Grand Traverse Herald, October 01, 1903

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Grand Traverse Herald, October 01, 1903


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text




TiuTsasE arrr.


anM CraMTM BimM

n«t* Qlau, 9t«un BoUar and AooidMt Irwurano*.

Monc]' to Lcaa on Unprarcil Real Estate Only.






tlw Adm

B fwrfaa fa B»d lo««H


JohnBon Btook. PhoiM 78

TnTcrsc Oty State Banli


TravarB* Oily. Mich.


Bankina in all Branches


Inltml Hno«t4 OB DobooHo


CAPITAL. 9200.000
•URPLUS, 930000


Tire Insurance!

TW Uun <1«%M IB fin« >«o(«W te fail 4Bd wfalcf, 1^.


oraki> TRAVxaaa ooctntt. kichioam. October i.


A Gcsoxi lukiar BMiMu BMC



» f(r CM Bllmi « n«( B



. A-geLfc^-jcr-*-









Pre»idcm—H. S. Hull. President Oval Wood Dish Co.;
Vice Pre»—H. C. Davi*. of Pratt it Davis. Attorneys;
Vice Pre*--A. V. Friedrich, Shoes; Cashier -C. A.
Hammond; Wm. Loudon, of Caldwell K LoudohCeo."
o. W. Lardie, Produce:
Produce; j.
J. M. Huellmantel.
Huellmantcl. Merchant
ilor: Chat. W'ilhelm. of Wilhelm,' Uanak & Co :
Stephen l.autner, Farmer; F. C. Detmond. Charcoal
and tien’l Merchandite; Benj. Thirlby, of Traverse
City Iron W'orltt; [. O. Croteer, of Cate it Crotser,

“If it Uery Hnneylng”
. To theijnc who doet^rhe cooking for the family, ami
aometimes to the memben of the family, to find that
an entire baking hat been bpoiled uecadse poor ex>
tracts or baking powder had been used in, its manu>
SuaK ArantByBnoB” by
utmgjohnton't Pure Flavoring Txtracts and Pure
Cream of Tartar Baking Powder at 8^ per pound.
• Carefully and Oe

-Jobnton’t Drug Store.



Commercial Prinfing

: a. a. ««i


DVSAawsi*—-- —



Uo you VBsl to leH jwir
rina? Uw.1mwMi bl Ov
iMiaiewaBuIlfcB tbe deouMd
ihu we in iiBvmi. C<n and
m ta Um Dcn tisM rob Bren
itM dty.




Wiew On>W tmk Kfa,. DBTBOIE

rows. IN OKAOON.

FrMh, Salt and Smoked Meats. Sausaffes. Etc.

Fniit Caoi. Pint and Qout; Jelly Tumbler*.
Parafine. Sealing Wax.
A complete fine
of Spices for pickling



\ I am now in the market for wool.
1 will
\ buy your wool to your advantage and will
Vdo the bestt for you that anyone canc
rite to me. Will also buy hides.
782 E. From Streei . .



R. SoKiembrnreor
TravBfBB City. Mich.
Ball Phone 180

Citizens' Phone 481

- FeU Wirt win toea fatffa and rob vOl warn CORN
ifniaBatlmolnode the *wt mdt,. I kise
the* ■Baadaqr |rt» it nghL Lert tkaei «*tr
bofen r» W






ADngfaar aia«a fa HocL Spadal vafOMmadt
to ordm. gKmptty. Oaly iWkMy bw material
Md. sad faBr nsnaioBd fa Bwwr'•4M.
TIM am madg to SOS « «sB « MR Tl^ m
aotmMfaorckdaf BHtariBi, nd fhoa a 8^
farttoeatditlmsTs; b« an dsrstdt. comfort ----- --------------TW rtMpori cm tkt mskoi; ^liqr ommdwBd,

Ukter PeterfyL



We have a good supply of Tablets, Pencils. Pens,
Inks. Erasers, Letter Paper. Envelopes. Memorandum
Books. Mucilage in bottles and also in bar or bar «•
ment. Tablets sell from one to 10c each. Pencils*from
one to five cenueach, accordiogto tjuality. Everything
in this ad it useful to children that go to school and
also to little ones that don't go. That Bar Cement is a
Slicker. It will cement paper, glgis. crockery, or any
hard substance. Tryabarofh. Crayons for drawing.
M colors for one cent aad 88 aaierted colors for five
cents. It it aratnii^ and instructive for children to
draw pktyres of animals, landscape drawing, maps. etc.
It is 1 foundation for the future to become ezpot in
some line Of business, kuch as an engineer or architect,
so a small sum spent for these things is not thrown
away and should be encouraged. We invite all chil­
dren to come to P. K.'s to make their sclectimu out of
what sve have.

» bad urtaa ■
a tac« Baa sb<o
a begrrp <MylB( deacrt|Ulo»

-- —





wlih bfaaaa fa ibatr owa.
tbelr care
U hant-worafag. devoutly ruUr
for srTeral ytar» Toots Md bM O'
i. nepMted by
. all
_ lhal
Ual hi___ wiu tubevcufaela, ••«. baa baea
boami IW,..
r UarBee.* as K.
be I.
la .
calfa>1 tied ttum Mrs. Nurtoe'a oUer rate,
--Ouldeu I
aad atso debarred Ocm eeetai vtaK-

ss r

Tree' 1
t iBiervai
real imponasrr to tbe pe,^
reel wUI be roadurled Ibli
Kkr'a peak. A party
• railedI HtAlve
Hiaiim turoelry ha
r ebarge
(e fa one
oae fa Ue aor
I eapmai Bill ptaai
___ __________
a largv
oa Ibe alopea fa

ins bera laside fa a acboolmtH.
_____________ elll be
■ ui e» er •lace he rearbad Us aga fa
.1 lalual.h' IB aoli'lag graeral pcob
bv ha* brea abie lu double faetaatly
lemi rt-iaiiBg O tureetry fa Ue west
B) BUDber ihai U given to him. even
Ther, are «.„.r,| impiiriaBl ..
11 1. awsf up.fa the iboeaaada
by .hr ..•i.vik.n of Ibe rike'a peak
vup .lor ihi, vaiurli
I It a wlaa
II i. a d«afbe.1 mouaialu mast
iiilllpilcaiiuB ubie and ertdaaUy da
Mfaii'd Irum Ue laafa images, li
ve. hu aaiuers by addlUoa. be eaala lBclud,.d miibfa Ibe limiu
01 add imo Uke Bumberm, net yei.
prearne aud subject i._______
ro uBUbe number.. Use day. abofa
ll runirvi
li la drafaed by few
wwol lo Ui motbsrh
MresBii and ibe eomparatlve m
............... “• waier diM-barge are
iDore oa*ll) made.
> anvulbU. Id
a oihw bigb mou
Ur. Muckley tmitod. aad fa pbUM
be slate ll la a
I, boy aamed a aumber. To hcrgraal
moai impunapi prublema 'fa west .•luaUbmeai he doubled It at —
lorreir> IB B compart and dcSalte Wbea Kopen wm Mked reosBUy bow
B AB<| anally there la possibly no A. berepited:
other bigb aatvr abed fa Ue -.«■«
you. 1 jwti aay Ua
where Ue- iscrvaMi fa water supply
i^ble fa myaeK. aad
will In- fa BKwe direct SBan. - •
St ihan ID uu uee.
Vpun Ue lalBlBlI fa Ibla
-peodeDI Ue citire fa CokiraM
BpriMa. folorado riiy aad Haaltoa iarilve mlad. which
Ibey Bay ba* ag
fa Ibr east. CBwmJe tlnwe Uoimlala
fa Ua faWB fa
•''Bill and •mailer lomai to lb Crank


U out {

d Ip thU Bk


umiB (

II naol >
thAl.- abe 141.1
i« .u,.,
■ ABd 1 Bubdor WUI
tlv..a y.iu .
bat (lr..a
»BBfe Ibuuibli. Robloa/
RoblBaAbbr?"llatlnc outblBC beiirr


- - we'T«.
mATTlod all y«ara-or ality—
wr've barn ibrough
abd (hlBia they arani at
know—Bill be lime ..oough
roBderlB* If r

«to<M ibr^^he ttralo a



Charllr." abe aald. "1 quite
-I IB ality y«are of married
Ibevliable. aa It sere, tbai lu Wie
really begin aaaJyilqg our feeilaga
Ibeo. would aeem a
Iluir uot>e^
wy; II oouldn'i make many year*
diterooce aoybow, ounid li? And ao
If We ever get aa far ai aliiy ymra
logaiher. my advice, uuved now tor
lb. ^fit of the (Air of old aim.,
we abaaU bav* baoome. would ba.
l«ie It abmir-mui iblak of betu?
iblugB. of curie.
But I ibink the


piditui elecirtelty tor iracUoa,
■r and llgbllog purpuai i. a ' '


There a ere
Hole! keepers da
vtiiagea were woai
IlavM V
Jeafaualy ibe maai r fa- wUeb I
abSm“I aad hU faUer'a amall
customer helped blmaetf fa__________
"We decided iL' the lad aald aioulr barely aur
Uas lo Ue wblaky bottle. Bvaa the
>ld mnlea a
rlcheel mine owaere fa ^>Mlgardte
art not able to lake a feaU.
lur .U moaib. agalaad. and wlib alioag haada
Tba Brewaelly lor ptoeartag
Atine. -We Ibougbl - _____
Hopwui baant aei to worti. Hall- .aate aad permaaeal vrater
dayi they bad bodv. aare
bad lorcMl iiaeU ao stnmgty a
•orrad by ihe UAlbolM. for__________ Mtanuoa fa tbe gorarwM
defouily reUgtooa. aad obaorrwd Saaily. i
wli'h the ev^eia*” tbe'^reaTrt
those days ttrtcUy- Oofag to aeb
tpee9h-"Chartfa . yoa
waa out fa the qaeelloA for Dbta
“<«- “‘if
eepifag dBrtag ibe wfaiea moatba. cbM fa Ue eolaay for a dally
when be ISAraed lu read, wrtu and supply fa i.oM.OW galhias fa «i
Sgure eaougb to keep hla ow
lb Jaly. ISSC. Ue report wm bm' -.......................WIU a bDI M.
,11* eoBiIunably tor tbaa. But ana 'WUU fa a crude wey.
Bo time weot OB, year fa aad year
CuS^-~'“* ««-»-Oh. Chartfa! It Ibe agme wcait rouad. ilU at
levib a bome ana bought oa easy Itmlly adopted aad work on Ue Im■What?" tbB lai
dual beiw came Dave'i Sm iieaae aebeau waa naitad la M
ilug hitf drlMAtr
— -XTlSeo.
A family that <
Tbe folkrwfag Sgurea will aft
reM h*r loo^ “What do you
directly from the ak> oouatry
el Ibe magaltode fa tbeh a
bought the farm adjoiaiBg aad t
•mm you ^a—"
Aoeordfag to Ue iwport



. *



’ aald fharlla. lb.- sabjeri ol a muel Impoc
bj^ ^Aud tbc^ac
pen steal.
Is Ibe upinius .4 Ibuae who bare
ekamlued the Hlbe a peak regtan. Ui
tureai area waa formerly mweb man
exienal.e ihaa It Boar u, aad wfcUt fa
Bome taaiancea ibe remoml o( Ub
ireea baa reaulled la coodnioaa WBtavurable for tureai growth, luch aa
Ihe carrylsg away of aoU. karfag naly
Ihe hare rueba. yet Uere rniMlni
, limply. -But,
iful when that girl
lAv rraillia ut tbeae eapeaimaa
Allbouih l*B«^d “amM
111 be wBlebed with faierwal aad
aaythlag Ui be oomparwd lo ibu
wcoaaful they will duubUeaa had
awblBg 10 be compare with ihla
wHeapread morameal toward i
alortag Ibe ireea that hale baem
"Didan you?" aald itol
removed from dob
Wdn-t your K..w, 1 do rail
I alopea
lime Ihe eHorl that t
But. adautttag be waa a a
tkfag to pal t_.
as and alow, tbun didst I
ibey beloag aboaU
im nicely? And where he
rerntad our pe<H.le oBce more of Ue
ore. lei li be taken Into euiulderaallowlag the Irm we bow
DB tbsl IhU U the al<wy of RohlBBIn be aBBereaaarlly dealiwyad
ABBe. Who woold gladly bare-banered' by Brr or .aai»l by carekwa Ima^
- le ejea aay day for the laaat
hai be warned -U Parry Trua
Ibe Hketrh.
ror maa) yean lae great gold SaWi
fa the famous Cfaolgardfa mteiog d^
A Haro.
“ •«««« Anairalla bare bam
arwBi, brdwoy^ated. freckledfaeaB] •uKerlBg aerfaBsly from tbe lack fa
Bare Uaraea nevar dreama that ha H en adequaie Baler supply
li wag by
hero; yei b
be hai alwaya a.
0(. meaar an UBCummon oenuMc
biful ffrieada to be a brare

^ u 2,',SSS,


dream aw'bad bad'ue________
wfalry oa bur taiber a Usd—al Ua
waste fa driaiu
„ . .
hat fa her drtam
bad inraM Ufa a beauttfal lake, tri'



Hba Mid the w^iar tame (ro

bbd detSkad eaetly where It eue
■ ' fab wai ttraek i
blmoal la daapalr si Ua hmg em
Befag a lltlia
«d lo put down _
______ _
meetfasad by hla daagbtw. Tb

(rally trae

B “*
kfat Ua haada fa ibsfa pw^
wliaerved SraiMaM

hrtde a uoiiaaaaa.
J>male Crtaada kfat oa boU e



r-s S'

•d a decided
bold at my haada agaia oouatry daocei the showed
. - for a
Wrlle Look Ufa my eyaal 1 ba«< preferrsee '
SM li alb-aad ll don bm hurt - *sd time u , pout tioj halted. There t
eory lllilr borne, elib Katie aa
d Hoblaa-ABDu
With atMdy cyua ib* watched th<
waa the falber'a farm
l-!ay tf emotlaaa oa hli face RelM
knd Ibe younger rbildrea
Brat ot ail aM —. *od approlied
Uai Blier day. aa 1
fan and ovor overythlag and bo
towed Ihe pfau
a overythfag agafa-reUrt. e'
IV' be gave ap
tram bU troMbled brow, ihai
w of Ibe atmggla
murb wbis be was too
tired at Btgbi to go to tbe merry
WB tbssn be.-qiiarTiBd Id a mahfagi: aad wbea. moatba after,
iBouib, ChaHW, «• erix,- aald ttoblaa- RaUe married a youog farmer fa tbe
Anae- tlb« drpw ber haada tram hfa. aelghborbood. abe amr gueeaed bow
h luserfag WU bUdaa aa Have
and ibeo. without a backward look.
ebocrtagly; -^wie. Kalfa. I wfah
- cb Joy. -Hay tbe Holy VUgfa

irteka a


I who aalght have had. 1
Math. Bobfaa-Asse to wU
Aane. with a ibonaaB
Iboutaad gTSeea; with
hfa. asd afai. rowBd eye

Her died ebooty atter ibaL aad
paay, atekly baby: writboei a
aueatica Uic Baraae family
thfar home aad baarta.
Omfa.- aa they caUad
for him aa tbetr owa
fa time tbe bome waa pM for. and.
la bretber ioha wished <S many, a
irm waa booght fn- him.....................

facA—bow aly! wttb ■
TbM**th'eT5jber died
that asl you faag^ yoa ba
“—. ----------——•—
there were fae laBaral expaaeea; aad.
loo. tbe asm ^kuwai by tbe srtM
awaat. wWadUag umgiie. aad a
b«an to gBMa. to Ubaraie that boaeat maa-p amri
•^PoT^tdty WM MiBMbfag aggail-------------her oUJdiah
trletery—who mIghL nimage. auaage
>ouBg maa. bava kept for hU Itfafaag
eharmtag ibla bundle
----------had yet

dellGaie wpwald mure at^etiber
mer. tied mad# h Kr ber to laagh
with, aad abe prfactpaUy weed It for
that. Ut eat R braealy to laaghter
ibrnagh tba days that loUowed. aad
abe drOfad ber Woe eywa fate —>->-r

that bar mlnb had aeedMWkg
Mt fa ber. Bat abe had Ufa mack

sad CASS Sts

vk,u»ly (toucfei omt 4 arMttar
BMU<r Ians!
| Brul ...
lur. ...
Bw -------A4
that Bar
Koliiaa Aaar braid aMbtae o( It i
only iBlunasily (Octuird bla atM|
• ar* b.}. IIMII ahr caaw Bpoa h_
' •t> e«idriiU> •iac»«d ruatrahvlaa.
a B« or drrp drfaodoa. K

>■: -and a<aln aad i
"tHdBl you 1
her, IheaT'
-;-ltoblBa-ABi.B bad
with a dlnple In li. Hbv hail urfi
d ryra and an InBiiliel.i >1)
rairiWaUBi babll of tuuklns .idewiy*
"Ami when d
■iBl ot Ibem Hhe looked In (bl. laab
-I ibluk-ain my way to
IcHi Bow ai bor youBc man
1 abould au like lo
-Whai: " HublnaABBe a
tmclBDluB dull.. atreaB, •It you
way a glascv ai him - Now.
k>»e BH t;haHle. or ... > think
Bad It out Ihen, Chartl
Iboufhl of a girl (All
-Why. KoblaaAbne wbai
Anne ' aald C'barlla. muura
fLnH^BUBI we bei«
bet, eU*BB..d
all I'd tunt Id ber.• Hu. J
-Oh. y«~'ij5'BoblBaAB«‘. took

herald 3ob Office

THf SOT or evcnvtHiMo.

Canning Season

Tbra Ur Uuabirr rtally deM.rtrd
WbrBI Baybody
any bo
awlW .« >,
b. bliw ry.» .d UoblaaAaar

> BbakcB
your baml.
brt BO sorb! Hour.
Au.l *bu«« a d«|iib cd frk-ad,h
dear old O
Mud lo DBdrnUuid.
ib« lai*—ti was rv«r>
And duMB'i MvBi iu ha.i
Joy boi
her piupvny aa bu
BbBi br'd bavr you ib
Ua. bdag d
Ni.B, lucb a bran may U
hla bMe-a Barm and non «
Or, (wrebaacB br awildol do
havaatx lu pay ts, p„„.
"Well. I d
Btor li a drliulir« bopr,
ABd brrr-> a Ibouchr i,
Then auu.
JUdcBly a awm bluab
face, aad ibe mouU hare
Ab about ibr nrorld you «
Jumped I. ihe ground U be Aad o
Aa.nblag ihai'a vonb ili<- ba
•topped b •r wiib a airuag arm
alvars aarbored lo a roi«
. go;- abe paBied. "OK
—M»«a Wairnnan In Domdi rnt
lorguiten that 1 had bo right i
toBilun yxm any l.mger:'
"1 duel want cumturUng — any
luBg.T.- laid «('haiile - if y.Hi'11 only
loBT I Broader—;- a



Tor Iht

I- !• »ro •
daulr at
itu dIM


hisr;.:s“'¥s“ “? £? .s




SenwlBlAs far NBtHlBe.
sauld 41»Ua1) evoe
)„U 4Bd
prr ' rv.- 4 t ■
t\ir eMUnn
C4,bBBBiI (>vrt.~e<r
riullrAB. (.‘Idea strvaBi "
I Bdd. -111 M yiui Id i>
• k), Um-b U yu« mrr «i.
1 oil'll ,purc ibr bail and d
r (uldra BTlt.'
»>l 4 iirlBc II


UWe*« wJ^rorwai
a that ebaefe.
-red paU.
So that abe 4U a« bmr how the
yMBg womaa wttb a ttnia

laogibfa ao fiaa Ihaa UI mJlea. Tim
pipes are fa steel aad hare a dlameMr.
I le faehet. Tbe velcfaty fa Ua watm

tt.Mu loaa Tbe ho»M p5rar fa JS.
Ibe eagtaae lo carry o« r
C.1I7. and Ue euaaUty fa water fa be
pumped per
T ddey fa* U •boara baa baea
tied at i.eou..
Oaa fa Ua
•I fa^^M^borbood fa«MS. Serltw

ihmday wernTwa rtrt fa
aad after eerrfaa U«w fa a

aaeh waald be beaedfat ap( Ue msMes fa hfa Mote
MWMMoa^^ aad from her
-------» yadgm whether be -faMall twobabllity wUl gtee a an laipadM
fa Ue Importaat mfafag fadMUy la dMUW^ a aaliM „ MK oa%*
Ue aeaaaat fa paraatt
Usl aaeuaa fa AMiralfa.—BwtU fa.
rdlBM to ao^i. if Ua vrofaag

e came fate la-



-mdU ParsfaB pMi.'wbo
y name fa OladWaat,


e heart fa' lSm S^to^aiHi pthmrsdrtMasfa ber pet aad eaJiad Wm

. tor be b
Uaa UM tea the p._^_

SSS'VnMO bmaUfTear art C



"*M* pease aM pwtaae IL“
-A ilghi haart

tfa *M* 4 J

«« Ik* «M «*• to** Mt «

n. ji.Sl^'SliJCS- Tr«.

tsrjssr-'-"’our Cto* c M. B*»a :>•’ MI9* u*
auMi Mtooi r*pon to fbf b'ar* ton


rtk* (M M >t

« br <W «■«■<»■ «*


MBaiNa: t:i: *ia*(*d

•■d w rn- rail awl eotaaMU ‘- 'iMMluB d«*M hillr *1>li all d<
■eaS <j« <bc aetooU. anti oil! aj
a f«M ir lb* racular lia.rJ an
u> and i< vonbr *< «ar.>4: |w
A lar*. aiamal o( bllla whkb
w«ll*d >
lb* **r* aad BMt>*
ilKaa «>'•■ ur««ro« baU.
auabrr UuaUrw inwrfcl aa lb*
raalCMtb n of Hn. Har



WKa- la Ua aUrMt Iba
girm Mur« .ba*«

UBtlatf ««- W«M"f


•aa ae**i .od Her alat» h to^at
i.» MU. tray. a»d ab* *lil l» rriataod
alar id NflMf ■


Uab that Bylai attAlan
«HI ba boada* «o o|«r*i* la h. tbli
la tb* BaaavblU. aa* I
IMU ito*. lb* aatlae-k
■u OB a mr* aad aiaa*
Umt toatoaUoa.’

Eight e*Dt» a pound »
whkt k ycoBg wman paid for
tvtU'C pounds o£ flesh.
She was thin and weak and
paid one dollar for a bottle ot
Sco:t's Emulsion, and by tak­
ing regular doses had gained
ttix-lvc pounds in weight before
(he bottle was finished.
night cents a pound is
cheap for such t-aluable ma­
terial Some pay more, some
Iwb., some get- nothing for
their money. Vou get your
net’s worth when you buy
.'^tti Emulsion.
We will send j-ou a litde

Otbluih. WU.. 10 aitaad acbcni.
Bid Jit*. C r. WbUIb. bar*
SvBf in Si TboMi lor B Tbii.
R H. Aliya iwtmad thu aftirMaa
nu, a batlBca* irlp *0 lBt*rlaeb*a
>M BwaMiy-.IUMB
Herr. Uardlaar wnu' to Niwtbin
•ua. u> b*sta bU dim** <>e <b* M.
t*r mry
» irtprowl liun 8uB
A Har|l*>
■Bit l'll>. «a r b* ka* |u*l coBplrle
lb* Imrrlor
iuilthiBB d H Mpeer
ki> am] Mr*. t%U WhUa*y ami to
.r ibl* BorolDS f‘t a .bon

mH. AacSdMfdleoB chad tbe
toa Mb aad ha* rttoBty: eft

Pto^'perartl* Pte.......................tbm it

eaeb day.
to kl* raal
iwtoai be woke ap. Re aaya ha baa
the tote chief
StBoa Pokasca. aalbor >ld* down
It Ibe Ifoiwth (WM''d Bot
ut. Tbe
... t(B*w
d the Weoda." MtU htod. _ _______
prtoau'libi tjuli
ilackUrd publiabod the hkury d
the toat tea week* ta ttoi
Ottawa* aad
and Chippewa*

There b________________________
editor d KniBid ciKiaty aad
ptwtaai paper tor* towa ratu:
preeeai tbab erer bcCmw l_ ___
tur tur aeroral ypat*.
,\*-h iiur u • oSewa ar*
i. • U^otT- Aa evidealr ad typhoid
'nlienlty cbeaiumw-ltai'e amdeliu tbiak ttoi tbe Boaey to takra a*
— i. caadnt 1------“■ --------- - ‘
ato’rib of 1 abitag water with a bUad. tb* ohjeef "
' w ti> dtaoorrslat' lypboU B*rma. aowethtog elie.
have ,*T»rt*d that ^^w^e,^^
ba* be*i,


. .iber OL_______
artog ibalr annual diartoy br men eBongb tor tbdr coapa
•d tbr nxa who were leonoUy
: Bay City J. U tV>*«. paaliw Of d CoMoaira «h-> wai nut the atgb;
•ff at tbe era dock, at Etomaabi
HEBlCaoe Caihollr ehun-b. BisaedI befure fur a guml Uni* and louad blm nate gon*
Thuraday Burning
K«*ry nmajeell la ptuuu-Mlim «l tbe property are mereit

-i.r-fji'.'-'”' “sjr-

well. Ma*p aeO aad
BN set aeraoea.

P. UaroarJ BBd ibelr
1*'iSJi*r>. Hbe* Bad UaxlBa.^ IndUBkpidl,
r* B*rn*nl‘» |i*m
traal. Smlib d I
hi‘ |iMt font wraki
Imtui' ytaliTday Tb*. were **•
kiiii .1 *. tar ■* tlruDil KtpiOi by
Hmiiti. who will fu
I'l ih* Runillur* <'li>au'l Hr.. <: E. Tbunu.
duimioD. Obln. ar* ib* a
n.l Ur* «' 1 Ka**Uaii
« liall Kulaad w< >1 10 Qr««BTllle.
MItl . thU BUimlBS
b.r iil.-r, Mr. J f tVrIfhl.
(Iii> l.n>BBnl w*Dl 10 Ml IsBB** thW
i.iiiniiB lor A B'llh hi* pBivDl*.
tv II ll.BBh' w*Bl to KiBS'ley ibU
ran us on bBiiaaBa
Hr- I. H Uoora o> Butahi
.rs--.l iuiDi* tbli BKintBS. BTi*r
IS irlcni. Ib (b* rliy.
Tbwe wbo luflcr fioD ebroak diaSaWknl •• abeouai d ibe purebaacir d Kb**ub ;
eaae* an inuud lo conwll Dr. Picite.
Sh* SB. ■ aoine vary talcrratlBS eon
Tb* folKmlw U tbc am*M»Blad re- partun* bsiwwa tb* lUe d JIaUa
i-mns«'r u Hapb- Clt) I
ralpii BBt dtabunaowu iBto-- aad lb* l’Btt*d Slate*, aad Uild Id *b ■>WII
aaleriAluMs w*y of 1“ priadpal citla*
>.} 11*9*1 ^y Boeb:
PicR*-* neaaato Pellcta can MfUn U.uiloa ba* reluraed 1
BBd the pbea* wbuse aais** bare bo
... b*
, buy)raii.l Rapid*, wbrr*
jHUbt bIww lb* sraat gold dlttoU a
i.l.lBy „____
for tbc_________.
erorken' d»
otrita.-ai utr Ib* Haaaab
S Lay Uera d AlaUia'
SeatniRi Proparty Sold.
nlllr t'o d wbirh be ' *
C. Morsu'
loplr o
The aurilua aale d tbr Ol* Huelniui
U.UM-B Mpsaslcr of :
if. ablcli <
property unk ptoev
lYlday ai
vUMlUB 0 1.
.blast ibat Boat prrapi* kaow
:::::: ..m.
Ib* ruuri houM- Th*
ilding >m tht
th >ir- about Alwk*. oa* d '
tarPiut giropmlra wa*
cy llrely aa.!
riebeat poaaeai
Ualied I
Bu*i ul Ihrm wrr* boagai ■' • oar
Tb* tlBib**. far a
tV.ilUiu lira d Cedar I* lo tbe city
ud nia*ial product* w«r* aU treated
IxM Iti, block «. whirb I* lb* pco|.
«*f7 iBlwaatlasly
u|*-ii ubirb the Htrtel Lei-lauu
ark. wliu ba* beed ibe sa**>
n>- Intfudsa* S*ld* d kelp w
(«t*d Bad which b MxICS frai
li * sreater portloa d tbe m
a ctiraer law Ic Ib* bu*lai-u por
brtMighi unly tf.koo. Con*erra
rr gulBS to
live **iimaira ptoev IhU property at
pan <d lb* eiate.
Th*rv w*r* traly two bid-.
f CdIod loaaablp llti.uuu,
on* betoc lor ff.UOO. IVii-r
> today cm b
grid wad illver la
Btwtrui biJ lb* property la.
12., mealed
pwr tbe br*'
la that TBL
Traubl. .Wa* I"----------I'ruBt •treel.
•tmi. bouUght Saw. aad r
*puk*a d. Tb* latMi dUeorery
Cliy 'VrlgbrnaMer
11. C. Ue*pre* *iu
by PetWuriUirg. The lo.
Beld d oil. wblefa *xi* '
IB bl> Viflke. aad eallca. aad wak
raui UiIxSWi feet.
-•*. Aad Ibe poUlu buyen
/cn all
Ihdure tbc balaarr d Ihi- ktl* wri>Ittu
fruBi of Ibe BarkrI. aod
Dd 'buy poild lb* aueiluarar. B J. Uurgan. E>n
ll OB* o( lb*
UltH-i. and welgb them on1 ttbe city
bua and luok Ib* Udder* lu *ee lb•bias oae-baK ul ibe eal- weVi
IT r.iiaial
Tbr welghl* are rlgbl _. .
>u. *u that they would !•* bflti-r pr*
1 d lb*> world. It ha* traea *ni- beceu.e ibr *ealei hare been repaired.
BlBM* tB irBBBMT .
IB*t*l .... t lb* srowtb d timber )a
And bl-Um1> U kfeklag Why ebouU
A bo timber ta tbr
dui* vireti. .a-i ..I lb.- C K A I
Muita*w^d^'*^h« Ualiad
Os* M tto abW
irark w,-n- ui Malcxdui iviunlc r..r
w (4 kaBpiBi tb* suio. iiBIII aaotbar aew srvwtb wai
>li2t. tik". tll>i>. and i::i'. t-Beh
Th.bouBB opw dBrtbf tb* wlatar raUcJ lu tba Ualiad State* ptopar..
nr*i lot ha* a I-.oum- tia li.
iBitoal d a paper upoa tbe eecop*
uoBtba Ito ewMUOB wa* dti
IVler Wurzburg »e. ur. J .-tu» 1 ax .
e dead wnms
They needed
people, tut lahleM
leaxtb. Bad ftaally It wai
*>r block f. on ih* tipiAall* >idv •>!
tVbea a load d poiatara
u pleoaius way by meaa* d
aly dlBliill ta baap tba bolldlbl
wad by dlRercat Beiaben drI.i-B i-b froa tbe aoctb, tbe 01
•pea dBrtas lb* wlbUr Cor tb* at* d
It. tl fbaadler iHoiKht pan »i !•>; :
way. ibi- ecalra would weigh oee way.
itoel*biSMbai». TbM bt* b*Mi *w ol the club.
for in*.
but 1: lb* load ww drlrea oo froB tbe
pactally d*Blf«d by tba** wbo bar*
T«u •lellsbllul I
liBderw.i.Hl wte.irtd a
weigh as
oMud lb* bovua^dlm awl bliiM Sireu b) tbe Hlaeaa^u UcMuu* aad otbm way. the acaira .
. IM* t
lot a good way for
UaHoa Ulbba. Itoy were tbe “Wed- otber way. which
•h*a the way the eraaeiery.'. for S
dlat Mu»le-' Md -Oaaee ol tbe Turk*," •rale* lu welgb.
-elghlsg wa* dUcorered.
' K wa* tba iiipiiiliiii d Praal4*si
Plant Now .n Operallen:
ic ba^eei Beellas H waa u■ flaed It. ligbl away
liatoni ibai tb* totMlas b* bapi opaa
The Traveiw* City Utdler Wtukt
d that Ibe tlekei* for the Uali*oM « p. a. to !• p. •' **W7 4ay <
began aiilve tipcrail-iB* torn Thnr.
leclarc courae,
.d d polaiora
_ _
day. li b ItKoiril In the Mlrhlgau
IP. bare beea placed
be«‘h Si-pteBber
» .........................
waUbed It
Tbeo they Hanutociuring lk>'*
bulliUag. n.iar
llowera, baCoi* daddias datallaiy oa auU tad eu b*
fp a lo d oo tniB Ibe aontb. aad Ibe. Northern Michigan Tranaptria
UuaB«S.C. Da*;-... J.
. C Horsu
» kaap tb* boUdlae 1
ibed II again. There bad been ao
rompaiu'* duck. O. C. Srlek»«u.
J. V.’. UauaUell for |l
paiad. lb* Mottar d UeSeBlB^ito%
proprleiur and
amaager. to*
aad bIlUard tabU
ererylbtas la rvadlaea* to brgin wlib
a aold waatbar.
or. 'wai
email toioe of mea. He i* itlll
lUeuaaad. _________ ______ I adrlaonkmd Iraer k*t*. ear let hi* hoy get
•r ab'i _ ............. ...................... .. .
ittlos for *uBe d hU BiacHaery.
abl* IB dnw «B tb* tfiaaary tor tbr
oB. DOT du any other funny buato*
aeedcl uach
■0*1 d lb* I
............................................... r lb* earreai Bui tbe welghl tflSered froB tl
I. bdtbar wai U aewiidarad ad•Ireu when Ue load wa* drirea
OB d “
frea lb* Donb by Its pound*
.« It amre*.
•} ww ttoi they r»nild tor*
lat order*
Krtekaon already
■s aUon aad MUiard labla traBltli'oa. tbd UlU baa bow
Ibe teal**, beesua* eoaalbl
lu toll hlB for a. « lime,
lUUer with the work* Tl
will I*' prepared to handle
e all k
_________________ tba aaat, bat H by iy << iwaaldasl.
1 tv Haaaea baa beea appolatad to Bade an inrwUtollon.'and foaad U
uf boiler work on «bort nolle* and i»
wai taaity daeidad to airaalau a auk
the iKumoa or aecretary. ia plaee d a tor bad bera beat, ao that wbea _
ike order* Tur new boiler*. Hi* [urc.load wa. dnreo oa froa one dbwotlaa
! iDcu will b* iBcreaied a* needed
ll touebud ktrathM bar. which ceseed
-fnetoo will tnrludifrlciloa Bore terlou* ihna tbat be
IbvildFBl Prlfdrleb baa Bade
e reiiUrtog <
old bol
wpaM aart lb* anal
tween Ibe potato buyer* and the
• -‘Uclloaa for the (oaiBltlera
lldtog of nei buUfT*.
* bnlMtog
pd tabu
tar tto.allar*
aad bUH^
It-'.** tb* I CD eoBpoalat U*m wlU OMffor. Wbea Ibe bmd csB* oa froa d rduae bunmrw. laaka
India ito wtaur HBMb*. AW. Hu
uacb to BBk* tbe weak d tbe the other >ld*. the bar did not looeb. baarv abeet Iron work o( ll
au. oaaau Mrard ato a B. Mamy
M there wa* no tHotkm.
Tb* eBMplei* 11*1
Mr Brlekaon wUI tl'e the plaai
. ... t
onw aasMd bb a wIihb m nls*
**eal b
The bar wa* etrolgbleaed up, and peiwoBil ailrelloa fur tb* preseal
•to MBMury BMoeab sad baSar* adtbat ttralsblaned oat ibe troabls
■k after tbi- buslaru until a
Ttoi * Bralsbt.
chaaed bb
laaaip mm *u to **My ralaad wttbPrealiMBt—A. V. PrtadrkS.
Piral View ProaMaal—ThoM

aen«iar> Barb cd ih<
lub rew 'rad a v«y r
iui aalUfmory flaaaHal •lalaaaaai lo
a or oar laaBrlal p*l- ;b* Mork,ol**.» al ib* mraila* PH
•lay BKbi Tb* rapori
IB detail
bo. a*4 tb»
T:« npurl .bemad la datall
;-bai ba. I.e«« doa* wUb Ib* a
aa lotova:
,atU laio lb* elab tfii*«iu7 by
an dnrti ( lb* paal aaaaoa. aad
kBo U a bat—<*•«>•
r ffto, aad It U boaalUb miad a < bllaloaa axpaadiur* ad tte
^iBb fuad. by tb* 41
> .■*.»■ aa* eiptot |i to a daataroaa
• rat tu ef tb*
Raeoei tbreslela* are
a * •!
iBlIdlBi *ad
lllaMraltaba. ThU proea
,.i.aaaUi». ab* lu r*t>l*ltr aa
« tb* BMbalbtoMt or lb* propprMt tbe real probta <U ib«
B lb* iBUtt* a* waU a* lb* praa-,_____«.
WU*a> crl- •*»«> *•«
^ ba haani aoooer or talar, aa* batIV I------- lor M M bM able Ui lift cradU



Uraad UaiMd* taslcbt. wbera
atrt Ur*. BaUara ud Hln
Mia: Ir lu iSnr way from Obtesco. retun B( SaurJw rU^t-

409 Peart &0«ai.
New Yo*
50c. and |i.oei BUdnaegin.


itiJ"!'.'.'!*' :::


.u o. U1»

turn banaabl op tba Mliar of tb*

•av MMMlac aa* b* ««*4r IB
If Matter at tb* aaat rOMili
The raarU oaH U ahaaa ib* tolld^ M U b* Mean*- A alt* U olraato
SUhl oa* aniu tb* bolMia*. It

r. ato Piad HaAlila-

and the

;::: ItS

S'tudebf tU&r



iSa* tkai M
o tto toUxrlBf par-





The- best on the market.

T;V"..'r ....................




b* a

Terris Implement (Ko* Ctd*
127 to 131 State St.


uy mMw wUl totofPad boa tb*
iibd«tt« Um wisiar tf tbw da sat
——— AU wiu toe* a«ad mWS-

SM9*iary-J- W. Hasaas.
Tr«raor*r-J. T. Haaa^

H a h'Ko. u oSSSTh. a Oa^ ■ ‘ sx-nii *11.
tVllllaM UBdos. a K. Back. U K
Qlbi *. Parry Haaask. P. H UU . ft

Tb* dU bau* uftw tWa arrsai
n*ai wU Mk* a laTeftt* raaert. s
t .h« popBUMy d tto athMie aad
b« Blab BOW b au erttartoi. It w_
• ••naiatalalaB la tb* wtatn aa
rail a. la tb* BOMMar.


iiw Wodui Blab Mdar ttouto m
jM*n wu b ebare*

L^?33-r^«s| ^■ti-sSSsSSS
k-M9> AlhMi*

■ aafertu tod «raaad tto rsd
> d tobada.
dbaianU U
a wbieb toar bb aaM*. abd U
sr**i couiry bayeu iboH. wbkS
My la* d aar MsM rataad posM

OMBlai dowa to tb* Ufu-d Paal.
4to para bMy u Mbs d lb<lh^
Snardesa Par Oa.. wUeb wu ahar-


' klorsas. A W.'HUIM. H MmIb..r A. ft. BiasbiMu sad tbe fciUcwlas
Otocen: A. V. KMHeh. TbOM** T.

ftaV*. ft. u toncoA

aber I and eb
u T. BatiA B. w: Tesber so. by vlrtiie d tbe a
It b uBlawful to kUl doer la tbb aUt*
tovlag Sral pcooarcd a UMtoe. KeaUaai baaiar-* tioeto* <
ft real*, aad boa-raaideala are palled 10 pay IK for lb* permit.
gBB* Uw daaka* it oaUwful tor any
UAcnah. H.
a oa* to kUl Bore ibas Ibrra deer dtoa HaOMMI.
T. Bat**. H. A tog Ibe «ea*oa. or to kUl a tawa la tb*
tpolled eoBi. The um of doga or arP;iM.ItoMT***
USctol llgbb 1* al«o prohibited .
dsai.. K. HatoRoa. '
Tbe toll law twaaed abo aakw It
to killdear untU 1PM to Bcito
W.‘W tto^-Tboau
w. t: hms. p. c. d
Bias* bland aad ia Ispeec. Haros.
Oociinay. S. ft. Walt
------Tuaoola. MaeoBb. Ak
UiiaiMpsl Aftalia—ft. L.
Bprafua. hsaa. uuawa gad 81. Clair eaaaUaa.
i. a liarwar. (Moffa H. Cniaa.
P. aad aain IPM to Uk*. Oaoeoto.- ~
Haeos. Haalatae. WaHord. Utos
Newayso. Maeoala. laabdto. E
Baer*. tL W. flaaUas*Leetoaau. Oraad Traycrae, 0
Por* t Prodaat* ft.
aad tliadwto ewaatha.
WllUaai Batlsn. J. H. 1
Cbtd ttofuny Q*B* Waidea towwSBllh. yaba P. Ott, W.
KMv. *t*r ba* yuBl reiursa^ ttiar Buktog
Pkaab K. Oaodriab.
aa axieaded tour d tsapacUos d ito
- aonharp coaaUea. H* prodloU that
ibare wUI b* batter daar haariag ibh
fall ibaa bw b*to aipertowead tor *•«i-C. i. Kaaalaad. J. C. Morvaa. •ral year* paw. He toy* tto d*er aiw
UeOoy. L. w m-u—
ikki. tod taal bird baatlas wUl aleo
UasUlaibB-Jkdati W. H. p
ftauii UasMn
./UbalB a knaaatbal, ^sUa* CMbpbali. P. H. BatsaM. t. Pvrtaeb. W. T.




S Oarta. J. A. LorsaM 0. W. ftat. J. W.

fefOi^ltllll^llUk.___ .
ftniM. wMk fluutok, weak

i. 1

AyerS Cherry Pecieral.

____ tod TM w*






Tbe apprasob d tbe dear •eaa
Bariwd by aore and Bore of tb* kiesl
people gelllag ib* torer. aad .H h prob­
able ibai acre dwr lloesaew will ‘
Ibe ooaaiy ibU ____
rrer before.

iB»pattaUns H. A.
. Ktabaed. C. K. Back. p. a
k*>. ft. U. Pose. C. ft. MaiTV.

Jerry BolUesa pawad tbiossh tto
by yiatnday os Ui way toa* tM
trip to MiskBSiis Wbh* ClowL sad
ib*r juanatootk.
O ft CM tto fanttara ye
a* saw* sarth as bBiaiaa
Hr. tad Hr*, p. a Hcoen wei
a Hair Pwtor MA U
tor a weab'i tHM to Aaa A
ttora IBM Itotor wa to »


Craoerse etty* imeb.

To Core a CoM m One Day

your S'm is Waiting

Vour size in a Fall Suii and (hcroiat it waitiuK for
toil iivrc all ready to put on and wrar away. unlt:<«
boine trifling alleraiion is needed, and this tan t>c
made very quickly. Are you ready to buy thcm>
Wc are ready ti> show them to you.
\Ce shoiv a large assonment of all colon and
weaves, prices from


Ml «# tb* Nto!


$5 lip to $25*00*

publKaikm deroted
ndera *ywle>aa u*ed
bBalnrai boa***, there U *n
arltcl* wrill** by TbOBa* H. 8b*r
BMi leccwiary d lb* HaBlIioo Cluib
laS On Tb* anlele U lUualraied and
pitoeai* Baay valuable auggeaikB*
oOev Bua to Ibe large bimtoe** bona
aa to tbe retail ilocM. Tb* arllluiiraied wtih pyactlral aag
gealltui. and bookkaeparm and
will end Baay ihlaga tor
iludy Th* furB* treated In h* con
md by Ur- Bber
the HbbIUoo
CmthUig Oo with aucoeaa. and that
much apsoe It gtv*a In -8y»t*
the aiitcl* I* eiidesce thai the
aad *ngg*»Uon* *et tomb are ot value


SPECIAL line of Blue. Black and -Brown, all
wool. Kerseys, heav)' weight O.vercoats. An excer»tional good coai at only

Suits hr tbi yiungltlin
Nea: manish styles tliai please
the c.xactingideasof all.


Cftpimeres, Cheviots. Thibecs and

Tb* euntiiballua I* a
a da* haH-lov



all designs, prices

ran^ from
Butt NM

$10.^, $12.90, mf t* $ts.00.

llaa* or Ulcblgaa. takra at gtmtu
Uilawaa. UUpp**at aad FMi
lira d-MtobHaa 10 atieod (bi. ...
tntol eolahesUoa. Ourtag tbe week


rfc. arouad
WbiBh wUl to w
rad B*a OS tb*y
ibelr oM tim*
Boratos d NovaBbar M the ladtoa
vtltog* wm to 0(wa traa to all. Tbe
aaetosi oblet. A. J. Btackblrd d Hara vatana d
year*. wUl addraa* ttbe people It



. Caurrii bcctoswriih* atobtos cold in tto htod. iaflamautioaror torcB*a«of tb* mambrxac or liai*v of tto soaa, dtoekaize cd maco* matter,
tomlactos. seoialsia aad diOcait-toasthiac, sod ewes' U tbia tsrty atas*
to uliaoM iotok^. Bsttftos toe ftlUraeeiMiea* toftis to drop back
into tto throat aad HnsMb, aad tb* btood tocoMW poUated aad toe
aywtem ouatsmiaatod
by the cMsrtol petotou O
tbea toe aalm

For the young Men are here
in all styles, prices to suit all.
range from ^.(.10 up. Irish
F'rieze, Kerseys aiid Melton
Coats that we' guaranfee to
wear and hold their color.

Overcoats and
For the
fellows of 8 to 16 >ears old. Boys
two piece suits, a regular school suit made with
the doutde seat and double knee and are strictly
all wool, something that will sund tbe wear
and Mrain of the boy-s that go to school.

Piicts f2.S0 to fS.OO.
tons psUtotiwe or tol4blis tto toctesiiH of CMarik.' what out '
>«a czpaet(n* Back fiwatmiad Htoea it faiinia tofeak aad tbe whole
lytoiB aSceted f Oaly aato s fiiaiidj a* 8. & & can reack tola obati-



Me awdr fur

*Xbc Rome of 6ood eiotbing.^
Cmwt Tttmt


€. Wilhelm





CnM Tnrcrsc HoaM.
. Kti
Hr UO Hr» i<A> Smi
•• lk«ir M« n«H«u<* la

'1^, a«l Hra. A. .

tovB ibU



.................. --r fnr ifcair
- - -1 Claralaed. Ohio
Hlaa UM>la (laaut a»M< Taaada}
. la Trarma U«r

Hn. II H IHaa «aA daiwbur
liarlab rMuraad la«i vaab trot
<I>K Vila raHilvM MA frlaati la
Oa TaaaAar araiHt Ik# baad lanaatel iIh- Mvlr aanM nwpla. Hr.
aad Hra H«i BebroaAar. vho kart
rMimatf froa Ikatr waMlw Ulp. Tkt
gmum u a htalar of tka baaO taa
(kt l»j« iirariiH bla to hta boat
aiM* Ibtf vtra tarIM la Olfer,
aDSta tad eah«. fnilit aaf Maff vt~

It bo(k ahara U
altaufvUeh Laoa Ctauh. Iba d-paarold ana ol
la at PM a Hpatrrr.
broashi la a <%aa a Ctach. vm taataaUr blllad
tn dapa apo bj tbt
■CUcBthal. oa tba talMad trackTaanh cd MUUaphartai boaa labta la l laCUaaUoa uie Uoa. vTlb bla tiaiar. vat drtrla«
Hlaad. totirf •» or fi .
dMaal a cow troB a paaiaiv aaat cdTba tr '
fiva Harbaadia. aodbtap
aad la Ut aailet; u> «?# the <
harliip bam lakM Cron'uiMaaoM hvB beta! rua apoe by tba irala
•aura at tar aa baova. Tka kth It alood oa tba tracb
a halt loaf la laud, •tapbaa Rau at Waal Bivaeb oa
II It a b
lath la eakir aad uL a •atarday urbalad a vapDtlood td
baUared to ba Iba Hrfaal a|r
r rblaad la aortbwa miai—.
bodr. aad potaoMM u7l
Ibe Klaf cd Tcapklat
liouaty varltiy. aad by dcdall «o«at it
laarb. ivfl cd vbleh prMi .
lookk bul
but n
PI applet lo aabt a boabaL
tbt luvrr lav la tUBM raaparit tbt Uicbldaa vm be calM apoa u> (a^
•ah panlp raofbita a eaiiab aad
cd tbt aupply
a tail watar plat tbit y _ ______
for tbt_______
twtti _ ,
«ac btpi aaditra tiauv aad Praaldaal Cbarlta
II be abir W Oaratid cd the Oraad ftlrar Valley
Id lu apaelaa.
Apncwllural toclaly aaya tbara vlU ba
itina at Ibe itelrtrtltr
a dlBcuUy. He ballerat Ibal Uara
I )oar- Btcrttafy Wada
ba bo laeb cd npe. roay applaa ca
tayt ladicaiu a potat ID a larpa ea Ibe anrbr 1 ibU •talar—that It If
nrilneai. At
Hlahipae d Mt bar beat.
Ulatd. tba at
Tea nta Batbad a daaper tlpaal la
dapanneei la
(roai ol a N n. « H. K. R. tnlaaaa
ibt lav lu. nert
tuUoB. K- 1. Prldty atpbi
l» aav pint, awtily iratbrnaa wbliloi
Kaplottr Boaa daiaciad aMlaortih
MM la tba aiMhod of haadllad the
aad (unaed aa lattaaiaatCHu


H'allar Uor«a laak a Irtp Is
Had Hoadar.
Hlaa lUa Norauv lalaraad t
•oak rruB a ritlt vith maadt
iinidup, aBd^rtak'la«*ite
Tnrtrao »tr.
inlB oa
- • ________ .... tptad
body map la tba k>4aad
I. U Hart Uiok a trip U> Trarv
rallivad coatpaBy i rule#
Iba Biac vat a druak Orw
Otr Haadar.
Um lor at> boair baCotv bto
Tbt bruga aua feata arrtrad aad
•Bf« baa bacaa a« Ibt aw brUpt.



lo »phi IB tba Pant poilc
<*bartea Han? loft Wadaoadar tor ^ Hoblliba. a 14-yaanold
t A vaallby aaaulaetiimr vat
Oaralaad. Oblo. vbaro ba vMI ba H •to natidet la Harlaalia abwed voaoa a ebarri cd ataaodlnk
tbt anirtur <d iba Waalara Ualoa darrm awra. Ht vaHtd a alia lepal btJtd
tptad. bad Uaned It <ai bit
tferuufh laa •ooda aad rode ivalre
cbauteur Ht aald tba ebaulaw
a lullur fur bit daupbitr't baad
Plalely it
be bad rtdutad ooaaaai ljul i
. panndpta
tatcbfti fauap oa
pua barrol. la
■o I
ortr bit tbMl
lad't an
Dr. IL ■ rioad hat laHallad-a atv tibt
I pad froa tbtra
Hovard npwailM chair la hk oHea Iba fai
Hra. KivU. who baa baaa a ■acai ai
Iba HaM Haolt lor tba paal lav,
i*M*bHn taaday lor bar boau
Paiilt Of Battia Crdak
la lb Ibt botplial for a •»!#
Hra llailib aad ehIM. vbo bj
M tba roaiiBli of balap a ‘■pood aamanbate aarkataly U1 lor tba poet f.
laa" Ht • a llaamia by upd*
daya am ilovty raeorarlaf.
-- —' a Hu vlra aaiuap «n
lo BurataapTi lead bar* aad bcnrdlap
Topic lor tba Y- P. •. C. L otaoay, table naadai aflaraooa. he d«Mad
»a It bcdore lOBie laexparl
4: -Ylraal Haa at ib« BuS!
•ncMi thed to do ao aad •ould
Wkat Ahrkhaa Taaebaa IW' '
trocalad But PalUt tllppad
Hra. U. U Bleb.
from tbt tool to tba prouad.
Hr Bad Hra loba UMr o
breakiap hie eollar boae aad other
■peat Htadjgr |a tova.

Prayer •aatloc lopte for Wodaaa- alee IbHirtop hlBatll.


- Klaapcl I Boyk •ool Swalcn, black o

. _____ lo-L?*'______ jU"

Ben Nk^el.plat«d Safety {W
vorth 6c,



for 2c

y^J^^^rta sab V4rt

for 2c

ROTHSCHII.l) & CD'S h*h i_.
tailored Meak Saiu mailt uj. In-t Ladiet’ tint <)aabiy Rabbcn. Op.
k, TviUi an.l t'hev'iolf.

cheap al $tS. Dgsctimg
for 2Sc


for 24c
Mca'a eaira bravy aU «ool caael'a
bair aad utura) wool ahini and
Jravm, •orth

for 47c

for 79c

for 48c

Wm^oH «or

118 Front Street

for BOC
Black F« Boia. tritoutd •ttk
FwaHk Mania taih. •onb »l.7b,


A lot of Mcak aM Yon^ Men'*
all vool Mita, case of A kind, •onb
•ptvI&OOi OpeAii«SAk.

LMici' beery Beece Ined Wto^s-

So^ tKkiof. •oRbTc. OpaaiM

for 98c

for 4fc

Olroul»i-» ror thl» W^oorO


the olobe sxore

Wuizhyrg Bteck

For Job Work of all kinds call at the Herald Office




Hn UaUlek aad boa of Chartarolt
MV tba taaau of Hn. S Oamoa aad

rdlnary. They «ert vhlle plae
•lirk. .hlch bAd beta la aen
w W yean NcHvlibtUAd'
Iba ibeir yeai
bar eai fnaa (beat
A part/ «aa piroa al tbt boast td euiUy.
Hr. aad Hn. Bryu w Batarday altar
beoa to booor e« tbair •aapbiA Bau
tob. ^TIm alyrvooa aat
Pia bar ehstbot Berenl dart lal.r

^upy A lit, iv4>fe.

One Year Ago We Starleit Our Furniture Depaitment
Today we have one of the LARGEST and BEST ASSORTED STOCKS in the city. This department being run
n connection with the other'departments., is conducted at a small expense. We have three salesrooms cover­
ing 9.000 square feet of floor space. Besides the goods we have on the sales-room floors there are two
warehouses full of surplus furniture. We carry only a sample of each article on the floor. We can and <lo sell
Furniture at low prices, whether for cash or on our “EASY PAYMENT PLAN." We meet the prices quoted by
Mail Order Hou8es--you see what you get and we pay the freight, and guaranty satisfaction.

Kan Waaioa Itarta ibU
Ml Ptaaaaal. •ban bt •<

Ma atodjoi al tba Ncvsal.

Bitoday lor bar W
Maaoia. Ubanaa. IMbart aad H
Haitojligai of OBMaa.ipMt HoaC
TU iriar -Hoattap for Hawblaa."
vaa plria la tba ton hall Satarday
art^ aad •» *all auaadad.
ton MaMay Witoaa took a li
TraaatM CUy tUt rraak.
Alban Hanb lotH a mp lo L

dtr Id Ibe Beadle oaC
Warrea Kiuaell. aped 7(. Ilet dead


lAkee tor l It core,
no 4a-

__ NlSrHtor*»Ufy Aldrteh. Iba

Hra. A. Hoawarvr baa iwaraad Alditob, aTSSS^htoStomlS, tLi“S?
jDjPrtHt a«h ratollrot aad frtoitot boUc acid toll BoDdAy eTaAlap aad
H vraal luptoy laro boun latar
. MtoaJPhi^ Ttowat baa arrlrad Oat Of tba pW’t hrolbtn >uabad her
t rtoH •Kb rvla-

AM JallaBarMa

"toy iSS

UtoBir. ialto MBtor.



Have You Bought Your
Winter Stove?
Buy Now and Save Money

I will pay the high>
eet Market Price


1 have a (ev bonat Ich that 1 doe'i vani, ai ay toanar buaiAeM
« ««• * etoanul pcay, pood driva aad pood aaddfe poqy. PridA

. ^prvhm, pood cirifMBAd food lAddk Htlfkt Wa Pric«


Buy a three-piece suit in Golden Oak or Mahogany tinish. (like cut.)
1 be bed is II fi 5 in. high. 4 (l. 6 in. wide l>reii»cr has $Ux$4 l-'rench
bevel plate.mirror, 40x'JO in shaped lop, two top draws full swell.
Convmodf it) match is 17x8.H and has swdled top draw.

JaaII we abk for ihiu lart;c fam­
ily Steel kangi , wiih <rxtra.larjie
reservoir anil l.i^h iluj-et. Hurni.
.wood, coal or coke ai}tl is lined
throughout with asbeatos.

Others $ 13.75 to $60.00

Odd Dressers
ton with Iron Betis, in Oak.
Mafeggany or White enamel

We are Agents for t^he

•tilhi i«n.Armi<iriTto*^

Peninsular Stoves
and Ranges

yam tod. ao*^ llM.y PriM

OMbiocfeybtoiitoyly aoM, «to^ woo, OM fef toteiM A te-

^iapoodvorkiAAn.____ __

ISM. Na 1. Mm

- Aifeto.tonMMUy.BrtoAad
naaMlty Brto Aad



padat H Ua pouiot

and OtoBOtb «haa vaad ibH
Bfm atbar poiAiami had bai

BAfA. 7 yoAfioU. bkdky boJl^ato^t lino, A No. 1

^ ptytoM.4yAAntod.

doohU boTM. 'Met
•Ai topBi to MaAbtoAB ooiiBiy
PIM 40 tba otwlMloA to achor

sr A.srrss.’”
JtadVB Anbw taMMA.‘
.. r»TMd ba U
e todMy M ba bM IMI Iba MIgivi^ ■!—■»“>
H Bw paAnba^ Mtato^ew
EhpA. y. AllM ntoalm to BMalap

to Ibt Flflb^— '•
oAtAlry. to mpATtop at tai
IBpat ID ba md at tbt vMt______
to^it toaeae rv^ltoMtto Aa

Uol , I

pood toa^cv
drive and walk.

A poodmy that t ew't miioB tort. win eufeaub fefHocd
Avhpy. Kw^yxhwMaeaaifyMaAAl AB)toiii« 1 havA. I triU


Sorhe Rare Bargains
Awaiting You in Couches and Parior

' BBairtIc oT Kinarsitoy

IiM the Iblaa, for
4 •K
small rooms, up from ** ■
Ch$onicn to K)li<i
solid 0«k, f.V,
d^that lock.

Iron Beds


Manufacture's line at astonish*
ingly low prices. A brass rail

CoBoiodes up from— g



other. SI.93 to $26.00

Get a Machine Cheap.

"••i»or«»ivili»3f. we,ooo.oa


New Royal

3 tor tent taiereto paid inofl » MOA.

Ball^^rii^ Sei^ Mac


bbMMI,hv. W.J.UHM.IIF. LLaUM.C«toi



For (hu Aleel coBitructed couch, hi) in. wide and 76 in.
tong. 8 rows tufia, haadaOme velotir covering*.

others $4.86 to $4.00.

I HaOeCMf^ ____
K •to to hiAd to the BcH
r Upb atooto tbit yw. i«

^"sstraTtoiir iTto'."
OMOTd at a fvaBi to tbt At


' •gM*!*- to ^ tom MMtor ppr


^thaa^afloBpaipenMM IT 18 BETTER, IT IB
a yoB CAB arc the aAUriaL We
iaHmf^ WaaAyoBlA BN ito


— *=i=:sa£A2sr...


Special offer of high arm drop head
sewing machines. AJl latest Improvments. wo<>d work is of poUtbetioak.
Upnght Machine bent
cover, 5 draw..............


•erk. najMM

M. fSAt

$36.00 to $60.00
Cook Stoves; • $ 10.00 to $30.00
Oak Heaters. $ 16.00 to $26.00
Base Burners $36*00 to $60.00

looky Mill.
••«» Ab

$30 down to $7.60
Combination Dreaaara

Save Money, Save Labpr,
Save Time—
ud buy one 47 tfaeve Wcbtcm





boys thb 30th Century masterpiace of elegance and per*
iection in Sewing hlacbine
eenstruction. Guaranteed for
10 years.

China, Crockery and Lamp
A Great Second Floor Attraction


Extra Special


daring this sale-

I^S'SiToS'-. 10.76
A beautiful lav oi Decorated

NkUepUieMndiaglaiBp. with
Incge white shade,
rowhd homer,


d I' H Id kH
rIcL-t add; (lias.

Tb(' li.iacbl** (or tta Trarartc Ciir
• taalarala bal.road Oo. w adopMd
Twaadt) u a wbol*. at m4 ax tb*
■a*Uni Hoddw aifbi wtib tb* .mm
Um ib*i two bMtt M but* *u«*L
biMi Coiuo tlroM >0 l^uK tirad. w*rr
Wt cMii
Aidcraa* tardi* pter tta
•dUm itr lb* (raaeblN ; • be adopiM
la lUt war.
rra a* tb* oomc;. B*wiad wa*

baa lb* oa* ptupoi
ita pwipi* aa a
tMOra tb. ^,1. u Tr»
•ifMi. • 'iMciaiir ibe iirrrraMa.
OHr u4 lb. pMUmto Mni ^r< - otta >. ih* road aoiai oa ib*^
fmn. «M M.W»J IlM. u t
Mni* Aodmua tiBl«d to lb* rvat<tacb tb. ptea# alfbi b.
I Ibai Bc cuttld BiA PaJ an) no*
MM. bat
ibM bM
ovpi llx rawa who w*r<- ••tip itrd lu
•bMalM tX MM KM. M
lla* fulnp UB IBOM iwe btuta*tar lb*.' waai li lb*r. ~l bat* lai*r
>l*.«d IV. AtfaUM. frai Buuabrr. Hr
HooUh*a. Hr. Hum>w aad oltan. aad
U It b» a> to lb. iMU
•aai II Mr 8b«M duu
•M IMbl. Tra.M. Olr bw doM lU
road Bi all. Uuulde of
ohbn.bM bM la orMr to
I. I as talUfted ibai
an ala* out d rtrri ira wbu w
tel U nil b. atiiMiai-y b
li tie tliat* It
Mia u> ftv* lb* _ _
I.'' tald tar Aadenue.
*M. Tbl. 1. briMM U, b. ...T. Two
rraaa MiaaMT'aiaiad ihal 0«
Ur*., ll>*rra>M w*»i*d li
rmn a^ u* loaraablp votod to bead
ib*a* two HmIui
te IMM* r« blfbww p^fv^. aad
uJ* BMallr. wta b wurfclbd t«
tbli vuaM bar* b*M d*TW*d lo tb#
ltd la ooalaafitou alib L V.
a lallwar, b*i a Mnw< OMoal•bM ibat ta woald be **11*8**
Um wmI laio
lb* rraaehta* wlib Um* two
bkiebi oalilod. If tta traachlu d**U
tta approtal of tb* aldanara "How
arar. iboru la bo pood raaaoa wbr w*
•bevid not taro UtoM two blorkt. at
tar a* I tar* tata able u> aiwertala.-'
b* Mill
"Nta*(7.aT* per <*■> *aai
I htt* atarod bar* bt loaf at I
aad will" H* ibM cUod tta lat«^
vlU b* aa aafT Muar u> ralM (l«.aM.
la IIBM oot ol Uraad Bapidt^ labBP IxMb Ibe HutkesoB aad MciJIaad
aad aow ibal Trarwa* cuft aad
b bat bMa tabM <»rr of tb* eaaaal
•til bacu Wdai’ oa ib* PaalaMta. *M,
b It baUarad MibU a vaM or

• bare
* (or
d Mr. Boeellr 'Wr

Mir. 4MM will b* Mbaortbad Tb* tar at ujr aaaacla) pan
It eoaeeraed. I bar* baa ue*
aiMaar waau iMbao
Tb* i>Mib
aidmata win pul of ibe el<r
111 rtu
tbr tiBBdiBf d our BUS. BI
rat III d bit laltaraa I* tl Al b*
la lib peekM rtetlat for-l ilm 10
to. Tb* BM
aad are D«a
TWt raar lb* aaad al aa *l«atnr
am do rlibi br tb* clir
i«rjtaa HtdlKoa tald
Da* aad raatd uaaali ea tb* PMaialt
;bi lb* propoaitlo. tbat bad bM*
ha* baM (lartafir
dr Uia4^.
tboB. wai r*rr lair, aad tta>
t bat aalT tbai
ttar* e 9uld bc ao MOt* lor t dlriikib.
aeald bar* tartd »Md tad itare beae •••a If all did DM rot* alUir
Jollut HiMabdf tald itai li i
mH«v fadbUta ai bit dltaoatL btal
lo bta at If tb* BtUn- Blxtal
lar bNoaraalaacM, allbou<b aoi all ar
ratted >o It to be laUtfaelorr.
astaMtr* at tbit mm. bar*
ibne mould b* Bo Bore dtBBK
awljand ta BMar Mban. Tb* Ua* bif oa Wale
H* I
Jrab itiwel
a OBibi to axplala bu propoaad
a bofar* iba aldarBae roied.
.%* rnt wai ib«a takeo at to
wbnbtr tb«B* two bloekt tboald be
aol, aad raaultod la
vaataa* tta rMtn Ulaatau taU b*
HattDioa. Lardla.


il. I
VbWB i« taaatM wbieb win d*ral«
ate Millar rotlap ao. aad .
•anral 4 UM atwHteai awbtMr MBUai Wlaald,' ODtaU. WaitaB aad WIUmIb
-itaaiata. Tta raaa
raa. Tta BoUoa w
nau Uwdl* Uaa i
m Paalbtala daKas lb* paw
BI aaette t, wbleb b ibt mp
te mn baa aol taarorad baoaaa* at,
illlBlaf lb* Blraelf upoa whlub
tata cd radd iraaait. Wilb tta alM«*tt. Ha* raton wwa*n will
baaabta wblta tbar at* mUIM U> aad diapoiad bloefci. WbM ihe roi* wBt
wbM tar* b*M daaUd tboa la a* tskM. lb* Bld*rB*B wbo voted raa (or
lb* olber BotkB rol*d ao
wtallo* (aey
«lB BBld ttai ta did
KbH win ta •
(u wote
(ta tatad* ad tta TaalMta br briat
r ite (laaebta* bsUb.
(an tbM k olaaar loMb wtib Tiavara*
____ ^UM itaaabi ttai
Ota- Maw Hh Baatd* It aaitlai M*
...1 al «f* Blaataa woald „
tm«» tbai ibb dir taedd tar*, tad kMd «aoaab ta gat loaoibor oa ita
*tea*M Otr It STMlr frafanad at BBiur aad Mill* tt.
rat IU* tta* AldoraMB taidl*
dilated daea
to bb (*M aad taBd* tb* atoUM
Tta taataii od tbb tta* cat.
ital Mrrbd tta fraaebi**, aad It
» ta aWMlad at tbit ttM. tai K b tab* UBMltaOMlT. aKtaMb Aldei


ft *M tbtaft ttat b wtu atr* Itattata
«Mr. ata all Mte batwata b»« a«d

Tta MrM ralJwar lla* will ata> *e
aa jda* at prupanr la tta
aaam aad waaun mUm oi tb*
. ter ta fMata af tb* ------- to
teau ta tta oUr uaUt
. AMaaaitar, tta aaiapita* li>«nd
fttaaad Maa* aate bw tta t*ir.
h Mte ba/taaaaatM* tar tta aid
fttaate la (na* a bawhi** that
ymtt ta mmaeuaa u. *n u*
Id* bad ta tta arofoaad ttrte raUwv
■teaarf tad ao MU«r wbai lu
*bdM M at baaur adaptad tban
•Ifi ta MMt wto wfli act ta -i-btta.
ate ate saad laataa fnta tbair par
•Mad u tta MM
. fMMlt ij a rw7
tete aaa tar tta tdtr. aad it I* arldMi
ttad tta aldMM. aM*d br tta dtr
“ erttebM:
•ate. la Kt MiBli* taoriataaa.

dhi «te tat raactad a papalaito* d
nm. tta aoajMr tbaa par lo tta
ter Mwtab d oa* pd aaai d iu
mm riiilfU la tta altr aaaadir.
'•'ta ta a paod proriataa. ate wUl la
a m rmn glta to tta ter a* aaaMl
aMMBt wMta will parttalta «mpm
ada tar tta bwa d tta tatta.
Ttanrw OBr will, la tta M dl
Mte Mate a pnpataHM d Mte
ted «n aawuaa* to iM* tapMd that
Mtebd. iaat taw tawp badwt ww
tete ante tta aaaM* MMbMd «a
Mate ML baf IT tta «te oMilaaa*

:T7r; .r sj."-'• *

I Ideatleal wUli
............ ....... wife
lb* DeWItt <ato. aod wbarr Uarlruu A Hammood kxt I* ud IS.
•fl-r belai
_ leloCUabt
,bt lb* roBOf Baa
Uuudnte'i add: icsv
Ud BUI Bbdsla froB lb* ute of latosl
l-airhln a Crouor lo Harmaa W. tad w*« bedor* ita ooun
aaiiih lult 13 ud IS. bkick t. OoodMil lira* wlthla a pMr for (ta
add; SI.
UeWm wat laforatad itat
II Urabtoi and wife
b* uuctai to know br ihit IIb* that li
inWyck. vwW at aw
li not lale lor btai to touch a drop of
:l. raape »: |4Uf
llior Oeaeral UvTS'm H.ilrabaB.
iBdf* alto apok* foetlailr
tm',^..f Ball. lec.^SS. Iowd tS. tang*
-b* boBor and dlaolir of womaa. anu
polairt to tb* (aot tbat aa aataull
i lUwkInt lu WilHam Huaopoe a womaa. eroa when there
« ol nwtt, aae- K.
■to latentloo o( a hlfber crlBe, c
aui iM' traated at an aatault vpua *
Uunnloa lu Frnncet C. Vu
aun Tfaa lodta tutad ttai tfaa nem i W>ck. . <1. at aaW. tM St. loae ».
paiur* btd daelarad DeWlit palKr of
<ii.-ni>i*d rape (iboaph In Itai '
"kbiiIvw H Avery
0'in wat But qolie aeeuraiei.
lui »K blurk.Z, Will
•itiert Itai Ibe antborlilea would
i'nllM Hiaie. u
vrlUrl.M for ooeteliof a plea
ar'.,. lec I. loan ts. rang* is
■o)iu 10 ibeleaerr crime DcWlit
^I'nllr.l Btaiea (U lot. B. Til
itiiin I that IT Ibe coiwl believed be
dill iDieod tb* Bcir* torlnat rrlme, b» range l‘s.
1 not be lot uir wlib at llphl a
J^H^^Blalot IU Joe B. Tlllon,
Itr* at wat aboul U> be Imptraod
lieUiii wat IbM aMtaaeed to par
a Bar of »<e wlibla tt honra. or b>
I'aiiM Buia
IU Jot. B. TUtoo.
t tom of PO dar* la il
tat. or aaS. arc 1. loaa SS, rmag*

.1. -iiiSai,


riJSSSlSSs-aiSi;: 1"”““




H M. TlBblta it now alealy lo
aiod for her (all work of Chat. A.

lb* cooBir dtaanp* It.
iMMallr aiTMd ttai tb* m
Of Ibe Traverae <?liy ptelbltort,
tboBM red for lb* pitaMt
hank FrMrIte ta* a targe dUptar
taetliN t d tta fMbebte Wbleb da M tboet. abite are loeatod ta a taai.
iM^Lta real* of tta read, rMdi at
alto tat Ita t*Ba aaUUt U Ita
itMtu Motor Oo't cat tragta*. iB*:
-Tta aaU araataa. bb
aea modal, tbat ta had at tta Onte
Mapld* fair’. ToAty b* hi
hat I
Tta exblblf It la
lo aoouraei bbft opamic * drool rail­
rerar uf «k. -fbladrite.
road at.tanta prMidtd. am tta tol(inanell Blip*, of Traran* Cliy have
lowiai alMMa 1a tta ter d Tran
•UlbN of pluQB. talking raa-


OartaU araaao;- oa OartaU

SS,; sr..“:


rMM lo Fair diwac ate (km Obp

•tare eatabtaa-ar* aold oa tta
dA Tta*. U aa BtUgUor
Bb* tat MUM a An* Hat of dreat
ibor atmptioM. an of
wbk are good* wid by tee rkrd fran (I. H. Fi*
If white
to A tk> of Obkagp. (be taladi bot
TucMiv’ Pnaliiihter of tee H*b- elty gtiodt aad lUka. aad atao a Cai
lUoB cioibtag Co. of Trerwru CRy Ita* Id aac Merearlxed abln watai
— (irelabtag tb* tarmare wHh dla- good* aold (ruB laaplet ud aerei
Mfonjo Bar otrad: oa Bar dra
n boardi fret of ahaiwa
bOB BUawood araaa* lo tta ter 11
Cooaiy Utarfc t. B. HUuhaw of taHri Titefita It agMb for Halgbu
; era
auaoi. fnM rraai am
( Huikemra vegetable illk nteerHtaia pUMt.
■aar. aweatert ud boakry. made to
aebture. iiw mni. womaa ate ohll
rwa: alto Itelef pure tllA atlk ate
aai ttafMtad UB tea atreiteT^«ol. and mutiia
Kad«rwear froB
The alaetloe of «teo*fa tell tab*
DeatoBber a ipadaliy U aa<.. _
Ptac* tb* bret Tba-___ , _______
dapUenUag anlta. elcrata or
teargaft with biiatag bin attoM ftpM it I* lb* taiaeteia to ebabga tba bw«rea*
utyl* of
- 4*r. bat iam bteaw 4<Sm
WB* ai tta ilaa
8b* wUI be ptaaaaa to hare Ik
dtai call ate taopaet tel* atagut___
pie line aar afiarooeo ate ereate.
ah*te*d with *aa*alt“tete taSteto
----- exblhK
l*rto** Ita toweoi ta tea dly AapaoQati* a I
taUr era futa. 8e* tar SIAU .coau.
I ftaiiirat
Tbrr are a bargain; ate alto bar foil
lla* af gEHNlt.
lar4*e wai amtete
RiaMMee ClttoMi' 'phoae No Sll



arc onr main staj in ilu- realm ol Sponin^
liikt Aou. it's mohtlv


tiwaaral to Mre. Aftte A
There war* M mom m Ita Mtai
8lbU. ck*e(.. awl*
BWta o
af a*|* ud *4 of
Wbea teal wit priatad: Firar of tl
fH nu. Ji. toWB
tow. K
H. ri««a lO; ?|.
ra drappaA tMlM mu
Bdwta C. Chapta b Mrt. AMI* A.
II over tta
» biM aaftad h0wwe*r. Olbta. eitoi.. awl* ate tl*
Itai are •WC.3I (own lA reaaa la: si
>. Met all

tbar 8lBptDB lo

ire. er ta aefiL.._____



omi Supplies that iirc m dcmuml. Thcassertmem is now c.m»|iletf and with the
cataUiuuc prices aUadiiul you are assured
of ilic ••rit'hl ihiiifi."

eymRatium auppHt*. Indian einkt.
Dumb Btllt. etc.....
In all si/»'s and wcijjhis.
fiill\ atirmlnl lo ‘

Mail orders CATC-

eityRook Store
Hobart, Bctcbtr t Co. Prop*.

W. E. GREillCK

Reliable Footwear
Dew Fall Styles
Made by makers of good Shoes.
value received.
The Pingree '’Gloria*' a $3.50
The "American Girl" a $2.50
The "Roy^l Blue" a $3.50
The- ‘‘Gleaner" a
The "Golden Rod" a $2.00

We give


tilayers School Shoes made for wear

We have just unpacked 50 BJ. of Glassware bought direct from
the mak^s. The greatest and largest line of 5c. 7c and lOc
Articles j^r shown in this City, also 16 large cases of imported
China Samples from the largest importers on the Continent at
about 40 per cent less than prices quoted by jobbers.



Totablcn, peF&a .19


We wui par lUrtj _ . ______
IT wwU rtpaate Mt ftaUrerte at tta
krtorr ate reure aU pteaget. Travrs* City Caaalag Ca

«« wOk

GfaB battat'd^ with oracte



Chang^Me Oleather


— ibta


Toot Balls

Baal KBalt Tremlwre.

e Irtad, of

Jitbletic Goods


N^ Mu“toB*btor'k!‘'R5o^«**rtey to
■ r S» 8be
r agMit for foar yeart.
■g HiUfactkMi 10 all
Mrt. TlBblta ha* Boa u cl^u
b* of the latatl nyl* fall na'---------Blit, akim aad cluata ta alo
a targe auratrar al booki aad piaiM of
out lu order from. No two tulli aold
aUk* la tana color, and a ipecUliy ol
> Btoaure. gta ala#
of bUmm and cbtloae tlyl* la
ookir ever duplK_____
Her Ita* d( fur boat and fur eoait
are very flaa, aad-bar* slwayi giraa
the Iran «rf aaiitfacUoa. Ordart are
^ taku to rwpatring and remodaf

SSJ”SJ‘“ i"

IVumpl r.liBbU- M-nkv
rbartv*. Kr..f braiklcl. Ue.1
(arlhris. tor ubialatag V d and fur
I'lgo tiaU'Bii
Andrew ItailiA Ageui.
AihlA-.t. I'll J>'«cr>--n tl.^l■lc Tran

1 hell Dynamite al
reahonable |i r i c e a.
Khiimatch and tix^rlenced men furnished
at atiy lime. KafRc
Mock of 411 and 6(L
per cent dynamite.
ca|ks and fuse on hand
lit all limes. Use 40
iKTCcnt. for stumps
and 60 |>er cent, for


i iTvIsteBto Ibr WOMtw.


Aaamal U K * I oteonloa to ItlobBuau. lad.. U era Taeoftay. Oetobar
emu per Iraabe:
'fur well npeacd li
I3lb. Tickcu good fur lu day* Qet
di-iliMte al U>*
full inloTBAikMi at any a a A I.
pirkageo- Trm\.
agi-Bl ur aOdremt C U Loekwoud. OanPat* AgMi. Ucaad Bapidt. Mite Ud Hr« .Sv, It BUI ta a precartaa. !
Taotatata Warttaft.
r wUI pk] ibtrt) cnlt per buthol
r.rurtlua Onobrr «
tell rlpcaed fruli deUrcredAl ita
Imi-uw). aad reiurn all package*. Trav
Cily CuulDg Cu

s;;'r.'.S'iL'7:,“siKS'sn ta^”* tair?* ‘taw^'*^’

Ite* ua^Tm'iumS:

« battam m4 tta mtma-

your Health and STRENGTH with


ihpon aad OB*a* art ttraag
0|ir Atloraer Darb aald that It
rtrali lor ibe fair, and Mapid CHy weald ta partatirr to ranratldar tta
pn.babir alto be u iiae (w It ag_
red* oa lb* (raatal** ta ordar to tar*



Buw Ibtitllr iwam. It will
iwtaii, fold, paai*

Jau B Honoa and alf* to ftarm
Laelaaau County Fair.
C Qlllran. aoveral pareelt. aoM 14«..
(owe rs, it. mage IS: tlS.Ouu
Ttu flrti fair for euluMit Bar
a clearak)
ak) az
Hrt Bill* Walklat lo Fruk Bruuk
. BBdor
_____ _________
brtcbl praapoeu lor oar of ibe
j-d«c u
tain Ibai Lodaaau ouMir bat . ..
li J Horgaa tad alf* lo
dar «** devoted
Bob •UU'at«tra(4lbv..uwigWlUua PW4|e
III. lult I ud 1, bluck 3.
lu tb* arraaptaa aad the
o 't 4ib add: MW.
tlroadr there
Altlna Lockwood lo AUoe H. Bvt
Boodlr aaiataer of fin|.clatt fruli
It ta*wW^d lk.1 III.' ;ad Ou U luude*
■ tel*, tec ». Iowa S5. range
iblng wot arrma^ for tb* vltlioi^t aV IS; St.
Aina Joiner and aUe i
The fiir froiud it kraaied la
i< «, ii
tUul ruAcre grore. about imetaU mil*
aorib of Ibr Tillage. Tfalt Iralag the
Audlior Ucaeral lo Jao. Oanie,
tn.t lair (or Buiurat Bor. tta aecom- 1, block 37. Interluteea: SS43.
auld oat are toaewtai mooger. but
Jim Currie and wife lo Tht_____
everr efon it being pul forth br the Ourbjoretoo .lot l, bbwk S3, lolerhieh'
Oftner.. aad tbair attltianta lo Bata li
t; SW.
k ■uorow. The (rail eablbtl. Wbleh It
^Haemal iBpruvement Co to H.
rer/ bn*. It mealed la the old daateg B. Bniwatoa. aoM of teta. toe. 6. loan
pavlibu. and ib* vegdaUa ezbIUk U. range lU; S3Sa
white U alao *orr good. It loeatad U
imaUaaaial ImproveBaai Co. u H
Ibr olil dlBlBg tall, dUolalag lb* daae 8. Brownaoa. nah of teta. eat* <d Im. Ulb. yrarw Ikraramd, mice budrad
- Lardb_________ _________________
aat*. eH erf lat*. aec. 6. town H
AMarBaa Wllbata'* r«a.
tBdl ball beroad ibeae will be range lU; SkOU.
w. roB aaaaot emap*l b* to roia.‘ BtM for the gralB eibibli. Tbp euiek
Wotley IhiBB aad wife lu H. B
Aldartaaa WObata. - I wmi U
did oot arrive lutil Ta
Browatoa, aat* irf net*, ewt*. nat.
a Jail wbar. lb* paopM Mad m
of^tas, «r, k. loan SS. raag. lO;
BMtd bdm I rot*." After i
klat aad a papaMtlnii itai
uifiii la At a wtala, tta gnraadt
Peter Bolio and wife to Borah A
Id like to tar* iita wotat In w___
I ta arwlelaai ahap*.'ita akUUu
iblak d tta BBller. ta tald.
IP* la llralr Tueadar aftaraotra.
itar tbaa aa* tta (raaebb* do
J Ibt tpaelal frail U varr gateaTbe
jau 1^. Berg aad wife lo Joo. B.
td I rat* yaa.- r li a proMtaiag opoatag lor bauar Haiitn bad wlf*. p^i ■<, ,,5* „f
idoraraa Uibbi tbM tald ttai b* buiiMtt am roar, aad (be ptoapaeu
wu siraa 0^ a* dftr* to dteaUb la.
arc Ibai tb* fair wilt bo tald la (b* SAM
D part of Imoiaaaa maty

I Pnteraala

teatedte Mfttr tta atraat railwar
te If patalUa. btdatt mOai ttai aat
te dV «*BM ta*t tta ftabt 10 toutd
tha ttM* apM tta oodpaar-t prop•ta. Tta aoamn haaaaat. tata
tetead tta pfMp*«a aad aoadl
te MtprtM «.« tar*
mm ta aaiaWtab a tnrtaiaa wbta*
■ talta latar* plr* to tta dir m
■te* b«a tta aaapaar. Th*r tad

The IkHiuli JeorwalIl ta

B*«a It Wav I* Buy ChaapT
cbeap remedy for , eoughf* and
b cut UUI fur a erlBlaal.
• fact Ibai b* torrod la
Kaaotta a Lar Ou.. lo Norttara ------ • I* all rlabt. but yea wui ai
aad Mkh Traat (b>. hM ». H.. L- *-0o.'t (blag Itai will rwllev. aad e«rw
II ta b poaorallx t well db iii^ add'
Vttate rouap
lb* otcopiiea of Ita lofli....
Tw* II pot
tai ooapaakBt aad drtak tat*
Ible: II
•r you. (bM U
kroudbt lo bear «pna bln. Hr Ollben
Hearl A t
lo BbbmI D.
liber o
ly remedy teal
raarlidod wtib ita daleatat. "U Hr Baroe. IM 14
S IBM of kM kl.
a all flrtllioa
OeWli: u allowed lo par a Pa* Ibi
ooualrltm Wlib
ta rao r«*eb. b* will go oat a bdli
Ueu II Edgar aad wife
(e lo A^IlM T. ibruai aad lung inrablre. "fikrateM't
raau aod ooiUbm to be aa eeUaub
Riileru hM St aad elk It mi ». bleak Oermu Byrup.'
Ii am iraly bealv
tlilaaa iBtlaad of a sdue* "
t. II.. I. a cu.'i lib ad i; $*M ,
utaln Ihe lluuet lu d<
Judf.. Hara* ib*a aiked UeWlil
Hanuh a Irar Cb
n Heicy Hub
* divMte but allay, t _
b* hdl aanhlap lo tar. aad reedvli
nM-. |i.:i t ud 7. bh> k «. H . X. a
t B**Bllr* aatwrr. pa>* bla toe
(V> • rod add; MM
gi-Ml aigbl-. real, ud caret
P0..I mbol«aoB» adile*
He dab
(luiilelh h'udor tad wife lu WltUaB & ptlle'
To ooc bbltlc ftanna(ta> tiffar at b* wtt ible ii> d«u
Mnuleriug. ha IS. block I.. H . 1. ft mrudivi Iuant yeart b> all dracgtal,
air*. tbWIii did aui behwe lo II
Or. . 7tb tail. ItU.
You ru gel ttaU n
enuiltal riatt etrepi ihroogh bU ui
Ji4iD F. I'oilor a<
or li>|ieir aad tb* atieadtat rvllt thi
laitrUbly lulluw Ibe ute of latoi
tae t
He polBted lo ib* fart ibal i
■■•H.rd I. Hoiih and wtf*
ibr lorBcr lam of euurl ball tad beoa
CJ-.\«1I aiul WIfe.-kMt
t ll-IZ. bh
ttM kiw. aad Ikewm slvra bb lib
try Huaab’t
Id: It.seu.
fHirUp Ibe tlaM. fruB Ibea till
A'm U Bniwj
d miff lo Athler ram.
aom. lb* CDun atked If DeWlll bad
I'anu. B-1 fool of
f KM Ik. bkM-k :.
be*n under tta laBueare id Uqi
iquu. a
UwMlrlrh’t add: 11.
Oil- pritoacr tald fa* btd an
IVn> I. Hn.wB and Wile o tahler .WuutaT.
••Md itai.b* had l«*a i I talooi
Curtlt t-4» feel of lot I!
bow Baar UBM be did aoi
(liMMjrIch't add; SWOItai b* bad dniBk tunt. b
h'lord L SBlIta ud wile o Atbler
raa droak.
Ounlv pam-lt; It.SVO
r»d|* Mara* toupht lo iBpreti
Kraak O'Neil and wife tu Plori
MU tta prtaaoer tta tact that It It fliuiih. k>it k-lu. block 4. H .1, a (
aot td* for faiB lo uraeh Itqi
2oi< luld: tl.SOO.
Tta coon polalad to lb*
A»kl*) II. Cunto lo
lo noyd U BBlIb

>WB. tali uf tel* i
e\, .d tm-frt, •w 31. Kiwe tc. rat
a tbetr rola
lu: tl
a W. Bmllb aad wife tu

M tait- itetb's;:t.‘U‘'(»
taw taWaad d aadar tta ttn*!
^ aat It abtawkiaabla ta auar; tat
« ta ililaii ttai lb* iBMMUrt I
M Wrtiii lb* prajaet aatar tta
Mta ratlwtr a«, bfiiiii ditaadteiy MMM. aad tta diteaitr ta

a. bioek T. Oeod-

That. T. (teen
miM lo JeruBO b
Rot.iilai pan of twit
twtl of .t#M.
telq. aae. ;
town It. rtace II: |l*a
e W taiMuar to Nonhara Mite
l^ut^^Ciu.. hM t. H.. U « Oo-t IIU

•w. 17. rS^; SIM

Ita F. MW to A*a Wetato.

low, ST. r^JX

Mt-tcre. ISate II, I01

Tred B. Webato to A. H
•rr-. 4JM. U Bid 11.
reaa* •: Slftk.




produce* cold*. Many colds ma>' be avoided
Sy buying the right kind of Uoderwear and
buying in. time. You will find the RIGHT
KIND At the RKiHT FRICE at our store.

ipntaM^Cry fw fer Sbm Mi HiMcr*
Ml FreM au TMvare* Cie- W. H. ail^NKU. Phm-

CA 1

Uerceriiad Saieea

^ijladk Mb.

Nice Glaa Sak ate PcpfMn.

Chihh^l^flMM Utakr-

apadai. 10c ate...

; n. fate.........................
Ladire fata khock, r^ulu l .M

Chte Saac« iritei, nicaly

brevr ri««« Slum, ^


GnBd TraTcrsc Baaii

qc;^ ~ '


SSt ■-

M upaa u fM. bat Mr. f
jvtkCMt kM plu* nd a nna- n vlUka vnHkaOr ika
mat M tk« bUekuMib •he*,
(bop. weetf verUap •fee* aad i
nan. aad «UI aaka muMj c
leac o<


.“SmSSi^. *£uE?of''thS


baaa «tn
tor the a

M belore the mad M haliv bat«



ollSre^ O. B * I


will be ao diMeelv M Bakl«
food, ao that tba tUM boM

It ot• Mr.
aibha win be
lb Clir to ipaiire tba bulldlac
« the
Tba fUbl---------- —
Buai be a
roB IhU citr to Old I______
eopte of tbt PealaaeU bare

Taeeday. OcL ltlb.
Ttekeu (ood to 10 day*. See Q. H.
c I aceeu tar lull tafonDalloe or od>rer> at
I BO Other BPedMtoa oa -re.. C. U Lorkwuod. .OerAfeuL
Kaplda. Mtrh
inb latan •la fur Coasbi nod CDIda.
G R A I eoaul aicurtan
e 1
aired by
tuMtln the.

-travwrss City Markets.

ie> a

dcUsbltd o»«r
Oibba aad Mr.
I all ibrre ctf*
jT ibo
kKal ailBlttm. Prcaldlac BM«r M. .
<a of the nant of war pm lalo
Carrel. Her. W U l^aTBaa. iMatar of
ibe nrti church, aad Her. Ha«h Kaaaadr. paator ct the Saeoad diai
( tba tM.OM boau. llO.tOO h
hare baaa retaraad. UwtUbereai
ooBe from Trararae Ckr.. Ibat of
bared that the teal ehmhM twa
«l.«0tfntat beee pledcad, to
onlr raBBlot fS.OOO more to laiaa.
a. aad tbit dooMleai had____
Mr Hoaellr aiaied lo a HaraM rep
10 do vlib Iba daclaloat la <br Balter. rMeoiatIre that work woeld ba bacmi
ApputBlBefiU la Ibit diatrtet. ta ibit fall, aod Boefa of the cradtac
'hteb Traverta C»r panpla will
wtwld be eoBpleled before aeit rear,
■peeUlIf iBtarretad. are:
aad the road would be raaelac br ibe
Trarerar CH) . nm church. Her.
Brel of aril Juae He aald Ibal work
will far eoeltaoed piwbaUr till >be Brii
of Jtanarr.
Wbiuaaa; Oraeie-fter. W. T. HUU:
Kalkaaka. Her. A. H. McOoBb: KlactBOrtaa eetB ea ra.raa
rr. Her. B. B. W Wood: Kortbport
aad ladlao BltaloB. Her. J. D. LmU;
'or tbr ilarald.
Oordua k. Stalker wai bora Feb

ft a

r Vba fU.OM.

Rlrbmi.od, Ind . M.M, Tuafday, Oct.


nmUUon thli w»k 2,625.


I Moadar


A. V. Priadrtcb bat boacbt tba rrjBBS tboa BUek and b bow ckiati
^ ta hb ilore TtoBoBt wat pB^
BmtDd throat Oaoria H. Baadar of
OriAd lUptdA rtoattaltad Ua Uallad
•tmta beaknpur enm.
E. Caae aad J. O. CnMaar m Ktaca
lay taft Iba ettr Friday to Tletorta ta
Boasboy bfi a eban Uaa aso.


PlBBt bare baaa Bade aad tba |

Btolu mTha^rnraS^lv*
■ehaol eaaaatauoa ta tba mwda
Aweb Wodaaadar araalac. Oetober

Chleaso. *1 M) Ui Gtaad Rapid
tS.00 lo KlrhiDond October 1
a I. asent aboat li.

orod tt ____________ _____
c they ttUl'tolde. Wbea
C ba tpeat
there learBed
(ArpKBiar't trade., rblcb be fob
Sreke Into Hie He«—.
•wad iDore or leat er.
B U- Qulon
la l*7» he weal to
jbl>rd of bta i
weaiara Pobbi;
luD Of Chin
lac to ” •*
waii- about four yean ta McKcaa eoaaty
tana ooopUact.
Klnr'f New Ufa IM
He wet marrM Juoe 2. ItSI. lo
Two I
Bore work oa tTwIIl bare
boufe. bif inmbir we. erreeie
oneote B.
Buifa of Dasiateat
r^loesa wbaa ibe coupllaca arI bow be', enllrely riir.Nl. They'r
'ayee couety. Pa., who died July 1.
ius. Obc rear later be waat to Bun- caaraeieed to cure, tie at Jai C
>oc anar the Bli Ckr. Mleb., Wblcb place hat Mace Jobnioa-.' and F
H Mead, dru
DO waa raeatred. bot tber bare been bit bOBw. He wet Banrtad Harcb
daVed Id ao-it —■--------- war.
17, 1>»7 to Myra A. Bowermaa of Sob
Owlac to tba craat
I aew Bii Cliy. Micb. who with Roral. a a>
Beak of hb Brti wue. aro left to sicmrB tl
that loet of a ktad hotbaad aad fatbt
tafhlr booted tba
(aala He b alto turrirad by bit paraai
Ur alaiad orta'lu aaceeatfal bao- Mr. aad Mr«. DarU BUUcer, it.,
dllacbrolbere, Uarld M. and Boiaall K., and
li M tba lataatloe of tba eompaar lo
«e titter. BBBa V. Bialker.
Cet all ia raadtaaai, aad boI leara tbr
Hr owoed a tana Bear Suamt City.
rk) wkboat U(hla tt poatlble. Wheo, Mh-h. and
Iba ehaoce It Bade It will ba oa Bua
year aio bU
dar. ao that tba botlawM bm wi
fur Ibe pait all
he iBlerrered with ta aar war9 unable lo pertom
irfc. He reeled his tars tael
lnc.^aad the flni of July e wkb
Oaatb at Mlaa Peart Tullor.
> weaj back to bis
Mlai Pearl TuUer, dauebtar of Mr. hta''
bopee lo rofata bit
fflBttS::1 are____ ...
ue bad calaed too
. . le failed tap.’"
. iri o'oloek, ai
aflar a
All I
^ _care eould
I. Oa Sunday she
' k7*bor
done lor bln, but
_ _
tba Baeort’blalb^t'
aaddea death wUl be a tary
The funaral wat bald at tbe M. E
aad furiwtae to bar maay Olaadi.
Pa, SrtL C and
................................ yean old taat Jane
wat aiurted by aesl
■ad bad bart a vary brlshl aaBl
ibera of the L O.
O. r and P. a A. M, of' which
la tba taeal Kick aebool. wbrne a
be had heaa a aaabar
fhtbar aad Matbar. aba le
brmbare and osa atatar to s

I. R. a 1. aanoal cxruntac lu Ue
trult. Toledo. Cbkasu and Orand RapTueeday. Oetober 6. To Rtabd October 13. Bee G. K a I aceel

a I. will ctre iu anaual
............. - -.1 Tueeday. October e ■•>
IWlrok IS.W'. Toledo 1500. ‘'blrasu
a will be tu Riel
__________ r, Oeiober ISih
TiekeU WKKl lo return for 10
Sre U. K. a 1 acenU to full
liar, or addreif C. U Lockwood,
t.. Uraed l(apld>. MIcb.

tht Judge of the

United States


“IS.a;: s

Tta .rnaarBl waa bald 8ua
' ‘I. E ebareb. a
reb I

Card of THaMa.
Wordi caaaoc expreaa oar
haartfeli tbaaki to the nai

ifwete to tba dareaaed''m
. cala eatraaea The aarrlce
not one
Oiort K Fmr «H1 Mara UM wart eharia of Bar. Otom of Old MUataa.
Iw Hi mam ptaaarty aa Teach taka.
SS»a palfbearera ware mu Oartar
Me trill bolld a o« U. OTIaal. Urla Ooaa Harry Mona.
Bobart DowM aad Clarwoa Skate. beekOBi yoo
the klodly
deeds of lympalby
Six youac ladJaa aciad aa koaeepry
rtUbauwra. Thay were tba Idkita
Mr. aad Uia. J. H. Taller and foai'
Bdaa KaUoa. Ourtrada Ball Bartla
lly, Mr. aad bfia. Warrea Hoxta aad
Retu AfBli- •
Unity. Mr. aad Mn. C. P. TuUer aod
dlib Pybua.
5« too^*iaat& wm^ba*tf^


u U«k™»

» n™, c«. b..»

U.. .U .....tiic »™r. bud. m —ah, — o—

-Fo—Mil.Ki«IUbb.hiVa..„.lP-.a.tead.— oto,»h«,............... ............ Md
ino—Ui, «ac«,

___ ™.>,i -.d s»bhri i.. p—« —p—
Nice mclium weight Verna


Ofirffrrrf tb*

He $e Tryman
atpck Pf




I'anu in extra s»e«................................,..................................


Natural rt>ol Ve«t and Panu. Fofc« o. Mentor, nne weight aiid eaeeUem piuality......................... $1.00
Kmc white wool ribbml Vefta and I'ant^ asrtk nid fine, yei -am asd perfect fitting.................... «1.0D

V , 1 Lot J«rt, ribbed Vem. and Paniv 60 ,.e. cent wooi, line U

ihip. ■



i:jir5=;u“is,'u.,:''“S; P-i

Drnanta Naartr tUady'

Comfortabk tindermar



M. a

l*owar Co. bare
r laria aew
l^tinn prardcallr
ir lo poaliloe. BIX
•orla* k will '
of Ilf belot oonatcled
cied aad fmlabioc
tba dtr wtib Iiabu
aii tbst <aa bo
|>^ ^trtib « baa^^aaa doaa to tte



•tgraaa faoM for feeik
an«n. a* wli at bM «w« varfcl
m arobabiUV It that tbt tow a
• tailli « aMMat taauad of ma
abicb vUI Mana lb* daa«er rrm ti
8<^arBl of Uw lataraaee adluu
rnae UtiroK arrlvod l

We «U1 tv ihlnr Matt par h
lastaiar had aa
wbooplBC ooueb
eooib and
w "
Mra. W, K. Hart- '
N. T. -but wbaa all **

btakea. and -e ditotaUnue.1 it. Jrtk


Jcitc) ribbed Kitawell brand Vem and Panii. tbe beat Vne we had laai teaton at 6Uc. bm manti.
taciuren H^ipetl making it to we couM nm get again, balaan of stock to dose out....................39c

We have only a broken bne of these, not all suet. , li you find the ain yoa need it's a snap.

Mentor or Koresi M.llt are ju« the rn»i pleating oi anything you ever had
on. the, fi, bk, a second skm.

If yoaVe never had «>»fcrt in a Union

Sah you never had either of these brands.
Fine and aofl, with excellenl wearing qadiliea. yoa can have them at



Boy,- Unkta Suiu in fine wool, but we Art theta and they •» Forest
MiHt, whicb is a suHicienl guarantee «f their wncth, buttons dear
•krtt. front, -yosi Uke paj»-L" price.................................................................... »1.60
GiitaandMAes oaiaral wool, wnaller ptnirt. bmtoni
acrirt baa. latgcr siies a» cm like lAtbet'..................................... .....91.0D



InUnii' puits (or


diaper) it tooiethiiig that Batoen Ave An\
hMking for-easy to put on aad oC givM Ike
Dccetsary wannth aad proiectioa tridtort ondue presaare. made tram fine JetteyiObed
knit goods with bem sateen band; after bsiA
u^ once win to be found indispeiiaaHfk lAs
tKe nixioalified er


Sold for tbt benefit of Jbe

HH thata kad
Latter ta V. PatactyL
Trartna aiy. Mich.
Dear Sir; Bapoae yoa Bre.«Dlas U
paint a booae, aad art aU the petal
en there are wtthta reach to bid oa
li-yoo to faislrt taatacUli Jhey lo
tay what to aaa. aad ckatra to time
aad tba kaowkow.
How BBV will use the aama palst
bey. c«Mn^. will eoapooBd chair

taiapbaa aarrb
. CHy.
l(y. _
Lake Aaa, 1
toioebaa, Oadar Baa
aad________ _____
tort Hkt ka talrtad, Sr. C. J. KaaaZy to the ptaece
tart krt tortlkBid aboat tba rastaa raaaltad rtitafactorUy
aot had tale--------------------------------are
kawaam. aad
rtya that ta
Tba Mkibtaaa
Ikibtaaa Telfp
«a« ptaMa ikrta waa ao uaw of rtoM-afcrtea.
tbroucb Jeba Barry, 1
Seta, aad tkrt atrtaally ao f
•M dart uT3p eawtr.

T. BUrt exptataf Itaetf:
Aam Mtok.
MIrt. SrtL'tt.
ft—•„. ifU.
Laka kaa.
MyOaarBlf—I wretayiB BOBattaM)
kM mib hrtdkrt wkaa I
' a aa tadatat tka rtoM m tba tael______________ •so naaaactai C
that ta Ueir
wab fiiactnraad. tba katilM rtUr •!•
try ousbt U> know what u bao .
■nutai Iba ataUrtac aa tka hart of,
taiaaWrtrt. Btadoa. Oadaa Baa aad
.nany of Ubb know what to
Tiaaaaaa City- I had bart labeatac

tas- Or Btbaa aliaadad kta. aad It
A btaduBlU buy* aalla. bacauae
tl ibaasbi that tba latary wfll aot ba ■ad oaly sm prmataaa. hot as
batter abort aad aalta Uaa ba can
Ibaacb a tana potlMa a( Iba we watw luady to act ta tba__ ___ —’---------- BBta to leal than ha eaa
akta of Iba back waa aattlrty 4a- Joha «arty, mamakar of tba BaU Oo.
nada tor l«u titaa ha caa
iac Bay baaa eanw bare, aad thraafk hta aCocts tn.
hate ba« paiaiiiH the BaU '
I wtah to teparta «or aaaaart
Mr. Barryk adtarta ta astal
thair Itaa ■!«« tba' rmiiniwi p
tote’’ ‘



brt IS*

fky (Md apalatar make kU own



a dtah. PDtataaB oa^ baaed
art aatto, eaifaa, fiM ebaa aad
ataar rttiblaa A tart at tba Otaml


ftaaart af Ba. ^l•l^l■Mlk
The trtrtH Id tba lata Oa. I
• —
' r waa baM
•‘etaek tram




One tare ta
ea aaleOaL 1
lataMy at u tbair rttapataatii to OOL fdU.
eea the Jary that Mad Spaf-

M -...•rart Rrtlto .. .. MB

--------that Tboaai paftort jitatS,:
oat (were that ka-kafaettkrt:
-- -----------OCTOSSR E ttSt
On data
d ear (Tprinn aay ep
BCtaaad waau at Ua
Pare Mars
Ue cert, art that he eoa).
win aaU ravd trip
rtte aa iBpatttal rrtdkx. After
ta hrtdtas. at iste «
Oaed to.
towwd who krt hrtrd Tkcrtaa
, M the optataa that SsaSord wma idtEirt aj^ to pwUtatoa ^
'Uaeta Daa*’ W^tU. who aitart y«Mty bafrte be was aatataiBed to the ilBW tt tnlaa. eta. Tkkte wU -he:
. ad tbr rtnahta at ^ Uka. ihtakt H jwrr boa Oae beaker Made aSdartt
■4 to map at '
w«Bld ba bard takrtt tbaaaa raeoad
lU of BaHaaw
«f tka ihraa oM aoldtoa at ika rtaaa
Mwwda tbit cama to pay e


«rt% ST^
^rtlrtaa to
rtlrt kaU thta tot caa bmt that, ka
wort* Ad M> kaar tf k.



wUrt lUBBltad

_ acAsaettaa wlU ihta tow rata ..
ToledB. fvaarftag Hb« at Tetodo
a rate cf
a at 2 ^
j!______ __
Ort Pare tar tbe Rawta Trip,
rm Tdada to pedata ta Okto
m jBBpta aiy. who ta ta kU tdgktrmnb year, win pdrtrt tba aantaODa.
foDowtag tUas; C. H. A E 1
ka atartta wW H takaa to tba
Driimt BMUara E E (cl
ecBrtet BpaSerd. art Ibetrty efre tba CarttoA); Lake Bhcrt Ry.
TaAr By, Ote cmm "
eerUtrS’^tte* *»* •"



Tkisask Urtms wU A asU boa

MtaBWrttrt WW itataiUd.


JItfred V, Triedrich
0ppP9ite-5enld omet.



stylrt ta Braaaata NeL Irirt PetaL RoMsd Net. Arattana.



Bo— beamital

tblose ta Dear PnnalCA wute art iM Anktaa ApsUsae.
1A Oolarad ApHfoA Crttalna. to «nto« rm All <r den: aorta new

taThB Standarilta

paiiena ta

crttaln taaUftaL (rort.'-Ue to He tA ynid.

We rsU tA

Fine Fall Fancy Furniture
for purity, strength and color, is
Hannah & Liy Co’s "BEST" flour,
hrumufactured from Michigan wheat
and every pound guaranteed :: ::

•art Thirty (Am
WQ A 1004 tonura laow
• nm tour Ah Iktav. Mp
------ .U. Aak ttaAt staBi tor ' ~

Hall Traw art HaH Cbaln. anlqw Trt^Mtica. elsgaal Partcr Brtia. tote
toat Tartlrt Roekera. TAW ahapaa Ml tan i smeeCal art atavut. Ue ftay
irt ta pertaeUB Itrttt. art tA plaew rtn mt laartaaUe. eorntderUa Ua

away, where Uay are eendally taarked Art eoverad. Aeptac Us* rtfaiy
art tree tRrt dam. Wky nm bbA yosir aaleettart. TaagmiAkrtinp
aortmaw to itak from MOW.

A Handsom^ Sideboard
J A |9. A. I.AC
JaiHa-Lic is like tA beat rtnofa yod ercr aaw—tax it is
More tAn that Itis afinitote every wooden or metal
thing yon Ave nromd tA booK. It is made iu 19 cofors
TA tatter is tA modri finith A

wotad A ewaO to yoar dtatag ram. Ml mpactally m B yoa owned smt tt
■Ue aew BUeAaids we Are }am nemUtP. They are A tor Ue ttaeai Uat


Are evrt beta made; acrtc enttretyid^ deatcrt. WewamyoetoAartw
art art Ue ame ta Ptarttab Oak, iinanjd after lA mleriiw faraltaia. A
tode beard lAnM A to every mie-a dtArt towa-ta fan. yea sam Are
ewe. Oewt aee bow-aay lady eaa
ewa keep Art
AMt wlUoat ewe. TAta are ac
• aaad an a dtatawlh^that rtrtt A pm ae—aktee yn
•We ttasw. taart ^tap wato adt art Ue ItoP Tbrt Ue

OrtA. Om HUortH. MrtIrtoAltart Ormwe*.
tertKogrteuxt Olwrt, Olomm HHKttart,
HVrttrtaeta. Oe-llllrtfata OIrtrtto. H^rtta HHAIEm..
OKrtwry, OurtH OIrtrtla. OctouptH.



tars tot tA -reort tita ftte tktoda
art ^.S bart,ta Iba aaM |UdS tor

New Lace Curtains
at tA wtadowa; lA newam. dalattaat pMierM

On abore data Pam Maniilii tkfcm Meat at Traverae Cfty win aall
rtSSB-trip eaenrrtta tieAta to Tolade at raw of lUO to tA raand trip.

' ---------n inf nniiii wm

Oa Soadar. Oewbaa dih. OU Pao. ftaa Uay WUI ba Hi in 11 at tka




ItaamiB ofMaiad. aad tba (n
ww ta ebarsa of H. U CHto.

Cbis is 3u$(
Cbe Cime I
w rta» to tbe allUrt n

to baaa Iba
C aU warta, art tka or- om. beaUaeJ^ Deeoa Ready Paint It
.. the eoBpaay-tha Baal- Ue petal: Uau twice aa kmc aa Ue
i-t TataphoM Oa.—ta at
arerase patatpr-i palal^ert and oil
staadtua at trt Ball U to taka I
Toare truly.
E E BmetL

tbara woaU ba a gnat da«i MdL Bat
Traokta ta Stare tar.tear.
the ktad af «ktak« pta that tba W. B.
Feuktoft. Htab. Bte ».-WHkta
.C. tadtaa aaraa ta taa traU ham. aad
krtii tka irtpar bear wtaeaertkaaa
ro or three 'dayt teurtaa E V.
rtp awktac taft m all tba rtaada paw .bcrtaa of Ue ]«7 that crtrtatad
irtrt. MaaM the rtlrtaa haa«. art Bert Bpated of Baaatartkter to-tha
hctaltac er Cbrta Mrtaaa. wtU tort
Mkrt ana who dU not earre • the
m will be uate aroaL

rt thPSrtrtr-

We have bought the entire
Stock and have placed it on
sale at way below wholesale
prices. Shoe up the whole
family while you get Shoes at
your own prices.

E. WrtiE At Sorirt

tr.jMfiOM. '


THBomromavKBmHEit^ 'thubseay. ootobkr i. i

•>4h*Mid Traver«a^fiegk>n.

Otab Brea, bat*

• «M ao gttatalta 1:

------ 'Sr;

bata a aa* ataMar ai lUt. Hart h
aarraa aa (Mi ckarat far
H* aw vMI nbad by atL fbeaai
BnKbar Kan abararm ta may ao-

Mta* diotata apoet teat Satnrday
wKb Hr. U>* Oood.
Hr. aad Mr*. Baebaliar
lb* Jewtah Ntw Year laM
ekadag ibair atort aad atm
ieo* ta tb* niy.
Ml*. K. Caipcster bad a alnor mna
Chicago ttaHlag bar tart weak.
VVfB Vaa Wta ha* tnotoir ku pboiograpk galtary •« Saltaat Bay. Wt ai*
*cwr> lo lo** btai. bat wtab kta aoceoat la kla a*w ptaco of baataata.
R V. Carptatar I* taklag a trip
Ibniuak ladlaaa aad win tiait Chlrago
IWoft rttmtag

wbkib n.^1 ***rr Ibrawr ta^
»?Ml**tV'*r**r cuadiiriM tbr__
ta** diui ay la (br altacw* td a taial

Bara, lo Hr. aa« Mra. rraak Bly.

Htaa Ckartou* K.wat» cd Oraad
A4a« Ualor iwaraad la Tratarw Badda will git* a rtadlag ai tbr
ahwb Tbaraday aighl. Ii wae to bat*

^ra^Mioa of Oimad RagMa I
iliac at Juba Laata’i.
Tba 4aata ai iea Allftra'a «aiBt«ar,
Bleu «aa wail ailtaaad la agita at'
Oauiac can aaa Ctcxi
la (b* erdar at ita day.
e Beat bar* yat.

o. Hairi r*»



Tbr M-b09li cloaod <i

Ollaor* a
OHy tic

PMatoM aold for U

a a Wan at Tia*tra* CHy aad Ua
daaghtar. Hra. rrad Coiaar <d IHct
.-tea Uhartooa ftaron. Mr*.
caw. ar* rtauac rMathrea ta ibla Haaal aad KIM* Oaldea *c*M___
itMilag ai Hra. MarahaU'a Hlaa Mar
•ball anvad a Dnteb lacrh whtafa wat
•*>or*d by an.

Mr. ata Urt. roaM <rf Wnford ar*
tb* bMB* of Hr. aad Hr*.

L Lyta Monk
a tbi* waafc.

TtaSl* B^?a*ta*'day»** ^
C. Bolataw* weal lo Kalkaaka
C. K fray drote to Bk Radda m-

ta rtaiitag at Baal

’. C. HawUi rataraad WadMBday Iron a waak a rlsli aerth.
Babeiil ac*ta Hpaday aan wUb
Hlaa Batata Tra*lt at ineber.
Hr. aad Hn Upaal Oea gr* aatarUlalac rataUvaa Bos Caaada.

Pray of ■mtt
Wayao cwwiy. N. Y, la rtatUag nlalltaa bar*.

Ctaa taUort I* la Iba

Hr. aad Mra. ImM Nactaw ar* tU
Mac la Yark atala.

W* are ta and cd a laaeber


■am bar Ita*.


Hra. I. A. la*^
ikw acaiMiBC cd Otaa____


K. A. Matoaa aiM wtto Md* i

noram Baraard haagotatoNc

V. K. iaglMlghl

MUr a Ita day-*
Hta. Jaba BrBaTba Mgblbarla
Bmaa^ bat* all t



>n I. Clatalaed baa beee 111 for



had Mag

pabHIag for Teaty wbu

A. Allta bta baaa aalaiBlac iba


Tta W. C. T. u. wlB dt* a r
ttaa tor lb* aow aMBbaraai K
yauai'a Maaday aUUBtal ATlaara la werktag tor Hairy

a c

at augad
mlued. Bbe will b*
tb* ebareb aad by all




Dsaib hM •
a*d tak** frag
«»r Mra. AI

' Hia.
.....Laacrtcb aiaiiad-Wadg; tar of lb* n«i Oinl
tatthfil wirtar ta tb*
»«• rid*. I aboaM
faltbfal taUawar of Christ. She
Jmva* only ec* eUJd. Hr*. George

VDtabM aad wife drwt* la Waal to*T
•aMb BMarday t* rtaH tbair « ' run tbair
tar. Hia P. ■*■*** oT ibM ptao


Mr Hataga at CbtaacD waa beta

' baytM^ii!?^ •* *•


dtwmi baadrad bamto m Mtaaa


That ead* a lit* of * (aUMal wife and
tavtag taotbar. The faMtal •***»&
PTABcbad by tb* paator. Mdar
sa. at (b* Pliat M. K church of
I itaptataber II. gad bar tmgy
•I rwat band* ba* hasbaad ta

a at Ub* Aas t

1 neigb'
I. wbo


UtoaMdeabad U Ibta pUe* SaadHt

BM^TMi^la bat tarn

wtabb *toR

) drug


Do DPI Ihtak that it i*
dilRcult to do I'faaakiiv
batocH limply bccaatc
you hre a httk dmuacc
owoTwiwti. Seaduzoor
chcdi or other item* hy
teller and they will recei\-c
cALc'ful allcniiofL Wc
cbrerfuliy aogwer ad cor*

Mr. oat Ur*. HiMb —— - ta.
ftfomn M th* Mtoar wimS


Our stock of Turniture
was never so comj»lcte.
.V fini: line of Conches.

springs, and uiiholstering. covered with prcliy pauern* *•/ \'clour.
/‘>r ■...............................................................J4.7ft
They,range right along HIP in all styles and grade* of

n BIfl Special in ebairs
No. :t.

.No. i.

So. 4


JlCarfleCineof JlirCiflbt Stom
Commencing at $1.^. up.



Se»-cnty-ti different sylesof l>ining Chairs to :lect from 47c each

• sizes. Our price commences at............... ........$4.25
Our next Air Tight, cut No, 4. is mac in the same
«-ay. only
it has .fine
__ ,____
- ___
Comes in three sizes. Our priitis coiJ||mence at $6.75
Our next Air Tight is a lawc.
heavy stove, just like cut. has
cast top and bottom, cast lin­
ings. ash guards, check damper

pU roaiicn eatrnaicd lo im
on ibe day rccmeiL



beautiful Cobbler S^t Rocker,
:er, iust like cut.
cu solid
oak. well
rell made,
nicely hoished, high arms, for
800 different stvles of Rock­
er* to select from.
Best $20 Bedrdom Suite ever
shown, for only....... $14.7.')
Lai^ line to select frtmi.
Nice odd Dresser, just like
cut. two Urge and two small
drawers, swell from. Urge
bevel mirror, only i . $0.75
A Urge and complete lioe-of
.' Iron Beds at the very lowo.pri«.
Id fact there K nothing you
need in your bouse but
what.we can show j-ou a
Urge assortment at ihe
very- lowest possible prices.

Tmni Of), HA.

and Blanket Sale
Special Bargains

Tnuto Has Ib* aM* IM

. 'full and completr line of

i> Itavalera. Dr. Powler-*
Wild Birawbarry. Carea
dyaaaieix^diarrbuaa. •aaaldiaea*. aau
lo take. Act* proa


HMart ta*t Hal ss^sny

nftiu. vww.

.. cou.

Only one remedy ta ibe world ihj
III Bi voce atop IlchloeM of Itae aki
ta any pan <tf the body. IMaB’a Oln
aamii. ai any drug More. &0 cenla.

Tarth* utitt Sbitj Dtps

Mr*. M


i)f Hcatin); Stoves <:ver sh^i
A Iteautiful Round Oak Stove,
just like cut. ash pan. draw center
fjjratc, nickel foot
raiU. nickh- screw
lampers in ash pan
|) dour and nifkie
screw damiKT in feed door, nickle
name plate., nickle shaker, steel
nickled top band, handsome spun
brass urn. A beautiful stov'c.
comes in 4 siji-s. Our price coininencc at............. ........ ......$fi.75
l-'rom that up aecordinR to Kize.
Roui Oak is a beau, Our next Round
ful' stove,
f tiful
in three sites. Our
prices commence at.......

Carl gad Cbw^e Jacknoa, Katama
w CwiBi. are *o much alike that i
Ibe laaedry. where they are employm
oae rhe-aa gun cmiaiaatly to be dl:
ilirgularml from Ibe oiber.

baTVSy tor^

C-^adnCaUd. ». ...____

«b* Mib ^bayar.

Honaceb Otar pain. B
Vpralna. nitica. loatani i
-Tboaia*- KcleelrM On. Al

1>B ber waddlag day Ibe wobm of
Mra. Uam* MeOaonh* took adraaor lb* egeanlea to tialt bar AuBunta gar* ibe crown prtaa
^ihar u Oraad Rapldi wtna tb* am ol Bwney with wbtcb abe wi
buy a pmaaL That waa 10 yean
had BM tea* la otat iwaaty year*.
BOW tb* awaey ibiu rao
Br./la rltUIng ta Oraad
amooBii to SM.OOn. with tbl*
Utaoe BBd iBBUiy tlalled at i* prtaceaa hai )uil bought ai
le at Jassy, whlcb will be cvani
Ptad Howard-. yoHarday.
school of household eesmomy
Mr*. A. Leekwood. aaedbar of

a baa baaa *Mlr



wbirh Ii

■ CM* a* a tweet rataaaa

la aMHag

h ran a

Perfect in Tone. Quality, Slyie and Durability.
Endorsed by the leading musicians everywhere.
Factory prices and the most liberal terms. Call
and examine the goods.


Mto.^ a*nm Ttalita bar

TBmdai Witt Oatna U.CM
aamder aad R. <Micdaiaij aa

Che Kimball Piano

The miekag pie aoeia]
Hr*. I.ak’ertte -W. Noye* of Cblcago
d K, llatta lor tb* benaBi of A. J. 1 one al .ihe moat aceomptlabad amaHr.iklaad waa a aiMo*** aoeUlly aad w PtuHograabcTs In ibe country.
laanMally. UO betag ralaod tor bln.
Ibe paai nine year*
1* 13 Hill at Oopenuh
ie*Wy 3INM101) plctnre*

Mwiiat gall toOarMy.

^StaMtar <d Rtart H ttaHlag bU

Don’t you want the best that money, brains and
experience can oroduc-V If so. you will make no
mistake when you buy

»-r. Kata bad aa aortloB lal* aad
8^(t> Hem rmn Ibe Kllladaka* ihtak be baa goo* to Oregoa. Al- Leader •In Ibe front row were 1»
tbo 'Mi ibay bat* lltad ben a am young gin* dreaaed ta white, each
paralKely abort Una they have made carrying a large boacb of raroaUaa*
may iri^ Wbo will nu» tha^ W

Tta laarfly hat* lb*

- aaimr^m* m bm •* U
' Mtart a* aeaal U tb* Rad Bara____

Isn't it the One VouUlant

One of the Fne$t Cinef

ptaaasat ttalt laat

________ .^.ja'tai*.
kg«la Hd graally ai______
wte fe»*« bar. Oaeaaaad tabtta

WHO owr^a ONK!

W. W. Kimball Co.

f cii-votaad bad
•oa* bit colt tbal
betag a good oae.
Mn. klocw zioi
btr bon* li
had tt»8l I
other. Mr*
ieodt bar*.
Mra M. VaaBItua. fornarly to wall
keuwB ber* ai Hitt Haiti* UnbcK.
It .lalllag friaada ber*. She tayt b«r
tathrr la wrll aad U llvtag la Had
En. Kona Aeaila baa noted oa
CO hrr ptae* that the lately puiAaaad
Ir. Kara*- people Bbe baa beaa
log for BoBM Una wlU bar tlalet.
Hrr J Karray.
k-n 1. HarrIll aad daaghtar IVila.
wbo bat* bate rtaltiag friaada- bera.
Ml* rataraad U> ibHr boat* ta

ara bta, btaUa, .

m*g** Oan aad Myitto. Pi
ama mama la lawa Ruardar.
Hw. Ttaa. OaMirain*. wbe
baaa rar *leh tor ih* paai ■


Hlaa Kaiaa Hiwfc. wb<> li laarhliiK
otheralw of a i
t Ortmcktlll*. aptat 8unda> at TrtvcPM City Paopla Heoelti
enter the dining i
Pull BaoiBL
x>ul lo be aeliW
Hit* UIIUb Kodgt of ROM- City U
bar* beea laaav ra*.. ....
on One bol day
lunar Mi*. H. Hoyt.
lb* luihiwlog ta Traterae Cliy. EtvryMormaa. a quaker cU>
flefcard waa ta lowa on Tut.
eipetleeeb of people
cote, eoiervd a dtalna I
plklB. tiraigbiforwani
ilcuai. but
C. O. StaBley la apeadtag a
. do Bueh lowenl reand belL
• UDofcama.
Itering ih* ruBerlag of ibouaanda
Everything^ small Instnimr-ntu. Slit-. i Mn-iv.
al Btatlcwt at lb* Lutbmn ' l< lenlDuiu will be md with Is
-t (•) maay people,
lie bl* prvieau be wa. e>octe
129 Front Stn. E. STRONG. Mngr.
r I) A Oreeoo of
d 3U Wni Klatb .
.Norman cunaulted bi. lawyt
Mlu l-«lta 8t**l* tpeal Batarday ta
d liebtag
Oamag' City.
lor oiai..
J <> IMaeaa aad aift aad Wn. Wy weaiher ihey were parUrutarly pain
■t wU* (ppBI SiiBday ta Maal* ful and annoylog aad wbeo I weet lu
bod 1 n-old BOI real on arcount of the
K*»i diuday ttaatag tb* C. E. of ami- Miin I uaed a aanber of tocalled
ibe UcMigregalkiaal ebureb will gtre
Ihiao'i OlDiiaoei
a tpoclal progria) wbtab all an- ta
tlitii (1. altaad
d briier than tbl*. .
Tb* arboot library hat* added a
. ....
iitaar,. Ttay
aalF by alt dralera. Price I
9 plauBli
fantenUllbuni Oa. BaCalo. 1
good .Mg :
J ta ib* Bear fatar*
* ageoit for ib* UaHed Stale
Uoai are betag
We havf a iarne
hat* ii.r boat line
ileta bar*
bert” rdotiu
louJoIlK-aimBslovcsoi all kmds. and loth.-person «-ho «ill xur» rhn c-.-aci nnmbcr ol
Trarhen' 'lattltot*
Hot* *n
ever gita ta
wc will Rivu them free of charifc. th.
couBi.r irer towe
owe It cop*e to yon. aad
w* hop'- kll Itarbort will cxno* aad
1 wat drlUog
topir -- - a......................................
Oiir l-'all and Winter stock of Furniture. Cook Stove* Rar
taairucllon that will
b* gl<
The woBi
Tapesii cLrtakr"'Hllo'“‘‘l"flml.°S^
Canx-ls. xi-..;.,
Mntlinc*. Kn8«. Jl.ace .nd Tnp^u'y
Ita* ruim but wa* tated
from betag
ami i-very-thinji you need ii
cruvbed i death by
assortmcni is second
Bily iioeaidad by ’
s fi'r tin: ihree Mores. en.-il>lcs
d Will b* ready ta
to make close jiriv
"I I wa* I
I a miracle. Burdock
Iliuod mile
■rod me of a lerribte
bniakiBg u
a le Uielr balldleg.
over Ibe body. I am
(ratetol. " Ulia Jalla Plihridge.
('orowell. CooD.


10 Tratarac City Bat..taad*.

fray ta diiUag
racdlr* cdi bta beat*.
apacd Batarday aad Caday wtik her 0« l-ray ef Tratatta Qiy caltad
'>ar* Maiarday.
Mia* Uardaar «f«at a day or
BWMi «d
tf Katkaaba ta
Rboda BUMl
bar paroai* bta* tur a few Ok lupid* la«i waak.
frad Atttr treat to Kalkaaka with
t taad cr paaehta todvHra- C. W. Ha
B drote le Trat•rae Clly Prtday.


.Mr. Mew. tb* atoM taaaoe. ta galMM ay a aa* Mata aaaMa boww far
Oyra* HartU.
rneadr aad re
dhnM^WMtetar* *^***"'* »*yb*w taatlag for tb*
bar baabaad wbo
Ktaa^BM risllad wttb Hr*, Wk
aafct ago.
•aato N*wtaaa aa* day tbt* waak.
MHa UIM Rebwia caltad ea 1
lUta'itaTwiS. *“
•UU* Uaalf* JaaMy.
Mr*. H. C. Wbadoeh •
tMCBta Nagba* baa baadn Oraad- aa
lo auead-iwtltal a

r.Hf.SSS sii

golBe to Mb
Yellow JaaadMe. I oiataHed a aanHr* om* tiaattataaa aad MUdraa ^ o( pbyaictaB* aad tried all aorta
uf Varaawonk are ttaltlag al tb*
■edMiDot, but gui BO relief. Than
at h*r iMiCbar. Hr*. J B. BUa«aa Ibe an* of BSoctric Bitter*
feel that 1 aai aow cured of a
ta ■** OraadBa
tor that bad an ta lu graep tar
------------------- .. ooi acalB. a* abe iwelve year*.- II yoo warn a tellable
baa bote BO *Mk all tiuaaar i
tor Urer aad KldBey
abl* to Mat* b*f rtna uaUI K
irooble. ttomacb dUordee .
deUlUy. gel Blactrie Bluerr.1. li-a guar^Jobn Blggar baa tb* lob of eolttac aatood by Jan U Jitaotoa and r. H
ad aklddtag lb* real at tb* Unbar Mrodt. Oaly Ur.
a Ik* BtMkl*;^ « noogtaae lai
Hlaa Mary Hatch
or Water
Hr*. Kobtrt OUoa. who baa
er eouaiy. lowa
aarcToualr (11 for Ibe paav wo
atteadaaix_ Ibta wriUag.
____ _ ....
da 11*1
c. Kraak Kaidy id la- apoa ber acbool duilea at a leacber.
Hr* Wm Dotatlaia of 8be hai laugbi aeveoiy-lwo cmaccu,te lerm* ol M-huul altboul. mltalng
Bn»*o i'll}. .- riaylBg
ikylB* wlik b*r
•Ingle day On* cold wlnief 'abe did
ily i» geUiag ready for
mUr taif-hair ilaj hy rea.-m ./ g.-ttio*
d«llv*ryuf BuUl wbleb
atuck ta a aaow bask, whi^rv .be nIk II win a
malned tvr aet-eral hour* uaill auUi: the managed lo go ii-.-h ta the afiernouD ul
lUrbael Htm-a id llurieoa ihat day. anbougb nrariy froaen.
lurraa HIri
A Love LelUi
if »-**ford.
Woald not tatereai ». If you re!
Salve tor]
MKioaber of tliaal bat hMktag for .
Dodd of
been tveoilmg lb* patt week ta Oraad Sure*.'
- | auSered
RapU" wlUi ber kruiber wlum ab* an ugly awe wrifei.
lor a jv-ar. bm a t
Boi »wi for iwraly yrara. She BucUeti-i Arakn
ttat>e cured
a apltodld Util., ■»?'.,
n. Jin Have, la ouli* aiek at (bit y-a • •
f H Mead.:

__ __ ..-^i

bt alaadar OdataMa caltad U lb*
XT aad took a ear taad (d agpta*
» lb* W^^^erebard. Tba Bali

*a« . wlu
„ g)** a c«a
Tbar C. a aottaly
Ua da
I* aoel*l U iba beta* of Hr. ai
Ur*. Pcatar
Peatar Taaaday

eveUag. Oet.

Me aaal Itabbath arm
a Tb* Aagol That HI.

the rale It war |
rbuiaday algbL

.Hr. aad Mn
kr. aad Hra...JHta*

oa Urnmam dac aaarly ibrw m
t yeUUM* aad CM K* btabU*.


a ta Poatorta. Okie
Mr*. M. .......................
Ktatlar ttalltd
h pi
i«d bar

naiUag wlib bar yartaU. ratan
“ at** cny FWday.ei CrabawaM cd Otaad I
Ml «nb A. W. H*b*rt aad
> da/*.
. _* ta • owata aedal bItmi I
tebaol tan aaurday eTaalag
giau Mcta**. Tta atoaty raiw
kaatad i*ward* a llbrvr .
^■at. r. E. HallBtaa rf !t..i
talllac 02) mtade bar*.

TWr an utfclBf ct kav
m* teUtarr tat* ita «nl a
Tta mam at tta *«*•• «n
M «hk l(. ta It briagi «ar


3obn C. Beadle

in collar, smoke cur­
tain, ' spark Rrrester,
nickel trimmings. ni<^el steel band around
top. nickel foot rails,
screw draft, large-feed
door: makes one of
best stoves for general use
ever pm on the market. y>ur price.......................$7.75
Five different soft cqRl burners. Three' different
oRrd coal bumeta. Lapge
Lajge aand complete line of

Steel Ranges^
Steel Kangr. with high closet and reservoir,
complete. }ust like cut,-for $-»7.75. They range ri^t
along from this right up to our ^uiti Meal Steel
Ranges (the very best and most perfea steel range

J. w. s

We can Save You a Lot of Money

Reliable Home Furnisher

-T*t«9**|^Mnvlll*, M>oH.





•Afiid Irarctsc Bctili

Id la tba wMinr." UM ka.


■avta FMMi.
fUlMUtareamnaa rla» Mb 7
aaM aad l« a Mad naaiHwr hawi

Iw 10 hara hlf Hbanr la tkk
L aad aoi ka dhal ap Ilka a pHa" aaM Plaaalcaa
Tka rooalw
ad iBUilr Ikt em Blebi. aiael
i>a drtae ataa’. daliehi, aad eoa
>d dota» ao ai talarrala, aatl
b «aaM

aajri; H u I
^ taiaaar ai Sauad tMeb, Ouaa,
raw Him »t !• bai loeiid apoa pumac upa ranatalk.
avMiaca a( kld- abaarp lold- rlag aadrella* Ika alalk.
Mj Baubte. taa nroufb aacranac on Iba laalda U
MuaM daanu BM Maeilfied ai eaa loat la IM7
Tha lareeat daelal aebool la iba
BUfId li Iba mult of Iba
4J( Iba Oolleea ol Pbnlctaai

C*r ranr *u (u te«* «urt«e ea tu
rv<t*r ru> brtvM Ikte fUee m4
•taatoitta* rMiMdar, H tfc* «oak
MfiU U eaUMd IB tlM*. II eoBl4
Mi. M*vr«r. aM «> tk* im Irta
M *a<* ■taBdar ■oraliif.
. W<M U Mae raahae «a iM bridec
itoi ti «i uL« Um aUM a( itw oa« r»
a anj tar U* kraaUae
r «• Tl
l. 1^.
Mf haa aa»M^*y
IferoM la aaaeaUM u> tfea _______
I Oaka HKh

atanM la


■r. OraM Puba
fi^ Crrii.
<4d. hki Coaad aani



^i. Iha rM Udaa,


ar bid aSao. l«UaBi4 M II

li lUM tbTbvLli

Tha Tu/Waa
ilcarla. iapl'

■ 4a» auiaa ___
1j»0 TaiUab


Ea*^‘iaai fridar. doa Tartu 1
a-ar Iba Tarka plOaead



' ' - la a eshi
IvaM TartM uwqa aad laaareaau
al Maahlae. era Bllai rrm iba Bblcarhu fnatiw. miardar, tka Tarka
tol^aa^a klllad aad aatea lajarad.

Ibrlahnti and Chtldrea.


The uatrarMiy'
ba taiiar iDiiliuikia fur 1
and aaeurn a « r«r laair
lb* Milleaa bulldlak at KarrlaoB <
HoBorr ilraal
Saraa . huadr«l ^
enr •ludaali are eapanad lor
ani year. Bbteb baciai Octobar I
-I ciaclaoaU oa ibr tall of iba
TiMioB iknerapar
i>uiidlara «agiiaB. i:t fae< abnre iba
diaeple jMb" Rauiauer
I f«U.
KanitKi.r rlli uou ina pole Bllbmit
aay bal|> iMbt
Ibaa a ilaadar rope.
Ha than tlotMt IB hi* bead OB Iha pol
•urtaar >r Iba blf clube- Ha
Bdi. ibae OB oaa haad.
up OB bOlb foM BBd
I uoe Inol. Al a floala ha
brill of horror tbroaab Iba
Bhkb Balobad blai by pro
lo illp. rpcorarlBa blaiBair

Bears the


T b tlM trub-nurtc of the best
readytOBwear clothes In
tbe worid.
You will flnfd It In the smart
Pall and Winter styles of CLOTH>

For Over
Thirty Years

CRAFT Clothes, which await your
inspection here. CLOTHCRAFT
sidU and overcoats, at SIO and

N.Y WiwBwniiA(m

Ebrtaib I'Blied Buiea earalry. arrtrad
BI K'<.ei IHilBl a Ira Blcbii a») aHar
horealurb trip of I.ouo mllai, aiadr
•Uyt Haru
aru and In otbar Bern
I the ruBpany luned IIrooi
WIM aad Idni^rad
na oa a imi rtda aenu
Tbry had reliyi id )
Ldbar Haa Halraalad.
Itnplie ibe vlfuroui eierrlia -Is
Pluabare. SaplBlMoa Buret
. ---------HIrb.. Bapl H-ABid tba
rbicb he bai lieen iBduUlaB Ihli lum
roBBlae ebaan of (ba HUBIcaa V. K.
Bar. CbaHai OUaa'td Bar- aer, PrMldut Rootarrli li aleadlnly
ad tka rMBaaaaiallr^M*tUl**
Bcreaitai la welebl He dob

— « llpi
— (hla BMralBi rladlealiMl of
team al J*u
u poi
pouadi. acoirdlae lo ad
he ebaieai bruiebi aealnil bis.
ICM rerrlied
ed ll
la a prtrale latur froB
li .
*■* daMBataa
poaa Praaldaai kouaavali t
tyii.i Hay
■ Bot a mile eoaoeraad aboat ihit
iBIIlBf IB of Saab aad bai baaa reTTBreraa Itiiy, Tba lar alaetoral eaa- •onlaa lu ranoui Bwaai of itopplak
Iba fOTara fareare ureaslaad tbto Boralaa by I, huBevor, BlibiMi iuor«u Whoa ba
aal bmk Iba ilMlai PratMaat BaBital nirbfr ' teeaBe pmideat be Belfbed only III
defaai Praaldaai Ra
Albloa MItea aa ehaffsaa.
ami amiaiiina It Iba arork „
OcBt«BBiie etalanau' a»aiver«
uam BoBe oaa Builere up oour««r
ikiBvd prtitlalaBi. who ar« airtrlai
to aiUDli a baraet’i bmi, ihare Bill
ta druB anaauad labar laio iba tebt
M BO aeiiloai of arboo) at euear Run.
»i BBi raaolrad that PrnldML Raoaa
WbBB HIM Ada aBltb. dauebter
vail It Iba baai Irtaad ikaiC^alaaa
a aad BaBlaan 3f Aid HBlth, Ibe liaebB. bbi
labar arrr bad la iba WUtalwuaa.
bout Tl panooi Jpeu Ibe lebool fur the t«rm.___
fouad aa iBseaie boraet-i bmI baaf
lac orer the dour. The honwu dia
MMr ta tTBeaaee.
puled Ibe rlfbi of aoiraaee. aad Hlai
Nob Virt. Bapi U.-Oaeardtae lo
Iba walawaai oT bar laarv. paaM •
. Her. Q A. Biobv. Bran: »Blib aaBCMibred lo tbe cblldrM tUt
. Her. J. C. Ilarlaay. «■lark- there Buuld hr eu eeboof uatll that
Paakar. Hn Phaapoa Uaybrlek. vhaa
tel capie dutra
aba COM. oai H prlaaa ta KbcIbb*,
M Iba aulranary larvlea laii
Major BeolaBlo Way. Bho eUlBOd
tlfht or Iba Mlaaloaary aoelaiy. tba to be Ibe oldait aoldler la Ibe Untta?
(ulloBlae oBoan vara elaetad: Proa- •laiei. It dead at Akroa, Ohio.
Idaat. Rar. A. T LatbB. Orld: vka II* lean
Hr aalUlad la Ibe_____
rerrlred bcaorable dliekbreat
iilbar. bat oe bar PfMilaDt. Mar. J. W, ehaahaa. North
) .T«-»aB. uBBod
by ,
ArrBOK. iu.-Dl« liavo )>Nni r.‘nipUl«!
doaib K *U bai
tba pmpartr, «aV Adasiii aaetaiary. Rar. J. R. Wmaa: alfbl llBer-a record probably aarar
Mvailaa 8teaiiiabl|'](»r tl....... ..
i>f a dpp«niui-Bt
uaaiiirar, Rar. W. P. KoadHak. Oma- •quaied la ibe oouairy
He tOB hU
mil Tba Baaltac Baa aldrttafd by Aral aenioe In oaa of the ladlaa Bare Taeoma oa a rerard luBBkli
fWidw ai2d*ba rawarSTf._______ Dr. i (1 Ployd of CladanaU. Dr.
>. He alao faucbl Barrlaf aecldeala al
III mmb’^*** lwlB>.-:i<-. lud KipertatBU and tr.:
erapdbibar't aataia, aad tka eiaaral
Ibe Bemlaole laTaeoma doeb> 10 the Dell
UelaBarv- log ut iht- dinriBBi incB Bad .hnib
iMpriaitaa a«a tkat lUa iwald ba all
I Biatea. la IMO
IrT-ry in lb<- raliiu] Stole* Bill be ibiaa BBI diMbaried,
lo acala aallai
I, U>
chlaery. Sbe aapaela la
Bitb (br kereaib Hailed
UalM SiaUt
Cniei la<id IISOO alia* Bliboui loucblac prtaripBl Bi.n..i>t ibf BPB braaota. aad
111 ba taati
be lerrad durtac land. Capi. Mamaon rapM-t* 10 aabi Ibi- VMirrameni *Uf
to Baa
> tha Ibe :
in IMI. It U WH day*.
lined IB IWl. He BBI iBlee-dlaMn Ulaale P. P^ltlelt of ClevalaB<
Sarrert basi tt frleadf la oibar*da-'
rd Bad reealtoled dufloc Ibe
the oaly Boama baaber bmi u.
Th.- ..runbUnilon ..i
In U6I he enllited for Ihe
B Torb
Bbe ha* reeeutly <qien<u)
I. eT^^'a pomiaai onfUr. Oallea bm alao fomerly paalervlaa ooe year.
ilbB Bhur* Boaaa eaa specu
W el Ibe Pint M. B. ehurab ta ibli
Kidd of Wait Unliy. 0-,
—--------ook*. AU the aaployra In the
oOee .are Bomaa. asd cUI* lanead «
picked aad fold 100 qiiani ul bm
croBib ilraBbarrtai.
Ha had rore- boy* 1Bill Biark
mark the tioardi. Mn. Fk>i
lully covered the rtaaa Blib bImb for UelU 1
aaaaral Naiaa.
tbe Ant vumaa la the rtal
I Clevelud
Tke aMoal board la Pnaeetoo. la- Ibe BlDler Bfaea happmlac to look ealate
lunad the Haloo lave
la npoB (bea be touad the barrM
laaa. bai daeldad aot 10 admit a
about ripe.
manager f'u
Hao bo)' tato the public aeboola.
Ruib of iBBlciatloa ai Npb Tark
. Qllban. Bbo U aa lailruetor la
•rtamoa publk aebooU. Bhileba van H rery crMi.
A ebureb roof sArdea 1* pan of ibr
>lae far tba -PMple’a Palace" to eo«l
la ihi ortoai unk a llklac u a Pin
IMMfi. BUeb1 hM bMB
^ .......... BouUy at tba battar
plBo boy aad broaebl klB bcBB. ~
____ euned la
lad U II nwn nil emr t...^o
elaai of poor Uaramai aad PoMa. eraey UUy by Rcr.
John L Scodder.
the Tint 0<
dMUaaUeM are lalarlor polau,
~e<iy Battarn (arBteg dlauleta.
ildat elaiaee'to^i!^iaeB“uid
■' aeru
aorta of
John CruBp. a Bulatio aadreportad eblldrea. all
ba proTlded. There
‘niare Bill be aa
IBM Iba uuii MIOB
and rtAe raace. a Ur»e
Urt« cytana
ihai Iba aMBban od
■Bbly ball . roilBc
i.yon. ■
Bare foniad u
ai tba MB ad 101
■paelaui roof ^rdaa.

...--------- —la. ...
•Baa^BllaM. ^uad 1

•van and Loss of Slker

upward, have always equalled custom
Uilorcd sarmenU at double and
treble CLOTHCRAFT prices, and ihls


wear, and finish. The very newest
metrt^Kilitan models arc here, in a

variety of seasonable fabrics, and
every garment is guaranteed pure


a look?

you drop in and









AA «. E. THE luiio


I nb-rBil.m Ba> |m-i- l/iVi»niw iSiy
luuii'cl fUlunla) fur fhrooli- appuedi
» yrar*' dmUua.
>B. ' A
s IlHIBd Is lb<-AipflTBlllli Bjib
!>.-third Ml Ibr polsl»l
pr>iirjdiBK uuimard tbrouRb
rhr lurli-at Bj|] rrcovif.











o. -I-.-.
I boBBto. ^Bd*. B




West and Northwest







rhnlr iM *ad iliiyi <m (U Bala.


.BouiBc bU OBB falllae. a


Mobile My.

Her, Samuel Taelwr. of Ram Pala\
loBtac eard iB~hili'ioM japar:
I. J.. Bled a aarrlace eerttAeau ta
kU4M aik all my painma
bleb II BM Btoiad that the crooB
am brtae aay laioxleaat la my cd- BM iui yuan aad ua wmtkc oM aad
WhUa I kaoB that maay vteh tba brtda n yewa P» tha SfcaM ll
aliaalaai Bbaa banae leaib atra^ I Bilk (bay bmM take
d Ibe brUa tbe (ounb.

The amallBt paaaloa anaal
JhC eTMtkm Bho kso/*^

iw Wa paver ad r«« ta raaarta
levbtbilBM fi^teait^jka


ft kakBfiii M

nnk dnn .r.t..



_ _


t tka armr a«- itaa la ian l» earm^ tka mlM (mb
Patat to DD5Ullla.Tra«^
Mih apa. Bkaa tba Mdi vere atdi
«“?>*WM^ ibmvMa^ «

t- »t—V»y m-

Huh ^ Hmdly Wmm
Neei^y Cr^sj,
Had no



Dr. Mllee^ Nervtae Per.
Cured Me.

ka vlahad to aarn STia^
■waat B Ihla eapaelty, aad Pneaar.
Bbo u aieHM and doat aot aaad the
BBMy. eCarBl ta due (arm. (aUhfMly


■Maa *aee taoda ks Baa. A. J
Mlkaruaa. O. V. AoaUa. Ber. R. B.
HSM- aad Bar. J. T. IMMr. R*
Maoa oee* made tv Rw. a F
BMf tt CBbiWw aad Ree. V. k


■WMBAH aUaC WW « (ka la«

—------------------- ta a wa*ial MmcHi-

' ' tkai

ikatewniy « tkair
It ka a atardy (w«y tr*a bu pmeo* BKh a CDOd Old



There M trouble


The *emi.B«ekly Judaoc.AhOD Eicura.

lie icqaiirniciii* of tbaaperual aervke, naoriy.

Bough can, clean. BhcJe*UHe beiia. good fast liae. Rocky
N'cantrin rrrneri ,a teleo and ioidUgmi commy, aad ialofM.
at. u er. looir.

The Jadaca Ahoe Coopnay ako kwcl clujil giKi '* by treighs


ii.shiii^loii and


a way vhich

roto«:«»bty ami aaeca tbe pane



li-v hrTbe Ju.Vbn-.Mioa [oiiiea have hack «d then

j l

theji^^mee of the IS.icMco & Ahoe. Miaaouri E’Mrific.

Ueaver aM

Rio Gnade

Wri-fc RaOBar*. the Soatbeta Padf
Cofapaoy, the Oregon



Liae aad

gecavkhtten. TbletupMlmvfey
RIlIeR I* Bortb mtn la pr::'-.
M raeuta than a Bbole dnstiaro

Uy«a«aat to know
abom'the jDdaoa-Abon

.1 u <1 so n - A ll 0 n


OB the rigfit. ill out ll

Tbe ratba*.' cun f« Sou-

bUak (pore* aad mail

the vulena’


iu the -TcdKatag
ITOpa.- and AM Aariac tbe tatmiw-


M vhot you

tool into if going to Califo nu, Ortgoo or Waahii^ oa the
» rale ticin Chip.go,

prooBMar U local


Boall) ototuaed $6.uu a bcftb Totinil Party

devil bah. Bhicb
be pror«-a..d m:
II briureo' thi- i-j«-..
darted epBarJ -aad
qalekl) thr*B li* irBiarlr*
suBBale aad radrorewed to
deeupaaii of ibe boat Blih
teeiaei*. Ai tbr.boai pall
•boreLl-lP BhU-S'
orertuTB ibe boat unliwi ti* occupa
could Quickly eecaj* and
KeaeUac eballoB
J» BBit-r. thn-r mea'
liiBped out
d With epean clubbed
Ibe aciopu
i_ Blibdroa-. ■ The,

o bViKiswooti.o p a

,Pere Marquette


OS VaBcoter I.Uad Saaday 4 mnr ;
ater devil bib ailaekrd a U«t loe.l'
o( oaBpen, Bho B*rc c-uiopHlvd to 1

birth, th

t boan u( ThOMaa Ptakal> CM Wedaeaday at O
-a made aaay by tha t
hlf Msaaal ibat bli 1
bayaruoiatm to him. ~I Baat lo
blB CfOB Uke all oaed U> <»«b <



L- Dv. Mg kaoBB M Ibe' '
earui &aa ie Cilpuw" aad
- a elubBaa and boa TtTaat.1
dM auddasty ta hM roua at the Aedh!
lertua huUl HI* <Mlk i* aurtbulad I to bwt .diaeaac He bu Tl yean or:
age. Day Baa tbe reputed oBaertt' .
am leee than' oac hundred dlScreei
lull* of ClOlhM

(TOM kU baralBC kame M PlaM^ffl^

ibelr room, oa ike aam»d Aa*.
kla kody and
■SUbiy >mr.
_____ arM kla to lb* crouad. She bm tbea aapK bob u< Ika
MMBed by lb* Ambm. It BM tka
ee.M MreMvMMoaMaww
I Soc VW MMWcM U. B. MUt------------------wtib a rooaptkea Mrrto*.
•e Ike apackaai took aoaw
p BMM «C tkefr traakaat

I. and Rhoda Aapuala

-aaiaMMiie U-.
«U*.d me. O. W

meaeure aUlecB Im. .—
and BBlcbed *00 pouadt




Plre BlduBe aad daucblrn at eMtdlan Bbo aerred la the le.oluUfMury
Bar ore bob diBBlac poiu:-.n» from
tbe Vetted SUM covereincai. Their
aaaaa aad acea are: Hmeoab Neveli
Baimt. lOJ: Bather B. IBbo* ae-

at tbe couBty tana at
UL He Bae an epileptic
paileal. aad oftes expreated a BUb
' die by CrvalAatoa, aa did Cbrlai. li
•uppctod tkai
bfr BM itrickeo'
III* ooeatruetlac tb« erm* Hr bm I
M yean old.

__ __ _
ta ratrala pom
Wjgaejtjp or aboui .y

. .55;


season’s oMerinjs are no exception.
They are perfection In atyfe. fit.

Tisr ‘


The Kind You Have
Always Boeghl



* r


IP YOU ARE SCi: <. 4baBT Uad
ef dttBM. end to dec:«t deri bdfe
yeu Bby Mae iBtor I..-M'«ab to^
Year adwul amr H auiem aad



«s UuijMtt.

Ba.'idinr, Chicago




Tbe talt M Ukeiy to be Icmg

When you need a LINIHENT

GOOD one.

Mustang Liniment
Has earned the title of

"Pioneer ol.Liniments”


UM>t. a

Why M be Lii> I* y>er*clf aad B
IhcoeBbe da-.v^d wM.y*-:? Why
net hebdrlo P-aiomb lilmaeraw
aad(l’«lt atr.*l7
be^ Yeu *ia I

torUaiilctcr thaa aay aUier
Om* Ur rUN aad B8A5T.


Microbe Kfllar
nlmbo* ta yeiB Uaed toi an aobL-gyeaMob. MeBBBrBtoato
aaat ef yuB dtoan may ba. k BU

enod BiW SMBSe af parffa durM>«!MaM.l»P—taad aadi year


Waian arrar oowM a Otar.
I raddtw wrotr War:
HaUolBUa oa tka wayrid u teia- Mdhu



Taka tka aaaoa a r<wr aoidi
WorU te nllla' right.
Ak' Ui lor* that aaka* i- roll
With l4jr*-a barrw a algbl!
Lor*, te! aadi u tea te (Vna
Aa- Ur tkadow of tka Mb
To Ika b autr aa' tbc bi M—
World U roua- rlfbi!
-nAiaau OswnJiaiia



M. M.K.C.SATn.Ult«r.


Harak a fair o< fUlow akaaa
TitaaMd vitk laet,
Tkat wttkiB w taronolaa loaki

’Now. «ar roo Uka wr plaa. aad
rtu agrrt to h alL~ ■
Aaat' Buaaa ■■ooikad
Toaaa* <■>* had wad* la bar whUa
ima. aod aaM. -Ii't real klad of roa.
teeihr. fa ibtak cd dxla' iblafi op
Air »*; but rou wiBaUt atad mj aara- ra alraU T<»K,piaa oil] '
loo aaar aatrr aiapa. te gatUa' to
bo am old womao, aa* erarr

nar'n^ lUtiaw' ot data.
Wa woald aall tkaa aaoMd raia.
^ tka raaaata ala. I kMW
Tkar will fiBoa.
Tkak gtto^wltk brokaa, atfiata


dad ttt gtfUraa^anA fan

a MNm cM aad

TMa a tka war w ba aoad aad
Tka a tka war w aaaur roar
TWa a Ika baaatital. blMad war
Tka wiu aaka ran gad a tka
aad a tka dar *

€Mm^$ Cstk
H a fartaft a uua aid a tbi
■■ a mmmt tka. bat a«» rat than
a a akaaea a do Maathaa a tka
Haa. Aa tka tawr koMtwMi rr-nlm
baaiK a aakaiai trail, aakag ttoaa
Mt laao aad lakibaa of aaar had*.
Ji^ fW a data daatr far a “«tra.
<«iar or Mowrooa. I.
«« «t aak* fa aaka fmau aa wa
fMM Hha «w fin Itrag dar*. OhrtM«ia hMdan aad tka Ilk*, or to !*■
«>« akk Maad* or tka paer
B«hbar a wbaa
hoaita art a
aaip- OaUI roa ha*a triad It. iwa
*koa boa daktr a ■« a aadt
W • Itoaa a eamat. ftmm or sra»*





abould b* Maa daaaied
aad deteat, aad b* lea*. 1 bop*, the
alare of petty but amaorlng habit*
Tbwa thta^ i abould do It I w«
girl agala. But aufgoae I ha
paaaod ay gtrikood- Beppote 1 •
iblnyl Btlll. ahall I aot at thy wl
I rouM rwtrtore te peat tweaiy
? Bbould I hot employ Uaa dltrerenll)^ Agato. aay I aa fitly,
toraaiy roald 1 out better uaa i
preeluui yean at piepaiatluoT There
it alwaye a goldaa age. aooo to be bebtod ut. wbleb ai erarr period ol oar
life U before ua-Jut a* toBMROw'a
yetfardar to olUl today. Bo we Bay
all lake coarag*.

It I* nerer too late


aoaat. daatur tad of wiu wua
tkaa aafar aad a hh cd hrtahl bakr
fWkaa. tka wkcda ftatuad
Waaaht aad ooalort <j raaa»
WwawB. TWa ara atban. too, naliUi
Wa atroa a
» aaaroat aad dawaM
a wkaa aaak a al^a Uua fat wgl
kfWv a haHdaaa far owt o( „

a Ik* taaa or a te « ^
**• ■“ <“• *1 k«io»a, aait raw
■*!*• •■V oaraar- aow. aad wUa
fWikWi a (roah lako a Utka e< th*
■■dwTo aaiiar wort a gto* h a

«a a faaiwiilfi fa Ua aboro a tt» warr tel faaad a k CkkMo tear
«»teiaiBl. Okantateafabw
4M tka afpai
tetar ar
.teteo a ua fWpoac. aad aa a ro«*aa roar awdr tea tka-trait M
tea wa tea thrat kwdiad aad tttr
tetei W parfaet ter. all o( whte
waa gtea awar daite Wa tatarvowtetear. Tte waa. ladaad. fMte «■
I tea wad arte a^

-x-ai*. doa* art karoo* tough. I ea


« ruarentiou.

’ week* ago Iran Mabel art Mar-,------geo (tonme of HoricDn. a box
fine peachre thU week from luo
;art Roy Hogme of Sabla. a Ug roll |

boy^rrul Kocb of
SB ralalag. that came last moalh?
Now. K Uere Is aayiblng elae tioi pui


- keowa oae 1

beeoot* Ua most fsmoua remedy fcr
tatole diarwe* «<rcr knows. Frrcy
If you do isuldciiT* prompt and oaH
when Us woouA arasatag it art pralsFmnaa U not a palltotive »lm- (qetoryrMnlutromUa u.« of tfawa
cum by remonug Ua cauaa at WTitoatoorato Dc.Hartman, gtriag
full aialemaat ot yoar bs« art fa wi
be pkwaad to ghr you bis ridatU* m
Dr. Hartman ba* prohaU.r ennd a

The fao seems to V

of Sunday aebool popeca from Myrflei
Clapp, aad. did wa eror tell you cd the **'


*» » ««x» »»
The alld ni doe

Wfat Willi* Thought
A flag raUing wa* held at a

duwB berv. ibaak our Suashlu.- buy bwuar. and aner Ibe tiaoBrr hi
girl fur iliaL. loo. ladsnst e«cry
r of Ibesv lotJng rrnieajtitaitoe. bIMihin'or tbe drawings wh

Tbe idea la

onrrred wtU Bfaid taagl art te air
aanalls aoMy to te toal dagroa. Wood
te leather eapactoJIy
auger trow

Botoiag. Bart a coodlthm to aa
baa.-Uy la te afireac. Pirat. te
' to dawp. raActoat akm* Co to> tow dtooaow to te
di a a aaMoatfaa a aarowo a raala toio to- te upper ttartoo; aaeoad.
te ihW ataaioa a a kraad
J aUgbta. tor a
to Ukair to prodaee tptel
te. a*d a bakwr* that oaa wn do
■boato tar otiaaar to
lu aperw fad teir way tote the'
kanar. ko autew ate bar* w
mrwK. -Hr trioad dU aot aa* tet
' wa* bare: ah* hat aot hMd of mr
far the daiiifear, anaatka akoaM
totara: aha to baw wttt kar
•ba to tM atar kw faaiaai.
akoRportooL Thw ptoAtr m traab
« taarr mraaR a

bar* hto tiuto to atow*
U 1 ««a.a ghrt «toBb 1 w<

rartiwirimj anteaaaaktoaPOP
It* obeald h* admfaad to dry tko

r-r~r of tsurt* ajlmsou Uaa aay rieag
jUrcltelnKphrsIrlau. ils makes U«
mraa amply by oriag and raaummart |Th« 1

ol tbrir respective b
••Welt, anywv.'
maiden to * iriami



'•y«»fJ.UBi,er table (I

BB.V bale BMWv br
hare, bal we have 1
jou do. We have


law to

rersAl-cvery single murotog."
‘i„ ,u« g tbt. Urns .< ttoTf--Llttk*M
-Poob;-- saM (be. o:ber. "tel's > (-ks,mii
oolbtog. We own a Jsr*e> row
whole rowfnl of ersbm
a d^etaol
lyetaolB sbrdPi oaolntalces
to i«s *. te-l


Ta Blirink Wool Oman OonA
Tu ahrtok wool drea* guud*. I take
a paa onorly aa wide at the folded
good* aad pul to aoa* boUtog
art a roapte ot bot fallrout (the old


taaMcaf-tl kiiul are mure eaaltr
led and thuuld
iei down w
book to prereoi tcaldtog tbe hand*).
Then I begin ai oa* ead of ibe piece
drew Ibe goods over the paa.
etaalag to tbe
— whirb will be
tewcud i.p through tbe fabric tad
ahrfik i< Cfange iba Irooa far bolter
• hen naceaaary. Tura Ue goods
mrer' It It U folded double art ateaa
tbe entfar side to fare It ibraakao
eianly alike ell throogb
Do not lei

Implement ’

ebanced lu new la the re*
toig hanging by a book i
"What ktod uf as ogrtonl

a dreasrt

-hr buy who la hoemi art hne* aad
iwbHV. • the boy fcr a Mead te wtoBl* poAl
gaie^liner. art|
,«d lbs girt who 1* gealle aad ekofa;
ibieocitue. bark«prtng sud plow:
11 don’t wan- one. fcr P
lb, sh.- Is tbe gin w* dalgbl to amril
takes n mlshir »

It 1U> urtaUed. but told It ea teal aa
H evaes orer tbe paa art tl wi
roqulrq preetlag. Tbit aetkod glreu
wiutanlob At oae popular "artool'
ol garaeat caitcr*. they ataply prana
tbe good* wiu a very hot faUron


wuhaa Uca>. tr. aaad thtu*^ wm
chanb fcr tfa fint iM.
ftral«r*de bopefni to geography.
u hto aerimm the atototar
I. toad witb wniar all aroaad) mto Jobs leU down •
TwmbY J.vttn. f«*v Jack."
■ WilltoBL qukfcly.

Mr*: fae^it Bfapptog.
Mr*. Kooaeren weat oa a tkopp
expedliloD whea abe acoowpaalad
president fa New Yurk on Wadaeafay.





r boa party at te teatcr to be ai!
«d*d Ibe efioak to mad* toag
111. 1a te totaat tad faabka. wub
tooMer cepe* (d keury Mah pofat
lace. The toiler titaalag atoo faetoa



iiiii id

le draoBtoakcra Taoeber talldlyt 1
-----------------------------You hsTosT K qatt* right. Tty
Tfa fawwn ggldiar.
agato. Cbarife.—BMtd arw Ue tape
W "« «fa" to what M
---------------.. ___ _______________________1
p>,w, m be »—
1 caa
t- to
t- arer.
«« sssw wsfas
a going OB to Cbarlle-*} »• *«*•» teT-ns-a of atgbt.
Is greater thaa tfa ctreag.

‘ ^


anything else in the Music Line



Th. Saato. Bette

faflb bate art ww woat to faid far': Who baria* the HnMT V* wror
Jaw. ate OM to fare te bal^aw
tomas trtag abort la tfa
/^wooda. Why. a aaxtoB borto* tfart aa
ft oar baby ww ahlr to 1
r teagbt fa wouH b
art walk akm*. wbw I waa bn
■dfal «f
oaad to.Mb* a koUow aqnaiw wtth
art tboh ,
*. pni Ua to the eaalar
lerfctog tea away.

place aewe plarthlaf oa oart <
1 toat Poacb got Ured of betog iwiad it
U* woald walk broaad to te die
brt toak. away. Ton bar* nopgad a towM
wye aad Ptor awhS* wtth aart eaa.
toUAdrt to toy teIr agga «
art to Uto way aaasad htaanlf fat
ag to fa aalaap
<fa body art coror It op. Wbaa tt
"PrmiaUy tfa haver faow aai
agg. haxebrt te grafa woald tm
The fathloa tm woartog aar
art rfatid bm wo* with a boa baO. Bgoa te Bart asdl ter ebaaged I
row* apmw. wd ■ to prudlteod tet QuMar tea teagbt.-Paacb rtaght
m« art ao toto baste*. TkM 1
paar akapsd drop* will ba fa high fa- Ua hart fatwM bar tortx. frightoa■e ptoa to heap te air paa aa
b* eemtog roar.
tog bla half to daotb. Too al
faro hoard far Hektod- naatt.
Aa ttowaari Cam.
■jirarioiaf te taa. yoa may fa
a la famy hllbiwi an

TUU* was nkrtitog poak JSm
, els watched her tor awhte tea

teacher.-Charlie, | hl-^M op a weO Btled pod ffato tto
hire yua a rerw for ae today?! basket, farted it u tow wttk te 1
Charlie ttoar yaara oiA a new maa-Aaate. plaao* uabot
ber of te Infaai eiam.—Birasad
utile Obnairis.


Punch- Now, Puwh WwsrmyfoAdof;
! uf te toallr or by
Onriag Uto Urn* erecTtUag to H «.
cepi lb* macal art gtow to


less—Cured by

pupil* bad made art tbe work they
wide cug* 0A ten *-»griT *lac*<
had dow during the yaor. Tbe lead­
Hre BoMoratt will aooa mK
er bad reelled
te paip^-oae aad oaa half eaptub oUer -> Tf'-f oaplidHba to 1
<d Ibe toadtog Of Ue Pilgria*. art
'• bot.Hera an twu
of rider cWw. oa* eaptul of aagar. gowB* for her Now Tearh —rw knocktog at te d
after abe had flaUhed. the rfaitoM
Jaai tea Uati* Nathaa
•a. rota^uhtotpooafato of wit.
each pnpU to iry to draw from hi* or
’Won. DoreUr.* k* aaU. *>00 aa’
B toblaaipoafult of whit* Baatard
ber laagtoatloe a picture <d PlymoAtb
moter gotHhla tzto'du bualaaa* pat.
How much mowor you goto- to
Brie* of aioyw W Vow* Ap*.
Muat uf them wtAi 10 work at
Ike. feabloa editor of Oedoy-*
ee. OA* tors* grotod oaka
but uea lime fallow bnalUled and
tr* doUaiB^ Uaeto.” aaoar* *01 aaat te toODwtog ropiy to boy right year* oM. t go te acbooL al ieogU catoed bb hand.
terg* grew pappari wlU
rotkr. tooaklr.
ned. BoU aad atlr ntOl te ca|.
1 fare'a pet dog art bla aaaa I*'
-Well. WUlle. wfai U ur asked ibc
tera-a aotkl^ atadad bat
•Alice—We art aorry to aay tkat Kernel art a cal named ttorc.
tap to a* ibtek aa deabwd. tkta
te wd aapra to true. Oloraa fart
Urowb a colaader to ramoi
From yoar HOI* Buaabtoer.
Ptoaae. ma-sJLdi
egala rtaoa to' price, te 'teat hclag
i^rae: ratan to te Ire to b
WUUe Beeaaa. I draw
. a hen urlfro.
It I War* a OM Agate,
ease ipato. wd aeal hoiltog hoc Oa*
1 e pair.BBfalre. MMh. Sepc tS. ItK.
waroagbrtagala Haomal
port of the *oUd rip* tow
We lort hart wtth a tigh of repem
Dear Mia. Batca-I would Ub* toi
-h- .mr..-.

aaat (alrr towtod teach m* wiu bar
mok* oee wUoa of aalaap.
to tbe dare wbaa Atowadrua wm
fa yoar Sfaakto. ^b. W. hare: Ocm,
aad oar. B* a girl a^la. aad'I
Rip.- Caewaber Cataap-Parr te <» eeefa.dt hacowo* eraryoo* to take
Goto* up bm. bane me mu.
d toal bamiag eror to* te gaatruaber*. looop oatriko mda. aad
*f te preaael fapply. far wbo
Oo lerel road. *pare ma set;
chop rer
knows wfat way he te Beat I '
PruB your Uitla Suatbtoer.
Lome ta te atohlc. toegat ma aot:
bawaaer. te ambitIna, tkkt batoag
palp add <
of te ■irwdlag iCAlar
Hynie Bet
Of hay or eorw. rob me aot;
ttaaa actoa ihtaga I akoaJd da
tot drato through a cc
Alice- woald far* beta la WoaOf rioaa wdter. attot m* aot;
■am* thtogi 1 atoobd'Bot do. fa
Haaaur*. aad <
dertoad' enuM hafa kowe prepbaU
Ot mA. dry bad. tfegrtre me wt;
make m* at Attr te paraoa wl
ot oacumbar add tear
•riakm abowa her tk* atyUrt gtoei
t weatere aaUaal trainer thiaks
Tired art bot. waU me wt;
>w at Utr I akoaM Uk* to b*
ebopt of today.
amimalt an boro hsmoctota.
j H .u* or roW, ebUJ m* aot:
Mrat o( aU. I aboaM atadr **»•
tdder vtaogar aad oa* taUaape
aaya te trtafa playrt by rio. wiu sponge art towk. Aagtoei ae
trol-lba eeairol at bodr. at w*
each ot whtu manaird atad
mpor: a powar boat taanad to;
cbopp«3 rw peppw. Baa ih* rh .
Wktoky pala stall.....................
I bator* te earraat ot habU ha*
aad ipteak aklm well, aad tot gotoolA
1 take* etaiu out of cfatk.
-Now. gafa te blppopataBB
daapcaad te cktaaai at oaU-wU aad
ibea add te palp to te rtaeor.
Try K oa aar datteate fabric e
aiaaple.- aay* be. -|i docaai
tmpctiaaUr that boom to hr cot
well, aod teal to piat Ian.
wd by
Uk* aa aalmal tel caa toagb.
With Mtokrra. bUrt m* aot;
oTorr kamaa boon. I thoald cot
caa. ,I hAuw oa agty I
Whea yon are aagry. Krik* a* M.
■tody- wbo tot rroB with a toaatog
Art a amro.^IlkfBl
..taUkfal triert yns wlU
I would aUow mroair to ouar
• ky lyiag dbwa art proifiad am
tmpnwro wewda: I tboaM a
------------------bun Ufa taara bacaat* ot aoa

-:rtka w
w gnpraaco: 1 •kealf'
roa aro aadlutte roa te tearu I.
t UteOr. te etaao a dkor
•HIW Itek abaat Ibo atewdMte a
aai raw aad Ika kkiakaa td paaiwteugbla war* baUtag wUhto ma.
at' m* W ikw aM freat br
I Tbuold akaa. It I wore a giri a»to.
thte bat doat dter a tao toad a te leedaacr to b* aaaalttTe aad aotMMat ttan. Ooaaat far It aorot pictuui
Bacaoa* mr trlwd laittea. a tan. H cau raa w drwdor bacaaa* a groap ct
Mr a dakt a roanov Ikai roo eaa^
••am 10 b* aatortog
tewafood awUo odikaat a Htta


•Urt. Yi-b,. i em^iSTtouib dear to: She Suffered fcr Yeeie and
fa whtobec tte.w<.. bM .hoto
Felt Her Case Wte HopetoughUT


etgbi q iarta of

tetek ap Uo watar pall aa' bunr out
oar pint of water uatU aoft eooui
o tko paap. Pwkte yew haroat
to I\v!ure to a palp. Prea* through
Mtload tbo hlaik root br tho
eolasder. weigh the pulp, and to ererr
Oorethr. It part aa erer aa
•ca po todt allow throe poubd* of
(or aU te patii ad watar 1 brb
atigdr. oaa half plat of elder rtoegar.
< hara UtUo toacloa akoat It
OB* :erel ublMpeaafBl each of groiiBd
aako Hto Ur* afur I've rtaek» a. pepper and etaaaaoB. *a<
itod H la tk* aorata-.
taorpous ot wit
Boil aod allr uatU
-Tka* tk* alopa Tea kaow tl
U b«eaa* thick aad rleh
^ holltela ee tk* oil elolk la tka eolry
Ml tea to ter*, aa- tea I kar*
C-ab Apple CUttap—Cook Urw
tlttl* plar to araelf wbaa I oarrr
peend* of crab apple* uotU eoti
:b*a out Thay-r* aot Joat alopa tew.
*BO!gb to rub tbrough a cotoader;
rker go 10 watar tUratr plaaU la drr
ten add ihrae cup* of eugar,
tJaa. aa’ aarwar ter tab* a* outloon a tow UaM*
of r'ocee. pMer. aad e
ctoaaaum. asd
kaepa* bar* to took oat. Dorothr. ot
Cook mu UMl
we dout gat on aa aaesh aa w*
Grapo Cat*ap-.-8i*w are pouadt ot
teaU. It aaaa* to aa roar toakol
graj>» alowly uUl aoft. Btrala
IralB would got dlttr atur a whUa.
BO. y aktoe aad oeede. Add fire cap*
«a‘ aot b* ptoaaaat to bar*
at > «*r. OM lead toblew
boua*. The pWl eaa b* acrubkrd roal
daraaoa. altople*. doce*.
diai. roa kaow.
ball lead taaapooa.of w
ologa tet I waa tUaklasap: o' Ttoagar. Cook aatil ellgbUr
-kauwoaU be ua hard waa teat
ble;.eced: '
(h* diala-foowt. rre Ured her* tblclr
roan, nocothr. aa' rr* alwaj* had
rwty;u tw eolor aad h aot dart
•r aaala to te Utebea.
wiu grxmad tpice*. Take two porta
soae It la ologoat; bat we're atwaro
of ripe toBtotoo*. tour large hoka*.
toiiad It eoteartahle. Mr klitea-a
aad five red peppen at te totge rarleeb a bright, ekeartul ptoe*.
(tot te toawtoe* to plaeet and
wly oaa tblag ta It that aarbodr
eoot. bag enough to prae* tbroagh
fauM ohlact to aaato- to
ecdaadvT to remore te aeeda. Be
u- tet-i te eoak afar
the pu-p uaUI aa thkk aa Beaded far
teagkt it woald b* ato* te karo
eaiaup. then add te oalea*
'ir aereoa to pM aroaad tkai.
.per Baa. te pappeat ihraddW
with allkolia* oa ow* aU* apd aabaatwliboBt te aeeda st eouree. oae'eap
ae te oter. That would took
of tagar. aad <ca* vtart ot rtoagar.
a* protUar Ikaa te atoro. aa* K
Bring to te ocaldtog pedat aad aoal
■Id k*^ te paofla tkbt alt
la bottle*.
afar* bow bola- loo warm.
Tomato CtoUap—Wart te i
01 eoaro*. I doat aa* mr raag* b
at. aad abee. aad boll to a pn
bet wetter. Tkoto-* a ato* gaa
If keliM aatil aott eoough to
atoro you mar bare wotkod oot la te
hark porch etaaat that dow datr whoa ihroqgVA Blere.’ To erery galka ot


[ SunsbineTi

Oa* IKUe boy had war wurt to
would tab* quite e wblle tar
• gel tbrough.
Ha couldBt roue or be eouhto't pity,
for the work auat be done that very
me the toUewtng eat alary, far wUrt
be sourtenThen atoug aaaw anotber lliilv tod.
-ABoag other qnerr irlrfa DM
e< Galrtbatg. ni. ww fcr
HU eye* were bn«b-. an t bla tan- will take fa my gtoaaeu TorpeerefaUy
waa glad.
<stih bis pae-. bold ibea with oee claw HaTkwhart. wM hrlng, M fi^t
N'eUeska WoUryea
waned.- b* aaU. "fa nUy. you'm-.- end uur\ey theoi faith grvai nppnnat
y. Mlrtooli>.Nab.
Uui l-U help run trac it «..u ;i let w
>B erciil
U a Icteer wrifac from «l Btoty-The Sr*i Hm.' be did IbU etpr oar
A third boy caaw. art be belped. too, „gb, ,^-0 be fad been aepptog art 1! rwUb atroeL If, Cbloigo> UL, Mru.
Ibare wa* Me for him 10 do.
He 1. a grrot pet. art goleg Vfakartr n*ya Ue fidtowiak to («a(il to
laat food!, doe* out regulie aurt e
-We caa all play logeibiT ebfa lhU.’,u ai*, i beot oter. without Irticeilng
plieaied aachtoery. The Brat pr«
■Bartog Uvea a wmr orUT* life a* wU*
fauloa ay aewlag. and *ald
watb the gruto* of te cerwl
aad woettiag pwtDorof a boey Bttototor.
ABd tea,- be arid, -wr
ot ubkh te Uto daket are to be
mykaalthfalWdfanmiawywmaapo. I
teat fay bwabaail afaoat te man ttaa.
Thao it la ataamed tor aweraJ
gcrtaaUy I aaamad to loo* kealU
huar< to big caWioua. iba bottoat 80 ibree II
boy* had Ibe work u.|
naebed up a pae aAdeptrit. My d^htet toaauaflrrart
at uhlrb bare bolw to Uem II
.s lb<^, >
Tbe.nazt Mep la to traaafer
take luBg for ihem lo^*”'’ "’**
frit gtaa* Aead of
Strt 1:. 1. ItrowB, SB l:UtoU atroat
d habi>. Thlaklag
tka (tfaked grato* tiea te n
HampkU, Trtto, writ**:
-baVl-cn to. I put them oa and t
aarta* of Sat, pertontad *1
•o real aad-ilBto to
dlfereat e«rd*.;J
’T rtOeted for aartcel y«un wHk fartwfa bfcoght oa by iwi
: eiih pricetcb Ue sj
nuull. .k(tvr rtfato fa
a war that te
s also effllrlcd w
1 plaiply
tiatil oni dlailBcUy troa oee aac
wbaalraucrtertl wed to dm
ibp New York TlBua.
te anwoar b of otgbl. Pcrua* c
Uite help mbere U s aeedrt. uy Uille 'Phtladelphto Til
totoaiy kom* as a wrfawnc gnet, art
ibU aiage te grato* arc p
Urea abort tnimlh* 1 wa* Uk*
betueao great ae<Al rallera. which Hake work easy for other.. If y,
“• I aaotker woman. } far* now rwfayrt
j Tbert IS a cal in tbe lo.vat .re*tk
aailce Ibea Into take*, none fake*, You see (hat three buya will *c
perfect baeltb lor orer a year, aad Una*
Md Sy-mpbeoburg. urur Mi
tiill rnoinLotog eoaaldenhlc aotolue.
What wed to b* called h
dlaaaae*'who have snSetrt a* I did Will too*
U salrt u hare aitalned tbe pbemw- ^ ^
are finaltr dried oe wire aetltog by
b that lake, one so h«g t<
falTT 1 *m."-rM».. r-U Brown,
aw<« or bM air
Tbae, Iwt'of all.
fl«‘'‘-!p*»rlo catorrt. It ha* b
Xn.>UUctM.M rt,I>aQnC.OblA.
Ih.- Meihuaelah
ar.' parted to>o their paaM
r Si. l»Oi
faps bi. age may be as diardli
Hs a> ifai uf Ibe aorleul wonb)
„ tka fliaiot
Hr. 1
KolerrlBg to kmgrtxy la cau. a 1
ca-* great pbyrirlIan* to maba Ui*
ixspuDdeai In Cbocter wriles tayiag
worbtur myrslf art huslwrt. 1 waoto
err. For forty ymrs
you aad dcss-ribsd my oN,dlikm w mor
*•’ ■*
puaaenaor o( a Ubby wbu
Ai'ibr niceal memtog to Chicago ot
asptMlble. Yew raeomm-mW ftrwwa.
the Ntlioaal DroaaBak*-a aai
I took four boltlra art ws« compleMy
Ika Utne Elola* Hubert, wbo to te
ewiud. lUlnklVrunaaw.iodsrtaltedaSaetlaa of tea* organ* would not be
II Ctly. art there was a blgi^tik
rr ul featolee fartloaa to 8o»
."-Ml*. Eater M. Milner.
(BbS«t to female disease. Ue Ucrafoc*
loB. aenuoneed that te (artlo
faganOBing tVrona tor tea* owes and
Beetle Etoenoa of Garfield—pmiy
ChnaWsborg. Pw. writs, r
woman ihlt wlntar auat wear
it BO sdairaUy adapted to Urir
bouqueu of garden Bon.-rs two or
pemaaeat enn that Prrana ba* now

NerorV’ were te eoBBeoi* at woin ibe rctoa.
aad alaator the pariaga tw Iblrty
’Whr. Alai Buaaa.- triad Docothr.
BlBUla* to ca* plot of water
• that a tlrmig paaflbiUcr .
•I WM plBBBlBC te tar* itte lor pou.
auelB. add Ue paaehee to Ue Uqaor. that ibPK aaoM oiartUng rtquhliWaa
Thal poap to te paatrr. tad tho
alaaer tor ibirtr aiaote* ka
wumae'a toilet atay becoow tbia
tralB aadw tbo Boer, woaM wro
caa aod oaekalt cupful* ot
•r one ot the nwlattoyt -of te
aero oiapt thaa rou cat thibk!'eldar rtoagw. oaa.batf cupful ot *1
gown*, wboter ttroel. bonne or
’Marbe.’nld Auat Saaaa.’I wa
laaapaoafuto of gfeuod ei«««.»«e daelh-mnl furermlag faenkna Mam
Uakto- at teat atapa. Tbrr'r* ar
Hubert hai derigaad and aaontao
Otar, rou kaow, ar outdoor
doret. aae* 1
I an article or a pair of artielw
Ik* aoar tolkoaa- gott aad blerelfa-.
ak>*'y ubUI rat
elotply reneabling the lutpo
< gal op la tko aorota- }ait kagla'
bol ptol fare.
b> men nn<l then* the exhibited
for a gllapa* ot tk* arw world, aa-

Mwa naadar «f hi* Btafi
Uao* to m».


fro* the tetloo of te maktog- to
who u*** It akowa kar aaaaa at bar Ulf tura If 1* aa aeUre toagleld*. aad
owB lahMg-.' I abould praettoa te will bUl aU te apere* of all moUa It
art at laeb gay repartee aa 1*
uuebea. It abould aot be put oa. howerar. bbUI te cellar bat had a chaae*
dry pretty wall.
ca wkai 1* ktedlr aad kappr.
K aaaaa altaual aaadl*** to aay.
ore roadr to eaproM mr appredal II auat be atld. tet ao tood
;toa aad teak* for otorlee* readtoed, abould br uaed that hat bew
ba gntokar with my ptuto* aad tardier
to. Eraa caaa «g fruit, felly, ato,
with wy crHtoUB. I aboald eoIUralr
i:d ba earetullr waabaf b
dtiltoei eauae!
bains opraed tor tear tet aoa
ibnary . aad remember Lord Cba*te^ Ueec .daagenxu Uitla bodlae algbl
lar aUud with te eoaiaeU.
word, area to tom
Caraal BraaMaat Beoda.'
Ibai alfauld aot be

-Aaat SiuB. I waat to bar* a IHU
talk wtib roo brfuro ro« to; ikal 1
Uaefa aa: • l aiui
1 waud fa an
irtea rou but ■ba woat M aw."
-Too *<■*. I>* beao pkaatac a'tx
aod te Bosl elegaai with wbkeb
ibtBfi all Bf wbUa roo'ra foi^ fa Ue toaguage eoold aupply hi*."
aoiac fa ratear te aonb parlar. aad
were a girl agato. I abould b*
bteier atodeaL I abould werry l*i
orer gy laaaoaa: bet I abould Utah
a* I atudy. aad
b parlor ahall b* t>
to ca* raadtog raUar ibaa
It aa-l Iwt to cow- by caring them orar mad orer. like
.oalaat a I wah, bactea* II
%bouM be more thorough
oter aUa <d tka
I to 00c leaaoe uaiU 1 had
ait ir wt pat abate! a tkere far dUb- atoilrred Ue toil; aad 1 abould be
w It wlU do rerr wall aad I kaow It
r apalltoi ur Ulegibla
WIN ba tuck a ooaifart to roa »M
taulir proouDcIi
bar* to eat a uruukat.
I teuM ba a
'Orar a te aoaUwaat euraar

■ Ika mn..
Dm*! roa kWFV:
To tka atUe
Ue 4U> aa4
a ' eoM
Wa vUI 10.
b* kltebaa U to ba a UtUa trapdoor,
Wa wta kaat lor ear laai yaar'i kau. •Thick wboB roa «paa H *UI abow roa
WkOa Ika afoaaktu
ika nu
a bit feaaal opaalac Ufa a drala.
Oetaaa to m troa mt tka dark.
whte on carrr oot all roar alopa
Wl kkd la«.
wtthoui )our aattUa roar tool
Harak tka akoat «a oAaa vera
To tka daafa;
"U Ur oortkMOl eoraor cd
Tkar *aaa aauai^ Uka a toatak
faairr ro-r ahall havo a pawp This
ur aMFRM
fotor'oauida tor water eaawi
WKk a ««k «a kroak Ikaa efm. '
kkr tka «tfi tkat ai« ko aora.
factoeUr barbarooa. aapaeatlr wbaa
A* *a II lalii' kke will ko*
me laate a oarrrte a lart* fart
la tkaa pnaea.
at It rourwif.


wWtewaak mad* to aMlI waaainiH
I teWi kbwara at Haag aad goaalp at a tlae oW of atoa**rt tnw
aod a teddtoiT fa drop tofa oUaae*. tbr kite, or a* treeb aa poaalhto.
arold aarcaam Uka te abould be pul oa while U le alU hot

-W* Wfat to dtoposa Of rramktog IB auek befrtw w* mot* to am
AOW locAliM at tfil C. FTOog gt, tfa Baagto Blsfa.
BrotrUtog M
graaily rwdnead to price. W* ar* art tooktog tar prngi; osr aot* oto
tori I* to gat rid of te gdodA ao tet w* esa atari te art «
WtU aa asrirwiy sow Btorit. .IMp os do Uto art wa wifi gwaml
' to as** yoa maeh moaay. W* wttl atoo amh* torm* at jaym«rt
aut year csseoaMASA
be nnrero catttort aae an Km ewpoet to aswd aayitoAg to te
Muale Urt wtUto/a taAr-or ao. Wa wlB amfa it aa oWan to
BCY NOW AT THIS REMOVAL SAUL Call dar or caantog. or. B
yoa FfwCcr. OAC of oar rrtrmortattpm wlB oal OM row. W* boat



^OcMcrls lS9E.{MSUTrmr


A MU «kO
U* UK* U
“HaJI." tot «to raroM to slr« U> to'
4r*m. ua ciaiB* Kan te m U* rtgkt
UK*. «u ATTMtU SAtUtor ATtotaC
Alxwl I o'etaA AWMId 0( hATlAA
fnu tto root* * OtodtAru tAAA«n

Uto* tod AM ton otato
to }«4. Ato tto (rcvrtMW*
' id ttoir kn utQ ito

_______ ____ ( UtQ
oUrt <•( wite* lAlorwd tto* «<
ato. Tto Ku bto ito bttot hu
ibi- bnuA anr Tamwood, vtof* U
»•*'• luoto an«r A aMreA.
Tto AUtoto uMM-to niAbto «
naa art! to A U- Cooto*. *to wu
tUfAlW 8AtOnlAr An«MB &«■
hnilu trta aoaU of tto <dtr. T
ftorf *<M>d AM to** Aaaa 4lA«e**r
• raaulAto «aM. tol to ko*
Ato BAAtlr Jotato Hr. <
M Ilk* U* AM
- . --------------AAOUOU
m A* to eoaU ttoto U* baa. to
vni toek ud tiwiid ike bid**. CbM
AeaAl* «A* AMItod !■
totor* kk ArrtrAl tto
*0**4 Ito bUea AAd btddn (toa la

ton draM torlBf itow. H* «a*
bmshl don iova aad lodrad up
OaitM Ibli UB* Mr. Oaotor r«ulA*d
la tto *letaitr kaUaa lor tto bid**,
aad BbaUj •docudad to hmilat
lb*B Tto mu aaAltr enanted to
ao AAd Ato* tto «hW vtor* th* hldw
vm b*Ow *k* tarormfO U*l It <ra*
auanui^, Ai tto blda* bto alraad;
Ito lasttor, aad

H Utetoc tbaai aad dalac tbam a»
H too imeka»*a. eurarlaf thas *llb

Taflarkv Cotnbtee With
Schwab at Its Head.

4 iB'k" aloMai torr drin.
________ __________ of _
■R rroa Ito btrraat SaUi at Kta
klBd*. Tbey watt lo aurt wtifc a topjvtere miUfs^ b*d birr sbowa
tal of and lacren** to
-tto BMtl* oT ttodr paatara* la tolplac to (Altor ear id th* crrat«*t vtoat
Mr*. Artbnr AlexaBder of Aba Arbor I w i^'r^'
««ta etar gniwa la tto "jAytovbrr
.n bolding a
t coBBuaeod salt for dlrorcv fraa I Lower ttagtsaw
boat* M BaehABaA. Tto thraa alBan
•7 haad. Tba dh
butt.'' aay* tto Naw Verb Wgrl4.
r biubuid. Uw artlat pbotograptor jitor* rrawBben wto
an bntaatta* vtib tor* area, warr
* aslAbed by May 30. II
r a*-n *p la bar bUl that ha rafnard rlraeted.
Oulu a 41Ct*aat tiotT M that of
hair. •
. r
turalab bar ar*t to eat
ta hk
H U S'uhi** aa ageai of tb* corI. BimpaoB. a PHaeaua ■tatow oC
~BoMxn Iwokr Into tto Howard Olj
•7l« Ttoy an- witty, well adai
anawer be auira that to t. a .»tl« Urameot loraatr, iSanaenc k at
Y'ark. wto la a Mtur wrOHa fraai ^o^ aarly Taaadu noralag
I bat e a hoei of AdBlree* Tto gtrk yaw brotbor Jla.- Jl
kttotbtAB SC ItoUa tty* tto ana who eaae tram
<bk tdra k a Uabkugiw parchaalag ptp*
charge* ufidyuiniie
grewtlBgi trea fraa NabnakB for a <
religion* tolM with bla.
Hr raye ; he pknted la tto arM watt wbara
Ibf »«*t la lenoBir la tto rail tor bar-Af*. I................
—. hk toottor for’'if;
ibai «be wai a grant rmbykitot
------------------ -—
will gonrtab
Tto l*ttat UlBS la trasu !• to br rtairra b*d u 4iaruJty la iibutblng
girt* of tto M
Tto baby ----regnartan dh-t. aad -hat he bi
Tbr BHding Baaarr leUt M a tot
r*po*ad Aa 11 waa thof tot
: bare toraad a Mnb knoara aa
ae*B *1 tto -L'altad Talter*.' *•>* (opkjydtoc b«t that only a tr
way* attxM ready to (uralrb-hrr ar*t W rbl
belvBgtac lo a
for Ihrir Blgbi'* work.
tto -TaaglafootAtbnn w*tv able to bold oat uudr.
* Ettle wBlta art aa b
-t ahr waaied II
ir.i city wbtcb
to Snr Vfirk WortiL fbarto
itcb 'got
got draal
py a bdhch «
dm* but id tto *u la Ibr barren
8(bw*b'* luUton Bl* toblul
to foaad.
laofvork for llratlDt GouBiy A
Agrtralturm; rallrgr eapermn ai aU
The cbiekeot ataggerad araand! ^ *Yk
wbk'b vlil ba Haaitod la Nt«.
eblMnn a
ibe crop* niaed.
Tort to
CaIIkiuii evualy t
r unit* an*
JAa Haautoa. a Mga at tb* Wtoi
Tto beaduuanan of tto
vadjl-tbat they did not know, what
H to detvratar tbe d
or Ingham hare b
ilehlgu Mat* tolr. haaal p>—^ .h* eSect* would ba when they loob:^
it • I'atoa to|iiAr*. la ito buiu.
lak B OrSBd tapMa for U y.
lb* ai^ (bat made tboa drank, wblto ^
i- .-gg«
lat fortA*rlr occvlcd bp lb* I'aloa
Alia bran cteetfal u4 rural aalJ
wrrice wni
l^k. nr* braoe*
Inrlac tnitlBMay to tto toany wHIgg^elita^y *(x
P" uana. or ta araraga of »
aaJ be wiabva i
h.- withdrawn and
------------ 'to tto •am by tto famHiaiy “»** a day lor erary day ta tto year.
> ir-.uihle tbr
back lo tbe old wi
sotag afier^
■AAtolUB. aad tto i>ia)*i-uc« tmj Uu
ffrnnvw tnalBcet plrre
ir BAIL Inatead
baring U
torentod a noral
lo lutuy xvtn tn>* BUD vbo vurkrd
adthai tUrtf dar* Uxdr aitto* *UI t
II frun
brought io ttom.
jm the
(a tpfrailuti lu tart* MUta aU «»rr tl
only two U>nn to4 vu oitmiu* by
4 Ualr. w kTV'aomaaful ’wui itf tto bw
am of
Mk-hlgan mta** ai
tto Int Wat cartd for by bit rmidayrr
ctf Ihte.- wixBiw raral c*m.-r« toing aM*
lu mm ta any dtrecUon
tf in.wtLsi*.
Bwabarwblprwton M
(oar dtyi md then ntoraed to work, held at f total aal*aikn i-f
airytag amP
Uw Vblu-d
it k
left After Ibr lana baa bad
nlBc- a 3-yeai>old
n.'- add br ba* aecaptad
It U aatlBalod ibai n»i
It tbaa
iiioe to work. Ibe frulu wtl! Stama. C'hriattaB cuunt)) ba* o
* MMioa
and « bro Ito vbeal wu rat tto lartu- I40.0UO tn hard eatb wa* b
b*r haaik a an appomebn fraa; to eaaalned to determlBe tto- retulu ■ bera k one ta ladtana
, ,ag „mn, ________, vgg atinek by tto
BaiUr Creek tto larrtag of aa
br t'alladT^r aiui*« tlu ar ptld blB for tb* full Uur to bad tto rIelBity of Bagle by lb
_ rwe paper caller at (to Poatwm
lapunanrv of ibe t-aperlaeai
II rtur ato WbAMv buaJ.
Th* Tamarack ainr. ibrungb W. J i-aclnc amt ibrowa rt feet tato a ditch.
Iking DU dmlnciloa •harpiTt Wbo promt*ed ibe
cbfa-By m 1
■ log bow liie ti- Ladd, hat bought fou acres of tlabei iTto
Tto a>*a In auny per ceat a week pruBI tin Ibrlr
flopped hk train aad Oereal pknt tamed la a gananl Sre
ir Btunv) lonllnue tbr a|
I week wlibooi *k>
lag; bowerar. It
Uniimagoa couaiy. cnmiBgitto < rvw wen twek lo pick, ap tto
r*<tt »D>. oat wtou P. A.
ed to Alm> is Ito tf ib.i.............................................
the mythical .Mmpauy
alBgl* eaploy* o
Jme light oa tbr
•Block and hardwood wltbllUel* « fivm itf the llule one.
To pan)
UrbAtU. AB iu>cl* or tto roTBrr ■leal ^Diry or la tb* torn, but tbit wet
— ■ —
ilcory Iot thk Itoublei.i
ualural hlirory
«. Tbe piirchat* w*t made itofr croti .urprlao tbry found *b*
Iran |>i«*klnt. tod LiarM J. Wrlcb.
M&ry'e canal company tor * wa*o 1 Ci. n briilred. aad Ury carried with a
ro* Bttiy J-rart pnmntai i* tto woolTbeyaborto*
bulldlnga are ol
Uallalra. i
irtly 11 I* k r wsier wU
unaldmiiuo undenuud lu he I7«. ber I
4 or 4isi e'rlork
tl. a-lib tUu* fur •iruyed Tneaday algbi
an atara from their prlrste box <wh«
*a butaitlT. bapu cIoaIac <oalr*«-u
nre wa* dk
UliwfBl right* are reaarrod.
Qe !<« di.ieo Ito McaiBilB
, Anbor LAycock. aSAyenroUH
out *T*ry Ate caBpany la tbt Mty.
alwayi laHudad pi*. eovrrvd aboot^t oclwk liaolag from
Tto braarb tocakriti. w:
.. . » iribiiiarle*. ________ ____
Prevlou report* uf dlaailer to
o the;
tmcbelor. advenleed lor a wife.
Tto Bacbtaerr Jamd an akra boa
•ta*a* tlivad^ Iratad.
th* WmM. worked un:.l 1130.
3. Tbra foUowtd dln- tto bUlldlBB W
t- U Bulbing dulng a* yet bee
becaimr bean crop id the curreel aeaaoa: ipooic came (rota
ta aa
art In lirvrl*} wiutr*. at to IVtat ilto
r aad a iwu boor rial and________
e brefa ibe wurk
water It too high fur
r nperai
operanon* ibrnugb tbe paralnesl ratal of the maker, wbo toon followed ber
itagi toon came tbe »lraw wer.Handml tad Tvraty-flrth ■irarl. Sid
b u-<-tok. Of B*a wbo ftlM to
1 Bay Cby in maktug eacaiaikmi liati lew week* tare been conErBed. I nod Antaur married
ber «
on light.
ne flr* tieamer htrlBg a
tf thr Imltdlnc
Tblnl trcour. 312 Ufbtb a««ou* aad '‘Bukr gittl" Ul tto ban eat ArU imay pHe.1 I
-my* a UaJeebor* rorreapoodenL That;
•r two aad a half alie*.
giteu tighter wurk at rraraubly
lacbii-Utb atrart aad Coluubua triear. All ot Itoat will b« open *ad gaodwr-

n tAiB TO n low muiM.



ready for hiitiuti aUBAltaaMjaaljrAiu
tto I uloa toui* b**d.|uri»f* n Aw.


aad It It ibowbt (re* tto wtj
mmt at tto hMa* to Mb tbas ba <
taaUOar with tto haadHng et hU
to to bad trtartoad ttoa *ary aaaUp
Tbar* vara *a*aa bid** la tto tot
aad aa itor ai
miA a loato la_____
**re H. bl*

la Orratar .Vrv Yort to IM
At (ul tl Ito prapaiv eu to kuid
-'IrrUnd la auu lo tor* bon* nil*
aad rouiptmd tad to aziand tto batiThai waa (to poRUro drclantloo
a*w tl ijulikly u paultit to rrary W. Bourkr tioekran. wbo hat ioal reatj In tto LitloB or 3&M0 er
tarard frum Iretaad mod k today uNt*
cooT.-rvaut with aStir* la tto Euterald
lair thau any Other lUD la Anwrlr*.
It to half a mUBon tay* tbi- New "
H* rJA^ u a raaaoa ibai to
Ur. t'oeSrao
IB uwa n
k num optlndnlr rtgardlag tto futur*
<tab bath bw« and abnwA Alpraarat of Ireland.
toar « Ut inaOtia. H* claSr
It hti rooirtrlad for tto oatpol of on
■Tndand la •*r*d lo tto irtah,'
Bin U Mtataibnartu and It negoOti
Ur. foekran. -and u m of pran>t«Uy
k aboot to **t U. foUowtag tb*
A great (valral tctoel wUl to autbIWwI lo N*w toi* at wu.-ta ratter*, tbil will put tto -old
trtmtaer* aad ailBBrn wlU b* uogbt belouged for yraraaad tben amt otit Urangb tto ratutry
Ur t'oekraa but rwcoUy murwrd
At iba iton ink »Um Id Laeltaai M tb* branrfa** wbna tbRr urrlna traai a long aiay Is ~
BPaalp. Ito Laalaau abarit tot ban Bay br raqulrad. Tto idaratloaal Idea
aatttad. aad vlU arrira tbu
fonaer" rr*Bdent waveriog betwrra hk alkglanc* to tto
la tab* Iba auB la ehart*
■ctaaaU wbo aaya tint It la juil a* Vnltid Stair* and lore for IrMand
Tbit fnmpQe Hall mifnaad
arm-iary to •dinvi* your owe bu In when King Kdward Idnmoir had
Wiu A*MA«L *to bu lb* naa
tto ItUorlog Imnuu aa tl la to trarb dumi In lb* bout* of t-oaoioa
- •
•tael worsen ttoir trade.
very bill wUMi Ur. Co>-knu brlhr**
Tb.- foraitloo of tbr ai
............. .....
will pror* to hr tto wlvatlan
mtjmd to rbarir* H. Sfbwtb by bl*
It k blDMd by (biw win
nrt.- and Ur. W*lrh ortr a y*ar aga
. parbapa tb* nrauf taaiHDc*
At that Ob* to dartdad that hit work of Ur. Ikrkran UanHf on Ibon- high
la enaberiloo with (to atari
la EiifUtb (Vuiuek might tore (irouipt-uravy 1
•d Ito king to Ul* Uw- rporb mat
ayliig modcatly bit own aton- In tto
ba a.vaplad u
Ulty and hard aSmlr, Ur. CarkruaaM:
wars atudMd to tto n
Tto ptaag* of tto Irlab Mad act tnAba
of tto dMalli win l* workaf tb* Irtab
to ant ^ Mr. bebwab at hit oMraa. 7l Boa. wbiai hat dktnrbed nmiont of
prapk for teoiaa of ytai*. It rrBore*
-«'• had not tatiwdid.- aaU Ur. all iwaton tor tvfnatag to In tto wUr*
WMdk -to BHka pnbUc our plaoi tor prepir ertUr tbt romUtltna of Ibelr
*|H aula tto to '



—iraa. to tto Iban id
H* riatau to wd tto
Slabt- and itot It to BOV B
Cbotod vtu bto MUbaL Ba U
«Bi ud bto nictoi lo BaMvIa par■aalir. tad (ma tbar* b* ahlpped II
M to** Ito ilHilai malpl to tto
c«aw. »to hu tatotototod ror ib«
ratara or Ito ' ' '

toaury, bai baHlp adaiknad toTiai
(M ttora b* A Job. Tb* M»( tbit

H* taob tto bldia to ito Hi
towa* W M itow. Abd troB
hatontad ibdB to r<
r Tuadar al«U.
_____ _ - tua ai a Itlaa to Ito Mu
-i«BBlai ttaa.
Macto toadjt.
bai tod Ml I*

t m OadlUto. *to «ai Mai
. . . .4 <d ktUMs atod C
to M BM Ftoto
».Jtotto»tao. Tbapwtotoai
to l» 11 that ba ahot
I. tod Itot tl «u taa|M_
• tbMlrMlfwbiB.a«lai

., • CMBlng into
**WT day. Ba tot Bade tto
After eanfui ignrtag.
W* wui to
Mata Itoaab^ to wurtwilniii Motto*
MMadaf rdady mad* nUla Onetyoo
»« a tap* an a yenag mas Mr.
»^Ab BJA to will B*r*r go back to
tta peony dtuiig eion bbUa tf w*
-1 ahDW Una* young am that for glS
•30 wa eu baud a perfact fltttag
NM Bad# atm tbry WUl br anr ‘^'Ub the grwt BUBtor at a<
that w* ihbD aaUUlab w* will to
- tnbaatBargaodtatiBArbb
at tbta Ito ladlaMul taller.___


la Waa I4ABW Sr Be

UbM agataai tto K
wboaa adllor Vaaderbm
iy pnaktort. aiyi tto I
•wratBOkdwt Of tba PhlMdMphU K«*tb
iBtiMaa. makttoadlB '
■'Wbw OonaUik aad bU
Uad BL PaMtiMiig la ttoir yachcwma tto aawvapar, -tba Mdka wm
hart np for Jmtoy. Ttog had net
dated brtag tbur ttafu ato attor great
ta ap­

H Meat ptaUblt me^.~

laraRlgAtlaf tto

Mto aad tto^



^ aMatolac bla vOb a apnr vbUa
lltotoitotoMBt. TbaottoraM
• imp«WM ttoi Mrtna «u m-


*0 )WT- tw aaBB______

ABB AM nlMltd wMb tto
iHtolM that It wu praiB

lto.aM.lHUB tto a

•omr tateraatiBg ecpartBaala ta den>
laa wlaaga aiT. atcocdlag '

Ttoraday UMad aad attor pearl tobtag gronadt at rartoaa dwtht a. to*
■a alAt«y-g«a fatboaB. A Mat id tto
-grab.- whkh k BBblpliMMd by (to
airw. bat deBOBMiatad that tto app*al a d«9tb of 300 fatb«aa By wai
. _ waaU to B dWodpa a* hnga Iraa
gMara af a r*Bal a «p«te oTaxp*iUMd a^ilnlty BMi «ald a large ahlp
OHM to brekaa la pMcai with at Borh
^ and.* water aa a baaar ewH kb
hMwa to pkrat at knd. A T glBBl^
* ta ba Bad* with tto
•k drrp ta ASatralkB wnMt*

Tto ptapoBAi
Atlanap OataO. Hapcr C. C •Alt iA«rn*ar
-------------------- - —
Dapmp tto U(a PtwddABt UelOAlty will
itaUy to AbAodgaed. aayt tto Kab
u. H. LarBoatb id BtaiM
■ City StAT laeuad af thk Mb«a
the abkf rxrraUra iailM nbiMt
*a tato B aetai u utaoa. A M
toaa wu Oattraa* nacra*'a p______
to JUBII Marab. coavtoud <d iBflMt


la tortor. Tbk wasid to .
imihRit alM frma bath Mto ato aam
bin waaba an bob* el (to Hto tortdaa hrug af
■f iraalp
graat arMtoal sttittr.
* toht wwa M tto ear. bad tto
k BkMy to to rmrrtrt M
"Oa waaC By aon.-»a«fha .
r. into dkto.. af ih« wnttoMi
toltogi - ■

■ tto K. ramMwrg artotncracy Bo
ly Bad* tto renadi «f tto grmi
jawatos af tb* capMaL aUwMd A gnan—

■ •

•«*. oealogt. bBtoacaa

tto yacht w aAtoreL Ttoa* botrvw.
ad ptamaa tbry w^rw at tto dtanir sad
a*M ttoB bark arM toy wfth ttodr r*>
Taatortdlt (taakd Uw Umy aad
waati Uw Noraan <Wa pnakbrd far
Mtottag bk frtatoA. \





Our Suits at


$15.00, SI8.00, and $20.00
are certainly handsome.
They are in Broadcloth, Peb­
ble, Cheviot, Scotch Mixture
made in Louis XIV, Prince
Albert, and Norfolk styles
and some blouse all silk



Uoa, tuTBi and vdtt,


■totonwan- waa )*n( aboot to
tbr HAar BMOAgw to ABAMDrt tto
toar art of -A* Ton Uka ir «hra

ly aat to B> to
ka^ thk tooar « fvtow to aat (br af-

taalur kBOlad la • Saw
»•* caaM ftot whw to M cbb* ta

Mmat wtora. ttoagh hk Bkry waa
M to na*d to BBk* fn A weak, bk
---- fraa ft to du i
tnenttaa paatttoa to grade-'
to tomaaw tor bMktof.


paceM Unei. |>«*iect

Cadies Coals
BUck, Blue and C..ior. nil wool Korney, Mercerired Sntio lined, loone bock, Kitched collar.
velvet lined........................................................... .$5.(fo
An all wool Kersey coat. Satin lined. Mititaty col­
lar. Satin piped and very swell at.......... ........$10.00

Skirts Skirts

500 Skirts in I>reu and Walking 54 inch loose back also fitted back box coat in tan
lengths 98c. $1.50. $2.00, $8.60.' and black with silk cord and Ussels, satin lined,
$6.00, $7i0, $10.00, $12.00. W^
wide cape collar, latyc flowing sibeves and cer­
can please you.
tainly handrome. price. ................... ............. $22.00

Furs Turs
Such quantities and prices. We
___ them at 9Sc and $1.25. ^.60.
$8M $6.00 and up to the hoc
Martin and Fox. $25.00 and $80.00.
Bc^sure and see our stock:

« S befarc. TVy are paed i

Nei-er di^isred




U.-___ !.



nrtisttc Rugs and Cartuts



-Saw tUaca b Cafprt I>Bna(s*.
and AnerieBD
MaatoMtar. at.................. ...................86c, Me. SLID



1.01. line V .1.............................»10.0(i'.li(i|i. i?toO

on Chtk$ •ml

Rufls in all sizes
........ Si“

No expense or
time has been spar­
ed to make the
showing (b« grandwt ever seen in the

« mminery
^ y

at pri\^ within tbe

* » iigiMa-

hk *aa

A iboe with a raptoaRale, CAM and cemfon.

We price you an up-to-date
Suit, like above cut. in Zibeline,
Serge, or lancy mixture, satin lin­
ed Jacket gt

. body bad
Maet an tba r**r iibii af ponUdB
Uaa Mr* WUBab S. Trarara mppaan
U raallr
aam ato taMraatiag. aayt tto Xew
Y*fS BbbM. Mb. Trarara nminato tto tot af .\*wp**Ti

wtote ato can glra c

Shoe Department

150 Ladies suits in all the new styles and weaves.

toll amrlag for. aad. aHbaagh it Mrt
ton ihMght UiAt tto tarahUra geaiw

tbar MaU or alatawat*. wubta as am
sMaBBaal tbat abUI to at lean a.
what awtoattrvof Ito nway fwirn
Dahaltr pkna hnrr eat yn bam
BBbtrt. but Mr* Trarara owwt a___
Mratch af Mad arM Uaa totwaw tba
Oetas *taa and (to aaaib aboa* wtora
tar Japan** gsrdrn may to hxnlrd.


vto you •• por oon% In -feKo toopor«mon«.

talatag k wtai K*w»cft baatoB*a an

Ttoaa wtakt UMr tto fstbat raralrad
Ito faUawtw irkgran traa hk .to:
" r»lta*rt jmt taatracW tot
anal Bktaka. Ttoy 4oa> iPMrtalaai ____ .. ,
da baataaa* that way ant tore. Ma- Bto hanfly raniBg the gwtoi gwrtA
rtapb B* .».«.an la wbaiBMdIhMr
-B-ito toa«r
komar wMb dhU


;ncouratte<] by last season's business »‘e have enlar|{e<l
slock until our cloak depanm
second to none in the city, our room herc-to-f
rc-to-fore ample is now crowded for space.

ibd wui fag* rapidly to Uie Craat at
aatloa «T«a u bar pouM hAT*
irward thrangb Bwb own inbemit

with. _
Oaltrd •

jSu4v?r.-r:j: pear wUhowt }mlry at a dlniar uny
• Mtov vUeh to vu enartoad
giraa M tba yacht lo aararal BtBbcw
iai BkOa la Iba d


Is a busy place now-a-days. It will be especiatly busy during our Anniversary and
Opening Sale. Cloaks, Millinery, Furniture and House Furnishings on this floor

Cace Curtain Department
Jl Aw HtpUf

... .60c. Tie. $1.00, SLS6. tl.«HSJ8

Cable Nat, Azabiab BmaeM Net. Irak Peitt...$Mdio SiaOO
Hmi be ae«a M to appracBtad.

Dress Hats......
S2.00 to S26.00
Street Hats.....................SI.00 to 86.00
Childrens Tams and Caps .26ctoSI.OO

That is so'dear to every
woman'sheaft and so ad­
mired (even by tbe «erDersex-but auny will not
^ admit it.) Every bat poss;
es a dimmetive indi­
viduality. an inimitable
charm which appeals
more strongly to the
wearer every day.

THE qiuim taiTmss HXSAisi

GnK Tnrcrsc HcnM



.^a Milter, •■tr* Vm»- m M*
^ 1.1 mr r«iw. r**
• fcM*

-v™. WH«iir. rtei.* an Oit tor.
-tioarr rvbiad UUter•nirr traM «• Utoa tlite ittw
MU.'* «■* liar nT<r “thi had 1 tell-

imm M I laork (h**-"
AMk hi* bM« Tory •)««».
EFT 1 te<* .1 r-.. -ite SMirr rteatlr I »»
F* r^r iiwiliteiHT le fntr fubte. MMr! - rxrtaiBHd UlUrr..
>1 r«ri II A
U» tend.
II (bal l ^IMr b»« »« ibrw.'
‘br l>a«M aWM turard Uii
1 cM !»«•»• BMi •
diuli..: r-*»

» -r...«A
Ute»» «
r, IVMiriAt irauu W «• y«o.“
I c„.d Ml-.-.
r«D. te Mite Ikte

UrimuM. YM’tr (UyliV «■ <*» MA
Ffe> W>lL *»«; ym •o««n •»

“ SuSrr te-M."

ftr NmrJ fielliM

MUH^. -TH-n rir—rtM It 11
mm.HC.W. ME.

m MR- wmaxcom wwm uu
IV /I had (br a«rrt of a wlf ttal
IVI baa aw tera |iu OB atraldht* ^ ■ Tbr partte* aaa iirtaad
awatte aara tea te« aar; tbm- WM a
laailid was irn— tea lorrbrad. aad
la fba rMteo of Ibr rlflil aar Ibr half

Hr BUI i-F al llw

[ u»i '
-l dtdu i. Ha tel«darrd I
-'H'hai .ltd yoa wr te tew
] larr«l«a u»r
| -V.dhte*.- n
, -My l.adiaaa wi la vlih y.«
| -Thal a flfhl;

Tbara Ilka
I Ur bad a tary Wrar brad te aoab aul
m Cto bo<b or a ataa'i baad
,1 II aarar did Uu. aay *~>d.
Ha ww teC. tbte aari aartlar; tea
■ |wor ataa *
faca vaa IlM aad aanv*. tell ba bad #
r firatad rrlmwaa la tea ta
way tt AatOat « »Itta aa arcorttea
Ir HiUar ■•loaaiial unrary.
abra ba .aui|MWill tea Upa
YM ha
. >1 lite la Ml Hr iVmi.oii'b
waa a UMlT bmb. aad axM pcoplr te Ur did
tha Unte rily of inuteld*r dtd hUu
il» fraal myolrry nl Iwd Iw-k.
yaiHia te Itea partte^r. Ba *M P"*-If br Ukra majaf a koodoo." aaU

(as .uaiaiiy. Kaard. ba foUovad Ibte

_____bh ooU
ipot. Ibr drrlalo.. of
mwiiwlt aad rriurm
It la Ibr drai daty te
pmtywoBma Tbte
pofltrolar WOMB wu Willy and wril
hrrd. nte IlfId 10 harr ao rteiteal
rb-w te rirrytUac. *l*r wakxl thr
MMtedr liar~~~“^*~ altiladr. Tl
yoonc mai.0 Bitod lo tba bkoI atirrbo tmOr auttedrd. ItBcfalBi allrall)
abtr riritlor. aad wbra Ibr dlaiwr tell
"Ttel'o your fafbrr all arrr acate-' raar Ibrrr waa ae Maeoi tnywbrro la
aM br. '‘Tbo wrkp U waUac BulU ll Ml rlrlBliy.
Mb a dirty plarw to drA> Hw
About • o-teoek bo wool dowo to tba
odbw te Iba Waatren MaaarateBrlac
-I'tr rbrwed yaur rvett.*' aald Mr.
I waat a day or two
for dlpratiea. dteuta yourarlf wruBWhllr
TetTro Urlaf tl aty rtpraar.
yoa kaow. Tbafa aBdrraiaod. aad I'll
• dartn*
d a iSMeal HU."
Wbkb tea IteB ted MB tUiod airadlly.
UbraMteBadwrataway. latho
11 M
Mi nwur.
driBteUy. 11
t odko ba atoppad far a u.luato to
I. ML" ated b It teat, -lol'a B|B«k
.k •
with Joba Towfo. anlaai wi
Iw bad

Our 10th Anniversary and Fall Opening Sain

-1 begw yau gaea tba tblac
arart o».“
-I loU tbr tfath aa aoarly ai I luuM
nara IL" raM MDIof. walklac awayA ebaaea mteUM wRk Mia. Wrlgbl
upoB Ibe atnet pat bIm la a goad bnmor, aad aftra a Mag walk wHb bee
br frit (Ml Hto KlU bcM a few Joya
worth Iba UDiMa te aMrloc tor. He
BOO ooBTlraed te Ihta irnib
eroalng In lb* rbarming :
ay, aad wbeo be ,

Almut a eratury ago an a
’ I Cram'S waa auadlug eae d

wit alaoe la
epra wludoi
Imimruat quraUoo. Ti It my fate la
UU la tore w1U> SuIIb Witfbir
Tha pen day be had aaay iiouMra.
Hr. Wrteetet araa atUI dtcradug the
Tower waa
b?teroTe 10 urcr Miller te a

e liiiimad -TUa lUng te
■dug lo ha a sdU
Ufa at
aaTihr cbaace te your
taid a lalk arftb tbar oM eAa U



lUllou all eo your a.-ivunr
ralte with a tuau In Xrw
York ami today I sM my au.wi r I1ir
wIkiI- iMbs >• a fakr.
I'd Lavr len>
akUimwl rllvr; I'd bare droppnl at Ira.t
gliBi.i.ii ll vaa a UMl CBUH-. Hut I
.iwyoo: Jndred, 1 pralw yon.
|■erfar(ly bura«: yon lorrrly
farm before me aa you iiwlrr
alaul tb.-ui- So I'm going l» lewanl
yoa. l iii calag to pat /ou 1“ 'lourr-a
lilan-"T-wer bat gooe. tbrar
•Hlnorr rchoad Wo.t»ll. -WrlL I
bonbl ray be baa. H«'a ruu away witb
bal wonitn. Slrlb Wrtgbl. Ibal br'a
era » liifalualed with. Sbe'a lu the
CBUH'. Ion. 1 fucra.*'
-PiHb cooer crird MUbr.
with himr
Wrutctet hiohrd at hliu lunK - an
-Your lurk ain't as bad. after aU.
■ wild. -YMwaBlIoTbaDktbeldirxl;
Ml > what you want lo do TbU mau
Towrr baa gone aad Irfi a Jte. lUI >ou
raa lurr for Ufa. and 'll pay you well.
bat aroniau. So
He-B COM and taken (bat
macli tbr belter, ta I rieaHy iM-iAelre.
If thrrr'd bera any way In whb-b
ewulil laka Ibe Job with bim and Ira
Ibe 'vaaAe behind yon'd barr born
Urri la.k on both aldra Tea air;
that .-aar you'd have abowa . lourb
tbe rral oU Miller boodoo. Aa li U I
ban bepra of you "



-Ora l taro aaotbar.** i
ttra atera. Ten don't •
aUml ibo ma Ibal yw
*1111 taiad waa cnutlp pa^iM at
M> left tbo oMea. and ba aeugbt rattef
m Ibr aorlaty te dlaiM WHgbL Bor
tmau and t1»a<4ty ware uiierty

kWlklan MabU.
ime and two partt
beep BtUL

Hr irarare a daep raw ttat be wouM
ptwre hlaaraW a ran te power by eoaoplnl** tbo dal amb Wraraolt. aad In
f^nra te (Ma mradtetau be wftea
a rutnUMiraiiy npan dnriaf tbo
orralng. wkdte coutgla*
(•utalaod rarao iofSotaaraCcAA but ba auawaied ariib- Ml fa.n* to ranr te tbo aAarar tocouiratplaitem WbachotpokHloraete•CmllMrat a»M my pcttlag iq>
flrr urat d^ be BOt Tbwor. to wbaa
■HUy, te re am.* aald Wratcall.
l» way rf nrautM»m»*l b* ratteten-Ob yaa hoarra," raM Mlllrr
ed Ibe lapofL
Why do p«> wsata Orao with te>
na)-deraaadod Tpwi*. “Why don't

onran tar Iha axmettan te
imibara day. It bad borate
ICi. wratratra gItauMra iv bte raa
Me Tnwte. wbora brtebor lu
IMk tad aaemad tbo crattol of it
te saweraa waa wartb uytblag a
R ww warth a saaddaal te rarary
Ui. WiMllIt bad ImaadUtMy b

on. and. to be btlte about ti. b


kwrw tet ran-d «ra«M rbemlaIra." iratlwail WtotroCL -Tra wwe
I - - * wKh a terami roncm In
Maw Taek. aad. raaraorar. my am. I
hmtid tet yra wore brarak tbaraughly
terat aM reUaW*. Ukr year Ulliar.
Wbra lira ratug ram n and had to ho
a lOii* ta a bony
df. ThnCa why
Ik tana IL-

rra raly tbr MSeo rrahter at iwrtey
bmmawaab. I ndgU aa well be la a
dra te* atee far aB tbo rhfraMry
. -I col

■ted pram to br a grad (Uag yra
^bl lo bo dxtd tar Ufr.

I'll aw that

pn ici te teok tet bn bera i-----


fear ta bM
ta te arart

ta«terod for
r. a eraad
. rratel eyed yauth. draw Um

'-Towrr-B cone.- ha
Tbrrr'a been at awful raw of rarae
Had 1 drat know what It M."
-Air. orar.“ raM MUtee to
I mum to Xew Trak a bnttu mgn.“
Ur liud not Ibr raurage taTara WeutMl ibrn. laataod br weal In erarck
Ad •U'-IU WricU. ne bad a wlU Mra
ofoCrriuc bte band lobrrtatentatet
■dXbl.crrotwrartarU. bepra If abr
ateubl ^rak w kli>d wonl to Mm.
Ibrn 1.1- '.oaU frH Ibat br rauul fare
te wurhl.
Hr met SMte ta thr hall of te
hrardlng fatoar. Bb* bad a Uilte bMck
bag ta brr habi.
-Wan for mr.“ abe rail. pMattag to
thr parbw. -I'U br back la a JUr-"
Apr Tbrn be went lata the partoi
walled, bot SteUa'a -JlSy- waa a M«
tim. Tbr WHVar brb mac apd adD

Worth of Merchandise for this great Event.
Small {.crccmaKc-of prolits, quick selling ami lartrc .saUu
enahtex ii-A (o ^ivr iruv value at reasonable imees.

Ladies’ and Misses’
Sweater Blouses
Silks and Velvdv

In blue, green, red and arhile a
Othera up to...............................

sc in black taffeta, wear gwrameod


t fS
7 99

Shirt Waists


U in Wack taffeta. Swm finUh. at
!•« I'd. - ■ ■ ■'.............................................

........................... r ••

Flannelette Night Cown9
ruffle* and «


ingx for fall A (pedal ufiiu
ground with colored atripei. if
Oihera.npw peryd.;...................


Table Linens
You will peed »te faf Tbankagiving
CO in colored table Itatetk, wonh

raid toWt, for..........


60 is baU bleadted tabfe -Oaotask,
Shamroci ptltern. at.................

our kliBl crarmatMu te alwaya Hto■am.-. Take a nibble of tUa and
ttlM'te of tet and your chatter wlU ^
more Inlencaw. pantcuMrly If tbere

aU pure Ideu. worth
A 62 in bleached *uin Uatedt.
wuraated all pure linccb U....
6-S btradxd an pore Keen Danmafc
napkina. at pet dox.................... 1 99

ta Klncmen. te eapttal of Jamaica,
erbu erald glrc carda and na'I** ereu
ta Ibe 14aad Cbtaamaa ‘Tar waye that
an dark aad Meki tel arr rata'
Tbra taka rao mteb out of erery bux
they aril until they hare enough'nmlrtr

mko olher cibra. They put
Myer of rnMraiu ra te bottom <7te
aeoui’ WHb whkb they
tet a frw grate wtu aitek te te betThroe ara on'
teuetud trtekt M

FdlMied, bouer eosb tt»ni bed


. Towels
Bleadicd bneh towel. ffOxM, cotoredbafferdi........ ...................
Unblewbed TipWi toweta 16x40
Ctouooebalhra far «»"*««».•«»
Wfat..................... ...................

CMlou in the ta« it tW*highr«t it Wc
e*er been Hace tbe war. yet our Couou
Blaiiheta arr as low priced ai any prerieut
year in fact, sonte of our uiunber* are «vra i
lower, are had anticipaied our wants befotv |
the advance look pUc26apiin)0:4,fuUt<xc, well roc
cred blanket at............................
too pain 11-4, well corexed araorted Uacy boidera. fall lisc blanket
12h pairs 11-4. ataoried colored
border*: heavy Twill bbokets,
.ouiipeeialat............. .*..............
11-4 AH Wool l«hi Grey, ffne 5niahed Blanket, our apedal
^ pound
nu vauvevBiaciii
GomnBeuI Blaeket.
Pore Wool tejected
rejected by U. S. <o*i
M ofbei^peeked, won
$6.60.. A limited number at..


Tnm fraram/ Uinng iorlow ptiort mcwbaniiac
uf good .-Karaclet-yiMviog oui rratonicn, bnd
ctUMluctuq; out baBm^ on aouo-l liuxineaa {wincip!« rt wh, we Wad the ranks as THK. BKST
4la.ling and to get righi goods at right poc«.

50 usira Ubried fsnc) wool auiit.
WD^ aerge lined, milita^ |mdde.l
abokldctx. ahape retaining fraott
andVciiect atting,at.................| 0.00
200 Men'* Suiu, go^ hooc« wool
(Bbrka- a coUeetiou u4 broken

wc have divided them in lao l.iU
to close oul ai.......... 7.50mu* 5.00
260 Orercoat*. laii oi the Toledofcaokrupi f«ircha*e of last sum­
mer, Orercoau did not go well
in July—)-ou are ready for them
»ou. They crowd our r^uUt
new fall arnia-S and must make
roues. This Mock cunsisu of
. the finest pure arool Keneys, Vi.
cunas, lldtou, and all woed
Chiochma Beavers. We li^
you U« summer wc bought the
MikA exrrc-bi^y cheap. Wc
.confirtn il now. YVe divided the
buioloihrccpriceaS. 7-50 lO.OO
S<XDr of these Ore equal in valor
to any $18 overcoat k the msr-


lM)u»e ; the irracefui ritape rlear .fawn ftixh
the W4-BI band u 4 quabty mdivieusl lo the
“Sulangl " Kvery pair i* made br a ymst
maker, uimm<-1 an I fmtshrd as the be«
tailored kind. The ‘'Nub^l" has no ad.
jusuble suap pa-ches .* the hack to cause
A hoqj^ the {tMnMi^r o««d im< adj
ttiapv It if adjand^tetly ua ridel
PI xn-1 6u
perf.-ci. trices—.

From to $2,60 to *6.00
60 dozen wool working pants, we
sun the sale loilay at per pair.. | ,5Q
AU w(m1 earimere drett PantA accttmolatioo of add lots from onr
$1.60 line, this Anniveraary sale. | .60

Young Men's Pants
Heavy wool Kertey, per pair...........| ^60
All wool Casimercdresspant^ |>er pr t ’5O
Fine wonted panti |xieci Hsewbete
at $S.0b. our Anoirersary pricx

•...................... 2.00 »d 2.60
Knee Pants
26 doaeu aU wool and heavy Cordu­
roy pants, 4 to 16, al...................6O0
26 dozen Boys half wool heavy
casaiaera knee pants ages 4 to 16 25c
26 doien of extra quality, pu.e
wool caaairac c and fine wursted
MC pant*,
pants, d
dsewhere jncsil
,$1.60 to $8.00, Anniverrary
rale price rper pair..................... 1.00

Childrens Suits

At $5.00

Young mra-s all wool fine bbek
CUy Wormed tniu and FanocA
. neatly made and good fittett: te
$10.00 kind cMewhrte, onr A*.
nri-enarySale prke..................... 7.60
We Miow young men's suiu dm to $3.00


Bed Spreads
X Teadari ta the m'M


/ rs

Olbeif uplo..


atnmiy utgod amen. >

RtraaM TWww. fb,
Mlllrr went away with
tm bad atey aa nOra
( be made ran. \Tbra ba leranad
M te tbr pmRbaa MH ta te adarcara and
a cartato data.


Just Ten Years Ago
tVr cORifiimcrtl busineu in thi* city. Wc xlannl
small bni opened up Baigain Op^unitiei that
weir unknown in lha vicii^ity. Bttt BdV. We BlTC
SstUfictiM Dwtyk Gnruteett er Tdir Mmct

tOinhaffMenrWdtabte Udmask.

wd^Mween tera and H Itel
• ra MIHtea
tet the tore
old Samwrt
tVral.«lt'a doctaten: tet SHIM ardoM
manr him If bo canM te doy.
TbBi nrerd te ocUotebo Wl dowa (br oAre next maraliic aad bad e b
aad rauMwt Mlk artth WoMeen. a
In leplT atu raly tea: “I dtdat ka
■a liramH abrat II


tt froBl

Orrr tbr BnpUra araa aa aakeu man
Mtpirre. and It ocenmd te Oanch that
tbM axpanar of wrad mlglK bo Imprerrd by a UUM eraamratatlon. Ho
plefcrd op Ibe poker, braled It red bot
and lea-aa to akotrh ta a bold dTbr reaull pirated Um m mucb
itnriled bM work and brean
Manx oibor Srr |4cnuaa ra papett of
nwra niel wttb a rrady
and I'rancb aora c*ra all hla tb
■wan. TUa araa Ibe beclnatagte
b> new kaowo aa pmerapbrTbr prarr anMt of today um many
dIflHrai abaprd Irate and baa a apecUl
rarnace la wUrfa they aie kept heated.
Tbr an baa breo eteboralrd greatly.
kaoia rarii and Abort of ibe wood
are ofira arorkod Into Ibe dealgi
dellcale ttallat^prodnewd by aron^tac
te nap'l.

iwcbdr. -I thirt « utfS^Hy

„ Wf: I CraX' fawiaan WtalbctuCMc Ml npa lacatber ao enaly
9B waa Aorirard by
Md. yoa
unt tbla

■ix se-



rttea.*WralruU had tarate tad waa abw
tetetdowa. H. atoppod aaddraly aa If
Iba paga la Ma wmlra Jnte» li *


C ihrtklBca

wcanmeai to the eCoct ibat
br loeka ray moob like | worta. lh« AatUag dow» te whM da
______ kfard Tnaaor waa the maa
\ aad Mr. Vaa Hodco'prtTad nany faalSia te a UeoSbrad.
Lehtad the featUcablp ladteu'a eicht --------------- ay be tba wMiteC CharBa Sorely III. tbr bv wma. remTte tPo*
cub Ibai
po* fnar aarreooire ttoa.
Hr waa placed ta aa orpteaa,bte boar in Ibr ni> tnlifnary. bet
.aboil Ibiwach
the baltewye te Ibr aiylum la Xew OrteCat te tITi (be too wie.
tarcei >i.jfee 1.4*0 aad
ITatl tom
l.aii* yard, raasr'donac (be teorat
tarcei praeUrv te IW rirael. Troaaai
eplixrd Bl a arateaa ai BL IteA
a auabee te Brewa «
UlPB IB Jaly. IMI. aad bhi bora a
be dlB
Bir rrlailvea aor where
(UBipoimtE Blare Jaooary I '
M kihi .'"'^““rr. ruaibiur «ad Ibat il e tORlHr waa luld Ibat bit
At RaloIcb. X- C . Kactaeor
“ bragates te -WW. laham Vaa Hodsr. but ll_ Lt watTll Hr
H. Vaugbaa waa marrtrd i>
. -teilr la
U a me!H..Uu buala.-a» maa. i. mar ;
Htry U Bpoll
(mmrdlair Mrlalty
. . ex
iclaliy are
are gn
■*« hundred,
numirrdi m-bu tire
lire la WbeT
, oar . ..f (Mr roaau aad te yohaaoe
Jorrpb gybaakl
■. and U-wgaa eoaaiteB are vliitteg ite
bndecruuB aad tbrra them .Iobb a .-rlmUial raurt nwi
iJeteogUt Blalrbleb aayt
biug BIgbl M a(ra« >•’ Ibr aldewalk
numlsattas (hr teaurr.
waiitni lu te railed la aa aaaauli
Tbr brWc Noelted a derp ga.b uu
liailrry raar
her Irwobrad aad brr rltebra urev
[fl 'hr myrt.-ry
evd Ihr rHM d. '
.paiueed wlik bludH A Srahoard Air

allloc li. «rr boa U
,u. F..O, ...,, MW..—k'lSd'
ibrir raiimate i-xal
I diiriDC <iir 'ABMAt.' the
Maydvr ray. Ibal I
I..IOS pirrkuisrd a Ulflr after Ibe
Uar miB waa b«M whllr a phyrlrUD
•r v.ikra had oraaod.- >t>. oar uuia eteaa will rrarb Sw. |
.uadr gaDad UIHrr.
■ I U..U I a
nudreta. I
The (.rroMrat Bit
p. 1.. te alilr to raplala fb.- -_ teu. Uda tblM. " aaU
Mraaahilr ibr oiniBFra
J Ibr pa) Ibri are
Wrai.wi "l*d owda Up wy nilod to
I galB lx
cuiiairy .
rrcelTlBg for
nr tbrir
. . work, ibr
II piaaed and labrlod. te whlrb
Ttou hoo raaia uoi brrr. aud I »atd 10
len of lluluih bare reauirrd
•• tie am lo BTlrare IM ihrar
»ya.Hf: If Ibla Wat a r>°d Ibtek »«•»« '’‘rh'^aork te piublag ibr Unroll *i
nnluB aod demaad a asb'Tbr Mlcblgaa bra. " aati a I
r teriw.' 4 ;u<l are airf. I.bic
............................. II Woiihl bl. ra- Marl loar rxiraalue toward Cbrboy-I _aa paper, 'dramre all ihr |
Aa '-anhquakr
uerma ■.. "
torreaar IB wagra- They
I.Ali.-rnice and teotha.
ha. and tte
w aoytUac that
bate .lined up
Am Is °
. BHivlu aloug aa rapidly ib pom; aad frra adtmi.lag abr grU
by Ibr iradea tad elabur
wamflB. bugi
lad 1 took a oaw
•Ira'i. WatblBgluB.
Tbr bad weaibrr aad lack te a
te Huluth aad
Ui.i a farmer Bear Mawia
.. Thr teiterfilrB
. no h.«.y ra
a ebarter auua
nit a ten riua ralalBa a fam
-n- .X.1I.-CI
-Tied at niebt b> I
bate al.wa)B brra piiurly a- i
Ihr iiaiial mraai lollowrd Ib
I a irer towr Utr camp a misiute te
Mr., h* O (I»B.|T id Trkoeal
rr ltd moIa.Br.
tte bau'l. aad atraw arlirB from
rharacm te Ibrlr erork domandB. on' aad tegaa hrr Ihrre we
reiuarkablrVblckro ibal I. s
iTmaloBc. .a irarbiraa
BMi.r< • ll Ib (ewied au '-rupilna
r aoi l.era o
■ rarbduly by alltiDs na a ruopir te r»rke
gTt ai deal »l local aoiurtriy
tek Iirrr ll••.«lll raaea te ihu db
(.lam-, a* ihr \cdranlr btiIt
That waa Ire yrar. agr Tuda> Ibal Iran-4 to ralae prirra. lra| ..
i-------- —
iraniod to ruBBt.n the aound
i..- .4 Ihr ryr barlag br.-B rdpoitrd.
r baa a roaradamlrnt road all Irarf Ibrlr pairoOB lo (tkr Ihrlr boIWhH' ba. much
n>«pilirr ta tbr hooae with il
>. neiiliod Is (hr drlrrmlaallgu te
(hr aou:b alte of bt> ngbly ’’
rlothre lo abrr and rbraper tnraibrra •
liiK • I Blei. and iBmrdtelrly m
a bra
rmaltalloB ■
ra J C Higiateubam te llruWB.
nbl for It. treaiBrnL Tbb
doca II calB arena
Iterkrr. nr -Miuhrr I'ark.-r.
I*B a ear «f lumloe
lab'cii) te -emu., are amnes ite pah
>r Ihr dead Slot, plrk wbkh had bera ahlpped lo bim from
.h« I. called, who baa Ulxrrd fo
lib grrai rapldli)
If Hichlsap. KHdar
IBS h.
bliBkrU IB all. Ula crop will iwakr a | r fc-bnol rbUdn-n.
moralag. br mat dl \.wrB uadrr ite
n-aatei tbr kltllBg rraaei. II hcMTlBHl lo Had Ibr da
(be Hawaiian
•iraln te JdM car. rouullne Mw' l-UBb :
>'i.-g Unsan. Tl )i«Tb ted. a h.wUvl
wry impallrBi unill ihr ffl.w
irlyu-lgblli year and la a r u. n- -I. lo Ibr car. Hr I. (hr owner
ib.-------- al
One wa. 1>lu
oanrr of pi
ibv JaBCUoo
Jbbc-Uob boH-1
bogiD. ii> doaill)
work Ihr niter la a lUilns l>wii.i
re brr curst, ml brr btu ■ In lill .1.1) B.-..H .Meir.n. lii.T:- wrrv. lu ' near lihaiw. X. V., baa
nlua. In MaDoa tbllry
all appraraBn. ihry 1
te earewalvr amokteg o
Al Un-bard Uke oar te tbr upprr

rla» Bi.-n Braa naught hailas
• a ilciiDi te Bianattoti. Y.rinc Ham an.l aitrni|>i> to kill rTiW)
Ihr art iludrota. Hr wat
I loork waa rm|ilu)rd ai ibr <Mrdac<''nrri.
aiel> caJU-d upos ibr carpet ai

-H will bald,' taU MUbi- wlib
Cterk Aoprnward cteara. Thr •ate


i, imi.

___________ ______I waa oxpoIM
Wbralw aayi Ibal ibarr will br aa
. haxiM ai r*).' fadmy aa laag at br
•aa u
r aiMlcrd ebolr coiiniU a. o«aa U be baa lo expel
tti»> aapi<!
•I 1 rliUr EplMufal ebarrh al Kllot half ilM' aebool. The rale waa ande
.Idooablr aad II win be follawrd recardltoo te
A I. WIMV dtlaei te raaaU
Ibat br all eoai.
ten llu«h Poaur la daad <w SMar
Ma ha
-Oo teat daaday 'ib« Toka.' daad. (tenli die- Marie, ai tba ace
hick aopraao te oEorpikia' r aa yrwn aad allbeBcb abo bad need
Wblf 1
ora. (llailsrily brard aborr (here alare IIM. aeelag auirr tbta
Ihr^-rcii aad....................................
KM H>« ite^U
rbolr ami ooMri^tlai. a
wa> irala
■ •I la arir tbr ruof
abre aad 10 y
arjlitr:>' i»'vr Um-

hoy t.> W.oMtfa buuir.
-;a< y.MlM fiVad.*- wte iba uM st*Ih'iuAu. "I ewo yuo a da*V drWjrf srat-

aa^ay. wUcb awda all aori. te ibr yoaiur tuaa W hlwarlf. "br woat
ue lixr. iliU tblac. Aad Ifa my ibly
Iteote aal te alaadaMw.
To tew te tea teboa aatand ITaak rhaarw ru te»ar »rl aoMbrf
KUbr. Jaw a» Ibo irate frwn Xaw ^ rrtwoarbat Mwrtf for bl. foolM
Taok. B* waa lwoaly.W|lrt yaara old.
te^M«klaadto«iaaod haadaoDO
te a aaaaowhat natearbaly. Itebi btead
_____ tiwarbrdbl.boardteyl
Ha bad bora a bny la MUI. foaad rrrrrmi projUr tral«d oa Ibr
teldpL aad tea falter bad brra a kmi
l.rnhably aaltiny for -«ia. |<
Mtea frtead of eld Item IVootratt.
W iK'll
Tba laataat Ibat UUter awwafid Mr.
Waoutel brgaa lo (M oat te bw ebair
TttBl nraiaio te a bh-i f.wi.i.i-!
awkwardly. Dbo a dfai* teadr of oiHpa
praariHf Tawrr bad iniMdiirrd j
te wood JWated wttb pact
In Ikt Ibat moralay. for ate bad ,
Ha aada qalir a boMte te teUac
tte j iiiiai waa'a aomwat Bad baogtef rhawrd lo te tuadlny l•y''ll.' cate
Wbra Ibry raair ap. M'l
V M aar te a U
Iter of paft. romark'
tl'HrtI, aad abr waa a widow. |
•> It
Ibat tba wrap wMrb,
IM aa b* dU to
Harlny a r*a« ***d of rbrrr. Mlllrr , I
rairrrd oi oaco telo a.HWtehily .« '
rrtMlIoB wHb HiB. Wflfbl. I'M r

1 IMuk ra rayratf,- auM Weelrolt.
Wkb bM 0»uw* « tba
of bb Mg
«Mr citf tba turn te hla togan prraaid

thuesdat, octobeb

Ladira' fine Jersey ribbed, wool
fleeced fumcata, worth 76c. pr.


Two esceptioual chgneei to lay in i
sock far wints—
DUran'tSeeoe Imcd Ipawicb la«
rfbbed cotton boae. 2ndA
some al^hUy impette. a good
Ladtes’ieawleti ribbedd poreworH*
ed riMiwifti Hose, MigbUy im.

Belts and Purses

For the Young M«nof Cfltrsful
Taste and Dms
W« have securmJ aa agera^ of strictly optnHUie, high art TaOertd Oothiig, eselnMve^ (a yooBg men, the fabric* are tbe
newiest of weaves. Tbe cal. fit and work*
BlBihip arc owly eqniBad by te bert tail.
raxmade. Tbe collar is stiuhed and handSteed, the Sfaouldefs full sOitarT. sh^M reH riothiteg. not srea
downamilrfthisksd is to
be pbeed in te cidrarire cnlc rf bsrt

Prices $IO.$l2and$15




by IbHr p

te sk*pa raussg ftratt.

tarralte of te mUlle of- Mat ceatwy.
b« aurb te by ae mrara te «ai
a ItabUn gunaaittb-a abra >1 Cork Um
to ra naw a braaebMadtac nse <

«0 » $20

Two lines of te be* make; te GeMwnW

n* tfMwrf twff—-Vo better 6ttira
shirt made, tmi no higher in price, a
• ckoaeesdccticmafnteweavajBSf in,
p-iee $1.60 and............... '|.00
Tie ffriisrf/tlM—Urge aad toll, icgofar Bide with aU te new isprovcd artjnsrmtwti, maderfagood doth tad
defazabfapai -«tM.poBti*dp te brat
win shown far...................... ....... .5Q
$Mtet-The latest amortseS wc
bare ever shown in variety, oofartags.
ttnabty and aiss; boi^hl frnmtebeat
Baannanren east. We price tern


Mrai's Underwear is

& Ca aad M. woe A- Ce: Yoa tfate*! ftj
anyteag far te label-fa is valae we aSir,
tekbeidoesteo hsra^ bdps a good
earae. • Sait* fiom $10 p $16.
86 Men’s an wool FrieseOvrrcmttr.
mrictiy npae-date.^dhape reum.
$0 Mra'i aB warffiaewotMedafais
« Una aad bin< an MUtebtend,
bo^ata baigarii and wank
$18. wc piacc far this aateras$18.weph
SBiy rale tel

htllB tHmartai

« rtl „
friend* ami patrons. We place al yoi
ditpoad oar entire stock rfsobetb
faawfferfnwMaodallteTeoeni trriUb
rf $Or ffaepand*-*, cbnice tor............21

We pfaee far this i(
cams rf Mm's Under

FortbeoporingofUif fall aeason. asd
m uau ummrMioB of oar 10th nanirsf^.
we have gateted togedEf bnra of doteag
faman.'^mxl duld
te .bert
markets in the ooounent-dotbmg
(HOtdtable fa* style, fit and qnaliiy sot te
& Kmumenheimer's dothmg-wamsMd
ctoSteuOted kited, te kited rf

............................. 6.00

KITS FVHSiitt mnuiiBr

*”.......... —OOct.

made amd^ticely trimskd al,..
.« Ikaan Prmata Pnetcbi.
goararpai to MM ra Ita tide te
atalk af te pUat cniwiag ta It gradrally .auwee upward natU It lemimeo
te reelMa peHttoa. TbM M cnlted
■ratraiilr rarrarere. and te qnrotlra
M Iqr what mrura te pMat to Mima
Mcd 1.1.4HBgr
-Imogr Its
Ua dirrethM
dirrcttra of growth.
Ou - II lAiry aim (hi
able atiri-h
I lutbr low
grolB. ta lb.- pMnrre

100 ChUdrens heavy wool Kersey
Suits Nortolk ami ilouble breast­
ed styles, in several psiternt.
nez'lv made and worth $3.00 pax
Suit, Annivctsaiy sale price..,.. 2 00
100 Union wool soiu doable brerato4 (9** 7 *0 16 iu sevtfal nira
Fan patterns, .kimivenary s^
.............................................. 1,26
60 Suits rf all wool heavy we^t
black ABay and bine Sage (3
pHce) saaniMi sack cot. a disray
nad very dmabie MR. priced
eltew-here $7.00. Annivetat/y

Wrifif M9 all wool.fleece, pure
«orfMmd,aad aatraal my in te
medmi aaa henay ’wmgktA heavy

iMgtevery faw fine past

ptWk hack. M*>y rfteMte worfd

be ebtesidfnd cheap at $I 2S, far shfa

We kave boogbt onl te J. T. Beafle
siocfa rf Gfars aad Mmeaa *'
iMteb sicdL fc



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