Grand Traverse Herald, February 12, 1903

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Grand Traverse Herald, February 12, 1903


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text






TSa OM OM Rhym*.

PtateOlAM.Stamm Bollaraitd Accident Inmurmnca.


Tn?ase giy Stoic Batlt

Wevenovmdr far Oe un
tnaeoTlWa <ntl> ibe fiacB
hat or NoreUie* mod Fmncr
Wotdcom «v«ribom in Nortbcm Miehigin. : : : ; ;

Money to Loan on ImproTcd Real Blatc Only.

Olv* ua m Oall
and look tbeiii over. Wefaaianie« erctytiiBg ~ mod our
•ark mod 6i euuuK U cmeeDed.

Johnoon Slook, Phoom 78




8 rcr C«at allMKA M Ttae


Bow lo Inoesl Sour money to
Brinfl Prompt Returns
rcont of 5U is
U 1.
10. That is the returns when
^oii buy a pound
md of our Pure Cream, of Tartar
_.ikinK Powder arb.'Kjmr
j)ound. as at'nms*
other Tartar
. • Uakinyr Powder. ,Can .you
invest your money where: profit is as ureati and
suits as'satislac-iory
as ■satisfacioryi' 'I'plephone fora |)Ounil
package the. ncRt time you buy, at

'Johnson’s Drufl Store.
exar Bet Keeper Supplies




WSb ** wtn rSUdnm. Umt wu.
Aad pNr«l U*-tSvt *. *U k>

ABd vkHilr -aU tkl. 4U»t

Trmvmra* City. S«lch.




Tu .canT •atlUr ta dad ti>
Wa d ■
ud M klB dMia.jn. tS. .dd aad ampl. ra.a..
-UiaSr}. iwaWT. U«U- .. kM*.
Uo. m.a,

WllA Bvnnc h|a aail a anne Saiul
Aim r.«». .ai, dus-l. 1^ a»j
Tk*> .id.*).. T*..*. Ua- «ia- Od
l.iUSu- l»»».

H. 8. OfULU.



OU iMaiSaill Maud ts... inia uad tra.
-'Uuaka;.Bi..ik.},Udll.u' 1a>V.

A-seSititJasr •

Ctre m dlaooomi cd S per eOat. So can
aailr ml nr Isra. tbrra mUlea nortbaau ol TnfbtM Clir..
J. P. BSR^.

uw ojM-n for business and would
have you call and insiK.-i:t our new oftice.

Btory of a amwiflea.




. We ihould bejilemneJ lo’teceive your buninen, U>ee or moulli it |
would.receive our ivooipt, CDnrteooi, ikilleirmuenlion.
SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXklS iti our ueel-lineil vaull far real ]






Fresh. Salt and Smoked Meats. Sausages. Etc.



omcB anoau: a, im. aad n



Hides and Fur Wanted
1 am now in the market for all kinds of Hides ana Fur. ready
to pay the highest market price. All (foods shipped to me
will receive my best auention. Will hold goods until 1 bear
from you and if prices are not satisfactory will pay chaiges
both ways.
Traverse City, Mich.
Bell Pbeme ISO.

We are in the market for all kiods of


CitiseM Fbone 481

...Anderson Undertaking Cn».
Asurrmo rv

aad wilt pay the hiRhe« market prices

We are also prepared to do all kinds. of

I oad PlaMsglWIBlMb

flMar IM Hem DmUk.


OI%y. MIoK.

Cnptrsi Qrp Itlfg. Co.
atf, Wk^

W. L. Smm, Wt^

hr Job Wert of all Kinds Can at TIic Bcralil OlAcc

'Where do you intend to buy your Garden
T>on‘t tend outside until you see what we have in
that line. We have the agency ,for Northrup. King
& Co. of Minneapolis, Minn., one of the best seed
tirms of America. Most Of our seeds are in our
store now; they are northern'grown-—well adapted
for this climate. We have oh th'is bill Beans. Bms,
, Mangles. Cabbage. Carrots. Sweet fnd Field Coro.
Cucumbers. Lettuce. Onk>ns,.4‘eas, Radishes, Turhips. Squashes. < Hubbard. I Bagas, Flowering Peas
and Nasturtiums. Wr draw your attention to To­
mato Seed. Buy what yoti want earty—good varie­
ties are always short, We haw good stock on
hand now.

fWW *.

•MmptmmM a»F*^
Copd« asd CM Sterne to order.

*Tbi” Hand raae saa almoal pore^y
clrenmaiantlal one. and b.isa
hnLd* rillna In which the fnW
fal~- eniiiea
had b.em iiiad.- In the l»Aa The
handwrlilne etpm* all amved ihai
Ibe emrie, had l«« made by Rand.
Inilee.1 Ihe prlaoiier admitted aa Boeh
He plead "uui eullir." and when he
admilied Ihe bh-iiiiiy at Ihe handwrlllBF there wan Mule in do for him
Ilia eonna.-! waa eompletele haBnl by
■hi- adinliud.Bi. and Hand n-fiiuul lo
•■tplain li In any way. Try a* he
-would ihe lawyer ernild ellrli tu.lhliia'


ti oHild never I*, r.mnd 'how Rand
Ubd dJ»i»»«lot Ihe anm he emb.-ir.led.
In (aei, not a penny of the mU>lnc
nmoe, waa ever f.emd, and the l«nk
charred li in prudi ahd hwa
.liver, Ihe prerldemt

VIC* PrMidsntm j

C. L. OReiUCK .

•lock at M Raapar B«ppl(M. amau
faMured by Iba A. I. Root Co. Hedimm.
Will aall Ika ana at'lbair'
prlM. oolr add tniiB t lo t per cwil

msd imiir Bcmm ibrf
■ ia>.' As L.- rud* iknly buoip b* IbriI* llirli- iramUy o«.f Asd a\«- In
Dind. and Ibe nure he ihunctu
li Ibe tDore be (ell Ihml be bsd
m BUiAke by aimylms mad lUientnR. Al Indt b.' eriilTifU s rIao r*l»Imied la emav bl. UVB pemrieoc* And
|U>e tb* yuuns ams ■am* nMarmce. So
Ibe Judee deni litm thia Mter:
Hr BdaU Urmni:—i bad ibe mL.fonnie lo ut.Tliemr part at yuur cunilob alih Mia* Band lo-day. a1b Is qtilie ms meridentml mmnser.
I sBralee. y.... are ili.- wn ol
W Ibe auprem.', y.Hi »«• made
fd the rlKbi tor ot nufl lo re*mr.l
Ulu RASd'a viev* m. only a leiii|uri.liAiBrle u> your bapplueaii. '
ed Rasd. asd If v.hi eanon me I uhoulil lie clad
til* to ma^HIu Rand look al i
M- dlOentiily. Al aay rate. I/agr
b bit bnnor. yu-ir father, add i
o "Wirt sou." Y.uir*.


Mm] lAymiiii! Tire Tnsurance!

Tbe jadfe (ell Into ibe war ol
•aletalns Iben.
balumlly i-mMiEt.
An*r Ibe cuBri Adjourtinl )n Ibe early
aTiernuan he alvay. touk m ride os
beaulUul aireifb «( baukTard ree«iily .opened aloiii; ihe airlns «f
' Aea
They bulb emme ul mood (aSlIlea.
or ai lean .arelMu^o (amille*. and
lludr manaiv led bln' lo iblQk lben>
«aa bmellns b.-hlnd Ibem Hu«. ihidi.
did be ennie lu know Ibal Ibey .lured
earb, Mbnr? ruu a*k. iioa saa U puaullde sol lo kni>« ti. He eras not alwa>a Iwni Sfiy. and be had a «uud
So «hifB tbe Ju'jEe noiloed Ibe way
-h.- bxjked at ' lier- and ihe way
faukiU at -bim." and tbe teadeenea* of ibe yuona man'a omrieay.
■be Judse knee sell .nouEh bua .mai

____ __
. I, Shorily nfier ...
lleuia-r^i-ri Ihe hank nnd aetit lo an*
fliy. Bb.Te he encared Ip 'a
ale l>
lianklnK and bmkerace fiuah
Ihta JudRe
Slormw wtr
r aliUns.
nlaht ai the club Ike eohver
-drin-ul roun
nund 111 money and
iklna The Judae
Judae mndeihe remark
d he «l*h.-d
J* 1proeure a k-ii.-r ol
Lhed 4*
. . -........... hit nlee.
who waa milDc
abroad^ and aome nn auKKi-sled Itunper't hivuau
at'the b<-il pJare lo tel li.
■ My Ihe way.’; .yald lilt advlaer, -you
aenif-nn-d Ihe ^bier »f Ihe bank o(
Hni]>-r ute.1 lo lie lovtldeol.
you? ' The Judg.-raid he did ;
II." e.inilnue.1 the man. "ihaiV
the war Mime men iraai ibute
luvIh-en kind lo them. My »lfe .

Then Ibe nni day be laid (be
Eketrig Shocka.
fe«h>D before ibe a
Acetdraial ebwtnr (horlm
lawyer wbo look Ibe
>e preUmlnaJT tiep* prodon- dealb nntra* i
lu rekwe Rand.
Wl BSaMed loiv hmg. In
Thai eteoiBg Ned Grant railed. _ Ibe fir»t *ivn> It to teinuv.- tbe t
inc he had tailed lu find ibe Judge ai (ram tbe eirrnll. A dry ml.-L of M
kme on preihvui evevUnga. lie knew
r be lUH-d to roU Ibc U-ty «way
esougb of Ihe law to aKUrCiaTe erne
0 hrviHi anide a wire. Tbe Ueiln
f be telted by tbe .rani lalte or
-Sow." «aid Ihe Judge. -ihN I
1 any dry piece of chaib. ARer IbM
aa be siralghiraed oBl
Yon bring
body aboold be placed ow IIJ tmek.
Jlee 'here Iwo week* from innlgbl. A rant ubeoH be raUM up asd pt^
nd 111 change her view*."
under hit, abmilder. AntlleiaJ fenfdp .
At la*i Ibe Bighi rame Tbe .Jadge aikvQ tbnuld (eii.vw. miinc' Ibe anmi
above Ibe bra.1 at leemt le ilmeu •
nua. and
. bad lold ber ahoul ih<- Judfe.
A( Ihe anne lime, wlib abandker..
UuMied prelllly sben H^wi
rblef. Ibe longue tbivuld I*- rraisrA
when Ibe mmt are aUn-r Uic bnnfi.
Afi.-r be bad explaiBe.i and allowed to rv-eede when Ibn rhegt
Irogib Ihai bit ««vr>
>aa It eumprvniwd. Tbl* idvaold alM W
qulie acrld.-nial
i-nial _
be began
b _
lo argue duoeint Irasi 1C llmee a mlaiite C»
ber oa the
he nailer
nailer. • She
e highI grvmnd
ground a* Iledewe Ihe fAie.-M thould U- w-nilnued hw
-------_ doing Ned a wrong And an boiir, «-tvJd uater dt-Rved In tb*
abe bad a vrrv gmid rate, luo
At (nre. kv rvSI-*l oo ibe *,-ine. ami aJh.- *ald'
■e appncaikiBt al heni and ookd
ia ib--f<' It no «-B> of inralng you!
> region of. Ihe l■■•an. wlU.aame Yell would marry It yvior faiber sere
•lan-rv-tpiraiion —lk>viua lYan .
n-u In Jirtnin few embe?ileoieaiT"
rill.' nivriile.1 and tbe Judge ettmUy
handi-d h.-r a hyiic lypewriuen doru
meni. ll eai lb.- mliaeuive.1 f-.vnfe*t
Rand bad Wo living uuleily
I. Ibe Judge fur ibe Inii leu day*
IV f.uir ll
kneu’ Ibe whole aiory.
.1 a lea'y
• tioivd nrar. earefolly wair^g
d at Ibe door opeoed D
■as John Rand walling for bit
daiighler lu li*A up and *.-<- him
-me knlv.-* and oiber atone and
She rend It ihraiigh slihuul kuktng
impk-mv-Bit iH-kvodiiK lu ibe
Then a> tbe lay bark In her
chair the raughi bit eye and ran lo
ihni naoiieluid In-fun- Ih.- dnn
him ulifa a rry of Paiher! Ealher!'
II.-ry. hav.-, (rv-dueaily betm
H.voim- It tilli nerving hit ilme — ruand. bat never bat a boiiar la •wbltS
rhleago Reeonl.
th-y llyed b.-en found reenanrad
ihraugh the wreeku Ilf time and rfa.
Prunee ler Franue.
mratal raiaelyti
rallforala It nan
thlpplag to the aurfara <■( il
rain and
The hovite nat b im nfito
France ihe prune, uhleh tbe flnil oli- draita.
ialne.1 frutu
Such a ■be plan Ilf Ihe houi.-i at i
1 regarded by Call live Inbabllanii of Am.-iica.
bon leui ... It at Hilly anolber
r ibo much brulied Ameri- mal DOW enlnei. were ottvl for a■Ion
Callfurnla produced framew.vrk. and i.rer (ho.- tklas liard’
i:;ii.iiiti.iKve poundt of prunet In 1»«| U-en Kin-icb.-d. The afant ha.1 tmisd
ag.-t ago, hut ibe framewniB .
tnd Ihe inial ylHd of her tree# for
ihF.year juti paaaed egereded Ibit
greai cni|v by ueveral tbounand loot.
H pul Into liMon frelghi rart. ibe
Hew Orant Bwnme a Bmohor.
llfiirnla prone
e crop of
Oen. Jame* Orani Wilton addrswart
rhlng from N.
Ito hitloriral loelely <vf PrewylTBa(o Ruffa:
ereolly on Ibe eul-Jert of -Fcrma- .
The g wih of Ibe prase Indoairy
Hemlnitrvwn-i. >i: IJnrviln and .j
iden tiBie hat been (mm a nranl.'
Among maiiy Inltreoltwi ‘
e. wbleh a Frenchman by
lold ivy the g.-n.-ral war one ,
of Peller planied In IHTO.
: f.wlh how Oram berame n'
Al lhal lime (be prase crop of Franre
led Ihe whrld It wan tnue found that
n*’» grvoi rtrtor
Ibe prune, whirb It a tpevira of purpir
.. down Ito line u
plum, ibnvve on ibe ParlBc coaai. aad
unlU cigar In his
Ik- h6i, dry summer weaiber of ibe
rung Ihe nffalr^lhe
iiry hraughi oui Ms full
qaallllra T
eMent of Ibe ball burm cigar. U wna
I planted la ...__________
' <g afler Ibat rvery evyvrcM fissn
south of Han Franclteii. whirl
nrtb brought the g.mrrnr fmrBI Ihe prune prvHaeiag e.-nier at ibe
of elgart. unill there wort
te.'was UId OUI by a Mr. Ilradley. iweaiy Hvoutnnd rlgari rereived «
ra» only in arret In etieni .and be camp.
Up I.V Ibal Use Oram had
lo yield In 1K7D. In (our year* been In Ibe habit of tiboktag but Iwa.:
Ibe trees prndured lU.Oou worib of •vr ihtwr elgan a day. Ru with «hb
unllmlitd supply, and l.wHng that aa
rile stoHet mill of the fnnunet to they were sttis he ravuld tvoi gira
r made In prunes brought In eati- ■bea awaj. he alarted lo tnohe tbera
ern rapliallsit by Ibe huadre-dt and wholasAle. and Ihut aea,.ilnid a IrSe
Iboutanda Orebards-%ere planied at mendout app..|lle for iol«rra.



not Id very ,
ll.ivifr liad plent) uf m»nes
"Al Ihai iliue Hiiiier wat vi’ilelly
buying iipB givai d.-al of land ihraugb
which he kiu'w a rallrai.l wag pnijerl'
ed. He l.-i Band In on ibe ground
lli>vr. leni him money asiI ihea. whew
ih.-y nwllr.-il. r»ll.-ei.-.l Raiid't
and in ibit way il
I lliuid't th
n In hit plrei
budd.-d ”'itotdlIngt*^0(ienHn
She was a bwllful. woman, nai
•■veeulaiort would inireba*e large
■1 lilt muney
■y In (oullth
ver iwimly. nad mare use an Impres*
The u*e .■(.hard coal taw bwnoie no
irarit of laad, rua eicursion iralai
Th'-n ll.nin-r gi.i him .
>B u( Irlsneas and aiaineaa. A bob
rammoe ibai It is bard to maprw- «
her. from a neighUwtug eliy
•n of eathb-r In^Ihe bank where
n would aay abo wore a hecomlna
bend bow fh» eoamunliy could bk
Hon ulr pureli to the arrami
uil IhAI fined her. Sbe waa peUl.
atllslled wllh a.>ll nvaJ
Ye> Ibe
have ... - -.
lib one of thuac tr«h. sparkllna
nes more i
- was made
money. The ■Ilrraurt asked
a»e* ao aiddoiu amui amonc o^e^
Amertra Is to small Ihai unless anme
It by sbeer
lallm than h
Hooper fur bit P-tlgqnvion.
gallon, iii
uf course,
worked meelMy mlrli.
oiber fuel be iHsrnTerv-.l, Ifae use af
mal praOit
o com.coma- here and
: He waa m- manly chap id iweniy- and he wat obllib-l lo
- ii.d on. ......................IW an- MluBlnnus coal must pcev-nll sHtodn
iwo. atbletk, bruased asd thoroiuUily • lai* > aolit for
tl.mio and tl.u» aevemy-lTe years ai tto mml. Tto
, ililt wat a pan of ihe siorr
-fir aa ny nepbew Mya. Myn.
acre. He UK
wat an unlucky sBthnrlle fields of PeDnsylvanla wll) .
playa on the -varsffT'" f«o< klall
Hul i.-am Ihai Ihe Judgo had never^h.«rd be
make too p«
■ whn-could
and la aulburliy In uur UWIIy
ly on tueh
s, and there is no ulber dep.^ «r eni In a year,
son In Ibe I.’nilcd Stolra of aar
e bat found lit
■hey iKMIeed ' e Judge. Afler
Barope has very UIH*
evldcnra " He ha.l a Idea ibai Rand
______ he got lain u
aaibrtcUe. Mo*i uf the Welsh'rrmi
tn. and runout
do> (hem. aliboofli
'--imlBons. ibough Ito mal of the-eier and plraunler In Ihe lastr
ly eooagh be bad a.-qnln-l an nnti
m pan of tbe SmMb Wales ficU
s Ihe frail nitrd iheie The Cnllpalby fur Hi>vper.
Ose dreamy Indian ■
Ha prune, (or eaaaple, ^It dried _____ -d ernl. Cblna has mat fiei^
Tliai nigbi he aoke ihinking of tbe
«oa Ihe ludge wi-si n
however, com pan-1 with which odf
cate, (fradually he found hlmaelf
irm OB the able at I
■olnielr ralnlns svMifara Peonaylvanla field It hui a dm on Ito
abeMwed aook be km-w and lay down
eh prernllt In Okjitornin (ram July map. 1^ China field* ondbrlle forty
lu net. There had been a pat '
g October I permits Ihe drying iboasnnrsqnare nUlea In HigiaB. Hn- .
■ucht lhat Huvper < A the guilty
enae before him ibat morning
nan and Bast Bbanal.
n aad Rand th.- Inm enl. Ilef&l irayt to remain o_. ._
The French
own a fe
u-t of qula- and Dighl.
kindt of Ruropran onura
He waa aiiddenly aware that Jnai
h kilns for (rar of
itaMe hie abeUar a man and woman
bring oni and birch arrap* around tJi*
« Mg hue
wery ulklng. He knew tmi wfial'to
all II
prodoets of ito bee Bills of Mains. whVh w
do. He anoa diamvered ihal they Irarlng be Bel Hoopiw (are
an inconveolewre nnd a roore ______
^“hla lorer*,“^M be eslle^lbem. The' man went whli/ and s
Anmhtr reason for Ibe Inrnstoa of tfw from fire, are now iwlnx aUUad
uainti Ibe door Jefa na If
by sann marblnra. wfateb make thwi
ee retarding Ibelr' b.-|ra sirw*.
of the Old World Is lu '
w d'ye-do* WhyInin novelilcs. Tbe Banurarlar* c( .
eonld lie dot There
The California orehaidlai
loyw. ton. Is gnlnlng mnMdeinbln lae .
waa BO war
eacepi paai (hem. ciprai lo aee yiiii,' he a>*mi
ed 7 eentt a pouod aerrr
porianre. nnd n mUhod .of palming
Wovid II V Iveiief ui («me ool and -Annbing we enn da for
The Judge Jnuked him aqaare In the
Ibem by dipping may chrapen thsfr
ao let ihem kno
had beard iheir;

proapereve and raid. “No.

-lade Hi Genaanr'w«l
talk, or would li
ing you iwn do.
read frdn Ihe baby’s '
to nmain till Ihey bad i
Among aavemea tdO.^,.
mlng. aad they woold never know
nan lootopUks. »jmii oao bnUBma*
>y one bad nrerheard them? He de- raUar look nndev w eb HooiK-r quail
dWTsnsr Ibe raw
.Jad on the lalier allernailte asd re­
tadllng lo Ito BlnlBUB.
AS mile
riie Judge had nel mme iwn blocks
mained perfeeily gslei.
le rima. laWea. drt*s
- - -ry aa he *oold. H vat Im- before one of ibe Berks' cane ruth prune* nre sbnken i
e trae^rbes
!.v Ibe aneaal total.
. _____ no* to bev their whale non- lag afler him. and said Mr. Hooper ripe (O a blanket
warned bim to rame imek. He fnand
anil then rolled talo a boi Ob (betr
-8ui wbai iMfereaee doe* that Hooper airUIng tbe Soor and numb- arrlral al the mouib
te*«n Ateaandra’t Oalrtas.
•her aaked the yosng man. “Ton ling to btmseir.
Tbe bnraltc tastoa rf Qmtm Alsfi.
marhlBpi which
' “My Ood. do yvn knowT' be .
now perfectly well. Alice, lhat
landed by bee w«b• -I know you are a tcoondrel.'
ere you yoiiraHf—I woold i
and ll Is a fart lhat b«v daMw
JOdge repMed. surprlW ooi ol
are ooo at........................Interama
ber chief Intel
Ob. hot think of lu Ned!. Think
de IB b«r nut* V
Y^dotla look greni jirlde
(rieida would aay! Ntd **^i*dM’li! Judge; I did ll.brvmd woodra iraya. Tb* (fays
and -dalrr. but ber da.
,*I Iraow 11." ralmly replied
Orani married ibe danartiter of ao
Iben ranrled oot on ran and spund
emimrier eerTlac bit lime In NIL'
**-r«»e to Ihe city bpeume I
The Jadge eonlda'l help wondw'
_______ tor rblef pride. BMI tto
itar* **po*»fv to ">•. “• t' ----------bol ainnd meedng yon. and I
Ihe eon of Orwii on
ached In tone* tat
•ewer bad a happy or an smt momrai
________ brweb. whom bp bad nevi
mei. allhongb be knew bit lalbi. -nlMe. I're lived In eanstaat (enr of
I Jose, (he eonniy sent of St
(oru. nnd ato ^apewd^n
Tbe glrrs gemfa volee .Anee-ekeaalnecodhiy. is Ihe chief prune c«i
lumke at the aaU thit. and Ned rrled;
of CaUlornla. and tn Its Boanialn .en-Ob. Alice, I wtab you wonUa'i Itaiak
e 'lhas
dreied valley ibere are S,&C7.1W btnp
* Rto
oflbni! II )n« brrakt me up to Me dlgnaiinn.
lae tiwra. There are bnsldra
g both Ibe dalrii
yon cry, you know."
orchards of npeioM. etofir.
pnifii eneb year.
hli p Tbrn follnwed a altcmre daring Ibe lurk nnd pni ll li
epbonwbleh Alice mnsl been in aotne way Tbe* be wen to tbe
The CrnparOfN Bing.
tho he wat
eotBrened. (or nbe aaM In n standy
fralt irraa. FrdU raNIng Is earvled
-. . send
OB ibsrv on Stob
whlirtto SJw S’-OuNgto
“No. mr dear bey. il bave been
-Now.- be said, -befvwe either of «
nlwnya warn* oo- toe Hliie tngBd;«
vfVT weak to BM yon ao often i
are required la ito bray
hnve ibCM rUes
I sbouJd We• rw
ply as a drying fleM fo
f.ited nnd tried to forcei
In Ito yrar whk I bn* JM
raenee cf wlinesset. as
nnyNed. I raoM rax. I
n-weeks.Rand will be
fio tore you
thing bnt you no.
nn Ito iadi.a
I. Yoci will MM be arrvwte10 pick nnd tondta-eeriAlnKIM
ilL In Bnnu CNim coosty aldnv
own rtmacm*. yt* will raoilnue to eonthe belchi of Ibe
duct your bottaewi. sad n hradqunnIdM morv glrtw
... Brndterna. Fraderir* ito «h^.
I man will hp always with yon. You
sr don't go all ovwr It n
frwK to go I
I mnay inm ct fn
blber bad (be ewoe nw N »_«*■% V that tl wooM be a grra
n of the II
nd lUa baa ever atoen tons wm IV
'■Inn ennl
(be brad «f tto bonae.
lorrbi nt-CriMida
told rand
Tvooae If Smr fc
tfiady to to. ibsrs mote
dangbltw of a
-• -uant la ntoBtfto
,e doer, and a stranger rstoh
was where Ibr Jadge
He toefced tbe door saase ills* tom is bl..
W^naoUnuea naOl a(«v to* UM»w ,
raeerrd hlmsrU.
raip ibeni bymn to New Tosh
d Rand
itoMw by wnur. Aa wNsrau
mill fifleea raovprsmhm with UM. Tbe
4 be I
woold ahm CTMiiy Nratn tto
ton mu. duly signed and
ti wi
_____ _________ and ento CNUtoto
It aet forth HeopsT-a i
IS ^
and aol qulie Hrar So tUs
obtain fuDd* tnrtber than
T?*ttora' (hrvw doody days to BfMf '
- girt be b^ bPard
la apHe at Ito pnn»r Nber of tto
OU World- Tbe man] wooM nMe in
to Hme. showing Band fiel
so ibai Band bad ervry rsnsen to nap- mU Ibe landing uf prawn and ofbar ; MW will
III I(Dihsw.
maa aaid. ~ywu know Jt take*
(rail pradnets In tbli city nto
make a qaaresi and Jl Uks
Ailanitc ports al a tetaflvely
U to bad made Ito
make a arparaiton.’ So white yoo na.v
_____ rate «> toe enaUswoontntosr
tnith. nnd t
iMnk M brai ■« to B(w me ngata I __ Miod .............................................1





j-pr;, “ cr't.-.s:



SSt* to

abaB ns* yoo evary oppoeiomlty
t ^M.arlt AoM mX botbar yen. IMd
ggi^^abowl #. nnd he-i wUh rar.'

Ito*StoT^ p^

sunUng wai made knoi

to (blag to dov wrasKInring bN (ton-

Boy.s who
mMw «UMa M 1«( «r Om I
m *bnti 4;M A-etoik fraa U*

JMeag tea

T.k. cold toillyP Thro.i
tooOet? UopweOP Aoy
r^iyn hive consumption^
o couth mesne ■ iresi

oa doGih UalOB alraal. la boaot
of Mrs Jaas tirar PiwaUea aad dausk
BrUbaa*. Auairalla.
Abogi U saaau frtn kreaaet. aad the
oa «aa a »oat ro)oyaWe oaa.
QrarPmtlea abowlat Baar
.baauUral aad »ar» laiaraaUas aua
IMehad ap dortas her trateU.

Mr. BrU«Mk —awnali ta
tka MWMf irate at 1( aurtad feaek
a» U> Uu yarrli
fMi Date te teada •» kara
mM ma as Mr M Moskar
At tlw
Maaa ba witeinrk lafte oa tba iraU
daaa. aad U ha had a
•satw tba dapM ba a«M haaa had
hauar rteaaa ta aauh tha umla.
Taa telasus abar tha aetedwl haavaaad a HaraU nponar was
aaaaa of tha aaddadt Hr. Braddoek
■wad that ha ahdanoeh ta aaial
mM,aada*i4: "R te a tnadar
Ihara la this maA at aa Wt-*
Itab era* kaaw •MhUg of tha
dau aad aai am la tha laaat haU ra-



The Saturday
Eoeaing Post

Mrs Orar Preotlcs ate bar dsiqib
tsr ars Bakiiid a toor of Ibs worl
Tbsr IMl BrUbaM. Auatralla. f
TovosrUle. ■oteg IbssMw ■<> IJ
Tborsdar tolaads. *brr*Urr rUlteil
pearl Babarlsa. Pmoi hers ibrr
I to iioec Koac ria Haalla. tbteOr
Ibaagbal. Nawsakl. Kobe. YokuKoaololo. aad 0* to Baa PraaMacu

Proai tbs tIoMea Oats tbsr
lo Cbk«ci>. Ib-n <10 to Trarsrse


. Johnsoo bas boacbi of
> Tnasfsr Uo. tbe pro|<ertr

Weak Lung-s

wa> <sn Is. Im-nawn- .t.Mnii
b^b^ to wd bm dar. a. a

Kp lirar. and '.''jr cM

bollrUoBS will Ise Iboroocblr
elsul and o dab market opeDed op to {
Wsmas-s Club.
i«r foute.
• imumrlr. brloB jncaud no!
Tbe aseattoB of tea Womao^Olob
Krpaii street, ood almaB >bs Itnoka'
I. B>*'« ea.r aooess te all ni>os isooer. si
lb ilsii ciir. moket It a rssjr mlOL
proaiam wasa____ stesllsill
« followed
usHi mm- tor ibis bosUMoa
Mrs. B. tt. Bracksa
ao aOaltabls paper u
iwten P
' i■wBcs
aod li_______
bet rabteet to o rs'y c*|hU1s
Uodlsd Iw
loio su intsreui
hort taper Hu
ms slroBalss
esW the iuf.«bm t...
BOIICDS, sad BtrtOB S hislorr
li. a i.-iis-r rrum lisw buaband'a.
ratbsi of tbs mosss wliWb ls.1 to lbs
oo<l Ibelr sfl-r rffert l.r-.iti. r h.-alils silBrt-r if a Ishwn where
r differ
......... ..
I..-- l-ei. roKtoB. It Is
dsiatled see
lies Ohs a
t bUtto


br war of Nlacara Palls. Tbsr
srlll tabs shlpplw lor l^vsrpool.
wlU du Uttem. aad lako a
ihruacb BeoilBBd ate Irslaad. Tbeo
tbsr will rItU Norwar aad Bwsdeo.
aotoK Ibeaes Ihrouab tbs coe'ilnsal.
Iboosh Just wUI citiss tbsr *UI rtall
tbsr bats eol dertsmtasd. Tbsr Bar
or mar aal 'Ml Parts.' Tbsr will go
br Umt (broueb tbs strait of Glbral
tar. ibrMicb tbs flues cam
Ksa ssa to ladla. Ibso oe
twsM boms.- Htas Hauls Is aoxlous
lo rliti Berpt aad cllasb lbs prramids.
ate tbsr mar do so. ibouab iber bars tes aslos to sttormaar. coocledl
ter papst^jfU^ temi^^dsacri^lon^
Boldscldsd Ibat potoi rsi.

tea I

Tbs supper ate aaiarialatotal baM

II te with Hlaa Richard of Bac

nla of ite prssaol wmperor.
The aubjact of Mrs. J O. Mores'
paper was. 'Art. KasblOn and l»l
•t Bells LslSsra
Ste toak up tes falauwy uf Osmusot
brwflr. br
aiaUeB U
llhS MiUyTy of tbs
tliteotteiK «I
... AUtsd ttebi.
ton of tea Buirs
tarsules. |■^uc«-dlu^I
tooeelart ie-rU‘
aad itoriut tbe I7il
' e trill
also UUtoB lb* rffe
teas political wars l<a>l oiwu
teblarsments of art aod fasbion
LeUhsr ate tbe ateiplIrllT r
work wa. —..........
flrulplare aed paietlnB
ate U>a laps' oloaad


>f tba Mb
ttewpiD 1

W. K Martin ,
f*b<- di-,.

was cl«i-B

Tided tee
_______________— .


«Md kv tea doatar It ba «w at eauM ba bateted U
•treat halt PraoadlM tbs
hw at lb* attea tew te
«aa aarrad la Pat Headwa latBteB B ba *
Waat aids hoM. TU araal
lac abirtad or tea pfUev
kasa teWad te paated to
tif. ate tewtete Utote te
r lbs bawlt of tbs aaw

avsteac vlte
(rtoaM poBbad him that ovIbr to
tear N*U aot b* Moasal.
ate Mr. Bala did net took fm Ibaaa
It was sm)7 a “Uaf.*' ate kbap aU
^*ad op aa Itea ate auwd tea


r jiiiHM took tea taMsbd a
h Dr. Abdanw hartoc vwh

Bewteer te bad Ite parior 4aa»L. *aa nMad. ate WUttoM
mtod vUb tea tlRW teal bl*
a baM tba laekr aatobar.
BB* Ba had aaiofall;
Mka. Mmated br doaoph Karaa.
was atoo raMsd. Htaa ttaaete Ttoa MUovlac peaertpt was .
ate was rsrr toaah aatortet.
D*al-Tte Mtoaai NaUls a^

MaadeUa ate ptow


B a «•* apd a »paa^aU ■
■tea wtS tea WTtoal ef aste* t
loMttsia- Hte Matear Kvat M BarM
eito. ate bla MihM to VMktac

• bratbsr



' is a bat you cbould bsuk liiu- if iruiug to


The m«tcr of feed h d
tremendous importAnCe to the

. Wrong feeding is

loaar^ ^lig^ feeding U profit.
Tlie up-toKUtefaiTOcrkiibw'^

mm ros@i!!^


lanto of ibla •pTclel sarrlcr. eaeu-l.r: terooph n
*r UouDlaIn f«ro»ry. m»rb->-t aud ltiu-llip,-iii ««
ar l.-d*.
li«o not (lolT cm bl>U>rv uud i-<vtwr>. Init al«> >b
Itro 'hav
. irrii-aliiin. «1--.
So oftro
d forte uw Oir Hint they

^he Strenfftb
of ill* C.,flre you bur teJi to la
iaIuc in ibecui..

Lion Goffeo

COTirr tu yoe fre»h and of full
BttrUKili, xlwAy-1 ID waled, eir.tight
|ackay.-9. lijlk cu9ec* luee Iteir in Savor,ete
aluO gather dirt.

ovDuaiilun* aod llw rt-*>iou*ibUllR-K t-f trsvrl.
Tbe JudMju-.klluo panin bare bei-k of tte I'bu-atru a Ahtio. Ut.iouri i'acili
llrasda aud Itiu tiratee \V.-.U-m lUiUat
I’a-iSe Conipau.i, tte llrrROU Sburl Liuu aud '
aud Nai ia'aiiuu l'iua|>aiiy.
u*r «■
rvu **01 U' kni'* taio- aUwt ttar jDd*W‘Ate*i



Special Offerings
...In Our...

Clothing Department
You'can^gel as big a pile here for a dollar as anywhere in towii
and then you have the satisfaction of getting I1*W Boods. (We
do not deal in, neither will we offer for sale inferior merchan­
dise at any price.) Winter goods on hand must go within the
next two weeks. Profit getting is out of the question. ' Can
you resist these prices 7 '

men's Overcoats
eiwidMd ln*o ^

V Voufb’s Cong Pant

Bala, who hte praparte to
toawa for a vtoit. waa pratblted


ate pto< pemcate item am aarasol
pMw at teat Rama aev.
vam mwwid wd aa aU mate
■ote ttma aaMvad.

:ht shir

the roost pork, his hens to

AboUNmaaabarsot teaPtotooMf
lamaOlmMate te*lrtriwdsw)«T'
teaataiRbrUstoAmbM tomPrUap,
a Rteas* waa baU to kb* Arobla
Ttem warn tear atolRb loads
Ite adtp.
Tbs aCair was
•d ate eoRtod oat br tes
DartoR tea assatoc aaCa*.

B«t how about the childreo ?
Are; they, f^ siccording to
^e^, a bone food if bonen

are thin and weak and a blood






S.'i.OO knee |tancs suits- ■

wool and first class in «ver)' respect.

$4.(«l knee pants suits

. .Ill •knee (tants suits.
.At this price $X.n
take any coat I $:>.50 knee pants suits
$2.00 knee pants suits
that sold from Sl-a-W* u> $1(>.(»I.

LOT 3-S9.98;

food if there is anemia ?
Scott'% Emulsion is a piixed
food; the Cod Liver Oil in it

voU IBM tteaMaatoThm


Boys’ 3 Piece and
Piece Suits

are ■ soft and tmdevclcped, a
flesh and imiscte food if they

men’s Suits
I IrsAo TPsrmm


makes flesh, blood and muscle.,

tee iwa tote ted Mb boma. asm

tbe Lime and Soda make boiK
and brain.
Qa iyaiT I Mr. Bteddoak taok.oM
wMrtLON. Ow
M bate paM. aa I

1 pcdlor.


poaliir auaatoc baU Ti
tar M sa'etookia teaeaaaeU
at tte
rbay*. i
daafc* ate pal Most bs uatodadto
te* shew, b «a* alae ibaaRbi baol
to bold tea pealirr
ttm* a* Ite Detirmaa-a amoMaktw
•blah to Haioh IP ate
Tte faltovtoc temj

K«ad M Plllll u.
Mtoi R. IteaMi apetoaar M tba
Mtel MHBM batwaa teto satr aad p*

Obalwae D M- BtedpelSef I
ttosmtofr-s. a moOn *r
Tteebatr sppatotod lb* Pallovlw

fte aaMdiai ws a pateUar.ew, ate

nrwmtotei to iMwIaM aem
Bsa ate br-to*»~W. & Hob

,M.s>tobtateaa. fltotte.
. D. a Renas ete r a
«Bt «M aato* w« aaaktoc M tea OM
gMctedM It *M to tea MMd howa
-1 Bte MMMda« Ra Mtteto vbtto tea
■M «W fwatog tea aBctoa *M

vUi be taM


al w*


It is tbe standard

for . delicate

Sm4 br fttc

19 Scott&Bowne
PM. sag M,


men’s $Wrt$

„ >S3aS“-;

'i $5,110 lon^ i>ant suits.

die most milk, his .pigs to get


Ml. teaddrik tote am

k a* tee

CM the lull tworfii of lbs ovsrlaad trip al tbs mlurvd ri


what to feed his cows to get
pU." *aa ab*M*d M

@9i wA^pwroii

Tba avtotoR waa aarj get the most eggs. Science:

w to tewte* Mr bla stealww «w aaSte to tea haaaa i





bT Mb* Lob IHaMaaas.ena •
Mim RatelHolaaA Hlu
Hiss 'Koberu.nciKoto

abnrek teat wMk.«w varr larsMr
aUsBded. HaaHr NO anppar; tlckats

S|iica4 and sat d.-cpvr into the Scab vnlcM tbe bleed to potiisd aad Hm
Csncrt ccras or Biurtrid matter climlaated liOM tbe dfcBtotMa.
innesUieUshteof all decartofl dkto matter. . It hat RICH
ad srhea pan b
cnrrwd to tbe oteCB or sote tbe healiaR pneoa
bsRiap. tbc ditt^aiRe ceasm aad tbc place bcato
over aad newakia fectoa. S. S. S. to a strictlr Vt***
table blood puriSer cantaiaiac w mmarr r~
at enr dtacripBec.
Iff Voehaveae
yon hare ae uteer
ujwr or
c>i rtaroeic note of aej kite, write na abrnttikm
^ s
- -:a<«Caac«Bateo(bcTdiacaai
njvi.-c will Cost^ia
VIFt tPCBIflC CO, WtoMl. M.


eda, fallr siplaleleR saeb one, ita
tlobtoc and sadloB. Of ibi^l'
lie am
■latory DolhinB U kL
aolteatie blsiory is ib
Oeaaai la bts Oomueeui —
Bte told of tee impartoet tort Aoc I
Btl HapoleOB and Kapulsoo Itr'eaTArir',.
look IB Ibs hisUrT. fll>e ala>
verv clear and oouslas blalory or the ]
olvliioti of (te eoaelrr. the war dial ;
(oUewsd and Ita moell. and - the t oo
Of tell daplombls seals of affair* and :
te* rmriMiiatton 1a 1871 ounl bow i
■al tee adjeetamset of ll>e nurib I
Oarmaer parllasaal tte Iibb *» ;
‘ -------____ tea Usrmac fatberland i
astolato psaoa. ite rtobla. bed
llRBlV- wlte Its eeltsd form*
A ptsestot neltoUoa was bituo
Utoa SUa flaalabert
Ttemostosi aembsra. wblob
Bieaiir saJofod. o------------------lbs toiler and
HarRBaolto 1^TaBS for .Knth Holand.
ate a Miabie tiwrUMeADis Waelil an.
Bbsia. br tmplU;trom Ite peUlc

iiicls«T>uptbeimtatioGaBddiacbaree.aBdMUstabai7aboMtocM>M .
“^1 announce tte approach of ibecatinc aad *lM«biacaUce.atol a hltesMM
' eickeoioc csnccruuB sosw bckisa iU
i dastrwelivework.
.----------So olccT or oorscam exsat with______________________
tostaomcprcdispostni'iaterastiBase oat late aa opsa amo. I ktwoa te taba
I . tlutbsapcsisoocd tbe Mood, tmd tbc •.•.•.ateaftowItedtiOso mwiahsau

part of tbe bodv will cecUnne to

inrnilwr> n( tee hmrd B>reB In Uts st
ereuiiiB lo tbe see parlor of tbe i
Vsioe, which *os atlandsdNtte-

eallte «p i<> lbs drsvaa Ibai he was
nka (o loan, tha tajarad saa
rttetytssad «lth lha boas of tbs laMrad laa
sald. aaksd hiB
oearlr T6 paopls to tbs two' bmds
stJehUd ate of tbs-------r*-* bte
dr. to which ba
■er report an esoallsot Urns.
aaarip a fate, or «o*a te lb* aakla.
Joara luntsd
Tbe cussts wore larl^ oui br
Hdi *as teaisafy |dek*d ap aad aroaad (o ibs thiMtIa aad aianad
ate Mrs Iswuabnrr ate tbs wsleoms
pteaad ta lb* ladlsa’ valtlaf m
aupposlaa that lo lb
bat tbsr rscsirsd waa uf ibsererr
aoflBaarVmld cat off tbs
illtea bls aoflBswr
beanlssl. KrsfTiblni *u dree urer
■BCk. as ha tald be was,
p rUllora fur lbs tine beloi br
waa serdad
svs Ibs rnxlaa lahaa out.
The MX! tienoo «b(. saw Bllabald
Pen uf tbs epstolre rooms w<
Map!^. Oarwar saoa arrirad. «alckdoha Kidder. *bo
for tbs ttos of Ibs esnt
Ip MOovad br Dr. AadssM. Tha lar bU* uadsr tbs
lo the jmnr. wbsrs staoklnc ate card
Mnd tete sraa glraa
had tte train atoppad !■plarlac was sojorsd A room t
ledtatalr. boi lbs teaa'a lUe bad '
■uur eras d«sn orsr lo tbe ladles
iittef tor a Me •* teks bite
raabad WK.
for sard plariBC.,
, Iteafc tma. bat b* aool
It Is n;j Ibat BUadsId had
ItebMeg was also oos pf tbe sud iBio It. bad asothsr vail plalBsd 'earllsr la tbs BMratel ol
terable fealuna'Of lbs partr- Tbs
fsallai wall. Inii nolblac waa ib«
Mw.^t «M Mteir M Iteur anar tbs
Tba doctor ealM tboocbt
BUaSold bad pRteabir (slaisd, bat tba
daniws wsf« pul upi
MadteBt Ba «b* placad BMte a
UvlB nra aaote to tblsk that be tried
Isei all jte more s
ate teadlte aa aarafiillr as poMibte. to lisp out or Iba wpr aad allppod.
aflair A^lctou. o
VMl* l/tte la tbs dapM tralUac Mr
a Baa te
BUedsM 0
otter F>od\t-------- '
tbs detecn aad lb* rtf Mr. Bib
t Slopped at tbs Hotsi Co*aa rarr cwd ate ahowte rstesi
s lo this eltr. and was much •
rarr popular aot oalr. tbsra.: bat
H* vaatad Hr. Q
I all who kaow bite. Ha
Hr. HbU ate MB bite Oat be *oold aterMed. bla paraata raaldiu la Oraad
baa* lo m aatebar saa o* tie
Rapids Tbsr «src at oaea eoilded of
Wtwar Us aka aabsd bl* to
Ibs tsrrlbla aoetdoot
■tew to bla *tfa ate Ml bar Ibat ba
bad ban Ha MM a mua. b*i vaatad
wbatw ks was fateUlarir kaowa
BseUas tte atrls eejorsd a draw
■a.atep Mr bar M paaalbls. as as -Pota- br all bU fMaada. 'Ha was
Iw ooBiasi. al wbk-b Bias Hormulb
billlatsd lato Iba B. P. O. BU
eanlsd oR Iral prise. wUl* Mias Sote
tbraa waaks a|o loalebt. .
■ ocmaolad with lbs boobr- Later
Ite aroatoc Mto* Ho*** aamd dte

I *wtte ate MTte R btear* to


Mew Fish Msrfcet.

Tha riaht bte araa itewlbl; aMJtstad.
tha las hadw asarlr eU o« hat<
tha feaaa aad aaUa, hot was has
tv a fa* abrada of doah aad Ua eh>lhlasoa oas
lajorv. Us atatad that ba
M left
Pt<turn ol tbc t>ui» srr
auwad oa Iha lea aad faU eadar tha
lI.e.i.-tMSd t.slhlr Uiullrt
as ba *au tcasb* It.
ellfl.sssld sltb >1
bns t<ai rsa Uoie ili‘> s>sk
na Irata Is daa to tasea bars
Mama^lsatsK. Wr.ill.^
•:«. b«< Ml akoal thraa telaai
^ the uMUtor •*“ O'**
Mia. As sooa as tha trala Ml (Marlte
OaBBte, tha aUUoa asaat. loekad iba
4«M aad siaitad bates. HahadaoM
a«lr a fa* atsas vhaa ba aa* a (sra
t/tes baalda lha track aad baard aaUa
Mr Ma. Tva afbar tea* wars aaar osar bis budr last atena tha hlaa..asd
at (ba aaaaa Uaw sad alae baaid tbs dtelh aecurrad alteoal iaslaallr. His
kodr wu alSMai
abate tha sated Utea.
taloaar vt *■«!»>
BaMra lha lajtewd i
was a BUS hr tbs
Uaet ansatla* aad aaotra baip ba bad
Blladald SM oS bis
aravM abMt IN (ate tevard
attflaa. talllac bis tratesa lo siart up
daaat. Wba* bala afTtrad. vhlet
as ba was raadj aad back oul
Mated af Mr. Oaaaar, S.
aad oaw oOur aaa. wbasa ahtea Is ■roBBd lark of hi* ttektae aad sooa

R Ml Uto terwtok tea dedr.
«M Made Mr Hi tod to bd

tbasore with wwsbM aad Mtn
i oi...| fhlr»Kntl>cbkxidaD<ltte»..________________________________ ________ _

ed by a Orltobtfel reoeplio* to tbs . <>i

aad lalklas la
r plaeas she has rialtad asd Ibs
s ate culOBs t
I sarrrd br

■ r )ea host
•A sHtel



-------hwsWI ^ate hrnks ae arm ate iwu^ ^

o, ,i»
Arbor tbs msotlBC *IU bs held to '
(toll rur to Mar, tes aaaei dais to bs psaUrd lo bs siaedloc a
dvoldM later
A kas
*IU ibv lerj add tbs- (arner t
to- Bitso. aod pninto of tolsrssi to Ibs

BBirsrsliT ate <o«B rUiisd
Al tee bosiosm msslUB sssssol' * owWsut of km
DS.W tnsabsrs *sr» reisd low tl
snelaiioB. and a
i oaeil«r moss *“l:
I ^aiioB.



LOT 3-S9.98

from $12 to $lu

men’s and Boys’ liiarr:.::;::::;;;::: tS
men’s Pants
:::g |iii:;hg:y uSSiS;;:::::::.*
men’s ffloves^nd.

$5.ik) reefers .
, $3Jiii reefers.........
$2.ra» Feefers........

en-1i(ty and einht-fifl)'.

anti twehe dollars.


men’s Undenvear
men’s Duck Coats

25c fleeced underaear........................ 1»
wool underwear .

men’s Bose

50c workio)! stores and mins.. ■
•imi gbves
gloves aad
25c working
mitts.. ■
$1 .(■> working gtores and tnkts.

men’s Caps

Sl'ECl.^L -SlC ANIJ $IS SUITS ^^ mcn;s'wool hose
GO AT $10,511.




OUr goods will be sold just as advortised-no misreprosentalion allowed. Your money
back if net satisfactory. No marking up-everything in plain figures. W* am con­
vinced. looklns will convince you. Our tOWK SsM* an* Ckue Salt continiiaaadth
a rush. It will pay you to attend.

Oor. •»“ror

T« 0KAN6 ttWVEMk HWALB. feWuJkRv i£.i*0».


ketedide »« OtebtM.

, Grad Trareisc Hoald

Tte HJsb UteuI UebMlac club
ter« drcMcd 04 Ibeir arbedole <d detor tbe teat of the ec^l ff*r
VOteior BWM. mUsc lor Va
Tbe delatea vlU be as foltuwi:
.•^ Mrs lh» lairr Uraan, U reported
reb. U—Fiiurtb leaa tc rUlb.
b. Wuwwun hi tar* rejected tbe SBUeci. -R^olred. That (te food re^
■b»p»il or u^nniv. Bnaud
■ails of tbs Uast oulweiib tb« e»H liatT (tel ihtui be traaied u pra>
Fab. 20—aulb ra Beraalb. Sabject.
RBoleed. Ttei It to lor tba b«l In•IMb 4 d«M4d. II t* b«M. erMti of tbe eouatr? to build aud
0 accept i4a prOOpte i
Mlatala a larie ■arr.''
!■ Ud dMtl
r«b 2T —FIrpt ea Third. Bnb)e<d.
Ikw u( lUe and peutwR;
ftnurived. That a bl(h tab sbuuld be
piw Id otHtoeUv beliU «ailUe Ite 44- aid oo all UDBicntals u tbe Vblied
UOBI Mt4l Mcb aeibnde' to 4 poemoo Slalea.*
4upi«1nr to ib4l <d optluo* «bo
March a—«acuid va Puurtb. SubtiMike 4Bd peonCul Betbuda
Jet:!, -Raeolvod, That Uie Jurjr lysteoi
To (rmal locb 4 demamd would be. sbtMild be abottobed ~
Id fan. hi luj that a cr«dlu>r »be 41March U—FlTib ea Swraib. SublarLe ble debtor wllb 4
Jen. "lleaolTod. Thbl all lel^rapb
cutBpiets bla to Hf U'
abouM be ctioiioOed l.jr tbe *ti»<a (be creditor vbo
■ceks wbal Is due hi* by the orderlv
Oead for East derdsn.
pwirm IS of tbe nwU.

BdiW Herald
tortaar loailete nstiat tte

Your Hair with

'.Ibeir r«bto!”*U^^ uaderaiaadtac
bad an' been rsacbed. ’
hardly vnnJd hate reaiured

Tte rural free deHrery system
glvlac B fresh Impetus to good rot
toittolltm la WasbIagton So Imporfs rtisd
gOTrlwawai deem* It abaeh
that aa aggrCaalre good roads n
be tevocalad. This will
oaly sUniulale tte Improremeni
of the eouBlry.
Iho very fart that better road* are adroraied will hasten ttr exiraskin of

: lioa was carrtad. tewrrir. that tt aay

111 Eto Fails.

ooinpeMai eommereial
**“ : aad uuliiled in die r««otara
rened ia the demand* of tbe toarkets
tebowUi score butter aad ufier poi-,
to -cTrT--r—__________f-_____________
tor two weeks
ag^mlf^e« iuh^jiiog^ Mlase* Florenoe Lawd aadMteMaj
^ nala* dto*. to Ulir* Fter Saaday.
»*« I
leiter wiU
h«- bi. tener
hi* paraato alTiarersa:
. !
r ..!*
btobe.1 ftom Sutton. Bsy Usl SaadsyI
I teglreu

eaergr ..

would be I

Mch' and Hint l!ui.mst»
„vc. W.U'pt


kl.BisD.v astiacive. aiitl—i-iio
aiiti-wdikh rrteiJ.v st^gte-I Il.ctti-


ttto regiou wi^ avail tbai
this opporiaaili for
qaality ol this i^ucl. ^
lag to aator shteld scad t
M Prof. Joba^l
Joba^-iehotaa A
Ooltoge. or to^ writor.
City. M



AJlteugb . we were
bid no troabto wKh .
n all aammar wtib
it'o '
aaitsfarliuu We were OiC la a.
c rtrr gel OB Yterb '
I a erokc. bot
e lo^
off readily tettoal
cwglae to

Xonbpun, Mieb.. Dec. 25. I*e.
Ka' a bowea. Anboni. N. T '
Ceat* Anrr hasiag nine years' ex- dtSereat makes of gaaihe Fay A Bowm.«me
{eapua. I
lof the I'vt
Igtnaa oaitt. maebai:
I they are b
siruog aa^dnrmbla. and
’ _______ ....
k 4H*r. Toura ratesn-

Tratrtae <1ty, Mmb. Dec a, 1««E
Fby A ItowtIB. Aubura. S Y :
Dear Suw-Tb.- 3 H. F marine gas
- - you ton spttag
give* prrten aaitofartiui
Kiun. I raeomne nmm reliable. dunWr.
irwl O* eogtae that 1 '
engtae prup>-l* a 51-CoOt
It at^tb. rale U cigbl mitoe aa

'’AiWKDtiHBIUCfc •
eg up required.


All tte '

!.\i;riu for Nonhem Mkhigso ;

y riMi'o. prio'
NJi-ii'- lil.ii.k W.'Mtrd, Suit- rt'Hular jiricc Was
S4.r-H, 10C.I0-: Hm.......
in; .if .M. nS l-'in.- Suits an.l Overcoats the< >t -iyk-> and hiylily lailortxl, tuduse om.
i!;„uain- n. I >r-.,
IK i.ith
Moiuir. /ilvliiii-- an«J \eneiians to close

re nouraJa towaSalantoy.
Ibrotter, aad also for tte li.wntifol
«ill Smitt. Jr.. oal hto band qaite. dotal offwiaga giren.
badly while working u -tte aniagle
Hr. aad Mra M
mill at Good Harbor on Tuaeday of
Ko^ B. Bowarm
ttto week.
Mr and Mra Q.
SiuMB Setmob of Ptoremoat was
.................. tbruat. polotti
to eu towa a ttert time aa Salarday.
Hob^i over patt of •'
Tbomm' Bi;leecrie Oil.

"111. \x'.T tiini i... - • ..................... ...


Clear wmie



Mcn'» sn.1. Boy*' f--ntbinati
^e1u smt Kublwn, lira
lU, to close out


'lows sad Deamsst have [
baaa wotting alimg ibl* Itoefor mv-;«tooUag
..V. wusiulo^iS^s^J”"^
l»«*hbors who sokiadly asstamd u*
aral ymr.
yter* mid
imd ha*,
bar* raimd
raiite iteir
ttetr .*«-;
^ STTL.4 spmi.. a j

Wr IM <*o» HbII HI'S-

.1 18 Front Street










tewnte Maorilna Cm. TtOn. OM«

Wurzburg Block

To Attend NsUenel MeettoB-

Bvei^dy'i ItaWe w Hebiag piles. ■ ‘

A ’ L. Joyoa' left Monday for
UtWfO. where te arfll anaad tte aamd estvewitoa of tbs Katiooal BoP

B. N. riokard k Lalaad apml'saaday tt UWB.
Arttanr O'Brtoa tt veadiag hto «aoatloB tt Trarerm Olty.
Mim Lilltoa Pettreoe
1 her home tt ttto plaee.
John Sanbora of Tiavaim. CI9
pualatewilayeto f...........................
The new library books have airl*e4
lb to Uraad Raplda
md an ready for tta pabUe.
.'C. B. SebI ie U1 at ttto writiagMlm Hook, vh^ bae been iU H hm
L M. Wlinle to TfararwClly if In

.IWB today
Ue bae four team* faoaltogbatt—


whom ha Mr. Joyce boiag tte principal bottt
to nertbrna Mlobtoao bat beeo nrate
eewaatoattoo of Ana* to ttto ttoa
ttisteotwo of tte etaie'and at tl
•oaveatlm this will be decide

^Mi. aad Mra MoKtomy Jaft t,-

Centrat Labor Untotk
te. ^ Be*. T. P. VIkua waa aplatolif tt aaeertato tte uaet amoBBt ___jetr Itetmmttog tbe Otontal
- iwaMvsd by Ibe evaagsHab aad If lUt ly«w aatoa atoetad tte foitoirtot
to doemad too small, some aettn may PriMdibt BmiytMal
he mkm to secure nwre mcmw tor Vtoa Fruldiat-Jttak
- him. Dp. Smiley kaows aotttag of
•bd* aeitott bad ha made ao aote>Mtot
U an to ttS*rd tt the amoaat girea
him. He dU adt o*m M aay iwsUtoat
■latArus^ A OmbMI.
. ■( tta «4ty Mow tew mat* te had r»
m-Altetr-Wotf. Irriag Ooek.


• to Ihmddy *

bat etm beta hto tema Of hto Ilf*

it the hasUsii and w* tev* all kaowa. tend aad tatt


to tte petottoa tte tea^ was weir far'ilmte tmd^
TiBial predloM tor U. Tiaverw
b>«att etoU fcetodag hto paaoe lo«ia BM ao toiga aa DetroM,
d haalto to the

T. P. B. a E. gave a diato metol at tte home of Hr. and Mra W.
H. Potwer Friday oveteag. Feb. dth.
-‘•‘-b war waU pHmdat Tte area-

it Oly.
____ WeolgaM aad Mrs. Bowns
from mar Adrtoa. tismee to Hr. a
Mra M. Bo
> atmad tte faaseat of tttor aeptew.
CoL B. Maytew. Ova. Aaai* «
iitel aod LteaL Mabel Keraas
&^ a •ertoe of nvlval anal
at tte etanreh. The maetttgr are
“-ded and It Is hoped they
vltt geode
While toadttg log* oa------------------te_ey^ tern last ahere^

Ha «m mkea into tte depot aad b lit­
tle totor UksB ao tte tetodeaee to Dr
Tedasen. wteea eratythttg was deoe
•0 rellev* hto m«ai^ Ha was hart
-------------------------- -..
aheal | p. m. aad d


>: aad with our re-

Ptow£fatt itoda' by aa tote mte.

lately mfe; oanY fall


SaisssT?a'tia'"-~ ■

______ ____________ JBUl th*
to April te woald have beaa M yean
.old. Bs .wm a promeeM young
_____ and wttt bright yrmpeeti befme him. Tte fwateml was teldat
tte toiarcb Satarday at 1 p. m.. fUr.
L. Tharmoa ooadaettc lb* ere-



•teyMeleowto owe Pie* was
Jakraa* to Traraem City

tow. bat tt* temamiy *( am gttof to


to ta tt*



Mto* Btoaete BMteal ha* retonto
to her boms to RaNoM Bay.
Mr. Sehraettr took a Brtp to Tmv«rm City Moaday.
Oar bay UatlU tne tram to* aad a
boat weat from heru «e Tmvan* Olty
Muotty. Fbb Pth.
A. ^Jcym to Tmveim Oty wn* la

$12 Black Clay Worsted Suits $4.98

wtoteag wtthtag




A lot of $ 12 Suits in Black Clays. Fancy Worsteds and Cassimeres Only a few of a kind

TO CLOSE AT $3.98.
Our Finest-TliuCity’s Stylish Clothing go at'l-4 Oft

Fine all wool Black Clay Worsted Suits, made by B. Kuppenheimer & Co., Uiat is worth $ 18 to any man

J. Zltomenaaa
totowB Tamday
Tte Wemm'e Clab met
a K. teeu at tte Seott


renew to U. d. htotaty. AMteagfa tte
fww r


«Mllpa has agatabi

Ttoibad Mto* Elite Si

$5.00 Reefer S3.75, S7.50 Reefer, S4.98
$7.50 Overcoafs $5.63r$5.00 OyerGoats $2.48
$l2toSl8 OvercoafsS7.50
Lang Overcoats From 1-4 to 1-3 Off
$14.00 Ulsters $7.50


Itet Item aersp k

' -■srSf's:JTS.'‘csr£


(vimioa toexionded Mall
laUtoteptmto teptm-


Him Cteadia Peiereea h
_Atoaaaoo to Boeept a tmekl
odto* to a phyetoiaa tl
th* Odd Fbltow* lodge to this viltogewUl Tiaiitte tt.%* as ttodiUac
They eartatoD epeat M ttee to
Wedaeetoy ermttg.
am. and teft the cHy 01 the a
Mra J. H. Oeok aad UUto teaghms
intt ttey eooJd teL n all eossait- mateef ywaag trtoada
aad Mrs. L K WalMr are vlslttoc tt
-lanam Oity.
■Saaam eUU llvua Oar hamto Dr. SeoU to Tramne CUy was ia
MW bowwd dowB to eterwwat tta wars-


Tte malt toiled M gto tt Widaiitey

__________ wrmtt to sail
Mtm Ate WiUttataa to U1 t
aad aamatiqn* by tte Tw
We aaa tmly my timt for hU tom ■ ■.,.*•» Aid. af whtoh Will wi_ .
ttey ami aemr Ste tte tealttg bate mtetet. a latte heaqaet from frtmde' charle* H*toM ha* panhaead «te
tt KlagBUrTB* l*a*m a (utter aad ■toad Boetb to OlU'a dott ea tta bap
mother. Mr. sad Mr* Mo*** Bowermna, aad two Uster*. Mist Bern Bowtoeeddtew
to*' AM matoty ptomatety
etote aad Mru. O. S Smttet.
This 1* t
Mi*. V. O. Bitt TaaattW
Mm. Bowm•te «>«telte baite fem

war pamar.


^‘^ir'S’sH-r'icvFor Job Work of all Kinds Gall at Tbe Herald Office ETKCltni
i'T2S%^(tek '

bridge______ —.... ...................................
what U kaown as tte Hotouas brUrWBS sUppad her. last weak
_________________________ _
w & M.
Ctogatoy faU tm the lee tt tte rood

TteH. G. Petar* Salt* Id_____
Oo. are shlRilaf UwIt la«ber bom
hose to She Palgbnm Mtg. Oo. at

a liHllill rartew to the oily to De- ma toMmmaad Btestaa'B
utoL Us todaetilea. apdo-daia eai
Pftom sad tta emegy and toyaliy of
It* haatosm msa. tt^ ate betog
damsMtoala tetobiy ttei Detnll baa tolarlm leoalvwd ta an aooldeat whtob

Na.Fteit to Ptod.
Same to tie toato papera are
tog matt to tte Jaatet to tte eute
; ligliliWve oommUtoo u vartoas pah-

Unprecedent Bargains!

thing red. rotsgh.
t..l>r ra*te<. llcbiag* ate ohallBfs
■m ol■ bath*
• itt* for
K aiiaoving
ate ImUniUiiUioiK or too
frtw I
prr*piraIk>D, ill the

tte binbttoy orftev Spekla.

u< f<e all I
jiurpoar* of fhc h-ikt,
hath, ate n ■err. tele RTeai.-r than
Prof- John McliOlu. dairy ‘u-. protate court ttrie week
teuesof otb*y *kirj.-ure^.
tbe woHd-«
atoaotoguf tte col lege and UoTeragr_______
Bert Bra^n west lo Ttarerse (Mty
The tiramt iTaverae Itolty-j TBewtoy
M.acHal at Cesar.
r of Provesaual
Fred Scln
ttU alKKK two Tear* ago auil has teen tended probate eoart ee Friday.
Claia Onw Will give ber uasioal teeiml at Oedar l->lday
Ik Itowdvu Mtorasd tout eveoin*iood
DuoeaMBgly riue.- aati eoliried
leeaing. Vbb. IS, at the borne of Mre. .
tte Itaip of them geniileunm -I__ _ a '("to • krtp to Obrien.
nail admlssios
W Smitt Of Good Harbor wae to ........................
year ago
B nm-eed* givwhich U to be
t'ommlmioaer Daueaa of Satteue
detra* tte expente* oi •roriog.
' here laal
to not aaough tte Imtoaoe will be
oat of tte proceeds 6f tl
aod the rumaui)^ i Ililedlutte! WIU Sbalu of Good Harter called
' We desire ttrougb the colauui* of
1 frtoads
frtoad* tte la*l of tte wmk.


tlBM la wort, a

n.l* trvwmrat >1 -mw .ttv «=>;■“**
hair, remove* onirts »cale* and Jvteriir. dcslroy. Iter p*ntel«, M..1I0..
lrrtette,lu bi.,g mtetos atimuUb^

Mtoald be g.»m to.lWtent J I-



fulkurm ter*-t -t
emoUireu ate pwaict of .k.a «re..

advaneuig Ibe dairy
esuof Miebigan to tbe plaoe wburi
tte state balooga at tte bmd of tte . week,
; Mra Amede Uiobard of ITeremoBt
Umak* lot llito work -

> cause of death was la grippe,
with abaeees of tte Iqwer pan c
rtgbt lung
IVoeMed IvavM a
two dangblera lo mouru tte loss
M a buaband aad falter. The d
are Mto* Alice PbllUp* of
cHy and Mrs. Anna M. Freeland, also
of this cliy. Mr. Pbllllp* - has
brottar alUl llrl^
Fsaend servtcea were held Monday
heraoon ai 1:30 from Ite rcaldence.
Ber. Hugh Keaaedy oflIelaiM. as
Al was In ctarge of U D. Curtto.

tatf snttbt liberty lo carry out
, atlisWMeed.
tU WidB slcaed by iboaa duriac has am
■llllbsi >~l Ooaed wb» dsaire vUlt
a t«i
Ited a Attwaal life awre dtoiHb- aftor Whtota be vUl ]
••ad aaoac Ite rarten paaion of tbe
B. T..tete e
sterctes to Mte they bare


ahanipoo. of fBUeuru>o.p, and light

, «m rmmi*. aa elegant irs.l: ' a. K iM Bmpire was 1.
mwlalgireabyOov. llltsa Tte got -1 town , few dsy.ttwwto,
^ur aasared ite, writer that tteee
Mr. Jobbelt id M^ l.Uj was a jjj
oJ*cru««, wah-^ eiel
medals wouW be good ooee and weU : 1^*“**
“■ ™<toy.
j d:.udrum ao4 tte atopydug of
the hope

Kapt.l Cl’,'-, MIcA. 12 1». 1»W2 '
M-mra. Fsy A Uowea. Aubure. N Y
near Sitw-We are mucb pimsed

The Globe Dcvcr ciirries slock over, it prefers
lo Sacrifice all Dnini aod part of cost in order
lo clear lire shelves, ladles and coimtcrs of all
wmicr slock—it is this rule tku enables
lo give too these

Prrreal buldar*>' aad ctoanm tbe
aralp uf enuu, •cSteauJilaodnigwltt

and of im- ,aar^ -vomiiK
MoMc. cate* ate gamea aoun-hne ut. tte bslr g..,a
at in. aao ot tm yaar to.
aatll a tots boar. Ke-i upmi s
atekwaue, bclthy
eaob ctos* 1. a itoiiy ate
| malp when all elm fails.
- who bare tbe faigbml arw- .
Mlllioo* Uoa- rely oa Cntkun -soap.

Ospartura af I

i :ewud Ite Waettmw

Pmt. SfBlBtliilMe
ai Itnoial Liejici

Mdlaialy. wilbooi wait-, w^a a*,, anu U woald terr been
aspectaUy tfwab lot a are; too late to taru nred tte Ite.

Dr. Fcaucto Bdward Btetsy toft Ww
elty Moaday at • a'eleek a m. to a
to tamll*




If Gitiein,

•Ublba Acticuliaialcollecr. as»oo,J2jMi*ToBrs-worA Tte lad weat to
>1 about Mbool tte next day apparuotlr atee
, be«iB- iitewoeaetol.Uloy balb. Tte to.

give tbi* msitra »iuu-tol
I ek-as Ueanaoy. tttclaad aod Hair alleoUun. aad lead to It Ibrir ]ir*l rn|#r.- pn-parad lo tabe Ibe rlska o(ai
uoaiy ' aVroBllBc bobc or all of i
PeaWi Hall.
piwWBl reedlian ibi? will tere
bsua W. PblUlps of t2» Klmwond
died Saturday evenini: ^ui
oafs to iwedirt tbai they wJU «1(h• :20 at Ibe age of it year*. .Darebsetl
has beeu ailing fur tbe past four year*,
was Udten Witt hto tost slrki

b baoMiac of tbe pastor* of the city
idMd oa Twsotey ai iba bou of
nr. C. T. Steal, ^nldeal <d tbe oe
stetkia, for the parpuae of
V the adrtoabllHy of eoattaalBC
a tbe Clly Opera
Houaa oa Bunday erMliwa
tetteed ibai U dew of Ibe fact that
Ibe trarioM cburttii of tte diy bare
ibte owa piMto bM iwrlral
S wobM aot be wtoe to aadsnake tte

Shampoos of

Pret -Joba Mteotoa. Instianot U
dalrylBf at ibe Acnsalmal oolluc'Tbe ptaa, bnufly. to tt>< :
All baiter maker* in ibe slats,
1. tittto Kiek taking bold of
vfaettrr toabiuc dairy
batwr or bto' otter' bate ate Uany

who wish to eater M>» ooa- kick by ibrbaad Ibey eaeeaedte to
Mi are rn,»a«te to enur ttsir aatew '



■r teU by Ite Mtobigaa IJtoliyM’s aged 10. wete
teaaa Ltoyd
>1 Ite featans of tta «(
«to. ate broke la. lie ealled toe Wat W I WHI IIUII W\
boir sad tte othar teya who were

Jordae dates tbe prestlce cd
At hast two aslkiat tere obtalaed
barloc taeUlUes ediial to those u(
City fur BtsuafariuriaR inurderly proceesra. rraaoe I
so tbroudb Ibe avsrd of tbe
after Ibe.ciuseas of that tova la order
at SwUieetoad
up to tbe saiue decree
bare duae so by tbe decreso of tbe
eansy displayed In Traretwe
elates peadiBC tor wblcb ibey bare
loeu and deeerres
aoocbl sailsfactlte la atellar peaceful
pniepeHty. While Trmrerwe City ueudi
To aay lo |bw aatkias ibal Ibey aad wbals all tbe aew factorieu abr
b«*rud*e iSast
■aai waU iiaUI Oeraiaay. Bactobd
Jordan alt tte proaUce tbe place to ec
aad Italy. *
Ulled to. Tbe proopdlty
Bietbudi aad
II places in aortbem MlcUsaa
teaU be eailsSrd. woitld be aa oBeaae
be reSecled here, and every
to tlTlUsaUon.
la Biirlban MIebieaa
e ibere to au eoari brdure wtleb
brsrtt to the whole recioa.

but tte euwrtae of tbai prtTltoce nay
be Undiad by tte tfsbia of other
lion. If ibey are prspareil U> maiaulo
Iboae ricbla
it totea as If tte llalud Stalm.
Fraara. and tbe tolaor Ban


Htobift*" Oalryiaen’s

^TtoSate^S a jSS

SPECIAL, $10.00.
iLF-nWitlhilMilMMIL M lu I?

Cbe Boston Store


..... ^ m
"™sssswt. . {iiti

S £i IZ Si S
S Zl.lZ ss s

------- --

omTiarcnc Heiali

a*oa tka ekanar. aol a <
IB* «fB ka taoebad aa to arkleh bodr.
tka boin or tka board «( Ubrai
trMaaa. kata tka rtskl to dacMa abaa
tka looatkja o( tka Cara^ Utatarr
ah aad Mr. H. 8. Hall, har*
d to Ikla aetlca. abd
at^ that all partsaa an to akUa bp
tka daeiilOB. If tka board a( tnataea
U a<KUad to hara tka power of aalaattof tka rita. Oaaa atraat win ba
(ha toeatloB al the llbrarp. I
abatoo raau with tba dip anotell. tba
Bta will ba loAad anar bp Hoa
t white
H. foater wlB look afiar iba Intoratw
af Ike BUtb atraat partlaaka.
matter will ba-vt to abapa am

gl*« u aMran m "Sow to *■
Oopd B«n«r br MartM." and B.
UeCaU wUl sir. a apMlal aMma
eo ■Moral loptca a( hla <r

at tba Twrlral »ea(lB«a
that bar*
to tba aftarwKiB Hoa. B. 0. Oioara- to tb* Aaroh parton las Toewdap
>r will aprak ol “Tka Pnaaat tWopood
Barcarloa Law—Vkal It It aa4 What
Mar Ba Exiwdad cd il" Pnt B. K.
DoolliOa will apeak ot “Fatara Dalrr Tbe plaa* for the ned chaieh
LecialaUaD." aod Prat. T. L. Haackar BbowB and ccnermllp npprorwt. bal
Orlnlta netkm wna inkea
wlU aiacoM lb* aubiewt. **rba Oairp
Qdw aad Her raedtoc."
am- <d adopUnc them or i
Inc toward botldkto. a* U wmi late be­
> furalahad bp the Hick acbool m
fore tbe rootlBc baaUwaa
The rbaman of Ibe bnlldlnc Inad,
br C. K Sbomd. and -Dnlrptof to Bo- berwercr. Hra. P. H. Bartiaat. reported
r on band aad iwodp
bp Ron. Henry
be the addrewae* of (be wraaiac. tba for nae IMtei lu tkat fund, akd fbaak
tatter betai lllnatraiad with aicraopU- Welton rxplalDed a boedlac apali
rlew* bp Her. W. 1. Laofmaa.
fur balldiac
Xjria* Butter." bp A. H. Barker,
meet wlthtke
Tbe plane
r and Fklae ia Selaetkm of a
Dairp Cow." bp Prot Cllaloo D.
and whkfa It I* tkoacbi
Smith; -Bauer Haklac." bp Hoa. win be adopted, coaiemplate tbe eroeHenry £ Alrord. nnd "Paat and Po- tlOB of a brick ehoreh with ai
tnre la Dnlrpla*." by Hoo. FTod "
tbe preaebt parlor* of
Wnmer. wilt be Ike aubleeu of Thorw- the chunk, ot 0 root of from 115.000
to tlC.OOO. It u ptopeoed to allow the
dap moralBC** eenlon. HI
biulnewa. (be fuhteet of
preeeaied bp Prof. T. U Hamto. and

la to adloarwad aaaitoa. Fab2C,
bp C
Tba tral doAalU aetkia to brine


- ^

-^ —



h kill work ter (bo Pibdrk ibtar-

A. Sbamel. will occopp Tbnr*-

tba Oaroada Utwarp alu eoatrorarap
.No eSort wUI bo apared to
to a (rbmdJp aalt to tka eoorta to
■k tbe bnt «aib*rtn* of ika Had
tbe Bdjooraed toretin*
dda wkarato Uae tka aotbecltp to
rrr bold In the atale. A Ike aabibtt held Meodap eremtoc, F>bn«rp tS.
aapt a atta. waa takao bp tka beard d dairy prodorta will ba a featnra
when dedklie art Ion
Ubnrp tnataaa at a •
«r Ubn

lerablp baa axlaiad oalp to i
a> 0 B Boapbap la o> Iba roa
Ime. while Pred Booebep
den all the oHea work.
B. Boi^ap atartad to b^wan
p H peat* aco »
thip with C. H C
rved B»
Boo«be»'« panne


I You can telffairiy <
► well what
! CEKCSpn '<
[ is by what j^ple 1
► say who have used j
I it, but you can tell J
I lietter by using it I
^ yourself

I'm! Boo^ep haa hoacht all Ike
Tbe property, whkb la toeatod oa (ka
euret-r of Stole aad Ckaa atreeta.
a rerp valuable aad dralraiae locaUoa.
No marked chan«ee wlU ^ amd*
tbe bulldlac. bat ererpthtoc to tka 1
plemeot Itoe wUI ba carried aa be

We announce a Special Closing Sale of

Prowaett far Oane Warden,
la nplp to a reoowt letter to Ckaa
H. Cbapmaa. the aewlp appalated
eiaie «BBe wardea. radrdtoc a
wankoi fur ihU reckm. Leri T. Pewnliuclua haa Joat received the tollowInc;.
, Sanlt Sie. Harle. HleUsaa.
PebnmfpYth. 1M>Ur. Uvl T. PpaktocUB. qqr BdMor
Breolac Record. Tnvanc CItp.

Hvi'fj- ({arim-m —l.aijif-. Mi—:uid ChiUln-n-''- -mii'i yt*. if |vrii-i-< will do. it; The '
Jallae T. Haaaob relatwed
kondap tram a haatawa trip U Chi practice, now so c««t«moii in mam •.tor---., of iu;irl.mfc itpcloals i'ric*.~» so :i>. lo j;i\'v •.-» fan»er
discouni. )> iioi iiiilul^'-.l in } 1Kl'i iIk refon- i\ hiU- ilu- n-itiii'iioii> ma\ nut ai>pear in print
•CO. wbera be
k to be erected Zi heav^- as oifn-o. «>i}.-r. the i-ric. -. ar-- in
retotlTc to the a<
< nt moro v!ri-|ity than V-istiarh
at aad Vatoa
ca tbe ccraer of PTowt
■treat*. Tbe cbbUbM lor Ik* toatertol are beliic let rapidly. a»d wltkln
Moro are e 'fexibF Irke^enoee:
very lew dapa
oot which WUI dcaeribe the bulldlas I
Uw Sir—1 am la receipt
detail. At preoect, bowercr. ao d>
>BUDUDleaik>B of too 4to Instant, and
deaerlptloB of toe bulldlac «>
•iBcerelp thaak poo fur tbe Inlaroat
ire taklnc la the prtaerraUaa of
came and flab Tear paper* bar* aot
b uf B. F. Saia*.
arrived, however. I craat they
I Joat been received aa tl
a m pram, of toe deaib •
Lanalnc aad confer with
^.etlrins I
Nortbpon. Hu deaik oc­
aad WlU take up toe matten tkat you
bom* there last cOobt.
B0«fest aad aee If any relief
Kivee you loeaUp. I Ibaak you .very
Halae. Map H. Itto. comtiis with bla
pour callias mp aueatloa
tatoer. -Draooa" Dame to HlcblcnB
this matter, and trait I tup bt
froin pun at nap tfme I can be tf nmrlce to you. Asala tkanklnc you for amplored bp the ■orarament in (be
puur iBiemt. I am
InairanloD of (be Indalna. They re^ed later W> Old...........................
Vop truly pour*.
____ farmer oa toe
alkm to 1145 toey wrai
ato. reutratoc to aerro
Oood Reada C


L«at eT*atoi;a meeUac ww opaaed
wUh prayer bp the paalor. and C K.
tv tka boatd,- daeltoto* U>
elected rbairman of nke
OB foot here (or a local milk la
the raaototkm paaaad at (ka laat----•
tka clip eottadl. wUA aotkor- •peciur In thla aaetlen. Tba Onad raeeitoc.
Rev- D. (teehlte tk«i C**e bli retoad the beard to aipaod I2M tar Trateree Itelrpmew'a toore
paaural work ot (be
plan aad apaeldaaUooa tor a IlkraiT
boilAu to ba plaead aa tka »Uih
lodlcaied aa exeelhst p*a> In the
•plHiual life of tbe cborcb.
The irMiarwr'a report, bp Hitt toaBBder (ka MW dairy aad food Inipee^ rl KaUBMed. abowed tbe rbueb to
datklto aetka to tba
'Doc" Smlih. a plaa mar ba ear- e la exoelleet
nkao bp tba board of llbrfrp troaiaaa
Reporta oa tbe.
IkartfoT* to briac (ha mattar to aocli rlad out that wUl prorld* (or Wtata toIbea ctP*b
oburrb Work
km tkat will to a tore* extent do
a aa to
with tbe need of locwl inapeeto bo rtariad aeeerdtog to tka a«twa“i:^raid-Boc.«P-Hr.
Maat^batwoaa Hr. Haaaak aad Hr.
Tbe plan, a* Dr. Bmllb baa
HaH tka dooora ot the aim to ee
Woa**n-a Home aad Foralfa Hto Kuod road*, to be bHd Prtdap sad Snl_ dock, ectoarvi I
M It before tte lectalatoi*.
amap. thla ardul la takaa tadap.
-toe viltofF. dlTlnc k i
•Idoarp Soelttp—Hra. J. C. iohnaon.
Tka MIowtac la (ka raaetotkiB are at lent four alale Uipoeti
>ukh toe eSorto tbe bea
name Tbrou*b
lUdera-Mia. C. J. Bbaer. urdny In Detroit, under toe a
traral abool tbe ataie lor the pnrpoa*
o( ifai- American Road klaken.
a of tola rrflca were made kaown
‘ ' Bodetp of OulaltoB
fld toapeetiBC dalriea. Each
WOT 1. aad Ibe ac
aileodMl bp a laipe number of pfomlaalllBC Bilk, wbelker from
I lU aed to thla <1
Bocletp of Ctartotlaa aent and puUle spirited men from all
IpPOO cow*, would be reonlred lo, be
tbe eouairp. An Haborat* pro-. ae be
-TUaoirad. Tkat (wo bakdiwd aad laclaiered with the atale laapeetor.
all tor old aetOrrv
afiar bavinc bad bU dairp laapreted.
roads and Improre- wCb to* crowto and ad-_____
RMb would be liable lo Inapaetioa at
D^lldtod^SS <OomaBUee-Hra. F. meat i(>l> be food
made Tbl* will be Uw auribera Mtobicaa (ram bU bopbuod.
bmp taad ftr Uia perpoae ot pcoeor any itot*. aad to caae of Bltby bar»»,
lartmt and mat Importaat rood
oae «me tberIB of Grand Trav.
IM ptoaa. Ole, tor Iba Oaiwdo II■atoerlnc. ever hrid
oump. whkto at ibac tit
kwy bcdldtks. to bo loeaikl m Ctoth (hep woolil loee (kedr refUlratkia till, KeeolBBd.
Uwtonau coanip. (iw iwo
wiD reHra. Kaeetapd (wported ibat tbore
nnd waa afmrward aberif of
■traot, ea ib* alw dooatad le (ha eltp aarh malter* are made ri*bt,wlib tb*
■Ire an Impetiu wbkb will be atto
bp (ba Him. Parrp Hanah. akd ae-aded with pracUeal reanlu
marriad lu ItSS to Hlax
I* imlll eremblac w
fdad tL«00. bat Ibal the
laHit bp tba dtp eevaeU
C Saaford. a asilre of
at proa eat poahtoc tbo awi- Tbrausb toe eouneap ot to* Uaoa
toctorp eoBdltlon
aelp. tectoad. Six children
Tbli I* beM to bo a bettor idea (baa trf of (be raUlac of ptoaop tor tbU coBslitullnc. the
>toetnd.Thal iBBwaeh M lar (bli
Ibe MIcMsan PaaMasor
aar plan of laore local toapeetloa. to
and (be Trunk Una
aae auio aucborltp would be eburrk.
clailoo. persona atieodlm
r R and
Dame ot
oncer* were elected,aa toUow*;
Imrk at the laapector. wbo woald haT*
apon. and Euaektu* J of Cblea■runted a re
Tfuaio* for Throe Toara-B.
(o. A aprelal boat baa bem chanerSowd that tba eetmoU had aet ewlp tbe power to aafooea hU
railroad tare.
ed to ao to tb* Bearer* after Mr*,
tba tesal aalbortir le taeaM tb* alia Dairpmeo't aaBociatloci.
arrunceTour Toara-Ooorsa
«or a lOniT. bat that U ham to tut. preoideDi. xtrcea all toioreawd to (be
dunled bp toe
Steward. C J. Bbaer
tema aa. belh of
.uleo be rrunied bp tbe WcMers Paa- Tbep wUI
BvMtoc Rc
(hte bewd donlom Md tor thK rt
al or a a Horn aad £ H. Rf'
Hr Dam
■a. andd hit
dor-C..V. Wrickt. rrakk Waltoa.
(lad. the bovd at uaitaeo deettae
be deeply felt bp all
death '
Art Remtoston bad a narrow <
amk—S E. Walt.
Tka auaikorm Hr. l>h«ur ter tb*
(ram dcouh oo rae of tbe toe banka
Coll*etor-C. A. Hamaioad.
Pore MarawotU
BHh Hraat alt*, sad Hr. Sm
Traverse Otp. MIcb.
be OK yard* oc TneadapChorlator-J. W. Palcbla.
r Sir:—There are aereral _
wHU ter tb* Oaaa atraat alto,
taformatlOB coaMO bp w*p of Uaaai work on otw of tbe bic ptto* of
rabenw. W. HllUkea. Edward Kp-.
aisac to milk. A* oM-fasbloaed
bww proaaad with tb* BeeawaiT i
•mm (bat Ibe Pen Maroaelte Rail
Nka. Cbariaa Wblu. Wlillaaa Haak. kHca when toe bead of to* akldwap wap to to water b| A baon- wap to to
tabttasthamauaratewMtotbeete- wap Oo. la eonlemplattoc a ebaa^
take mt Ike ctvam—rick milk with
out and toe tosi becaa i
caSt oewt ter aa optotea kad (b* •
llae . V. Wriebt, Harbut Haetocue.
ipaleia. wbenbp at Dtmk
laeuDualp toward toe b
.Loal* Tiakbao. Artktw B. WaH.'Fr*d
wd thee be tokM to tka npr
Bm we aeede’e » tom pardenlara
* wlU b* BibTm don't rob poor milk aad yoar
.s-Balidlon-J. W. HUBkee. Frank tried to keep to toe top, bo l to* toot
slipped aBd.b* weat dowa with tk*
C. t. Bbaar. 0«>T*
Bflk -to ebrat
railway, and wao caaebt bp (ka
rare aa food
potola BOW reacked. oaW bp
to much to*
kraaediaa of other
eaucht bp Uw tnmblto* locw a^; •ame to milk
other plaeee of Itoponaaee wbloh or* Wrifbi. Hra. J. G. dobaaoa. Hra. 8. they wcmld not bar* firen Sre eaato
BM toacbed ai all bp thla epBlem. The
re we with our paint. 1
Tbe deaeoaa and pnttor cai
Paine to twic* aa luodju
aad reeelred no tojortoa cf eoa**tneka froto HaHttoo to Peotwator. Min Carrla D. fobnaim to aaali
» except a cratbed bead. HI*
(kiu (iviBd HawUiea, LudtofUB aad latter to reaebinf. (boa* wbo
• Tooiu Truly.
ri(ht band waa eaniki betwuca two
Poatwater croaUy imptoeod aorrtea.
ae toex-bkd badly cruahad. and
w«» will rwproaaai Ik* beaid of » Tbe priadpal polau oa tk* Ua* wonld
> ot tbe beaea broken. He wlU be
Marp trawtoom and tb* aaiur wm
tbca be TraTOTM atp. HaaUtee. Ladup (or aom* time but to very
broaakl to toaaa boter* the' eIrcaB .taroa. PoBiwaler. Mukrcoe, araad
We would Ilk* to aak. Sirooib
butp betof tbankfol that h* oacapad fuma*
of puar papw, tt Iker* to i
HavM. Hellaad and Su Joaaph. (
with bto life.
poraoa wb* hat aaod Oroea'i Auc
Tka Mkod ampkvdd br sMltos
a. aow tba prlBclpal potato^ tkc
Ftowor (or tb* car* of iadlceetl
OB. weaU be left oat of lb* trank
Sbauld Hav* amiw Wardan. . DpapopHa aad Uror Troublea t
to Mt tb* oaHaot, I* tko Hmateat akd Ha*, bat Ike -preoeel llae Yoacbtoc
b**e cuisd—aad we ■
Now that Suto Gam* Wardoa
(bHr muha. sack aa aoar mi
.CBMamt. aad It 1* lb* daaba «a (K than woaU be aa Importaal btaack powertof tb* deaeoaa to Mplcy
Chapman baa tokoa up (be maUar if
firmiatodoa of (oad. habS
asaistaat ter tb* patter for on* moa
lb* oaan mauor »otU*1 a*
o( Uw Sab and
Tka tto^naaeo of tola proton,
toll BoctSua H map be
___________ aSp troabl*
n te earrtad aat, eaabot be onrpU- allow to* truotan to proceed with tot
at aom* arramement wUl «w made aito
* tor to* foondattoa
toe stomach or UrerT Thla madtHdwil Ik** lastas* wonld '!•
mated. Tb* Inmoaae (rolsht baalatop tb* coaUnued rtolaUoo* of lb* etoe ha* b*M aoU ter many pea ’
baaemeat ot lb* new cSnrel
to a cnit lor mas- mm b*tw*ee aortbara Hlehlcaa and
all drlHxad couautoa. and we vrt,
True aportamoa will
n—- •» la thla itoUor (bare w(B Cbkapb aad etbm^ eaialde polala.
with poo and acoid
buOdpaSaMp ha no saosikia of faM wha* Made improved tocQIUe*. aad
(f our hoc
book* (re* '
deputy appcdalod
r vneu
tried auBW
rvower. irj
mm. aa all tka oridaM to tka cbm'
ual* aa pcaalbto. TM aew plaa Itto emmlttea
to eorer Leetoaan. Oraad
botS* trab We har*
(kkaa aad euS** wore aorv*
to iuwitoj. aad ibma wUI ba a*
Clva dliwet aervk*
le ladtea of tb* ehuieh after
td*a«w* VO wilkw aUa It wtl
aertoat to .to* maSor wlik poo.
■am* wardea aball taesaed to bavtoc
a of tba
H CMt «to* haa Jam btvoi totroaaviac dtotaaea aad opo^
I thla pear. Rotator at
lattoa ad (b* (dtp obartar aa t* t
tomtetr akmc to* lak* aboc* wbk*
After Separ
____. A« Jaa. 0. Johaaoe-a
bade, the armiidl or too tOowT.kaari wooM hrtos neb rotorwa to Uw
Oreoa. Woodburp. N. J.
Tb* aereac* commUto* of the beet
baa tb* tdsht to Md* tte toobtlo* of
•O0r eammUtoe of lb* board of
have b«UB tb* paabtof of their i
' to bualaem aad oaa be fauaad tb*
br toe aeenrtod if
Tba propeaad ebaan wooM bo
a dear vm*t at btorori* bmw m> I
• CPOd toUd ter Traverae ' CUp. m beet acreace. aad U ktea at iboofb booe kXh to dp *0 wbea toe pratoctlv








Bereeine in

were rip* for to*
of lb* active oampaton. bat tb* bllaThaiadw. c
bhicksd ibtot* (or a dm*. Friday
a la th* akmc to* aboro. Theta era Kano of
aadralac. however, Mkbaal Vmlor aad
whicb oalp await Improeod railroad Hr. Booiell* of to* Valtop
toe aouto. wbor* they wUI so
Iba. Bowrp jl Alrord. cfetof of tba tKimiea to tovUe Impnweaaeal
Hue to* fartaer* bard. Mr. DleklBdate dtotoiea of too VaUad Statoa «*- allract jaammer Tlallon
aoB of to* oompaap aad Fred Oebrtai
NMbloc oHctol r*«ardto( tbr
so aoetoTrwt
oasd ehaag* has baoa clTea eel. bal
Mtr of MBM a* proaldwt od tba toe plaa aarmi teaalbt*. aad from toe RoStoaba. to* potato bopor,
d SB maiaider appear* to bi
■tart tbrausb leuHaaa oouatp. aad B.
t. T. U I
wbkb woaM crtatlp baaett Uw
R. Hibbard wUl tlrft* Gaidar toad aad
aa well as too tarHi
bard.# Mote mea will b* aoai out to*
drat of to* waak. aad It looks at
tboatb tb* (nrmM* woaM bar* to sur>r to oe toot for too er■aalastloB It a ftd.Md eompaap. *rtib
d (bap caaaM oaeap* bp eomtoc
TMmt; a. a awbor. od^ I
O per enl of lb* ttock paU to. ter
I* Trarara* atp. oltber; ter erery

battor aad ohaoaa. Chipasoi
of brick
-laaa hoais to town haa eoalivt*.
A. W. SmKk. ceaamiwlaiw «( to*
HIHIpi date aad toad ^wartmtol;
ra plaai of UbM daltp oapwitp.
of aa* to Ware aereosa.
Prat a a ttoalBO* atoto aa>‘
Bad aa optica ba* abaadp broa a*
I* anaouaetoi that oa<* buaa*
tea. a a toaw*amor tt oitiadt;
I ea M arm of r«md at Kepready to take cnatracu were placed to
Jate Hitoatos tMMMd to I
rrerp aiore to lb* dip Tbuiadap afterakd already a aumber of tooi
teK'a a MHMl date lipirdnr if milea to c^a ptoai
urn hav* baaa i
Jh* totoa: Boa. A. a PalMaf Bat.
.to* irat tore*
hateai Otea C. UW Wite Uftl- ^
* aad Chailoa Iffmmim are tbe prlon■ pal praanten of too arboaao. aad aeeX
be w
F men have takre

iil'KsiiohUs.w i'ivu;(-LS to make
KIT l;l\I'll
VVhrr) wr imme a
l.kH'K .111 our SHUKS it k oo
Cq >iia>li’ »n Footwear if it ia on the i)aal>
Wc acii tito Plneree. NttiMss.

Hayer. RiBdre. Stif and Waakerz


make no

Tte prtateal bacana of tot pa- ^

a R * F. F. tevhap. Ibe Imp4*-

•aak ca -Hew do te

■ of toa Etote/ IVf.
n *■ tetok
*te- I
IT if as Bste isi hpw to (

' fMB tetto ItteiHi Bte 1

* of Mr. aad Hr*. 8


,iiJii Frank Friedritli


evW. U toe prapomd plaa to earrtad
out toe Mtter of ttocfctoc oar troat wafcvhr a R Hidi—ba, SeraMtarnm.

Chart** Ooraeti bad a very at
•cape Tkuradnp (ram iMuat doatk.
aad to Ibanklnt bto lackp atan
toe Bide at bto bead was not cn
to bp a plaak that cam* dowa
Ik* roef of to* Potato Impiemoai
urp with terrtoc teic* aad pal him
Id Bleep (or oevoral aUautaa

Htliable and Popular
Drf Goods and Clothing Sion.

me Sell Cbetti for
Uibat tbev are







“I $3.S0;


TravWTM aty Hsrkatn.

Big Bargains-BdoIis
Good chance to get a supply
of winter reading cheap at

CHv Book Store

totp. wbea a
aorb a wap at w au-Ou
full la tbetompla
BHjMW waa feared tbal be tel
Inatantlp kUtad.
' '
a ter aearlp ta*
canto to tMlIp aad a ■ tokoa ta bto
Soeiwtarp of War Mv Roatia
New Tmk. Pah. 10.—Tberw wa
wwll deSaat ramew micatoUim
at th* Ol

We are Offering a big lot of
nice, fresh, new stock at 26
. percent discount duringthe
balance of January to piose
before Inventory.

Hnhaft-Beecliar Cn.
Take a look
at our Bargain counter also.

•r'- Grand Traverse Region.



k«n l« • tow to^ barlac
bl* |Ma* with tbr utbto toa.

KM Birfat stow alchA
----------------------- to hUBbaslsltoi
eomton ov aflar
Aaso Wohstor la KstoBsks ceaiatj
.1 KebtoKBt l*ils.«BO.
Mn J«Mto Baslan sod Rbod»‘..—
Hn. Sofar.
of lb. aklB toasssU 4B1W
ij will BWO*
Th* UdIaB'Ald BBtoalr
Joan*.,Btoi to a asnr toillae
ThintoT of laiB - ^: with
Tib, B bo,
VMd wuau'i MB* iM »««r «>»> FnBk8a7*n.
om Ui
' -Bbs4-b7 BtutMaa
' •rmtm whU* Mata*
AT0T7 ItooaBi Use «BBco>o*ad .nrKK (-11, roltod «■ nh
bf a f.vorod
fBVond lctow St Uw hoae of Mr. SSBdS,.
Mn. U.
sBdMn Ws. Pbtoo flotanisr
Mtodorsia. of MB V.
Hsi. KsWob to dnwlac lof. U
:i»»raU nttoi.
•al qala tsdly.
I. to,.: --la |b« totosad iMh. sill to f;«i BWod fw b
iirr rt 1HM6 oar (
(tBBdeblldrto had lb.
Mf. aad Mn. Fad Atkii
ifler rseowtac.oao crand
hattoad wa* la Iowa Frldar


" BfBw torb


Dari's: xwi^a.^'SKi’S.

«M> T,tor to isabalBc bto Msaad
Ctaorth of ptBS.
a a Br,ut Wto la Ihto Tteiall, Mn aidas, BBoasn-i MMm sad
US mMaads, is Ox latofoMi o( Us bfotto fnis ^to^too ora Jo Dsa
AU HUM «M to nodes Hsodv an Mr. Ksldarbtoto td TnrstoOto,
SB roBW tor

lb. 000 wsalba of tlx Isii
da,, boo boto faraBbto to tb« fi
on who bar. toIsIom
M to hSBd I
Iho, aK<nw>ii..K Has

Tramto Clt, Salarda,.

Vraak Bbim wbb u TraM-rs Oil,
Ow. A Urolocr an Bortsc Urf.
asBtitle. of lamtaer froa tbetr woM lb. Tin
the t»U tbsB ao, oOwr i«i of tl
tUl to tbto pIsM fra Mklpstob Kif- Mn TbOtoaa Aadnw. aitoeded Uie )rar. The Miru .^11 ud h. wa* in
Bootto* nbool otoSHilieu al WllUasi- .B<’b Barer, llial fa* tornmed all ito,
SK asp)o,od.
bort lbs TtiL
Tb» loccsr* an lasaoTloa ih.fla.
Uto. Btoaeb
• oil lb. rick v«K Ind.ead K> tr,''Doas-. UiaUBe^ |
■latolilBC aod tbtoaud* of frat of

ibai tbr child ISrld*lb^llTrTto?L !

th. tolUt .Tor, da,.
11. IM0, It to to a _

Wte Alton Darsr of BIk BaMds
gw dsBto, with tor BOttot. Mn
utoatKorwesd aa batlOstoR. Oaras aod tto Robtol caltod
to niaurw tosa Baada*.
Mn VlM F«wan <d SIk BapMto to
.fWKUac a taw dajs *m calbUsas

Th_|^Kuie^ baa^^ta elyts
W. RaMMW. to .itftisit off u
wa, aftrr
I bald px Uk. Aas sra. •babe abd rlrtt hobIm of mm
r. nu It
tTMItoTBI rave Klief.
lb* erm tsd fTsat
1 fonad Dtoa's (»
(llolBtol to
Tto Bobetan of tto Mdh aabool
•c.-mrful for oor vraudeliil
toko a tls^btlda toTtanrsaUli,
r.1 trie »tr.-»t. a)>|i||ed ll aod fn the
I wlad aad toow ttortoi <j
^^xjliWerl, Bsu'sd al the M- B.
' - iiicbi 10 BOB, .he alept
l-efoK «r,B o-olook Bci
Vtotoid itoaniBbd Inch I
‘ aol oDa Tbr tenaoo bl
Fnok Fuh.reaBstrois Soalli Mao.
'iTrr Bi-ibrr
bnr did Doi aw hit toadow.
Oaml. D. l> , wa* a tot
d -at tto soBBBBioe altar an dlf-



Bloodiood a**7.w^.''£;
tow da,i tott sta^‘so!^-Shtoij‘b^*5Sd2rht5l
p,,^, „
brsthtaa to dw.ll lowall

Mn Mat, BtrtokMwd w altM at ihto

e Ito*


M.. M..../' an-

HcntiHB to.

ItoT. Is a fsw ds,i tor
tbama, wtors to will a

X wall M’sdBSt-


todbttboi WM lavalr atissdadaBd

a?s^_-A to raitor tto BOtBlad'A

af the aaow aad wiod.
Mr bbd Mn T. J. <
Dr. March Ixd a btofoBlobal call I
m Oil, TlMtto. tbto
A BSBtorrf tto roaoR paopto drors Pon Oeslda Mssda,.
wBlk Kap^laM Friday sewlBCMd Sennl a

tan at tto toll OTSBtbdWM tpaatlsfa
ranattaa, aod in tto w
> wall
ttotoUowlnc B



John Oaaptoll. who U worktac Is
rom ini,. .psBl Sabda, with bit
St* Mr. bad Mn Arebl. Oaap■ownt SAU


I la atr*^


H fSoat, U (B Itx tick iMi.
I ban atttadMl tto
a Atlnr laM

Atota IiOBiUh «e Tianm atr slsiadblltoM
frank Totua it tbo

5e»'».g~ e^JHlZrei;

MMbatoatl lytiiMMiiUtoia»-as-
fato OcsbML m old (tstoar. it
9ttr to* wIthTlitU bapa (at taaot-

lira Mrs

MtbH FaiTMl wsat to tepli. ass
MiB Oarra BtaatH wUto rtwalat
last Haada, MSSBlaf. ditloBlrd Ixr
M« ABd bad to to to Kapln to ton
Dr. O. W. Fnllok watU tows lato
MAa O. B*Bba« aad Mn I Bixhr


lorte 2

. -- ...
«o Your Cloth*. Look V.llox .•


...IT’S JUST...





m S -N .\\\ I •! « ‘1 •; UI > .1 ■! \|.

arklbf for K. W. Dee- '

~ ^ and
___ WaaViH. wbo bn bees la OsaswibfrwT. Beroavb
Mm. isto^i*il!t^ MAv
troll teax l^s. bat ntaned
Mad ton Banda,.
trlUralato bU placxai
tto Bail
I Mn
I will to,
JTb. 8to-. i. Mn OanplibU aad Mn CUxnnan
- BBSto Ito tltli tbU «*ak.
r. Cnaralaad porofa
-In flla BsbaaterdI It^xadlaca
H of A. Beawti cf
Bari, taxi fridb, BXHtof Frad En- Otnibl.oiiF
Marlaa VaaAarteaa 1. an tto slek Mn Wiboa er.Karlta rl.lted brr
aafbtor. Mn Blffet. foUerOv.
Oarl Hart hattoea appolat
Then will to a donation al the
W*»totod dapa
>iwt to .
**«, ihariff of Boaor b, BtoHS
boa* of Mn 8. Hama for Ux ben.
•wa «stk>, toiM
Bar. Mr. Barsso tto'lTih loti
TtoM. K. obaiabatBcBHhaaiatt fit of an
to bare spoaklsR abd .Itxnealrto two bandradasd dft, dellan Tto,
lac Ism traak with Mar. aaa Mn ftnxt tto Ohaiah EstoatioB Boeton to las aad Mr. SalllTan froB linen
will b* than with bit srani.
Ttogr tspori a ns, saMsUs
tto asw obaroh. this t«k*
phOBB to oeunaie
all bopowill toaluire
Tbs laTltral Bsallnft ttoi hars btaa
Id b, Eta^M B. J. DsTli
flaak aad Baralaa Fewitt ilttadad and tbe pattH
pattto e.
of lbs M. B. shBKb
dMto at ihM ptoaa Saato,. ;
bara baaa a saasa._ ____
Id to laad a toiUk llfA
« aad B. L. Boot at- i
Tiarasto Ott, aad attoadsd tto
Mn R y. BaiTowi and daatairr
Baeaaala laal Tbanda,.
Btoa|ryicd Mn Olerslard eu* d.,




I.r -' ( ! i< I'o


1 >1

\\ ^


>: ■■■

i-' a: ,


x-'k ; -!iic \\\

$ iviErg’S




1 . -1. 1. l)|


97.SO IVIEN’S Ixlt-S'T^R
f\ < ii. A ].< 1;. i

> -1 .A\^




• Den






-.1 !:.r I 01. iteel *|WtB|;v; i-ovrml in T*|iettrv. (wunb

I li.i'i- i.iinratli-.i (iir .1
iiiimlx i
. .'OvIk--. ill order to gel liirne nudlilllx iTu .-'
and ihey will U-here.MHill. 1
deti-nn- Ill'-J-III el(»r oul e\ery conch I huv •- I’li I lie
ilodr l«-f<ir<- they arrivc^aiul t uffer yo-.i the
bent-lit of the heavy (uirchlise. I will 1411011you a few prices ihat will enable yon to tret
a ioiH lia» cheap as smalt thalers ejui lm\
liiefii. If you will lieed a couch insidi-of .1
(ear do noi neKleci this chance.
If yon
cannot t-ome, send in your order by mail l«for*- they are all ifoiie. \Vc are tiiviiig ImU
baruains in everything throiighom oiir whole
I louse 1-iimishing Stiick,



in li'ii.
V (.id V



line! will, i.eavv

ji'jT 7^


Tto Baa> frtoade of Mn 0. Uanete
an sotr, to tost Ubi abe it afala oa
toaa elwatad. Pnaxhlaf at
Ua. MfiO A n; Saada, aetoi____ tto alto Ual aad bi^ to boar ot^ ber
Fnaoblaf at tto Tattle
elBB Bos&x^
Bpw^ Ixataa.
«*p. B.; pnaeblBC, »:»ii b.


«7.SO IS/IEIM’S Sl.jl~rs


Mr bOd Ml*. Itonl aad Hr. and
Mn J. U. Kixwa. aflar a fewdatr' ben retanied to tbtir hpar.
Muiii*. It------- 9rrrnl of Ux betlne« aeo of Ito ___liiM la.1____
Mr. Ki^hlldof Tn.em C-l, earn,
ton ,r.lerda. aad will xtkr . boil
trip to Sooth MauiloD lliraral
now. Sob. food,
to b. offersd for I
Mn JobBtOBrwelT<.d word
of thru
that danrh’rr Tillr.
who weal to Uuicoro Un (.11 >• m.rned. Hsr ftiNidi Ixn-«uh b-r ■■.art.
MlwBBBa Hook WMtoeweoBBd
ooae of Ib* tSBx Aatt wsek aad did
aoi tsacb fall Uba
arotdabl. abnae.
batid a tl it (xaetdod that
IbU Diaaii Vooid' tore
token Ito ladlrt'oc_______
re'OOWO prite. Tbe
A pscdis eaUoQk f« lea. Tto aero dlan oaan in for bU tban of irau..
xiDl tot »M ,el boss rtaelxd
botito OhlnaBan MOBnd drbebu-d
> abort I* Ux eeldnt Iba* tar.
to to allowed to ilann with Amrlloui
J. E. Siroof wa* la Ttarsrae Olt,
Inole ___
._ ____
____ ___ ibe oentrml Ocore. Seri-rOllTcr Baatonlafi Tbaitda, i___ al
that w*n In atuadanoe b, that
tto, b«nr attoadod a son plrsBni


-iUTKiJ.'rS 'r S’

tor aocherBor to ni lea
or sir b. _all drolrn .Pnto
wtod otobdsd. at it did STT
(• Ktalei-Ullhoni
Oa. ______
Wbw tto MoTB wa. orcr the tsa
i . nil. aenu tor''“‘t'Uoitod
Ux Uoll with a alxrt of lo. two la ......................
Ir. KeB*Bb<-r Ux
abd lakr
tbtek. bat tto, eaa. oot of ib.- *i
all riiiht.
K is. Bberldao broocbi
^ ^
, Nooeewoalde.rr to boitxrodwiUi
OtorlM froB Etoaixbs to Trai
Oil,, w^ OhariJ
Ban, friusd. ben bop. for hi. .peed,

ntooh tot ttnok tto towa bad
thneart nab, totot of FlIbetaUlloA
Pobllo icboolt bar# adtoddOatw
■loBM to ibair llbcai,.

e Ladlsi' Mlaiator, aodsl,
t with Mn M Oalnr WadatatfMlBMB. Fab. 11.

.. -s daktoto -Uh rablK. Tbo bs,
i. to rM dsMdooxI aoarakitotoBaf''. -A
II. .jdmjtooUa. Uti
prubOU, W MW
m W.»d i» ihe rtotoor to.lli.1r al Cbl
' Vu.tati ir.«isr«i.

Ara Vour Cloth*. F.

Hoke eal to
I, eermad bu
isr. sock, ton BBd
' - bto bau
J Ortpil. til* DK of WdVM and oIbiou BBd toWluB. trassot* usa

fatbsraad solbK.
Cto,too. Aaod*,. _
Amou aod Olto W*l

krt M aOeooU . bB0b.L

hardwood aad baaUoH an eoaiaf to

TbT^I*d Losbn Co win I
Itosllae tbair Isstor ibto wnb.

lb. Vaivmh, <d Hitbim todt tlto -'a

t'o|w>)sBd •

AlAU (toMMT U OB U4 Mi li

^ a a OBtibMBwMM
lagBtbltoy to TUlt hm bBsl

HlaBnitoKlBS to OM----lto( ^ard.;r oS s nMt SOd vUl to-





I, Ixai \ emtotoeil uak bainc, hear,
■e (iMcIln <« hcbl, a |iretty. well made coi«* (wcwih

Mn a BnBbtldf* U la Battle
Isak. when tto wsat to taketnni.
Bsat (or Roltn. with whlcb Ux to.
boaa Btloa*!, tnablod for


racjpod aa Awfal Fate.

Mr. H. HacciBS Of Melinarne. F
wtUn: -H, doctor told nc I I
Mn Ftoldtac Waiaae.*bo baa bass CotoUBpiiao aad notblnc c
tl^d Jx^ea^ tot a wato. to- dose
' - *bir me. 1 ww
was riroa

op lo di<Tbe oBar of a fro* trUl
of i'r
Fw PatMita. «ba ha* bsaa sasadKlar* New Dteeorer, fur Con«oB|>.
iBf SOB* tlMSritfa nMUSB bnA i*Btk^|dtoBBa^.
tiOB tadirnd ax u ir, II Besoli.
Isasss is^ hr tan haw la Hotto Ur. Babeoto
of Balkatba wa* «Ulad won stoiUtef. 1 4B BOW UD tbe road
,,to.Upbatoto^Aafa«-bbA to rsoDTsr, aad owe all to I>r. KiBf«
Now UacorecT. li aiir.-l, eared lo>
Ilf*' TbU.craat cure I* soaranteed
tor UI tbroai and luof dlnaec. b>
' • •
Id r. K. Mrwh.
J. R.- BatMa aad wUo altsadad tto
. I*riee Sue andd I$1.00. TrUI
Mn MtotMTnrsnBOIv. saaU k
Saada, aohaol eoBTanUoa at WU.
■^jtoH*«.“Oar Oa*--Mn ^ai» ' nn.
Batoo U apndlBf ‘-naabaii aakarfiaj.
k bar panau aaar Mr. aadI Mn W.
“ A F
A ftooch Mdwtlu ha. cuocludcd
B. T. Pb,-s S
that oUdtnd B*(,aU are Cull, uan.
tiBwwd afaln tou>-«w» aad will ulUtr I
k atanad i^tr^lZidL
Ml,_ collect under crooed fix miufc'|





MIb Bath Ttosa of tto paatoaala

Tbsn toa baas qalla

■DmBna an baallM laaitorfat
Me. AliMfiir tiB guisli-a aUU la


AanTMhaUMATtaMfib, esaa-

B oaana y^Mwa,.
MIb HelMfWtb eama to vMl tor
M**w, Mm ValfaBA Batatto,.

tmmo Sir*

bae* ba«a tookaa throagb ito tolto.
Mlaaaa F. aad R Barr, to Proe*.



Mn A B. BttoardUaUHiahaitar
. _ palo aad -aUlesr tod ihr
Clifford Pm, wa* heaia froat lmiB otocr freabrand roa,. Vbeoce tbe dl!
_______ She who I* blaUil
tonlib BBB* Ur. KIBS * New L
lo BBlatUn
atUn II.
Ir B,
" ersU,
tbe Abi, on^ai tbe, '
enUue aad bead off o___ ...
tbea Oat, :&c. at Jbl G .
and F. N. MeadA D


8- B

Below Cost
Co Close Out

BtoatUal aetBlBff* tar sMgb rlfiFtoT, HarvacMfi Vsrth, XMacMaKMorr. -

Its* h, kto pBFHtbat bttoseattostt estos alaw. Lat ito seUtotort

5S5i2 totStosiS*



Man Mar**, it aMa aa ba waaad
_li». .a*fi Mm Daeifi aarag. wto


warb; ba* tosa
tJiSZSiSl:u7U't!SS Mw■apalr
mvbUI ban, wbiah

btown sua

MM b, *a axplnalo. to Jaa. tob^

SwfflSSZfflS. “““
Mbfatost ■iiMnwaitoU Vafi-


******' *' ^

OMpabUt MMtofi stM, fMah
Bm*. agbU anaafi aattMHtofisb,

*»/f % Umti


Thu bcaulifuL S-p«cc. aU oxeT-»tuffe.l Parlor Suite, juu like
rut. \Vc bartn't spare 10 (bow liat three pwen TIioctsoDC
reore iwkw chan like cat. and a latfe arm chau tike the rat
of tbit am rocker. All opbotaered in t«au- it'yZfUi
ululVeloor.AWHthfSS). oor twice DOW.. fftjbOol/Kf

• rm
Na M27^ CWJi. ;us like rut. only |iUitr tup, willi beaty naU edges; .
tjwing lewTsiruciioo. covered with beautifnl Velour, ni{*ly carved heavy oto
I tery tou Jiape.<wofth *li'76).

No. H), Coach, a tig. heavy couch, yudjikr • i:i. Cinered in liest'crushed )Joib.
■ row* deep toltA a 1x00(1(111. tea>v, hkcIv camd. oak
- ——
frame, made up in very tcU toajx (wtwth tIfi.Slii. now..


Wc have a nice la^^ S-piece farior Suite, covered in a p......
ixitern Velour, oak or maboganv frame, 0 1 ^ 7Z
nicely canwd. IMS* $»Sy tor................... ^ i i oi O
A bnuitfal. tasty. .H-pMce Paihw Soiir; polnbeil 1
'baisbed baiae. j ‘ '
— ..(WMtb •18.50>, b



(Mv a !«w left
Absolutely the best bargains in Robes in the Ciiy


iFe are (Wlcring aotae caerilent ^oes in MankrlA «
tod spread*, sbeeta, piDow cues, towek, etc.

tto tos Couch we haoMe. heavy qBaHer atwed oak frame, whh be^
tifni eroamtMs on heail, jast like cot, large an-l nuBtre. coreral in beat
' emboased pltuh. a goad.sobd, weB made cocKdiandabean^,
(worth $15), our |«ce now —the price uT a eoMiaoo cxiacdi.

^rao^loal Mou«4» Wt

ourMmitoM dolac


Over-Work Weakens
Your Kidneys.

■ IS

AU tbc htood In ireor hoe pttKi ikreoch

Moodp-^jr^y I*

cf er^.lbeyltdlofa
tbetr vetk.

•an. nnd hit llCe omulkad prootoe i
hriebt htape HltdenlbUnlerllw"”

** and utaUoo 111 merit*
Oae tdanler ta*i II hU caillr by *11 touttUli In Ofiy-M
n VilhiB
caal end oiM-delUr
kte* B^^i
Btwiluo CKO td Ike Ohio latr*. rrftr

ltai.'*tai'p*xn|*l« taUac yca’bJTTS'flSf
BUI i( you hav* todney or btaddtr eeaU*.
■ —va llui paper. vbMiwrtUtw Or. KltaMT
[lav*. tey«: "Ko pen of the plumtce
Btackamua. N. Y
fn*-|*kln or body o( any bird piwieeied

IViB'i make any atatake. bat re‘kia*, by the BtOlbia, tbal! be *uld or bad la
ri-r Ibl. eee- aiemU-r tbe aanir. Bwaap-Root. Dr.
■be pMtMnhB (or aale - Uari-r
Kllniern fwaap-Koul. and Ibe ady nmilner in
Oeraua policy lovnrd Veaetae!*:
dreu. I'lBEkamlun. N. Y- oa errry
kalaer barinc cobbIii
laaM* In b* (Ifaod br HlalMar Boven
Ibe prcenii maatnre*
It fev day*. There
alii pruTtde (or lb* parmaal of tST.B*ili‘ aad cerrval
CM raab li> taeb of tbe aRkd paver*
(rum ihe |•^>l>lore of Yeaiaa.
der of tone of itae a
dereodaal* bain- I en I tailed already
rttie ibal itareral at ibe poverful
*1 ii In tuire fur
frafereallal uoalBeal lo Tbe Hacae.
iriliei iIxTe bave rlMB acalatl
Heanirhlle (be a
itb •Inliiora an> b
Ftiraal annual
a vUI be *rpeodiaee.
The torrtaoo* I Ibe pniTa OB Ibe vllbla a lev day* <f ntaa* (or tbe
orUdoal i
llly^ e
r»*d. will
ler. ll li
la New Y.vk of vbai
PndUalaartoa dbov tbal OrMt
and *ertou» imuble U
reanlt In a Bore cordial
peked lo be one of the crmle
aw datoraa lo vUbdrav fna IM am(■vqrd..
euilaa ha* teal order*
laellBf luvard tienaany and creater
lorlea for me<1lral renean-k Is ibe
. aaoe vllb tbe auMalacIa of tbe dla- Irrltbltoa acalatl RnaUad.
rtaw lie exerted
CKI (ma John 1). R>
pale to Tbe Kafae.
WatblapoB. m. l.-tt
Ri*ke(*Iler la*>Uole (inIVIMat Sooaerolt daellaed lb* lala
Loulte Scart*. a well■ Baklag by Ibe repreaenlalKes of loal ReMoreh. vhleh he raumd i .
rltattoa «( ib* alllad povar* (a arbltbe allba hfre to aenire a* early
nd a hall acu. kaoVB llcbl opera star, died
> BMin a(i*r laldalcbt
Beat, of tb* VeoetaeWa dltpote after Ibe deaib -of bl* craodtun.
L. aad UHer lati buura were paaaed .1
ibool reterflac II to The Hi
-Jaek- Mrttorailrk, vbooi all ihe tklll
MMV« •a»W Hi
UiU efurt lb* Iiallaa and Brtittb *■- d pbymielkim euuld not mar*. Thl* erable. eiild. rbeerlea* todplaf. Uwtae
Bote la tbe RrtUab a
Hearle aaac for’ eeveral eea*oc
aad the netmaa Blaltier. laburviory,
•dytotas tb* Hhiiab aabMMdor to Baroa Speck iroB Sierdbont. are revlih Rama Abbott'*
nearly tl.ane.tiMi. will herM>>Hl
Tb* ■attar, tbartfor*, eeftlaa Hie ladoneaM-nt of Ur. Boaee
a exqulille a
UBied OB Ihe iia*l tide uf Ike rlly.
vtll b* r«f*rf*d to Tb* Hacae Irl- a* wall *1 Ibe tnrdUl approral of-ibe
UBCed at the llaie u( It* urcaalubaaal. Tbto oill raaall ta tb* UaaiadI
Id V*1 ealeeaflil lieaotlful.
Hailed fialea
Ibe ubjerr of tbe tbrnkifellur loM* nMW( of tbe HoMada Tbo ad- ta voderaiiud Ihat tbe prtolileal.
At Byraeuie. I'. A. .Raavea.
fiirvlK'h raeiniiM
BlBtolrailoa. It it aialed la avofkUl
Mer. bit bad a deeprrale eaeooBier
ixjoBKied wlib
"urtclaal Inrtolliitikin. panlniltriy In
aeaollailuB*. I* petouually In (a*u
I pndilen* In aedlelnr *nd hyal-- wtita a blp ^aal tlpre** la a eace at
vlaier -quarter* of a elrei
Imlnr eearheil
a* have pivrilcal beanne on
lleeve* had'enKVed Ibn eaire to In
.-•lUu. •■>* fnrt. at
m dltraH'.
kl.#aii.. ~
beoal. Wlib a roar abe tpraac
Vorfc.4ierald nay*: “ReKeb e -CtaraoBi ta ta ftaat
bit ibraai. aad .with her clavt a
> a y*Mll -of Ul* aitatlac
WIH CMealBe RtMalaoa.
leetb lerrlMy laocraled bit bead a
aMdUloM broMlM aboai by lb* Ibe di-nanaeBi «( healib. Tbe d
Oavaao. Cab. (.—Tb* OvoMO facer
tbou'ldiav aad ebeved bl* an* ta I
lada. WbU* yaltov laear aad tjtBrnttir bat panhaaed aboai l,*M
bon*. Hm amad vUb crowbar* aat
prevaU. tbay ace aot Is epUaBto In the city * nortaliiy: damp. vM
hot Iron* VatWe
(ofiy. vealber bMn< the crip*
. IBM M aWM lb*r «UI frow <
drnned Keere* (nun hta perllout poDr. William K. Qallfoy.
RM n* tefM.UM lo tv* I
recltltar e^e. depanaieai. aald yo*Johann Seboeeberc. * veH-knowq
mt U bWara** Ibe fhlav
lenUy Ibat ftipbol bean a relatton
a. All h*k.»a- tbopt la
,tM* MlH i<*arB- eaiMdlsf ap Ikio lb* mt art eloaad. .Tha Mppy of Bear tbe enp dlltoBi from that tovhrd miter, ba* died a* Ihe
poenro at Hereaexay. ni
'paMaoAa tonaad by ibe Weeiloa o( ha* baaa aetaUy atbaailad.
other dlte**4
Ilve.1 la a atrrel. ate bread aad
Cfed l*>a rtrer*. It Utc fre etito* i
neh. a prerrotlrn of
ftarU. l^tL-4.-TlM iutta today
d aivty*
af ,«t. fWanit.’ Two ihoaMail
prlal* a dUsBtab frOB Oataaab Vaaa- renala diaraa^ be *ald. Mil 11 >
B enldnt waalker. After hi* death
<f the Wtb bar* bMe oadar eoltb
Iba'^p baeUlii* arore
•aata. raportlaf (bat troop* bad left
va* dtaeoveref that be
waitoa. tra (haaa kadi Umt* are aald
lbs alU Taaaday artslacAo ■**! tb* teal aad de^y. Tu arold tbe dlaoate.
>1 irniutaad acre* of land. SO bouici
tp :b* tare* dapouu of eoal. aad iht

rebel loro** that VM* tatddly ap
d poaaotaed H.OM.OM. He left ad
dMfwar Meat to take oat paUrtwit
Bleep, avoid
btaf tb* cMdtaL A batik, lb* food, take plealy if
.1 relallvn bare a* yet apdvl M foa 4to iaff* ydaat la Ul* oily.
dlapatah MPA It probably wwv^ pn- drauabt* and etee
(blip Ibe v*e of aknbol In every (unn
no»el plan
> ratae ataiey l
• ta tb* ooBpaay-t plea
II wn* to be «*pecied
ehnrcb parpoaM
idoo bota N*« Totli of
Cbarp WIlllaB* tf
ity. Peaaexphficd
ataUtoo. vbo viD h* eol
e ot i>reMdcDl RoeweveU'*
At Ibe MisnalluB of tb*
vara aad Ibreaieolaf with
kxwrae la appolatlac
paeior. Rett A. K. Coo»r. tbe aaader aad Ocblalac. vlib rala aad
be eoulh, but lev expecled that be
of tb* Uidta*' Afd *oel*ly of
tarvlBi 10 aaov aad atoat tad
lid CD to Ibe iroBble «( maklac
Cbrtal lAtlberaa ebureh caiarot
r aboat lb* 4>b. Thata Mil br a rldtlta sboBl the Bailer. Here
•ebeme to **11 *dparalely *11
Aeitw Mimed* (tob tbe 4lh 4 IClb
“WTiy didn't
, laid by tbelr beat oa Simdaya aad a*l
la (aet. tbe whole Bootmaijk a
crouad Mat MB* out of bl* bole <
money Ihu* derived (■
B of Bofo* (tor***, bactabtaa CaadtoBa* dayT' Brerybody flrcB
<f tbe ebatchI aad Mdtaf ootd. aad ibra pet
Mtaaltaippi boaflmpaoe <f Braaa* irlntapbaaily fivea lb* anTifie, lad.. Vbo will
Maaale aadfrattoa troa
Noortaad Otatrtot. Rwadea. vbtra (*to did Roneevell would pal a
oa-da old. atye ohe bo* pretonfM her Ilf*
Itat«. V. McNaaafa of Otuoii. <
8 n'etoek OTCfT
la* aov It nfUf. ta aqaeied 1
bl* place.*'
ta bob atod* aad r
alsbt. She wv horn la Raatta
tprlac. eipataallT to Uta I'eltod
“ProB New York to cue _
aiocBaav Napoleao vbea be lavadad
tb* alB of tb* baUter* tf •
baaad aad tdaitod ap- TMurCay Ottf
woadarfal •learta ear. ptaaaed lo
IM Ma rtf* to«^
lU Bile* an boor by tbs tfaird
>M*i Wtafar* to tb* depot. Walktac
lyalaB. Tbe Oat of tb* hoc* |ac
PM ^ aaaaiR far Umb. The
batac taatalled ta BliabMb
that wlU (ire Chtoaco aad
■to aad Mark tbtr* lor piad. Thro*
AfImfR. HI., tbe (aatcel aubarbaa
M tb* party. PatBVoa.
Tloe ta tbe world. It 1* predicted Ihal
Haw I* BOW rbme at baad when
I PDlUic* atove
lb* to-boar flyart to Cbleata v
j without aealiiictbe




UMto aufa. Tab. 1.-U tb* *■**
of »r pato* # lb* Qraai Cbaw.
KM^ M (be Hadtra Haeaab*.
a ibot IM ftprtBa Teat
« vtib the toad tf Ha haal-

B«»rt Troubl#,NerwowW Prostration
and l>yapo|»la.
Mt Prtond* Kaew Hsart


ItMvafler aay leitar cairier


Cur* Cur*d M«.

HI** l-waa Baker of MUton. lad.
loal bar brortai avraral yeoiv
ta able to
vBicblBC tbe BOttoaa of peapta* np*
She bat a canary Uni. aad *be alia
oat of tbe
1 of Ibe bird * Ibroat aad


' "

V tortaq tiem.lku fey *• iM.r«f ife. Pn>
fe.1* «oort fee tfe* r.mnty «f tlr*fe4».
tfe* s»t «fey vl Afeanam A t>

Calrla Bird of loal* h
peenltar o
court before
toally dtapoaed uf. Sooie line ac-> be
a Bue*i Hitt Maule WbHe. *,
Beer va« MTved ai Ibe dlaaer
cable aad tbe yunac lady panodc tf
fulknred and
be wa* (ooad palliy. Tbe qaeatloa to
be determined by tbe aupreae coon
vhelber a permm ba* ■ rtphl to
ve Uquor to (im*i* rectrdk-a* ot
ibelr *se.
ThoBiat H. Fliicerald, repreemil
tyadlraie of Chican
•ecurlBc upikuu on i
of aarah land la
thip. Can* couaty. for Ihe purpiw of
eotoBliiai futelBaen apua Ibe UaJ lo
mine cardeii iruek for ib«- fhU-sg.i
Ume tvptle* >i*i<- l>eec
BtblBB life weary f»r (anoan aruaad
Lapeav. Two of lb* voBea

who** (urtuae Ibey ptomlard
•old plare a piece cf money la:
bItpalB. He Ml. aad they dersaped'
with tlO^
jS-yWrcild nwldeal ot Clio U M-i
(erfas (mm vbouplns euoffb.
Cealervllle. two marrta«e III were luned by Ibe niuniy clerk
Ibl* week vblek wmild had one br^
lleve luve never prove old. They vere
Artbor b'ux of Nevherry. lad. aped M.
Drrllta Blittutd tf Ooabra. lad.,
need M; Olarfcaoa-HIchBail. need 70.
Mary J. Cbaie. ued C$. both cf
Three River*, la tbe former rate both
partife* bad been married Ivier.
Prank Locke of Oladeloee aeorly

pipe, and vbea llpbied
d freotly dliBpured b
tare. He will rtscover bl* eyeelpbl.
Pbllaotbiaplat Cbarlrw-H. Hockley
that be vlll endow the
Harkley baafftal with IIM.OOO. TbU
benefarlloa tu Uutkecon fUO.OtW
Tbe bocpllM plan* bate now been approved to b iSi will bem
Tbe bulldlap will be covered by Nu^
iber i. IMS. aad eonpleted by
AprU 1. Wf-^
taie wanlee. 1a hi* repurl tor
Itb uf JaBoaiy. elate* Ibere
were only an vtotattoa* of tbe
tav In Ibe taoaib. Tfata. be declare*,
iadlcaie* that cliltM* are beplBetap
appreelai* tb* aecmaaHy of obeying
lb* taw to aav* tbe faaio. Gird* and
larger animal* are wlalerlag o-ell. be
tty*, exerpt tot vulveo^ kllUop

Miv fei
M «T*r
tfe* rtvfefei* odlre^
tfc«my <r


the .lumatb rail.* *pi<*rtrir diitrra
dUtrra aad
iBluluiMa of Ue keart. Tb* beavl.
arr Dually •ffertnl. prodoriu eolirky


fliMbotg. r*fc. T.-Aa Into

dta •* faMOM* M aa avarngw of t

i peatod ta to —wy- IWotov

• ^ »M-d M tb* .to nto*to






u.'™“ ■
6r*t tb*
Nervr*. and Ib.t u ikrueirb tbe SUanto. .
Drake'. Di*rvp.U I'ui* aad Nerv* Rw'
trevtawnt eayw
r 1. * ■•
rtally prepared (or lbr«r diiea**.. to it*

_ t«.L {


ir and *tuU»m rate, of OytpqiMa
pnqtam! I* pkamnt tablet form, wlib
eumplrte dlrertioo. in aeb box. to er''
It at
to *1.
Ml drupEirU
Drake A tthodr* On. Ud. Prop
•f Drake-. buUnr Tbbto tk* grmX

,r^id|Mii^Md Umi t^knr. ti 1.^3

h U'lle vUlape* cf I
1 a numlmr if'pooplr
’people aiake pood
vactv rtirhinp fl.h to tell.
Jeete Savyw tf Naibrllle vlll be
a big boy oo* tf Ibeee day* If be
keep* OB the vay be ha* tUrted. He
Itonl.r s yearn old. but be velph* H3


•b uBr*. tfe tk* mij it Cvbob

Sugar B*«U at Cheboygan.

.*»*»* l^nM nnd a
Tvarnfet- tu* .low anei^i

Md Ii»dieiit,mln»r
vud taad r,'uiUfe*« *M
lkalBek.^W.udhir.h-T»ra~..tMaa| l>
In g^gm* mwk ’fefed^'ruM
Th-rr-l - II b .wdmd
TTidt'. ta. talk

ru.fetaw.Unmd Ti.iw OiiuBtr. taKklaiBb
JuAfe PlM*k*r.UPtat.ferll.AIW.fe~aBty.
^ilMeka.U ptaU»i4i?uL.A'.____..

u u, tamr ■>- to
lfa.1 feud p*«
nmor rW* asOe* *■ tfe* |.'fe» i»
■fe mfel btfel*. at ta* i.eiliar. .4 m-i l•<>lfeliiC

OmUDian. Ukh- Peb. 5. - lA»>
nmne-r * Umlied atuoiioi of .upar
beet >e«d va.fa dtairtboied •monp ibe
fanner* here by Ibe Si-bevalap Sugar
toy..anil a re port Ju*t reeUvoI

■s 5*sS-i.iS-«rs^r4s:g:i-afc

if aiduiMvm. inia
d <m mSf mirl
..........<• beet.'provn ahnvu a remark­
able future'itV tiunbem Mlehtpaa a*
lupar be<i eounwy. The aeaiiuD va* teniauM nnT’prSbd k« Iq
ul a. pood a* uiiial. bui the pnivib
t Ibe Iinrk va* pood, tbovlnp' over
r per eeal. toptr. The comiBP •** irtimk.invrtng.
>n aeveral hundred acre* vlll be pul _n•ranis. fejiAi nlTmxa e*M at mid
itn and It ihe retail I* equally a* *aitaftriory a. (hi* year iimloubiedlf
It UnplAfe. biruaip. la bkl .-.lal,. **
vlll M« thoiuuind* of aerie if
Cl. nadfetafefed Bbfe* U4.|*4>li.-i^i *bl
bc<H> uoilrr mlilvailiin.






b-f-lq (Inu Ife., iV ta*

A. o.isoa.


ud ta*l m*k tafeb vta ru*lh-« .irtav mat p*.-

WHIk rnal ik-r ta-tfe* iVior

mwiam. >adtaMta*1««.al tav *r mfel

ife mta mreio**,*»av1l:^TW



aU’Sl’L.ytarfefe^*v^ cS«S

t maa ta tb* anlver**
lire* at Itapcer, and ibe tfSen
enr.Peenrr'iKldfeey nnd Bneknrk* Cor*
UDR. A tla*a meirlbu- I ife* rtinfe III u.y priuc tojr* lo-onr. I kne
fef*rid(rentlr offeldoer du*em> (urye.r.
lioa hoak tor ike beaeft of the 0^ torednndta ■rtabiui IMpodedfe Ik**
phaa*' boBo at 81. Jtaepb tat on
wTre Pamnee.
the arahaa boo**
few pamta*. It wax
aiMea vbea Ibe alfbt rlrtk'* back
vat laraed. •

»ns£:?-‘a5S«s:--''- “Ssk;

a—ta ta.torc7a«sL?’j‘i:



A Gasoline Engine


Is what Jim need, and
you I

Ito not mb oC.{


tataadeoL be wraf lo the door
check am* Itobnlrwi
cf tb*B threw a'auae. vblM atrwek


........................... ..


tan* ta am ky anIL
SMYtoS.*. W—fto.»iwT«



Wto 0*to a-k BUI, DBXBOtt



t £*SfeS“-e;


Crhadtn, dividing the
shock of expIosior>s. evenly balancing the
engine at all times and reducing the vi­
brations to a minimum, admitting of
lighter construction, adding to power and
efficiency of the engine and doubling its
life. Easy to operate, economical to use,
moderate in price. You can’t afford to do
without it. Satisfaction guaranteed or no
saie. St* It rnttklBg tmr ttm.



inrm Cwy.-la mta motay.


o deal wUb tb*'





Rm. nil* Baltoo. CDoela of
dcat OarfMd. to at oae lima bl* pr<y.*ta dead at Hi* Hoaae
-of.tb* Lord Mtaatoa. New York, from
aC«et« «f a btov iweelired
After -a dlaaer
fires L
of vbtab be van *1

Pto*r pkaaKB tor daily vaaaitaM
bMaw* td Um airtta. tWleta tarca
Ptoto ar. Had bp today. ToavoU


Vo odor.
It r*M of laimal will
be dtaBtaaed (roB tbe.aerrtee. aeconl-

___kCaUBd,ii>W.TbMak, Hotaa.

dadded that ao abowtac ba*
to* ta tb* OMWerM tbe So
Tmt tbot vwMf iMilfy aay tetorftr«we as U* put vllb tb* baata*
lb* anal damp.

.. ^

VentsKw w MAm

toife of mid nmaly. *i -iimA aa4 tau
*U rrabka. it _mtd darmaad ae* re



boBMataMUr ttorarta. ta a tob^.lar
•ertaiu tboopbl to atara. A bptariial
Botbm ha. aa epilrwUe ehOd. an i«eUr
leUld: er hipl^ '
purau ri-<ata*t« aa«t«kk ebUdma;
vkita aralal to Btrroo* dtatata an
tUrwucyIv *baTui.kt.
lauaiiv and drluraitta* uv (re

y.rt .ub>ri. tT M>me ivrmfled pnirth*
e knovB a* MoaUfor. ur .tlBUtaat tddirlkiB. Tobaira. aleeUil. murybiB*. cocvia to rvea la to
ruffe. am.Ur Urm
. du.n tbelr BBat
1 aarrlmUe and
a be cboeea (or tbe rapldm-lay * dhpoutm* b
m rrUtimi brlnmi lb* !
*ad Xenn irr urb lb.1 t

qidck <r______ ,
ibey Ud bean trevhle. bteauac tbe been U
ewiwtlac la.puffto ttock. Uto«y-


dedarNi r«*ierd*i’ (bat ■ ibe
■eld aia be Brfed lor raU
Ibe Mklatond MU I* dloMlBBoat cueailT* aca-


Hie aad tajorte* la aectdeau by
pkrytac « aorveou vbu will Hee Mi
alone tbe Ua*. oo tbal they auy be
reaebed at a»ee. Bark pbyatoiaa will
Laic ebarce of a aceitoa. Brery limla
will eairy a Call kit of *art«aB’* loola
■tan of Ibe North Dakota
and J. K. TolBta. a ta«talatlre
held a cooler0 arroape fur the ■

a* did Ibe New York Baa
Jott kad ooe eye re Burred b
tr fawior Horwi aaatiBuaa bit okpMaoalnc. <
•iraeUt* poUep oa Uw rallfcaitoa of
eye with hi* band aXier be nlnr la Udaey troobl*.
Ike Faaaaia aaaal. loac •xaeoUve teaIlyoutr* tick yev eta mak* a* mltuk*
eouBilac toevepe
emplor o Ward b t. of Bl< Rapid*, i
byltrvdoelorltiy your fcldoeyt. Tb* mild
uBknovB dtocaae U preraillaf tad lb* •ttraartoatry *fl«3 M Dr. Klbntr't
--------a (ar»--------------------------—,
(.ik*rak>kldntyreinmly <
. STfal (arorli. aoxmt all oU. »"*'“*
hiBi. lle**.a*ncce**tulri>aBi'W“*r»- AH- li **««» oai.le la ibe

* aea tb*B


THEOKisin nmvErtt HWnto. ftBWAfty It. i»oa

of lb* Bonb (oaatry bare Jaei learned
KilM kr Mbit L*»
roferoso* to tbe
ftMMlt oiy. MUk,
td thb pte» «M cnvlMd lerribi* tooUtkB <f
lot tut Mktm kkMt ( o'etock. hoB* tad tbe capti
kBd dM t«o boar* i»Me. He w** to* B>a aad oUaaie. Bzperu predict tbal
pkyakiMllac o* a a. R. b I. car. aad
r Qur. b«l Ike toe kaoeke^ hiB of tbe car^
to repair tbe efect* of vhlcb aod to
BUke tbe peopM aoraaUy apable
Tb* eoafBOBea
will require a abole feaerailoe of
Li at tb* toe c
boliaia h*e« U ebarfa anraral taff*
ry tertloa of the Adlroohi* cant book
abmariaikB Milt, eba tmral aiaS ep lo tkd lop of tbc to
rcaona tJ larpe aoBber*
aad Ike lof weot
bU bOd Ike UU cMaitac lb* a«* de­
of tanoier bird* aad larpe flock* of.
fcaoeklac klB froa ibe load,
robin* btdw teni daily at Bcreral diftoe alHklBf hlB iB-fl* (all. It '
iboaebi tbal k* *a* mtI- (treat plaeea. Old
r before tav tbete bird* •
Bjareu. aod
*na oo w>iwei>r
a bf carHtr*. aad outlir iBjarrd.
at Ibl* tnaaoa o( ibe year.
I uarfl )u*i he(ore bit i
pratWiac (or (ka peUksitoa of
lU.piobaMy be rallo
oal taJoTW ihat were ooi i
pBtu oa Ike BaaoHal ooadlitoa of tbc

It sinks into the skin
jVluetan^ for man OR beast.
.Lriniment CURES
I absorbed by-tbe mtisdes like rain falHng tipon die thirsty <
It goes right down to the most Intense padn and stops it.

It Wfl] cure anything that any good liniment U designed to cure.
Keep It bandy in case you or your dumb animals get hurt


Biad om UMlM aad U M out *lBk
0M'« a»U wvm U 0 OAM UfeO «Ua U
will ,.b» a cnal mtIw of faal, aad
boat twnlag trlako naked la
•BO. a« tbor B>a dota« 4e*B aao*.

kaaw nr aaria>-o oawaoa.
Bal U-o Bo law WTVBg tm ttal
(l*'o Uko oiBo oote m^mU
Il'o aot a haaltbr daeMn.
tfm it lari^ loo Uttla ^itm.

mm. "Utoantlaaikaapi
Oaa gaa e( ean oao qaart at allaed

a wUb lute (aaUllB an aalear luBaakaapwo. (• ana U
tear an to laellaad. tealr Baaj doH« wlU aB parBlI teOB tea Haw to
aaa anr tea Ukla tela«* arhiab la
onmalT (Btmaati (or teaBMlm
•ad (bail (bmlllaa.
Thm y ao aaamtr tm a wena
to to all teo itBo werTrlap anr aaab
of dan abaeaaha

aarrytac a dealM all tea tin to bar
Kobo <d ifcoJtWo to lataUd.
~ tonLor witent abaUlef oat tee i
Ifbt. am teoaeb lu brtfbtaoaa .
tbkj>» atorr OBO for Tea;
ntfco Iba (enittro leek' dlopy,
roar dar, U Tea'll Maaril
I lay dnwB a papar whari
lhe;iia(t lha* Tea oaa do.
0 douear of tadlac tea earTear daT-aod Uw oaa wba pira U
SBtnr alflil Tear oMovlb raoleraa
(ar enrytetas aad ararrOoB'inT: “MT^'oa.«onla"'ifalaeia
iyplaaa" 'yaeaadt*lo by
ror tba OBO (bat-1 bon !• TObta
wtilafa lo work, ptoBallT. taal (ban
ia Ued-i Imt dtaad aaeaBnUac.
teiain for wblab U U Ind
*TwlU be a^ of TOO aad BO
to dad a ptoaa, aad aaa ot teaw U
JaM bow waaaad oar dar-Mara
U (bo ftiea wbara BorMlo br.
1 raaaptaala (er tey artiolr
thoB. If Tea tvaai (liea walUao,
daalat, wUofa Bay te wateAll (ba wawad doTt Toa'U rae.
ad nl oaBIr. bal ana teU will aoi
MftS. M.e-C.BA'
Tear d»T WM M«tr -oobIb*"bold all tee daal la tea roeat. aed
I'll ted (bar woaa all for too.
otter a Ibenacb elaaalad o( tea (att^h It A«r»jr.
-Urn Aogalao BaraU.
altare, teen will atlU ba oeBe a
Dn'l lai tm rear tar-o« k>mm toM
WlU iBtl. n tea elnaaad
Lb It Itotean: It will do ee
tav lias* la lb* v»r.
; batlB ttol U aboald be a
DaM-js f*oUa« *«*4 for WmUm
MOOlae vltfa Oba ilfO|>- (tea flaatlBf roaad tea reeek w«
yDt.^-**oMbiot:”Troa. •«!. ftaMl lac tBoBU. aad. at faw toepU oajor to ba brntead la ky aoaa ef tl
barlac (beir olotbao haai ea A hare
im M tmMt bo»-< '
tteo*! «ha lorro* of
wall to eauli (be deal, wtrdrebaa an
VtMm «iU aU ew
Uaadrandt wardUthoveoMU to Iba foloro aad faM rebta an aaBollT qaiw rxpomTo. to'
balBB olmBOT aad btarT to

oaa OBtoa aUead. obo qaatt ef aaaWad
a iwe-late aqaan of ailt port.
obloopoOBlay o( botoor. Bit aad
ptnar to anaea. aadateht oralaa
emna etatean; cat the pnfc la
nwllpteaMaaddytO: addteenm
aad eook In mlaatea. atUrm tea (at
ataw |bb; boll Ibo potaten (er
dn BlBBioa. pear off tea water;
petolon to tea (at. ten ^ two
eapfaU of belUac wain: eeek aattl
n an a^; add Bw eora aad
BlIkBBd krtut to tee.taoUlac petal:
I wtlb aoll aad peppor; add bat­
ter, toaa teo BBtern, opllt aad laakad ia eald wa»r neath to BOtoin;
tan tea abowdra Into o Uran aad



Net Aiwaya Caaril In'l alwayo otor, wbn tea toy la
eold aad bryflii.
Bd yooTo vary lead at an
aad aaa Bata.
To be xltxin OB a aobaal baaab, wtlb
tU IJll aad pnd la al(bt.
ai addtaf iwwa of tnaOmm n
year olua.

kf tv U.C. Cooper. «r tU Royal A
Oaa-bBlf npof tettar. oaa np
ifor. oaa lablaapen of bIU. (•
ofsa. twe leral ttMpooaa at kak(ac
pawdar. doer to rdU oaL
Rab teo battor la a warn bowl aatUliahiaad erauaT. add tea laaar,
Bbn waU lilndid add Iba nr*
tntoa hdbtiT. Ulx tea bakiao powlar wlita two aepa ef floor, add eaa-'
■alt np of II to tea batter altare.
bn add tea mtlk aed tee naaladaf
d tea floor aad na toblaapen of eariwoT octet Tbn otlr
floor to enbie yoa to roll II oat eery
teU Oat wlte a aaall rend eoltor

y laa-l alwaya aaay. wbn.' teb By to
■oflly blaa.
Aad (Uuharriryara raopk
tea yard.
TopraallM all tea aerate ,—oa
two aed oee and lw»- .
Aad pled temfh •.&• rldlee


I a mtab. Year Bre tei
Pat tern BOB eohi to tea aaa y
for tea aaxt ttaat aad yu an teroatb
wlte a lab teat lot kan Uio plipao ot

Bteadia HHteebofeaM
, -a^ «d br vbn tte bar fba la
■*lte«*BawiBteabMbaMbU latte
jCTIi I dteBBtert eaaioadlBlai
X awaU ea (te eolAnd (bal


dtatelkb mam ibbfoaeaaad aw•HMa«*BkMl BBteoaf far ao)d
Writehi^ tare tea feUMlat UB
«l iteiHb be Ikeafbt wbn aaa ft

Mb aMmr tte

''AteveaMaieBdowaU al aaa
kite Bb m» baabn dowaeB it,Bi
lakia* teoBd I
Bnallif tar."

aaala. XWa
rate en te BB^ad laafawadB
ataa aed ae obo eaad teapaet wbare
eletbai an bOiV. ta artodj^
ateaBar obbo wnteMo ntlala
ba Bratobod enr (tea. bold la mm tan,
plan tar laaa-ai

pad la doatn of athm

Plxiitl up Old Clethaa
A bnTT, gmj aUk walB that
A woBBi BBT te a deed haaoteadptoaa It aalibban eaaa to Ita iIcct
triteeal belaf a (BBT M Tten
y nal(Uit
la aakiap erar saa
loaetb^ Bk7lB«to iteaonaeaf
Ineo. BMh wma, wa failed to dad
ipannao oBoet iboB (bbt paapb
teapbfora aew en wliboet
tabiba^r. 8te »enr raeBteBatt
allewo oartBa ala to root 8te B leina. A Un>y tbencht. aatlak ef
eelnt ribbn. aad tea thlac «to
A alBpto BNdl daiin aa teo
oeBatUac U oat et plaea. ite>h artl« part of tea alnn aad aaat te
ala of. fmltora to erraued la }bm
It. fellewlattea total paMBs b
late a war. oe teat a pana cetaf
awBT to he foao oobm Hbo bbt re. teo lUk ItaaU, enenlad tea *‘>etai'
tola B tea OBd of aToaror two aad aadwMaaUlT nptatadn tea otei
ted amrtelM U tte — ptaea teal ttaanaadn lateBAaef tea bnt.
aad aroaad tea eeltar. A pretty wool
otea dare
walMteal oaaM oetef now
nail tea
with Bate balon eaaa
eora to tea mmt Ural.'

wtea tea aaa aada bla nUnbaadal
ted tetev ibai rte BBt UtMbi
oaa of tea wladewa. wbn aewa
: rate baa ta wiiaawar ttepn.
teat bUad foil Incib dlraoDr
I Bflk OBd rate wbala bated aa lind
kbd Bteo aBd adataabU (bal Tea

A HI (tf elote aatm neb belt
del of BU OBtaetdarr enr II raqalnd ealy otbor deiaalBkotar
tonak w bete Bdote apinr
ban ben artilaBUy ntowiHand.
Bln teat bad ban Based br a r
1a tea bnt tandte. aad a atata a
tea beUoB at tea nda. waa b'
1* a fbBtr an. m o Itac. alow,
b. aad te^bonwert aa
that li
ntira raBoktoc by a UaaaT
oaoa a onw eenaa (B an BOBOa.
■n rear tead; (te aaa hlfb. (te teraamaara pal tea hard trial ib bnld m ap boo tea hetiea in
tf iloadlaB. (teBUa baatiaf wite tea oBBaet aU attU (ar aar loBcte al
a a baeate te Bir (ten : (te tBIIb Ubo bat wlU jaap ap la tea Bidn
I—Be aad mask, wltb bo mm- ofBtoa Kerr tea patB io (alliat H
Iciie ta tte-teteBi aaeapt at -------- «a .tea tobta eena teat Ban

MaadtetateBik (tee
te.ted tedi (tede^teaiwlte
4te miaa Bite aa aaate nn (te
■ af tea diiiiiil iiiiiiiiaadtteto-

teowlr n tia war U a

te n aattl b« tearp otb catoh licbl
afatenadn Iteearpotaad farboi
tean aaa ba uo pono of aiad aaurit
lownenA At tee riB of aindiac
bar Bllar obo ante artaaa. br B aeiw
nrrBloa tonktec tea Mnad a( tea
annankn. akOtoka ap tea abaot.
laaa IrrltoBL Cba rtelOE nay laaUy
tnaaBebaro: -Wbr dn-tTMTaala
^Ua* Tae alwara oan ta ba WBk
laanr anTM BtUagdewa."
" leplln tea -

la aoBi partaaf Sibacla
oen n •rrirtoc at bn
iBto hU wUa te taU eS bU beeia
OBO y a whip asd totee
m TU eoBintoet UcibooiBa
t( Bleeto foK. lOBaral
Mibar U y to U Bitooao er lU
rwB to bB. A TM7 kind taaoUad
> Whip, to BaU btr Ulton teal
Llq^U Bbte.
mU Uqald phw teal will keep
(or paaro, tank ptooB at plaa. pat
teoB to a battk aad eetar wtte aloeboL OeBitIcbUynd aalaaUetera
(aw dan- TbU tbeald U toady (or
BB wtlUB (bo MipHBttoe of beat,
auepl to. nry eald wnteer. win tea
bettta my U aal to bet water for a


I WlU olen (er teto dm.
Veer trtoBd.
_________ A^K^

MATSald. Mite.. Reb. t. IKB
Dear Mra BaUa>-l weald IIU to
>otB year Heateiaa Clab.
t Un a
Uulaatotar. 8U ta alphi yaBi* old.
IIU to nad tea ptaaaa to tea BaaOd.
I am to tea (oarte mdar. aritlii
ipaapa. TU new
1 tetak 1 WlU eleaa. ae
by. Ap* 11 ynrv

a KRcben Walla.
waiy at* aellad by
U tea kitol
Btoi Bbd das aad tee eeloio ef tea
waU papB dtopy; taalaad af i*|b
taC m ndartoi tea dtoo waUr aU
wlaur. tot Ba aonaai yatoitop te
II bn ben daaa wlte apiaaabto
•IB. Wlpa et tea daat with a dry
elote. Cboan a kripbk ebaarfal oelB. aiB flo enr M aU eaiefBUy.
PalBi tea border a ennwEtop eetor.

* yon Uir prlpT Ot.-ralbor. b
ip pol T’Cit llrip !• Will iioiur
crtetoal >'irn<-h Irrm, to rrlpti
boo boon •Iwnnird by Ibr t*>y Aevri
eaa to r*ail ■* frlp.” Wiibuul lub odu

Maan aad a pair ef ploraa aad foot I
bbaao and a pla aad
y lOUer U pteUap loap- Year to»m rlaaoliiBa ptal.
Ada Rrowa.
fleln. Hleli. Jaa. 10. IHH
Dear Mra Balae-llioTaaMwTlltea to yea tor a lonp Uoe. I am pniBflto eebool
My iradbar'e aaor to
Mtoo Oaaptoll.
My •ladin are btototy. opaUtop. peopiapby, cinl por-

lUy Ut* dna (or m 1 Up* 1 wUl
to abla tope B aobeel tU aprap
term. lUnar«lealadwrtttaceboBt
my ehlekaaa I Blaad e few. MaBme beliBd uv I aold twe dBtan aad
tweaty-BTe onto' wnte at oblnkn*
aed Un Are pallet* toft. 1 had a Tory
Bleo Uoa OhrtolM at Aaat UUto'a
Vni i
Martto t

' "

A peaaaU taraar to eery aaafal to
teto* eeohloa troa tea Beard befara
kaktod-aBdlUttoa (tm teo pan after-

^tato-^yoato totyn beewteetl
ea watL I hape yn en wtol aad
•Bleythta Btaaweetbar. 1 bed n'
e Moa ObTlatBOi Ipetaal
aad two dteto, oo* teat pea


jUM-ac-fii t

“ O" «““1

. .


*«•. I One- baadred and rteTea acm; Plpbl
<^hard; aboni S arm HabB!
-0 oBmoe oowo H acn*. | po..l l.ulldtopo; pond oBI. CHtAF AT

Hltetald Ontor. Unroee Oo.
Jen. 11. '
Otar Ufa. Itatee-1 tlieepbi
Uea BB writing the Hotald fer a
leap Ueot I weald write loetplii. ao




one ar* aueo tnn ellys m

ofI60 Acres

my ilator bat beae 'wrluap- 1
like to tola Ibo ttoBoUea Clah
PltoB aoBd too a sard nd UMoo.
aa to tee alolb ptado al oclucol

0 Urpala* ta Btf


IX tabeel wont for a rida |

rilfor Job Work of all Kinds Call at tbc Herald Office
hnt yew (riawd.
a pea* by
BteH Blaa. apten at toot weak, watl
toft OM for late of XM. Utopimj

Winder P-ruite


Etur* beam.
Uc* OBB llT*d Iwe ebUdm,
Aad ifaay nBB yn keoix today;
iBeBBd."Werti-t»n-i^.” '|
iteUdm liTadiate*Blf-Bm|

jVloihing tastes better for supper un a winter oigtit tfaas
aflishof our DRIKD I'KACHES, I'RUNES. APR|.

COTS. Ok iiV.Al'uRATEU APPLES. \V« also eaxry
UranKtui, lecmon* and.Bananas.
i'ou are passing the store.

Get some next tine


d tU aetf-Bm leelUr wni
Aad tea lored teea bete with ell bar!

Ia Mdi* ef bax may nte£'TUy ptow

bar InAareBBa.

Bat Welt-a-QKto eeeU aam naaad
BOB aU waa elw^a Me totaWhile WBt-Tbn-Ftay, ai wo may
Alteaepb a pirl ef ewBM etoteoB.
Hotox telitod a daty Uot nm bar

TU yam reltod ob. aad oBx telUfn
UfBW eld. far tea llBe dM fly.
Aad te* ptay halB faU on* tealr
For tea etonate bear had c
Ben tea FaiUr ta bnm

-TU Ueaawtfa WU doB eel w
taal all day abool tea
bet wmlaiB at alcht Twe pals
wUI ralien tee (aB
hyablfltop tea ptMaan tadlBaml
polref ahoB baa
dlattoet todlTldaallty of lla owe.

„ ""ys.. i

Ano Uter Oey ta im-ii
DQ—jiripro oiib waler laak; pood tool.
LWJtoAmt'Iieil. Irr boBoe and olber oel b«IUrwdttoi-«7.m.7i4fli
..... A.............................
M fle. I lae«

mr aad iaecrapby.
My In
noa ta Mn. (toe. ParaoBa
1 wiU
eteoa ter tela Mav to paed by. Fua
Arto RelA

Ba a cord aad UtlaB.
elA 1 am la tea (bird piada. I Bad^
apalUap. wHitac.
laar aad paeBTep^. My BMar
and 1 pet a dolly and a eaw dim for

Hta/re, Maaobec-ef Cumin.
t-omao, Tn-aMinr IUB>
pcnwlcmt erdn .d ctood tmarUm. te
UrD. Ke ren, Wuh., WTitre]
•• Afirr bovUip a oerer* atterk at ta'
|-rl|.|». I oooltourd ta a ferUonindlUn '
<->.a otter (be dui-u.ra raltad ewsand.-,-'
Uv bl.wd eemte pdound. Poraaa '
i-uccvl De.-—Mre-T. W.iVlltoo.
Mn. Th~HdiUr itrl.inlll, wile at tbe
11 yuo do D..I derlTe prompt and atitac •
Kx-N.-rr.-urv •-( Ihe <lc-rmon IVmonlalo. fw-bry tnullo from Ibe am of ffiioaa,
wrltr. II... I.-il.nlnc IHb-r (ruon
«I Ur ol vane to Ur. lloKoaa. plTtoBB
Wolwrh »«TBU...«'hl.-««0. lU..fu.l eUlrmeBI lit yiwr ran and ba w(U
Iw jdened br rr< yon hu Tstaatto a*<
“1 teflrrcj Tbki wlotcT^ wllb 0 a
ouw'k of to crl).pr. Aflct Brior tbnv ib-rcralto.
AdJm* Dr. Ilortmaa, PmUnt te
U.tUrr of IVnioo I louud Uieprlpbad
i-Tbe Uortemn (Uaitoncun.(Uaal*d^O.
. 'di.»ppr*rra."-Mr». T. Bcbaitl. lie In ll> Ulol < lo-p.


WTito to yoa aa 1 ban eot wrltin
• loop. 1 Un ay pla aad eaid y
Fn Obriatoo* 1 pet a bote Bad a late
LbK tar* (B bB b*BB te le**.
kalfa. a Beebtto aad a let oT nady
la rwoaptad waUa and aaUiaiB.
ead Beta 1 Un elpbl ban aai will Bte ♦•Welt-BUlOe.*' wilbeapy te
BBktBolaBaerUtey way:
ynplua* aaed-m e paeltay bete
pton of eaein flneel. or wbal I
^Uapbi at tea taaUaU bed toll
W* Un *11 tabUia W* eaeb Un
•are eoaonJy caUad eappad csttn.
ray. U abebi (ear weaU I wUl Un
apd Bake a taB teal wiU Blaaly ■(
"Oh. FMbB." te* Btod. ‘-tom wall.
:lw aad eenr teas wlte eeld. BteUta to *»a I p*BB By toner
oeerteabrtobaBdeftea tarooB; pal
d Uto-tlm tope
Bl^wMB. IteTtaB teaBtaa Mrly
tea baoeaef
ndBy tottn Goad -LB Baflatah IbaB taBa. ten I'U
wtte tea aape
Year toitap Sanbtoa bey.
pad Bda aal. A Birr etrtoc m tape
U pat Brotob tea baa at tea aep at
h.. JnU. IMB.
ap aad tie
UtBtea b
Walla and Canada,

aCtetln. asd na be adJaBad
tmj taw aaUan leal B aU at ttedx oend wlte aaaa. WUa oUad with
mm wbUa nali^ ax* a pwni
tea das aad maU wiped boo tea

Utter «*« teliite tte wB

itowlDfa oenro attateef laprtypa

And il WOB'IU leaf . baton raaalla


alWbto n tte baeko. pate tea bad la
to tea aaoBB a( tte wall, aad jao
tenaaaac warkiabawbleb la thrae- haallMa m fXm a taitpenf
ktoa wbaa aU baara that a
eaapb whteb KrlkB larrer to ao mamj
B ras wlte to t

raaatorrmUrThaadUpnppe. I Un
ruSered for awnthe. and afirr teo m st
.«r Unle of I'.ransl aaUamr waU.**
—kirvU.O. t'ooprr.
C. I. Walton, a ebattor toeaUr ef
iDtmaU.caol tlarlwr'r ruu. wrlWa
n n Weotora anau. MlaanpoUt, '

il laa'l alwayt oaoy ui It eanataty y
rifhl ea liaad.
Wbloh to plMjaater tf-aa ttady m
lUa wak.
To keep e olndy iptrlA aad to
And to toll ynmlt tbara'o ao-nah
wood aa teirk.
Ma. Bell nly a anil porUn
Uae. teau' bU tea
tn‘i alwaya eBay. Ut llaart
wlteeaollwr inrttoo.

r ic

MlibnaaBb wlU aal aab CkUl
BdiBO m dewa aaa'a aptao area
«kik dBo-O ftB wa (BteMtetba

Mncaloato Oenn wStBftoBWpS.
-oaly teoa wU Un aBSioB
Jo erlppe and bora mod caa appa
bow pTatffal t feet that eete a op
, Rwdb'lae ao Pvran ha hue pta

ll IB-I alwaya nay. wbn tea I
ufall at uni.
Aad tU dabUc U>d-a baUad tea
eloaal dear.
Te Un to All tea weed-boa. ead fo

ll y aaafal la maay waya btaidto teat
la a boaai wbon II
TUl work and Bady pita ao all wa
Ueloat daaam OBy W oade «( fia«K> bold tte aleib.
Ut. ibal-o rood aad Iwlrbieaa fleer. Uaiafally nmod oot, tee
aoBO plaaated aadalHtla
Wliallillla Uyi'aed firiioBa'iai
followtac dlnatleet will yield a padro woo BBda a BeB ent<
aaya knew.
two la ibatr bb at IL
diuf aa toeteiDBa aa away 1UI are
I oaa. wblah aar aaa. wlM
-Oolde* Oaya
an (eaad nrwar
r wlUi tot TioUt
palU u|M. dippan aad aa forte
oBaaad ow-lialt eapfala of praeatlii to ba abla to eopr.
anan wUtaa oar •aaa.
TIwb an eeiy
Honr aad alx II aaaia llcnily
aan matt plaaad toBbar, twain ai Bolraalaad Im.
m aU Ubo U Job a tteBBl of «MB er faanaae teabw te widib. AfMr hard -to keep olan, a imay dope
Willi tee toaa. Add a oepfol of ailk.
Uir a eO|ifal of ookMeo. half i
daeldiBC bew blab aad wid> ree wtte (erailaf ee tealr aerfaea wblab
L M «ba WOM Bar la (ba Man wbon to bavo Tear wardroba, roe na nBlj
aactrbtly. A elote dempnod opooafalot tall aad a lUopooa
U tea ban. alllbawblU!
aoda dlotolrad la hot water
laU te* Btaeb laabar il will ni)oln. wlte kereaaea and rabM erar I
Wona koapUlban br laa«hla
>( tlUa
(Ml It to ba (ear (bI wida aad tU
(te eltero Ban (o oaoUa.
Mly abntqied nlaiaa
taal hich. TOO will ami Iwaalr trot
Any poreelalB-lload waab baoio or
i ooldaad
of laabar allodMbCT
daw odtwo
Wtea wo took (oward ibo iMBB la
rhieb boci
et.e Wlte Utd or
rteeaa. OBefa fear foal loan, aed tea
id na ba'
ter two BaoM wUl (boa ba ilx laat
Lot a* (teak VbaMtaoad POtbOE ter
if. SlaiHl teaao lU teM plaeaa *p
*0 (blafo wo do bOI Kaew:.
wbeteaaka tea Maa. ten la Un top of
m ao ibBBli blB with all BmBOT
oh Ball an aad of oaa of tea (ear ar of perealala, alar, ar elbrr oatol.
■baO ba In aanr ml
It II lanleabU, oi
Aar bardoB <|olB aabeanMoi (bai. foM Uad1#o Tte Bdaaaad'top will (ttea tee elecfad eoadllln of pipe
aw ba teeaUiB.
while oar baaka ban best
white trealoc tea aiat aldaa and bel- ■peoB oapar. noe of white pappat.
UalBOBrti (bo load, wo'robadblo Veil faeln tte eteer (Dor-feM MB el aay ob>eMi<
OBO Booll OB|n (rted to Utter,
teeee te tte fide to Mka a ateir
acaa abni ai aU ibe wUlopaaa erar alpbi Pat (ton u to Uil
L« ao laa«b owar aar (mhlaot
to oold water with pork, dioad. aad
(ht wbaia worM wan a Mill <
nloo. Add mere water aa It holla
water wllb pleaty al food
r, keapiap Him plai. ot to
Ibo dirt to rab nl nry eaelly. and la
kail la Wbn aofi rab teieacb a
laat for bexaa er aar aate artlalB oaa tea otereb U pnenli tiw lieaa
rlabaa to baea laid awar nt of airht tecao weU aa addUf a floB to tee eraad boll apaia. Ooek Utter aad
dear matear. add to Ulllap aMp. add
A (aw taebto frea tea top e( (to oaifaea of tee aoedo.
All laaact Ufa y laateaUy daalniyad ■alt aad pepper, aad eeek too ml
wardrabe ball a aarrew beard
Sarre liM with leeated torad
by teoiollibtaal entoM wtte II aad
UajBold. Uioh.. rob t. I
Aa baah, ae teat tea wardn
t| TW*n baiw. m'U he taed:
>0 OBBlolea U Me weU
Uur Ura Uatoo 1 weald Uke-ta
'Wm (te rale'oeB teaUeaa(b«tba( batBtwadtotea wall BMlir Tbia
. eoS^ee to a
}ato year Saaobleo Oleb. PleaB aoed
uibMob mill lilt
" apn wbleb
Ta With RibUna.
oo a uni aad a Ulna. 1 aa to teo
let kotnai baa n
nlaahlo prep. Ok. iben la ae (atan emlag erltb a
h4> Iheoa. I bon pBfurte mdor.. I aa to actei
Ban plaBtr at tea ooBblo eletere mally kma ihemml oaoB whan a
aad thUdlt ftowte e( batr waa
IIU to po to
beoko. wUab tao ba pataaaBd '
II to tee anlp two
or; bar aaoo to Mtoo Aay Woldoaa.
aaaU obb. aad altar tea>ardreba baa fTOWB bj
t po to 8ooday..«tlioul. Oar toorUr lo
ecBlef iBlal. Btaw.teaa or (brae Hbm,« Weak with tea iafat
Mia Uornr Ottooa. ' - rroui.
teto tte etea ptaea, aad «lae abeei tlpa; bialdBd^Uili ll kaap tea teal]
Ap* 8 yoaro. ^ _^lo Haalfold.
baU war dewa rea b> ten aaetter bnltey nd (m treai dandreS.
. b a tea iblac (e da;
Aa a llaiBnt la eaiB U apratae o
BOB.'plaea for teeka. ten tuln
rifo Uko. Hleh., rob. «. IMB.
UteiBf ea tte bitfM aMa
book* op tea Bdao Adara praBj itralaa ef tea Baaelia. allfl aaek. er
Dear Vra Bat«a--1 woald Uko to
_ epaad Iroaed wbaa net
tab* ifaaa (ba blaai
0 beat (nn tea top. tea laaa baek peed roBlla Un (ellewad
dry. By (by Baana OM ayi waB rib- toio (be BoQoblaa Otob. PlaaM toad
1(100. bet If M
will ba eoBplatod. a»
oo a card aad uun. laaalpbte
a baadata. tea afaotod lartaBaybly- bona perfajlly, dole« away wtlb aay
Toaro elA ' I am fa uia oeooBd ptada.
lar. It y biB la nab eoBt to Boaly tetaady tooktop plaeaa and aUbby
latady. nadiaf.
V aad bew onllr It anr ha rwblllaweU. '
and Wfiliap.

Wbn aboB baoeBO eoaked wtte
' KIrvdIare. .r
Hro Uoe. raraeao.
I wlU atoB tar
atorBBblacy boBKteaateaptdy
w lattBleaa war at ■
Dn'l bother abool aU.topa to atari teto tUao.
troBBo to tea ntln oaiar ortan tUklWteaflra lUebMld aeinlaca.
K aad awa tfblab n
rrea ynr imto frtnd.
ItBUtotten wtemi arenlTera wblah wUI pnnaltealaalUr
teay at* an ilaw aad anoartato. Jaal
Alto Rtod.
tiaa aalTi la to Blew otottea lait Urd aad Biar.
lake a (to on. BU I*rily fall af kareKifc- lake.' MlebTltoh;!. IH«
Bote aiae aad oUelete look (neber
AIM aar b(a aad iiBiitlMr hooka teto tte book of tte boilBBd.
aad pel Ihna eeraeobo In It aad
bkf bU. (te nld waonUBtban ptavUlBi It y CBS et tte UttetoOBd aed ere parteelly eleeBBd b y rmbktof: aal to ooBo oat of ter way plaoe. la Doer Wro. Balao-I wuld llU'
ffM teira tBB Maallelk aad (te n a^Uo, alto oerov iteB teto tte wlte a eleth Boytoeed wlteteyeU- Barttod tea tea toko qai tin onto aad IHa tea flaublee Ulab Ptoaao aai
" imtm aartb ana wUb a reaaliar waU laoBo mmam otUmtama tmi It alio tarot back tea while apeOa
toy n tea boMb and (bbi n Abo nd Bu> a urd and Uttoa. I aa twain
yuraold and as
taaa. tte cold fab tab
Ttea haai t«u BUb eaaaad by oyarbaaied tUabaa


Oongressman Geo. H. White's Case.
A Noted Sculptress Cured.

10 ontor, prutapdi. Only tee-my hot BUenei
nae.1, ami fully puatuUed in erery nofmet.
Thai are maJe lo uae ao wdl aa oriL They pre
WMXPdPtarte not Made ef cheap mUCTial. ai»4 pirn a
bnite to catch'tU eye; bteVe dsrable. eoBtort.
ahto, and bent. TU eheapert oo tee laaftel, quatily canderai.
CNtce oao) aad you wiS bay po other make.

uo Stott strte * Uictor Petertyl.
lrbdiK*st:lon, Brnd
Ca^*rrH of S^orrhaioH
__________ voer ailaeiiitf W<inl.i von lak ^

' CMs-Cinee
TU ^-uaramecd Stontach, Lnrt and Kidney Core. We axcnn aUud
to bate tin teooly with a -money hack tf aot oatiMtclBy'' fearaaMe.
Wc know text it dca tU work, end lUxefare Ihcie'o nodai^ of en
Uving lo gKe «U money hack. IT CURh:S—ll teal it wUl ye*
want, ihen try a botito today at Oar rok. Lexpe lito bouto, cm
tnODlii't treatment. $l.(ll>


To Cure a Ccrid in One Day

i-rf '■
. THt QKAhe TKA*eitK_HtRALD, FeBftUAfty 12. I«03
W»loM etna*.

)o tbe rleoda was rapbead <9
mailer one down low ea (be beach,
rhich gare tbe ablp* the required
waralag. (browlac Its light aader tbe
haaks of rloodt
Prota ihi* be drew
SBCIurioa that It was aui oa*'*
mataea* that makn Mia capable i
grad, bat bit Addifir to Chrut.
r lower Boor of tbe CUr Opera
c wat Btarir AIM at 3 u'ckwk
e afieraooD for (be awetlag -for
mm oolr. Tbe eoatrserrlee wi
Isllr iDitd^ nae. a ebuna
of awD calr fcadlag In tbe tlaglag. with Chariet E. Hale at the plaao.
T. P Vlkim led lo lb* prarer
terrire. and a male qosrut eoeslttlag
of Mnten Klog. Dooglas. HcKlaaer
Pi-nalaipoD laog "Oriftlag'' II
HeKloter alta taag a sido. "l.ouk ai
roe" Tbit wot folkiwed br
serrlre lo wbirb Ibe prqBite*

VMk tiM U>«Mt wMftM «
NlDCl. (U
--------- .-----------------B partiK (
4oar>. tkr (lu* t«ek of tk» vtofs
•itM ■»] budrvo* LnrsMl »«v.
•MtM it a*Mlw ooDdonra tor
Uwoo mrtkt uorhr lb* IkManhIp
of nr. rmeU Bdnrt Bmller elooM
Tba BMIlBCl h»T*
tire—fcl,- ud iiaadn^ b>r»
ChrtoltoB HI*, ud hayr (IbbIM (Mr
dMln- lu bMomr
of (b« nrf
OB* oburrM U ib» cHr.
Tb* mx aen tcr Id ib* rr*alS( VM
»oi>r>cl»llr Hb*- TTi* blc chnrtu
M Id (br atartoi of lh» hraot IM
bate bM« tbe Iirlni* tDioHles dorts(
MrK1iu«T «a« brr cIodIdc *oo«. •Hboo**'VM T*(." vbleh. *Da MbBpD
Itrt- mou plcMas DOBc of all (be
tlfal oB«D «ttb vhteti abc hai dcllcbt'
•d Ib» bli BudicMM FT«rr dur. ...
MeKlaD*r aUo ddbb lri« rIoDiiiB »nex.
•>«oiBe BwB*i raj." Dfhich vdi
r'~«tlni u DBr Mo (bat fiy baa
aiBM br ranr. The Bale quartet.
MBBlatJBC or Moaan KIa(. Uoaclaa.
MeKlDuej and Pwmlasian.
aeteeiloo*. Ibe "!knok«j'
o|>«lBK of (he OBMlax. aod "8*t>ei
ftaliMh fh-«~ ]m( before tbe
Mn. Frub VelUB aad yita TeoipletoB pltred (be plaoi*. Her. Stool
the addraaa ealllBB for ibe flaal
lerlax fur tbe eTaaiellata.
Is ooeaiBB bla addrea* Dr. BBltor
apuke of (he «ft>rt to relWre the pr»
awe at (ha «aaa bmUbc hr the beHereto' Beedaa In tbe Q
(«inrh. Me aald that In eplte of tbla.
m«Br who hnd poi oB
lo (be Inai had failed to «et It. and he
ur*ed all (0 be tsrtfnl Iwt they
o Ibelr toaVs In•Mata (laill loo late.
He ipoke of (be great haroaM
aaoU that Ibe rbarebaa would reap,
aDer Ibe meeilDgo ckwe. i
imeaaed hit grailftatka tbai
(Mb are plaoDlag lo begta rental
ewolraa al ooee.
tb. Smilejr wasted lo tbaak aU (he
■ a( Iba a -ilara bM
tbetw woald hot be ifiae. •o be asked
that be be pwmillful lo paaa oter all
maHillmeaU with a simple TM blest
roa.'’ J<e ipohe of tbe oppatlUoa
•hv bad beaa made to the «
d (kai (kU
oaae. hot ibat be had wot (rfed
pisam esrwpt at Ibe mth pleaeea.
adhtd the ptajert of all Cbelttlau
tbe clir for Ibe work that tbe eraageltaa will try to do la oibtr

anddltbooeriyaBd iiotawtol amWOoiirlreniBt gTA.' Tf !i eartmit^ by em
and wickedorst uf ibe wurid. aad: l'l”> pmi agtsis that nmrlT 2.000 doawsy unless W’l^c-^art ta-eded.. Ar h
amar uf wboa win drift awar
held br Ibe power iff pod tMotvh ih*ftui«|cf ar tirtorlrt- Aloh
girle a Asia <ff tbe |
lure of Ibelr wire*.
Ihe rioee of
Mcoaree Dr.lofOO A>r
tar tbai aburtsga
.Jpteph BsHell. s
SmileT wmi gulns to Imre• SJ
oi once tarlj .Juteph
BOr v> AUdfUcMT. Vb. has Offered
(be opera boutr. boi wa* prerailed •tab
teadmoay mmt- fo rsbBhd'tha.bnMeB pbrtlon
rn| Whlrh was reeenUy de.
doteo at a tlmr
Bpv Tbe prepeslIloB of M
u lemlfy to .the
-1> 10 buy the tlite of all tbe bolldgood that bat l»-m done ihruiigh ibr
tlagt. Mrs. Bev. Hall lad ta *•
btmjlne. Hr 'BtUeO i
mmtel prayer, and "God Be With
St the^conCerot lo reso
aoBg at iw. Smiley deparied
ThV only reetrlrtloB tl
fur tbe oibt-r meetlDg. Ao ^er ter
. It tigl t^ VI
wat held, wlib prayer lur Uw

meting lo l.e beld In tbe ereoRrr. Hall, the only man prsasat'
Ibe elrepllud vf Ur. ffmllaiV
rioted tbe
Mrs. hlcKIntey sang very beaailfully -JOMI fi.r Today '■ during the earlj
f tbe M-rtiee.
imaeei (Irlnsabelr fdtorlle proBliea
quettloB of rard piqytag wa.
from Ood'a word.
up by Ur. Srotley at Ihe w-rvlre
Dr. Sailer eeleeted fur hU leai
dalurdiy •■rmlng. Ue ime^ Ibe btaworda. 'Tbe ctocral aaaesibl]:
of V former tlagtag cvaorellt'
ebureb <it (he flrMbora. wfaooe n
are wrlliea Id beaveB." HU anbjen
■aught «r ptaj' r£dt ai borne, and be j
araa *Tif Beat Lodn oa Uanb."
elpm. Me went f^lier and j
upehed mlib the aUlemefit that the
cfauroh baa eanaa Tor romplaloi fanlo-r )p lie way of tarda obUI he
ae.B priifFttiooal card
betwoae of ifae lime and eoersT Basil
.thnv ymra w.m |^(l.^■Oll
aad lUe that tha'lodaes atotrart from tharl
(be chorrh. He Md be had DO Id
(eBikiD our denire to take adrantate
hU pnaliino (o make a t
iaat Ibe lodcea. He aald

lack tB Ibe riiwcta be blamiw the
ebunth Itself. He desired in lift op
rhurrh aa (be tcrealeat kidge OB
earth, without aiteapUnc to tear
down aaj of ibe fraienial ordm of tbe
He asked earh maa preaest to
cumpare the eburrh with bl* owb

was ebtliled moat lo a Bas-s effort
>d ttme aod lalaBt and moaer.
Hit Irat polot of comparltue w«
IB (be mailer of ortda. ibe eburrh
bBrlttc lit afwtBK io the mind of God.
Ibe lodsea of all klBdt Id the miDd of
mall. The rboreh. be tald. dnea Doi
date lit orlfflB fhiB tbe rerolutloe nor
Ihe Cnitadea
of tbe Chrlallao era nor tbe
dm of Judas yaottbeui nor tbe.
bulMlaf of Automon’t temple par the
dart of Noah pur Ibe pairlarcht. but
ffoet Mk to the bviBBtnff of (hlagt.
whea Ood Aral placed man upon
earth and met wllb him 1^ eaHr a

Hit aext polat of comparltda
waa Tbe ^irlt aad (he Bride tar tbe mauer of tbe teaeblagi of tbe
eam; aad let Urn that bsarwtb mt lodcet aad lbs oharch. He said that
aBBe: aad fee bla that U ptUrat tbe lodse leactalesi are all riAbt to
as (her AB. but do a^ go tar rar will. M Ub
talB (be water of Ufa treetr.
Dr- Barfler apoka of (be maar latltatlaaa that had baea flrea dorias tba
iM» ream dariaff wblefa (be BIMe wat wivas. motbera. daogtaien aad sli
wiluaa. aad tbaa ptetnrad (be Affed af meBbare of tie lodge. Tbe daetriae
aplWle Ma <b tbe tele o( Patsum. of lie chtueb. be aald. It to protect
•aadtax (o (be world ibU •last tal|- tie vinue of all men aad womaa. of
<ff Gad. bearea-t raMktcrr. Ho spoke erery walk of life, ererywbere aod alof H as Ike most Impcrtaal lorUatloa wayap He tfxdie of (be high leacblig of Cbrltt. -Wboeo looketb opon
tbad ear Baa eaa erer reeelre.
lost after her hatb compstwd aafrsUaa to Poaee «e Leoa't
Bitiad adnltary wtib her already la
aad prwwid hoBS tba emUa tbW bare bit bean' aad cbafleagad hU brarere
> thaw so blffh'aad pore Icaehlag
bat* Bade br tbe Spirit <ff Ood. tbe
om any lodge la tbe world.
Ood. tbe tplkrwen at God.
Hit aast pQial waa tbe mtsabereblp
aad tbe Anal cmlL (hroagb Ibe beloTed
•paaGa U the fast ehapier at the of the

be girca every
wHibegl'n each evening prompily at
TilVmnd tbe bsIb mrellng will c1»e
ever*,(time before > o'clock.
TbU week sad nest (lie Baptist
cburell will bold (wo msetJags os

weekjfalgbts. Toesdsy and Tbondsy
ereata^ Begtaatag (be Uad. tbe
pastor will coodorl a special series of
meeUags. and Hareh fib Melrin E.
Trotier. auperinteedral of (be Rcerec
mission In Grand Rapids will arrive
and speak each erenlng. He U fcndwn
tar asa wide as a lasa wbo "stln
law book (ff tbe Bible to -Wh
Bade no attssnpt to dtfend tbe tblnga" and very Inlrrestlng aad balp
« dosed with a powarfni appial to all wbo bare ibu Tar iwdaHad eborcb against tbe charge that there tnl aerrlret are expected.
Special mecllngs began
are hypocrtlca la II. lie a)
Ghrisi la aeetpt HIbl aad
Pounemti Street Methodist church
•e are bypocriiM lo tha
will ocaitnoc
laeh at tbere are thoae who do
aad (Mde tbe Aral staa
week or (wo at leut. unikr the Irsdsrlira ap. aatlrely
ahae^ ofOBL
sUp of Her. Hugh Kmned!
lbs lodge, bat
Tbe beUerera • farrw
prayer raeetlag
ameat agalBBJb^Breh. Hs said
TWab vat kali ta tba C
Thursday eveatag (be Prieads ebareh
might as wsll ratact all bi
seriet of gnspel meetings
urns no oecaslooal coimtetTsU
leadcreblp of Rev. Joba
td. or raffose to eat any TiwU ba­
Itanks of OrsffDO. aaaWod by fbe'diss
ne (ben is onraskmally
tor. Rev. Heaty HcKlaley.
»a •Bdea wai apaaad br Ber. a

OaAwi. w. K. Wrtgbi, w. T. Wwd-

wateUag a Bock of t.OOO abesp at one tbe ptayw tasetlnc. Rev. D. 0. Ruth.
- of (be ebareh. oimed a secic*
bam gad C. T. Burnt. Or. SBDer itahs. and the tmly absep ta tbs lot
of rerlra] meetlags.
gars a aeromo oe ■Gall aad Ugbf that he Aotkwd WSJ a biaek oaa
Tbe reciOT of Grace ebureb will aot
9mm tbe abolr aad dagtaff t>r tbe
any epeclsl servlees tmtll tbe
He said that tbq heal peopis
•BOnaa. Hr. aad Mn. HcKlaaer
beaten seaaOB. With Ash Ws
aartb are ta tbe eburebsa. gad .
tg« Tba Look <ff mu.*lar. mav uptatd Ms raBwti br OtadMoAe’s worda ta which be etatad day. rebnmrj B, howerar. spaeUl
rices will beffla aad remUau
amtsr. though services will not be
IB a asnaeg. bat bur te tbe light iff
held erery sight
>d mernbiea of Otri^tan ebai
a iBBlIr MbarBg. Re gleaaed
Dr^ SmUey laid amphasts oa the edKoaat aad from UaUbrw
Doalhmal work of tbe chorcb. which,
TTe are the salt aad the light iff
declared, exceeds that of all ()ie
the world aaeordiag to Ood." Md the sollcges and imlreraUles la the a
s^Akar. b A taw brief wvds be took
ap tbe BBtasA iff (be two. sarlag that
salt girae tweetteat to tblags
Bakw tbsB taroff. FlaB tit
eaapare with t^e
drwr the aoMaMa that ChrtsUaes
ikm that tbe aBalleat.
poorest, weahmt ebareh la the city
■Is Ma wqglk nTtagf A CbrisUaa
(be way <ff chsritlea
aeear asks tkU qasatlpa. U wt'bara bfAeroleaces (baa tbe largest
km ow sweaUBsas aad saror. Uea ws
ta (be .
bars Iaat ear ChrlaitsaUr- Aaothsr ta addlUoa to (be ordiaary
salt Is’that It ssraa. pre- ksioea. be spoke <ff tbe boepitals.
ssrwaa. It H lAroagh ns (bat Ood
tar tbe b^p
ssmds the light Of (UstlaaUr.
Has and taUea. all bartag their orlgta
Tba apsaker tbta , look ap tbs with the (horebes.
eloalBX. Dr. Bmlley atatsd (bat If
M ef tbe wtwU. wpaeUllr la
the rawten eff pcffalalioa. which H all lb* Bkmaa were to Cloae. m> use
weed Isare (be dty mem those wbo
Iba a rwmk. He tbea


bsaailbl csauarlaoa of Ts'r^ (be
wostd. wa nt It," to a alaklag ship:
t tbe wortd
UMIt. KeaaMOodweoldeMde>r tbe vorid at hag as His ebUdrsa
bare. He tald how Ood bad Noth
Ibt ark wbea tbe warM wu de-




The New Orieaat Frearb eoloey
bat reoelved word that' PrdsMaai
Loabet uf Fyaaee will come here
Jane 1&. ]|04. oe board
Ptee^ maa-ot-war ea route to the St
Ltuili fair. The 1dm U lo retrace tbe
sl^ of bUlorte Freeeb dltcoverret
aiid in aaoead (be Hlmlaalppl rU

A't 33 l>3 cen-td on 'tHe dollar
loilet Soap,

Great Sacrificing Sala now going on
at tlio Fair Store, 221 Front Street.


U r ice -k each, tmr
l.rice 'i bats for

[ CIS.

I'Ws price

r price

We*ve prepared for an enormous crowd—quoting bargains
that will outclass all similar offerings. Prices will be so low
as to barely cover the cost of handling.

The goods thomselves are thoroughly dependable.



This .'iimotincnieni will 1>>- iiU'-roiinj; n
cal and hi>mt' fiirni>liin;;'. neeii rcpleiiisriina.


Faifs price'»»c,


Wire Toasters. The
Fair's price r>c. our

Fell Window Shade».
The Fair's price I'ic.
our price

0 thii'C wliiisi' wu.-iring apparWash Hoards. The
1 air's'price 20c. our

Lamp C h i m^ e y *•.
Pearl top. ’Fair's
price &c. our price

InfaniA Wool Hose
The Fair's price lOc.
our price

Mens Turkey Red
ami I'lldi go Blue
II a nd k e rc hie fii.
Fair's price 5c. c


Women's fine Watots. Cliisier tuck- |

only..........................- -.


Wire Fouio Mash­
ers. Fair's price 5c.
our price

Kitchen Lampv
fair's price

Toya, Books, Dolls, Garniss, Pictures and Madalions, 33k on the dol lar aM Ms GhN MU Fm.

Saiin Baby Ribbon,
the Fair's price 2c
fieryai^. oixrprice?
yards for

Wooden Spoons all
rixes. Fair's jirice
5c. our price ,

Wom'w's Outins
Flannel Feuicoa.s.
Ihe Fairs price'2.>c.

Fair's price 18c. our
Ladies DrcNs Shirts. 33>^ on the

price..................................... «AV ;

indiinAVori. Iteket. 33^rb„-lh.
00 foot White Cot­
ton Cholhes Unes.
Fair's price lUc. our

Fairs pnee 15c. -our


Manhaitaa. bartag Iaat its money.
Bhme at Hempstead, b I. Not
baring been seee for several'
Msodt weal ta look (or Mm and

Ufjp^'Coal Scuttl.-v

our price

<-'t H.irti.i'ii 1 Lute

We MUST vacate this building in 10 days and positively
must not transfer any goods to the Globe Store as we have
discontinued to handie most of the Fair line of merchandise.
Must is astrongdominant term that books no alternatives.


Jardiniros Lamps and Dinner Sets 33L cents
on the dollar.
New-Fat Revolving: Com I’oiipers. | Iron Stone China Cups and Saucers.
Fair's price 25c. onr price
Q9 1 I'^’Fs price 7c. our price

apeclal train, where br will
New Tork. There be
win board a Malted States tnl.rr and
ba takm back to Fraaee.
Mm Cbai

Hts loottad been caught ta a <
aad ta eadsarcslng tw extricate
Tbe meettng tar wetaea tmly la (be It, tbe old isaa bad partly (aUen
of bed aad etrack hts bead, which rmta maay reapeos the im re- dered him uacoaschma For three
■I'df ibesMStTtbe ear br the
MTkable strrlce la (be eMIre aeriae days, half fretm. Chase bad vainly
Taaartaa sDer UW capUr*
of mtwelagi Tbt etaur^ was packed. eadmvorrd to extricate bit foot Had
HabW to bs laforad.
he aot bewB toaad by hie frteads be
Ided. Mr*. K Wllbelm lueaidtd. Hra. would hare died of starrailoa. Jle
W. K. Wright led tbe prayer serTtoe.
chmh'w tbe**?^ tbe II
> of kaowMga. and Mn BriakBas played the plaao
Id hew aB art Waratare aad ad'Imre, tbe Bapretae Orare.*
D H7 tbat prise ceapoAS la cigarlie eabjed of Dr, Bailey's disc
lag (he tmrk Agra tf
aad the tblnwath ebapter <ff rini
1 (ff hwAdreds of CbleaBi
Ibe light (ff the chan* tforiag that
iht tasM of hli talk
Tke lore uf Cblst
wior»r P«r»od.
get Ibe (vopoAi la ordtr to bbtate'
Tbt doelar (wmiared CbriaOaat rw woBaa. aad bar parity
prises which an offMsd. Time prism
(he tbremth lor* wore beoag
ilgM of Cbrlal
Ao^ag (he 11
oa a dataty
ty botUo (ffMerfBAte
Bsaa aad atar
Stan that ait as iw
Tuny and tarriUr. Kob
to a cread ptaap ■n# aitjM Of
Iheaaa. A
A. UffbUmaae bolli
; Upas were gtrae. aad
cigareue BBatari Is^noaecigareua
Mat <d rttm Um» to CaM- a^ apoA bit hsanwa (hair daty ta
T dar tata bettatte U|ir
mm. Whit*
whlt* Itailed to wars Iha talps taiinW Atsw In Oed their
Iff Us Mghataa
(iBffD the alaktag of tbe MsrriBBC ta
tba barber br Uobsoo aad Us gall


neigbkwhood meetlaga omilaa.
oasly, with ipeelsl BJUe readlagt. In
addItloB. the Tboiwdsy evening prayer
meeltag wUI be made a special
geUtUc meettag each week.

-i..- ..( Ibelr I Uaknl i* tbe unlu-r*liy gruunda
I'.ncVrlmaier . cai > t--r j W.unan tuflragr rrrrtird lia d'

agataat ti.
Mimoaalrsa Joba W. Eddy aad
Sklaaer of Bay Oiy are a> (to hsad’ '
•ff a syadlCBle which pays tS OOO.OlO
for Ibe Port Blakely milh oa Admlurelly Inlet in Ktlspp eutoty. Wsailar
■OB. Tbe deal mrriea with It tmmeose Irens iff ataadtag pLoi« limber,
aad lombeetag oprratMa will to
IHubed to a large amle. Mr.' Bddy
pme three to take Aarga.


It all. III Drover, v
mueb power. The flsBgels (4
Ihe card isWe were iiulnied out, and
after iliU i«r> uf iLe nceilng an i-«aagelltlk service wa. held. In 'mhirh ii
nomlier prufetted cuncertiim. Thtr.
flae audlenre. Ib« buo.te Wlus:
ueariy Ailed.
While (be nnloe ivTlval tervlret un
drr Ibe Iraderthlp of Dr. Smiley cIom.I
OB SuD'lay. Ibe retirni spirit will aui
be allowed u. dir out if lie riurrlie.
rliy can pivreal It. Maob M
urk done during tbe meeltngt
Juet rloMd bat been prellioltiary lolt.
Id Ibo effect of it B
lost without active work
(be |iBi
of the tadlridosl cburcbm
A plan It un fuoi and s-ns ronsldered by lb.- mlalsiert eff tbe cliy klun
dty rtrolng ualun mming* In i
rily Opera Huute U It lu-lirred II
audience that would gnihiT ihi
.1.1 he- largw tbao ihal <d i
rhnrrbea ciaablaAit. aad that nu
by tie tmirm me
Ingi who conM not be (otihed
brr way. If (be plan I. carrtiv] nui
big cborua cbolr. apeclal aod
Wbably two short iddrettes carh
Sunday cveatnc will be a i>sri
plant to be rarried out.
The gotpel senim uf tbe Wr«t
Meibodltt ebureh Ixuran Monday even
log. A chnrut rboir hat beta orgtoUatl of aUat fO voleet. wbirb will be
led by Heery Kladle'of Botum oniree
tlty. aecumpanM by o^ao. piano. Mod tureel. Mr. Hladle Is s Ane

Uge most goarantee In s toast trm-ldU.-srdcd wtadmlll. At Nerrahclm b Bitted in sleep oa a mat amr
lug that no mlnoai shall . ter be uiuiiioiii sopplies tower fur K tamn- graie At stout S Si> o'clork la
op>-ned ta the virucr
.. ,uii Ua>ps ihai light a large paint Btiewuig Ibe msiroa was aiuused
Tsx> tavreo bltien bj a d.* uI.m lBc:urj. Aa>«W it ScbleswlgdloP lie revea iff ibr aolssal. She fc
etrolUag la a park at Aawa. lost, stem keeps up t s>.ady currest of M (bat a coal from the graie bad a*«
baiisAed to amlnitier. were maTri.vt i voliv A' t<o<P>-l.iint a windmill wtadt' to rkKblng un a chair and that, ibey
tnd came lo Chicago (or uvaimroi ai up a b>«<v welfbl iff atblrb tbe de-;
A porttese.
• brill, and .evLt »L.rks a piwetfol djaaafci
| hung _____
Bear, caught Are atae. and imly
Perr> tliv
.One small, morb petted cat pnl«-i cbe Iraniir eCreis iff (be mothre aad
maar Their marriage scat Dot <iv l,I> saved trum destracilua by Are tir; child k.-pi tbe tame* from sp-radiag
a (rw minute* a
Dilod. Bear TsmpklnalfBrvbcr
I dng bad sunk bis puisoooDS fa
. Iln.tltlya.
periapt tram dratb.
N.ffrr Dame nalvdraliy at- (
o Ibe Aeah of both. Ttam drew.
l.r tlxbtlma leatats of tie | Bmd. lad. tortort aereral wrli deTbr luairun «ff thr bouse j\ri.uw-d case* of sovallreui. am

Babj- Bath Toba.
Fair's price Sl--'j<». our



Sale ROW on at
The Fair Store
22i fTontSt.

A Choice selection of iiretty Chinaware consistins of Frutt and Cake
wv r 11
I’latcs. Sauce Dishes.
Til FttI
Sugars and Creamers.
prtCI WH
Oat Meal Dishes.
ap tl 20c,
Shaving Mujpi. fanejNT pilCI
Opalw-are. Salt and .
Peppers, Glass Vinegar
1 j,
Bottles and \'ases.


5 .Ml the fine Imported 'China Cups
} and Saucers and d«»rated OrAaf ments consisting of
< Olive and Salad Dishes It. HTl
{ 2 piece Creamers and
\ Sugars. ’ Rose Bowls.
\ itair Keceb'crs. Spoon
I and'Ash Tra>-s, Boh»eJ men Vases and fanc)j (iilt Shaving Mugs-

Pandora. Corsets
straifrht from and
Girdles. Fair's price
1-m:. our price

Hickor)- Ax Himdies
Fair’s price 15c. our

our prioe



Saio not on at
The Fair Store
221 Front St.

OrAbto'ktaB't of tall Btarsmlr^ Produotarta.


THE amMbtiuvHMMttimA Kmukiiv 14. t #oa.


rMOR botieoBiaC HMM thu Ik* tutf'

M»H ta toriac all fetada at troabla.
rWac* baa offaivA ttO.OOP
«ad (fea ariint alia for iba prtirUaca
«( CB»Haala> aa tka cauir <apl(aL
niwl <Wan
aad oaa traa
aa< WUU Oood oSan tuKhiat
bM twc (aeta—it baa rallnada aad la
Iba rfh»raablaai eaaur « iba oo

mtimi (ba booaa aratr daf. Ha baa
loot fcla vaalcbt aad la
lac>at otbarwlaa ha la
banv at tba hcwa e(
dna. Mr. aad Ura. rraak Waateett
la Vanos TlUafiL
Mania Laiaaia et Lar\-~i. OcaaB*
aaaav. Mda ItOtoBi-: - ■ j IrnrU
on tmm tit mieut <^r. ac' cbk*Ma. Ha Ihlaba that tbcr ]«■ batl«
Ihaa baao.
TW Waat MMUaa Biota rair'aadoe^iaa
lo brU ita talr at
{kpatoek pork. Oiaad BaiiVf. 8a^
tMbar U-lf, iba vaA totloaiac tba
Mblatalr at talMa.
At Battla Oraak, a a
Baa arrootoC tot tba iareaar << a toIlAa allk i--mn trvaa a frood. 81
4aMo< i: at Btit. bat whoa abow
*Mva vblrb \*i U«s
of bar
vUfe tba drtai oa. a^ broka
tMl OMHaaocd. Taa aSalr «1I1 be kapt
Tka attk o( Iba taSaraae aeboe] at
kMoba baa beta eat apan aa
pMr roaaa (or tba IllfH adunl papno.
Ite pMaa baa b«« «ctad ap
atoante ntbta. aad i^fbta aad wla4a*B are pretaelad br baarr Iroa
MfMM. later it la tba lataattaa
pu ta a vtabaaloa oai-it-Mit.
Tka oltr (atben et Iroa Moaatata
kaae taalDr decided that U a wtrMla
we tarlha Uaaafll of Uia paepla
■M ter oea aa paatsre ptnada tar lire
■Mdft. Bamfiar aova wUleotbaaltavaddernptJarmaada
M tfi rbUdraa est e( tbatr
Moftatta boataaoa taaa are bactattW «e oppnelau tba ralaa at *od
toMa to a TtUaca wbleb (epaada •


PrioMS AkkrMO'fc; IVIori-b Holds

Daintiness, refinement, ample lengths, gener­
ous widths, neat sewing; everything that proclaims
the home-made garment without the drudgery of
home work; these are some of the charms that are
first recognized in the great piles of garments that
have turned this Into s shrt pfwblit.
Our every effort is to make this the greatest
sale of white we ever had if having better gar­
ments, better prices and your co-operation will ef­
fect it we feel sure we wiil'have it.

These sales of white of ours have often been
imitated, never duplicated; they have become a
puHie et0U0mf looked for and waitedfor by hun­
dreds of women who ij^ve profited by them in the
The goods w-e sold last year are going to bring
usmore customers this year because of the durabil­
ity ^f the .articles sold.

f)ousebold Deeds

Dainty Under IDusIins

THDRE U no place in thi> pan of the
* Male where your needs alonu i4ii*
^ a itraagrr nvrr
tr ati /Mr whtrt ft hay
liiunt, tf /tune
. M/ MlLUKEtrs.

tine t

A tW/./i
.fW.'rr./’/i.’rr prue
.■.1'lltK‘f It .1
/>» pmJr t.-

Whitt Wool 6oods and Jill
Wash Goods Under Price.

d as well
Bccaipe we sell more, enabliiiti

U8 10 trt closer prices in buyinu. which
means better priccn lo you. The quality
is the best or we would nOt have it.

Tovelg3clo$1 each '
Torelingg 2 i-2 to 18c yard


Sheets and Pillow Cases. Shectini; and
Pillow Case Muslins. Curtain Mulls.
Net, Plain and Dotted White Flannels.
Bed Spreads $1^1 to $5,110.

Cursct Carers. .!0c to $2.75
rhrmhc........... 25c Io $2.00
Canns................ 'lOc lo $S.5o
■Skirls............. 25r /u$S..-,0

Everything points to this being the largest while season
ever known. Seeing this, we made preparations monilis
ato consequently we have a most complete showing.

Table Liueng i’./c lo $-i yard
yaykins 85c lo ^ dozen

MM ABd iriU prebobir leild a _
WMil rood 1» or U tallaa le tba eaat
tt dw nuapa tba eemlax aomtaar. at
Mr ea« laiieaa it v111 ba Boaap
ta tboV podtata to da ao.
Op ta BrtdcekoBptoa toinublp.
•aallac coaatr, Itraa a maa who ii olx
•aot eta taebaa ta Ua aioeklas (oai.
pat «a«^ bat tW peaada.
Hr. aad Hra. TbiDlo* tairtaf at

XilESl-i far surpass anything we'v«* . \.-r ha.l. Is ih.T.- anything that
.[■•ligliU a woman imm- rhan daimy iin<ler muslins of snowy whiteness. They
an- lien- in atnindance -with tucks inscrtiims. lu-mstTtchiH(. embroidery .and
laces in pr4»fusion -Prices little comp.ired with <](iality.
. ,

Some ex­

tra fine numbers in these. Embroidery
and butcher's linen: handkerchief linens.

kr UtolWWi S* BbcHri

IN WOOIwutc nohilrs. White SdcalicBBe. While Albilross,
White VoUe, White SnhUme. White Sene, White
Henriettas. Kote De Cheral. Etc.

Citth Prtets Ur €IM* UU
DroH rrs............. ’,Ur lo $0.25
C'lmis..................:^5r to $4.00

Skirt.■<............... 2.1c to $2.00
lloigts..............27c to $0.50
ai $7.r«.

Lena Etasdo^ MercerUed Basket CkMh.'Madras
CMk, Chevlet Madras. Mercerized Zepher, Swiss
Plnmells. Dotted Swlsses. St. Gaol Swlsses, Oreaodies, Per^ Lawns, India Llnons. Dimities, Nain­
sooks. Unr Cloth. Etc.

and $P-MK» the suit, laiees. Einbn)l<lerit-s. lnsenit>iis.. .\|1 Over Eii^liruidery ami Laces all await your ap­

Everjthlns ^ tUs cUss emnes under the usual
White Sale Discosnu


« devB tba read tor


tana* Tka taibar eawa raaatad ap.
IM atae afTirod toe tata.
fka haaad od adaaatla at mat la
Iba adnoabOltr at abelIM8 tba praadtoi <d fanlahiap baa
M baM la tba paptla at tba Hlpk

lOMB tor 8M a>H *Ub (ns I
.......... . A BwMr. a Maad
«ap. baa boH WMitoc iiillfiii



:0Mtoa mt dtaba. utmoiat <

:Om ban M tba Mr la almw
i9mnmrn ha Mat aaatad Ua tbra
'8I—U»' laa tt abiani la 8al«
‘ > Mbr boTB to Mr. aM MfB. C U,
WUUto^Hto a a (WB Bar Cbatir:
«Hk8 aita u>« a koU B«* Backa'M iC T. ba a tea ata ta totab m4

mTir SUE

Wc must get out of the McNamara Store before March 1st.
We have room here to enumerate but few of the sacrifices wc
make iu order to move goods quickly-About two weeks more
will pretty well close out following Bargains at present rate.
Come and sec, if you havenl done so and those who have
already benefitted by our prices tell your Nei^bors—“Pass a Good Xhiing Alongr!*’
Ic buys
choice of big lot finh sHk
bows, regular 25c goods.

choice of lot Boys' and
Men's 25c Caps, c/tra
values even at 25c—also
«25c Neekwear. alt colors
and shapes

13c Buys

Choice of large uson*
ment Knit Mufflers—all
coloTb-also choice 25c

knee Pasts.

17c buys
Chi>icc of lot of Men's
Gloves Or Milicns—good
sew 2&cgood».

ISC buys,
Shim or drawers fron.
J5c Aeece lined Undei^'r.

Every sale
seems to
require a
name, and
we call
this our
it is a
“picnic” for
us to almost
give goods
away nor
because we
expect to
take a

I9c buys
choice from lot of -fancy
vests for boys 4 to 7 yrs.
of age. worth 50c to 75c.

20c buys

when this
sale is over,
but because
we must
vacate the

22c buys

building by

25C buys
either shirts or drawers
from 50c Fleece lined
Men’s Underwetar—or
Men's 50c Sweater—also
lot Boys' Knee Pants—
wonh about double this
price—Men’s 60c Jersey
Shim—extra good.

33c buys
Choice from lot Men's
Gloves or mittens, regu­
lar price 50c.

Men's Fine Neckwear all
shapes wonh 5Uc and 76c.
Also 'Childs' 50c Knee
Pants, any color — your


Fanc^ coloi ..
shim laige bne. y o p r
chcsc^werf: $1.00 and
Mso child's fancy Caps,
reguUr $1.00 goods, all
Also Ug lot scarlet and
her color Men's line
obi 1.00 Underwear.

Children’s Knee Pants—
your choice of-75c goods-

Mar. I St and
it requires
quick work
on our
part to
take care of
our large
stock in that
We threw


the doors
of that
Jan. 1st,
and the

Min'i $1X0 Duck Coats,
better coats in same proAlso Child’s Knee Pants,
choice of $1.00 goods.

94c buys
Men's Kersey Pants, good

kOO buys

first choice
strates that
know what
our offer
of best

Men's Fine woobSweaier
-choice of $lii0 goods.


Aiae Men's $1X0 MackiMwsor
Kersey mPants-^
er grades above goods
sauKe discoum.


such prices
means. Many

1.33 buys
Mrn's fine fl.-innel shin o
tmr Sweater -S2 gootls.


rush for

75c buys

1.25 buys
Men's combination Wool

in Men's

2.25 buys

Kn-Irr, o.

6.00 buys
I Choice of a lor $l(Mn

7.00 buys
A SPJ.mi Men s Overcoat
‘ if we can lit you.

9»00 buys
.A tirg; $l5.dn Chinchilla
Ulster it we can fit >-ou.

Ulsters or
only one
or two of a
X ■


12.00 buys

Many art­
icles at
much less

12.75 buys

Half Price;

Choice o( . biB lol Men's
fine Suits—all sizes.


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