Grand Traverse Herald, February 26, 1903

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Grand Traverse Herald, February 26, 1903


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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MMi tnmr— IkniM



Ttarcrsc Qtj Stale Bault
CAPITAL, tl 00,000

/ A6McnlkuiU«BatimMw

tlnciiAiii Thuoiiiiki
Wfitumtt»dy (or the taU
cnaeoriOOS eaih the fineyi
line of N.ovekiei mad Fenry
Wouleat ever them in KonhcnMiehigM. ;
ws • Osll
. miul look them over- tVegiuiuitee evaylhmg — aa<1 ubt
vork And fit cuinol l>e exeelleil.


TIrs Insurance!

Kero Bt-ML

PUteGlaM. Steam Boiler artd Accident Ittauranoe.

Money to Loan on Improved Real Btatc Only.
Johnaon Block. Phone 78

a f rn«a»e


Traveree City. Mich.,

Bow to InoesI VoUr money to
J. A HIELLMANIEU Brinfl Prompt Returns




IRI |M:rceni of o<> is l.V That is tht; returns when
y<ni btiy a poniid of our Pure Cream of Tartar
Bakina Powder at ti.'ic per |juund. us against any
otlier Cream Tartar Haking Powder. Can you
money where lirofii is as^reat and
results as satisfactory' Tdephone fora iM>und
packpae the next lime you buy. al


9 icr Col an**c« M Tlae ftCHkltL


m^Jobnson’s Drug Store. ■■




la n*l«r>'. mI«-.
I,. r.«ir btigW M..»» vno. •.(hiae.
ku aw .-.«»«• arm

H. 8. HOLU.

ipbiii. If) —‘4*vu x.«e hiiM ter*ar~

A.V FniaOHICM..'

Vica Praaioanlt
—iniUliavr Aa.rnrja.

erePHeN laui
CEO. W. LAftOie


have you call ami insperi <i
■ for Juury >»d Pebnur viu
dve a diaawal oT t par eaai. So call
earlr al mj <ara. Uitm ailMa aortbaaw id TraverM City.
i. P. Bxko.




Wc thould^w )>iewed to receive )swr butinee^ Urge or tniAll; it
woold receive oUr |irompi,*couruoa^ skilled ■iteniieo.
. SAETTY ilKPOSlT BOXES .n our Med-lined vault tor rrnt





>■ g. Bwns t CO.


REAL. Estate, loans,
'Wftem BtKMB: «. A aaa n






Tr*««fMei», tMeii. ;


FrMh. Salt and Smoked Meats. Sausages.^tc.
phoM 4

F. 9R08CH & SONS

Hides and Fur Wanted
1 am now in the market lor alt kind* of Hides and Fur. ready
to pay the highest market priye. All good* shippt^ to me
will receive my best attention. W'ill hold goods until I hear
from you and if prices are not satisfactory will pay charges
both ways.

Traverse City, Mich.
(HUseu Phone 46!

BaUPhnne ISa

Mvfnt^r p-rulti
Nothiag t«Mea better for pupper on » winter oiffht Ihan^
Orasget. l.Armoai and Banana*. Grt itbme next time
you are paaaing the store.


JindtKon Undertaking Co.
-Aesiatwi ns-

A (ull line .or Funeral Supplx*'*"‘1 'he
bol ciiBi|ipinfm in Northern Mieh^an.
K Cut

9«a Proof Street

« t{»lph Jtndtrsiu, Wanigtr <

Do Vou mant a

Pratt's and Wilbur's

Condition Powders
ir you have a Horae, Coo, Hog, or Sharp that doni
kxA faal right, don't delay, but get a (atkage of Conduioe Poardcfs. Voa oen't bic the ifini one to say
* srhat a rctnarfcaUe ia)irovetent." aArr ns om {get
the genuine at P. K'a.) ..........


Olilbur's Scratcb Cure
Wf have the scesey Mf the

MUM perfenly ecMrne^ Silo oa the market today. Udi ef

•oloo^od WHUo ^irbo
Wffl oUlaM t«» SiMi twill orTsmatadi and vill aol warp out el ihaic.
M»W*«Ss« •W#*»«MSW«IWFS0 Ale ▼!■>«*Omwr
Ka^ the eatin Awaiwe frws buuotu to io|i. We have the cxehANMteaCMBSBeia Onisl Ttavene. l«riaMs and Sefuie
frMiM ai^ wa rnniirinrn'j enabled to acH yxw thia Sik> ai haa
Umb aihMS aA fe> na Mlaiiar article Call ia and talk it over nilh
m ae
m neiM Ar <atihtna.

t|g|F. FenisSl^*^

Soldcn neBlhig Oil
•inenKCMaandWonadsonmaa tf braM. It pays .
w^o keep a bottle at kwme (onlyi B6c.) SmA in
liaW *iO M«c nine. ItanY om4dok oar. «odt of
Horse BnAe* and Cwry Coadw

rapidly thak ie ani^? ""toe^wt
ptoce. Ibis animal Is an awfolly data

Hrortn* a

bound, for tosunce, i
learns wbal to mront by gsn. sboot,buni. d,-er. fox. chase, and lO <m: Bx .
perlenced buBten can furntob many
ev Id.
I.-B II cumeo lo the words aad
Bxwi frvQneally used to-caawata (to tpwt
d to llroetbunt aad BBOar
habk-b'puiBienaad '
• wvwk v« tb* EeM.
be rtoitoed for boud.vgs that they hare a very exSira vucabutory. they ondentaad
ra*b a arils lo (o aboDt (belr work
Hllceuily. and at ilmro with prokih Ibai Is UIII.- I

bar* a mere




Btt Kttptr Supphn

dae—evi^btoc culm ship shape fur
Ibe river dritim noi sU weeks oB.
Itobclle wss river ririver and Bo beiier
ma» v-ier walked ihe Iwhhlm »o
drsM bluumiB* as a rvra
aciBe mire aiid ireen scum lakto(
l.wm as candy canes Yn sorh is (be
amom or oe II I.Uts fnia year'., ebd case Half a eenlury ,rf experli
n^^diiih diKXms have inuebt
• ' was a Bvaieful III
e-Ue. and wbal we
-The smnil limber Is Erst ru\ off nnd
B m hli book of pi
n ricb black- earth i< fuuBd I,
Tbe land Is tbee drained hr m
dliches. wblcb for i.-i^ an
I was by tbe hi*
canau an.l vibifb ar.A*i..r u
■ bat wehi. u,. Ibe slick chimney mhro tmenilon punsv*ei in ibe Jri
I hiwnl lAbelle sav In his dueer Caaiiran. I
Unen. -By ear. Kid. dai do
and «haLr that :
ure nsk you aaudder pov: di
csiuvaiiac u a.
maa she'
toarsh ..................... ..................t of I*.
U. I.alM.u.-" said Kid. ;'l‘m
laiiened to their
kee,, 11.
from Siaklac
"lAd me |«T vea I irtvS luin.\ia i
I'aBiiiaBla Farm nroialhv ICu- n<-i
r .h.wB. " lined Ibe ETearbrn^
' such htobly fertile
• I have a fauadn-d of aiy uwa
SB |«y a durtur. Iioi I'm all ri«
tld KM: -I dun : waai i.. )>■ ,>|~
A. hlaukeinl at
If KM had uBli lAbelle l.> niBi
acalUfl be inlnhi hsie hari hw. mam
Ihe whiile esnip iiiuk up Ibe. II.,
I r.-ncea. bill Ihe
uf hsvim the see If he
with ceumeirlcal
I help ihrir favnrlle. Kid vhrabk luiwishui
A roadway Intersecis. ii
IIh- evia-riineal as It t
lies, and al the .•xad crapi>weoline-iii ihsi It was W
hullitlncs fnvm which Hu.1 finally
eraied. and ni whirh live
••>e meani kiiul.
’ ihan in mnny u( the
Thr d.iru.r .as um
neiKhlK.rinK vlllases Tbe smai
•* eyes. a> -well a
IniereM In Kie be
panly l.eeauBe
m Ihal he Is In thr
dortiirs always s
■ hlKuesI mini Held in
..perailns 1,11 nrance rasm.
Rime Kid refused isilnl htonk In
lie Ihe eiuip Ihere wa. nolhltll fur peelally afler dusk
I.III i.. l.rui* antoher d.u-ior fiiV
m.slel UiardlBK b-uise
sislani and Ihe IfalBKs fnr ihe sure
unf- hundred men. and
The ereaier pan iif Ihe conk'*
- summer miime •if fiw
IIIP ws> liven over to Ihe durlurs BroKsBii
imM Tudd. Ibe owner
d llH'y Bile Kid •wilnelbtK l.i lake dann
lere nr>‘ Ire huuses and farm
ISI Senve Ihe poor 'bny had. wad huildin
1. warehouses.
l,alielle. whn was nn lihran
r..r Ihe workiiiebie.. snri myself.Were i„ sis.v l.y
•e Ihe hlccest
rewrij; If sByililnx wa» wsnie.1
trti In Ibe world
This Iasi re|ireemed s «lmple ihlni ti. nil nwsy a
■ais one of Ihe rnimi itoifnc pieces of
1 of l.rtn—ire|ian Ibey rallrl li—
-nniiniy in Ihe Induslry
The disIII lei Ihe hralB. misbed In ike lime
aval of Ihe of i»as of mini
le tod was hurt, have the nsus wnhP
ly aner ihe ull had iu-en rUracl/id
I and rover all with a plate of silver
as luie of Ihe eartl.T prohlenis lo lie
was Doi a lone h>h eiiber mod they
■on had ji done, ihe bead wwshed
Anol her Ulrblmn pmhlem U ihr
Id liaDdaiieil and wsliina for Kid lu
of Ibe vast irarts of stump
sleep himself hark lo Ihe memory be
i>r Ihe lumlermen In ihe
left, by Ihe rnek U.llom,
m part of tbe sinie. Mr Tudd
Ibe two ]>n>bleros In Ibe aulu
He purehased acres of
Hni-thsi wakenliu! came as furacMtood Dunh of.llraad Rapids.
other will nune: Kid npraed his
. and )»A.e;i at us sirwuxe and
vsBture la
e lain
lyiieer lo km-. i|,e •llffervnr esptestre ship
•UBI and alnletvd In the creal I
nnolber perwon. bard nod mid and
a hiinied h»V like ibose same
wb,-n you romer Ibem In a Uebt
■ • In Ihe abape of
plsre. The dneliir mrdloood me In
1 biUldlms In rralliy radlallB(
siwak to him . and 1 knnn by bim.
round n sU-alded rvtuu.U In Ibe
as cenire In the open spare ibnu* larca
had slkis hive a raparliy of Sonu Intu of
been done and where he waand eosllme. and ihere I. mnro for inoO
nil fmln his burl al ihe hridice Tbe
la of hay In Ihe lofli above The
,-,HWTBlni planis. wlilrb makenuoh.
ii'^w'ss 'ume'ii)*lW1.™aiid'nul" !lefore"l exrelleni fivdder when dried, are
eaiislly valuable -ws fertlllier wbn
Summer abd winter todute ibua carried on In (he name
id empkir
up over his (are and—well, sir. I
meni fnr the
hardly U-ar to pul li In wiirds ooi
of Ibe advauiataout feaiurM tea
was thsi ptllful—hut ibe boy subbed, Ids’ Mr Todd pays 120 a moBtb
beanlimken and erie.1 oiu. "Itonor. labor, allb iKvard aad loddnc. and aa
for liod'K sake pul roe Iroek where I addlilnnal Israus uf S2 a muath tor
..............................ver be beiEod tbe
tbnm- whu slay the summer tbrooeb.
or lo iiadn i u itoy s work
He This keeps the tnen
b al work darib*
Foim to he bun*,
aried tike a 1
harvest eedson.1. when they are
ahn's afraid. 1
mnor lrie<l lo quIM
needed, and wb
_ the
. ebaacs
_______ lor
him and flnsl
elsewhere Is *reaies(. ThU toI pul him In sleep wbleh be w
dnsirlaJ rummualty It one of Ihe toInesiln* ptaaaes of the eBlarprlse.
~ dd Is nut onlv a member of a
I way
nrlenllEc bui of vi
• social
poilikal aclence u
ebeeks as be said la bla Queer way.
Ideas are carried m
"Htes lucialre. put het.park: siakr
she voo foul sume more
I |iay yon ptoee
two times ef^r you du dnl park Ten I laws CDvern mint culture. On tbe tu
tr(ve:'next May la reefer." Well, air. Irary. a rolllckto* barresi feetiral
my bean arhed for ibe tod I Inved held al the close of each arom
bim like a son: 1 bad blinked wlib Japanese tonlerns are slrunf abc
him and sinod leiween bUn and ibe tbe toWDs. Ibe bulldlacs are .
men's roufh ebaff maay a lUBe. I thrown open. Ibe barnyards are Ito
reckoe li was pan bavin* bo folks of wlib the rice <f the vtolUn* (arms
my own Ihni I look lo him like n lone­ a bl* onltoy 4>t food lhln*s to .pror._
ly mao am take to a atray dc« The ed (or all comers and weed pullers
.... loo ai
aad pretty aAool leaebeta for allea
; was dune all ciybIb* hut talk low
round. Ibe praprieror hImseU Jatolb*
wbal mtebt air Ihe poor hoy. 1
in measure wtib ibem
s wllh him nla^l and day, and well
Him propacatee from ronis similar
was. fur I founV.(be tod was bent
I bops. Tbe plant steads by ruBOB baejBB
ero. tl does Ibis very rnpidly. and
of Ibe old one
II bas free rela. Ibe e '
: I lold bim om
■eo I
1 soon covered. Weedy
wbal roward’s
ptoto tb
le bane of tbe ernpa. ai
and bow I loved him and
work It
11 ao and Ibai
couldn'i hear lu have- U
r praeiMJ^'^
ive life was fur siirh as he
e lad at tbst broke duyra lo
— . .................. ... . — ____ JSeh oa is
lime store Ibe bone was I
best for mint, Ibe amoont of band
and the mint Is ro
(n oBe'EIra^
Una and carded l^r______- of apowi
lul iwuhoiae rake. Tbere are
rrlakles like Ibe kl
to t.
Kher aud iwn sislers. a hrolhi
and -II tbe croand
1 there ibe trouble rane In Voui
The Bmw.
be was. only Iweniy. hr Inved tl
QBlle diraeme Kin as bis hrolher, and ih<
•e plast U
d words over the mailer unlU lb
eat oS.
Tbe beat yirM In «aa)Uy of (rowtb
ppeaea; vne oroin- If not lo Ibe acre eimies from tbe Eral
er mas brand On le 8nor of the blBk. year's ptonila*. as tbe oil eomea Trim
inrach II
lead and bo robbery .tbe leaves aad lender ends td iteMa
lied VO
rant for tl. Wurae Bui Ibe necond and third ytor caw
are held ordinarily Ihe moai prnKi
antobed ibe able, ss Ibey- do pnl reqntre reptoblevidrnre. Bo ihe fbtber
IBK Dsr at much rulllraltoc and weed-.
boy tasoeebi and In* The croand to plowed to-a depth
told him lo Ay from fusttre
of six toobsa each fall aad tbe rrop
lIvtoKCC folloars wltbout reamttoc. Ibe palae
kto family bear of "
raltogo. foward keeplac op thk richaros of |be

s; A aiery of a Michigsn LumSrr
Kniua I.e Il>- HRale l.r Eliubnli Ha, vtai D.II • man In SIrV.eRh'v
lumber rsDi|i i.l mrr vlKtiit iiiva aiiirr
pujiular Xh»n KW.
It.- -•» alvs).
nrmily Ji.r a lauab. an. Ki.l. nrf al
you, nloil. bill allb yvm A> Inr aurk,
Ibvrv aaan'i a laiy hair In hl> rnrly.
ynlltia biwd: bui (tie muarl.- wani'l
Ihfiv lar hievy liniDa. n.w^ Ihv vadur
sb>.a for su«0y ual^ at Ihe bl{
plDva lhai MrVreak's'niFii a.-rv (.4
lino rvady b> c» doa^ ib.- Minkraun
vbre I bn trv broke
Vem. air. thank you, fll lakr a pH.e,
Injt I m an old man aad I'vr leannl
brllrr Ihab (o meddle ailb liqaiir
«b|iy ramii break.. Many a lime have
1 kmian S brave f..!loa- fn onl In Ihe
siirihf allb bli atoler'a work In bis
K*ei and beiei” a« II beyond Ihe
Well, Ibe men tb ramp^a .-re for Ihe
BI.ISI pan. nnirt felkite. ibai follntred aiselersri froai the eiiiilac. skld--i« and bauUnx of Inf. Ib elsier.
ivinc Ibem dotrn ibe river In nprUif
Ihe season's eol In Ihe mills tbSI
run'day and nichi.
sons and kinds of men ibey
from eveo' aisaled rnuniry uo
he sun fimnll wonder, Iben. Ihni
all their trood will towards the
Kiri they marie rude )ukes ai tbe Kid'
ise iM-ause
e of his ixbnraiiee i
wsys. and. what w as wurae. b
of Ihe eosdlllon oT bis puu
larkina brain I don'i mean in any i
d was demeoled far from li. bi
was UkepM>ple y iiu'vs beard abou
had been bun l«d ua ihe ben
■elhlne like' a year beton- he
Bbd be knew bo
BO more
• past tl
thaa we did, wblrl
•b war
a al all.
all.' If bis skull bad....
bees vmpbneb
I. spobied nut bbil
and made up wUb a
r nillai. he egiild tint have
s rrf wbn he aTs nr «
rSirmer iiowlell. IIvIbi west of our
camp. pIckaS bim up from the nwak
bed imdw tbe M. A K. & railroad
tiHdta and hu wife narard tbe boy
ibnMgb .a apall <S brats fever Arior
It be was like a rhild abd (hat iraiedul to HowtrU's ibat be rouldnt do
enousb In show his love for them, lie
*as vHh Ibem nlib a year and ihea
iolned our ramp like every farm boy.
near and far
Tbe leas of memory did not trouble
:id. be was as full al fiia as
'as a kid. and ibsi's wber
where bis
eome. because be eas a boyUb s
'E tomblnc blue ryes and s
ftrl's. II was thai fair: i
Ik—say that boy could bo
labermaa's ckak and
ta's oaibi Ibaa Ibe w I dear In Ibe
Ibe Mmbar
Vas abarp.wlib
^ loBcue and lareed maby a iauib
I Ihe fellows that ceyed him I mind
ire Ibey were skiddtoc wlib
bark of Ibe liver l,ead when BUI 1
lias, a hi( overemwn Irtshmaa. xare
tbe meb a wtok and aald-I was by
and beard him. brocue and all-eald
■Bay . Kid.- nays be. "do ye U- afiber
folB' dosrn*by Ihe ramp sihable and
feirb us iwo raai boiihs '
Now. a rani-hook Is a i».t fnr baadllm toes as any lumberman kaowa.
and We had plealy uf them la Uie
~:lll must hare hli )oke
II the, word before 1 lol'
_____________ top bIm: he was always
that ready, was Kid, to do aa erraad
If aayoae.asked him. Ptdtwe BUI and
tali panBer had doae artih ihe bic
plBe they were sawlni Kid came bark
dnrlBi a yoke of asuiley uxea that
a al Ibe aiable walilm fnr
at abtddlm. -where be tbe
raai-hookar said MU wlib a touid
lausb. :Heee.- lays be. whhoal
•boai of a amlle
Bill Blared a bit before hr imw
pnlai. bui tbe mea catbeeed n
and cheered aad yellad lor Kid. AAer
wbra tba boys tot
____ ibeir tan anme of im .... ...................
Ibem to dnw to tbulr boms.
KU waa oae of Ibo.bapptoM fellowa
1 rrre saw. Noibloi wonted bim or
put bim oBL Hr aevre eared a rap
lo End ooi where he bekiated or wbal
son his people miebt be He was cob
tern lo pul by bis bb of waacu. part
for bimselt aad aoaae be aaai tbe
HowlNla aatll be bad Blab a baadred dollars
I w...........................
aaytbim of

bad by a todeed liee ihai Ml Meeeel from what be axperied. Of eotoae
the hart eUmed to. as ramp bops alwayi do, fiw a doctor from tbs aapply
tnWB and KM put to doable tbe beat
oMbem Tba doctor w a^to^^
U^Ile bad it ibtoCT lo siat aad ae
ewiitoc abort of Mpa to aW Ibe toa
baadakad and tbe freer k^
It was a bod Jab. to had h
aad KM oterad to lay o« a<
to St ttow thas'wi
lUataeaery lo aB baada.
aeeor bad: dap aad algkt wttiTtf
tbe rartoE aad grodalas aad * ‘
-«raa< pdOsU as a tootber to a hdba.
No me eoaU do aaytbtac rtebt bat
KM «ad to*wa tbe aEooy of tbe TwlB


. _ - brtdae.
(htoktos to end It all Tbe braaeb of
an old beroloek raashi bis cMbea ami
dropped bim afieen feet or so tosiei'
of EBy at tbe nlley lop and be *IN
rrwabMl bll of skull and tost hU met
T iBstaad of his life
Let me Blve you a drtak. al
yon are thal whRe like you wei
(alBi. sir,
No* Wbai's Ibai. sir Tbe boy
ime from ibis ptocw aad tbe aotdsrr was a robber aNer alir Wall. vML
soired ntt befotr be cracked ihe lafc
tack all about JI —— vhMlBS aad law
kw-lbe IkUltoc?
Where* the tod sow, yoa any?
* fw bimr <». ihai'i
uy. he's 'Hchl wtowe I toft btm.
Vhai-s that? Ytm-re bto tathey.
KM'S fstheer
suaacer. lhai's ao pew* lo
me Thai's }acl why IWe bees tatttoitoyoathto•

Campaali Para, aa H to ealtod. is toatad la AUacas smuRy. to car 0
.oothwai (ton of tha niehifo.
h*M. The ooly aaaaa of reocRI

Carm are„throe toive slllto laH'W
■be most powerful of tbe UaA la
world. Tbe ordtoarr still tM
... cate buBdrod poooda of oil a Aay.
Throe handle over lEE Tbe mint to
pHrtied into toffe at«am-U*bt ^to
Wlib eloeelT Eitto* form. A Jet of
steam U turned oa and tbe od! 9Ue
swsdl and boral. Tbe oil to eapdi
and rairied out wtifa' (be steua
wUrh e^ water to
... Ibe taakn telo
wblcb the Doom mas tbe 0(1 Haee bad
' eadly drawn oK tolo aUrace «ne
BUIato* froiB twsMy tb thirty aroen
la (be amlB ------------Mak boMto* .
provlM as a.aaftcuard agataM
U Ito *U
fahot tb* PU

ice. havlOK
nets at Bud
■ use ap

Manag.r llroy of tb* Op
terrl.-r of foyil Itofrom ibe
Ibe kibe
’s kenk<

(er B^ and bis w-tfe Tbe pet k
Ibe name of even artisle of Tuni
Id elothto* lb the bouse.
' A few ereb)Bcs acn a teal was
made for Ihe purpose uf detssmlnlB*
the aceurmci' of ibe tervlWs uadeo
idini of words
I want yoa to
k on your bind feet to tba boil
r and bile Hr Bray ub tba aar.*
a member of tho hmiK.ds>ld to.lba
pA. Foitbwith thr terrier araa at.
and befora Ur Bray knew aaytbhic
aboui (he plan tbe pel do* was play­
fully puUInc at bis ear Hero was,a
raiber lulrteate'commsBd. 11 was DM
simply a cooimADd lu co; U aatd bow
J KO, whero to CO. what lo do. and to.
Bui the lerrMr aadaratoad
P-Wfectly. Now hero to a do* bavtog
an extraordtoary vucabuiary. oadar
iiandtBK. no doubt, no leas thaa SEE
w.irds Tbto oae ease srBI show that
|wtI d
. bas
. of
. wo
• (bah

do*s MooclBC b
) other
of cooras- They are talked to
UIDe. and Baiiual] learn to tosorlaie eattalB iiraods with osttoto chleris It wotHd ba iBUnaUB* to «B0V
whai tbe ararace voeabatory to amoog
does, andI I vonld
voBld tike to sea anme #«■
peel lake
up tor tba parporo
- laltoly

_______ ____________________It be Is a
bolorod man abd the exatov* of Us.
Uary AUlBsob
ihJasoo of
u Cbst*noo*a ooaaty.

Use -wUI pi.
alluw me to p
a New Vimr's
probably many m
alob* Ito knife with
ordinary I
oats. Ob Ib* CMto
k to a raiber tor** one. ara l4t

.ro. Twrlie of tba Imagas ara
^PSTOW and a nnmber of tbam.aro
WW be«to al Uto lop tf
y and Inclade Ueorte
Inron. PnaldMt BooteralL Qoaaa
Victoria. Ura Ida UcKlntoy. widow
- preaUcDL and Chrtot oa
Eflroo fowl*. Ibrea dogs
and alk boaaea oa ibe ean^ Tb* other
lma*e* Ibclade a boiterfly, booey be*,
bouse Ey. bear, ox, taro scakiy.
chair, pot. ax. band aad Yilaan at*-

■al. rwtodoer. broA

d. shoe. book, toftto.
Sih, r throe llaks (latto
Bto of ^ Odd rellowsi. eUpsnai.
-aLeod. tdeirra___
. ____
:. aUr. mooa. amtoHto. alx Egsix leUsn. Bake and rope.
Hany of tbe tmacea-Bre wall carv­
ed. b« tb* oaae ibroagbcwt doea *at
r tb* work td an arltoi at tta
d khid.

ag porerty wUte
______._____It optmtd
-______ by lb* muakipal aatbort- .
Uat Witt a depeell of to eeata Kto*
tta ypoagsicr analas bis satortly
- glvw him a start to bastoeaa
rook, to HoltonA nsplns to tb*
.tocOoe of bsto* tb* nealast tewb
to tta worM, and certalaly no an- .



itad by (b* town rliwniri. wbo aerab ft tram top to buttos, tnsMe tmd onM.
wktawi nptos* to tb* tenaato.
Tbe town of Hasebmana. to Ocf-may. to atrina* u> Ure ererr gM.
wbetber richly eadowed with isod
looks or otherwise, aa esfoal ebaacs
to tb* marTtogs sukst. and wUb
tbto object mnaUpal pslses nsgMg
Inm nso downward at* aaaaaUy bettowed apoa yoaas sea wbo w«
--------- a bighsr reward Ibaa. aay
wbD* tbe girt wbo bas teoa
Died, to worth fSO to tb* bob
wbo •reotaaor MOO nor to to* attar.
Tta MW tor tta parpoa* wro tofk
by a Peltob borca who dkd to inr.
wbto a total of nrorty flS.M*


amatoo la wElrh ipe tor**al pan U
lb* *y** cf Mxtota
Jb* mtai oil prodared to the atat* to
wbta U was EoW
- Id by ascret aroeeaara wblcb ...K _ _M .data Vito la tb*
I* todiaiiT m ao targe a Malt SaXiJutosTgiays»iTtog*M*ete
M* Boonda of tbe toRoMI eO. •eaU be pntfacud la tb* IW M
k tlU.PM. was shlppeg hat yar vtols* *s Mil tllig verr'Etatk Kta
r«r the worid balf of R to feif
___aad Boapei Tb* Htabln*^
vacetred Ito poM an EM al bolb tb*
- -Ijmd Batsto ■xpaaMMai-Nw



and Trarcrsc HcnM

Wo Wajit a


taa tmt **m tanMd. bX U U ti
UtMd Ua «rocn>B tt Ik* bubbI
M tl Ik* MBt* iBman' 1b*UtWBB. UcMMlBlIy U< tbJbb at tk*
ApMitBfml r1'~r i* r^MTBd u> la
tM. BB4 tk* adaeBUCOBJ Bd*BB
•t tk* laitltBttak ooUlaad. Thai
coU«ti kBB MB4* BB taportBBt
te Ha*U U tk* r*Bk* al bAbcbi


to vork ;ut(‘i

A«r b«r«wk*
r*»4* thi* Bd*«rli**m*nt'

BiwatritBd. kvt too la« ot tk*
*■«>* jrf Miakl»B NBIU* Ik* r«Bl
tk* aell*«B It i* * pop«l*r
tmmtturn tkw Ik* *BD*t* (•
CkmlaB Bsd klBdrad (Ubb* bIom. kai
B DM* tB*«MlaBtleB «dM r*T«B
tm tkM tk* eelKf* If CRM o( tk* b**t
bw B praetkiBl mbbApbIbi. tk*t tk*

' Tfig
EvaniHg Post


Wlllbai U. Dutaad. piwtldeei d lb*
>»MB. Oarbed « Waatocu .^wa;
Oa. At wkk>. tkb dt; pul up i
Ob* «l.tM tot tb* BQ*au «d a
■■■Meb or tk* 4Bta(ftba Ha atata*
IfeM tk* pbat kae* b**B ekaacBd
«i U ukB Is U »■*»•(■ tk* ra
«ilbb d
BBd that BWotlBIbBi i
•dsr. •«) tm bUbc tha eostnel to
k* BUfUd
•m Bb«a tt* tnt «( Mv- Aaotbw
BbBBf b MfpbtBd tnm tk* ort«tel idBBa. vhkb ptofttu fed nkalaa
tt* BB* Mtt ttom tkb dsn bMwB«B
tt* s . I. * L BBd Pan Han
Itttt ihMih tk* mnm d Wa
«MI7. to Oipibbb. wh*r* a ttaeUba

MBOm bad* with MBBbl** had
fttBhtort Tkb pba wouH aatbty
tt* HBabm yaopb. who hav* b*d»
ttiitokliBB Ike proBtot. BBd
dmo tte* prarM* tka dnlrad dlrwt
dm BMBB tb* alBt* tros Al
filttfeai. tafclkB b tkb city. Vatb•n* to tk* n»u tKm tk* catotoBl
itoM.wptB *9Mt*d. aad H HBBbl**
ftoa ha raattad to tkb way tk* vala*
4r tk* MM aera* Ik* Btai* wUl k*
. to Mil Id.
te tkb tiM* tkw* baa
bBBB ttUa «
to tk* pratoM. k« tkM who aabttttoto to tk* mrmr taad itoUa
ttto tb* PMuBto Uto wwaU b*
toad tktoa aad

d mmoj aad a
7 to It. aad tkto
.tt* vato WH toaUkb aad wottM opto
top to rriMplHil a brta Mrrttery. itob
to Itokar aad acrtnlMra WkUa th«N
' hto kato a bek (d
■Mb to ttb petoaet. It b coatoltod
jtov^^tkaty a Mi «

Tu cistit nsusmM coMraxT


The coon Baked
bare purehaud a Bliv tur Ike library
In'ra*e un donailon bad
Ur Piaii (iBtcd ihal the ouubcII
wuiild have ihat luir rlpbt.
BnunkwaUe ataled that he
wbb II UDdeialonl that the library
hoard cosonlod Ihat.
Ur. Pratl held that' Ur. ttarvede
could hav. uffciad »»0.000 to the TravrruF City public llbrur asd' the tru*tee* would hav* a ylaht to accept li
la tkb eaae. however, he held that eo
oSer wa* atad* to ftre tSV.fWO to tb*
c«y Ubrary. but to U* Hiy for
D*Bl* library buUdlac.
Ur. Prail nalhlatobd that wh
library buUdlac b eraUad and aeoept*d by ^ conaell oa the site accepted
' ••»*« the 'eouscll
y over to tb* hiard dl Ubiary irufWca. aad they would
•pedal uvuiee* of that porttoa ol tb*
elty * property
Held tkat tk* city
■Uskt. ihHHwh tb* eouacll.
of aay aiuabM- o( paklle
rea dltaraai koureea aad
i*Bl the authority over aiteb llbrarl**
■- tk* board d Ubrary tnuteaa '
• of tb* taty
CWell V*. the Board of U1
USKry'Tru*la Ibe library tUc Butter b now
• baad* of Judae F .W. Hayita.
ike amuMBU la (he eaae havlaa bcua
kabhed Pdday *Taatos
Jadi* Uayaa b ««itlrely aaable to
■ay whee hr wUI reader hb decbloa.
U* will go (0 work oa tk* aultor. Urnr
day. bat hai lot* od work oa ba.>a aad

>b< arvuMtot h* pland «p*cMl
n ua Ike tact that there aiw aut
Uhrartoa talked of iot hdax ooatke ooaaeD aor tk* koard^
of Ubrary Irulec*. hut the propoaed
at hM beea rccarded
all Ik* tiB* H laleeitod for a boaw
the city library, aad that My. Cai^
a*cl« hlB**K to ncanb It.' la hb
r. Baarthwali* ral»ed levLiDU of tart and law that
bidki have been brouckl MID the
If It WWW biMitod to aak* a
•iBiply oa tb* Batter of tk*
ul b* waived all at tkoM
anepi ikuH that hav* a direct b«arto< cm lb* car Bau«r w to whItt of

tt ptotoetad hy Hr. toaiatt att hb
ttaiwbiii. wwuM k» a Md thtoi to
ttb ««7. Btt tka npMlBi M a Ito*
MMd tka Mat* wwaH ba a rMtohb
r-—bini m Iwiiaiai I ii
vUtt toh aearcaiy ba «aHbatid ai
tkb tbaa. Tnvtn* Oty sow hki i
totottbl totorau to tt* pnbat. mi
Wto aratoh liTilrpiiiiu wttk th<
RMa^f ItmM* prey* «paa tha nfad ttfeto*ttattt* pbM H ................. til hi Bunp* aad b*M .BMliou: kBBUy. vifor
Mr. Ibwhkd wfU toautlalbB

Women as Well ss^ MeiT
Are Made AUaerabfe by
Kidney Trwible.

•r!.s.r" —

Tha Ca»aail» Uheary Caaa.

• Tha ■iiliiiaa nav
the Cfey
OWIiH ta. tk* Baard d Library Tra*
tttt kitta ta MrMdt ooart PMdhy. At
teraduit 10 b* bon
m ••Mott tk* aifUBtol ter tt* eaaa-'
. ^’aihaudwtihwaUtlito•a tow ftoelaiil I7 Atwrkapa V. H.
Mtor akd H B. Prau. toM* ott*
or U. wW ik« ttlU
' a*toi toaUen WH* tkto takto ap.
watt** to *o wkH it *beuld h* abb te
' Wd at *:tt oMoek Hib TboiBH -------------------------------TmdaimntUt
_____ __ ,___ _ «b y«ia
: •ttBttvralu kawa kb arnfatot tor
tta »(wy baard.'


■to yd yWBto M B • k*Ui H


at tk* etty ahartor a* to whbb body,
tt* lakrll *r tk* baard d Uketry
o iMiet tk*
to t. PMU ttto tott ap tk* OkM to


■ Obly queatloo IbH." be H
idBur bay*
' tf 10 and out wko hto the rMt
nah* .»•* »S B
.acuuliv ikli aiie." Tk* alloroey th*k
w**k. 8am*ar*
liwk up the charter aad beeil
nvakiai >tf.
.-very BecUoa aad title la which
■hiu( pertatnlna to the Ubrary <w Uhmry hoard wh BMtIoaed. He aald
to d*M BtUI KkMl
Ihal ililv 6. aertloB tl. faa the only
I’lao' where any auiborlty wu v>
In the eouacll over the library
I-Y- Hr then took up Utle t. whieb
'<ieaU BBlBly with the levying of
<1>naldcral>lc alcrw wu b
•■■rihio t of tbU title, la. which
lBCBbknm**it awatk.
' <.*• Claliurd that readlBB betwecB t
. liiu'C WM belag done. To prove cot
«4 Arch SkaM. rkIMfbtb
i r.f hl> potaia. be look up the aiaiute
la. of IttT. whieb. be aald. wu aldentloaL
V Ur. Pratt had taken up »
lualBUliinl li; il
cd whirli the b.^r.1 - of llUrmn nf ihe polau diacuaed by Ur. Sbu

lee* bate iiiutrol.
a III* other haiiil. be bbuI. Andrew
Caneal* tuupoBCd l« *!».• ik.- cUy.
Ibrou(b lb* aniorll. a llbnirr buildins
oa roBdltioii that Itae rll; ouiurJI
abuuld lurnleb a bUc and but** Io pro
to Buluialii
•och lihrary Ur. Ptbh aaM
road* nol la tb* cMf Mbimr;. Iu|i
to Ike clly IlieK. iliruiwb ih- o
t rdad Ike Bwilun*
oily ckanpr wUch deBn* ib* t*»cn
and duilpB ut the nmnoll and
ol library inuttM
laylof •perlal
liaaKaral yaatBraa Bad d*YBkifdh
•lr*«* upon >erilun* I. :. .t and ( d
m-r—r id tk* bUIb
•eelkin 1. till* t o( ibe city rbarter
Ai tk* aab* tiaa H b Bot aaciBet- Auiburlly Wat BlY«n tb* CuuBdl to «*
IM tk* UBlMBC d tka btulaa
tabJlih asd malotals a city library,
tka atBdaaU. It b BfuMUf pureba** propany for It and oibcrwia*
OUBB tktad b tk* BBTlRNUBaat d a* prutide lur Ike public Ubrary of tb*
n—-Ti-T ........ r coaraa «hbk dk etty.

Whlb MBk '■ a BPBehKp of tarwlM

laant. BOd h*T* Bflad U fcajnaftloa
Milk ikem
kir SBiartbvBli* FAptalaed. BMordloK.ui ifcr roewd*. tkat (k* rtiy
rll’ bad bm
iBuoed B KII* BreoBcat bMWM lb*
M*|> silorBvrf. Attoreer SiurthirBlt*
BBld ibBi Ike naticr bad Binr
dukn tu Ik* rYHMtrunkia cd tk*
ler. Bad tbBt It OB* tur i*4B* ktBra*
tu Inierpr*! II. B* tk* Biuner* euuM
aoi BcrW Hr •aid tk«r* «•• ao pre.umiHloti Ibai *Hk*r kwb
to'l*«bbthF Balkority.
ik*r Ike Battr* charter would k*Y* to
to Bod la wkbk bud; tk*

N* toaa*r
«ulr*4. U* '

kwda«**,tk*aBBvkc «*k** iUbcb go.
vke Bo«* BBitklBi .*ko »«rk* him
mil Bad HT** «ark to mtaj of hi* (eltov ■BRBik Who to******. H*ki Bad
•■MU* kla BlBSB «k* wkU* k* If
■krMTd. I* BlM> kOB**l. BBd ■rbU* k*
la ksMBt b Bbo Bbrt Bad kMB Tk**«
BTB Ito MB «bO BT* BMt ketpful
(Mr rae* Tkcr praatb iHii*. hut
(hv iruitlo* BBCh
1k*)r BTC BOt
Mad tat tk*lr f*B«n>*il]r. kni (her
BN IkB B*B Cf bH MB moM bMpful
Tk* M*Bl (BiMr b ea* vko >
Mdi dBBaebllTlebae* of a
iteBltBU b ■ead; It b •Sebat, bat b
.1. bat Bol
l; ttbtkab
tk* fovar that vlBlda; It aBal k* asp•tobaawd BBd aaloreBd br tnOB*d
hBBkua* BBariT.
*lckt B* vbU kw* to aaeoBBd wtikout
Bk* «r BBw aa B (Bfmr
InowMBB o( tk* aebaea aad pnettec
Ik Iba Bit «d a^rtoBltBIB. The k«rl(»iBf*l Mlaca la ^aetw a kaowledn
tt Ik* raadaMBiab d airlanltur*
Ik* k*M d MbhlBaa
tkraaah tb raadlkt eoun*. Ureafk
lu boUatk**. thmch tha iBaUtat**.
Md «y tka apaetal aad loafeoaraaB kt
tW BBlbaa HaBlL It Ja

M lire bodUB. tk* eoBBCtl er tk* U- Oavb had ehkisa at tta n
r*n k(MM. kB* tk* rtcki u> *ti*ct B
lY (or tk* Canefl* Hbrarr bolldBC
He lrBC«d tk* |i*o«rwi cf Ik* b*cb.11*1 lUB* lur (he llbrwr »Ha. Bad *tst*d
lkru«)|k bU Ik* b*«oUbUobi




B^*V«aj’ labbk*

— ■

but Tw

T. oa wrwy

William E Curtif. la
leiu-r to the Cblcaiu Heeurd-Harald
•ay..: Ur IMehauch. edUor of the
Atu. hchn Uimbrnnaa. called ay ah
■cnibn the other day to the Indue*
uvaia oSered jto aeltivra la the tuBUv rr«k>B ol Uldblgu and WUcoaUa
wko wlu uk* up the bUI
■ hai hate beca auipp*] of liBher and
art. now oiccHl Tor Hie at aoH
j>rlce>. He polBU out the grwat
vantage thuM bad* have 'over
prnlrlea nad Irttgaled vnlleja la tk*
arid regtona tA'kIle It b Iro*: he inya.
tbni n farmer wUl b* coBpelled to
ruoi out the atump* he wlU tad buUd
lag tnatcrlal aad Cwl . la uatlalMd
qHntUtea upoo hb own land, he
have profiinkle vrork the year nruund
aad rej^vely bigh-prtead> Barketa tor
etwryihlng Ik the way of
and dairy produce ikei be rabea Hb
Btt* and poultry, ttllk aad1 butter.
vegetable* ud frulh'
e Sold In
tfak iB^bt* neighborhood, which
b a great advaalaga 0
Icaa pmlrle. where the
Bile, apart and eyerybody Uvea 10


ter. Bdu HlUar. Utaato Votraha.
Lulu uu. Btob Hay. HyrU* Vc
Uoldle Bailoa. Allle Ndaoa. CharloUe
Prledrlrh. Uaad* OoBpua. Marios
Kbbb Prtodrtek. Cuaie
Whlilag aad Bnato Vtoua.
Puacb wu aarved durtag tb* enUr*
evening la 00* of tt* boxHlto tho Oty
Opera Houm by J*bh 43nvto ud WUIan] Wunburg. The oScm of
Uuuo k Muoa were a*ed u -aatoktag

Ltoul. B. K. UeOor. J .M. StokMle*
Col C U. B**n. Ltoatenaat Cokael
F. tl. HeniaaBB.
Invllaltoa—J. H. MoOongb. I W
CllSr. A W. fUckerd. Claude Pulver.
O- C togrtg
cepUoa~J. T. Haaaah. UaJ. A. H

PiOB g:J* to *:» Stowart * Slaffana' orcbeatra rurabhed p delightful
coacon. . At tjt the aaUocMd
kkiibu arrlted. ^ Ckpc and Hra. J.
V. HeiBkBk led W ftaad Bvek. Tb*
kalgbU ealHwd Is. aiagto ib. fttod
rtgbl. aad u *ach iaaaed kb tody *h*
atepped to hb aid* aad tt* cvolattBa
of the grand BuCrh. wUck wee* very
»c«t) begu. Th« aaltiXBa'at the
kaicbu and tt* handuome hall coalame* of tb* todtoa aldad to Mktog »
a very pretty apeetacto. Itoaelv wh
caaUaaad aaUl 2;»* o'cleefc.
CraahBaHa wan aareed to tt*
My of Haada. whick m gnuuy
Btad far tta aanglifa CW

tl.r po.w


A Paverttb Verdict.
PalchiB k Cralaer of ttb ctly
b*en cIvH a vardlct la tt*ir (avor by
lb* auprvB* court la tt* eau of John
Coraell V*. Prank Whitney, both
Cadillac. PalchiD k Ciotaar were
lororya fur hlmak Wbhacy. who fur-

•ir latirota:


A . Danger Period
Which .:
Eveiy Woman Must Pass.*

M..»: K


' i.'ss:*.,”


Sl.r .'po


■ It wu Chaagr of

Tharou Ji. ttoipaotor of
^ Ua had hit paaalea
........ ...

a *r.-at i..Kapi>..--

-..K:. I Lr.,.w your BrflriH HVM
.y l.fe :.-j.acAB00l

1^11 br^ tokiag M.'..

ruled utberwba.
h of Aehn Oervln.

A tliniiMnd


w'u la favor of Johh Coraell. but
•itprente court reversed the deebloa
It b Hid that Qomell owaed
fara and daadad It to n’bltacy. vbo
wu to keep hiB for the use of
(arm CuroHI bwdB* dtoatbded and
left Wbltaey aad tried to get lb* deed
ael aald* through hi* allomey, P C
OUben. in tha circuit court be wu uua Hawl. Kaur

ht.. Udi?Ub.*SJ.


1 bad vauum^iou.

' two. tbea acan
•ee a ductor aad

•r. B P.
bticli. 111-'.
Aoba Oarrla.le w»U kaowa in thU
olty, bat ao oa* raaaabMa aaalag
htB for tta |Bai yau. «UI* b«
did HipeoMr vroefc aad aada
Pvubora boMi hb baadqahrlata
to a aiagto bu aad whitkir bto
dna an livtag la thla reflM to not
Hr. B*bu knew the yoang
bu aad It b nppoaad Mat balora be
died that bereqaaatod word 1

When tbe gee* a arrleed tt* todtoa
tk* baleaay. wWa
Ml TkH lb* todtoa
of tt* aaUarMd kalghu wera a«art•d below by tk* urapitm OMBlItaA
while tt* otter gaa

e.byAkla Secai Event.

RjroS.sij-eS'■ ‘

U. R. K. «. Ahaual fealL


Baaquet—C S. Ckvla. Praad Alvurd
U lagHc. A. .W. Bartak. R. C.
Floor-UeuL E. W- AhUb. J. E.
Cameron. C. B. Curlb. C. B. Taylor. E

la Ibe luB^ rdglooa of Uichlgu.
L*«touii Cmuity ‘Phenea
UlBne»ola;aBd ^laboula are BlUlou.
A enw of ala* aau aRlred troa
of aerwa auliablelfar lartoen and atoek
to •oath Prldny to rwa Ik* .ooprataera, and p^lcularly to
par aalallto totopkoa* ItoM traa ibia
growlag. ud It llu b«ea fully
•by IBM
aiy Tar ib*
•(rated that
.oil b pro
Potto ban ulHdy baH aat u far
u Oattr and Managar Etoivy atotM parUcubrly
■ppar pawlB•atouioa triU ba
•d to be coaaUrnd OM aatoUiakM to ttM pottl to aboot
of the
paabad u vapidly
inlBvlilng dbtricu. but
M poaaihU bayend thiaach tka'
in* cr^ of
toe* and other vegHablaa.
lag rapidly aellbd vrltb a
ArmlBg eoBBunlty.
Thia land caa be purchH
U to m aa acre; tk* I
leave a brg* aBouai of tlaber on the
ground which otfi be uUlbed by
h will aSord him buUdlag
maieria] aad fuel; k* caa work u Into
aiavwa. keadlaga and pulp boRe; b«
can amke raUroad tlH aad cordweod
ud can aeU.tke mt of It to tka ebarcoal biimera. Tker* U a proaiabtc
dayb work at hand ike year arouad.
aad be doH aot hav* to all In
•v* Boatha of tka y«ar Ilk* tka fararera oa tb* praIrMa U ba b la md
ot/Mdy auaey h* can alwaya got. am(doymeat aad good cub wagH
abort dbtaacc Cnun hb tarn.
. Prof Haoty Daan d tka AgrlealtaraLJtoUaB* d WbeoaUa ku
a paapbM abowlag tk* r«l«Uve value of ike auap toad cd tkat
Ibe pralrlH tokda d the
noithwML tb* hbtory of tb* ITattorm
Rank KalghU of Pyttdtt. of tkb city
delightful party than tkat
which oocttiTod la tb* Oty Opera
Honac TbuiHlay algfaL No dMall that
could kaie added to tt* piCHBr* of
l>* vecanka wh oBllted. and
evealag «ga ona of tt* raraat-*
Tbe ball WH moot b«aadt«Uy
mlMl fur Um.occaakB ta'eokin «< tt*
□tder, red. yellow and blab *Hh rad.
aad blH Ugbu aboat tk* Mo­
rn arch aad tt* kaboBy. Tk*
WH uvaag*d u a parlor, wltk
nm. tarabkfaca Hd towan.
Stewart A fa*«eu' orektaua of toa
pleoe* turabked tbe fla«M maafa arar
gfvea la tt* dty u a •oclal faaethito
Tbre* huduB* •sbtetti of tta or­
der. Witt cMto UOh baaatlfnlly BBda.
bung In dUfecaat part* of tt* hall.
TkeH were tt* work of P. a B*arory attraetlva. Oalto
IIU*. aad ciroattoM. w«*a aaed


Salt pork » a &moiu old£kshioncd remedy for
sumption. “Eat plenty ol
pork,” was the advice to the
consumptive 50 and
years ago.
Salt pork is';good if a man
can stomach it. The idea
behind it is dttc fiat is the
food tbe conswpdve needs
Scott’s^ulsionisthemodern method of feeding fat to
the consumptive. Pbakistoo
rough for sensitive stomachs.
Scdti s Eraujstoo is the most
refined of fiws. e^>ecially
prepared for oi^ digestion.
Feeding him ht to this
way, which is often the only
way, is half the battle, but
Scott's Emulsioa does more
than that. There e some­
thing about the cmabioatioo
phites in Scott's Emulsion
that puts new life into the
weak parts and has a nyecul
action fm tbe diseased
ed Ilungs.
A .MPpk *01 be

I d?c^rjssifri


I dnspawtau rtv.
jec-aadpi; dtta|



(..,.-r w.ih .* .*0

„ V,.* -1 F.mqa. •.


wlUgUlly ; (aM..l It tobejuvluhall D«id*d.

Tacp rwnuiililij i.-urti-i—1

H Um*i Seart Ftlks
to be told tU »afi about

h. U... W. UrHuia^
and , Mvlodi. by Uuiwua.r.i,. gi
I.T U.M u.r..4l Ulllto

Lion Coffee


Uiu l-Aii.v, UiUbaok. S.D.
Uaa- l-iaaHAUr —I feel H

ii^Pi WM

n*nrc<row coSeca are tfaaa

4ll> 1 Uve foaad la
IHnkhaHto %'*■»lUiil aad Uvee P'^
rv-ugti th* lUag* of

Itol roor Bcdiria* aiuaa
4 ur-.'—.Mb.. MAua.iLiA HbaB.
.11 i'inU A>. >ur. Evwvillr. lad.


THE McNamara store

All goods unsold at that time
will be moved to the adjoin­
ing room in the rear, accessable through our store.

We will continue the same low
prices, from

To make the necessary room
in our main department we shall
sell ^1

OwrcMte at 1-4 off

Some Single Garments at 1 -3 off

at 1-4 off.

Special lots 1-3 off
One lot of

IVIen’s Hloavy


From 75c to $2.25 well worth from $ 1.25 to $3.50

Fur Coats 25 per cent discount
Moo's Mackinaws
1-3 off

Mao’s Jackefs
1-4 off

Come while these goods last



Ol^y* MIoK.


Ttavcnc flctald
Uti. Umt PrmBklto 4M . Siwdar
BuimUc M 7. M ftt lb* Ece Ot «S Tmn
Bl lb« buM u hm- «MXta(cr. Mi
ot >lt Ewi NlBtb •(»«(.
TM MW* o! dMtli irw Mnltar
Un. RukllB h4d Iwra BlUac
WU M W*«M^ ml«bi. wkM >b*
4 M Ubc W b*r bed Hn.
E>«eklla «w «*ll kscm U Ihid dif
end ibe eurro<u»dia( r««toB..4a4 ba*

CUM «w bum la tb* towB ef
' Ituoeecb ,CbcBU«o couBly, N«v Yurb.
Hareb EE .HIT. H« DaUra aaB* »a>
NoTM Her aotber «Ud irbaa *b*
«a* Mir > r*ari i^ aad abe mm U>
Mtcblwa «llb ber (alhv la IMO. at
lb* ac* at U reere.
la IMS, ab* m marrted to Staba
rraakUb. «ho mm to Mlebicaa la
US!, aai) aetued oo mm iaad «ber«
Ue elty ot Moread. Leaawee OMOty.
ao« aUBda. Later iber Bored to
Hllladale couasr. aad Itva iber* to
Old UlMiM In Ormad Tnrerae emuir
ia Mar. use. «b*re aba baa aloce reaMed. Her hoabaod 4M Febniarr
Mra. rraakaa

of J. V. f'atebta. W. H. t-mlor abd t>. aSMM bead U ab aabMb a( tba Mlp
C. Oll^ Id Cr^ Tr*r«
-reir aaedrt kiwiMBn, b«C M'm
IlM^t OtalMBt. caiak
Aatrin aad E H. G
BUtber of 1
are atm tlrla«. J-ortr-Wo braadrtl.
. . . _ . -------------------------------------dree aad SS fieal-*t*adthUdf*a are
'b* r^la* and Otorae H. Ouaa
llrJas Tb* ala* eblldrca vbo aurrlec
Al a ■■aia at Iba >0\Aeia vaan tar
bU euean, bald al Hm PfuMb Mba la
tb«tr noiher are n-VUaa H. rraaUla
ftaadino by V
ot the l*BaUi*B!*. SoloBoa aad John , _
Til^S it out for Ibe eakUn of Old Mtaalob. Neartoa aad „Ha>o>
; to .bo Sireh March 2. un4>>c>^a of Tbeamlur eiaa* of
— ____ V
Mtebican poei. ell!
«<dld taminu ectenaJameou. aad
a‘'>VMle*, and Mr*. (I
there abudid not be a vaeaot »eat In
tbe buimVbeo be appear*.
adwlMielM d Bid
lYie aenbir cia*a are t»ai"r a heavy lAai
Brief f«a<«al a
tatbMia, J.baaadrUaad ilirm A Bam.
bUn. ,ai ekiteaae*
boM of Mr . aad Mr* G W. OatcetUbc Ibb flae eTnertalbBeei are
Tender nuraJaa at •:!(>. The rery beery. Tbe piibUc elll doubtimi
body era* then takra i.. ^ Otcdea*'IlbeMlI' vlib ibeir y
bare rhiirrta on Ibe peolwala. vWe
la tba faXBaug. Ia»wldeal lor ibahBTiat.d
Bid a.nnilK. and Ibal U» bBT. al law
Ibe rejtnlar fooeial «»»lree eiT*]
.<Blddr»Bid. aad all •Abur imau ial>rW. L. lAafmai) ot j





aim by tbe

u sfflu* ssi-, Tssi

^FBB awjarSST.:::

Yellow CloUiea are Un*iotitly

TbI* c


Qf.of tbe
imilui-v a

2 ss-.s;:


Great Water Sale
Commericing: Sa-turday,

66ing out of
Business Sale
on Basement

Cast meek

We arcidoin,rinfei^V«'*o!uld
>ou prffeit L':
ll iiicntivni;
■sc good'
goods are all
iii'ti:i .in> \i
ppces bclott show iiow the entire stock
■ iv^
You kfiovi :hu:-j;ir li.
riiHir is 3 I'l'injilcte store in itscllniii'iih MiK-k. and lu .
••. i-;-: in a momh's
prices eNtraorin ih.-.-Mrcuull y,.,i .kn.'t ..........I any more winter goods^it w
;u livi 't fi'r S'rmi; and summer.
l.irgr pan of the stock is of


entryiwng must a».
Value* U]> lu $2.00 lu diwe ou!
at dry.-. Suimner wta^pei* al
«fil>c:ng iwices.


....:. .01

^W$1.UU L'o.Ierwfat..







Biopss « mtmiis


Afewbpooli Linen


slightly soiled, per

Pure Glycerine Soap, larae Sc bar for...................
Good Machine Thread, slightly soiled, per spool.. •


Men srtesh co^or. strictly all wool L'mlerwcar. formerIc '
Ic :

... -oi

Wire Hair Brushes. 8c kind for...............................le
Chamois Skins, slightly soiled, ?Jor...........................: •
AIotofTurkUhiowels. slightly ioiled. worth Ktc. .

VcLCMf. Bimliag....................... 03

feet, now.....................................................................................


Men's Normal mixedjheavy fleece lined UndcnYear


eomtt« airdic*


shirts.. .76

Heavy pure wool iilai.l shirt*
-cheap kl
ki $l,5u. far-------- »
Men'* percale s
collais, to close at...... .1
tVhite unlauadricd shirts 12
cent* and......................................1

\VoolHo«: pop,................... .«


Men's woo! Flannel ^hirts in blue and grey, was
$1 .(.lU, nbw............................... ................... *............... ..


Men's Peehcjss Negligei- Shins, regular price 50c,



tlumlrediaad hintdreM of pret­
ty tail Mcfal tbiagv worth two

imisHn UiKtenpssr


S ■'' ' I

IOC Buys



1* of thing*
thin;;* w
wonh 2<?aDd
It woul^uk
ukc 1 whole pi-


worth Me. far............ ...
Cbildiee'* tilk hood*. aQ
coiot*. 75c kind. '



todt 'Afewleft
Childmi't fw
Men'* (ubcuniial wool Suiu
Sets, worth $1.25.................«ic
Ladin' Neck I'iem
fanner pricet.
Sim*, worth $9.iK>

to m. fancy wool I>reu


Men's Cous and Veit* . .$1.50
Cbildren't 3-[>iece Son*—
aae* 3 to 8. worth $L4S. .69
$2.50 S-piere Suiu go al. $1.25

DoOfisfl lUsarpsd!

Loti -Vdn^^ mal
otS-Vdnes $1.60 and
6L76....V................................ 79
L«3_Val.e* 61.TJ and

Lot 6^'aiaa' $8.16* n^

A fat of wniata ia fancy
and while, good Hjles.
weO wade, valaes spto
$2.00, to cfase al

f M
/yffa'af «Mf Se.

sTjjiS-pinci-^:;,;: -i<;; ;iiy v

......... 53


AUba. i.iAo.:rJc. S7c, 59c

Men's $3.5Q.Union Suits for......... ........................ ...............$1. »5

‘Vi^ite India Linens 12Xc goods, slightly mussed.'
• per yard.................................................................................



Swcral Cbings
. Men's $1.50 Union Suits for^......................................... '
Me,,-. $3.00 Union sjit. ton ................................

tine »ho«.
Lie......................................... 1.2S

T5cand$l ki.1 DiiUen*............. 35
>du gloi
mitlen*. lined, $1 valoe*
Fine gkni

$c Buys

8000 yards of Torchon Lace, slightly soiled, was 10c
now.peryard................ ............................................
A lot of Satin grds grain Ribbon up to number 1C.
^ I dighUy soiled, per yard............................................ t...
A lot of Utfies’ Cor*Ms.-.lightly soiled.......................IS^Hc

ec'*liigtat too ifcoe*. boot*
and pac* for........................... l.uu
.t KK oi'Mcn'i one shoe* in


U kiicii Huaip Hook* in,!



must baoe the
Koom for the
hire Deparp



The bursting of a water pipe in the Wurzburg block on the second floor, was the cause of great damage to
ths-Glo to Store. It flooded a great part of the store, damaging about $3,000.00 worth of Merchandise.
Most of the goods'^are but eUghtiy damaged and will be sold at a mere fraction of their cost.


THE ECONOMY,« "..fKiStJ"-''-

Chat we were aoing to close
out our Basement Stock

F'abi. Slab.



It iiainiiy :a ibiemt.
You wil! a(i(ire«uic our
^iVIOK9—'h*'arc atoocy inert.
IkiaY iklat
:n wTijvh Id B-\kO.UNb.

Memerial Serrica
A veellnc at Ibr t
iftBlb fiidlrUI rirculi
day and arranteiar

d tervke.



al bull
afraasvBieau were In ebareClara. 8. A. WllUaaa.

IW atih a ho. alaal St n •

Yard wide Percale

For m«B
Men's $1.UU Cotton Pantt.
2.IW wool Pam*.................
3.U0 DrewPanu.................IM

and Want Goods,
oo ei erytta^ in this
away down. Oat laioe
jea—oto one object
them ooL


Stoss tor Eo«rybo<hr Cto Cncky maitor
Checked Towel* .


$1 .'itK now..........................................................$3.98

Men's work solid shoes, worth

^ Suits* Ooercoats* Ulsters

M«bVa»dBim'C>abuiaik«tor&rRi)t>alitrKeh sad Robbot


On Main Floor are going at cost apd below. AH choice fabrics and late styles.
Come and sec these offers before you buy.

l^aCbe Boston

Cb<*< lew

THC QlUfIb TlUYfeMM Ht)lAU». PEflftUAltV 26. 1908

aiiiftk! 1
nnomr ttlcek!

lUal Ceteb Troiwfero .
f Doede WUaoo fa Fob Uth
Winlam K. KearBoy. oxeeotcr. <

OUj .. .
Snw vui ta mjm. itxmA
9»m. M «SM tr tk«
•io4>7 aaralM Ho*. l>wtT Kumk *M Tke* T Bmm rwo<**4 M»
tnm Dktud auu* iMiiftr

to *lbr* •* toer— ct ll•.OM.
■Mlv SwMor *lf«r vlnd Hr.
Mr. taXm • r««i
*o*H bo «oTo(ari 10, aa* • ropljr
•Wt Hattaf ttol la addlUo* to poatmet porpoM* Uo (atesl tatUlac
•WkU to torocod to (to **M o( tto
4WiM aeto»r* laopoolto, Dallto
r, dapvtr rOTOBM
AUMor. top*lr Uaitto tutai
■rtct •uoraop for tto ««tan dHtrlct
to MMUCto. *to * rtonlUaf otai
(or tto Ualtpl »uuo arar aod ai
lUa dtp tortac a poraiiaat tUUn*.
It H fotu «tUo*i ttot Boaitaia Alaar aaO Btomi bare takaa aa acalre
MUraat ta tto aauor ato that tbo to-


to (bo tewaebtp 1* rw
..-•B ». raace *;
qalrad la Make an a
HaBBBb A bay On. to KathoclDe K.
proTlde (or aa lataraat
.. tfaraoB. pareol lota *S. blotot d.
alakfad faad anaelaet lo pay tbo ta- Trm.oroo tity; IS.OOb.
aad (b pay tba
_______ ___
Saylor fa Sal
to the boada w^ da*
Tto bU paaaod naanlMMiely la
Audliur Cm r*l to Carrie b
tooaa. aad ao (wpaeltlaa le aipe
ard. oS to .
» ». IM.TI.
(akoB aarly urn
•lory ae Judge MenrM.
FuMral Of Mr* Ufay Pranklln.
Ooreraor bllet wIB a« «
Tbe (uaor*l to Miw. Lark FniUinl Tbofw b a eioo (bai
auina >b' '
(be bin, aa (bat tbr tMtobwe
*( Ogdooebura Tuwtoay.'•fiorauun' .made amuBg tab frlrade oa HcBi J ,
Vlltirr A iiowy and wife lo Jubn wae aifaadod by a large aubbor, eo
Iks eaa be flran la Ubo lor tbo
I Moaroo. aioiolwr ut Ibo buueo bt
IfaBuid aad wife, paicwl oor ». ;p««fa]ly to tbe piooeera toJbr Grasd -aaelaf. Sumr rlelai lha( Soaatur I
rotlBk to tbo bonde aarly tUe eprlna.
WWB Re. taaco »; 11*
Traroru rocloe . Bor. W L l*u(aua MeRatt b iropuiuiblo (or lb.- elury. i
A. P. Gray has Jew taturwod frwo
Elioor E IWBOb. at at. fa GardDor epuke frollBCly to
Keprooreuihr H.iDrvw'. elfa.iiu (hr I
IBB. where be eocur^ Ibr pand^
llaarr. |>arrrl eoo. M, lows *» ,-------ri bdB Die
• lury Cora, wokr bllB up fa ibr nl.ldk- ]
ace to (be bin.
1 Jh^
raacr *. IC<>»
(uuchlBd (boucb(. .
Iblrvn :
■—<- urKro lo WUIfaM T. Mb I Tbo Roeal oCariace won prolDM
Ready fa toild Head.
lumed (uK .R MelbeaBy. prealdeal to tbo T
It bo miu.
C. U * H Railroad Co., wu le tba
— H. rbureb. wbli
ner Soaday, iMvInc acalo Hub
Bontliic lo bli prlralr <-■
ps-.'lu( H
Ctraad Rapide
Tbo pun«w i
—..........oarbwUuee; Mr* H I>
aad family, camatlona. iweee
I wae the oHIIloa to (be deede for
xreiaeuie-, a. i e
Blfan: Addli, Safa*. Klla Bug
rlabl to aw> «ut to (be rliy.
■treui................ -0 E. Thayer to >
Indmli-.l in ihis a small lot of NU£N S1^\.\ I S. I.'ft iroin u.irjjrf.-u Pants
Oaeev. Dufay Creuy. Alice
a .1 Ulu iMle-l Rich
to tbeee deado aiw fa (be hand
Hboda Rattenbury. toak and
cilc, 10 uhidi'iia\i-r l»ern addril some cMr;i i.airs.fn»m tin iruiilar "Hjk'L Also.
and Mra ^
Hoa Perry Haaaah a( (be pr>
Mr. and Mn. L. Moacuc
Thayer .......................................... e al (•«. ,
ui- indiuli- -Mi^r
lastly, piak i— -------(law aad are ready for elcoaluree
iral lake A fin.' r>-c..piluni> «a. al>e
.Miaa Sanlord (u Howard ..... _____ Mr*. Waller Thonoll.
II. rred aad ihem Tlle^^^nv
Mr. Metbaaay a(alod to tbe Herald
ai Monro
b^. elk to^bSi^to orM, owe to. (owe while cansalloDt;
Trarorao I Hl»a
________ ______________Hay
Center - '
oBdar (bat t,CW fast to
pink and
No. Tl.. Lady Miccabnce.
iwlle bave baaa ordaiwd fur dellrery
i‘rrry Uanub (o Floyd Bmllb. kX
caibatloa*. Woman’i Hume
<-<« to lui *. block g. Perry Haa- ______ oary 100101)' of Pim M K.
tbe arauDd beiweaa March I and
ub'. Seo.Dd Add: III7A0.
church, pink anil while caraaltune:
rrb 11. Juel ao oooa ae (be woatber
Maard Carlble to Leroy K. Car>
ra. J. W. Trarfa, piBk aad while car
I penati.'tbr work to laytet
or. g.'fawa *». raage
iluae; Meedanoe Ibw. Blackaan.
.\tl ihfs.- ;;t>0(ls arc (IcMrablc 1»hi .... they
...., jr«f only t
kimi I Kith a \t)r>le will Lesio. dod ti vllj Iw pudbbd », 1>
Ileui, Oardesor. Mania. Ullle. Snni
Ml (>tlull' I. \vc m.ikc thi' irrrilic cut
9 Edward Carl -era. Wolfei. Wtalimaa.
Jl ICK.’
wRh all poatible ejowd Thr ecmlraei
ra *1. range »; Ilelgoe. CaaspbelL Miller. Briatol. Sny\Icn
rind Boy-' i^iods. there .tre nearly ;iJl >i/i>
calU far the roaplelioe <>l (be n
ad Calkfaf, pillow roat cap; Will
tbo Cret to Jnoe. and Mr Melbcasy
iby lo Darld O.
Kfutenrr I__
aayo tbii. barrfac Ud weaiher. care chandli-r. lot*
r» and *0. Oak piBk tad white ca-----------.nikmg CUnubB Out
be ruoalBg l.» Sonhpon by
Lardle. pink aad white-------Philip Benin
one w .. ....................
Ifae’ Library aaterfadua. i*d
TrsvArM City Markota.
jiract. bkX s;. hlork K. H. U A Co's
faoe bcwB elreulaied htely
Tni* report 1* mao* upon Waono
kdd;: 11*1.
llbeaiWTW to (be ....
MEN'S UNUERWEAR^'erar liDcd. utual »lc I,na>,iv. all
in Uah StriiU an.) 1
Rayoraaobwook. TKoHai
(hat fa «aeo Mr. RbscIbo wise fa hti
A. Gllbort aad wife (■
«c«. tortbur. lawle
ra* ponelbl
. inm* and Juljue K. B
BdwardW. Baekleytoibo
aakll* Cfayioe Lardle
It. (4, to Stowl A
M.4 N. S., tbaT C. U * M. will falMEN'S UNDERWEAR T-'oe All Wool Kmt XaiuTil Ctav. Tan. MoiTc. Ikoara, etc. anal fLSS
low tbo M * N. K aad (bo T. * A. >
aer A. OI1' A4iit-Coupladt Wedding.
fafa tbo Wabaeb myetaa, asd tbo c
4 Steal A
Mfat Plora Adtii. daugbier
RiwareP* Add! MtoM.*
ferry wtll roa (ita* HanUtae fa M
and Mr*. AriKild'l) Adell of I
>aei« W. Pbllllpa
teifaiie. loiload to frofa Nortbpon.
and Prank
ik Cuunade
to Eaai Bar wixo
Ipi. parcel
la Bsarrlage Toeeday uurulag
MrUieaB}'. wbea lafarrlowed uj
dd: S2.00U.
>] Add
.. .. o'rlurk te S(. rraoefa- chur<-b
eobjecl by tbo Raoord l
KuellmanlFl aad wile to A. by Her Pr Hauer.
iBf. elated tba( (bore le abaelulely
laaniol. parcel
IMO. block
Mfai Eetber Doraa waa bridnaraahl.
.. .. . U Cu.'e Sub Ulr.: l*A*t.
(be ruaior. aad tl
Ilmlur wae beet nan Tbe
---------- -----------------K. SBlIb----o( al. to
10 R.
a aoK of gray aad a bai
Kfad hae bows (wBelddrew Piomtag, parcel; IHt.ll.
arpd by (>e oilrape to Ibe T.
Warren McDaniel-fa JnBW- SBilib. laa colored toll, wiu a )
w^ to eeb to »wV. eoc. I, (own *«. bride carried a bouquol f *1^ aa
C B. Murray to tba T. C.. U A M. range I*; tl.Ml.
aatloaa aad (be brldeum
II J. Morene
tya that M' makoe Mr. Metbeaay
Huwnrd. p*rcel, em. «<-«
. Mfai
aa Aden l^well kouwa fa Ihle'
mage >: ii.ofi,
City. I
a R A I R R Cu I
Iblaa afaMi eack a poaalbnily
gin *1 tbe CllUaaa' T^pbina oSce
Blue, lid I. blork 1*. Fife Lake;
1* lime Mr. CoorlAde fa well
(o fa Pn
. la (Us euy and In Earn Bay
A Aarlewa AecWcnL
lowaablp. and bae been turaome lime
Ray Beaae, a ypaac maa abt
Helghti; lUO
englaeer oa the ateamor Culuabla*
idifar Oeaeral lo Joeepb Boon, kd
Eleetten Netlee.
Wbea tbe bridal party l«fi (be
■are of ac*. fael with a (ary uafor____ block 1 H U A Co'e. PUIb Add:
brldr’a borne a< bs* Weal Elgbtb
(Baatc aocldeat Ralar^ while workHkt
iiroet a algu laholed. "W*-ro Going lo •yllK..
(Bf at eiUea- cwap. which fa faeafad
Jamee Sniib aad wife fa Laella- Get Married. Brfa* All the Old Shoua,laaK to Orawa. Ka waa iuIbc u Prooe. *S
eeb to tw%. eec g. adoraed oae aide of (be camtge.
which fact waa uokaown «i Ibe occuai fa (rtfafaiac a trM wbaa (be lUab
Alhento ............................
paala to ibc rarrfagp. and cauaed ibem
broka aad iki aa alraek kb rlchl fac

mMk$ •varr
mmy raril,



^^S0I8 tYBak





s ™;v

c ttllUcminur .nirS|»ecia! Sale of Clothiog and Fumishtnii uootl* another week.
eurc to take advaniaRf of this opportunity.


e. n. Eis

a a*
!ie”'i:“ llii'

For lafanu and CUUros.

Youths’ anit^ Boys’ Overcoats^ anil Suits

Tki KM Yu Hill AlYifs Buett

tototaJly to tto approprla
mjm me aaM*at wUI
verr toalwi tolUlai aad »


r RR

Tto toar IMl praedM to ba, lor
Trawaa Oltr, om to ito baaiaet. la
a to BOW ato axpapalrc
batman, to aar arwrtaae roar
kWarr to tto toir. Tto propoooO
■lal* Baak batlAlac. tar wWeh plato
1. wiu to tto
a. aad will oeal Bot leae ttoa
ntotoO Thie will to ato
a-*be^ to (to Mat ia (to atata. Tto
MafeatoatHai br tto laatatatar* «UI

StowMa a baaatlM a«b(k
. ato (Mia tar vbich wOi a

te i. M. Matoatot tovatry atara. la
atoHHa (a aararal olhar
I: la aay aotblai to
toa aoaaOtlHr-to Ito Oaratol* library

Men's Jersey Overshirts

bakiw the kOM. catUac a
caah that will fay tbe youai
HP lor toBM Uaie.
4mm la taint. (Me jaar le aara
• yoaac aua auppoead lba( tbe
to to a rary baay aaa far ■aebaalw llab be weal U> Bhop oC Roe B
ato balMan. ato aeaaaaaaatly a aato
bBt II wu d«td ttd dry. oad
year b» awary baaia*M»aa* la tto
to (be Mow


Wbllfag A

loaded a( tbe ehu
' aad wife fa Poter (bo coalr
log parti
>ek 1, H. U A CO'a. uaed lice
ter (he'ci
Mra i-ou

Joha J. ParlOak Park

Good Work al Traaavror.
Oeorje W. Btaward, eoBbly traaaiwr. le Bfaklac a fliu abowlac la tbo
way to ibo oollocUoe to dolfa
ar. waa tbo aaeiulBC of tbo paya^at
latt u all fa uaa lap laaTiaUirday. The lotsUoe to tba labd fa aot
afaaa. bai tbo owaar bad pofBfai
radaaed fa maka paymasl. aad
aald ibal eoau to 1 tlabor bad baaa
aoU aad wae balac takoB oS Ike laaA
,m a toaato afaeUea aaUad far that
Goorco Poya woe aaa( fa look
to caaa. oad bo leaad thIacB ai rapraooaiad. Tboa Uadar tbarts Jobaaoa
oei. Notlea to lab to tba prop­
erty (or laiae wae aerrad. the cab wae
I to tto
Ipttoaat a« la aacaad < par aaat. la to

toy to fba MM atoffaral Tto bUl
to HUM ibat tto taaraaMp toard
•at to rwHM la pay aar part to Ua

BhlaRio tfaibar aad ktca were a
the eaee oam fa a bead, aad
Ratonlay the (all asousi to doU*
to abost |M. were paid. I
lalBly epoake wall for tbe wi
wbbb Mr. Steward b (wUlac the back
PaAaral RiilMfac te A

iMtoto etoW aa4 atoretobii ah*
tortotoiawarai hauiaMM^

acraad apoa aa laereaae to |lR,Me
ahpre the aaowal decided npoa by tbe
ThU waa doe lo tbe,
oRorta to Baaator Bartowe. wbleh
ablp eapporud by Ceaitnr Alfar.
Thb city tkereftoe owea fa Ooacnaa•aa Damtoi aad i
froa thb etafa (ba
bM rkerbbed dMire of our poopl*
Tbe raoBlt will ba that Trareree City
will bate ae lae a cuTanaMit boUd
lac ae Bay cMy to lie ebe fa tbe etat*
Tkara^ BCwoely a aaaatta* to (be
paaaiAe to Uu bill. If Ue Moaeare
coaa ibreock boa booiM eafoly. Trar

M. MtM totoM to narfa hHto
itoto <ltolM li.MtoMtoatolM.



realag fa Uk<
re 10 (be man
le BOW church.
: lb* I
Hag.' aad plana, «
dfacuakad al eun

iM._^ro<iM-»imd«i*m(.o.rii yrMini.^ejrmjm ...

at aot
mure (baa tlT.OOO tbuuld bo tponi fa
Ptnyd L. Sniu and wife fa Palchta bulldlag.
rTb* Bsatter to wv< and naant to
A Crueer,
----------lot **
- ...
aad .to
lot S. U(
2 Perry
— u....v.*e
ralalag awaey waa dfacunaod, and (be R A Rryanl. M g
, mriM lh».
HaBaabe Seooad Add; I
tuiDdlng tyttan epropoeed by. Prank
WolioD ai Ibe
Brawn A Bnllh fa Palchla A 1
Mr eS lot *. block K. H. U A l
logloialetlnwioi <bel -Mllmiiw trvBi
iknSereoih Add: tlAW.
aak WloB----------- ...----------------------- E ReyMIde aad wife to
It appt^fad to loM Into (bo mat
Paicbln A Crouor, paicol. tot n.Oak
d report to a Tmar* mootfag
tlelgbii Add; t»00.
1 K NewooBb aad wUe te
-----------patrol; H,00d.
«lf* m-niKA**
Tb* aasukl gatberfag and banqu,
r OwetoUe-leil
Harpbaa fa Kaaey 8
d (be kiadeau aad ea-eiudenla 1


At the Lowest
Gash Prices..

•v„f7.vr»r.'t;s o*5ra2Y.SJi
' " .ss;;:

HiU-Tgo Flikes,rs|ulsrl5c
pkj.fw............... --8c




Wlien^you pay for a$:U«l l-j.lii;?.' Shoe, see that
U'elt sole.
We nive more valtie



iJollars than any shoe house in the city,
in $2.ri(l shoes we sell one that will conipai
compare. with the
averaiie $:i.lill shoe sold by others.

In $-».l!(* shoes (



never under sold.



Dockaray-t Buelaoe* ra
n. raage I
■r ^Bighi > - —c noel ...
Cfamuw J. Harpbaa fa Naaey B.
•rlni Ibal bare
Krafacbiil. iwH to ewb. MC. IC. Men enjoyto
aludrait aad
Iowa *4. raage It; tl tt .
aianal to t:
Naary a KrafaehrtI to Claraaee J.
Hirphaa, acM to eeU. bee ». fawa






Frank Friedrich, iu£Z

Big Bargains-Books

Tiwverae City^ PeAeeal bulldtng.
Waahlnroa, Feb. It.-Tbe fader
.tolldtag, upropriatkia bUI. -s*afur
-------- Bailed tH.MO (or
bulldlag a( TrarerM
Traren City. *Tbe
------- I (be bouee
mm Samoa
---------(or TrarerM
e f"
Ctty. Aa
■red by the Maate. the
Ibe bill car»,(«0 for a

Jl Deep €nt!



out tor a bulldlag. aad iT aleo earrlad
tllt.ew far a poeloBoe bolldtag al
Baltle Croek. wbl^ It aalacreaM to
«I0(M« orer Ibe aafaual appropclated
but eeealoe Tbe Hew to tU.tOt t<w
a alto al Aaa Arbor fa atilekea
•e CXaiwe-

-- --- ------ —

taken bfa poeltkai a* naaager to- tba
aoMpaay R N. SeboSeld. who baa
booa Baaagor efaco lb* <


Mr GrMlIck will etlll

Riaaelal lafareei fa (be J. E OiwUleh
III w> toagor te

Lehae ta Aalfachar A I
TrateiM City. Mich.

Dear Bin (Pboo yo* balk, . w....
too waa( a wood pafai wait ib* wood
wUI U c*^ —tl
-« guee
auee a taag way fa laktag car* to
(be wood
Tbe pafat (btl ba* tb*
Ufa Am

eooier, aad (be ai
. Ibo *«w«jBd lako* care to
to the
(ha UIrd taken ear* to the
iiwe beooMe oae: aad (hai <M*
- .. lant tororer. *Porerof~ maM
an lung u (be houM faeu Tb* way
.aake U*
■u Make
u* ..
Sm palailac laat m
r>*ak B. Wiibw to Maafatac. aad lua* -ae tb* bout


.“JiS" ” ■*

oa (te palat.
while (be polal fa aiin wattrn ibf wear
ar fa
k oofalde: tbMW
er on lb* tfadur
palBL ThU
.... Ibe Irwl pafaUag faete for•: b, kn-plac - eurcred he^lag
And I—I fa lb* ebMiew
(o take rare M a hoai*rHH|
— Aifleo fa pafai deweada oa jwar
pafat. If yea pal4|^ Mad aad aU.
. . -----------------------JM to (be eaapfae
aaaayad ooolafae cold
fa oac It b talal aaafa t* itee^nar* ee faaa: V
iba^ tbal tbo aaMwai to com wui Dew Ready Pafat. | pafat agafa te
atolilin ta f*y for tbe «fai„.
faartac the aappor a elear proCi
That “loe»- or -wote" <
aoioiw.. ------------------Dotoe-Aeady
Tte ipealaieBe to era lro« the
^y Fatal labaa
oaao ai baH coal, kiteaii
•* ae tuna at land aad alL
tw OdM HlU .k. .i hMMr Ob,..
Toara truly.
to thb dly. Ml) ho OB Ibe luad (o
cri waallh tkro(«b afalBa
(be OBfe Cbaok dbirfal to Arlwo* Mr
WUbey hae e«*(.fa Mr Seiunbwalu
■niRlM (S to* Iroai (hrwe clalau «•
Mr. WuhM- hae Cled. aad all


Wiablt and Papular
Dtp Goods and Clothing Store.


It .ii ..ur l>uiine<4 In vu|.]i!)
neeiU in thii line with Otor
uT the faigbril •lualil.



Uoeia .4 ilreMl Tre.i ru-i-wui) . Ml- hini.


wucbl to Ihb city by
------------------------- to Weal Nfath atraat.
—-0 Bryapl'fa Jalla Wlbtfa.
aad waa takaa to tba kaaaa to bb
parwel; »»o.
i .
Mr* Wllllaai
Addle Miner ib Drowa A SmUk.
Bayatraais*«. I,lock 7, BayaUe Add: MM.
Praacb _ ______ __________b MUIar!
Eraat' boB# b aear Mart. Mich. I(.
afaa tto faaaiM « Ptolaaala tonIll bo loaM Ufa# bafara bo will io M It. blurk T. Bayalde: Ut
p far •totob. vfckh le to ba
Joba W Palcbla-aad W. . v...Ido fa bo ariNiad. be( tbo woued b
aaaan tto balMlac to aa alaeufa

Aid Tired, Fntild
to MrtM

You all NeedYou all Have
to Have...

lerred at tbe humu to
Vaa Taekell

etrlke bb faC.




abtoo. (to aatopiatlaa to tto T. C.

“’kk”* »(Rg«M

Soys’ Sweaters. 29c
4Sc. 59c - worth siv.
Men's Sweaters. 39c-(ronh co o
Men's Caps. «’(»'' ■-’•c-ASc; •«’h Sl-S-'. 85c; «’’«iii H. ' an.1 Si.'.'—95c.



r w. DRi’OR A oa

ccaa a
A larur
«ouD IP
m on BAT
ew e--piea


Rather than
carry over any
haatars, and
make room for nr
Spring Stock of
Tinware & Woodenware. we have
decided to make
this tremendous

Good chance to get a supply
of winter reading cheap at

sToO, we wiU give

fr«6-1 lb. Pk(. Fliked Bruk
fiU Food, s

Cv. $Ml IM tWu.
OpiCttyllftit BMPButtlAS



City Book Store
We are offering a big lot of
nice, fresh, new stock at 26
percent discount duringthe
balance of January to close
t>efore Inventory. '

Hobart-Beecher Co.
Take a look
at our Bargain counter also.

Na tss-(likc.cul). Hot I
Haairfv, never braak Steel baae. fuU aiekd irimmea, ibe
Hmm Uak Hcaier on tbe muiet, resulai price Stt. cut to $ | 6
It iMaOaPeiMdBf beaten, lacoiar lake 9M. cut In $13.60

Oak PeBinetoai heaien. r«guUr price $lU.Tut to $ I0.5D

IS inch BeU Oak bckten, haadioteely aickle (rimmeJ, bomt
md « eoal. tie-UQ. cut «o...................................................... $|O.CX>
II iseb Priae Oak baaten,r^Blar price tU.ete.lo...,.


II tech Priie Oak beaten, tu(alAi price IS SO, cut to........... -.$5,76
if roa arc |oiBg to aaad a Mooe Id tbe beat y«*y, it wUl
pay yoa to take adraatage of ihcec Spo^ Pricca

Cbe Boston Store





THE bllMQ^l^VU^E MIralD. FEBRUARY 26. i«03

i^ In^ Hcralt „

culm ItoM

my iha
------------la iba «Jiy yaalarHr. Jarh alatud Ibai tbc
ay u^i tb« IkmrdBd-------bartai a food la«i«k at tho etpei
ibc paupl* to Tratrvaa CUy. vbo hart
•urh a aUr raMrdlac J«by
aba V.A (appuaad (u bay*
|dcaib <« ihu plaUu aaar ib« fork* to
I ib« Hoardataa la Jaaaary.
I Mr. Jark lan that Bo^ baa beta,
boallac lac* «a> up the rirer
■mmMlnm.J.T. Hm-m. Mim> 0>
■laor be left l*DUBd'* oaaip The Oave
<ba( tba people ben belleaed b
burifd ttoder the aao* va* tafrtad
Ibe people tbrre. acoordlns in Mr
Jack by tod Mro. Harrta. tba ‘^cvearadUb lady ' Mr Jack aaye ikat tba
aua of Mr Rotare bee Wa bauUaf
h>ta vllb Roaal almoet all vlalar
ib»J U ai prearel. actoVdlaf tu Mr
Jack, la Ibe employ to Aaltoaa
■ buoy , aad baa baaa ever elaoe be let!
tbe camp to WaeblD«um Pooad.




»tf CM allwei H T1»e Dc»«iu.


Caaaal PM HaUthraa
Sattar Ttaa Oak.
B. Bamot baa raoalred a IHUr
troMled fur aatarml >
nv lARieeeiUW aad aervuue I
from P a JobatoB to PMartc. Mleb
. J. 'Orvra to Laa- i
deblUly.- vriuv
leUlai to ihr droik aad burial of Johu
_ iteaak
remedy helped me
Oarvla at tUi place. It win be re- |^tbe*^M*^ aceataay MM U
U-paa UAiai Blecinr Bluer.. '
lOy. wtaalap from
Biembered that. It vat (housbt that
eaab AA BtUalra. Biedii-lBr> 1 rViT uee.1
They btb.Qarvla had relallvr* bare, and ihal
City. CIS Utadaa, alvi kepi mv vlfe In excelleoi health
load property la thie city. Hr.
tor >'Mra. Hbe at)< ElMTrlr Dtllen
Bamut bat hnkad up taa Oarrla* to
■maa Vblle. vba bat Mm
'id fur female iruublto.
tail eeciloe. aad bodt tatt they are apaalav the viaMr with liar aaek la
araad luair abd lailc
01 relaled tu tbe Joba (larvla vhu Kartfa Dakom, rtoanad home today.
Rev. Bart a( BIk Ktpidt. vbo Ite ta> nibet medlelae caa (ak. l:.'pU.e
tvS la Proderlc
Hae. Uarpauter vUb M* »ur lanlls . ' Try Ibivi onl.v 1RW-.
Ibsutfy ht lb* tober to Ita r«c>»er Ita meaitacTtara. reinraad borne .
..... .................. . svanaired In
oir deedt Above (hbt au pereon to Ibtt 0>a Saaday terrloae leu will be Hack i M,-aJ>
ovat prvprny here.
Oetin Reil.
'hal vrae probably tar larfeet in
be Penlatula vat cut Md tuld t
taa WMIe-HU
R budy luci. ecalliu I.Ul
feel, end I lu
l.«e from Ibe lop. tcalliu
TUI leto. tv a
e rim tree The prlro
>r ibouaaad (or a purBDd $H per iboutaad
tor Ita n

tal to k.sui


b, .1-«..«.sss. ^Ti'iiSr

bald Tl_____ _________________
. U.
from rt.,.0B.w.O»*.W.«o«
Ibe home ua Uaxbatd a
Wm. Ayrva, Jr. vbb veoiveal'
Nearly FariciU Hit k
from ben to CtoUforvla laat tall. ,
Itee itai. ta likee
likae ttaal eiaie Ant
...tboi that ta expeott loreioratol .laned a borvible ulcer on Ihe lex nl j
tUobiiaa aatl fall
Orner. »aakllo arovc. Ill
^^■r ?
P H Vuioe vlionBCBOeBU ii.elt-ur ,vean li dtSod
debvd all durtun
ductun and

Jaho A- Telmau' Oo. of Ohleogo. vai temedie. Bui Buckleu . AraU-a

Throacbtbaasaaayor tba Aall-BalaoB Laagta. tta elty bat beta eav

B L. JobaeM bad tta mlriortue
h "latt
---------------vatb oa
--! ■ *- •—
mv. Ibongb ll vae uot van
meet of a lav la Mbmlt^lta petal. Ha expacu to ta able to u«


CireuH Caurt.
Tba diTuroa <mae to Jamee T. l<ov
MU VI. Aiay Blliabath Poven bat oc
< Iba BllaailMi to the circuit
.must to Ibe time luday. SlmlUr
(aallBuby tu tha( (bat to laat lena
talllBC of Iba marital «oae to tba uabaypy ooupte. famlebad ealerula
mtat lo a tuodly aombar of tpecia

ChtuMi^lili WMk 2,725


and i-ii-t



ei I' II kinei.

uid llta lu aek. ihruucb Hi,- !
d your paper. If there ti
bu baa a d (Irwn'e AuKii>. I

tae^tata- - -. __ ____

Vida Warvec aad a couple of bar
“ ”
aad mJa of tatriteae ilqaon aad Kiel frleoot epaal baodav vita bet
vtaaa. aad for tba pamaye >-y tba l^bat, I'Uad Warper, of ihla plaee.
baaw to aa aail-olMtetia lav. al
veare'lu have a utv depot al tbit
plan lo replace tue oat itat boravl
aiyoad tbroafboal taa i-iiy, bavta« latl Uctuk-r, vblob vbao oumpUled
baaa preaeoled al lb# abarcbee aad by vlll be ae tta at any oo Ita toad
a patmaal caavaae aleo
li vtll be aorta of iiniid 'Kapida

an Iheir retulu. Aiiib at >nur «t„ii>
I. fenaeamtlun uf fu»l. habliue
lYA, drepund<*nx feeling..



Art Hrovu u maob improved: lor
a cold atmr coe- eoma Uaie he hta baaa ciaila elob. lie
Too laie to
itdooioriog Vllb IN. J O. Uaaalleit
eamptlta hae faeteoad It*
ABuaymou* IHlen verr
08 tbe laaye. TUe Ur. \
I evldeaee, Mn
Ikrven toalialat vay Plat Byrap vblle
Chaa Katou to vorkjai la a latte
that tb<7 verv teat by Mr.'Pnvan
borne a fav dayt aio tar a Mart tlma.
aad be boldloa that abe had vriliea
rniAH Ri-.s
hervelf, fur tofect A box to pto
Obvtaa Ktataut vat lakae vary
vhich Mn Puven clalmt^
Ttie people hare tavr already odmatak Baiarday evtuluf at Imke Aaa
her. aad other almllar Ulact
Ha vat ramova bame yaaurday, bat maacad lu talk lovn mretiiif. A ivo
liokM eaooat aaame lu' ba ^aila to
it aaable to til ap.
Artom WUaoi •« late* fiaaM a
Him Ullle Bbov vat takaa
MM «f 41<roM «kU BfucBooe as alto at bet boM Batantay eewia
taU motatac !• laponad »ma ka>
Locaa Waret. vbo bat bean vary
A dtOM of dlTEEM WW pBAl
atek for ibt but mootb. It to ba U
WlUeo L. Paal tb In Paal j«m
attealt «a«n on iha
W. Laaacd tad ft*M ap ImmbartiMf
far tha vlBler. tat IB ataaniaeoee of
tat lata fall ot |aav bat raaamed bla

’ Tbl. medi
an. y-ar. 1.
•uairire. aa J •« aub I.

ywMiiil Smith mat with a palaUra. I'uaan aad Mr. Fu«ar\
M h«Mal a> ^mar'. taaMir Uoatb« priactpal wltaeum tbia taor
A tm llabat (aU M hU ' '
aamalu, robbartaa.
•aaA UfMlac tbet
. .
I, haadartii.
MSMllay M» ay tar a.

Ut il U-fon-.
;. JubneunV.

V. A WUmm. immtAj i
ta A W. StaM'i fanltan atm. taa
fMB la Ofelaisa. Oaaad laytta ami
•MafatatitaAfaaMtaa. Cyaa hU
MSatatawUlaaMf-taa BaMMSwa
MS tabs a HMaa aa talaaMB ta lha

M. Oai at lha taaMaa* ataaaa at
tWa feM ttaaa an aaly aU aa«,lbna
to OmaS Mytat aaS thNa la Stat•toaa aM at tha batiha to 0«a4 Baytat MS hto SialtlaB hat baaa llfcatflta

SaahtoS to toacth.
B. 9. Maata tto—» at OtaaS

ual. you will tiii.l Our shoiaint; the most
ci<ni|>li-u; of


ing an.1


Woman's all solid. veU mmie. sijIaJi
' Sines ipIemlKl vearets

MS Ml wlta bla abata* totayyiaya'a M>or Jahllaa.
la taME to taa totaar tabUaa to
■M Im XOL. vhk* araa aata
tatatS atataaUy Mat taa OataaUa

When We

Svrllctl ilmt ShocA, variaole.1 Patent
Icaibcn, elegant Stioet onl.

AU tolUl leather tal.n .-all
Short, laue ami Congiem. lip
or plain to^gr«i^afen


...A Piano...

Cut Sbata

upper leather toft i
but alto toi«h ami



Biegett kimi oi Urgaiat
all Vinter Vootvw.

Alfred V. Friedrich
It Always Paya lb Trade Hare ar.a baopia
Hava Fouvto II Out

Popular 8hoB Houie


ate tlUac tbalr lea baaaaa
' Bmary fkat kadad a eaapk af aata
kal vaak vita piitotbM fiam team ba
Oaona W. UarSta bat a
aadS. B. QaU bM abeaad at Bapld
Ua p
tocataS oa Caat alraat. prapan- Ciiy.
to movtbS
>t tl
n at early
^ ■Imat vaak taa mMbtm af tat kal
tta^at taa vaathto vHl ptrtet to
totaUta oa tba_________ .
ptee to pcoparty betvoM Mat Bsbta iMStdhyaU playact vhabMkparm
mraai aad BaUrate aveaoa. Tta boor
It putlAUy ukta ap. ate tba abada
adJtoUac tta bubdlac vUI be takea
Son tmmadlattoy


baUdlac U only a Utile ever a ttory
U(k aov. it will ta taliad lo a twotitoT buiMUc Tha ap tiain part
-Bill tbta ta taaS for a cotaarata abop
ate alao divided SK talo a plaea tor
baaa plebma to sort.
At tba balMlas k al praatat It to
ua> talk balov. at tato part to bapt
hp ita atorape to pMainva, w sat tta
bam aarTtea la tac cooparaia abop I


la to.-any
Orattaiaaute a



baUSlas next Jam


mmm msjz.5iiiflw


of tba avaalas.

Bmllb. Ir K. CWrelaad. a C. Hosaa.
D. a Puatta. w .w. Patrekiid. M. a

we hat e some very prfcUy el-

fi-etk in these.

Tin- t-rid <’/'
. the Ha/r
of U'hiU
Hate you'.'
. —but of
couse you
hate lalen
' ofilhetler come
both days
hob : you re
' sure lo find \
lo pay YOU. ; -

nen'tSboet reniAitiiag tixet oi' «c.. era! $1.-60 Imn lo dote al

Opp. Harald Office

tat aiMto to AMtat Manta U taa
atatotal lliisii i OaSfny MerSto

tattaatoaiato Albtn Batakap.*
■tataMoaS^M tobSaaaatotoita
•atolaattaatoal aatata Tbata*.
tapMaS ta ftot aatato bakastot ta

make them very swell.



■bta dtavtoa ihaSaal •



prriiy iri-

Spring Shots

varS liUb. Piaak Baxtea. Prof

tta abaca

of thtr


Wouei.'t haodtainc Urem. Shoes,
lect hllen, newest-

M Sm to tad fnaad. ■oatl aaS Xly
MMta aat to tha way toto U tbaa to

Peurth Wars,
(^alnaaa-a J. Ptosham
Bactotary-^. A. Mtatatn*.
AMrtab MtoUtoaw nal
IMttaUv— C- ta PraU. J. A. MoaP. U Hanrta a-J. Pnlfbum. a
M. LABcaatar. W. W. ThWby.
pma Wars.
Beeretary—W. W. PairehUd.


Ntn MHEll IMIS. IMll« t3.M Mil, >«l K.M

tay- ttayvamaivaffclaihaiiuatof mUl at Ooak * Smith aa Bay



pendants with the

dcsLfiu braids


iiiactman-a high lace, .i.a,;
luool, S1H5 K.ubbei>





Coats^lfe to Ih' the jiopular styles in


•ta. Mr ttoaa.
Tba yaUaya ««•
Banvlary—Will Baaale.
a«ta htaty. Md vmU haaa taubaS
Deltabtaa-B. W. Haaltsca. J. M.
■ Maata at both bm U taay haS
OUlau. S C. Darrov. W. a Poola. Jot.
asiSMStato taa way }aal ta tUaa. Klaaata. Jua Stmmarmaa. Oaorga
Dt. R. SMtm. wba koatad ban
Tbatatata* to ita toUl vUl MS aa> OrtaB. WUl Btatla. A- B. Hobart, W.
P. Klaamr, A. K. Blactam. mak mva tan li
TUrS Wars.
Jc Friadrtcb
k Ootot.^^
aa—P. C. OUbert,
Or. PrealW to aav looakad tact
H. O. Joyak K. A. Mtakal-, MS vUl ba feate al |vMat at DavU
maa. Oaerse 0. OuTtol. W .W. Dtan. BoUa-t boteL
H a Qanar, A. a Cook, a J. Ham-,
•Mtoaft altovtog wataal aaeaaat mote. Ua Wmala. A. W. KteatS. Wlb


Skins, like the suits, arr

handsonu', tin- rlTccis in pleating, tuck-'

Silk Hlousrs, Monte Carlos and Coffee

kubtaiA, uhl

hay* af tiH tolta aaS toatoflooStSapMMaltol. WUbalto'i aavalcaa.
Mpaiebad la raeoed bitaktas Uam. U MaMapoa vilh h
m*. H«M hM tha toyatoUaa at baI ihto vaak. BtvThe chairman to taa varlaua cav
cimaa aad taa SlltSiUoai ekoeea an ai^*oa^vMta vlU attasA
at ftohrre:
PIM Wars.
Miad OtyAa Bly haS i

Maat tato ■Malta *Aaa tv« Ms
ytaMa ayatolto toofca tiam ttate



Babakabt drovt
Akte.ef UJeUy Babaka


hair capr

Men’ttov amlttonucul RubbeiNgood.iualil)-



collar, blit

with tonii tabs like illustrations. .\s us­



Many of thf ni-w

Jai'kfts bloust- in front, mail)'

•hail- no

la U axtaadad to aU

tha artleia tba lavraaa took tba occa■toa lo badly trip blia up and to vM vmy pleamnt tlma. far all U<
veal orar tta moumla."
him ao (bat ba hardly kv* wbaUar
(bay vara bit arron or tba Itaolypr
Bua'i.. He
Ha Saally admitted
adailttad aooe
aooa •of
mlctat have beta bla. Ha all
ad that Hra. Povart vai ratal
_______ It to t...____ _____ _
ItMbpan lam wSk aa ba
vaaiad lo kaov.
Tba data vaa Uka uadar ad«lieaai
ai IIMO. Court Ihaa adjouraad <
Uarrk II at 10 o’eloch

mon- in .t'vitlfncf.


Wtoiieii'A Sticlov and Mtow

A foed Mtlaok ter lot_____
Ud MhCT'daiS|blfuM^lM*«m^
Tta PriaM bay* baaled om load of
~ ‘an talllBC bar ttory ^ m^e^lc«t to leva laat veak tealdaariaa la yaoital
aad ie parilrular aa
0. H U Sulharl
■afle. «M aakad U

hayt- t-\rr

livtTN tiling is nuirt- via-

■ mau-hals an- li*;hl in u.-i^ht atul skirts

6ood Rubbers


Iniraiiv Irim^iiti^s oi .ill ilcM'riplioiis an-


patl vraek. dabbub evaBloc tl
BC ra^MQiMdte^ 1^ V|


K<-;i.lytor >..iir iiis|M'.-|ioii

s.. IlllU-h jirMiivr

€ver maSt m


%m, MfllliniEV
iTidinly ihr I'liitist wc fu-r liail; in lacC^

Eowtst Pricts

Bar. Oeo. V. TtvU from Pramout
tbe City, Ublo, a viSa aaake nvivaUai,
a mrita of meauayv avita
U ho‘UlBS
r Baa ftapl.
Tta jmeil^

in fltw

hit.1 Ii^Ih-, as i*H* sulr-k ihiH >ea»on ar^

r ined A.ixu.i kVeer
lA.iae dri.-, W« k
>A n to lie failing

B*re an tbt

t eatler. for
Po*m' dlToreat tult it 1a II
cil Ue
Tba evIdeoM
ta aad ib«
CuYall aa<t Ollturt all hal
la tUu fur Jud«a Maraa u> cal oui of
aflrrauoa. aad ba «aa




The Bradbury Piano



is the product of 50 years of conMrvative progress of ex­
periment and manufacture, and It stands now way in the lead
by the delicacy of touch and purity of tone. Qur many sat­
isfied customers are our best guarantees.

[ bread nakinc it
«the tapak of poor flour. Good bread it not hard to
ibaiper floor cannot be made.
.And tbc price it j oat at i
tractive ax 4ie bread.
Ii’t a preRy poor cook that can\ tive
money and''del^hi the family with bread made from our


We back et'ery statement with facts
that are so well carried out. that it in­
variably sells another Piano, it is the'
only successful^ay to do business.
People can rely on your word. The
Piano sales of the past year have been
far beyond our wildest expectations.
Well, gpbd pianos are easy to sell anyway. Are you still
nEs,on that piano? Have you tried ours? Takehalfan
houror an hour even. It will be the best hour you overspent.


• V no Substttute ta Drufls • «j

The Jewett Piano
Pleases the skilled mOsidan and the beginner alike. It
pleases every one who tries it. thaVs why we would like to
have you own one.

The Henning Piano
Is constantly growing in popularity and sales. Our cus­
tomers have nothing but words pf praise for it. .Alwaysat
your service to show you the rgood points of any of our Pi­
anos. We’ll place our time against yours at any time. The
sooner you cali the sooner you’ll be theowner of agood piano.

flUed vita tavgi that are abtolMelr j
pore Md oompMiMkd vhb tta ut^ {

OB taa atonte boor vOl ta taa
ta to a sataUaa ekeaur
earvT all the pcodaoe ap aad Sova.

OvSiTlm Departneit

_____________________ ...toymmMm.
Btemp' BkiMk OU. At My Mm
A taaMT kteto aata Ws
Km UaMita Baleaakv ^M*
bp Oaa. LMmy't taam. lea Jamta
Vbka. Ttoan^nobMhtktataa

We have t
tomamtatain tlM. daecE

Caaiaatot both qaalAF aad qoaa- i

‘WE SEi_l_ TMI

Tbe pb^tetaa-x j

We vmu ^ pMcnf

BMlMlH HMBl Ml ta WL


-T-nAvmMMK orrv, i


; Grpuid Tmverse Region.

» TmvaiM OUy


mt M Tn*M»

h Dr r. J Borwa ft CatoBak ateto
I staa ft the PtonM eoairft retlft awImlciee. U ta Lwalap Ui iatereat tbe

nr 8om« (• lU ■( tfeU wrt(-

• 4 tbe eiarrlap

fewtp teStt

llaM *U


iW B



4 M iaiMMt
r>h. ttfed.



li Ji.'ffs,:?' *"•

> K‘.“:

........ . -



Wa are aorrr to bear that oar friaod
Mr. Ootaap of tba Karrewa U aie'
-IK Kellodk

UafeHiMddHawB. OtTrnUakU

Brsys.'srzjr*^- ■



escaped an Awful Fau.
My due-tor
CoaanatpUuo ud aotbiap could
Ktop’a Nf. lHacuver)'fur Co---tiuo ladiMrd me to try It.
- -re ttanllDp. 1 au tu>. ua t:■ ruad
reeorery ud owe all lo iw. ;ia*-«
■w D^very. It aufely aai
re la puarutced
-eft cure
ud luDp dlaemu-a by
Price i'l-

tfae ns pal* ud aalk>e u>
Mber frvab ud ruay. Whear* ih
lereoce* 8be wbo la blutblaiE ____
mllb imra Ur. Kiap't New Ule Pill*
I malntalo li. By peoily
>e.^la*y urpam they ruQu.r
;.>k1 .11
perlion ud b««d off eonrlip
Only yur. al P I

ft* «a «• ted wte aoem ebl«

■ft TTfeHmiM ft tte wife iafta-

Mr. fete Mrs. U VimUUo bar. reteMd ka tfeatr tew. ia ftb plaea
^waftiw waste' TiaM la Traraasa
*tr Bate -M Hl»

Va teas bad a fsv tenft oeU
■te ftto MaPateM M«ftMalft
•afespai >'teftMdrtteotatr.


aa far a papar.-'To *s wtetor'
waaka with trlaada aad bow to open U.*' Bad no_______
Tietolty. left BatarIbampiw pwtoaala
BaapOBiaa Bobart Banap, 4. Zla.
titrBii. J- B. Bafsay and AUta Jao.
Laat TaeaiUy afMtaooB tbrprt
ommUlM of tbe Sudar aWool
Jatum met wltb tbelr
' ' ebatraan.
Uoo to be


ir. 4.

praUdaet ud aaotetary ft tbe imnnia

iwdtop a efa^ur tbao atop-

The Saodty toboel


T.\KKScnoR-j-;t>i ,\\\ .v::,-.


IS .U.L.WK -\SK 1 nk .W'l
IS HIE 1'KKS1;NT i'UK 1. nl


11 Ik Lilt >ici. t >1 .-\\^ >:




You Take No Chances.

lit } uur
^(iN'T Bl; AKRAlli
IVc wti!
(tor mail
I!. i*K«ivel)''
)uu better values thu )-ou cu gel ri-.eel.rrr, u I
^ wtl!.
1thiog ec tell y.ii; ii
jierfeetly iatofurlory wc will make it »o. in-c of vi|-,m
to ut than leo liraet the jirofit im. .me tm. ic v.l.l.
your houbc Ituin . Sewing Machine
kbehioe Needle to a Steel Kuge
.u Ur-lrujiu
an.1 ^tftcr «»u want to p.), ual we will giurutee lu gue luu U
llluc Ituii V.
- <-.uT)' such a I.uge Uuck thu if .you wit] ven.! .lcM.-r.|.|>..n
.i).| .lllirtint V
tv, wr «n pirk you «n
uf out Imet.


It ramie by ilir
by the SlaniUi
that d

.0. mill tlic utWr is ramie
Neftiy every uoe ka»aw
urutiy tcTmUe. in (art the
tli lliree raillioa dftUrt, to you
mtutici at ftiy tone.


l»ur mul order jeicc on them-, ft |aoeut. it .


Hlaa BeaaU BmaMma tea rKartmd
from Bodpa. wbare aba bai bate ttoea
Kew Ytar. Bhe wUl ba at bama far
a week bafot. baptooiop tbe datlB of
Traaaarar Bsb
H. Vootetd aadku aa
ber aew attaatloo at tba aaylom
dotaob Bfowaall. bara told___________ TiBTatae Otty.
aad ton tbe state.
Tba wla was ao
Him Nellie Tboapaaa
uktoa tbara was ao ofaaaaa to sake
Mndlsp tba TihTtiB
to.a a faiawall nrjwlte party.
tdbool tpwi----------------Sanitey
---------------.------ HMl SoadE taltoltoa
Tba aim bael to Dsok laka la'ararly
IteB aoma Mama will '
Idto. Tbara baa baaa a b
ft bard tuabar takaa to Ui






Tba Mtotoka ta ilate by Many Tra*>
area Ctw CttUaaa.
Wldrif rataiaad fre^'tte
Don't aiaiaka iht aaato of botegalh with bar aiafc baby laat Friday.
Twalra ft Mra. Haxlay’a Mtada
Te to eared yea bbu kaea
-ad talaHtaa remambarad that It was Tba attoe pipe ai bar aebool oollawed
» bar «Mb birthday laat Monday aod
It la wtoap to imaplfee rollft la
* aptBl tba STtetop with har. Ttey pftn eoald be mate
te arm aoM fee Maud a^
lawaatoa bar wllb a lae teftar aad
KatnapofeT i>
Mr. aad Mb Btmrj Ttek. othto rifto
Afiar imnaktap of ’ a
bawHtal aappar tlrny Bid p^ alpbb
IbU ou*ba%iS*^
Dr. Flood ....
vtahtop bar aasy boi. torthdaya.
Tbarsday tram
Mr. W. M Imnteto. of 01 Wabotor
Uabaat a Clarpwtar oombtoad baal. hit waaton trio.

MyTrav«i?Chy»tore»manage.l oow etuoji.eU by raraelt ud
form, ukI we ihoruuKhly undettuiiJ the butmcii m>d the imereat
olour cuuoraert if oui inleten and I r krakr.1 after ■
waaHfW deuik.

The beat Beach Wrtogej

.Are complete in every delml. We h*»e unhirv vuu wm
uypricci. Wc timjily llKfV comjieiiiiJn.

ft‘*^iTMay iflito



Ul\s ANH (H-tn l< Ul.t.i 1.\i.:




Ml. Bbltltr.
Adtoarnad im diaatr abd toetol
. Tbe Bambera ft tba
art Mr. Doan____________MafttopwlM^o^bff
and Mr.
KtopUey, Mr. -




Tba visler so far baa baas rary
arsaabU for wbaat aad tnm bat
baaa mil oorwad with wow.
Qoaaer Blaatd pot aareaal/ tofwad
while aklddtsi.............................................
to Iba boaae a
Tba" dam at llm prial mill at Deck
teke broke away.
Tba owMt. A.
e, wwt to larn axpaoae to ftx It
___ .1 para away tba aaeoed tio
BO prlfedlap oao ba doaa It ta a
lota to Mt. Mvoo.
Latw Boabert of birds hare totried
It. dariop tba wlsaar.
IT. fed at tbe oora crib i
lapoodaat. saaow lhaa a aMBiBlap
-ora. a bird aaUoa aasa to Twrarw.
also abothw rar. Wid' artieaa paoBlIar
soBp eaa be beard wriy aad lals.1 Tbe
bird la a bwaty.
larp. BBOdBl of bay baa I
aad la Wit Tletolcy with tba
■r bay paaw Tbe owaaa baa p
W toa. tbit wtour.

rooely la bit atota. and .


iwytua. I'rbaa. dldoey. Plpua ua
Truy, Oblo, are trltbotn naiursl pu.
tbouaaad people depenarat upun
furl for bent are almuat froieo
tad membem of amay famlhii reta bed to keep warm

Saaael Realey aod to^Iy
apida apni Baaday wltb I


^ *M..nys> w ww. lor

..:IT'B JtJBT...

Joho Horao tfid wilt
ianday. Hr. aad
Tb. wy it at tola writtop trw froa

--------------------- .ii
Oolombaa Boiimara drora to TrarilfDc with bar.
tm> City tba flat.
Mt%. E Rap of tiiaa Kar Ttailed
Mtm. Acaew of tbia plaoa r '
Mr. Waraham of Olaa Ai
. all report an aojoytele arwtop
rac bare laat Balardap
Ulaa Bertba VtaTar la liOOU> fruai
Timraraa Cllj.
Mt. lauMTVOttbj . of TrararaaUlIj
oaUad bare la Tharadar laat.
__________ KilfBirlck aad
Mr. Noreoek.UM aoalM-for ifea Hw from Boatb Boardaaao bora ^rea^
aoaaaap. laalajlin bora at (iraaaat.
Uftled to order by Uw riot praalUtop in town for a few day.
deal, Mr. Poid Faaatop, hr hartop .
Jofea Doras la rlaittaf hU aiaur.
Bop aarrlw n oholota ft tte eaBraaMra. llBBD. of soar bare.
I baoD atorBtoc lo Ibla
Tbe Ban amatiap
17 ter wa i>at Wro' vaaka aL. . .
Prayer to Mr. Bblakr.
. Mre Addle Olbba
roadaata drtftao galta badly.
Word! of waloomo by Rob WUIoBHMoa U balBckapl feoaj biof (be
Dr. Kuiofe^aa ealled ooa day laat
lor lha lofitM (aaaaa


loiri> j tbe eoIlectloB uf prlTm^^Miirlbuiloo*.. '.'i'kla-kia


rjteBaft Mtol^ Votn^tetB^


Tfct tfedhf• M^mbit mittr TMl
IwdatofetlK taa IfeMr aeelal Vri-



of oU Mr*. FlMklls I Hn. Thnti Pimj t* vwy riab«tl???i
X-Bwtv WUat. vn»*mXid»t vlll**«nT.«» iMTBof k«r'diMb. ihtewTlUv
H aitaated. all tatoytop tbe
BhbNrIU bbbmcM do«n>rMd'Uld
read Awt drora to Tiaaana Clly j
9. warn Oo.. OfckMti * « m
faMU* few hMbMd ti the BilUMe
1 A Valwuaaimrty nr pliea at tba
V. V. RiobaM I oJ 11
- . eoU W,WrHM was bars toll w k looki
d»7 bat It dU not «i«p ih* ladle. (roB Umber fob.
itopla wai. paaawl and apaat
harlap alpood Aid. «
Dr. PmllreefWllIto
•ajoyabla erwtop to paww.
riad Vmnier IB. daitbad In. aebeal ^J^rt Brawa tmw, at
a aooial atBa. atfta wbteh
aad li boB•'roI^b«lrBt8n.
Qaa Myan aad HiwAte Falrtaaka
Tat Mittaa Haiwrat aad baaa
ft Klt^plda la TiaiUop frleada bar.
lo^lai^^IlapIMra aMeadad
Uiwdaaaiap ia paiitop toe Ibla
iTMLardleasd Uadaa Ooajila.
_.e Neal A. Balte ft Ha<
t aeadar at «lie bom* of Ur. a—
Oily was oUlad bw. tba iOlh last ea
■Mbriaai m btaak hn la«.
ul of taa aam. alokaeaa of Hre
Va are aoirr to bear ti
K>a. TWa Serlptan U feoM tor a aaaab'a baabk U <iaiumPmy.
hBTtfeC traabl. vllb Ua I
A Wordai
& H. Chriatow^ CUm«^ to
SafeMfe ij aa tfea dldk Hat at
Mia EUnbetb BoliMa. wbo if atlowB. to pat I
piaattoWa Ba
droae to TraTcrae
. aad Hr. Ftod Mto
ft Old
a to tala
TtalUBf fear boUi
otaloaa Balarday.
I E. Stop moredto
4 a law
la aaafeaalet UataadUi
that l>e reoeally
b. I4W.
Tba BatdlekTtlle Baaila; aoboal HamI lloa. laat w«>
I wlah to waek Ml* Laaa BrUloa lot
BmlW tet Bored to tbe Point
tba boadle of aloe iBpan whlob aba


•• Oatbrftth

MfttertotiBp kUAM lor' ESotetoar Vaa teat ft

mure;ft ibli mwaure appropitotiBp i._ .
rtaat muaryi m leatl fur U.. amvemeat fur ‘-■'-rtuv

guftdiUee.1 lot Ine ^ btll

The v^’bcl. g^tLd for'6^1-’

ban i«;n;g'

t Oiairv,





A Bara bat baaa oo bare aaarly aU
Uftia Iftwifl iM aaoted to Bk
OftBt art ttlUac ft a

did net tee. toaoh katoaidia, tel Iba
aeUw ft tte kUfeu aaerehgam was

lartop hB sBy to tbU plaaa aad w
■apnMly Blisaa by aU wbokfe

BatBWi Bold, wbo tea baaa a


Taatday aftaraoee.
Alrto Price ft LeUad ftwit
wiUi frtoate to Wla ptoo^
Mia. FiM Mcwboasc laft Friday
far Bwarto tola barbubaad who l^*J^8wattoob U TtsUliip reiaUTB
baa a pasUtoa to a Baat aaifcat.
Dr. f. J. Fiallok
a i
MIb Sato Qlaaioe U rUttop to
Uoaal oaU to Leland Ibla week.
TterarB OlvFa^BMBU ft Lolaad apwt 8u.

%35?“ i^?


u otter.
Tba MoaoM ud tbelr taaUBaawloyml a toetol patbortop laat Tbmta.


, ***

Buy 8ft-

Oft ^«ciAl Clolhe* Bart, jtm lite
- • made eqieeUUy for na. d fu
I high, bto U feet .of

tooking. temcaftde cbu. -ortb $7.75. hw...................

am ted On ten Baa. tto bmt ten Bta*.
lata* t oc. aaritfc* <aly • rmw.

Alton Kwt tea twtsd bli torm to


Bto. 0. A.
latoad laat Baatey.

* telpJTteSiwtte'bSJuI!

^ O^Baay attwded oewt to LaA npabUou eaBeaa wUl te bftd
Batwtey. Feb. >IA at -tba town baU
toalnet telapalna loatteod tbe eouty

Oartbe.wbe tea baaa rary m,

•matotlai' la H i
'MaiMUasTlMtod nlailTaa at Ta-

A BBBbnr of tlie eittowa ft tbto
pjjwtoawtod^a. tetofedlw.

&a theBaaiTTi at koiaaud'aTaiy


to».«a,ai«ao................. ........... ...................................................B.7a
laU report a wary raiayabla


ramie ud^gtimuieed by the




These wringo* ftc all

For salt by* aU daaMa.
PrWt Ki
earn. Fottor-MlllmaO.. Beatelo..
M- T..
fe|Bto^for Wa Caltte

Xte lee barraal la at ita teIpbL
Hl^aaaia Oook baa ratoioad from
teW Mra. Firnak SilTsr.


I waaldlUeto teraaByoao adrta
Baabaaia madlatoa Aw torn aa
B^ p^ m Dmb'i £lteoy PUla




Rim Wub Boilera............


Aik^^rgU^^oftl^^ irf Ttowfte,

Cruhe-fte. Niekle.

Frtdu ereolap. [ A tosqaat was
WtwS at Ux b'etodk. after wfeleh tba
tpeot to puMi abd teao-



ktena toft weak.
Bark BBcfe.
^tay TreBtto droee oat to ata fell

Below Cost
Co eiosc om

tet^SlUtobell Rabdeld ar*



^ Ma. O. Imto 8UeB an
featetaa tkto plaaa tar tteasB faw:


VateaaS^ Ptad DcBtoe went to


Brant^la paiitop tSn Kl.

tmlr K am krt>; refe



Oalyaica Ml


A good,
Arm, high gnde Sewing MmditDr. fire drawert, drop
leal, solid oak woodwork. eHbft tutioomy heml. like cut, or drop
bead, fuBy guiutecd fer 'bre yean, will do just as good taorfc aad
' ftjaaCaaloogaa.HSnmclirae.
It it aoctomp raachme ttet

in tbe country. ^We bare two makes of raarbtne.

One of them




” S"liri.“~^ ba..., i«< uo p

•««.. w...»!

bed Roeket

AgoodWlBeelteedAimlleekeeuleeee ............................,....»a,76

pricet ud qimlily.

.Hwolmcty ihe l«st bargains in Robes ia the City


J- W- 3L.ATER,
Bite tend PVtetell



^ I

Un MdnW Mrs A H IXIU died at

-ra thing wkerei. t'*-- retldeoe.. -d bee Mt^iahn
Ibe lowotbip <d Wemmni View,
dir iieeuliar Hreumtiao.Ne ' II :
P-'9ed ibai Ibe bou>« rsnRbt lire while
MfY ixiii «s« aloci.yiu H. and she ran
i.iil ami roDK ibe slann, uii toe bell.
.Wbm itr. Hlrl.> and tbe iHbers rsme
III anvwen.i ib.< ,ammon»'Mrs. D«'lu
ril'lns In her rhair. brmi^lny
tot t^bb to write m
ainiriil'y, l.uijaDer sa spplbw
vsier .iiefviivei

3 w;........

and more etpreisllr ngardiag U
Isis U you would gire IT s K
e^t. tmay timet it would s> .
s and mmry. 'ibkc, fra essmplr.
d ool.r by per..
■ sway from tb' pU

tnia lixdr brlchlurs. irylnt
> keep vara
The maJ sapply It low. If ibr leru
weatbvr >raal~-d rubUonet tor death
e rrrepUoni. Tabs I
rn>B n>ld will br lerar. Already
haw bsM psrftetly sod pcrasBcatlr tetmtl draiht from rxpns«n- are rrd be
reBHsly, sad its amri
ranri brtb. s*«( IX. IVR.-sC«Uca prwied,
the larcer ellles Hi Ihe tUtRusadi of MXbigsn pra^, toora
high slsoding snJ unqucUraird rbsn
OMinr} «DBr rrports of biller distress
sod atber eoedil
Ira. A biter sddieistd to sa.r of lb.
lE Ihe pniw. CbtiiuWe nrasalssbe promptly
... sate
are dnlna (heir best, bul are iiD'
----- --—. wl tor
Drake's Drspepsia Core tnd Seirr
~bble in eupr wUh tor terrible beedt.
la tbs traatmrat snd core vf I
breaklBE soaewbai In
snd KervoutaeoL lieeis the
toe >re«l. diui !< fanum nmn- el liliirr
vraibrr It predirtnl here.

- - '-

Ij'.l I«1 ih'emti'b'tyr.VT sod'►.-.•It
th- liillSItK. ot lie Hr.j ra the ns»r »
eiilogulslH-l Tney.dkJ ««l and on
'‘imtm: s i. v'tiiliianS« Iso r the c
A-to Ho] .Fillbig'In her ebsir


A»r BitelMB o&nd at • jM Bt (oad*
as «Oc*^rt*°**^*
cans badad •>«7dsiB) Bade ler Uk
Tt has |utl toacbed
I Wat I
■er-fl to Ibr Ulabd rinre Ibal tloe
Inday. Ii It aaM IhsI tor bollrt
mKlnr <iT ibr plabi are not mato p»ptf sprats, or ^ asaqa far tbc «ol>
(enally damaced. and alraady tbe
■rattsaurftodMh. Adihsra Dr. B. V.
nrk at rabalMlBi baa becun.
Tbe are peearred. at toe pnon boor,
be cause of H it ^u< known
Taraibit Hetal rira.
I Ibe tinu-iiire It atlM siandlne. and
<Ww Bapidt. to., rxb. la.-Tvo
prr,^aA vrav taiaJlr baroed aad a
raarr suatatoed asrtuua lajartra and
U art altatos ni a rmlt ul a Sr*
PeaaWant*t Trip Oefarrtd.
tltal drwroTsd ibr CllflOTi boul, Ibe
tYaabiaaion. Fob. ZO.—At a tetuli
UssMi bMH ta Cndtr RapUt a( ! of bit teeeni silack of (lippe Pretla-ekrh tUt laonitac. Tbr sut« Y. U
itooaerelt It aBtoted wllb a erC. A. ccamtiea and ibe ooBveaiJoe
eaar laryncUlt Sanson Oaneral
at KbUbu of Pirtblai art balof bald Rlfey. Ibr pretideal't tnadim adtlsrr.
to tor rdiy. and 110 cuatu osoiptod
called IX. Klebardaon. Watblngnpato In tot bntol at toe Uaia of tod
I fanwot tbruai tpedalltl. In m•ra or Ibe alaaW !• U balterpd toat suliatkia. AsrnrdlDK to the preildeart
«w1r all »r bnrtad la ihi- dekrlt.
nl plant hit'^nitlBmt
Mnnr beroX mrsM were neeuniwbXb h vat Intended be sbnald
■Mabad br raiployes. flmBRi and po- onderlake In Uarrb. will nul besin
nmmatL Two seure penunt. bobm <K
totap onmnadnoa an^ tedly baned.
•are carrlrd oui nf<tor burnlac atroeHu^ at Cedar.
At Fwetr't CoIbhhxi Stam Hadkal
fdriia.7Cofc eslaiBi« MoB ptfit.

• •
- ■

mua is any rlimsu
lengili of timr. aad i~M Is
gisU St Sd. fiO reel* and »1.
Drake 4 Rhodn O . Ud, l*ru|jristun
of IXake't Sullnr Tablets, tbs gisat
Blood remedy.
d Rapidt rslirtmil. The
plow jumped toe track aad Naakec
ihrovn asalnti the lever. .wbXb
was forced ihrough bit luirV i.. Ibe
l«-t»le bone. -W-hen found Imiraled be
was perfectly conteloiu. bnl unable lo.
ettrirsle blmaelf. He n-nulhied ronbiuplial.
Nanki-e Is a young man rtuldlni: al
niy. aan bat a wife and tfanv
Ham Nurthey. an old retldeel of
Ki'veenaw eiMinty. *a« iskefi III fecenil) and lold by hi* dnriur Ihsl he

rha«eil ami luonghl bunie so ihti he
Inspect II and see 4faal li wa*
he wanted Whaa It arrived ihe
old man bwked li over with n erlilral
proBouneed it satlilariury. a>n(
toal be was n>ad>’ to dX. -

•nl la the rhlveiwliy of HlrhlEsn.
himself ibruugfa toe brain.’dying
HXb . Feb. 2V.—Hoy King Inttaaily Thursday anemoun. He ba>l
' ratt toruapb An and saoke to raasb
n aertoQi Injury ibU afier- imstivl In all hit sliidlei snd liad no
toM A ouniber dT CMfIt Juaped
known rau«> for hit an, Alrtierwa*
fna viBdm. ausalalaf arrnv In- fur work for * « lime to mme.
: bidding poud by to lilt widowed
tortea. .The pn^arTy lues (a 11(0.00(1.
toe slab pile of
riHriber. and adding'. "I pm lm»a'e.-'
Tbret faudles bare beta tecuvefed. Dewey Stare Oi. -when hit. band
nr had tliidied a Ireatlie on sul
Tbe aaaber nr la)arod aH prevtoutly caught >4n tbe anw. Tbe wrist was
badly laemued and tor bark oi

Kleb_ reb.
amt believes b
(h« ttorttd St f;M this B»n>lBC In
tot baataatB) oT Uiller-t
StsU Naurs.
stare did dabtaat to Ibe aaMial nT
Rev. J. V. IXcoux. pastor of Trinity
|tia.paa. Hiller's stock, tallied at Itt.- Rptampal ebnvb nl Niles,
MB. it a total toaa. OOboaen's salocn, a mcrvemml to fnmlsb a
■{lier's (merry, the Hurpby bkick, 1>.
d boo .
U ItoOtek'i C<> rlanr tdnra. tor HarA bslldtng bat
rtoctoa bkck. toe Hllltr bkxk and
ml by a kual
*W>b'B rraldraire am- iramrd. Ad^ilb>nt mm are subacrtblng Mb
to( peapeny «ai
ibnutaad dnllara.
dabUnanf Bepa Lae.
Tbe Woman-t club of
an. reb *0.—Tbe l»eniy-flfto an. baa gulten up a peUUan to tbe itolaU'
ary at (te eiecUua t£ pope Leo lure aakipg for tbe pgisage of a law
head of toe Boaiss CatonUs lo prateet birdt. and tbe members
hare signed a picdin to wear no fanlb'
H toe VBtlean ball at tot
ers on Ibrir hau eseept toosc of tbc
tom. Adatlaslna was oaly by Ueket .ostrieb. There
a*d *m vsra preeaai.
of Ibe
T%e swrtmdby eoBalstad In tbe
SI tbe auu wbkb mlcbt be|.
meetrlng delagaUima of pUgrlmt fn» icMolB IbU a
all gnru of the vortd. Tbia wai fob
than apmul their aparw
toMd by iiniiBtamait «l glBa to fata
up oa toa htstorr of de*d
taBM. to# Altf of whleb wai a' and gnea aattoaa and
on tbMB sopltd one of toe Beyelo^
Catoolka tbrangboot toe dia. says a Deirolt dally.--------Al Ormnd RapUs. a Mg Bt. Benard
xc bueame affsetod wlih rsbiaa afad.
rannbig away from home, torvurlsad
•ton. la ra^ytag *
Urs. uvh^iri toe
-Thaad Hal Mat owner, putltag on bar
t my }«bnan open aaqdekroaly and. weal In puraall. MsUy MtouiU his
Mtae Ood. may they «oea Ibe
trail U toa anow. Whan she louad
tpiu of bb gnrwltag
Mvri aaapplbg.' aba fastsAsd a
Ua peek and M Urn
and hseM him la :
kllM by iba pbundmaster. Mrs. UnkeaM-s eloUitag was
lora by tba fraalX bsost. tat aba was
Fltat young man was rewHy
m ta <« tba old. old dlamoBd anhsllimlim game to iba exiaut of tl(«.
towt. who struck
vrith ktaa. wantad
aell Mm a dtamnod for «I10. bad
JewaIra esamtaad iba sic
Mbcml It a Irat-elata cue tbe
ymng man wouldnT buy.
ba oSerod »10D aad tba
atima^ accoplad. Tba gtoaa and
TW utter OMBcy ehaagad baads. abd after
igsr btt Iowa toe porebaiser found
ba bad aeuotrod a Ana pbea of
Plata glaaa. Iba atraagwr hartag made
Iba totasUtnlloB balwaau Iba eiamlaa(Job of tba Tual auM aad iba^.
At Maaittaa, Braaat Kankae Haa al
Iba point of daaUi from tajnrlea reoalirad Wadpeaday mcwBlag fay baetag
BB troll lavcrr ibfuM Into bb body
o Iba aaow plow of lh« >lAali

•s called freuucnily lo irvai bor**I eaiiX III wUh a strange malady.
Irb has Imvb nv«nily‘ dUgnute% a*
ul'lioUuelBg The ctlscaiie «« caute.!


£czema. Psoriasis, Salt
Rheum,Tetter an<i Acne
Belong to tost class of iafiammatory aad disSgcrriig skin cm;
cause tnoic genmne bodily discomfort and worry than all ot:
: impurilics or sed:
Lion, inacticc Kidneys and olber orga^ ol dlminatioa ate
Lbe blood, satuialing the Bystem uritli arid poisoes and flnidi
through tbe glands and pores of tbe &kin. producing
and burning,
». —

sta. e.s. wssswUru.
Wm. CsmabsU.
si at., VMhIU.Ksa.
ol the poison may cause the akin to^
appearance: again the ernptions may
:hrsds and pimples or hard, red bumps ufs'-n
llrvd seiL-n iiullrit into ihei consist of itinui rshle blackhrs
iCcation of the blood is the only remedy (or these vicious tkin
.s he kUle-l ft i theface.
kVasbrs and powders can only bide for a time the glaring
Cdneeal Newt.
blraithes. S. S.
".S-eradicaless!lp '
other acids, ^d
c and ol
onr.., lua .'Kperinli-nile
irity. and gtimulata
m tbe gtnggish

----------------------ns, and the impuliimpuf
ties pass o8
the natural

, _____
- agh- Ih.
;ui»l• channels
S. S. is tb«
:be only
• guaranteed purely vegetable
ie. Potash or other hirmlui mineral.
,.f ITiUei- Taylor pro ,
\fnte US about your ease and ourphysiosns will advise without charge,
ai^ly wvwpons. A few ; We have a handsomely illustrated book oa akin diseases, which will bescat
»a* vbot with one al j bee lo all who wish it.
thS SUFirr BFECinc CO,. AUamto.

IfOra' Nsmsnd
Hr wIbAsd brer


said ISA— tbit isi. sad tksi lbs iwhrlrivd
has UHr tksniesbd.e tsi .l.sU esued Hers
•mV iMvS

cV tbb sravv. iu>e


. I- ™ !iSSH?Sr'.rtsrs;’--s

ray^Hi' .< will. sLi MM tuHSra 1S..4 m.. | iss;-wh»l.. il••
^4is** Ira .era
. . •. . ..——— — .------.
. - ------



------------------ wrafM'a't.vtfa.Me------

: l:

..Mfar ^eri

;;t« iiS
;; s: i«
rrK vw ■I'A, mil

n.iC IT

>t:< lull
HAkllAltaTg uaiFSTTH.

> .^M II t Md .

! iv«wa{-T i«vri..l mi ran-vUi»i IsmM .-uis
'll ra Ora^ Tisxr,,' i.^ isrra nraeun.
<*.H:.l'r.T«ra> Io*srariA5 rau->nDC
j<iun a LmkaSi.ku.
; "‘l

iri k"*
KkUpss iMrira riAH lira lara STJ .V Su
■rau. A I* Ira-, snri Tra,e.J«4 lu lasiUlH-ra
Urakra'-i-rra ISral-I.v iM-fUsir ra »ltsS.l .
cera dsj ra Aocura; a. H

£5,“^. to,

1..J n.ra,t rail»-sBnuraiulra,ra,lslra*B6psn
lewr lira i«ri |.ru»ii»i.-L..ura um is sr
I r.*r-r..f »>e-.|t,»o ifcm,. .ls<-. I.e « hs* A.
r*slllli,ra*l •n.FIncra ,>ra.,raa Ih, ’HM

b what you should look Into if gi’iug to

^UrefMiAs essmn ®n
Mfi iniitM ©iLi(G.4^(©©


Id fact tbe'guide oocompanbd or so calk'd prasooally rondiu-iv.l party. Is iLe uvly wsy " lu iiavc! to
I get tb* full buudtof.theovei-UBd trip al4b.-redu,. ,i ra'e Tbe .1
v !,v


JUDSON-ALTON EXCURi^lip, p’‘’.^c*.Trra's;s‘^i-~^..“r-scfi
Tr"" ■


I'.FiH t'V m*l .rauK Al a II I 6 ra Ibr
l‘r>Aeir fra -ski vauiI). b>U si tor
i>,dslr <mra IB Xkl mSBlT, SS F'idST.
IS. l«h dsl ra rrluuSTf. IS Ibr TW ^ VUC
Al a rarasuB .4 Uv iTvlwl^ I'ssH Sv
lWnt,J.^A lmsrrr.gwl(.raPFMtox
Is Ibr SlFlrt .4 Ur .raslr .4 IaiHSB eiM r<,Ukir, kras bi tor Prrasra .4Bra is
IVm.. Lslrul TVBVrrra lily, is •aid rraisli. ihB «X ra TcBTraw <Tiy. ix tor
•4 Pra4wB>7, .10 to* .Bar rara u..axM ski.


u part it'alar*. fulfill all Ibe n.iulrrmmli ol ibis nuvlal wn vv. i
(rood fast
oiomiauoo 010 outy
md iuloruistpun enrouie.
Bo O^D h
irrigsti „ He.
: tlx I lie Ibai Uhw. fee ai
gie.. .
_ a
f. Partleuiariy
they know g..Tythlng
railway trip,
. - rvlbiiiig
. _ toeir pgserngers
ot Ibo care of l-sgtagi'.
oobneiliot and tbe responsIblUtbs ol trarel.
Tbe Jkdsoo-AUoo partin have bs.k of ibem toe tusrsoieo ^
of tbe Cbihago 4 Alton. hlls*uuei Paeinc,
Grande and lUo Grande Westero Kallways, tl
liaitPacUlc Companr. the Oregon Short Idoe andi UregoD
w sy and .V at igntlon Compaby.


It^mOiAbT imagra. Jsd^.4 IUi4s>,
IsibB mST ra Ibr raub- ra IXiwk HIH.
bar ,4 tor
ra lYsrauw Oil]. Is rakl

soniralist lu X to- lara »iU ssU trrasMBira
ra^MM^^jBSY to Briikiib^totoraeir.iri

'rl^toMl—iTl. ../jtolM

t.'lb day <4 pranarT. a«<i. al Kl'^'BggBk
la lU Irarai.ksi. braassswlfra torbriHraira
mtd Mturak aad tool to. bran al ba
ra laid .1 .Mil'll, asd aU rabrr asm*, lalra

.rS. |> 1.' raid .tar .4h.«nss

PraSalroan. u Uw Hly <4 Trmrraor tUt.
aad ibau caax. it say toras to. aby


**Md II IS nSraraZrara. toaTlM SwUsto
CUSK. brW B> UB PWSlr OmCS IS tb,ily %i TrarwraOiy os tbs PUi dsy >4 PrS
rmsJT. IB Ura yw raw I* iBe»a alar bus
A Unagrr. Jade el PnbBIr

IMovat Op Salo
Blllllc huying IMS great slack w« run across same Real Bargains
and Mian gualc prices an a lew iltmsi

agaiara tor MBIT <4 Aaras K llrs.ra tato >4
*B_pranM^^ *, Uiirtral tool rrMay. tor

S^prt Icnifthv of Best Prints at 4 cents a Children s 25 .-< t \V«»ol Mittens to close
j'arii -niecci run three to twelve yarils
ai 111 cents.'
and soul by the jiiece only.
I.adics' Kid Mittens and (.loves, worth
Short k-fjijths of Ginghams 55cei
cents yard—
$UK), to dose al •'^lU cents.
These Igofwls run three to
o twelve
the regular way Ladies’ Fur Scarfs and Coats ar 2.)j)er
lengths and worth
i?.-ni. less than former-prices. ^
l)oubU- fold Percale—Special ri cents—
regular value S cents.

$5.ilft and


'toll*!.' iri''^'f al to^Prahali vOto. is to. Ox^ra^T^*

ly ra
Mils*’ Asu.Fab PiUs wuh
Sgo our


ra tw Utvl W^i^branlJd


Would HaTo Killed
Our Son.
Pr. Miles' AotiePsln Pills
Saved Him.



andwiiitescslisthatdropoS.leaving wslaasftwb

=':i -i

From Inflammatory

DK. FEfffm

..-IJSS vuflering w'lfb liydnipbobta
Ij .g bit oiloTt and lliey In.iiirn
tshee vllh toe dle-'i'e. He shot
tiog a* >im|riamv 3 Ihe del*ea*e

Aerehlef. trampled i««m bad tatnlly la
badly Inlsiwd. TV plslolt were con- Jnred J. H. Russell cf Bnmtun. Mich,
fltmicd by ibr tupr-riniraitral.
Kiitsel riled four hours
Federal bteeer* on ibe Tukon yiter'lslrr Uu»<':i had eniered division D
roadra the sinry thal a gold strive .< the y*r-i- i.i lospeiv a herd.wbXh
moaling toal of ibe Kloodike fast he lntea<b-ri tinving. He drew a red
been marie in Tanana valXy. Two handtrfTbier irom bU porkH aad one
mlaert are tiampMIng of toe stee.-, made a nub inwards
toilher rnuB Nome. Dawson. Mgle bim. Ruseeit. .who was beariv 7“ yrwrs
and Rampart. Rom* of tbem will oW. vs* knorVed d»>wn snri trampled.
petitb. a* toe veatoee •<-.
ihroOBbouI IheYukon vallej hav Iwn
'jithenne Uruuner la hv
X'sr. has Just be<ui Kriuile
n to tel! aapra. in He- ear
r toe rhllarh-inhls etiv hs’


braurr Mri eron. us Traralay. tor IBS day
SSS“a .iMw ’ra'aidfr.Jt. ra
A. l> nuL sad ix Wrdaaiday,
tow Bs tw bo&« BI tor Prrawto nm». la tor tor Hay.
ink day >4 aagara. A. Ii. am. si toa
Illy raTvavwto City a^ tbou ca__________

^AadIMilybiuoMra^, tora mti putoe,

Silk Waists to close at
11. Ibr rail ra Tra.raor ivx. <ra tor tlto



Bed Spri-ads—an qverstocl;, they came Leggings 2.7C. 3ac and 40c. instead of 4'K;.
too laic for dnr white sale, so we offer
them now at about two-thirds and thfeefminh valm- to reduce stock. Prices
• run C4c.—7.-. IHc. $
l,adies' 1 rimmed Hats, winter styles—15 Otir goods an^ all New. Clean and Krliablc—be Mif.c and see what we can do
' only left and valued at
•for you.
take )T>ur choice al only $l.fi0.

Br*lCMwBalm f, , fffi



a. sad M siewtpH. PeJtflstw-


fMow S«or*.

ii. ‘'ra:?TSb:s


ibi ri^BC sari Sbac tor vMUtoa daly rwl

rab day ra HsHb soil, at M oebta Is
tor .^gast tra Ibr biariaf ra
^ tol^tor totna^bu^ttold

TaNAM^^suiMa. Md*ui:

iLTtiSieTdsr'—“ ■“

There U no test tikfe the test of
time. Cures everythin^: that can
be cured by a l*erfect, [^enelralln;?
Unlment. Onod for n&n or Bea^
One small bottle of Mexican HiiL
tans Liniment will effe^acure when
a gallon of the watery compounds
aold a» Unlment would have no result
It UftM^thivwnawi^to boy them






asd Ihsl rao* stora aad (uHbrr radra aad sm>

For two generations Mexican Mas*
tans Liniment has been the standby
—the one Sure Remedy—of farmers
and stockmen. Tbe more people
know about it the more they swear
by IL It goes to the very core of
pain and drives it out of the body.
The public believee in it for its poai.
tive healing powera. Sold everywhere


tx tortiB iifkaji^aiULlx kXuaiiV ta. i bos
kaartaeX. aU aarrx a
aX btotix. I BB aibaaH te abev K
tx lUalar. AX rat I kae* ba
*UJ X pailaat Xlb aa; I kae* kow
tortop aX paatto X vlU X. Wkr.
aitoally aed tortop all tbax
be be* tox laarbtap aw tkto
> XioB I faltod «poa IXar. Bnl
vbae nr mtia popll aloablX <a a
i*to#la went—4* nr Una. tbaa. *o
men praetoui tXa tX H^ptar'*
I eaaaM laaeh ike IKUe
*Ab. trixi. X io va*U Ux vbM
*e plait acourpe* (or oanelra*.
Tbeae borrrlap day*, tbeae boy. axloiu, (brawd. aabliloiM Uaa* of oar*
are «a*(X vbaa tXy Uka oar haaru
■ear Iren paitoai pmUc
ptra ua fame (<r lore aX puU
Mr. ibao. wbea our
buaprr aouli *111 aeak fur braX.
aelSak pX XI) plre w a atooa.
la ikM a deep. predeODd. perple:
pmblen. II I* a aiaple. aaay leaea.
BOX u aay child aar ixd. YtH

vaxB msunnnm

H to CMMln*.
r Maht. he« %wmi. tkto i
vooU be
B mm mmu itr* tor oUwn!
He* B*Mt. be* brisbt.
-Be* bn c( U
Ttato Ute tr
4ife «Bd

A*i thto to bmWm bol a «n«BiT
Haat wrooc •» m torrTar?
Hwt perarty



TV Men to rtalQc aeft eX brisbt.
1M ««r cravi n^t bMora ql
Ctoa«r. bratbar, ebaar.

rial* It It «M <w roar book aXIraa.
Xt to IX waraeM roraar erf the aoti
aaMinX heart li plon to leuer*
IXt tba bUXtal nay raX; a aaael.
plalB. aiaple. easy, torix l<xoB- Aed
*bx you Xre learmd U. brotbar of
alX. IX world will X belirr

It taya le wear a antllap fare
AX toupb our iroablM down
PVh- all oor Uitle trial* wall. ^
our toapbiar or xr frowa
Ueiiealb Iba aaple trf a —llaOiir (kinbi* will fade away.
A* ntelu <he (mat la tX aarl>
(XMiatb IX annoy ray.

AX aaMab wrmi aad trraaap
la« hM« aad ettlTe M Mill ae
AM tor* ax paanr com BM«r?

TIM race vlU ellBb

rary buay.
PIBB boner mar X aad* of a*
ptomt Xie.l wiu> esokX appMlt:
pIoB xlb aX half atewX xpl
U hot daalrabl* te bar* a rcry tan
bear boatXaapar baa XepiX tx ptoa of dafemap bar
xd Mtler teaktop util wtoter.
to eo dotop aX ha* fouX U a
pniHubla plan, aa It aata* wotry. *apar. and. moat Inpunul of alMt area

II pay* to npki-

topa." 1 rrpltod (bai x he
iwB way to aaX X alpbt
I Xxd Xtb laatlto*
It to a
, A UUla .(Iri (all .
e would ta buapry. ud I preauowd
wbleb hX aarerai rwaly aallt
e WX XUtop to pie* erewyAtap
>d nXe a toppX woud u
■1* world a lalr’trtal. HX 1 rUleulX
e We batbX K with IX ilar foaaaXX. be would Xre aald
tertae *
xlultoB utU It wu tbarouphly clexi
-utM aX tx Xw erf bloX atopped. ibiia dreaaX It Xlb a
ibrwe paru ratallaa to on
tee. Tbe wooed bxlX
petabla WX aarrX. prXoally letrouble, aed tx chUd waa ntaalap
crMwtop IX qnuUty X aU; ibea,
ateut erery day. A few day* apo
lliila plrl caae niaalx to. Myix drawtop ayaHf ap to all ay toebea.
ranarliX tXt I bX p—I furer irf
quick: Xby bw c
bto hud awtal-* charaner'ud oouM teacb aywK to
Itoterloe ud raa X asyiblBp le tu* tine, bin dUul ei
!>•«< uibrr people tuuld be eo *iroo(
over. Tbe Ultto fallow bX
-uliaora alamat Ibrouph
The llelerlx adutlae aoo
•be bleXlop. and iX raealla* aad UaK-Hoe bu beee all that
:lare I Xra fund XUrtx ratoabla
in ao auy ca*M IXI I wut aearybXy to kuw lu worth,
laally wban tbare are llUla ddMrX

with a darqi blue xnara at uto eoniar.
~Be* fBlet Uw MXa la X ___ Batowvtxi fax rwaa alcop a alo^
TX WatoPww VWtor.
■IChli Tba paopia »M talk aX bupb retn of IX noel rlrld aeartot toapple'
•M stop la It arary day are aatoap, able. I tun It to a dlterwat UpbC xd
to- of u araaiap. draw bto ebalr ap
■M Iba paspia «X Ian aatox to li
ihto pfwtodlap pyraald Aaaba* mt to your bearA x U 1} *ar* bto owu.
toM Me ae>a baek tote It Brafy
ud tx tato Ae anal araetap roebexa hx ibaia t*e etoMaa « txbed trf ratrfa*. la c
■ A* botuabold a* It X arar*
■ata. to «a )e<a bMt tboaa
>er of ti^ow waleoae X alat tba rfpht ax>*. wayato! wX caae* to atay
■tow artth tbe moat wperb eolpr*.. uxer yaor roof'fpr a aaoaoer ud wX.
AX I irflee plbapa below tX BtepM wl.boul Xlap Ibtroalra. aaha* you
aarAce of ay parxt, axploriap. ^ (ml ibti X to Tat ho—“ WlA yoa.
o tXl va eaiy cAaiX. IU ItoiM *ereraa..BX^ael' *Bd to niataul ^ hi
hi* uoal ft
lap rich color ireuorei al arary tort
*1 AM toel tbM. b« tor paa to
(mllah Aecy trf
Aad (ha Xuee-ah! bo* few of
to—7. It talto ft— aw Baxta. aX alee. Xt to yw kuw. Hrla. 1 cu
th——lau whtob tae MB po ftw a
I ibaa mr baX. I atan le toara tx urar took el tXt aaakX beitary trf
day or a rreek aX foal ear* that Aa
ily XUuml iktoktop of
taBity renUa* T* ta ae wto* altarX.
*Mft hrtaB «• IX Xor. R to a
BBldex I Xra keoara. Dull pirto ■X fanllr enabrt to ta x wto* la***TM Haadar.*- Ha to« K Umt* tkto tXy vara te IX
MX. bal. oo A* ocBtrury, laeraeaX
tar (aaturwa aX
by bto pniaac* — whet Jay tt to to
*X l^»al1M^ bevvM X aoaU
taaraa kudi (hey doabU— owaad.
Aalr Araaheld’ Whet pood
rax tx atoqda DUto laaaaa. axb x TXy ware not tkILtad to
hartor* of rtaapo (bay an to i
aaar toaaoa, aX I laid Ua ir K 1
Tat dally, u Aelr Urea tiusX baPoie
*atoa «( tor ttaaa te taaeb htoa. aX aa. bXaHAI torprtoaa would Saab
p*XX Ua away ft— aa. I rai
A rtoh'rX tore would kladia tba New Ua tar RaftaX FaraltaB Waa.
bar ae*. I — tX flxh c—a tote IX
e faaiarea. A peldaB rrrmM*
A-'^w'ud iBpiHtut — (or rolittia tbX bet. IX brara. ebaartal
lid llpkl up IX aaall. prv ayea.
toX to kto area, hto aotbar’a bixa. Be— dead erf laador aKriSea aipnld SXd poyaHM wu aaaaa to Xy*
Xa dtocDTprX by a pr—taut raoltruaatora Aa akla to aeftaat’ plaf
bda MappetataMt ax pale. I oaa BX wblte. Pale llpa wxld ptow UX deat mt Ohio. Urtap exr t—tor,
wX hX two tr— bxiy daaapX t>i
bX X de— ca IX Seer aX IX
wHb aweat ward*. AX u 1
a aupto ud tx
Httla tox box orar tx tiecblaa—a
kaow the u<rt« trf lipbl tXt
oAor u apple. 1a aoA can a larp*
tttto Ixaae a«di a atapie. aaar toa- dwell wlibto tx dull bodloa. -J —aid,
I WX broku Xwa ft— Ae tnmk.
aa*. aar habr aiibt tax It TX
ay panet ptrla.
allll attacXd to 1C Tb* UbX
Xlar a ttuia'aftanto aleae it bu
t propx up ud (BBtaeX aeeuraly
X St— X. aX tx baax Httla ael- ootorX paraeto ud hollow tb— ^
XA atrapa. Tory aoch x a broku
dtor.. ««h ex toera appMlM took
with allver or badi
lop Biphi X tastoxd WlA aMtau.
aX Aae aaltX rwtaX wu pourX
r ft— IX taxi
tato aX orer aU A* eraeX
MB—rxrf to tx ptay (Xt e—tona
-■unheal oparattoo- wu uUraly
kX. AX (b— Hm tx UUta
mr* cbarB of dtaeorery. aX daeaaafuL TX peraaD* prereetx A*
Xat u X taft It. Ak. —1 I
npbl of a*ar< aurprlpaa. Oar— OIrto.
aaeape ot iba au. kept
hxal d(r»a ax bta* tt X*. M tbousb wb— dear ayaa —y fall kpoa thaw
amtoture wbtak would Xr* rotIt —ta atlra aad toru*.
worda. watch tael Aai *X Atop bapIX A* tr—. praraeix-Ua
PA to you? Hollo* beedad.*ahalk>*
tlee* X taaecla. ud (X HbX
: — ledayT WbU «u tXn
baarud wob*q *
Au tar
> X perfeeUy i
kuk t waetx to rwd taa bait m
X acre adailrX by A* Mratou
to A* in
-Mm la a* a. «u aoelM wm*
(X Aouphuan. Xt OX to Aa
fc*M IX pr—ttap hpa tbai faftarX but arttot to tx
Naevew CMIBram
**— I —Mi away. I bale tX
ud eoAtep ta al

I aay to you.
a tx book, ax
_jl H aaeaM. t mr m nm mi tba* ta
pal—la X bMMrf pa—. Why. *bw
ax t taara ft— boeX (Xt Xby
•XXA mm mat Co you kSD
•— toxtotXdurefhtor
xdIMM: iXba—toaeatSI;
X X I* — btualblap. Wby. B X
(*— ay book aX ay bey I efteoa*
ay hank, wtty abeald — OX taara
— *ttb aw hMXT My haUTM baoX!
*WMIwu —barx. I *m taly
■Me tapartoat
BeMB*a.*yo« a*
ki* tauM *M to aXy. ae *1—A A
M*. Cbar* WM* two e( aa tryttv I
. alapla ta||^

Mta* wu

WT Mapia. axy. Ptauul. tortop
to taor*. im a ae*; |— a Uute
k trf palliau. trf —tlM—. M


Nearly all Japa—a wwau aU*
lair own cIoAm: ml aU xuu. area
>e rety rtcbwt.—broldar Ibair pa*

TX Sns«r-Blrd.



1 am uru yr.

Berry Aow-blX oobu.
Xd bofw abxt wlA preut ilrll|;l<l
Te Xd (X aMiiarad eresX

.* *" “>


artearx wtitteoa latiur leAt Heraid I weald writ* today 1 po ta iX
Of— Brtor (Oheel houae. It i. a*
half bU* 1
X Oaday Kan
to Mia* Sail* Baebae.
I UX bx racy aoA.
1 an la (X
XraaubroAx a

would htr to Xa(taB«blaI l.lraar erad u a OBid ud a
IXHA ' Krrr .roor SoBAiee pM.
I Ae.-',.
Sadi* Hripbb ^

uy l.-iler ii
toyApAlpbt I Ilk. toiuo ui Mill !
liarXld. Mich
Hup loop euoOKh. tpu.»lwilt H— Aim- lettrrr.
1 am- noi voii.e l..j U-o, Hr*. H.lraX*B-—
uliooL I uiay p-. IX Bril nf Marct- |
a lAc tin* 1 iheaBbt 1
1 —a Heoaliior plrl. 1 likr to i.-*d
IX Urud TtB»rr»e lirralS Tina la day I ou
I an ta tX fearA baM.
(lie Sril Irltnr i Xve wrlttpo
'ill M« i.woh«'» Bam. to Mia
KoHUpotl, M.rli., F.l, i-, n
try to do my bm
I tbink mi
im lir Xr
h yaty mneX 1 paaol By tapf)r*r Mr* ltoi« 1 ilioupui I uuuld udoard
xr olor.
oard xeolor.
1 b
.UcI— my I u-r to xiunp lAp Aooph. upoad
wnic ,rou a li-ii. j
1 like lo po to
ireow. It to OOI IMIP 1 am i; byr.
Fron yAr MeBd.
Abool ..-rr n,ui-t.. My leaeher’* i
ud Ac ISA day of Aim! I will | Apr 11 yean.
IX M*t*.



1 mile (roB
Irwta Uarllett.

Nxihivrt, Hieli., Feb. i:i, Udi

Oex Mr*. Bale*—Uur luArrtuld
B* wv tools wrii* iMtcrr'to il,- H«.
aid Ihic XirriioA lor oor tonyaape
I twoatoianaX
Uur l.wolH-t'. oune to Mlaa
HotrrtA and *),• W'very kind to ni
ud I llkr her T.-rr^ucl>.
Tbero ar*
oely »li U.eki of aoflbul yel Al* yur
and tXu ur *chool wlU X
an Dior ycu* old ud I am
AIrd ptudB.
W .- bar* lot* of (ou At
door* pUilUK aauia*.
Your men.!,
Tbm-B Kukri


I will clear o
Yonr* Irolr.

Klmtalry, Mlel. . Fab. A ins.
Wluuir K.Xi^u '
n Ur* B*lu-I ibApbt I wwU

;«Trir (o yoaabAl aiy AlAeaa 1
MaideOny. Vrb 4. IwO
! nil tour hHi ud tXrc w—'t —A
Dex Mr>. Bat** -1 vooH like to tx
ox of yAr SBuAtar Xra
two brotbun ud ox aiiier.
Maenad uoti.rr bid ber am ta kX ftril
bnrfXn' (mmrctorclcBud (taxlry. i *»•) xru of Am Xtebed.
t Xra
Ud ny aiaier'* UBB* 1* Heairtx Ito- ■'■om tW'oty old lira*. Ooed by. wnklop ta Ibr wood*, sed 1
Vat frlnd.
take care of the Altdnn wlulc Biam
Ape 11
Bxl StaHltatdoe* Ibr cborea I — elpbi .r>
old, Ira il ibrae. Itoby Olmrlry to
, A liHIcptilta HielJpu aallad X
BAAi aad h.«iriM I* Brr. 1 oOB*
M Xt
mutbrr >o*A "lb* Ay ‘b—*‘pa
Trarc— i1ly m
id]W|a ud ■
• p—tap llw wta
ny aooi uo uei-lr Um of my I
idmammla died Iml tomaicr. 1.
It a card mod a battoo
I wilt
writa uoA*r latix *oB* Xy.
Yox imia euabtac boy.
.. m I'aUturaia arc
WIIU— H. Horoaph
, i„.a, Pv* to eipbt tbuaaaad yawn aX
-------------.nil me. I>r1ia|n. >i«BBrB IX aaUceOmaaa. Mtab.. Feb. Ii>, 1MB.
! irri-l ..f wrIiicB htouwy. ,A aacAa .
l>*x Mn Baie*-I aroeld llfceia;ti. A-- ABcrleao Mb—a of Nat—I
Hi.i.w, uaa At fn.B xr erf A—
oal named BlaAy. She to a rety
beipbl nf (arpbiy fcwl. to a
ex and black XI orx. 1 de sot po to
IbU eIpbUwB fret ta dUA- .
•chool XI 1 uedy x
uy broiXn er ■
le ue A. Ik^ '
doori WlA my alrd ao-l make
r i.xhlnp a dlamcirr of (Btr.
r BU.
I pot a doll tor Obitot1. (-..tiuulme laedlnp.

. .


TW Remsiii^e Expsrienoe of i
Pnalsdst StstBmsn—Congrtss•ssMseUsenGImPe-niHis
■ Hitb Didorscnient.

0 kaU two bom dally."

Norlb[<ri. MtA.. Feb is iwc
DeurMr, Hatr.--I nrr.rwrt.ino
ta Herald Kfoir to IbiII l.-»
am eipbi «rw* old. I pi. lo tebool
etety day. My iraehrt'H i»m* to Mu*
FetrtKB. 1 am'10 th* AiA pmo*
uwbul 1 am folop in iX TourA,
fipdr beilynr. ,<>ot •rh.a-l will X'
At IX la,t ul Marrti.
1 likr ,..ry
iet>«d tin-liiili-Iriirr* iXl ar*
ta IX •I
tl.tBld.■ Yvtr film.d.

*:Ada Villtomaon

Flora. Noitb Dakota. Feb. b,h*fi
Dear Mr* ItoVw-Ai 1 xrx Xr*
writlM A ibe Herald 1 thApbi-l
woald toy o,,A.
1 oBu H,ml to


Netar io aayAtap to btpbtm
you. but Xltitap -will X batter,
bUd befan It p— to bed. Wbatartr wtll to you BUA More poX. I belle
y Xre taeorrX. X
wui eare yow"
SOI (elect A* e—lap tar
He wui oa u ezptala Aat bto i
Towaid IX Xclantapcot aprtap tx
txitaa bX bm eaUX to •>> »b
To leare It ta Hi taoMy crib
fABWw tn*1»u ef Obla.
ta a BXIMI brnraal X tx I
Sad* baraap- Ae drex titaau aX daiio— X
lA. ItarM Heeklax to w-*U koowa
• mt kxttlap. ax X hX pnloap alpbt 1* a craelty whIA aay
< IX ireatB— XA extaltael Mealy U hto own f ;iaU, XlthroupX
p of boA to nub
lu potooeou (rail XA It to tX
a to a doua woaeu.
- WX etoewd to Ae
expeaw aow
a Atatap aaadlea.- X
rf ur*. How bbA ataory hx
t by a rary larpe
r noatx. wxe tX
aaoeX to Xlleate aerrox
or woola xpip* Ae ayu p
Xaue but Ud aXbdut aupidy erf
a( bto party ta hto Bactioa <rf tx Rtale.
uHy. ud SU tx BIX XA A
ftalyeaeIHe alnioil a Xrdea
lioB of lb* labcnat dreX ot
ax aaaa AeoAla. Ai tX *i

Ato rtolap atatoeaweneox cuuollindr BO oa* Mb *u:
. Oatantt wlA Ha taatalctw apftuB any X roarertX luio Jbb
bHcblcat ax MeerfpUu
A aad taaaetox praap, wx hto
lo kaH. XI would bMla
u cully u Aoopk IX trull
•XuM Xre a plae* ta Ae
WBeiBiq—idfoa. For thirty yean
fruAly patXrX
iX* »npa
ihr youap. aX If dreBB* X rtalt Aefr
pUlowa, they Mil X taaet. Ii
lllliaal Aimy. JU 1x1 Farau
X alA ro— bwp caBpbor itotX—CB*. Bawrliax
iX tarataable. If tX air I* _
d IX atlrriap aeX
rBaraaaarfaaxrafXatoi arfito*
pore aX ox wlAu tor a daodartoer. fi—AA/toif«iaaHrtiiiaftrfAarx
apt—X KptaeX ta a X plau aX
Minis_afPX^^ i
rod— poXr tip tatroduX te A.
iX fuBU X tx borXas oaap—wffl
plre IX re— e ftoAaili that to rary
- lefttl Id a (erartob. botral —taaC



Blopham. MiA.. Fel.
Dax M» Bair* 1 non Wll

-Kalir ciirrtalBX A* aerrox par
AC -«X u OBfA. Bxur. abould I
TX atXlu] —a topUX; -Baxu
aoAtap li Bdre AoAtap to A

A«tl to apox hre— aX
-------b tx ear*. abeaU aerrr X ptaoX

For Over
Thirty Years

Apofcrt Refnedy forCor

■uQ -h
A* my lrit. t i» *• m-.a'.i.Hu! 1-todnlia Cbritiueaor.
will clou fxll.ia iimr
| IwoiXr ii* rmra oli

IMAtat ta Ae^ewut Cara far TirX



bud dA. four llille puiqurc, oi. .ucpoA. a Xir rlX
bip eac Hrrr A.m u<- l»u ot min
•umm. AIM bad
pamr. nA X pm.-, deek.. jack i*b
td nuta
Wall. I
bit*, prairie enlckeut uil loi* nl
ir* irulr;
wolrra Wr Xrr te kr. p .-ur rh:.'*ro
(>»op dtor • al niphl u ibr wulr**
likr 10 nail Ar cbirkAa nt i-ikM
M.|d- I Hr. MIA . Frb. t. IbUtt..
tt. Iwrr hntdir any anow im- r-i ]
H-wMt* Haiw-A* 1 WAld Ilk* M
WAld llkr l.i b- a
'.A SuilMb. riubl tlwapXI
ruld and I llkr to m*d w.mid axil.- I
«• — la
Ullrla I llkr iltriii .i rr ' tin-ibtrd trwdrr
all .1.** Iitl
Ir leirns

■*nai.iFALT..N.i«.B<mn.«Atn... n- i

^ ,u„

h a MX aX


A, I ure ue.


•I* halt A bueUfol X
phi*!—Aama R. Welta

I. A* ftwli to
A aXr. Su BX adr ■
Sf»( rabtax Arowpb a tia ftwlt-eumlea It foraw a Jolty.
M aaa eX,tx.xrftaMi
*r. hx a* II wXid XT* b*A >x n
J X Ato AU —ku
AX I! OtopHy—. I*
Xeu WX to KAJruab atal*. A* ra- Knap taAu ta a palhB X
BU —nXaaalto*
' XXtX pn
waabtep door XXoA aX
ta V a—aaw: all
ftuh frwU.
— (adatXeol.
vBk to— ex




Bears the


J—to am blBX play, w-a.
“r l.xbet e
Mt cf tbalr way.
jBABW It MimU.. Belle XAie.
Bto leM ud bi* word* ware ^|>lke her rtrr noH>
1 enioAaaertalpbl.
Mr .iadi***re readior,
{ariAauli.-. p..u:r»i.t,., irfiT.iulnpr.
Fr—Ato we* llUl* tad Irl ui lexu .hUtory, ptuniuar. uriiini.- .<il .jw-u
To nraaH -r ox lot alwayi beat.
Hup lX.r «>■* m.i.w *ml <« .V|,ro<b
To hulA eeeoiTU, ud to Xppltieai itr*
My ei.irr'i n*me u Kooi My
I Krother.' n»m.u *r- Freddie Ud UoAX to lorUf ud aerrtap Bud rr*L llAd. I woul-l lik.-m join ix doL-Her. Heary Uarl-ipton
Uhioe CloK H’..- ..-ad nir a card

ud 1 po to «cb»
e rr .toy. I an ta
Ibe Aird prmilr.
Tbare an daSall* ptalx tor eaA XaaptUaft—waUinpxtXanow.Itoday. 1 rud the Inici. ud •lo'-iHi
little X*l aX dlA. TXrtoabowl
Aad prtatlBp II XA atara
1 po to S.udar ul
tx toft. A* aeu bowl ta IX Bld-Harpx'c Teaap Paopl*. i er.-ry Sunday <H> to Omni We I
. Oaa-B.appettla to aweaw
l*ik Wee*, unmof »ckoot tri.
-dlnp to IX BBBber <rf bowl* trf rtoe
had a Ariwlw- iwrly qd ny *i,|er. We
> Ato. A -BBld to X bud wll^
IliXapiMMl tun.-.
tarp* box <rf rtoe u npleetoh U
Your Irlea.l.
Xwl*. if a few piwtaa ar* tan ta U
U DOAiap ptv**’l*Kuth llarlleic
aU —cotottA X IWI* ud Ae urw
bod— (rf (X bowl aX to aware lb
fora la iWB. ud if
tbeu eaUap Xa bX auHel—: W
Nortbpoit. Mlel... Fchl ..
abould ae* —pty hto Xwl A# would tXr* are any X you wlm did xl
lieu Mr*. Bab-.-li bu bera aoBore Sll li.—Table Talk.
«‘»«.lhoophtIoouldwT.I*lX*r. 1,0 K.
OaX T* Oa. '
Wbea I WX quue a yooep pM ay
BoAer taapbl aa to Barer x t* bX
Petertou. 1 like betrery luoA. Ooi
ud taor* A* Urtap ra— ta dtoordar.
(tadarttui Mien P.t i. >ui*i
•chool will X ooi tJ.e Un X March
1 r——bu rety wX Aa

Harlap bX Uonbla Xtta m, hat
eaka Xratap aboet tX odpu. borfere
It wu dcaa. I MX Xktap It ta a
dXbl* pae. that la. oottlap tX baktap
tta tato aaotbu Ua tX a—a
Tb* ruolt wu a patfaeUy befcX

The Kind You Hava
Always Bought


Tx.aX nallali. bU .loep ta ll.e]
’ ' U-xk*
urrire* te* Ixuee to

a IKU* before dxk At
Hew ptad X teaBi to pet to eat
. A aeuUl table about o
ApleetXeAeorbrradAuaro ud olptat taAu bipb to aal
Xlore aoch xnoa. Oa Ato to a lac­ B*w*u* ae aXu uioa tali fi-ot.
Hx hX uium bl. Xad.
quer tray. wtA apace (or toor or
dlAx aaob (oor or Sr* lacbe*

way* to fold ep aay work iX hX
b— dotap. xt II ta A* baUc
mt Kkaway. pIM up ud xi to
all boote ax popara Aai Xr* b—
xad. aX toady. br«A op aay IRtar
(XI Bipht X oa tx Seer. aX At AeeXlr* back ft— A* Sn BX aald
bar BoAer (aapht bar Ato babll
tad alwan feeX U a poX
>• not oBly Ptaaaut to SX Ae
ta ordar la A* aecBtap. Xt. aX
OBlr. “w* Barer kaow wXt aay bap^
PA Xpora (aoratap.’ aX the lltarally
her beau ta order- before
weet to real X alpbc


For InikntB tjiA miiW—,

l■o^^to.•lrt.. MIA;. K.b. U, lt«.

He'd taapheXX-J .lop alUX toy;-

aX a mile one at Aai."
■boopbi .lie-wx xxl only to
*pooe(ul.'he WX raXy (or i
apoiahii. ax wbea I cooBeeiel

la to XII a hXdAI erf toballa to balf
Tbolr euuiace xd tbelr irolfai
Id iapu Ih* MptMi el
plat of watar, till tX alraaptb to
To atrlea Xih aynpatby aX tore. out of the bedi. tXa atruto eS ud
X lu aarkat. TX a
Tbalr onePitoBre to Xa;
^WB-tXl to, Ae
il a( Ax mH. Wrix
It paya U> upi'o wide
r (be baart
cIolX out of Ae liquid u bot u poa- call ud Otar Atar waraa tor rale
Xtx liT-'
TX lA a
elble. aX tpreX
Manx. It aeu HX a.ebara. Chaap* ckut brlas*
Oamat OIrto.
tx elotx U BOOB X
41U A*: aoU. prepare* it for cboktap. TX
A klX mead para aa. tX otbar polo to all pona; Au corw tX place preea proorr. JX cA* dewier. aX
ly. a mu* bU of BolU tana, wbleb wlA aofi. dry aorartof t|U perapb^ Bowadaya (X meet au. all po to
atloa to erar. n aa to prwrnt taktop Aalr patrcaa-boiuea.
bX bare XIppX ftoa a roMy

s' S1II



To pie* the rurmt of oor Mraa
A me aad xbl* Itinr
II pay* to eumfort beaey bMru,
better fatalth.—IXnrfi Jourxl.
OppeewaX wllb doll deapalr.
aeaai to X Juat Iba thlop aeXerf.
AX tear* li aurrow-darkniX lira*
Tx Qemeatic Unto JaptI aa certain txi If tmoe trtod you
Uae pleam of lirlptata*** IX
prire It w anrb u I X
Sveu lb* blpXoi ctax Japi
ornrn. aX X Mier Xw rich Ibeir
III ptre a XIplx bead
ipef, carseat routh:
e with all ibeir -waywardk aad aiieX «> ibeIr
y alapla rallaf for aauiwlpla

JViMBMlIk CdUH'ttaNt.


Hon Ooeldn. Mwh.. FeS 11. 1*03
I ItoarMfr. balM-Ae 1 Xre mt
“ »“lwrtu*o to IK- ilerutd I Aoepet


•mem, mi

A OeX Ha—MId Ramady.

CWUrato iba habH al btoai
tbMfebl tor aauU brm; tUak
be* atopr tblaai m kara le X
tbaakbl tor. xd tUak be* auar
tblBM rea *eto« xt Uka te Xre

' ( MX. t «UI aaea- look at It Mala.
Wm* K tx taa book U tx mrld. I
OMfc I «wuM ban tt. All X p—■

»• dlX wbea Oani* «x tour
. ole
A. mv letter it pattlM
I . uflll htiea n
a ctoat
K»er soor (rlaed.
rtadte HellaOraip.

I Sunshine.

Ae^ XabtataX aaytea Aejl^
i!.Arr-.“^ 1.“^*
•arf jay.
DeyxT»ieto are ooir in mere Mr* of
•tedu at.- nmdtop.
abooh bar
er XX at Bueh a poal^r* da*
tarulloe. Bui (bar* *aa.a acoee. tX
Tbeoffa the palB «
lie own. j-i Iijud eprilinp
I l-.v. i«o liUenaX
Xy cried, toft IX Uhl* tor a wbX.
lone brolbet, i-n-| i«u IwatXn
aX Saally bX bto dtaeae wttbout eodMAatxi A 111* (ucu WX 'them
are •'r«il
I w 1-1 Ilk.-to you
SA BX MMB -Tb— por*M*
;<W Sunthu.--I'tob HlixctoXiaen
anecaed beat wX, aoaewbat
I«M<1 ua-l b*i:.>i
1 . o..» uir Utiet u
-Bra'r Rabbit" "lie low aX au]
~ - ^.1 .»■- .I-.
1..., . ....b, .. 1 „« 1 wu,
If JM apAe to hX x yx went br
1 Ureto clo-e
Uf till, nn.•
xd. lea'l(X bean-1
Ftnldie Aelderhooee dtoapreed wlA htat. “No.- X a
VXD (bay eaairtat (X bripbi plnace I

Ltoteelo* to aa
XaUrabla sarpto
or acre tkital iw u X aelSX up

la faroff Alaaka. It
a eiTMal. aXnt
laeb loop. Xth acM* two dotee
(aew of repular tXpa. Ii to
■ A— topMar I
of duarlt xd Iroe
trf eoiBaoB day Xttle; arery tXa you Xre u acute
ABectloo of Ae faelaJ Barra*, or
which i* calix a panet-tx i
tlpta. aXply biwiX Ae A—a toto'
yoar eoae f— A* bottle, ud yon
Ita xlor appear* to X a deep rX- will X Inaa^^ely rattorad.
rruirWlah X ImOm ud
iah btock. Xt u yoo ttn
rto^. A* aaa* a* (or
ttotlaaaly. yx
Ae table, ud
tX Aaple
— Wly
- -to tx
a Uaa Xxatk tba* doll a
er MBibar to tbto hr Bebart tedatta.
Id tx parval-* lotarlor: uXar whto the (ace oM heX ta X«
m haaMttBlIr f« to verb that it IbU aaple ae I aa xw tooktop at H. to the wrltl
wTlat wbM
wb4 Ae pula
pato fa
ta ta A*
mm. xato v> MraicM le ararr par
dumplX plax tt praxe U^i ara nr abouldar.

le eedSah to era—, which X
rafuMd. Hto aoAar aald X BU a
Uka wblia ;*aane er prary.
ud X sbouU Irani Aea
ax Aere or po wttbost bU dlaeer.


(. B. C. BATBB. Bditsr.

Wm BWttor. xbtor. >aw
AM MM aWlera «

laam trf tX yaar ft— ai
Ikat abow tipat trf daeaj.
Kan. tx —tba pr—at* karlf.
line ft— All U aprtap tX
ply a( apple beuer aay X raptoi
rartoiy. aX aapaetaily Acoa Atou
Apple proaorraa. alao awaat a
Aay dtollXi Let aw plre aaaa
pMX. nay X aad* any Uaa bator* XwtodoiiaXbow— A mtl* Xy

ZfyuXMdertrapa—ptaadaattoHtoryiioaXft—tx —of F—a*.
'TlieXOBB to Ita.HartBaa, pmap a
•ed Xwtn

Crdar. Mldr,
Pa aad me mb* to
North Dakci* ta IX •leinp of IWt.
Va live A b fa>B Ato jrar. Ji wx
PTtal tab iw 01 x we Dr»*r ll»*d a
cae beforr. ll rerux to .|a*er BM to
»y irrrr al bm Xi eew wc im
DM notice It any.
We Xv* luar
bonri, Ae xll. fire pip*, one ww.
iBtker* Alekcn* ud dacii
po M MlrooL I — ta (X AIA read­
er. ] like to.po to icbool. We
t>, atllM to'po.
Fa take* cia-frcy
Ve I arc a pood teaoXr.
Ul* taar 1* Hr. lioyd.
I Xrr iwa
B—Xn: occ.aped Taad OB* 4. lam
» yran old.
.1 rrBBiayxrXr.
Bxl Owu.




ffM.rt.BrB BMOd XlB.d.ttor.B.
{.Bird an.1 nceert .tas.grn.

. I-ifrtM.Ui* e-urkma an-l Cut Si«^ to ontar.
321 B», St.

Tri.rr., c.t>. MiL-l-.



.M: icgutai i.cci 1ft U.vt
to order, promptly.



wapon* Bwta

Only iX-reiy belt autoW

Baft!. *n-Wo!1jrpi»ra.nteed in'every respect.

That are maita to U.C X wcD X »el!. -They ar<
ntamadeofeXapmaMrial. aad p— a Sadty
SniA to catch tX eye; Tml am durable., eombrl-

able, aed OeaL
Flara North Uakota. Feb
Dm Mm. Baiat-A* mr i
Tinep to ll.r Bccald 1 t
weald iry.
Into —oA
iX AiA nwdrr. F-w peto


liealof in high-grata GR-AXITfi ae.) M.kRBLK

Tbe dtoapeu on the market, qaalky oOBBtared

Once —d am) )tta win Xy no other make.

i}» Stoic stnA a Uictor Pefcrtyl.

To Core a CoM in One Day



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