Grand Traverse Herald, November 12, 1903

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Grand Traverse Herald, November 12, 1903


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


©rati^rfiie EjeralJi.

Tlw bl«at <kticoa in £ne wai’



MoDcy tg Loan on Improroi Real Btatt Only.

We* (iivBotee you the tool
««rt. a perfen lit tiul lavoi



Trarcrsc Olj Slate Bank

Traverse City. Mich.

Jchneon Block. Phone 78


Mllup. mf breny—<hr life-race


A Gcscnl BttklirBcriBmOMe •;


We have mawy farmer
cu«tomer». an<l tfive their
bujtineu and lonvenicnce
•peci.l aucnlion.


s per Ccai illMreA M TUtt DepMliL
o(_oiir Uirenon. i« a

gJl;tt"9a""CSC. S3i“




Ihr Diahl >
far atid rtvl
neaDi ih.
ai tell'

rhr dark whUpm "li<-.i‘
rncr an.l riivam.
and a n>~- for hit brre.l

THi UaSa( M01M Ttiw.



av mar
Rut anal


CAPITAL. •200/Xm
SURPLUS. S30.000

STooa cowaAMiae-

Plate Glee*. Steem Boiler and Accident Ineurancc.

(M to bn uk) ariater, 190S.



Tire Tnsuratice!



And I . rarrra Umt rid*
O 'er > e (rack, dim aa' wUI.'.
.m Ibr pale. pbani'UB

Tbc ho.u ihai. «Tv*n weary
linant Nlahi whiaper. "Beat
Aait reaped fran lb* ram
Hm a nee for ib. hrea.i?
*allup. D)) hnartyl-'llrrak
-ebanrr ban
Ob ilir timrk Bberv «y iranplr ih*
Ho? S'igbi n
Takr ihe rot

”for uITm
fall a<di on


farmer and' knowb what

.Ir.emhie f

a fari^.wan'A : : : : : j'

The rliliT t> «,er>-.
Keen Ibura. al bU breail.
liiuri alar. Ilsht blia home


I .uppuc- I've been I

(iruantlBK talu a aliilut tKoiare. ....
Iba' hr aaa In tbo ahabbr Udalulacdoll aide itrMi which tor




AWSIitit'JBSr ■


•to. ». WILLCOX. M. S.
U. U. i;ri> balMini.a*; rttf. M>.a <W




•It it Uery Hnnoyliifl"I'o the 0 e who doet the cooking for the family, and
tometime* to the members> of the family, to find that
an entire haking has been spoiled nerAOst poor i
tracts or baking powder had been used in itt manufacture. »AwolM aijoH Anrtvyei o*'* I
uting Johnson'I's Pure Flavoring Txtracts nd Pm
of Tartar Baking Powder at 115c per i>uund.
le CareftiUy and Cortsolenttoualy Compounded.

'3obnt«n't Drug Store.

omnt BOOW: «. U. and II


Commcrrial PrinMng



)o yon warn to lell >-oui !
ton? Ifao, Itowitk m, 0« ;
lift it too man to the ifemand
that »e are hari^ Call and
aec at tbc next time yaa ar
the aty.


BcraM Job Office


wa. »UII only ball ______ _
aad i«istullr week, but treduallr hla
bralo clearrd a llitir. and hit br bit
'Rmry rtmr btek.
? 1 *b» didn't tom inr out. aTtor
: Rbr uBti bare laokrd aRer IM
. and found
liark <
nor creature?
I darci
preurri eaouch bereelf
tiBir., «prcle11>- If maar of her In
•mproBublraa I a«."
linn lunch d” '
I Unm lylDg hem Is dellrlnot
Irlnmt and,
mnrui problem ol all. abal am I 1to do
ulih Bjeelf no* I have
.r mr acBtee
heck agalD? Ule
pretty roufh
brlore: It will be
Anoitacr alaace
Uli mem«7 anin—the
open piano, tbc Kmm aheru of bwa
itic carcletaly
carcletilr atrewn
atrern all
ell around,
iwever lc»c the llinrai bad
railon. BO lorinc hand tended him.
only grudtlnc terrlee lalven. par
Qucai) bad been beaiowed on bl
"I remember! I'd reache.1 (be
nil ihltigt; not on.i penny loti
rk-e.*aon . Bai—couldn't aell
one uoUlar)^^
ni ibnuigb
all thoee
Only tbe clolbea I waa____
? not n friend la tbc whole
III turn to for help—brMd
and waier for a week—then water
without Ibe bread, with the Praoehu follow
I uugbt tl
w a day H
r brute aplled me
and died?
-But I didn'
? No. here 1
I've l>L« n
the waier^of
er bodlci rUen to the aurtace. _______


Fresh. Salt and Smoked Meats, Sausages. Etc.



jr fmirktt Umt sf


Staple and Fancy Erocerie*


»t nas4a»bk prkt*.


* 3. 3. Brezina ♦

Km■mlk ETroevta m%rrnm%.





First Glass Grocers
We catry a foil bae of Staple and Faery Grooeriet
W« pay hifiM
Butter, F^gi
andPradDCr. CireuaOalL


arefaiMuttheworUever ast
Pexwa. and It is the tew fuel feUa^
ediieti raakw Jewel Stevee and
Range* ttw cheapeet on the Btf
tTIh* Asb
^ the ftory e( the ■astafutoeaB a Se I
. Move or range.
Ttawi h ae MMV ie Wylne a peer •
i Saayprtca. LaektotMatndiBahti
^ thtaaaM"DttraKSlo**W*a(*.’’cM
^ ea evwy pnaba iraS. Dealat^

>. •


■tti-iK of Klngrsioy


iMarW i«>d ifM « Bomha.
PweeM iWefttttmidrfleASnoL


ns «J.IMmi,ll|I. l.LIAUII,tltbN

Will cure sick Horses. Cows, Hogs. Chickens.
It will keep them in good cood^on if M
occasionally—P. K. has it in package* at ^
60c and 75c. 35 lb paiU at $8.50 per pail. '
We also keep Intemattonal Stock Fo<^ at
about same price.

Wilbur’s X I(ap Einiment
Golden Healing Oil, Scratch Cure. Worm
Powders can’t be over estimated. If in want of
aa>' of the above goods come to

evaiw a

y (ace had ehnlned
Wherr ,
tram Wlleoc'* hoane Uke a apell: lhal (be
toodeue.. ahmr
A puree of chance meeting Mmellmae. Uw gtance
BUM. e
ropper pm*, had Imm ber ewaet eye* had iaeptrad hit
mote—ye.! enmethlng ebe had geaa
of bl. me with Nina Qlueo
he b •
raiher grlmyl
Lhed icar. burned bta eyeball* at
It wt. the only reaiHailcm be cmld
i. of
ut ibai
lou doctor,
ouruw. who.
wno. eaaee^
(laacr that he wu drlag
r ■tanaUoB. had tat he^
tonl oa
Onnd aai^ian
BlUB Ibai prise." siammerad Ibe
prii. Blib doeacati eye*. "I thought
hr dMOCht. -Twl th7*a? uf 11 b; day aad dreamed <if I '
Hop, ner • WTweber on* pouad
nichi—then I wn. lakcm 111. a
Wuudnnu raehely made iteelf ki
any al t • U»l tty. II will appal
lo me, .iraage, sweet barmoaWa caa
111 nave a tbduaaad voice. C
through my fever no that waking wa*
bear ihcm
> aaoB at he (ouM 't-raal' be alBMMi a palm, for with coming bock
i dreary world the angel
draied blmaclr to the piano. H erea
>ed. and
•miy be ta lime—line
................ seemed still In my soul,
...................- ..jad pria* oSm
Conacn-aioir, ai Ploreace
elusive, like a shadow abirta cai
' nrasped—then—<«e nighi I bi
pllcl by il
plBXNl In BJUMher mum 1 beat
- L't^B Bn«l
rf. wllh I
iibme.1 and sirummed. nx tbe
.Ituailon >4
UP), bill Ihe ghoni '
mamcr at-------- —
lh<- Clerrivel Bruup r
ul m) deirrium wn* i
eat you In beHere I
'' t Me
ue toUn SiuaK. but
There wa. an eaquUlle
* rvBiaaal
Ibe lever fh-Dd wbo
deem* elu.ii,- melody In hU bralrI
I stole
.-^melody aa^Ubon
aa «Hfel tou«; but Ma bMd waa
lllneaa. and It waa eTtdeBImy own;
lo remain one of ibcee un^ prise—Il I
wlirberlea wbkh ihrall
.. Biu«lrtaa. at
ilmoa aad
"No." said
Nina Olocomo. soM)
1 hum It, cc-............ l*)lng a detalBing baad to stay ihe
the, .-It
' '
iM'kInniBc or end. ibouEh he ivireai b
9 )»urs. Hr. Siuart: even In your
rb n.Mv In ibe pamui; bui be
■r ih. rultnit pastloii of yuur life
■r ha.l >ir.«med II; aonn- day
Ul; tberv werv many boor*
le. perbapa, to make uae al
>u were alone, untended, aad
world—It would nioie to falm
In II. firil. chwloni beamy.
d to gel up and play woaderilc — dr
fbiBC after
luae after lune, be
erttary a hear, t
painfull) evnlv.,d. only lo ibruar them
•r, far di.uv beeulirul than I I
aalde aab a err of dejpalr when Bn
ver beard >uu play beture
-MoehanJail. wooden? tSomd barThai pMie aieludy vat yuur*. aad
Vee, hui ob. y« guda. bow
used to pick mil ]atl Ibr air on my
I bare
nplare. bow . realy oa (he plsiKi afterward aomeilmae.
level' and ooly twenlrdow Tcmemberod other, (uaet. bnt I 11^
bcHin Irti ivlurr ibe Ufa laut be Ibai beet; It Is your vary owa, aad
_ _ man
Iba appolBlmant aUo^-and I am haplet
I am................................
who Boea the life bell
baaBlng M
for yunr uike—'
' -----------1 bad erne ocher draam. too." be
or hla roeeb ^ prtia, Uie p
tloo. Ibe melody, and my uTier ianbud. lo almoat aa laandlble tone, 'Wa
«et or awacier than the nonle
ity to cratp II. n-bai It tbni?- eiwtafera wn* a purae found In my room
laR to bU feel aad almoel ceaaias to
Indv's purse with a aame battUy
breaibe aa certala bMm, halUng.
ishd. yet not ao thoroughly but
(autty, bnt aim plorloualy beanumi,
>1 some letters wore left-"
reached hU oar "Wbo la that? What
. irt.
forgive,'' ebe cried,
AI-- A lone pauae, then be aMd
eeaiely, rraelnlety. thOB<b hU quirki) , 'Ibe gam) Inck
?ben: my uncle oEerad me .
wai whHe aa toow. That U the
I boew I abonld have Mough
Ir Ibet ahell erln Ibe prite? It U
'. not hU? I dreamed ti. 1 cma money tor nlway*,—and—and I —
le it Into Mmathiai
the door when yon tmi
tmi and
aomMUM that will elae- posalng
tataied. I
koaw why. aad— Mra
r Ibe world; my h _
W'ticoi bat made heroeU hard b»
-eatly baonUful. I
bcqmleeBir ranlty: the melodr la cause ber owa Sgkt ban beea no bit
worthleB. to him. to me II u lalra- ter—thoee on tbe waeh tWhPM sader
Uon fur totti and body—'
The Bole* were played tbroiigb
tcalB alowl
- wllh---------ely. tea
And after all they dU SM pam o
lib rtgh
right ehorda, ertUi one
of each other's Itvaa-tha good hi
nter onU . n deep rich eeiee hoa
lem. a girl', clear eowaso com .
tbe omn In a ctutoae miner reeolaUM
'hnl Oolln'a aoul bad alraady leaped
. A WaATHae Waman.
to—they—thew nakaowa
.. ibv foramoai rank of daring wo
flrea him the daw to bU draam mel­
m- D .lands lire Nancy Catay of
ody; ihelra mat of the daith-martby:
Cbarluue. She has llrad (hare tor a
wonM lura
he would
H iaio —[t-**-?-!! that
quarter at a aentary. and nlthosgb »l
s worthy eevea of bMirea ludf
rears or age. it aurc actira than moet
Down he eat
tat aad Iaet tararlihly u
1 at t<i. She was the danghter
worfc ato the
IF melody _
Btted fhe wewda
jmas U. CDraell. aad was bore
gtave the hMd:
In Niagara ouanty. New TuriL Tbe
romanite pan of ber Ills began ta
Hall, victor?
mi. after her marriage to C L Oar


i:;: *„r."""


______ ahe rwn lun ma out wKhetft
bdne beld tip for nmnalaagfaler or
aaytUng of that klad. Shau I rim
the aeeond
aecond lime tbroogb ttbe raaual
ward or be allowed lo die quietly la
the gullPr? Koavea know.; I doeL”
Abolher long, weary pauae. at the
end of wbtcb tbe landlady popped her
whkh mlghl eliher bare been aaliediaguat oa reatUlag the lathee

!as5.rsa sa.'wr. ffifi

of vary weah eoap and a pl«M
bread, which abe aec dowa with a dab
a amall table near tbe bad
with tbe remark:
Too eaa feed youraetf agaia now;
■ha time It'a urmalcd erary day a-look-

■" “

wllh rebels simitar u
lira Carey
________ I gives a thrUUag ota
of WMt sM aaw. abTo^
son Oslvl, tom tM

She MiTcd IS a Boath mhDe Is
.e _»erT»*a, and now ihe dram* a

Amang Ma Red Man.
Ooe cd the brareei and beet wockera fur the elrUUlng nf.the Indlaat cm
the --------------reeerTntlans
I. aa ahlla
ahlla woman.
*Bs I.
Her aame U totrlle Rc«l. ebe hall*
Cram Wyoming aad ebe hcd«i
hmSt the U.
toperthat poetticm of eupmtateadan cd
ladian seboob tor tbe ValtM Stale*.
Reel Is a young womu of ai
and great c
TTie toremt
moklag'bnve bnt
bas ao i«wra
i«wei to
sa her. and her deueilea*
aetuiallr won (he ladi
aad taieem as noiblng
The young sato>
fonalag her work ti k mnhBor which
reSacis eredli oa u
rraull a iner—‘ ■iceable In l
aducattoa cd tbe Umi over tbe eouBiry. Bach year
w Reel ireveis from ccatt to coast
tiudy tbe vertons need* cd tbs
Iheir resulu with ..Iher eehooU In
seltled dUincu.
Utulng her
Ibe various tHbei i
Ibe methods
siad la rlvllltlag tbc
Much of the
covered by tlage and
IS largely due lo her par
otaorTatloa that tha eehocdi
greater eSeleacr than at aay
Jlher tlm<' duriag their hieutr.
Ooegnms has a facaliy
priallng money
for Indlaa •£
.Rbont a deBnlle Idaa of wbwa tl
ire to be loeaiad. The n
m W*ashiagtoa know* UtUs cw Mtb
■V U IM wild* of Arl*M AhoUw
I limy ara tragntotly
1 Umlndtaai patpciaaly eboM remoU loeatloaa. Hlsa Reel eflaa ttav*1* thro^ paru of tbe oonaur
where ibefT It nut even n wagon

-------------------- — _ obliged t.
aaard n barge and lake a two days'
joarney on
the rircr. aeeompaniad
toy by two iBdlani. Taanhan who
a king dltinace from the
Ibnl they eaanotgo whew
>1* tar, bnt HUi Raol ta
le ladtaai are her trtaada


laotauoo from raUraads makasMls*
Aaal's visit an rveat In aay Imdtaa
espectally at sheei-^
- "
as*, a whole pharmaeopata of modidoA This It intended for Me laato«• had sebolan. to wbiw she ta doe-

Frem What FisM to 0«am
kto of bread has Ma m othlbltow Is Lowda wUcb was the rasall

or A Sops of tM Sbewt Hdbm
Itnrtad to eui n teld of mhot An
Inst ns Ibe shaves ware e« May
husband Mrs. ora arrted to IM granaty aad Mea
thtwahed aad wlanowad.

Thta U Ihe I

Ip cuBipany with In
Carey was seui as i
cbaidM Ibe Indians of Uausda.
she tells <ifher
ber1 narrow atcap
trvn death during uprtalaga. Mr O
recares and- shs
Thine U the fndeleos olive era
liadgi' nf bright te- quite forgets ber age and samoadtags
Mnrlag Caanda. aM meal
^ U^the^poet s lyre U strung.





half mlqata. ThcsMie Me whaaf mwe
taka to Me miu of J. H. PalDtow.nad
, Mare gruewd aed dreaaad in lea nad
Al Me
boos, the floor .
Md molded into
toavta ware taka
Ike. tour boys nod two glrta
1 at nlaa otomh—
Mtatr BlBBt
from. Ma u»a cm
He wrote on. and oa. and ou! Nigbt tbr chlMrea ta Indian etyta. Aftar wheat
was ■landing oweaL
■aeaed Into day. and day nearly tato Mr. Carey died, tovtag bar «tth
to^ tanvat marc talshed ta forty
II rhildree but ptoeUeallr we a
Bight agalB before It was SatahM,
aad be managed to augger out and
Me king, end oMpost It hlmeelf: then hetontad. tot
Ura WUook toM him he !must leara
ber bouse at the end af the weak.
Sha-eonldnl nUde Inralld*. baaldea
-. Joaeph mad OalrU.
wbleb sba had n
ipany p. Oaa Boadrad
Bbe eeoU not nbont to remove from Mat cdty aad
Brst floon ware going, aad eedure the thought of teatag bar aoM
troaUad to know what to to
r people oiming li wbp wanted an d^an for the float wtthool her
. a PM png dog. RM taally tomotherly ear*, to she meat lo Wnab- eidad lo Mva a vacariaaiy ehtondm
OoliD wo* thankful to gi
lagton. pleaded with Frasldagt LinW. L. Cbaay. iM adtoUMf. oalike a thiaf wbo had rabbed
Ml the body and atperimeatod cm
d a blind
man. He « - _ -------- —t be bad
WtM u atohatmtag data. Htamork'
■a what was far more pracUmt a drld nurae's ootgt given't
.... geld—hr bad stolen fame from drat Um •
aa old maa. a foreigner, from n girl
aatraally oa Ma floor of oaa of Ma
' rtaUag laoma ud ta atomly pot"

--------------- bit dateriom. but ns health

At Me balUe of AnUotam Hra. Car­
ey dtaptayed ber bravorr by roMlag
right' and to the
Me float Iaad giaiptag the body ti
son Joeapb. mM Waa onto MW
Uva dofl dropped his Mil aad fhot
pnay ^ hto basa______amallpox aboat
doon. taavttc babtad iflnMtoa af
L nad carrying him
OoUa eUrtad rWaatly.'
ieiier with the good news
yaipa uai coaM M heard a htoek
fnoB tbe deld.
“Bm n caal be that—chart
to a dreary Loodoa auto, ooe of
wbieb ebe esiraeced tom bta body, ta away.
llay. Ill fureUbad rooms which sbel- cem of bra most highly prised rHIea.
Mink (My
■'Oood thlag for yoa H wauT," mad ler brefcao heant aod hide bU^ed
Mrs. Carey
Carey said (bat oaa of ber
the Bbarp r
“ffi ddariam. tbe
upas from the mock cd the worid.
Bt thrtiUng adreatoraa was ber
CMlB Scoan bad won Ibe prire tor
haagad by nuare's dseay.
plure by a sqead of bookwackras
Us soperb swiUag of tbe ctaasle ode
ain't anoagh da Iheae bomta to auR
A MtvH Maoa
^ aovH hoom cd twg*ai Rmh.
Nerer ao mot
_ .
fkewek arekUaoL town
an to too uw
Ttaloa of tbe
taka PUT reoma, aad out yoo go >ual formal appcecIstloB of hit work, I
> preocaUy food Mr- **
^M .rtSr
TO. c~
—-1 aat foot tp
lo fi-e wtM a head of loag
It routod a hail hartogs by
n awful lot.'' ha
......................... ta bttto toted ta a etrtwlar aK of taMh.
hnard to
lamurad. iMkaaly.
T aaa i
"Sioieo hoaors — t bar horse,
-- aly
cmly to
-- taaira a................... An ocdlaaty Mramoir dwaUag cm
eine. aad food, and wme. beaidea tbo
roK-" be jmattorad. 'taaly
bra rarolvar that aaat Urn U aorM. M tarwad kg two tato. - Wtttr, mt
lau; you mn« be a klad of paat»
baavra. CherAt HOI ttoe '
BM dog bra spare law Mr Mrae and aad aiaecrWiy ata .hroaght ta Mn^
mime fairy dltgaUad ae—ae-ranltulloa- I*1U uke K th
left Me would-M copsoran lo bory a oeatral pwteage. aad eamaga flwto
H mb be to Ih
tts axlt to a atmUar war. Boom ta
ir Rm at taolght—oow
wbu It wa. to urn' wMt It we
bta ktod. rnitlafl aoc mto Mm to
Mrs boao
. bard worldag. homea
per oawL above Ma ordlwarr. ora ym .
tar party,
melody was ben
toM (or IM patlewu ef Dr. FWla•rairr. tadaad. TSa eary idaa’whai
What mlas.
fDS*n bad y«^ paU Jtw. er. tt j^Mni beai^ darkled gW 1 a^
grta. Me wdeoewu ta haliMbmaphy.
Carey prtidaead Me rarelrar aM mot
- -- tot
to taaeonTewt- yort haee sema
It WPS lira b«
*^MT'for,' Usaklr: -why, mbem I old fnealffBrg i eaw'wfM hmlMt W
fora I WM Uhew.01-they wfO '
Is arm ha< ty Ommai takae Ul t
behlM with
ga to MatoMtataMto
togtve. tbe ytampMUiem irai M
a to Me argaowa daddad w
uve Us Ufa. (sar^ they also bad
WUmyaa?f oat
Tary well.- old
acr* bactortaglr. Thma yoa mw af be himself uric miiisi as aha. la hta athtato •erMood tf yoB UM o« mr oiM 1
ly«W dead (mi « loofced at taO «a ■erne a f
tto Soor. aad mhea tbe dorter waa had dear ao.
ire. wine aa'
-8M-Htae Otaeome-WBS a
taHalaap.payr aay* L eraaet and bad Uvad brae for <

He was a MM.


fat tM taUrrtom Mra.


^h^^Jdame m^to'paylv

axplalaed Mra. TDcao.^
ncr Mr copcaro sM ma htal Ita
oaa rrmraRsd atoa. nod Btoor
1 paid to the day all Mat ttma.
meto os t yrtaeaer. oai
to hta arm. tboagh it ta ta l».
>ra upBde esma aad took bar
•a. Rat IMa M .ta MBI ta (ha
nway—M batoh any chUdrea. tod ta
wmy. erhtah M weald oM M V M
gUie a rich aM man. I batoea. aa'
hod allomad IM targsacu to hare
toe's Htog ahnmd mhh hto. «h. ttag M lotorTtare m(M T ir—T
mas bta ulsierk cMM, aa' tbara'd hoea —'-soe. whom toe hod ato ta hta
a waarval orra IM marriage an' ihw
Ih hta klatoto
Drafai M to TMtor %mthm« wubt <w edKh oqbra. Aayhom.
I iM Ham tmt
It is ratataitad Mat IM Mto
IM pareau ara dead now. and Me
Mhra rtiaiii M'tM laDmww
-............... —ad Him Olurme ler
h. thaak bearua. he's hero as*
to to

'TOB'd bectar
the meantime, aoe ihU.' girtag me a
aorerelga. One of the otber lodgera
aat with yoa while I ran out for the
medidaa aa' aliarmaid we
through your thlhgl teceOter.
-Tee pouads there maa la two Srmpound notee. an' SfUSa Aumga U


■ '..'Js.rJ'JTsnut


sM hod laltaad hta to

aa' uaad Ue raot
raet aa X
it wai waMML
waMad. V
\ eu..
ChHa eoalrtrad ...
ta e« abatt
What'i ietv* la that there boa w iW «t hw eatable talk
the table, aa' aaoAer waak e riM 4m ai
it to
u walk to CM
the HM Oato;
OaA; M «m
toto tom hla bean iMt tM cM had
Cm • trtaad aad Ma patoom
t W ^ a
•toU to Wm. oMor draam Mm a
•r aad tatoa adtod htoa hM 1

Hid dto Btt too ahwt ta LM*r

reads MU meoU taad Mr to (M dto
Mto Vtaomto.
my. nr atfll hM tM wtahren: to TM UMpato tlSZl Ato wa -<-A
toto H ta uturad to Mra. to oB tato Amrrtwr rtoek. Ohta to a Aa




teii Tiarmc Bcnld.
^ «M«ur7 «» *»*•• rwa w. W4T
Ikat CTMtOT WhrtV ikooia l>» ■kowB
br U>* oAriak nf tbia atkle to biiac
■boat tbe ii»protiif*nt at nod*.
—■■ bppMl for bniMSMtl ol ibd
bichavi tbrencb (br kM <d Iba Mf
tloul ymra»r»l, aod odd* «■ av^Ml
te bcttar par tor tbr nnl d«ll<
««rrtm. wbo b»rr Ui Bitr (be nwb.
To tbU ead be will ap(»«l to
MtetalaoB eocgtmMmrt aMl ««
to IMT their leBiwMP to brtu eb
■■iWMl iretetB of rood Isproreaeat.
Bsd to encan for tbe rural eorrien at
■nut a* mwii mtmrr a* k sItm to tbr
dir earrian for borart. wtaleb tbr
matrr tBrrtera bare to tapplr <
nk U a pralaawonhjr elan oa (be
part of Ur. Warmer, aad wbMhar
e*ar beeoaiaa ■orarmor or aot Ida
rtaaea. a«{w>rtad br (be aaarcr
MKb >*■ aa ax lea*tor H. 8. la
aad a (*« otbar food road* adroeC
vltl pnre a power (or tbr objart daalnd.
A* 10 rural letter oarrlar*. tber deaerra batiar par, aad aboatd bare H.
a* the object for tbooa bard^woUwd
ataa oriil raeolra tbe aappon aad ar^
paibr of all fali-uladad paopk
Womaa'a Cli* IHaraa
Tbr procraa at the Woaai
oa mdar war ia ebarce o
t 8. Pratt, vbo praaMad la
able aad plaaalat -aar
Tbe aMatlaf of tbe Waaaaa'* elab
lodar ww daeotad to a repon of tbe
dalafaiaa vbo atiaadod tbe ftaia
kaatlai at (Mad Raptda Ur* W. R,
PMtar bad iba Irei papdr aad taefe
iba 8rn ibna dara et iba eaeraatMa.
aad told of tbe dllaraat amia that


sTsi’rss, . . .

. taa of tb* aaaaob la whiab tb*
(errr wa* pel oa. aad >■ frowtag b**-'
ter, Tbe pauragrr bnaloaaa bai I
taarr lalel). a< drer baater* “W
e have,
Tber* were M buarns booed ftw tb*
lier peelstuU lait algbL aad IS
Mb la the Mormlab. aad
(ortp birr goaa aorib c«
(he T. C. I. A IU. oa earb lisle rtiirlag
■o paat wre*. ,
No b«a>r biulae** ha* k,>'0 exiwtal oo ibe liar ihU (all aod wlaier.
> extaDilrr plaa* (nr huolaeea am*o
le take birr aw yei bare ntaplrted.
ui the boat will br kept naiiiBBlag. aad
wbai tnulaa** ba* almdr b
ba* dearaatrated ibr ralinronanrlkn tor iba Q. K. A 1. aad r<a
Beetle line* la ib<' lower and upper



On the A
The bartel 1*
I. ibi- *ui
aded aad wr ar ra rlrh
tth Ibr rdiicir'e ______ . .
DU abuoi it. Wlib 7o rear* *"pIm’
are I errar karw a mar
IT befiwe
wtih■ui AiealoBier. It hae breaB WM aad
Mid OKMi of the tiar. but <
laad aad raliurr
Ir aood
8lx sera* or.wlHbi <a laad that
(bar saM wa* nin out wb*a we
bought It. I» Imehet* uf good wheat
(our aore. oat* aaS proa. oiU«d: tot
i-la. pwatoa*. aboai So« baibali
acre Tbe rora that
Ml we
bathed rMd* IOC liuti I* an arr* M
ears of gnod curs Uul
U butirr aad pork « „ _____
tbe last rtgbi moatb* llbo In pork
aod hare u bog* no baod fattlBg
Hare aade sloce la*i Jaanair Arst S.m pouad* «f butler and sold
erwaa. beside* milk
Ibersllj oa i:
toe Had ae
bar* bought
em^ra a .
drT-or airlppwn, MTll 1* bard i
bow maar otade the baliar.
arr aerea belten iha> will be (r»
ar. Tb*r are all grade Jei
a luglatered Jersr.r hull a
bead ef tba bard
Oo BM iblab IhU U ail proAt.
Tbark ate alwapa aome laab* oa (b*
(ara This U bow we aloppei
------ Ob# aad doubled the predt
a land. Our atabU 1* It
km*, aad bold* It eowi. aad a oarruw
klhrp rron tbr (eedlag floor. “
Boor U Ilk feat 1^ for tba ec
Ibaa (bare te a cwoirBl gutbat wide, d laeha* deep at
oar end, k laebM at tb* otbar. Back
M that la a tnooth walk oOxuadad
,eUp. All of (be drlpplagi. llquM and
aolM. Mil Id (bat gutter. Tbora I*
•bough dfp nwdut. chat bMlu or
tat will taka up tbr liquid,
caa be plicbrd or tbe

oa lb* trala aa roaia. e< iba i
dram (baa bp tbe raeapUoa____
toe at the tnO. of tbair trU TlaH
(ba boM U fto Udiaa' Utararp ('
■•d of Iba dlSealtr of palstat a ■
l«nbip la that orgaalaaMoe.
■aeb of tba Aral ibrto dar* of Iba
naoloc *a* taktm n la detail aad an
puebad 0
of Iba apiicbia, tbe modi ■
draws to the
—------ - --Aaeaea of Iba____ (bare U i
Aald aad apraod eraelr oa tba land.
Tbeiw U alwap* anai*
oaa ba put betler
' Mater
of Detroit.-ho
• pva aa adiraw (arai wbar*
re* of Ibe i«ni or la a
a^_“Tohrtol, iba Uaa. aad Hla Raaahed. There I* so loaa
The UMtlada Hlaadalp
oiai tnd. aa UM bp Uio. X»dra«a of
Three Wrara aad aopplawalad hr
UlM Aracr ol natnli. vaa mold rarr
lKate«llaftr. and tbe areat food
Ihia work art* dolas. The v .


aad et (be eoyirtami Is al> laeellaxa.
half et the nwranibie '
br Ulae nrrirmde 8pra)
The paper vaa m? full aad ton\pl
Vltfc Iba bWorr of ibrIiMt few ear*
Id (be oeaTtalhia. and lank up ibvaifc wbere Uia. Poaier Ml oS.
Ulae npraiee aald abe (atl that (he
loaaJ oraaaUeUon era* aot braarfelai
oat aeosfb laio the broader work, at-

the robd. Hr it Dot fam- lo fiiuuce
the rood, a* his cuoi)Mii7 do«b not
do that, bot «nne of tbr atoob
u>Mlit Is- taken liy tbi- ttotnuuiv if
Mr. AntwtrooK
Ai r»|jrrtvo bcNUHi tbal
OtoMM Nawt.
putx-haani ctf Pete XX’aKliuKa ku ;
Salt pork |s 8 ftmous oldutb*-Mitti|MMitof tbe
Ilmpprd drad at
bbp-s (lutfai- ou
uf Slak-aial 1Barlow, S^UhjI. aad^vlrt^v t^rieoMd bS |,B* plaer I Bruobm a* hr
fiidiioned reined}^ for con­ lietaual Uectricbl Owapbiijr. tbe
strta-ts. Ibe auciety will vw sum;; •d»j an-wacrt. Tie- ranbquake wa. Mmni *0 lak, tata Iblifu to tb,la>w laiU a fine bJl ,ui (be lot for; o l--rc«h<ib|i- all ever ibr ritp aad
sumption. “Eat plenty of : Til.- XVebiuifbotML- <'«k maib- «»■
a ik-muiiieiii Imui- 'Hm- ru-ieit
u a.Kii> irii m tbr bleb hiwIaiHS
pork/' sm the advice to tbe timat.w oil tba Kim- aiMf tasi
vk> in ihe demaloao arcUoa .>(
ba* bum lioklinR iu lutadiup in
muja-eiii* aU«l txn> veara atfu.
rlt>. On.- .a-v-upasi uf n blgh kb<« ibnutb Tb* b*bd aad prvtaMv
consumptive 50 and 100 They
the Btaw atreei
^UiVfitu!-.l I-ilUllag
are iborouRbiy familiar »iU>
I.V Jat,* KHrg*t,«hr
«*i-> Mv rbnndrllrr *«>uiq MiBlI,
bul it*
years ago.

bial Mr. Anntbdl
i ftwtUB.eoli. KaaUnd. * d
io Inok
pui. k-aii J.iJt.Salt pwk' is'good if a man vhat..\-<-r uiilMi r nion.
leanhquM- ..tek.
leanhqoak.»tek. laMlac «-»erm’,|
(b-dtiils 014
Hr W *;
Mil WedBM.Ia>
*. uf IMkrror te
can stomach it. The idea linti- la-eii tiei i4upni aiiMH, I
rihqaake W |ica.«i IWta' •'*■» V-wk. ba*
:,5r;;L U..- leaa ul Tur»h1--['he* ‘HI pu' Ihv l.*rs lateaied.a paisr
bcliind it is that fat is the viail
live at
food the consumptive nc^ .Mr. .AmisironK i* the ••uKiuiuw
(ileli Ha\m. Mv-li. Xm 4 -Tlie
luU.bli'i^. I'l-I'.- tHW*'iad'laav 1 *’•
Steamer XX’. L. kViel i* ushure ufillajorel «>a. h'uodrx-d au.l el«biMouril“‘i>-m aou iu»rv ti 00 tur t»» aiia
' Uh- mai|iaay «bo
tbe HWtk (Hal of Swill MauiunilMH-n rac-uw. .we.,- dwi.rojrd. Tur-,*'’- H *411 rut the h*u «• rk»* Wi
MHO .HI Uie KTouiuf until eoim--'
ItilHlld. .Sheivu, fnitli roMndiip'^^*'..;’'
^-ott’sEmuUionisthemod- liutC i* hIkhiI to Itaiuaui. He
,qi ID,. -“ .“t,..r
I... fur
ern method of feeding fat to iy« hiuMetf that a iH>oT i*
wanl. The life mviiir eh-a fpuii - A«ir»h*U
“’niimta arv R>-ltinK
r at.
the conhumptive. Pork is too irvtly
nth Jr HMisiink’ her. Sicn.^' Tuue... *■. ii*i
H-nua of IMjpr
il they ap- ihniwiiu: nvvrv'oni.. •>»» i-.vnvln.ird hs tsak
.diipt a w-i
ruiigh for sensitive stomachs.
In an iiiU-rxii-w xrilli tlir Ki-rabl
V* vf Ibv )•
wrvHiiui: luR bni. Uu-i. .utb-rwl tj'
•‘•r »«> *«»»'
Sciitt's -Emuldon is the most
'qtawliiHi thir Ih 11 vtaii iiMiaiai.
:h*«Irt and 2.<Kn- ax'l tlx
refined of fau, especially &■■ Of 2» ok-etrie linnmtmh.*nvv iMUlbwvut Untie- v.-«.-1 i*'^r,]Sn-.
ub-elivi l>\ lU- inluiui.
Uaurui krt-l fur} *
jerlnl aial iHrtr hetorv l^
prepared for east' dig*
Hr* hwitrr and uMan,l up »1ib a h
aiv lint tin. lluit we an-Kiriiuj M-rinbi.-h ihrrairnr.1 u- >iiui*h ibr «
I'eeding him fat i
eoiiNaienaitm. atai tiii* i>
II.' bad airrad, u-ed us '
Id b<; br |ila>r.< y<: d
way, which is often the only o(tli.-n>. 1 .
Hi* Bed
uial if it 111.HW. »cway, is half the battle, but bl.
im-m-ul plana aial
I a llttlr tbOipbM about '
Scott's Emulsion does more whi-lh'T pul ill 1^' till- XX'egtintrV- .wr.M,':D.a.''than that. There is some­ binuu-t'n. (u liy aoDie other wai
public >|iim b.v Ibr rlitn-n*
puru, .-tx-iythinj; will la- ibe IwL"
To Die of Par%lr«U
Ur l^r In l■wlBlBg -he town
thing about the combination
Mr. AmiBlmoif ekpreasuJ himCoUBIrv lisprrv arr given too lltllr
• lui.ukr,
.u,*u*r. ,-»vivi**.i
rfrihe Effiihee*
a.-lf a* irinoh pleaiuul a '-' ’
>f I'od liver oil and hypophi
MFuUaUabealdb* crvdli lur wh*l thr> d.i With Ir*
■■d'wttk rPamlt* Pnaatpbsa* w
u'liioli the prouaili
exrepilon* ibrj- arr * povertal loAa)hites in Scott's Emulsion ill
InTuUd For
rarr tn dvrvloplng a innn aad iw. lit
haixUnl by thoa.-liark
thoa.-!^ <d it.
.k aiHitrcislrd
hat puts new life into the *aya that
liteDnteni have
Three Ye«rft.
I on tbe one baud akk-niMe diffieuliy in knviiu- tiewc.ik parts and has a special
Dr. MUoa* Nerrlite M*4e
ami estravoamiMie on' (be uifaer. and dork c«i nintaday tnumiw The
ictiim on the diseased Iun|
(hal acraiduig lr> preaent plan* bail » B*. ewuiic aMuud o
My Nery»» Stroac.
when the line Roe* in il roust he a ■■•UllitHwlof the (lock by<'a|>laiu
' b’
Morvau and (he beat? m« tliat
beadacW* *ad t«n* M tbr l'«<* of ite Wa,
1 (bat tbe was lulling iu from the tuirlh beki
aad SaalbrH M bad lb*l 1 wa* .mcBM
with brrvral utaRBlKA I bM b■b*Eal
freight unpoution m (hi* line ie the b>ist to th<- dock.
duxT >pcU*abd«***o w««k aad rahaobad
HevMul atUmipU wen- niB<l.
a v. r>- liesvy
y one.
one. and that tbe
(rill la> sufficient jfet iiway fnwn the .l«-k U-fnie
Give oaiure three faelpb, sod rvi'1-vli..a ib-r,' uill n-'.i-rbr BDtKbrr
ivy to handll nitv freigi
nearly every esse of con­ l»m «
UmeabigvaTe would strike.the
s Ibal may
msy deveJoi> on
sumption m ill recover. Fresh <d Ihv
Md(>' Kre.-ratir* Nmxw wad began
I proposed that bcai broadside *lte wmiid make
It haa
B. Tx*l nuiiri 1 teb Uerf tlM*l bad baair, most iraportsnt of All.
.. ......... .. .......... ........nw U- ua^. oa lh»ikwi Hhake
Ibal i«-!iiK-al roTU.- are |.laird Ln la But rtatt, aiul I b»« no* baaa
besrv and atrouR as thip hea.-ieat kmpib and wivral penou* who
Tu.-ul^l ln.l«i,- V
(reisht enKinus ou the aUium mil- wen-on it uuuie quick little for
■at 10 reealr* aid (roa ouiaida pao- robiw of inis section..
- Ibe ebon- <*0(1. Several tiiiil*-ra
p. aad lb* work h*« baaa poatpcbod
Mr. ArmslruUK esy» that bis and uiiikw wt-iv kxiaiuwii. .Xfu-r
I pioaenhaa. sad rosid nif dm« ■. haaaaooni|iouv is not a bond ooatpbny.lshe bu ROi away from the doek
Nourishing food comes next.
t koid ada.ra. a-r Un arv ram. Ur *■*»
is not expertinK to flnanoe the she had (a bac> up twice la-forv
I arb w» '--n wraX. hradarbr* nry as
Then, 8 medicine to control
.'U< Id r>-<iiiulna ... U„- l-ii.-' Rl.lcr
ouiuuuiy, out to equip it It the abe could turn aniuud astbe
the cough and beal the lungs.
B-a 'a uifU lu Iran ibjt 1 iteMartrm
aKord eorartag lo oonditioai am met <m tbe Peuin- M« usrried her luck befor
rtrart '
Ask tny good doctor.
ihv alum as ibap go to Ibr rhaicb SuIa. in the iray of ritibi uf way, turn was made.
and lu (br aebool
and $10,000 bonus, he ss.vs tbeh-j
------ ------------I Oibrr wtwk plaaard
is no douid but that the ruo.1 will!
Pramanl VMar* Wanted.
wtawiprurdlbu it btipad
1P> in
Th>-llrtnHl Trilwin-. ill
—-------oiiniv.-iaarv of the
Orallfplng ta ftapuMkan*. ^
Urtii »f tb.- n-puMioaii )nrl> 1.1 laAll dnegU- M.; >i..1 c-MaatstSutka.
'l b.- nwutii.
tin- eb-,-iBiri. in .h-I. b al.-l n.-kl \.-ur. in .«mii}mIiiu(
Url>i.M^.-k*nr.iw. . -wad to* taar baak
lb.-v;.ri.WHKl«l.-*HbtHlM U'cntli- n li-l .if ll»-uum of lb.- Mat-- who
so Krrv.-.i u.| lliait l>«sam AddMB
(vii u 1--h-|MiMi«*iMH. Tbe r«'tlini-. v'd-d f.-r I'nuudiHil FnHiaMit
IH niilu-'n w i .1, A'U*. ttiU* Usdical C*. I3kban. Ud.
*bow tbnl Ibe iiirtv i* i>* Htr»iii; nr
l’.*-lni,i»ier U»hi. XX. IIhIT ea-t
ever. HiHi tbi-i la-ini: nliufr venr (be bi» lir-it |>n»i.lmtUil v..l.- fur Ftvfiuiitv* HP- Hiiftiitieiiil
111 X.-w '“-" I ".‘'I ill-- .. ............ lui* n.UxI
Viuk.uf ivmiai-. it w;iH ev|*vl<-,l bill'I - net u lial
(h-- iimii,-* uf
o-a 1
thM Tiiniuuitiv
Timiuuiiiy w..ukl
w..ukl <-xi-ti
ex.-ti a
a |n.V|».V- -itli-itb-r
r «»b.. fur tb.- n-pulili.-..n
i-.til.-iil tbiil i-ky-tiuii.
•rfiil iiidiii-mv-. iiwl iiH till- -‘ili, i> |>(>-'i.I>-i
fiaff n-viMuita idl tbiBH- n liu
ti: llv .li-iiMa-iali-' lie-eliH-tiuli
Ml I'
diH-e lart ,-vHUil niiv
v-il.'l (■• .-nil oil him aiai .iioi
ilic KipiiilHltlH'flltun-ef Ihel'e 1b.-i r uhui.-h TIm-lint will IbwiiiiO (inrlv. Ill Ohio ll«-ii.|- 11 |tirt .«f tie-IveoniK ..f lb.- St.ile
iiil.irileui wii. II..IIIV Hii|>]i.iritvl Hi-' S«-i.Hy.
hihI M .rr |{iiiiiiii aifl Ru laiek to
--------------- tie--n-iiHii- with Oyim: ivikiTk. In
A Cradt ta uiaiiigan.
I.iwn. wlii-n-iHily .’aUktO mn}>irity
}m SuiulHy'a iasu.-uf the
• a«
llu- ticun-* w,-n- Fn-- Pn-w. lui extiHiileil ib-w-rii.Mlkvl ii|> tu (IMSIU. Ill MnaHii- |i,.n
^ven uf il< iieu (uurcbii«.-IU. vvlieiv lie- i|.-m».'nita e.iluf iiriiiliiiR jilvaH jiiul iiiHljdbxl.
UuhuxI uf l>u; tpiiuH. thi-luntfiiifi' The lev }>nw. baa »l«nv- 1>-,hi
ij.uilv of .:n.(lKl wna jiiled in t'li-uiii of Um- biu ne«w|kip.-ra
'iHinnylvaui'i unve l.XOjkk). in I>huru]iI.i iIh- min
in RO-ater lliiin eX|B-ctiHi. nuitter uf ill)
1. Till- |>bint
irvUud il
tliAl .if lb- |Bt|aH- ■H (UX1 uf till- U-ul
Ufimigii H ..rifC
|a-r- niuipia-i! in tl IU niuutr)',,Bi>d tbi*
Is neat'at hand. We have them in the strictly pure ail wool.
.airiHl iiidia'uiH-wouki .|ir«iail. -S.I ....................
lariiitipB idnuM
mkiitiuii in ,.1-Sa
The famous A. C. Staley Mfg Go's, western made. Their label
tliBt..m On-wbok-. tb- p.-mJU may tbi> F-rt- Pwa* nu An rqualitv with
sewed on every garment is a guaranteo of tt)o best that can be
U-maa-ptiul with a itrv«t <i«»l of tbf Kut mul aluiadof lh.> mojurily.
anliHfa.-tK>ii hj- Un- frii-mU nf 1h<- Th- |»vitfnwnw apiril of lh<> |mlifound. You take no chances whether it isail wool or part cotton
rupnlilii'.iii iiilniiuistnitl.Hi.
U^,-i> in n i-nHlil l.. tb-ui aiul to
Dock Naarly Wraehab.
- ---------TIh-ivinbiHWVT Bud fn-iubl luol
Will Build H»lt
Fnmti-nnii. wliieh mndi-it* aa-vumi
Last wta4; ibt- offinriw uf thetrip lu tin-city Thumlay. hnd iHMi- Swidiali nniini Kuo* »f Ann-ruB

You Suffer




Auers kE,E-S=.






MM ira* ptraa to «be iHbl dbab M
aaeb a rtaar aad iraUii ue ibU ih*

e lb* leale MaaOeb bad lb* at.^
. . . *ldt*ra.«be___
- ______ ibo lUblr. Tb# wbkh wlU he abder tb* aatpleM q(
fard U aixrap* rlaaa aM d^.
At. Prabda- cbwdi Aa Uni faao*
4S laebaa blAb vm.ti* balll oa tb* alia
of tb* old board MM*, aad afawa »1U
be aatabUebad botarooa tb* eooraat
Nortbpon. baaUaa batag ib* boM* sad Vr. Baarr'a retMeaee. Nofl
( g ear (ern. mb alae boaat et batag •pnu lb* woodaa Mbaa la tb* rear
b* hoMkcf M* of Iba BMai M~
blU^ b- taorad bark aad a mau



X aiHMuS wttb Beawwi ad (ba baada


M tmutm oa tb* aftafeWi

aa. Boa of L
11*9 iMa* I
M ef HorlApart. MtMa
m ago aad epaat all puan at t
IM* aekee) la X
e tb* oBkiwMnt tf MM Me____
Nortbpon luedor.
Mm O.V
-----------------------Mievtag taboo frua tb* Ad■ml buch olbw ikin traublataguausny remain quiet duribgi . .______
pobUahad at HalMrUU. Pa.,
break out afauah to terawtt gad dimrect by thdr faarfal btteing. ikbiag
ftrr aa iat«e*MMg Wt of laMrMatlna
MWN, wd tte do ra« «
kboai lb* poBBg ataa ef U pabra aad
tb* mord b* baa atadr alar* taarlag Ur. PairMbka bsd
bar. Tb* awito* wa* mflartad IT
— (aaa. a Obtppawa U- Krr. W. T. WbaAbeaw. wbo gar* u
dlaa- ataplopMl oa tb* tam of Job*-' rtaqunu uUl Uoale was rarmUbad
puuBwr. I^afclu. with good Uood to aouriab h.
Ibaa Ctaploa la HaaealaM. ban tbU
Iteolm gmeeth and aoft and trse et all dM«xbf omtipba
Itapon u Pam.
pMrr. aararal pear* asa. aad wbu aa- -----Idaj. Ul* ^ _ __
bookobdiSMSMOtnHdtaAuJMWtf youdraltr
--* Mg e_
IMad ta tba a*wM Ualiad Autaa' U*bsr* W. O. Crolarr ;
I HI lifntiBHIim Tbte wO] CM you Bothmg
tueoe * (bdtb
Iter at part Upwrs. Va^ ea . __
tmnmrrmmaam oik,
Mid UaMeUaaa. aM aar aloT lb M
B*l SlBoalaaTtagtbU'
aUaai (bat tb* Aaa Arte Kmt te
pran an. ba ba* - ■d tbe bcbi '
- - - ------------------- 1 aad at rarleat p___
ta ibU toaatrp. aad baa 9la*d the
CiaelPlc Co. I* PItbHbg.
XV. C. ArauUnM. iuigim-cr ft*
tbo XV.«t4ii|(tKte.- Ondrir sMl
sate la Iba BaM* b
___ la> la
____ _
Nsnbpan that tb* bM M
Mamiracdoriiw ('o arrinui in tbe
m* of bor*Maaa*blp. each a*
taba* eC tb* lla* adar tbU waak •
j ini W(u4 ami *{*<01 aemb
■a Ob lb* Aa ' '
■hud Wttir bl* borur was nlag at
a- witb tbi- iMdli-drdu >•( Ibe
&Mr. Tb* I
taB gallop lir was a aMote of tba
arerw Til.V i fV^iinanLi Hall(aralTT tbbl
wa* piaead
__ _________ _____
laloa of tb*
Ur .Xniwlteiu i* bm- Btniriiidt
•rmip M aaaUasK. brid at Owroti.
•bliuniru for ibi' rt|ui}i«<uit irf

js. 2'™ar„^-TL,2r

Michigan 5-Horse



ilokir Juaa* apoa bU norllMi

sv:«lP|,8HID US

karabaab aabi ebk^tM

- lalarriaw vlM^*



To Core a Cold in One Day



dSpy^te** 2^b?^M"*

II su:ri,v«,-£.ai-sroS


aeaW wel of (ba aoaraatM to allow
Iba niii}i neibara to ocoe lato
CMAMt «tt aeb ether bbd fora acwelpmnb. no alae tbe«bt R wall
g barlM

e aalM
aalMuut tb*
aad Mated «m




wort dedas. aad abe arped apon all to
mub eat. n* aald (bare war* id.ftl
Uab WOMB la Uieblias, asd (bat
(bar ooaU Mraaptleb a freai deal of
relBm K tbor ««8l at (be arork. fte
wia bar* ■ Tttat ooMan I* (be
aabeoi*. tbe parka. aaaltaUoa. etraat
dUaaIbK. tnd otbar daparuaeaia
patiM ««rt, tbe m* aa lb* naa, a
(be aUnU tab* tb* en* letamt.
Tba doaraaiUea araa ptotarad aa b*
lag erne (d lb* neat baiMkiai aba
bad eaac an '
taU e (b*...............................
arar nabad. ai «bM (In* Un. OoaU



—I drll


AUtqcidMHamiawiek. Specul wagons maid
le otd«, premptly. 0^ tbe-rmy boat maicriM
mad, sad Mygnmqatbbd in my

Blliltlij f ThM m mad* to as* m wbO *a •*&. They mu
DH|n|IV« MtmbdsotdMapwMtU, Hri fium a taaky
Anbb to cMcb tbs qy*; but S(B datsbk. comtetsbkbbdwmi. Tb* chiift on tb* mmhst, quall^ oomidcred.
Onm umd «d ran wOl boy ne mhfg make.

msiMasiraM. » UktOT PMtrlyi.

Heavy tlnderxvear






$2 an/


Agents f<^ the famous Malone Pants, alt wool and a yard wide.
Pants that

A fine line

some people

of Dress

ask $3 for.


our price

$2 up to



J. O. ftAlXARD dt 00*8

**Ths home of Oood Clothing**

New Block





Cor. Front and Unlui^.



- •-.


GnuM Trayq^c Hcnll

W» WOT ftU wmriBC p»tm imt Um.
Tam U« kad nwortad for 4atr ••
a* mt Bad *t< mv ta bm
Wo who M baoB ia Cab* for moaua
M BO wo mU (to (0 oonlTo
BB*r tho kOBi dIdB'i car* ca|wrunr
ftw aartblai battor Uub • btoiniij obb.
7 w» WOT tnttatod
bakr fBood bv who bat faot «bot
dm fMB (b* root Bortb BBd bod BOI
rot pot boo tod ur TbOT ooOTO to b* a
BBtarol law tbat oombbo oball dibBo
tb* OOTtoo of Iboo* oOTir Jolaad M
DMlar 4* pOTibto. Wo 4H lary off hr
tOOTlr atrtac blai itaT vani «ldr nf
ibooUHTla waida." '
-KpMliBB fa* a affbi. sia rwiT' oold
Oapiola KBoaba. ibo bdcado odIMBBt. -Voiru«olU.aadao«BN^affb.
daa-l roa worrr. ftorbapo r«iV Uk*
(0 boo*
or (he UeaoJiiao of Uito
tom tood. 'fto am to ito fotoro.
IbOT or* oU fciBdl of fOTOT toU doWB
la Ito BMikal k«uke oodor (be <mi.
nsad of ttoaorol Trttow fork.
VoUoo Jort ukoo bold ho toafa* *11^
aaooltorblll. Tbos b* blu jeti l« (be
OBOII «r III* bacti wilh a riub awl
aakro rue feul Itol roe >oe*l
ralitod trltb a hrtek. Ttoa ibe voauiUW lM«la*. If II toaa't boffon olroodf.
Mlowod to tod eooM b/ tbrue lng ap
Idood. Thoa ta fatal (wato*■WBBt ap. Kaoe toa." aatd Uoiiioaoal
ABdoieua. OB oU. T« taralui )rllnw
at Itolralai lu rto '
*-1 dwi'l UKo ■bMUv alrb Birw-ir." nlaitor b* ktitod lb tolU*.


runm off

faaato Iwrarldp* to Cbaa r.
liar, m II. blort a F L. I
Oo-t: osn.
Auditor Oaaaral
to UlU* a Da~t)|y PUlr." aald tb* brld*
Ibrt* Obwp. ta( 1« bloeb & P. L. t.Asb*r
Ob-’t. i.-.-.
ttaetto ortoa ber baabaad maw bam S7t:
unto H. ItoOawp to ftoata bBf*^
I* diBMr. *W* all orar wtOi oa"
F. U Uistor
"Wbal'i tb* Btilrr. awawtoanr
"Vao lOTtaitor n.f loliiaf roe ■l•MI Cua; llOl
II H Foarr. prop.. 1
Auul Titatbdar
tor. aei; oI k*H. •*
'Tb* Ototoaii.)'
raace I*. TIM
"Ob. OBI I wtob Bbo WOT. Ibo wbar

awMed fartr <
B aaad* 11 awl I'u. bar* oo* of Uiw* p*
pWiff la ffl** It to Uw. TUatoalmul Jbb. Ibarra a ■
to* Oita or III Wbaa tb* total tipoi.i
1 Uta* Ibew
rr to poll
r<ni aware that or.falbar wae'a (Bto*
II aaawa aa If nrabir Mim im bad
a rap* aiwaad fmi badr KTUid to pall
br waptod to iw
roa took. Ttoa tb* hulMt baffla lu piorr Ua roealtoa b* abosU biro baatof br raiir aan and
ind roa diw4 Ik
rww a plrala."
tmblo rwi oto IrlBi duwi
tbolr awu Idood. 'A |>eal
IH hati t«BlB.
aaanria rarr wall to a doaerlpllou of
>1 fuoBW lo oiptala I
<bt d*atb of a toaa. bat IPa a dlaitiwitvrr frlicliNU.'
ltal0.L W*«. ooww#
"Il'air' ffTOwM Iba praaraL tbokioi
*ow* to Ur. LaiT. A Uaboor b
bark aaolbor aallr aad ia abow Ida
•ua* ibmwb Ua luof aad, b* kao
i.|OTi nlidnff d
baa atibar pnt la blood to doalb
Uw aao tfior ai
*0h. fir* oa a r**i. Kaowbo. Tb*
tUto'a bad aoatota wbau li cwoww
wtItoW dwattlBl aa ll baforabtad "
Tbo aldar 1 crow llio laaro I dwl Ibar*
"Wa BUM an dl* aatoo ttaio. I aop la aolblrw aa oatoihlo at whMr *ad

Tbo dorllb WA*i>uB*r ktoatd Mlaa
■Tbb! b« pM pa «■! aed Masd la
~Tb*> to7 (ba torn («B q*a«r Hmi>
MPI *d a Oailito fiB aad that <aa>»o
two,' rotortad (b* a.airai.
kUa* Crow atl HU aprlfbu fUred
bH wiuHfatd Hr rand la tlloBro.
ap^hTtoartwaat ta m a ■bi." *aid
-raolo rTtia.* aald ibr uotAaw la
.awtohMtodpitor to kaap M* two eerabo hi a<«le*k
watblBp «* fmbrd tar•■all UW* Lbow
tout to lab* to a paPilaa a*

BBpparOto at taurbto( atbewa
wMb bt. I waa aaot bark to at* to tb*
Mto»M toward of aam aaaatoalUaa
«kto I itoWaad tto ataC Iffbilaf wa*
' p aa all al*a« tto Ha*. Aa I rod*
totodbapwOTl I aaw that awai «
mm* aawH Uto WOT wQb bto
■•dpa waa Pud aa a WP ibai «*

4," aald Ike lOal. 'A aohltor to rmlr
laecbar BABw for uottorar.*
Tbat to BW. ha. bar aiiTalsrU tbo
pan* rh4aa*l7. -IVelL BUty. Ulat
rrow wealdB-t Uka
kaar wurt. ahaal
war. tad I weaklB'l Isdlct U uo Hr.
ni Jaat tall aiw UlUa lacMaal Ibal
HpiiatHd IB wo ta IH WIManwaa
Vau at*. IH woud* wore rerr thick aH
arUp rorr baary oa my mu I
WBlkUw up aud dawu In (;•»>■ of
Iba lla*. (Tjrlac UH a Hhj."
T'rrtacr laiMTHtod 1H aaat. bar
rartoaur aBuilad la aidla of brmir.
'WHI la Ibr worU were r** nrlW

I wtodap a apaWal edkwr ta
WplGaad aaaitlr U* oMlar
- Maw thla aaoaatoM tha

"rrylnc baeauar 1 (waldaT amk* «H
toau total. WHI to ruu auipaaareawtnl IH wsrriar.
-Oh. I ihOHbl Fft> ■*» miBi tar
ul week -


TH baal Mfutod IH wtt*. aad oU
wa. TH ladtoa Iwtirad to (H drawtai
mu. aad IH mr« amakrd.
--flow kmc to lhal latotorabto waa

•to to ildaarar m*a

Mb Ml tofa*’* Baak*

MaMffal tbaro
aftor l«cr wub
rlda toaa. H* tool
•la af bathiaiatoa.
MM wMb 0*017 wawiil w. toabod
• aw tow pa «ova
HU hate*
to«MM dm to twtoa aad w* ta w bto
mm m mm tmm m tort I* bie
tShaad. todtotolto iMt tto toft
JlMnlft- tot to topI aa U a baa

7mmw - -

rnmm tto toWBBl ^atohof rw

toptola Kaovtoa. aama a* tb)a to

totoBto toaearr-*
>M*. pMitol'’ told Kaavlto aahto
MptotoiUdilll. Ttoatamtomirtod

n ('ha|Him>i, ii
1. aat-a
ilbtv rrftflOBH tl..- latal
BKMih Iih det-riopM] a laiir uiim- _■«* ai^ii^ dirwtor of apneoJ.
„oonil the ctwikt .d the
bar ot Tiolaliona o( thi- br-rar law tun. Jib. BlM«uu|»™n™,.ul|b.u»„p..u..,
aJ lb™ !
1 tbat amr-ral aMsnrva nftiidw,;
jtul H Johnny I
Iwr^i nHle.fHuntor. an.


l>er 'iDoolb to The buUat
di«nw) inln bi^’a nech.




IhnNflb tM
wM isdUa.


VSenalor Stewart of 'Kerada, to
Ibeawlytnan iu tha Senate who '
killed ^imaeU Mon^r. haa new been aha>^ Hia faeaid


a rifleo-lofthe

be cominK into Uu- I',. ...................
aula, null III.' icbiur waftli-ii mia lialL i* u fftoduU of the Uirhitnui

y«ara. .

the available depalir- will b.-ei'u-; AKiicullunJ (mlh«e. aiul Ima fur
plo}-t«l ill i-nforviiiff ih.- lawa for:whim-tin.- bmi tfaiberiiur aialiuthe
.■r'k'iiiiiHin int' th.-'li.-u"
for tbia ifurenii
Jolui Akar. of Kniib'e Cnvk.
Miar 1. oiaar. panAU: It.ew.
(tonbem i—rt (dtbeatjit,-.
la ua uproarWm 1.. Bren aad wU* to Aataaf* October Ibr depatiweiit mve-ti'
-r ^>rt Huron, tella a i>'cul>ar
. oailalo. tot to Oak Halcbu? |IMHr aa^
iCBbd ISl* tiolatioiu ..f (he flail OIOT) .
U K OibUTaad wifa to lrrta« X.
‘Tbo aa* Jau
jou (all
call tbo p .
I bouat- ill Uk‘
WnU. uel* of *wlk. aar V. leWB M. and ifauie law*, arreotral .VI rio- ting in frr
"Vo* Ilr'd ralbrr fl(lii (ban ml.*
(-veuiiig a
latura iiihI —enn-d
"He atioM Aval Trlotbla. Kb* > odbo
___ —.1
latbrl Bull
lB( (.■ flail ae"
ta ( aad 7.
MU iu lim« and er—i*.
• irbai An 70.1 ■>•) la pUfiuv mj aa•lb add, Il.k00
' lw*uaBihl..iolAruur*<u»r
Chari.-* Pie
l>orn llanaah la Flu>d L BwlU.
--•ivlolldld; iB'llohllB
to H aad IV Uorh A Pott Maa- iw
inffal (iroffp’*KeH.-y'l^rhWm.1i
atutik-. Two week* ago h.And to
Bat ItooenU aab. Did add; MM.
was in
in llie
(lie nildiile
of th.utor Uirard'a e«nj.-r. hna rwr.v- «'H
Crraa lllMl>r abnuM MOT Ulw jBolt'
n. J. u»rna. ads., i.
Hi* lu-t-1
iiiffLl anil ill .m.- eml of hi*
rU Cmw. .11*1 ih» noelUw mob r‘*<w WiBBlo. -kiu i. I. 7 aad I. I
b n. H.
ftjuui tH'iikl (iiatiiirtly *m- two Lit» I
^n. While climiruii; <
aa Ibi d*7 ’ff iboir antral al diaaor. 1. d fv.'. 7ib add; lljiti.
ehnri'li a|nrv*>. T^ey graduBUy I
Malndia Wlaato tu Wraar J. Mar- fwiCM Mumlay eveuinif !«'
Km a word bad iMon taid to Ibo ea*
U<caUH' i-nvek>|MHl iu ctuod* aud |
i. i, T aad l. bkwk 0. H, U
al.Mil Ibo Mlwr. awl wbaa Bfo tolaeiw faa.
hof.irv taiaff lala lb* dlalaf Ihop * (V.'. 7ik add. tlJW.
au^ly beoaine itK-al'and Field aa the a|uns ditappeand ibeTL- ap |
iMct 1 (‘onl*. H al. to Ju*. A. Up.
gtaml oral at
ran uow spiwk trilh i«ar
He Iim) jauiKda woman weaiing a crown
latuffa, |•rn•l. MW M. looB tl.
■n> nibrr. ibea ol Ibrlr boot*
A* the pictuiv faded away riu
never lu-eu deaf.
-CDrto.'yta..--Mid Ibo Berdw-a.-dU
room wa* filkd wilh h (■'''uliar nnd
Uiobaoi llbarlBi
aud utto lu fuba
K. I). t-Mtle-rly. .•(
•>l Ik-lmit mul
roar •tow.’'
. c m acrea iff wtt (if eH
pleaiaiii wlur.
Northville. liBk luat Iwo uf (be Qin"('ortatoir," uiM lb* troerol. "1 _ BOl*
Harn- IhrL. a Iwnaiuu .u-uug
rluk Ciiir atoM of wtoe wllb r*o*r tKM.
lu-nl of ali..n boniK ut hi* furu.
Ulan wh.» wna nlauit In »t«rt lUi
inaw Ula* Cmer. tot WO aU rouia.”
llorawB V
Bmlib aad wlto i.
irwaid. " l.y i. aomewluii
....................ll la-c■•nlinr
u liuiililiff expnliliiili, eaa mx'i■rUI mart IM )OU aunaw I p«l dulpb Wlodr ft. H tt. Oak Hri
tideiil. SoiDu kiiwtof
tlfiilally abut in the leg by Ida irirl
•ato oliiS IBIO lur BMUIbt ll * putoan,
la*-ii nliulied t.i n
■xMiaili, wb» wna imcticiuK ■lead
Itoooe l» tbo ffouitoman and tlw toto*.
iiff ? thiatk-a ill on- »rtli.-li.-I.U
or.» I liolr ll awl ba>> rro*> .mo ebo
I iiiff M a woudahnl in whi.
hi. b Oii-k
mkI in *>«»■ way ihv <-Atll.'
ay otaiaplo brOrtaktof IL"
iinl lo lie at the
j liap|u<ii(d
Uii- iim.-.
Iim.-. Wbil.Claud.- W Itoi'Mi BBd Oita tu
ngid Ui break in mi.t .if oninH- nl.luml ik lull il i* led .-uiiBi.l
K U.uu. ha I*, hbu-k 3. II. I, 1 C
arrvoaalr is bto rbalr, '-da reu waaa to Pib add. •ijeu.
aar (liat I miwl donr wrooir tlio prlrln Hdoard Hee)^
.kt Cadillac Aniia Itnlniei. i.yid
ton* of a •o.'lal (to** Joal tooouoo aaaio
IdM rbuoOT
nako a boaol ..f btoi
-a tad add; MM)
I II Bracbaa. al al. lu Fraak Kuto<1od to rtpiBla Ibal Mto* I'n.w H
MTk kri 3.
- H. 1.
I. A Oa'a 4lh wMI-

"Ob. road Uko tbat aori of dwih.
watod roar aaartod Kaowtoe
-’I'e*. Browlluf ellblB Wwarir. bat latop* ii won't fool ao wou aa It read* la pnMBf mnbor ox|>r«a«toB af hi* (aal(to papor* "II Tl pa to, ’IJouimwoI IB«* to word*.
»Vaam Ury waa abol Ibnmili ib»
Tbon war l»ld tbo leaaia alwai lb*
taBto Wbito naaBtlr dlbllac iile war
ap la Ibaji ar*a WDtba.’ Tbai'a iba
Da r*B warn to boar
to* ml tottor
"K*.'- aald all Iba paftr "f faa


Baal Batata TraaMa to.


"Ob. AOBI Trlaltoia.
rae Ullr aar* (Hi wHw H a
taka* paMOap aaj aHia Mb Mtpaa*
to PM hiw awar."
THI aonlao It I Bo

i^ai^ionakry and Marin*
0**elin* Knsin**


$155. buya 41 Wolvi rimr



waa ibeui to topaH
hto aarto d«wa «*wa with bin. to ••
tram tHo*: tH wKedne* bar
IT aanl to
(H warn wtikeat
-Ito «ho



M. P. Marine Engine

$)(i5. buya an OLDS H It. P Stationary Engine
$l(iO. buya a Pay i: Bowen Dj H. P

Marine Engine

$a0. buy* a \Atioiul Pumping jack
$650 buya an-Olda Mobile

I; touo
Cllv* K Fanve lu Bawiwl U Parruo. lui*
lot* a>
aa and
n. bUirk t. Oak

"fL,'!. «...


Ha» the above kto< k

vail and sec them

'242 State St.

Wm I
W Boll

Park: I1.M0.
Uy Co., lo Henaab W.
Bilk, k
14 U. Iikwk in II .
1.'* 1*1 add; ISO*
yd I. Bwlib and wife in Harwaa
Bml._. ....
Haaaak'r Sud dd; I3.U0O.
Fred K riB h aad wife to Wm.
Bmiib: 1...
D WiK-k 3. OBk PbUi;
JuHa iMboi 10 Aufui
% of >ww nf BWH. «
I. raaito 10; IIM.
Haaaab * bar On lo Ww. Jatoacm.
'll tl aad (}, blook 0. H-. I. A rkk'a
Id add: |IM.
Fraak Pebvalllar asd wife to fao.
rarboll. BWl4 of avli. **c. II. Iowa
M, raaar 10; |«bd.
Imn Bolomm in Barmy Aadaraon.
0(4 feat of kM Id. lileek (. Trartraa-|ir: •t.tuo.

Galloway Coats, $12.00



toy I* I
feat ol k

Our Specialty!
You fumuh the hide BB.I are tan it and make you



lltot we have (he ngbt good* al


Coat for only S19.VU citb outlay or tu $7.00 or ffi.OO we tan and

right jwice U erideneed by iba eocffT

liDe you a robe ooitoilete.

Bffw* btwineee we have heen doutfi.

If you have no hide* to tan we can

eeU CoBta and Rohe* at ftoioet tbti defy campethiao.

aad to make thto week the Hum* o| aH.

becBoae ■*

*« off« iiovM

■wnafartme onr own Coal* aod RobM Iran etart to finish.






lu Ww a
to. lOWB M.

Jai. 0. yobaana. eiacuiar. tn Arthur
B. Wltooo. wtk <ff toi }. bloek It
Trarorae Ctly; IIAM.
Fiwd Buall aad Wtfa to WplM Ooe^
arai* Co. 14 foot oP------It------ k
epd ef
V block *. wrlio; lie

Foote & CoddlngtOD;

l‘bilkl«l|ihia Philiu Parum.
r. h amenr who died naoentlr,
• •& will wbiob hto jnal
ihd. Hia Htote aunuiited
Bun be iHittMOltod
to be p*Hl
wiwik^uUUiitoBto'ur SI. 'and
•otherhe ^ve the aom uf $100.
tnbeiwid Til
anppUto At the mte of $2
The tealBtur docUivd the
be innipBlile oftekiBgc-ivuf mon.


Open for

ran BiBiiy larta of Iwbndor, owii« to the abdilM of the flaheiT
ftoteh. UnkHtSiaf be pmvide8
br the gimniBniot it ia WibTi4
that the DHiile-viU ^ah. One
atfnbdy tfisiwtehed with ilroviaioaB

Kednce your aialet eoai biU H
huyiM a PcBiBMdar Baae bonwr


$32 to $50

Atkhe aami- old staml

I3'5 East Front Street

bu not yet IweA Rto*'teu h arrivwlBtod &e tuvUea (wmed will
h> he do^itoteil and oent l»

fctWUL ItTuearamt. drtaUuB. Intaano
tBwkia* a*oHtor ta av Uto I dMB't
kBow ToB-d wantod JoM oarb o fata
la IH dlabw roaw tl
p tHi oU to
luilrt ArbB terror aad pa
•f mr wHe'r wH
'H'HC (IrdaB •• *>ar wtib roa wm
-Oaa-t led arboa aH’U fo. TTarto Op."ptBr-" aald <hr Bmaul after a
"*f«l tmaae. Tw aarr* *----------I'd *ur and bolp ran aot. tat l‘d ralb*r H lliA «p M tH thoBiH (baa auad
talaUwaaia ni»etmiwenwTkate wai and far WBBipatottaa la
IH owtulaB lu prcrral oar «f IH

H. P.

$1M(|. hui'k a Wolvrrim-

Ivaoicr llino} aud vile U Uar- '• iih, aali of owl*, me. H.
no u: *

. S. I>‘rynpi*n, fMsr.

lost Receiveii

.Among tbem wc.4iave ten








mpbned tcBthen

1 ffj, #$.$#

- 7,7S


PaMnkr M feMm

: $9.96to$17

ITe have alw |
(^.ItoRd* Shoot. 'aabhOT.Iok.KilMHBBd
4i>om Bfid we etfw tlwB at vmj km priera..

One ionth Frae!

Be OliAC and Buy Dow!

•tBi^Bf-«BhhBe/ffaMtoe Me • pMi-

M. I. FRYMAN, Proiw.

A. 8- FRYMAN. Mgr.

ISM flC. toa-toft* •«. *rwtoto«»rtoto'ei«y.

The Boston Store

F A.-TCfTc!nej.
------- to ad u Tto'


"Faw patwrar ar* prrbai- awmiw lhal
a Ibito «< Houir to a toBawa |u
pdBM iMWliw atafly la a ali ar idgbl
rotdar waatbr*.'

i panar had imtoad a» rtwii
mm atoai baariw
A eoabhr
mar m bto rbaato
a tor aad told:
_ «al wamr
■aid aad baawiM ttiBpB atoai
Mma pawcator. bat $m dual «aU
to wbOT 1 to."
•Ah." toU th* paaiar. "I as *tod
al dto atpawaalu of tolaff oa aow.
•I tor* t*m
fatt <«<ar fraw tto MPtop
U ibal OTlato IbOT ia a
id.Bir«ier.P Rto la ato^


■HA to Mar Oi Mpar ar aap totod.
•Mow. If row etti p* dawb toWb to
NMM wafth af ibtoto Bin* toaoL
MW tad aato Ibaaa to bar. aad ttoP


*• toorat ctoa* tgpalbar Ma tH
a or a Hob *■ tH bppaatcb of
w-wbau a tkatrtr baflaB to (aP..
TboplaM Har*^
r pM
. Thor* !• rmlblaf

Vaftait* fwakl eM wwak woab ■
m TH raatoa wby H-rafnad
■ady IH
unaate It Ihto: tl i
drtltod lul
Ua. tut Tdaffue* '
pwaobacud -plalA'
OOT pmip aad
d» top «f H b.


sasAtxr^ KA.i.Minsr£

Consignment Cloak Sale
T*I-IK •"TKAIM OL.OA»« OO. 48~&6 Water St.. Cleveland O.. Manufacturers of high-ffrade
goods only, being overstocked have consigned to'^Aie a large portion of their cloaks to dispose of at

so Con'tM on -tHo Dollar.
/a ara onix aa«tlnc aa Acanea rawmaga

THIS Is s srss^ opisor^ursl^y for anyone in need of a wrap.
Olaalca TkhiteiheheanMtMaaaaMMlaHthaaAMAfthtBMiriaL

Da ffioe Dalaxe *1”^


118 Front St

U ymaHW totoand tebtoactaak iowwow.

tmm 'm'

aM •• «i$ % fe ABda far yoik

Citizens Phone 400




•at at tba Ban
it ■ *1 MtM Ula* that Baaata
BM* wpl am eauUur to a ■awcai

iM tba UW Bh totbor 1 waaU ban
ti. paean Ara at tba tooa wba an aaw
oa tba toy. whtob veto toon aalr Ml
la the to. Mra M-w.ipi^ ■ aaiBM


■arc H u> OadUtoo. wt.wc tbr oa*t
will hr boa Uaa If lahoa (aiihar
away, aad 1 wiU raai tba todloa U
■USMl htoalt U PraaMiat Bom** iraiudar ib» oaae to Woxtard powatr
4L aad M> aiaito what iaBaaaee aad to lha trial to Naratoar At at
t o'cito. The ftoife r.19 tnsito aU
«uU hb bnapki H> boar. Baaatar paptou aad AM* lo Waxtod eoaair.
U witaaaaua
aau b
BnaaUli. R* b too taral to bU
TIM COM W Balkaaha eouaty bai
■ad* apd hW party
Hr wUL hew

0Wa ibkt ha b eopabl* ut eaaduaitat
1 boaaw, aApruuuiva aad affuatJvc
I«palcu. Th* dratoCfBlIc pm* de
w MwLWt
vxawai loa
•aaa wUl <9pan Bouatmli
ir* a purpoae U H, but tt will arali



Meador atunaaa at % oVtoA.
iai Ua Mrttatjbt eon b Ue Ant u
M iwlaaHr. Tkia auoraagri ua haU
■doe an la ruaAlaaai. aad tba ladlaaLai anUalhwUlhaaaaufUa
lardaM towht toordar ulab that ha*
nor oaaiujad la Ub coaaiy.
iteBB tei.k
wiKa tehLeh
waioa 4n-----to ouwaaaa aar uw
•at. aad orary aBot wUi be MAa
1 atBali har. It to Uoaiht vary Ukair
«t Ue lanaHr tbaory will ha
hto* wUI b« wraral espm vHmww
I toMBttr.

Tk* aoMMd to

T«T ehadljr
k«r MUtmm Bi«


IMT flhMtt

to aivan

t ki* Mgkt,
' ' Md
tMMs «■ kMrtx
k»t to mH. ttn. toiTlfBlikt Mto *(-.
Hto, to mr dsnaact, Md har «o«MdMdt to UUtod M b« to mto u
■■idiirtit b«- kratkw, iota “ -




w& «<wy



■SStoka, Mtoto, Mar.
*«*•-*> tha toWlaj af aoan Uto


Uh aai. vftokaaaaiar. to aharaai Om
h»l »«i.«atoM «• Ihe
e U.
U. d
a SS' K
P lae aolhU'lim ha t
Ij u> puah tba ■altar aad ota
a Htol i»ia
aia ut li.
II. Hal tolar la tha day
the ha>rr« tiagan huylac cnar the di)
ara«a. lha traphla in^id la him
over, aad aoa all to amva
IWa I- arvtoailr hat lac a

a (her <d Luac kaha ara* (he
ftoB It.aau. Tha TI Joror- rttawa to lartoar who hratMl lha rii) aulhorl.
tho trial mat aboiu AHA lawludia*
lha potato Uirorw. aad
MASK, aoala*. «MI
abnU haa ■ad* «bw Irln out late la* ta I- r IVrc ii
I, t« <-iaiBa>l l>> the haypra Ikac Mr
lima laaAa a Bluaha oa a load thU
!^^^“io‘^Ua aaMra^aad U* aaour* ■(•ratM. aad uoe (d lha Brat toadt
la* ut tixpwn (Batlyaoay. aad tbara «eica«-l na the tvalm. a kred af tba
a* uae welcbad Baiiudar
prwoM that brtw Ua total away j>f
.......—mt, aUMi
I.IM poaada
Wtih U< itIM tnaaforrad lU Wax. llclier. (ha araa* walcht Batardar ka­
.* .M...1.
BMtelB teilL
eouaty. VBlb.akB
aaixaaia oraaty
wui LBBB
auva ta*
t.«M. aad lodai «a a load
10 iiaad all the axpeeae of lha Uaas- that aa. ctalreed lo he >11.1 at larpa.
for. aad atoo Ua axpoaw nt aoadact. Ibi- Wricbt hola* klreo h* awaathtof
la* tha irtol Uara
our 2h*u.
rhau. Bat th
thi* wa* Mr Dnaah
Tha exyen wltaaoBo* wlU ooch eoM dm day. aad with
itaikaa aad
Am, aad than wUl ha Are a lU of
dltocuhlc* thai he
thoB- Than are two or Uioe tiw
Aaa Arbor, out ttoa Bay OHr. ama
fiOB Kalkavka. aad nae fnua Tnvbe a thla* to b
•TM OHr.
Jadda ObHtaadoa uuwdi to dbpooa
OplBlua to divided aa 1
at tha can la a waak. hat Pruiiaata
B. ^ BBlU oaU (bat ha woald afpwa welch oror the ehy ecato*
lo uoaupy Ua iury:iAtoa at toaat Uroa there teaato 10 ha ao aaaai
Bbm ailBT
bVib* %pmj
ILbV teBrB
wore mnr^.
11 Will
v*u they rmid ha (onod lo cone lo tho
taka at toaat a day to aaean a fan. ■tikai It they com to tha cHy to aall
•ad tha dotaaM wUl regain at iaan their twoduoa lo the Usknt Uddtr.
Urea daya A* aaar a* caa ha loarwad. Tb- potato hayen bare Opealy drBad
Ike amkertltoe to puah Ike toot Otoe
amoa Uat H
^a If aaaaaaarr. hut Ito-y dn aoi believe tkal (hli will
aad Ua dataan atoi lA Uowerar. be doaa
tha Moom will do lha wuiat ta Ue
The taven hare baea furbk
u of lha
tka «ar«at lo bar.___
bar. aad
toac<-r aitowad lo po op Uakn_______
Hra. MeKatoki ha* ha<« la jaU atooa
Marti. Bba aau vtar UUto. hat takaa
1^ cd atttod TOfT haaiUlr.
Oar thiac mt the bayon U pou■ I have boas lauxlai oa to that If
Uaa paelac V Batova la tha Jail
aad ljrto« <to^ hod.
"I uM har at tha ttea aha^ada tha
aitaaM to haoc haradtf that aka
|i.uead ihrouch tba city aad oaly
abo^ hata ktokad ika ekatr tm tn
>aaoa toad welched oa iha cUr
oadar kar. U aka toaalad to Mha
onto.: that tboaaand. ot boibeli of
food tob (d It."
wa>«t, oala. rye. etc., are bowcht la
the (dly aad aoae cd It watdbad oror
Ikat aar om *ho'aa« baTarUa ttoa
M. aad they laJai that It
a( bar otraal aad adkia ladar. vooU
kardUr kaoto kar. At tha ttaM aka «-

■■ ‘--K."¥2fr'

_____ Oror. toho haa boat.
laaihlaa aaar WUltoMhari. to hoM
tar hrr vaeatkia.
Ur. aad Mn. Thoa Btpara at Haim
.or Klaaalar ctoUan Batardar.
Mn. Uahj Batodaa aadUnTadaaa
aa ol BaMdt
to Kla '
MU* Paart Mill at fUar CUr
!!Ur ar* tor a
a Halt
l> mlaUvai a
a ban.
Kor -Thuradoy
J B. Browa ha* ■and kto atork
inOuirr talo ibr baUdiac owaed
r. O a. Paauto.
Ur* Url**e arrtnd tnaa -Oiaal
Thundar for a vUli vlih her '
a. Mrv W W HhU
Wmtoy Itoaa


aheap nnidr tor ma*ha aad
• to all itskt. bat row »aat aoioo
,lhia* that will niton aad
■ore aavarr aad daacanu- ______
at throat aad laac troahtoe.
ahau m> dor uo lo i
Ttokeu win & o^ aato at all
■ore regular rUmata?
Yn. U poe(loB*. rwto poia* Jlwfitohw Aku
alhto: H aoi poielbto tar you. thia la ICIh.
T StRh u nto < Otoe
tare tar'the ra d Hip:

a< ^

Oaa-Way Cotowtot lUtoa
wlua«- i-he ha* bem rlaUlac-dOr the
M- way Itoheia wUI he aoM by
laiil lew ■ustha.
1 Manueite aptau to polau la
Elaer HochMed aad wUa U Bla*
We«i. SoRbwaat aad BoanhweeL
has arrived Thaiwday oa a vtolt to aay day aaill Novotohar bath. IPW. ia
the tolter'a M>«su. Ur. aad Mn. A. CluUtr. at a teo lo%’ rate. Itaatore
UrDuuakl or ihto place. Ur aad Mra.
tk-hei apeat for lull lafonaaltoaHorkiied expect 10 lira la Tnrom
— -‘1.

1. O. T. M'. cave a


■altar «hai ooaaitat
a rarr atoUd aad al
praaototo oa har taea.

------------ -------------------1 aad aepl
Banry Konor, ot Praakfort. are 1
la* the UtoMa Gala*, ot Lake are

nBJB^ to ttoa aaattad « dra«-

dd M tba imwipdtoi «*rtto«y
-------X aad tba ■cmt UM tka laito


~ - -





Goodreai' w^ aewed.
ptoaty M Myle.
$1 havaaoLI t.H. Uw'toaki.
Mn»c» ,0,
^ «I.MSH0L Sew)<«to
aadtoea. Ca«tw* ton
\0t,hi*h b
wiU aay $a aboa »a<W.

wot n|v Soli.l a* Waihci shoe*, iiaa S_


Mel’s Sbees

llatrtpioof just
tbe boot to nior
liiun. $a.00

SLSO. $LTS aad
;TwcMy Bcw




[l.adita' Hoad Sew.
IcdSSkOOtoaa. Oton dtatfc

Uc beat
We »rr

aron{! uti that kin.1

h^ U

WorklK Shoes

■ We







J42 Pmt siretu

F. &

Alk-a werw to l^raaae


Going Out of Businoss Sale

J. I*. BERG'S place on the
Fraiiisula rtud at lO o'clock
a. m. on

Tmsdair, Nov. 24
Keito. I'ariii Implements and
Houschtdd <>oo(U.
j Free Lunch Will be Serv­

The Boo tiae to toa* la* pnat toproianawa it Mantothiaa la eitota»
- tkto ot tba tedUttoa aCordad br the
ferrr tor a abort neM ■«■ tbo
er iiaatoaala 10 ibi
laipalCB tor ttalcbt hiialaaB. aad baa
tone ot aoHdtore oat, who an a)-


I lha Aaa Arher


A<t ’TMhto

I'or the pAM thruc wi^ku wc have bi-cn cuiiiiitt prices un our sux-k uf l>ry tiornls
clothing. Mcn'kand l*adics' l-'umishiniiN I lats. Cap* and Sho<-v. to clour- out thcpuKkand make room for our regular Baraar tioods which wc will handle exduaivel). WV
have made some still deeper cuts .is you will itoiiix* lielow to hurry iheie goods out.
Must have room for our Holiday tioo»ls. arrivinyfi-very day.

:rSSi;=: E

r.-JESEt'S.-.i... s

BtokMdjkitc pritaa. extn wide ami ^

klea** Heav) Rubben ai Cw Prico*
LadH,V Ftae Shon «.............................................. 93c
liotV c alf Shoe., an tod.$!.«• rriu. at.. 96C


Haa It roabad .wiU baatoaa. aad that
lha ear tanr had ben laaiad to tol
Uaa tar that roaaoa. to laM to bp ab­
Lm Batarday,

5pe.torkC»touFtoito;Bcral»* to..
lOc Drew t'aovu*. to cWoe u.....................

Uaataikiae took out lour aon of
tntoi. while Ika Nanhport boat look
owl akae e«rtaada
Ob tha wkota. Ua terry to dol
•aa btolaaap Ua lotawa* ot Ua 1




Notions and Kttch*n«var«

OrwM Goods

.......... .......... ..................

"'iTtSiWii.Ti STU!S.“!uiis?stt;s

AaversSchsriSiMes RMcesCnstn
Made Fcotwear

Ihc Wc. wcalhrr kiibl,


tbr city

The U.. U. « M. to atoo _____ _ .

ana ORr «ai tool piapaaad haa
tr li nr nt iki Mnil Bnaitohtoi li
doMin la tba eltr aad aa laMliiiliii
that haa haaopa totoOr raaM la om

• '7“ Ftl^.'il'SSriSlSptSiJC.-.

A $8.10
Meo‘*Wa*r.$».$I.7S Bhichcn*n.lBuekW,1fom,yiAi.m. Uui acw!Sh.w. IUn.1 welt. UR
SS.WI ami $Tltai
.Ml $1
uwl op to SS-bti.
Kockanowm. Wcihow; Ki.1. Veloui ami PocM
Atxde to lerv-kw.
tuahv new kio-t*.
Cob. Ver» Siyhth.

ttoa aad Wa. a.Totiaa aad J U
Bard tor tha MOW!
A ptoa of mat nUtr *ai «Mar*d hr
lha dtoihtoath atUdsari aad tba


GLOtllA Ledies
Kagn-e I'dk

Dress Shoes

*ai that (d Tha
Bart at OraaBTlIto.
vha to eharBad vlth fkMilwiil
B. C. totott to tor lha praaaatkw aad aad durlac Ua paat lea dart
J. L. Bard tor tba datoMO. A pIm at ba«w OB annaa at abowi » _____ __
aet iBiHr «ai aada hr tha aeaaaad.
' utp. hoMad tor tba aanbara paaa.


aad Vhh
oar lore


fadin' kid aboe in

loai Idkdto ax-

TrarMtoa dltr Blhla Bkok at tba aal-


$S.ail Sitoc.toh.Wln


too* b> MW the —
They daaton ibat lha atai*
a* Bade wtth evkteat
IWa tooia two otbar erimtoal ____
.ioai la tkto lofli at eoorv Tba Tao- taieai. u than haa arrer boas aar
to take Up kBat
pto ra A. Traor Woolpan. ahanad
oiik toktof ladiaiat Ukarttoa vlih a oC ihe .Noito^ roato or to toaaoAa
Ik.' Aaa aA Itoa. U Uu Ibar »»

SSsli uS i4sr-*'susr!B



TO t VBB A tiOl-D IK Oka U.W


Ike T. Cv L. A M. aM
t tba aoeMad. Hta . _ ot
UaiBiMiia A ttonhara rat
cd Oortord. to rarr atiaa- Capiaia aokwiina aad ^Blaar


ta the Foot Warn ai

Bha waa
■as aad

ha. 0

II lWetolir"Tlh

Wedaeaday rraala*- Tha p_______
tliJO. aad CO to Mra. Maaicold.

toller', daochter.
Mto. Itoarl Hill reiarw
■jme la Pltor CHy today
woMpaolad by Mabel H
Oarrte HauBidi a. tar a

K Fwrv b

BtlR.. it watot *e«__........................
tohe*. at oalj tlPP. The Bocnoaty
211 .yVnai

k»i her houae by tre a abort
I Ilia a*u.
•e City to^ o
v. ThunMoa 1_______ _
day tioBi Cadillac when they ha
bcea speadlac __ I with I

a ihc wpwanto. a



II. r Mo

Uwoaaa Hyrop"
It aoi «■!>' haaK
■■l■l*toto!e (he iteae* to deouoy Live aiack'ai^ Chiu
.. «mi dtoeato. but aUays laHtoM ta Daeaeah
Otoilna. mu>«> «aa>
Tk-Lcu wUI ha eold
Sirm a *uod altht'*
oa NovatoW CWh
the luutoat
- oocue. BeooB :I ikia>
lUn-aWr IM, ai lau- ut
■eoded ■!
by aU drupKtou Uj

raa *et ihl» trdnuMl.1. Prk-1


Can aM aaa Mra. Tlatollah WoBi-


raaii at wa. Todar. to awaar
Fany B^ap Bip Bwtoaaa.
tka to aaonr M. h« taea to raiT
dfava. aad tka ratal are rarr pmalbat report la aaolhar local
aaat cto bar terabaad
Fm 1“
the ear torry, Maatollaae,
aa d^totod lo akoot ]
auekte A Northtow. waa to ha
aharifkM l»U(t kar to of the Sortbpon roata Uto weak, orakUM bar aied ruaatanpttoa at Northpart aad
^nt tnm tha«
anoaed the iya at the otoedato of the
car torry. aa wall aw lha '

trlal Mn MeKaIcbi
Mm cito verk •« tte earn.. H«r
toil dw«« ^ iMOtord. vUk tk*
IM dtevtod <dMr « k« to lakw M
» UtotH
-m u> ha

re w Satofrdtfftolk TW
M lha eltr ■aikat, aad lor
I »blto It Uoiiad aa thoodh than


ibalr eraiaa aad batata ndoraad.
Tha work baa ha»to fBiatlr baa-

—ta ckac pt.................


nn'ct ccoac to be a contart to
)0U it yoa depoait ooly tbc umU

ttoOn work. A oanM Biiaaat «t Ihto

...-------- ktad* ot yawdaea howhl an


“.... .

W Mta erataa;__________
■ato. • uu; laapharriaa. iTt


----------L *» haUtto.
---------- LTaw Saa^a^^ tba to
im caaadi aba^



dMi at latoaM TM totoMlad M 1
ato Baa. aa ha wha a Btod cd f
tad Wad tor htoa to paatoPa

itaud that ttola Bw MM ..

Ite raw tba toeWT will aaaon
UW aaaaa at oon. whtob wifl a»aaa

■to a C teWt'a «Mk



<ted E.,ite, te pitep..............
to at.................................................


C*aH'.teS» .tel ... Note te
■M............. -..............................2.4c
i*di.'teWte.d Mte.*tee..Vile
• te............................................21e
Ywt tak StaaoL

FiMMaa Kaittog Vomi, a aakoA

A partoct cm-

Aad what taon eoii be a^

Fto^a ik'sapaito Vai^ ol"^^



|Mto aMoiiad to yiMr haad ram pad «■ oae tot

ttoa. aM they daCortortoto hto



>M paw r«e Uo^ntoTtS^***
aC«F vakaei up to tlBO. tolW xt pr. The


AtotafCcldFaedR^toadM. Caff
Bau^alB>Rcait Pin «ad Sb«t^
SrWviWup to Sfc, to doc B.......... iffc

ttoelWhrt.- tod hr C R I


■Af^t pPMaaad to auH to

Wku. Ik* tea. ko. te ko.

Kto Saxary Vna.'al> coton. pe tob...
Lmo Curtains

•ajoa^tryiiato dapaaad ityxiw tod to


A toyge Mtoaeto ot Itk aad Sc Otoawan. wank doable

l>ae a WaMttoui'* 1<W FopMaia

Fm PBd to ehapfe «a It* ptoiitM.

Ato «M W to



I wniea acarf)' aad laaooUi

lAa Baat IV«dtoto%M

««*ak »toh tt» caaa

k K wm thaatht tha^af^
«V aa^ ha aaad a» to bT•

throw Jlwdp


Ito hr toea Taytor

Cr/p Book Store


V d.-;
U*.'^ ^todtoeat................... tOC

Wkb every SUB pantoc we wR pre « aW*

GtoUiav toe at ctoge.

•» BtfSBF BM T9 Stok b OMtoOR



tail Tntrasc HcnM. v-T«srsK??r£u.

r. aad Mia. Betta
laadsofas flaw, c

|Cta.> aciMr ta^'----------—' “


of %kf

$MM** <>»Hac


-. -■- ^ bIMtVMU

flm——^ * ~ ~-----*■ *•—' OvfaMl


« <4 ikr buoM ku dear
I la iba Mfakaaaaal a*I«U tern BMObk. tb« laci
ibc frtBarr Mbool laBCUIIr belBc far f
tarsM^raad, ______
tba TSir of »2J« per
llB<' faat TMI
—... La« rear ibe pit capUs__
Tbe rawrt came. Irafa tba
- la
aapariaiaadaal «d


■arglkr AcfamM CwtttckM- Uisir . . ..
>»• iwvk# MO. 4urlB« tke «|>i ifau Bay .
ru« Lakr
b- o( MiemllBC Is Trsismr
o( ikr d^ooslbm. Is ik» l‘eu»ls'«
liu« bank «sx ih<- \lfilsi Id burr
4 d^iMB-li frofa

)»irCMl>lM«Tlwlic*«llt. ^



caio. hM now mursMl ll <o iIm da
bruBchi bark sad
duor U lb« owsar
Iklef ibIskiBs. erl-



7.07 J«

■a exarelaaa of Ue a
-a BMtouML wbleh U
>r oa tW aoldlen' ku la il
tasslin fsoWry. Tl
4 caivkl 00 (br drylsc So
>• t*e furaaca. Inii tt bad b
... c tba defaruaeal Sra auickij roBtralUd. Tb«
>rer«l by Tooy Tborua.


' Bprsewe'a work
I. A ploaeer fa Ue early daya,
shcr of a aewapaper aad of
............................r, be W4. ea-

OfcaWlM thh week 2,725. '
Tbe bfearnld cUU fa Hr aad Un
Bert Waiwd kruke lii ricbi ana Bei
aeday wsfac.
rewlewT; <br

) wTllo eock

I paresta, Mr. aad
■. Oeorce Dowbit <i

I’alty waa brUasaald aad
KS.'t'SLSa.-lK^’" North
I'm! A Uacu. liniiber fa tba bride,

Mfaa UiHe aad ioe Horsa fa tar- waa beet aua. A waddfac dfaaer.
with sbeat 21 cueata. waa aerred after
ne bride waa
•alabed brtllfaatfae.
'be happy caople will
wUl Hre
on a (am
Oaeldi They
CW. i. 0. HtaMfa Bar. D- O*------ tr Port
U. a kB9 aad Hr. taHnii fa Oairfat
Ml laitf far lUlera. fa be HfaM- ■ fa tbe Kortbera
d I'd Block aaauOaarfa' U. CHea eatwwd Hooad fa■ ■ T 1* AabM aad fM falakd fa Leaf fata fa
____ .
. rlattac fa
tta ratwfa faTeruafa Mle. whtfa . M
Uat fa ibc
Opbui huh ikiaen eerarsd Lew fa
- - awanted
e Rec
D waa


and LeeUaaa eowatlea (roai tbe Use
wbt-a Traverse City waa bat a aaw
BUI haBlet Hia aewapaptr bw been
conapicttoua eteBeal la tbe procroaa
t the toeallty. aad durfac all tbaee
years Hr. Spraciar baa boaa oao of tbe
afalTi- apIrHa In tbe liafaonwai fa
Ufa t««kw Ula history abo^ socuraad a Bae aeaae fa afaaie delaU.
Ibe bo .........................
UroBlrle fa ereau wbleb i.
1 a dlB BeBory with all I
4 ploaeera

TSSiTSS,?”? c”SS

' ss»v.


acooired Ihruuxh
i -a----— —
■oa'. cuurM~>u. aa.t Uma-syr—fa,.
proBpi acti
Ir a|>|H«r> I NolvBlI.T Hrril.


Your Feet
For Winter!

m. BMhm. a km
<a« PiMay. aad tba raltlac fa tbe
boa wbMw it waa aappoaad ibp aaa ran fa the HOMO bwaa waa
4BBk. Dadertfaier Oarwjf ^ fay tar.........................
aad by tbe middle
Idle fa fa
» week
Brad for tbe rwalai. a
the laai fa Ibe aotea will be alcata mad
Ua PealBkala win hate done bar
dafa warurvi waek- waa ablpfta to Ua faraer
. ay. ata BP fa date Mterldia. Bear QrataTllle.
. ft hta a daeadvarL akd faaitt la wltb
be blA wlad wUefc |
Ufa sHfally ewaata tbe Ira
tea 10 set parity oat fa an
afabl by aa electtle Ifabl w
btoWB artoaa tbe wtraa fa il

T»f Csdkt
•b4 CkiUrtm




7^ Mhs

thanksgiving thoughts
Are undoubtedly beginning to occupy oour mind: we truat in your thoughu of
new apparel for the o^sion >-ou will noi forget the MILLIKEN stwr^ We shall
have some sjdi-odid value* lo, offer you. .'Jready laying our plans for your benefit
This week we have a few r«^ live items from the cloak depaitmcni.
would be enough, but lust a word. The last >-ear's coat* are called last year's. Fash­
ion you know is fickle. Each tear she demand* sunu-iliing new.
ManJ p^de do
noi care to keep pace with fashion's demand-. To such as tbese'ihe offers of t<xfay
arc of partk ular intiTosi.

JI Coat Of Quality «
llere'sa coal that has all
the elusive "air' that the
most exclusive- moiliste could
hk style is radical- as all
Paris styles are.
But it ha.s
been so modifiirtl
modified by tbe
X designs
designs in \co
York that it's now a distinc
,.-\merican garment.
' it's a coat that will attract
lention when \ou wear it
-iust enough of that style
diflerence to appeal to tour
taste for individuality.
■The material is WOOLTEX pure, the cut is perfect
and tbe linUh is right to the
smallest detail.

7 VelourJackets, tight
ting blouse
t enixts. elabon
. ..
1> trimmed,
1 some with
w ■ br;
)«. one
trimmed with Persian lamb.


1 sire 34. price SS6.

Price, $12.00

$4.60 and $5.(«- Tight htting Coats,


$!i60. $10 and $1^ Coats, tight fitting. 32 and S4.
Afew46m.loi«Coat8. Tan. Castor. Navy. 82. 34. 36.

were $16. $16.


...... ............................Vi^................................
20 eWMrta's Coats 4 u>i<»>ts »er, wtoMik»o. .mr jh 0an p^eo!

It will kooil hit hiTc. Belter
your kupply o( warm
Footwear now and have th«- iL«ic of it the»c fro»t>luorniniD-

. oaiiaay U waa bold oa Tweaday la
Hodera WoidiBea hall, wbtcb laafad
Tbe arraaceMeau tor
OB TbaakaslTlac day
Tbla year'a catakicve will be about
km tor tbe pensaaeai
table Ibe else^ ibe_^ laM year. orsanIfaUOB ol tl
fafafaa B. Mtter, Harrey Uar
etwna wore, the t- I prlaclpal >di)ecta
of the Bedlsc
■MW OUT. aM Oeetw Ryu fa
. >mluB list waa revlufa aad a> to the patfaaacst orcaaltathB. bat
e read) for the prlatWi baada Ue ooly detslte afap waa tbe nppotottalk Waiiw. Ibe S4fa
•varytUac It aow la ratalol a coBBRUe fa prepar* tta
lor Ike
ihew la J
JaBBar)' ~
e ibew
liiulkia aad by-lawa fur tbe pMBauer fa amaefac ptaalBBe
dock!, caeea. tuitayA plaeosa tad a totBiBU fa Dr. J. H. WUbalm. R
d OadatUker Aa- Delctoa barn w«e left la tbs baadi fa . Kaapp aad Otfa Kyaalka(be eecnnary '
P«r tta Bkc raHfac « TbaakafariBc day datalla wata dtaeauata. aad al
faat Joaepb Kfataea. Or. T. W. Thirl
W. M. Mtaafa tad k van aa
boifa fa Uara Raaeoa. who
by aad CapL 3. V. Molatoab ware ap____ rd Oc^r II Ik Oadar
Wtaied to make de
fake, near taUrtockan. wbOa awlsthe .eraat. wbleh wDl ba aa laMlac for a daek be bad ahoi. waa
he one. Mr.'Kfaata wUl arfOBM Prldw afieraaoa by C. H.
tor tbe baad. CfapUU Holaioah
Ra«ara aad tafad C. IfarU fa Beata
. suke 'bnwBtataeau with Hew.
while they___ ___ ______ ^
Perry Hasakb. aad Dr. TbWhy will pal»a lafaalioi avfaw falwy.
Baarck wae Bade for tbe body
ears a ckaaoe far tba aalatea. wbta
bm fa
far. tba II Batata fal ita
>ta U
c ibr diowalat. aad ar.
whole will ttttad
■ode fa raise It. wtthoat taWH- Vbaa.
lbe body waa tfowad FHll was 01
day it waa caltabadly
dkitabadly det_____
a n.-A. t
------------------- A _ A.------------------- J
' O. & Ofeta aad
tale lUlltwd HsatlaB. ,


Thr ankde b)
Brooks. -Uos We RMchi
Wcel," Ji a llBrl,' aad
roairUmlUni to the Pinureaoue
Jreaoue slori
*lori i
of Ur crvai IxMjtslasa PurcBOk
shirk Bote tbxa doubled ih.- ar.« <>r __________
Ibr railed Btalm. It preseoi. a W)

HePberaua poal. U. A H. and the
W. K. C will BU«| fa tbelr baU at 1
o'clock, aad aUl toava for ibe oaaiel bos cbnp. but bos Kuod We I
“* *
terr promplly at l:fa aeit Baaday af- aeU Ibe
parml aad bmt 25c aaaortet I
Caadlea at only 1«c per poiin.) •nte'ows, t—kaik
the ceaielery
. caaatfi teOary lUI waa ablase, aad prayer, siwic. the praaeDUUoa of tbe Beoaiami Bum-.
tba aafto* as* a« oat aad uk«o to
llM brMtr. TIM
not beadCall and
ad aad »«»t Ht‘l» »al*r fro* Iba bydrasu was wad
Tbi- kM vllJ M vicaad lU"
Oseaa-t lUapeet OW Ape.
BArkable I
►baBel.ll when youth fall, to
proper nwpcci lor oU a«e. hot
dreased b.i ibi- Rua • HInhiUT c
Juai ilie eoBtrwry la Ue oaae fa
cenerwl lavlistloa la ekleadta
Ibe Inieriur. M de I'
tbr public to aimd tbaee exerria . T Btead.—pvrbap* ibe Br>t laalaace Klop i New LUe PUla. They eat
aireet. Biib<M) afier
plies BO mauer bow aevere i
aad aa eapeclal lovlikUon to Ue
all klatoo fa a Kuaslan cablaet olparalyala. at ibe ace of 77 yea
ilsTilee fa oM a^ Dyapepala.
. board fa auperrlaara
•ora ai
aad tbe er reptylaa lo aa -ope* lettec" fa
aaa htaocbl fros ber borne la
11 yield
(THinCll,. tbe
SuaaJ< Vat____
. ___
•ubject of aaoiber powte cuarera Jaundice. Peter. Qoaallpatlne Jaa.
av> ibai abe afabi
tbla ported pUl 26c. at
r vokllera bad aalkwa
aad eterytbfas
lux a Bauer fa oaUoual pfalcy.~ap
k«lll aliaodaace
K H Mead
pears to Ibe .S'o«eiiilj.T «,-.les fa Rewould baalal ber toward twoorerr. Bbe
a aa oar fa Ibe old realdmiU of Lone
Lake, arbere ake bad rewklrd fur Baa)
The blatory fa Oraad Travrise and
aelaaau coualy. eoaipUad by H. U
Ur. Andrew B. dplaae). ptoprtstur
Bmldea ber baabaad abe
le learorB
................................. la tbe
Rata aty BaaharlaB. will be at Park
8hm> aad RuhbsrsHwa, Pred ffach of Travera
Leeianaa county ponkw fa iba blHory
- . boteL Not ifU
Jaauw aad Wllllan Ptaeb fa
-- Bpratae waa aaalatta by Hr*. 0.
IaU. Henry Placb. a alaaBboal
Badth fa NoiUport. wboae ka|
fa BoaiUe. Waah.. aad Oeorce M'.
kk-aco la tbe eousty aad axpartaaoc
Ffaeli. oaraer fa ibr lelephnar

« Wfa--<b»\SS£ -HA ■*

I^tar Martyl baa

Craad at Opwlaa
The nvad that atieaded tbe opwins U UiiaaeU Bro. aurv Batar^
a railroad wreck aad tba
r .ratBK vaa -Car beyuad ihal of (ha a<> ara ButUag haaaa araebt
terauuB. aad baadrMa KMifbt adfalaera Iroat Throat aad Laap Uuuakia. but wvre aaable u>
laio tba Maa Bfa afaea tbe adwat
' '
■low. «hlrb «aa packed to asBoat- Klac'ai Nea
--DIacwttTT for <
tioo Tba prupraat a> pln>a la iba
IttTunI Batunlay eteaias na pra>
ajTil.-,1. IIbe Mdw l.y B. Boce^ Vk\Xf.
c. Cbarku '^ Skn:
_ Wis*
uae t4 >aaa> •
Krt.«ily eaioytnl Tbe MlutaU
;wi-l by Ur Klac'a S
Sled S> Mr.. BeDvaniTbiM snal rewedy i
U. C Oermalae
i| 1>iwi aad Laas d
1 Ibe afianwoB aad cieaios
iobaeoa aad r H Hw
w .ouveom. caniatha.. Umi wu. Hrtre far aad ll fa.
aaay Tbe
cufapaw U Eixaily plcawd allh (be
k id Ibe tocal braack' aad bare
Tr«v«rM City Idarkdte
dreo ibcBi t ir as.- aaa noartera
Tbla t> liur ol b iTaacb o( (ba bosae Tbla raport lam
1 beiv. aa
■h waak. Tna HaraM lanot
«a the krai wople <ao <

Swell Shits and Turs for thanksgiving

Women’s Warm Shoes
Women's Beaver WArm lined Shoe*, leather
iwles and h«ls. Side patches of leather.
per pair, oalv ..

yMiroaltaT •inNimUwmacbbutyMiwiM bwBMH OmsmOM

eBry yritt. '


Women's Felt Shoes, fell soles and heels. onl>


Women's FjeU Shocu, well made, warm and


rpBw'd «rw «taO. wdTM tata. Fbe kid kboea with wmb
lii^. itylikh ai well ki ew

This is a Short Story
on Overcoat detail. We ll paw over all aboyt the propriety of tbe style*, and
the fit. and the •uperiority.’and the variety of sizes and the material, and come
right down, or rather up. to a little shoulder wisdom.

fta rni^
C.reeo «d Wiw Ffat 7tfe

B New*.

itatatia. fa apflaa fa the dcdtofalpa.


. ika.
Cwtb >VwW tafahtta at ibe btm
laa^wbleli ma*
br rraa)i
“ r*. CuriH FoJrtar. B. n Taapkiak.
taw tba taw u the
Canfal bait W. R l»ralt fa th«
» aC. aad Ue bfa
wlrw bwi
laaaia. aad Harw JoBa S. aaBta.
rs eal rewMac'tta*wires aow
TBaa U K niUia. FraarU R B»
, aad L«i T tWaaiaan*. wbo
w two taart____ There waa fawek afaolHeal diapfay fa
dfnrc >Bi m>B Travtata Cltr
MhfaatalL Be
•Lattta ta Mv.r. 0.
0 BMtaatlL
Tray«a«e CUr. Hkfe
the oaeday taraert’ laMRaiea to be
fUta air: lyftata tm -woa'i bare
held la Urata Traverse eotaly la De­ kartUac u do citb Mixta FwBu."
ll. Uikd Vv' doal blBBM yna: bai Drvw
al NeaL la ekarcre fa B. J.- Ratar Palot B ac* a Mtxad Pa
^ K. Kfaaaley. U (kaifo fa Atar u lalew a* aacb aatai u a
Harrlma Iptwr. Dec It. at MkyBpId
ball, fa cbkrae fa Tboa. Haw'
lixta. Pbbu. N. kitty.
Der II. la flraal town halL
! V, oww iwu bouM asacxlr
■ r. R. Walker. ~
.. <B*
_ wtib
Two Btrara. Orswn .la rbarce fa IL H. taoilaia -took IX nlKta. PalBita tb« oibar
H K (faaaoa fa Norbeeier. Hfak.wfB wltb (Vvor; boocki 12 BBlMM-ba*
aad WUl talk oa mix salkBx Ml.
faOPHa^MH^ta Uo^o^^ Mloi^^hie«B^
It bai ulna a anni anar ytmt* to
ta out tin bMi; aad It take* a M
^ ta faHSld U Uoa fa er^ bitae dal^tac. aw
to crlta
r«. aad frwR
IS. ana aa-----_______ _________
Tbe leeal
a bavlac (kaiae fa the faeetbua
.1. Aboat b rvai* aae ttar
w fain fa Ibe Oral «
becaa to aw alar.
AU lalBUn kaoi
. .._
_ _«U:
know lata
aaBton kaow
•OW had aad fal a
_______^fawii It fa tboB^ Itta
liar Btzta la
ta ii-li
ii—li iBpnnaa .......
IBlal: wvari toatar: dM afa
•wfclaa aa Hr. aad Hr*. HarUa.
fta Ue otak
I. OaatkM a
A rt«) pfaaaaal aarprtte nny wae
Ua wfawrTbr fane twploysd wIB be «
ct^ Mr. and Mrs. J. d Hortoa fa RniABMWn doat ka
Staroe Oeaier BaWrday tactat by aa ac'topM la* aad alar
m fata, w wtaL Asa fal de
evta baadffd fa Ibeir aetchhon ata
pau fa the e
fHiadi. w tbe ontakaa fa tM Sfar;
Kin. aobody *BM Mad wHbOut
tta PMfar* fa tbe wfab aad
tafalac fa ladaaas Hfadta wtU tta ztw. wta kaow* bta baatarw.
aware fa tbe tirrailna. hr the party
fa ^ wbta fa ^ fkrwwd
F. W. DBVCM a oa
be taM la tta
------- They .
« early aettlsts fa '. Otaat Tht Favota Afauaac fa ««MW



' leateU a few dayilw
tbelr ckiUraa U

Unkr Dv Al
I tnara ta ovar aMkI

Mred V, Triedricb
Stalltar of Oood SHota*

Okie SlMidanlok
-for purity, str^figth and color, is
Hannah ft Lay Co's ''BEST" flour,
manufacture from Michigan wheai'"
and every pound guaranteed :: ::

•i the Best

B uyjnj

ShoaU IwiihirB up whh a taah <
tbe wintef dan coau . . - . .

4«MX (iAUlF.STS made by Cmae & ftaa^egee. axe Bade wixb «ataxc ifaalden, eaddoae
«/f «lliiM«>U»>. Tbercfaih ta this b toy mpftyoa. Tbne aetanefa ibow kta e>uca.
WiMayoaceibeteeaminwrtBwfflaMieencTeeiBate. It docMil took padded. SMeNwaU
dtasUokaalfa^Kadel^taDiibofaUvev. TWac doaY Tbew bet riiaa fal wilM>aa. tad
fivee tbe Mi^edm m added brtadtb. lAkli add* to the sttnetivMH*. Tbe «cm S« >a Ae
Bwki^ TWtaaw. UM, via tbe catire guwMM. Tbe mme c«« b pta ia ~fal oveL~ B) ih*
way, wbfa alMta R-~tbai OVMOOU—dtah wmi aey leager; taheta atapuiig jaH wkat they am-.
.it M amaHy tfa fc*i aac MMaa—your luc aad Myk a hwe yet—il |p eoB* at «Ms. Ami the
' price** H-hy, fata W.W to; juM et you yleear . . . \ A...........................................

Have aaa
■a aH catot mdadi^ Hack tad wbke........................

m. K. Wtal« 9k |Oor«K
HtaO Mid ttafa fa ftan. 1V;BCM|Qad « ceer.
dwapar tbaa away taber fazad puta aad «dh

HmE M. I

' : .. ■
«raMAVKawK oiw. mh^«.



IB«8»AimgU.VM«t aHAIH TBlmsuT, HOTBinim ..
taw woak>- run witb bar BB ta ttar

Grand Traverse Region.

Ho^ «aau wae pkaaaaUr aM>
. .
- hr ahaat ------------ pea* ta white
aadabten aad BO. Oaa dar I saw aa adI hated hto dllr- Btartrlr Bitten aad
inhdar- Tha araateg waa neat (bat. Attar lablag
M aad onhaaum aad haad bb'^UarwJtar waa i»
9 plarlat oa
e Ji«ki ta the aaeoa. A _
daj •
BiM have
>• oreeaatad to Hr. gOMl hr Bar. baaa oared ta

ard hr 1
a fraa.
Un. IHu cf
««M M Hn Wb r>wk
Mtf VMv.


Mn. HmHkk Itahik hM


«r. A Aab. SB*.


mw i>n



h of artAT.


< t%tr

A eoBhar ad tha aW aoMlen'
Uapk CHr Batardar, H hatac Poat


0»r apaai Andar
■aeaania aaraau
Hra Uadanrood.


HeeMmlTB OIU aad U H

eral UeUUtr.-


Kimball Pianos

Thk I

Heads. Ikaggleta

rrltaa Oalr
• aad P H.

Have attained the height of perfection in Tone.
Style, Owality and Uurability. These instruments

Uohsrt Wheatoa. wha la im. dn>ra

_ ... - —

paal Wedaaadar la Trarataa

W WIIlkBi ta Knaoa
Ocwrae Ualle aad
at to Ibe B
towa lOOar.
(roa tbetr (tip to Ohio__________
a k IH rat
Hr.. fMl Wtaah- wae U Maple & h. Chrteilaa left Vadaeedar for Urea eto-pt a akior la OaUtarak.
‘lir Buadar, oaUlag oa her trttada {cateaga
Durlag rmwAl years Ur. Wbealia baa
Ur. Brow U gndiBlIr laUtn.
> The aaa
leted raieaaltoly ta the aaai asd
iUr. W-. B. Mieir Marta MdAT ftalThnmar ernlag.
It. ror aocBa ilB# be waa a laaberUaaUte.- whare he will atuSd the Topk fiw tha T. P. B.
Baa la a "
atlac a bbaII tartai
ae ago his cottage wa
r-e laei Prttar erealag wae a anc (ura K P. Dase.
iwA hr a fursM 8ra wlih ..
aa*. l^arr oaa had a pood iibt
The Brat ear ta potatoeapwaa alaau >i>eludlac bU hard •
tlAI ihDtn MAS waa takaa taehlpped tioB here over the T. d, U
I Hra
W Haaea ha> reiaiaad agala tol* «, |*,( Uoadar hr W H Bnala

(HatIm KUbr. OA* a
??^^0«a»fUftof. »a« hitflAj



4 AUlwa* u4 PM. 4MM7 Oeirpe OkoMai, wha ha» I
.... ut atM Arhar Imi Tumtaj «nb jwa^^jau^ daws watu.
io- XtMimi
Ih UarlUBUA abaa k
* Urt %niSrtma «M^«r trm
lUu k« pMMU. Hr. AM I
larfar tbaa
Tto XEimtn An uklAc Mtulac* wae boraad dowa
thU aoBBv. «
u( (ha IM wMthOT A»4 Acvhwr Pknr- HaAo fwt wtth noare troat.
The bnaara aniaad bfra bare 1
aura ^4 pom aaa awBr tU t

Jllways Please

M.|sa«:riK ®

And are used by the world's greatest masters as

bk work ta
Mr. pad

A tearck
well as* local musicians everywhere. Let us
Tenalaaied with aa ugly r
Tuple for prarar BaeUa< Nor. Ih- rg ta J. B. Otaar.
show you some of the new styles. Factory prices
C----- ■ PiaaUla Oroee, lU.
I: -Hartaf Palth 1a Hi
a a alabbors ukaa. ua
bald la th
and easy terms
rleldlai! I <h«4sra aad roBadka lor
saeadlAf A tvv dara wHh Hra.
four year
-Tbeo Hartitb's AraMa
aoa At KaraUBT.
I. It's lull as good for
PreaehlAg At ballaar aait 8
UlUa Vara DA«MaBL (to I
Bum. BeaMa. 8kla teupiloos aad
g aad wtfo ten Uoadar
OTaalag hr Bar. C. W. HlUar.
llaa UBlib
aad B- Hsa- niaa. tta. at Aas. a. Jobosop's aad
tm^OU teaghtar at Hr. aM
la ta TrATarae■ cttr
VB. DirWaBA 4M ■Alarter.
P. II 1
alth^Ua T________AA IKleashar. Bmt
Hie J Heteob ta I
aaasM u vtahad
rlalnn* Mta
1 I
■ua, tte tttui aa^Ur t Hr.
mi Hia. Warraa. <Uad Not. «u at Sa faalaf bar Irw hBosI.
1. a aoa.
kaal aprlag WUUab Lueher bought
W. PraoUee aad vtfa, «W> hara tUiitaC ralatlrei. aad frieedi for
_ ta Btuigaoe Bar. Wk.. a farB at Bao Claire, and ibk fall bk
^ of atabl raan aad alaa
- tha fall ta HAslataa. ara ra- fhw da>>
raa la Iowa Hoadar.
apple crop aloae eoM tor oaongb Is
ratiuaI ihia
Hre UarthA UOrd left Balordar for
1 29 Front St.
U A J MePhail kn Hoadar tar W^liMeltards of the iHirobase price
UtUa llraa, *ara aad
Hn. H. C Whaakiek k *r<
Trateie.i CUT. where ehe will reeld*
........ .. labao aaMaalr froB w la
' . the UUre.

AraU lA (hai haaatlfai hasa «haaa tar a (aw dara’ «UU wUh bar
I'ivttrviiiiiiii ■ sm4ll liiviruiiifiiK, Slii ci Music, rtr
ta the BOW UarHra 3. Ishwart aad daughtan
Hara oa tha
aa^I Aall Afar BAT tbi<r^|*
aagle llbiaiT bulldlag a._____ . .
Kaibrrh aad Aaaa were Ttarana
laU Batarday The saw huUdiag o
CU) vliiuoa Prtdar.
- HaBlagi aad wife « Trar'
to towa OB Tharadar. Coma ta Miiadrada a
J. Bbanar aad wUa ad
■BBdar with B. Thara.
lodge OaBPbaU
•U hold piabale rotiit
HIB Hatfla Bahufea ifaat 808807
da/s ta dlulaoM.
The finaari hare am
■r WudaALT.
artth rMbtaa at HMfcgan.
ihar, dor Baar are ihraoih
AlrlA Prt» weal
Obartaa Raaaa laA aa Hoadar
WedBiu.lar. returtili, ......................... aebiTmraraa atr whaa ha wUI he _
‘ilraTIl'ViRaatoalt —_________
Hie I. Ooaaat anirad here troB
«Bk la tha Oral Otofc BMorr.
Ohleago Thaadar avaelag for a abort OUeo orlaarr________
HBt Baakb WHM aad -‘-irr
All tfll r«M plalatr the Udse» are
aiar whh bar boabaad
HMNBrth H Bead atr ara ataWaf
hlacioa. Brarr ear U larBed.
A. ZimBtarBAB ta Loag Laha hagaa slek
bk work aa taaeber at Baal Laiaad Doae-e KMaey PUk eora «U Udaer
No.teacher like ex|>erienct:. We have had the eK|N!n.-iice; him- Ik.-:mi m tiu fgmiinro l)u»im-i.>
a Tiavar
TiavarM OHr
laai Hoadar.
I hk HBiir.
k proof ta Traratae Ou.
Utav UargArat Haaea rWied at
sequantl)- we know ju»l where and jiiet when to buy to kim thi- Iiom n-Milis
Kverv mamifaaiir.-r and'i.)hi--r in ibe
B. Daaateg of' 7IS Webatv
lapla (-Hr oa Balordar laat
Hra. A. 0. Palihaaha of Travarw
rWiad «Mh Hr. aad
1 Iniied States know* u>. and know that wt buy in lar«.- tiuamiti.-v .ni.l |uiy s,h,i cash; so if they have anything in
‘-Palaa.peraaa BT hate
PbUlt]' Brow ta PrOTaaoat apoet elreet. aari:
ittr k ta the .........................
aad hipa
--------- -------- ww wbaa
Baaital' wlU ratatlTea

is the reason we are alway* in shape
and bad
boe> Al I
_ Uoalar aad
•apUa wbara ha _________________ . _
Provaamal ware la u_______
10 give yon the lowesi prii-os and best values for ihe moiK-v
.\nd ihen. we carry ihe 1-dry.esi assortinem
tha Hahaa MiM BdO thk bmbw.
Hra IL Bag aad Htaa Otara Batet-an find just what yoii want ai jiisi what you want to pay for it
lar wvav' Travtaae CUT vtatum Wad- IS let It go an; koger. aad batag pn»
iiated IB bed la the wlatar of IMT I
pbraMau iraai Be I oixalaad
aad Hart Harata
L VAhAabW aad ABaA..,al
relM. hut waa aot wall, aa thk
htae ■ndar
It are aMHH trtmkf
Stovos l»ughi
------tinit Stuvos
Sssour TablSbargainsl
inMible niallsucd 10 butbar n
I 4.1 |M 1 i-ni Ir.s |l■•n iis;iilii |.ri<r.
1 aa^ lodooedI to
to uj
U) lk>as-s KI4b<
\ Urge line lu .eW' Itooi,
PUk I I tb»r holpad
_______ _
■|U- H IKT,
.. 4T1
mitm MB *> H WHaoadtA. Maa
y crowd tetor-luo wll plaaocd mtu ihr p*-ul..\bAi
tea^aat is bMb ihalr haBs Hr Baar dtaad*. who hui
IW VI NI S, .0(1.
.V liOAUiilul cvtcnsUHi Ubir.
>lr. jua
It do BM fanatiAir 10 treuBBtoad thk
boBM to eakhrata bar MU
MUi blithdAr.
>0 Bugan At I did
like rul, 44)11 (H^UAie, l.ei>t
ha. h-a •«. m ill repOTl a«eod Ubt.
I....U liir 1.^111 ailNtrsUlVHi
AAltM kx Prldar. Nak OartLaraar_______
Laraar BUI wa* a Trai
>iui. l«eulirul
l>rAckris lira')
«» aad M>B Will raa out ta raal tar
,~At the aaaaal BiatlAf «d (te Ob- BUer oa Salardar.
totnak batwrcB leg*. lUAking a
m'.nev I lie l.sli 1. ..1 heo\ 1 »be<-l »lc«<,
PbMer-Mllbure Oa.. Bufalo. N.
■adr Uadarlaaf
la Trstana tbetr tauacb
veiy iirong liglil uUe, <wonh
lullr lincl, UuhrAxt .a»i |o|-. (
...____ _________ wttb oaly oaa Y.. aok Ageate fw the Salted Blatea
Cttf Bataraar
RMicmbta tbr Bane -HQoaii'*»7.00), for oaly.................$4.7.1
oar la ordar la raate atawa.
On Brows Bad
I limga tiHcr, hcA«t ,'AU hiOA-e
.inn, iTir \enu. tiM i»ctlv ikui luie
aad Altda Nakua ta Good Harbor
Dickie loot mb. oili take a rhonk *1 in
s wort aa a woU tar callod u. trleade bare Ian Boadar.
ltal'< the eeenK ta happy, vigor,
long, or)ll keep lite «« hour^ « ivwclfnl
-ha Aotrta M
beaiei. Thi* a.ce gturAtaeed lu a
J. B. BHlaa__________________
7S ditlei It ByMof Dining Chairs
haweiu. the alaBaeh. lite liver aad
OoB Aaa Aiher. wbaia ha has .barge ta the Latbnaa ekarte ta Ibk kMaes'i etraag aad aellrn. Burdock
te with I
rABgiag u|>
I laktal ueaiBaai for staBaeh plaeu.
~ 1 BHian doec It .
ioha Harr, who ha* taaea vtrr
Hut here are 4 of the beat chair* evei (uierol, fu
Hlaa Bkk I
1“>»■»' -ii)......................s,v. .................»i.W
iMphtbarto reUerad la
orer $1.40 per del n
Hirl, ju« like Venn*, only ha* no »km baie or n.ckri fool «te. $4.74
ir*t3SEb I hater her Uih Hrthaa' BcleeUle OU. At aar div tiorv.
Thit tolia oak. high bate caae *eAt chair. A
hoaiy qii^* aaoB hack, H beautifully
The C'brerfal Air Tight a a Uige heavy
turote ipiodlte IB back making a very beauipowerfd beating dove, body i* made oT
ifiil (troog chair, (if bought regular would tell
heaty bniki tirel Itned with c**t iiott,te
Br. WaodV Norway Plu Syrup e
•aaa iha mb ad iba baaUai aaaaoa. apaat Hoadar ta
for $&60| our |wicr tally, for tl........ .. . $T.7t
M-ctioo»*o it williKM UckH taburw OB:
Hra W. S CaapbaU aad daagbtar (a Ibr Ten verge a
hat preiiy tkin hue. $ aickel foot taih,
.......... f
*m u»
_BMw^iote a trip la TrurarM OKj
n ckel Meet io|< band, hear) can irea
in ta aafartag raltaTad ta a
i»l> and from, nickel *aew draft, check
bteMedWraraa QvM
Bot. j. O. Daau wa oa lataraaUag
. VIM. -Ui ha UnV M. ihb vht. Htelag pike yield at obm ta
a tite IS ieath Maatiao kst tddrau at tba U.^ teafte Boadar
•Irafi ua pipe tolUr. vary large caM faad
uraUra propartka of Baaa'a OtatOTaatag oa Iba aa^^lte^l^
you can put in a chunk te wood
Narrr talk. At aar tewi aiata.
ilii88 jnehr*. iwrfcctly amigfai. viU kcea
fire te hoar*, will aaiv tha price te hate
Tha V P. S C. S hare aka
in W0O.1 for they wi*l born any old thias
fulkwlag atedpra- Preatdaat.
Oeorgo Waiarboyr. aged lb' ]___
OtuiaB; rite pwililat. Bdai
BalM^aletearT Urtag
Our price oaly................................. $«LlO
^aad (ABUT hare Bovad
d BapUk
A large
MB Iba ^
k aaa "------- AW 01 •MM aaa Hr. Blaatar ad O. U. Dataa MA Haadaj.___
of Rockers.
^PMdtag a few dara wkb hk (aatUr
____ I ba a auwe.
ta thk ptate.
(>rer 40n itytet lo
lata tha Bra. AB
lUtag hka aal. hat BU
HIM Rdyiba naat- aprat Buatei
hdeta from, from
ta Use «a Maa htai frote
total tatary.
Tnrorv* CBj.
90c up
Tha baad taga aad ibelr arlraa wan
II k reportad that «
Here are (hrec ipecat Iba haB# ta Hr. aad
hM aad Hka 0>a OaMaf Itet Hta s J. Onr aa PfUar anteag.
inca* of our bar*
galte. Ha Brad at
OaeMi wars ntlad B lMf9bwi jm Tte rrealM Wte aprai
~ ~ whaa Ua
HPdar ta Tnaaraa CBr. tefttatkaa
ad. BK aththi ta dyaataUe ware
aapto wm sarrad. a hl^
A good krm wed aiade, well linkheJ,
in 6 aues
--------------— --- ----- aad tha |—
Ute araateg wpa apeai hr all
high btek. nlid oak. COBBLER leaf,
atepaat a pkd l» rata tha dthaL
Sr. koPtedl apaat a taw dan «( Tba aaw BraltBayar roaa, white
Ann Rocke, lint like cut, wonh 8.60.
draw ihaaei giaie, laigr food
Uk week « - - •
halag ralaad ■
large aah pan door, mckd acrew drati.
.1 aft on aih (OB don aad on Iced ih».
nickel Base |il*lr. nickel
hr Ue lattata tha Bfta k raeal
band, beauliful ura, aiU bora either
N& 8-A beaatiful wel madf^ wte frakh
K W. HAatlAga tawe ta Iowa Wtewood or coal In buying ihe way I did
I aa aide to make price* ihai canuta
*Tibbi I r ad tM WB^.»

wISir*»o tha

it Al WB. O
A Al Taba.

ware alitesd delegatee tan Hoadar to
the aewielaUae heW al Hanleiee Nov
Mb ABd lAih

W. W. KimbairCo.

N. E. STRONG. Mngr.





^srjrsswsi- •


-PiBCf'.ri.'i®! ss:


.‘fc.asi.- -



'll 11

,’5; Sir?,






Hm. Orka B haoar At ffaaaat.


(rery Ikige sore, will bum anyihieg j
Then 1 have two other v.yltrs of oak stovo that are
no better stoves only inorr elaborately nickeled, v 1
«w'^ken» at theaame cut price* a* the other*..)
They are the most beautiful and elaborate nickeled
round stoce* on the market. They range lo price,
up from ....
................................................................. $S.7S


ttX «a^ UMHa Mate


Twteter*Tw’aaalbira”'aad eaaUrm

Eapaeiallr food for WNag hair.
I aha give Shaa^fwa.
Maaaga tad UiaioviAg.

ue eut


omS'' w

•Bedroom Suites
Oa BOdroom Saita. Odd Dnmen, iioa
Bed*. Wood BedA wt caa beal the
wtaU. WebaythcBtta t earioadi
The hM $1U BadrooH atiii oa Iha tadtect for .
The bM $$t fiete«Mi tehetm tita Mika lor .
The beat $0.10 Wood bed frw..
caorpiieaa% huge haa te Iraa Bed*.

steel range.
WE CAftKV a Urn and comidete Uneoflanpa.
nain gUks Umpa, from........................ .............. nc up
ColoretT;^** lamp* from.............................
-iCte up
Decorated glau lamp*, all •neaand st^es. bom.. 75c up
Nickle lamps. 100 candle power, from.............$1.75 up

...... ................
A'oooch omend with FLUSH aeBB« iar

• pMte,;o.oaOMtea

§£.^43 Saftn C. Beadle
W <04 Merrata SWaaMkakln.


...............-land No. t burners. ....
and stjdw of lamp chiisoej-*, from the cheap chimnws to the -‘Never Break malleable
IN-F.ACT. we have cvervfbiogyou want to furnish
your home and will save you a lot of
if mooey.

Reliable Home Furnisher

We can Save You a Lot of Money



Tnrcisc Herald

I inii w


w ow M |M’ ra»l •¥

■(Ira »»p«

IIUK aaran. who la n baOIM
wUIJlfcafr ha tba drat pm*
ra^U of Pdiuba
VaaUailoa. Nor. « -Ti
Slam b*a rauKDlud Iba ac


«n«d upon ai
Boratar i
r<- wlU ba n
. u«a and to i_-____
at PuuBa, who wiu be
.......................... ir> Iba rapabika cd (Jo-

Tar Tuip»M gad ChlMlBB.

ttJrldSr* ** *^ -•“ IT.4M.M0

The Kiad You Have
Always Bouehi

bti^lMM wbnta. Hif <W«MlTM. VidU^S.

■n Hw <k«t (k« (■fUtiec'S
hu MMlIr Irapu. J|«M UO

RomM ta<ra racMG u »
BmU •IU rarail* Id II
Jmu vUI bare a (m bud
|io*«n will •(«« Id for

WHb 8«Ml> trviiT pluitod Id Hm•

.......................... pmduDllr
•" la th« 1
bar "niwra !■««■■(»'
rmDv. Oersur

loawUi aroaed
« Bara UrrUorr.
aad rraaea vtll adraaea iba boraar el

inUafioB. Nor T.'-Tbe prwnidaat'
Ineuad bln anatial Thnnkn* '
aaailuB U the (ulkiwla< la
~S> tba Prwrideni rd (be Ualtad
Sutra cd Aiuerkw —A PrerlaBa.
ttOB.The aeafaw 1. at haM wbau ar.
wdlBK lu ihe-MMu of oar pnepta.
fall> upon tbe praeldaat to apfulat
dn> <•( prater aad ihaakncfTtaD tn

>nra- at
etilMan «

______ . PiMMicifAreifuV




“ nn^bUhiK
'-^BBlfhl'^-* with I
tetMa. an wall af all Ai
&a«lir. The utter
Utter bare
bara awuled
nu tba ABartc«a emlear
vbM ta U OnkB harbor,
u <f Iba ABcrMa ervleer
baa bad Iba aSart
mrUr at leant, a


: ban

UntMd ordara Hut
w> uiua eaa ba truinortad cut tba
raeraad. alUar fru Ootoa or Paa-


aabalttM bJa
taIBaiBaif- taMnl. It
ba aMial rata of aapaadl aUnat «d BaU uaita-

--r«“-rr»t2ir jssr

ig^-S.CS'lKB«ad that tba taUwi
luadUd dartac tba
-H pfaena of Ball bi
et n«>aUrad aatinr,


---------- aMThct diKrIbatlaa. Dwtai
Oa paar lhata wan tn aaaDalUaa to
bM nwa. U wWeb II eUrto a«l Mr
aahBT aughpaa vara kllUd. aad Tl
atMu emtarntr aad m aUgbUr teaetWJW

luM of

Iba clerk and nanarallp anmtlat
le botiae
Alban Raraa. (K PWd Rlrar. amr
.JenomUae. waa (Ufatad ta aeaMlni
hoc* IP bU back
Mn. Raoaa
wa* carTTttK a dlabpu full of tba
bolitac waiar to tba ram wbap bar
Uiila (in came ruaalnc up to bboi
Tbe Bolbar did not aetlea Ibe
aad Iba lltua eaa raa lain bar.
........................Tba whole eon.
leau Of Iba lUb ware oapltad opor
Uia babr'a haul. The UlUa otra dUd
durtas Iba slsbt In kiwdi asoap. na
Bother to Muirtp m
ferTT Puraball.
tba Itaabarda. wrat
lea batam Judia___________________
tba ptwhma court to pan* upon bta
atal ooadllkB and will ba Ukaa lo
— • Trararae CHp aapluB. Puraball
bellarad ba bad boaa diraelad to go
Into TOilrMeal lo train a* John tba
BaplM and bad brwa wandartac (or
earaml dip* In the awamp* near
AUaaoB wSb bta Ubk aad elad culp



BirtU. Mar. T-—Tba Oamaa (oreden
A FREE game baide
each package of

Twa Nm. I^Navi that tba
; DatLad Sintaa ha* miwgilBf the ra' pabBe Id Fbaaau ha* tavaMIr baptn»ad Ptub adMal cUelw. ■ Tba
«a*aanw tet aaw d«alw)r dMldad
' ta MM pan. prarUad Punanjaar-



5"uu fflp^KnuOnaJ*^ priJ


Tbe o-.!y tallotua cura Irr Couaumpilaa. Brt(ai a Diaaaae. Hbeunta- - CalanD, Cancer
and all ibronli
. . jrw it nrli
Youdnnk liIPYOg ARE SICKe.U. tr.r
j «f diaaaaa. and lb
j you.*brlOB(u,iberPm«
I‘ Year
Yaar albnaui map be
ba te
> rapidly ukir-g pou to lb* pav*.
11 you have bae:i Uktng *U sori
j p*i«i>l Ri*d;ct:ica i.itbeul benslil.
I II wiia l» coniii.iao tbun f
Why not la l*n ra youraab and id
, ihioae who dapc'-d upon you ? Why
} : M be Uir la Radns.'* Mi.iol>e Killer
I end mr: II a iiLal > All you vai.l ii
‘ btulih. You will (tl It turely and
. peelilvely If you drink * lililp ol lUa
r*-n«dy avery day .


Microbe Killer

Upurc vmir o.Sar(*d vi.h eiiiiaeplU:
**je*. 11 will kill lh« r-ulHon*. N
mi.'iotiet Inyeui hlix.d lhal ai« meki-ij you »i.-k. No metlM wl,«re lb*
»e*t ol your dl*e*:e ray he. II vlU
hunt down and daairoy every {«rm
that I* caiuliir th* IrouUe.
That is wh.l Radam'i Munbe
in bliD
He palled up taU boraaa to
areomwlme them, when one auddaolp f KUkrdoea—II rnakramckpoopk wail
(Taapod the tuam bp ibe btu nnd ^ all orar by maklny every drop ol
palled. -lUDda upr KricK bad aav- I blood lo tltalr vemt ha.liiiy. ;i lua
iw the iKAlom • cund many ihouvand* of po.'ple duti Inc bbapaal IS pern*, a^il eorh year
box and Innlaad of n
< lu auk* rapid.}'Iiistaaae.
drad for one of (be abc
lUiwtralad crcolat* cf truoroaco'pi"A hurKvl ( at Iha robber'* bai
uai axamlnallona ol the Uoo.1 and aU
Tba (rikiw wa
ra* hnucked Sal on t
(nlormailoi. fra* m CMouco olfloa af
road and Krl
whippinr DP
borwra. druPr u
iD-rib/er Dudaai'aUiot..b.. KUIar Cev,^
nr Iba aaart ->*ra" perpa.
KVwAaaf. ta» &. Caa.1 U..Ckka*°. «
oa. aara tbe Datroll
JAS. O. JOHNSON. Sol* A«*nt;
' UDkDOWD (Iraawap oo lh<
Travara* CHp. Hich.
. of hU Buker. citablaa orec
barrlDade of a aawlp uid eaauwt____
walk and plowlab tbe eoilra Ututh of Bnghtew, daukbler uf JaB*d Brtgta
It with hi. iBBenM iboa*. anUndp lOB. baa bunked dM I aahaii of con
lU* tall and ««0 I labM* Of
Bored froa II
f aU day*.
r. aurlod In dhre In SbP
Ui mill
lA'bi-D be bad o

For Over I U. & I. L THE CUD
Thirty Years


il chronic or a blm-d dinorder,
mlcrebea cauae ii. Rid yooneU
ol Ibeae (enna and the diaciae
(oraottbibcin. Tbiacxpliini«h>
a |u(lul ol HADA.M'S MICHOBi
KILLBR ia Dorib more in practi
cal renulia than a vhuk dni( more
(J.oihcT remediea.



60 different



................ .uat ItaahtrH
coal U (Mlag aa aaieuccdaot

tba'SaiS^\ ralley

Oparaton ara

------------------ ----------------------- ■ of a trivtal
faBlIP duarral Joba Uak. a valblCHlo
tamae. wcei tau^ a Self aaated
Ul tbe fume A aeai._.
ered up hi* raaatas to__________
At Mg RepMa aa autopay oa the
body ef Ohrt* CtaaaoB. Ibe Farrt* laalllele atadeai who wu* fouad deed ta
bed. raraaka! tbe feet that bla talaraai ewgasa were all eat cf ahape.
bla bean btaug tacatad near bU neck
IM belag Sat la ibapa ,
There ta a puoag lady faatdtag
•and lAbe. LenaWaa ceoatp. who la a
buetlaa a»4 a haakar
Ula* Bala


KIDNEY «Backache
pant* I bad rarkarbr. aerrtc pal*
_____ kMarpaarU araidlar utlae. i ciaib.
BMCMuarn^id nlibnut h.te TL.-uueid
Ik. r*aM*'aKMneyand hvVa '
•undaw. O.WAOUNER Kr...


Train froa Pr,rua»a*i amraaal?:t| a w
^la lot LWdar tatp laarar a* -**.«>. *m

dSfwtanildan tawrtlidtarahl

I »n»


Pme Marquette




Ovcr*Work Weakens
Your Kidney^__________



1^ fRjf hiaedtb^f0ara aa • i*“™ imSTi
r ..
Itnprai-umeni on tb* pare Hawaiian "
A oa* euUBiarfelt $S nllver COTtlS-'
H'lbtparetlck or am
rate, the ezarntloo of which U ao
aa to decmtva tba ordtaarp baad
lertcf wone), ha* baas uaoutiead by
ibd aecrei nervioe baraau. It U an ‘la
BDCacMhoBaala bead- not* W tbe aerte* of IIW.
of one addin tb*
W Ijrona. raglnter: BUU H Jtobd.dMl0B*cleei*d


West aod Northwest

ta Iba coBBtatfall la tb* blotchy: ^Itacy Iraubk eauata tulok or unaMadr
.„ ._raiioe of tba lodtaa head. Tba: baart beau, ud gmkat od* leal nt ibe^
paper It at good qualttp. wtib red ink ' ibep hnd kann treebk. beeauM tbe kea.i u
ttne* 111 IBIUK' Iba allk Star of tba; ever-worUag la pompBg tblsk. kkjntp-laulaeDute.
; pmwoad Hoad tbrci^ vum nad nnorlra.
At FraDkloft. led. diaptaped lo tba; It uaad lo b* eoasiarad that only urtaarp
. all
— the aahmu'u
^ a Ull 1 «»«“?*•»« ta traced “
ta “*•
tb* kidnapv
_____ ___________________
cm acenunt (g ra j
•anrtaaa'nl the Fliwl CbrUtiu
b. bolwfwo tba boo:
- . _____
rank* os m
i ud batwaas the boon
dnelDctng pav kidptp* Tba tnIM
Special rvHgloiu aerrlee*
. aairaordlaaty Act af Dr. Kilmar't
dueled la the taiaraal of
buttafw* public. Seraun by the pa* ■ f ,'.".7.,
lh*bi(bu J9f ta
uw. Ibe Key. Mr Kuhn."
Mwh axeltaBut ha. iraen rauaad
aaoBg Iba rraldanu uf Baal Orange.'
laraMoa ttn




Hobert C.


nwt. t.*^Bn
uba MM a B*aUa« at tba BoM Bp-



^ Iba raatUUf f PnuBA TbadUpaia^ aMa tba
............ ...


•th Up ol January. A. O tSM,

v-m be euBlned aa to bla taali)
Tbo vulcnnu uf Mnlaapinn. In tbe
Cbav. Hail of near Alp<-Da l.iuucbi
ta a SM pOBna baaLT that b* bad killed |■blllpt•loe laland*. U in a mate of vli>
wtih bird atax Hall wnihuellncemBa lout enspikso. Hnlinpina U the kdilatl
rv Way■» andOrand Saw
tuunli of Ibe eealnl nouaialn chain TralmarrlremB
of Che lalnDd Of Nagitm. being S.Itt
f-el high
li baa never Wn enflraly
duaii a
ail.rauraenwU irata u
aiipiinj u-htna.
ilna. i.lawM bk gun right
I' LXocrirwui.o rar.A
bO) mnkera la Ibe aervloe
aad final, ibo ta-ar droppedtl'^
: g miSRA^Aa-r^^^
aateru l akin Telegraph Oa
iioaion arv lo u- retained. Il la
ilmoJ Ibar they give heller taliafatv
---------- oraw w ra prara
•D iban bova
rlns I
Jaae* A. I'lidham. a allgbtly built
ibai ... _ .... ...
■• •
- froa a
njymorluua dlaoaae. wbleb
Fridav.Janun SSwa. 1S04.
lu rairjltu: llu-ni ug t.y ihc mw. The
teii-rtnarlaa ba> lavrallgated
It auielda. Tueaday .
III baa inreatleaUsl the trying
Ttwluu kwTf Trwrera*
JohL ... ..________________
iiuaLle lo atate whai ia
Ihe lr..ul.le. Some aiv lurllued to (Ilaa. wbu baa berai.adaUted
bltaie 'he fhlragn murk yarda. clata). lar In Oklabiuna. will ba
aeaaliin of tbe
I Ibe alioep are Dul properly ■.puakera at ihc
oklabama Bar a
' Imar U
In-lore Ibe) leave tbe yard*.
i^ffalkatawad (VuUwl takr.
TaUa. ■.
•Iinleal and
e iIlL.-I. lu l
boBHupathlr d
n Ml Ibe I
Kolali.l t
, nf I U-en iroubliog I
n(ITbl* aaouBl r- 1 reralvad tb* other
radium whirh
buallDs illai^
Blavaot Is the
e cuualry «< prucure
cmr aluC
ToB Hurra), who baa fam died ai
omaba Nab:, kept bla prirai* cotta
la bla reatdaace for «0 pean. aad:
(tanaral Nawa
Cbarles n. Key*, pre-ideai of when burled on Thurndap. It waa '
<he ruaaa-oud cotta which be t
New Mexln. SeboH id Ulna*.
diacorar} of radium uwDod for two acore pc
tsut I tl bla lortune
la the imcl died i tBoai a paoper. but be kept
which ha had bought wbae
orp ol Ibe Mttoal have abown 'be eottn wl
> a good par erai et the valiiwa* rteb
able and rare BlnerwL
lum to the 4B0UI of Sfep-Sra par real,
alto carriea ibe rare elemenu actla- 1. II Lane Itallbeanw Albert Goldmao. Juattea uf tbe peace and g
iDeai meBber la Odd FellowaUl
aiding ai Haanlsg. nu faU oC
porch aod brake hU aaek. He k.
■laved to have ■ulered an aUaA of
opt ta bit aauual report th* th
b««rt tatlura.
ruUrj- of the tatartar. “The Ann
and Bufopean ehUdran In tbe tc____ _
DM iDcludlBg Fartagnoae and ttagio
Rkmut. DUBbar I,MS. an Inoiwc
we of.
while I

When you nee4 a LINIflENT get a GOOD one.


an I ■

Suale-wawaMwat Hai
and <Ah
U <bv bl«be*l Use Umoua or* Lor. ba* begun auU
gw MlTwawbaa aad U. w
tevaalve load- Iksmcin lo ralabllsb an aitoniep'* li
■asRKs' .UV
I I.. bli down fur IM.Wbi (or aenicM rvDdared i
(.w SSS.fwn f.
la pr«-» Ingeraoll aa couaaal fur tbe ooi
part of Data in the eelelwntad con leal of the
t'lliiiuii muDly.
will cd Andrew J ItavU. Ihe HciBUan
copiier king.
USD) thiUlMlUdi of doUara
Rdawrd Polluii. a metuber uf
Ml nf ib.i IIIi( plite tree* 1 u UlcLiKaa.'t Oel B. K*A
<-ut yean nai ,
John nre dapattaaDi in Oraao Ray. WH.
Moran. «bu I. lumlterlng lu Uaraca wBu arreeied uo a bbarge ut a
cuun >. r.-puria ruiiUic a pine tree l-DUun. It la charted. Bndo two ua(rvDi wbteb wa* taken iweaiy-iwo Jceraaful nu«Bpu to ftra Frud Bowio€,, reuiDc il lawtb troB iwelv* lo
aUiaco feat.
rer ffve
Tur Uwttua. Iky. (imra* aad Nerakixwi. I

ofii^ddUad tlia aiau dapwt■aat ibU BaraUi Md PnrtoMo Ma-

ta^_ Maib






aad vboa Saifcaeai bad taU« he kid
Baa Batoe. a youag Baa wbu fur
the Burap la tke bap ta Ut bsis Ml Bitty raaldM at Boyaa Fait
aod veat to bad. t:n aaxt Tislai beta *eai<
wbUu tacdlas bta bcawa* ba balbosght la tba Wi
... ................................... 1. aad eUUbm
Barrtad ...
to Hlaa Oraca Uartaa. a cbamlng
youag yMBM
Tnya*> Full*. H
brtgbl puang ------and*lw!i*p'w'ra raJ Ibe slaie phar-


A. UUAlkta.
Indav u( Prahaw




tba Iiliiaui a( a unIdM aod diafila« a eaiBl traatr «1ib- tba tiatind

*^£17 b

jol«;^|ll^enHbjE»*i*n«*te tnitaithlsk

fna ad atem. a

WathinS5u‘'lM.'^Stord ban
ban lanRid ttaai Phanau u> iha «f•M that tba raaiHatUaaip aoearammt baa tend a nu Ur a anaUItu
lUaal aearaatlaa. ta Barf aa Undiy,


OBe* la Utulltj af Tnvmr niy. aad Unw

lU* pear. Proopacu for____________
* out of tl
llKht. aod It ba* bean pradlctad bp tba
D I* cHilei
a phpilclAD baa
Hi of the rasua
where tbe dear
tboad that tb*
• rmllroad cap of Buhuman Ud* pear
hare to lalp oa
a of Ibe Lake
Itai the deer
dear in runwap* lalhrr glaaer W. A. Stupben*
the eoda eg tba
D -------------bp trust ■-buMtac.
lusaaal bain. when, near ISaBDadat*.
Serani taadtac elllwat to lb* Sod
______ ___________ what in tbe dlataara
ara ptaBDtai to erect a lIMM tbatooM Uba a rad flag, be fouad aa '
ater. aad wap tbap will auka It tbe
irata awnackad. tbe (am of aa
Sacai ta MleblKDa uuuld* of Datroll.
Atauu the outoMe bvalara who *tgbt-pav«U aebml gtrl with brnb
(act taat ta a cattle gitard. aapa
— -------------------------- tbU Itatrull Ttiboae. By tbe appllrallc
the eBeigeacy brakra -tbe irata
Carter H. Harrtaon of'oiMipk**^
mopped wltblB two rodi of tba child
ha* tried hU hand at baaltaK la tUa
rare preaeiMw of■ ailad
1 bed
aecoioB baftwr and baa net with ho
rmoTfNl bar red "Taa 0-8baaWr>
nctu mueaaa. Harrlaoa baa wrdtaa
____ .
bark aad t«tb l
g It
.. _ NecauDM frtohd. Joaepta Wlatcr.
altraa altaattoa- Tbe Laaatag .
aaktas bln to proeora a lleaii** for
... HMtatoa Iba ooraerauu
Tba eagla
bla aad fUltiu that ha la aaiwlp
aaw GbraDKla lihrarp waa i
oaataf K he “eiD Id awaj- fnwi tb*
saadar vttboni e
botb.3*wbcae tiM
raeasuela vaa pUead U tba atoaa, ■ la tb* caul* guard, and
ud Obtaean ^lldi
etBUtatac a lim m tba eoutp oBA ranter rMldlna
u ________ ___
lo dUtruU Dll baaktas twUta‘hv
paitaaat nil**, police boam rasnUHnau. aaBCB of castmetorv eepM of drav all bl* auuep. aBoamtaK^^oaniy. crying,
Uu taasi papara tbe pubUe aebael TITJf. fnai tb* Mak vbar* be had
■ Poat let that iblag bun luefT- CblnaaeD. The oflaprlag of
uaauai. a con of Iba «Hp dtraetarr hafit II
Ha took H boB* wiu U
______ —Jtag aagtae
elnnaea ol marrlagca, at a rule,

aad a oopp m iba amt CKp aouT^
adtUcB of tba ItaUp Near* DDd a ^
HaruMfia tbaa table
bar baabaiid *taM bar
talbotaoe wllb a hot pu. a
voa dtrorea. Snob a vaato
r pia abomd ba aararaip s*mt vttb.
PMiai bMtaaaa iBagiii U ariad-to
At Bopaa Pbiu. BlU muk DONU
barg. asad M paaiw. SUd. UartaK aa
Tba fntm of daUrartw uU lain
lha »«w atew tba Han cf atar

BlIaaUuSlA___________ ^

Sraraad. and all utW mmn. laWraWad bi.



Btnte f^nm.
Oearsr Aplin of TUn<.
B«abet tif (Vi. 1, Tnoih Ulrblaao.
ibal bi- Deter racelrad bln
ii> durlDB the eltU war. i
DAkNl ihe iKianl of napn
lu par It. A ruBUlitac ban
that Ibp rrairdi do not ibuw t
*ol.lbi- DM«ta). and an nri
III be drawn,
ter belni cruTnl Id
1' Irou
■ - wiwh,
-i, D
I Ul. I
nDoer. look bar I
una n. wan
barb to
a bdit
M. and
nnd Vkn
Durt la tbe slreu lime
AI Nika. Oeone M Uullrar. pite
prkaor of Iba Pike Hoaae. aad oaa of
tbe eddeat aad boat knowB botal BOD
Id tba mala, ban iMirame Tkdaallr la.
aane. Ha eraalad a acwaa la tba el-



It beboeira u> dm oalr to
raJom- (mil) breauna of what Mn
baan (lien on. tiat to aceept U wlib a
•oluD neant of raapoaalblllir. raalfroBi aaeatla. Uartaa
»ia« Chat tuder HnTaa It ranu with
rraacb taa^Ohiaa.
utb* old Tbe two wu-:
Jaakiaar araoaa tb* crabUm pow- u. ouraalm. to ihov tbal wa ara Kter'VUtbnoU
BOD were eztremelr
tremelr |k,pular aad the!
an aaaaw aow le ba (bo ofUr Ula« wtnb) to une arlKhi what hnn'iBui
Bourai their -uaUaalri
•ainintad to oar eara
lhal eaa araraat.tba araalaal tmoaA doable fuaeral
so olbar pUea. aad at au oebar denrb
tarBiac of tba plcbir CUana rnplra
Imai ibr Melbodinl rburcb
A uAi
culurod peupla'
araai of tba paopia. hr (ha peopla.
Om paopb-. Im-u (Had oo ao rail a with a ml
•i« Pin at Tarah Laka
bt«un hualneM
bare Id enir owa eoutrr Id
Torcb Ufca. yirb. Nm. «.-Tba
. ilDI >rar« (d lb<- (waaUaib
IL aaw Bill. blaafcaBltb ataoa
IMorllJe. K).. while la an eluc i
*■ CaBanm L«tW Oo
dInrunakB. Wb. MMdhrtiB. aaod |
I drwtrul iblDc for ui. bui a drwdful
Kuuotaid H. Hani) wHb tba !
auwyad b; tra la« alcbt. aatalllai a aiBK for all naahtbd. barao»' u
a Kuu. rruahli
<an hiM of hope lor all abo
uaal loaa, arhleb vUl ba abewt
D Iba power and the rlcbt- Hani]
vUb bMaraara ctf tl.aea. all «« whleh
- kanw that In nil
of Ubanr^ •
la la Iba acamrr of ioba R. Baato nf
Ood fw Ibr^i
itand'• prolBWr
Trararaa Oil/.
u. ID tba
ba MDi.
liaDl. *.
* baaeacb Mia ]'••«■• UblaapoiBfuI ^ Iba
Tba tfa imegkl la Iba ablnsia BlU.
auptbaa la ihel>';«"»<
“<l «f •‘>l» world'a
aad bad a UK umrt faUura ii >aa dla- ■ bat Hr our wu wlibbold tbaa
ourU of une
fDiara. sod Uial uur baarta Bar ba »» ‘
Tbara an dp bra Bfl
iin and tba raliH- of thin U probnbir
'nuead In bold alaadfaetlr for aaod
laallluaa bart acoaiK a pup Id
Aaotber inlerrailB( Ihiaa i'a I
and acalaet all the furean of arti. pub­
bUI. boi Da aaliber Bill vaa rus
lic and prlTDIa. Wa pray for atraiiph.
rofld'a fupplr o
and H<ht. Bo (bal Id the <
d the ran
wr Bar wllb ealaaeaa.
TbU Bata:
ir allatlad work on
... ^
tbla aarth la aurh a maobar to ahow (um ccmaiantlr flrra oS a ra>
that «a an- aol alioteUar uaworlbr lUbl mhkb roaemblda tba Xra) aad
baa an nen Bure aaeoeatfal uae
of. Iba
blraalDKd wr bare racelred.
and Inpiu.
*Nov. Iberafora. I.
rail. mwldaW
I’nlied Sintra.
im not
ipi Kwe lu roluBar .
John stankar. wblk> eleartac land
a half mile aouibanal of Went Brnacb.
iwaatr-Unb dar of Narub^and <
dlacoveeed io n half Uiraad pine
rwooBBtad tbal ttaroacboai tba lai
mump twMiir copper and ailTar torpaopla eaaaa rron tbeir wosled o«et(B colon of anetanl IIbmo Utile of
the iHtiariBB and date* could be dml>t«aBa, Not. (.-Tba aluultoa oa
it s law ware 100 paara
(»• letbBbe (bU DKVDlaa la Boaa aarlHow the) aame to ba u
MD- Oaural Toru. In ouBabd of
a pine mump b a urMerr wkleb
IhD OotoBblae iraopa ei Oohw, '
nid be Mulrnd
Nnd to Mlpw Iba wsaapla

a fnn Oaba a
laiiareHr Aon »

Beats the.

Mustang Liniment

Has earned the title of



“Pioneer of Liniments’*


gnickcr^ttMi an^ eUMr "

ora ta HAN ra BEAST. ^

Tarara *( Otaotat Cwrt tSOd-tSOS.
tata^W miHil, Caras
Ofrad Tta.
ttadB aad Ig vttta* *f Ik* y
i«*e. A CbDB tt. <f ^ aaatad raa









Ut apfroraJ «• ib« ■

r (ko

d will lum

ik«i liw cook tec* cu


(h ta a pay yaaag gtal Sha >w
siralnod baradf taally. aM as
ar your day's
wml4 hatr bam tha worm «
1s dam-.
vUl *u Maay Mama wbarw you
iWBltaarr. poaa ta tha leader sad cot M«a (acad tUu aM sirwactk. AM
faaaod bar MaH TM Madar wu
raaulva la fistara ta ba mltaHM with
\t. lb« SMMiMr »Ik> thrvtisk ii
with BO iMtaa of buMor. sa “wall- dotuf.
c< carir iralalM b«rw<J l>r r
Wbaa M
faHurv-. and <«lr (bmi«h •
liMirr pISB 1* ta M tt CO. aM foaiat
sH suai II SI mm as poaalbla.
l.wMl dtaaara. TMtr appatltafa»h nre Ibai fe
'rtili aSUra rafars soMy (o
'an amstatad Mhlaly 'of aa
«urlrl0 are tabded -hraaks.*' t
aalad. .ptotd trulta. oyslan. aapaiw
nea hss dor. sa lafaaltra. by bmIlUd a^ta la alaacar Thau, har■r. <M imri^. tba oaly rlcht tac xirrad up iba Juleaa of lU
I.. Iba poUl at
.■spUosifcJti aad ratradlue. The ruv1 to a iwallxailoa by
ttarll and toMpar ara arrrr
•■r Mh-prtacipaiiy aiuUat. which
bo I'dmatM. aad are slatwjy (o ba
n-sardad u tba.'.cdaBDtabet- cf
|iri«<-l. II <iaa dlMvrara tbam u de- Bsba*. MTTed wtik a pacta pre
lari. <e ebarmiar. Tba amaltar. natba Saab M Iba eea bedcahoc r»
Who atriTM, vha a
iBfauikutsI Mtalakaa which 111 oaa
pulp, with Ml. |Mp|>ar..Qi
ta. sBit aiuurd: vbIM. wbaa tha
PM- OM ta aU aad raa «Uh Ilia
• dTtmac oWtrlOB-Obrtoiparor wai sanad with prtcaMw
> ttta-:
(lsi> ll.nid
ar. lha dtab .wu bsl fatally
Kooir Ihia aM raa hara gained lha
lad with sail, pappar aM ML aM
•Ml cf Ula
urrad wBh rhIrkaD llraas garaM
Take yoa thk^Uamlaa ihai Is bMrraAfiar dub aad tassa. pork-'tta
AM ba MBiaat.



OM Cat .
~Oore m a ObsI' (ban auiy aims!
UitM girl OMhLoeks- itolty drega:
Bdlih'i kook 1* shut' U a ivlakllw:
Teddy* hhme** tails step ttakUw:
AM Natal - DOU kuo. Iba •



Tbpt grasiboppar. lire ta her slipper
Hta bup* ami skip* m)—ta her idd<
Crowd. Wllh tta .uher. waato-eyed:
Ftr Hmis.- fnw s>w>U srarrr t-n-f fsl
I- lb- Pr>i <d s IsJrj tat.-

■r mil* up a* iht-y lay
'■••1. In a dnwdrul »sy.

read Id iba f<

Tha llamaval at tUlM.
■nw. sad Iba hubaad's
The rblUn-ti Isngta. sb.I Ihclr cy-*
rd of froli* la
Uid bin au busily aacaca
Tfc.-rr U' aothlap
dCHi< enpa beios a
atlBf ta the apaa uf the tirad heasa- ooullw'ol poMlbly dad tlata 10 heap wUb lha appla
Sparkle wlib kaea. csp-ctasl llgbl i
ihtau la appta-pta order.
wire thaa aastahiir Halnl
Unpla* play -hide aad go dad u"
hold antetap. partieatarlr tahta llaaa.
■ I diaaovarwd ny hostrosy rbeek aM each rosy ahin.
LM Haby t
o*. d larlhc a l««k ie tba wash bollHaeb aaMISM aspaaaa
r thi* Is unly a crumb at Icait
Uata ara caaaad br (he asr at eaatir
psiaats oaly kuas iba ralua
sbat they aiuk b lu ta a (m*l.
-Wbora did you taara that sort of tba iitiia oaa of balac taft aUma they
etaaatac flalds, t
d 'lh. > uearce have ibv grace i
L*t M* M hart, h; My ■•Utah i
workr' I uhad. la asioaUhaaal
t not alvsys ba trriac k
wall. -II. plalB.
Or ttowhttaw vord. tb« bMrt «f
la aad affaetlre. The folloadf laochl.' sba autrsrod e
be ruBBlDC HUM ways. Cnlilrata TUI tta story shall gu .« again
: IV -ure sli O.SS* dbtta**- Ostarrh b
OrmW}. NIrli.. Orf. A. fPW.
fo* or frtaBdi
Iba babll of Marliui tba Mby
.-lUrrh wli-r-ver loealad. wbMber It to
Or. S. & Hmrtmma. Calmrnhmt. Ohte.Nv VMM I PM*. aaMMw. «
lluU. aapeclally tha blchatnttc They salt a ailnulp. vPh breath ha
rSirw~‘*rhereMWgfr(w’hasiscWfha I'mims uasi tttrrimtfimmlor* ; in ih-hrul. throsl,laBgs,slcmBeh, kM. drawn,
fRMD oMtoa ar llaaa foodi Put
too* baby. If avary soibar
a. mmdlmnmlrmk».^^ho rasaNof thrr
' npy
felt icorgaas. A rsmady that
» vhM I BbMM d» pauad or trashlBp aods IdIo aa agaia
} rary. StafMoMgrsafrrlir/. aadaftar rurTtarwsaofrtaamdfcfscsaiMipe
uudarslBod tha aaMUBi of work dooa nuKigt auaiy. slih wise •-y-abss
> im ta ahte M sgr she Is eaflrr^ cwrrW.' ’
kalllA add oaa quart of boIUai
dS) b) baby's bralo sba would
} TWsToutyr girlws»una.-rlli--*r-n(tl.rSi.ti ri--f
r b* Mr rnddr lar. boll rren taa to dflaoi mlaa
-iTWrilea davelopa tba kasirk Dur- qoMhIy su lha reasoa for this MaMa Only sn.lle* a) th- mg-r rr<
< f-r csMrrbM tKe throsi. wllh>nli. *. lh-.!-.n- lc<l-r tfit'C,-..
Thaa allr la oaodoarlh of a pooad
I 'lui Ar>l ymr ul boosakoaplac I
lha hsbv U abla I.. toddle sad Iie- "Tall uv the iTstT" they cr»
With a slancp half grate, b
IS I. lu-b s r-mMv.
IM mo (tr* MWMblw lhax fkoaU rhtarMa at llasa. bataUas op
.(uotUcc r-ooB>B-nd
«rs> luTlurlly ulnatahod at th^* sbi
10 isik. area crmtar aaie Is aaedtddil---*si.tutloB la OB* or I
•M Mr fctad.
luBta* vlih a atleh. a« a apooa. Wi
b) ■•tar-o* which eouM appatir Id
*d nil lha pan of tba pareuta
iliSM. I «ua>i.l-r i>iyi-ir
wrlitaa by the Sbler Hogerlo
A v«rJ M omnw. «r • thoai
eoU. put iau ctaaa lioUlos. vhaa I
lioiua. aad at Iba aeddaBU frIauAs in restai Iba leMptatloa of •The HW1T" >h<- csyi: -why
-iintl. >.i Inr s while I Inlrtid In-onfullovBi
raMr for om>. This Is • blMchlac wbkb uouJd bappan Joba had ao sfaowiBs up lU arqulramaou. A
Ilnur til* u«*nf IVruBS.
—tTsrw Italy I
broppM M I pMt far
data for BablamthM tetotaa. as wall lolsoa fur Maklac repairs, buldos.
hsva Innnd Penms s Bever^sltynor rblld aad value It tamltb
“1 sui ti-w tresDng i H in-I PS'*^M mg **l-swnnl.
b«aru lo dad.
Tb-y realln* Ibsl w bea
as for coitaa c
ha irna'i know bow. «ral. It wu the
>. bauds off.
s;n-e Ihea w* have o*r«l It w ith w.«nl-r wllli j-.-iir iii*dl-ln-. t»l I
Suvamtar s. It
Ut MS iMtghi tooh Mrk ■
...^..|sdi-. -l.e(
mri'Biir in Bead a brokao cs
fill rpMiUs lor grip,eooslis.coldi sud -s with ■MsI.risamI truuU-d with ,,J‘
Aust I’aity ran la Indsy lu sa;
. I>TW|ep.te
ifep-ts sM l-Bsl*
fitto eaptal •ad to |iat ap a fa* shalvwa. ‘
hsda'i linn- in sriia u the Mtiu
•nn,hl*red h;
Twtat dsn mM dark, aad tu mt
-----------------------_ of hot wa'For grip sad wlatar cstsrrli cepreUI- Ie >|>te<llly rffertc^,'
Tble recipe tossee fruai oee o
ils.'.l (bis weak, u she bu bM Iv It bu bsea M graat servlre to tta InMOTIIKS HrPKRIon. .' ele l>rsierrb nf llie etoms-h sad feeaela
iMMana tbs lalirte tor a few
Best luaebaoa piseae 'in Chl
.periM company. Wa are sewry. mstm of Ibb....................
ftasAMs cT ammo pond aM la'baMl
Mtaaiaa' aM thaa rlasa ta sararal
C.vths ciastar
Beat thru acts carefully aad wall. but It will ta good saoti- Mhar (law.
vatan. aslat snap to daaCrar lha
wladov I watched
III- Rui-re are fsll.r svmiv.->u>.
Aoywat va have a she liu of llttM
MiT nua rup nf auesp- aad bml
wortd ta bMiar that I llrad t»|
iparhu says;
tiT ri-rwus le tb-lr rvioedy tn Urth
Rot If tha MAIartal Is taft toe
rkaaly: ibay aaoB
vbllur,. this weak. *n •<> ar- not a*
ouchl): ibau beat ta four smali
>-rr —aim.m eM saBoylng du- .
“l*csB*Me1itlfy from exp-Hruce lotbe
kiM la a siroac polutlea it will
Booey mslly. aad U for
um- a* sa might be. .\l— tittle
BB iBODlydlra dollare ware coae la
MtKTS ibry are, too,' every us
before addli
,sud ft give* mr|>lmiwiroaa year last for remin Here aM tborombly
. •• you will now pnic—d lu see.'
staiaa ara i
oft my bouaabold aUowaam I suds. ueaAuUt teupODo aaeh . of
r-Nttr-'wrll-sttMetolb. nsrtmsB.glvti
irr pnin.l nf our boyi who work
ur<Hl anoach aiooey to tt up a tlay
r-rycumuy id IheelvUlirtlw, 1 full etslrau-ai of ymr to*-, sod h
'Vtor yssr* I suBsted with ralsrrh-f
oratad autMOC. luUy
daitaa raasWaK,
siatehd portloM arar a bowl aM po vorl.sbc.|<. ni abow It to you. It ta eanueb to roll: make ai alcU and sat
•icr.tifflhsrliT sr- fca»wii. N-(, lwplrs«i<l give yap ble vslnabM at*
US many potatoes ibay haya (j«sioiB*ch.allTBaMdimr-------..tb-v asluUl-r to Itaeplrttaal end t W prsln.
■trMM tath a
bolUac waiar orar thaa froai aaeh
hi idtel ooraar la tba aUk ”
cold ptaoa. brtaclBi out ta lha pickiX up Ihls (all. and shat oibar Itwiforr-llef. Ust^Mw
,1 Artdr-.. l»r. liar
Ha mm»r suad la
halphi U ctra II fwea. Por rhcionlata
Ii wu tba
wsraib Srsl thiM la the Mta
I tha rewadr Is bonsa aad eoW W'hsi «si BM tbara la tba abapa of and Ml It ataad tor two hoars, until work they have dun-7 lit ui
wbn ho doB- lha mo.1y IvIhrirtulUTn-eds. Th*yarvs/*killtyl Ohio.
ml me to try remaa. ,
water. Wrtahla wUh boras aad aotk tool* 1 caaaM MuMoraia. Oa tM llcht; add only aaoueb Sour Usi
■M watar, aftar which tnat as
huBC a mw. plaaa.
sod fry IB lha usnat Ban
Ct-dsr KuB. November 3. II
for iM aM eefaa aialas Par Trail chlri-i. sil of a mipaaidr-s
ird and hulion aud they are Blew.
thiuwn lato lb
il I dark
sar Urs. Batra—As I am un
statu tha raoMr ta borax sad cold oaly iIm- tools were llcht
WelL ny l-ilar U-getllnE long so ktplng fur sll
ir a4 MN
-DBatfa bore (blag* cbofifally. Tsm'^
to M-bonl and have mora Ui
rrtllon td the
rap of tarelta Hold ta two gallou of
1. aM half a
l galloped I coulda'i -(loor- Keaaeih. papa
wriK- you a few Itaca I an
l»rom your flunsbtn- girl.
(nr three mlk
r. iMhuraa aUla: aoak a short patiitar’a
tbtat hap si'iinc oa the bod aM (eUlag Mnria«-*
aad htqw you aiv tta usae. I
Age It
Ague# Raid,
llMC sad rtaaa wall ta eararai wa
I a Imihar aifap. Oa a low
lw«-.l Mr. nrttwn U*
la the dark My . how thou
WIM atalBi aboaU ba nmnd
load a |1aa put. raralihas,
btirx-; fa- kiood rigbt
in (hr mid b-lpod tmt!
r^ Mr*. Itel-e—1 hlfri; not wril- dh- nf s hill Th- rt-sl of Ihp w
wlib aall as aeee si Mads, ibaa traal- paliiti. aahotata. siiJo*. Boor poltahaa. hair Ibao la Iba amlact of It. aad
\ At last tta day rwna whM Alritl
r a h»i «lm- I am. pleklag up t-UI nU ftiul SI fs«t ae I could
fld with balUai Whiar, as iba fndt
oils, driers aM lurpmtlaa. (bal Ibiwa voBaa who bruh iba hair
messlp. wful asay and tta mraIM |
PMaio-s oos uur aeboot will stun lied Blnoei reachod th- brMg- v
Th<ia aara abuts <d •aMpaper..ab«4.
s aoi u]>. Thaa vbai do yew (hlak
today W- have a froa null dellv-iy *aw In th- dim Ifght a man no b
toMUTlM ihata ts ta corar wllh bollof vhllptpar. a bottle at bsta than ia Bpltr of tba brusblBg
they ail dleoavend? Tta traekteg' 1
HMad Up Hars Md ThsM Par Hama IBS Milk. WUh aM craaai statai pta’iiT of Parts, a few >ards of atao- rather than Iwcauu of It HU t
uus tVf arc all through digging po- avk. ibm- yorth nhuad of him
':'4Uluos now. I will irj tn writ- manoat MdUr If waihM la
lapt tor alopplBC Maks la a pipe, 1s Ifasi Iba ocw bsir that comas
Ian Dttv. (Vi- an- hsvlnii nicr ^puh- U- - Wb-n 1 caught Jml'l
t white fnM. To ctaaBaa aa opbiilslaref's aad robblar's amdtaa. ton and StM> 10 allow of so
Uteck __ __________
smau im> \
Wa ars
box.'* it nalta and tacks, maa aad frtrilaa. which wears It uul )ul M
jl-anly and t-siled. -Mr Browut" plan- where I'hey
tat aaar. Wa sartatalr mb artlcla aoilM with awat Jalta.
nai> no aIMb
Your* truly.
M watar. thaa wllh amp
pm. for rruallas cbaln. poUy aM
Ifci-re aa.-u i • yard i>- •n'l,: emund Iregr-tfulb
dta hat CMS. AM U va kMk at Ufa
rwbbiRc. sad Iheu tbc roMs sinisla
Juba Rllt-y.
tiir kalfa. a )ar of
U-IW.-.-0 tta luirsf* 1-ad and Ih-'wllh my II
browa fJodde^a bmS taiadta o( bmw tbtwa.*
rubblnu and Ibao iha ruuu strvuU
•a Mall sartatalr thtak H aM
cruirih which Aaall] kills
Ih'ar Mrs. Utta*'-li batnog llmluiM bo PHpterad. Wai with aold obUII »r a heady Maa-a shop.
I n.-v.-r as s man at rngait-n-d o»[
I knowatdta *B mettaa
.1 tbaa adaiat haUaaat
•CP I w-ruif to the Ihyuld. 1 have Hr IliMso lit- a.k-l ni- bow I gof^aMh exclsli
'll Is UP or iwelra ymri tiaoa I
•at ir va raskrd It. far mart tnir. as aiar; pour m a auear aelBiloB at
•aa busy helping my paps
•* feda taudta <d aMBll tblBM.' vr 'hr add; M It ataM a few Mtautaa «!. up (ha rola of all-raaad rapata
fsrm 1 am going lo go to scbonl otiw.' LsIMng twi tta bill, snd
bad nia|
«MR as aMtWalr hat that fmr thtao aM itasf. Sfhaa Iba atata has d<s- ar." *al.1 ihr lady. "aBd I hare pM
(t ill you alWs- nc a Ml of
Rnow will stum U< h-r.- and tb-n us ih- r.-.t td ibr ws.i Tlu-i br luraed i And noliody aooM shake Ksoardhb
apfioarad. wash la aminMih valor. (all -d i»i a lub. wbotkar It wu BMadla Ms ara bsttrr wvtb doiaa. h
b»ys will have lole -f fun wllh our llla-k lUsmy eroon.i and iMd me tu| belief, oni area whim all Ita ttlto;
polish, wash while Ibo
rulglas* dUh or flxlai a brokda «r tHI how I manage ri> -g
mm ha ta oar pnaar lu aara aarband sletU 1 goee. iny l-lier to kmg
up tablnd bim sn.l h. rod- rtgfal geddeo frocklee <«m- HeeklMI hinii^
Mark ta fraak la told WBtar. with •bnitar. My huataad pays »«pcily flshiw-'r Cold potato. blU of I
mf» MB. «aks tar aarMr i
enough. I will dust-.' so gttad.hye.
liscl. to tlip rsm and
: tu fsiherjln th- *nnshla<wa, aM hMtra ifMa tha tBMUr Bipthk soap Par lak autas. ihara vfasi ba would to (ha glaslar. plitMb- or <mtd paacatra <itaa latter Sr
From your tliil- fri-ud.
rraahbkM hw ar.' palrlar or upbolatoiwr. aad yaallji WlMati sra ptecad la tba disbai
thal-h- r-iuld keep |i:»-k (hwuty aad.
MS. 4ta tar aw soaBlrr. v ast tha
WIHle Klh-y.
br raaiovrd by Milk: but If Iba lak ycai wouldB'l battara bow It swalta' rubbed bard: aHar which (hay arq
......... .. Ih- wh-at aM f-Hllls-r wbaa' -'Mamma.- aald «-yur«H
•MIlMt Haw oa tra ta aar
Trsrme fity. Mich.. Ocf. W. IMS.^h- stdd his rt»m.
bhs banma dry. soalle held or tateita
. i
at. Boatdae. tt ta (u traaafarrad—UM to the sloppall—hta
Ibar Mrs llat**-l will writ- you
I book'e BO good ' Why. dSM.*
ba afamiro. The add ta dulUut ta dtsanvar what you ms do ta a eanaln plaea naar tha allay; aad
Md Bvaatlr *t»a <
tta loy of aema half starvad ml
nMber. -what aismi ta ta wiwag - T
BM always
Where Kenneth's Fruktw Went
bngry dog over Its 'dad' nera thaa
b itr- -HI udb m all abm (Mf
Mach d^taBdS • B tha qnamy of IM,
I hsva been . Riraibln- girl ftu.hsi
> Cha M»4 w« shall do ta ow day lak IM taaalta
• >*•'
uMh'e mother, they riMM urou bb ordlaary snuo aud lu varloai qoar- Our
am lo lb- sUih grade and I IH,a uxUa im-d nose la sach a wide on>- tpfw.- retalad lb- lltUe lady, “but R
PWWHIlB to haadradt aM Wa­ Mttalaeiery with arary br«M upaa
BMgbbor-a horwa which auMys thOSB
doeaBH uy a word aboet (ta taugrloacbar very erpll |{^ name b'
ll «( aw faUaa «rsaieraa ta tha whirk K bu bam Utad.
a — dve.
Mbs Itaatac.
Pathapa tha Mata dMedi atata ta Mr* Am*a. u I wUcbM bar mnaftflT nuch.
dad raise ehicfcans s-st sumnar.
laawra Is talldaw. AUheach appltah- Mth*riBg aM aerttag tta UU of etatt
had atires llltM chlckcws this.SUB
•eidil etaaalato Cakss.
Um« of
graadmMlitu-. She kUaM them good-[ Tewebar: "(nut doae
lar As lay latter b gettiBC loag
Mfi frun u gftarwooa'a aawtag.
s slisht i
dtah t«h aw dacma a(«
Blgbi ud good-mcnini. bat mamma|»e»*' Ttar- wu a pas
III clast-. BO good-by-.
wbaa a
"Va*. all but Um satalMat ptaosa.’
lubbora Btala anMily luU u taag *ba n-plMd. -Tbar bMp Bm wub tar, bmt la oer-qaarlar of a cupful of
vr hutaHhladiiii. ravar Htn an
I WIU ta' 11 years Md aast April. .kUead KeaBMh's lltil- wblta Bfck. [•mil boy la tta hu* of
Ycei' Hunshlne girl.
Iba (gbrle. The oaly saemaatal dtabes'
I will ckma for this time.
, -ob. K-nnath. I v- cM ta do m- fWleed-hU bead. “WalL O
«*taM ta da ChSM ta. tha bMK trar.
fbu Hsrvay.
tody U Iba nu of aauDMh
'How U ihair I quartad.
lu are bad. haay ta (be funaa cf
three wall bmtsa agg*. Stir lu ahar-----------------------^ soakietefa-- Teartar: -Caa yoa pM U ta
-1 bar* a Uttla bMkM baagtag
Vi-dar lUa. Mich.. Nor 3. iPOJ.
Mata lar a week Thm weak tha raugr. aM arary pMm Of white hataly one copfal aad a quark
ta Ita najramrd
Our Black Reuty.
■ lemoa toqlgbf Thai's tta tam ■ aeaWMwr Omtee: Tta hM b
Ibar Mrs. BiUea—My mamma takaa
wall. II ■■miiiry. rwpml Iba prw elMh aad Italag. cw Aayihlw (Mt
slfiM Sour aM oaohalf of a eupful of U>- Harald ' As ny cnaala wrtd- W
uf (ta bam "
My (attar vu a vary taocM maa. hope of drtrtag thou (cecklCB uwuy."| •*«•»« >■
Koanctfa (alt of bb aou tbowgbt !
■W tha a
Boi u» highly eakirad. wd to half u
Bd left bar -Mtier for maattea ta e dbUked vary much to ova aayA Tu oaowrer.
aa pat a HUta aMMCola lata a terge SI BU’ baud,
tm la me roaspooaM aad a halt
of ■sail I thought, I would write soma w
Mr MUdraa's
se. Wbaa he bought bls aeod-wtaal fully. He wu lu Irogne with a
IW powder aad haai tor a m
Ibup "mlf'bl-'' rteekWo..',
Rudu sebrt 1mm vu M
IhU taa Uasoa tar aad aUov iba atalaad pari clear lU table 1 take orn cf Uaaa bMidw
i want to }ola ^r Saashlae ad fertlllsar from Mr. Drova. pron-J
to bsBC iBio the caa M (hat -tt will rag* tn wipe mat tta batter dIataA toagar; thm bake ta nuMa paM or club. 1 am six years «Id. gu^o school
But I'd rather it would ta I ' Zarrta-os. aad ita t&ctar i
> bard
thing to pay at barrui. aad tba wbMt ’
th« tha Uttla omm eaa hara BM taoah the ilqald. Oorar sad tat Iba 'vegeuhta dtetaa. tta plaUar. aM tsall ties. Me with bMMd fnaUwevery dsy sod like my'tmchar. Her,
bnplMa (hllora. ba wor- ' laga. aow truly.- ba aald aabulr.
s Utile bey uM
•axhtaa (hat waada It. Tba*
Thaa I throw
ine I. Mis* dusla Ouehaa For peU
great deal, (bough moth-r ssbl And (baa arerytmdy taagtad
ilmldly. T g
a ( COB UBttfy that tM it lain ihXtre aM (hat Is tta oM of
Hamilte or WmK Jumhla.
mtaw as char dlMw- )u i
have a Bae eat. HU aaas- i* Jim. ta could pay with the money from wborvsa vu lu remsb bugged him
above trmtMaat vKI Mtliwiy aCaea
«a that th«r tarpat ao aaoa
But tba lemoa wsi forgMcca.
s Mta cup of bMtar wtth a aup He U yellow aud wkHa. Tou ought (he Mta arop We bM a Uttla bit of
laM ta ha taM acata
tdBta. Thaa
'Hatbar \ aavtag of shUm" I rw •M a half of sagar aM the yotka ef
•e hlas.I have acme aloe chick- a (am. aad wa bM oaly oaa boru. that Bight at bMUma. there ware day
■Maw sialM.—THboaa Vanau
As Ttay A
red pis-apou all orar
Miipiillt that tillJ- ora
- acta. Md a laupona and a half
■arhad. thitaUag cf a eartala rigaresM I mil NallM. Aad bmt cf our BteA Beauty
A Uttb hey woIUm with
Kh h
hb aaUk'
cf eiaaBBosL doves aad a»ona serwtai^tahtah had sodM ta tta
of tba but graadau's I kaov
Bbck Beauty wu a baadsema and an taaglad up wtth Ui (recklaw
•r. uMIcM tta smoke rnmlM «M «T d
-What la the wuM'- • •
I that Mad* aanatataa nd
Haytas the Wraw TlMhcnrhlag of A^preuy ptata.
Mdtasa I win and yoa om of driving, tall eb* woriied waU la Ita
t awfttaa triih H.
(Mrad to a UUM hot wptar. a taiga my pbMM .
-I five tta^atare dtehm tta
IM Mlaor hBMltaUoM
(or tbb time. plow un Bb- wu bon the same ‘ “* “ ■”** dlstreu.
WMd U ha BB atih
bMh nlaa^ “Hdulu ' grwadmottar self oslm taMbart tec* at Ita c
Ufa anktag aaipMsaa tM iwm sm (rmtaMPL'‘.ata added, ‘aad you Mae Bp Of aeadad aad ehogpaf ra>l
Carl Koha
I IMm tatghaadr ta tM ha- foals at MvtBf said lha wraw thtag.
I ly "net aom- bM watar aM mutard. (ta siupla"
«ad tha whKu ef three agta whl
tdoa baw^aeh OMter It
- rife Lake. Nov. t IMS.
dear, aad' w-11 faaita him
tac aaaalkM. CM
A Wy wu lakiag a nml with aa se- Msb vatataf. I do pntaetly dottM
Dear Ure. Bataa-d «m write a few
see (attar aad
them cut. Pull down tta
Uttla Mke oftea egpnu ttamquMBiaaca whan aha ksaw vary fseasy dtabwM!* WUta teat wu.
(or tta eaMUau ta you M I have t>M writum fat
•omahody,—tta rocta mast be dart - eelvc* meta aplly tbM thetr oUm.
ta ha takiii tau aaent ta tha sUd •llchtlr. aM iw bafora tM dasant frosB lay qatet frtoad. very strew tea-,
Ime. We hM thru trnhs vaaarura. aM tha tataaaHlaa ta tha
-. mamam.' mid a byeariold who
brooght aa kha avarrM iMt aha guaga tadaad.
The riaach pmaaairy ecMldar railca. aad I aanme |2AI pteUag ap be anrays (booghl^bar wu aa hoa-: (iraadaMben arc aeqaalatM with
It raid aara M*a M ihta pata. hM as arasMm
waichlag tta rippUag watar. -the
Mrs ABM bMw mm of (ta
ig* a dtegrma aM thair dottaa are potaioo* Ria pa BM my aaela. Mr tit« taa Math vata m aapaatad- OhUb Mretchlag lieaH - '
itchM sad daraM ataU aeareaty aay e abler picked up (wo bostaU aM
-He la- said anther quiakly: -h-^
MaM ael ha aoatadarM parf
of tta ailglBal Is Mft. bat IW* ate M sJi cmis
to ihtwe
fll pay with Ita rora,|
fiaa tNM hBMaa aatwa. aor ta ha aa■ aam. u a rraUii pmmat ww
-U I cemM pay you today. I woaM
pall conou aM baat* tor pa aad
AM tiugrut fro*
would ba iitiiBad to M hm H two aeals a bosbel
fladty do It.- aald father.
ovaa, tha oaly aakaa (bal wars ta tbs
Md or rhlldieo appear la ton
■tare b one-way la whM yea
My Ml-r b gettlag temg.
hUgMlag WUh.
pay me." saM Hr. ta
panaha cf tba
«ma iwopta are toe 'thorow
Ur word* '1 taaraM." ska bau what tbn da I do BM baHava la
iMfcGM, new strict jM
MilMii Cooktea.
Bta, “ta be mrrfal a^ aspraas sUgktlag work, tat tbara Is a happy
csaH gel ahmg vHtaM a boeqa.*
rcemvad. Me the prieca.
r cup of taowB auger, cos cup
tag aay dkUkm. arm tM mcm taaaurn. I wu r-nta1ti1 of U
Fife Lake. MIta. Nor. S. tPdt.
la a atrmga hoau.' Whm ym taartag a youw housahupar say aha or mMaeau (but), oaa cup <d lari
MtaMs .that hara M

up ef Iwuanallk or acor milk,
('mod luge fitoh^ «
Dear Miw. Bales—I win writa a few
t kiww pmpte rary vao, n to
ooi Tip bar sbeau
-up at bmtmllk or aour
itaes this meralag. I hM a i
at 10 rstrala (tom gaaml ab- rllhool (wKtaC t
ful M gingve. h tabteapocofn of etaa patch ihU aummer and I rateM
■MtaMh. aad aw «ha ta bowaM hr
rare sawed aa ekiu aM light. New
Tbaa Uttar sighed aM Mid. 'All
ad»~— UM tha staaa ta
Kice raitcra, fi faot Kmk
it aU hM aawM ihaot taaaMy wttt
right - When we Mid good-by to
taaaU ha <Mir iht ««a h
lalhar raarsa aMioa. th^ would have •M sprtakl* vbh I
Black Bmwty. you assy know itai wa
earwed l.wo dolbru sM sixty uals.
iiooi nay raaaH rma aa nafu fraak- lookad u wall, sad wbaa they
I received th- card aM botua .all f-l: vary, very adny.
Bswq Which hM BO aiaaaa.
ar hara a
lha Blddla. aeald
Te dun p«aM KalwwA
l-baa Hr Brinra bM
Weal. TdxSO
Tha foiiowtag Is a good aad gutaas l«wa Hppad wilhnot tapiry ta (ta sMI ^aachtar Mar ftaa sharp
wu mtaaleaN. Mid. •
-tatahar—■‘- rwM: Ttlma you do make • «m
rr^ aM have dmhl*f thair
:o asa a pirea of amarr MMh. Itewyou what va have Inr pets,
$1.00 t» $4.00
Itaw MW ha ptaMM tHU porartr. «
tta hrMga vu washed away
tare Hi (artwe tv« ewU. two ta
tew Uraada aM actwp* oa U>a
Utet Bight, ataher dees Stock Baato.
papar. tat ita Moth wamn sa cow sM (WO tolrea.
Staped Subk Baakai. dob
putta tMi tha aaru khovt aoihtad
carpal, aaf a lIMa duM m the farat'ami ii-U ta dart hy the ttmv br ^
Wall. I will tae* ta elau. so i
sd- Whaiiaar ta thair parttaatar Msda
itMy Ik aoiaau ptoerw TM la- (era. glrrn tha room a thorawh
katvaa. thsw rob hrIMIy wtth a hit Ml
litaHHma. ittWdftitaaaIrM tmwrwHy of mamm triSe vowU aroma rrwptag. waartag out bowaif sM tta
« wa air Mt aara that Mr.
amarr aMh aad habh by trlpte
rrom ywar BubsUm boy.
P. 00
«U M lha IMrtrims. su ttt»
rpat sad mWw trash stow
■ tad taku Ita toWer roaAsM
Age lA
Ado Batd.
li u mr tad uagU hnr aaNmgmi Oaa aemM. whm ta have pWkM up the
rue Imka. MIcb. Nov A. IPM
roads aM to havejpsMIy wIpM eC
-Jta. ta .qaick; yoatw a toalar
Dear Mrs. Batm—I will writa a tm
BM agythtag ta
Uau to yoa M I have Mt wiimri te rtdar aM Bghur tralgM itaa L*
rrteate bsi at a tuaush HUto 1» »Ua tta room datatUy c
4 tta aam mfaala I wm M tha
ataaM ChAI tank pterw bstara bar ayaa.
M tta bM hona Mr. tawwa hM
BM UdV do ■MbiM Ihat ■Ml
A HtU* wtea mw (V vcrtd'a
*Mt •tar*.
ABd MW I be mo totmnd m to MalM
or >ori too Mwir •«* • mlM



emt^$ cm.



- “•5-.




5/A Quarantee

<*».«> ui





Qnl TnrcRC HcnM

IMM. »• «U1 M talih Mem
fora tb* <M frf U« «aek.
unhodiiax aad barame a Calbollr
<■*». »•*
Tba Ibiarter of tba bolUMf l« »la»- lasi;
Tba rrllea ouutai id bnare
» «• lb« tOBdilk*
Ibr uoal rnaoMt, tiua vhlrb «a
(•orpHually apriao lo a ktulof a «r
.. .
arbd* b*.
at Ur bark iif ibr aliar of ibr Vaihr
Ibo arn
Ha )M •lair ain«t *Me la tba «rtat
dral Tbr auUoetlrtly <d •l.r rrltra I.
aba a paramal laiparl
.Ilaputrd Veoler
al~> rtolmloa
ork docw br Dlror Huae la regalrtas
A »a< Oaaui.
Kirbular Ti
ir iilp*. and bada tbal tba pipe la U
Huaalaoa bovavrr,
vBI Tbi
r boat c< auadllloi. Ibr >>tata all bo- dor Ilf rraelac
*' I l» be ireol
till prrfonir biiod.
IMb aamiacw.
Bd Tanirr rd Altanih
Ur. Joi'Bt pol ua ibe blaar’a aali. Koodbau lo ibai bn fn
> la 40 riprn la Ibr
aad wlib Ur KsBo attaadlac
attaablac to
hi air. boorva ao trai'tlar ralaraa.
to hi*
rtprcl* lu arad a Bir<
vmit Ki Ibr boiloai, aad took Ua
• UiiJo
bloe.- lUaobrr II aba baa b*aa coa- aeroM tbr o««a l.j
I.} opr ,d
<d bU
auvll aluac tba' liotioBi"oMb*
' '
f, IB- •amj u. —_____________________
bar bod, bBi atraoM brarol/ irlvamva ~
■mpi olll he a
Ur pipe.
aad iviloaUr
raUr acalaat dIaMae.
diaaaae. vbU*
dunaji tbr prrarBl me
Ibe lalaka pipe la prv- lorU
mu food bixMbMb aad ala- A bU kllr. mlU a aoir autrbed, •
fraealBC aalia K-iortI). aad Ua eoa- lera
bod aad prarad ibai w
bonloB vlih I r punpa .
pmkMi life mlsbt bo a|*red
ibla *H-k
bod, vho kaova tbal Ua
wralix U adlra avadrr
___ Mianer bite* I ad aiiacbrnl i» a drat
■MMb tboi healai ftarlf te rtlbl aad
■.luiia. ralM brr, laCi crralw yoara
ottftii. ohirb *ill M-r>.
ket. a^ Ura 0 T*aiout vera rvrr Ulabi mar ihr baauiy .d brr laaokeep Ibl'Bl In Ibr air nhiil ib«'
ItaaaaBiJy aurpflBod mday orralaclo
BBve n«rhetl Ibe iilber .Me
Uilos vbfcb oppMla t*
Ulw Nrrdbuu oat
klle .ent bj falna rec-atlv I
eoblk M a fa«t. U tbX it na oalr Ibr ■Itrraarr al ibeir
barditOB. WIrh . April
puruueni V*. plrked up aU-t
I b> .rtrr :t ,
lalMMo of tba UalM Butaa bar)
» >**ni id aie ab
Ti»t- III- allies uB (be ruaal
Kplaeu|*l eburrb aud m of
I’ll) VlU ber PO.V
ebteb araraaiad Wuo4abed la Ibr fvv.
Keeper MrCr.Mi.lD lit il..
. hiobda
tbe oat iraduaiad vlU
pill* luulucirni caril-n-. fa*
Oalr uaa «aalb vaa tba raeIbirtaa Ibr afirrBuua H»>. aad 'Ura. «i mneU' lllcb aeboul..
■buul. aad baa alBOa on-- id hi. munk--.> i-barEe.
iba ear. aad Ua vbola eOBU»; IhiMii attcpiod au larltalUa to take

rlt Id eaiBi- her -li.iaai* It-r h*p *
Wa ai Ibr borne .d Uafur KovpDMb llraad Traierae ruuuiy
r«nr vaa aaUM la a abort II
tad tn wield a nrrub 1-ru.b v..., ..i., ,
op Ibr KuiBeula. aod In Ueir abaeaea biukldr Vtuuita ladr. liked
■)er» day the Boakry guiv rarr(ull) 1
Oateblaa troopa iMIrlaa aa
It amBbtod aa pro>-|ouflr ar- ipMdirl b> all mu vboB aha
o*er Ue laalde of ll* race, wrufafaln*
fatlf aa luatbla, kanviea tbal
raaaeii. A rarrlaae eat aesi fur Her. cuBiari. and her aad deataa <
flour aud relllag. bark nail ami Iron
aariiiUa aailoa vaa uaelaaa
aad Mr*.. «
ii. aad
aed ibo)' an
amrad ai
ban at ranfully a. li i-uukl lx- dnoout liS« in aad
Tba alllluda al Ibr raltad fliataa Urir Im
parent*, broikrro aad
............................. matin
iMvatno of a laipr ei
■ jynipalhy id a lart*
nxHikr) iBtlallDX hit.
ilB Id
baa boa* aiwonad br elbor aalloaa vat In Ibr
firrir id Irleadi
.blBc oiHValknu Tlchn,
Oar«aar aa4 mar* hava aipraaiad
Till- tun>i
oat «oo enoiplrir. bul
Tbr luarral vanbeld froB 8i. Traa- iBB a paper baic. obe rubbed li out
ibalr appreval, aad atbm vlU folio*
vary ploaasat oaa. aad •I. rhurrb Uoada) Bomlns.
oor ralllBK afirr aa lUbi-r. r.i'arlBi
-------------- .....
aali aa aoua aa a prort|kaal curara- ooe lhai »l
rrcBtoB Blft
•n UrOnailii
pruaabi aa veil a* U* bOal aad boB
Neodbain id Jaek
-r a bic
ckHb and la
laaa. Uirlec Ue arealai dalatr ro
brr bno
II In a pall or
fNakeieeta Of W en*B. eake aed eol
nuB nrTnrr thr uBdri
fee were aerrad.
eoutlB^ Her' Tr,
va* fur, and rirn
vui be Made. U aay le aaoaaaarr. VlU
A »en boaatlful rhlaa aei. eoatlat dale, lijirdeanB. aad Her, Fr. OUrtea
lakrt a bite uni ii
tbU doMUr Ibai vUl a« U*ra m
Mralo Id Ibr riall_______
riall aad of______
vad Vt. luiiry id wyaadoita dollrerad tba IbiBC lo eat
for emUMB aabtaW tbe
la the aaaeiuary vara Her.
Tbr OennU
•islBi. v> tar aa IMIm la merraad.
..>'1 id lUaaab. aad Rat
Fr. teiu-rar) *
intiicumii-il a
aoUrn Id Kenern Illy
Amoa( tba
••tialilitb a
HirBert van- ber h»i-d llitle oaaa
flUaa Ibo fMal pnibloM Maurlallr, Mnrcaa of (Ttiteacu Thr preaeaiaUba
r ittUvi.
tpaerh va* mada by Ur ” • ------Ui- rhurrb, fiv wboae velfarr *b* punliuti- a lann ui
pad lb* Bi*M povan *UI appror* tba
brr Id Ue teUry. B 1.
labored an ardiUMial), Tbe floral ol- vbirh ibi lumal
mMce OntoMlda MOfhl to plar ib* behalf of Ui*a praaeai.
i-rlnat vrre ataay and beoutUul.
plan-d. Tbr work
erf the plaop »1ll
N beg vMb lb* Uaiud Buu*. UiUo
Rev. C. T. Stout reapoadod la t few
liprOkUB (d her Hooday, U*
lei. Father aald ahe —■ - -------vi.
1* that a
PMUMa aaodbi bar *1 H aM Made aaa
• lUM.I
a deep feellec Uai he bad f

____ , becaoae aba ■ble
TbU laact. 00 vbirh •
Id a (BT««M* opportaaUr. Tba tadbad tbal ralib vhlrh lead* lo a hlcbcr ba. already l-een ol-tmlne-l v
Mvi plaew tbe edaal pnUaet la abap*
Ifa Her fuoaral owtear vai oae of ruled aUtuiti eollrely i.> iru
vbm ■agBtlalluiM, eviilable aad (air.
-- -Tiaai erar
eror area
lac. A aytieni a
■br be oaleeod lato ai oaoe aad lb*
nillk tVaean. J Kilbride. Alllo Raad,
Ibe JN»H fl.bir*B* OiU
iliidC Ibi- tVali**h
. IB Uk Ibe whole worid I* lalar• Yomb
II n-nlluuu.
S'ev. ha. U-uo
>v CUI*
Oa*d Football Oam*.
rauulvod al ll*m.Uur*-tll ibai We*
Tin- Trarrrae tUly lllcb Mbool fiail- ViB.v bhd tuubd the Soc-ii
iHBlla*l puivr
II brlBci lu •>»
•II nvni nboved tuparhir alivaclb dlteuvann]
li an. t le-rf.^
leailMr id Ibo ftally uimoihUK of
...ur tlM- Hrioakei Ul(h oebool laoM be bpM II fur |C>.-.
■foM Munrlblac of value v *UitT Haiurda) In uoe id ibe eltBaeal aad
Tba Bmi ab>eri
lal cbt-or*. *B antoh- that rarrlis* tba baal.fiuiliall
l.tnuiUll paiae*• bald oa Ibe
ibe locol
»uea' pblne babll u Jaiue. dale, ul C
-»det Inin faroll enuulrlet ur amuac . llruD Ibla .
aod won Ibe lock- UII. Bti-d ST. Vbi. adBUii-d ibt. ...
ea vhii ■ovara, a nkaich that art oDrred by
C Potaroee
Tba tZ >mrt III- ba* areraced lu craln. a
>au*r>, a -paem ibai pul* a bli of iitliort oere prrfae
In ib*i iltw be ha. iik-n tr-Sii-1
aoda o* oewreM I* orcaBltM^^CTbiMl- tralh la a tioo and enurlaelnc oay. n obllr ib.y .aSered
. ooyi the lairr neaou
id pb-iurr. ih«l buldt tbr ebll
. Ibry tnucbl bard r
Alraody the leodtr cd nar olac id
...................... It ABerP-a't
I- canr UBIII llBr vae roliod
Ck-udiu lur Id
paper roMrlvod waoUy b
lati half
They an., fuv luaari. n-oiiBU) vat paid b) a v-wian miiUe Aewomiir parly ba* denlared that
line to VIBBIBC aracur uo ibe Hi Auburn Zun line ll
mOBBllhai of Ibe Ur (arto la Uu Unlleid Htata*.
Ip- lutlac 10
in of luoiaiiie.. Th-' uoaiau
IT >nu dealn- lo a
teadi-red il
Ue cCBdtM'bv a irantfi-r
. .. at ol 1.
“ a Ton
llBll id vbirh had evplmt
the aiBe and adrefuteil in arcept i|
Fur a luuic
•mUe awtnr ha* abanad Itat Ua arid Ibe pwbl:
. lo orbon )-nu olth
BaadMd rMatkai I* tba work# U*
■Ir* Tha OoBpaakB. with tl.Tt.
> Ibe veil n°p!d‘-ld
> BBOPal subiUTiplIon prlee
Tbay latarferThan »fae pteked in
r ha* ehajflad lhal ih* mil aaod |n Ue addroM aaiuad The
lhai va* atorded Ue baJra* va*
1 and pniSerod li .............
Ctaapaakm-a CbrUlBae PackM. all Urwl) mpoatlble f.v aoBe of Ua
He. rralltlnc lhai Ibe vaa
mdy for ChrlslMaa noralat. eoaialeat leoai Ibe fare am-plad
Iwd by panoo* la lU*
lac Ih* Camstaaa-aBBiuer. Tha Oonup a eaib fare
•• - Wrnmf. aad la PaaoMa Maadly to tha naha Caloadar for lluii. uUecrapbed
ip tvelra mlon aad puid. aad ibe a
fumm* caaal. pn»)aM aad boeitu
arrtpllaa oertl
oartlfleate fiv lha flfly-l
• (SSBl B* Ibe Htoaracua mta.
_____ l»t
tiuo. aad Baker wa*
sevt that Utu• May Hum* Hem ha>
. Other Mta bare ehaigid tbai lb*
The new aal
to|lW«^vlll re- lac^ ^ Prinakry *
a lull l.louded Indian.
I. aol by aelr* all tba laauat oTTb
Ale*. I'l .......................................... iBBebacu
- Wynkoop ptaynl
( Ua taaa»a oaaal, aoi by hir Ue reaalalac woak.
__ _
lk« Mlu
Hen. to a beauUful
Ue IlM* of
a iVBlly ta (aror cd th* taUIt yaar-old white girl. Iluut-r
Inn. and
mL taM by aiaartaa aetlac U
rulon aad
ana*. Heldtac and bocoiv are fn-flueai lUlton
-------- ------- alvay* there «ba«
UI when MUa Heru
fol^ Beaded, and aoBa of Ua work Uat
—Ml a talaa laM* aad
d mu Pa>uerU aol knovD,
mile leu Uktn pbatynaanw of bU cooruhip.
Mavtloe « Ue AM*

Cloak Sale Now On

It lb* nmurn ctf iiM l«r.






of the ordiiiar>' to offer sivtciaJ pner* ..
this tlepanmi-rfu so c«*iyy lu
ii«r acason, but our stock is
ID iheVason.
too larKt'and the- time U short fordiaposi
-ingof thitm
\\V list some ol our bargains as follows, and
d others go


I.adiin inilor made Suiu. regular ^^00

ebilUrdii’s eoatfl
\ever siu h a .large line in our cin


.\n ctegam

S 60



$.1. iUi. $7,5(i,


I lair fitted back, made of all wool

kersey, £> f\f\

satin lined, made to se ll at $12. sale price ..
l-oosL-coals ill Zilb-liiie, Kerseys and


Home- g QQ

Tur £oflts

Boas. «e price them up 0Qq

Ut Borfcalay Riraat. Baatoa. UaM.

The boston STORE

Mli th* aflflaetan haiw tba nohod
d tbw ter*



WoaU tbay teva tba
> hr loM*r wortd they bar*



poptoaal pnvony. U* (reaiaot pan
Mas Mt to Ue B*Mten id her Impodtee UMOy. Arti^a X dlraoU that
the BOM <d ftflo
f»W be prid Id
to lha
Ik* da
Md'a buhaad. ate add*: -ft to
that Mr aald kubate
other or flraator ponkM
tdtoy oatala; that by Uto toflaey I au
flMafl biM M. B« Uaa ba 1* daaarrm
of BMB M*.*
A oodiai to U* will rwrote* Uto bo«o*«. bovoror. to_ tba foltovto*
a toMBuThtau^^^t^Mbf
Id •»«. tba aaooat cd uTte



> IroM tte pootikB. Wa
■dor vhai va
Boaoi. (Id M how. too*

Vtoli moi FiMtoir.

V.A. 4*7.

.4 IMato

■ ■
Rft. a
mttmat artlM UBaBBt■

....... - VlU •toab
aiooe*. a bell cd actod rbU M o
oite rUfl. cd haaBtirpI

Um aad ateeaioaM* la -lb* atata to
that <d Bamty Aadaraca. vhlrh to

Tba fnal to Bad* si rosa)te)HMlba
M**i Mrt. Bade ^ Hate * ITO-l
Bbm* cd Ula cUy. Tba aaa* plaM..
•BBB. u alao
o made of a iarsa
ool alab. Oa lb*
tear mo
doQbir dcuv. opaotofl (ma Sttta
Mmt. ate an aai law tte boUdl^
' **voek’*mn te
oaad tor.lte flcnr ai tba oatraae* o«aide si the boildlag, ate tte aaB*
-ABdacMo- win be vortad tow it.
Both floor* are Wry hkMy Hghwd.
Tte fioot dbptoy vtteov to i
____ _

po oort tod* «d tte flocr aw

totfb tram flMaa.
Uit taol. osd
F* tteo* ore aMollar HflhU. At tba
aUa. toto tte aalroae* way. are otoo
— tonv Hrtla mu aMAllar iMoa
Tte aaoaad Boar to alto wte
Uflbtad------- bou tte trcM aad oiflr
■tea si tte
>«I9 with n iatete «i__ •Bor It alao a torM (real A,*____
vM vte faallF loMA w« te oaad far rvaatog basfllM
kite tba <Alk«}i»iL
Tteee are M
_______ _
ite Boon, vbteh glraa a fte Mmt
mUmssm. Tte IrM Roar vfl te ate

Oo tte mSi

Tte Clevalaad CIIBa Irua
Irttey ovM a BUliin aad a half
Hoa <d late la tte apar pealiuuto.
kaa pMChaaed a«;00n arioa tron U*
HaatoUdBe Lwabar Oo.. for lIM.OM
rbe IrM I* located belveen Oraad


d palp ate
Id char
111 at Moat


Am imMmt €t mAy


tekad tMn*«rB^ atria Tba taaa
B>U Ml to aa AfaMean vhu to totnv
Ooelac quick land rooM to i-atete

ha* otorte Ite aoB of WlSteO lo porrte*a tba rtHea efl St. Klcflmtaa. vhtoh

tte Pto Inn fumaoea at MarqaeUa
A HaaOtac tamer plaalad a lot of
btUMB eora aeed fur aerflbiuu Lati
voak he cut Ji up aad took li to nlll
In have ibi' >Trup maflu. aad ibarc
Inamefl lhai It va* braon oom laattte of aorflbuBi. It vat apullad for
bmOB aaaklBfl aad au SDOd tar ayrup
Bovan raom* la a FTtot *rhool arc
• Inaad 00 aecotel erf acarlei tev.-r.
CUat Itorfcaiader. a VVimamcuo
Tamar, to trf tte cqrfaloB that fviaal*

Tber aiy onv the-peupertr <V Ite (a- rapi Ihtofl Betog naabla in c«-i. aw«
BOQ. eattetonl at Bad. Iialv, vUcS thto (all he aoiptored (our waaea to
va* vtoHaO by Ite caar la ia*S. vbeo boak eora. aad la *rran day* Ibay
hoahed I.IM baabeto

A Chance for Young Mon!
Di^rolto MlioH.
IHepfeMi. Hail 013.
20 LH^Me Ainu.

lOO COATS tor you lotcJeet from

We have
• large stock, fine essortment.
wide range in values.

Hofsa Blankata
1.000 BLANKETSifl about SO diffcTOoittrW

iobbing Contfacts
on FurAatt, Robe* aad BUrta vithtouicoribe Uig.
«>t BflXers Kuieasrm la tbe** Uaet, vhkA mebte*

ttiail detkr bat to pay farVim.


Hafneas Rapt..

neooed t’nderwew. 4V1 ganoem



■” 50c

and Double Driving Harn^ aad Heavy
Team Harness- Both band Mwod aad Uaebbt
*e«ii Not cbea^ hut excellent vAluee If you
-ant a GOOP HARNESSte* u» before buyiag.

8Mb Grilk KM Hw
aad our eatire bae oi



areWInnersI Wr'D ifoo have c kM aiodk ot

in a Sfv day*.
We vaat you loaoc oor good* and tom wfou ralaet va
raa give yon tad oa an iDdaoMteai far |te to cd. vr ott
going to make yon areoe

Chtldi an wool-faucTSweaim. ribbed botioo


Roys an wool fancy Svoatm. ribbed boliotD



^ 25c
SoAs. g.^''s^yiU <-siuc


■>«hlc jam Bock*, wiiiahle far

....... :v::i~:z4—

€lom and IDMens
Th- CT.ta Gtor-

Ml" ««1 MJ. T. Bodh- boi«U

On Saturday. I
we will

I4th. 1008

8fVE AMY ttuunav FREE
I Wool Horse Blan|c«t~S4.00
I FurRobe-SIO.OO
I Single Driving Harnese-SI I.OO
i -2 Dozen Rew Hide Whlpe-SS.OO

tbe coadhioa attarhed ia thu yoo cd «t owe tore and
took ovtoock over ami g«


tirt« cotiHiig yva to av

ciiance m the dmviag tor Fi«c Cbta.
wiB U equal.

Eveiym'* rVtet

Yim vOI iMply be f«c|oitte to be at tbe

MOTe when pour Mtabor ia rtflvn. rtboviw rtemU yow
ntnhor dt«vB.riwGiR,bviBfebortiai«die
tbe next lucky
' ' aomber vB
~ t« tbe pruc, if tbet hoURT ii
prcaoit. and w CNL

RrM—tw. yoo tot baer to boy

- cent’* vorth inlet you



Itete ticket* wiO be

given to yo,r FREE. l«rM aa eitra ndocemeu fat


cta-^ fa


Trvwra* City Bwatoaat CoBoii.

Kseopi Fanu WagoM aad Heavy Teas Haiwaa

At lOPifcmt-Pfft
from oor fogutorpricoa. 'Npv. if yoa don’t gat a graent.
tbe fad win U with yoc


^W* or* hauto, near* call* far y*M« msm m
I* yaw teeiog tte comiofl
oaaa to

tetbatday v apy day

a* la Uto flirootloa.

Tte aotortoa paid to yoMfl "•«> •

M-hSUfalh-p K.fajlfa^/'



< b—loi, pad tte hteMWt BMP te'
H1B U A CHAMCStor aoy yon« wa w aaewo a Bate poto. UM B aoo te oBte M


iDaaaButtnwMctfgradeatai^ogiBvahie from SIAOO
io»7«4J0 etch.

We catty a large line oftbr BBSTORAp^S ol Single

.Kl dofcn

Tlie Reminetm Typewriter Go.

ortMd teBO Uto pwolBi that o oom■IMB* W two* hm hoao ateitoMfl.

I'.uvh Uepanmeni are ul nanrUrd make, dianeter and unreproadiaUe.

tote tor-o flrmrel pit. a nlle Iton
. Bala track. Tha eonpaay raa a
tiub to Ua pit, but did BOt fenM the
toad. Tbr fanaar'i rattle flot taio Ua
pit ate wore kUlte. ate ba brUgi
tail fur daMlflOt.
daMiflot. UklBfl
ukUifl tte potlilM
r' "'^ tte rnucay suit raae« te tote.


Haaica. U* leoiairli dlr«t* that tte
raaldwe <d th* oauu tu> uvsad ovtr
to bar daaflbur, ton*. KMtto Daaato.
ly HiB.
Hia. KUUa JateacM..
J—— vbo
Mf1 offat- alao ancdaled aefla raaoMrli
’.ofaaflo- will tadaiod iaba XI IMI.


Kvory anide told in oui Gent*

«*»u It to U- tried III Ibe circuit
rt at Lapeer vhlch to atuaetlas
attoo w beartac upoo tha itoUUty
I itelrate Is a eortaia ^laaa or

« rtaM a

■oilm o( tte

The idirci VC .luoie you ace not for traih valued extuvaguily and
and ao d too high *1 any price,

■Mtlooi do Bgtat iba
Uroasb lo a flatoh. They aay tbli
vlll ba a floal Irol of tbe hflbu lo Art
water* diirlac ll.r ebued aeo-


>. aad h* tea
I> «• WMotry voted ho oaawte flar
'rar ta OBJ vay I
Nifl v«h a flwMMfl the aaOtoMM - to ay lofoteiM that be ahall bar*
drUrt tooolfltolHittatha rjim M> othor ahara <v partloB of By aa-

Otear Ml OIF

cviraor-lmary l.itg.i,,, ,0 »u,q.l, jvnir daily vami aa nerer i«(brc.


A. Mataa. vbo ronootly
rorootly diod
diad lo Otaad
—-------------- - vbo vaa (laMialy if
F. A. Joalm of UasUa

SIMoEb- IMitWi, PntoLBt.
UUttnCMkFullMC, kUttMiMai*

iM to ad yoa Acm goodt at Jam gboui vhti ihc avenge
I hi. ,*ri iJ uni i.,.„l|y growing iiUlituCMa ii equipped viU apodal

f U* aule Btb

1 Mmm M* M wort ofl tba Mh-

mm. Mm Id tlHM hoouia u 'thii

eamiiito. tnpm. toMolHi.

Wrill ve arc yoai aimply bwwd uwtor btoahMA teote thaa

6ents Turnisbm
Goods Department

A flood crowd aaw
ra* Bereely fouchl ITha ilaarfipi

€wt oil By WIIU


iKlTlIll Clift 0«-re-t fa-tuch u Alfa..,



m ti (aror ad U* PaaaMa *

We have........

-We can pirate yi>u.


MB flflasl* (BDM the aaaal flaaaUda.
■1111 tbm I* larM U all thaa*

•atnlllMiBiImt, -

Cadies’ Olool £oat$

Fur Scarfs and

Lafgest stock, iCfeatestVafietv,
Bast Values
to ba found In Northern Mtchlomn.

W e pn. c t hem for quick aelling.

liuff leA^ ^

Fur Coats, Fur Robos
Plush Robes,
Horse RIankets....

two to «to • tooalte

atooilaa (na M w 1 par mmU U sate.
^ TioeMo# ORy RortoaM Ototofl* to pTV

yOFte to gin reaer yooag

mob o


Cbe Boston Stort

■Trm'omrmm OMv . Mlontean



IBB QiAKi) iBATmai mmjj, raxama, HovMntm i«,


Cor. Union and 8th Sts.

Traverse City. Michigan

Dry emiSjUloaks, Suits,and
and Furnishings

asfcsf.^-. —

To ijather the world's bcM and bring it within your
cast reach ik one of thi» ktore's masti-ricK. \\V
have done our l>eui this beakon. We hai«- loaded
our Tableautnd Shelves with the choicest of tioods.




. iBl MMkn a( lb* el(> mobIse^ STnlac «k> mC loof. *11
lb« buitoau Mine dUpoMd of l« Im*
ttas b»U u boor, bat vbU* H Iwtad
(be ■»tHM «m* earulotr warm
■booeb <0 Mlsfr tb« chUltMt KU
MOM lb* cltr fotbm or tb«

Here are represented two large man­
ufacturing concerns. We pride our­
selves on being able to control the^
two lines. If you wish to be correctly
attired in strictly high grade apparel
at moderate cost you should wear the

■ev*d tbU It be oaBlrMd.'u?*^
- nuui Um»r aappaftod tbe aotlae.
Jberau Lortlc iru on bU (Mt le
•wood. «lib (tbe roqoM ihbt tbe
tbtir <sllto
(or ■ ilBe. vbleb (ber
tbbi tber eould not do Ur. Urdta
' :o tbt troHbU la tbe oSee of
iBMter, OAd olAtod **■•*
toal. ibnMcb iMk o( palrobbe cUr ecolee, bboat II,tM

dependable and stylish superior tail­
ored Clothing that we sell. Every suit
or overcoat is warranted.

•litMelere oSoe. be euied
reeeiple b»ve beee lit, vltb
>ee of 14, leerlei b eet (bIb
in ibe etlr cn tbe tvo dope of tU
Mr. Lbrdle bioted that tbe eppoiat■eat at Ur. Dobo woe aot lotac U>
be bbtliteMorr. He tbU tbbt tbe
tennen bbd produoe deblere oa(bt

Do not fail to inspect Mr w« i>Mrkt • Linre




A. J.
SaeiibH Sid« S'fcora

tl tbeee ore pit
bbd ibbl
■as wbo vitfbl
.leeotblt— ---------------

‘^r^LbPdte tobieled that oil ebuiild
»ork fur tbe beet leleracu of tbe eltp.
bed tbbl tbe bTkjr lb vbleb the tnerket
bb« beee rau tor tbe paet aoelbe bee
tfree Ibe rtir ■erbel b blecfc ere bad
bbi drirea people ever from tbe clip.
The BeirbbBie. be eeld. bare tell

>tor. AlderMB VltbetB atbtod
:r. Dbw-i lemtB the beard ot
lean U omi^r oat, bad that
IMI doubt be wUl wore bt tbe eod
tbe ptweat root.
...------- ftiiiio. oB^Bg to bit feet
potato barbta
wbbt b Bbb for Tblrtli .......... A we
ebb bdeeble *- He tbe*
4urdle le pdirUeUer.
He mM tbe letter'* lifleg aoUeilbde
for tbe Ibtcrem d< tbe terMr made
blB tired, bbd tbbt Ur. I*rdte drtree
ewer frata tbe etip M Md e( trade.
He bbU be eobld brtog le ptaMp «f
fuMfi Wbo wobU dbblire tbbt tber
eouM beitlAbMr potetoee mUm tartber
bM eetl (or ( eeaU b bMbel ebbeper.
bbd bUU Bbke BOMp, tbea eelUbg to
Hr. Lbrdle eod welgUeg oa Ur
dib'e bobiob. He deeUrod tbbt the locbl
Xbio bvtrt beat tbe tbrBon oui of
iwpeide of doUer* eretp peer
Aldenobb Urdle Bred bet*
pmtp worm atut bt lb*
rbUe be did bot
(roB Uv Beoobd. eod while
1 be tibpraeeed
■bP that Mr. OIUou Uod.
__ _____
tboee fteiiit with tbe Meo'tbbt that
wbb toot w:
Ur. OlUeU_________________
wobM beek whk Mr. OlUitt paid. ,
tb rdopoMb. JKr. OHMt •wliobed
bwB the pMBb BmI. bbd Mated that
Vbl Dome had braufat ta a bopraek
load of eberrtao. mA Hr. Urdle bod
■ode blB aa o«er «■ tbea. toM Ub
he could BM pM BbpBarb Bbd takaa
tbMu Bt a tab dt »t to ltd to Ur.

Id BOB tbea tbep wwe roaStp
u b»d that there were ealp tre
I lb the tad. ao iboi mB it Ibe
lee bad beea the beet. Hr. lta«
hardlp hare tost It or II* «a the
■Blae. (o that III—b* OUMI'a
bUlesMl woeM bot boU wUer. Mr.
Uidle-* peeitta wa* backed I
bbpm whb were prBibt. bbd
thbi M wee Ur. Urdle
|E.J>«m wbo wbP bat Ob ti______
■ OOtoM, bow.
-h Mde Ub
Tbe MbUer of eoBBralag Ml
lo b me
bbi tbe _____

er the


Matlt t>l ;tll i\..i>u-d -call
Hetvku wool pgiu !■ tbe dly. aadM-fth<swralrr in
They arewtra. they flt rMf. the tilt
Here you will find Nor­ Uey do sot rty. Said only by n*
folk Suits, Double
breasted 2 piece Suits.
3-piece Suits. Reefers,
• pglr.. They Sell like bpi cake*
Belted Overcoats. The
McMiilen Suits and
Pants are tk* best wear­ Dl Port HprpB make t* trf beti
ing goods in the city. Mr Dre*» tMata. No uilor caa
Buy them for your boy make them better.

^Ike, but ------------------- ------ -----bU «ere robilb* from tbe Tbtrd »brt.
to bltt bi ir eoi

rd of reftitralL-...................
1. or vbo voold tar ear Mber
be uobble lo bttebd to bbalBeee oil
time, vottld be ebtletbetorr bt
elt} velflUBaeler. Ur. Urdle euled
Ibbl Ibe vlebee ot ibe pradooe deeleei
•bmild be eewldered.
Ab eooo b» Mr. Urdle b»d Ukea Ui
e<«l. AldWMB Wllbelm look tbe
9 toor He eUled that tbe preeeat
* Bbror bed aol tarored the Tbtrd
vord la ■bUbc bb bppotatmeeU.
Ute belai Ibe oel> ooe mode fioB tbi*
L 0( eoeree. Mr. WllbelB did
■ebb Ibli. M be konr better, bet
vbf vhbt be bold He oli
pidltleb eoaU boi eoler
itDiaeet. ei Mr. Beale le
emt. »bUe Ur. Deea I* a food ropabHcbo AMOTtbbb Lordle protaptlr r»
tbbl U look Ue TotM cd r»d r»
nai to elect deatnetmu la tbe
I word.
MbB OIbbe bofced U bajUlac
kaovb bCbtoK the ba«r. bo*dbtr or empMoaor d Hr. Deae iUdermob Lbfdle replied that there «b
•at Che bllahtMt eondidiw b«blDb
Hr. Oebb-e hooeKr. b«t that tU
roobt Mbb ooght to be reoogBliod,
ctre the oU Bee b chboorV
eeld Alderwb WUbrdB
AlderMB QUMt bbkbd tsr tbe epeoUr obtaeliau td AUetfue Lordle.
b>d Iboee tarmcetr ftaeb «bK ~




If you want to keep warm
then htiy

L e. stibri iHM

and Ovenhifts. Tiiebcit
woolen underwear ia the
country, also other make*.

Dogskin makes a bright and durable coat, we
have them.

^le. «inci m&o
We sell the Donlnger Bros.

They are the best Caps in the city.' Do not
pay 76c for a cap that you can buy here at
60c. or 1.25 for a cap that we sell at I.OO.'

A. J.

In our Cloak Dept.


This fall we have the best line we have ever
carried and the prices
so cheap that one
can readily see that our garments are bargains.
The long loose coats with the capes are the
leading garments this fail. We show them at

$10.00* .$12.50, $15.00. $18,00 and $2a00.
Also.the half fitted backs and short loose coats
at all prices from $5.00 to $22.00. We want
to show you our line before you buy. We can
positively save you money on a Cloak or Fur.
We hntv at big stock of

Dress Goods Dept.

Wool aod Cottoo. Blankets
this year and MXIU- lalui-s you cannot afford
lo miss. Our prices on

A1S0 ZttdlDO at $1.00. $1.25* $1.50.


In other line* our Dress Goods dep
i* full and at prices that will interest a close
bu.Br. ^

A VBfy SpNial Ilfpil!
We are oHeriog in Dress (koods is a six yard
I>at|em. all wool, Nit inches wide

A-t 92.71
We show this line in Henrietta, all colors
the Flake novelty, storm Serges. Granite and
Venetian. I.,et us sell you ooe of the pattenis.

Cottw BUakets areSOc. 75c. $l. 1.25. 1.50* $2.
Wool BlaakeU tre 3.50* $4* 4.50. $5 astf $6.

Let us show you our ^ hea' y ierses’ ribbed
Vests aod Pants, al:
alto our 50c line, they
the best r lonev can buy. Our line of V _
-two-piece suits i* large and complete inevery
deuil. We have

OataB Setts ti CottM anl Wool fioa 50c to 53.25.


In White and Gray. .\ full line of -Child­
ren's Cotton and XNool Union Suits and tVo
piece suit* at all prices.

We carry U^WaieHLiit. Black at aid
in riecced and wool for fall aod winter at all
prices. These goods are strictly faM black.

Wec$iryafiUllt»eirilotloMa«dU«ks*FaicyGoo4s.Faicyauars.GlOTes.Fascliators. Eitt SkawB.T«e!
Soaps. SUrtvaists* Ribbois. FlaiMleOe fficU Rotas aid anerott other Uies which we cai seU at the Uwest
po»ibie prices. We gaaraitta aattofmai aid CTcrytklMC wm ta feud strictly


We want j’otrto^now ^at^we a^ sellii^ goods, with
. few.jceptioQs.
it) lust ass cheap as we did in the Panu: times
and elsewhere b like thb: iT you buy S5i» worth you will be ^ t«
« ab^. if you buy ^
20 ^kh-you «nft be ^'to''$T^^^.
$8 to $6 ab
be sure to v»it the So. Side store a.s we can save you money on any-

aheud^^[*^>'^0 worth of good]
F« honest dealtagand courteous tn
thing you b^.


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