Grand Traverse Herald, August 20, 1903

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Grand Traverse Herald, August 20, 1903


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


PTv?'? ;;■■■'

'..• •. • /":


T&AYxasE dry.

6raM4 CiwtrM INraM


TW htcM

IB (BC «BOl-

«at fat hn bimI *wtcr, lUOL





woA, • !>«(«« fit



orams tratebsb oomrrv. icchioan. august

Tire Insurance! «
Plato QlABB. 8t*Bm BoHorand Accldont Insurance.

Money lo Loan on Improved Real Estate Only.

tb* 6cw




Jdhnaon Block, Phono 78

Traverse City. Micty.

TnrcRC aiy Stale Bailt

raUT HAVNAIi. ri





It llie ainouDi of Savin,;. Ilr|iuaili in llic UaoL of llic I . S.

Il is

ownni liy C.OGC.IITS ,«oplc. makiQ,; the tvcnjic iluc tirh i-uly a


iHtlr over MOU.

Tbit »•*!


is tisc rcsuli

■nDI taviBgt anil the Bccnictl inleretl iheicon.



Wi-icieiic >lr(iosiU

Ik>n1 Ihiak tme
kei me BO well that
preii) >0
Uir would like ' yoa
i... on my a
t routwe •nal
k Rva.wBnxber Jim.
Mtly amu,
n for bto k
aad isKupod —
A >vtk»rd. fAdpRj bui
I'lih rbss'kvrvd rtiiluo i
iipu.vjuk- t-.r him
or rBTx-tuI slUrb asd
:ur»^iu™ 1I.P rauM t
Aod Ibea ubr dav
. er with
■ 111' familiar
lilBB waa a tllllr
When %e Opened
H<e a pmuoaraph dpapped
u a p.inratt of an uauiuill.
M> I 1 cbv >ky Iv
Ot ciiur»e. tbi, BBui b.Ai„l III T'. B JllCVO,
l^urm IlartnaB
BnMbrr Jim looki>d
Bctbsi-buly t
«i ibv punraii luBx bad wsriJ).
Hr.iiber Tum «b>bv far wruns wbi?B
bi- , pRisfd ibU RBilv-Uccd Ctrl
Ihe pbulueraph on
the dwk ahvrr be could a>e II a> cobUroiBiUiD of Urulher Tom', pnlMW
.1 ilivii picked up the Idler
I >e Ills fiiblB' for liDllbRd.
lirviher Tom U-»i
>-and lino coi me. U
V l-uziihis luuBdii |4 >iud>
irh aaiDd Laura Ued It up •
IM •rillBB—RBI >1IU h.-Bl
rbl.-t. Ide kuue abo
d >■-<' Bbi-ru Bll Ihv b»d Uitv
.1 time I bm raadlnx
ure She don't know
I brxxi-d II ln>m her yealerdby I
ii». U-i lour bRd drop

at atnall at Sl.lHI ami allnv thiR |«t cenl. inteiRl
iral*ki ihrouph lU.- up.-o »iud*v».
ThroUBh bU ihr lull.-. .4 day.





H S. HU1.U


u-«v II lu im Tb.'U whea Mre vay,.
bal did yiw du nub m> plicbour
mm>' 41e >i) liue xeulii' It framed
a t you .umwup and M-e a fellow
.Ither Jim' N b 11 don't Baler


llniihiT JID .i-eaiad Ir no hiirc)
fnmiBs cotiltwci cvrled
.e plciure IIllBxered im taU deck
eve be owl Rl^ >lCbt of II



Ii. S. Hull. C. A Hammond, II C. Davis A.
V. KrioVicIi, Wro. Ixvuilon, Cm W. Imnlie, J.>iel.
Chav Wilhelm, Klqiben Iau ner, Bcnj Tliirtb)’. E. C. Dnuion.l and
j. O. Crotier.

-I- Iciy Rrl> iBuratBi.
Whim nuBi-r. dripplBt dra
UM kuiialacly. auil flaubU-d
r a-B,T

-■w l> Niwl-il

NatMnBl L«Ar> Cm



i L GUtnS & CO.
emu BUOaU: >. ta. sM II

Do you VBBI

u B»d ;
tee « the Best liB* T«i B« IB ;

•* rwTAtsep

H-tsMimiUIEIiOO. i


THO». t. •HUCW * *M.



■ 'jr;

an entire baking ha» been kpoiled


tracts orr baking powdeB had been uscti in its mami(aciurc. »Avoia •»»»% ArtnoyeirsoM'' by
using Johnson's Pure Flavoring Txtracis and Put
Cream of Tartar
'ariar Baking
I’owder at iloc |>cr (>utind.
Pr«M>rlptionB CArpfuily and Cof

y Compounded.

'Johnson’s Drug Store.
Commercial Priming
nil Kiada

Berald Job Office



v«B.OMi«>iBk uM^unos Freeh, Salt and iriokedM eals. Sausages. Etc.




Ter Ibt


J. J.

V in the market for wool. 1 will
- wool to your i
I will
anyone can.
r .youI that
e or write tome.
5 me. Will
also buy hides.
1^’arehouse 732 E. F'rom Street

R. 3oHonrit»orKor
TntvBrsB City. Mich.
Bell Phorte I SO
Citizens' Phone 48 I

SBBaymr te> Dov KoBo-bo naniiig off ibe
neb. M Mb« of doVB. SOMETHING NEW.

p-RAIMK trujde:



nimAAMM M it|M0 sitBB IB BodL spoeiil
■bbA BOO
Md tiuy
Mly iBBiBorain
iwsaMwl m
a vTvty
every n

Tbit anaafft WMBu «bB M id. They an
Bot aadeM cheap attoiM. Bad ^ B «B*y
teUttoesi^aweyB; baaredOBble, anion-


TV ebBBpBBt «a tV aafca. gwbty otaaitewL

Oaoe aed tal yoBwS b^w


us SUM sRsL » Ulctor Petertyl.

oor of the current vbleredellxhir He knked
4 aBHcaltaral eeVewee
The .
Tuaiuy and Rutbt bIm4 «n--------t iTTtcatkvB dUeeied by eda .
ABd afirr dinner Bnui
Iber Tom drew
Ufuih.r '
^ypt Ii Ibe aeene ad ibeae Liereeaprv~-nc
il axtieultoraJ ekperUnrali.
lb<- lllllr L
Tbe tarmiBX U carried cm by Ibe
"Well-' , ____________________ __
fla.ptian xineniBrni at Ibe Sebooi
inidxed d..«B Ibe vbadowy pnihi
.4 AirtculiuTC at Glieh. not far trara
betwev-u Ibe Iree.
Tbe (ladrau. who are hick
-w.-ll— «rbu.-d Brutb.-r JlM
-Nice l,nt abeuf an acre. Water pamprd from
•Ver. niceNile la (uretabed Ihe aladeai
I'M I nm\e II i.«, .ironx ab
farmer, and be » taaiBit when nad
to dlwtHhule over hta mlaUture
I Of aucar raae. cotton, toracr
other Ji
Plaau. aod tropical aed aeml-troplral
HU caaala dama. and mile
rraervoir, are rvnducied and eparalrJ
The aehonl lea.e. tbe land by tbe
ear ai *60 .a acr.-, and tbe atsdeet
Xi'et tbe ara of hla.qoarler acre
')uu didii I aiakr It atruax .-aiKirh
-t ai a proporthmale rale.
\V'b.r»wt Hruib.-r Tom a
The n-..-iuie frv'm one of tbme Ull
.) bk.w a nun. Brl In ibe
Iiaa tareia baa I'evo a aaiprlwe in
vt .4 Hn.ihcr Ji
L-k1 u;.1 Jiomiy
e cried
alias revetatkm u> many Ihlllib
II JtnHhrr Jim
put a I.R.) biBi) oa Hr.>ih.T T.mi',
r scarcely aSurdi a|«c« tor Imple
A-.- b'.-rv
he raid xniBy. 'a ber.
Mack nui.iaebed f.-Ik.a wlib
Tba Larqewt Aapa


-he world'. Urwral
wiluaied nrar Suk
Cal . aad
italna 1.790 acree. ■
taaal rtup
Jim vud.lenl. laoebed
couAM and mnard will Ell tU
in t-l.-veland flala rrvichi «ra. aad a
may be
................. re .4 ararly all the hotel..
i>. dlBlax can and steam
• la the world. The toUl
Canninq and Pat CannUtBrace plai
iparacwa la 4bU
- ihao <«ce I bave referred lu
lolly la J.atIO I
buL as Ue nap
the la.'i lhai many e«M la thli brand
bv never y
land .4 .lun lend all the ulben In
aerrace coat
lUaara to Ij
e44.-oiitl pruducl or ladiuir.'
rarara and probably will
a Ion
,a. l»nle In
a upon me w
land I
ilaallr. la., wl
lacK'-ni eura caantiis la (h'lfoRta U allnaied
- LO JraqulB a
ir w.wld In the very betel '
and baa bran
ihM-b 11 11 pnulble lu pm
by ih
up nr.■m ibey can taora- than Sie
i of COR. It takea t Mkiecayed raabra mixed i..
■ur Miuarr mllra. lo r
l and la remvbably feMllr
r Ibl. fanory
la oi
f owBcn t c
poeilble, they chuoie lh>- crtnlmt
varlei. <4 n>il lu relaUon lo run and
Il a. rarl) and as late aa l> frat

' llrvrtb.-r Jim.' he anile. "I •huaed
-ur lelii r lo Utu Laura
My. boa
le Say. eas'i you route <it amchlee.
•11 wiu-k’ Thera', BolBB ui U- a bl» band umla.

Himjdr. Tummy.' aud'i'lipn 1
have tu |>ull bits In Hu< abr Is • nirv
Urolber Jim icowled darkly. Tbeo
iKilhailtislan>1lii'. Sbu bat IbR b.' chuckled Wbai b boy’ The Ideb
prIiilMi bixmrn bair. and surb dp|H' of bl. aboa iBs Ibe lelirr What cniut
darkv <!M. and sui h a t«wt way ot
And ili.-y bav.. a bulKul
at anytblniri
le moat be mm
II-. amuail ti
EYoni By
u laU'b slu- ut Ibe lake thru a m
Tom a al
ibi- bills li't a ver> nlcv lakt- ibu
II would b
BUI ilii-|i imaO lu druan mi-, and
ir faltn ui attend the ebureb ^ntr.
Imura’p lalbrf uaiis II
Tbi-> aa> be
A lew day, later Brotber Tum wiute
Tilly ' rlrh
1 a Mmaahai mclaacbi4y Uim-. lie
. l.sikt III ifai- viiiaai- ami Ims you
qulie ao well, ra.V.a Iheiu tor luo ITIIIU a day- xuiaed be muradI bit muttarr—niid^l.
I Uiira's railRT Is a illaRv
. u«i. aBd majlie he, __________
He aasted Ici ,e« Brotbar Jim
»k and hr aaa the r
cli. Bui If Urolber Jim cuuldn.1
» tllaie bul I lUllik
come, avuld be BMd bl, pbutosrapb
I eras
Il aould be eoae romriin. asyaa).
L, a bv.lonIlruiber
er ibl, epUlle. Tbii prec
HroibiT Jim
We'll ba
bruiher auelDt have a re
s a> eiKKl M a bo> for havin'
Than- 1 h«s-r b«-r /alllii'. The
a-cbampm on hlf*'b


Aubl phoioxrapb
KmiDyllBr kay, lauraa ruBiaBtIck. 'So
Tbe anaweihrat
■ad ti waa asala t the point.
piciboor U.
(Yuiu your Iomb* brother.
Laura aed abe It d It She mad
Beil Tfaorntes. rlilaa yuuiiB all
t&iiled over Itai- epUtle and b
lay carefully lu a plxeoiibolc
Jeek. abeuce II would be lat
lucloaed a lib bli Be« letter
thtent bari'Bl,
waai ot a yonnsatar waaat to be Uft!
IT Jlln. axed 17, and B
ed with anylblax. Still. If Mlaa Oar
ToBi. axKl i:. aad ihla cap bad .oetu
had nay aenae of humor abt
iBXly draao them cloMr lofelber. To
find him amuaUtx. Then be
llrtilher Jim Brother Tom bad aever lOuked up tuddcniy al Mlaa Oarman't
-d ibe axBravBled nalaance that punralt. ud It aeemed aa U a amlle
. ueually appRr la the
hovertox about the pretty
tty mouth
came another dUquIeUni
Brother Tom
praok, aod a, for Tum—a*
berue, of ctaildlab r
not ansseat bit clever
malice tbai d
bix brother
iBd Tom had bees left
l« Jim', rare a bile (be father and BOt
OTemragt mother weBl abnmd f<*> to me
H.'a I
■ a ibort
the latter', bealib
and a llltle black i
crate deal
laffa ax
aara Ilkea bli «ery
I tblnk Mlaa L«ara
Jim tboucht It viM lo pbrk Urn uB
lol aorb a way of
a little vlllase that Beetled la tbe
amlirn' and tajlo' woti tbiBB* I'll bei
a-oud. of Ibe Bpper Hudmm. where
receive the beet of ci
. a dldeni
ihe oiber day and M
k bher ber
I'm BOtax b
keepiT ol
tbe brat 1 knu bow. I
little otderlor member.' And
Twu dayi U
beepi-r Barclay',
larrnaB had fairly
That fellow
rue. «hr wrote a model ten
iB wblcb the requeated l_.
n-r." Tom Ibl
Ibformed btm
"I tbibk
lepr mun
hi, ytiung klniman. but before
rer could be recelr be ain't wanted
tailed at Oreycn«
■ful hurry it
pRliloB to add bit petuiQB
He was tocb a dell«bliul
lul boy. •
U afragi ber Ulher

rakTH not pot 'to oiokt
wlibla aa hour or two after halB< o
The caaolac
promaa rc
la wail water aad rXcladiBS (he

'ilESt s'

Tbe marhlne alike II
the cci
rub. pul. It la a can
lb wiier, aulderi It.

workUtc w, . laehrialea have baee
wlyni to tbe a
sttram ever i
every mlBuie aod a half, or a effect, eubt ■
a about a Utrd of a raeoad. and beluf dfty I
they keep up thla pace Cor alxlcen baa decided that their coasUU
richm are not affrated by atich
vat. which la aa Importaat Mtter.y.i
ben they were ran
aneb a rUbc pula the dmahard la.'.Binx peba. They pot up l.SSO.OOti epB,
dUm^t rlBBa from tbe criminal er,.
|4 KT.WO praa. but Ihla la out equal t*
a IKS Ruiun« RUbllabmest ta Wla laaaoe. ______ l ibe_____
cipala Tbli Allaeilc company ralae lorcibl) prvleciM from hla owa
elKbi hundred arraa ot praa tbnanay luma bave lba(r.drlBk atop*.'lvr.
(be hiulnraa of one man lu ped. uf couran. aad an reqslred t
..................... -... wbloh
aide ta
>iiul.> bow b> mine the nwat praa pua
albie on .«cb tuny acre lot and bow lerilBc a care. Aa soon aa lha lala cured ba U releaaed. Il U
lu have them Uai ibroufh the toOBcnt
It (be aaylom
pv.ible arawn Tbe praa
r rratorad about
aod bruuxbl Into ibe fariu
■tea aubjeclad in
and plirhfurkedI Into
- rvvolver about lea teat
and that iraalmani.
feet Id dumrler. II fa t
1 rubber belli
.. .r.aad
InaumeRble paddlra nithla. Tb<Tbe oMknk for i
tea, need, and all.
Bvuwed. are pitched
has preraDad ta
Ibe middle and easinra statpa tor
over a Boalb past will aerteaaly tatirwliboul laktax hay
the poda ur ere nllb tha ablpmeata. napndally
them, and the poda tad Imm New Jerae). there U aa aapre- '
eodrated vrencr of caatatoapai In
-lilac rack at the and iff tlm lb* eouib, aad aay dancer of a)
They keep tour bum
la Ibr supply la not looked
betd of RUM tbe year aroobd on
dealer*, tlrporta from Plottda,
pen vine, ibat come ifaroucb
macblae. They pul up Btiy ihoui-..raa* of prat a day tbroucb the am celleai eoaditloa aad i
Tbey use four ot tbeae traar
uae rarkiad
atlac maebtaua. aa they style tbe
threaber. and for ibeir use a fee
ovee brief weeks pay 110.000 a year. Thla laat^RV, the total belac eaUM^ '
a araiaal lABO ladt •
PlBurlas OB last yaVs avaaas*
r will p^bly be a




thrown ont to keep H ap.(.ma ta oxplalBBd by Prof. MonOMart of lb*
Prtaeb aatloBal BcrtonltaraJ aaUara
a yaat reilon of yellow aaad. barren
hllla. .lerlle ranyoaa.
AmWjiha •
____ ______ ___ prodaoed by tha abaauaaapiratloa of tbe lr«M aad
bMcbt of from A«M
boraed mad Except a few ap,
MO* i
Ih* irae tapa. Prof,
HoolUafcn also •
that whUo forMU dtala th* so
'X-Irom a cloudtern sky
. day for


xiarc and
■ bal ou wt

Marriaff* Brahm
raa atop
Hamace brabrr* ar* a reffuUr latbia) .
ligttoa la Italy,
la Oram* -tbor*
aickan sad dto of ar* aeraral maivlac* brcltar*. who
laa existence la esmsd on bav* pockotbookj flUad wttb tb*
least possible exartkm;
" fIrU of tb*
ladaea, U tbe price of Ufa
to Mlaa Vora'a a'
>. ber
llfftrawt cla**«o. •
r laaaUuata rise u daws
a bouaebwpia' wad
mother bavlnc cone
blrvM Ctrl
• clock tbe heavier pnn <ff tha
I'allfoRla to take an Isralld »l*ier
day', work i> d<,oe
By etcht o'cloek
the latter Bo#dR

I ,1
the wa, quite
aed the
Tbe vary- aeit day brrwxbt i
ler wbk* they
ilrd diaquietinx let..
irenglb. She hoped tbb va, bm tab
1. aad all b
upcB a pwrMy
-We were out ndtn* today ' Broth
lux a llbenj. bol ahe had never raen er Tara explained: -and I wna xetf '
1 ffhea they
a boy wbo charmed ber qattr a* much in Ihe little went behind aod ■ fu.
II) ladlaaa perbapa. brave tbe ■ocora^thoy I
kx..«i-f ovaa-tlke bmi of the air
hapB beCBuae be reminded bar be dldat knv bow abnrp m.v ear.
_____ _
apoe (b* dowry.
tlUUe broUer wbo '
»l*bt be a
- -'^h*5traj”
•ock extiu uf
of heaeaes as may
Ir, like that with mtwatei nummla
in U, aevenU ymtr.
I apoM. Annyway I heard a M lhai
be vautamy baotowod hy the party.
aiBbt. ibr whole pops
Ik' He
Nl What do you UInk*
tai coolB Broiber Jim do* He
■ ouiuf-doura dartat-tbe hoaiaat
a W UU,
1 I aura to marry him.
Th* Laol ^
f them ta- tam
ter of tarltatlon Sbe mut prompt
have beard .him Pr
T. K. Adam*. B ml^ laa
man Tom whea kbe Ured ot him.
abnlm? Sneh » ak-e
e mimta'i tolerate Urn U be proi ' and nobody to who ber what rahii;
• mlB*d la tb*
.. be rude or unmanasenble. And
,ahe ta maktnx
Anyway I know
"Sum Buira ti
bbSl. S*
ifeUow la atrade of her Uihet. a
wouM aak It
aatd tbmw m aboot estnicb seal la
Lit a apectacla that la aalqna
-a aa mutch—and acuneboddy uuahi
Btatra to last tne*a bandenbortv la town" a rbritra rabim any Infractkm of ooa
Bad out nhooi him rite away era
rale ef cemporta. ' men. women aad nUldran.'
Friday nlte be wbaU ber lo •a."
wbkb Tom mlfbi be xollty.
____ _
tbe d*i
;b Ibe younBaat ot Ibe (nmbother Jim Jbobed at the leftra
tm tbe flat roofa, ecu on ibe porehae, maad aoaMe* erray aUlara ynani
' concloaioa. ‘I fanr kmc and cnrafiily and the ft
lly - be «____ _______________
latios be eoMteond.
rau ta the hack rad firat yarda aad aad sbeaM tha r
that we tall to renllM how 11
bta baadaome Tara deepened
exbaaMed wUUa ibp
CMS oat la (be xtrnMa. wbare tbe tbr eeal wiU be «
he la ■poll
•polled No Boobt yon w
be pulled a pad of "
t l» y«ar«.
fevered people have
bare eo,«b
eoimbt tbe last
I oni Terr
-Vom a dn
bramb ad attonss air: and
kindly rm
la oGcaptad by a bomaa bMac Some
> be ten nntll railed ...
. They are walUat tor him at t
■d (d OiUaa that K la tbeoMWa
are xtratobad out vttb only tbe UfbtHlae Imnra Oanhan hrMy nekaomi- vtllaae •talk*. Mlaa Lam* la t
a hrtde to take a Ian* u* M
rat abama orar
•rar them. aoM are wavvdeed Brotber JIm'a letten. praralnlBi
phaetoa aad Brother Tom
ktas waiar wKb bv to bv aw*
lac^ tbadr tbM ......... .. ..........................
to talthtnlty nMde hy all lu coadtUahay
• aa a kiad of dodvrmray mua cbUdtna alqaabw «
and tbnnktiiB Sim for ncoordlns to her
And I
him to (be pbaeara
. brotber.
BRMber Ttra wna__________ __
-Thlv la my hf—— ra moaiha and a halt WM thp^
the Utrman bonaebold. nnd. aa Vt
a treraor of
tc cried with
ttam takea ta iraveRac aro^ tha i .
■toe. aad BrKMr Jtm farad htmaefl
world by a pMan po«t card. «kkk
aadied la hraUe tbe pretty bM. day la the kletorr of Tama o
raa )Mt haea daltvaMd to tta adRdar
bit* Brotber Tom rat ap on tbe Ma seat beUaA
the charm, of Mira Lmara.
-Wc bare bera
kmc and eo aaxlo—--------------------------of w baa.- raM tbe pretty cM wllb a
weed,, (sc Tara had beoorae «nlln n qiBek hlaab. “that K aeemi qaUe tm
.jtur wvtiw. It any hnva haas


11 yu BIB taUilg B Bt* bom « repBiriBC tbi old OBB
BwiSpvyMWlBOkoroBiybM of bofld«•WB. Mywckii wtm^ M|bb of IbB kUM
Biykiaod Uw
i« *«) BUneii*.. Doot boy
mflyaotavBkobadavaarkoiBrlorlauiHve yoo

•• lliiiw ami

Urolber Tom. he wnile In
Tcb H>rr> ibe buIlbRd buraiul
No doubt If
It you at-te a buUbea.1
f door
memU-r baviBS Bume eapurleoce ailb
bullbRd. ni>-aell. but there wa. ou
-■---uiiBX >ous( wuoian'i haudker
lo bind my auuodt. Uy the way
portrait you .cbi ,u have tRm.Hl
r.-llRii rr.-dll on your laale. kll»
IjiuR d.-eerve. all your |ir1k-. ,flhia liRuilful Klrl--aod 1 atu iiirv
II- . a. K»od M she I, bRUllful '
Ten da), lalrr Rrulhrr Jlm'e rvpl)
a> r>-e.-m-i]. Il «a> unuiually brief.


Canning Stasen
of spicet for idling ................................

»•'. aiRde t
me 1. The II

l'i> the one whu ilut-s the cuoLiii,; fur ilie family, umf
yyineimick ti0 (fie iiieiubers of the family, to find that

to tell your ,

bnor ir 10, list «iib UL oui ;


I- lUace. I
iJlBKly I

^*1t is Uery Hnnoyind”

/ms^itxjss- •

20. toos



Truit Jars dfid
JcJfy Cups
We have Mason Fruit Jars. Pints. Quarts and half (Gal­
lon, with porceUin tops—the Best on the market. If
yonneed any Jars. Rubber Rings. Jelly Cups. Fruk
Press, Strainers, praters. Preserve Kettles. Colanders.
Sealing Wax. Refined Paraffine. l>ish Pans. Wash
Bsilers, Tea and Coffee Pots, Knives and Forks, Tea
Spoons. Cup and Saucers. Plates, and a lot of other
things that >*00 want, you can get them here, and ii
you only see-them you will buy. P. K’s. place a on
Corner Front and Cast St.




£ Sg




Gragd Tnvcnc HcnM

iu la tbe aorvloe. Tbeew bare bewa
a fciuabar iC ptaaaaai card partle* ai
- C Arm a^^^Aikw.^taa lb* dtcemii eotucea duriet tbe paai .u^«
i before Ibal day.
fow days Oa* of tbe Boot ptcaMal
rill be »trlcll) for
eodal emi*. bowrrer. was Ibe Tratiwe*
Hookar a»d wUa
e* Clu aibMes Biace II b In
-a party civoeI by Ur* Alwlll
• Ttatt
simply lu decide Ibe rbaBptao
orar » feaane botac .
-------- (be dltereni ward.
A aor^ aad eery spjoyahle <
mtdeata of the oil]
irude aal Jnaale Ha»|*rry o( Im- lalaBoai will be efrea Salwrday
lac uadrr tbe dlrettluo of Ur* North
rad Satardar.
rap. li will rdonal id a ship euacert.
i.od«e vaa tbniwa
aad like all *urh mnrcn« will rail
iraca" *
fiwU Biuch laleOI la a Buslral aad
e coealA

Iberary wdy fnia Ibr
hr a Jolly aany of joaat ladiaa
Ike Bear raiure
The arrirab
irb bnel fu
P. C. mil aad daudhi
I.' Ibr amb.w id
U Uakioei
the pan week are
• (' Jaalal
Deipdl. Uk-h. Ui
aad faiuily, Cblca
N.--ah II
aa<l HOI. Chlcaco.
rUPiylBd bimi-elll
wife Plilladeipbu. Pa . Ik-wlll
•bliaK-'.^rii- hr'
Pelurke, : Ueurae I
Marioa. lad : N
III Ixial*. are a> •h'- km-i
f> il.u-adi'.l l.u Kud>:
Klplloc, Uui
aad wllr.
r S|>'unnsli
II naela. Jr. <d ClaHaral ar- mbyiRl-w.
littdar to apaad a vm« vlih Uoli t-bicaco: M
. HaakiaSl-ai
V K Hsh
bl> tanllr who ate ncmpyla« the — 8pni.f«.'ld Oblo;
■ S|--si
klaa. Ctmagbrld. ti
-r. aiuutaK'X- ■•■erelari. irva*
.1 r.-oeral -r .d ii..- lUn.
Chkttco w«we netw Mua
Th* Prsaldeal'a Lock,
Itt.i Id.-ri-anilli
la ad lllkB lo brIDS aa rxvdluKly
■bon whlk. llwr expen .
later la lb* wtwk fur a laore extended irtwuoas nauwottii Tbeodorv Ki>»r
ti--- hi* n
It.. (. Jiiai
>1 weaiber. Neabu- ell U <«e of Ibr lu[klei:l puliilrUai
]» man wiiiiM
WBBti’ '
-I of hiBi iJian
■i |> Ibun- who help ihrBx-li.w.
a tbepa»l
fd? day. Oae boadred c • iweaiyI.welve. loor.. roitdttllc d.-n.
« at Ibe
1I..B Ihaa
la itu- prr>ln.-ar>

M K. Hkrwrd (tf O
kfw* f .r X rnr dan

Q(«»4 Tn<«nr man roflua iMrinc
ItM- !«•( »«-k
A Uw dATs ti rdlB.
wttk *RVAilu< Mink «l*d <k*
fur Uh- naonm li rrananl U|i. bo*
fmr, ui«an) Ikv rad td the aeek. aad
. «am vtnd* mod briaki idu' '
dnifd tkr uvu <■! ikw I
r mnau la ikl.......... .......
a arHr cd Ike odM
d araikrr.
><*iker. bdw and
ilcketvl Aiklat ban bn«
«« carried
III- TbU mm ikU >rar luu mwlled
aajr drnrlouj >rar lur MitDr llaie. la
IkMcdBau nrer aud adjaoral Iruut
airranu Bahlaa »a> a<it piud darlai
Jaae aad July, bul alaec Ikr Sral u(
Audtial dabmaea arv munUif |»rivr


ta (hitBc ak aa abaadaai aappiy qf
■ar relaUiw iruui. Nui attar yi
Uacd auv. Tbe
le aptiefclrd iroel <
OMded Ike «ivUi
iruo* aad Board!
a wide repuiaUsn
WI •perkled Iniui drea
ontry. (Viibla a few
Ibr rainbow i
•Ok lo dt^lace Ibe apeekled inun. BB111 BOW Ike ralakow Irmt are Ike rule
sad apocklMl imul ike oSoepUoa. al
tbOach lo auoe kwalltlae (ae apeekled
Uoui akvuad la Kraauif nunbera <k«"
Iba ratobua. la Ibe cmiki Ibe
have DUI yet apfottn
aad eperfcinl Itvut ab
Dorla* tbe pan
yaata ------------------------"
>B aad Uwbl
troui bare beooBp auawtaui. tb



klr. aad im Cffred Hook of N«
York are late arrlral. al (be bulol.
Ur. aad Uiw K. C Pner. of b
Vorsua. 111., are caeni of Uaaac
wbleli lU purpoers have U-.
Baack aad wUe
turium>u> i-lrruBnaner
Ur aad Uiv Artbur a WllUaaia id
BatUe llraek are here fur
afunHloir be wa> uarkod (


Slop ii, or you
aooa be
baM. Give your hair
air aoQte
The ^a^^

Ik.- Doribeaaa>..( p.dai'rf 1^

craw, aiu] the sculp will be
clean anu healthy. Vby
you can male^rieh?

year i ban * lo mai
tod>cail.ia> are ih
coa.iauily I

Thick Kair

Lin* Shoold Be ComoletoA
.Vuu .A.u,e* Ih,. r-i-n ihai Serrer..Trea*or.-r War,- .d ihe .tl, 4- We.ierii Kai'wa.v i'
r.-mu... \V k1. Ikiraad
'to......... It. i.r-.j-Hi ai.d


hol.-Mun..lenl. of


b..<k wa. a,
H iluMlilt a.*

■OullaK" will an I"The iiw> l.-n N.-a Riu
.- |WD of Ur Pto'
"ter ~-n" waa ib.- (mlt
cor Baueb aad a few dlacnialled e
.Hod wUh III
ployee wa. aoi a. bad a. repotted
(i-r.-i lit a laree nutuU-r of pivple. J
~k.- ■•lac rioarl.t l.iiu.wa ibr
aoBC at' tbe
p .
Tbe aervloe la
ei-ueral maaascr of Keed Mur ,
wk> n.a.I.- i- enlarp.tbo booie ha* baaa kept rlfbt up. _
>. aad Frank ArBaimna "*f pl'n
Untnry A.laiu« Sawt.. .
cood clau of OQuk* bolBC maployed. ■re mil nniwcllac lor Ibelr flr.l hx-al
•I Ike aanii- coiapaLy, wvai'a »ea'ih> yoiiiiK Boeion lawver. who
at cullrecenily. anil
Ur *■»-*'■"" 'he ct.iinirt
I..r bit beam,
taiiuia: be col
lourv Billlary
.. .> any cnal Bxleot. It baa
baa wiillen Ihuoi up. H. h*'' •>■<»•'» a liluul sirl wh.e-e kite hr
> p r iMiace of mIlUary actal.-r.
a -cood oaa Kot oee <d tbo
boi uniil Ih- *'“»
Their rounsblp It ihp ntalti
■ took tboir Btoale at tbe oM1 il.aa may other mao In Atnerl
ley are preliv 'henie of ihe plat, kill ii 1* aoi on
aa repotted. Brory Boal ba*
. baalaon b4«. aad Ii la a iwoiwaUad
l.lsiory aad broucbi li booi.- ai
"ruanad ' aod •■’>
•*anirc .,1 ihe drama
oaried “oe llm- at tbe boiel.
'vrei'' eenire, for aa far
bK Ibal oalesa Ibe alAte aatborUlea
]«y.-boluCMI tDOBeol lo c.«e !• (hey .1'.
pwlde Botte oCecilre amw of pn>there an- .1» mil (Usiacl
Aliun«rallruad a ynem lia. pui "lakinK
pullil-al etecllreaea*: bb eurniliw
-...A- on int-jr iinea lo pmna
» prtUireM all the dm.
- lanioa tautb tbe apeekled aad ralabow
Uvat a fow yean beeee will ho
tmiiruirni.tiu receollj and (hey ''
mllailc |••r(ra^al of ekar
e durlded
> lit rid of blD. •
-inlned lo hate Kudyaril KlpllBR
'.i?' *!**.
PVaet* and woadaaoa
I be abould |
• ter boMly rlolale tbe law.
MS.' ellblB a year.
of tb* atream*
roi«-. Pul when
*' "■ 'Ihe lollH-n plat eier
Tbii will do preiiy well for a
'-nrexk id luck." but ■■ Iv nuiblac In
Ur. biAttmuHi '
ipyrI.uB with bla laieal and creai
Work. Bad ibe ruad derided ‘
eat airvl-e id c<Kid fortuar. The Hur
III lu rblcapu waa a luao who '
r* are anur bUo. Tbe irun pmplay I. e^iialit piHiular e
nidU- (be lUBlter beiier* than
■o Si-w York Ian m
allauad cold
a. oirrcer jpanacon aod ducluni
8u Ur Dimmian wa.' n- '
■ capar>aay af Ibe i
: ill ul
,ic wa.
ward, bat dMpIle ibla faa Cbere aiv'
o Praak Hooker a
ajeii-Bi, Ruing 1
eusllBiied arrlraK la (bU (uttUiy aad
rack, and wll '
N.-W York 8uD.'U
eoftacoa renaia UM
Tbe hotel*
iili.Uif mad •
He will in
MimaK.-r Sii-lulwrc i* lu In- enne
aim abow a ttuob benor ll« of a^
ulaii-.l uii MS-urinr ilii> ur.-ai pla>
IHvul palatial
ikira wllb tbreau.
rlraU ibau Ian week. If tbe roaalaQraad
{ Tlnir-Pai Ociplu-T
Ihii:; a’ 8d
a nevertbeleaa pal
br of Ibe w.......................
Hid Oiwra Hull*.
deak J. B. JewalacB. Detioli: aai
ury. Juntec P. A. Hooker. Uaolac: eo( lu Ike UlUlaled. It demaada.
Ihe ^Ideai
~ A. Trwadway. Qraad Bap- Its attain* demaoii that be ret
■vaieoi blmai-ir
Bip Apple Harveib
luuncy to RUI F aiik ll. 8p.-*rbU loll-y. stalllfy
The apii e barteai ba* already com
no vyau-ni. but nu-uciAl la ilil* reeloii. and *um.- very
UBpunaet subject*
additkna to Ibe hotel and new cot
iiH-y* cunBlder Ibi I 11 la wurlta ll. faiiry prkH-, an- Udiig offer.-.! by ou!
befur.- the people, akandoo Ibe plea
>iile |jarUf-H tor the Initl ..n Ihe trees
fur Jiisllce. daeott hb pHncIples and
The .wrly tarleile*. whieh will not
iadee Boberu baa pm lo Ooboi
to repeal tbi- oaly
Fir tbo people, who n
k.A]. kmc ar.- U-iag >.ild lur fl -•.i- iwr
au wbere be will apead a eoaple
•asay tkmita last wcwx Mt«c
......................he Irrew. au.l
eska with hto diMktor. Urt. DUt.. (be pnx ctktt of tbe nuai«* froB
pUBty of asoahtae aad kappIsoB
lu liIfnNh the barrel*.
CroBWell. oa lb* htorwa of Ittk* Oa
I llmiuRb I
.. IVnln*ula. .
TiBO dott pot dial baavlly o
ly. Ibe poblleliy clauars .
Aceotillng ti
Yaltoc aad ChaiU* TraBboll.
Iruli farm*
>» aiv
oaiu Boat aUHfal NUon aad ea- bill rriBllDC the depariBral oi
ll d.wl .ll
Joy httay i
aall__to tboir
ladlaa have beoe *ho.
pretty mile tkep. tbe “Alj*A> yiwr.
iiml .-I the fr.m and ih.y
tor plae ptlkowa. aad
eWoj th<
Till- I.: iilttli plxyt-ni . (1 colbv
Waller TroBboU baa meaUy reI iierl.A'ily wllliuK lu take
My be .eee lluie
fioB Trlslty colloce.
coll -.............

kevio nmaldcrl
bOBrf for Ue wooda la aaareh of tbia
. that cripplei
Ctott.. wbere be endiBted wur
.. atodorate a Beaiare for tbe re.- uafoceiievn cwum-. Nearly
elaa td im.
worse iban all other ihlnp. eunblned
* httded. I
the lud|.
■trtetkB of Block JoSbory. he can ba
laal year. Ihe lack of pracilee
one Ilf
Ur. aad Uiw. LmU* Utodr rery
■ei-ned ImposalUv lo gel the teai
kladly aalBrtalBM tba ladioa at tbeb,
e IVulu.ola ii
IS oat of every lO me la tbe tlntled pelber lor syslefflstk- eoaeblng
•U. ranlomeM ao< kladred allaiUbcleni pracilee. and aa a n
BUMS ond Gsa achieve eneb
Mata. aad BBdar ihto pmon bare
OcrlDg a.d,l hi* fruit <>,
MT of Iboir
the ir«v for fl.IiO. W. A. Mar.ball
hm Maepd to orculae aad
poadoua vIctorT aa was aever <
of fine Indtrldual of the
-nlnauU waa off.-nsl
la ABcrtcaa poHtlea before, plAilng. but pour
for hi.
ladbo at the mort bsTO baaa
aa ladlI
mll vidua
tot tb* eonatty at larce be
cnatly latomned la tb* dkpUy tf
broocbi to a cbolee between a caadi
orchard' Tb.Te bate Im
lor BprlacMd. HL 1
orUBl^Bttd. by K, JBBh. or Pma
.aB pUy by Traverae CUy. i
^ tb* chIMroB will n
other orchards dIsgiuMMi ii
date (arored by auch foree* and om
.1 a lery
r a showing ihai Ibey bad
good figure, in some last
V* at aod by thoB, and wlea aad
Tbe lack u
7W Tburaday oraolac bopi al the
good a t
U* atw as popotar (bla yoar as laat.
k and (he apleadld ahuwlng
pellclea and aacleol tuaea woald
|-y icmi
be kiral leaiu In spite of ll.
torly disappear No uan'Bot beat
■Iitslvely whal ouuld
curing more
reslit '''the"
cae tad a pofat (• which lo
> doae laii year and what c
tea. There la n
tMwe aad cuena of tb* las.
’ ihh year U there la persistent
tor Ibe disposal of the f
and cuaaelentloua practice.
te. teadky aad*«iBll7 hate btm ---------------------- M^bo mapwatod
irgad Traverse region, and
To aerure this. It I* propueed
ha* made fur Itself baa far
have evj-ry maa wbu propimea to play
dailac tb* pan woak. Tbw auT?MiTai tbe b
«m. C*ly
We baar.
« vast aw eoBaiBa B aoBO
S.toto."'“ ‘*“‘““ *-® " “
are la exacily the Then *>
llrw. Oraoa bore tbe^Bpstby ot^b* poaUltB of tbe borclar who wanu
practice wlib out a good aad auarleni
CcAcert Under Auap*c« Elks
reason, he baa to fortell II
ll la
SmCM Ura. Cantor »ra___ _
tbeoi the watebBaa. Tbe pei^e
rboogbi (bai this will have a (eadency
1 Co. I
tb* Ihllod Stata* are In so Bood
•w.wi iao(BB aa*
to gel Ibe bulky boy* out wbea tbe heft's Grand, t Jer tbe toeal lodge of
Vauebs aad aoa Wallar
tb* bBrclar-a ilae coiae* for prartlee. and give BUia. wa* aa a Uilc ■ucras*. and ibi
PMtkr Boaday eraalac aoac OoodMeb tttjoyed with tbi
Traverwe City a real football team, appreela^kn i
.—Detroll frlboae.
W»5|M ®e a pMsaat aa wall aa to the -xioB' to UlU* Tramua Bay.
laiuad of a tHUMh of todlvidual playnumbei
Haas ter Atblotic Heet.
Some excelleal lew football Baiop
Tbe pa
Beetlac ot tboee Intereeted
J la already la algbt. aod tbe lnie4*t lag ih<
inldpal alblellf coateata. hi
Bilaoc* to crow A majottiy ot
Cea* C
F. Ner- BCBben ot last year's team who
• *TW C
tho tBkChli|B„a trip to
here bate exprecaed a wilUagoeat .
of Ibe M<
a (be cun
waa tad by Urt.
p at the
..................t"* iwanlred ll«. and havg
with TWIa aekw
f of Ihe o
* arraacad
leniaelTea to falihM! prme' IC HUt
a Katbortae
of Uii are watda la tbe city.
e crUiroe. It Traveree City
. Hawday tb* cam*-------> every
A pracram walj Bade ooi aad tbe
ttve a winning football teaia
raoD In the bouse »
•Mkcta a raihor ai
m UU
It will be dueer. Already
bar of raotestteia. lb* ecorUc. aad
uri. for the urrbvslra
W Tbo cam oaUs.
proapeet for the beat sebed
rm. Hut Ibe mualcb
r played t a Travdo that, anil ei
rmialanBC of
r.MWlvsd. and repeatCMl
tbe prweldeat, aecretarr aad iroaourw.
evAMes weie .be order
wtth tbe ward
Famoua Now CngloM Story oa tor
The party la Elks' h
to carry ool all tbe details ot Ibe
Tbe caeols a
onren wa. a decided
Mr Htthm p
About three year* ago "Quincy
aiiended The
BM aaf ure tor aaytblhc
■tar iM Wt
AdnBs Snwyev." n story of New Eng
iBtattllyal trdaoaTaoa
f. was' furnlahed b.v t:
of Ufa PkawMitalnat
It . by ntarlee Penns' PUgln. Cosgrove dai ice orcheatrn of ■
t la the park rt of the tarn.
11 appearnace la surwrttve pieces. The
BUhop S. B. Atwell I
waa elected p
at of tba awoclam. Ulreetty n acbtrved eaor- the evening
Cbkap. ar*
___ , ...
•IB BMbdlac lb* eaa
he caiBUat: Bow
Everybodr was served
lor a fow *
to the band of merry dancers,
Oolby Id
d ward was Bade ------------It and talking about It. The w who tripped ihe - • leJtobi fabtoBtlr u
yowBc aaea fion that reoort to Owimi
Vocelaaoc ot tbe ■ale* coBllBBed for a year wlibo
riTbt* morhing
M Ifo^^y took diaaor at tba
a*, wljb tbe



hui.hI that Mr Ware en-k.
coniittu.. >o .hape iu.
We do nui know anyihins


1" •“


f^ lnu. hartl^rtoT^piSSS


««- lUton Cfc«.7 CW




Mta Utttae U- Nelaow U aajoylas
tb* honMtalUy of Hm RlehM?M
bor ooBBer beta*, -assay SaaPe -

u"*Lo^ ** ^ ----- evtdaace.

DHitA Ulte.


oa Buaen Tur-

Uaaur i-c

(roolineaa of fn.-e beranae It mahao Ihtdr eatire feaa^o imiaaUB
carrlra wotocu. airiolyjhroj^^'tr^^^
It carrte.
*• i*** “f««uaH of wosnaa-a
The tooth nlwi this great madlcii.. „
oatea hefiigpubttoheri intbla paper eoaatoai

Mra. C. KRIlUC^
iliuchrodt. Morrison. III., says: —
“ItoAs ilBA I’lN^iua:—!hatedufletedera
ice 1 a-an thirteen yean o( agr wUk Biy nBUte
They were'im-gtilar atuT Tery jteaftiLl
H'lrd a irn-at deal but mwired no bemto.

Ir I'ruchafk^ waa ar.ured ll
111 Ih.. Huprute

Nmib MiuurapalLi, biViin , fllaLr
-IU Study nuU


■ he hnlldlnii.
mil. are now bellg el.ttrwl
acilun. It I. oui Jto.
.1 will hi- hefore.'ihe"sWe
to a
hea that U
begin aaklitt
•I large scale

great irlh-f.
' Mriminiatiiut is now ngulor sad viUtoul
Jptor beolth t^n I h»te



A Hotonuto. Indeed.
H V Wad.-, wife of Ihe Uelbo
inlalrt at Emplr.- la a belpmate

,ro.~ ss

Hi Ib

SuBday aanew

nOBtUy auCenag

hi' pul.
r and Empire 1
c-liNible mam

»«ryawMajpw*w»ttaas01kal Iwaiaaa -f---------- *



1 Uery TiiiporfanI €penls
The closing of one season, and the approach of another. Why?
simply because it presents two very unusual opportunities to
.the wise purchaser. In the first place it means an opportunity
of obtaining first choice' of fashions, latest dictations, in our
now fall goods which are arriving daily, and secondly, you can
buy the balance of all summer merchandise at prices which will
induce you to lay in a supply for next Spring.

Will quote you a few prices on Wash Goods
Remember every Pattern was new this seeison

Cot no. I.
Includes all our Batistes and Lawns that sold up to I 21c per


Vour cbotce lor 7c
Cot no. 2.

rsB wa* then ortwnced.
betoc voted^BpiB by aU,
which tbe eveato'an to be coetM^
wni be deeddad by tbe execalUe cob
ten** Tbeoveaiawlnbeaafollowi:

1. nioboner at bar beaadlM eu
ops. t^erakar Udpe. ter* r«i

WBltint tor Sid* Track
liarl.-* I'ruchirka Jr h*. mi
II IVm.ii
I Manaxe t l'ar|«-nie
JtJUUU- Kallwit Ct
.bllahmeBi -d
eti the B

Vour choice lor 9ic.

of bev MaMa To

* !rr.K ■


i It will lu- leargi-l. due lu n
. Huweier we an- Uvliiyi in hopes
the line may le hum a. urigle

Inciudesall our fine imported Uimitiesand Swissas that sold
up to 18c per yard.

ler* wece cbooea ai tol
ard. Jaae* T. UllUkea.
Baao Colby: Third

maaaally tafpo aBair a* tboiw wm


Miss Alice M, Smith, of Minneapolis
Minn., tells how woman’s monthly suffering
may he quickly and pcnnancmiy relieved by
Lydia E Pinkham’s
I’s Vegetable
Vegetable expound.

*U?'" "



.Sal A

uiiieihliii; I

Ibai vrliblB a few year* .parklod I
' will bavr lienne exilact. like _
•iVllkC la BtardBas rlrer. Tba rala
bow IroBi !• a flae saae Aab aad Mr
alabes «mid ■part i<> aaglrra. ot well
-aa a dae dellr^ for tbe Uble.
Beta tbeae naalilim. buwerar, do
M ktlac the ralabow iraot lato Uie
BStto decree <if appremikai aa the
apacklod iroui
Tbe fuiuie <4 cam
■tb la Bortbera Mieblcaii It balW

a a^ Ttelalty.
.moot anivala at tb*


(Otry. yel reaunriw api- e.iBlpp
i-Mi-r rvaliianiui •*< the be((et
as*-* i.aoTed Bliuui Trwtene
“lA'Cttliy a> lo ■rmasyuttallitt
I'l.plirliy III i.lsrea lo pu.

Hair Vigor

. wrlliaB. api-«i

Hi Ibe nxiurday BiealnK
l■•-aldl'nl - Lttucbier.- wki
u-u.-a In l»<k (om aa km
(-.micleiod in ib<- IW. FYxiB
■■ HKttnuau will rv
bliQ In ('onif.iTi

«aad lloaar* Heaba
iverae City aad tidatiy wUI la
I ytar* ixtutrtp Pwimkcy. CharleHacklaaw. Aad other Bore
aonbera reaoct tetBt*-~Tli* cttrwdv
II ibux- place*
yaor are licbier
ilttu in ottaj year*, aad Bady are
uavliMl uwiBC to (be cold weather

tb* ecorlac tor
dacb eveat ebooU be t tor Prat, a tor
BorasA aad om tor tbbd. with tbe ex-

C^t no. 3.
to little body with oCea.
t^ThWtte Boae aadanat.
■wcUiags, brittleba^iAitt •*
ca> poento look ^ tedi UBk p>fcm> aad sot
a to briog^ do —’
Back -■—
BiMi7 told the wocld
r Iftero

BOBkiad beoItUer aad te^fter.
There if aereasedyD
r tkte •»

tcaetea da^

Includes all our very fine French Organdies, Scotch Zephyr
^Ginghams, etc., that sold up to 35c per yard.

Vour eboicc lor I7ic

All short lengths of different materials that have accumulated
duringthe past season will be closMoiJt at a small fraction of''


Ciai4 Tmcrsc BcnM. ....


Ike aubMt to 'PTaBpUaaa’ ^parc
*OBe Ttry prarileal hlaU aad plaa*
Hra Ida JrBrtaa eaphaaliod tto aaed
to ->1*UailcB.
aad the
tao talk oe
wbicb wa*
- - , l>o bM w«'
il» put
dvi l« •«»» tb« «««t
a qoeeor MIM tom WIM. Mt Wr-*f -Saaday School Mualc- aad
tor b«r tom la TiaTTi* CliT.
an cantat plea tor the
Hr« JfMle Bonaaa of Ltoiad


tpoke rery atmacly a*ala« Ike a«
o< JlaaiM and toctwet
-RetpaailbURy to (he Clau" wa*
nUaet cf an able aaoer by UU*
I. H Sailk of Oatma amt Tbor*. BdIU H. tiibb*. IS which the mlhodi
that *h» hat uaed. ato the rM|XNi*l
4ar la tova.
the ha* fell la her owa
HIM UU BrttoM toi rrtara<4
m** wnrk wen- uaed with cuod et
lect a* llluairailno* th. ..
rnak .
Lur<-. *be decUred
Sadar la . _
Baar HMdMoa li baUdlnc _ ....
toaea aa ito M
ot the naUanee
ll‘ ex;
«r Mb KabL
Alfred Day.
Day tfiTk« Kallj Marry Hakart playatT

tore WedBMday araalac ato
had be­
t in (be quetlkw b»i.
ta reepoaar In (be qawtU.
tian *Whai
Oaofva ParUai ta balMlai
dfwa oa lb* M eatt tir the
realdaBre I* real *uer««* lb the Subday echmi
be .explained euceeae a*
o( Mn U a ftA.
A plla

die drirer
arrired tote Saturday •oal* to ChrUt. bulldlac up a
— •

• for «
Ha vorh on tto ferry allp
f. DuBcaa aad taally apral Bat.
tearken lu expect deSblte
retblt* fn» their work.
He declared that If one of hi* tearta
Itr a n»li with frlMid* at SauK Sle
• tardy, b
Fred BUdib* Mt Suaday fv hU

,'!r«,r5Slr'3 ^

heal tbe wal
d that the proper
place to raid_____ ______________ _
cradle, uoi pear the ceOa.
- Speaker called atteaikie to tbe
r place that the Baa to today
oecuplee. with
hare a_______________________
la coaSmatlaB to bU *utei
the fooBialn* to Borml life ai
he a*ked that all read tbe wewapape
today, cut out all
111 that ha* not iu
loundatloo la the ln*i to fleab. Ue last
to the ey e* or tbe pride of life, aad
•ee how much of tbe paper 1* ML
The llluitralloa*
by Ue
(peakcr were rery apL aad Baby were
employed, la apcablnc to the card
Ible. tbe dance ball aad other form*
. ' .« *ald
...J that If Uey
rrtaaed Ue appetlie tor private ..
- Ood, Cbri.ieherwl*c. be *aM Ui
dancer In ibem. and Ue CbrUUaa
■houid look out. Cbrixlan* who ellac
fu ibf Iblac* to tbe world hr coBpared
- a than ,wko rowed - nisbl
• •
to cel
>d then foaad

Btalaed taaeaalUe for come Use.
........................ mre today froB hb
Mendun. Mlrb . Aiix. If -.A •i-r •'ItobrrwlM- t>
_ la* BvU«ir i.hut Iru- jl.- tanh a lew
' <'ucv.
: f^., (rufg ,1^ Sppnitch to a bridee
- Bcr.»> U« St J>ur|ih liter, carryla*
away pan to tbe bridee and iBbedFraaMori. 'Mich- Ac* is.—Judice dln* luelt :i> fret lo the croond. lu
taltirndee ihl* mornln* denied the Imiwi'i at
oiloa for chance of venue la Ibe rare Ilk, the rvpon of a raaBoa.
u- Ben Spaflurd. deputy caime warden
I- bad iHt'c detlRMs] to (OBminHI
»bi> l« cbur*ed «itta Ue Border of ue* i.ndRe i: feel irom the vpul u
Cbrt* McLain. Tbe irUt of Spaflord waicb the nlevllal BilMlIe tell, an
ultl come up at tbe scwjIob of court
f-w Htmuc-couaiy that coatean Mond ». SeptcBber It.
Hoc U C, Cuvell uf Tra>ei>e City
a>pe«rrd tor Ibe dtoen-Unt i>a I
an*,-Id vtmu,- Tbe prlncl-!
] for aeiln* tbe change wag,„ ,


d dasee wlU to Urea at U

top Uke.
Ber. H. 8 HUI*. paatto of the Coe.lesatloaal tonch at Baaxoela. oecn-

B. R. HaiheaBy at Cwd Rapid*
fiaat of Soatir* —-_____
Ufa. B. OdUlek aad taally tore
rataraad to ttoir booM la CUartaroix.
uator R L. Bpracue of
f TiaracM
lay Mat


I c^

M t

Uddc to Ito dock, which will to taU
tofrea tto ■
KaU aad taaSy are _______ _
a lew day* wRh retatlrad aad frlaadt

SM CNy S. S- CeirUirtleit.
VBerxwae w .we laij w toe rwierwet*
to tto Snday cebool, aad tto OarCltoi of tto day ware of a Moot tolF
M toaiinar, aad tto aaBber of pt»
pla. ou aad reus, who aitaadad tto

MM toBiBl at an tto BBkM Hrrteaa.

rfil*? !!.“=: 2:.“-

alao iliriBit tto Scaday


«U to tto VM H. R aad Cos-

Pol do uol work: acne do not
BOdue at all. He Bade Ue qutoUtui
of mpoaaJbtllly a rery peieuaa] oae
Lack of ilBc. be *iaud. waa the
emBoaeal reaaon - clren for youas
people BM worklBC la the *cbool. but
aald that they eobld work If i
illy were aaaloo* to do Ood'e w
rk of abimy. be aald U aaoiber rearoB often flren. but tbl* claim would
to reeeeud If It were Bade by aby
oae eled la record to tbe oae wto wto
naked to work, -^let toBebody eUe."
be (Bid. 1* alao tbe cry of may. bui
Fiftieth AnMewraary f Sunday
he (bowed bow tar tbl* U froB tbi
In nionrctlon with Ue bm* 8unda>
way la which the daaliable poaltkai
oonreiitluD held
on Sunday

are treated la tto world.
Babb of all theae axcuaea. Mr. I
It I* of Iniereft In note ibal tbl*
atatto that the raal eaeae for y
b Ur aeal-cealennbl to Ue Trarert*
City Sunday eeboob. It b
Mie WOMOWJ WOUVI ■» « *ptri« ** I
Ui* year oTciw.
*ln« Ue^BMi
Sunday aobool wa* bcciu
hraaec. a lack to lauraav had U
cine to tcBpanl tblnca above tl
In Ue mile loc achool hou
ritual. The reaBody Itw. hr aal
out of a »Uhl«, whbb an*werod
I tbe public bulldlac* of uy dta to tbe work to Jtwli* wwiptioii to wbteb the little hamlet on
the bare yellow aanda of tbe (bore of
tbe bay could bna*i.
II wa* under Ibe *upeiTt*lon
Vmb* Ptorpb'a SoMy to( Cbrtatlan Rev. H C BcoSeld, • youn* Rapt
IMdearor. Sb* eUtad that
•very nwaoe why tto yoonc people Bay. aMlited by
■ HaadAh, Lay A
abould work caraMUy tb Ue Saaday Lay to tbe Dra tf
aebool, aad no reoaon why they abould
enee and approval, anL____
and Mia* SeoO
Sfae divided her reply ti
BfUTwanl* Mra. John Black,
came with her broUer. itouck
tearhln* wa* done by Mr. ScoSeld and
iraverae CUy we aboaM attead t
Hr* Ooodair
*liy. however, for a i
what we can
' icarkera. a* (here were oaly elebt
Ue drat lue pnplH
pill In Ibe atoiool. Only two of tbeae
U* creat rebeen laSnaday aebool before,
• atiidy la our
no sanday aebool booki
Bible I* re^
orded aa a awdel to focia and o
oae ocoaaloa Ua four parnoa* ateeta
Me beoaebt u licbi by aelenUtU aad bled at ue aebool hotue and waited
CKMunti la Uw eltlaa ot Ue aaoMsI la vain tor Ue ebUdrwa. who Tailed
world, provtas ita
appear. AI laacih Mra. Qoodtle.
dale, per
Ballera. Aalde fioB lu vaJaP rraan haia tovtac a eonact to.plelan
Ion to tbe<
Che Utarary point to view, aha dwelt
' Ualr abaaace, propoac
need that
upae _______________
lu inastiauoa at a agMlaal
'' wall while ahr
prtda aad oread that tb* yoow pm- abould CO back and
pM taka advaauce to tb* opportaky Sbe fooad thrs aot
I pidtiBs
and MMlac bocklebarr
tad facet all cUtned with tbe purple
Jalee In whlU eoudltloa the maaaced
.. ______
______ InU tbe n______ _____
On qoeetloelat Ue ohildm ta
wbat the parwau knew cmceralac
waa editor dtreet or lapUad U U* Ualr doUft. K-etBe ool that Ue latpladcoB aad aMBUioUoaa to tb* rarl- ...................... coue out rw a boat ride.
-------- eb to cold wealW

m iMtan haww tn tolaftof toMf-



*’%CMto£i^ MtoaT^ to
»im UtohadM aSsHh. Bar. Hi
■to-MUl to toa FHmM ehareh.
------------------------------------------- “

to*lto^MdtoM Uoold'wUUaJ^M
to thalr Uar aad laltoltto la thl*:
Bari T. Haary to tto Spworth
iMWaa Bpofca oa Ua dahjaet. -Wbal
Af* «* Oalaf to 0a AbqM lir
Ami« Ito ihlasa that tra to to doM.
aaeordlhc to Mr. Havy, atw aaratal
that hit prwtty too** to a aaBbar to
paopl* who toatd him. Ha took a
.. -----------------------------^ artlSeial

toan wrtt.
tally PbMc. lb* Mwapapar. mpmMOy tto OM that advtrtlaa* tto Soa•tf IMilMtol. Bhd atsad that Ue

UUlac Ue anppon to Mr. toy aad
Mr Scntold. BelUer to whom wa* ie
Ue eetUaseat. U wa* acala aban
dtiaad. aot to uraln h
be ortanlied nniil
tto tall to lUCY
It U iDded a itiaace that M yi
Wfeere Ue lonely U
eundl wlU BO aoond
bttak tbe ■Utl^
bat the dpU
wave* oa Ua
Ua bta aad Ue but
tf tbe wind
dty. A aeon ..
Uare wa* Uaa
prayer da Ue •
W * nora 1*
men Uaa oae BabbaU aebool today
------ torlac a* lu Bemtaer* more tool*
------- Itred ttoB U U* whole Orand
Tiavarte and adjolalac couatle*.
Wonderfol faruia. too. la
tfWt to tood la Ue whole rectoo
le aebooU. aad the d
to tbeir bm

______ ____ polplt to tto
to the eellcsa. tto Sah­
WillBBabiirf. Mich.. Aoc
ib* elaarwoB. tad
PDW pactot-* aoeCaUea u tto lab- new depot at thl* place wa*
orabwy. He atatad that wbaa ^ teat evealnc at 1:20. by the ___ ______
to Ue ceaeralor to tbe •CaotlBe Uefat
B^taal life to a charch
onttL whicb war located la tbe
m a M to oy*t«a aad lea e
p It selhs. Ml vhaa Ua eb
loaa. aad It woold
ptor It a* U balld a new one.
Bac wUb rery few oyaiei
Tbl* depot ba> only been occupied
Owlac to Ue aaavoklal
bout two week* by Ue eoBpany. hav
to BBhop AtwtlL wto b Bi
rrtMdi ^Nh. Bm. W: i
lac replaced Ue ana that wae burned
D. OoehllB I
uaato tto PIrwt HdChedM to
Tbe eoatraci price tor Ibte depot wa*
Oaoto tto
M aaoet
praetleal aad to
L Whlu had chaw ltl«. and It wa* bolli by A W. Walt
to Traverae City.
the 1______
Harry toagwor .
ptaao. A etoraa *tok
waq la (to taolMlnc at (to liae of Ur
toewa M la tto alacUc
Aflar acftptara raadlht tar Rev. nploaUB. He noticed Ito HchU flick
ertne aad that Uay did ato act ricbC
OltoM. aad prarrr by Rrv. ‘

HIM Mary rtarama St**«
auMly aanordUs la KhadaM. aad U c»m> mmt a dollchtfal toto. -Ho- in wUct (to ceuerauw wai tocatad.
tto toaabara west erar ttottaeal- mua.- hr Jolat Oraabr. wiu PM. u ew^-Ap (xwld reoMdy (to trau
Slaffra* aa aeeomubL'Tbt oSartac ' ai-hto ato reayd Ibere before
id to » - ' • lo debar tto ccpiMai to tto
Tto eatue BcwU aide to the toCSBce

SStoM toliR

oSpto*^ OtBiPMktlaal



Hr will U in

CE Traverse City

Park Place Hotel

Mgmlay MutdIiik, Ao{ust 24tli.

........ u.. Tliursilaif Enolei. Aii(iiil 27th.
fut Dm out.

SSSll*Mrwm tto^ia^a^M

hr rrtM tto wbtoa bow tto r1^
•can ibai woald btop to tto rary



7mprootd Tams \

Wc have cuucaien
who want tBprovcJ
famts to all tle*cri)>tKua. If }-oo want to
tell. Its ^ farni at
oece with ....

mouldn't Vou Cike Some
Of these bargains. We are placed in position where
we can buy at the very lowest rock bottom prices be­
cause we have the price

CbocelaU Sets

I Dry Ceeds

ConsiiliPs: of
one cliocolalc [wl. *11 hin-lvmie!* .Icrirxtcl. Or,i;tiari!» worth
Special 98c
.Vettv china rlHicoUuc w.irth Jl a.i.

lAJ(;e l.iiich Towels, worlJ; 15c. Siwcul | OC
i.a,t.r>' U'lack

MrvreriuO Skin*, witle

accoHlion [deal*, iloubir wide nilflea.Dc\CT ttod foi le« than $1.25.

S|iecia].... 98c

12c Percale.................................................................

Cca Sets

Best lAwisiUle Cambric..............


| QC


SebesI CabKt* and SuppHt*


Wr are res K lot school <Un with all

tlLiss Walet Bottles................................

Itin.U to kUlitoien.


\ou will fin.1 oqr

]>rices the bywesi v-ou ever paid far good

rrung Keltles, b'ue an,l white
tied, large
Blue an,l White (Iranilc Tea Kettle* N



Dry esMis and nsHms
Ol even ,Wvnpi>on at Racket IViee*.
Bran Kxtcpuon Rod*.........................................03c

The Best ^ Chea)>c!

Special for Saturday only* Jiug. 22nd


,ne<l, when


e create*! lIMn* apeeUl
ireauncnt of all cbrenli
* extensive practice an,
: tupcrlur knowledge enable*
blm b
cure every curable disease, aii enroa: ic di»ea»,-» of the llraln. Spine.
j.MtTvrr. mood. Skin.
Iloarl, Laingi.
h.lM-r. Siotnach. KIdneyt and Bowrlt
*elcniincally and »ucco«ftilly treated. I*
MrUONALD'S *uece«* ta Ibe'
Female Disease*
I lailir*
Iful ani
' yuan*.
, friitn a
.11,1 Paralyrl.
I tbroi
■ •• •
-,1 »r.i1


CMeago t N«1h-WKten



|chaPBcd a

of Ue
.<- read* all diacaaes at (glance
t askinc any qpe*Uoa». «lck
call ua Ur UrUoaald
It -l« .

plvasurt- lo bmI blB
Dr McDonald
: 11,'vrr lures Ibe poor fnirn bl> door
I TbiiM, unablr (<■ call Can adUrt-»


:t8 750 East ktolon Street,

follow fahto Orewd

Great.Sale i 2 Whalasala Stacks
NO. 2
l.adie*’ Umo and
meiccnxed ihin
waitu, worth up to
SS.00. lor this sale



NO. 3



NO. 4.
Ladiea’ Drea Kkiru.
ID ta e <1, worth
92.00 far

%S.OO. for


B«t-» eiw h«*y
ribbed boKi
Mta fancy h«e.
Me-value fat


' $2.93
NO. 8
One ipool machine
thread, ooe ipool rOk
thread, two doaeti
books and eyes, each

NO. 10

$1.00 coriei ii. ,\i- -

Good desirable prints................................... 3|C

NO. e





Uis *ale


.............................................................. Or, 7c, 8c aad OC

SOk Gingham*
25c to 50b lu I



Lace Glove*
Black elbow length, lace glovcf, w
$1.00 kid glove* tor..
Conoe Glove*. 2 pr- '

NO. 8
All haen crash. Regulu price 8c. 1^5 yds

NO. 12





• 1.98

Black Silk Mim...........


in ctotos. slightly faded, wetoh L50.

J>re»sing saeauea
Were 1.60 and 1.00, cmly a few 1^ to

Cadies' Dosiery


$2 00 and $1.60 Satlori ...................................... SOC

Big fat to Faiiqr Here, mb ttc, Uf doK

Catflet* Cinca Collars

76eand$100Sail«afut..................................... 2SC

AB ctylg* ami uc*. to dew to...,

Straw ahapea, wtte

goingu.................... .....................|5c, I9C.39C


See our new Felt hata for early Fall

8.50 to 4.00 waito*........... ...............
6.00 to 7.00..........:.........................



and 75c. to efaae ai..


Suiped'^J.''^, btols whb
lawns worth 6c. For
ihii aale per yard 2



black cheviot worth

2.00, 2.50 BKlROOWatata........... .1.19
, U60 1O1.75 WdM,Dow..................... ..69c
1.00 to 1.2S ................................... •49c
„ ..................... -89c
Hadt and white print Wai*U............. -I9C

' ........... ..




Sflk Olalsts


enca" for

Ladies- tOk and tttin

Mte' Sboet ID all
letohera.' WorU optu S2.00 far

Ktmnants ol B»ool Dress 6Mds

-2 yd. wide Colton sheeting. Sib: valoe.-13iC


NO. 7

NO. 8
Black CUv
Wors-ed'Suits, abo
all woo! Canintere

Our Mid-Syminer Clearance Sale
has been a grand success, it wfU end in a short time. Prices
being cut lower day by day. Many are buying for next summer
and wisely too. You will have to pay twice as much or more for
the same things then.

J. C. C.corieis. Hcrt




A perfect hot bed to ba^aiiu


but Saturday '

Summer Goods
Going Fast!

Short Lengths Of Silks at less than
Half price.

Nolo-Jtwtaw Prie*» b*lowfor lliustratien.


loiv |>rice for it

will sell ii at - -

Jus the thing for school dress. Jlw \re
colon and all kind, offahne. FRICU) LESS


I'aii. hit;hly
iji use can bti slipiied over broom ,

handle. 10c is a


• to tto toy WM tto a

•SSaJS!^ aualBMa.'
. latoi
Mch to'
a - to^

waa. aad tto acaudatac to



TueeOa} of tbl. w'!"k
llowed by ih

pnd hard •hoi at tbe bewxpaper*.
told of bU own dancbier rcsdlac
detail* of the- CorlMlt-nixilBB
debt, and d«l*re<l that b
bate tnuftbt her ai ticket
. ...
Ilcbl II
probably puttinc It ;
cleally Mruoc He held tbe Cbrii
people rripooilble for tbe objeclloo- Thur»<l»>
able feature*. In Ue newtpaper*. bow. •ID bl* wed-IlD*
a* be coaridered lbe> *000111 btwpiial Suuel*,•top their paper* If t
UIBC* an- prlBied. He paid a clowlac
irlbuir K. tbe Mualreel Wile-** aad
editor, declarln* Ibal It
be know*, the .mly clean newip*.
In America The theatrical bill
•Iwi attacked a* tile, in
laBleailn* In
lelr laBaeoce.
Th<- (peaker urc<-d t* Ibe p
Ibe evil* tbal I>1| : chlldbc

if cbildrea."
mlllenium i* nerc. aner a lew funeral. •• Aflcr an
plea (or Ibe worl. ot maria* I
dreri. Ue mpewker chwed with
V. U CochUa iben called alien
cooBiy otavenllOB at Cedar
week, urctac Traver** CUy
attead. called atleai
Ue fact that
at Ub
tbb I* oae to 1^ banner
cvunilee la Ue atale. owlac lo ibe
work to I'. It. Batea, tbe txwbty prealdent, and Ue Beeline wa* rloaed b)
Rev. UcKlaley with Ue beacdlrilon

Seveval wt___.................................
week* aco ■f'HT'WaHace.
77 dvwU* In tbe mtalc
f Hay l*Dn. Saciaaw Co rlippe
dtirin* JuK
tl, tup to tbe left third' flafer *Ut> nearly all due to Fuanb of July a
It raror while (bavlnc. Tbe bit to dent*, raittexl
-th tell to Ibe floor but Mr. Wallace
u-k,-.! h up cupped U la place, ap
. Joe diitrict anin •iaimf
:t.-rt a dreulBc. wrapped It up and
- ■ flrti
>e;>i aboai hl> ba.inea* He recewily
Blchl bamkeit
nwrappet! It and found It wn* beal'*b'^p!i' to Chkaco
id. put
with Ut
. — . ____ * *ide
n Water divei
rail u I
i boibrred wltb an '“‘•“J
ri|>.Blns In >.w
The Ct,
afl atwwto* oo tbeK-arlle


it parent* boom- <
Cirl* *i>end Uelr


aad a UiUy oajeysbia rreolac vai
totot by all prwat.
Stave'i umtary baad ^re a eua-

Jtvm'* Toafe Vw^igs.

at II will b<- »mj«>«»II.le for^„9..„,j j...^

Fra* MtinedMt Camp Meeting.
Cadillac, Au*. IT.—The eleten
n* of the Fre,- )

• ihaa Ue-'oee
ly. .and ibai I* «>e
ebo U
____ ..._________
He aald tf__a _____
or *»re atteadlac Suaday artool -oB
he put all oB
Tto MUmb CaeelU LaU* of (^leaon................
■D aad Hahd Leedhaai of Ulleankee.
erto tore toea the feeau «f Mr*
*■ r. Daaw fer tto patt two week*. vbetker a bad boy or Ctrl *boal<
to turned out ol the Sunday ■
Mt Saaday oe the car ferry.
Ufa. Robert Wyae aad fanlly re- be told a rery iDpreadre *tory. that
tsaed to tfcelr bMDe la topire Boa eeemed to Indicate that tbe voril
boy eaa be reached, aad *ared to the
UUaaa toUte Baraea of Saaday aebool, to a naeful life
Omaa aad Uaael Uaasibal of Oraad lb Chriat If the risbi Been* are
•dStdi vare the iiHeta of Hra. ~
Ret. Ilacb Keonedy preelded at the
Baraea oe 1
R. Ouetaey
aad Hr*. B. E. rooBf peuple * BeMiBC at 0 ockipk
Chaae tore rctaraed
la Tiateme City rbere wa* a larce altadaaee Ktr. latarlably <ii
anar apiaftln a fi V dayirrlib Mead* RcKlo'------------ - ———.......... - -■ rlBhll) uM-d
Bui he
urced tbal tbe work 1*
ta thU plaoa.
early la life. Pirveniloa. he a
The ceaeral topic ot tbe BaetlBR fat better Uaa cure. Uougb c
altodad tbe daaee ai Oadar Lodto
i*. "We a* Tonne People f>nckl to Buch more popular. Tbe mai
OB Saiarday er«lac
urk In tbe Sunday BchooL"
HUa Bra Baa* ealertaltoT'a 'ew
•Why DtB-l Wer' waa tto dlrtolon
1* at tor torn ca-----Ur auhlect priiiated by Ceorce H. Indlvldoal
Tbe man who marei
ias- Tto eraalai «a* t|
tia* to Ibe Bap(I*l Yotne Peoplr *
frua colBC Into *ln ha* mare
<M Ptore aad
aoelaJ •
Mra. «. R OeOollar Mt Weds*»
dt^fOT bM boeae la Lomaad. r '

If You Suffer

ing oui lale^ «ve you fttm 2$ to 8»i per

Tic SOk ties for.................................... 39C

Summer Coraets
Woith SOtrand 76c. far...................... S6c

Ca«c*'CaUer-Hlade Si«>
Spriiv and Saaacna Stylet, flS.00


New fan tine to toytidi niti^ m. CtaD
aitd aee the Mw«yie*.



Z-ITZiOXX OB’ OSOEVZB'T <X31sol-X>leai

Gml Trarosc Hcnlt
T»o«. T. ■ATFU.-WH-f.
TrawM CJtyH r>m Orwutk.
*0 «Kil»lrt»T «|ll r.i»
Trarmr C-l.) ua

Mrt. Hobart Marrtit cd PDilarTille
The leeJx <d______ .
IBK chair which U orer H.'
Jnha ScBBbs at Torootn vai fouad
II betoaaeJ to her xibb.I
maop'e.l <Bi Ibe
M!rhls»n Cenlral xeart o
mllrs' irai*» bt Spnni: Well* Sun truther
I., .K_ ,1e,H n....'. j«el..-l ... -----------lx vrltlaB

If you take advantage of the prices we are making
throughout the store.

»oa t' '* p"***"
. .he «K>PirmBe*>
ir li-lrltw.i



...Special Skirt Offer..



K i. H>)
e Ibr
Hir nxairtUaK nu’rrkal
I. te-«e
* ittprutn !<! Iko rtl>. uul br
wt* Mrarb ■> imi» *)ib lh«
f-'' M.i^ fl»b‘
Tn»«w <niy la■ «ro«in
cr./«in and iBbfuaa
iaaiii*'«.«>d in a(||
la ah.
IMi aUBd.
r oa al»««# «f-1*«
diUoa la &rU>lr ia
pTMiiil qma M« Olbar* ba<«
Iba MBM Iblas
Tfbiiw nix
^ Baumix taka Prtda la tba dw* Haw BalWIat far Cbaeab at ehrlat>'BtM
t.^-B.eol t..r
„ ,
iBCb<.>!. lurluUlBK teparaie eia*. r.«is.
as« Ilka to bav aaeb (amaMa
laod a prlmarx depanaeDi. alu> a p.’U
aBbta. bat all d( «a do aBt raallia
Ir bx the l-barth of Cbrtol |,
leral ats-mhl> r<»n asd a readinx
IMI oaorr osa cn do a lluW lo aaba
I anil poatllilx ■ KXmaatiie B|«ri
aepleie ibHr
I B.<h tunable
IM aux atlll l>««» Tb*
. »ui ni Cumnx Aeeni
inda.aiaa ornalaad lo ailBaUU i
Ih-imii. wat lie'll) t>ea
the enarlor
in I.) iwn h»>.
cludinx aalle
wallt. aad
txkiUK in the rrfona tch.t.i tl I
h a Udl'v ptrb
wctare will ba a toodefa, upuxdata wax •« Ibr tl
,«uf . .lud)
I..» h
oblaa I
Idea la rxerx particular, aad Is roblaa
While BO I
Tbe tr
Tba iBiartor at the bolldlac will
doaa *») aroiW aad throofb Ha ad-



New Wrappers

ba A law
tanortaa BBd Ti*»araa
cux larui iMd lb. alilaa at Hie
^ '> to paoapanix BBd bofiw. U a«

Back M Iba Far
After UcBdar at Ibla
<BMa vtll bat. u. bxifc tor Oaorta
a^.i -ii.» "dowB
"duwB uB
a HclBlIae
UB the tam " Ha
arUI BO to bit lam la------ -- _
(sarBabiB, wbara be Bill be Iba vbula
laxto«. hired toBB. booa»
ba«B<B. took, hired Blrl. dalrr to^.

ss'ssrrrss; .“j.”::

•oac bx No 1 Behool. No Ml a
MSI aad BUtk bx Nallla Cbt*. ~C
carr'a Btnw la PlewlBf ‘
- ............
Me Ornat of Lo

ScBtc bx Kibel
Orasi of l.ooa_ Tree.
h!1^ “ bx

Rooa Howard^ mad Sialto




yhthtevtethttait. m tad. liya,

NoiBt and Loll


vu”* wlih IrlrB^t
Mlt> I'orrmu' (Ireaurx au<t Hen
-Marer Lererini: heir n-lurtied In ihrir boo

Sir./• t’lsKiTJS r

day wat hwalx. ‘ha «ror# fl:
_____ rerrtndx did their beat aad •
loxed all.

rtS'. *A aS*S Sm.

____________________ aad artfa______
: W. Bleter weei to Tbonpaonelile
road _y**l71’|i
araa C«x
oa boelaeu cmaeetad with hit
UoM Haaaaa to Cbfollaa M. HD- brsBCh tture al that place.
r. paieel. tot I. bar. I. tewi IT. IBB<a
>: IlM.
Hkh. C
toafarwaea Aaaa. '
b bae. 14. tove t
klB Iba elix today

S^B^ ■■BiWt aabad liirTMki
Wto. P. •
nv tobba aotoa xwMlfea that ibM ' tot 4. btoek I. OeaMeb'a Ird
a a Caaa M Catolly left XMlenla)
IBO. Vallaaa aad vlfa to Haldah J. few Uss Laka lar a weak-i oollns
pafrel to aae. I. towa If. raasw
Mlat _____ Uax of ladlant tr.
m «M lOBBdBt OBd <d Ua wla
tt tba etoiAse toadi
HaMah f. Maal to Jae. Taltoas aad
tbar «at« rHHr of braakUt
J. PwaalBBUn.
Hr. acd Hrt. Owrlat X Halm wlli
Haldah J. Naal
> Addk VaUMO.
ora for ibeir boar ta Athlaad Ohk.
atardax XMaatos. afiea a rkli with
kadi aad rwlalirm ta tbk city
N«l aad wtfa to Addk
Tba UltMt JelUa aad Max Biroai
areal to- aae. *.
------------- --- by their (oatla. Mail
HaawaU or Chkaco. are ibe ^etii <
ralallTWt la the clir.
C. U Oaxtoo o Udand It la tb
etty 00 boilaou.
1 T4. bta>* I. Parry Haaaab'a
tr ■sraubs <d tba Utod iska aad
Hrr. i U OIbb_______ __
ttdM totadax Sebetd
....................tbk tooralnc froto HaxSald for a
MM •) Ha I. Aas l(. im. R «a
bdM B» a plrald fa ibe froxa al Oas
—. . Aaaa Aadaaaca aad-eblldrrn

n* tM d boa«BM anidd'


ir-" “ ’


ad Good Harbor arrtred tn tbe diy ibl.
ilos for a MartfrlfU.
. aad Hra. Jatota Stewart, who
been alaltlas Hrt. Slawart’i
Praak Saa aad wUa to WUbar a:
lar. Hrt
Joaapblae Tllat
>d tu Pllai today.

--lid O OhaaSlar. ibaMt. to
J Rraa. pai^. aae. A towa tl. i
____ _


Md-»atla Ode


_«BB« bx Htodra Ulax.


"Saadtoc bx tscy Ui«bl
■yad Me. (7. -imm Uraa.’

By Mtoaea. tailor for tba Raallb Ctotbtog Od. bet rataraed ftera a
JojaMjbtotftoa to CUeaso aad

Harbarbs bx Ultoa Athtoss
•stc bx tba fooBd fBOpla cd He. A
HaanaiJBB bx Oortk Orast of Uw
•oB ctf.
■sw hr onwa dMa a( Me. 4.
awSiBM bx
Btoar*. Popwar. ■------- --------------- HMstoa bar r
a Uria catopball latar
________. . < iHUa (Mi ad
Hh 4. dBraaBliil w«h red. Udbl md
. MM bt«. ^a«>. nwca. X«Uo* «M


Laatta MaWacbx waat to Rh
rii aaaraaaa tor a tow daxa.
Mbter C. B. Oeoptr. who baa W
■•Ms tw aa^ wtib bla'daS'

Hh. Fbad hbBMr*aBdTSr ib»

■saw aehaal at ML


Rax. Mr. '

l *ell D>-naraite
resbonablc prices
EiUnutet and exper
d men
at any time. I-arkie
stock of 40 and 60
per cent dynamite,
cap* and fuse oo hand
at all timet. Use 40
perceoL ior Mumpsaad 60 per cent, for

MB ar latk ta* Oarsdaa.
r Hwh Uartsaa aad Mm

» vat Cato Par Mar


go.Hl lilting.

v.diie> iipto Sl-.’si. .It

88c, 88c,



Shoes that wear, shoes that Til.
Prices are right, so are the styles,
not how cheap, but how good, new
?all stock is arriving daily, no
trouble to show our shoes. 0et
our prices before you purchase.
(Ue give value received. «

i?-.. ii

TrMf trrtn- Trtv«»

ii -n > » .h.l

TeTbbllS”'"''-'- " ■'

Horses For
I will have a

loail of horsc!. in TraverNO
City. Mood.iy. .Autj.



nic lar-




TbiOld Reliablt
ShotKM t'-iP'r

A StiRf

»e\ entc«-n hiimlr'ti |•olmIts
if you





hones it will pay you


come and see me.

Wbp tskt Cw9 pr Chitt Ytsn
t» stn$rt a

You Ml Need-You Ml

Hava to Hava


f^usiitess €dutarion..

liarvest Cime
means more Dishes. Doesn’t it?
Here is where you can find just what is
needed for the extra hands you will have
to take care of. Good plain Cups, and

At the Lowest
Gash Prices..


in the public schools when six months to a

19 lb*. BeM Rl

year in a good Uusineas College will gi\ e a

C.aUon Ap|4a, |>er can................. 2

much more practical one, and if you prove

Tomiioet, |.n 3 lb. can.............. I


Baked beam, pel I Ik can..


10< Bakibg i»wder. regular 25c

tht traverse Gtp
Business College

Victor Starch, regular Wcake. .05
Knamel Starch. reguU, IOC ..

Other necessities at r

iletl Starch, regular 6c tiie..





The work of this school entitles it
su|>t>ort of this part of the state.

....... lOc. l&candSOc
■............. lOc. 15c^2Bt
onaUe prices.

1 Ik goodimoking.............................. 16

to the
If you

have a friend who is thinking of taking
business course tell him or her-aUxui



practical education

and putting them into good positions.

Llfihandlefl. per scl -.. ----Handled. |>er set... ...........
I’lates, 7 inch siee, jier set .
Deep Dishes.........................


Belt Starch, regular lOc iiae.

is helping scores of young. {>eoplc


City Book Store

1 Ik good Hug..............
1 111. Cortl Kine Cut.



Traverse City Hiisiness College

Com. I'.vergreeD ewert, jiet iy-. JO

Catalogut for Ibt Jlsking

Com. M'hite <Jor>.
‘tm. Early TelepllW«
per ql


TV Lowtx dawBB
■acnailoB br Hex Brava « La
HaaMBitoB M Hsbal Camtos
Mb t HBCtod No. 41. *KHtoT I* t



Vul-uertitwaA A. A B.
A. Xrwthl'Wt

■XI».» »-i


aWitoh, BBd'tba worb wai................... ra B1 I e eleeb. Dortof Ibal
e «Mb «d aa a«a tras t W
........... u tba bdtoa af "


High grade line, extra well made, and

Vou Cake Ho Chances!

rES.: :


mmmmi w»^m «aa lakaa.

nc., worth'








c. a HOBaaT. Ayi

£w'*bMB **^||^|*i||

aa aad daeewrad. antoha
H tba boBid. Tba


eeeciiBpenieil h) Hrt K
> repiain <Ci>b eo.l k
lieorce Watblnsiuii
aUl” Ntiarre eod wUr. and
Tholnpvpn mod wife, left ihu
for Can’ ■•oka. aad wiu cam
[muse rlub Ibruuib the kin

a. 1 (toilna Beul lu Uteklntw Hi
aMjrnina ii> look up tutoe limber
HarluD 4ucu> relumed In her bon
la Uranil Hapidi ibit murnluK. afi<
e leo weekt' Tkll In Ibe rli) wllb i>
Kltta. Ilalax. Ida bod Orpba Cremte
Itoal Batata Tn
ms U U. L'baadhir wem lu 8be
Kaeordad bx Baflalar
ibU OKirBlBa on a butlaeti tr>.
■n lo Ao«. II. 1*01.
(iti Ikuman weni to Rmpli
Jallaa Farwai aad wife to dark
murulDi on a hutlaeu Irtp.
iastoOB. lou b04l4t BBd poreal '
A. tiarrlaua. who bat Uvn In it
« tThloab t. KlBtolaxi'Wtt.
BurkiOf f<v the V. M I' A atn
Own P flutekiBf lo Tlsoibx
OockiBc. pareel. aae t. Iowa
biid (run there be wlU an north
llarrltuo a1«> led wfib her hu»
. ao'l frum Manlti»- will so m
rbaaowlib aad wile, wti of kd H.
•nuai. Iowa ‘They bate be..p Ihe
2IhIb”m<s *Mw* «uali aad ■
II of M M. aH of M II. block 1.
It or Hr and
Parrx HaaBoha M add: HW>
I la Iba
lax Shalts aad Sarah Shalto to
■t le-Hheltaer
and daiisliier ciu
loha P Uattao. kM r of block R. H, lotir id
■d Hotun. Ha»..
IBM.. «i
weal to Hao
•iia^ •ahaal ProtrktK.
i-t 7ih add: IlM.
moralns after a tit
towato^owBahlp awattox Upol
tb. Ux * Oo. to laltoB Par- dly will
Horti I
•IIOL lo be baM^l^lte^CoB^
a n BBd n. bkiek I. H-. U *
?e’B. 14ib add: 17"
tiAdartek HeaBBB to Ktln i
llrareii. Waxh . are suetu or
wk of alh^o^wH. aae- M. towa Hr and Ura. W. H Covey, lit We.t
BMnaiii ed watooBw. bx Her. Warxw
. II: ll.OdO
Tealb rirvel. tbit
Artatta WIkm to Prad Oalcar asd
Hn Charlea II Noore and Mr.
V Iba liuBdax ■ebeol Wtfa.
4. BBd
BBd Wtk of tot 4. hloM I. loba Kallex hare r« frxwn t
____ _M 4,
( WteiHalBB M by
^^at ^Hcbn Pallt
Huffalo and
B. a Lbdd.
> ll:?t.M
wU. tac 14. Iowa tl. ra
Hitt Maude Sairer of Kl Loul.
Iraok Vot Ho. I. vIrlllBS Ihe Mitte. Meiule ai»l
Cbaa WMhals. at al.
•Bba. toll XAtl-a. t
Perrx Has- Balia UiBO
Bsb-a Ird add; II.
HUt Har> Heeiur weal tn Blasbiui
PTBScia R. OrtMa
tbk ariaraooB for a ruit wlih fHeadi
lou SMO. btoek T. Baralda
Hr* Anaa Mursan and daoebter
JasMB C Hill to Oeo. a <--------Martha aad Btoota Bnadbowt of Bi
Loolt. Hu. left tbit mnnilos for Copetokh fur a titit. They here been vlt.
__________ _.j«*TS»»toB
wH 04 tot 41. all ed tot 41. btoek
lUaa Irfendi In the eliy. Pmm Cupe
fBto-fM HodaoB. '
Pam HdBBOh'4 lad add: lUd.
tolah Ibex will BO to Arradlt
- • of, tba Tdi
Ptoxd U SslU BBd wUa lo Aahlox
J. M. HItkealae left tbit momlat for
a * VIlaUB Rtdar. pareaii la Pwm
"ABBBb-a lad add: IIA^
Uri Uworsa Suam of Chlcasu u
Aahtor C. Rider aad wife to Pkird rtalllBE bar lUlar. Hr*. Cbarlat .A■ • • parocla la bloah 1. Parrx! tkalcbar of Uoarve itreei
_____ ah’i Ird add. It.*
Lemuel IXklaser of SI Loult. Ulcta .
««Bru tf •
Ptoxd U Bslla aad wtfa..................
Baato- k TklUai hU balfwiiter. Hrt d. H
amt Bi 1 a
r. Thirthx.
f-BiriBx. parawi
Mto P.
pareal la
to Wodc
L BUkattoe. oa Slatb atrael
Parry HtMtob't
HiMtob'a M
add: tIJW.
Hlaa Radik Crowell waat to Kins..
...xt I Baltox to HarMTSt A.
X xattaedax for a rkll with frieedi
vr. I—,—
tsr^ —
to -------btok U. rttlasB.
Qxand RapMrnooaM
dtx o4 Traram CHx
Idt retomrd beiaa ihli moralBa after
d Kdtii Mrt—^ xwBBn. B« IBK 9m.
■to C OHbaat. aweatar. l Hasrr a abort rUli la tba eltx— “T VO rrldw --------------laa. eH of iH od aat*.
HUt Rea naekar rMarai
. ti. TBBfO II; IlM.
Jobs A LerBasar to WaRhcw B. -me la Tuba Uli afteraooe. aRer a
few dayi Man la tbe rtiy.
Priitoia. padeal. aae. 1
eteored hloiaeif toac m
___ Iba
_ oarkard bad a tew acrwa Bav
Iba bOMB. tor a Bardaa. and bar* Bad
Tmi bto Irtaada wUI bad his awr

«•» -—
beat, bad Itula
Hr McLeUaa
ba. beaw dowB tbara,
aad be kaowt
)aat arbal ba la *ria«.
Ha aara that be Barer aa* blrda as
•idsurai a. Ibex _ _______ ibara.aBd
be Biaeatt In hai
i.e Bosalblu Bod la
lta*wa|^ iiaab~ .d
lit bdrat
birtt viibi
- c n bit rl



— ...............


Ians, llrccns.

frum $4..*iii to ST.-Vi. al>om :UI in the lot. your choice at


; «**«

Good Fortune for You

»• b-»* »»i


PeaA Nau , Eieriaior, ,ier <|l
PeaA Alaaka, rerr early per <|t. .15

Grain Drills, Disc Harrows
and Land Rollers
Will soon be needed for your Fall
Seeding. Don't forget that our store is
the place where you find the best in the

You will be benefited by deal­
ing with
- Yours truly.

Tea*. Kiee’v EarUed of AIL


Ooioe aeta. per quart..




Cir. SbtMK UiiM.
06.tHTltorkit titiPOiiittlj


Dew Cace$.
We have just recei\-ed an aaaojiment
of Torchon and P'ancy I jces that wc
will place on sale at

Cheaper ones if you want from 6c per
doien yards and upwards. See iheui
ip our show window.

U. Prop-

•*> FisBt ac Ttovsrat CHy.'


w-£Ti«r-“."—■ se

Implement Co. Ltd.
127, l» 0.131 M. a Tima to.

NovatbetBkMacctnthiivslBablebaok. A bcaatifil] l«xM inh
IMantc pxai toe vitfa cBd pictwe.

Ja W. SlioA-rKR


iTbe 1

pi win

dar tor Cedar Rub to
ThU rear vtll ba Iba tnt tlBa tbai
•Hon uf tba Grand
Iba tatr baa arar baaa bald ta Batleai
Bar. Hapla CItr bai bad Iba fair
CUUUB. vbleb U bald lodar
her of local paopla
- _ _____ am. Tba cooraatloB
baeaa raaiardar at l :3<> o'clock p D
WHl Oa H Orpad RapIda
The fullovtai are aoma <d Iba dale
Tba Oaairal Labor aaloa I
'aaedar alffbl **
gaiae who left reaierdaf for Cedar
aatlap Toax*"
__________ ed to beta aa
PtoB ibe Plrel MatbOdlet
n. aeiee ,/nic ruw
Kaplda oa Labor dar. laauad
Id barlac a calahrattae bera. A apertal Archie Eldrrd Mlee Bdllb
iralB bill kate bara at ( o’clork le . Hoenw. from tbr Ptiaode rberrh.
lb* Btorblor no tba Pare Marquriie R» H McKiDia}. Milt Kela Wricbl
aad Tbooiae Carbark; from tbe Foorrailroad.
leeeife Himi M. E
rburrh. Mlee
will ba li.M for tb<
inp, abb tkbati vtll ba r»d u
Mabel linw«ou(b aad Mlee Viola Fell:
IB aar
aa] irai
- - - - ibe CoorrefailoMl church. 1
ui tba taiaa
. fron
E.eorellcaJ cburcb. Mice Bern
and Ihr eicnnbjo li
> Ibr drcuBd Me.budlel cbarch.
> Per) I Mone. Mrt Morpan. J 8.
Nlaa llaal Eatau Oaal.
Hamer and Mue Martha Baracr aieo
WUllaa H. Fiolcr hae
cbaaad of Ur JaBea L. Muaeoa L .
of UoudHcb'e third addUloe tor II,
4M i|»l caeb Tble eluck U bounded
i.p Cm»d en Eaeurakn
oa Iba nonb br Hlll airaet.
alreet. uo tba aaei
ttundar 't eicurelun on Ibr H . M
br Hadleoe and oo Ibr eoaib b>
N car lerr) lo Pelmkcr and Char
Warna No alraai le laid out ne rcaloap Iba weil <d Iba block Tble le
tba elia thni wae looked upon
aadr ilir inp from Urand Tra.ereikoal Uvor br lb* raprreonlailee
■n Uillr Tmrarer bar Over too went
Iba alnia board of adorniloe ae a
alble lonilon tor .br new normnl
■iuiiunt lie) and Nortbpuct.
I'iwn tumleblnp 2511
a little late In iianlnf.
6 o'clock befniT tbr blf
n^aUcMr. prairt^eot of Ibr T
Pcinekrr. flelbE bu time
C. I. *
U. reltroad ud i
rdarr and
Ih Super
•udilur <rf (b» a K A I
and Ibc hlf ferT) irrltril
W. B. miBi
CblH Eo
• WMua, Baucaiu^ u»
ettf and «rs< m a tour of lupadtor.
Cbarireoit L
or tbe 1. e. 1, d M
Tba pIlM aad xas« nibrr aat«
for Ibr far Irtry dork at Nonbf
ara ai >N>ll*too. aad ar* Mac nul
fu Nortbpiin u rapMIr ai poatl
for tb« balldiac of tba dork ibcr*.


Peiuekcr and back

Cinnilatim'lhit week 2,625.

l^ar aa <
NwtbM. '


la tUg$ tBraaaar^ eowi Cildar aa
vaa aada dataralaUf Iba halra
la^ aaiiar of ibo aaUIr of Jalla

n# Otuaaa' TiHiiBai Oo. aow
Bar* iMr Mat oaaa tala kUpMoa.
Amt* aad OU MlMtoa.
r A. DaLavT baa aoM tba Bapld
qyfgrt yWDarU,jrbO^_^;
dvadtbaBk Baptda Pitcraaa.


.«MM a taaoMBt aadar tba vbola
NMIu, wbUh «U ba baodlor aiorW M vofauMaa. tuu, tor viaiar aaa.
rraak Javall of ibla oHr aad «laa


aw, .a« II at tba Baptlat N^
la. lav. W. T, Wnoffbowa oSel. Thar «U1 Baba
hom» I

o. c. cifM at at

p oeoM raaek bba.

fro* tba atari.
Tba atau oHean a
wort oa a M9.0M proi
albs. aad vbaa that to m
-------------- ‘ “ taka np k

Tbora baa'^bom*'* 'eu5af‘*<H
Old HMalon tbk tnasar la tba va/
of abipsaau et iBall (ralu. Tboaa


•tata that la laall tralu alooa U.aM
oaaat vara ahlppad from vlibln a
ndlaa et two bHb of tba Old Hlaaloa
taaaanitnff ta' tba batphbarIll.WO. neat OM acre of
Mr. Badai' made a Haar
ind U. H. Hm. who baa
- H ebvTtai. bnt
c«l7 foar iraaa ta baarttf tUa
ta tba HM d( that piaea to fto
If boabala from than.
--- vUI valA Ua crop
with aaeb tataraab
Tba wta

■ ,iraaa.
tba hattatr ter tba i
to tba rtetat/ c« Old HlaaM art
ka«ad vltb baa applaa. aod '
ptoauaaa to ba tba bMi U aa


£r«. Hr. Matkbi^aop « e
•Ha Cbla raar baa baa Hrfar t

k varr Ra
a Hr tba beat at Otbaaa

_______ Ibataab. vhare ha vaal aAar
■dwarf Opa. who la ehaiBad b/ bM
vUa vUb naglaci to prorUa —~1~
of aupport tor bU vtfa ato Hail/.
Dra vaa bnafftat batoev Jaattaa iobi
Ttrl/ tbii Bomlaa. aad tba aiaaiaaUOB vai pMtpaiad «atlL Aagm tf.
Dra vaa ndaaaad e« ban ta iba faa
of IU«. The apaclbe ebarBi la dlM>r-

I >ijH;p.^ijiiili

klunday. Scii-

' Natiunal town (


Irluueli alibuupb b
Hr *>•-. barrfiwi• > br cBp>)lnp ricrllrnIntellect la clear and a<-



( an Tbe)
Tt) them

:ir II

irum klunday
III Thiirada)
r daye unl>

intcfd L

Rapid. .1’
• Ibirk Vlar.
elUE Aupur
r« rol

TrBvvrv* City Harkvu.
Thin raport la mane up

, Pere Marquette



JUf Shirt Waists Balf

i |>rt ti>


li '


".mnl! i>nc<—k-.n lhan ihc |iricr of mq^inR




i>ii oiir pan.

Che Waists are alt Heiv this Season

,,‘|;Epwortn k**Bu*^^R*ny Day at L,

every one perfect.

t>Mvr be»er. >ae p<
X Travrrer city at <

Mni])ly a

c.ine of

wc nci'tl



room, you


the wainis.

Main arc buyinu them who will not use them thin seanon at
all nimply Itct aii-e

"i tchwabenfeai.
. .Picnic
at Grand Rapidl
^ Muak*^||en. tuniUy. Aug ».

it's wine

economy to do ii.

Ik-but little ehanue in the Niyleu uf

and all of
Warb al Llghtninp.
Fite Labe. Mkb.AuE l»l»-TL.. ram
11/ of Edvard Bhuilrr of II e plan
bad a icfribla frlcbi laal nl*bl
narrow eacape Cron dralb U(hlnli
tirurk Ihclr reeldrarr will
damafod rrerr rot
onanaial, bowrrrr.
uf Ihr fimli) wae bun
The I»li einick abuui T 3'
The feinil) had fuel ilrppcd
kliclirn ic> llir parlor, ai
■ bl) eaviwl Ihr lien uf e
■I jiv>l, ae llir kllcbro
me bad!)
kiwV-ked U. iilncc. Tlic beavr carpel
. Ihr Mtrbw IIO.W Iftibal
babir ured
irm tn>m the eliock. Imi no. iron

Detaa for PaulUr Shaw.
A eperlal maellbc of the Nortbera
Mlchlcan itoiiUrr aad Pat Stock ainoClbilun wae beld ob Tbundar In one
of Ihr roome of Prof. C R. Doekemr'i
Buelorce oollepe
Tbe maetlof wae
err) wrll aiiendml aad much laierMt
wni taken.
Tbr main object of Ibe meeili
to pn plane oader way tor Ibe
annual ihow.
>w. VbMh
vbMh will be beld
' ' fanu. IWi
ladMailoDe are ibal
ilaa will be tar abend of ibe
r, and Ibe Inlaraal tbnl U bw
Inp laknn br both member* and ootalden far ewreede the blpbeit expecu.
he aaetlnp Inel nlpbt tbe enUre
.ulliin aaa
were pone
- - hr-Uv»
ind ebnnped ilo betler euli the
•r knd
ed* of the nnaodatlM. Tbe old c
n aad I UW. I

_____ tba eeaplalal vaa aada aad
Three roonp b4 nataad Clarit.
Dra leealad. Bbartt CbaadMr laal der aad Laaeodk vbo lire near
vad to tba aanbal at ffbvaa to a^ Pouch, bad a nartov racape (roB
mat aad botd tba aneaaad. Tba
drovBlnp Buaday. ' They vent
O0 the lake la a aaall roond boll
bar* aiiempted
. Ike
., ...e
^ a d^k ..
- orar
. the
..) old*
side of
al tl
the eimfi eapeUed. Ikroi
M ba o«a bHd taat tba mm
U« Ibe Ibrae lato Iba lake. Tbay
- f to Iba ahartf of i
Soubdarad around tor a vkUa aad
eaadad to cUagtap to iba boat, vi
bovarer. oBarad but w fr«]l support.
Clark ataKad lo avlm tabor* aDar a
vfcll*. bnl vaa ptoktd op lalar oa.
Tba boy* ■oogbt lo
» attract
A. Babacttoa. UI taka araaoa. ■i»_*
lion' I.I
br aboMtap. bol a* tbar* v
aaltad ta aamaca Mr. Bobatt A. WDir tbar eould i)M ^r
ear of Bnaall CRr aad Htai 1'
B. Warvta. of tUa d|/. Tba ....
Boar vaa partortoad br Ear. D. OtaibV. Jr. viK
J oat rovlnp vitk
IIB la tba pnieaee of <Blr a tew at
d that aoBalhlap '
I for tba cap
mamatOe tba taubadiau ntaUeM. ThL>14a
It ae elv ta vaa pcatUIr povaad ta vUta lUk Far
■BIL and earrtad vblia
. Tba ffroea wore tba m . . Tbr rvBalnlnp two t ...
1 btock. Tba boaaa vaa taaUIr Ibe boal of Lmidlav, bol tbi*. too. *
baidir adagoau for tour. About t
UBC Ptoak Prtodrtek aad elbara i


Of loume you” haven't




enough waists,

what woman ever had. at the price you can affor.l to invest


in two or three.

$1 Waists, SOt
I.SO Waists, 7Sf
2.00 Waists, 1.00
3.00 Waists, I.SO
4.00 Waists, 2.aa

All Our

Summer Footwear ■^41

Dress Goods Remnants i Off

I'all fhovb have coimm-iKctl to arrive ami all Summer
gooiln muM vacate.

Ii's a chance tor :t* )ti«

saving on

j our »hoc bill.


We told j-oii alKviii these last week but will bear repeatintr.
Many have found just the piece they needed fora waist
for themselves or a dress for a child or sotnetH'^g tfivRske
over anold drij.‘s with. Have you? U not you bctterlo^v".'
m be
k.^. there.
(here Everything marked
them over, it . pretty sure lo
at from


Ont-tbM ta auobalf alf.
Here arc two offerings that ever}' wise buyer should take
advantage of - get wise.

Woneen'i Strap Slipiwra.
eul to............................................76c

Woneti'i Serge Slipper*.

naceaurr to make a few
Howerer. tbey were rerj tew. ae ike
nilee verv about aa pood a* iber
be aod pare »arr pood.ialUfac'
II vaa daclded to antoree tkam
Chiaeir IkU year. If tbe maabera
loclaikm ikat they khonld.
One iBportant ehnaffa-------- ------that Ibe Basbartblp fan wae tied i
fl and Ibe r«aHr duen at W eenU
rear, laalaad of >0 eaeU per mi
It vaa alao daeldad u Sx mlali
teorlnp polau for priiaa nan r«ar ai
*' tor Sni. S7 tor aeoond. aad U tor
rd If ponlirr rnlaan do not bare
di that will acoce Iknl. Ikiter nr
_________ _______________ -i br an
raar, vbMh irtll iBpmu tbe
of ponlirr In ibla raplon.
Judffa for tbe nest abov baa al
readr baaa aaeorad, aad every effort
I* belnp pot forth to bara all arraopeBeau noMptotod batore Ute -----------■be exhlblllOB in Jadnarr.
n^^xt B^bly Baeltap



another scavoii if

Waists liuub'hi now an- tjouil for two

WfHjkH-'lani rlob bouar am
Ha Ror Wall wae plarlbf L
aa'a aailboai. vhlrh ta ao
Thri^aat no. a room In tbr houtr
<ha-|irar. and I ■oBa war I
frum tba boll of llEblnl^.
fall off
' boat. But
of ailad Id Ward CorUa
»I4. Bor t
" ■
_______ __ __ _______ writ!
war e damatad. Th*
aad called loatltr for balp. Two Dae
vara artihla baartac dlauaea aod oee total datnaar will amount lo from
of ibaa *aa «olcklr oe head
Tbr to IMW.
I'rumpi and rlforoui acthin os l
prwBM of alad of Edvard Curtta li
en of Ibr nrlihburt prrerntad a w
rmarkabla for a bor as j«aac. He
It Brc lhal Ubervlae would bl
le aallad *-CapUlD-- br bit tHaada aad
cumplrird Ibr work uf dMlruclIon
he U varr prood of iba title.
Bripht Far V. H. C. A.
AtaUUal BUla Boeratarr Unrrlton
I tba y. U £. A. left TraTena Oil)
Tnaadar Bonilag for Ibe aoulb .attar
kmklnt (Bratnllr Into tba naadi befa
aad the proapaeu of eacnrlaf fuadi to
atari a full/ oQulppad Y. H C. A. la
Mr. Qarrlton
an that ibiati
•a. aad that c a rvffulmd
ad IN.,
pal the

<1 a brat;
Nell d

mr Mulland. brulhcf ufih.
Irui. Janiri A liaiBci,:


atarrww lacape Prwr
A ilniaalai acridral

ly. Seprist

bom bahl vltb an abcene no mr lisbi
loap, - F J Hocbri of DuPodi
Oa.. -and pare me up. Ererylrxl)
I. mr lime bad come. A
I trtnd Dr. KlD(e Ken
rr> lur OuneumpHna
I received
ainklnp and I vaa tm
irci in a tea >lt>e. S'liw .I'rc er
> rrpalnrd m) bralib "
It r*»n
-> all t'vupha. Culda and Tbruat
toms Truubice
tluarnnimd b)
<1 Jubnum and P II Mead, dnip

lien si Blp RapMe.
C Ibc Soldlare aad
on of Hletalcao Cakee
a arbolr oaek. T^r Irrrtlorr fBi.
brand U truB all pulala la tba lowrr
ptreloauta of Micbifaa. M tba vtat of
a liar fron Macklaa* CUr. Bar Cllr.
____ JO, Hi
fta. fur «blch a t
roaad inp baa
(lefcHa 10 bw auUI
laeluaira, llallad
rludloi Hoplnal
u, make li Ibr praodral
paihcriDE In
Ibr hlelorr of ibr aaaurlai
' llllD.



a *ai for tba peograB aad
a IHt Id tba fair, aad te aMat-


A China Store


This surely is one of the few~where j-ou can find the losrest priced goods
or the finest Haviland China. You may need some semi.porceiain ware for
ever) day use--cups. saucers, plates, platters and bowls, or a full set of Havi*
land—you can buy an hundred-piece set or a single plate as you choose->waot
some glassware at 10c the article, or a beautiful cut giats dish for $1$X)0? Can
• sell you a plate for a dime or an exquisitely hand painted one for $5.00. You
can buy a small cream pitcher for five cents or one of those most beautiful hand
lainted D'.-\rcy 1'ankaids for $15.00. A glass hand lamp sells for a quarter.

Mm'a Solid Shoes. Salin Calf.
Urge tixe. cut lo................ | ,3|

Come 2nd Cel Yoor Share of These Bargain,
OU Sta§4

BeraU Offiu 2


There arc l<>c glass vases, and •2i>c ones from Japan; Bohemian glass
for 65c. beautiful cut glass for a dollar, dainty Lou Welsa vases for $2.00, $3.50
and $5.00, and the newest "Perfecio" at $4.50; jardinters Trom 10c to $6.00.
Want a new Toilet set, of either tight, ten or twelve pieces? They are priced
at $2.50 or $12.00. as you please. Then we sell eaira pitchers and wash bowls,
slop jars or ice jugs: evcr> thing that is used in white or decorated hotel ware.

.Toa a^xe aaiB^r batvaaa



■arrad br tba I________
Tba brlda ta om of Tneana Otri

ok tbe two utortaaatc bor* aboard
s lanncb. aad Oark vaa picked
’ aaotber boau
be bon vara te tba voter three
in. aad vbao tbar pot aabora they

Hr. avd Hn. WUer vUI naUa
IvtaMlt.CMr. when tbar vlD ba
ka*e U*tbair Mavdi.

Letlsr ta J. H. Larkina.
AHMBtlt Heat Labac Day.
-‘TtsTwraa Cny. MMb.
be BsaoMlTs eeMMlUdi* tor tbe apBear Sir Tea
—« fall
I MklaUe mbbi SBOog tks
MV M Iba road aad Ka ipMpMfl. ___rdf off tba Miy
Bo do va-ni tactaad te a galkia of
Iba Mae off A. F. caniagw, ginaat,
aad tsad tba tela tar the meet aad palat that taala tvtea aa loap aa oW- •
palataFs palaL ...........................
oikar dktalta off tba

fca BbMr tMtMiH at tba be

WeeM Be «a Maw H
,■ CRailwMt. MtaR. Aag. U.-Tiadw \
MkW.Manaotthtaatir.iMtgadfftBa •

bdtalaaloa oTiS^uto gw •
aaa. Ikoaa vbo attoad *rin pwt
ra tar tbab- amaty lhaa they orer
batara la aa albMM Beat Tba
pram ai arraagad ta tb« beat troa





Made from QUEEN CITY
whole wheat flour, ..are
light, sweet and easily di­
gested. Nothing heavy
orsoggyaboutthem. Ask
for “Queen City”, it is the
standard. :: :: :: :: ::

J A F=»- A- l_ A C

The Book Dept.
is a most aitraaive j.lacf these days. Wc will make it yet more so from now
on. for wc arc constantTy adding the newest works of fiction, and many of the
most popular l>ouks of the past year. It has been said that if a new book re*
mains in popularity for a full >-ear, then buy it and own it. A half hour can not
be more pleasantly spent than among our book shelves. You are welcome'at
all times. You should read James Lane Allen's newest. “The Mettle
Pasture." a most interesting book, andgust as charming as any he has written.
Thomas Nelson Page >"(lofdon Keith" is having an immense sale. You will
like it. we know. Ir. "Darrel, of the Blessed Isles”, Irving Bacbeller has created
a character^hat toners like a giant among men. A wit. a philosopher, a man
of mystery, learned, strong, kindly, dignified—thb is -a book to own. For the
younger people wc have a treat. "Dickey Downey." the autobiography of a bird
and "Pussy Meow," the story of a cat. are now printed in the same style of bind*
ing as "Beautiful
Joe,"and sell for 85c. Every’. boy. and prl
_ sbonld have one;
one can not help but be kinder to the birds and cats and dogs after reading
these remarkable books.
A splendid line of best reading for the olderjM>ys and pris that selPat Oc.
S5c 45ff. 50c and 75c. Don't fail to sec the nesF edlfibo of "Fire Little Peppers
and how they grew.”


rmrvi Kkml wwk.

Grand Traverse Region.

woe lady eouala. Mlu I
IBIII City. Bb* mumrrl be

plravihi way In wbl
ibr rruwd* dl prupp
•to to enjoy the pin .ure ofTrlde c

broUM-r I'barta
t'barto* t

AM »
Hr*. J«».* /IrOMMr, t; Mr. aJiO Mn. floM. lUftondI Tt(H«
■oa< to Kalaataaoo. brtac ralli<d
TtMita* *1 Hr«d Oty to
•< Xejr»l
Ibarr by tbr arrm lUaiw* edvUrr
onlh. rriarar^ *ko<DC 8aiurU*j .
cHomM t* «w*lu
~ < H
Phreban and ranlly
HIM lATlB* UadlM WM etotc
detetif 10
OtwalT ■
U BAklDf buTTl* to
■e N> bald *1 B
Mr. Ealfto of D*li
Mr uul Mrm. K 8 NrUoU. Hr. ks8 of Hr and Hr* H. X
I t'ainball. wbn ba* beru r
Mr*. H-rktrdore o
Mr*. B. J.. Kelljr.
tU-llr. M)a Alto Oraf;
niac Vbr-r daucbto. MIh Uiclada
> Unibb. Cli*> *nd D*i
ri and Plord arabb **d I
**lir Mrpliall u( Northpon .|toi
lew day- la inBn the |>aei
waiy 8 8
HlK< tliaalr Bmllb of IIllraill. lad.
will Biii-nd ibr coavreU I bald at
Ito man;
R**i Ka*aim Auc I*. <T
irleadt are glad t< •re her bark aicain
r. hell
Praak IHaarw aad J ti Wato.
the k»eel
luat took la tbr rar IrnV'rh.
IVIaakry Sabday
Hr. and Mr. Bln.l^- ol
>d* ot HI**
ay vl.liid Wat lb-l>alrB<aii
. ____
y uo Teraday
W. M-- Silto ha* .old U. farai ir. KuanlD will - ,______
rr narrtair to Wrrd HabaMbrrx laat
Hera Pirkaril nturard tV
Hr. Va**b* od TiaTer..- niy. Mr
Tb*y ladt tm Taaaday for
rralaa Iroia ■ hu.lnr*. in
. Vaaska t> Murtac ifel* wto.
aull 8le Hanr to a abon rtalt. but
auk>w and Hblraco
O. ton U toeaiod lo Tratw ~—
ba at boair ai tba Hotel Habaaa.
A lU-fT) rroed Hipi;r>l a i
la ih. *r«toT ba»to.a
*1 PrwtoDOoi after '
Hr* Mrrrill l> Mill mafianl ■
*^to* Laur* Uadiry rriDrerd
fraiB Mt

*'Si«r«i»w i* I*
r. Ho*i aad w1:

PJataaal today

fklCtr OKBIiA
r.. thl. w.-ek o
Urr Iva ITaun- t
mi- Thursday

.. Kmnm- to.,

Hi.-lib.n l•||;lllc 11

1 Bin* retariSn fmla Baclaa*
rda; r-i-niB«i
laat Dalarday wfarrr tbr hat bera
r*wi. i> lOU liaylon
Blteod tar luarral of her moiber
M K Keeker rruirn,Ml* Colbtoiiare Bad* a botliM
trip to Tr*r*f*r City Pnday.
Quit* a lara* crowd aiiradad I
HtM L«lii. MarrH of Travr<rM
H fUlilaa tn««d> ie ihit pt*»
all report a toon II
Mapli- <'ll
Hr* H K Briakma* aad graad
larc are aererwl raaurtr
•e iir»-»rn1
8aHhtar harr a»a> «. Bacina*
lac arouad Uraoa lake at ibb
Plws |P-iIlnc--r. Kj
Hr. DaldwlB porebaard a a.
Cord.w llalaj Hr]
^*Sa«*MlaM c«oH> dowa frMB Ti»»laal
•rw tltr t«) Ma;
Ml*. P*rr). who baa brre
plrieaBIly ^ep^>
Mr* 0*traad.r

ikinc It Ihelr hut
blank Bbald* n
r wedding y»»ierd_
nileai with r\-lau;rf

n of Ibla
•*e Tbiir

■cbacd. plealr
Ike wa* well aiteadad
"^•I'l^^W^'Selm^of Chlraco >• vlaiiln*
I eaftyed.
panmt* al tbla plan-.
w hired to the
Ira. Nellie Drury of Chlraco .
Bdlbf a two week* vaalto with
Baceae Baniard. who haa boocht ber relailrea here. J II and N C
the C. a Dye tara. will more on It KelDi
ton. He will hare lo r> back lo la
iaad to bamw U* erope then thto
■ He win ht
waukee. ha* beea rtolilac hU bnxhrriB'Uw. Joha Helm ot
Hr. Nye wa* a realdcatuf ihtaylrlstiy
" ye*ra ac». He left Balurday for
Bato. N. Y„ to build a b.lto-banel
-. aad Hi*. W. H. UaUor _ .... tew mill
____ UeOnald tad
____aty wer* la Bommlt City Satar.. Onad Raplda are ealoylBc
. .. . week* raeatkiB with IHenda ai
A. Brlchaa od Oiswa
BardlekrlUe. J. W. Vaa Noainad aad
‘‘IKm »«* aad •n
an Ctoada ro wife.
_.. Joba Moore aad dtucfaler
toraad mm the
w paalatsto laH
Mary aad *oc Boult of Chlraco are
Mr. 4B4 Hta. W. a Test at CHdU- rtoltlac wltk her falber. Ur Btmurl
Holdao la thu rilla«*
lae ip(M today with Hr. aad
Hn AIIIWD aad ehlldres aad
J. BowAia.
D. B. Wyahoop aad daoibiar V*n Oeni* HeTaBon of Cbtraco
cdtarai** City eaHed oa B. 0. oaaplBc out to a (brer week *
at Gtoo toke
OrrlBC to (he heavy wlad* durlac
a a KuSw aad
lb* Ian lew day* the boy* who-are
Udd. art
_ . oaterniKc
___________ <c Hn. Lai
•ocaced ta nftluc to* la Rlea Uke
•r aad hmhaad. Hr. aad I
to the Neoarn Co. hare bad lo abaa1 of peny.
w the work oa ammat ol the heary
—. Allda Woodworth of
•a oa (he lake.
Wayae lad.. Hto* Claadia WoodPnS. WeatBiore oT Aaa Ar
ad Hto*
UifcU Ohadwlek H
who baro bon
0 moatb* *
luireyto defttnm
■aat TwodayDandan twtarsad tram
mead* at ibl*
rewayirowm lott ttoday. WbMW ah* (tadenu *
cretled by all


■r dfTnr

Hr. aad Hn. DaboH* or ft toa*.
Mitftll Hto TlaiMd Iba Mil «a*k
*Hb tbadr dasbiar. Hr*.
HHa Lto Kola** ol ' ' " '


_ j- Xdward


Id a. arBaadoy.

4"sjrv!si.s: ss
a ^l^laa^dlad^^i^brottof
kto paUaal tofartes. ________
^-i war* asdonad by tb* Rrr

ssn.’rujr.r.^ JrsiKT.Erasr'"^

•d Oaak aad ftally war* ft
«Sb> vtaBon Boaday.
HaSaaM toTeoatf* aad Jota.
Tiayfclai al Traraw* Oiy Bsra aft
M to a plae* to tonia. A
-------- - — -jcapylac ihelr couac* at
m viBirwrtib M Q*aH* laai Haaday. iM orer aoreral leeaun* t
tbe aanwwa of Oto lake, care the
;lha TitoUai r*taiala« beat tb*
Loalaaaa aad Uto aosaty. tbv bar* people a rare treat on Thaiwdar alcfat
toau bar* U they eaa '
“*8aDna'Ba«b <a|Mr*d a awi
uire BUplay of 8i
fedft aad W ponda <( sto baw
e oCerlto^lalal
W. Van Naatniid
Hr*. N”uareto,
aad J,
J p Tlllotan.
Hd Bao*b ad Ttarana CHy to
I la ibto rtodaHr to a law day*.
•erne few da~* aco.

We alio w<
KlIcbM aad Itm Tatol wtra
Mn Hani*
i* ak a realdeat of o

- Byra Hama laat
..... ....................................

Haple au.

’ aecs to Hr aad Ht«. OawaU Harw« *d HUM-* HUI. ABC. U. IPdl. a
r aad Hr*. Bd QBaM* aad Hr*.
■ 4*atfB aad
Hamr Howard
Bb drove o*ar to HDlerb HUI Baa- Pm^l
ben ibt (1
wa dartac tb* pan w**t
A yooac maa ta tb*
Darld BMlb bad tb*
_ --------------wbUe

aad Hto*
nwto at

* toty.
a badly nt'hM wtM ba
the Wataea who waa ««h*
nha HA.
to n the alab taw la lb* mill.

plealr of the Old
a traad aucewa* la aplie
rslBy weather. Tbe program
.lined wat without being latorrwpted by tb* rala aad wok wlihoui


(he piealc*
to Ibr old aetnen.
(act tbat tbe oocmat
tala exieet n* of

Preudeal O


" a Ato
Afttoto Qartaar to howM a

■r. Wblisy od Kiaaia

toey laat today ow (b* a^npto
Maytod to baanUac boUar A*o«>

Hr*. I. A. tan aad aaa Chaito*
d tofUM* Han aad BanM *«•> to n* day mat week
*^toe bare sno* m n
Qtoa Afbor I* rton to brecto sad
tom bm to ewMBl tokn.
Mn BaiT Jamea. Hto* Olo^ ■---

Mto* Mdllb Oibba wa* dowa bom

Ig^. °» “ tototo lb* wrv ai

has stood the test of years in Tone, Quality
and Durability, and today stands at the
head. Every instrument fully guaranteed
and sold at factory prices and easy terms.
We have a few little used and second hand
Organs which we are selling at very low
figures. Better look them over.

- n.sti|i

W. W. Kimball Co.
129 Front St.


N. E. STRONG. Mngr.

makr-> liiciige-iiun impo»l

Pant*«|N-U. .11 li.»,t*
*r. dl*i
1 l‘l*lnl< ■ bl- kicineya
Doaiia Klilbey Pill
•illi riiiv all kidney

For Our Big mid«$umtiicr eicarance Sale*

Tniverae City
ig of T13 Wei

alla’rk. ”^'1hi-adarbe. diiilne** tad
•laklng •pella. 1 knew li wiml



lihyalelan ireai n

a> Ibla •kail- irimble niailnue,|

Umii . Kfcli,,., Plll.""*dd

SUB.ra *a I dill *0 long “
Pur *al
Prtnliy all d.wler.
K. iler-MUburn Co, lluDaln.

■aa^b*. a
. beaaily lu
a * re-ull
n aprirui 1

Every Sample and Odd Piece must be closed out this month, for next month our new
goods come in by the carload. We must have the room, consequently the samples
must go, and we have put prices on them that will make them move quickly. You can
furnish your house now for very little.

I graDlng * plum aad
e two u-aMina up.

A lot of 0,1.1. an.1 in

A kit i<f (kills ami Kml. in



Lace Curtains

Window Shades
S6c grille, lui........................... lOC



*2.26 ..



lo our Till iMGramie Depotmem. we mre Erery/ thlnr Yon need
at the Uwest Prices;

.. .
r,ood6<)L Tin Milk 1‘ansfor....

.\nil u>
hall |««:c.
ran sliow y«i
an.) ilcaign.


Mrs. PMt’s LAtcH Impneed

Sad Inns


*150 value* (or..

We aUohave oui fall line ot Taiiesirj Curtain^ Ro|ie

guild ball
••lirhlo* henHwrhnid* w<we
plague or ly life. Waa almoai wild
Ikaan'. Oil
me quirkly
aad iwrmaaemiy. .tier donoi
' tor* had
failed •• C. P. CofTi»..|I. Valley
Baurenie*. ■'
Till- 1.1* n. of IW
llubrinka, ilolirmka
tad Ppeaivraagenk*. all loraied lo
pruTiore of Bainar*. Huatla. hi
been deitroyed by Ore. Tbree bu
red bou*e* aad • great guanUty
burned: lnirn*e *uBerlag

Three ipecirre It
a tatiy'i
fbolera biti
diarrhoea.. Dr Fowler'* Extract of
Wild Blnwhem

A large line of Knives and Forks tom..

AT<)SE-TmRll(fh>: Qtidlotaof IMlow Case*. Sheet., Be>l
SptckiU, Mr. at Bij: Bargainv Some of the liiggest bargains in out
More )-ou will fin.l in the Caijiel Department. We hivekns of renttutus in Cai]iei» and Mailtngrof all grade*, that any of them is
ably large enough for some of vout rooms. 1 will give you batgain.
u will
•niliem'liat you
will a)>preriale.



90c Per Set

I’oiticres. etc.

A Laree and Beautiful Line of Sample Ru^s
kail Arboi

iHXIRllt I

.... i

9 in, PieRlale*...

-angiitg righi along iroiu 45c per
henik and Tk|icstr) Cunain. to icloae

Three iron* in a set
Arrldenl* eon
fregiMtir,- oa Ih.
•llbua. apralna I
Oil tvlleiiw^ihe I

Knives, Forks iid Spoons in all eixdes of SUverwm
A goal.« Silver idaied Knives and Fork*, to........... 1.6q

n a position to

Sare you a Lot of Money on Dishes.

u silver), to......................................................................... 26c

A'good heavy galvioind wash lob

nice light iHUcclain. nicely eml>une,l (or $4.75
•A tine l(K>-piece set ol nice
A t«*uufully decorate,) ItW-pjece .linner ael. for . .......................
.A lieautiuUy ilccorale,! IDU-pim '
under-glaxed Kog. ware
Odil Cup*, Saucer* and I’late* ami everything you want in diahe*.
a Mock, u

Fuir Line of Toilet Sets



We klTC s fBU Ubc Bf 111 kls«s Bl
Wia Dtf Gwto
Tub Wringers tom.... | .35 ip Bench Wringer* tom 2.06 ■$
Anything you want for Wash Ofty.
AD kinds of Oil and CtKiUBe Clan*, i. ^ 8 abd 6 goltoi' mta.

A Bice {Apiece Toilet Set. nice light iiorcclain, niceh


Special Sale on SptttMBS aad ^

Lamps of sU Styles and Deslrns
A large Utw of glass lamp*, up trotn.............


* OC

A nice painted and deeoroteil Tm cu^bdor to.................

................... 8c

A flee. Urre tsurtaieBt of decoTEled Lamps

Offirr* every faalitr <


ilic ci

riHtomer*' bnioer?.

renlled the

-------- ^l**‘darto«‘u?'lato'^tliM to
bon nllad away aad I* tadly ml**ad
la ibe aaaaal cbtrertac*.
iaaala Oaoh bl
aad* by Hn. Prank
_ ..urene ...J aad Mr*. Jtoa _
Ptohee and I er MlBty of Maple City,
aad pnyer by
r Dr. ColIn (4 Cbl
Tb* aioclnc waa much atqireci
la lows yaeurday.
H J Hoyt waa * Kalhaaha oalto
aad w*a rwaderad by Mr Clarke
Hn Plan Baraom baabanw
oat day tom
Mr. OltMa* of Chicago, and Ua
a few day*' rtoit with Mato at
Wimaa C .
*a Harra aad Maple City,
Bba waa
a clrea by Ml*a Keltle, na
hn retar* by Hto* Bman Ho^
• Betol to
oruitolal. wa* etcepttoally gtwd
wto remaned oaUl mfty.
I Ihli
*^£^aad^r*. A. Q Patrtaaba
Mat salberlBC
Boom tiwto Traranr Qty Ibto t-___ at Hn Moay Jaekan la baww of bm
■id od Tyaran* •n Bay aad alee*. Hto* Boy yack-


•t Jaa
Drug S


lime Saiurd*; <
* weddln* ail
y le-aiitlful *nd


:< tha
. _______
n iX Uia couBiry bar* UM to
ir lb* van. bat bar* Hna It ap.
a of toal va* a
frat. bat X arai

> Penalty,

■ ni»id They

ri. P.-


Cbe Kimball

l.iitat -nr I
*.l e,.t,*lrt|. 1
u liK-ailag
111.- iK-k* li
•• al.mi to u- >hi|ii»'t ”
The nrang.-r ~c«[»-,l
imh of f.-aiher.




The proof of the merits of a piano is in the
Tone and Wearing Qualities.

e wratch I
r iiun, b
laliy li 1


Tb* Buaday arbool plralc acraat
. were M-rved
the lake waa well aiieadrd laal '
aad ceeailr ealored Tb*
(hr lake wat dallcktrul.
I Cor* Whltr latliaf la a ci
- roti*a trtoadi laal Holiday
'•rralac ...........................................................
help rrlabrair
Vauk-ii o| tUjdi
r»ary. The rraelac
Lrlaad. drltlnit
BtBaa aad awilr Kafraah
lu.' day
tarred, aad a )olly crod
nil Ilruwii took * rroed
IIB* raponed by all
eur*b>BKi* to North Maniioti
Tbe ball caste playwd here Baaday
luarb on Buaday laal
Un- HMttot OMT7 dM AU(. n of
y lb* Wylie* ri. Trarar** CSty
Tbr Ml.*r. Jrteir lUwaman nyni
«M*r. UM>ca*«l
* •m»it chU■ Od Kthrl Kinihae wrni lo
dna. oor babr t *Mk* old ra«dral
Mrrto* wrrr brid at Bopirr at the
OHhoUr ekareh.
full.' a aoml--r <■
Ml Or*rj al Ura«a •*•
a rlalitad
BdX>- Itory-* to a
ti<-nil an rnirnalBnu-iii
Tb. thrcohlaa Bkachlar baa anor and craaddaucbirr of Kurwoud
UaWfh IhJ* aHshborbood, baadad to rUlilac Ur* C. B Dy*
leworth Blllmaa of <’<
Alban Thayer aad wBr of Caatral
|. SilllwrtI nf Toledo, n
lAr are rltlilac frtaad* a
da here Bunday.
Mr. aad Mr* Wac*er of Slirrr l«kr
J BilllwrII aad (ani^l)
*peel Buaday with hit brother al
niy. arruiBpanla'd by lli
Clyd.- MelaHoiinM Ceaier.
Hay Btroac
Prrkina who ha* beea
h ot ilraad Rapid* i e the Kiie*la
lac eomr II
lime with IHsda I
of Coiiniy Clerk Hla*h*w
vlrtalty. hai
Dr i‘*Tue of Suiton* Kay wa*.
tnrt*«8 I
A lara*
k ant HU.
nm* of '
I Auctui i:

Sr*. Parkla*
ti uC L«
Uftywlld. 13.. U
rtorkry ns i
weddlac aerHHIaa her aoa. Joha Healar.
It Bnnday
Blarru* ha* aa *1

Cbe PFwt ot tlH Puddinfl is in Iftie €a«iM


h.r.- dlllBi-nil; I-


iir a fav d*r»
t diaDM with

Or^ aad Halrilla BvUl hava
torad tr> Wnl lolaod whar* thry
hdto a to ouillu wood.
B Brlaud WB* in i»«b Hoaday.
laapor Whanon baa J**t taial
w a *HI oo lha Claoda Wards tarw
A 1* ao« parmaaaaily lauM bar*


k Iniyinc ft
lid Mra til

a llrlllocrf of MapU- C-lt> .*.
.aat raltrr laat Tur*.



e td .alcide bad b
dome nyrlMB.
abl; ptvenlr
baa ben luun.
rvuidltto wbk-h
make* >ulrlde llbaly.
rat ibuughl of actf-'
Kinrtric Biller*. It being a
ad nenlnr «UI •(
• aad build up t:
I It la Biao a creai Stomarh. U<
I Kidney r»«ul*ior Only »c. 8
irito guarmaleed by Jaa G. Jol
' "
I Meada. In

lOg in price (rto that
Atvl they
•A beautifully deconled
KirUedUnip,l^t III
cut. uarxis 1 ft. C in. higK l^e I
bowl, large iktnie; shade, fm <inn ....
They range right along m price up t



To Close Out!
Men’s and Boys’ Saddles
S3.5Q and $3.75.
Ladies’ Side Saddles


One of tbe Best Lamps
it our Nickel Studnu'i l-am|i,
cOl. they will give more
light1 than
three ordinary lamps
and ar ■ «-ety duralde. We ha»e

A Bis Lioc of Sample Binios Tables
top. heavy moulded rims, nice bracket a

From$i.50 up.
AUccBtn6S«l0eralstrie>afHBi«Ckaln. nirtat lx Phet
iTBffl 47c ■* U $LM CBCa.

200 sample rockers must CO

at oncei

Samples <rf all Klads at Farnltve Must re at (taicel .
Kitchen ftseket Lam^. J«*t
like cot, with redecior, all


\ ou can fino nme expeciaS) goad bagain in h«b grade goods. We
have acme high grade samplet of BeAoom Suites, SidetxaidA Cbiffonien. Writing DcHu, Book Caaet. in (act. bom every ihiag 'thBt hat
been on the fioor to tbe laat sis mootfai we1 will dote oot al a b^
It make* a gwid ^ to you to geia Am dam b%h grade
artide to about the same price you cotrid get a co

A large line of a!l kinds ol Lamp Qiinmey*
UateiBS tom $6c «p u


I la.U) ht Inpad Unt ecMr

firm Tnrcnc HctaM.
Tu«a». Nar«w. Aat It -A •
«M rwmti. vfiM ha* m
- >


Th?^!l;*4l«hi'BOI •*> fiithar biU

T«WJ - Bell. Ibe lhn*-r*a^aU
' ' '
Bell. 4J< Laaelac ai O
Lnli* <
•a> BUtad SI « ueluck Ai « u rtoch.
viwo iba irala ■%« rasAj to gu. 7ou


For Infimti ksd ChUdr«B.

raata eetaraae uT »li^ wai’ vlib^r

lutl-tlBK raiBiiuK
ralBIlUK Ipoiidi


Bears the


r^d”- L^arbri^'u

.. this aabbvl
af UCB Tbulaaa i I
•Id. la eblcf.
vUjrailr*. (ha
'll II puaalbl* lhal •
a *111 br lakeii
Iwklaa (U Whai li kauva a* a
makai.' IK a |»aik« uf.a
aaiMiBi per naml' vlih aa age
paid lu btaKXVbli dlarl


The Kind You Have
Always Bought

**^ii of lb* (Iraad Arair
;b* lUbsbIlc al Baa rraaeUeu. Au*u»i
:t (o n, elart.* oa irsaacooii 1^'dtr riniaat availed l<> |re*l I
igiial knimr from Kblia.'
juuaiiY vbM tnwclii la aad lurv
lABrVt^hafalr ih* nue
irt i« bu rnvada
isartloB of tb* Oeasd Ai
Cbariea Hrtlel.yrh id nii.i ba.
I'hai'id’a aai
eiw-eir la Ibr aba|>- of lb* (all .
msal ur 'Wtlcv' imHa fur ail
ii Hi-tiliSBi Maudi-. killed ai Uuraad
baaorahl/ dtvharfnl auidlm <4 ib-

». Ora*Bl«B4 a*4 Non BnaM^ »»•

. nhM a'aiiw tbe'iirt/ laJI.
.^sa.ri;Brt tnbaMy

eeal t".uu« feei to 1i
« Ibr erbouaei iHirvrd ai Tiaavaada t
eg.i th* Bru vurk*d hard lo ta
Tb* Ml.aard
plied <a e eharl wJ a elalB wi
«- vork ripead*'
I1.MI <0 ■•> lb* nil eat mad* by ihr
in- irve*- rompaoi*. aad vlibla ta

i mv
> the teiBr eoalM
■*/ be a____
e iBUliuik*
li vlll cartatalT
k*i bMMUTBl ion

e bulled II aliH' boun Ibiibra sate II u|.

..p a<« amiMtN here urn aaspartaa <d
hartag rubbed lb* aakaa <d Jjba
Mar (u g*« a< tb*
llarH. Ib*
ama amvied br Harr* liarH.
bM detoelKu la Ibaaa pan* He *
d lb* vies vbo
Ib* dartag ndr


Iroul* wetkont
•■> >lk Uo ••.. K*e> K*. leeu Utis.

lo >•>'.



MuMb lu bold lbe«



tb* eatlmd iraefc pealardar aom.


m. i„a„, ,.-p,--.aili
.-He'iailai crup predu-ie.1
•ud i.ei lui a lara. i) la

* > om
Hir.itU lU'.. th. ,»l

eli'i'.’eifc ^Iilrt..j'“(i»r'
u*«l» 0%..niuirti.J Iw Kfi.r.


......V T'" .V

*.*111 I" .-Nr* 1 .r* e|l|| fti' IhiHJ.

.1 flMIttl ineind.

II 1I.11.I1...I

fuT^’when ** dh^** i~l'* ra’iv'"^*j.
Aupuet era* Repan
The Augaai crop repivl for Mtrbi
^ gaa. afl-r calllag alieaiiua to tbe b>v

u( coeu iBpruted
dartag Jul) If Ihe vealbef
- r Is
18 euaaar
cuaaw-Uub *
frvdu-PI ebu*ere ibe Mpni
it vuuld Ure baea pion

■Und. Ibda ioaaa id
ilg. ■aiebi i. Biavan id
I. abd Hanp Hill el «
■Mg TUa te (be aMalMil a
a apiMaasia fav laacbere' oan
bMiV7 <d (be eoualf

bag It—«a trm
dawtad fraaa al

aHMsW It tin
iup f*ra Itei

•SM vtn piubaMf maUaae M
ig. tU BciMl d*r temlae bat
mir atreadj barn, abd akm
■graeinfl a lepmU
vB aaparlewi*, wbas
Cba hisb Ud* a( •etlrlb amr«a. apan*rta««sdlM >be
ptWB laartiaUe.--------------------------iT^i- - <d be* ndUbg atoab aad laariatid raid latdHilaa *s«altad Mace

be eoaie eora ihal •Ill1«lx waka
Up Ibe nber baad ibare
*lib faeoratile

MStoib SipiMwecf



CKACT ecar Of wAAPPcw.

.ppivrtlir.. I.n.

ilirm lo ilo- ni'xt cm d.*em|.
.r^i.ik^ni ...mag tbHi cettio m

•detj d.|
iittoK tbo

g lu CrIoBda. BOI (urgeillbg <o
lb.' puupk .Itierr fur ibeir klud
ae>* and caiv uf ber
Ml. Iiaar Toeer of I'Blub I'liy ba>

i|e-nBH-ntlng '
t .leatb-divD ’

tgalu III I

tiashta pad YMbtv Traaaparaai
The paaeb orop |i llftat Ibla rear la Ig* a lib Ibe tanllr of bit eue la
Bear sanliat Oair la the bom fa laletburg bad arvar bora la a baarotalila knllilas I* tbe erop a (air aurk IIBIU laei veek. whaa. beUg cm
a tlili lu Ham* creek raUilfas. b«
vat preralled upua u. irr k" A
The rartoltaa that ptetalaa to be Ibe ruuag graadaue vuluaievred lo' tvtag
t praBlable are la Ibair order, grandpa.aad did U vllb aa eaercr
■t ObUl. Oravtord. Mbana. Bara Ikai Ntnev Ibe old gMileBaa M| up.
(laid Dn«. Lma. OraMir. Batork.
I head aad ebmldart raRuaale
tanacw aad Nvv PraliBe.

JO* lodw PreaMr ankor Bal
____ M di*eanlag Ib* laearreello* I*
beloaged to Ura Temple Mery to
Ib* Baifcab*. *ald: -Oe* cd tbe d**P tbst plan aad dtod ai lb* bopM df
f BlicbM la tlaa»iobli It Urt Blaeetl*. a abler to Mr*. Rtotoy.
ibere betog preeeai al tbe Uaie (be
M lb* Twk Btoae vbo U near to tbe Rptoecpal ehareta
ipraapia fuacral vat bMd over ibe
mlat. vbbb ver* burled )at( vlibm kMnan at tb* inpan* tlBU.
oai Ibe vallt to (be e
AmM * Waaian nUm. Jar wIM an to rtoen lb* T
dag va* burled la a *1
aad lUben ebroad
C*M mM kd Aaamt U, M IP
_..doB au. It.-Tooc Ttohtoh Tb* awoke traw tbe
tbi HleUgaa In
tta k*ad a«o* n tb* **n»av to At- ritagiii to lU* elir tad to itorld are eawpvr't
r'a ebareoal kllas
aad bto
S^^n* aftolrt to lb* pntoM.
VBitond hr *ptoa ••Btoyc' ' faraSe tbreateai
10 daacroy (be a
^db h*t b*B oadar ivontokn far
ery bed* to H- L Hsrrl*. eaaU
tb* PMt tvo p*«r*. bbf* M MbtoB
Nevherry Tbe crap bai Ue
y BMMhlr to tot*. .1^ tb* Ikm
aaee to belag eaiea by acaae a.

■■■rrini. Ckkcto. SdNvIuk.
Urcr Cetto
fMw u4 Mootf diMirtei
«f •my B*toB aad hMirt,
vlw tolchd Itok • food eM


Merokd lUllgr

lt.^Tb* r*ro

__ ___ _
V an Mond
I fUM aad aanaal tton.
' '
"to, aad

' Tarawa map* atoiaM la* lova aaa
I vfU iiT to r*«agtori It er prerast aw
to Od^raM^rtaC tba ptaas aUr*

Tbt dlaateaitaa I* apraadlag rab
Idir ibraaBboat tb* eoaatry, aad erpry
erv la vbtob tbeaaaadi to Ursa vtu
ba toetaaaa« 'ba^Mar*d taagar tbaa
■aaba. aalen lb* povtra tator^
k aad war break ---------

vbleb be hai gathered.
Maeb to lb* tost to euek to loau
ly by Itotiatog U aur1bai*d by

deeirayed by BreilTb* bton
bees elUer laeeallary or d

Suirtotb* pvawp*.

Wbito UklM toolba* tot U* Itoe.
ton. H. CWby to Obtoubarg va*
auaek by UphttoM abd lastaatlp kill-

> a had tto hta *
lb* U-yaaroM
pia* tn* vhbto «w keeagbi (roa
Uv TeA to aa awkralto by luMlin
BMiker aad ptoaiad aa hh (arm
aonb to AIbbw.
as Hespetto (awUy U waktof tk«
tnp Into Ueaaaa cauaiy to Urvrin*.
N. ¥.. to a eararod VMa.


I t^naioi lluaaa't *a .latv pro*
A mink b- tald. IB rhi- eaiploy
,. ~.oaior
K II Wllaoa ol

raughtng tolled to <* li
a* lb* kerael prinlucc.l ta-rluut Irrt
Ihm ID th* liroarblel lolnv, qhlrh


It .1... BuVi
ar Our P B luibbock I. to
rl*d Belt Wedartdty to Mlu l.mto Whliee. T*t
Thi. *111 I.1I
Ird llB* Out lAihlxcIi bAi mar
.... .iov. Ulbboc* K In 1.1. i.lwHeil.
year, bale aad hearty.
I. tAld ID be quit* yon
Al ('iobuduD. O. Ihi- emit of the
report of Itaar tau-kbard. guardlea uf
Abel l>raprr bet tiruugbt to light e lougingi. 1
» The
Id hretrii
yean old. ead aa laiherll* li
eyee to the Uv A f*« dey. ago
her gnardlaa vat attempting u
bM aetbomy ib* damt.i of
Msmi year* coyly Hoped »ltb
______ s Ulltoger. aged
. lb <-uiii«'r. an. i-Dgig*
maretod. aad have returned to .
felling Tb* .j.Iein I. rarrli-d
ber e*uir. rained at lio.ouo
hr liurruitv and uriginaied lyi
, iiDrt Nov Ibr guardla civil
r brolhur.
:he Clipper f
laaglBg for a big ircat for tbe Indtone
I inlf ibii
la tb* Borthero p*n of the territory,
shape to a bagalo huai to lakr
place oo Ibe raneb
Augwl. The Mllleri_b*re *fTMgra

eak- b

• ou

____ r uaa algbi li b^ M
d apaftog acboto at ta*

Tba wv^b pttoa^ Praaratoi viu

al i..aB> MUi.dmihir

.1 day.
r, of Hemeuo tovatblp,
ly, Pe.. four yeere ego
lo bU bora. A rev deyt
Bcruee e tnimble bees'

A vowaa Babiag a* Ue btUg* 1
Port Harea latotod «hM *b* Ml
Mg Bab botoa bto^ book Her eowpai
ha basM n to. r«*Bef1lal»a ber. ai
BU ler

after aoae muAi
oat vllb a aev am
KeccaUy Ue dlerarered tbai ber 1
al urgaa vat tproaUag
orb IB tb* barta
M'bw t*>raled lhal Ue . .
('adlllaa ArU«r t
teeiurtog her aaa bad grafted
pier* to aalp orer tbe brok.
W »k* WbiMi
U* M aalag ber bubaad for dlrure*
gaadfie etore lhal be vaa a
~iMara year* ago
Xarler Moreu. i
vbll* It vat ligbud
* aid. to tiau
I PMBI. dleap.. Hair tarwer aprwad bit at. .
ver* fouad 00
r vat beilri
appM; bui U iiieep dtod traw a
Tbe grtof
I tb* potoiwad tearea
tbe lespormo
tvoyesruM no to lavra
Word vat re-

.. £i'"X

Ikttkp^lcr ptofcct oauiikw.

..'iplot |.hi.u-laa..
Ur. Uar>
ubo tetllovi-.l the lirldg.
ft hi-r im-ih. tad Had It l.u-aifj
. uiuul.TIul llgbt found all the am.. M lb. .4 mU atubui, tbd
V|naoil lo II *■> Mkod dry end
end had 10 U' rui euey and ri­

d vlll mare
eac*. He vat
t ram*d idf b
to gyptirt from vbOW be
loar yarn ago He vat tonad by relatlrm
vbo to<
biB by a blnb
mark aa Ut al------------- -* Reguaoa. aged to. a
I to ICMboai. a village
rrasee. hat tadBraly r

VKldliduVn. Coaa.. haring gone erati ibi- divib of a tolibful dug. Rear
lalibful dog. Jack, a large
A lev dayt ago th*
dog va. kllli-d by ;
bum ttalion
Rrardua beard

lu'kban. aerrelary
id tbe
-ibuli.i Bunday tobi.d at
romatlllrd tulrldv becau.iMi» Unity HuBii-r. fivllng
caltod lu go to
aery n-lii»*d to



rd Hatt-mao lUgtby of tb* Au
lie. bateball rluli. Piled tb*
piilpii ul Ih* ITrti llaplltt rhurcb ul

bera iBlorui*.! that ab* be
ti.d the reqoiml rtamlnailuu. Sb
lb* tirit bad uuly vumae lu vl
o'l^lcal .ludroi and Haying
•u*h a ditilinlun la Waabtagtue.
Ml» Maud Ktpy. SI yean old. !
daugbtrr of Ha>>r and Hre. JiUa l£* 8
py. to Ml Paul. Mlaa, d^^at U* >

. light In
-b*>. AI I


eu*h^^‘ ibruugb

nwn a hemorrag* of th* •tuwaeh.
brought un by rantiaal ronltlag aHir
Mlevlag they vera
Kopy. vbo. vllb
b*r daughter.

Uellcan rancher

““S"H i


tog i-tpen e

’lb* u!ml!y“<M
]l>. It. vondeiTul

..... Alloc DuBlap hat managed
M'eaieni L'otue Telegraph butlnrti Is
lad. fur Ulny yean

Women as WcH as Mer
Are Made Miserable by
Kidney Trouble.


KMoey tteebl* prtye upas th* inlad.


t ago Ih
iber* ■

It be btra

To DU of PanJrsiA
LIHe Father.


B«lpUs» Invalid F«i
Three Year*.

orer by a atnei ear* '

Walk* km to ca

u* r.tiauihTt* taeera lur lb. kmnei ul
M tra

Ibd The giiiemo
«v*c feel high
Dumber to acre*
retldeace purtloii
*.1 im^ vlUlB a
M . flooding bunuf
also gratly lb- •
and tiore.
lo ita* iireelt debrt. la
la lb* pn
p)l*.l up tFveral li. i
Uoimt to I
■ larailgated •
V huBrIei. abd drtlllul*
Il» laailer to tbotvmgbly Ua
hundred infuriated 8«'n
flan, lor drlvet and flover |
av* been contidi-red It U u
, biapdard 1
ai Wblllcg ind.
30.CHKJ bill be eipeaded In baytas
u* ur lb* other oa
ad bautlfylag lb* park.
Cblcagu Bilk laapeclkM
r ic lamplce ol bIU vali ... ._ .
Ittanre eight galkjaa to milk belsf .
■ marrhed Ibraugb

It Buober of tirert aad fat

iraded U* imie town uf Batone. Pa
ipreadJag raatiereatlue pad i«ior
Tb* rUHea* ver* an
UoaUI* veek^y ibe
PrltiBert In tbe elate pealieall
Cbartoetovn. Matt. ar* prrniii

Abdyw kitttoi


a aegro** ar* lui'
. aamml UlirI.ell

PI par Ibouaaad. vbi
they aboaM bar* beta II It. Tbe
MW tberton, M.e lb. vtoa.
A burtol perwU bw been laeaed
______ -• a* gnaUr___ _
ewtog fiTtog Itaar KotU pervtu vbal they atom b Ib*
don to bury
iry bit tow
lew la Ue b
loeal they an good Poelilunt oa the leaaii
baatll* aiiHad* to AtoerWr-nwrd
I loel U*w la aa a
also coae a* rewanU to merit, aad
Ibair aaBBa. a* waaltoaidd to U* tot, betog r*a orer by a atrvel .
aeqatat la dIeolpUae bet r
urwdM to tb* pn**. Dr. ChrtoW
uaad to Ibe aswe to Ue dce*B
Taittovto*. M* to tb* pmlMati to

•ad «1lb«** to leau hare
gattoto-ap life* autohracM to ib« rt-


> Bgu. died Uoudei with
>ur. of each fiber
I rauple uerv detoled lu earb
.old merrlec* ceremuo
■I iliineg a long mamed 111* Tbi- llcjnM' ee. then gul lo H
• Dd dlml Br.i ol upu|il*il When B-iner.. near Wetirhe.irr. Pa .
r.-uliiml tbti h.. %'t. gob.'. Mr< lb*) ui-r*. Biarried.
vii ouk to her. lull ana thinly
John Keardun, a teirran ol

la the star* taslor* tbal Ubm
A Pleataal Lake oawper approsek
«d a realdeae* bad ta (rtgkieaed tbt Ueir ban*, futoeg Ue fregiaentL ..
wlttr«tt that lb* lowped toio tb* tot
:ber Hurley fouad (bat b* bad a
iiaylag ibare fonr boart
1. mat likely ike oae be kni
Oaaur* Plalgar.

rtoaaly had kapi ____ ______________

ty lb* rallrnad
____ sitoto aarrybi
> tb*____
• Wtot____
Bw City
_ ___________

^1' “*1*1' *'* <d'^ ProMeTlMM hr Iht
nm.ii ul \lmvl fmmr*. b..torakl Ib. Pn-


tgatoet vbleb »* aalwaU t

hartog baw riBfieid u^toato^
* lb* r*a*al kgbltog t

». yaatofdw ■*« U( parly vw
____ ae*d cbal Awtolrai Bevapap*bad bam tongbi viu Tarttob goU.

.. .~ t. I*T.U. mU .U.I .4

frlen.l. elm libd ibougbi ul I

M^Ul* l^“,^re

Tb* aikaalaas.


tk]i TItti IIP AAUI <W UAL BaTall Sialo. B-maid^Wrldoe It It Niti.u(HlEklfta.<\uu>iy-dOteadTlv.
td Idabti. gul bit tnerriege

l>. Tillman !•«•*• ibe |io
iruli of Hi-adrlrk. au.l e|.ptf.'BH} '
primed Irom piti*. of phixo nufiiti
Icel priK-et. Tbr.-.' •■HC-iDieot of Ih
run* llt\e been. Me-B til IxtMBg Ib

h toll heeil. veil Piled B'llh

I. nrti llllnott lafeairr.
bare bM favorable fur (be groanb ut
lie*b graaied pera
tbe nt^. Where aag fair degTM ' Hlrbigaa uaiWr arst ua Auguti ».
n bat bean labea cd tbt
aad remaia uaill ihe lullovlag dtr
Ihe var of euiilraiba aad
Aa allark cd bloraugbt. from vhlrb
tag bulb the riald aad qaalllr vtll be Hrt Jarab Juaee of Heaua Harbur
Tbe primperi fur aa aretage
fur eereral dart.
d lalaltr Tbartdar
veddlag Ibb veek tbe Alma
«* ,
P It.—'nn
auia d
^1 Ma BM tka lidwvtai dla ,
k trcM Oat^ i*v_^ Fo« ^

______ I TitoPant C V
M«|BU to ban blto toed ttfPN* >w Tarfctoh
Wme tb* baad ctoM dioto AtoMA to hMirad
tMti W*>» hat tobdwtod pn» aaato ■

. .___________...ZT-iray,-

Xre>. an- dangcruu..

! In kloMvie. l^nif.-..

**to abuM alnSIa'ttla aartg abarl



01.T t Vblc-keii ■

•U ul Ibe hip h*
1 SB lerb or t
lulu lb* tardea Ihr oiher dai.
1 ua warai eull li baa Bad* a •be iri|-p-.l tbit fell bradloag ov.-r a
large growih aad Bill so duiiW yield
Tb* rvadlikio (d nun at ram ihe tehei tbe aaa I'arrylag. but fur
r aouib (I* Ui waall lb* an'Iileiil la ihe )o>
m ft. la Ibe raalral n
•( Ab.llag Ibal lb* lumble bad ibru«u
Her l>l|i bark lato pure
Noe ebe
tell at aa) <>br '
lantlHB lilia Kainie IbtMa dlnl
er ihaa Ibe eterage for pMaluee thi
ar Ibp> bate am eutered na aranaai fniu a’tlighi tujnn lu bi?far.' dbe
I Irt veatber If
bad Iwrn * rrtidebi of laailng for
« rrop ripest aataralK 1*1 l.irly year.
<r larM Tb* roadlilna
I> T llatrniu of a«ar guliH->. ablle

•ra nauBilat It b». la Ibe raairal em
Hat in aad la (be atat* U
Tbe praapen for
** *^7 <■


Ptxvilr PretmiUiun' aitke* veek - >•
h.-e l.«-e>.g el iIm- Mot
mes aroatc. HCk vomes aril. Ait-^ -t
.'m.ii- ti l\.'ii;lil.i-<-|»l>
BO tohaiituu lor Ibr mcticiiir ehich oi .n. In arme.i Seiur.lei. eoiien-nlli
vorkt voadm lor vnk voiuen
innii a
i. ...
>r COBBCB tiroB Unlirel Adi-iirt,
II.. ba.l irei.-J.-.i » Kne<
Wodui-Sdai Ii aald to birr luai
leTT* pe^ ID p.p*T covetv It trol '.letl h.r«„..n ihnoigl, bn.ellbg ..i.r tb............ .vi. ouli r. ii.-iut-T
CO receipt ul iveuiv oar oac-eeol .le.ii.i; In Kamg. I'lu an-i -u I..111I.
iraiioii I^d^a
ihai^ b*r bu>
>-nlti of 11..

J. u (Wbba Tvo are atier a«
era* oanttatae ibd
fer Uird grade
•ra ferUt

For Over
Thirty Years

law di
a> rlla
aad «auldalau

<rlu»e lb* large dralli rau
lae Ibe preaeai pm.liai n.ll
While Ib* Bled asauui
peaebHn per moaib ailgfai locn***
ibe appnipnaipie
ibis purpua*
aaeldersMr fur Ibe Belt fiHir iv B«r


: Iia nvdinr ttd Slier te> i*.iUot dely
; vie.s.d ^ itH n. AUtue myiat I*. l-euiB
lir there*'. I'trorttr PreemiUiun 1. .
ml* tnd rrhttdr rrsvii. k* ih* ror* of

MtaTT WaaUwur' '

I dimar Ihe var of Ibe rebelliub
■ bu «a> applr fur Ike aamr

Obl«IL^Metr W

AI . I I I, n .* ikr IVoljel' cijun tiu Ih.
I .mti. .4 limed Trtvrew. k.ildm *1 tb. Pi^
[leu .W.'* It tW nty
lily bTViv.

Dr. MU«a‘ NarVlM Mad*
MyNerr.* 8tr«k«


Kerautr ber butfaaad kicked a cai
latalBlog btr Boiber't tpuli Mn
Ivell Tboma. to Bqilto. Pa .ie.‘lr*,
Mr» Tkvma* u a ibeov.
phlii and belk-t rt Ip the traapBlgt*
tlos to tool* Bbe poateaea g band
le gray ra< vhlcb tbe IbUkt b
lied by th*

P^y lo tbe cat The prib
for tbe dlvoeer U rnivttj. I
yeged that Tbown raased
great meaial aagalth by
luriy etephaau TuoBy. to Ue
Ihviork cidlenluo oe Coaey Utaod
t .^bra vlth bit tniak aad
The plaeky striped

.vetiiBC. depee^ wn
tb* casw
etfleui? M klMey trouble, and (he Cl
I iboeld he tovaie tb* traeiroeM
at ainaa. Tb
>l< U dueIt*
W a
RMatad OBditlon to tb* ,
lyi and BMder ead BOt u a babB at •
h kidney aad Uaddtr iroehle.
aad boik need the eaiM rot nmeiy.
Tb* miU aad tba baotadma Mlea to

free, ake parn;^
meal about a.
Mi^di to leanwwiaBl Mti«t neenva



odd oolr Xot Oboogh lor tbo
porpooA StBooM Ihroogb b MUr bog
be bPOA) mobor. ASd boll oBArUr
taobty BlablOA.
AAgbr AbooM bo beblod
Abd A pobbd to to bo 1
ptol od tbo toloo. HoU the tolco lor
-bdor-tbo oAgbr bo*
bddod. tb« ibtb Isui lABWor.

■raol good, u hiUai
kbo* the boBolt od
broAklui. tuu loo kbow tbbt It to
thbb dabbled bp tbUbd Abotbor
At bight
cd (be bUkMA orMOB. wltbooi
blue pllto oo gblblbe. to to toko the I Wtob Abd I WUL Ao B> g
• U HM WM>» «M N*^ tt •
lain- (d ue, l«u or thru Ioboo
-Whra noiwA dm BtfK tk« «U1
App--ii1r tn\r*. to Ai dboch lee <
rre lero llille hope I
tkeo It pluAADi to drlok wllbout
of l»r*»l
•r^- iko (BKfte )Moo. U Wd <■ too for
11*1 b«.
; fWr
«<r* BlTBia Md €«•< «« *0 boor ud voll eUJtod. « olUod e
Plcktod Blbitoborrloo — Take
before gulOi to bed
Abd I Wtok urged to »igb. trblle
•su the Lord
The Lvd Mid MUi
guru od blAckhoftlM beftire tbep
log. UA rtolQg. At fUAt hAtl AO
iMber oil) rorteo oo Ibr w ortepOM
. W------ opMk uoio tbo eblldna od
im ripe: «AAb
rorp OAnduIlp a»<1
t>efore bruktut. lAke Ibe
MO bat U M r« of ooofod ,oolll
Pur Ibe (hlDA> be de^iriu]. ai leo>
dtp. Add to Ikeoe t»o guru
Unri OMi ii»r tu <<»»*rd."
td ■ Ulbg to bo oroldod.
IbAI t> «tic
>r ABd two quATU cd grAOOlAtod
A iruotod ksHo U MAdo for porlM
DrAOdBA tell, no- Aii.| .h-- -iiohi i
plooe All to
1 l.:ie trnk etorleoo. wltboo
WMb ibp leot m •>
Abd UdI U ■toaicA Bui to Haius
■ he eeAkeolbg ederu id ukuel I
od o4|e; hot ■
Abd alwro (Dll tl»* m
TboM plehle*
ruogru. BAK-r ' l-eoplo Aboold o»r |)
... ui. nreiid
IrrliAte 1b<- iiUiatArb b> iaiIha leB»ii>
ir >pk»A Are bol u
It ts lUr tUOl
ThAi lx- hBKed III he'
I Mairibg It loa(lbal
b.-H> ton. Ato.iii.
1. glroe tbo ellcwi A frtbgod
And ohlle he'd .lend .1
Cot lb eerr Ihib
Tne KitaUn Tbblo.


WbooMbr ruiiBrurron Aborotba,

Aorre l-robtai droulAg i

Abd lb/ polk to b«l»*id bbMblTbnucb I. two ibo Lord voold proro
Abd dtopol IbT dMdonlb* doobt(bo plMo^rboro tbr boirf to oirool
to tbo

ucttodo Ibob
rbM tbo Bisbi to block veobd tboo.
b o'orbobd
Abd tbo duo tdoode

rnob tbo botro oltbo bllob opod


lA (rttion. Aib«od

hbked. or BA*

tu Bni fiubbeu to gou ti
I eraobod vtlUa

It to touted lA Ue
aUuip A Biptog
o fur guld. copper,
leuunliy ‘n>e>
o upltol Id
I leAd.oilver. Hboobll to
I Iritoi Preerciit
No i.-o-iAtiKi (tve Aur ool. bkAV
'.he |«».|.le in eaell CAnlenl

Bow » Yonofc 'Wife Begaln^ Her Health
and Beauty*


I KO..U I te... Kiv.u

le Ail.AiiiAAre e< heve there. M>
UioiM- ll..rii>o

il three giiATten of A
.. iklB urtrfull,. Ab

(ir lAbe oul tbo Urgoei
iDp* Abd tbob Iglo die
0 in- eotorr to ooBe xtodi
u BOO A( A lAlAd. eoetiabon
. OOMAMIIJ OOOd for pkfeUAg
0 AT* OOeOTAt AAObllAbt «Ar
thoiA II ibe cook to 0

lb Ike pibco wbOR tbo bead U ooroot
AN bto l«b( Abd Wo iMbItbl ofcod.
Wboo tbo bobrt

II pBU proiip hot to Pru

de. torge eouugli to con
iget Abd tork It fwi. »
A grul lapavveBeui
. ecrubbing
Baking keep II dun. hui i
•balibr and need, reoeolng
i-over 1. Alniui todoeirunlh
enuCepAUv etc .
il hr apporenl un A
greaue le ne «A>II)' rrBxMed Ae WAIer.
o of the hpguir c
Ibe tup uf Ibe Ubir le kept bright
i> give Aoverul bou
.hilling wlib ver> mile work. It
nev,. no .Ink In which u> wnib
e. II le nn ndvASlmgc lu hi
o good plan u. u)




d heerted
-Iter land
r lO'iible

BAU oblch euuld be klgblp
Able a pcoperip Applied. <
the iMuto "the dr«i thing In
Ibg.' in order lu "hAve the

. Ki.t.-i llaniiiii


top grAii.l-

W. E. Birch, Afton. Tk, an eetcnelmU grower of tbnl |da<ss wntu U
jilowtoglolket tolhr 1‘otnnAMKllrii
Oo, of OolamlM, Ohio. W* pruit tbe .uch had Abapei

Afton. fa, dwtALim
Br the frood Abd srtod Ol VltMl
d enough and A l->r .
Th* rwosA ll*dlcln«<V.Coliun M*. 0. us iMt 1 bad begua
gun. bol got Hpa. rucBBbort.
Nor top bar doltohl «aa tru tboo
OuU*Bu-*Tb*cobnlry Ueo flooded W got very anewip, bol year BMdln4nA
Pbre bbd cut to bbJeu tobgUotoe.,
to Wbit Abd bo (tbd Abd otfboA:
e lAMe flrel. nod
n-loduae AgAlo Icu^
- n.inh win ;
with potent Bid Id OB ol evMp kind tbal BiAd. an.-oUiply Dew wviiuaaul bet. I
cup at brobd cvuBbA. Uru
Ip tbo ptAoe vbon- tbo bood to oorooi
In Dto Allefboon. or r»en Ju.i be
TbU will ke..p
wroWBthicu and A bumbog.lbai 1 tor luUlcvv el.e uU and leuto holBt miw
Ho AIMb lb» (Ml bltb eooA
fore retiring ml Algbt There need l~1 friicn ruunlba of And doe
tbaa abo La. Ixi pven.
oaa am gUd lo he Atito to aat I '
b an uninl and |utii.-i>i enikw.or
miAdlAg IkbUotB of Abolp eboppod
r (i Ibe nlgbl nlr. II II to ru.
found one that to ererpUung and
I boro sM (bo A/(fiMoW donhfkw
n to wU! H to oroll. tor beor!
pare It to InBnltelj to be prv
thantACUUued for Ik
(baf pwlw AAoWetor *o« M >wd *or BM
-t a luiaiiilful nhaiv
ptooa A
Abd hto to(J( an baal:
”kly wtf, WAA very mock ran
> Ibe oeode out at ibe cocoBbon. rerro<l iii ibAl ahlcb hu bun ebui
I tne Feet Biwatoe.
AMoolot aorta in every wap. nh
too (aSoU hto

be bAleu to A huttorU pAA. til lb A rlnee rooB for e»en A few houre
AS mr ttmar bad beyoo *o
Abd nheiieter it KrtadtUA h.wn. a
A pcirhi duordcr which left bee Tory l««ofa>wba. abodMoW
ThDOAh bo poltolh tl
llAg run «llk tbA OiAAOAOd
win give •uubd gad bulthful eleei.
week. nerrauA and au appetite At aU.
ioow Nosd; bora oofy/mtl Md bar
cruBhA. Hapa tbo oeu hw Abd hake
Il It A good Ibing lu plAfe Ibe bed
.na t.uiiue
•I i.ruibe. The pednl eiiremltlM of
•One day 1 bappened to be at i
to tbo ptboo vkoie tbo bood to «
wmbocb aaUI Main.
ekiib.w lA Ibe AunAhlae quite urieo
>.i i>.r*nnc never g.
todord. Ibe opotblluA un bAldlp be
• Sun.bine Alb ciumty, Va., and boUeed yoor Be
bot bbd dosT tttot (bou m aaagbw
rli nlr
They nre alwApe
enye covered,
cine be bad Ibore fu* aaU.
porfomed luo frogurallp
e Air gele At
• I thought It Bdgbt help toy With, ao ,____wttA
Apptlcto only to ATiMlee wbli b ouoiaIa
H’. £. BtaW PnM
ihen ihnHigh Ibe btonkeli
1 tocogbt A bottle of U borne and within Ouwwr, AAao. A* pbhO , Vo.
BI feAlbera. Plllown. futbcr
Vei Ibe poru In Ibe Aulu uf the fwl
II yaadeBolderira;|sawi>laadu<lB
Aod Itotoiorn ebould boi be ttaue trui i-lAmor iur nlr
•bo U bnngvy aU tbe lime aud nut half
taoiory rraolB troa tbe aea of TanaB
od. At. Ibe k« Aiutohloe dnwi the oil
the medicine ba* beu laken. We bntb write At <BM to Dr. BartBAb. gtrtog A
uOl) nre Ibe ilrod. bot nenee of ibe
r Obe gbitob of
Agiu Ibwl It burn any BoUctne B brtog faU AtokeeDUt of year UU aad bo win
fe«l refivehed. but ibe wbote bod) Ai
• dtod Wood tbo roApon bbd'Btoo
oa aa appettie and to pot tbe awn
•ell. Wire women, oo reining
be ptoaeed to gtu y«a hto TAtoahlo ad•
tbOM »oUob trbAObfb.
goed AbA{w that we bare eror bad
■ A prop erring bottle, poor
OfAUto flOB tbo bobUAf (< Hto
thing to du with. We bad <*ir famUp
Obi pint of WAior Abd ooofc Alovlp Ull
day*, take uS tbelr (bore a
Addtou Ob. HartBM. Timldiai gf
A Ttieugntful ElephanL

on rtobt bAAd.
dootor to gtre bw medlclao and be dM
Atdi. VAUbtog Uoa oaradullp
elucklngn Abd lie down barefuulU.
all Le bOoM, ba I Abe did Dot Imptww tbe
Mending Boge and Convu
wWlo that Ibop do bOt boib. Btlr bt
eirelrb IhemeelVM In A rM-Unlng chair
In.oi torgv wuudHo iruugbi
igUTTbli »Hb a etoaa nlleor or vood■ br Aulee of Ibelr feet
Wlib Ibe Ikruhlag Oobu to tbo Z
oibcr Each mookepltui).'
l rruwiug niuMer durlag rato laoa. to Wbbk ap the truU. Whu UrBer’e wUo voo often A rul Af
le Air
Then Ibe feel brulbe.
Kag.- hark,
eu- fair w.sth.-r
UAoro froa tbo Are oad
■e relai. tuu cunitortobly •ireiefa
tkiloa. Il to the Bending of l>^
I \-AuNatier aiiil I iruUKli
nearly dud HI. utiireM
tinli alngtog diiriug niB todieato« A wire ttoro lalo a
ee. bnd Ibe eimple
What to U u be BtoBbbdot
t a frirod al bto flne rul could put ti«rh him. aud tbe mnnkept
r weather.
(NoTor let tto toueh K* or
■ doep. refreabtag eloep.
g. 1 take
BoUdabl taappai U
>aer a large elepbaot engaged toughed aod cbaltored aa ihuugh Ibop
•nur to the
ibv elory bappened. sa> uver
btoo Ibe eotor .brill bo ip
plou of aauhpr om. place on tbo
WorU. To aufor Btoarp, n gbp. Bot
in Levtouu count), uui maa) miku
ere eaplng. -Weil turb you tu Urk
ftu tbo lAAW.) Btlr the
:o<«u Cup A Weatber Prepbat from Traveree Clip. A trn wuhk ago
roag oldo. turn and baaDp hebuilwb
IbAl to Ilaplp fbbbglbg tbo phiBMi
U»lng I nuitrvd ibaiVune uf the
ue aad tuae ue all the Umel• a mile bop
c edge down oe Ibe right aide. But
be wnd old eanuoer Hate, when
Tbc pour dog'e crii-e made hit mle
ptel «( tbo pulp bltow obo ptot of If hoebADd brink* In ten to fcotp.old
a mulber did emplar
• Bbs to eorp oMd. bt npi bo to
ererybody U louktog auiouelpi fur
the BTbbda «be ePOM
totbd ABgar. But the palp
BbMo Wbu he to wwidlAgly
wuther. It le worth knowlBg
allck and threw It al the cruel a
tote the kolUe. bad wbu h boUd add Aintrilon. I put the Ballrou on
ho oopA bo to aOetobblA. Wbu ho
A uaeful baromeier la to be fuund
When the ODL- who hkd
4pd.ahr aebi hie loOl ao ai
. prepare a iMln of dour and
bo to
leo bruklAAt ubie to tbe AbAptbla hi- threw the dog tl h«
A MU Abd tot n. book rapiWa^agjPb;
npuM and 11
-. with A ptoBlINl Aupply ol
Whu bo tmn flAlbcitol taUtaa. ho to
r niurntog cup at eogu
all ran awap
Kdgi dora
II nelghbuTe- alwape caUei
COM btoi :popper mUod to. and. oproadlng
iir tbe cogat tolo tbe cup.
BtoBbkto. Wbu be hbA tadt a dear
the nwakepa any Bore. It
two or Ikru bagi out upon the tablo. lump uf eugwr. aod watch ruulUwUb
Mend, bo to Btoonbto. Wtm a toror
rd lu ihiak they were aaptag to
ploru of olrOAg doth, contlderhni dooonod hlB. bo to Mtooeahto.
-You abuuld do b> na ^a puii wtob
Ably larger tbaa tbo ptou to be BObd
WUb bo to Apnbbod bp ooetotp. bo to
. bubhlvt whleb rtoe ouUoci In
BAptoa. - Johaap-Jump^ap. dear. dtodL ;
wud ibo Btoture cm and apply tbe Biddle the day sill aurelp be dne.
to the hole. Iroa oaeb patch wit:
Bm au tboM BtoortoA OMbo tr«B
they form a rtog arouBd tbe edge
Waathoc PrevarM About Wrga.
auBdA ThBO to au PM of thaa
tAllroB until AlBUt do. and (bu of the enp It will rain. U they ecUter
brook; bw 1
U Urdt Id gem-ral pick ibelr tralhlure the Inia OA tbo patch while pob
that (Obllp afAoto the tmi:, Tba kbI
■elree over tbe eurfAM It
Apooa to
-1. waah theniM.-lvei. aad By tu tbelr
0 bAL ThA
prepare ooao Bwre. la (bli wap
•Afjrip be Auuaed that ebAnguble
the beUtog }ab nad dnv
AMl bOod borer actor pr P> iWO haak•end A grut BAOp placu to A
ulber win be tbe order of the
AklWlp to A Abb
>1 olltog tbelr foalbwm
roplcp; tba (rtoade wl
ebon Una Tbo capuao kwpe tb*
hardoBA. lAftof
raailp kali wgoUor «aaaM bo logarTlw FoiltoB. Btor.
to deao ADd AbooM
o atog. rato aad
bM kg (AM or doAik; nad. a* for
ckMb whore tbe paite to. One
A (tand for an
„ UlUe BaM bp (he wtodow baf
ho laku BP bt otobb. btw Bbek
huoder will probably
AdMP.*- U to too poer Abd Oku
repair tbe owstai binder to tbto t
dUtoau Baeor will bn taoL Pew tola
Hlrd* flying to gruopa dnritig mUt Bleed oogerlp watchtog a (alttoi «toav‘ ' .. .*
will BOTo perfectly over tbe iroduclton of the -vacuum cleoner.(Uag to talk abcat to tblg
ctoapM ber haad. with Ajgiml- i-M
tore ibbU AAABAf PIBI ton bib
r wind, todleatee ball,
if iMe to trwo. iko ooac
A To(7 BnehMlM ei^
aa a •abelllule for brooBa aad dud
bbUl. Abd Wbu eoM BAbl tlghllp
niackhlrda briag healthy weather
wtoa BAA to to euUtvAio
A ba ropalrad to a tbun i
bruabu fur Ibe roBoral of dual aad
keep to B dry. «U pBu
Blackbirds’ noire are rtrill to odgOB. Ml AObAO-bApddAAU fbO OAbt
not Botad unUl aaarip di
aeoompanplbg Bicrobu freoD ibc
Tbto to* to Back the bleut tt
ance al rato.
•MMI tbA wuther.
wUI eland nap ABOont of ww wuther
draco. Tbe broenn aad dual bnuh
IBM tbo tABO dap the mit to MthIf Ue ruueler cfuwe man tbaa
wltbont tbe paiehu punlag
the duet up. tpread It tbrougb tbe
rod bad If <B)p a UUto to atoda
lAl. ur earlier, etpeci ram.
atmuapbete fur eoaler labbtolloa. the
OtplAlalp, not Boro tbaa
RooMere are raid to etap tbelr n,
u. mex X. .»I7 M. L j
ruidne weru- The "vaevum ctoaanr"
two or ikru mUom of bartoa AbooM
BMbud of ancktng up
of carpeu. rurtatoa. etc., ae they
bo au Awap to‘ tba eWtor.
Hra. Harp L. Falsat, wM rooMu
very uaeoip.
or bang, and coaveptog It thKWgb
eoM piaoA. UU Iko toUewtag da A tarw
be eruwe make buck aotoe and
oar-Mbead of hair rubber lubu to aa Aakanai cpltodar
MWalag. wbu the torn eoUd bn
fly tuuod and round, eapect rato.
oMbaatp plaeM wbito a cadew war
tbraace fur toelaarTbo boooowlfo who deu hw which Abe verilp bellev.
crow flplag aloae ip a
George waa food at wblcUoit' tb*;
gnowtog At tbolr rUato.
booee was dtocovered lu be o
ewb wort wUI Bad Ihli tbo baU
ia tact. Hr
rcolber: but If crowa
fl; to
I pain. wlaged eaenlaru of tba air, abd OM'
Why' Weoo they a« i^mhla?
All vai coafuelon at once. i
trough at either end bad rolled
aad I boltore that hartoc oau
bw bair to loagw
t flne wMtker.
dap be had aa Moo. -I kndw wk>-i.
O poa. tWr bedBe won to ■Mary
un Imagine
You migbi this
111 plan-. iK> ibat ihe trough. alH
To Prou llooeu
to trow troB tbe gray Barki
waau orver oH dowa. aotberr M , .
Ibw •»»» pu happy wtib' a top niai
wunid begin lo cry and be i
t’aied at ue ektremlip. wuld becto
In prualag aleevu which are tbo
U Age ihM Abo «Cen a prtoe '
oaM: -ibrp have ptoa ^ tbelr coot
n aa the e
Abe of tbe aBAleur'e life, a roHlag afraid »be would not know wbere i
one wM can profneo tbe gdodi.
U owle boot at bight, expect fair lalto. and au alraH to."
ip a butw hinUo adortBui.
It kind of a girl Sbe ran al one olbi-r end. wblch lay u Ibe ground I
Mr*. PalBer baa tabu the editor prenatog of aeame aad wriiu alto to
If (rato acuam a foul weather. II
-Weli. Edith, bow do pub like BOfOB
: Ibe Detroit JoartaJ into her
uUar aaoda la bo roatlto school; taroaruaeboraiMr*tla.'
lurtbce. Ckner pto with tahael.
bring bolp. Tbm aa the wind waa. dlMviier anything wrung
e board la Ibe eve»
I to a wool Btotaka to ad- ■deaoe aad hu out blB A lock U
I doo t Hfco her OM Wl! tte pot ^
Keep a buvp piece at flaanel to lap Mowing bard, the flew to the barn.
r. whiob
ab the oattodo alr..dartog tba dap.
la ladksMd ft
to a ebalr aad toU aae lo alt Ibera (ur .
untied all i
U BiUloM of Ibe livtog Abd tbo dead The Qhton
tbe preaeat—and I aat aad tot and
gu them eafelp out of duura
wool gnudi. Thto provuu tbe ehtoj
nl abuwed nigna of perplezltp
a mst la daptls
eeol aad dtp; but tkli rorp gray kbtr. fbe bu d
that A BAA BAV be hAHg tbuigb
mile ulf waa tMiraed In anuiber
law ibla: but. aa ib<
pact rain
ohtori to detuiod aad the eUtor aado tbu. Bhe Iba. roblrwp I
place, and ahe got him aalel) out Ux>.
iiiu lacked mueb of being
bUh warn aM damp If it -to -wobU- eadeai. tolft;tbe editor b<
When a bea crowa. expect a alors
Thu the ran lo the buuae. nnd going
eoaiuto bl
lAlad dbitog tba dw to bu n
wlihto and wItMaL
t-iaally. aeeing that- Ibe water e
Ibe eloneta. got oat on nrmfol of'
-Coualn Jndtth.‘
Wbu A eeu etltor to opuad dwtow
To Keep White Dreuu WMto.
Whea you aec geene la water, waah
Bwo cBo goon kBotp Orou^
a a paper Mn. Orut tool pn. Wk
tbe elotbci «( the tomll)
B) thi* itoued K. pnaa o*. be left the pa
toaiu for We editor, who sight be
tbo dap Ibo uloctof air to wan
oapeci rato.
began lu cualdor '
1a putting awap a wbHe aUk or b
tlmo the Are had made auch headway handle and
aid abe thought pob wobM Bho h
dtoeoverU tip hto wife with the lock
eee wash aad aporruwa fly I
He ae<-n>ed tu And
IIA gown It to A good Idu lo ptou la that no ue cuuld get Into
lh< «ool air thp antotare it «a______ lb blA pouebitoa
tbe box aeveral caku of flne white
funap aai
la iMduwd aad aottMa cm Ibo eeol
WbCB tbe rooiier. gu crowing i
Wrap tbe gowa aad the
-at to aave all abe could, aod
eeagutotoled. tor tbe toek obe Aud>
wAito. A daap ooltor to •
to ^Mip of white ttoaoe saper
At aowtu aeubal^lbop nu
piwtly good but
Doni you
UD.' afmtoa oa i
aad BUM aad BlUaw wn iw to truly iiBilTiile. Il to UgbAbrown
To raali iko hodgoewwb appu
* There waa oar thing though that an abaorbed I
wUb ao -tiau «f gray, and pat the Mm paper ovw all. tbe wax
a bad peeled om I
LenpUg taatoAUe to tko an.
Oocll cooMai ttve
She had w Illlle
lu toogib U oow IP toebu kbowi aa wiu turn qalte yellow to Use. bu
• ogerml ooe. wl
Boon 0 lively llapplhg of tbe .
while of the gowa will bo
A btoar of NUBtO-l toOlWP
(be n-pik-d. -Nu. I
itop gtrl. tad tolo it w^all the pra- Indies!ed a dawning of light. He «
poeUp whbt ptto* Abe will glre
WBh kill U toBo Abd taato grau:
aloa ahe had glrra her or gut to aap and amelled the tru trunk, wbleb
M wriBAb whn BAP ekaaee to go bw
Tbatr haaaota btowtog la tka wam
other way. There waa to all over rolled from under tbe trough. I
haVtoeh bUtw.
Tbolr idgor'A okirt a toifc bguu
eight doUara. And what do you think ihuught fur a momrot that he
•aa paper: ~8be ruiwd atoe'ehUdtu
WU-totkBwtop at ABBBOr OOCBA.
I waa uvtog It op tor’’ Tu get her going lu pul II In lu place again Bol
> eoefen She cooked
Tbap Bit BM hAPBAkon U laat.
rducatloa Bhe thought, nb
Ibo woobod 1.0W.W0
Bbd Bg tbo pUk of hAPTBit BOOM
•he might
of frub. uaatokad Uba to aa oU
ftohu. Bbo died aad wul to buvoa.*
. AN leel o'er Iho obboM-o gtobattog
1 up to help ber tu i
- or AlBltor roewtacli to tbo «MThere abeuMai ho aach doubt i
CecU f
tor. It to aaM that a geek of Ito
tic toot p^ of hw oqwriean. aad kiB. and pot wbu the hoaee burned '
b 0 gatka of watw. Tbo Itet
doubt tbo ebaagt wnt wMea
abr dW not Ihlpk of heneU or her <

JdwHdIto eCMr-f Mb.



moaop. but triod to aave all ebe eould '
to batog patotad.- ba aaM. -aad poo
tog tbo (bBBW. whieh. K tbo
I rtula of
ihu eel the
lor othera. She to a brave, ■
projndko which IgBoru tU good go
to kept lightly ctoood dariag tbo dap
lIlUo drl. and we are penod of ber. '
war Allttog tooB to batog potmtad
Itou It to irao thU tbo rtbd to to- oad opoaod at alghL aatou U
la cm tbe ground,
buhp drataagA. wUI provul Mdg.
you wort to K. b beodacbe to blle
pomp, and
rbkb toaure wdbu wM bare a fur
K lacTlMkto bad with teas
; completed hto Mok
M bUlw canau bo wadi
A tblA budbfba to to Aortou u
OMuabor afieo It
T yaar. and aMoM
If the COM wfU ban ae
C Bbotp eauari tor thto reuu
al dapb. Boob Ulabu Bight he they Barry botou tboy au forty
RaflO and htonhepw
BAgp protor to boUd a auk
they bare poH to pnu lo tbo tooa too«p who lived In India had a pet
aboeo greuad,
Baoh a hawa
baallp avoided, to tbe bewlp patotad
lobAie After they au tortj they rea hoato of Bilk atowM bo ptoud.
Tbo BUk BiBWew WUI doadw tbo

TM fwcwabor I





Great Midsummer Sale
chS andjee
If you___
-. f<wr»>^«^ xary
. _pot Bare.
niM we offer, (end for oo oespteu deacrifitive |sicc I'ot «f
tbe (ale (lock. Nearir abaaffred tee Piaaoaau iadndadSTELNWAY. SOHMER, KNASE, VOSE STEJIBXING,
make*—an at rcducxiea* of ooedbM
and otbmji
of tbeir teaer peicea.
Tbit mom ttet you
can aow bay qilemdkl Pianatol tbe Boktoleadia( aakea, at

$iu, $m. tm. tits. $»9s.$ts», oh^ fttMthn.

$99, 9S9. $79, 990.-999. $109. Ht.. he

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