Grand Traverse Herald, August 06, 1903

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Grand Traverse Herald, August 06, 1903


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


(SiranJi ©ratiiprse Ejciralib.

«rffM CraoMM IkfaM .lUST tRECEIVEO
Tbe hiot (Ui«w d> tat wot^
CM te CiO md «nler, IMS.


ita taM
pcffca fit «i>d >0»«M



TiaTcree Qly State Bank wiw«.

n. UMk«

Tire Insurance!
Plata Glaaa, Steam Boiler and A

Hooey to Loao 00 Improved Real Estate Only.
naen Block. Phone 73


s »g Cal tB»w«4 <s Tm« PtflU


Vice l*reii.lems

^qtfsUery Jlnnoyina*’-



L B. cutm & ca

<vru« BaOlU: •. M. aaa n

bometimcb to 1
an entire haking has been spoiled IKCAOSK poc
tracts or baking powder had been laed in its 1
u»k A*«e«»ymf<>a*’*
‘s Pure Flavoring
FlAvorin Txtracts and i'urc
Cream of Tartar Baking Powder at 85c per ]>ound.
laly Compoundod.

.^^^'Jebnson’s Drug Store.
Commercial Piintliifl


1 BBaU fcr tbe demand
that *e are hara*. CaO ami
Mc «tbe MU time yoa are in




Berald Job Office




P*owu IN mmjumoKt.
Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats. Sausages, Etc.

Doff7 use a Cook Stove
these dotDafs
Buy ear deUcioiu resdy-to-est iaiv^ cakes
sad cracken, prepaired breakfast foods.





now in the market for wool. I will
ool to your advantage and wiU
dS^t^e b«t for >t>u that anyone can.
or write to me. Will also buy hides.
I%ODe o.......
Warehouse 7782 E. Front Street ....

t. SoKomboreor
• Traverse City, Mich.
Bell Phorte 130
Citizens* Phone 48 I

Bat aafoi yea kBM SoM
wkbtbepaiaifofoBiTkiiMfayMto tcB the food

Cbt SbtfwMDimima Pihits
i beta aeU, aad hara been «mac
wtiahftiM lor om ihirtT
No paiuo are bettee. M17 fe« «
pod. nor «e
bat paiau fo pm.
EMBtfroadoatkao* mb afaoot paint 70B caa new
ptariee^ifyoartnafoareio hUitmUta/.

14a FRONT aritcET

loote.inaapdy. Onlythe-wiT
ssod. aad My (Mnataad ia evcfjr taqieeL
Bai/tMeC ■n-t aw-ad. »
ai a*a. They are
DUflglE* aiXMde<rf<foap>Mial,aadgMa a laAy
taidi to eateh the aye; bat art thnhic. cmafart.
Ale.MdBaBL Tit efoapwl oa
Oae* aaM Md |w «B bay ao oiba

atilt swatL '• Uictor Pelertyl.


You will get there if you use good

Jlxle Grease and
Cubricating OH
We h»ve uftsurpasRcd Axle Grease $hat will do for
CvSm' or lumber wagon, three boxes for 25 ets. snd a
little better price by tbe dozen. We have heavy Mow­
ing Machine Oil that does not vary in thickness in
warmest summer or coldest winter day. beaY-y body,
wean well, only 80 cts. per gallon. We also hate Mher oils, tttcb ss'Hsmess, Lard, Boiled and Raw Lin­
seed, Standard Gas Engine, and aIsoSweet.and Sewing
Machine Oil, so you see we con fill your Oil orders, all
we want is to get the chance and «re will do it right, so
there will be no chance for comfdaiaL

sarf CASS Sts


eoaoiaer ayevU Biiir.-a>



your alubbora. ■

l" S'

that 1*^1
., |.ui 111 -lu An' «b
anjibiiia under ib.-..
n u' ibl> bt
yoo Kmiw



r', f.mili
> i'a Thrale
plan- m bl> h
lather* and (orefaxher,
le rblldre I. aa I tbink that Ihr ha
• ere waUed lu the Uad irf tbe free,
le ever did lb hi* Itfr *
ihe tea whleb aland. dr»t la tbo aa
■ bran agin bit Rr*i lit
U our hlBioo-tbal great wideIbe way be dl
t |M-rvrr*eiH-ai ih
Air«.ic‘;‘^“™'“"*“ “
an It mat any oi
at Mar«lebead-<be old
a art an' took
I aad other* aui tar diatai
«aa remlrnl u* of tha a


' fa K:ar..d ai mr fur a fv
mlaaiis Th.-n h.> pui uR .ml u. il
all ihc U>ra da.
bam an
iriml 10 m.aldiv wlib
.rf hik II
|> kl'ebra a«alr» afUT
I. •1 aai null.- mr.' ibai my cuuliiii <
an B.- E I aloaK livelher real
klad you haw dmcribed
l>.rv..f>.. a, bH was
Hrd «o lu
l.> U- rather *.-l la hi.
puirblB MOU'-iiuivi ix.T iblact I'd dn
but he'd avi.r aay aaythlec in me


il the BBv be wouli
. lu luok harah aa' •
when I
e BK- WBlrhia blm
II rnon B
perv'eiae, uncomfurt'
e Leroy t
y. bui
bi I d ju.i let him pulch II o
bad to abide uadcr way.
I aay. Pa bad bla so
J.... —..... -lib. I dn think Ibai
a, e
, Pa Thfale ma> ihe penei
I une»ni(ortable»l. An' y, i
, liui B liat he had taU Roial i< Ini,
e epiia gold.
, ready to
a netshbor
. i.inm-uiin'nBi kind o' people uaua
>1 curl, all c
huncry mb
.t. altbuuEh
from bla d
an' (here ma
eolhine he wuiilda'i
•hral.' Ba‘n'1 that I
in aRIlrilon
ra. a. iruiban' day, at a t
u' a mure In Thrale to hold
lial obll.l
. ..'r llitHl
dii.irii.u, man 1
- ,erly aReetkm
aWeetuu. for
■val grwn'ralherly
k there like a luimaile ii> ibe
iiiiUhlny. a.
.4 a chip '
fua thing alkflf It
Siiii.iay at nl.^dll
.. B-aa fa ThraleV
I- liny wanled I
a laggta'
iggta- muud
after fata
>1 asnu-able |« rBun ua earth
aiha'l him 1“’ linihl°l'r^'“ib.'
toller blm all over tbe ptare:
lual, bour Bbea 1 Bral came
If the child tumbled down, thbi
Bill! him I rall.a] It Ibe 'un *'*"l‘*
porverwe old man w,
' '
It? An' meblK- *
pick him up—not be! ...
kauB anythi
about hew h
breakin' bla word, for he bad aaM
their wWkh'
rlml wonian liue, i<> livin' ihey (r> I. uv
Ibai he'd aeier lourb tbe child aa
n’ Roae. u' I
bu>baad > pa an’ ma. or Nob that he a
■a an' ma un Ibe other dJe think'mon- kladly aa'^sivlaRly o' long aa bla name waa Lrwoy Edwia.
One warm Auguat day Pa Thrale eel
lie .................. II'B akin aa Pa Thrale, 1 reely thiok that he tried UUI thins the middle o' Ibe mania’
u> think an Uvl alike, an'
wlib a ua pall lu pick lome blaebef
rie* over la a awamp abcmt boK a
nun between em. an they are
mile from Ibe bouM. OB' )ilUe —
me iblasB Uy Ibu
lagged aner blm. I itood la
Other p,op1e'i (auUc
married dauablem an'
my bob an' bi<
ao terrible to u. If we ipeai kurhbo doer, aa' aaw the old maa
fur batiB' me
Biup an' wall when ibe baby boy U4thlaklB'
died aller blm. calltB' out; -Walt!
ataortrurulBs,. aa'a<
fur Imby! Uaby go. tool'
- aaya 1, 'W.
biRh temper
1 reckon y
lie old man walled, but be nerar
T.I.,. .. »li.n they iry ,o .
1 a«la you la
Hold u Ibe ebUd’a UtUe hand at
nuui granpa'a woald of done Ob'
.. eouBi agiB blm.' an' I rvekua it
Iran'iia Tbrale would liked to erf
CTwndmuUier li apt lu bare Idrea Bin 1 aluY been DOae loo eaay to gii
t Jibe with tbe cblUrea. aa alonx with my own aelf Ift Juai a*
lehed Ibem go
gu ou.
out of
-----------ilfhl atoobd
aum< UKty baa lu be maltaiially Ktv- Ibe W'Idder Drdoli aald. 'We air all wBlehed
ek to ay
Ibe barw. aa' hen I weal back
aa boar
'''•Tli^lh^rl III! U- time fore m.'
'k. I reckon '
I aei my dinner oa before I've toU bad gone by when my baabaad come,
all vmmghi
li'a all well eooiish lu ante
If I don't burry ua It. It hapaay*. aaye be
puetry aa' puny
pl.«aa aUiul the
ae about II!
How did
'dear old graa'ma in ibe borne,' but
• boy. Juai
vdl me about li—butek!'
■ he ei|H-rienee u' rnual doar old pma'
i' party aa'
tuu l> that Ib.'y arv a p.Bl
paal dd>«l bet
" Tell you what?' aay* I.
by IheuiM-Hi-B. lion
-' -Wby. about tbe tuby bein' eaake
e h^a'uorld to sit
Iblak BUT'
1' ma cine day when Ibe baby -It by a ntiler!'
• Vem. I du "
Pa Thrale
" Wbai do you meaa?' aaya 1. dropleB lu tbe il.«rold


•.•m retr.«, to aa airy and^^itlu
fall, buth out over ibr water, with a

uu rant make'me do II
ro.y lUlle barbor.‘’dtli’iid'?la^-l5^w‘|^
an Hu a true graa'motb all manner o' --------- —im II Ibey'd basted blm Bailbuata. Bleamera. 1
hu-.phatl I'd love him buaii galore. Wyoad whic
a gran'morb
r b»><- poodervd

■ porch

I 'Kiml.v had n>D.. uui
l»lib a Mk Ua vau lu:
aad I kavw 1


it Marblewa
fenied arroaa tbe harbor, aaklag
aay ug aag briweee the esrtoaa

s. ™ .l:r'.”'5k.s2sa

people we are. aad human nararr aad
Boeklsg fur tOhoCWBl
lUdlM II




■t them wat like
!raiid|«. If I
1‘a Tbrmle. if d be bMlrr tor Ibem
I'rt talaad. like I
.Tu«X'. Ihaa
Yu.a •«« my huabaad

e Been that Vt

bb arma for Ibe Rial lime
morning, an' there
. bti vole«
-t.ei II waa planaed
bla eye, at
up to blm
line as lb
You're grandpa'a liule maa. alu I
:o bare i
you? You're Rrasdpa'a own llltle Ikey
buy. 1 reckon ihal of eoutae you atU.u
r a yuUBS
aruulre a
1—•ai«jah'ly to name him laaae larael. don't you.
hushand'B t.
'luw laaae larael had bea tbe lur
erve at >*a ThraJe wa
name aaddled oetu Ibe Srii bora
of tbe TbralM tor geaeratluat. It
ouibl lu be forctrea a
Pa Tbrale'i name, an' he had In.............................
•d It on my ba,b»d. who bad
____ —_____
have two dropped
««• for bU breakfait. wbeiber or ao
r handicap a rblld o' bU for Ufe
,e*'ry monilBS few flny yean, liat
by laxgtn' aueh a name t* It; aa' I
made up my mind
UBJ a boy that be
bare heard Ma Tbrsle tell be
Leroy Edwin, for mi — _ ,--------------that ime awlal cold wlbier morelas but Ju«i beeauae the name pleaaed
the dlda't have but two e*** lb the mr. an' my huabaad an' me iboughi
himte. as' ab« happebed to drop tbe It a eond deal of a» Improvemeat
e larmei
The baby ^a'e'a
bowl ibey were la, an' bcHb e»i;»
were (maabed alosR with tbe bowl.
a 111 lamTy Bible that bad been
Well, sbe bad ^leaty of ol r tblhs*
Pa Thrale.
fur btmkfatl: but not a mr e! would
wrote Ibe eblld'i oame Leroy
Pa Thrale ewi onill be bt
a Pa Tbrale redropi«d esc* They <
two layin’ beas at Ibai
call the baby l»aac fcrael. 1 aa
be put c

p1ea>aat a> I coulilK
anill It
mlrary urea
call Ihe baby by aS old faabloaeJ
o'clock la 11
a' Pa Thrale never et a aame like lhai. and—well. Ihe fact
UBill that bt'B laid. He Pa- we have airtudy named I
Iblag elae '
ell. Pa. be atlReaed Ibe way
did when he waa goUi' to bi
„ Ibe klad o' maa 1
. bla aM ipellt. an' be aaya. m
me roof wub for thirty odt I didn't have to drop t
I reekoa you an' Uaae forget
ev'ry murslng
gaaTailoa alter getTaUoa
a ratio o' Tbrale*
in' ma Thrale got Ibeir (
have named tbeir firet,l
fiiat .boy I»aac
ae time
I'm Ti
). donY you'
« bThad
depend up<ni me
So Pa.' I atld:
. D two d
-vt eggi ev ry ox
; but we didn't
1. bed of weal w
tag fur fifty
abould call <
_________ ____aa one Dteralng. .
mr If we did
it think that you can Sad anything
abi to. nr i
ime a good
It aaya that ll't a woman'a duly Ui
le bare }
Bubjeek to any man', autboiiiy lu
- Aa' whai
food deal bene
- r*li-nt of two dropped egg* ee'rr Ibai
Bertpicr aame I:
nlag lor half a nmtury. Ain't '



. uoe only a
lb,' Neck, which bead* tawalrfb^ U
I. ...

... ..

. _______ ___

. T. .

Aad. tpdeed. tbe
•laeblag* of the wavea
-ouM bare .>0B dtawUibed It tad
Indeed, it U ao.





u( Auui Hind.. Tbralv. atui 1 Lac
, Iba. Ihf Mor> • " '
ii.'r.->ilaK Ibaa i:
ul ua ibt' e
.reb uf A




'..'.'.r.;, ;ri.rj;rX',r,"

Th« N«Uon«l Loan Company.

mt-msas^asT ’

ly. an' 1.. ...................


Btabd la II
! Jail aa be vroia I
duaa We _ _
W rtllea for tbe H^i
with l>a about
Of all the nmtea from Buetoa w*
Well, iiarilj beraute I west to. • ould never i..
eboee the oae by tall to
iblag. ibai waa the *ad <1 by trolley to Marhlrbead-lbe old tat
m tbe pie he aald a Iblag.
II. •» ae Jiui kep illU aa Pa Thrale
Mtt IB Ibe revuluikjB. Tbla waa
-wv:i. bv U'P' hi< word
When our
trip* la
' ' Leroy Ba> a >>«r aa' a half old.
are—the hUll
a I'.ubd.' aaya be
iBi ruontii ID
•wuvl for aay
■II* I layt IB I iltced oB
r o' butler that I wuuldn'i
uebed blm. nor look ao
aad ahlmmarlBs
frvm Ibe day ibe chUd waa lea
grwa, lead a heoatr ^
- — the
—- ......
aad ^
day. uid-be waa Juai ih^ perrerae glory that are booni u, ii
B.I mure la UiIb house
Yea. aa' he tried to 'Wake Ha dellghU to the traveler.
' ,ay> I at 1 alleud uR Thrale do Juat aa be did: but tor oaee
'ouIu Ibe apple*, an
ii up aa' tiood out agta b
ID. an' I Bays, aaya 1
admired Ua Tbrote no mi
lucb U
sood many ibUic, ibai
me lu du Ibai I U du It

“av" r' ’’

.□111 MUi( tayt ’




. way-, a
u rartb i

H S. HUM..

llJJ^’iiSrtSSC: KSi"


1 maki.« U bl> bi
ivu dropp<^ eas>
iW <•( bU tile lur I
.uu uo<lenblB(> UB ihiJune fur fivty.clabi
be hu
bu l»i
payed bU taaeo


Traverae City, ailch.

l» the aiuoum erf Stviai;f l>e|>o«ti in llie bank of the V. S- It li
owned by 6,6CC.G7a people, making tbe aserage due each only a
little o>er $40a Thii raat accumulation is the letult laiEely 01
imall aaviaca and tbe accrued inleren thereon. We receive .h-poailt
at amall at Sl.OO and allow three pec cent iuteteti

A ficscni Bisklir M*c** I*


I -'Whya • (
in'*! be b« .
, br..iJ,(a*t i-< t


CAPITAU $200/i00


Allaaile on ibe tawltecSSd
Not amouth aad en*^ par

tUb aad prMlpIcee wUbout aomber.
One who eajoya aatare la ba*
belgbU <rf a rvmk aad r______________
............................rocky teat aeeataslT
pieced there for the oteoahm, aad for
aa bour or eo ladalae la waleUas tbe
maay freak* ol aaiare a* oaly cu be
played oa Bueb a atage. Pram tbe
great wblie cap* la tbe dUlaaee to Ibe
greater oae* Bear tbe *bora. eyaboKcaKrf tbe mad prank* of tbe mMeUeeoua boy. tbe aplrlt child that leceivae
more anrovali ibaa r^roraH. o

“S,?---------e -Chora" OB MarblebeH


Uwreaca. eilll grewty oa__________

drilgbt* mad rerel* W. We refer again
aan be. I waa at work tu Ibe mod prank* of a actoofboy. a
e 10 Ibe road in the Bold fort be- cuBundnim to be nolred. and oaly
1 tbe r
' •
------- .u— tad du„ jta permmde a* to
Ibe allarlag *poL To oae and
the bor*e dtdaY have aaddle or brtdle.
take a pnelikm Ilke^At'tae tap
denlgnaied and look down (alp
* bea b tat Baenre* la lb* rodu from
. tbe doeturV «eveoty-five lo a bobdiwd feet de^
rv nil
way borne to Rad
out about It. aa' I'm voia' to town ai
uulek aa 1 kin Bit there!'
•' Tm Roln' loo,' aaye L My baby
my baby!'
tplnablag from tbe octan. etadtbg deesctied
Ugbtfnl taraya up handredr erf lem—
ta fact,
oae hundrednnd
ni Efty and two
mj ore**, ao- I reckon Pd fime
beudrd li Ma Tbrale hadat coaea Mt
haaded am by hat }«M a* wa rode
M et winter R

_ awtfleat


By eoma eemttrv,.___
Hob erf aatare to
the rock* the moUn
a tbe watw to
light boggy. Lacky tor tbe
. . .* irf
lived lr«a than two mliet «
rack* balow
m we
eovered Ibr
iwlab aad t wUrf that (be
twelve mlanlu.
old Dr Klagk hi
ebara cm a mighty acale, for tbe eoaad'
bad alit_____ — ----------------' heard lor many mllea. Tn the mW
. ttBM tut myvtery will bM ta
year* an' we toubd Pa Thrale
eolred. and tbe -Cbara- wm ertr tw
mala <me erf
Id mao wo* baggta'
“itb n
an' eayta’ brokealyi
eeal OB me ta beta' ebnrtJy we lad
ll'a a yedgmeat teal
. ..jftal
batah. pebbly bat m.. .
aner leartog tbe t
t no terra trmn M a
and euil a ragrM. tort
■treamls' down tba wUd raoen. nea kalp and ■
•Tbe lean
aa' fama- <m Ibe few pebblnn and nek Uttto
Id man* i
ICC o' tbe• beby a* P» Thrale beta
Well, ibe.wbola »ior
a ranter bad
d bit tbe baby right
II o’ Ike eblld * thamb. Pa
id beard ibe child
tbe raiiler g^ awar
be baby bad
bl> band:
gma-pa. bmdte'
drop O' bk)
wben -




___u- .-u- “t

happened aa' be acted qolckty.
whipped out hi* haadkerebteL aa'
ii BO llgbl around Ibe boy',
he erled with pain
Ttwa. gran'pa
grabbed up the child, an ran for <me
hnne* gravin' near by. He
logfal (be
iJlt***^D Iowa,
iamb all (be WL,
by wa* ctapid wUb whMbey

- 'Well, I *ay*.' we bare named
Maora* bad been lakea. an' at the
boy Leroy Edvrtn, kb' U'* wrote d
tad of aa boar the d
la Ibe Bible that way already.'
Into taal hyaiertea by
-Well. Pa war ntnd HI* gi . .
fiaabed. an' bla vota wa* a* ecM a*
cteel wbea be eald.
beta blitta ta the arm or teg. bta be
taB thaak bin gnm'ta for earta' bM
■Leroy Bdwia-bab!
-Tbe Lord be praMad!' nald Pa
Tbrale: an' Uma be Joel tet (bare an'
ertad like a baby for l» mmua. aa'
mod old
4d Bible aame.
aa' oae that ta wouMbY let tbe baby oat erf hi*
■ good raougb for geoYatloB afior •rm* a mlaalt on U* way home. That
I'raikm ot Thialra; bat It ala-Id caoagb for you as' teaac!'
noghl the bob
me I wo* M' dl
MtwT?ttat 01U-> same tat
ily la my arm*
la' Wm aner (bat; bat be eallad Mm
u a* ea*j
as' be to________ ____
... never call tba. ... .
the ehUd from that time totb.
Zdwta. aa' I'll never loach h. w

-Ot eomae Ha Thrale bad t tryln
me erf It with Pa. Hoet 1 got to eay
agta Ha U that the war
give la ao 10 Pa Thrale',
wont thing a womaa
give rffcbl up to all of b
wbtm*. an' merge her IndlTtdaaUty
right laio bla aatil the'* aotbta' bai
echo trf all be aay*. I'm dead >u>w
>1 P* Tbrale dHaY reepedt Ma baU
- ma be woald of rtapocted bee
If abe had etood ap boUly for her
NgtaU. abe d alway* aay. 'll you tl
beet. Pa.' to aaytblng be aald:
I've Been hM Up curl BMta than o*ee
wbee abe baa aald IL He tried la the
begtaala' lo get me to come fata
if-you tblakdwat' aiiltode <rf m___
but be got Mt oa It: an' I tUnk that
waa owe rewaim wby me an' him got
aloag pretty weD logmber. I know
tbe Rrat time we ever daa'
wbee I d beea here on tbe
ibrwe moaUa. Il wa* a
I yoa hare act______
m (be family
monlag. aa' 1 wa* ba my c------------------ oat that Leroy Cdwta
maklB- eoma apple plea, when Pa r^nad aa' wrote Imac IrroH la
Thrale come la aa' net down U a big ptaea!' aa’ oat be marched. Ma
rath bottooMd............................................... me a good deal wpaec
lit taew.
Wbea my

I dldaY
tt Md. I (oU blm orf what bad
g bad wi
kmrw wbal tl waa. aad I dUbt e*
cd He w'aaY eel Ube We pW.
, I bad a pie tt (be pan. an' wat p«i
tad a ^bd erf hi* own. aa’ bt
Htlle tUeea o' bwlta
batta aw the applaa befaew t pat oa (be apper onax. when
Pa MfK MIS foi
Do tmmt

aru. (be eultorad end (he raStad.
on ibere lo Imbae to an a tore ter
tbe ptetarw le and baaatlfBL aad ew .
Itvaa are a
Horgarat B. Aadmaou
The Puratle* a* Ufa.
et every L00a.lM0 pereota wta
art bora to tbe *nme ytar. lUAM Hra
(or otgbty year*, aad iMl for atoaty
rtan. Two boadred aad tatrftro por
BOta oat of rrery lAM.Sdt Bra tor




r-iTi ta





aaoogb to be tryW at ttaaa. bat. ^
rttW^ most erf ta aia tbw. Of
aerer forgot (bat
(tat Pa
Pr Tbrale

■d my batay-i Ode. aa' Ibai pat
a check ne my tad wper la cewytUta >■ ■“**> **•


5U a- tba ^

—« •» WMta.Sik


Tfc* ••rty >«n uf tb«

Mwwl «sltr a raak to tk«----------- --- ttftt baraataonu. Ml (kc lar«er beula
kaaa aei bad (ka boaiaaaa vblek bad
bwa lookad for. allboosh iba bm.ia.r cfcat UMf
' LMaaJ. at tba bead <d tMp laba. U
4arMi|de« Me naldi)' tbia aaaaaa
tbaa ai aar bmlim rear, aad are
oral malik} proraaitaaal aad bail
ami laeB InMa ladlaaa. lima Okki
aad Mbor pulati ha>e laieaied la

vaaibiir iwraaibai The »aai« if I
<4 olber loralHIm aad II am M
tarforr Ike IM__
a (e« abort
nniala eoaie of cbe

Mra JMa K. Wrtfhl aad Hlaa
a Saallb fld OaelBaail bare Ukaa
raoBa at Iba hotel fur the aeaaar.
iaa A Huai of liraad Raplda
cd tbe tnrealac* here.
Abaar Haaia. Jr., id UKUtiOe_____
aaiertaleed ifae ruouf aMa at Omdp
Alpha II. at auJifcaJjM Uoadar *—

,'SS’. sr.
Balph Haiablee aad 1Mt7 Uniaa.
«r Dmroll. *bo ha*e l<ora aiamban.
ar ibe carioey at (Mp Alpha II. ra

il reiT aiea eaich



(ar. HM Blliabeth’a Idih Urtbday. A
•oat aowabir errola* na apeal hr
Mr*, r A. »TM eatanalaad
bar of aor aaMoo frtesda 1
Htdraona fraa X lo h
Hra Kraak H Apaanaaa a
Ur Mil amae today. Tbar a
tt tbo HUioa tutiaaa.
ptaaaad tor tba iBprtrroMii a
■huvaau ihis (all aad Mtt aprtac
kn Haaaaar Uausta aad Praaldeai
Haai- l^iraet abee Ibry arrlra aeii
rmr alll dad oMar chaacM U tba
j^rydt aad hotel liai aill add
Old Hlaaiari.
Tba Uld HiaakiB taaort ar
laMad aa ak» aa at tba ptM
Use. Tbe buiela aad eottacaa i

PUaer aad
aad aoa. Mr.
Mliw^flSir^d*'wire. Hi** Paalu
Wrtf, Jick =»?mc. IIL:
ItrkMi -.*• IVl-Mia.-'to :^r»"'l**^
RICbBI-id LenMlI. Mr*. Joha Macfrc
pnnd i:*pl]-. Hr:. 8 M. rolrhn>a
DMrih H KaelBiaa. Tukdo. Obir
Or. P. Harter. Oraad Rapldi.;
Hall.-r. dactanail: Mra. J. T. ketrL
ner. Spnackeld. lU.; Ur>. Kd L'rT>*)|.y
Troy. Ilbio; Mra. Mura Wonblartnu
Bprtacfleld. Ohio

opaaoj a weak aca wRh bricbl proe
paria few the mnalkdir H tba aaabet owiBc to tbe aaaroMr <d lebor
I OB Ibe mpMaa of tM atrwhM Mea delaped beyoM the
. ' *0( fur tbd MOBlaS
IM hotel
by tbe maaaceMBl
J i‘la
buwerer. la publac tbe B jrL with
poeHhIe tpeed. aad le BakiM a aamber uf K»mu a* coafiirtable ae eoadlikm* wUI ptwBlt. The lataricw of tba
:rawi the Lata Frad AllbricH.
1*1.1» preeileally ci.uip'eieil, the
Ik « tbe work bow betac the UylB« •rRK.tbc lirnald aa unBaltbM .........
I of tbe ctwuBda. balldtac of Mih
r.1 by bliD after Ib- dralh of
bouHi* and walk* aboBt tM biHel aad
irplnw, lb*, writer. y'rPd All
CKMiedi Tbe ceeaU vbn are bc
■ be biMr: pnaiwprw 11 <»e uf Ike
all i I III! frli^id*. Ii 11 a* luUix
matoeleal. boa>e.|1ke aad caWBlor
In ar t'acli' aad ('uu*la>. of Rortbera Hleblmn'r rmnn hoielt. Viwr* iDil KatlFT creetlBK*.
Well. e< la*i I have eianed u>
e. Tbe arrlrale duriao Ibe'Uni lo >.»: la fact l lutte beue ail
were (1 H C BalbeRaad aad
r tiailtoe,^ ud ibta tsr I lu^
wife, Traremi CItr; Hra. Alfred I
aad rbild. BI. Louie; Mr. aad Hn ...
I have bad a t»ud ..>ru*.- wbiei
A. Haule, BI. Louie; A »■ lluban you iHwr wbti I have ton.- ihniusb
wife, Tneerec CItr: Hlaa E E Ibe la*i 4 r>r I. ymra.
UuilHr. ul
I'uih. BI lioalt; Jam* 8 Oealaad. roor e ha* luld you a pri'*
New Vork: Mr. aad Mra F. P. L
Dew.-fa>'ir*> I *111 tell II all li
CleTFlaBd: Hit* WIelfrad Cavi
I eiiure yoti my o«*tleci
h«> ooi
aad Hitt LMTFtU CaeaBBb. C
beer. I>eeau*e of Ibe R*nir of Alb
(aad; Mr Md Hr*. Oeurce Lot
bdcbl. Bor ba* II l«’n I.eaoMi the
aad aua Arthur. Cedar Rapid*. Iowa:
' litlSbi * have dr*eri«] an- It
MM Kimp. PlalBflald. OuBB.: Ul>*
«*bl)ael^aad Mr. aM Hr*. Bueilar
brlghi. asil oia> I leave a
kata Cbkaco: Ur.'r'u BaliH. BI
ii raill bine be retaetabeJ-.M,
eld l.ioei an- dull ThI I h..|«.
■|.. aiiboucb Ibirv
• ipv ihai aam.- ii
^UBCb aora^wiio an ooi di
> Norlbport taat
iBt aad
My. »ablac^^M^tu Carp Labe
aad iikalra _.............. ......................
Uke Ulebicaa. wltb aiarahiaaUtiw
*U oa the beach Erery day eoa.e
Rbruraiua BOB* oui fm* "Cberukee
Uid|e.'' where a party of (heed* )
aaaeeiblM fnia CaUforaia Kean
I Dbd aueb a ruab ran lo-wr b
aad lIlBola.
UisI peaiple wb.i uevv aa* Huprufreaflee fllarh part) al
ran puaalbl) rv^llte 11.
laturday tWaslac. eilh la>
II I' partaer Irfi .•v.iMbliie aad
. ...Dtra a* priM*. wac uae «f
I iiai. aad uihor lanb-a t«iu<’
lery pleaaaal tarUmi* of tha-wee
; ami }UBPt^t no to our miara
AmoBc the rcceat arrlraU at Oarba
• hlch ■ faair o*n.-r rvluiuvl
IHUat art Hra. Juba HatVe of (ii
tlin. rail vllhin abHii
• ...................................
-- r Keadall
flatea. R—
!•; Hr
Pr Harter o^Oraad
______ - ________ me, 111., aa.
Mra Juaepblae Catebeuu of Uetrali.
........................eeealeo tbe cueat* anu
.. Mbied le U» parlor of
the laa aad eajoyed a rather aaloot
prucraa arrawad' By ooe of tbeli chaiB.-.l
Kiir over a >r*r 1 wa*
ra* of tbe llilla ea able io bear a won! from the wcii
eaL <w aerrlce, ware Ike alai • V. ai hotae. I waa caagbi v
yBBt, Ulanpereed wltb red.
1 divwd dlMtatve, wurii. ta Ji
latloua aad Uaproaptu oBerInp le
. -:>e aad (nr flve tmmtlia I
pit .- la a cable uo IhiBeaae cr
vrai mile* Inim Uewaou
preleaeor apoa -Tbe Huaie of Ibe
Thfuth." ealM ronb fruB a HRed
kiDC miioey bead uvvr Hal at
_____ n praaaat a. IIlltUe |«B of
u bed e ley uo e i-lalm wl
■bteh the mllad, -What
the ThPBibe* pruvod very rich, ead «*ik In e pen
.( lady (nna Ctal aer end ael talB lo wnif on II. He
Bay K> H*.’, wsleely aoae pa- afieruard uhlpped wllb all my »haneoco rat IbeliC eitraeta
fnM ~l*ataay," aad a of Ihv dual lover KOoO) I hln-vl a
It eajoyable arealac rioted wllb maa lo lake care <4 me al |Hi pA
ibr elaclBC uf the OBeaa byna.
day and foued. and a doci.w i.lce a
pned by Mr*, r. a Carder «d a
week al
liu piT irip
Atle '
‘I* Il oua Btaaia); .
BKiolhi (If Ifal* I wa-ol lo a huap


< .

B (baak (bar. Lard, for aaoiaer
Be*. UiiaBall aad two d__ _
Aad all tby Boodaeai prmla*.
Aad^ mibMaoB aad Vila of
If DauoU.
0______ R-hleb clre* to aa a place to (air
nd Ur. aad Un.
I^rrkrr aad
. -..................
bad Ibraa
Bark wealth ef eoBeur dey*
Aaacfciara ufI Cbhaco.
are apaadlat
. .. ..
hm. Ur. Wraar la «oiU We (beak (bee tor (be chwlou* I
a aiaad aatbor. Oaa «d Ua boafca '
Aad for tbeaa woodlaad waya.
-rta Umban Oirl- aaotber. T
Which aoac of Hrda aad aaallcht Bll
To brtcbtM aomaiar day*.
lltH I^tu Aaderaoe at BloekbotB.
•*Mr«, u einilBd bar alalar. Mr*. Wa (haeh tbaa tor ihta wtda aepaate
Chat, lutbars. tUw aari U bar Iraral
or all (beat iblalai bar*.
Ow boaa Mre. aba baa acd aaot W rot baallb aad hope, for love aad
•mtr a ptaoa ai OU HlaMoa.
-Tba Plaaa- baa a btUj eni«d «f
Wbteh aii oar eaBam dare.
aaoida. Hra. PnaeHi. tba labOadr.
fcaeaa Pot how to ratar la tba «aals
of -hfr raaata. AmpPM tba raeaH VTo Baat aa la oar war*.
rhrala arwi Mr*. I*taaunr. Hlaa Laar Pa (baak Tba* mtmt tor frlaadly
raofta. CL
Walter Tra»baU aaM laaad tUi
awak. Ha ha* baae la tba aaat aad
at tba Aditaadaekt,
Hr. Ckartaa Beaab tatl raatdrdar
•mac van aaaipaetadir lor Wa»
. ihwu. Hr. W* aaa a aMabi
fta adau at last at Aamat.
Tba Hlaara. tram apHactaU,
■prtac ibair baanSil oeuaca.
( wa la added to tba tM&
•aat teat aoBaMT. Ur. Htaar H adltar of tbe •aOkctaM BmabUeaa.
Tbe Ra*. USacwea UD. H
Harr* aMoei lar orar W rwia.

Clvliix Die up Ihree dllfemit llmea
Well I eaally beard fn>m home abd
when I did II wa* lo Sod I bed kni
my wll.'
She ClrO very tuddenly
while i wa* brlplesa at Daweon Two
yearj aeo I rame down aad wa* «lck
nearly *11 wialer. bul weal back In
Ibe apiiec m aitead lo m> c»p|>ef
Well, I came down la ihe
(all aad wa* boute bul a abort
when I wa* down acala and
bardly able to cm aruuad yn.
IlMlv wntloc I btvc dune ba*

Te than our aaaiBur day*.
Amc tba ardeab al Tba Ctovar*
at HiauUy wtte J. H. OarrlBoa. D. U..
oditor aad paWtabar of tba CbrtsUaa

ssssr 2.."'oai.r’"
CMr; Mr. aad Mr*. W. H. Hallaefc aad
Praak P. Ewtoa. alao of Kaata*

...r. Qtoraa P. Temae* of Uadoa.
tad.. BTebAtaaea of tba diaetat of
Ulehlcae Clir tetea Ut taaCy at Tba
doreni oe Wadaaadar far iba bob
mm: alao HIM HUtiUiaib Tamara of
CtadBBatL OUa.
Dr. H. P. Oaa of OaelBaaU bat
■taad ht* fawllr at Tba Qovat*. for
at Ibe naort. Tbla raar Ibep hi
had a aa* saate nM Mill mad li
Tba Hlaaat Qalalaa of WraaetM.
tbar bold aarrlaw oa Budar- —
L. are amac lau afrteala.
H.>bflllBa €t nnalrart la a caact. al­
Tbe Hlaa** Oacfubaeb ef CMaar Hla nuM* uf Kaaaaa Qir. Uta*
ell era epeadlec tbe aeaMor at TM
•wlac ef Daotor aad Hlaa OraS H
Gblaaco. ail Bi. Harr'* Clrto.
Tba eaaaM at tba »—---------pnae-LHBacMU aar* (bat the ro
_M to M Terr car. Tba bout le alO^Jt^Mur'a acbool an
laady wall RIM. aad paeple ar* tak-

sS’Essrr.X^'ss a.‘i'-sx2:issrs.-__
HraS Hr*. Htwroae.__________

Hatkabt bmaf at tMMa.
Hr. aiBd
'kri. Blaa aad cbUdraa of Gbhace
Apa apaadlBC iba aaam wttb tbaM

era Baefi to artdaara, wkBa saof eta.
(le aad daartac RD la tba e?MlM,

--------------- - --------------------------d to a UtUa

2Sr aTii’2


Ilk* tba watar MlUac, boatlac Md
lihtac art aajepad la Ibe tallaat ai.

H Abdfitt R H vonb a dar'a uaeai
lo aaa aad tcU to tba Utla flrV
. -O aparea ao palat la Baba It '
A^aac tba arTteal* at tbe talar ■at for hi* caaau aad >oiaa b
■aaae are Hr. aad Hr*. Bbar*, aad
I all tba aparta.
m Md Hr*. Habatt of <Hhaw>. T>a
Otben who aM ta tba wa ef cBlatr
al tba iMleaeB are M—*■ LM
A^oa« Iba caaM at I
Howe ar«: Hn. f. U.
(*a ehUdrva. Archie. AR

daa. OreoaH. OatroR; Harr Uleb.
Aauac tba* raeMt arrtrtla al lb*
- W. J.
I. B(aM
BiaM aad
ar* Hr*. - ■ ■ '
: Iba Bm. I
aad ablld. CiadaaaU: Ulpa
—ra ORara. Hra. HaaMb XL
Oa Haadar e*aalac Ibara «*i
OM bdaaaial daaea at OaMr * —
TbModar a panr fiwa *



•cbool tad Baaaolal meibod* of a Hi
Ihir type have ciram] tor a kmt »
-Had It aoi brae for Ibe aetloe
Ibe areal
money lalereal* of ihe
I’Biied Riatet la enmiac laio Wall
Iirrai Monday wttb Ibe toteatloo ol
(eiiinc la OU tbe Cfuuad floor aad
' le tbe ebolcaat dlrUeod-paylac
lile*. there would bare bewa •
More tbaa
Bben Ibc Block Rzchaace opeac<.
"There U bardly any queetUm
wlibiD tbe aezt few weeke there
pveermt movement lo dia*
...jwai. ladiutmal
TbI* will not be done with un
ha.1... bul ihr .wrvpln* out wll
-Thl> crl*l> baa bee ImpendWe tor
thru- y.wn
lUe fleurea bate filled
Ibr public mln.l
HIcb price* have
rnebiearu me j

eiurbllkoi rale* I
I- bad BO
Buying ■
huldler ua have almply I

ea^ wHl aap tbr wge oi aar
wUBta. ADdTttM>*.KyratiBwecd
that (beqMtbmefifceeoteef woraaaly dirarec la only a wootiee cd
uei^ lb* rifbl roaedy. X few deem
of -Favunw 1‘reecnntioa - rcabxed

S.T-S ^ “r‘..-*SES





I radcelBC to wrttlag tbe laacnate of the aallvea. and I* here Bow
have (to Bible gtalM Ja-ibelr laa- ha* lieca.waBUnc window aereen* ra
Buiie time to he ruuM eleep la
R-v HMchklae matuM lo America
morntag aad ibey bad ]u*t beea
Mkj. aad ba* bton very buy wvec pet oa aad be bad oaty a pea kartc.
to remove ibem with to
vune. Me Baally cot ta a
m alaep ta tbr mocnlag.
Harry Ballard of ladlau
livlened I
vivltlbg blv uncle, E. J
cn tlm.' I
Tbe rracner* will enyoy a ptaak
ventloalb ivaii ibii .'vealng Ur Fvjlgbnm
e.avk» the Sfh
.Joha Tnmaa bat boaghi tbo
ctmltb'* property
Hon. John ABate Ira -eaM- oooaly.^
1^-lto of
wtib .l^^jV
criuv* rvvail* juatl
mailer .vf lytsig ibe nuptial ke
* giung to I
law* cifwibr till.' uf Mtrhig
I n-ardle«>
rvcnrdletv ul
«d .-liUhr*.
riage n-ii tiHUiv only In craialn rai
wbk-h >V'IV rare, and to Juba ba* 1
ebaar.- I.> make a rv-cvird for h!
Ml after S.-plcmbi'f I thing* v
dlB.-tvai. lly • new laa tbal v
go tn.n eflccl at that lime, be v
bav.- amhvirlly lo in- yuit at Vtij

duiiriala have Uwa ihr rasr
V Ml ao longrr
•<im. iDliul raura for Iho preernl
tala l> rair big Bnaoclrra have bva-o
CTierUig Ihrir Uti holdlngi In nr
■r to carry Ikeir pourer Induiirtal*
r wbirb mere la on anarkel
guud many of tbe blowa ainirk during
lb. |ia*< week have U*-a ul a *andbagglag cbararlrr
TM* I* merely a chvwrir** dawn
uf lb.' imirning afi-r * dehaiich of
alt yawn. In Wall ilr.-a-i
lliil Ibi<la-*ib kn. II .if'.l in.lioiritl*
I* .in.hrtinu, en.l iben- la no ra-aaou,
.un Ik.. <lc»nal end ib.n-ckage a* n warning i.i (ear any




and lemlly



ih.-lr futuiv bumr.
•orevta and bippisreg


*' .*“*



ku>-*a yeaiervlay
F H.-Im and
nl.-qiia collage


---- -

Nurmaa |-u>uw<r


aiv uing made ibreugb
vunly of tbe ravage, of
rarevw, and (bnuer* ere
* n-vnai'imeui -i ib<-

-►prvad^ him
:.c!f V
l..ld<>n h

I I* prarllrally
• h*rve»i. ibv
J v|lih pb-kUs

le koul on bl>

-I li*g... Jr.

eni te Relem Sctoel.
y.-ar. ..I .vu-. *a»
I-v Mi

•-■l.-* a
.(I IN

-IV-.--.1 vu .trip ih.- i»UihiWlon ilnv.'ii
h un • n.-lchlvorinu it.-.-.

lay eii*d c.aild -rr • ilrrvdra t Kiagy (.
Ibc bra VO 1 kept in. tckinc n fm lb
wcBVt* UubfuUy kud *B auv V* peel

il.c i.rr*cni |i»*»inc fliirrer

Fieree'e Uediral Advdaar. ia
paper covere. it Beat ^rr on recei^

bill uaa- only
Il k* per hour
<ia.* In .T*niug. MU ei Ihe pre>eal
ilini- ■'11‘ry |ian <if the Hew marhlar I*
avor.' limn iii.a-ilng ibe blgbcM a-i|>rr
raiPiii. t>l III.. iDvenibn
Wllb aniih.-r y.-ar itiry etpawt t.i bava- a large
rmcliln- In operallon
Th- planl U CU>»1- li> Ibe clly. aad
ibin ilia-y have aecured. Tba* ftrm are
n-furlug order* aad nol even iblnklag
d Millclilng. They have- (uralabvrd
w'v.'iwl imall >»b> la the rll). O'
aigiT .inlera Ibai Ib.-y hare i.
lbl> y.-ar an* Ihoa.- fur Hie llarne
ilrriuii building on Stale »lreel
Ibe Church of Chrlit, on (he run
Kigbih and Caa* •Ireeli.
Mr Helm ba. Jual ninipleied (he fur the laii.-r building. Il
will hav.- Ibc lulluwing word* t-n
cr*v.-d iipuo It;' --Church of Chrl.L
Have e'alth lo Ood." A tnairilte hat
1-cn made In Ihe cemrait block tor
Ibe purpoae of placing durumenii and
■ when Ihe alone li lead
lire work tor Ibe eburcb will
aaler table*, wlaI* rap., V
.live par
rnl. and
ba* *ii|>ervl* uf ibr
l.rlrk making plant and Mr Hr'
in Ibr eiiy looking aftrr Ihe
mesial *.>rk, -Tbr plan! 1. rvu
all Ibe lime, and It will be unlll

.ere ih.- Aral io>- brought
their plant. Tbey'have a large
eprICK I bubded my cupper prupeniet- quaniliy of Urtek ahead, but all will
(or lUi.iKHi. It.umi down and the tm Im u.ed whvm Ibe w.irk oa Ihr chnrcb
OB term*, but 1 have bad to keep eyer
OU them pretty rloae aa they are la
praliy hard Una* and *u (ar have
beea unable to makv ibr third pay
ii. 11 ba* run over lime, MI Ihey mdeanlk Hie that Ibe macblnr make*
pull oui all O K. ir Ibey don’i !• -yvlK iBCbM In atfc aad quite It
pay up aooB Hiey will kme wbal Ibry rb.-y are laid tumethlag ilmlUr
hav. paid aad Ue mine* a* we
i.rlek. ihr JoiBU overlapplag.
-If (hrm are enmaed ao that they may
be ea*lly broken in iw«
akea down acaln I
.. ..............
of thl* brick making
.e about two
Line may *.
well f.wl prvysd uf Ih
iilloii and 1
iiort held a cooeuliailon
(Ibe lieit on Ibc eoaall and
Ibouftat I bad aa ab*ce*i.oe ibe kid
aey* eti i weal (o Ibe boaplial for ao
operalloa Well, (bey rni me open In
.................................... >k out one kidney \i
. Mad Oog Chat
Traverao Cliy‘a flrat mad dog ka>
kidney* perferily »oi
............. iM-eti ahol. witbuui doing any one nay
pul Ibc one back. I wa> oe the oper. damage.. Tbe animal belonged to
ailac table IH boury Tb.m
I'nH Ughi, who retldn In (be eulern
Be p-j lor two weoka aad It
pan nt tbe town, and wa* put oui of
after aie acala and eut mv open |utl Ihr way of dulag aeron* harm ibi
a* yon vnwld a hoc. frnm breoai boat of the wrak by Jame* Avery .
A week ago Snbdav, Mr. aad
Well, BoolhFr iry—After IbeyUgbl, who owned ibe dog.
ow ope* Ibey fauad'l bad tube
kialf (rueeamplIOBi of the bowel*.
Well. Ibey poured lo two
: kHI and ir»ier and
Iiadly aCeeted by Ibe bea
aympiom*. I
aad left me ((ra
a ~wM
- -wlee at
before they took (be Mndace 08.
. TbI*
.. Mr. at- _.
it tupptm
____ _________ *ure eura tor the Ugbt called Mr. Avery, and were •
i*e Tbe eali Abaurbed all Ibroacb viee.1 to put Ibe aalmal where J
ay *>*teravMd fra aer. - day. •
water and ijUlk I drtni
Ttitj'^lhllbliis Hr. Avery wa* callbrtae Well. J wna in ihe hoaplial «U lu Ihe idghi tome acaln. ibli lime
I ben r case hcime and la earauilouer. The animal, which w
eawflaed lo a •mall eblckaa part.
B (full
Ibr mouth. BOappIlic BI eeemblag
•Itbln reach, aad ooeaakmally lalllag
^Oacw acalb^-Vhe mnaclei of
lown A.bullet from Hr. Arery'i re
bark where Ibey rui o>e bad runin
olver put tbe canine where be will
lever do hara.
aad wb<« I aiood .1 Ibe Aral «
Caiilemaa. only v
e eliy U f.
Well. ibM I atan.
> mrnplng wllboui ibr dc« doing aay
of (p a
ibai helped me M.
aim la doubt a* i
I her
Slag* at Orelllcb Factory.
. . -...... ............
calD abiwly In ceaeral hral____
.■ bmke OUI Friday m..relng at
come oai all O. K
If 1 hadn'
in Ibc point atop of the J E
•y mialac deal I abonld bar* apea Orelllci. Cov Jual wcol (4 Ibe oSce
tbe wtaier la toulbern (ktllforula. bu boilding ou Wayne atreet.' Tbe alarm
luraad Ja from boi 3. to wbleb
nad Be «p to I eouldal put
. Wall, I think I have told all

>■ deiutrlmrul quickly rwpon.lvd ■
uii bad Ihr.v rircaoiv uf wal.-r
r buiMliig
Tl... Brv was i.TlacIpally
r O.iUliliig ruuni ..I Ih.' paint «ho|>
1 ...... lum.i.H an-l varubbet mad.- a
big MDukv tlial l...kc.l a> If the entir.
building war .l.v.iued. Tbe Or.- caughi
0 Ihe rekr ur u.utb end of lb.- build
lluw II caught 1* a myru-ry. but
uwn. csiming- •p.'Olau.-.iuv


»l.l.-ral.l.- rli«k .Ul ill.- MgviiiU
aa* aud ibv- palm and varnlab
Ivadiv .-..rrb.vl. aud all lbl> wv.rk *111
huv.- I'l Im- .lun.- uv.-r agito. ...m.- to
luiJly .tgmag.-d ibal II cannul
In- n-iialrml
The riin-k runvl>ti'-l
maliily .d raalngn and r.iiii|>Irl.-d nip
imaiv-r LI-. 1.1
luwk aud Ml
rv lully IBvur
iillillng I. run

Vuiing ISraiiily I. a v.-r> iiimiiy l.'y
-I ad.lirie.1 to all kind, uf l«-l bal. and ha-^gol lH-yn_nd Mi.-_ cmin.l i.l

- ran aw.v la.i (all aiul *a**ar
.led at that lime. hui lei -S Again
I. year h.- ran away fnun .rh.i.1 an-l

toldiera and Callera' Reunion.
Tbe rviibh.n uf the uld *uUII.-r. and
allorv In ilii. dl.lrirl will I-- li.-ld (c
-lie lAke Sepicmtor IL, 1C and IT. Ih.- FUc Ukc iwupU- ar.- prvlarliic vulertalning ibe uld v.-i.-r
in». Tb.-y have evuunw-nrud cleaflug
The ’'dWrl.-l lnrlu.U-»
Anirlm. U-rlanau. Kal
.*>ka and Hrwii.l Trav -rae nvunll.-a
The hu'al i*i*l. ! icl-h -raun Ikvsi. Nu
k. arv pr.-iuvrln-: i - alii-ud ibi- rcun
un aifil I .(>-.-1 tl. go v.-ry In
M- DiaiiiT of iiieiiilK-*. Un aco.iini
• many a* |>oi
L The Hfc I.

c luvvplr V
5 ........ ..

I Hr«ic-l*M- >hkp.‘
.laughter and builmnd.
<- 1) lAfulni. from ib • cliy
Ka.( lu.v l> alive frv n f.iur o'rl
In Ihe morning uulll
Jobn Taiman I* ao e*|>-n lui a dp
— - .............
Ci-niraJ »chi*i
gruiiiidv luiu a le-auiirtil park. H.- all
k nimnilli.-e <d ihr

F. f. lk-.moad and family and Mi
and Mr* Ikiyle returned Irv.m ih
cliy la*i Tu.'.dny evening aad (oun
■heir milage Inhahltalevl.
Ur. l>ca
remarked that bo warned 1
log.-lh. r^i.Ml-'vi..- Mime wgy <if gelling
«leep In tbe morning. «o aruee to g


In Ihiiiighl itiai lb. r
diillan- h
uf 'he«r

*111 (all
id a (.-»

> Ih.' building In Ih.-r
-.aery lu lay oih.-r •
fe grav.-led plarr* fc
* n.ii lu Injurr ih.Ihe lawn Wk n.-al ell ihe
• aleu prv.pii..-1 m place
■M.iii ;.


Grain Drills, Disc Harrows
and Land Rollers
Will soon be needed for your Fall
Seeding. Don't forget that our store is
the place where you find the best in the

You will be benefited by deal­
ing with
Yours truly,

Ferris Implement Co. Ltd.
127, 129 aid 131 still St,


Tnteresting Rew$ For
IRen and Boys

(*r Ih* Jude*,
y ••kid," about i
n .111 Ihe road i_.. ..
liiiii>i-l( an .•*i-ri
Uvanb-d Ihe ekn

knoBir.lge ur ciinM-ni ul hi* nii
and l»-al l.l< way m Charlcvnit
wbe m.i ni.llred I.) Ihe cin.luei.
Ill a pa>*.-ng.-r ah., lal In the
»cai h'li Ihr train ai r.-nlral Imke.
and thl- IllUe (rlMw wa* Irfi ah
Ihe B.-ai
He r.-c-meil i«-rf.-cily
leaied. and wrhiukly n1i|eri.>d u. -Im H.- was ..n
r nigbl
mrk lu
agalBKl bU
promt. Jndge Marne ondi-nia.k the
managemi-Di of tbe j-onng ra*cal a*
far auuih a* llellalre. bul waa ua.-quqel
- laak etrepl by alreugtb and
iinlll epetXMl by a lady *bu duB aaadwteb. wbleb ihc la
niicb relltli Trev.-n.- (-|iy
be ronunend.vl II* eDii-rprliu'

Up to theS minute Clothing at
Down to the Second Markings
Take any of thcni and you may be
transformed In io a bbtter dressed man
than your neighbor, unless he is wear>
Ing E. Wilhelm's Clothing. All weaves
represented in our immense showing of
BKie Serges
...............$10 to $16-60
’ CheviotiMixture........... 7.60 to $16-00
Black and blue worsted 8-60 to $20-00
Thibet Md Scotch iffNti 1 2-60 to $20-00

la thl* niy. !• bar)
hr It BI tbe bond
dutiHal mliiioD. I

e Afrlrao I
' the nailvly n.
d ipem ao m
•T Ibr naUvei Siam, hr
ra Ibe
lime, -fbe- wo

AUdraa. Uaear RUkinralili. wH* aad

Aaaa OaabaL Hilda K OaabaL C
VedebL UaelaBall; J. RaaaHI TWaap■aa aad aift. Oiand RapUa; Hr. Md
hta barely ra
Hn. W. H. OrHbr. ftdraade. Ohh>.
oa BtMT taaL
Abooc tba laia arttral* at lb* laa —,______ of Ibe worei aad mnet dl>
Oa Balarfar oroatap the OKuad kr* Ml* Harr Alaaaadra, Hra. C C. aatreu* paalea la hlalorr-- fl ba* eabap m flTia at Cedar Lodaa. fTW. Clapp*. HM Halaa Pbatpa. HHa Kaau rapa.1 barana*. wHk tbe retaarkable
Orar-a CTwbaatra faralabad tba MaH.
---------------------------------------- - Bdency C
Hr. aad Hra. Mule were *WMaaif
li no la.
br tbe Manbpert bead at Iba ibalr
amjfcjTM nu»a.“ After the •«-

nobar riiHial a aaabar ad

*A*far«ien panj vaa d*aa H Hr.
Toaua Lawaea at -«aa Tanboa.■ Hr Lawaoa Ml tar U* bcaa la CU.
daaail ua Taaadai.
Tba B*~u atCadar LodM f« —
PMI waafe hare baaa Hr* Bd. OoerM
aM aM. Peidar Blafl. Ha ; Hr*. J. V.
tataar. Uiile Rack. Ark.: Baht
Mwir. Hr*. Ueror, UHa Owrtaa Bedm BL LaaH. Ha; Hr* ~ ~
domtUa. WH.: Hr*. O. J.
MH* u»n* UaatMr*. la_____ _ _


laroM dwlcfc. WlUla
A T- Kai. Chkado; . _
WrtMlac. Ohio; W. e. WB•
■ THta-


MALARIA invirnmfn
Enmmy to HmaMh

The preraai aeaaalloaal decU
Chilb aad feura. tdniok dp^MpHa. torpid acd enlarc^ liver, kidaer
valuei aad the fallon* and whole-; trouUes. jauudira aad WllfwiJramS
dae to that itmHUe^
Malaria. KoxieaacMraAadaakaalthyBanerraUactiathegivtaiWaue
the liver aad kidaeya fan to act, aad art peend late the Ueed cuncat sBtn
it beromea ao pdluted aad alacsWi that S^iaoa* Ittraally break Utnmeh
tnrieat enptioBi of aa
1 8ve thmiaand ml
iptwaaslad la the larcetj iadolcst dbaiactcr appear, dnktiaf the fljMM. cad tbnateaiac lUe itaeU.
KallaaUM of tadiuirlal
a Ibe Uatory of L

S.-SS-.Ls£-3t3i'^ u— bd... a.

a. a. a. data tUfl aad niaiV predaea aa cBtiia


iDcraiaraalaoot from the daRdoaa. -IWa b ae
Potaeb. Areeaie
or outer Bia*raliB&&a TT If itTfrtlT Bill rntirrlr ■ Tirilelilf

For tbe Boys Kta
The most complete line of long and short
pants suits ever assembled in the city. Every
known cloth Is here.

Short Pant Suits
U50, X2, $2.50, $3, $350, $4. $5, $6.50 iH $7.

Cong Pant Suits
$5, $6.50, S7i0, $6.50, $10. $l2,5;i ud $15.
Mom* of Oood Clo^HIrvs-**

Mlit. kroickUlt,

•Rfl MRg m

€. Wilhelm

. m Oreaa; Hr aad Hra C

Wat (or-taSiS



To Cm a Cedd in One Day H?5r|
Dtw Stm.

Cor. Trout aad Union St


Ctail InroM IcnU.

ireettva nod rely,

. jrd *B tba wtoA

r. H. BaUUb reitdrena, at Ua earaar to Binh aad WadawarU atraota.

H. K. OUI »Mi <rU« atUMtod tk*
tram tba -away a

nmiM bt orv n
, W. N. kw*^, bna»r
.B. cui»t»a <nik bit wii^.U4 d»i
ttr. Ml TkoiMv awlmt: for a r



your Health and STRENGTH with
...------ ---------------

Abntri II <w Ue frUadt to Hr aad
eebool to Tito. TouDa*.
Ir* I'hnrW DtpUy. me—bem.o( He.
Claytoa lurdU red a pony to It Pbenoe INmi and Carp*,
•. palb
hare maraad fro- aenr Btmiford
—rel to bU tieetkm Ua a
iradar erealnd
where they bare been plrklni buckle them ceirbmtr the dftlelb anelver«ar>
_____ ________ ____ balcaay to tba
klktaa and bUaaad Ua paopla.
to Ueir weddlni: Tbe ereala* wai
Hore. Aap. k.-Tba lau Klap Ham.trt WH Barto'e pamoaal tilaad.


r. c. n. Doekeray fooad blauM^
*U ce Hoadty. tad be doe2
arahy wat well baowa. had Ue bldbbe able
dad Ue .
j la Iba Hreald MUer


he watch poehet to bit tro
W. M. Tinma vw a Travarw CUr iloo bad aboot ft la looa*
I be ba
vidiar oa Hoadar.
Ibat -oaey aow
ThU ■
Hn. Jaaw Kabl------------------ -----Ml
tor hla chaai
yy ar frMuU »Hk a drlTt lo Ih*
, and tow Prof. D«^any
MUt fMUc Biekaoa li Ifea tUMi
ye (hat beraader be will pay aut ble
at MM »Mlc Baaab00r.
iioey aa toon aa bt dnwa ti (rum
Mn. KaakT WUtee to ttrj Ul
a baak. aad clrc Ua oUar fallow a
laaca to be the k*ar to cate to;
Htor Aik* •
barfitry. Tbe ibM Ml ao eloe (or
r btM* k
Mr. Doekeray lo work
» ^mnk L«B(vc will fivB
. HoiBwe toiilartt

_____ -T.:.

The home or E
Elebib ttreei htt
lly wat at E
................ while Ibe
fbiy. Ualnrday euwatoc the back d
wat fuoBd ualueked aad panJy <
aad BcaUi oa Sn^r it wat (
opea after betoc
evealnc Bone B
wat takes, aad i
opeoed aad Ibe e
bat Ibe htal wat aol larfe

ibti after beton
in-two women
ihe oiber 4*)^'when ~Mra"H^
I liulH-rt I
iWUiun on the ledee of her b
iwinjot. A» Ibe iDierlt raat.,
|cMn»l.l.-nble Brief. Mn. Hrt'orailek
Id ennwer In aa edvunlaeaieot to
LUB* Park. Coney Ulead, fur e yuuag
counge eaouph
m wedded life -------- evvcDteea
■ -' tin* daj w*s
ua— Id each
bred liotn I
v*r. i.ui Bee.1 ,i»,„ bad ex
oa Wedaendny. Aucunt k, at Ue
,n.u im-.iuse l..r |»sipuninc bln bappiBenn
rtrk cernlvtl to aatlobi Urar
,,i Mr.lnw.dtJ. and •liboupb I Til.- U.i dm.- s.-t van Jiil) IT ..f Ul. rv.uiH— have nlgned epreemeou aad
...-• purl]..- liave l.-en buny no|j.-nr. l.u. I..- t*li..j lu appear red
"■ receive lliw iwcb (ur a
irere .d bim l.t* l-en lui.nd
It In u... Mu. Ilurkht.ldrr neck* IIO.UOO
r.aire.! Ilini li. ban 1IW of t-i|iuMir.' dauiegen li.r br.-neh to promise,
r»rl Bunch. Hi
ky.wrAld^are to
nod bung.-r
li be. U.Dg be.-ii supponed Imponni
ld.vlpbui Buneb.
h.-ni roii.i) (nrmrr. nr.-* lull..- b.r * human Win* U> climb Ur
' om Dr
Imw ...u..- a„u:, . Ul. Isll. evidently.'-umoiU ..f Mount Kenlw. la Wenh
e wbea
A nlOKle lupidn barrel ram I Ugiou. Uui U W. BetU of New Or
psaj ha. i.rd-!> nir««<1> fur M.oou j lean, nml II kl Sarvenl of Tecoma
Lake. K Y.. ...
Ip.rrvU ..r l»;i ajiplr.,
1. ire....ded to trramplUbla* Ue fuel
•oben to the Batch fa-Uy
A .lurk VIU loui lr*i men Lel.-heJ 1 :j.; %.-.-k
IWure rrerbla* Ue *um
e aa opemlre
un a iKHilirv t*riu north to Si I'lalt. iiuli ih.-v «..r.. e..e..w.ii-d ... —.
. .. . . ----------- ------------ jgeellaJ
ceallaJ hip
The imu Iruni leg. end Ue im.i l.lodtiu il.e
Uwelloar It In repiuled that a MSc
l.g. |»II1| la dlOereOI direeilonn
. la urJ
IXNI frJ win be |Ald
kid Dr. UorcBt
Uorean B
If bb
-............‘ - Busch yumb. who has a>
Oenerei Newt.
h nriuounee.l lhal work oa
10 walk.
luuUvwed. n.i.hli iniealed by T. C. Ilrebuw,
Jacob Kuril, aa evaotelUt to York.
ranrbnian. ehtch U bel
Pa. becta * *er1e* of ~bbu*ctop —ee(.
Ue lAllnoe fom to I'lto. 0-.
i I'rankturi. N. V., U rapidly
rli;lii l||. 11 nrlng r.iBipleih.n. anil tbel Ue nblp
I' Ih- -..w.lied
Utiaelied ahurll,.
shurlly. Tbe
—■ .tlimhlp U lb«- nrsi upenllrr aide
.heel alnhtp thus fatjftBsUwcied and
r.wli... h.T liialilllly u. du ibem Jia. .-vi-'r.wwM.
iliv Hbe bad O', uriiban a.yliim aii.l, umbT r>ni«
lh.n I. inli-oded lur rer
0 pimv
.Ire* III. pay fur her ePorin, but she'ur im.i pa- -germ *ad It to be pro
l.wik Ihe..- ehll.lrvii. II l.iyn and 11 , i.-l'ed h>
aasuiue u.rtor to (ra­
Kuna la o|H
rer. It U pulded nUiiy Jtoned
____ _______(ol.,
......... ..
nui.llil.m appraW l«;h.
shlc wb.-.-i pri.pi • . Brilcp to lokevl wHb • ______
Tbe eohjecl to
>. ... wily d—lfeu u.rvwviun
dinwikin e>
by bl. . dltrauiwi ^WM^-Tbe ^bl Ihtag.
..mmclDR Unitl to U.'ir taak
the MasmwVeetls HomeoMUIr
alptat ban Just l>—a
i WlU the akin
uvuDd tbe eye

tbooibl bt bad ilBply loal ibt parte,
aad be did the proper ihini In ibr
pranltn. adrenlted In ibe Rarard
Bin fbe parec vti bM reiuraed. and
a waa Mtoa Clarka BOW be to tare Ibtl the moaey wtt
nil ba bald al Ibr lake* by a ibM. He remeBben that
______________________«BBi lib aad «lb be aad Mn Ustmoad beard a aotoe
I Bicbl wbea Ibe BKipey dltopat t:W p.
aad Aacaal »ib al lU a
I. Wedaeoday laal.
but eorb
a. BHia a*a*kta< aad aladad
A daacdaa party wu slraa at
l«n hall Friday alibi. Katie
--------* J by Oray * Oaapball't


Mm. Baai-i

Sun “*** '

HartOa Wlhn arrltad h

abe waa ooltod .
aiaur. Hn. Oaytoa.
Mtoa Mabol Dllkre rataraad ta
' d mat Tbureday.
Hra. Uaytoa orr CtoralaBd arrlrad
haraday aad wtU opaad Ibc aawBar
lib bar Btotre. Mn. WIIom.
Tba ntowatoaiaat (It*b Tanailay

Phrto Buta of Damn ma


rUb bu parael*
. HaailBdt ad Tnra
a»aMla« tM I
t». Hn. a Bi
ta AMaa. Hlaa


A toft lor bar MBto

■odd aad Oa«Bsa plaanatly «
lataad tba Lady Minnbaaa laal .
day araalac «Hb dalktm* tot anato

la Ibe arenloa. and later be and Mm.
ItoBBHiad Beat to tba party al tbe
bOBie of Mr. aad Mm Jaant O. ioha
toB. Mr. Uaaoumd pultlac (be pune
la Ibe Irouaan that be wore
party The aeit toornlac tbe
waa aoee. purae tod all. Hr. U
Ibourbl Ibea Ibal be atlcbl
‘------to It out o{ bU pockM la rcBor

i'sr: ■

_________ _____ oiM or
Hr. ttoaouMid-t borne.
noaan fron wbkb the pn
tea taaaa laalde a cloaed. a
a autober of other pain oT tronaan.
wllhli^ ^ to Mr DMBtoed'i bad

S'srr"’ ■"

ly. bowrvrr. IHiirlei Allornej t'oi ell Duiod Ibe ruurl (or aa or­
der to lake protoi to Ibe eata la tplie
Iba robban bol btoore be of (be lopaa bf Ume. and baoiute do
tboagbt that the paraa bad baae
1 now lAinp oonildereil like li Im-i
_____ nbcrei
Hr. Dataoed draw aoae
abould DOW aaUrpa and ex.
froB Iba baak to aaad om to
» U eter)’ proepcri tbel It will l«J
lime lor tbe taklap to tretltown to hit brother. In eaaBtettoa with
baaed at once.
bto ebareonl bailaatt
Mr. Deaatonid.
.fflclenl money U nuw In the
at ba dmw ibe nimay, aoUead that ha
li of tbe poet (or IhU purpoee 10
tpeal at Tnrarac
wat belBC walcbad by a dark aoffl. Cliy loti oldbi. and Judpe Woaiy bat
for Ue monurenl. tboupb a onplattonad. blaekwyad IltUa aua. who alto reFiunad
wUe lam
n Ue upper penin ^demUe
>an li ret to be mUed fur
lookad at ibouch ha eonld naa Ibroncb,
nodding uf Ibe
The motloD aad obJecUoet will Ibe prodlDd
mwl ibroacb t
ui> lor baartop toon.
wotdan to Ibit
meetlap lo cunnlder tbo mntlcr uf

. D Batbanaod aad wUa to
______ j* Ctty wto* foatu at tl
Hartbport BtKb botto ton Saaday.
Mr. pad Mn. PM Laalto to Otot«M>d an caaata at tba Baaeh bMal.
Tba baw crebaatr* (roa ttotoadi)
-‘loacbed' him aid wat pnparlu tor
- .................................A Btaeb baM.
A eery pretty borne waddlo*. wtaleb
taeaad -btaL"
united In mnrrltde Mr. Dnrld A. Bor.
Tbe ratldaoee to Mr. and Mra. He^ bar of Porwell,
MIeb.. and Hlu
Hlu Helen
Juaephtne ElapbentoD to tbit
- inltad1 latl
tott Tbunday
MortbMt '<•»« Twaaday.
o’clock at tbe bore of Mr. and Mn.
ewBooe Tbe thief did aot auke W H. Umkir to PUth atraat. Mn. Vm
belU a tUUr to Ue bride Ret
B. A. Karat aad vUa
to tba gaaM troto tba (
todblaaalit to Konbport.
Mr. and Hn. Hoatarw reUM
rdaoa. wba bat beta tarty
Mm. MaiUcae ploead her
pane. wUcb eoataload nboal M. oa
tba dreoaar aa Baaa]. aad Mr. Hoau.
...Jt Alma KIbbe to Mnaios vat
Mr*. Boat aad frtoadt bad a dallcbt- pac kfl hU par**, whtoh ebaaead to brldremald. aad Mr. Cborlre Barber of
^■anbatlkre naai oa tba baa* b* afapiy- to hla treeaan poUat aa PorwelL a braUer to Ue prooa, waa
frUax t>r«atod.
tMtal. nif amratof btoh ponat
:w aa(~ktaaaiy at* wirtoc 0.
plrl. aad Toarey BTakoop, a
Baaltrt aaw balMtol tor alaew of Ihe bride «at tM baarvr.
Ula loiWBOoa.
Tbe hoiite waa latUly decomua la
and while.
______ The
___ _____
I waa
waa beaua a aaaibar to ttau dot Iba hfD who wat praaoitai l
tlfally powaad ta wbha while ...
. rtoialtr to Hr. Bpaaeirt mal.Id wore Ilpbi bine Rafraabbut kk^e It, and he Ibea —tde
era aarrad oa Ua Uwo. whteb
U* dMoeery that bla podtaUxnfc bad
iltBily lipktad wlU Japanwa
B diaappearad. II la Bear tbe aad laalenit. Prvll pnoch wat tarred la
Ihe BcmU. aad bla -Mb on boad '
.Jd Jail eihtottad, wlU Ue aseep
sf town pneati were
a MM By Bprator»
UM to aoae aaall ebaoaa that be bad (%trlM Etrbar to Parwelt. MUa.AIau
lOBoa to hit poclM. n bu kiM la all. ........e to ktoalon. Hlu UIIUs Hoaroe
ran. Hn WelU B—itb to Bapl
aatry alfbl aa cbo«b Uart vat a toft
____ Hr. and Mm. M. McCarthy. Ben
caa to towB. aad bouawlrai an (toapHeCartby and Dr. aad HrtilJ^PUetaa
tm *«rr Mhtly. aWto boataada ara
to Klaptlay, aad Ur. and Hn. A. C.
Ktyla. -a* -ore aUaaU- tM
Wyakoop to Cedar Ran. Uaay beaw
MaaJto Iba
Ufa] aad eoatly preaanU wen plrre
toi tor at U kaowa. (bt Ulto Web Ue happy oonple. nod boau to frieadt
to each will axtead btaniret eoapnt.

uwre'.J.iriSJS'S.: g-

SJ'iS Si. to‘oJ55Sli*““ ■*"



aad tbm U ao da* aa
—Jty. ThU It aat Ua cm
,Ua ktod that baa

mm. mr tor enaMaat thto weak, to
«a to ibaaa tba bwKton aadr
-bdaL- wbDt la tba tobar eaa. a*
w kaow*. ha aat aothtod.
kaes aco Ban 0*0*011*0 boaaa wm
na UM ar Utorta nr* IH
urwd red Iba Ulto or Utoraa took
Idreaa oa BtoU atraat.

ao^ >~Tac



■»::=;'irc;, s.

St mg »re ir
.- IB favor u

Ad ullUbc IwM few Jimr. ww.


irSet* tl I. tnk-«i liilef-mwJly lo ^..*rr.wsi

Abre-a* ft*
%>mr htpb old timer
)oye<1 tl tbU popuUr

,y tBurnlog
necred or eeculnr .
I at tbe rmon Sunday nipbt. or
^ ..........................
at I o’cloek 11
- b!
Ue Tnlmnn-Uncaile
Tnlmnn-Uncailer Concert Oo.
Erery nnmliee wan encored, with
AuJeTwildiTi wu a Wild Uan lo



One Month Free!

Uclw to apparel eieepl Ibe drt«n
rub— d—Ipsrd eepectally fur Indoo:
wear, aad not at all nullable for imn:
dreu. waa futeoed un to|i to bis lent
PM Ue clotbee ^1 rigb^l, bir
I ram.

. to a

belDoai cbaiacler Uaa any
irpUrJee In Ue bean to Ue ci .
Roest ebickenf have been eteteo from
aad other prorKtons
proMitons fur
for tbe
loaer mre have dUeppeered ]u.
tbe prtme to lUe.

HcKnlpbl Murder TrI.
IrtaJ to Un. Mary k
chirped with the murder
brother. Jobe Murphy, by poUanlnp.
aad aaepected to Ue -order to Mur­
phy'* wUe »nd child, will rame np ti
Ue Aupusi term uf ihc circuit coon
for Kalba*ka ouuaty ti K*lh*»k*
tay to next week. Tbow
ba baa taupkt. n* t
tUo a ireebre harlop taar*-- deal to doubt
trial at ibU tern to
tally U thH ikHiBlr for a
MT.Hr P C Ollben,
ytan. aad (aritbe pott two yean barMcKnlpbfn .
lap tlb
tllad OA impartut poaltloa la Ue
' loa city lUcioU WlU preat cMli. they *re'ready for irUI.
nod Mn. ........................
Barber will ra< ' '
all the tire, lor that a
Porwetl. where Ur. Borbew r
inurb doubt a* 10 wbc
prlodpol to the ncboolt f<
in occur at the *ppn«
ic court.
rbo bas followed
Nearly every






Mid-Summer Clearance Sale


lot lh*t fme
l»nry While
worth SSe

for ISc croton*
and ni'kolin—


1I -OU
fur kicn'n KeJ» ttoaiolcd
Svealm (hal
Ik shape *tnw
were a.Sfi and
hal*. worth
up to ti.60 $16U.

na rei as we... nuun u ium
swawc. «m
jnm^ iw tiwuiu nwulwd U US

ROM. Ao>. 4 -Oar4toal Joan*
Ha iboaM ■ano. pairtan* to V**ca. ho* bare
alaeiad pe*a la aoecaartre to Lao. Ha
waa ton Joaa t ll». at Btaa*. wad
waa aiaatad rer«aa) ioaa IL im.
Manta tbow* to Lelred
■r defesee
Tba BOW prettt hta «*eMad oa Ua
elly oa bniloeai yeaierday.
ThureUay, Aupuet I S.frem I— a. «
vs only U
to Plaa X.
Ur. tod Hn. Jay R. StlllveU am
.d her atloraeyi. It 1
•a. *■«. 4.—CUnUrel Jotapb tpeodlap Ue week al CbarlerolL
tb*t Uerr will be the harte»t kind to
vaa aaabla to reM«b*r sptadtof Ua
wat ebotm u ibe papal Urree
Hn. R. C. CD—pUB weal lo Carp a dpbl. Tbe prtioiief ra*d be rberped
a oaereU baIM.whl* wat tohre Lake
aka lb
Boralap 10 t(UDd
t(leDd Ue day. In Ue premie—, only wUb murder la
Borwlac. Tba alaeUre al tba MOA H Dreaei aad dtophter aad
-at depree. and there Is but one
UUi VI4* Hotter wnl u Carp LAk*
y la UU eule tor tbli oPenne.
iba pare, t—9 Oardlaal Botto. bad tbU —eralap fw Ue day.
•a mtle pan to Ua joitttol to Ua
taJnrajM toft aararto artuU Arwu of CadUlac U rla...kaA OaUlU are JrStoekla«. lUap h
brMber. %'tUla- Am*, lor
bat Iba anal eara—oala* •“
■Mnaca vaa'aCa—ad tbr—igb tba
tarred toUawtap tbe eMcdhm.
u1!*>rmnk Kafka w
hMb tmm atodaw. Tba UM( had raWkre Ue eout abowad U
IP! coloyed Ue drire to KbAk uaaM hM atedo. dad idkaa cad to Ua
try twwUlnli to tba total with a party to r
aau bote) Tbnmday afiemoon aad
.ntaa toot had ban eW.
*npper la U« boiel later la -------------doon to tba BMbu cbapal
Bloa OareiMt marred u
>1 Tbe clB— ■oceeeded n . nicely
' '
they bad (eft
mI Milan
UU i npnidlap ibe
Ibe city vltk I
in tro—
.IlMU ibelr
.HVll MW. 1. aad enjoyed
A tire
tire Ibn
ibey ba
bad wit
• - » go
Bo—a to Ue elB*t v
. totodoB tad aaured Um boadt. M
to Oraad Rapid*_____
Itb tbe afternooB loa
.tap vlU aaoihcr rip.
a a tbort Mali wlU triandi.
Sbent D. Q. Chaadler wre( to PVe bat they rwacbed Ue hotel too tale tor
Mbt Ml a pdd......................................
Lake thu —aralap c* a tailanae irtp. fopper. aad by Ue tire Uey reaCbed
wtth tba td^indlea?that to Oardtoai
Rer wmu R. Oook to Haatre ra- Ue cny wen aot panicaler vbai va*
Use to
.read booM UU -arelop. after
m botore Uem la the line
al re
TV —rei—* <* —
lewdlap the BartAeRtepbereoa r
did Bto d
Umtap UeIr inppar dl
o tba 1^
anadanad Ua oaw P
treir OPintA and Uey
ptaaat. whara bt taU
H. M<^l^
tnnnaate re—ben
reired u hava a »»d lire. ^ ta*
drive wai reJoM boi •
taUe. whUa fMM. whiu cap aad
Mae Ual hat bare be- Ibe lire al Ue pavlUou.
«W*to Iba papal oM. .
' •** aat aatared.
(ba reapal aad waa areud re
... .............. ......................................... n(U L.
. HBBBBb'a atacd.
ptoM oa Ua UBbdBt tup to the taraad bore* thU -BralaB after a
aMar, wbara tb* ao>«B...........................
-oaU-e Mall ta Uopfty wtth bar ttawan tokaa (—
Hr*. Du Roaad to Ue Hty U
lar. Mn iMptA aad tobre
' ’
Ha waa atoo raIUbp *1 Ue hare to Captata Jobneom
Hn. 8 C HoBalt aad dai
A - He altoar i Atakaatra "
Mr*. C Saauer red MU* NKta H*nUU oftoraocm lor a rUU ta I
I ao tar dd bv
a thtod Cbaa '
___ dtophter Btbel to Clevelaad.
■ Wtaata. Jr. UCl (eBay
Mr*. R. V. R-ory (Allod re triaoda
■LtMctotkitoMh teTtop hla aa—a aapraM ea
NeU *
elaOk^^ ^ *** — • - rnwhiap faenwta
to retabiap to Bang to Fotb- for0*0. Pore Lao raid -or* Uaa a jrer .aUtboe
apo: *itoU bl-vary 4m. Pateat. at city today.
Mta* Lola Jbbaare vu ao Ual *bt
-Id drtve (O Ue city yveurday.
MU* L«y Browa uok Ue *u
wcitk. wbk* wre
Mr* E. U Curb red dnphtar rew
> (be Boo to rtatl bar atator.
at Ua wauk arW*
aarw wai adaeaiad to>Ua Balaa
^tojO^are Ttalttap frtawda aad
Mn. I^aak Huun U wtorUtataJ
itod to bid. Mt aeehat.


intiare reoaiuM



(to our SlU.UU
Outinc Suit*

mer »gil* worth
7.60 and $10.

RokwcU llau
in browo and

Percent di*.
cernm on *11
Carpel* and

bay* a pain of
Ladi—‘silk raitti
and Lisle glove*
that iold lor

fur Men'* hoe
n ntr il . Bull
thint with two
coUanaod 1 pr.
cuff*, amh $1.

farftKae tadiei'
ptetijr lace hooc


far bteyde oolta,
ctaib ooatA

1-4 off
far Men'* SJIO

cR waiM aad

1 >4 off

(to a good $10
lee Chew.


OB oU WaU pa.
pet and Lace

far ehild-alace

Wbue VcMA


takes our veiy
beat Pat, Ox-



Kid Clove*


_______________-a Aacui____
Tba Northport Baacfe bnel opmed
last Mairiar aad
- jniaitolH praapaeti f
of U*
awaoa Brarrtb
I to ofwratlai
b eloek-llk*
praetoloa. aM tboach
■ far Ojmmix iabonn. Um
vori ar bulMlBg liaib bnuaia aad
tralka aad ocbar paulda laprora
mmit to bataa rteamalr pafbdd
paaau are amrtai dally ai ibr
Wiarb b«*l.
TW aba* alrea by ib« Kally toarrr
Mfcare la Uta urea baU Wadaaaday
•aailBf «aa (b* baat aatartalaMai
Clraa ban la yaare They bad a toi»a
aad aapraeiaUT*
audlaare. -arhtok
ga *ork bapltbaB
liar fniB Ibc rtoc
ta aaaaanaaa laachu
tl «ba canal* u> Ua

> b! I

mtae'durliiy t part ™Mbe
Ultlakioa bit mifp for t bunlar,
Cbtt liieford. of miiun Kj.. totalb
tboi liTr Mrt HlarorJ wtt twakeaail

1-4 Off
mow beat and
moat ftyliah
atnvs id! men.

far cotton craA


Bankrupt Stock


Cbc Princess lUaist €o. w.^3i..:akH>

Si.*rC? M .mSS?


Will be placed on sale here in a few da>-s.
W< have bought their stock of garments a about 30c. on the dollar. The I*rioce» Waist Ox. is
welt known lor iheir Manufaci re of high-grade merchandise.


Uttt h—baa* cantod iftoi aaaw tor



"*»♦ Cinetbal Sbarpe 00.1 msHutSt. Otof*.

Wholes.!, jobbers o( Shirt?. Psrus, OrerslU.


HUKlkerchiel., Lasr Critoiin,

Is Going Out of Business

tbe same ’time. -vn
bought a large portion of their stock to be placed on sale here at
. ..two stocks '
of^e strongest combinations of bargains the people of ih» cit>; have known for>-ears. No ac*
f old or shell worn goods, but seasonable and desirable Merchandi
cumolatioos ofo

■aL*is=s*."s .i. -





Ha baa M^t 4o

Ire Cbicdpe ta mm htr daa
Hn. PM R. Heevar. wba ta e

avTlIte & r«a loMBad OIB

hore WlU be t-Khar to.
» dare— ban Aapaat T.
Ttat Nwab-ta-vuta crowd had
am tre* al tba warohorea Th-

1 18 Front Street
Traverse City.


> OI0I3O


This store will be CLOSED all day Monday. August
lOth. to prepare for thi^ sale.




diu4v>BiMM <d

iMh cf «atek

•tl<«*lie tru***- bkd IB !■
rrop. «blrk bP «si naablB lo «
Thli Urmer iBTa
fruit a«M« BBd bpl|>
fruU rould IKK be ibippad In
rewb lb* otiwlde aarteu
Mdllkn. Tfar prodanlM cd fmli <w
IbP fMaJiita. Ilbr bII «b*r portl
U CbP rtwlon. !• lBer«i*.lii« nV bX
year, ud It to ptola ib«l • rBlIniBd
(be PbbIbbuU would m«Bs Boeb iB
dollar# add mtt in iba farvon aad
bwti sruwm- It to out aalIkBir Ibai
iha rmllnad pro)Mi will OBUrtaUia
la (be B«v taiare. (XtalBlr.
fVdlBiBla iMopto dire the aelerpr}ae
Ibeir uBllod Mpport. captiallau
be enaoorai^ to lake (be mallar up

tad plaeW a bla.
......................... lot ri. block 1. H U b Oo-'i
ne cJir eaglaear Bade a roport In
• I- U A Oo-B Tib add; tlJM.
e bA a
e board nf p
Abita werta af tbe a
Wllltaai SwaliB aA wUe lo David
____vy IB ber poaMaxWal^'fbore _ Bled ooet Of
poerlblllly (Let IA robbor* are prufee UVi
L. wbleb tWy ei
eta> take Ibrlr cbi
■n. Tae coau >
.81 vu«e.hlB* atoer |Ay Aor
u W Bmtlb.
gala an enirence to a hoove wbrrr
I. block 4 P.
wtth bHeb drlvewBLy aad t
;rd. riio*’' ’
il Lake,
with ____ -ItoTi-eit* Anuiein |o }. I
e Are
. BM: faU ceoH-ul alley
i s; bkirk e, II . I. * Coto.
I IMoot driveway
rlieway aad _JI*b«B'vAiA b.
good Auto Bade li
____________ ek dri
AIUMie Adaky to
U way A tAl t
aad oBMBi appreaebn.
l«-IT. bik 1. Oak I
mcliA here.
brlrk dHreway aad
, hbiBa Park: pMti.
'1000 u( Wlltlan Hrng. eunavi
« recctve.l aad placed
»la*t1- S ReiuU lu Cbarlee Pne
hlgu ax-om- auJ WalBui
ba.ka. Jr parcel, iou Mmi, block
etivit. -ru cuten-d ton filabt aad lk<
oa Are aad wi
•• • -........................... list!.
• • -cv mptled tbe ehildn-o’. Aakv
uin thr nailerr id eecariog k
k>It P-S.44. b:k
latake pipe to tbe ail.r _____
id It. TA family t
wav luiaialii
litod reported dvr bid* to
............................ -d tbai froRi h> me at ibe tlmi-.
UtwMMch and .'mil.' to
All Digbl Ibe bnme- of Hr P<i
Ud of the TTtvr-~- aiy Jr
mif.-. iwrcel id
oo Itovl WeAler ain-el wav ilao
IV bo aoeepted at tl.m wbleb
I,*00 fen of It Ucb. No l»«aage. teref while IA lolkv were aw» >
for I.
OacBT Hhopaon.
They wont through ihloc.
eplral pipe. wtU all flutaga.' -Tbelr tag
- , tl ubi.
report war anceplad aad adopi>-d. Tbe torw -d them
U I- koowB aerured nothlug
at followv:
II . I.
Ob Ibe aame nlabl a bnur
lA Amertcaa Spiral PlA Co..
It-r of Praapeci ao.l Wavhlngloh
Cblcago, r^l.BM feet
• o eBIC'IWd The n
are uui ol the rliy ud a li
irree elbow aad Be
ebeibiT the rubAra eecufid
'iKpn.a* II Sli.-rmnu aad .
FTiMD the Abeadrol
madrolb * Bout Haau- of ivlue to Bill kuuws

. --

waa .-B'erod atom C o'clock
tag. bill BolblBg of <elii<- w
rriMD eene*
* mm.s
Bay City. f. o. b Cblcago. taiae aUe TA rxBilly wer>- vlalilDg al
Tbe bom.- erf Loula Caiman,
pipe at abora. wMir bltlage. »2.tU i-.tlrreil al
Pruai lA AAodndb b Boot Haas Kul eighib
-ck lUI evehlBK l-l
laelnrlsg Co., f. a b. NAburgb.
NAburgb. N. V..
1 nolWBg of
l^M feet f SO-laeb. No. "
f to (be
robber galnr<l as
wllb dlUbgl. ...
a tarif tbai pnxecl* tbe eitopUo*
wav roeolved Irom
ally buod wacca at Ataarteaa workt««reUU7 of tA- League of HonlcIpoililee etaUA that '
Baa awl detalDi. ladaiirlM apo
im. her
fee wav dA Tbe eoi
OWB tcdl If Iba proiactlre polirr
|. u-l I
placed A flie.
vnB(. aptree wuuld sbow IL A
drotiped oul. wbleb xav
eoapartooB of (be lodiutrlAl aliaatlaa raugfav ad^
uce <rf Ibe houae bavlBc 1—-B
people w
Tbto U tbe |a>llrp auiborli
e A ware Ad lere '
la )»«■ wllb tbai of IkW to iBitrw^
yual Ihe BighI Afore ibe>
Are bad a aia. oplBloB
BUBXxf of fanoriM
cblae IB tbe
b< city derkto ud city ireae. mlgM have made a cockI haul, bui
Vailed diaii-a la (hat halt<»urT par urvr'v oBce for aose tAe a (rial, Hr (M;mu depi-lled hi. mcdiej ,e,.
,M iBcraaed (rou lU.OU to
laaamacb w a aew klad of macblai terday and they were unable to wear-WBi recolred ynterdiy fn^ trlal. ui
au u> bJlMU. aad (be pearly prod- to tTl cbMpar. It wa tbougbt well u
kl< ( advaetoxe of Ihi- gonulBi
laio tbe Batter nore fuHy.
.aai (roat |l,«i»,ooo,0d0 u>,
-TK I to go ihniugh Ihtaca lAi
tm. Tbe product grew Ibtnaealold.
wbkb tA ctmaell ordered real K.bArle* mUe a giM
fba aaBber of
do a mile fuany work, wl
aad (be BQBber of tactorlea tonrfold
. _____________1. eaablcr of tA Pew end ma. nut A ao fueb.
le <d coal
Will KuabloB'a b.iu.o w
ple'e Aviage Beak, reponad lA city
d aeTeatyfold; of petrw
Hli report.WI
li ofpic
board of balldlag lupenon m
Ina (weair-foarfold. aad al
poHod lavorably A Ibe pliA Ad of atom tc Buday n
lb UU lb« rtatd of ipecIBealkBi of tbe Prtak Kubeck
odtaa waa tm.llt balea. aad la 1PM bUlldlDI
Werk ef Salvatlen Ai-my.
The AlrelloB Ann. ball wa
P,4M.4I( lalea.
Teeaday eveoing to llvlen In the
Oar rtllwar lalleap.
•d lecture oo Ihe
I tor tbe good of lA Abpprxi Bllea la IBM to mjXI la IBM.
Ik bAltb
(a IIM tbe UBBa«a at tbe Soo aaaal oartaB proi niea 1a M arlMaTMt’ aanl avalated by Envlgii Keeler aed
MIebIgao and Indtoon
pai 4U.W1: la IBM It waa Rk report < ta referred to tA oonalt. Olbeiw or I
t ud tbe city eagtaeer. revival bng
^oi^and 1
•rowa boa lIf.Ud.OM
a waa adopted for .
•aujILdM (a IBM. Tbe gale la ei
Alorr Ibe begloBiBg
er Id iA aeoAd ward. eoBBeacpofM of BaBAfdana baa bees treia lA at
eireot bridge, rue. Ihe plcturea of a
ai NorUi UalA
im.HOMB la IBBC to over MM.OM.- blA WMtAty A Bay vtren aad Ru. Alvall-m Army leaden
dolph einet to Ibe alley uvi of ~
BA'1 'be ranvu and e
a tbe ligbi Id
reeri.el. BHgadler Bill
Cot for
wood avAA.
•rei It to eeeleu to dear IbejwaiUu
A reaolBllA .
tbe board at AbB>. e»i-c
of repabileaa tartdi. Tbey
.taklA for pariBlailA to
n.-DI wa.
panJMcd la the btoiorr of tbe world. AvarUae tar hide tor a itaal
bridge A Boarduu rtrer.
(Mr wotkaea are iba
for aeme seetiaga Augnat It ud
•traot aald '
• *> wen ai
The viory ol ibe Agioolog ol
wai told IB pklurc ud won! pic
• r.> b adraaoe* ouatUatlr la tbe eall ______B
Kev. William Buulli cut kxwc
BafbB of turolgB coaauawra. Tbe la BlATA ud HlUar roUag ao. ud Al­
in OUloU. BlagbBB ud WSUieA frova -LA- Wealcyu Uelbodtol church
daetnpl aad eoBBetrlal okpi
aA A-cu atreel pmcblng. atarting
tAl waa koowa fur U
TA^laldaraBt i
rari ai the Cbrialtoo mlaakiD. after.e of tbiB
arai biwootag the SalvalloD Army,
Thto WU
hlch bob hu liraBcbea all over ibe
AiBHwr Ct« Cftrary Fl«lit
_ ________»y la
i btawB^BT^ banwwjr aee^ lb
The reacue arork of (he army wai
takes tip IB couldarable detail. Thu
werk to fw the rectamailoo or the
raltoa wooes ta tbe Valu-.
bWera lA paopta wllb a propoatu
wbleb flaUi bav aaeb U wBl oaat to eutiw. OtBItary lo ibc general A
then '
balU the hrtdgo tbu to uk tbe pao- Hat. uo glrla wA have Ibeluiu'
llvew irf ata .
Aa MB la tbe ____________
employA by (be army Id Ito' r
read tw Oark DMra. Hay«r i
Only (be moat ruliuml
^atlar of l<
--to "
bk 'fa«
M abd m
UA tbe Bp- Kwtb tide 1
■M a are bHtb box gtiti lb lA army.
piMtgMBt at Mte. Mlaor waa Bade aaarar tbu
. Moeka. TA Batiar Are altvayi bees
dflar eetferrtBg wlU Mia. I^ry. wbo
irt. Tbe varknia
lUad by rafarrlag It to employed la
luoi parta erf Ibc
tA * "
A Bro ud water aad
MiBw: that Mra. Mlwr waa pnatdaai
. ud tA dclalla
le ablet of pelioa. wtu> power ta ut.
d« Iba WoMbB tlab. wbleb poaUloo
AMeraaa BtaghM broagbt op lA
eba bou bold tar two lorB#: tbai Aa
meat aaeaUap. atallaf that tA oily
la A gnat hnrer « booha aad a rorj' WU prUlag a fiebt qoutlty of poor
ork eallrely BA't
BBOble paraoe tor the poalthB. aad
■k. Tbe Balvallfls Army
It. aad Bade a boUa Ubi Um
ba l—iliirpd bor a very ealaaUe ao- --------- It A taraad onr to lA ofty U
3 tA dai^eal Ittrtv of
#aMtlB» to tba board.
. BBoBg ■ ....
eartoad Mb. aad that tA city
-------------iB Lordto wai 40 bli (aaiae
aterired Tmtb.'' ud aeek lu.
mt» aa thOBi
' acc. Tbe army
’IlhalB atatA t
' bA bbdwU: Tbe Oh* itreol'i^.
rliie Utat -Tbe
a________ bdroeate. It aet yet
owea e
a Unng.- but b
i Ml right aA did aoi kaow tA (At It. _
every i
ebuer to •
delng Tbto i,
uoo. aad that they oapietA u
the aalvatio
Ak lo brtag (c
rt ta a lrwJaA_to • - '
rf tA eluma. -Soup, auap ud
ae wotaaa aad a rtA.
A" ta (heir motto ta (beir Bru
bat K ti
It with din BA tbr ArlL
OUlan ariA to bli lott
ta with aoup. ud (be eoep roe
-1 A*e ametblig to lay







«a I



Mr taatbvi. bal tbar eoatiwBad
MMeaa adBintbly. aad wb« it
* m bD «ear tba atta dlad eat w dM'‘Seta aad all wei
AldMBW Urdle WorBad tba
•n Ad tbaae oiBcaad to Itn. MMr^
------------------ 4 M tba baofd of fWbUe


____ a lAdla I
b tbe Bret
Baal la raeatead
1 Hr Oano
waa wU•bb
Oanagte Una be
■•a w A abaad. bat ai tblaga war*
ana tMy bad aa adTaat
adeaBiA* tbai tbay
■eaMadt tod to hna.
aOMa eaU tbai tba Third
mrt waa aei reartaaBUd aa Iblagi
Med. aad aa It wai eae ef tba taraaM
Mfda. be- tbowki It (Bwbt to bare

ThU braacb of tbe army to abng
. .. lb Maple atroal. lit la tA weat
aA. Al It H act the library.- Ha
to Itae (f fnraleblA toot meato ud
ada tA tow prtaoa. with proper aur
Cbm Bade a boUa that tA
*— ibOA wA desire AmeMo A btUgaa a«
' lA I
hu Uie cheap lAgtsc
tar a brtdge with » «a«>M ealTvl aA ----------- --tarabrtdgewRb
- JO are out or work Bedi
W opAlag. bA lo Are power lo re- are TurmlabA (A IP mbu. ud
. . .If the
■e blda bA lepert M^A a<
ry. be I.
•UBf. TA taattah WM aarrtad.
r bed b>
>d yard, tbe aalvagi
iBBaroA Atamt waibi ware paUtore,
A tar BA auan ordarA laid.
The UrmipeloaMt. where Ihe alum
m wUI appau ta tA oMal propeople wAlSealre to better them.
- .A are pAoA. were
also preuBtA.
.. patBM tor a aewar botwan
from the clilea are
Tmtb aA BarAlh aUAla. weal troa TA*
ooi to luese tarma. glveo what
BaboBta to Oak atieot. wu ref
to lA^oaMlue a eewan aa
laA t^ M^ltlrsie' well, ud ioppitad with etoA. lar
~7StabJ adJoaraA al >:M aTur
fceied at lA beat fignrea.
- «. At tooa aa
ta aaaitoa Jmt aa bear.
(key an able they pay lA
tA Aulpmui wiLb which
• they were alanA ta
BwrttaFtaa Will CoMImm.
Ifff. ud ta itu
lA aortal



AtdBBaa VUbeia aald tbwa *««
«we ■* A tbe beard, aad aa aanete ■Mil euAL Mmday. aA oarnpA
aaw ataad tbay roa tie ^ tbe brol- Atb a aew call cf elotbee. Mr. KAwlwa. wA la uavaUag aboat a goA at tbe clou of ib<
(tal oBerlag wu li
____ _____________ AM
aA kami aoM of hM pi_______________ of thto prwnloal w
ta Ut bare a lA rmr of JA W.
Real Ratate TraiMeca
nlaabtaa A kaape Ue
Recorded by lUgUtA ot Deeda Wl|.
TA tbtaeoa
too to Augnat 1. IMS
Archie A Hiller, guardtu. to Bar
■gate tbeo aiaM aad aaU: eror. a waub aA otbar ralaable
t J bvaat. M IP. Rdu i'ark; |2M
_______ 3m H BM Aly U Malt ID ofaT, a aaw UgM aprlM oeoreoM aA
Perry Haaaab to Hmmu W Smill.
. JM Porn aad Mra. Hiaor. bat to tba ...................... ig. la 3^^ takaa there lau IP-IP. bloek P, Perry HaBaah'.
%Mia a otab. ae weu. aad aa oaltod Ad: ItPP.
Jamea Dagrow aA wUc to Bdward
a dirty
( to tba Baa A
J HlllA. wta at BH aeto ot awH
M board.- laid
K a. lowB Tt. image 11: MOO
*Tbaaayor bM |
Patrick Swsmry ud wife lo Macy
^T"^wBM*ioaA Uaoke aAet
____wbo W wHl aaeuiid. bat ibo’A
Ktagaley, e4o acrea A eH A pw^
«>. (owa tP. range 12: ppop
try Huaah to Fiord U Smith
At«-2T. bloek «. P. He. tod add:

Uaaad ta bara^^^



ae poBibla AMmm
■bi 11 woe aoi aaod aOv
P yauiA^tffl<W*Sjtoatojw
-------vbA pa B_
o badly. The

pablH w

blf but WA Bade.

A aeabar of U




*'mV °m'

err- Thv
• llBM-a b.-fure Ihli The
prv.bably build a o.-w ti

brtA. aad aUhlgM m*
MAd AIWA aat »tA4.(l. Ible
BMbae a total of |t4tML Of tbb

_ «. pareel A elp A ewlp A

5T3U-----------------Ura. LaAa told tA aatbarUM ibta
Ban tag tbai ebe WA aat away tieB

be italerpriae
It along
cawv A arrat______
!■«(■ Maniuetu.
L * 1. I-V-VV

.the l!



a Record repreveolai.

I liarragb
r ^•m.•ll w;




av v.



s. Uto


Jwdrr A Ptodal,.

aa A»oc

;..| ,:r..Ub.y L a .^to plai ' I"
o maebtaery eakil.i
.1 a Ward <rf Char
-;i will of iiv.-ii u.


A Wnman'a Ca
1> tank tooltobne

very vhy abuul mak
iiemi-nta. He averrwl
• to a very |u»w tim.-


i- .............du-to- and-Vo:

c.uuir> i-eoid,.
• I>1> IDU-il asd u
anlnml w^hlch i
nt> ol p«-«ipl,. I

".sr-a ‘


p.. i-io ncuing IB by
aagll. ou tool. IBd

aikAv well flilA u only
nber ru be a.i-omAato-J
I JackHiQ. Lady Macca

>h.-ak<-r> fr.1
V .-tpecti-d a
II b.- glv.B b


. lV.-»lder.l
T Sec y as.
Manager i

l. a.uri-.. Of ihi-ac (ben- .. . .
aovun.--! .1r«. The performAt
. appeared Id the parade we
a.-r.iu., ud IcwikevI capable.'
II IB all. tbe parade wav atoul i:
-■totluo affair, with tbe ttcam cal
prucetaloo, playing
.Mil I ttoi a Shame.".................
Uanib.» Trt-e,' and ol
irf a .Imllar nalure
The «» ry wind up ot tb.- para,
a R.-Ub wagon, a Uw.l -I Lay
Sllu^ atid^^Anianda
work, boiiBi. ng blgk
I bay. ibai gnwtly
B..-.I Ibc crowda
I'h.-ro to B largo t uwd atu-adtag
• iH-rturmasrc ihli




Hslimaics ami ex|>crii-nced men furnished


TO ('VRS A (XILO tv OVR i)A\


iwo end* uigeit
.i«er the b.-dvl.

le at Hu- top u

hnl waa lb,-n a denve wir,).-:.
: Ihe .. r> Brat

ti dninkcni
'be old geDlli-IUD 1.
bV and allgbily uni
le for Ihe raab art.
Uaual Saturday oigbt.
Dam Out A NsrtItArt.
iil.ough a panj war In i>r.ig
Mich.. Aug. 4.—
II-' tlBie ai 111.' hoou- of Mr
> ibi- ui-aty ralBt lAl hA cue
>r Blue buurw. (he dan al ib
Ing aflernoon
til .rf aagnoB Urut. w.-oi »i
- - • • •
.0 bridge :
c*r.-fullv liwk
gv lAl
Ura Sl-an>.
>a Shane wa>
ut M.WKl. So Itoce were lual. b
•of^Mr Oliver
iiltoc" w-u iboroughly arouaed.
agmun Urut. riu lb* mill durlj
night, lowerlag ib.- waier. ap
.N-k IB Ibe mornlbg bui ibe b
of ihc a
maauon A Ibc bridge
ecn weakcBivl. u the rmln
ud the w-tto-r wai




of 4(1

and 60

l>cr cem
caps and fuse on hand

B-g Cati (er Beebei.

at all times.
Use 40
l>er cent, for stumps
and 60 ]ier cent, for

al tl



1.^ alilurngb^ a

-.-tila .-acb 'wtoboor

he city
Oliver cm
V hanging ^ blmaelf i.



wuruig order* lor the laaika tu be *kk Trwv.coi.
•Itoered aa aoon a* tovu.-d
Mu) A .

bav'k. i picnic,
day. Auguai ;
Gev H. Var

A tbe daaithe dutdw

.B.—1 babi we«gki.1nlb

Ihiii -I-W.
ra!e.a..w aaUH-. n li Jew—l.wfco

J cxtenvlv.-. allbougb

■n... r.ithlng ..t til.- wa
i-vcrybocly In th« vicinity
Thr flood ruabA down
valb-y. rarryiac away
kllclov and outbuilding
(tomp'.rfrfl and ffoodtag b
tA depth A fonr leel.

caai-> A dyapepvla ud lodi
New trial ette bottle.
etpllar aire Ti ceotv
.(t all

aiivav ato- pre

Tli.- uaraO.' wu d.-layed for -____
.die- and lb.' rrowdi waliA m> pa
i-rni. a> law.lble (111 nuarly I o'ciAk
Ural And ot borvcOcB

0 diatirdcr on il
reol wrong on :
ni gv-i Ur wruB

aiai.J Ilaai be ha.l n
l-urth.-r ihu tbto be

rt-aM’n.ybk- prices.

gi»..t 1
l-riDv y

Vwi All Ued-yN u



Cots of

Groceries Dew Books
It il our biuincae to xup|Ur
nccito in that line with (>IA
of the higb«l quality

At the Lowest
Gash Prices....


19 Ibi. Beet granuUtetl eogai. 1.00
(tallon .4|>|ilca, per can.................
Tomaioex, per 9 tb. can...............
BakctI lyeui. per 1 lb. can..


1C. Bakmg pow.ler, regular $5c
Victw Siarch, regular lOe eire, .05

Coming in cver>- day now. Coniril series
at 86c offers a line of lilies not found in
others of its price. *rhen a complete
stock of the Alger Series for Boys and the
Wellesley Scries for iiirls arc on our
shelves. Its well to select at once if yOu
have a book in mind

Knamel Starch, regular 10c „
Bell Starch, regular lOc tin..


Bel] Starch, regular Sc lire..
It UiMUaA'- har
.'hlcagii. acer>iB|«Db-.l 1

1 lb. good upok ing......................

being uproot.

1 Ib. good Plug.............................

Ad tomb
fncca awe
Wben the' flood' alnick
bridge on Ulll alreet, the principal
the village, that atructnre Itoea In iblv rlu
ible to ilud
■lud tbe
Ibe beav)
Judge M J Coi
d loita
CMta went dCTwB.
down. Tbe
The brtdge Sable are a'.
and to a cement nreh. bnllt rfsta. Mr ud
der the aopervtoloa A JerHlta Corm

1 Ib. Gob.] Fine Cut,............

Com, Kvetgreen twMt. per qk, M

£i(y Book Store

Com, While Cory, xweet, early,
Peas. Early Telephone Dwari;
p«q‘................................................Peai, Nau ExcdiiA, pa ql.. J
Peu, Alufca. very early pa .jl .15

Mid-Summer ISr
OFSMiriE loras

Arm Chairs and Odd Pieces
Articles that have serk'cd us during our busy spring
butinen, we wish to -close oui at oqce to make
room for uur^casT purchase of fall goods, and to
move them at once mt'c will slaughter the prices.
Here are a fe«' items showing the great bargains
in store for wise buj-ers.
4 Colooitl rocke. foD leather i
back, hair filling. $3000 value


IS Urge Arm Raed rockw, rnllioll
(uM7bAk.r^tilar pricellfiO, BOW..

7 g/\
/ aOU


ai-M B. Dre BA wife to BogwuBA raaalc Baraard. eh* A wH a

“ - ■■

> Vaagha ud wife to Kemry

e tiud.-ni
IV accepted a poalli
A taeevli F. W WlU

il invitallun i
Ih.- annual m.a-linK A 11
ibv Pa'rmerw
Pri.'Bdiy a>MM-iali»ii <it
<rf El
Emn-.-i I'bar
V fnd Aalrlm cv-jbiI.- ui Vu
gr..\.. a- h..i«
f Augll.
acll-«« .il ibian addreav l.v i.-ucrI an.I mb.'
►l-ak.-ra liraiic-'

6&sa UcKinkr dtair. eeantA hUhog
drtaUe: am] styWi chair, wu 1100,


of tA wtbdowa. wUrb ta witbta iMi

7.¥nMa>r««B rMun



tA ceoekA wart of aoigbA
Hrm. H R SMryA u Jamm a
pMe ta Uta hoou.
Manta, pareel M I. aee. K. towm t».
_TA boma ot Hie. LoAa. <
ta. II; im
Pieal atreat. put ioAV tbe ? ft
tame T. Wohalm. a al. to Sat
H gaytar. bH a awu ud paiv»l
Ilc-iowa n. image tj pBKdO
—* — nag lakm
TA robber or
1 r. Itowta aA wife to Kate L
------------MOUA u ewtraboe A tab-


Betha WUBami A QtaA Raptdi atm No Aden wUl A taku by (he
fA leee tbu tw enptea.
ylilttag Hri. r i. WRUame A Weat
Jl ponkm A Ihe
imllraA iTAk. a
»•. J sptvul hav.lOM to MUluting wu
tor a vAl with ber daaghler.
k BBd Ihe rmlirxiaa
brtdge were
ue Hoabl. St. Ud Urw E. Daa- fully u great u II
tSl Webvter etceel Ml here
ne kiea lo Gagnoa
wwt.-rday mormtag lowetAr lor Orud vldcv whai lA board A trade
C tbe dam. will
III be aboat
e bevo reev
Raidd. aA................................ ttoelui
lablp about tl.OOO;
'be H a ! .^E. raHioA
>: to
vAt tiiroita^ud nStan
ta eajoylng a 1
Sutumt Bay. t
ma.^ ^(
aUb.uahX:?"''^"-* stowrat to -to iJoitbS

ud Fuele


Otoe WiiAA of Trmrem «.
T%e boeae of Abmi Baitto

No. 4S3 Ha
1»eai. waal

ly divan vetour, uphelBter-

Peaa, Rice'i Earben of All,


Onion tali, pa quart..

WinitywBiittif AEos

Gk. Stiti ul (Wn.
Qp.CitrHvkit BdkPkMitUG

■R Straw Bats Ulust Be r
l.adies 30c and 8Sc Sailors, now only....... ...15c each
Ladies Walking Hats, worth 53c. now only .. 25c each
Men's 30c-Straw Hats, now only.................. •. -16c each
Men's 3.6c Straw Hats, now only..... ............ . ISc each
Men's 4'’l Straw Hats, now only.................. ...19c each
Men's 57c Straw Hats, now only.............. . .2Sc--each
.Also one lot of Ladies Waists at half price.

**( From St, Traweroe CMy.

new Fall footwear
Wt b*Pt rettM $tPtrsl wif SOipmeats ot Shoes,
we shsss mo9f mew stfks, we meat four Imspeethm
mea’s Bigh Cat, Kaagsroo aifSbees, Cap Sole...............$2,00
mta'sCordooaa Bah ami Coatms
$t.7Saad 2,00
Baft* good stroke. Calf Shoes, Ms of mar..
Cadies^ Oki Kid, good stfk, aew lasts...........
, 1.50
IDhses Kid Bah, low heel, serf wes^t^ ■
mea's Oki Kid Bats, oatwe reteloed. .'..........
mern s Kaagaroo Calf Booh, light might

11 $7.00. $7.#(
U $S.OO, $&.60 and $6.00 Reekm now...

Kiadges Cmstoar aude Hhet Shoes
Wafers Castsm made Sehoot Shoes


Cabar BUn Laat
Mar.' Aa< ( -Tba Cadar Sian
I a laa taalac caatr al laiarbicbaa
.. a Been of lO to ll. Cedar waa
olpplad br Iba h>a uT tbraa rrcalar
plaren. *blla lalarlutbao bad Imee
rbaeed bl tba addltloa of imu
paoerllh) ~rr(ulan ~

Tba Hkbicaa aad ladlana mlial
rtfada of U» Salrathja Arar Mfi,
■to BOOB tar CbaHaaolt. vbara ib
III |a> iBlu a aerln <d leal Baalla
a aoau vaaka Tbar ouadaclad
big reviral In Ibe Halbudlil rhar
Ibarr laal >eat
»>ob> (Marlrrcin
■III aafcr aa rrtaaAa loor
_____ lb Ibe aonban. pan od ibr ataia.
•ban ibar wni apMd iba aaainaer.
ilai ii> Ibdiaaa tor ib« wlaiar

' bon fight wUb aa aboa** oa nr righi
‘ inng.- wMiee H 1 Haghea of
Oa.. 'and gate tne up
fbougbl nr Una bad come
rraort I tried............................
Ur TiunpLIni own* a large
ef) lor Ifooi
___ ,____________ *era cboaaa from TompAlBi’ (kuaen. In IbU
Ibe Maaoeic' lodge, aad wen Scolt and !• lerr well kaowa In tl
nr laei in * lew dari
Woodward. M K. Haabell. » W. Stew.
Ilrelr regaimsl mr kr«ttb '
. W. r Wulcoll, Ueorge Southard
The funeral iervu-e Bill
uuen all l ough*, t'old* and Tbroai
' Id IterrlBaa
piur.ilar Bwming
m o rtock and Lung Ttoublei
Ouaraale,..] hi
hjuih. dpniii
Mead> drug i
LAM the Tint Brick,
e of* the Ha
Hrice KV *B<I 11 "»
Tru: I
la cueneolhiB wUh iba peril
Hliih iimi. 11 l> tnlarreling to
l> (Wb!
Al Ike bni brtek «ac laid bf
in rbawu
aalar Ueorge W Hat. •beae_____
u the am bulldlui erected oe SUth
Tbe New i
Huugbtuii unali the olden flf
real and abo rlrcolaled (be Brel
ompanr lu the upi>-r |>•ulo•u'.a
1illgbi.-*! ifwe.- 1
pi^tlao for Ibe paring <f Blltb elraet.
beautiful :tt><«r.iild li*l>> dauchlrr
- Ularona Laiiuma an liallan '
br bla. but wat bum br Mr Ortd
.wier ruildiag la «i-.c f-m'!
for reare toretaao id tbe llaAba)
niagle mill Mr Had boaghl
............................... ihe had run.
• Id Itoa Perrr lUanah.
n Ibi- ildrwalk.
It IJ >earm ago
ber had left ber i
■me iben wa. aid a b«
. Ihoroimb tear, h

llh Ibr riceptloB ?*tbc
h.i—l A irrliai.
ge la nbich
bouee oe mb alreat,
Ta la«pr*»# tar"# Falla Mill,
e a rlchl) dr-..r.
Wbea Ibli bouee
florae ralla. MIeb.. Aaa 8 —Wrtr
I'll Ihe place
, tabr dliJere. Ibr people roled tbe
■II • nn.l f H Mead.- Drug Stoo..
■lan A Hcbailii of Cbleaao bate
Tb,Cbl Iba Meara Bin pmpenr bad
biw) al wurli rapalrtai ib* build
_ and paiuag la ihalr new saebla
nunib if July
« for Bbkiag b hlgb grade of all
li laid ll
bUda nt bratb^ botrbera' blueki
|U»lni* >er<. ln"eiigai>ul an,l :tt imi,
> ba ctraa
ilUr to Mr. P. Keaaika.
ler dUbea. aad all aorta u( wood
Tra'i'iwe ('ll). Mich.
•are borelUM. Tber will eaplor
■mill fanbar
a Tl lu iMi axe
Tber ba>e ai
Uelug a de
___ d aooegb urdm to keep Iheni run
. while eleirlog lead
blag all ■lalar.
Dr J. 0. Ifta«l«i< tbUhi ba cu
n. Jini
■a ago. found a rlBe
Hit eimla lo tba tm rtpa plaai of Iba
I Ibon
Death Hell.
MMIW Ha blMbbl Iba HarU<] nttor
taaeral aarrl<« of Ibe li
I bM of -IM J«M" blBsa. «hleb wa
OMtwnblr ripa Md 4aUelo«a tg te IStrlalophet Hwaaef «* Maplcun i
'*“ne'‘plarti Bi Uigaiber.
bald <•■ Haiurdar at I" o'rluck n
ihougb Ktbi>.|» and
epiele. but tbe)
Iba Maplatua IMlbollr rburrb. aad
rlRillllliKe iold 1.) Ill'
an old BlDllock
Biurr blue or III, )irdi
la prabala awwi SalaMar a paUUoa lanbeai ua>k place lo ibr ceneu
Ir of Ibe k:
gue it >eari ago
al IbatI placr
place Tb
Tba fuaaral *ae t<
ma SM bf Batbar N lUbbarar *
runplalnl. taewux- "ibi->
le hamiuelr aad lock li
!• ailaalag.
lb# •ppMblaaat at a caardlaa
efi welghi about nsi
11 Si pound,
per Hile a
>H|i—nearl) eteryililng
I taing Ibara. brukao. wlib placai
ap la lau. and aa aeeuuat
■till'd, rheaii In ihr Qiiau
. Iba turn]
Ui b
Uabb ?Aa«H.*
«M» gl'i-» full wlglii
•nil cunialnlag a charge, nar *peak niy Aloioei
buaier'i (raged) long iince ■
ta^or) lueki.*ge■bleb bppbbrta eooa .afiar iba acci - ------- ------------- -/aged) lo
Bliwi B-l-odlei
Mn. T. H. A. Timm bad dwubiar deal, aad Liaplain Jobaaoa kna U In
!■ gallon. In pafni
(hai place aearlr iu ream; tbe counir j
■ Um» bar# Mmdtran Bactaai. bla i-aueulob bow.
our galkic I* )uil ibe
10 rear* before ibal, |
ifiar I( Mlb(- abaMoa. Mn Tra
ririta were out of date,'
*« b laprorad ta baaHb, b« bM aa
Klllnd br Uifhtninpbatore iba flni aatUer
mlJ aa arbaa raa «a«a bj'.a Uer«la
tii.«l pi
rv-toe He«<l> I'ainl
cane ti> Ibe Oraad Traeana region.
irew Heebalad, b ronng
> long aj oi.l lubluo
rnnn nt ngr. *n* atrnck nad Inileatlr The nuel itnerwaUag pan of blitorr I*
wblcfa ll uuwrmao — lAHilanau paiiiiiT'i
ktlMd br a tall M llpbialng' bhiBdar Ibal
*. HaebM died at ■
Bontlag wblM at work on tbe (ars of Beallari
rmap. aM bla Mr wai
Oeorge KMatlortb la LMlaean eoualr
' yiddMaetb UraM pwtr.^Baiardar Hto bean U la Ulagbaa. where be bad
A Pine Driva
■mMc Br ^
«tabl Bnadar
Katurelag lo work
Thera !• a plan on fool
IhM Boraiag. ba bed Hut
tbe Bold lu ealllreie
altr Ibr cli> n M< ttful drlra to and
Aaeb of IlgbtalBg
Ibal brougbi nlong Kaal liar
• — 1, Ifeougt
kepi ap wi^''’li e*
bub *111 be opaM la rve Uka
Hoekniad waa uaa tauletnrd
- '
tba eeMlbg »oeib
*ba baa ImBIu la
I. mMow rmr aadi uuw
readr prtitued
r b) tbe council. Abd barman Picnic *1 Clk H*pM* bunO*)
TBa agalpBiel ba* alraadf
Beak at BirtlaM Barilaalliin. wbicb ^lll
AuBlUt b.
eadaaed aad iba baok *111 ta totl II Hover aad CIrda MirrUon doubilna meet iba approtal of the
Hedgae A OUddaa'e ate
ere In Northpon on Satnrdnr Uai
Ibr none) Ibal
Iba Irw pan id iba al
> bulaaa* ooaaarlad alib Iba liaala
accordiag lu oonumcl. ta epeai
nan Uoanlr bank. *blck *111 upaa lu

ahaMBWa WllUa* r Tea cd tba duan lo Ita pgbllr Baptnabar 1 at
OMbd Raatda lAhor dar ecdaaiuaa. BaUiMi uar. TbU U iba Bnt taak bulldini n road thing

park. h. oonner
e.wta tm MM t» Ita Ctir (ur aena ui ta MiablMbad In Laelaaau counir
.. iMa IB Muaaal Iba leMl tiak* mm Hr. Ho«ara, tba peantdenl. aad Hr
iln Bill liwie Tra.rr.,.roted
la Iba (MMd ■uMe Latar dar cam- Mornaua are aaa id eapartaare In Ibe
Male (IK- and II
I baaib*. twaba tM from *M ta «M tadbklac btulaau aad come to lAalaaoulb In Ugblb •iraet, wbic ha* al-

new Silk lUaists
new Suits
new Skirts


Wreuiallo£thVw«ek 2,625.

Ni'w Fall giKNiu are beginning

, vr'L

that bill ii liCfi's on
the lime.





.CSV. -

are the

raedr been eii*t>«ed lo the bar.
l^'llar U ’^uTta'cae^tulatad
• ran ta ukon. (
" ''
oe aocartag tbU laaillnltoa. vhIMi will
ta tar. tb
riMda ia Iba Mr bare teaaired du a aaBaral beaklag budaeu; alao
igb ItatU
warn tram MMa Mm OraaMBPr,
of Citbib
tnarlr pnaMMl «f tba BmrdMM
mrmm arbatri k Ibta Mir, tbai aba peM -Ntvtbport Leadae.
bM aaawad a iMa paaUaa tm tba
Marrlap* Law.
1 Wild rMT » (ba BcbeeM ai Caiw
will go lalo efi
•MM. Mpar paalaealb Bba iBaatM aa
luntar It which Unit*
IlMMiii la am Mlary. aad la apaetal burgtarr la Cbleaco. M wblcb Mlu
gulalir wlUln
lapcbar ta UaWrr aad
Blrlcker, tarmartr at Trararae CUr.
BUI lake plana
*a* the MpUb Murctan Mtared ber
hr tailudiat firal ouu.u» la Ibe lUt
thMa bpf baM a
I M M- rooB Hrtdar aigbt. aad atiar <bb>n>- Tbe
anaaded law la regard to nar.
(onalag bar. balped tbeaeatrca lo ber
_____ ______ ____ __________ dor Iba
rlagua. wBlcb *boyld ta

BMie baM balldiM «bUh bM
br eierr nuubtr Clark bad
Itarlaed to
<■ eaaaauBe Beeepaiaian axuae. ei
lartbitr. Mb*, tomaaar. a lam «..
mr li (bp aM Maaa bu vlfrad aad U taa, aramUu aba bad la b
Iba rawaladB M « tba var- Tba (taak. «klcb *M paebad vtib all h
lolber, daaghlai
■UM Ja Mm aU bara, M
ae tbal troM
tRM tbia
-' batoagliM. M aba bad Jaat rauira
. eiepBOlkar, graadtatbar'e wUa.
hi--------—----------Ubt WaMtba
I'a wife. wUe'e votbar. vUa * grabd.
rM. Bbe bM baaa aoMPlataIr pn»
(bar. wire'i dbugbler, wlTd'a grand
(taiad <i«M (ba ataeu at tba Milero.
igbiar. nor hi* alaiar, biolbar'a
for* aad tba befaaad iheMb
•bnrlBbd ttoapbu*. vbo vw mda.
lar or BOlbar e elalar, or eouala of
Med tbla iBrMa Mm tba tkuad
Will VlaH HeaarM
lan aball mot bar fatber.
J. A. Haaiagae bM left ter W« aar, BOB, graadaoe. atavfaUBMI Mwlae to tbe aortb. *iib a ■■»
attain bgfbaaA danghtaCa
bar (d We tertaaaie blaadi
Vaagbaa at Aaa Arbor aad Bart aad
OaraU HaHagiM cd thli Mir MO bara
- - --------------1 rp« Warae bp. *Hb Mr. Maaiagw. Hra. MeatapM.
aor bar bnxhar. brotber'a
re BOB. talbar* brothar.
BWMbere brotbar. or eooala of |ba
______________ MBtlaaed to ObHWndi. am dagrae
pMMbv. Harbor Bprtapg. Haeblaa*.
-heaMbg IMiada. aM oibar pMMe
Daatk M L. M. TemghiAa.
1. U. ToMpfelaa of no Boutb i
la the k
Mb MMIJ^Md im^^^^
U 0Mb
Mb M
atraat died al Moa Moadar. Hu___
t aad A bai
B».a*- •

srsi.'-rS.VT.-. .1,

MMfrtM S?M

on New

Niagara Pella. Aleeandrla I
awta. Ofli. Montreal. Q
AugUil IX. laui. (Ickel
, \la I'ere Uarijuelle I
run. wua cbulre of routvi lo Nlai
Han* «la rllbur Walnab K. K. i
Detroit • UuBalu line iUraniu-re. T
Tuniolu and Huulriial via ('auadl*
farlBc H > Aik Here Harguelle ag<a
or parllculbi
• bleb tirkel
• file H K I

; r'i

Ita. baturday. Auguel tiilll l■wve Travt>r»e fill a
Kale Itiie



OaaW IdtFlaitaaa td ibM MM aad
ttlae Mriile Baaefcba M BtaavoM.
Utoh.. vwd bWted ba Marrtwe BatarCMlM br JaaMea defca Vtrtr at
ttM IMT dMib *M abaaed br a Wb _ _aMa or tbe woom. m Nortb
WbMmi daMM tta mwm MWla
*^Tba*WMM Mareh wae plarad br
SS^Hr^aaf*MTb« M« tta W Hion JaaaM lUipaiftob. aad Algla BmMMI M bar BaaU *M tMda bapvb.
SShH a ana IlMap m Midtana
Mid. Tba baida waa dtaanl la *blM
~W«aa lava, trlwad trUb Mea. aad
ba preoM wora tba. ooarMlMaai


Mm' Ib

I Waai

f usras,.ss'rar..'s
... s:.TSS.v-iSiSS5r!ls
«ST ^ ?*aiSS*^Md

TbM MbMib________ _ ...

Sw bMatJtal aad naefW prMaau

North BrpaM ntraat After (ba earamtmj a rarr dMlMaaa aad alaborwa
•addiag bdpBar «ai tarrad.
BtMda* DaiM at Hra. MlaiMalL
Hra. HaUM NavBaa. wilt of Wu:
IMM NavMa. vbe Utm Bear Oadar
Baa. dMd talaiMr W«bl abartlf Mtar
aatmm el baan -UoabM. poMMid

•WaiM-M MBIBP «i <M Mta£Ve

la ao to Ita aid aMiMn' pleak
■«£um. vbMb *aa to ta bald
______AU al «Ma aba va* tabM 01.
aad badora tbara van arm a Maaoa

fc*sysrci2 w'.ffbuU “*-sssrs.s:s:afu.Si M MlMaMb. Meal. «* *1
br «tn tere la a dev dara


-- ----------- -------- waa rarr weU kao
la tU* dir aad bad baaa laalior
tba KUawoed Aeaaoa aebool for aararal rMn. He laaeae a *Ue aad dee
- Iba Iona M n tortai
1^ Inlber. The ana* are
k, ti lUadM; Hreoa, of Han............................... Waxtord.

ST baM M anaioMMa dar a oaaMA

tba daal *IU (ha STB


Mgaap H M *a0 MtWM wMb (Mr
MaiM H ikH iiatlfn that tbap baaa
Ibe Neab’ .atarMlaad to m*" (AH a jMHiaMi
bbaach. T>a Mwe vW ba
as aad tba Moab al HaMaal Hatiw
tbMMBM. Ttoir aasMf ta
■■m tbla tba SaaM mmH Mam la






I- particular alKiut the tit and the style of your


one of the MILLIKEN kind.

Suits, „f ,,'ursc there will Ik- olhers, this is the most prominent one.
/ilK-liiK-. Coverts,






The cloths will


$10.00 to $00.00




Ftim Gimie« Buyer
July. 1903.
Tbe »uil iodieaiioD* point
to tbe ikiited coat of tone,
where from SO to 46

Our first shipment of i

a* (be coapWot ol Ul,



*ki)t,aad the Umued akin.

malking and Dress Skirts

Ao eaact leaph nuj develop,
but tbe preciw; lenph it not
•o much to be caoBwiciwd aa

have just been placed on sale and ilu y are o*ccdingly pretty.
1 hey are moulded light over the hips, but are
the hi|>s then iM-fore. have more swing to them.


coat leoBth bek>* tM


fuller below


coat to be




wotn with tbe

tuii may be of tevaral forma,
tbotigh the idea of a 6ned

$5.00 to $15.50

back gad

01 i’


fitted front

■s to be gaiaing ptMtJ.




bean a eloae retembUacc to

Some very desireablc Walking Skirts at

- nu'i Prine* Alboi; the

'fS.00 and $6.00^

«iiia|i^-CoAi.i>K>dMeu) dU
rectly friiin a mao'* cuUway,
Conet Coat, with »ore futlM> in tbe back belo* tbe


vaiti line, aad tbe Runias
blooie with MuiU a* loot aa
thoae on tbe otb« new mod.
eb win all find a place in the
faU lamide liae^ . . . .

■1 tto timi in lie smcal

j S,-.-:a5a


Women’s Oxfords
Wucucn'i SI

Okfiudi cut h


Women * .trap Slippeta, cut l

Women'* Toe Slipper* cul lo



A Sewing Machine
if it is a
WHITE is an absolute
We sell them
fur cash
Belter see us
at once
about them,
Time lost,
money, too,
ii you don t.

It's a pleasure
Co write
on'ncat stalioneiy
and ^t’ll
greatfr pleasure
to receive
neat letters
in attractive envelopes. ;
Style in stationer)'?
To be fiurc.
^Secn our
new goods?
Cost* nothing to look.

The praise of otheie. who have
tested the value of our "BEST"
flour is pleasanter to us and more*
convincinff to you. Ask your

*iwa m tbe )« CM ic


$ 1.60

Men'i Canvaa Mioc* cot i




J A R- A- L. A C
Jifxa-LM it like tba bsM vaiaaft m evta
lacrg tbaa that It it a iaU
taWi fag
km evtn
even wooden
ta bmbI
Sa kooM. ll ii made iu IS colon
Tbe lattM ia Uie jaodei fiaiih for
aD latdriH woodwork ;
OMia. Om
MlMlMMSil** OeMMM.
•HMHMSMPiy. BiMM. •!••• WHI%M.
WmImm*, MHIIlMaaft BIlMMlg, ^m* WKIWm,
OHMra^. DMMtf SlMMlg. CSemaaneS.
Uae R lo reoovau aebaii. dreaMf, pictare fraae. dob bad
or tahla. We bare all kiada at PaiaU. Vamidia Md Wall

H t:M tram ( > riHliaiii. «gr Wagt



up to

ntw Zlbtllttts hr Till Suits art btrt.
a Bluts, 6rttns, Breums, Bhjs. a


baaa HMad tba Mwaar



I hi- luilc iMraci from the Garment will give you an idea of the coming^tyle in Ladies

Women'* Serge Slipper* c




TfHvSfM City Markata.
■fltla raport la mao# uo or> Wodnaa Say *foaoh wwak. The Haraioi* not
lor ohanaa* In prioaa.

dar at II e’Moeb (raai tba KaawB
b, *adar tba dtraialea M Dadar-

Olaaa Uaaad Baadia BMMk
OftaadH Braa. tt DatroH. vbo haw


Prices $5.00 to $0.00

Slid Waist Sittt

^ ^----- - ------



are from




Silk also ini-i.ill’c do: vi-ivci

ever quoted




the minute, they arv of I’cau diSoie and Taffeta

Lowest Prices



The new Silk

foremost waist factorirs and arc new and


„„ .:f.‘'src»‘!f‘"ra:- v;i;,

to arrive:

siorc makfh thi lin-t showing of new goods each season—not only

WmIT & SoriM

Men'* «t.M Plow Shota cm



Keep )-our ey^
for the big ad
from our
Grocer)- Depanment;
yoO will not
be sdrr>'.
It is what
you have wanted
DUkoy days.

You read
our ads:
you ponder
are they true;
you wonder?
you ti)’ them
you do
you buy—
They're true!
your knowledge
of ads
has grown

We all like
to have
a few
of tbe good
new books
lying around.
We read them
at our leisure.
The latest
always found
on bur shelves;
some new ones
lust received.

We sometimes smile
when we hear
men commenting
on the
smart appearance
of other
men's clothing.
The reason is
almost invariably,
the Jwearer
is a customer
of ours.
Want to have
that tame
smart appearance?

“Hiawatha,” or
“In the Good
Old Summer Time"
would sound
much sweeter
if they
were played
on a
Few Pianos
have such a
sweet tone.
Should be pleased
to talk Piano
at your leisure- ..

20 per cent.
on ^11 lines of
, Summer Furniture

A good way
to keep cool
in summer
it to invest
in a Leonard
The price we make

is the Ingest
Reclining chair*.
It's your chance
40 buy NOW.

Better be
induced to buy.

MeD<* aew Oifad* oi te

tl.50 aad 12.00

Tf«4bVKM»K eiTV. MIOM.

Ihsy W« eWortai u ooilac IVutt last mdar
1^ (Mar W. H U S »M wUh , The 014
he Martling aaaaeaM
ttrUod Ura
reatatlie td aulelda h
July mb. II
belai her blnhdv.
llterxwe brtni«bl aoBelhlat u> «ai
D to asd
1 or drapondrary laii
la biMb ate and a ten 'eapiyabl
' aiuyakle lUee was apeal. abl> pnesider sulrlde and somrihi
MIsst-i Ida IVarh, Della ahuak.
...............CV hak (SB ruuad- ibal will M'eat
rdlalag' eeieey lor ehurcb
MUBurv aad Pk>reare Blakreley
bubdas alieratniB wHh Hla*
rdi PMuraed
(T.iu aad Cora Wheat at ibe old
aall after a (011 week's run wlih bU
daaakui Mrs I |H‘V_________
Ixm Tidlra HIImI Ibe taraacy
Hiss Bdlik HcrrlagtuB U dUltlag
>1- riger la Bl)lea' Bill last work
la WlllUB.
alaii a grvai Riomarb. Ui.-i
It lit the W C T V a<
) regulator. Only kur. Rai
wn Mn HrWelby. 1
;saraau-ed by Ja* U. John
Mididny anereiiiin 10 un
' l< Msads. DniicflsU
iimarh soriei)
We belle*,
mote. It prmldiag a t
Thumley. Jol>
nl> di.iDc poni bui 1
Bet C W Wimi
...n-r in.m hei hu.lo.n.1, Ak.iiin
Booaiad by Mr WIIIIbbs skirt utli
auraiBK logriber and
MeiT>rnan his *if.- Mrs Margan-i
Mrs II Harru- cd Haplr d'liy- asd
M.TrjUiiii sisi.ul ihal ibi- ran nu
Vaii-Soaliaad of Biirdlrk.lllr
I..IU1* of msirilooQy
Tk>-) 1
|.md near

Grand Traverse Region. r«':rsKS^''"r£„‘S.fx,'
!2s j.i.'K.srK.r:
Itte, *1 w. r H**»U *. rMl
iMr MM rrl4i>
ll<4tW IHiio
«t W1I

be««T. oa »*•

-Mr Baawi

•oats lias vliti fetf.
t «ae 4o*B tma

lS aaUfelnrMd M ihoebad
dar lu haar <4 iks ludM daatk o(
Hr> Wa Nsaaaa kaU sictii.
Mn. Wa. Pkslpa kad k«r kaa4
•ala^ %M» bad))' laa> ai»k W a
alattow (amaiaa 11
Mia Blla Bwaa l< rsrant^g
(nan as aliask >d bntasklia
Mrs H Oanr i* rery voorlr <L

“Wl* M, - (*.


arr«ra4 a tra (tafa ajo


lioia usdsrst-ai

May ibs;r <-bJ.iii« jsars UU Ibr s
aer had ker Iss IrAmired
Tbe suge sill Is- bum loni
leads Tbey «
e aaa ^ laoptaa fniB a Ban>
in llurdlrkuil.- n
lu IhrW rrimd.
Ears al loas cat's*
lialiirday eveaiUK. August K
MofikB kad cas Id
KK'b sCbindbiHise. a Usu sot
kl« M«* hndna by las id f
111 Id A l•l•■aalBK luugraai u
Meoatag mghtaaed
tud .'laiiu,-u.- sil) be reader.uJ _____
afiw Us UlsratU.
II It. IUr. rralioli '
Jem bullliat aad daughii-r>
lusn supin-r of
.a ilBb.
D u> Hr. aad Mra. Aba Hanc. ua nwuned al l.<-la
•) s.mli-1)
Tbr ladlea irf
“ir sad Mn, A E JtotaaNi -aa. l
iltners aad s|n-iii 111.- da)
Oraad Rapidt ttuaday.
laalaa froa.' Trararaa
aks ab-al (ka •ssk wlik
>rr aa
r pm
iple Cliy
I Mai
-------------- - atariM I
glw^*5»"*5?*At»stroni •eWulkoiwr
Hn- llartMirt
Ixireta IV
b« laUar. Jaasdjkata
Travsne Cllr C'tiun
>aa Saiur witb her btoiber's ta
A. V. Saaaa rataraad
Mr. bora Kliilsr
^.ataalBd tar a rUlt i k bU (aa
(true tlsIilBK '
^1ogIrta*aad^ilaw7 BrooUaad Jaa^
BaUM van calMn flaadar ai Ura. O
n« (kraablac Baeblaa vkUllr la
•less Ban rusblag
haard Is tka Mlfkkorkood acala
c.u (alls 111 rtmllse
nnar Maple tni).
MUa lJula Adamt ta aurklag
111- daily |iuis up
Hr and Mrs PtV) Ilf 1
L A CulnI iK>*niiN».


s..|ianii lull



lirv-»en 1 iBlalil).
I Ter. a.ld^ Itie.

Hal) :!
sad P II Mia.



ling a UUBi


ui^Hilf-M aUr aw 10 ba oal
• vbM rbalr. aad Ua aMcktatra a
all gtad ut •• kl« yp o«* aw.

Tbe Bill
al week
Tbe HIllaasa'^^tamee aad Banka
ry ei
d Traraeee
Trararae* Clly
ellle TboBi
There was a »ery li
a lew a tee youeg
eop>yed' by a7
PaioB’e Taecday al<hi
ai Wa... PaioB’i
Olbba. her pareau. Hr
ad Mrs aarteaal. aad Haftoe aad
latold UIbba. hare baea
reek at Bay Vww.'

UmI. lUduii. >d II
t IMtaray. IkU.. t» •
' “iJi* PSS hM ralaniMl
ralarard ft«a
Jaglaa arkeva aks kaa tMB
bar aaa "Jai*,- who U »«

.Tsrr-"!.' stnis
a a Malar rtoltlag
a. Swadaa.


HUa Hnady Milled
eee Huodsy
A Budly BOBber
lOBber from
llen.'i-d Ibe UId Helller's

1 tdai-e

I* enu-nali
Ub. Mrs RIB
Tbe ball

lar H praaaau

" TT-Js:*:;.;

tlBdl Herald. <
wUb, lluk aOB I___
ai« TtalUag Wb.
lUa 1

Ular si M Hasipaalei by bis

Je>. Hies aad lamll) sere hiianler Rueday
Warrea UukenaaB atmnded rhurrb
aervli-es here Uuaday.
The Hillman boys wen- idt on a
ibing irip a lew days
Mrs ptoBona was e

t her aacle-s. Pnbk B
Tbt Ihraaktad Baehlae whialle


are TMl8f“l
KB or Uke
Uks View
tut. Ura. Wb.

____ aay
Ur* Warner aad Hn
OB mmds brre Ruaday

rtetied theft aleier. — ------of Hedce MiBday aad
f ara kaatlac lor l< r
Jaaaa durttc — .— -------RidU apaa Wg hotat arboata M
le lami aaaaamat^ara )aal bow.
a aaBBia.

U area a

hw aiahsr aad aMiar al


aiBina ai his worl
lai bis Uarkarhi- I* siuiply
Ills feel

of Mmiilre sas In lusi





Bmll Lsderle arrirnd Monday
ig fruio Trarerae Oiy. and esperls
IS remain here ihU auBBer as rIerV
U Ci-rdes Ursa
0 the aftk lUi
" U ICIIU U oe
llonur aad
Tratt-rse CUy apeal Tuesday

railroaders, roadurUm. engln.. siriu-i-car uirn lUbyeri
ii larriuK. all bate ba«As
iPd girls al play
s aad give ihnni
Tls a
llo- kldDu)
s >1111
. ihnl Ibu) i-r> oui
ul lur
-gleci a bail l>n.-k.
acbinn liark if nrgleclinr*. ifoubV. kidney
iruuble Uoan'e Kid
.-very Iona of kldni->
- Uat-k and mslie >k-k
Umn's Kldno; Pills b) people
s-opk' you kuiis
a Tratenii.ersi- Oi)
Ciit cmt*-n
IIDib of Ulirbell sir*
hilar, a fn-lghi brsk.iBiaii oh 1
K a I R K. miiolag u-iween
IDIarand Traveriu- Clly. says
Irts. Is P. 0 Hok sc;, and 1 sill
s.-r kU) l.-iu-r s«-nl lo me by any
- Shu reallv wlshi-. u> koos If
.- de|i
.. m> i-sperti-un-. I ha.i-oBilliiK is.-ul) )i-nrs
-lad Ibr besi of beakti uni
.eais as-., shea in) kidneys ellliet
« mer worked I euf
I pain and arblag
ly back in surb aan eki
I tkmo’s Kidney
r l^^ulill- t
r a trs days, anulfarr
sbeu Soall.
iborougb cuui


t H Lederle aad (amlly of Trsr
Cliy aie rUlilai relailrea and
trien.’.s here ibto week
M^. (1 Otaaawald aad aaa WUB. **WUM Orcaa raeatrad a Mur
Mnr A B«1*r. wbo has been- Mill
have nut onllred
Oraad Ra»Ui are faaua «d Mr. (naa bli wUa. who Baited ftoB Kaa- tag her slator. Mra. H Laird, muraed
a single ayBpii
a recurrem
Bi last weBi to Mb kiB bare, aay- to her home al Traverse Clly on
Kor sale by
PrlHa that M wai (akaa atok ta CUcenii yWenMilbura (i).. Huftalo. N.
aaao. aad will bm be here aaUl the *^ri Lloyd SBllb and Oaugbiei
Lulu MM returned lo Cbkmgn V.. sole agents (or (be I'alted Stales
oam.—Dumn s-s
I to Tiaraiae
-iday after a Buatb'a ouilng here.


M Tr*»-


tMdMieaBd Ji

1M> weak.


BM heel Siiaday

eehool ideaKa

be. .A.^Piap li Ttaltlat M Trar
e Qiy Ula weak,
llaude Beoit tea Moved lalo the
rhaaka boaaa.
trehia Oardatr Bate a trip U BU
Clareaw Fklitaaki has drlraa
all dowa three haedred feet oa tl
BMeell tara. aad as r
J. B. HfwaMhd <

CSV IharAtf.

, TbuBpaoB aad wile of Traverae
Or. Ptmlick and lainlly of Maple
and .A. Salllvan aad (aBll)
K ai River
ir. rpaai (be

gold worth IhOWi. s
oulivOy llv«wy slBl

ptallil shi-r. IW y\)Sl.-i
Wild Rirasl--rr> U ki-pi

*ar.iii-.| iron i-


A Lot of Money Saved in Our July Clearance Sale!

undreds of Samples
SamplK of our
oiir line oL----------------of House Furnlsmns foods most be---closed
om al—---------once lo moke room for oir i
-------line of Goodb. These will be closed out ut prices that Cannot be dnpllcated.

()iir $7.U1 let- Chest for
Our St'.O" Ke(riy,'i-r;
Our $1'2 in Kelriner.iUir It
Anil so on up to oor SlI' Ti Kefri»;eralor for 14-UI

H.-immocIcs. I


lire Vou eoina eampinu? ,
f so. here are a few thinijs that you will need and
e you money oni
S ice one-burn, r Oil Stma for ■
I wo-burncr Oil stoves for........................ 51.00
I liree-burner for .
The lUi/b tiasuline stove, iwo-bumw. like
cm. bras> burners, nickel feet, for
only .. • • ...................... .................. --76



aad wife **001 Raaday

-igV-vrsssi^uutaw-*BB. iiarbex. aad Nrt. DarB P«B
W Trareiae Otf weal «Be day laM

. Wb. Wyman ii abls t
shooi the (owB.
A O. DuMmn waa tsosu thft '
Hoary BeoR et 'Northport wi


l£a"’;V“'Siir»r.reta. CH,


to rWUad Mrs Vm Urowa

^hBd aad By


It 4« and

a baa a tacmlkm.
-* — *---- -- iJseea
-Laadaraplaysd t

L OteA KMi«

IM wbo has baea holdlac BiBftn
at <hawa. wfll bold weeUBae e^
aldkl this week aad Beat Ber. Karr
1 Ub.
Hr. aad m. Wraeoop hare a aleee



______________ a trip to Ladlagum aad Oraad Raftds MM wmak.
ChanMa tars Mda Mmlnaaa tar
ieabaa harm mnda tt poaaSWa to ahlp
to potau tertWtetm mmahM to rmnek
to ttma to ated tertOaMa (rmtt.

' SThe-wt

are « '
. aad t


wwea aaTura NoRit
t rWl wHb Mir at
a eSMiaad. Ohio..

their tolka at Wrei AMIta
^ j Oeaader HBret this n
tm (Ms wbwe ha WMals «o

^Mr. (taaader. Rp. Kerr^
WUUM dmee to West Ahalra haw

aaa bad to ftoak ■mhdadr- Tte tana
til liw M tateUam
dapot tmi
ba BaUbod thta vmte.
We tera baaa tadstmad atote i>
MB the mm tiem Nwthpoat that
Mpw ban wlU «•« |d.ddf and wUl

iBf of M
iw a taw
d la order
have emr da^M ....
We mndantand Ml Mr* U bat ima
piaea akmg M Baa MI hai a ear ter
a dapM mnd aoma pMMa only a ptol-


HUar Mill (u a
t BaeeeU aerred hU (aally
B Trarerw Ctiy IBM weak.
AM Mi»i had a heree tailed
^ iMtalac hM weak.
U ruhv (d North Maattaa
loTraewae ORy
Mr neher aan (km we ahaat ^

(kwre eeiuce caBe dowa
the nalur lakes with Mir



m. ai^ M~^iaraem
t Mr the ------------ --

Lnaily wa will aay that m«
Rag to have M Oomnty Mir. It a
her town dooT gal It.

Mn. UevMie aad

bomL antrod «

Btofta Haaem took M
bom Trararae City to 1

Jtra. wuttaa Wiwgnn W teat
aaa waa hmrtod today.Mlia BMI IIMitew at UMad ta

Eft. rimUcB and

wMa wan a

If you want a nice rpeker it is the chance ol a litetiine.

Jl Big lint «l


We iiave nearly all styles ami sizes of
Oiiick Meal blue I'lamc Oil and Gasoline
Mfvi-' m proponionallv low- prices.

liur<lu>-k . Bkaid Ulllers givis a (uan
clear brad, an arliie brain, a .irunr
>lgi't<Mis body —iiiakis hini bi lur ihi-

-__i. Paulai tall from bli sbi
laa( Tuoiday rudlas tala umgsv a
Bp qalla aaverely.
B. B. Blackwood of Traverae Ci
paR( Baaday with hu f^lty
QuHc a BUBbsr of oar rtiUens 1
mdad tbe au|^ wbicta was giv
by the reaortare for the beneSt of I
nisi HMbodiK ebureb mi Kasi 1
Had. MBiurday evemlsg. The s<
1 waa U4.

S'SLT'oo.etd I


One $1-2.«1 Rocker ol ............................................... 7.76
A 12.10 A.ockcr for......................................................- 9.76 \ beautiful, large,, fmassive roc\«iv^^
polished, with large curved heavy rtekert, in
sawed oak. large upholstered
spring seat.'good
;ood value for $19.00,
$19.(10. now......... iT.OO

Is. Gai
Gasoline and Oil Sloves.
Lawn Settees.


II baJ been buried n
C L. Dayton tvturaed fruai a
trip 10 Petoakey thia week.
Joba Vane and laBlIy. s-bo
booe resortlag hare, left Thursda)

EgMer^ut Ttavem. Cli’
bougbi 10 bate beon an or
CIM Warmer ted'M aWi_____ wai the gu«s( of bee oouiId.* MUs gialciy^ gat Ig pf builrr IbleOi'S rUllei
•o have two ate eewa kUMd by M norvuee. Laird, a lew days
... Ibis
Ibe Ih-kier crtmiaery the ulher nlglii
Pere Uardaeue Irer la|l Thartday
.umber of psupl*
Deupl* truai
(roa Cbaii.Ci-r
A Bumber
I.M pouBda or buiior.
1 enjoyed
isd a picmic im
TsB Pray west W MaaoahBi
Lovair wMUer for aora. b«H BM
aQRoed fv rye aad wheat, aad ikera M KalkaAa tall waa 10 pit
mlanily r

b«ahi bfiWu aad talw

You ever had offered, orproliablyevt r will ha\T offered
ayiain is in our samples of
arm Tt>ckcni.
>f large,
larije, high
hiyjh back
with leather spring seats,
. s, upholsiered
u|>holstered in the
li»lh\Ve have q^u
dozen of them in different styles
ami designs, i^fne have leather backs and some Have
patent Schram coil springs. They are extta strong and
well made, with a tine piano |>olish. The prices that we
will close them out at will be about the same as a com*
tuon rocker would cost.

iin ,

Screen Doors. Croq


Bee or T
Mr -aad M

Mra J

Cb« Bigaesi Bargain

You will nci-il ;i rcfriutTaior three mom
mom'iN yet this
o ;S-I.2.'. on one.
year and we will sate you from
i)l> lo
Besides ihis with (he iireseni urice of lumL.'
r. relriuer-mors will cost a Kf* al deal more aiiulher year.

" Wbek <

It this week, but
betng able
Hr. Win
r wbo died
. Bba left

• Pit


U better bow
laal erealag
the obliuary
ta ladtaaa U
eight cblUeen
I and


Sntap Bak FacWtiis
MtiNil BiikSaclirtty.
(he OovCTDin
Wte make sworn reports t
Ihr EOkcmn>ca( five liimc
each year.
Vk/Hte^beuer accurity o
iclnrmi caa you aak (at >i>ii

e ibU mrnek
tieti of Dora


Aaa. t
Urk I

bmalneaa Bansrdaj
'Innsrd .
Beveral af. our poiwle bare b
baekleberTplBg lately, returmlag «
.... dllod I_______
Mr KMe baa beea buay with 1
black caps. «b1cb were dor ibla ye
' e baa intm all pic '
broibee aad laBlly.
irbby <R Haauo. aad Mr War
IWB'S toother Irm. and (bb^ are ti.
ttlag ai Mr Wanea's Ira t^rrea and
' mlly Heed ben two yeora ago. aad


rrwrarma Citf, Mid.

To Close Out!
Men’s and Boys’ Saddles
$3.50 and $3.75.
Ladies’ Side Saddles


Rockers lo





since last
These samples
mples have
have been on our i
February- to sell
.ell from,
froi and wc will close
at from
to ^ off. to make room forr ournewi^mp]
that well begip^io arriyc in August,
few prices:
.A large, high back.

0 ft. extension
(tension table, just like cut. 42 inch square
top. heavy moulded rim. nice brackets on legs.
i won
nh $7.(lit| for .................................................... $4.75
le proportional cut right through on 27 styles,
ranging from $3.50 to $2S.OO in prices.
65 styles of Dining Chairs, from 47c each up to a
tint-l>ox sca( dinrr
r (worth $2.50,
$2.75. SS.00 and 54£0.
and up to S6.(Ki each L In a good many of these chairs^
we have onlj' om- to eight of a style. T hesc we will sell
from S to
off. so if you need a few extra chairs you
can save a lot of money on them. The best chairs >-ou
want the mure money you can save, for we have some
fine high grade chairs that wc will cIom; out for' about
what you would pay for cheap ones.

On all e«ek Slovta
and Rangsa and
■Ins ta asket Irem.

Bargains on Center CaMes.
A solid oak table. 16 in. top. large shelf for. ■. 75c
18 in. top. large shelf............................................. . li»
•20 inch top. large shelf
......................................... 1.25
24 inch Xop. large-shelf, for.................................... 1.50
\ beauriful parlor table, l-'rcnch legs, 24 inch top.
large shelf, all N' sawed oak, nicel)' poitsheo.
-1I worth $8,001 fifor............. .................................... 2.25
The same proportional discount >
OBr full line of

I J1 flood Cimelo6el a Sideboard

rocker. i“st^

\ nice, well finished high back, arm rockv. solid _
oak well make cobbler seat, iworth 2.75 i for 1.85
The next, solid oak. large arm rocker, cobbler
seat. I worth $3.0U' for................................. .. • • The next, (worth $8,501 for.................................... >50
Next, (worth $3.75>. for..................................•••• 2-75
The next, (worth $4,001 for .............
-. • • • 235
They range right along from these to the finest,
(worth $6.00. for........................................................ *-50

(Worth $1.50. $1,75. $2.25 and $2.75)
A nice, well finished, well made, solid oak, high
back arm rocker, (worth $2.50) for.................. 1.50
Wc have about 100 dWercot styles of arm rockers
'ing right
up to$15.00that we will
- from
. , $1.72
proportiohal cut on. It woiild be well to
give■ the same propomobal
order early as some ofAhi-se e have only one of a style

Come in and visit the Greatest House Furnishing Store
in No^em hlkhigan.^ If you canne^me.
ucs for your money--


Our $15.00
__ _________
for $11.75
and samecutrigfat
and same
along up to a large full swell front sideboard, with
large mirrors (sold for $45.00) now $84.75.
SBMCat M B iBigc UK Bt teBNe Bask CBBCB BBd WrtOv IMafes
A nice solid oak combination case. (wortb$ I5X)0)
And right aloi ' up lo a $30.00 case, either Ma*
hogany or > sawed oak. for

WiBdow Sluides fir 3 Link IUkj

Bifl BargaiM la Cact aa4 CaiMStry Cirtaii
$1^ Curtain, for..................................-..-7^ per pair
50c Curtains, for......................................
S5e per pair
$100 Curtains for.........................................65c per pair
and so on right throu^
We have not space to emimerate My more, but Vill
give you exception^ly good bafga’OB in every depart­
ment throughoi^ur luge line: Bed Spreads. Sheets,
^ilts. Pilkw Cwses.'T’illows, and every thing you need
in your home.

In Our Carpet Department
can find some of tbe best values in remnimu of
Carpets, Mattinn Oil Cloth and Linoleums. A big
lit on China and Japan Matting.'
tpe<^ cut


ea« Trtew^rtoto OIMy. »IM Wm




ua. «bo wa
for sew naik*ta,
s tbe hineat llasttlA RaeaU It aot
tolerUflac with As arleaa tatnaota la
to tto tar «

iBUrlaeM. HK>k, Jilr
mirtj Uk Brntw «0iiv>
«tn>r«4 lh» baltdlat oee..— „
JwM «'hlu a* k pool roa. The

Cbatk tbal Hlaa Map VooA. a wask------- naa. has bees left »».0M bp
kpU of ber craadUtber to Oer--------Kacb ef ihra* brotBer*. jtlbert
of Burllaptoa sad Charles and Wll
prsvsrtac to lUs Uan of BrlWtoa. wUI pn BM.M
^ bwsum to decepSereral fassUlee la 8t Jubai
r*s. Uanp auddea

TbeCMUcof Many
Sudden Deaths.

3 II — aesn mMuai.
arhk Chlaa. aad bat naitrlallp aided
^Boeumorus. beai< ed preally. but all rt-c
thk eoaatrp to ptosreeela* toward
Tbe tonalc* of ibr >
TnwM Ottr.
srrectloa at looli are aukla
itumof*4ihu tb« tr* wu or Ik
efUdiavdweue. II
o» iDslead cd cbalra.'
iterrlie trf"wr«uif^i^irto*c?*
Mr. WklU Juii Axlatlc departneat si Ibe RnstoB
JudacT trooblekalCadillac mosi pay U.nvo t
kti pool rooa rwiorte/.
Be*, deelarla* Kanto could whip asp K
kidney-po»a»d bate seltled il
Sre powen to nalalalO ber poelilou C
rwolM la
tiuu. but upon
......................................................... a tfibai
Lfabua. UpalB. Jair >1.—Ucopltc Ike matrp prorohed t
aiuatiey selll.
btoneya themnitti bisak dova aad m
•Caru M the Bllltarr cDT«n>B«e( at
tbe (BSC VM>1
a»>r .*11 kp cell.
Cap* Vw4c* u> rellere Ike iluuUoo.
Ukdder IfOuWot ni«t alvapa result from
(h* faatoe then U *pfaa<IUf
d v^hlap
•uvanar kai loullr stowed operae UuurtiFp u
.1 us the part of tbe . decannmem el Ibe kidacya and a cur* k
kesi bp
bps .properJeelunen
imbedded I
Tbe tirtpbk saps: -Ualets be 11
boron an Iknnra oet '
iteeUri k lakes serenlp lo task t
r desiltai*. Cro^ katc sliiiatloB win b
uaanjr (ailed.
Jtpae k a
Ilkelp to 111
la lb* leiaad et M. TUaco old'and auki udrr the thi SI of aMUls
deawH people an diappiaf dead U
the auaMa sad tllU* babaa are diiai
A Pekia dispatch a
non eunatloB at tb* drr biaasu or tdnlnktrsikm e' -......................................... a A death
rrible aad.
it si*Csr^'1bai^'‘nau0^”?
«UI eone too late.
I KoaUba ArM Uada
Dmm. Colo.. Jalj SO.—The expea
d«are (d nillicni of dollan b; tbe
Hatted Htaiss torerameet I
St tbuu
aero* « arW land la tbe
a. It (be tab)ec( o( dl

St ibe UteM Hlt^^j^
I. Neoell. aM otden
II ibea be |
r«* o( (be



flmib Uakoca. Cub. Onpoa. Waeb'
lattoB aad
aiteadUtabel (pu)aer^ Ooicitnlo u'uM^
the aoet Maalle vorki to be

- .
(real Salt rteer raaertolr
U Artioba. aad Ibe work abaf the
Pecos rlTer U Mew Mexico, aknd tb*
alDM lb* dbrabnai aad North FlalU
rtrera U Wfontas wUI aMo noaira
apoaui aitwiiap

Haraaa. Jair *1.—la Ml* <d tbe asantka bjr Hnwr Veto, aeerotarr ot
(be niertar. tbal tb* kUllaa of Ibne
Uea aad tbe eaptare id a foartb naa.
Ibeir Icpdn. abo bad
e aa aiirttlBB U lb* rlclaltj
tee* « BaBIUOD. eSei


were faUr
poraraBMai'e reports re­
paired (ran iba
lb* ■omor
■omr- aad olhec
aAeUle H BoMlifD prortaoe.
Ita* ar* do ti* aCtai that alao*
(be Biihl cd tobdar laat W aruad aad

Uf tbe p
bars St II
____— _________ baaa ............................
bat tbe Ubabltpau <d lb* Oaalo
(bn an aacMad. Tb* leads* '
Mp M »
U* M a btotbar
killed bp tbe rai
(1 coard. ba* ordered
o( all tb* raral
a Orta, aad^y i|w-

»aS«*2*1aw bTasMaur
at* sritb lb* noaaled troop*.
Peeretaip of tb* latertor Tere aap*
there k ao doabt that iba
ortil be able to eop*
tbs attooUdb. aa all



aad tbal tbooa aba bare riaea la j«-


b k rworlrtt tbal naap —------------are oCertai ibatr aarrleaa to tba Bar-

____________ ^ Trial.
Kalksrtn M^ Aas- lc^ a^
I----------------■ Ur,On trial cd Mrs. Mary
MiTaldf k tW cMtatt tnart for m

TW rtreaK assart vin aanaaa


aaaa vfll pabablp ba tba M tabs*
W Bocb sidat prrtiaa raadUaaa tor
MaL nrt ulr aorf rTini ererr no•OB to mpni tbal Iba laaa *UI be

-sr-irs.r'i kwi..

rtatad ban tbe varM aa baton tb*
rvort bn atleadaau ' '
aaiHbd-*B appatta. aad Boat


■hr daea Bot eeeia Is be wd^ warriad erer tbe Inpndtai trial aul.
a bar aart* aad accept

rrtU*tba*MSMs iTnlWailp s
niaad U Btbt le tbe Met diteh.
■ap Bsvd at Balbaaba. alatad ta (be
Hardld a* Batardap ibat lb* arna
«dbM aretaMr ba triad at Iba eanUt
tarn i/Mt:«Ilia triad U Utaaka
MMip- Tbnd b a atraw pnbawmp.

- s:s5.rfss.i.'sa;js

Qnat Bunben o( R
aad aoldlen* Untile*,
arr betna brooebt to I
bellered. la partoaBee ol a eunpre
heoalTr plaa to npldl; nilooltr tbe
pmAucr* At (be Dpeec-Bl fate. Iht-rr
' '
alnoet iw!w)0 Hiuaiao
Maoebiina. iBCludlag Po
ibar aad Ualap. before tbe dale
hw I
~Tbe asrtlbn u( tbe opeolaa o( a<-s
iradr 1s HsBcburU ..
ilaace saiUfartorUp ar
I eolhiBi rrmalBi
tb* qaeslloa of IBc obkd luealltlM sbBlI be opesed.


daapbur. MM* Mai
CMdlltoc. wW *oaa )

marts aloM (be AUaa-.
Ir. aad Mrs. OuiM aad.
r will be audtopteia bp

will b* la ebarps «( tb* aa
ii to Ibe toualtoa M tb* .
Tt*«r as Bate Id tb* N*ar bplaad
t Id doon aa to pouM* wllb ntan aad pitaeari as Ibe tetof ate*

ITth* ..

told tb* paa down oa lb* p
aad to toteto* teoat ptoktot bnrtn
tep^ «a to Tba ~_woat te ^

tiB. el Ik. -Lu FO*'!

Aa enmuir baterler who dlad at
I Ctorv Mi arrsral Udp aatos Iron |M0

That's wV te *


*■ *’


^Ms- sacu a. to U. kvb—■ UUk. *I Ur
AI • III II II .* Ur l-r-dM.. c\<m lor U«
^uil Oeel el vb. Uau-I too*. . 1* Ik* lily K e^^^t Urud
*■ IS^Pre
rrsvaCM-. ily. u mid Koisty e( Uned iTOr
I-U:sde:pbto. .uft.-r.i

V ti>*E<anu«iiig^C

i> urm.f •.im.
leD Tb.' lU-vil* lielped


L'S-eNhr^ii'rwjjkrr-RHir. t

Iirty h-ur ud .UM-klU d.-

...Ul iwn e< UM. nuuiW vkCK ssd lour .J
.ud 1 ud.k. mkU.
uaMFtMtf tteauU
■^Kauru-rKe-'Cle* ailM.^i lo*s

tlW CurtbK omIk*
MW* lo Ik.
vmtlteMl 1. ibe Uraiul

its I.-'ir.,-o'K^»
rsar.- «dU llnuto.
e P*s»ed
□ cv tetuntoy
b'ul toard. bS'e drier,
uuurou- e reform, and ere
lu*.-. lu nmirsi-ii uKh
■ tet |.r..blbli
e.ib.e tJ ef Ur*ud T. - - . — —__ _____
K. Ibe ;ui il*y K Aia.l. A U.
nuT. U Ldbie fl
Itw- -cbool i.-ru



a. *M*<SMl turtebmnro
id iwtiuua. ud tel Ibr m.l d Us *3
*, ls*r id mU a-bike A i-mBU. *wl sP
Tnvuw Oty. ABd UeM fww.. U •*; (bw*
W. ek.. Itemy^iS UrwoVeMvUMUUM

E-r-.r.Si ■a;*in
I. sad Oeoeb o.eni


amu. toiTB^


A.. Albeu-y - I.- <C nrv.* UeUar* y*ev*i..l
I.elA U.1 U>ClCA.-e. *Bd k- Ull .<
U.W.1 lb* hm.lki;
l■■UtAl.d ke wwove.

of A*ite*». A. O

.1 U. e'eleck I* Ik.
el mid Au . ^1 lb*
nshi. Ulk Aad niewK uf mU M«rnm J.

: Tawas Cll>. sbu

leel laduairp in loacu cuuniv. h
ia<l <>or toot cut off. a Uh- of II
>lher foul amputoli-d: oOe lep bruk.
wice: baa Uva partip |<arml.w>-d
i reeull St Ippbold fe«i-r Isli-v. >ki
Tiiabwl bp falllup trw: akull fra
lured bp a robto-r: teeib kaockid o
bp aireei
car: body
ballered ai
bruised by Jumplap from mmii
two Bapen bnikca. aad s
nods bp
docs SDO inm Ibe m<v her bear rushed
a. Tbe cbll Irea mlracukiuslp
escaped ...
barbed wire leDC
A noatlnp Itlaai
<er at Rtackaep
Illl race, aeaHp
Bier tapplp. il s
A Clare cuubtp c
btnb. to iwlB cmlrtlasl *prlBp, revealed l

rs apn
a pear

.1 Hsuadeiu. (Ml.. M!>areail. s b.-lple*. crli
, i-d Id [n rlerl »
r. ba. .uddouly bad


Oamral N*un.
ip woawB sloop (be eastcra
bank of tb* Hadsoe rtver Is Wesi
cb«*ler coualp, bare pirca II eacli
drrer swladler to pet plain eewron (be United But** povere
Tbe woneb sep ibep wogld
Boc bare plven (be noney to (be
straaisr had be not been o buuJ.
some. He wxm a nUltan unitorm.
He Mapped lb* wonce II i
replslrailee fee. aad said tl
meal would plvetben eewiap
lap to «1M this pear. Hr declared




Kfir- AdUnT*. iworUto by k>>^to*^o*-


A“ffflKrs' aasr jsstt

! nturr-'i


turn fiMir III is kwru rvielyeFiu in aorlb
«.r m^BlBc tm wml. *1 * pidul «*ktudr*d

DC surprli
i-d sIk.i
Hsa> r



liUhop Holan ■
h jtete
______ ________ _

ur. Pun Hur-M, Med*.

ltetouliM.L&a^^&"*Dkm^ Hu..
Otolteur *te Cteim UV*.
day <-iei

PeelWtegii ^'p*iM-'...W'*.ii . I

.y which I


I ordlasry ft.h
•ni of lb.- kiie


d 1» JuJ*.,1. broiber C

If at any time I
II provide Sdeqi
bllbd msa't cumturt BQ.
> Ik lu be sraleBCad U «t*t.
Ruch WBs the dectoton of lb.
■bi'D the blind BUD




O.euimiwlkd wilb to* wte bs* *rn all dm
Kitel.uiwkM^^udAsd ter«M i^llSi^^y «»

.uUiC vkwb toell be^m




BlASAp.Ua. SI Uxu. ud Urnad B«e»t. > Bl


bli bri.lh'-T with a
la B Bl of saper
ii-Bi II
Wnpbi of l•utIunl
oDi- of tbe wesliblest revldeaii
il u.wo. I* DOW prei^top hli
iDp ibBI hU coDiroctor Ik rorry
em out
Hr ss* burn to



lu k quBirel



I r.*l
-*.d).c., B*r.uu **d kM, *ad fei
- . tirud -Mly K.ue h*v**<blaK tKM.lry AUu.
II rwl. I*« f.wl .old makm

rhieb arc healilu
" A Tale elllsea was armied aad
flaad for kllllap roblas.



Aupu*t. A. I
to O'clock

Benurd Uluil

C. L. LOcTSrucui. o. r

"tst-” ““tlSSSSk"


Rcaioa restored bp a
backwards from a third story r
bp Hr* Urldpcl llurlep uf Ha
by s man
N. }.. wbo has been III sbd del
d for derK
, ytar* of spe U ibr re
pears. Tbe boeplul pbp
lab Hulllrsn. B retired
am declared
tbal tbe
■ Chliapo.^^wbo nodc^ fri^
pforc laial
Now ihcy
tere dtocorervd Itet li has rcetored
powers aad II la brlleted
will recover Iron ber pbpslcal iBlur
.on a fool
lea. U'bes her huiiteod found sbe
ouito. who
could Ulk ralloBallp be wepi for )op roce.
tamer llrlap Bear T
r Haaie. lad. li io
1 to Cssesdc
of b«
tere tbrrtbed llu ai
wBk ter elsbiy-nm blnhdsy.
bln beeaiwe be and
*ei-di tevtop rpn.ul
qaaranrtoed oo acco
left^eje. Mk-teel CoiK-tk.
Heal aad Upbt tn

- lit:!!


A. B HbhllBa.


During Attacks Of
Heart Failure.
Would Appear Te Be
Dr. MU*«’ Heert Com
ILeUeTtod uhd Cured.



'oTb m

Mmaly of Ur*sd Tnteu. Buton *k te Pr*SI. oO.* IS ib>-«llr«f Trams Olp n Tan
- am day of Ssly. m te pur oBo


3*ss?*.^j^sr.r.urw.^ SstfA'ssadi.-sfBddjtd'
_____ r-K



■fc" tor'nlnw



-s.rS3f?2SS=re“cis. .
. *1 te to^ko lAtor lo te m to Traem

^ttemip.* » b ardK-d tel piMbr. te
lUdsp w sua*i. *. l> USB.** ku wSuto ■*
te liwiaw«i. b. M*rs.d ter Ibe buras at
mid pKltkm. ud lli*i te ■*•■ at aa bad
bni. *. Hw W mid J*b* P tl . iMl.tol *U

. ___CuU


ju.iteM u te nip ^ Trsvtee dtp, <*■

Itep wsf* mefceil« I iteerttro

Bate's etde. ladlcuap a rarp eertoBB


. U r.ewneu.eKa **• r*u*um<Kesnd |
. *eew>*p.e
-»J »-»'*»*.. or M. WO'. tb.e..J. *ti-*e 'uKcMUL. at Urutetl*.K*i. Une ~i-----


tknal. bet. be aea*rta. wbte
pare to aseb ladlaa a ear- Adlllo Honaeo. a druppui of CblcsiloB of toad aad the balM. fo. He saps thst be bas fouad toex‘re rbemicals which will rttardtUeai of tb* UBttea Slate* as (be
wbUe naa. aad was eellitod to the _____ and
aad beUrre* i
d o|______
- - white
brother. be Bill be able to funkb pas i
estoe pr1rllet«a ae __
---------------------T>* law CBB B» nor* step to aad sap beattop at it
It eeau
ceau per IlOO.MO f.
to tb* Uqaiw dnier who ba* paid Ui aad lor Upbtfap at U cc»i
Hcwaee aad eonplled wUR tb* other 000. whicb will xcTolulkm
‘ '
of tb* tUisUi that be
sell IW
railreade adnit that c
re Ibc Imneaie wheat crop
Qnai pile* of. wheat are
oa the prodad Bear the raUroads
od feed, all oa anoint awMitop to te rtipped lo tor proto
d*«d^bu te
beas. tbmteai
tolo eoart at Lapeer orer the
lb* Isteet
aaswer as to wbee It
fT ju
act of basump. This partlealar act
* A Vuadrvd
of fniU
. . Jtad 'carloads
.400.000 pouac
mde. •r. ~.W POtoP
to tb* Mber ends aot** oa wbleh was
wriliea: Ttow. wlU poo heap poor oaMal*
rdlsu aap that tbe
aastp beat at bom ” Tb* tranm pmpect* ar* farorabto
■cable for te iebtptop Ww twallowtd tbe eora Tbsp meat aaei this eeasoa of t.OOff carare paKI* bred beas. with ptetpree* loads. or m.OOe.OOO poaads. of all
as loop as poor am. sad of c
of proea trohs.
ibn^ droCTsd tb* BotM bom.


eirsf. e Ik- Mu* .4 *U-.e*M*u Huad
un.** *au ll-ks.
il UeUsT* aed

Hamuh. Lay * Co.. TravetM City, Nbeh.

aa hour 11 uas loc but lo hsBdlc
Wbco CapL f-red K. Mile* c
IP pollc turoc mebed sbomc
,p moralap. after b.-lap oa duly
[bl. be louad hl> silv Iviep


i^fdaSSt ,



torn York BiBek
Ohlo*«o SaM af Tratfa.

tselleii d>w1:w'l^dsp snd to (el-.p masp
BOM dv«« iIm Blrbl. Tbe silld and lb* hour* beforr.
siosaijiiieip eltect ef Swamp Rest moo
j: per rept of
mtuod. Ii euiUo the hlpbe-i
lf> of lb<' I'Blver
dertui cuie> at the most dlstio
Snmp Root t> pkaaest to ule sod told
c bcllcT.-d lo be keep
iBsi was bsMiN'OiDf ' I
lap buu
lard bound l^r^JrU 'l
ilcins a
ktpss UTiple batik of
rd pounp ns
kulOR |....r I.......
She lell o.
cOveiy and a booh that
Mils all abcul II. both u-eM
asMlinbpmall. AddreuDi .......
r b.J> sai
..wtoi: dev
Bnrbamioe. N. Y. When emioj mentlea
•s^ni this {SDcrout ollei In this p
UE<-. sitb
: I maks anp muak*. but r*i
a ua> coBi.-o.oiailt
......... am*. Swamp-Reel. Dr. I
>d bavins Je.'id.H]
iich with lb.- Saniuck--! «!sUi»n mu.
■ be que.IUin I.. pr' bem-lf. had tak-p
lb.- aonouBcing itn-^-s'l
Mt apre-alile um-uii
Ihe pope.
•uap ciiuplr lltlop ai-ar Hen-la«UI<-.
dd««ly iRvame i.«.
Zecbaiuih f Neabi. »b.. »a» bun.-.
-s Ibsl >be sa> lo
■ft- kllli-.! bp llpbialep duHnp S Y . to.i seek .a. lb.
1) nipbi's
la ibe uuralap
the ml
• rt-ad> •
o tb* bouse He_____
ro abe had fallea from
III I >le
111- Ibe Uhlp of ber but nelpl;hl«>r
ana. oo luuuln&s
riTlitr'sbU *
rslh of Ibsrp ;
Ihe de.-d ID lb
iK“a<.oo*'tu*r^'witb*iMfili fil'ib
I.II1-.1 Din. j Praucis ber impretsbiDi ibc seal ou Ibe
.eraads lo watch fur (he hsek aad
as It ronlap. ibe sueM »*. a .l.ier
rom Wasblar
•osiha. waa t
I tbrfi and <
DO |D<IIIUU.III lU Ihe eM-x-1-.l ii.ll
■ hr Refuiv acboto •
' duiins
This la aul Ibe
r»i Um.- tb.
d by l.-b.|Mitl»
a fartuer aad la probablp Ibe pcKiapeal
Ihlrl to Ibe slalu
A middle aped Uicbfleld wonaa billWas a


■te t*M

■u lu..................
1. aad
bar* nor* tbaa tvo opea parta la that

to bold urtosand scald-

uvumeMte.*• a>diBorscsrwjr«*l ■tei- *i wkjrk ib. >*k --—r-(l dte

Stocks, Bonds, Grain & PronsMflS


I Ttoltl

VMarp ter Uakad MaUb
Watetawn. J«lp »■-** «Ha «t

'Mfnisk^.cbpUklnp'^ Klim. .
preei kidnep. Ii»^ ai.d

expoHBiafiU of the BirwarttoTB conpaap vlib HarHand
I aa a bulldlsx naiertel ba<
1 so surrMefol Ibai It bss bein
derided to
(bU malen I to Musk'i-coB... —- work
ibc naiB tmlldli
_ ba* alreadp
bea It will besuo bp lU
IM feet
to Slie:
itorles blob
blab aad c
or an-prooT
euaitoa. Build pillars at '
an- erected about ererr ;
tbe bollov cemeal veil li
Ite plefs.
iildlac St solid cesx-et.
A IU.IIIIKI Bias placed 1 kec <d
■ailp toaar
___- ler out or doom to ‘
lliabeih i
II nnsi bate pleaasd i
s. lor Ucre l| Buibtoc l
ut the be«
died ui
A lUatlaia wonaa has s
Oraad Rapids aldcmva
I U pears,
in I«at an urdlaaaee problbltlap
loraellut Me
« of tbe deadlp top^etol.
t ratber die
Acate Harts... _ ” It kP**"’ suit. spend bli aavlafs Crocker Busblep,
ProB drutklai I
cse St bk teiisb- 64 pears old. It Is a critical toadltloo
len U dead, oa*
at Qiilacp. suSarlac from a caatolk*'
bU wUe’s m*
of dtoeasea. Aliboiicb wsll-todo.
Yl old BUD refuse* the serTlces st a
«rta Vaa Cano, nmecr
ilclaa. aapUto that be has tared
IT aad Helea ma of Beataa Har- up bk noaep for his cblldrea and
. aad Oertrud* LoooUs of rena- that DO ooe els* Is (Olai lo pel IL He
I 1100
apes I
k a sbort tin* aco to uaderpo ao
le MIcblcBB
____ Ceatral
_______ rallailoa. but whaa told that K would
•e tbe tbroosb
iroosb tkkeit
tkkeii tbe>
. .
him IlOf) be stole swap (ron tb*
_____ jd dldat
dldat take
take then
tbrooib saaiuiiun aad lumped oa a frelcbi
. tbeir deeUaalloa bp
for bone.
tailor* of tralB eoBaectlaos.
A Bock of 11 beas beloaptop lo a
lleldlap lamer told Mb acca durtop
I recelTed at tb* lUsleur Instl
. Both are ehlldrea. s bop aad a
pin of
Tbsp were blllto bp bees worked la Dauolt bp |
few SB
"^ncTtoaioa Harbor^
_______________ r eeons for
Ibus diapoeod of cheap lastrulMl
UoB o( a nd,d00 boaplial. The alto pood price* to barsaln seekers U sow
has b*ea etonea aad a part of tbe
It Qraad RapMs. with
bas beee rsloed. Mabp at tbe
baetoats beam hare alreadp
.1 nail CBrTteea Pad i
oT«r a oeiiala per oeai '
itops la tbe boar* atoap
bSS beta
dap'e aal*. Oae dallp p
a. but C. H. Hopkia
-------- orer to 1“’*'----------Tb* Blrel Rallwap
*01 letlad to r— leat^lp%
orer to tl_ _____
bow It pot-___
• Is a mpaterp."
baa twea anweted
at Beatoa Harbor cm tb* ebarpa of
•bow. was maaeud to Hr* a earttto ■leallap
llap CblekeBS.
cblekeBS. He to a eolored
wr^Ml. of Best Buar^s
It to said that tbe fowl
I too bleb tor Hr. Jobamm. Maap
Tb* ladle* to t
bdUi swau tbe
a of eUekeai a
Roadap Bipbt
Ocorpe W. Arms id Porttoad Im
loal 40 cbickei
froa oae coop
be aotlBed tbe
sberttf It to U
oplaloe of the
_ brare set dorlop tb* bailie id eers___
Johaa ____
has lifted
_____ __st Inst
Malnra UlU. Tb* nedal .was loat l.eOP etalefceas
j of the
talefceas to
L rarlons
. .
tba **» dap..............................................
couBip dartop tbe last
toil six moat
tarbed aB. harUf b**a plowte ap tap
W. W. Tocker of J<
a n>kit*4
«Dki**4 BUB oa Ibe
AlJnl^^tp^beApeanoM da^
A tooles deticoped Its
msi te bodp. aras aad a^ beaatp bp pUlap up auneroua bllkwfcs of toad. He ibrnsl Ibe aasxle
of tbe UWB tome toto the bole* aad
> Bad Van HaleL IbOB tb* traiec. BBd wMb (be
Ubdenaker ~
iu~ CBtoe ap for Bir ib«p
d aadar Ibe
-Up aa 0*
pansh crop This’mimto ''oela^a^
aMaaa aap lb*
------ to Upht aad Oeorpto'i oalp oaean tibea
what It utuallp la.
Tbirtp tbimiad-------------- ------------BeMlBg nan bas bottled op wbat
.nrles van shipped Headap aMi
alau IM real blsatot bop.
fion tb* Bt. Jnaepb atolrtet to OUcapo
Tb* tblpnes
s tb* larsMt
tbeAeo to eoBoeett
•r Mdl MtoblOB* Id hennas tbal
1^ M>ta^ i^lre
taps tl
iue 'at'rh|nor\It
allA pnteai t altora
araaad Utwtoa
VS tetoloB Ibe pcobi
Tb* sea—
---------- korp
a tcet to
about Um wosU. aHboacb bearr
nder tbe
tblpcdap will aot be doae aatll tep“ the
— anapael Is^ a Ulf

veafcs- ae

aad (ma ibat One oa vfll
Urelp at wort oa tb* ssm
Tb* tel* at (b* trial It tb* *
aad aot tb* am Moteap b Aoi

J. R.■nubnati.
& CO.,





to taram

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