.Mich.

Use Herald Want Ads





The Best
anil soil
at Qic

f|K} Price.







A M«a| MMM wm f«RWM M b* In RM«rwi thM mmliit naar tl»

TMi MlaiMa In taa Karaan MralM. TEa JiRinwa -ara fallawtat nr »a al»
•aiyaaERMWlatt^flaaiafRaaMaw. AOM«l TaRa •TRaNaE hla aaiiaiaaa

¥11 L -r—bat tMa la aanaMara« Imprababla. AaaOiaa raaart aaM ha
taraaba Raatrayan. and tiwaa JaRanaaa amiaafa and
« M ae far.
m and armerad vaaaala whteh a
.vETha nainaa af tha R
aanh In tha •rant naval AtW. aa raaartad aa far ara:

.Nlfhalal. tha dafanaa vaaaaU Oanaral. Admiral and Apraaln.


^^”tTttIiIu.Iin?'t^i''rL.lptofih. lataat dimmteh It wa. aatimatod
oil UM R»aaiai« mam da«a with thalr. ahlpa. ineludin. al»ht aaptalna.
Twa*tbaaaaad Riaalaa arlaaaara wara taban. Tha batEaahlp Barradlaa.
dawn durine lha batUa. wan aaa af tha baat vaaaala In tha oar'a

Ungof lha MipbHB oaMk


BaMM fte* • frnaWa af »• aBvB.
d aangltlan ta oarbw MR abt daa-

vtn eoat tlAOO. aad a

Tha raauN af tha figm
cRraaa a ayrRHaa that
that tha
U HM'itawa of tha ErM aama f«
Tbay nay thto Rrnvaa that Anmrlea te a JaRanaaa ally.

Camped oa ifaa hllb. EM raaidrati
«f Toma. K. MU am vatehliig thair
Oanbl B. WUIard' haa parahaaod tba
hamen balBf awapt away by the Bb
DnrU UBonty rasMaMa and ahop In
Oiandr. A Hood aani lha rirnr throagh
Whib tba paopb of 8(. RMerabprg
Lake Aaa.
tha middle of ibe town, fiarenl oiber
ara aov geserally avara at tha tort
Wm. Habbabr ba. are nmaing both Tillages B-a (braaianad.
that Admiral RoJeHvaatoy haa
n min at Aldan.'

Tba farmera ara haallas in potato
Only oar raoedr in tba world that
tbaa S.OM paraaos kaov the fall «>• They gat tc a batbplvUl at oeoc slop ItcbiDau of the skin
O. B. Boadaiadt U ptrtttag a vail;
of Uie body: noas'* Oiattaot of tha baa. aara haTtag baaa
aadar hb bouta oa tha farm ha raenat-1 nent.
ay drug Mora.
taken not to albv tha navi of tha
ty psWmaad of Jaa. O. Bryan. Ha b |
alao pltoiarl&g and gring op tbahaoaa.j
'which tnaka* It a vary pleasant home, f
I of S(. I
ra was no charrh yrsterday oe
Hr. and Mn. N. B. Degaa of Travaver, oxeapt iho r
>i or the Hamorbl sarvkvs bald
rse City vnra In town TJiiKfdaj
shak- • at_u>a
»i tl MlsaioCHen, rf Wto. u fceei. mt ihei
iftipyiaj ensn-;
ugDt a WBM IS Known, nay uiai rus- lag bands vUh oW nrighboas
nrighboas and; N|
bad anoogh war and
lids Is apeodiac a few davs with bar
I- govenuaeatal alrcles tha
a. B. Srtmeldrr Is putting a wall no-1 Jl'^^^br'mMps.^
Ust algbt the the straett abo painting talMMc and
patting It In gae shape.
Hiss Bmma Holmai Is home to
tho oaa«s bavlBR gone to tha rtllas
spend bar Tacathm. 8ba b a teacher
or beta« apMtators at tha thaatert.
In tha school at Honor.

Old M* Doha Is rary low. n H

he vtll
but a faw davs.
Alto ^Hanr>- Dobm U


Bdalratgr VOS oaUraly daaarted. all

Tha froli iraea am all white,
moat beaulirul sight that can hr s
If nothbg happens tbb will bn the
banner fmlt year.
There has bean a preat deal of work
WllliamWurg Eetmal Nolea.
dooa oo tha roads this sprlnp. and still
WUUamnbarg. Hbh. Hay K.-The more to do
Hill* have been taken
Onva, Mleh.. Hay ».-^IU
eighth and tavth grade giUnatlog ox- down so you can scarcely notice them
tORChlog program was raedered yesii
rg school any more
la Haple Giwre aematary
May ys. ’9<B.

hanor oTlh. mddlar. mailiM tham.|
d"t«^ to!
Tha program conabted of..............
on la the class colors. ^
Ur and rUa Saraon and Camily of
■ada daatrayarOravla N alaa amang and a0Rs> by the school and a abort,
arrived bar*r-,Wednaa<by
addraas by Bar. W. T. Hill. A good
many vara owt and the graves
and Maard thb baat vma H
Hbsaa Uarbsa CoakUng and
baaaUtnily daeoratad.
>i tha Tas iBlabda in tba for*wm snd the tenth grade ktaduatea, j
t. Tha admiral b
R «( lUy n dnrla* * fat. whieb
Hill. Cbnde Lydell. Bari
Mrs. Atkinson nnd Bib Barton drove
Mag tram warn b raaaivod by ihR
ifRd VRla tba aBatboai. whas iba
Banoa. Charles Baton and Blanche o Haple City Friday aflanioon.
Traversa Yaam Lavt.
Rlaaa vara alfhtad by tha Japan- bowing af ahalb.
-Prof. Jacoby went to Travarae CUy
Oravn. Hieh.. Hay Jt.—At the Doeh AvatT appeared on the prograin vhbb
lha hsipRal, whara hb oanditbn vma
Loka park bat Sunday tba Orava Imm vn. farther Ailed oat with songs and
-rha road tommlaalonara mat Thura
ball team sroo tba game against the an address by Prof. K L. Kye of the otr and adjourned anill Friday.
atraiE braaaa blovlag «Hb a
Will Atkinsoo is tpending a' few
Travana City taai^ by a acorn of 20 to TraTarae City High school.
il irf four Rwaaian warahlRa.



Tha oiling aalacilOB of the evening [
L Althoogh tha Oddi vara against
tha TtBTena CUy hoyt It was a good, vaa given by lha WUUanaburg orchea-1 ^
galet gBM aad no eompUtnu were tra.toUowad by tba invocation by Will-1 day aTeoIng a
lam Criap. after which a duet by tha'
May ?S.
beard during any part of the game.

to tha Ytoaa troa Parla

rnpotU that BaNatvaatky bagiE to
Rma a pnawfa of tha Keraaa atraita


I sHHsSriTr

I of these Iwalnoaa man lo'exert every 1
j aVoR to MtDd op the city and to ex--

Huatllng Cep
The village of Copambb. thiriy-flve

I tend Its InSMCR. Copambb It a con-'
j aaarclal ceniar of no meea proportlona

Crabar ToUva.

Repon of Ibe thirty-ninth cottveo
ti.Mi of the Umg lAke and GarBeld
Sunday Srhonl aanurbllon. held a1
, May l-i, isms.
' c,i
hy President Rol»rl
Berner «
1- Rev While
r welcome by Mrs. E.

miles souih of Traverwe CUy. U grad-:
ually becoming an Imponam rommerlandHaslateaE Nortbeaaicrn rnJIroadt
rial eanler, and Us business men arc
land It the ceniar of a rich faralng
________ .___________ ..___ ;____ .......
davalwhteh mfk la a faw mlatitn wWi
They have recently orResponse by Mis*
arimbliw d«fMl of A
’•joped. Aa the Umber paaaaa away It b
Raarty oH of tha arM H aaanu
ganixad a boalness men's assocUilon.
’Ralslag the Standard m Our
aby Jn tha atratts of Kwwa. tha Rva-1 rtolUad that Copemtah will ba a eanthe
Object Of wbich I. for .be improv. ;
pm^ aMpa oadNtad traaa m
abn treopa In Manehurb ara In apen {tral polar of a valuable agricultural
ment and develoument of Copemlah.
Rlfhtlag i^ ropartad atlll In prog
tevMuUWk. Ganaral Linavitoh hap; “'ll
which iber have Estes aad J M Bmoii
t. which
Tbaro are many adrulagc<'
Song by Howard Sunday
wirad tha exar that ntws af tha RuaA of the In- I started 0
o permit the li
choir. .
I af EL' BdtoraMirg alan dafant af tha handa of Admleai; doatrbs of l t place, which will be 'ilrates that Copemisb mcaDs
Appolnuaeat of committee I
> the fron'nating oScers.
Togo haa apraad theadgh tho army at ^dually developed ai iba Buslnc
Five Khools
ITie village I* now provided
afBb amaar. aiigrtii a hopafar Roa- tho traM and the treoRo rafuoo to ' Men’s ataocbllon grows in influx ,I good bank, has a small but
light further tor tha eauntry. Th#ro-;*b<
• in tha
_________ «_
I proud of thair town, and they want the I
tha tor EaM. Thb iwothed dT^aoehc l port whbh cmwoo from an awtlvnUc!
to tha upbuilding of tba town, and o
pre*ldem Ruber. Bame,: vie. pree
number of updodma marchan.s. Co^- WanL
abvafc a mlna.

RflEdf tBov



j It forms the Junction of the Ann Arbor

A tarrtge aa*baba

taro aai tha wMa bw ^ tha <naaal




pfAd- Uaovlton has tntormod too axar Ihatlwdrid to come aod see what a good:
ramlnglt vrill bo knRcaoiblt to contimio tholtown Copemlah la. ThaTe Is plenty of

graatopt;* w Itndar the cireumetoneeo.

RpppMttonbM ara doing |

toib bdPl to tom tot Mtuttlon to took;

Tho gpwpral toattog now b toot too
oMir toPtl PM Nm totUKr and wttor
■ af MRttMilRg too atrwr

lor all.
The town U provided with a gopd

* Norihaaat^
an important poini.

Hartman: suparintendeni ol
HI. joc
Mrs Ford FWIrleacheni' i
o of the- •uperinieodeot of ti
V Roll

unity there is -rirahgih." and this .
banking lB*ilioilon which U being wall
being fully realUed. the people of
yorj Fwnmng
patrtmbad. aad whbh has daaonsiraiOoparatsh ara onliad to build up thair Aasoclailon Echoes
tho ptwMiTl ragimt of;Od that It is a batfeAt lo Uic aomgradt
lown aod make it not only a desii^la
Closed '
manlty. Tha boalnea* man raaltia that
top grand dukea snd too burosaorpcy
place to live, but a proaparous Indus-____
they all pull logothar Copambb
to whenr too people attribvto the dbirbi canter.
Afiemoou scsslce caRad loarder b’
can attain tba prestige that ft desinging
nging '- BeauUlul Ik-ckcnlng
ik-ckcnlng H
Mtor. RM to Iteiettvonaky. The exar
They ara ibarafore resolved to
The fsinous rotunda of the natlobal
nevotloosl exercises, lad by j u.
b ne bngoc.nonaldcfod. LayaUy tolnnlto Analy and lo accomplbh thing*

vMand will RM toa« tiMMlan of N

LOT 182


LOT 183

LOT 184
LOT 188
LOT 230
LOT 235
LOT 236
LOT 237
LOT 196
LOT 203

LOT 211


Next Biaday the Wexford unm ex- HUm Mtna White and Bunk* Bab- ]
Bauiaabip Knlai Snvanff (tagAlp).
Sunday Eeheei Pragram.
paeu to play the Indbn team from baa plaaaad all aad thb wai followed,
flalvday nldhL artthast Ughta. la t«o tank.
Kdynuina at ll o-cbek m m. and
Battnahip Nbolai I., aaptarod.
IMaa. ORO on anch tUa at tha Twi
Otavn boys ara to meat aona good
BattlaaUp Abmadar nu «aak.
gave the claai bbtory. MIowad by Ha-i sioB June t* JIIOS.
Uam at t p. m.
BUUaahIp BorodMo. aaak,
]M«Ty ErtEd.laan^ to have baan
rlam Conklin’s essay and the prophecy ;
10;Cni a. m.—Devotional. Ba. Warren.
Battbahip OW. captarod.
hMtd in tha Malta hatvaan «:*0 and
Copaanlah b HuatUng.
lOiM o’eloek at blthe wbaa H eatBad.
Crabar Admiral NakbUaoS. aoak.
Oopamlab. Hkh.. Hay 21.—The vllAa aoM dlapai^ aaya cRaotBavaledictorian.
lo the Sunday School. ' Mrs
Crmbar Dmitri DeaakoL aaak.
bga of Obembb has now a Bust
thipa ratantad to Kakhoi
B^e by T. E. Carpenter
VMtar EighL hartne baaa badly da»Dbeusakw. W. G. Tomidctna.
of the board nnd the aigbib grade
darakb (U town and loatar tha indnsR(td t«r .RjeaniBion with anothar ahtp.
graduataa appeared oa thep ^ngram
trbl aad cither biaraau of tba
with eaaaya.
Music. Haplotna Bapibi Simday
Waahlatua. MivlY—-It is tha baThe
•tanlBdc<t^«R^ l ean aaa no other
tha rank and nia of tha eaurprlilng
Basket dtane-.
Memorial Day at Ktoggln.
oaEOBM ttan that BaMia win aaa tbr
boainaas men of tha place, and vban it
:$o—Song service Uapicton Bap
Kingsley. Hlefa.. Hny SO.—HeMofU

Sunday _______
Crabar TMdlmlr Moaomatbl. aaak. b ataiRd that the motto of tba organipabea.” thli vaa Admiral Seway-a
day was appropriately obaarvad bare
• Does the Prevent Standard of CbrisOoRBt dctmiae lUp Admiral Oathnk- atlem b “in Unity There Is Sirengih."
tapmmt today whad ha vaa above
Meet the
Damanda of Ou.r
today. In the morning tba veterans--------------=--------------------------thR raport at the loaaea aaitalnad by oS.aaak.
It CRB raadllv ba naan that iha Copeau.™
.. ,1,.
ttd Baialaa Beat "U v opinion,'
mbb boslneaa mM realba tba
where tba grave* were decorated.; olimpsc* of Ji-rusalatB. Mrs Ullli
Crabar TVtaaMn. aimk.
bn oeattlaaod. tha netacr of tha Japkeep naea with tba prograaa of tba
Thera ware about twenty rigs in tbe kea.
RRioa MV ba aUNbtttad to tbair trainCnam dafmwa, ahlp • Admiral Saab- i umas they should eombUie for the
procMtioa. Later Memorial dai ex
toig. Primary rlasr.
ME ond piapaiMnaaa. Baeb adrkaa aa vtB. cRpUired.
I torment of local eoadUlona aad
ftf speaking
.niiKViBe and
.Bd singloE
sinriue were
arebaa of
^ ^ ^ ibe Standard
^ j. all along the
va bm vooM aaam to thov that tba
Qoaat defaMS ahlp Oen. Admiral 'pQvth of their town.
held Id Ibe grove.
_Olscuask»D, led by Mr.
Ml Bsietlapaanoa adthrad thair vietary prtn- ApraTlRs, a
The Oopamlab'
leton 8ui
MidUy by hulMc topado
j urprUlng. They know that they have
Tha Javanaat PbtL
sonlh of the city is very III wKh conacatut Iba naaNiBa Admiral Tago-a
' a good town, one of tha baat b this
BattbaUp AsahL
tmtalng and pnpartdaaaa thraaghoaf
I aacUon of the. state, a town that b
tarily gxpected.
A M Wlllobe-, Presl.loni
Baltbdbtp Oita Tan.
Ut Eaat t am eaovtaimd. b raapcmalI groarlng. a town whose natnral advaa
Mr* Thus Obertng. Secn-tary
d Edward Stone, who Ims been
-blt ter hb vMory m thb groat nayal
{tacai ara superior
Battbahip Mbaka.
I of Its alia, and it la the datamlnation |

afMr tba naval batUa. aaya hb ahip


defaatod by the Japaneaa hardly toora

tha arrivab rapartad

that« prifau talipnO troa
Rom paobably fraoi Rnaalab aenreat.


Bhartt Cravfard vaa la the etty bat
weak la^Bg altar evil doan.
W. T. EhaM baa*parehaaad tba Tal-

e b sbowa la dar hb roaldwiee and eamaei walks to i

da«R W Rajaatvanaitr ww woundad.
Be Ralaraburft May B.»Tha RHblla la amasinRlr IndWarant and Ruiat
• af tha flfht batwaan tha RuaMan and tha

IB aixty dayi at baat taer

■a lafcan to Eaaaba naval han

rogard to tba dliasior.
aaaNiiad by tha JaRanaaa. A runnin* battia la atlll galnB an.4ha JaRanaaa
RHwiat tha law Ryaalan vaaaala that anaaRad eaptera ar dattmMlah. It la
AOnkmi Jtajaatvanahy'B flafahlR Knlai Eovaroff want


Bayba CRy. -Mhy g«.—Boyaa b ha-

Bwty to pay l>alr raapaeu M a tbra- aomlag iaMtn»oUtaa.
The crovdad
at AdaaMI Togo wan mRharM m toVMI party. Tba Mdba atayad aB tha ttraau Imva ao Ivprimit tha eoaacS
IdEaa ah pamb Mm miinwdara.
I; that tvolTa«iot eaamtt valka b Lakg
d D«m Mala le tha rtaar ara tha

rtad In 1W« and

nny- »*«• *•

at Tba IMigNmi at «n.*DaTla La-

LOT 212
LOT 213
LOT 214

ThcK are all early gelectioas and ve the

Handsomest Lots in Oak Heights
the most charming addition to Traverse City. .This
addition is now largely built over, and good lou etc
not easily obtainable. These lots will be sold sepE*
rately. excepting 1S2. Is3, IM. which must be told to­
gether. -All must go for spot cash, aod the pii
kill be

The whole bunch of


I rising In a

if so'd at one time and for cash doNO. would be


mmonily can
1 bat an eye''

As tbe price would be made accordingly and to
Descriptive ulV or -rl-. -o J.-nis*blood. B-M6ck B'-od B'l-er* makes ^ bv Nr« J. W Milllkeo. which
tolriily oirrant; the front in an Udaairlal way and ao- ! pore blood. Tones and inrigpraias the ^ ^
tut.-rt-«tlng as to see.
•elnlly as well.
I whole system.
along oa the trip gad U> bring
scenes of the home of Our Savior
Tba tallowing oMe«ri wara aketad: ,
Ambataador Choala made bu Ian t ary o
PraptdaoL W. J. Baehew: •ecraSary, I
WgtohwtoaaatoORlMwhoraaAnafjMntoly.b cpnEdontly expoctod thb
B. O. Bartiea; traaaarer. C. L. Olmay. > public appearance in hb oOclal ea
young metnRdJPdtmiiR Pf too tonao can bo ar-iaftortiaon.
Tkaaacaeara ara mm of laSoaDca aad parity in ^glaad Hcoday.
bars of Howard scbool. i is bea-uUolly
anetcy. aad wlih toe baeklu of- the unvrilad in BL Esrior's church. Eouib-_____
Roll call e* schooU
aBtlra commonlty the aaaodaUno can- vara, a memorial window to John'
Harvard, tonndcr of Hatvard unlverPrevent-Gonum. 4;.Lone Tree. T.
i torn naval botUo ^
Howard. It; Xo 4. IC; Nenl.24; Cedar
itolnodhytoPJap—- fbpt wara vMy I tor toe towa.
'Ran.Q: Sllvca Lake. «; oouMcra. ».
Next convantjan in Angusi.
•UfMand naaa.
Ttont safe lo be a day vtthowt Dr.
dooed by singing -Cod ba With Yon
ThooRB' Bebctrb on Ib to# borne. [TIU Wa Meat Acria.'
Lake Aaa. Hbk, Hay g».-Tbanday
Kavar can tril srgT—ant na sed-;
Robert braay. Praa.
thaiA aMpa waa Mtt t
iftemaop toe Mdba of Lake Aaa met dant b gotogja h

•a Aha traaly of Washington and toatioi

for holding u ao iovestment.

Come quick


for choice

of lots.


12T Fr«8( StreeV



MA TMWIMOAT. Mtlt 1,11


nm Tbnr»d«7‘* Itooofd.



Writ* Mr* TnTvrM Otr i

other woricBOB airlTOd laTho dtr
ir nonlag Tto tee Mitoeart. tee
tb work at tee MtObetoc orer. '
PIWM Tatedar*! Baeetd.
Mr* W. R. Jehaaea of Moato«eo *r
rtrdd la lb* cUr raatatdar to paitU
pate la tea Daeoradea dar aaerelaa*
aad doMrato tee gnre of her boabaad.
Dr. W. E. JohaaoB. who pasted *w*r
at teelr bone two Boethe apo aad was
bnotet here for bariaL While la tee
cttr Mn. Johneoo to betas eatertatoed
br bar atotet-lB tow. Mn, Marsaertt*
ManarM. Biowa. tee eberif Of Leetoaaa
oooBtr. to a tweet at tbwWbhJa*.
Mn C- M. White at NortbpM to to
tee dir todar.
Altkor Claris at Carp lah* arrived
to town tela aMMalns (o apead the dar.
H. C. BBI* af OUl* Pier la ia tee dtr
Prad fUUferr of Northpori U apeadtas the dar with frieada to.tb* eHr-

8miT H*H ar 0*«v £od*i PMit to
* l^sveiw CKj TtoUar taMr wttk *to
Mn. O. Mato or SvUnis Bar
riwd Ikto atontts ter * teT* Mv la
tbi eHrMr«.'ftoter HoteUte a( Mtou Bar
ani«*d Is tfe* eitr tUi
■Mrt b^ew MpIf ta C.
KMUr at Oaitat. «to tea
tate ia U* dtr amnl tej« m Um
her pwteta, Mr. bb^ Mi«. A.
T. BteaQ*,fMBrM< to bar hama thto
iMrteteMr*. B. A. WUtord of Mplre ha*
kite a Tutor ia the eltr atete Moo­
ter at tee tete* at her Mother. Mr*.
M-Mrate or Booth OlTtotoo atraat, ™•leel KataU mnaftra.
I hoM toterr Foo4 o
r 0. M.
Hash L. Bord aad wife to Tbooms
Out alittrod la the Mtr todar
j. OoaUla. *H tot lo. btodc I. WIIthe 0. A A. I. Trtteaat otoo a taoch- ItoBaburs; lUC.
teteterteHy. Be roftoterte at tee
Jote Paldpber aad wife to Marne
OUbart. pared, eee. M. town ». nape
Mte Marr J. WoUe. who bat beea; 10: n*.
Wb. P. Crptav aad wife to Hattie
tatba cttr aerwartera oa her war
traH Chtoate to Norteport left orer BfMoar. tot 11. btoek'A Barslde: ISO.
tfa* T.'C. HAM. toolClit tor Birth
Wb. T. SokbaTBb and wife to J. H.
Ook^wtera ah* wUl upend the *«» Haenaitiitef. tou 11-U. btodc >. H, U
A Ce.'a Jat addi'X.OOO.
^A. Ooodfello* of rraaktort wa^ la t Fiord L. BBtlte aad Me to Joclab
tea eltr todar eo bto war totoa tee Curtl*. tots IT. «. blodt J. Oak Park;
' Itetoa raMmiioB aorte of ^todl- •»0.
ta«e to hto how U Pratetoit. Mr.
B. Jobaeoa tn Wia. U Bmwn.
OoedlMlow tUi* tee rteenrattoo ae/- mn, OakJMshU; *400.
•itt ttae* ererr tprlac la cc«er*ti>
Ftord H BatUh.aad wife to Joaale
pBMhaa* the bead aad qoDI wech . Jehaaon. tou Site, block 9. Oak
U&te tee wosea ton oat dttrte< the Park add; S4W.
wteter. Be eUle* that tear tan out
RadoH Wiedoeft aad wire h) FreilVWDttoo of the c«H^ WtMoa., •rtek Pleelldc.
feet of w-ffi feel,
•tear* faotas abo« three kaateed bwb- of lou 1-3. block 6. H, U A OD.'t »th
bite of tee tene tribee reridlat oa add: tiAo.
Bdward MeSataan to Wn C. Hoetea neemtloo.
■tot Mabel Wdfe aad oepbew Doo hel. e-» fe« of lot 17. block H. H. U
CBitMpaer of ChkacD arriTOd' ia tea A Co.'* 7U> add; SWO.
H. W. Uoderweod aad wife to Joettp Met OToalBg loapond the aei
aad Terea* Drerea, tot 13. btoek
Mn. Qte KaMoteoaea, who aai
trmmi tram Petal Oaalte la Booth s.iL.UAOa.'aSteadd; »u»MthHte totoad. teajto Ihe-tltf.toter' Fred K. Kneetopd. et al. to B. J. HorS*A tat 1. black C. a. U A C6.'a Tib
add; m.
John B. Qaalfe aad wife jo B. J.
Praco Batoter'a Record.
HoiteA. tot 1. block C, H, U A Co.-*
Praak aad Joaato Votrate of
-JdMan retaned haua tel* anarnoca rth add: «TE.
after ipeaatBa aoaae'tlMo ta'tte elir . AHta H. Bartlett to J. W. HlUlker.
tot 1. btodt ^ H.. U A Oo.-a 71b add;
aa tea goaet of rotattroa
Mr*. B. TaakaMp d Uterloeh*
DatU j. Toakcr aad wife to Barilo
fttad U the cttr todar tat* abort baaO. OOtoU. lot to. Oak Hdsbu; ttSA
GMntr Hecriaoa to Oeo. Parker, lot
ki*. BOa Da Poitar at Bitartoetea
T. btodc 1. Etotetor: f«M.
a^teBja tea cftr thto aftarnooa
Uato r. Perkett and wife to E J.
ThoMpaoB and wife. b4IB feet of a%
of tots if-lP-lMl. btoek 13. H.. U A
Ca-a lOte add; tl.100.
Blta J. Adaau. soardian. lo Bdward
V. O. Alter went to Bar dtr and
B^w thU aonlac oa batteaat. Be Ooartade, leto lAIT. block 18. H- U A
C0.-I «th add: 8*7.16.
tei Totan oa TMadar.
WlOate Saae. who ha* haea atndp
Beboel Pnpnin at Knwiek.
fa| at tea fOrri* iaatinto al Blx BapMia* Mton AosUa eloeed a verr laeIK *•
***'**><«• aatral tana cf aebool at Keswick Ian
mite laacaitar aad two tell- ■Hdar with an eotertalaaieai aad aoi& MCI tela Morauc for Maaealoaa' cdalta tee ereatas. Mia* Auaila
T7 sood
seed eaUatectloe
aaUafactioe durtas
' MMait her te^htar. Mr*. C. N. Hip- alraa
tee tom asd
aad It It hoped br tee ehll^ Idiifor two wotea.
dna and panau that the board wtU
%mam BaMBtaad aad ateteor tad aeapase her. Mlai Aretia left aa
tor Maaailaaa thta aaoralac oa tea latacdar tor CUHIan. whm abc wUl
ttdkd th0.sndBattos eaerdaes of her
UtUaB-Al. —
fee*. HM Once Aa*tlc.
.Tha fdtowlas to tee proenn ElTea
br tee papBa cf Hto* Aaitla'a school
pain Moadari Booocd.
Mn. T. 1. UMlor of m Booth Baloa
Boos. "Coae. Odd* Awar.~
atMot Md Mr*. Oea BoeM of S11 Ea
Reduttoa. ■riFdeoBe.*' Rath GroeaPthat atraet hare retmad frco
Uatasuc. *-F0«r Cdterated OianitT«ll at tee hote* of teatr tathte, Jo*.
UtB." “Rad RMlas Hood,-. Latin
Xh^ af Maplotea. who i* M roan Baser*: -CtadereUa.- Elltabete Oronaer; “Slaapias Beaair.*' Mabel Weisp:
ijDte mbit Eorarte. Ma«l* Shane “Gold BpiBaer.’ Belka Mebert.
-RadtaUoa. “HI Trr aad I Will."
aai Anal* Pted retaraed todar ftoai
OM* Pier, when tear hare boee tor Artear Betoeke.
BadUtioa. The OM Wbo Satllee."
tea part few dart aa lb* caeai* of Martha Kelacb.
Boax. "The Meadow*.-’
RedtatlOB. "The PolU Wbo Bar
ftttriee Banaibetier. tee pracifaai
Ptoaae.’’ Waldo Olww.
Radtattoa. "HU* RabUt* Sctaool."
grtefriroAK tee cHr tela Montap tor jeha JBaiBwrmaa.
a liw tera-toUaea* trip. He nporia
Boas. “Bled* In .a Tree."
ttel aa aate pea flehto la tee ooaatr, Radtattoa. “A Tne ABwrican,-- Rnddph
are la Baa ehape aad tee expecuttena
Redttoloa. "A scteolbo)'-* Triaii,"
of a tee rteU were MOer better.
Boas. "The Bullden.■


Arthw Oweeaer.
MafaiBa fTOta Koawkk, whero abb derk,
Redtetlaa. TtorTr* Artihiaetlc."
WMU Satardar to apand/Satear a* the ordoa Ltadler.
Redtailcia. -Gnad»* Bcao." M**a
paw of Hr. aad Hn. Geerf* Core.
Mr. and Hr*. Aadrow Pataraew of
Boas. -Brook aad River." Inaa LtndBktoaa Bar aftlred la Uto rit^ toda^ tor. Bliabcch Oroeeeer. Mabel-Wei**,
eteaca Uer wni rnnaln hw aeTetal
Dlatosne. "A Nrlabbcrlr. Kladan*.-’
Steb aa the aoaata of Hate Johaeoa Cdna Bbellr and Ina Ltadler.
ftodteUoa. ' "Oaleb'e OoBrublp."'
Mlaale Betas.
Hr«; Heart Adaau of BaMwta, lodn
DIatosa*, “Haw Bbo Ceivd Ills.'
paased throagta tee eltr thto oonlaa Dade Joseph. Walter Furie: Dun. a
oo her war to mpin Janettoo. where atoce. Urlaa Uadter: Mn.Perkla*.
OUle Oroeaaer.
tea win be tee fe*«t of her___
Mia. BlMibeth terhan tor a ebon
tlato after which the will retnn to tele
JUa her baabaad. wbo aapeeU
. Mr*. Behott Hewitt toft today tor a
rite with teapin Matin*.
Mr* ABito Qitet reuned io Mar
fl*H toftar After attMdtac the baocatomato aarrlee* at tea Otr open
Mia. Jalto Wltaoa wtat to Ka)katea
te^te nnato with Mead* oror baok K. PrtoM wtet to PeiMker tel*
aMWalBB for a abort rUi witb friend*.
TbeMtoea* KMtleaad JnltoSweMter
of Onad BaMft* rotpna« to teolr
to tee eftr'te ttto tateto
Pitt Baito.kla/Mhrei'fbr tbe.B.
-Oaorte AfbrlBbl, l

We have been farced to vacate the Benda Store sooner than anticipated, in consequence we have yet
considerable of this fine stock on hand which we have had to consolidate with'our present larse new summer
stock. OvsrcrewdsA is puttihe it mild~we cannot move around comfortably—we must (Ulead, at all hazards
_reeardless of cost—these circumstances, with market price of products, places us in a position where Dc'e*
8et Is Sen dependable merchandiseat less than the manufacturers' cost—we are forced to SlauabUr Prices a*d
Sacrifice Prellts. We are therefore at the front asain with a Bard time Sale.



Banda's 11.00 work raau.
tiuian made, dait laitterns.
< ooQBolidation aale price ..

' V



Paictera aod paper hangers
Otbi^ and' Jacketa all
atan aoU t-verywhere for
OOe. this Bale price.............


CbU4mi'a achool Saits, ral.
nea up to tS, ooe or two of
a kiad. Wo nood the room,

Yoirng Men's ttuits

Beoda'a 118.00and BS0.00 fine StCU. equal to tailor mode it»n AO
with padded abonldeiB and aolf rcteioing fronta. Wen^
the room, so they an yonn at....... ..........................................
/ • f

f y.
/ ST

Ueii't odd Vetta, valne np io ^ /"k _
tS. mctoly amall ameaT to ^Vr
t-kseont...................... ..

Beeda atodt. vttloea up to *8.10

maally light colors, y-our cbmee........... ............. ............................


Mot's Saits, Nov
stylet made of all wool Cntoimcrcs, and 0W QQ
voiatetk. sold byBenda ha 115.00, )-oor choice................................. 6? / eJ^O .
Mens Uiie












35 cent tinality,





of Uoc Denim,



Boy's Knee Pants ngnlady aoU for 35 oenta. We aaed the
room, sale |wioc -...........................................................................................

file's Omlla. N»t up to H.

« 25c

Ttwriat Caps for Ladit« a
sold evmywhoro for 50

Umlmdias with sted rods and

Ladies'and Misaea'-Street
Hata trimmed in
ribbon. Uck.
lea, etc.. $1.26 valva).

Ladies' and

High grade Street Hata for Indies and niisst-s
latest spritig stylea^sold I
We mast lum- r



Ladies' ami mifwfs' stm-t
Hats, made of good quality
braifl: regularly sold for

Children's Leghorns, trimmed
in moll and lace edging.


ALL onr La<1ii« high priced
Hats go at greatly rraucol

SUkGlorrafor Ladies and Mine* with
tero elaspa, add everywhere far 30 eta,

, JVitroli-mn Jelly piT bottle
Best black Ink ...:............
E'uncy pearl Imttone per dz.
Nickel {dated safetr t>ins..
'Mponiing Pina ix-r l»o»...
Hemstitched Hdkfs. vecl...
2.5c Shoara. special.............
pie sliirt'
Fancy wrist Bags, latest
atrles worth 30c. for ...
Ladies belt boee Saimorten
Madam Foater style, for
Olds and ends of ladies kid
Gloves, close out pi-rpair
Lace «dge and «orte>r white
Hdk^ siKcial price ....

| ic



Olds an.1 Ends of Shirt
Waists and Dressing Saoqtus
worth 73c. $li» and $1.50.
consolidation sale

Ladies' Melton Ti k i r t a ,
voold be chop at $t50:




Men's ribbeil summer I nderwcar,
per garment..........................................

..... 39c
Children's 2 strap Sandals, bant]
turn soles, siaes 'Js
to IS-a worth $1, for. OOO
Kirkendidl's make of Boja and
Girls' Box Calf Shoes, soitIcsther counter and
soles, worth 155, for
• OW


Kirkentlbirs $4 Ladiw'•hoes in Patent 'Loalher and

Inbnto Lace Shoes, sixes 3't

.... 16c

118 Front St.

nibber Coffs. per

l"}iifld Bows to closi- out
Beotia'* 1.30 fancy A'eel. tale
pri'f................................ ........................
Bt-ntla's 3.00 fan.y V«l. sale j

Dress Goods and Silks


Silk, worth 50c. aak-



$:t00 Newland Soft « a o
Hats, sale price......... I .^O
Odds and ends 'at oOc
-Cspa to dose out....


1^^':; 39c



«.£? voii«°?S '.luTstST

tOc shScUt-Jr'rs'": 3ic
S.Ttg'iniis.'r: 3ic

l.V linen Collurt to doe©
ul--............................................ 3c«nd

Hate, salt- price.........
Odtls and fods'o! 7-Tc aad Sl.OO
Soft Hate, to dose


Bt'Otln's fine all wool summer Sweat

Hats Rnd Caps



Mms and Woraien'e I'atcnt
Leather. Via Kid, Velour and
Bos C(df Shoes, baud turns
and -^wdta.

Children'B hand turn Shots,
sices 3's to 5*8, with fancy velvet


Remly made Aprons, good cjnality
gingb^s. all sixes, diecka


^ jQ


-SsaSiSiT? 45c
Ladies' patent leeUit^ 2 strap
HendiiU uuU Oxfoitls. broken
aiws. worth $1.60.
for WJc....................


Shlit Waists ani Skirts


miasee pmtaile

lar 25c, sale pric>:



CbiHren * inu*lin !)rawv?ra trim.
u«"tl in tti<-ls and lace
edging, i*f pair----* C
Best 2.V trimmed
Corset Covert, for...
33 tl07... ladies' DitiAlln'Skirt*
uml Night Gowns, trimmed in
enihroidt-fy. lace an<l a
tueking.worth 15.3for OoC
Ladies’- Night Gowns. Chemise,
and Skirts elaborately trimmf^.
wtmh np to 2.00 QQq

linen Crash per yard


Tarkfv Bed Table
doth, uk- price pr jtl


Hose wtirth 10 cte.


Traverse City,


»MI It

Stock Reducing Sale

stock Reducing Sale

Owing to the continued cold and backward seaaon we find
that we have more merchandise on hand than we ought to have
at this time of the year, so have decided to give this sale—a
sale'that ought to interest everybody, as the class of merchan­
dise offered is strictly first-class arid this season’s productions
of the best foreign and domestic manufacturers.

Ask to see the bargains that are hot advertised, as the
space is too limited to mention one-quarter of the good things
you will find Offered during this sale. You will certainly find
this store the most attractive shopping center in this part of the
country. Sale will start Thursday morning.

HAT SPECIAL-A bunch of hats, in- QQa
dudingsevend lots 1.60and $S, to close

AMERICAN BOY Magacioe. Six months sub­
scription with a purchase of $4 or over in our
Boys' Clothing Depanment.

60c Values,
65c Values,
85c Values,
$1.25 Values,


19ijL White Habutai Wash Silk



19m hieavy corded Kaiki Wash SUk, all ^J^g



Shield Bon, 10c escb,




lira’s Union Suits for $1B0. $110
Men’s Feather Weight Underwear, ex- RAa
tra good, values........................................





Nothing Reserved.

Boys’ SuitsSI.50, S2,S3toS8
CAPS,.........................................................^ and 25c
BOYS’ SHIRTS...............................60c, 36c and 25c
BOYS' KNEE PANTS............-$1.00, 75c and 50c

•0 good M Dutchew.


FINCK'S OVERALLS are most popular with
Railroad men and Machinists. Wear like a
pig's nose. SOLD ONLY BY US.
LADIES’ CORSETS-Odd lot, white,
drab, pink and blue, worth 75c, close..


LADIES’ VESTS-An odd lot out sires,
were 25c, to dose.....................................

1 n

famous Forest Mills make, were
1 AA
and 1.75, r^lar and out sires, to dose

Doat bany ea ny msoohL 8ai« the


60 inch half bleached All Linen, regular
price 60c, special.....................................


hwMitlfcMwte hottoBe mtm'i camt

72 inch Bleached Table Damask, all
linen, 75c value, sale price....................


The newest pattens in DtrtduH
Trousers nooby, aest sad cheap
for the qaalityx-are now offered at

Napkins from 85c a doren. 15 to 25 per cent less
than the market value.


We ars going out of the business. We need the
room. The'entire stock to be dosed out at less

A|? This is a price

lotofMen’aaad YoutU Suita.

Barbers's Fringed Towels, extra, heavy.
perdorra.......... .......................................
88x18 inch Huck Towels. 15c value,
for ................................. I......................

OM $12.60 to 116.00.

this kt


of fiaeat Wontads and GaaaiVaioeaKOandtSS.

Cor. Front ed Union

Black Sat^ Petticoats, were $1.00 and
$1.25. sale price..........-..........................

Ladies' Black Sateen Waists, the $1.00
kind, to dose............................................



Fancy Polka Dot or Stripe, worth 15c
and 20c, per yd ...........................................


Heavy Black Taffeta, five inches wide,
worth 25c, sale price.................................

1 Q

White Wash Belts, with metal buckle
Sample line of Ladies’ Silk Beks, black,
and colored, worth up to 75c. choice....


Yard wide Unbleached Sheeting, heavy
round .thread, 6c value, sale price........


Black and Colored Dnso Goods
from $1.00 up.

Wash Goods

Normandie Vais up to six inches wide
wide for. per yd............ ...........................

New patterns, I2}ic regular price, sale

price, per yd..............................




Ww.WW Wo o( , kiod,
also a full ma of aiaea^n aome
■tylea that baven’t beoo aeUiog
bat enough to aatiafy
• ■ ua. Val.

An assorted lot of Ladies'
black and colored, were

Anothw lot, were $2.00 and $225, sale ^,00

Remnants Table Damask at big reductions.


$10-00 Jacket:



During this sale we gira a'

60 inch half bleached Damask, regular
price 89c,.sale price.................................

Here is a )ob. Coat and
vest free.. 10 Frpek Saits
in stock, sises 84, 85,86 and
87. Black Clays and Fancy
^Vofsteds. We charge you

Wool Dress Goods


No oUior nuke quite




Min'* 16c Emb’d Sox

Hra's^Bdbnpian Underwear,


Choice of alt our

Lawns. Batistes and Voiles, were 15c,
- sale price........!....................................

Ladies' Ik Black Cotton Stockings, triple heel
and toe. full fashioned, fast black, three 26

1 A

Arnold’s Mohair Lustres, regular price
20c, sale price.........................................

1 R

If you want a pretty sheer white dress to
Wash, see our Glow-light Silkenclte at.


A lot of Black Lace Stripe Lawns, some
dots, all black, were 25c and 86c,
New Dress Ginghams,
ptryd................. ........................ ..


WIUHEI-IVI Travem City, Ich

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