Grand Traverse Herald, August 10, 1905

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Grand Traverse Herald, August 10, 1905


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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THAVgme cmr. ohawo twaveiwc coutnT.


TMUmOAV, AUOUCT 10, 1*06.

would Ware
aonl by malcteg one
sling pntai worth mentioning la
iiiK tetter aartUBC-M tMak*
wtttesA tUs opesUng. though large
^Ipblcd aM emacIstM hy tta
6tf» our Nm MaOMr Cm*.
eacmeetkm is chat the polaon
tetter. DM -me: I don’t
howa !• brl^t aad ebontul aow ttScr aad a Uar aad-and—"
bare been offered vartous ^ wci$t at year*, aeariy dooHe the al-Ko. BO.- mid Barpaet, aboekad, know iyOUng aboui It. " Mid the haU- teems to to tte same to all the graaa______
, lotted three fliorq •M^Aara.or tta
virb wlaAnvs nprand «M«u
Bd also to tbe pollen of eerUla
strangled HargareL
iBtereatlag It tte marriage 1 Bcrtptares. Mn. MarrIMMljaill. a
AM to tke ««*n MBbewBt daim “be doent Too dea'i
and tten aeetog
eadi r»ttar. ttat'i alLbowl uj e^laens of the growth of tte nathm
,te» .bMo«> ~M to bW*.
'Amt Kate toM him I etole aat^l an expectant look on bto father's tece.
blnh la tte BerdutieB to lu
Wa ^ *»0 ■*«« U><» «»•»"«
-m-ben tte tinla grU u tte next AIM with meal, and the bride
TkcM’a BO <*e to enr “Sha^r
fulBri I'm golBg to wricb o»*r «<! groom alternately lake pinehee «# lie pmeni grrot devetapmeeL pnaasd her '
sboold bo oecB aot -and be whipped me."
grain and scatter to the winds nnUl all 134th birthday to her room at the
anmerTell me about it." abe aald aoetb- impauy. Wbom do you wantr
Is gQOe and their hands meet to the Home for Aged and laftra Oolared .
faflord.’'“TOB wooldat dare."
ouc dose* of tie poison. Dr. Dunbar,
-Bill FIseher," he said promptlyPersoiU. Forty-fourth street aM Olr«
ancs our bmt onUier ewe.
-Yed; I woald. She'd think It was
aliboni mneb toeoarenlence to tte
Tcm woB-i tell tetber.-Who Is be?- Mked bU father.
Though earved aad palai^ wooden srd svesne, PhUMelphtn. reeenUy.
her boshand, yog know.4l’e Ble«. wbea rm «tort out ter
-No," (tte proBlacd.
•TV-eU. be'i Id my room aad be'* aalmal. aneceeds In totroduelag Ibid
figuna on Moequl gods, represeatlng Boro to JT'O. aecaidlag to tbe records.
•dMNi, to fclu ooawoM BDod^iye. ;Wefl^teaefaer aakod us to toto£0rc flue. Hek amarL I tell you. He know* Its dreulatlon s omsidcmble qua
Mrs. MacDonald has Ured to tire*
; •4B0 neel Umca ere oo eay o (AOd eeou for Ttanhaelrtn* Day. eolloe- BlI Ibe dsles in blstoiy snO you cant of tbo toxic substance. Wbea tUs baa ceased %ere. for the bridegroom bad
ceniurirt and has stea evety war
acsompllsbed he draws rrom.ibe Uken out his pocketknUe anf com­ Mr. Hubtoil has quite a number, as
vould'feel aOeaiod to err.
had apeot all my mooey aad slump him on sn example. I've been
her eonntry has pi
menced to lick off ttts message oa tte well as
AM tetMr'e uyw ere 110019
asked for a uidiel osd Aunt Kau sating my money fo boy a fishing-pole
Jewelry. All these produetlonz of tbe Uri. HaeDoakld ha* *0 wasted-away
fio loacM oBd Ulks. tbe ooBto
wooldat sire h to me. Then it was for him and me. HU mother take* In
When the ealB geu to tte next Navajo sllreremlth are from solid sil- dsrlog these many years ttsl she I* .
Jar for twenty-four hour*, at the end
'Ae otter people'* totben do—
aad rbe told fatter." He stopped waiblog and be ton't but thinp.."
or molded with <«1y a mere shadow at bar format
StoM dur MW matter eem*.
a aob. -The
"A wisherwonuin's -sod." said Mr. of which lime the red corpuscles hsre over and hammer your two biadt lo- Ihclr own primitive aprilaaee*. Some
flaorr. She I* now hdrdly three
sunk to tbe bottom, tearing the
But beat o( ell. wbee it jo derii eM Keloi told her sbe hed Uken It and Gmfaaia, a little dul>ino»ly. ' Aren't tery psrt of the blond <» top.
gettcr till yodr teeth drop out. Sedr arc finished with' plain lortece*. others feel toll and wMghs about seveuty .
tersot to tdl) and tetter doesn't know there any., boys' to tbU nelgMiorbood
Bure* boa cone oarer,
fieoD after that two BgSfcngers are etoboraiely engraved, siamped or pounds. Her face Is fnrrowtd with
vatcry part Is tbo serum which is
deep Itnes Two ytmn ago ehe
Bbe eomaa to knaal baalda n, u^He
01^ In s hypodermic syringe tor In­ mlgfat.have been seira-suenklng off to Bboased.—Sunday Reeord-ilrrsld.
*-Wbat!" Mid Marsaret aot beller- cant spare him.”
lost her eyeelghL Her lurnsrliiMi
our eaeBtof prerer «a aer.
tbe sBtoktng car: and they remalued
bis btf ears; -she'let your fatter
“No. latter. I dtmt like anybody as jection beneatt tbe skla. If, as seems in tte smoker not only while the train
memory of the long ago. bowtfrer. t*
aka-4obha m to aM eollt ut
Too Much Threshio*.
Udak yea bad taken the money, erea well as Bill. He dont lie and be's full
ooma nuic. toalas Bame.
Country boys who XT' inrllned Io ■till mroog. 'While sbe esaaot rsenti
went ttreheb tbe tnnnri. bot until
after sbe found oift you badn'ir
of fun and he dont smoke, because he It proves to to an effective cure for they reached their desHnatlou.• AM bedti»#t^B«|rer kaelr *0*.
Ifalok that life to the eillcw U< easy aod eren'u of (omparailtrly recent yuan,
He nodded, tmable to epeek.
. bo can't be stunted. If he ba* to
comfortable compared with Ihelr dally she remembers well tbe Ifylng perleds
man's Journal.
-Heiea.- aafd Mair^rel suddenly, support hU motber: and I dont smoke
, flod of
Of tte
tt. Rernlutlan. She was born la
-eone la here."
either, hcennsc maybe if you die.
_iown, near Valley Forge. uM mb
A Farmer Ktng.
From what already ba* been said
Helen came ruanlas in In her nlsbt IH have to support my mother.
-late tocideuu of tte terrible winter
Usd the present king of Italy, aay*
1 spbjccl
Undar fMIftiM OIrwetlaii.
-You dear, dear boy. " said Mr*. 6mrstem cf bnstotes of l77-.7t. when Washington's army
John Orabaa warned Marsaret tea"Heleo. why dMu'l you teU yourte- bam. Witt shining eyes, looklog.lri- erne* only when the graas Is ripe. In tte United Blatc* be might now have
«r her home.—Boqtan
rsrhange rctotc*
hem' wbea he married bar ttal bert tter that James«had not takra the
uminer of ipn- there was io mutt
umpbanUy at her'busband.
been In Ibe way of suatnlng. thmgh
example of thU sort,
woald set be a life of ease.
uicl rain Ibst Ibe-ripening of ihe
-to yon think I can get two Ashntekei. for wbirbi bhe was pui
tbe post of socreury of agriculk farmer-* boy wentto the dty,^find­
- -My UtOe Bdes to all that any one
polM for tl.Hir aald James, aaxioat: grasses,was delayed a foTtnlghi. and lure St Wsshtnglon. The king has ing the work at borne rotber tiresome, A Happy Family Hslnsd hy Lsw^lafi
eouM desire; but my boy—whai hto more fun ntoul IL We coaUo't
u Dolircd that Ibe scourge did
Lawyer Rtehard RaMall, at Patar- r
for roars tnanlfested s lively Interest and obulaed a sUnattm la a large
It and'I bsre eedered the tost four the wbippins bade.- and abe amSIed.
-rn see to the eqotpmenl for my not arrive until two weeks after the
' tilling of tte soli, sad lately -temlly supply"-store where a "rush, aoa. h. J.. baa beea reuiaud by Mn. ^
' Btete I*
power to describe!
ttcr, Helen, and guests," saU Mr. Graham. "Well go ciisiomary dale. Many people take sea
-Oo down to your’ telhi
adopted the project of on
lag .businnui" was rorrled on. He llenrlriU Forler of lUwtbon to bring
I bare fdt taptad eometlmes to be tell Urn alt."
Saturday and get the robber
friend for sn fnteroslioiial InstllntloB "took hold" very well, and Urdlnploy- ■ait Against ber hnsbuM for dlvmws.
he purpose of escaping tbe at­
James Jumped up. -No.-no. mother. boots and waterproofs and ercrytblag
Although allegtog eroelty. Hre. Fhctor
derated to the fastcring and develop- rs.ltkrd him.
tacks which they hgve so much rr
M promised. Hell tbtek I want
rise for you and Bill FIseher."
They wore eurpriaed. however, when says Ifor boabnM has always baun
to dread, but It is very dialeull to get >ent of agrieoUnre.
set out of- a wbipplas- I won't
In tte day* when he was <»lr a be came ^tb^ bdore he bad been kind apd good nstared. but! ttranih
tbtac diaastoeable; aM bto priadplei! Helen tf>: 7<« promteefl."
from hky fever, oaing to Ihc
-Your son bss some mtter good
peculiar habil of bis she hw baeoms
prince. Vietoj Emmanuel organized wo mnot^ to Ibe store, and saMj_
Bow I come to bore aoeh 0 tor to o
.“I aal$ ! wouldn't tell,- said Mar- quallUes," remarked Usrgarel that IravpIiDg propensity of poUen. which.
qf agricultural tostroet^ aad
r'Welt, Mr. A.. I goes* 111 have to a nerroDs wreck, la lie middle ct tin
.sret aoottlnsly. presstns tte lear- erenlDg. gs tte was scwtng and Hr. Its psriieiea being mleroscople. Is iralning for the aeldiert whom be
get through beNi next Saturday nlgbL' BigtaL sbe dffelaree. he will wnku wp
Tberel Don’t ttiak obpul U.- Mid stained face asmlnit her own. -U'a Irabam resdtog. “That be Is frutt- sometimes wafted huudred* of mHe*
manded to the dislrtct of Naples, his
-Oct thmughr satd hto emdbyer. aM laugh no loodly that aha emnM
Monsoret. -But I dofat eeiudder him t«at for yoor. tettor to know. Now. fnl. bmre. generous and dcmocrolJc through the sir. Showers of It
sleep. She asserts that ber huubaad
object being to bcUer fit tbe
"Why. what's wrong?"
Mpreposaentus. He lant bands
we torent reeebed today's offenses
haV* noticed alrendr. and skmally fall on shipboard loug dls- ttelr return 10 civil life, for esretog a
keepa up thcM fits of Isaghttr tor
"Oh. nothing In parilcutar."
yet. ‘why were you sent to the ------- Tre no doubt you will become nc- Uneoa out at sea.
totouiM at a lime, and Mnnet auam
Ibood. The priBce's teU
"Aren't ymi trealed well?"
qurinted with quite a number of hU
stop. When she asks him wh« b*
King HumtorL took him
“First-rate: but 111 tell you JuH
wcetout to aharpen acme peneUs o'ttcr, virtue* in your week's trip."
e effeet* of hay fever few giving more attention to traintog bow It strikes me. Ijp on Ibe term we U ianghtog about be rqpllm;
am*.- the mM sayly.
Mr.' Grabam came over and kissed •e spraying the nasal passages arllh
tor tepeber, and Jeeale tjulsley saw
"Oh. somethlag I Just ttoaght ot“
hla troop* In the nru of peace than to used to have' the threahlng machine
; Hr. Orobam alsbed.
BM aM told' Helen, nat'a all."
mild aolution of rocalne. wearing
ThU to tte -craelty- aba eOMptolpa
those of war.
year, and ttea
-I hops you are not too Matalae.
-Bo you were really aept as n re­
“It took hi* step-mother
ittze veil when Iravcllng, plugging
Tbo action of tte prince-wra* rindl threshed for three day*, and you'd bet­ r. Mrs. Forler U U yaare 'o^ aM
Be OMriy drere bli aant ibsd.ward. Why didn’t you say tor
out." he said. -Margarol. I
the aosCrils with cotton, rinsing tbe eaied. however, by tte marited 'lm- ter believe we worked hard; bot t tell na sarrM in Casing, N. T. Beatug
Oua day a week or two alter Mar-Fatter told me not'to epeakwbea I think of the boys who may be
with s feptd tolDlioo of salt
^wevemeat of the eondltkns In tte ro- ^ what, I've'bees bore sexea w«M(S.
prat's letun ttrp her weddlos-trlp. be wouMnt tollcTc mo. I don't Ile."
ig ttclr Urea croshed out by sueb water, wearing amoked glassea la tbo rml dlstrieta. which Tallowed com^
and you've threshed every day. t 1
Bdoa aoU tottcrtaatly: -Papa. Ji
anaablue and hardening the body by Uon at ttelr mllltarr aervlee by the I'ge goi cnoagh of IL"
0« INatrimeMlal •AA*
«H aeot into the dietalas-reoB
Annt Kate."—Ladtoa' World; .
means of cool sponge batba Cocaine soldier-tenners.
He weal back to the term,
day for baias tod. Joanlo QBlstey told Cher wnated to punch ttelea's head
should be used with eautlno, lieeause
rineed ttal a termer's life has Us eom- the exrlitalve privilege of tta umanN
' 'ate so.* '
one time because sfaf 1
bU for it. wHch Is ilaoeenms.
tody. The auweul niri
I looked up as If about to ttea I conldnt go to'the circus; but
l>e BeqrUrr-<l by ftiiplming It In
Mild gold boule stood oa tte
Ulzatlon of Japan ha* also aaulmltatod ^
A abut .hU llpa firmly as bis
would be worse ttsa tolas soecse germ. It Is the tiniest Imagin­
nanner described,
them,, with Improvemeata. Hat* Is a
able psrtJelo of poUon hidden away In piu^ng tbe nostijis wHh a couple of chemist's uble. says a wriler to tte
^ Poor, but Rich.
-Not O word, sirt liMve whipped for not Mbs.'
xteipbla Bulletin. "In ttal bot­ Onre. tn New England. aay^T* writer spoelmen: ‘I am a very pretty girt
toe toMe; ill ottOM to you after din-Good for Dill Fischer, wbecror be the bcarl of tbo pollen gmtot of little wads of eollnti -irlll promptly
chemist, "my bydro- in the "Timlook." I was'drfWag with My hair Is as wavy as a eCred. My
la.* UiOBsht Marsaret "I feel like gmaaes and certain other plaau stop the dlSirrosIng sneezlug. When tle." said til
dexloB has tbe brtlllna«y aM
s one of these Uule germs gcu the eye* ere Infiamod bright sunlight fluoric acid Is lepi. Ilydrofluorlc acid an old fanner, and some of tte
The boy went, tUaetas at Heiea paseUnc Helm’s bead myseU.
aoftoeM Of a flower. Hy llFWlInu ta
ed la gli s-elchiDg. The etching
Into the naatl passages. It U partly Is Hable to make
aM then al Mrs. fftabam with
Mr. Ornham', toldias Helen by the
dsas Jbermomciers is all done ’ " lelsm. SpesMng of a prominent
as mobile aa tte leaf cC tte weeping
dUaolred. aad the prison, absorb by Ihe value nr the aTnoked glasses.
araaakm ttsi puoM hto step^
sM. CMDO opstalri looUng rery
willow. My brosrn eym are like two
It Is eotertest. It looks like
Bucous mombnuic. scu up a vio. After Helen had left the roeei.'Marto
TTie cereal grains, such as r
Bui a drop of It OB your hand
cmreale of the moon. J have ewough
•aret said; -John, wUle yon are In
wheal, are grasaoe, and their
“My poor boy. fWsIre mu] Tour
would bore cleaa through to the otter
the mood, you mlfht oa well pnntob
“Well, sir." the fanner
"bo worldly goods to past kiffidir ttreufh
shares In tbo acenuntahllltV for hay
m war ao sure.- he saU^^lns
side like a huIlcL 1U tohaiaUon Is ain't got much tDOoey. but he's mighty life whb my bnsbaad. haM In haM.
Beian for Ufotoortns. The cold bloodfever. Viewed nnder a magnifying
ting at the flowers by day aM the
sure death.
his or her haM
«d way Witt vblto ^ reported him
glass, the tiny flowers of
"Hydrofiuorle add «aa be kept tafo. on l>y itjghL If Hilt should meat
Tbat the poUen of planla
umadrendteL AM JfcBM to rery klad
"He has a great deal of tend ttea'
which resemble lilies In their struct­
said James: -but. httoMf yooM only
tte'eye cf a man who I* lalriUgent.
ly la gold bcHtles alpoe. Somellmea I asked.
eountablo for the disease called hay ure. arc very beantiful. As for
to her. rro noticed. I wendm '
beltorc me. 1 don't Ue."
and of good MdeeM. I
dOMnl bate
I would. It I
‘No. sir. he ain't get mueb tend,
hUrsaret went out of tte room, at this time of the year, has long liceB pollen, that whieh pertain* to
Ute Wrife. aad repoae with him Istor
plstfonm are used. Kspe of these, nellber. Imt still he Is mighty rir
be. Aud doel yon think. John, you’d
learlas fatter and son to come 10 a known.'Bat It retnalneil for an Ameri­ species of plant Is unlike that of any though. U at sate as gold.
totter lufiBlie Into the detain of ttto
Tbe old termer, urilb s pleased to a tomb of red m*rtile."-^f«e Praaa.
beUer underslandtas- Sbe sooe ointo can named Dunbar, wbu is diroeior ol other ]dant. Indeed, by cxamloiiig any
"Bren when this acid Is to ■ gnld smile, observed my punlod look for
beck Witt a benptag dish of pineapple the HygleBlc InstKute of Hamburg, to Wt nr honey, one can ascertain, with
be taken with moment, and then explained:
•Ha wooMai toU me the trett.Royal Ext
the aid of a microscope, lust what
It. It is volatile, and hence a panUBnascertain tbo reaann wbii these nln
Tbe great teulL or mIMqttgaa. par■reoned Hr. Ornham. -1 can’t beUem
"You see, he ain’t got mueb money,
-There!" she mld.'-I anspecied Jane QIC yellow gmlat. which are prottoced kinds at lilossoms were rifled at ttelr corered plflte “Uri he etomped Ughl and he ain't got much land, but sUII he Mps. of the anitaa ot Horeeee baa
a weed to eoye. \8to annt-^" '
bM not fofsDtUB you. and Xtomi this to the anthers of tower* to fertilize swecu hy the bons to make IL
over the l>oiik-'B mouth. Also, the lem- to rich. I>eesusc be never went to bed beee Us extravafanee. He hat apML
Mn. Oialiem totempted him.
All of us sneeze now and then. perniure of the room
other bktoaom*. work eueh hsrm
-Bto auntl A more piedadtoed wo­ put away for you to surs*
, owing any man a cent In all bis life, In the few yrera since be took up ttu
„ hp
to nvc. retoa of goreremeBt, not only' the
More importeni Whether wc have anyfever or not. bql over silly d«-grci-s, or the gold bolUc I
man I nerer mw. She detested him row. I can't Imagine bow you get many homaB
pioplc has U
wilt burst.
CTCD than thU. ho>ii^ obtaltK-d
heeaase abe tbmisbt Um bomeiy. aM nrotnid her. Jlmmlt You'll hare
and be pay* -a* he goes; he doesn't whole revenue of hit eountry. Ht also
e really is Some.
Inquire what a
This arid, whose sole use Is In
a which, when people 1
dasplaed him bacnase be tonoi to ten me the aecret"
the saving of bto jifedeceatof*.
anything, and he ain't afraid
0 enda In, glass«tcblng. I pbohably
' haasepblsbataadeamb^tollialrae- T1>e next <ifoek Hr Grabam. case wllh it by Itiocoiatlon. renders ttcm thing Irriuica eerialu t
Few of Ibe things he bought gave
sasal passages, and
h.- tlntng of
m the world to work 1 truih, and doe* bis ibty li> blmsrlf. him any pHwsare.
borne a lUUc earlier than usual and proof agsinst thr^compteiuL
■ uutamnily. 1 learned all I/want
Stecpi.-Jack. the lion- bis family and his nt-ichlmrs. his word amused him for a IlmA A Mmern of
The poison seems to be of an albu- the rt-suM Is : spasm. There Is a sud- with. .
know ntant bto seat la ^e later- lay down In the Nbrnry.
- /
Is a* good as bis IkmpI. and every rnav gold at a:,000 came from Loodoo:
the ban, a resounding Mss and James' of polsuDons tiibsiaDccs known fo
and Russian soldh-r, do nni lake iheir woman and Child in the town lisiks up IP.POO francs' worth of photographic
Mr. Oratom lookM to^ed.
t In their bands to half the extent to trim and rcspr-ris him. No. sir. he ............
-She's a ffocid GbrisUaa womb, wbe Tolee, ahrtU with excitement, saying: ebcmisu as toxalbumlu*. the prro- lung*, in preparation (or which a sudpaper arrived In one day from Parto.
breath It taken. A violent conglass-etcher do>-H when, with hlB ain't got much money, and he aio'i cm Hit majesty once dndared that fait ma- Mad to do her duly by my
mott- -Oh. mottcr. the Ws boys are going cnee of which to certain spede* of
Long Lake. Saturday fishing, :maBhroom* renders them so doadly. irsctton of the diaphragm and other gold vtol of hydMlluiJTlc arid, he etch- meb land, hut still he Is a mighty 1lerlalt for'one ymr east him betw
«rle« children.*’ to Mid s*^)y.
ihe scsIi-S on our thi-nnometcrt." rich mao. because
AcysM s'nd A7.M0.—CbrixUan BnTea. Aba mv tore tried; t don’t aad ttey!ro Inrtted me to go elong. Portunaie'ly mpst human beings are muarles fiillewf. Then Ihc throat alid
denbt that, tot— There! kkat lefa Do you snppose tetter wilt let me?
affreted by It. but th<»c whom It nose are opentd and a'vigorous ex­
dcuvor World.
need* and all h- wan
Unarrel about her. But I bes of yon, Deitops be would if be uaw av per. picks out as ita Tictims'often suffer pulsion ol air orenrs. Such a thing
. I askrnicd to the old farmer's de-1
unJtoa. not. to punish James euUI yon
dortlonF, fnr I thought them cattrcly ;
Me Got AU RiffM.
uHifc is o
I try awful bard to gel that and he known reason, are the wor« sufferer*, narily Bbolcsome and agrcealilo. Sick
hare uueaUooed him. Anyway, to !
71,0 Kanaax CUy'^ Blar tell* if a
people. It 1* said, seldom sneeze.—Near L. IluhtH-ll. Indian trod'T al lianado. eorrrel When a man ha» all he n«-d*
Mat Into the dreaalMTOM^ Isn't
srer saw IL"
aamrihing like 10 per ecat of 1
and Ml' he wants b<- )>. nrialuly rich.' guewt at a tillage hotel who aaked fo
.Lrlzona. Boldes a collection of Nava
-Well, don't umotter me. scsiay. being alUcked. Women who travel ToPk Pres*.
MUST cslllac ter m% aaslcty.
aad when he lacks tlifsc thlnnbc it a<- called at 3iJh. Tho landlord had
Jo blacket* Mr. Hubbell has all sorli
said HargareL langfalng. "And don mneh. or who pfneliee' vocal 01
ttink deprirlns bl»*W bis plneapf
1 bo aUrm clock and no elerh. bot be
of Indian a-tlrle* which tniereitt the certainly Ivor
He Took a Hand.
kMdiBS wtateh Jane made on purpose lor an instant think your fatter did stnimrntal mnsle. arc purtleulariy
oallvd the guest promptly.
.ihnologlsl and coliSttor of Indian
Ue was (kskted liable tj> bay fever. But. strangely
fisr bhn—beh a ffteat terarite of bet's,
•r and said lazUy.
h the Best in Kcngoods.
hy .the way—stes qaile enousb: too to Idc
raongh. the disease I* limited air—
that a bride aad groom had entered Indian prtriuct* to the lover of Indian
-h'as be? But be nerer teld any- entirely to the educated classes.
Much. Indeed. Judsins ttwai Us stand
The pollen grains, which at the Ume the car al a small ttailon: l.iii my at­
thooted the
-Well, HOBuy. ywar. tether isnt tte ,rt year when the grasses nre ripening tention was attrncied to the coirple in which 1* woven Into each article.
-Mars^-'h* aald. -auppoM you
..-..line female hiarksnllb on rt--„nl, nt« ■ landlord, and emphasized hi* remark*
prelstug kind. None of u* get mi
try your baad wllfi him a week or
float about In the air everywhere, may rather-an odd way—by icIegrnpblr'Slgbut m.Ans somethtog' to the maker as , Merflio U a very handsome young lady.: by shorn ing thrr-.- or four »b«* to the
it* from him, yon know; but fly up the no^ls; or they may enter
M It’s tod much trouWe. or If you
totes, and that’a bcttxir.and the poison, .lielng dis­ Two young men. who tot opposite ta __ individual or a* a memtper ol aiwKha wealib of dark brewn hair and , floor. 1 wi up all night to get you
I a pair of Id-wllrhlng brown eyea. Sbe up m> "ore. and you're o^alat to get.
Ilke to bare people aey solved by the trors. makes. It* way kneh otter across the aisle, were mak­
Take the NaroJo marriage t-skei. i can shoe a horse or weld a lire a. ,ur lU know the reawm why!"
-NottiaswouM ault me beUer." tttogsrdon't gou?"
from tte the tosrdnet ing remwk* about them by Ucking
A close observer wiL 1 quickly b‘ any smithto ibla semlon,Tb«-r.- was an ample perauasiveiieia
-Well. yea. ! do; b"t pcihaps'wben Into tbe nasal papsages and pharynx. Witt the'lr pocket knives on the metal for tnsunrv
mceUUixl ** t"'' nretnes* no other smithsboul'he w*> be said U.nnd tteguest
we're dead people wlU say nice tttogt
Irrilallon-ls pramiply sUrtod. and arm of Ibe scat.
eompete *Hb ber.
up and eaught bU trato.,
-Sweet at a peacl. isn't she? ' ticked Tblv is doc to an old suiktsUiIod ttat
about us; lei's be comtoried." and^e violent sneering follow*, all at tte
'-WM. Jimmie toy." sbe becaa.
le b aisd an expert carriage paint-,
tew bonrn latar. acntlng berseit <m the and James, ktoagtklng. loft tte
us surfaces. iDcIudiag those off thv young man wboec s*mt was ImThis la' really her .speelaiiy, sbe'
Lazy Men's ParndWa.
Graham did some thinking, Ot the eye*. Incoming eongcslud
tod bMldo- £Ua. "jTMr fatter has \ Hr. Orahai
ui"'n’i"’r *'"*''"'1
a Paragu^ the women are to tte
• 74 buggy* t
-Yes." rrolled the other "A bridi ot tbe basket, to the toner world, rep-1 having painted
tamed you orcr ieto my hand* lor sMlIdwtog Ibard, for giving eoatpll- bad easM the'victim Is wholly dUd by the eoDtor of tte basket. r*»l
Notwithstanding all of ppopoittou of «
couple, evidently."
pmUshment ■> now begin aM tcU me meau was. lodSed, not much to bh abiod. '
Ibis ihoM imic apirlu must ibU. MUs' Medlla baa not neglected to pared with tbe s
"Sce how close he slu to bis tooUywtot betnous offence you eominittcd Uking.
e faereelf In boiisekeeptns and la Ufol tbe u a are (aken tte gi
pass Ihrrmgh the esHh, the dark por- ’<
Bui at dianar. ttal night, he aald:I prod net' Just sorb'
1 wootsy."
that yoa were tbnut into outer darkhiu whb
-James, hew would yon like
a peraoB liable to tbe disease.
c cannot be excelled anywhere I liteasaaL or mi|toL bo riakr to the lUe
upper world, aad so
fishing wltt
Witt me ter aa week
week or
or eo?
up i|y iV«tog beneath the ritto a aolu- j eri* hand, aren't they
He amUed a HlUe. and then looktog I flshkng
of a mau Is dome by (be womrik. The
oaltt U'Dcver quite closed lest ibe
hM Butt
autt a
A good
bis «yM tell of lean, aald: j You'vo bM
tttt mm <ff tte potoon to wova. Even Inl "No; bot ttey
! stra^ are cleaned, ships are haded.
lUtie tolrlU should be debarred fremi
•tte. I dret enre nottlng nbout a 1 merntt. I tttak you deserve a tte*-1
the taifimar symptoms prempi-1 glance*."
eatertng.' A pig it Bsnally kept in every Mgblc end are drirre by them. aM ft to
qrhlppteg: but what geu me craxy to!uon-_,To eaptuie a hundred to MUa.iy
follow. But todlridnal* who ar«[ "Hojr oa earth do
Ko iBdlsB marrisge Itoritet was. OB to Pct»Is; h to thought lu presoner, even said ttat they have taken part
thU Helen UkM to tell on use. Aunt; Bril's .room Is a feat to be proud of." | latmnna to the rampaalni-under ordt-1 chump like ttat managed w catch
; to ttelr councry's wan. aettog as subthis
Xnte Md* ber at firoi. a^d now sh^j -Up to Bagle River?" shrieked j nary cireumstaaoea cannot be madeisneh an angeir
jaiUjite* tor ttelr a
. GOM ft herself. Ttoere's no ase tril-j JaMtA npMtU&g bto chair ^nd.j|tt-liB thto^ray to develop hay fever. Aal "Olre It op. Surely couldn’t *ee border closed, aM so IMtan woman i



a take aa toitren ta chneh aer- trtbetad. ftor tbe boraea i* toat of j Tbe ton venige of the pan gtory of
A t teve a Bantor etaaf .to tbe MraS ViB ba parctaaard. IS ttma rt totosd Lake aa a readrt for the state
bay and ISAM poaode of oau. Tba troop* sas removed (bis seeA
rtate sill barn H4 eo^ Cf wood. 12 •ercral years the MIMiiean Nalknal

«wAt mb. Mr. Mi Mm HoM«m
.' 1»« Tn»*M CKj Drt*ta« Puk A^ «Wm>tfeelr -mBeM.«M> l> mtkm .Tto rtote faity ™d IvtbR'law
«• tte Jidr am. U talkttc o< htUtu Joyed mWp (Pdfee vtom

of lart'sU.'^rce barrels of
T, eo ^ aot aa tooma
•rat 1 can lefl better bes I like tbe kerosene andlf baireli of gaiMtoe.
KnkgMaartbaXMdM Ca^
Xlany tons of'jegtave beentnotmetTba il rtmatb aaaaat aenlna af tba eoaatry after apeadtog a sinter bare.'
ad^. .
praad eaatia «f Micbtsaii Kalabto of
ApesUe John Dosle. it Boo Mae
tba Ooldm Bvto, doaad Wedacaitop
Dbs bla gae nmmer home al White
Race Meet Leet Money.
Siib a aoctol hoar. ‘Pmatoa* to ibli.
Tbe Tmreme CHy Drirtog Park ai- Lake near Moskwon. to planning a
Who* tb« ■Moetotba M bic m
.........Battoa <d the omcan saa btgM
stotooa loat Bbe« flM on tbe big
fem M tbe jB>r mm. cmvd* or aad atoo tba eimCerrtoc of tba Cmoadby a chMrsrf l.OOO persons Mad
iM meat here to Jaly.
1«AN iMpple MUr «m w«<U»c tfc« era degree on a TmTaraa Olp oandlA meeiliig was heid ton seA aad shite and J.IW followers, who leave
MM twim rUit at KMmuoa
date. The degree of pan chief waa
le rarloae Milt sere goao erer sltb Zkm CUy. near Chleapp. Aogon U.
eoofeiTed o« the rolUnriog lambeta of
the prophet piopose* to land many
tbe raaalt that big dllferenee betOtMTiy •mm HMlIy OMt.
Tmverm City canto. No. U; J. R.
converts nmoos the mmmer resorters
tbe reeMptt aad tbe cxpeam
, Th»a«lHtro*OiaebwmMmt»
«, WlIltoB WKUe. Alfred T.
and farmers. The people of Eton sill
Aa tbe ram iblf year
iUaaMr Usmdaallr mnMlB*. B
Leech. Tbomaa 0. Nlcbotom and WIU.
tbe beat crrr beld bare the gaanctol pay
- - the espooses. antoonltoR to
•ay th* uatar o( mm abIppM (n» torn H. Crandall.
The band and other rrnaadiTS sill live
tborUgo U all tbe more dtohcan^
. tM dtp row* pmallm «Dd Hidter
At- ibe bealneea neetlag Wodnt
Tbe ataoclatloo sorVed hart to
to tenu aiiont Dosle'. farm; while the
■ad bp tfe* md o( ibli wMfc ib* «berr7 aftomom ibc naUor of bolding blenaposllu. hif wife and '•'Uuklsred Ottd
Tide Mean aport and did famlab I
Dtal eeatloni waa roted down aad
Ihepeopto dtoDlstiead. InMdeeiaily. stooe." their non. sr?l bare omluig
n« oatiwt ftm tb* mrodi
bydawi were ao asimded ao i
drito BfoB.- drew had able onarters M IViwIe villa . New
matiT km bm mUamUd at ttfiOO grand canto .elecUon ibail hermfin
the lade of piers hare been esteod«a Into the as­
mm Tbampudprlmbambmn be bdd to the grand mnle and n
ter. so that stemner* oui approach hi*
7 coaMa-t be the r<
•bm Urn amm«« Md the aortben
nboidtoate todgea and tbe poser
prtvale grounds.
MirhldPP (wmr baa M raaaoi
Rpantos of Old PrtoRda.
Three-year-old Blan Van rrti. roa
mmpMla onr the maolu o( Ui eberrp
A delightful mtnloo of ohUlme
( Dr. Thomas Van Hrk of KalamastKi.
Tbe fonostog grand caifle offloeri
beld last seek al Bldcs• tvo'dart' ■"* *“ «c—<ctkiB wHb
tb« lahor dar eriahrMRa. WUle

. The MarUto, the lata mmr cbanr. U

emarlM the mrfcet at pimat and
de aa mUl the ead. The paEt arep -

Oraiid chief. Blebard Oames Cels

sin alMMt attmUoa U iba mi
•pp^ Tbam la a tea lot M (bia tmU

Cniid Tice ebtot, Bonbaa PiW

m tba pmlMNla shkb to davdaplac ‘7i^to.n.rofrntort..P.W.^.
. npldtp aad It Wdi latr to bring a

- .



Oitod it-aeper of exeboqaer. Home*

La^ rimroala OontmdL
Arm> A t>il« «r Tmvame Oto «««
laat saak aaardad tba eoatmet for

Grand uiinoii. Oootre. Hand. Cato-

aUUlag a atmm hoaUng plaai to tba
High aebod balldtog.

The toi


Sben ntnol opens AA aptodeta
, .'»im.slDbepnte.rt tbemmtoake
aa that bang pat »pu> toa oawt bme
^ Oaidtal boUer,- toade by tba Dgtel

«atm Baatoag «-|aw. A »i-t»eh
inboa slU altos tba m of fooMod
wood, aaad fts the mat pvt b~ —


pcbooto bora. ‘Hie tarmee to b
la to ratad a* of. aboot half greats m-

Latter .From Waahtogton.
The (onosing are axuncto from ao

pacUr (baa aotaaily rmoired. bat It la

iatemttog letlar Utaly received by
aonrtdeiad aeoawDteal lo ba*a (be
(rieods ta tola eliy from Mrs. A. M.
paaiar mgaeUy aoju *t w be forced
0 LaCoots crosd tbe foraaop t« Its MoaeL CiKdt. sBo r
,n« boUgr to McUoagl. aad mom m- nor. WaM).
K’a swe quite mirprtoed when
gaoUr aoold be added eboald aaebs
read ofUe gimt norm'to last seekis
thlag a*W b« rpqaired. Tbe pleat to
.dif |*B4bmto#adlaiJoa type, of aomc. Herald. We bare not bad an' etogtric

cfepreb at 9 o'etoek. Rev. Fr. 8h«
oOriatliig. The funeral was to^ly

tag bay aiM oau. One .can we Just
\ , tag.
one apread of green u far as the eyo
^ - ttao^kori tbe maetlag and It to ]
took aad tbrough tola spread of
abto that aereml paittoe f^ here
country niM the Sleogbs, a narres
sM try to ngtotar a laid eialm.
of water at tlaiea.' but when
Wbee tbe prqnaitton Bm eam<
fore tbe Trarefiae City Tetemna tfaere the tlSe to to It U.deep enough so that
groat bpala go through Into tbe coun­
sere thirty or forty who sere tali
. ly latemtod and R sat armaged that try for oau. bay. etc. From my bar*


to toU sw paid a tost tribute


was received Friday



Stoce Ibo


meot hai biy^n held at Lnlttoglpe
mnilary simnspbere ha* been
talned by the fredaent visits of ti
for tarytrt prartlee. Nos ati tfa
ataBil<«ed. aad this seek a detarhineni from tbe ntsl mtlment In th-tinU eame ont and Irrrlrd tbe groond.
The', snmea sbo
Hoch. blgamln.'



s<ec fonniT re»idet>i> ot llmum Har
l«r. C-.irn and Kathenuc Wllsm grad

ta ttARLAMO, .CrafilSK


SURPLt», S2B*»0

Dr. Miles' Restorath-e K«r»x/
ine (has been so successfuWir.
these brain-wreeWing
diseases that there is every
reason lo believe that e\-eji the
most hopeless casts can be
benefited, it not ftilU* restored.
We will be pleased to refer
any one t-hus aftiie'-ed to niiny enjoy the blessing of

13 per Cent gllBBCd gft Tltaftbcsgrilsi

hraltlLjAficr xears of hopeless


^ employi-d In 'b<r

. of John II. Horriau.


,v, * wm T-

a rallllut ry store- there and In ISb:;
-k. Since cuing,to <tol«go th.-


glrls bare fieure-d In-vevoral sedMiluii
cn*esP. V Hubbard sill luvre-nt Bad Ax.'
lih a tin.iwm hix-TiHal. - Mr. Huphard

vtrtw. «!> •!-* onr eu.-uon»c«t. rTUOg

wtu re<«t>* yaor momy. ^



' ■ D.*to.








I ta* clMM |,m la

‘' fine dental work . I



W«re« Csualy Baal Slig . UETBOIt


noon by Hre. Tbommi .AniiBtnHig. I«K
BtosblBgton -atteoC. of Ihu death of her


grandaon. Ciar-

<mer. too son of Mr. and Hra. Thor
Armstrong of Michigan City. The
1 were brought to tots city by lb,imrento this afternoon nnd toe funeral
will toko ptoee tomorrow aftonioon at

Tire Insurance! —

Plate ClasB, steam Boiler and Accident Insurance.

Money to Loan on Improved Real Estate Only.

i o'ctoch, burial to be to the family tot
1 OakSDod.
Hr. UBd Mrs. Armstroog were ib the
city last (ril with the lUtlo one and
made aa extensive visit siUi relatives.

Traverse City.

Room S10 New State Bank BuUdInc.


Mrs. Atmstrwig (onnerly l<-lug HUs

Jasric Kitehcn of Nortoport.
door I oan aee tboea Mg sMAmcre mov­
tba atcatmry fandi soald be nlted
aag (bat eome one man coaM be eeat ing akmg tbrough_tbo green BoMa.
to tbe sen sltb the poser of atlomey
e boau look u BecUB Harbor recently rereiled that
tar. tbe sbble aember bat sbm tbe me any water^nd tbe bo
be had told many ot the members of
though aMIliii oa dry tond.
cow of toe

Ibe house tost be would like to have
it took! flrangc to me not
gay It SM foaad that one man <
to Benton Harbor during the
raen BeMs of uora «md potolm aad
Mt tpr blmeelf and one other party
sbeat like that so have la oU MlMiI- prarii scsstm. and he has, therefore,
®l out Invitations to The legtslatore
gm.'. B they have an aore ot potatoe*

Amcrieu war.

Trayascdly SacBali'


ntHmdad by friends of the deceased

marks, (he eemnlry to so dlBcreot from

I tammaldenUtonottbsahortUmctMi HIcbIgan. What billi'there are are
eolld n»’Bead.- Puget Sound Is
!• sUch to act tbe Tetemai of the
fitofcndrandBtrnngoaoencry. It
drii and Spanlth Amerieaa sara stil (all of m
montoa to Just argo Dotbtof to regard to the drawing of
slto tbe
tba goremmeat Uadi to Utah
body. TbU sat decided npoa at the arouad toe sound.
rumcMItal rick out here Jut mto.
tdHOgrBBId tti-timnge ball Mat ereo-


troops Uhbteaa sent to ^ Bpantsh-

has.U-en ronrideriug manni r
opened his falher'i roedlrine ease aiM
■ boetou
la which heroobl »*gfl aeullaliie to"»e
procMded to test Ibe ouhtents of setument to the
of his toller.
IB aad the
en> of the bottles. When his mother
toe late Ijingdon
KUeat of hoaor Mrs. i. U. Dafrah of
dlseorered him she trantlrally rushed
he Thumb, and bfBig Rapids. The other gaena sere
loin (be doctor's office and Uity
enneiuded that a tio.u'.'o bns|dlal bnil:l
**—■«-l— Dura Crum, a J. Mormn.
sotked 00 the babe for some time be­
Ing preseniwl 10 the txNiplc as a iiosW. W. Smith, Jc*i.Kelly - add the
fore he was out of tlaiigi-r.
plial wouUI be imsi appre>|irlaie. The
Htom TIM HoMswotlb and JMU
“fblcs««-a army <K thus* .and gsm- plans an-'^-Mii ro'mpKTe aiid work
arlos. all of »
K-rs cannot land on toto sborv." de sill sous surt on th'e new buildliig.
or Mrs. Darrah. then Mtos Bmo
etored Chief of IHillrc Charlo. Bauersome Ihlfty-gTO jeare ago
.Cbarti-s.Flupger. of roooord. aged
bier, of SI. J<w-|>b. -who with Chief
eu-Uer days of Traveisc CUy
-7ft. dle.1 of a nialioly^emiirjrK'd ilurlng
Cliaries JohnMiii iif Ilemul) Harbor nnd
HervLT Anderson.
Rhuriff Tentiani is cnd<®vorlue to the war. He was |x>ni in llauiprrr.
(ha sehooIisBster undtT shorn they
Cn.-nnauy. Iiui .was a I'lionMicli Amerh
\rnt tbe I&wh-Kii cailes fVom br«®V.lng
tudled. was vac of the iiany and (bo
ean patriot. He rulisted Ui Csuniany 1.
upon (he«' n-surts ami rreating a
wy was spent soon cnJoyAliIy,
FOnnh Uirhlgan ('aialry. and '*
reign of terriir. Putlusin..; the first rahl
itaceoecs and anoedatvs that bad
among those who look an aeilve p
by Chief «.r IViHee Cotllns of Chicago
targouea for years betog brought back
In the rapinre of Jelfenoh Havte. •
*1 least M.of them found Hicfr say
Hmory. A delletou (onreoarse
Mugger .l.m«tbl h.une a* a meme.
to St. Joseph and lynk up re-sliU nce in
dinner was eerved by Hits Andcctoa.
tbe-rublx-r rain mrit The iirvsld<®l
Ihe leoilerloln dinirirl. A raid by the
and It su lale in (be aflemoan tx-furo when oreaskm demanded, rot
ciiiro-poilee-forre gaiiiered up this
the party rctornpd lo Ibclr homes.
-pagg of' fondgn rriniinals and they siMlbg of a large vW*.’ and overall!
H,- the ouifli to the -lai
weye driven from the eoTmtr, and it is
ami ilK-y may b<- se.® iu-lUe sui
Death Reft.
now ]>ni|xisi-(l III |ii’Vvi-m oilier, tludhouA-. BU<.uc iHlu-r^ar reil.--^
The fonerel of Mrs. Kalberine
!ng refuge Ihen-.
bride tbe wife brJamre Kilbride.
beM Friday morniog-at Bt. Frenrle

the dead. Burtil oecurred to tbe rathalarm atooo we came out here, bnc oUe eemeterr.
bore to see old land-

... . win

Curd eoramrcKtits sere b«4d there
•rtber.* sere rendeivoosed

Fits, then

here on tbe BaU tbuy tWak-lt a Mg


i)\jyu lik.- l.'forfi you

1 bo his gnesu BepL 7 and «.
Right of say tor a Mleh.igan Tclc-

.Hama prom^mMtog TrtoTbo-paebt Oem to Mb'aetaty alJxir pntah. a* they get a big crop from a
ambonge oB OmUtokTiUe. J. A Mon- cmau patok. Pkmare here do not pbonc Co. toll line throueh (he w
end of the upper peninsula Is bring
>, Mr. know whet potato bugs tort: Bkc.
aW Mm A V Bacbaniaad George H Aave tbey nay sonw In oahma or caln cured. Tbls stn extend from Nestorla
ronsood. a distance of Kfl I^ne^
On>m barb* mnmed at »:» Friday bate. They ha*® aiARely any flies
A tirip of laud eight feet to width
have no acreena op pM.
analag after a very ptocaaat aail to


atotfB-the north side of tlie S
e party
are. all aettlon here toll me iboy hare
d have
a color bad the snrmeM. Venther to yenre. bul Shore's Hg^t of way will be purchas.-d
mare ar tom (aaaed aad
by the telephone eoiilpuny. Frv>m
It at^yo goto eool after 4 ^ m.. so
couoeetlon will . later be made
'We grUted^ioR^ Lake Htohlgas


tatflDC etrack oto'' eimlamary calm.'
add Mr. .MoDUgoe Batarday. hli


for the Siisli. D^rs, WinJowta/Wiling. Oi-ihng. Porch Oolnmna,
liiW riur Finisli of all-kimls-i».Huhv tli.-ni nwly to jiUv in
(xisition wto-n innli-il.
,1.-Iny laIrtolL

Yoo sill liiiil U»is Will aavo yon



o„r |,ri,„


i-vi-r. wi-li U- ■•-mii-iii
piy us

Cittx*nAPhen». S2i Bali. leo.
i( t'-u

ti«u.soe our slo- k.

Cbhrnj* aid baok.

laiion of a copper elreult


'Wa left

SatiU aic. Mario and St. Ignsrc.


Thara^ etontog.mTbe Brat !«« s
tba ra» see eer^ee, a good falUgg


slag blostog (rota, the aoutbean.

CUhatp a se*

ago la*


new cable wlH be laid amwi
The prioes are- qitlle blito «m some Straits of Mseklnae. and a nos
on to 25 eeols per galtoa line sill be strung direct from the


sirallt to Dclroll.
There fi a wellricfincd rnmor p.lng
aboi^ Detroit business circle* .that


sbea a aoetbsens caom up. On ac- rotaioe* are called apuda 25 rents is I«ay to establish a plant tn Japan and
oonat of the darknem se put Into port called two blla. 20 eeuu Is Iso short bslld balllcshUw for the Japanese gov

laegar to 40 rents a galkm. milk
rtHuf. so sereaboat lU mllce (ram
gUi»go Sbm U calmed down lyid se croeks are 20 ccbi apiece. If yo
^ nrmfc a dead asell and the crew em- lo buy frttlL bwrieu. etc., you can only
, -mcmeod to have a dtotane lor their buy by tbe ialh* er pound. Apples
■oM by toe dosmi or by tbc,bos.
mmto. Wo railed in ibU (or ten mile*

a light Sind.
■gimt Sm^ at 8ta
<m tbe JWtBeocria t

Ctorence A. Black and John H. M11Ikey are to Joto to a shlpbulldmg cum

blu and 15 rents two hmg biu. and I
shall never get iiKi to It. Waller toqulred at the store for a b.isbel Imm

mikado called o«~lbcm smi msd.-

ket that was. as all they bad s

-I bavu nothtog to say abimt U.~ said

definite proposltlou- lo gHe tli.-ro
ket aad they laughed aad toU btm contract tor at least a |2.tUM).n>ai t>«l
a year," Said a Crtowuld wir.v-1
they 4W not know shat kind ot
Mr. inmto. when lold u( toe rumor, bul
1 would not advise any’of the (riunds refused to make a denial

tSMipfour boor*. On Wednesday se
fleked up a UiUe aad sailed forty

Mr Mutk-7

lo give up good.t»m(* In Mlritlgmi to sald4Bat be bad been talked
ie«s are len to «. but would oot say how definite the
pointed. While I proporitloB was
Mr. niark'and Hr.

this Is
■rilea.ta tseaU4ov boon.
a doto ealm. toe lake bring toiags
very ataooto. Tbutadv algbt so got m«la
to Bouto Hanlum latoiid. sbere sc yrilos

a good countryjtoree are many 1 Mulhey hav® been awkwlat.-d to rail
oac mtosea.

1 miss our prrily|roail enterprises, an* l«lb are well

«;» yosleiday .monitag.

troe* at home, aad toe llUto 1 known Detroit ekpItaHsu.
renaty Mtda The only Wrd
The uuanensaster geoerar* deimrtB ecUmate of

.' staM se hxgw" the tost paA e( our
trip. The slad was very tlgk^sbim

i here from shat It sin ewt to provWo for.toe
state cacABipmfal that begins si Lad

se eatored too bay aad shea about
baK say down it died away oltogetber

tagtim next seek. Here to tto- rcqulsitkm; Fresh beef. 24.9W 'pounds. 2.50n





A mUe puK '■oeld oome from tbe
PMribsauL I*wa ^be suato. from tbe
—aad alDMul every otbre potot of

- •

^nds of Hour.
0 ^

».g» loares uf
pounds rt btotos. if.OftO pounds of pot.l50 pounds o# primes. IJIO
• , Abe estaPMu. bat It sue oaly a put. try Is renstoly vary bad for con^Im^
of evaporated apples. lAoo
We sere near Lee'd Potot aad there tlvre or any <me havtog ustartb. as K.
tt eagre. 100 ^Boas e( vtae«e laid aad drifted arouad unUI^-.W to ao damp. RsprelaHy to winter tbey
0 quaru. ef plcktos and C$
tMt night, shea s* teattoud Trareree teU me It to nototiy bta rain and mu4.


> While at «bM4ft the yaebt s« «•
eberod ta I^WmRB «C the Cbleaco

ef pepper. Tto brep the troops
1 tori bapiv. tte^ bceauae I dean 9M hats c( saito sUl be required
cf eaadiei stil be dto> vmt enough tt^-tot

get a unto SBOS and

/«/ one to.
his trade



ft alghl aad Saturday se boat doss

South Side Cumber Co.

C from BIT with Che head of the lal^c. Anoiber
nvemont antharised Is the ln«isl-

flftlah betng a/rieh. deep, mahogany

TUs Week We
Have Reeeived
Clothes Lines from 5c up ui 2r»c: Tic Mo'asurcy. pint',
quarts, half (gallons amt gallon'; Wyotit-n Measures, l’.
4,.8aiui 1C qu^ts; Wash Boilers. Nds. ^ an«l f. fruin
ordinary at I'tOc to, all copi>cr at S'2 50 each; Wire Fly
Killers 10c each; Oil Cans from 1 to 5 gallons, prit;
lScio56c; Kettles and Sauce I’ahs v to l:Jc; Icily
Strainers. Dippeq-, Dust Fans, Hatchets, Curry-Coinh--,
Tea Strainers. Frying I’ans. We have very interesiing
prices on_^e above goods. Wc can only natne a few
nere^oM to let yqu know what wc are up to. We invike you fo see for yourself. Don't forget the place—
•it is on comer of Front and Cass, .


f>i TRATatse

oiTt nrsiNESs
P .4 I N T.
!V. 1,™ ,b=. ,0 tok 1™ ,!rf .1.1 ... 1.J* ^ l«.
h s ii,-vv vou don t.
. !»-.-ri!ncnUd ;


ITiat « alr-ie wc II hch> you.
• cxiivfv tic- will.

ae lv!I ytju

:h- l..;I |.i;ru. lor ntivili;tij pamlaWe you mxy
l/.t t:toj Lolot card*.

reronk SkrmmR

Have )v<3 eve* tried the


Mtnd CofV^WM


^ Coaued Con
sad Sstmoa

Jiopal tiger

They «M the best Seldradybr

K*m« ^roeigi Stas'***.


«t*4- wd to««red wear th» UM>«1
jiaUcT flf tk* >UU, U tlw Mpwt—’
u kker. u b om t>Bt poMibir
act attnet ndi Urw P>Mb •ttouim
M MM. tat It b DM of parTMStBi and
iKTMatac SMfDlMn. MPMbHr to
ttaM daoM that otua B«ed tba protwtlH t>»M«W>t «* tta »UM. Tta
«K iMbbtSM for bettwtof tke
de^Uoa 0C wericert tor wa(c* bu

rtoM «tap*. oOoM or fMtorlM
.pnrrldo iMli tar neh amplorM whM
Mt MUrrtT occBpted b Italr work,
nd prorlAac poaltb* (dr dlmcard
a( ttat kmua Md approprtab j*qiltwMt. Aa wt ot ]*M, aiDMdcd
te mb pitrrtdad tor eonpoborr
of cbOdrM. and Ui«
•ppalatMMtoftniaBt oRcen. Ii
a bw was eaaetad torUddii* tl>
ptoroMt of woneD or «lrb as tarksapns. or for dasetap or Mrabhlns
MMb la aar pbea where U«tior*^

-Sebobafk; bbek* taa been rRacattba taBdiwa taooH ao aarlr taWta
tta apWt of eaaartaaa strata and atroM ed to the dim past. aoeordUi* to Prof.
of Utadoo. who ta adfor mooar aa tta fBal of oBort.
ibe stodeats of the UnirarJlMsd to afl tta Olfeor tMtarea of alir at ChlcafO. aaM
tdiocd teacher would wear (bj aUlre
tta ataio-f bhor aapMrtatoa.
this Tear taea oBcraftad andwmt- and parhaps hacoma i
«rr«. ta a Uw of tba racoat somIoo pro- Frowns and nwwb wooM dbnppenr
Hdlac for fiaa <MpIoTa>eal boreoM la wtlh the sable soli;, be declared.
-Oen. l.roBard Wood., friend of the
dUof of or« «ftr tbooiaad people,
president, mar become bend of the
nadar wWA a tarran b now la operawar eoUece or of the departmeDt of
Uoe fti Datroii. aad orn Is Grand Rap­
the bkes, whichever be prefers. Since
ids, the oniT eiUe* ai preaeat eomto*
oBdergotas an dperatloo In B«»on be
within tta daCaidoB of the bw. Aprit>.n«i. of paraom aeaklac emplor- does oot wU* to retom to the PhlllpDbet. and tta president tas held up
neat, and of peraoni
the appolntmeiit of Oca. Barn- as srar
ptoT. are racelred. aad their desire,
ttrilege head to see U tV'ood wanu it.
aaabtad bj pattla* ttaai ta eomatinlvttb eadi other, wilhoot fee or The genaml ab« at the amr wanted
aad witboot dlitlncUn Oen. Cbrter nt tta bead of tta war eol
lage. hot sms overruted when Barry
of ebsaor heallty. Thb U aa InstttaUOB that bai proren of peel TSloa ta sras named. Now the eoniroTerar mar
nitaoli. aad here it has, alreadj be opened.

aebbrad toeb « tnrpritloc tueeau
that '■Doe" Bmllh of Adrian, in ebarce
cd the Detroit boraau. tod. blmMlf
orerwheliaad with boataeu and at hb
wiu- and bow to keep vp with lb daBanda; wfaBa tta nelshborlac bnaineas oOeea are ta rebeUkta at the Intarfaraea which iu thiooidnc patroni
causa. Ita eoaiBinlotier b autbe^
Ued to adrertba ta newapafier. or othrtaa ft bbor aad tadestrbl atatlaUcs ersrlso for anefa alUiatUas
aa b has ataee baea coabitatad. the appllennu to All. and In tmde Jouniab
It hr tta BOToiaor with the tor the eoopemUon of b^ employer*,
to an expense not to exceed five hualani per year, to ta paid out of
br bita of a deputy, and they with the
nacretary of state to coMtltnta the bo- aad the btard ok asditori piwrlde ot- rsM of atatUtlea. for tta coMeetlon Bce aad aeeeaaary fumitnte and sup­
and* poblkmlieo of statletioa] detalb plies. tta approprbilotia for tta dematter to aU departmeou of bbor ta paitmont are tweaty-ttatasaad dolbis
an lb phaM SaaaebI, aoeb), mcbl for factory lupeotiOB, two iboc
doUan for coal mine taspeetioe.
eight thoatnnd dolbfs for the elalUtlcnl w«Ht.-per yenr.
• . e
K tncfeaslnc cipossm of gmfi ■

Id celebrated br ei»b* bet a
Staca il
Kitdienar ahaU be snpretae ta the mil
fiaiT alnir. ta tadb an ataed««e of
tta Khartonm exjieslltlon has eoi^o
Utht. One erentaf ns tta aenssml *
nenred Khartoum a dervbh spy
vna discovered In enmp nnd lakee to
matiop ns to the eBeBy*s patiUoq no'I;
pbas was of ita bixhest importance,
but neither the richest bribes oor the
direst threats could elicH one word
from the p.risocer: be nBert«l to ta
both dm nnd dumb. Sesreely w*s b1»
faedrlng over—If hearing » ran b
called—when xsotber spy sms led lu
who proved to ta equally oiidiimte
They were led away boand and pbred
for the .nbht In a welHtuarded teol.
i Aboui half *n hour later a ltlrd--vpj
I wasdmggid In. who also,would reveal

bM Sifiaht If Hit ad

to ilecall tvfol Sore

ootside beard a murmnr of voices fram
within; the dumh s|.i« tad foan?
nod taore nil dbbeeitened. They said bear Ibclr talk distinniy or to under
Ibey were walking to Madrid In the | naod II. An knur or more pasiwd
tape of ItndioK work, but had Khu ' then the door or the icdt sms tbrossi
their sray sod had now nellber moeey | open sod the third spy ni>pcsred am.

know. Lord Kildtcrmr always takethe creaKul pains to make himacll
master of the verancular of any eoun
try to wfak-b be la aeot. He setaei
every opportunity at ulking \«1th:th<
poorer fidks ualll hr-speaks like a' ns
ilgn of tta country. Not only thb. live.
bflt he found work for them..
Father John of Crtinstadt. wba-c ta
James Doyle. mllUonalre mine
tmordloary Inllneoee over tbo exar.
galnot ibi
Icwa than bis p

meo.get into the motor that he mt^t
take them to the noareai village; the
were to retain ‘hem on foot. ‘ Arrtvteg at the vniage what was the ashmcBt of tie poor, erenlaret to

J. R. T. McCorkte. a greduat. of ^ tagged ato kto-d every 3* tort <» an.
moot ef axrlcnKwre ai OoraeO tflfl Babcock tod a goad drttota ato wad
scheme on aa extto^re scale at Nam- wife,
pa. Idaho. Mr^MeCortle was married
week to Miss Mary McCarthy of
Oonrdmur. N. T, and rewired as a . few weeks wdoreV marriad Mtea liar
weddlta prevent from hto father aa Pnlmer He -wtohed the paper to treat
htSMlgitt at that lime."
JoM pb . Rsxtel^A joonx man of
the eatdening
Bridcrinrt. ciAln.- iSfcft^tol* tef
William Babcock, a soldier, was at-, [pal bn a toarge of ma*Rtoshtor.
rested to, MlJdleiqin. N. T- on the I
^ hto allCBcd abnadmtlns In
fharge of dUgraritg the Vnhed B-.ates : d„>p «.a wain- .d H-y«wr<iU Ulllaa ^
army uniform. He walk.-.! down the ^ umbnev; while ihry haihing loitreei with a young woman ntam ta'g,-t^r.

•X herewith srrite out ta tan the tagtaniag asd end of that terribledisease
edema,’' aavs Mra. Wm. Byvr. Elk
River, hllon.,’'wbicheaBscvl my babe
natold auSvriBC and oyaclf many
alecpbss nigbta. Uy babe was bom
■waslbrcvwvcksolJavwvll- j
fatgaMoaredon tta back of^had. ;
aad In contsc of time broR^ It did :
not heal but grewwdrse, and the sore |
spread from the site ef a dime to that '
ola dollar. I nat-d all kinds of r. me­
dic* that 1 could think of. but nothing
aecmcdtotalp; Intoct.itgrewworsc.
HfT hair tell oot wh«« tbe aore was.
aodi Icaird it wodRlacver grow again.
• »minocduatilm>^edtothvrcaiae
a ri*it. and when he saw the Uhy
... told me to get Cnticnra Soap aad
thntment right away.
"To plcaartbim 1 did so.
to my
narprise bv their nac ybc sore {wgan to
hvsl over, the half gtew over il. and
tCMlavahehasnniccheadof hair.her
shin 1* as fair as a KIv. and abe ha* on
scar left to rwall that awfnl aori. apd
it is ever eight months asd no sign of


gasolIne engines




and sou
I at tie


"Vour letter of the 19th in*t rm
ire of the ai-vrei commUice. U 8C yi*r>
to laqolre 4nto bU former mar- of aco. Id personallly be answers
rtage which the courts have dtewjlvod. tta deMrIplIon of the nverage Rutslar the disease hai never returned to her
He declares bU wife was never bn<>- pensant. only in his ease abstemh
head which at that time was a solid
aorc on top and down the back."
These machlneg arc carried io stock at our shop and
Uxed. and that the canons cf tho Ro­
rrooght a reAnteg cBert
Mas. Wm. Kves. Elk Rireh Mua.
ntenuoo m locreusiM*
— man Catholic ebnrch, iherefore. srould bii feature*. He is short of siaturc
can be seen in operatioo "buzzing" wood.
Fcl>. as, 190J.
at the banitb. Uvea aad tatareste of the human nodely, but miher the' rerorse. not hold the union legal.
with n •sona-vhnl Borid
When John Hltebell. president of nnd his small. fWInkling grav ey«
«oal Blaera of llkAliaB-’' Another act
the United Mine Workers. vUlied Nan- have that furtive hppearnnee' diarnr
«C tHtarlea where emery wheeb br ever U^t tbnt may be viewed, bow- Ueoke. Pa., tho fflinliic town Just oot- teristle of the Bnsstan working etas#
r. we ta Mbhban wni ta «bd that alde.WilkcsbarTC.Totaday. he was
haWa am need, to pfoelde fans or Mowspite of bis neat age he U remark
in. w%aa so dtreeted by tta bbnr oor state hsa not ecome coaiapk
given a great ovation. The whole ably active nod his long brown
d toUvaiitm in tho VniifnaiiaWTT— to oSeeUTMy carry in that particubr. The InveatlgmUon town ceased work aad parades. Ore uniouoheil with silver. Father Jobi
away from the workM tta lajartoni Into prtaan'aBalrs at Jackean seems
works, speeches and a banquet were
esteemed a tnlr*rl. -«-ork«-r
dast that aneh wheRa sad'btita pra- far to bring tadl«m*nt ^tasl n ci
the fcainre. of the day. The mine but II 1* aaiti 1.1- ha* lost lit« r. puia
tom. mther than a ahosrtag of cormp- sroriten- (fHldalB are trying to' pull tiun stare the shit* he bk-*si-J
doet: and another art of the
aimiti reoBlmd ttaaSachmsnt of low tton on the pan of a particubr oBcer.
to 150.000,
sunk and the men he liiessed werIt has-often happened that pmeUem
vatar abnai to atailOBait taUera
A Agbt over tbo 9500.000 estaio left klHed til battle with the Japs.
thb ataU whan m directed by the have grown np IKde hr lltUe. nttiaci- by Col. John U Norton of Chlcngu. Robert Hoe, tho tamous Imllder
oommbtioaef. An eSort to repeal thb tac DO attehtiod' and not rt>alMng«i bos been begun by Mre. FloreDCe-MofprInUng preswr*. has this fur Us fa
law sma made at the recent sessioa. as mirtaenilhle, ac^ed by one oO- AL Norton, who say* »h<v.te toe ooK vorlte BBxim: -It UJwlier to get U
brt It was net aacceMfoL Thb was cer becanao tahei^ aa tta nsage eneiw widow. She ctarcrtK^orioa’s
thing and push it along than
baaed BpoQ tta repreaenUtlon that the
ter. Iwbella CaiAertmry. and get In fivmi of II and drag II after you
CBlte U Into notice nnd pots It npon
iln. C, B. BchumaVer. with con­ In other wortls, It
they ibre+eal. by taHta« the rtfibnee trial, and then wo aro surprised and spiracy n^nst her by concaallDg Non man. that shouU n'lnu-l uttmium.
Id tta aaxlBMri: but the rtattaUee of stocked to see what qnesUonable pn^ ton's death while she was la Call- This exi*n-..slon of re*erw hcl|is
tta tarean do tat eappoft that.
UoM we have permitted, and reproba­ foRita. with intent to defmud
raplain why it Is that Mr. H.«- I*
tion that may be quite unmerited falls brr widow’s rights. The relatives IntrwIewMi in the ni-wspai
deny her marriage to -Col. Norton.
baa an air cf eU-gant
law anaetel te mi, pwrtdad for tta
works as hard as any of hi.-; v-aiiiloyiJay Hnbhrtl^ft may ta rememberofl. of Dr. 0. R. Koeh. a dentist, for
teRirtInn of tartorios. wockibopa and
thoronghly understanding cv.-ry detai'
irder of tJr. L. A. Gebbardt at New
•ana. rwlrteg proTiokm of Are as- iraa a lae inoatmtlon of this. It was
hlB vast business.
capan. atevnUr and stairway and ma- hij fortnae to be dtalnnan-mf ^e re- Ulm has mnited In Koeh’t acquittal.
Anerirna pilgrims-, led by Rrr. Jobr
> has been the senullon qI the
«htea>7 luarta. raatOatloD aad rtber pabllcaa eoagreaaloBal _.oettiiilltee
whan the peoplejiobr^p to the idea northwest for montbi. Koch and Ceb- J. Morgan, were received by Pope Plu
that the time honored enttam of lery- tardt were rival dentists.- One night In the Vatiren Monday. The pope sail
MaataetaDd e
ralitleal aasenmenta upon gov- 'Oebhnrdt was found te bis oBcc with ta kn-cs ail Ameriran*. Including lh<
It ef chOdres an^•Calbollcs. becaurc of the llU-nt
his skull onahcd In. a pencil belong4ar ftwnata ytan cf age, mad Umliad
teg to Koch was found te the room
ta atety hcore par sraek tho emplor
- sMl cd-rthara. under elghtees years vknrioesty few a sio that was oo/i--.- and the police work^ up a string of
bli than that of all politicians and all circumstantial evidence that caused
tormalaa aad
paiilet. It may to aamawbat so with Koch's arrest and trials.
Rm film Dapnty factory li
Warden Vincent: but however that
W. B, Alexander at Rastport. Ala..
maybe, whether ha may be entitled to was a pmclicsU Joker, but he'has YeDREADS D0CT0R*S DUESTIONS
ecodoaemest or to eondtaBnafon. it U formed. He married toe other day.
evident eaough that tbe aystem ttat Tu even the score, bla victims hand- TbaaaDftt Wrtte to MruFlaktaa. Lyna.
and BacsSvn Valuabte Advtoa
has prevailed then stands In need of entted him. iltri his feet, ehucked him' Moa*.
AbwAntrty Oontadmtal aod F
m in many respects. Oovemor Into a walermelen^ crate, turned the
. By aa art of im Ue provUtons of this
There cain be no more terrible ordeal
law aa ta child labw wera^aneedod to Warner, however, is gliing the nutter hose ad him, plastered him n1th paste 1 a d.-llcaU-. seosiUve, refined
be obliged
anawer eertaSn
thanten. placre of asMMtakl where his direct pfrtonal altentton and tb«a and rode him around town on « dump | than
UqnM are sold, or any naf^tUe in- need be no fear bnt that when all tbe cart- aUtetlon. oRce. hcgel. l^dry. bml facts am made known whatever action
Is S tpring ehictan n desOly wcap ^
family phynictan, nnd many
;ont That's what n Cbicngo poUce Jus-1
tag alley, atev^. tete^aph or meaPMOr aerTtea. aad fdrbpta the em- aats o fthe xtafe will be promptly aad lee to trying to puulo out. Mr* 1
Uveiy taken.
OpbeUs Ockanewaki of Dtion slreef'
pteiaiaat of any child
jMin. totwaaa tto tonta ^ six ta the
tad her husband bed a row over tb<;
Chovy T~*
- iiMlni and saren te tha..9arnteg.
Alma, Mlch> Ang. S.-Fnrmer* te proper way to sopnrnte the pin fenthfrom a fowl. He struck her over
thU vlclnliy are greatly passled over
-Aa Mt of IMt Asm raaponalbUlty a poeullar blight, which to woHUng de- be bead with it and the threw n pall |
of Bonldlng fater over him. lU-'s In
"iter mall
■tnietloB npon cheny tree*.
You cannot afford lo let the insects, blifht and rot spoil your crops when you
psetora, aad ptoridea that
This anme blight baa been reported Uie hospital land she's In the lockup |
can ifc. one of these "Sure Shpi" Machines that do*rs the work riyhl, and at* a
la cnia of ownera non-raaident
In vnrienu parte of the state, with ao
SboplUlers in Bosgao were delected
WchlgaB tta tsmaat stall make
xattofaetory explannUon of its nil
C.kt.-U* S.AVIXG IN TlMli, LABOR AND MONEY. A trial will convince you
Improvamaat and ebarga the eorti
drteetivc*. hut showed fight when ar-.
that the abok-c statements arc facts. H your acreatfc is not large, perhaps you will
agatest bU rest. The raporta ot Ic
work before tbe trees have yielded all rested. One of the wontoi lhie*-ce.
want a hantl'spraycr. WE HA\’E THEM—ALL KINDS—KN.M’SACKS, COMthe frerit. so that, laden with cherries drew n batcher knife and sudibed Miss
one of the delect■ PRESSED AIR AND .VTOMIZERS-the greatest assortment ever shown. Now
that are about ripe, they are denuded Bdlth Thompson,
Both were arrested however. toexamlnaUons which somsn.v .,-.,
aaA Jartten to the pnri outa-lnwreau of lenvet. which gredoally fade to
is the time to get ODC.and be prepared when the bugs come.
aCarteA. T^o of the Aepaty Inspect- pale yellow and dreji off. A tree thi •M„n, M
Yours lor "yuality and Satisfaction,"
ihem. The woman who use.1 the ^ many physicians faU to
an worn employed are wommi. toc for bolding lu fruit after* tbe falling of
«stridt aad tta other ter toe vM of
« prescsito.astrenao algbL Many kntfe gave her name a* Mrs. Bertha; curefeoiale disease.
. tto state, who look more aspeclally cherry trees in the city'hare already
ime was Alice McDonald.
. _ i tiding with Mr*. I’mkhsm. at Lvnn.
Aftar tta teteredu of toe wtanto and
M-hen scntMired to hang as an sc-1 Mass. To her they an confide every
tolMren. AmoBg noma claaaea of the
•siorT te the'reuif murders of the detail of their illness, aad from
paprtaUM toe Men that the ehlldi
Ceocrsl MeuN.
■tooM wot be moployod aeons atnnge
Mayor Voodward of Atlanta. Gb.,
has devtored against the clawhammer J. G. Rawlins was asked U he bad any-: Ula Mrs. Piokfaam can sdrite women
ato toraaaonabiq. but by tact
Traverse City, Mich.
tiMBS tta laspeetors are able to lend baUL He saj-s he will wot attcad any
htog to say. He replM.
My eon- ,
IMS late a» appitotsiioB of Ue lav foBcUcB wtare a dress salt is a
•eienee stands erect, you can no more I witws<—-------------tortaat dtewMeratltos tevolved. Bran'' Mri to make him wrleome.
The late Bason Alsbone De Roths
imifu tto tolUrea ttomarivea, the
ptwaUac pasikw for money getting child’s favorite way cd answeriiig Jm
pertlnoBi aoesthms regardteg Invest
aaema te torn uhen to
Rawlins, s
The childrens iViind—
tton am ca^ to their'
laents was: -tf you want to dine well
aaaain earetega. A boy of Aftcea wna take such and aorh a stock, but R you reqgrcod murderer, will hang wlth|bto*ii«jiMit^j^.io^^^^
1 with by. toe of the wo- want to rteep Well take some other.' ht^ at will their negro apwmipliee. Sgaptlh. b
man tBMartora not Itoc Sisee. He be8lr Thomas Upton, Utnl Ikirta
Drives oot blood impurities. Makes strong nerves and muscles.
Kweed to life imprtoonmeot.
Itognd to a family eomlortabtr rtreuB' mouih. 8tr Wnlier Pnlmer nad
Mrs. HlBBte StaBord. of Montrose,
tV-- alaaeto. and had no need to crowd hto Otolcl Oooth were all anetlod the
Gives tone, vitality aiid'snap.
same day recently for driving their ame do Flint sad made etanplalnt' ZiSi»—«« *»»
TaeaUto with shop work as be
-Get it irem y«mr druggitf
toteg. She naked Um w^ ta wtold notomobUe* nt n high rnfe of speed BgSlDBt her husband, Cbsa. Stafford, pd It so* tea f
art have a vacaUw of real and reecM- arar Bngitoh hlghwa.vs. qouer* nt rhST^X as«aiill. Mr* -Stafford *a.vs :"’^^^,^^ot proof estaUbh the fact
. Oldham hated .to court isrenty-two W ttafon b
tlna. after the
u a party for him. tost 8mi-' Lydia I
torisu wllhte twtoiy-rooi. bOnre. the -rie got up
day was Miv StaffonTs bltthday a»i[*^'‘
AM* ctetoattec to 91XC



ToQire aCoMiiiOneDay


A mmm ordeal

Aspinwall Spraying miacliines






Farmers Supply Co.

127-135 State Street

Jayne’-s T~onic Vermifuge




|thi WMHHTBtmrl
Addnu br Ha. Bolopta tamlenx.
MilEHor cetanl of Caa<U.
Totto. Ai«. 4. M A. |».-Tbe talk ol'
Addrca, Tta Kbvlfmior* of tta
fta Bata* suTttM €C 8tataiu>
WUIto UfUwtawd nmtaerta u> tta Jtftawe Orott ttadf." br
of tta take Curtm’
Tta wu >aMiniwn»»™ will' fUae,. ^Idat
-----tea f« tta Mud of Htahdta Ao«AddrcM, Tbe FtitsTC of A»erte»n
udiOTta. « to repofWd ttat tta B«»- Commetoc.'’ bj lien. Jaliu C. Bor
...... an nduanr KtmLrke&lBC tke ron. tJWted '8t*U* .ota*^ fro®
d dt ttsMd MS MuUi
of tta Tbbu rircr In Nortliera
Affoof tta priiooer* wta feU nto
ito tand* of Ike JntaoeM an taktolin
btesd ore Oorernar Llnpootf. tt^eotf
Ctdad Bapidi. MIcIim Ang. 4.—Tbe
OB^ tad 3.M4 Dta.
Caalteld balldlec vas itnck br lighttintM Bta. AU*. 4.-M. witu. tta nlDg oarir thli morDlnt. scuiog Brc to
Bt**’*« pence earor. wn* intradoeed tbe buUdln*. The ipcctacoUr ttamM
to Praidmt Bootardt ct 8Mnoi«
iNd a iMi of IIOO.OOO to tbe buUdjlill thli nfunooB. TM dent Mm tag and the untaU. The iceoe of tta
Id eomptay tritb »nn» Bosen. tte
It 19 and 21 floalh Otuwn (treet.
Btaflnn UDtanMidor at Wa«blo(toB. Tbe prinelpal town arc John Caal•antred at Orater Bar on tlte lt:W tald. »40.0»; Hone Coffee nnd Splec
. tjDjn fro» Ke» Tortt. Tbe pre-ldent eonpanr. wi»Oi Harr.rr Sermour.
alio roetf rod Bwcinal ottar vUlton.
»6.«0; EUloa ft Mm» Printing a
U. Witte rlilted aeretal Anaoelal
bdtaei In WaH atreet tad U ii1>eaered Ptay. nsjwo. _______
ta aoaDded tbe tanken ae to raiilnc a
New York, Ang 4.—Mrt. John
Jane BMilta loan.
CnrlWe. aged 20. *U« of the fwjuer
SauU Bte. Marie. Aug. 3.—A large
abd MlbnalaKie crowd parUdpated in
New Tork. Ang. 4.—Ruisell Bage I*
<tta aecnd ftar-a celebraUon oC tbe d» run OM todar- Mr. Sago cdoof lOEkt here. Tta Colo- bnted bis Urtbdar )n a rerr tnn<l
war ot hlf 'eennirr tame oear Cedarvet and Heda band Mfenaded Vice bntat.L.1. He'WMi there at no«
. Pretideal Fairbanta and Ooremor dar-for fta
Ume tbls snntne
Warner' at tta Hotel Irigooto
'Washington. Aug. 6—Report* ^con­
-wornlng. Tben apeoebn wet*
tinue CO reach .the war dMartmect
^ Peter Wblle
abeot atrocities practiced on tbe Inno­
tbe take Superior roglM
cent nallres of Samar br tbo Filipinos
,, albert.
Vice Prealient Fairbanka. who was of tta island who an opposing Ai
. attacked wlib indlgetilon poeterdar. U imt domtoation. In aevcml Instai
nnilfct who have disregarded the
.Tta aaual parade rc«erdar prored commands of Uio "Pblafnnw " tare
- to ta an execedinglr prettr aigbt. all been eaptured-ud beheaded.
ttacomemoBl rcueli. In^ludlnc
__Asttatlnapln. Aug. ft—Dltpalchu
eane eotiera. Under* and tngi. -Ming
gallr decotaM. ^Ice PrcHdcnt Fair- from IMran. Mocedcmla. tell' of trefli
banka.'Senator Bnrrowa and a nmnbei
of leTlUd gaeda boarded the rcrenne
nasucrod br the BulgarUns.
cotur Ttaotiottu which acted at tta
Sacihlp of tta fleet, while Gorernor Dnsponknble outrage* were also eomWij*ee and hla atnS. tM leglalatlrd mittod by the Turks.and mur of tbe

eeisRgnikMi and a nonber of ladlet TUIagers were kifled.
wan on the nroape cutter MorrlU.
Vetlew FeY*f tituatita.
Then cane tta ileamer Pl|llade1ph«n.
New Orletai. Aug. 3.—The yeUow
carrrlng Altornef Oeneral LcnMfrns. fever epidemic eonUnuo* to »pread
tbe oneial roproteolaUTe of the Dotoday a c*m of the disease it re■ini« fDTofnneai. Tbe other craftid M fsr no'nb as Texarkans.
U' line were tta paird boat MAcklaab.
LPiaF' The auihoriUes are using
oppir boau Marigold. Amarntb and
. Some, tad the toga Sehenek. Merrlek,
Oetanl. W. ft. Rolb and W. H. Beyhas issued a sUlrmeol to wiilrti
says tbo laifmallOD of an armed t
fllct between Ihc'guards of Louisiana
and HiasisstppMB rldleukraa lie sa}-»
cordial feeling exists between
BUtes of LonUlani and Ulsslppl.
Two dntlis from the fever we«
poriej-thts jnerring.
Blanchard El 1;30 this
! Loulsis
_ special trajp^on the taiilsvllle ft
KastaTnic"tad also on boats fur Kigo^

V, Tta band etntdt^WtahiapMiig air
^ aa tta fleet alowlr gilded Into tta Poo
. toek and peAapa tbe prondwt perun
to tta iBaMn gaibering wai HU*
Btair Poe. tta Mir dangfater of tbe
lau Oen. O. M. Poo, who recHred tbe
congraulatlost of U
aa tar tonaaa father's
now. Thdotondi fit people Oned the
banka wkSe tbe rcaaeU wer* locked
thnnfh. Tbe eUpe preceded op tl
rtrer and urnlaig. wen locked iKrooi
Ue Caaadbw eenal. after which tber
paased the renewing boau Vantle and
Nejr Orleans. Ang. 4.—The oOlclal
Tbe land parade took place to tbe
report et 10:30 today was-fonr deaths
otMipaan, CharM T. Harm, who
tad three new cases fnWtbc yellow
Btrndnd the original mctalgan lock, fever aeellen. of the city. Some deaths
to IW. aettog ta grand nunhal. and tad new Meet were not made public.
ta wme «lrpn an antbuttoalle raeep- T-sptwf Goman and a dciail of troops
tloa. Vice Protlddii Fairbanks abd
Oovenor Warner drore to the renew­
ing sttad and each waa the object of Governor Vardauunn this me
a flood deal «C attatlon tron Ihr
to retofotta the troops doing onaninerwwd. On tbe riftbl Of Sic Use waa Une duty on the coBSL No clash betta battaiuio 6f.tta Pint tafaniry. ■■ twean troops of tanlsisnaand'MUslt'^
Jioto Peft 'Bradr. nnder o
slppl has been reporiod.
' Band of Ma). Rob^H K. Gettr. beaded
Tbe Lonlstana nsvsl reserves subr ibe regltoental'btad. CMonel Bates
Uonod St BlgWetU have just espUned
of the
iadedtlih^sro baualloBs
one of- the Misaiulppl psirol b«u
N.- a.
Third fattatrr.
7. Vn
a- But tta ma- which was ctagU trespasslug
Uon/g^ the
L WolTCrii
riMt o&d sallon
Lualsiua sratm
and the naval re^ei attweled the
mart otuattoa.
cheered all along
New Orleans. Ang, S.—There i
ttatlaa. The gneaU of tbe oew*>ta seen new caste of yellow fevie
f rode to esrrtagea.
flW deaths from the disease uj
Inmedtolely after the wrede a band Dopn today. Tbo auUorttlM eontlnuv
ORbway Indians gave as etalMiloo to fight a»»< spread cf the fever,
of <M ladlu enstoms and tasges ud employing tcveul new melhoti*. ,
' thoBsands of people taapo<3ed their
The United Sutri governiDenl has

Tie* Preaideni Fairbanks and Oovi ener Wamar In tbe goveraneni park.
wUeb TSi attended by all Ue oOeei*


LOT 110
LOT 182
LOT 183
LOT 184
-LOT 188
LOT 230
LOT 235
- ^
LOT 236
The Kind Yon Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
LOT 237
LOT 196
' LOT 203
SayPlaMy to Your Grocer
LOT 211
LOT 212

CoBfideMC et tbe Pcepte
LOT 213
. LOT 214

^ Ktad Too
Alw*yg BooflM. ana wbW. Bta Ita*
is Ota fk»r over SO reora, bn* borww tte
and baa be«tiiitodei»4er Ills per-G
aonal saperrtoloo ohsce la loftasey

OBd endwise?

Oartarto ta a hannlin wtatltitte tor Crtta OQ. Pare­
goric, Dpopa and SooOitiift Sjrsipa. K ta PleasM^t
waat^Bs acHhea- Oplom. MorpUlne
aor oO—.
im- KarcotJo
anbotanee. Itt aflo U Ita fporantoo.
flparantoo.^ It
It deotroya
deotroja Woi
»uu Wiud
n aaei.
d^id aMara
aMapa Ferertaimeaa.
”It care* irtarruusu.
oSc. It ridlen* Teethtoc TroabU*. coree CoustlpailoQ
and Ftotadeney. It
the Food, recutaieu tbe
StMnach and Boweta. fllTine healthy and na^ eleep.
The ChOdnsato Fanacea-Otas Mother’d Friend.

try ta-nd.
.-Two o'riork. addieu by lion. Tbeodcr* B. Bnrioa. member eC «ongt*H


iua«*r Ow Cte
7r*.ri ImvRM TTmv-vw- Otj 4*Sa. n. eiAsasS'


Tniis ■•vwTisnnM'tsi, 441 w m.. eGMwSu <» tft-N MnLo—


- -■ ’


I Sesn the Signatorc of

o.{i.p elta.


You natT not caw for our opuuoa^ but

C. U LOCKWlkX>. O T. * Y. A •

)ERE Marquette
rtwfXrewu. DMiviLnMw4toMS tomu>.


r.;iasz. Si arg.T.w

What About Qie UaiW JodiMat ei Mmiow
of hoisekecpere who hare used UON COFFEE

lor ftver a quarter of a century ?

la thow any t»rongtr proof.of mcrif, than the



■nd ever UerctaUsa pop^ulta
LION 4X1FFEE Is earctrill' •
Iceicd at the
direct to our %-artoGB laetortCA.
where It ta tacBUnDy roosted and
carefaHypaebed In sealed pa<fltaoes-anUkc loose eotice.whicto
ta expstad to flfcrms. daot. Insceta.cle. UON4»FFEEeeaclien
yoB arpnre and elcah as when
U len the toetocy. Sold only in




lios-hend on evrrr pactage. ,
Bara these lion-hcads for ralunblcprcminiui.

WOOL80N BPICB 00.. Toledo, Ohio.-,

fonnally asstunixi chsrgo of fhe yellow 11110.11 s'
fever siiuatlon in tin- south. Tbo.iJiTi- Town, in
ich.'^ II IS ajunjng.
sltm 'was wacht

KomicslKwch. Capi.'

tnal d^.rlln.u-n'« flr>, aii.l b. m
i-n woik, -l.ifc OB th<- tag>«as.'


•Study lu tbe Vencun liiqnl'^l'.i.-u';
mV burned I" a mail car in^ two year, la'.-r and n •ir.itU:
overt«.kU..b tba.
bl* "Cai. u.i.vr .4
Vrnelinn Rin.r I'ap.-*" a: -'-v ,
SpotllswoedCv in 1S« and ri.n-

These are all early selections and arc the

HanJsoniesUots in Oak Height^
the most charmtog addition to Traverse City, 'thi
addition is now larcely built over, and jrood lots are
not easily obtainable. TJicse lots will be sold sepa­
rately. excepting ls>. 1S3, |S4. which must be sold to;:ethcr. All must go for spot cash, and the prices
will be



Saovamber. A- O- 1905,


ngfeTsS SiSTb.?.^. Muwtv ^MWNRLaaa ibai *b—r-a.i—RUl Ewitl

tSbv virtu. ST ul



The whole bunch of



MtlSW— UM!MSI>.‘TrwreMt^.lUBb. Mia

if «oid at one lime and for cash down, would be



I Vlu todee tor gnesU ho^

'i»V •'•Hi Si?*au'^!r g^



aod CUndreto-Bsperictoce a«*dast ExperineoW

We like best «o can

a food because it stands so emitoaticaSy for pe*fe« nutrition.
And >« in tbe nutter of restor­
Tbe taoflram tor the tonnal
ing, appetite, of givin* pw
ctoas today wss u toUows; .
stTMgdiTo Urn tissues, especially
tavomtlon. by Archdeacon Aithnr H
to the nerves, iu afXitxi is that
l«rd cf 8Mlt 8U. Marie.
of a medicine.
Addreai of snicotne by Hon. CbaM
8. ftobocs of Bauli 8te. Marie, acting
lor tta mayor tt Suit Bte. Marie.
Addrem. -The 8ute of Michigan and
Ua Srildlag of 8L MaiT'ukC^”by
gneeroer Fred H. Waner.
TbeDefelop- AbSflb osMrnuunra
BIsmitai addreoB. ‘The
meat of Ue Lake Bofieriar Rerioa.'
by M. Peter tfl^lte, president of tta

....... iriii .

I UMU. LMkaml
NGld morti.-Ar' >'*'• Uta w
XoVrtnb.r, A.U US*.«w4
IT, 1b. (A.N- .'t U.

As the price wonhl Ue made accordingly and to allow
for holding as an investment. Come quick for choice
of lots.

Also One Acre Lo

Fronting East Bay S.rods and running bade ‘20 rods,
less a strip two rods wide on north, side for stret
very-desirable lot in this beautiful suburban spot.


12J Froit Street



i 1
jbUeaof It to onHe Brofeable'ltoa BOae

MtmH r»m§ /Mb fmtkmt
i WOMir MMT «t MT17 W
I ««t tfy «•*• W imfr-m \

: I
«Sr M IH lwiii»1iil)»it
md k6M «i wuqtUy aa4 «•
«Mry IMf« IMi«.
mimrnm M«r^
«tNM IMiifi^ I «M Tor, in'

Onr Mtaool win to om Fildw.
tto 2<Ui sf Jalr. Mr ttocher'f bum
IKM MgruB. I do tot nto
toTMcrwoU. I n la tto 7Ui Md ttk
cmdaa. Hr ittidiM ar« lototas. wrUtac. aiKtotoUe. ustorr. toralolacr.
■DddrU KO<r«raMI U HleUfBB BDd apoliiaK.
to*» (wo bora«a. 7 toad of eatUe aad
M litUe pisa and oM oM bOK. t eaia,
M -oM toai aad TO little
ebldtcsi. I bope yoo tod a toe yoorth.
Qlen Artor and bad a good
rent acroaa (be
oa Balpb
r'a raebt That raia teat Suednr
Bight did a M of dataage here. Aa
caa not think of aiirtbiBg more 1 wfll
done for tola ase. boplag to oee tola
la print. I wlD aeto.two ecnu tor anotoer bettOA
Toor Snntofne tor.
Otto toaa

BoBBtoh Perry. Idtoo. Jaly 9. !*«••
Oeair adUor—1 will bow write rod a
rw Idee to W ron kntrw toU-I ^
roar piB and card and wna rcrr dad
to get todn. Toe amid that r<M «<x>Nl
know BKxa of onr booie In
Idaho. We Uve- IZ mlJee froo Booner^ Perrr. Idaho, br the railroad.
Oauiea down (to War
Wa arw jaat auirennded br real, tall
With a faln-'e ain' raw.
.^t la a aew eoanirr and
Chatrfal aO (to dag: '
IB the imie BOBi toe adagi
not toldilr aeiOed, bat n will to ve
of Uwe, Tbla dUtrlet where tre,
. «woet too BM« (d giadaeae rtoto.
live te tailed the eorter Creok dir
. (pea looto rroai tor craa;
trtet. aad tto.people e( tola dlairiei
. floMe, JorfaUnUlaiit.
Jtoan’ BubciBB aaemt 10 alaat
had a frieele toe ftoorlh of Jalr. and
*e had a veiy pltoaaat time. Well, aa
Her war fmo (to aUea.
mr-toier h lonr eaoagb. I will btoac.
mingteaeeibla.lnprtat 1 reaMla,
Toara toiwrer,
• Grace Hesau.
Doea Bot dod tt K>;
SablB, July Zi. IMS.
Brarr day Ibal foliowa aigbt
Our Bdtlor—At today Aada a>e wdl
Brteci new ^ toe baa too right
1 will write Ip yen. I bare mr card
n> lioeinai or oee:
aad totlto yet. I picked etrawberrtea
(hla tamper nod earned a lltlle over
Olad 10 knew-tbat toe la Be»
Kjn. I am.p
Blaaalac wUb her glee,
Tbey ire nice and I like .to pick them.
My bMhday it tto Srd of October; I
^ a« liagto wtora
am golH to have a party dow( by
Her awaet aong la beard;
little brook. I wK1 be IS. t had a plec
Hatiad bnrriaa o« wHb <3are.
lime laal abow day. 'but 1 wu t
Br her taaghter agarrad:
tbU drenehlns cala. 1 wav lo the
Oralrtal. Joyfal. Jabllaat.
show when It came up. I have one
AN toe anabdaBu aeam to ala
tlttla kltteo:\lfa oaBw la WblUfoot.
iWaward bat to let one of lu reel to clear
white. ■ It playt with everythlagMsaehaace^ tto other day I i>
ribbon aroanf Ito neck and aoeb
'■ —'nueborg nigateh. f«n-H made, ao I h*d to UkoHt rigtii
oB again. I am very mueb Iniererted
la tbe Michigan atorles and UI
road toem. Tbe story on tbcfronl
page, part one; named “Qaeor Nrighbars.” was very lolereatlag aad com­
H. T. P. StoBMiie dito d ImOoanor. ical. ThtotoaB (or tola time, aad His
WiBh.. wllb toe tollowlag meabeia:
ao.tosg It will aorcly Sad the waste
PreaMeiK. Mra. 'A. M. Cook.
'basket, ao good-bye. Love to all too
PkB PrealdeBt. Bdan IjM


AaaUtoBt SaeiMarr. BaUta Brew.
TTeaaBrar, Joele Browetv.
ida^Wrooha. Haall Mb. Gladya
Onto. Bato Laapbier. Wetotar Allea.
HI1UW lamuHar, Stliwl AUea. Winie
Bhrader,. t^e Brwwaler. ,HeltOB
laapiiler, eari SBrader, Biouire Hdt.
Baler Umpbler. laaa Btollh. Bdlth
8dRh. BUa Bbrpder. Gladya Btaaenp.
Mamie AHea..Vl(!tDr Totoer. Loola A1'
irn, Fremoat Ppto. Theodore cook.

Tto'lBtoae tt 'called SeaBy Creot,
Bd U tiato toor me*, worhlag ooder
fr.-Ciea*^ djreerieai.'te hoild It. Oae
Migaad and framed tto holldlag. aa;
other 9«t In toe aulrwaya aad porch.
_ cMrd dW tto
toorth cot eat tto aiwbea. Tto little
four feet bigb. and
aU dolebod aa
tal^4M If real people were to oecopy
UM. Tto OBtaMe la palatod
_ color, arltb wWte Uia
and a red ehlauey makea a pretty bit
of color agalaat (to yellow hoe Of tto
Ob eatartag tto booac tbe ddl viaKor floda torMK la a large dooUe
hau. wito the dlatag room and fcltd'cn
OB oae dde asd.tocJfrtmt aad back
pBTlom oa toe other. A etalreaee leads
(B toe eecond floor. where there-are
two bodroomt. a toth-room and ae«.
; room. Above tola there Is a
Doable areboa eoooect Ihe r
toe lower floor and la 000 o
pariora b-~a tlor maaiel -with a mile
mtoor above It. Tbe klthbca haa a
floor, aad tto bathroom ta
Tto imrpela arc all of velvet and
'BrntwHa. each rdKm bavlm^a dIBrreat
hbid. and the wmlU are papered tefc. The windowa are pretUIy «

Pron aStmihlaer.

Fort Owelda. Mtob.. Jaly T7. IMS.
Dear praaldonl—I win write a few
Uam to yoa to lei yon know I am welt
aad hope'yea are tto BOBse. I am 10
Oar aebool was'Wt
nod of AprU. I have roee(«to
card aad battos. I like to road toe Icltoe Herald. My aaal Anna and
otosta Irene are here now. There to
Saaday echool tore now I thlak my
letter to goUlog hmg enough.
tYoan yoor Sanahlaer,
U any OM Ihinfci the Bt^lae •
oenrede Bckerdt
c*«ty goea to alaep la the aamoMr they
■ torntd read the aplendid letter
fnm toe far«« tofie e^
I had better

to the archways.—DotrtotTrlbooo.
prtog. m
boar at work, t glaaeed oot of the
pantry window, aad saw Robin Redbrewt aylBg to dialodgc a long piece
of gray twine thai-waa taught aereroIr under toe claiera pump platform.
Me would pull, and tug. and tip over
backward, tbeo By away, always, re­
turning wIto hia red urcast gwelltag
with courage and hU beady eyes
greedy with the dealre of poasesalon.
cot toe twine Into Icngthi aullable
oest-bandlag matorlat. and pinced
several plecea of whUe string with It.
When Bob came back, he earcfulty
loAod It all over: tbeo, scicettag a
piece of the wbltc siring, flew away
with It.
again nnd agntn nntll all
the while string wns gone, bat never
touched the gray twine be bad worked
so hard to get In (ho mofnlcg.
UMught this waa on account of the
flncneaa of the white hiring, and tested
Bob by ptodng more pieces cf white,
altereaitog them with rdnk. flner.
string. As before, hr choso the white,
plainly showing thal It .was eidor and
not quality which pleased him. '
Arier (to nest to (he maple tr
Itolahed. Mr, and Mrs. Robto Red­
breast settled dos-o IQ keeping house.
Mrs. Redbreast, well knt>*-|i
borne without a baby Is a poor affair
at best at ooec act about aupplylng
that arUcIc to her home. Alat for her
h<^! Busan, the Wg, black est, dlsraveied toe host, and
rossioos about thoir nilncd home. and.
Judging from ibeir-tones. lo« their
temper quite like people, /t tost they
and for several
days flew aboat. piekiug worms in the
garden and ezamlDtog the prospceia
for ebcrrles.
t togaa to think that they were
cosily discouraged, and- beramo Impa­
tient at their lack trf ambition. How
i was too haa(r to fonning an
opinion of my fealbered friends.'
About sis o'clock one sunny uinrulng
saw n.strange sight A small kilo
cll sup^lM with a tall of while
strtog, whl^-aur sod. In earelem boy
raahlon. had left on the freol pnrrh,
was slowly- moving down the path,
looked closer, and t here wa^ Rohlu
Ibroast turned ihler 10 acquir
coveted white atring. Ho gathered
several strands or It la bis bill nt onre,
and bopped along (be path, only tp-bo
broqght Bp suddenly by the weight of
(bo kite. Every faltore but made him
try fhe hanlcr. allhoogh ho felt over
backward many, many limes.
At last be took bold near cnongh
ic kite tp fly up vrltb it. A puff of
wito caught the kite, and took It robq
In and all, over the fence Robto let
go of It and sat'on tic feneo, ehlrpiDg angrily.
in a tew memeats he gommencod his
struggle all over again, hot this ifme
the kite felt Into a samll apple tree,
from which ho was unable to dislodge

be writing again, la It hoa betm quite,
a while atoee I wrote. On the itih of
tbla month we had a river going down
through oar fam over sTfoot wide. My
g weal from brother and 1 wont wadlog In It That
•e City tWa apridg- 8bc writes nhtot when papa retnnied froai Maple
teat the boye aad glrte.are drilghted nty be broaght grandata with him:
with-the Mto aad that by tto time we aho stared ontll last Wednesday. At
- fw0 tbe «i« Hat or aaoM totrv will noon yesterday my onrie Bdwtn. eoushe miaDy taore wembere. At their dm iB Rath, my opoaln Amot Popleatoae
medhig wBcera were elected aa given : aad wUe aU drove lato the yard. Oouita (to head of tola oolaiim. and afloi In and wKq sUyed last night (hen
the baataieai meeting
took the S o'clock train in Ibc morn
nouB were oerred. So far oar largeat lag. I went out to my nacle's tost
braach dab la amoog toe ladlaa chll- Thnrsday. Frein tboca my eoosto and
dfen at tto ladlaa atoed at Heopa. I wont OB 10 Clear take, where my
OdH, where tfaoro are aearty Blnely auBl was camping oat on the berry
. iHtobtia. bat It tbey do aol knk
plains. I got to (to ptolut at 3 o'clock
Watolagun win eoea to op ui toem. Thnraday and left at S o'clock Batnrday and I bad :s quarts of berries, be- 1 wrat to Ms aaslstanre: but to had
dM ood wimt a Bk« lot of letim ride haring a lot ofTaa. Thrrc vras a
we havo tbit wedc from oar aiaod boy out there that was a real down. changed his mind about oatog a ktte to
«w nest for to never rame
. Trareree aembera. aM alio fiwa oer
fne H; nor could ! And hla new homo,
though I was aura from hla oedena
rmd a^ng tola^.oureelv who.
aM happy aDUgs- that be bad one
oar menritora wriu aad tell a. of
•, Which B


moBBUto. and rtvera. and yoar ptaal^ ^ liuie^^
dato tret...• though Bto
“2 1
^^twn suuday
a tflp tola week to 1
and back to Norrirrme 10
SBBday aebool at bait past (wo. .1
thtok m lettqr Is kmg caougb.
Prevemom. MIto, July 17. II
Danr Preatdout—1 have a MiOe
friMid hr tto name of Bdto Pblley.
Mtoarva Palare.
Bto haa htoa aaktag me (e and la tor
name. She withos to Join tto 8a»A Daira Masmien.
ahtoe einh. so I am aaadlng yv» hre
Uttle HtidrM Croto. of New Brnnsaama.
viefc. R. J. la pretablr tbe bapptoat
mOc girl in ibM dty jutt aow.' aara
Toor UUle Irtnd.
tto New York Tribane. Mildred^ pa­
pa. wbowe noBM la Lyman Creak, baa
JuaTgifts htff-s toandfal ttttle don't
boase. aad Mildred U hresaMi
uy imie gM store tbe world togpn
evar bad suck a bMUSol tkoUb 1

Cats' Eyes.
What U tto corvrei color tor cats'
eyoB as related to tbe color of tto cats,
is tto qneatloB which has bcea 1
awopM as foliowa;
A Waefe eat. or me knowii as
Hoe-, cat. ahould hBve.ubor or .
ige eyes. White cats mte have Id
wea. tolachlllas greea (tbou^ 1
toga are pkrmloaable): oraage, erram
or fswa cats muK have oraage or
haaat eyas: amskea. orange eyes.
Ch04 fin berth d the~M<s»er):
Staoty. rm ao sleepy. I want to go
-But you are la bed. detr.*
rmnoL rmtoacboK


MQchi^ Hhiorr
Fiiirlf|clil|aii Boys and Girb
•r mo. It K. CUTIS.

■ha daw ^ the flag tbey
and foacbi (or. In Um dty af
«Rilt rises a MMe mnawent of gray grmnRe. with deeonUani
of BBUbnmsn. east to HaBledi; Bavaria. It was dedgaol Mr tim.
otatt of Htehlgu by Eaudolph Rognrt. tbe. celebrated aeulpUr.
.klm^ a MtaUgaa man. lu coot sras ov^ sevonty tbounad
AoOara. It is raowned by a entoBaal xtotn^ ot Mldiigaa -and
mmuag its deenratkum are (nor sutuce reprweattog wdAora of

Durtag tto dark days stoteh aetued down ovto the Unloa to
|g«i; the Area of Hlebigaa'a patrtotiam buraed brightly and
steadily- Whto at Isai there mune that April day when the etara
gbd atripea vrere flred upon at Port Sumpter, tbe aewa rang
through the state like a clarion call. From the qalel (arm bomco.
is every little vOlage. to all tto large towns and clUea. evetywtore theca was as laatant rallytog'hreaod the oM flag. Aa eoo
man. tto youag mmt of.Mlehlton sprang to arms to defend, (bo
VutoB. Tto aewa of the sarrender of 8nm|rt«t. with Preridoat
Uaeotoh call for 7S.OOO troops uw^ over the wires from one
end of theeonatry to the other on April Utb. Governor BUIr
laaned a proclamation ralltog for the odlsmcst of Micblgau'a
qoou OB the 16th.- The tanks wcrc.flllcd at once. Btole militia­
men already CBlIstod were gives tbe flnt daolce. aad so gij^was
(he cathnslaam that In many eases money was oOerOd them lo
rcllnqulsb their piaces. only to be todlgaantly refoaed.
Tbe regiment was to ibo Hold to advance of (bo Ume deeIgoatod by the govcrnmeai when lu lervleea would bo roqnlred.
When the order to marto came. It waa at onco-nn the way and
waa the first wostera regim'ent to rwb Washlagthu. K* oflulir
menl and organUaUoa wore •“
'Nat Its progreat acrasa tto
atalM waa a oontlaual ovation. Wasblnglon wolromed them as
BO roldlen were ever wcleomcd during the war. Aa.they
marebed to. a (bousaad etroog. to solid ranks with glKlctiuB bay­
onets. nuder the dour oM flag, the choera nf lojhl tlMUsands
groctol (torn, and Prealdcut Unonlo rec^ved (hrra amid aa Im­
mense gstheriag of pcoplo. praised them for their soMIrMIko
appearance, oompllmenicd' the stale for Its palrlollsm. and
thanked Mlchlgau through (hem for so prompt s rosponao lo bit
Tbe regiment aoon after led tbe advance of (be Unkim'a
forcoa into Virginia, and rompoted a i>art of tbe remmsnd that
captured Alciandria, (be Ural city taken from the rctola. From
ttot time on. (tareugb bB (be hrdg dark years of the war. MIebIgaiv
never tolled hcr’eountry. Her coltstod troops nflcu ekeeodt)^ her
quota to the various eglls made for men. Slie gnve her boat;
' young men from her irtibols: her fums. her shops and batlncn
bouses, the good fums of food mothers and fstherv wboec pride
they were. And (be fatbeiu. u>u. left iHistoees.buimMhr lore and
care of wives and Utile ehlldreo. at ibclr country's call. Wherever
Ihd ^tilo was (he tbiekeri. tborc HIcbIgan troops were to bo
found. Uqder (be command of ibc breve Klehardson they flrat
opened lire on (he rebelv lo Ihe vletolty of II11II Run; U Blackbore's FWd, aad they were wllb Gen MeCtollan the flrat year of
' Ibo war In Wcat Virginia
In ue: they served with (ho Army of the l*D(omac. wHh
Gra. Banks in the Sbooandoah Valley, with Goa. flureslde to VIr-.
gtola. with Gen. Butler to l,oulslsos. with Gen. Pope to Missouri,
and to South Chrollns end Georgia, and fought side by ride with
(he gallant A<d dasblng Oon. Custer. bUnsclf a Michigan boy from
In 18CJ they did gallant si-nlec to the campaigns of Ocn.
Hookei; In Virginia and Gen. Ur-ade In I’ronsylvanis. defendisl
Koosvlllo under Geo. DurnsiiK-. helpi-d Gen. Grunt to capture
Vhksborg, were with Gen.Riwerrans at ChailtnoiMa. nnd were
to (be flcld to Tennessee. HUvInlpiri. Kentuek) anil lymislaoa. ^
In tbe last'monUis of tbe war (bey msrebed vrltb SbermaA
"from'Allania lo the Sea." fought beside Ges. Sheridan In tb^..
Valley of the Shenandoah, defended Nashville with Gen. Thomas,
raided North Canoltua and Georgia under Oouerali Stoneman and
Wllaon, and were with Grant as be maretted on to Richmond.
Michigan Boldlere witnessed the summdor of Ijcc. and n Mlchlgnn regiment captured Jefferson OavU, aa be fled Itarough ibe
swamps of Georgia.
-h -t’W took ,»«.
In all tbe campaigns and toulos to which-t'l
our aoldtort were brave and reliable, pallent and
nd 8.-rrsacrtllctag,
fnclng dcalb under a Ocry rain of shot and sb-ll with a conrege
that never faltered, daring and irapetoous to charge, counilng
not the odds against them, aad wberi-vcr "Old Glory" lud they
never (eared to follow. They were in a mnsi remirkablc manBor aitrnsled with pesta of danger and resiunslbluty. wbleb
honor they mint have won by their merit.
Through all the long years of march and bailie, of camp
and SeM. they never forgot their home In ihe Lnnil of the Lnkea.
and nest to the allegiance due to Hu- flag of ihc-lr e»>iintr} 'was
their love for their atatc When the rl.vy's raarrh pas done and
they' gathered arvuttd their ramp Ares by the Uappahanntiek. in
the ptoo foresU between Ailanta and the sea. In Ihe valley of
Ibo Siicoandoah. where Ihe UlsslKslppi rolled his lordly tide to
Ibe Gulf, or wherever the foc(uiie» of war carrlotl them (br->iigh
the southland, while they aangltu-lr stirring war songs under the
aonihrrn nars. or ihc hymns they had learned al Ibi-lr methr-ra'
knocs. before they wrapped their blankels around then, and
slept* with a ronderer cadenrr rose the nirloj}:
"Hume of my boart, I sing oi Ibee.
Miphlgan. my Mirblgan
Thy Uke-bound ahoros I long 10 st-e,
Michigan, nv MirliigBii.
h>om Saginaw's tall whispering ploca
To Lake Superior's rarihroi mines.
Fair to the light of memory shines
Hlchlgan. my Mlrbigan."
Hlrhlgaa's heroes He to every great nayooat ecmelcry. an
army of ibe dead. At AndcreonvITIc over six luindrid of (ben,
pordered by (be brutality, the slow starvation snd the unmen
ttonable borrnra tha.l prison pen. sleep well, all ihclr sufferings
loog ever. There are honored graves to ihiratandi of quiet,
k»vcl> plaecs. where they were told to rest as they were brought
heme from batUcfleld and taotplial. and Ibero ttrd aamelcM
' grarra where tbey lie all through the tunny southland from tbe
Potomac to tbe Outf. but over every grave, thaaks to them aad
tboBc like them who gave their lives for their coantry. floau our
eouniry's flag with every sUr undlmmcd.
-"eb'^Pame's ciereal ramping groond
Tlielr ailenTtenU are spread.
Aad glory guards with solemn round
The btreoac of tbe acad.~
The total number of soldiers enlisted to Michigan durlBB
the war was -ninety ihotsaad. seven hundred and foriy-seren. a
grand amy to itself! Of this number toaryeen ifaooaanil. eltbl
bnndrM aad any gave their lives for their country, dying cither
e( wotmd* or disraae before Urtr teams of enlMment expired.
Hlehlgaa earn well (or her veueaas. now (nm. becoming
feeble srith age. On tbe banka of tbe Grand River, ttree miles
north Of tbe cenrer of the dty aTOrand RapMa. staada a hrautl-1^ SoUlen’ Home; where iMaa who esa no hmger eomfortahty
- dm* for UMmaelTca M a p|«asaat rmtog plac« onder the

•actog tlM etonhant.
to the diteb. but we serduehed down to
"t orimd my mother tor fifty e««u. . I tbe bottom ef it aad -dMo''. dare to
TO aee tbe do|d»Bt Jump the feaec. , hmk. tor fear those....... ....................
He Jumped iO high be reached thodey.;^ os. And dlfuctlr wo heard a man
And never came ^k tW the FOurib
, queer kind of a ahoaU Tben
of July."
I wo heard wbeda. and then Maadmdy
Teddy was singing this rather re-j,^; •prou, dotogs. yrm n-eantog
the an-|,o,r hay on the itht DooY you hnenr, v
nlrenaiT of the occur
it eclo-iii-s a legal hoUday?' ,Thc pot raat''
brates. He had sung it
by actual eyunt, and I found myaelf |
and tbeo we hwked op. and thora
puling Mto « li into tbe etory I was j ,ere two grew big toads tf hayl
trying to write. I couM really stoad It j -| was gotog lo gut right up. hut
DO tongor: I sront to Uie window ami iThal Roy grabbed my cluthos and add.
called him. I was very polite. TM«y;
whUper; 'Ue still till theyV*
1 raid. “Will you fdeaae come up here gtiae. you fool—(bey'll laugh ttaolr
to mer"
farads off If (hey sec us!: It made mo
He looked up. and auamed ilfcas- pretty mad to hare Urn call me a tool,
out f didoY want ihoae ana to tough.
“O auniy. dear.'*he tald.-Is H'ape- u> I laid still, and- whoa they were
rlafly parllcularT ITI lell yon what; (OOC. I JnsI told That Bay what I *
CouhlnY you eoroe down hero lo me? iboogtal of him. I thought he'd be mad.
Ill swing the hammock for yoi to half (ben. and maybe, but bejust
Jiffy, and li's to much flJeer here toughed and ran 'away, and t ran
Hum U it Iheru!home, for I was as maddy as I ei|fId
Tbls wns true; bin H I srent,
And wbeu Td told mother. ^
sbeoM be obHgrd 10 IcU him n stir
shu'd Itorgtvea me. itoe helped mo off
negotiated with tbe bestegi
my muddy (falugs. and I fell In
m.v pocket Mr my hnif-doltor. and It
"I will come.- I aald. 'if you win Iril
nme! I was gotog logo aa^ hint
me a ilnry. Teddy.*In, the ditch, but mothersald;' 'Wbeva
"Me ten you a moryT- and Teddy's did Thai Boy "grab " you. Teddy, wbon
lue r>-ra opened to their wMeti.
e bold you dosro In the dltcbr Aad
-•Vos.- 1 said calmly. -I am qnlta iro enough. I rememttored, thru, it '
tlnd of tumuc all Ihe stories (hat
as Just where my pocket was!
told in this bouse, and today Is a I
-Mr. Itoun was as kind as hind—hn
dsv; so. nwbvoi vcni wlirrewi me by anted lu treat nie, hut mother and I
lelltog me a otory. I shall stay up both thaukM him a great draiL and
aald BO. we rosMa't let Urn.
-Would a true story do?" asked Ted­
Thera, that's all- And kxA Were,
dy. douhlfuuy. '
aumy. 1 dooY care If you make a story
-It sroaM be Ibr brat of all.* I an- U U-you can rail me somethlag else.
racred, promptly.
Or—If you dtid that, the
•Ttora It have to lie loog?(oiks that read It would nay. That'*
“No. net vary Iona if it Is lolorof ronrar.' so you
can Just pul my real name, anff'miy I
(sill yon lu. this way. aad than thryll
-Well. I will; or. anyway. HI iry.”
He swung the hammock'fn; me. Just bo all mixed op!-—Youth's Compaaas I liked It. aad brought a sofa-coshtoo for my bead, lie isagaltonilllUo
•ablra Of Upsnda
gi-ntlcmon. When the other boys
have gone leto a field to UgamU.
plagge him. and call hllti -girl boy.- bo
says, stoOtly. "My mother uys ‘ladles and (here fonod uae €^ our woaMS at
flnq where geallemon. are.' and my work wllb a toe. wrilns a Mlsstooary
Sister to nonsboo'e. I asked her where
mot her kunwt.
"Il was last FOurib of July It hap­ her baby. "Marla" was, and riir polnlpened,- be bogas. -I was a IIHIo boy rd to a spot al some dlsuaco where
then, yon know, bol I knew Iwller. si the bansuatrea were (hick. I .watted
(he sane. The Grralost Show on E^h under the shade, and to raid I sought
Ibc InfBBi. The mother was greaity
the ft
Ibo day before, and ramped out <m! amnsod. and utged me lo search forthat big fietd Jusi ouulde ot Urwn. 'th”-; rasurtng me liyH the HtUe tma
There were the splendidest pictures; waslaol far'away aM was (aM asleep,
en the (cnee! Tigers aurl Hons and : I had to -give up," au the mother to<*
monkeya and folks riding tbe gallop-'me by (he hand and tod mo’to n bit at
ingrat horses 1 e.-er saw; and
doth 00 tbe ground. 'Uuder Iblf--''
Icpbanis, rag was tbe crown of the haby s brad.
lihanls—oh. hushripf of clcpbonts,
when 1 uve.1 to think aobodr ever while Ihe body was In a bqto deep
for tho feet to rest tw (to
rould hsvc mo-e than Just
fihkni SI a time, tbcr'ro' ao dreadful ground. To my sarprisc and expoataknow, aunty. PMher said he'd' Ullons sbe said to her own tongnagn;
take me to the afteraootiJperiorTnanra.
to n good eostom! 'WbeB a
iclegrara came to him that vcn-l Vganda wtqnan goes to boo II Is ool
morning, and he bal In go away; but i
f«f ‘>er baby lo He ailrap 00 the
e raid If r.I mind Mr. Ihinn. and nmi»i"»«a. as II might lajore liaelt by
1- troul.lesoo.e, I might gowRbhlm.jfol'tog-or. If It awoki-, « might crawl
knes bo s-as going, for Al Uonn had i »»V- Tborrlorc wCmake a hole like
'Id ni.- thnuigh Jbe fraoc (hat be was 'hl» Bud line It with soft, elran leaves
going ... ..ko him on,I George. Knlhrr »Bd Ml our bal.y safely Into It ao Utol
hurrK-d up .0 be could go and aft Mr, it eao nrllhcr crawl out u.u' roll away;
Hunt., aad he api.l all right, be sish.-d , «»<*
haow raaelly where lo find tt
Ihcre was a ddnen of me. for li was when we cmi.- from the fields.- Bho
fun like lo see toys s( a 'rJrrno 80 ‘ sold It was perfectly safe from wild
father gave mu fifty era's lo s<-c the brast*. because j< was nld-day. I wool
elephant jump Ibc ^une«^• Jaw like H ' next .toy with my ramcra nM tboogb
rays to that song I was singing, you.«l>« >hls occasion tbe imby was
awake. 1 pbotograiibcd her In Ibe bole.
-- "Oh,}«.' I said.T know! "and tbeoj
---------------- :-----he wen. on.
Nstural ayshi or *ks Mlllo.
I waa sltllng eo Uju front galb—It's Weird mnslc ran afien to .beard
got such a nice broad (op, I ufttoi alt along the abores i>rthc Bed itoa,JU>d
ibere—when a toy ramr aldng. 1 never . rcrembles In s.nind the notes of an
did find oot bis name, so I Just have to enormous ralbedral organ,
call him Thai lk>y.
Selt-nllits declare that the mnslg Is
"He Ulke<l a IliHe mUllc alnnt hum- pjn ly astura!, and conus from tbu
Ing Hons snd Hgeiw. aad h'lw he mrant unrl hills. Karri, dry |«riteles of sand,'
to do I1. snd then be said: Lel't go whirh brrak luose from x£o summit
have a look ml the circus!' I laid we of Ih.- hills’, ndl down the stogtos aM
couldn't g<H In. and <1 wo* going thai rause a m.'slral vlbrallon.
aflenioun. 'Oh. I Juri meam lo sralk
Nature's little organ has beet a mataround, aad hear 'em roar, and Uoe ter of dlscauluu (or maay IMraed
wbst w. CDUM thTT/ngb the b<rfos.‘ he bodies during recent years, and It waa
said, snd it sounded like sueb fun that only enmpsrallvely roecsrtly that thN '
Ij w,-si
one possible exptonslkm of the mys"We hadn't gone hot abbot half-way lertous music was gives,
! when we saw a boy renatog like everySimilar sounds have bees hoard at
thing, and as be went by. hn ghoated, 'Kimberly and tobes- pans of tto
'Somo of the elephanu aM thlags got Transvaal, a-d they aho own their
mad aad broke loote. and yoa'd better origin uwths bills aM lorac sand.
. iren fra yoor lives!' We were tom;■■ -■ -'reared to run tor a minute and that
(.angnapM In Japan fictoWs. .
I That boy raid: 'It's all very weU to say y A very ilgnlflraat thlag is the looI run. bat If (be brasts are loose, they gu^ wbltA tbe cfalMma of Japan
' may be cemlug both ways!' And be'd are ablignd to Ihara la the pahlle
t hardly said It. before, sure enough, we schools. School nuendanra haa JoM
, raw two eleptoau. or at Iwt we were been made compntoery tr^ aU M 14'
sare they were eletoanu. one cotbIbE yean of age. ne first (our ynora they
oae way. and one the other. We didn't,ace taught tbe Japaarae and Chlnoao
think tooui getring orcy the fence and languages aad the laM (our rrars
rrantog qg sideways; we ware too ftigliaii is added. ThU shows w^h
scared. 'We're gM to He down In (he what peeplea Japan expects to find tbe
ditch—mByba.ttern not see nt.' whV' cloaeat allliaera aM the greaUR preeparedTbat'tt^. U wu preuy mnMy{perttyc-'SxcfcABta.

Iw pUMMrf «««Uh «ltk f«nl<r.
|tort bolW •**• i-d ——•----- *
« aids jpeatly la
Plato Omamber Satod-Seleet treah.|
eriip eocambera. Pare and Utow mavertiBc oiberv|se.-plato aad oidlthem into wafer for a haU boar. Get lary lato very attoneUva sad appetlsla tola sUeee; soak to fiert rery eold;
Salad Dreealag tn&aut-AML—Piece
water tor oae boor; drato. cover with
Preach dreeelag and eerre at ooce. Do >f butter the else of aa egg. Yitwl in
Iiapa tt waa. bet we matter, let It go­ not add sbH to tbe water. butUeeagranite' baala. add eUied Sov tin
to Uiiak about iC
renlcBt add a piece of lee. Do aot let iMRc. Thca add one euptel of milk.
A ferMkfMt for •o’mt mothU
JO of tbat feding of hatred yen
ilcse ertap A-ben amoolb add one cupful of vtocA dinaer for vrerr
tsare ter another, tbe Jealooey. tbe aed fresh are the moat isRgecUble of 6nr. two eggs (bealcni. salt, pepper pot. emrmtofl a wMs ran«n of dabrtlas. are aU givmi as eriglMlIy SMd In tba
A ■•pper tor emr twllUbt.
ns eountrtos fraa whieb thay svers bceeght by tba casdribiWoen. ae by
Mry. Ibe maUee; let go aoob thoogbta.
red orridack). mastard. ssasooed
And dW>« to wart *lw*r.
tmir relativsa and friends in tbe emurtriee named, and theae srim try the*
Tton are room to two9 ud
to They are fool and unelaaB and you
Bu Salad—Boll all eggf bard aad ran srtsh: one tnbleapoonful of aai
■boeld retoae them babltoUaa wltbln remore ahella. Cut them to tola tUcee Cook UH thick. Tbe addition of n half may be aarntred that tbmr am tbs raR thing.
rlotb' tad place on a dish. vbRc. Serve
Twia «W7 «« Ud Biifcii
of your mind and yoo will be aor- Mtuee—deantne. waihlng and laylag ream will be found cxcRIenl. This
aoeki to »nd vhea U» ekUFruit Atom.
letoed what a clearing up and rejoren- it la Ice-water prertone to bolltag eggs. Irvasleg on potaloee, oocumbers. IROne gallon R water, one cup of
dm Bim.
atlag egeet tt wUl bare oo yoo, iMth T(«r It with (be angers lulo small
One quart each erpam and milk:
Aid tbo bonne In •«• aright:
ilsJns. ooe enp of prunes nod one{Ayalealty abd mentally. It will be pieces. Pnr>*rc s dressing as tultows;
A*d aflor an u 0*r—
thlid enp of rtec. When boUed add one right eggs, one eup R sngar. vaRUa;
like ridding the ijatom of polion. for One ensH cupful mlM vlnegar. sto
slowly uniU it bt-glas to ibirken.
gare a ttooaaad ttlagi aadoia enp of rnapberry Joicr. twwOilrds mp
NevR Tomato Dishoa.
r?e oadr raaeked the aiarllBg gotiir neb tboeghta do act aa poteoe, dlmlnipooofuU melted butter (or salad
sugar and n Uitle butter and clnna- Melt brawn sugar and rovR a tin wHb
iahtng the eecrcUons <d Ibe body, dogPlquante Tomato Soup—The haaoof
S;J .
-tVhara U» Ung day'i arork begun.
n and twtrihlnl* cup o( syrup Then tbo syrup. Pi>ur Ibe ruUtnre In Ibis;
gtng up tbe orBna, and rUiatlag tbe
Ibis Is a quart of soap rtoeKT Drali
_ actl. and 0"« In another-flko R
d oee-taaU cup of potato. Dour and a
I wanted to write a oorti.
whole lyalem. Let them go, let them and salirpoonful pepper. Uoc a salad cupful ai Juice from a can of tomatoes,
He bertbr sllrred togelber, gnd rtlr water and cook tun- half huor.
■ Or leeum <■ aem refona.
go; yon booao and ahelter them
bowl with lettuce leaves, fill with the strain Uuougb chccsccloUi. pot
unlU it toickcni.
Ot eirttaa the beatbea..
daedty riak.
eggs aad lettuce and poor the dressing be are and boll fast ten minutes.
Or carry tba world by ator*.
Bet tbe big troubtee, the Wttor die- over n. Btlrriog lIgbUy with a silver Bkim. add a lablespoonful of .butter
Carre q ml.l>age Si-sd tad some
FniM Cream.
•tp baud BOtae rwl and riilble tblag.
appolstfficnto. tbe deep wrcmge. tbe fork.
railed In browned flour, and when the
mtlon Into small pieces, and pack la
e gallon of wslr^ooe pint i.f
And aee It atand eonplete; .
boiled stir this Into It. After
beert-breaktng eorrowe. tbe uagedle*
n kclili- in ilii- fullowingmanner; Ini,
Lettuce Salad Vllb Dropped Dggsraspberry Juice., a eui> and a half of layer of c«l>bage; jnd. laj-cr of mulBat I'M oaJy tbe wUa oC toe eaipra- et life, what about them? Wby-fori Dreaa loUucc wllb a cream drcasing
In a bard boiled egg
r anil a llnle Mirk Rnnamno and
let tbem go, too. Drop them. aofUy. madf from sligfally soured cveaia. with balU and sliced lemon.
Deipiera each layer i>al a pinch
bolter. Bring to a boll, then add one R flour, a few |>ep|><'rs and a llltk
Wbo balUtbe MM o( the ftmL
Creamed Tomato Soup-Put
may be. bnl auroly. Put away' all rc- pep^r and salt and vinegar or lemon
«) nr a work tor woman
cret.aad Utteracaa and let form be Juice to last*, varying wlto the cream, ful ot tomatoes Into a aaueepan with and one-ronnhs cup of potato floor and sail. iWwed In this way till the krt-' CUMCNTINA GONZALES.
walir stirred togetber. Stir until
That would Mt wbeo It li dOMt
only a eoftonlog memory. Yea, lot beaten together. In esr^nest of totsmRI ontoo eboppen fine aod
> Is flttod. Add a.illile water. tJuR
It tokkens. P«wr Into s mold to bsfdtet tWak of endtag erofT day
alf an hour aflcc tor bRI
them fo^M them go.
place a dropped egg cooked soft,
It will ruokj. Cook Dlls fiHir iionrs.
Wbtp a plotjbf cream siHT with a
.Where Ue moratng work begaal
Then tbat Uitle pel ailment tbat yon
icrre at once. Auolber way la to gins. SURn and rub torough toe
Hits. J. V. ANDKI
ilcepeonlul of angar. Pour oveir
bare ben banging «n to and talking serre tbe aaUd and soft steamed eggs snder and return to too Are. Sea
One aWit I dreamed It waa erer,
about for tfaeee many yeara, lot It go
with pepper, salt and a teaapoonfn
f Mlm CImneatlaa Oeesalsa. Hotel Piw
•teat fliUabad where 1 beganl
nnris,(lasteraalsv C. A_, lo s fi'Stab ■
It wUl be a good riddant*. You bare Ubie. Tbe cumbtoallon n( a v
white sugar.
Abd I want to the Holy Oty
Brawn Kidney Beans.
tel ter from ac CtevRaad A*^ Chkar>i''
^trea It ao meob attealloo, aad nat­
B of butler, cut np and
Indv whose n»
too cold, crisp salad may seem
tR^ an aagal garbed «a a tou.
Soak tbe lieans In cold water and Dutrb dlsbrs dales l«r^ to her rhlldtered It by^ulkll^g ao mueb about K.
mge, but Is most egecllent. espe^ nfbbod Into l.iro tableapoonfuls
We atood at the end of a boanUtal tbat It wUI be bard to gel rid of
•■/asa* fVnmn Ar« wwrw-awl «••.
iy IIn another eaucei
kt stand ov.-r night. One quart'ef hood among the Pennsylvania *’
Rally wbea the ytdk beromes raised flour. Have ready
tfuna. fuwsaortaAawwriWfftaoH
YOU barntmled It royally ai
a' pint of honing milk. D whieb has beans, eqe gsllon nf water; bRI nhool glvea two unusual rrcliaes.’Lut
with (be dressing. Tfais makes
■M steep nr sAlBt korf BO AptaOte aaff
Where the bmmea were merMe- to atay with yoa. But lorn
Lera dissolved a bit of sodai not larger two hours, then add ooe rap of sugar, Is not sure R praporttoBs sbe doeH not fe» fired M tor mtasiag.
hearty lunrAeon disk. i
one tablespoon R vinegar and .a Uttk
It go. let It go. Doet pay aay attenhave hiT name nsed.
tbu a pea. Let the
>e I -/ (rted amar Mota. tetf Penmm
C^uiuiower Salad-Separalo tl
to It. Rolt Ulkiag about It. and It csnllflown- Into iDsall, neat pieces and three minutes after butter and floor butter. Then add a Htilc flour and dish, wblrh waa aa tapeRal fsroripic! wBJtoeoafytokgirfcirt kt»odosedg
Tha walk! wereoarbad wiib Ibe greea(be lent. After I *«d taken terra taV
wUl go away of lladf. Porbapa when steam them. Throw (hem Into eold
1. stirring well and often; poor water and stir tmill It tblrkcns.
R bers as a llUle eblM was made liy . koRteffailiBiKkkccer.
I mittiniff
eat graah
a loraen. add the bollliig milk,
bulling tbe hats bone, after as much As arse tor three wretsaiRf waa ooate
and let remain for balt 'an hoitr.
And the towu were aawto-atrewa. yoremre let go of It yon will fled tbat
Clly R. F. D. No. 1.
meat bad been nsed as could well be pteteiy restored lo haottfe. Bad wwa
well and send to table. If mUk
And down Mi« graaaouibed aldewalk. after all it waa only a flgnieot of ybar Drain tboronghly. and to three parts
aiodtes whk* f kaff
mind and had no real eiUtoacc. Talk of (wnllBower add one of toe whitest sad tomatoes are boiled togetber. they
taken trff fur Rber purpobes. With Ibis a*te to mfe* op
WUb the )olHe« ao^ et aolae.
is tatttor
dried apples were boiled, and dnm(>- better rhsa Permm to hriW
beallk lultod of dlacaae. and health portions of a butreb ot cRetr
will forin a curdled compound In Sfdte
Fillrd CaMsflt Head.
mp CBo
to Ibe mUtt ot the boyi and gtria
wW cooe. Quit naralng tbnt pet aU- amatl pieces. Add salt, pepper and ottoewoda.
Use a large solid enbl|Bge bead. Cat Ilngs added to fbe rich siiup Rorit.
Mr own lltUa girta and beyat
It U not BO bard after you
parsley and ebtves.
that win come away. Sprinkle the bot­ os thick. Carve o« the center of the
•Ita it aamaad tbe.maa.-or tbe an- to tbokaWt V dotag H.—letttog go of
An Unusual Potalo Salad.—Every tom of a buttered pie or .podding dish cabbage so It will bold about two Ungi. made by pfeparljig a regular llteratsrs o« catarrh.
tfceae tbtoga. You wlU lad U each an ae knows the stock poUlo salad Tbe with dry crurnba. salted and peppered. pounds of suing. For fllUng nsc beet dttmpling dough, sad placing In K
rMfite. aad yet
mwy wa* m u« rid «rf the tbiuga
loltowtog la a different thing: Ru Cover with a layer of the drained to- imped flnc.abd mixed wito cream. fresbly eot&ed and maabed pntaloos. and iltnesa overinke toe oSnidnr. K
Ib my bewUderad eoaaoe.—
mar and embluer Ulo that yoo wll
taro qnaru of mashed potato torough
matoea, stick bits of butter in this, Ut and soy spkes tbat may be • ell scasoBcd wllb batter, pepper and busy woman may lie compriM to nrxStood and wared bla baada abroad. toy letting them go. Aod tbeo. i
kMne duty ot pictaure for a lime
rotoadcr. Chop Boo torcc-qoarters < salt and pepper and sprinklr lightly desired. When fliled. pot on tbe tor salt. The damptlngs were pinched toAnd It aeemad Uke a goMea aftenuMm yoa np longer giro any time to rexa- a oipfnl of while cabbage. Mince two with SBgar. nil toe disk In this order. and bind wRI In a rlcaa Roto. Doll getoCr-and rooked In bot wnti-r. and In order lo obtain tbo oqldnor nserOt a toae day, tong «bd aweet,
ihma and woi^ and Irril
Ubiespooafuls of gherkin pickles Tbe top layer should be One crumbs, this In malted water till It la Iboraoito- served piping hot. wllb a sauce made elae. but under the cirrHmripnm it
Aa be aaU: "We bare oonm to tbe hatred or enry or bluet
be excnsable. sadln.lbe kmg req
pound too yolk of a hard boiled egg s^kcned aad butlcrcd. Cover cloeely ly cooked. When ready remove the R Belled bnllcr.
obe will make np for H bevtaite R fawnaie eo more
talking about tbto. and mU atugotber. Prepare toe and bake halt as hour. Then brown
TO tbe aty ef Tbiagi Oanptota.
cteaaed bodily vigor.*—Boaton Herald.
" '
tbe other atlmtol. then you dreusltw by beatlag to a-boiling point slightly upon the grating of tbe oven.
■Kh aMR ef toe oily U buUded
s tlto wboto^ time to uefal half a cupful of vluegar, stirriug into
Corn and Tomato Seancto—Empty i
the block loam from whieb (be roRs
Of tba yean tt an earthly Ute;'
Ibeug^. k^ltatul tboaghla..yoo e-m it a beaten egg. a taUespoonfui of but an ot each and drain separately In a
draw alrriigtbT
: And tbe bem« ef the atfeet &bt Itoa
Vriiow Faint For Flaara.
Eortd »od> a bcnullfnl place. ter. a Icaapoournl of while s
colander. Chop (be corn One and treat
Can tbere be human strength wltbAppira fresh tram ibe tree sboUld
Eight pt-.ind*
yellw «*rhre. tom- baton
You will lore it alm|dy fur the
saltspoonful of edery Ball, and black ■s direrted In Ibe Isn recipe, stil.nliil buman slniggie?
By Chrpaater Ooodwla'a (wlto.
IMUnOs R wlilllog, tore.- iiuqc.-* R
raaahliie. for ^e blue aklet, and for pepper aod salt to ^te. Wet
luting chopped corn for erumb* until ..-•ver be eaten wilhout flrai being
Can there be bcsuUfnl efanrnelMs. glue. Soar quarts R water.,
tbe sura that ablae at night, U will spoonful of floor wHb a little coM vUi yon rrarh the ton. when a coating ot washed: as ihey are In n good position
qnlle vaiv: d(»all be benuliful to yoo becauM
egar and add to (boac. Cook all to the laUcr. fcaaoned with pepper,

taire tbe glae la a llllio bM water arid
sugar and batter, may be lued to faRI- Ir.
And the towma that glaam and aparUe win be free to eatoy It. tree In mind getoer. aUrring i
A Uitle Irfi-oTcr Jnm or Jelly will
add after'yen have, mixed Iba Odfiv
and body. You will no kmgerbe de- idramtng thickens, and then pour
Am Iba brara tbeo^ of aacA day.
make s tempting addition lb baked ap­ ooe R tbe things tseing where and articles togetber. Whon yon bare
npen the salad. Toss and mix with
.. BaA tower that growl OB tba graaw
gnln strengtb-atnmgth mra- tabiiad the floor, go orer agaia inUb
ples. Drop a leaapoonful In toe core
and yopr mind will become bnayant
fork and let tbe salad be let palatable dish and an. elegant
R each apple beforec it is l^ed.
imlnter's Rl.
and ctoar«nd ntn^ aad your body cold before serving. If cbonwd celerj wbea baked in scallop abells.
to a toOlhark gaatla word.
If by mistake you get s sodp loo s
Yon cta pR toU at at wl^L abd It
wDI respond wlib a rigor and ritallty
be used inttoad of toe cabbage
Tomato Jelly-^Por tomato Jelly cook add a few slices R raw pot^o
An^ tba lIgbU tbat ^etoi an tbe
will bo ready to walk aina In tba
riTadontaea that wOl Ruke more toe salad Is bRler. It U years since
. cheertol tbouchU
nno plot of canned tomatoes with
BRtilBg. It will wear tOm iroa.—ReetoU sBlsddown intoeOldDo slice R onion, ono-brif level leaspa
that a weary baabmtd beard.”
tatoes will Uke up toe surplus salt.
minion, but 1 think tt. now. as
each R salt and sngar, and two cloves,
' ■'Abd tba oartoBB wladow of eolenr
Sweetened mulled'butler Is mad>- One llUle help Rknil qork. is a >mall ‘
IhoaRit It Ikes, the best poUlo salad ontll toe onkm is sRl. Rub through
Be malM. iritb a glimmer c< tea.
prrelscly after the ramc metbod as box kept in a eunvenhnl plara In the
1 ever tasted.
kitchen. Into wliirfa arc thrown scraps
ntrainer and add. enough tolling
•«, tba tnwbMwima tbtoga that nercr
melted butler for savory sau
poufrom the family st-wing Uial '
-r to make one plat. Soak one-half
When engaged in cuHlng out a g
waat ri^t.
toes, three bsrd-boiled eggs, one onton. box R gciatlne for twenty minutes in only dlffcrenett being (bat east,
oriierwtso b>- thrown in Ibc ragbs
Ahd tba work that aerar waa donaV
r wli.-n sewing Ih6 si
and flavoring Wencei arc nseil In­
cooking you make ■
—Chrtotlan Wtaarer Worid.
-liiat-. »-very M-wur must b
Mca thal nai­ Chop flee. Add oneAalC teaipoooful one-third enp R raid water and r>irn stead ol salt, eii
ti rV
qf salt, dash of pepper, ooe tnblerpoon- into toe bR strained lomai
d the annuraiice R baring
ads are. a dlah to be aerved ^y
Tbe an R flavoring
border mold tad eblll. When almoM Inslinetlve In some fRk hap^ ran aft.-T Die washrMb and have lOj,j,c niBii-flal («wperlrily If beavyi a
lukas. and tbe ibWbt of tul .of prepared 'mustard, aod mas all
vast. It 0.11 afierwar.1 aod put It nWay j'.,;, .h,. emtina lable, or drag »pon too-,
salad diwsstag Alls tbem ««elber UgbUy with oncvbalf rap of ready io serve Invert on a salad piste, plly endowed by nature; but Ibe n
• -O de not daam thR it mattora
again. Tak.- a scrap (ram Ibo box, { Q,((.^|B,y«iv.dle. To ol.rlajte ibis, nsmAll with celery aad msyoonaise. and
with dial y. U they onlV knew it.
Prench Salad Dressing—One len- garnish wltb curled celery. The cel­ Joriiy R people bat e lo learn It by si
clean the s|iut. (hen Ibnre Ibe scrap |
|,rsvy Mnoe paper weight amtag
there is I simpler and at the
ecssJve (allures, unless some guide
into the Are. You sRf one knife nfftv :
aminnaaews R*ffae work-baskm ;
lime mot wboleaoi^ dlab that could raoB sail, onefourth teaspooo while ery should he washed snd laid for
1 to them- Rnugbly speaking,
butter mow or
Rb*-ni have iMun scoured and pul j
i,.»t l.'.r yoiir-M l*e* ihe uiIsfaRkM) bu pteparud ter a dinner or aupper. ITPCT, two latilespoons vinegar, four crml hours In cold water to wbleh
oil or butlertablespoon R leotoo Juice has l>cen less rtrh aeettrdlog t ia*tb and purse »**f • * ’*™i'
They are especially 'good during toe
***' *“’•
" »‘ft n*"'
• m|tb'}»-'4 as an an'tie asbe* toun Ibo hearth cleta ft. fLof.—Ladte*'World.
added- The acid will lend to make U
hot lommer months and one feature nntll nlSy.^lended. sprlnkKcrisp tad britilo. cm too stalks length
that makes toem especially desirable silsd before ^cr dressing Is ndded
wise Into strips, discarding the coarse flsvors are deslred.-Bxrhange.
la that'they can be prepared in the
; s.hes. pollsb<-« it. Tte- labifR^
Micky finger* tiB your clt-aii psmi. and. ^
^ _
rntnlng. aad put'la a cool place until rap sweet milk, ooe-balf oup butter. thretas, .then Into flne slices. Mix
with salad dresaing. F»r celirr curls
Just before toe meal, when only a few
Tb. ghifliofl Kitchen.

Z ft to'aoe‘"R oZ IrZ c
tbe stalks Into one and un'-hsir
' mlDotru will bu nuccssary to add tbe
Tinware can be made to shine 1i> 'hemsrk*. Tbe o»e. it. wUh-u

resist both Water slid beat,
B salt, one-half rap R vinegar, Inch lengths and rut liolb ends toward
laai tnuebA It larmcra' wives —*'

idtoc red pepper, one or two teasporyu. of
center, like s fringe. Drop ;
only accustom tbemselves to p
Mh a little psrafflne. I^tllto «l'Ii »n ‘
.Mere., prre. Ih.-m logwtbtT '
moslardaceonllnstoono'ttaslc. '
water for several hours, when
Ing toem they would And tbem
, tru-o M .-Eschaage.
llgbtfol changu from toe bat
drip from a (Acber
LmiP rhlmneys cl.-aned wliii a cl-.Hi!
---------------------, grrem •
flour mixed when milk Is bol. stir;
prelty garnish. Serve wrl,___,_ moistCDid with paraflinc. sill not
UbIe dtobcu they are uiod to se
UbiecIRh If tb.- ruiM- R tbe
Throw Physic te the Dc
Use or I boiled dressing Into which s rrsek so readily as when dlpiw-d In: -k i. **fe to say." d.-cu..-.1 I'liysl-.y-itrb.v Is rulvbed with ba'lrr.
AmoBg tot My good (btoiB which
Tbe taste for droaslngs made with beat eggs In one dish. In anoibcr mis
Mudteal Talk givus lU readcra every Rive oO baa to be acquired, as a gen­
half rap R whipped cream
TO' II are • butter will rem«.v r slio'el any kind
leisn. "that one-lsif <d
- Mlk to tbu foUovtof «a toe art ot
beaten at the last minute.
tling. Tbere Is bo more wbRcr,-R Ink .mtn.
sad If R stalB vire-ft
.'wn. Bub K InIn-'
ns nre easily , Mmply starring
> adjDsR to a dinner thaa an o stir well and poor this Into the eggs,
Mra. B. W. B'alt's Pried Green Ttr clrnnc-d l.y ls.iilns iti ih'-m water c*m .
would ihrt.
pill Iwt- >o Ibc sta ., ili.-ii »»»b quickly In bR
stir wRl. Poor ibis into (he doable
' Tba pmaoB who wants u be beaitoy. dnwslng, bnt for those wbo prefer
matocB—Cut green tomatoes In slices mining a little ebioride of lime
pi-adtabc p.w.t'r> and exer- wm.T with fit
MwaBy. mentally, ptayiically, mus. boiled dreulng tbere Are a vat^y c bRkr and raok'three mil
OR quite tair an Inch thick. Dip them
Hub the klich.-n sink with k-ro«enc .
freely in the
n sK 'or at kasi

Salad Drcnaing—YRks R four eggs. in beaten egg which baa bcrti
toan ta M r>
good ruRpea erhlcb can be
sir.- a week. wnshlBg It out after
,h, , .0,1 f.wi like
It te a goo ibisg u> knew tost If
LM go ot tbu UtUe Irritotlona and during a lelaore bqnr and wUI keep one-baU cap sugar, oae lesspoon'satt salted aod peppered, aod then In finely ranis with hr*, soapy water ^^er^ o< w wora.-n at Du-. « :- f- >‘-ar, Sa several silver >|p. are put In toe ke«
'too puny vwnUeai that eroua your good for days If pot in a cool place. In and cme R black pepper and a llulo powdered eracker rrumbt. Fry In s parttelc of grease snd dirt will be rerannni Ih- rt,,s--I. b-r ean Im He when )ell« jf. preserves are bring
imik crerr day. DoaT Uke toom np making these a little rream. Rlbcr cayenne, one - -------------------hR spider In wblcfa equal parts R hui movi-d.
prevent seorebleg of
'pain-.! i-. r.-i-.r-.-i 1.5 swalb/w- made, ttey w
. aad put toem and nurue tbem aod sweR or sour, will make a delicious tard. one-half cup cream. Mix dry In- ter and lard have been placed. Conk
lusty siivl -knives can U- pnlii.h'ul
r; .ru,. ssrulug gaiii burning,
grcdlenlt toorougbly and
bsmi orur tooBk Tbuy are not worth additloe If stirred into tbe drcaslng
slowly or they will bros-n before ibiy by rubbing with s flana.
sai Il d.p.-i.-d
d;p,cream lo tbe bosien yolks. Bring to n are done Ihrengh.
wtoc. Lot them go.
>e last mtnole. .
paraffin.' ..r by i--lng poKh.-d up and
' Tbat mtib dlSuNbce that uxtota beBelow are Rrcn a nnmber ot sim­ bRI one and a half cops R vloctar.
down In gardeb owld until ru-t is (;•
Add oaekaU rap tatter. Poor while
twuM yoarault and your uRgbbor. that ple salads,-tbe materials for wbteb
moved. Or wrap the sirv-l In a cloto
bolIlng'liR over toe mlxtnre. silrrtsg
yea argtm aad bl^er orur every Ua
be foand In almont any home.
saturaKri with keru«-ti.- 'rwvv a day
; when
you meet, drop It, let h go. Yon cal
Beet Salad-81kc eold tailed beets
aod a grera peR>er rat la sbre-ds and <.r two, ibcB. apply -ali wet with ho>
•Cord to tout a good nRgbbor. or
«<R place. ‘
and rat toe slices Into sHtos. Line a
viBOgar or scour with t.rlrkdust. Binstoe seeds removed Cook Dll ft b
trtsBd. by amply haogtog ee to u«
salad bowl wttb crisp kttoce leaves, la toe bRIeat weather. A little ffl'
thoroughly ia hR wsi-f an.i dry wllb
eooked down and Is thick. Mlrring
dlSeruBcu of oplahm. aad apeBdlng arrange tbe beeU la
thick (wcam may be added when ii
frrauently to keep from burning. Sea a flannel eU.tb. nib wltb a flannel and
s ite hRory «r loraigra-s »
yowr time quamHug ever It Instead eentee sad pile ma
lo taste wiib salt.
of cBjoylng emto otbur and ulUng top- Serve at ooce.
Cream Salad Dre.ssing-tteat antil
Ml. s> UBIVRU, ftast—t
To remnv- Maio« from a lava'nn
about toe things oa whhA yo4 d<
Blrtag Bean Salad—Perbapa Ibe well Mended the }-dlk R an egg. half a.
basin rub wnb flannel dipped ia kero­
^ meat doli^i R an tbe salkds i
I l^as.-*
level tstapoon earii R salt and sugar,
sene.—Bxchsn p\
Don't argue wito anyonu anyhow. It made at tola aeaaoo ts tbe string
When baking potatoes prick tbem
u eigbtfa teaspoon pepper,, a levri
srin do BO good. And
salad. For tbU select yodng. very Ublpspoon best prepa^ra aiuiiard and deeply with n fork before pulling them
BT. thal arguing manna certain tCBflar beans; cot tbe airings from — —poons hno^jukc. Seqld In tbe oven. They will rook better
death to tore and frieadsbip. Ton may both sides, aad then RU toe beans
R rich cream in a doable and quicker for the pricking.
Ulpk not. yon may boi» to araompltah, .Iragtowiae
in three .pkeea. ThreiT tbnUer. add a kvet leaspa
When mtahiog poutoca osc bR
BOBMtolng by argotng, but you will ac-: ibon lato eold water unUl resAy
lUk. and It yon have bt«n In too: cntly dUastroni? Then work and pray
stareb. oRstened with a
rampUab wothtog but» ton R reapeR > cook. Cover wltb telling water: add a milk, cook five minutes, stirring coa- tall or using cRd yon will be sur­ that right may come of It—conw ar
tor aaeb otote aad tot total deatrae^traapoonful R salt. boO te mlnntea; stoatly. Add a ptoce R hnuer toe prised at toe difference In their light- tbe lilies come—up ooi R toe black
mud St the bMtom.R Ibc poafl—up In
tion R ttaso klaAy foRIngi that oecc | drain. Oover^to cRd water tad kt site R n hlekory ant. and podr grad
•Btsud. ReapeR s^ek otoarin opln.|theaB staM 14 or IS mlnutea. toea unity into toe flret mlxtnre. Beat toe
Wbea making Jam If a clean half to tbe sunlight—pure white and beau
loBs and M go toe arguing.
pR them back lato bR^ uasRtad white R w to a aCUI froth aad fold dRlar Is pteewl U tbe bonom R toe UfeL
CouU tbere be lUtes wltbouf ^br
TbR HUie trart that yon leR from aj water: bring lo tolltagVdBt nta coo^ foM tot hR mlxtnra; Arrange toe pceesvTtng paa tbe bvlt wtu tat reWand.Hibapi Ewnanttnfied.per- U mlnutea kmger. Dmto.and'itote salad ta a Moand In the oratar R a qsMSurrinc. a»d tt wU keep btswU-




CatttMri b M Tmesi temtaiym




jriwoNf m e^s CaWr


Oririrtoll Brb'therc







®irat>l«j5je Uietulti.



damaced. One bolt aatered tbe weot
Bide of tbe booae. ripped tbe ddlac
n» irM jKXatPW Of Ibc MM van I OB Mr. Wtaab'a boUob.
Mayor Medrldi ataMd tbat tb«* aad taeeUac of tbe bBlIdlnc laio ellrTMdKcO ee ih« Weal markM MiadaT.
WMn «v*twotoM<tf ikni «Bd tb« ai a cMtleoBB la tbe dty Moaday en. tv«w tbe
loohlBX for a loealke for a plaal whldi aad went cat oa tbe telepbooe. breaklabtn
iO|iiirliH.T free traa aealia. The)' wodd employ between thirty aad forty iBK tbe tauer lalo fraenuou.
At tbe Bue tiiae tbe Sold entered
at tbe atart bet woold eTeatoaOy
mM tor U)lTt7 oeau • baiM.
the eart and aortb aidea of the boUdensploy
TU ear of W com of .
J. W, Haanea, aeoretary of tbe board lac. The amall porcb oa tbe eaat side.
' «tlek left bare Tbaradar
badly danuxed
aowe Biataka of tka rtilnad oonpasr fit trade, lald that be bad recefrad I of tbe booee
aafcladtba UftataiOf erldmUy'paaaed frota
SJTiTad ia Chkaco ta v«iT tad ahapa.
Uls tasto the parlor as Ue placw wfaere
na Mr «ai ro4cad to Oiaiid Baplda Trarerae C»r» ability to offer ladu.
It entered was ' sIEpfally abore
aad ataoU bare taea dellTered la
CfalMCO Baurdar, bait all dar SaaOar^ replied to Ueae (bat Ue dl^ bad roUd maoldinc. Tbe paper was niined and
iba fWt Blood la tba frelcbt abedi IM.M0 (nodt bnt had not yet eoUob mod) of Ue plaslerlnn (on off. A picarlttaot bafav lead aad arboa dallTerad. Ue Doaey. AayUlac doee wUb Ue- tore wire was borned In two, letting
eaiBa here itew duh bo dose tbe plciare fait to Uc floor and ihco
raaUrdai' BMralac. tba^fnUl araa raportad lobe la a rary pooreoadlUoa;. qaidcly. Ttoe eaterprtoe to of rail Ue bolt pamkl oat below
Tba local boym win bare to fUad and will probably erentually empk board. A doset on Ue north side of
aboat too baada He nned Ue aeee tbe bouse was demultobu] and tho raf­
slty of maklat a sbowinf aad l»- ters beer Ue north side of Ue building
T<n MIMa of Pipe.
roof on Uc aonh, east
proeced Ue eomidl with a foci that
Tba aimoa] laylac of tba dty laaJai waa aecenary to' close ap ibe natCer
I aeaUwesC slibws erldeae^ bclog
baoaa tbU waM, aad two -nllaa
laawdlsuly m UU Ue board r
•U-iBch mlBs wni be laU la tba dty bare Ue wbmwlihal u> act when Ue
Tbe borne of E. J. I’pdlke at 21
. TUB b oaly aa aTerate leaytb of mala
Spraee streei tras slighUy ton up c
JartBK for la 1900-foor bHcb were laid
A peUUon Blpaed by Praak HaaUloa Ue Inside. Tfac ilpblBlap cnicred i
loUowad tba next year Iv tbi«a nnai aad oiben aaklas that WaiUaEtoa tbe norUwost corner, s
red U
tbM two JOlbB la UOZ. wbea Ibe work sueet be pared trooi Rallraad aveaoe
waa BP wicb tba appropriaUoa and to Caa* aoeet wfs reedred. Tbe petl«Bly half a Bile wBi laM tba followlBc Uoa asked that Ue prellialBarT work and paved out U
' aaaaoa. Lact ymr tbrea mlief wera be dona Uto year and auied that tbe biteldins. t
laM. Bota of tba work bebte fourtaea- wIdU and material woold be deter' -The Ciltooas.Teleiibone CompaDy
taeb mU«: and Ow eoat for (be b^ mined Inter. On ncdmnt of___ _
bad 200 of tbulr local jibuoes burned
m-a work wai aboM m.000^ With
to wbetW Ue proper wnter eat aad Ibe state line was out of eomthe Blaer atalaa aboot to be laid tbe malBf bed been told or not. Ue matter' mtosJon for a nsmber of boars.
Boat tbb year will act be orer M.600 waa refpTM to Ue water committee
The cleetrte lipbli thruaebaal the
(or tba lOJoe feet of aU-toeb plpea. akmc WtU Ue board cf pablic works. dty were sllxtatly damaecd.
Work b abH bdat poabad at tbe cecae- Tba realdeata want Ue work bepaa
tery for priyate acn’Iea la tbe Iota, all cariy la IIM.
Peace NepettstioRs.
City ^Dxtneer Caldwell suted that .Oyster Bay. N. Y.. Ang.
bb'bod wiatenfioa w aew west aide CaUollc school waa afler boob today Ue Ratston and Japtba deep treat.
almost completed and woold be ready
I peace eaeoys were recetoed b>
for oeenpaay wUba tbe eetaool term- President RooseTell oo board the HayPretty Carp Lake Cattaffa.
bSMi to September. Ttoe balldlnp bad flower. In order to aroid any unusual
. K. W. mttlaft aad tawDy are bow bta' platDblBff Inatallcd becaime it waa qucetloo of precedence tbe laacbepn.
Joeotod M^bebMow nottaxa at Carp bdleitod that Ud Saaoed ward eewer
whlefa was serred at 1:30. was a buffet
MJte. Ttaeotti^tibamotliwaBd woald be trattL Howerer. -Uto
eoUaUan SToldlsg tbe aeallng «f Ue
M MbdiWil
lo laat fetwrer, been abandoned and Ue school had no guests wUb Ue president. There were
bafaw pat>0«stbar la reffalar pknaer aeweracs eymeaL Tbo <
about iweaiy-flve gneaU preseat at
atyla. I»|daM «f tte bit. woodsatlac obaapest aaUet woold' be to buOd from Ue laaefaeoa.
Ira pteoB bcn4rer% More It it
Seeoad street to tbe asylom creek at
Prom Ue Mayflower Ue Japanese
of tlH. TbY commimlMtloe troys sod Ihdr sulles were taken to
was raferrad to, Ue -eammlttoe on Ue dispatch boot Dolpfaln wfaleb was
laefs to report Ik two werits.
wed near by. the Baaslan enroys
Mr. Morrar-^tod Uat tbe Sre aod Ueir tuliet remaining on tbe Uayokra system waa la a rery aamUa- ihiwer. Oa Ue two sbipe Ue two sets
SKtory coadlUoa. ^ was on a dosed
MipoUaUarla wilt be taken to
elmtt wbkb oansed tbe balieries. to
moalb, H. H.. where 'tbe acMtons
rea (town rery rapidly. He dmply of tbe peace coaference will be held.
called Ue cooncirs attenHoa to Uto Soon after Ue departure of tbe guests
because at the aen meetln* n net d Ue two sblpt got under way, coaroyed
bids (or an c^o elrcolt Bystcia. vbleh by tbe crnlser Oalrecton.
pay (or Itself In two ycare by
Sato, apokesmon for the Japanese
batteries. and.alao.a ayatea of peace party, said Uls mornlnR that be
a of wdk of Whlta Mr. Baattati potiea alpaato woold be Resented. He hoped that peace woold bo concluded

..Oita ptoad. IMlt It ao oak tabM. mM also Uat Up local cysieia oupbi but Ue BltaatloB at premt did eoi.
look bright. Russia oblceta to paying i
Eii'W*"' '“ U to oialaed la BlMlea
Ue indeflulty Uat Japan wiU demand |
and Uis U'Biidentood to be the priacl|r. HaatlW abtUtywttb toola. ne
iprapMleiul Cburch^katlen.
aaoB for Sato’s pessimistic views.
* to Utaatod oa a UH ororlaok9 formal dedTcatlon of Ue new
a* lake pad tbo YiBW. oqwelaBy OoBfrecBtloaal diordi wiu oeear oa
tsraoath. N. H, Ang.
«t a tmtoot. to opt (tat oayoaa alflt Ue mocalBf of Ang. *0. when Ear. W.
and Japanese V«to« envoy*
«Ty. A au tartkar laereasee tba B. Peddetoot, secretary of Ue Atoerwere formally received here Uto mornMoomadattoa* Ita atottora at tbe ieta Board of Home Misetoas. wlH,-de>
llrer Ue dedicatory nennan. Blgbta^
‘ Mr. Htoftitf and fUally tart, beea years ar> Mr. Poddetoot was Ue be­
IbbbIIih" tor obOBt.a w«ta aad will
Mtoa BBtU tbe ItIMibth of tbemoMli.
lt waa U t tala work UM^M became
■ tbe board of trade ia actual toadi wlU Ue ptaeUcal «pkrieoca which baa made 'him tbe
leadlBc speaker today <m the home
a bay abora i^'alte. The
eoary Heeds. Dartnc bis few
asked that tba ipbyor ap- years of mlalstratioB to Ue diorcb In
Uto dty be was greaUy belOTed by all
and bis adreet (or Ue oomlns dedlcatloo wUl be awdted wiu pleasare
by all wbo kaaw blia. Bpeelal ser
. Itod^ aad nets wiU be held ia Ue ereaWtaala.
lep. Ob Ue foUowkg ereaiag tbe new
. WIUtoM LoBdoa. a BamiMr of tbe orpaa will be formally dedicsied at a
taatd Of trade oonualuea. atated
ooBcen pirea by Q- ArUur Depew of
. . ^ fly aaadBd parka aad aarara] da- Detroit, who was beard here Use wiaedroUa plaem of load ware offered to
Mr. D^ew U. Ue ieadlap pipe
tba cHy at wy rBaaeoable prteea otpaaut of Mleblpaa and it to emlneat* Bay froatace la aalaabla bow bat wtU ty SUlag that Ue proat orgaa ahoold
toe aUll BM>re ao la Ue foUra. Good be la Ue hands of so prominent an
r«al twlata to at daatrabla aa'lamt. ateat for Ue dty as for aa ladlrldoaL
Ptaadc Baadlteo. also of tbe board
« trade ooBMlUee. John T. Beadle
toalbf tbe turd laepbar. oaid that all
wera tomtUw wlU the
Many BuUdinflS Wruclc.
the board of trade aad bow and wbat
Tba elaetrie stonq which ponaad!
tbe S60.0M was eoted tor bot op to ver Ue city Saturday'evening wu
ttto tlaie. ao aoloB had been ukea by not long in dnratlon but tbe damage
.tta oooaoB to aeeore (be toads.
done was raUer extenriTo.'
Ttoa board bae opttoai oa dedrnUe
Tbe court hoese was Bllgfatly dam-'
property and If Ue cs»b
gad oa Ue east loaf of Uo clock
aatoda baylac Ueaa or oUer pleoea. >wer. Tbe date waa tors (tun Uc
. tbea Ue eooadl win be able to «ei tbe tnf 10Bd scattered tbroogboct (be
oepothlloat la t^eratiaa. One
elgfatorbood and Ue boards of the
tbcae pleeaa to oa weat bay iaat weot Mf were badly silvered and one rafter
at Ue atu owaed at preMBt by Ue tom loose. Tbe bolt strvek wlUln
oky. It has a bay froetace of fSt tl^feetof Ue cable to which tbe 790laet aad oaa be booebt tor mo
pound dock wci^i to attnebed. Had
frnat toot Tbe piece ecatalai l» this beat ur« iotae Ue wrt^t would
* tweee Urae aod Ire aerea aad to Tory tare dropped twenty-live feet before
MmMa bacaaaa It adJolBa property cTBahlag thmogh Ue second story eeUalready owned. Bermal ether eitea Ing dltectly over the stairway- The
war* aim __
weight'to only abom a foot aqnare on
At a mebttBC of Ue board of trade, tbe ends Ue damage would not have
•re taea wera aonoeted aa a
Mapped there. The eoart bouae Is In '
' MUoa to bndte tbcae fonda.
tored'in ten eammlca.
taard wlUed Urea inea from Ue
L. K. aeveloBd’s rnaMence at !0:S0
epaacD aa whom they coakTYdy. Tbe Wathliigton street was struck In Uree
faade wotod be mfe caarded la erery plaeou and erety ttnm, except'tbeldt.
wv and an pracaattoaa .waaM be
dalHto to proted tbe dly^ tatererta.

tag by Bear Admiral Meades Uejaewa
> and oUeri and tbe formed. Yesterday pr. OriswoM s
United SUM navy, Corel
McLane I Japanese did likewise. Tbe flrsi meet-! rired again and nmored Ue infected ^Jeaulc WuU« of Wmley boepital. CMand many otber notables. Tbe dls- Ing of Ue
idaded, paru aad she
today ia a erfltoal, •
res of BBasto4Aboet
Coant Witte and BaTaj! condltkm.
^ moUer. Mrs. Mary Wotfe. atoo of C
and Japan are qaanered at the Haul Komars were Ue flrst to retoro m the] Mrs. Wltoon Is on.e of Ue brightest . cago. aad her braUer. Edwin A. Wolfe,
WentworU where tteir respeeUre
• ftdiowed by tbe Japanese soon of (be Htcblgna netnpsper writm. aad sisters. Miss Mabel Wrdfe ■
Sags fly orer their quarten. Ttoey afiswarda.
bey last work being in eonnerllaa with Mr*. W. C OreUhaber. oil of Chkogo.
will begin Ue pea
Mr. Sato, on bebaW of tbe Japaaete. Ibe Detroit News-Trilioaer Uougb her and Mrs. Cbartea W. Joyce of MUaemorrow momlng.
said *Yt today’s meeting li was de­ work In Ue magaslae realm has loag j spoils are at her bedside.
cide^ that tarmaliUea will be bdd
PorUBOuU. N. H.. Ang. 9—Tta flnt twlee dally from 9:99 to 1;S0 sad 3 to
sessloo of Ue fais)orical peace cMer- S p. m. No amrlous boslntas was
betweeh the Russian and JapoBi (raatacicd at.Uis morning’s bv-ssIuo.”
esc euvoys begun ehorlly after 10 Ibis
morning In the geniTal ston- bolldlng
Bitten by a Gnat.
Uc aary yard. Arrirlng In auto
moIHles Ue csruys were escorted by
Mn. Etta 8. Wilson eg Detroit,' for­
AsslMant Senary of Stole Pierce to merly ayesidenl of KorUpafPand now
iiMffls on Ue soroad floor. Thus
there at her aommer collage. Is lying
sertously ill. Poor weeks ago while
Is Uie hope of the ctolllied world will in Ue woods In aeareb of
rad the far eastern
by a gnat, this leaving.
Baron Komnra and Mr. Tokablra. BoUIng more than a ssmil sweUbig
Ibe Japanese ravuys. brraktaalcd in rbleh.did net talQi^ as expected. It
Uc public dining mm. U. Wlirc and ontlnuod to tBSamO'and apparently
Banin Rosra. Ue
Irtcame lafceted, developing Into a macarbunclc. Though modleal
tfaclr private rooms. Tbe
foor envoys left Ue Hotel Wentworth atlradonce was otualncd Ue.lnfeclloa
all snxiklng clgsrotles and stor1<-d tar cDOlinued and a week ago yesterday
Uc aavy yard. As (he Russian dlplo- Dr. J. B. GrisBold Of Grand Rapids
mats left Ue held they bowed to Ue nas called aad aa operatkm per-

“Sign Of Good Luck”
Tbcfe’i no tot* thing as
I luck. Pat ft “P" hrforo it
and joo have the fcqiiiotc to
the aitnation.
Lock win bcTcr make b
millionaire of
Lack will never bring fame
and fortane to a yonng bmer or luochanic.
Bat PLUCK iriU fintl a
WB)!—will tnni defeat to trininph anti reeii a golden faarvoot of anocew.

U yoB saw tbe sbm yoo know iba



2s HoOgM BulKUna. Dwtreit. Miehigan.

Grain, Provisions, Stocksand Bonds
Bouaht. Sold and Carrlad on aSorglnafor Puturo Dwllvory,
trirrvaw JUs Llhrptr d Ca.
Is^ MtaMaftaoi AitoTM
rt mailed, bee of

urasmri. W. pays
oo spfilicaik


Leom today to oianbal yonr foroaa that yon may gain fame
and ftwtnne whilS otben fail.
' We will toach yoo. Wc will ao diroct yoar efforU and de­
velop your ability that the higbeet sot-ccu will aaivly lie yoara.
Wf teach Bookkos-ping, Stenography. Typewriting, Pannumshlp; Eugliab, Couimcrria] Law, Arithmetic, Letter Preae
Copying, Mimfographing, Correepondenoc and Bankiiig.
Write today for free proaportus.

A choice line of tke standard works of tbe
besf authors—the Cornell series—remarkably good
binding, and best of all, dear print. The pobUsher’s
price 75c, ours at present



Fall term oiiens Taeeday, Sci>tomber 5.

Traverse City Business Coilege
Traverse City, Michigan

The Wellesley Girls series and Ruiby Boys
series are two of the finest lines of books for young
folks published. Good, clean, moral stories, and only,
per volume


Cbe Mcresting

City Book Store

Trice Cutting

Cbe Bebirt Ce„ Pfpps.

tnoem Off, mteb.

at THE BOSTON STORE is ge'tting moreand more excit­
ing as time goes on.

Just Cook at Chose
$12.TO Retrigeratct,, just two <


$15.00 Reed McKinley Chair


. 6.00
$6^.50 Writing-Desk
. 2.48
$5.00 Toilet Set
Scjw'comnioi"-........ ..
. 2.93
$7.00 Center Table

$4^25 Bamboo Roman Chair '
$^75 Reed Po'rch Settee
$7J5 Reed Arm Chair

$2.76 Jardiniere, large,

$2.00 Pictures

$10.00 Revolving office Chair

$Um Morris Chah^ “
Arm Chair
$6^ Weathered Oak Chair

Wdwant\Ut‘pt.-op!e of Traverae City anJ viciaity to
iiivL-atiote oar Bcbool, and have decidod to make tbe r

$1^75 Indian Baskets


$13^00 Folding Bed




liegimii^ with'tho Fall Term, we

will give a trial month free.

Thi# ineindea toition.

hooks iinil fill supplies ia either tbe Commercial or
Shortiiiiiii] >U-imrtmenL

If at the end of this time yon

am fiol uoiivincud that it will Iw to your (dvaotage to
ttmlinue; and are not i«rfectiy satisftevl Uut oor school
is ijl and more than wc claim to lie. y’on will be at lib.
erty to withdraw without any -^igotiotis to a whatevur.

Traverse Citv Busmess College
Trgkv»rso OI«y. MIoH.

Ttamsc Hcnll

' S!r£Sih

Wkaa dliooreraa Mr, JofcaaiB wai
baraad ao badtr abmi the head, face
aad BtoaUen tMt be llrad B>l7 aMrit
twaatrMar hatn.' He aaPafOd graatIr dartnc that tiBa and tba aWM lo
hU vaakfMd coadlOob ate baawad
Ml and.
Hanta K. MnBaa wn borv Pabgeldlara fa Oan* « UHu^a
a. im. At tba Uma or bh daatli be
teaday. Aagaet 1«Bwvaa n jmn. 6 Moafba aad tz darn
Seeclal tmla wiU ter# Tratefie
aM. Be vaa an etd raaldeat eZ the
uttr atC:30 a. b. Bouad trts rate
ifBioB. baalaa Borad to talaad Wrtr- IIM. The only Sunday to alaft tbe
•icbt roan aga. U addUtoo 0 ' aoaa be learea a large aaaab*
Meade to Bonn far Ub.. Tbefaaeral
aerate .vaa haU at 10 o’ttek iWe
"’eSK.TFrtoey, Aug. tg. IBOb.
Boiaiag.'U. U Carter betng la ebarge.
Ob BlK»»e date IW Maiguetla
Hr. JobaaoB vae a aeteraa of ibe etrU aaeati
vill aell ezcaraloa iJekeu. good
to mum unltl Augo« «b. IM*. ut
Sm. J. B. Hill oBeiatod at ibc a rata of »4-W for the rooad trig fr»
TmTtee City atailoa. Routt U rto
(BMeai aer^ vbiefa vaa bald at
l^udlngtoD and M. & T. Co. aleamer to
Oram ebnixB. Be *aa burled
Mllwkee aad return. Mali and
berth aboard rttamer. are not !*•
ereaa lake.

^ ^ M Ti^ PrnntMd.
«mil» UwT« Ml been n mmm fi*
doltawH la MM in tUi aaetlM thU
nm« tM onUook !■ l>rl«St for ■
b>aT7 Ml Mtmt B all Itoo.^ «
MM o( brlik and pTi>«takla trade.
Tbe tamara hare hM an auepUoiial
trtoMaaaacai. Bar Me baaa ptaatr COBcu^mPI
potttaaa iirtBlit vail aad (ralu «1U Detndt. aad mailed free B aay i
BbeoM be read br an gpemUlo
brtac«DMpclcM. Bartr fmlti taraad droa
Write f<y K todar.
oat caita waD aad atoaady th aBaeu
arabaavfaR. .
Qua^wtMm tknmslteat tba eoatrtn
va avedalO'taaorakla. BMadiradi
1M taaaraSr fcaaa laora taaa orti
MTllr *oM ta Boat naea and the BOB
Mar daUaaai B tWa toealltr U
(ban arar wUb a promte of a bearr
fbu baelate ate .toareaaed trade »
paaaioit. Cropa.vabaeatybaarraad
Ibe veatara fanaeti arm roap ndi retaraafroBtbelTproaaaB, Tbia bbbu
. good bnateat all arer tie ootetrrMBagfaiileiii ai* brU aad geuate
to bo llrair this tail. Tbe geaeral
aiptBitd tT ttn-*-*r
* eoteittea or trade Bid ftaaaee la that
tbta win be a recorfl-traaMag taU.

Oiava. IDoIl, Aug. 7 .—Harrieen B.
Maaon dM at bit borne tett and (Be.
Mite aoatheast of Cnaa Saiar.
la 01 hMitb for aome Ubb hot aeamed
to ba iMgrqvtBC'aP ««« TMdar twoe
«b« be Maalrat boiae vblM cauead
* Ua death.
' .
Tbe MBllr vaa anghgad in aatlag
dinner and the door of tba aick eaoM
vaa oloaed In order to prarcat a dMft.
‘ The bad vaa oareied vilb aioaqiiUo
naCUag aad tbe old geaaeaaaa. vblle
trytag to Oibt hla pipe, eet Are to tblr.
lie VBV e leog. tazarlBBt beard and
tpatte fitFB the boning net aet ftre to
tbbL Tbe aa^e and teBei emotberad
blB ao Chat Aa oooMa'i eaU for hdp
mod tb* faaOly bad ao JaUMatloa that
anjrtblng •

Bmmt Bf Tteb Hmm


HAD‘rat BTOttV
I girt t
iajrlBg avar.
ad vbaa the baa eaoagta aared .
M> ■)>« >• colag to buy a piano
vRb It." T*la reannrb w made
to oi
a geatleMaa tbe other
Monlag.w oar vay downtova.
We aald to him. -Hoa edd b
roar llUle ginr He replied
that the vaa *nearly eterea."
. Hov Bany people are dolag
thla aase thing, ve~ bare no
Moana of hnovtog, bm ve do
knav tbia. Oat «ba atenald litUa dri ia telng (te Moat ealo-'
alde bouie and yeara of her life
to atudy Boate. and ve knov
ate OB ber paranta are Being
PAL8E BCOKOHV; fbr If they
Voold taka M^antage of

^ tbetMrtBOLtn aitieie Ojr » tommnm um .a-i-w,
----- ------------------------------brtbeatofrfitcinMeDaiote. To ite toaltitaap ««««*»«« tbe «oit itJUWe Mid oioal

We are ahovlag an eltnaut
atoefc et Am pUaoa. coaprtoliig

tbemaalrca the facta in idatioa to from the Tnrene City Bnaioeaa
tbe vnrionaopportnnitMforenter- CtdleB* is an iaenlaable gaannlee
imt a ^neea coUeee jdaoed be- of the efficiettcy of an awJ»n«>t
loae tb«. aad tbenaeleet tbeoaa for
Tbia n tbe rtaalt of tbe <an>
vbiob anmiatakahlT ontedto the


ecerciaed in tnition by tbe brnlty
greateat adrantagea.
>C(d- of tbaTnvoae City Bnainaa ColTba Tnwrae City Bm
«u»e baring
*ith the,jyrtema
b«e, while
cridelaiDstopaaatipooanyacbool. poraitnl and the escetAwaal adinritea the^t carefol acnfiDy of yantagea of oar vorbing fafsiKliea.
thdrclaima toanpferiority and the All of UK-ae faronhle conditiooi




moat aearehing conipariaon with tbe daiiiM of other itotilutiona of the bari. led to the moat oordial rriationi between th.- faculty and tittb
Th»ii>««JpouiUo[«ii»n6rityiTO«l*apperUi»tegtb gnrfukU. uhI
~ U»l U« ~«V!
nlpmento, and rad^nnnent it
oblara alter many >-eam oi fMuent
ii oonid
».u poaaibly ““--I".;'"
ito gmdnaba. labor—namdy. the go.*! will ai^ gratefnl reongnitiun of tbe handiadg
ly the advantage of w


Tbe ewioeas ol onr gradnata right beiv at home is tbe beet teal of eelf-made young nan and women it baa aocoeaafnny tannobed npoa
.d tbe claim that tbe Trayeme Oty Bomnea, OoUege offera superior, tbe basineas vorid dnring iU nsefnl career.
'indneeiaonUtostndentoof allbrancbea comm&ly bwght inbnsitaeas^
After 6heen yearn*jjpwa«e in boaineoi ooUoga work, tba |*o. *

& 0. Eewf$
goes out ol (be

’ ooDegea. Interested persons may easily satisfy themselves of this prietort are in good pos!^ to know the reqniremonW of the badnew
anecase by making proper inquiry, and vUl be cordially-pointod in the world and to adapt their ouaisea of stady ao as to coite
rightdireclionto^i^themtodoao' if thay. will coosuh the Prin. demands of btisineis men.
oiiml of this lastitotion. Onr gradnatea are to be fonod oocap>-ing ■
Tbe laD term of the Traaerae <S^. Bmumss OoUaga wH
! most responsible and remanemtiye poaitioos, to tbe entire satiafoctiMi Tmmday. HaptemberSth, and pending that time eandal insngtiggtiia
j.d their empioyms. in the Wing boabtea bonsaa of Chitogo. Grand of tbe larta berein art forth is aolioilea.''


‘ .

. ,

' ' ■



Wria*. OmII or TMlmmtoOnB IMS Tor teroMPMO%wM

• Ole bought bis entire
stock, iNioe mooed it to
our store and will close


it out. « a V a a

'Bargains for


Sfm up now. It is tbe

A Stylish Suit of Clothes!

H^fibttlnie. a a a a

We are not philanthropists, yet what better name can be given a store offering such an opportunity to the
people? Almost every clothing establishment claims to be the "low price headquarters and lays rtrtts on
the alleged fact that they sell the best goods at the lowest figures. But did you ever
■ iflBiB
hear of any clothing store, except Steinberg Bros., that offers fine, band-tailored, all
wool, late style suits, Worth $10.00. $12.U0 and $15.00, for $5.00 ? Is there any other
store that has the nerve and courage and reputation to attempt such a sale ?

60 Men’s Suits, not real heavy or real light, but good for
any season of the year, all choice colors and patterns, carefully
tailored, your choice for only $5.00.


These sniW are mostly broken asa«tm.-nte, one. two or three of a kiwi bnl in gome casea aS aUea prevaU. We are sriliiig
them a good deall* tban coat for two reaaona; (1) We must make room for ncF stock, which ia imvoo the way and we
must clear th# track for them. (2) SeUing a good suit of clothes at a ridicnloualy low prico is obiking good ad^-^iag. A
man who boys one of our SIOAW to $15,00 aaiu for $5.00, never geta over his amasemenl ami pkasare, oomplUaenW himaell,
and. having been ao lucky, tolls all his friends. That's the kind of pnblidty tbst keeps onr store crowded.

The world is fuD of men who do

but nothing enpedaUy well.
Are y^n one of thom?
Be a specialist As an expert
stenographer qr bookkeeper or
aa efficient faunneas'correepmuloDt, the possilnlitim of advanceDteit are tmHmital.’^.
. ’We win fit you to gain and boU a paying poaitioa. We will
equip yob to reap tbe rich re­
wards that come to thoae wbo
enn do skiHfnl, inteliigect work.
Onr tohod teaches to da by doing.
Oar giadnata obtain tbe best ]

Every Lady Can Own a Beautiful Up-to-Date Skirt
the same reasons as above, we place oa sale


Nobby styles, all this season’s make, nearly all rizes, worth $5 and $6. for only $3.
Don’t forget the Dtsbes and Dolls and other things that we are now giving away for premium tidtets. We
give a premium ttdeet with every 33 cent purchase.

plaaoa whte bava baaa tboccagUy lapaitvl la our WorkBbop. taaglag U prte trornkyi..
Alto.llWtotm. PanaeaUtt
Pan term comSnoes Ttesday. Sept 5. 190^' Day
and evening snsiWins



tbe votdd-fae patteme of atM^ inati- It viU not be diBOTh to {Vore .
totiona to porwie b to leant for that a eertificato of gnulnn^

Tba Hole glil eonld bare a good
dWB dbnT^ at once aad M
tbe eaab prte. aere a iBall rate
of Interaet fnHbe d^emd paymenu and barAbe ate af tba
ptaao vblla a^aaraa tbe Boaar. UMle by ime. to pay fer It.
aad probably be quite aa aeooBpllabed ptaniat vhea her piano
BpMdfor. .
The Kimball ayeteB et piano
ptMag aad piano aBUag maana
Bon ttan the free aaa of tbe
piano vbUe you aa*» tbe moner
to par for It. it aeani plain
Cgaree. oae price, baaed oa fac­
tor ooat. U'B a prataetlaa
agalaat unnaaoeable pridog

ooSacM ao* oOeriac aiga .that it be emdne^ in tbia

gmler or leea indneenenU to
caae hj any penoa vbo majr hare
paUic tbia mazim ia paitknlar^ a bnaiaeoa ooarw in riev doring
TW t*ly eoane
tbe epming aatamn aad v«4bf!

Traverse City Budness College


*rP*AVKf««K oi*rv, Mie»4.







A Tsstblai Story
to t^ mrlw.^ dm of Ue to^
Hortliport. Th«« two btflM «H
MdB Ibe cnat«r pvt
Uia tlae
U la Mfe to nr that their baw4
slwar* be the cntm'<rf atuwetlaw.
wt Am WM ateetei a local
Kaacb* cT the Methodlat tAorch laM
rear aad arUI (aka the ctaad at thia
> neetlBc aii4 apeak the sreat
: to bU hreUrea. & W. FIfeoB
(Wanb-oienc) and wtfe. who U Uaa'
a^ (paean bead e(d>Breh) wtU
be tbeU saeau troa Alla^ cx
TUa «aav neatiak brinci thaae Haak« popUi tocatbar at leait oaea a;
Jobs Baptlat Jaeoha. tba local
taaebar. lourpreter and' dlrlne. will
add hia apoln Je the great wheel o(
rellcloa and well nlsbl be do ao'tor be
It a BMoaarr d>Hd, b^c
broaebt to the oM Biaalaa by hii


our lime girl was in de.
dedtntog btolih.
wiU »&lm Uroat trot
troob^ and in
pbrHataas gave ber sp.
aKM ta de^f^wbtoi we resdved to
try Or. King's New Discovery tor Consomptloa. Conghs aad Colds. Tbe first
boltiO gave rrlief: after taking tc
boettoa she waa mred. and U now
perfect henlU.’- Never falU to relit

. Trial bottle lOc.
a market letter
tosoed dally by Ue Cosimetdal &ock
b TdfCradt Co, of Detroit* HontT
akersabooldoendforlt: Itti '
J. D. Rknyan. of buttervme. O., laid
Ue pecatlpr diMppearanro of his paiuKing's JU-w^uS Plllt.
He says: *Tfacy are a perfect remedy

Do you.realiza that this is an offer you should not miss?
Thiese delightful days with tbe cool evenings make some kind of b
wrap necessary—why not one of these charming Silk Coats? There’are
some beautiful creations here—perfectly made; finished as carefully as '
your own dressmaker woula finish a garment, loose fitting, also'in the
Louis XIVtb style.

JiSfhaps you prefer the more mannish Covert Coat, They are
equally as desirable and they arc good until late in tbe fall. It is unnec-,
essary to tell you hbour’'the making and materials. You know that is
right or we would not offer them to you, and if these prices do oot ap>
peal to you, what srill ?

CIrcuIttion thb week 2,750

Tba eUy water wortta are boiy tartag prirata eatanalaa aulaa to Oakweed eaneterj tor tba bettemcat ot
the prtrate lota. A (oi«a of nan bare
bees tbero two dayi. the hag dlataaee
to lOBM
the hrta malrtiit the work

J. W. SMtlltt


Bum PncHci

$12.50 SILK WAISl^DITS $6.rS


T5c, 98c, $!.«, J1.98


These (oim' prices comprise evei^>
thing in the Shirt Waist stock.
For 7Sc you can buy any waist up to
$1.25. For 98c you can buy waists from
• $1.50 to $2.00. For $1.48 you can buy
waists from $2.50 to $3.60. For $1.98 you
can buy waists from $3.60 to $4.60.


When you consider we have the best shirt wiust stock in the dty in variety, qua!'Ity and style, it ought not to take you long to make up your mind that you need at
least one more shirt waist to complete the summer-wardrobe.

n D«n«r Oeca*i«ii.
S»so Bccsiiu* Ctn
Ten dcilUn becXi<lonal1) dr
pmJied soon »M.'coin>-s oBe him
dnsl. It docn out Lake tuany luindredi to bceuuio x tbounend.
wUcb Agune to a very rrspvciabto nucleus for a huxlncsi capi­
tal or as a Best egg for old age.
sleknosi, kna of cmphiymivil,
or any of the unfortoute mn
(ingmetr* tbat alt arc aulp}vci
to. With only $1.00 yon caii
Ktari a aavli)p> acronni with iir
We par Ihre.- per c-tit Inu-rv-n
coDiiaouoded latcv a year.

Cravtrst City Statt



: -ll


to being received oioatoDUy. Tbe iweftost that boa «vw beea to thto gwt
of thi- auic- The great (ornMuto marketa hare bcca carMtoly eear^ pM
the floest predneu of the graaicst toetorice wwto |—r*ti—I aad bow an
U-iog placed on bale to oar ctomat xalexraom.

It to a pteafiare to afee*

Uieee beautiful good* vbetber you want to buy or aoL

rtBruii3nly ana An*n.t
1... aJtcodlaxuur TtoKlkJ

Summtr ScbocI

Uadcr snr laanac.-inaBl.

V. K. Siaw. tots.

A E. BenKtoin.

U one of tbo oeveet etyln of (urollure. It has a ptoto. dull aurtace vlUl a
lo auilful rhade of hrovB. Wc bate baodsoiiK- vrttliig dcMts. toacy raefeen
and odd bbaped cbaln. Tfeto to going to be TUB seller Uto aeaeoa.

6 cnllrely new. 'Rito »
o pofHtlar lax year aad aov to add
> beauty and fiotob. surer U iiUald to vartoes qualu dcalgBf. Vfee' rockire Bomeubai aboncr thao last year vhleb adds to Its aitracUve fiuaUBc sure and ace tbeve goods.

Weak Lung. The Place to Buy
Bronchitis 201 So, Union St.




We have just six colored Silk Waist
Suits in brown and blue indistinct checks
that we are willing to'sell you for $6.75»—
nobby little suits in every way, but our
new fall goods are betpnning to arrive
and wc need the .room that these and the
Silk and Coveix Coau occupy.

EEiE s

= s


1«R (or laetrectloo. eo tbi
iea-t Drag 8 MV. r. rt. iMrMiiM MJJU a.
grew op to graee from eadr ebUdbood.«B •'.drag stores, price JJc.
He to o( powettol boUd. with etniBg
(eatone, tbe type not often wet with
moag the tleador banded Ouawaa
Or. A. 3. ItePhftU. nU knm btra.
John Baptlat Wauhaxeo (BbobaUate) the laet remaaat of tbe name
Waokasoo. the chief ef tbe band wboee
Hera to Reltof tor Women
ratioe to the rOlage site et Northe«eaa ta rootu Mi aad Ml. Wnbela port (WMkaxeortlle) will be In atteod^b^ek, where fee arlll be located aft« aw* with Ue boaiT bead and routed;
Before maoy daye tbe giwoadi 'wSI
be fined wlto an pretfiow fiom ouUlde
Tnvgrs* City Markgts.
Ttollon who win come wltbooi even
modi ae a bUaket, ezpeetlag. no This mpert I a made u p on Wetffveo'
ak. The Herald IS no
den^ to be wanned With the tpIrtUiaJ
r ohangoe In prteoa.
wamth of tte Inspiring naeUaga.
Tbeae wUI be patted ta tbe draw of
th» Soortog of the aodltorliim
pund arotag smoog tbelr mon
Tleo Prealdeat tma aad partr of taaaie brdbrea (or tbeir daQy bread.
‘ tba Oreat OWral. who hara 'beaa
toiwMag (VO dart qeleUr U tba etty
to IbBtr prlrate ear latt SaUrday lor
Owtral Lake, whera they wfH reatato Ptoa Taeeday'e BeeortL
Bot. W. HiBly and wtfe aad P. W.
a law daye oa a taktos trip.
8own-aad wife of Lanalng. aceomMrof TVaa- paaled by E. CeUerAad Prank Prow
aen «a*y latrt. Ha in, K. a T. M. M, maa cf LowdI paned throagb the city
neeirad a towiade tm mdar that this menlag on their
Llan WbRa, foatoartr td ihU city and wborwtbey will spend a tew days. Mr.
a toMbor of taM Na m. waa dead St Mtoty was fonaer pastor of tbe Maple
Qladtooaa Mr. W>lta waa tortaartr a City OoogrcvUoaal ebnreh.
W. B. Oampbfti ot Northpert was a
‘^averse aty vtoltor yesw«ay.
thif totr «b0M a year aga
t Docaa of teplre to regtoBer. H. O. Stoaell of d
ladia; who, with felB totoUy. to <»
Mrs. S. p. Beaaett and dhc«bl«n ot
tnrioagfe to thto cpnatrr, to alslttef Cairo, m., wbo aro.TtottlBc Id tbe dty.
wUk kii bretbto. Rer. U B. IMiaill. took Ue bay trip
Uo steamer OoJ. J. nrwKDDj^,
Besdagr eraatog ba api^ at
iombto today.
Mrs. M. H. Renuaer aad aoa of Laacaster. Obto. passed Unm^ Ue dty
todw'OB roola for Cfedar
they *01 visit ^Uvea.
Dr. W«tir-tkad .^wU^ acoosapaaied
UUU OAa. Oamatoa Bna.’ bona by Mrs. B. 8. Jones of Ufs dty. left
..who baa baaa waktoi a neotd at Pe- Uls mornlag. whedb Ucp will spend
' totoMT. waa (ba eloUa of a Heaaaat few days complag oot.
atolUaa nanday. The baadaow
B. J. Bgaa sod wife ot BU Bapids
^'rtia 9*na baa takea tba «raa of tba were la Uedty yoaterday as gnesU at
^IbdMi hf tba raatoi tbwa aad they Pfeik Plaae.
O. M. Dame of NerUpost was to tbe
dty today ea bosh
terdayla Utoelty.
torday to Ue dty m a guest at Hold
Artoi-WMt ta Balkaaba BatIt leoicfi] Deputmcit Bancfi
A. B. Porter sbd
Ad C.S7-P^uiklto
'‘Wdapoa bXaan reatoetoed with
OM Mteatoa are totM'dty
la twW today.
totoaUag a ataaai baatiw ptaat to tbe
Leo B. Bader aad tomlly cd SL Loato.
S reaidnM of mwaai R. Bowers, wtaldi
Mo..«re gnosis of Cbsa. ProUaUa. jr.'
; to BOW nder roof. tto. Petenea ii
W. D. C Oerma^ ratarned from
. atoa oBBatraettag a sat of plana tor a
Cbkago taet eveaing.
itoliMua tot caaalw U. PhalM of
Hiss Mabd Brambr ot Omeaajns nwm Saturday's Record. _
- Kal»to4 Tba raoMoaea wOl-onat
' Mrs. Goo. C. Bates arrived from CfilVMjm nd Wiu be oailr^ Mdon ta to Ibo dty today.
OrtoB ot Sbelbr paased cago last orcDlag for a vtolt with Mr.
Bates' fsUer. Tboa.
Bates, sad
. ;r agto a Lawto. tba eaab grocer, baa
btstaea laterotto.
.^toowd that two grocaiT ateroi
WUliam HUbder'ef Uke Ann waa
eaeagb la-fceep eae mab biwy erltboat
to the dty featerday.
a abea atook la caaoectlna. rofaboM nooe tor a abort baalbeas trto to
G. K. Kod^.^pi
Fife Lake -wa
'd yaar ha baa bad a ahoe aton ta eoa- togstoy aad PdlstiaL
Ue city tooktog; after bsstotoa li
Mrs. C. Byran aad giaadaoa o( But^waotktowUb kU Bbat PMrtftnat gio■
f BiiT bak ba baa aew
of tba ilo aeoosapaaied. by Mrs. B. O. Do^
iggs of Old MUsloa spent
if*aaktt4.T.rrtadri^witowll2haTa aad Reiea Dodge of'Saa Fnadaeo. yesterday In U!a cHy.
^ B Ntoorad to ^ ataro a^ doaa It out: spent Ue nlgbt to tbe dty aad Idi Ub
A. P. Bunting dt limpfrr was a gncsi
; atttooa. Hr. Cewia wtl^detoie Ua at- tonlag (or Battle Creek.
at Hold WblUng yesterday,
James Row' ot BhlaeUader. Wto,
laga Bahle of Suuuas Bay is In U^
used Uroogh Ue dty today oa his ty OB buslacas.
ay to Pdlstoo on a short bnstoeae
K J. Bgaa and wife ef Elk Rapid!
' Stag Ooorga »adal to a «Maat tasoe trip.
ere guesta at totrk Place yesterday
J. D. BehoHs aad wife of Dyre, Ohio, and returned booie Uls monUng.
of tba HwaM oalla oei ibe fact
that then to « tlaUlar aedal la entved la Ue dty tost evening and
Mrs. H. A. Morgan aad Mra. B. Coleaziaiaaee to tba redoa. the property left tor Pe&stoa Uto BomlBg.
maa of Braxli; lad_ paaaed thraagfa Ue
of WlBoto Boahmare of OM
W. a Horst Bb employe ot Ue state: city today no ihHr way to Aldea.
' Tbe medal wae plowed ap la hie field fish batebery at that place, was In Ur Wbm they will viait Rdatlvee.
Koe tba bay ebon eeteral jaan ago dty yesleiday looklag after pdraoaal
f aad to ataetlr like tbe om owned by bodaeoe again.
-B.a.NoUeofBkRapUe.haTtogalUMrs. D. B. Arnold mad Fixd Van.
milder of Big Rapids, srbo brnoght
■'tle r^ at tbe top by whlob H
fotpertr aaw>«Bded froai tbe neck ef Mrs. VaamOder to Ue local asylam
tbe thdiaa bnre wbo aa^toted to tbe yesterday, left for Uclr borne UU
V toaaiaenpwf Ibe Rtrer Balito.
P. Parts to «aUe lU at hie home on
Tlftb street
' Hertbpon. inch, Aog
Oa Friday
MIse Grace Chase of OrdUckvOlc;
>. of thto >e^ tbe im raagaard of la- Irft Uls Booe fd- an extadod visit to
I wOl arrlre at
Grand Rapids aad Deudi
For over ebety yetrs doctors
{Draaa Sky) aad pHA tketr
B. Crane aad wife ef Uto dty left
have eodorsed Ayer’s Cherry
tba same of ebrisUBattr.' Brerrtblng today tor Ledlngton, where Uv
.to to nadlaett tor thHmeeptioa. the visit (rtoads.
Pectortl for coughs, colds,
■ hat arHred fraea CUB. P. Baras, aa auendaat at
vetk luQgs, broBchids, cosn aad tbe little deanagi a
Nortbeto Mlcblgaa asylum irfi -Uls
sanption. You esn trust i
^ tor tbe ataklng ott of the whHe tented noon tor Jamestown. N. T, la charge
medidDc tbe best doctors ap>
.tolr ara ctoaidd and lereled.
M Frank Kapple. who hat been in tbe
prove. TheiiBiistdustbefiexi
Ber. William EUu ot Barker Creek
tastttoikgi tor the
ciine you hive t hard eoagb.
Wtn be tbe fint dlrtar to be oa tbe mObUs but has toidy been Unatferred
.1 SmS m
groHdi with hto tamilr miUUBg of a
Ue Jamestown asylum.
feam gneap ef cbHdna and a ranad
S. P. Saxton aad dtUdrea toft today
aad gdod aatotted moUwr. au are tor I
» . , fineot mkere of BwUah aad eajor
Mr..aad Mrs. B. J. Arautnwgwt,
Ue oeUag ae modi a* would e white Mldtlgaa dty. who braught Ue body
.tomUr of plealdtere out tor their tret of Ueir Intoat child U Uto dty'for
Ber. J. D. Omts
• • left Uls neon (hr NorUport.
«r Koribpori Witt hit tomfly of fiveiwbere.Uey winapemd afewdaysaad
^ ^ vID atoo camp oa Ue gro^e whltoluea retara to Uetr home.


■THK QUAu-rv s-roisK


b il the Cash GFScery.

Id tke'^ii uuldU' palleras ever moda No such a dtoptoy vu ever seen

226 E. Front St

If you have a lanicular cbutcc of cutort you eao aurcly be saUsfled oow and
Ibe prices are from $1.w to $t».M.

10 Ib Roll«l Oat*. 2.V .
•> IbliujoT-Iup. Hi-.vl Kiiv. 2-V
lOe per lb for bi«t Ixib-licr
Sc jier lb for Cli'ur Fat Pork.
10C(p^^ b>r I’untey'l’nrlor
16 lU Brest CtiAC GrannUted
Uusar. 11.00.
lOu lbs Best Cane GnnuUtcd
,S<«ar. I6.20.

Elgin C. Lewis.

unuidu Ibe greatest ellles. Ail maoaer of eumbtoalloos r,f cvlora at cnaaMs.

iDcndlcbs vsriH.v. Everj- rvmn In every bouw ba-

place for come odd

piece of fTrnliure. ft puU a Pnlshtog foocti to Uh



cbalrv. taborelics. rackcrx, odd sh^xd chairs.



Otr ^tora Marliy.
Ibrr aad BtoabeU
__ _____». froM Datroti oa a
(betr aareau aad retotlrea.
''MtoVlDreBce Beraard to wwktos
Kiaa Mreta of SoIm rto
lordtoB Wttooa el Kortbport.
Oea. Btnafdp^afbtoc b>
Mof Oadar rtolted bto *««•«>. Oeo.
for Barbie wii
fiMiti DMMay.
Otocr Bkir* aad ebUdreaU
‘toJtlld Him. IKMfc^.aaa *J
Orton rMud L Bktrer asB wHe Bm
u bee* «ana alek, bet to eowe »
wttb lae toMtbw nd a pool
m.’mad Hre. Bbaer O
-Vl^'Kea grpheld leter patieau
b* babteFlto*. InbMWi to kept pratw iliipb-er Badto rtotUd retattree near

HcSrand tVaviw^ fl^on. jag-jjsT*
rifera Ml bD aabOfar w ^

; «S^^rttoU. HaoM. «t
wo OR* to tlMM If Mroielb-

tMch M HM«M •

*^%0f» will be •
Bt Artber B^
cUa-e M »tto^ WttohlK. An* tL

^ ir wmtwmtp^t^ f>B

;4Min>. tMr "Mry fc. MWM



i itr. IBM


--------------«i«taeUo epoDt lex DBDdW vMi relUiTee
Mn. Borran bu fManed U her
base to ObtoMB ener • scaib'e «toli
vlUi ber etour. tot*. Werreo
oC Trmww qir ba»

ain. lUnh to DO beOer. Her
to liere toWD* c*re o* her.
Oor Dew PD»U» will t* h«»« - Wo iKVe be «ill taoo D rnd DtteDd-

HalM abd
aU Htoa ! ■tSSba t w« sIveB ap to dW. I had ^
toPaMuSr Buardayifeebr dpd adM; m

- toEr2?55

Daadu aMo* bad cbenA were le«
uuBdM —*-T at ■»«»*—«■
ru. Bona after bestoalbc to lake


>Btoeif*c Binere I oMstord reitoCtom
. la a abaft time I waa rallrrly ttubd.
a Ofbb. to rtottlu bet b*-b*

“rnrSIf STj^aaoe U Artbar

-SrtTboRalftoab bowery be* BMbr
aoo'a potatoea................
Tberw wffl be a eoelal mi tbe
QD>te a good atoar'toom baree «ban Batardar ercalu aen for tbe
Hre. Cbbtor bare tiiebd*
leaded tbe toreaa to
laai W4»k
Aa*. 7.

Darmart tobded bonea with B.
Hr. a>4 H«. W. F. H>Ua mn Hr I.fleo.
Hortaa wbu be waa at tbe clrcM,
Biekerd to . —_______
lir.'Wllbar to moMal aalie oat of
bfaltb aner bto r«br a toaj U HaaU^
surer Bioa. hare ataitU wto wtob
thHr'taal abow.
Htai Scbeleer to rb

1. A. iBBtoD booitht a lot of foraltMe
of J. W. Stoter laat week.
rweaea Bernard bad tbe n
tan* to loee ber porae e,bn abo w
ouDlu lu«>r (tea tbe eircaa. She
M U baiwoea Oremekrltlc aad Battou Bar.

ue^^B^ra^a enu uTpsTMto
Ttola W. wlU letara to TibYWa.
CHr today.
from here attebded tbe
OU SeRleie' pleate u BurdtokrUle to*
, ,
Mre. A. A. AlUpTob 91
dsn of taet week to Cedar.
Hn. Q. W. Franck u oa Iba ett

a of Glee
The darwra are eery bear gcuibc
d Hr. aad
Arbor rleliod U tbe h
Mra.'bfarr Wirea of TrareTw CTlr '*3*a!^w!'wTl^’ aad Hie. Ftaak Hre.
A load of oor ywiu
la rtoithis ber tootter. IDi. Hartba Hbreer and ebUdrea ttolted Orbbdtoa
fata attMided iM Old BeUUn' plealc
**Mr^bdima Q. W. Wlllobee uiebdB. D- ralrbaaka dl Tiar
«t BardtekTllle tax ThDredDf.
•d tbe fbbaral of Mr. Brigbl U Beat
Vr. Dbd MrD Swdd. Meotoiiuled br m. who bM beea rtolUU reto<
tbe HtaMe Bto WM ben', i^nad MBe toattortda}-.
£SRorc5’'8oolb Kmmodw i
Louie »n& bare mwDed .to Ti»»- fabler gar ^ ^Roea^ojrt.«
KaM aad aoa Wllltoto of Trarmttm to walk orer here to* Friday ’joba
«w ottT Artw D few <tort' von
■ee aty are rumaf frtoada bad retoHr. DDd Hn. John
, of ihft'jilae*.
Hr. Ctlnore aad dansbter Hay U
W. C. AAley e
Paart Lake called oa Hr. aad Hra. J.
Botber aad alaicr of
tataad to^ BoUter
Berhart Friday.
Orpha Bdsell li worUu for Hie. 1. Arbor yeeterday.
oa tbe «n
' Aiic-T.
at the betel.
afbe Ctlr Beaday.
^___ Bbtrer
T»arBetotolar atteaded tbe Us abow me aty rtolted Hra. VBtor-a fleler.
Htoi Uera Dod HerUe Barbeod
Frank Doalary. of Oraad Baptda. ar
bt Traraaaa air Taeaday.There VH D«Do4 »neodBDM fitw Al
a J. Hogd aad Boaa west to Trar- me. A. C. Wyakoop. aad fatolly. BM- re«ed lor forUag ablber'a aane to
■ICD. ODrt BUM m4* Ihe bvme-rm
brae CRr iaat week.
-- Tasrsr to rntialns hla threabtos »SM nolo, rcicaaed on ball Hotbor
Ibe cure b
u fall btoat. 8. H. Itoaycr. Harry will aettle.
9 7 ta r*m o
Hra. TTeldlu Waiaon aad Char^oae Itokcr and Hr. Owen are worUag for
vltb-Hr. Md Hti. Albert Piuae DmtoUt In the abow at Trarento CKr tort
torn BoMtor <b« AlMltm
“S. wNtoISm waa a Trarerae 04
Howto ThiPt
%.7. ■ _
ptar witb the Flute «euB
A. k Rtokerd ud Ftmnk Dailer arc “oStllTukber fiwiB bri» Mteaded
drawtu haili for Bd Telford.
jebm HUBaa to rualrtnc the eebael tbw-Mtodr bt SardtekrtSe Tbmeday.
' Hr. DBd Hra. Jobe Kotor of HMwaaRM^lMop
Eigbare Ibto week.
*^ie*£«g?tStrui« wUI Ptor 4he bee are rUltlu bare wllb triendi aad boeae
Ora Browa, Late Hoyt and Urhaa -1 aMtotad blB.
n»tu ieeai Id tbe kfterMOD.cto the retoUree.
Crala went a few daya aa
Oowitr Tiaapnw Krtibou ud wWe _oiseiler took la tbe Oerwan pleale at leDaaate
AltolrB--------dae* cd bar a>ai. Hre/ Ctoy, lau
ere rliittaig here with tbdr •bb*. t. Elk RapKto Baaday.
Bd J. KmbBer.
An«. f.
Hr. tad Hra. Ybstor TtekoeW! aad
•itDdDr eeert*.____
n___ ------------------- - . - -- «.
Fire loBda of tetorton bad a plcak
eb Hr. DdolreY beach laat week.
We^ Kraiu ton Baadar.
• fttedVADdDHhDdDDOOt tiW.
Htoa BIlMbeib Holtoa la bom. atarWbeU and rre barrceilu to tbe or­
Tbe dbwe u Babeft OMrrb- wea
well UUWled. AU bad D.Blee Ume der of tbe dar.
JD»7 7.

VVe keoidas tbe UrmWD
tone DDeb'.toBc.
[bior. VJTtoo.
VlTtoD. wlib
^^hto ilUle
hito. Bhe bM bees wllb bor pindja

nwt (to a bew wtodtolB' Hary M Waliert. of MC St. Clair Ave.>

'*»;i5’S5S’«H •«.»«


Hr- aad Him. 0- Meteblet arc apead-.dMB atarea;


III) I t I I H » I I I I I I I It I I I I I I I I.

SiK liftnudm Kctaidtas Baiik Deposits. >
^sAviocs _
IffiPOSrrS S^StodtorUtMcyMriCrotodsbe*
*o«ti«OBtcUtaptidduwUiao<btonL •'
. UnUirtVAiCQ _ 15;,„
littoml on U«sa,«tdei r.
from date onlewnemd.
UoM oonrenirat Im ihoB* who wish to *
^wobeckstoothMB. EsdhehnhaiEaCCODITFS sUtatM s tocripl lofthc dopoditor. Adifc


f^=“== - AU




A pwlr wbB gRrea Bt T.-NewtobRA't i Ototrtot Attarbcy feroxe cd Mew Tark
■ bto fOUato Urtbday. "
la be a Joke Made of a a
were Hre. Ntw wv».
batiafT. a btokM teacap asd
Hr. Kbfy «f leeail to herb « Ibh
ait- nanarT.
a few qpaierB ef aalphor.
Hr. DrTouu apaw oaa 4u to*
FHadiM SnDCftoB - ■ • ,
week at XelandrUlr.
la eftob (board by aares. blem aid
There waa a daaee at J. Pilce'a Fri­
eaacen. ibu ear away yoar Mds. Wai.
day ereaiDsMeU. ef put Bn*. HIM. aaya? *1
baa erected a'a<
B. J. Outeraft
BnrUee-a AraiCB DUrwfar
atom, aofre sad raaem. h fa (to
AU. 7bMI beallng drtMtog I erer tamd.*'
.Boetbea and heato eota. barw Md
Imlto. »e M JohsMB-a orarttoi*
a to hlU weeda. wtB tocato 1 r. U. Hatoa aad B. E. WUt EJEadT
j drag atorea: guaiaatecd.


Aic pb^hlo CM (itonind. . Ko maMBts «
asde neept os writttn ooder at depasi- •
tor. HsyteiDadii.if dq»sitor so da; •
nru, so ailbsr hsafasiid or wife canid .
daw. AUbBihifddMricMiroa»fi4i#tiAL^

Ti til i.i.X*

I >»»*»»»< M » « »-»


6e>Cart$ and

Wi are forerf to sell .fUliple good.. Most any price will boythem. Thty .imply'm«t
move. Our buyer hat purcluocd full cur loud lot. in ull Kuple line, in order to «et
murlcet’. beet price. There will beBtn to urrive io u very .hort time und we mint muie^

Wcnndiih that what wv ikioY a
uU d tbeao in tbe next SCT&ri
we will bsTo to eturrjr to snotbfT
•eseoB. A bi^ line to ebooeft
from snd st yoor own pnee snd

room for them.


Bahy Cabs


pial car mraty back.



SShrttow srs CDUM we o8a



■ M-

Several BreKen Cirtes and
Odd Pieces

izai#s M Caet eurtaiiis
Here we a« willing to'wicrilice heavily. A .weeping rednclion will be made on entire Kock

. n'T

In iPl^ eooeiitio

DiiiMii Chairs

Including Carpet, ol all gladmt, Oilcloth. Linolenm'aiid Matting, will go at much lem than
COM. There ire a lot hf the« relpnant. largp oo^h to rover an ordinary .ire mom.







,s .vi-c;



JIH 0lind<itb^eeit$ And Screen Doors



At a big Mcrihce. Them we ere willing to tom over nt any price in order to *ivc carrying
PICTURE FRAMES mode to order, any rirc. at a reduction of TWENTY-FIVE
PER CENT during ihi.


Vour tredit is god bm


rf V. ^

Driiaitol CiHlt Eihato bub* tke
- EiUreSkM.

> wemwwHkw aiex. ni. ■rnjaAw I

Raneito .
£y^ m

WunirobeF OioioB Tuhta. Dining Chuine SWebo^r. SuBct., CopbourdF Rockers. Couclie.. Purlor Siunds. Kitchen Cabinet.. Kitchen
rSteiStove., Range.. Muttreue. and Spring..


The ktRedi sad best beeotaMef
' in which
. at



kitchen mol.

Cawn and
Perch Seeds
HAnmooke. Soato. rbairetn face, ibc rntirf line rauel
more at eomo i>ricc. It will
aetre jon man^ a <Mlar to
stop in end kwk around.

n Rclrigcrater
7$ a Smwmtr Dmaattf
It Tob need oos, wfar«<4ltoF«
now, when jwi en «i»i>
sareSa par eentr Ow has
h is the iil«eto sad beat in the
dtjr. 8otoebod7 ia RolnE to
■ ^ irirsBtags of thia,
not ^af

SettU (t the Sulkr Dols'i FMCM
Mi Off Fair PnO.



“-—gOBtaHaw Wtortord to­
ut hto baSidi«. Ha taI toat a# aoto aa ha

S&^fidaTwBiK l?ila

MBda-to 1

!Hj‘.tf=.5nSSK?J= ■iBlHhbB Hie..»arMto.«Bdnp«
«e «%HM «tw» tk*«NMt


wbS* TUHtec MMte.
n«* i» *«N« AM*
griK 1^4^ u yte4i

LX-. m BUT ■■■ne. oae

. d to bar boBa at Trawana atrOtlaa m. Hodgaa-wae-to CapBdab A
raw dara * '



__ ____M:M a.
' « a( aS ito dl(doUova: tthorttinc

a la Thniajaa CRr

jwiiBi , Bptwt tee
greater part of Mb waefclarinnrto
week ]
_-------Cltr Ttottof
meads1 aad rratoUtaa.
Hr. aad Hn. Natbaa OrtowoM
TtolUag Mr. and Mn C. J. BarkBaTa
. DOBbar tt rocag ftdka tnm Kaa- few dsn toB weak. Mr. Ortowold was
wood rewB. ldla«-wbUa. Camp Darto formarir aaBtotaat opentor to tha de­
aad tha Oaato aalorad a daaclag part/ pot beta aad ‘
at LotaMiBdgi Wadaaadnp ara-—
Salatr raPatoBaau wBWton-ad
ro waeki ________
Oh«h A H. Qglaaa aad wife ar.. .
ABga left Wadaaadar dor _
<to top lUtooto Wadaaaddr. tbe BptaU two or three weeks rlslt wkb raiatlrM
'totag w an laBaetkn war a( tha aee- taCaanda.
-----jug B« ■•
KwM atr sun «
Brnaeh had not aaan Urn go down (ha aral Ufa aartag' etatlou la tbto loKalUa UabfclB is rtoittogmiatlirn
Oa. are «MienpbU«f the
banw aad gone to aaa where be
in Etoplra.
Mra. A. H. liptoB. acooaipaalea br
be would aadooMadlr bare ___
”• —
- toT^ Weddrownad. aa thara waa ao oM ia alght hB «B Botiwt aad MUt Bari, arrtred
. Aoi.«.
— ------------------------r. whan iba
ig tba dock.
has baaa rtolUag friends.
An* -7.
WedThtrtan iadiae fnea Traeane CRr
aaadar frotn aa asiandad visit to Belgave Mra. Phil
a aarprlae laat
Mr. WhItoOBb ct a______________
Rapid Cltr sad Tnvane air.
OB tba rninato Wadaaadar oo bto war lalre.
Theradar ta hoecr or her WitMar. ~
Reuben Parker was over from Soatb
Mra, A. i. White to oa the akk ItoL to
freabMau . .
Boardnaa Wtodaesdar of laat week. He
Mra. Anna M. Clarpaol re
Mie. Bobo aad MbUt of Chicago returned Anndar.
hoana MB Mtodar.
KlagBer Ptorad Haatoa Anndig
'.^aiaae MMaa .er Oriiae.............. - I^HIb^i White naaa Map
I tba MaatoB rrotiads. Tba ban
«£f to« rrttor.
T. B. WUia'a bnae tbauwaa alraafc, Mn. oSb' and danghtar of Ia- tne hOBe weanag broad gjlas and
e know what It Baaat wbaa the aoon
Dr. r. W. pNMlee it iudn wia a hr dha tiela thBa atoaka Bga at Cator
as anneoacad—t to 0. Haaiea will
gaaat <g Ua ao* WIU and wtia laat
BP ad Traaeraa Ckr
hebwBMttrrMar and waVaaa-wbat
- wHb har-pBanto. Hr. OB too BBnoto tor a (aw wetoi’ vtou will bappaa then.
Whrrea Carpeeter left 'tor Oread ---------------aadMra.Oaanto>toaU
UraM Latge.
mo. and Mra. Btora Doaaar Borad atW.
a aad aea «r ^
. Into
tha boeaa raealad br Mr. Praak IroB Worka, and Oaorga Rag. Jr., ware
badir ptochad.
TMBg MB BatBdar.
hare Uto week amaglBg with D. H.
man Mjwra apant tondar*! B
Vra.«le*araadhtn;BrsBa«trravb to pat la tor htB ateaB beat (or
area Oltr we geeata or Hr. aad I
bU atoie and dwelling aad atooaa alee.
t at Jtooad Lake. Thar wan acOolv Saaw {Mtiaaak. .
MgtiHag piaat-eeaataUnc «C oaa
Kajatuei aad Battaar *are wHI raprdT Bttooo drbaso. capable ot <t. L'nkm.d to Thao, Ragan aad wife
Joa Hantsa ware
taaaatad atraae dap. Mailr amr «ea
iBWlriag US alxteap-caadla power
T. R. HIU haa Ama vtold
aiHhdipgtthahaaralThaaawaOItT. . ^JtotojkhBdto^n-atoatlaaH a a
Utota. Cto bto Bora and dwalUa* ho­ tivea at Kewadirt.
Mra. J. BabbiBa aad aoa Mt Hoetel. shop and baraa. H. W. Parreat-i
W. Dsun-i aiUI datotaed the
Hr^ahdMTe/jMB Good and daagh- dwelUas
dar Boretag tor thair hone
M raBetdar.
ter want to toog
Bondar aad (be dodt aad
after apandlag a few dart aiti
Mias Marlon Abbott to here from
iterloeben vtoltiDg her parwau. Hr.
Mce. AatU Xadaraea la <m the alek wHa on tbair war bOBa.
and Mn Oeo. Abbott.
gorarainaat dtoplar tower.
Mr. aad Mrk Asa Potman eold their
■d «kCQB and ta^Ur hare Borad
Hn. Obat. Rato aad daughter PurBOLOM.
ta Tieratah CUT.
hto and Mtoa Wtattred —-f— who xise aad lot on Brownsoa avenue
•ptea and Cedar ware weU repie- hara-haan.rtoUlB ad ltoralM Uodca. tor HoeOiiL Hr. and Mn. Pan
■ Aag. diT
■ ; e»; t r ; ti.,
81 maato la (owp itatn aprta*
.. tha
... Oi
^ satOera’ pletoe at: '-tt ttr tuir biBB to Datrclt PWtor.
umrt u
r. C BtUtooa. agent (or tbe Olh
iSSkrffle. A
to on (opt to
Mr. aad Hra. r. a Rtot, who hart
was la town raaterdar.
itow nuinuj to-har i I utm rt am haaa vlaktag wHb laMltm la aui trpewritar.
iHilo ntoanoa was to ton froa
taplra aad (bto ptoee. toft totaadar Manealons
haw. Wte’^BU^ a tha QllBolt.
a K. Ptakard. aad aiaea. JnMa
be kIvm Pridsy evenall
HoaaBan, ware at Itararaa Cttr TaaaMr. and Mn. A. Hlaroaraat of IdleiB what Uar waaiad. aad anh- e-wbfto auartatoed Mr. and Hn. D. H. lU to Monroe's halt. '
_____ (TOB to eoMa to IK to help Oar aad Mr. and Mn t. W. HePhr9»m DaAdr. who haa baai <
aBtUagakia* The dar wm IM aad toad at dtoaer Wadaeadar eraalBg.
tag fa the grora, haa raWintad i
ararr ««# waa happr. tba BUr Otog . Tbe foltowlag ptaple arHrad oa (h
hOBaIn BtaHI. Ind.
it^a lent and pnp^ to uka phoact aalorad waa tba ehorto hr the nitool* BaMmlar alght for Gr^orr'OharUa BtdgBn aad aaa Baer
................ whlebwadMaat*-— ' ------ 1; Hr. Haggard, dasgbter aad
talaM aaUatanW.
Ltoi'Ti^r'pbnawortJi Is baring
nad -Raebael Hai
Hra. Ur SUlwHl and daaghtar Kra
■: -Dr. Phaar Rowlar aad ahner. aome
carpenter work done oa her
UM boBa ftoB MU PkMaat flatll^ and Mr. Owwiu.
A partr of then geottoBtn arrlrad
, Arttor and Ub* MUlar. who have on toe flttaoli ^ordar for Kenwood
^hoto rtoltiv wfth B. a Cato for aar-and dart, rataraad booto oa PrWar.
~ - aad
are good and Boat all
WeH Mwnmr Wnr' Cegland Wnsaart
i Cured af Hay Favar Can sna LaB^Sa CataDr
___ Jd. HU (asaraJ waa IhaU Hondar
Tto lUBtM* LatMT Col. o( Onad at the ehoreb bare la Oral
IteAM *M MMrad M
WUtnar Baird, tha «r>
■BdAmgoticWOTMttor All (onM grotoeu
tmnad is tmitara
Ha atimrad down tha bank
t in tha


■sxsss r?!



"les sf ■



Uffmmv YEAB

■ *^ifc1hliDrt1rtritaoaWad

laatUr I


ttlaa fhnata BlaHibaie at 8a
Bar la rtaUlag MbD ta town.
Hr. aad Hib Uo MlUar aad tidldra npaB taadw at ProraBOBL



Rua^lB and wHa attoadad tha
■daaiiB TMt at ■ottaaw Bar Bandar
A good BHVpaopla traB here want
to TaracB.Wi' to ^ ofeow Hm

rothB- Ob. kaao

Uttto'Me an
r« Chto^

Harry Grey had tbe Btofcrta:
Bw hto baad badly at tbe abtoglc mm.
aapouUng a part of one tnger and
aaartr taking oK another.
Mra. 4)arl Brotrer to pplte p
arar Baaa tha Utoaas of her lim
OtCtod, who to Boto hatter at pn
TboBpacB vlaltad Mr. and Mn. John
of Wexford Bondar. They
br Hr. and Mn.

Mtoa Name ThoBpaoa ratoned Ban­
Hra. McRobWaf BOtoer,
wo dar evtBig from risiUng her stolev
It* ddUraa,AAar a Balt o( aaarlr at Wcarord. Bnch improrad to haaltb.
* ftoatta Cook and laBRp of Trav^^SeDaaHnad Hra. HatoB want to twn Bonttou -mm rataraad to tbair
—, ara vtoktog Mr. Oaokb atoAa third Of a«bB waa a knair dar tor. Mn. lAonard HotUday.
Hr.dlMto.agMtloUa Biaa Bead ad a large crowd at tha pleato/ Tba
lieaea Wtoe, whBo ebapptog. toSletl<
00^*25^^ laat-ah to. da*M at Rar’t ban In tbe araatog waa 1 a tbrae-lDcb w^d apon bisMeg.
Hsrrr Gray sad
r have
. JHward PMwr wdniaad fraa Hi
Mtop todar, sato latptorad la heal
i. B. Am watoad to tba mU
An MB weak a« hto atar thtoa ha W
Aandar. tou alBw than has not been
ttaatad with the ndwral iMCad
tbaaaH batha.
Mr. anAMra Cton
UlB Baa HaCMbaapoat \ia waHc OlBi Lake. iBfln aad Ortatu ^aid bore ratBtliad;b«a
*^M^d Hta. H. Blaard
to aaa
TA Toar Cooranaon af tba County
•laaaru wW to flUad
tot Bother. Hra. I. BH^ raatetdar.
Sm&r lebool Aaaoetotioo was bald
whOB we era aonr tdlaom haa had a
^ Ho^r^aftemotm and wm quite
Hght atioha of paretyiir^
. . dallrerad by Rer. D. Oo^la of
Blaaaaiit boBa of Hn. Doner and bar rnvena atr Mmle; was (omUbad
: .Hra. ■» Braadwei «rora to Tra*- ^ a^ whe«re noted (or tbair boe- br the cbotr aad a badulUol nolo wm
pHalttr. Thtor boeaa ti>naB(r mv BBg hr Mra Pnnh Otoha af tbto
A Ump wdrltnal (aeltog pakMgndad with Rowan. aBoag thaB tba
hallrhoek. botk daabia MBagM. ^ radad the Baatto* Hn. U K. Glbba of Travena CUy Is
nanrtr wrarr aoier tiaB white to alB laat weak, hat to e&a hactor tha BeB black, a took Be bnefc to bbd- Bklnc ntotliaa bmw aad reoewtag
h her oM iwtebbora
prrtOBrehaifa ^^fegpjSaad toBUr Ytoltodatit dtn. Tha toga
ItaT^SaaS'^Uldraeare Tla. ------ Ktog Br-------------hlag tatatlvaB la Ttoraraa CKg.
thara a tbreMlto tMa mar a good
4torhatoglto~a diBltp atoliada
fCBA. paB Baa daidt of gram and good
onfeanu. toek Aa to DadarhUI eotHIB
BtBMd boa» tag*. the botaa to D. -R|« «m Hbtut PtUajr IroB HU PtaaMOt (or
Ur. I loaad tbaa MmBlag Urge
BaWa cd apteedM grato and bar. wd
'j. lMlMtn^d*toBSr took dlaaer nUoTtog tbair baarilr lada.^ «
wttk Jdr.«M JHa.«. HaOoBto raatar —«r boabala and bnahato or toe ebar.
A tor wbfab tber daf
' fiaWaat.lMiB AM
^ wtott Uton wat raBa:
Mra. a Baiaa. A« 11.
HB. iBara PHaH a4B Mnd tha
laagad BaMHg aan Beadar araelag.
Aag. 7.
laa and (be bob of tba war we warepnaatoc (bnaa when tha eropa kxifccd
Mr. aad toiTuS^ bm Urlag la


MlB Anna idm to apandlag ba
earioa with Menda And rBatira
Miss One________
’toUag bar Bother and
Mias IWAea Gregory to rtoliliB
friends to Timbb CKy.
Mr. aad Mra J. r. Mathews have ro
tanad to ibair boB» at Northport
aftor a vlatt with Rev. and Mra A

Mn. H. D. Campbell, of US Park
street, san: -I tnd Dean's Kidney
PllU are aa exealleal ' '
weakened or overwBBiK
.. . kidneys.
have uaad then at
B bneriBis for sev. .
___ laUwrtbe pain la
M back tnd an rmj ataangtheaing
............... ...................

. —juter panJ
will be pleased to give to a
calling on aa peraonallr. not e
Mia cnrioeltV I - ..............
from bar
Vor Bla by all danlara Prtoe -M
emu. Poater-Hllbara Co. 3uSub
New Tork. note aganu (hr tha.Unlu

j in b.w.«»„dr.

Don’t Smoker Your Child
When yo« take Btodidiie
ion or ttove yonr eyea ppi
entedapM) for Crow Eyes
yoa are treetisg
n*hcn you eome to ns
examine yoar eyes

3s Ss-Ssist

lewn their defeeta and
Kriod lenses that wiD wmIm
them DonnaL We an re.
moTing the CAUSE.

----- Chad »ieiiM Cry
Yo, oorfdw™ lb. «.n>d

111. diilt. T™.,

- » fljBiikrff^SMWey to to


................................ ■.............................................................................................................................................................................. :

New Tift anti Granite
ware, .Ladies' Pettico^i. Now SutioB*
ery in, box paper.
Tablets. Envetopea,
etc.. Brooms, .’a 11
grades, Jelly tumb­
lers 20c and J8c doz,
Can rubbers 2 dozen
for 6c. Can’t swim,
ell? Buy water wings
and Ay through the
^waier like a bird,
only 25c per pair.

Rat Ooodwlq, tbe netbr. aad Tto
Rrellng. bto Mead, wwe arrsatod u
horse iblevea to Reno. Her., and heki
to )al] an boar, wildly pratoattog tkeir
It WM a Huie Joka ot
Jamos Bdwnrd Briti. tha chsBpIrai
lIgbiwMght pnglltot. wbo wna there.
bU Meods to Nevada’s
capital, praaltlag to (aHow ta a few
bourn, tbon p« tbe pence an their


When obriatadi^alao atop the cfyinK. TVs b MT mcftol.


ayde Hathaway of M
rlsItlDg at boas lor a
Mra Drags of HOBCBi-. . ___
her saelee aad ant af tbto ptoee.
- An* I.


Onm AU at Barer Uka rwrt ___ gBfBBtoaapgoeito'a. Oar itoa g«-J^B<toto-rkMa.l«e.i.i
Mira Uiwa HaBOttm Ipb gim
CUatu ter a vtoft WHb mlaUvra
wlfa. Mra. HDIleane (B Taaadto Rr
-- •
• ra aba wlU Baltwlti bar
ctaurefe aStardaywreatog aad Sunday.
■BBg tboaa praaent bom eutaUc

Mr. and Hn J. W. B>a^.«^ og
-. nnd Mn a B.

ctoeed toB Friday aad Mtoa
Dam wlU go to Central tAfca. where
she srlll (Bcb tl

Nature Helps Mi-o-niiCure Stomach Troubles
in Short Order.

Uoyd Whiter fana mnnud troB
Hra. BrtghaB aad chOdraa Ttoltod at raaldaaoa of Wb. WUaan. aanarrtoor
TlBtjr^ talMmthaf. Robt. E. Waller.
bar totharh ta BoaU Oraat laH i


y’rtnarr trotiUe. dtobetao
Doaa-a Rldaar Pllto care Um alL
^^Tnverae atr people endone our

Hr. aad Hra. K. C. Wahar cnOad
bare oa tbeir way to Norwood on tha'- Two Rivera Maanfaetnrtog Oo.-s large'

Benalor Ctoik of Hoatana hhs furAa thoosaads of
nUbed means to defray the expaosev
dc wbo dread tbee approach of suni- of sn ex'iedliion to explore the unBar because thej hsv<bi
hay fever and
____iBy velief from
knos o moontalBS of his slate.
read with toleresi sod gniltude tbe
(allowing'SUtesieol from Helen S.
Olmatic Vane.
WIlltoBS of MansUeld. Hass.
The InAoance of eUmallc roodlUons
Tor $7 yean. from , tha moaih of {to the cure of consnaptloe to'very
AagaB nntU beerr
fsoat.-i have been!BBt^ oTurdrawn. Aa poor
afUetad wtthAM (aver, giowtog i_____
. rieb psUeot. too.
aad worse each year, until of UU
— > batter at home br proi
r««iBORmY CO. th»mb o^m*.
------ ' I wns unable to attend
my .............
I to food digaatloa. and a regular
during that period.
_ -------- ---------------------------Bummar I (onnoately gave the morning Is made eertaln by u
I-----„------------good togfat-t P
’ that we •
ing night
................... ... ......and tba extaanatten
■AIs letter to cmly one of aanr that I due to coughing'the greslait danger
have come to the propHetors of Hyo- (and dread of tbe konsumpilre. can be
met. aad tbe resuhs following- tbto - prevented or ttop^ by uklng OerBt have bens so lamarkshle' "an Syrup liberally aad regnlsrly.
la proposed at the annual con-1 Should you be able to go to s warmer
vaatton of bay fever suBerers to rac-jcHnta. you will find that t the thoummand Hyomei.
! saadi of consompctoai ib....
re. tbe
_ ...
As wummer Mtbi arc tbs beB in
By hraatuu the germ-kimog aad | wko are bonePtad aad ragala streogUt
leatloB. flaintoney. apedts beftoeu tha
healing balBms of Hyoael. aByons ^ are tboaa who ose GermaB Syrup. ^re siomacb tr
eyaa. farBentattou. heart hern. dUstlife. .
i. Walt A Bone.
and b
nera or luro a vnUaMe sppetHe. npd
As Bdeu man in the h
me. H Bbews elanrly that tba
M. Katon of Glldden. W}%.. Is dead ■
stoBBch to not dlgeettog tbe food m ft '
Now when Nature srtll aid Hl-o-na to ebosM. tuMend of Uie food helag asSons sgree to rafuad tbe money to any :

k.,™ i
hay fever siiBerer wbo uses Hyomei
iring IndlgestlOB and glvlag etrengU eltnilatad aiM'aialdBg rich, rrt Mood
wltbont benellt.
' lend.
tbe stoBBCb and whole dlgottoe and good
e -- t- od solid
seta. It to
• system. Is tbe bCt*. lime to me tbto
In the s
o A torn;
U to aaM that there are but few
To Cure a Cold In One Day
retcarkable reaedy.
slimy, femeattog t
to (be country wbo caa amoke m Bkay
strong olfart to a day m cu Admtrsl ewrs.
Blag cf tbe stomaeb aad to
Bebtey. He gave one out of bis prlaad strmgtben tbe eevves of
Jnst one little tablet out of ■ U eeat
stock to a Waablagtoo eorre-1 Chicago Is overran by bold erim-, fh*’
ibe dlgBBtoe
box of Ui-ona (or a few days, and all
loot, who aald on meeting tbe ad-' Inals. Since Jan. I IsB. the crime rec- i « «be year, H cures all dtoeases of tbe tbto #111
I for the better.
Biral next day that once wm enoogb ' ort Inelodes 131 mssuIU. « murders, ►tomaob. exoe^tog cancer, but In Ibe

Rogats hM returned from

to btotoair and toBto. .la «
Omt wa wen aaatod at a how_«.,
mnad taMe. wboie we aaitoek beanHr «r the ineMtoa rood. aftB- whtob
^;wen readr to aajor OB vad atok. meatAt A. WUhw'.

BoRowlag a gaa frea a
alai^BlWaahtogtoa. Pa.. AIMi M. Biewnrt.
leana of Trawana OH, Randan aia
Pittsburg agent of tbe Hatloanl OaLaantop tha Outr af the KWaays. ,
ran] Cm. Battle Creek. Mhdu shot aad
To tiler the htood to tha hktoersV kUlad blBsalf. It to thought be wm
When (her (ail to do tbto (be bUaera are sick.
Baebneha and aanr Irtdaap Bto fol-

n..-.. on,. Vk*.



We 1 Known Lines
Milwaukee Corn Binders.
Farmers’ Favorite Grain Drills,
Weber Farm Wagons.
Kalamazoo Buggies.
International Gasoline Engines, '
Empire Cream Se^ratdrs, '
Syracuse and Peerless Plows.
All kinds of Implenwnts and Harness

QPN Gin Ws CO.

- 128PlTNit8tf^t
tXWlS fUCe. MSP.

AIA THumoAV. Auowrr n. i


H. Bttidt ct Bk WU H*#l r*^.
4MJ tAb* CUT •» *
^ ‘*®“‘



^■LOia «t Nwthpon «• tB tfc*


Uolbera to** toelr d^ for
''u’cTISm e* riut.MWrt WM «
•n*nrw CUT TUUor TMU»*r ««
to hU tWD* tut
uadde for iowber co^ptalata oi
J. Lrddl of WUItambwi»«» »■»« eyow aon.
«ttj yauerdtr.
, ^
K. A. Tox of Oclrtl Ltkt wM to to*
atr Ttaurdtr •» «
MM ^ Sua^ «f
,-toe soeat of her Hater ta^-, «ra.
Hiuto Htnteli «t ou touitet
DarU left
wu la tb« CUT TMtotdtr.
Mr*. H- HorrtWB ud t pwtr »
cUWfit n«^ tko
tt oitc*.
Taylor ud faailly.
Calm ud aou. Uaratoa
_ Battle nd family wet
ud DoeUd, «bo have tarn apeedtor TrarerM aiy Tbeaday oo the
tto MarMM tlse bcra. the fW*U of HnCoM'a toUiaf.«- *• Wall, ud faa.ilr, “"S' A*j!tiePhall bw wait^a
of room, to the Wlbelm blodt. Tra*rMrud to aaslaav tlila awnUu.
Hlaa Bwaa Tb«U. vbo bu been at **A S«r ooaalaUn* of Mr. tad Hm
MMAafoa OB a aevm VMki trip. «- j Sbelp of UtoecioU. Ura. B. P.
bame Mm D. U Bum aad Meadan^
tamad Ikum Satdrdaj eiroalMC.
Haa Harr uace. *1» Weat Fnail I L. ud 0. M. Dame aput Tburaday
Miut. left today fer a WaafoTd nail. at Cedar Lodae^d
Xra. B. L. Ctort of Jihaea. who hu
bua to Ux aottk acTOral woaka;. a»
waipa»»»d by b« altt*. Ufa. W. D.
Mom 4d Altofaa left lodu to*iiM a vtoit ain be nad
wtto ratoUTca.
TM Miuea A*nda ud Low Ser­
am of tbta dtr left today tor We»IMd. -ben. they -111 apead a abort
tiae wllA frteadt.


M ft* Denar is-bat *M
paMtheSenH. SM( Sbs*
Srert ter their s«Kk.

patolql the

MM B. Tbbtof of Mutoo
an oetmpytoB ^ Wart ««ta«t
Mlaa. Clara WwabBr* aad bwtow
tetoned ftoo Trareraa City-tola
Tdr ud Mra. 0. E. Dame cotenalDCd
, umber of relalire# ud frieoda at
upper oo Wedoeeday. the ooca^
belaa a -«0'«

Raal latale TraaMera.
ud ---dUitolw
mrm. »». t'campbcU
vu. Heydeaf aad -tfe to Odie Me- UmoT* are r^ltei relatlvee at Bast
Omr. eUifneM. aec-n.
‘^ R. Daria bu beea appotated rO«a«w»lO:»L'
Alfred Mhialer tad wife to & F.
___ QiHtaro (toitoea -III ooeu
Bei^ oK of itoW. eee- «. towa the polpit la tbe Ooepecatloas
tt. mace t; *IM.
Heary Buti uter
3. T. Haabab. et U. to Airflla Oartfriend* Saadar.
MT, wto of taf U ud let H, block.5, talert
DrrGilswidd retnraed to Qraad BtpF. M-t 4th add; tttS.
hU last—eckMn. 8. Campbell' Is the caeat of W.
joha MaaraTa ud wUa to fiobert
ud family.
O. Btohy, tou 16 ud 14. Wodc 4. P. B.3.Campbell
VL Battle, -ho has heea 111. U
B.t tod add; tlJU.
alwlocrw»T p. Camr ud wife to Floyd
C. Sebroeder speat Buday at
U BmUh. parcoL H, U A Oo.’i 6to
Dr. F. J. Brallck aod tamllr left
Wd: fiAOO.
Toeadarfor tbdr at homy at GreeeBo-art B. OaiMT to Ooorge H. 8I0earn aad vUa paH of a«K of avM.
ud Mix a- D. WneoK of the
aaa. l*. t«nra r, raa*e H: *Mil.
. Mb W. MUler aad-lb to Aady a
Iteki. bH of
W “«'i W •“'i*
XL towa n. raato ll: flOO.
tauto U a Johaaoa to Brt»a ft
S-dth, tot U aad a-10 feet tot U. btoek elded to locate here aad hu rutod
the oftee sooa to be raeated hr Dr.
A Oeotokft'a add;
IHadelbaaor ud wife to Wia. MePhalL
Omriei BcTiT hu yecorefod fn*»
L. Brt-a. aett of «-H abd otoeta.
'abe.«6,to«bM.rtaae U: EMdA
Bobert turrlo to WM Oora. -H tot
id -tfe -Ul lean itor
... HePhaUato
1» aad tot ». P. iL’a Sad add: lUtS.
City tfls
Wm. U Brows bad wife to Airflla TrarerM
Hr. WDson arrirsd from .Detnll
ofiMaer. Irta iMl aaft elb of tot 14. Taemlay. bete* called by the aorloas
iSik 4. a, L. ft C0.t tbd add: ttaoe. -'bless of his -tfe.
Bllrer's New Toik Minstrels rrtll be
«r—A UV Co. to Wm. L.
towa Arx. Sth.
BRrtb. tola mi. btoek 4. B.. L. ft IMrs.
Jsaale Biabut toft Thdreday
- lad add: *100.
for tor home to Trarerae City.
Tilxla MoBroe,ud.OMBpuy -IU be
AM Pbtau aad «Ue to Mary W.
MUa. paioM. Boc. 4. to»a M. taage to tovn Ant. 14th.
’Mi noa.
W. H. a muaiea to BMb BHlaa.
e Biooa DuuMiw b.
pamM. aooa. « aad », to«a r. raa«e
wr falllw raaoedy tor ajpir llr-r.
It: WO. .
Ww StSiM to DavW Itoaaa. pant
IteUat pOut^ftoer^lad If erery
thtox else failed to core yon. 'to-J
aaea. 4 aad >. to«a «. raa«e 10: |i.
Bobmt Bartt ud vlte to Oeotie Doan's Otottaent. No taltore there. M
Kata. paiiM. oee. El, to-a *4, Ma«o
u: l«Eoo.
EoMak PualBftOB to Cbarlea B. w lorroni -heo there's a boUto et Di
Qtoek.'too SMT44. WoM tolU L. ft Tbotau' Bclectrie Oil to tbe atodidni
aU boru.
. Od.*b lOlh add; ElEN.
istut relleL
AirlOa Oaidbar to Wm, U Bro«a.
panoL H, Uft Oo.’a m add; n.
AirtUa Oartaer to Viola Kroapa.
panaL a. L. ft Cb.% Ibd add: «.»«.
■art 3. Ceoko aad -ite to Jax W.
BUUkar aad-He. tot 11. btodt T. Good. . fWa add: EtJIO.
B0« LBefaart toil, iarmt NelaoB.
lot 1. OM <1. towa n. raa«a 10; 11.
Oocw aimpooa. ot aL to W«art
Taytor, patoeli. U, M'ft Oo.'a (tb add:




Floyd L. «lb. ei ^ to pnkop
Sraalka. tota ktftO. b^ 1. a. L. ft
a to* amuef MHto* K
OAia liatadd; HE0i. .
Ona D. Oerard aad -tfe to Alba
HHiftL tau U aad It. btoek LftadU
Bataw' tod add; 1460. .
V«oyd U Bmltb ud -tte to T. H
Pbirmu. tota 8 aad44. black 1. B.
'?t*£toS*'S&.4. to.1 puto Mto.:
i; ft Oo.'a 14th add; luoa.
L. &■ HevlU aiM -Vo taMT.Darto aad -ifa. B«M at uM. aae. S4.
40MI8. taa«a U; MM.


Mra. O. P. Btereu reuraed la*t

WMC wocoMT-rw*

Newest, Freshest and Cleanest Shoe Stod< in the city, the above firm having
been in business about one year. Nothing but the best and well known makes
carried by them, such as Rindge, KalmbacI), Cogic ft Co., 3. IWIIdr ft Co.,T lliayer
ft €«. and others. Stock consists of Men’s, Women’s, Boys’Misses’^d Chiidren s
Shoes, Oxfords and Sandals, in Patent Leathers, Russian Tans.^ici Kid. Box Calf,
Velour Calf, in welts, McKays and hand turns. Owing to our already crowded
quarters we will place this stock on sale at such astonishingly low priefes that you
cannot resist the temptation of buying.

Sale Commences Wednesday Morning, August 9tti
Lot 14

Lot 13
Lot 1
Mu’a Sii Lacc Dreu Shot*, ankm
made, Rood atylea. Jight and flexiWe
aolea. Booth Side Shoe Store’s pnoftl.76.
PRICE............... ..............

Lot 2
for iitOe folka. Patent
Leather Shoot, Vid Kid Sb<« and
8t»p Sendala in hwie and button,
-ithaUk ttoBeb,Biae8 3 to 8.-arlh
np to $1.00,


........... 97c



Lot 7

............ 49c


Lot 16 . .


Hen’a Kangaroo CbU ud Gr^
Lnther RiTor Sboea.
in haU
donbleaoke. Sooth Side f%oeStore

Lot 17

Men’s, Boys' and Women's Can­
Women’s Patent Leather Sanvas Shoes and Slippers with best ; 1 dais, trimmed with four straps,
quality rubber soles. South Side ' 1 new style toe. flexible soles. •
Shoe Store price 75c aod $1.

GOLD BRAND SPECIALWomen's $4.00 Shoes, made of
Patent Colt Skin, with fanes’ metcalf tops and miliury heels, fast
eyelets. A dressy street shoe-


RingOe. Kalmbech Woaeo'a Hand
Tom Sboto, botieatly Bade, a aboe
thaV-iU giTO aaUafactioo, DO better
12.60 shoe made.

Htrt is ailxrt Sour Dollars Ollll Bo tb* Farlbtsl
The cream of the South ^ide Shoe Stock consisting of Men’s
Shoes and Oxfords, snappy styles in patent enamels, patent colt
skins, velour calf, vici kid, box calf. Russia tan. in lacc and blucher styles, regular price $4,
01 A A

Lot 5

Infants' Kid Moccasins in red.
ox blood, brown, pink and whiterYour choice of any color. Rq
per pair .....................................



Lot 11

Lot 22

Lot 21

Rindge. Kalmbaeh &, Mayer $150
Mitaee’ Shoes in PRent Coll Skin and
French Kid nppem, with hand tamed

Odds and ends of Ladies' and
Misses’ Shoes for less than the
price of the soles.
SPECIAL for this sale

Infants' hard sole Ki‘l Lacc
Shoes, fancy stitch^.
per pair................................

Bays’ cennine Watoproof Shoes.
the «dl known MiUar'a mi^e. a shoe


lut UIM .
-BUT toort^ trcto xWtlai




,r^jy^.rj-Ln.Lot 25



Women’s Doogola Foxi-d Shoes,
black and tan. all solid leather,
litary heels,
;ris, extension soles.
irth $’2.

Lot 26
Women's Walking Shoes in lace
and core fronts.
\’cry dressy.
Sold by South Side Shoe Store for





Lot 12

1.19 attd 97c

^ -


Men’s Oxfords -ith flexible aoWa.
fine vici kifi opia^ a oomlpr^
shoe for -arm -ulhef. ttoiilh btde
Shoe Store price $2.00.

Lot 24

Lot 23

paM tbtaa veeki.

Mil t. lento Twtmu to am«
■today, attar a fe- ftva* vtolt -HI





arnm »au ii

S5g“::.... ;..... 12c
Lot JO

Lot 20


Lot 9

........... 79c j ?kTch......... $2-69

Lot 4
Miaaee' Sandals with flexible eulvs,
pliable iropera. trimmed ^th two
atnpa and fancy bocklee, cheap at |1


■ Lot 19


Misses' and Little Gents’ Cordo­
van Shoes, sizes y to 12, made with
soft, pliable and durable uppers, a
shoe that will
knocking. Regularly sold for 1.60

Oil Grain and Bnff W«fc
Sbotm, Rindgp, Kalmbnoh make, wHh
: eolid inner
outer aolee and eoontera. No bettor fliXlBbae toade.

a?0E.........:... 88c

Lot 16
South Side Shoe Stock best $3.50 and $4 Ladies’ Shoes, in
welts and hand turn, military and French heels, in patent leath­
er. vici kid and ideal kid, some with easy.clastic A 1 A I
^1 Ml
OUR PRICE............................................................ «fl|r ■

Lot 18

Otble MoCtakea of AMea are Tteltto*
at Ue be«e of Cbaa. Luale thU week.
Mra. Bua Brwwa ud Ume ebU-

aeftfin-lJUia UUle of TiaMiae
-to bara been pleUac cb^e. a
vM ■toaa’B. bare rataraM borne.
JIn. peter Utot Ud Mra. WtU
jjmrtB aad Mra. On—all all aurted
far Platta rlrcr to trick botftleaetilaa
- - h Wtoue. -to «ol bto to|
_ Bitoe tbae ar>. to lautos akwi

eslktDeltora -kal ••
esMaeSeatb SMt Sbee
Slerrierlbeir sleek.

BojV Satin Calf Lace Shdee. a
weiy^reuy rfme
aoW h, ooiDpet.
itort for $1.3.5.


JCE peritoir,.


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