Grand Traverse Herald, January 19, 1905

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Grand Traverse Herald, January 19, 1905


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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i^a^0ie UMalih^

Tfwe««la,te C»Mn.
IteiMMN «C tht HMMlu.
/ ^ru» aft ArlHwii tie rtln.
I UN ttiMgMa Ml la ImIMIiw
■ ABd WtfN ana* A* «Wob
_ ' WU arklal s>o«>K'.- like* ammtia a wktopa:
*^1^1 fUeraMkaPwr
' Afe. tlM eont $M <ka tanvu /
He loolMd a viUi ior
I oUr tto loralwitM ) /
■ lb loMd vbn A bor; .

tiM ateCM Tfea imd U
VRraraMUahrito /
JftM a* «te a 4MBde/
Bad bdM



NAaft fna^ faUbtal
^4 QM-aambiiiKtaR;
< the tUm



M «to MaMer Bealyi^
««o ooeM hear the
: ’ gfiMdr tUPtacklac of a bamBer, and
vhm mm her. The
•'■LtoiaHt-WM aaHtog «P the hooka
, rooad’eyod Ttoy
MO"Itoten to Be! The
_ tae rgaiCBed. Utt Sunday,
^feafiat baaa Jaat a Ttoy One,
ira-heea thert to hear him do
I thaa roe eoold have told b*

toidiBd aorry. Soawhody
teee.laakea aetry. bat tbe Bln«D«^ *•» aw. Dorrie! Ue eayr
■ateefetai at hit eoaartewee. ao(

__ _ ..jr STBS v«ard4ith an'
a sargla jl ibf. bat ihore war
C to be JggOtt over. And tberr
taMBbaaitobeover! Toroae
Oh UiftHiklw la that other
ttw Btolatar’a UtUe
» lay
a Mistf aaili lato
Asadtthatwrabeatghed. -Ob.
B«tUe awfal one to alt tberr
k CMSly toughs Uke that!
■I.W »»->dtda't X Ml-yw
•rJadrtolcaed? Then atop
WatotrrIWtt waa aeRhar
oM. toto -oaiWy." the mtoShe WBi aeliber bearaurai
toto "Hghl.“ Her sweat
.. bad pnaalhQUtos to tt for
'sil'•or’-tewa. TWt-toito-

—the batoBei
* bBtoeart. Then quite nn. IbayilMved.
Heto eoBiBc:
DoMa. toach!
.rw ftoac to elic!- aad Ae lined b«
■. - 'Hark, frok tbe to-’ *: then, baaHty breaWtac «t aad tosaeUac her
IHtle dkn ttpoa a iww teae.
I -.Vt
tto a toi4 that to fairer tbao.
trtoee Coated oat
«b» atair toado eaeSy,A htop. U aba
"•Aatl to faith we ton we it afnr.' ■
' paag oet toe bran TelCp ■haklly.
|tw Coer the toocUtot l|ay Oae heal
A PBe.wr.biir ewn ^th bar ralUa
*«M fltfw aU paftted.' dearr tbe
baae stepped at sight of the atolster
to the door. -If it hadn't beea «br
rJHUs Mbs KulsaaDe here. 1 ahoeM
W»e gone aad helped ytw. Aad. O.
Davy, t hope 'iyt rcaNabered to .pM
tswaces* «i tWr Shaknataiel“Tea, jec. I raaMabeted. 1 think
Tve heaw naeiabtfiBg—oserythtos
Barto. tkto aftehaon.''
>oer Daryl She waa begMe htoi.
her plUM ptetoaao at thearfatoCBs
hahetoaftoah. FOr she
Itoe knew he bad heea n
r two Mtlto graves oat be. headtotbeUtitoi
her toavsii Ml away froB
her. Uke too hcary a garaaeoi for her
gliafisr toowtders. Beddeaty ehe let
Wb gee her eaCertag tosri.
-O. Dato, Im ^ we go aad Ifsr*
Osar the Crtod. beSUag her palias
^^^ssMBirTfla seat -it-s that-} <»Wd


u.^aw> q>s itot .IsastM the itBB they
I/'wh-tan ta. asi tbato tree «at they
"-"^^jHA.thsssa, and aiL Brtor
WM -hv «bm la iovlig ams
MiAp.** bw afiM. -Tea. i kaow.
Tbo weadtoT feel Ukr


aald wistfnlly. “Pretead It'a oor new
boaae, aad we're ^leg to Uve to M'
Wttb oar view spread out before ns to
look at to the monitog and the evenlags and the noons. Pretond, Davy,
caeT yon pretcniir'
Dot Cbp Btolster had forgottoi all
that was Wore be hail restgned. His
I aew was on the htnnUe Utile
borne he had arranged to more Into
when tor pethlng was done. It waa to
e noar-hy Iowa. He had spoken to
one of (bo fiahemen of his congregaikM to drive then there in the.erenlag. after 4he day's “caieb." TT>c fur.
nitore was to go hefoev, qU but the
few neoeesary pieces which they were
to carry with them. Where the bomkle
iitUe new bouse was. how it looked,
whether tt were this or that, the min­
ister's wife had never asked. She
•lad made no atlpnlatlons except that
;i be wiihto the eoond of the see.
“If we most go away from It. wr
must go easy. Itovy.*' she ainUed to
her gentle way. "Not all at. once, for
toat would break our hearls. Just by
legrees, tin we learn how. Von can
'protend' tome things, but you cant
-DooH!: She aionted him ceceriy. preteed the SM. And Itn glad we're
harrying acroee the lltile faded room {Ding away at night. Davy. If i'..'8 good
to lay her finger oa bla Upa Bltler- tad dark, we neodn'i abut our eyea
beaa had Belted to aottaoH to her
Byself go."
(boa ■
She did not tar it: but toe ytolster
me Blaiater U alwaya right.*' abc
eald. "We tnul tbe nlolfter, doal knew she meant, too. that ahe did not
we. Dorrie? If he realgna, wc'rc re- want any one else to see. la her sen•timed} Now. when I eay. Throe,' ■lUve heart Bie shrank from being
One. two—three’" leen by the nlnlslcr's people who
’’Bverybody*’ mlled. and at least were not Barry. Aad the Blnittor an-,
the babyt anile was xenotoe. Jito tbe derstood. for ho was seaaltlvo. He
lader of ibo aftemoon aothlng was tfad tb^ were to go away at
.’orther was said about the rcelgnlng light, and be knew be sbonld sburblf

iC tbe ntoUtoc, The packing went lyea
When there are few things to pack,'
So tt went on
tor eereral days. Bocanse of the *nny t does not UVe very long. The Ian
the Blntoler told down bU
tee tt was not poaslble for the nto
later'e wife u aealel very much, bat bSBBer with the first long *1^ be
■be bore tbe Uckdacktoc wltboat a had permitted blmaHf. The Btolster
jBumur: ao mneh. anyway, abe
Boibtog^ieft now but to go with
They eeareely knew how tt had Barhy to say good-by to the graves of
tone ahtwl: to their toaocence they Ae llitle twin aoos. and lUrby was
fid aot epves dale tbe bcglimtoc the, toady and waiting. She put the baby i
li« tba two IftUe gravw bad been "silo .hli aims, and they went ont to­ aide, to tbe UlUc cemc- gether. walking steadily sble by side.
^Be'Spoke but the baby. Dorrie
lery. Tbe Blnleter-and the Blnlstw*
•rue—dM not reallM that froa that talked oa joyously to tbe delight ofwrrlWe day the Ufo bad gone oat at belng ont In too Bolat, salt air with
toe Bdaleterto aerBona. They roal- Ao aptly In her face. What was pf
aad ^ly that the Utile c«mcrr«atlon tag stray to Ddrrie'?. -Or the aadnesa
la tbe weather hoaten abureb on tbe yf ibe.IUtrc (win graves lyisg hand la
. *
e or tbe aea had crown i
They stood a tong Use bealde them
■ttH. and that tbo fttUhtol oaaa who
^ayed bad aat In dreary patience witbottt- speakto^ Then K. was the
rhUedhe mtolaler prea^ed. with none aitolsUr's wife. •
"I’m toolUh. Davy; it U wicked lo bo
A tbe olddlBe totereet on their weethV beaten fncee. They were oaly fish- tboUshr she mnmorrd, “(o feel as If
were Icav^ your lililc sons bew people, hot tbe BlnUier and the
. you! Because that's bow I'm
aUalator'e wife bad read their feeea.
fecAaa I guess it's wiekod; isn't It.
tad the BiBlater had realgnod.
Jsar? Oat Oorrir's too IRUe to ntiIf tt bad only been bekaOM of a
derstsnd, ai^ I guess Toiill have to
toair elaewhero-bai ao one had
let mo bo Wtoked.. Irwant tb gather
wllcd' tbe BlnUier. He had gone
my imie gnircs up in my arms and
■boat hU packing np qnleily, wIlKoai
carry theaa with rue. Dary! They're
froa dhe atoaU the mtto sons I tove! Davy, nhy
later'a wUe. No one bad been ‘‘eorry.
donT you speakr
’That toat tbe bardeat, bni it'a
“Lei us pray." the aUnlster said. He
hard!- Bohbod tb^Utile aany wife la
'( Ibo Tiny Oae down betwotn the
aer baby'* neck. "U woold be cwsler
Utile twin gnvea. aad bowed his
j> have aoae one eorry—jaat aoae
DU bead.
•Dorrie!'* And day by day abe
“O Lord, who hwl Thy Son. Wty ns
tad watted for w&te one to come and
«y. 'Tb aorty.- The BtoUler had who have losi tion," he prayed, “and
waited, too. though toea to hiaaett Biake nllowances for us. iMwaiise wc
Just a bnmaa father aad mother.
;i was woebnteseed. ''
Pliy this mother most, dear l4>rd: lli"Apy one bka iajodayr he asked
ite sons are, so mueh to their molhers!
wttb palafut eMoalaeai aner oae of
And ahe ji galng away. Lord; It Is ao
dw days of packlac o«t in tbe Uuie
bard logoavtay! Give h.-r s glimpae
an errand, yoe kww!
3f her Utile sons to Thy nftot. to the
I dld^ know but t heard the bell
^awav. Let her mjf them there.
lac once."
l,ord; oi. 1 pray Thee comfort this
"Yes. tt rang.*' There was Bo ant- mother whine UtUe sons arc dead!"
aatton to Barbara Watowrighfd volco.
Then 11 was still, except for the
'll was Mra. histlls. BheqaBstoask
■y advice ebbui wall p^cri. Rho baby sad I he sea. The mlnbncrh wife
stDotl with closed eyes, not sUrriog.
srantod to kaow U rTbeoght a ereaai
beside her tbe minlsu-r stood. In
fRMUd with genttoa sprays was wtlsUHh their faces and the Ttoy One's
Mra. Maliis Is tny talons
(aco blew the sweet. muUt wind.. It
w aritoUe.'* sUnM the gnus uo the IKtle graves.
aow,*!—arar was there aal"Amen.'* the mlntsicr's wife said
■allon la the BtoUtar's rotos.—‘i
lappcwe rito'a having the New lleane BrfU)-.: by and by. "1 see them there:
now Lean go. Itov>-.“ And the gentle
papered. It anst be about.ready to
light to her far* waa like that which
•ore Inlo.shines to toe face of a mother who
“Yce.. only youVo forsottok. Bhvy.
She Isn't going to aiove la: she's eotnfoHed.
Whea they got back, they amde n
changed her nlad about ludlltofi her>-.
Dent you fcaow. sheb going to wll touad of the dlamaattod rooms of the

•Yl.'ye*. I eaaK. Do yon w>t aw
al« acalD, Daryt I ftiielc 1
mAuro. Ton irtro oot tlw hyaiB/ «art>y!-- tor her taec li«t btai^aad
(be bUtenWH ^IC'ber tweet voice.
Barby't Wriec «u not taaed to Idtter
•«, I know I'm a ^U-ble tiDacr.’
like old Uncle BU«: and here, Jntt a
lie aao. 1 waa a aalat! I told
. Donto to laesh and l A aUc- Wc
0 Vrtac to be ao pMdjr, and not
nuke the whilater'a harden any hard­
er to oarry—nary. a. Davy.,why did
the nlnlater rettea? Why did yon let
The ntalater ^ed tv/ihe crowlac baby abaenily. and eaC her. a llh
lie warn heap at mneaed pettieoats.
■ ble ‘knee. Tbe mlatater-t grave,
good eyca looked' weary, and hack la
their Bhadowt larked trace* of a'bailie woo tont hard eoaieelcd.
~^)all I Ro all over tl acala. dear!
Moetir boealdpatleetty. **11)0 winlater reeicnod bomoM bo
1 bt* daly. becanw hU people,
wiebed It. but were too loyal to

Tb think that the Btolster
gpuea! TVhen tbe Ntwr-Tfa
beca so ahsorUacly interostlng^froB
tbe UiM this one rich wumaa bad
beck to her aaiive place to baild
It. When the bIWHv aad the bIdlassrb wife had watched lu' walls go
sp. and ptoaaod lu ratont. and fur.
bad calM tt. tbeir New Hoew beaasT It was boUt with tbeir View
troB Us wtbdows. Iko View ifiey
. -Well iwMead. Davy, tbe way tbe
Huie Twin Seau awd to pretead,** tbe
Botbur-of tbe ntUeaSead sons bad

"They're forion nttle room*." aald
toe Blairs wire wtatfully; -bat I
tore every one of them. Davy.—every
forlorn one! I tow toe room wcYe
entun our hecnklasu and dlnnrrs aid
sutgRtn to. aa<I tbe rntmt lYe,wasbni
your big ciotbN aad toe totoies' llitle
oMs in, and toe terrible siUf little
pnrwmage pnrtor I've enlertatoed'toe
caller* In when they eoBC with tto4r
best bi«n<^ on. I lave the ehiBBsy.
nnvy.- phe laagbed twmMoasly. -wad
it's smoked drendfallyVA^ tbe rooTa
looted, hnt 1 lovr Ibe ndft> It's tbe
. ..1,

p«cs 1 M6

e eommf, michioaii. thuwoav. January tt, ites.
r. but I love it—and—and
I'm golbg to cry to a mlnotc. I know 1
am., it's croBtog on." She
log all the Ume lUI the toby's lUtle
creasy neck was wet. The minister
stirred naeaslly. and rvbbed a moist
spot oa his own cheek.
It was quite .dark when (he fishetm«n who was to drive them to tbeir
new bOBC srrivGd in a ereaktog wagTbe klghl was stariens. black. Im
-Wc toant have lo shut tmr eyes"
whispered the minister with a faint atlonpL at drollery. The Tlay Oae^
eyes were shut niroady.
They drove away Into the btockaess.
to their ears aad
with t:
breath of the aea to their faces.
ibe br
Soon they settled li^ silence ap tt by
toe fisherman's
flnu auempfs at{ sociability not having
mot wilb -mueh response. Sea and
It seemed rather a short drive, but
with many turnings and corners. The
minister had ftwgotien It would be no
croaked; he wondered a mile. In

bugged tbe Tiny One to her arms and
endured with (be patlenca at her kind.
Once only she apoke.
"There are lights all the 'way. Davy.
I thought we would go through woods,
didn't you!"
“ye*.--the minister was certainly
a Utile puxtled,—“hut probably ihU
U another road. It was marly all
woods the way I went ibe'otbor day."
Oddly enough, neither of them qnesUonod the fisbennan, and he offered
Wbta finally be
Mopped the Inmbertng wagon. It
merely to annmnce. “Mere we be,"
“It U very dark." ihc mluisier's
wife said, holding the Tiny One closer
Mill “perhaps, tl yon went ahead and
lighted up—«|ky. Davy. It's lighted up!
Some one has lighted the Ismps!" she
cried, as a sndden pole radiance made
sort of pathway tor them to the
bouse. There were subdued nullings
by. astt
1. were passing them to the
"I Uke It some o' the
in somewheres. an* struck a mstch;
there's kind folks to most every
plaec.".too fisherman vouchsafed phll-'
oSophleally. "I guess Hannah an' Be d
lo that much fur folks that was movR' in to (tie dead o' night. You go
ihMg In. psrann. with MU' Wato-

Wltbln. there were warmth and light
and comfort. It was a home! The
mlnlMor's wife caught her breath In
gup of uionlsbment. “Will you
h»ok. Davy,-w1ll you look!" she cried.
“Somebody's unpacked things—some­
body's gw supper—soB»eb€id) > an
Tbe big bright room seemed to bold
nl welcoming arms to ibem. There
was a carpet on (be floor, and curtains
St (he windows, and n ketlie jHirriag
too slove. A bed had been set np
temporarily la one enrner. .
“You didn't aay Ihero would bo fur
nlUire, Davy—thU carpet Un't t
the eiiriains. If It wasn't for the
bed and the teakettle, ] shnulil think
wv'd made a mistake. Uut they're
—I know Ihsi teakettle's'veiled
Still, it's vm- simoge./Unni, Davy!
I dout umlerMand—'■
“1 don't understami." tbe minister
said simply. - “1 guess kre're too tired.
Barby. It's our bed. anyway, and our
kettle. I,et‘s drink a eup of in sod
solo l*ed. di-or In the morning per­
haps <Mir niKUrftsoditiR will romo to
••UoiTle. (be mlnir-’ier I* alwsy*
rlghL-fel's do It! You shall have a
rup of laby lea. Well step easy
tbe enrpci. and we won't lourt the
ennaios—till we understand."
And to toe morning they undersi

DBTlarn Watowrlgbt pushed' aside
tbo cnriBlRS sently In the morning.
and atuod lookiug out at a radiance of,
snalight on the sna.' She uttered a
“ttovy. It's mir View! It's nur View,
Davy!- she rrl*-d "O. I knew the tft
wu ben-—I've listened lo It all night
—ton not ours. TbU Is our sen. Dary.*,
Hr was at her aMe. looking, too.
Tbe wonder in his face maiched tbe
wonder in 'bera. Aad Ihea tbe fresh
»fs the New ilonu—woVe'
In lhe_ New House! We're at borne:
we uever we« away at all! We drove
ronnd aad round in the dark, and here
We are! Wbat dos* tt Bwaa. Davyr
They found a letter tbai told (beat,
to rough flsherBaa toagaaga This
tbe Mtsr said, aad tbey wen
aw BtotMer aad toe Btatolsr'a vlfs!

wne to toe weatberbeaton UtOo
iHtoRd-tp ventilate the iKaeuse
ebureb beside tbe am! DM tory tbtok ■abtcfnaeaa eft^ andtofeMp toe teat^
sms could rtmlga like that! Not' peratBR- eadaiSfik- In the lover levels.
when they wete loved and valued; AU deep mine ^erlags prow bow stathey might move to a better "pass- peadonsly dlffcatt would be the task
aBage." but po farther.
r desemdtag hetow the mile IcveL
knew a good minister when they naw
At toe lowecl tale of increase in
him. and toved him when they had
blm fto- tbolr owB. They could put earth, tbe beatat toe depth a _
(bdr hands ih their pockma aad bay, by Mr. Parsoas.-i: bUb down, w
him a passuaage worthier ^m. Wei-^ ^be'Medegreea'MreWbett.
Mqdegnes'FUhrtWhett. This
Mae to tl. Wtdoane! Wrltsme!
Ikoagh' for from the fnslag point of
••Let us pray." the minister quivered, wnaght Iron (S.SSO degrera). woald
droptdag to bU knees. But be said
of tools, even if toe
OBly. "Lord, we thank Thee."
lower boriags of toe shaft wen eoa“Amea,"
wife stnteted as they are to oQ wells, a
dUkatt pmcaa. It would defy the
broatoed Bority.
“Donie." ahe said later oa. when
aaltossal sdieme of aitlfictol re« wonder had grown to a'bcautUnl friganttiag to reader sneb depth* avreality. "Dorrie. the minister hasn't BOable^ entiaace by bomaa bHnga.
resumed! Stop toughing, yon little
gnrgly Tiny One.—ao. don't! Keep beaefit enter Into the ptoaa of Mr.
right on. sad lit tough, too! ‘Hie sea Panoas to saggcMlag toe 12 alle bar­
Is Ungbtog. Durrle.-we're all so glad ing Into'Ibe rrost of toe carib. II Isa
Ibe mlnlsier hasn't resigned! And Dor- sebcBc parely la toe laterMt of seleattfle kaowledge.-Cbhago Trtbaae.
Tbe TlnyDnc a^ed IlMcBlngly.
'no says—the minister nays be
AltomarkaHe Pr.-phot
thinks now he «an preaeh *agaln. It's
Tbe rMaarfcable way in wblrii the
bwutmil to be loved—as U we Umde coadiiloa* of tbe preaeal yew
lD*t always toyed blm!-—ChristlaB
fowudd la
Radeavor World.
Benaer. a tonaiT of Duada*. Ohio, has
created Bach eommeat aamag the
Hols T«Mve Miles Oesfi.
of tbe cmatiy. partledBxporimeais to be tried In toe torlytoc steel nwa. who bare
by oOeera at years gireo mneh wetgbt to the proph(he United Sutes geotogtoal surrey to cMe* of Ibe farmer aag^
determine the
Benner has for many yean hcea
of toe
SBoaaciag. a
ahead of Ubc. the
srtdespread toterest la^ setosUte- cir­ tread of trade. Wag his psodjettoa
clet to Washington. Coming as tt OB the prepoM^ that, periods of
doea oa the heels of a project bmached flaanee aad Unde Bove In eyries, aad
by Charles Algeraoa Parsoos at Atg- that having ooce leanMd troai tbe
land tn bore a bole 1: mllee iaio Ibe past tbe duration of too eyelo*. It was
earih. tbe scleBtIfic world bat BDch toe eaalcst Batter la foretell to« nrrbfood for speeulation.
ahto conne trade aad fiasaoo woald
Prof. Panms estlmatoa that to sink pursue la the future. He ooven tb*
a abaft i: miles deep wonM cost US.- coBdlUoas of sud. Iron. grat» aad
OOO.OM. and that It would require tS proTlslons. and bas been
roan to accomplish It This abaft eat that aieci men watch hto
down tmo the earth.
Beener toys ao elalB to anpeniatl
the equivalent of a hole ode foot deep uni power, basing hto predirtloas nd*to. a Baas cec fees ihk*. U would ooiva ly on lessm of tbe pasL Addison
that tbo afdentlfie Qaanaack. owe of toe great traders la
knoflodge of the world has toft ab{. Wall itreoi. walched tbe |
answered, yet it would. tovcailiMd
ly yoatv. aad daring toe toier
only -iho crust and leave tlunmands al rran of bl* acGvIty In the Borkrt
mile* of the interior man atlll on- be was guided to his
of toe oM man. Dorhni gone down Into the tog the early ‘POa tt to *al<l that tt was
earth'* interior beyond iho dlMaaee of to* predietloa of Benner that a cycle
mile ud livi-d to tell the. story. at high prices had eoBC that ladaecd
The deepest boring In the “crust" of Casmack to
rtblu-ra campalga
»t|lto acted hlib«.bM. He bettored that Beatfer bad gaiaad a for*
le center of the globe.
dghl into the economic tow* govern
Tbe earth's Interlnr Is a vast
ag toe worid of trade.
knuwn. beside wbieh. In tbe mlm at
mystery, the heavens arc an opsb ber, hto predlctkms for
book. The m«*i daring explorer seeh- and tbe coating year he forMMd Just
uew fieWs of heroism In imrarel- wbat bas happened. The stvlfieani
tog the mysteries of nsiure ban halted Jortloa of the Denner prollcitoni
___ - before he could idsn to SUP
mntmt.ihe oluuaeb-s iluii lie IS toe
“I predict that prlcea for pig Ifoa,
paibwa)' of the secrets of the enrib'* raUroad stocks and many oommodi

g(a«bewarl|C Orrtalnlr. evdry oibee toad with m straag .
ha* toagatoec
brwa expiorod, bat tbta one great smbIsavage toad, guarded by too blgbcat
itaias la tb« worid. rramlaa tlm
last idsee from wWgh tbs iaaoraUag
white man is fieroMr sntoded.
re owe' sromaa Bay have saay
sads. bat a ama Bay have caly

womb; tbe ruler of toe toad u
forever a child, fur every rotor diaa bw
fore be breoawa of age; to* tobiSdwasb theasselTM iHto ffuaar.
aad ptaytog to dune by aachlBBTWlibto toe walls of lAaaa ttatff. tbe
grvat Bystery wberr toe Oraad Iabb
drcBBs away bla sautd bat brief oxtotnee, only torae' wbU* Bsa aw
kaowa to have sm toot, la ISIl. aa t

-------------------------•d a* a loam g prick. lalfiM.
. ..> Preach prtesia did toe *aam tolas,
bat Mac* then a* r—imvWse
baa peaeltatsd tbe i
Thibet has aa i
gorawntent. or (heaeney. tbe bssd cd
which to suppowd to be. Oraad DalaiLaara. looked npoa aa toe retatoiSB
Uoa of Baddba. allboogb (be red ntor
to a tcBtoPral chief aalMd to* Oyalpe.
Tb* Ofilbd iBBs to Maaliy ebosan at
the age of five or otx. HetobegfJaa
paiaee at lAsaa. and to never ae«i tr
(he octalde world. Tbe Oyatpo, or re­
gent. ha* charge of (he fiaBa.iaad. at
toe age «f fifteen or olxts^. tbe LABa
die* of s
is totta aanonneed
that bis spirtt bal
passwl to asMber tetUI, who will (it
fooad at a certain place la a eettala
taBily. The child la lawayqJmBd as
directed, bad duly lak&ed iTtiiril||l' ■
eoBB aad Btar wtoed MreBontoa^'-

CMHaaa Ptoitt Ukb a Blfigatli Bpldw.
One of ibe Boat qgrlOM jdW Ig
toe worM to oa* liBribil
etor* receatly retaraed (roB Iba Osp*
Negro oakMy, a ftttlsl—wa raffta of
Africa, and called the opidcr ptaat
These tfCvMen often heard from tb*
aailve* of a plafit tbat%« pfiOl*i^
aad (hat. growtiB, tomr iU W ahoM'
la eoatlanal sirnnMb la ramp*.
It was toe good fBtiaae of Dr. WeL
wicieh to dtscOTcr the ortgla at
tegend. Sirdllng aktog throoCh a
-swept ubMaad aoaauy. be cbb*
spoB a ptoat that rested low «poa tbs
ground, but bad tw* e
tbsi bad twUted ahoet to ton wind
ttbe sorp*ai*-t4a fact, tt lookML os the
aauves bad aaM. Ilbe a HgibUe ofUtr.
When the wind came rasktog to
ftOB tbe see, ItfUag tbe earioa* ilbbonflke toave* qad tasstog tbem abeot
tt alamst aaeaM to (be dtoeavoiee
bat Ibe atrange plaat bad awHfaly
beeoote iBbacd wttb life aad'wos
Mruggiiag to escape. When a dsecrlpUoa and ^clare of toe ptaat were acat
to Bagtaad, tt waa. UlB maay other
dtocovertso, discredited b« soon lb*
wUI be lower In IMl thaa in lliOS.
The ameuarof eompresston at toe
"1 predict, lhai after INK tberr wlD Maal Useir was received, aad aow
globe's emter sbonld lo some exIRiL be' a revlral In trade, better tlBcs, and Welwttacb Birabllls to weU kaowa to
leasl. )leAne the ebararier of ttc (Ikt higher price* will prevail aBin
ss of which tt is furmril
he year ISII.
WllblB the t
‘The preaent down eyrie la price*
B ha* tor*
which Is 6:-'t feet high. Is to be siretob- and In general Iwslaess ends to IMi
tweatyelx iaki aatosMIa wblA WtB
wlro '.too fevi lone, on the free sad by reason of a protective tariff
end of which will Im- hung h«av) ^Is eoimiry has'r.ut hotl an dld-fash- tsM up. frame and alL toto a IMa
iM- rarrled fa the pocket. Tba
■Ighls. Survey e*iw-r1«. who will' ooed p'-rlud of bard time* dnnng the
baadle and alt tbe Hhs coastot at flan
rondiiet (br extwrlrocms. hope by thil past ihrve years.
mians to gain n knnwl<-dge of the bas been a aiacDdouH fall la pfkw* sad very stragg steal luhea la aecttusa
toatde tbe otbir.
fum- of Kravlty at eqiml dlaiaoro
sad shrinkage in values of railroad
«ar,l the renter of the earth.
sad ludiistrtol secarliles with • severe The eovertag is ef very to* allk. which
lakes up but IKUe tvMB. Tb* woods*
It is-argued, that the great mass
decline in Iron.
■ he interior of the earth Is aoltd.
The year IMS wilt It the ^auiag baadle of tbe ambrelto to hMlbw and
Against the eoBtenilun tiuit the ptonei year <if a new up rycH- In pig Iron and reeelve* all the rest <ff toe tidiicnp
under a erust SS mlln ibirk I*
long <v>ntlniied pmaiwrUy In general lag aBbrella rad wbea shat up. A
mall aad light ease, not too tdg M
<if fiery llqvid Is arrayed toe fsct-cf bualncss. laMtog notll the nest
the known density of the (^obo. That aerelal revolshni, nhtcli will be d*eta toe pocket. Is provided to eoBtola toe whole, which is thus secarad from IrdenMiy In Ihc emrUi's entirety Is about IJll.
BBd the perOs M
times the density of the water that
"l^lien our financial and
covers three-quartern of the surface.
b their lowest limits. eaposure which Blway* Btlead IU wae.
Tbe assumption of a romparatlvely as detennlr.ed by the cycle* of trade, O ft I* B toy whlcb to* MlsaaBpolto
thin erust requires.
they affurd toe best cqiponuaiile* to BeebaBictoa i* gDtog os. tt to aa taWIUbOB Thompson, jhai this rruM make pnJHable InvcotBeais of money igealoasonq. If aa article cd teal atJItty. toe gcaeraiioa «g rainy datoice osd
should have a rigidity powMcd by to property; r
known substance. Tbe son exerts sceoritie*. BaaoCacturra and Bcrcaa«p aad eail him bleased.
h a strain npun the tubsunce of Ilk- pursuits.
the (wnb that the planet coaM
.“tooklhg forward beyond lNtl the
n*h Skto* as doth tog
BSlnulu Its shape as It dots, he msln- cycle* Indkai* sla yean of nalloaa!
The Ualtod
uaiioo aimon
Stataa fish
ssa «
talBs: unless the >nppoaed ej
Itwst !.«U« <1^ JAeo mile* lu thick
eotsiag opportunity to caidi bat recently l«w girlag eoasMentes
aitentloa to nilltotoig the afctos of wa­
........and a prtoea at their lowest
Tberr li> i gradual Increase to the
deiwemloa wW mot happen ter animals for eMhiag. They have
already proved that seronl ktods eff
g the Mir- again for SO year*.
fish skins make oaoelirnt leather tor
(aeo of the eruM. -This toereane to
-The prospects of a bright buMi
some kramtee k so rapM.a* one de fnture were never better lor Bodevate some purpose*. Balmoa hide to fO«M
gtve for each K feet at descent; to
bat BO great aet only serttcraWe for hoou. bat
nasoag tb* EaquisMBX H to* tosa oaed
other** oae degree for
feet to tS boom to price* similar to carUer tim
lor ge
when we bad »M> pig inm:~
dot^ J3to profde.of the far w^J
In lb* Comtock silver jalsc* to Ne­
also rae^cvktcE
SBeUaWfi akto*
fk jacksb. Tbe
vada. at a-depth-of S.nei feet water
Chalmers BoberU. wrfitog qf Thibet tklB* whlcb the fish
has a teapevalBK of 170 degrees.
Fahreohell. Tbe deepest cxearailoas to toe World * Work, deedarea (hat It pie bar* iwad pnetlaaue aad donkfe
acat Mashrr,
toto tbe earth are at toe Cslnasct A
Hreto rapper Blue* to MtohlgBB. vsded that the fasetoattoe of the Brtt- wbjto dye to litaaHfatoekwa.
rbete the kBgest perpendicotor ataft toh tovkaloa of Tbihrt Uea No white
Cblaa has
goes down OM fort, while one of toe Baa Urine bas ever smw Lhasa aad
ureto* roars.
staadtog sbafto to more thaa s.M<> fed. rrtwraed to IMI of it. This aknw leads MHedtoftog Ito Uoiu tbm bIbm S&A Bttqi
a M tbr ftam
M latsswl fliltorirt. ColaiBl eagtoea



■ J


\ Vbkh vw
o'clock vlth Uo kvilU
'um af Dmtoltk w4 Hall nta «p to
CM KaBiaMa ptutA. **» «u»«Brit
tMrtfat-acMHafoaM boate wM«
MiM«M Meowad CM lr«.
• (wll waa tthde and the baivlng
..eah qulaklr m down to Caaa street
- .'MitfC'Mt the laaea ralrir barat aot
.tha wfli^ trttb the draft which
' awpi*th»oii*li Ifca nuwiiw ear. n»
' daauaa to Uw tatertor U eaoip' '
Iba flta to tha intarlar.



ti'-- ,

CMme tr. Oodd head, the Itot of Tide for hi* wWe'« cowfort foor day*
tomletand another lailUoBaJrr as the befure hi* death; Scon, abo worked^
lUl to Saiaael 8.- BewA: Mr. Ooald foortera bom a dw to frea hlai*ctf
I dote; U^ne, doprodtag ce poeww
tSok an actirc laterett to the appoint
it of Captain Brad*ha*. wrltlag to «hr« him brief earremae Iran phya—ThaVs what a promioeni pertonaUy to l*rr«Wc'matoc»wr.-h.
knl agony, aad Plcsea. (be Itonlrii pre^
>t|da at p^rhoot aai oil the toor.'drUggist SOid of ScOU's Cr neral U'ti'^'aliei#, a-rblbt bU au- ;f«Ai>r. lylag •« l-b> »*aek and writm;;
eke on hi* own dlwoses.
toaklaK at thrtr haratoaa aad tor «;EmulKion a short time ifatodaphr to a raee whh Jnih. nt
»o»e.t at N«t the Ttaka, ,d the
j mladt (one at othew *h« have sx
Tbn-r hoTr town orr'ctcd'ta <:.-rmaii>'.
last andI ful«il.-d
Hot bee^ eurb^ aad the tboasht ago.
.. ------------ fcw
efOB deeelrc
use «r refer to testimonials
TIi.r.- **f Oral#, who .'(ir * nf »taluc«. ba>U, olK-Ibka. .K-., nu 1 _
M«r Tern siefeir apeelBen*.
in addressing the public, OliMarW.
u> l"'".jf‘*f'>'-‘‘i*bt aiori-an'oader way.
il*h.-d thc^nx-m-ilni tbui a
Mven and one fire nieeiha aod the
OAlr cMhlBR. ae apmn. a mat eaeoae but lli^ above remark and __
for a earerlnc wliirhiil one fastcelns similar expressions are
at U« aedri
made so often in ^ttnoecNothlai waa haowa her.- rJ'tho *oe•took COMMHieg.
aad waif, a* the mothor of It to bift a lion with Scott's Emulsion
allp of..w girt who aar> h<ir oane to that they arc worthy of
PlAtwCtoi^Stwan).BoliwrBnd Accltient ingurtonew.
Ahha Mellchar Namac and iba lathrr occasional note.
I* in the Poltoh eonotr>- wearing the!
aoMler outSt of Uohemto. ^.The other! infancy lO oJU ftgC Scott S
ahtidmi are Prwh. foar rear*. Catpar. I KmulsiOD od'eTS a fcHablc
A r^oriw from Um Oraad Traronc
HMbM vlOlUHl (be bMM «( Mr. 4ftd
Mra. MIefcaM Kao). SUwdaTAad laaDd
the widow oBd her CiraUr ot all. or
rather aeTen, Cor leaiead of two liable*
generallr auppoaed. two

SL.’T-U. r r y™ --ns »f rem^ying in,-

. -YfpWaraMMMeKMOfeetrauta
‘ tM MCMid him
tse ahop and
- IhMkM htn&er i«>ier Hire where
^ Bower to tnasaltted to the wain

Bis Baal Bstoto Oasl.
Elmer (toandler of X^and was in
the diy Tbnrwtoy oomploUng the innafer (g the old Loland iron worka prop­
erty wbkb Includes the walw powai
and dam of Ue old^saw mRl. Upon
this site be will erect« wacblnc shop
ran by a large dynamo, wbkb be will
Im hone power at thl. It detlfhed tosult. the oulpnt to be gasoline
Asido fma Uls bnsinoss venture
the property pnrehaaed ineJados foi
acme.of valnahle resort tiropcrty and
an soon as foaalble to the apriag bi
-will erect an bandred room hotel in
tbo parit whkh ir back oT the woll
kaown Kllto .botol. TbI* U but tbc
taaglaatoc at Ue nodcre improre
wbleb Letond will soito have.
!i U the tot
'^wrtwt are «nw hooked.
Mric 1.. bltog
. *or
for Ue vIHage. the new dy-namo
briag Urge endoM for that purpose
eketrk road rnasing at far at
MlUUoharaad fawnr. An
Pnrewoot is atoo another
that Been* to have a kubi
in years past this properiy held
o< Ue most valnahle Iron foundrie*
;^w7mta IMIWH Kael.%r^ in Ud lower pealnsnto and with It they
bad lake aervlee, vahiible docks and
Uw a deceeetie for yem the fonndry'a output was as







TPm rmn apn last Angiut Marr
•»:HdHi»ar. tM aMcM at thto Bohemtas
iutar. atrived. akiae to thto dtr te
' -Mak har fortsae to the aew eoaatrr.
•be had eerenl dbitaM. retoUret.
*nilwta aad ewdee and eonatOA to thto

prO(>er and WCftk develop-

roeul. restorinjr lost flesh
and vitality, an* repairing
waste. The action of
Scott's Emulsion is no
more of a secret than the
composition of the Emu]-j
Sion itselL What it does I
it does through nourish­
ment—the kind of nourish­
ment that cannot be ob­
tained in ordinary food.
No system is too weak or
delicate to retain Scott’s
Emulsion and gather good
from it
▼* erm scad yea s


I. .ta

oenu to charged for birds that are eotil be only ten cen)



s. wbeiber the
gree of a dressed fowl runs back to S
bronted taikey or a tough spectmea
af the hMtoPi fflnlly. Uni fanclerB
blue blooded a

hkh they Judy
■r of Uc f«aib«

perfect bird must score
up to the preeeni day no suefa
1st*. Ue highest scoring being re«cb<
by a 8(. Louis exhibit, scored at »?>,.
sad a bea. whose perfectlooi reached i
>7-points. 8bo nill lire*. .Still ij
hoMcwlfe'B Jadgment of t^iropea-'
vlty of a hea for erratchfag np gar-


■ ■



Trarerse Qty Stoe BaM

Room 310N«w State Bank Building.

Traveriso City.

A T. HANNAH. PtoStdiM.
«. OAIIlamb; Ctodtieg.

■CAPITAU »a00.009




Dr.w.3- diagios

3 Bcr Celt sum M Uw hcHrik.

Very best at dratsl service
only. T.'Dih vesr of precilcc
Your pulrviDBce •oUrtled. ' In
New building, under K.
of I>. haii. no donr wlU Dorkev‘a>-Y liartoess College end Jtv^
Sinp r oflirc.


g, 5jSete,r»*;3c;; tm.
toNONK->r TO

OK Store Cbat FilU tbo most ProscrlpHons

Ground Tlax Seed
Thgi b oot lump}- and conuiot all the linseed oil U the kind we tell
you. Make a poultice, and apply it and results are obiaiaed Feed
it and you get results from h.


On Real EsUto.
New Wilhelm Bleck. Travtree City.

W. P. CR0T8ER.


219 €. T«»/ St

JimeriCfin Drug Company
Trsretse Gt.v. Mkh.


J w. iBSk-roMiN


Wayee OmMy Brafc BMg.. DtlSOlX

um k BOWRE
4!» Peaf! St. H.Y.
StosMSl: slldrtofkto

colored and ruffled emab wlih _ . .
oaalr air, but It goes against hi* good
breeding and Judgment Thto It. however, applicable only to the male six.
bnt both aeses mutt retain an Immanilaieaitlre. No foe-i should go Into the
egg laying coatesi during (he rxhilrli.
and Uo«c unMphlttlcatcd brn* who
-efforU_t glut
ket win SCO their beautifully iirrpsrcd
plsn*. via the egg wouie. ruthlcMly
travclrd s great distapcc will lx- glv«-n
a sqiiari* meal to-fore to-lug w.-lglu-d
la *t htf

IVc have a very com;ilclc tine of heating stom' fds. this
season of the year, aiul if you ate tttnkii^ ol bnyiog one it
will be to your iniurcst to call
examine our Mode sn4
get onr prices, for we are olfering a liberal discount on all
heating stoves for the next HO day*.

F-RAIMK -TRUDK. 146 Front Street

How Is
Is TOor pulse weak, too slow,
too fast, or does it skip a beat?
Do j-ou have shortness of
breath, w-eak or hungry spelfs.
fainting,smothering or chiyking
spells, palpiution. fluttering,
pains around the heart, in side
and shoulder: or ‘hurt when
lying on left side?
If you have any.of
symptoms your heart is weak
or diseased, and cannot get
better without assistance.
strengthens weak hearts, and
rarely ever fails to cure heart
disease. . Tr\- it, and sec how
quickly you will find relief.



Dsfieral Newt.
Rnssto ha* been InfortuaHy nmi-{
fled by tbu VhIImI RiaUw gov-i-rnt


CBStpin Sawing and Piaatag Oaai
Traverse City


Cener Lake gvt; gad lOtfc M


6oing to Build?
If so. the South Side Lumber Co. at Traverse
City is the place to buy your material. Shop
and mill work done on short notice. Give us
a chance to figure on your wants.


South Side Cumber €oCravsrst City, lllicb.

Until Further Notice

Cta. Mwotl.

Not the old shoddy, but fresh from
factoi^. Standard make 5-A and
Chase. They are strong avi cheap­
est at


We will sell


ro lbs flice for 30c
2 dozen Oranges 30c

able, aad oeaL The cheapen ‘on the market, quality <
Once used and yoa will boy no other «n*kg-

Picnic Hams 7|c lb

126 state strut w Uictor Petcilvl*

msilc to order.-proBptly. Only the-vetybdM B%-


fuDyguaranieed in evey tg^wcL,
That a« made to Me as well a* idL They a»
n^'tnade of che^aateriat,'and given a flashy
are dmable, comfort-

5-pint Stew Pcin with

iMeraUon la the scoriag. aod Kalaau.
too hat TveenUy- oome to-ihc front
with a four-legged chicken,
a Jovealk. but Kt powi
wautoed .with Interest _____
tovers aad the stuniy hoosewl
wUii never Sleep eo long as
specto exists. A perfect bird bernmM

poultry birds must bai___________
get that topknot of tkelt* frosted,
potato are taken O0 oa their were by
tbe pereraiage at frost bites to tbe
epper rii*. li gives a

Money to Loan on Improved Real Estate Only.

Albekt E. dLOHENskr, Mani(

dUpaaal of ibe shoH sraabin of
Amcrirau coagross funher
\ n.-p-ilaO ibtjpoRCd
tk»s on the Hubjocl of
Rasslan-AnKTlraii arliKreilun in-aty
will be poatponod. Only tboec Uiwiic*
which are of unifann model ran be
laU before the senate thU scssloa.
Two of ihn three wonu-n who arrive«l at Havana January i from Vidon
on (he BicamiT Dora, and wlit> wi re
u&sen 'io ({IC detendoa hosplial <u.a
Uiete of yellow ft-vor. Several nf Hu*
membors of (be Anc^ran public
bolalih riieoriatloo to scxeloo ai Ha.
vans were present at the post mortem
thi remains and n-rlfled the fict that tiH- women died nf
yellow fever.
Albert H. Oradsbasr recently reap
pointed postmaster la Lakewood. N.
AnMUl poultry ghew.
TbeS'orUera Mkhlgan PonUry and J.. has imbaMy the rtch«« bondsmen
tot Btoric aaritcistlon. whk^ waa or of any postmaster in tbc coutitr}-.

clto January ts to f8. aod tboagb the
Pljra of bolding It hr* not deBnltHy
• of Mr. mad Mra. i. A. Hoa- been sHUed. it J* quite probable that
UfM where eh« has erer ttoee re Uo Booghey building, corser Biatc
Csss street* will be used.
d Md har worth to aaple teetliMorthe
0 birds. Inetuding lurkers. duck*
A babe reoMred to Ue old

I ifMt to work at a
etnae nUer with H. D. ABer. ~
earatoM alowlr hut nireir 'aecnntq
totad fer tilt one ehtoet which he had
to etow, o( brtogtag Ut fawlir
over, the tride expaaee ot wuer whkh
•epMed theaa ,8nddenlr he wit
•tii^lsa wltli ctoM enUen* hewor
fMpe-nb< <Ued after a few dart' HImM The daaabter Mary was grief
atridtea bn went oat to Old MUaloc
at the enawer Mwe of her emplorert.
Dartog (be answn the C. 8. P. 8.
ledge awtotad hr the ladlee qf the J.
C. D. eedetr. gave a party to rate
fnada te brteg the i^lh fawlly orW
aad dtp was ntoed. Mrt. J. A. McMaau. who It now at Ann Arbor, but
wat epeadlDc tbp twnmer here, to
tweeted the towtocat men to the dly
to the protoct and IMO wat added to
the ISO. Mr. Hanitortky waa^ade
the agent Uroagh wbkb the ttokeu
aeiaweWT u briag the family .
pwehamd and la order to wike the
IwBigrnUan right wMh the' lawlgratieb bnreaa at Blit totoad. Itor.
CwdSto'Mrew op to papw before .
BOtofr vMIie eartog that the faatUy
wodd not becawe peblk chargee.
Mn. Metkhar eare that manr, maay
k bad that
Mm too, woald 'have beta mtanwd |f
-M bad an hoea tor the paper.

: 1,1

Tire. Insurance!



m p ufi'




hawarfal Water Whatl.
B la water-wheel power
Ms TaeaHwd lu trat praeUeai intro< daetm>B ,t>la.eft»'*»^. «a»«aar
«Bt.«lDfaTaiaOaalBa water power aid
aac • saw paea bp ailHstac a low bead hwi been akk and hs* an nlxeeu in |
Vi wMar sM eo^raitiag it lata a bish its ear aad to othorwtoc ill froB the
Mra. J. A. Montagoe. who has been
Oaorga Baker, a baihar ad thit cKr.
raatdlhg at Ml South Spnioa atreei, more then most enplorera to the
iitMiad the idea alz or aaran rear* frieadleas glri tM pest three r«ar«
atn apd after Mag ttadr rigged np a •ent down a cr*^ aad sled Saturdar
pewlr arrleed' baby or
amn wheel and ptoeedjt In asrlan
1 ardiah. where U appeared fo aaewar bMka. The dangbter aara that her
fine cook and coold casUr
2 iheenetpnhtoawfckthewutrrlag
I H aelia le the jaMsUac Frahk E. nuke a llviag oa boae baU^ If ahe
f SauMtor. Ite rtuta a vaMlae ahop
‘V pt tit Waat SVeat street and war
TfOoMee Of Hit Own.
‘■i MUimtoaafhethaataaaaBddgai
Agnt A. H. HUIlken at the NorthaiclM'^tar the vartooi tothet. emery
wheeto. aad tM tarae powar rMoired port end of the T. C.. t.. A M. nwd, it
tm theI fHMBU
gaaatal hotting.
Boiung, lareeUgaled •Ull barlns bti tronbiee In that little
the ah
ahop to on the bos-car depot of bit. the lateel nenacer
•M aa4' aa tko
aoald be nuide of hit peace end traaqnlUltr heiag la
araek Iheeght It e
powar. A wheel the shape of • plebton tohe^, wbkb
•tleai forking pee
nfhr^K hr Mr; Baker and a arrlTed a abort time ago. Maa ^edo.
MM haatAbdht CM huadredAnd flftr eta Port Haron. with PIU chargee
‘•hop la ord« to get a tagiM to bU rattr feathera. The
biped It addrwaed to Dell Clark. NortbT for the wheel.
■naU abed tmUt for port, aad no eveb party was erer
luBM ted to the known to have tnhnblted Lreelanaa
ttgteoi iMhes of oonntr. ao tar at Agent MHUken hat
wtMf at the4eM ■■ad twetre Inebes been able to aeoertals. Tbo
tr WTlden^ apprecUtce the telewheM poeket -where
aenrke. tor eveiy time '
ItHiim. fBfwhole
whole creek la thU war
pbOM rtogt he proeeoda to crow
hnwla ant awedod.
i la acm^ the
t» new wkwl to inetlly thet poor Mr. MfUlken't voice
hortsoatal twblno. plan bnt a aecoadarT pan to the eontlft other nd ot the line,
both the over
had bat •very ttowihe beli Jtoglee the radMcr
•M •»< pacBMrftealar power aad
crewe egactiy UIrten tinea, that
Ba tsTentor at
batof the Utophone aamber, that
%Ue c»e ia etoenlar aad Bat with twr piwhahly betog the raaeen why be
paebfi «dpU7«( pMMpa a luue orw loet bto depot PeiMpe tbo tooeter,
'• fast A ahtft Bob tte entter extendi unkm be teavea that Ulneon a
MrUaaUr W » M«r ehlw wbert. 10 wtUbetostatoo.




SSre’^s-Ti oSr.

cover, 10c.


5-;;^;;, k,.

Have you ever tried the

Raysl -riKar

Bo^ai tiger
They are the besL




and OofVi^ds'
• Cmmi On







9 • Mm tfMtt emt Wa Md

briy SuM Tortiins wTtti ttchhif
ori Omtmiit and One Ctke of

"Mj- Mlpwma corned wftb little
ftaplca and { •aBercd toRnrea troB
toehchiar. XwwacTatebinKaUdar
and atotat. and I ceaid Mt no rat. 1
naikrf aer toad wfth hot

ofCntlearB Soap cued to. Nowbm
SndkMate^^lcar^a^ *tod Cnd

jop Otand 6t.. Jtrm^ City, N. j.-

Cnwted Scatpp ClMaeto mad
PmrtBed ^ Cuttoani Soap


toakted by light dreatiiigt of Cat!CBM. tto great skin care. Ttaia
kaotiumt at oace atoi» laUioK toir.
maava craata, oetoa, and dandnie.
deatfofa toir Mrektea, aoe(bta ini*
tatod,itdilngntrfKCM, atimnlatca tto
tbe aodpakia.
- ' doiUeka,looaci>a

A MBtar «r vubHe ■«• !■ WMklnr


Jtop wtoa >11 cito lailt.
. iMrwtillTM. are cairrlnf pedoae- •
I, .. -1 I..
tm.mi-M Met toneDM wafUaf
r r\ery boDoa^ from
M tlMr IimWi, S«aaorLoa«' pitBplM to acrotnU. from iotMry to
^ coakatioK o( Catleora So>p.
^frtaeat, aad PilU, may newto bad
ii Btfitov m TadpoulU* tor ttw of all draiqriato tor ^ d^lar. A
wtkf. .Boa tod ouNua mMUe aitote acT?ortrn~^cicto to'cuK
a m MBiUuiBB. Ttof Oenwetdi.
iilMi «M «• MUo and pUu tor «
Mk. WlHa dtox loM flMb, ttoit
MBOi 4f9**^ awl ttor OTto
MBad to «u-Bt« or aU klads ot
. rCot a poOoMtn UMl bar to dbrlnk'—tbai'B wbat yc aald.
a advtBrOor ka*e npoo to I went and took wan. That was
i. WlOfei OM 4afa eror pedo- 'Owld «oSe« in tto bbtUe.**
«p. Butca
Ctofflp Clark of Mlaaotirt u;a be haa
MM nttolac aboot at aade a bargain wlib tala
. , , « In a ali-dar itatklnt
1, who la ratb. b antor id gn tto fail benerr fond A indolcins la cqaDlleated
aatorr. Tto ageameat k to laat for a
k ^ >m* Olrtr-Ato iDliM a '.Mr. aad Champ aasa It np In Ok
-«pdB7 and th( ray: n am to qali caaain* people and
■ OeoOcrala atKfc la to gult Ulhtng la rtddlea
rban be la making a apeed.
Ooorge U Rouse, apeakar A tbe Ne■raaka bopio A repiesentaUrot. k tbe
lidi darmar tdarated to that poaltton
Inca tbe aarir dan ot tbe aUte. He
■eiidea on a bra near Alda. In Hall
Ho k a. roanc and
Minty, where he 'haa lived aince actitkir and oxpecu to iigt
Ung there. Hr. Rooao la SS yeaia old.
^MoaHMi potidMMa> aatlre Of Ohio, having been b<m In
BOBOatodowtoMt ptan.
>ttawa bomty.
i «• «to <( towtr jraan. u
4 k» wm coHoci (to aadn akoont
ra, laa, In tto ttape <d Ittor
M« oarrlM «oro Ufa Inav- ryom naraday'a Record.
trailer Stelmal
ot Sottoas Bay a^
■ M9 Ottor siM la Aaarka•twd..
ed yesterday en mnte' to WasblngB. ^tar. toe popnllat an -on.
I, whato to awill leave for tmlaT In
a- pnaUant to ttll. and Ban to-b^ea A ndalnlng hta bralih.
*ne Ulwn Belle and Mar Oatib
.<-abr MUnr «(Jm oaea kt)d a Mni
Tto tolalk of ika datate wan
hair Aatar Lena and Lawrence Oagton. retimed borne today.
Artole Llulejofi today for Cedar,
I 'to tto Ugtoat ptaM poatilda.*
j|d (to nitoatt plana pctoiWe- wu rbere be will be employed the reat A
to winter.,
Id Bid dto'tliJp MtQ a abort <toa ago
Mesdamea M. E. Hllla aad Ales He1 uiklag adoQt Uw '^archer A LeUnp passed .ibrongb
lytoDeI tff)aal.
• to tel
Hra. Da«d R-bltehead and two ctal|.
" Ik*, of Konhpott.
d cHy TtattlBg sevH ot Kaaaaa
ml daya. 'wcni
Boatb ~
today. ‘
Miaa H. raobria returned to her
) OAnd Rapids tola laprnini.
ifier a r
Rev. Jobn^DeeU A KorthpoM
I wato and bald earwent
leoa wlih the Indiana■ and organised
elaaa bAoreTMrlng.
Jamea Wa»toare.shle A'tto Bol.diera' Home, who has been ooi during
tbeI aummar..passe<l
ai------------------■* tbrodgh ton tola
irnlnjg on bhi retnrn t^ wintar guara at toe home: -------- ' .. .



" JT4;;5r~‘S:

owoabtp, and Umk Alnslae. trM^arer
•r Bast Bair township, wet* la town
tog buslnrts at tto
-ounty bulldlog.
/ills. J. H. arsMlIler A Central
Lake passed aroiigb town this OB her way lo t lsli her muiber.
Mrs. Tbomas Keffe of Honor.
Mrs. Mary C Oliver lAt today for
•he wlU be tbe
pivst A her aon. Robert.
Mrs, /. W. Crater of Grand' Kaplds
irrlred ibis afternooD to attend tbe
functol of her motber-ln-la*. Mrs.
Irene B«nnr:t. which will occur Motibiy afternoon.
Mrs. C. F. Rich A Empire sraa la tto
dly today on her way td Kalkaaka to
rktt her twin alsler. Mrs. James Jetaktas.
Hr. tod Hrs. ». Dicboli left today
'or McBaln. where Uey will be the

morning on a rklL
H. H. Johnson A Bingham wa^ at
rrnrerso City rlsltor tAay.
Notjee A FomiCT Governor Jas. 'H.
Peabody's cootcji against Go. AIra
tdams tor the office A governor, wts
-1IA wUh the Cotoradn legtsktomSeaaiars Henry Caboi Lodge.and
W. Murray Crane were unanlmt

Siarr J. Mar^ aA K. A. FVanks

llf—farti • «'tacth»s A Jokn H- R>wt:.-MW avd
Andrew Carnegie. Tto beggisg.loiu-r
is tto base A tbei^ Urea, maay buadrAi A sBcb mkalves being rccelvfd
____ - . ■-.■InmAlately after eiiber A tl» mllmiM^cSrmatomrM, tkmalrea uamA baa had bk name euoyo,0OO. FAHMEKS {nectA with a gift. (I k bM itot the



Mow ktndeBU at Albion


To Gore a C<>W in One Day lixTI
«a*_ __dm____ ________.

_ ___




milk tndt
magaslac-s vri-A into the siwaki-r r
room one day aA aakA Speaker Can> ^ to would roriirlbnie an milcl''
abme sabioei ralsllog to aaiimm:
Tve abotit all
nwpoDiioij Itnvlc Jc«\ “to hold dnun
this Job. I ani trying hard »A !
havAl mock Ume for aaythins el>-.
Besides. I am colttor a tHerorl'tiD mir
s >«irna'lM." •
«T.t-k on the Mobile. Jackson d; Kansas City rellroad near Uenu
moRl. .MIrs.. due i>i a vasbouL I'assen
ger-Ageai 1.. H. SuHlran A tto road
was kllb-.! oml Engineer tV. A. Craa
foA tojurA.

members A the legtslsture.
Train Was Lost.'
Charier St^ifmaa. agA 30. aA Jobu
Pot llfiy minutes Tbundtay luortiiu;Baike. aged SS. of Scrsnlon, Pa., were ibe G. R. a I. passenger imtn tto;
tdown to atoms in an explo^ua in leaves' here at C o'rhiek v.-ss bi^i out iti
<Jie Laffin & Raad pXwder works at Ihe snow about a luiTi- frun ibis etc;
lo order to get ihmiigb IIh- anuv. IL:^’ayne, scar Paterson. N. J.
train wac double headed this jmiroir-.:
Tbe 'Aections in Ecuador. wMrb and left here on iliue. At»ui a Bill-'
have been msrkA by riotous proceA-, from9 tbe
Ibe city tbe coaches In
tags, bare
___ ______
ended. _____________
Uxardo Oareta, wasiner
j manner
- nncoaplA
------------- and .Iost.
i.v------------- .rtngii
.IMM iraMmt ot Ooador. .M .ill j
usiune the prcsideeey August lo.
jpingged alon* merrilj and when Mey
RTienUnltA States Senator Pbilsn-; Add was renrtod Uie usual stop wts
ler C. Knox purchased tbe ftne farm ; iDadr.
v.'iiu,- ' It Is nut known wSictlirr the eii
which be
gtneers lookA arttimd for tin- eondur
Forge he engaged in tbe milk boalncss. lor to give them tbe li
supplykig bk bvlgbbon. -Miss FrA- ab»d.or w’leth.T the
was , , ,
lbs I
crick, dtiAbler A Dr Charlea Fredcr-.
found that
ick. who resides about a mUe from the
IutsseDg>*r train v.-s*
'I -a
Ktaox farm, bad been supplying tb- ger train as the ooaohos •renb Ihi-r
Alagers A Valley Forge, bnt when Aa Ma.vdtdd has uu pap.r ibo couldn'i
:st back
plaeA to competlUoirwIih tbe sena­ Insert a “lost A“ so they scat
tors herd the customers A Miss I'rAer- lo hunt for tto mlsslag treln. In the
mranilnn-. ib-t papvngcr>
e (Cjoy.
!ck iMga'n tq fill off. When It came to int. thonisclves. "oi't in l
:<»' and
the ears A Senaipr Knox that bo had out in the cold" for when the easlmas a competitor the pretty daughter went the b«l went also. Ftfiy mlit
pb,^i„. h.
ceAA to dispose A his cows. aA ,
n,e etiplne* that bft.!il gonv
since that time - Miss FrAerick has | before, when
agilii U
n riglit

2^.; BEST
and BEST VALUES ever offered in the
city. Both LADIES’ and GENTLEMEN’S
COATS., Let uS show you these before
you buy.

127-131 State Street

‘ Traverse City, Mich.



Of LyiUa E. Pinkhain’s VegeUble Compound, the
Orpat Wbman’a Reiiiedy for Woman’s Ills.

mm Jayne’s 1905

FUEE! !V4i.riSia-


MtUssa. to wkiaMiaakkaka
ATALOCOC «r DISEUASCS. wUk kUwc«(«ka to
■ oluteir cle





There k «ga>* Mk A banding a new

coopted oa again aad resumed tto
Tbe greettoga A the coo- ♦
_________d engtoe crews ate said u. •
Ibave been vny afferllMatr. Tb«- train
•as aUMt gfty tnlsntck .tale on Us

ter way to Boyne Iblla, wtore abe wIO
.’kit for a abort lime.
Fred eteveas A Bbifbam paasad
bron^ town today oa bk way to
Kingsley. wfaRe be will speni Banday.
Joe Rornrik A Gllk Pier passed
*Juoo^ tows today on bis way to Hay4rld. where to will spend a abort time
Omrtes FeU. who k working in Ue
lew eodage being mectA at Oinena

Trom F«day-a ReconL
Mr. aad Mia. John LM-and Mn.
Lots A stnoni Bay are in tto city
today but expect to retnrn tonl^t
Mr. mnd Mia..H. H. Jobnion A Bing­
ham were la tto dty. today im a tnisl»a trip.
John SMbota went to Kortbport
yeat.ierdky on bastneaa and returnal
Mrs. C. H. 8mia A Alden passed
the n.iria lias rveeived mkU wi.KsrrvA aad . 1
thiDUgb town tbli momtag cn n>me
tor Grand Rapids, where she hto bj<y
called on accouniA skkma>>'
E. J. Peck A Sattons
arrired In
town ais morning oa a baalneaa trip. ^^t^wTll^enUroly «re Oi* w-«rsl A Kcniale ComjdaintK aU Ovarian 1
Mias Mabel ^icer A Petoskby. who
™>»rqnent Kpinal
has bean the gusst A Mr.‘and Mrs. t
H. Wbaeler A Om<M fey toe past
It haaeo^ more eeaeiof Backache mod Leueorrlia?a than anr other roaf!
wortd baa

It (kree we^. arrired this morning for — ylves aad expek tai
1 early stage A dea abort Tldt with frleada In tbk Aiy. vdcMNDeiiL
Mlsa Uzxte FassA returnA to
d or PAnfuI Meastrwatioa. Wcakaem A tto fttmnach.
tomdiagy Nerroos l*ne.tTation. liradaehe. itvneral DrlulKingsley tbk ynomlng aOer a abort
and larkarfae.
he. inii
risk whh fHends in ak city. ^
ivigvilrsin the fca
smem. sA h as hamilrw. as v
ItqAckl.rrrmtra that
fbat Brorinr..l«tW)
Be................... K^ltap. rvtrrmr
_ lamitiidc.
- ' ’ins. fcAtald.......................
a. iMbder Peek of Nortbport.
dalnlrBcv. B-_____________
wto has been U toe Aiy on' n two
hcadacbe. Throe aroWm*
- ire todic^ikm*
A Female Brakarro. a
«eeks‘ visit. retoroM boaae last even. nagnarat oftbe Cterua. whit-i-h thU Msdici:
aad Baekacto. A either srx.
Those trocaea who rrtnse to soropl anrtbi


Lydia E. Piiikham*^ Vcgeta_._ ________

Mr Jbnkbwg vkee be taw a'
da ae doorwv
kt.tona wtu an oocaaional:
a plai bonk. Tbe tMk|ktaB««
aanator becged toe man to
kk# and pkuiwd tto ntorr'
troM darotto to dfink.


■ «to kec'Ue. Ttoa Ua a
hta totf.a dfdkr
•toto Tto kkerer croaaed tto
■t imm aad anterad a aakoB.
to ana «m to a faw klaataa
;ite ptoBio tokfaliad him. bat tto

^ n M a *dk^Ii


psased arongb town ais morning i

tc will pay you to gitre us a call, as we have a fine Hne of Cuu^rV"Robe*. Blaokets
and Sleigh Bells. If you anticipate buying a Bugg>- next spring, now is tbe time to;
get one reasonable, as we have a complete line on the floor.
Cali in and get one of our 190-') Calendars.


um m’TJKrrmi s^ptawr


-------- nauMPT
Mrfi 1> tte lMW<tK>-

JSsss 2*rir

tainjr mi,««4m«
w jlac f«r Micnl Mtki, «rcr
:::;Sr ■ifijftuTtiiri^i
k-! MbM
Mw- «tik
mi kmu----------------------------- >

,....1tstss. at tii.Tt 9or catete for
thh te«a) aehool ytttetetiM of the ■Ute
aad WMJ mr la^ Mitetea.

;tlB MBS MM kytb* state atOwteMt Moteo«b«aoUMnbar*
- t^fca or MMdt Ken who sro caite

rvt)hrJb»N.i»to«i UM tMM Mr «». JSapcrrtMr Knll
B ruaiiihip strs that votro*
B rMfUiJ Md tear ar* a
• to to* tomat* aad toelr stodc,
>.tei0 « to«h* ante or toe eontr.
9,nm WMiMM -0»»** to too
<!■ wobM mb mn AMT toaa an
• tetcMto.aafMM.

ttateab Otea bteto Fa«f.. ^
pBBttee. Jaa. ll—lhe OSar-aUUi aaaaaJ fair o( toe MkUsaa State Atrtcaliaial aocteto wlO to held la DmmiI.
BeMaalar Sml IL IMC. ^todteOB waa nato*4 at a teoettoa o( tha
aaw faaard «t MiaOsa at toe Hot#
**Ttof» wa* WMto olilaotom on the
•Bit o( tooa* oDPoaed to to* IMrok
locatloa. hat U waa a etear------- ■ajorltr Ml* aaA.toe aew beard
aot h*M la aawlM bat a abort tlaie
Ito^at-BB* tettod ato* that lor th* betor^ WM eridMi that toe Mxt
.1M —toi <tf toe aaw Taar iiMlpa- teir IrtS to la Satrett. aad the dtroe. fiiBM tote enatrr to Mhelp to aBOMA tert'Sar that tWa ttwe It la a penaaIMraa-wda. rraa Jaa. 1 to 10 to* ar
«*Sa Mhar o«*r HMO. For toe
I Waa Hwft.
#Mb teaato of JaaBHr. lOM. toe ar- Cedar. Midi.. Jaa. 14.—7obn Bicloa.
llfahi were oalr IteBOO.
had H* rlcbt lec badir
.'fW toe flnt in 4ara M toe acv

Pitdeaaer Fail dtaoB theM eat
V TMt toe 'eeet per eapita - dar
teadUas (Jw GoenMD teaatoea ta toe
ndJ ratal «toodste itreaur than la
toe dtp<aBd vOlace aebotda
X That BOb onetotod aa tatpe at J
proporUaa of toe-popUa to aval
oto eonplcte toe al#ito Kta4e. or.
to oUiar weed!, roodve* a mniwia
d adneaUoa. aa to toa isaotpor.
ated vtoase acbool*.
The rateedla aaigeatad for correct
las toeae edacaliaaal eoBdiUoM are:
1. PnbUe BCDtlauat. aboaM
aroaeed to toe ■cceaaitjr .tat better
teatoera aad the eeforeeneM of toe

EOto tol^. mt^l Ktntr tM I OB hu sled frem toe akWwaj- wbea the! ^uicu.
ju«s]e chain (broke aUovlns toeB to]
They caashl Ubi between two s
A late ioke la the claakrooB of tbc
iosa. orwhlBS hie tes badly betweea Vailed Statea eoMU te that Scaator
toehaeeaadlbpdiiUe. Dr.FraUdctd Sanot'a frinda In the Bwrtaea charch
Maple Otty waa called atfd altoaask want blB to reslga Iran the aeutc.
toa totoir hi rary pMaM. it la tooaskt bacanee they do aot toiak he abooM
alt iB a bky three atenher* of wbldi.
la^ed witbla a year or
d^ael^. MMX. Jaa. IX-OnIr 09
I Harbar. Mhte. Saa. IX— per oeat of toe Kteoot popatoltoa of





ri*nT7“' “*■ **“ *■

to KM BudiiT. Sne B. iW.


loe mtb nvnb and Mali. * :R
'MB kBT*. TreMw tail marrl

to? St.
Vtoto wrtno fraiB Karthpwt'ot



] TnlB^iin1n« tm c^Msttaa mIb Ubc '

For Aver

arrtv#. dorlBc tola tea-day period

the atotyMsktb aaaBM rwiort of toe
of rabUc iHtTwHaa
dM to toteMtrteM St. itetob aiOM toft faaaed by HoKMea »L The
T W.SM»«f-torBSBdoM%seey baa report abow* that for toe peat roar
Mteblsaa bad a eobool popMatlea of Stetia^on
7«.«0X an tocToaao «f «.«1 orer the
Vaabtosteto' >ia. IX—Tba ablp! ptMtou year. Of tola popnlaUeo.
#*Mdy MU aa ^rapoeed by toe net^ I «ZX«M were la toa smtod eebocta diei^Bl ■itlm fiBBwiiilm waa report-’ trtete and 32U63 la aasradod or reral
;ta« toMMUy tram toe enate cobubII- ^aohooi dlatrlcU. Only lit of tbo la- Oaa oa «atoilrde’'7eBterday. As ad- ereaae were In toe aastaded dlatrlcta.
dittete was Twefted ptopoetos aa to-; The total oarollteeat to toa srmded
.. WBMi to toe teaB BtoTeattea to ablpa; nbooU waa MXffll. atot to tbe oa-J. 'Tran the PadSe-ten to Haepll.isradedaeh4»telt0.SSX a total-of Cif.t> '
chtan«M thePhUlppliWifroaim.ortoptroMiof toaadioolpopiiMMOO to MOAMO It-Tay aerrlce teiladoa.
IWto««00.0(»toSM0.-! TheamaberofU


The Kind Yob Have
Always Boflght

■a ani LOMOF Sum


MTm 1 Valtoe hr









»»o«sr riTwllBB>wBv«a Murnmn and IblrtTBIaa



S:i'- :



Bay City coal di-atcni and ofM-raio.'.>
are eIlpt>lDi; the «ilse« «ff from mil
prices ai 22 cinis per clip. ThU li. ibia o'clork br the tun-i'>.n, I dialt ix’ll at
o aenM.10 tor Bkto-i l£u
rrr.ait daor a( th.. tk.url !!«b>b- to toe
— »w-rM<'.«»ny.

gar.(rt|SioDto tto-f*<»• nrraie^

pERE Marquette

cHhrrntoaa aUersaV * >■-'
I ^ itoMa. lha ptjakey

I "toJwSSoSlBWM?’’'’**''

ibr MBto
1 lertaeMletoCtoBW llciT hitraablslax-r

MsfeyjgsggS: tag«

Dated. Ua.




. hurt)
ati'imara tor Monewfe.
' ■a.tearMKt.U/.liieh.



If Sam-Annual Pr^lMSySir
.»te jHydod ahjw ot die bargaini. but yoD w« 6nd the ato^ fall of ju.-t such ogrring..


24 in. imported Japanese SilMlcolonsalso OQ
..................... .
datMMAu tmoited lot'of LADIES'S
Uack and
and white,
white, at.........

j|I Miea ]ACKETS.Wheea $7J0 to $1!

Deep €uton


LADIES’ SUITS, value $16 to

Uiica Mills, heavy Hecced. regular o<ic
its -only) all

cl„«: 25

Ghoce ol all our 75c, 85c and $I plun and change- :
idde Taffetas, albo fande*. len^s up to RQ :
IJyardx for................................ .

Tine eiotbMli


[^ants, regu-

yam $ulo

; !*' -09

ttlool Dre^ eoods
of all oiir 50c wool Dress Goods ^36
for................................ .......................... *

M« B> SelilB t|j»' BOT

Sr., lr^.nrt m(|

15c iiccce lined Ladies' Black Hose
for .................................................




CMff of all car Lact Ottiaias at 6alf Prt^.
- {j;\ _


Choice olall oiir $1$0 Imported Suit- I.IQ
^ ings f<Jr...j_............................... .............•

Full silt. Silkoline covering, former price ,75


aSxlSUeac^ed Huck Towels, former price



^p*t^»r1 >idL

Trimoiing,, former




Remnants of Fine Table Damasks, gdbd table
doth lengths, at prices to dean op the lot.


f,M- C«»-«n dtoti

Op ]



it Veil. I gWM 1 wiu
to aee Bg Mtw la HlBt.
Good Pre froB

MV. JAMUAlir «•. IMkjU bnttar pad oggi to the MdaririWig hoyo aad tbw ooaa ws tbe
adea of carrybw tbe feoB bWttr

S»cks fntmuk BWwr ,

te Of the Stan Ineeand
Ku. vim
. iBagMar. MMu d«l ». iM«.
rapUly WB mb AwiMt It was WWd
DAT Mn. BaueHl^ aaBBt takee
■ary to bUM the stow wUdb the
ika «*—aad 1 aee ao bobt anur
hep* aow oiecapy. It bo* two C^pMf
lettBa )g K. I tiMMCkt I wooU write
beei to the babK of wiMag aa a
for (ke iru ifae. Mr waBBa keega
CbtfBBoo totter, tod aa poa caanw ■aa tBapboos they nnw tarty o tall
On Couage hotel la Uiigaier. She la
tar* and Uae of groceries, laser ooTt U pMoaot BT aw* BOBBa. hot aheV MM -- dp i now. I will cdU H
B. r. a No. 1, Oet. good to Be aa ar «w« aad I love h
write to yoa. I thIM of yoa^ pea: aed to eotorge tbe Ben sgoto.
/ tlBoa OB ben to ^wM aad
n. i*M.
Mr la^w aad Btiiher dM whM 1 a
Wbe Saw R nnk?
pmr Un. Jmm~A tko«tht I «««M a little habr. t have a big twother woeiy *ML .WhU.oro y«a gotog to
Jim and Frdd. hratbera of sto nad
«t1t« • lew IIMO to JQO, M J weld ^hooe aaae 1# Pted. and he llhet ae do OB ChrisuansT I ibtok we w« ba(our years of aga. wm Csad of afg*nke 10 JelB tbe SaBeUne elnb. PImm aa U t waa his own al«e. For peu t good ihae. aad i hope yna wBI.
^d BO o erd awl bnr
we hare «*« horaos aad a re»o* «rd uM the To«h-s Ooaspaatoa. aad Ibor
over a great Baay ose^ tUaw as were arguateau that aerer weot hejroa a rntrif Chrtetaae aad a kawr
OoMle. who elags so sweet,
rand the wtody stage, bat oa oeeasltB
pritra for ohUliiicg aew stflioe
NwTw. lawatadMoL Mr------- wftt wrke a stnr?: A short time i
beesBe soaewhai heated.
ja^ Bra Tk«rten«t Tr
^ aitirmr was rtsiciag is one of the
They wen out owe day wRh tbeir
I m* b«r rerj boc«.
I get tew gw.^
MigMortsg towat. A little tfrt
to pass ah
I» ywan old dar after CMHAm*. setfc.
[ to crass the street to
u> her KriptioB* are •
t e New Tean. Well. I m
A kBd of logs WAS eoBrne diet* and gentleBCO's s^. I OB go­ old bouse thni was a tondmark to tto
lUjr the Wirit of
ai I mut get m Mmoo. 1
ing to 'gin BOBBO one If posthle.
dow* the hOI. and the roads
en^M poor writtag. I etadr »*e Imm
aad gtarr aad she ras aad Ml abd ihe
der: "1 saw thaVbeuse hr*t.T • a
Oood bj*. troB jwor lorlag fried.
uaa ran orer her. She esaght the give psp* * hnndsoBe BtMe aad
rrad pUM ap the gags -of battle
redter aad turned the rasuer arottai!. u an aprao. 1 *b goiag to give Jsor
tOBptly and repiiod: *-No.
in lesa thaa a alaiite awre ihaa Sfly wo books called ’■BUpk
8MBBU Cttr. Dec. U.
Heir" and “Luke WaRoa.” Throe I dUat: I aaw It befon yoa dld."
D«r Mrs. Bates-I wMi rw s hv- people were there. Tber thought ahe got with the Touih's CoBpOBloa.
-No. you dldat." persisted Jim. 'I
pt New Tear. We woald like to Mta was crashed, hot she was am dead. Bysolf I got two hooks eslled “A aaw It before you wen hot*, 'eanac
IsMhlae elah. Win ros aead us Hv sister wss nearlr erwy- The lit­
Draw Uttle Quakenss' nad “Borrim I'B the oldest thaa you aad passed U
g plat I aa edgkt rmn oM aad ar tle girt that gal hurt her
hen Ton you wen town."
MsBiaa says that Uiile ^11 named Away." N«t gaiorday **
hradhar M il. 1 haw a habr shtcr
Ibis was Moylneiag. even to Fnd'i
drra asst bo rarefol around sMgh* lag. Oec. JIth. we have ChiisiBas
Who la fonr Boatka oM. Oar Maea
and act iaap on them. hMsase you: erclees la our ehitrah. We are gotap MhutUe Blad. and (or soae tlate to
aw SMaw. Baa aad MrMle Ibm.
MBp oa some sleigh aad fait (to haw two^rees aad
* an------------------------------------------------------------an am farokce or a lea brak-ion om-'mtw the (rleads ani parwu
aad get
SUghta. MM, Dm. SC.
Dear Mr*. Battw—Aa I haw not writ en. aad I beliew It. 1 think If Ms of t «iU put-Chrisn s presents oa for the If yoa are the oldeB. 1 saw It hadott
chlMren. and oa the other tbe sebotor* you. Vt'hra I was dust I hler by Uf
tea 40 the HetaH tor a Wag tiae 1 wUI ehtidraa would do what By
, boose and saw R."
wouM he better og. I hate
try to wNu toalght.-1 aa war sonr
Deter jnaped oa a sleigh in my life pletoArtooBa. Webavaa
Jtas wns BlMii.
bear lUl roa haw heea 111
iitU. and woald be wry gind fo aad I oewr wUL Lou of dtUdren who likes «dto aad dots UaoB 'w
hare hod haw loU Be to raa and get oa sleighs, Btoh as her own baby. S« aaw
baor yoa pro batter. We
-----------weeka of eeboQ). aad thew bw hut t toU Ihea that sleighs were sw- got her a very pntly pMan lor,I
If tto hi^bI*etSSii -JOB ay
iuVtbMgbfOM to bearouod on. I will Christaas
— preoeat. Ii to eatttkd^*td
get boaa oae scholar Uie
Mitoe**- or -JaB ay to *
leased tgo days osd a haU. hot two aow ead mj story, hoptng to see this Yard of IMpptos.- She sra'i fof.oae j of kliteas. but for aoaa.nasca tbet;

daya I was sick aad oaohalf day 1 to prtot. Toor Mriag UtUe friend.
seto puppies.
Is a v*fT cuaatoi
puppies. It'
Ii'toar^----------Btole Wllcos. age 10.
bad to alar boBs aad pne wood. Mr.
Lack to walttog.for soaethteg B
Bqraat baa foao to toga oa a ton
ynguriyeiue. FU, Dec. It mi.
dars’ wcottoo. WoU. 1 vU! dose.
Drar Mra. Baies-1 hope you an bet- - riMritalaacni at school, that laTtor
'poeale CarpetJer.
BopUss.' Mteb, Dek M. ICM.
Dear Pteoident of tbe BaasUae Ottb
-I wUl how wrtto a letter to yon aad
toU yon abn| ay i»rt«aaa Pape,
gBauaa and I wwt away, where we
au dlaaer. Wo had a nty ploasaat
UttM I reaslead two proaoBta. a
bdwlkiifhi-f and a Httla box eowrod
oa the t«*iU> shall*, ftar ChrtstBas
1 reeatwd. batldos the abow aaBed,
a aOk .wWst. hair rlbiien. neck rtfahon.
'hetts, SOBC paintings *rtMS asy Uteouato. a hook aaaed ‘'Only One





tvMonm. I ». fo «4o,l
.mi »


i .ni.-m un w mMm

' i««m<« mw .m m. m. »

Labor loraa pB at als o'etocB b
tbe Btoratog. nad. with a bosy pea oi
ringing kBBBer. toys the feahdaUor
mm. wm I V. »JT.
«t a eompetmee.
Mbobl. hot they are an going to have
boy the priaee., 1 nm a sweet brtoi
Lock trainas.
u. They an afraid of the dlpMheeto.
. We here two people rooBtog to
We an havtog lovely weather; there
iBbor whlsilet.
borne at presenL They an Mr.
Lock reUes oa chstoca.
was a Mlghl froal ai^t before tost,
sad Mra. Jesaap. Mr. Jesssp wss a
but not aocnUi to do any damage. «
aad went to the PUUpiBdi allpa down to iadigoooe.
go aaQIng sooMlinet srtth a young soMler
ptoea. He has he«a In China. Japac
tutor Birtdea Bpword u ladepco
BSB and eiij<7 U- Ooe day
nad Oal* besides. When be was to
np tbe river to a place ealtod Fnller>
Barth Works after a Mad of wood. China aad Japan be took
-Loefc.** lo tto BMte : oaoao. Is i
good old B«Uab word: ' *T gish yor
^ tho PnsUsat-s Flag.’
good IncM to tto naae of tto Lecd.'
pletareof the prooMeot oad Us ftdg «■
noA". with no thb^U of Prtrri
tbo boat of IL AMoapalr olleddMgs.
dran to a hod wad^WtoBaV WirM
pUphara-inoaBoWlerBa. .lliMis
raealtod a eap. two was, a Bofa piUn*
ObMBga ef the VflW*. .
tog. set of aot
^pulg Jermaao of Kioto Jagaio
fWB By little ooaalp, g wrist hag aad
tjhio monUy reiarned fron a jour**}
a aMk rthhoB. IMpa raeelwd a plelato tbe robber dtotrlB Of caai Bo­
taw of aoaao caws, a aouvealr of Tratlivia. alBMi to the heart of Ceafra'
awe City, a
hgterka. rieijed a towa to.the een
We bate bad aa IntUatioo
*o tor fraa rtrttoaUoa tha>
and ewatsr. We had aa lavltailga
U. regaltTid a horaekoi^ ride of-thm
aot Mew Tears. I goeu ar
dw to get to IU There ho (onad twe
MWI KtM wlU eoM oedr to av hosse
Wight Wta a# QghihlBi U the war «C
schooto for boya and ooe for |to gRb
. h«an haw boag wealvwC doftag the Wodoeodar aad lake Be koae wtth
of tto pUee. but oalf one Inocber
• weeks tbUroa WO) bw. 1 goat kaow |snt how loag 1
who was oh old half breed.
win star. 0«w oeboel Uoood a week
-BoU" says Cap,
ago MB Friday and wlU begla ntet
ahHdren were prat s* eMd and weT
Moaday. The saew te aU o« troB the
. behaved as If they werc- t^ytog tto
graaad bora. It was eUd last alght
worth »alt^
a»< BWO bw oewr
^ WedneatlouV chances to tbo irarid
bdagfO MBowhra poor pwMdsai was and wbaa we got ap this Bonlag U
They were as -paUtc a* the most col
aot iM cd owqr alaglo iBt. aad anx- was ralalBg. I go4a If I write ear
tared people to tto outride world, and
BHW BT Mter will take sp aU the
Sou of Ur nod Mri: s. B. Miebta.
wero eager to show no attentMas
In tbe
wKtoMU however, presatog IbcB upon
WUl doae. Tour Mead, *
^ jBrtwoekwepaldwowqgMtnllroo
ose. Tboy never entered a tosue. or
Ucrteaae AyaMto MaaaBL age 11.
The wtod blew very hard eoBlag bark
:«e« tbe Tory tBoMM Mar. and bow
F. a-i will he IS rrars oM tto 8th and blew tto spray aU over as. It was . ple. He got a Japaaeae girt lo do a even a sboR witboat knocktog at tto
or the aide aad
bd. iPfeo bis
day of Jaaaary. I hope yt» »
after dark when we got boBt. The piece of work tor.-hiaa.
b ba M «Ur a utue owe throe
m lo me U,. AIU» 111.
faUer's earth to raBetoiag they dry Mk. Tliu., Wto A.^
yoBs oM. he hH aiwws taooo a f«r
“»* ■*
and mter cuing doth. The orange*. ... .bi.ui. I, I. U1 m bv k..d .M ,
War aaabcaB to Me Bothar and MNeasea City. Mich, Dec. K. 1M4.
koBqoets rtd tangerines are luit hue
ther. aad lo Us elstato. for ho has four
Dear Mra. Bateo^ U«aya read the Folks around here arc picking and bring my letter to a ctoee and write
-----------------------•Mtoti aB older Ban be. aad ewry
onshtoe iettoia. hut 1 have neve* shipptog. 10*1 a Ml of orange* every soara other time. Too may *> as you ,
* olobe-Tretttag Taoeber^
eae «fTbaa BBPben of tbe BBuUoe -rittca oae hefon. I do not go u
jjin* aoeglL a Swtoa girt, bgf
day; theynre goodforanjnMic. .There pkase about printing this to the Her ;
attooal as I live eo far fitiB tto eehooloodetyaid. 1 think you will not want to the-01*110*110* of having taught seboo!
booae. bat i Kpdy at boM aad By ,ier. Here nre.n list of children
crowd the other SuBbeuBsont by bav-;iB neariy every civiitood oouniry to
Bf to ay taa^ar. 1 arloh to }Bn wau to Mia >ke Bansbloe cdob. *11 Ing me take up rame room which they :
Utbough the is barriy r.
the Sanshlne elah aad woaM like, a IroB FOgartyvIlle: Torn. Ed and Flo­ Bight wau to the paper. But do a* ;
of age. She . began leachlny
card aad buttoa. My little brother, ra Jleedef. Louis and Maniarat Fogar­ yoa please abogl that 1 will say good
^ jg_ ^d a y«ar later de- ,
who ie ahont C year* old. wouM Uke ty. Cssrle TayMr aad Frank Reeder^ bye now. and send you a kiss with ^ided to take a trip around the world
JolB. too. HI* BBBe U Allea.
her ssiwase* by loacblng It
Tbe gardens here are alee: there are nr Mter. Please donT torgei me or
gy Morris getOBgra icBg-I wia cMoo. peas, lettuce, radtoheo. new potatoes, forgcl to write to your Sunbram.
tge toads through which she passed
wtoUU Ito a hoppy New taprLouise Horton.
With |I5* and a large storknif ptoek
ptippera and Ut such things, but evorjCtonoce Bracebridge.
tktog is very Ugh. Wages are goal.
------and eourage as her eapltu. ahe stanef
Papa to'getUag two dUMn a day. 1
cut. and It has taken her eight year*
Old.MlssMa. Mieh.
«g( ooly woaio MaU day k
eouM bare work asosi of the Ubc u
Twa SuUiisa* Rey*.
accompUsh her purpose. Durtog
My Osar Mrw. Batoe-I was » yean
OB Ms iwtid. t|K WbiO Ugkl t
t was not gUag to aekoot. t went one
' had a Urtbday
be lasWa tbid'ske foMw H to Us lU- •• eandaettog a groevy ^
BUiirday and got some oysters, and
tie wt»» U^ droB. eo thU be con - :.
1 eto IIBM 1 got Uams. They are larger store. Charles and Rased AMporh ed with CDiineoy evorywbyre. aod bad
be a Baaoblne bw aU nIgU Mag.' Om
started lesa than a year ago wUb n plenty of p-jpito in every eoantry
night bo loot It 4a tbe bod. nad bis
cenu and uwtoy they operate a store
ghe reporu
BOBBO^ to coBe aad tad It for
uf saMcient imptirtaneo to atlinet the ^ ^
AnstraUa the most
blB. and fast*a R oeestUr ngaM. be>
traveling men frei^ the wholeaalt
j, p*^ng teaehere for ibelt
^ be woaM go to Beep. Mat be n
howto. ThUr first store was 4s4 feet a^ces.
CMMlBl toasUoe bw. aad Isn’t he oart blow oat a candle and
wtoh. I wMh tom ooaM have beca lo
■ ariM togrow ap to he Mrt the
my party. Caat you come peit yoarf
of sbUto. There are two tarpon ll»h I wagon and nowaday* have c
___________ ___________
ncoae scad Be avard and a hottoa.
aeales. two petrified buds we got to I gwUs from U) part* of the city of Fre- i .erje^ts bt eeatral poUor stoitao tlk
neaat to be your RaaaUae girl
I hope you win get themimont. At present the boy* are attend :
.pt.. wue^ o.« Ul ibo re'•
Katy Baglerto Cbriatma*. If* srtool time and I ing school, but are Uktog Iheir
serve poUee foree and seat in a riot
dees for good* to ibe.morwlng and eUL arhkh broortt Ul the ofleert
Bast go. fMod bye. troB
Nessoc Oty. Mich, Dee. II. jW.
H9>M H. Kettle.
Braking their ddlverie* after achoul sleeuag to the sUtloe. maing Ir
Danr PrasMcat—I rtpp«hrthu I
Oaring BCbool hour* ttolr parent* half dressed. The electric tout**
woaM write to you Ibday. as 1 have
look Uter the »»on-.
with which the eaUs are turned to
never srrUUa to the Herald before.
The store project of the Antpart are at' the side of the sergeant's deto. |
long tiBe. I saw Hi bruiher* began with ttolr patting In Ibe kitten while to the vacaot ehUr,
, ^;roenerereu« you were sMk: I hopo _ line of oranges. lemons, caody, pea-! at the lunch boar, began playing sriih
the hUMaya.
»<i»' aod 1
yon are better atvw. Oar Sunday aehooi nuts nd.pop com. which they scM^tg« battooe. wtth the resnit that both
Mto* NeOle IbOBpaaa. and I like
veey Bueh. Wb ar* gUi WtovTI^'* rrtg %R0« * ChrtotBa* tree to (roB the sbUI stand first Bcntloncd- cUb were sent to alaost Uanhantownlmll. ! wtoh yr« a HerrT On Sttotday* the boys' cftochcr baked eously. BavMess.was slow: bat to a
doughnut* aad eaoklct nad ttooo the Btoote tto efteerwwere startled to see
rtoou ana oae at «, ^ ^ ^
a going to lad* readily soM. After the Use ef
patrol w«oM darting a* Mb
tkareh a wort troB nett Mogday
d-now. 1 bave-oaty a few aep* ihrir store bad doohied ibw pal to ajtbe w
la Sea 4b«rtBL aad I Uke her very Ughi. Please scad Be a coH and
day. Ugc of sagar. coffee and tea. JDi tbeir, bc* ran tram Ul i
Boeb. 1 base two aUaa aad a baK
My Rule brotlMr woaW Uke i
graadBotber froB tbe touatry bra art* j tto rsowMira of their aatforms la
ft «* aehoU. It aaksn ore very to MM -yoar etab. too.
loo. He _
Is I. ..—
yoara 1,
Matid HalL J tbcB batter and ohm Ottorajyrl^ hoods.
We have
twoMyewo ^loU. Wll yoa piraw segd him a card






Tjjjjujm vRjLxrcm^TXz
*• ^

^ TMt NAttt OP rHAtoCt.' •

I Us head and lifted Us gpaattoto-l
w Celt npoa an tbe gnat oBi-Blilaw.
a Btleaee tookca «Bly W Iho nar cf the rBOtog npUs. tbe-eamy
of tbe wind tbraaiB the ptoea. aad tbe msoiisM note of a Ur.l
la the CoreB osar by. A Utile heap of fresh aarth aarhed lto«
«BB when a dsep bole bad been dog at the fiMaaMwdantV toe*.
Ctane bp oa the groBad lay a great erase of redsr. anbewn. wlfb
gray BOSS ritogiag to iu rough bark. At a geutare tBgi MoCoraised R froB tbe earth. As It sloVly awafrid upward jratbeeDablOB onered tbe acrad words of soasecratMi nad drags cf
tody water tolltag fraa hb dagrrs otwMklrd Uke dtoatada «• Ra
loaW aatfaer. As It Ml totpU^emy baad was horod. and
there aiose boa the Uute baad of f
nookaa cbaai of a lAtto hyma of tbe aeveath ecail«y:
*TaxBla Regis rradnooL
Pulge* erncts. ayttnlaB:"
*Tbe baaaer of hfo*da’s Mlog advaaeca.
The mystery of tto eras* aUnes (asth."
Then beside the crass was pinaied a ffoB post «C cedar
and to k was aMiod a aetal plai'e oagrarad sritb the gra* af.
France. Once jaorc. aU tto Pnachaea onag a hyaa tagM^^
e <d the priosts prayed for tto Uag.'
h adawn awoc« la bU
baad. aad tiniac high wHb the other a sod fraa tht tertb pC
his feet. proelalBed to a Mod toM;
-la the naae of tbe Mot Kidb MAr'abd Ret
MegarA loula Pcwneeoih uf that a
a«f this ptoea. Rateto
of Fnace and Navarre. 1 take p
Marie du RaUL as aiao ut Ldkes Hona and B
of Maotoulto. sad aH couatries. rtvsea. banks, aad Bnaao cmUgBHu aad odjaecto ttorauaio: bBkdhoae wkkh ban bsra diecovered and tbooe which ssay besJfscorcjW keraaner. to aB tto
leagth aad breadth, bounded oo ooe sUe by tto eaos of the berth
and weal, and on tto o:ber by tto ooBh tea: derinrtog to ibo
wthBs ttoceB that froB this ilBe forth they OM ^jMsals of Ua
aoMRy. bound to obey Us tows and folMw bio rast^a; lOOMbe
tog them oa hU part nil succor and prote«lou agstost tto toew
•Mto Obd tovaalaas of tbeir eaeates; dector^ to all ottor pouglatee. prio
ctoir nhleettoribat they eaaaa aad an aot to solso or oottto
npoa say of the |«ts Of tto afonaald eougirtea%»
the good pieann of Hto Mast CbriBIsn MaMMr. aadTT'llM..
who wiU goTcn to bb bekaU.. and tbb oa pato of lararriag bis
It aad tto eCorts Of hto arBs. Long live tto Klag."
A laUlMg voUey troB tto FrenehBea'e j(nn osat tbe
oeboea froB biu to UU. and tto asioatobed ladMaa added «o Ih*
dto with Mud cries and etoUl whoops. Wtou the aobe bod
eeuMd. Father Dahhw addreaeed the Indians la a aUrara a»-l
stately speech to which be ftrst epedte brttdy of tbe SMOgMcwt
B Tried to iBprCM Us hicancre wttb tto' g
gnd power cf tbe kR«-«f rraaec.
-Laok.* to said, -mi ihto poet to whloh sn ftoed ib* asBO ef•
tlw grant tobf of FTaaee. wbOB wo oan klog. Uo IMra aenoo
ttoaea. Me Is tto cbIB of the greateot cbkf* aad bo* an *1^
on earib. A.U the ehMs' wboB you have am are'Ma tolWiaa
besUehla. Ho M llks a graot tree, and tboy ar* bB tbo UWo
tort* ooe wolkaMvM’ and traaipto* ander foot. Toa kaow eOsoatM. that taaora rttoC <d Qachao. yoa kaow aad pou bae* ooouil
ttoU bo to-'ibe lemr of tb* Irogaaia. aad tbau bM vary oaBo.
MBkea elm troBhM ataea be baa MM Jbeir cowntty waoto agCi
bmed tbeir towns ^tb Bn. Acnos too son ttoe* an -awt
ttoxtsand Onoatios like Mb. who ar* but ito wnrrtora ef OM tnu
ki«. af whoB t bare told you. Whoa ba soya T aa gDfgg ip war.
I Ms order*; .and cart ,pf
chiefs raises a troop of.^ bnaiMed wnrrtaA BBie oa BBiBd *■
oa IsaA Soae ehtork la grost abtpa oart gg yoa hoivp sacR
Quebec, ronrronoe* carry fear or tve aea or. U the Bfoal, til
. ,
nttoMsand. Others gi to war by land, and to each noBbera iliU
U ttog Bood'to n doafate die they wouM reort fren bon co MM
Btosoqueak. wUeb is Bore than iweaty leagnes uU. ■
king attocks hto eaoBles be to ktoro terrttle thaa tR
the earth trcBMo*: the Ur andthceeanreoDoofr wRh.tho
UaseofUscaiUMa: to to neea la ttoasMst of bto-Bwriora'gOT
erod over with the blood of bto cacBle* wfaem he Mila M
noBtors (hat to does not recM tbea far <tto seUpa bat by IR
streaBt U Mood which to caaac* to gov. He n
' prtoooeri (bat be faoid* Utow oCnoaccoual. hot tots
tboy wUl. to show that he to pot Urald of -ttoB. .Bat
dares to sake war or him., AU tbe satloos bepoad the aaa
submitted to hlB aod hegg^ bnahty tor peace. AU that M i
In the aorld is decided by Mb alone.
-But whu Chau 1 ny of Ms rirtes? Tgalhtolt jpwBtlpti
rich vbon you have ten or Iwelre ssrts ofoeriv a
beads, kettles aad other ihtogs of that aert. Be baa cfOoa'O
hU own. asore tb— there are bc* la nO this eoantry (or tv:
hundred lesgws around. In each «My are atOf* hoaaoa tvbera
there are hairtete CBOogh to cut dowa aR yoor fee^ksUMa
esourt to cook U! yoor boos*, aad boats eooartto W Mr|oBr
lodge*. HU bouse U loogsr thaa bOB bera to tbh'-ito «k 1R>
Sauli—that U to say. more than half a Isagne aad kigber thaa
your tallest trrat: and It bold* move toBllfig thtt tto largest
of your low**."

(r . • .
If tto Indians hellered Ul these grand stories of tto worthyprieUCthe fear of the mtghQ Ung with.whieh be eodearared t»
fill tbea dU not binder i6ob froa stoUiog tbe silver pMtevoaitog the myu brass from tbe post as soon ss Satoto-Lossca bad
left them. Whatever they might have ihooght of the k^ they
feared tbU bit of bmu wss a ehsrm which wonid do ttoB BiteUef If they left U where U had been plaeed. As (or the crao*^
in a vagoe sort of way they worabiped it. and oftrt when a warto a vague son of way ttoy woraUpped iu aad oftsa arb«B a wafv
snoccas to tnpplag gaBC, they ascended the Rule hlU aad Mth
oTertngsatwaBpoB.orli>boeoo. orfeod. UiuMeL. So coded this grand taking possvwloa of this
la tbe asBe of tto'kiag of Fraore—s poseesstea vhfeh. MapfU
ef all tto Blghty words of soMler or i»(^w** bat brief, sad ot
wbkh no Irocc now remUn.-. to i>UM
banner of Prance,.
Ibo star* and otripe*. a fiax the world had aever drogurl U
then, fieau above the nishtog Saslt, and wares to the hrossvtnB the AilBsUe to tbe P^fic aad Cram tbs gnat lahoa to the
SMntoea«ea.aadtboshM4of M...................
of a great rwubUe. Is the ayBbst of p
e tkU dap.





BUI tM eagar aM
are Mautca; bcCf-tM eoa to a atit
troth; add (M coeoaaat aM mv tM ailed lb vtth a veavtag of daralng aUaad ercaa war. beot- tan aad the vorfc to flnIMad as Bat
Damtag thraada iMy M
iMeoBBtaattr «(U veU Maed. 8|>r<M
t«wpnntif*>« o« topees layan ct vUte eaM^vhlle ran tm tM vioag aide ta atreagthta
There I* ao Aaaht thas tM aattog U
aad thiseer edgM aroad
fat to a natwat pcvravttve «t cearig miag—Thla la alee tor tayer tM hate.
mU water; add baU a |dai of boilTM aim to diralag a War I* to re­
jt« Bitk aiia>tMll BDtU it Uickeaa. •ptoe cake*: One pint U Aga cat lata
11 to a noticeable tact tMt
piecee: ova and oaehaK pair the reat so nkUy that it caanot Ires Mve an averwkra (o tak tf tMy
as ttiAots «ovid ba«« had lu raM g^aMea to taau- aad add aaiaxv <r
Thlatoh^taad anptoU at vater. BUI tagatker. atlr- M percrired. la daralng tsriUad mnII win M fauM that
aaiU a aoneth paste. terial. Instead U Uktog the sUtebsa a)a are vulgar aad toUle- agrvHAto for a drilcaie
they have alway* had a natuial anCraeMr Fuada—Pet three or foar Bemora fttn (M Bi* and add a t«- teraaiyly asake them to alaating rovi ttpaihl^ to eating tot. Not all
___ _
bright. atera an. fatOe.
7/>- A^rftl*'

AM a aoBf id tba agath* <bat Bmt.
Mve eoasomptioa wbo go abt Ufce Igk
■r aatt-d£r aai^bor. bet «ar raU- cover theta vltk bolltng Wler. Boll apread between the layer* aad lee AM should, be repaired vlik Bae thread but it amcarsTo bo «ultc unlversalty
IiImW. lor lha tregtaea. ran aad tteu are aiaMt' eatirrir tortaaL She ivo or riuve Mnaica; mar of the
or silk maubiag the material to gual- (me that people who have eonsumpBaiilB Idng-Onc c«g beaten to p
U the aatae cofcv
laagiaca ae ^fiad vUh the erea of atuMua vater and add eaoa^ hot
tioa-are thoac ..people who always.
AM (ha awnr «htllag Ua;
Arinu. though I am ao ahort-rigbiod

to COM them. Svectea eieam. t#o cupfnla id anger creamM not M obtaiaed. use a* warp nve'Itog wantMl their mcai lean, aad cared!
■ ,mm ha. tor (M hanarias afamaa oat- that I ean aoaraelr lea heyood lay
wttb aa Mg. one capful of.ratole*. ofthemateriaL Oe Bne vecitoa,gocida
Mlb mwdered ntgar.
very UlOe lor batt.v, ercam *nd aweh
Abe ai>oi<«lMa tor toeta et
AM tka eehriag Magh Mthla.
spread while IM layert
toiaga and nil.inaa tor CaMa.
MoaU the* be threaded with the root.
whlab I euukl aever pontolr have had
U aeeots from this that It woaU M
BUIod Irlag—Take one cup M gran
Split silk, vhich U one ut the three a land idea tor people who Mve lormA aea««r the oUilae gathertv there. mar knovMio but for the adailMloai
ButUr Scotch Filing—DoU together itiaads U the thread: cbould alwas*
nlaicd sagar and
AM a acaw M ttaUam Uoy aaag:
(d tho habit of avoiding fat grarjttolly
10 capful of biewn nigur. <mo at New be aaed oa all lighter weight mater­
btr eblWiea Biakt^ the aUte of U Mt wnter. te»a them toge^U.T natll
litov 'tbe graai tdar kaoU vmM CB«h
to begin ibc uae U it. Fat that ha*
Orleans molasses^ .ooe-balf eopfal of ials. When daralng with rtvy Sue
Mr hiUben and back yard, i aland. the aymip atrlnga frtun the tmoa.
' aM Aaaa..
bem aubiotied to great heat, as to the
Deed, annoyed, hnred. tieder thii ring often. Deal the while of nn egg butler and two tablcspoonfuto at vine­ thread or raveling*, use Mon nwvHe- pnveu* of frying, to not the beat form
Hov (be braad. vUu laftere laagl
ndtU arm: Vh« the «yrup la of the gar. VPMb nearly dnoe put in a Irineb foU and aa Bne a needic as iKSsIble,
■hover bath of a
to use H. but tot steak or bUlod bed
«M her. hr the aoMh wtato naap
soda to make briltle.—IMIes'
Darsiag caa be douc oa the right to all riitof. Itnuor and cream are
1 mc«i her runfTlag throoM the right eonririeney set it edt the ajovc
her mothar'*. How aweU aad kmg enough fur K to Wop bUllng. WorW.
or wrong *ldc.»ceon1ing
cspsdnlly deslraWe. Thcfofore. any
am the torn vharia ban aad
eoai uhe looka. ii my inward eoailneat.' Ihea pour It upon ibe egg alowly.
Hew they Manape It.
ooe wbo fears enuKumplbm. rilber
OMduW.newBiaB.tot Ueaband Adjt.
If 1 make any. She at
. to apotagtio baaUog rapidly all .tM time: emflaue
A visit >o IM kiteboB U ooe of the ibe sUtobo* should be Ukea mtrre ihna from espoaure-ur beriHlIlary toBuMe«Wha. far the b
rib M. ft. M. Cav. VoU..wrltM tma
—tor her drat*. I nay truly tMl I uce i to beat ualU tM rW«t coiwloeacy
Meai> reaUmanlSi say to one of Ibe K Inch barit from the torn edge,
<a, would do well u> form the haMt of
.And (M avaetB a^d Jays artlhla.
noibing aaMi. 8M U then at great I uprcwd oo the cake, aad a«ld tM Bavor- plain Amertcaa variety as a aample. cluacaeas of the rorrs U stitches de­ taktog nsoec tol. The avtrsiua lo fat LMbaB^ kid, as toltoivs s
palna to ahow me aa laBalteaiaaal bole . lag while MaJiag. U U be« to hate dtocluMw bow mueb the every-day Tan- pends on -the material aad the tear.
A aaM «(the ttUlmm riiUag tvaa.
to doubnefa very easily ovettoaae. aad medieiBcs, sad sUU n « aver» le bcWMh Ito ahadcrvB Aaep and loag;
graaa.nala oh ibe kern, or telUI the white of hnother etq; ready beaten,
edges should always be w^od to »»eh a preveaUee to conumption A*,
ig a pcolc
A aaag M the taeea la
It to aa oW thtac. patched up outt an Ihii Iclag hardcua very
llUla. A look at the bill U fare bo aad out alil-rnatriy to secura them. the nse of tot la at once rntlooal and set-ms doty a ptaln duty to the prearat
It to made, la that eaae add a fort peocliwthw Into the realm of the Alway* protect the ends of a tear by
AM the Toleae, rieh and atroag.
(Birtaaee to add myexpertovoe
to IM
cf two; and lbe« rite woadma what
prncilrable.—Medical Talk.
column* alreaiiy wrUtraeoaomaiMiha
mturt -thiak of BOhcrl. wivklag w; iUe of the bcatea egg untH U will nMT»Mncer who )uggica vilb the edi­ darning heyoad tbem. To Veep the
ourafive power* «rf Feraaa.
■ntmthly. If at UU It harden* bles Is the tvar will lacrease Uie
WHMM aM WHhla.
;«slgec of a ktag U-ar ewen it to best
the gardtm la bto ahirt elcerea" When;
A QoM Hint
r rapWly li has been -boiled too der. There are Itoied four or Bve dU to begin to dam tn the middle.
The Btona la vM aaraaa the hHU,
I Saalty atem the torreal aad get awi^
I need to drrad ehanlng my hus- Arlh^mMjSriM
fha tiDeye deep vtth ahov.
lr«i a little cif the licai>-B white ftweci kind* U oopp. as many, iwr
1 -woBder If ibe iblBka-I have ao di
When* darn Is finished II slumlil Im> bahd-s coat eUtor*. until I tried the Mrwaf. <*mvM—MtoBHMB^WW
will *»«bo It right ngala. haps. of Bah. baU a dosea loaria. an dampe«<ul and pressed oa the wroag followtog war- JnstfWd of a rioib mratU*t • mm mvmv MBM* ii
tioa. na toteteata, to any nUbieg of of
We hear the. alraag wiada him
dMf Mwa hr tMflW AMBBBINi
moral reatralats, wblM render It la- H It
. rejttaliur toolhln after beaten •" ample array of madc-dtobea. plea «n-l ride, or a thto damp cloth laid oo the which, had to lie keU la mUlua for a
BM Med the* a«—vhat a«m a
BcaUUte forme to aimed alway* with ItU coM. It hatl'not lus>a Uinert enough: puddings aad all the vegeUblea. «*a- right side and presacd.
;b(le to avoid bwtog a ring vMveror toraaliMrf vBh—MMA.
a apy glaaa levU«d at her wtndow. . I la that ea»e. pul «■ pulwrlMd mugar. ned or freah. to ordinary use anywhere.
To mend a rip to the seam of a kid to pure «if the sptrf. I
-Memtwr* of my (amtiy also **a M
1M rMdr hearth «i»*a gknrt
women apologto«
th.'jedding a iltilc and beating hard; tben
Any one wbo did not know might. glove, overhand tfae odg<-s together on toothbrush, nip It ten* the napihi for like allmcnta. Wearer
that not tr.iu stm too thin add atore xiigar; beat suppose that to conk and ketp ready i the right *id.-. using fine thread or
nnlU ihortmghly sa'turatod. then a few lag It to our fMoad*i,’’-C,
t%m aaova eaar drUl. the M*da atay
do ao ahovs dtoraapeot and disregard j again naUI Ihlel^ mouMto
«»** an anay of dUbesjing silk maiehlng the color of
nba and the spu or grime has
One reason w by l*eriiashM tooMM*'
rcgttlre an Iffirndnae range, aev-1 giovo. If there Is a strain .eomlng on left for pan* unkno»rn. The most
----------------- r rtM-toae
joancoi nse In so many homm I* that U
erat eooks. and plenty of space, to j the seam, iHiito&fiule sihrii the edge* deneate vairei can be rieaned In thU aoatslu* iKritoreoUeofanyklad. liaag
Wa wteh tM red .«aaa taag and
a very high standard '
right tevglh of time-. If yoo do not reality, the kitchen is no bigger, or is ; «nd then overhand the pnri* of the wny. though II wotiM not lie advisable M
lengUi of time vtthaUOBby apolocixiiig tor every U|>*c there
that potat it 1* eaally made: even smslkT. than that erf an ortltoaiy j stitches toRetber.
brush an any fabric like aailn. «alringadnigbabll.
A IHhe aM UvW ttrat.
fram. -They only bciray agUtom. ac i if noi h wi» eequire some iHtlc ewm bouse, and ohe < most two assistAddress-tor. SartoHto-fWidant of
in prarJcal mending. JudEinetit and ~0.mlf1htiU!d 40 p*«d Housekeeping.
^ WhBa ahMBvi itoaea atoag tM van
«h mmic of the itotto.
Ohio, for free medical adrloa.^A aof
they are I'rytag to scorn to be to tbetpesOs upon stlrriag the sugar Into the plain Tankec cook requires.
Do Net Frit,
j material should be treated as eomi
At rm vtttta the BtUigbt-s calm;
srorld vhat they roallyArc not.
vUte of the egg Bmt: « too fast
Let us not live frwitul llvra Qod srUI
Snpiiosp a walUT comes with aa or-! twns^aggests. The ohjeet I* always
, IMa waara Mr rami etwB.
If Diy neighbor sbotild read Ibli looalow It will conk tbe egg Id lumps: der tor vegreabk- soup. The cook ; to replace the lorn or worn part with ncTcr wretch the .lino of duty beytmd
Karaaanlh hev (MMaaas btraAA Tnu- BinceW
Free Feme
the measorr of our streagth. We <aghi
; WBat ckmdd MV ftoota.
<»va- aad bo eoBvened, “I ahnll be.~ <*» *» | n IHtle practice will soon enable om- to Ufis the lid of a big Imik-r of Hear. „ uuir display as pnsslitie. Care
A*auBC iir IMS
aUhor aays to
preface) ~amplr, know what is Juat right to do at the soup, made by boiling bones and!|^ i,ken m buve the warp and woU lo lire with the grace of the Bowen,
'^BliaiB Ihl atuama that vas tM worid
scraps of beef, raatton. chicken and | ufpu,<-), nin the same way
with the Joy «f tM Wrdt. vUh the
i right time to Insure
Wan «r paaM took Aoara.. :
P This kind Cf Iclag give* more bulk voal logethcr. Out of thto be dips • I ibose of the garment. Ttoc straight- freedom of the wind and ware.
■ -»MJ. r.,Lc«im. ,
What Mathera Knew. spreads of the cloth gcwrally rep- Without unestioB thto is Ood't ideal
There was a CalO' «!•«
l»»^' for the aame matertoU used thgu plain iKiwi of BOitp. and into tbo bowl he <
Womea kaov.
the* warp. M a. nap. It most of homan life. We are expected to
Oace on a'Ume. as Trc heard «y. i uncooked icing. To make U va«to«- pops In tjBick sticcosslon n little from,
The way to rear «p ckHdrea <to te
i a • a «
• • .
do BO more than we can do vtUi the
BQto look the bits of hawriucM
mrly Ugbt. use the white* of two eggs enrii pot. of botinl vegettbles ho to.-ix' tn the same dircetion.
. ■
r * jrvii vBI AlviyvAad ■ Mcpeopto.
time' granted ut. with the tooto, the
That fooltok fUk* had tbrowa away.|^,..,
ugiit: beat In thr aynip. sctTltlB for that day. He glre* It all I
Tboj- know a.rimptc, nmy. leader
I lob*.
material and the opportunity at our
And wove them la a wondrous taom |
^,,uu braitog add a lomp of Ur- a atlr. and presto! there Is your veg-1
Foed Drunk.
c^« 4aal la BMli* thto Ufa uaplaaiiat. *
no Egyptian taskTIQ she had made a robe oOoy.
tarie arid half the rise of a pea. aad eUbie
oxttMr-fSl*'’,of mtomy.
ma-wer who watches to doaUe the or lytog aashni. filtteg bata akoes.
Wboie shtaing fold* v«e aover dimpui up and remain very
Far all the orders for soup that.
And sirtagiag pretty worlU tkat
‘ttoa' van af Mrtovlag •
brick*, but. w geaeroa* Lord
- In the- cook giK> first to tM b g
; light, but Bot sticky,
mako DO aonac.
who wait* l.» make onr duty oar de­
And Which so time
of lay er builer.- Is it oasonime? Prom
loag to Bdtooo or Terry, or
Aad kissing toll acaso iato ta^
4,*^: Ut.tM csoakar go hi* way;
Gocoaaht. the cb'op- pitcher the cook pout* Into the clear olber man. I don l knoy. Whoever light.
■ ' ®
Nameh laughTMo an 4M people Cried *-Atoek!
.eats of nuts, or pounded almond* stock Bomc brown. tklekeBtog BbM.
U hit the nail squarely on IM It our lof* were but more alitode.
.Wkicto iktags are canto to cal Ml*
We'etonfM takeAflm at Hli word
Lead M, VO pray. thU vondit
may bo added to the above. FUltogtor Is it maearoBi?- A poloC boiltog water head. Intemperance to cat teg Is mora
at hand, and M forks a few commeo than teiemperance In drink­ Aad onr lirea-dfould ta all Boashtee
layer «ak« ahouJd alvayu be made
Althooghaiich trifles; cblldrra telua '
in the sweetMBS of the Lord.amootb. ao’ihat it -vHl Vt Btring* Into the bowl, to It ox tail? ing. and I vvuily believe of vastly
hatv miay any that VC hare known
by stteh
■oak Into the rake. It nbould always A big tin of condensed ok ull soup more terrible retnUa. An article on
Love’s imly carecat ta a prcUy play.
stands on e handy aheU. and a spoon uvtrcattog; by Mr. E. B. T.'rry ri.n-'
rta fairy amBed. ^Oo look." abe aaW. be orid and spread on vrarm cake.
Ad gel not ever cadJ aoleatotoM,
' and yoa will find
To make a coffee glace, put to a
eindra with the following sentence nowadays for Uic l.rioc ..f one. 8hc But aeelng. as In a losebad, LCtc in'
chicken? He tbraaU a pair of longs •The tendency of the time* Is to eo
’suitor raedaca of ais dopartaumt That ihongh a|few stray Joy* 1 t**, raucepan a pound of granulaied sugar.
into the boiler and bring* up a mors-' ail ooe wants trf plain food. then, when has the fouoda<ii>n In black mor«-«-n.
imra ptoaMd t» vpeM a ptoaMat ato Y« plenty i*tm remain behind!Add a gt« ot «ol'l
ichibg Uiow the kotrai. This ftwn- iVhkh bum and harli
toom the depths umll enouab scrapu one onght to stop, coax the atnX'tite
ringle bloom—

torawm to cvllteK uim frienda. only
of chicken are found to pass muster, up with vartons indigestible dishes dailon to nlcelr finished off with a
M MMB taw vaafy «M deppeaacd
deep hem. on which are sewed htnioa* Bceome aa-are and tmallraU of tov^.
It it Mmmmm a rather Mrd. creamy is It tomato? A squirtjtf weak hut' to Uke as much more.-periiaps. and : a few Inches-apart. By meaas of this Such gmsl do aiutben.
, I Tor invalida.
Mbmh «f Oto MWtaht aticam 6f
lotnaUi entrap docs the toniness. this three time* or more a day. and
dOncA atd ahouM be re-' thick
At thU t^ of the year there li; ball.
—lairabcth Batrett Browateg.
^-r~~ thu taa Mee poured vpm
dctlcc thoelever girl has three or four
- _
I., ect
.«t ,1..
1111 IkA.
ItaM. l>at»d M talkteg of the pleat- marit Oteesa and otto <rf Utr hardeet mhved^fnm the fire. Pratr it at
dlffen-m’ruffles, which can be hutwuid ^ U. .HWi look. «.
shillow, bowk WhCB.Ji ooris
-Wd OBW M Mte. tM Woe *ky. the ihinyi for both Bune and patiem to
toned on it» the toundaiioB. acciirdfBB ‘ Pool, eoff and cat Into qtaMtei
three or four conracK at our mca)>. to Ibc cosiunto tu bo WORi.
MhdtoS MBtar ■tmaaiAare. the good the tincstlOB of food that will be both
twelve mtdlcni steed ante*-. Ptri totp
.ast mutton enme from the same'
coaxing the spppiltr with
ttat taa come to a mntaa) appe toliiB entf Booitohlag The fol- knead It with the bands as rapidly a*
Wallpaper* that have become liriils-fa naregan with four
Joint at his tqueb; and ><>' 'he aid of n everebanring and most |Milaial>h>
'liemimmm. or nv *>f tM tManM lowteg raripB* are tfvta to the hope potBlble. Work Into H by dewiw*
have to-cn sllgbtlr torn, and jlot
of wau
r and iri iwsteuaer very
of eolfec c*»enc«>. mli- mile sanec and some Jelly so will dtshM. tlicn winding «p with pi-*lrr
•M «W Ihiaw that arc worth vkito. that they will Ub of boim aerricc to
ly nnU! loader. Set aside to ctet
lag If Uioriuighly te. until the prepara- riwsi venison at a pinch. Roast rib and sweetmeats. Itesides Ollteg all the which cannot be mairtied. are not
Bta Maliaa hM Mot te a eoaatohl- readcra of thU depanmettf:
8qu« 7.0 the Jtiko ot throe lemons tnio
or roast lute from the same plcco of intontpaccs la the stomach with nervr- Bcceaaarily ruteed.
fmtP at MotoBtoi over a doaea thihga
lUec-^^Meh boiled rte*. with the Uoa bocosae* qtiMc hard. Let the glace
a cup and a half
dcsiroylng strong teas and ooffees
vMeh tar goeut did aid evea voUec Juice- of rijast -beef or mulUm. and rrat for Mtf aa tomr. thw put It in
grated rtad o( tte lamoa*.
Veat I* veal, or it 1* chicken ftr ulad, have msde u* a natltm trf dysp(;#lc*. tbal'Bt I
y little distance no dam- I'aiblI the
■Pill Mvtotteailan was «M)ed to them. svreH on a piece of toast 1s very Btef. saucepan or howl, net it In n pan i.f
pi rreidililo. Tlic palms from a |
veil with eix.ked apples, tkea add
Meat rate-^8crapc a' piece of lean liolHBg water and let U graditilly melt or It 1s turkey fur fricamco. or Jl to It we coidd muster up Kclfvrintroi nml age
«M It to a muUal rrileC whoa the
rabbit for atew. or It to tomb for pic. sctf-donUil enough to ninra to ibe clilld-* box Bill to- gottd enough, bnt j,h<- In-aicn yolk* of e*ght ragk. Mix
; with Atery diiU knUc. thto .uiL -niea spread It quickly «>n the
'kiwrila Mra tasB saKL
rake. This makes a l■eantlrB1 pslp Just u he desires.
faslill of uailng of one psul plain fo*«l you must mix the colnr* to p'l the ,x-il and. put Into • puildtag disk,
the tender BM( fliibre* a
vfth tM hope that Horn*
The plain oW codfish, too. If bollcl. nnUI oiir nsliiral appctii'- I? w*tltni-d riglit rharlcs and iht'ui lw><* ta l»i<-! b,Vc ta a moderate ovon f<w half as
Imiwn icing—very glossy.
tMera. If Bay of thorn Vc haves 'the
turned into boUed hslibul. or hsd- ambthee Ship, w.- aduld soon forget t.n.t:*-?! iKiiiera.
oMIoted tn tM hMH. will add a new prais the tender Bbre* Into a thin
Tu make the coffee esseata. put an
,bmk. or blucfish. nnd If lutk.d U- hit alKtiit d'ysiM.‘|e-ia. and almnl half
rvmteltoa to their ItotTor IMfi. fhat cake or pale and IvaCl on a toaktteg onoec ({f mocha coffee, groand
«M Mowlag cilpptoB from a raceBi fortt over a hot ire. When done, fine. In a cuirful of ndd water, and let riimrs baked hsiil.m or blucfish. or ;«r tnorv of all tin- i>ih<-r dl-f-«,M-s
Mmson to taste. Eaten wHh trmsi .r it boil down sioaiy until It to re.l«rfd
|trnnbh-K that now nflllel <■*paper u gtran
-Never aiuMctor. It has atarad al thin rilce* of broad. It make* a very to two UblespeuBfuls. Firain it while aid <if a tew bit teg sauces the) l»ee««no
it-^ bot. squcexlog out sit the estrari almost an^htng one can name in the
toll It rematoed tor the eoimpto of deikmle dish.
Medicinal Value of Lemen*.
nae fram tM pitoied para aHw lUe
Lemon Julcc bwci-icneil wi:h ioaf or
\Vbc« 11. comes to dessert, the dUta a bag gnB
inB Mil tor te
ten-hour*, addtvn auiwii te «toM tt> vital to
Chocolate Ctoxlng—The tup layer of
tinclioa beiwea fniii cake and plum enufard sugar >111 n-lit w- a cough.
1 hM tM opporMBliy «eee to Maerve
ehoeolatc cake may be given ibg de
fen-risbnei * and an ui.aaniral
ppvea. and..“1 alrable “glare- soon on baker-* cakr- pndJteg to with him only the diffi-r, : ihin>i soften a l.'niiui by ndiing
aloaaly tM tattomu hnme life of oao oat. dry InB iberaiBvta
betwbvn hut and cold and vanishofmatototas. Hw hashaad's tecome It to IklAcn Bteal Thto to fapt>cialir}
mUtag a heaping tcaspwmfu! of
■ hard snrfsce. cut off tlie lop. odd *-“CTin bl.AioiT of our llo'ivc »» »» uabrukeu yeeord'trf Progreaa. Ex(t> tiefeui! the bUrt from
wm ModfoLtar hoaae plate and ahe good for rhlldrcn.
— w .. sraled ehoeolaie. two «rf gra
work it down Into the loni":i
londioa. DoTcioptni nt and ImprorcmtmbvEacb new year we aUrt ^
llollcd rice-freqm-nily called uiwn fur »r w
Onrn •—
or Oatmeal On»l-MI*
^ ui iwmu*
d to dna*. Daring tM year
..eugar man uov
. 'll
(,,rTy_wKh milk, sugar and a lltUo .wi‘*> fork, ihefi ruck flosly.
with thi- purpose rrf surpassing the record Irf the pmloos
s aerer was a raptol of the meal with a little,
I iirad hiker fe
miMuit- oo tho cake before
r. 'tl.-w»« our grouti. sud'MrincM during itoH shta* that ore bIMrel
Ibe sUghicst Jar or frie- wvter; add a pint of boniag water,'
using abfoatHtlarte.1 k-nife dipped ccuncc. S ..n.1.1,,.., Hcc peddb,..
COW, octcl I1.C .be clCTTbloc CO. I. |,r..l....l W lb I - .
expictajkm* were more ihaa rr-alirc<l.
' ttoa to thd domestle maritlaery, yet sad boll twenty minute*. ®»***®*.||n icr w*ivr
dll 1,1.. —dec lo* ic ™„™-............
f-;'1 kaa* av Maad WM not eaempl from
B irtalf.
nos: roll oa a bard l urfacc fo that il>'NEW stores: Durieg the year wo' openrif.eompieic Mnalc Btarre
TM Bicret was—she never epoto- lamt for the airk nr convatoscetil.
a-ay: To oae cupful of griiwl maple
at Hancock, fcatranaba, Pontiac and FUnt-toiniilng fifteen BraKtoM
v™ .... Ull- CI..C. lie iVcOrt .» )"lc!• --W
gtoed. 8M Mve tally
“ l™« «M <^r u„i™«»l.,. oC w,.. 1..1I.. del. b.l lie V..IC. Ic— . ,
"ICC-' Add .d«lclc., «C.- ■<,;
slurvs nuw owneil and operated by u*.
U atak
lie- mile.
-■» "d
a coll
ll- l"i" f
FACTORY: W«- ali-o piircfcasej tbo building at .Sto-Sl Caa*
was aw made
bdrforo addins the wan-r.
A».„ ixitroii.asan addition to our Plano J-arUUT. TMtToMMh the deulU. It a dish
: Hot tcinonatle will ticesk up a <■>•«
0 doBbto tM oatpul
lU,:,. conneried In bridge*. Mve
taltol it mnat have taea her rule to
---------------- ----------------- rf taken at tV Mrri. Make It rtiv nam
ant tt Mite; K one appeared oa thu
aa euU Icmoaad*-; «ioly Using boiltee
business: The aggregate burin.-*! ^ by our BfTetw stores ^
taMe wit msetly ap to the staMard. aad p« ril into
litaodtag U often a riuirre of great .water lonced of odd wsi.-r.
a.m.-thl-utetMureou*. Wecnhiyed a ewator sale of PI^OB.
targe saneoimn of t Pnr caraaiel filling, tike two eupTuI-.
ata hM IM good aewse to tee iMt Place the Jar tn
toaanfiiri to the botro^ceje-r. One ,»ho«-,oa,.-half a.s murii sugar,
.nd lie ibc o-rc dew. }«* browb
uacb.lT cupiBl cl ek-mcni which enb-ra largeiJ ta:o (hi* 1 a plrt«* irf letuop or state Irfead
tlte tori wM aot wMMTOUi to alk aad bnllli,
MEKCIIANDISB and SHEET MCBH^^Jhaa taring nay- prcTtowk
Cl—, bciic .0* U m to;:
tfeAl qa awtegy wmSd toUarify the .Uli.ClccccracoII—bwee:
Class of S.WIBB to BiMc It »3CCCS*fill ;*,„utcned ullh lemon Julct:. bo-and t»a
year ta o-jr hiatory.
icutcocM Hi ™ili*; bell "bill IlM.
a of tM tew who dU per wlibcT dt ^ Wrcc. ■-« 11
the Judgment. TIkW arc times and !, «irai.'wSH iwre It. Renew night and
There are rcaaotss tor the poptitority. sneere* and ercDintaa «< onr
waiT* H. Aad it Is waadrifal wh*t alowly all day. Wbea done. tM Jac/bM beat hard while H to eooUng. and jrfacra when it should be drw
■ ntorning. The flnrt appBretioa wni
H..a*e- Ask any of oar iboti*acil*olcurion»cra:-tk<T will MByte why
wlU be fined with *Kwt gravr; *trate «P»tod teaMlately, between the toy
MaiakM, paittol tritere*. «m
' Itrij: at such tltne* hi m> pains be ! pnxloce sort ncas. but If treatment to
bunght of ui and bow well.plcrefd they are.
and whmt coU U wtti be a strong Jelly.
wtaoud. U «a>y tM too«n
spared. But there are times and plam | persisted 1a for a rrasoaable length «f
Caramri With Walants^Two eai>In aammer this mar M •erred cold;
rare will fco-effeeled.
brown sugar, aae eupfal of
te wtaler poar hot water over a po^ fnit
Ume and cBdrt reqalrc^ te
ghertoawrappM. Uoa aad yon have beef tea. -iriiis wtll sweet mam aad butter'the aUe of an
i reriiccable and adequate to ih-’ tcMer f<w< may he teataaed. If am
I a week tn summer, te a cool ’ egg;‘cook
w Me waa caltod to tta teor to spoak
emtireiy cured, by applying #Hc?ra
] in eoM water. ■NhqDom the fire and
> dm a memeai to a aeighbar. Nodto- Idaee. h« mneh loager to winter.
lemaa oa tfae fee-.
innegar IVbey—TWke kaV a plat of ; add one copful of waltet BKBts. ,Bcat
(liiMag etaweMlew. nto aerrao* poRTo cure chllblatas. lake a piiiQC of
.fWi to tta«Mta«ta •taple BDWWt. be Mt mUk aM Btir one labtcspooofiilj until alaiuai odd. Spread between «rf repairing a worn w 'lara place. UmoB. spttokic tee sab aver U and
TMev two way’s are patoUag and
traya^ar tmm of Its uaBtaras. 81
rwh tM fert weB. Regret, If Deere
»lwa tM rirar whey aeparaiea. from 1 Oaeoamut FUltag-Tak* two eapfnto
taan^ U. aad reerivM tkw^wlih
Damter sMbM 'he aaed wMre th(he aSBt It vni te done. Strain M. of granntoted sugar, ooe- ««|»al of
,^Bt cree*. a dlgalt/.IMt addad
Two tMlespaoatBto of vinegar mayisveri cream. twoegM (whiles otoy).. rrigea raa he draws UgeUter aM er• rimm totartoveitaeta.
nut of tM wore gtae* araUed. <aM vwgettite •
.joMtatt eupfal o( ipMed oocnaaat.
MiBiiBI, laav ttai M MdC tt R to-aat very, atroag



Cold Altettol Head and Throat
—Attack Was Severs





How Grinnell Bros.
Processed During 1904






1.1 ■■'L-i.J--jdiAii.jf'.


mi TWO

Mt mt cfetMie lids* Md
4MT «M1 *««Si* Tkwiw tmm. M«Atti«HtiMibidL nwloto*Idwd. jrn. ai. DMomStr/
—MW/. Mn. AttradJ^roitM.*

that eeaaeU Bnet at 1:M Feb. C to
hen- cenplatota. if then te aajord mpen/WOT beM Moida/ Oa Mr. CIbbe- noilOT fl.toO wa»
d tto ftohrwtod otoceta re- ____ Cron tto coatlBceat food aad
■ asditofto
trsaaferred to the librarr food In
order that tto iasUtattaa* star to
norcd and the books pioperl/ cau-


mCHIOAN. TMUMOAV. iAnOhny 1*. im.

poted test Mr. Haaaah woted pot no
price M 11 u It was BM (er sale. Tbe
port was recelred — Sled.
Mr. Lartte sUted that tersiel W»o
bad paU theta- asseumeat oa tee First
ward sewer wanted teebMr. Clllert thou^t teat laasmofA as
wu tied up. tto toty bad
no rlgbt 10 retain tto ssoeey.'so w hli
moUoa It wu leCuaded. Aboat MW
u alTOTdy tow paid la.
Tto matter to smMl pox at Eut Bay
u talkad orer. It seeau test peo­
ple hare bees comlac ta tto city frem
(to lafcctcd district aad u tto eity ir
entirely., free from eaallpox
lee now. aad there is but one
to typhoid ferer. It wu necee
to taken.
Theeaeyor,p(omlaed topee tbe toollh
^eer In jscard to tee matter.

Grand T>
sM. SBd tt WOT by hta
hli Ihelp
Tbe body to^SJl? Haitowe. «bo
Tto annI-State FUrmecs* iastitale u
—as art OTjto JOTOT lu
kiltad by a baistlag to a ay srtoto
srlU to bdd OT Thursday aad Frtdar. B a taateu mUI at Hilea..Wta_ oa old* ""
first Mpr^to tto Herald wu priOTad.
Jaa K and XT te Foreaters' BaU. A -..........................................................................■ O.
Nov. 3. IW. A Tcry warm IrlaBdOTlp
TalaaUe program hu been arraagetl. E A i: Saaday aftemoOT
by H*JL^ eximad through all the yaars alaea
tto atue speakers beiag J. K Steants takes charge to a
W>o eoaducts tto Best
Hartowe _
day’s CMSloes: W. A. EBls^ Mard the :remalu here and H tto bett to taveese Oty. asd every s«slstor Mrs. W’lQtam Kcar- SOT for muy years tto two famUtas
o». fto^d'
• Itacd 4a Bars rat here, even u late u las:
I to paMt^l
teta City and wu fifty years to age.
Mrs. c. M. Pante to A^ Tto iBiermeai toOT
mada. P. B. Reynolds to Owoaso aad
sbltahmeat at 1:30 p.
W. L. Ortati to Aubora. who srlU to
directly ta Oakwood.
conductor tto accoad day. Tto woIS brid by Rev. Duus
I'B secUoa will be beta la Orange
Humana Aaataty Elaattaa.
Thursday afteniooa at 1:1S
At tto meeUag to tto Boys' Hsmaae
otlodt. Tto program for tbe iasUtale
Oaath to Wflitawi M. MoKiiiip.
U one to tee awst practical ooea ever
Tto Msrs su received here Tues­
arranged, and there should be a Ug at- day afimtooB to -tee death, at hU tag ofitors wsr« etactad:’
ProaUcBt. ChariM araoDt.
leadaacc ot- the farmeca.
home ta MoakegOT. to WlUlam U. McFirst noe prosUeat. Morrtan Mar.
KlUip. a ptaoeer to Miehlgaa. aad tra;
M. and aLasb Ctacttaa.
I restdeau to TTai
SoOTBd trice prosIdOTL. 8UBl«r Sb/to te
At a metolng to the M. aad M. toub City.
“rlowing oMeets
atnrday altet tee foUo<
. -Nell «m-.
-. tnuie Wetatar.
Washla^n cmmty. New York. Feb.
Mrv- A. W. Pod
PreaMeat. Gregory Gent: rice preslI. Howard OrlMtt
dwt, George Oil: seereUry, E E IS. im. He remaiaed ta that eoehiy
until 1843. when to weal to Ohio and
Daly: trusarer. 8. Beada.
Md at So'
W’lth the shore Charles Ocnnalae spent a year and a half, then reutrnand Grant Wtaebart will cocqrieU '
lag to Washington eouaty. where ho
board to directors.
CrMStod by togtwo-years. In No­
alimt ruatied
vember. X8M. he went to Chtaago.
IdeedyKehoe Wedding.
where hta borne wu nnUI Kovember. fatally. Tuesday nooa. happHiad te
I aad at- lUI. when be caata to the lltUe dear-, UiOTdoggtag OTmp to 30000 Worn ta
simple 1
leaM by retatlres only.
tag 1a tec woods where Traverse Oty But Bay township, tto -vtatlm
tee borne to Will- BOW stands. This wu hta tome from Charles LMagstOT
LMBCSton to Aera.
Ited Wednesday
tarn Moody, when bta daugfatar Maode teat time unUl 18C0. with tto excepwu united 1a marriage to Mkhaei UoD of a few )monito ta Chicago at
and te
tSlamp from H he
Kteoe of this city. The earemoar ___different Umca la the years .
took place at 10 o'tooek. Rev.
and 1SS3. From ISdO to im Mr. Mc-- - datlBg.
• •
Tbe bride, wbo KUUp llv.d\^n In ChkBgo; fortwo
•oft crepe de years. 18S4-«C. be had charge to a proairale maa. u l.t su too toavy to
I attired in ia gray soft
chine gown and
largfi mlUlng interest In tbe upp<'t
In 1SS7 tee rcawved
bs. He wu tax* to tan
wu goned In cream «
Mnskegon. where bu bees bis tom.
wu Bawty Moody.
slaoe. He wu there ta tto-omplor to
firm for fifteen years, as
___ ______ _____ __________ _____ tee
cetemonv and Mr and Mrs. Ktoxte left a lumU-rlng b
wtalrtt hu toeti later roMWred to------------------------dtaiaai at Amne and emytfetag A»wu
orer tee Perc Uarqurtte for a wedding
trip ts-jChkago and Detroit sad on *''He*wu*’maS5*’'ir l'«». hla wife te altortata bta saffortag. Bta cobtheta return will be --at home" Feb. 1 and tem (teUdren. Gcotot H.. Mrs. diUon ta sery CrtUOTl today.
Nr. Johara ta «s ysacs old —
e Padley and Mrs.
■‘rs. wn'Maaa.
makes hta borne with bU SMtttw. Mrsthe reclplenU o
iluboth /ohnaon. «* a farm ot tto
While here Mr. HcKHUp.
iisklrta to Aera
one else In ibofe days, wu
Co., aad tto
ploy to Hannah, l-ay A Ce

E. U 8pra«o» to tto board to Ilbiatnwteea. appeeretf'btoore the eoaoell aad esplatoed t— tto btoldinc
wooM be read/ for oecopaac/ abow
Hm Pmnt ienii.
Peb. 1. It was aeeenar/ to ask for
J. W. JtotoM to* retuvid fnn
BOB* to m the tasatoUan aalfl
Onid lUpIdi. vtorc to lUi
/use 1. Tto trastoca astod for tl.m
WW to Ti DMMttMtiic to Ue AtowtoUB
laal /ear aad oooaell aaw flt to tom
l^lw 3. Stomrd di tto SUU Scrwi eonpiar whkt U •
kMk to* liilMid Wt fiRtiSMi te rwMtt/ orguSnd 10 pot opoa (ke them down. H te also aeeeeearr
Inner eataloKur the books. Tbe trus­
. uto iitot 11 t«r»
■artot 1 potest Kreeo. poteoted b/
tees hare been uylar to do tbU for
tkiM • mMIm vllk ^ toppid'* —- Bto. Howka. who U ot premt o ototwo rean toi bareat had tbe inone/.
iMi kMk to tetfPK Mr. UWTi deto « ASfaloB ooUece. Tbtotoreeol*
tM tow 1 r*ld«U«r lUt CUT for it nalUct on/thtos ever before oMd le
luitor. Ilgbt. etc., would brlac tto
1—t tto rMii ^ dirlii tkS« ttiM ^ IlM asd ta etuehed to tto wintotal op to at least |PM and this would Womaiea SactiM to Farmefa' InaUtets
— M—W
poMioM to tnm
below Old oWe oto roOa
to exclutore to auar UtUe tblaps
An tmusoaDy tetereating and ealu•Bd tolMd 1 toto toRl* to triaidi. op Uke o eutola wtoo tto wisdow ta
He had been la
able program bu bees prepared for
Hi — tonJI (to Bdt« bMk for toooed end npoe opetoss tto wiodow
tloa with e Grand Rapids lad/ who
section to tee Stato
ttoM ran m toU ttfr >o«>aai to it to cotme flil (hs epeoe btowees tto
Would do the eatalecebif tor |M
Instltoie, which will be held
to iMTtou ts uu tons
month wWle a Chicago Una would
I. wton to WH r»
Aside frsn this peteat tbe esnwaa/ send an eapert for »7J a taosth. This In Grange ball Tburailsy aftenoon.
Jaauan- ». beginning at 1:1S o'clock.
Iton/O to will alM push a pateat attatouneal for
Arm wooM teach the present force to
shade nOm. This article tortag help eo ^t the/ eoold carrr the vorit Every farmer's wife pad ev«R womaa
in the city wbo Is teterested In lire
toen pateatod br Leri StrteUer to forward.
to the day staonld plaa to to
Bond. lad., brother to Mrs. /. W.
Mr. Gibbs thoui^C that It would not
ni. A cordial InrttaHca U exMn. Mv*rd ore fron then JaekSOT to Uiie dtr- TUs ehade mUer
for a Jaalloo to be pres- teaded to all
• ^,«ototo............................. doea awa/ with all aerew derieas aad eat ail tbei?T
Ubm. A «uestloa was also
attacbee the shade to the window bj
raised U $tOO couldn’t to raised now
Fins Fsfvn
WiMe iid Mtotree.
JO at each end. the roSer tofna
aad $600 after tto annual bodsetW. L. Alloa to awr Maple tety will
Tto—aito win tom reb. l;
la two pteees which, whoa elaaped oa,
explained that now was the most too more Into his ttec new resldedce
lotk tocether la tto center and bold
opportane Ume to do the eata!o»ulDB wbltoi ta now being otMnplcted at a coat
. Wraid toWh the tont
la piaee. there beiag t» dlsflsareiaen(
Tto —•/ oM trtetoe mad atoshbot* to tto wwdwock. Bailneei will to rock. Mr. Eoetan/ thougbt that to IMOO. Tto realdepce. white ta one
mooor towlf be ot*M
maeaslncJ to the baadsomest countqr homes la
to ». wd Mn. Oia BeoU will to
_ ) in about three woOTs with heedaad Mr. Spraam eiplalned that
scetloa. ii two and onebalf
pinaad to toow to ttotr aocM
euarten la CfMd Rapida. It
of tonbblns rater Btoriu ta height and U almost square.
I ■rttoi torafly toy /aaiae#o. whee threap the eSorts to J. W. Jackm.
itof Itot ftoir tod besw is Maple CIt/ to this tot/ that the oorponUon was «torerer possible ouch mone/ was
and tee sUu project three feet
aad aattM n Galttonla. wton tho made as to aaw both patents and ar­ nred.
ara BO* Htoai OT a fara aid eajejrtat
Hear/ B. Steward appeared btoorc gives four cofaer windows. The first
id tto neetlas and orsaaUod the
—t toatdk hBrtac hod bo on tor » Qompu/. He te a stockholder.
teo eouBdl at the bcgtanlag to tmsi- floor ta finished ta birdseyc maple,
miiinai toOTt leeriac NiehlsOT
last CTcnlng aad stated teat be white ash and elm. tec reception hall
Tto* aaa ttoir atraeaad porcbco to,
orroad tee bouse ubere the uaforlj- bHag ta btadseye bmpIc. Tto house U
ClWr Counall.
fuioacp heated and a wide stairwv
Tbo tol/ council bad a bus/ scealon Bate Atlnu family lived. They hare no
eto oraBtato. Their Ckrtatne* tbte sreek. During the boor and
Bwau to pay their real and Mr. Stew­ allows tec beat to cater tbe ebamberj
r wH'alaa. OTtOT ot tto poreh. half eonsumed. an etoJmate to t
ard couWat aBord to giro tt to teem. op stairs. The bouse au built by E
J. Rauber of DansrUlc. N. Y. U It PsfflbrU Steel company ot Pbiinde)
wat to parlag East rroni sireel was However, ao mailer what happened,
phis began salt ta tto Ctacnll.eowrt
td 'iWlU be ■
wtaur OTdiak aad beeto. oil fmh fn* adopted aad AMemaa QUleit eared to would not turn teem 'out of doors. almost completed aad
tec Trareiae City
, Mr. 1-------------- -----------th*—dOT. Ttotr HOTOtoee are BO* the elt/ M.0M aad eoat tto Tlrat ward When Mr. AUnu rru Injured aud the
with Wa M.
Tbeir booee i
LrttaDsu A Msalstiqae Railroad com
I—MW Thar ktoa —to paetore tto
ainount br taUditf family had no means to paying, hb
pony for liO.OOO damages.
have oOTtBO of tto daw oUta.. Mr.
wile aent'f^ haH Bwnih's rent aad Mr.
—r iwhd tor totir aiaek. Toosi thrae ndantea. the tot/ Uhnur
Wilt aieve From Empire.
Lswta tor Ito
tofUiH toftoto laodlBg bat a few pBBlad »L»W for morlas aad taala- Steward gave them a receipt In full
Mr. aad Mrs. N. E Dcgan to Emplro
Smllb It U act forth that ta IWR
ta^'Bto tMB ttor Vtth tto-todai te1-f— vaUI Juae L Hearr B. Stew- Tttls rru on Dec. d'^aad elace then are aomplctlag arraigementi to more aerk
tto company entered Into a.oOTUact
— was hllowed rent uatll Ma/ I. it ttoy bare been la arrears. Tto real to this eliy In a few days from their with tee defendanta to fshiUh kad
tto house WM M a monte. >
7.------------- .jip BBtaadcis to tec
present bone at Empire. Mr. Dcgan deliver f. 6. b. at Fort Wayne AWO ________
IS of standard first quality No. church mnsl^ aad .mhen fiaanrtal
will handle tec business to tee Equit­ gross ton*
Allans famllr lire. Trarcm Steward uid that be did not care
Mr. Lmyto wfllrratfa poraoaany la
btoore the conacM aad plead ppv- able Ufe of New York for the ten 1 steel lalta.
ralta. aad other material lor
tearga of-Ms FtoBt
*»*, «Mot
air »>aea tto Leugue to MIehlgu tetr and
constmeUno purposes, the contract
ask for a rembision to taxe; count
behuwBfhadBpdMffbOTHtttaA—4" '
tbe $8M paid to 00
It hu been an .
anything Uke teat but be wu «a toke to tbe stralis. .For a aiimber of price to be 8S7J98.03. laly 6. l*M. family life. bessUtnl in Its stmplteUy. trade. Mr. Lowla baa maa/IdaBdi who
(to First srard latejaJ aewer was ortbe defendants paid (&0.M0. lOTving a
Amed refnaded beaidea minor bus)yfaars be sras couneciod with tec M.
were both paet theta esr»lag eapacUy, A N. E and for some time hu con- som tbe ptainUB asks IniersBt at tto
this om. Mr.KtcbatahOTaotFolAaeldrate of S per cent per annum from tlie
oil what to wtU do la tto fsOTra. _
Tto board to pubUc works prceeai- to balag :* aad she 77. Ttoy make dabtM the hotel at Empire la connec­ lime of dcllrerr to tee material to
New note win to added (a tto Mm
Mr. McKlIlip wu always a radical
ed an eatlmate to the eoat to parlaa teatr home rrlte their sob George, who tion with other buslaeas. Mrs. Dcgan. Dec. 1.1904. This smoonU to »4.7»T-16.
terprtse aad It wUi to fcapt fnah aafi /
neat street, showiag that the ptorldu shelter tor them aad feeds srhose dcllsbifnl solo srorh ta tee wbieb. added to the faalaaoa. tsakes rcpnbllOTn In poUlics.

Kial triend off tec late Hon. Mor- up to date ta every paittaBtar.
Meutah several years ago will be re- - It ta alleged ta the doclaralloo teat
telsl aBWOto that it wopid coat for the
(uftrdoar foot-roadway aocording xc
ibcred by rnsny. will to a decided
teraSelect. After
at tto prrrioiu reatal ttoy
to Trarerte City's musics]
. would to li:JliAS. to which paying taxes, lasuraace and iaicresi circlet and tee many friends to both disregarded tbeir requeaU.
oa. a mortgage, which tt bore, also Mr. and Mrs. Dcgan ta this City will
tii.aa«.TC would to
r'wo Flrea Sunder­
oa tto property aad the balance to bf wster rent, impravemau. etc- « left to gtad to Icsni of tbclr contemplted
about W4 a year with which to
ing t. ...
Thaiade/wrealad at the hone to Mr' paid by the toty. no asseasmeat to to
... ..... roof of the bouuc of WUItam
«d Mn. Jaae C Itoarwi tone ttoli graater than i* per e»l to tto as buy theta elotelng. "It teems." said change.
and ocenpkd by Nateaa
toaw. ^Uan Mataran to tUe totr. wa:
rains to the property. Ttl« Mr. Stewart, “teal tee city Is toner
Loots on Monroe svcei ahnoet totally
■BiMd to atortaie to Wot d. Kyaor ol
The board, , able to. care for lu poor than we are."
destroyed ihe building at 8:48 SneNews wu received in teta city Tues­ Bay evening.
Under tto prtper beading Mr. Lar1--- '---- I* the PTMOTM to aboiii
d an eeUtaaU
day morning of te> death at 7 o'cioek
Mrs.-Lucu and daughter
ter a (artr«ito roadway which wouU die mored teal tto dty pay tee rent to Mrs. Joatah Pennlngion. wHe ct. ebsicb and there wu no one In tec
for tee house until May 1. If aeeeahouse Jnst at tbe time of tec litscovmy
mry. It wUI to remembered that at a Rev Jotlah Pennington of tee Friends U Mr. Lucu had Just stepped across
•ad lir BB atohonto aae to plak aac test «1LSK.10:
leetieg tee eUy made pnvb cborcb. Tpsltaatl.
«toto eaiwttoBe. eenblBto »«'
tto street when fire was discovered ‘
uatn tto resolution for this parlag was
Though Mrs. Pennington had been tee back roof near tbo chimney,
MtotoaBl’' toth ropee to atolu
tetiodacad. Mr. o'tlleu then said the' sloB for tec care to tbe Atinus family
m for tome time put tee announce­ still alarm wu sent In aad tec fire
while thd paring would be a good until Mr. Atluu wu able to*work. He
partment Imracdtaicly rapoeded. Tbe
who met srlte ment to her death came u a tbock to ebemtpal wu-lurucd un.but wlitm tec
at« oieteok to tto atratan lUag and to woold be tto teat
ly fricods In ibis city, where Irst line of hose wu connected with
> to tee 1
m TMUfttea.- plarod by Mias Maud htod up ear public improremoat. ibe
much to her life was spent. Especially be hydrant at the corner of Wayne
d htan frma work.
PnaMOT, tta btMW party eaterad ant tact abouM sot to teat algbi to tbsi
An applieatioa from tto Queea City wu the brioved In the cIrciM of the tnd Elmwood, tbe hydrant ass fout><l
«fea OTB« OTR pM—by Eer. 1—m this parlag. oa aecouat to the assess
Friends church and her gentle, mother­ to be out of order ai»d no strOTin could
be gottea. A dcUy. white meant
•eat to tto property m the north tide Brick Matelae
pany'for penatasioo to erect a brick ly disposlUon drew around her all who mute to tee stubborn blaze, wu
TW IfMe wa. 1
to tto street would cost the clt^
came wllhltotee circle to her Irlend•a bMM Mee OTd earned a booqaet oi Bbleh would come out to the general and wood fire proto
^'MtTa MOT. «he ra attended by tuad. Mr. 0«lsu said It would to »u«i story high on tee aortbsast comor ot sbip and sb« could cully have been Elmwood and Randolph straeL
Not all wool., but the best material and bolt
tor uWaE MM Mary M' Peteraeo u (sir to.pare otber\streeU rrtort tot IS. bloek 4. original plat. «u grut called a mother to Israel.
this lime the entire roof wu a sheet
made ^trt that thb amouiit will buy—$1.00.
Bote Mr. and Mrs. Pcrnlngton have of flame and tee upper rhambera aUvo
Albert Novotny wu alaO gives
mte VM —Bed ta ecru sUk. wUk the property wooM npi^staad tto coti
buildI— jHkar w* tto best man.
sad teke tto eoat out to'tbe general
fbaavMg tba amuBioay
fUBd. He Mid that li would be estab- lag l»x7S feet on lot S3. Hsi
they were resldcot uaill'Novembc' ably (hongh tee vnUre bouse wu u
tteblag a pMoedeat wM& would to Lay compaor's Aral addKJon. .The
much a wreck teroagh water u fire.
bnUdtag. which will to on soaitrUnloo last, when a pulorate wu accepted ta
Tto origin of ib'c Are wu near Uic
eblmney at tbe rear. The Are ta the
50c. 75c. $iiV, $1.^. $lio. Aff ffoodan as*
tee Friends church at TpsItanU.
Mr. Lardlc saM that Mr. OmeU's ar
silting mom wu from hard coal,
'^sortmeot as n^y faeiouod-at this time of ywgUBMBl did BOt hoM good because
ihoogb a low fire wu kept In tbe
kitteca store. stllL nctiher could have
paeuUar eoBdiiloa to aSaln extetal
if your underwear wants are not all supfrfted.
OT But Troat street that did M cMst tatlves from Traverse City to attcad held apodal eerricps at Ypsllanti and OTQscd tee overbcatlng of pipes.
see our line.
Mr. Lucas carried 3«o0 Insnrsncc on
anywhere else la tto city. There u tee seeattag to tto League to MirtUgaa bad Jnsi rdumeil to bta cbaige
tbe furaUnre ato 3C« wu also eorprecUcally no toad oa tto neAh sUc MimlclpaUiles. which wiii to told at
to tto ntreet and If the parlag Is heM lonta /an. 31 and Feb. l. wu received bta mothers todsiL
have teeir origin
up BOW. It Bdgbt to fust M wen to and filed. On Hr. Oltoe' aeoUoa tec
city jtooed tto iMgue aad Hr. Lardlc aad two UUlc telldreo of tee son that It Is neat
le «lUterer.
clear account
place In the borne
Mr. Oillett aaJd that tto First u^ awvod that tto nuyor appoint five del- Leri aad the roUowlng children! Mrs. of Mrs. Arvllta Gardner td 433 Madihad about I6A00 la ito atreet*wd1w effstu tntoudtag tto mayor and cUr J. Jones of Indtanapolls.'J. A. Peosiren Sunday morning Just afu-r
arose. A few moments after Mrs.
which It bad DO ase.-'TBe rhy
cHy ua- derk. Mayor FW—m teen appointed alagtoB of Cedar. WlUta Pennington of
better bargain, than are uMally aoW at the
tec fining roux
it oWeet If Ito wmro
of Carthage. Isaac Petnlagtoa of Trav­ fire a dense smoke aoemed
paU thb dnereece tram Its tand. Mr ray as t he TCpr
from an ucknpwii source, but on IsvesTto dty tOTsureVs pctliton that tto erse City. Mrs. Harold Hiler of Battle tlgatioo Jt wu found pouring out of
Wlaale. M aMermaa to tee First wwd.
wmat for coltacilng ifiW turn to Crote. Mrs. T. P. Baird and Parker tto adjoining bed room door. ..
sold he rroaM obledt noet
te paylag for a geaenl ImproTcsMCt
Tto remaiu w«e brought to this trouble ta a dresaer drawer, white sbe
<nt to a ward fuad. He said teat tet —Bted.
pulled out and empOed lu barntag
Are many of them on our tables now. These
from Sspt. H. O. city yesterday for burial aad were
assessed at $tta aafTbe only, theory white ibv
Jorut of tto rity water werfcs^ the imkea to tto home td Parker Paaataginclude hats, pants, shirts, suits. If yoU Deed
ateag tee other part, ito
recently put a
dty buy the aeceuMry taps which arm loo. 433 Fifth street, where they will
Mil Mfu. Kyra M ba^ *bt was MAOa:
from these lines, kriiy not ^
Ue to tUle from 13 to 1:50 p. m. Tham- set OT eritaioM sMe combs lu tto
to oeed'in tee paving, at orae
Mr. Otehi CBue turward wU^'e
MbW* M — bara to Mr. aad Mrs. C
drawer sad-ttose were^eatlrcly burned
that will be right ityle ior you' to
esaUoa that wired tto proWeM
ap. Thoogh BO Btatctoa wertL kept
•rear for q>rii«i'
it tea par eni-^m to urud and Prtteds tetBjsh at 3:3* p-jm. Tharaday. araoBd tto dresser, dot even at tli«t
• tira btowe teartag — SBOBBted teat the chy pay oaebaH
Mils OTB be beta
, utofl May 1. Tto ouket not bring opened at tec aide OT tto n»m. tto matte theory
tee storugebad tto First wsrd Ito tto bUs
be ao^
The commUtoe oo claira and ac- teurte. U poaaible Rev. Howard
BteerbalC This « aatlsfaetw aac
bOta amonacing i
of T|
Mr. Murray meted to laeorporale thb
here. wtU have chaise. aqataUd
tertal la tto combs la }Ht u plaBMblc.
late tto pBrlic teaoIttUoB. 'The leso UMAIC. tthkh were ordered paid.
Tto cammkioe that had toes.ap- ttav.lE U Requa. la'tto cveat of hjs w 'Mts. Gardaer aaya.that a atrpng
tuttea. as ebaased. wu paiaad witew
odor OT OTmpttor white tta ao ptomlBOTt
potated to taterrtew Mr. Haaaah ta not coaUag tee Berrin w4U to
lagradtaBt OT wIttteM. *« atom
daeted by Mr. Eeqpm. E L. Chttsr m
[tew pewd that tto MUmstes and
•teas to —d wfte tee city toerk aaf tto Bsnh side ot BaarFMmt abMt re- wfl^tore teaise ot ttotorial.

• id

MW «yi to beSd A tkc
r. RMuHto «a«MMd


■ J





Good Ualues



Blue flannel Sbirts

Popular Priced Undcnpcar
Our Sfoch oi Pauls

ilew Spring Boods^







$M MMrtilly lk« Won. U m wot*
b tkli ti • mMM-tML d«M

ta MaM, M vtf M «

«rt M Mnly oaenifi poMe
M BMI Md womoo Ik Tik««»*
Ctt7 ’to* Tklakj to ■BawfoUy
•uriM ud ItMp •Otoe A McMjr wWeb
win ncalt ta w mc* boMdt to alt

" ''■IXSSi'

MMd dMUtt Id MKW^
«« M Mt at MWn to tk* «out7
wtJkwUtm tka Mt ddr «( fktowr.
XiZjAiL to 1> •‘etoek a. B, foe tka
Itodkic to ^aatotoloa a
Jtoafirdtoiak ladto «<
k toiWto idikaH. ot Wtoiffi, m
d « tta taaatal toaettoa. ap-


^ Uflk. Ika aoatolaa
lit atod toreatt aad tka aav
to kktok aaek la aa«totolio<»aailto^tofoi-

IMMIMtoOtoato. t

4n.e.CMiB. f
Jktoia K. tktotfkWI


■ toflhatbto
to ka haM to
«. Thata to Mttto
r. w.

■ato aotive batos
. MMtoaawalttot
■ kaawatoflatofrotothlb



y af kto iialilBai iv-

Klad Waada Fiaw CMmala.
mo ar« auay Daopla la Tramaa
OtT «ko lagrat rorr .Back to aae A.
W. uad aad toadijr taave kata bat Mr.
kaa keaa (i«aa a tott kaart)
toe kla patakaaa <d tka Kiaacr ouK
Ika rimAniM^ Sraotoi Nawa kaa tkr
Tktototo Ika aIcBtof to tke eeatiaeu
tkta aontac Ow g. W. Kraaiar dr>
'a atodb weaprtoc tka'ikrae flow
to tor. XnaaaHa daakta kaUdlag or
Nortk MUdiMl atraat. paMad toto tk.
to A. to. Uad to Tracer**
aqr. «ko to aa« to ekarga. Mr. Uad
vko. tkraagk tkto aoratogk uaatoc
kaa kaeaBo a CaUtlac tototoaaa naa.
bora aar Leadoa. Oaaada. thirty
atoa raara apa. He kaa baaa tka trarta
. toaapto « Oo. to Datrolt.
n la dir caada. tor atetoar


A tacenUy BaiHed'yoaog
Gagatbwn eeggaated to bia wtfo that
(bey akodU argaa acBe «Be«tioa
tedM la atao Itot wttheot atewrt.
ante Borntac ever white
- wtUkaraBaBherad thtoSac
aer^ Joy u tea UBa to thatotaaovny tk(rn waa a dHerance to uptalon. Tkc Write for d
a caUkxtoe ot XOt*
body, hrootet la a vwdkt teu toA tna tackled Waa tee mnibtltty to ' Oa^'Arbelu. e<»tUtinc to
kb death thNgbJ^
taWrtcatfd aad v
He to^ tee aHnnatire. ^
wbea Hat aeee waa diBUng Into tee-:
^ Toilet OooJ*. The aarSnr
BtOiaid haBa ware need latlaad to kny left nnd polling the ladder op after j u> toir coatunere of nilddlenice’e gro2-.
a bat^ by a aaoond Caftla Nation
Onrid Reed to Brighton found the i f=‘ preaenta.
XtolharvSIa. Oeanna corny, the
« to bar. to addMlaa. ahe ka*


«BSBBL8 msmt ETC.


otear day wUk aaek good aSaet teat
barteadar raOrad with aU haau
teroogh tee back doer.
Calbou tooaty BlooalaU are
itatalag to poor baatoeaa and K U
pndletad teu tbtia wUl kd totetoei
leoi aaloons la the ooaaiy nst yeu.
Haay to 4kcB have dupenacd wtih
teelr kartendere aad are dlggiag in

aa he f=03A three pcarla iartotiod U
bla puicbaae. Two of tec pearU wwe
tee alee to a doable akoi. and one wa»
aa Urge aa a pea. He aent then to a
jewrUr (o hare then ptoiibcd
and waa oflerto 131 lor <bem,.«hlcb be
accepted. David U haginnlDc to kirk
kiBaeU for aeiUag ao ebeap. at on ex­
pert decided tee peart* were worte at
itarttow to tatrodace a UII at the leaat I5«0.

tarrau 1a banttag robhiU. cUlBing
ttet tee cotton uUa are rapidly dlaIn that aecUon owing ta
teat neteod to haUng.
An Ogesaw eonmy pbyatdaa Urtog
ant ta tee coaatry bad a tew
nailpox or Cohan Hch and pot
ta a hill for fSpe. The hewrd allowe-1
him flfiOO and be kickad Uke a lorn:cared koioa tor tea other <300. k'« tee
bavd eoaMn't *ee It teU ukTto the datalto to tka boalBaaa, both at A Big Bapida naa U canylBg aboot
kotooalar aad aa a itoaltor.
Uad kaa ooaa to CadUte.Mtfk a top- •ad on tee bead U the cap to a fleeBtaUoa aa a atoaa. capable aad og lacb ahell. U fata frlenda kaow tec
to the Bikk. it la prob^
to tka crffwtt to the dtp that U to to able teat he WlU be a lltUa kuieiy
kto mm hoaa. “I akaU «nliaac etean be to wearing that ^rOctiUt
tka Kfitoar peritoy to ktafa coallty
toaaaat daaltog aad raaaoaakla prtolia,* tftlda
Fred, Benlt to Menominee had tbr
aaU Mr. Uad to aa Breatoc Nevi god fortnaa to aboot a ooioto a few
tkto toeralae. “aad ay toy. ago. aa aMmaal occonancs ta
teto pan to tka ceontry. Ha to curini;
the akU and wUi mmkk a rag tron It.
Uaa to the atata, aad In arorkoBc
Three Rltcn farmen. according lu
tribelair to CadUac. aa a -towaey • diBpatch. ai» Bnfctag large ahlpi'etore. By toat I siaaa that it t •CBU to cant to Boafim. Meat be a
3*ar to dlaaattodad, to aay detai:
Corn had horiu*
whatever, noaay wlU be rtouaded |o to DhUle Creek and boana to BmMy policy wlU ka to paaeaade toe poo
pie to Mke my atac* thtor katodjaat *oa.
Two Big Rapid! gnnrc. Norerote
t Wolcott, have adwtod tbe plan to
Mr. Uadi
tktoOy todadaa Mn. Uad aad a ate Ike Mawle, Indiana, mao. and an-Hwatlag teelr place to bttalnoaa
year old aoa, Matr. Hr. Uad aad kk
faaSy win ka at koM to Ctodaiar ttextot would operate U.*' Acordtag
wkkta a faa vaaka. tabtoaUtolto to tee Mleklgaa CbrtoUaa Advocate,
toty aad tta paaple. aad lu totatoew tohacoo aad tbe Uke have bees eUmatoa. tka Kvteag Nawa etoeada r iaatod fttaa tee Norcroaa A Wtoomi
eerdial waleate to Mr. Uod. aad ti grocery and n}kn have beea adopted
kto teeny, too. with toe kaowtodr tad are-belag eaforood. which It U aethat he kaa eotoa to toe boa pro aned wUl be in
tee flm'a aOhlrt.
■Ivw aad praaperoaa cdty to Bortk
to tee Kalkaska
Oeo. Pray.
Ugkt aad Power Co., kaa Bovod kU
Umlly b«a tron Traveiu CUy nnd fn
«HB aaaa wko will wootritoito

k teWH Ifl tka HUf Hipi^Mkto |a»ar

. .S.Uk'lMtoteaiaapa:

toIvadiroctan. Tkayaoloeta
or oacto wka toaptoarttkytkoakartoaf
Ika torneao to you
to the aoetoty to your
a aa the

ptetoiiwi ■■tobiii. Tkaahartoaad
kto itetiw. ate tea peite towan•dto. are tekgad i« kaad the oeai
llllte «< «V to tee awaban to yoar
*ro« ««
to laoBte
imitm, at Jaato I kavatoaad it no.


te^kpmtetoa dowa kera to Bantoa.
I^teaafi^ hntdtek for yean bnt
ran. atoaab ato Mrda kan>
to rakdea tketatouKp.iB w
to tea
>•« aooiaiy
—iMtei. 1 CBaM ka wffltog to coa
to teir ally aad kelp oegaatoe a a

yittotog yaa wm go oa aad p


-a W. mdUtoaad.
larttoa Cocaty HiBa
Ah «1B ka te*. tea tepa to be takaa
aga kto HHetol kto tka Batter to keep.
^.agab an wgialBteB allra car-

ajlM AktototoiakaHBadato
fdgWto —ikt^t tea akktoaa. a
tokaga kntog ban woUad
lr ItoP. A. tor.Mak. tka yaelglBt to
tea liWtotog tottar. WhOa tea w*«-to toMAtog koBBdty to tea yoaag


Vour Druadist


Cash Grocer
Bert Hay 6Sc per 100. fl2.Su t
per ton or h^Mob

fa e\«<y OHatt

Street Car Feed. $1 20 per lUO. 'J
Fine Feed. *150 iwr 100.
Shell Corn per bnsbd, «5c.
Bran, H.U & Co, *1.10 pr lOu \
Bockwheot Bnn, tiOc per 100.
Middlu«t, per lOU, *150.

SanwmtaSwjt.«.4:£!5St::i’ "V‘


-c'.ii.- In af.
1 ,-uaMttv your


$. 6. Olait $ Sstist ‘%r

60 lb pails for *2.75.

mn eati Give Von

226 E. Front St.
J. W. Gaatlitl


|a tvcry


Edoced rate Uckria on aaU- fi'-t
__ third Tuesdays to each muntb un­
til April. i»u:.
See agenu tar routes and rat>-*.
------------H..F. Moclk-r.
Mcb 1


The best for the price in

Feed, meal, l^aii. middlings.

etivil Practin

Corn and Oats^

*a.*S i Gnioaie Medial DepartmcBi Bama
;ab>(Tu.-sC'-«>»<h*itnu-<Uks^li~-ntMi. 1>;

•ins..Total <a
Total ..

‘13 S

|«ilJHlSK» * KvyjTAlJn


Will, Or.

pure artidc.

-of Mtetas*.

I3y Expert JeVrclers



Wlien a Man W^nts


, .


Quick Work


i.jw **

buy n9thinii but the best ijiafn and j*ou

latw TO

» I.IttJ'x’t:






Ufa Watch 1-ixcd, he
Want, it


•aatei Bar Hair to Boitoaa.
Ika poateaatar to Nertkport ha>





Catarrh and Hay Fever.

CkOTaali pnatigo aad lapottaoM i

Mahan and wife have -taken to tke
awod*.” baring novad to Mr. Malma-t
cedar swamp for tee winter, wbera be
la Atong aa axtenatve shingle bolt baaIt gmkeelt handler for him to
mo aoanl aaktog tka wker* took after Ms aklngle mill and other
toeato to aim Dakaakolb. lortMrt] IntBBU. He la located aboot fonr
miles aonkcast to town.—Kalkaaklan'.
a raaMeat tot that ptoca.
Jodge John R. Carr baa lost pUyad
appaara that youag Dakaakolt
kaa Mtoa kair to a Urea aetata to
flartoaay «n kU aeoUterk aMa Mr tea MU Mary Mm Matthews to
AO to doeedeafa propenj’
. ... dk. a far yaara ago Rvad
tkto dty to flto teat Wnol atraet. ton want by will to Jodge Carr, who bad
HA tor Oadmae and to------------------ - tooked after bar boslnam for nanj
to W la AaU^ Mia. te^tkeaA
raara. bat be baa magnmnimousb'
aarilne aa tka raaalt ot tka
_ erteo that waa ew «Mi given nfldarit that be wfi] divide the
to tka •ertkera laglda.
mure eatau. vataed at between fi.oao
a ha waa tog b Hwtod li/ ud K.000. among tbe near ratotlrae.
kaepite Botetaf for klmoelf. Ufi
laaa Wteew/ boned to death in
manner In tee Newell hotel
tetkto. a baaatUto fhir halrad wow H Gas
tocallMwakd tbaaakohlld. Tkoagb rinteing eateblag fliwla some atraage
tec* waa kethtoc oat to tka otd^aiy
aar. Jodge Carr beUered ttet
tkoagb tea woman had no near to kin
more dtotant ralativae were In
Oaa toB tea aoH.. ________ her'
aad la aatoor to tka tantry be atatto seed to tee asaistance teat the atoalc
tet kka iad worn «au ettaadad woold give them, and be refoacd to ac­
TtolLto frteda.- A IttOe later be AIM cept the gift.
k^egon boBlnata -nen are cota
plalklng to tee Inronda vkieh tee ca(a
iTke OMldal gto
apldoe waa not woleted by Urte loeoc kooaes made to tec local koUday butlaesa. aad give tUs reasoa fOr
tbe dollBcat to the season. They claim
toagar takaar tee aaapeaae. aude op
a poBO aad want oot to tka fatas to teat tec peoHe expect teem to <
sucks for the boyars' occasional
dig oat tea wa)L Be had racalVed aa
toHatoltoa or It aad waa prepared for
scUon. bnt teat tkoosands to dots ex- Un go oot to teat coonty evety year to
pre­ the amll order botues ta Chicago and
bad elaewberc. despite the fact that ta bnt
(ew taatancoB tbe ouUidv pec^le sell
higher than tee hone dealera. The
ptacUce U apreadlog eveiy year, apil
pooBlbly be.
Its effect -la felt on cvciy stdc^-r-Gran'l
tea atalra to the upper ehaaiber___ Rapids Evening Press.
oat kla throat with ajWoJp batcher
Tbe fortonc to John Dofloc. tbkaUe which be had
aad :
Hantramsk eccenuie. was anyiposed tOB tee wtodow Mil for tee porpaae.
U la aaadleu to aay teal tee body have left bidden at the time to blof tee Bordered wife whh her beaoO- doatk. has boon round by reUUraa b>
tnl fair hair, wooad roond aad raaad aa oM cheat in tbo ruom ta whkh k>
ker neck, wbkk wa. ali
died. They refoae to *ay Jnsi fao«
waa fooad ta the wHL
Ika IltUa ton. who had erldenUy
k It anouata to. However, it ihaaa tortrocled by the to^. pro- toppoecd teal tec oM naa kepi all ht>
dooed all the valoaMe papen aad «b money in tee house with bln. aittaougli
to tell Ms nrighbors that b>
Beau ____ ____ ___________________
at tela ute date. anoMo fm the put It In tee hank. Tbe old chcsi 1^
aotear wboae Ufa paid tee gaaaltyyto believed to have cootataod belweeu
avtoleat a
fTtPOO and
Mro. J. A. Collcn. editress to tb<
•to om
Mra. Matilda B.___ ______________ Wkyne Beriew. mooma (he Joes oi
ttcraey, Jknn C (Hlbert. baa townghi laal' week's Issue to tec paper. W1i
. all agalott Ftoat Brothora. Joka aad
Ban. and tbelr bcndiBan. Wintos
Mauen aad Jatoea N. Marttaek. tiw. way borne with tee oditloB. and
HAW aliegtag teat tear aold bar aog tee bandie on tee pavement at the eor
Wllltaia&B^aor wkOa ka was tartok-^ Moe to Brink and Gratiot avonaea. hi
toaud and teenky bttng taapwialbla Detroit, while be atepped lato a atcre.
flar kla dBik which oaton'ed Ttowa
A city expnaa wagon eame.^ioag aad
ptaM op tee bandie aad dn>ve-«ff
wtte'lL. Mra. Cullen-wnoM like It taft
at tee WBtera Kewmapm Ualoa. aaft
in. ooegar tolagB that bar aor
> bar aole aappett aa tea to » la to ao aae u k^ne earepi for ctd
ow. ' He aaraed good wage, anf





Itt t .durrf

J. T. Bss**n
E P. Wii.ficjja

That's where 'we can
help you out.

J. J. ■rWCDDl.K.
> Bw ^tsM Beak
TrsTerv Oir.


Boston Rubbors

Specialty of fine

Wslcff Mtf 3etPtIrp

wu.tve vasoa.



J. n. Wartinek
2/7 eailTnKtSt.



BBBBana euaaanM



t>urt fw U..
*t ih.- llt<hiT irf Tntvpvw
_____ ____ _____ .« lit
.m r
iilD. Bundreduxl fltr.
PnMtt, In.t I. U >lkrf. iodm of i
Is tba m*tuv
tS- —■ — •


tiO .-.Ut.
talstc ti-



Excellent Values in


Warm Shoes

^ if Ws store.


WE W'll.j. SELL 1 Ok


CMATK or ■IrJU.lA.N-TilB l-K

AT COST mmmm
Call and See Them



aeaoBBi aad


Rledrieli &Co


Onad TraT.rar
Urraldl* aenampw pnatm aod WnoMo!



You prsbab'r hntw tl^e-repjtstien Of lh< Nehon Btotos, Wtileh I
have a mcrid-w.u- rrfi-jtar.frn far betng well made and mederataly
priceH. We c.vrry^ a ccmpictc stockt'to
'to ficiunk
and can m/pply any
sue l;cok ifl an/ style type 4eti red. . •
, - > ■
F'.' t* cent. a ccmpact.' wtHmige L^ok. dear print «A ge«d-p»per and ^rab'e over.
FcT <1 55 ar Oaferd’tlylc, teeebtrv' edition, thpt '.cani^ be
esus’lled etscwBcre.
' *
Ask ttr see cur line.


0ity Book Store

Props, tnperss Citf, fOkk.




OUO SMkfe i*tt o« MoMter tor L*a^^li■ nu'«*«» W •« Wke Wtew. Mr. Bteth tea rcptowatte the
Artexn- wWMT « Chk**o In thl»
TldaRy ate hM teen ctrea the poa(tton «r WMcer o( the bmeh bone
or thia UrBrm »l lAtetJe. Mr. ^Uh
tea m»af frienda la thU city, vho,
while aortt to aa* him lcn*«. «t*h
hta aacowt to hla new lorattei.

ttUeth year at Maaoary.
The Hotlate oonten soU tlSAM wa­
ter nte Ught ntntelDg bonds to n Cbicage basne last week.
Tte Tpsi
llih Wrthdsy oo 4anuary 1.-haring
been stnrled on January 1. l**dTbc proaecnUoK attorney ate hesJifa

1 #mm*y WisiimYl WorW.
Bapid CUy. Mldt. Jan. }«.—Tte
LcMtto Hoop and Store compaay i«aaated ogenUoas this afternoon atur
belhg idle aereraL nonths. TV
pany now has oa hand the largest
lint of toga aiace it tegn bastneaa here.

A Cri« T«ms^
to dally enacted in tbriimsds of homes,
as Dmth claims. In each oao^anoiber
leUm of O
But when CooRhs and Odds an propy Imied,- Ihe twedy to arerted.
G Huntley, of Oaklandoa. lad..
writes: -My wife _
and three dociora gare ber np. Ftnally
she look Dr. Ktog-a New Utoeorery for
lAB. CouRba BUB
and ..B.-..
Cold*, whirii
cured her. Iand today she to well awl
all dtoUlb the
-- gma of.............
strong." II UIIs
reUe.._. Gosnnteed
----------eases. One dose relieres.
SOc and fl.te by Johnson Drift Co..
S H7M<tes.' 8. yl'Wali t SoBS.'dfug1 in tte Pne Mar- glsls. Trial bottlea ten ertitt.

Mn. A.- K. M«»t*««e oT the penlnanta tea reoMTCd notice that ahe baa pltal. bat the county dads do not Uke
becai aarardcd a ailrer aedal tor Iter kindly to tte tchome.
exhlbii of appICB at the «orM'a tolr.
•crotons Capatnneae Aiminl
81. lionla. The an^ «hieb
aoonds fearfsl. If r>e can say it all
at nnoe. but its mronlng to «»l>r termSSSnTMteaSS-aaOIV.Mteten the aitple iToarliMt dlairtcu Icna. for It stands for a gencnl store
all ow the ewntttr. were U the Bald­
eooperatlTc plan, mn by i'taiwin. Red" Canada and Jonatoaa eafietr.
Iron Moantaln. U to run


___ -


A. W. Und went to CadUUe Soadar
ate Motear took pnaaeanloa el the
Rminer drj mnda aiore whleb be baa
Mr. Und baa llred la
Trvietm air tor aaate time and tor
aaay ^ra I raveled for Darabam.
Stoepol A Co. ot DetiMt. Both be and
Und tare maar frleada la thia
Citr who wiR l<e BOtTj to eee i
Tte Per® W»w-e<>«
« ----iway toed a Wr M«wteaRc wlib Ihe
wmiy nglster of deeds SaUirday.
Tte mortgage is given for Imptwemenu and amounts to fSO.OM.MO. U
ooren tte property of the oompsny
ate to Rlren to the Ceniral Trtwt compnay or New York. The Interest to
tear pn cent aid ite fees for recordInM aaw^ to *27.00. This to the sec­
ond largestmoHgsge erer died is ihU
mmaty. oae of WAOO.OOO tevliiR beec
toed by the Bsme company some lime

mm Motear ’a Reeord.
B. Bable, a Snttua Bar bsalnoae
^ U la the cltr oa liaalneaa.
Mra. noreace Parker was called lo
inaaler todar
ladar to earc for
tor her mother.
•' *V.
Vf. E. Oaborwe. who la qa
qulio 111.
Mrs. A. W. Rowley, wte
Mr. ate Mn.
tero bean p>c«« oI Mr. and Mra. A. &
Rowley «f the aaylimi. retorood
th^r hone at KalamaaDO this i

Tte CMMl eaan o

IT. Jhh. maa Tacadar^ Baeord.
Jan. at Mm. U. Be^taad retnraod thla
mornliit'tmtoEtofham, arbero ate baa
(be fueat or relatlrea alace hew
,TteC. B. Taylof eempaay tea
L. A. Barnes ol Northport peased
■nead m Me Bbrraet «a Boartem
tbnwfb town thU nwrnla* on a b^*Mte. Thh lee M vneoaftr C»od teMM». btela* fHael wbOe the faetbrlea m trip to Man^
rred Pntt went to CadOlae thl*
■wan tieeed ate bMac ton toon dadma. It Is nbeat a foot tklak wHb
Mrs. U. 3. Bdday of Kab
fair hbeiit w «Hb of new.
toned today after a short vtolt with
Mr. ate Mrs. Pratt.
Mra. Bmma Banli left this »i«hlng
for Kalkaska, where ahe will be the
D iScl O gneat of her parenfa. Mr. and Mra.
John Avery.
. Mr. and M«». Arthur iobsMi retoned to tb^ hoane an Boyne CUy
this monlBg htter a areek*a rtoii with
B. 8. Jtrinmea. '
Mr*. I. R. Banlacr ate two diildren
ate S. r. Moyer went to Cedar Run
today tor a short atay.
Charile Eerantlk *04 Randolph atrort
MW^'AathafWan acton bta I eawined.lo bla borne with irienrtoy.
J. W. atffe went to lake Ann tbU
mralag on baainom for Ibe OrinaoU
'IteTcna etty Tent. No. *71. K. O. T.
aasic boBse.
M.lL.wttteM ------------Ulllan Bentett of Gnnd Rap­
ids. wbo opened a studio In this rliy
nbovl two ihOhlbs ago. left Ibis manlag for Detroit, where abr will take
a dtea. . Miss Bennett,
tboagb ber atay ben has been short.
dhde many frindB and her
musical abIHty has bean an ncaatolUiin
to tte city. Having spent tour years
been ten exanttokag ate tafetac a
la Detroit ate to wril known and will
UM or Ml aortsacec el Orate Tn*^
erae aamity tor tte parpoae eC lerylns te ^adly welecaed tnto -tbe mnslea!
drelea of the MOA^ metroptriia.
il stata tax. Mr.
Mrs. C. P. Mdi ate little nleCe
B also Knan a Hat at all wntraagr
a for two nan baek as a prelim- Doellle Baird, wbo hare been gneam
at Kalkaska for a few da*a. retnRie>1
their borne la Empire tbto .morhtag.
' tiam at the toaaly.
Mrs. J. W. DIcketBiiii of Solon
TBa borne at Rcr. TteiBas Oa
tended the conoert Us* erening.
tte eenae at a happy wedding Manday tuning borne this awning.
tmOm the contneUmt partiaa being
. ate Mrs. W. J. Sp
Aanatob RabbeB at Yeba nte Mbs dauteter left today for aa ertwleO
BteOMc B«BCU at. Uke Ann. The rtoft hi Alleteenj'air. Pa. '
tmtmmj wna pertoraed mt d o^doefc.
Dr. W. J. ShllUday of-Lake Ann la
Mr. ate Mn. BnbPMl .win lake «p onlte seriously ID at. hto home.
their realdenn aj_Toba. when Mr.
Hebtell la a pnaperoiu tamer.



'Yranaa C. Miner ot lhls cHy has lanbt«|
box to take the place at
inite wobdaa box ao tong In
e b« la aU In one piece and
■ ft one side by n teredalUag a^
- e pateaCbu tx
IdM tor ate many orden .hare al­
ready been reeelred by Mr. Miner for
tte spring snson. .Mr. Mlnr kns pix
pntents now bat ttey all pertala
mllraading. He teeta that this lime
deriee mcaas srate to both the trait
ffower aad -hlmaeU.

It Quiets
the Cough
This tooDC msoa why Ayer’s
Cherry Pecronl i* so Trio*ble is cossuinptioa. It mo|M
the veiff ABd tetr opisekSs
M-mes more
qukn the fever, soothes, aod
betls. Sold for edyetrs.

Ouette tad Inlin
11. P. Moeller. Rcneral passeaser ageni.
aliaklnE heads and whtoiierlnR
that J. Hove MiAr ballded belter than
be knew when be amsUeaJly alterod
the picture rf Mr. Moeller, taken with
the Duke of Manchester, so as lo giro
Mr. Moriier a more complrtc eorponIkm appeannee. In aeeordanee wlih
Ms growing i«.putorily and p.uiipor;;y
adding what Is «eeeaaary to sheccaafu: corponMotis, breadth and «U-Fih.
They did not tbco undentand that Mr.
Moeller araa to be derated by his
wurken to the exalted position of Ihe
“Duke of Uidlnglon.” but «ch lias
been the ease, aad great aro the sa­
laams now made when hia sobiccls
enter the o«lc© lb Interrlcw -hla
grace." Harlag aoaUlned the reputa­
tion among hU friends as a prince of
imod fellows. Mr. Moeller naturally
hron his new
modeety. altbouRb It nsst be acknowl­
edged that when lint approached with
bU proper gtle. bla broad and ercaaeIcss forehotA became aomewhat «wrognted and the smiloswlth which he
greeted bto henchmen was aoneahat
forced: it lacked that melting, winning
qnality so noticeable at other times,
ate—aad to relate—he muitercd under
hto breath, aomclblng which sounded
any mneh like “you "be--------trolt Free Press.

Card of Thanka.
We wish to cxienrt nur thanks to
the many friends who so kindly aasUiid us during ihe lllhi-ss and .toalh
of tur inito <«e.
Mr. aad Mrs. h'rank Beckwith and
GreaUy in Datnate.
NoihinR Is more In demand than a
medicine which meets aoodern requlremeou tor aiblood ate aystsa deanser.
such as Dr. King’s New. Life Pflls.
They aro just what.ynti need to enre
Stomach and llrer ironlihu. T>y ilirm.
iibnson Drug Oo, F. K. Metes. S.
At John
lit A Sons, drag stores, fSeguarE. Walt

d Cura for Pllos

■ Your money , becoaiet a proQ:
able aerraat If you keep It em­
ployed. A aaringa acconni Is a
conTlnlent way to do this. We
pay 3 per
twice a year. One dollar opens
an aocoont and we will loan you
without cost a small safe to take
home la shteh to keep your sav­
ings. Money deposited by mar­
ried women tan only be drawn
by themselves or upon the r
srriiien order.


All Renmants Must Go
Before Inventory
These remnants and short lengths are rapidly being pideed
up, but there are some remaricably good things here for
Everything in the way of short leogths>-odds aod ttdt
of broken lots or discontinued lines are being put out at
O^E-THIKD OFF. This gives you a chance to Becnre
many wanted artides for different members of the CamUy
' at a great saving. There are big live values in the UiMler‘ wear department that should appeal to mothers.

In tbe Cloak BepMment
We are making slome radical reductions here to reduce
the stock previous to Inventory. It’s needless to^y that
4nal!ty comes first here, and when we offer yen iB^
“quality” garments as we carry at these liule prices i^*%
greatly to your adf*antage to BUY NOW.
Any Skirt in the store ^ per cent discount. AlKLadies’,
Misses' aod Children’s Coats 38l< per cent discount. AU
Ladies’ Suits at Half Price.


7ts Clearittg time

meUring Cime

We offer you an opp^tunity to supply yourself and
fanuly with WARM FOOTWliAR and RUBBERS
now. when you need them most, AT GREATLY RE­


KM.1 7 iffl*?


Men s £ in. Leather top, new goods.


Men’s Arctics, snow cxchidcrs,

,* X»36

Men's Over RuM>ers. large sizes. ,


Boys’ Rubbers, regular G5t ones,


The Flour
or The
Those who have
never used "Marvel
FlouP* hi^ nussed g
treat. Order a tack
wi^ your groceries to*
morrow and you will,
never regret It* We
have never had a dis*
satisfied customer yet.

Women's Storm Rubtets. (10c quality,
<;:htldren's'Rubbera. sizes 5 to \o'A
Voiiths' RoiltJd Edge, best wearing.



r* $1-19
Good Warm Shoes, leather foxed.


Warm Juliettes, fur trimmed, an especially Rood ^*J^g
Fancy Juliettes, fur trimmed, .


is one that has stood the test for yeirs, and it is a Supremely good flour
ter order some.

H. & L. GO’S “BEST”
Has a record of twenty years a^ more and the housewives of this north r^ffon
know all its good qualities. Bin getting low? JTime to fiU up.


Childra s Red Felt SIid>ers,
Childreo's Shoes, leather or felt.

That's proof enough.



That are wondrousl>^gpod and save lots of time when you are in a burry. Animal cookies.-. Athena Wafers. Brent's Water Cracker. Butter Thin, Qiampagne
Wafers, Cheese Sandwich. Cheese Straws.. Cream Crisps, Cracknels. Elgin
Cream Biscuit..Festinos. Frosted Creams. Fruit Biscuit. Fig Newton, Graham
Crackers. Ginger Gems. Iced Coffee CakjK,
Cakes, Jiog«
Jioger Wa>'fe^
Wa>ders,Mare Ann, Namsco,
bS'vS vSfcS'Zu'zu®'
Fingeri Sultina Sugar



W J«iM ud hUlarta. a
Ud enrod w«h Etoclrlc BHim.
.. _ _____ V___ _____


canUve Uflaeaee on the disease. drJvIhBtt etttJrelp.ootWthevTitejB. It I*
moch tu be preferto tniolM. havnone ot this drag's bad aP.erL.
c. S. Uiuuiay. oC Hdhrii'tta.
T<x_ write*;
-My bralbor was very;
Mra..MK:BTrT hu i .
low with atalvU! fever and laandiec.'
Ttwn (kkiag can* ot her eiiter.
JItn Karnr.. and Mra. Mike Kants has till te took Kicetrie pittws. which.
Bared his Itfa** At Joh&sas.Dnis Co..
taken her .puce.
P. H. Meads. 8. E.
* S“»*. <1™*Oflo. cm»m ud Prof. Jacote
,'narotr mice &«c. (osnateed.
<fnt trprn Traverse Oiy Mead*? rnftcr1MMI and ware caught \a a bllBdlag
Mr. ud Mra. I). C. Shorter of Tmv
Tame snakes am iwd la Moroec<bOnard. Xher had to aheUew over
irae Qir apeoi Uiu latter, pan ot the
ulpht -ai A. Kennedy's Tara and got to clear ho-4s..w of mts ud mioe.
week withJHMidn In thli vidnltr.
Th'-rv aw rtn-Iml aiTTieei at the bore the nc« uuixliw.

hv tetar and both went lo'uriVaea
' MM lORItbcr.
WllUe MUa U on the atek Uai.
tkaiDe ami m nhe Mu That
i^lMM lan]»1ac Sgidted the MuMc"
Ute vMk.
•Bd -ianee IMt FtUUr

VaatieM.'Jis< *



Mra. Panar .Dcoae)' U wortring fur
Mrs. WiD. nhhM
and Wm. MeOany
caziins lotra fpr John Kwia
Mr. and
Mm. H. Otapmu • ud
daugbun reiaraed lo Travtvia Oil}
Au apent SiiBda)! with ihfdr jiai
Monday, ‘nx-y had beon vl«uieg reuMr. and Mra. Dllfott. •
ivM in West Kaimun.
Mra. H. O. Oameriin of ScoUrlBc.
Oao. Gilben was
In llurdk-kvllle
_»cb.. cama Satmday eveoiac to help
to the meoUnga at thta place.
. Mlaa Nana Myani of WeK .Atmira.
arbo haa beea woffelog for Mra. Skiver,
^ ilte ««nlBc or Uie
rwumed to her ho«ne laft week.
lb* eeidar swmnp.
- Bao Bjbra ot Oelalt gpeat Soadar
■ U very slek with ly
1 hu
hu Ike vboaftlnc «aaKb. at ihlf idarx-.
Bear Btwcn
in _
Btoer Do»B*r hart
. hud
I for nuk
tettr vhti* cnttlBd woQdfor
chapel. All are inrUed to aifend
nvwfullxt Harvey O. Cameron M ai
MaIbk the pafiur, Rev. Gaander, In

’^Mrud^Mra. W. h! Ujen at Lake

Mnoe betr nuni town


C. WdUUr U getdog oat tome eon!

m Braa' aafn..
mu -who^U taacb^
wait to Utaverae atj

oalader of the winter.'

^ who dlod BalaMaj


. Jn HMn vUIUd Maple CRy
r.fPlm aha hfid dental work

— very good.

d «f MhaMtee ud Henry
-X^bsTiWtod^Barach- foc Cenlar ud rap^ a very interest
M-»rtted4ba Blafortu
hU bud fe'tke miU qm

'‘’ibTmSipox pMhna
Mm. Oavla of Wexford ufl Mm. W.

ja rudUa Mat week of the
g Mm. J. O. DmiT. toraerly
a HMaaof Udn Nhee. !P Bdsto Ityu of Cbtcngo. ,
^ hi U Smm of dim Arbor paamd
m « b«« laat fmay.
J nTonomte Ckrpmt was a Ti
' V iMn?W>' -Monday.

jt B. BvHiB**r»,-fe"'’--'

t?; •Rmgtaat- TWday i^onmonij juoot

2 Seam is pniung np a pirtorw gal
f at Wbiford.
VIII Rrazebrtdte hu utd » acre;
of hts farm to J. Kilwy.
Mr. Kennedy has his logging fob 1


waa, abut lion -



Peck arrived


b her sir

• ■hie O. A. R. and W. R. C.,aerved t
dlnaer >o '.be |k«s ud corps Ud ihel
tuiillM Ud Inatalled their oOcers m
Saiirrdty afternoop.
I Mm. 0.var Kitchen celt
bmied their wooden wedding last Pr:
-Jay evening by Inviting a few of thci
friends. The evening was spent a
wda Rcfrcshmrnia were .served u.
isny beantKiil presents received It
»or of the orraslon..
John Sanborn
of Tmverse Clf
simat Thoraday la town on bnslnesf
Mias Mlnfile Brtiwp ha* dosed he•ebool near.ftnplrc and Is nliendint
tchonl here.
Arthur Bordeaux of Philadelphia b
rtatting his parenu, Mr. and Mrs. Kl
Mrr. Taylor ta sjK-n<idlng tbejwi

III on Tuesttay aftertooa.
Mrs. Wm. Hitrlbut arrived SaMrda>
•'VTnlnB from Oklnbonia. '
The Korlhppri merebaet* liavr do
^ded lo cloee' their store* at TtSO p
m, except on Tuesday* ud Shtur
lav* €>f each wveh.
A reception
wil l-e given la honor of
Set. Mr. Hnrlbl
Ibnt and
. _ wife
Thursday evening.
The C. K. lopta for Sunday. Jan 22
:ilow to Win Souls ^or Christ." , Led
by lookout committeft,
Leudor P.-ck spttnt a fea- days Ir

John Kennedy has a fob of cunlny
uU skidding lopi 4‘"‘ Mr. Bark of
Cmwn. 'and n number of
very aick.



after a twit weeki

at Mra. Ocmk's ffruU- by
Nephew, of But KMBon. of Qmnfs Boet popular young peo|«c
oocnra today from the lat
■ they hnrt the beat wishes at t
boat of frieoda

SMnt'iMamh. the Rev. Bebwer
They have the


*'^^ta')Riu>dall of' Gmwn vtalusl
MarvIn-^ieUahn yesterday.
Pruk Smith ta able to be ahoui tbbouse after a Umg tllatam..




SwaU Can«ramd«ww.
Jsa. K
Prank WIgWtnan -itf satonnu ha
returned to his hoape nftcr vltdlinv
friends at the fla.-nitw.
Clyde liatnaaay ta rlsiUog fricni!>

Wtiiden has pneu­
. -march, who was mlssinf
Pred McMidiad Is loadtnB cars for
fpum ramp v“* morning nearly tw>
Waiter Hants,
weeks ago. baa been beani fram. H<
Img hwling ta steadily going
tdek and gni up In Hit- nlsb.
Mm. Wordea U vtalUng her i
and walked 25 miles U> get home.
ter. Mm. Theupaon.
Qaarterly conferenoo Mon^ ^cr-



Harriet Howard of «®9 W. 3tth Si..
New Y.«*. at on* time bad her lj»*iti>
apotled «-Uh skla truuhta. Sbewriu^t
■1 had Salt Rheum or Ecacma f.i.
years, hm nothing sviioJd enre It until
i usexi Riicfclen'K Arnica Satve." . A
quirk an«l snr»' b**Vr f»>r cUls.Tijrn:
aad sorws. ;.'.c at Johnson Hmg Co.
F H. Mearta, S. K. Wall * Son*. drOK
Kiorea. ,

ca. i» _.
•Mr. ud Mm. Hutivn and Mrs. An
pMiy uf North Grant vUttni friendr
here Wday last
Mr. I>ahe went lo Mul*tee Wed

paUlng ta a.«aaa
*^Ottr Hiworlh league U getting vety
»wf*r tniu.
inlereaUng ud we have a fun bouw.
and a Itttf-oM baby of Mr.
Mm. Robon Carpentof was on Ib*sJek ilai iaat wceh. but U beUor puw.
George Kenney. John Jarreti ud
,ov. J. U Mombem will- go lo )ffashIngton the first of March.
Mr. Boonell baa gone to B. B.
ReyuUa' to stay for the wintdr.
lUoA'iPliBUaW apcDt e^
is a good place to auy.
vUh' bar aUter. Mra. Oecar CUyMr. ud Mrs. Barrett's IJtUe son haa
ibe smallpox.
WllUam Dexter bmight a new milch
cow of George Kenney last
J wife 1

They are both .great uf


•hey wlH spi-nd the winter.
Hie MIsM* Mw' ud iMilielte GeV
Tick returnod to 'beta home In Kly
lapids Tlmrs.tay morning.
Mr*. De<-I». mother of Rev. J. T
ta vew m-Bi ihta sritlng.
»■» very phasaTit
-y utlrpriaed
»-vJve of her girl friend* who car
spend tl.e rv.-alng with bur. Oaraer
■iDd music furnished tbe en}o>'n>vnl
-sfier which refrrslxnu-Dls weer served
A ‘numlw-r of friend* *urpriiu-i1 Dr
Mr:-.. McPhall l*Rl Thur*il*.v
..... The e\-ealBg wa* spent In.p
xnd muKkt, aflrr which a boanfwmr
fuarh was serveil.
' Mr*. Taylor airiveO boato fr<iln
lagtiHi Saturday en-ning.
. At the auiul m'* ling of the I^tenau
Mutual Tilepbone Co.,
Tuewlay. the following ofllttars wine
F. J. FnUlck':
•Wriiary. C. B. Kehf: treasurer. .Aa*o!nc BarlMI; director*. John Sefrtl.
Pul' Uarth. George
Steelo, Hi-nry
tun ud Thomas PnrUs*.
A ousoIht of friend* of Mrs. W. E.
Campliell cave hern 5iirprl*c last Frj
ds)- lAcninc. They spent the evening
ptavlng flirrh. . '.
Riifiw Ki’uuauver is spefadme t
davK at I!- Hatae.
WslUT <k>rdon has guar In LtKlIng. m to aceetii a posliioa on the <
ferry at a«ond et^aeer.
. Mr. ud Mrs. Seasioa* ef-Rniti»n»
B*y arg the guests of PYaak Dttvl* ud
Ur, Payne of Futions Rsy sprat S
^y..tte gui'si of John SrultiaDd t

Tneaday -eveolng the arighbora
W«. Paion and faaOly
M and
MMu rrUay atttr'a wmkb TliR with apent the evening with them to bta
farewell before they sbotild g» to Hae
Unga. Mleh_ wl"« they will ««»'*'
their fdar*'home. .A budKiroe
meausl to (hem as a nun
am at ih* buMlmH «Cecu w«
kindly regard In wbirli they
teUtf taallBaaUMgted
hare been
sen 1held
na Daring t
was enjoyed.
Ida. wm Tmveme <»y vlaltoi* une
Mrs. Newt Jamleon ealevuine.
Ur taat we^ - .U ■ '
daiMhter'and husbud. Mr. and ...
Mr. and Mra *avto tove mtoud iDpII Kaaign. on Saturday. They-werc
aAer apmdlng thp'hollbyB In Canada on their way toChleajta. after attend­
with Mm. Davla' daB*iem.
ing the fucml of-Mr. Bnsiga'a father
fUv. BDrm^.tea been .np the alek at Rut Jordu.
A fareaell party Wes' given Glenn
"Tnirrmae CKp «iM
atoa Wedneoday evening at'the hpme
In town Balsrday on bnalaeaa
r Mr. and Mrs. MeKeag. Tb '
Ue. FndUk a^caml’T rnttrlhlul fnlkB report a very nice flare.
eoBpuy (rtU 'THliuine
Cttf ovw
Rev. E.'A. Wood,of KlngMey hu
bean boMlag aomc special nteeii
here the past we^^nd wOl. ft ta
hared a tear* MthahaUrrMay^lghi. peeud. conUnueTCem shta W<vk.
D. H. Bar of Oim Haim wu u
Tb* Imdies' AM sorieiy will meet
town ou day lait wnMi.
'l%tMday afiernoon wuh
Mn. Lee
T. Unhnvt went to Traveme City HtSBday. wl
who win fniBiah work. All
are iavliod.
Mi** tx'tas ftatlick and Ur. Lao. ....................................... .. Ilday lad Win. ranee Henrj- Gaaxm were united tn
Paton. with their famlllea. visited at holy matrimony liy l-Y. Bkist. Poachw
Wtaebonib's at Hodge.
Cadai^ new iwMt^bdBk bnlMlng ta
jn the (Mthollr ^urch la thi* vtllagv
test Wednesday morning. . The bridv
Mrs. Jaau WDUUM M the latest
was-aTteertcd by her atater. Miss I*a
Bcartet fever patimt' '
belle Gellirk. ud the groom by hi:
Mm. J.FmUluMrbpib«hUl.ka<
brother. Silas CagnpB.. Afuc tbe cere
hare lived in ibta place
ta batter at the praasatwrtUns.

Bjony the weddlafi party repaired v
haw' ataoe many, the home of the grnra. where u rtah
Mu That Spoiled the Mnsle' Ibnr year* aad
frimtta who cxeeofilngly regret ihelr urate wedding ’dinner
wa* served,
They -will be eapectall.
ta) the cbtnb
liiey rceetvcit many taudKnne and
Ismd from the choir, of whkh>(>il
Dsetul presents. The out of town
were Beiabera
guests were tbe Misses May Ud taa^ >v» a good
MM. George lUrirt-meHved a vUH bvllc Gellk-k of B.g Rapldt.
dndag the week from her nleees. Mrs.
Maud SenU of Travene City and-Mm.
Cbaaura' baa
aad. expects to start Staaehe 'ScdmeMcr of Grand Rapids.
j-4be stam^^ashiagtoC
Mtaa Addle Taylor
' ' '
_____ ta;ln Tmvmsa Oiy ioda.T. coasln. Mm. Schneider, i
her home

niijMirtnlnriii .




■aa IteuifMd e< Maple Cltr
I bar bmher. mu cat aafi wife.
MM* Mary MoQaacr.
.. Tnmcr amvod Vito the bonae
met wRh u accMmt
‘ mteafblpllmha----------------------■
Dr. ft

The Good .Old Way.'
A eeverc n>ld or aMack of ta gTlpp-'
ta like a Ore. the- Hoontn- you cmniiat it
he b^uu- yeur rhucsw arc to
»werii. But f(>w mntbers In ih!< sg"
tn- willing til do the neccesary
**<iaired lu giro a good o1iI.faiihlone<l
■cliabic treairoenk such at would
• griaailniuiht
German Synip,
which was a1wa)t llta-rslly umsJ
XMUiertlon wiih the home ircatmcei
■f ooldR auil ta stilt In greater fau'i^e.
lold favor than any known remtuly.
4nt even wttlmut Uie appliratlon «l
■ ■ thloi
-hi lib quick
t will cure colds In cthlldrt-ii cw gni
icoplo. it relieves the omce*ti»l
mas, allays Ibc tariiailon, and effoctvely «o|>» the cnigh- At
ak* It. It In invalualdc
lold of ehIMnn. Trial *tr<- ta.ilh;«,
rognlsr site. 73c. For f-tlc by S
fi. Wait A Sons.

f «.■» d^ot, wbae VaBler d*r' ■ la Ue postaMea.
at la.sihe

Bert Websii-r. assisted
uy tfiso
jiRniJouInK. u piiulas his saw mill,
for ihf wlnU-r':;-'tin. •
Prav t.s iHit.-r,
ol Trsvf tv<- Oily V.£,
S ilco.f
the nclKblxtrlund
ilay lit.
WUhur Stiles is drwviss ahiugb
bolts to ihv iBill h'lv.
Mrs. Arcbif Ucown uf wnitamsbura
u pven raring
for him daugbicr.
Mr*. G. C. I'rav, tor a few days.
A.'E. Wi-liot-a- Is drowInB radar lo
he Uiinglt* hull from st-cliun II.
Gts>. Bunker 1s <irawing log* to the


KGoMbufcwmerly w«a




.........paid............%......... .



- agree to reftsad the mency paid oa. '



- ‘Woned.,............. ......... j


C.-A. Bngl»: Drug Co., SolVi^nts for VITONA
ing aware of its wonderful curative virtue^ will

be glad


City, and

to exYihpo

who come to this store.

VITONA to nil


Don’t miss tbta Chanet

Hsk lot; UHona BeOUri


Lillie Tliines at Little Piices Far JiRt Dm Week.
it is the little things that go to make up.the convenience of the kitchen W laoiidry.

Have ybu'bccn doing without any of the several little

is your opportunity to stock up.

necessiii^:* -H *o, now

Wc a«‘’offering evcrj'ihing in our tinware and


ful utensil dcpariment at not only a rrdliiction but for one whole week at cost. .

e way <Baiile ('os-k ta fiiriine «
e 1), T. it bk sbr.p* bm! irTll!i: rtp
ax U;um lo
'■< i If tetUT iitP'-'-i
The Mstsluill


Traveme, Ciir Citiaen* Show
the Way.

Tlur.' ran V'
any iVad. r irf ihta will timllniu- l»
fer thr'tiuitire* of an arhltig liark. HeaimojTinee of urinary iH“or.:eri, ilif
■iamtem of ilialH-i-’s or any kldin-y iil*
w)i>-<i rrlief ta so hear at bail'! an<l il.i-1
mtt.t: |*,..SUio |.r».t siv.-n that ih>y
can be cun.-.i, H--otl whai a Trare rc'
Cliy ciliica mv!':
Jam'rs Uiusli-av. of SOI ,Wriirirr
Istroei., iwi* of ihv fill wwy* at ilie
Oval WiMJtl lii-sU fti.. sjrs: “For fivv
tir kIx mrs 1 watt trotnile.1 with my
kiilncys.ud liae'sftche <m#rhai I rail *
niiBib pain in ihc imck. which wh' *'
wVcTT- renJen-U me miserable. 1 wa '
al*o inmnirrf wfOi rheumatism In tnv
limbs BO palr.fnl ct ilm.-r- ihnl I cnld
bardiv coatiiiuv at RU work. ITivar-.
ins Doan'w Ki-’.Bi-y
Pills at a dras
«oiv. 1 uNv-d Ihtm with tb.- most salU
factory r.-su;i'. Thou?b 1 do. sot r3>
pusUivcly that the rvaiclj
tH-rmancb'.ly It is a
Ills berm tronbi-! ta
Kidney PUta- "
For sale by ail dialers.
ITit* »»
cmlr. Kort«T-Mi!ltiirn 0>.. mffal". X.
Y_ sole agents ft.r the dJnU.Hl tttatev
Rnmcmhe; the name. U-jaa’s, am! taar
no <u>MW. •

A deposit in





Theyffuarantee VITON.X, the Best Tonic and Bk»d Ihirifier Known, to cure
all disexstTS of the Blood. Stomach. Liver and Kidneys, such as I)>’»pepsia. Nert out­
ness. Malaiia, Bright’s Oisease. Rheumatism and Female Diseases. .Take VITONA
for one month and if it docj> not help you bring back empty bottle W bo’ilcs to C
A. Bugbeel>rug Co. and they will retttm your money in accordance wHh the follow­
ing guarantee:
_ Cut out thi«; Goaraniec and like it to C. A. Bugbee Drug Co.

niy of s-im e:»In
,s gi.fO l.iit-latss
Italr-I of WHItauiRlitim i‘ ►•ay
hiR with hi* brother. M. K. liaird. .
thta plavf. and to «hool ,
The daiire la.*i. Saturday < •v'liilfis
was e'.mt>..t a faibire. On aer-»i.i
Ibe cold and storm very low ai'tniVd.
’ At 8 litisIno.sR meeting of tlie K;.
wtirtli leagUf last Tuixlay everinr
it wn* voted to have a sotisl .-lenli
30 Frlilay evealug. Jan. 21. at whU b
fr*v' (tnppiT
be senivi and a fn
itlipiMT will
i>e taken f'.r li
offering will
It iK-ni of tik: wvrii-iy.

By eoncfsllng It about iheir p -rurp, nr »to.i-ins It away it.
iBD.c-', Jug* aad jars, by yj-w iog It np In skirts ami licks, by
inektng it under carpets and couchci. la eii|ita&rds nal
buteeu drawers: Ujob* are
o U,.
the w,y>
way* in whir
thvir moncT'ud someUm.-s ’THEIR UVES.


Refunds Vour money if
UMona Tallsjo iKure



h acbooi the remainder o^
le year.
Mrs. Richard Msxshal! eoatlacM to
be sertoasiy ill of laag trouble.
Cns Barrett ud lUnlly e*o<
Soiiday from
ihelr htue aonth ot
Ktagaley to vUit Mm. Lee Qlbtie.
Beuie Bataraas Ru been
J a few dan with her friend.
Mm. Irwin BawUas. of Haaaah.
Cfaarii* Weleb ta reported sick to-

e. J1. Bugbee Drug Co/

Bpelled Her Beauty.


••Days iongcr. ooM alrontcr "
There la nneb Mckneu 4he gast
eek. Mra. Baldwin and lao runs
ebildrea have been III. bot are l«i-

~Owre the rangh aad save the We.”
*-It WM almoM a admete. -Bardock
, Mm.MtirilnPWf*o<*hlp,
Ur. Wand** Norway Pfae Synp earns
Oaktaad eountr. hu made by hand -kxM Bhlerx cwrvd me of a
cxmgfa- and eolds, down to the very.
during the past year S.iiT puadi at Vieaklag out ail over the body,
prime Iwuer. Pcft every poaad aoM very giatefni.' ' MUk Julia PnbrMgc. TUrge of exmiamiAiofc
W«c CmweH. Coaa
ebe received SB cents.
Deal tat tbe-Urtl* oue aaSer boar
rnTian. «r ether torwtag akia di»
art Huron iwcple are boidiag theJr maes. No need for IL Dou’s Otat'klpiiardi over pala.
Baras, cot*,
apmjns. stings.
Instant relief.
I>r brmths tor ft-ar the aew ear ud h*<»- meai cana. Caat barm tbe WMSt deb
At nay drug «wr*. M
Thooms' Celectric Oil At uy drug aotive works scheme for the city will taste BktB.
evapomte Into ibla air.
: cents.



Fkllibwrth. ^.•
Tb* water wheel iteu the itmcilM
aorth <d town. befosgtaB i* Herlld
Brawn, has broken dMn
................. ...
to the botion of the rtn





U absolulely safe, esn^ drnwa at uy Oibc aad'may bo
aude lo draw Interest.

Bracket Camp

Bambee Been Rack
JnM like cut, vriD bold 50 books.

Complete with renectoi„this wedc.

Tor 7f ctf

Tor 15 cts
5! iiini Tea or Coffee i’ot^ granite.lyc
5 i/iri Tea





white .porcelain lined ..y..25c
Metal Teasi>oons,si\ for.X...........................


set oUix




Torks, per

.............................................. ...

Good Butcher Knife...........................
Best double cog Egg Beater


t}ood Nutmeg <'.rater.................. 2c
Cak. anJ Cootie Cotter.....................


Good Floor Sifter.............................................................


kidile Coffee Pots............... .........................................


.\n exceHem Broom. dUs week only,
A gootl Clothes
I’fc tins....... ............................ .........
Wire Bread Toa.ster. targe .size.-..
.W ft-Wire Clothes Line.........*.........
Brass Extension Rodsi...
S^i^M:tcWoeOil,per.lK«ie....No. 1 Ump Burner for.................y.
3 Ballon oa Can.galvaniced........ 2»c

store, at Tr»..i« city. Elk Rapita ana ThoimMoovlIlo. ■joh,.


reailr makes nae
eertipe hi* emon#. HU propo#ed pa'« win be drcnUied fM. the return*
from the advertifUns matter bdne de­
pended upon to pay
An old Beotefamao np in the Seoldi
setUemeni near Almoal «o« **to a dl»
niaiioD srlth a Wend on the evil* of
the matrl«^ ■<*!«•
these h*»ir marriage#.- he said drop­
ping Into good old Xing WlUlam
Scoieh. Til ten yon *
shoot ten of mr Wenda trtto did not
iDderatand each other for a matter
seven year#.- ‘Well, that acem*
long cDongh.- said hU Inurested !l»t McQMSr. PM McFall. Clo7#e lener. *i-ong eoo*! Bah! ye*re wrong!
sad HaiTT Bwdt; the nesaUec Vnien a bcidr^ cnortin* be canas he
Nevetead. a«#Ui«d b;
«um. Iran Hall. Mabe: too earafoi. Why. my Wend'# coon^ and Harland Beeh. Ded- <Mp iaated a maitar o' 19 year*.- -He
mdered in C#vor of tbejMs# urialnly wa# earefol." agreed the Itetire. TbenoMlon for ihli »eek-# de
; -and did he god hU plan ancfor the y«*r enilag Dee. 31. mi. of the CDodKitoof al-R##dT^, That the firi hs;
«tn have an
I when he marrlodr "Von Jnmp fain <.f the Parmer*' Xntnal Fire In-turane* Company, located at Travera#
hone and abwar
lar Bight mare prirflngn at home
St tfei» MI
— Sa««Ur
Trareiac. A»#1 to he the
ndnsloas.- said the old Beoteh- City. Ulrblsan. and doing business In the counties of Grand
• ITT WUMaiw - Tramae
---------- imi the tor.'* promUoi
of the #ea#(u
trim and Leclanan, In saUI stale.
fsndar wlih her parent# #i ___
teitlly*^e ‘nnderiU
Number of momliers I»i-e..3l. m3........................
hm at #cho»).'
then. #0 he dWln* marry h«e.Nnntber of members a.l.!i-J dnrlag the pretc-nt y
Usui and Peari Evan# h#r«
IB the settlement of the boatil of
(•red the prlmarr department of eni
- _ sdbool. hartn* oome here from Trar oqtwrlaon of 8t toseph county with
■. cc#e
mmmr Citrmembm withdrawn dnring yimr and pnliHe* canceled
m-Couety Treasaier a Q. Goodrich,
Trararae aw •»»
The second and third
was shown that daring the Utfer'e

-‘tuBBS bm eai hi# W
: the Bsklm
of n
he bad handled KK. Niimber
ia vl*lt hi# dangler, of p ................
ml# ptfvMS. last Saturdar.
tmrunent after the hoIkUr#- Do» Jtl,47. In transferring the flgorcs
Amoant of riaks added diirirg iire.«-a. year .
HM'li oBltesich Uft.
f the members of ibe somomee ma<!e
iS^Skrt^l#^ with the
shortage of <»e cent appear. Mia*
ftnaders. this seek.
T eaoeclcd...
loodiieta. who bad aaed as her fathw'a depoiy. was not willing that
.AnuKini ai rfsl; Jan. 1.1903...................................................
. nreek.
Jer. and vowed that she would not
ha# been
9 IB Xan -Now ta th* Tim* You Need hitoo*,' deep until she had aecmintei! for U
.)nly a few mtoniea* search revealed
•ay B. e. WaH « •ena.
Jan. 57 John R. Vdnee. tUmage to bouse by lire, defective chimney
hat the error wa* made by the
TWnh for a moment of the e
Feb- f Wm. llcilET. house damaged by flnt: H
aitttec. aad Mr. and Hlaa'Goodrleh Feb. 7 Com a. Barii.u. bouse bnmed, sapptx
SStflO .
mrreadered the oflee with evefylhlng
e lack of exercise aoc n ahipahape.
jll weaken and attain
Flint poi«l# are chtuldertnE the ad- Feb.
the atomaeh. laying the foundntlon fei
Feb IS
rtaablHty of CBatiaalag the rpiet-r May 13
paw haalih and guSming.
. Chronic nomaeh troubles, nerrou- netbod of UghUng the city by arches
lightning .
trrttabliny. and aerlons towel and kM earning Incaadetseeat lamps over the May SI fame! HUben. toui-e a •1 rontenis
cause (lefecilte cbiiuitev...................................................
tireets. or adopting the tower aystem May-54 Antoine Ky^xlka. heifer Uil"rt hy Mghtniiip ...
Mny 31 Tb-n Wornf. Imrii damig sl by llgbtnfrg..............
dm.» aeerrone la bothered wlih amre or les: Vom now oa.
hendaebes, and hackachea, forteThe Balding Dannrr hopefully re May SI VVnnk l.y>!<-ri. sis ,lu<-i< kllb-d by tlgbinltig ...
ia.^khhott trlsited Mtod* ii tongue. p6or appetite, dry. haektof
■arka-lhat some day. p*hap». the May 51 ; Andrew Srhatib. beib-r l:il!e>! by ticbining .. ■
couth, heartburn, apota
apol* beloie Uk
w.iy SI Fred Ibist-a. bclfcr ilamage.l by lightntns ....
______ J
9K oomlWt- Mngh.
icaa or
aleepiear town win bare an electric road nin- July 3 John
~ vertigo,
John HubV’.
HiiUV’. eoll killed by
\>y IIIb'htcing ..................
Smm ti Oalr «*w hoase.
thnagh It to some point or oih-T Juir 14 Louis liulbardt. Iiam
■CM. IM of an
Iiarn and rcunlcnts bitnn-El by‘lightning..
Ik. Ured
general weak,
'July 33 ThontA.-^ Harrirun. bam nod rnoicnts buriHsI
burmtl by llghia
w the' map. I.t need* considerable
Now Is the time wfaea VUtHta
m damage-] by lightning ......................
'iuism to say tbai. after the many July 37 O. C. Sitariioi
•». PMMT TtotTOed It
aeeded to repair the ravage* a
killed by Ilghmtng ........
R. T). FeaMet
wbleb hare fallen tbrutigh iu July 37 C.
wastea the hearty eaiing tf winter t
P. HariKT. b (I and mnieixs iHjmcd hy nghinlng..
Ang. 1
haw been caused In the stomach and digesilTthe
«# bed roads. ^ aystem. ThU is the ooly knowo agent
liilmagrd byllglnnlng .
Rev. W. U. TMd of th<r MAug. 13
B#^ .Ma th town frnm Bum that etrengtbeB* the atcnlach and dl
d by llghinln
Aug. 13
gesilTe organ*. *o they can and wU
i- liKhinlng
Ang. 13
bad Charge df readily dIgem wbaterer food i* eaten
He uN,using l•lUbuards
........ .............
jeBatnrdaysIter- A MKm* tablet Uken before eacl
to publish a efameh paper to IB- s<-pi. 5 ;
meal will remore all irritation. Inflain ■renae the site of bis. cungregai
_ _____________
and oongeallw
tn the dlgesilvi
promote the town* spiritual
^Tan MM if Tnveae OUy wa* organa, and so strengthen them lbs:
they wni extnel fn» the ftod all Xba .treUarr.
AOrand'Rapid* euople by the nanx- H.T, 9 Jubn Ila>or. iioiiiie aad »nieet« bitroi-d ........................ . .
«m* to BUl»
•f Razor -arc trying to gel a dlvorce____Bday.
.............t r.>79.«.:
T.rtal ............................ ................................................
at arngmllUf. who haa been «oa- sn coats, and I
does not
turbed the peae* tf the hodsehold fnt
Schtout. A_Ofli«rs' SaUrte. and Fa«.
■In M heme with a Umh foot. i» stum yimr full rigor. rliaUty. (
•ome time. They are. uofart(inaU-l>
tol^D wsme fala doUea In th- leallh. 8. E. Walt A.Sons, one of
nve little shavers in ibe fatnll).
-at known drupdrm* In Ihta *«lon.
will retmid your money. Unbomtdel&lth like tbU doservi
Adolph Aaepach was ap tr:m Uhn. lease.
•*»ns bukiaea*.
Tolal .
Odd Stetica in Prominent Southern
. Bfehcn \f<md dldtoaUio** ta Tibt.gtat* News.
a c( all Other Es|
Paper of Intercat t» Traverse City
It .was an cold up In Uenontlnee lluPostage
otker day that the lander* had
Grange liuii fnr nnmial meeting
Rent oTG
toUd ftre* oader the eowa before they
la the eouibHs the "Gnblo- uf Dunn.
coald mUk them.
N. C, IU publisher. J. P- Pli
Got. Waraer has directed iodgi vends ns
_i the following clipping
al to publish:
Praderfek W. HayM to hoM cotuy
nnd—By Ibe editor of the Gnidr. ('..ib-cllng
iMdiagum nntU the vacancy in th*
. bottle
(tie of Hyomel. the wonderful
bench In the circuit U flUed,
treaimeui that cores mtarrfa-wlihoid
After Ilrlng to getber to# finy-yeart.
^h doting. We can speak In

. Unn 0»i
i> tro« UolM Mr. and Mr*. BleM> DeG^S of Mn* highest pmiseo
rellere catarrh of
k^oa died within -thte-fJayi <4 w bead and and
throat. This mcnikm is made
another and will be burled In the
advertisement, but tn (he
Iniereat of those who suffer ihp to
a P. McMUlen haa Ml the Lake lure of that terrible disease, catartfa
la tending the clipping. Mr. Pltmn
T<rtnl .
Odessa tbte* to take a posltloa on Ihr wrtnc
the follosrtr.g letter;
toaU Daily Standard as head of
enclose m little piece from my
tanlcsl department. The Time* paper, isaaed today. You will se.
wlU to eoatlnned hy Oeo. R. XeUinea.
MUag of Hyomel a* far as poasibu-.
The forwier sUH retain* hU laterrict 1 am using ti to my owa family. a»l
tn the Tlmoa.
And that It Mves the desired relief,
tnirrest paid
After expIatXag to her eUsi about that I take pleasure in spreading I
’ *n <
li»f* wife the other day. a Benton and near >he knowledge of ibis st
for catarrh.Eac and log* are Hnrbor Sunday acbool teacher a*ked relief
S. E Waft A Sob*. In preparation
Ihr nuetiioa: “Wben rhe lumod tUA fto tbe catarrhal iranble* of this seaof the year, have ordered a larg Cash oa band Jam 1. IMS..
a pUlar of aalt. what did the real of hjrlamEly dor "They turned j^jatocr." stock of H.romeL and sell It under
goaraatee to refand the nsoo#* tf'-it Stale of Mhdilgan. County 4»f Qrand TTavr-rsr.—s».
It the back of the (toes not relieve,
Jame# H. Monroe -*rcsid(5ob. and Geo. W. McWelhy. Seerctarjr of said
fit costa hot ft. i
ertmnaey. do and each r himself doth depose and-say that they ha«e read
and loiow the tonteati Iheroofv and ibat they have
man illoatrates the hsUre be obtained (or So cents. Ask
gtalns and the Yhnkee show you the siroag goamntee under good reason t beiiere nr.d do believe aaM rtatrmrnu to Ik tru*.
which toey sell It. 'TWa remarkable
m his method of dtring hMnaa*
rei^y medlesie* the air yon breathe.
KUm. He I* doing a ictail groem aooAIng and healing the mocDnasnemr. lIn BBid slate and nm
» Bad sub'cri W iKfote me ei.Traverac Cl:y.
Jmslncci from a car at the .raitrcBd brane cf the air passages, and maktog
Mh day of January. A. D. 1905.
a complete cui« of the wcni case of
ACTiSAHV. BLACK. Notary PbbWe,
ahd It U said that he keep# cattanh.
Grand Tiarerce County. Rirfaisan.
deHTery wagon bnsy all dartMng
mission expires Pcb. 18. 19M.
care at his erden.

r./z' s;.h.




A new style of weathm pcc^et
Uvea at Lapeer. By obaerratloo
hu fotmd that hi* hex* ecaek one
way la mlM wnMber and la anUlx#dlrecthm to eoW weftber. Last win
ter the ciacha potottd to hU hig toe.
fndknttag matma. while Ui* peat

mr MM to htohSMi toe. «

Petoakey. .._
r »F
I. OoiLor them helped
Prof. PVfTls' dM.
her hnahaad c«t 997 eari)p.M wood.BAd
the other helped
d her tora~paw
taril~paw iw<>
cords of wood la as mny hoem. ’


Use Herald Want Ms

*We measnre the eye# by Ito aM of tmr tosIntaMU, learn hw
much nen-e fotrc l* being uaed. know how mneh atomW he twed and
■rind lamaes that make the abei>nM *»v normal.

DR. P. A. WOLFE, OptomMc^
•.Ik <ImIi WIU«M Bk.




:Jtw wMmitwi*n|

who rwBs the tteetrte
'stoat I Th«^ i
lauen tram iBa :
wbo mifwH '
that torwished tbe toft em) saMkeibr<«e Mtoto to a btonket ala bm- undn Uto to tto I
ai's wtodow ben to
to tbe toenltr- Pitoiniui Oar- CMS
that Wew to tbe presMebi's
raeeoitr tram Kew I
la tbe white boose aad tbef^r caesed'
of toe
•T>nr Colonel: 1 bto to a t .
[be preiideat to explode tritb kit aaiF easy aad good natpnd. bat Piuftnw UMble.- aad 1 write to an if job nan
hMp me out. LMt week when I waa.
snake letter, to ndaUgn to bis datlce Van Horn
as ananMer to tbe UaUlaa ptaat. Har­
oA Johns Hopklas tMB ■hoottog at mr wtfn nbalber todr ’
ries bn a Ug band to ranntoc emt hod be suaabed tbe line seretnl itan supped In range aad I bit bar.
one to'tbe street tallsrar eoatpaalca.
well at three now. before be
was an neddeuprasldswi. at ber St all. 1 hope ran will ylu ■
Is boss to tbe dfsirlct .nliuto. bas a
tbe Creek lo tbe judge aito teU bito to lelSne -i
: iml and Is rexelirlr aarasud because
e easllr toanaged. Tbe go.'
to bis ao celled smoke nuisance. "Br faealtr l» i«7f»S to deeWe wbetbet
President Botoerett bas.nppatolsk
the bouse of i
tbe war. Ceoge- said a friend who tbe priilr onto sbould be dfaelpUned ,v«ipa,taii Warner, wmgirusniin frosu
held up tbe Harris automobile oo a or tbe wbtoe >biaa paseod as a joke. ,hr Storteentb dhurietto.'IUtoais.MtoPaoB
to 30 rears. ICO aanuallr.
r Vaa Horn, who toagbt fit- 0is.<4aker to penslunk.
Dr. J. W.'VanilW B«* to Sew Mol- corner for a latoute's ulk. -I nw
From 3ii lo 3S rears, lino anaoall)-.
Fmb Si to 40 r«on. lUO annoallr- j land has ctoleeted a antober of aril- Mrs. Harrh-s ibU morntoft." "DM ^n Binuies before he could be pn'
Chief Crokrt- to the Kew York tea
ailra Ttrwora of Kent to toe boasej
to tg « rears! IJO-asmiallr. id„of hi«ortc toierasi which be will >-o«r replied Harries. “I am no glad, on the bucket, was coasMtonUr
dectores br doetot tbNrit ll
Us morntoa Intradticed joint rewrtoSS^rt^U^o
.h»s sahtnUUna to tbe people the coo [
,n uatpanHed
who remstos »au. Hope eoHesv. Morningsi<le eollece. ought tn lie ibe necasion for disripllto be tUea at
ary mras'-ro*
itHntlrnal tmsnflaifmt aMUhlna the'
to all brewurl*. amcraekprs. _
One of fhr bu>-li in<-n to Woshine-' Sioux Ciiv..lB«rodiic«>n ^incxpratod
date census and ibere Is a sirang sen
The president gets n auQd.-8l^ an Jclr t.
£* rtwo to aae the bachelor Is cmnpt. ion ibese liarx Is Geaeral Harries. atbletic nombrr at a re^l-ai treepHon.
iBcni tavorisR Its passaae.
In tbe senate Senator Uadaler lamv
Inoe^ a bill to wKtabmd
id the
primarr |
-obool money from all <nstricts In
which the American flag does nni 3on(
>rcr the school houses. . jhuh lu>iiiu-s
ben adjourood imill li^oivday night.
lianstag. Ificb., Jan.-IT.—Hepre«e-i
alira Wing udny inlrodueed a Uli {
srovldlng for wbippina wife Iwaters
tpoa eonvIcUoo for }be socond ofTcnse
nw akeriff Is lo do tbe wUpptog wilh
i phTsletoB In aii.eBttonce and U ft:
ecflve $5 for dwch Job. The whip i»
o be laid on the tore back. Bepreson
atlvc Ortou Introdneed a bill to pr.
dbit killing deer la Ibo hraer imnln■ala for throe years.
To reduce our big Stock, to clear the deck, and prepare for spring business, wc have put the*knife into price* SO deep that the goods are bound to
This afternoon the formal Hcetlon
move at a rapid rate. Vou’ll miss a grand money-saving opportunity if you fail to attend. The sale begins at once. Everything in Oirercoats,
f Senator Burrows took plasc.

•I» ftowa ««s 100 rem oU Usi M*y
ST BBd M il«l tlMe the eitj Jottod to the tower how of t1
the oetefentioB of Us ooe knubvdth ■eat to Bocletr antes beee. and at •
dnlidt/ oaDlvemiT. Orssdiw Brown dtoner to ocenr toon toe Dnehelors'
• sqprlded br Sis eUMren. In Bron dub will o8er oaportiiahr W etrli
BCBber to abow sane rensot wbr It
-row—ucMimiI Ko«i
now iwpoTM
rapoRi dui 7t Chinco. Alaevs Brown o( CNtla- stowM not becoae t lew. Mr. lUwto,
‘4*Utwy ki Port AKbuf U ----- hoon. Mrs. Amena OrlBUi of this elt;. Is atoklnw tn «BMt to tocretJw tad
mf prtBripoJ thinci 4rttT Bn. Irene Miller «f OolUBbus. Ohio ntfliber of b
He proposes to
rt<Bl<tobo«Ad Mrs.
•*' i««d are Bfir-nlce forts. MC Rires
tiones. foar bsttliwliliw, tvo
rel been to-, niuunlMl man |tsM Ahti
mSsm. foarteon wtoboots «iul d«> •anaeaeus bare i
j baebelor KIk tax rate as si
>tR9en.'tM stMOMrs. txwlOM Bsl


■iiiMoni to thr Btimbor of rony-fl*«.'
TWito; JSB. IS.—Tb* w <mee todv
.......................... tn G«oml HM
Artbnr to the UUtod 8U«es ar»r with
oae aide to aotoMn<r the armr d
. field Marahatl Ojama.
i. Jan- lle-Qencral
« roriewins troops
Fteosto. beesse enragM at the later
ferewee to ojilnrtkera sod mdo into
rroap to children, slathtoc ibesi wtUi
Ua xwonL PMr were klll4M and ten
dopeakaxen. Jan. IS.—A tciearait
from St. Petersburg to tbe
BoUlftm Btotea
exar baa eon
Arfbnted one bunitred ifaillioo rbMe>
from Ms prirau purse toward On
wdulpoent of tbe ihird Ruasian s«aad


TaUo. Jan. 13.—Tb« Japanese ar
noted orvisfT Tnkjwa. captured to tbt
PM to Japan ^an. It. the Brittot
sfenner Rosdey from Barry Nor. 11
for Shanghai Joadad with eoni aon
signed to Vladtrostok.
ToUo.- itB. 1S.-Pleid Marabal Oya
m» wperis that Wednenday a Japan
cse caralry deuchn
I of RoSBton cnralr:
west to Tnng Manas aod ftereoly t
0C«d them. Tbe Ruaaton* were r
pnised wilb bewry tosses.
Sf. l>elointinrg:, 'Jan. X4-—The caat
today tosued an order to tbe army tr
pralae to the berafe dtoense to Per
Artbnr by Oeoeral Stoeeso] mnd bfa
^rrlMB. Tbe ordto to part rands
“Lot ns not abandon eMamge- I aw
eoktdent the boar to rktory te .ntrtk
tog and God wlK blets my dear arm;
- and Beet In their .toforu ermtb the

Ttflto rarnlfked for tbe eowcreasteoal
dlrertorf^b bb*ni»br
Ub»« to
wblcbnapean this eeoteace; -lathe
afty-flKb wrress. ns acttoic chtinnta
of tbe ooatBluee os forHsa tStin,
reports. <r?ndac:et
rase and
tad^ad ctiarie of.
torouab the boine
to conference wKb tbe senate, the
<>nbaa rcsUinloos. and drafted, in-


Heneen tor Trmrcrne City Men.
LMSlng. Mieb.. Jan. It.—Senator tl.
i Mtolait of Travtirse City ree.-lv.-i
imple recognirtoo in ibe appcdnUnnii
iBtltcew of tbe state senate. He j
ins the chntrmanshlp of tbe eommit
ee on etainu and piibHe aocmmis and
be eemraiitcc on flshm-ies and is also
lamed on the eonuBlItee fra agrleul-,
.Binl^Ik«ge. esocuilvc business, bor­
ic for Ibe feeble I
Reprenentatite James II. Monroe n(
ftaverse City U ncmed Ufuin three'
Bperiani eommlHees. general igwi
Ion. iBsnranec nod upper peninsula
tospltal for tbe'Insane.
Tbe senate committee on tbe Kotih-<
Hictaigaa as.vliim tor the hisace at
Terse City eoBsisis of Senator
t<d«n>B Purr and Ely. Tbe houn
Is comimsed of raprosco'J-1
___ tl______ .
HnnL Snell. tWBfAW
Powers A«.T

Bl Patenkoto. 3u. If.-Butstor
' ' I the past ttutol^t
ww: KUtod. ofBctoi
wim»dea.toBcmdt.meBaM; mltMai
According to a
43. Tbe llat probaUy InelBdet those
ome time ago Oorenwr Wsrner b
BlhttBcat Yan-Kow.Kew diwang anf tight sent lo Ibe aenaie for conBrn
e irirer.
kw the ft • •
Par railroad commlMioBn- for Iwd
I. Jan. it.-Prlrate talecrnau
1 from
PeiorabBtg aaaari wan hewing Jan. 1. IkfiK. T. W. i
UwOod to Caro.
tba^OnarU XBrapalkla wUl probtU.'
Par Inspector crateral for Htne tws
be rpealtod aa aenount to fll kenltb.
wan. Carl A- Wagaerto IVw Hiirom.
at. Petowbnrg. Jan.' 14.—The u> ■ Vbc
years. J. H. KJdd of Ionia.
btoattoPBl of Brand Dilk* Mktoac
MtoUbtortitoi as preUdent to tbt
MatoO to mtolatera is oocBmed.
IT Insiiranee coatoiaaloncr. tor U
niHHakl. Jaa. IL-Tbe Japnoeer
. . yenrn. begtoaiag July I. ipo
tames V.'Bnrrr to LaasiBg.
OMwia and Mndnmw Stoewe'
Por dairy and food pommlsxlgaer,
iM^atbar Bftooom of-war. airivef •tor two yeito. beglantog Jan. 1. l»i.
t^. Tko gnaeral we Us asrord Irthnr C. Bird to Lansing.
definitely settled that F.
toakwd wtoC walked with a stnitoi
Fletcfaer of Bay City is to be deputy
Ha wan ganrterto to « prettll;
Mr Gommlsslaner. la place of Malaltanied haakatew on Inasa bill, a Vtot xMa J. McLeod of Detroit who is to
' reception wu braorded tbe ttoninni te the bend of the labor departmeut
E. A. WUdtoi to Van Doran former
by tbeJapaaeto.
- • ler. will suececl John


MV. JAMUAItV t«l «


Cloakj. Furs, and Winter Goods will be sold at cost and less than cost. \'ou can get some idea from these prices, but you must see the goods to
realize the .full benefit of this great sale.

Of the newest an«l best fab­
rics, made in -the most de­
sirable styles, with or with­
out belts, in all the differ­
ent lengths,

That were $1B, $30, nml $35, wiH be uM3

ai...T...... .............

Thu were $15.50. $15.00 tn.l $10.00. vriB be aoU at'............. i


Thu were $N.0t^ $0.00 ar. <l $ia0Q, wQI be sold at


That were $5.00, $0.00 aad S7A10, wOl be aoU at,....t.........

A (ew Men's Ubtets, mostly smaO tiser, that were $6, $8 and $10. «{D be told at S3.50

Youths’ Overcoats

wocth $6. $10 and $12; at
worth $5 and $0. at.
worth $4 and $4.50, at..

Little Fellows’ Overcoats
Very Nobby-^wcll as can be.




PtUa. CUM. Jaa. lfi.-Tbe Japan
..jBsc OBaelle today paMbhes a r^ion
moat JaatortanC a aigntfieaai stole
meat by CountI vokywHl..
(Mcyaaa. who
»•»# sak'
suit follow-tbc/bxam
pie to AawrlM.. If wa whi the wtr
Jagaia asaat take the poslltaa that at
other peww wlU be permitted :6 ob
ulB aay But Aston proaesatons. Japat
abonM be the leader in China. Korra
aad Biberfa."
Pet'cTtbnrg. Jan. IS.—Rtotora
Lodt faototed red Bags abd.flred at tbi
. poUee. woaading seTeral. The pei\t
imed the Btaadanl bedter. Slxlecj
Conaiaattoopk-; Jan. l«.—Tbe Tnrk
-lib Rod Grtme soricly has roled S.oce
• fraaes ebtoi to care tor tbe Raastaa
aad Japaaeaa wounded.
KagasaU. Jaa. IC.—Oeaeral Koel
saynbr has written the governor berr
" K Generwl
-nerwl StoossM to bis
Passages are booked
Sr Btoeasto aad tbe other BaMtoa
Beat* wbo win go Hack to Rnatoa-cm
suaater-MaTlng for Port Said.

Hoffmati Gets Fpwr Vein.
DMrtot Midi.. Jan. i&—Judge Mur |
pfay this .morning seatencM SherHTslnrt John T. Hofhw to four year* af {
The tofori* to Hoffman's ntioracys ,
A aepuH 'biB to tbe crlBlnal charge j
lad at ibe same Ume to place him in
yoKwsfiloa of tbe'Jall In which be be' ^
mme a pti.»iccr Salurdty night, ocoa-1
donod I
leaMed tbemstiver (
boHly and refused to aceopi the
>r the shcrlB-elcct and the
I rcfiiM-d to mandamus the audit-1

Hoffman in tbe Clrettli cun <ui.l l
awl court todlctmml charging fraudii-!
lent use nf the toalbi hire been held tn ,
tlrayaoco pendtog the roxuli-of the r.
eorder's eonri i^l. which ended Satiir
toy night.
MoUons to gtom a bU> of
Jtukden. Jan. 18.—The Cbtoeie pop- lagi and~tr>-e<imU
tdallon of tbe city to leavtng la expeejiie technical charge against Hofflattoa to a
colleetfeg from the fits'
report sUte^thai 40,000 JaitpanI*ori Mrs. Jofi-phimlerrd Id February. 1P04
prov en in th>- trial that Mr.<. Sui’im< r.
Manhal Oyama.
a n-sM-r
-nt (4 -<
S|.lt.*'of this t
Uradon. Jan. IS.—It Is slated ibut years -and that
three vcwacis flylnt the German fla.c known fact. HoRmBi fiiiba’liied a bin .
^0 twss a n
ieft'ilambnrg and Brearen during ihc- showing that the wtrapa
of M/rhig
h hiaded with arm*. rosldenr
Todcr the tow coroner*1 arc eol
charge to thh '»tttc Inguostb in ih 8t. Peiawtiurg. Jau. IS.—A strike eaaos to noc-roBdeni*. Uiii arc called
upon to perform
t orm ioqnvats to tto cs
was started to tbe Potilca ship
of Michigan ajiboui
. Ing works ytnterdsT. sprcniiing today yf ivshlei
a more t^-rijSr regi
to 13.0110 srorkers at tbe Neva yhrdy
who struck to aympaibr.
Tictoio. Jan. IK.—It bat i>CQB oBclatly stated that In torpedo hum stiacks
OB the haiHesbiD 8<-\ain<>pol at IVirt rrandDlt-r 1 siaieesseswbic'.i il
Uie loial franitnl.-M. eolP.Arthar ike. 14. IJcutcnanl .'togala and
BerenicwB-otBcwre and
wben Ws lifrpM I Isiai fouodori-d.
tied In the 1•r<w-eJll^.)^
Itost hr. O'lo T. Tie-pil. «U-. tiSi :
Jnsl iM-en re-bk-clwl cotou-t of Wayis *
one prirale to the Phlll.. .
I eouaty.
and two native enuito'-es ptro wbun.1- I This mottling t^cMimtldr Hunt wed
el to acbon at- DeWs rWer Jan. 10. 1 to Lansing to Interview florcrmir War
IVIrste Austin to tlie bospllal eorp*


tabntory klllni at Maaaing. t

- elarins that cBlee vacant.
If the governew derides tl*#t H-.IT ,
n is ah.TlIl by vtmx.................
Death to Centenarian. '
r III' r<-i
^JaiUltoe. Mick.. JaiL IT.—Ira Brown.
Ctfittoc's eoritetiartoA, passed awav Huffasao i* not sheriff, tbrai I nhall a-t i
Util Boraiog abu]t..i Wtclock aBer at

Worth $6 10 $8, It..................... .......................$3.75
Worth *4 lo *4.50, It........... ............................ $2.75

Worth |3 and $3.50, hi............................. $ I

A lot of Boys' R«fers and Overcoats that were $T 50 and $5j00, to close

kec, wora #.V<M> at $3.-V‘- worh r.$0 it........ ....................... S2-S0
DUCK Coats, blanket lire.1. worth 11-50. at '........ ..................... ^

MEN'S HEAVY KERSEY AnTS-cooiI lookor*. easy fllter*»arm, .h.nble, all new, ,ii atoei^piondid piiiern*. worth
11 ^.0, tJ 75 acd *:.<A ,«m.r hire............................................. --BI-ES^

DUCK COATS, blanket line.! and filirkv! iDlraimeil. worth $: ••<>.

FINE DRESS PANTS, Ixi' good woiehi. CaaolBcrra.’ SergM:
\V«trii.-u», oil-., worth
and 17.50.

MEN'S and BOV'S CAPS—Jll the newe.vt and

md fk.oo. at..................

bi-t »hnp. ». u;

A QOARTRR OFP our i.-tEuIar tow prlera.


ibe lanS'j^wort^^

Alt to onr Fleeced Wrapper* divided laio
three Mv
ft.* aad ll.fA
wen- g$c aad
jwere 7&r
S3e. a

c Kn«e Itentfi a
Men-* H«^' Wool Soa. resutor tte ^
5c nualitl
nra. :5cGlot.-.aDd Niuetu.
Men'w all wooi_l nrterwear. worth

$7 lu* C.irdiirov l*anl' ai_..................................................................... VM

SPLENDID CAPS. «.l.i by Ito licst MrreJal Vir ir> T:.e an- l..-re
A lot of Bo>»- and Cbtldim's 5lto Caps to rlo»e. a!
II of Mod's and Buy*' Cbp^. worth Sic aad ?-*<. m do. c at___ 1$c

Coriliiroy tint, at..................................................................... ST-E
ihHI Ik- hold during Uil.' nlf »■
........................................... 44c

Ladle*- Hravy Pleecad l od.-rwear. worthy

O her goo<( O-.'orall* ai....................' ... ...........................................45c

Some of (he deepest cats wiB be founJ in titc Cloak Section. 'AB of ihu seaaon't newest and latert styles to less than manafactmer't cost.
Long Tourist Coats that were $30. SS-V. "and $30. hare been cut doam lo.........................................../•'................................................................... $12.60
Long, Medium, and Nobby Short Coats.thai were $i2.50t $16 and $18. hare been cut do« to............................
.............. $8.40
Tourist Coats, 88. 40 and 42 indi leagihs, thu-were $7.50. to $10, bare been col down to...................................
............................................... $4.75
A few Jackets carried orer tom last season, that firmeriy sold at $5,
$8 and $10, hare been mt down to..................................................................... $1,25

Terrific Reductions on All Furs, Skirts, and Children’s Jackets
Ask to sec the GbL* Imi; Coap. for all ajfes opto 11. worth ^ to $6.00, that wu will sell yon for......................................................................................'$2.45
The iiema in this advcitisemew are only a lew to tbe many bargains we are offeiog.
'’<w wiU find gcnninc snaps -in almost ersy deputiaot.Walchdusgwre Or other'item next week.

TSnA'VCRSe cit-w. iWlCMimAN.


auB^ * « m.


1 Si- II

2 »jvr:f.'s

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Oak Part AAUIkB

il^UBkia t



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Itinnali. lay ■>*! to* lH**iad Additkn




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IVrrr lUasali - Third Addillua

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'is "i sis Ifi'irfi,';'’:

lx>: Ba»l'«<i

* IS 3 s>

in ai





Ti-B.Alt.SSor1li orSnaCr IS





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2.^ .


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luu IS U I ladas and»
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Toa^ll>»Krrfh4X Itaap. II W.irt


I 111 11^

-g. g 5 E



.3 'ilS gE{te.Y*ii.
'.l«i.auMf .

«hcn tbc CuKia lUraa a<»«ai{aeai. it '
1* allPKBl. liiicffeml aitfc the Mirre)'- I
h>|t (X tbr rtmianv B raUroAd route.
II Is AiMi claimed ibat KaiipUea wirro
eoAilan^ b> Cibia RIca aeaHr a
jear aIW Piv»l.l.-ni UmUt oT rraAC*
hmd ilrciditl Ibat ihe (crrliuiT «aa a i
liAfi iX i'aua&u. and Coata IUca bad
mouDccil all rlaini to it.
The niadiiuUU- Hlrtke\lB Chlo«J
vbkb w. m lnlo rlrecl'iiAr Ii Uai.
hat rtsuilicj 111 <lhi<- la a nlM <d liClr
'Mti, all bill tu.iKKi (X abldi «a^ uaid
la BaniorilBit »irU.i'n>. The Htrlke
%-aa (Allr l at J»«i/ =*1 Hbnp* AQd VA«
CAOxed hr tbc^'^iiKal <X Ibe amitilorCT» to lorrcarv tbr AlialAluB aa«e
BCAlr Irom it anil Sn^eMltB AAjwAr lo
, siM and .'.i m-ata an
(^(inie.'l xuilrnta. ai a maia
' (or a «) Kirnailr aarcb'

lakes and

I f g iS if;

« ' U3.S,3.4.aBd


,JI -

« t■


tV" Lake LwBUe Ui'a AUitiaa

JSi: ii

F.rrT Haneali V Kbvt AihltUoa

te* IfnartHK-d
CbVi r<Kl<. UM4H-.- )■ a X' —
dirm>-« loit... k Uia.inn».
tviitli Um- lO J.itm Cult^* Uori ...

atv i


Oonofol Neat.
Minlaur IHnr>-n. <4 iba loll'd
Slam. hAa icfimod tbr (otaaaMt'
oi HaIC (ba: hif tn»'«niant rKoooa
Die ralldliy ol <br oca■|cacf In raniineAcy nto IS yean at hard
c«nl I.) i f IUltU‘0 cuurt
aealbfC JA-jtcr
*r Hii'jv
Hulwr. so AotiHrati
iHKira. (or ■Hpii.'J nwiillrl') I
UiDj mill* rlinns'd sfinioit Ibr od*
mlnitlrktlnn ot iunsor PTn»ld«nrt Si­
mon Sam aa! iho ofllccn •>( ihc bonk
u( HatU. rta.- t'sticd BlAU-o doMBds
lliv auBla-ut of «h' MDi.oi?e u#der
lialo or'cafrjpptic uiiatonikm.
Tb<? Am«:rip»c tlauaBB Co, tliruucb
' H. 1.. MrConi-;i. vi U'lt’lt*-. Ala., baa .
asLed tu»- Kiai.- 4loparitn«n a V?MbtnfoD lo inivrvt^' la, tbcir beboB <a
at^ttnt of ali<-s<nl Init-rleri'ni^ by the
. Coaia Kiraa XOTi-rDlBt«l wltb Ibe
ctnaiMUj' K litauitna. ralln«<l ImlldUix
ami other uiKnulun* la icitIiuit b^
kmciac lu I’anama. Ini (or a (Isae obder the )uH*>iic<lue ul C<nU Rica.
I o( |:;»(n,ooo baee beoa

a I a sa ,


*’,* : Ent'n-.

t n

.1 S il: is


ijiin I ill

l.nninaud WtiBlr's Addilloo

etOrBoaTrmTvre' AhthImoI SWIiukH.
(«rarrAiiaUMelral.oic«i>un-v( bmf 0.
apidm hiBtikH .Venn nr^BlH tiwof
mBI-cM 4. «»«»*• Wcel |«r»«rt wsin

I 2i

a .1 a

YV* ■"»"*«* II

r*.AT ««r <»u> jfUMUus BAUoa



I SIS 15,.«




UeedrA-bV Third IikUtVn


•sSHtiki Korthaad

2f m
a •
4l SU


iWw.- K«rtbM« M U-Iv SremlA
1b-«rrW.«i.<t P.iBtli Ibif. iX Am-Olk


Ti>n*lib; A) Xertli of lUspr W Wrat



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Ttmiaablpa Kartb.if Uaasi- MWiB.



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UamtaiwtoE All
SmUi aari »»
rhaixBM •< H M<M Mlaov Hn-ikw

TooBAilpSKatbar Raas- MWol.



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rafrilaMaialoBaBcB^------------------andaUrHEaM../k I
(1.0 I and t. thioca
tt»0* Ibi » IrB. I-----------Iwt. IA<*>-F V.M a ficl <u iM


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I ciM «irf la ! fcrt

■ •■ SS-


I ^ « ■* I« ' a «■ Lb* b «■ a
I ;t s« a >« )i«

•' teas'.
U« M ...

TiBuJjtp n K(w«h «r B*ae< a w.b


= g -s

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I fes. ss iS.SlS es!u“£“

’ KS i:. ,s


, ;t

'Son'Bp ^ oana

aboui Kbaca »llt be
Kopc ottr.
Men. Nrtina.
loaa'i. luubrr. vHu came
WcJccKdtrXti iiroseente
iraled 4>»

................ ' l*OB»
{aland R. H. Co , are rriKirted to Iw
comidirlBS the inauKnraikNi of a
•mormrni to nUfr a |y<4i.0i)fl (nnd aa a
mrmortsl m hi* bo=o» l4ir ib<‘ endowMrnt 4il Tu*k-JttuL' IDstihuc. <X which.
Booker T. WaJhloatob I* preaWeni.
Hr. nsWirIn wa* 4Ioh>1t Inienwiod In
the educatkm 4X the ac-sru aad dl4l
much to belli WXMilnintti In canrlBJ
on bis kchuol.
Xed iiiio a trap hr dciiictues. love
rali> 1 oliy:
arottue. Chirasu. where tbe c
been cAmI (or (dV mofitb*. Tbe Cbasia
aaidnet ber la ibat the led a puM( (B
- (oar borslar* who. bndie Into the koM
ot Uas Cohea of B'AshInaton bOAlae .
nrd. ABd with tbe Aid cf {ddolt MM
to tbe bAld* rx C4>faeB AAd hie VtfA.
•oenrH valualle wonb I1.M0. Cbsrten
GaId. well known to tbr poltec of ScotInnd Yard. -Lnadon. and Looie Waae aleo ioekrnl up. charged vtlh
havln*B Aided
t bnrg**7ewl.h cUlzena of Chkain ate .talilag ai4-pa (4> give aid lo and find bOAM
(nr bandredi tX Jews who barn flad
from Russia tv e*CApe aerrlce >B the army of the czar and are now Boditoc
to ChiCAKu In irver locrchalBg bOBibi?fs. lo order to faclliute and ays- '
temlx)' the «ork M awxorlng the rrtoem an oriMnUatkm known as the
JewlMi Asrleultorirts' Aid eveliiy baa
beivi fornied. lo eoioaise tb<**e refnKm uB Ibr b-nJIe land* of tbr sn-itern nildd’r
Adolidi Ixieb U
pruKldinl cX llie uirtcty. Otn of Ita
kdin fuD'l ilK- iTirh-iy ha* adraaeod
uiouiy .10 Jce-41 «I!llDg to ostaWMl
thcUwUi* aa tann'-r*. Tb<- aaounl
lent ha> varied from ICuu u> tlfiwi.
Wi'h ihlK m<Ki>7' the J<-w( purchaso
farm* or n'Ol Is paid lor Ibvm. T1>e
tnoni-y Icsi i* nuirmd when ibvir
(asTDR bccom*' iirofitablr.
t>i-i«iciii i, fnmiQaiiromia anoouncj
tbai a B< * -nUnmaker- ban madoliU
a|i|M«ranee on tbr Raelflc coast and
bar iindmakra to iiruducc resniis at
Uf Ang'lef.
Id anpnXrubmal ianpnaer.
Mbl* all«v:i'l wizard coairweU to
Ik locbec <■( rainfall during
Ibe ni'Ki (!«<' muiitb(. Tbl* nwlU tbs
n'Q2aiinB laiinral by rbc paUnt law>ir. Dryi'Uforrli. In ibe aomBtr o(]M<l It wab nil 4itiuiuallr dry snmmcr.
.and ilii- r>itnnlb«i->n*.T i»f the fVoioa
water work* Ip .New York kUddinly
Afino'incnl tbc Imniinei.r*, -X a (amine.
.Tbe tvliior of a N-» York ii<-WK|iap<evoUed ilw, biuri-iiiu: srfii ine iX »ienrina lt*ddn Si-C-orse Ijrjprlnrtii
t-. rtim- ic. iht- ('r'.i-,ii wairrih'd, he.
lip bi- n -nal daoiii.u. lire laiiobs |4
inlj*' >p tiion- lui" t'l*. iky and lirlos
down 'V- ei,M-!i-p.*-d**i water, ttrm(orth »ii- a i>i.lml,wn»4T»4;f. tuarir
. r.o year* idd hIio bad <oai<- (rvm Ctil, .
• ai;'i to ;ir-4<>ir,r law In Waahlngtoa.
I|., wa* a le-r*
iirjihja. I

U-iUK a>)b- <o ill>tiirli,,tlie rondHknib
In 'lit ik) sad |if»»ti(e«- eudfb.n f*la*.
t)r>‘aford; pr»jip»irac4,! ib.- i,kw prac
llrabie and M^lb-d tbe ixnirtulil*) an
one that ocmviMTfleii M» phik.'kiphy.
Ih* K-rnik wrr4, fix'd a' Itii.'Px,: and.
ahfaoUKb Ibr prli-n t4rnied bigb fur
4iac little rain. H waK-atrr-d that be
should acctvy tbc cam 8*ke>l if he
wonld promptly III! up -he Crvton dam
from the wat4iry slorebimac of the
sky. Tbe sebeep- fn! throagb. becastse BiT'etKoKfa ttciaurred to glrlag
a gnarantee ibat be eoald bring tBlc.
NaioraUy tbe newspaper proprietor
«M not care to haod orer |!9.«>»0Xor a
acMBtiet's TlsUaary espcrltnent withowt a tcaaocable asansaoBe.of aaeeeee.
TarMdi wMaea eai rope lenree Mth



, ‘




ommTiuvuiK himia THu««6«r. <mua«v it«


“Moocytak" SBk


Cheapest la Ac Eli





Isk WBaklel. “Sllk-SeCTtU.”

Dost and damp proof, because no
foreign substance is present to attract
dust and dampness. ‘^Moneybak”is
nothing bat silk. ^ Enquire at the sUk

Only Lasts a Short Time Now
Whn. Ulb «le Usb you caa secure your dry Roods a. Rrea.or naludioas .han yoo havo tho sam,: quality ol Roods ollcrod you for many a
”9; ««'
TO Bll V
wchansreSccdourrtLc to where wewiot it tobe.a^tiraisedrthe price onmany of the goodswearenow selling at such jjreat reductions. AND ITS GREATLY TO YOUR ADVANTAGE TO BU\
NOW- WiliyouTlpit? Ypu can far bet^f^ afford to bu> now than to wait and pay more for thiop tliat you will need sooner or Jatcr.

Smart WeariBg Apparel

Small loi uf i>rini».
Colton, full Tc^ualUr.
7c «U1
tor .
Rr-ri Star UI- l»i
W<' Mill ■<HI ibc 7c BleaeheJ Ooiiiw al .........................»c

>. maankb aixium. UM) Scui^
Snmnsi thai.tiTiiv a half dollar a yanL
• »e for a naaU lot of dreu sooda tlrni to • rcgslar wv
are wtHdli a half «k
Ttc fur «0 In. NublM Kdtlns. urr blue, that aold for %IM.
•116 and and
• .........
»rrUo. Otni
«1j«0 fpr 84 la. SUbcIlnw.. In «Tr. pray

mack Hotaair Skin Ulndlac. B yard bnacbea...'............Bo

prtre. Time U moocr In thli enne.
Aitf aUrt in ttw stere nl 3i
P*r cant. dtncMmt


« ...............
Saffly Plw. S doo^n^pb ..........................................................Bo
............. ........ le.Bc. IBcMPT
Hooka and Eyca ........................ i...1e,as. 8c and Ite card
Jtell and Socket <2mn>« Paaicacra ... 4. We and iBc dnaan
Hcarl Duiuwa. S 4oc oa o cord
..lOc. IBc. Bo. Wo
DreeafaR Combo'.......................
Hair Druabca...........^^Bo. SOi. Be. 81B. «tB0
Sbuppine Baca .................... ................... emfwor mfwy nrtwryp
All 811k Ribbon. Nut. 6. 7. 9.
.....................Be yam
All Silk Blbboa. Noa. U.^. 40 ..
Armour-a Witch Hate] Toil« Soap, bo* S cokoa.^SIOc
Almond Bmolllcot T. ” 4 Soap, bos 3 cokea..............Bo
Sylran Tollci 8oo|f. odort .of ruau.lilac, «i»alltm.
elcuUa. aondlewciad. vie., boa S cokca .................... Be
.YBe oaha, 40e boaTnnaparent Tar Staoapoo...
Remember Aery remnaet la the. ttore o( one lo (dght
yarda la martsed at 33 14 -per cent dlaeouM.
Thla iBcludea allka. velvet*. Urcoa Buoda. llimia. ootUma.
ouilnga. etc.


Mothers of Girls
I ttfuAl imntlr b> Ukini; advnnUBc trf
IbCB a nulc larsc and ibw *1U come

■ "SS

Shirt Waist Bargains
•lit ban M7 woo! ahirt waini itet aold ap to tonr dol«Ue for ilM ne«eat ld««s Is velact wauu. fonoar prtca
.Uk ..II. d«

Little Things
You Save Money On

Money Savers


Dress Goofe and aoaks

i™. Oin».

UNDeRWEAR~«u»im. IhcbililuB In ih'r llm' 1» clo»i-l
out c«cb year au that crcryvhUiK will be aud frcdu
for «ur while sale. Now one.Wiiftl all.

Apnin Chock «lnBhan.w ai ........................................4c. 8

Sl.'iii Coipforia

Prices on VdVet, Axmlnster, Brussels and Ingrain Carpets, Room Size Rugs.

itial Fold up lo

for................. 81.49

Also all Short Ends of all Carpels until February First.

Overcoat Protection is one kind of protection we believe in--We fur-r
nish it to our customers.

Here’s the first “toot” of our Overcoat Special;

Mbr’s, YoutiiV and Ghililren!s Coats all at Great Discounts *

If you want a coat, step lively! If you knew tflat we were
giving av^y $5 bills you would come in for your share, wouldn’t
you?^'weir it’s just what we are doing on coats; it’s no joke!


Copyright I 904 by
Hart Schi0her


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OCR conversion for searchable text in PDF by ABBYY FineReader 11.

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