Grand Traverse Herald, November 02, 1905

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Grand Traverse Herald, November 02, 1905


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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Th# OM^I
,rw* tb. iWl of brotfcrrtood.
1# brtp ir I ■«- In «n<l*«
TkML tmi» to tb« hickcr aood:

i tSer llltblr approTO his deeds-a
both are
CMdr Maoiiliiinisp
I. toad aakee oUrer as a amt- than cooBr propoee bii Uborlnt tbe caaople Jars of alataaster to whM tbe
to Bt Petersbnrf taonaeteeptot eosu
aeoad trem ioow caacht her ear. while; It eras toault heaped on tojuiy entiaUs of tbe deceased were depos- mar hare eniertatocd that the darV-< eziendtot him llberel asrinaace
-Hr Ideh from the sian." sold Or mure, tt Is said. tMa to the othe- Bulied. Theaa'caaBol bo aiatotacd to ne« hides onto (be dendllesi enemies?'
-eltber that'i hint dowa there to the wttb a reocMnee.
And the", wb.- thoeld not ^e o/ Sbepard. -was to add an addlttoesl rnpeaa eapttsls. To befla with, atkhJnot ibop TIte mored op a bii. He Oise, flneaeao. and s
dialD' reoet this bleeeed Blante.

UbX ooe o- two tbtoai. an' ««»'■ rm retarded '■Uoochtoc Hike's* aaatomr
To MCCare.thn Uflit that H aUitlac a Ueto’. brcaibto' womaii. I'm toleloTlatto- He eree tlaneed toward Hits

•ad oat!Hetir with an taqulrint look wblcii
On tbe mive'i nptmod taoe;
It was -hlBk.' a hnrty. rouab sort ot said. Bwre platoUr than words. -Shall
AM to vhM»«r a .Mpn vhoM bnn^ ttole*. Mae Hetir eaesaed, tad rlaht*
to for fabn now’ You sar the word”
Tbe burtUr ebanked bis mind wlita
to. tbooib hla been was inraM to her
‘ to M «U* an thn hnmui nw.
It to ikto: tb« hoar to olMi hm
WbM ttaa Toe«a ibalJ rtoo as ose.

as be k»dt before the treat maboctpr
oldeboard. boaied wttb tu rerr tresblee lock. The little woaan there In

b^s wbleh form tbe corero are older trowtb look ahead for tbe brltbl' erop (o the farm products of (be coon tot cno be bentbt wltboot bnivlalBtthe l^eot strle of EtYPtian an. I'nder- tbltits of life, rather 'ban allow our - i^rTEP-md to atrtcuUural snpreit . and (hose who are toiUtnn to the an
H» have the adraniace oeer Ihetr nel|dneatb U a seermd set cd heads of plst- beans tobe kept in the shadow br the ! fer Is
] fear of troubles wblcb nerer wlU^rk-oda seem to think tbsi 1 hare been ' bora
If roe know bow to tm on the
ter coated oith totrl.
how (he chairs and ; come' Annclpatioa trouble erears tiu ^ successful, and t have everv- reason to soft side of a Ruaslaa tradesman and
boxes, ubies and nndals. bore

aoni out.

When it comes it will b-y-he tretlBed with what
us nut be seared | comptlshed.

lat alaerlir wblcb Is onto accredited | ibi- siatemeiit to tbe words of tbe Tel- time to meet II
I tbe -sterner" ses. He poi oo s j el-Amarea laWcSs that "told was aj 10 death b>- iniubles
bold face. "Alius pleased to bltoe ibi j plentiful as dust' In (he dart of ibc oalr ihadowi.—Farm
I, Elthieealh Draasir There Is nolbint.
ladles.- said -Houcblnt »toe."

(bat are at best

doorwar. wrapped about with a
‘ bowerer mean or iBslcniBeant, that
One of Mlaewn's CuHes.
. dreesInt town, ber bare feet
-Few neoplc know wbat a blp sOsir
I not IKenlto plai^ witb tbe told < j
thnut leio woolen allppers and some•Y'ou’rr rery kind, I’m sure.'
Tttot are ktoaM hr a oonawn na;
I Hark TWsls's csvr Is that be menUons
ttatot shtolat la ber band, could bare Hetty
Whn tha cMBoa'a i«ar otall be hmH
to his books as tbr meettoR place of
------------------------------acreamed with frltht. But ibe dldo-i. (bank you. too." sbe added. "Woni
High Farmlep at eidronodr
Tom Sawyer’s lutWie band of bleb-.
ne Perkinsea are made of sterner you. nice old docgle? "<
ABd the wwftaci akafl be fortod;
-I’r-r r-r-r-r!!!" vouchalud TIrv
H does eot pay to bomyw treubk.| «aj robbers,' sa!d
M. Cbadsirk. of,
What abedid Is ot miKh treater,
yihm tho IDrvhiu boaoer of peM«
"Houebing Hike- fell (o bU iasl;:The man or woman who do^-4t..wlll I Hannibal, Mo -!i
and '
eonsetoence. and wbai is more. Ii was i
MM flotf
ao qnSelOr. ao Qoietto dene. iba;| with a silllngnees tbar was grauryinq' surely P*y toe biggest kind of tnleb-y,a big one. too. It Is situated abou( two
Otor a aUW or on tl|e vortd.
bls watebers. in the bright moon-i est,
imUes i*e river from HannIbaL Hr
"tooacbtot Hike." maaler
AM MU> oU Xito biada tron the tboa-

has been ac ^plr him with prorerds a*J )okes jro
: can eat tan price dosrn to the naiYaw-

"Tre ratstot to tbe I'nlted Stoles Is! tsi marato of profit, othn-wlte be alto-

certotolr practicable
it ts no new
ply robs rou
Indeed, hr atonal wMI
' tbiat In (his country, fur to (be old di- oiberwise, because not onlr s Irlefc
dsrs a Frencb priest plaided tea on of the trade, hr; as tmwrittssi lav
(he banks of tbe Ashler Hver.

But obllces him to ask for his wares frw

owtos to tbe dUferenee in the cost of**' to 4u per cent more Ibaa be expeet's.
labor the I'nlted States can not com He himself would be aMMtabrd U you
pete wlib the oHeot in lorn prade or
cheap teas.

would take h'm at bl« word.


Krelll pay lu to produc -. acaln. of course, a treat deal depends .

onto 'hat of the hlRbret
nuaJilr, which ' cm the choice of >faopt

One of the

brings aibigb price In (be msrkei. The mOst satisfactory i^yt of bnyiag p^lea growh on my ptsec In South Caro vMoos
I. bni
The hous*- itoa compares with the bestibai Is
(o repair \fi <be open air marketo. ile

it sometimes seems almost nnavoid-1 Clemens' /boyboM borne.
• There are ginmnee «t tiorr to Iton- that ha waa. ttortad np. gave a fiaista I light that flooded the -oom be worked;
cry. then crouched back, trembllu. i with one abare tool and then another, j able that we should borrow. In oM j he lived to In bis yontoful daysIs still Imported from eastern Isnds
cowml by that cold circlet that preaaeJ but the lock, which wss of that old-1 times folks went miles to borrow fire slandlng. by the way. and Is visited b..- ^ tgan Tradesman.
B« ther on ere Bot no bricht
fashioned l^lnd—toe despair of modern I when toe sparka went out on tbeir; all strangers wbo come to toe town.
ao eloae agatost bU ear.Aa <wr owB deM-euth «0I be. tf ve
**1 wopldnT wlggfe ronnd much
Cas open the rtoca ot rt«fat:
) It we, aa brotfeen, will lore each other.. TO yon." a sHee eounieled gently
ataT 4Di(e naed to tola ton o' fire■
Aad work aa beat aa we eaa
la the AtorloM labor e( UfUac oar anna, an' I wouUbT like to hare w an­
swer far no tpoataneona combnsi

Hlch certald^bllc sqpares of toe eapfiifl
Ilule stalls are 4ged.i9:^H’W
Ing and bere frnlt. Tege<a%R«}|Mi.-

crackamen—folly Jnttlfied Sam Jack-'own henrtosione. Once to a while.
-But tbe ca e! That U oneof thv
Like a,
son's supposed comment. He would ' even to ibeee days when ererybodt | curiosities of Ulssouri. Excursions sreor. Frsok Cowan, wbo to taU
bare given It up ntonv times bad not i has abont everTtotag to tbe line of j run ««err summer from up and dowt. |

P-.uin?, hardware and baberdat^
tbrrt- ean be bongtat op lo mm. Bnl at thP

of years has been prUa’e srer-.-

Tige token so keen an Interest and | tools and farm Implements It does ' the rirer by steamers and from Ibv tary to President


"f li.erery booth and stall vpa-

Johnson.’I’bei -rNew York Herald

encoimged b'ni with a lltUe nudge j seem as If we can not get aloag with-1 roontry (owns of HIssouri. Iowa and physician. Uwycr, poet, composer of

■- -




^ out calltog on onr neighbors for some- j IlllnoU to toe grove surrounding ttc | musk-, lecturer and blsiortan. Is sp
‘Uouebtog Hllto" groanod. -Nailed, when he smned (o lag.
Snap! One last migbly effort! One; thing
jrere. Last summer a society of young 'pn^chto^ ^Is end at bU country- borne
Abuot wedding rings are ^
and by a woman! a little frsil. ftatoerBut, after all. Franklin's bead wa-t| people held retlgtous services to tbe j gear Oreensburg. Pa.
' posited every year at the Honiripl
welght of a woman!-—ifaU mucb be Quick wre"Cb with the s>iarp steel! I
-He that poos ■- large rooai of toe care. This is called |
pawnsbop of Paris.
aaeeplatoed from out toe corner of bis There! Both tools went elasUng to
assembly ball, and Is nearly ai
Wbo stata of tha tormer?
eye—bit eyes beint toe cwly part of the floor and tbe door swung anally borrowing goes
sll toe things anybody ever thought of quartcrof a mile from toe eotrancT •< i dogg and old reltt and barnacles lo toc|*9Biers In toe strref. are no unoaH
OnM old playar of npblll came.
him be cared W more freely- with that odiward.
"Now for It! I'll pinch dr swag an’ borrowing, trouble li the moet unsato' tbe .bill
It it Isrgv \
buried past.- as toU remark-; "Mt to toe aWe streeu of MgaBa. J
OpnnM hr »o prlM of wnalth or tame: ooM steel against hU bead.
lo bold
told a bnndred
hundred persuos.
persims. sn-i ,ble man sivh-s himself, be has asked i
massed aarlea of (be werW ^
. Ohm whieb caUa (or a'nidler-a srUI.
Cold steel—TO It? -That first awful
Imagine bow grnesomc an efhr be buried to accurdance with |
«0 batUsshlpa. 4TI erniam. i
dtae srhleb dwaad* « aallor't lUli
loment past, -Houebing Hike" began Hike." but Hiss Hetty was wo quick. brings anything to tbe Hne ot reiuni.
have a uelgbbor whoso [ fort migtal
pt-rsons ,b- —slom
custom of toe old
hi be made upon some pi-rsons
aistfMwMed fhMr of woes.
to ponder. It dhto'i feel ao much like With a cry. ebe spiaag forward, and
e bow<-ls . His
.... conn has U-en coosi reeled
„v.v>. -u-v.
DnMnr than bntnU hr b«H^ Toes;
rerolrer, after all. now he came to from tbe darknere wltt^ drew forth wife rejoiced to the toonghi Ihai she' by . religious service I
TSMar of CMlilHh. ■tobbH« fight.
think of It What If it.wrrc onto a a box a box that'was laige. square, was not to live tong. Now, that msv of ,he earth, w ith nothing In t^ay. bis snperrlslon. bl. grave dug. th *
AM helpiBc <

>f toe old Vlktog k

brouto. patiebonrd. and labeled. -Dog- seem a queer ibing to say. bui she of a light but s flickerlqg catfdle or|,uncial arrangvmeolA made.
'Tbey hare a
really did appear to get oomfon out [ two, especially If the terrors of purga- ■
-jij- roflln " he mtys “Is In reality a i 11-®*®
I's game, through and tbrongta. bltculU * "Tes." her rolce was still riiiirtog
sajlug -I shall not be bere long nory should IH dwelt on.
| symbolic lioat. it
Onalls are becoming
.. Is
>■ modeled
4..W.V-V--. crudely
v.MWV.J -I
. . . . .^ _ to
_. acart*
* WKh pUiHad dfpniktAM.drpBchfiM -Well, she'd find that -Houchlns Mike"
both France and OermaBV hare ahiBooM.
at wo <4d a bird bluffed!’
tBtth (bo wnatM enp ^ the eutMea
He whirled suddenly, daabed tbe iway. through klUtoenVback door, Baek|.lress to be cot up ud given to the ways to its depths, sod frtnn the far-1 *bleh have U-vn dug from the peal ‘"toly piMlbltod their kUltog.
I high-1 heathen.Sbe bad ■ every
disease; tfa.-si r>otot one miy rvMjrn to il
eold elrdet frop his bend, then yard, and out onlo tbe
“’■^bogs of Norihwestern EuropeAU tbe rear. «*HT

jMe. fUr find bluff*





It TO such an old game— a

road. "I'm mtgbty 'bilged a you. an' known t . the doctore—consumption, j .rente in a dosen dlffer«itjoute8w1ib-7„
symbolle. every part or ta#.*-- Courtad WNh Calarad l___
rndeto grenned again.-tots
I,......................'P'*'"'liver t
j O'" s»>“6 '» “S'
'“e others. Tber. ;
u,e mvre's bead to tbe prow! |»e ««>ot eesisus of the nnitre. (n for he waa looking atnight tow the BO'S Tige.'
When he waa gone HUs Hetty lined | finally, gangrene to <me of her fret. I are many queer formations, and toey . ,q ,be red patoi on every part of It anJ' i^BTrensvaal «
reddened eyet ot the moat bfdeoua old
.A tnp. lav—
r— M««Xa anfW ^ TMs ISJll hilt fs|r tO takC hCT SS-ay to I 1—-a- *s.. na—.aa a)*-n-. la
. ' tS
given In "TWn Oam-.
Saw Ij .
oare and...
strident o(l
Each »
bnlldoc It bad ever been hit IlKortone toa top layer of cakes to make snre'l This last

With the MTfifiB bfinfi 4Hl tbe «
Maid Artppnd:

that the tamlly Jewels were quite safe, j short order,
There Is a pool of crystal clear. I
|.»nmber of beads of dlBeitmt eeiom^!
She groaned ao that we eonld
Ice-cold water, a crocodile, an ele-|wnd aaother to the nndereundlag.
*® •*'•** ***■•
-Watoh bim. Tlg»."
Ulas Hetty pat a blacall -to aoak" that her ftlib-;
-m a word.It repreaenis the flagship I A big black baad ■ sgrmsnUd an MHt
tmUed iweelly. and sniffed first wild fnl Cereberas might be rewarded, and • her a quarter of a mile. Her husband phant s trunk and other formations
TTie passages lead up and down, to andl^
^.nttiBg forbears at th'et
nstlre, a big yellow bsM to
Ot abattornd ptau and pndseu kflM. one aoHril. then toe other, at the llUie smiled. Jon ibevleast imie aelf-aatif-'
and pale sttUng op with bis wife at
each otoer to a mosi
»ere to-! *«*» «P
*«* a big bins baM
grwen bottle of amelltog-aaKa.- returned fled sHUc.—Womb's Fane Jonmal.
He worked hlmseW half to bewlldcriag way.
W Its oifgtoal naefotoeti.
V less. It cymbiliresja » - ' d woman and a-w1rtta«eM^
4^ hiMair
tn^ fiv.
tarblended b
death to get money to psy toe doctor'*
m nar-ow Uiat s" ordtoary-sise<l
tv* M tbeKafc^ ilitmlh* blow.
the fire boat In wbleh toe dred body of i
•*•- '*
« to Egypt of Hr Da- bills, and altogether Ihe.v bid a sad person can with. dIBculty
OfWlr naOaa at afieh Mfirthrow:
a Benecker or Viking was placed by
• 'WF
Hfipan aiOnat bhpfi. M the creed he aneb Jobs aa,tois. tod avUled himself vlea. tha fi
Jils friends and anendanu. fired anj{* *i“|l •*'**
^ • fflfl.—ThThat was a quarter of a century Iom that ibe entrance has been close! toen set adrift with an ebbing tide In I *•“.
more firmly on his bandy Wgi.
OtMppototM aM Hek at benrt.


The other day 1 saw ono of the.; and no one Is allowed to go to without
-cm. yon atoT got no call w be are regardad as a whole as surpassing
M HMt «nne l»4lw vortfi fit tbtnga;
So Me rtM pfififi. ‘fben tlw rtaal Tfared o' Tlge. you know, so long’s mny yel made to tbal country. The [old neighbors snd Inquired after tm«‘s guide."—Exchange.
you keep rgry dull.- Hits Hetty rol- Boston TrnflicTlpl gires (bit toeountj dear soul. I learned toti her husband
' CaU
I had been to hte grave many long, long
^aris from tha Wabash.
Bowt iba'htnTn kefid. nM faMk to the unteered tweeUy.
"Why, TIge's as from Its London correopoodBit;

toe then IlllmIUble ocean of toe west’
w-Hh these all-Iavoivtog ideas in toe;

; “
■■■ ■ '
Obeyk*« OsHare.

set—ibat tbe dead; simulating toe s^.
iBgUMttoBa lo
Uog or dying sun. ___________
to a blaxe of glofy.j •>"
servant, as U
The fame oMbe Wabash river pearls
aai tells tbe story,

rare diaeosered between ibe]years. bul sha herself U atill alive,-'
playful as a kHien, atoT yon. eld dogTHtag Ue worid ot eamre. not Mame. gtosT' leaning forward pat tbe e«r- tombs of JUmeaes IV. and lUmsaes i at brighi as a cricket and happy ts a. Is spreading far and wldv. and even to |
'TbegiudoIdjdamrrwaitbeibiM! ■ona bend. The answering growl well- JClI. At the toot'of toe steps Is a doOr! clam at high Ude. That Is whtt ctme ( Parts dealers are having a big demand |
Of rock and blacked with! of her borrowing trouble
■ for tbom. their customers being the
ilgh predpHaled -Honchtog Hike* to- Tnt—NehoiyfitngiortbefUtoer
i4« good II does tn members of ibe nobility and the arlsHones. Ur. Davlea on entering found;
—H. r. Abell. 10 hysteria.
ow trouble
Things come along j locracy
The gems are advertised as
■ There was a period of silence where­ anotoer fllfibt of twenty aicpa cut out


enough wltoout Ilgfailng tbe can-;
HMn Het^ BMplar.'
to Hiat Hetty eat smiling to toe friesd- of rock, at Ibe end of which waa a
load dear of blocked sunn, the Idle and hunilng lor them long before
At toWtsM Twist tbe latest bnry- IMM manaer possible; "Monebtog
ter fac^hr which was atill p1asiere<l I dark.
Wc had anotoer neighbor, a!
tbe enmtog asairnng. th« do. Kike- rerolred to hU mind n hundred
mud, M which were impressions; great raanyfi-enrs ago. who was s most
IBM of tbe Dnreas' aoelety. and why plans for escape, efioh one more imleaUe than to toe lakt. and Tig.' of the rwil seal. On toe steps were esccileat man. but had been brought'
Mr Rawktaa dU Bot ^eUt up to
aoitlB'. Peatoefcet did fi>d time W
■taoe aigBlfiatoUr toward the bonae

ed his watch bnnot the qulrer
f a lash.

superb pefilorel scarabs, broken wrlt-itir In r-day when folks honestly be-

. Iieved In forerunacri. and all toit sort.
There Iwai Mmethlng Ing. and a iablel of alabasiei.
It was arldHit that tbe tomb bad^ of tblOE
He told us once what fair!

hypsoUe in toererayTWdog stared!

(be -Wabas* " tvearls.



,j„ j

-Before remortog toe aonp plataA

^e bom agalb!Exebangr. j
always ask each perfiM If ba ar
1 ate would like -------"MaamriiMe—«rin.-

"n'hai are you grinnli(g lor?" aaked

u‘umb.-;"oftoe '*
the gentleman like tome i
dispense wi'h a more compllmesiary |
w York tl
larger foreign cities.
-Yes. please."
form of speacb.
! foreign firms “
"There lin'l any toft. "
"Because lYe loamed somethlag '
are besieged wlto "herry-up'' orders,.
-Sometoing new under toe^un ai
and they sre uaaWe to come snywbere;,
near suonlying < b<- dem
"No^ il tou t nrw, but I've Just dem-^
They are paying fanry prices for toe .
;' onairaled It for myself, i
gems as fast at. tfaVv appear on tte | “
-------- --- e bridges I e built

Tet Misa Hetty was not by halt so beeo entoffid by robbers sbotily after j Idt-d was about those gbostly thtoRs to i
lu oonstrMtIoo
Thej- had probably to.-time of his bc^bood. 'market, one of tb.te pearls whlcM
marble.. In Wret Heitoo U a Unc
"I thought a forerunner was a moa ' veils u. a »mal* dealer altMig toe Wa-;
with ebony aleepcra and ballaH of
any minute tbe <rid dog might open bis been anrpHsad at ibelr work, ind flo-i!
baste, Ikrtog-Bome of tbe plunder: sirous great sled-rnncer. ibu crook' basb for »J.>o win brtns three times
toevltabic. toev can be warded ,
drawn from toe mtees beyawn which
. 4M mareM ip tbe Beat wmlk sHth
He borders of aweet alysaom. ponu- TO hto fashion s"d then—she shud­
stnicttog these railways bad M olMr
laea aM mignonette, srtu head erect dered W thtok of tbe effect of tonse Mr. Davies found it the tesnb ba I, th.- air. It went round and round the' of the Paris dealer, and it Is ha-d lo •
II Is thougbl. been visited by' bouse with a 'whU! wblx!' that uk-4 ■ comprehend ih.- nrire b- will put on '““t-'P •*
materlAl on the route and totmd b
oM the gMernI air of one srfao reada red and qolw WotUeu gums.npMi tbe
to make my hair stand on end. 1 re-. toe gem wh- n l»-places |i on the mar-; f'''"''*-'
, ebroper iov,«- ibeae sremlng e«rtv; bar dntr elaar and dladatoa to ahlrk. burglar.
tomb Itselt Is not large. Tbe; member heartog H ono nlgbi sftPr L ket. The Wsbsth" p«-srt I* regarded
»*"■:**• '®«“
Import toe orttoary
• that a tbimgtaP flaaheJ
-I tenmn. TalaT Chrtstlandlke.
T or dec- i bad gone to bed. The wblxilng nols" ' as *var i-xce«eocv hv the fotign
fHrtai mu«c.t-s
’ mstrrial,—Exchange.
Vita Rettr. yon to be Urln' alone like tow mind; a thOMhi wbleh left her; walls wm
. from end toica'me over and over again, and I im- hllliv
|i is known ibai the Wabash ™''luguhnoiiv
with iU dating. Yet wa< I eiaied. b
thlerean anaarrled dStoan with nary
b spoils of an-.sglned I could sre tbat giant thing
cAIM Bor chUd." Misa Doddt hot Bot toe sltaatioa a dcspereie oneTiend with
Egypt.Mommycases Increstcd swiniy hurrytot around the bonse. r
•. nMoad PnatMChara dft-aaaened aeail- After all, toere was a chanee,
with gold,hugeaUbasier vases of
ex- was Inclined to hide my bead under
Mat *XaM! I ahoald thtok yon’d
get that eeaW «'Bights. I ahoald to*t

die. And tbfiidB-a BMB-r
-A mas!' atralgbt.

Waa Hetty eat np rery

Her Wan eyea were snap-

-Lartoy dodda. Ito anrprlaed:-

•be nld aeceeely. "Why. they ain't
beHt a BMB lasMc «' lUt honee to
- twanty yeara.‘■Bnr—Hlai Doddf waa persiatent

rlv-r has




Beat Mada eipcci
From a Paort.

A Jeweler to Turin has made a tiny •
of dollars' worth of pearls.
i. myself.
'1 11 keep u
. show of splr;o, a a,Bg|« pe„,. ne ball p
UuriOR ihv
iw.-lve months.-and
d ,f t can t fIn-lT shsp.-d. and might i
s l»-le-f <1 those wbo for five n
heart a deu-rmtoa- art- In posttlnn lo know that thousand. ►’“<> •' »“?
IV gv! aw.v some- ni'M'-l for a raolng sloop. Tbe nil H
>tr red of th.- B.e mici <if leatcn gold. Stnd.led wllb diamonda.
! ilon t« know just .bal there was t-., ,re sold which have no- come to the «l>*rt-'
Burglar." she began again. "Fm plied to bewlldertoi, confusion.
'Oo-much auvori-d in niv and i^binnarlr-.llgbt is a pnte^
mighty glad you
happen^ to Just
In a aepulchrel chamber about JO]'bat foreninmv; m I cn-pt softly ou; koowii-dp of the R,-nf-rw!\public
-Many p<«iple art- huntinkjKwrls
work to think tif srv'hmi d-*-. rui.yi AirT-m.-rald servea am lu rudwrben roe did?"
fret loog. 15 feet w ide, and i feet j of bed. and, with i heart playing the
At lAMigtown one aB** wben I did r.-call
dfV. and Us Hand Is a slab of Ivory.
“Too be?-^Bcredulonaly.
Ugb, on torleft of the entrance, there' llrelleH kind of a i re. I made by way (he Wabash liver
Its weight (s leM than one ounce, and
“Tea. I be. It really aecmi provl Wre foond two grtwt wooden Tarco-, toward the buixtog ound. Nearer and day last week htindrv-dsof people were a««to. 1 thought.Wei!. I v,- K- pt
went toward toe at work on a blc sqndbar to.--. Tbe »-htotog so long I'll keep r up until
black and gold.
It i> va'd to have covt tS.m.—Eidcatlal. BOW don't it?"-pcrtuaalvely. phagl oalBied
When to- clock had ebange
flreplan. and at las' I pni out m;.
wa* full of shvlis In which
“Well, you kto searob me." .
within were the mummlew qf

vas >nst brclomcg i
-You aee." sbe w-ent an to explain. i and sromkn. There were tsro caae's. hand with -antoicnre desire to grasp
ibi- pt'»n» ar" fo""'' Th- p.-arls grow struck and I
railed to the ivl.-phor.> *»'
I been tryto' fer a long tlmiyfo get, The outer one was eompbriely silver- the awftfl tpv<lt-r. and. lo and behold! on toe In-ld. .if the sh.lls. which are
woere Wi>
Why. n bnrglar. rrin-etoBce.'
I found nothing then- hut toe bouse hroken open snd't-p-arl carefull} re
rretivi-d I mensage shich wipt>l
In Snmalrw
l.-igtb of lime tojT
"A borglar! Load allrto'!* MUv (hat OM aldeboard open. Half a doxen ; plaiod on Ibe outs^ and ror.ercd
so VO-J , widow
thi warm farenb moved by the humer
'h- worry ou- -i
sr he- w.i.-rts It de''
Hetty's Utile tongh itokled ont. “New.. man. moreor less, a-linkerto'at il. an ; tllre'r-lt-af M the la^t-. The lecond j cat. itaorlng on

iBd .kf'rr ber bntda* an old woman like aw look like
Tbat cvir«-U btm <>l hiv siipt-rMiitou
frv.m the Wabash riv.-r u. on.-qualM
l, snd ► ' sfc- p^nlN a flapdaff C
ake*d bare anrtUn' worth bnrg^I ■ tlnamltosn' gcoerel Handy Andy down'and coveted-with golU-Icaf on the in
J toe vHlage. be^asM they'd be put-i aide. Over a gilded mask Uoloiigliig but lots of folks now have their streak hj any other rtr.-ani in the world, and
' H"*
Hina Doddi looked to righKas* 1
h-r door '-'»n wh<cfa a flag is rela.-d.
WmI- toi--8sg rt'raalns un'ora by tbiWl She hltcliafi ber choir a Ayifle> tertn' round till crack o' doom, an'j lo one of fhe mummies a veil of black !<^ faith to slitos and, fon-nnners, Tbe-- li Is no wonder, ir.-relore, ibat tb" dlsap|K-ar wttoln a:
.i-Thal alBT no itMoa t^ migiitB'i


r Bbrill
This Is Jhe first bellevr to dreams They can't bear to .-yes of tbe fotv Ign deal. r» and noWlltv
I' »
>> »' o*
*eoar. dropped Ber
abrill voiceand-j
and-,toen Iwouldnt be open. He aaid avi mnsUn waa drawn
Banly. and ployed heftnt^ c*fd:'
| bow bobody but a perfeoalpBal eonld I time tbat anyihlag of this kind has j b>-ar a ben crow, ur a cow bcllnw’. tn are turned tuward Indiana. The qual- Utoc
It vo-j can
le tamlly
JeweU!" abe i^pered j do tbe Job. You're one o’them, 1 take | been founfl In EcriW.
i the night, for tear toes.- thingv, be-The
The Inaeriptlooa atom- (bat It was: tokon the dvwih of i
f a
boM^; toM. S.-------Mampbantly
totoaraeU. tor ber aearektog eyoa bad egi^t
“ffpoac ao." be acqnleaeed tnlleoLv.' the burial place of Yua and Tboa. (he: frieod Is sick toej- want the lookingMina Hetty's----------------------- — Tbla laat more wonld be regarded by|parenis eff toe tamouaQttren Tele, thvlglass turned to the wall. Iwi the

t toai'd toUA yonr

liv of tb- Wabavb ore-1 stands far

«n stand i-

abred of all n-hert. and from iht very '
mbaent It is found l: la marketa






wind '•tioiiciir torhid- that rbe sbouli
msri 1
Uui ms s»m a. a reni appear^.
m. ms’ier how-itm she ren lay aHd^
b'-r wit-1.—Answers




toe brotoerbood aa anything but "per-: wife of Ameabotep III., of (be Elgbi-! friend should catch a glimpse of his made hr the pearl hunters, and
feaitruiil.- and were toe Hory'ta come ecoto Dynast}
; face there, which Vonid be' a snieicod is nut vvt —Hicbigan Tradi-aa
A fitrangr Library.
There Is at Cavsel a lib'
“Tbarc's JnM coe thing sure. MtoU- ouL wdoM pul bIm beycM toe pale i
Beyond toe coflias the *grMmd wav. sign of dyath
--------- ^--------------------nrub•bel peridBs.“ she eommnned wlto tbe «d "amooto guys'' for toe reel of blx, covered wlto large, tealed Jara of oil'
ably iioiqm- to toe worl-1
I know iltoe abarera now wbo dread'
Raiting Tes In the fieuto.
wide bine vm tbat stored out at her career.
timber, printed on timber pages-‘ and wine, and aben-llke boxes of wood, to go into tbe dark alone on account .
Dr Charles a Shepard, o' Bo
tram tbe bnmd. toddashhmed mirror
*riVHr—the little vroman drew in eaefa ef wblcb contained a pl^ r.i of slorie* some supentlllous penon Calorina. has proved on bis own plan- possibly from irood blocks—and deals,
tbat topped tbe broad, old-lashkmed her breath abarply—-s'paalo’ you tiy! cooked bnni wrapped In black muslin, has iM toem of the "Boogert" tool latloa at Summcrille. twentv milot exclusively with Umber. Tbe llbrai^
bfiNBB. -to* alBT BO fool tbatT half yonr band at ur
j PUnied on top of tbcee Is a chariot live In toe abadows. ll U wrong u> out of Cnarleston. tost toe growing oi in quailon
is the
ao toolHb u OB old took If tbat toere-«Wr Tbe foeee of toe eMtami-lpraad eMnA to bold two. TMs U| mnke'toe lives of ibeae little friends ten can be ca-ried on aoceeufully nnd wblcb was compiled more ibnn a ri-n-

A Me>iecria «r Ttoan.
The strongest
menagerie la toe
world Is on an Ohld farm.


all the eardeas. orchards aM ficMs U
this curious place one meefa wild
brests of
toned out of

roots, traska.aad tb4

brenebe* of trees —Exebaage.

Magtoan HaMfii.


bmglar'a oMrtB'. so *monBt o’ hMkto- tiCB qnltc atartled Hlaa HeRy oni of j richly plated asd ineroHed vrito goU! so feMneae. Would li not be belie.- profitably.
He has been'^doing this lury ago by Karl BchlAdbaeb, and Is
Tbe ouuMe wmlla of maBy of ton
■ad* bedaX keep him away er baa- her vranatafi eanrage.-Mooching Hlfce“' nnd lentibr‘vrotfe as tiwab as when H|to tell toem that toe good angeU arc for twelve v-cara witb sneb good- re- compoaed of about 500 volames maderbovset tn Mexico are frem'three to
tM bis rialt. WbBt It to be TUI be WM iMIgBgaL That a wcaton abould was made.
| Jun as near to toe night at in tbe suits that toe seemary «f agricoltare from trees to (be park at WUbeIm-;aix feet tolck to wltbaUM eartogunte
vrbHber lu bnrgKn «r manaioa. ob': boU bim fa M> ridienloas a poHtlon., Tbe offeer objects lonM vreie tour !day. and do all In our power to drive and toe eongreai of tbe i’nlted Stales-wMe.—Tlt Bl's.



thrm at DelN# «
m4 OtW ratUIrm B««.



Tbe islut cUU ot
and Mr*.
Arttor Bolu* 1* »«t aWik.
Th« inrpri** party E<»«« ««
Marrilirti (or Mr*. S«>*b Orteer BrInrOr *>*■ a coaiplel* •urMlae and
pasd time CDpryed I>r all. Sb« r«cetT*d «>l»« T*rr Bh* pTwent*.
Mr*. «B-->* SimOBS. wbo bu been
vWUnc Mr*. NeU Bye and tunJlr ot
WalUa *eT*TaI day*, returned bom*
. Bletard Brlminer made * busioen
irtp to TbamiwooTille Saturday.
Mr*. BHen Oooo. who ba* been vtaltins Mokds IB lootbere Mtcbtcao (or
■ome »«■« U expected booc Saturday.
Mr*. Suno Howe, ot MaaUtee
rUillBf bv bwtber. B. W. Brtmmer.
and (amOy.
Sarab McCary baa returned froin
tM vaek*' vUlt witb friend* at Chief
Mr*. B1 Klnc of CopuMlah wa*
(unat ot MJ*i Blanche BrlBser Tues­
Ida* Kate Knee bat returned fron
MOwanka*; lAere *b* baa been carlns
(or ber -mqibar. Wbo ha* been
Mn. Btara-SOMI of Haniatte-TliUeJ
at Mrv john Fny'a Sunday.
MbN Wttb Qrtner la clerklnrat tbe

I Tbe bis allfof the Menominee * I -fl^e atoint bb-« doau ibe base
Wf|r Cf«t* f^|*b
tMBCd thmuEb tonm Tueaday erealnc rMl with U>* family of Renaaa iBnted vUb A. a Cort'-'
viMartneile Paper C.v. n-nutly burned. | enokeatack of >he iUne mlae at Se.; ira»CIit UIJ 3UIC MU
Tbe saa eoaipany •
Mtaa Orpha rrtUck eaine artr ttaa KlicbBer. «■„ of Wytl* tbla week,
i. will be rebuilt at a roti of liTS.OtHi. j i^un.-e. aad a- It »a» liuportlbl.- loi
' ______
would bare bem Impusll
Maple pity Tuewlay to take a owMe hMtnterkiebcn'*
notaloe* and owlne to tbe .coreltT Are
are to hare occurred •
aeoordto* to Ur. .............. ............................................. |«et i.|. Meaiu the mle. w«s tlona..!
leaacM-'troD Mr*. Ptaneea SBlth (d
1^1. comdjunlty U coapelle-J' Jatneaoo * Ihooir a. bad Mcaplax
Tlifc ^^>l TH b COMPANiON IS !S>o«.
Xr*ver»e City. Wbo ha* a lane muilc, o(
. ... __ ___ ,__ .__ ______ _
________lo,... ,v..
_ arth tbe tuberi htoaelf- OwlnsiHeeome lynUod an eiploMuB would
D.irlujt 1»i-« ih.-Yo..ibV Coonaii.on _________
a OAKLAND. Caablar.
cla*i btfe.
‘ «ill '.uWlsih In 3; ^kly Y«ne*
Tbe UUae* Carrie BMneti, BHaa- to bl* eucaalre crop be fear* that tbe | bare Brat been caused.
..i i i

betb Keltle. Carrie Cadham and Min- (ro«t nay plv haeoe with tkem'.un-i
------------ fce can bare .aeral ’ Chle*«o pby.iel*n. bare started > »erUl rtorit-r. .-.rh a book
T\. ^
Ble Bi«*B *pent laat Friday nl*ht ia
-- -.......................
3 erect ■ tS.OW.OOO
dab i rr-flectliiK
lift-it cami>>,
ioen and left Saturday for lb«r day* to ret them due In.
SURPLUS. 027,000
a FUher. eener*] manaeer of
;20S VViUiflm Blk.. Citz. Phoue 11-■ebools'ie tbe weat pan of tbe exuinty.
Wylie Cot^terace compauy. snys
Mr*. city. MICH.
IwtZ-d^y t
= 1 aerial anlrl.-* conirtbull
luolher. Mr*. Keith of Trareree Oly. ,er*l mea could be cmploTed by
A Gcaenl BtakUr ButienlMRe
iv^iar*. e«a
arm If they could be hired.
Utile Albert Wrlfht I.
td^y w
Prtce of poUtoe* on W
Elk Rapid*. MIrh. Oct. Jf —Mr*
per bu*tael.
N W 'Harrtneion of Solon .peer «>■“
Cbaricroix *nd Mr* yVrs„ :
) per Cest aUowed m Hme DepOBlti.
n. w. rr r x
• son arc »pondmx a few day* wuh thi-lr;

m Rntb Tlmllck etaltwl trlend* at
Hr*. Ouear Any returnud Saturday
tm a t«o «peka nUt with frieada at

>tr. Hkh. Oct. <T,—Hi*. Bandy
4U* **ry aiek with M Bftppe.
HUHaa Tanlpaaed and wife
WtniaBsbnra two dayi kaat week
SrlalUas *»4 eartna for their son Om*<
D; B. HtDtar. wife and aon. Charle*.
emra to South Boartman Sunday rlali' tag at tb* paiwstui boma of Mr*.

' Baator.

Mm. 8. P. Hayws la on the alek htu
TVaak As^nit bat morad into the
hntoi moaaUy .racMad by Oaois*
Mr*. Sutton l* baTlng tbe root of
bar bpui* talaad *Ad •hlnaled.
•nu ir*a and'Cny Hayat were in


l!e*^^an"d v’rlMt. tbe .mil daueb-, ■'’-er. Mr* ,1. Odell at Kcwadlu.
Miss Maude Oalyea of Old Hisslo-i
ler* of Charle* Hoehradel. are under]
I* *pcndtn« a few day* here with her
the doctor s care.
formerly “O'bi-r.
We*ley r. Rnoctene

_ w of In-' Dfl.aCorc has r.-iurncd from
principal of tbe achooU.
few W. In nils 6"
■<*>» business trip to Empire.
ipollA apenl
, E. J. Flilxhum of Traverse City was
here Ihc first ot the week on business.j.
William Farrant
'P"". Chriatlan
__ . t>.„
Erickson It

..ilfloiil DecidetSSS-

Fits, then


atssotus u <*umi
1" ibf l« u of li'inu
*M,.r.-..orio, of rbutav-vr
ui acliUvoBivni. .'or«-* ol
ine has been stT^utcessful
, „ these brain^wrecking
' X 1J. j. TWEDOl-K,
diseases that il'ere «
„u ■•urtem .ient. and .U.r;|v
reason to believ'c that ei'cn the
in ll.e field of «-l.-uc- ami
BmUm*. Tr..«*-<Stj
most hopeless cases
; Ids oo business.
benefitet), if not fully restorej.
Yptllnnil I Charles Johnson left
Rev. Jo*lah Pennlnron
AVe will be pleased to refer ll.rklii am! amu.lug
llein-Boyne Cliv
anv one thus a£Bicted to many
Tlalied tbe family of I
Mrauce and. runutle knowletlx' Miss Clara Woolpvrt of Kalkaska 1<
who now enjoy the blessing ot [loeBi* and ,k«ftrhe*:
Dr. T. Wilhelm, dctulai, paused here the piesi of ber sister. Mr*. Tow I health, after years of hopeless
Uiroosh town Monday after apendlw:
rs Earl Rowe returned tu h
Uie day lerTlnf hU palm., at Maple
e In LudlnaloD the ftrsl of i
and. the nelBhbof^ng eounio’.
k after spordlng some time h<
Mrs. C. Snifk* ha* reutmed from,
,en« brisht wilbou. In-li,.: Gndoate Medical department Bans , •
an ezteuded vUlt wlib teUiIre* in Mil-1
Ila,by. elevsilni: and Mn-ucile-ulni:
; vUtiiuc at ihe hom<- ot .Mrs
b.-iug i>ro.> -a i>aper fm
I Tower*.
S. U. PeftT. principal of ►
.f.iil ■iinoi' -t tbe iiew
t WlllMsbiins. wa* In tbe
the looting of the Wylie Coopermye
jaiK-r to an. addtvw on
company's wbtsUei at morning and I ’
C Attomrr Williams
The new .nb.criber for 'li-ih
midday the Msual observer ea.n ecc;
BellaJrc thl. work.
for Ihe new voliimaeoTM of men hurrying from*lm-]
pie abode* at Interloctcn Ud
the Drown S.-e.I
to begin their day'* cmplo^rat and
Ihe eli.y buvlnx
-l.,ul.le holtdar inimber*. alw Tli.t
then can readily perceive the reason {.ataippinx
canten seed l«ans.
.-„„,.auun.-. -Mlmuemenwhy these two ritlaises are so prosper-]'' Ur*. Barbata Hogan and fami:> xr. ,
‘ 4*1 ato SB VnWto BUr*. Tls»w QU.
i,.r Ism;. IlilKiKraplK-U Id twelve roloLand happy.
loroied In ihflr. m-w' hctfui-.
Theae lift men. when dl.trtbulod;
»ori*l'win be glv.-u
UiroagbOiH IhU Urge sure PtAt"-iwople of iho lT.-*l.>urlsn
manufacture dally SO.OOO «lavea. 3.000
Follow, liall next ,
«U of barrel beadlog. and 20.006 t-. |

22.000 beadlog boards. Tbe-buge elm; ^
log* are almost Instantly imntfomN'o
2^9 E. Ftmi St, OL PhMe m
into barrel pari* ready tor the cooper's
^ ^ Oongheriy muroed
nImbieVand skilled bands. The pUm
Th..r*l*y evening,
has been running (uR bl*«:'
Ladles' Altar society will met'! i
8. BFRAeUB A '•M;
'>V eancil with Mrs. tHenry Duverney. WednA- ]
« da*. Niv. 1.
grecsire .atslaianl. Clyko Boiler,
kepi busy In' getting the
Wayne Osualy Bank BUg. SSTBOn;


i. W. Gmflitt

Tl.e ,u,,K-r i?lm.r*riug‘Jni«r?ln^


e»by Saved Family.
great deal this year omlng to a searAwakened by the diMtirianc- nf ih
chy of men lo work the mill to It* full
Hie ll-monili'old babe. Mr. and Mri
e»t capacity and car* to fill ih. lror- eri JaccMiii we-e sisrileii Frida-.
d«* that the demaad requlree.
Ighi at '1 ocioek to find the house
Pay day wa* tbe crowning event nf enveloped In smoke and upon InicsU
ibe day tbit week and kept Paymaale;- gntlon fooDd that escape wa. a matte:'
BoUeo very busy.
ot momenta, The entire family eonsist
Another flourlablng-industiy helps lug of Hr. and Mrs. Jameson and Mn
I etlnyulate the eommereial spirit of Julia Kdgcomh escaped In il.rir nlghi
Inicrloctaen to a great dagrM and 1« otoibing sRhout stopping i" dre.. M'
an Indnttry loterlbchen can w«V he Jameson again a lew tnomem* Isle..
proad of and that is the Saxton A after seeing hU family lo safely, en­
Oanett shingle mill. This mill pnts tered the deniely •muking building
40.000 to 4B.OO0 shingle* per day
gives employment to nearly
day, where they will spend the wintar wttb ber daughter, Mr*. Edna Pei- iwmity men ib* (ear around. Tbe
a volume, and;
single* aro to greater dejailer.
ommaad a better price this
clock FVIday evening the «11
Aaotber new aidewa^. ibta time In
rver before,
(rant of H. S. arngary'* aierc and roacall of the siren aunojueed ibni ih
idanoe. H. O. bu reemtiy treated bis
indy Is <
city belli a fire iwimewbere lo the v
^-gton for elm timber (or the daily of Vniop and Ninth street
atoro to patot and paper on the ioaide
and acnat ofThtot with
Wylie Coopernge compaay tbft week. Hose company
ly tNo. 3 a few mum.-nl
The men wbo have been eteettog
Fr*d Martin of TtortbvUlc it -vlsliinu
calL Pc
hi* uaala. Harriaon Kimball, of this tc foondaUon (or the water ,lank of
to this thi- engine liouee had n-the Creat Central railway have fin- celvcd a still alarm anil made the niii
There were aararal from here at- Isbed their work and a ciew will V np Ninth street to the residence i.l
finltb t1
Bert Jamcaan whetv the whole re»
UBtfad tbe topara! Tueaday of tbe inC, i-. Mdnln.' Interloeben'* bustling denee ws* wrapiNil In a cloud o;
taat BSR of Mr. and Mrs. FMd Pto^k
wbo wa* TlilUng at Ihe borne of Mr*. Rraetal merebaat. is paying 45 cents smoke.
Pfr bushel for potatoes and repbrl*
Forboe' aUler. Hn. Roac Jenklni
hit*. yjdBComh. who was in Hic r\->.
Lodi. Mr*. Forbe*. wbo Is belter dlOcuKy In 'getting all ho wanU
dence. after lielug awakruml idn cla.l
known as Miss Cora Six. baa tbe sym ihai prtoe. '
in her night clo'hlOE 'o a resldencpatbyof maay frieada
• P. C. Perty''Sd Mrs. Johnson, th-. across the sireet and phooi-d In in
WiUiam. Turnlpsoed drove to Kal two popular mail
alarm as the phone lo thi- bnrulDi: reri .
bli ron-in ___ Ihelr respectUe reside
dence emild ncil U- used. Siinnliaiie
tow mi dangler. Bessie Taur. Trem ,h,i they pretont a vi-rj ailracOve at. ously E. N. MobUv who *** JiiM n.
rtvlug home ftxim Ihe i-nurtaiumcm
Bay Shore.
j pcaronce. •
Mrs. Al Wtotkln* went to Crofion
several month, ago Mr*. £ Flshjr at till' Ciiy opera hmise, Mnclled stnoki
•tuaaday. where she wllLvlxli Mr W*: Mr*. Jay Robln«m. mW Bale, and and uiH>u cdininc.aeruss ihe sttv.-t on
Wn»- friend* and roUUt-es.
| „„ ^nblngton formed the Ladle* Ibe west side of the residence saw iIi.
Mrs. Fhisale Hlakiey 1. having s AU aociely to give temporary reliri names leaping up tbe lower hall an.,
aerloua Um with slomacb trouble..
silling room and ran la the I'nlou
to the nendr. vi,lt Ibe *lck
Judging horn the use of the wheel,
wired corner and luroed In Ihe alanr
y chartt
iritable «BUi
barrow line to the town used by the
Tbe depan'mem were at work In a fe»
arse 'tad
young petiple Instead of automobiles ,
by tbelr ntoei.-eu member*, cer mdtoeou tthough the firt- wa. extreme<mc would think lh«ar w-ere Ju»i befatoJ ,^n|v i. roraraeadable. They have. b}SJ»i*«A«'
reach, bring Iteiweeo ihthe Umes.
■ giving
Ice rtvAm
socials, -------------suppers sn.l;
partUlonr-where it .started frt>m th----------I atlscr loelsl eniertalnmeou. been *1.1- baacment. the wall* bad to I.- cLt^.pe.1
2^ARI to buy lamptwand pay carreni expenses^ open ami the irouldiham!.
ML 27,—Hi*. K. Tut-lfor eburrh piiriHwe. *i Ibe scb<s>U capped.
toftamwitory rheuma-1 house, fwiy a minister »50 and In addl ‘ After a iwo hour, ftgt' ili.-fln wa-d S« forfooil and raimcni ; pin <i
Mr*. J. A. ^haalngton was a Trav-i
t*#* q«g caller o^Wednewtoy.
i :Mrs. BImer UiniBaB ami Mis* Ann.i; unable lo provide them upon the dealt: I Inii Ibn-e year* old and built *'
S Cadham have Ywlurned from thel.-^ of U.,ed out*.. Such * band of alncere.l of tJ.5u<. The Imuranre i
•j •/>JBt to Ohio.
; noble and devo'ed women Is a laallnx I hoq*<- and lurnlshlngf will e<
Laii SaturdBv evening tbe younei crwdll to any rommuoUy and 1* to be I
pacfda.eayoyed a priv-aie dancing party omgrautlaied upon ii. mlaakin and
Afhlle Ihv ..rlgm ul Ihe hn- Ik uur
- In the ball over tbe drug store.
piwfilvely knoB-n Mr. Jamcon ron.i.leffort* *i Wylie and tnrerloehen.
Tbe teacbor*. Ml*t Farrant and Mr
Woodman ludgc. camp *382. of
uiiglnaied from * 1i<ak*u
Ibclr du- UTloe'heu. meet* every Tuesday eveoA v.f g*. In toe batw-meni which, igniilr.:
Ua* after a week * vacatios
It Uielr ball and eamrslly deslr.- from the tumacc, ran with U:fain:nc
ropidily up ibc .lalrway, *DcI n-srhe:;
le atiendaece of all tbe BMHbrn>
b'^aak Btoler'* mother of Ptoeonnlns Ihe >w>n<l iandiag. *lmu..r a- s.wn a1* risUlng bhB this week
the basement tre bad galnt-d heal
Mr*. R. McLeod is nursing ber aon. way The o
ho I, .eiilte III.
tow also took toe enrtose.
be1w,<en the walla and this
The Interloeben public vchoui* are
crowded li) their fullest capacity and caused the grvaiesi trouble. The es
the taaefaer repona all popil* are doing i tire rcaklenee was llooded from garret
■leeJy. '
W. I. Baxws of Grown U eriUeallr^
fli 81^ bis recovery l* coasldeted'
werotaaurvi with B. W. Hasting. Tbe
tottiltnre of Mr.. Jitlla Edgcoml. wa*
Gbaria*. A. ODOk sf «l«t Atter
U Steward of Kalkaska wi
town Monday in the interest ot tbe
Oontlnaiittl Casualtr iNopany.
' &«lNrt >wla kbd Fred Bya* of
Sharan ware «*|1be on Diaads here
3. Watanisaa ot 0«nd Baptds wMl*d D. K. Hantar. Friday.
Bdna Sbanka l«f( Monday to cook ib
a camp nwYortage lake, her slstar.



tiiirtl Ptaellti I



• F. M. PAINE.











Tire. Insurance!

Plat* Claas. Steam Boiler and Accident Ufeuranca.

Money to Loan on Improved Real Estate Only.
Room 310 Naw Stata Bank Building.

Travaraa City.



If Yon are to Imj BouA
Droamd Lumber. Bdl^
! Matohals or Mill .«ot^ 1 any kind—ijet oa^prio
and ooniiEiiv tbem with uUmstb. tbe saving will be jronia—i


Qiialiiy eousiderctl iig one will sell you Isfimber a^ 1
us than
' :

eBlCTB i&lo tbi- m;ike-iii> of ili<luuilier we sufjply our neijrlil.ire
and friends. We lUui’t tr>- to
work off "sentods" for fir>ijrnide alock. iim! tlmf* lh<- n-aaoii we boldoiir tride year in
and >’<«r onL If your uuuie
luia never apjh'i'n'l in “>‘f order
U>ok We'd like Id Bev it liii’Kln'ion- the day ii uv, r. Will you*
call or 'phoiu '

Otlxans Pnen*. 82i Ball. laa.

S0Ut^ SIdt Cumbtr C0.


lUr. Farmer
P. K. will pay ycu ca>li ior your oai', oirn, beans
Ciigs and buucr. \Vr warn all yc;; havi; an<l will pay
good prices for good nooils. i o make ;jood butter
you must have good salt: we have it for you. We also
have fine ami ciean barrel salt.
You know the value of Oilt.ike Meal for feeding.
U'e have ii pure and unadulterated. We sell it either
by the pound or in HXI Ib. sacks. Ge: cur prices.
For brightening up your chair*, bedsteads, tables,
etc , get our Lacqueret. Lacqueret will stain and var­
nish with one operation. Nine hlferent colors.

f yo'i :iri- u’"i'ig to buy

A Heating Stove
w:i; piv lull .-all iiiiJ la<L uuf sbrek <OWT.
.r.\ir-{:gl,tMn-,.-5atSl. Thr. iiTk- fuel Ojx-nirie. -;.*t l-if*.
1-lfx, coal <«n-w
M-.' niw for U.0 mobfv.
tigfii .tore.- tbe
\V, :,!s. I-;.'- ih.irni'i. rifuirtiglil
tl.c- W- li.-nl ,
.-,ul, W0.1:.;i.) .--.d Slov.a alj-l1 till\v. .
. .J - w>u moMy r/fl aiiythinif

F-RAIMK TRUJDE, 14« Front Street
W,; bus. u lir^ ■ ; iss Tin Sliup,

Have you ever tried ike

Meyal *T‘lc*i* T«»» •»€! Oo-fr»»»



J^o^al tiger
They are the best

ni StImtM

Sold roily by

•« (Wresn* MB±'


Weueked BoM LecMM.
' tbai eoetalaed four Stt tihaeka. tWO la jnais M".' praciicallr boUt Tratwrae boarets; Dr. a O. Aahum. ioha T.
BMdle. W. H MMiadh Lu*u Aeafr.
A Ptaakfort dispatch trader Thors-; moaer. aad a boM watch,
TM Tratfc «C i«SAlrtii( the dBBBC» IwOoe Oartla- eoeit U SapMBbsr aad I HaMuette tweaiT-twe pean. atartlu io
-Ur. Kau claliBs the boat aad cm- : Ura. Do Loag leares amar Mcadi; J. a Raraer aad Oaear U. Hora^
of ropieTin. tor the aMcbi! u a tclecrMh operatw. Par a aom- dar's dale la the Rnslac Press hu i
DOM (»the T. C. L * M. tncto aloSB
lh<i»ls mlicht harp beca saved aad hu..............................
to tlBCerelT taoura
.. . . tor her ^ wa»j
whieh the dtfeadaat allefed he per- i ber of rears be wu ac(«t aad hu prothe bsr troBt 4wtw the
asked tor an hiMectiic to tarMtisatelu earoeot ChHsilan woman and' tor!
flC lut week, wu
Thonder chaeed of i. D. Pike Jak. «. six daj-< i motkb coses as the resaU of harl South U^ltou laall boat:
thlnv^lght irvars wu a member of the j .®ea. and Mrs.
«■ the Bnt tt*lB to ptm oTtr the.t*r b^ore the plalaUt ctaised he Ob-1 work and falthRil ssrlee.
tol- First Meihoms: church
Bot one
sister. Mre. a S
D receipt a
foote teter wu Um retiktir 4 o'clock talaed the ease ftos J. O. Pike oe a | been la the railroad imslBea* slaee h.'j
B'ashlagtoe. wemlDs Borib of the portage piers aa-l lowtag PraaWtiH special, received too ^jaalrer her. C E Dr Long, aibl four
prapenr aote Jaa. ir The eaoe wu i wu i« rears old
Irmlk to Nortbport.
,b,. Thunday a few hours
brought la here. Proa the tOaee where Uie iresterdar for puhlkstloB. <v< other NHillde
r. s' BOV"
Ptutker. eaperio- decided In fitw of J. J. Tweddle and ,
eaiTied Hi cargo eernfag the same matter:
lo bw imo Mrs '1"^'""“•fat
>. 'In
In additloa
Deed Roads Comreei
tcsdcBi of tmekA who urtTed Tue*- wUhla flve dare the pUiailE Sled hie I
They are
kl dU not
•Thursday, On. I», at > o'eloejK p De toms ieft uue sUi.r, Vt> C W »*«»•“ >” iaeksoovtUe. li
d«r "Rcnieoe el X o'doek iHQt Ue
________ luartau win
cbor. and ' m. a telephoue wu ■ -...rd ^ ^e lock.- of Bellevat-. Kansu, and one 'he lut of
Mort. This case.lrW St tbi* term o(|a mauanaicaikn fiust Slate Hii^wa.vlea|alzp until n lorn
work Iimte bu been bnar with a
lu fear awaiha ta lie '
lat Xbf/s^Xb braiber. E. G. Ross of Cbtrago
Her Wend ftoai
I CSOM- lewr euuksii
>u be caugM ■ V 8. L 8. S. SUtlBg
of cweatjr^Te MM aad the work court wu decided ia faror of tbe!Camiai<ailoaer Horatio 8. bri of De-;caa>tbre.-‘-Si»u.-?
sUliag that If agreeable to thcjby tie- undertow. B>--.i<los the load m Maaiiou amU boat wu l^bree''£nu.'r
wu due
jrmrj liuuiii:.
»: ptalntlK. ibe Jutlce court rerdiet
thoeih oflr of ateapontT
natare. U
..rh wu kept dlses«*
Th- 0"hs.
^ Ibe only aotshem bcW
aoand.thonth •»
.........................beealbelas remwed. Tbo defeadaBi. thl« highway cOsnmJsskmer of Grand Trav-; grocery stork. Mrs. Hass, wife ot the over due ud a* goed stirh wu kept dtsesse*
Mrv Rbnama-|>' LMtg war bom in
•' '”“r
iUllog used wu' lime bu bcea the aellre PK>»er for ao erse rounty be would designate Sov eap'Sin. it-i»rt* the loss of a satchel oe th* r»-r at Fraakfon.
The MU
The SiM trial vaa la 1

Ur. Eehbe hu boM with the Pcre


..... K m a disiveu light wss Cuten:. Oatarl->. Canada.......... .................
dUcoT. ted about thrtc miles north «i aad ai the time of her destb wu a*--l M er speodli
Charles J
Ibta place and a qniri: response s

broMbt ROM WUktaa on the laala llae appeal, and hu appealed u> the Su­ 9 as the day for the nod roads Ins'ipreme court and a writ of erw tned i tnie .a ihbi city. Mr. liamlltuo Wi j
It thirtr


toaiHoot emhaakmeai

r::'A truly ideal wife

of oat, aad record ordered preparatory, i:-hown

glvHi by the life savers who went
•b.- wuayotiagglrl.
irl. In
eompaay Wit
•••d '» s.e« .......the d.sireu light and found It to U- her pareau. she-seal to St Cbark-.. P*alrd by Mr. g.uney 8. Key., of Tlidlately ; »•“ HUSBAID^ best liELPER “
Not belu* very rough ' III. wb^ rte wu aarrt.-d She au 1
The Oak. will be o^ed a«ts>
rllh larger a.
wlr«l Mr. Earl ibai SoV
agree. I Ttooroua Health Is rnr 'triat nmirrs nf ' the y.iarted to luw ih.- lH-fai-'d craft her hwhaad^lrst se iled
fltlag of the board {abooi rs.
bu iadded couMoraMC
'| iba Powaric tupirai^-«
to Fraakfon. but not rnoet hradway lU.. but May 4. l»*f.
of trade PrMajBigbuogiTeooulderB-j The case of Mrs. Mary E. Bk-klo r'. able Io Ihe people ot ihl. wiiiws
IO Ibed^eWt quarters, and will
This In.tliuie sill l»- one of which :
-----------was made on acconat of a heavy Traitors.' City and nmiinuously n sld<-d »P^
.iBB IS B rsioepy peff,TSl‘l*A -Mek »— j Ralnh K. Jaipcwia. which wru irted
In ApiM
Apnl to further add lo
t the
Is being held by Mr Earl, nnder the ; One of tJ.r most noud.sncossa!a]and vruibwest «a that wu up
b-re^nlB< 'e<'n y-«r>. tweni) )car>
IJW toet egteat.

Ipreptrlag a bUl of taeeptlon* for set I leavii
I tiemeoi. Ybe costs to the plaintiff, l>, blghi

PrsMtota tor PacMry.

11* aUrged. are to the pr-sent


cornel id Ibe summer bume.


Btefv. if Old Mnteo ass with the


)SM «t the maeUBg
wharathcr or not a boaiis of gzo.ouu ^
II. Ralph
Mr. Bar] bu U-en her.- befor.- an-I
aboold be giCM the projeclora of the John Wade through
MUrprtao prendlaff they abould trtoi a JameeoB of a houae aad k>l to Mrs., I* very well knowa aad It is a sure

,1*. s
. lai.-r about ttweniy sb
IIb* South
Beetk of ' VM>.e

Mary a Blekle who claimed ihai atle.- thing that the coating lusiiinte will Ih
the peymenis she could not | a good thing for Grand TrsversiM.6«p per MMth.
ThM Bti^Mt hu met whb censldlafBc Bunker of oar boMieu mea
hare eiweiiad a dealre to aabacrlbe
for BtocR.

It M a pood i

120D Barrels of Oil.

with i*i<' annual
com-lenuirtii of oil tor la Doirii. bllhd

Boom tor Cam Lake Retort.


to Hiukegoo bill not including Mos- lie has aoW resort lots a( Fhuob i-t
. .S^Su^atSB
_ad kdmiia____ of
' sereral perries. Includiag one tacn to hushund
bund, to inspire him to in
It of himielf. should be a > iaati's
This promotioo affects not oaly Mr. Jos. SIrder. Chu. J. Haaslovsky,
Keboe but Traverse Clly u well u the peleriyl.' Ftaak Siedeic Andr. w Sled-'
If a nroman finds thst her «
will be transferred to this. er. Jos. Klaaeep, Ctmelia .Klaafeti.
r. that she geiv
city. There are four dlapatcfaers an-1 Jake Furtsch and Fred Lrtima'h. The-.- .IsTk^hsdotvs
s ank-ar-und.-r
a|^ar-UDd.-r her rveall arc marrlM men. In gddlliOD. the, lots wilt be Imppovod and the osrner. -^'v
hachach.-. bea-lsch^. Iwannj.Thin win be welcome news to the ship-, aurmaer residence-. Many oiher ira-1 st nn.v to build up her Mstr.n by a
pas Who beretofore bave bees obllgeu ptovement* Ibai will la-loauguraW la I'“"'f "'’’'.'•PT''*''' P’'-'va such atravel lo Grand Rapids la order to • and about Carp lake and at Ft.uch dur.
‘ inkham s Vegeubir Own-

U» l«»r a, Bia, aa.Janaa ..raH set'hold of tbe cor. of the ear dlttrilni'; lag the next aeuon
Fellow in,.' we by
y r«.|tiest i
It la a eolUlriM
The Stniib
lilOB long hoped tor
8tniib fnrm
farm has ba-t-p
tv-t-o purchaaeai'
piirchafce.1! Ieiier_fn>ni
u young wife ;
bnt hardly dresimetl of.
by Nuhemreher and HInkh-y of' Chi-;
The'chat^glng of the dispalebera and cage, who Vm ereci a boat house-lo |
the ‘loealhm .ot ihe iralniaaKers laj coti aboui fl.OOh for ihclr <i
the work to 1« 'They have aeveral
tl launches wblen
Ihla city
a- .
ileker u beretofor.'i Hkt will
--------------------when they were lonied at Grand Rap-1 have alao let coniracia
Ids tbep oiie ead of the dlvl-[ tagea. lo eo« 12.000 e«h.
aloB whBe now they will be almost In :
Fred Boughey has



ton tor Traverse City people.





When yoD buy a CMkcraR

bheli.-f until ctewr a.-atcer. Ttelr h»-l
couiaiKit'd of 1.20U Ijarrela i«r oil. al>uu<

Mid t^ ibee i.,aM a thread
ef anythmg but wool W K.
It is pur* acUshacaa -t-im

Lair of me toad bang left at CltaiU ,.


Tori. East Jordan and r*^^g» T. *b‘le '
51* were i-onalgaM so Traverse Cl'y; i
4“ If Old Mlssloe. f-0 to Suitou Bay..

of Ckshcraft Cleihsa add
every year could net reaalbty
be sold if Clotbctafi ovenwatt,
tad euka. had aei the shatwrcumd^ mid kaag-wcarmc
quabrica <f .:i-»o«| fabrics u
hack up ibcir superb stylt aad
perfect mflofiog-

Te to aSorihtwit. u? to Omeua and T:
barrrfs for the Beaven. This rvpreseuls the winter -upply tor ihe places'

_ •


The OluttraiKwi gives as
good aa idu u cm. be glvea
ia a aewowpet o< the baaatttol
iM ef the Clethcraft Bnnoat
frockovcrcui. ThisovcreoM
ta the muterpmee ef the beat
deeigaer that ever Uld out a

Oaath of a Ptenacr.
IK-aib ealltg Mn.. Roweaa De U»g-1
Ihe seed widow of Richard D. pc Umg. ‘
who iusi MV w.-a'ks ago ihiitoy a’ >
.1 o'clork whim d-«in overtook her at'
:::l" Friday afternoon, the colncidmm j
lu lb-' r.irre-pnndtiig dales being rc ^



ebrmldcf Ime; ekweHHtmg
wNat with boUowed back; full.

aB^’l^TWtwui-bso I eouM MU-iiyv u,\

Long hu
hu b(-o
biH-o rriucaliy
rrlrically III
Ue Long

madc'mraw.ltw,«na.i.a3l%«.g,5^ old age and dyseou-ry. Bbe would have
that 1 am gUd W wni, ^ul lell ,vou of my
" years old Fell. 25 One son.
oarvHtm rerorrrr
It brongbt mr bmllh. _ _ . .
nrwUfrand Vitabiv.'-Xiw. BmAUvi. C. E. Ik-Umg. i-lefl.

the Mter.
w «,ar a
The ofBeqs will be located ai Boarri-j lanneh which he
The caae of A. a HaeDmaatel vs. J.
II have bull! In the ,
J. Tweddle. whUb Is the ootgrosrth of man a^d tor the winter, the prrsoii: eprlog, tor use no Carp lake.
Pn.-sool Indications are that cnrp ! . ”
a ciMlan tor a pair of alelghs valued buildings will be'fixed up but next yur ;
at «S. hu bean appealed the aeeoad
building will probably be erect-; lake will be booming new year u a e.- 1
thB^ the tan appeal taking li into the


n fiv iV

Ifaai they left Clev.-land on 'the H-ihj

eindliig everything aoRb ot Trarerae cImIs and (Uspoalng or sua.- of iiis rnr MlttlM
After eome dNetmalop the mailer <Sty aad everything from Big Hapld-< plus p.-operty. Among tuber iiaagt

tte imfnet.


MV'y later lent lag lor 9


. autl )ut) reached the l>-:rvii riter os,
the eiorm bnfir. They remaiPed .n

BOtttMS MiAigBa with great possi- Big Rapids dlvlsIonA bis territory In- few weeks eloslng u|> some bustness



«I f EBsI

I Murgaa. ifat-ir u-ml. Irom th. \
] Standard On Cu. ' The er.-w reporve 1'

I. KeMe.
Fruuk Friedrich I. ft Tbunslay lot
Q appoinled Pittsburg, where be will Is- loceied tor
James Ki^ior
trainmuter on the Pete Marquette
e in ihenesi threemoaihs
_ in the lul.-tv-si i|f

a It ahau matMlalUe,,aBd it saoeeafirul. place of M. J. Grlffln transferred. H.- the Fay'A Bos-.-a Engine curngiany .
wJI be CM of theW ladttstrles
srilt have charge of the IVIoskey and Mr Krl.-dricb bss-ts-en In losg for a

d 10 Ibe «



Ttf" imrg.' Thosau B- Scott arrived: fnends .u th. .l.-c.a~d ari.d u pell

I deed thrvHigh other rlallns eouaty

mble favor la Traverse Qiy and a

leaving tka.
ike HaBIsa.

Frou: str.-rt. si

r hiisliacd. Richard I).
M ill.-.l sla years SKO Fri“I"';'"'
"^fll-r art'viec ri

ai' helpful.


A. J. Wilhelm.

Asain we wish to call your attention to the following prices which represent some of the greatest bargain^ In Buggies and Wagons ever offered any­
where A large number have taken advantage of our sale, some bUying goods ttiey will not use until next season, but we still have a large number of these
rare uafues to offer during the nixt few days.

BUGGIES iRoad Wagons, Bikes and Surreysl TheTHE

One c&nop7 t^ Sprmc Wokoii tiint eold for
; Odi- open Spring Wai^ t)int myg for

«tik- iiriee- .

sil- pri---'.........

One that fioli] for $80.,^................................................................ $60 00
I One SX) Sprinir Wap-n for...................................................
One that Bold for S60:,ale.................................. .............................. 36.00
One thBt aoldforliO. Utle..............................................................
52 50 : A good Spring Wagon ’.hat s»]il fur
sale {trim-...........
One that Bold for B5S, gale........................ ......................................... 42 60
lOnr fine ent.nn.ler Som^; Unit toM for $12.’>. fig])- pri.-e.......
Otben in proiioTtiOT,





. 1~

..iJ f., ,7- .-J.. pr.c.- .»66.00

. Oue JlJilOiii.- » 111. ur-

42.50 I,

.'Oniplei.'.that aoW for ST-'., 4,'.lo iirie.-

Tn,ct. -b., „l.i

It»- 3>,10



»» ..I.. „K,.. ........ 55.00

Weh..ea(-wrai.ita! a..! Smith Wnp„„
lis- TskI .„mpl..L.. th..,



»I7.. „»■.....................

On-' .'tfslO 111 - I in tir.'. nsr. wh.--L Waeon '-ompL-te. that wa» !«{. at


We have a large stock of the above but they will not stay long at the prices we are offering them, if you will appreciate their real values

Che Quality and Satisfaction Store a






Old-MUa»-lad* ^ Tiallad tba-

UBi Inatheth* no: only U ihafarnicri



who 8ad a ready market Idr ttrir
products W for the people of Trav

Hem OtlmM, Oei. U^AmU ike )o«t bona ABd
tor Wa eoteriM Mercy boapltal opon
DAOi^iac o( caasen. vbutlaa bloviaK
aS^ifcooMii cheerio* Pretiaeal the pmitiue of Mr. f«lo*a thai
Il .*
H.»at*<iit arrleed here ai *:lt thta wife- abooW aerORpaor bln.
axHiriBR. Uier. <rt(b 400 Re'ruau be ptoteble tbai tba examloa< Ion will

look the •laaaibtii Onama for a rieer eloaa toBlsfat and aeeordln* to Provefr>p, A Ilfbi iMdfK l-oeh «*• aerre*. ealor Weionre tba reaull of the «
UUT * pande «u dna the pria- anlaatlM of the hldoera i»d iWer a<
Arbor, will ooi hr node known at
(ipa) atreeta akaw vhtdi.are aerenl
re!h>w feeer bomeee. . The iwaMeoi thU exonlna'lon.
eanridand hiaieU Irrma a« be
na ia the »ldat of jrello* fewer dur-

Oaath at Cadiiiae.
Cadltlae. illch.. Oct- S*.—Justice
IP Peaee Charles H. Siartalr died

IBC the Cataao caapaica.
Kew OrbMa. Ool, t*.—The ll*bt
houae under HaCBolla. with PirnMeot

goons PACCBb'
Btrlnc bcanf................. Hi.min

Bi^« Awful SuflMig from Eomrs
-Covkl Not Hold Her-Tore
hnondArmAloiosttePiecstGnkTuI Mother Sajrst



i .:“


pro.liiw. bcuphi fivim farm,f5.............................. : .. .
Ijlsvr. r>a>d to emphrye*


Waste no Um«,'bnt cure your Wsoau with



BKapTS or PbOw-es
Sirins tH-un.'t*
1 Hi






rrxncisco to SenTYorC city
rlrl h- ha.h^jou hack to Hal

mouth o< the river, where the rniUer which time he had been mxmKed lu cold creana asd sll kiod>«« renedMX.
the himltiire and nndt-riakln* husi-: hot Botbla* did her any good: in fact,
Went Vlr*lala waa walilajc.
kept ffettia* wonc. I used b>
The prealdwt boarded the Vf*i Vlr- nexjL Ik-lns a cUll war v.-eran ho
I her b.nds up. and when 1 sonld
Ktate at Id o'doek ihia nomla* and It was always aa eaniesi porker In the

the only strictly aclentlfle Lung Specific in existence.
Positively guaranteed to help or money refunded.

In a d<-spoudeiii
I ml hU Hfe liy a I'lunpe (n?»iUiv W
liaiurlmrg l.ndye omr the Htc- i.V'

Siaved tbe Preacher.
>T. 0. D. Moore of Harpersvllie, N. T.. writea: “I
a furfnl cough for months, which nothing would
relievo,' until I took Dr. Kings New Diseovery for
CoasumpUon- It cared my cough and uved my life.“

hm was canslii hy a aaiebBun

on hla way to Waablaietoa. The exact loeol C. A. IL as well as In |«.litlc«
ranae of the peeMant waa not learned end la h>rt*e affairs. He Is survived
but It la tbouyht a heavy fo* pre- by Mrs Sinclair and one son.

T>.vh, mmmana. r -f ih

___ ______ ... r her
almost to piece*. I wsed four boxes ot ,8al>BlU>n irniv In H.v fnK.-.l Siaiv-^
CuticmaOiiitiacBt. two cake* of Cali*
.,..n.i)-rjlW'..n,Mr‘ Nb
Inaucpant Chief la Daad.
I ewts Soap, aad gore bev tbe Culu-nra
Kinlo sn.l ha.l a talk of Bft'vn mlu
Oct. :8.—Daito All. the[ Jtreolvcnt. and *he was cured, sud I
*»“ ITv.-'-tx-' siih s_4» •
thchutnonrlrft. lean
head of iho Moro Insnrgeets who have
ibai the prealdeni-a apeclal boat col­
truthfally ear that ■
bcoa makloe war ««ne time on thej brr life, and I about
lided wlib a neanar and waa beached.
friendly lo the govern peat bn ! aufferingMshedid.
No OM waa htirt. Tbe prwaldeat U
Mr-. McKInl.'., -Viva BOoit Xa.v f.v a
3Dr*a. u%the lalaod of Mindanao, waa killed by :
well.- RnoaCTcll enjoyed the accident
rmirvion u, . ni..r th- MrK'.rl. >
iraipB tinder Captain McCoy. Thit.l!
n W.rilswn cv-iaetc^y
eavalry. aide de camp to OeeomI;
WaatalActoa. Od. IT.-Tbe followln*
i.lsi-. il a uri a'h oil ch<; Inm
Wood, with hlK Kon and tea followers 1
offlclal lelcttram from Commatriler
Se^ ot tba MacaoUa. la temrd to tb*
wouadad Moior. many anas and Si
aeeidaat. waa received ibU tnotnlM:
large quamliy of ammunllloa. Tbrt-e
-The MacBotla waa xtraek on the port
Ihfamrymen were killed and two
■Ua abooi il p. n- by Ib# ataamer
wounded during-the ooeagemeni.
Rhparu. No one waa lajnred and tbe
is\'c adtaraoftt
T»»ln. Irarv Tr.vcnw CItj s> TuU-ra*
watd ritMiPflad al Slxty-etlle Point.
rietid* ta nac Cbticurs r*c(JBo»r.. tv«r.ji, T.Jcd«» UrsD-1 lUi-ilTba pwwldeai aad hit party were
la aU dtoeaaes of
the akia."
reported near UVe Unguaw*. Min- _ iBitMt rellri mid^rtrthtB^mlrep
taken -on board tbe Ilgbier iry and
D.«>r(aTCQ usme*. *ua
wiu arrive at tbe Want V*r*lnU on
______Jretted molhen, in warm baths
^ UOM. I baHdTe the Hicnoila can hr
Gowemor Oaaa Huatln*
; *nd rvlomiT ; UI .. ni . l
repaired and can •ptoceed wljhont aaGrand Rapids, Mich, Oct. M.-Ad
jSSrl S“u\S^ri.’m..ric.t.
tMance.” The Deaaaic wai teat ftoa
Jutiiil General
eeoBom- I____ 1.

---------------------------------. Wm. Lathat be and Governor Warner have kal txcatDUt7ortoftnring. disfigur.
fam. Hebiug. buruisf. sesiy. crusted
aceepiotl the lavltaifon of Game War­
Key We«. rin, Oct. ti (by wlreleai)
S pimply skin snd scalp humour*.
den Chapman to a week's deer hunt,
— ...---- ,. . -v,., Kjv-..,*,
—ProaMent RooaareU aboard
at the latter's camn near NewLerry
11 M
Veat V-Irglhla-li coJoylBt tbe trip. Off
(be middle of November. The camp
Kay Wnat. tba Weal VltflaU will be
will be iDsnriouBly appolaie.! and all
jaUed ry tba Mnaylvaaia and the
11 at ,
A w
Ootorado.. Tbe apeed to be malataiaad the other ^tara will V kepi away the Traverae niy rannlns roraitonv
from that ilelnlty dorlPRihe weck.»o
U algblaea kbou and it will be tba
Omi bit exeelleney will not lie hunted of lhu,bUKln<-iis 111 ttisi Insllltiil'm ih'
-■^rst tlma la the htatofy of the couairy
showing made'ls mo>:
^y tbe raoWeas soH. McGnrrin has-aethat any a«oadran has erulaed al hueb
excelleni, ami demonsiru'.-s that 'h'a apaad for a kmg dbunco. YeMerday laetad gnas aad arnmnamon for Uteannlng comiiany has raiiMil a large
Neltfaw the governor i
> aftamooa tba crew maatered and (be
amount of money lo l«> <-lrciiUi<'-:
ml have ever sbdi a d«
proaldeot and Admiral Brow^ InP^pnUK will bo given tbe Drat shoi la among the faroiera nnrt peopi<- oi__________________
^ad tbe ahlp-,
mlnniest deUiU
Um onap. A swell chef will fumltb
& Mt cacape Uialr aUnUoa. Tba
Tbe pistil.besan operatioo this yrsr
on Aug. T snd eenHixl lo pui up goodTtnited tbe pUota from aeellii; the
aH, Beeiotaiy I.ocb toU*rapbcd tb?

“Notify ‘ Mra.


Priceo,60c and $1.00

' rSli;


Kubeck & Hoyt

StAtisties prove U»t the einneas qT your dying of
IhroAt or Long Troobloa, are 9 to 1.


■■cuticuha remedies

be had Wn a siiOerer for-several
mu ateaner Raparip aewr Naira, U.,
BOBihs. Mr, Rlaclalr was M year- ol.l;
at mldnlirtu.
IWh rexaali
ajcronnd at <be river hank. A IlfTbter and had beea a resident of Cadiilic
for tn-er a ouarter of a ctvutry. durim; i
took ihe proaWonia party



bt( home la tbU rliy yesterday mo

Knoaerdt aboard. odUded wlih

Nine to One

erje Ciii- who receive dlr*p< beneDt.

• There is a Ulstinct di'fcroni-e betwogn wparioR
cfolhea and liping Hmartly

.\ii-l llie .lilT. rxiiO' i* uoi
uU' in tiic pri.-.- you p«y.
Init ill the prori'as of aolttti>>(> I lur garriM-DU an-•■Xfu't
n-]>m1ui-ti<ms of Ibr hifllMWi
•-I.'iss I’listoni mnile moleU -

S. E. Wait & .Sons and G. A. Bugbee.

SUITS $10 to $2S

Mrs. Coarsd Writes

iPERE Marquette

"“ii' irfSS,;,.......-

An Only Dai«h(er ,

B & R. L pilara,


jSsS.jSl'iai*'* Cl,.,i». «•»..

-wttb ifao
tba cn>w.

SS" !J

Stylish in nil. accurau- in
III. fill) 'if inilividiiallly.
iiiijs-rwiiit jairi. like tlioeol.


im Oct. T. a run ot just two moan
In which »13.9Sfv<:s wm. paid lo t
ftnners for iheir produn*. liniuBh;

ortho bdtaago TMogmpb eoapaay
M.8L potendmtg vlrea that be l« a»-

tMytbly merilDR ymterday afi
at tb^omc of Mrs. Livingston. After
^bc business session a pimsani social liaid

H, A

out by this

company (p



time waa had and tea was served
may bo said ihsi thesrea-.
^„..t.w.^t.wus Effe-«8»i>' iiu.,iav.
Bbatii twenty, ftealtolag that tbe Irartal er pan of tht* money has been .It-ir;!.- xr*iBtn*»**Trav»r» r
tiled Ihro'ish local channels >l:irina
plaeo for their dead was sadly

ibprttaOreij laformod that the
kM-itaeid«d to put Boasia a co

Report ly sUiialod oaequarier of a mjle north
fiom tbe empire sbow that tbe work- of Acme and Is known as Ml Asb
era of all crafts are Jmilag Ibe strlk- iden-. Tbrea dpgen moimiatn
tag railway men. The prices of fool trees hare been ordered to tic s>
garnnl lAaoetban-Bassla.

the aprfk*.

eluffs are advaDclag.
t. Oct.

L message

Child Took Rol^n.
The little J^Mr-oM gbtld of Mr. ant

from Warsaw says an li

euriad there last alpit has not been Mn. Frank ^arpnlisiipl of Qmwoo.l!
exUngetobad-aad one pan of the city was the victim of strychnine and belU-1
donna polsoalag Wodaesday after.;
to In Barnes.
' 8C Peiaraburg. On. n.—Moabied HOOD and but fortbe limely atteadaner i
Ooameki patrol the atreeu. Tbe gov- of a pbysIclaB might have died frorr :
the effects. The child oWatned a box
emmret Is bolding a large -force
of sogar«o*trd pills aad t'hrfugb ibev;
Uoops'lB rdadlaett to floarefa to i
wodiagmea’s qnaners oa Basil tolan-t were found la Ibe poaamslon of iht
trouble as the result of i

slrike. ^tepom sbem the strike
s|«Mdln&nMgbout the empire.

child ii eonld not be ascertained how
many bad l>eea eaten. The condillen
or tbe little patient wai erillcal nntU

Tbiirsday aflernoto
when dang.-r
OMHlac’t Hurdar Tcui.
d past, (bough for some hoiirv
ICadmpc.ffglcb. Oct. «.-Tbe exam- spasms and oiher giuvc effects of ibc
Belle Fellows and poison eoatinued.

laatk<oC Mrs.

a»ad»T«lcet b« Uls afternoon
at :4|^. W.^D^ of Big Rapperformed tie posttmatam.

btfwek by a Train.
Lockhart Mai^e was found dead

'NAim Ue maad. JkmaU Mclailra
JkadfeW n«d C Wetmora la
.Mae. It to peahable that the

tbe railroad tracks at Schenectady,
the y, Friday.
It Is supposed he »

Jrttt he adjoaraad an«r tba takJag of

streck by a train.
wb» was a


mmmoar ot DM. Pi^d^ and Spoor of of Judge trideriek W. Mayne of iblsj
Ug BapMs aatli lomoriew
disirlet. was a well knoirn young
Tba eoart room Is packed to---------in this city, baring lived here f
flag and Mri. FcOowa’ Mtlre bmlly
bad other relaUrea are with bar. Her
a«M atotw. Mil. Flaher of -Newaygo.

and ^bout a year ago. bavlag'
romplcted bis trade. *-em i<, Chari*--1
Toix, where bis braiber Ilvnl.


six wi-aks ago. hi- slop|>e<I off ,here fovisit while OB his way to Kalamazoo
, Cadillac. Mleh.. 0«. ST.—Dr. Cof- to go to work.
was about S3 year-*
' Mata of Hastan was tbe aw wi
of age and was uamarried. He was »
. la Ibe Fellowa casu tbU axirnlag and yoong man wbn made frieads easily
bis evldeoea was ^eaeSctol to il
and tbr- news uf hU detpb was a shock
m that hit grot rtslt aad em

Atoa and A. B. RMrill of Manuta wbn.



•ig Botlnaro of Fj^sy.

Ttia peopla of Trevene City will t<
as de^gaies from tbe Woodman nad lalemied la tbe aiatemtuii made b*




U c



oni- I'f tlif newcat
F'hll-KI-'iO U. f-'i.riO.

The Best
Engine ^
and sold
^ at tbe



Thes.- macHinck -arc carrici) ii
can b>- xr-'n in oimraiir

rv.r shop an<l



MilitTry ntvi Tnifrist Over<-nuts. iitffs ■< tc. I'i ye.irs—
-V) U-$i;-V).

. FurnishlnglDeparlmenl


$1 to

I. 8-iii.
Cotton .ih'i We'D


->s.Slid ;oi'l soft Ixigf-m Shirts
•SOFull ..ii-i winler Ki'l •'l”^'-*-

tlu-r. .
n,,. l ill

N't-ekw.i.r -

.Is-'-its. F'liir in Ifiiiuls. I'ulT*.
U-,«s uii'l Slriijk-s 'i-'M-toJl

Don’t Fall to Yisit Our
Hat Department
'iisi.liiy qll th-


.. ->fl. ;in>l 1.1




Saturday tba ath day of Novambar. j

Tiic children's friend—

JayncisTTon'ic Vermifuge

Scott&Bowne \


..ill, -umhai'-j ih- m.tlb .


Mturt n lb* lisrai oi*
itelkmtti* •*>,-

409 Prod Streei




and tolerate it for a
tame. There is no oil. not
excepting butter, so easily
(hgetted and absoibed by the
^em as cod fiver oU in the
fonb of Scott's Emission,
and that is tbe reason it is so
helpful in consumption where
iU use muft be CMitinuous.
9 We will send you a
san^ free. ~

$8.00 to $2S,00


b> ifaose who knew bim.
The home xif J-.U m'Mber. who dlej

tkm of Jf. U. FVnows lad bln to be­ tom apriag. was la Bcbsnactady. N. T.
lieve that be died from ptn
aad H was probable that be ieat boa*'
potooalag aad. be albl tboai*t
to vtok rotoUres.
Other* to leriB> wave Andrew Mc-

iSL"hTr*vrt* C


^ There it DO spedBc (or
comuR^bcd). Fiw air. exo-eue. oouriiking food and
Scott's Emulsion vrill come
pretty near curing il. if there
u anything to
on. MilBoos of
throughout the
world are nving and in good
bealdi on one hmg.
From tunc immemorial the
doctors presented cod -liver
for consumption. Of
course the patient -could not
take it in . its old form, hence
very little good. They

Iiir. KlioiililiT* aniTInis’Is. villi
tin- siunrt ’'tHro^' tiint sliiiva
•xp-'fl wnrkoniisliii*—



taikw almllar to that of Oarmhay.
laHed and paiaed to hare it so the | this season.
gt. Petenbarg. Oct. K-—Seriotm
.yment of this money i;
people of Acme ot^nlied tbU associa­
ireobla la {eared from" tbe airike eltution wUb about ‘Bfty members. In resented la the foHowlog k
aiSob although yet Ibeee has ieea
which show* the numhor of •a-- i- •*'»“-j'i', ............. ...
boMUe demeastmitoB aulhsi tba gor- Mareb. 1X1$. wPta Mrs. .C. R. Bates ol
up of the various prtutiicis. :oK<'ihv. Tram »rnt»* m Travvn.-fram *
etnmeal. Tbe strike U growing but Bates as presldeai. They have had
with the amoiinis paid OUl. This will Trai^ni<-«IB Trararra (Vti tr,.i„ Wi'
the workman are taking care net to regular mcmibly meetings since thai
fo;ee tba gorarameai to ibc polBl of ilsfv-auk-^ them being at the cem?lory
ibai the canning faefory Is ■n/'fl*"''„ u-,., ^
lutahi* the trgops upon themialvts,
briers. CM out trees and laid out
Tbeee to a grwriu haUef that while
10*..,, SM t .. u
walks aad radbeds. covering them
the ihreatMod ravolutUm is poaalbl
W aoBWWblaa will he reached before with gravel aad thereby transformed
neglected spot into a thing j
^ allaaikm Munmea no aente
to gt^ Intfblr. The strike to alaaoai ofbeanty. Tkls cemetery it beantiful-j



*■ v*lt»*t I* .aX re


«r>wis L aKhtok.
wT Cor Hunzuv.

Dn-.e- iHit blvuiil iinpi^ritio.
,ir'>ng nerves and iiiusclcs.
(lives- tune, vitalitv an.i >nap.


r*Mf Ma ««akM
I «U fcy Mw «• Wqr «r

M r>r M t MW.

I Mill «y tv M lMta» M«M
wM MM «■ i>Mt*MI|i aW W
•vtrr nvlM tMV»'
. tr I vtMT M In »yWit •• M
t»MM iwfiti, I Mfo ‘H'nr. try

MrwWvnt. M«»*l ■•!«.
^rM VtM nfWlllin. flM« •«
tni~r Vie* FitvWcnt Mw. |r«M
MtwMty MiMM.

wben itapa caBo la vlih the Bilk and
he would all vp Uka a rabbit.
t wlU eleac for uda Him.
' Tear lovioa Mead:
AM 1<Beaaie H. Barr.

brown dop She llhea to haal ant she
eaaabt a rabbit oaee. We bare (ot a
Uiilr wt aM abe will catch alee. Vy
papa bulU a barb tor hie horwa. Uy
brother Oareaee aM I baOi a fit peo.
Anr teacher bM a week of Vacatka.
My MM aM tlaele Will aad Uncle
note bare been wotkliMt on tbe read
thU wetk. Unde Heae ii sovtae
pna your lovlas Supahlae boy.
Aso IS.
Aaaaa Nelaoe
BaaaH aty. UtCb. OcL se. 1»0S.
Dior pTwIdent—I tbooiht I would
witle a tow llBCs to let you know
we are welL U la enorliir here today.
. We aro wrttlns wp to oar pnadBa’i.
we have been plektag ap potatoee Cor
ooe of oar aolpibori. Ansoa and I
haee eathsd mt. We have oelr one

Traverne Oty. R. T. D. :. Oct SI.
Dwr PtoMdrat—I will write yoo
to* lines M It hav been a (oap time
flaee T hare written. ' 1 us wen and
hope (bat you are the aaae. II will
Mrta, te «Mt‘t
adt be loak nntll the anew will be here.
iwM cToiu •no-ten, '
We hare been havlac two woehi' reBw «st« tank ta-^MWiM nm
eattee tor potato dlnlni. Seboo) olll
Aa MWTr •* «0al4 be. '
betla awin Uooday. MUs Dewlac i«
ni leU ftPO I was pffM iMA
our tsaeber aM I like her very o
, To l»»e mr pt »bo«
I think that sma Id tbe Herald Is very
' ~ To uav«r all ibo «Ubm I bad
pretty tad I as mini; to learn It.
. Bm tryta' to «ad MU
bare pot three isae labblte. They
an .wtall.e. With brown ep>ots on.
And ao I naked hUB Mtiylbo verld
have Sve hones, n tana, two colts
'' h NoM. laataM of a«nar«.
AM wbr tka piafea’ tatU are curM aM BT Bddle noDr. I wUI tell yooi
AM Why «M*t IM bnAbe alrrabceit an old kitty that we uMd
AM whrihe BOM Soan Mt a alar
One time «hen we were do*a to CeAM Why the «aik U black '
dkr there was a little white kitten erVAM Jaat MW aa^ Mrda' there are
lap nriPBd nM 1 petted u nad wanted
. AM vlU the wtM eone badi?
Ba to let me take It boae. and
Ad4 why doea valcr atay la walla
said I would -have to ask paiik.
, -Aad why do Jiwe baca bum
So I did. snd. he said be did not
' AM vbat-a the roar t bear la abella
as we did aoi have aaay caia So ad
Aad whea wiU GhHatnaa coaeT
bronpbt It boBe, and oh. ayt wbu a
AM Why the «raaa ia alwaya creca.
r ilitte Ihtnp H was. but loon It
■o nice and tot. I would Uko bla
aad dress bla In ay doirs drosses aM
pat hiB la a boa or aoaetblac. and
I Wbald to away.' Then be would
AM why a botoe cant kara to woe
pet op and It he eoald see ae. be
AM why a cow MBt aalMiT
woaM He *>WB aad If he coold not. he
And do the lairtee Ihn ea iew
wonld 4^n ahay. Sonrttmes U nlpht
AM what makee baU irov pay;
roold be upstairs when we went to
AM fbea By «a IM n» ah'. Oee!
Then he would cobp dosrn stairs
The ctfnl word! he eaM.'
and It papa' pot up to let bla ooL be
rhaCat dooe a QiiaL bathe
woold pobaek UMtaln. bat IfpsaaiBS
Juat acat lee off to bed.
Coaaea BlnKa NoaparteL
New woBbMi }etalac atace lai
atthM papa srooid whip bln. But after
While he p« killed on the' railroad.
LMler CMaad. KbNMcy B. r. a & We tod awful ebnr when we found
oot what becaae ot Mb.i
Ooldle BMW; Ocy 8. T. D. A*
1 hare act: thanked )-oa yet for that
fWelM paatai wrdi bare beee aeat ktreiy-ChvibtBtaa cant that roe sent
tUa weWt le OertiMe, RhoW. Baaale
but r wun to thank vo» ever so
■M Aewh. who all tell atoilw aboat much. W* bMi MSte pretty flowers
this lUBBer. aad It we weald say naythlap ahonl petop to see tbem Baby
- By the (law yoa reM thia. UaUon'^ B«aM bepfa to nM her heM. -yea.”
e’ea wlU be over. aM your prceldent She wasted to po. too.
ho>ea that every one of ber Sttaablaera
Baby Is ao etrte. She waUis all
reBeBbered to be MM aM levlac in rer; aha baa pet four teeth. WeU. I
any eeort they may have bad that puess By IMlerls pettlap lonpenoapta.
alffbt. It U ae caey to M^en pcopic
ProB joir SnaablBe pirt,
or do'dUMffe to their pr^ny. bdu
OertrMe Own.dear Bahahlben. remeBber Mwayr
P. 8.—1 forpot to tell you wbat that
that It ia Jaat eicacllr aa Aay to do Uilyb aase was; H was While Pace,
aoBKhiBc that win be a pteaBaat
tte twprtoe. and It wfll be twfce
Bach foa. both to yon aM to ibe one OS* of By s
ite's Baa*, as she
who reoelTea It. It Is no
at all
Join the Suaeblae club. It Is
to do aowetblBC that will pleve or a» GoWic BUdes. Traverse City. Mlt*.. R.
Iter sowe one ebw. and our Bnaahiiim r to No, 3. ear* N. BbWIer.
Mll.ainre bear that In Bind, will
Old Mlsaloo.-Mkb. 0«. S»./l»05.
they »o*>
Dear President—I thoupbt I would
write a few Hoes to you. as I have not
TDa^ler. Oct. 17. IM».
tor a lonx lime. My teacber*
Dear Preetdew—1 raeeirM tay canl
and batu sM I ^lak tbry are very name b Mias Alice Fto. I like her very
There are tdebty^oar sebotalee, krw Hve on a tarn seven Bitea
have lost ay.bnintei of tCMwIey. We hare three eowis an In By rooB.
hwr tawd of horeee and. one Itttl* tbo. and will you picaile tcbd ine an.
other oooT I cweloae stamp for It. I
laiBb. I ae to aehMH rvwj- day.
May. OoodVv.
hare live bIIw tj^WS^ every day.
There la a vaEailoa. bm ao the chil­
Mae Tompkins.
dren can pick up potat^ Our teaehWinisBsbunL Mkb..Oc(. a. l»0C.
tvar Ptoaldeai—As t bad hot wrp.
sstae. 1 like
..., _____
0 pleaae send Les^ Clcland a card ten l>eforv. 1 tbooptai I would write jou
d b«UoB7 Hla adidr* Is-KInpsWy a lltlle letter.' Ho* are you?' I ara
wen. and bope you are tbe sai
T. D. No, S.
: j
po to rrbool cDe^ day and ar teachIToun trulv
Alta Prindb. , ‘'t * ““r l« »►. Pviry: 1 «kv bla very
;Burh. MystndicsarvSfibpTBderead.
Snmli City. Oct. it
Bpelllnp and
bear PresldeBt—t SB a tittle ptrli
had three days' vat«a reels old. X>ur school will bepin
Ddst Monday after a vacation tor pouto dlalsp. I bare a cat asBcd Puss.
' win have to close, i
She b ten yiara oM. I have a little
Ml was pivm to an mo
EBOIkrrr It an U II was ber own.
Vera Vlnioa.
etoso fur (tab time, so pood-bye.
'Rhoda HbML
Ctite Seyint af Utile Pelka,
Ortalt. Mich, Oct. ». IMS. : After pizJn; Usaapbtfdlly at tb
JMar PfeaMest—1 bare not writien stars. Iiuie VeMe exclataed:
"So Bsay ot tbe aslb on the flour of
■r a taof
iimr. I bare two brotbers
I like to raM ibe lei. b*a\-«n are so Ion*,that tbe points
ten in the Oraad Tiaianc Bmld. show OB tbe nnder side!
Bnby MarpMfite was TislUap ber
Tor pau we have only sli cats. Their
asBea are Udy. Butt. Thbby, 8pot.!«»»- d* dtaaer a iiwy wmiA»B»d beTiaeraMTtay, We had a eat wb«n-|»**th b*r pBie. LoaktoK snud. sbe
Miie- war Sant. «h.. siml.l «atrl. *

”Ob. Atiatfe Otlre.- she sipbed. 1 dc tosM here m tbu country ate htnt- "ft will be bat today." Tbe wcM are | Tbe mUMi of Ub Ibaces of Breeck I
hats to eat off ibe duti paa."
'less (UapA not lactlaM to bite, and rvally tb«r» all the lime, but ibe ebla 1 aie shy-lriae. T^e streets are Mvrd
Tbe teacher was tryiap to iasim a dotap pood service In devoartap In- Inp drops Btade (bes plistea aaiU lb*; with sblnlnp brteks of msn^' colors
SUB bas dried the dew Tbe osraer cP 1 Tbe bouses are roseeotored, black,
Bowlsdpe of praaaar Into tbe ebU(his botae knows bow to bMe la ber I pray, purple. Upbl blue, or pale preea.
dreo-« minds.
spiders as brUpe buDder* fnanel wbea s boy comes dsapenutalr | Tbe doon are palsied sad pUded. For
-Wbat do we call t; •we.’
near. sM sometimes sbe dlmppyw|>oaTs you may not see a aeiH la tbe
or batloiBMa. TM many <
myateriously tbtou^ some ^vaie' shq«B or at the wlallows. The streets
Thai's wbat we call oaraeivesr really Srst class esplBeen.
' and bouses, bridfea. winitows. and
oCUteae paasace kaown Miy to herself.'
tid a Mpbi scbolar.
S^ers are' aoHUry lltlle o^iures.: barns show a aeatnesaand a brilliano'
Ultle norrie had been euettioalBp IS called tbe saKIprMe or "flyinp
' if a
all. I that are i
•plder, probably because sbe travels in toviBf their own eoapasy Kroi'of
ber Bother, when her Bother i
and you seldom And ifae|^VelaslDp| At every step s new effect
“tou d«»T know bow yoo worry me, sde b s curtoos fsshlon. ber asme Co
made kuiR oiiougli lo keep
their anroclsl habits alter they hare | etosed. a new sreee Is bebeid, as It yoo
dear. Why. ay hair is turalap pray! lap from two Latm words meaainp
the cotire bod.v vann m
Florrip answered. "How yoo busi step by leaps- Look carefuHy tlodp passed ibeJr flnt days of babyhood | were seelns maple lantern pictures,
tlrivi^. Fifty-tvro to 6ftybsce worried prsndina. Her hair is all the posts or tell stalks on SMpe breesy and ate able to shift to. tbemeelves.—| Eventblaf 1* minute. c..mM«. pMntfour inch-a in k'mj[Ui.
New Vorti Trlbnne.
, ed. spotless, snd ciron.
whlle!autumn mornlnp If you
-------------------------------------- I I*: the bouse of B-oeck lo'clesniur
Mary was scarchlnp bipb snd low country.'aad you mav sey a slender
110, $12, $15.; $18
In the Ltons Den.
; purposes ruu will And bip br^s. |.:Fancy paU«-raa.j Plain
foraraow doll, which bad been present' thread or two warlnp la the sir. whies j
*'breoma toothbrushes, aqua fonH.
blacka an<! greya. |
I a few days before. aM asked ber proves to be attached atjme
Wbitinp for tbo window panes, roape
srie to asalst ber In fladlnp It.
tbe lltlle splnne^—wbe' has chuseu
,ho forks snd spoons, coal dust for
Name—Where was U wbea yoo ■
i carefully ber eleroted posItkB. There since sbe slept In s den of lions with
miple forty-four lio fortyIt last, dear?
the sits, perhaps i>a,re^ (all catull RInslInR Bros.' eheus and twropedun-. ,j,p rapper, emery for tbe Iron nieri-iffkt iacbca in len^h: nice
pHek M«der for ibe floor*, and
Mary—Id that bsll ch>sct. on
s( tbo brook side, or oaVwQMrn poet harmed except tor two tinyscrnlcbei.,
Cuddled dose to Lena, a majestlo ( p,-ra smsll splinters of wood wl'h
shelf that's the stickiest out!
close by a oouniry road. bVr bead
It was Carne s (bird Wrtbdsy, snd
pointed toward tbe wlad. ber aMomen Africaa Itonoss. wblle Leo, ber mate. Vblch to pick out Ibv tiny bits of sirsw
lay purrtap nrorhy. Che baby plH ws. j jo Ap er^, between tbe brtekv. lletf
the relatives bad fathered to cele­ raised, in order to five free play
rtppl found st S o'eWe* In the moralnf.; ,rp ponp of tbe rules of ibl« wonderful
brate. She ns one person s “pretty silken threads wbicb sbe is weaTinr
plri.- snotber-t -darUnp.- etc., bat last with the (lay rplsaerets st tbe end of
st home: and when ibe frlphiCitizens must have ibelr sbec*^ at
ot all. "PaM's own pirl." Then i
ber body. Tbe wind drow* oi'i Ibe
said. -W-belv does aaiDBa
ibreadK ii:i they have ftowa so loaf ened keeper*, after 13 minutes of cau- tbe door when enierlnp s bouse
plcbeduptbc child
Before nr after sunset no one Is si
After deliberately laytop down that tbey are buoyaai. aad tbe spider.
ber spoon. Carrie said:
BSklns s spiiof Into the air at Jbsi nM earriod her rofely out of the lions- j mwed to smoke excepiiai; wllh s pipe
-Pmr the door."
Ibe riMi moBeai. Is carried asay on cace. rbe v.-aked up nad sept, because bsvlufi s cover, -so that the ashes will
^they had taken ber away from tbe pot b« scattered upon (he slicet.
Uttle Bob had ncrer tasted
her queer baliooa ot ibrcads
water before, ao knew oolblOE sUnl
a bush where the eat. ••■pteuy blq wssle.," S-..I Lena msdc| Anyone erosalnp .tte vlllape on
It pet out <ri Ibe saddle
the after effeeu of tbe (oaBy drink.
. Often sbe Is obllped the cage rock snd slaned
clamor in ib< snlmaJ tent by ber roars and lead the horse
Uncle LewU took bla to tbe eo
A cuspidor shall be kept by -Uir
drop store sM trealM blBko s c
wind leaves ber. aM somctlmei a sad •f tape st belop robbed nf tbe human
from door nf racb house.
and Bobby nl^ it down, then
(bine bawena snd sbe Is carried out cub she bad adopted.
Lory Amelia and hor'mo<ber. Mrs.
icnt pul hit band to bis face.
It Is forbidden to cross the'TlIlarlu sea When ber bsUooo' Has oneo
lifted her off ber feet Mistress 8^d«r Harry T- Mlnpues. visited the circus m s wagon, or. lu drive anlmsls
cllnp. Ilehily to tbe drlftlnp threads b) the evening, nnd as they weal IhTougb the streets.
snd quickly spins a laesb of web. like- sroand Ibe menaperlo tom the child
a tiny basket, on which sbe may ride stood as if entraseed before tbe roge
During the aummer of I»« there
coBfonalily. Soar spiders have been cpntainlag (hr Itoa sad tbo lloeess.
story If pIrcD lust a* it
From Uioy Ametla;r^wa story of was a war In Ireland, and (be soldier*
seen to >nBke l*>e!r balloons alight by
told by an old Indian woman fran slow ly drawing In the buig threads (ill her adroature. k seems that (be child suffered vqiy mneb. One evening, after
they form a ball, when (fa<- small bal- sepsrale<l from her mothor after tbo a king mireh, they were so tired (bat
Ohe day ib« Lion west out wnlklnp toonist drops by ber own weight. ' Sal- sbow. had ib-termlnod to gu back lu they IS.V down fur a short sleep, wbeq
Iff Ibe wood. As be was stcpplap
and B”1 another | u «.o„|q psve been wiser and better
(Igrades have been known to travel
old rotlea lop. be htmti a voice my. hundreds of ariles In ibis way.
glimpse at till- -Idg kilties.-- Sbe made had Ibf}- remained on the wralcb
>. pleaae. don't step ihereT Tbst's
Tbe bridge builders bebmg to a cls*« her way Uitfst^b the JosiH^ throng the roemy.
ay bouse, and with oee Bore step you rolled o'b weavers, beesuse of tbo and enleret' th'e.-anlmal tent. I- the
ordlugto the
ABOop the wridlers. acCOTdii
wlH destroy It." Tbe Uon looked down wberlsbspod web which Ibvv spin. excitement-while men were rusblnp slury. was a lUile di
larlttenjAli fur walkiiiK M.
lltlle Cricket slttlnp ea tbr Tbewe clover erewtnre*
1^, I In all dIreclluDs to Uglueo rope* and eyes, like those ^ bU elders,
ITS, weWfas;
in mat ploitl pnttma, plai
lop. He roared: "AM Is It yoo.
- • make everything taut *o the wind aad shut. Just before be fell asleep be bail
stoo bridges long befnn.
blacka sod Knys.
litUe creature, that dares leil se
bet-n oailnp hla lailues. and some
Brooklyn bridge. 1 rain of an i
$10. $12. $15. $18.
where to step? Don't you know (bat Stranpriy enougb. too. they work
damaye tbd lenis—sbe nas un­ crumbs of bread bad droppml
$20. $22
am klap of the beasu?"
way- much like ibai uf human eugl- noticed, so «bc went acroes Ibe teot bead of his drum, A Utile
All brand new, jnat from
"Ton Bay be klap of tbe beasts, but ii>ers. SetUng on tome high point, to <Ic rage of the Nuns.
perched overhead to one of tbe i
tiip Isilora* irona.
SB klBp.of my bouse, and I don't like her "ballooolng" reUUve. Madame
Ordinarily It would have be«-n Im- saw- these crambs and flew dowa to
waai you to brenk it down, kinp i
fat (hem. Aa sbe bopped about on
Orb Weaver (brows out her stlkeu
thread and waits for It to rotch on s cage close enough 1o be la danger, but the drum, the tapping of her beak
The Lion was amaxed at such
bush or tre* some feet swsv. When when the storm struck the circus. Oeo. wakened the lltlle drnaimer. He.
lop. "Doan you know, you weaklluK. this happens sbo draws It light and Mahoney, the lion tamer, left .the cape opened bis eyes, -and wav klanled lo If J-on
'ttfUet'oe lim'd ganneota,
(bat 1 could amasb yoo aM your house begins to cross upon It. spinning an­ and ran to aid la making everything s« the eni-my Mvapclng. Quickly be don’l fail
to atv T>ara at.----- 60o
aM all your rrlailves with ooe blow of other line as she goes, and- crossing safe and song. He says be slammed beat tbe signal ot alarm aad pul them Kone iMtur. few- aff good. Siw«
rrusslng again and agnls till Ihv big door leading lo Ibe trainer's on thcl' d'-fonae.
vp to fitty-lvo breast mosanre. All
1 say be weak, but I have a roasln sbe considers ber Wll foundailon
of Ike Ikmi' cage:
tripper ihan t who can Bsster you cable quite strung enough Im her par- evidently It eame oiten again, fo
won tbit day (July IS. m»l ibe lai
In a flpht "
nf the canvas bands of the Boyne: but If It bad not. been <
po*l'. She now repeats the whole pro­ mlnaies later
"O. bo! Oh. bo! ' lauphed tbe Uon. cess wllh a second llirrod lower down, found (be door afar and closed It
tor tlie lltlle bird, the fc^uaes of Ibe],
''Well, Utile boaster, you bare that then wl'h lu'r two sustalnlnp Hues In
Some lime lietween the moment that day might b.........—--------dTih-i^t.--]*”
cousin here tomorrow, and If be does place she proceeds to spin ber weu Maboney left the roge and when the Excliang'I
75c. $1.00. $1.50
tsler me I'll m-sh you and your between them, hoptog to catch unwary '■roust'- elosed Hie door. I^ey AmHU
aad your cousin all uifelber. '
Single or duubli- linmatad.
Th# Game of PSlrSa."
insecis In her aerial snare. These Bade ber prsad entree,
Tbe nexl day the Lion came back t webs are found stretching belwccn
•It rained drerlle." said Lucy, tallHaw- >ou 4rcf pUyed "blr*l -«-I!
(he same spot and roared. "Now. boasi. bushes, across small brooks, or over ing of her advemun- after she had tog*" It form* a very emt-nalnlng
, brinp on your valiant couslnl"
less froquonicd country roads, the been found, -ap' I goltod lost from pastime tor young folk*.
Pretiy soon he beard a buslnf near lAes reaching cv«i iweniy-flre or Bsmms. so I went back to see tbe big
The ehlldron stand In n row. IroMng
s ear. Then he felt a silnplnp. "O! thirty feel st t'mePor BsslKss or Dnit War
ktllles Spain.
two outside. These two represent ihe
0!" be cried. "Get oot of mr eai
"An' the door was 0|>eo. >o I climbed bird dealer*. Bach child reftresenls a
Usdc of frrey ],Ula (fStoln
One Ilf the latift*t and most common
But Ihc Cricket's cousin, the Mo* of tbe orb weavers is found In the rlptat In sn' I called 'Kitty. Kilty.' but bird, one being a crow, anoiber a
atitl other fancy inixtarM.
Quito, ke^t on sUnplnp and nlnptnp.
Tlie KfeAtr-ntdcnand will lie
couBiry meattowH or atoag ihc banks tbe kittle* wooldn't come, so 1 crawtrd rrane. another s canary, aad so on,
With every stl"C. the Uon reared
for tlonble-lyeutcd twaU.
ol streams. Thg upper part of li«
tonder aM ftratchM bl* ear
body Is s pretty Ullver gray, and the Pmtia Ilou he -jan-U an' scared I.sjcy. with lo buy s bird."
Jnmned arouM. Bdi tbe Mosquito
-What kind of a bird? " ask* the »eeabdomen of black, yellow snd brown, an’ mamma'lion she gotb-d up an'
kept on sitaplap sad sUaptap.
while Us oranpe eolored legs are klssM lucy. So 1 >-s Mt down in the ouj^desli-r
Cricket sat on tbe lop and looked on.
"A him tbst ron fly^asi, ' says ihc
ringed wtthjilack. Thl* little spinner straw an’ pisyed wi'li tbe kUtic*.
At last he said, "Mr. Uon. are you satflrpt itcaliM'.
makes a pretty web. with a heavy rig- they tcrairhvd roe.
Isfled to Itare ay bouse atone “Te;, sap llnefunolng up and down the cen­
•Tlien I wa* cold, sn' it was dark,
-Very well." answer* Ibe other doal• reared the lloa.
rr. "lake what you wish."
tre. which makes one think that she u I ji-s' crawled up eluac
"If yon will ealr pet your cousin
-leep,"—'Detroit | Then." say* the fltwl drolcr. "I will
must have been the s|>lder w ho said to BS lion SI
of my ear!" So tbe Cricket called
'ske a rolHa."
the fly to tbo nursery rhyme The wwy Frtv
Hoaqulio off sad ibta (be Uoa went
As soon a» the word Ik nut of bis
Inlo my parlor I* up a wtodinp stair.-*
away aad never bothered ibem any
A Pretty irMIsn Legend.
fflu'Ub Ibe "robto" must Irop from Hie
If you find these webs lu thv pras.<
An Indian story liat has
JUnd to e*cap»-. ff II
some day just loucb rae of them peu«-d down an*' is >1.111 beHe\<-<l l.v : => j dealer catche- the blnL hr |mtv It liiu>
Indian irllrfw l.s one 'shout the I
I a cage. wh*-rr (t must stay until all Uie
Boys aad pirls who live In (be coun­ tle parlor show* her todtpnaUon or lorms'lon uf l•■s'<-. into birds
try aM .tbose Mm tbr city wbo will frlphi by setitop tbe sbolr web to
c <
visit tbe country In tbe summer,
One ret uf orb weavers, tike the. In­ the Great Spinr-weni about (be earth
• Rlghta Prompt)]
have preat spon playfaf scout, uys
■nakinc It beauWOiI Whe-i-ver'his !
Washfaptoa Star. Tbe only (bins dian brates of uid, omamcnl llieir
bomes wlib skulls of their victims. anJ'
Bceeasary Is a patch oP woods.
I Fa-lstaa school
Any of t be "count lap oot * pISM say' sbow a funny srruy of beads and wlnpioa
be used to see wbo w ill bo Indians an I
drusses Tbi- leave* wpose.
«"‘fl I,
wbo wlU be eewtt. ^
When the time raises to lay her
e*t sougi)
cannot eomp«-l ehllilren to
When ererylblof is rvMy tbe :
the breexe a. K i«t«ed
remain at seboo] alter tbe ag<- of Uiirhidn bis eyes i6 ceoat soo. white the epps tbe spider makes a poar-shapMl
One day the wind told Ibem tbe
Tbl* law. ooedlesK 'o remark. Ir
tndiau «(Mper off tbroupb the woMs bag or eppsac. ln shlch the eggs arc time.would soon come when
>.! usually s ddead letter: but on the <eand bide. Iht^t be ajrreed. of course, cafefuUy packed, like hundreds of Ut­ would bate u toll fiom the treei enston to qi
queitton s pupil suddenly
tbst ao one s&hll po beyoDd certain ile yellow globqle*. "> wall till the
batebiag time. The sacs of
books. Placed them neatly
TM sroat may be tmi <ml on bl*
the be*i they
bto di-rk. look up bl* bst, tnd moved
mreh with a shout and a ruilb or be
lake The mother 're*-* nhbappy.
lowar.l the *'00lay steal atom: nol«ele*,ly. bopluf to ‘eords. BO that they will be ssf-.- I last the Hue rsne and they 1"Wher.- an you gmng'" ask-l 'h.snrpiire the ladtan*. To be "eauptr' thrtMigh wind and dorm. The outer t the twig* snd brwncbra and
! teacher, *1ib a certain amount of aee-Indian has oni.- to be sees, ^e covering Is tough and pLaxed.
' I lered to Uie groiinii. They lay perfect.
scout rolls ht« i>sme. snd the Indisa as waiiTproof. and no drops of
.Voii in iy htive elujin- r.t
u™ iho
'■ ' mo'v except s• Sir." replied 'he lx>>, with ItTiiailnc
intl coae la st a urlsooer. However,
iniiny ijnftr-ras in ouf list-*
BoarhalaDee. ' I ws* thirteen jrors of
brtsooer msy do all he can tu itros- Baby spiders batch oot like birds. In-]"’''
saw thorn and age four mlnu'i-s sgrt. and yo>i hiv" uo
stead ot nsslng throngb a long uwn*i-|
le scoft off the trail.
$7.50. $10. $12. $15.
tooger any right 10 k.i-p m- >■
Wba nil the lndia-<> hat •- h-en ton- state, like most In.ects, Ih mutv I
$18. $22
spied tbe one wbo wss esuftat first other way* the spider I. different from '
No clotluns fits better Uiun
rer, to be par
be scoot and be bides bis eye* the ordinary Insuet. InsecU utuaUy ^
tliat wo Al V.-ry ItUk
I pair of wlaps s
have six legs: Spiders have elpbl The
rouni* wblle the others run .
Jack Pagets.
tlx- clotbin;: tioltl fita___
Trl* 1* a )oHy outdoor gam*apala a* Indians- Bach came staru spider’s brod and ehiwt are also grown '■ |
wt-II. Wo hat
.iiiifi.topether. so that the body ha* onlyi""™’'
| Have tbe pUvers take s* srmful ot
o vwo* wberc- tbe Is'i iPdlan
winter ptiil lo ,
two puts, instead of three seen to the
but wbat is braiKl new.
ant or bee. John llrorv Comstock'^"®'
I groun.I
'lircet from tiu Vwl <1<ror* that the tiny threed spqn hr tbe 1«-P"v 1»”*: Then all thv pl.yer. arc g,t.-n . r.-rgoners aii'l tailors. Coni'spider Is mMe op of hundreds of
aumber of minute* to i.s.k r...'
dirvrt to oar tlort- MieC in
Tbe Spider at Home.
thrvad*. all fused togetoer ;nw one. a.
' with a long crooked stick s. mart
the rity. ft'f .viii train
"Cpb, aa uply spider;- rotae'lit
they emerge from tie isflaliely small I
j togou as poMibie, wnbom oisiurt.log
yoa ooiufortabk wbatber
in cries in dlsirasi when rle eudd< . sptoalat'Qbe*
' the romatoder
you want to Imy or »oL
• meets OBC of these 'In,- crestutet
The webs of orb wrov^rs are
1“ Mild tHeir acts and look lor. The least moteoro. ot s fsgot o.hrr
esAHy spied until yon M-arcb. but' the ,
sbaric.-DeiroU Tribune.
or htptnnx lo.r-m acala«t a wv
> outwi-tbe-way corecr. Bat tboapb boates of brown grew spiders, who-;
The eriplnal "Spotleas Taern."
the ptoyi-r.
boose spiders may be itelu spread their thick. fuBael-like webs Od I BroadC la Uc north of HoHnad, l>' f#* ««»mbev of fagots sueeetsfui’y
ph in sppeafaace, their outdoor ws-ef Ibe press, sure at yoa to great i reld U be t^e origtogl -Spotless' Mekal oot eonats in toror of the
nnmbres In dewTBoretoas In Aticnst.{Tp«n - a writre in roMIc Optnlnp j Mfer The «>e with the bigg.-s'
3M EflM Frest St
:uirt H.c larnx-r #-■ h,.
ib-ni, su>i, r,|.,„ rt..<,wilH.. ;i
•|*r..r«ii,. Ui.-liatiu.










O pilgrim, aa you Jooney. do yon erec
gladly aiy.
In aplte of henry hardens sad the
nmgfanass at me wsy.
That It dors not surely mntter-all
iba strnngp and bitter streas.
Heat aihd cold, and toll and sorrowtwill be healed wim Wesaednen.
For me read Irads home'

Absolutely Pure

A Cream pfTartor Powder
freefrom ■'“"Jj'JJP ■ “




Our evil siovtr {Wrilbr
Baeb alia iliaU ted aa ead to nit.
Aod. warned upoo tby txteote.
naiuras Bush to perfect frail,
Aad tbelrs tu perfect bloesoB.
CAVWHC4 rockliiio Uie nosDUln
^ And as some loCly. toweir life.
T« A gtesa frote AlWvUI Sad
Its eoleiDO work arreetlnc.

Doth lorn for respite froni tbe strife
To one sbort boar of Jeatln*:.
So eren there moOit tbe skles
•n>miftcyoieborn.«.r.- Uay iboucMs be aomeUmes strayto«.
And. sated with sabllBitles.
3oy in the eblldrea’s playlbs!
iad atw the sbadows.-U>e
-John Hall Inshain.
e wfU sBlle beblB-l


Home! (be safe and blUsfel ahelter
where U idad and fall content,
empaalonablp of kindred: and the
treasorcs early rent
Prom your boMIttg ahaU be glren
back more pretions than before.
, you win not mind me kwraey.
^m such bleaaedness In store,
When the road leads home.

add a be««a
tgg. and If the palp U dry add a tthle■peon ot cream to cam cap of palp' wash aad wipe a daeaa trenatoea. cot
a iHee from the stem end aad wtth a
tsnsppon lemoTr the greater pretkm
of tbe pulp: teat UghUy wim pepper
aad^t and flU «rim the earn, eorer
wtm bread crambs. dot wHh bolter
and bake until tbe tomatoen are soft
rich bron color. Remore
carefully to'mounds of buuered tosst
sad serre either as an eoiree or as
a simple (amlly
tuBcheon. To remore m*
corn and Mare the aklni
srbere mey belong on me cob. score
iwo rows of kernels lengthwise with s
sharp knife, then hold the core In an
upright posllioo srim the large end
resting on a plate, aad with me back
ot a knife press upward me length of
the cub nnlil all Is remor^

Nor me chill, nnmted morning, nor
the dreamess of tbe day:
Aad you will not take a luralug to the
eft or to the right.
But go straitet ahead, nor treobie a;
me ooBlng of the night.
For tbe road leads home.
I ofton foe your comfort you will
read me Guide and Chart.
It has wlidom for me rnmd and sweet
solace for the bean:
It «UI serve }-ou as a mentor. It srlll
guide y«i sure and straight '
All iheVmc that you will jauraey. be
me ending soon or late—
And tbe toad-leads home.
A Ortan.

Wrltieo for Heme Cheer.
Last night mr rnomer kissed me.
While snapped In slumber's band:
be cams ao very near me.
I fell the touch of her ranlshe
U'Uh Joy I gated upoo her
Aod looked In her tender eyes.
Net dreaming for a momcni
that she dwelt beyood tbe skies.
Last night my mother kissed mo
Aad U seemed so ven' sweet.
Like >3ved ones who long have parted
Again OB earth to

I longed eo much to bold her.
I Will DOI tblsb of mec as gone--* 'To never let her go;
_• I bed Wn eo very loaHy.
For I had misaed her lO.
To some iDTlalble ud distant *
shore, .
* It eeemed ao tike (be olden limes
ot UlM Uat ,3-nm.d < Unreacbed by hoauB eye or earth- ■
She called me by my name;

ly lore.

; hrooght me pan all back to me.
• Fbrtfaer from ne than tbe rp- •
It seemed the very eame.

Botrst star.

• Wbere ondlscovered eoBBtetla- • Bnt when et last (he moraine broke.

tioos sra
I knew -liras but a dream:
T« wrer mis e«Hn oor splrtU • rht sparUlas dust of beam's • But wbea sre sleep our long last sleep
TUaga srill bedimt what mey set

'eternal floor;

• Bnt rameesay: '■fl'hy sboald ay *
We eteil meet when ilfe'e dream

beart> aorc?
•. After me leas day's .mmiiU. toll •
Never to be parted, nerer more:
Nerer so elbaely dM ^n.fold.Its
and iar.
than ling ibe htilHiiJabs
• Thy worklsdoaeali^wltllc be- •
happy shore.

•My own. and mou bast ntered, •
Ud.»hul,tUI<Hunbu>oI: •
gladly free.
• Into a brighter raw. and left the '

IMiimual Tomaw Raeipsa.
Among the summer vegetables
• Of ttb etiin peace and rest on- • which are still available (or use are
There are many dellcleai
closed’, for ne

• To followvbooo—and In a Bsnent • waya of serving these
etahlre which are -------------known. Tbe foUowipg are (rom a
iber of Good Housekeeping
nad win be found s welcome variation
from the ordinary stewed tomatoee
Tomato Bisque—Make a stock
cooking a shin of real until the me
cm drops from tbe beoe. Drain the liquor,
,TM HaMsnIy Piaygraund.
■ it Is wall to stop CHtee In a while lb add a fagot of herbs, s bsy kaf, three
0 IM%. In my beaventy land.
peppereoras and s heaping lesspoop
Wkiira are the nbildm pUying?— ' the midst of rircoBs'mnees which bare
become so mauer-of-facl that wt
1 dnaa of Baby a )oytal band
nine medium siu-d tomatoes, peeled
’ not realise tb«dr real signlflcaocc.
, In cio^ Atbways straying.
sUeed. and sis tabicspooos of
Peeteance they crons In erescebt ean
cracker crumbs to two quarts of stock.
tbonf aoaset mounUla rlden.
Boll twenty minutes, and s'raln
Or wears a daace around tbe stars ;ures for s tltlk-^tUe'out of (he c - me tureen. S«vc with eroutous. whlrt
Bonplare. TsEe Hallowe'en, for
Aad'orer rainbow brldgea.
small cebes of broad toasted la
ample, a night which of late year
reaanoi mink of mcB In roar,
' deroted net only to fnn and frolic, bnl the oven.
Tomato aad BiCe Soup—Prepare ■
tmg aOelBlaa hyBning—
often to mallrious mtseblof as well. It
Vim haatu eo Ignorant of woes
i la s night on which tbe witches and savon stock (rum the bones sad no
And eyes that ne'er knew dimming. [powers of Darkness are sUMOSed to sightly pieces of lamb and a fagot ol
herbs, first browning the meat (n but
. Mora Uke that In me eDnndleee rotd j bold high revel, sod yM bow fir
Strain, searoo with salt and pep
They ran tbolr merry races.
I mis was the Mas which created the
Or awMint eoae rngrant asteroid
' night. Sow it is regsrded as a holiday per. add mrervqnafters of a rap ot
and bell nnUl tbe grains arv ten
And ran aboot me spaces
sfHKi aad fuB. sad few stop t
member that me 'word -Mdlday' der but not broken. Heat a quart ol
Ob. If Uy plan Is o
comes from -'holy day." a day set apart sliced tomaioes to the boiling point
aad pnsVjkvoagb a slew to separai.
by the church la commcmorallon
^ saint. Becanse there were many the seeds. me tomslo pulp lb-soup (Of which ibe-re should be mrec
m I saints ^ho hsd no special day of
strained from the rice, and r.Bembreace. though as deserving at
' rerercnce ns moM especially mce- turn to me firo to brat again, t^en ad I
rice, any addltkmal seasoning of
tlooed in the church caleadar, Norember 1st was designated reoturics ago
I by the Roman Catholic ebureb as "All
I Saints Day." a da'V in which all tbe un- chopped blanched celery leaves.
Staffed Tomatoes—Select smooth
I named saints were to be rememberei
i In tbe prayers of ihe church, and "Hal- sbapety fruit. Cut a iltco from the top
aad aceop oat (he sceils and
I lowe en" comes from the word "Holy
portion of the palp. Fry .
lerc." It Is Indeed a brautlful though-.
[ that there sboald be a day set apart spoon of, chopped onion In n table-,
'in which to come In closer loach wl-Ji spoon of.butler, add A rap of cooked
those who hare gone over to the -oth­ swcdbreads. cut In small pieces, ball
a cup of soft br^ crambs. half i
er side." and me Idea Is full of
of tomato palp.' s setupoon of saK
dtutlng of ' paprika. Mix
and an me tomato shells, prvrlousty
led with sslt sad pepper. Cover tt.dusted
buttered crambs and bake
we but renUse mte. It brings cor dear
(or twenty minutes to a brisk oven,
> ones very near to ns. and not only
genre with Hollaadafte sauea The
I tala days, bst er^ day in me :
contains the pesiteUUles of a "holy above proportions are ample for six
' day.- a day In which we may walk side toasatnea
ToBteto-Cu^ with Cora Crtam Fflti by side with those gbo are lovtog ns
j ns denrly ns in the days of old. Then iac—Reasore the pulp from twelve
I inslidui of sniTow and wwplnr. errry rarv «f sweet corn, seawm delirdtely


^ cr u—... U,.

' »misr Hi eiiur-t

Improves the flavor
•nd adds to die healthfalness of the food.

grauad or frame- -late la ttto
moarn and M treeaa ■»- It «ffl <
ks aoemna the frost te ooi ef the

Are Never Without Pe-ru-na in the Home
for Catarrhal Diseases.

tcoseh Breth.
An appetlring cold wvaUMr dM> is
Scotch MMh. which is prepared as (ol-1
'Take tw« poonds nf neck molloo, a
targe slice of turalp. two alien of carone tmloo. s stock of cel ry.
c fitf?
a pint of barley, three ptots of cold
r. one isbWooonrol of ftour, <me
spoonful of batter,
er. one' traspi
fal of cbotmed parsley,
T. CwiUteB
from tbe bones and removekU the (at.
il-e »ea' Into small pircea
put Into the soup pot wim (he vege­
tables rat flee, and the water BImmer
geeUy two hoars. Put one pint of wa-'
lev on tbe boaes. simmer two hours ‘
and strain into me soon. Cook theSour and. butter logrthee nntll arnoom. ,
Ini otbe soup, and season with salt!
r tbore who'1^(0 lake a Uttiv and pepper.
enre trouble In ordeF-ta-rrere soeieRaiae Paratey.
mmg oat of the niual ran/ihr foRowFCsruKi.'
parsley are pleasant
lag genuine French recipe for pears
ot a rich grtsen colb given. It is taken from Good Hoose- I me eye, being
and make a nice aeosoalng (or
diSereni parts of France mis soaps as well as a pretty OTnamest for
dlab te prepired with ccriam'dlstln- dishes of meat and fish. Place a box
guishlng features, but me two
Voder date of January >0. UBJ. Dr. Mrs AUsBehvsBdt,8ssban,Mlna..
recipes are tbe Mkrwlng; 8^ct Tbe noil ihoaM be rich and mcUow
and soak me se«d for teveral hours to BariBsn received the foltawiDg letter; writes:

goodalted. firm pears with si
-/ here be— frmnBlef wte rBsama
“ My -wife has beea a sqffevrr from a Item
t. Pare (hem. cut out the blos- warm water before plaattog. Doa't be
nW encarv* Ihr rimfy-ftee yanm.
discouraged If It Is nearly n Beam be­ eompUeaUce of dtseascs lor (be past
som end. but do not remove tbe i
years. Her com has taflird
Make a weak syrup In the proportion fore the tiny sboula begin to appear, twenty-five
the skill ol some ot the moat noted pfay
t«*Mtenaseavw. inerormm
ie-(blrd of s cup (rf sugar to ooe as the seeds Iske a long time to germl- stelSBs. One of her wont trochlea was
cap of water, aad flavor irith lemon nait.—Exchange
of several year*’
MS. A|yaMWM<aesdaf(MByT*ay
-ange rind. Drop the peart in <be
, standtag. Bbe
0 Butter Para.
fly Pomm.-'—Mn. ABs
erltlesl period in tbe Ufe of s
syrup aad let mem slnsmer very gen­
t life.
tly until they can he plcrted wl
“InJane.lWHl wrote to yon about her Why OK Peaate sre CagqclaBy UsMa
stras-. Then skim them out and drala.
A brash' ii a more thorough and
case. You advised s eouros of Peraos
te Syatamte CMwtIl
Set mcB aside on a plate until cold,
'hen old age cornea os. ceurrhil dl«much nrater way of applying ibe but­ and ManaUn. which we at
being enrefui that they stand upright. ter or lard to pans. A paint brash will moneed, and ban to.Bay ll <
« come aleo. Bystemic estorrh M
Roll good puff paste out unite thio
almoet oeiverssl In old people.
answer the parrmse. but one of the cared h^.
and srrap each pear In a piece of ll.
TfaUrsplsiBs why Prraaahas beveaie
•■Aboat me same time 1
allowing tbe stem to protrude, but beat should be cboscu.M (here la men about my own ease of catarrh, whic
olBdtspeussMe mold people. Prrona
not so fflueb dsngee*^ tbe bristles
l<thvtrssf«gosvd. Prrane Is lb* only,
caiefullv pinching together all
coming out. so& it lasts mueb longer. had been of twenty-five years'slandla
dy yrl devised thst entirely meets
edges. When they are to be served
At limes 1 was almost past goingAfter thoroughly washing the brash, emtotoSKed to u$c Prrano .■ ■■■
' cases. Nothing bnl an vBseUva
hot fry them to a golden bros^i
sank It over night in eold water. tCbei: yon-fBsrrncflsMnnd eeadi
smoklnr hot fat or oil. and dredge
ready to grease tbe pass meh tbe bat- ArabOBfgyanr. sadAAos___ _____ _
thickly sriih powdered snenr. If s*
tre or lanl.^lp In )-our brush, and yoa efotm fardtem, udevamaara.
cold, bake them in a quick ot-en
paint your paite. By using a^ruih you Joio O. AtttosM.
pale brown. For the other recipe, cook
can go into all rarts of the pan. which
la a latter dated Jsnasry
me pears tn the syrup as directed
cannot be done when a paper Is used, Atkinson says, sfter five yea^Bspei urylog tn tbe I
ibovc. then boll the syrup dos-o until
and the flngrrs should not be nsed. tepee with Perate:
mick and rich. Boll imff paste a qua.«-h«D through wash the brash thor­
•-V s^vpMttame » spMfingM to part or to whole, a slQgl* eparioos.
ter of on Inch thick, cut Jt la ovals half oughly In boiling water.—Chicago RccSB large ateln as the pears, and bake
quick oven. When cold, lay c
dach a pear, and over It pour geaUy
spocoful of (he siTup. tprtnktlng wit
It Is quite Impossible (or a tbroutelf alone, we expend a few eecl* In the very uttdul when planU need -^|w:blanched almonds (cut In fine strip,
until the pear is quite covered. A d bealtby person to have too touch day­ pnrrbasc of a yard or two ot etlff i ting or eultlogs are to be made,
Ilelous addUion either way Is a large light Ooe might as well say It U pos­ screen mosquilo netting nod a paper! The stogie tmrtoaaus.or I
spoonful ot sweetened whipped cream. sible to have toe much fresh air. Oai- of taeka It is ven vary to tack a: the Junqulf thrive anywhere pInnieJ
This year we Iniead eiperlmentlo^ llgbt docs not mean me direct glare piece of the netting to the outside of , like tulip., only fnrihw apart-aboul
of the sen.
the window Irame. and Uie rapend-j ^wclvr Inrh-s for daffodils, to allow
with quinces In (he same wap.
And a healthy person Is not one llure of a lluJe trouble pays large dlri-1 span- for rapid mcreare. ted sis lochwbow eyes demand dartmesa Wheth- dends Ur comfort. The same could be ics for lonquils.
Treating riluftex
er me boosefarnlsblag iPrich or mhan dene over me tops of opper buck wta- j Trf broken or burnt bMca for dralnThe digging of bulbs and gcuiog
does not matter to the least. There dowa In town, as a lempocary.expedi-' age when repotting ptanls. They *re
thAn ready for winter is ooe of the
are msnsiras to which one feels ent! wbere me oHiera have already; pot only excellent (or me
duties of me present. A warm
gloomy despite tbe evidences of beea fitted, as no unserrened «ladow|\bm |a much oourlsbmcai to mem
y day should be chosen for
m-ealth. and mere arc cottage homes sboald be left open nntl! after mere when tbe pot gets full eaangh ol itooi< '
work, wblfh should bo carefully t
bare been eeveral hard freexi-s. We | to reach to them, and the day of r<.
First, ,11ft-the bulbs and tubers "and
luSercd a veritable EgjpUan plague moval I* put off much longer,
sprea.1 them out
See that stalrwajs aod passageways ,of flles.for s .^ple of weeks one year
objects of special atteattoe la
being careful not to bruise tbem dur­
are bright as tbe garden outside. Sboa ,wbeo we bad the screens taken <U>«n,
ing this process. At night cover men
to view a procession on tbe 7m of Oe- ,bem"oins. If the plsnte are ptocad to
wtth several thicknesses of ncwwpapei Ibe "dim religious Iltet" aa y
■£ old earpv-(. blanket or somuthlng of tbe plague. U has much dimness and j u>ber. and’thoughi It «as too laie in
I u,*
to have (hem replaced "
given all freeiy tbe flowera
• kind. The next day expose them prvcions ll'tlc religion about it.
will remain In perfection a k«rtlto*to the'sun again, and repeat mis exc Julke.
Heme.Made Linalaum.
Ltqold manure.sbouM be freely gtrec.
pesure day after glay unill the earth
crumbles readily from then. Afivr
Wash and pick (he grapes from the ; Cluan thoroaghly an old carpel,
* will thrive to
The,Chlneoe p
Q or thrw dayi cut off mHr smll;!- stems; pul them to a poreeUin gran- j
i» whole, but too shabby for u -! a «esi r norm window, ns it Ubre a
wimin mree or lour Inches of the Kc kettle, crush mern with a wooden | ud tack ii down smoothly on tbe floor.
lbs or tubers, and allo«- them to re­ beetle o> spoon. Set over tbe fire aad i u.h, , .pick boiled aureh of flour and'- „
hat e delayed putling bfflW In
main exposed to the sun until the cut bring to a scald-ncver allow them to ! ,tar. and rob a coat Of this surtt; ,h„ ^nds fc«- aprtog bhmntog douof the sulk dries over. 'Tuberoses. boll Have ready hanging, a elixh | ,ato the carpet, tVhea this starch is :
amarj-lUses and gladldosw should bv- sack la clean flour sack is good', dip qrj. ,hirh should be to about twenty-,
-„lte a» well la tbr
wrapped tn paper aod bung up In a
r bag in a frost proof room. Tbe
celiar Is generally too damp (or tbetn
Caladiums.-caanas aad dahlias ran be put Ihe dim over (hr fire ted again !»dnrable ana ehrapfloor-covering will ^
Th,- Iat1-ptant.:d hard) bnlb* sboald.
vut loosely info shallow boxes and bnns to a ,-wid. Hate reedy bottles be ,he r.-sulf Give the carpet a «»•,
‘ vsivc-nog of straw or hay
iiored on racks kept well op from the or fruit rans. rims and class tops to i of p,,nt ooee a vrar and it will lut
as soon asibe grated Is frotoi. Hot
cellar fioor. If. kept 'on me floor, o.- pan Of ho- waier Wring out x-good for year.-Exchange

'<Hi,re at least a crest is (ormud
irar it. they are more than llkeit
Fteral Notre.
Bv planUng moratog glonre and
to become so damp that decay sets in os it. our to a silver knife to prevent
, ,. .
.wevt peas In boxes and setiine tb<-m
the result is alwa>-8 harmlul. II breaking.
Juice scalding.. Ge-sure and bare
I,.. IB the windows you Bur have a me-not tatal. Another good plan is -■>
I brim. &al at' ehrysanthc-uiBDis. a. il;-y s:
^.^_nower garden In the house this aini,^—
pack tbe tnbers
. are be»t- for ’ m their xio-y
Beautiful vines for the wind-.s udr
which has t
y dried be-1 grape Juice.—Sole!
.«ier hiingin* ih, planhad from some of the v<-C“
fore the roots are put into it, Thi. 1
-----that tiej get plen'y of fr.-. hair
preveois mem from losing ro much ,
"‘"d* «* F"*Bse no Are heal uni-> tn. .-atb tteles I- swi--* p-tosto
In.tano' a
mototnn.- Ibat Ihclr vitalli) Is st-rlnos-i '' »as-rating my supper ibi otber er 1. .err cold
ly exhausted. Oteiit* and other plauui'''''“'“K
Kenincky hold."
it.' sure to ba»e Ih- I
of ibU class should be dag before cotd s»W * b Coowaj. at tbe WllUrd Ho- haw been sammw-'. o-ji ...r* near Pto»'*
wealher set. to. but If the frost kUls
dre»s.-d country
d free from Insect* b-1 ,. t.rtogto* <*■“(• '
elH. who was sralltog on the uble.!, na in the bouse
the lops take the roots op during tl
s .badre ofrad an,;
eame up and asked 11 I would bavs
pleasant wrather which usually
Don't neglect „> p,r a.s
tod pure white —S-.
dessert I inquln-d whK kind of dcs- , ted soli In Ui- :




the ground becom'- ir-,..;
■ - You mav bring me a piece of pie-' : ■
made a winter as w.-II as spring treat, j I said, and sbe Inquired. '
If tbe fOlIowtog plan f-oin i*..- Wi.l -'What kind do jou want*’
man's Farm Journal is carried out[ - "What kind, have your
One of the dulUw of fall gnrdralns
-We have threw ktods—open to;.,
dlvld* large clumps of rhubarb <cross barr>-d. aad kivtved. bat mey a:
aod replant. Placed li
apple, she said, a
corner'Gf the ce!lqr and kept mole. |prood of having so wide a variety for;
a largo root or so will come good aod t
—toniivinL Ooufurelsb fliltogs for pies and material irler-Jouraalfor sauce wbra other things to the
----- y--------------vegetable Itoe arv exceedingly scarcv. |
The Uaeful Upper BMh.
If doea well to any kind of roll, and a! 'Tbt upper sash Is very saluaMv
barrel sawed to two or a large box {for veetllaiKm,' says the Chicago Rec-:
good rveeptacle to bold it. I ord-Herald. •especially to the top atory. |
Rhnbarh U a liberal feeder aad plenty
of manure should be used. Fail k-tme uppir
tuee mnt Is well headed up and likely part of the window This lets ont m>:
to be Injured by early frons can be heated layer of air which gathers na-.
lifted and planted dose togeth.T In a dev the criling, and ai (hat gtr It more,
frame, or If pull-d up and bung up IS rariflad than the rest a grcnier
tbe cellar by ih« roou will last qidle draught is mad* through me honoe in I
a whUe. Early kitace plants'next hot weather. In the counur. where]
aprlag nr* cepectolly dralraU* had la tbe screena. fellowtog the n
order to have them .ow the Mwtt
tent are arranged.(nr the lower sa«hj

'(3rmndl JBros.'
There’s a Great Deal of Pleas*
ore in the Si^ht Piano

m « **lf7os bu^UK
WOec r"v Senre Dy tk* yrers it lOBt*. you wlH bs swosliMae 1
b<re- rrrr ktUr t< eeoss. W-hretkare-.r* sn mswr nUpteinsa____
oar wsrsruot&s Is Trofs s reputsUs maflsfkciurw.



NuMbw^os to

tesato os

159 EAST FMin‘ 5TKET

'0rmnell 3Bro8.

- II



(Sirattb ©iratijcm E«jralti.









Faces 7tS 14


. ToNi Asm* ErMi.
A BArrlMn wbkta wu kq^ • pn>fgoad wem frocB tte M117 frleBdi of
tk« cfti»eUl« vkftSM took »lMe Buordtf ercAUw at tk» pMoMfC cT Rrv.
aad Hn. U a Caireatar. m Wt$t
TUnaanU ttreel, vbca *Ti
O'BrMi and Mtu BarUta HOxle
Aeaa van made one. Mr. aad Hn.
■rrtac BUllaca auaaded tha hap»r
eMiplar who. after tfea-careoaa
paM to tfca Park PtoM. aftarvardt
drtitDc to tkc bona et the bride at
Abate, vbere her pareau, Mr. aad
Mta. John Basse, bare iSTaa tha aasal
paraaial blaoslsc. Hr. Q-Briaa la the
auksacer «t tha BaU Teiasbooe
panr o( tUi dtr and la a tobbk
wboaa Crteada an I«Sob. Ha ataads
at tha bead of a bwlaaaa of whiei
stood a haea eompeilUOD and no<A of
tha soceaaa o« tha Em is tbu dt; la
daa to Ua parsoBal taaiftat lato balaosa Bathoda. The bride la tba belle
« Acaae and the daasbter of the po»ir aaperriaor. Joha Boxle.
Dead Body la ReaA
TPhUa drivlBC towarda Sooth Boardmta aboot oooo Batarday Oeo. Boyd of
WUUanabarf was horrlflad to tai
dead body of a naa lytaq dlreetly
aeroia tha wagoo track vitb his gea
lyiBg n the read Mda htn where it
agpar«UyMl oat of Us grasp, as he
Hr. Boyd started that momlag fron
tUa dty a&d whUe haR a mile ftoai
the folia of the Boardnaa rircr. I

maataoha bat had aothlaf la any other
way to tdaotHy blB. Mr. Boyd li
BloMy went to Hodges paa|ottee suUm aad phoned te*Ua family at Wintamabarg. who la a few bob
tfhtmad 10 flalph-WUia of tba 1
rlUaga who again pbooad to
•baaHr. Chaii« Jehason
this dty,
the maaaage raaeblag hare in teas than
Bfiaea Blnntaa as ha oaealdarad-that
. tha ^ wanaatad UraatlgaUoo. Or.
HeUswerth. eoromar. was eallsd aad
th^’ldt for Urn scene at ro'elock.
(mmi by Oaorge Boyd
of-WimaBabaig Batarday aftemeoa.
fylag la tha road aear the forks, was
& B. BMOf Wmia^fB. was soon
MarhaBBgBhmycihAlai Jobaaoa add
CorudarTtUk mtswortb who drora
out ih«e Bktardar aftaraoon aad after
elewtag th^ mahu employed e aearby raddant Mr. Joaaa. to take tbe
remalas to bit plaeeaatll M.
of tUa dty eOifld be .ranched aad the
Body brooiAt to hla imdenaklag
loOBi. Tha itepaadlag of a fory fol­
lowed Banday afianooB at 4 o'dock
aad.tte rerdlec was loaebtf lo a tew
meBaata. this balag atatad that death
was daa to natural causes, the tastlmnay of a aoa-lAUw. O. P. Maiab. of
WOBamaburg heln< that seraral
hitdheta d thd deceased bad died aad-

n yea^to'l Mra>Brow
i tbe stale for
aboBi M years of'at
the Arm of Heary Net B of Olen Ar- ed at this meeting Tbe name of tbr
nes.>^ bjage aad has
anmber of tHeods ! af<
new caecern Is to be tbe Trarerac last fire 3
rldaity. She
le case Is tbe outgrowth of tbe City Motor Boat company, wllb aa au­ city to tbe I’ntted BUiet express eom-|
pany Jias came thread the eonsolMst-' Act now; Come to ibJ
looe Ibvogh this. John r. Bmpey. agml M yeaia. died'
death of Mrs. Lnndgrea. arlfe of thorised caplUl stock of tlO.OOO.
morning she sufiered gram sgtmy. !• ' at tbe beme of bis son. Oren. la Boime
The company has arranged for the lag of the Pere Margnelte with the' ad Icera what yon can:
Oeorge Londgren of Oko Arbor, wbo.
Seetton 3 snder the t
Uklng scTcral t>ersaBs to bul
rlllrTuenday afternoon at :: W after
as an alleged opioes taker, placed an purchase of tbe iwo-siory factory
a week's lUoesf. ..
owned by tbe J- E company did not rcacb BOttb of Orand'rides that township orerseen of bigta-:
order with the general etore of Henry j bnUdlag aad
company located west of Uie Rapids, where It entered tbroogfa tbe I ways of townships nndar the cash tax :
Thiny-Twe Yesra.
' health when he caught a serera cotd
-- an at Olen Arbor for two onnees Orrtick
Lake Shore road. •Now srith the eon-; township syntem and highway commU-7^1, ^ (t,,
tblnt -iwo - ■ftcr a tong drlre and rapidly failed
of landannio. tbe order being filled. It J. B. Orellkk factory, which
■eralcd as grist mill and plan-' solldaUoo already spoken of prdbaMy j alooera. county highway commlstloa y,^
learea foor chllIt alleged, with liactore of aconite laby CotAie * Weston. In ad-jlwo hundred more points wfll belera under the county road law ahaJl
Dr. C- A. Jartt* yeslrrta.^*^ i'»•» **a«hl*rs and two s^.
stead. The eomplalnaat alleges that
> this property, which Is 3»S.3 | reached and the builnees ytrteh will: meet enoually to dlscoss such matieru
married Thirty two yrnr* ago Not. , 0>r too resides m Washington. D C.
and the j come through the tew channel srUI i a» the coBBUskmer may present and a ,i B|g Raidds. I left Traverse Cit} j The deceased s
sen conducted a store In the business bay. there Is 4S feet freoisge Including | follow through nai^
of highways and Xuv. Tand uire' wa. snow ' on the i by proleaslc* and took grrai delicbi In
<g highway s may receive for gnund. We dldo'l see the ground 'the Cnilis of W snmmn-labor.
of sclUng at retail, goods, wsres. mer- building, wbicb baa beretofore
The American Express comping will! same per diem as In actual work, aad ^
umu May i: and the Ice dldo't [
chandlse, 'drugs and medicines at the owned by Thomas W. Stanton.
malDlala an oSce In UTla city.
Otner Deeasarr expeaves
go but of the bay IBIll
Teatfi bto Feeas
township of Okn Arbor in Leelanau boat manufacturer, whore buslni
itnlll the middle o( ,i
... 1 <>Pt Harbor .
eonaiy and that to-wlt: Cn tbe *tb absorbed by the new company, mi
Momlag and afternoon aemioe at' 1,^ About tbe middle of. April
I went
Ed- Emory of Bowers
the eouBly building. Traverse City.
,o Oiicsgo
Chicago and there w
was five (ret til 1
arrested tueadsr 1
day of Noeember. l»04. the plalaiiS altogether ISS-J feet frontage of
0 participate la th- snow on ih.- ground on tbe level to the Frankfort t«,hnsdkr^ tht.chsnra o'
Tbe cnlmtnatk
was a efistomer at Ifac rnltmble factory property.
Hr. SUDton has built up t*very : football trpnUe.
said atorc of the -defendant, and by
; eounirv I came back aboot the mid '
prsferred byChl«ps Cartoim.
Prank Hamilton.
belBg so. ordered and reqaested two profliahle bom- buUdlng basinets and I rants have been Itsiied charging ten
! die of Msy and the snow was almoi.'' '>
«hn« Cnptnto Emory bad
D. K. HcMuUai.
of laudanam wbt^ If was tbe | durlug the past year has added consld-! aaloona wllb the ariling
! all gone and the bar wm- full of floai-; “hen six cords of wood from the
August Lawsou.
...................... I up-to- llquora to minora, rwaebed the Recorfi-,.
i tog c^es of Ice."
I Frankfori dock this sammer. the vale*
dnty eg the dafsndant to put Bp
County Commiuee.
date plant. The new company will , i-ra eoert Wedneadny et » o'clock;
which was 121. It was alto nlleBed
sklUfnl. prsdent and carefnl
that the owner demanded IW In pavyet,, the complainant alleges, the said lake over tba real estate, bolldlng, ma-after tbe warrasu which were dated
■I which the captain refasrd to sri;dataeduL hit agents and clerks, dltre-] ehrnery, detlgns. patterns, etc. osrnrd ;Oct. 30 were giren tnlo the hands of,
Tbe foUowlog Is tbe program for the i
* aramroqg. woo nas beec ,
followed. He was
gatdlng Ika
the AAlu
taid U..|»
duly, oegligeotly. ua-1' h,'
by Sir
Mr. mSKJM,
Sldotoa, In
la addlUoe 10 tSe t*u ’ Cbief uf Pollee Aabtoo
Ladles' Aid society convenUcm |
T-n. imssed away ,
aUHfully aad lapnideoUy put up. aold 1 story taaory balldlag aad land abore. npoa tbe alleged rlotator* ot the UW
St Orlatl
„„„ ^
^ m,
0 be held at Grawn. Nor. 7th:
1 Thursday m T o clock pP m at
^d dallrered two ooacas of aeoalte 1 deacrlbed.
! onllaaaee last ereolng.
lefoo-^lnstrumealal sHecHon. Hisv i tfhere the
.e family bad U.ely
U'ely been
^ ^d hirratoam W
tlacture, which the plalatlB. relying' It U the ob.‘rct of tfae'corpoiaUoo to | Two dates are eo
fhUe Mrs. Armstrong
captain Emory ti the co*apoe and beUrriag .that she bad ob- manufactare gasoline laoncbrs. sail; charges. Oct. It and :
PiaycF. Hr Barnard.
taiaed the drug called for. took from | boau. row boat's and kindred waAr {lowing la hrlelT the allegwi facu
. ”I
of tha. awamar Onekema aM|
{old and leaves a wlfe-aad two ebtldren.'j ^
is also a mill owi
aad swallowed a dote, alleged to bavo > crafi. Including a repair business of' wl
■n^ funeral wUl be held fro. lb.'..j,
baea one teupooatal. She became U1I classes of. boats and to reach out rest.
BorUlIy sick during whicb time while; far exteaded trade In the markeu of; On qct It. L»oB SUIe^ aged It |
|Actoiing mlnlpter will be Rev. J. W.'
Hlblu reading. Mrs. Birch
lag, nffered great the country. It hat been conceded for years. Charles Chervealta. aged IS
- Hiller, under wboee work t
pale, agony
mind and body, aad a number of>eara. that Traverae CItv ' yeata. Frank Bhrenberger. IS years,
Brading. Mrs. Braa’nell.'*
wUle to doing died after four hours' should be (he home for aa extenalT* laad Veucel Lodka.
The reoeralewas held Sunday afterSok-. Mrs. Allison.
\ Uaa
lutaeloiing enterprise, be­ started upon s round Of vislUUoo of 3 o'riock from the Fburteeslh
Reading. Mrs McIntyre,
that cause aa extensive ranrhet can he the city saioont wbicb was repeated,
; Sirael Mnthodlsl efanrrh. the oEctoUng
baai. Mn. Brigham.
found right at onr own doors. In ad- the next Saturday. They alleged In
the aforesaid Ndlle Lundgren died
being Rev. J
Miner The
Recorder's codrl | Hnsle. Grawn
>le. and the dnmagee asked are for dltioB to this bur shlpplng\tacimies
I small edifice was crowded while
Address. Mrs.
what she might hare earned as a aad resources for securing material that they entered first Touneller'i M"""I*•;*bo arrived late were tinabk- to gain >
mask teacli^r. and further arers that make it poulble for this company to Icou where beer was take^. this being
"QaallilcaUMs of"Ladles' Aid So-‘
^h* Honneealh St^l
one child, a daughter. Olga, was wholly compete wflh tbe largest b6m manu-'served by Toffi Finch: Fraak
had charge of «
clety Oacers.- J*rs. Bennett.
i Hethodjri choir-------------- berger met them and ihc foi
the deceaead tor sop- faeiarera to the country.
Robertk Wave to
in Oekw2!
-Most Practical Ways of BaUlng
Burial took
The company
port, the amount of (he wage earning
. . takes over alw the Into tbe saloon of & U. Dailey, wberr
. aoD. will become the clavk. Tbeaamb
Money in tbe Ladles' Aid Society.-1 *»
"f » ^ Carter.
being »10 per week. By virtue of such | good wHI and orders no* on band to i sU but Ehrenberger drank
of the hotel will bo Tbe Korilm^ and
statue in the ease the defendant has;Mr. Stanton's ’ bustoess. which. io.'tottt-r Uklng three whisklee' siralghL
every eomfovt knowa for an optodUb
Music. West Union soclel)
The remalni of John Rennie wevei^„^|^
liable ^ damages to tbe turn | getber with a number of stock boaU to i John Blacken. It is alleged, accepted
of ts.a0«.
-be bum thfs winter, will keep a forc-J'be pay. after aervlng them. Fred
"Program for an Afternoon Sesalou ; token on Friday from K«aioo«.:
Roberiaan Ml tbla
Ladies' AH Society.'' Mrs. .b,,. u.
Tbe case is several law of ekllled workmen busy until navlgB-' Wurxburg't mIood was next vtolted
Tb.n1., uemm.
potou win become paramount, -tbe tloB opens next spring. I( Is estimated ' and wine entered Into the drinks Homes.
"Tbe Advice of Organtolng This Con- I. lb. mil, i„.
.bJbTlb, ,«■
of death ak Aatged being cov­ from the present outlook that by thai
for. Frank Koch walling on the
t/b>in Rennie, VJi
Mr. and Vl
William I three years be^ has sewed In AAfikMU
ered by two acu. know at death under time there will be suBcleBt buatoeM Iquartct. tbli ending the alleged saloon ventloB Into a Permaaeni QrgaBlia- John
Reanle. Hre. Stepbea McCany
Uoo.- Mrs. Kennedy.
the lurrival act and alao where death to largely Increaae the working force j vlsliatlon on th'e dale Oct. U.
I Evans' squadron aa q
"Oetllned Conslilutlou.' Mrs, -Car- Hr and Mrs. John Pamam of Omena
kiiewD as tbe death Already teveral prominent Traverae 1 They again alkge that upon SatnrHe muiMd two
aooompanled the rcmalai to tbelr last weeks ago and will baraafier beesma
act. Pbur counts are cited to the com- City dllaena hate placed orders for day morning at 8 o'clock they aurted
rasttog place.
Five minute islks
gaeoltos lasacbee. and as soon as the out to rlstt various saJooni. eabering
nailated again vUhMiaUBKAotusfeetory bunding can be put 1n shape Harvey Pierce's, where beer was Jci'ts by everyone.
served them by Mr Pierce: three of
Music. Mrx. Freda WakndB
' Sielto W. Ifochradel. the €-momh^,
.. .
Enrollment for membmhip.
old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles: Haney BAHey. MdA IB. a wraliby
It-XFlness session
I Hocbradcl of Cedar. di<-d Moodsy j farmer, was found 4a^ la hla coriiat well as a good hub-1 Frank Koch wnlijng
a 'aorrsd with I
I m enlog. The funeral serv ice 'eras held j field near Coldwatav.

perrltor* b
the plant, asd be will i served by "DSc.r Here they also filled j dinner
Uuer. t
beoka and records of tbe county auri-, employ aoiy the beat akllled workmen i the Inner man'wllh a lunch,
Mrs. Dye, Seeretow
veya in the fire proof raull of the reg-l to fha unlerprlse.
The saloon of Tea^ Mlkula was next
Monroe Center, Mich
later of deeds’ oSce. was filed on ; Nefiriy all ot tbe eapltol stock hss entered, so they allege, beer belfif
Saturday by Attbney John W. been subscribed and laasmucfa as the taken. Clint Richards serving. Cram
Pntritaa. who rapllei' wub eight: enterfrise is finding considerable favor | Wlscl^n came next, the pglty m-lng
fieeend Attempt at Suicide.
counts. Tha respondent aisles that he' antofik nor busineas men. It may be I Joined by Leon Slater, coffee coekiails
Mayfield. Mich.. Nov,
Mrs. Carl
bellevM ell pulflie records shall be 1 necessary to increase the capital slock' enuting tote the drinks ordcrcl. Brower made a second attempt to com-;;
open to tbe pti^llc daring bnsiness i la a abort time. Among the present s-Ioscph Morowskl sen lag (ho crowd.
mit auiclde (bis morning and a! pres-^<
sluckbolders are numbered many of| C. H. Toanolier’s place w-aa then cn- at Is lying at the point of death. Sbe 1
Travane CUFs most progressive men;' lered. so they alleged, while two shot bcracif with a revolver la the';
wbo are golnf Into tbe project with a j rounds were ordered.-STom Finch serv- led breast below ibe heart.
^oaa age wha T7. was residing srith
dataratoeUoo to build up a largo bus- f ‘ito tbem- J- O Kulchlm. E. H.
Mra. Brower and her daughter. Mrs. !
BN dmhtar. Mti. O. P. Marsh, and ec
Ineaa. A glance over the Ilsi will | Dailey's and Harvey Pierce's were Besaie Emmons, and the latter'a IKtIc i
Wa^eaday mgralag he desired to go —--------- -------.
------- darnGoairate that the company t.' next^Uken in order while a dgar was
daughter, bad stopped at the home of ;
to PHa Lake tor a abort risli. The said reglater of deeds' offlee. He fur-1 formed of the right kind of busineas; token at the toiler place The crowd
Charles Welch over night and It wm. ;
daaghtar pat ap a laochaoo.aad the t£er aven that daring tbm businpa*
I: etosed the morning irle, so thev stale. there that Mrs Brower made tbo see- !
e enterprise
Hthor Witt a knapaaek 00 hU back
bis oSce about SI success. The foUowlng are the stock-1 Py oniering Woiney s uloon. where and attempi to end her life.
Ud aa oM (aakloaad oaae gun lo his o'dock to toe aDeneofi Chnrlee H.] holdan: C. L. Orelllck. baest Grri-| they separated.
Some weeks ago Mrs Brower, wbo
hand glartad tp walk. He bad goae Hemroe. chairman of toe board of au-i llok. Arthur Grelllck. Thomas W.! ai S o'clock today the entire aggroahoot tea mlMa wbeo death orertook pwvlsors, and Frank Wllaoo, register: glanion. Oeo. H Cross. Geo. G Covell.; galloa. nine In iumber, gathered a1ih was very dt-spoodeni, a((emple<^ to
Um aad (ram tha poaltkm of the body of deeds, acting for and to behalf of; J. W. Hanneo. Geo. Tarbuelc. Wm tbelr aitornevs to the Recorder's court tad bi-r life with carbolic add. She ,
taken to the raniiariiim at Trav
It was arMaat that death was Instaa- the board, demanded the said iba.kv ; Jac)tsan. John R. ^nto. C. W Faust. I where their cases were disposed of In
City and given ro*-dical ire-almcut
and raebvda and Insisted l^l-fbey bCj B. J. Morgan. C. E. Murray. Irving the foljowing manner: Phil Shermer' Vesterdsy ,be «ss returned home, th.forthwith fro|»yils office an-I, Murray. W. W Stnhh. J. H. McOougb.;aod Bert Oxt-nrider. Charles Tonnelic.-'atieodlng phyeletoo. however. It 15
hls left head was stretched out aad a taken
deposited to the' vanh.
The articles of axsortollon will be, and Thomas Flneh. Cra-t Wlsebart, said staling that her mind was affect
twig wUeh lay on the hack of the
-filed wUh
He alio atsiea that the ragUter of -filed'
tbe secretory Of slate im- and Joseph Moru»kl will appear Friday; ed-and close watch should be kept,
head Ml lu mark as tbpugfa 00 dlsdeeds reruaee to allow the reepondeni I medtotoly and wbuti they have been aflernooa at 2 o'clock before Judge ■ About 4 o'clock thir moraiug she
turbaaee bad been made after falling.
key to the .office or the comblualion.rKurwed from [anting offlrora will be, nobertv: B M Itolley and Johnharo-e and w.-ti- into tin kitchen. 8b.(0 the vault dealr«4 In order Ip U-s'elected and Ibe organlzatiou reedy to; Blacken walvt-j i-nmloailon In reimri!' ha-l U-eo tlc-pioc on a cot In the citthat he Ml in daath btfbre.the
poail the said bonks. The anawer.fii.: do buelness.
to the three warrants (n- the datg; ting room of the home and her daugb
' hoar was reached. The place v
Iber avers that they are seeking to' The faetory bnllding must necer- Oct. 21. a"d devlrcd a-, eaaniination, ter also riepi down s'alr* In a be.l
aafreoaeaied road aboet half a mile
fro. to. brid» that w»«i. th.
the roapondeni ot the cualod.r sarlly undergo some cf.ngw .0 ac-.tor those under date of Oct. 14: J. O., room. »She ligb.v-d the lamp to thJoseph, parlor and .troth, one to toe kitchen.
a KI.U i
« *«'" “ POS-; Brotbcrs under three warrants. Albcr.i
the kltcb. 0 w.v tbe grip of Charkn^whJIw -w
ek^oJ .! tS!!
«■•«»- «»
">eanilme. all ncceaaary' Novotny under four warranu. Fred I Welch. > ho w a* going away today.
1« 1“‘*«
»»• »»«■• “«>»«
preparatlonaVor. beginning operaUona Wurrburg apd Frank Koch waived ei-| The grip wa. alrradv packed and In
.«toa.lonand.mapp«ra. tbenexti,.
» revolver bel^ to M.
-S^r.^v« lw
« '‘■*1 Traverae city 1.'nmnr.lly Adapted, ic»nt of CIroul. court, tbelr bond. Welch. Mr. Brower did not know
i tol. Is entirely, for . baalness. of this kind and (here 1,' being 8.10.1 Tbe thr.w w.rrort, fori,hat tbe was there but shV. oe » «.
uin no-was proo..„g.,o
,od no qnasilOD but that a large In'duatrv i Anton Mlkula and Clint Richards .«•■«-«» evidmilv locditog for a raxor as
e ways he wax ^wiys
■ eraaurM and changee might be mad-.- wljl e;vitiluaUy be developed from this stl|] to the band's of the sheriff ax
the'*he opened'the grtp andaearobed
fibia at tofcing
M fatsMlL .
to the .aid book, while the ctwtody or; organliatloq. The l.utmb bu.toeas I. . former is out of the cJty H. W. i through U.
r.-movlogthe revolver,
Tfce fuUowtog Jury dolfberatad . .
the said register of d.-eds and hij almost In itr Infancy, and tbe number! Pk-rcrwaived examination and waxl.birh wa. u'ioadod and ahm all ih:tha meta; B. B. Brawkj. J. CUmp;• darks and employes which would bo .d launches purchased by Travers-bound over to areuil court to tholc«rirt<lg.-s.
batL P. H. HaiaS, Phil Shet^. O. J.
- very detrimental.
City people .Inrlns the part year sum «r iJoe
' 8be then load- d Ihr revolver, everBtosfayasSJ.A. Btedgat /
Tba respondent under the clreum- demonatraies the poputoriLv of ton'
I chamber being full, and leaving t
—■ statsd by the
Good Roads InKituta.
IrcmainlDS cartridges on the floi
Uarah ibat
to., tba
.a. deeoaaad wm fed , refaae to keep toe notes and other mated that more new >«•
boats of •^'1this
Bv'CfT cumbisrloner,' paib-mai r| turned the weapon on hersall T
wba bf left home, but rould ; reeord. in toe
class wUI he wufaciured ibe coming and all tolerwsted in tba devejopm. 4[bullet estering I
• honorable Circuit 1aearoa than All ibose now owned to of our road system should attend. Dolremalnlns in the bmiv.
•ala.' ware riitooM
"“V “***
i Traverse jliv-. William Jack*n. th. | not let the moa.-, appronriatlon for I Mr. Welch, who ^ upstairs. Aard

**" ““ maehlnlSL wbo 1. oaktog a firat-ctoss good road, m Mlcblgan be diverted to tbe report aad called Mr. Brower He I gaaoltoe-engine,
gaaoltoe -engine. is
li a'stocktolder an.l other sections through lndlfrereBce.1 daughter. Mrs. EmmoM bad alv.
-.where be ran bava aceeat to. He,
e said petlUon shall be tbe eaubllabmeBt ot iMs Indiistrr will when our eoundes can through a com-[heard tbe report but thought that the
lb reaaooaUe costs lu aid bis enlerpriwe
'Maed and gener-uis effort riaim Ibelrlshot was ooiside the bouse. She weni
Bi« Dstoasa bott--------- ■share. It U u|i to UK how.
[ into toe kitchen nn^ discovered h.-:
Sult has bsmi begun m too Ctreuii
... by
S_ Napolaon
w—..JB 0«e*.
The Leelanau county tosillate will; mother lying on Ibe 9oor with the r.«mn wf Lbetonsu county
Taewtov the i>iied SUtes Ex be held here the same time and place.'vdver alU » her hand.
N«*MasurfaetoriOB Company.
raw indosir?
press company
A new
Indasir. which
which give,
rive, every
,onaailv opened The two counties ought toaendafuli: Vl^eB her daughter came Inio to-.
LondfraB, for damagM to ihei..................
la* of.........
oae of, grcBt Impor- their doors lo (he public for the trans- 1 -prescntatloa.
- room. Mrs. Brower wax coaoctour.
t K.0«r ftr tba dento of Krille lance to Traver»e Clly.-w
acuon of- busHea*
- --- ----------- tb
- t—, Rebate. OB roM buUdUg of from | "Beaxir I have goue craxy ab I shot
a'lBUmaiycnd Nov. 4.[te tba
. Record
........ ............
w tM Bvtwtog
esreytag ofexpress matter. The of- I250.O0 to |l.S00.«a> per mile may bo- mysalf." tbe kept repaattog over and
ISot. waa sUSiaS to bare baan cBowd; Baturdav night. FO',

■F*a xlaad will: bad If built under toe sps^CBtioBsBf 'over. Later a note was found wkke
by a deaodffieukttc Ubctare —-n
ukv. by to_ project has been
under eomidera- be in ebarge of F. .4 Rice of Three-the state’ blxtasray commlwIoBer. t«na. “Bessie. I am going crazy, bu:
sriMaketoroogitbABlloged mtaiake •ffit'uii
i» perfee- I Rivorw. wbo has oreiipied rArtous tw-.Wbile I appropriation lx small this don't send me back- u> 7>arer«e City "


Our Ideas Of
fair Dealina...
. . .aling BA prectioed at thifi fitore n.______________
A BfoiB ftan sellingpmdi at low pricoe. Aloirprico oa goods ctinforior
qoalitj oomito far short of our ideas of fairdealisg. With
— fair deoliog atanda for the best goods that we
the lowest prii. _______ ____ _______ I__
aafatyiH stands
for the most careful
aud oonHcientions aerviee
esfidrog store makes posaible: ilia csempli6ed
in the
ruling oiotivo of ibis atorc, that is. to alvays gi«B%
■ideretiou to the customm’ iotcrcsts.

$. E-€t»dingmail
VngghtM Cnptm CHf’'

d nelson Bibk
Bound in limp morocco cover, Oxford style, and a she
that is handy- for church or home use.
Clear, distinct type of a readable size, silk sewed,
red under gold edges, full notes, concordance, diction­
ary, teachers' helps, maps and references', with' illu*traiions. As complete a book as can be desired Bnd at
the price above mentioned.
Don't be without a Bible when so good a made
book can be obtainedat this Jow price.

€ilV Book Store
ett B*hrt C«.

Cnmnt Off, IBM.


Gf^ IraTOSc HoiM

Arena. WJi- arrired- In the elty mu
uca OB an estaoded vuii to her
taresu. Mr. and Wim. Joaepb BamerTbli U me arai trip here tw Mr. Hod*MD alBce hU'weddm* trt» thUtj year.
aiD. and be eaya that be falu to .
(be oM iltBBPa mamaod to betent
the dty a* a pan of lu real e»iaU.

«*r-Trenton. N. T.. about all dmlng earolvnl week H- r.roaed to^rlghte~d away before be eoald grtj Coum Viw Alten.letan. G»-nnan am
payaflaeanddccldcd to --V. iierom the Jewel.' ba.aador to St. Pet. niburc.- Uaa boca to ao.^ tJ
ago, U chlag in for farming on ptlhlMUad He waiallll there when; Two huadrwl lltouaand noond. ot ■ nueee.'dod by Henn Von Schw-c. Tte-j.-ar
(he moat modem Ihma. The bouae is
. have ooat *100.000, The out- Carrie tmme home and ahe waa offer- i gen cotton, dynamite and powder; Utior U an iifilmate of the kaiwr and ---------------M^pmyer.forhUrelea.eoBUUhe',tored
| waa promlneotlr mentioned a. mini.
bctMlDg* are modelt and nn Idea *
foand that a printing plant for which ■OeorgL-. Uland. at the entrance of ; tor to WartiInBtaD.
mertr, n
tbelr general conuruc.lon can be bad
17.... Tillrii.trnirni that Mr Donald ' »he had pul np the hard cat* bad been Hallfox barlHjT. Nova Scotia. «aa on-!

. mortg.,^ during her
abeen«. She dm.ger«l o, a dre Frd.y nlcht. i^hlcuGREAT
«!.- «!.fromf
--baaaplgaiy oating
» w
........... ......... .................
____ ..Nov. 7^and eontlnttc. Uala'-cv .rf
up the printing plan. m»d now FIreen and ml.ure worked In gr^.fTOh Ho. cog.v a-d hUcoi, «Ttctl “
atage drfeeri bna paaaed away.
_ 1,.
,k.. name, and
."b w^roi.-achVr. 1. will fa.v you .0 inv«d-. kA/A-'TF't-*
. « Or^o..
lb. blUb.! - 1.1 ."-Mb'
.uecessful In pt.-rting a eaiamit.v' ( gaf Ju«n> CtmplH-li. 4.7 S Vnlon
with hU parenta from Iowa In 1850,
and mey were aeven moniba rroebiagJ t Nation.
o»b.... 1..
AllMr. Ore- The boy engaged «
eapuired the enemy.
driver for the old Callfornlh Stage <u?'*^rtt'’ sWuV'sale weiglnp
n tiiiitiw,
Company when 10 yeara old and be IKiund. .be family Jewel, af're 'iglit boOr. fight and
JUST A WORD Jwaa lord of the coach until the locoBdward H. Craree valued at lie., mou They lost Brieen'cn.
Ovnrrel Drng-jmlroll. a Riis'lnn .-tn- voi; imiiii; in Imy
motive reached Salem. TbI. waa In tN.i.rThey escaped'In an antom ihi!“
1 dicr. a mcmlR-r of ihe council of slate
1*72. mtd .hereafter Morgan became a
RuliU-rsI>i you
^ gaHantly and and a hero of the Turkish war, did wiiiil tiii- l»-st vniui- ■ BM
Fridav near Konutoo. lU- fonncrlv.
The number of Jone^-a In Wales li „b^.^ „ «iverely mat a-liapular
for yoiirimin-'y' Will
waa govi-rnor-gencral of Kli-ff
Qien City Firi lismict GnHiT.
lIlDBlraled by a s#ory told of a ceruln! ^ut^rlpilon In their fiiTSalUed
Dr Henry Morse Sicph.T.r. leclun-r ymi c»m<- ami talk
Orford college, much resorted to by
,q ,j,,.
flhKJ.Otk! .Mth caiiiul. writoi
walahmen. A man from another col^
Vwga the „ut- on bUtory •' the rnlvei>liy of Ca'i- Rnblx-re with us •


Mlai M:
tor a Ttalt
MUf Myru John ot Crand Rapld<.
«bo atteoded the wedding of her »Uter. Ttae Bmyl at Mormport Tuewley
■renlng. paaaed mroogh the city
Doming on her reUm home.
Mr. and Mt». W. J. Reeder of Lake
City retomed borne today after a i«o
rUit at Elk Rapid, with rrU' Mail Older Habaaa.
Bdwln O. Peck of Soitoaa Bay. after
jBBt ai prcaeSt. the nail order
howM are flooding Ibe eetmerr «im completing a eoume at me Pent*
.dMol at Big Raptda baa taken a posi­
. Bo great Ulbe
ber nan eot from Chleago by eipreai tion wim me Tboma* Foreman com­ lege went into lit "quad" In searm >f
^ ^ govemmenv order imposing rumla. has ivfuaed an offer lo go hack
mat fregneally ^ey come to mU pany of Detroit.
friend, and called "Jonc.;- All the, ^
brought Into the 10 bU alma mater, the EngiUh Ov
B. J. Peek of flntton. Bay 1. a city
city wJtboat a cbeek mailt on the wmy
1 (ort. He t* quoted a* reytng that he
bUI ataowtag mat me atimbcr wai
wuiilil rather grow in California than
. want -John Jones." said the
i*e«Mr*re uy sa>
a uobiw ihibm*. eii
___ HMf the window, closed. '11 Wealthy Chicago women ttedorediv
meat that b waa ipooeelMe to k
go ic Oafo'ci and vegouii
hy Mlw Ftoreoee Thomaa mean me John Joore who ha, got a j right formed a cloh .0 ral«' mon.-r
aoevate track of mem. Bad) U
ot mil city left Uft erMlng for a abort toothbrush" All the window, close.! |for • th«'« for the egclo.lve proA. B. CURTIS, ACENT,
, doctlon of the claailei. tn drama ,
ttan aaprroa amonmed probably to ten trip to Nortbport after which they will
xRAvmg cm-. Mica.
or flflMB ceau on each. In addltian leave for Knight's Ferry. CM.
Governor Folk of Missouri has heiMilThclr puifloae 1. to produce only th^^
Mra. Sage Byoo and dnitghter Nina caught In the art of accepting a hribelwork. of Shakespeare. Ibs«. Sudor4
to the mepreaa. me printing waa worth
why Twi-ntleili Ceniurv Steel Ranee.*
onearM Umea that awmnt.
In exchange for a pardon. Tbe pria-ini«nh- Hauptman and others of thel- and Hi-atiT* escel *11 othr-w On
n*M eatMocnea aiw sent out free
oner waa *eoi to JMl for all ye*r> fin clasv.
sprviaJ valr takes place from Nov
fuMcal of her node. Adam Hog. on falre tegUttaUon, hut,.lore net teem t.> "HannW. Maggie." eoncoc.or of m:
M giw mailed and enprenacd
tiM of ywtf beewntf tn a abort Ume
have understood wh»i he was doing, i huioric corned beef hash with wMrh i
Campbell',. 117 5 l'n:on »ti
ww« wOl be alack and the rodptenu home by a aiiter. Mra. William Man!-; Hlawlfe,with her Ihreccblldreu.crmei.he late Ohio senator regaled dlsilB-j
vffl be able to atody mem careftlly. -gold, and Mra D. KUngman of Grand to see the governor, huLhe was eiill in I gulabed breskfael gucsla. Is at th -;
•sdnMeeimelr needs. Thegaulogne. Rapids, who will remain a lew days.
hotel, in New .Vork. vmerp
Qj^y Markets
The prtioncr'K 5-yesr-ol.l .laugb-1 ra.ibi
Mrs. W. J. Sprool baa gone to Fraakare artfully worded and have tremendpreached him timidly and sakl. rbc 1 (.pedal cook for
This rwportla mad* uponWwdnatOM aMUng ^h^ me printing fort to bid her ton and bU wife fare­ “If you let my papa go I Tl give you a Hanna.
Sapt’rliasHortday otoach'wowk. Thw Herald la rtot
and eipreaa are veifTood Inrea'- well before leaving for Cnllfornla to klas.” The governor replied a iriBc'
226 E. rmt St 201 s«. UfliflB
^^nphlcal ciMiler of th^jiraapenalbl* for changes in price,.
.Vnnonr's liiffli
tau.n>o PI
II--T As uatlmoalMa for adreriU- Join her hatband.
huskily: "All right. IlUle girl. >' roiu-d SUSes. which I, at Fort Ilellly.,
Mr. and Mri. 0. Ashford and daugh­
grade Toilet Soaps. Kethey are par eMwItfaee but a mail
shall Uke him home with yon "
proposed by Jsmes U. Uray- cimrp<>^ pm-posed
et«*r caUMgtie'fa an^eacellent ming ter. tada. who have beeo vUlilog
niomlxT these
Dr. N. 8. Allen, who be, been one < f ,,pp_ , fim
veteran, io bo mark<-i!
friends at Old Mltaton. were in me city Mr*. Carrie Nsllon's most trusty ald.i'
, ■ ftoosevelt Tower of P.-aci-;
come tbriH- cakes in a box
DLdbe arid place, a tamlllar. aooia- a abort Ume today whUe on ihelr war In Oklahoma, has (>ceo hering trouble. I sprung the three-fold purpose of s
, and
nnoalty sold at
tMB'fld ecM of tboee from Cbleago Is toum. Mra. Ashford and datighliv lateLv. . In the llrst plmre he was m luidinark. cxblblikyn gallery and in
.^|6k. “No toodJ eoM to rtoldenu will go to Owoeao and Mr Ashford
e of a ,
<f‘*' rommemorallonofthe noiableachio
twenty.fivc cents pi-r box.
edWkeoonty.'’ TbU may bare mys- toCadllUe.
(ui-bance tried 10 break up a,
of Presideri Roosevelt In bringMr*.
rcttimTaome hot it la easy to explala--boiikaiunl." show which wis running
peace between tUisBla and
a 4flD erder beoM dealrM no en toroed to her home today
OB one of Guthrie', business tirects japan.
a C. H. Onlous of Olen
toMMa in ha l*aedlnie vlelalty. U vUlt with Mre.
Call and get prices before
tarmr away tbey are the belter U Arbor.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Pray arrived |
§ li Mtltfldd. ABomer reaaoB 1
buying eleewhere.
(It Ilf, mm w.-re fou-d on lh.- bndv cf arTiaoluTa««rvB*v*maciT'
d by a former employe «< one of I the city mla noon from Mabel loj OUR HOBBY 1$ RUBBERS
a In Chkago. la that spaed Sonday as me gneaU of tbelr:
. '
We spcDi! lots of
y In Cook cosniy after neeing m. Oeoege B. Pray.
MUs Marie 600s ot Good Harbor ar-1
a would buy mem."
time in bnyinfi
rived in tbe city mU afternoon to,
r tbe light of the lamp wim
them.Bndwewonld waa so years <rf age and is sup,H.s.-d •.
7 le Are burning me advertlae- spend a week wim her sister. Mrs.
bo Kind to siiend a
lu! 1^1- victim cf a ilil.-f who
owu ......................................
^ may be eery allcrtag and gener- Artbnr Hadley.
Hnlo lime sliowing
Mr*. W. Klingboll of Sacramento. I
•n but when tbe guodsbome Uic
them to you.
■rp^illnp ai« ivaly fnUUled. It CM7 arrived this aftornoon on a vltll!
M <$o a good Idea arbllc reading m-i to hm slater. Hri. Robert Mann, afu-r
Bidisnt k Roscoe
milfru to add freight and eipreta a tour years' abaence.
Mn. Chris. Swanson and daughter,
Mia Obleago to the price. Tben it
Hannah are In the city today from
lagrirMi Is dcee. h U oanally fond Om^a.
Mlaa Brea Monro left mla evening
that tbe borne deder'a prices are as
ntap and la mm^ laatancea Reaper. for ber home In Dk Rapids after *
Mneb mere coold be said abent me two daya^vlalPwith Mr*. T. J. Caros.
Mrs. P. J. Hard, president of me
man order booae but tUsklng pec^le
(rave swfljf- 'ThU foil we
Ust ChristBiM tin.- we mn.lo FIVK HI KDRKD little, cirls huppy with Uie Ivautifol dolls t
MO abMdy baglimlofl to petnlTe that Giaad Traverse district W. C. T. U.
. -IfM much better to apaad tbelr mney wba in me aty today a ttaeri time
id lcold
lirtuhtened Llie Uible of tnuiiv a liomc witli a lu tutifol set of wbito and
'oW Iilocorutwl Dislies.
on bar way from Beatonia Ic Kcr
ii|U here at borne rather than send
Now we are wsinc to civ,- awnt boatitiful ,iolls .igiiin-tDany hf tlieiii and ns p/etly. if not prettier. Ihan last year.
tn PetotVey. Tbe aimnal dis­
W Cbleago. New Tock or PUladeIpbl
me here,
liere. we will
wili ci'v » Ibll ticket
ticki-l wiui
wiUi ever)'
every otic
50c parcn(wu.
pnrehnse. .
In aiUlition to all tbe oilier mlvanlac.'s that you p-l by
trict eonveotloB. wbleb eonveaed Tues­ PIANO ARCHITeCTURE EMSRACE8
doll tickets are to ».e cuthertsl and kept ui.lil n .lay or Iw.. bslore C'Lrittuias wid then IwoiiRht in, oath lot in an envelop with imme
day morning. Mosed last evening anil
Ibe vlslltog delegatee, tbirty-thi
and uddreea plainly writK-o, The Little Liwly Urincinc in the Innr-'Sl tnimber <jf ti. k. ts will receive the bifatcsl driL^worth! $15j
Work Of flalvetlon Areiy.
.Three mntba have paaMd ainee the nnibber, left today for tbelr vi
tbe next lanfeat number «ill fts-. iv.- u 512 ,loll. tin- i.oxt u 5‘-' on--, th.- next Uire.- .vh u $1 one. the next aix wh a
ob6, the
of the leadeMlp of tbe Salva- hornet. Hesdames SUlre and Irish ot
next twolv.- .-aeli a 52J on.-, nod .-v.-ry jiersoii liringitiL’ in f.>rty lickeU will rem-iv.- n $l.~>0 doll, and with twenty (icJu'ts a dot! oot attbU
Mw ATM Of this ehy wbea Capt. Ira
Isrpc a-* ahovi- but eitll n ni, - on. ^Boys Can save these tickets ami re.-c iv.- .laiidy upholsteroil Slivls in jiliice of Dolla.
Aaarel aad wife Wi tor Adrian, their
the tlrglnal onil Spinet. In those dayr*
You'll liii'l tliis»
^ee heibg tnkee by CaptMn and Mrs. From Satorday's Record.
there waa consWeralilr money aud ef­
D. 8. Biaigo ft KlngMcy regltierod fort expended in the architecture and
ornamenlatlon of ihtJsc InKinimcntK,
I months past twenty : Hotel R^hUlas yesterday.
Mrs. Charles W. Joyce of Mlnncspo- after which there seems to hate btva
quite a Japre until recent year,.
lls arrired lh tbe city today from
if wkim focty-flre havs nonebt
Mary Queen ot Scot*' Virginal •» de'
w-iiii eventliiiiif thai'a waiiusl ill
Ibed as bring made of oak. Inlaid
serMoa. US bmns bare been spat In Nortbport. wbere the baa been apendtr. and richly ornamented
ing several months.
Mtatlea. SO ptacM havlnc bSen
cover and *Irte»
The MlBse, JnBa Miller nod Maude with gold; thented
- flbd daring tbs Uma
flgurv, of
bcantlfolly painted with flgur
Bnrdge. tcaebem In- the Nortbport bird*, flower*. Ic*v.», and the color.
..rnm me srened basd store Ina
amooU. are Tiaverae City vbltor* to­
. brlghl.
... B of stoaings' and mil- day. where they expret to leave all grand prorewrioii of warrior,,
Priece we *0 verj- U-mptiii« that is-ople com.- from far and in- ir .ru-1 muk.- tbie otic of tip- iiti-lie9t--if not THE. liveliwt-itfiid.
daroc« are propliaung by
Urn* sad » pair*
shoe* bare bean they brought while dolag tbe Mty In a bevy of fair
ml fruit,.
■nta of- wl:•
inu place in this^acrrioii of the Stale. A'ou will lind this
aepplM to me deaerrlng poor, aside
today ,wmK to be
IBO bulldli
lb, Minnie Mock qI Wttons Day
inl; that 1, io->ay
Mm fniBllare. books and other aril> jow embraces procarrived In me.plnf-ebla morolng on an
____ ____
, Id am! modern school*,
extended trip.
tbr Mevsa pereotit.
from'lbe almpliclty of U>r Culomal '
uf Traveree City, made so hy eclling the bi«t uiuib- p.niient* at fair prio-a—kept a., by insist, iit <-r.jwd<of daily boyere. ^l«st,Sat.
Salvattoo Amy workers of this
grand rtegance uf the l.'Ari Noun
. Oeneral Net
ria- mI..* of the •asM day in
unlay this Cloak au.l Skirt ami Fur Depaitinefit .lid the lac?-st'lay's busineas in ii.s hisiory. Tli.-^I.«
We now have pianos here In
4^ are roabM to carry on tbla
“Hnck Finn', Cave." 1 .ear HaoDlbM. tiore comprising all thee varl
tfirengb tbe anaUiaBce rendered them
and Misses' MK-lion .lonblixl the prevWis rtvopi Can In-U.-r evi.lenc" of th • kiml of .'ii^up^iTs we s--li. and their prim.-s.
Mo_ InuihriMUed by Mark Twain, alylc* of arehHecmre which will match
» tbe elly %bo are stUUng to give
the fnrnbhlng, of mansion or cottage;
lx- given' Right style* atul trustworthy .{ualitios are nssonsl h.-n-.
baa fMleb before the ac vaoceat
pianos of the highest 7las*. many of
eompanr which the world's grealcit o|blciBn,
merclaltam. A'blg
boring s bole ibrougb
tay are the beat.
Here at oor wareroom* and In
where “Injun Joe." during hit Isat
prom Tbaredgy'* Jleeord:
piano pattor* you wRi find the beat faImprisonment,
drop, of clUtle*
t. and Mr*. A. C. Babbitt er WRIfor tcKtlng carb iDtirunrni In
The newest and most approv.xl sivli-s at 5"'.nt. S-',0'. 5>'.-VJ.
hemedlke surroundings, and we extend
il by tbelr «hUfT.oO.
510,00 and $12.00.
to yon a ^^lal Invitation
In me roof. Tbe cave b an
dHa. Balpb and Bonlce. p
see our atm.
^roagh me city tbit moralng «m melr nmeitooc, live mfles long
deroVstem of piano selling.;
Reginald Rooaldf. ton of ibe late
i. where
‘------- It In plain flg-‘
Pierre Lbrlllard Ronald*, rather of | re*. gire, each en«oin«T
i«T gi
greater se­
They formerly bSd charge of American coaching." baa started tuk > Brity for full value than the old metb;t- lp-.l icn\ 'vh.-r. elS' .
The Is-St assorilie iil v
|e flab tetobetr at WMllamtbarg and la New Tork to recover tl.OM.(H>oj' d* of piano pricing.
lell hat ^e -work In band
betb N. BIAe. which ahe acquired.;

larmehi’ Insurance






: ,IJS

;7 ,s




Elgin G. Lewis..






Misses' and Children’s Warm C»ats



c Uartma
ma ofTBowera Harbor according to tbe plaintiff, by making |
today tor Bvereri.
Bvereri. yiabioglan, to her father believe that me aplrli,
Wc offer special this *
1 bU two bromer^ Choaier and commanded him to give ber
I nprlgtat. good woodltlon.
?r a ten years’
residence I money Tbe late Mr. Ronald* wita 79; S45P upright, like new. t
1. who. after
r 1’ rcaldcnce
' year* old when be died, and HifsjgSSS uprtgbL Mily allghtly usd. tiM,
h tbe weri. caaalder R
.J *3TS nprigl
Mr*. P. E Bomner. me only Blake ainnni that for 1!> years the
good gtoylng ootiditloo. for «160;
daughter to the old man.
r. will Mill retain her home here.
le ins ppright tplendid for begionndentixMl that King Edward
“’y 1120;; several sqiare pianos.
. Eva Webb rerurnod to her
clow, this week at from *20 and up­
Amc tn Cadllbe mu morolng nfter will confer m tbe mikado tbe decora­
Special baigalns are offered
tending a week as tbe gueat o< Mr. tion of the Order of the Garter, which In second band organs. Many ot them;
will be conveyed to hi, maje*ty-by a . . good playing'condition
mA Mr* Jamw Doan ot Silver lake.
0 and
a * upwards^,
Uohs Pniaam of Omeaa paasc apectal mbatbo. head^ by Prince Ar-; Price *10
We extend
.lend to you ouF easy payment
If rongb me city mu morning on. h thnr of Coenaught.I. early next year.
Pbji on
Herr Bebel. lead<
may to Keyatone. where be U called
to atuod tbe (oneral of hto ancle. John clalbu. is *S ynai* rid 'and baa been 1 f."
In pabite me slace be waa *0. Seveo.
Battnle. Mr*. Potanm left for
■pveral dsr* ■«> and waa si tbe taH• bar onel e4M.
Mn. U S. Ouppr and daughter Babel baa beeo a controlUng spirit
Oar*. relot»«4 to tbrir hotae In Cea-ltbe relchaug.
Mai Uke today after a tour noatbs James M. Dooald. BtUUooaire pre*l-i
nminiBBi mm qi .
It IbeoCd AlchbflS

tib per month.

S;;L."™6'IS;“..rH',^!KIMBAU,music house,


The iiewe«t, moat uj)-to.,lat.-. at jirici-s that will mak.- yon »x>n
der how it’s poasible. $n. 5T W, 510. 512
$l->- $20 an>! $2->.

For women, for childr,-n. for nit-n. Big a6s.inni‘'nis uod bnabut thoroughly relinlilc iind.Twcar.'Bl prio-s tliat s*-li tli--®giinnenis at sight




find Ppl'-n i' ' 'ulti''*’ll-‘h liie*.-Imus.

OUTINO aOTHS ni -V- BEST C4UC0ES -.1 f-.
TABLE OILCLOTH. !«-ri .|Uulity, 12i,’.



-•(■.Ic. 'Rk,-. ‘'1‘C ruj.l iil.OO

p.-r ji'er

Von will like the goods, vou'il like th.- pri.-es. and th- !itil-,girl« will
given away at Chriatmaa time.


ilujii pl-ised with tin- IkainUfd Uolle that will Ih.-

Trtowtorwto OI*y. MleH.





Mr- «nd


VR today for

tbrtr fqi^rp I ttoralBc


a bumlOR trip to W. Is-

Btaxtam crifliraMri tbelr fold«
borne Jo OciroK.
dlas Topcday ercBlBC a< thrir hooir.
Mr*. L. A. Knyoa of Bait Jordas.|. Mra. M. C. OiMle and eUUraa nf
rriciidi ttaiMr
ttalMrtd around th« aitr'i who wa. raUed io Surioo* Bay on ac-. Wexford arrived In tbc eiiy ibU afwrDoyed the eionl of ibe Itineu of . hertraad- ] noon a* toesi* of M-« Barton OdJvIb
eogple «o<l^(lietoa)cblr


- tnjm


re aereed daacbter.
paxaed throuch tbe city thU |M «5 fUoJoo Mreei.
on ber reiurti home. leave*
tomorrav for Bay Sbore.
bountifully and many beanllfnl preo- aneraboa
bairpy parMr*. J. J. Thacker and danrtler.l '-Mr*. E. M. TUdale cd Orawo ar-j
MUa ware received by
fron a •.need In the city today for a ri*li.
e«U Of three aenetntlotw of ehtldrcB.
ririt with friends at Ke»*rick.
i “"Mr and Mr* E. E. Heodria left tbU,
Edward MlddnuKb. deputy sberiS of
J N, Roy. tertoerly principal of the j afternoon for Wllllamsburx for a vlrll ,
Wexford county, and Ml** Edna Grace Snrionf Bay iicbonl. paaaed throneh j with frtetids.
Cook were rraniAd a flemae to marry the city Saturday eveutny on bla re-!
Mr*. D. F 8a> lor and four chndrca
cm Saturday by Cnaaly Clerk Robert turn borne for a »bon visit. He !«lof Klnealc y were Jo the city on their

hmcm^-i. 9.
omOOW-*. Tn*T

Mr*. Jacob CrowMr

B. C E



Mr*. Colvta








an OilfWaM »« Ow B, Waller. Mr. MMdau*h is one of now employed as mall clerk oe the; return from a visit at Lake Ann with
fmtmm r«c««a« *»Wl
the eOelent clerk* or.Coonine'* acn- Grand Trunk, between Port Huron and her sister. Mr*. Tyler.
Tl»i—i Cwy^t*aCWy.1*.
•1*1 store at Wexford and baa boala of Vlekabnm and his family wUl remain
Mr*. G. R. Davis of Cedar Run it the
rrimd* vb» wish him all ]»}'. Jusilee at Suitons Bay d'trinx the winter.
.anesi «if friends In ilie elty.
Cortl* performed the m-remony aJ
Mr* R. tVeisn reiuraM today from s.
\V. C. N<-Aon of Leland Is in
Keswick.. *witli

Nowhere is this QUALiTY idea iooked
^ after any more ciosely thari in i our Cloak
Department, for if there is any pface where
QUALITY tells it’s in a cloak.
■/ Your garment may look alLright, but if
the cloth hasn’t the QUALITY in it-it’Boon
shows the wear and looks shabby.
Our careful attention in buying to get
Only goods of right QUALITY, together with
, careful attention to the tittle details such as
I ' * finishing,-making, trimming, etc., that add so
much to the looks of a garment, easily gives
this store prestige in the cloak business.
The-etock was never in a better condi­
tion to supply your wants than now. We ^
carry almost as many cloaks as all other
dealers combined, which makes your choos­
ing an easy matter.
Eoery Person
Those who prefer the new things and
want them as soon as shown by the makers
come here for them. We are waiting to show
them to you. Anywhere from $7.50 tp $35.

I buBlcess.

Mrs, II. Hmiulay went to Us^eld )
>Uy arrh
and Mr*. D. Btter and uro-cbtldreo,!,
, In the elty today
day fur a d
daVs sbopplnx
Mr*. Llndley and «oa Oordoo. Mr..v, Tompkins nawe.1 throne.
Roaran and Mr. MrPhall nt Cedar *r |
ri»e.l In the ell)- on Tuesday on

CImiltUon this week 2,900


illness ef a rela'lve.

See L»ri Mother.
“CnnsiiBip'ion runs in
■ii my
and ibruiirt-ii 1 lost
OTlie,. E. II Held, of
f Hare
Harmony. >l>-.
Kalkaska county.
While t^re ib• for ihi- past live veoiv however,
baflced same In QiianiliKw, rabbits
nmeh .IT f.
11 have taken I». K1iib « Set
•C.-W Disc IV.
and aqulrrels hclnx the principal ani­ in tb'< cll>
Mrs_A R. T^pklns and bushier. I
r<,ns-imption. whieh has sa,ed m-i
mals cortaled besides maklnc floe
Ur., Thnmar Saunders, tf Old MU^^0*. luns irouhie.- ills moth-.
catebe* of lake trenL
Sion passed ihroiiyh the city this afie'-, or w d.ath was a s*-l loss f..r Mr. Reid,
noon on ihclf way lo Wllliam.burK ' bu» h- learned that bins trs..ibh- must I
flheriS Charles Jtdmson lofi Tuesday
Where Ihey will aiiend thefunera! '’f'
lornins for Mayfield, where he afrved
p. H. Baeon, father .d Ur*. Saunders.)
search warraoi upon Marlin Miller
whose bo-ly waa found In the rna-l; vtie.-.! ai Johnson Dm* Co.'s. F. H '
ir a fitr e-Al. harness and dras saw.
C A, Iliirber-'s Drue Store*
near the forks Saturday afternoon
: Meads aod C.
le warrant' belnp iiuui-d for the Ferp,l
Rev,,L. b; Carpenter wa.-railed
10c. ,
K Implement comnnoy of this city,
liiirrll Ansley A-Ames, for Ihlriv-llve veart
Wllllamsburir lhi* -momlnx to burr
^e valuation of the artleles was |S1.
Btiward lUcon. father t« Mrs. O. P ■ i„ business In one sianll In-Milford,
'They were pnrebaaed last year and
D- Gardner, slyer of
- not paid for and the alleae.l
Mr amt Mrs. John Armilrons of A3 A. 11. Klnnev. chairman of the Oakden. who have be«i vIsliinB theb
,^rd of superrisortt. w-err mar-'
father, A. Saser. iwtnrned home today. - rii-d at Ml'fnrd
Ibetr reinm from iwo weeks soeni In


IbU mnminx. betas c^ttnTtlit^ by tb<' |



A record broaklr-c car load of pota



Mt. a«o
And *r*.
Mr*. Hiepnen
Siepben Pray
Pray of MbIm I

,toe*Tta*aedlhreuBtiihecllyyBaierday.|'»‘“™*^ >"»"'■ '“3»r *ftcr s|->odiii5
The car coolained IW bushels and j S“od*> witin.teir son Georxe |»ray.

h hi a ili-wslrntis calamil.
Ir:,i- yi-i-.i health, liecause lndlR<»ilnn
an-l conMiitatlon have sappe.1 |i a»a>
I Prr.miii r-'llefcan
ad lit Dr. "■
. build
rpdike of Ji; Soutti • Nt w l.tli- Pills. The.v
U|. ,vo-jr illfor JP's'lve "nans, nnd1 e-ire h- ailache. dii •Mi this
this momlnc

f Nonhponl
s Flooil at'i From Tuesday's Record.
Chlcaeo. The *piida si-rr In n Wi.islt.
pound capaeliy rat-.

her niKe. Bra"'3-’
» t*.e car todar ranialned almost dauBhior '* HI,
:• Meatl.^
n.,-..- an.l e A, lluKhif's DrtiR Stores.
wieoax many aaare us’ially shippci
Meadames'NeUie Woover of Aapt*-j2ic.

nanally shipped (n fii.tion pound cars,

In one car. .

la ami F. R. Iauik «f Mendon pasKi-l,------------------thn'mxh the city this nornlni; on their .
*-ay to Maple Cily where Ihey will at­
tend Ibe f'— tomorrow nfiornnou

paned throofANlbe city- this mornlnKj

Mrbcoiher.R.W. Burke.
Thuru-H left this niornlnB for

oo their nay to Manistee, where they' Q^r' Rttn «here' he was railed o.'
Witt spend Sunday with their son.
J. Scott of that place- '

Mr. and .Ifra.'-A. F. nttntln's of Em­


Harry Riley of-Wexfo-d was In tb?

pire. made Ttntfer*e : City a buainess
visit lodav,

city yesterday, relcrttlne home
Mrs. Emma Bernanl of GUI* Pier ar- - Ur. and Hr*. .Charles Blllman of
.lAke Aon passed throng ihc cliy this
J. Noatea 1* kiadlos plrad Itroie city this mornins to apen-l
S«t.0M 9m of Uldwood at thf OU Bonflay with her dauxbier, Flor^ec.
^k fo^li^wlfUc oSB EBbree of who fa atlesdinsube city aehodls. .
Tbo *u*«er

Miaa K. Blelten or Blapham Is mtV.IX a Irusincss trip to Ibo city today.
HMa Minnie Sortie of Bingham ar-;
r. M. JtnrcOrbroRKht'to the Herald
ved la the rllv tbia
tbli morning on i
Thnipter o haAet, <E Moon-t oariy
KrapM irtiMt sre of exeepHaoaUy Roe day's shoppMc expedition.
MMa Jennie Wolfe, who baa been a<
•flow oM MMt. raSmd on ^ frott
Birch cocuxe. bterihpon, for the past
fat«two moBths. returned le the. cHy tht.'J
wane flflrlo* to Bloiham o week morning on p
>I duty.
0*0 Hcramn Hyman loot ihr«> ootea

Mra. Ollrei
Ollrer wmiama of Walton is
fro. bU wt poctel. ooe.baloc for In the city today fot a sbori business
»t#. ooe ter W ood the other for calk

TLt-y'rt-bU UiHiingalnut otir grent

Come see ihem.

BflcbtBt fc Rosc«e
Traverat- City.

ftlio handle* money should
hifve n liank account—It Is a
great convenience to pay blL*
by check—Your check lioon
show* just wherp tbc mon^
went. nh;l you can have yonr
liBiik Istok balanced any lime
w-lihoui warryins yburaelf *lck

,Moucy clepotllcd in our 6aviBKv department up 'o and
f-titdlnc'tlie .'ih of Iho-ttuitftli.
lira** lnter»-si truni the flrsi, .u
of thres- p-rVi'Ui. romj.-.^ude
- is sab- hi-n- mu! rtn
I*- withdrawn,eny 'in;- wiihoui



Cravtrsc City Stats



He thtoU be Mat them during
Mr. and Mrs. C Van Rtlen left t<e
the flm two mlMa ooi from the city day for Summit City to spend the win

ft bat b«n said that

oM Mflera a reword for their roeorevy.
Mr. and Mra. ^ nyke Itfl lUs morn
The Ladlea' Ubrary aseoelailot
tax ter MolmesSldtac. where ibey will
parehased the lot « the rear « the
apend a abort time with retotlves.
fe*«ral bolHlBK ood will erect
Mias L. Wctfdeo flirinroed this after.
M^ldlni; ter Hbratr porpoeee ^thooxh
Mm to Mabel after a a-eek's visit le
pe w^ wUl be atarted at prowoi. iln- the rllv wllh Mend*.
hoiMteR »tra brinB a omtHT ter the
ftttore to hriac forth.

The eonridera-

Proa Moaflay-a Record.


Mr. and Hr*. J. W. Harah. who uVe
been pending the aanuBhr at their
Carrie Odten. dooshter of Chritto- pber Oefcert. nod Joeepb P. BImeon cottage at Long Laka. left this noon
ihdr winirt btmr at Fhlrmomu.
were married |o the cbnrrh at Uaunali. Oct. Si.The weddtn*laktax pleee
at I oicMek in

the loomlnx.


which the happy couple will «o ti
■•A where they will take up their resMeobe no a farm. Ml» Sarah KIsbr

ef Bccd

Seme Say "Cb* ouamy u B*««r.';
Others Say ■•CbcPrlctaartCewtr.”
Kle Say
“oic eambint tbc c«o."


the Trevoroe Oty Mlilinx company paaacd throoch Ibe city lUa mnnitnr
Ita flnt meeUnc Wedaeaday while on her way to be' borne after
erealas la the aSce of the Traverse three week* apem at Kewwicfc.
Mra. Addle Grave* of Omena ae^-dicCRy fwa'Wotln. the followtnc oflicer*

heinc eteeied;

“Triedrich Sells tbe Best
Shoes in traverse Off.’

Praaldeai. A. W. Bar- panied by Mr*. Sidney Keye* r>r ThClover*, npcm the day la the cHy mday. leuirnlits home again In the ever.

Look these Prices Over

Frank Voirwha;

gt.jd satin «lf shoe; for;........................................................

managw. J.

forcBim bidii laeefalfdt Vhe accldam 'u very paintel and i^I Uy him
aji fora week 4fT ten flaj*y He *ra» atICBiing to Ite'hnrae w^ It rrachM
gr-rand and ranght blm.^t a horar *'
tocib are aharp aad
<k *o-,
BIcUBC aoteo* InJatT .w^ahown by|
the tart that they cut tbroogb his coat
aad sbiri;terararing tbc artt part* of;
the arm badly. The bwie. however,
taped teiury.
Mr. Hiller of BIcvMth
fast chmplrted a flae fob of papering,
the M. B. church of Acme. TbI* arork 1
waa braagbt aboai by tbc Ladln’ Ald^
Boclrty. whleb w arxaalxed iweniyoor ytwrs ago. and whli« will also pot luaps and window shades at


The Jar of
Htminer blos'St steadfly appUed, break tbe hardest rock.
CoufUix. day ihcr day. jars
and tears tbe tbrott and luofs
tbe bealdiy tissues cive
vay. Ay-er’s Cherry Pectoral
stops tbe coughint. ud heals
Ae twa merabranes.

vilh lusivy Up sole, in loct- ur buckh-s.7

saol-ES TOI(>BIWEATHEIi-BiBb T„p .hocJr,.till' bc'st for wet wiratber. We have an extn
gooil assitriment of th*« shoes this seas-m------WOMEK'S PATEia LEATHER SHOES-For .in*s
wear. At •lep>-iulBb!i- anil ns stylish as'thc hiuh
prici’il ones.

Emiiire style, 45 ami 50 inches long, in Black and Castor, sell for $12.50,
$14.00 and $15.00. Have a specially fine Kersey with loose back, nicely
trimmed with velvet, made in either castor, black or brown, and sell*
for the extremelj' low price of $y.00. Another fine Kersey in Empire
effect, with new rdlled collar, in castor or black, at $!'^.50. $16.00, $10.00
an<l SIS.OO. Something very fine in black broadcloth, with coated lining
and fine fgr collar, a beautiful coat for $20.00.

The prices


I *00

The Hlsae* Bailie, R«4e and Eva

I I ■
I Cohen nf Norihpori. who have be<'n
Ray. the i: yaar-etd na cE John J. (pamllng a week in the elty wii'a
Breriaa. the grtteer,
er. waa WMea by a I_________ __
1 rlKbl


SHOE FOR MEH-Xol the U^sl of eonrs.-. but


Somi very fine garments that have had a wonderful sale.
are SlfbJO, $20«0 aiid $22.50.

tak: rice pteaUeoi. Howard Wbltinx:

aerretaiT. Chart** WBbH«:,lT*aaarer,

That are the heit;ht of perfection. The fashioning, tailoring and fit of
these garments have'been brought to the highest standard of excel. lence. -

Ii'a a riffoloi; S^.oO ghth-for............

bIjoc in trenhir or Bhieher atyl
rle. with light
heavy soh-s.
We'ft- iirnuil of this shoe ift

The ever popular rain coats, in grays, browns and castor. Tbc most
ronvenient and economical coat for fall and winter wear, priced at
$7.50, $10.00, $12.00 and $15.00.

Just as finely tailored as the ladies garments, made in browns, blues,
and castors, and sell for S7..V). S'l.oOand SlO.fjo.

\’er> popular and most stylish and sell at $7.50, $S50. $‘J.OO and SlO.fJO.
A splcmiid line in those stylish graj-s. browns and castors, and sell from
■ S7..VD to SU.OO.



All sizes and all styles, aod the new Bear skie in both white and gray
aod the new crushed velvet in brown, blue and gray. These last goods
sell fOr SfJ.OO and $-5.00. The regular styles sell from $2.00 to $10.00.

Dorlnx the phst ytar a loan

hai beea balii on the front of the
eh-jrcb. adding teach to lia appearance
na wetl ns rtanfon.

The Imdlr* Aid[

soriciy Is now huklnx terward to the
• painting of Iho cbopfh.
Rev. L. B.
Carpenter of tbc Fooriemth Smsrt
H. E. rhorrh





qrteid Traverse Region.
KR='JS'SK2a!Sr-..l ^’S.'Sn^CZSSK
M lb*lr

;r-5rjrs--"'"^-''- -----Ml. ttwr m*r w


- ■I



- . ----------1-----------^ Ocl.
3ei. ».

Bce ; ^ ,or • B=m^-

Prny made * trip u» Tmverae
ilDs maebine ia


^ JoSr HIopBr%?o‘h«» been work-

M. which

• bom on bli
*Bcb to tb« toob* <<

*^.’ll.'*W«lch U bolhUtig u aBditloa



• most .-n>»mlde not-.

Tmyerae City :
Dr. FHodriel: of Cblcaco, wbo baa i
eo'thse at Sketcfflo .......................... '
hoBH todnr.
OeL W.
Mlaa May Ma'ehaU. wbo bu
ic tlmm
tlek for aonc
time, is
la oa
on the etlo.
Mlaa Artie
» Olbba. wbo has
haa been
Tnrerae City.
CIt; ap*>ni
aehool at Ttmrerme
Sanday rnltv ber parenu in South
Thb abnUIng dowo of ibe mill




mbIMM the Ba.foHiy.ef the fever pn. PaUabreoDihe^.
- Tbeo Albena nod family teiomed
Bran toll Tneadny. where tber
. Sure bees to nitend tbe funeral of Hr.
Alberta' tathar. '
. Oayton Warta kaa Boyed hla ftBlly
Bore tiOB camp, where they bare been

____ T«l». depeiy aute ot^Blrtr
the APcHBt Order ef Gleaaera. kcM et tbe Holaei etdiootboime laat
WedMOday erenlBS.

^ Harvey apeni Salnrday pIrM


The Sejidar ackool aed <
a m-eU atu«ded U

•• •

a wi-ek at Trav.
yeuerday ^

u> ai preeeoi.
Lieolix of (Rvu Arbu* has
' ukro charge of the bodrtinfi boose
• b*Te tor the winner.

I Thank the Lert!”
med Hannah nani. of UlUe Rock.


moted ootjlJiS
ma 'ieaeher. in Ibe Blackm
ise Uere. .The meeilOEK «
ld>wl *eho
, like.-' Mlaa Martha IMyiie is worklns be held eve-v Sai'-rdav *-veninc.
for them.
Del. yi.
Tom Laar
- on tbe sick list.
Aadr<'W Ik-mcrlv m-as I Ihairnnln
lOrc has bec^nltp sick.
poMra. A-nn Zoalek -of Bart Jonla*
St Saturday.
Holmes, who ban been quite hen- ViiklnB wiih ftlcodt gad rcl
ceivlny M ctws
tick. It able to be out ajmin.
Mrv M. Oordoii H morkinB tor Mrs.
JamM Lurdie lost a valuable com “ j”hn r. Krtlu of t>e Shellai
one day laa’ «-eek.
Mias Nellie Dor»« U teacblrMrm. DnvU of Trayerae City it vjt1 No. !. ClereBnd town-;
school district
iUng anbng old friends agnln.
Mrs. Oeo. Hasel nnd Mra. Jrtm MIUs ship.
NcBMkal, Bros, an- u
eft on tbe last boat fo* a visit IB Chi
ibelr lumbc!» to the dock.
Mlaaes Carrie and emma MprlenPotntd dlgglns la nearly All
^i‘i8 Ijd-dln DoogUas of TrmTcrse

i.„ «|«.

feted 1.
r* i. a BiarTthOiU
bealer of rota. l_.
____ «_________
•una- and
laaoB Dree
1) helD a Goaranieed ai Jubaaoa
Dm* C
Co.'a, P.

lyirwa*;”. “''“J*

a n**n.l.

He ehant.> neell|t<4iee.

Beware of

In tCK» 1



Dspodt. Biy b* «

^Pedples^ witbdrswB i^sy •
^ rL savings 1

Olntrrjprtta lor Catarrh'^

- - ---------



WlUMnit Kotlcc *


irm «ba> .-uKTlaa Ti thPescB the laucoas sw* *s
nasp.api^ daaa«r lb*? mill dc U SMdaU

, -

-........ .. .........................

StopbcD Lnotaer. I. O. CmtBT. Dr. H B. Ggner.Beo}.11tiil*
W U„fe^jp.D-,™d.W. L»4a.k

9-a«H iiy Drmaattts. frtee nc par bottle.



Say, IHr. man.


Do Vou Rtillzt Jt's Stevt aim?

6, Dinmnl Styles Stalin, $l^s
Too mieht bettw make remr aclection from thia maniiDOib stock iBd jet jnst wh^ yon WMt



*• »wibee'a'r~-

iitiisitvttii til •-*•••, ik^

.idi, -



< Irma r

- ! ,„ „„o», UMIU U«, t.




The boart^'idSsrvtsorm At Hamm
baa laerensed LAnalag’a equalised raluatlMi froB iblrty-four to forty per
Blank. ag>-*l I*i. «bu tried to board a.' cent of tbe entire coanty. on'MCeouBI movlna irmlh near Bay CHt.
' of tbe eltya growth.

Jew M: Hauli of MarsliaU. repr*-I'ch at! sentiaE Milton D. Karf of ijaitle Creek. •*


Tbere mill be only ooi-thlnd or ■ pm
U'o crop tbU yamr In Monroe eo«BV.

St ------ -






- - mwa
- -here
- - - onl.upnf«aj„<
l>upne»aj^< The
Tb>- division
division with Mra^Iireii

**”pJ*^'iir*jim4 Vhn has been vis- ■

l,.“;U.e^MrvKr.:. Av'^

..ver 10 Ibis neisl.

r..t eeala a both iToeadar
on. *s
layer, baa'
s in Mrs.,
, I The Banil 1 LUk.. AJJ ». -I'. . I**,,';"""
> lars-*
lare*'‘>‘f’•mt and cold rtlna bare Jirs-O |.„r-. 1..I
Tbi'.r..lB. a
. Tbe bard atorm:
been very led <m the
tt farmers. Qulir! number bcini; pri-H-nt. Mn. IMmn M-1 vh.- Illinois
, Mrs. TBayer nf KlaK»l.-» aum.Unl K- •
imber haven't done moeh
maeh potato

JS“i. “««...: ^.a.'sSiS""''Jr


Mr>: tiui. Jutin-oo ami s»iit. Miss
rmelntOE. of Trav.w Chy.
davs he** las. me*
■ Mr.i. •&
LaimuB crossnl
“®*> uelsv In a*ih.- of '
Mi.. (l*-rnidi- Pa'H
api-oi n f<.m <!ays b*Te bu< wi>4i
I,---------fiionds. ^

- ■ Mra. Jna. WhHdb alEter of Mcrtek

IHUM. Ou. S. a dnnebter.
John Behnrtaon and family mcHred

Mr.;** *™

velrei aqtiare
a inheo
cH frt.w
Mips Matf.-I Burke of Maole C
h.l'InK her rraadmuher, Mrx
We »re
imbull-s ’
be vuakln*
, Srtnrdaj- .-vi-olni
e. Wao FYed
Mf- ""t “'*■ Mrln;;^• “
.. . !uoi _i.. —... ..... i/-^U
, win
. M>eoil lb., mlntir.
IndeB nnrt setoral otb.e* wrn-e , *h^ 'bey
Tb-n- «
«ms b iianclnc lur^y e
n^reruo Ciiy iwll<T» Sniurdoj.
evenlQ^sai J. lAittO I. in h.


IM -ter A. M. Bmitb Ibe PMi four

? A.*lT*il1tH •• Terr M»e with the


. very one m
of cbickea file Ip r«t.
Ocl. 30.

..... .


SS»'£.S;«3SS «. «u,. ...:sr;;;,:"““i

^ 1,^ atwmrdi. »irtoreb perton U.t


BavllBCs owl 4*uj(Jiier,

We wlA b«-

la 0(UB A
. Thoa. S. Ai._ .
rtlMltt' (rtaa Onvs MM WtnlneMUT te <
LMTMwonh. led., m .
Mr 4Bd M.-« Rafn!> Hales f<-. -1 Itmn.'*
...__. of
---------------ie.1 lo ilniri)
unreMUombk. «beo b*‘
'5rtf •
': lorn the doeiar lo oia-nnfv trsak- iroBble. ' Inalrad." he ai
-tr Bill.
eooeinded- to trj
aimer «i:
»»p-; pet. 30.
frtmd. b«re reeeatlr.
m».1 Mr P»li
bardlr k«T.- ber W. and flw l&) pb>-MU. .Nlwi M>erv hv. BT
alrlana bad ralhM u> retlrre her. Aftei
work lor Mr» M iob ai t ME L
V. MiM R.-kab
tVIHoa and fioiaia aklnn KieerV »••«». abe wma peele« will so '•. T-arei V- rllv Tuea lerilr mred, and cmn now peifora aJI
hoB..J>ver S
•••*1 »T:'h'h*r'sJMer in CUfeio.-da>.
her booaeboU dniiea.- Ooarateed by
On To'^'ls.- Mr UW Mr«. J. IMna I
Mi.« Male-1 Wilwn of InUBrl i. the Johnaon Dr»E Co. h H Meoda and C.
T.^e ihtvvhlni:
i-bfeK ihns »i>
ih'-l- .
lor /h^MM II
in Ibe




4WS evMi viMune anws bv-v wmv
the doctor was w a baattag trip.
Mr*. Brigbtasaa. who ta etaytag eriUr
TTtMg Mnr Btanr €t ttc tbabw* sod her daagbter.^Urs. Pnak Taylor, b
qahe poorly.
Bm Bsoend. who tas beea qalie
Ume MlMfod. yooagest ehiU oT
slek tor sercnU dsr«. U heiivr.
Hr. aad Hrs.'^on- isBCe. Is eertootly
U1 or a eoBpUeatloD of dleeaaee.
Miss JnUs nsitirdt hoa reu
WUI Otbbe eras la towa the last oT
traa Ohio, where *• bs< been rltlilac retstlrfls.
JoboMs. the n tt Mr. sad Mr*.
Joseph B. HOU
Wm. KMIr. seed. 1* Mths. died drive of ahlagle tl
Tweadsy aMhl. Oet. sub. The roaersl dall aad It srlll be i ot op u tUyotaie.
•anriee (oofc'ptsee at the hoMe Thate- Hr. Iloldcroft has
menug. Brr. A. P. Jeooe oSclst. City part of the past
ias. The i ■■■>■■ wen lairvnd Is (be DSMABd ii now tskiag a plesMire trip
Chsaspta Hm oeenterr-oesr Honor.
The hooM oceapted tqr p. Hclattre “r?e poles for the Hectrir lights ire
bwaei to the enwad Isst Wedoeedsy. DOW set betweea hen tad Klngrtey
Hn. MclBCln wsa aJone, but (ooebt aad the naeblnery Is betag placed In
the «re with sO her aUght. wall her the posrer boose.
Friends of Mist Jessie Foster are
cries sroased the setiihben. Tbey lost
somewhat lorpritod to hear of her
Morly all ibeir hoosehold HIecu.
Hr. Keilr sod Hr. CrtMiHi bsre gaae marriage to Mr. B K. Plupatriek at
EUrto. III. bet she has their beany
good wishes for her happiDees. Her
pireate (rom Booth CoUoo. N. T. are
visinag relatives here sad expect Un.
PlUpalrtek sow wU! Jolo them. She te
a niece of Prank Bayers.
r *Dr. ~R. W.
Hits Isa Cooley Is rlsIUng her Both­
BwiM. He IssTas a wUb. two a
er for s short time. She espeets toresad two dsogtatsn sad a large Hi
on to the Penintala la a few days.
ot trleads to Boon hii loai.
Pnak Baylor ot Kingsley is loading
B«r. J. P. Cnale will geeaeb the , car with poutoee here.
BotBlsc seraoa at the OosgrecstloarWlaaifnd Bbboos of Hodge
Aoioh aozt •ondsr. Hr. Cnaews*
.ended the social here Friday
Miss Nellie TbOBfB
KsMl'l^er sad HIM Harr
day wl<h her.mother.
Totua were dweea detagatca frtMn tbo
Oet. *L
Ooadnnilotm ohonh
here to the
wUeh coBTiiaei st SoUgot 8sv aezt
7W UtTfbto Matm tt iMt VMi

............ . -—r- ~ •—

City, where they apest a
short time with friaadi. Mr. end Mrs.
WiniaBt win leSTe Tboraday for their
fnthie home at Knlgbis Perry. Cal.
whew a reception wUI be given In
their boocr at the home uf the groorn'e
mothH-. Mls9 norearv Tboraes wilt
accompany them to California, where
■he wUI soend the winter Mr*. Wil­
liams Is one of Nortbpon's mom popalar yocng ladlev. s gresl morktv b«b
in mirlnl end ehu'cb circle*. She Is s
e .Vorthpom High sebbol
.friends and echoolme*
g her a long and happy
wedded life, bet It Is with tleen regret
that tbey part With ih'dr friend, who
leavM for o new- home and leaves be­
hind her d-'eds of kne and helprninnu
which wUI lone be remembered
who have been naeoclated with her oo
the M-gmend. ID arhonl and' ouav
walks of Ufe hooe that ibmiidi far
apart we may be logtt ter la thoogbi
aad eplrii and in the mlHtog link
■ 'endgained
a b«lD and lof'e/mo with whom ehi
hat linked her life we would coDgraiulale. bnl hooe ofien In the faturryean be will think trf we un* who are
left to live tP tV'C blltsful life of old
maids and send her lu romlori and
cboer ns to ocr lonely hours. Mr. and
Mrs. UiniaBS will
nignu reny. CaJ. after Sov. mu.
Hr. Ranger aad family have moved

Mtaoes Oats aod
Antoala Barth
tcere callerf at Mrs. Bensrd's BenMr*. Oeorec Bernard speai Sand
in Ttaverae Cllv at K. A. NriMms.
UlsMW Little and Louisa Johnson
were caller* oa Miss Lillian Beraar-I
and Mis/ Man Inman Sunday.
Mrs. Holtoa and daughter Anna.
Wbf> are 111 with typhoid fever, s
------ pwhai better at thlt crlttog.
Its Man' Inma
Ometui Saiunlay.
Miss UUIan Betrtard and Harr In­
man went callers st Mrs. Johnson's

, If you will eat more

Une^a Biscuit
f J

John j^naoD and son Ira took a trip
Blngbam Sunday to vluit hli broth
er. HarTtson Jobaaon
Hr*. John WrwtcB
s rUlitoi^ her
mother Runda:-.
Mrs. Jedia B'esioa was at Konhpor:
last week
Jobs Jubnkon
t dlgxtog poutocs
for Pred Hors.
Oci- Se.



do more-work, en^Hng you to earn
more money, so tiiat you buy more

Uneeda Biscuit
do M(fre work and earn still wore uioocy.

Real estate T^nsf^
BIraey J. Ho-gan aitiL.^e to Lydia
B. Wade. wH of seli. iec^S5p«qw
taage i(; I3JIW.
. Lydia E. Wgde to PhUip Roach. wW
of aeVs, tec. S5. town K, range IS; |3,Brastat C


SiiKw and wife to A r­

C. U. Dame apeni Sunday with bis mour A. Rounds, paccel. sec. L town
J7. range 11; S3M.
Charles John of Oacna was to loa-n
Sarah Abbott to Lnrin Roberts, lo­
ll. Sleelp A Spencer's add; $100.
Mr Hunter of TrsTerte City ws
- dUidna to Lake
8. AHce Wrlfhl. M al. to Mattie
Iowa Friday and Baiurday with a
Abo last week.
of dotUng.
Loraagif. parcel. H. L. A Co.'a U:
Mr. aad Ura. Wayne Haalgold visIt Soadar st 3 p. ■. st the
Oet. J0-.
add: l:X>.
lied the totier’e paieats. PHer Math
tamed all hi* vigor. MrOee has ‘ .-r. (1^ .h.i Jte wishes nrither to cm
shrildlng mracly thdr leave, and
Franklin K. Sberwtpd and wife
aad wife, of Summit aty. Baadgy.
luM rv-urruN: tamie,. u. vHltablr «.r.
,.,n.,dam .!«• u.-,. l.m ..nt.v I, hold, it* leave, edgewise toihe «a.
Hwry WUtox arrived Baiurday
Jnc. W. Morse, lots 3 and 4. block
J. Nolaa aad family attended the
Ictc. li; |dac<- ol ihi- weak»‘i;t--l
rom Teaneceee.
dfWMi l RiM' a bit <tf .
r<el ihai i- I- h>-r> i::>-y
F. H.'s »id S'ld; *1.860.
' Urt. Nig Williams spent Bunday to fuaeral of their brother>to-Uw. HsucmarAu-d man wbp stTUfigled out.............
shade fn anybody, it's
rice Honua. today. *
JulitM T. Hannah, ct aL u> hoyd L.
Mom ot her tree*
trees arc
C^nSTiHlWTorse CUy passed
severe attack of typhoid fever
fe>er with “ ‘*"*'*‘ Vl
that wonldat roaecal aailhihg.
Mrs. C. BUlmaa U plaantog
Bmlih. a-H of lot tS aad lot 33. K H.'>
throat oar rillsco oae day last week.

or Mor Mr.- ___ ______________
WMI- While dn itaIh.. irom
dsi^n he amured
snuserl .r‘''
'‘'••‘'.••ai JO •“

I. BylMT Is stUl BO betu
The dome on the great e
Cyrus R. Crain aad wife to Albert
K. L. NoMBi or Olea ArW was In
dray Crain. e>k of yeti.-sec. 35.
tows ais aBralag.
year. The factorr
I Mr.'
Uoaa for this seasoe.
Oet M.
inge 15; IIJOC.
C. D- Bwin Is eotortalntag hU fa­
. onpina/ in-e. I. sh.sls b* lack | ““r "f Ihe taadmrak* .rf Meiiea , It
Hurlbati pad wife-to Rolieri
ther nf Rdmnre.
• experimen. tias diylo*e«l u 1
Sun^ Whori'worker..
»1H ^|
^'- HurlbuU. weli ‘of aet*. sec. 3. town
Mher iree» <-onn-tn iheois<-Ivc* ‘ *a» bulb In 1.93'
stale Sunday
school worker., will
be, W.
Hits Ella Biaekcabary speai
1 suffering fM** mreiul ’
. Mrs. OWas'look her stator Hay. who
here aexi Sunday. ^Jjme out and hear;«. range IS: 1*06.
sv with friends here.
has bow her foaot tor severs) weeks,
•nd phj’Hlca'l coltailsd.
L McCurdy was in town from
Jacob Roder and wdh*
> Mslerim
'to Oedsr. yndsy. when she took the
1**3^ J^- t^lngion did ihopiilnG
Charles M. Schwab is i» liave a
-................................................... «k.
Hoyt, parcel, see. 3!, tox
t^terbwhoBsstWalloaB Lake.
e City last werit.
0 the
I carved silver dinner aerriCe maaufarN. a MarUaa aad *oo Cblok
10: til.
wore Tneeroe City Tisltora last woe'
- . . jloo has
Mfs..flaarcs Dorter sad dss«bt<
l-f^ m
Ing -horses.
Hoyt, parrel, .«
JUM <r Otaa LskA oaUed os frlew
private dlulng lu^
C. J.‘ Bari
rkmsn ar.d children Is kept busy every Saturday.
10: liw,
hen Tbarsday.
C. Hoehradel's baby I* very low .
were la Traverse City BatnnUr.
o iMdly whip­
Prask Ttaber nase oror troia Boaih
preaeni writing.
Floyd L. Smith and wUe i A. C.!
Charlie Bmllb spent Sunday
ped and wrenched in a typhoon on ihMttfttoa la a ooMol. Ho wUi talie the
boot hBlcht for TraeMse CKy.
'stand of Guam. Bepi. 3C. that tbey wl::
Uaie l^ynn NHaoa. who has bora
no crop for two years. ,They nr-wry elek. Is mtieh hotter at prescai. Ington's store last week.
Frank Blnswlck has sold his house
Bmlah Bell U eulie ill.
tail! thanday e*eala«. srUtt
The poles for Uie ekcirie light wires and Is moring bn bis farm apnh of
' ^'sitwiy .wloyod hr hia wdieaco.
town, wblcb he recenllv purchased
ne MtasooH <a^ M North Hanl- •re set to town.'
<Mr. Briltsto It hbout to purcbi
Miss SonecoJ It here from
rra.rH Ooo.lHeh .n Wm I «e«. 1
® « BrOwdcll, too Ttaradv atlOr eatlle before eoratbk Marahan Fsrrant property.
jof Angeles. CaU since she ban uneiirae aty for a few days.
tai liletw Tk» oaptalo said atsty-Toar
-The ItadlM'. HlRsiDBary soel.
Chas. Box U to Traverse City today
perifdlv cOme Into a fortune of 1815.bead had h«ea drtrea oo to the dock
msets alib Mrs. U. A. Culver II
e hnslBsat.
''iki li-fi her by sn uncle. H. Hilton, of
Mrs. Oeo. Jadtadn was to ton from
O. C. Cans and wife
I Chas. '
eejoying an aflernono visit
Inrnmlt City yetterdar.
bis daughter, who has rueently
W. H Thayer Is Quite aide.
Kailrcatl a'ccl.Iruu in the Uniici
UK» t-d over Culver's store. Dr. Burke *•.». nee. 3*. town 37. range 13.
OH. a.
Stoiy* during the post year killcd-M:
. tw.ta the boat.
of Maple aty Boecombed to heart fallNicholas DowHi and wife to Minnie
pasreemrs and InlunM fn.dtn; uiie..
nraSaaitorafteraooa. He was
C. DoWriS. «-gIfkH ^ aeM. sec 31.
catty In g^ health.
1.261 employes OHil injur.ri *5.436
- boa wwt op to U.U.^Hr. r-"—ToaBosker
town 3C. rnuge 9.
•• H.
•' kfc
Sfefiueer ras started
Mrs. F K DavU aril pupils gave a
Theiv w(T<- 6.334 rolllsloos. with uronla a eaplUl aaetloaeor. The bbsIc by
Calvin A. GIbion and «ilfe to Philip
octal at the town
hall on Friday dray Une.
ey k«n .d $*.849>54. tlie l^lfcl lo*Mrs. Dsawna^ him Ida Neaeen
The. tables a>ere taslofully
Roach, tot 17 and e4 of lot 18. block .1,
. was tee. Hr. Hltobell of PraoUott.
froosH kind* of nceidi-ot * uw* $9,711
tack-o’-tantenu and
F. H.'» tth add.
t as atocaikiotat. added maUy to the
waxed autumn leaves. A nrogram wat
; eataMwt. Hla flnfolaea. 'The Uuie
Stole « Mtohlgan to Leonard H
given, coouisttog* of
the followlnr
and Mrs. F. C. Btair ^ft I
The Iroquois fir.- of Itoc. .70, IS*.::
.-'Baw.’**kept thO'aadlenee In a"
Roach, heta ot not., *ec. 9. twm 36
Vocal solo. Miss Ubbiv thetr _.........................................e, S, V
which hundreds of Chicago p<-.i|il
oa. HUt Julta Hitler: Monday, after spendlns ___ _
_____ ______ ______ d Vivian Dame; rad- week* with friends In this vlclnl
Hannah A I
lalloa. Leoore Campbell: ado. Ml*s . Andrew Fairbanks of Uai
U dri
u V a‘*n
S. Hunter, bumej
, $35,000 wn;

— s. Jeeslv Ing a weU for E. R. Fox.
lab pond
Austin Boynton In havit . a *101
lodhoe Feoeral ra
' 'gaiPKl Ihf Fnller ronslniclion Co
II pat onder hi* house, also building
Audhor General 10 Henry Eieglev j

There is a lleason”^

nr. .nmhall or naakton.’ aa






OI>. WMIaSMOt*'-




stating d'pampkto pie. dooitoaats an l
addition to It. This will greaily
coCev wm aerred. The-aeeUI was a adrt 10 Its romfort and convenience.
decided saceeas gad highly cnioyed byWilliam Selkirk, who has been seall preaont.
rloosly in with blood poison for (be
Mr. and Mrs. 8. W. Porter were past two weeks, is improving as rap­
Baiuntay idly os oould be cxperi-.xl.
ercnlag. the oc^oo being their elcvMrs. Jease Harwood has bean enterPkad Mteoa. who has beea daaser «nlb woddtarma&vnraarv. Beventoen
Ulnlng la grippe for the - past' few
^ ooatr ID Wtlh typhoid fever for serera) guests were Invited, eleven being presi vaAs, ta a little better.
ea'. tve of whom afended the wedOeo. B'lilisOQ of Bates ha* PU.
The Gtaaaers bare a bee st Mrs. tog eleven yean ^
ebased a new twelve-horse power
■ MBSoa's day to dig pou’oea.
away to the h
oUne engine, whlrb he tofends to
1 Sl%SaHe oalte sick,
for grinding feed.
lasr..Wsdasoday Haxot Borrows vertatlon aad a______________ .____
Arihur Wonhlng-on and wife have
served, the uhlea bring laatHUly dec­ moved from their farm Into a hon*c
orated for the oceastoa. Hr. and Mrs.
ned hy Hn. Oeo. Grtmn.
W- Oevetaad of Tnrevoe Ctly
Porter were preeemed with a silver
odlng the Bunday school
hero oa bestneei sevorsl .dsys last bread tray and best wishes from sU
b at Maple Ordre last Sstur.
for many more happy yeaja of wedded
M-. C. H Esiea. Mrs. Cora
life. The SUMS prakeai were aa fol- Crisp, Mra. Ralph ftaies. Miss
los-s: Mesdamsa Wilson. Porisr. Peck. Crisp, J, V
s few dare last week.
LssUe. Johnston. Oamc. Hiss Ells WM- Gixwti.
then was a (arewvD nrprtar party son and Messrs. Johnuon. Peck and
Chas. Price has
at Mr. Kltalmerh Tbtinday eveotag. Porter.
Clayton Thuker
Thacker and
pnrcbwd the
Tte hard ralB kept
Mrs. Wllltatt Thmaas spe^ Wed­ forty-scre farm of A ihiir Wort
nesday to Ttavnae
-.-ferae CItr
>B JuR south of Bate*.
'.^^2Sdrad pnu orf Traverae Cliy ‘ Is
Mra. UhaS^liams spent
The auction sale held at Ih
rasks with her ooastturday at Omena.
John Toongs last Thursday
Praaidtog .Elder PaiztMa- upeat
and nearly evcrnl
Hrs. 8lggar aad Mtas WOsoa drove Buadoy at Korthpon sad occupied (he
at a good price. Hr. Toongs e
^to.TcAntM Olty PrMay; retanlag palptt to the H. E. -cherdt In the,_______ ________ _____________ __
to locate In Norton. Kansas. '... .
tieadlag servlera at Lelaod I bis wife have lived here a number
^TteltteiaiT aodety last Satarday dnmig^he avenlng.
WveaMg was well attcadsd and very
en of I
•JetsieHIgg Thwe will be opea MeM- TVavsna Citf atxt wook.
,____ _
their-tag agata Nov. 12. Breryoae Jarltod
Norman Tbomaa of WMltoa Junction new borne.
Mary Grady and Artosttead. .

^4 Of aoM, see. 15. loxm 37. range

OR. P. A WOlfE, Prop. DR. B. L PUHSOI, Usislut






Hiss Tina John.
Mra. Stevens is speodtora few day,


iST^d MreTp. O^SwuSti
this week f<^ Oenlral



n Traverae City tl
this woek ind-wlli I
^ve Tbutoday for Knight* Ferry.!
Ivan Thomas fs ni al i^i* wrtil



aodiis are ’from

CAiuatAt -it—
No dangeroon drug*
eoncoettoB* sr\- lah.-* i«i
ach when
hen H>-oiael
Hyomel 1*
I* used, Kieaih" '
irougl;k Che
the Inhaler, the
g ol Hyotncl penetrates to the mo*
and thns kin* the catarrhal germ*
hcaU the Irritated muriw* membrane. ■
and gives eomplete and pi-manem '

HyampI In the simpiral.

»i •mnoxtliT in ih-- world.

A pretlv home wedding
emstaed <m Tu«^ eveotog

'ay be kurr.-ndered blm«-lf m Bov.
oSieer* in Lund'Hi. Kiiu . n* ’i/r
dS derPauded the Clay CouB'y l^d
•0,. or 81. Paul. JHnn.! ot Ill.fSki uhili,5 .,
Thn concern U
hat it* tmi-re.'

v.d: Mifter ;i
iu»lruei«-.l '

‘t prreecuu-d.
London police


which the H'diD*
ottre ptstph-'* land


night at


Remember the

s Cltr|Otov«n -«M taaving Wadaaadaj^, (or|oi^»ooth«. ' ’



Tree c.illi-ctlni; i-




Mrs. Henry s fad Whenever .he re,^ s. E. Wait ^nd Sons* Emancipation Act that Will
Two d««f mutea were married ... - raji
repeetaU, «ne -rri- she gore ,0 the
8t. PstrlfVi Csthollr church at tSran-l twople on sh-.-e land i -'and* at.:


as the Grecian j
peculiar to the rblldceii

iten to 81. Lout*.
child wilh flat

"When you .


aad 1

shooiders you ran very fteqaently i I
trace the iroublr to pareots alih tnber '
exUarit or pbthl.ta.
art so you arc.


K Wat. 4 t! .11,. Tra*e->e f

as freedom-'o m^« who have le-e
l';»oliile -Isi-e

Tnifi-fivi BUSHELS

.. said Dr. H.'b. Wlhcgcrt


nigto. upmtotog

up ii- :

Ca.«-Kill*. bu: mo*: of them uro-^ •


JsBee: seerHary.


him tree.

....r „ Henry. Wile fit


Bbckache aid many kidney nia fol-1
“v of the of
I riches, it i. a ■phy.lral defect, conUrinary trouble. dlabelM.
j slating of protrn.ton of the hip* bark

Knight. Ferry, Cal., at 8 o'clock. Ber. | the hack________ __
Hurlben oactailng. The bridal couple: I have bees treated
were attend.
attended bv
Mils Mvrile John, I have used oi'-er UdD
to the bri
a-d Mr Normau oolv nron to Duan's
------------- ------------------- ho groom. Aiaua'.a abort Une: the* discanitore thetr
Pnak Sayers. Afi<
John, riater of the bride, a^ied as ring-' u»e when they bate brougbi,atawl the
-the mr ^ad been
hrarer. The home was tastefully dee-1 desired reautu. Mlanttw parilcutars
s eerred a dalsly loach.
---------- ------------------ -------------will
to mvTAIe.
Bowen-----------and autumoiwlll
u rive «■
Aa AatBBB aodal was held at the learet and the couple entered
to tLci colling on ___
charoh Frtday evwiag. The rooai wm sUotos of a weddtog march
ployed b) i Ulc carkisitr.
If she really .nSei*
taatefour deeaeatad wlUi faUage aad Hiss Ubbe
« GnatoS
GuMaS and
ant. an
Isuveoalvc from her klde
leerx and wirites to know
aojOBB berrtee. and a iweb oT eeCee.
. . was pcsfocmed.
employ to irlwato re­
' - 1 cakes aad
Bcoit of tee cream -and coke xretvj Uri.The eou-Ple were aurenaded]
For sale br all dtolere. Price SO
band !>>>*. X
were also! cents. Postcr-MObani Oo. Boffaki.
The bride Kbw Torii. aote ace«ts for the United


Yevand say!. Get my rubt & Roscoe. Their
rubbers alway-iJit so oice aod wear
so well.”
■That's it. A (rood fitting mb- ber tpill outwear two pairs of ill-fit’.:ng cnc6.

Imm Fri-

. ,
Haven. Miss Nellie Maher becoming f,-rs to b-iv :i
l‘»iial'v. when -he
T^WrJs City Roadara are , the brid. of Jesse .Albert Waterman.
'________________________ ___

The Udlee' J
Mn Baay Jad-------------------------- _
«ooa (or th« aaaoal aweilag. _
e eleeled as ioihen;


dtacovered ' gnj 'Uhor woman myjm-rica. 8..c;- .
. hren
.0(1; extra liottle. » of them grow or. T.. nlW >«-:an

of 8t. Joseph. Kr. H, P. Man. perform
lua me ceremony,
watertnan aod
To Alter the blood ta the kidne>V|“>
ceremony. xir.
Mr. Waterman
I HIta Maher met while student, at .nr

D Campbell, of (19 Pi
I's Kldi


Grange. Ind..

-P-der Augu.i Eckland is ihr liirk-

tea"""# »• Ovty-pf th. KIdoaya.

Mr*. H


vblrh to»-n itoy have br-rn raiding fur
i monlh.

f&VM CiXlWlk

ihu wriitog.

!•>; lywi*

VOO.I, 15. and Cbari«> Uolb.-rf*. H
ear* rid. jn Chicago. Tb- iuvenlie


The ovwMg M NOT. Pib. X- Take.
dWiy staw otgtabdr or the Otesakrs. wl)l deitvhr a ioeliira
ban tatalalagtbe alas aad

CtUZMa Fhorto No. 364
Suite 4I3-AI4 Wllriolm SiOOk
T-avaroo City. Mlcri.

DeEtte E. UoDroe to David Zoeuc' ^
Tseaiy-five thoiiMSiirt rigmvtie*. ciamj wife. k)< 30 and >4 32. Idoek 3 ;
ar* and n nrore of 'evolver* were
I-. H.'n 1st add.
'oaiid rdelxvl to a rave ooeuiiled'by

As your paieni*

'''' *T'»rib<-n th-*ioTD-

mesis a aradsrrixv

'vsr.t a-.1 when vuii want Ii. lemove
!; (far i-il funl..-i i-.iidSE-

$18 pwAcn


S..KU.-*, .Ill, deWllry.

to the Acre



ttvis era stertety free incvxcv




n-sioring biai^


.A la-r

sCccti-,1 unill, unlrs. I'f'urre.

When You Think Aboat.. .


The oitoprtag of thej

very rich suffer from a define called |

Think abouty^

In the desert of aoutbere Arizons.
with an iDdlan. two erailpeda and »
gita memstt^ as bta companteos. Pro- |
feasor W. J, McGee of FhrltT. lowm.


niffertog from ioM hesHh. skpi for

». —W
e l^t aaads ot the deaen a


Bachant & Roscoe.
^ Uia_ vjWMi*. aa.'

"RUBBEBS” is Our Hobby. !

r. NOViMBCR S.Nt«.


Wei. BUeUOrd of Vale! 11
^i_ .
div rend an Item that appIftaUoD had
been made to seed him to the Canem
Mirhlgaa asylum, and bel has brea'

Jodge Tapp.ii of Port Homn an- j. Oa. wt, fond od the ftrn of 0«..
r. etafk ta lb« H««r7 iitmlit «er- terfiWr maniled John Nelaon. ae<>Ji
«. an ewpleye of a aalt block at Lad-i DBled the marriage of Anna and Bd-;Ftai. o»r Warrea.
A rtieem flft,
Im aloap IP raUp to lha etatpea in;
wart Felker- ~
The girl.
aJthougta od
— It ! fe« hlgb Is l■la-'lI:^ a*
tba anil for M.MO damacaa. alMped to iDftoB. He leaee* a wWow and
13, «are her a^' a< 17 wbeo thr II- fOurtneh (opi! hare beeo atatted in arenlt «B»in by
{NapQleoB PaelDt of Lelaad. adnloU-'
To trip the llTw atoBi:.
I tfwor of tha eatiie of. Nellla Loolin the 8U Maiy a Ukv’ anneh ef Xuskegon poured ganllnr
___ ^
• • • ' • I «T«, poaillTelr denial that any ml*I'nnUy. elabt miles easi of Peoi. i oe it. She wa.- baoly rrorcy-d. be: ^
CtAR GRANT* ORMANM or *|takc waa made la flniitf tbe ndet of
srill Utt. Her pM eaitsry will sine n . *--£dLf??
PtwI R. Wstt-e. Jsdt. J
• the deeeaaed Id a wrto«. earelew or^

•t. RMmtart. Ott tl^WI
is • •uhr*f
««>“"*—*• *"
•vwr MmM. W rmrr town wWK «*t

ber Rer. F. M. OoddlDgloa of QDtnrr.< iw>re.
unsklllfui laaBiier. ataiing
ipve whet yraa ordered In a b< iitaJ Mlcb, has been enllrt to the Presby-;x=achurch of Pialnwell. Rev. F. X.
labeled -polBon." the wme belns The new law la recard to the | Roaslier. the oldest mlnisier la th-'
handllog of polwus in a«wral mer-• siatein poln; of senriee. bavlas reoeni

81. PatanbQ'rs. Oct. Il.-Tbe
fothiwlaf la the teat of the to-We. Nkhotaa the aeeond. by

<^(Hae stores. renoireB the bandUng: ly resigned.

elaiw to all oar fatthfnl mibleeii
(hat the (roubles and a*ltaUon
Id oor eapUaU aad la numerou.
other p^ nil our heart with
OxeesKlvo pain and sorrow. •
•The happinrrs of the Rus-

wllh-a*darty thranga «l- ^'a.
wma hriBM Mlntalar.
8*. Pftoraban. Oaf. SI.-AB Uaparia!
iMalfeate «aa taaiiM lut fTealoR

bound up with the happiness of
our people Is the eorrow of the

ariik apaelal amhoriir «> etKirdlaate
and rfaKr <M powera of tbo dIBerrat
l.raaehaa <rf tbe admiolatratJaB. Clrlc

“FTom the present/disorders

rily and unlir. of oor empire.
-The supreme duly Imposed

1%., UarUea coBlerred upon Ibe

nliror'iba paraoh. iDelixItng ibe riiibt
or hahaaw eoaiwa.
-WMM RinR Maiaaga,
at. Peceraban. Oet. n^-i «a> tore
tbe Aawleee people, -ho tptdeeaujid

-: plsee tn all the ellles.

:i c.nei.n...,o;TirrA freight .-lev,-


emmont to earry out our laflexlblewlll la tha following manaer:

tiOB bb ipiperiaa maiaatj. the piwnlead had the KoaiwiMi of freedcw.

-Plrat—To extend the popula­
tion the Immutable foandailons

and will loin Id Ibe hope that
Rwdap pMple win wiioir aad Id

of Hvie llbonr. based on Ue


people bavo


Xm hRieed a» hit realdaoce
a t>eUw






'Imlnistrrt and

Ipatlon In tbo douma. ao far a*

‘ I among those who were srricken.

voeallOB of the Uouma will per-

mlU those classes of the popnlatlon now eompieieiy deprived


apply tfaatr foreas tn coopoHitian wHh
of calm and' peace ' upon onr


elaU Ubcftr. (her larWabUlty of
aad tibariy of ooeaclanoa. apaa
He Ml »alr ooaTicu tbe

tareleal Imperial douma. with only
eoniTdiative power. Into a tnso legla-

The Arm




'"tili"'”'- ■


Thi.t.entn Judtoal Circbil of Mtchf.


pan far IWand 1«7.
A ncwlv msrtled pair.-«r and Hrs. lBlsu-onil-bwm» <'-ui»yef<'hsrirv-..ts.


nrleh. u-a* found in


in their

Bonest Sbees

,g..ue. nobov. o/wrUirt to -asS (-
priTsiesslv |.KiL»t.a.-po**cKy-*yih«r^.~

Bonest Prices
,<(>ar .Moilitj

(ur>Buun Iwaucsnl fur Ui>-h-arlav'-t •All
sort s*st
tM i.r»t -f »ui

Oor •’SVtff kit-kei" ,Boy*‘
SbtMi ur*- pn>vifiB<^r moVlo

s bmUuu rg >w!rt CUort iIm SebeknlUMi le the

Inic- i-veQ- tiny.

Bt-tler are

whhl wt- can ffiv.' yon U-fore

lioyioK.yoor next lioys' aho«.

Rstviand Deuelsss
Opp. WhlUng Hot*l.


' natal sc8.
■•Qlv^t Paterhof, Get. SO. la
IbrWfivrtith jwar or tmr reign.



! fort at C o'doek in the raonfliig.
Tome Ccrtrolm AeW.
p Averlll. former rt slrtrni
Cedar. Mich., Oei. SO.-Morr..
eommi.ted su.ri.l
J ton. who died while crossing tbe fltvr!^^
I Provemom Sauirtsy:
^ ! Ihtoii.wa* a
* ; nfiemoon. eommlne.1 auleWe. A po*^ ■
1,^14 and carbolic add wav ‘
*ioraarh. ■'/

State ttewa.

Feieraburg, Hav.
Less lhan afiy per eeni of the ebtl-j
^hkA no moaanre shall become law
atrongly Mlisved that the exar-t manl- dren of school age are aitendlng iml*'
in before whl^ all flarcrameiiial anfaata la not owlKelant to put an end He achool In Jlerrlcn county. OIBeers
thMUIaa muu abtwar. bat tnonlses
ta tha prwaent diaerdtrw Re^e
will lonnd up the iraan’s.
ewminally aniTetaal antrage.
Utae KUia OcninuD of nini. an ac~ Gaakhaws of Irikt Riekaw.
atwuaing the papulaea and furthar eompllsbed young lady, went to Ouray.
' Tbe effect ihreughaul Ruula 1
trouWt te-fsarad. 'it ia ranortad that Col., for her. botllh. She anil Mis*
peaUd to ha tnataiHineona, 'Wbliethe
lava ^-oen 'Vlllad at KMralf
Jeanette Lang went prospecting "Ju*enmaliu thrMen aa aiKunpi
tM daevaa for referm «M laaua*.
lor fun." and now report that Hiev
knip ap thewodwt atriifgle. tbe be. v


soothe* ItchinK skin
bums wilhnttl a sear. C-ri-s pilos. •
leroa. I«!i Hteum. any Itching. Iktti'
Y.-ur-drugBiH sells it.<-ing ari.llerymen of the Flihaitery,


long range guns.

Odeaaa. Nov. 1.—The..jtudant»
gold and sllre-.
farmad a elv^gyirrd'and Mva bean
Charles DIake of Kalamaxoo. wlio'C Thomas- KH.-<irie Oil 8-to* ihe patrying te KHd the <s
was wrecked at Aibens, and heal* '••• u-o.iod. .vfl dniggl-'OOani Wlita will be able to exaeme
! oci. S. Waller ^mer. a wealthy iami-1
the hoary talk which he bU asawned.
•Maa hrve head hwgoantly and many,
kiiiej. anfl Dial e Cvlng v»Ty;
Bome* peraoat Ugh In the gorMWSIXTY WEEKS FOR »' T3 .
daaptrate mrtHeta have ooe«rrad.|
injured, has made a rapid re-;
man belleva K Mill will be mececMT}-!
Omd bddte. ar. tying In the atraata
t* ball eariridgea to aupprasa the ptwivtlhsrrlA-r tn The YOCTH S
and hnndrada'ef pamen sliato Wiled lag the same machine-In which he was 1
abt morwamat. bat Oauak'Witte ap;
and It I: ballavad BOO have been
paaiycontdaat. He baa become the
maundad. The civil and military auThe supervisors gf Shlawasse.- eoun-:
bridK whereby tbe people are to
tharftiaa are doing j1«la ta prevent tha
,ty thought they were keeping n si.rin-: „f
^joer frtr 1*01. Thee.- 1
mas the coosUtntlaBillsmShroff Jarvad when.,
enmsin nearly O'
A ^
^(tn Sheriff
finding In-' will eomsin
allowrt only, half .-f'
’«>’ oi»-"‘n= ‘■M'*'
A mah teat nlght.lnoRrt by th. pa--,,
, x' K.ehm..ud v
• Tit Canichii!*'
Lnteh-Striiic.-'"s --yrti) it* her
It.. .BAckM .h. J~A T».,I,b«VjVttrl.on™ -k. p." -I- •Th>- 8eeon-l Vitillil. - wiilrli ai-l-arrMl
ilo. AH
in the >«ri-. w'v'kx Ilf tni> year
MadUm prwaaM mlBlat«rprjKeei< tboae of
e Sel-ne. will enn'nl.uio an tnnary and
aSalra. wlU be
on -Suver.-ign* I Have Suue T..,'

aU tha eCeoi wU depsmd oa bow far

:;r -.-r

r«^. Print* OtnHtuy. one of the Bcial aatimata a
iheiTwIi: W'lhri-e ktorie* by Ma>
7 eaaoaitisa In tM
^OIber hair of the bllL
pomiCB toftaac awatiUnia in the minU- attack on tM Jawi la thMy^evan '
n exeavailng for 1 e South
txy at 8MMA oH( bacoan mlaiater WMM and*ight-ena wounded.
a for. IBM-* y! 1
ordbe tetertor; I^NSamaiioB. another
totmar AaaUtnnt to th^ mlnlatar. will

___ , (raieil anuouneenivn;
Waraiw. Nov. t.—Tha workman! J
Old eesidenta dcelaiv that the
to an> aldr.Tv
e with' --ainple
Ulim tha ftaanee pot^ibllo; U. KoaL at
te organics a meatlng this marvt-1
.A... __ ' *"*
'hrongh wMt eras a prtvaii- eopl<-s of the pafK-r.
gr^t a aaoaior iod Ruaala'a aMea Ing but ware dlspsraed by aoWlera^
New subxrilrti* w.ll sl«o
)artat. wIS be mlaiater of Jtmtioa; M. weed bayonett.
The aetdien
« -Flvtin “ and ibe dale
CumitmtluD . - Mln;ii.-m. o
KAaoraky. pnatAeni of the St. PtnenMFx wmldiial cmmetl. win t^e the
minlatry oit adneaitkm. aad M. Ziegler

. TO* ritaffhauTni ohtef el the railroad
It el the mtnlatiT « flnanee.

Innocent peraons were run ^n. Th.

trffi become miniuerof way* and o
RYashlngum. Nov. 1.—RoosereU v>a»'
■jbtormed that ihe emr wm*w grant]

j.roMbl.v iKvm a: the time of .

. - 00 XV

oonstraetfin cOstUv aCalr*.

H.NIn^:rw Nov< l^rino . dwnJ . ^
minanecr m a

SI- J.wri.U rtver^.hd. i. Wa. u
pj^ {„ ,^0 aririoerstie fami

'HttMla a otBcilinUoo tonr day» before

mm. :c before knvin* tor New Orleau* Thlriy-one were lojurwd by tM volley.,
mate dapartmm ooUInlng a pKwram |„^ ineiuding tM gmrantmant a
pnsdaaly as was tmtrind out tt St-l.^ a tteta ad anarchy pfwvalls.
The >rml-|



OM '

________ __________ _
Adjutant Cenomi MeOarvln wlrii *
o obtain ibi* records of iha Miehlimn;

*’:*otdiers,aBd aaiUrs who eewed in
! (WtmrbU ofoiher autew in the Oaban
„ _ _
ir apd ta the Philippine*.

.\ urcRi attraction of

Not on a few leaders, but t-ven thinc in ihe house: al a saving of 25 per cent., W <•
standalone. We have n-j competition. We are the originators and mamtainer* o(
iow prices—the only on-r price cash store m this city.


Tlii-ri.*'a b« tmir-b




Bnbta-re as in
land? (some

i n

exUaBOoi;i Ours ar»i tbo Vtiy
B»tHs4r. Oomeoailbee-


niikitvi.'s L-iiu-

All „.,l


To,,,,., lor


r,-:l ;iiiil
lriii;ui<-'I in
(nncy ItraH .->iul f
hiiltoiis. for., - - A a«?Jv

Mill** Skiu (tlovfv, lli.ii.1‘1



lAtlies i l.-Jict!i (.-.i.-ila. irimnR*l ip f'lr oolltirt. mail,- of,
il. rwi-iir. pi-r gar-

M.-ivr l>urk ‘ o-rtte. Itlnnl.ft
li»ii«!. v--.rt!i 1 ‘tti

Ihirk Jiiitl liifGt l)tiii!i---


M*-n's Mnt-kinaw*. ii-‘t uit.iif
h,'tUT act tiiiivkly.. C/d7C



Ilovs' 2-pit c- Wool S ill*--!
s-fitx. -lonU- nO/w
lirt-isit-I stj-Ii-. f.‘- .7C7Cr
Men's Lin.- an-i


Uii, .|. f*.-yOv,.r4nj|s
...lUtr fr.d.t irtunrhhi

• ith-l-niiii. '

29 c

Cliilcircti'y r..lli'd itlcf uml
i,.tl r».
w./n!i lOc ..i!r|.r.lint- -I.-rsoy Clpil,
.Alaaky*.. r-jriUir prio- 1 'i-'*


Mpii'a Hnl.lx-r B..*.is. »ol<l
.•vf-rv-wiierc f--r ^ QQ
i.r’w- AretJ^

W„oii-ii':lint-i Ht-.riit
Rul.l.-rs, w.,rih Sjf.
sx.-._B,v-,-J;.l pri,-.-.

.....79 c


eilirens who'rcnieraher tbe gravi-


S. r„. wil; c:.inliHr!i

school for.the study nf millurr m‘
Jects and the selt-ailflr l.nrt.nirw i>f lit

have located a claim iliat i.n»mi*<"

«|ilnlaB is that the baekbene
gtrike Is braken bat In the ftpal analy-

Pdtotaburs on.the »0ib.


will employ

the elly oBeials are dint* nomeofiaiiijc ii-u>u->si
hospital at )knn
i%iin ..*•
ll«r.andla eon1Hlenthe«i11nmMv.'

------------------------------«ome Fmm Trie. ■

Jatlve asaembly wllhoat the aHant of

the news wa* divan tM *orid.

fl ft «AI CI
-_* i u.

- - -..............

Honstne. Tous, On. 3i>.—Almost the water to check the tllohihdria eiii
asrim pepnialion of Rio Orene City demle. Five death* In the pa"’ 'hr<^
was pelaeaed yesterday, by eating a day*.
fresh ahlpmiwl «d “preser^" Oyrlers.
Rx-Senaior Kegy of il-kcgon tForty peraons fame near dying and Improving mtmully anil .physically s'

to stale doueia. to invite panic.

unpreoadenigd ueuMet and to

jaets bare driven him to take thb aien


married at the bride's.homo at Ml

doaa not oran oooeaal the fact that tbo
diMomaat aad agliaUM of hli tubyieMa


Srhixds have l;e.-n closed la «h<elnlty irf St, Marya lake cast mf F.-ni- bssni

will probably die.

ahowa that tba empaier at lait
iwaoaably bowed to the inavilabla. B«



Bc- ua*

-/ ------------- -- laipa ny coat gs*. ine m* tor/
lomatTvsaluIo or rweniy-one ptns. The j hpors belore they were safe
principle of the eleeloral right • _______ _____.> _____ _ .w. -a... e..<n. '
_ _
marine bsnjl played the ••Star 6|>anRed ia-te will Ik- etii by OrenO Rap aSTRI* ooi STV«l4hn his anal aniroTml to a mihlfeaUj
Ik gaaral to iKe newly esiab- •
gled Danner" ami sixteen gold-laccd Ids. and t-nd.r the n, s eitt ehar-r-,
which will fWarar
order' of •
otBccrs and a large crowd assemhlfl the rottnHI .llI
end tha rela^
b ““Slli-S o?-!!;,t
s. (biaga
* around Ihe wharf.
AH aloud w-th
fay>1m aad bb RimmS anewtera tot
“Third—To eaiabllth as an . •
their beads uncovered uulll the an
tbiwi hundred years.
-tmcbangeoble rule that no law *
them was Bnished.
Mrs. Roust-wli
What Manifaata Oraxta.
shall be onforeable wlihoai the ?
met the prenjdnit wt the wharf in u
* il«p)aa|MhBMlmr<«ha aaalfdato
approval of ibe' stale douma. •
i pbaHaD. Rooaeveli appeared to' be tn
thaws how oompleta Is lha emperor s
and (hat It shall be poaslble tor •
St I
and will try
abdleaUan of bU aotoentlc power.
eibc ciesjcd of tbe people to ex- •
Tba vary atyla of the doeameet Is
arelse teal parilclpailoD In tbe *
clear and dtraet and eevold M tba
. ..
LKB.aNAf f^l'NTTof Ibe legality of the °
apporrlalai] ot
Cadillae, Mich.. Oct. 3i:—Mnt. Fek
A tdisin holding a load of
boae. ragua aaid bembaatlc pbrateolautborily appointed •
aetanhf tbe a
and striking F. I.. Day. neat
Which -harwiiAita bai ebamcierB on motion of the
cut an artery, anthhe Ide<1 u draih.
( ttaU.Iikbi»hd»jMtonuber. l!ui.
taad bli maiaatr'B gtaalt^toa. It y<ot
only haMya raal anlhor«hli


' IttiltlirtW


of eleeiAal rights, leaving the '
alttmate d«Tclopmoi|t of the f

where.' la the AlCMdv pnlaee.
Mparor two hmn batorn. had



Traverse City.

Sachs, aged J3, badly; Aims Watt-,

limited lime twfon- thc'coo-

at vidnicbi aMt the ah<
wca to the ARerieaa peopia.




soe ilirin.


Annie O'Hara, aged 30. faislly; U.n<>

the, already ordered elections
treedon eopferrM npon tbo




Tsenty arre« wKl be eorenvl by
, : Ibe suleeellar.' Tbe Injured: Jolftnnx
Calvalcdge. pgo<r a:, will die; Kranl: n.'w flSKWMt. building
Wulfharsl, aged 41. probaUy fatally. «irk-BalkeColl«;ntler eomTUtny

union and asnoeiailen. .
I'Boeond—nTthbifl suspending

fMU Wtlte, Rnaaia'a ai« pr«»lcr.

very meek,


i«al tariolablllty of person;
freedom of conscience, speech

MMttilan or tbope UbatleK ca>«^
rata- triih the powomeni for their

tJiiiM othi'iT

-racy Wm. Tl. Btpwn of Kent eounly

Uon of the- power of lho%en-

well-being td obr peopir.
-We therefore dirvwl our gov-

I s ss« s e'lt' fn-jOi
it. Urtaul an-t


iFifin; tiit-n you

trai goveniinent. and lo nssijre

life whlrii are esseotUl lo the
prm. vhieh aeteei tbe arbtboa o( the
paoide. win iwXrtee with the friendly
RaiMldB utlan at thia noliiaBt, wbco


1 s<
seIDA to hasten In
at oorei
curing the DDliy ami etwirtloa-

the tueecsB of moasutes for peeIBcailon In all circles of piiblle

.. 'hr,v-rt ^te .wal
Ki-l the Very Beat

wax plared upon drugs when prepeHy agent Thirty years ago he took out
I a life iDKnranee paJIcy for tt.OWi. hm
[hedldnoi know It was an entlowmeni

vsies buildings and vesseb.

' I '

'“'‘‘J •' 'k"
bl«.b»ihil..>»t«i b.Ovnf -sM dtvya^rt ilive«vi-r<-! 'h'- li'd.- Ihe.y Ikad made

a"i>“ Kfr',S-“£S'L*S.''
seJl. b.-r.t.ysn.4Bl«i



King Oscar wiinesswl tbe spectacle
abbcnoe was foiled
j from the roof o( ihe paUCe. A Chilian board ol supervisors. It Is allege.1. I.v
'j adtoo! ship In the harbor loined with a countr}' member, Stlpervi^r WVtcve,
Bwedlih vesseds In aaluting
UTten flros-n reiuTied nod spjtesn-l
e took befoiv. the l«irt hl» dcltariors w<r/ {new flag.

npon ns by our sovereign olBee
reqnires us (o eHace onrself and
> uae all'the foree and reason

poogla laetoda freadaoi <rf the i«aa.
the Tl«bt or maaeaWy «ad the huu-



with Norway, nearly a century ago In abeyance pending the outeome
wa» again broki n out over the paiacei Dr. He-dman's deelvlon.
from church steeples, public and priA» A.,™w......

may arise great nailonal dlsnipHen. Tbey menaee the Iniog-

lltMTIlBi arc uraBted to iha Ro
paopla aad ta tbe nailonal awemblr
la «la«a ladalallre powera. »hlle the



order was llllod no such rotriedoa when preaenud by a life tBsnraaee

Cendensed Ttieprama.
I policy.
r Swedfitoekbolm, Nov. 1.—The
>r Kedej.Qf~hU^gon
b m
Ish flar was hftl«'.ri today ihfonghout Dr ^V, J. llei
lerdmaiiN private lio.piisl
Swedtn. In Stockholm the garrison at Ann ArlKir to be'
beSi^iroinfd as to bl» '
paraded and ino*i.of the poputallon sanlt). Probate coiiril!rDsi5rtlns* at j'
ihrongtsl the sireeik. At S o'elor* the Muskegon on a peiltian
eiltioa for h^remnv '
flag flown b.v Sweden before the union 3l to Traverse City asylum trill be hi-

our people, and the sorrow of

dppalhUha Opubi Wina prime mtalairr


only of sealed and Ubeled bottlas. bui
A cheek for It.::® was a ereai
It Is allwd that up in the lime this aarpris* to Traugott Umgerhausrn

gnad duke of Finlaad. etc., dr-

maka tHa moat af tMlr eapa'«
awl wHI atriva la akaw tha bett that la

------- ^*Srm»u»rofthe-«sie«gH.ar7->
------------------ ^~=f ;::;L '^S3rT‘'l3rhsri«g ai-t U

You Can't Affoi

the fmce Of Ood, emperor and
aBioeml of aU
the Bntalat. ,

TM HMMn tnltr* en H« M«r
wM-a HgM Mart and a «wi« *
mw. Tha -pai^la ara datarmli»«


:isslac ever .11^.

______ .... down?
F.vl, languid.
"oGT?—Juat a
H.artscbrr siiimach
If luy in-er. Bnijdpek Dd^
l-ae, »ver ^
Biet..< .lis« purWes th...
•Priv..o.irs mu rlaaoed S isll rte-




Cbe Globe Store

Traverse City.

Uaders of Low Prices,



Mrs Jm Tantore of Coaterrflle t1«-I- ‘ eo^niiy
eo^nirr b«i
b«i box
has I lired
a with
with diffcm’
diffww Blebardl
lUrfaardi baa
bw tmarljMaiir Satabed
Sotabrd ibe
il exea-; law. He had enlr bam la the bonae a
Bereaieea a rb la 8i. Joaort orHONOlC
Itod with her'wn. Bart Tadbhll bore: tarmanla tbia Tlelalty for a atimber ‘ tatto* for the foandathm for bla rter-' abort time and wm littinp In a rbaR pba% aayiom. liuriin*ioa. Vt- j«ee«
Mtoar. MIeh. Ot*.
A. a CwrtH I Ker. KdoD of FroooBi
trie tl«htln« aai power atailoo and ;amoUes hi. pipe and rtwiiac after hta ptfacoed 1; tfcrt- i.«l
or TrmTorw CHr «u to Ion PHdar- tauior OB ihe e*at«e lor the enaalBd laat week. '
state Tax CommlaMooer OartaoB l« the drtrla* of ibe aerertl handred drtre when d-aib earns.
Iterloaa waj aad three died.
1 >.
- Dr. ttOIIAty or Uke Aim ww to rear. aiTlrad Sawrdar ermllaa aadj Mr, and Jlri. Boxhoir aod aon. who
* TborfAir on a prafeatoMl rW(. wmillfheappoiaiiBeourttwiwowoo.!rt:seoi:y owed to Prllwoa. Jmre re- la empire kmUiic attar the work of pn« will becia la a day or two aow.; &. Barba wad aa o(d aettitr of tUt! Burrower. uaflertte Baal rtriH hare
Mn Rawret rraabfonapeot Ena-! taraed bhro a»d will lire npataln in mabmp a aew ua roll for empire The wheal -dt win be b-lf. rf eoa- ia«km. barlac piaetteed hM profcmikis ka ihe toaael work for Leetu i^B|e»*
Oeo. X*H H>a vtfe moved TbarMa;
to A. Toad'* tamber oamp* where ther
of ibU place.
! -nie poplU of the Hlph tebool bare' WIU MotrU and Cbai. OWley dtorr opon thal. The r«t<V the foiBdaUot He aUo prawlced at Eani,.- (or many
marhUi. r?
wUI thio* tbe hub tbl» wtoer.
bL. wUe be
Jeha KrtlOT of Ottor^Crwk diedi . Ben iJaairemond reraraed to bU l made a teasit coori and that game U to ^rene City on btuloem Satnrday > will be d cooerate alee
well nadcr leave* a aoa. 8. R. E-jrke. genera! merilhiMa of i work la Oraad SapiiU Saturday mom- aow a popoUr amutement amoap the :4adVe(amed Sunday.
' After the pUe drirbip
TTie Ihlrii'eiith Wjor wlH n^ bi*
WedBoadajr aiur
r ettlSrat Maple City, aad another aun. foond la any of tbe new »ky»<^pce
leaehcia ud pupUa.
Ibe aehoonera. J. H. aureo*. 0<ta-:way the work of i
aboM ofee week. «• 16 moocba aod 1< \ lor
/ M. W. Bbtke. a
In the hardware hotel, of New York. Btber the IhlrII tbe oaritemeot growa i Mr. and Mr». Wm. Patterson bars wa, Seaman and tng B. O. HoUea are dam will be begna.
diV*. iBterrfeotweiWtbe Champion t
■a to be bolll above the icwaent rtij^ Nialoera at Bendon. He wa* «1 years
Onsge drdes. Laai Sat-iwiamod to Ibalr bame at Hlebaw^. all lay ing al (be Braplre dosk today.
.HIReameterr. (a ~
ttewai) old aod bean dtseaae canaed 'hi. death. Bomber will be skipped, altoseiber.
Caeic Bph. thc.tretmti eaady Bin.|and 1.4*0 poinu
Plekiwckvu robbed tbe widow ot
. Ima taken ap Ui .qtmrtera ta the far-! fide W now
Patrirk UcOarry td Chtcago ahli^ she
» and grand- , lag the dl.pla}-ed all of her eolots and present being nm by the water pow.^ deslrof heart failure at Hlllsdalr H-‘
over t« taUle*
Mr. and Mrs, M. La Craw
aMnre »tore
atore of N. Br'a (or
for tbe wlater.
winter. 1 Lamh-i
Lamb'i aide is
la a little
hen law
gla^yFer. gare a parltag -------lalme This
was the formed byb
Hr*. Jameo Wym and ebfldm tre abend. Their talUcB lact Satnrday ehUdrea. Marrin and Gaiagis'../
----- ------------.
. tbe dam. bultbese indu* was a member of the Arm cif Sampson. huslms I. tbe bolley maonlactutvJ, .
!»., BuCW. iraod ram bra
iHn will b. .bn bmn, niwm .. ib., >ra.. biw. d»lm .bd .... .„b.w
ylaltiBf reUllree la Trarcfae City for | night with the exeeptioo. of twenty rt.. Wl TUm!., for
Zebulnn H Httiekwav. the •
A new lmtiA«- 1* being placert In have auiillary steam plant* In cooae: of the Knight, of Pythias and Knight*

|pMaU, were all made on program to spend the winter with C. E. Ferris.
pnieic admlaUtratur and iWormi^
fnml^ ^
of R. Wyse ■...
will occupy the Empire school house. School wa* IWm that can be nsed nnill the pUe* TempI^.
Oaa o( the grtiidaat aorprlaoe aod I work.
I The
IBv ismyr,
iri ^
Tl* year* old. Inn hr ht* Jari
e driven and Ihe d
n capitalists have' l-ased (
o days last week.
Max Slarrov left Thursday cvealng I ihetr boose during their absence.
D, W. Reyntrtds and tolly Jfgte to^ -Nest tpring shea the power bouse ptelp* Sanliorinm at Bailie Creek an-1 aomliiale.1 by l«ih demoerji* aaf r.
night in boMT of K C. CbasAIr'* for Tiarersc City. From there be wU! i Arthnr Shea of Empire aad Miss
X 1
binbdBy. About forty gnesit wero..
lAfcprsaanL laetadlBg tbe batloeot men of ] Mr. Warner was surprised by a num-1 oei. !4.
xiiegaB la tbe lioue "e e»pedUlao*\whcr.-!«i *hc aetemHonor. Sefroabmenu of all kinds wm«| ber of bis friend* last Satnrday night. I
stoyke .... ..................... p!dng wore here will be W'«bance of h»rt power system, the ssier power
- Boeket.
- ■
- ■
- - mldhnge ---------------------II i*- saved--for
----------------that alnac.
' ;e suit of Harry Brown v*. Isaac

. . .t
K^rame aj-waerved, after wU«b Mr. Cbesshtr was the eecaskm being fail birthday. Tbej
,ki. .i.i.r
U B.
nrosented witfa a EAe «meh. He was evening was spent srHh games aad : p
i of slitron months here the tolly hay other indo.irle, rptk.
Ack. :-ni*n, a mlssl<i.|trr.
■, residence oa Wiltr *«reel vacated by'
«»“y Mends wbo regret thdr
I'-dlv.-r-s su.t In pfj.
of But guilty.
Apparently sleeplug. ----------------- ;
lag currem to Cbarievolx by Jooc.
given by tfae Udles* Aid society.
[ „j,| ^||,
Empire so lhai Ur*.
aged Ti'. waif fouBd u> "be dead as hc,oj
------------------------------W. 8. Wtlioa is movisg tolo xbt
may have thsat at a table In a
Yuba. Micb.. Nov. 1.—Sebot.! enrollLeltftd Plant sew.
Oec. Kmiey hoose.
^ medical atiendaBce. They
meat last week thirty-nine.
'_4>-land. Mich., Oct. a:.—The Ulani
Bendoa. Mich.. Oet. «.—Mrs. Jonos
UDdrod WlBon is III with •**(<«
ajcapy L H. Sbaak s cottage,
Mr. aad Ur*. Olllet are siopplBC Canning eompsoy bas sold its piani
retwroed Monday evealng from her fever.
A fra.™ Mtr "»
>1 lb- _... ,-„ra.r.i,-.
_____ _» «.: bra
____ fira.
. Adam aad____
visit la amtthetn Mleblgto.
WtUred Oeakc Is wetllag for Mr.
ot George William* for Earl;
^ Chicago. The factory
J. W. Bend of Watenrll
and Pearl Reynold Satnrday night.
Tnesdar evanlng to atot la eaiiog for
Mr*. RImbell l» Very low and no
New machliu-ry
bopea>of her rneorerr.
buslocs. caller 1b Empire last week. : „ Kingsley.
’ will li^ InMallcd and the ootpol InDofCht /A.ast werit Bert
Mr. aad Hra. E. V
Mlss Uxxle Dubb. .Mbo-ls irarhlng
Mr. BiBtkman of Old Ulisloa bas creari-d materially The firm will Ircago arrived Tuesday for a visit with
i. M(d.eaa but et
Mrs. Haakersoa.' patents here. .
ly it did not suit Urn aad be'tboBgtal aebool at Karlin, risited her slsler*|peen boylng apples In lie viclnlly of i ready to make euntracii wIRi iBe
iTnba. He reports a light crop.
rfsnpere witrin .a (•■* week*
Mr. aad Mrs. Walter Harris gave
Mn. Ailea's thoroughbred rooster hero last week.
Dr. O. W. Frallck of .Maple City and ; John Newcomb - aad family hare
TIh* carpcot>-r* iH-gan -work uo tbe
dandag party to a few of their friends would nmke beu^ sonp ao 'be begaa
j Hutel l.«-lanati ihi* morning Two
Toeaday erealag. Those wfao were pomiL chased ft Into Un. AUen's I. A. Tbmapson of Traverse City pet-; Broved from A-gell bat* to Tuba.
One «o«l Gniy mmre..vreiKhl ilOO. good ■ingk. or doultle,.
preaent report a good lime.
ehlcfcen coop, eaptnred It and took It formed n surgical operation last; Rev. Mr. DIuoll, in exchange with I new stories will be added and a steam
Wedneadayfor Un. John Christianson, RvT. Mr. Wood of Elk. RapMi.'
• Mrs. Wllbiir WIlaoB's mother,
has been vUltlag her. fett Satnrday
I preached a
g buU'S
Mrs. Davidson of Cadillac Is vlsUIng, <g Ibis p
tor Elk Baplda.
Mrs s—e
I. *r- •»< **™Tcdhall and | «, jj. Welch 1s building the slon-1 in the region.
Mabel WIto imme borne tros^ToTbero will be an oyster supper |
Orom ailended tbe fnneral, of; foundation and will boud erect a new;
--- -------- ---- —
One pair
good poor inaii’g'tMm. vr.-ight hbput IjW
teritoen Friday eveblng to re ' Tuesday evening. Nov. 7. at the Dcake Peter Drew at Proremont tast week, : tense,
Death ef Of. Bsrice.
Everyone come. Pine pnwram i Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Roche left Thars-. -me Teacher*- ReaiUng Circle of^ Cedar, Mleb. Oct. 3..,—Dr. R. W.
be rCTdered and games wlU en-' <l*r morning foraTulore home'^ Moc; Acme and Wblicwatcr was held la ih- • Burke of Marl* City dkd vco' »odUr. am\ Mrs. Nktoa.Of Berne. 1bdlaaa aad Hn. Davis and aon of Othi Ihc crowd after siipper
^ *“ l*!*
' Williamsburg schooIbnlMIng Saturday. - Benly here yestenl*.' afternoon. He

'eefT buslteis.
Ocl. IS The snhHvf. -School Man-^ »•* playing wiih mAbUle grantlcBIlrt
s^ are «swu of R. J. OavU ani
<)m- n.prf. Or..vl»i«. .■.y.j(|dd, railfhl 1 WO.all
i James Hafcro. aged •«years, died 4^emeni.-' American Lllcraiure" ani; when he
fell from lift chair'uncontoOyg good one. fvice.*•
iplrp. Mich. Ott. JI.—O. W
. Rex- •« paralysl* at the hone of Henry i-Oeology- were pre*enied and enliv- »ch>us and «lcatb csisi.ed almost ImmtJaks Brown bas.teeorBMd from hi.
niaess and Is now able W bB am.
ooMt weoi to Traverso City Tbnnday f Varm emil of town on. n. The.
by general. rtUrusslon
One pair Bay GeWings.wvight5«0. blocky Intilt, nilaoond ami
ifuBeral waa held Tucaday at .lbv' Gladys Pnlcipber has been absuii
^r. Burke aiul bis wife ilrurc here
Lathbr Lamb of South .Haven i« and Klurned Satnrday.
good vralkcia. prio.-............................................ .*t75
A. E. Willard was la Traverse City ; boast Rev.
Itobkln oftbe
M. K. i from schoul on account of
yesterdayfrom their Jtome
rialUBg bis hrottaers. CUatim and
.Also In
a lot
of other borsea sot mentionotl aG>ve.
the Srat oflast w»ek.
; church ,hc»e oaciatltig.
Mr. Halcrci
City. He put up hls horse aod w-alkcd
Irria of Ihli pto.
T-brtv Inmlmr wagons for sale, IS taeb.
Mrs. Robert Slaan and ^ildren arc ’ wai born on.tbe Isle of Mann and so
Improwettieru at Bellaire.
rtowh to the- blsckemlth »hou. gotn«
- Quite a naiaber (roB here attceded
j rasas known had ao r«lallres In thU | Bellaire. Mich. Oct. II.—Hcnip', from there lu the bcKse id hUBon-intbe aumqimMde at Tanie lAke Friday* TtaUlng in Trawaa ettrv










ei^niDt and Uniiin Streets, Traverse City, Micb.

T "*

1 J-A,: ,

neFliatUchtri store BuMlnr Id Norllieniniclilrta.

dC Stylish lU^aring Jlyparel for Ulotnen

FALL OF 1905

Finds this store in the very best condition in it? history. Never
have we presented such varied and attractive assortments in
every department as we are doing this season. In dollars and
cents our stocks are greater; everything points to a marked
progress, but we are going to rely mainly on value giving.
Months ago we planned for a big season's business, and by buy­
ing early we*secured the advantages of a lower market.

Clcthiiid Section
Here yon will timi tbe l»eet llini is going in the cloiliing buaineaa. Tin- lie. is HANI^ »MK. but ian't all. STVI.E atj’i
Dl'K-VIilLlTY un.- nlao strung puiiita with na.

Suits atiKl Overcoats
At 7.50, 8.50, $10, $12. $15. $1810 $25
Kvery priou' ia brim full uf ijoaliu .lud you enn t-uaily 8>
yon an- getting extra valae for your money.

FREK—Six monlha' aobteription io Ihe AmeriuBR Boy
UagnziD'' free with a |nirohaae of $4.00 or over io our
Boya Clothing Departoient.


Boys’ Suits
and Overcoats
ruaurjamR*! in the way of
lamutifal pYtli-ros tind durel.ility.
Then ig A vMt difft^Dce is women s clotfatng. 8omc may 'have
n>waoce. bnt thcTreucr mny not foci nt all druaseJ tip
Tlinfa bPcanae they don't have that di*tinctirencaa that

$2.50, $3.00, $3.50, $4.00
$5.00 to $10

Outing flannel Oowns
HbwIbobc en^bn^cry tri(umcd..tlii' finest asawtmeat in Ui<- dtv.

At 50c, 75c. 51.00, $1.25 aod 51.50


(.>utiBg Fhmod bj- the yanl. i^mcipally dark rolorii.

0ress9 ttiliitcr Coals



Xllhera 01 Je jiad ICk-.
Heavy Fli"ee»?il flaiuiclettea for KimooiiB or Betli

Bol*a.OBe\erj-apscialtTutahcr worth 16c. for..'.... /^CI HIht* ni> to 25<-.
BLANKETS Hraw Be-oe«l. ■•x.-eptioiiAl valnea M
SOc. $ 1.00. $ 1.25 and $ 1.50
rNT>tKWK.\K for Woroen and Childron. the U-st O Sr.
^yptiau eotloo flewoi'd........................................................
WcareagonttforUie-MUNSiNG UNDERWEAR, poai '
Uvely the moat inexpenaiw high gridi- nnderwear on the matket.

97JKI tad $3.00
•OurOwT) Brand."

Hk- .1 hutton

$i a rip/

Prtw. $ $Lf0. 93.00.
ILSO EB« $4.00

$1.00. $1.50 aad $2.00



I Bi’it wfaring and wADueat 1
wear niaile.
$1.00.$1,2S. $l.S0aid $1.75

! 5$c, rSC. $i^ ud I.SO I Fleeced I'Dderwoar. 60c aztd $1.00



i- .

„ .int Wi,K»my.


Bojae; railroad.. *ll««ri th»t hlf peeo- C«r 7^, *^.‘‘^^’.^
total al.OOU. ’“■ “■
toaoesiletiUeSt Wra.LcwliLataoo BO^«^in

br the I and the tovcftos of ibe wai« KtcI a ttetrtsi.' which i
CtmwtcrcJal irarrter. *ar pa" erf Goat l.laad ba* beeomt Canad- senate ebaobe-

. I,^J..., nirnnii

‘’hm. P«l«r WWic ol Uuxibwic. *«io isortritu
u*taoloEa1t‘ bonne, al- * b»« jolt been re elcc'od ircaaufer af iccb.
the board of a3i>catlan of the dUirif.


-' «Of«UT J<TO»* MU to •!> nu»nrl»»
Uhu titf- Mst dU not eouUer Folk u

jii:: sr:“ ru:::-“


. Eponb. becBB lUo a* a bootblack.
Thrn b« •««» teto ibc batebcr bo>lbreaa
j s. V»nB«Yti, wbo»o mmltoihof
be proBisem to poUUe*. Starting
t prMMcnt of tbe rnSlod Stain..
an aMeman. be later wa» clerteJ
,be j,|oct|aakle In- baa boen a-noinied sneral aseat f ,|, .,i iiiiarn m rnTiamn— ____

Mtobl«*n'* impoftou;-

.7-.T- rj.—.L'z.J.z.rr:


-J tb.
a irace
U ..
1. oe.m.eo
belhwed ,.ue.e
there 1.
,h, ^
v.«-----____________ ___ ,a„ ™«. «/Rarl
tedoB the Ubcl
on thehnr
but ronld
not a be
be foun.- ly ercr «Boe; u
m cf
ot a«f
any of,
o, Ihirty
.n.riy jt»«
Aloadof .hot from too
..pother heard .bat h. oo other ».n la .be ...le who U eorr-,
,if Wu panbtolar ' Jfi». Ro.,. Ellxaboto Ckv.daod »1Plkapaftf^k atraek Fraak
, uo-ibomltal to a dyine cOBdlttoO. Howas wa-v worklns for a fanner near Jack Uii: bU-«n)al»ib lorm man) oBcc.
irtbc t? apw to print.
ler of fiwBMW Pn-.idcot Cleveland
In too aUe of toe face. r»B«iito *;; 70 rcM. Of aao and lived to «u.kc-,Mn. She fo«.d him n-aoi.y and
Valon.too Tapoly. a c.titen of tionl- U now , WMltby A ^e of



oll-toMwaor. awl
h^ u bollorwl to hate ,
^ ^ .

r'Stm ft year.- Hla wife died r«t»ily boy 'eturued home wiih her. He had kem Morean of Wtlo ^k . bile he
^ ,ae to.e»'.d »t e«' In an
Mlltord ot'l«n wl.bto M mile, of all or was^toe home laic .he other ni,h.^^,
tonpe,.: wbUker. to the lalwnl on the Matoffe co... n«r Cam 1
gata.r Oaenrllteume.
•»'' '«*“
world Thev imwaure eleven fe.;.. and den Fa.bkm bn. tnrne^. ejer I


— r.=

:' ......


——■■ “■

I|J). Thane; was adopted from a
^'iJM before the were in a safely depo.ll van). In Chi-,ewnins alons. He ralMt
Uiv; Temperance
worker* to the.^^.
^ .-rom" Collinr. Wwll known to passiae railroad car that Miss Kn-ncli '
-i!r«r.k e«.r
ea«o when ebe cBinc to Kile* wlin j hanoche»*nd doesnl aeitbi lea*!; Third dlsirtct. Atoonctoe reoulotlonr
g^aapr , ,b,. enx .>^d of Uundon as Ihr raaier- rhanci»l lo sc-and li pntowtooed »"b
«d Of too year.
oiadwyii her husband's body. The broihrr an.: afraid. He (toes up io ihe fam. houses adopted at .he eooventRto aiv two as
offered him a larse Aan'l to oKtopTs par«on. Is enormously boooarceet oh the ju-eoni silUble.'
Enscnc dark
at ’■'"
him Rive,'
follows; "H.^olved.
That a. members
refgsetl. \ i tor »tlh Ihe people amone whom be,
telotbcr relallve. dld^not come alons. — whtto d«Es
---------- *•
.......................................■. —
cut wUh bl» paw .bai.iakes o fthe W. C T. C. we retmto inm .he ^
company composed -^of he lal«rs NothtoR ph-as-s hlBkbji*
ta. to.-d nuts, .rf toi-r nto............
toff bU left band so that It bml to be j the safety deposit bos
two dopi have bturii hilled.. A lew .bee.) i-fn»lce" a, rocommimded by the m.
nn-.p|Tcd «
beadquarterv' men on spc.toR mait.-rs, resardtoR,
*■---------’"— wllfc
ffnpuuied. Mrs. Ctork Is very HI fro«;»«'C*’and r. pie or two have Ikhmi mUse-J. cioaal oOcer, Resolved. Thai, a* a __ ________
Enelewood. .-l.-vcn miles souiheasi' which he Is »n . iw-rt wr1ler_^ Some-!
,-arytoR plfflaa of American ;
Ibe shock
1 Mbis Blanche Wclshuhn. aecd 17. of
band of Christian
of ColuroWA Mo.. The ftm public: limes OB Sundav aficrnoont he ad clt|||„uon. Her flrs. maffailDe sier.
••smiator AWter will nol tcslpi.- toys ; Prescolt. sustatoed a wvere fracture One woman made a race for h m
bl.s.tensnce ffamblint:
i drill look place a.
a loff-ndltoff at j dtvvscs hi, hear.r> in bis shin sleeve,
wrlllen and arepied la IjTI.
Smith bf Ormod Bnpldt. I of the atall from a fall, betoff nneonground and the woman retreated.
I will use our Inflocorc affainatoPl'tor Englewood, njere. in the presence ofiwhlle the men ,l> and smoke com:
^ „ Parker, nx-ently elected vice
wbo bad a leastoy contnenee wltojadoBs tone days. The skull was trts
James Henderson is a man with an -enni parlies '
a cr.wd of cneloDs rlritors from aUtfortably lDilee.1. Mr ColtlBs on oc^
Cotomdo and South- '
the acnator. Hr. Alffer Is in better pblnod by Bay City doctors, a por- appetlx-which docs nw seem to ha. •
Twenty chlWruu have bleuscd the
eoao'^-. «te gin soldlers:ea.lon. p.ins them in .-njoytos
cii^qd. ntodc a fortune of mor.bealtothan for some tie.and will cer-jilon of the skull and a blood clot nc
ffroisii Ics, on Kalamazm piisoA
.Mr, and Mrs. Fred H..,e.ol
ctoiblilon. ffoinffl«ced. afler iffffbaUkW A
». ".
'«■ 1 o™- r«. .M„. ,. =,
i|^ the. manual of arm* like vet-1 - j«Mi Hofmann, who I, «o • td Mrs. J prospector for some yento without r
Aboot Ijm “
manbed ■in i
0 who dUthe parade at ML demees on Sunday wealthy F
*hen mbnumenis were dedlrfed lo
‘toe momory of lUrr Bobcean and
B Oo.. while he i
Ctaarles Pa«e. Woodmen were pres­
^ ,,
^0,,^ ,hc , road U ro be ItoUhed to Caro bv Jan ' modem meihod of the Ions illitanc.- .la-iehter of-the InVenior of toe tele- ^
tu ronunoa Mr
ent from Pott Huron. Detroit. Wynn- eleantoc up tbe river for toe close of
tbe season. He gets II.OOO reward j
iranKmisslon o» cl -ciric cni-rgy for graph. Richard HoOman. who came |.„teT eooUnnes to lire to Denver
doue. Sarnia and Marine Oty.

jt.q, f,w b„m1ic81 wr- no»«r and llRhl bj carrj ing clwlHcliv h. rc from England to lour with Jenny,
,04 ^en he
• Tbe Tpsl-Ann toienirbna says the for. the And
Aboul IHi elderlv ladles. K«ne of I
,0 M, c:.v .went.-.w., mile, from Itod, tnarried a daugh.vr of the Uam [ ro.,,^ ,ba. OohMeWs bad Bade him
them ite carltoiil iBbabllams
_ ' L-oe«r has Uwn*wltho-l au oBetsI wajer iwmi- a. Foi-toi. It U claimed so., family, and only la,t wtot.r Er--, „ini„n*irc he perwHtled himself hot
travd at their own expense on the! Johns, gathered at ibe Congrcsntlonil
for i^nkJ^ie" prompi.'d the aldermen Ahai when he csrA?ihl, power to run | nes- Sehilllng wa. married lo MU,^p,eitrava«ab«. He Um<bi a mm
Uno when ordetwd ont boennae the [church
As ln^RO^^^^^
*-dch" an’^oarcr a. »|hH, a the ,.r... 'esr scnlce of Baemmento,l>mpyr. No o.hv-r m-ririan. hav-,^
„,4erwear. tbal bad nl.ay,
coo jail he ordered .he food en.alosnc I; ymr. Ur. W. J, Rol.luwn w«a named.' be wass the
the pluoeef.
pioneer, and
and until
.mtll be
be thad-t*
tnm liroVtu. toio famllU* of wmltb and po-, Mu-med to him ihv hilffhl of luxury,
te,* of
j jir. Parker'. mUllOB Is otherwise In
above -Where Ihv fellow go. Iha’
Simon S. Collins, aged 3S, fortncTly a sucre,*
of It
it .be
.be scheme
scheme was
was loukW
l<«k. stiion so rcwdlly as Hie pianist.- .
appetll? 1 can'. unJarsimto.* said the cf Grand Rapid*, was near Uca.hfrt.m upon with tocrvdumy,
itovemor Fdlk's refusal .0 speak for,
bonnet 150 years old- Ther.*
sheriff -Tblnk of It; enoURh .0 tee-I raraJysU a. Provid.-ncc. R. I., when a; isurglas, to OraoR-, N. J,. Whduee 1 Dtotrlc. Auome, Jerome to New\ork.| PoslmasU-r Oeaeral Cortelyou toW
many pioneer rellca diaptayed.

,.B-.firohm.tog«.mc!dav ..iRh^le a safc-Velghlns wo'aner having spoken for the reformjtourlhel... poatmaater*. Who hew s
......k islrect laborer,.
Walter Brandi, aged It. Uring
wrapp.-d in Mankc- puands con^toR the family Jew'rts o;! tickel in Philadelphia, Is^s expWn-1 convention to Washtoffion. that metlt
rocord **
»**'“"****"’‘"•* *^‘'
. tte >
ne:R'as;r'*, W died E.iwar.1 H. Graves, .slued at $10,000. ed by a Missourian
^ Jerome. and not politics will govnn. appoimStephen ATMIU. a .
ws. k-. k. w .-.krore-t ed ahoul $m and ht-ha. mort of 1. ina.h..;, time
Th.-y e.m|kUl to an autnmobil..
| wa. out we*, tmder Chan.aueua aus-1 amts. Orffanlsa.tan. wllhln ito>
•par aituk. into trouble. Binoe the;
receive I'
>""• " eandl*
mitore of toe Igtok be bas been iiytog.
[ any degret-.“mutt
bar 'f
tor —"W^P
givlr object
'““e ''
Ceoeral Ncyts.
Clam collie, who.
close.-daU-. and the ffovemor was very much ^Improvecnls to the senHee or be of
to Bet hit claim Sled, bat the tin of keeping the aalmals alive lo a ca«c.!«»to' «’*■. '« «“» '
fell proparty relumed'the aaaeaaora
........ .aneexi displeased, a. least as to Jerome', la purely fniem^ or beeefirial eb«.
fklls'io ahow any aueh deposit and he to the same imp. bul waa obl^ed lo,t*tcrsy between Vnlied-State* ah'I Ian jirm-torc <rf Harar, wlio Ua, Jii«t . to Ibc E
. York, i
hat been boond over to the elicuH kill this animkl. The scalp and earsjCuadUn geological *ur.-e)ing pxrUc.. rived In

39c yd
lobaii*. bentes, ptoreiueBi venouana, .oaiistea, Vsniinpa, AlbMToaa. Fancy Mohain.

i;«feK.50c- yd

B^oyPUia. and Check. 12ic
4 inch Fancy MUturua. Navy. .Oreiai,
Biovs. Black. 54 inch BromUlo^B. U •
inoh Bozanna, 54 inch Stonn betgea, nlf
dieoked and plain, 50 inch PnnumM. 4 A/\ i./l

1,01) yd




•. ........... -99
..... .......


Dress Goods and Silks
Things Much Wanted

This is.THE Dress ttoods and Silk Store ..i Northero Michiaan. In Silks alone we
carry more aod of a higher quality at the prices at which they arc sold than all mher stores
combined. In Dress Goods, a look-at our shelves w iUshoWyou the cxtcnsivencsio! the line.

and Cream.


:ir.mch Black Taffeta, per yard



"'^r y“d
.............. .
Some dealers claim whea they sell it that it a a dollar

■27^ye^Monoyhak I-ean de Sole, P<tr vard 1.50

....... T'<
27 inch Moneybak Pean de Cygne
, J.J
per yard..........................................................

Domestics and Notioijs
rf Interest to Every Honsewife ml Otters

What you want in Black Silks you’ll find here.


IS.a.inck'Hiick Tomb. lS«c vahe, Saturday _Q0
Haro inck Bath Tomb l'2Bc .valuo, Saturday _Q0
^pU^eia at Uc, lilc, 264 Me, up to $1.85
20 dotrn yomir, spodal lor'Saturday.

“tSom^ perya^d'”


Better ones at s5c yard

... ...... .......... 1'19

Only the lot v.e have on hand at tbe price.

' 19
SAFETY PINS ic card.

^ '03


Pretty fancy Silks at 4Sc. ilBc, 75c, S5c had SljK).



Three^kes in boK. an extra good one
Toilet Soap, three cakes
- This ji a 25c qoatity.

■ T


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