Grand Traverse Herald, February 05, 1903

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Grand Traverse Herald, February 05, 1903


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text




Tire Insurance!


Money to Loan on Improved Real Btate Only.

uwfc<friW>3 Witt tte <inesi
line ii( NbvelDei uwl Vutry
Woxleiu ever ihown in Nnnl>-


Iberr wait a am«k nt imhl. and she *aa—Juai t
ovrr la bee BUnd lb« Uory tl
a «Ir: f.n- an liuiinnt—Jim lairliuc. n yuuns eu
ba,t (old h«r. nnd evert daj
not a-hreil abauld l«-. and la«H,le do BUI *
dlBKiiiBn ualn. Iben>
a uid tuul. but *bt-’« EM «*«r
iBlva ttai- lUkt V
.-BL ana Bhe *»
ThU eepenrarv hni
She ki-pi ntrakF nlnoat ..
MB tbal e-Ul laai ter time tfituc She »*ni hi«ie. (rat the n*>wt*d
(buklna ut dim Lorlns nnU (be ■ta-U To Ikink thni Jerry, my JatfT,
cadln la lb.. Jar alib the mi. an.l
......................... her n,«>.. LiKtbdn
the afiple >d bi> eye, my tariiclt*
IMitllaa on her ibliUtB. meat tu.loaa Imrker t
Depbea-. ranctat tbe amnlipnx ub tn
It aas aiviui BiailiiBe. aod Iber.- Ocl U, bl
• -r.- sfMif. i.( pctfile standlna aUmj
H, rai - taurr-.isJU
It 10 1.
ibt. piai.»B,s. malilny r.K- ih.- otall
tcuod. kind
to la- .ll.tnipiiird
M-IiMfi s.nt u.
'ipm.leni a
flic- Ibrei- iiDias a da>. ram
ihronah all aafr aa'
•K .bin.- iliuuxb abe did nui trc-itr
probabty dtd ibai (or ImCindy-, .akr.
.ak-r. tried
err br'wmi - Whal could U mra:
to aarr brr bRUbrt An'• Ihlok
ihlok nl
<i It, Olpay: Jim wcirw •
Slif >dad a En>ui> <d aiiaira ab<B
BirihmE rxiraonVaary ii mu.i hr
aer,- talklaa al.tiii a Oartne burglv)
,k.- him lo Kl.r up hi. J.* In I
i^t wlE an- kr
II nnflHuS up *u'.
that had lB-..a romaiiiinl 1 la lean
Ip mill
hlmiu-lf. and. II
I Vuuhin‘1 'knot
m. an' r> artmn'
nruao's ..,.rr ha.1 Irvn t.ALeo lato
1H-. Wlihrow didn't caai
ilnrtnE ila- tiirbi ayd a qiuuiiitt <d K-arrd- Inio tnkin’ il. an'
.Biall B»Hlti taki-n. Burh ai. I'lau-d
|r.( wml lo Ibr Uiard .>{ beallh.
jeartrt. .nr -,
mn.rird tlw ca»-. all' adrliwd
itHiogbi of brr
n l„ In
1.. Iw pui Inut hU
tn-lKbUir n
siroi. aed Lara
boinu- I..U br EOI wril. an' th<«
I bat abt- b.
j.Ii, Ibr Djyrt.Tj
Wh.m «h.- kad
•r nim' aha^lrara

Plate CiMs, StMm SoUerand Accident Insurance.

We VC n<nr n»dy lot (be U)l


em Micliigui.
«<• « Oall

Johnson Block, Pfione 73

TraverseCity. Mich.

wl IwAtbein uver- Wckuv-

: Trafose aiy Stale Bank
A GcMfU Buktir Bnlceti owe

Vrt ll~- •

antcc evcrytliin); " anil oui
•'.rfcuMi fit cannot Ik-cxedlnl

Bow to TnoesI Vour money to
J. JIL HUELLMAKTEL, Brins Prompt Returns •
:5iil>.Tc«;m of 50 is 15.

KDrns or cut


Cream «if ’lunar

Bakinit Powder at Tk; ikt ixamul. as atjamst any
othi r Criam, Tartar llakinyfi Powder. Can you

F-UO« I s t­
3 fcr Coil ftlMvei « UMe OepMiu.

*>1..ria( s Lj llw- yu0j %aA (.**1 is ilu; r. iiirns when

you ljii> a itoiind of our I'liru


inv»-st your money when- |>rbfii is as4in:at and
results asjsatisfaciory.'


'I t-lephonc fora |ioiin<l

lackajru the next time you buy, at_


■M'johnson’s Drug Store.

At lapi Uir

Tti.- l.lerK <•»■ » v.wn.l end
n a linKbi
1 .unuchi lhai r
ans-i iim.iiKb
lirt.iiKb ihe
ih« litii.. windlis .rf*»
„-.i’ liiili. n>l<ae<-. la the vlllasr


K. 8. HULL.


s-tiirs L*!rB--:!.srsx;


:* Pr**ICI*nU

C. A.




A'aatxjig" ■



ar as» tircauiv It »a ti l ttaler





■avarM City and Bit fUpld*.


L B. cums & CO.
- rrtiiais?.’

Iimis BVMK



Hides and Fur Wanted
1 am now in the market for all kinds of Hidts and Fur, ready
to pay the highest market , price. All gopds shipped to me
will receive my best attention. Will hold goods until 1 hear
from you and if prices are not satisfactory will pay charges
lx)th ways.

Traverse City, Mich
MtiMBS PboDfi 4H1





FtoMT Hd Rm) Dnlfn.

on short notice


—=T*rav«pm*'Ole>r. MIoH.

traperse Oty fllfg. Ca



W. C. Bnmi, mar.

Work of all Kinds Call at Tbe Herald Olftcc

harden w Seeds
Where do you intend lo buy your lianlen Seed--?
Disn'l srpd outside until you sec what we have in
that line. We have thc-agcncy forNorthrup. Kin«
& Go. of Minneapolis. Minn,, one of the best vet!
hrms of America. Most of our sr«Fds artrin our
store now;jhcy arc northtrrn grown- -wdl adaptedfor this climate. We have on ibis bill Upans. Beets,
[angles. Cabbage. Carrots. Swort and J-'icId C-orn.
rs. 1.A-IIUCC. Onions, Peas. Radishes. Turni|>s. Squashes, t Hub^rd. I Bagas. Flowering Peat
and Nasturtiums. We draw your atwotion to I'omate Seed. Buy what >-ou want early -Ttootl varies
tk-sare alwaja short.'We liave gnoU su*ck uu
' hand no«'.

A. W. mCKE :rd
bMkrjabjgbgnrie CkANITK aad MA^I
mvaci Ml

EiM-dam trarkinans^auaruilcr.1

Cofiav ad C« Suae U arder.



s'pi»e there's any trouble
n him and SCaraery Haileton?
..... ab'd he rent that IpMise n
Petierary. »ben he eapects to

• e spt4«c. and they're Roln'
led nevt sn'tnajer?
It ln..k.
ir ilriartfid I.
Verkin, and




Sill .hr Kiay-rd and wairbrd. I
•an brailnx with .rxrllrmrol
la bim'llEbi, a BUiU-k. and lourU
, paper, aart plan- iindrr tbr
Ur Id ...rl Hr walird iiatll It wa.
.-11 Mart.ul. and thru wmi iipatalr.,
nd UrII.M ran a. *wifi a* .hr rot
I Hr Wlihrom'. Sbr nPlE Ihr b
a rhararler tiraa dl
ad |K,iinil<-.l on Ihr doi,r hut nobody
•r aiispleioua Ini-l
Kiidrnily br hnil Wn caMi-d
KTe.1 alih a-hleb b.
8hr ran lo ihr drpoir .berUT*. I
Sow. Mrlhwa n,-v«
dfd m waklBE htm
•Ih-I up: Orl up!
vrd Ihr arrd.. amt
. .
■omt- *nd *rrr*i Jim
Kmiii l-lnK ih<- im'-i poi‘ulav pbyTbr oflfror drrMrd Ia a Krry. and
-lan la (hr vlUaitr. a n-oiHK-ovt ritl
a. a arlonir -vl.lior ai an; bom*. «0<m Joined hrr .« Ibr l..........
-What'. Ihr nmiirrt Wbal'a
town, wtrlally, hr itp. Iiuikrd Mpnn
th uu.pIHun. rrenvd word fr.Kn
, a hotor! I aaw bIm do
ui; Iwllrni. ihai hi. Brrvlrra wr
I 'JonKrr rri]iiitv>l. and had tioi
br a.knl ricHrdly.
iBir nr»- t-nll—all aiihin Iwt-m
<. arnm. Ihr atrart from
ur hour.
trow'. "
Tbrri- wa. lu. murh talk aljini I
I >o*.. I.UI Ihro br bad DO
fair thai Ihr Im.luind. trf .dtmU
r friend, dc-hl.ul i.i all In brr fnmi
» Ibry
«il*li' and wamb. Mrllaaa
m.' Ihhr; MW lhal I
ili'.f. for 10 Irll lh« 1
>-d in flaar*'.
I.I El. in brd Irat tbr
IE Thai t
y, forrr an ran
wlBil itenlEbi ~
u hrr d.Knam /,•.
Window. Brw up; 1
' D all tbr b
wwr m
"Tbarr. kuA!" rarlalmsd MHlaa
Wbra Ibr propir In
arpuIrhraJ arhbiprr. "What d
rd II waa imly Ibr old bourn- of
yon* Thrrr hr Eora aMund
Withrow'.. Ibry did Dot butbnr
«urr aouEh.
.. . Ihr man acron,
lA>rtnE. Uriteay.'
mrainrri i
arr and afiiv
•ni iry aad <n.
tnaklBt |»TliafM a itnira rmifida. II
• ha. lo My lE.-d In at Ihr aiipriarh nt
rn't deny I
■aapprd Mail
panalBS Irulralriao. jUfi a. Mrli.aa
iKiar twn

vHbtuI aa Mellaaa. aod th.-y
-linmrt tbe si.s-y alih many liuna Jb-fim- niKhI eveej-btidy In
Onrner bad beard liiai Ur With
lenaui- war a danm-riiiia eharai-i,•that Hr Wiibnia- hlmaetf in.


r vbat Mra
amt M

i.-f,ir Hhr had


AsaSTT:u pv




Idaek rat. a-hlrh ai
l-irrinK In her b
l*r>->u.nily .h,luiii of ibr rhlmm-v atiit a trt
n.-« neiBbbiir ramr out trf Ihr
and itnir.. nff lowanl FmnoeL
■'{Lute after another ■•Ntd." ihouRln
MrlUu Then .lie put on her buna
and went tn Mrs. 'nahUIII'B
her all alKoti li.
kit' ahm <U, you ihink. Mn>. It

Undertaking Co..,


' and will - pay the highest market prices

tmtmumn «mi vtmdrnavmmui

Ti" -

•a dais I
ortKhluv* aiTOBr tbr aln I. Rbr aadr
lip ht-T tain,I fntoi lb* «i

We are to tbe market for all kintls of

We are also prepared to do all kinds of

V Ihr .amltpDV In bl. clmbr* to
rhody AO' 1 wn, a noa.ta' afxnja'
IbinkiiiK alial a.namia e^mpf- she
prkin' in. nn' iryin' irr And oai
bad bad
try Inc 1„. W BtdChlK»-|)
riblB' Ibr. wur aoer •>' By baalS-'teral aiadt. pasMal In.and pople
vllb a -biirirular
(Thai'. Ibt aay
Twnuld a rrrrrd mr riUif *<
kUilB.a itnontMioeed It >
>1 tired of M,-UsMt'> ml.'-» nbout her
k took Ibr amallpux Now. aaVi
UtHtiE Biraicbi to Ur. Wiilmta’. of
I an' nid fuoir'—Chrl.itaa SMraror
flc-. bIm- l„ld 1,10 all abe bad mve at I|.m'. lni.T.a:, nacxtal. Sbe still (V.Kl,l
________ ' ■
iln- biHis,. upiBSiii,-. and kate it as aati-hial nnd ana - nirsterPms happen
Military talutra
> tn tbe hoii~. oppKlIe. Sbe drea
h,-r uftlnxin tltai bis l••naul era* on
lad up cbiM- to (be vlDdil*-. au
Of milliary Mlnira. ral.Inc Ibr rtflht
niKtled alih Ihi' Uruan l,nrEtar> and
U all,, lovnl anyitalnc ■laiiaaal
Ihr brad I. m-a.-raM> brUrrrd
u> III. duly t„ lun, Ibe mai
iKimoalrd from Ihr day. uT
c rtiici.u- aeetae,! ana<t>,-d
me^nlcbi abe hear.1 Ibe al.-lKb att^.
(.1 tbr ibMKir id II
braun. and. by '.av of caaplUnmi.
keell a. -................................
' Nl ihnr banitii lu ihrlr br»a. to
t.iojt nairbUm It.
What '
• iff Kllb k u
A liEhi Wa
ly lhal brr btauiy wa. In, daxifaeri- |> n„ ruDCTti of-y<,iir>:. and. II
na.hadrd ry... it. tax* upoe.'
least said alnai li.. lhr iMier I ii
lally mil,
.iBlrrT'. Mluir with ihr award
isVure >t,u that my tenant 1. In i
ifreat a
any onnerinl nllh lliU aSalr,'' ai
a dnuMr mraalBE Tbr Aral po*lnla ,ni M.-IIm.'. curinalij
She «■»
. with Ibr bill .o>|n>lir Ibr lip*. I*
b.' lataed hi-r util.
, .|m*r.l hrr.».|r hairtlly.
[ Ibe eel
hr rnK. bill of bl> .wewd. In
leuli a'
(tlib and iMliy. while loifrrs,f. aa m-aspapiTa bad
nlpi afirrward Inapllr* rlibrr
a p<-rfc-i Atrancer: a,- don
d arri» the aioilna-a: h
;w or frlreditaip. BwUafl la
nothin' about bim iir bln raniii
•hr bmnd one alth
Ith a ilay
tiny hole rauaed
ar lhai 11 l. ao loomr Drewdbe alupped ID lu toa- Mann .
•hr fa.i.'i
Iiduo. the duett,r's ftani-c-. and In-rore
■uad OB floard.
•he left abe planted n
A' Larg* PanUf'y.
Ilf ber Imer In tbe yminc Klrl'r htari
>d plhWhen .be renelied l,„u,e. .be found
•irallan wtUer. aa applleaai
In Ihr Diddlr .
(vllar unlM
tbe aiunen abe hnd miked alib In tbe
.d-aar nraaloa. wM, waa bore
of ilir II.BK
p<n-iH,!Bt-e. aalllnc'diK h,-r un tbe doi,r Ibt-> rearh-d Ihr beam,
« faibar of rtflfai
I-. aiaird hr
Mr bail Ihr *Ir »fl. anil
Tbe.v lino cmie It, bear • '
■n. aad faU
had Ml. diamlir lu rrcKOirlac
.'sbe bad to r,.,eal. Sbe iMd lb>- a
» Eraadr-hlldrm.
Tb.-n l.r UNjk Ihr krnapn.t ran,
be lartlimlnc. aiib
In-B. makiDfl
■d with liaird Ucalb. f
Mrtiwia Sluionion i,
Stratford. Bbemubfol: and. ahen the, bt»nJ
vimraihm* cnilrt m. a BothlnK rl*r
r nrlsbhor aamt hu etel
"Whal riEhl ha. Jl , lA.rln« EOI ir aar. and 1. ahlr
viK. amt Ihr loi
llh brr that hr a
aid of a »tlrk.
llh iBillEnalliHi
" prn.ltNi wai

n.l aotihri
tt-e and III

tRe best of everythino.

Teldphoeo 4


dattn anil tv,,lacs) by a mtalrre
.'demoK. a. lilt- i.liti»iltiB watt t-t-ry
I) Oial .iiirimitia MrlliiM had
Jiiliii Wllimn. Ilin cariH-ntiK.
mdiiE Inr., iht- .......... aiwl Jtad heard
l.niadlnc. ann «ut>puiMd ibii Ibr Irar
iiic .Ii.d-Ii |>nicsu> hail Wcun <« iltr
lii.lil,' K»T.Abi' knew he laiial hat'e
bis.B lUilan Hiair . maUrlnK. a< ibr
Ihaim. K-a. rtidimiU t„ I., on-ublrd.
SI,., trati-b,-.! uiiill lh.-.«ian arruu
tlir rtrn.t had nnialesl rmn-yln* In
tii> >iilai,tiaie<J.|c.,klnE lantlinn- Shr
tn.«l ic, «,.| a vle«-*.,r hl« far- i
«b.-tli>.r Khe kiM>* blm; but li,.

Fresh. SaltandSmoked Meat^. Sausages. Etc

», U>. *M <1


N>r fill .l>ilncs!'' Biiirsiivml Mi-llatiA.
|t,ti.r*; U'by ^ibai Lcm~- ain't fit m

»»«1 l.> a yoiiBK (lorutr, mho, havc »,.n tbi- V“«o uf ttBe 6t the vll-



■ Vl.-lcb l.■u1aInFd ho,ii,*bnld
Xia>|s. u,il llir ntan. atUT IdatiWell
id. iiitrM.. abil onitirkinu

ImJ MK-n. I.U.-IO.
>U wirti .pir^' - air l«.|ir\r lhal
. an' dan^raam Wa'pi hr flood* nyibinE undrehamird
ci»t him 111! hr Erl'
n-n Eoln' on orrr ihrrrran'^iccw
nhal happra. ' H.oi> nriflhbora o’ iM-in' buraian an'
that, aa talkin' horrM aboiu tbr
-u,r an 'irym' Ir-c-l Lurledy afllB
f»r kn»
Thrt t»x (br. I ibnaflbl bad
Iml,)II rmbi: kr
Ihr .Ttdrii cud. wux f<B>d. a6' Ibr
Ji I ki t Ibr#.'-. I
d.wlflr ^ il brooKhl lo Jim'* »o'i hr

•ai tl



CLSVaCCA otpoPoe Sal* br

T>i- ►l.-iKli -i,i(n»sl B' a
-aiTiiu IbrA
Sil,-lli,>a l^an>.<l Itiraard m-|fb mtir
.- BirlBl


>l, li,..a SuiH-fiU.n lirar.l ihc wi
a ui 111.' rituaor. la ih,- Tmten t
■ il «, 111 It, tfai- «iu.l„a tu
a- istuilBE
Tbt.n- «as not i
lai IUW.S) bt-r • tint U,.||.sa dlfi
>1 S.S.- Ni>» sill- MiulBled lier *.yv*.
..•lanliiB* (hi- <-n.«la ibeii■ni.Ts. aad i,iit u|, h.-r band i» ,
i.da man il,r brlafat xiar.- ..I

blvll.ita dr.a>i,..e IbIu a rlialr

are now:.i>iyn for business .nul wotiii! U; pW-ised t
e you call and iiis|M-<:t otir new ortke.

Wh..- tite, .
a: I ain't <
> Ic ihie. or I

il thf Rtviintl
a loeilfl
-I si
iwtar sS
II. (fie .invi-c a• aIVloK l~-



OI i-uur»e I

Kmaa, VIS."

Th« C*n* Center Myetery.


Wte»ii4!srasi-!X ~




Juu tkMi tfif flttr* r------ <i

(I.BM- «a> npea. abr
ihini lhai madt- 1i*r
n»»irp^^br man

■tT RU.IA'
rooK Cm

T a.-nl <>vt m Ihr day tlrar

AI a qiiarirr pan Imrivr I'
It any <ufir approarhad. in tbr alrlKh arrlrrd. ttuA tn
and dniir away. a. brti.rr
diulim In kiPa ahal tb* d
•ThtTr, m.w: whal do jon
_____ ____________ ^.UBhBr «f tU.
Kvin nlihi UHIM trould pnt out rxrliUisrd Mrllau In triumph
T lirti Hr Atwhaii ahf had hrr »Vxk
uir. and alt at hrr alnilov afid
*Rhr had road hook.
I,., and dHIxhtod te lb
»aa onr andrr hrr
a rval .dir, and Mrll.ra wa. amw «.
and happy In h.-r Ufr.
ia>-rd ai homr frtun a rbarrta
wudahlr. iwcaii.r .hr uanitvl It. watrb
III hrr Tticllanrr rroirrd aa rs_rrwafd. Not only did .hr *»r bfif
n.-lchltnr mkr hi. aanal nrrrlar, bat
hi- Ml np Uirr than n.ual—In faeC
t... had' tallrn a>1rrp In h.-r chair—
nd anoL.. Juu In tlmr to »rr a.aMch
tbr ItiMiM opfuKlIr. whre A
lux. and ibrn
Thrfi ttnji a loDl mx of. ThI. .hr

IrllM wrnt lo brd. I
and .oddraty li


>kr a plair or
r (bra
win fibr II
1 around I
nrm. and k-norkrd
wa. aoinr ilinr bid

W4. poabrd
in tbr I '
aly a na
rpacr. and.a man', fan. promt
Hr «mnrd vbm hr m*
Id Ihr'donr wloarr: I

r^arw iVi au^' an' I amdr mwhlAtn ihl« xaexptn'; aa' I lboa«hi I'd
hrlnE unar orrr to yimr wifr an' te
cinlrr rf ibwr wni anylhlBK I fiimld
(1 or a erdshbnr .boaM "
-Ha»m1 cM aay wlfet" crowf
-Writ nrbtir <hr rblMnta 'd It
^ M)d HriUM. poxblM daaat.
-^Harnn «o( any rtilldmi a'd itkr 'rm ■
boll. Bfid larord rbr brr
ra. dnhfoaadrd (o ihlak lhai

Curlau* Cuatarna.
Prrauo. a.|,lriDS lo brcooii
Bl Alnwirk .tn NurtbiiBbrrlAi
I. bava to flu ibroBflb a
liaaeniw-nrrttoa Ihr vartou* rodldalr* rittr up In a body lo a hofar
pond and thrrr. dl.moonllnE frtwu
IbHr aired.. pluBEr Inlo thr water
and aimxElr a. I».t a. ibry mar to
Ibr other aide. Tbr mudr of a braaa
land rbrrra Ihrai dnriafl tbrlr iifafl
, tn Ibr dlrir water. Tbi* andrai
imu date, from th* rrljrrr of KUut
John. Who one ptld a vUlt lo tbr
In l2Sn and fonnd an eulac wrI
prrparrd for him. 'Tbr bl
iiair of nnprrparadpra. waa
on Ibr laoklraa balitta. i
iplly thrown iaio ibr hi
xyal teoBBBbd.
jioad by royal
Eatlfif In Old '^kaaa.
'Tbr R
lyloE upon »rry low eoKbw. aod aoi
uoill tbr ilB* cl CbarlnBaaflr waa a
ftaad urrd around wbleta carau ararr
Maiad on cuablimi. wbllr tba Ubir
,«ly Btadr III apraranrr la tba bM.
' -mElBE wlib II iK-erbr* aad
r Grark. and RooiaBs air
fluB a kind of porrm
- •
H> apooe U of frwi
r -•rWClBM* BIT Ib
d by lb* Efyv


Utn. ao fWxly a. ibe
Iboncb rery old.
Into c
laWr uirn.ll uaill
afirr Ibr twib
tjwa. abaolalair a*-v
brrrka and Roaaa.. {
ad oaiy aa a cartawlty lfi> tbr •


In iba aiddi* aar* Bad* traa
mly wri
Borr or Ita* copkmt, oncdlafl
d laqulrtd
td-for b
•Yra. hr'.
from Bo.ion on tbr »ldal*hi prM." Mid hi. Buihrr. wuedrria< Lrdflrr.
mornlns ibry would rail up.m
Heraaa That, era Traatad ta ttaaota.
hour of Ibr alflbl—or. ralbrr.
drpniy abrrifl. irll him whal t
Tbr bora*, otlhr
ot tbr New Tortjtrr'^
had arm. and «n bim to »«rch
...............■vlrr a
oimr ltd .lolrn EO.N).
ably Ibaa aay oib
-Frrhap. anoihrt rlorr waa rat
tn arafly ran/ mmov
• Tim arr. I flurii ^ all
.nlEhi: who know»r' ibrj aald.
at ifi* atallt baar Ibr tame el '
la ibr momliM! ibry wroi to
MEM oerapyUiC IL la latga bloxA
'Hrr lanflhrd Jim "What do :
drp.ity and told tbrlr .lory
ra OB alomloaB maibta* thr
bry wrrr falkioK. hr wa. rmllfd .way wa^ o’ oar
"I waai lo know wbr you wt
qaanrt* of -Todl'•Oh*
Ibr irW-pboar.
RnuralnE in a
ca '-Major." aa lb* code mas br
abort liar, br jold ihca ibai br bad to Iir Wlibrow't boaarr
Drrairn. ara proad «f ibrlr
w had ao laquify fn« aa oOerr la
friredx. and Dot oaly do rrery-Srrrr
aiMitbrr .pan .d ihr amir, aaktas
• Wril, Jiiti^ ttrp In. aad I'll lell yon IblBK poaHblr tn make tbwtxoiBlon ,
• Khrra
r,*t»ry had
-a nddary
. roBBli-' when Ibry at* off dniy. bat takr
lad la Oonr
Corarr rrcaaity
Hr aald
larr In piorldiafl tba with llUIr
1 capiurrd a .u.picloaa , Tbr drpuiT airpprd Intldr. but br
iuxurir. aod iM'.blu. U*t *B*a».
1)1. who bad In bl. poaa- did ooi aiay VmE Wbra br cam*
look IDE
DouEai and pibair eabdlr* ar* porcbw
of Jrwriry and .pooa. br hurrird of boor, aad Jim vpa
by oar ffi^aa an BDoHiar la rarb
ff laltrr wrrr amiirmir.
raclar bona* BiBoat rrary day, aad
«-brn Mrllata knkrd acniw
had upon ibrm ibr pfepaaafin-by may oflw are ibr boriw
ran arxi moralac and mb tally
CoBEmtaikmal rhnirt ai
wtlBfl Ibr bwari. froB lb* baota of
uoklnE rviB. of ibr IliUr bouar
br thouEhi they mo.'
Tbm tbr rr- tbrlfjBW ftdrPda-Nrw Toric ■«■*»
a .thrrr
Mr. 'Browi ..HI ralbrr kmraoDir
d to Ibr irlrpbimr. and lb meBbrrrd that tbr. bad Doi yM aolrrd
« <d Ibr (lod. fiwnd a,..
muira ID Rri thtoBflh bw
quickly aad go up ion aad
bad baro arrraird.
____ ..
Ulaad. of Ih*
to Dr Wlihrow't .
briBfl repeated la rarbni.
aait: at tbr wni la ai (hr doo
a (d tba tar aonb. Ia <•
IH JIB roB)DE mil
» labaUtaai. of Labr^
rd for " mM ibr d
"itrUo. MHayl- b* aald cordtally;
, dacraaaad troa *».»»«
r mm wmi rfl n
•allrr* of aoalbwwHi
d Ihr laaitn
^^^"ao'rm in ep aad takr aoDcr
•ow aavbW bat ladBd
a Utile.'' tbr aatwrrad coldly, pmmd, require aanlataacr '
lac Boi to at* bit progrred bead, i
Ibr aral. walra. and polar
.irnWard BtwT ibaa rrrr u, flad ■
ww bare rrdaord Ibe
Ibr BUWirTT td tbr btBar oppoalu
- wbUnM JIB ad wr
Blarr 11 wa. caublUbrd that
wa. BM a barfllar. tbr do kBflw ft
I?*io «m yaa. Or. WUhnx
rd brr Drlflhter: aed tbr dtxi al
g Lorfac aai tf* lo ye,
•lOO, are rworli^ I
afirr br bad lakra hi. rxrrdar. l.
wymt arrow ihr atms aad Mlpprd
brlat rrdaimd
redae«d to
lo aboat
abowl IW
a il. Mtw SlBMMiuie; br d
aronad ibr bouar aadrr rorrr pt ibr
There arr IW waaM aad paaulaff
darfcarw. aad pat brr car u, tbr bry- _________ rrqartt. Jaai.airp lata my
Sbr btwxd rotcea; ao b* wa* private omen, aayrn tril yoa all
cspabla rf sShln^W wrea rf rtaw
tea aka.
TU* dbmtiry. wbaitti
Holloaed filfit tato Ibr
brr daUre lo kaow aafr Sbr CEWpl
aad rroalard aboal ftftr.
nwlibtly siwaad lo ibr wladow. bwl
w; wbra tbr eamr oaL tbr ww at
a very
bit* m a abart. Stralflht hOB* m*
kai tbr
tireak of IlEht ww a
ara la auLiittfnl
WL aad ataywd hw (oar
tr* Sbr null bwrd I
- aow abowlDfl baraatt oat aa (b*
a« dWiaflatob tbrw
t^boaktr rd a fii^
tbr canaia. A boad







tbe hbwa-iijittHi. ttwAto. yeiitUAiiv 1.

I HauBdm at Bactoav
He .Iib}r.'i. -Hose BaalI* pnaa, lox in
Ideaa. »be ataled, »efa
_____ » «b.F 4M tHJC mi<lk.
ihe purpiiw of saklBC Um- bouaette bnMT to »«r~- u, <Wlr« •>.
rb eadif aod to IlKhleD Ihe s^nal
■ ■rli. txH U»t ibrr MTMd lo tbk* ^1 sieir of Ihe htHWewWe aa such a* poathat
ralM). nu natitr bow Mule (Ihle ^idas. ehSttl^h^ ^ Wir~ba« BDTb. mo thai If a fanser bad

<»«l> ba vonld »»t be oWlsed Booei.'bed t^lr biisM aa ample aa
'll. til a OBtrari tbai wn atsoal In- poaall.le. a<i a« to deeole tbeir Ose to
other ihinxa Hbr did B»l bdleee '
M laM. oaa be nlM>d ittr-kliiK. rMflIloi and medtina a
lo Halae Tb«4r oobvHlIaa to make a twIn bar aaoltarT lalk ■
trap! vlth Ibaa1 that If tbey anU (ben lakiDR her brarero to ibi rbosL.. .
Bp aUlra bed ruu'sa Tl »tsi ibioa
e-w. More bf aeUl&s It S tbr mureloi
T ataouM be
a If ibar valied aod aold opMed. abr Hid. Iba plllora lb
s ai SD renu par b ' ' ouebir abook asd aired nod plared
fivDt of Iba Tlodow Carpala aboi
mllleair awM
OM lia used, but papar aboDid
«>ni" ba aald
ptaaad on Iba floor Ibe aama aa ua(
paodeet iba< ran a aimpared wttb po- carpala abd daiilB pin o
taioaa for Ibe w all asooBt of vurk
aald r«u nor iblok P«
.done Cora, wbt t or oar other prod- up ibelr nooM aod too
era aa rfaeaplr. Bo Till MOO gl
>u moat naba as ai
plooad bare
abor. lo WrlBC baas
bar prodort aarapl poll
I oavar lie plared la tbr bofa
1 ba ralaed aa cbaaplf.
BR ruus. aa II TH unir drtriOR
a pap from »M par
.Tar (ran bone aod naktoi
aiobdard. vtakb la Mt
unpkaaaiiL Uaka ereirttalbR aa
pound, to fdb p« too t«
,01 aa ^Ibla lur bln If you
Tont bln to atay with >(>u. aba u
8ba Ibko lunk up Iba maiu
-Paata, losslota and bt«na «IU ba ^lutbae Bbe aald thara Taa iw Bar
iba Ibraa sals PRadoeld *a vtll a
apendlOR lima In tnaklas qullla
We vfll par fttM par loo lor bet
blanVaie rould ba purr-bran^a do aot nn as Inch x« tbe i
chaaply and tira poud awrlre.
that the lima lo purebaar Ibam
■n^wMjia ond otiuoabs wa wi
lo iha apHUR Than iha norrbanl
For a«aaabaa «a olll par K per loo -iDluadlOR bla murk at a barcdlo
We vaot tbe old Bualuo Mamnr
"Hu nirt makr any ray rarpaia.- aba
"Tba lima uaad up la aaarla«
-on prlsarr ob)eet of pSlta<.lB a Iba ra«a. rolorloa ib.Bi aad panoR
caaalns (ooturr voa to uka care of fur Ibam to be TurMi Till make a raf
oair (nit aa In ahlpptU U U la lolnred.
pel rum more ibao pnud mauloR
We bitesded to nae Ibe caanloc foeasoalleai quail
lory etelaalrrtr for fnit bo( hare
chaagad nr plaai aad Till caa race
--tablaa. aad bare dooUad oar oapaellf
ao (bat «a Ttu ba abla to pot op “
Ibe uaa of Il«b
era aba adriaed
•M eau per l« bour*.
lara It no nrk>r la tba
baa. -The,
-Wa TUI rarateb tbe seed so wa
« sold. ‘Tba
ma Id uiday.
We (sralab all seed at eoai. Tllbtlba
■tuwpiln or tbe losata You aao pap
- (or Ibe eeed la Ibe fbU U you That to
tastaad of Thao roo 'getlt.
“#toIlb Brarcreeo aad iba CtonaUr
Oeatlasaa are the Ito klada td edra
Ta Til] tsa Wa Till par t? per too
wMb tbd__________
Iba bwnka OD *
Aa objeetioa waa ralaed by Hr
VnoRbaH that oaly abnt oaebalf e(
Iba tasalBH pat ripe, but Hr. Kaee
Had Ipfomed Us that ibey ti
lap 10 oaad oal as laalruator
O-----------------------------------------------BHi apaakar. and apoke n "rnll
droTtap and Otnsral Pamtaf* Tbe


tare aad aprlouHare abould go lo­
cate Tbao 0 M ta npable eg baaV

iS gid aM aao aarblag aataaoalaHr ta the ITO rtnttaa. bat a^ me
aMd ba mSAa a tmtaan It talar
aMP to aaall (rvlta «n>r tbm U you
ns PsdASteet &T tbao." he tsld


(te Thai rmibeVasta htnaatr. If
T« nt o«t orebarPa Ta aboold Uka
nra of than rtgbt os Iba atari.'
« te*ft«t
d altar Moos. K ei


batTM tba IlaPlaataeaadl^S


poia4. It Taa rery fandMy Iseagbt
art te IT eauT <SM takaa eg firit b

U If 1
Jt t» be (
« ua. aad aut
aha I
llBlDC room: ah
uU nwa of the
,e moat
BKiat cheer
e tolaj of Tlbdora
... plac
•e all- lba
- 1i

u that U Ibe plare There
lly aaaemble iop«h*r. Hare a I
I cuoked diabpa.
ha Hid lhai Iba ktldieo th Where
lady Id Iba bouae apaol tTo-lfalrda
er Ufa Sba Teat taio Iba klubda
Uicamant aod oibar demia more
fully Bba adriaed iba naa d oil clolb
M tbh klirbea floor Inmnd of carpet
or any bibar naierlol.
Tba rellor th Iha oest plore'tbPI
tbe touched upon lo bee resarkt. Aa
airy and light rellar la rery easeBtlal.
-.......... eat ialo delallt to regard tn os
iilUled eellor. osd bOT Ibe
of dlieame are bred there, mod
be roll HD frsli aod regetablH
ba foaod Ihere th eaualoi
tlekoen to Ibe fanny.
loploa Tl
g tte bemn
OTlBi to
a ooHli
Lba (amen’
InalMuie JEadgabday
eraalBR. due lo Ibe (ael that saar Mteoded utber meetlaH >d Ibe city
The addroH of Teleose th glrea
by Hayor O. P Carrer.
______ maai w ba Tstoem
Hal and cordial
aera aad
tea a gtow.
Ibe lamera
and paid
tai irlbuUt for
(or tbeir taAiiHee.
tnl------------ not
oaly IB lb# eouBlry. but alao la the
ally Thleb they auppMed Tllb tbe
food Ibinca they kaor m tHJ bor to
Tbe mpoasa by tbe InatUule pnal^Uorall
•• Boqra.
Tontrd to


aatW^ea ft


Thlrb TH qul^ly dial
Hid that Iba bMl ervp difl
to dlOareoi tocaimaa. If alfalfa
beat (or lea
r*. bul tbare
Hon nf tbe moatryr that It can ne
bHt olharralaed. Clorar la Ibe *ary
te sboqld
qp well Btoll'a ^rgreen Coro la alao
aaoiber rery good rattoo 'Aapaetally
If one bu BO alio. Pram 12 u> » loaa
per acre to a targe yield of ooraHr Welcb low of laa gnat baoeAl dartrod from a alto and of as hat the AgP
uiKto cAilla fad fNs tba alto aad from
dry (Dad that abowad a dlSareaes la
Tuigbl of 10 pouada In taror of lba
■llo animal.' Bnecutant food to abaoluialy oModsary for emuia. wbatbar
ooaUatwd ............. ..
Iba air to kept from li. t haea aome
lhai to fmr yava old aad U to H good
“rhto eoadadad Mr. Wak*taartu. anar Thick qaHttooa worm
naked, aad a gamaral dueaaaloB toltowed .
A4-<'iPftoek H. a Cbanoe eg Soobter bwan bto addran cm -Potau
.(or Potato Plaalora.'
la tho Brat
plaeo he would prooura all (be Uma
Hke be coeM -Tram a aagar mlU aad
■road II over Ibo toad after whlcb be
Duld iiH a dtoe oai the land foltowad
I by a barrow aad drag
,me Uma to plant,
la tbe amtartty of hbh poiaUH
•e ptoaud.......................................................

saner fms tbe aysus. tbm wm
edt aprftg dlaaaaaa. gptaaeb aad ^
' at are__________
flaa brertugutatora.
regefttora. u they
atftWta Bseh Iraa; tottoH i

a’rebuoaa.- be*aaU^aad I____
ee ta tbe papart MleUgan pocaqnoiad al 41 oeau pe^baaM

ry Jolcm la alkaUao. Ibu aeutba aeUlty of tbe btood: sad
ry aoad la o good aarro food.
« to ratnable u a eoolUig diet
elaan lba oompMsioa. Puna.
________ ad

IM tba Hlft Ifl par eaeiL
W* U ftnt eg bft cera.
_____ JT oaa driak Tbae ibw want
m TUa la OH <g the------------ -----------Uada nay vtu grftt
STta?MI kad'Ttaler
Iba asMt ft at lba p
aaaanttal food, rw
npasetaa la tbe
**%cs That Hk. Da mot bare It .
gin ^ btood. fortifying ogalaat tba eoM aod
mtoo dtaaoaao. aopaetolly dropay. Pta»
applH an sualtoal (or all Bamhrmaaosa ibraM troabton: laaaaa may ba
tW acaskir amt tarn datall ta re-


AAor*,'tay R
•BOO. ig Boebniea. for
ftprg rary Huefc HBoeiaad, .
as tbaei araal n la taU bor tin eallMit dtoeouTH.
Ha bateiM ta lba farm borne batag
kwt tbe PHK. That derug tbe fly
h aimpla u poaalbla.
la bsUdlag.
•tstba lba gassUiy TooU ‘
tba bHt acoBoaay ba tbtaba to In s
targa H tba porn
- - loo------------ ■—

D^^tor^trfli ^j^Kflbed
wday non dun ever. Tbey

br«gchiti«» cent
Tbg]r<*ill dell y r;*ii





Hmulsiiiii restores the strength





color o( good


- I

____ c ..r lale He also bruugbl out
a lew paiBO Whirb Ur tiraTo did om
tliue III liHsrfa S|siB
i! t'anoiiu uf Rurbesier th alao




> lAdd of Old MlmOuB
an ardent adiuraie nf
■ hai ih.- Bus era Itartur

Ito* dtolrlri .nichl In l«tbal all lb>- rbllitree iiiii
MaiilHua dtoirlri be uid
JUM euviuRh
(ruui Ibe male
rich in nutiitioiuiullcrf hcaltliy
Wek-h .g luola WH also.Tery

r .g the f....................
stimulation is a suggestion as
H>.l And IW.IBIVWI out ait
p sywiem that might be ieccrMfull>
why it does what it does.
rJ ui bto hicalliy
A I* Gray uf tbr
Scnit'.s Emulsion presents
irallted •choul WH
Cod l.iver Oil at its flest. lag and ibai ibr *tal>- would br forced
fiillfst in strei^h, in b. tl He II:huugbl that Ibe time
ardly ri|w
os tog I.
U Wei
in * their lur ijie I'm-m,-r- WH umliw
fnim silk btnod.

The (act that it is the best

preparation i4 Ctid Liver Oil.

“tixiis." are permanently
o( the jieculiar disease tif (he





paleness. wYaknc-ss.-iiid mr\-nuv




with Scott's Emulsion.
It is a true'blood (o.nt and
is natural!}' adapted tu the riiriof





which so many ymmg \tt>im-h

Motherhood is woman’s natural destiny—
actual barrenness is rare —r comfortin«r
words to childless women.

ft^y^waHia are
ba^ueH of childiea mmply breauva ot
State Ne«m.
Ran." wbv brid Dnnbrra
B*p*b.*^'^dI^T?“^MnVliam*» VegrtnUo
--------. of.nppuaed
TbouuBda ut
n Irmw atoMii 1« yrar* ago.
LydU E. FiDkham'a \q
ralibvr aod to proving bim
pawbS TbtogTHt mallou
•• caleqUlco I., regnlat
l>- uor Hr hH bad charge
cf tba gaoaraU** etgwH tbal
Bi-yta thto rraprxS ii
irqw-iir pHu>n llbrar) (oc
and 1* |>n»ln'R a giv
rv-adrr Thto bu Iwvii t,ill,',wrd by I
'Dbae Maa. Hisguag: — We bad been tuarru-d piae Tcari and
laking charge of ibv iirleio pap
saver had children, and now me have a little bol.r p '
-pnigrrato.'' ^irb to lulled subb-ci
•'ttaTi •iT^^
vsivtcitcT t.
irabTii nf Ihe warden
<-banxe f<ir ibe brthe caaH- over ■
I Ukii^ Lydia .E. PinklMUB't Vegetable ('ompoamd I
tot auSeier. I had paitu in tuy Wk apil aklra, niaw-ially
lifghwaieuaa (rum ibe day he l.m o
tniatioiL I had dwtoml but n,. brncliu Ileariiif
• TWI Angv-iw In bto eSon lo rarve *oi
out tbe > epetabir Comiuuiiil I dra-utad tu try iuaoil after
Ihe ■•rtoon oncial* wiih a knife a.
oulea waa vured-'
il >ear* ago '
c Ohio.
Tbe Legtolallve Farmer*' club,
wblrb moat Ijf Ihe larvaer memlver* of
iu|^ beloag. orgaalied by
.-bw-llng Kepreweaiatlrr K B. Haadall
- - prestdeni. II T. Karntby of
'ItaAb Mkv 1‘iNKuaM ; — I wnge
Kem vie- prealdeni. and J H Read ol
Mantotre aMretary This orgaaluiloo
■p powerful lo blocking or belong
m that I had iltoplaivnK-iil -f (he «uaib
aw^abd oraruii ttviilJc. ami niSi-red
PH* imiunani bill* |s ibe bou*e Two
^*”,with t»cka. he aitd headacbL Vou
M-aiw aau II made a aucceuCul flgbl
V erok me a iiiiv letter ui lr|:3y
fur Ibe anitoil-cvniargarlae evkir bill.
k'WPi''iii|f “c fell iiwlrto-liotiahoir
Georpi' Van liradale. aged about 2t
V to treat mv-M-lf. and in auvnlK miKie with your dim-t i»ua I uwk
Tour \Vgviablr <'omi>au>d, aM
xoHowed your kind advhe laiihlly in love with <me of Ibr
•lining n»m girl*, who did aot reitira
M. a(r>-ilon< He luade aa aiiraapi a
g.i-k ago by laktoR laudaaum. but
aiMioeml to Ilmr lu uve -bla
Tbto iini,' be iiuk rough ua tala,
le klirblRan SpIriiualUi anaorla
pr it hai doite (or me.
1 hofie irtljer cfaildIdM
bH'jMTThaite,t Ibe Pwoeer club
WOIMD wUi aee thii leUer.--Maa. Jous I bgaXAflciM, IIU Broadway, CleTeland, Ohio. I
loto oil Ibe eut Imak ot Heed*

Nine Yesps Without a Child.

Portrait of « Baby Girt Wha
Owes her Existence to L>-dla E.
‘^Plnkhara’sVegetable Compound

40d Pearl Si.. Ne« VmkI . iHabella. where il
ndled. l
three lew
•airalliaihn to brli
d-lo Ohiu. Kansa

era Ulrb
ral di«
ihrouRh «hi*l
.W» RH1I
r. Thirta
beluR nfieu lanK'.
• BanaAert hu a pleoaliig per Hmenlal to tb<- »rbo„l«. b>iw aleknraicy and. toteraperaH ber dla- TH i.nMighr OD and nmtagi
e with willy
eawtei (-onirarted On tbr .A]
recluiton.-Tba J'laef." Theer arfaouli an- rc-ulrall
Riven by Mra Gardber aad WH were pitbered up In nlvert-d
much ealoyed.
■heir bumr door*, ■•ningbi ti> ■
Mra A. P Gray TH eleried chair oa lime. Ibere wh no hullylag by Ibe
mib for'tbe coming year
older tovys.'iHi tetlertog. abd al'Bight
A aiaall crowd Itoteaed to uoe of tbe they
b«oi pragrama of (be two dart' aeMtob
of Ibe farmeH’ laailiote Tbaraday
Tbe pooplr^li^ enedwaged to
Prvww.dlng the Finjunmilre
Ibe wbenU. Tbr bnlldtog* may
program, a muilcol program ww
I hall for
Riven by the •rb.tolt tbkl th very
.ABlBR entertalnmeni*
much etUnyed.
He then KMirhed on non realdeW
proThe Aral aumber on tbe mueical
tulitoo that Ibe farmer* ■•>'. telltog
gram TH atoxtDg by tbe aerentb
:b and bow (bto may tw Hved A* the
elgblh gradH of tbe Boardmaa Are- grow, wblrb I. aurc»d.rully d
au« aebool. which wu (oUpwad by a ■one place*. Ihe hlgber grai
by Mlu Racbel added. He dwell at U-nrh .
led back lor topic, and very
•alag rtolla bow all tbrae tmt ivemenla might be
a aocond aeleeitob. A pleoali
aok) WH glrea by Praak Sie
Siepoa. aad
meore. Gall
■-roeeher*- wu bto next topic. Out
A very alco reelta>
the 16.000 employed to tbr atate
____ ynolber aoog by the —J* ibu 10 per cent have apertal
atgblfa gradH eloaed '
iralutog (or their work Teoebtog
mualoU pan of tbe entenalnmaoi
mu*i be made a prufrukni He itaen
Prof, a T. Orawa. prlaclpal of
touched apoD tbe three nrboula.' Ht.
Oentnl Normal Mbool at Ml P1_ PlHHU. Yp*llaaU asd Marquette..
not. followed wtUi aa mddran oe Tbe
............... for • ■
Ceotrallaed School QuHItoa.- Hr leorben. but Hid that the Ut PJeue
Orawn threw hlmaeir beon and ■
acbooI to tbe only one tbal bu a
toto hta talk, aad erery word be
■peclaJ course lor niial teoebera. Tbe
lered wu eagerly lUtoaed to. Hr y..
'• IbeiV for.....................
-.................. d bto addrcH with tbe remarfca tbe anpply.
quHttoa ofr -ceotrallaed
He aald an appruprlai km wu gulag
IS be Uked for Thai acbool ■» Hiato
llah a model rural aebool locaied uuiaera' toaUtut
d# of Ml. I'teauBL Thick will u«ck
concluded by at kilag te
I# elemeoi* of agricullure.
were becomtag ■
'Tbe ■peaker aald that-the cenlcal
,Hted to (optoa I
lu aebool quHlion would not l># auceblldran ta tbe
cerafully carried out ta all pan* of
Tbe pecmle ataj i
tbe cuiuttry. but couM readily to tbe
old dUtrlci*. There there were beller
are laianatad ta
Henbel Hobba of Wimamsborg th
a; tbe fUte gr _
tag lo^ and a great deal
IB favor ot tbe cenirallxed acbool. and
Mr. Qrawa le tbe general dlacuukie told of Ibe
a acbool. Ita fuac- work In
tbe atate a rtgbt to
He antwerml the
quHltol by ttaUag that tbe aebool to
ulloo that hH a


al Grand Ka|>M* Tbr land eoa
< alwHU four nnd cmehnlf acre*,
to Kbe of tbe prrilleal apuU cm
lake *bore. belUR covered wllb B'
gniiv The aaanrlailaa will brgta
w ill erra-i a number uf ciMtoRea aad te­
non hulkltoK* for qamp meettog* It
I* Ibr piirpune of (he anrjriy to Iran*
fiirni llo- MIC iBiu Bs Ideal aummer re-

a eucait
ra J. W.

Easy to PflM

a Stom.

bdlp Ap^-lo Ottor-Sa Btd

Another Happy Case In Brooklyn.
Maa. PtsKRAM:—I wrote to Toubjear ago tolling yi^of
. I had pbifu In the orariea, meiuee were paiulul, airf I
pletely cored. Have jORt RiTeo birth ton (
(ftildbinh had a Tery eauy time.
- Lydm £. Ftoikhaai'i medirinra are a God aend to women who want
(0 ba Bothera.* — Maa. Scmit-ti. 12 Luxnrr SL, Univklrn, N. Y.
Maimy wnbias wboaa lettcra we prlat ware aMariy dtaxviurfga.
ate Ufa Wm all joy to tbra wham they wrote Mrm. PltiWhara.

os a detrcilre lidewalk and fnir..
•d our of her hip*, wblrb kept ber
IB bed aearly a year 8b« now aura
ilto cliy for Ato.ooii daamge.
At Culdwaler. during ibe wradi of
wbonage of coal, many large abade
ireea akmg Ihe MreeiR were cut and
Hed (or feel.
Betiy A Bancrofi of Pitot aeek. tw
dreaa of tbo-eliy gOTeramrai bramuM-


Bqulrr Prtev. an old rvtewd mra
Sbe Ima naked te who rrawnily dted to VpaUaall lowaahlp. Ml an rwtsir ft tnh*o. Ibr frail
only mewa of IlrMlhoodY'-^^
«d aa laduatrtowi Hfr uu bto (
Tbe Owoaao Sugar Co' hu bougl
tor u(
Uud Blocuck and ^•.•la Rtar
td ila1
r boasa uf
tM.OOO pound* of Um Aarwl vartely of
flapiato Btarark
bcM need lo Oeramny. wbMi to
Has. A brimaat.imiStomrali limflid OB lu way lo Ibla couairy. Tbe need at ibA Jack
mtor. Tbaraday.
^Ically (1
fbr wbnir towa gxwtlctrear/lcally
tea. miter aura Fteh vamp. liteA
Ik cenu per palAd IB tbr (rallvlilra. wblrb I
era abe-bad Ml.

all nlRbl.

Whiteis mGoods
and Linen Sale

mode la eearythlBC I
catttod bla hand to macbiatcally. t
m Uia aeboola tba prograH to V
The High Bcbooia of today are d
more wortc Iban the coltogra were d»
: tag 2S ycara age
There '


Ste her TMlem when pata liirruiai
tbe mate of uotmv. If te wera rkh.
abe tbiaka. abe coald Aad a iray o( car*.
Dr. Ptarte'* Faveelm FtHeriptioa la
withta Um inch ef erara an. It Ufto
tbe famdraaf ptaa Thkb Teigh* '
tboH who anSer feem wnmealy dm

Those who have already taken advantage of this offering have
been delighted
the elegance of the showii^g as welt as the
wonderful tow prices that prevail. Nearly ail gpods are new.
bought especially for this saler Here are a few items picked up
at random:

Sbecti, HlxSO. Ueadtod. .

. . . .... -


. 4*c

ShteB. ntK4, hanMitohA.1. btoflehml. only.. 78c
U. Brown Cemoa............................................ ..................


AB*.4.8-(aB() 9^ colloH are rrHacrvl f.w .

ab-r ,. Ic, 1^ 1.» lO

If ibto taalt to-------------------

real ktm^r nraady (aftft ev<T

I arc ............ ....
tnm R
w.«-l i-auiie. iiirar Ougebto
Mailon.' on il.c r A S' W. nllniAd.
Willies He TH tral
cbopping kln-Utoe fur early breakfast
when Ibr rack artacbral blm. tml ba
rlraued Ibirai »<U with bto atr. 'HM
■ml I* <mly Ik .rear* nld.' Iml hr Ttetdrd Ilia Bxr >o maafntly. buwrirr. tbeyqulckly dug oui. and on- wg. foaa4
taler drad and biuuhi Iniu camp aiik
bto brad almoM cboppral to ITu

sond Annul


. Tba tee beiua

aama roof aad tba pamo aboaW not
ba tar tram Iba bouae IVto tmportaai
to ura mepi sboai Iba farm bosa afma
Hr CmsBoaVm loU eg bto Mh of

Loom TaWe liami. warraatod pore hbea. at

^tdren moat ^ go^ekmer tomte
raral echo

m. Ito. O-fcnW Oo Jr... ,.» «.! r~-


0te(>tecaalS(c.44c,Ue,Slc.87caiwt... «

beae amall dtotrtcU
Ha. Uorb aklll oboaW be seed ta
toSBilag Irrca aad sbrabbary ao (bsl
tba yard will aol took Uka a aaraarT. «. Of bad a_________
but hare
' •

aeeemBy of' hH^nni|ite~to'ge
To make Ibe irarM mere baaDllfoI.
Hr^ftaM daca^. to a raajlymito
(ytag arbool grauada. (sir groam

ftrtulcmH al fta mom temte eaten.
U you atad a nadtotoa you aboaUte flu

Tbe tarn aablcrt (or tba rraBlsg
-Hlrad Hdp on tba Farm.' wu lo ba
by Hr. A R. McRae, bat



\Vc do nut netd to fjive all

to boner, but aot tbe aame laaptrlag
aebool of 23 yrara ago.
tbH'tbo aoclal and oc
of the commaally:
amtebea. bem. and oth
maaumadelt ao. It la
Bad aebooto Uut
«ray today.
-ra dirtded Into
taio amall dtolrleu.
(be taat AuitoUca from the ctof public ta
f* (I ax'
' •
RtroctloB a r*
U on aeool dto1 Thleb bne an avenge of l«M
Ate xbUdreo. l.OM acbool dla1 that hare an, average of len
____ Ik chUdrea. Taoc-ber* have lo
be hired (lir tbece amall dtotfteu and
.paid H moeb aA ta largar dtaerteta.
hsM tee to torn I
thakktaayaAod Wad. torn smU Atotrlcu. aid (be brut
..euJu are not a

Ha etcaad bla a
at »:». and
• C U Wbltaap Tea nltad bpee sa: Iba
lba isngkl lo ba s b
•rst apaakar tt tbe gnarad dtanaakie. bdag s marhlae to ao ue r
Ift. WUte Stktad that ba dU SM tba anotber doai taa thli
Mtee ta an garCeelara Titb Mr. ptoSBlng
Tba apHkar gsre aoana U
WmtA. Ha dM cat eewMar U »
aedotM uf bar iral,axpi
aooblag. sad abowad ^ t
. plPwad that tdefcaaaa asoag eor. „ -• dladptlBa.
Tba Psrs Home m-‘ '


pak girls on Sentt’g


'it; .....

cratA (Ht baoaBH
To have a good . mod potalOH Ibsre mnat be-plMty
at ataicb Alao a good amooT
10 to alwayt vraatad and oaa
11 U aeab aad bUgbt ar« bagt —
Tbe apeoker aald he araa fettlag hta
jpd ready now (or need notaftaa by
mananiig It aad that be th trrftg
to bold bto teed pelHOH to May W
lut ipreoUag. Aboot that time
rould take theta out aad glea
them all lba tight they would ataad
ud apreod tbam out iblaly uatU they
in to toede green. Tbea be tobU
,i them to (ertedabioa. wbtob
B traecGoa trom eeab and ote
Tba WH d( aattag trait tor break,
•BH. aad torn bo woaM out tbM

Pliftid b^ftarad rsUn. Tea a m (sat to bbt simply a mauar <g style
tearing aboat Ure eyea cm aaeb
HdRy^oJ^M tbe ears waau bttt do but a mauar of rni^
-- * ibaltarH (bat domasUe
a apc& tbe fertlUty of the
sad soma uma w- ‘
' Hl4 Tbeapaaks
EBfd to the Ototanee agan
poblaet uagbt ta
regard to the dtft
taatod. but tram 14
iBpertaatpan bi^ aad glTls ta tba paMk ad
a (air ••
tba hasd sa wall u tba mlad al
- -

u w_


potolOH too .lou osd '
odtasa plantiBS Ibes abuui Jane lu
(u^lbe^MI e^p.
^ ^
111 II

pa auoB u piasied and tor ibai pnrpema uses a drag, area after tba poUtuaa were up aad found tbot to rery
few caaea say of lba planu Tern locomes in sealed, «kw j
Ha odrtaed lba putUog cm eg
light pseksges; BO
tba lerilhiier lo Ibe foil for Imal rechiinee (or basdliDg,
aulia nod found by eapertauoe ibol
tbe yield wU 40 buabela par sera
or diit or tbings to j
- bailer wbare tba familiar Th pul
get m.
ee lo tbe foil tboa lo tbe spring. Tbia
CMS. fraak aad Fmg
Ckmad the anemooD'S Tork. .
Tbr Womaa'a aecttou eg tba PSrmier'n laallluie th bald to Qraaga Hal]
Tburadar afiemoua. Tbe edtalnass.
J. a tUBadell, TH unahla lo
-ra lomliDir Tburwdm). and i
eaent. so Mrs A. P. Gray praaldHUd ut IDIHMI WH laheo lo Ibe pm
lirmi auh>«ra prcaeaicd
I. SaoBd
TbH report of Ihe oomloubui ro
mliiee for oBcere (or Iba
;. Thleb 1
aubleei of e
year th odupled u (critora:
Whlleaalbod takH but____
- log. ^H.
aaltbar tbe board Bor
• pngera spring i
rieerrtory usd Tremaurer-K
add. Peulunilo.
Cbolnaas Woo laa'a Seeiloa—Mra. gnrni^pn>pam<^or gluicB aad pboapbatear wblcta are buoe aad aerra
(! .Komsdell.
Vice l>rt«ldrot i-WlIllam Selkirk. buildara Tbe wtoter wbHi cmlatoa
Dino. Ulalry Uarld more marab aod Is apt to produce dlaReiuah.. Itaal Kay: L
Baker. Fife Iveiea aad Brtabi‘a dtoHie.
.........................Blorer. Qarfleld:
•|ra Saundere doH not net a dpobge
many. boiua-Tirea do. but a '
flour Into a bard loaf at oora.___
y; k'j
,Ilk ell. b
never lets It get cooler thaa *& deg.
Tbe Amir abould also be warmed. Bba
H Mrr
> three loares uf brrmd. IH eup
reel milk, m eup uf waler. 3 pints
.' Aour. It leupuun or HU. 4 tea
Baruey. Oarflald; J G Ramadell. Oa^ spenb of au^.
Acid: C J. Smtih. Iveelaamu couaiy:
Her method <g w«)rktag the brwd
Mrs A R HeRH. Garflatd. aad Mra was very toierrsllng. abowtog h it
- O lAdd .Peoloaula
’ did. bow Beal oae- ran ba la a
' '
>glea tboagbt many
■nie afiefucsm aeHlon Thuniday did
Hid. abould
»i l»Rld UBill l-w, but Iba Gma TH
11 from the duug
rery entoxobly UkeB up by SleTsn
A SieBena urikemn which (iimUbed
leieral aeleelUjoa
Iba btialaeu meellBg wblrb
ided lightly taio furm
Aral, a retuluiloa
a WH Ia^piad
Many helpful quealloni were ukad
.It J. O
and aiiswerad. after which Mra. Bann« by An aad the r«pon
dlacloned her taMod of naattaR
aeeraiary. R O Udd. th rolO cboosM a long ri
oelrvr] aod adopiiri
He reporisd
a tba romat ellber
that 11 would be aredaeary
to order to mael all.lba i
over Ota all aides. Urns
Tlia ebalramo of Ibe Instituta
lulres In the mrai. and tnen eooa
mltiei- reported lhai Iba ooma
rapidly to a bm oven. Tbe grary a
ibuufht M bMt lo bold (our oamday scrap pierra ora Hvad. and with a r
iMiiiuiea tbti year loalaad eg au of corn or uparagus cooked to lay.
to a baking dlsb. This sbe nys.
rery palatable abd nutritious.
Bbe neii apoke uf Ibe praiiaratl
,ofTumsl turkey. Tbe (uni Is stmi
IH TH Ibe beet abd tbr drsysl
I sbakeu. not crowded lb. Bba told b
caaool alland t
make "oxtail
K U. Ladd w,

ours, oi
of Buginaw.
rm Csrrle t. Baundan.
_ lo apeak ct Tba
arzt celled upoo
leay of Oessim
History ___
b«r IV.............
BSbtael batag tba UUa H
-' btr
aba read ta eofldbood. which
Isprtsitd bar graatty.
Prom ibla aableat abe trestad
-fbsttn Mri Oht ig
-_____ tba sedlrlsal propentH of eomi
(kiT^aw Ibe BUblen pnaaciad by A (roltt aod rcgeublea. Milan Tl
of BHti ralue at dlPareat i
M. WsHbagleala. Be atatad tbal hM
of Ibe year.
•a sn are esbad tor tba isiatag <g
t aerly ^tap rtgelablH are
beeta. aad M la tba-------------------a«wb*ata.BB.................
lly eaadel ta rebulldlBg tbe i

abarp and parsnal
After tba beat aagar


........................................... __ Id oai;
,t looked to him Uke taalta ta Ibai
I«rd sysieH. bat Mr. Orawa had
ter lor eeeay one

of G A. nobeftooa.
c. am. Mra. K. 6. y

. Baltor. J.

Laoaard Bakar. H. TmSmtm

'Mamma. N.Y.WhH«TftagmH-

la the (3 dtoirtcia where there to aa
tehetv are taqulrad They racelve
.en Uma 130 per moato. or for
eight BMaib*- acbool «240 rack, aad
^rberw' aalarle* akwe for tbe S3
amOTBt to at Iraat tt»A20
to^ta^aambar lixemUag to 4U
adaniA aad cme taaebee- ran eaalty
ok afier SO acbotara. wklek tuuM
ake oaly IS-leacbera lor tbcH «
we am pw ibam »U par
oalk.* aald Hr. Orawa. -aad get a
taacbor. bare 10 msHha'
rhool. tektag tSSO pm yaar fee aaeb
aeber. or t4AM for Um II toaeban'
aalarlaB. which glTH a aanag ft thto
OH Mam irf IIAJTO. Wood, ragalra.
b?atoTidHaSd* te
pmat ta tba LAM dtotrleta. wUeb

Sdram Dr. R. V.'pir—
BftbOa. K.Y.
Dr. Pienc'B IliHiH Mtom are


Mate Umtorwte-'nu.mlhemomhegMifBl

fc, up.««.

All VAflnbter XRoods, such H Ov coats. Suits, Undarwear. Cloaks, Fur*. Ora** Materials. Etc., reduced to close.

Cor. Frontand Union.

New Block.


Grand Trarcrsc Herald
» Ugfcl7
: brIflaB
WitMB M« Bcw7 B«tt»»i
tUMiti br Hn RM.

PrKt If EMilInts lU


o!Sb> oI

ISO IVubuo l'•n>rl (»r bm)



For Torturing, Olri^ring




P*r.bod In

__ _________

K s Ud^OMt,

So (Toawd

Bora VII
> >o U»J vnnr H I

art saeomral tunilre tor tortnr*
lBl.dli«(Br1a(h>>aM»rtaf IhrtUatod



S2. btlK^^si!:

dot II V nrtSnr ■oama.tbol


Mia K»to KoTotoT l«»»
bmr bams M OIII'« Pta.
Hwrr MUrd a UaMb *bt i

la the tOToirar wm l>r a duoe ol (titlcan BMalroa niU, li ohro NOctnil
to tSoid bwfoUue n-Uet Ui U« Boot
atloc furmo of Itdibc. barslu
___ JotJr bunoara penalU »ral and




Jfitt sir-j.j'.

SI • .1-1 lO id is> Prwiolo tutrt luo
bB ouuoir. BU 01 tSr l>i\4alo lAr. la
l>- rut; U TrovBou OIr. oa Um Bd dot

low Id

tba tiwimot oflabsta cad ^

__ JsSswaH:-

Ihol M.-S iSSot OM
lot OWJ W toJlO


Every day tbe
tb assies cd* OUT More vere pacAeil ni'
have been en*.nei> ckite\l oui bat the mapviiy o< them
Tbey are alext to »anhkst to us but to the cooramer they are as p>.o1 at the ’triwat.” ’To ebaa wf
^aWaM^bbma^a*a^sb**sa»Ma^mNM«aame. gor l 8^ o 8oUofO wort* Ml yo
»/ re four partli/. We meotioo but a te* aeatteruid items
arwui liepmmenu. Iluadreds mote n« la (O^

REEi-ERS-For men. reduced from
$5.0l>to............. ..........................-ul
$7..>i Reefers no» go at................ 4.;t>



«!} id Trorano Uli. lo mtd

ta niodiiK tad auoc (Sr 1
M. rt
H Wnskij

pa^ino w I.. iB l«_*rm ^


s'jsSrrSii.'lisss' ••

tOnmOr-Ada^^________ ^





UlSroit Id Trorww Olj. in Bid ixaoli.



Widaa^T to otteod tbe aaHt d

Our Red ticket and
Quarter off Sale
Bis Been One ol Mk most Sensational Sales Bit Encr BelA

Bo PruBa o<a». to Ikn ollT <4 Ttoomb


*• S22£»i»^
; « U. OslOTot Tm






Tho r. P. & U. K wiu^r* • dlM
dMMMthobawof*. a! PBCtaoo
eecdtall; Is-



TaplofOTttMBpMMb La«Mtar«k Mk “BlbM li iinii fraa
rnsk rtMriah at Tismiw 0»7
tpmt BtMdsr Is ton
Ktt. ONsro asd dssfbta Msf took
s Mp to Tm*a*B Olty ‘ - “—*-3%s WoMs’iOlsb ..... .. .........
•b. bom or Mn. a B. Hadl ToMds;

Must Vacate McNamara Store March 1st.

STcbtbui Seip, It wOcbot iThbaoe

men's Bcaoy eiHnebilla Beelers
men's Beauy Irish Frieze Beelers
men’s Ooeitoats and maeUntosbcs


Muffs aii^ atoff

llO-OO............................................... ViN

Vsi^.MIt'SHlNitasiimtiunT Cliaki nu If aifw Is h Mri iftkM.


Mil Boys’ and Children's Ouereoats and Beelers


R. Peek U ropalrl^ hb
AaabKbtar VsMh OMjrwMta
Joha Outt«' btl laa vaak tor t^Aaji vuh Mta A. Ko« bn
Alte Badasd has jaiRaiiil lha Mia Viad Vlasb drm ora to
O^bnTaasbrlaTbltMn. OUal
.Mbs Jaalt MiUa. vha has haw (U,
b weaTirt^ at ihb *(Ub«.
Mr. aad Mta S. J. Otor laft ba
IhbiiiMr tor Omsd Ra^ a a «sa
aiBhnnrtyb rblttatatOfat«.
L VIU lahana
U rh
b is Tiaraat OU7.
_ ^ LoaOalma ol Oharbaolz b
Tbltl^ trbadt b Ai^b.

Vha l«dbi-___


iius^........................ .......................................

Mil Boys' and ebHdrcn’s Suits


Mr. Aa*Mra hoi imrad hn onB. UoapbiU Is tks
MiaKsM Boretaref OlU'i Pta
tmlht naler Ufa 1. L. Dam a
Mr. aad Mia Volar took a mp M
tiaraa Oi^ IM Taaidar.

7-Sl’i.'»' lonn Coats left logo at.. 5.98
:«• inch Ckiil^Cat>e>..good Kersey 1.4S

Boys’ and ehlldren’s Pants

~ iesnQlBtBMt,rapir-

Bar BmU it wlaisf fi«a s w^•Mokol Uflsaao


- ' -

to iko «t; id traiino Uti. oa tho tint

l"Jwb^mUMUm WM
-r-*-----bf B. B. UMpbaU «t(b bto

amr sat

----- -srr.—^
bb^ p«'« isoi IS

Ladies’ $-»AU and $a.Wi shoes........... 1.4S > Men s &Li«i and $:LVi Shoes............. . ISS

4 /
I /

b.o« nnincirtuitt<rt,iMrib $7A«
mi mon't macklnaioeoalt and Sackott
$I.}3-Ducl> RuMor Cincd eaatt. worfl) 12
I7C-C0I men’s Blonct and mittcna. vortb 2tc
llpL I ,’sboawKcrtoyPants.mmSl.2t
Uf I I’tbeavyKtrtcyPantt.momSl.M
II /
11 /
■ »F

■ Jiri

-:S| iSSrfci^'S

nil mon't ttUltrt


uc men’s Fleeced 2teUnderaitar
2SC-I2 dot. men’s Smaters. mrtb toc
22cmdaz.Baya’ amaters. mom tic
2tc 2f dta. men’s fleeced Me Undcrmcar
Me -nssorted M mcB’a FItc Klool $1 Oadcnocar
Cat Maaerlrd uioiero and Oncreoalt «c al a MnA

ra B H I



toabd swdMbb fas ihm.

.arwS’sjSwruL ss-.“aK2x,’2Si3^

Msa. IbrrvVaa baa* «at7 aiafc


K;S“L¥'&!iTu Fii;;ri •*
Missesand^Idrens wool Miils.l3c


■ s|,„n Pan,, oo*................. 25c

!” S - Men. Orershirrs, 25c for............13c

Hamilton Chtbing 0>,


M“ABi«i -wooi suiV.v.:r.'.:::;: S

Lo,Ht„-.and BojVioc Caps no«... 10c


■or. Vada vill hara inrtm at aa-

Coc«;i................. .73

loteol«redpress$l)lrls.an8salonedialI on.

Ut B^ L,ncn Collars acb........

LaabRM................. ...
“ “‘
I Alba* La»M


Cam east. Sersey onertwns. Ml men’s $1.00 Bats.

Seo THeeP* ePricos

4.0- Msnw M Miriitw naa haw


SI.2A $1.75. $2.25 lor men’s fine SMd eomMnsHon$2.M.$5.Mand$4.M

Lot Child-. yr.t.5& lor ' ....... ...19c
ul sTpL”!*:^’;

—-Sp:;|:::;;::::::::; iSlcoRSHTs-s.^^^











We own the entire stock of the Fair Store, consisting of Dry Goods, Men’s and Boys’
Furnishing Goods, Hosiery for Men, Women and Children, Hats and Caps, Pants, Duck
Coats and Mackinaws, Notions, Fancy Goods, Wrappers and Skirts, also Imported
Chinaware. Glassware and Crockery, Tinware, Graniteware, Toys, Dolls, Books, Trunks
and Valises, The Fair Store has only been in business two years, the stock is new and clean, desirable goo^
The Fair has always been known to handle a sterling class of Merchandise.

Chis Stock must be Sold in Cen Days, as Ole must Uacate the Buildins.



but Ttncnc flcnil

tk« br aaetlea. a>4 Ula
BMloa pravalM
Tke yropoaal lo kaaa Ua Uaa td
□a ckaacad u> Nearawkar to
aad A14aa»aa WlMu wtirrt*
I airickaa o«l. Tka ■
Bafora Iba aota. koa
teMa kr« km eoauac ta M* *Mt M AI4mBaa WlIkalB atyad Uai Ika ell7
tWr o«thu Tkan w MB* vk
a« fmj7 tmtonaM *. «» tb» r**I tMif
111 adrlMd
yaw Oka kwra rayortaa UK Ua i
Maa ar Ua hcvd ctf tw4a k fa
aala banUi of Ua Vallaf Boyar Co. of
SayUa* Tba •ocmtr ibte Uaa U dlaihraa aiaatlkya baa
alyalaa Ua batiar tor all oooea
WIM lor UU purpoaa. and ba
Tba obko of (ka paopoalUoa a
ai ivo of Uam raidy to dll
kckrt td um4a it to damaatrai
ua maiiarm ai laacU. Ai t»e «f i
fWMMl Boaw vkaUar UU krKlir
TOBHUa oa ebarur raeaa yaed»ea ika arraa«a to vamai
fka oalabnakaakt
a boat aufar (aeaw kau« pWTOi
Ha «uad
lo luporuat a uaiiar aa ehanar
ntuioti bad aoi baaa c»oa p
a Wl^Ulba
ooealdaraikia. aad lUd bm Ulak tba
kara U BM a
paid at Ua faflartaa la oUor pt
m Ua alata. ya( ll U kallatad
falx eaaatdaataf Ua hUK baul aocaoaox7 lo lay Ua paodurt d
pidai or Baaiifanura
Ha aald Uew a
Tfu ob)act of Iba board <d irada U
to aaaanaU If Ua (aroBra la lUi fUai aoiae of
(too caa furmUli Iba baarU. U Uay
tba aataadawDU
eoa. Uaa Ua aaiatUab—t itf a taolory hara will be a matiar td aaay'oo- He aoild tbal It I
IKlta. ir Ua (anaon hawaboala an
_________d aald that If tkU war
orlllW U> tfr^ll
daka ll wAud Ua Ub euy ap for
or Ibiae yaora
Iba BOillod to atrlk* out tba cbaapa U
Iba Use of elecUaB waa Bad*. AlderMooo callad
.HIIU of aoubllaktai a toMorr
aaya. aad all roiad tu ttrlka out aioapt
wMU will ba a fnaUr baaa«l
ildvBaii Qllleti. CoBBlasbaa
famon itaa to Tnnna Oly.
mr*n (amor aboald lake oaa
The propuaal that the oSoert take
anlrwdafor at iaaBt a UaUtadK
nw Bcrea weald be a fairly llbatal Uetr ottom oa .Ua trot toMday
faBoary waa strMiaa oai ob bui
irtal. bat leo or Urea, or
! Aldamaa WlUalto.
woald ahDw wbaUar Ua (anaan aw
The Bawl yaor, aoeordlbc to Uo
wUIlac to ba» poab a food thlof
3Tt, cu ba ebaapad by ordlaaaee
ata»^ Wo ballara Uay ore
>d BO aaoBdaoBt to Ua ehinor U
wlUlac 10 eixiparmu wlU Trayawd
Aldtotooa WUkalB
aty la aoy aelarpbdaa ibal wUi ba of
a oat that pan U Ua
Maal haaa*i. aad te UU waa U
roport loo.

(araon aboald Uka aapaclal palai i
par tba Bayor
talary cd tm waa airtchoB oat .
Bolloa at Aldarmaa WIUoIol Aldar
- - Hoorn roiddao.
« propuaal lo par iba al
Ua dKl^aftloa ot kaowlat tkal Uay
baaa triad U. Oa Ua oUar hoad. If tlW a yoar waa atrUkoa out. Mooa
Uay (ry U mad >Bd II a aopeaaa. tbte »olad BO.
Tbe propoaal lo abotUb tbe booM
tba Ban Ulac to do U lo Mm
Ua bMlroa wlU aa OBany wUeh oT public worlu waa otrlekea out
win hrIac.Ua nwarda doa U Ua aa- BollM <d AldertooB WllbalB. Ah
or oapreatad Ua c^UIob t
•rpy at Owad Trataroa (arBan
ba bettor to bara tbe board
The eatMail.
be Bblloii 10 ralae '
tka Ubrary alu isauar te '
aaable far parUf
Uaa Boadou-a gkoal. It wlU abi
oa aaoilua at Aldor^a WUbalB.
^WB. It 'kobbod op aaranKy- a^a
ba diauer id
Moaday araalai. aad wbaa Ua aldarfor wblob Ua cltT caa ba bcsdad lor
BOB hBd baw lafonaad wbara Uay
brtdce purpoaet 'eaBa op. a^ Aldar
•fta al. Ibay fouad that Uay had. by
JB Boead 4te-4d
fmdatkB apprcpHaUd ItH. wtu
but badon Ua Botkoi to any
wUU Ua board cd llbrair treatoaa AidarsAB QIIMI lABdad wtU Ua boTOa «aUat1tad to aaeara pUaa tor
Uod Uai all ua r
Ua Ubrary baUdlay os Knk. airaai. oBly Ua biidfB Baltar aad oaa
tba «auor oaB# dp galdtly tad U- aBcadBaei ba auiokaa oai. aad ihla
Maaatly la a raaohiUcB u' tn
alao eamad.
«Md (TM> Ua BBUacdBt (oBd to Ua
Bllaa J. OaBpball aokad o«««i
BWary fi«(. wtU wblob Ua board tt
from Iba diy (or iajurtaa aUacad
Ubrkry troatoda wara lo aanara pladi
have baaa roceivad t» a dafoetlra
■or Ua
—f- Ubrary boUdlaf ea
walk oa Ua aoaU olda cd Wabotor
•lath atnel. Ua Booay to ba leMuead
........................... »• IML, aka aakoJ
' to Ua TOliapwl (oBd tndi tba«o tor pala aad aalorUc. BU for U
Wd to ba plrid by Hr. OaraacU. Tba
daya kBt. tido for tlaa yM u ba loak
BotkB to adopt Ua rvacdatloB
m for aadliBl aHaadaBoa aad 111
to a aau al sBoa. aad Aldatmoa OU.
•MB. flUaU. OddaladbtB. VllbalB
« Btaiad UA^ kaiow
« cd Ua eaaa. aad that whDa
A aboald have aotoa eai

■Uar Id Uaaa. ba wM. raqdUad
tweUIrdi tola.
dllarBii WUbala rtpUad Ui
U«w TO bo saod (d beUep to total
a worraBM for Ua eDUaetto* at
Ud Hknry cb StaU ttrM. •
Um had dlroddy baoa dcBa by a oaai
iBcidi Mta. Ha baM bUb that UU
aea. ratoUva lo till dadtotad tiuB Ua
by Ua city atort. to Ua aoCXto
Boat for brleka
pavoMt by Al
farrad lo tba a
■a OB cdalBi oai
aeeoaata aad Ua cdty aUatpay.
Tba teal nporu at Ua aawiatoau
wtth Hr. rr«a«a for tlM pavtac TO
oarlUr U Ua Mwina. uld It to a
aada aa dvaa to Ua Hoaord
aaoUy dttareat. Utot wkaB AUaraaB
Tba roport of Ua aMttoWUbdiB waatod Mythtoc.
topiad by tba pooBcti.
AUarmaa WObdla srpU that Ua
WBBtU ba babtoa m Kbcb.


January and 4nordf>r to reduce our stock
we R)fke


Tho Bna at T. D UrHaaua « Co. la
laoUved by BWea] otoaeai. aad
D ftoacb od mi Bay Bet WlU
arrideai Tueeday la a raaaway bemfieT T U HcHtoua eill cuaduct
ualant uf Tka FbBoua- aktoe
u eill lay bla up for a abort
Hra J A HrHaBBO. who baa bees aa•uclated wtu T I> HaUaaua toace Ue
death «< bar busbaad. J. A UaUj
retlrea Itoa the bualOM ot Ua

as lagalrad lae w

Tbej dracBad'hlB quite a dlai
bUure be was forced lo IM Bu,
uUy slur be had oar u
uklaa aewnly tojarad by bavias ii
pka laabarptaa af wkom t
xighl beiwoee ibe atelcb niaair OBd
paired Ua way dirackad klB U
ine. Obe of Ue amUl bemaa to iba
bndpa K Ibe forks, oae i
iaakla waa btokae. and U lepatfed tbe
Bilea below Tbay did aot aaa > aervicea ol a idiyatrlaa to care fur tha

aad Ue asarebara yaaiarday ceold bOt
oatek the trail of Rewat or Uoy would
Uarrled. •uaday. Febru^
DU kava ruoraad toil evi . _
Will be aecaeoary to wall for a torUar realdeoce cS Ue brldak taiber to Lakb
Rev. C. K Babauek.
iMcw, wbaa Uay will uka op Ua
r. Basel abd Ulu Bautob TboBpooa.
Ur Basel to a wldaawake biUlMai
Uia baa baaa learaad cd Ue b!
r of tbe Lobe
BOB bodore that Ubs.

cd sotit ptoA tod wbtto Ua uaaa an
ant tofki. he aaUaataa tMt than wUI
be over TOO.PW feu cd ptoe aki
tba tract, to addUloa to Ua vatoaUe
aMar. bsmtoek aM hanwood.
e umu to loM Ubb a Blla

Abu tourUs and feed sUlU
place. Ha atou baa a torse
aad toed 'Bin at Sbawaso. i
BOel coBpMad. wbicb be will siatl
op aoBe UBS dnrtos Uto bobU. Utoa
Baulab TbuBpacuk Ue btUa. baa lived
to Itoke Abb
baa a hoet of
wlabei so silk ber to hor new boae


^-It^loa^an nay fault lo tod wlU
kto palBL elUer sow la pulUaf It
0. or btreMler to Ue wear, tell your
ealar abooi h.'
-Wa anUoriia klB to do what to
Isbl at oar otpeeas.*
Tbe followtai Btory Mis bow Unto
ir « Ce. hardware deal,
cfc. R Y . ban sold DaI lo BOW. aad have
tplalBt to all Ula ilni

rotoad Ua alskt bae ytara Part fora tba tourU aMa wma palstad: aad
tka pplatota didak waU tor tba waod
dooeid wiU Hr. Howard wbUa Ua to dry.
Wbat to doaa to suck a emsaf Whatr waa to atatn fUKe It rw
rar Ua doator. -who aoU Ua pitoL
4 Urea BoaUa to t*t a nply
H fiUr to do. Wa towva B
to blB. Ha Bay mol do aiarUy «kat
fntoi Mr. Howard.
wa oboMd a wa wara tbara: bat wa:



it. IMS. ml
oomaa tod


here befon vary toa»
folrlaa a Ut aaaaa] Ucroa tw
flam at wWiPiat by hU BOda* itet kah. poeliry aad Boat peddkm.
Up ftoort ad Ua Uartor rortotoP
Mmaa Siodto aokad Uat aro
I auardap
BMtta ho tthM op aad Umpom
ahada troaa be plaatad aboot Ua
Wbra Ua tazpay«n to BMMal etocran dly balL aad Aldroaa Sr
dafaatad Ua pniposittoa lo boBd
der aad QlUaU ware aapentred I
e4iy fur llb.PW for a eetosel
t^tdsa SB -Warn FnBi atieeL TkB,
Tbe rerilar bUk ware ordated
that thP any paadb bBd ba
-ppcBOd k.- Tka reeah waa
aa early koor. to aplla id tbe r
to thiik ttpt Ua doaaaU
hM tM oTOUad. at toBK
tkoB «B «Bk. VbBi Ua Boitoa la


Tka vchtos was Oratj. kto

Ustb.|Wiar Ball.
ili|{h ln>trp


. . .

Tenet. W. I Bk at. Trem-j-j.,,
e> AtoM UiOre^

• UI I^BIM trm

\Vc arc never underaold il i]uality cui> any
lake nt> chance^ on bur l-'iKiiwear, our



IS antok-itoPrwk i

ftoMW SkBnM.

be.ead CBM yue ere mnliet luete wer.y
eieeliwirf e> eey ume eictoe lu euocbe


e •^Npnaa tor a

Januarv Sale


r i'll nil I

arrri: ZX actwe orchard; U aerM
svMid UBbur: Ml Al: am e stump ua
Ua plaor; tors* buuar: wludmUl altb
waler lask: two larca baru. full
basOBaDi oadur uoa dupauctiel by
plpae with walrr laok: coud tool
ebad. iea bouap and uUi-r out bulldUs« A aAROAIN AT S«AO(L


\Vc tan save >-ou rtioney.

aerre; amall urrhard; sood buildi
TbU would ba Just Ua Ulas fur ai
bawc ur otark; will bu auU .fur Si




all away l*elow cost.
Lor ina iiict: Kcrviy Jacket, not

shoddy al
sells al

We offer Ladies'.

and Children's Coats, jatiiets and

Capes at
siancc. yciu

Oar bBudrvd abd utovua acrua: alsbl
acTM cin-hard: aiwui y& auroa tlBbor:
soud bulldtoea; auud eoll CHEAP AT

a coat that usually sc*lls at

at $C.U7 you tfet a cuai tliat


very nearly half price: Kurs H

erff; Ladies’Walkini; Skirts ;; .uff; Big Rcductiun on IKvcrcoats. Clslefs.. Boy-s' Reefers
and Ulsters.

We offer
. more goods at

rices than any

*t tkt mU ttsmi

house in




B. X UMIbelm

Msopto MboMim OP.. TMto. Ohio

Uua'l be the unlucky one tu wisv the ^leal

J{ed ticket Sale

‘V9LVUUK tAt c**!!

Frank Friedricli




AK. C toot
toot citcto

SbT OK 6, Sedid Oak caae
tealDuen gomg at tha ale
toe the
|*ke cd
Chain, otben wo^ aM $6.WI

Jin extra Cut aa Utah Bradt Iraa Bids

^ ki^tatpL


Madp on Spc-dal

ASOUDOAK.thiee-i>iece Bed kmn Suit, LNcsmt baa a 6dc
Fiencb Ptaie Mbra IKxSt. bave) etlgr,
iwice $19.60, tbiaale only..

•oopbt the htoohlaery


Men’s U.00 Shoes S3.00 and S3.50 HigUn'Slions


Traverae tniy. Ulcb.
Hear Blr:-«oaM tbtok »a Ink
uod deK St H* to InvUtos <
tolnto uf Devoe Rrwiy Palatuihorue our aseai to sell It ui

Cassitnere and

kood stylesbntoniyooeortwoof

all sizes in the 1st. regular values
•S.SO -ko WIO.OO

. Lattar to JMse

war aa bad aa ^

HapoU K. *'~TT‘f~i1 retorwp
dw frito Chleasck where •be

81k iotof Men’s

Suits, all

Tba t'oleasB Udepeadeot of a rr.

Up-to-date Styles.
bant liipiB h

Lot of one and two of a kind, ail desir­
men’s and Boys’ able
garments, AT ONE QUARTER
TO ONt'HALF OFF regular values.
men’s Suits
Children’s Suite $1.65-

rat Utaada pU euiinn.


eat dale eoBlalaed tbe fullueliis
ter. brdka obonfr afiK aova Uat day.
Itoui Tbureda) eveaius. January U.
aad ibo way the aaow tall sad Ua ai.k u'cluck abarp. a tery pmiy
eeddiBS uccumej at Ibe Hi
KM-Iury al Cadlllar. by whlcb ibe lives
I kava baa
uniue. uf Hlu Luatia AvartU ot
Bad Ua way ai CuleBsO. Ulcb . OBd Ur. P. J Heuaa
cartfulJy for Iba bard
('BdlllBT were untied by the Bev
Tbli n to
Vr Pruii'boaiiue The brtdMBUld asd
uunaa were Mlu Juinie Dusk'
ibal ilBA
aUllty ha
Tbe brlBa was arrayed lo
died troa
cmabBere. cerrytas brida’n
wUeb be araa aUlay
>ea .and ber brldceBalp waa dr
lap Ibal a^arBom
ehUa aod carHad red i
ll wouliT have
After Ibe rervmuay ibe eeddlns party
bba to cat OB Ue wroas rood la aay
tixmx SB slesaai luarb at
loratos Borth froB tha
> al Iba brldasnnm'a broUar. Ur
Into brtdsa tbare
J P. Mean of Stt Howard atrsM
OM eoaU toko. Tba Irst terms to Ue luBCb table waa decuraiad wlU
lafi alcmp Ua river, but toavas Ua
oa asd rusw aad Ua rtuB lUuml
WIUtoBabiov road at SO ai
sued by a beautiful candelabra
Sle Ibat oiw toldbl aaally
bride baa Bade many a arm trisiula
BUiake uf inrutos to Iba lafl. A lU- durlBs ^ aburt aolowm la Cadtltoe.
lle lunber auRk
ibere Ibe snua to eHl kBown. Colo"
aad Travorse CU)
ua baa baaa faae bosa .br
BikdoaUy Ibat «o rods aortb of Ua ytors aad ebe bar a bust uf fl
ptoee wbara tbay aapOfBta lbs nadi wbu kds.lbe IndepcBaeoi In *Uh las
are sol Bare Uaa (va rods
her a brisbl fulun
Rosal pot ao tar aa this bMora Ue
Ur Hsooe was tomarly ot Ula Hty.
Ua raal Ibere Is to
kaowtoc which of Usaa ruada ba took, Wud to a BOB uf Ur. and Hra U. A
Heaaa of teas street He u eoi
lo B aaarcblBS parly
torso iireteb of lerrltery to so atpr to to C\<bb « Ulicbeua plaatos bIU. aad
tba couple will rasMa to OadUtoe.' Hr.
BSklas tba aearcb
Tbe Bbow baa aot aoUc Boarty io Heuu to K>« a suett of Ur aod Un
Buck up the Boardaaaa aa It boa bora, U A Hauai cd Rooe aireei

Ladies* Misses’ and
Children's .... Vi^lOI


> ICBB waa fioally aeeored uaarly
lold hiB Iba direrak
llreniou caoetuUy. aad
le ead uf WaahiostoB aireei
be could aoi well i
wlUovi aitohi dSBApa occurred to Ua rla
iuee luui) u Meed (>e eto. .................. «r
<uUc( n«bl back oa Up owa
•utlar Oats Mum Years.
Uruupb Ibe uabrukaa aaow laale
tle<»Au») Br
folkiwiBf Ua toad
pleaded foUly
laktiis ledeoeui llbroed yaeiarday tbtok Ibal to all prob- ■mlea wMb bla Pyeanuld dausbier
ibe e » e«>l iutm
ly Roael raaebad tba traa hrtdca
Mlebced ai 10 o'cloek Tuawtay
loyoad bcdlb 40 (o Ui WUI
UBS 10 Blae yrM at bard tohiur to
burs Out oa iba plalaa. after taratos
aonfa. la Ua plaoa wbara Ibey baUeva
ba put of tbe road aad lea

a«afptoMt for tba Tianree City cab«MB IMory. all cd tba vary 1
U a torso ofWar od aama lo ba 4a.
Ua dBly a
Beared turtMt Ue eoaeca. da
baM am SadMday.
Uai they bad baaa tofarBod by Ua
tba Batter cd tobeto. Ua dtolsBS
tUB woab ha to laortad Ua m
troueca that Iba tatter wooto ba Had for whicto are sow btUs diawa aad
W p-alMk A
dboa «( Ua BbU atraK alu by a rota
by Mia. akMteto proeaad wMh Ue ptoBa oa boob i
of T to 1 dad oyoa Uaa ba 4«
tOBda wan pcevldad wtU wkkk 1
that HtB. furry Hoaaak eoaU o
Ua ouy to aUda tar tu coBtnoL
rtaid«t(9B TO potoad daelarto
Uara. aad umaaBctad otbor h
liMBtoia ttodar waatad to
tba propuaal to bead tor HMW fw
wiaaawi u tad eat It Ua etly .haa aaw mat atreet brtd«a tool.
• propar raaotaltaat for Ua pad- ba CBlled Ua Oraad Travaree. Tba
Ha mH that Ua eooaeil bad
tec aad partoc cd Sink aliwat, &«■
diayto* ktodorcanaa kac obooi
Ualoa CO turtahm. to papaed- TUa
AUmbb WUholB doelatad tl
previdaa Uat to aay «ro wbar
aroBUaAUartooa paratot
laniiBial azoaada 11 par east of tto
Uair pfBiH dltttada Ua cdly
valoathB of Ue propKty acatoot
•erdr tM Ua Ubrary.
" I It la atoewed. Ua root oMl ba
rUaUy UadaaaoBM wtU Ua dadUtoB al Ua aayor that Ua BotUa

late W Ud dapoK «d aai wca • had
• trM to

inventory variy In

Oaurpe Haya.
Oaurt« AoaaL a brother cd
I aaa. yaourday. Hoaal a
lopea' brldfe. oa Ibe aoutk
■be HoanBia. oee aad
allea above the Irea btWM

A ll-laeh

Tba board cd water eoBMloa
atoo proaoBlad Ua Bpitar of Ua


Tba tm u

Tboto who hBVt hnhod oiotoB toto
the' Btoucr ore teavtociad Uat Hoasl-s
body Ilea aoBowban oat oa tha ptatos
doBakoa aakad wara bayoad all uader tba aaow. aad that ba la
life oa Ua afUrBOOB of tha day oa
oa. Ha told that bla farMhor
wb^k ba Ml Ua camp.
baa eharpa of tha aooa. tooda BO
«1U aa apMai traa Ua daolahB of
Uaa ibraa ealia. for wUeh ha dU Bot
' Ua Ualr. bat al Ur. Oamrk la
A mas OsaL
ebarra |» by a Wbc ahat. aad Uai
Hdk tba BOUar «aa radarrad i
aodlatoa la Ua e « ooat Mt Id
a r. aaxloa eloaad tka dsal yaatan
UU «UoraB. Tka latter eaaaallad oieaed M mia. Tba
day tor Ua porekaae of Ue Bp
- Ua fkartB- OBd nad Ua aaeUaa baU
■rtod to Iba octoBUtaa oa waya aad Howard pioparty oa tba paab
to edwr Uo (BOO. aad OB hU 4b
MABt aad Ua city auanay, wUh Al- whlcb to told to ba Ua OBly ploM of
Ubi a BAtortty oBiy wma ra*
arBas HOOB aa x
ptoe toft to Ula part cd Iba Mala
Hay* Ckyror daUarad Ua boUb lo
Tba board it a
eaaaldrrailoa to K.SU. aad Ue
adapt Ua naahtkB oarrtod.
eosulaa Iff aeraa. df whlcb IM
Ykh TO aoi doaa, howarar. aatU
at BalBi oB 8UU atraec
Bials wUl ba told.


Tbe aaardttoc party that Wtot oat
HaBday la aa eadaBW id tooete
Jeko Boaai nctowad la^ enalat wubeat fcavtoc faiBl Ue body af Ue osfonowa aaa. bal Mary todhsAoe
potau Co Ibe auppnalUcB Uai be loat

Big Bargains ■Bnnks
Good chance to get a supply'^
of winter reading cheap at
' the

€itv Book Store

$94.00 Beds cot io..tfK.M

mTmSg' So

sawMcntto.. um$


lf.MStdicM Ur.. t9M
1100 Back CM to..


18 UU Bcdt’cat to.. ' 9*9

TO ctiM A mus i> awa naY


CmK^mmiFmrhe SmiH
$ 7.SU Neel erotiWlort Couckea. Vatoot L|d>okt<twd..
9UU «aM CTOtimetadOcwcbai, Vatoor LpboHtor«i .
lad Cenebet. Vatour


^ Cbe Boston Store :

We are offering a big ibt of
nice, freeh. new stock at 25
percent discount duringthe
balance of January to close
- before Inventory.

Boiiart-BMdiff Co.
Take a look
at our Bargain counter also.


eni4 TraTCBC Herald.



THt tauM mn«MUHtKAta.'Ht>UX>y ft.

s »cr Cat tOmd « Tiae DcfMl&.

DMkttaoa ood edlun

Oreoi laimot enailaBoa la U
lival —(..ilnoi.
aui aa.Urga aa at Irai. tta «
«. aad to 01
oOoa to eaobty

tetalta ootlaB •• » ao.avMti**

tl«MM tb* OMMd* tao«h« aodw Ita OMV*®'of tta bawd for tta VolWjr Itogat Co.

k wmm dwldod todlwoatlao* Ita poblortbo
it« aoClT*, ««ll loforawd taroMn
ettantoooooapoBr Mr. IMofeuh.A.tawrtar.
■ooaflta coBa>7 oaMog <!)• iorale talk aulun or»r ponoaon;. Il
Oita dtatdod u> oMiotat tlta* oad
ftbota'af taoMliigoM vmrioo* foUM
nfioo vboTo Hr.

Tta Bntool Haatiaa.

Tta Ceuo^ ConvontioA

Hoow Prom tta taA
A. R Gray of tba PaolokaU rrcarabd

la lh« 41fMMn- reeaatttsc FMpU*
SftTtaf* Baakodlb. •agar taw oooBitlM of Um baud of trad, lo lok«


Tta Uraon la tiai rocloa jocluwU.
mpU oUida* ta tba frael j
ilaaola FaMnora* Cbib.
■d il o wy obortuan vlUkoTo
irao viaaUloa tboao fonW aootb. | "C .
Hr. liror tad ato oddnoaoi dorli«
toff I Oill to tba rtoir. aad ptoo
OB {aleci oBeara for tta aaoaiag y
Ibo two dir*' ooarba. Tbar
Pm-J. r.OlIL
OoUitotlta oad roadlagtla Soil.
VMaPr*a-B J
CloTor oo Ibo Uolrr fora."
oblo Port <VroaaoUoo.


tatA" ADd-Sboop Bnoduc A

drtlUty,” vTiuo R y Umo to Loa
aaur. S. H "No r«-*dy bolpta su
eill I bogao aalag IBortrir BIKrr*.
hi«b did me mure good ibae oil rh.
wdirim ! mw uaad. They bar*
alMi k*p|. aoy all* la camioat boalit
yrara. Sb* tar* Etonrtc Billon
]ui aploodld tor To—alo ireoMoa;
I iboy arv^graad «o^ aad lar«
No other BediciBe cna taka Ita ploc*

a Itaw
Tbo old br-lowi taTtta tollta
dioOM. o DOW tot woo afeptod Mtollowo *
I Art. J. Tbo aoabonhip too opoo
Coot Proof UoUioc IhU dob Hall ta tviolr-flTo

U udonooputalbU


R J. Pooktaa
hMoqtaoUUoo will dbl ta rofoa
C Otiw., 0«
rooob fttaoool.

Tl.. r«—... -Ill
aS^. Tb.»w.l«-rf.l.l.«l-b
Hieb. Wodondoy I obolJ ta tftaaa tor ooob aootbta.

Efits..'? rs.rra.“ “•

( with Biagtaa
lot ot Hal Plata.
vbloh Ibo agwu *UI BMP* tbo fora,
or* vill ta dtaldad to k dor or
AU tbo buloow BMO In tbo eiQ
ai to otaod to oo^>potolo vllb ibo
and taob VIII boaappllod
with a eord ta pool Ip liU
oootadoc Ibo loot tboi 000
- Witb foraoro oo tbo opot By
a* II ia doaigmod to abow tbo
tial oil tta beuoeoa aaa mm
a«ar^o eo-opemla wito tboa and
blip tba emonoi

Ha. P-o

■’"“load oo itataoHall bo ooooid
‘“•“laoahta oAlil tai.i l~ ot da
tta trip, tafortag from boon | paid

tnabU mod oortootatao **»
to ibU ciab u> kata o beat
Hr. feolor barao oaly loo
vilfa aaeb —antar
to tbo el
bally of flta cbll.lroo, <*>•• toolbar ] ,^4


NooHy ForfoHa Hi* LM*.
t runaway, al—eat oadlag faialty.
ua (ba lag to
oad ail
d all docur*

1 faa 01 daaa aball ba nt
or bold olBoa ta tba dab
Tbaao by-lava
t aay'ragolar a
dab by two-tblrda*o

IbU eity. Hra. Paokboa
bar taatbar iu aoioo yomra mud ila
tta ayaiatby of m Irntgo aaatai
triamd. taU. btro mod le lior old boon-

''’ •1 Tr?

Ulat Berrta S—lib aotarutaod a
umh*;- to b*r frlrada rary plaoaaoUy
iol ereolag 01 bar ho—*. 417 Hooroe
Light rtoreab-MUa

i fur Bum*. BnilaoA Bkla Erup
I* mod Plk* »e at Jaa. C J^Ao
and P H Uegd®' Drag Sioret


AayliwTt Commute* Made
«.. ...--------. .
IbopoaiUaato aotartweadaot
of ..-1
Tba Homn eoaalltaa ee tba HotlbTb* iopic dioa u by tta |WMid«atto
• walOT worka aad olaetr)p
an Hiohi^ loamaa Aaylaa froa tba
lb. Stato AaaaotoiiflB to Parwtua'
atatc lagialalnn wmi h*ra Taaadmy,
toapaeUoo of tba iaallia.
l-bo aitaaiioo U a ffoa oM. mod bu ; ^ eboora ftr diaoanloo at tb« MU
tiiB witb a rtaw of a ovrcci oodtatUm for tba pnltioo la a blgb' UMaUug of tba elab lo ta bold at
adkag of la Oooda. ao tbml ebay
-• a* Uten Oraiiga ball PaU.Utbai 7J»ip-\o Hr. OaoipbHU.
____ _________
•Ooraroplaoly of good boo after tta po- aeoi owaarahip of pdblie oUlUlaA'’
altlai ta tba taaaav plaal to tba
On noUoo Uir elab adiearoad for
Waxtord ouoaty town.
Wm. U. Hogtoy. S
—lary goaa witb tta pototioii.
■aaban bolag K. A. Wmlkar
Hr. Oonpball baa growo op lo tba
At Lew PricoA
w oeoaty. h. V. kor.ll ot Bornitnrn taTiug benu In llw eleoulc
A Oom. R f. Hawborry Of Btmoob Uglit aad wator wort* ladoalln to.l
oad L R fanloB of Otbua.
Of Ota tfOHaai of tta taotitaU
.kon won paoamot O-oomi G.
Hon of Hooiotao. W. W. Httatall of
Injunction Oiaaelvad.
New uiacliio— aold c
Obdllloo oad UOA H. U Umrii
ig tba Hon
T. Boon of iblo oUy. Tb*
1 from tatidtog
ty aook dtobn.vllb Ur. Booaoo.
to Uooega *. Lardto-a war*
oUb B
dlMlrad Taoaday at
1:30 by Jadga Hayaa oo tta gi
Tbo woak of it
• waatlng tta lajai

fTaa™.- 5 7.. iiiis:r.r:!r=i..i," r

Circulation this week 2,725
Mn. Obofa of 1^0 Aaa toU dran
adtaMot.itatnTMav *>•
hot loft oablo. httaklaa bolb
bar tad UK Obd both I

-------- H a.u ct *----------- oad Hla
Ado OtO^d of Uec Loko tovaHtllt
WOM aardod blflUT. Bagb Koaodr
I Hotbodlot
--------.Itaador ot 10a a. ThorwUI «iol
bora o b* dojA Ibta «o ta KtaaookA
Bob an voU kaovo yooa« pooplc
la lioai Uko tovaoblp
oBItal ot

n>o Ulobo

I. tadlta- oad gaata'
Aarr. Ota., of Tta
fair ab—. ----------------.
A*ar * Oa
Hr. RoaMihol
•leaooak- tfao Hook oo tbo pnaiaat.
ia tbo OalBoa Woak. oad Mr. Aabar

Mia Hatol Batn ton Hooday tor

^nlliot OoTaaodoy ovaolog
o^tioo WM taodond tta of
. of taa iiMiidotlM o« tba Woyoa Iff tta
Oatntt Mortan W tba onootottaA M
«Uab tba agaHWIt trtrint obd
olotoWOMH* to tba alty on larltod.

t'laniiels. Etc., in ihv must popular sell­
ing colors.

pntWD to Ita ininiy. ,Hr.
Dbptwna of
------------ wUta pooMtb M boa bald
Hr. Aloato i. WoUaoa'obd Hla
Jaito BoMttal waaaaHodta nor■ tto*aotSk.rtoorta obonb Tharatay
B,---, at 1 o'atoak. Bo*. Pr. Bobo*


Death Roll.

Soafoni. aa aged
Umg taka towoatalp. died Janaary
Ualravnaa wUaaad
kald fro- tba Prtaada taonb at Long
Hama From Ua«lng.
taka Friday
rridar aadM tta dlraollta to
PtM BP Cipitai.
Bar. enlla
HOA i. U. Hoatoa ntarwed PtMay W. 8. Aaderaea.
nalag no- taaalac. mod waa at nnad tad ehaigo of tta aarrtOA

Doaaed liaa baaa A rtaldaot to Long
iMa till HaMay. vbea ho
taka tovnali'ip for wwra than a qaarlataad to taatoag tc go
■Ittoato vhlob ba U a ow-b
rtall tba ladatorlal Hob® tor OMa at
H. W. Ctin
Iba popoh
a W. Oat
Mr. Htaiea ta wall aatlaSedwtlh
I. & K. K. I
(btogt at taaatof. aad II gatOag bOIbU
idaae cror aiooa itaapaatagto
qMlBlod aa tapMly aa poaalbto with
A. S. Bar.
tta -a-tari to the honaa
Ha waa
bear, vbo boa boaa lo Iba local
nlarly idaaaod witb hla an
fniglil depot, toe yaorA baa boao aptaka
I ttat vaaal

tan for the
ta«oC taaOnod Udgo P. * A. U.
atOatroU. Bdtoperw
H4 foporto that tta todgo
oMtaodACVnorttanlb Htotaloto

Ki-ep oiMionlly oti honil a good
el.irk. c.f Bae Ke*iH-r Supplloa, Banu
tarlared hr the A I. Hoot Co. Uedita.
Will e.-U ibe oanr at
prx'.A only add from 2 to 0 Int
r frtogbi 00 tbo aanc. Bat oa
■ fur Janoary aad pMmiary will
. diaconi to 3 per raat ta call
early at ny toTB’. throa nlln aorthof Travene Oily.
J. P. BKRfl.




Our winter



SUftitatoUlBnaliWltUiFI IWtaL

in Boy-a Oa* BoeU* Babbor*
lo wear vlib aqrt*. fUal qual-

-«t taaaaatanaaar.H
will b* oo baod
ta rttaOog by tta HonllMb Olothlag
Oa. vta MW oeoapT it. oo tba Bnl
toMorab mod tta anafc will ta got U
toiogb Obd Ibe oMraopaaad oa aeea
rt-aaf-T at paotohU.
Boabool bn baaa b-itayod *al to tta Haoaob *
M <MP oDOlol tofolAaad btrtMta^Utoa lata. taaaM-t

cstir"jr i«w(.. «iA«.

tay MaraOe for oaorly II yooiA Oad
y vail konva Ibroagbaat tb*
-d aoaauyMr Bgano. to
a lb* a-ftny to A. V. PriodB* waa ter—ariy
to lb* Bodtaa
Md nwTioaa to that bad oboif*
to tb* bokofy boalaa- to Oaoeg*
lor o U-B Ha alae U veil




Maav a well m—at, vtoi ptaoMd attrtnpt at bfr-l makit* ii
vieckml on the abuati of |ioot Soar. Good bread i* no* hard to
-akat. Half the .Tiymgei* where you get
door. Otu Beto.
^'hMr earn— yeo to <knd Bread aritbo— Uilare. Whiter, auoogc, taarper Boto catnonc ta made, .kod the price u joal U 01traoirt aa tta taead. ll'a a pretty poo cook fkax cant aave
tnobey an.1 .Wight 1^ limay wuh bread ipule from



M to tta baatat I

Death to Earoaat i

Daotb to Mm. Barah HIIL
Maa g—ab L Btu to Boat FnM Mr. BaMloru waa tta im ot
toraat 41-d Tbonlay oboal -Malgbt aad Ita Baulngto. fer—raly n
to tartlatl. la tbia oeaaty.
M to tar drqlb mod It waa
for a oo—bar to ytor* kept
Mlyto thro* day*' daaaUM Ooly
aaoreat BartlaW aod'
to- VO— Ml* Hill VMoroaod c
r at that ploea. Ita fa
^^Moad ta«W—y fnooda will ba


L Hill'A J «**Wy

la—. at can Uaa* abrrlt of litaadj
Ttar— eooaty.
Thar* an —oay'
taa ftaind* who Wtll d—ply ay-.

Hr* But Prla-to Kaat KlerMtb
>o« kaa.ntaraat fro- am attaada

•MM ta

Mto ttitiad toifflta.

They are <

this year

IVrcalcs, of course, will

New Ginghams and

ta-dingly handsome




Prices are advancing all over the
country and we find we can not duplicate any stove at the present
prices, but we shall keep our present
extremely low prices until after our
inventory, which will be a very few
weeks, after that we can not just now
state where we will put the prices,
if you need a stove get one now; It
would be economy to get one NOW
even if you did not want it until
next fall.

OB'* Flail flUbpar* a


as we can make rinim for ilii'iii.

kabbCTA Urgo *■»»*

lA^WoM'* War- flbooi. FWI


1 hey are here and are being checkeil and placed oh sale as fast



•WHt too rtowatog gwva of paaal
«... «ooao tooWao onr pay Hlk. With tba Joafetotoff fairy by wv to
bnat wtoto -ton

Mobd taaa bMlaanl

Irft—r—-tirtg IMesAr— o'f
\A/ta—H Pood—

7S CEffTS.


Tba toUa taokod

Oo -

M.-tA'/i .yMHMi■> TO CALL A T MU.UKI-Ar^i.

I Hea'a Star- and Low Rabtara

bo—ao aaiot-

am wm wbHo Ttotato


hrsi ajiention—I'laii lo buy your Wash Goods at Milliken's.

nara plaorlng fro- tba taar that ba



ra'i Wc RsMiar* n


aoci 'iordockBla

mtOL CFFPF. VH Cf//.\F
FAA'Cy SXllll FLAA/:


Our SaTlocs Department

I'hirsc are all '36 in. wide.


Goior at rretUp

kactoty EvantA •
d Uln Gray. Ha bad gltaa tta • A party of algbtoon yooog paepto
r otaaldotaMoa at Iba
apeot a vary plaoaaot tlon at Ur. aad
r pabpla Hra'Praok Wilny'a Satorday arm.
log. Tta totgor part to tin areolng
otdad Itat bo eeald bol afford
waa aptal-to gann. rafnabnaoto.
loot bU tM aad otbor"lutdraau ao ba vwa torradNtad It waa tta aoiall
a lartynVDoU ta fprood
oad alaetod.
Hr. lodd la gratafal to ihena toiaadi
Hi. aad _____
Ho kay
vbo taro bTtwed hlai tor tta offloA
bat will not allow tta eooeldaraloB of _________ ftfltaa of Ibalr frlaoda
Iboir borne
Webalar auaet Friday
OiUg of WiUlABMtoiit ia atOBlBg In ^or of Hra Tbaekat'a
birthday. _ ' _____________
MOd to ba o eobdidoto agalo

Hoidi'v ilir-M- wv haw all the staples.
>iK.h as Ca'hmi re-. Seiyes. \'vnclians.



dlnolnd It la ap la ttat aagaal
Not o Condidato.
body ogalA
K. U tadd molboriaaa tta Harold
- to Tbnraday. Fab1 atata tbal ta la Ml a toodi- nary iw. u » o'clock.

•M ovbor of Ibo oa.

That IS Full of cluitfl It ud 1 'm

d^UR dress goods buyer says never have
we had such a handsome line' of Dress'
Goods at 50c yd. as^vie have now; (this
means a good deal, for we have always prid­
ed ourselves on our line of 50c goods.) We
would likp yodr opinion of the^, howeyer,
We are sure you wili admire them as much
as we do. We will just giye you an idea of
what we have, then you can compare i.t V'ilh
what you find elsewhere: '


Btt Kttptr Supplies

Dress Goods Nt

ilOllAUi yjllHUSF


BbotliBg laoperty oww*^
wma o vary tbonogb oo*. It wlU gin
aannilua o olaor idaa of tbo
H. Brail aad oltara n. tta Hayo*.
lOt tbo taatlMUea.
A alaiUr
Oeaaell aad oUiera Tta oooaUlty Oeai
all tad ac


A Heavy Cold on
tbo Ghost

I* B'o-ea'a Pa4t aaf
Fter Trt—ad JulWUSIAO AT «ta

la Hta'B Pan BUppM*

has but few eqdals. It is the finest made heater in the

Is one of the best wood base burners manufactured.

Always finds ready sale, because it is the best medium
priced stove on the market.

Has been before the public so many years that the very
name sells it. for “there is but one Round Oak.*' Buying a Stove now is as good as a savings ba;nk: you get
, more than value received, If you don’t buy NOW,
next fall you will be sorry.

Al tbit teaaoi of the year any
.{Kwe foul if M cared ai once.


Our White PtbC u« Sprace Ex-


peCMnal ia the be« fecpaialkn
iv an kiodt of eougbt. ooUa. taow
dutia. to an, kind of
tftwbfe i-tocod by ggpoaore. : ;

S.t Wait & Sons

Mitred U.


THE omillii
r ate tto ynaac look yteacar.
Haan*. Plakaid aad Daytaa to UTto^tteW toUa to^to^^SelnTO i ite wera la lowa PiUMr alchb
Mr. ASaltat to Onetepraa la ton
aad (BtoOl 'tore'T^ K J. Peel toa bam oa Ito altoliat.
Or. Taa De WaUot it aoetaad to
lit bed tar a low dua
Mai Hadtol to Q
>7 ****
Tto toaeial elMn. Diualn wae
bad la Ito OalbolU eaana Baaday
HOC at b a'elaok.
nptod tto nk rtaaato
_jdoni Waa
low aorm dsctetottoto rloteU
parted baU Moatey
J_____ omitetobtp
I Mr. aad Hr*. Pnak Baym inn aey & Walter'*e ball.
CSteia to Mr. aad Mn. PM Tatorer
suimal baa (tee to BIc Bap.
to Pits tee MM week. ntaralSK Ida aad. to
tore aa epstaUee perlarabone Hooday.
ad tor aaaow.
Tto LadiM' Aid aooMly net Tban- A crowd to yoonc pao|
day atienoee at ito boete to Hra
__ ____ __
____________ HIM Platt Baraaia Ttore waa a cood al- aa car* tto tawD a call
Inc uT last wMk. We baarttoybada
buala Baalb aod Mlw MaesM Baato usdaoce IS aptM or looleBi
Ire/y plaaaul '
dnm from Tiarcrw Oi................
' - or. aod a alee loi -f work 4i
ntr MM tsaodar
Bunloc io altcod (be (ascra) to ctoti __
I torceal csttortoca bald
Toiiiday a
and daaebtar
saela. MeitMe Bawb
Uoldie iMl Jtodaaaday to
Pen OeeldWM a fev tori’ rlalL
.I-,....-------------------- -----------.
Mama Baaoh. tea or tto tod aelr’K'
tlMs or tl>M|too«, paaaad amroad. Cook.
Daru A load to IS nma from OmeA aotall onapaBy to trlaada wne aa. TIm araalDC waa iBoatable.
aotamtsed ai fliaefa Prtdsy anelac
Batch Mat ms^ lUlr^mVan oi at
‘*0* ^”*0 away.te baa.
IM< bane or Mn daaU llollday to Wai.
a«a He baeat «e daocbtai. Mn. A. toiaorto
wtoieAstonoe to LtoanA aod one too. taiael to tto ally Baiatday.
Uer. Unoo made oalla amsac bla

eo-CTe«atloa Moaday.
damlH ^to
etldat to 1
Broachtoo toa beaa oS defy
aou aad 1) V Hal*. Hr. aad Hn with lilt iflp
ato will ■
u tar (too. Harlek aad Mn BrM Uardoci
w wilb tram Ibl* place allnedcd tto Maoeaber
Oranpe Daaartmadt.
lotot toitallattoa aad baoqMI FriiMy
At Ito nesMr meatlac to Otaad
aetaloc. More woold hare cow tod Tnrerm
Oibb«* Ha STS. aa BatarIt oat bete tor tto Monay wealbei.
day. Jaa 31. tto (bird aad foertb deMn. (too Eebel rlrind tbe aeoaly CTOM ware aeeterred
dabs Mona to Kalkaaka aad totelr wdl ible waak.
Dartoc tlie leMarsr'a boot tto qamvtaltad (ruato ton Baatoy
Min Mariaa Ulbbe, wba waa at
Oall Palrbaokt aad wife to Elk bone moat to laei weak oa aoeoaat to
Bapldi eUliad frtaadi ban Baaday.
urliff Pny la toBa btiur today.
Obaa. (ilaadaolac eaaclil two aloa Hr. Bradbajtea waa Ihrowa' from a yaon ac» Tto rlaw tokao by aieal to
load to loci Mat Moaday, laodlar to- tto a[»aken:-Thal womu'a propar
wbite Bab Ibioeab tba lor an
plaaa la aa oae ttot aha oaa Bll ntiabaad to Elk tea Uat waak.
lameiT to. baraelt aad to ukm with
Mn Bbarp aad aoe baea poae to
when *v comet to cootan
Olati to tptad tto nal to ito wlaiai. a rery perl loo* pc
to the oplBlos at moa( to tto mamn.—. —
JaMaa UassMsd la aot etry wall aad to cood order by
Witt bbl Mlcbl ban womaa aboald bar# Ito tlcbt to
tbla wlalar; toidly able to da bla
ted wart tor aay Malloo to life
in* ton ereoiac
betoR^rarBiabed by a maie .jaartein aatmad erldaat to eocae ptcMol that
Tto baokka.
t Sola'a caap
Bat at tbe nte of |roe._, .. u -p rncreea for tto laM
dttyyeon (to mas will to atlaadtoc
• bMc Mtoy and
to tbe eallnary art wblU tto wamaa
irn tilt ttooty.
Alt Brows, who te baMi at Elk
Baptda aator Dr. J. 0. UaaotUtft
aan. ntaisad liosa Banrday MC
eeamad to iblok that mi payan toeald
tore tto rl*bi to tnaebln bat ail
Blna 43oek baaabt a tarty a
wba aipranad tbamnlraa mdd ttoy
larnbar wooda aew.
ten to W. H. Beabaa.
did aol eon to rota. Howarer, tto
awe ibaocbt ttaat wamaa oaebt to be
Mn A. E. Blakiid la qclla aSek.
Adtot Ealaar harcaoa la Plaanila
la Bda hU wlto wbe waal nan
Mn Kiama HcHallra taaltad"Shal
Hi. aad Hn. A. B. Pny rlMlad at
to to tbe OoBBtry."
Hra A Oatdaar ^ *a
Mn Ctoa. Battoa Vtel la Tnrona
Oily tto aib.
"'biV’p^Sto ndUd Ito "Acrlaaltanl Kdliar'a Poem."

Grand Traverse Region.

lb. aad Hn ViU

Mia Ite Bm* hM laM to Timrtim
OUT M tal|i «k« CMS << ba cut.
Mn. Ante, wbe te • M fall bm
tec MM ca te MAmlk.
Ms*, a E. BrtesM te tMUDcd
to te boB* u tola place cftor • *«o
tonka' rlMl Is Tnnnc dtj.
Mo. WkiMT TtsBtolt. sftor u «s-

ScT. Lwev Wacm nnlTcC I sb m

nptoCse^lM sMTC.witesrlBte
Os cacosal at Ibc «sd rcsAasM

d.. ~'VK'SJsgirrs'


V. C. Vkltenr'* cbUdnsMli
Mfk Ototete U •|slM dsfc.

_______ rc vlll to

tela Wan slae kac ton m:
toiife tosstete; U tote aa«.

Mto. Bi OoBilaat aak URU tefb-

Mn Jn Matos toto calte to Mat*




whUtia ar^ altar day.
URU Uwu fieralmrd. who tod
lUfortaae to ranire a brakie
rhlle ecaaltoc. la ca


Why am 1 a Patren-Oso. A. Bo'bitaee. :
Oairaal Bra
tec tee Oraace. Ho UMO. waa
tollytoatraatad u the dacm work
Uat Moaday nlcbt. Jaa. SL They
BOW tort twaoty-Bre mamton aad

__tat dha taaaBtUmwi the lea al
tto alMte ton baa almoM astl
{Hr. ted Hn Bnwa ate lltUa
Irara to Hartkpart Maaday aa k

efotaa, wbicb will be Belt HatnnMy
alcht. Pebraary t. ISQS.

aUlcb to w blah ttei bonaa
al- Jeba Joatoae U belpUc Hr. BaraBaaaped aa AwtuTTate.
raahan, wtoa the loadaasmd^Htad- bard oel aoma wood aad lectMr. ll.-HaMrlDa to MHbounii-. FI*
dtaly U tbnw bUa «ff dawa
tto Mr Wtoaa ntsiaed from UMa Bn- wniit:
.-Hy *>cior laid me 1 toC
bonat’ taet, baniac bU In* qaUa bar toM Baaday.
ibmausipllon and noibinc
no up to dU
Mr. Ho* hat
Mr PalieblU to Tiavana Olty waa
THr to a fire trial Louie to I>r.
■a Bay tbti waak.
KlDX'e Nvw UUcorery tm
Mi. aad MfS. Ed Onatocr MM___
tloii lodamd me lu try I
Me. aad Mn. r. ■otowte of Tiavton Oltr TWtod vlto tor puma,
Mt. aad Mti. lama. laM FiUv-

Pnan aad Hlta LsU Hi
Fnd Balaato ntotaad tnm Um- toWilt
Boatb HaalMB eate ortr la Ito
■all btet laal wte. How Hr. Pnan
la iaiiodaatoc bU wife, Mn. DaU
Piaaa.. to b>i triteda. Tto bappy
eaapla aspaol to mars to afator boate
te too lalaad thli waak.
Hn. Ohrach of tea Aaa feU aad Tto yotec paefda
totoateWtamaad HcMIac.alto teato
Mato taaoi U>
ctelac te tea qalu towelp.
ftod Wlltos «Bi toaaebt teat ten
aan tea^y^^iai^ V2r'
Oailar'a MS alto ^aaasi --' ,------1 will bt cleae. ate rdp-Jcdwi*
to tto laaca. tal la tote totoj.
tiaay draw, eat ter catil'i ttooy
^^^ba^te Pteto^dma toto^ to an
te. aaa
at tor ladMa' oo
ooBtie diOM aod
• farcoat'a aaiaeA
id bntto a
lb. CMd Mn. E ’ X tea to Tnr-


sass&teTtoS^ ^ ^


baba tar tnateaal fat lit ayaa
Mn dabs Baacna to ThgnyaaanUa nsltod at Hr. Oarpaator'a laM

Tte irii^*r7*te



tor Mi. Btowa. '

HIM Tan Win ntaiaad to te
bana to Orabd Bteda Mat TbamHy.
aflaraalayat al^ anailto at naMi
WUUm WlMoate katead
^tsnbartiw tar tto WyUa On
Me DtMaaas M tell my al

W. a OMaatoadldad aaavte
totoanc to ten latottotea tel
U Bate tel W. B. Pate ««s :


D. Aadiaa waa to tows Ian

Mn Bank tnaiaid Ibla noalac




_.. ----------aa'a boya bare alnoM
aoilraly. taeereaad fran tto wbooptoa
On Ito aiaalBC to Jaa. Sutb. U *toe Ito anaiTNiary at UU Moa'e
. ........... to y««te
a< d aid
carbnad at bit bon*
bnba M BOW crowlac
oW.'Tmc uei le anoac itom all ea.

IVL t len-niv’ HbV who U btuabinc with
Loc* are bciac tskaa te tto mllU at brollh iiiuvi nr, KiBR’t New Life Pill*
tel a tnmteu draw-tbem. Aa yot *e ui malnialD ii Hr ceotly anieeUs
■ he lary orc^a they cami>-l cood dl
HaayatOeyabU partial tore babi! Rimiloa and head uC roBMlpatlcai. Try
lairtac ftaat la the pnt two waalA I hem Only ttr, at Jaa. U. Jtou-oo
wblab te Mda tb* loaf teat WcM- mud r. H. Heada. DrufcUU




Mi. aad Mn. baton ntetebte vufc Mi. aad Mn. MlMoa Oaaa.

~ a PItabte aad teachin of 0«M
jar an ftMHte Jate Petan ate

Bd BaUrtto

wm aafinaaali la

ibteBio; a< IHi»ti mato<
OM ate ban Mat Baaday.
Ote RIbbM Iasi a Ate tolMr laM

Haomta waa U aar bare M






Bara M^ . Xd Hn Data Ma- Asal Bwaten ad Bn* Haaitso U
(teto.te. ITteaa.
oiMRac dHeada at Xteate tbU wtek.
r Mr. ted Mto AiOtei attedad to^
g^to ^^nan OIW tet WadMWHteJktetototo ate MteOad.





to Ine-


a. K. A L B. E . raaalac beiwaaa
aad Tnram Oily, nye: ,
Ran U P. O. Box ter. aad I'
aay Uttar am to me by I
aad OM wbe
Uaaa'a ~ '

pysSs■53w SfsSiiriJiiiiis


MVE to S£B «B SUM ILL WOOL im ttRSEY Pins ?

-----riteoa: ( hare bean nil-


Sored tram {aJa aad...
aahtoc to Ito
•11 to my bask to taab an eitanl
M 1 waa qaUe toaw. A nUiite eaftooM wbo bad and Ibma't Kldaay
tHlU^^terU^^ to try t-—

tto ireabU retanwd.'ud 1 Mnte u
tto ptlU acato tar a taw day*. aaMtor
raUpm toUowad. wtoa teally 1 dacldad to take a tlwraact> eoerm. I
aaed aU boiaa Etoet ttoa. aad
It two BMelto tea. J tor* aol set
a atocU aymptom to a taoarrciiaa.
Par tea by all daalera. Pric___
aean. Pcatn-Uilbaia Ua. BaSalo.
a. T. aeda aateta tar ' " ' '
Ualy OM rsmady In Ibv world
mi at oeoa atop Itabtoam to tto tkto
n tej lairt to tto body; tea'• 0>ataaat. At aay drac aton. M> euu
H>r Olatbot Pa
Oeaebtaad aoldt dawa

to■ aoasampUoa.
pUoo. yield (a
Uit eoatblac baaltoc laaeta
laaaaan to lit.
Woad-a Hwway Pisa Byr«p.
If you wish ^a^ful Clear While {



ROBE sale:
BelctP Cost
'' Ce Owe Out


IS .\ij. \vf: .\sk 1

ok any




OKt-l-rOtHK L-AOKM--


Greatest Furniture anil Hmise Furnishing tioods Sale
r heard of in Traverse
rse City,
^ou know wh.ii our mam■ loadsI by an .irxiK-rienw
moth stock is; all lioiight in car____
xiKTienwd furniture buyer,
-i^ obliged
to pay for it with his own
uney—that makes the ver>' lowest
St prici-s.
|)nci-s. Now wc 'menU
•mend tu
to close out :all the oilds and ends accumulaP-d in this
large stock for cht^lasi
■ : also give a big cut on every article in ihe slorn. some :ii cost and some away
below cost. These articles are all just as gooil as new to
be a little different in design from our spring
lo you. but will W
styles, as they make a little change in designs in furniture even- six months. A ston- can advertise any kind m
a discount they like; all they have to do'is to close their store for a day .nnd mark up their gomls, but it is net pric­
es that count and that is what 1 shall oiioie yon. Space is too valuable to quote many, but if you want anything in
furniture, stoves, carpets, mattings, lace curtains, window shades^ dra(>eries. or anything for your 1 will show
you that wc can save you a lot of money.
mewe** a sna^
A solid oak Bedroom Suite, wonh
In Mnrtii Recliaing Cliait*. TneK e Mii|i|w>l lo n*
solid oak Bedroom
Suite, worth SIS.UI. now.........
rcluclian *.» niaJe to me li) the £artor,,'w> I'kte
them. \ou can have the benefit iifttoir mitukc.
A solid OBk Bcdjoom Suite, t swidl front I worth $'JI. n
A solid oak Bedroom Suite, worth Ij^Vui. n
One worth $ 7.60. now $4.Kfi 0..e worth »i:i.60. w $ 9.7S
A solid oak Bedroom Suite, pari quarter sawed, worth
One wonh $ 9.78. B.*w $C.6o (W worth SltOU, w $10.00
$-.‘7JiU. now................................................................................ 2U.UII H)ne worth $1! 76, $H?6 tine witoh $19.60. now $H.7S
A »oh^<|uaner sawed oak Bedroom Suite. j>olishe<l. worth
A sohd ^krter sawed oak Mroom Suite; a iKaniy. worth
A solid oak Bedroom Suite, full serpcniine. worth $4U.TK1. *’'

This is No. y>7
No. 083 Couch,
No. 082 Couch,
No. 080 Couch,
No. 087 Couch,

A J6 in. feointeU, healer to.....................
A 99 in. air tight lieater. linol, worth $.^, a


Couch. fully worth $i>.5H


A good cook Move, worth $8. ^

worth $8.50.
worth $9.50.

Steel rai«eiiraa$] .. 6U.<U






........................... ..........................................


Now is your chance' to get some dining room chairs or
chairefqr a ver>'little money.
6 solid oak, cane seat chairs, worth $5.50, now.........................
C solid oak, high back, cane scat chairs, wonh $7iiU, now.
6 hi|^ back, wc^ seat chairs, alt hardwood, wonh $5. now
6 high back, vobd seat chairs, leaders for $7.50, now............

odd iTte^^ereeJrafcker.faD roU toed, worth

A large line of odd chairs, less than.six, that have accumulated
from carloads, must move at once.
only. No. 96.8, worth $1.25
.___ —ch. n
only. No. 530. wonhI $1.75 each, n
: onl5'! No! 6. wonh,$1.50each, no*
Orth $8XNi
i only. No.1.980.worth
$8XNt for 6. ti
now the 5 for..............
And 25 or 30 other styles, broken lots, at the same reduction.
A good stand*J6xl6 in. top, solid oak. worth 75c. now............. 55
stand, 30x20 in. top, solid oak. worth $ldS5, now- • •
A 24x24 in.
I. top, solid oak stand. large shelf underneath—.
worth $1.50.t
solid oak



ws witotosyavK vou
Scaae raoiie}'on Bed Utekeu. We tore a very large Mo* oT
alee, warm bed biankett, ranging ib price frm 26c each, or
4K per pair a^ In order lo reduce our nock at ooa'we
will give jroB big bargaiai oo them.
We atoi have a luge line of PiDow Ca*r*. Shetoa. Towda, Bed
SpreadL PLte.. Uial we win *ave yoo a to to money on.

A Idee pillow eaae, 42 inebet wide, to..

Aotat*eei.«lfc»,.,.6.................... ........

'ToRA all pricey up fioa................................................... .
All (eatte {dltowt. pet pah, npfana............ .. .....................
Table doth M ioefaea wide, blaacbed. part linen, nke 7 mch
{•Ucre border, boa 26 oat* fcr yard ^tothe fineR liacn.
Red daaa* labM chRli. 60 inebes wide, per rani..............

W UyE 1 FlU UK
OF COTTON BEI> COMFXIRTKRS. Tbne arc ai li^ a*
teathen and the ootton i* aB woven tagrtbM «d yoe can take
tbe coven off ate wad. them-fdl aUe, up tea...........$L60

A good 42x42 in. top. solid oak. will s

t lo persons, wenh
r bedrooB carpel to atooM


Abaoiuiely the beat bargain* in Robes jn the City

aU UiBpa-^

We have an exceptionally large stock of couches, in all colors.

Umti n«»> Mb 1 Clwt Kfit Mir




One-tbinS oB c

On tV'ednesday. FebrubO'
I »ili arrive in
Traverse City, from ^igOGier..Ind.,' with a .carload of
brou(;ht, lo this city. Tboi>e needing hones will do
well to see these, at Brodhagen's Bam, State street,
before looking elsewhere.

Mr. aad Mn Lae MoaMr to Praea-

U,lt a faatal On Dr Tbotes' EaMamie OU. a eair Dm Dr. Ttoema'
BtoeamteOiL AI year draBUM.

■ -unreiie ellluMil a

tto day

Btsgsa-*iass.'“‘“ KrajEg'-''"'"-."- LEO

«raa Olty ptapatod *e tall *atr
aaa far tto pabIM foad. Tac­
tion aaeh a aaaraa^M ban
---------a aaa wUl prove a “betotte

bats, bat*
»b* dote robber beolf aad o

1 rtan alt. ]

wlU wall
>1 aeti Turaday aad tee wtot (be
uadboc bU lu aay aboai It.

It euri-ly aai
TbU Rreat rum U luaraateeei
II ibraai aud lunc
I. iuhOMiB and »'

« aad MiB. Ante SaOiaR ak-

tea EtoMMli to Gate Bap-

A rvmiUe mao aan we are d>» for I
BIM «rtobf-i (rum lane oa. ud u
e^y apr^
aparrowa an

a S'*.

TcrUm ‘‘eptosRcac an at a tow
HIM OMia Beaaatfa aabeol eloatd
toUlba for lack ot now.
te Tbandayi tto caya tto afalldna a
Mlto teito Mtosa e( Onlcal tet aMcti tide.
lAflteiC te .tote aak te
Tto Udlaa* A'ld eoelely waa toU at
Mn tolby'aMMThanday. .
M. B BbMldte bat naa to Be
ba to aw bU toe Obarln who la
Mab than io tto hoaidtaL
. rtoi7 ItaCIty mmt bom (rot
Mto^jteMar «te. to cpcai
Uoaard Krlakase baa opaead a
atry Man. aonui to Mala asd
PiBBk Taulaii aUU tatoa tt___
^ W. Mcton sad Mt. aad Mn. ban naslrad while work las la tew

KteSito lallto. wM ted___

ftbauAilv t. isot

worth $18JHI, now


J. w. 3i-ArrE:R,•temiA»M^ ifl

f»rao*loAl Mosjaa R’urrsli


THt QIUND mvewt Mt^ALD. F6M»UAl>y H08





The Kind Yaa Have
Always Bought
Bears the

and Nerve Restorer.

The prucna will be «* CMml iBCerfM u. lb •iMIikie to uiptee relbdw to
•I'iinB cnita.~ -UBlrrtM," "Sioek
BeeU " uiralka will be poM
1 Ko«<l..- -l-bm L«w.' -Vet
m.~ •runmtn~ The
<»l.' BBd Other wlan
- Poillkbl ud Bartol
*rleOr»." -Di e-lb- buDOar." BOd
I Of Publtr Bbd
' AWBC the eparlal
aalllale will
be eec
•e at Ibe loMlIale
BI whiek lecbBlral taalnx-itiB Is
-HaCBT Beet CsUBte"The Csre of
ni«hwB|«‘- Bbd -CooklBC" win be
[l«eii hr eipme 8e»erBl well-bnowji
ipaihm fro* oiba aibin bare
Tbr rallrawdi oter a rate oi
far fur the nwad inp froa all t
Id MKblCBB TIriiali will be os
februarr 7» aad 24. aad will ba


ipejltia, tndigrMi.m and hia.linl disca'r* arr {"’r"larly tuppowd o hate
. rfeir uiiy.ii add seal m iM Mouiarh. *. icoce
leachrl aiul the liM« Brdi.-al practice tluit ttiteabcd ut
rruidltiOBlof thr .lii.-lrnuin. ii. fail au> p»il
abnonnal rnoditioM't
ace the >Jmr nianifrMJtu.n*
of the ilimenuir'^nal. often prudaci.
■■kyDiidiiiut" in the iiuh. fdiial that would l>e fell if the tiutnaih oolv
were ol.l of order. Tin. U IrecaUkc the dige.ti. c aud a.tituiUii. c
prncekkrt are jierfonncd. in part, aticM.Hul tiaa t>aa>ol through and
entirely »m of the ktuniaih
Trouble of ihit kiiul » irehuicalU known at ‘•IntcMinal Indigcttion” and. prc«-nt. w.ll tender nearly all I.hnI. and tw.,> Ik aliiio.t in.ailai.crc alony the
result i

TeB Klnteley Oaatha.^

For Over
Thirty Years


Tr«»ersc City, Milk
had bmiwie a atoll er oely a w
brr death H r aleo bad
Ir .If bui mile ■
brrfi married Jaa.
et•er alare
a falibful
rhlldhond abe ha
Free Hetb-

.Hid ytHir HORSK neetls

He a-.ui.d i-f the iruih of ihit etairmeni. Wc have ihourandt of
*;ciiuiiie Ir.u.uuiiuli lopiu.c lU and our tcracly r.bcin< diktnbiited
or tat.i.
rapidly B.dcninK area. year.
TtlSIItK, i
result ■>( thousand
a to live
ntCrifS ami we. as i
it-pulaliou—mil upon

a nice, warm


I'or his comfort — Both

timtlro»n -‘Seem* yruir ader niarmeot in
my |oiet. retailed toy rt).rrwBce with i^r
Valuaue inedKiue. nod Ircl >1' luy dul> to
wme yoa
'1 had • irry tiad case ulPtsiietaia. and had
tiled Bc.ifial pir|«raikHM w>ilo>i.t relut
Uaightuno bos ol I >rakc s llisnrpnia Cuir ind
SyMC ReyAiier uliKb rrtirird me lery muih.
ami iwonHifrbuyiy lured me, nil liair mu lieeo
III.uUrd BilkC, and it it Bow o.ei a teat agik
‘Ivan trull inotuiikwd tour nKdn.iurtuall
(hai ere troaiUrd wiib ilitpepnia and Sen.kis(irst at a yule care, and a vriy pleaaam luedi-

lor Xervousnes. and a j-.J o.ed,.:,iu 1.. re. u

“1. ,

Fur Coat
l or your own comfort—

Im* tMtoW quickly relict es.
and romi (Kriuanently, all kiuiuach irouMct (ricrpl raocer.

Drake L Kh...l,-t Co,
Mar4o.ll. Mkh.

Kinxelry. Jan. SS —MIee Idaa Ran
r) dirt euddeoly at the hose of Saa
Wrtihi laai Monday of
rame lo I-----------laei Thaakervlaf________
iBd her buBo wlik flraal I
||> Ibe day of her ak-kneai.
Ill oaly about 24 houre
Mre rkarlm Valeorourt died Wrd
ulay anrwBuoB at S o'cloek of ararfrTra> ai Ike ace of 22 yeara. Her
Idrn death caBe am a abock i

You Need A

ttnki'i Bystt^la C«t ui l*m K«tHrar rradirain thit

iiulilc Bhnevet lucaicd- Nine out ol irn •■Xen.iur"
•■Xe ami lu.umtiia
ali.. tuffer the t..Ilurl•^ of intermi
k|i itic tli>ca>r> of cdUie i«Jt ol
lu.r mi|>aiir<l dij:etUOBor
the wlucb naitirc mirailrd to .errr in v«*|wri>
auiiniialiii|t and d.»l.o>mg uf shat i& Ukro into ttir kUOue.h.

\ ouii tiuK,
A. Cre..>.

d aorblee irtih eoarfMrwbea


^•ROE•Tr.ABLt for

toil to haver.

\Vf have ;in

- ..iStoek...

‘ ' ''
VootB thanklulli.
Ikit yi. Conuiiick. Mich.'
C. Xetaui.

.\nii luii suit >ou in style,
in quality, in price.

Mt't Oftpiptli Curt and Ntrvt R«st»rtr

i»t *" '

E.F. Ferris


l‘J7 Slate Strrrt.

D2UE 2 220DES GO. Lid., Iinbtll. Ilch. Prsyrltlsn sf Drakt't SalfwTabMt, Hit Hrul tlMf PwHItr.

e bare aaple
llibed ell yeai
MawM Oaatrtiw 1
mplial Cor lie
. tl.-Whtlt tM
BaoBfanurlDi a epaelaliy
Bhirb there ti a bbI
aad almtwi uollBlirt deuaad: lac iiaalffor i
ferdwr U loday
loel. irf <«ir fBTdor
Ueklna fruoi ih" lolranu
wild la e.dry elaie and I
faata uiwbU with IBiwas}'aw Bar nlilrb Is surn.uodrt wllh Ihirk
retoB ouielde
meeirtrk W fwrwH'nd IHiere frdW
...... ' ''
Heinrich fVmrsen. r«wmil> n pru
or later. AtaBBltaref (a«l aowwe
eiaiee -tHir e<iu<- lime !«*'
rarwlien- dm la Oniiid Kaplde. a
have pelBlad to a storB ahaad with, «MW Id n ItapiUI Iheuhvli^nl sctnl
irs. ni-rmnny. i> Mins
UarMBy ter two er tliren yaan peat.
lad.Twi toduairy now lonairt
I muinrsan un a inilh.i lin 111
Imw imralateet aanlwf I* Veeela Malar, a .hur ta««o ta UieBinri. •-* '«»
saala Me aarred le Bake this laeltii«
aM a hardware ttrm ta Olrard; l*a AH
slinnkn Bln ' IbMuaBcn flucnUy, came
We ahall l-- ,plHaard .........ear fc
Inawetrfat Laakliif ThM Way. -

Tbeflf ace few days ihal pwaa wUb
oat brlactBc ■« Ibe <«ren ,Ai Ihe
Mart od iradr
a the lueaikia of aw
riMorr nr cMbar |>laBl la ....... .........
Wilkin Ihe paei few daye ITnaldeni


aad weBo Pliy win i
IketD Tbe koart ttf I
W have Trareawn fH»
or two of Ibav. ai aaj


UOe of

e wubU like
line fur cBe

•' f'"'’
B Ibe BBlIrW.
IB adveiire fur kI>Id| baaBi of Dwniaaa for a Biaelar aayy.
TbaaLla, yoii
OaTBasy Is BOW le keep b parBW
Ihie inter yoor aiieotlua
sal Beet IB Sealb ABiwIaBB wBlan,
Yoare Ver) Tnily,
wbleb ta B aew datartan. aMblac !l
VBnahBB MOBOia Hbue I
U Iba Bare BBStoBa far UBole daiB.
MVefe efUaJa la WaihlB(teB
D^lh wf Hen. J. ft wnRingfMUMl 'lba MoBtee doeirtaa la
Si. Clair. MIeb. Jao. si.-llo* Juareally b arlal aad that It Biky
n U WblifM. who baa bees auVerba iwBered frea Iba laalB ef Indlli4-flvB bile tfoohle lor screiwl daya
•aaaed away btav ai ll-hchwH ibla

wllli wbirh Ihr k
Their arodun le
aad If IMt elty euuM aeeure
ibnailwi of Ihe fanory Mfw It
IM finil
of Ike eaaal IM«atrlae
I* the rtiy. Tbe Mlar that Mr. I'VtodrMW haa lael reretred rnxi IhaB la BtOTBlBI
Tbe M'li-ai'a rnndlik.D Kuk a
iWly a aaaude of the many latlara that
fiw iba worse at H> »' ibis BurBlng
W. N HaeMllkA id Sl Loula. Mo.
aa.l be aank rapidly. Tbe w««b I
baa ptaoned lo laote Loadoe la a few
•rtkB aeenied to be Bore Ibaa
daya for Adle A^. capUal of Abya.
atala. wbeaea. With Col. Joha U HardhUlBBulalied PBIICBI dirt *rllh
■bets Ilf -his fsBlly ai bis bedalde. rtapicB, Brlilah Wal of tbe eotin
JOBIIFU Wbliln* baa bora ta Balb. Klag Meaellk. aad tatdere Morse


lM>er fn.Bi tbe nboa Btaatfi
VitMimm Oliy. Me, Jah- 27. W.
iifcaaMMt Maart of TfiMe. Timertoe

’ •T^, Midi.
LDwr •Ir—We lake the liberty ct
• iMraootu ywB to tagnlre « your orjaalaaUiB. or chlMaa would bo If
MMad IB Ibe aeruhsi Ibo loeMloB
^B.abaeftelary ta year rlly. abd
|bar "wrtd be wllttai to e«er a jww

alia <d Ibe MlBBoeri iiaie

Wa BM Mtw oBptarOf ■
«t Bbo^t tm» bBBdrad t^iBBthil OoltarB


iraalMitat tad al.
D Ibe ihra
lalBi ady.
•Mlaal pftaB labor,
tM pretadire agalBM prtaa Btada
gaede..aiw euaphay U ewaaldw
•drtaabllUy Id petbapa Bin
Maal aad loeaiilac mb* 1a aoa
aMe. mBiially luealed city. JMS

pecilac to rerehe an apisiinimeni In
ibaoloclcal newilnnry. He wns dl>
niiiBiliiirt and Immeillniely wcnl i.i
work with Ibe Indley ronipnny.
Juba M Mark uf I'blladeliihla has
Jusi labeii ikil Ihflhlnl ll.OOO.oiin Ilf..
IniuraBW pulley ever wrUles In ibr
bleirty id ihe bnataeta
iwo Bt1lloB.dullar-po»clee wiaw |i
on Ibe llren df OeOrte W. VanderhlU
of New Tort and the Uie V H.
rey of Mlearaipolla. Tbe oaly i
aare roBMay ta the world which baa
ever taenrt aurb a poHcy la Ibi
■bal baa laeued all Ibrce nt them
Mutual IJfe Issuranc.. C.a of
. a BiBisler
,-er dkireee. i>

i MItllTS

e l«jll.s. ,
s id Fla.

■-kieu.l ,ai a. lialiaili.n .Arm. nv
Jik> mil ’..kl. aifil as ihe nsmlt be _
• ims..-., all hls.i.nq.Ti. ii. ibe emlber ol
I.liBlim- lo.dii
.diilililnii li» .Iciim and esis-rt lo SO.' her. I."
oM.nili a> long as eh
li.inilne kiln
In Iji.hi.w. Cerman
ii... ni.11,1 ... lo- lii.-ni.-si bnioWn
.1 uilu;ni..o. m Ihe woriil and all.rwlne il
ifi.-ir children und.-r
SIB.-SS II. alllCBlur Ibllfs was „|,| a,, ken. - ai Ihe haryesi t.
.u 11. Hie Imyoa,. 11
ar by' The . lllaae paslor
U.liiK klllcl
Til •• Jury ro ■*hj^*!rt'
Ihe .p

if rhe Ihin . in,, case
II was d
,. alliKsiois <bv iuuak..„,.a, h
s chlliln'i
hiiwcver, Ihal
h Ibr allixa'iiiw malaly I .i,
IS Biirt wli
.a.s.'sl SI. -Us to be a dan.' r.,,1
Ibe \.-ncrablr
a Waller «.
.1. er >K .'ears of a((aim wuaderfully ac.
i.K Injury


•.r-ns'.r ......


Wdar the duaailoe of aaortM Baall
'•bMH we dedaltaiy darWe u mir
•o wlU be ptaaaed ta lake ap tbe au
tor father with yua: bal balera ea
tbUttaa bay pntaoelihia. we wcaM i

BMB trtto ytar eUy. ta euae bera,
btotae <iw piaai aad ov buatai
Ihua aaabttM yoa ta latelUdaalty
^Mr tael what we hare lo oBrr aad
whai our toeiory Would he wc
yowr cllr. la a Batter ut tbta klad
we are Hra beUerers ta the Baud oM
lo. -Blsbt Me."


i t.e Ihc biwue If Bid SMI

Thr tirattocnl tf CnUirh with antitoptlc aad ^
aftringent washfi. lotions, saire*. toedicattd tobacco <

Mi)BylBi'«ls fl 1 furlouicli ,lo
I yearn uf cun ' the jwit lo (UULC n hoil.^ Tree. IhcM^ire tmp«^
Siratlurd. OaL, •fter
cn and pitaaa^ of tlic bewd aad the
itauoiin acrnre-lB the Bofih
m :fill op
with mucaa.
bninvliial IuIk^ »<«in
. again
Hareh'a dloiW iA lb.- lanteel AtiKlI
the firM ■Up toward* Catarrh, (or it
:«n diocese in ihe world, anil ai Ac
lame llBe the tnoed sianrty i«ipnlaied. Its area U ■u leant liblf a mil
•tallla of apaetally ecBalnietad
lloa aeuaie mllya, aad It is all in Canboaia. The objeei <d Ibe expedlllos
rters are^ai area' »uch .4 wt^iih U absorbed iato tbe Uooi «d Ibrwgh the
aarenata iba aarlMbUlty of
«Bcbcsrcrr7partofthe8y»tein.invoIvtBgtbe4ilOBtacb, Nidaeyaand otto
Btave lake, >bere he labors ainoa*
tba Blue Nile aa a trade roaie fraB
parts of the When the disease sasarae* tbe drr fom.nbe breath
Ibe Indlaai , Twelve b^ru.1 .»ll~
oMttal Ahyaalala to tbe Hadlu
L^re cxcckUokIv foul, bliadiag head*.^ are fnmurnC^ '?!?
Bonb of biB ta wtaUuned til> isiih-Ke
Tbe ABdtaJteyptlan auUo
beariag afiected-------hcahiig
aflrctcJ and a constMt Tiagiag ta the eati;^
aie. Rev. SUtacer
Bot rench the polluted blood itan cure Catarrh. S. S. S. expelafroB the
are aldUis Hr. UanMUtaa. who ta deMrs. Allee Uoefer. wife uf a pnuul
natt«, and when rich, p^
ciiculaUoa all oSestaiee
fraylM tba eapeaaes
regh tbe body
_eot tamer. Slvln* near lb«iovllle.
order to prwveal her Hi wployea
ealthy pnd tbe :
xni* tnenbniuB
Mo.'. tSrtneadM wai aceideBially sh
froB frrealac becaiiae of lha aearcKy
aad killed by her dd’rtAoia eon Mi
Mr. U-hHlBK derltart a rwioBtaF <d mat. Htai Hetaa Hiller OoeU
pear and a permaaeat. tborougb cure ta eaecuta
Hoeter nnd her huhaad were v
(lea fur the seaBla la fU4. bot '
kaert ihomtac out of the window
IM. wbeb. that taeally relebn
tbeh rooB at Btcllah epartows. a;
orcumd. be OB-tbwMBdaoe. aad froa
iu tonic ^la. Write m
IM abe euF
duripB aa Inlerral whea tbclr am
anwpted the eualaailoa for eoagnaa pllia ber B>e« wllh fue
atirarirt away from Ib.
Whilliui repreaeairt hta dtairdel pour faBlIkw ta the batchborbood are
aoa be pulled ibe trii»er od ibe rl
•nielh. Aftydrwi. dfiyatamd atoo aupplirt with eU tran a wavia
while It wai heM by bU taoilicr a
ta HM ba which was eapwlally MUt ter Htaa
pedaled at bar left braasLOoald. Joha D. RoekMeltar haa
defeated caM^'»«Mek«ftaan ak woHt ta b
atir Oeket bat t
by Oornwor Fta«r*e.
pflraie park eeUlM dewm treaa ai
M cord wood u the poor « O
L ta OBtraBt. Uisa OoeU Klree
fuel to her poor help fTM of

licri’iit thei-jvilies

gieubea ruuaiy. New York. Febrwary
IMT. bat be has Ihrt la 8>
iw laia
iB Itm be waa elreled
Bsyor «t 8l. Clair: fiw Ibreei
waa dIrMtor of Ibe Ualon ael
afierwart waa aoderaior of tbe board
L He aailalrt with Ibe T»
,_______ party uiilll lUTt. whao be
TWOd for Peiw Cnuper.- Hr. Wmilfeg
alao sawed pa Ibe bSBrt of aldemea
ta «l. Clair fur Bereral lerwMjl».bsa
tdecled .
int. OB Ihe Tw>pl*-t

iMbailM tarllillas
Tbe Mtoet of Ibia Mler ta at
(be Itwaawt. lo anake er ocBaUer. aay
MMie pnpeMtIaa. iw take up -the
MHur ta detaU with yuo; we aaerely
Mk tor aa eapnaakB froaa a few
Wttae U> whom we bare addraaaad



H..BM . «—w» |.rt.wa art rtwwlslrt



'.n lAmi
‘‘iriK.rd.vrt Iks. IW (l-> day orPrUwscy.



Sun A Gasoline Engine


KIDNEY «Backache

ileraBwt of IM2 ta Jbe dtaeorarr
a aatWaoinry atetbod of oooaoBlsalrwtrtoliy. Boa. ^ay. he aay. la
the aoi dletaai tuaiw, tba rlran will
all tbe etaetrlelty w« waat. We
abaU baneaa tbe aUMM aad they
bint every botwe. m every wbeM
and llsbl every tpap.
aaa'a etab Idea baa takea ta
•ptaca. ta aevaral ef
tarter town elabe of taadlax w
have bma ftawead by tba wlvea af tbe
•esIdMta tor tbe parpoae cf atoletlM
I tbe ardvaBeeaeaat of woaeea ef
Jaada. ta Paadaa ibere ta a i
AUf»r<Vrt_h.vb^J;M aa-s club WUb over 2M Bfbars.
.Batler. a tanesr ef Ktar
r BtaabMh. K J.. U richer
by tSMfi loday Ibaa be
daya a«o. WbDe dlotac
dailoB tor aa exteataea to tala ktwbaa
icwd aa Irta poi




B Wd to aiai* laat a

Bacltab aad Bpaatah coM
s be towd tor Ibe


Dr. MUes* Nerrlae Put
Me Ob Active Llet.

Dnuhh 1{tfipr«€*nmg CfUadtn, dividing the
shock of explosions, evenly balancineTthe
engine at all times and reducing the vi>
brations to a minimum, admitting of
lighter construction, adding to power and
efficiency of the engine and doubling its
life.* Easy to operate, economical to use.
moderate in price. You can’t afford to do
without it. Satisfaction guaranteed or no
sale. Ste it vnrklag pt nur Mtnrt.

fes l.saSfE.'iTt E. F. FERRIS


IIwwWwvA.thatItowaaW P.kv»nrT.

Sis; sn=K3


h. MitoMwIirel^ nUsrt. tal

1 llr“


The Only Liniment That Has Held The Farmers’ Faith For Two Generations.
•hoar auled




___ _ AWs-

r aeekiM totMtaa tar a aew
‘^flJfwomMa.taWsmnat.. be. Ti


G«Te Up Preschins


1 ta tally
all tbe forser owa
at Rooeevell has seat bto
pbotocraph to Mrs.
rbataU. Ibe BMber of tbe Tatado
t tba tMlowtM 1
aasar "t as vary BMb talsesat
Iba ewa. aa <BC «f tbe boya ta a


-* •>' T^.SPSS* 7^

“■“ ’rfe'Saijiv

StroKe Shattered My




tt has stood tte test «f time.
The more people nse It the moK faltta
th^ have In It.
It Is Joct as good to retteve jwp^
tortleyas It was to relieve tbe aches
and pains of ymr gisailfsthim nwir


tut OUttb

HEI»AlJ>.iP6BBUAt<y t.

aUyaaaalpaBUaJBBUfc laBBdaf
hMwttiB. >UhB Bayba md,bat

riih a wttq baaur whip tea whim
of tea MptUIteoyaraaMttreah.
Add thb BOB afmlikohhba to tha
baam yolka faidtoc to eamalty aa ady far tea waaea wtoae ayaa an a
aad miHliic tam aae aaah awt
babbba ;brakaa. Ub aa aoBtot fma
for eaaktoc lt.a tela bUb with atop­
ic aMaa
Ural teo pea aad ibIi a
Ito bar aak tor teMtoat far tea
- - - r. Aa am at
aU^ warth al aqoal farta of pow­
browat altohlly. pear tea an tote teo dered baaa tod toaoole aelA TbU
wUl laB
feonb afa teaapoaafol diaetnd u
oaa eapfal of bolUng t
to foU to tea Blddb.
- • forte
toood-btodad pal- tta kaUa to tm II
orar Tto toalife will to a taa, paSy.
soom nm: tea top aad bottoao. tea ahoaU ba allowed te aoiar tea ayt
daluBWly totwuad aarfaet whiob
laBBd of aaiac a dote. baaaCI .
mud on tto betUB of tto paa. Tata eftaa darind tioa patUac tto face
oat nry Brafally, ae b will aot eloae to tto eoii..aad lippiac tea lat­
oak. oa a bet ptoUtt aad aaod ta- ter IB teto tto an le iBsataed la tea
r. Tto an teeald ba mate aad



i ■


A PMin ef F«Hh.

teM* tk*rulMr-iAnu «u
Kot U« lanla hU ec^
mi UN MMsn of thj

• WOrid Uv toll7 4
^im 1I17 teitb io fitr
fmm ibr Iiunmi ml mil ftU.

AUdUka. pmdlMiBiUac mk
Omm am> ahMffad W faar.
4e0> fMblaaaM amat.

Wkm Uw Qlaadi amad Ikaa iathw.
kl>an hath m dvU(U bfokM.
U«m hath ha aoBfort mkaa.
aim hath ha bMB for r«an.
aa. vhaim’M hMUMb
KIchi or dv,
ilalon ter tbM imtdMb
Oood alvarf>m of aerrow fladlr taka.
(3»ta(al voar tl l«hUoUa;
dtNatir hwdla« to hla vUl.

So aaab •oahlad ml itet UtMh.







• tamaplmtorreotaail,
aa «aak>r no to do.
BO OM m ot aw.vfU
:f:Da«BUaaawrtlHr>ai it rnr ka akia alaac mr «ar.
? - Saaaa UMa hoaaatr da«r.
( Skat aalj «alB rear teaeb, >«ar


If yoa aad 1. By dter. teeald try
To do what wa know b daty.
Thb wdrU af eon. trite t« m a
Voald bloBO lato bmty.
nwro'd ba sera toy witetet alloy.
Thtro^d ba Baoh Ub ef atchlac.
op tryiacIf yoa aad L wbB teo haary iky
SpUb OTor with III toaiA Abt.
Aad teo world looka «A -aad tea
Aod ilfa a waato of yaaia. diarU yoa acd L aa I Bid, iheald try
To loach aad be Hpit ebaary.
Do yoa kaow •twooU prera teat ItcM
Ooald iBko ter teyJaaadnaiyr
h. woalte'lilboahapiterwortA
Aad woaida'I it ko worth UtIm.

r Beta aad Bara taoB oar haart'i
or lore wo'd lv< km ctrlwr
So. door, lat’o tty. yaU yoe aad L
Aad aotarcln op. tte^aomt
Aad Ulo wlQ be brichttt. aad aU
Bamaa of oar oadoavor.

Swoloa Uaonioa Caro.
If tea woBiB who oawo oaly
to telakoha woeld raallB tlmhtr

■awhlao b a telac
aamh Mqolroa aUtUa of tbeoaia
thte b clna to other aoehlaary. aad

BW aad aawwllha
■aohlM teal palb aad ban aad Map
aad brtafct tenada aad-Am^ om
of Blo^hb ooal ralalBC telap ttet

Bake tea poor wattotroB foal 01
kotohat. atUl
teey aovor ihlak teal a Unto oaio
rtChtly appUad woald do away with

Biae Ufood am trail that

M r had a blgUau--' 1 t.t>l
Bto-e ia.1 ae aid ae odd caa
■e, Ibrer haudkorv-birta a
Sayall aibuB:
Batto Iha ayaa la tbb way al«bl aad
mite cap. aad a el
ete-k of t'waote and
lac- aad tea —‘1— of tee Ude Pb ante < niipted Mary belt.
nady. WoU ae >
will dlBppBr, tiN white M toe aye
Bbr Bkree tor OrichtMi praale.
fb. 1 will doer for ibte ubn
baeme ebai end brlchl. aad tb.
Prun roar frieod.
areaaloB to Uchl, white U alteo tell
U ato d<NB-t teal at tenma
KiInI KtBteNrt
la the ooB ef waakaaad ayn. wlU to rite happy word, eto U aar* to CTen
uid bu
Chlldna la lowly by-waye
Door bra IteMe—I aoold lit. lu
Thb nBody U tot a
Ito galdee nnnaady. acad feel
>Otn Mr Soateiar tUnb and gri a cdnl
wad eyiA bat auroly
Wo. of you tilraea 1 an alBo
woak aad Uiod B
y«an old.
onref crmpmp^
1 go 10 eehoU rtery dag
aad like
e o>y tcewtor er^ meoh
Iwer tear
tr etadiee in toboof
totaoof 1 gel l«(e
■utter ae a Cun far C
of||B»innte for Ubri.Inna Well, good
tea foldi toUy oc>bAaoiaaca
-TUk aboat olliaatb end oOhn

oily, than are horda of yoan
who only write homatian totarrab. whUa tea oldB ma. tto aaa
who too aoeeoeaod aad b embatad
wite tea oaroa tf boatoiB aad bMhbwUa
a aaa^a Uraa are tmU ef laWroB
aao fluy focot tto loaUy old b
to tea tvB beowa. whoaa oUl
torn aU SewntroB the hooB
wboB totoim to Ufa to to the
bon «ho an to tto tfam of tha bat-


a to act aiiiiiilta. __

b anittaiy. and tea IdB teat a tot
ef-oU eaa deaohaiB aadbaaiato:

do coed to a Tiiy wtooc
lhBl«oaambaf tatta UtibthBB
teo laacMao hai bm oltod
Btad year owe hoUaaaa* bbhevobU of tea BiBl teoBld ba
badr teak dhBh. latOBlp aboat fally wiped.
Ttef tearaat Maadi’ UMa hOUm.
Whaa tea ttoehtoa b hot htoM - •oaoBaato arhoB r«a aaahdt tea tea attap ihoald-ba aUppad eC aad teo
■ that So aad 801
km oorared.
Unlr M alabeoBlr te bar b

aad aal a* aU iwMtor. "yaa,
aa tea Unb aBM vhe dBrtj lorn
teomaad. ••watiaaU foiag aoba
doad aad aanr By a «erd ttat
«aaU haBatrbad'a foaUaialftea
owtaoavkmdaa tohaarb.
tha aaaadal BoafB vlU ba nbd
. oB aoeMya oearaa Bba wUl aot ba
aadond. Tha Bteala oaa hastaato
Bik of aoBoeoa abfa ttub BbBkaa
ttei BlaaB m wUl ba daalaiM
: elaUr iBpaaUbb.
Spaak ««U
onbrhodr aoteotyooj ten wiU ba
flttad Mte dlBBT aad party aa«aaaamio. b tea a.
aaieebwrti thb

baide t^ty. buh . Jaa.-». tyts.
Dear bra Bntea- 1 tl.oogbi i woul
ondaloae amlb wae the byma'e
■•'Tie a taol. torentoUot."
w donor, wamlM ap
“1 mid
nte yoa at laaM half a dam weU
aOaeaad threach tto liberal an
by Ito paUtoU of coed batter.
I laooBaaad touer aatlac to all
ttaa or otbn waeUM dtwaoae
dm thoy baclo by attoc tBoll qaaa;
Utiao. bet lour they oo. ama ol

wtU knew }Mt wton B Sad
Whaa to wiab teaat, aad to wUl aot
ton to taa Uko nod teioMk teo
heatoyaUtocM itotopothbntoo.
'■Hal aal tttoto'a my hatr Whe'a
got ay entoeair Vhaldldyoate
Than b ao aam why onry pam who b woU. teeald tot wab ap.
oahlBBU Twotoateaad twotoai
tton elm to teat wa amt aa teoa:
to aarrtac amalna, aad pM to da-

Tto ciri'whe b oatf-rmototoc, tto
whe wnato BtoBBUyanddir
alSad. Uka to watt aa thoBtelm. It
spaeaao to cira a Uttb ttoabto.
^ tmbbtobo antted. bate,
If tha tohy lanalatB raaala
0 to to aeochA It wlU an.
aaU, and ttothB eaaaot ratato hin. If
Tto oodoriy alaaal. with tea
aba dm nbaiB tea dortoa at tea
haac oa tealr napaelln
Atel band tB neoaaatUc the
whaato wite tea anmi
a lIwUl hoafci. tto boeW aadtemta itott
aa* ba qalti ao dlBatnai.

riM eapiBto teo ICP.

___ _

kaytofca toBoIbowLteo wUtooaa
tom ptoBar. Wilhaa _
•t tor telaca la Plato, to watt apbeat tea yqlka cm ttoymthiafcm
Beatf.tod to toto handbtea
’^^SSSaS^MteBteya Ko la—aaioto*. Beam with aaU and
of Ctrl aU BaaUto yooM
maid4abarmy baatte yai«B aadttSdm................................... mtoaklactor.

katHatwotBtBaaahacc. <

Toor Iror frieu-l. V
Aite Uri^^l.

Creamod Oretere.
Crnawdoyiun amaialilMtor

baydeld. Jaanary':!.. JWA
r bra tJaOre- l woold like to
join Ito
BOlwol 1 like ui taauher. Shr u juii
ae good and kUd U lur at >li<- <au bn.
t ban oor troiher; b» name u
tteway. 1 bare a llUlr iietrr.
aane te JbIU.
We call brrmJaae
beg. Sbe wilt .to a year old id .lone.
.She te awneh (ioed by.
Age s
bowBm. Heatie Co..
Jaaoary Is. lv«.t
Otar bra Baica—1 thoagbi 1 woeld
wiU loll
lall yon abont uiy lete.
wnia 1 WiU
I tore a oat nad a Utile <h«. 1 an U
yaare ^ and 1 tore faecad inter
by nnnaa'e nnele dlr*l in
Ohio an Ohrtetnne itey. 1 ga to echool
a ennnar. I am In tee teird giadr
got n alee kd of U^i
by anete te euying with ni lliie wluur. 1 WlU thank yoa for tto card aad
totton that yon erat ne and uy Diite
etetor wUl thank yoa for her card and
bBltoL I will cloee for lliu tiar. w
good by.
' Prom you friend.
Hay llarinan.
KiogUey. btol.., Jan
Dear bn. Batae 1 thoagbi 1 would
write a few Uaee to yoo to In yoa
knew tow Ian. 1 an going to ev boo I
bra Bohar te
eebool and I like bur my mate
anloamlag tto 1
Abrahnn Un­
ooin aad an In tee third grade 1 go
to Sonday nheol arery Saodny. bat
te te Bemy today teat 1 cannM go. for
1 tore foot nltee to ga My grmadtna

aodeettar. 1 get a lot of nfto OhrtetpriiBiW; among them are a large
ateoplag doU. a fu oollarelte. a dron.
and oteu Ullage wbieb are eery
i WiU clone fer^ tete Une. Hoping to
toor from yoodeoM liaw.
to ateaol la the Baner.
I like ay
teyew Utile frieod
WlU am eoae eorde tor
Any b SMgmill
VaU. 1 gotee ibte te
aadpttolaAa,‘aadllBy WlU SibocOadnt Baa. blob. Jon. ti. imm
aU ^ 1 oan think of. ao good by.
ly and tea nik walk 11 wall.
Batee 1 will now try
Pram yonr Snaehlner,
a (ew Uaat at I bare
What te a Steyr
lure BarratL
. lend Bnctotefor
forttol Unleelte not WTttm bnfon. 1 an a gUI It
-The BtoM ^ walla; aa tt
I old. IwooU Ilka to baeonea
boy aad ay ■ib^'^
bB of yoar Santetae Clah.
blMiloy."jaD SS.
bare ae pelt bat a aaL It.te blare Batee a^aU teaSaarmltta atttr: Akaytealof
telnare-Imd Sre
Uke to tBd tto BaaebliN pteoea 1
tea heart af aU ototeea. rite aad |
Pb Chrtotmae 1 got two droBee. toar bare two tons aad thlak ant eonaUtatoaUaoaattlB; ■ ilniwrr 1
I win rstee UttU ehfekeoa W ill
(f peefnae, a teloa baakel. a biblo a
plBB eaod ny little brother a

Maplr City. Mtelu. Jaa. V. IMA
Dear bra Batee-I Iboogfat 1 woaM
TiU and Joln^tee Sanehlne Olab.
ttUlyoaetod ae a card and battaor
aUafi by Botetealnc
« a iteur that weald like M }oto
too 1 OB alma yean old. by atetelte If Uweta teioaihaltooall tor'e aam te Letlte
I ton
b UaiB whlk U aay eettoa eaten
hroteon and oae elBB. 1 go to eebool
•nry day 1 can. by uacLB‘1
te biB Bayae ftoa BcdBL I I|ke tor
nryaieh. byoitoB breterrteceCotm TaM ProB Uton.

hlB B hnp hlteBW


V. ‘

nib hy


AagelL Jaa- ifi. it
by dear bra Batee-At 1 barM'll
Titna fB a long line I teoagtai 1;
woaldwrite. I read tee tettne of all;
tee Uttte Baatelaeei. 1 hare a eerd.
aad I tty U go by itt rah* yra lam!
bopte City. blriL. Jan. K iMSBO yeaee oIA' 1 eappoee ih-rr-:
Dear bra Batae-1 woald Uto to be
DBe ehUdnn teat glre wlnb r a:
aSaatelMgiri. Pb (Arlnaae I got toartywelcOBa 1 teok eeck with • U i
9phaU foTBoae yoi ago I.n| Xo-|
B aad I tore aot take* a etep
1 ton a pn kitty jaM to eb m I aaa
■Boa ll lafi Be erippted. and
py Uttte bretber Bantoe died wtefa
TlllBC. I woald like ID
teii te all fB tele Una, n good by.
Teare ttaly,
Doretey Putor.

toe; to U teiae yean old.
Toot little tttem.
Wflllo Pw*ard.
BlteBald OeatB. Oeaitea Oa.

ny eard aad teiim aU rtgbi aad 1


waBa to Bdlto tU 49.

Be te toor yeart old and
WulL i nnet eloeu.
ae tele te ay Sni laBB. Oood bra
FtoB yoor Saaahlae girl.
Thte te o awe latter and we woald
be Tory glad te write te oar
girl aad etod tor and bB litite
arenrde aad totteaa But alai' eto
little brUhar-t ntaa
Write agaie
fat te yoar pcecldeaL dm. aad you
Btol toTe an aatoer at ooor.

Iter. n. glnh<weuU,ol Elkhoro. M'u.. b> |a«t-r <jf tto ETooirrlirat tottorta
PL J-bn'r I'liurv-k id that place. Iter.
1. the
two bibha
|■rr_.llh^t k-Lliu I-y Kti.g»-ror tViUtea >d tr-rmonr. V|iua tto 6y hot of tar n
Rir UU.-e tto- !:iu|-.-r-.r Iiu WTliim in hu owa heudwritioK e k ei.
TliUhue.urd|.a>kic. iaair.-r-ot tetter to Tto iVruna Mrdu-tae tei,n COIaBeI-U.S Mtilu.ny<<MO<twtitng Ibrir f»
UTl. r>-u>t»l3r, P

mm4 M» Oetpmlna Of me. ! took Peruaa
-wms cured. Ugoromo'.'
gfretvrft ood courage, aod made heathy, pure blood. If ItorfimS :\
my M-rfgto. gave me a heathy cotor, aad I feet o HU It Is the had k'i
meUA-iog la the world It evoryoae kept Peraaa la the *oa*- *"
a-otrM tare many tram death every >-cAr.*'—If. -CTifUPVfrirjwhu 1 1 f Xdo not drrlTe p
iq-r.-d 1.. knar It, le.-aiwrj fe.-uuy rmlu ffton
it her Irvn c-aU'rl eurN other ouiK- than e rite al ucua te Irr.'Uartsoa. gt*>ag a
raiirrlu Tte- Ih-i u rstorrh te catarrh | full rtalroienl uf yt«r raae and to wtU
ah.-fv.i-f nnd on.-ttor fe-1 - toi-h-aaul te glee you hla Taloalda adalii--h uot r«iuall> grrai Imga-rti
-r gralte.
that }\-rona oura catarrh wl
et ' Addreee Tk lUrtnan, Preebtol of
■ TtolUrtnan

Highest market price paid for
all kinds of logs, anywhere on
Carp Lake.

Carp Lake Lumber Co., Ltd.
Herb. Boughey, -

e la to tee SaateltotoIB MBt it Mary MawteamyrniolA Ihata

I weadB If BBt of ear Snabtane!
aot wrin aone ehaoetag ap letuteB KakteaadteU hBoetarliiil


gommercial Piintina
jni Kindt

Berald 3ol>-Officc

\A/in-t©_r Rruit*
Nu.hirB ia>H- l»-ncr lor M.|-i*r on a wnnnr nlgln .lu»

nd;,i,„i on, I.KIKI, 1-K.xaii;s, i-runes, Am.3

COTS, OR E\ AI-ORA'rai Al’I'l.ES. \Vn alMI carty''
ifrani>rA, Lt-nums anil Banana--.

Get >om«; next time

yuti ar<- pa->Mni; thc^'-iture.

J. J.




-'U teguk, tuo m tuak. specu!
to .w.Wr. protnialy. Only ibe-vay bat aalcrial
uicl, aaJ fully giuranieeH in ocr*

Bid loo.

Aad OM bat telBC, Bid tea
BhBkna ahoald teka tea plan <
who pea aU teU haBtly
day. b a daimifal richt B m la aay
whaa Bwtoc narat haac awayaM
bate and ntelai tto w
Tto bey who to hb yooth toa tom}m aod p ao teal that tea bwIm
oodawiteaaaddBolm OaoUa handUacwUlrmllUBaahbotatr work. laahaad and totea. Bb wife will
mi to Bach aarior co tea oarrB el to bar. to ran tomU lato a men.
tan nan hanylM to tad hb •
iban baMOMand ^onawtoo
Tha Maktog af an OmaM.
«U1 te a acBBlalba n kaovtac teat
to U Sn Blaatea toto aad
Ba b wta* aata piam Of Tha BOteod for aaktoc aa e—tol.
B oaa B%kd ateft tea pbaot tea •* laachl to tea Kaw bctoad Steaol
ef Oeaboty, b ban Pna. Aa OBoial
abate aoBO aaotyaad aByodlUoae BOB to apady Baa of bobbbA
abad ao m ooald poBtbly hart
wbtoh oaa to uhtorod ooly ^ hiainaaUgtoeaof gate aaablc held I
oteOB to Btk aboat hat. y«t U wUl iac air toto the whltaa B mo. m
tea Boote, wUl nap a Uteltog oeagl
bOaUMoaBfo aaaarl^ to faol ttet
:iaand4d poopM aartac. -Sha'i very
a STho tab tB
a«Bt. hat I iiiduiiMiil ate dt
la 00a an aatd OM
naallaa mite baa hm lacciBii
hhO* tea Sm ahlac aaoot loiataB bar fml of boUtoc walor fB to to Bn ad.

. teal tea daaaab tetac a»4
mM teatea*. So ha. te tee rol«a
tfItaimoBteoaaaotbiB Bay~ '

bnH Icon
tbe trhool booie. bet 1 go >-my day
tbirveo .rare old
Ulb grad.Sonin
Claae wae .|OlU good to nr ihu year.
Iiroagtal nr a wtallr oap. a lalr of
glorae, a bottle at petfunr. three
kandkorebwit and a p
te .IBIU deep to Keet Keeeop
bare a outer Badte. aad two Itottora
Ota aod Waller. We litr erty near a
ny eieter and I go ncroee it
by 1. .cher e nan e
Chnetlaaeoei. sbr liyee al
liill B Her, bich. 1 oonoot il.ini of
U write, to 1 Will
olute lor Aim line.

Boald two deoea oyaOen. an toe
la ttotr owa Uqaor oatll
ploap DralB aad eat la fear pteoaa
wite alint kalfa, and add the followJaaoary autb, IWtt.
Ita, atnnUac ap tor wnite aad
Pai taro
Bow the IIb* » altpplnc away. Tl
Day attar My tel toted old batter la a ■weapan.aad whoa Balled
two tobleepoeafab of Soar aad BBtow a >11/ to ter Ian day of Jani
I'wo BOOtlu to Sower tlB<
4 wtNB. at hwt. Mil iBoeth: teea add two oaia of rite
aOlk. or pan nUk and part enaat.
drope in tto mrtoe aad ■•atty wUd
it to epioad Ate oanbUac
Bowvn in tto Wooder U *ltoB'i
acato. aad pappar aad oayanne m Mate aad
what "By John-to tetoc foTBi tto date of Btoa or ealny bU. teea re- mate Itee II today with tto frott to
t^ of oeeromtioo tor dan aad BOn flOB Ito tro and when a liitt* tto window laaee and tto caow dflftBc duep In tto etreote. BbI iI' u aO.
eeol Btr la Ihrao b fear baotaa age
all tiie BBi.
The baay^
And M nnal teare te Sanehln. la
bat to Mta Bothto teo Sra.add
oar eeriMt. - Bo oew we will Iri oai
eUraatU telok. The UUoc
llttlr Beane do tbrir tetntne.
an yar^- Beni tea
to atop to waU apea teolb la tee otto befnn SlUap.
|waa a child, b loo haay
A'ltol Klee of St. John. Utebtean,
teoda at a pben. Tbna te a Itee nwrhlolaaaae Layer 'Caka.
at to it white ia aaay to be fonad
Oto oap of BQbBoi. toU a eap of
Mm *0 Uto. aad airaly the lortoc.
mder. dadfal IoUb, faUof Uttb
Btol. Uite . Jan. IX. tbUB.
ceaolp ahoot what oea b doUnr Ura Batea-1 teoaebt 1 woald
lac b aot teaeb
write yaa a tetter.
1 do ool go to
Lk And two
yaonef loro and'can aito
tchoel MU tana, tto bow te te
eape n fbar.
Tor the troattne for
yoa do. broftor. aaka
Laet iMn 1 went erety toy tot two.
patUac tocBbor. one aad OM-lialf
ratolateB, aad kaap It,
lam nlae yeaie nU and am la the
of Bear, eotol «ap Of
to wnU to year
third grade «•! will jtTl yoa wfaat
bollad tttnhar anUl >t arlU t
Do aot dloBto It to
cot for ObrieteBt I got a bateet.
Beat ttklto of aa MS «« a etlS froth,
orhiara year wife or m of ttoehUt, a tteaiBiBt aad a pair of paper
add a eap of atopped rablB^ add tee
teta write It. bat do it yoenMl So
by Ultle ttelcr got 1
kallod eyiap ilowly lato tee occ.baaiahaU year reward towbBiyoa, too.
a pate of papB paraaote. a poeknaU Ito kitoe aad mttau to beat
B tea
waato yea oMy rit
book, a an of dtehae. a looking gteea.
end walk •'-Deiotey Dto.
rof tote rlbbooe and a eoadlt
book, tto wUl eond eoow eante and
Orteriy.Soyi aito Oiria.
papan Ib Ito Uhlnaae. 1 gam thU
U aU for tete time.
Oaa of tea Ban Inpomt IB
Proa year frinul.
tto arty ateBriB of ifria. aad ,
Knlb Hanaiau.
m b tnqmUy aacbetad by teo
of tto
KingUey, Jam. n. IWb.
And this to-tea pantoc of telm
Door bra Batee - 1 thOMbl 1 woald
Uko to Job tee Baateine CIsh. 1
Whto tea boy aoBB hoBO
hanotofteMraadaoe;b;oltor Jgo

olftiAlca tki bait ad aavi ranrfltacBavtraraaad atrlaa. ll'i
Wlpad. A atiS Bate Uko m Bateto bo «ha tkahlaa froM Ihla Uaaa aa to
bo Mad aad ahailiahia ta m'l trerti, haai
tkattoc. or ccatetoc. It b tell to am
ta mak aaU of aU Baa m. vku U boB oaakiaadu
tor hlB te pal hb tot mdoMiaad
Mia aa iha imi. ef aU «m«. ShU
rton tear bokM b It b to
Binafcateat aaay
b «hat la bM bi a earml aaakar ef ■aka with tealr Biahtoa b B atBply Stoc ttoB dowo Mvwtoao tot a
• Iha DaMt TrfBaa. la lb aoM'i bathe 11 to oil aad aoay ae'wafytefulfill >. «Woh b aan te.lateUl' aoB Bwar boa oaa^ ertod ayaa eat
cmef hb kalmte
booaoB aaacly
••Do rook
a hoaaUtel. Upht
-Bid aroaas
ptaBof aBlortoL A droyortwoof
Iha olhar dar. aa raaplaidBl ta Iib aUptoead to oaeh Utib hMi atetb
aad TlaMa aha poi
an fit teooU. balltbM.

tondteoltearaakeahon bn to
m fB Ihte ttae
Aad wiBi tto hlcbaet Btau:
bear year mrad,
■to boaade oomatly Ml the ekea
Pleraaoe nnelte PalnB
And lelte wbai eate ooe't elac
to elate tee will aot icoapt a tnead.
Pb ito dom't bateere le MlUac:
bapte l^iT. btoa . Jan. IS. MOL ,
to toade tto rmlee fron end to aad,
Dear bra ttawe 1 woald like to M
Aad nerar talte id epelUac
oae dt yoB .SaoehlaBa
1 go
Sto-e ion ae odd ae eod eaa be —
beer late of tan
Say alUto labool of totew W.
an la tto uub enter I
an alnion tfatrlroa .me old. or will
She kwpe tier rmb ae near ae wat.
to ta Pokraarr I elpdr erem teadiea
Aad teach e at Pnar'e mock lace;
to Baudi HleciUa-e aad ttoy are epi'UiBg. anihaNllc. readlag. phyetelugT. giawnur and «««•
There are
Aad tone tl>e foMly etotelace.
»e done Ito eliuac roan fur Kate.
She Biwt IB tohy brother;
of GiU-ePiB. bid. »V >.ad
Ito faahinai totU aad kitee fB Naia.
a Obrtetna* trer al ear cbereb ObrirtAnd raae fur titod Bother.


A BTory OBobt for lai
brBtfBt oaa tiara a few n
aay oboppad Beat drm>a<

Oitlaa. thfea«fa tea iBallar ooaa.
tha little Tlllacoa. la tea qalol eoa
balwm teafolda alioBof taarlpa
■y aalchbertwodi are to aona 1
OBOcoa waU pewdorad with aacar;
ten wbaaaooataod loTiac teea caiBbh wite oaaaca alleaa
thlBca vlU ba Bid ef erety omat lb
tar aad brother and ttetldaef lore
Write to tha htottor.
ahaU Soar book op
I arhe ipaot and thoaa vbo Ibm
ouT*Toam^^ tl
bbatiac of a aetetr taka a tobaaa
MadoBa Faahlee
Bat tea beat of It la. It'i Ukaly to oath to kb owB aeal to wtlto I
■B oaoa a weak 11. aa foatoally
ba la a pm Baaiare boa. Oaklad
happoaa. to Um tar away troa bar.
■oaalp IB-I lodyilka. It aboalds^l ba
tobaatad la p»d aeelaly.
And. b ' know ef nolhlac abo to Ufa ao lauway
aplto of all wa taa. tea world b pew- prOBtbly pateotM aa tto
lac by alev dapm kattor la Btay whtob bib mbot tbalr Boaton,
itlBMly. bat ilBply threach
At aay tala It tea '

Uko aa UCvit. U ifcoB AlafcMi

1 will at fear
— yeareold IhefUket Jaae
r wae nnateea Ian Saatoy. by
tote not fliaaweatod W lay
Mof ay •

$un$binc. ]

Hit ittrttliTf

That are made to lue ai well as eeU. Ilwy ate
not Bade of drop Bktrtial, and pven 1
finite to catch tbe c)-e; twt arc durable, ctmtot-

abic. aod ocah
Once nicl

The cheapett on the market, qualiqr cainJeml.
you will Uiy BO otl^ make ,


ij* SUM strert. a Uictor Petertyl.
IrtdlK«s^(on, Bad BraaliHg
Ga^arrH o-f S-tdmaoH

Tbe R-mry.tee.1 Smtrach. User am! Kulae^ Core. We areit i afalid
to bo. k (hn reoteiU with a **uKmey back ifnaca<Hfai-r,*>"g«jiraatce.
We IrKBr that a iluci the work, orui thrrrt-ee therc 1 00dai^ of OB
bating o 6»e Ito OMiiey bk. k
I f Cl RtS—U ihu it whal yoa
warn, then try
bottle tOilar iri our nok.
iNrge woe totllc. oaa
monlh^t tmtOMnt. Sl.tkt

TPaAVKPWBK o»-rv. gwiiom.




Dob If yoa BB.

To Core a C<rid in One Day


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