Grand Traverse Herald, January 08, 1903

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Grand Traverse Herald, January 08, 1903


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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<8r«^ CrMtm Ikrald




Woolew everthown in Soetii*
era Michit-u.


T.. mtMf « (Mk a>d bralK'
• >U > T.Jl.; i^fUj B« Ld*.

Money to Loan on Improred Real Estate Only.

indeoTlWfi wttli the bacM
line of Kovcilies

Johneon Blook, Phone 7S

Olv* us m Oall.

W. an1,41. raew upai
'FTuw (urWtU up btvw. V.. hlB.

Traverse CKy. Mich.

.I'abM It . u M
.« han-fUTMU ID
T>, d~»r-, .11 iv Pnrp).kMA ■ V.

«n<l look them wet,- We^uat-

IrjTcrsc aty Stale Bank

lire Vou Protected



1 Uunl tuiuc BuUoi Dow
*** —Jf- y*
1 »cr Ccal «U»vt4 n TUw tepmlu.






Skin CbM Protecten. TTtey are ar nca
Gol<I(eoif 41 anything poeibly can be.
ehraji, too,vheD cempartd eilb i
cold (V 4




h:»v<- yiHi

ow o|K.-n for I
^11 and inspi



tWWtonM l>e pleaied u
jrow busacM,' Urge or smaU; it
IFonpt, comceui, ikillej aneniion.

ewnun^-te- k<Ciry mi» a. aUatit aalbt
■k« >rf • vaidi. *n alkkra wMi

KTVIIKPOSIT BOXES in out Meel-lined tault for-tent



Travaraa City and Elk Hapida,


WarMoL!r£fc lu|., DXTBOII
A. B. Cu«tM




•roWi. IN SKASOn/

Fresh. Salt and Smoked MeatorSauBases, Etc.

pbooe 4


Hides and Fur Wanted'
am now in the market for all kinds of Hides and Fur. ready
to pay the hi|;hest market price. All goods shipped to it
will receive njy best attention. Will hold goods until I hcLfrom you and if prices are not satisfactory will pay charges

Bell.Fb<ae m

traverse City, Mkh.

OttosM PboBP 4^1

...Anderson Undertaking Go....

From the first course to the Nuts and Cnndy
can be found here—Give Us a c.t!l.

assisTCo »v


J. J.
■rwaoh Week

848 Front StroUt

nldiikmtc ^


,0 ordet. pnapUy.


Flwn at Fim IWtn.


wc;i*y, MIoH.

Only the-veiy bett niaicrUl

BMd, sad folly gttwanlecvl in emy respect, .
That are made to oic u irell ai tell.

They are

not nude of diew material, and ghve a flaihy

Baish to catch the eye; but are durable; oomfoit-

able, asd aesL { Tbe cheapest on the nuita. quality cenaitler^.
Once oaed and ^ viU boy BO other nuke.

iiestaitsimti w Uictor Petortyi.
Owflowwy aind MorwmHIdee

Goats and Robes at One-Half Price!

Wants to buy Good Butter and
Fresh E^ggs and will pay
■ cash for same.

You'fBrBisbthehide.veianiiaBdinakethecoaictirBpleuataooiitoyouorfrmiSlQ.OUio $14 and vou
get a coit made to yooi order that vou'hI cok you if
bougbt Manrbere $3&eo to dui^icaic. Yon fomuh the
UdcsedwelaDandlmeibiArobe all eoraptote at a
COM to you of Bom $S.06 io $800, you
a Mbe fi
(eetwidcandSiioBleet long that would cw you
anywhere (ram ilS.OO to $90.00 to duplicate. We al­
to carry in atock a Bse line of Coau and Rcdtea.

0«r $95.00 coat >« 61 to 59 iocbei long, tuloia] blad^
Galloway. Calf collar, Bnesl <]nalily black Italian lining.
Bilk ttnibed, Mohair aleete bruag. Hosoid Bar l«tto!k
the kiftd that May tmooned, anir Braided frabtc We
dnplicaic this coat in oar ewtom work, we make the
rt and guarantee a fit U rite for


» oikar. fwat«H»«[me*


H. 8. HUU.. Preatoent


W.1 m- ii..»





u I...
. f B,ni.(t«kckiibMM Ul. 4auUjl(d*kn.

'Sobnsoit’s Driifl Store.


Will sell you Kitchen Hardware. Tinware.
Porcelain and China Dishes. Knives and
Forks. Spoonsandmanyo^erthingsthat
you want at prices that iNtfil^ook reasonabletoyou.


I mnase
I aTT,m.


J b^xr Urn

kw> h tiM.e.1 Sul. . Si'.,..,..
AkS aniBUal Un.'.
nu«. k I <4u.u4 T.-b.'. «Wd ksw.
<liati(>ki.as4t3iarki.«KsrV ,

As4 «.><b ... Ul.

baas, aad ruabMl upstalta. bat
KaNth^ War*.
lie teier aUppml thtwa asala. ai
Abbi Aurora Hler waa
her bmd la the door fur a partly aelEhbars ealMd a "r««sla
aiBS at her aiaier who ailll sal oter
ihe are woaderTas eaiwcalty bow
' ab^ Bade irnw
.uch Ibe eblld nram
raaee tor MHaeaa oa t
’ Heaterr abe. aatd^don i alt up <«l
r ooe; aad she deejait
mlailna bow Dueh mat ,ul you ran
h puur ecFi I p
she could -pat up with a maan
l mamrd ’till auBBer
realer than wtih a May om.ea’i anrta of an ties.
>1 AlTtra’a huabud. Vnrie Bite. ’
Yaa a smalL wliened. wrek.knkte
ua Walar j«ta Used la Tsar ite. whom Am AIMra dedwad to
Whale Ctlffi Dawa.
oe panaufibe wrwi .here
oee tay
cnai taaoU uf pebbles and tnwi.
chanced to
la wblek COM U IO be found
be FUer bumatred. srandremt
there aa Duasn*. f
over to tbe little brow* farm b«me
as tne panicles I
washed dowB Into ibe eptht M ihB •admjtoan tor a chat with Ani
tiMMer took n«e of tbe
bllU by the kmc mail
nmous qlMMnu of aunr wood piled
the natural forreu
up la Ihe tmek yard and orarEawIng
This euW raanul be ubtalaed by
• ual Betboda uf the mlber: II would frewB the great wmdabed. sTbe whole
with li. The etJler
to adopt theap. benuae
were bM Ires
are an tne aatf
iBD U cords.
"Whai an emwmui
qiBBtlly Gf
geitlag ihea out w
wind .iroo have.- he tl
10 Awt TKew.
than Ibe prvtour
IWSful , urktag of three
piled -1 callare oa •
miner has ad In the (all ’

»p lo a cutid cry.
• If I had pa and aa back lo dt> tor.’
aald 1u hrrselt. "I abuuld nut be
when tbe Mben are i^.
« Iblasa Ob 1 (hi^t
I knew Jaal how fund ol ’em I war;
bui amdua at It 1 wmM dir of )<»' If
' abmild lual fli pa'a tobaect. for for
im .mre morr. ur help nuther
iBd ibr buaiel
li waaa'i ao hu dylBE. fur be waa real'
4J. hi
I.UI aho would hare Ibouchl abr
afier bin? I can't
un wra.inuuEb. (ur ahr rvuld'ni
aloud It wlibool him-uBly
•Who ml It!"
ibry'd hate inr p.tuurr
-Oh. Bite dM II as sort o’ kaluia’- forte etrepi
ina abnui ’Billy and Has. ai
'ork I think
agnod Iblag ftir a
lo many dlrmliios awayy up OB lb
p.»r luilr Mas harlnc u> an rra,
w ton4 <K knlUB'.
•um.undlng hills, shilITM and ware
wiibom harlas aa’a help and lairrt
wbea he’s Ratin', nnd that
ao ibai tbe li
h.'r aSairal I’ll oak., ii up
has beea Bite’s fcnHttn’ae“:t
,e bmi I can. MasEle
while thlnklns
V bvr faibw sod
wheae lo»f the cliff lhai h
oiervwt had nerp,
_ .
inc Inierear
nrdpr failed
" or Ike feel a
i-n.iben her tboushta rant'- hark
Miner M
beraelf with auddea i
- vHto
ise In tbe
Woiula,- she
wIM refftoas of Ohio.
her thin lipa I miy toselher. ’’whaT
Ohio, not rar'ftm
blisin.-ea ill.l y. I bate iblnklns tq6- be done. U laid (iv>m It lo wbal Is eatl
yi Ihe Chicago Tribuae.
d (be working level: lhai Is lo rey
past <0 yrere old, aad
. aiirwciii.^yau iKai
> the pniBi from which ihe wiwkmea
can remember bavtag heard
• ter had a mile of complasloe.
no curia, and Duthtns brtshi to
father, whu Is still living. 1
And when Mas has bewn for
a pi'lB' a piece of marhlnery
beea a sieea laakmast
the last tmeulj yaara Ibe blstoai M'}
of tbe old Idea
and eomfori,any family------' •
na. and the frame on whkh It
t. Jerry wa
tuu a.rtns lu be anyiblns but i
oiM only wM-urely anchored to
di.wn aia.l wltea tbe beat lurk t
bd.l'Ol Is wWgfaied down wlib faiber, thlnklag the M>y guiTiy'of^hr
could euiii., to a SIH
Sirl OB
on I'plaod
L'nland Pralrk
liBs id Twk
And yrl 11 It offense said be would whip butb for
n sirj.a
a mwtie bilniert lo (be Iron ibf original offeaae and fur aot lolling
• iritb about It
.1 brltun the wnler frnB Ihe
boy prwreled
p. Now n
ytui prcSi-u I,
Why It Is so brevlly
with bii taiber. bat
In'o that kiirben and set a gond a
Tbe whipplac admiBiS(•t: and thank the lawd
Issrd your lines i
III'-, heavy as
.............................. a aeatle clbe. but iba
Thrr. ’a many
nnsirueiert that li may b. directed at hoy look It siolldly and did not erre
had as pleaeaui a girl
inr pan of the ellff by i le baadt of cry Tbe day* grew Into marks and
Sally lletidermm. i>r as—as floe a m
me man: and yri If It ah> mid. by any: rilM Ihe hoy mklntalnrsl use aame
aa Phil to be Uw to! ’’
ipfi.nunale an-lileni, get oul of Ihe (ksimy silence
Years passed. Tbs
few weeka later I’bll came
taiber was bearttiroken ai (be boy’*
saed wlib aa
Inelanily lurnml off al ib
rtelermlnattun Hr tried every Baaaa
in his power to shuw ihr eon (bat be
c.l.edlenee t
was reger lo make smeadr ttw tbe
vvoryihlns Is nmilylbe aiulee wrema be had dow The boy. grown
r ei|KWie<l Heal.-r t
tale at Ibe nwerviilr Is ipened
10 a man. wortrd na In atlanoe. Dor'he water b.'slni to run wllh h
■ora were railed la lo are If (here was
long force d..wn_ihe Imn pips
aay mebUI deferi le him. bel Ibay
I you belter su baek!
•>ui at Ibe noitle. wbirb seoermlly
e^ly. ’’Phil -mlsht thi
a diameter of alioui eight lamre.
Tbe plpemao lorea ibe atreas
tl. Mas Iff,, and pmMm and bowk
”1 gueaa be aim worryUtS abnul ua ’
uf Ibe .lallrr welghlag ■
aald Has. sayly
-1 aioppf
Owasr •9appir« tbs OnpUea."
tre kso
knorked down
the dlnlus'iuum door toes en _
Among the TehiiUsa Tartan a cari­
imui like e.
bear bfm 'ell ber he had baee wasilos
ous mode of -popping tbe flaMtloa"
to apeak to her aUiul aomeihlns for
Tbe Teballaa hacMcw la
... ' force uf Ihli aiream
aereral yuan ’’ ’
of a wile, havlag flitod a brand
Inriwdtble 11 has no power behind
She laughed vtih glrUab
s own gravity, and as li strikes new pips wllh fragraal lobare..
at her brother gated on b
uealihlly ea.................................
-Uh. Hilly." ahe aald. "arhal per
teei Idkiu you and Hmirr are!
ipICBOus artlrle of fi
cold bandit
alaitrd oul lo yini wllh Ibe mail
'urns oa ilpior i
d "reefcers ’’
•u and abe were talklas al
bldlag plan,
e -WSIer comes from i
I at Hie wotidplle. and I lea
etlqiseire requiring that be
It Is like solid tor
ilbai the pile and langbed T
exeenie Ibis slraisgte maceknife
ilausi aki:
II baa been
knife n Ill tw ierke^frem tbe handle meni npparnily uadeterred by the
tunny aad real a»n nt-vnifnL loo
damsel of bU obotoe or aay other
wairb Hetty working away ai my wed Try lo
ibcr uf ber family
Presntly bs
I may succeed in gening
dins. Iblnm. with bre mind ao made
wtfbnut Tunber affeetalka rd
r point half an-liieb In. bat the bar
up tbai abe rtidai mre beaaa for PI
II be wreaciMd ctoleoily'ftoB hla
beraelf Wne’i I have fun laugblas .
"ds Nor eould the alraegsat ■
her lor Bakins ber tblaca before
Phil aake.1 h.r!"
.......... tau ag
farther tthan ball an laeh. .
III waa Slupefted.
’’But Hi
baa bsn amabad
me." hr l>esan
e forib an a tcwpiod and antifrom its (asteslnga. ■
>f mnree.. abe did." iaterrii
_ . . noL the near «
hawcBS the aireai
. iobbUis lark Ibr curia fiwa ber
ben ao Irrely I'lreh.-ad
”8oaie peopkr are slnicHcm and death all a
Toeably rejected as am so be erre

Tw. u 4>«.r. > mil MUToJ,.
Wv.arutt.'* bkiad u .4«h.


TIh U*«n« Mods* T«a«.

-ir. nicht) k>M
ma Run*.- >h» the
Billy will have Phil________ _
help nuiiu ihinn •*«•. worth wMIe
Acals Mai ouabi u. be real haopy
and BUIj. <.».•
She >1* iwenlywreen yean uid
aud >tw sa. knusa lhn>UEbu«< all
I'ptand Prairie a« a aeoalble ytNtat
■omac and a r<n kind nHcbbor. ’
ihiu rt.ld attenuMHi
« ake did wh
i the meada «l
r pracileal cuud seoi
und lu aee
nu oi
e upeoed the hour.of l!


plate Glaaft. 8tM»n Boiler and Accldent'lneuranoe.'

We mre aow reiu)}' (sr Okc tajl



Tire Insurance! ^


a In CBpa.
e Iwrcitytifn.- rrii
.d bU d.Jtrii lo^
up to Ibe au.r.- .only kuowa
what has made t.iTr old hen. bat.- curb
lajliiK Dir.-ak In ihla ...Id weaiberl
■I we ranV aay auatn lurk la alwi
auilDDi u>. when U aU.iil i
■ml) place In the neleblu.rhmKl ab<
lt.ey, hat.- any l.'fi ..ter ari.l aU
*bai they are nalaa every day "
^ /Heater^’Wo«li^a*.utDed a rstBfld.


w.ualplle tHwr her l.roiber. who w
aplUllUB lus*
-I bi real triad ll.-ily.'’ be said, an
Plos lu talk wllh tui
-WlBl^are yog siiIds
need not |
r aupar leas you
,| hlniic all rishi without
u^BS y.1

.u'iiit‘d‘’Mir*uiT “e.’''i'.ri *T.uX.^

It for ■’
Hl» as In- aald I... -___ It had luvn hui afew weeks
death <d l-.ih falher
..I made till. MlawHirl (
10 very |..ne1y ■« the i
who wi’ty* kdl.
••Thafa.Juai wbal
sauKNl til talk
■■out." Healer ana*
>u boTlred l.ow te
tiliut to be'”
”Why ” aald Will
he has always
iKu-n auod lo.iklns. »
ber rurla and
r whai a emte
le rhap .1
, be. bbd hew
alwata .
to pat He
jMT .rf p
e wMFI>-.l
i.iil Mac bae r.irh a way i
lhai even |.a wnnl.l pui up «____
J hadnee. Jem her hut whafj
cnl IP do wllb Ibe esc>t i hope
t oil areo'i plaBiiins (o svi any i
anasB fur hiT. Iliwier. Ileiier
f..r abr U BiHii lia. Illfbly now "
-'No It Uh'i lhai son <d flainsa.'
aald Heai.-r. ”1 woedrT If you have
about bow ufteb Phil b'rwncb
. su|i|H-r aad to stay Ibe eten-



-JertisalemV he aald. -Tte always
Ihoushl Phil raioe lu wee OH-: w
creat hamlD lo aw on the f,

So yon
nk hj. Mas!"
IlVka a..." aald
er^iple. aad Heliy U
4ld be d..lns well, mnwi
>ri\l mat for Ibe life
rt b.- JUDi ihe non
d for a
y ahe ruuldp’l tell that
• ruir Mas’"
-tel about me waa Juit
her brother,
It en ahy with ber: but
usEiftilit. nxirh |ri eased wllh
new Idea. -Phil la a member of
lag Id UMeraiancI
chorrh. and bit ikHIIIi
some mber people
roaehed ibai
’ so>.d I
hoiked that be Ktok Bqeb Inlereaf In b^^eeer ween I im. «>r«pl ,
when ir bad
Mas If l'*I have Iboiishi o( It at all
tllte that
I'd hare hart"—be brok.-i.n. embaraaemi itaHr
ediy but H.wler Bi-I Me eyea iieadlly
-He l..'.k. ai her a cute] deal. ” abe
woman.’ be aald.
'll <«lv a <
of effort lo
as abe
. ’and be
. - lausba
_____ 1 a.,
a. laurh at
her fw.lins
Tben. too
too. be lellt oul ihiMigfal abe would have goiie rlskl on
<h mure aUoit
.t hi
hla own affairw Wing 'kind to everybody and always
ihlbUas of other people all ber life
,e uaed to Juit tl
Ibe other n
Hag. 1 bm* you"l.l TO he hart rented out f
—..led berwrJf oa Ibe
of hU riearert land fur alt
hiB, and gave hli e«r an aff
Kn aa acre, aad he would sot li.
for ll'e pan! mre laud "
she aald In a Iragfr
Food t
be lust perfectly
s as a bratherdn law.
rather rto aomeifalBs terrible—die
an old Bald, for Insiaoee—4baa marry
w ^pi
sum a good old
who U all
In the rfshi. and
see a toke
away from
II Is eipMiDcd hi
tosm tlBes!"
k no Burh
lAirr In Ibe
ng. as Hrater
ueed to her way-a
g orer her bam
Oh. ihe couldn’t help s<Hilt>s OB
Healer aald. Halns from. py pfans tnifa ber brother aad auier.
she aald. with ie«<lrr plly to Hag.
er seat ua '.........................
"Yon mustn’t feel a Bile foDclr, Hag­
amey. Ol murae. I ah.,
ha' I waa dolns ft for Imt t Ji set gle. dear.•’Ko. I wool." uId Mag deBurelr
tme fallen at Ihe aiere. and tack bet
a few eomforu. Joat as mother would -The voice of duty lefla Be that, for
bate done If she hart lived
There some time I attst stay here aad be a
dtscdpltae lor Sally, who has bad Uo
a life, being tbe only rhlld at
.ore essa wood. tS courae yen
,e her wfaai ahp n-al!> needs boae. aad. when abe Is iraleed ap
properly. I sball gel Barrted B.rself."
weddlts ftilosa. b'li there
-Who will you msirr!" asked Hea­
a snort many llllle ihinsa f ahwild
to do
For lananee have a Ws tos ler wad Will toEMbee.
"Ob. I baree’l quite ded
aJ on. and send It over on
After a eeena
day I «mM do a bbw- Mag airily
„a that would make her she added. "N'nw I betteve
feel like abe waa <Mbs her part la U* frankneas la famlltos. m> whai’s tbe
baiv la By aarlag. wbai yoa both
atartlas out ”
know already, that I could aairy all
She tnined In so. bst Will called
Ihe Prattle hoya.U 1 wanted mr
Sbe pot’ap ber bands aad arranged
-Hetty- be aald. awkwardly, -riaee
were talfclAS abeni marTTfns. tbete ber rwd-bnww balr wtib aa abstracted
vatebing BeanwbUe. with daneyea. Ibe sober tacea before ber
brotber and stoier were regard­
ing ber with ibeir admtiattoa for ber


_________________ Boeb." aald Hceter.
-Well.- WUI ecanaoed. grewiag
very red, -I’ve ME pretty good n
to think Bow she cam mBr tor
"I’m real glad. Billy." bU tisier said.
AnA Heater.- be added, -yon ki
kis twaae wUI always be as a
owre as onre.*
-Tea." she aaU qalaUy. Tou k
Iways beea each a klad Mbar
know yoa always wilt be. aad 8aUy
-ad i like reck other flrei-rate 'She la
M sapable glH aa 1 know: bwl I gaeaa
I better go in tbe bare new. and kal
(Oa. far the aaa la BretMiwa.-


the reservoir — niladeipbla I
-Hawk- ErnWiY Draam.
Rep H r Smith of Mtoblgai. In a
•peerb before lbs Banimtwe .Aaaactattoe of Credit Mea. aald among Mber
by Capi FVmaeta thing*: "MiebWBn will some day be
Tuttle of the
ftaardar- (he workabop of tbe world
la pw
lag her reoeai trip la
rellr ataa. pbetlc Vtslcm I see greal KMgan oM
A bouse bulk by hunas beta
(lie lalli of Sank 8le Marie hamm­
preliabty ibuniands of yean ago w
ed to the elerriir cflimt. moetng care
found, and Captain ToUer. aeator o
«m husd. tbe boatea (be lakee. rlr■r of tbe fleet, now baa/io^e,yif t
s aad aeaa. aad (amlag the wMa
lecmlls ward by ibe Wple w
ladttMry. llgbilag aad warming te
mde It a habltatkm
rmer-a bouse and ibe merchaaP*
Two yearn ago a miaatoaary
PolBt Barrow (old Tutito of a rwaai
able diarorcry the aallres id the
- .ai-oBitins MirlrtffanK b____
f Point Barrow At
the boana was dMd proin
iredlng tbe cliff n
4 from
B oae ead of II
-be boos was bnlli Bomewhal after
■be plan of
truetnrre cd tbe prim
__________ of AmoiTca. Tbe ribs
uf an eeormuus whale or some an
aow extinct were ased ter a tr
ly ben alretebed
Tuiile the n
a la tbe


McKlaley Ssvsd Ctsba.
Oea. Pltabugh Ln. who waa Otecd
fliBire coaam general at Hnvna bm
fore the Bpaalefc war. In a apaeeb al
New York Friday alchi oa *Tbe Uahed States aad Coba.- said Is pan; T
waat to te tei I reported lo FrooL
drwi CleveMnd te eaaa ceadtttoaB
' affair* that e«l*ted there
I rp. tad (be robMItoa with all Ha hratalltlsa asd botTcc* and (oU Ua tet
It wonid enUane for aereral gnm
lion tr am breasfet to a speedy osS:
Mr. Oevetaad gave ao atiaette tn
my reporu. and II was MM nSl tel

tl M reU

ataise of Sir Jeba 1

, nrer reaMe la bone boats, aad
arTftefl< teMateaf
re are a Krge number «f them Mb WalL whkb
rhkb 6 la a Mttli« attiered atoaa tbe river Tbe be see.
are balk apn aeon, wlib 4acb Eeor- to tbe Maatl9 a« wkw wn btea
lag areaadjw bosae te aCsri
U« wbh wte be iwanaMsd la tee
aaem be at tangtb Etapned
tbP «tfte Cm________
b. Tbaff my be


iKTcrst Herald.
*. aXTW. MM«r. •
•Mi Seu ftr BMts.

a tha heat teao |
Mar la all the charebM of the
a bid alep was takae te tha ora for the rerteal 19M
CO ba beeta aooo br Dr. Praacla Ed­
ward Baiiler. la order do carry oat
Ihf preTlahaaer work pteaaad bj Er.
Saillry. aad da obit <a the sark diw
ted (be meeltefa aa la daoired br all.
s bofC of CbrIatteB workert wOl ba
rnIreJ. ft U to aenue three aad
Bad leal what llaaa cf srorfc eaei e
take cp that Ihr work waa dear la the

. Ooran were la

WBSba tBcvMlI. «bo ksi cSunt«
«t »• tm vork (ir lloa.
Mk. tiM n«nM from * <
e w&fsnr
hr Mr. BMMfc
W of nev beet imMas. Ur locar■on hu iBlMlTM la thkt pvt at the
- Mte who ve Mmrd la the ibWv
of SBSV boMf. ud who were sble to
Aa eSort waa-waede to pot a w
■tre Us « bmer lulgbt taw the wOte tbe baada of Meb cborcb ateeteur ttea he eoeU creherrlM
aad coefa aeUve Cbtlailaa, wbnber
Mr. iBcmolI U «»rlaead that the nanber id a chareb or sot.
Tba letter psl wae pUeed la tl
ooU la tUe aaeUaa te pertMtJr adapud
to the eoitira at the aapir beet, aad baada of eoefa Beaibrr cd the rbarcta
aa foUowa:
that a too <np eaa -be raleed here

CBr**i ««r*>«c «tar« he

The terse itelat
, aad two

waeda kUled. Tbe calUratka of the
bebte.b thee^.sade eea

The beeta are aowa la r


br. MUes’ Hsiirt Cure
Cured bitlrely.

with tbe Sowera aad electric Udtata.
ited aa eoUBBCtad aletare.
we the baaqaet Ue membsa.
wUd any of Trarerae CUy\
____ proBlBMt bBalBcwa mea. ae--------putnl by their Udiea. devoted a


eMbtaaa laches apiM. thoaok Mr. ta■saoll la led to baDore that
voeU ba
lha jrower to sakla# the m
that apart. tboBdb the rMd wodld aet
Ilolbr metebe «alte eo beaer. Tbe beeta
tUaaad to Bra laches apart la the
Bpewk te ladltMatla about it
row. aad U thla wcab la dooe wtf the
eaWratlaa ta aoi diflealt. the rMd
te the Baflaaw ealler varies peatlr.
I. Provide a boeM te eotUde awteraaciat ties 10 ta
toai per acre.
Hr. lapsaell aan than bare la ewd
BOSM U thf ralilsz of the tweca. aad
«aa BBB te the rtrlaltr tbsi be Thiiea
. la ao pleaaed with bli soeeets la peai
. peaia that ha hat plowed darla« iha
on 100 acrea, which he will pat la
caaar beau nau sprlaj. MMateraol
Btaua that, la Ua oailnaUaB.
CMte te HawaU.^
. lha war u prow the Loeia to cM the
The eibte to'tee f
boat iwaalta
bat Leea completed oad Preaidi
Pvt et the alctnttea of tbe beeta
fteoaevclt haa received tbe Ural m
te the Baglhaw taller U dM
sacs. Tbte te a project wbteh has
da aad ahUdraa. Mr. laianoll tai.fc.
eelMd Ue eamtAappert of the preoU'vBid be Bora eiSciUl
Ideat. aad wbea U waa trat projected
aboap smaa aad ebUd labor bora,
Mr. Eooaeveli aaw the valu of epaabat thii woold aoi lawrfere with the
lac op eoBUBBateetiem srilh Bewail by
PMBteble ralaiac of the beeta Be le
cable. Tbe eoBsamBatlaa of the raeoaiteued that there ahoold be a h
terpriae la therefore Bratl^ac to the
aw teetorr kera. aad It coaBdi
preoldrat aad to the whole Aasrieah
UM K CM le located hero, tedlt te'
The lacrMoe o
Ml aapttal. U woald be a peat thteg
tMtweoa tbe tataada aad tbe Valted
liHidiTM. aot oBlr far the tetnen.
Btelea hea deaBBded.cable faetlltlea.
. hot far the paople wbopatthalr
BOW that thla teswvlded iheVoaiBBMr late the bwUdtef <f the teetorr
merctel reteitofis alnsdr well^tabHa OuUaaote a aw bate ew<
Itebed srlU he oemoated by b boed
CitBi BMaMw. arrtead la tbe dtr to
which will IB the fotore lafii
«V. Ba vOl ba etafksed baw tros
GOBUBoad laeraBM of ecBBerM oa
thli UBt oa till the ooauaou te tha
the IteoUte. Now, the ocatteBatloa of
batea are Bade, aad srto fa
lha cable to thw PhUlpplaea U 1
teAarBatiaa that Bap ba daalrad hr
Blep, aad fu eeubUehoiaat a
be of vest beaedt te thla eoaBtrr mod
Btorateod te the beet aadar

. The hoofa of the
ealmwi kept esa
AK.ead be teoM
by the Ubc hem
be sn
cpol- Thread
he tote. Bade
ly imat all «
BBppad hlB ebortly after ereatlaf
Park sdeK.
It wai reported by
did net kaov ear t
Tiede had telaud. bat U vai leaned
tetor timt the only ome te
vltb the
tba bocB. It was
rtBarkad by aa oU tiniiiiMii
MW the reoasray that "TMl yirl
eewld drive that botB apw Bee

Could Not EU. Sloop

ly ta fniat of ibla platform.

Tbe reply s


at waa filled with
e loeaiad te the

■be pailorm, while maay of the geatleaea aotidbl tbe eoteee afiorded te tbe
aBKAIad rooma Tha muake was Biewart A BteSeaf- fWI or.
dieeira. aad tbe Intplrtef atrataa caibnaed the membera mad dueeu wUb
tbe irae spirit of the oecaatetL
II waa a happy datherind. and the
Elba are to be eoadracnlaied apoe
their devotkm to (be pleesore of tbeir
dueau aad tbe aocecas of tbe evott.
It waa after 10:30 wbea aupper waa
aOBouBCed. aad tboao preaeat filed
n btequet teblee below.
ChariB Proebaika. Jr .
ealled the aaaenbtede to order. Bade
a eordtel addreu of welcome aad aaDooaeed the object of tbe New Tear-a
aoctel eeaaloa. lie paid a bldb
pUmeat to tbe tedlea. and audd
that ibe lodde would bare the pteaaara
of tbdr pcwsetiee a year beace.
Mr. i'roebaxka
aoBCbl to abow that
waa Kuod to be aa Elk. aad be aaceeteled
Mdat la provted to ibe tedlea that If
tbeir busbaada.
■baada. fatbera
—ka they

ridbt After ae
by Ibe
eoibaalaailcally eocored. tbe ptasraa
*- tbe evealad waa aaBouaced. Mr.
• the
seaalca te P»at Eialted Haler Joha R.
Saaw. wbo made a brief addrM be­
fore pcoeeedlDc llh Ibe Venter or-

baa a hot ooe.- r
riod to the Paasboro house
Scarce were tba words out of bla
mouth as they lurard la for the al^l
- -D ihe alsm.was lelepboaed la.
lad the Bremni got <0 the boralad
idloe iro mlouiea later tbe loea
lid have iKs-a very heavy, as (he
wlad^ a-v^owy the blase atraini



- by C. r. Hunter. «
a the eltr worl
-The niRl ftmpboay.- by Deoda.
vIoiIb daet by Prof.,a E Harat aad ediot Aooito________
tbUyeor. White thte It eely aaiBttl



fee the fwetety a fair trial Tba bom
pniAWBiM farmers la the aiSstsat
leewUtlM are to MM tot era tot to
take op them
efthe tm
toeteCT daeire tfa
______ eoBtneB for IfO amea of eora.
IWaotetK toiMteaeasd at leom lOO
I of atriac

•bewaa. srilh otb

bouse, amd faUowad It ap itb a eoaple ■Ihte^wiTStefcMwtanod flferv.
frelt of all ateda. laeladKoo»teK^al.Kwbteb,..hted.
_____________ li of batries. pampklai,

M Maa.^eb to eoBpaay ill M
atoeUM of

of timef<r to
boUdlodt la tie


by i

ta a# raBMl daelakB of dte aap
tamn. whteh doekted that Jod«s
ftahau jBdsa aaf

At tweeteely 11 6-<dock teat aUU. aa _________ lira.______
hM baaefTowo for
tho oM year waaed aad Blltlowa ware
Baatel oad Dr. Tl
walttaf te pwet the aow. tbe Bka ta
BOW thaa MO kidfM la tha Dalted
jademeat eertala oEmbm
•tatea ame aad draak A forreat taaat
to their *bhoMt brothsa.-> renter pronaa waa roceladod
Aad It Bay be oMarted wlthootpee^'
■ 1 ;S0. bat by this Ubc tbe arMt to (ellotrlay oSoan '
UK that la so lodde waa tha toaK rw
s hew year WM laMMd late (ha
-------■- - -re ateearaty aad srtth
nthertec. aad ibparaUom was
_______________ ,je eCeK than te TiavTbe eoeatea dU aot cteoo
.......... aartealoB of the peoiwao>
imrw beaaa te riac oC tha-hour of sraa ocotteoed atU tbe

tB«M ae elactloa two


Upm baa baaa appetatod by the Ue-

C raoB aad parlora. A
llteatly. rrBtlai •
-------aa resayteinl of the asm drawa by
t. At tbo teM aireka. at the
back of Ibe dlalat rooB. ihera flaahod
bte wblte be held tbe oBca
U t* MU tet tbe ooeteat wtD mm oot tbe taaerlpclea. -Abacaic BntharA*
> otecMe Hfhu. srtth a hoca AmorMr. Oarthe Bate thaa t&OM Bat m
wa fiac aa a bocAdtewad.
Ua advlffn la tba CMlreversy proBtub WM the BOM Uetareaqu oteoteaddhat be woaU aot be out a mm MeU diaptey over anaadod ta thla
M Mo o-teri. tbte 11. ao debt Mr

d Mr. Qanbe wai Iom lUtte.

e aleoted for


TIM fteoldMl-fir^Pto.

•eeao. OabBaa ChailM PmcMika.
’* -t the tedtea' podal acooha. dajad thK The teiBbeca of the
kteae aad their fiaeM weoM Kwerve
the titesboaored eattoB, oad laasedlauiy tba Usbte waro enlafatehad. Bad
apoa aa aavtl la the parlor the ' '
of tha bOBT rmac ......................
with the tower eteek. The teoH pool
tovth atear aad iweeL aad aiaatial
the BMlteMit of teVtad reBBsteah
of departed broihen. aad tha bM«
lewM. Martiy -aad brotherly^love <


— eattaf oBeet.
Tbo tedtea- aoetet aaaatea of IMM


debw %
mate Bye ed-

tewBd to^tendebc wBd*fWM
V. L. UMfaoh Bortte



. Tba toMowt^etoere wma IweBUad
Friday wvwalac by T CTbcwMw. aiX
a P .te TMfotB City - '
>0. n. L O. O. P.:


*. W.-W. R Euro.

■'4 w




ItMlt faBoot by tti B

ntbertac. aad
which tbe tedtea colored aa Bach
oa tba BIka. ..%ea the company dteperaed It was with Ibe flm ooovloUoa
•a.< tbare are ao better auertalaert
tbe Ska. and that thte waa tbe
btwi aoctel fuBctloc of the aMsee

Wocthy Bal«w-0. a Todtr.
Tier Bater-Mn J.

nm File te Mowtha.

y oxpeaalva fire sras aorvowly
averted New Tearia by tbe
dteeoveryoof the bteae la lu‘l
Vortby Traaaater—Om
mod the prompt aetlc
Heart A. Lederte. o
about 10 o-eJoek. while cnnolac the
North tlBlow street hridde. saw a
e rewr of CaMwell * Leoo shop. Bear tbe bolter
telcphoacd la (be alarm,
aad tbe cfeemleal wad hook aad tedder
wafoma were aooe ow the spot aad tbe
to waa OBL Tbe damage wm dobDCblcf Roofle oad VUl Aahtea srere
the oely cmVe te tbe eodlae bouM
B (be alarm was ilvew. Mr. Bawud jBst remarked that *000 year


to. X Bbwar.
B. D. AMW. Rtew'-

“UTien the bottv vw'l
conv put a penny in tiw
I'lirn.'- is an old time dairy
I'Hivcrlh Ij frften seems
it.'rk though no one has t
IoIaI why.
When mothm are v
Ix-c.-.n-u; the children do not
gai.i strength and flesh
say _t;ivc them Scott’s Emolstua.
It is like the penny in the
mi k U'cau^ it wpria and
b.'v aiisc there is something
tonishii^ about it
.'sciut's Emulsion is umply
imik of pure cod liver dl
uiih iomc hypofdiosphitet
cs|Rcially prepared (or ddkate
Oiildren take to it nAturaQy
because they like the taste
and the remedy takes just
naturiilly to the children beousc it is so perfectly adapted
to thdr wants.
For all weak and pale and
thin children Scott's Emulnoo
is the most satisfactory treab

40» Pawl SC, N. Y.

-m Tie* naK

SUte Nevm.
Piedro TlaxJey. a weU-kaowa eedared
‘uliBu car porter, wbo bu
aakiod Ibe Heooailaee


00 (be

aad 111 Blake bl> law rua o.
mod te a'few day*. Hr. Ttaaley ba*
Modled vocal Boale ter maay ;
aad te a alanr of exrepdoaal ai

limes, oftea etenu IB ihe

A nervwm. IrriUhlc n»th«, oftoi on Uip vwge o( hvsierioi, i*
tralfc to can- lor children; ll nuns a ^d-s disjrioition and tvnrta
upon berteU.
TJw trouble between ebUdren and thrir tuotbria ,
too often ii doe to tbe fact that tbe mother has oniie 'female
veaknen, and abe i* entiri-ly unfit to bear the etrain apem her neries
that roveniuE a child iiivnlres; it is itnpaaaible (or her to do ativtUug
tmlmly. Site cAtkioC brip it, as her onnditlon i* die*
autferinif and
ahattered nerw
nerves caavedjy acme deranKement of.ihe uterine aj-*tem
with boefcai-lie,_________
headache, and all loads of rain, and tdw b ou the Ti-rtn
of nervous proetratkin.
Hber finds that she cannot be calm and quk-t.vritli her
-ybe snie that her condltkm needs atienikei, and she canThi* TDcdUioe will build iip her gyatcin, nrenfrilH-n her lu-ri^'ind
enable lier to calmljr handle a diaobedient child without a acew.


A Vriter came to ihe Muakena
TrarriDB A Uchllac Co. New>Yeer'e
moralBc. daied Chican. December
IM3. la wbteta the writer eay*: “
rioeed pieaee Bad 10 ceaU te Waa
wblcta U due tbte oompaay for two car
riilee which were Ml paM
everyibla* lUmini aad to walk le
Ibe tint of Ood. aad have peace I
bean aad Itb all meo. I feel that
maw eead ihl* -Oae of ihe tkird i
Oeetxe Carvoll, ibe a«rial eblmaey
eweep. deeceoded lalo Bl Peter-*
ebareb Friday afteraoea te elea
ooL HI* rope tedder tailed him.
be wa* compelteid to baag 90 aad cry
for ao boor, wbee Ibe to depar

Cbariee Peiereoa. a IS-yearoId bey
while troeWag 00 oae of the Wrreu
at IroB MMBlalB. wm Ibrowa from
hi* (led while taroiag a eww«
aedi brokeo. He died half an boor

baUdlots will bofite aa aoOB at to
wewtot wUI permit la the sia^ad. I TlmMer.

IlhB’ Eaetel Saotten.

TUa aaticM of Iho board waa dot

Mtead at Lmt

tihrty.fiva ehartai
Tbe tollewlod omewi
eleetod aad iaaiwited:
W: U.-WartaoNMla.
W. O.-Nelaoa Pepper.
W. U-Amy Kteddoo.
V. B.-J. & Dwm.
W. A. a-Beory Klacdom.
Harold Radetead Mteiaed TharaMy
W. a.-Anhar Neale.

r. Oaiee-Mary Elagdow.
veraalUe aad baa^led their aobJeeU of ooteoce iwoalied, srhh^ ladteale*
that tbe fsTBen are MkiOd bold of
TM lanicat porttaa of the procras Me iBWtUr aad vlU forelK te the
tweury tlis prwduM to be oaoBed.
was Mpeelally pleaaler Tbe qBartet
MleetkM). -Will tbe Roaea Bh»B
of tbe eeBpoey. srbleh will be fcaosni
Freabyterten C. E OHlueia.
Acalor I.T UBara
as tbe TnvatB Olty
Pollowlaii an tba otfiMte for to
have brte reMlvad.
Tba atome for the fesadatian of tha Preabytertea Eadaaver eeetety tar to
eildlBtaJteabaea porehMid. aad tu:
>lac six moaths:
Mlvary sriU b^o at ooee.

H^l'day. with
mtle aoo Lesrte. wbo exacated______
Udato with taoK enwUeat proeUlin.
- -- the aood altelud imi oerdtel
ival. They eboertBlIy rebpemded
aqoiber eqaally pleoated aeloe-



Pteatei-Hutit Milter.

ber >.
1 (D .11
.the Cutler t
e^wblsile' bte-


IWBmiI. Mr. Paaoyv ta oapaotad thla

M«e JadfB J. B. GasphMl haa
raaatvwf tnm the hted of aaponteon at Xtealaaaa cowaty the tarn M
•MJI. the BBont of oatery
hr EliaM O. Oartho white the tetter
MU aa oMoo cf fMhate jadee or ttet

L. R to K. O.-Hattia HUIae.
O0B.-Helvtew Chase,
u. O.-Mt^ Daria
LO.-Harcte HUter.
S. R te T. O.-Reebwl Teatitiaa
L. B. M T. O.-JaBle UiaiaB
CtaaD.-Arrille Oardaw.

ould hBM*go2uike Uader.*^’ *****^
TbU Is the first lime Ibe depwrt-

-ibitlea of aa Blk." 'Joha E. Saate:
-Abaoal Brotbera.' V. H. Foalwr;
a. Obt Ooeata.” Past Bxd BBirr J. b
U- Moenmaetel. WbUe
ibK Baato w
of 13



Tbe follewlod oAeue sr«e low
aanrday erawtef by D D P.. Maty
U Devte:
H. O.-DaBtiaMowtee.
T. 0.-UbUa1>anow.
See. Sec. BeloiMPter.
ria. See.-Lota Blolmtds
Treat.-Nellie Jobaaem
B. B. te K. 0 -Oteia Deoa.

e reapoaaM w tewala were llmety,
>rooa, pathetic aad cloqaeaL aecordlaa te the apeakcr, but all very


Hiph Fntee tar Lecai Church.


The Uae «C ^Lrm.
Heart Tretible.

potted planla
hade daster of
apeakert- tabktasterully inu

Tour Putor.

> eoouDluee.

te at. al-

thwMh M Bore thaa I
wsw eoMtod OB at tha w

Be fareesM hack aose floe Ms^ea ct
the beau *rowB ea pdae taod aa li<h(
aa atgr la thU aeeSoa. One of the
haeli that be bnucht beck welshi -Ge Work Today to My Vlnoyard.'
three aad oawbaU pende. aad (her
la slew of the tlali of Dr. Stalley
amafed ahoet a pentad each.
Id rref. WcKlaaay W dlrec
Mr. locertoll etatee that the eelr
raaieensilc Mspalde Ja our city, wa
thias that wDoli
reoaeat your aaaUtaaee te nakted
eeea ee the Uebtett load te thla port
cdlbe itale wosid be a hot. drr aeaaoa. Be If ao tanwabir ispreeaed with Biay expect your eoopeniloe? Mark
the praepaotf bw the pwwth of beeta
dule aad retort
la tua part at the atate that
rhalrtnea of tbe rxPetiT Raaaah. ow hla raeomi
Her. W. K- Wrlfbt,
tloa. wlO pet la 10 aerM at
(. if poaalble, aad aot late

•r tnm SadlBaw wUl be la char
Ihas. eo that tber will abow wha
laad ta reallr eapahle of.
Mr. UsanaD looked law the datalla
of tbe doltare of Ihf beeta to aon
loaL Oae of the prtse aeeeaUalc Ic
to keep tbe creoad eleaa of woeda. ta
ardor to do thla the load ia ptofrad la
the tea sad la the aprias. after the
weed! aad craaaaa wfaeae eaada were
Mt'ta lha croead hare crawa ap, the


^^^'aad while the
terfcr ibaa
aerrtee was Boec auaUeat at tha baasrbleb tidlewad the reeepUoa



Mm BKir Treat took a «L>iad Mp
OwIBde K to HetoOtete •< Aia-ou
hri»«h the Mww BaeaeAr *hwi tM«a Iteott, wbteh. oteiwim.-----------Klrty
May w faiaee mM haU hte btewlh. be aimpMii, to.VbB M E. abmai

te Ana Arbor bMltb board

tacary book*.

Mn, May Brown, of Chicago, III., says:
'‘Dexa Haa. TtzgaAW: —‘Dooor to wbiM
boBor ia due.' aad yoo dererv* bMh tee thank*
aadbooorof the moteer* of ABM-rira v horn job
iBTcaoblrcaRUr helped Bad >-et>edle(l. 1 have
. UMd 1a1^ &>lBkbaBi*a Vegetable Com.
H pociba wbea 1 would feel rua-dr-wti.*
ate IrrlteUcerhaee any of the aehraoad pola,
wbloh but few veoewB eM-apr. and 1 have toosd
that U relieved me at ooee and gare m* new
streagth. Sevwal Jadlea. member* of oar Utwnwy OaloB. speak ia tbe bl«be»t prelse of yoo^
Vegetable Compound, m they hav* been evM
(lom MriOBt female trouble*. Om lady,
wbo thought she moK submit te u opoMtkm, WM cured withoat ustar aartelag la
thewwridhut LydU B.I>f bjibaM'** Vege*
table Compound and KAnative Wwdi.
You hare boats of friaadi la CSdSago, oad
r «.
. .
u yon came te visit our eitv we would delight to do
yoahonur. OrateliiUyyoure.-HBB.HATBBowg.&?Onat l'Uee.(^aago,IU.


How Mrs. Pinkham Helped Mrs. McKInny.

came regular, aad when it *-"*« I aaSerud terribly. I alm> had womb aad
evariaa trouble.
A friend of my haabaodV adriwd him to grt LytUa K.
ptnkham-a Vegetable Cempoand for me. At firm I had ao falte la IV
hat MW Bothlag tesild induce me te he witeoat IV MenstmsUon bM beesB*
regular, aad I fret like a new woman. Your medielM i* a OodMad te enShrlag women. I hope ibis letter will lead othen u try Lydia K. S*tmkteM‘a
Vegetable Compoand. Yonn truly. Has. Uitpaso HcRmr. ta Ptarl
BV. Saa l>ui>ciaco, CaL- (HaiehlV.mi).
ir there la osiythliig In yomr cue abootwtilefa row woold Uke


BatUe Creek. oppoalllM a
(be AdTMtiatx to reballdlag tbeir big
priaihtg plaai 00 a eeale to cm
tbe ortglaal wrueture artaee
Lou V. Wilson, while tUddlag logi
Ibe feallac of saay of teem tbi
three mllm aoriheMt of Haatae. wm
vbIM dutniyed tbe bulldlag aad
cangkt beiweea iwo lugs and broke
eoatenu wm a pualabmral v
opoe teem tor cegaclas 1a coBmeretel
At Flint, tee superrisore are eonaldPrietlog. Ooe of tec aoeteierara ct
the *eet te alleged te have predicted ertag tee quesUoa of hoedlag for tee
hullUag of a new court beaae. If ac
time ago teal tome (neb paotehI* not taken soon there wtU be no
woold befall Tbe new boUdlag.
to hold conn. M large eeetkma
probaUy. wUl be Jbw large-«aou_
A) tee AdveoUcu- own dootolBa- of (be eelHoc are falUac. It I* claimed,
nd esdaageriBg Ibe lUea of tboM la
Ueoal work, ao eoaetroeted that It esa
UOBdBDce upon tbe ecMloas.
ba added to la c**e of laerM
Those people wbo anppoeed teal
boalaeoa. aad ao more eoBm>
■agar beeu <x>uldo-t be raised iB-the
prlaUag will be done.
r pMluala may be Itileraeted la
Tbe tegUlaUre
year eogveam
t tee teUM dar<haeclbte wader tee kaelag teat test summer boeu were
grown near BeeaaaBa. wbleb tested
Bite* KlagWey of Owoeao. 44 raara tS.I per eeal cf aagar. a blgher per.
of age aad aa Inmate of tbe cowaty eoatage teaa.wM ever aecnred berelebewM ter tec poK 11 ycora. wIB re- tore la tele coaatry.
eWvc a legacy wbleb win eoaUe him
•pMd ibe boteaew of bl* Ufa
aldrt. Ktegaler'* biwteer. Vine W.
KlocBler of New York Kty. died re­
cently. iMviBg a Urge Mtete. 1
. BBBbcr of beira. bot BUM wtn
get S«.fiM er tlfl.fiW.
Moakagoa. Oty Attoraey Alex
' SBteertead bed a very aarrow
• fito death a few daya ago by
betog oTcrcome by cm wUle la tee
boterooB at bte borne. Tbe gar meoped from tee gx* heeler, aad the
be ramember* wm uylag to get
He did wM ge> out of tee tub. how­
ever, aad wbea be feD bla foot atiMk
tee plag. otearwlM be would have
drowned. After aboac aa boor
loteer. wooderiag what kept him
Bg. WMt te tee room aad lOaad
teeter wm enimmmwl and werkod
rev Urn for over oa boor befen br
egaa te abow aar iIch of life.
Heory Pea. while drivtag tkioagb
m woods with a toad of loM tour
mUee mK at Hoatea. eaagbl ht* foot'
betwewa a (tampaAd tbe bank* M bt*
aMgb. breeklBc hie leg at tee aaUe

attempted to kill berself but wrek be- '
cause abe failed to pea* la a. Latin
leeaoa. <n>eer ap. Non. and lem te
make bread.—Bebewalog Revlfw.
By tee death of Petiw Joasph
Scbaltler, a well4>do retired Bsrebant of Muensler, Oenmay. several
Huakrgoo relallve* ore 1pler«wlvd aa
bell* ta a *30.000 esiati-.
1 til Darwls's
evoIotloB theory baa Aeraaged Rev. A.
a Weageri. pMUr of tee tTiUad

Breterra cbutch at BcbaylkUl Hcvm.
Pn He WM ooe id tee brighteet
clergymco to tUs part uf the etaie.'
bat now hi* plight It a pitlebte ou.
He U eoefiacd te a room la tbe poraoDsce wite a guard placed over him
10 psevMt falls dutac pit tamllr laJnry. sad be will have to be tent te aa
Nora g’eaver, a Toaeoia coanty g|rU asylum.



U impMluiiii or (aolf-Cadiag m
ever cxcoMble it is wlico tbe body ia
tertato ^ u Mtisg and p«^ sore.

icBsina m defieaV bagiy aad oCcMiva aa cm. Every cbrooicM^u
Butter oa what port of the body It comm, it oa cvideace ef same preriao*
ecmstitatioBal er ergaoie traeddc; and tot the diega of Ibese diaewacs

The blood BwK be poriSed bdotc toaecg wfil fiU no with healthy flesh
and the sfcia regaina its natnral color.
It is'^.1.
through the ciBrolatioa that to acrid, eacroding /A
flaidswre carried to the to
irritated oad laflaiaed. S.
other hortfal materiaU art washed oeV fmoh rldi blood is carried te the
diaeato paita. new tiHoea fette. aad to
healthy aad Bitoral look; the d- '



R boilds


Ftaak A. Sari

Do not accept worthloM substitutes on which the dealer
makes a larger profiV See that our trade-mark is on
every box you buy; it’s a guarantee of excellence.
ir JtHODES CO.. MankaU, Meek,


‘■Crnr/ratm.—Seeing yoor sdrertiscBeat ia By p^,
recalled ay cxfictieBce wit^ yosr vahuble Bedidtie. and 1
-feel It my daiy te write yon.
“I had a very hU esse of Dyspepeis. snd hsd tried seweral
prepsrstiaas wilhOot rdief.

I bought one boa of Drike't

Dyspepsia Core and Nerve Rntorcr which relieved me very
Bu(^ and two e*or« boses^fed Be, os I have, not tega.
Iroohlrf Mce, oad it ft no* over a year ago.

At Druggiste,
25c and 50c.

»X coo truly recBBaend year Bedfeto to ^ thu ore
Moabicd with Dyspefoia. as a sety em and my pleasant
Bedfetototoke.• V
' BesALVOBstodi. Mieb.

Yoaiitonkfaily. ;

perfectlyfree fi______ .____________________ ,____
what i* ttiU more reBsrfcahlc, By do^gl^ had been annayrd
with panto and blotches for nearly two years, which at Abh
jAtofig^hcrfaceihsiihewM oUiged to esdnds bersNt
I bonght ssnuiiitoi aiHoticunntUoi
I spechc^t ton. and yet tome horrid bhmdHp
Whenl bcgantolagDMkg'hMfwTabtoi.PaHy
began using to of to ssMcbeg and te toa ton tto aonto
there was not s trace of a ^aplc te he Men. and to ft now
perfectly weU and bcMty.MRS. JOHN C AMBS.
Baltic Crete. Mkh.

ntAKE & RHODES CO., Loaited. Ifanlite. Mdv

25c and 50c




brah^ &WtoH»ln>.(.
M(m ^ «gka. t hCnM «M hehry____ _ ponaal of the qaaaUimt l■■adlg^alr
Oaitonl Hawi.
Me., to the
M poer«-iBMl vie Ucbt. hard­ btdm Coagront. Ugwher with csr▲$ the tanaSoa et tha Orapd Skae1-pbi-n N. Betl>. x HiliMlahItohlgaa Pkmatrand
Him Stella Bwlhg. Obd of tha
ml aodK if Ml for the Ihmer to Uk« to> ly worth hoaklac at Ibd pite* of lahor.
|( mnnlripal prahlema ax llluxtratrat Oraaxa Bataroar. Jan. S. Lmrall
■ «»')>«ra of ae-. har- i-old
ly for two yeara. aad
led wnmen wbo for '
ISTMtorr fWC* •
to ■!*• how well We pot It la the tavo u aooe u li
m rartoui AmerlcaB clilea ai thr .ggntd EU lUpida acted aa Uparall
lulat'Mi'lye cun,i>.iuy In Bed
1 Laetlag yeeierday.
•■m lirlng woadcra U lihyalcUat and
tlM WWW It «itw p«. 4Dd U yoo mre wat dry. twdore
Ug oOoar. The nffloara wen Inamlled
1. a ropup-rllng tp.xchltli'. ;>a l
plaelBg It Id caaaa
rteniUlr. died at ttoi -. N T.. Ttom■« Mhlw I •ooc.oe IB ro»T bul- biMChad aad the
-e ate 41 a
■ecrmtlj recelred a t»xii-n!
amaa. UaMto.
;M'. axel =a yeara .
aa tuly age
•MB roa b»»e etiber aUMd Toor t ^
Macaxlor. which markx the beglnalag
toe. A. Bebertaoo.
apany. he waa afflried wit
Id to be Ibe flaeat la the atate. pul
of lit XSrd rrotame, eoalalbe oaa of
Worthy Ore
refre^tn'addliioB a
• or pnrare. aad la raluad at li.oot
r eeery mmn with food health oo«hl 1
c la the biisdia
loree o
la patent rtghtx , H
d anmben about apertmena.
le age of ZS
‘*T! H«1 4.K. OM.I. or «wt« ~iaioa. year. The lettera of 1
-Hn. M._8lsymr.
-erkon taxea a» that '
Eddie Smilb. a farmer lad aaar A
imba. aad
_______ 'raaek
dlactoe. wile 1
----_ gimdoally
>e Town jiuaunc to bone- Ourlag the last Id
bMla II (hto a
■o»r b«fU
laty haie|yearr of h.-f life Mtoa Ewing was toitreted
Traaaarai-Hia (A Q. Hcol heete tor leat than $10 aa d
lac OOI witty ■
the Baghim
IS) out and I tall) Mind aad unable lo more a mim» my hard
liMt cot
lahur li here, aa It hat to aJI b
lipf Ih.-tn in
a ago a a
dxy ! cl,. A alater. Mn Emma Bwlag Pal4-hi
Well. mtptmelBC I
Wortby Seemtarr—B: B. Oray.
by band, while moet of the wort w
twig pcwiraied il
rr of then
AI Coniaaa. Wfatlr dlsctec
M are
yoti coin
deW. wbM
Wiwthy (tom-M. F. Smith
uptic. ranalnc total I
1 reap
relax of The Flrrt Naitunal bank hullrl
e oee hai sot t
Worthy PomOM-A. a '
ebon t:Ime
a good garden: i
dratr.tyed t.j
till (be anti add gH wl
Wmthy Flora-A. Irtofa.
daughter of in Praetdeei of Otrina
______ e. berrlee a
I'hnaimaa err SlmUar aecldenu
wo WooW all n> hBlucry
Worthy Lady Atat. Steward—
Cullmm and tae grabd-danghier e
It applea—doai a
ib<- lliv
all but turn rhaln>. eu we will
' Ilfox Klhg. who wae Amencaa Hta
* ta you waat to ou;
the itoy
aad he ha* apeai aearli halt of hto I Plcioml map of (be b:
ter to Baglaod.
I. but they aoake n
reparde.! as quite
lory Ini
Ere down
r brokee hemea.
I will beclD with the ouwa. aa that I
Markham and
Admin poaalblUUaa of aortal aad latellaataal >
It Ibe fprr aa. sel l.j a
la our beet bold and where -wa are
rbley lead the lift of ouetrlbniora t
. hoped thus Up CUV
a the (wnras ' Tbe map
i- plarod
is winter In
palilna the moat of oor nmoey. Laat
>e Janaary .Na(lDBa) Hagaxlae Th
pIc and Itiw reel tone
January Magattada.
Jaauery >e etarted with eeeee grade
dalral wnUw of the ••Sallor'P CbritlipIibx by a
I ei>rk<-d a iwri of ewrh day on It mnkireary oiwa. Sow we are mlDdax
mimg tho "Fortdxa Ataira" dtalt
aa at Sea" Amoi« other Iblaga
. cauxh: by falli
U-irus of Laiirraa. S C. ' I"®
« and hare i heUer ealrea aad X that
k by Hr. A. Maunre Uiw In the
Glen Ahdrua telli bow Ameriraaa
1. 111. p.lentlty li
}• bus. life la rr ynme I
.«> ih« he 1 IS ivflucd an ufwill dte mUh aeit aommer. It la
; huadreda at mlllumt lain
Hie qa—------------- - '■“ftori
map ln.m Vale
bard u> tell bow aurny we hare mllkaad bow buadtinned and run :
laaactal.mdliluo .d Timnce aad
f Americana can
run a gianen. which
boogbl ow. ao'd there are <me or two . ..mar. the rliU of the King of
• ason »he feeds
dry eaoal of the Ume. The butter waa IHwiagal to Kaglaad. the future id the
il immlng. her ui
all waicbed ae It wat tarkad from the Daaltb Weet ladlea. and Hr. Cham
ton for rvarhlng t|c
Chora, aad la )oai oae year we ma
berlaJii'a «Ult to South Afnea
I - baa ever been pnb- ' BBbJeem wCTto glve_
Special .Atlrniiun piven '
aad packed X.741 pouada of butu
»d and li. f rau. i;J>ii! >aimx e
Mr. Jamee Baroea. the well-kauwB
Slater A. Oardaer will t
worhl 1
The-moat of It waa aold for Xie a
rlter ol natal atfalra. whu euetrlbOexui of a Rtonner and Vataran.
in»ip1i'p| suptpl.-olv
poaad. la that ilma we eold l».n
led to The Outlook aa iBtoreaUng
Bmaun '
In orort) aod $4 it
•net nf lettera from bonlh Africa
Enalie- Jl LnHue. a well known
The order haa enjoyed a waadn
BtdM the crtmm aa
iihag the Boer mar. baa now gone pliinn-r iif lA-elanau eouaiy. died at
<ipiD cd Cruelly
l. before k doctor
aeed oe the table lor a large famUy.
anil iium.'M .■l-ramr 111 and died,
P VeoeaaeU on behalf of that )ourp- bit home In Scanben ouaniy. Ohki
Iriiiild riwcti brr
She was 73 3
Wo had Iota of twwrlea aad peaebea at. which win publleh a eerlea oC ar- U-r. irih. of bean failure.
. MrColl luB.-t
iihi r I
elaw yen take of it.
IoIpI. wrigb.pd le pounds, and aloo
•and did not apart iba craat
■Irr fa.
ikUea from him tfrlng virld pteturee
Hr waa bum la Burllncton. Iowa. ftaapborgnntaed. more
tAl bow macb buller^Uk
nr lU'i' erre a busi <pf <-ala. (hu hou-pe.linchrs
of the eountry. lit people, the autc (>ri. rr. IX«r and wax a ton uf John
lagr cbeeae we auld. aa the
of again which now eilau, anC
LaKue of ktoiiilre. abo ditto a taw «S^g graagea. batter rttaal aad I»|RK Sl!>-d with Ir1iop-e. Ito. II
aonouat kept, of It. We eh
Murray hrr 'aiip'aillDg phyalrlan
I harking
Ibr. erln-mr of Atbrrt
other day—the butter and
Iwhlin.-y 1.1 pruh-el a avrr
an early -day wi
aippu (.in.l .pf ar.laial. aod .lurtiix
a fauier, aod I
. to martel the aame day.
|mll.-s atNup ihe iwrtb at
Panopwlof the anlclea ou the Beef baa naay old i
Ttenda bare wl
_________ at takao and more inqnl... .. alua>. |p<-iieil .nmr id thr rats
i-l.peirtriiy in tneihausllble
ad 8(ddl Troaia ainmdy pubtiabed. remember him
Hi- eoltolepl I
thoia dalalde onr gataa Thr fiaae- aliriiihin 111 tr-r fririiils madr a
that (he almoaphriv
The Century girea ptoea la the Jaau.
en ArtKW In
cinl enoditlae aolreol and taUifaclends (1. a bright ol a'
-Irb. Cn.alr) ai
lAmont Uirkwond. a ...ung mu
we knew
oBly wbal we ary aumber tu'a papiw on -The 8o
lory, more grange balls bare been
Ilvinl: ntwr Ih-i-rflulJ. lias bm-o
Al.n.p Ibe almospbere.
• tlalind bit o
bad mad. _
.good frienda aald wa CaM Sugar Truai." by Praaklla
balli aad taaieXaUy fnnlabed aad
ri.ldm lor nrwriy ft..- v.-are, au.l
sa>-s. ilir fun-.- of gravliatlun
Clarklla. which, la part, it aa autbcathrew away $KHi.. {ml tf^we ^ t
from in.ii-a.I »t l.iwanl Ihe ex
lort of (be origfa aad worttaga
Imrt to the old
and seiileri. wtiere a wife aod
|>ruJeeiion of 4'i nillra of cable. If Mr.
Treat from (be point of view of
aurvlre btm. bealrtea a molber
aad aatloeal, ilia order baa lieaa
liw we would tell the
»p powf. for aa
magaiiur. y.i Ipv reading Whiinry's IbMiries are rumud. uuuld
O. Unremeyer. ttaip hand of the anp| three alalera and a brother. Ur.
high aa labor Ia we ooi
oould Bo
,1 ai a KDir b.p (to. k.-jpi wejl la- eaiise ihr uhuir cabl.- lu reivde from
Amencaa Sngnr RednlDK Comptay.
to make Imlter. and uui
LaKue Ilf Empire, and bla mother. til# order more gaarcaJly eemmi
. and lias ih.p r.-|iuimiun of In- (be .wnb. Ml (hai be could unwind any
Notable aa»ag the aturlei In the
cellar U nut large eaoagh to bold eo
John LnRne uf Empire, bit ala-. by aU the people of onr eonniry.
p- III Ihpp
.isnird men in qUaoilty of cable aad lb.' wire would
1. ll•etefaro. oongtanlata tbe order
iDuary Bi. Nicholaa la Joba Bee■may paaa
In U mleuim the milk
Hrii. Bows, ol the aame plane
uaintxin Its rtgldlly. Mr. Wbitaryx
- fiMiniy
•Bobby-a Newapnper," which and two alalera to l-ocxpnrt. Npw os the eOoleBl work et the membrrto nia Ibrough the eeparator
of baklnic trpa.I.T fame, 8>» eiluTeal regions ar,- sunhargi-d
pall of rmam It aei where It will cool hat much of the charm
tbara that made the York, beeldea many warm liiends aUpthroeghoalgbe oonnlry, wit
illh rivccncliy
quick: the milk gnei while
autbora "Maaier Bkyto
Bkylart' aad Bam who eileod tbeir aj-mpailiy to Ihi- giattfyiag aad aplei 'Id raealu. me has purcbtsrd a lante hiip-r.Ibe growth of Toablta Co, idle .lY 1
aby 1^" Immediate farorltee
d piga. and thag
I'rrsl.lrM R»ioervHI had gi
flouiishlng id Bailie C
rradera young end old
mat n wiin other feed pul wli
be Wbli
•Irwilay-Raiitaeng Wadding.
WUIont of (Imp norld s beet people
hat nerer rtalled England, bul
la good llrlng..-We eapea to ■
nae • miirt
! started I
qualDily dellgbtful -Haater Bkydhto weok UtiT'mm arcraga
On the eraolag of Dec 31. laoj. a
.11 f..r th
K Cutirora Soap, assisted by Cnlicura
__________ fnimera' -.
poonda. and am winlenag C i
" U on file In the refereoce lib­ quiet wedding look place at the borne
“Wed.' OiatuenL (or |pnart»lng, purifying
bboal three mnatha old. that art
rary at, Biratford-on-Ar^m and deroul of Hr aad Mrs. John BIrmtoy of East
Ubaa tor Poland Cblna'i
Garfield, wben.ihetr daaghire. Hlai
aiung (or him ' mey w^ro "b~ '
inrUtaUimr at oar eonatry. wboer '
ol ihr brnia into- Oae theacalpof crusts, araWe aad dandruff,
■hat had all ibr milk guide
. l>Mjlaa. «aa antled to marriage
fiaeeoa 1a and will csoiune to
Ounniry Ufe la America lor Jaau
one from aod (lie ttoliplng of falling hair, for
ibay.conld» wlatortag W. abd
' Ronuonc.of 11
(me of the poteel (acton to better
gat from ■ toTl eaca a day. That to ary atanda Brat among Ute large aad
Ibe npiTihaeai and
Stw Yock^ ooficnlng. wbUenlng iod auotlilng rad.
etaL fratntM aad
■ut bragglag abooi egga. but 1 narer ImauUful magaxlaee of tbe month.
.rowB and a grlixiy.: nwgh and sore luodA lor bwby :
k aad to promote
: : tocto aoeta atork la hnu. Bat
It hat to du with many Ihlnga Ibki drcoraird fur tbe omsatoa andsifae
addreesed lo
FT-;;.„.i dialings. Iu the form of
ag <ba lirmtag popi
bail nlorfc we
ae bare on (be farm la a Intercat tbe ooualry hirer at this t<«- niBple aTood beaeaib aa arrh of e>- lag aad eleeatiag tbe ataadaid oi
,b-ni. and hi'rnloyed Ih.- humor
baths fur anni.ybig Irrltalbnis and InI moBiha old. and we will ton. and the InadI
eiwTHMi doHagnbe ceremny. ahirh
l>re*--niatl.dis (-qnalty
about -'CroDodlto
• t-m free or oflpiuiiw
•fpirmed br Rev D. A Grv<ea
Aaroo JoMr.
Ing.- -Followlag (be Houadj.- Cam|r
U>c«<irmut waibcxfur
If ha to my g
dressed la wb1i<ar of MatlaaBl Oiaagi
" aa well aa Umaly
where the eon
ami many xaaapro a fen btainillul
mnnillul p
pink ruaea.
Uaalag. Utcl.
tira.anasefitk' |air|ws<tawhk-h nadlly
to atlcnd Bur
l|xl0 feet
■ml gniiei
mailan at tbe g
m (be northwest was a mrchan
imber, ol
M-yiiiid Us limn, etie never
hind then a that to kept well lltto
try haanmmnklng. all lllnatmied with
lUneing bear, anil bis perform- xoggeai themadves b
. ^ > and
. many
oiber expr
glOO RoUiarO.tolOO.
.......... ...
daUV motberi. at wel
large aad anperb pleturea
•d wHk dry aaw-daat to abnorb all <
Iona uf pkwBure aad guod will «
' baUi'and**
(be llqnM and the cowa am eJeaa at
Tbe flm World # Work of Ibe New abown Oy Ih- gmwla who were qi

I*' the ni.-ml--ra of Ihe hoiisebold
s.s-n lbTwo tuinptred and fifty lellors. all
baalihy. It to hard to tell what
Year (veialna a vide raiieiy Vf anbsUere. and that u IWUrrl.. HaU > lUlarrli I inAde ol a eliH
iring her
Oideera S.wp
dne* driicvto
Jecta written about la rbe rooetoe.
CuaU In keep a now a year, aa (ha
rmonirnl vr,q.eni<
red from Cutls..'IMmi.psp'd s.-elusl.m.
rre.-i,.-d a
to bothlag wniftaed or mmaarad ai
inner which la characler
was an All.U.ii- store.,i„r>ng Hi
rvfa, llw graai xkJ
: tfterylhlag they nat la ralaad on the
Fiwbapa (be
III on., iji Ih- xillacp- oT i.rasi
„r j,
r«t of cleansing lngra.ri*iu‘ nild’toa
; farm, except faraa aad oil meal. If
U Mr. Robert
odours. No
We bad mure nmgb feed
y a atory of -- ______
. atock would oonaame we i
cam^.intaalon ol (toaada. lIluafraKto
Several woeki ago
I^b by llaltole. ilVtlK- !
I mora Ruek mttaer Ibaa aei I bay. It
. _____ alrlklng picu________
imi-d Ell Hyman «'
The biggcal Muncy Saving Sale
Ull an BCrip nf rlrb inilia
Mr l.ewto NIxon'a propbectoa Ibr general hoepHal o
land Ibaa an aem of poor toad. If of (ha "Halilrablp uf fhe Future" and
I wat foedlag H* cowi aad bought nil Hr Hoatoy'a views of AaerleaB IDof*w! ----------------------- lati^llmi: lavlgutates thr whole avs » ri-tni-.l, Hu- slmallon The moeextwniivr. Is t.i be i-paiiaired with It<l...t)!je^
,g.T pay-they rreidve In the factories
the feed from my nelghbon, emsto- duatrlal cuodiilona nt he hna aaeo
valuabiri la coin aad
for all tlie purpnsea uf die tnlM. bath
aly I would own ibe bmi part of ihelr
due nf ISl.OM. Juat
a >
m„b.t„rb'sr....rH .id-'f":’’'‘
and PurM-ry. 'Hiiu It cotobinat la ooa
tnnda If we would ratoe nxira eats, ibU conatry are alao very Impoiy. . .1 be aiaiad that he had
aoap at one priee ilia tiert aklD aad
itl on a week'* nolle- abe ci
pane and barley we would not bead
e apd dafabier la Ban Frnactooo.
Dr. Wood'*
Tbt UtUa fotka
cu«i|>lrxloB aotpaml the beattoUat aad
•=l> iM-nd : Ml Tniy girls iii any rliy a
In buy bran lo jnahe a mlaad ration,
I irnauaeol of Mra Rebecca iHnnaa aad her dangb- lonray Pine Byr.,

UliT aimp ever-rnnipouDded. twto
bin wtlh onr xmall farm wa bar# to
PUW a MrAjflan. who reside there. aka: partaolly h»mlata: poattire
Takea the born cb'
grraler tbaa thr world's aruduct of .11
Juaepb I
bny wMBoltalBg. Wa put np whal war
ilewAta bit Jaao- hate bren pdvkiy airlckea (or years owa fot.oomgha. ooUa, ,bi onoliula.. wound: enras-iha tiain.
otlier akia toapa. hold In every i»n
dBitod M uiu of good bay. pUaind IX
«a (he laaat Im- The eaiaie ih valued at tIOO.OdO.
;KclMtr1cOil. the Wa-b
Of the rivUlxad world.
tU AtMy »«r« »A M H«l.





IP. : “LT

.£ ____________
S: KS'
j ii;,;

.... .




PK raiOB




n; cuncuRA soap

— The World's Greatesi

sr^-rrs?. r.-.;£,.7s

Skin Soap.




ol tin Eiitt.




I hk ®«tH Tm tit flift Pnhti
iIOIlO'Stb iais.

Soil WiniR CiiiSatin His






Don’t Fail




Odds and Ends
Sain ,

I Sir-K.?_______-

“TlbCir' i 'rcmSin' a o

UMiDon {mm

' Men’s and Boys' Suits
$16.00, $17.00, and $18.00 Suits for
14.00 to 15.50 Suits go now at - ,
12.00 to 14.00 Suits yoUrs for
8.00 to n .00 Suits go at
- .
5.00 and 6.00 Suits put in at


- ; - ; I 1.50
- ■ - 10.00
- 7.00
- i 4.00

Pr-ep'atory to inventory we make

on following winter goods--thcse are
going rapidlHt is always a good
move to be tbe first “on tbe ground”
and get tbe very best of tbe many
good values otfered...
Men’s and Boys’ Overcoats and Ulsters.
Will not long be with us at these prices:
$ 8.50 Coats going at
- ' $ 6.00
14.00 Coats yours for
- to.oo
20.00 Coats how offered at
25.00 Ulsters put in at



' _________ Ol-ty,


, itJliiiltt
Dirmc HoaM.
r'ttM Itircnc

1 U kUtotBUapth t
WB. wbaa aay daatrto
Irock ttaa WlU b* gbdly giTm.

lB« aoolh
4 Iba P«r* MarooMi*
tbey aao tb* beadlipbt to
e Dakymaa-t CooeaMUa.
conxlrr. wbk-b -aa eoolos taM
aoaib. Tbr rallnad poraltoti tb*
As iMVettaM SMUac c< tk»
w*aoB road for aoow dUuaea bar*. lb* Omad Traeocto DatrymoB'o amo«*• << OM MmM H UbM ww
— Wl.y
alatkm b mlbd for Tbaraday. JaaanMmte/ tfunM. M vkMsk w*«ml
ary Mb. BI I e'aloek. ia iht eaBfl
•MMn M iwMlaMi v«ra takes ap
, at to* ooart lioaM. ter tb* parOhartw V Hate taadend kl» nalr
MUCM aa aanMarr. to Uka


held la tob eity tbb wlatar.
abl* aad atoppad. MU* Vloioo aetad data (or the
•MrtM la tU tk* TIMMTi. bat It b Uu aeowad
OB ycniBC Oartaad'k adrla* wblla, tb*
The Mat br tka h*M aaMr
lac. ta In haU Fiidap aftaaaaaa U
bold in Ike kattbara Irnlf to lb*
•l-aac fraei ib* oitirr ]o a a
if Bol IB tb* eattn- ataia.
Tb* foraar coaTaatlee held
t Oarlaad fruB tb* rtc aad
iatoetorr pnwraa., aa<l
WM oer of Hie hnl la llw bbU
.tafutlr braUlw bU Ibisb He vlorbpaoMliM *all far a U< a
Mloklgm. Tt* dieiJay to dairy prollr b«B( to tbe relB*, bo«CTnr.
fia*. tb*
all to bU po-Lf to keep Ibe aelmal
If tl>* ba*l apmkan obtainoft the track
Tbe bene, boverer,
abl* aaywhate won eagaged tu pom
BOW Ibntpucfaly larrtded.
aai praalical faatnra* of tb* Uta to
to* datiymu. It U tb* tptaattoe to
•tatted to nio aortb toward Ibe rroaamake the apprcaohlBg eoaetatlOB
lic. tlarlaed held oa. and would I
baro dracced lo frool of the iralB
flUlacBan la do tka
aot the bor>e. }oat beCnrc meblac the
^arr bMlaaaa ataa U
craaeloc. hlrkad hiBt Ib the rbcai.
kBorklBK htai bd the trsek aad <
daacer Tbo bueve wa* •mirk t>r the
to fea at Ik* tMatlac aa tka tik O
Will Oe ta Cuba.
tralB aad luataatly Killed
Palrtaak* wbo baa haea
Tba loM to tka raluabk- borM U raaldeorto Ibi* city many yran. aad
U vara alao nada al Ika
oolt* BB lias to Mro. Oartaad. bat atae to bi* yean et>gage<l la lb* aa

tka IdiMdw ataslai Maatlai tka
boat dbaatioa will ba IbotoBikir euaMdarad, aad aarttal otbar nauan will
ba ukaa ap. laaJadlat aararal i
todvMry ndarrad to la iba B
**to* tlato ava. aad otbar laportaat
muart. Tha plaea at MaaUoc ha*
•M rat haaa daoHai, bet wiu ba aattooanad UUr.
AMtkar MkOar tbat viu om
for* tbto pMatloc to b* baU Mooday
(ka riebt of ««z
Uto T. C, U
•at of lb* aUr. Tba aaaualuaa apbotetad bgr tka cdUoaBo- saattad bald
aoto* MOBlhi aao wiu »aka Ita report
ytlklotoiiflaa. All arraatoMaat* tar
Ibayidht of way bar* baoatoad
bVaeurtly. rbrtaaatatr for tba oitleoM it win ba aaooaaary to *«»r* tba
a lb* 0, R
a* IM tbat pout tba T. C. d. * M.
Win M oat prar tba M. A K. S. traeka.
•rary propwaatr* otUaaa abooM
waha It a potol to h* proaaat at
tbaa* pahlto ia**tla» Tba beotaao*
tooa Mpirlally ar* ariad to auaad ib*
•toatlat aaxL Friday atiatwooa.

Wofti at (ibaalad.
IkMlai, Hteh . Jaa. t.—Ma
of BlaU Waraar oairwaao* Ib* ap.botamwil >d OaefM Lord to o«
Oapaty Mcrotary Ptare*. wbo wa*
r tba elatbaUp
ad tba Maa* of ti
Lord «lT** ap Ik* poalUia aa
a«ar of Ik* otooh diptofaat of ih*
Itoaaaal Laaa * totoatoioat Ol of
DotroU to atodpt th* hornet, fb

haalaea*. will l«are it.i* areatag for
a ViBlue e
e di«ih of

W«uk« IlnmntoryMrirln January and In order to reduce our stock
we miUce

lATba mbtao* (or debam. '-Baaoleed.
tou ttom'b" £to

Tw Mw( M—tMM

aaak toaailBa at tka laard at uada
kad eUlaaDa cd tka tocr. to ba kaU
Maaday «?*•>■(. Jaawfr U I
ardflMUy tolaadad to bara tkli
to« M> tka oTtolac cd niday. daauary
d. bM thla «w loMd to be
abto. aruw to Iba Hlib aebaal toeura

I. jMi

Ibl* eUy. Tbay war* drir-

____Bright atorto taa Sarto
Miab.. todor to apato to* r*------------- to to* wlalar wlto tor brotoar. P. J. Bright.
A kambar of oar ellUto* mat la (to
foreaoeB to Saw Tear’* day aad oat
wood (« toa abarto. to ttok motob
. wood 1* BOW ftlod to^pbr^mtareh (a



roaat cBtckaa wa* (to____ ______
A teed dm. wa* aajyyod by aU.
Mtoy from (bit aatgbbarbea
laadad tto aMoilag* now eoodaai
Maple City.
Mil* Mary Sirabal to to* Prlmd*
obamb. MapW
•' -1 Oily.
Oily, tol.
told *arrlee*ai
ear ckarob Wl Banday atakraoeB. A
good cnagngatiOD wa* pnmat aad
' oa* wo* gnaUy pltBaed

on goods In every »ne we handle, and especially so on«ll smell lots* on
short lengths: on odd lots: on ell heevy goods, etc................................'

men's and Boys'

men's Suits

Pr^ Rumi_____ 'load* WUo*y
left Friday tar Patotkey. wton (toy
will work iatoe lombar wood* lor

E J •

P. H. Smito and family elilud bit
Iter a taw day* ta New
fattor, A M. SmlUi. to Vato Baaday.
Ur. PaUbaak* trlU uk* {awaage for
J. K Mabaa called al Eaal Hmd oa
llaTaaa. Cota. Bad from tbat* lu will
aatoa** oae day laat weak.
Naady far •oaiaaaa.
go .to a paint eighty mile* aoalb
Hrv Jobe Blaet. Ml** Brook* ud
The Tnraraa Oiy CtaalBf fo n«
where be will meet Kraral paopl*
'' lilie ud family aput Sew
Hueday afieraoua and n>tu|.Uie
Yaba With W H Ftf* and
from (liU **0(100 wbe
their orsanlcailoB by ibe ek-cilou i
bm aallBT* which (hey rtpoti U vary
Ibe followtoK uftoera:
PtMitel aed ttoeenl .Maaa«erproQIable
Dr C. i Kaealaad
Ur Palrtaak* ba* aot bam ia good
Vm ITtwIdeai—H J Mornn
I, wbo l>a* beta t1»bmltbbulyaad be balbeo* that to*
tteeretary—H. R. Kaeelaoil
ellmate will Iw good for him aad (bat
Treaaurer—Hoa. Parry llaaaah
eaa eagag* la proSlabI* employThe coapaay U an* fully urcaaUed
B*T*ml farmer*
d iflaaakwJ
oa a aouad
wilb ^
ill al tba lam* lime
otatoged J.___
Henry B*a(oo m
rmtlag In DoB'B
aed Brad*trweia
blifarm lo a
arllrle* ofr aaaoeUUoB
are ua aio mod
tod boagbi
Wllaoo'a (ana.
Annual Macting cf PreBbytei
all aorT*c(. aad everylhlnc I* rtwdy
By a Beoalmeo* tow at toe aaoBal
for Ibe rapid piublai of tbi! work
weitag to to*
Tba *11* lor' Ibe canalac factory ha*
Monday erealog,
Jennie (Took wont (bla meratag to
loatlad. aad already ibu ...
aU>Be Rar.iV. K. Wrigfar
___ loatlad.______________
*omooa to May
aUy with Hr. Pruk BHtI balBC dallrarad The cuoiraM* for totrrer tl.eobarota a*'p*«lor agala for or a taw weeka
• fouadattoe aad tba bulldlac are
John HoeUr tetarned from camp
. atobl. aad the ptaai mod apacldra Ilia eiwolDg year, and wbao
lakea tbHBadlabM boi N iutoa Salorday.Bight to *iay
•a ar« already cumplelad. Tba work
Bom to .Ur. aad Hn. A. R Haall•ractlag ibe buildlag* will beglo aa rooad of applaa**. If It ' ra* la'a
manwl, Satarday. a *oa.
• aa tb* wMilbar will permit la Ibe
W. B. Orolmr madi
Uoa, and
« aleu alrn.dy
---------------- ... ---------ananal rapoct* to
Tba b
o to all .Bia- toe eartoni departmaal* ware ma
Bebert Oarpenur la oln
pouUoe for twral free dell
quired will be uader Ib* dirarllun to
Tb* Saaday Buhoo)—Ray Tbomp- baa naarly th. reqalred i
H, A. Hobart to Oabkoab. Wl...
R (1111 to Oaairal lAke. bolb r
of *S y
tamed from I
. I'ry
ally aad ibe euoatry may Iw judeed
Tooag PMtple'i Beoioty to Cbriittaa
Will Welch rlalMd trifod* U toWB
fniai Ibe fact tbat tbey will mploy
Bbdeator -Key HoUUWtd, preUdaat.
durtac the buay aoaaua
» niea. aad
raa al Prat acrea t oth. la |ba
r. f’laaa
f'laa* are uadrr
whteb. If «am^ out; trill reeuH la
TbeB*Mloe.~P. K Walker, okrk.
Ik* raaaloa to the fBCiory for the ea7b. Tnat^W. 1>. Crouet. 1a toe
tir* year.
baenoe of IliSwaaBan-r. A. W. LiaA
Hn Praak PiM*r. Ur. Wataam
Ooatracla are brlap made wlib
Tba raperw Mowed l»l memban oa
Id iiUI* aenaad Ura Bwamatod
fOrmen erery day for (be crewlac to
m of Tratene I’ity droe* to Frad
prodaoe for tba taeion', aad aa aaaat HMw’fof
tb* d»aroh*oi
(klaoMi'* Saw Ymr'a d^.
to Iba ooBpaay wilt be uol tbrooab -till S7. asd hy toe Vomaa'a HUalon
id a ftn* rid* tod a good *ult '
Iba eooairy la a faw day* to mak* fur ary *oei*lyof UK. IT. la addUlcn u
Tb* SwedUb Banda, aebool
iber roairaqu. Haaawhlle the
two ^boxi'i_ealU^ at
**ol tc badBBlcoly irtmmoi (»iri*(i
paay will b* plad to meat the tai
la (to obamb Batardoy e.eola
ta (hair preaeet toBa*. Dr. C J. I
Mai * oBee, where aa apaa^ to
mite** Wportad that tbay atrll
--------------ba ready at *ay
.. Jh«her .Hwded (be «
m u of oBOOgbto oomplau
r witlioat a daBoil la to* oar- rito to^ bc^ of aapartieon
to pia-


10:00—KoadlQg tbe *•
utm ol laat year'* meedagi.
10:30—IM>cu**iao: "What did you
Itom from laat yearia moMtag* that yoB duriag lb*

Big lot of Men’s Cassimere and Worsted
Suits, all good styles bhtonly oneortwoof
a kind ail sizes in the I
regular values
•e.Bo xo *10.00

ebildren’s Suits $1.65-






Mitmw Baalab Mobto to EU BapId*. Mamie Barry Bbd Bento Ar'—
City eaJied im frtea
Program to th* St*t* Fan


:lio—QuniluB Box. iB cbarge to A.
ji.--Sugar Ueet (Yiltuie." H. B.
Th* Ta* Sato*.
•hliMilaa of tbe
d TmTccu.
ta Ihia tome to (be K*^ ]
real fwtoie to (be j
COBBty It wl



T:<bi—Addr.-« to Welmuar. HoB. 0.
Trsvprsp City Markota.
r. Cam-r. mayor ul-Trmrerar aiy.
TW* rwport 1* rrvao* uoon Wodn.aPn-aldwt . Lowell Wag of oeeb wwok. Th* Haraio t*
T:So-’Hl*uwy tod
Myatrry to
Cummoe Tblagt." Mn rarri* I BauaS;tfO—'The Farm .Home aad lu
Adornment." H B. CUBoa.
»:S0—"Hlrw Help o* (be Farm.*
Mn -A. K. McKa*.

kton U.iDSbilKlIn.'t ScM ton I* Bqi.
Piipn'i “SlKtr USD Skni In Ibiix
liltlitn'i Fm Dmi Patnl fill In Mn.
Blidli'i Mnt P«, a WnllD(*iii't Sbi.

.. :Io—• Pmli Oruwlng and Geami
k-bnUng." H. B. Caoaon.
-Buxiarto mm-iing. elmltm
miBgyrar. -Iron—lIui-*il>iD Bui, la rbarg* to II
IL (Mnncm

i:SO--PolnU for JVtaio PItoitaa."


Tin; Di li KKi.iAiii.j;,

"rarilc priodrich
XUf Nt-w .'^lantt

I rom Si

SS. -



lo make c»a
1M aert* Of miiWa'g, leaehiga aamll
.apper at Hotel McKlbbea Sngiay
toe treoaary. with all bllli paid.
to atrtai baaa*.
Jobb Blghlacd{aad u. 0. T
of roro, tu acre* meb to
T* B* Held' In Oraag* HalL Tburadiy
W. P Or
aqtuah. aad SO am* to «*(• aiaeWd aldata.
AtWmoen. Jen.
aad Or U B. (Hnnr were aL...Mn J U. KamaTrll.
Un F. E.
Walker wa* alrmdy mw^af^'.
akih tMBato plaata aad aeadi
C'ooklDC i-ectun.
with D*md an aoElUBry mam^ to to*
ttM paodoe* at aMaal owi.
Hr. ToUaa had tb* mlMorlaae
Mn. (tarn* I. Tb* prto* to topuiioc* wiU be t7 par
lo** oae of bi* bone* a faw day* a|
m of WtolpM aoBfaowd to*y. To
Hr. tod 8n. UoUtyreto FonM
taa:^ *tyt
(Ht--Th* Horn. ■
war* gamki to Mia Ebl* Batar39—Quntlon Hoc
Mm kbl* wut to Tiamn* Oily to­
ny to take (bail aea Oliarlle hook to
E. O. Ladd, trrrctaty to U
Fine Art Exhibit.
la pay aa Ulb aa t«0 for *c
mInimulr, ba* taoMted a
4 by th* Wadr-Morttoa Moaotol(be baaaa purcbaaad pwoet r
Tkto FraaMonaad Kti
m oar far- from Soaaior 1 C. Barrow*
b* bouibt for rr
U prrl
" aad• M
ry No. 1 rto Mtooad oa aerthwott
aad cardoa baeta (or lli.w per
MneeB, aad ikoaewtodone*eUll
polat to Booto btaatiae aijo adock
PoMpUa* wUl ba coolrartad lor
for »M.
lomlagof ttoSeo.
Tbe i
lb. latnt a**urtrd farmen' baUella*.
toba tba oatt of aCea aa* aVrtood
' aqaatb tar th
and OB* to Ih* enw <mme aoroM
ttM b* wwaU «e bta daty. 81* row
are ua foot lo take
____________ tokto daek. got (to eapiBlB of (to L. latuod -by ifa. departmeat to agrieul- ^A>rm>^»
u. ^
a produre
to.iMtolac I* poroaaal aad aot
BWtterplacie* to tb* age* There ban & S.. ud IM BMil CBrri*r, Ftaak' ture at Waablagtoa. for diatributloo
all (beImportaai
ablppla* point*
bme •eoared, throngh A. W. Blaoe ± ruaer. aiaa oaoi*. iw* capmu ioob at th. iaimulr to be b*ld la tbe court
la tbu
loelMlBf Qrawa^BaU- Co. a grmt Dambar to eopla to to*
on January St aad S9. IPbS.
r. •
I, v«uer, rivMwiiwo.
(og, tod fo«r mu row*d omr lo Olca
MB. Sattaai Bay,
Bbtob la
IB two bo.
boon. The maw ielawere Harbor, Acme,
^ pietatea -o^ to. eattia wtol* to graptodi lor (to
p b
(to atciar fwry boat to
on aad BIk Rapldi There Modtogne ball, aad aaab__________ ------- to >tbeU
tbeU amWtoBO*.
Mr. Fubor
markat for all the prodnea
---------•- from » to e o'olaok. a»d to
I retam
retara la tarf boat wblob
rmlag, to* Imll will b*
tt to the aoMpaar
ol Ob___________________
an. Mtm Itoiu to Empin.^ i«aoBM.
Sbetod aOfarii
tod a «D*
by the *eholan,
I by Mr. Laognto
.pi* of tb* city
eltr i_________________________
an a* liberal la l^lr oa bl* Tiolm. aoa mu* rot__________
Catewmd BUWWa, erery aworOxy (kw*
M« falllw iBlu llae aad roati
A row of Ihtoki wa* girea
M now pradaee (or (bv factor
Uln Doru by (to toUgbwd udIuK-o
a t. OM of Oaaa- •InaMy a flae arreac* It
to** for whtob it U Pleea. there wiU U. BalniD ba* aeU hi* witln

.1 (be
he aeoagb to aoooaiplleb tlila eery
ondar •took to drr good* aad alMhlag to
wblt.eod. aearecy e*al {mid is
('ban*. Rmonlhal oi TmTcra* City,
■paafcto PiD Toto fc i. Oolbr of Mi tar lU tarsan tmi tbay weed
at so eeaw oa tb. dollac. TbU ww
Halaor. who tom* from the 1*1- dear W alo*. eat tto Mack qalekly
bae* befmrto ibaroaalH tottwm.
today ba*
tafortoad a*
CMot Clart^<tarta* M. Ptoroa of
worai w an. a* to* aaritiiiii of to. aed today
rr.B at (tot graal aaeriSco. la ordar
WIta tb* arooac* year* aad tb* m- pirmre* that an oa ublbldM aad lb* forry boat got ot to tor
(tot Mr. BalTM mid d*row kda aaOoaada.
Toeam far wbteb (bit ncieo M to. rnai ol to* toll an alrtody pao- •niOD* Iwfore Ito L. & B. boat got Hn dm* tod wemey to tto pakml lam
■MpoaptalAito* WUBato RWhUtldad for. , AU .who eaa do aoyiwald
raek wbloh b. *kFweM M muata*
Utlberi Waiwr**' wul lo. Bardlek
Tba ptowlat to fwodae* la oaaaed b* -------------------------------- to* *xblUt.wb*to» »*ry fen
•a aapwimaet. (or Umn I* aatblBR ar tkay oaa rull it et aot, m tto TlUe today to work a* **(ter lo ito
OBBto U taUi B wortl^ mu.
olaaa mill which will Mart ap tc
a* it Ueoa
eaUad f*r wbteb u>e tatman 4* bm
Id Piraigalae toagtr*
81m Kmam Woodman, taotoer of
kBBW tally bow to fcow bb^ market, drawing la too die *0110011. i* la to wily Umber.
Idbtoga to Ito aiblUt, aad ft waa
tu* Nviok baa Biomy* baae tarn
Ji^ Bm^b^to Port
rt Onaldn
i^lda weal to
Yty. aad will otaa* eel tto
: laiofai. HMl. daa. T.-Ooa. ftaa•Mok at rwaU
ML to
to bl*
bl* biMMiBt dwwtIbabaat.
*>L Tto fMc* to -.
Mr. a^ Mm Fmak Flaber. .,bto
.......................etblblnoo an all
•atad for VaMad Btato* aoaator by a L marfeal Uaaaated at «ied
ittoa.-PaMM*y K*wi.
tar all tb* ptodae* whtob oaa b*
ptaadlbd rota by tka ropobUoaa
—. wen tartwd______ ...
■roM ta ttal* eou«7. aad there U ae
Bowl MeKibima'tod rtoaH
tattoo total oaaeaa. b*U la Bapi
-------------ma»le and *lBg—____________
*r to a talUap maibai with low
taitow hall laat eroalac. Vbaa b*
far toe rariaa* r
r. aaab a* Mm MsKlbbm
M* aaoenad hodor* ik* oaaew
tb* tamo* BoadkM pia bU lalib *•Ladm* Ubraey Claetioe.
ttlolyoBOM taopwdriak laalag aU
a tramllag pabita.
iTtb* loMto tbU oaa: a oheie* to
----------- yaomroay'* maeUag to to*
Ami Hotorg Dm
' B* toaftacty
aaabon aropa U oBated him aad a* oaa aaleot
Ibea* wbteb ai* baai aatlad to hu
AAcI Hoberg- *oo to Hr aad
lor th* bowor ho had loeolrod. aad
CbariM Hoborg to OM kflMioa. dtod
*«b taadto rtooro^ took* of bU •Boaad aad tbaa* wttb the
to wbleb b* taaU b*« aaqaatamd.
■t th.jium* to hi* p*nmu Tbonday
bboped tM ibafbrMat* will i
pwwiag to aft
tdaWBaa. Tba poMtal aald h* wa*
bald to thbamiiar rary axteBtlnly
iubm* of tow (ton. a wm. • Ha wa*
Pint 1
Ib maaH»M*oi to
laearir SI nan*. eramtae
ihiB tM*. bU b* wiMld praaMB* to Wtb* ceMpaay. Btlar tmetaf oatafally MeMuai
a great tarorite
BS tba datto* of bla oSo* lo th* b«t
8«>ead Vie* Pnald*4( Mm B J. I
w—IdMod tka propoaUiea id all tw Hl^a*.
yuuag aad old. and kto kwP wlU
«rWa ability. U* ptodMd ooppon
filaU*. baUm that tb* termen ma
Third Vlor
Z C.]ui bnaly f.H by aU. Tb* taaecal
- MtoMoal Booaorolt to laaoro a et
pooitalili oatar lata tbli b**i Falrbaaka
S o'clock from
«t—MO of pwMiiVy aad to aoalot to
la BddlUoa to aiall llae to
.-oagrvtolloa*l ckarch to.Old MtoIMPWtM Ib* UrrllcrT aaw ia
FummUI S*0R«aty-M>«
J. W.
to lb* OaiMd
1 klBd* to frwltt la at
Qod opato aad pood
bd*od « a Q<
:-Um - W. Trarto
Oiurgo & Hctmfmtb to Bmwo
■l^aadtbw tortud
LIMariui-Hn OallUTbaefcar
■Mu* Oku* OB Toctoay beat la tb* largsai load
or hoaaaakd partak*
wood «T*r baatod'M tbto cUy. (tore;
to a**

Mag ala* cord* of
irered wlU ba tantabad
by tb*
Narrow b*ap* Prow Ooath.
■ay tat a mb
H iwtal,
mly B*aSAM poaada. waa drir** by Fmak
Kollkawla aad wa* raceaUy pareSaaod
aermt mTlag
to Lm>
to th* pNdaaaip. a* the bamai ult
111 to
.ka**d by tto P*apW't
naac* taitaat aad belt nwwta
furSST. Ttohaal
to k» ■nUMaply fBat BBt ta to- Ttom wa* aa latorwriw tp
* *to> H. e ebana at Mtoioc
ma*eb al tb* •rbaet bean ta
rr vUl to dedkaied a«it Saaday
toA'Jaaaary 11, at ld:M. Praaeb(too to lb* wteatog by Ber. Or.
i aatdM torltoUMto
Cwc< P. e Ptoto cardlaRr ttftta

■ •ftolM.dfwhlahh*w





We Jnvift fou to our

!)anuarv Sale
.iiiu L.niiurcn> L.uai>. larkL... ___
Cajicn ai ‘ i off. all away U-low i-itst. l-or in­
stance. >tni Kft a nkr Kersey Jacket, ih>i
shinidy at $3.W—acoat that usually sells ;ti
at SG.C7 you get a coat that generally .
M'lls at $1'’.00. very nearly half price; l-'urs >, ’
off; Ladies'Walking Skirts 't off; llig K«duciion on Overcoats I’lsters. Uop' Kceft-rs
and Ulsters. We offer more gootk at n'duced prices thau any ~houv in town. Cill in.
anti Ik; ctuivinced.

•/ tbe









J\, 3. iUiibelm

Bll Kind*



Rcrald 3o» Office

Cb« BrcaiMt Stcrc l*r

in this SectioD is the

Keeps Yov tot Dry and
Cill U 4 as4 CWt Ssie



*M» tbakoMtalat to MV


. Vatar ntasiiw I Tto*

OoIIm, Toyc
amd Ourna
In greet profusion

for the;iittle folks

ElMKMrvt Boolcs
BibiMM, Albums,
ToilsE SsEs ^
snei l^ioEurss
In greet veriety end the choicest assortment of
CHIMA end GLASS in Northern Michigan. You
will m las e greet treat if you do not cell end see
them. Compleu display reedy this week.

yk Store
Bstof*Bwc»<r O., tors.


. . lip



-. im 'pf^H ut tM.


lefreoammu vul be X.4tei> e«n,^tOoU tlMf Mlnlaf Oe, LU..
HcM Of tk* Um at tk* hMrt itf U^ amiadl iatatN^ of t'ar *armex. lac of ceierj. olivee. eblekM Xaado»eei 1& thl.
hu re- pprrUon todv ka« b«wa torolad
Mataal PIre iBsmaner Co ot Oraad wlebae. totio. lee rream and aaeorteri
frattfrlM r<voru traa tk« raatalu** work, of whirk a aou
Tra.erxr. Aairlm aad UwUBae cuea- rake Itaartnic aad eardx will folloe
ilca wax held la itraace ball. Trar : Tbe romml'ieeu havlaK (be matter
ene Cliy. TuMday. Jaauan k
la rhance are
at I o'eloidt.—O
Port- flaaaee. waya and aaaaaa.
tv. Tbnmax. E. C ttuaipioa. A. W
coapai^f' lalMaat.
Tke aherta «
LX ta Ibr bti^ of il
Rirkeed. K S. SulUiua
Back tptwk awt( fanrablr of tke
Tbey have wrlltea B»S.7i5 I
4. I1DIM a»4 lu aooapecta Tka akaft la
Jadae at Probate laraacer raaawad
' dowa UO fcM. ud kaa b«*n aoBk
U reetMol. made al a forser---------i
: M Rtafceelee. Mini Mtanie B<4tae
Ikroncb bdM baarlaf «aaru ita «•- at tke
Ura Iractk
Nlaalr-Bta f««i of cnas prUtbs for elsk klrc.
a Way t. L.«e Long.
cudlas baa ba«B done al tha ]«0-loot
Tke bill of tke Hotel Wklllap tor
Inal, aad (hla kaa tkowa aa ttaiBaaao
>e board of ibe Harciaree ^uy
body o< KuM kaa^Bc auana
Tke pnwealed acala
It eaa eat 1
aa lolkrwx:
aoapaor anil coaUaue Iba abaft to tl 50 to II for each laior per day by
Pneldeoi-Jamex H Mooroe
i JVbon.1
Ibe ^MMoot la«al. wk«« tanker crcat Ike board at a forser seetlac. aad It
VKe l*reSdeBI-Joha White
in.. .Hte.
-that l<r Klak'x Xew INx
reillns wUI be done. Thla arork wlU.
>id< at Ims ibe temper of Ibe aeIMivrtorx-Jamee H Mamie. Jobairorer. r.< CiUMUBI'lliw lx ibe moet
rate, be
IMetlaora that aay eBort in pay mare tVbJie. II V Stewart J W
. __rSHd!
|lafallil.bthat I ba.e et.T
Hank 1. at wbkk Uaw tke cospaa]' tkao II each per day will be oppoaed
one—SiMkea ^*"*'*
'•'^b. C.ddx as.1 Gnp
expect to besla tke weriloti of a airoacty.
iiasp bIIL
soiiue ot Saperrtaor Oeraiaad
jrfBe au on.- u<-e.l dread Vneum-.nla or
It waa dMennIaed by Ibe eompaey
voted to allow tbe hfcsUI «1
(leu W MeWethy. Secretary
l>x.r.-;i-( » laniaa' i
o place apon ibe sarkei for Bale
___________________ _
I aS.1 cure eenain
Ja> ti Jubawia '
icL iHT day for the keepiac of forere
laad F H Mead, cuaraai.-e eirr> !-«.•
1175.000 of Ita atock. tke praeeeda ic
Ibe feiare. he to keep them wkereK.
[aad II »• I.M'I.- and clie Inal hotrl.-.
oaed la •racila« and cqalpplns a
Tbe iBxiallalloa id oBrera id ibe
all! aad in cetilep out a tarpe aouiul
Kalpbu of Pyikiax will lake planof aapnt imdr for sllUac. no that aa
Vixiting Baet U«ar Paetorina.
ernUki; to tbeir Caalie
aa the sUl la ready
l-rexMeai KrlMrtcb ot tbe board
V eveolBs to tbeir Caxtie ball. steaded Ibe xilvrr weddiOS a
w kept
ir^v appelated Ibe rammlttce
» o'clock. The Aral Ihlos oo xary of Mr and Ur* Frank Sn
of Ibe •toekboldera of ibe ajs.A fl-J
icnm will to ibe puMIc taatol- the peaUuuix Thuredxy
are well pleaaed with ike show- saplBaw ax tellowx:
w of the lodge and waa enfuied II t.».k nine roa
lal kaa faeca sada, aad feel that
J W .MimkeB, W. W Smith. John tbeir talllea, wbkh
e followed Leya (u xailafy tbe apiK-U’ex
Isvattseol U an exceDenl oaa Couriade. Robert Harney nnd
le f.HlowlBs procram:
pmiple preieat.
t aBBoal sectloc of ibe tloc*
adollB and cultar dor1 by the
n wax held at tbe oBeee of tbe
Howard brMherx.
company Monday alpfat. and tbe board
Reetialkm—R W. Raatall
aad oBeen elected
l>uet—Ik- and Hri. A H HolHday
tbe eaialap year Tbo board of m
Violin loki—MonMIe Beaaeit
BOW cooalxla of J. O. Cruiaer,
a Ihoniusk
■ of tke
Paaey baton xxrlpslns—Bert Wta
tiaxe. L. K. OlbU. E. P. rorrm aad W.
Saetoriee there, and laraa.
1 had tuffered ____
Croiaer: aad tke oBeen are J. O.
ilcale (he meikndx of grawlBg. hac
VloUn eolo-Haaler Uoyd Bemux
Cure ll.wdache. Coam
Ciwier. chairman: L. K. OIbba. Tice
eextlOK rare,
KecIlaHoa—Uueelle Bennelt.
saa; W. P. CrMter. xecretary;
1 Mead-.' ilnic r
make a report u tka big
AX tbe eoneluiloa of tb<- progimm
PeiTlx, treaaarer. UerelopOMOt larmerx' ni<H.ilnA
baa been poabed al the mine of

3 fcr C««t tUMred M TUDC OemRk-




5'4r -


Comfortables and Blankets
are fuU Size and quality Is up to o»\r usual
stai\dard. Comfortables are covered with
either Satine or Silkaline

s' !:
t.W.MOUkni-Prr SteaOe] «kUlM arUeLMbor lb—Waaud

IV. - anual rtBnae ■ob-


CouoB lillctl. full sir.- Comfottabifs ordinarily st-li for.$2.-‘.'i

I'hr kind that altarays svih. for two dollani.'couon tilled

Thi-(jradv w;e are scllinj:

.\n,extra lar^A-onoik filled CyiiiforlaWe

Circulation this week 2.725.

beBlaalBB of tba work. Jana
crew* ot mao kanUc to
Mtae MaifaNl MeOimriv
ployed, one worklac alckii i
tektl bai baaa aspleyod to «aka tke
Mhar dayi.
the Etka- Sab room TaaaNy waai
plaea of Utu Uady la Ibe otly aoboola
real eoolal aaneem la erary pprtlon
■be kaa Bad aerMal yean ezpariaBoe
One basdrad aad Hsiemi iadlaa
Ma laaaber. at Uteoda and Waetlascatlemaa wen praaiail. the
be year IMS waf a baoaer year'
a ol tba eeaalag betas Iba ladtoa
Ibe Tr^tene City poclofice,
I rerelSa^ ^nc Ul.lM U.
the' opera Haaeoi steaa by Ibe ai
a tahu
acainat flMSSM In IMl. Tbe followWfW laSUiaa la Ibe Del eqalna batldlos are tke Osuree for each quarter of
II U wu af Ike aealwl «i«b
tba year fas clooed
Marae ta tke oily, aad ikere ta ael a
Jaa. 1 to Marek S!......................... t,Gg».u
baMOT duiMdac raaa U Ike alaia
time, and ttokprti 1 to Jane tt............... 4.MC 10
Hr. aad Hn. Meadt ta*a tbelt Urtay
: aejoyalile tor all tanarat. DarJuly t to BOPC »:.................... 1.0*137
Lbaaraalnsa lascbaaa wae mrrad
loUecW........................ *,Mt,07
to tbe dtotos room, mambara of Hie'
farm natdeaae ewaad by Basiy
Elkx dotos deiy to waittosan ibe
AUsi aad oeeapted by Jase Eeeoh. a
■Ua mth of Taba. wan bdtoad Dae.,
Tbe mauo wa^ entaamaly aofoy
Us. byaopatfc«alUa«(roBibealerr,
able, and ners Ware Iban............ ..
iBletbaeallar. Hr. Ceeoh
ta setae abeot half of hU fmnltara.
TMoadb ika kladaam ot aalghbun
tagi wwe at oooa diawa M Ika milt

.'ii-;,;.-., S":


Records Broken

at' a








(hir ^alt•^ tviTf ihc

ihu lariitot




iiiaruin of


makv sho*’ M-liinv; c-a'V h'-ri-

*f0T 3aau»tf ^ fitltr^U

Wiuttr footVMar ai Bargain Prices

25 per cent off on all Lace Curtains
25 per cent off on all Table Covers

Moffoia in Worm Sbooa
Wonwn'f Feh ao<l Ueavwr

SM a aav boaaa U alnody la p


1 wov.

I rh,. L,La,.,.vaW,i„ hl.nUi, 42c49o8

... 1-78
> ei.50



t»J7................... 76
AatMay al U o'olook Bar. W.
m. Wftfbt psfonmd laa
. Msl aalwd la mantafe Hr. Frad J.
■ia>mto aad Hts CMUa Haekay,
ka«> tmpdoyad at tka acylam. Tu
kapgp aeapla HA tot aoalkani MtaU•M oa a batpf tcaddtwr
r flraadt vke

r W.

u. R. ki PAttbaregnlkr l

Tbe board of a
Bprelal Moalon
■ artaimoD. with
all 'the memlto
preaenl except
Cbartoa Hoa
la kept at borne
today by a death to tbe family. He U
expertad to ba to atlmdasre t<

aanaai aoolar party aad baU la tbe Ully
Hmxc'wb tba l»th ot Febnaiy.
H.lx wtU to Ibe ^ xlabOTla aoeial
raasloa of tba year aadm the ana
ptoea ot iba UnUerm teak, aad Slaw
art ft Slafftiu'- fall oretoatta will
tbe mnSa Yto feltowlas

M. ■milk •( Ho-

Nr laHllW faaeaa vkleh M trlU dla«SbM la Oakvood iimitiry aad at
HayMaaa. INyftaa BakuA Aema'aad
alalkaa palBla Soma of tlxam kaea
abaady baaa aaal eat. Hr. Bmllk
hao bat* appsatad
i#Ml Nr tbta loaliiy by the qaartor-

«. J. BacM aad hla feaitaaa yaar
aM sm Hillard or Oraaa Ufc* tooofbt
. U tka Mol^ ot tvolyu 8i«i '

hod axlsad abaap badsa kal did aal
k»o« oatll )oS bafsm Hay fclUad
Mas aatmkii that tka tyax «■
apBSUa Nr tkatf leaaaa. Tkay *Ul
baaaHltod to a boaaty ot N aaek (or
tfeddMlN of tka eel—to

Ika Aral matter ot biiali
todnre (be boiTd waa an tovllatloa
fram Hon. J. W. HUlIkea. with tlckelg.
for tbe dinner to be clvea PrldBy aad
tbe beet laser meetiac to folbkr. It
that all
will do tbeir duty by boflTtBS'bm. of
aad the
matter of
couuy boUdtoga wae btoogbt up.
La daoldad to aubmll tbe matter
to bldi ot tbe toaDmooe bmo.
Tbla meellns of the board ii eapeetolly tor tbe approra) of booda of tka
eoaaly oHeera, wbo hare faat taken
plaeia. 'Rul ikere xrill be
real other OMUcra of Impertoaee to be
SaperilBor Barer at tbe laat meetVI ot tbe board breoebed tba tabfect
f the eeuBly road syatna. which ta to

likely that tfere will be aa toi
tiptat aaooaa to oallaettaB tka daat ad Ins Uma erer tbla qnciUon. wbkh boa
fkt asmtarx el Ha heard S ttada. been before tbe people of tbe ooanty
Beary masbtr U laady tJbaxh ap aad
than oaee durlns the pas dec­
wtih taw aiexpSoM BracfOM to raady ade. and vblab wax at one time de­
la taiBoiaga the board U Iti otwta
feated by tba vole of the radatry peo­
ple. the elty strlns a pood maforUr
for ll(e eyatem. An eOort will be made
X haat ragar teetanr la alia
hare tba ayalcm asala aabmtttad
lo the people
X. aad It apiaki irell fgr |ka eliy
There la a Ruodly batCLb of bUU lo
uma before tbla aeaakin of the board.
Tbere will be aome wtioae
aot be aned upon, owlns to tbeir Calltire Id comply wlib
UNlaasaaea Oo. tram
tba SbM arata la aaaaton la Part duxTB by tbe board In aemntoace wHb
PNOB hotal a goM aMn a( TawNy tbe atote law. that all UlA mus be
asd all day ywtarday.Taaaday teaalag itetnttad aad awprn la and tabmlued.
tkay tadslftd U tkatr
Aral day of all aparlal or adqaal, wbkk
gatharioex baxa alwayi
. tw~a«y'. kanird
baaa. Tba toaqaal wax aoread ta tU
AU mamben ot tbe baard of auiiarUaiag room ad tba Psk Plaaa la tka
sSn were prtoeal at the meetlas
aNUfoewkiob ttmi boas ianwoU
today, and the buatorii of the manly
hoawn. aad afur tka boaqaM Mito waa srooad o« npldly.
that tran faU to tke brtm of wit aad
A pellUoa ot Fkirroce Aniboey
a below Ibe HoardLae H. OalmM of Okathas. Algx*
eaoaty. wax ta Ika oily Teeatoy. al for dotoewk purpoara. wia r«f<
and '
Ika WhlllBg, on klx way him tbo oih

torimtiea-J. H. Metloagb. 3. H
OUCe, A W. Rtokstd. Otaada Pnlror
O, O, lagrisi. HaJ. *.

a BoUid^. Otoa.

Iml a P.

BHUaa. Hr. Uaiamor la a kaal Hm
oapMaad waa oMof thorn loaHaLi rvcelTcd from
■aam) to aaiakiUktog iht lOOD-tak
dMMry at Haaoadlaee Had be kaowa
rbantee fw
ruBiastoaa dli
ad Ika lawitag to to bald kata oo mday kt woald kaea kaea glad ta ba
to the aua<' law
----- --------------------------------------thla
aad II waa adopted aad Ibe clerk
iBxtnxxed to tarnlab a ctwy te ito
#■1 ot t
repiwaagistre aad eeoaior frota tbla
xmmpaUed le go dlibcAly’lo laaatis dlxtsct
Ik hla amaaal ropen.
Tbox T. Balee appatred befata the
nard tolurmally aad preoented Ue
laner of the propoeed blaoberry-toIbe Bigb tabaol Prlacuml R. L Myt
uxiry tor ibla eoetloa.
Nikad M tka SadeBto u lagaH le tke
the remUalon
obMoa S a '
and roLiniy tax.
oHatod Mta t«am fac llm two bat. _
leed fur tbla poipoae
spa Wfiaaca Ba «ba aabfart. • Hhai
. . on the lax ToUa.
Uaaoimttel Kapaat to Pollow.
_ referred
..yred tor
fjir tot
tloa to a cummliiee ecn^oaed of
penlaore W*toer, Ckrelaad,
km thaa aaroo baaNad werda aar
"arrow, Wldhiaian, Hsehlni


Chfldren-i Wool Keei Kn-

Miaxes Heerw linnl .!««>

rf jetaey L««mK*....60C

l.ea!««>Kv................... ...60c

Women'a Slock J wy Heeoe lined Lq*ingi ................

................. 85c


Jaryama to enMarw
$LM one bu^te

ChiUlren-t Rublwto...........- 25C

Oarrer and a H. O
Baaqaal-C. K i^rto. Fiaab Alord. J. a l«ris. A. W. Bamk. B.

W«"i«T. x Siotti. Kubber*.40c

. a V. Aasto. J. a

Children’flow O\crihaes.40C

Women-i low Kubltor... -S5C

Than the rich tones of a hne piano coming from a pleasant
home?' You want a Piano in your ho'mc; one that hau won
a rt-iuitaiion backed by endorsements ot leading artistf and
.1____TV... — J...-I.I• j__ .
That is durable anisic in
in finish and rich in tone,

Paiky of Reerultx.
Saroa teetalta left xbe city yaa.tc4ay~wu ibalr wny lo tsbl for
Oaeto Heat. Tb* npu and oaly SI.
•wnaaSariMBt Obarloa
a Ootoord. bare of away taMlat aad
twice woaadad to Ito aarrtoa. to to
tboifi ot Iba latgor parly. wblHi aia
aaltotod for tbe
OB ttoir wv (e Oolnmboa hanaokA
Olito. TlOi party ooaaiMa of Cl
A. Ootaer.1. WiWam 0. Smith. Hareey R Nall. Hilltoa B. Hmxtoy aad
Tbaodore A. KmagUaakl.
Tto albar

Jllfred V, Triedricb
ll alwaya pay* to trade hen aiid peoj<le lute <L>un.l 11 0



:' <0 I iiT.. .

foa fcasookA Ha. when Itoy will
Nu tbeearatiT- Imato toaaaea Hn
yaara tervlee to Ito UalMd SlMaa
Oaath nsi.
' Haa. HiUu Altoa diyd at > o'
TaaMar dt. bar baiaa Ata

Bto tox Utad to II
ber •“

Sto -MTaaaki-------------------laa<
tool btoitorx aad two
xixiarx and a b__ ___________
bar loxx. Tto faparol will eaeor ao
monow aftarnoca ai I e'atook. Ba*
niarxtoB alBcmltos Paxeaxxd tod a
bcaailfal Chrtottoa ekaraetor. aad waa


d Ibe rirer pot more t)

fSatwlIl baU. Um

-t^pt. J. T. HclBMob.
eat. B. R. MoOoy, 3. M. Blakeatoe,
1 C. H. :Bean, OoL >. O. Haa-

• ■

OirSaTlBCS Departmeit

Many a w^ tneani, well ptanncil atletnpi al Derail making lv
wrecked 00 the ibaalt of poor flom. (.'.oal bread it not bih1 ti.
laaka Half the vrijage ii where you gs
Rout. Out bni
Kloui carrica you to Good Bread without toilure. Whits, urungs, iharywr Roar omnot be made.
,\M the price n )iut at at­
tractive aa tbe bread. Ii'aaptetir |>ocir cook ihs can't uic
aer and dHisht the family
mily ail
anih bread made trnni our

Answers to that description perfictly. It has miood the
lest for year*. It is now known as the “PRESIDENTS'
I'l A\CV because it has been T H p: PI A O in the While
House miring the administrBCioaof
s recommendation enough for any o




A Heaijf Cold on
Al ihia leaicm of thi-yvai may
prove fatal if noi cared at once.
OorWhtten»e aal Stnu ExKOiram ii the ben ptopamioa
te aO kindi ofeoagha, coldx. bron•Hwae iadaced by expMate. :

Tto hMHh tomrd U to aaaakm


.Are two other splendid {MAnm ihaf we «ell and they pve
best of satisfaction. Our piano sales have been beyond oar
greatest expectations. Our many customers have ao com- '
plaint to make. We shall be glad to show you tbe superior
jx»ints of these pianos at anytime; to "talk it over with you."


:i-i- TMKI


GrEUid Traverse Region.


Pag Ibid aad Imlly kara r>.
ed aapereieera te ta real Sabwar* Atom m OUr# Pier ra
___ jd tnaa Taa Bona aaaaiy. wbtie
toy., wbaae MM Paatot wlU rraai
itoay kara btaa.eW '
Oiirgi Patolil ad Maabtoa b elall! TbaOiaHraban
tog Maato baca tbto wtok.
toatlto. It b asp
•tUba ton. J. BUUwellaad ebUdraa at
Oily retaraed base ImI
A. <hau b raaslu «____ _
Cbaa * Cbotaar m ifiiir mw nUL 'a Hr* Walto ot CMaago. wbe baa
' M tv wtotar weatoar.
baaa Tlalitog bar Batoar7 raCaisad to
Ska mw ie aacM 10 toabea deep ber betoe bat Tbaratoy.
aad all ara baay with laga aad olbw BtoJl aad Albba LaAaria left tar
pfeaatog work.
» Otcy
(Hi *

tbair dalM at
Oban Jahaaaa aad Hrarr Ua at
aaroaa year (bare taa
Good Barbae were to town ba MasSew laabaaUar;ba baUanalba
niba way te/

PlainrUla tola aw
totoa, tor aa todi
r aid ban

OnMOntetaM *i
OTtHTi UitntrmiM.

M. Mn. Ababsa AManta.
OanMC U«T. who Am Amb d



Mr*. V. A. Vordaa U aot Maah
yaorad at toa praaaat wrltog.

&*wcd52S5“SIL MiS^^

nmuitr w tu4( raUim*.
1*«*1 Mwivm UTm*
iMtHMCntWS Mr. SUM tt
MMitofeMlM VMfc.

a. B. Browa aeet ble teaai
PiBfe' eCBp tm the wtotar.

MM Uuic toda. wko Am Amc
-MBoAlag acAeol to I'AlHfo. U cpaoA
Ftae etofUar bare
IM IM raocUcB wllh Aar p»
and Mra. RloAdd ' '
IitM at iA€
taa* era m nmai CMi
acAool.boMos t'brictai.
Moat ot ibe Maooabaae of tlile pb<«
altaadod tbe fasaral ot thalr ktatoat.
ralaUlaA CB lAc CBdia
Aral Habug. vbe wai laid to rMl to
Ibe BUlaAM caMaMry at Ogdearbotg.
Piaak Browa atlvoAed Hreleaaal
Ofdeoabarg Aaaday
i. K. Urv Ah aarml Mbbm Aaal
Hue Oarry Zoelak lia* a sew Partlag lagi Md aarard car laaAc are be laod oatM.
,b«d>lppaA AaUy.
The iluTC feaai war bald U the Ug>
daeabarg ebarol. Baaday. TAua waa
Mra. OalUover U qalla diA.
tara oat.
Bccc W»|obaa wMt M Ka|McM and
Mr. aad Mr* Areliie UaOtaw ftoia
“----------- “‘-g reUtlraa hate lor
a (aw week*
Hr. aad Mr* Piaak South bad tool
d Boaor.
Hia Mta KAwM Of Ttaram Cil^ iwanty-Btlta aaaiTenary Mew Yaar'i
They gaee a dlaaer to tbelt frtaad
aad Uk? all witood ibay nldhi
Iweofy Ara year
goldea wedding.
nrau piaeent were
wara Ibe Indlee'
A. O. Wyakeop hA (asllr are eltItlag Ic Trarana Ouy taday.
Bart HimModa. erba Aaa beaa eUlt Ullnoie. Mr. —.
tag tylaade aad raladeM la ladlaoa.
eay. Mr. aad Mr* Teaia UlieHag.
baa retaiBaA aad la graetliif old _—____
tirowa. Mr. aad
Mr* Ueo. Jaaileoo, Mr. aad Mra.
ytaada at IbU pMoa
Ooldaa. Mr. aad Mr* Haary Be
erwb. BUt Babet Kowlat. Tbrir



Vaak Tomb W tho alMwl
iMi • feam CM Aortu* VMfc.
^ y. TBWMl mA« B»ip U lUfiM




_je«M Mm*! cad Ira bM Otadi

aad BKat (erk.

s ?.y

“.■'.iS.'U! ^ "•

L«ey Van Taeael wniaa tbay
aiGBly aattlad in tbair ' baua. totlag'
ring' dallfblfol
daligblfo. wealber,
Boweea to abaadaBO*
abaadaao* They hara aacaabaally a few Oakaa
dakaa of anew,
raatod tbaa at wbat tbay
arc baetog ap to Xtaearee
Tbe faaeral of Mr. Green wlU he
held at tbe OMiler oa tbe tib. Tire
reaaiae will eoae to lirnwa oa tbe 1
e'oleek wain. Ue .wai a Maer raaideal bara. lletog
letof at toe fool •ot wMl
li kaowB ae tbe Urcea UlU. Hie wtfa.
a eUlar o( O. IL Mosroe. le to tbe
botplal enSertog from a taokaa Uab.
oeeaeMied In a aerate tall. Bar. J.
W. Mtller will oScMIe at tba taa-

lAa MW iMi arc batog A
a toll ptoaa aalla bat.

___ __________ __________ tba
aahad Aobm aad aletfaar pUoaa to
tbia etototty.
TAa Kaicar Pan Aald tbair pabUa



le froB lire aaay we

AH-’gltw by Haaar* Paieo aad Barnan, awl Miiligi
Patoa, Kawyar

______ Mactoa UIbb
___ ^
jany at Plto|to
yoaagpsapb natoato tost they
toa bad tiaa,bai thoktd eaelely
ttogaai rary naab doabi It.

s. Benda & co.


the geaHng of tbe Urge rotary b
cblaea that Ibe am will bate lo t
Maxwell waa repalrli

Now Century Comfart.
Mllllona are ddly Bbdlag a woHd
of craafon to BBCbiea-a Arnica Sali'e
Olaade dig ^ Waldawa, MIeb.. or- It kills iialD (ma Burae. Sealde.'KsPT.E!.»‘ru'r.'“K

owr, cum brapinuie. oajk Ani
DulU and Pdoas: remuree Come and
illMd baa rataraod froce Warn Brat Pile Coro on eartb Only
:&r at iae. 0. Jobaaon and F. 11
Meade' drug atorM

lUtoi atiba aaaaat Mn.
aa ite Mm ad Saa. aad


Igtolli BagaaM dlad at Ua bo«a.
erUb TkaaBi Aatotae. aear bare, aa
OMMMa toy a( iiMMMiatoa. Ha
«M barud toiha
My aa Um foUawtog Hataiday. Ba
wm a ktod haanad Md, weU baleead
by all wto k^ blM. iU toaraaaa

Below Cost



Co Close Out

Mra MakbakM aaltod a Mra Wlaaa
Jl» Jm VMik. •Aakw kac* rary aaMMtoyUat.

Cimti gr*r mir £ Omf J(tbt —If






.Mrnohildy the be»t bargains in Roliek in the City




Some money o« Beil ULnkels. We have a very large Mock of
nte, wanu bed Idanketl, rangii^ in price Iroio $6c eact^ or
k per yiair uyi In order to~reduce‘ c
ill give you big bogatot on them.


We havc- a fine selection of couches yeL in all colors, ami to
thr-m out before we place our spriag order, we have put
-e on them that will save you DOLL.AKS. Just think, a
maile, nice couch, f. foot long. 2S inches wide. 1» heavy



Tftisisnoi our cheapest couch—we have a cheap jRQ QA
touch, same size, for..................... ............................
Tlue couch at $4.05 u a coucb that oibcn would aik $11.76 te.


Di. Oarsec ad Tiaratw Oliy waa


in the market for all kinda of

and will pay the highc« market pri^
itto aatgbbgcbaod a taw Aayelaei
• Cito Orawtard aad Paaata
ka ad Bik
BU B^di
Bagldi Waa'ii
waa mm-


OF COTTON BF.D COMFORThJlS. Tbeae ore at light as
leathers and the cotton is aU woven logetber so y<mi can take
tbe cevett off aad wash them fuU site, up ftooi..... .$1.60

along u

Wc have a few of those beautiful extension tables lefL In order
to close out what we have before wc place
spring order—we will cut the price from $7 to..


iiu neary nm. ateny carvea wackeu
•nUte'te*. P»l like cot, enendi six
CM—wtUteal It) ]>eotde edkatetaUy.
We have only a lew left—Ctora Cwaf.

ewb uMca. nagiog' in prka feora



To get some nice carpet tugs or bedrton canwt te Blmua
BOlhii«. We bavea lot of remBaaiviuallgraaesofCAR
aomc tfthen
it then la^
lam enough to cover a tail aited toon.

« of the biggtot bargaiat you evei
beard oC fiftyy differeai ityl^
atylet, lome of tben hx«e
only $, 9. A. 6. C or 8 of a nyle. Tbeae t re will ckae
out at Uai than coat. Six aotid ok high
iMck exAc toXt chairs, te.

We alto hare aamples of Velvet ani Aira'insier CarpHv 4| feet
long, that make beautiful rup te a little nwnry.


A heabtiful high hack, oak chair, jut like cut, solid oak.
fine ftauh, cane seat, brace anai, three wide slau acroaa
back- nakiag a very Kroog, durable diair / /l/l
(woth $« te six). Out poecBOW ii each -laC/V/
Some beautiful odd chain in quarter uwed dak, box teat,
worth from $8.60 i<i $C.60, lo ckae oat ai half leice.

A good tub wni^ far p.46. Fire difiarcat
ctylei. ri^ along up to the beat hall-beariiu
wrhtgcT—guanuiced te


teed te five ytatSite...

“ .■S.iCJrtLJB

Red damask table do^ 60 inchea wuk, per yard.............


'Fire diSereat Myles of beach wriagers, frm a
good bMcb wriager. juH like cut. holdi two
tubs, te $$.76. right along up to tbe beM baft

la Tnrarto OUy Haiar

MtoallM wa«k by MM Bl


With cv«)- |inr.
vhaerof $1.5U«
give a |«irof6<kSui}«uWt*

Only a lew left

Tba OUl-i PM______1__
Ito a —**— lac a taw di^a
Oharlla Mttbbaito. aaalMaat llghtbawakaaparfreMpotol Beiaay.lfat
tar a rlatl vub raUUeea aad
lewto Ba aspaato te raurs to daly


jsrjsrjsait- -


3KOINS NOW. Buying as we do, ifi car lots, we always have a lot of odds
and ends to close out. and we always put a price on them to move them
before we take our Inventory.

We have 27 iliffei
lifferent st^'les^of
from that to tJ
in and pick oiy:
one out while our assortment
assortment is good.

'•MWv.bai toroagbanlHakafaliia aaalag her, bat report a gga



N'CTTooe DInraeoe.
r^iaeilpatloa. Dreprpala. aad Ualarl*
Vlgurtiue bvaHb and eirengtb alvay*
tollonr (heir use. Only fin. guaracleed
l>y Ju. O. Johniun aad F. H. Meade.

MM Alia OraadaU ol KaydOMe Me
^rUlUag an ( tJTSa^
laM rlalMA wilk

Ik. mA Mn. VN4 (MAcC bora ••-


Wc hare this eoneh ia naarly all cokn, (riofe or rocco ttde*.
(Brsaa to kb bcM to Kapla DUy tlda


Home Made SOS.................
ileav) AUWool.Sox................
NOW «*»
Heavy FJeeeed Undeveaf........... ....................................NOW S®
fa.M Sheet.Skin Vest.................. . ...................:..............NOW S'.'.Ki
NOW S'.»
Warm Flannel Shins................................................... NOW $1 t.i

Ul^IMpb bellora It? Motoatitbe


jr*r?-^ssss*“‘ “


Mr. aad Mr*
. Blaokwood. Br.
and Bn. D. Haula
aad 1* Bl '
aad wife drera to Eaet Leh
Lebad to
apiad New Yeai'e day with Jol.a Pottar and wlf* They report a toe |1b*
Bellaager ot____________
to tows laal Salarday.
Will sobatawaa of Stttou Bay b

*Uapn)Tea otoMe toea anda iV

—aaaday ahanooB toe rtaaday
...e a>a of I I. illtlauniu of a>uib
aohool ebae of Hr* Platt Baraaa vac IM>a. Wbu «a> ehut la Ibo bead wbllr
aalortotohd at tbe booM of Ibalr Mto- lucking anu* out of tbe bam-1 ut a
’. win lira. Ibe duclura say. but be
----------------happy aflameoo.
I 1.. apeechlou lor life
. jaraday aceauf toa MdM' Atd
doty aad tbolr .paitaan
___ ________
apoai '
The bacret of Lang Life
eTaaiDtoflba aewyaarauiat ai
Cuuteie tn kn-iilaic all Ibe afaib or
^ wTo7ffLT!ir*”in (aas of the U>dy In bealiby. reaular
acihiB. and la oulcLIy dcatruylng
deadly dlseoae gorme. Klecirle Hliacb. Urer and Kidd.M by tlMd.** P.I*. ^ . _



Hr* H. Stoflaoe abd toagLiar Ur-

C^^”a?d w3a* ^ **

MattSelM aad wife rietledUielr
daugbier, Ml* J, sehwar., Saatoy.
K. Nelaon of Oll|-e Pier paeeed
< alaeraant aaboaad a load ot Ihroagfa
towo Saturday erkalag.
toga 0(1*
L. T/iiej
Toole^ aad
HM Romoaa (Dordaa. who hae boea
Tumo# her paraau. rataraod to Ttarwoald ateal
—1 oitj -■





__ __
______ ft ia 0_.__
Bd. CaaolM M* baee alek (lie part
lly Uiaoarlrw. 446 B. Fnat i
aad aaabU loawaed fa bu work
toye; “I wae eoaaldwaUy tn
MM* wlU Ml • CMlcc of wad
la tba auva. J. 0. »eaM la kraltlag
Biy. baok and tlieagbl it w
MdiMtecMctlwyMMMyMfc. k» aftaadaMiw
clleer toUd Wki Hr. aad Bn bowi- with
kUtoeye, u tlie paia wae aboat wi
are located _I read
reed aheot
__ ___jAar« are allll bddtag
. ., ergsbe
tartA. bat M (ar bara m« vitb little
aad fcaew pereone who had omA
Ooaa-e KIAaey PUU. aad IbU todaeod
TAwabaebaM nil# a goad'Aaal ol
UAaaaa amag etaiAiaB tho part tew
we wae taadered
ewu aad Dr. Pardy bae bad bat 111
SlelgblBi it goto bare now.
Bobo tltad afterUe laali bat good aaocan aad aU an tbiDgt twgiB le lake ou tlieir «
warde I fell o eltgbi raearraaco and
Aw«ll. _
arpeol od baetl*
agato reeoried to Doau'e Kidney PlUi
r O Merrtll>aa eeld bU
bit tarsi
faiai to Bulb Ibe «tr
bat aot to ralu. After tbteartwriI Oibbe' p
i« gteaa oat.
laaldad to adrtaa tbelt oee lo
wHl^wl today or toaienow
t< tba
onow tor
n to need ot a good kidacy nedlIH« ImMU Bcfe* hM mMb Ml u
•Mw*cttMfCH Otty aicb«bool.
Par Mb by all daalatr. .Prlealo
Bwy O
•MM Poetar HUbara Co., BaSalo,
Mr. Oook. Hr
K. Y.. aoU ageau (or toa Caiioa
Rato of (ilea i
a. BoBwmMtlMaaba aad take
Bel* toat Haadai



Suits and Overcoats....'.................... .7^jn^.$9.5t■
Men n$lu.iMSmto ami Overcoats.................................... N'OW S«;.5o
.............-v-..................NOW S1.UI
Mtns$l.-J.) DuckCoAis.................................. ..........,....\0\V
......... ..............................SOW Rl.r-

; «.t
uxhtt—... Huk»kota.lntnh. UMIJI—t

aSSm made lea tba “LlMle
■t^M^lMkatkato: MM
li noraa.
Bmlth. Mr\>raak Jaaaa. Mr* V. R. t'oaaaatar"
Prorea to Tearaeae OUy by loqal

k ttol ba iblakatbat a

.-.-■w—■»..* ... *.

Plontr of Proof Right Mere in the Cm f
CblB U one thing. |woef aaotbar. I - ’
Oelanbai alaleaod Ibe world waa

Xto aao yrar alarta la erttb ftae
waathir aad goad aUigAtag aad arary Tba gaaata ot Tnema Oily
CM ta Aaay aad oar Tillage araae to Br. aad Br* P. Varebarg. a
btgia tba aaw yaar entb rar—- lookiag glaai: Mr. aad Bra Bba
Howard, a let od— *---------(Ml Kaa
aad Bra VloM
» Uillrt. a aUear g
vltb All I,%r

MHiiS Mit el bnotcr Seedsjt geet and Belew. nn IBnetBo end

r.Br and............................



j'srj: ;;Sir





Om. InUh. wAft BBC MCB vorktBf

<^ipUU IHMIIII M iJia Ar

AAklaa at Oaaaaaa ia
Awbboa. Bab- b ptottog bath
“* ‘tbaa her abare «d aflle- . MM to tbe ntweeeilon
OetobCT M abe bu berla Ibe
^ aow her I
— atotfirl!
bat U y««n oM. Her
aboat 1( yeara vt daughter la 1« aad her


, We ^ alao prepaid to do all kinda of

ALL KIKUS OF tV.ASH DAY GOOUS-Waah Boards, Wash Tabs. Wash
Boilers. Clothes Liaea, Uotbe Pius, Clotbet JUckx. tad ercrythii^ bchM to
the house at tovcBlory pneca.

rhai will gira you aa mech amesemett thcae long winter eveaiw te a linlc money, aa one of pw Game Bomtk. We
hare a fuD Itoc. rwatamriiy with a nice Croktoefa te $0.M
A Bice Cembtoob Board, aa ptoy ten d

L good WiMn^ MacAtoa.
like e«. te $9.TL Tho
beat and eaMcH nuiM -ntoiiM machtoc aaadc, a cUd ^


euBtoffi %am»a ami Plaataa m« Olotli
on short ooiice
V/ea Mff at/enr Aaeee

Craptrse Gtp tDfg. Co.

teff MM/M a M cf metoy ftatew M» per

•ip at

J. w. si-A-rezR,



nirald. januarv Bi
Uite Ma.

ttWIlBli Mara


B aad aarkaa fm u


■Mr Tr Plad tea. '

Oa ib* 4a/ te*eaaiac tb* tel* vbM lUt rapart vm

''Wlaa* la’Paa
Vllb**bam. Pa., tea. i.->Per lb*
•rat Uaw alae* tb* bditer
* tan tare* d Mii
M lb* edUart** tbU.
ilai. *Ml tb* tey pnaalaa
■d. Dim Di.
u ostpoi d iw.aae ui
eparaion vlll aataTor lo
atei la curlor rM
kaak. UdMrt.lhw.____ aad«v*rrtan







MauiUa, Meaku I* gcaala* Ailailr
plagu*. lor mlenueoplr lavMUfailoB
pruvM Ihai buboBic pMl barllU atr la
IkiMB II M lb* blood M tboM aaietod vUb ih.
____ n M Ud- diMaa*. Tb* plagu* baa grova *lraa*y vmiklt; la*
Mat wItbiB tb* IBM tl boar*, aa^tb*
taa* n OT oalala alarm, wbteb bad i>**ub 1a *oV ■»•*1*4 tadt b abe arw to ahaio. ba* r*lBra*^wl<b I*.
th. bteryi aad bbd- *r«*M<d airraglb Tb* paopir

MMwUte. M MM* a*4 m teatba

iM la lb* tndaetlBa d aaUraThar* *r* iteair d ear* oa tb*
raUroate *d ibar* viU b* ao ad*r la
lb* abltMMt d eeal Co Utevatcr

b*tetd(htelbl«a‘liUukrv. Ubai
toaad by Mte Htoa*. vbo aru* tb*
aoddiM boy. aad tb* «milaa*d eetrw
paadrare ealmlaatcd la marrtoga.
Tbara 1. ao brngrr ib* allghtan

Try Tm^te mmA phlUamm

The Kind You Have
Always Baoght

II lb* ret* of seo

Haul R*>***'* u

Bears tbe

« at Hu*U>B.

Rryaulda. Jr. II* propaaaa lo pn-aerr*
Tb* bou*« la la North Square, la
■ b* bMrt nf lb* Iblebly *MiM aorih
and. aad war built la 1CT«. Revere
buyltig It y*aiB tour, aad It vw from
lb* door of ibU vwr bulldlag that be
wrot forth lo hi* bmoui rid* kb April
Akn» Ohki. George fUp and
Mary Uredibsw wore
orelly «m I
Ibelr «
a *11 due

dMluleins at la. nam dumuir caan.
H rea Mad a madiein. y.. abaaldllav. tba
bM. Sou by drufrau laSOo.aadSl.aUw.
Ym may luv. a MmaM b«,|, u Ihb
ao laio lb* eaal baila**i.
tl**MiJ *n bdac trtaiad
ter bite oa MBaraat Uate d eoal. Tb* abwioulylmbymall,
y failure of Ibe gw
BW/or ba*
Bupply. Tbe couple went lo the oBe*
adteM b>. KUmv 4 -r^Tf 1
Co.. BMchamiM. N. Y. Whan vminf man- of JuatlM K. Kopllo and teuad blm
darkaeka They made kouwa ,ib*li
aa* MO d bard MMl Id
BlmloB, aad b* Mag laarlllar wllb
trloa*. Aa au» a* tb* IWMO 1* u*d
B*mbt>r tl
'iliM.' S
tb* ceremoBy^ Hod lb* keot wliboul
lb* «*rer vlll **k lb* eoaaell ter ad KUiaw'a I
I lb* ad
cakiBg lb* iroublr lo borrow a laaip
llaa OMI
r lasiere
daatat* Mt tb*t vlll ael lalerfrr*

UlBtheprarl*rt d lb* laMM «( tU Ika atUM niltn
diaa muM. li vat iht aui cur________________
kaM laia«l4.
_______ a a Mkl oaUar tt man
Dr. HwfM Ikaa tvlM Ik* «a« d Klat Mvad'
MM tarMvr Har lUi Mormlaji No
atkUMOu vaa ftraa oal. bal l( It k*-. iNUar tb*k iku af Ml ■m*t. a'
llaaaO Ikal OMOmMo kaa boM MU
d boM la a raat o
m tear mUm oaUl
DalhlOlU'. Oa
m*t toMi atrateb'
ivackias avv oa-ui aMta Iroa tb*
a ana Onia Btw b* kaite ball vara dava at MM Brtilah MDf* aa Aa aonh aU*. aa« aboai
t*.aM aailt* aoMlan oa tb* aoetb.
I. Jaa.,t^-Tk* tothMlaa
hara Canoa Mak* a thoM addn
! vataoM* aa« I'
ijaba. K* r*a4
. KMf MvarVa m*»
hi* aBMdkia tor tb*
orikaMlcaraBaaraaU. Bfolttf M»aad tb*
■M-t Ibraal la lalmlaaa
Ibair dlaalU**
la lb* tMOIa aait'llM4
- tb* animat 10 MIM 1
to* aad loUovad br tba fuard d
or. iMTd OuTMa Ml U* vT~r*-'r
ikM vlIk'NlMracM aaa OMIa Bka
' 4 br load ebacra, aad trofor tb* UMotamoa d Mturol W a tliW«i*»cioa. Ju. I.-.U u
tk* •wu tllMrfWt It
>M u> uk* dtdtHt MlM la Ut Pu-

Tb* gcyaer ml Bldorado. la tb* Kltedlk*. vhicb bagaa Dovlaf aarly la tba
lb aad vbleh iba
tiK(**d*d la candBf. baa brokaa out
aialB aad la aeadlng aa taiBaaaa rol
at V41M all
ilry. Tba gkarler loraad
•rr caioada over aa area
Blba. aad U larreaalni In al

For your own comfon
and your
caao ol Iretu, and It ful ’
Preorh martocn* record tar
wm* airrmoB *. the i ‘•I* lf«*erg* oft C*pr Mora ww btekea
here Ueremb>-r I*
j ''•'rally whea lb. Bmlab ablp Aagt*.
Tbompaon, arrived.trom
Th* flrem.
T.iw, bar*
lorn-we la wag*.


dwtitr aad hart^^ a* a U


iAEwbm v

Mortaaal of Naplea ualvaraliy.
lb* poahloB d tbyateiaa
Queaa HMraa of Italy, la both la atau.
aad proponloaa thr axui dhalou;
lit* duaur la ibr world
I’rtab Burdaal aad aifr-ot Navtoa.
Ohio, relehraled Ibelr alarirlblrl
birthday rbrliimaa day. aad lb*
BBiy-founb aaalvcraary of lb*lr aiarnac*. Tba burdaali. it la eialBM
Ibe oldMil Married OMpI* la i
They have llred all tbMr married llh
lb U>* aam* buua* la N*vida
UeairalU, HI. Dwa Urek. vbo
Into a tranr*-llk* alrrp oa Scv
!T ft. a* thr reauli uf a luvera'
lomt Ml VM a aad ruah.
ad lb* dartaa vaa orar.
duarrrl aad baa nrv*r alace avak
li U-lUvisl to be ^lar blaM

So T*aS»


. la tb*
MiAc.Paatia qabdie, Tb*

-^i4( tb*
tb* ten
ten V
vat blM.


.Ml* Ml Jaa. l.-C

. Th* fawM ■ftate auu


P*opl* avoha eboUai
■aaplac far brtelb. Haadndd~«M«

aaaroMy abla to bitetb* bad lay •• *
blad ef toartM vltbDat bMag avw«
Id tba *Mvw e( maHa.
dUbm at bCBra laaud th* graatar
B bte bMvy
part e< lb* day aad «r«at*d th* vOd<M th* ll.0b0 M• VM HWtetr * nteto!
la tb* aativ* d tk* Ttaaavalaa r»
IbaaMMate-W. AM tM<W* tenk-r
ktat Itbai II la Maiatabo baibor.
WOaajan. laa. l.-'Worrf raaaitvd
. BbnbrnUM Taag. Bmc. Or.



I—bit. aa« a i«« d klt*tare** kr agad M, la dMd ttam a dlaaai* vUte
baBad th* dlagatvH el aklUad php
ThM* ael—ai d tabaia. It la lotert* alalBM troM Nav Tatk. ChMago aad
otbar Mtiaa. A ibto ahaM <
«A H* a«**adai oa cutre^ aarir.

ara aaU to b* olikla aicbt aNla*

gradaauy MMteM
lb* OTteM BBtO dMIh
priiian at tb* eartlMi

u. Kaay trraoat bar*
ted. TbrM RbhUb aad
diwdt el Seabdlaartaa r*aulB bar*

K*W (lalaaa



- Both


\ou lo have.


\Vc have

And call suit you in style,

E.F. Ferris
We have had the bigfest Holiday Trade in eur bistery and
we now nropoae to clese out whet sur­
plus stock remiins


Fit State Street.




at i price




.*=** aMm<VTAa aaLg

at i price




For his

in i|uati(y. in (irice.

DR. fews

Taaadar a aatiba tit* at th* m*
tiaat bate* tadUbg. Tb* aV baea»*
vltb tb* (a*
I 0*a 1.0H (amlllM were
Thar* vat ao «tia«..


a nice, warm


BniMrard It. Martla. *1 tartt, vbkb

U Oaayaia. J*m «.-<


Eaty t* PalM
■ Sit**.

.M Tuledu. Ubk>. a reaurkaM. (tvak
o( Ih. mind hw d.i.loped to th.
ol Mi-rmaao Epk.r, api^l *« II.- .
to Toledu from Aia.lmlaiD locr* Ilian
--------------T.iyetniMK At that Urn* Mr Kpkrr S**!!*" AppB*4-*a
b.aan nt* tiifaia .-ki
■p.«k tiolbliig bui-ibai
> cte to toM. wU bav. art
• Olwa. bo> BMVU. •
aa AueHrea girl auto* lea ytpta totrr
ud berauM ol a Urk td ute .d bU rauM koi wBk . VAtoraM too •loUario >
nfil'. laacuBK. h. bad r..tup1«l*ly ropierkui. Tb*pulio>ccn(«ilMoMa*.SaM
■ul rreouv Mokmi I. WUM kwm uong.
tergolteB'Mbc iiHig'i.' -A f.w wcokv Tbo>* U uvm U] ■rwUw It b good to too VM
:.f'i inlnJt«MD. aSorlwl Worl.. It bgoMly >111** M IM MOV*. Mutoo*
wiia > du* rkuk and Bgatv nibkod onb ■ dry
Hr Imaclbrj t:
ck>tb. A. nnUlauL ]M kbM luMio b iWMmA
(-.■niMlrldy | Tbn*
(oTBuitea Ib* EubII»Ii languag. aad
. aUiN Mo<. I-Muk b vamp. Ikmu.
MU'Bka *ailr.-t> In M>. nailt.- UiagUK.
------ iKWmwoMovMlWa---

■arui. kaa laforaad lb* Aeadtaat
tllUe fev«r aad h
Mlat BltMbt HlaM of WIMoa. No,
aad Ueol. Bataa ^b*r of BauU 8la
I aad ibar« U arl- Made. Uleb.
.married New
a d roleaalo acUrttir la lb* a
B*r d tb* fonaatloa d la* tultbar. anil (d aa
VbU* u ao MOM a* alamitt, U.
ir. aco. *^le UeotHuat
HaaaMr polau eal that tb* eratt d
>ea a pHW paaMdihRMfb
tb* aartb «m b* bat tbta vbar* tbta*
a • ioldlar Sr*la booad
de alfBa itpatr aad that bi tb* Uw Phlllppla**. T;I* soldier dropped
d voMaale aeimv la ihai ro|tte d lb* aartbb tartao* Part*
veaM b* d^daaaatoai tlaa* la vbleh
At PoUaitlM. Pa:. )aat bater* dava

Empecor WUIlam ha. *xpr«M*d fb*
■op* Ui*l Ibe B*w GermaB^tlaailr
rebi* will eoembat* towarv^rMitb'
eulag more aad more lb* good rel*'
itaa. hetaera Genauty aad th* ttalied


Rrceeily. durlag some ekravalloni
I Egypt, a mummy ww bruugtai
light, upon wbteb lb. duotur. ou

"!srs£'S?i'^ ■

lo h* a Irttan lia, aoMUtaUMiMvaaa
Umn Ml OdIomM*.
Tka taitaa* d tbataoaibl^Mt* It
la taaktr It l^poatUtoJar ih^aliaA
aa a dab vub vUck to tm* th*
tab* too. It u baliatad ta Watblipaa ihai
Ihai KMatagai aaf OaaU Blea
.teta btM baniM tato^
■MMt IV tb* thfblil*
«rt» var M
aw vacaatly vaa wotW u a t*<ai

For Over

>e* ■now *i lurtrani i* ta daag
<d bMag swept away Tw«aiy pcma
of dyaamit* arc u*«l al we* blaaL ..
dlametMb U rat vtih
rhiaaN la ib* kc. aad lb*
la bag. I* lowered with
a IMool
Itb a
pot* M>kMto£*fC^ £^^*7Sm
Wbea It I. durbwgad
•4 IM MkM WW I
ibrowB SM feet la Iba air.
Andrew Careagi* “bw"'.re.
Ortwa* SM(i.000 for a
* New T.M',
cm. Tbe meery 1. la
le b.
b dCTotad to
* 'i
B,malB Hbraiy boUdlag ____
braaebea Tb* elly N to taralab lb*
a aad ptodg* a yw Aw

at i price

h»*« bcaiallt


aad maay ethar p
that tb* dnmght ba* e
VMa- ■»!*»■ vaat to tk* tatatar
Tvaatr^v* aatlrM ware rv
4ag. Tba rmna vm raad th* ■
«MIV hllltd to a MbM •gbL
*M* K U* throat tarmtla. KM t
Ptapcm* «1D** to BUI
*1U k* c
aa la Ow trtiaarr ilnilMa lav. B* Ualud Blau* M*ator trom W*M
Ctpla. oadU him whh batog elo** to
aa. Out «(
Ma May aad



JEWELER Gral) these Bargains (luiGk

■ aa.X**Tvk

RASTALL, Hustiing Jeweler

etaa>ad^\bMv*M ST.bU.Mb aad IS.e*0.«M MM taar, aad hM aattaw Im>
t* t« *1 obawt IMteMW. Tba
lorb tOM aiw « graat Mato

IT Was the best When vqur


Was a


nmf U DO test Uk» tlw ta«t (rf
time. Co ret everythinr that can
he cured liy a l^rfcct, penstratliis
Ufllmettt. Good tor nan or BcMt
One juialt bottle <rf Mcikun
tMnUntment 1^1 effect aeon when
a gaBca of ibt wtfety compounilr




-For two jw
r has b^ the standby
-the one Sure Remedy—of farroerg
and rtockroen. The more people
know about it the more th^ s««ar
by tt. It coee to the vtry con of
|«in and drives it out of the body.
The public believes bi K for Ks poii-.
tiwOc«Hntpo»CT- SoMgvcfywtitre

1 j

Ak. wdL V ho4r Um.
I mi tmt «MM miimUSh.«Ul.>vhNWrt|kHifll«.
At ttm M
Tmm m0tu amtir pm ito toy.
tkM tolto «y «Ml la toMd tto»a
■ttoa MfWIy AM aa< wUmtmt,
Ood*t Mny. Mrf Hto tor* tv aU.

I toaa* M« toeal. Md Ufhly eaM.
All «M aM» f« cUldlto ptaya
*K ttoo^ btr antoto alalM,

Tto haam Aagal atvM M m
A v^VaM dft vlitoa
TWaapb kaoto wt mU as Aitaal ata.
Aad «aaAvfarlB.taaal«alaa.
Wa mlasta vllA Iha atni
fkal aail vllhla *to piaal WeaM'i

Ato Itoa tto Aaanal atlto ttoaa.
•Ut Aa«a a* aaa baaida aay bad.
«to A^ a« tto W«t 'to Ba.”
Wtoa all a< 111# ato bra aia lad.
A falwa hdfto toa toUi *a *la*.
Ttoaaab ie«ly ttwaay. AM bj
'Ok Baalljlapatlaw. bnaa mi na
a «aU vba walk wlA

-“Ta toUaat'i aaU ia nadlaaaa
rial aad }<vfal aaayjrf a laAla «a vacaatiM u.
pnatlacaaaad pawartavtoator appartaalty wiU p
wUaaU. bataa ae vnattor <
wUltoaaadyfv tto appaataal
awMBa* M deabt aad dm
aaAAlabaUaL Uocaaaa lo aai

Jhmmi m €4U*f'M tskk.
A titad badr lay awato la tto dlau
•nr U^btito ■rtytova. Than
WaUBtoi m W. Aatanadltovatl
tov atol aaar ato aato ttaa Itoy
ffvptatto toaatty. Saddaalyato
iMlad toa tea la hat. plUev aad
ariadtehaaaaal. "Dvr toad• laaaaad bar U! Olra va itraaflb ato
pMa iBlva 1 riaa aad taka ap tto
tto day!-' Bat ailU tto
•atoto Baaaaad Md allU tot aid.
**Bal M la Ihttt: Uanai to aanlad
ad I AMat dour Ttoatoa «aa
lltototo^toaadwalaad tarawato
at *•!» to aaM, «v toa kaaw to fac
■tol—i ttol tto Ward aoawa la aP
aaala «ha aa taato toa laav BU
at aadtpattiaty tea a
• Atlt Vad aaaa: *'BaMti
toto*a«to«<toyXtod.“ “UbI
li tad I «Hll T» atoat lata tto
-ravatadataMat Batbowaaa
tr* At toa aaa taatod aana

aad kto fttitd tdalt arowad
tawa aaa ito wvd-Wall doaa.
toaatattoltolal atmall Batotdtoa lata toaJa«< thytadl'*
**Bat 1 haaa a totoal;" toa aid:
**JtoBtoli aaa ad toa bait tall at
toaptoiaato btiHiV datta^ What
«a t da with It?" "Taar Ufa U
. Wtod. li ftata yaa. Taa at lire U
!td«aU*altla}aatteUra Xtoytttodtobtoadit Latttoaaca. Fat-

ltd. 1 «iU I" toa arhlMad, at ato
totoi wd waat toa wait. At aa toa
toaad tot a ait tot todva toa tim»
aBHtoahUd tom iti art t
teaatoatfltlat hatalarlac
• t tal'*Daaa vattot, yaa leal
^•■ttatoiyl" At aUtoa tea
ladpr BtetorUka a«att a
-^lii till I paaaa (aldadilia toataDwtoBaa

totokMW aatvhal, batwUto ta
to«Mh alii ad tto Tlaadt aaav
,'tt aama aatt la to haaaaa. At
- to to t totobto. bat a tna ataiy ad

O Batov. jatfiififiM
Oto toto at dar a( Btow

tto toadied aaa ad Ilia yoaef van.
Ba toafct ap. Tfaa alrU totot ti
af tba wtodew at pinM. Utas
ifv dellowad. at aat tto ye«a«
to tto ptaaODoe tf tto
aeoaplt tto racaal t<at bataeaa
vtoa'at tba firU’. Ttoa tto alee V
la Bileklv fv adqaana.
tto lativ kae* bo baaadj. I jadat
naanbalaavoat tbeteagb
k. wbo tbiak* his wlto to aU
froB Itoli MUt ttl tbey bt ]aM
iivpad dnv • faaala aatnaty. at toiage eatUled to paacadaaea.
ttov wen toa dm yaaac M toay lorae Vx baal-wby aboaU to>aaitoM
to aluiw It? act ia alokly, gaailUB atWM:WUh I faaltoi of totkdal. Mattoae. bat to ptafvrtag bv ptoatat boBoatog bv to pahUc n
toatl vw.l
wtU at 'to vinte. Ba kaow* bv
fat byaa fraai tto w wtodaw. Ttoa warto. wby tboald to bailtoto ,to vaaa vld. m to vitit took to tot
t U!
At bar hatoat to ptaUad bar."
at at aatoldt Ua t>^:
nitb the Bely Writ: ael by falteva
taUfioa. DM by poahtoi
1 aaald DM bt toa njotodet of-hli toto Dottca. bat by apeakla« aa appv—bai toa tnitptakvadd toally oocan to a maaly way tf tor
rirtaaa. Thaagh words aaaa like lUlit ibtoga at elight at
eMty to balp ttoa tt. wbaa
• lav. yet dapet apaa it
an aa ptotoly bt t aeltof
they kaep tto Bean bright, aapniaUy
1 ntatal. The ahildna
At ttoa bath Uafbt
grow ap to a bettor manl i
Oh. haw I want V atop *tot
atleara tonneot tbalr
sdfalatoaadtl ihowflrlt whu
t baao old o( ttotB. I at<l>t ton
WTtttoa.(nvfBtara folly. Pv I w be loraa. beoaase to oftoa ao
on toay wan fot flrta-fltla
laae tf hu.faitor. Itiiaailbly ba
sadtt aa olreaiaataBt weald do galbcrt to bli boaoa the one b
a wnac ibtoi, yet by ttolr tooafhl ■ad tbt iboagfata aad taaltogi Itoy
lavtv itoy baa lowvad itoovlTv eagcadv, aad to bis tote teama
aad all womaaktod to tto aattvatlee the petty tytmat Oaly tali mocbarA
ad ibalr.hUow IreTtUva.
Wby abeald to thank har-fatbar oarea. Tfaas tto beau beeeoaa tto
Caak-a Camv.
aeat tf dlaudV at aanptfaaa
> Baitlai ItU ty
The Naei-Wark Baakat Idea,
OTv'yacaablw (atllli anrprUlec
V aaa wfaal a llula aaoaei will do. "tea aorry, Hn. SbaroaB. that i
wltha Ibiek vta vaw. blfbly na- innol go ont with yoa ihia araatog.
aeat) Add a daw dnpt of Wantoa t only ay Boadlag waa doaa 1 ooald
lanhln taaea. Oal reoadt af brt go. bet yoa eee tbto la Satartoy eight,
abaat aa toea Ihlok. tulag a amall aadlnaaolpat 4ba aeadlg cff aay
reat bolt to tto aaatv: batIV wall, laager, li worrtoe oe all the ‘
tdplaoatobafcltdlto towhlabttoy "Oo yqa aiad tolUag me how it 1
an to ba aamd. PUI tolv wlto vtx- yoa aiwaya tore yean doa^ at aar•eem to Amkt hard work tf it?"
tan at baba aatll towwa. A lovata
Tall," said Un. tvaaa. with a
nav eu to aat wltb toon and ttoy
tkea daiMiaaa Ut-fv laaebMO V eaila, “.ro*^ 1 go n tto aoB-warkbasket
plaa. \Vba do DM kaow wtel
do yoh? Ttoa I fltv bagaa
Baat 8onppla-Boll a plooe of bml
with IM twa aad oamw to m aaob to keep boose K iboagid aothtog lookad
to va a work baskal
valvuwlll eonrlt. Wbaa It bapilad
of etathlag to be patabt at
aavM tcedar, atnto tha walar Ic
danad. 1 afal lo leare it aa aatll
kaitta at vl It orv a alow On.
mm aa it beilj tilt alawly tola it w SatardayBitt. at anayatioadld
vaab eve awai at adddUbfa MVUl I lav aema pWaan tball might ton
aaloyad If aiy oaadlag tod aot tolor______ Soar aa «f_________ ______
adtv ilmaadar ball an hear.'td tto
baat afiv carafally vpuaud bt
bon at fTltUa. at daaly
ft wlto aalt. peppv. at palTvtot aaia, aeaardtof to tot.
tvallRtocaUwell lafotto' tan
tv totaa afaallow pea aad
In tha nfrifotv. wbapa It
wiU fcaap fv tnay dayt. Jbta/Waalt Iv av, aat tola alltat try
baawatoaa UtUa bastv m wlU kaep
fnvadbariar lotto
bat. Ttoa tto tnabeat>nd beat
on oaad thia bnaklt
dlab wtU be Bt tor aay foda
Sfxaad Tomatait Tate tto totaatt lidi enr bt dtoav.
boU, and
at a HI of batin. nit, peppv aad a
daw vaakv aranla. SaetUe at
aaa. ‘Pal .aaa botpUttvltpou
hatlavatotoOTvthan. OanUbwltb
tHay. AdaUatoaanppvdiab.
qaan of
Hdtod Boar, add to it tbna taaipeoofall tf Mng pewdv at a UttU ^
at am agato.. ttoa tab two tabtatpeaalali tf bettor waU Iteaa^ tto
with a ipatato ar Baiible kalla;
tooav at tto btoealt ddpaada an
m with whioh toll it doaa. tHir
■oath rieb. awaat nllk,
ptoh-to toakea aon toaffa. At tola
padat add a aaptfvapU threat into ptoan abeai tto atoa tf paai.. Tara
aal tto doth aa a floand bnid.
diadia it Itobtly wltb Bear, roll oat
qaitoly aattl abeat aa toeb Ihlok; eat
oetwltoannU Haeell eattor. ti
toetoi to dtotoatar. at ptoea thaa
totoay vlU I
Bake tv Bttoea i

••Bow. on Tadaaaday ooratag, anlav tf eaaxnaaaatotiighaa pranatod
toe wariilBg batog dooa aa Maaday
at the Iraptog oa Taoaday, wbaa 1
nty to pM away tae elMhaa. I
a to tore aboat two been to epat
thaa. aad tftaa ooa bov will do aU
that Is Dacaoaiy. Tbaa I elav ay
klicbae taale, opaa U oat wide, aad
with aeadlat. ptos. battcoa, i
ikmd. both wbito and oolerad.
toaA 1 aatt nab artleila aa 1 toki
[rota tto ban. aad tbaa hr H la tto
Idle to wbieb fl balnga. .
"Id Boanavaely atawatltohv
V tottoaa an naiwtosry, at tba
work Is toea doaa. Patna an bastod
aa, ttoa a^ lewad «a by aaotali
oe. Of ccatto. aganant
trill raqaln two v thiaa bean’ wvk
pat tl to got eoticloeoaa to laid
ttoelf aatU the anewary aaeti
tiaa eaa ba giran It, hal by leitoirt|g.^ibii plaa ay etotfaasan aU
tffaway ai tto nau tlaw, aa nrtog
■tope at pcackoa ttou. laa ato>
spoao all drat tf tto —.ti..^ amkac at hare ay ftotaiitoy emlag
free, baaldv always batog'atagfat ap'
with my Buadtog."
Baabenoats and dwaal PeUtaaa.
Atowyaaraago. lUit Boa Tela
was peer, bet. also aBUtleat; bow,
itolt ao IL haaatoentiTa
aha atot hvktelhi
tot bar to eoUaga. Ba told
heeoaldaet afford to do that,
bat, glrlag bv Bn etato, Jaattogly
aldtobv, "Oeoi that'!' She aw
to tbataiokaL

ample. Iba boy‘a osto auy toeltoa to
the karkarte. at tto ay
whioh Baaal Uuir eeton to I
bit aistan to gaap wiUi dUoay: tat tto bey likaa tboo, attoa
oa aaob right so bis toetoa. ao tt be
wilbto boaada of rtoan. as hat bla
faatotoa nlatiraa to tbalra U ttoy
weald dour bla frop aaeb aalaettoaa.
aaa Wit that ha has
teamed plolatv aaltobfe for his walU.
wbtob may aoaa tna down bU totoa
tbalr Uktog. At do ton
tabta da tto boy'areeo. Btolnaat
deak an all nry well, bat oaittor
tDtwv tto Plato Of a table apoa
wblob to Buy Write if to
hit boeto aad Mbv ihtoga
at to pieaaea The toale abeald to
tod with a atteei's lamp
ktod. at aadatBVlb sboald ba
a foot awol. wUeb any ba
eonrt wltb barlap or dtela toeked oa with krav hndad nlla
tba hoy IvM eemfori aa wall aa aayoaa Do IM him ban 11 to bla ewa

Bha was a Uttta, b

ttta to tola lagnatai bafara..
This wMkwa ntanda UttaDoM
Kn. Btato. pvt tf wbito to pvM
batasaatfUwa an sara wUl ta
ta all oar Baatotom. ataatfally

f •; S SiTiTSTVi;

iveak. tot tone ptoto-dally bantekanktaiatbaA"
Fin at tea olaatoa’ kata nbhfa
tf tto body wlto a Aatokraah. va
Baoaal asUMa. wiU katp to kev> tto
afcto aettn at pasnat
Tton tototog vaV
oat-a iBoa at tto ttok tf "ilnptfm"
tto eant. q get Itoa la to bay a
yard Mdw half tqnra'tf Ugbt atola tIakiaUitat t
toTtotofUtf It btfan. aUolatb at Mflfivt tattv Ihlec Ctovv tf mUwaabaa. Tto. i
Iba glri tad, WU&tto
rape to go areat Ik Fald tto edge
'toll ton aaav fvgtota
tf lhaoUalothaevlIat aawfliBly
»me tf than, ladta an
anaad. b viU oatoh at heU all
tad wtoa deaa wlto nay
"TiTjr “ *
** drtgptaa.
' ' tad ftftod away. A laitod


..... - v,.


Otereh tf eMoahara, Ba^ at Its radar at Odvs
malady 1 eaniidcr u wrU atsh a sji

la proprietary
sisoBru.t>r> Bsadlctaa
IBtalala to
pablkattea. This naialBs tnu toBay
tf amst propnatary rnadtelaar. - '
Paraaa has biroau so )oslly laraa
tariMankDowateaomaay pa^
high at low atatloBs, teat oe oaa baaItatatesrahls aaau te pvat racoDtaBdlngPmma.
ir aatlea ban

ebanltf Greeasboro, Oa., at an aldv
te tea Ftabylerten rbmeh of test
plav.hMBaedreraaa,at la a raotat .'
Isttv to Tba Fanma Msdictee On,tf
Onlonhss. Ohio, writes as foUowat
FiralobBUiDaliras troahted wtto
:b of tbs kbteeye u

by tanta trlats, at sttsmstag atsw
bytarteaebareh la tba prrsoa of Bar. bMllvI am phased teaay testtealsbg
E- a. Bmlib dev BM bsalteu te state lookedfe ..............................
pabUely test babas toed Fenoa IB bte eaferorbvrvhMfrartaa/ hm ta>
famUyat feat It cored wbea other
raoedUe tailed, la tela etatetaat tee {sStaroaffStataySvStarTrv
Itfr * O-tf-adlataq--* Jl .
IteT.BmItelssBpfiorUdby ao aldv la
bis ebnrch.
located. Fenma cora catenh'
wbermi located.
"Hartegnsad rerona la my family 1 f yoa do aot derlre pnsapt at ttito-'
tvaoma Uaa It gins me pteaaan to fee lory mnUs from tea aaa of Ibrstett
mJfy lo iu Iraa wvte.
wrIteatoDv tol>t. Barteua. giria^ «
"My UtUs hoy aeno years Mage
fellstatemeBipf yoorrasa at ba wiB
MBwaSrrteg tor aome ttiaa wllb
bepleasadtegln yoa bis ralaatdaaBurrh of ihs tewv bowels. Otev n
dtae hsd tailed, ten aim laklag
bMilnof FemnateotruubtealteoM

baiarUsalty btpMyM
U ssama that aaay eardi an aaedad,
u'ilUtay ofov Toaag Folks iurs
any oera, tbey will ba aal lad to bar
Haul te this
aiwaya gted ta hear from tola good Flsa otaiaotv elattlot. 41k
te Iba fuanh gndr. I siajy n
Otoaoaary amoag toe tor away Chla- * Ponr ohaiMtv eltaim. IIM.
Oaieehlsm. Ito.
BlMe ptotere. Halt., S
Foeehew. Ohiaa. Bapk IKa
I wrote yoa bsfore bow the seooto
Dav lira. Bates—As yon did oi
Shat ta aal tf tto tolldne‘t oera. at children waiv ladaead to tad by
glring teea 6eailay aohotf pleMn
tards. V any klM tf pteaan card, aad,
lasaea leant tor, Tbe prtetera lost week teode at toy
a DM to btota bcoaau tto
amt by at lafl ta eldv aad elder. irisat.
Tbo -IU b.l,-.b.

Thav paepU are a qasv paepte
aards te gatilag
low. Ooter
Ootee ban ____
Iwea a
X ton baaa ban aavly U
Brlitoe also
yaara. yat I aanr btord^ff toa fallowLeito Qibto, tea a
Matam aatll tola aaovv. I rpWtolha eall?
Oarid at Eteel Bow. tea Ctotei
rbt it might tourta aama ol
Laoa Thlanety. tea eeott. U tove •
yea. Tbt glrla bare gat manltil my
tore baaa aay alefakn tads, v V
r 1 ton ana a girl tf it aurey
uy oaa baa teat moaay wbub taoll'
Uot Bvbv, Uteh. Dec ID, HOS.
DtfSO. TtoaatfldvlTls Dev Hn. Hatn 1 woald like to he bna aokaowledged. plaav tto m
aU fva toatbaagtrl to baatn- eee ol you dsatotee gUla. 1 woald
aBBanrlt at taaa ttoy an Ilka nry mneb lo wriie yoa a latter.
ted te MW turn toay ban aanr I an golog. te atoool arery day. Tt
aebool leal Saiuday. Wa Ilka ov
astwwiva tolf's Delta tto dteteaobv nry aBcl> Her a
EalUa. I am elarea
re old. lam agnealde odv le asssad by vtotih. ‘

'Vow tba'ahriadBBS eaogirtog
ihBir hmlbtota Uaoa m tto Ugbt tf
10 fov ehlldrai wto wlto to )oto tea tuohtoo'tf OhriM an imatod to
UtoSanahlaa Clab. Etta SooM. JtaBtoldoatTUltoFargaaea. Ftoaaa
■at canto I wito yoa a Havy. HvOhrtotana at a Happy Baw Tav.
Teu loTla lUtIa Utad.
auhostfOl an I

T.. a afaUd nw h
kt aiwayabeaa aranaly walnpaid.
tot thU ttou hv oaaU boBtovguat.
■dbvwith aapaetol datlffak - It waa
nrUlaad wtoa the gbt nv to tan.
"Banyoa get toga, deaiyr’tto
>ld anaaii aekaA "Tall, Itoda't
aaghi to try to toto)yea. Igavayea
iaa'tkaewhowl’naDleytit Ida
to Ilka to ton folka drM. ap wtoa

The fMlatag iaHv frem Ur. Elteo
Lyon tf Fooebow, China, was
Ind. aa wUI to
It to by euBraablaan

ahoat by tto baabafs.thttor at
baltaa Hlttov. ana if tto K<toat
dtes btfora tto Burtoa oanmeoy.
They eu botreto hv bo aoma oaa
alas. Tto aldv bn toy eu toko tor
meat v tbl^ wlfa Bv ei
latter thatato gM fv .
la av ato con ton aotbUig _
rv wash eaja. ptotaa. oaoM at
ata doU ttal goto te da V ay aboat ti.. Bto oaly baa tto
aaaed la Iba rick reea wltb
tbea* tf tto family. Boarlet fenr alaap, a tledA caadteMta at eaadte. iaUevlag tesearea.' whtea tbia girl
kt olhv tofaeUoas dlaaaaaa ton two aury books at eaady at poo- took aa bv people an waaltoy. Tba
toaa tftmi to thie way. Do bm eat pra. l«ee Tblaaaiytf Oadv.Baa pav aeald not do it. at eo bring
tot ten eanli fv Itacat, tad toys
fctav at glvy fv tbalr
to tto ata pataoo'a raea. v |a
toy lud a atea Cl '
BdeUfy to tto dioisiit If naUy
tf anything that hat ilood thera.
uU ahapal Ctorlaita
aanlad 11 brtege dlagiaet te tto haaTo nty tba Banr tf potao tat BeyPatarotatf Dk Baptoa aya tf kafa feotUy to agate oany. tot aba
aw to a Sian ta tto 'bally bv Ufa
boU the peHtoti la ttoek or to tha bteahlekaaa:
aeap kattto.
ratad Mtvy saeay titaa, bat DM to U BM tattfed.
wbok. ir ahtaaaa this yav beeaaaa did aot girl was glna a dowary by tor pvtaUat
ato haageaa to tto bamthton
wUl tapart tootalan to hi
awhUa, ttoa they woaU tota right' al'<heasat telaadt to ramaU
keep it froa) drriaf.
tor rota astU toa 1a alsiy ya«n (
at aot aM uy vora. I aat
l)lp year toeom to hot
atlutoak Sto e
tytoasaodgM twaaiy-Bndtloka.
atoaaUy to tftaghtoa aad etiSm it.
tooagb my IwDa ton laM nry .tbU.
t auko U tori toagar.
Maad Dtoav tf Kaawta to taa of
A tatfl qaaatily tf haktog
list vllh the briefc daa wlU raadv ou dav naatolue glris wto to grow- ta apaa sadu abait, at wiU te tatog ap. bat who Till ba a Bnttalaa
ttoaooariof tf fcaina aaay.
Itoaagh amaiUtotf dually
girl UU toa . gels to ba
Dainty vtwtohv an
Bba lays "1 aa Oytog to do waa AUoUtoavawalted laC
my bast fv tto Baatolu OUb. 1 am Sha;eta'adoa a aaaetanr afar
ban hvlbaadaaa BtowlUton'MbBOW flfuta yean tfd at
lakt with tor aama aa thta tfu
A taw potoli eat ap Boa at phi
iTlU ba
tote a eeUad toltto. flllad qrilb water,
atfy girl toa hol- atatopka. A itoat oito wUl to taUt
la azoaUoDl to clean It. If waU atok- lytftear. Ftal Ttaraboir. oaa tf to tor toav. if tto Una to ba atoT.

•Blldah an ua tknate

"abaU to toU."'Pavbt baaa laptaatad to taua aa tharaagbiy tbal Ue
na toattoal wn to aretd tnahla tv
U yaa banpjw papptn v ahiok.
a. grawl^ ap^ yoa aan far. yn
da not allow yavtldUna to Mabt' •V. Tea ban bntot magb to
toat blghl li bt tv yaaac
aa at yaaag ahtakiaa Thy
baon’i yea toatot a
that II to tod tv yav
ttoaete year aaarg
year toUd’a r«aa.

btaoka fv bv a qailk
WiU pat tkem Mgattot aooa day. I

Bata at totoa Obaov
yav riaea HiMab oama te aa Ta
aalte to wftotog TO. a Bappy New
WUh Ion to Baatolaa v toade.
H. Laratte Saab.
U. OaddladewtewB te a TUtega tf
Box n. Otavletia. Hito.
OaMla Otooa tf Keawta oral aooa
vaaay fv Ubcbi ud a losing
fbiriVaai grvtlBg to y w prasideat.
With a twetty OhriatoM tooklat fv a
Bm fv b«B «
At aaay a weary growa-op oi
Tito tod teal, tary. aobtog.
Balsa to tea
Coold to Ue dowa.
Shan tf a alv plemp rhtaao frpm
to tote awaat towa.
tor took, whlto waa aatoraioied by
Hlgbt kaep Ua heart boa btaki
tto woela feollj

Camtaand Peaa
Tba foUewiag dish tade tf oarrbB
at Bt "to aat btfota aktog;"
Tto orrou an pared. <«t to dleehap. and prtfaMly belled.
plcoM aboeld ba aaall aad Ifata.
Iraeh peasanaaed tot Utar
eaaaed pees make a Baa diah for wtoBefon tba evrota mo qaito
doaa; if too
ba pot to tbe kettJa wltb
tto carrots, aad toiled; If Maaad nrBead, the eamts eboeld to
ad baton tto peas an aifdVTortoeu of tbe dlsb U lo
tore too otfrou oookt to periectloo'
with tto oarrmwill
answer for two dtoaenjor aay ordieary'etot (aolly. Aftor palttog tbe
paas and eamte ugettor. Haaoa wllB
toU. peppv and milk, w batter lUll.
aeaVN* aaiMriebPi
PaOpla The tora ban aarq. that
Jaaaatytod. IBOA
uy woald aenr like earroto will
A Daabtt tf aloe tlttla latton to'
fcathla dta. Baeldaa.
BMg tha toallhy Tegalablto ttot MU te Iba Baashtoa praridoilneeeUy whlob an partly peraoaaL Te
•nad hygitasta say we oegbt
like tbaW Itnte penool latton
tal-Fana at Piiaaida.
, and then is alooM always
tiOogto tbatotf totona toall
T>e F.O d Tea
aabtoma bet tf eearst w<
Tba fiavt lea 1 anr toaud to aay
part tf tha world waa anda by tha
gin yaa a Uciu eat tf aaah
daak Mawari ea tto good ahlp Berioe.
He waa loath w renal lha aeerel el tf tbawteuara
Dikawrototo bar tetter
it. tot after a got deal tf tastog
for Chriataaa Bha (M two
at pasatog enr a few ahUiaga. to
eorieiBt tbal tto qaaUly tf Itobv- Vory bookq a aaw drew fv
a letter boldv, a pto tny, a
> waa daa to tto addlU<
tf toll" to tba fine grade tf ta ebtef, afaaetoaterat
I hare riaea aewd oa this btot, eanla Oasala wlU to twain years
aod ton bate nrprlaad at tto iai- old la Fafaroary. 8to la to tiu faoitb
gtaBa at goea to tba Ctek Park

boa whioh
kelltog the
Iv ti aaato.
■ha boaghl oMactol ter
Ovaal Frelt Paddtot-Oeek aay
U this inyaantal dnilait
aaiaal aa fvbmkfvl. Pat atoyv
raalued. Bv bntMr. plaaat
dlto. ton a layn tf ap- with tor ibrifttoav. gan hv aeot
^v paan. aprtokla wltb aafv. lead, wbltfi she plaatod to awaat potoloaa. oalHrattw U with thaaariv- Thaa yea wla^ to eeek aayi
qatakly to aa opaa noal do BM 1(
iBvtf aaauU bey. Tto taodai
tto apeea to as it aarrtoa off a
ibadntyearbroeghtbvtoa I
iba aaiart a ante adaeatknl 1
U by any aeetdaai yoar karoi
he toupM FrifMatitof tf OiMraiL
toop talaoa an IhioT aora oaA
«to aaaa; U will aariagtoto it
BlviatoaMattoaadtBltf haitoa
she raeaind
_ _
anvHnai. at ahUdna atv ban It boBaatfd aid neiviy. aU tf whlHi
tan ketaly thaa etoan.
wv repaid. MIsa Tala aatort tba Btovttoa Ihnnral tiov with
SaapU votoan at ttanv trisbtoa •edtoal ooilaga at Baltloota. JU..
star aftor torn
Uta ahUdm wito tin abaal bnn whanlriie iBld bv lalttoa by aarriaa.
Bat Utlla aon
ww gratoatod frov than with
la erevy <
la way bight la
r. She it BOW a vaotkdag phyalndataa an
>toa to Mertdtoa. Um.-aav hvfvhUd-bta. bv toooaaiiagot
It tto blatf ^aato ft

TtowUpgtaftanaM aiwaya fvto-

B-v dnotos tlot ha-a a-dnaariato OaddladowBUwa than an eheaebeocon
to aU tto baaatifal atraata.
At reat bald toada
At early htoda.
An Iba togtaevs oaa aaato:
From PtggybaektewB to ^IQ
Than eon raa blolBg. aoetabb
White woaderfal toys
Fv girte at beta
Ou alwv* ba tod by noeUag.

wbito toay teara ttoa. ae tbaaa
nt ttobatotf MaWbaw ton
ttadaUbateoll. TbaatoBBeta
etaanboatowhltotaptoto tto
trta. Of oatotoall tota an t
lotod ttoa too Chtotoi laawq aa
toay road. Tto tapart Is fv a
bta Jaly 1. Itot to JaXy I. I
FBT bora gfeta V toeb aaav that
toaybtflaai toOato- Montonhal baa dtot net aotoa aat baUly
Bffto^M toalrlritada tohtaa
might shat toaa op. hat toatot they
ahota tad atottytattoato
to latobigti jtaH Ihqy on i


How Can I Keep Up with
Times ?
VT ia pretty bard to keep well informed on tbe
I political news, the acientificnewD, tbe Uterary
X news, tbe educational moremeow, tbe great
busioeas developcneau.^be bundroda of intereulng
and valuable articles in tbe bundreda of eacellcM
magazines. About the only way it can be done by
tbe average busy man and woman is lo read a
magazine like "The Review of Reviewa," and.aa
it is tbe only msgazine of the tiort, it.ts a good
thing to send $1.50 for a year's sobadription.
" I kaow tbsl tergagh lu caluvaa vim ton toea fta
ataud to m ttot I caito am otbcrwta ben badacvutei
bacauM ad sarata at ttoagblfcl msa. ao mstisr hew srtdely
tbalr Mas dinrn. art gtna free «maraacs te tas rMaaiw ~
-1 esaaidar K a my nl^la toihtea la my tosary.*

The Review'of Reviews Co.
1} Aawr ^laca. Mew Yetk

Read The Review of Reviews

Ibstet aad

oa their srokderisv tto tad w.
trsatawalaalyki.oa hbftaHHbBl Is bcatot.


T*e«dbVKMSK OITV^. MaiOHt.

ToGnre ACoMmOoeDay

tSgUl ftUlbtebiba MUtMlUras

tte Uik l>rfc* and acvdtrarcaal UMpatmaOsat WaablBCtm i* Mac ta>d«d «rUb lB/|alrt«a iv
Cardli« MCbbMtr for Uw maaiiftetBK 1 tiriqiMtla « frrpartd rad.

tan lb* K** y«rt TVfltu. WhU*
•cam uf strata liar* b**a laagad aa

alcnment ta Spaalab eoti
enable tbe auaBCteturtte BBtailBOB w St (be
aiB loat u tagbt far Marly
carrcBcy od tbe coontry. Oaa ta tte
Ukc tte tn GOdleca ifierloiMlp eolox wu a copper plare tbe
as Amerlean half-dellar. aa
palMed In aertnl colon ou bath
irar plecaa ta rarloa
ta atrip* ta deersUo w blcb were ^
iiiooa Tbe
ttactter lo *aefe a way (tel tbcp
fornad oor lor« band wblrb waa ftad- tttrlBC coBpaDy baa a <<i
ad bach and fartb Ilk* ibr ta a
Ptpaaat pMare book. Tbr colorins oC cblnea before aeeding ibeiS.
Gnad Rapid*, P. ]!. FOoU. John
tte oriclnal la bnoctal out curtly la
tte facalmile. Ite ratlre text baring
alt and oiten bare orpAUed a
Oaa of iba larr
uble faetorlB la tbe world wui
mtard, aad U la expaeled tte
company wui ba ready for operaUoaa
la a mniAd# drawtsc In It- ewrly la the aoininer.
»>- an aetidcal. i. H. Koiuel ta
adr. apnMtw net wnly bp lia euUlna.

MBdiJaaT Mcaad fta tbia «ork. tat
f*w faetaata bar* b*m «*UWiab»d la
tb* tTalUd Katfa. aUboacb II la a
ttattaU* tateMiT abruad. aad parUfolanj- la (S«nBBBT. I ran*# and
CJBa. TlM*a fad brtqumr# ar* oada
ftaa tlc&U*. prat. «oal dual and calB
tnm tb# aatbradi* fidd..
> . VlMCa ar# la tb* t'altad State* *atl
, beta ar peal la « r*i*rti K*w Tarfc,
Ka* Btatand. WMbaa- lUlnala Wla>
ib*aicb todi^a^tlot
aaaaln. On«»n and Watalacun vtalta
tar# ta tb# pa*< brra n*ctrcl«d. Wt bdne tbeaebt lo hare b*d;lu own
era pew brine aarrrnd and totcaUCB(*d wiib a rtaw to lb# *AabIl*ba>#Bt
ad Carterta. la lb# naksu* tb#t« are
CaaatKta ad IIcd)>*- and IbnueboM ttat u to Br. — ------------- tba coir BUira It le U d.ioDd a Ba­ be tbe laat pace U tbr fir>t pace, tba
Itara are lo be rend from rIcM lo left,
aad tbr ~artiar~ od tbr atorp ctwa rnm
tta boctoB or the |iacr to tbr lop. Tbe
bdoc ^>lBKl In eo* lone au-lp. U
M tur tUa paipoe# and add for era b nreoBrj lo md Uirxrasb tbe wbola
Ifm Ibaa tta lewt iclrctrd rooL In ad- of oc« aid# and Ibea. ebdof tb* t«Jto turn It rompirtdr ovtr la or­
Suaa to amprinc a Iraa aiitr# dor
badD readlu acnUi on ^lr back
na Oartaana ba#* narbed tba nax- pflbr drat pace.
Tb* colon witb wlib b lb* otIcIobI
. tapa la tta BaaBbrtnr# or (M bdpatnlrd wd#
Ite P#'
CaatW, areardlac te a rvfwt Bade to eodex waa
a» malt d#*ainaartit bp ibe caaanl applied with grtal car#. Tbrp ai« all
■laiMl at UrrUa {tank II. MaaoCL
9ha auiBta tbrr# ai« dlrUtd lata Ip auda by adae a»cret proroa which
4BP ataBB la etapMt lo tbr satirial tb* artlfta nerer dtrnIcM and wUeb
set U^baixM-down.
tailin' r - I WM brown roaL Uf■ta ar. eaibiBlrod pmi and iboaa
talta a* tta ta£c Balerlal coal dtat PROPHETS OF A NEW TIME,
CBl Bdaaa fraB tta ntlnro.
BtMtatad bdvaltra at madr la OvTrp*e ed #be rBac*.
Miikr antaBM tatb#
Btarj i>tik. leader oT tb** MetroBtikadaar.raildaae. Tbrrannatd poUtio IdUfpepdmt rbnrcb ar New
fta ftstaa, baallBC aad ceafclax atem Toefc, la CariM«ir Iprrun tbe oUmt
aaddataB aad eaaMttut* tbr pdadpa’
tataMd dad ed Bcrtla. Tbep art
ma/t ad bcawa
pBt aad te a nail


a*d beBBtaUtatMattetaSlaetM has.
4iP(taawitaaad3tarfeBttldi aodB
nUM aad deUraad la Brrlla at
pdOB nncM tnm S3 a ttaaaaad la
‘ar. ataBtdtaettBanatactadapla

ttrnmr. ai» carrVd aba« aseb tta
aaaaaaWwtSUtta Ualtadttatea.
tbaaa aratat faetertea aaklac bcvws
eadMtaMB ta Otananp. wUb a to­
tal ad «n piXBli. #nrb prrB rapoblo

. ta M atapta Cd (leB srip te BlDdp toM
■ taMtwtlaaatap.
Mta»ttB an Bord la Pro

ta iMatalil taatlac. Tb*y are aada
«f Maitawa «Bl doat bold leceltar
ap a tMMs ta alnnl pHcb and eeal
«ir tartrad (MB tafca areatar ta* maa•' jtaPfclB. TtatatcbMaurretaSlOta
STtta. aad It It a*i4oa> that man
Oaa ■ ar S par caat «d plirfa la iwaaaary ta ataba tta btbnaitaa artUabl*.
nicb ad tMt cbanAn an be baaebt
■arb fbii spa* in tta faHtd Bta tB Ibaa


BBtaa Ibaa aadlaarp Mtaalneaa eeaV
Wbm btanad la lanaaoUrB <w In anp
iwaaia xrttk a gmi draft, tta;

Bilk « law atapat of 3.l«ta0 tooa.
• Tta biliiaaWi rarr la watchC ms
ttrB w laa peeada aad art aBaSp
« ar boDt ta tola a wall

■.Wfcji'bwata wbet*. Iter ar* eoamam atamp. cinax «al a alaadp.
taaMMa tau far a laac cla*.


- aUpItWlltahdaaBfpUia tael, tbap
«ta Mwa ta and than dr# oat a
' tHt'dlNB Satan. Tte auto railwBpa
ta pitata aw MWbOOO taaa ad tteaa
■ ta ite Monfataa^
aatalSW a teaatfc aSkw m New Tort
mi laateita taa BwpBirat «tata«ar.
wta wS csaalB due fw btViBMU
daUBte aad wm fortayb atatosta ta
tte tata ta laaialtltii pUata aar arallHtiflna TteB taiuaCaawaia
tetW BIliim adaalrww daralib atU■aM te
an an astar
aatfriilt U amt U tte

■r. Tte aiBB**#** ta
lira. U. W. Knarip
Knarv aad 1
_ . a Qaaa SUalcp. art aecMlaUiit
far tte pwrtiiir ta a beat at a roti ta
SUBS. Ttep wio SI tte iDirtlar with
btadka aad tstei- It ortO te a Beatteftfea^ Tterbaeb wni b* Saatad
aarlte^tap teau. wub tte bta* «d
1 talta tte teaalp boat raaltetas a»
tatatrta. la awaitnarUlitate Seated
: ta all tba hmII t1r#r iewB. and reelr-

] tp^al
I. r. Mosan and I

A Ohiaaea mb wbo teaa l.*u
wab te Allegaa aoaal# t* potei
Boah tt wlib goata aast^tta- T
awtaab an aald ta te tte beat Iba*
tnte lead aad
saiktog it St ter gaearal farstea.
Oota baakteg aaahtee* ten mIbad cue* Ore 1. ISOS. « pancau. It ta
” ■
BaU tte
HcUaaa bad te tere a lurnd or Sagan
aspatatad. tterwtbatag
ly talppM te tte baada
A ^aatkally laeiteaBl
ta itete bta bean dlaeorand Bar
Oily whiafc la abown by taata
to Mka a bigh gnd* ta t>#teg brta.
— tte BBBateeten of Ite
hrta aa a large *b1* will to bagna,
OU8* eoBiway at
aiadtaaaa baa epaead a elab bewB
aqalppad (or
4ba axelaalraBBta tte a ployBta
. Arid*
from a Uig* twdlac iwob. wbara
Bi^rliiB aad aawtpapan will te
kept oa tie. pota aad bUJIaid teblas.sard tebiB aad parapbanalla for eib-

Too Oale, a baatr. man late Bat­
tle Oraak Tberttey wilb a telf banad aopy ta a laateBaet. whleh ted
leaded at bl* bOBa. eight mile* ftoa
BatUa Onek. darteg tea Bart** aad
*. An aatlrt book (roai tte
toand at Taraoe. abont two
aad a half bIU* away. Owteg ta te*
aatare ta tte Uaaa. (te iBBeaB
qsaDHIy ta paper, beak*, woodaa satarlal. bts., tea Sn aUll tarn* briakly, (te'eaek* eoTBrinc tea adeeatial
part of tee elty aa vite a pea
tetfctegta ErwaU Ban'• dog
naUaao* te ML Qlrmaa* at an
early Borstog hear. doaMta* tared
thow a rich, red meal, wblrb la BaxM and bu laBlly tnm a atrioaa
ullarJy awrel. Outwardly (bay are prrdtaBaaL Tba bnaar at
easght Sre.
very rmoMh and ar* ta a light,~~rel- Tba dw( BW (tet BOBcteteg
loai»h grerti color.
A .
wipag and jaapad apcD bla Baatar'a
Dr. treorge Uordbn Taylor ta Grand bad. teiktag loadly. Tb* Sn departlUven hai gone to Allegan (o open a BBi baid bet llnl* dlSkalty te patirivn la that eUlage for tte ttag eat tb* Am. taibeagb tte balldteg waa aaarly BOoBBod.
Albert Hardla, a tartaw. eWti. m
BTC dlBorcrad Iroi on hi* plaealaaar
tbe loiPoUan o( tboaa behind tb* pro>- Sparta. Ba aaya on ten* acra* te tea
. make It one ta tbe bnt ta lu picked ap at**ralgoad rpaelBaBta
era. Tba law Uea tb* banka ta
kind In the coomrr.
bur Kactaea. a 'woodaBaa. U
loaal paapl* te#* at
crowds new akin on hU Uea
i Umb ganatee. It ■
I. ai lb* ruaell ta

onknon-s Tarjclr-of
(t-nnclijo for wlnirr. Three yean ago
be bought tome welua aeed from-aa
and among the pLtfiU
Ibai wa* ao rmdlcaUp
dIRrrrat fnB) the othen that be gar*
apectal atieailon. The fratt did net
mature aa rapidly aa the oiten. ite
meloni bclnc anrlp* up to tba Ubm ta
froai Hootel gatbered and alorad
ibi'O aa ba did winter sQuath. DurInc Ite aimer be found that they bad
ripened and were rn* tweeter Ibaa

(a<A of neunlgla wbH* at work la Ibe
tera* Bodlctea belag
tb* <«Iy kind at bud. be detaded to
vaabb of tb* oor 1* Mcnwirp lo tbe
■he pain. AlOMBt In
'taara tb* otter rrqnim to piime tba
tins It (be llolnieal be­
BtaBOeea of teli-niuie ctudy and *x- au huralng. ^befum he amid wipe
bllaler ererynhere
*Tte Uerctaa. Ibr BorbrlriMn. Ibe
Caraesira and tte Krlrka. tnnloallp In- on the luce U lu^ louchnS. One aide
enilrely derold
r In Uir
■. an. parbspa onro
%’cnor CUrk. ^i^y aon ta tbe uperig (te InansnntloD w
work* at Big
ta tBlTcnal ptare, wbrn Ly tb* aubbna fklU ta aclKKISc (crulob- aU the Bapida. waa taklts Saturday aftenam
TrarerM City, barlas becoBe
Ota to wUefa bBBsit Srab la bMr and
all tte ^tewati Wbkb ter* eo kcu; dla- dcniy wildly laaaae.
ttBpered tte aoeUI l«dy atell te TorHn. Oenit Knot tea been alaxiac
from bar home la HutkegDa toaraablp
Man BUUoaalrc* art tte feetTgn- tlsce Noeemter IS. a^ no tnc«
ta the BclemlSr bnuiatduriaa
bar wtelerer eu be found.
tartan ta tte foti
Mn. Rachel -kUnhall Bmllh.
yean old. the oaly womu la weat
dtlcblcBb whose falber foaghl under
Vwhlnctoa in tbe rcrolatlon. died at
Rapid* Saturday.
Un. Saltb
Sail aetUad with her parent*
« yean ago
baaVa ta Read’* lake, aad aba bu ro
■tded Ibare eoetlnnouaty atecc. Grand
Rapid* eeuUted ta oaa taen
Priraa ta deapenUeo by tbe. laaea hoMra and aereral arlgwasm
r Back aa a rtaiilc ta tte dapreda- the Srat aaw It
tIOBa eC taonsUla Uoaa. tte rabAen
Innd Htrea dariag IWl was oar
d( aerttera Hentaiia are maulSag aa
WtaOM Wra. tay* • aperial dhgiatcb of the beaJthlaat cIUb Id tba atete.
tpm Botta to tte New Tork IVorU. oaly iS deatba belag recorded during
which arn b* perhapa wHbooi a patal- tbmyear.
W la waswa Uator).
The arldowad BMbar ta UnUTaeTte neaat bUsard and cold .ter*
tread tte anginal* rreo fljdr woon- •eadan. wbo U(t Badroa three
ilB Uln Into tbe nllrpt for 'ood. It agoud hai teaaawatBrd as
in paaptiaad te bar* about buo nm as- bB*Bdn«M alrtter tnm bla troB
la (he ebaae. and. fna dIDcrait tdtam. Be nya te baa aade lUO.OOO
a they wffll pcocrcd toward a ^ro in alnlag and will aooa retnrn. lo lies
■on cotta, wblcb wlU be aome jnoaB-" aria ber
bataa. lata tU* tnp lli* Ikm*
«B. Slamrt ta Otebaygan
te driraa aad ttea pMcd tar bp
ha* eeety naaen ta teUare (bat tb*
KBast B*s la tb* warid. U
ate TCBlrad an Beeaymoma)«
ter eoDtnlalsg At te rdyaunt ta
Bilk bill ta 17 yean atandlag. A seta
<m* laoteeed Byteg 1teat ter Writer
and aircmtyala I* Ite rcaaH aimed at bad aoBlmeled tb* ddebt when Mm
BaiawlrH^aftw afip>oD* yean ta pa- Stewart'* taa wai Biting aitk. but
flcal Mudy aad axperUarat. aapu tte adnegUotedtapaylL
CbdeaceErcBtagraL -WliblOOpeonda
kCra. £lUn OroBts, aa egad taaldut
af pic Ina tratai from (te apoot>ta tte ta Oateaa. •aiatmok by a rwlt* u‘ can by (te Bee of d ceota’
la te* MlaUtaA OeaWal yatde at
aalerlsl fmn an alloy that
SB and knoekad 10 (aat tele tea
duitay .drfr ruei.' te aald.
ta a rit) ’.’II eleralta open- dlioh. iFriaadt raebad lo tte old
axpactiag ate bad baai
_________WUTC graelad with an U
dlgaanl oolbaral by Mm OroMr:
-Ttel't a lengb way to gat anyom
off tte waek." Tte only lalary aba
A wae a tnlsad blp^
blgb* drgrar gmatrd I
A aad dag apprarad te tee
bed by tbe Ua<
telptaPlUeSeld last Auguet and Ml
AatetU InaUtule ta Tacbnoloo . (ire- Btaml oowa, Byapatna ta hydro
nofer tU* d*sr#e Bpe- pbobfa darclopad J£ tte eatlla. and
werk wm be broon at
Dr. Baey
tte iBtttate wiiua lb* m-xt yaar.
<3ML SBBUary. mccbaalral. tdcvDlral leer eoart belcagteg ta WUltea Oaap*
Ins. arrbltrciiiKi bat and two baleagi^ ta Oharle*
7 will te bclnd- Bob were fboL
brute* ta tea cMU prated ttat ttey
*4 la the aP-uu’M eoarwa.
did but* tapdruiAabia. A aow
Waltar Uthrep wte Una te
Tbe drawlM. utoc c
1. baa derclopad

, Btaata Btete.wtea plaead apea tte
, ttada. Sbb awap vltb Bud aad daat.
Tte riBSitelia tradm at a wlxtau
ta atarta dnaa a Mtat rtraac* and ta ble M year <>M ani. I1u## i«in«4
'portly dema.
-IJttle tey." »be *aM. wnb aa tanamtteg. as tete ouiy an*
n tte wwdata ta fte nad u
Itmu* wlb-. tlu y#a arqi|ta»' laa
ttan wUI ba open, uftw e e'etete
•U (ur lb# kind ta |«#i«niion for
ngr. raaa]it na lutertoya. Bote
I ani
(tins ter#r
■ audaute ttuw
tte >*•* Hrorp « df-roctertirlwta.’am.' b# irpUrd.
» iwqgfMom ta drug atar
. tar. at t o’taecS
ock arlll taboo patty cte
taHta. Bbatec
aftar lb* Aral ta tte yaor. t
ta Hnap C te
bore asea te te* teWl of Mkteg ■#*
daaw In a iihib Met* ta iMllsMiten.—

....................... —
reallby anhltecL
The bride ar.
Ired.tet tee tarldegrooB (bIImI tos^
*y«« ' *
epeetaele u lt*.a»U*e tom
wrecked In the airbtj.
and whil# te# areddiag eespaBy by all defeod.-ra of tb# lost euaae At
awmiiteg l.lB rmme tbe aewr Meridian, a lent# Beeting ta tbe WaliI hai. hero dcBnilely decided that; «.uteBata Qiy (eat that tb* roloane
hat b# bad eoamiltad ealolde. to­
a agmee. ,b# taw te South Semn-,..
.ml at uy tlBe.
told# ud uer family bod ' crjolution* draouBtang l
. t.. wueb or banc .Hit ckHbea•;Tbe
L. camat _
lly tnated LU moteer-^l IHrcriur Rowlud te eect . .^___
mllTC \* aliewn trite
o Sanday Mtaa Belinda Write> iI mllro
I ta bnmbleet blrtli —with | lurr fur the UiBlaalppi Hall cA Pu
-ed u unrepealed taw daitax from ite vtacuno Santa Maria.
' I u>To adopted.
itOTC teu bell a mUlioa immi-, ai
ta the proeldeet-e i
rmaU, te toaad namben Ul.lOO, re-1 liiu. toward (te VeBecnetao aRalr.
erad tee United Nmiea tliroagh nllu I and
recvcnliloD of bta aerTtco* In
stand durteE tbe met year. This U ' ib# ate ta lutereatioaal arbltnUoe.
».000 more Umo tbr namtor rrEia '
peopooed to pnasol PnaMeai,
and taal year, ud la Bid to be 1b#
tbe Kooacvcti a plaee ta acalplare. tee
L Uf tela nember aboat d.OQO r.inda lo be ntacd among Buropeac
daporied. May ve* the lonnn a<hi)c*ie* ta i«*ace It U proposed
noote te tb# petel ta numbw*. bS 000 that (be-work be executed by a promlg tecoogb Ellii lalud. The nrot Nrencb aculpiur, or tee ooomlirraataat namtor ta
Ire may tiirlte dealgna from the sculp
aontb. which tor* ta all nalkuia , party to Tbe
BUrianer Wil.' iiaxuv jieacc court.
Tbr King's Dangbtrra auclsty ul To
ledo. Obhi. la In trouble ovee auar
cuairibuiiona arircaaro bare made to
ar wlih eapertally notable growte ibHr lunda' At a big baxaar. whicL
the auuib and nurtbweat ud among (bey held recroUy. a uumber uf haad■nllnmd men. Tbe mrmbenhlp liat aome dtala. aecored by Mrs Ftuk
a now more tbu 2M.000. and tee Bun. wife ta the manager ta one ta
lumber ta asaoctailone oter 1.600. tec itacalcra, from well-kno«ru actrbere are now 120 building# -ownd! rrosca, were aoM for large aomt. AI
TMllBK over tSI.OflO.non.
a aubiw4umt merilBg It Wax deeldad
Wlita a broum for a weapon, the teat il'would be wkksd to take help
ife ta tbe tailor at Waiblngion. N
*. and the
■liealermh^grmle GRANITK and UAKBU: MONUMflVTS
. tokl Sre dcapenie prleoeen back
■d Now Mr*. Burt ud
fMBa-toBS>B Bra
Ilo teeir cell* apd peevenied a gen■mber* will
lAisfi U.1 newest de»^
Kint-claa workmaiultip guanisced.
at Jan drilvery.
•Tbs Oclarta HIJI aaaortatioo," meeltex
Copinc aiul Cut Stetae to order.
irmed by a number of wealthy pbllA niber uauual pelllloe ba* bean
321 Bay St.
Travora* City. Mich.
ClUasns ■Pbett* ««0.
inihrople riliabnre yootiE wumrn



r tea diaoenry. -

A yaatua ta tte peace for UkeSeld
Cewaablp, Bagtesw oeonty. parleraed
wadding oereBooy Ohrlatauu day.
last ercr Uia line Into Gmiet eouty.
Saeaaal bourn after tte kaet waa Heel
tte iaatle* tetemad post haala aad laformed tte eoaple that tte Barriege
lUegai eoottqaaal upon taiw tetag enl ta taU lariadletten Tbe paiiy
ity and warn Barrlnd than
on* day. Jobs Btaaney. ta Uie Bead OUy
BanltariBB. tans beao te BaOto Oreyk.
tbe Bnel■ Hao'a I
> for tedaeteg
Are, to leeuta la teal elty. Tbe mat­
ter ta a booar wUl ba eeealdarad.
Thyatta Darla ta ntat tevnaltip ha*
Alad a Mil ta
(tea bla wife
te wbteb te aaya abe uagBetad bar
bad* aedalte found It |wta*mble te


lObal Our

Spot €a$b
f)a$ Done




1 r.

Miw.Bianr. riiitiiu
AttABUB.*,r.AA.S. I

Gaaanl Nawa.’

TiBtea ualau* at Bearutt. Msah.
teap bulU a beaa (or thaaBlee* at,
eoai ofA4.00D
Wb. L Eddy bar-a.

'pyy I

to_tea on* win *
BaU moenlly Md* Ibadlaeorpry
tlmllad him to annoano* teat tee Ayteg MOtilBs ta tee fatats would be
ta teU typ*. and aertnbomtt* Pnt
BeU' rtaumeet teat u aa#oplue kite'
aould baaato teat would oarryUM
aralgbt ta a taotar aada mu.and
teua Mira tea ptublam ta aerial aariBddy atMtta timl Prof. Bell'e
r*an« #*.
OoaxB *ir c

tba-Wtal eala* ta tela
Seat ts'All,4H.m. Tba Aawteaa
BtalpbaUdteg Ou. IstobuUdnataumyarto wlU MU tea batons* ta a.
The laarican Sklpbnlldtog Ou wUl
balM am* (any, «m ..........
*Mnmar.aadtta taaBtetogW beatoanuU
Item fibay art dlataibaiad aa
(dUow*; Uteb* yard, Ctoeeland. >i
LwbU. A; Obtest; Dawoit. d; Bay
City. •: BupwlB. 4; BaShio. k
Aaeac tte oetalde yards Urn moat
notottoMp la te* ta-mltoiMmir tee
Janfct aaapaay,''ot Port ttano. ^
M (to Urn MWhi^ Smamtelp
Ou. ta Math Baeuu, at a naaCta
teat it totaat

a Oaranu. adltartatet
Cabane XAbaa. akol and tewnntly killad Santo Inuato. adltto ta tee BapubUeute AMttoip. Cabu. Ocbm wb
AriaklM te a etas whan Iwula aad a
ta teeptoeaand

uparttaU In tea AIb
dalOotea furtlHA. white ha* Just
Md* Us ^igBmik TU* edition to
te* aa* buntaad and ferttote te tea
htotary ta tele pawiatoMB. A
wlte tea luudiBf* agpanr pari
ta King Bdwted aad gaatn Atoirodm
andaasta PrtnB voaSulkav-V
odu riB prariitet ta tea un
Hla Otorc War*, agad lb. to drod |
Indtoaa esnnty. Taam. Mtor *'ai

A 111,900 danwl* llteury U-uow
Burad for 8l dBafdu Ap^ntlB
Wank* war# raoalrud VsdaaaAlg. Tte

aweary teal dtpMbaria. i
waa#." -Ton taOH te mteakaa.
tar,- taU her haAand. Ite Itc yw oM
■ay te a few u tte aenal#, b
ted Km OtertB
fba teBi It. aa; tte Mea i* taaWp Bteo a( OwBBU. teiB Ate teas tte te- krtb* bnkdlta tesMUM




' dfauDiindta


Always on the alert to secure for oiir patrons good Merchandiee'
under the market value—we have finally succeeded in making
the biggest purchase ever mado in the History of our buainesa.

Cazartis gohen> 187 and market $t gMcaao,
Dl« ttibelesale Jobbers of general merebandiso,
needed money, we therefore made them an offer on their en^re
winterstock; they immediately accepted our offer of

3$c on tbe $

aUtto* aad inantto tallownd.


,Oaa ta SetieliA>D4c#-a Mortr
MWataa amntwr ta tteUetaarfai
Mtablar# nbo wa* amrb Impr-

panella oomlag tnm A-gearrul box wub the ebdaet ta teyteg ap latent- Uorrcw taaaty. OUo. Tte suit, to hark to im. ftoMdltog fibhdal tohta
died by AuorteT L. K. IhmriL aek. <m Sunday. SteteTta nrigbbon^
rnar roeh Borina ps'-ll will ba rrttei Aadrew i Teaut ba oatatoadjaad Mn Hatay Haroarte. Oa Sanda*
lBln<lo aa* aod keep bU owe pUBolL
tl abodes few baa
from alteodteg pnblk wmhlp and I Mm Harowltx waabad aad buug ooL
ax tteui oaec ax
^Aaoog ttojriie. oAered by^ria
praylag at (be railed Brethrau Aanh the dotbuL MIb Wtaah bad bar bO- '
le wiibont lacraaae
ta Audrewt. a hamlet east ta McMiBi; for# b
fMrietaaa DBBhor.wie ee* ta tee arr- formerly charged, will
riBl wte oould abow tbe loogtel ean- ebonly at Harrisburg.
i^arrlee te on* (aarily te Jaaa- Two buadred factory glria an
OB strike at a big orerall ptonl
tuB of Ibr aea are now Mre easily ! and kpcpli
nt« allowed to -rialf owe aa- obtainable by the terentlaa of teetroiaad dmng
utber mblle at wiwk.' Sol uatU Sweet,
tor eradiL Sb* i
r Co. promlae that they may raiibenr wurklag boon by eeuMNB eaplered from 9
abonly i<
alcbt niaalnewapaper chailengB tbs tnx epk-r bite of pmalp
;enliou Id cwder to ind tte hwt
_ which ha* retained
_ __ a_
> tor nmay Bltea.
the gtrU reinn lo
Jaltad sat** to

The goods are steadily arriving and the sale will commence
TUESDAY. JANUARY I3TH. 8 a. m..................................................
NOTE-ln order that we may have ample time to have everything
.ready for this sate our store will be closed Monday jan. 12th.


11*8 Front Street


wiuLB, muHi %. m.

mil IH

iti! Ii*




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MNAlft. likNUMVi 1151^;:




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j YmtrtftrhdlfMhla S
I umUmt ms muU pi-dtrs |
I tverrimK^suhssigkt \
4r»ft0mms lfmstssttM- I
[ fsctPTfI

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nuIiM C» WA1.TW.
4« U*>Mdal>n<<«ar^
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Ibviakir • Kurtk <jf


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ruToroLoaiaaoif rntxai Asaocunos.
. Totmwr or rssunvuL.
■a B.__ ' .


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j. w,


f*r ^t$^ ftar la tm
Afffcr cmB ftmr *mr

Continues with unabated interest. Peopfle that throng
store every day are not here from idle curiosity: they are here
because experience has taught them that here they can find
their best bargains. Just now we are making this extra effort
to clean up all small lots, lines that for some good reason we
have decided not to handle. These can be had at a fraction
of their value. Make comparisons, make any test you will, and
your money back if ours is not the better bargain.

n^T or OLD SMMO{r
TowvHBip or psnitw.-UA.



'w siau
It «■ i UI



E^r* 18 S Si: 13


fining or Skirting l-'Unnels^riced ^ per o

19c YARD

Tm CMS VAsf 7M Ibsst. ■


Fifteen pieces White Shaker, worth 6 cents,

a aia la



I>NB Taiasiiap i to i oC

Light Outing i-'lannel, worth 6 cents.

4ic YARD
Mill Ends of Outings, 10 cent kinds.

^Splendid value in Feather Ticking.

14c YARD




Mkl.a«.4t>ia ,


« -i



Vott asd FM-

AatS-iM n

Ladio- Grer Floecol VcM (oo

iBilio-Mali Moceriiod Pcttkflst,

' ^jS^..r49c




s; i Hii ii

The bat SS cent bote for dukbeo
« e*« ted; hod twi^
. IBMaSB Md SmMuw ov II ;S a. ■.


Tirtte ln» Oad ihti^cesrsiit



4-4 L L Brown Cotton. 86' inches wide, extra
quality.' worth one-fourth more,
c. U KOCKirooc. a^-* t.^

I 8C inch full Bleached Cotton, soft and fine-you
have paid 7c for cotton not as good.

All Linen Crash, good quality.

iHIl I!

: We cam'’ a most complete line of brqwn and
bleached crashes at all prices.

"ft" a an la

__ _ ___

fatCSsBuli^ P«i^, IS »

***“*^*‘*5*'“*’f» “is


Red Table E^mask-Special.

White Mt^rixed Damadt.

iliil .S3,i3i!



« IB





■ la


i iiiill

I l!!i

3 3 313 !3
Taj 13 13


8 il8 IB


26c YARD









mn^ iumt t jKN.

MhmK T«r s>Mil^
ladMUM mM tate«W

--------- ta tt*«B <«t to • t^Mtol to*
«r » Vmn <»•«• <« N.* Yertt
' .
Nm Tock. Jt»mn t. IMS.
W* 7MT .*>M


ttaa to IWL ih* to* « to* -tototo- «u >
«l0to. Tator U hM k«to toMr PM**<:
■t hM. a* tor
W»B toM*( to
«ta*4 WkU* to* toMrtol
a««to) **4 uptoalml totMwu ef
(to *M«UT caadsw mior»t trmt
toitoirtoy. wto* iWtot to ■otortr ««»•
((Wiattof Ito ^ am****- A* »»
iM to tuoitototo* to or*r; to* MpntotM toUovtos II to* ataD blrV
pMM* «C, bto to* nak aa4 to* Ato
o« *011 foatorlas onr to* aatiatolMrr toitoa* to (to toM (*« ;**» aa4
toiiaTtln to r*tara to men m
—T n* atotoek to aito)
A ta* lata trad* *todlHto* i
flwi (to toSM* cf toiawr Otot
M aa aaonatoi acal* Tto crokU of
a oi to* a
aod aswfaru ano*. to *ar BOtUac (d
lanrtw ta 6ememd br to* waaHbr.
Tto toirit <d )a»teha*w I* abraad
Marp coatraat «lto a fomar wlrti et
kemimr; aad tti* aios* I* a. to
d*d tow b
la wtoai Oaa*. ha* f*U*d
aad ao K
wadtoM.hKh. All to* cu*r Ito**Ma* ar* aeUr«tr Mploiat;
Wtott aid dMdlalai, to* wtBM «( M
f ten aton ae itolaallBa Brary os*
' tt bw ha*a aniddlw a readtaa la to*
IfM trad*: rat Itofradt
attaa H «U1 ra*b*d alto orton aad
baa plastr of baalaaw U Bt^ tor
■natbi la cow* to b»U*
■t (d to*
a lar boa ■•t'
r aiaadafdA Tb* a

H <d owraaipir.

oaw balac
a to* awl

a had bwB Nfarrto la tto

to (to «itr. **UM tou to* toBi• *a>»Hi*J to a «M* to to* »**-

pwW* «1U *o(* oa tto tUAM b

I. (to a*cto*^ totae* n* a*(iuoa


raeaUto (to bat toai ttora I* a (Urtoloa la to* atoto* to tto p**»l* a* to
(to iealraWllty to (to t*o all**, aad
a «Tl*laa to
oatokh to to «hka
toay. (to «oaaeU^ ^ baard to ^

.1 Pale* for
td by a faU
4 by rw '

> tto *Ua. Tto veoSa a«fcad
a* MB*i» ba aH*MA to tor

taw. *ft*r toe p*epl* tor* toabto.

-e ordered pWd.

itouvkbii Of * WnNCESi,
S.(B.eee.t t«.i.e.(

Tto raaaway
way C.
Qwwa l^ecw
of gaxoay. wbo b
rayatalMt* taiebwpi
Twk Anerlean



^rlew toat. whOi
iwB tto pepalw'
b atoeked hw rayal
ttlsUrw. Kalwr WUbeln owedally
way* ladolted U

niMoni Lealw af Tweaay aad
PHace ntedrteb AwpM. erm pttae*
W Saxony, were annied on Kor. SI.
Wkn> (h* toint** to4 toe*
U. aod tor* Br» cblUrcn. Sto
*«h« of toe eoaacll
Altomaa «ll*n laanrHr woed^
ned ber Utlh *tto JoUUW rrlncwa
rum— Blae-'htod «a* uaplorad
H to laid to tto toWa. Mi ito aoM
Lmrvtie.- by dede* *11 aorl* cf
n. a* prcwtlr *to*a((ad bf AUw- „ ruBwdele >1.* aandas of to* dtr,
wl^uahlar *f*4«. ele, he to h*
>r day f>.r the tine acuially laeldeel la • pwwotul l«tw le a frUnd
sa ftdlowa:
nt'inUB w*« pattIcoUrly Into wladaad tou tto o«Mm to aiaafl, aad
Oeoerel New*.
cd Itot erenlto wod UltW lo tto moW
(to clerk laitraetad to call a arwlal
Jwt *1 U U. •
■ta< shipped tnUD
aMetoia vltkla SO dar* ><> tak< '
«od be b*d«dli-lded toe earth,
FraoUiB ouuBir. III . lo St. UmiU
» lAf«* aapportad eoSa* 10 avapr
tto nn. toe noon nod lUe *1*11 be-,
twew ibeeu end were Iwdinc U
amtto for vkdaUas to* entire noli ene.
Id Ibe caSM U*f. Huore W» 1.KM
aloud It tw qslt* •while, but wbes
vbKh va* •BiTlad. Aldtraiw quail are packed la a co«a aad *hlp. to-Itvrerred
lo niy f*tt>erlti4*w (wbo.
lUailUM. 8led*r. Lardic. Hoxl
I>rd a* a <-orp*e Arreel* are proai- bad lou cut ny •lUmwoce docked
MooB aad Siaaito ToUas rca. asi
to Ito emmt
BBoklac one wee dsareit* after i
danaw Ou. (Uliau. caa«
gi.- 1‘auL. Hlaa. Atoa CSarlN
' - pTwKW Mraucuu.
WUtolB.rOtlBS an. Ttoa tto ortflBal
nawd uy (ten
Ut bad rrer Ured. 1 raUwd
Wood , a
aad rartlad br to* awa* M»*_
Dd eiW -I^tiali.’ lolerrtii
r aerr* and |
xlecr Ib'-w yard tunc period.'
1 or tbU toe priarews ww i
plare beiween hi* frelchl trala and
lad a itoclal *>*cti
Btaiicr toat ha* b<
ewlleh eaatoe. HU left fool sot Ob Buotber occailea Prlur
by to* dir eooaell
eoaadl l<* wllad
call* for the lucbi Ui;reeB Ike leader and to*
•• opisig* cd Uoa. —
Foot r, who
ato pMtol. and Hr. Itoitr are hi* icue. aad wlib a kolf* b* •rreiwd
■Tblc^lT^ii a pair of black silk UpMa
..^cll had I* fiui and rrawled froBi uad*
_______________ le«*I aelkio. and wreck. He aald that bU fool wa* (»l docked with sltrer. oaly partially <«aceelrd by • pair <P dlrMed iUrts
eS la tbe arcKtoel. bat a tew t«
Tbe prtocew U toe euibosUstle trUDd
ki-pt bln a iwlqMer.' 11* fel'
chlUbood. She often slope her
(rader »«UtBE. aa^. r«aUalto that he
1 to dwto, t
.. . boy or |1rl i>
. .
drtresont witbout *beskn toll of b.
I Untie ud c
rlbule I
et Soon slier wswltac oat toe tee<fl where bU body bad
____ t to toe people, bat Aldarwab
... . In Uceeden and Ldpslc
HaaillujB oppo**d aar ebaa«* la t^cUsn^beUdve that be wl
ataadlnc •cconiit*. aod when
aetoa Uil to* aptotoa «d tto ciiy
on* write* ber for a pUytblnc be U
UCBW ww obtalaed. Tto •iu *U
____ faU eeat at to* eme to cwmIt* H Iu *bart oidir. Klhf
aw all tto* llB* wa* oat of toe to
■peach acecpilBs ibe Aibat ooca wU to* wooden town hU
R- L. tdece *•« *w*y creey year outowabend Suioer* caralry. At CbrttUija*
eoBBcU lo Attorwr roMW. *to wa.
dn* aad otow fesUral oceaslooe earh
Id IaoUc knows U enlliled lo tbre*
Ah**.-' aul uooe was t-ier dUaphopT^iaT
plae* wber* tb* eoaacllji .••bed to
■IT* torw* to aw holloa to*
The aanl*** of Ulw Uaiy Join Tb* ebUdrts of Ib'e poor. Iboocb. re-'
a«r tab* ai tow aleedon. Ab
ad Mr. Walter Bnuwo ww *oUwa- cWre is wUltloD to toy* of • Tew ex>
OllWi aakad •' ----------- "**
-• eh. rasUlww of tto krtto's peoelre grad* cIoiIhw or dreaaw. tb*
BBtl(|B lo bta
11 waa t
■Ad Mrs. Altrad JMa. at latter from tor hl*h»es*' own eslabIt to* idw o. ...
4. o'olook Tbartoay aflamaoB.
lUhaient to tb* pataee. for Lool** U a



NO^^ ONI If you have been readme the papers lately you have
--------------------------------- learned that it was coming. We vmjortunate m se­
curing the stock, as it is an exceptionallyffood
ll consists ofseaknoble.
as well
u summer Dry Goods, Clothing. Shoes, Notions and afew Cloaks, which wiU pay you
to invest in for future use. We are going to close it out just as quick as we can
prices we place on the goods will set them going at a lively rate. The goods are very
desirable, the oldest being less than a year old. You will recollect that about a year
ago Max Savlan's store and contents were entirely destroyed by fire and this stock
was bought new since that time. Mr, Savlan has patented a Lace Rack and will de­
vote his entite time to the manufacture of it, hence the closing out of the stock.
These goods are all placed on the basement floor. Everjthing is now in readiness for )-ou. Read ex erjmenuoned. as there are things that you will want, things that you will have when >-oii sec the prices and the goods
together. Remember, we save you about ONt-H.^LF on et eiything and some items even go at a great-discount

nJen’s Tumisbings
«/toM~Mctt'f taaty flecre black (hms Ife

Theosaatb of yards of Tordmo an.1
Vakoente* Uces at ooc^lf twice, v
A fine hM of emlsoidoies, -wtwxb *p
cts on both sides, A

Bops' Clothing
iactA-^en-. grey wool soeka.....

Hiadf ta Wtar Banmnts

Prarsdrrfa^MeB's evtra fiae JoicToyer
Hiim that were aeld at $1, now V ■>
Regular SUc heavy overriuit, now___




**■- Aaatoar arop fallara Jto* ttot
n 1M1 soaU bto* baaa 4baw
iHMsd. ** bar* bws (arerad with •aid that w
Idea, aad be
aeraral of I
• to faU d
to* tmas rt«w*» ar* t
Ua Joba
tosMUaw Tlaa
John aad Bdaa,BnSdi------I br a aubwiir of tb*
STORIE6 OF DR..TEMPLEtow* 1* waat aotirttr aad a*«ailtblm
rwwB om*tl. hawerer. Indlcaled
n* Mbalattons (-a'wteeWnrrb Aeeb1 BBcartalia way that so to*‘'..
itUel wadding diaaw
e df' the people, be kbouW
M*aap Mad Wlca tllrer.
to Ito WMMiil aatolUas of iraSe Wbat the TOU
__ _■ Ito *rBhlBf • weep• Blito »lr»*t illd HU 11
aa aB to* pdaetsal raltroada. as traU
iradewd (b* bridal soapt* at TbeatchBUbep of Canliel.un'.tlielatw
ttei. Dr. Frederick TonipU.
to to to* faot that to* (taidht w***d to W> pdrty to aay anloa h
Hagolar smong toe mil of towllab |wl-BMe* tor bU bailed of |oup aod decoww (astafolly........................
raUon. One* wbeo tor guwl of amngT*ens and bo<
try clertroua b* was mnrb auMyed
AMatwaa WItbelm noted Sd^asflll by toe dkMay of aSIrcr candleaclcke la
toat to*wallw
m (d tto lecallty of toe
- ■ ■ bU lordablp a depdrIBuiioaed
lauiuaed aipeclal aleetlon to; pet to* .■nrrad. fir. and Mrs Brntwa tor*
ewDdlwUcfca Wire oowin of to . .
Ir liTw lo Hertoport and li
Htw be referred to tto eiiy
rae of aatlafhOUaB M know Wberc to be area. The dUtreawd cler­
aad tUa ww wirlad to a a
gyman at once witke to (be bUbrqi. si
la ton wl
tcUlng hlo of Ua low aod
aad noBftdtaw
WhIU lb* litoarr otto oogtroreray of toe
adding, ''Can yoo tell lu wbil baa bapJC •Biim-----------------—
a* (be Boat alrosaow natlte to •at* r*o*W*d
won nasy aad a£*L
paaadr Tbe reply came by wire; "Piur.
.ne befwe.tto dly eoaBcirMuada;
Mr. and Mrs._____________bagta
Bnnaa wtU
Look lo tto ebcat of drawoTcalac. li -waa to ao neaaa (to oaly
t saw aad wlUbeai
« toat au iraat tidd*
of laponaae*. Ptaa* and e*Umead* after Janaary
' ' for tb* parlea,
hdlovad to toaar
t» la laal aataia afur srarr
b daaee wa* glru la tb* town bnll
wllUa S . .
OB Tbartoay avealag aad WM atMad- Oa anotoer eewatoo to waaai>ot
ar toU baa baw aqtebto .Tbwa
tto «fty for S1I.00O for a
fip by
ad by a larga oroaA
to rtaaoa lo baUsr* ottorarla* ______ Mso aero** tbe B- -'—
a ckrgynaa daring tor itoencc of that
• toat (to *aa* t«l* sill baU
arm Flaw atreet, aad tl
Uergruan'* wife. On katiTag. tto boat
poUkly *xt«md tto Itope tbat wbra
. .ippnwwwrred.
U coaaeil by ibe apecUI eoainli
hU kadhUp bonurtd toe boo**
UaU Oaupbell of Tofoh Ink* U la next
blra. Tewpl* would aceoaiptuy blnn
Ion ruitlag rslatlTM.
••Vn thaBkB'rhsan'bUlaliaialactulctlly
■obnlltad e*tlMn. Oonswek apwl a taw diy* of replied: "Hr*.-Temple doem't
walw ter tto rartoo* forWt of parlat
ll.' Tb.-ckTgymaii-* tecUhS*
aad toe dWeiwal width* of latreeu.
Valoa to Wvlalon oo ~
' la to* Oe^raBtloBaT ehanb Mrlars wwe deeply bolt, fur
W*do**d*y enalag by to* lAdU*'
ghaei wpltolt. SO t<*(. with Moot Aldaeotee- Attar Ito *Dppw a pnyw meexlng ww baU. A annbw wit* 00 tor rttuni. "Wby. my d
(Me tauer. IM.Itl.t*.
thayad a^ Ito ball* wiled oat to* •h* welalnwL -you dUo't turriy pat
old year aad nag ia tto aaw and aU Ito Uabopia to* Plak todimmi. did
brkfc CBUW. ISUitJ
"vnritad bflA-SO t*M, wlib
your He did. *t>A ihcA that * It. X
pot all toe putc ta tto beiir
daa ftoaa earh. snjdZAS.*
B K. CkuapbaU U lUal toil writTar laaeadiia. Sg t*M. wUb Medlaa
Te Ito Xoei«Ut B. a J- Swlotoa
at W leto. with (
•orb aad gntter. t»,- analto M toltaM by a Ihrg* wanMLtl.
t In 18M Dr. F.
la« to* fwra aataaallr tradwad to*
(wto. tsa.m.«a.
Min Jaaed* Bawnaa. et ibarTto iwraw, IT feet, with t.— Bitwr.
•n* OUy ohlUd oa M*ad* la (Ui
wttoa aaawal earh aad cattdr. tU,glanerat* at
It tto oU Sd
Sdds of tenaag444.<d.
ynimg of wiwkrd SUta
(to woUae at Aldatmaa Oualiir a Badd li m at toU witttag.
~ WATar UtlMaaday for with toe remain of XUpptrioo lotlloptoo*
afWt wndlM tto bollS«wplaai'ato
toy* to tou plaa*.
cnrtylag back toe exUtence *t
are oa Uc la tto e!
«1M>. TW* la alffl a tots ■
itodwuwaf ttocea
Tto iwatar noalbly bwtoaw------ that cooBtry t* tto older riaxt ne et
lagwiSiY. P.g.aB.wnitob*ld opper Miocene. A ye*r Uter 8. U
law Ugh as lo to* klad of
lo the otaarjb tarlor* FHtoy oraatog. Oldham sxpreaaed tbe oi<IdIoo tbak la
attIMBd. aad the wMto of «t
Tb* Epwerto Laagwi will ft** a to* Qrst pUce. tto flinu are net conI at to* AldwMi Moos, lor
[*w T«w-i party *1 lb* haaw of Mr. Sard to tto _ad Mrs. WIUtoBuM Prlday toWBlsg.
tbit they ate not
Jaa. VIA Twnt wlU Iwra Ito BaWI ddpped by man. Aa toe result of a
gaoil aad B. W. Porler'* aWn it T
towlas chaaaw la tto etty ehgrter
0‘etoak. AU ar* owdlally iarind to reewt rlilt to Ite'locallty Mr. SwIaboe
1. That toe aaaaal eleetkat' of l
oftoen be chaagto to tto Tn
(altowlBC toe ftrwt Mosday la NoMlw KhMta Tbewoi Ml Mw ..
Thal ttoUnelv
tor OtlTM eoS^' bAi* •paadtoc.lh*
af tbe I'aUeoilible age.
a tto
Shaw to ehaatod to tbe Biwt Hosday
la Jaaaarr.
I Tto tin* for toe total year
ennsian I* eahleet to chaaga by
«MW». aad base* BoebartarasMBd- Bapld* Moaday araaiag.
ma.- wU
n*Bl 1* toatneard U *lnua
Took tw tb* T. P. 8. C I
4. nat toe naror r«e*lr* aa aaaaal
want huatlAc la tto Adiloodack fer^ Hto. "Brtagiag eS
be Aied by tbe oeoacU. not dayOhrisLLeader.
pjea per year.
la dad tBdaaMal* ha* «aLhw**d
A Barnw wto hw baaa lU.
Thai tto aMemeo aaeb reeelr*
Broc* tar • guide. Odek la one •( tb*
aal aalarr, lo b* toed ,by toe
beat guldw In toe mean
». Thl* raat pavar
PM to awoed liao pw y*w
wwe waltlBg ter a
At tto board of pobBc wori
wd to rdhtrata
of hU guB reiKlBg agalnt bla heart.
tooMnai ttoi aiey i
-Chick ww wbow to* gun was »■
toaa S* pw
tw rr«n held la talriy yelled: Hen. you blkiMd oU
toraa ■wtbi; aad ao Idm aa U af tto a»»w*.i1 rtlB* *f the apwtol
ebarto yarlon took Vth« COB kededV
(. aad aat to excMd
-1 gnew li U.' Mr. Oct<
at Bay M «r pneipUrd hombl.r.
-Chick grabbed tto guA and tnoad
a. That tto anouat for which band*
et ttotrlnto W (Uapy* It at tuD cock. Tben to tmned In
Jaaaarr atoadd a
any b* iwaad tor brida*...................
dlgnently to Mr. CTrreUnd. and wM:
lMM**d to mMO.
^ ‘tto^akaMM
S ^^iweh otoar chaacee b* wnde hw rlreanU. blrtbtoy. Tto ^ <8uppow ttoi CUB tod con* aft aad
ymi had mied jwurnrM. Wtatto-yao
think woUd bar* torpeaed «e me?
tow* ptxnrIelaBs with to* oibw
TtooM of tto charter.
Dm yoo. don'i you know Pm a Bw
Nrw T*ck WwA.
i*eMH lo tab*


*•>* price................................. ...........
Boys', Saivan't ^iee SUc and 7k....
n* tiiffk Chip* - are in it in great ehapr
' . —dothc up the boys—an extra soil
M«Vai«l boy's heavy onti^ woA


Utiee- emit m* im^eta Mol man)-,
- Ut hrhai they Uck in quantity, they
[eu|> in quality (or Ibe jirice* we
pbee on them. Ceeta HmleeUh
94 W'l/P.aM'P* et Jeitimifprke.


____ ^


rro...................................................... Ok
I-otXo,2-Ju™.d.«h,o(.wl«,- .

80c value* for............. ..................
gee's white laundiied shnU, 7k val>



“«i5tof ssi. «®,wUb


Men's hwvy fancy aod oal.
nderwear that mU ia Pc
losVey at P. tale price
Vaumm—A beautiful line of Uwa and
. geo's ke *11
dEity wtappeti. full Houncd.
heavy, worth $LS5 aay dme. .Ck
^ trimmed; SavUn's price $1.60;

price $4.60. sale twice......................... 1.S5
:,“5, axle twice..
piAtt, tcAI by Salrari at $L»k «alc

en's op-to-daie SUc oedifewsted paus Ihai SaKan toU kc-

«-ertrA« Sia*............... ............ 1-M


price....................... ........................... 1.79,

$3.00 colored sdkombreOaiCoM-CeUen gen's good liaeucolhi*....
ien’s 6k r
lea's and b


Dress 6oods

fiibrict.................................................... 1.96




gen's goodmdMUatialtomedtoiik,
only...:............................................... $.60






wboi* teaagnww aewtac. The b
gttls aad naby-toppy me
____________ wni to UTtlnl .. ..
laterwHA a*
Pr^ weto^ ^ totog bald tola
rr**k oa Moaito aad Taaaday wan______ abptttotolabnrd.
1^ ia lb* M. K abanh abd «a WadCHy CUtfc Baw* aad* • tb
aeUtay aad Thuatoj amiagi ta
part Itaw (to hoBrd of pablle____ _
._ which
rhkh Char «rt*d tto aSdwUmy.
rowaa'* dab ^ naal w tto
tan*wdf tto.________ __________
It Mn. Uarld Seaai VHiay
Waal matt Mraw W4dw. « wow to
Aba M(A Tto tok menIto toward to* balldlM of a ar* ur ww Sk
toUhl tbebeaMotMr*. C
& Krbl.

Sir llinn Maxim irUa a story
Lady UaxlB'a Ingrnalty. ' SW llln
and lAdy SUxlu were euying at
aoctbm watering ptoee. IVhro I

Fancy cartaia monih' SavUa's price 16

ghtes' Md ditWcs's lace eemoe he*e





Warm Saatb hr Waaatm ami

Ladies' wetve heavy fleece uukiwMi,
wath60e,mk twice......................... :
Ladies- an wool bote, fine fleece hone,
extra fine iB woe) cadMaecc horn, ■!*

PriauiariMtt Icagihi..



Mie price

tto kndhM ^

IlIrnM tod a : eaoueb r**b In hU

tody Maxim tnrited the proprietor I*
down to tto p4rr. pet • pmay la
gdwoi hawnltoto^^^h^aM** ag»certak
akt aad koA He dM an. and
toww a Tleln Bktnrr- at Bk Hfanm
Briag > MaxM^ la to* wwanca af
tto ahab *f Pwka. That ww eg '

Small Tnvestmtttts Bring Eargt Httums



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