Grand Traverse Herald, July 09, 1903

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Grand Traverse Herald, July 09, 1903


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


6firjiitJi ®ratoprse EjeiralJi.
Tai.TSR8E cmr. OR^NB traverse



MIcmOAN. JULY 9, 1903


Tire Insurance!


Plat* Olaaa, 8t*am Bollar and Accident Insurance.

L., 'ss
ibp> M- tu.i lorguii.ii >,iu

"!S-. .

Money to Loan on Improvcil Real Estate Only.
Aed OCX an pxuuliw t«AiM Uj



iHTcrsc aty Sutc Bank

Johnecn Block, Phone 78

TIh U|pB>| JUnkseri Tsasr.





E. tet±"uarig;K

Who think bulks VC to bu*iiici.i men uiily.


in reserve to a ••nuny itay" or availing opportunity tor other insetliucnt.
Ov inethodi meet the nects of all claaaei.


lileaacd to nuobe you among our cuaioinen.

It, S, Hin.l.,


1 »ell Ih-namiie at
reasonable price*.
Estimate* and rxi^ter*
kneed men furnished
at any time. Lar^e
•sock of 4<l and fiO
per cent dynamite,
cap* and fuse on hand
at all
u«l times.
U*e 40
.. for stumps
per cent,
and 00 per cent, for

B-sataif * ”" ~


to you wwu to Mil yoor
(snnT Uso, li*t -itb ut. Our ;
UK is too m*U to the deuod
: thsi *« VC hsv»».
CUl UKt :
•cc as the oesi lime you ve is :
■ the city,





A.v erie:drich

V^ank j
Vice 1‘tctiileots

To the u c who docs. ihc'awkinjf
for the family, and
mbers of the family, to find that
. has
.. been spoiled ubCAOsh poor ex*c baking
tract* orr baking powder h
had been used in i
SbawK Ar*rsoywnow*' by
ii»ing Johnson's Pure Flavoring Txtract* and Ihire
Cream of Tartar Baking Fpwder at 85c per pound.
Prescriptions Carefully and Consolentl<»*ly Compounded.

eommerclal PrliUlng
nil Kinds

Berald Job Office



Froth, Salt and Smoked Meats. Sauaases. Etc.

phoBS 4



For all kinds of good things to eat. We make
a Hiedalty of fine Teas and CoHees. Breakfast
Foods and Cereals in great variety. Our prices
will tempt you.




I ijlm now in the market for wool.
I will
h% your wool to your advantage and will
doT the best for you that anyone can.
Phone or write to me. Will ^so buy hides.Warehouse 382 E. Front Street ....

R. Sohorrtbwrewr
TrAversB City, Mich.
Bell Phona 1 SO


I and ><-arSi
mil.- liabj.

TM««. a. amaovi a aei.

Citizens' Phone 48 I

fk>om n-MUDK %Vm

Ti^nk Crude

If you are going to biiy

tbel^hrmers* Store
The farokers ar^jfgtnning to find out that this » the
store for*y|m<Jwiavc the goods. 1 hat-e the prices.
Haying rinv u^l soon be here and you will want some
to(^ Look my stock over before buying. Forks from
aSc up. M^hes from ftbc up- 41*o snathes, scythe
stones, itfaw^nin cradles, in fact everything you need
in the tine of small farm tools.

St ittf lint tf Bam Datr dl»9ts

HljMAMft AnMrtJv*ia**iiisu)A. 8i»:ial wagom maaU
ISwBVnV u,
FoauKly. <Wy tto-mr bat matoial
M*d. sftd foBy isvwMvd w cfwy m|»a.
Ttot MS msd* w «• *• wMI •• sA TUgr an
DtlgBlfV Mn^rgghMpwsMri*].
|wn • gvAy
tBfahtomtdklb**}*; bwandsnbk. mntotaUi.*>dMU. Tbs Atmftm to Ac naitol, gtoiity i
0ms nsd H»d jto «a bu]'to ottor wa*.

d one mil.- uislil atuua* Ibe DoBerR

“II is Uery Rnnoylng"


firszina's Store
Is headquarters^

J. J.


li.-r uiiu.l BSA rt'Olernl .w (elllDi
Kb, i.kik uu iuun< rest Itll ,br i
UlR.n B Itoap .d pupiUrS
In itU’ grass b, ih.' Ba)i '
brr lio siutDl.led and
Abe sank doBO unto
Bbls(>rred la Iheni In
arv in..',
tJisi BBS breathlesn and
Aiul sriu- ihuBi II B an.t itavn li> bring
I want
II.I- ilcbi ini.i
she said.
ibon sbe lay
And muk.' Itif Butid «!.■» i.i.i-.- a
s.d all ber Irelb lugeiber
sml Mii.T uleaiu Ibi- skiNk
— Will T Hall'. Id iIir Tvnbv
"iVy's cumiug." sbe
tr granmv grovitig weak In


e Ba>. t.d- mulher did lu.l tniDte oil!
.1 Ibe gsrd.-n luurb Ibe.-.- .la>s Jiuiii
<Id»-d lN-I.>r,' a lall |iliik b,.ll>b,M-k




'3obnsoii’s Drug Store.

omca aooan •.>*.*«*<>





iL^. Cyrrn


We thould l>e




AW2tt£ JSS“ -* *™

Mure ihsn half the

She staruU al
1 loubed
i.ur iiluv- It Itle
, Th.'rv R lit- •T Iapu a lime ibe, ,l tut i«. k her ■
! laugh
,.iur l>« strllp:
U. |pg* Bunt Borb pit.ppllf,"
bpti .hnnldpirs .................
Biul ferm. rveked I.) Uls- •Bill. BUd RlruRlml
U-blnd Itap I

Buy (he best ManilU at P. K'«. We have it Ircm 8 16
to 7-8 inch, suitable for cloth lines, head-ties, hay-forks,
etc. Prices range from 16 to 80c per pound. We also
have a few of those self oiling

solid Steel, used to pull hay into the barn with, consid­
ered cheap at 46c each. You can't be without that

Come in and see <
show you.

analu diiBD
Ibe 111!
d paik. Blib'
b.-r Hiai
bir. and
b.-r bruBB graie sub Ibaugt
RU Slui llad.t) use.l lu walk i
Ba. baling a big "iberluk "
"liui Its nbule da)’A-'iu...i
--sluoA- Uab Daddy budi aBay.
said. .I..|.i.iug b.Bl.le a nray
bu>b ul lateiider. "and he said
Jd goudby ... baity, be squee.
■ Imi be bun. bud hit e
. angry,
and I badi
all Are
y.iu «jrry.
Kb. bsn
r Iragraaee.
Iliile path,
igloie. Sbe
! BDd gaxsl
up St lb
Ulls vlib
Bide e,e gravity,
•IS.IKX1 I hind her
............. I
- a la.1) ramr
I B-ss-ii Bas a long,
.ig lluiII.- ago. I irr you bi*v bi>mod.
lireii) lsdi.->
B .1 U>B. and sbt- irird
ui ktst
sbi- BBS going bui
■•iher and monier sa. Ill un lb.-tiira.ii—Ibe bed alibuul mrers In
I.' drsBlBg riRitn. you knoa
lady Bas smiling <>er to i
dr.'.. Bi. a. long a................ .
bah)'s and iliai aas ibe d
Daddy, Beni aBaj '
Bhe IsjBod graii-lj ti
l>- p»lllr fot.
glove, and ironed os
Ib-rore a eroiiii <d ii
Bbitr llUei
sbe Sluppod again HI
ramu rlusor
and strwchlag up be
one genily diian and
li«-k agnln.l Ibe navy p.-ii
a mnmeni ihy Ub> llpuulvered.
blau Daddy lov«t you Ibe brslesi
■t all
UUMS of tbe ttarden’—i
sfasi be ralKuJ you, you know."
Then a fry Bent up In ibe B
BL-.t air. "I B-ant Uao Daddy
noi bim su hadt"
lihe lltitr
lltite ban
bauds Bore uncluped only
u I be lurked lugeiber lighter still.
most gr.,»n up, you sbc."
Usby Jusn to the lall vbite
Illy, "and gruvn
deep tbougbl.
id of the paUi
her Bee r«d tuntbadr
«as tied vtlb
strt»g I,
Ions Bl
..>d .taken to <U
sunshade "propelly
ly .' but Juan e
proudly DOB
"Are jTOi kev-Blie happy?" sbr si
ad at tbe Bhlie and p
----------- beblDd the lllile para
"Itoir muslin ladles, didn't ibr b’
bhiv y.
Then sbe s.«trb«l a III
lerfly a. sbr fluliwd
floBrr lo tiovrr. and Saally sailed



Ike convolvulus -i
Mnn IWddy." 8br ilgbed. So tbat bet
null niualtn pinnfored busom^iavr
■ big beatr
"But iben." Biih an
oihrr tbougbl. "I d have u> have
Sbr sighed Afain.
-Uatber says
■Don t Borry. Joan.' wbetf I ask when
Man Daddy s coming bomr. and tbre
sbr me ever so, to make up "
8bi- irolted on afsio afib bands
behind brr back
.A voman koklag Isom a vL..
lunwl away In nnguUb fr.« the
amall lemlnlae
iBIuikw uf


In- uukk' bolding out





not so strong.
It wu about the end of the eight­
eenth eeniurr that the clove Iras was
lalrodnred Into Zauilbsr,
servatt of a Krencb oScer. yuaraeying
among the Itlnnd gruupB uf the IndUn
ocean, brvnghi back a few aups a
e. and from tl
beginning dniM the clave Indoaur
Zanilbsr Tbe iradv Incrvaied so rap­
idly that at one lime claves were the
only agrlrultural prwtoctloa whicb
Zansibar supplied to fcuwlsn
-It Is asserted that there an
lateHor. tbe
. .
Ibe slips uk<
-r passible fi

vd by tbe aulian
weanby Arabs
A great deal of
-uh.du try. pity
eapertraevd In seearUtg
In thee love plaataUcmt.
-...—tight, funs bavv
rv ben made
lo gel Ibe f
sUves to tellle o
The rvslleas i.r-.Is.r ngldly (beir old masiei
.. but II If almost Impossible
Think ot the
ue native lu work loagcr than
- motber. uslm
Just enuugb to enable blm
ind (Dccessful v
spend the- rest ul bD lime In bis O'
rhlMUh lllni-si
I gale and Jump
guick work Is required when l
love la rrndy lo pick, becanse as I
nears fiowcrlag It k»es
tib a piteously
' >ed I
w gat
Motber. they
•Tbey ■
will_______ __
jumii over ike g
waste In gatbering
All tbe Buman • pride
ove harvest Tbe picking laaU
eked ber
beam for some
lew flays and wboevev besliaiea
taatbaad’s wbereaboms
Li. c.Tb>- buds ripe* so ualast she tbcHiftat sbe had oae fain
evealy that earn tree te picked uf Its
sey—abe i
fruit Ibree times la tbe season, wblcb
from Ibe

If y-ou gu lu .leep
Joan, do try:


ber telegram and m«i li erff
a lib a wild prayer Is ber bean
kmg that Jemn
tbougbl after each dor.- ibai l^as a
fresh weary nlgbi twgun again—
passed: tbe sun r.-v m a glory t'
* ' '
>e room and sbonr ptak
T little fare lying on
plUow; and ibea. when Ibe
pink gtory had f*d«l and left caly
•*r ul gold ^plng ibrougb tbe
I. aad reailaig lovingly on the ysJurls. be camb Suaight to the
Unte bedroom be came.
-You see queva of tbe gardea " babIta. imie vole*. "It bom
Along Ue hot. dusty rad.' meeting
He loved you Ibe b<
pyeoedal dinner boor,
an: L_. ....................
i trotted, her
behind and___________
1 btr y«lk>v ______________
hair rlvallBg Wnstai cry. you sue. Hut It bam!'
the grcnrmg
g ocnSelds oa eltbee aide \ He bent over ber ber tigy baadi b
In ber desUe to emdlate the butter-Juaa—Sy abe got over the graud at a sur
Joaa's beaming amlle gtacud him
pnee. Bbe pot aU her heart,
- He has eomc. quaea ot Ibe gnrdm.
at tarn ber eadeaver. as ah*
—Man i:teMy has eou!* abe old.
always did talc everything ab
' ' an tataUe coalesL aad toll
took Ufc to Joan
■t tkmg 8b
tbort legs w«
ber earu were all
UtUe brow
By D
dinner hour was o_______ ________
Ml tv behtad by Joan s determlaed

°^ud^d«nly tbe eknbby lugs ivinbM
la did baste up tbe gvdrn.
lb« velvet WBa. out of the opr
laio Ibe road.
-1 can go 'most v fast as a
Sy." said Josa. -tod HI tnd Man
Daddy at ibe nice place B-brrc Ftdo
rhea be
such beapa and beapi
l-kBoa- Man Daddy will ..
there" dtb a .Atoefui obyeLle lhai
bnmgbt Ibe dimples laugblng to her
Fbeefca. 'Mother never Iboogbt cd
thau I blleve It was the Ullet that



The doctor looked
i-iiUy be went
-IMrllng. you are so brave and good, i
II B-hen linddy.................
coming back motber? Oh,
' a sob
"Il buns so.

Osina Sight After W Veara.
. nuwt touching and pretty wory
villa*.- u( t-Tun ffi-ad. Bridge of WtHr.
B'h.-re a man td 30 years, blind from
his binb. has
glvrb aigbl by
Dr UaUUnd Kamscy ,d Ibe Qlasguw
Opbibaluk ISsiliuie lie might bever
hs.r had the veil of d

“"MV m«r bu^ L^r"-murmured
>• niolbrr. aith doBBrasI ryes
a l.uilish game, bui
Tb,- msu k.-pi bis arm artiund her

u, dear'"
-e sgalc
Tbeauuld hs r d.uilnl II N.wa."
•r IVC.
tiruBn up angvls rr> i» girv tbr
•I d
deny II u.m-. befurv—"
.B,-ri vaier." sbr said a, a freai
llul sbe Slopped him Blib b kiss.
ar nilled
dnaii tier
rheuk, and
■Man Daddy, his. no- I...
May I
kiMvllng. sbr l»-Bl ..ler ibe i»pples
and loll ilu- flowers In ibr miwiiln ?
>ulili.-.| b.-r bean ,iui. b title the
lui hef-Blie Bell boa."
. •ptsube.l tin Ibe
'lio to iln-p sESin. little one "
I .tr..|B tame aii.l1 minakd >
-Hbr shut her eye. olmdknily. Iben'
•'greai aa*r> drops
ops from d
lipeneJ lbe«i with a gleeful
I. ..ii'ib.did -di
tbe sbwps are '
■I.-, .biuldenns
ir miw. tuolher'
I- an- eryiiii
i-llr of Itartn!: -Ji.r«.r
. el.'.'l.ll) . a........
I the tfiiher
hmg a
The Spicy CMvt.
eral tlan
erted that }tanrlbar and tbe
Ad]ae<-ui Island ol IN-mlm prvhcally
-d Blib a I
supply Ibe wnrid wiib that most punUih -sirto
g,-ni of spiers, the elove The bounllr|.|.y M.lay
loitay. nioihrr.
-r." and (bo
■ ul poNiigalliy uf tegriailon as totind
i.ep .again
lu Xanilbar etimpeasales fur Ibe hot,
enervaimg Bimosi>b,-re which rvmders
Bs Inbablianis almost Ineapliaied lor
Ixst Jons tasted
vlly tiuB energetic aork
To kuk orer the
.. side.
"Van t .. lltUn blur
cmuDiry u to vlea an anlntemipted
. buns bad In your stumi
uf nigHeloai verdure • The
-Ju.- bm-." Ujlug onr boi llitir 1
yiwng floe blends
on hi-r rhesl, "but I'm not rryWg.
B'llb Ibr devin-r
• 111 the etov* bad
the'laurel, and Irvndi-d palms swee«>
".Vo. my brmvr darling," mum
lung angers
,ers Bluag sboro and
II- Bumsn, iM-ndlng ovor brr.
■lopi-. wtalli
wtalle mile after mile of ekfvo
"Hut you is, SDoifarr!" Id ad aortas trees from io to kO feel high eoTleb
' iiii.-r siifpris."I full II OB my
:«d I—IbfTInkMl—sruvo ups
. ihu gtarefBl
no. or -Ob II
hurtA motbMt" bw
ang. rs • llnglng aroutid her moiber's; IsqiUs perfume tbiwlr
"li buns, you s»«." dravlng a loing. Etanee <d Ibeir bksim
Ol all ibe-se Ibe eluVe tree rlalmt
•ouily sbo began, anslously: ibi- plgee of leader. It beleags to the
did sound Uks- crying a Ul. but.' mynie family and Ims b
a irvmuloui lli.le laugh, "it V Ibr must elegant and ............................
» wD't. rtmlUi—
•d iroet
'ne trunk Is perfectly
"So. no. d<«r—I knov—try lo go to siralgbl. with smooth bvk of a ligbl
si.. |>.' and stir besan to sing a lulla-e color
About half Its beigbl
II the ground Ibe branches spHng
thickly and borlscmully. growing
sing very n
-ler ID length u they ascend. Tbe tbr resUtat
es are tlendw and i
fluBrr tloging—you c
r tbe wind
,kUi« th
VokUBMan Daddy those uf Ibr Unrel. and so
e day. II b-v years
He pink ladles. I ran
gruB lu eduslers
lips I
and tan—you s<
"m Bin realk a '
Iwigs and arv a beautiful sight when
lerfly. but ,ih«L................... ......... ................
la blocdn spier la not tbs ftall,
legs ibey go quite slow, and
Ibe ripe trull reaembllag
It any wings, you see—”
the olive in sbaiu- alibungb not so
nkk eosied figure beni ow il
large. It 1s daftt red In color and has
lOB, and Ibe uouian'i eyea nev<
an odor and finvor like cloves Though

Man Daddy—do you knoa:,_______
stirn 1 Bas kv-wlie lliile—1 rut mine
finger- l cned-wva-| Il funny? But
Man Daddy tied It up and 1 taugbed.
'cause- be said li was a dully WouU
be tie my siummlck up U be wvberel
It hum. you see-ob. It hurts!"
kagulibcd and
broken came the
man's vulci-: "I do nut know wbeiw

_y mATked verses D BcctolBMte
ibai so firansriy and s

he tragedy-Sew

Ihrre and upvralisl n|>m
he Is
her borne again, witb good slabi
>l.ln* Ibe sensatlous ah.« I
I daBi.od uputi bum hr said
I tae. br SSB B-as i%i .
he doc.lie was U-Blldvr.ul. M
must br luuklng on a' Is
1 lime. Thru he saw tl
nurse and knew she must be s
- Wr must prvivnd aril, sbr It so
e.-man, for her face was so pale an.i
uiuiii-red. Boakly.
and rbui-aliHl drtaaslly. sDliuMb.
Ills trsl ihn-ilng under tbe Vlered
IVM.dllkSBS with bis Butber BU Ibr
Ihelk Inrld.-Bi of tbr lam
Burd far iieeJ
ro be gaiiul >
aB-akuDe.1 ?"
• lace, aad tb.Iber's yoyuuB
I see! you can se
llekUic of bb
hosrts Ilf Ib.ui- Bbo be
u.« go aaay agsiu "
luv-alb.^l—"I do t

"V' r:r

T'anoen, laburing men, elerki, anil arhool teachers have hun-

liredt of (niUiooi of iloilari asfely in bank, draeing moderate interest,



the^f are mistaken
<Wj>ouli in the lianki at Ibe country belong to when than Imouieu

A SmbU SuUk soum use


Traveree City, Mioh.


wouMn-i hate noed Arvat you ever
hoB ber l.-gs%rhod
so glad, DMibevT
uu srr." star-said, sllltog .1
Low aad uamai came tbr Bomau's
ii.i unc .minair iwnsaih the____
r and gaiing tip at It BUtjuIly.
'Ves deer
not really a buiierSy. and—m>
"May I gu and irll ihv Sovies now.
The sunOosrr nodded
"Noi yel -Jemn "
Hui >t>u batm t lied up my slum
tout way." said Ji«> "I'vr
i and miles, pn-lly good lady mirk Into a d.dly- "
"-Noi this lime
Ide still and be
B-.ukl lllllrone"
r irailrd og Into a druwsy.n
"Yvs Utb Daddy
Kiss mr "
- miles-" star sUd allb a iud<
H. bent uier aad klmrd ber
and silling uprigbl
Hhr gaxed
"Voii loo. aiutbrr
Then euddrnly
It in.- sunBuBer rrpruachfullj. 'I
•hr dimpled glrt-fully "1 want ajumtdr
ID I go lo ilrc-p,- sbr said.
it. And Man Daddy In the big plaer ki.s sbr snM
There Bas a link mnslralned
rr Il;ry luA VMo Bhrn br bv.
Ii • ]ii.' ilirrr " pulDiing duBD
' Vou hnyi-ni (urgoii.ul. Mau IWd
Uo.db). anid lady. J
lulrk. vau.e Man Dsddy Bl

Tbe dsatta of »'m Brookteld re­
called a sorrow wbteb cHmded all Ibe
toter days of-dOt itto. Some seven or
eight years ago death came la a way
peenllarly sad lo a son la whom be
Sad oentcred great bopda Tba fa
ily was speadlng tbe summer la i
Adlradaehs aad tbe boy went dc
me evening to meet bte fatbar
iflralag from the efty Tbe train a
tale, aad tbe lad. while walitog for ..
triad to amuse btmself by cltmUag a
I'atotaaately Ibis tree bad
bMB aanlr snwa ibRyqgb. aad wttb
the boy o^n 4 Ml ato
in dsntb Tbe ttdbm arrtved before Ibe
boy was ramovad. bn
BM toUi life bnd Ml
In going war
over bis
.Seld toand
w a

I irsvck-r I
speelss of am ^8lSlSr*iTm
i new trail he has never befortsren recorded.
aiufee wrr.- .
-nutll. Id a gra
ind tired lu
They iravi'kvt often
1 tnuipsi B-hleh s.vm.-d I
the dlrvcih.n of a c
groups >by dl.eovertnK tlta' csrb r«iai
pany eunlAlBed a large am that travH<-<l lumv rapidly than the nilHT>
-.•rvlng them mure eli».-ty he a..
Ibal each targe ant alaaye csi
I a small gray am ii|s>ii lu lack,
ugh tbe rcmalBder of tbe lnm|n
I- on fisii This maunied vt would
B line,
be''^uiu from tiw
r Dverinok
man '
M. Melasen cnnrtnded frum
be saw that this speek* of am.
on Its irareii, ts under tbe dl
n of t eommnndnr. thuiigbmrh
biases" ns tbe geoeiat Odes
rare aad valuable, for be
•carrely ever found mora than erne
W-umtojyi In
Tea Strang fAb«h Te Stand Atobe.
In the Interior of Ausitalla *11 the
men drink lea They drink Jl all day
long and la gunnilitre and u a
sirragib Ibai wonid seem lo be peda
Un Sunday morning the Isa
- Stans with a rlima pot a*d a
(vnird. Tbe pot Is bung-4ver
Ibe fire wlib a auBekacy uf water In
II fur tbe daye brow, and when this
boiled be pours Into li
tbr fragrant
St hherb bu siroduee a
ihnut removing tbe
ivreredtag day's tea loaves, be refanls
'le process; oo Tuesday the perionn
ae.- Is repealed and on Wednaaday
- capo, and so on through tl
uB-ard the rkme of U Ibe gn«l pot I.
Bllcd allb an acrid masb <d i<mtenves.
out of wblcb Ibe llqeld te
by the preasure uf s Ho euu.
By ibU lime the ii« te of Ibe color
ol nisty Iron, Incredibly bllter. and
......................................................... w^^palTbe oatlv,
II a. baring

. _________ . .______ -le use b
Ue nlm of Toblansky. tbe Ik
^ togtoMT.
---loor- In hi. nroo
. by
. .
a ton
teU a Elctovgfd wttb coke or
pofins nhaorbmiL sprtaktod
nnffba or aieoM. aad tbe *om
intned by tbe coke, while Uw Eb
jaaae. mlied with ' tbe vapor
tbe napiba or altubul, an eiSIcrted la a gasumeirr to to ted te
tVelsbato toners, slovos dr gas eagtnes. This gaseoai mlrture. arfateb
- s been named pjfcvns, bdras with
brtgbt Enmc aad an smtlia abnaace
ymoke. Tba valse of pyrogas era
Ikes It groflubto lo bunt fael of
V grade for Its emokt alone, aad ft
oomputed that plaau td small ee«
win enable cilice to dartre a material
laeome from tba euaversloa of tbalr
garbag* tolo pnrtEed smoke for light
and p
• •
I ef Japan That Hava Nn
One uf Ibe sirau* toainra o(
Japan Is that all the crops and tndte
are atmoai cwnala to deteriorate. One
may aae benullftil paacb<-s grows Urn
grsi year from the stork Imported
from Ibe Untied Btaiea
Tbe teeaBd
yrv Ibey are situ fairly good: tbe
third teaeoB potw aad after tbat oiSt
to eat Nofblng la tb* vegetaUewwW

lUal laa _
r a pIniB and y« It g
It to cattle. Qnrdca «

_____________ A-r:

lb* Uahad Stale*, bnl wbeo cooked
they have no tasu Tba Eowera are
bf torgeoas hoee. but t^ry ar* wKbvneeaa rraaaem*.
Roasef asgc U la his gMb ytor
sd te gcaecally rsdasTOd to as aTob
«vaa naaarier." tot Edward a Wesley. a Under bl lbs New York Mock
market. Is bl* sealer by loar yean te .
a —of age aad ha* beea nearly
qaartor of a cwniary kmger on
kaage. Hr. Veairy- btmaa toocslailBg whan <mly » year* of age. Us
vcaiar* bring In plas. wbsa to
- o
of Bboet,. a dollar. Fnm
to ■ prone
- - has made Us UrVI day to Ub
nv* days tntto
week be te a ngalar
to a
Walt flnsa aad aaUl rtetwly. i

doilar watch.
Valtod Sutss bad ao I
i^ilrmlag aaul we togaa to ibcmm
Rassla tiea. nOf aad etotaaa far tor
■ks upposlie them, sbowtng tbsi raUwaya. How tto tndt la Eosw *M
r bad aunoad tbe alteubm df
•e Ml was (bagt- —






Hurt So Badly Wao
^Noarly Cra»y.

duM Ike MinoUc epirtu of

Had no Sloop—Could
Hardly ieto Down.

kleM ap * diut OS Kroat ud Ui^

KHi «S»‘


Dr. MDaa' Norrlno Ktr*
flMtnat^r Curod M«.

to ru^ won •<* «»«
Tke —«■■ UlJ vllb hU toy pMO!

Bawwal etltebaa had to be Ukea lo!
ae of the vonada.
«ae (d the •rewa vai gotchly off |
the rtt aad had- the toacne euapped'
ap vUh a tea eecoade' kiae and the I
ran taraed out far beUer thaa coaM
Sleaser No. I aaldly
ibted ris aad aae coa '
4 a etream of voter:

soeee nclghbcr tad-hm to ceaaarihtba!
raah deed She leti a Mler aahtac
lorglywBni of all who thoa^t ahe
had vToaged ibeB aad of her haw


Tbe eheatcal ea«t
led. tbe book
aad ladder rte (ulhx
I and tbe ea
(he order of the rsa
Hvvorer. leo iiivaeu hUD (Be «o
dae and tau ireani froa the by.
drant veee gol ; vlthto a tea eecuDd.
rerfeet hltchr
of each other
Bade to both hydraati aad the
vbo Ituk pan la the rue dcaerte a
ond deal ol credit
Tbe n.«Ele tnini oue ..( ibe
crowded off at tbe f.iup'lai;. I
lensib Uto> aoue aulotlluK-d
aaolber exhibit

"LS s'

trwosso Ibe lective toy pistol
has ctalacd two vktlmx. The email
son M Robert Uetyes aad the sue of
Semoel Kidd each last part of a
gv-r by the egpkjaloB of the danger
plank lags
Kr C E. UUlm of Cndlllac has
cvlved the weleuae nowe that
o.n I'armll E Jr. haa paased a suc-


Kelly aad Uarhrr. w.iul and prt^uce
uv.-n. ..I Alotam.ira are cvingrmlo-


atreet KUnea on L'nlon ainxl
between KUhib and Slalh allhouab^
' late la (elttac atanoJ. v>-nofl much Bore rapidly lhar.
la uaually tbe caae wiih aueh evebtand lo a Banner rery creditable to
Iboae batlOK Charge of the arraoite

STSii^i*biv fM ta w* 'Toj--pmMMU rwalanty u>d ft^Uy
^ipulf lo sake Ufa a hlMcaiadioan
i Cfk^»t.e teimUy The farje boy
« cbai^ a
* »ah PT.

SySSTlhrSll boy aoWy. aad

WpSaU, i. PO»t^
whM’tiaf* *a«


ova of thU
iwrta* of a»
■- bat then vwo a Bood n
•teau lo the
Kaeeaearily to

HaeTutnu^V’blxOTVd oa

Srr sr sss. 21 *“
‘•‘‘Tii^rerra^sr-tod-ii- -ii-d-fro.

North port ctvatod Buoh lalereel. aol
uly la Ibe parade, but wbereTcr they
Their aMtOBCC and war
-------- —-e reallatlc la the extr«Be.
r«littoD or-Htowalba" waa
MMtov^of Huh i. W. Patohla.
They headed the
^ portion of (he ealertalhBaal «ai
ontalalr »Mt eneelleai. The. raeae
a aaaU
_______________i ^ drw OM dd
lat to
boy la a bath tub •
IWBMt thraac* la the UaUrr of
be '■la tbe swim''
s-<">" you aboald trade
with Beeda.
two farnllure daUrary
y. W. amar'e
m piiopia uw the amrorttru
_____ with a eoople lost surtlaj
■raalht. Tbe are baodi of marie, u- „ ■■RurnUh the House OolB(4euyth the (WO Banial^hwdik needM no further word of ooBBtot
' Tbe Coluabla Trohrier tea. 1ball day. ^ ba^
t Bovla* t


-^u-tuSidSar* ,’E

I large crowd vllne»»eJ the ganier
t eolertaUiod between
i 1
Tratene (^ly
. by the
KLaiiley beadi.
Tbe Judge* were RobV Waller, I
R, CoBpbell aad Tracy OlUli
Moat ol Ibe evenu were earned off | T
by Kred ralnhlldi, a Boyae
e Atuencan
It raw
atbelete. while Jullui Wlanle. Weller
I fornu-d
Lyon aad iSmIl Lederle took about *
* T*he* lantla
all there wax left.
ad tbe

The two smlnlt and
the tuOBlng;
baniK-r '
I taken by the ■ '® . ‘‘i **'
broad Jump
Paicbin. pvlnilag
iduw nod lour cblldrva
Boyne City i
I'leivnce lUker. of Kalematuu.
^ runolng wived
Lyon lor hi
.......................... , _____
• luisilng aad gypsle* whtj'heve
- \Vr warn lo inulll ID our children
, ..acaaiped la ihc oelghhorb.
s at the ftftyliroi.i.-m ibbf will stand a
.us|w.-cK-d ut
having kidnal
ttj Ihlfckllds
yard dash
omcers bate gone In search
was inpped and tell beaylly
■ring tribe
St be!
ground The lodges decided tbst
. Ibe
had bera fooled aad ordered the r
,vr too discolor)
U excllovl
roB OTCT. la the aecoad to
1. tbu of VI able de|><elIS■ c.r marl akisg
cblldi eaklly came la drwi.
Visions of ccmeni
b the the Maple
Se.’cral well known bnslneas men Whit,- hagle*. and
I. jards
e visitors proved
( the clUicn.
local I n
shot put
tessljonl aibleles la
IMolcl K. Adams of Oilsillle I. a
In fsvot
V at lh«- close stoo
od T to
0 thtow I
tbc) bed been allow
I survivor <vf Ike Mexican war. and'
•hot Instead ol putUi eg It. they prob "i the Aeviuin teas
.how of {claims the dlstlncllon of being lliv
The sell beibers
ter ibow
ably would have mail I a belter
went lo I youngv-si Mexican wxr veleran lIvlBg.
.a Wlanle winning i
hen the [mad aiso of being the olde.l livlnr
lik-ccs b
agalBst! veteran row prarilcing law
He wa- local, p
iis years of age when be enlisted In
oad place
bergvr aad Winnie In the ninntag .
Aficr ih? s cccA llali-y wbo was In MaJ lien. /Iwch Taylor's army aau
broad lump After lleing three Uses , the lox tor Maalsiee scllW down went clown tbe Mississippi river U:
* •• woe over Wlanle' and allowed i u more runs He pllcbvd Mexico Fur a num!-'r of uuatbs be
uDcl.T MaJ Jeff Uavl., later prvsl
by ope-tenth of a fool.
' good ball bs hit support was poor.
erf Ibe fonfedermie Stale* of
ervemi events
The A.ylu 1 buy. put up tbe real
rica Mr Adamv was a drummer
arilcle with I
na.i US.-.I stick, lhat barf t>een
lOV yards dash—nrst. rred
i-xcvlk'Dl tvira

::;mX -ir":

ad Just inspeclod
had passed out of Ibe building
or cviotalQlng
d. collapsed
they wiiulil I
cancht nader the mass
Soymour Treadwell.
. prvpa
vrul wL
K-mm. ni is prvvarlo* lu «
porim.-nt witb grasses sad s.-dg* .
ibv lake shore sands la toe tlrlnlu
<f Grand lUven lo Ibe hope of dvirlngawey of cooirolUag the truuble-

:rheaytly”to "tbel

^ ■s:

Ibe 1‘s.ieur Insillutv
Vnlver.liy. making s
since It was opened
lYai.k K Crvws,

li.;" k,

rs, r.%

This >ialj>er'< com­

mission wc save anvl niv<- vui; |i.iiroiis ilu- Ik.-iil-iu
ill J sLipiTlor qiialiiy wf ^vukIs



The maiuifaciurtrr has a rt-pui.iuon lo sustain; hi- sells
his jjootls on thuir nu-rits —jou idi-l lusi




.\ scalpt-T vion'i tare a rap about the quality
the gotvis; he buys the clu-ai>est gtXHls he can fiiui'
them to.
He has no reiuiumon
IHiplit is flifnllammevi.




We buy different gravies »J work from different

At Jtrks.>n. Albert G.. Ibe 11 yearold son of Bnesi A Miller, u dead
of lockjaw a resull of blood polsoalug from a wouadll caused by i

ies. and being heavy buyers








secure concessions from the manufaCtrters that smaller
dealers and time juirchasefs cannot gft.
Note some
of our prices.

Thau-ber. son of H
and a eompaabin began
Fourth uf July celebiailoa
: Honllac. Tbe .
at Cass Uke. n
. and a bullei passed
ibruugb young Thateber's
Arthur FTye. Ibe lasi of


o*n •«!! you
.\ g.xo.1 Hnioc, Cch, Top Uuggy far......................$50.00

burglaries, bas been released frum
dustrUll school lur boys. Ills tl
imimaloas will W released from
all refarmaiory on parole.
Tbe Bsb lu Lake Htchlna are

.A belter one lor....................................................................


A leatha uiianet tt>i. Wvl leaiber U|*ol*teTcl..


Ahuhet grmlc..............................................



.\ top bogey that will {dcaac the nwri ekaaiag.


.And tbe vert best make, al.........................................


MIsH old&s worl< for^Ko** wKt
witoh iX

ilh'":* ne'ls*^n lhe*’^e,*^ured
■I |■.<uoJ> of flsb la one day

ItarParo Slump died at her
miles nonbw.
ve uiiiv.s
nonbwcii trf Sprlagport
Monday at Ibe
-Grandma ■ Slump
ectlOB of
white settlers In
a'gato*lii''the' war uf ISIS. He country. For 75 yoan her gre.
~Tved to the union army during
' eompanioB has tioeD *


ui»= Tiii. .i*

dollars rfim-vt- off thfsc

Lulu Muoday. a waitress el toe
iVhlirainb bouse. Beaton Harbor,
uan.-d a imvellag man ber lied die
m-D-l ring He went lo Cbicagu

1 has a Urge
I- <rf Kllrabetb
Lake, says that be b*
from which he picks boll1 hiossoai
aad it-i-n apples on i vcry Fourth o;
Mi ha.-l Kabk-r. one uf
of Uali
erlilcal c
uaka la aa attiaeihas had hiccoughs foi
months, sad baa g
All Uads of BMleal
. ,v degrees Th.' medical
raead toe fleu M the X
Pole vaBlt-Flrsl, LooU BIrdaall.i ,
n.v,. . l Welsh ll IvsHloti i. -...
-................. JbAll J feel 1 laches; Lederle and .(^en
p,rr> Grady. Black:' The
of ShUwa.«w Is geln* ntDway aatvlca
- II, of TbompaooTllle. Ued^rLaas.wl tolls. WeUb. Drunlk. J: double ,tag n. t,.-noted as a harbor for feedwhich was
nlwca 7 fast > larbas.
,,,. pushed i log shee|i
C. S BlogbOB of near
tractlag a
. "

i>r -Tod" Thlrlby.' Durmod. is one of the -beavlesl fepvl
loads of
UWD il
iloa ee the T. C„ L, * K.
not CO uo and theiv" “<*
‘hlppenLast year be
burineaa of the Ulehlgaa Baaket Oo.
d lamp waa
Tba ruhhlag bop flap
Tbe •'
omitted <a account of b ( of Ubm.
van alBo crowded
ttaO ea the 0. B. * L
Ic^td^^e udd i^o^esSJH* •'•horny on sheep and say. that
A big hi
>r laritod all to Tistt the
ck the pob. afrold WherTtbal the s-lnd waa ''hv Michigan sheep feeding InduslfT
whUe-ta tbe city.
ptaca Is toe Ceatnl
>Wbam had a Mg bAreal
Fraak a
i>l groasda ai ' ''
^^hS^ sh™ ita. the arraagemea.s for
IS* up and caused a the toloon were not properly made. { *
■ ■■aanp A Pohl's daUrarr
Another that there
taaUtally trtamaH (Mtowed thU.
Nest eama a sandwick aaa. rs
The BoetlBg waa
twiac Xbutar^ ctMnHoc- Frank Hamllloo oevccat aaieothat' 'f Ih- police tl
A lah eact drawa by a larga adM.
■he If the a " "
and aiiiiiaiBiliil by oBall boya c
„ found that tbe farmer bad .
lag flab potae alto flah. wai Oao.
They wanted u
ua carry.
, Sor aa they amid
-‘Ameelea" by the audlea^ followed
ly came here foi
tram aad bdat aer.
A prauy SeM trlBBad with buatlag aader tbe leadership of E & White.
ones. Tbe money was luued In I
da. MM an aecMmi
old coat purkel perfectly safe a
— • -............... - d by the twadlng of
_ ._rdad, Mr «M than a ami
Hike said "hv- Jabbers, tbe Joke's
. -r^"— la tht rity. vhkh la a
BAWlag BtogAlhe. was aa atyaetlwe
me,- aad set 'em up—Denton Harb
t:,'. \ SSU thlM MuUartid.tha m
HaalUoB gave a abort
I am>d bM the oorarion..
At Kalamasou. tbe nlneyear-old s
•ddrwa. aaytag to pan
t F
that he liked
I CadlUae clUaens
|M "I
«aa naxaa
toe Idea ol eoatag away
'sy tidto all toe projerllag a b
boulevard arooi
•rooBd‘ Bto aad namesake of Walter Mason,
lesm-vier. sas killed la a runaway i
B lha panda la aiwaya eoa M ...
la* aad' racket-Tor
a gatowing of Claa lake. The splendid drtve
a fctad.
proven *o ctdeoi caused by hi* father's horses
mile lake
._... haa
taking fright at firecrackers,
1 rack*
: we were get- popular BO dlfllculty Is
One of toe etorarsM doats waa that
ll mat
oe Ike box while
prlariple for •ecurlng the BeeeaisarT fun,
«( (ha Btar Staaa Landry, bena
•. and suempted
Ida aad getttag • new road The big lakt
aM wasoa leoWag as tboa^ «adbt which toe
I. when he (ell ui
...m aad tha altaraacd la a baary aaow risra. and toe Ian- to the Mu
Borne people
It aheet of water aad
diTs BoUik 'WbttarTMri Bmnr.’ la
ay One reaort locatlona
MU ohhak
riiwu Uaad
The til Helen Orvelopneot com­
.0 liallaa. wbo hda coi
pany bas arraaged tor tbe shipment
inlry since laai Fourth t
-The paori* ef tola eoahtry ahoold
d of a caaooo cracker i.-------------- uf 5,000 bead Iff abeep. 1.000 head '
ipawl more Uma la toatllUag patriot
M^3***nm cm
other day aad. act belag well up
adfwttlaed OrtanaU Bm. -auale atara •a to toe B^ of toe peopto. To
d la I
Ibe way oi tbe critia. aeglacted
h' after
- - Ilgbi- couoiy
haaru. Olve te boya a ebaaee for to throw It away from him
, daMe doba A. Bmaaam. hta rndmA Mat wtth a big rtlto nail aa- toeir Aolae. Md Impreaa upon yot
a hteAaad .
Michael LM^abav. tbe Kanaaa Cttj
lag IL hut laatead held
Bonead Ibe--doty aale* la toe Boa aad old toe (booghu of patrtoUaB.
He has only oec hand. —ns'.
packer. i> makleg a trip through MlebAt Sault 8tc. Mare three-yeaisold
three-yeaivold i^n wlih
ibe object uf Inducing Mich
to a few appropriate worda Boa. J
IkmiaBBa. Joha D^h/BoM. WaMm witty Baaaar.

mlraculoiu et.: igan stock ralsera to ship
cattle direct
W. htebla. toe apeaker at the daiy Richard Tebo had a Blrmmt-............
Ueatarm. ioda Dolph. Bobt. iwim.
Tbe UUputlaa
cape from death. He tell Into a box [ to the packing houaes.
: r. O^Haamama ahd Wi
------Ug ■
a Mendoo man irteif an cxi >rlmeBl
.«.* •vnuows ww* *wy
an «a hombaev.
"--------- --to the prvsi-rvaUvjC vrf apple* asl fall
him into _ -........---------•
............. ■'
raOimiar than
Lari, bat sM leaM. was toa________
covered Ihroi^ anotoer n^Mito W by packing
-king ibem
the* In barreli
part Mr. Paiehta aatd:
Bay head, to (arm euatome. wito
blocka from
ante lasers of dry sand, ou appk
■uaw MB aad Jamperi. b« torir : -I think It la a poor mi
e dead ihaa alive. being allowed to touch another. Wbci
sewer Ht w
aalu. Tha city oOelaia. MadlM ssieto Isti aototog to be deabad.
(bat doea aot eejor ceW
but doctors I ---------------------------the barrel waa opened a few days
Uaytw tma. B. Baaid aad the m Bah mi
Tbsra were a goodly aumbm at aa- 'ewa birthday or U Ir ehUdrea-a blnbKyc. commoaly called ago every apple waa found to be la
ed tha aoaMd! dritovad M aanlMM.
iBlly. Indeed, wbo Pretty or ^rt Is the oldest cal la. perfect cuodlUdB. aad sui bard
- - a to Use darlag toa |
a (ouatrr’a blrth- ibe L'alied States bavlAg Just cele-| sound as tbe day when packed,
n aco^hat toe old braied bla Ikib birthday. As a frolic-{
Frank Uouglaa. a
_____ ,

FhUadelphto an- aome klllea be was cosiapICDou*, Owcodale. ttwad upon Us reiuni
Boeaeed tola eoantry'a '
ammg the wegdtog gifts at Mr*. P. ! (rx>m lowa bla wife dead upuo the
--a Are da*artoaM*«CUMl took
. Ma hAd hM amlataai. B. t. ralghaa.
■ door
Rbe had commilled autcJde.
•r thaa A. Nye of GaUea, Mich.
they knew.
d their
Charlee T. Deanls of Petoakey. i ' Mrs Uuugla* was i
patoier 45 fears old. stewed Into i
iBBtoei crowd- Arilghtaeeddeat«e^^yeara'k'T^tom?
tof at to* tan troa Caae atrael
bea Beaaurcd to the
a toe brlto paTMBL <a ?mt
cm. bat ta a loog Uae
at, lUfTwd a parted run. The hiatatT of 1
8o» nation* hare
h to tbe MBgae at toe hook aad
a. We hare
ler rig bteka aad toiww -Jenr*
__________________ n any otoer a
at toe bore** ca to*
the htatarr of haiaanlty.: Maaewt Na 4 drawa by toe
rroa tots Mr. Patchto renewed the
: M toe esmiMy. aU la Uae
abia akto os hk aM*. Thehareawu earty htotory iS the aatloa. Ha Aral
AAd laatutmawastbecitya:
•ettlemaBta ahag toa AUastle
tMMb bM aaread toe dtp w«U dariat
- haa btnnebed oat anliTu IhcaorevttowaabeaaAdarietAbatoaMtBefeftolefCaacethalaieBtati» MnamSo^ wbkb It baa ben la
itiT aa tart* a* “
Blyiag to toe blood ami Ibe Mto Camt edM wUcA ate coa*toaUyAterel(.f>Thlitoe^t:lad to the tnde
beep tn tbe urttotUB aad dtoEbiM aad at tori abtrp abootisg paisa
BtiMn No. S of toe parade waa
titotoi c< tola •
<BM the iqipiiiack ri tbe cattog ami aleachiag atoge. aad a ^denuL
iiiirlTl M ItaMman PoM Mo. 1*.
■* peaaanu et I
O. A. B.. beadad by toe Bettlal bead.
■A-riBtolnleA cS______________ ,.
TW oto vwtartas made e flee showie tara we have toM to* teaBdattoA
wu*. TWO.
lag. rnetcuv toniagh toe hMt to e
foe our gnr—era. oar eefUato aad
recaaoxiriwltbacMtwltb- *«»
Iirtai* I* bat aaetof ea— and beehs
war «Ueb dM oredK lo toeir war
oar boatoeaa boa. We me toe great- -------------- ,---------- a--------W------------------------eat
sag totoaal caoM
laaa aa epsa aeiw. 1 bersa to tah*
*n to tumtog. to atotog. to Bana-


luitins from S'
M'alpi-r an.I ii.wiiii; for lin'in vvitli
rwi-ivttl front
ltu:ir -..ill' Jil.l allowing l!u- vtut.- wal|n:r lo make

anti makes all the mom-t he v an off the Jcaler he

Sv'S ,z«“" ;r.

Kiagriey band I
mae &y baad made a am elaa* solu. broke the prueeai
AavOff. The bU Trarerae City eoa- and gate good Basic
Wt taad Bade a creat hit la the
Ah InteresUog Boat was oaa oa
• visitors
guessing a
all the
ll" ba?nht-'
which Boufhey’i wood lawlag macA Childs: eecoad. Ball Lederle: i
Ralph Roacoe TTae—II second
inic anu nis supa>rt was fine
ras la full operatloa.
Folluw-ing I. the batting order
. .thertek A Btnmc took the crowd
as feet: secoad. Lyoa.
with their Btml on wUeb white clad
I. Fairchilds. StW feet.
ware atoadthg with laddera. path!
RuBDlag broad Jump—Pli
Pb'f H^er'^n
•eat hoatca had elaborau diaplhn of
aao ahd buUac upon the oatalde.
dlap^* ct tastatully trlBBMd Childs. ISS feet: seoaod, Eh
•.». eecw BaqtaB la Uvs hoatod ___.elea was from Wa. WItle'a blCT- If.t feel: third, Wlaale, 17„............
dash-Flnl, Fairchilds;
aUeaeea ako display- eie and repair ahop.
.vTsb. i':.
ArtlsU OB toe float of Laapbere A second. Wtonl*: third. Lederle.
Sack race—FlriL
pewle t(OB the eoBh- Buaras. painters and paper haa^a.
aii eorw of asaae- wen busy adding toe last touches to
try there
Uma the bovary a large^kB^^ flag. KaalolsU.
a Baay.
aad taac*


We can give our patrons better
value for
their money In any kind of vehicle than
they can get elsewhere

II." He

r a^

■tewer aad »»de li U» coneUBl boel



J & Barnett,
aad ch^tahie wvwk It
sd B • cUtera

of detlberate eulcrde.^ and It k

VS35.00 to $68.00
vfroi 50.00 to 85.00
So.OOto 150.00
Two aeate.1 S|>nng Wagons .
45.00 to 75.00
Kcubl WagvHit ll

Gentlemen's vlnt ing AVagitnt


d wbo U bujing fruit at South
purchaaerf a conslgnaent of
cum-nts Uondaj from a tanner with
,om he bad been dealing, aad it#e
...ji a ch«k lur Ibe aamc. On being
informed by tbe omeen at the dock
ibat ibe crates seemed ligbi aa inVesIlgatluD 1
Blled with I oer and leave*.
layer of cun :t* on top and t
e all empty.
ebaaed tbo
1 and protnlaes l

Rubber lire vehich

(lyices ttj compare with quality,

We can furnish lowcrj»riced
.riced gob!4i:di>an'^e above, but
canaoi recommend them
()tir pnc3-1^aTBniee tbe
quality m every case,
We can save you money on a
good vehicle.
Kes|H:cifu1Iy yours,

Ferris Implement Co. Ltd

Al Mount Pleaaani. Mra. Tbomaa
Furdycc. wife of one of the dly Ji
iicc*. dropped dead while engaged
housolKild dalMa. She was about
. old and an old realdent of t

127, I29IIH3I StitiSt.


k'. r


ira*:piui:r™ to^ h^^ a^Mh" ™ gn«

^ k^vw, ful«rv^and ih.t lu de


8.,„e":.. rs-x-i. -- .rtr. a






: MM?






I M?bWb^‘*MAM^ ^JbST

ffi Kr«

SsfJI22 rTL'csrsii

The Trover** Qxr Band, to
aael red aeua. were to advanea '
tndaa nakai aactlen at toe panflm
rUM ena a larga Ac»t sally daoaaue with battog and eretgreaai^
iwB by Bar harpto. BdAn«t with
ihewed it to ha
toe Atot iwprmriRtog toe Oami


*T%aUlS utMB* fti*T hofw «a*1

«. Cak^


lAir View M Ksiore color to
yw ertr hBlr. mry ttot
FoDovdireciioiittBd kBcrer
Wb n do tbit vori. ItM^

Hair Vigor
(alliagoftbehAtryOtAO. Tbetc'fl
Creto ntWActloa to kooviat
70B Are BM coiog to b« disflBpototed. Ito'tUutAoP

lad to* leametan la
Q^'ltoktoB Uaka h«d aa

•'“isssrs'-s^ 'Tadiiij! Hair
, and btee uBhraitoA A


genea aad hn|»t»««. mri >
greataet ehaneea tor to* U
aad gM e( today u> malu
to am. We an to* grea


lery e(
at to* wo...
worM when
were aa good aa now. The opponanlUe* for to* young bob are aa Uatt
Mm aa toa Iky everhcAd. Hr U bound
duly by hla ablhtg for bard work.'
-Tha whole proUca of awleul IBe
la tottoad by the boys and girt* wbo


> aa4 Wartta4 Uitt Light
weights, richly thmined
and ^u^cN
tailored, wee $18
and $90. DOW..............'..•IS.Oe



SaiU. — We

have aoase extra fine aelectiaes from
every lectioe of tbe boys' depannent
and redoced picea, so ibal it will
■W*SB a'lsari important



mooey on every porefaase you make

lValn'gt*^r-j^ *"•—r



tha deponmenl ha* ondeigOTe pried'
reaovatkm. and yoo can irieO a com­
plete oatfil at tmalleu poarible price.

Sfeow iVris. — Best qoUhica and
at)le*m toe market.

$1.00 to $S.&0.

tbt dtmt of
Good aotbiag

h udM th.
^ k pmUed ud tb.

r gosto er Anridd toritor elimtoafed trori tbe axcototBa.

aad leatoee tlSbtood to fto Mtoal BtodMoa.

Aad Whea pin bk

If TOT hxreaauleercrcbsottic^reQfBiySad. write as abeat U-------hlMUealau any ha better, bat toej


It Is not to little to find what you want. Our
stock Is complete, in fact we have so many fine
Suits on hand, owing to the bad weather con­
ditions that have prevailed, that we have de­
cided to make a special price reduction now,
at a time when it will do you the most good,
so we will notcarryasinglesultover to another
season, which is a rule we have always made.



«2r Sit'S,

How JIre you J^eadp

TIC s«VT BPone «w

To Core a CoU m One Day


& ttlilbelm
new Bloch.

eor. Front and Union.



B'toil TRKTse HoaM

CteraMad. ObM.. aad an the (maculaanral moatba airaagtag ta laataU
lot Mtea RoBU Vllaoa
oae cd tba -iaeat (aliaenpta la tba
Hr. aad Mn. N. DefkdUr of Color- e-orld
The obaerraloiT *01 ba at
MIUba rcMIlTfB aa<l frieade Bulunpo
The Meveope will ba
‘l>do an v
tblpped tn» New Twk. The object
la ibl* pteer
ilalla LaekU
borne glau baa aa apartuv of tvetra laebUUi Ball*
CD. The tBbe veUki a toa aad t.Md
Uoadap. atiar toUblac
' acbool.
Ipoaedt are morad vte tba laatrm. whool dua o( Hn. PIMt Bvaut aM
maot u tnrmed U right aaeoaeMa. It
Ihalr taaetar wan and acraaabU
detlrerp vagiu.
It nude to rataU bp doekvert at tba
Ml*. 8 W. Itoter raturaad Muadap etact rata tba aura taore
a lull vltb frteaile ta Tnraime ^qb “r^^**!* «*
. oeeaataa vat iba alaaaaU aaaJremr;
gf Ua Wnbdap aad ba vaa (b« reclp.
b^ beae omarthed vbM'BPMl d a aaaitiaa o< pmala* m
- ' ~ M. lUne aad tamllp have t|wat
... pan rev dep* la eampiBU Bad
lo ba aa eilraslTa daioalt of
•aadvtrbaa. Iiwaaaada, tea cm
aonaid nkn aafl euB/aclk>oi a«
It M prehutoric aalmi
' 1) Uuet tprol*BatiirclBp la Tear
ihe «wM»eat tt tba bm
_.’B. Wtlllaa namiv aad aua left
aboal tbtnp csaaU at tba bo«a ' galsrdap fur Timrarme Cttp afto
Mn. Addia Utbba la booor at lb
urtbdara. Qaam apoa iba Ui
Mmllciaal qUBlvbleb waa aada attraeUTe br Jap
tpeat Baturdap ittM. bat beaa dltcmarad
aaa laaiam. «»• aafl baaiBwe
---------------------------cooBtp. and vltAIM part at Iba areolas. Maale a
lip of Oraad lUiddt are irtiltleg reIbg UP l.
tatlret acd frleaUt la tbli plan.
• uf Ibo
'it... Knma >WOmii< aad tlltn
Tbaradar Uaair Sartaaat aad laaiAl Uraad Kapidi. SL Aadrev'i
tip arrtrad traai OaerfU to Tltlt Mr
raibedcml, erected at a rott of AW,000
1endt la tbit plan
Swvaast'a mutar. Mra. AMIa Olbba
I take tb« place of tbe oae deetroped
Hr -aad Mn. 'O War.
p gev la ISK.I vei coatoemted la the
aa« tbe» tauvau. who bare baas
taa Tbundap aad «ir
apndtac aoaae tlaw vUb tbetr <toa«btatmer^at Cedar Lodge.
Bllarlee. lacludlag Papal
Jataei (imp aad Mar''8 McQuln
roBlo. tbe arcbbltbope
aaaad »«t qnlatU
4 teverml prarlacet aad
r vaal U> Trarerae of Bun&eld. vbo bate '
lur tbatr
a aad ivo dIBaraat B. J. Urmp aad f^ilp.
if tbe
• ■
_________________u Hoaiback laka.aad bone Tbnnd*)-,
tbe Catb
Cbat IkM-tirgof Oaieaa tpeai
tbraa taMlUaa romad a eaai^Bf panr
at Balap iaka ratmlac la tba or —
‘^n’ lu'lM'aad of Maple Cl.y tpeot laembe
W ^tb^^yMlittaa of ftab. auabu
Wedaetdap Vltb fUaedt la thU place. churcbe* mere Inieretted
The Nortbpon baad aulited Tnefill u
Ka»aadj aad Lan baaa flvaa up
TSBalag fMaadb ablacle oUl at tba arme Clip In relabrallag ua Belurdap
the Kelgl
jBMUoe. bp tba tboeaaad. at tba Jolp 4U.
All Tnearte City noeet vi-recloaad
•lada at ilobar vat loo poor to ba
KcaiAbla. Tbap baaa aa ezoallaai Hoadap, Julp ttb ac
Mn Lota Nirbolt aad Cbarir*
roa to NonbiKirt.
,rd vere tertou.lp ben at U
Hitt HiDBle Hroa*i of Ttmrerve
rvwk la a runavap aerldeni canted
•a at ' tbap ban aoda oaap tHwda cup ipaal Hoodap In lo
hp Brecracker*. Tbetr rigi collided
Mn. luvioB It ipeudl
ban who vosld llba to tea Uma do








aad steamlag heal seem
.cooraged tbe breeding uf tbeie
______ vbleb tare euiae out bv tLe
billluBt. The bllee nl tbne lateeu
imtalloD and wrlllng
medlral eli.-aiiuau. blood t
Careful ealiaulet .tH
urk. evpkxled In Ibe I
9 Siiurdi) repneeni.-.


I Rraak Codfrep aad
Jaale HollUar it at
I'gt. J
vltb fHeadi In M.uueue.
edad bp e*
OBcar l.pi
Mn. J. Steven, and tua IJolr ird. to Mr. aad Mn. Carl
Oaublela vat
1 r-eltad Tbundap.
Broaiw, a aoa.
Mn UcDnnald. wife of (
HMa Baaala Bsoost catae
doiaken pgbt.-n
■eDooald. tpeai Tbundap I
troa Tranna Clip Jolp lit to
lor tooM iloa wtib bar panait.
bp Ibe premaiure
dep 1(1 Nortbpon polol. c
DM Of boval ttoobla. Julp
HUo. (ba lalaat aoa of Mn. Maud vllb Ibe iralbt Ibere.
AlUTt JobOKin. a lad at Trufaal
Ih-puip SberlS rraak.Staauman uf «a. biinied about ibe fan aad ma>
■arus, acad four vaaba Tba fusaral
lb tova Tbuimdtp
bin o'clock.
loot- hit tlgbl from an etploelua of
> Lucp Cook of Trareno
Gin. Uakle't leg vat brokea at
Moodap la inwti
la a bardie race.
tad Mn niniaaa of Clnctanatl
Haeoa Robert Ollrer loel
Mr. aad Mn. Jlo Proalp aad Un- vcrr la tovB Tu<-*Aap.
bp tbe cxploeloa of a glaei era
Up. Mr. aad Mn. Chaa Alter aad
Hitt Mabel Asdenon of Trarmr er Itaro'
itarova at him
Cam Baawn aad «lr ntecl a lem^dapt of Un
Aaatbtar aad Mn. B
8 Tbunpeoo, Jr., a 8t Cl
-a cf Mr. aad
m rtaUad
at tba L._.
. fell la a nn at lUcbmuad
Mrv J. M. Laraaea guadap.
wrt tUanon t.».k a trtp tc
ud bat run u»rr bp a hoae ni* U
Hr. aad Hre Dtckap tpaol Buadap UbU.T
.boulder lune vat brukee.
Vttb Ibair daatblar. Un. Cbat. AttarUr I - 'In limnte I'urblM loM.
Itepmond iBtleur. of W^aadoti.
Hr. aad Mn. Jlo HnHh of niaa
Wp lo 1 ivmo t'ltp BaiurUap.
M-an. va. peertna ihrough
Artar pataad tknagk tbb plaoa ttoa8 r. R. beld tbetr refo
erark In the fenee- al hi. older
meotlnt In I ha
ir oualbl) I vb.-B tbe older Uip Bred
K. Dap. Mr. lUoKiv aad J. N.
I lurlort Mon
lent nml that bll the balur aquare
lAraaca nlabraled tba Pnonb vtib
:i Ibe f.irebead. Tbe ilorlur U 0
a large aatouat of flnvorka
NuTotap of (
ure that bir au esve tbe babp'i ep<
ParOMte aad J<M Malaalt aM had .......... a lev dap. ..r itatt a
Tvooip Billltun
Bieeracken ve
giawiabt, ao aiea Hane vat pretnip trtuadi In ita
apluded la Uraad lUpIdi oa Bat.
Ut Bp. Olaa Arbor alto eelabratad bp
ap. au}' the mcB vbo eold tbeo.
harlat Srworka aad a daan. A ball
Tbe Bagtaav VaUep
gna baivan tba Olaa Art
dapt lui vnk.
aad Asa Arbor aladaeU nai
Ilia Etbpl tVIlauD U apeadlat a
ere are tveutp Uctorte
Iba Mtat Id Olaa Arbor bp
dap* Id ton, (be tunt of UUt
»tr kad eight la Bap
noMie UacBoa.
9kiptie Clip li higblp elated over the
r Mtaa. vbo oored Ipoo bnv
~ JuBlun bBte B quBBlUp uf ptB
ihaUlllr ul Ibe 8t. Igaace Iron
MM Taootep. la aev naalot tba
vbh-h tbcp will aeU ui help pB>’
rki being rrmovef lo that huitUag
auga batveaa Maple Clip aad Cedar.
rn of Donb Uleblgaa. According to
mwm Brea wfli ban a abov at
rant tbe big plaat at Si. Ignaee ta
OU> Arbor gatvrdap. tba IIU
•Uta Nawa.
.. be dtamaotled aad reeel at Bopae
mu Btaaau'a bcna vat badip laOnreoaia bp Ibe beat. Mn. WllltBO Clip aad aev retorts built. Large re­
bp bMat cot OB a barb wire
ducks are also to be built.
fadavonb dropped dead at Lapeer
Joeepb Punt, 8r, of Bt. Joseph dtaTba Roartb of Julp vai moat nsl■M galDt ihe boBor ef maklag tb*
■mltp aad anlatlp nlebtatad. aot
nt eblpmeai of Mleblgan peaebee
lip la alt part! ol mr ovo eoootrp
111 leatua. ibr earlletl harvettlag
It la rartOBt toreltD cltlec, vter<
'*auttt BanMt aad alatar, HaaM.
marloaae abide.
WaBhlaftoe wit i>f peacbet ever kaowa. Tbo largeat
ban goac to apaad a lav dapi vltb
eaaad a oaiuo ealebratkia bp tbi crup la peart It pramtaed. Tbe ‘
Maoda la Tnraraa Cttp.
.UdBll vt the aatloaal BonniDCB weal lo Chicago Baadap aigbt.
Some oae entered tbe graveyard
aad (he DUlrIct of Columbia.
mr Jaiper village aad defaced' aad
vbleb PPt
mke 17 (ombitoaes.
BberIB Bbepaad gecratarr Hoodp dellrered I
hard ha* posted a reward of AM tor
apprebeoetOD of the perwn who
. / M Kov Turk beld oeual
at^M aad Braaton Towae at MlaaeColdvaier Howard Bioddard.
tad iiallep of Teiat were Ue
IL bta tiner. aged A. and a cripB of tbe dap. la all tbe prlacl
tbair garoatA Hr. bad
Mn. laaae
brolber, aged Z«, vrere terrlblp
iml dtlae of tbe Veiled Btaiet appnh
buived aad bun bp' (be exploeloB at
RaM Haaaaa bat ukaa ap bit Mata ptlale oa-rHeee were held aad gaaa top raaaon
Tbe girl '
POBU BOV. Ua aanaedad Mr. mak oratlp Ulr voatbor prevailed la Loe- lighted Brrrracker on a bta
Roate. Ban Juaa. l-orto Rleol
Ccploai Haeratl Ibe rrlppred brother lap.
Wm rbnaal waat to bit Un
blaakel was a paper of powd«
«BJ la tba lovaablp of Maplra.
rrxpluded. flrlag tbe caanoa. _______
ProMp aold bit boaa MM weak. thit nare and ftrtpee t
the plug la tbe caaaoe tbroogh How­
(be aagle
J. CMrUattoa aad Umllp apnl tba dona aad
ard's baad. aad
buralag both tbe
tbvftb at tba bona M tbatr aoa. Hr.
ortpple and mile girl Uartullp.
Obaa. Fartndta.
- > weeki ago Bopt. Ldidalle. ..
HIM BradCotd baa «Mt Ua f^
[Ill Creak baas hateberr. started
to J. O. Kaana aad hat vai maiTled ti oae of hie pooag Bua.......... . a. Hlee Aaale Manh.
^ Bnr _
. . parebaaad
Paatar Bollar li jonag aad haadi
addUloB U ^
Jm%m M Ua Soolb MaaltM la- rte brtde ta rerp pretty and
BU of tbe mn
Mad hat takae ap tba taall mU tnua eboPM from amoeg to admlren i
----------ed bp
p asumac. Rfep of lem ae^

bc IcMrJ 0 1-...- II
aid I'M Ivll >...i
mail all mv life
suodira, Isa ibe tl





fan.lip of Wevlov.
m Nl . York Suadap after a tupag.
around ihe vurld akwe RIrbanJ 11} rd
>• Ibe eon uf K E Jtprd. a lavper. uf
Wlnebe.ter, Va.
age when be Ir
ebeter. alone. <
•le Ibe globe
lineal tu San » and lber<
k Mcamer fur ManHa
Tb.- Unt
p va. at NagatakL Japan. U-fi.
chlng which port. hifVeier. be b
ir Ibruugb a M-iere tppbiwn II





Haatoo MMbd Ml tba Pcwlb vl(b
S*OM Artor.
waaMjvnd bp aa troa pM ay yn


left gaprUla to a
the euu. Tto o..
pic map clow the panoaage sad
ebOTcb doota «e tbe rotanlag coaple.
An e............ .............— --- -------- ----—
- _ Ptuabaig, Pa,
_______,-ol of water aad Joseph
a etevpad la tbe (mol Bad waa la.Up killed. OaMeoppI Benda. Mn.'
OB Mr*.
aeoaea Blaltl aad eoa.
--------came la eoatart with tbe
tad IbM wa
aad met Uitaat death.
-vnjPMM at aiataao aad had
The An la Uw coal mlae
Wpo.. ta how vader eoelrol,




a^*Hf' (be
reh ealHnied tb*
b bp a routing addrece at HitatA uaMbar of u aitaadad Aaeb
L 1. I. eevee miles torn Optter
Battaar gaatep analac. A apMad .- _. He urged (be aceoeeltp of da
ssnaOB vat iMtaaad to bp Mr. CMtb. eeaep la oor pebUe tt weU at prtrate
anar vbleb tba eatovd vna------- - HU aad claimed that Ue virtue Uuu
Mr. tear of Kaonekr. gare
eooate ta Amerleaa nfe ta tbe on*
that bolds Ita owa U acgaal cirmggM.
Thea be aad bu Umllp and bit aM*te bad a bate 1...............................
the Ttae

Mdar vttb a ghb

ba OMd vnk iMataal aaeeaaaa.
MAabd Mim.OraBAat.imar of TOu

srbS*.«“wrcs i’a

Btodeeti baaletaed to B1
l«t nfoeed lo leave then .
deertt «« rrroaed aad as________
- '-------- —t taeoed bp tbe RastUa

war vela.
Oita 8ep(._____ __
_. . .
twvalaa. Tbe eeMVUUee oa
bat oompletad plant to tbe

lomo^ terTu'tbTW^b
.boot to be graaied to Ibe
Cbair Co, af 8t- Loota
- vUI carry two
maeb___. or. U deifred. aa operator *111 be
tomtabed It ta vadarstood that Ibp
ebain w
roawmp a
move at wvji an
wyrJMnbnBj , Wo an glad U ban ibnadiag (bdr
rdt. Tbe dtacf
■ba. gnMatT^ Mra. Cron aad
anM aiMBdad tba Mofber-t MaotMg



_ . SreSwnlta.^*^8o^‘A^

bav af OdOeraM. Afiar taktag taa
•1 to. QUagk'a ibv aad -atreral jratbn Goeu. (be woD kaowa Jeaalt
•IhiS frvta tfcla pMea attoadad (ba
one*, bat bate la that eooatn



IMplJl^aaa tito ban ta late

**teT*te teK^*2»^ro2


* ho.itlug In the ptvvui.v
of ncDgal V lib .>dln-re belonging u>
(be S-veolb nati.e Infantry wv gvi
word one <1: ,} that a w.hl UU.U Ud
a Jiuiglr Ira mlb- swap.
srrv.d for e.'.r*l j-nra as s oJdlcr,
and be bad a gunl mUlurj n-cunl
ami was kn.-nn lo U- of p.wc.-ful «lta
pcaltlou due da) while on * --ouI
Ibr>-7i-b Us- for.-.! with hi. .vi. i-unj
tf- .... lUIleo on tt..- .uwk l-p .,-r

tr.-.i..-ut „f. I.-r
dlchar-i.'l ns .-u
wb. n at ilr-U
wbo.|'t.ig and -I

Ibrn cuDlinurd bl. vuiagv lu Meuile
Hr li-fl MkDile tur humc varl} lo Mi>
luumr.vlng back b) wap ut Ibv Sue.
canal and ibi- U.-dii.-rranvan and jiop
ai tanuuB plac<v la KunijM- un
un MaBucc. -u. ul Jam.-- Malt
a l«.H- liartH.T of Irvington. N

Twraie iBBcU SB BM> IWsbra.
Jim C«sta-tt (te.vrdlng to a etocy
brought eset Ust wevk l.p s Sew V.*L
I *|-vtlug uae Bbo ba- tw*p luoi.i.s

On gat-i-vi* >-ou w

rf fauljp .
1} tisB Pm
.swv- \iM- V-US.IBU to -llt-s }UW VDTB>p V I
- gurat' be
g>«y bead a* a tror.h] .to tbr gatvyiOBt. 1 '
On tbv gatra uLi..wm. were mock tbe !
«» '•'- ^
brads of tratt;>rou* i.-rat.ns
In ,*i ■ P'tag * Urge *t»
Lnodoa. Ktr*lii.tsn.--. tbv lotdg.- gale, wUuu I
mud Tvmpk- Itar w.-r<- aiws'S dr.-.ralvd Uuira to tw oDr
wHb gtinatl} ivii., .rf thr klisl. sod tbe buowlug tfir t*au',
.» lnut«J porti} 1;
gatepost* .d luuil.-ra suluirban «I
'.•old .a.iertaln i
M .t kralvvv.
.-sTIo.. I«.ll} l-nt
»l.l IV IV..>

.• Ihv U-i-.ul (..!•
. uoJvt Us r-ar.
. da.ex n..d

are v-rtaln |>t
«..( w.-ll
.iv.s --CstbolP

-Omalblv '
dreWv. t'ao'i

rad.III r.»irjiu In.. 1..- Is
:uc violent, end. cuiUiig th.-m off. be
b. .!i..<l ecroee the imrade and down the
nu.t. Ue w e. purvu.-d. but be gained
the fotvwt. a luUe aw.p, abcad of aR
Lldlng blmeclf
deUlsrntrd u.-* .w .1
K-or.ei tbe Urn.-. :


.Bovlog e won] (rf l^ng!l»h IK- Bnl
.- end «l>.-nal lb.- first Iralo
lv«l U> WaL.4cld. N. Y . and Bve
rmr* agu bi* talb.-r niovixl i.> IrMog
iT tb.' III-. Isn-stli vl.I.I.
un Tbe rvgular bigli M-b.wl cunv
r wa. hulling SL-aln.-! lb. -i.
occupiv. tour j.-ar*. but MeOocol mm erw. 1 r9.n s* ra| e* If I w.-n- ■
pined It in iw..
MaBucvi will bvlp
-ou.l I Il.lnk of rsll.l.ic
bl> fkibvi Ibl* viuiinicr In tb.- barber
.1.1 l.wd ,.f fxn-l.' rta.lii.ik .
>h»|> and duni.g M.ur* ml
whi-u h<- 1* wlthnut cuMi*oi.-r> b.
Hr can ma.l IScrtnan.
Dd I'rvorb wtth cane
T... Ami-ricau d.-iwlltv. b*.
i»K-tl Jam.-. lu-a*k-) al a piac..
.bt] nail.'* bt->oD.I IhetcTfebiirg. i
tbe l.ndm- i.ort wi
Africa. Uca.lrp l> rharg.-d wiib
lag furged |k»ibI ordvrr a.
lap.- like mad wl..-n *u.ld<
Tbv dt-lvcMtvv |>ur>'..-.t him
e cwiile guard,
badip bun. bui lUls
h Alrlrt”} wa]
9 aad Au.iralla
Hi-arp Danner Qndr g..)d ua I
farm nt«r Taniaqua. Pa.. b<- i
I graped for tbe lentcni. but cuuirtn'
a grut.nd
>a« k>bg 1
a Kush t> n>bl|i Ibat rlcb
til.- lull whl.-h
U.-II quiai> man} }caT».
u whvro 1.1 and IL 1 Ml la s mp pocket* aad
fuUowed a ground bog lo Iti n
criag partlclr. of metal ti
wbicb had been removej It
the bulv. led bio. tu Ifav
.1 an animal b


IBlInvd .-xia-rUnn-

1 lD(lu|K-e
ippiaed 1:

your Health and STRENGTH
ETH with




VMM at
sthn dap.

lealber (be eouatrp plane L
aetAborbuod M Luodue afr afltcled

Talk aliout tbe value of a drup of
Iter lo one dying of tbirvi. a Croat
birad lo uiu- famUbed: I rtoubt U
hi-r wali-r or Irfw.l cuuW .' .-r ►-em

'. tvtrolt T*Tvv ('..rnegiva.

to Ibe e;
of us. li
Jungle u

'VS* c'Ideally afraid
ik.-ti r'-fiigc lo Roolhi'r
Ili.-r vUlap-. end wc
n.l.. .K.wn lo ll.e place

lud U-ai
.^raUblWiki of tbe man ooc
a l(mg way off
e<-te0 as If lie sp-iKX1«] a trap. Next
dap be wn» twelve mllcw nway.-aod
■ week b.- bed trar«||-d eliip mlK-e. YVlira be moved we
movvd efirr him. Wc etlempled no

eaiv-r.d tbe ph..-.- .huulliu: la fury aisl
brained live i--'|.|<- with bta club. Uv
bad etrlp|..-d off uuvt of bta cloUilug
and wa* nak.-d froui the wata( appeupl* be fired ,aev-

Ernlr—Bo YlsU! and Jack eklwdT
Ilck-n- Y.W. ..i-l II--} did Just wbat I
thought Ilu. "..Uld.k.

Von Blomvr ir.i*rt.u: >

rtaui McKvp.
.1.1 hb rrVi..l. 9itli« btm us

r<-s)s«l (or him s> ..i
lit. arp king

■ bair asked tb* few blm--li

a oiy tvwpvr' 1
I tuarrled bta


Many people Imp rvrrytbltig os rt*4II and nev-rr a.k iW pr..-.: oulll Ibvy fn
to pay. Tbvu tbeiv Is a Lkk At'-Umm

Stop a Moment!.,
.\rt- voii savin}; yoiii

It was now plalny evident tlist we
■^“o me"' 1Kw"w*ri IS «Ae R
wliboul d*<«w af Ibl bttag Uewn eut must etange our inetlc*. If tbe man
before 1 .vuld rellctjt tbe tsetarnl wa* .-nrsg.'l L.- might attack » at
fled Danner f.
Men w
There waa o.. iTolcxli.n oesr sod I an} iiu.uient. and U b* did *o arc
lark llnii
hadn't time to go bunling f..r sup. 1 ebonld have to fire on blm In erlf degla.*} partlclet
him thai
rum o.HIld |s*a lie' spot
Tbr ravine In which be waa hiding
I In less than t.-n iiilnniew,
moving Icdlcaic bepood perwdienturv and I inuai rvllgl.t Ibal li.iu.-rn wltbla was abont a mil.- long, and at tbr
llow-.-«cr. 1 lu;d ihr good lower eul It crfvM-d Into a path modi
walking Tiiim Aleia to
II I>ui a gi.wl.-r Itii.-r>i1 be- Itaud by tbe Datlvra. If tbe wild man
ilorado. uo ibv Kuunb of
.nd the bnjg.' lu-lcr.- luMiic wa. not hunted out or alarmed be
lUgbt la a billiard on thr
would prvbably cumc down tbe ravine
'PC dT them bad bl> facc anj other i.xlon. and ran on ci .jimrter and cuter (bis path.
.t.>|i|ilng In e .ut Ijlt a
ter loukiiig Ihv grauud over II
dceeii f.vl dcy.
-n.i-re 1 was*- nlib
A blid from a tnoequiu. caiuni the
decided to dig a |>lUall and eel
death of Carl Stromqul.i, tbe l-pcar
- traps slung tiw path, and Boon
Bid SUB uf a Cblcago.machlntal Balur' natin-a
ap mornlDg Tbe child had been bllor*, n.cp dug ■ pit twenty f.
9D on tbe kfi hand, and lo a abort ta w hl.-h lo Insure asfety lo siarlliig a
long bp (ourtovo de<p, aud wbeo rra
ima tbo h."(i begaa lu .well Blood dame.
otaonlag developed, and a php.lctao
Bomebow bp Ihta 1 bed galhervd
-at tummooed. but the child died.
facultle* w
At PiiUburg Tbeodont Koueevoll,
eouipl.-ie driving
t solldiig but
•boe* eomame ta Blgati. arrived Bun
e ■Iluadso would
dap at (be borne uf Wllltam II Signet.
plaa. and w1ib a su[Oimer cblef of pulloe In MoKeeeporl prem.' .-Ifort I msst.-r-d lu} i-icller man 11 1;<- enme tliat wap. Two
ne pmldeol'i nameuke It Ibe
nent aud biwaiiie |-rf.-<ilp <-uul. Th.-n fOldlera end three natlvi-s w.-rv Llddro
(wesilletb child bora lo Ur aad Hrv
tbe pH to ect at *.-nilarla and
cuusklrf'-d bp Bu-li.-s of tbunglil
Slgnel, and tu mark the pruud rieot
(be bop will be given tbe name of be best wap 10 ju-oiv-v-d. Bbould 1
the camp aad vtIUge at the usual hour.
Tbeodore KooMvelL
t 3 o'clock la the mornlug wr were
Al Port Dodge, Iowa. Clara Kox, of
turned out bp an alarm fruui tbe seaOmaha, waa
laetaatlp killed wblle Jr>-7 I I.-II It. n.) i- tet god fonod s
tlD.-l*. ainl our wboh- force at once bat­
laklag a "elide for life " on a wire few scrape of |«a|«-r i.-" s I'llJ.plliBVtretebed from the court buute lover
nl some lellcn.
TL. re wa* also e tened to the pit. Tbe wild mbn bad
down tbe ravine and falleo Into
to a lelephoar pole half a block avkp.
td peoell. Toklng ofl ay eoet. 1 eel
Tba barvMe la vhicb abe bung be­
SoiwUbstandlog li* deplb
up 111 Ibe middle of Ibe Irs.-k In tent
came nabtmkled Just afur sianlns.
te fashion. IbuugU Ibe wind ferc«sl be wet out egeln In a uonicet. and bat
Bbs fell Into a crowd 100 feet belov,
keep It fmu, I— tor Uie trap on the north side we
r (o taild on td It lu ke<
etrlUBg W. H. Wbevlcr of Eon Dodge.
Lave loet him. Ur ran Into
g b)on swap I onxl
Id fatally lajurlag him
bp tbe leg and tut
ataof hewepsper and leld them e.
onslp aad tbe co_______
When thr Oral of (be lo «e**loat tu
pended In the alt. and when we arcrUlcal. la rlew of tbe el___________
lUi week bp Urn
' be wa* *(-r.-ammg end ibosting
le pspev Mp nejt
LpdjUe ta bavtag groat dlBcoKp
curaiog lu ■ wap te make oac'f
proeuiiag. bmb u cairp oo tbe wo
npU- the Uvii-ri and
hair eland up
aad tt li postlble no aev poedi will
lay tbem
wa* di^-nevl.wa. but tor e long
be added to tbe bateberr tbb pear.
Iiion. Pinal
did, bolding tbe coat In poell
At Habbardatoe Veraos Coror. aged Advlevs
ly 1 iput
-odl I
total at
UeUog made the ntoei tremendous eSortt to
krllb whl.
ewcape. sod but for our (browing
*1 rape* over bis lieed and draw­
Id now tik.-o every possible pre-‘ae apsn and brtag the bop w
m to seeuiy,a btaae and was ing Uwm Ugbl be wmold soon have re­
in Btuebed\to him to a bta
ready te nrtkr mp match when I braid gained bta llbcn.v. When we finallp
shop, wbcrelll was cut off w
:bttlle of the approaebing Irsln. had him fast end s-vun- he bid UreO
ecfdebtaeta. He vUi tbn takes (i
out and was a plHable object
ig up all mp rraolnilon lo wllb< befauld. Uv had b--n beard to use
Mbie to aurtbnte tbHr aecoracy Stand aeUng bnilllp, 1 took out up
few Kngitah wonl. u- ..oe bad
1 and seruI.-BM M on my vleev,-.
la SBytUag except tbe wmie of small
YptUaaU lUe Normal________
beard him make a.h:.-t>.-.v u lore. Uta
Mr. Bamaoee. ibe nttnnatat.
U»ol opned Hoadap. An alteiidaBee
apevcii came l.cck i,> im.i n- w-<- etood
made aoor InleTWtlng erpetlr l.ouo ta azpeeted.
. ae to tbta wewl.-rfol |«ver a*
Uaat CbrtatUaeoo.
eghUMMlBhtaoVDd<«. iBlbeweteete
fanaerp was repaini
.p &r .taps after
mseblac wbn be -became angry at tb* aatorattst fooml that bl* dqmfa
eapturlng (I
bta bormee because tb^ would aot
.. I coold (wslly follow In the trwett also bp punu
etaad atlll
He gave oae of (be aal- of hta matter, tboogh be waa far out ef anotber. fiuallp taking ■ pk-vr of the I due Idm kb
aiale a kick aad at tbe team etartad M Mgbl. and tbiL too. aHer no lest
pencil and ewurHig *u--Ii a dam*
Chrteltaason-t right heel was cut off. rhaB eleven fieeue bad followeil. nir- aa I dared put Inm tbe lent. rn 1. nirw a
belag eaagbt
Ibt In tbb machUe.
tuKild be kepi
ptW exactly la tbe traAt made by Ur. mpatrry to me. (or I Md
• areealei
.leaf towaeblp Urmer drove
wind and rain and with
:h (be train uot a bound bxDd *naeo. It bMag (be dellberfle Intea
Cumber tall Hoadap aad-bitebed “
mile away. Nrrrrtbriesa I ku.vwded preforTe.! n."
who wen MtUag ttav to eoarase tbe eenseo erf tbe poor
f pomible. J'nrttw experiment
--------1 tbe amet BoUeod a bea la tbe
back of bit buggy aad coold see (hat
d that tbe animal tracked tb* lantern, signaled without thlrt} secIbe was twt tMd. They weet aeroet Mota la«.-sd of tbe map. for when Mr. ends to epare. Then, wbea I had ex
mad dleeovered (bat abe bad a brood RomanaB pot on' new footgear tbe deg plained mattera le tbr mglorer, 1 daabif ehlckeai la (be bog of (be baggy failed evtlrely.
■d away to signal tbe next train due Botblog of bta car.-, and we fiuall} got
Tbe Utmer said that tt wmi tbe Bret
from tbe opposite dlrevtion.
h cart and slarTed f.>r lieme lo turn tbe
he bad need the baggy to sevTbe bridge went dtrao l.-for.- morn pone fellow over In ih.- proi--r autlHirl
weekt aad that abe bad batched
Tbe MofT ta (old at a gcnlcb rreocto tag. but IM one wa* Injured b) It* col tin. Oa the Bin.x>ud djp of ll>v JoururjIbe cblcbeae tber* wttbool hit kaowlrhe gave hta prcple Mag. vtrae* *et- lapse. iDdevd. I srit beo*dt.-d. !ia I
. '
.celved mp Mggrat pnvnollou.
MV* and deilvetvd them In a mntrkQuite a sambm of tarmeru M Moat•lace tbat dap I have alarape rarried ea]s*.l taro tb,- ;i
talm couaty are ap agilnit a new abtr aniberate maaaer. One namUy
full bos of raalcbra. and whvDvrev I dap* bunting f.-r
PML It ta sand vetch, which has w tekid s mend who wii visiting
ad tbr stork gelling low I r.-plvnlsb
gnttea lau. many wheat Beldt aad ta him to oernpy hta i-olplt lo the nuentag.
. A Btaicb lo me ta Ibr mosi valotU*
MU liter li- W.9* SV.T
•Aa' were you Hltafltd wr my
'Orsad RapUt botboaee proprie­ pnariilner' aekrd hta mettd a* they tbtag ta (be World.
(wire lo Ihv foirtUn- lo-tbv i>
tor raleed a cueumbor Zl laebet 1^ walked borne from tbe kirk.
DO pursuit ua* or.,.}rlfvd. ao
dead be ta lt«Up '.a.-dvrlns a
feel.' said bta bast alevly. 'It vrat
A dog ovved by aa Bvart mas met
forasU and jnughv like a wild
ill dtaeoerae. tniPm: * fair dtaa peculMpdcatb last week. The aaler. b« tt pained me at the last to
mal warilbf ta a poet, aad wbea a
tea tb* folk Mofclair *o freW end wide­
bag aad n
iloguUr tbtag. as the cwontrr was taawake. I miftrem twaana tae Mag
:* to get a
frintd tndesd.’
Fenad with p'lsnnnu* asnvali mad
bar MS Hvad aa it ebonld bae been ‘
ctnag (o dealb.
mp rxpsrieorc wlih frlende ta need baa aavage brast*. l.oi wbea be was oor
a Uaelda towaablp Urmar pet aa
been tbat they wanted to borrow. Give eaputy ba had iwt a seat no b.s body
a a dollar UU aad apeal It Ftaor
Ktaaliic ta BM by «Bf means ceaand was evtoaUp lu tbebest orimHb.
time* la all yean the aamc bill
back to him
> ta Rvrepe wUeb make It a r^
Al Ht OemaBt AUrad BMenm. tb*
praclkv. asd men. wnoea and diUthree year eU bob M Walter 81c
tbtag* to deal o« aatlMaetorlly. If
had aa eye pat oot bg belag m
tbat uv na enate aad qosm. al- you do B0( praise a omn a* Bbanlly a*
with ae appto tbiwwa by Nad r
>e thinks be dewnrsa. be hete* you: tf oaraalf a* well as to ooe * neigbbeea,
h DBt aa oTteasIvc. aa ar* maikagfvl Id. Tb* taee ef tbe blow I
tbe ball M tbe eye.
I oveipratas Urn. be en* yoe doara to Befbtag ao luisn eoa for tb* ortafs «■ tbe bedtao of tbe aovtb aca
Aa Ooeaaa cototy man u ualalag
a riiarper ar a fool.—BoMon Tran dtaary duOv* of lU* or eo quickly
brlaga co premaam- old age a* a montopie of poleeata aa pete
raoa temper, aayi tbe Brooklyn Eagle.
A swarm of boos sataivd tbo alt4 Wiwnleiw, who U*»
Bg room ef Rev. D. H. Shelley^
Then are plenty of arttflrtxl aids to
ma* at levM. by way cd tbe Alm(he reach of every
Toog WoDan (brfme mHHnar'* artaaey. aad tba Umlly aad tbs beaa got
dew. m be* mald>-Ttol hat M parfaet- ooe^^.hax raa
• "Bly. I mBSI have It Marie, be
% Hogk OodiT. hta wtt* aad
to snmaaaA WMea tblagi
ball doeea othar pmwmi w«r« petea
Ugta to yoM Htur M ite of
*4 al cue 01 (be Fteh by Makta
Irnncvade that bad baea aIMved I
good humor ^ npasBsf aver cad
pan. »nte madia
•Sa «M bM. amdtM. X aa mnr «•
o*v tbe beM tsany oterMa nr btti of
ly.- npUed tba gitm vta^ed pato
•Bhe’B BMde a
teyowBf tH- hDamraat poetry yea know. K cam
•gwe paUtaty. -bvt 1 tte 1 am safe
OMMotari ef I.
■ prwtaf^ yea te tr WtUta tsiw
a raa rdy to (ha
ceacedlaf the greatsM bee.
letpef tow
( tea at af hiM dasOa. U fm
' 'M«a >e the

chance to save soi
\Voln^.•n■^ ami Mis,

dlaivl] began
ra sunk IB


'l klit* *


We've };ot two
Kid Slippery, that lo

Hoinu to sell cheap.

We ju^^outTbA lliem ihis

sprint;—no oW siofT they’re DRi»»^w. hul wc
don't «am to keep them over.

Note these Prices:—=
Women's $1.25 Kid Slippers go


Misso’ ::-»irap Sandals, were $1,33,
j'Oii can have them now for.....................


Children's ;t-strap Sandals, sizcii SH to QR/w
•toll, were $1.15, now .....................................OOC
Children's ^-sir^p Sandals,«izes fi to 8 'yp\n
were WV:, now .........................................................
• OW
Women'.-'Kid l)xk
nlile. now "selling



Next .khV t.i

HsibIIiuo Clulhing Cuoijanp

July Clearance Sale
i/ itik/ tkrmibfb af avr


I ■

~ at


Furniture, Stoves
.....and Crockery

ia aitn 4aafaatia Migb te«a
Rocker like cat, aoCd
Oak. ckarte pfice.
S6.00 bed, cMarsDcc ^nc^'U.40














Beat sewing



ff# Tm/
5# 0m7 JMtf.

V*........... 1.05
$.7S Mom Rote, aoU oak
tiatac, qte arat tad back, veloor


•The Boston Store


taat TraTcnc floaU.


ekIU. DMent Pmb. ueocdtec la Iw
<Ma, oikcnrMa. kaan u Inna WQa* pna lata Ike o
WUUaau ct kUi

TWM. T. KATB*. atttam.

Maw Othan CdbbralaA
ircTM City om* by ao aae
'rbrougbout tbe Oraad
TO, wnuo a non outaaee an* region ibcte were alber a---------ii at to dty. Tbe pUat b la itua. lit Ibe glnriou. Saturday. Neerlery n-wirt tn (bli reclloa bad
auoe aad uaabb ta keep iip
imk celebrallOD. Sotae of
Ian. A lone of IS taas l>

mar ylTtiK the ADd ta
B, to lake can or. tba e--------,— to* to’^ tor^^lly. tad fro»
c} and bad
ad with bar Ira or *U yaara. bat la oet dally. The brtck a
UK Un. Wlllas* eaaaed ta WTiU. at
oatllty (baa they bare beao b
iDicrIocbea bad
iteacb Mn. Deaa wrua taraeal M« (Iha.
Mr. Harkban bat lahe la Ian. (be
ttaJIad a new patent prseeet as
large (bat tbe tovu could not
fre vaakt acs iba eaa
ta gtrlog lla« Htutaetlon.
all abd aiurn of It bubbled ui
lUataiee taeUac her child aad ti
The iiracvu and aiacblaiTy be
lb.' turTuundlAk lerrliory.
that Hr. aad Hr*. WllUtiu had tapaIII aibletk- rooiMU.
raiad. ba bala( iB lawa aad aot kBO«- ebedt under efalrh tbi- brirk dry. Tbe
II. porder.
IBK when the WM. The ebtld^wu Bee prvn-** uf drying the brtck bcfuri
wlth’flreirared to Rlk BapUi. arbare Hn.^- they gii tolu II
rtetle Umoie M bar.
(dr. Hepld I'
BUde arraaceaaou by ~bi’ei berrov.
care td her child bctorc
dniag lu (be
Mt Tbaca t. aatbiac Hka balac aa
bat had aerar aaae ber
A. entSo e. Ibr bri rk cunut frutn
Iba c»a»9 floor. Koa. 0»ad BmM. aaili the oiaa to aet tbe ebUd. Tba
ir Btarbloe.
belag cut blu Ind.-pt-n.kDc.- IIB). and a bit
• ihf loan A varied i
Ititle oaa VBi abovt tl dart
arc cuarrycd
Maduvo a»0
an cadlMi belt lu ilj n-c ta.yi, wbu
■o pile
are bar< arua the aebaol aad hara
.. ainiellc ev*ol»*^of all j
KalBtlt't atory.
upoB a bw(
o U(
baaa ta MIba. Tbelr alraa ara latf
> iMtlflad that both benaB ptarw.. to Uardi
( called pelaad ararr aflact aad taflaraea atU be aad bat
4 ware ibtatrlcal ptopla.
Tbi: palrtuUc
I aboel a year a«] Oaea pll.4
Tbay yai
At Kiuo a* ibri
on^BV *v i>~ w
— ■■■'
a leading fralur
Uaaa brirk a palral obeeJM
. ... aiaalaatioa Mn
n«aiii«e tad aareral ether aortbiW
Scrllnger <>l Trav
dan aad rat aatbla to eca- Op u> to pile aad (bey i
Mha.1^11 taasa bare «<sa oe retard
Tioilc addre*.
One pall
T—1—“f Jfr—— aafcad by ad to Iba drying abed
a* (arortaf Qtasd Rapldi. Had
My C H Croat
cur aatarad the flald aartlar
K. roatar of Trararea City aad
aiaaaalra' oT Htalitaa an at aad It ta k> aleely balanced ibai a
Bortbere UlcbKae knrai «oold 6atM.lUpid. sa* marred by a >.-ri
uaall buy can baadle U and
Hat hara titroaa Itelr leflaaoee tbU lOfBayi for Hn. Cnafla, aad Corall brgi quamllly of brkk al ut
icridrot' tbit bappenrd m Earl
way teftaed at laitber toath.
All tba altaraaoB ha* b IB occupied A nice track leadt u. to drying ■
Haaarar, the loeaUoe U bdi yat da- la readlac Mten i
Ulirc dry tbe Male kind ul al
rrackuf in bl> baad when ibe
barruu.. wiia tbe excepikn that
eldad, aad bow that tba cooBel]
Deaa tna Mn. T—
>r 1-iplo.lo.l. buralng Ibe band
are nut euibloaed. arc ruo under i
dactdad ta a»k tor Iba aebaol ararr
.adly damaging tbe (ace
paJleit aad lbe> are taken to
po^M lafloeaea tbould ha eianad
It I* *lmo*t a nlracle i
kilo to be plied fur burning.
ut luH- hi. band aad buta bii
la Uad It Wa hart tba piaptr loe*la (bli aay to baadllag uf bdlrldow, aad by (bt tot it b glm
A* It 1.. hi* face sill
aal brick a* bemtafort
UM eaacrvhUaUy. afld erary adrabtcarr.-d luDu-sbat. bul nu serious rv
and It It a groat Mvlng u
„II. «UI fullus. It II Ibuughl.
wbun It MVe* at loaal twu ri
■lag* t
eblp to b
Big Land D«al.
woald ba beuar than ellbtr Oiud
Tbe new
■h there are
Unc Id the largest real eilale deal*
Ba»ldt or MBikacoe. or aay otbtr dty
btbatt »rpw
loel long by :u (eel wide
lai ba* been recorded In lUi county
Mn. Harriet
tba Ibaa rt
-tortbar aaetb, bacaoaa YptUaaU •»«
*. They are cry urongl)
ccorded In KegtsK
bat oecapled
yled tba BUeolka of
c tide* aad
office a
Jadge HayM all day. ud tbe cad^l*
(na (hat portlea of tba tlaU.
moDc-y ■
Bol yat. aad It aot yat la tight,
he property
Ibl- transfer a
la thl* anaranoe uely two wltac
tba iacrtaalBc easbar of aU
r matched lumber and
very likely
bM 111.
Mb (ba aortb aaaka II U(Uy adria bad beea OB tba ttaad. and Ibe c____
Dd ba* been
timber on Ibe
oea of these bad act baeo
flbto ibat a aeboal be aaublltbad la
*0 be upenad
the aonbwaalerB pan of tba tU
lUcIi uf IIbne i
yu.i mad'
It lookt Ilka a had laeat Hn Dean
.Yhrae yaan tgo Prof. C T. Oran rlalBi tbtt tba child u ben. aad Ibai drying eepacUy of
i-r, e O *'
kic, A Uuuglaai ul Han
aad cflbar praetlBaai ilaU ad»
tba 10T«a the girl and waau to take
led backing board.
ru pUced
-I. Ibe
adriaad thb elly ta ca altar (be pre- ber aad gire ber a aaMber-* care But
•r the brtck afUT they re piled up a»e**eil
~ aula aad
olben ebo are
ppiBd aaraul aad aiapbaaltad
In lung ro*r» and In rea* ’ rein wide
td it Iba child bare. Urongb
board* are act up un une i
aa^ of a aeboal o( that klad la Uli
»yt, soug
depending on which wi
beeo of tL.
Mn Deaa't Ilia hM
.. aeareely (b*
miM U woald bare ban bat
spring* up In
middle of l!he^
have charge of to
bwra Bade a ■araaual aarUtr.
tbe*e board*
here to be moved
3 tba atnally acceptgirt.
rick ea^ oftea
, My atm ba a cbaaea.
ad I_________ _________
tlrtke* to brick and Inlurei I
of Mn. Daaa bartall.
method tl! tbi* U
practically wortblea*
___ tbry
bar* ...........
CmmII Aftor Mala MaefoaL
md and
All uf UiU I* pint(bat
tatUthe ■attar of tba prep
paid It
fully worth Ibe
............. .......... am be* a Hrewer brick
ftat t^t
(bat tto
tba hat a
•tTMl arhaol la Waabwa
rsi untaoched. by the
meklng mecbloc which It mkde in TaTbe Und furmerl)
eumteta. Hkb
It bu t capeelly of woodman'* axtar aboat n yean.
from M 10 7b tbouiead brick par dty
la the are abed* there ....................
at adwwm tbit way. A ntolatloa
- lumber and three-fourtbi of a
wat fl&ipud wbkb latmeud tba
hinge* are u*ed In the bloged owned II fur a good many year*.
want ta appout a nnatitae of tra.
» of town !«. range 17. wa*
Luri. Tbe rauf will ba ui
aha baa aarb ward, to larUa tb* aetar. Mn Uaaa aad ber abler. Mn
e best secUoa* to nonbera
-light Ibrougboul.
' wbieb b tooktag op a ttu Kaiaae. bare beea (be oaly wUaettet
HIchIgnn aad worth enough to make
. Htrkbai
Just completed one Indpeodcntly riel, beluru
an (ba tuad that Ur. Mn Daaa adlog bta ibl
ilrd kiln this
year and li
■Itlad that the bad Barer eoatrtl
cut 0
.................... ...
to floeil
tba eblU't lopporti that tba
Th. laad I* located about fourtai
kllDt be be* ever burned.
>d H*
He Is
1* build
n witbla *0 aillat of bar. bul
aeat hartag araHaUa prtparty I. .
suuUweit of (be rliy la Ore<
whtob waald ba taltaUa tor a toeatto Boi goes (a Bsa htr, aad la otbar nyt tag (be toortb kiln, wbicb will be
tuwBiblp and extend* ursr Im
ready for Inirelag la a abort time,
tl thb cHr tor ibt tebacd. Tht atta
Beatlu county.
from 16 ta K
Mbbraibatifdaerat. ThiBm
Tbe part which change* hand*
a^eoL bw Botklv *“ k~« *“ *■
ttal 4Mellea uU bo». L«t al^
tke apaaell kaeMai to »aka lapraiM
to iba tut* boart
adaeaUoa aa< to UrtU that hodr to amt
b«e aad taieall^ ^ to clre
<dir Urenble raacUeeatlea.r Yba
laiaiut ta all rlifet. bat It tl





Ura. Kaiaa. who appaan Ilka
arkbem ba* pieaiy of v
for tbe yeerii work and
flood, na-aaaalag waBaa, wat ea
to turn out fal* brick in
to ftaad a flood thare of tba fore•on. tbs waa rary Mb to tty aay- olaa* ahape. With tbe macbloe be
thlBg that woald U toy way raflael ba* b* caa form 18S brick per mleIi not the avarage a
■foa htr abtor. Hn Dtaa. Oi '
Inftht ta aay a g 1 word for bar.
For over » year* ba ba* i
aad Ibaa had to “ba
Bp" a Ut OB to
: ltd* Inealloa
... - aad
-- It
.. U
.- ettimaied
who are capable of making
that be ha* not ttaad
It of tbe eUy tol la
a aad Dna. to to btnb to
aalUbU la brteka. Wbea
1 sad to to ctRaMaaea* attc..
...................« to to lauar ta WaaUby P. J. Oarpwur. ue ta ba CAPad tar.
. Mn. MttaB laMtud tot ba

A aa^MaKniln wat rntlrad trea
Iba Para Htonua BMlraad Oo. auttoc tot tba aanpa*y acenud to
toantoi vabtlac toa pamitalm
M lay a atdairarb, to AIAtrMa thr-

_________ l.“U

arsirii* ■■

tonur. Sha taUatad ibM^ sto■ rogMd to larb aeUag had always hue at rw
•n,TmT. c
--------(Me raruty tbeaura. aad tot
€ to Mfltot
Dtaa wat abaadaatly abU ta
tolM beak.
,. ...
■re to to tolA Bba.taU tot
taiUM. Both Mflortt w«o mifll
Daaa aanad frea m u *4* fltr
oA A eory larflt Bwat or bOb vm
m to MBflt. aad wbM with to
-•4. to two tarnad tnm »1N to
$m aa wash, flha was bet eaeUy
BhU to tall why Mrs. Dtbb ooAld bM
dwto aU toaa ytM bare aarod lor
wat adoflUd thtt^


Oa to cwnM-wwlitatlcB aba ad■Mtod tot to tUUr bad Urad with
OtM lor years wuboci I '
tot to ahUd was to
PBlee; tol to tittar h

tol ««By it tot Kbw tbd tone
hw ban bCBtfltod or ntoUfl tl
-IIM caa bora ntai

A ihAt tor flMMgnl

VltoB ChIKIat Ttoto nM «n
niigitl aafl two adAHtoaiA mmm
•MtA Tboy wart ImM — “ *^*JaMT^to



. _ laUart racatred ..
Mo Mrs. Dmb aad
to isoordt. Tht amt> tar to ebUd dBftag

--*21Sd“ Zr^^a^
h Atunay Craas Btooght oat (hat to
had beta aaabU Mb b bBaadal
■uadpodal ta oars tar tba ehDd bttara.
aad tor that raaaoa had aarar Bade
any atort ta get posataaioa of to Bt-

ito bndfle taad
idtoTod la tba eoi_

aad Mfl

Itoto aonell ad*
ly ilflbl el I o'cloto.
they will teaalte (ba ropM af to
Attoi^na ago n olgM-tont a*■nl walk wat ordtnil oa Watt
Ibnt ilml. bnibaaB.&UtoP.
<tok flolae an to to way. n b kbe
aato to to CMtang' Ttonban Ctoa
flptaa A Min wat toada tad nrrtod ardtttog to flotn to bt want
. oat part way. abd wn rtftmd to to
A matkm wn BBAa abd


Mrs. Dtaa tbv
to prcfliBluB M a
and to tuabmaa


r <g bar n-ysar-old Agagbtar
ira. CtoBU of Bk BagdAt. ta


......................of to cbM. which to
raedrad ta


mamaa Wtoato waa hot abto
wbatoi to dty had a tUy tobtot^er

to ny tow ha vaatol to toam to

srbaro aba BBda toUrtta. andAbowad
tot flaally to tMiaad that to gtri
bad baaa ttkaa ta Bk Raidda. wlure

eovered by lb* followtn*
•action. I.'!. 7.
Parcel*. of •*«!
«. 10. and 1;
i*arrel* ol sect m* SU. 31. 37. 33 and
3i of town 77. aoge 17. Aboat 8.000
Trarerec eonoty and
4iarcelt In serlloa* I. 7k, 7C. It aad 3i
’ - -cQ 70. range is. I>arce1t In leC'
4 of Iowa 77. range 13. In Dan
maly. abouf 1.000 acre*. Tut
about acre*

_X toflator. orcaalti BbMT and directed la to drUag
a pretideet. a board to dk
•aerctaiy aad a trcaiarcr.
Iqoarten ofllea a! Cbleago

other laaOIonli of___
liouar. in (be Michigan reaon nli> dlrecton and....................
lulb b>-t*eeti

the dlrcctun
. patronage
«• and par.


t ttmiually prut.-rliic an
prvfllabl nlr>. and betide, u.e
deal uf nuai
log and .hi]...............
id Ibo g.-Dcre! •meij'
pile* Iruoi L'bicagu.
lu. tbe hiring and I.
handling - Ip. the fltlBg uf Ihcl,



a Weman't^Camplenlot.

Th* Uale Ko 110 anil O. I Plan
pla^Kl to tanaa. Oil « ita

• aiiiinrer. i.r grea.lnc*. .d . ■*'
, or iriv'ut
trcaiinett. ai advneet
eauiy doctor*." The oai
a woman c

I im-Aii.1.. t.1.

.j a.-u..- T..w«witn. ml

cutlng *nd llkewli
It dtoMM- ....................
IS Augiitt Flower
c- liv.-r, cleen.c ana en -Jh.r arul tiinb-r <-nW.i4 |>r-.^vmag. m*v '
.«!. purlBr* Ibe cimpleicure* roaitlpalbin, bll
vousnt-*.. and
■V' IliTdlpd JuiV A* i'mbS.’‘b,
iVk •
A .Ingle bottle uf ,in Ih»(.u*«..<in !-■ iM-e.-.! t.e m. L-snn* 1
cr ba* been knuWD tn —f.u.1 T'llte-n. .iwllh.1 in. bHr* .1 1» '

tonlun.. and not only refu»e to i
aauiber seaKn. but disaaade
frli-ndi fi-uia .ubJerUng ibeffisel
.Imllar ekpi-rl.-ac.-* Hr Mueller
tabigbly prajiewort.

creased i»
a gain In one
uver li;i«).iiWKP
Canada t.
■ rd
Nearly all cnunirlis In
ind In North and Sonih Ami-'
ilef <4 the bureau uf ttatlttlc.

It Ion
Its. regular

Tl:boee Oombtnattea Pral
I di.iul.1 UHi W gr..'-!
I Ltd.
Alkl It 1. rurth.w <M.-rnL Uiwt r*ii nsilva '
•r glvv IKSUV. t.. th. irer.-*. ■m.-n.I-l la .wsl
e-l.l--. el IW l-ed-nry ,.l MUl ■>'UUun. Slat
tea b-wnng I1w-r—if. 1<>
of 1I0.

bmitn-dene* Wedding.
bout tbiny gve gue.u
aeey cottage '
.. F--rdlnand St

■’ —........... ...




nlbA at to opaaOk aolor (Mir Mk.

,S-r|r' 1

Yog ill Mull- -You Mi
Han to Han

i.owu.wu h. (I
” ,•■“7 ‘
Oreanica (rum IlI.Uuu.l
JT- '
Suulb America
from H.ciou.DOp lu Ill.uoo.U'.i
bale dun.
export* for*
luial exports,
lurmed but 17 (N-r
:n isim agriculiun


rumparing II
In export* uf 1
wa. IlCk.tRW.O
uaniilaciiires |3i
lu^sc^ thsi mai

:“3S7 ‘.


It It our buainere lo tupjilv your
neclt in that line with (Jroccnet
of the liigKM <]ualit)‘

At the Lowest
Gash Prices...

riK s:

Summer Heading
Tor 59c .

Such pitpuhr cdpprigbtf a$i
''Hound of the Baskervilles’*
“Tanice Meredith”
“Quincy Adams Sawyer”
“Blenner Hasset”, Etc.
\V«:11 boiind ami in a iarae variety of titles.

19 Ibx. Best granulietl sugv. t.OO
GalioD A|>plea, per can..................23
Tomiioci, per 3 Ib. can................10
Bake.) beana. per lib. cu..


IC. Baking powder, reguUr iSc
Victor Such, repili 10c siie. .05
i;naniel Starch, regular 10c ..


Bell Starch, reguli lUc site..


Bell Such, reguUr Or site..



Tor 35c
hpckt alctip bAuadta,tHh$ tike
“Elsie Verner” “Black Rock”
“Little Minister”
“Marble Faun”
Can't be^in to enumerate

lE'^! !!r‘.E!'SSi5T "




«eet* ef red aad-white .
garter* sad glM sod wbH* patBls*







j'oiir pick from a liiu stock.

I lb. good smoking..............................16

Cify Book Store

1 III. good Plug.....................................25
1 lb. Good Fine Cot................


Core, Kvergreen sweet, per ql., JO

debart-Bttebir Co., rnpuom.

Com, While Cory, sweet, eily,
per ql............................................... -i
Pcs*. Elly Telephone l>wiri;
p« <?t................................................
PeakNau Exeebiot, pet ql.. J
Peai, Alaska, very early per ql. .15
Peas. Rice’s Eiliest of All.



wbat iBstle a mot Aeaflaroae
unn .-mw BT. Mo— Nr m laaUoB aad piMUeee
flay esofliafli oBBi to asMso.

B It

It. Is Ibe graatos
the United Btia
>r1h American Hi-vlrs
artinge of lielr daughu-r
1 that tbi. cuunln l» Itertha. with itank 1' Jone*. toitb of
ciimiH-li-nt buogkropcrs and slrao’•I .all* ul manufac Tra.en
' increasing
Tbe I All grwreful D^re <■( the bride Ttee A a.i. Ue..-x KuTiAv--.- ■
. .» | I ro
oiirwrlf ai once
l-mv- .1 M-n.k1 I'fit---11 ! t-iiy-i
wonb uf nianulactu
irimm.-d with delicate lace,
li-.rii-d la.i ).-ar
iv.mkvi s
iilk gloii-. *nd rerlred bridal
> ihiru|M Ilf the n.-arly 63.i*>t'.i.i<>.
iirih ul manufaciur.'s cJiwried
i Jun.-*. uf the groom.
term Ixglni Aug 3
.. ni*iJ uf honor, and »a» nr
-III In Kiinipean marki-i*.
e u. nr H-od fur estalogue.
n ibln while, over pink
WASTE!' Tlie. in In-iuli
.S,. ,
Knclun.1 I. ilH- grealesl rital uf
.A. Aiiendcd by Italpb And.-r- /"MRI.
UKH tl IIAUUoN'tl.
I'nli-.! State* lo nianularlur.'*
l-sl man.
ninny visr. .bi- prscilcally kriil
Mnne I.A|>bAm
. Millet AOook OaaeUaeEar ilritl.h market..
te .llpiK-r. WA.
u> in ni'iri) nil the
ul in her »ervu.f toe* hr* wbl yea wank Tea oaa
c oiDllni-nl. .Vos. buscvc-r.
get tbnoi at Fred P. Beagbay-a They
..-n.l 1.1 Kiikland
-liiKland every
eviey year 310-M
- the
AinkeD wbic
asmnlewl ta give rnttofaetota or
KW of
rf tuanutaciured pr_
pruduci:• and
moaey tataaded.
olhcr• 1106.1100.0011— wunb
to UriiUb
inl^il by Elder
Our espuru uf maiiufaclures to Ku
mm- hare gr.isn from In
Its: to iKn.ooii.ftoo m m:
in ib<tpuru uf manufac
couulrl.-. of Nurth
America b
L-aw-d from Isa.uoe.

.iKW. (Jer^ny I
ly.oOfl.Ooe. the
late, ihi-n *a» at the buitom
W. C. I. A. Annual.
t. In 1»M Mulball placed Mie
-.......... manulacmrn* In the rmied
State. *1 fS.1»8.U00.0(M.
Klngduin 3I.763.000.KMV
Germany 33..................... , Frtbcc l?.»00.(K>0.0«0. the
Unllt-d Suip. standing al Ibe bead uf
tbe fullowlog officer* were elected for mauufaciiirlDK nsiluns ind
Iba ensuing year:
Opwdng al W»wua«aM.
uni a prudiici of a value nearly aa
Prealdeni—Mrs. Hanhs Cunli
...» opaalag of to Nrw Va^u.
gretl a. ibai ut ibe I'nlu-d Kingdom.
First Vtca-prcsldent—Hr* Bctella Ot-riti
uag deb last weak marked to bagla
I France combined
Blag of to sommer ooclal saasoaVir KneelanA,
dob oadar tba

......................... ..
Bid* for Pwmpa.
Nine bid. h»vc been received
fa*«* and ta (be laaplrlBg
supplying new pump* for Ibe
____ fluwan
suwanAA Stef; StataoD.
Recording Bacmary—Mrs Amelia WAIcr works. Ove of them »re Hit
un different style* nt en
I peat to boar cf rntdalghi
Inc*. TlM- four uniform bid* *re from
day harlag baaa opprataKaly_____ naaBrll Bacreury—Mrs. Aaa
Tb* AIIK t'himer* Co of Mllwnukee.
U Iowa (ba ratreabtog braatat <a (ba
Wtopinxin: Holley M»nur»ctiirlng
Trcaaorer—Mis. Mary Thlrlby
bay tbora wart lartUag and iba bobBoard of Urectors—Hr* Floreaee of lickpurt. New York; LnldlAW-ll
Oorflun Co 1 rinctanail. Ohio,
Bareom. Mra
Anale Soule. "
J*a*l* Ulllaaple. Hr* AmelU Voutbre. tbe Snow 8te*m Pump Co of Hill
Frea S U f o'dock tbe wn
Hr* LoBiM McCoy.
rasdand a ebara^pg eoacen p
Chklmers t'o tsbmltt
Tbe aanol reports of to recordlag
bad after tot tbe daaclBg w
10 forntoh one bortn
isacretary. flaaaeil teeraiary aad
aad (rsaly ladolgad
compound conducilng
renduettag emk *nd flytreasorer were read
el pumping engine capacity 8.000.abowed tbe
Unlted Stir* gallons ta tt hour*
GuAranleed duty 118 million foot
each l.oiib pounds of dry
aad to UpfMkgwf Ua warea oa to
r. 82«,000. Tbe Ume re­
baach, to BOoaUgbt and Ua dllgbb
quired to iBstll pump from date of
tl tulta cf'.^oalc leal a romaaUc
contreri. tea tbonib*
letaaBt Which,|waa Umptrlag
ManufacturiBg Co sub
lag year. Among
After to CD#an Pretldtat Boberu
' proposltian. (or tame iiyle of
iblngt which tbe
tarltad tba BBBbars aad
tbe exception ibai Ibe
ray of Improvw pump wlib
(Ice bare ta view, by wi
to bit roamTt^ be gi
____ Jing of e tntel goarantred duty was 108 t
Ibe' eonstrecllon
itrecllon of a t...
ralL pound* per each l.fKin pounds
airwady alilaed
elMm. Prire. Ilb.oon
"be lime rw
deflnlie action> baa been
t tba good work
pump. Bve
I lest Qulred to tastall Ui<
which bad already bMe aooompIUbed
woald ha but tbe tarareaBcr of sllll
btUer week aa ibe cMaon progresst*.
Reel estate Trenler* .
__ the
cicejniOB that tl
Kecorded by Regleter of Deed
aeu of lb« arganluUoe be
iraeieed duty Is
' 108 million I
- - '
1. aadaaaorddtoae cm to July 8. 1»03.
tads per eacb I.i
pounds of
pesatei tot to .
am. 1‘riee IK.ion.
!. HarHand’s add; qolred to install the pumii. f>
saeh tbi evamB*
toy were aBosg t-------bMt CrlMds
oa tb* dab gnmi ‘
le Snow Btuam Pump Co subi
7, HL * Co’*
sH o
srad a ttateasaat
Ibe aame propoalUon with
deaa by to beardI cd dlraetars.
exception thl Ue guaraaleed d
U-ne 0. and George W.
was 120 mllltan loot pound* per a
Sylreler Brtnni. *1 1-10
1,000 pounds of drykieam Price. 8
o raise «M0 u pat
nwM. see It. town 77. raage I: Voo
Time (0 Install the pump. <
ct tbi was aU un wa*
rue to HtaDarwin B.' Foeter and wife
* scoaoB, but wbfB to
................ ....... ................................ U, bloek 2.
swelled to tI4Wto bsOpk*^ add: BOO.
Homer A. Doiy and wUe U Evan T
Bvads as 1 lot 18. block ». H I. A
Mr. KobiU *
Cu's. :nd add: 11.
to subltat aad .............. _
Ole Bogge and wife to Frnneta L
:r*day s
tot aot a sbar* of suck la tl
Price, lot No. 1. block 7. H. U A Oo'a
rod wbl
' BnaoM: 00 to e
3rd add: «7MI.
The rod ta ime way struck i
Prancls L. Price u Ole Sogg; and
and ptmebe a large hole ta
rtoek at par. wberaai to •>
wUc. parcel ta 70 acree. aec 8. town
the stei
ta a burry
b ba* beoe aid wa* dlspoae
77. range 12. 11.000.
Tbe tr
. ta a stop
rty COBU oa a doQar aad a n
Alice M Smith u Jon. F. Ctark and
rod*. - .
... ..
making good
dBM. Baklag a share of suieb and
He. dH of sew. sec. K wwa Xi.
ae Very tonuaal
ostly no HsreafiCT sbold aay .jagelUillM.
from tbe
be arltable It mnet be eld 1
Oeo U Fenloe aad wUe ta ttarld

As to sHnatica sow extota.

See tbem.''m

Cv. State ue Uiiu.
0|.CityHirti1 Bifli PhNisi46

Either ' ime tliat best suits yoor
.. to Ecooetor Store
woul.l lie pleased lo receive a cal! Ireai yoo. Oar
OoT *U
stoci cmM*^
everything from KINK l.ACKS lo Screen Itaors, Cow
Pads, Dry Gooilt, Notions, etc., eic An Ecooooy store is of
imjattaocc to you than your bank, (he diffenmec being wgSAi-.-xinNFx. white Uie lianki talc eve of year savings sua vou. Hadn’t
better cll 1 once and invett'gle?
to Iced y
io (dorteen counties, caO on s
KST and —. __________________
the Founh. We ve expecting s.

Cbe Economy Store
W. H. eROWNtUU Prep.

241 Frefrt at. Trs




A GuRmn-i SSOA

Pric -nuM Frit,.

.' ine,. -




...... . w

______________ to ton.

I Fred P.
tbe lotplMB

k.. xti




:- .•i..m.>l to le the largsei
lu Hlcblgan. Mteriag K
fc-t. and
welgjitag g.yw
ba. been placed In Ue new

U- ..a

The Fi|>iri> frutn the L'nlu il ^i*



Tba BtetoMI Parm fler Bala.

ileaent raoTenatlaa were terrad
I nectar by Mta* Chnto. &rt.
rr lo Ibe cvealng refrcebBeai..
The MTTlee vai performed b
e rerved In Ue dining room by
beauulul arch of fere* and
Mluet Mabel Bate*. Addle Sole*
lib a backgrouad ol fere* n
Kloy Watab. conalaUag of tce eri
ri aad
potted plaala.
rtd baby wbicb U a
da and *lnwberrte« oa plate*. Tl
daintily gareltbcd Mrlth itrawberry ! ;>r>-:
. of i*blr linen, ehlaa. cryital rbewer. It will panle mrei talks b
ate*, cakei and boo bnB>.
Tba and
«•* wbai there lb tboui ihta tael ti
enltg »a* marked by aa air of dej i;.,-Tyirlblnc IiaMed ufl p
chilul iDlunnalli} and
iW b>
.1 nl.he* *
d Ur> liatn
It na. ph.Mi.utrai.h *

E. Wyncaop. parcel. Ktagley; IBO
Engine No. 1.
JYATM1 agpeadltaios ta data bars
Aabley B. Cunli aad wtf* ta U K.
Honor Hraach of O
bacs Bta aad (Mt« Is aUU la to
(A to Mrs. tnasorygtM. AUewlBgtartoeoaple- Clerrtand. tat », bta«* *. Oak Park: down aad get tbe dtoabled eagtae a:
T--------- Ludto. B. to HtobaiA aid
brtnglHhe rest of (be train ta u i
Uoe at werb already plaanpd tar to
naa to to otor rtotolew bfritod
. to child weak aad
Ptotw River where Ue east boui
seaeiB. iBclodlag raaalag eape
passed abel 8 o'clock
ftaaertn Hay CesBbine.
tor* wtll etlD be Ml Ueo la
-The dPO. " Chicago'* ewell aoelety evealng.
wntod to ■ittor letktd tala by to
. _________ 3btr. totatd
ye Ibe probaMUttaa
to_ftue gH. -Bara’s
tag Hlto^^aoBiTO iw
rwor asetor.- Tbe child wm bm
there _
to ncB wbaa abc tr« calM.
tsUoa at to raBiably baoelt
%arkarB la to tbemteire* a*thereby
Aturoty qiMSBiri cd Maalata* a
well at Ue parteolstag
daeud tht mwe ........................
pnblle. Tbe ld*A bat been saggMted
wRmm mM . tbU to was B y*i
H. F Moeller, cd U* Pere MarTO ecu A OOl4> 7X OflS DAT
le grtraads, torliy by
nU: tbi ber'ral aaOM wa* Jcaipfei
goatte. Detralt. wM le CM cd to
brlnleii and brlgblel railway 00ells and peraonaUtta* In to Vlrwtae world Hr. Holler Is Ue geneil
i wbl .
tonad Mtoto tor a toa. »n to to apaseeager ageal of to Pere Miofaga aad bad^^ oa to;
d la lbs way_____
Prstty WsMIeg Rsesflttan.
«BMie syiem aad to Uerefore ta ta»Kwr1 td to plane
Mr. sad Mrs C. A. Hetomoad. wbo
tlBle toeeb with U* rsooru Ul
................. Igaa tamoai. Uto were msrrtad ta Paebta. Colo., a lew
days ago aad arrived here Ue flret
to tbi If toll
week, were Bren a dellgbUI
UolUag tplriu c
rceeptloa last week by Mrs
HaBBoad and Mtat laabel "'
t Waahtagua street,
id to felt by to p_______ _ —
--- —
^Ka^W|Od to rartoa* betato
jflMltl Ttoto to Caort

SSI’S!; ."isiifarasir

a LetlM Day
« lOBC table






bae in U yens * thB atj.

mat MOB




Tfbank fbiebbich & company!

242 fM&


' »wm Bast Ro*n
bvt lb* immt (bov vUi b*
kbon w (b* r. Totnb* Bumm Od. Wau TWatly, vttb
- ■
- •
4Bd vlll b* m<er (be inrtrt
ibltaal orar bto
B«at or Ftmk Votnli*.
vlMory asalaat Ue -Osebavto."
' * ' ivto."
Tbe cn>«partBeol olll be to

STATE bANK'-~“"‘


S per OW allMrci M TlK Dc»^

ever Im* baatea baton.
Tbe -crelaer' vlU li paopto oa
oard left NcrUport Moaday abon
u rods ahead ot lbs NorUport beat
tairta had OB Uree (rava paopte aad
ro cbtJdres Mr. FetUrly ru hie
uarlB Ibe -Ute •xplotloa-' (or Ue

NIaM Wee Her T*nvr.
-I *o*1d eoosh anriy all Bi*bi
toBC.- *rftf>s Mrs CbBS AppleCBt' of
AteraiHlrtB. Ind. “nod csmld bardlj
set BB) sleep. I bad poosuBplloe a
lad lhal It I *a1krd a blork I «oul>l
rooBb mtbttnlly and spit bio
... all other OKHlIclee*
oxHlIclee* failed,
fallr three
|l.*u bottles
«iles Id
id I>r
Kink's Sr* l«*.
•bolty rui
me B' - «>!• - li’a a
CSufbe laOrippe. llruu
" ihntsl aa.l liink ln>ubU->
f*rtce sue and II on TrUI Isrfi
JnhBM>n> and F H

lel.l »ii.l (sully.
r and CItel

AnellMr Brick Bteok.
u. Hroobatka. Jr., bss rhiaed
deal Ybereby be beoiwn..< ..a-e^r
I Ibe II
tbe IM aad bolldlBK ou Ibe auuibweit
d tbry
steadily cbIbIdc.
mmer of Rlsih sod
8ou(b UnkMi
ns Sinn a* Uey ver.. ere* vlUi
A Railresd Chanpe
Birene. Hr buosbi tbi'
tb _____
_ <d
b.? ahuved Urm buB easy It vai
Tbr appolullurBI uf J <> l..j>k.n a- ^
Ibe Bbadf-k esteir *Dd *111 l«r oo
M-B tteblBd
vre It *rUb a flne Iirlri bdidUf
as tbr) drr* akmsildc far
Ibe ulurr of Ibe topnitenrol pla-n
^.11 ..I .
ttarbsiL* bee not ><1 dorld>-<]
.IO.IUB *as teilBs tbe vufk asd
lust* 1*0 DlButca ibey vere four “*S?'uklB effect Thar.
■ ;e (cat- fruni ob
II IrnctBs abaad of Ue"OBeka«ln.'
. SUCC<.e<ll I' H liUDl
rbli Is Ibe drat defeat Ue NorUIlly Slieo the place as
4 no Ibe aIJry. Tbii !• * relusbir
pori Uj ai baa crer bad ssd (btir boaat
■d the linod Rapids d
r*rr asd *111 be * K<e>d plerr
has hr
they *oBld 0CT*r be
ejeni tiutldlBS
asd llBkhes
His beadouanrr? '
Ibis rlly.
lasirr Uni
Ur teuton c.tnr. taru il
ilral railway, his lari pu


eten, Uer. Onas as 1 Stale «r. i-ta. I
and set a eaa of ThisDrlsr.
te dcauey
asSRassten Tblstlea. Bardoci. (ten
delloe. Jobsaoa Unsa. H«Uen. Bsod
Bam BBd Milk Weed. If It dose not
ueaey cbaertall.r refapdtd.

j! I (tadi


Sai It a Tnittj Hitseneer.






el Tbr SeiunJiy
____ __..JDlad lo l.JlW cnleii fur
I itnlioaied that Ibe crop ts not
•bltii Ibe Inmere h»ie recrlied fnan
icnih of Inst year's yield Tbs
tIJS to (I «k per CTBIe Bfeordln* to Bd tin* are rrapoulbte for Ibis
tbe OBBlIIy of Ibe tali
lilon of^affairs Where the fros
Plre buyer* bad fruli In tbe can
.bey «ere U P. I’erketi. aeorge W.
The baralst us the plains ibis year
Lardle. 1. H. Wtanle. Fred
lardle -Bs Iiera nneh Biorr than ussal. Bren
Cisrton Lardle totordny vni «hrn- II
Ue Itir flrrs
(Brauire brin«I0( tbe tali lo the rliy bushr.
soil so ns lu btie Ibr Dane) fur


Clreolitlon this week 2,625.
HMSbh Bbn el Ml PtbMsat dM
St tbs urloa Mondv stssIsc st tbe
MS fl« n mn. Tbs boilr «m sssi
to ber boMs SI Ht. Pleswsi Tussdv

:unn, sbo.bni
eently nrrlvod here for n short stey
bee ta eontemplnUon esiimrlie plui
, iasraveneal uf the Uraad
id Hospital
teclude 1*0
Tbe pluM Is
or three Isne bulldlsce
sll moderD ooBveBlescee. mxi usaus
BllrsTtlun* sUmii ibe sruusde
Siam »HI be si ihc. sssl
to ssstit Hlu Wolfe
irtebM 1

bouse phyelelso si t
IsrliUB sod tbst the loallii

II pbyalclaai bere
I lovBs «bo desire special

berry crops In tbe blslory of oorUere
MlrblKBS. -Tbe bushes **r* »''
wlili Idivtums. aad tbe disappolala
Is vrry Live amusf local buyera.
They ba»f made a number of side
trips up lulu Ibe Klondike
lo*Brd Kalkaaka and found Ibi
Ihr (rust bad killed Ibe crop
plains lb and 15 miles eoi b aad
uf the city are catered vllb
berrifs. buL this year the patches
rrlrs, «bal there are,
so scatierlBS tbn they
hardl) *ortb plcklsg
There 1s
largs palrh Is *hleb use of tbe pick.
Is located, bat Ibe local buyers
probably not aesd out Ueir iisi
picker this year, there belsi to f.
lhal II y are sot vonh tbe plcklnc.

Or. Aitbsr too* sod vUs at
. MV STS to tbs eltr tbs fseeU (d
■Melt sod Mrs, D. 0. Cbsadlst (or s
dbst tlKS bsdors BolBd to Pstosbsr

•vR to spsad tre
bos bee* tssebloi

n* SB* «r Peter IstBeko of OM
Rsres vss oas e( tbe baul* sosm
MtsniM e( tbs Povtb. A put vhk
bs tad plaesd OTor s gl*Bt erMki
^•s bison ap Islo tbe sir. sossls
don os Ui beta sad lauaisf

Iturni Wedded.

nr. VIetor
Ibe Orsad 1
srrtviHl Is II

II. Slum, preprlcnor
sriTse Ssollsilaiii, b.
cllr «lib s ebariDlas
be rsplnml In
City.' Tbo le de wks HIM Slivs Robblue, and *<
knuvo In Rood CIt)
socttl clielee Tbe mnnisse «*■
___________ _____ rerj rouSBlh; ny lb
Orsbd Rspldi Tbe oenmony took
-• -"-itibl. OB U* Sl(bl
la Us parton . ...>e Uv
iiba Hotel
ol la
lb Orand
Orud Rapids, lb
od cnxun
Ooi oaclsttns. Tbe bride sod
took tbe dm trslb
Trsrene Qty

Dr. Btum bee snssBed Ul buelaese
ta 81. Looli sad Deliotl so se to be
sble to ipeod s Bood psR of bli tine
Mn. Mbit VstesU. vbo be* been ber* ssd orlU esil TrstSfM Clly Us
Ibe asrlsa tor tbs ta*i K r**n.
tasBl sbldl
* •
sbortly sfter
Bums «U1
*s« te
T otissk
oWMk St
W tbe
1 yesrs Berr
B dartod
I o( lb* d<


nswisn are bolai b*M
At tbs estasr el Wsb-

'-Us* M.dnsadsd to i&l to sttoad.

bon* ***M b* Is s tasp ^ bstas todsr. WhB* Mr. sad Mn. JssMh
BdMs nrr aw tan bosto SM «u
Mnssk as Arab Mddtsr ssnsd, <


raiMIr. as^ are to tbe

Werfcing hipM and Day
^“J''-jGi»a}ou oer>- anHamt^e oiirrcl ’■>
Kc* Ul.- I'llli
These pills i-h-fp. ihit bask to 4 resi.lenl af Ti4\cisc
• eakoees lam strvairih. Iltllestaesr I (JlIV
iali> eoersi. l>r»ln-fe*
a bulMiac
Voui a.Wrcii on 4 i«st4l c
Tb.-j r. vuDilB
lip the bi
Id, I
l<) Jas I
‘r |l4cililiC4.
Prsttr Family Reumon.
A ili'iikbiful fanill} rvilliiuB
rill Sunday al ilii- b
s kt A Ileus
Fur Ibe Brsl time la user Bee leers


Plae Cherry Onhard.
J. W. Harktan kae uae of Ue lara
It aad bool cberry urebards la tbli

- -......

• r (ataly. - '

Uird year
......... ......................
aod Uey
rea yean old. tUa orebard Is nade
op ISTM^ of Ue W-ladsor ctarrles aad
Ue tarty aad Into Rlcbnoada. Utbonsh be has Urea bar rarleUea.
1 paya by
ptekon are able to m
wt* a«*lB they
-- par day.
orer acal* la
f Tbe (rail baoBt in tbe areas )aat ■Disc
to as much as u> as.
aboot as thick as U ea* aad nakea a
(sti lasts tar** y**J
pretty atfbt U ls r*ry oeealy dlatrtbIrae;
a b*
- ' orar the tree*, ead to U* *Btlr*
Uad ai *
____ srd rrrry tree baa nor* Uaa
*^Be"^ a tan** la «Ucb b* c»ri.
for Uen aad doea tb* cmlnc-, -They
Uli clly **U day aad

(ood )ob

kr*e: Itero* Ready Palat latte
Whea *'palat bactos to tet la
Is tb* time to lepalaL it a
r be ten. Laad a

v*U pat ea. Bat patottr* tee better
aogoatalad vlU had ttaa «IU '
N* Rsaaa* ter Cmiplateta.
Tb* OdUtoe ps«*r* *a nU •atbo** Uae to B«v«r.
bsUdlM^ tabs It* plae*. R *U| b* 1 Kaltaita bate ukra ap U* nuur Dreo* Haady Palat to U* a
a MS Steer strttoursk miM teat ts
U* r*ont band ooeust la wUek nlnare. rroaad la oil .
slat A Stine baaUsB bse was Mrs*
r. w. umB**'oo
br (bta aalBbtari aad MMds last
nek. aad Uxr Mads tt steaa basted
for tbs bsOdlBB la «M dw.
a*R saitat tar* ta*a dlBstwL PWThe Qteilct- H*IW*y.
SaMb ■nsBA nto mdwlsd test
IHiMani totoaapeaded to«ky. aad
MU tan lbs COM to Bssi Bm
eblMll/ U tbe ABrtoUtoiBl Cblte**. aelta ad JadBSb *ta vtr* sot raaOp •eentady to dkd ot lu esve U* mas
bss ansrtsd a poaWs* as lorsnn to im oton----- -— aad bead m. vbo (orcDt abtat It aad valk*d char
Ita BsM at IdUBanabm. (or tbe ue** «««ld taw* task • tuemg pnb- do** lova toUay tonethtap. Tta
ehtia eortatoly vet* baay Batarday.
Ctarisroda •taar Oo. He eapeeu to BUUty et a diBsrsat rwdkL
■ta « taos s( BIU tart (ren Ute Tk* ttats**at nad* by the Oadlllac aad vratTbokr to itad that Uey arc
—a raat today.
Mr to nr* to Ibe boat Bald* W
_ M MoUter Nature to anxlout that
Thai biud Bto seairaly a Jnad attor tbe cterfcs ahaU bar* Ue beet poaalbl*
*0 lb* bat pot ea ber pretttoet
Cr*SS*tato*H^^to?^'wURav UUr oransr*. aad U* appMara i' tine.
sBlIe. aad hat nad* U* day to order
Trarart* City oa both a*tee
a to stmof that oa* e( Ua K-.— (IV U* ehrkt. Aad Uaa* tara Wt
vaa baard lo murk that ft*tn*a
OUy traald tar* aa aasy Uto( tt Iba,
tasMb el Mr WiddlaB
foae *0 ter avar. at Uey axprcaa II.
rardlei vara liA to tbs era«A
Uat Un eaaaot ccaa bear a nlll
--Rto carp Uka. Leap Lake. BU
sates a- HteUy.
Uk*. Baaato Laka.^aio I '
Tb* eonnm** 1* ebart* <?( tbe
rdnaa Lake. Cedar Uk*.
lo* (or U* aoldtert' ibob*. arcry lake aad atrean
ta naeted o* U* PtM kd hUl te Uto eWattr ha
at tta
ptcale party. A toft* aatebar
No. lA
• naktoc Mtoti
-^-ntep* or tta aaeantoat
jpoR aad Onaaa.
dsdsr tad Cbartss CtaMSl.
A tart* party el yotap teak,
ibat Uoetty I
poaed torpely et lb* darts vbo art
Tta Itoaria at Btoa Artaev
- p Udir Taoaitea today, toft UU
TMs *M lata e( (to W Ote* Altar
UMi.^U* esnt a
s te Vm
BB tta Ptaftb. wvard vhieb tbs AM
noM*t D*ni.
ttaatt. vn
Bn uwra
Usra u
to anona
■ptad tbs
rattarly-* a«v to
BltaP stadstas «ta SI* oanftoB U
khte Bttatoi aad stadtat Ual Mt ■ly. Ttar b*Ti
b* deaa btaw* U* ■a*«nsal to *M ...... ...... ............ . party el reaeru
aad oraryUtof pot to abapa. to UU aad ttat* vtU prabaly be aon* B
Utr* vUI ta aa*d od at teaat POS b ball played Uare Uto atiaraooa.
aU. B*t tta te*tebar* o( Ua eoMtiu* tar* set tbe lUcbtest (ear tat
gMAtUtasnrta ata a tabss II that jttay «Oi ba abte to raloo Uto
Dr. DoaaU Merteabll U* an
aneaat r«4Uy.
an aot par-— spactaltot
of Oraad Bapito. vm 1
Uo natter too bait, a* Uwy va
-Trararao City at Mrk Ptea* botol
B>r* OTsrybody vbo laoUy vaa
Widdel tolydML
tnto Tbaraday. Jatr ISU ntU MoaMho aa oBortoA (or u>s porposo an bay.
July toU. » days aaly. Omaal




an “»lra*''F-teuk Tieu"!


€m Prices on


, »«wr tor tin memy


. BIB Lead a( Cbsrrtea.
' QM SdttalarBnitoadaedcl
- - - -ar.aat tbe ■

-TrRVBrMGter MddicBtB.
TMB rapert M stsaae itB an Wa«nv
dapafaaeftv c. Ttia HaraM I* not
IASS to BUSS, toraaury to aov b*■ tabs*, aad vbea tt to eon^ated
prapaUtteajrU^to ytotet^erta
< aa^M

Tta crodUoi* may aot Msspt tta

H ants and re rill sup­

**** ^

ply them quirUy and

Summer Footwear

satisfaetorily or your


nioney bart.

mail as it h onld be to
come in person. .
WV rant you h feel
this nay, and if' not
convenient for you tu


Special Prices

n»^ *ioc •4.00=


Fast colored Hosiery. The Hermsdorf dye
is absolutely fast—a very important Item
for bathers—26c will buy a good hose In
either Black. Tan, Cray, blue. Pink or
White in lace, stripee-orSalfd. ^:

your order.


The rnosi stylish, most
comfonabk- and m
sensiblt: footwear
siimnier sorvict.


rome, trust us


Nothing better than Mohair, it's light
weight, crisp and lustrous—does not hold
water, fast color. Does not wrinkle easily
--is inexpensive, can be had at 60c to
$ 1.00 yd. in a good assortment. Black,
blue and white are three favorite colors.
Special in Ready-made Bathing Suits—
Navy blue Mohair, trimmed In White
wool braid, waist is sailor blouse, some
have blue collar with white braid, othere
atl< white colia:r

It is as

safe to trade here by

White Canvas bathing Slippers—another
bathing necessity—26c.


Store closes tt
Fridty. JbIt
every Frtdiy
oBl July BBd

.•\ pair—lhal liavr all
the siylf. (il and duraInliiy as am an-

13 o*ctock
l(Hh BBd

3 yd. Turkey Bed Table Spread,
Fringed all aronid .

: 49c

2.50 utuaUy sold al


Dress Shoes
SDtcial Cut Price


most Piano Dealers


Newest summer- stylo,
same shapes as <
highest priced shoes.

For Womin
, Su les Cui to

.-\re Miccessful. The as>>ociation of good pianos and good business
methods invariably results in success. It is the kind of a buuness com­
bination that is needed in these days when no point in competition can
lie overlooked. Wit have the Pianos. YOU the room. And want them. .
\Vc can get together with the mutual betterment of both, and July is
a good month to close the agreement.

Swi llest.


Cbc Bradbury Piano


is making new friends every day. We have nev^r yet found a dissaiisiit-d customer. Should be pleased to show you the many excellent qual­
ities. merit, value, reliability, workmanship, finish and tone. Step into
our piano room at any time.


Your “BEST** Flour has
given satisfaction, and I
have not had a complaint
on quality or price. TRY

Tiy Cime i$ Doming!
\\,^en ri gels here you will want screens, or better >-et. g« the screens.
We have the patent adjustable window screen that will fit any window.
I or comfort's sake have one for ever>- window': the doors as well. You
will want a good spring on ever>' door screen. Did you know there was
such a difference in screen doors—some are glued together at tbe cor­
ners and nailed -in such doors the screening soon pulls loose and the
good service of the door is over. The cheapest door you find here ii
mortised and glued—ntakes it strong aod durable.
The busy liy with eagle e>e
Is a frisky little sinner.
If you be keen, you'U buy a screen
To keep'liim out of )-our dinner.


If Flies Bet Tn
A - LA C
to Uta Ita bete rantoh yoa ever tow
MC ttaa ttaL It ill taita (V eva>7 voodea
Aiag yoe tave araaad Ue boora. It to made to
aad •aaiotBr or dev. Tta tons to tta amkl

bat it to
or meul
IS colon
Aatob far

Which they shouldn’t—you must "Set rid of them—The best way is to
tangle their feet with "Tanglefoot Fly Paper” You buy it in tbe
Grocery Department.

Couches « «
The ••rest" is easj- if >x» hare of« of oor Couches by tbe w^, yon
should own an easy couch these days—after Bopper, or when y-our work
b done, you want a Couch to "rest awhile.” That's the kiitd we have,
and they sell from $6.75 up. These are the kind yon should have for
"that tired feeling." They are better than a dose of medicine.

Ototta, Oaa
MteltooKIM 9rtatos*.
BBn»Ko«ter*y. MlUto. OloM WPtltoM.
WmHvuW. tariillrart* Bllmtek. F*1ra* WHIR*.


miam br bstac assn masu
■ s( Ibis toad were Haefe Tsriarrartetj. . ttaj dotes Imansaa tor Ue pan 1id r
Me baa vwkad bait, aiibsd
d a Urtrtatttnwl
tots, bto
oB aad eradUors prsMBd tait.
taa ta« toacad to ttaa Uto


son lei us k-notr your

________ ___lest bto-


iiiclhod — iiinn\

for you COOK in per­


fialansa bMa* bla da^wr. Mtet
’ Bto Atstr. ^ w». & Sanaa.


are duing il and /ind

Ctfiftl eot Sorphf »75.Pf>£?


2s.-3sas^. SJia-SS:

Htur ^(>r I’rcr tried

I.C'T' r. 1 uus, Casliicr

II ‘hen it's not possible

nainrr id a memorial serTloe la honor
of Her. Kpbraln Mills, tbe ot«aalt<;r
and nrsl pastor
Ibat rbureb In tfaU

............. ...................... ....................._.ludln*.
lunested that Ue inuteaa drav op
luiutale reaoluUaai el aeecplue* aad


Bp mail
il t err

Memertal at Baptist Church.

Tbe rhurrti ha*
I’lib a haaitaomety (lamed portrait t
ta kUlls. by the *lfr and Uree aos
r the diseased, vbo Ure tt Qras
laplds. Tbr portrait *** ekblblled
by Rer W. T. Woodboase, paitor-of
Ur eburrb. ssd tbe inter o( preaen
itloB «as read.
Mn Broadfool. the only oae of Uc
charter members
boae same sllll remala* oa Ur
ebureb book, read a sbon
ol tbr orcanUatkw of Ue ............
I of Ue ebaraeter of Ue Brat
■sior, ner. mum.
Tbr church v*i arganlMd Febni
lA 1(7(1. Ibe eervlece taktst Ptecs
tbe old school bouae On April
1(70, tbr Bret Saaday school was
■aatsed vllb a meDberahlp of
Hu*. R W. Haallnst. vbo vat ooe of
ke nembursottheBasdAyaehoolatUe
llmu ul 111 orcaBlnitok. was called
upoti lo apieas tb* feallBk (d Ue
cborcb nenben. la aoc*pUai tbr



aruuDit tbeiu
Tberv »w hiso setcii
craaUwblldreB prs-seni, Tbe party In ,

BOSl^ b
s fur Ihr spe^y n-stor*
ihiB of beskb.


C. NR/aii't & Son*


Grand Traverse Region.

I to hbol (nirtt aad b*v IB
Crupa art doias aleaty
rartooa voyt.
Tba Ptninh vat ouM: aoaia cala. en cBualad. ... ____
** StOBlay od Trerana CKy M
brtu<d bara. bacUBlna ea tba 3rd tad
d Culuta. ChIB writ—: -roc
awdtap ua Iba btb.
tr> I radured InraEcrable paM
--- ---------------------- Uklapoe la bora
Bol—a aad Mlw Maula torlalUB< -bar ooa. Otaa ttloon.
va Barrtod ml Iba P*tt Latk■d BO though I
Mn. AdaSoK-cra fall do«a oalMr :tna rbnrvb Saaday aflaraooo by tba
rala» tba ua|> door harlac Baa. J J Haakti—d All vlib tham
aad ir* Ua gr—i—t i '
bMk t data. No boaoa mn brebaa. a luDc aad happy Ulv
h for Uat iroubla. A „ _______
Ml aba aa
aMorad aararr rumlat ia tha
Bar ttehUa cd Traram C3iy vll!
l cOBplaieJy raUevad aad eared
abooldar a
aad «mt.
Be •' Jail a* g^ fur Uaar aad Kid
•lF{dM«a naa ara bora a‘
Bundar nuridait
bay wxkibln aad geearal dahlUV.
ouw the auBber that veal
llnly tor Batlifanluo guarenl.vd by
lu Hi Hleanat lu altaad Ua .......................
aad r H Headt.
____ Mft tcbuul we«v Aaalr CadhaaL
l^k- Cadkam. Maud Pock aad toBt Bahle They left oa Iba Irala firf"
Tba ralat ot Ua latl In d
Keporu fruB
Travtvaa Oily. tpandJap Ua lU t
Utaa aa« Ufa
Laac—bliv aad uUar pulnl* *U
ally badora aulas In Ueir dotb
It to Ua tamara.
.that Uuuaand* yf acre* uf p,'latu
^lav^kay bat cuna la Ua nan tiudaett
J by tro.t aad r.
BoBr people vlll laars after Ua
kM. Ml kara bui baard vbal prtev U
t Ua (allure td i
brtaci Wuroa maaduvi vara taMrad ruiroad bat Wan bare a few vaakt
ui be ready lo pu
by Ua druockl aad para llxbl
ll If ima of Ike
bal tba araikpa yield vill be
nwi iBdeinvdeat odtaat ua vhaal*
aad pulaiucv are ilulag ftaely
MIt. Alice Biroat ratumad . _
aov and Mpaa are aaianalsed id
a yean (ala v— afu r me conSaturday oltbl. after a voek'i vlall at
u>ly." vrtt— K. A Uuiiedge. Ver­
Tha Poarlb vat a evry uulel di
bena. Ala --1 - •
id Mn. J Baftahal ar
Wt tcatierad our poputalh
peded buna ibU weak (rua
TnYarte CiV. Plla laka. Maalo
(ailed Bucklaa'i Areica Balia
vaddloK luur
dlUac aad iba loeai cworu udi
yklually good (or bL...• tnd til
Lawn teonlt !• Ua tporl uf I
art vara rery (av paupla lati
and pain* Oaly 3Sc aiIt Ja». O
• our lountmaa.
Soon tay
JobntuD* aad F. H M—.1
batiaa a paBa >ai—
~PbllV HUItr, M.
MeCanky. Dr
baatao It It
PatiDB. J O Creitar aad A tV Over­ »aj ihey ruuld baaa b—taa
out lor ______
boil. vllb ibair viva*, i
Omco* Wat ivo____ ______
from- -.
laraloa trosi BblBy lake,
child va* play ing ua
■V .v..n
Bar. tod Ueo *tld "Uey
viva nay
a—y bare beet ruralUlap lor U
niiu— la C—t—hi. Knut
uuaMl» lle;i Kalvi
Hev tad Mr*. Jaaiaaoa tlarl today
ay* tlrey.
na of
Itakr Bay VMV, vbore Ibay Will lake Nurni'cUo tchuol :
Ua bed.
lu wlog*.
tka tiaia caapcoeeilop.
Oappini agalnti
trKger of a gun
Hlu Mary E Barbour, aatloaal
banging un tb. vail, eiplodnl Iha
tpaai bai made a Barkal for ebarriea lo charge, nbicb
Ue child'*
la tbe Uli plare
Mr. K C Van Da Walkar W
Boralap aad
UeDYrr. Coin.. Hooday a* a dalagalr
lo Ua eraoi
Everything in Small Instruments, Musical Merchandise. Sheet Mu­
K. eoaaaatloD
d orpaattad a local W. C T. U .
Many CnuO—n are Sickly.
g DUO by tha uo>a uf Ker
sic. Talking Machines and Records.
g os Lee'* Mlol va* fboc
kck vllb a ii cattbra nBa
Bornina. Ue ball pautog
Bca troB axordasca to pererbip aod V— found Jutt I
vllb eaty dlsatv aad brllllaBi
>klD Id Ue ragkis ul I
III H- Uck hat rcluroad (run
IVcTli latllluia tl UK Ktpldt
r ha graduated lo pharatcy t
llBa apu. lie It BOV cuotldar
lap u.->i>ral diflaraol oPan uf pool. Travar— City^l^la ^^Ivlnp Ua
lloBt. but vlll probably cu to Jack
Tba youap people u> Klopi'
here bare Woo Baay c—a* Uka
and Ticlaliy vlll Bltt Louto.
lullovlDg Id Trtvarae (^ly BYCTyreiaia* lu tba exparlaoca of peo­
ple no knuv. Tbate plain. •Iralpkl
lurvard ttaicBcni* mil du tnurb to­
Ut-arance sale ever heart! of io this state, on Furniture. Stoves. Ranges. l')i>cht-., Carjjcts, Kug>. Mattings. Sc«-ing
ward rellaYlag tbe tuOerlsg UoutProf Palloaptll
Such utllBooy will ba read
Machines, in fact, cveo
vou need in your home, for less money than the inex[*ericnced furniture dealers pay
olaa vara la tot
with iDlaretl by many people
Ua weak.
for them.
We have done th'- best 6 months business wc haw'ever done, both wholesale and rvta'il. and buying in
Hr 11. A Uivaao of 313 Wait NlBlb
Lluyd BbIU aad family and Mt»
-I bad lichlng heosorrMIkv ul Cbicapo are at Ua Uu
the targe quantities that 1 am obliged to in order to alwa>-s have a supply on hand to Jill the largest orders, I can­
for a BMBtb't ouUap
noalhrr tbey nere pank-ularly palD.
not help having a large assortment left over.
We have carried three times ih^mount of high grade goods jhb
E K HlBtkav aad vUc dri
(ul aad aaauytsg and vbea I want to
Trarana ClV a few day! UU
year lhat we have ever before.
Wc keep only samples on our lloor and sell from them and deliver from our ware­
bed I icniil nut real os aorounl
Mn. W. (took aad eblldrea t
Ur aflcikm I u*ad a dubUv of
house, consequently we have a full line of samples of all grades of gooils that we will close out at away below
frlaudt al UlOB Artur latt week
1 Doan-i CIS
Judge Uaspball uf Trevem
b gave toe eoll
manufacturers' cost. They are just as good as when received from the factories. Just note the assortment wchax-e
vtt la lovB oo Wedacodty.
V than IbU.
Jtke SBlU. Jr., of CBkMO.
for you to select from.
cured toe."
ilap btadt viu old b
•■ r **10 by all
r party of chlldrao I
. l-o*ler-MIIb
ouoibur of 2t enJvad a plCBlc dlaaer
Ovet 3tK> ityla of RorkinK Oiaire
I Ua voodi latt Tuetday.
Ouaaat aod vile are enjoytap a
C7 uyle* of chairs.
Itli tiuB their ivu daiipbten of Chi£7 styles of high dtaus ead child’s reckere.
L McMabon'i rlgbi1 baail •
**hTru Laura SillIvcU tpaat a (
24 Ryles of ann rockers.
•battered b:
day* la Travortt Ctv tklt wook.
12 R)l— of tQltog odice chain
Ml** Lfwlt of Chicago arrlvad Wc


Bar. MoaU «d hrea bill proaok It
.ja CMcracuioaal obareb aan Caa
- -

Hta L»m

r«UUB«4 to Mt



id Oraad Baft— b
-a la tUi alaaa
I. alanad ihr lolwvlai
a •awlag >U noattw

OfMlat. OvtU________
fta ooctaata at tba anort ora tlUw
«p ndddVi alBO tba halalt.
Van. to Mr. aad Mra. Haarr Lor<
•la, a daaBbtor. aU lat.
Tb>- fatotlaa taaacb tena M 8atwaaa ban
■t of tba a
MirlBC Jair Cik
Valla a faw od oor cHItaaa ttMt U
aihilB Trernaa Ov,
Tba C B. vlll dra a Mwa loelal
iba bona of Bm. aad Mra. Warn
Tbniadty aaoBlBB July Mk.

9nt AlUMoa of tWi »Um »«*t
CIV F«dw
BB old ploaaaf cd tUt
ptaca vat roaad dtad la bit bad at t
Okia. VUkeeUl look la tk* dt
P n baday by Kllary FMlar. Mr.
U OM* Arbor oo •alvdar.
Jdha Soma aad bwlir art atarao# Bradabav vat latt taaa by Mr. Oaaa^ Borwal caUa«o at Tiarono dar at abDat II o’eloek Batarday alght
aad probably dltd wob aftar, at t
uap vat fonad Hsbtad la bit reoa.
Abeat tvoBV raaectm aro a
Mra. P. P. Hovard od Palatkay hat
ad at Ua T«r«raa laka naan
baaa rltlUac
I a Carpaotar't t
. «aak.
'“&lTta^Mrpaalar iptal tbiaa dart
dabtaa la BbornaB latt vaek.
■fnlt**----- 1—*-------*
Tbe ^Bailor Marry Makart' '
Mm U)b HolBM* cloaad a aa-------- rtoal iroapa «ara a thaw bare
<al Mna al aetaol Uai ttuar at Friday aad baiorday abtslaat
CBaa Baktr it la lava acata.
Mr. Bbtarar aiudayad at Tiararae
«M»I Iren Oraad Ba»Ua ^Uahy Clarka aad vHa cd Qi
j lagM hla ralauraa kara Saadartpeot aaDday vllb hi—da bara.
UlUa Nallla Barloa. tba Ibrea yoar
old dtushitr of Mr. aad Mra. Oaorft
Om« PIomm mi la«t Wadaaador Baya, btt baaa rary tick, bat It
arbn. b. ID -aka a
**Bta?*HatTiv aad
'! *R aaar»a l>am>at *tU eloaa bar tpaat Baaday «ltb trt___________
oAotf tbit vook PHdar vHb a pl»
Bar. Buraatl od Kaatueky. titber
«li at tba Plaa (rara
of oar patlor. proaekad bare Saaday.


Hra AIM Can ii ¥orr uok.
Mn. Aadmr OUnora hai tafcoa


Tm Uoteaa b rlitUac Ua aaola
aad a—t. Mr. aad Hra Praak talch.

•JtSSr^ ^—

—a «< baa ta wUM tha I

Thara yiat a daaoa at'joa Bhaldovt
**mi*ShaldB. Mary Nanlakal aad
T^JCM oaoM boM to tpaad tba
Ftad A. OacD V—I to Trt
lly Tbartday aad vUI ratora i
QalU a aanbor bo— tbit pla_____
.jadad tha hall at OMa Arbor Satan
day aUbi.
doha Oa«o aad daasbtar Sopbla



Fully guaranteed, and indorsed by -leading
Musicians everywhere. Direct from factory to
home at factory prices. Easy terms if you wish.

w. w. kimballIcT"

129 Front St.


tick. It abla to bolKit at bod acala.
doa BhaMov't boota —a«bl in la.
Oo. M TharMay. aad but br tba brartry
aad bMam of Ut t*o UtUa boyi.
aiad taa aad alfbt. Iba baaaa aad ttt
OBWasU -Ubt harp baroad to tba
are^. Tha too Ultla ladt vara al
be-a aloaa «b— aa Arab p<
MaMdO HIM............
daV I
Wa had aoaa taa ohavara Mat oaUad oa than aad at kit daw_ —. BoTKy tor bar BalnlDer OBllBp
bt III bit oldar aod tbrev hit nateb
Cbas. Paulut aad BuataU Cli
tbto a ted af paptr. Proa bat
vaol Iba 4U la Travanf Civ.
Baaat tptaod npl^. batUas a____
A party of yoaap people rroatad
Nunb Haaltoa od Batarday Mtl la
alok «ttb aoartat
<Mo Cookh Maaeh. iwtarolap the
taw, va are Mrrr lo hoar. Wa Mqw -M thty wan aarar to atreag '
aait day.
Iw bM aandy Moarary.
Hr Brtdpwaaa aad toally ot Lake
are la caoip al Batt LelaaA
Bneklor of NorU Haaltoa vat
TD 1—1 Mlotday.
1 to Mr. at______________________
•th—I -oatlac taly lau. AU Uta
Hr. aad Mn. C. Warser aad Mr
___ aad Mra WOlMn Walkar aad
aad Mr* W. NoMoa van bit Lalaad
toe OM tpaat IM FMnk la Tcar- TlBlior* Mlarday
Hre. D. Loboata, wbo b— ba— rto
**Mrt. Uofcay aad UUla—a. ol Boyaa lUap bar paroatt. retarood to bar
*aMM L*dw >• ko-a Ma bat CIV. an bara tIiIUm bar talbar. U
c—a ta Uka
a Aaa Batwday
P. BbBitdaa. aad olbtr triaadt.
Earle - ‘kMBd of
BaU tMapboaapol—
—IMd a
tows Baoday.^
of Trarar— ..
t Ua HlYoralde



« SyV^J.'S.St.i

S7 Ryles olextentioo table*
ared my body. I tocmad beyond core.
B. a B. bat Bade se a perfaclly vaU
wotnan" Hr*. Chari— Hutton.
Tllla. HIcb.
Lt-Yl CMtleef Uli toiwhlpti t
In luu—aaloii of a CanadiaB p
cola. troBi which hr bad boas taparatad for «i yean
Wbaa a *niall
buy ba dropped Ua place of muoey
under n wladov c—Ing la tbe uld
boanlead scar Lap—r. aad ll lull

making ropalra recently on the
It V— found aoee—nry to r
ioBc of Ua pi—taring, and In doing
to tba penny v— dltcoterad and ralureed to Hr. (MtUe. who U u proud
of bit owoenblp — be wa* nben ' *
ha became proprtolor.—Nurtb Br
**«'B. talU bad taadV tp—t tba
day tnm a waakb ntU wHb rMatlr—
la Bnptra Mi». Pitbtr
aajoyad a -Btb
baba—- BcMctrIc OU. Htalt b


t of aay tort: cur— *
ettarah. aatbBa: nei
MaUloB tm tba PMitb.
dota WatMott hat ama kook to bit
work a—r Bayaa Qveatta a nwwi Mtbarad bara oa tha
■anh. Tba wad—U «bo an oa-pI at aardMfcmia wan at tba ao—
r aad dadaad hoartliy M tba »
■aat tor tM iptd
tta wMMr. tba oaa



BM. aooh tlpp_ _____________
broaibt dawa tba crowd. Tba



N. E. STRONG, Mngr.

Autlln Breoki h— a pair of tbo—
bleb baae eanalaly von a r—l.
ouphl Uaa ta irft aad b— <
Uom Bon or la- tin-. They
boon ‘-lapped'- tlx Ua»t aad ar
Cedar w— alB—I daaartad oa
U. Tba pasple dlYlM op tbit y — good eaougta euadlUoa lo itand
0—a V—t to Prort—oat. while olban eral Bore upa.—NaahTllla ftawt,
I TraaecM CIV.
b'eam of lOBerlBg reHered la a
HanMU Pairaat______
t bto baea ea I
.1 dart.

licblag pIMa yield at om u
tlek Htl tor tararal
Tba aaaaal aehoal waatlap at Uli tba cnratlYa properU— ot Dobb-i Olai9t Narar talU. Al may drag ttore.
— wffi bo boU OB tba Mooed
at thM -oath. July if '

.. Ooldvaiar grocer tiled i C—UHDar t karu—ae caa vlU ga—. _
—XI Bornliic tbe cntMaar tried llg^
Mg hit --Borblag ire- with it.
Mn. R-akfatbor are rla- the Nealli
Store riddled mod ofl
ocaltared i I Ue tour Vlada. Tba
noilBad: be replied that
ha filled tha can vlU tba oU aad Ua
Baxt day oSarad to replace the gatorWled 1
Yoli kwl
U— With oil. and rowIred a blunt —
HI— CUn Bprth oMatd bar
Hr. iohatoa aad
Mn with a Moalo.
rataiaad to
I .tngod pair 1 It going
bar ho-a at toTplM tha wMa day.
Tboat ^ a vac at thlaaaa ta &

C stylesol Kitchen latles
27 Ryles of Library Table*
59 Ryle* of Slaods mod Parlor Tabl—
14 Hyl— of SideboanK fron .................

..........21160 BP

6 ityl- ol Bufreli


12 Ryle* of China Ooteu bom 21160 ap
lU different ttyl— of Cupboard*
6 differeot Ryle* of Kitchen Cabinet*

and *o «> right through every llung yoo vaniuijfotu home,
and juR *uch a variety. »o you can »ee whatalarge a**o«meol you vill have to ielect ^tom.

l ou



n Fine Cine of Sample Coucbe$
From a good, veil ma.le Couch, jos like cut, with 12 heavy coO i
canvaxs between >priDg. aad upholstering, eoiered in toe bt
vetow, vortb $1.76. for .


what you want at any pnce you want lo pay for iL

n Carge Cine
beautiful combination Book-caje, with largevriliag
table, Freodi PUte Mirror, vonb 216.00, for 210.76
m 24.76
at bad.
........... 212.74

27 vample Morris Chair*, ranging i
right up to a fine leather,
worlh $12.75. for.........................

H Carge HssortmenI
is to 60 I

Ofiodd piecM in a

carv-ed fe
tiful Vek
They range aloag up in price toom lhat u

the dolUr.
A nkc. 9-piece parlor suit, (vortb 212). for .

.... 2 2.76

A nice, 5-ptece parlor set. all over Ruffed, i

dnS (<*
................ —................... '8 "
A lAullfiU A.plA„ ]»,1> «. (-AAK $S0|. loc.... tilt

Of the'greateH saapt m

BedrooRi Sait—.



urv yoan tW. Povler-t Ex
( Wild Bir vberry b— been
______ ______
. .. It. oy
dlarrbooa, bloody fiux. pain
and ll b- sotar yw fal
Tba AlUaptoe aad Parhi toBlUet
rrytblng cUlBtd ter H.
P—I Iba tu u Bapar Loaf auiaaiaia
Mania MeQaoaa. w- boaw toe
The elody o
t fir—, begun
'raTtna Civ orar Boaday.
(Morga Hyora aad taally eajop
bt—It— at aiae laka Batwday.
Tba Boao-KItUer fasilll- vialtod at
•eeou ead
r— Matarh. ca Uo abora od (Mrp ____r H. J. Ti;_
M. aad M
tka. oTor Baaday.
Id tor—tyy.
Hr. Toapkl— vBl I
^ Praak Bbaior od Tnaac— OKy
OOln MtO tbe Batbodt Bead by U
wna twoav laawt baalia*noiy
MkaMt—u in petUng <
dohaww wat iMn to halp Mai
Hre. Joha Nolaa M aWtlap at her
Ba Trill
I bo—o Boar M—koHoa. Boy Do
■OB* may oe lavrer
led b—.
aitbaspl to den— <
aSwMM bat oM Ua Moa ad
lysMB of ire coatrel tor Ua elaU*
Iledlad. ao tbet the banaa. tt cutfled
aad B—■ CMk aad to-BIMn. Uaoraa Ubdtay c
on. VlU ba able to ftwoMk tbalr MgleM thb Peaith al Tiartna OBy.
laur« vltb ceooBBMBdetloet for Bn
lav* baeed oa a thoreagh kaovMdgP

«w» ov •

Odi .Na S, jiut like (XU (boars, is the bret conch «e cany. It n a vesy
heavy, welt made, massive couch, with heavy ^ *aved Oak fra—e,
nicely carved, heavy caned feet, put on viih botls. be« gosraBtfBd
spttng CO—truetkB, canm between spring* and upbobiCTiag toftiag
butto— all steel and clutched oo Reel vasben. a massive cotadt,
covered in tbe beR embossed car phtsfa, in red or green, vosth $26.
one each in red or green al.........................................................................................216.76

l-a MW.****'**** ***** *****



* WaaTbASTbif


AUrgetoetffodddi—...t pro,«rtkB«e»y lo-pric-

m are oneritig
aotne ol the greatett borgaiag >a


vorid on sose j

W^S^* ***** “

-P MW« (Maw


•on—1 ton— bon —r*~f (M
gj-^ Tiarona CbvKSJ iM

BtekM aad WWor. MMa


To Close Out!
Men’s and Boys’ Saddles
S3.50 and S3.75.
Ladies’ Side Saddies

16.76. BOB ,
16.60. BOV .

.2 7.76" :
. 1076
. 11.26
. 12.76

Seme ol tRc Rcaeiest Cuts en Disbes
Abeaaiifal 100-pifce diuier Set, latcR shapes, light poroelais vaic^ bCMh^

CM^ fa a nsM 6 & 2 in. to rest ki
d m the beR Jeather. Sevosml of
1 backs -jh heavy
R get saothcr dtooee to gel i

Satai>op(>tv«ali»kesr^tb>tMglt.aMfg<toeof toOet


J- WOlbelcute and Retail-

Practical House Furnisher.

1M nST
“>r.ti£^sr^ss; F .‘trtis -v. t •sr.i

.» f
Uti a/tonoos oab
%mt» kud hM> »«1M d« la tk«
Ml «ar
tka M raaa Mat.
10 Ika air....... .. *

aawabarlAaad ^
Bar U
w ^^aad Marr whi* yea^


hr a haad. Bwlfi Madoaiai

«m tawnnn to fcaoa o

J. R.
• Ml U S«n« tt.. CMAM.

M ul t'anama'
.'Oder a ttrtci Uiiprprfiaiiui
aa* tha I'allad Buir^ on


Stocks, Ronds, Grain & Provisinis


«■«, aai Had Mmoo. driraa hr Maaoar. tfeM. L«ir BaaUaa. *rtra> hr
Va*a. titehad wictiI, bat na »ot
Mk ID taat *hMa tor rakaotodlr
bnaklBC a>d raatoad Tiaa. f.n%.
Tha Mooxl hMl ad Uta rtea war
M hr aMbMiM. Lodr m«tira
............ Bad Jebaaea IhM aad Baalda
fportb. BaMoa talahad Sm hot waa
an ha* la toanh MBaa tor hrakUac.

Mtahto marctna on

Tha raea (bal waa a
far tha t:» Maa. wu «___ ______
aaroaaaMI la f;n. a>d Mtoala 0, o
tha Orwaanua aiiiat. waa aubatUaii



m ito«ad'Tr>r

niaul ttoLK-ikCa*n .


Tueeday the Eiarxoenth Oey ol
Aupuet. A. O. I»03.

Ma Bnc rmah TaKord. Clark. a<
a«d aad Itiaata O.. Baioa. third. T1
Um *m t:»K.
U tha aaeoad haat cd UU iMa. Bad
WM with tha etaaM aaaa to
■toala 0 aai 4' aad Prask



will ha taal UMortaw
TUa aaeralac oraaad op imih«
hav far boraa aaaaa hal b*<aa Utoe
to pall dC aar o' waa detod tha haai n aoaia la
an iha Waak whkh waa rarr ha
aaaattellr aa tha hack atmah.
Meat u> iba pate tha Uaek waa
panallr haarr aad waa lUU hi
Whaa tha toat raea. the I:ti trot,
.alanad at l:li o-alaak
^ Tha owwd waa a praU deal toner
thaa Iba Brel
Iral dar. nataUr
three v
I toner to Btoa h tor«t

iL«a al toa uanu(1>.<. lu.ui.
0“ T!Wiya.a«curul 1.7 aud ».

-a si i arsn ‘tei. tjrtsw-jriss. •taSE7.71.~.7:

to tha Brcl laea, tha|:t} trot, tbare
van toar awtrlaa Bad Jahaaoa. owaad
hr H. A Brawa; Baaloa. owaad hr
P. A. BaUto: Udr Baatira. owaad hr

,.r-' ">


The bautoc opasad a
Iha Brat haia ware raw
BM » to t Bad Mhaaaa: i la I
flaataa; t la < Udr Baatira aad t to
t ■Mhaatraaa at tha Ulebtoaa etob
At tJ* o'daek Buner *a.». hciad thn Char woald hare ta wait
aaanUtot rat hadera the ua* waa

V ebu ae. Id the uplD•D D direct lepralDp toot, *bt>uld
■reuiJoDi Koueetelt cwrar out hto exitCDiloa ii> Dead to toa Cxar
OD (run Jewtoh cupantoatbe Uolted BtoUe (or toe

nawtainr tha waa. BaalM hatas
tnaper O IZatwii.......................i i |
tha larariu to tha Bald hr a 1 la S data (Btolert)..................................... r t i
Klla Ulto (Baadil........................... ;.S t i
Tina—2:16k. 1:UH. l:ldk.
« IB 1. Phr plBM Ladr BnUra waa
Bldnoot. H A. ikuarti'e laal pacer
1 to I Md Bad Aohaaea 4 to t
waa dnwB Inin (hr nee.
At I aMah that warw aUU woik adrtoa ol Vounaarr Bori
lorpeoa Beau
It noBBi. ur nanben o( to. odtoe M tha traak wUdh did bM aaan aad tha Jadpnaal..............a
ladpaa that dtial cltclea. that tha frtoodir leto
m BO ooBdKlM to raoe.
which hare axiaied fee ao nahr
betweea Roaato and the Caltad
1^ had iMPinm la earn* tioa
beat betop oaa od the
noat aulUBp od the BoeUaf. Udr
lUallra drew the pole but waa paaaad
oe Iha Bni quanar b) BBehaalreai toe puranmaal od toe Cal
waa oowdad cloae oa tha Bni are Id dauper at reoaJrtop
hr Rad PUL It looked like a the face troo Batata.
tolrir aaar thtop dor Bachaaireaa uaUl
The flaleiBeBl to which tola wars
the toal qoanar whaa Had Phil hr a
« occur* waa called fotto hr a le■at dafa taaa a BBOd atoad crowd bnva apart cane alowida asd weat
ari toal Kuiato bad otcred aa oxaader Ua wire ahead hr a Boat
Ihr Pnt heat Kaehaaireaa
ud to he auBenup fron eoa
mmm ahaifad haaBi. alihoocb there
at the hmpi and waa wlthrUch oompoeet tha teat at
* daw anaU rMtona.
Uueaa. Praak Sladen'i bar
....cBMiit. BBd which rwada aa
Owur W. P. Adaau wtU aat allow ........... - waa dnwB hedore (ha imoe,
a: -The Koialaa poveraneat
toartop Udr BeaUre. Mar B'llkaa and BUM poaKlrelr daalaa the report toat
Bad PhU to Aatoh thd race The tol- It hB> ctoeted bb oMctol axptoBaUen
m ftfiar thaw atunpto. aad umaihraa alnlphl beau.
ttohaa -aaaa taaa. tha drHart ware
Buaatoa anbaatr
« 4*M M« tphal ha thogakl waa
“ -‘-a than toto wan
did ha pamU aar
hacB addraaaad hr t
■i upoB tha II
Wllkea (mod)..
;aa la coaaan
_____ aauni (NonoBt..
to poraraBad PUl r
Ttna-2;«B. !:«!,. t:Ml|
nt laat raaa at tot dar. (ha t:U
aw Uto raar tor neat <d tha Uraaa
nt Wuu|to
act. vai
darold od aar axcKtap daa- ponraur takaa to bcu tl_._
don aot feel callad opo* to oBa to
urea. alttoMiph
toa Uallad Ctataa aar aaptoaatlai
todiMto that ID aSaIr that oeeurred wkhto
Cthal 0. awaed






. .

ill 1 1


BaMWSrrr.- 7.1 J J J*
r K. (A»M*i..

HeaditoU (Ktopnorto)..
•toal O (KIWtl.............
Valtor Uaa (Korten)...
Tin*—litfto. t;MH, I

•to^atoju ajilcral drirar.

Ueai^ ndaijtlap
At the caaetaclM <t the arMta ad
the •dtnaeho, aad halweea Iha toat Btatoi
two haato c< the ru paca Btoitar wB* L
boas______ to the attohlka hd
h high oMoara of the poram
VBC firae rarr caoetaj cowOB ed tha
alitoraltoa both here aad
hseai to (ha'S:l4'etoM?'lha‘’wSd! Bkr btoore a * ' '
Bad. JoBana.
. hana. wheat
vhcaahtoBhttiU*^-'htoBht to U
•Wh tha crowd aad earaatoa waa ^ walphl ItW po«Bda.-V* B.
tha BBttar.


DartM tU Brat two haada of thla
CBM BOal O. laok the load ararr
ttow PBd the ochara woald ctrtop
Wtop.ktohP bahlad. SW B'a drirw
n^frt kaktod Un aU the unc aad

tsraarsi'.fi art
IW patoltca oaUI the BanT

a tha analtoat hacM toI tha world.
Tha I


cat dor Iha
ttitla lotoa aad <
alder aaaa.
■at 4:» o'clu
luddaa ihowar
aana ap aad eoaUauM aaarlr. u
hour, acallartap toe crowd, a totpa

tbaaa atralphl haata: data wiMtop wae Baiahad witoou torther latar>
iSSliliSSr. MtoBIpaa R toah third
t. the tala I
*SSh tUr tha bortaa cana to ta
aaa, tva aad Ihna ardar, hat tha een
laat wrar tha toaak waa raar.hraMr


Olbw hat k aai mr alow aa her

Saw^ ^ ****
......... Ill

BiWW Uaaaa owaad hp Praak Btatm ad PaUfUr was ta iWaa
Wla Hwla Ma*. owaad hr P. B.




waa the Colt Baca aa
* wMt toU tha eea
that ahowa than w^BtM to
* to taal aotopaar to a tva raara.

Bar B t....................... .................
twin Madoatoa (BlUett) .
Udr mack (Veaki).........

.117-1 I,-.! *iih bi> rveular 11
asd the) urdvred bUu uul t
the ptoDO fur at lua^i ihriv
Ml hl> recital ta Pant ihit lou
I . l'ri>nt.- eDK^unienU IB

JDllDp atatl
has bteo
.xebanpex iHMwero the two
lU aad the laah of cumpb
the MltotaclluD of bulb purerkI haa bers
ledkiua upv. It It
il the Cubto ten
...Wly bopad
roBieot -wUI t»llfj
, badore lia ad
at ) departiBeot to
_______ ___ proceed at oDCe *Uh work
oa the alalh.uu. PrelUuloarr turrer*
>d Id tact already hare beeo
_______ iJoaatanatoo aod the Olynipto boa baoD rolaloed la l'Drl)>U«D

hia doDhUkl tl Oaaarai Baraa aaa
hhapo toe UtMUoa at to*aia. Tha
lauipaaa an all oa tha alda at toa
CnkiaiWaai Oaa taettaa darn* kotor * toe toaorr that attar two reara
the whtoh (ha Calud
laa baa apiwad to par the Paaatoa
Thla oa toa

1. Pm
>ui 4100.1100 to
tor toe bectSDlBP ‘u
at to“‘
laiBDamo aod wU) be


IwraleU '
. DUd u



chl*r at haadqoa.
fur Biartoaa. The report that
................................. be pleeD e


IU1 II to urdwid. dial Pndu-. U»


iu Laa^alrj-Dd^y I
■> Itueelrlli. uu.




m. Cal. 4B Otl
alpbt It prorad
owe of the BKMi renukabla welli dtooorarod oa the PacMc coatt
Bnt Bow waa at too rale of «0 barUi a nuutc. acoordtop to the eaUlataa of the czparta oa toe prouDd.
he oU Dhot M (eel ahoie tha top
r the darrtoh. The depth od tha waU
I about 1.W4 feat
KBplaear Wn. Twael. tt Kaaora.
!. Va. OB Old-Utoa B. A O. eoftoaer.
oorared B dlatphoa od two nllea Is ■
Ultle leaa thBB two ntoutaa with a
(relpbt cnplDO polltoc H cbt* asd
tn a (aw dayi ago.
at powdar. waa dtoeorertd oa Ire.
Twealh prwaaace od mtod
bln. PulliBp the Ihrome .
he aped od toward toe ak
-tan. Id leaa tboB two mini
aa toere. the Bomaa by Ibla t
aitandlBp batto
a Dumber^

Dr (toti
IsieliU-d a
Ibe bllod a

- delaila nl the ta i




U I.D the priBCIpl* ol I
11 irBB.iBlu Hgbt to I
i( Ibe brwlD M a tele

tolBllr dark
BBd by n. a

•uUee, w> .be nrwuuMi)


ueue pweiiwel ear-

«'to' Sm MkA to


_____ . peta ul Ecoeal U
ta^ Remark, drappisl ^1


I> Ieai«-<1 nvurtamrd.

lul.lud about hi.
uld BUI iwla DDd h.
a 1.11011. Md the
Dual . immedlaiel)
. oooiatal,.
itop the powdar
Twaai apatD_______
lie. and before hto itmla had
proceeded bWI yerdi. the «0« kep* of
powder exploded. UBd iba report wea
hawrd 20 n)lea away. Oaa .boildlDp MururtXi.
jBine* tv
to LalBTt waa blowD to placoa
At BaA FraBctooo toa ewrpeu ta
Muroccu. brt'urlu the n.|
adluattop none of the Ualied State,
h^e aaddlj^hu .uliaa ..
nlBi hara bera ukew up aad put
e^of the
tbroopb a proeen for reiaoTlnp tbe
gold doaL A bar ta pold ralued at
W.OOO la tbe raault Tbe earpata were
iTlap the capital
I) aU yeare ago. la tbe adluattap
jsilm-d that wi
■ o 8l‘‘'uTuto'*
Mt (ha eolaa are Bled doWB lu a
horae lor tbu pcoaliJi-iii
• ta the^*uf\e.t pu
beauitrully eCDboetM.
• u rail ■
erml Duodred dollar..



r tmdlc Makea T* Mbcrahle.

e hipb pUBD,-: .uil paded by Ibe rider, ul the
lIDp >0 aBecied

Ilf wui I'f in
y.toeBto tor *

Traverse City
\I -

Park Plac^ Hotel
1 rt.m’’

I iml

Hn Bqi (M,.

Dr. McDonald

Mr. Clara B. Plummer oi
Sarah Plummer, two .uracil'
>1 Phltodelpbia. wbu
uDe ul toe pr«wtr,l llttag ipectal
brolher*. bate beet
to ID Ibe inwtmu&i of all ehrvalc
>r mociha uaal urcr D paUry
They had a qur..................DOl
. IlMthetreaiineto-“oallrtomfkoiihaBUtoIc diaeea,.
Nerve. Bli
SluiBBCh. I
tadtcied by the praad Jury,
waa acquitted oe her trial, and
of Pe^lc IMacBaBi
BOW ahe to aulop Hru. Sarah dor lio..liBpIr rat
tol to pramptlr ectaac 000 (or BiallelODa pioeeetirkiB.
Shock from
active tt'eak men. uld
ced CuDrooklya. eleemted
1 la uvurT ewK BBd «v
actor Baichel ta hto reaan
tiur^a life jf tuBcvtap lieataaeaB-.
aa thiowD tato the air. aa<
Pa^alyal. c red ihruiipb blioelebeaud
uallreu^rakto- MTetal ielhnt-worhcr. raabed
Serve RMtedln Bhd Bh_>kawlllhetenta
. Iikai'
•r btaore
eeearr to ptre
THE LAME 1ror WALKeapttal. l token
g Dtoaaan
t D-atople bora (tatoTTb. Thruat aad Loh
Hr UcDowaM curea Pita Bhd
Saccbel'e body, atthoupb
'.Ni-rvou, UsnaM. Ecieata. BBd Bl
be received toe full pawn from itto
SklB Dina**, cured.
01Dr. lltaXmald haa bew
niMtobaaknnMabpnaa.akBa book
Qraaobopper. have
wixard ta toe nadkal pro
erdare over a tofTitocr
aad SO oOln wMa Bbout Fonrtoe. cauae be rvwda all dtaaaaaa-------.--------mad. by Dr.
r a.unw'tSw*my-Root.



Most. BBd aeaaaa ta catUe are dytap
the ptotaa tnm
Lewif .V BlaBk. a


fttuuu by ahotatap Unataf throaph
the hood. Worty over hto ariaet

w to Baa *ap& harlap


•TSTlSS.'Sc. to. vtoato toU.


Shu .j-.ku

. Jautthed at her
aiir axacuiM. W
b Bahto Hoada li


ibc three,
Ibe |>ruduc7
.ri-cilnp a .Utiic
- Itaulei '
k.--IH«r.tbe Iliilv luwB of
Tb.- a
Kt ellh
• ibi- <vnt
»Uh oDtbua
lUKbuul IK-DDiark

loa-i. i.r.-parxii

l«. OuniM iM an
do which be hum

DcDf Pirut. lu Si
Diphi of a hurli-d

Baadto the |l»AM.Ma to ha paid kv
toa Valtod Btaiaa.
Oeaaral Boraa.
while torortap the caaal, woald jredn
to hare toa ca* pamtat toa
od hk owa tactloa. ttolU aa

tha caaal tmir wU toad to


Al a II nie to IW Pndiew (Mr, lor mtt



tTMt Od t
The I;1C pace
crowd «
•n* aad aa I
BiMai the ton. at the'no* i'k
' toHltoMad that


ISatutaey. tKe St^^Mef Awpuet. A. D.
, >1 lu u. lu t I. >b>
da.. all Uu
naWl. ink and laur.ul ol .aal Mamm I
l.-a-Uiaamalhr t.Jb.auw d.«eiled k^


u lor Oolpitoto to tha CBMl
PTmak Tallcrd (Ctorkl..
~ ‘ Deer lUtohoa).....................
lie O CMUkiUI......... I...........
Ba-Si»«. f.U. SilMk.

loe af the Itomh waa i
a tar the gratae Cli:
AaaiMtotl*. Hr* i
________i ftaadpeW. aad to the ont-

Canal Mila at Be«att.
OolDtobto'a Codhal Oeaonl to LowPB am the laUTOcoaa. Beeaaaa the
Valtod Btatat od totHgatof to aoeara
(ho nttBcatloB od too Paaaaa eeeai
raalr. The Oitoaaia tooorr la that
itoarhna tolaraeo haa haea aaorud
tpatoal (lawataa Barn, who daron
od tUtrcwir.aadtotaTor
od raroh to Paaaaa. . He addt toat.
dadeated. Uawaral Born wlU protin a rorolDttoa apatoal Prealdeat
MacToqato and too OoknMaa Ooaaad wui Bpht to toa bUtar awd.
Tor what?
Oaaarai Baraa. who haa reprnaatod
hU eowairr ateoad, tetoraad to Colonbto a rear a«o to too bollal toat
Urea mad Uhorwto would
DBlia ea hlB tor too p
1 ha able 1

I iohaaoa (MaaBt} )............. t t P 4
toa (Mmbi*).......................... 1 4 4 1
> BaaUre (Waaka)............... 4 1 1 I
kaatnaa (Mortoa)............... > l l l
taa-t:mk. 1:X&d:ttW.
fabor drore a««i~ (he tonnb

m 'it thto"^. tSi
Pilot, drtrea hr H-



! :sfr-'.siy i-a

- “’r;

At < a-toa* tha haittoi________



k aad the
L T, <n .4

rt»*tan Uir^».


cri rrtaltirc trudnw ow aatar
(UTM. u ftacM tk« ha»w kxm. 4»4 Man tba U>
M tMO. or tba Mrrn k«Eia
m «1U tba ettr'*
bout H hagUtf tor
of llTkoc Mor to •blarol bovl
*• OM
:kwMo. tbora aum
pooolUo. (bon tim BWI bo Borw or
t (Uo wotb.'ealllBg (or tbo. ottw tbal ib« oao«ot of ponpb
ClOM U , ■ Utt>* knon blakwar.
< of palMwn aad skill oa lb.
roqalrod lur cuip life U lu
:«r. »mk ud Mvlvdd
■bu oil lb. pnj.p.ell»r Hl» *o»ld k* pan of ooB. uo*. It oomo to me.
Km» a«lr low UBMr boUterops bocaiiK'
an a Baa aad
tot IB lb. botfcor of ■wUsf U tl
IM **•»• ud vMmu
I UtUe aboat tbo Bailor ItoB
Md bMfc. Tbo •oTte. la nai
1 b«T« U aM • vrtM oU.
u (on to hortm blBwU «lib e
Id bo taboe up oarUer tt U
a oa. was not wmp froa
Our eaap tUfotllo—aad
•r klado at work. It might
Ihop n»red
WbM holUrbocki awl A
A raoad
Ibuugbl It lut ilM- ibteg aap wap. tor
haadird rort. si
oblllM. a wtro braller. a cboap lU oof ihe wife and Boibor to be eompeliod
•posd ber ei.olBge la ibto wap
I, a mrorod wuor pall aadtOa
r bwitoBd usuallp roou. and road:
dlppor. aad laot, but aot loaa
or oloepo la bio ebalr. Wbp aot the
Th. trafrmwa of odd fooblwod to«- proof oartboa boon pot wttb
la troat of our leal w« slrotcbod ilrod wUe; Or If obe Bust mead ibe
aa UUB toal Pp. oerrlag ao a poreb. •loeklago Ibea. Btgbt aot tbo boo
Vbm d«M ratbi nia to aad tio
and HBdor tbU obeher we spnad
baad Btoko the tune a link brighter
Tbo puo’ iplk bf. fOMlifw.
bp mdlni aloud ur otberwtoe bognU^l«. a toBgb board afalr. bat
Abd bad bbd bdooaoB whIoM tow
orwd wttb a wbU. clotb. wttb alwapt lag tbe hoar! I know tbc would tbaak
Tbo ooent of tbolr bwsaoalbs
baacb ol gowen. aad wUb awMoa- bln for Ibto Utile oorrlee, sa<
0 aorid of oorrovo. lot mo go
ilrfmu Of greeo karoo tor doUloo. helped bj U In non wapo iban une.—
Whoro *Blot potbo rtm to and fro.
Ai wo tot dowB to tbol dcltetoai
ilAobr oookttg. wlt^e grand qukt
(f tbo woodi all aSfil as, aad
soft ittU o( grap irooimk and groee
ontonable wicker rocking choir
kat. of parpk obadowt aad blue water
itaad bp tbs tuankoi window.
to not ear tired apoo. bopt aad boattb
. aoBompoalwl bp a Boor eutb
la Ibo tooaadaat. aad otnaitk
TbM. loaU ibo volHaloTod raoi
oade of oluul denim, aad Blled
of bodp aad Bttd bowed law oar
Tblo tor lb. tired
Betid, ibe rackv tbould tland
Wboa. at aoBotlBoo bappoao. o**!
<snp to oat of roaeb tf tbo buicbor. aa ordlntrp peuih baakei. lined wUb
tba apt
can atwaps tubsUtuto tllnio. or tomeiblng of ibai «rt. end
bnu and aul pnpaiatloas. and la tbo eoauining alwnpi a fretb ne«-.p»iK-r
S 0 Itau. baMaooo. fiaodooi ti
dan ef ooadooood eroaB. o.oo tbo
• har aad ova. poaeo witb «
qulK Snianl. ' end perhapa o
• aaU aad wub aU (ooa. tbo flat
dfaetnl requite too great
• nopoet aad aBoeUoa of all,—
Oa ibe chair back
• •aaid tbtab ibat tbooo aUgbt bo •
tt tbo Dotgbborbooi
• rwoganod ai boroad a doabt (bo •
baag * work bag ol dark tolee
ooo. Bttt aad brook
• 0K)t tbiafi of Itfo. aonparod «tU •
Bol readllp eplled. la eblch
uallp be bad. aad tbooo will
• vbiekUo aocuolatlaa of woaUb. *
eewlag. If oa.
■r Baap tocko tt Ibo larder.
Oh. bow buagrp poo got wd ki aop me come Urge needle,
end ibread tor icwing up poulirp.eir
aftar oaa weak of out door life a
r lit Kluor. and »
cookttg. and pou okep ao pou oaod


^rMONf ^


skop wbta tbo akp aad lbs gnu
Wgotbor SB pear ttr-owap barloQB. aad tbora w.

g la Het Weatlwr.
Wo bU baro oaoaib irptr tdood 1
. aar Mao to tool a Inagtat vbaa U
«m dan ooao, to got avar >aia (be
vaoda. «av ate tko boan o( tbo
blUa. aad bmtbo tbo troab air. aatalatad br tbo tbroagtag cdtr*o SUo.
<nb(0 aro aaar to vboa oaeh
oatM woBld BOOB root (res i
■uala. aad uu ibal bao bocoM.dlolaoutal. bat. to tbo BalalQatod.
Wo Maai (rtod poA. blac*. Baddr
peCoa. aad bamod petateoo. aad
vbo aoaU tUof tbo root aad golot
at tbo woodi. aad oot-door Ufa. an
aoarad ovap W tbk bogbaar, paMoalarlr wbaa tbo ladad appottu baa ao
gootn lor «ro» tbo dalatr dlab

all tbo roar roaad. but
pocUlIp good lor bot aoathor. la ardor
u ooro lla«. tt U a good plan to proIt la tblf wap. To two I
rolo at oarMIc add add
quarto of boUiag waur. Tbo bolUag
■alar will ooBtoBi Ibo aataMAoB
otwaoB tbo add and tbo waiar abd
ladar tbaa aolaUo.

Tbo alab aad pipoo wbkb oarrp of
w waiu watar «u bo bM la
larp roadttW bp ailag Ub a
two or tbiwo tUMo a woeb. AHor tbo
obw pall aad voaoato wbieb tr«
la tbo olaoplBg raoau baro
waobod. poor lOM of^HbU tolaUoa
tboB aad alWw iboB to aiaad
Oao wbo bao
wbUa. Ibr tbo eoUar aad ootveoU bo iBiirtood to too tbo rarMr
MnptWg dUot that oaa bo pro- pldo proMooi oaa tbo (eUowiag:
galloa at watar odd om
#uod oTor a oaBp4ra.
lU poaadt of toppocaa. Tba ealA Iro plaoo «ao nado br dlKlag
atar eleaoi. aboat tbo baia aad
ibatio* boto la Uo voaad aoM n
bat la dUBotar. baaUag U ap vRb
ataaao aad laplag rao
atoan aboat Ibo top. Tblo
It to chwp aad oCoeUrA
a«r a largo Cat ttao vboM ibado
sv a watobCnl spa onr tbs
■Cordal protosUos titaa ai
I dnrttg tbe aaauaor. Do aM
tbpnr. apgoAo wblob pm
0 aad paittn «
WI»I Maba. law wblob won ditroa
I. Mc. oat oa UO gtrdae 1
tbiao balb. oiBbbeTo tba otbor. cor
raoBBlWig «ltb tbraa «l tbo troo docapi If tbwe are »o aaMali oa tbo
. Opoa tbno roatad tbo otMi at pttee to aai thiB. Uo sbooU bo
bartod aad UM be beMSottl bp ■a^
piplag boBH to tbe aoU: opobUtoh«g tbo kottlo. taoUp adjaatad bp fan BOP ba bowed.
tbo «fBtaat bMgblo ct adUa.
Hoar tbb dn plaoa vao dag i

pUaa wlU be ktoeedlagtp u<
>Be dertag bM weatbo. aad will dw
eooked faod. oattB Uo kie etooalp

Watar 1ar tba eoCoo wat bed!
tbo Wea caoip bottio, aad altar tbo
. aotha pet woo UM. opmwI
Ml tsbefl tba potataao. Wo MaiMt
taB oMWtoMO ttet tbo bottio oeold

oeptarfee tt wUeh
kept. Tbo ahs
seaUad aad alrad traaasaUp. Tbo
eaia be kept sweat, aad.portead bp the
BM of a Uttle boat or bokttg aoda.
Mittew BbeoU be carrfallp wauhad
wtag tbo bM toriM wootber.

tMo. vbUo Ibo BBb te toad weaU
tMU la a BOBoai atwr tbo battlo
bad baod laBerod. aad tba aapgiw
■U piaioB b«i bot a Uttla back
tt ttoro WM broahtaal land M
graparad. that bad tbo rtgbt of wap
wttb (bo bottio. ter a deobM bolM It

r tbaao eealo. aad tbo break
I dMo to Nck a tara ai to bo elbo vat a( tbo
0 bo WBi taboe trato

tbo bobad boaaa. aad (bo babad
tard. rat tbo fnar. tbo boaao
bdlad, tooioBod. aad pat la tbo pet
B to tU It ana talL Tba bet
wbw won dag oat. Ibo btaa PM pal
4o«a tt aad aentad to tbo Ud wtib
hot atbao wttb a
(bo top. aad Ml to alsBor aU dap
or all al^l. taklag can oalp. Uat
iboro wao wagb bot water to kav
tbM ttOBt.
Tbo Ohara wai tt tbo
tbo tttto wboa i tBad to
Mt brwwa toaad aai bol

^iwMBtisa to far batto
Do MM allow gar
a gamp or wot ooa

[Sunsbine. 1 i

d Um aoM hto Mg spa k
lea be pkaoed. tbe oMaarti

Ig bis star* tc* the i
troa that awtwrbeli_ _____
that durlag (bo aatlre wtator
>. bkepclIsL wttb aew sireaiik
nut oalp tna (roan oougbt ai
Uo PM •'pus. in le Oka. Wltb Ueir
og and devouilp blessing '
ko grp haeklag coogh bad oaac^■^>llb.- tomp.
ttralp dtoappearod.
t Lcdg-r
b on Ibe rbali*. and |

o iboo. wbo are oubject to dto
o( lb. threat. Maap pnnos* '
. out tried tb. .salt gargk b

Peculiar tfi Sunmier Pe-ru-na Ghreg
Prompt and Permanent Relief.

, auiburtip disptoped bp tl

Cft. BboaM. Indianapolis. Ind, wtIm.:
.Forth, past two PMC I havw baidlp knowm wb»t It wee to bnvw a SWesA
lUBttal night's .l«o- (torws aad orwrwurb smbM to wetgb ms down BMW IbnB
Itsbonldur wouldb^ItweanbMtogelmp t*n(w* twsk. Mp doeto. was aanito
tobtopB. aad ordmd Bs Boolb lor a eumpkts rwstand ebange. AsUtowto
sUDplv out of tb. qaastkon, sad as 1 bad brnd mwMal of '

r s lew dap * use no penoa
es * Dk« cleas Bwutb kilil
. sbarpMcr ol tb. sppMite.
oduD It-Honsebold.


Well uid gM op toeb

bard asd I certalatp boT* good reoSM tt


Mending (lucking.

of muequito neiiing. nad bast,
tbe wnmg .Id. ol the .looking,
having It quite a Util. Ian
bock end lurlb ibruugb ibe
In the ordinary nap It not ut
place and kiep. It frum drawing
wbK. darning K. but Inn!



fitored tg neal
Vllor by Pe-nMi
figy«: ~Pe-rv-M i
New Mm ^ Me.”

I hove ofii-o mended o ion*
n.u.-rall> in ib. knee of cblldres.
tiuckiugo with k eiocbrl book
crurh.-l lack and lurlb acruoo lb. bul.Dn. yaro lulng th. olo^

Judge Wm.T-7.eixw, of Washlnptoa. ak/cwsatofpmi/ft-. /BtteaaftMf
P. C„ wTlt.* from XU N. CnplUl stnwi. so aw« ie «.-* yearn. koHag watted
*>wr aar mfto wtoBewf Of fwewft. aad
Worhlngtoo. H.C.I
Bera also gafaed tUtty peo^ slae*
h. pm lieu.,
commencing to lake IVraua. In fart,
»> rbcerfuUj rceoBUnend lb. use of IVrun.
lu.i n-.t--ri.Pi.. n-1.
' M a reoirdy tqr rstarrbal Irvwbir and a 1 cannot pralae il loo UgUp."-M«.
In sdvliiion
Amanda MorrlU.
. I most rxerll.ot Ionic (or genera! coMi.1 iiughi him lb- (i
.lockine. only, but tb. u.luai
peniaanevertalla topmeat iiitomll
I tion..--Wm. T. Z«nor.
catarrh ee nervoua prustrsUaB It tafcsa
b. u.i-.l roT an> kind.
in lime. Perunatothemcalprasnplaad
1 'ElisabeUi,
pmnanent CUFF tor all caaatef asrraue
I "1 hsv. been .let over two
b ibeee slaple preparntlob.. ib.
Diverting a CKild'. Mind.
eauaed bp opstemle cataRb
debllmlautee wbUe the cat
Wltb verp IIUI. cblldren. .rgument
ilty, and heart trouMe. Have bad lour known to ibe Bmdieal twolsealoB.
baking, or the pause* beiweei
and reasoning kinll bulbing ki nertaln
If poa do bM dcrin peompl aad oottt-torsi *11 ssld (bat I eould not gel
atlenilon glren come stew or
U. I bad nut walked a step In nine (notorp reaUto from (b* We of FWUBa,
ap U a raal root and pleast
Lbougbin swio trul
months, .bSrrlng wUb partial paralysis WTtto at oae* to Dr. Barfmaa, glTtitt a
twih (niggle iiugbl
lad aad bodp.
the diMppuinimwit.
CM pmtpfttftow of (Be taoiY ertty fnUoUtomeatof pew case aad be vU
_ .— app<-01
. ibi-> i-ii us mber
Another great eon.enl.oee to
nutber'i Inter.
I. oasUp duna Tb
aairted t'briottta Mker «*p. aa* Bmf BeccMse te rwducad be pleaeed to give job bU Taloabi*
u-hing ulber hille fi _
Ib MsB es m B* • etere (geMoB, Tie* gratia.
ooden stool, sueb ai book-keeper* eited sod plMsant
—IJeorse t\.i|i.-r
Addrae* Dr. TTotfmoa. IVidIwb og
Une *|.lc> I
le. Proeldad wltb tbto. .pae c
:gu 1st toward It. as .be lout, tb
* Cp to this dole 1 faMMUkon ^ruBe
IV-.j-iie ibi. udiy uilii-il cry Irm
July Sfd. ISKC
Instead of staadiag to perform tnanp iibooght awap from wbat to unpl»a
Iwcnme very good—*u paid Indiv
M oeren momhs. II bat tavsO Bp bfe
beoutlful iblng bappeo.-d
or work Wertttg batter.
hnl wb.-o Ue pbllantbroi.l.i sgi
!abi 10 wbat I. ourncilie. *nd, *•«
Siinshtti- prestdeol U. iMC
Ill cookies, walking dtoboo. cma'
leanl his word* they ran
tarllltp ot cblldboud. the wort
X tell you tbuui
"Wi'l SO) fine,
»e. spicy
spicy 1-hrt.lton b
Hay 01 the Gran,
I. toun torgotieD In tbe new o
Ueted gin
m Ibe afternuuii <if
loog. aaiTow
jn or change of tbougbi
be (led over Ue itool.
enohioB *1
with tbc babies
cblJ.treii jirviu-oi ot the Trsve
Bad a sSBlI woodee box. eoTored wltb
_______ _ supplied tor a faetrot.
Viiu cannot
Brerp kliebeo tbould be provided
clock, aad Uo clock obetf to
ir groci-rli-s. and Aler read
eoBvealeat place to keep Ue
<»ok book*, a tablet aad pencU



bi^ugin'T:.:." ol:

.nek Your Mat
be earned ont bp everp wosaa
le a wife lets beroelf "look
grudges tbe boor* speal tt tbe kliobeach of lh«e occa
tecl tare she would find ber
by *u much Ibe appruacb
there keo Irksome, aad
ot old age. l-'or to bo carefully drau____ to give and reoelve pleaourv In
cTT* to look young aad to look young
other dlrecUoat.—New Baglnad Kltrb- so A woau's duty to her
oa toagulaa.
children—that 1* tbe flret and grrat
of tbe claim* on ber klienlloo.
Motoring OM Druoio
asd the second and next is Import
Tbc toUewtog dlreetloai I wtu
obe shall look ns atmci
on Un Uese hnng good
tor almost aU woolea toxiUoi. n
look, and a happy home and
lag them "•qatl to Mw.” To
Me old age.—Cbicagu Sew.
(Ml of warm walor add two labkapeoatuto of iplHU of amBoala (aot
Mating Ruga
tbo weaUr "boetebold amBonla'' so
HuUMkeeper. will find It k
mneb tt non. but (be real oUB). and convenleBce and uvlng of the .
leaspooerul* ot powdjred b
ot tbelr rug. to have a frame lo
era be aap soiled apM* or
purpose over which to throw ib* nig.
good* mark tbeae wlU a few tUt^ei to be beaten It to merely two .
homed os. Up Ue good* up
ipnghi poet* etgbi or ten feet btgb.
down ta Ue mlxtete. uicwttg
M firmly in Ue ground, wide enough
morfBt It aboat tad obBkttg moi
span to accomodate the largrat
toss with tb* hBBdo ratp goetip. raberaupiece totting ibem.
MBg th* Kdled spou a Uttto till Uep
tbe rug* may be bung for bealIkon. Tbe lighter II to htbdlod.
iueb 0 frame I* equally • '
Ue iMi rtok U*r* to of having lor airing bMdttg.
Tbea proa* tb* waur
riBM verp wqll to warm,
joam OBoaoi BiAi>gb-Ac«d r uraito.
r. Whaa tbto to dose., lap Ue
good* tt foMi aad pat It eeretnllp
It bao to do wUh cork* aad botthroogb tbo WTtBger. To eomi
> school
As ordinary eork amp b*
1 Hspld. toot fall
Uy teat
*0 pereoBi t^ K. a ftoea
meeable as a glaoa *topper_by
mm. wat MU* Free
aad thake till all tb* wat
steeping U in a little oweei oil.
It did I
oit of It; U*a hang upoo U* Itt* till
It It
ling very
inn see
Uo aek>lrao It at all Bp
and but
eiJiy. 1
when tt to bM drop tt tbe corks
J will Otways
keep U
proeoM tight wool dr**M* ot i
BoBMals iwoso** ibem aad
I. geliloK I
dtowet* eobMlamp U iwMotM.
win find them eqiml to tb* sore i
tor plain dark leolon It bao wo oqoal.
■ your mue friend.
Nellie Perkin*
Tha Rigl^ den M Ovmi.

> of ibe small Uttgs to t*
ber to Ibat atoohol will qnlcfclp retb* proper boM for (be Tartoo*
as obmttai* poroiu plaster.
of baklag.
no spoage cake aad poaad
ptiwd. aad will atoo a to* all niwlfbtm» n ov«a un will tt fir* atttuiaa
lag: -Whea I g« rtoh Uarw to oaa (ora a ptoe* of whltt paper pMlow.
and wale* are ofio enilrelp
For all Mber bttd* <d mat ea
ettettat la ooeh office*, a valuable
o* aa ofWB that win te fira attBlae
sbonld be aoted.
wotebad tbe (WB a ptoe* of wblu paper
aa tiBO. aad <ai
Map's TeMblag.
that tl to BM aaaeUp
For bread aad paMrp. bara aa
Mp babp has rat bar firal Iwetr*
tMt wOl tt t*a Bttatea tara a ptoM
leeU without a dap ot alckaeM
to tot for aa boor B two itMdlte to
M whU* lapcr dork browo.
excMtolra torltatloa boa teeUttg. aad
ig the Uraad of para
Wbea U* ovea-d* toe bot at bet.
altfibat* H toigrfp to bavx glraa
traeaat epaee tt a Maakttg. It bom a eroot tormo oa U* braad or cake,
m a waito toM baU evMP evoalag
eeoM decildedtp BittMnottS afler wbieb proeato lu rtattg. it it bMtost:, before she wai pot to be>
oae bao had the (oteaa to go
ur. whoa haktag bread or cake, to
I U* blood to tbe cktrai
toads M a taallp ef •*• or kto.
kT* tbe MOB a mu* alow at Irel
Uu* raUevoa Ue imtatloa.—
-Bat tbe steektop aot be b
kd toeraoM U* beat gradoaltp.
Good Hewtokoepttg
ir go K woald aeoB. Ot all ear
Wb«a taklag pof paat*. U*
wooittg apparel atooklbp aooB to be
ahoBld be greMer, at firm aad de­
To Osaii filaek LaoA
taied to swmaet dietrotioa,
ar. Tbto to to koep tb*
To clean bttek too* wipe og all dust
carsfullp wtu a caabrle hat
to OTBB to too bM U* MB- chlrf Then pto It OB a board, ttserfOB Ua tarm: so i
peratora bbp be iwdoeed br pattttg X a Ptt U oach protoctiag potot of
Uo lac*. Mooge It all ov«r wlU
a paa ef eoU waisr.
lr«M asd roBBlBg aboM ameog
■M baklag tt aa erea that to too
>t U* to. fill WlU «bH WBU*
f tb* pwBBg folkA What
dftfgttg pBB. wbleh to aboat aa ttob
d*r that it osbm te be «Mu a

U* carwtakM of U* tiBllp tt deep aad pttee tl oa Ua tog grot*
of IM oraa. MobH Us otsb M
(“iptbii *at*aU*^ hot* tb* stoehttgo aO tt roato.
■ v(*p gaod for lb* a
What eas be 4am to Ugbtae U* BM Bt tb* bottaa. pM a gm* a
neooblag iboto tt drtMdP of AaM
bardea! Well, oa* good woo
Tbo eaitard wm ooeaMHHbk* k
taao wap. oaeapt ttat tbo aibol kBow of Mo ttvoBtod a ptaa ef u
ot bot waur. a haK I
wvo aot btapod a« Ugb anaad (bo U* stockttgi of bM- *oa a* *M
Boato. gwsMoa to (aot*
pot tba wo babad aar eaattrdk Wk
ood for aM btodacho
to tba bMB pMl. aad It WM Ml to tenttg Um bp atiMW M*eoa ef ottlb.

to coBbta* BBoag


'*W*M re . btg gnrdeo I bsie . Ill
pig and rhickea
I had s
We bad lott of fun
blrUdny ■any
I >0
Prom Your SunsI
Ella May Vent

u. Ill M>up at lu cent, ewrb.' ao
1 on lor quite a long U.l
And I
tch tlm. Ibe man told him ni one
bat It would cost.
At last Alec aeid that was all. ai
le man told Um Ue amount at
ikrit If bi. miitber bed seat it
lun.i or It tbe wlibed It charged.
-N.-iihir, thank you.' .aid Alec.
-kloihiT didnt .end me at all. and
dos-tn l want the Ihttga. It waa
i.-srber gave me all UoM Iblngs
Jo tor a sum. anil I Iboughi It

Tb* Rowisnc* e< a Coin.
An Inctdeni Is (be life of tbe
Ma: Samui-I H tiJchardiua. uf
I'hU-agu Hoard of Trade, to lolc
ib>- Ni-w Orl" as br was (amill
eagr. «u v'l.ttlng
u Mary
Moore, nrar
>e pretllesi women that
eser aieppt-1 ' o aouUeni lotl. "
Befure tbc
Thra the rar came.
- Ii-n Ml IS Mary Moore present
Confederate cockade to
- upturned flap of hi. toft
ibd when be returned to
major sent her^^i^brtgU
sliver quartet of t.
-S a Hlchardsun.
'**Th."mator beivr uw Ue tody a
wards but ibn-r ><wrs ago a ft
of bis lb lb. >Tr.i NatloanJ ban
Chicago was callsd upon to cuubt
K.IIOO in currency lor eoucierfel
mutilated coins.
Hr discovered
r quan.f wUb a black tt
a It. be examined It more eloaely
took lo Mai Richardson
Icnl eott. Just *0 years aftrni of Itk gin.
lU;n 1 lurgt-t to glvyajour canary the
■ I of wtter andK-i-d every dap.
F that b. bat aOood flib bone,
•an hit cage every-day
Krap Um
I o( lb. bol sun and th. glare of

a^D?*''Talk°'to ^Um—talk lo b
lb a kind voice Lei him out of 1
p- occasHUiall)
We giv. crumb*
d tb* BIhtr.
OfraJ suaks-2 IB milk. Irtloe*. chick­
iQBlIgbi J^ttg 0
ed . little piece of egg koaeUB**
cpcitot was rIdU.
iiitii- fruii k But. and lou of good
tt Ue nonbero pan ot Masbooslond
ngi knd let him rat or re>«et aa
A* he rode, esitoyttg
beauty u( Ue African evening, hr indkemember be It a prisuner lo
dcaty became conociou. of o
emeni dependent uo you ever
stealthy heavy tread os the
- beaub ud IU« and cunttantly
bim. Ii s
Ke to make him happy
A Uttle
omr b<avy
ocui looking glam will odd greatly
TnrnX around.
hii bappissu
Take care that
-wx him
scared to Bed bimseB k»kX n.ilber sun nor other light rented
Into tbe glaring eyes of a large Iloa
Tbe puattd
•iraagelp. nuw raising bi. bead. .
towerug It. and all tbe time salSag
When poo borrow a dis
•le air tt a meet perplesed
iK witwsU. If you ever c tuck a
Here was n snrprtoe (or
ihing. you are verp-earrfnl to band It
* coaM Bot make out what kind of Uck perfectip cteos. but I you
ilBal It was that coold toll, walk
to sit sun at Ue mm. Um.. an
i a cookx UlenaU t
perfectly cleaa, you
Uttg U the Soulx eoustry to to )
enme of U* food eooked tt tbe w
... .Itt to*itt*MdS- rf Ue v‘«
aad hi* pap to* It* nra.
But anboogh b. pedatod
asd poA^ I
on to gM a.
aap more ti
Ue lion: (i
aai. Uk. 1
u ap bis at


Mtp tola rtokooM
goBatlaoo wa Mj, ef beg iWktoto, sowed oa
Bap tap garteg U* wboto
baeto wbsid ib* wear to bom b
wtad tbo MU M taro wttb a '
a(Ur (ho OBBO Boaaar of pro aad bMM on aot* to OM** bet Tbto
prakBo tbo U(* <f Ub ateebl
PatatoM toatood to a tan tt tbo kx OB. tag graatip ttom
Mhto. M ibap Boadod a bettor bod ttbor of U* Botbar. Mb* bbi
attM Ula Uo*
Om tbo aaBaid w pronat toptog

Hlurmer Beosle Co.. June
Drar Mrs BAe*-Du you
euublae club
my totting tbe Sunkblae
yrart sgo'
ogo* I did toln
Join U Uea I
Mn and
tost my pu
ood card aod 1 teni

-a ai ;-ii cvDls 0 pound, two pounds


be derfded to bar* tbs amltor
wtu r«^ aww- Sadd '
ag down, be Mmped (roB

bp u* adgKioa «t a unto a
krfag up u* wboto lam oaa appMttttg dtoh .aMdoal to* six I
was Ib^nyi^ttM^ky X ttB-a

2: IS.

Had Oeed roiiee,
IF) noad to ptap a good del
oae dap tb* had beea

rgtoi haUi tt tb* world. Il
ef New



Book and Job Work
OKT wmmtomm


Economy in Piano Buyin£
S> OkUio wfaetbet poor ucoac be Inoifed M higg.
}9u do not want to par aa exorbitast price fora Piao.
Ob the roooary. jmi want pooilire asnraaoe tbst uem
b escry ds^lar
ds^ eq
re gening^
laximnB M ei
ip a radwd ia the a
greai bapmcM Everp csodrtioe that giakea b low
ptoo, cxims tm; evwtp Bcmer-savtag opporfimity a
taken advasucc of. We are Piano MoB^totBreraWe are aaong tb largcM dcakn in tb wnrU -Tbe
1 bp dw ton
b cnablxw I
tecore *T*»y pncc-cneceimcto knows to the tiadc—We
bay b
caA alwipn^We are cemtogt vitb a w*al
profit omemttBle—AH thcBcoBiiitMgawaltobiiiiih
owwnDdafnl,»alB^>Blaa that ore pcaitilV^
eqnaled bp aay o»fe Nxme. We <ma pro** aB tbese

u to jpoor cMire oirirfartrm if pun mil give bo tbe
etBBitp. Cafl at Bay tne; we Aall be bapfip w
Mkggyouoar bdattittl Pii
-------ISTTAV. 9QR.

GBim BBOi’ AttSjC Hffi
239 E. Front St. Traverse City i
BnDch of Oriaoell Bro».‘

Muse House. Detroit.

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