Grand Traverse Herald, June 14, 1900

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Grand Traverse Herald, June 14, 1900


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


jud y»t dpwe tp<l«u wiu Hr.; Jack

O. P. Carver

Merchant Tailor Real


Hprinc 8t7l«s of WouleM Bu«^
n mOc. irUefa will be nvie op
iB Dm lAlMt'.Rlyltt, Md »i
•aeb Low ITietB •» will MU-priMJOB.



..a Insurance.

MOM'airsr to

_^taaitv •iBlM • lilU* wte TrBT»Wt* Ssd thM pnpl* el lb* Ort.
■ed 001 Ui<> iBall. bei LnUicr BBt M*« eo hem lit* laUa wmtM
BdideotBoiicr He wu trrUxr WDBe of Ue word. ^


od bad
of tba
I wa. afraid k<- »iB»‘
avd 1
rrraal porkef
Udeff koioalB.
Hot a B.-n£kra pray ibroiwbt
thf utlraadaaldoBi
:*r> SOB Ion*
load wayi. 'l'. Kayrt.J
Tlu-i» «a, Uir wofkJy
I "V«», ma'am. ..........................................
lhaV« aa.
latrr oapcf. a pialiry jg . - .
laaidSajrr. ilaalinr a look
nrallotal nijBllil]'. aod la,i.o(at!




T90 BLXTFF! Sg?'..
at 315 Front Street.


Tnfene Citj Scbool of Music!

Plato Olaaa. 8twa Boiler and Accident Ineorance



tohuBoii llUn k. I’iioii'-"-I




-i~ ;



Travereo City, Mich

' WBfM Cnatr BMk BUc-, DBTBOIX

BuBuiess Oax^.

<w-____ _







Pacal Balia Cora) Ttat



frankuk soap co„


Choicest Meats, Poultry and Game.

MTItw ta-Ulrd." ' S o4ala K,rMl
_^rr« at Scsouck c»tO.' ’ I'.k, lai

H’crwX Xu SoEteozx.

Fresh- Sal! and Smokad Moats. Sausages Etc.

Saisa sat?*irLJX£




Purchased from our fresh stock now
will save you dollars before fall.

Gash Paid for Butter and Eggs.
J. J. BHEZI3Sr.A.’S,
Bronb «lo.k.


^roe B*r. 6. HerriU. UUa


fpoky.aad Cbnr.ey duea l.»eti»opa.i
newr d J u^n loika ia^ra. i rr,-.lalou. t-.uruu to inaka comforuhla
boyiibllfure nffecLluB. and I garre 1 wont begm now.
Hejhomra, it money ware tbeooly eaaae“|
be laalone. Mr. Sayre, roae la liu feel, and. earryins n to tbr 1 Hal.
ly. ani the baby tea Wal. Uianu-lpmc*. leaae.1 n np agarbai tbe ; Hut no auouui of luoaey can peoetda
a borne where there la no bona Ufa.
llcaeulr-nurureif to iita imnera. but and ibougb the dwellerain tba grael
ibougbUuf Hr, Lather Wiikiot kept citlea doubtlma bare the reaemblnaeta
intruding c.-, oual hr war r,*rt,ogi..f home, aomewhere. tba tnMUIml
about |intri.t iu-,l Icrara and uodai . word, aa we undemand It, maal tia a
draiolngau,! theorwi Ilf Ibr r.llage
.araled ayttery ui Ibem.
At for tba
erttflrr. duric^_ a
In, waking ; bomr of tbe wtaltby womaa. that la a

Tbe owtnn“^ilSd dean n 8»d of: irlaLced at ‘.‘■r


Brosch’s Meat Market

mAlM.p. B..arr^wetoM..,p.n.i..d' Clear jimKIof»l.r »rry dsyVworlt.
W «t. »• e*»xBlwoluMr «uro. wmo al once.


Tbe Backalidine 01 Ur.

<)nif.l)e»ximo an-oatoin.-d to tli. ir uiw and >ou b
without one. W«- hate them for lempermlure, for dairy uie. fo
Uiain« jjurpoeew, «uul for ll« rmomt ter«.
BrifiK PrtwcripUonB and Family U-vijew to na. .»'«• hll
right, with ilriigd that are righl. at jirii -■« tlnil are right.

I Send ui 3’our addi<«d and
»a WUI bIkjw yon bow
to maketS a dar alootatelf
: wc rurtitsh Ibc work aud lU FBONT STBlSIfr.
»it«acl.Ttni frecir^brorkln tlic local■ I Ur wliere joa live. Scud u« root
^laddroviaiid wc will rxidaio Uic liu^
liillr: r'-mciulier we (.’uarantecp

aawruw. ■. o. Pk>uMM awe »



^oaet new i, aip^i BalUla#, tYowM


---------------------ftbe Jordan."fra»U«ally
U roar molbrr UrlD*. Mr.'j»ayre?-Men,,r
n lypial nlcbtla IbmdMart;
; poreued
•u^ Ibiffrollc
tbc ffCBlle >ld lady aa aba d«ti I ti,.
n tolwr oat- ol bla owe taet ba
.•VT-ia^.a^y ka^.-i..^ni,g~ioi., _ ^ jy e*u*Bt op a dropped
lied adr -B ar ae compfiron, aoM
fria.traaBd p^iiiaed turo
Tba woM el
.<«• I>a,ir. After replanoR tl.oa
■aorani and earloat;
Ko. ma'am. ahr|,
Ilf pu-ki-d ep tar Irite
I a far^
die,! When 1 wu-leiiea liulc fellow,
foeal. aaklaf. 'Are yon marrMt"
................................oftid the dear. <nuU>«rIr ; i,,.
' Hare yoo any chUdten?"_________
and any
bc^. lor f.ria do not count. Tbay do VOB*"
notcalwllb the men. bat may taaeb,v«'r*
>u're aoeh
aaeb a friend
frland of my b^y
buy ►.
.. and
aod 1| j ,,,
aaok into a 1
f.oul .g'whl.-l aerred^peeplnf at tbe company tbnmfb
an orphan. I want yon alwayi u> make >
a^tarl to -todi rrnu In the teat.
.......... wben 1
--------. tbla yoi
Ku.ned lomte and templet and beer,
lie baunit wiib urinntal paMaaUjr. di
anid Mr. Jack
ikyov. ma'am
• "Thank
Luaor aod Karaak tbit u eeeallarly
jbarre. aimcat linoibly.
Laihclurwho iifn-r to much aanauly
Ipper Kite mlMr.
'“■'1 "And you cau'l pot*i y atay wuh oa Ibcufkl cl treSline married'
Lutbrr ttT.klna Why. whrrc la ahcl'
ti.:.y emu. ebirkeha. plfWiM ai
flaJ i
j .
o.'.. Asd wboiaabt .'
■'Well. 1 furaa Hi arrwhala iu it."
I- ifi.ufrlr L
Hr luaarirl tbr point of ba
..Ibrr crtrea.
ctica. dwelilaOof
rr..slala» c^dcr tUc c..rr.. rof the eorelopc il
ol aanperior order to IWa. ^Hm

Money to Loan on Improved Real Estate Only.

rr rnwIondOMflu.


r.. i»4,




lapi eompa; •;*ao of Holy WrU; for Ua
iifdouin-, trata are mada of Uaek

roed rraolslely WWatd; ,


Tlia fraaat wompo la iba eaet. ara
dwrllieclDUBtA she Hadoala tbelkb
Wlamai laeiv bn-aitir Uia free olr of
Tbr tMooloa boma b bla
bla tribe Bi


, thcdgr.t- Sb • rrrn iiaBOled hi, 1 rrable a^' of lent opportaBll*‘fOT Ma. at time.
Mr wou.'rred what
Uiaii liir tloeio by tha
aa. '.;kr,ai. l i.- lli.iLglit ii' tbr : war.ide. wherr tbr feader. tbe fakir.
of woman hr -ruu.d .vi,h bn to; ana the beggar are free to watch tba
axly, cu'm'.natinc (Tree.
^ ^
tm.-ujiyrd eery aorh in | pe„ple come aod go. and to Hate to
Ilia ripbl hand touched bit;
... .. v..
Ue loohnJ at bla watch 'Wedbfl imaginlag Uow it would area to bare. wliat they tell of tba grant oalalAo
'•Soyoo-refeuDdm- '
llerbe fOlDf. Charley
he a^d
' U her o-eel b.m at tbr door when he ■ wurUl-J'
u the fluid., and bow oirr ;
not to bar.- l-.i get hia own ;
Peaar.1 to la Harpnaen.
n “ ye'^
■^”'k. t'liarley '
_________ d tbJuld man.
"I can't tay. lather, waa ibr low «

yuu tn inr louf n
barley U«k aat-p
atiiy 11;
anrd aa-m p,-. tbe irrr i


c wa.alili'.- ryolcai aod'
the opening day of IbetCMlooof f
thki the lua/iB'ng wa» ' tl"-'congreaa, aaya tbt Crilt- '


. mod. nrd would algh;*"..........
r.-oat that aoedad braabUc.
raub-j ’’Parley turned to bit mother. H
le-eaicd blmaelf at the o
,-onld not apeak.
He did not Ml b.
liitieyea to Ur face. She Ibi
iraper, laboBt bits aod klaaed
.ii-.-itg cu by one of tbe duot keepera, wbouSdlo
l-Hotrybaek to yoni Id ma.' ahetaid
him, tealily
a OnelcbeertoUylidea.'lt did knlawa Joat right lu korp .
' .^y.ri>a i you know yon aaa'if*
ir perrh re i.eca ' Tbeboyaiaffered andcaafbtnit
.>M iady , elLog I huneyauckir irelHa for aurp-wL bon
line i c.-u.ugin Juii> l.ithcr pul un |

•y'reliiateiv hii paruoUwerrao buay bWdiuf
' rasa. I aupporr. i>.,o
.,0 I lia-n'.c
hlubeai.................................................................. ibought I eoaid." he aoid. alldly.
' v'r
sayrr rarewe'.l they did 001
our fallirr and »..ihf
u..jiiuab- whii had ail
' Nobody but membera allows ta ^
be agitation of tbeir ton.
-tea.' anid Llbaricy. Wiliin froab
> li.logwitb hiid 111
Vera d.dn'1-yt.a'i hare lui.i
V.lUa Kl"
icm'.' ' br cioca'.igccd Uercely
idea of M
i.alber I Cnabman, o“* |
■ So," reriird the atranger. "1 aimply
Hr came home 'lu
i • ■■'***'•walkfi*h» S
tkrd tor you and they told me I
;-ry mue b,inUf H:i,
'onld find you in tbe orchard. i'dUate
: Aa M r. Cualiman atrode iBlO Iba AH |
kradortcteli'em.' be added after a
inontb. ib.aatonlchcd do-irbeepar loekad alMr 9
doggedly f
lady looked atraigbl InU the coif
nedL bin. toraa>ioeat aod Uiaa tantag Iw ‘J
anl ui.t U Uiink
It wo. no oar. and ,.hi.
hi. aa'iaUl
aa'ialant at tbe door. aald.
lUicUng auhject
.! of J..:y It waaobaerred 1...........................
' Say. Ui aid you tm Uatv Woll.
.oil.’ arnt and conatertaiioa of h-.-r
ilB igot tbeeoree toaUp ;
ha'*latter a aa I. comiug erry nelgii iafarUibt
bark a aob and I
ibe truck of tbr lii.uir. .belaid her baada oa Mt broad
Hep ■Dt b:.errinug. at differ, lanytblag.'
ib.iuidrn, and kitted hia "I'oer Imy '
cl.ed flat
apple tree w,lb
•nt iiewlil.<ir
be aa;d. wi'li dleine tympathy -iW.
Hot they rc ,
UI Uo'a Htad.
'iUUooa b. te a. to wc'ot to*cuor«hi»g !
rluroed IbcOlbei, "yon'd
ilarly, aud I, , a.I neodar krbo.,1 piep A aWry told matbeolbv day-Mtb.'iii yourwlf."
Mr. ,lvk
ItUm- .rirdCbarley
lain-rrci ,cn
woe-fur lII.Ttir““^
man. 1 m gin aawell knull be iirrib e fuMy."bealghed. - lin one of tbe recent ararm daya a
gnsar-iua.atri wiibaboelaM the'aoui riaagnl. aiddle-oged. faiay oU
The o.d pcopl
>0 IP town, tl.ey rcuii-e wimieu. lady golonooeof theamokjegaealain
.aabad detlal
la... ...V—- ___daaroagrn- errry UBc of them, hut .’.aebvw they . ua ao opea car la tbe aabway.
I ull you what t
auil ni.-. I gui-n 1 II hare tn gire brr aat a mae who waa amok lag acljrre .before alao'c
apbeal "
iar Horr than that, tbe old la^. aalfMue fiul'wei
It waa a loid. raw day in rarlr .No ' Cng. eaaily made out that Ha ana had
*'°V>h!«ox'ob. liod 'groaowi Cbar
. .
Id borne
L- aad ti
to tell y
arniberuiat l.utie-r uM at 'he winkow . 6.-en eating oniuoa.
Mllll BMn
gued tbiagfor yua. aad any you'
attcapuai larouing a nha'.'abe bad the alroegrai kind of tan.
o back wubnieou aectiunloi Uin*aud‘?hul*OTt'tb^ b^ul ful. k’io
pa r of taggc-l aocka llappralbg to j ok-mn that he bad boea driaklag
that, aod
thia opeaiug. o, toy ■
glance Ocrom la. road, be aaw aiTbe lady fuaard


■ ' aad
*'*Tb‘a !« bell." remarked Mr. Ji
I'lltuod for it Se.'
grew angrier, and lookad mi (ha man
Sayrr to biaaeU. Aloud hr aid nc
Cnarlry held out hia
l-rcaaBlly aba eeald ail '
itg. but a cnrloua expmaioe .odd. n.y
beaald. bu*ki:.v. "Vo
looked aqaaroly at
ilole oeer hta .Impaaaiar. aphloilike
He coaid not Gmib It
father com ' blui aod
"I.etilia llammoDd.
replied Sayre, Annaoanre
"llracr ap. bract'
I'a akiter ,VVr,
If you were my boaba
boabadd. Hr. I'd
alaoplng him on the
don't aw much of b. lately Sbr don't; giro yoa a doae ol polaoo:"
need all jour ner,eni wtogt'.'lbro'ufb
ke up"
luaoy <d I The man looked at bar.
''If I arara
eren gc
tbealiernoon '
aa mideIgbL Tbe ligi
.ud Kill'a I ycur baahand." aald ba. "t'd lak* Ur"Holber and falbc-rr." laid Charley. dim la car. Tbrir fellow paueogcra
.k UD wiui berciobaand ;
nltolBlroduee weie io oblirlcn. Cbarley rouaed Irgm w’i'fe U
bard on Iwlltlarbut abt |
Re baa beard a troubled alrep Mr. lack Sayre beot thlaga.
yon to Hr Jack Sayrr.
____________word of lauil.'
Tbe aork ha waa meeding fall
lik*e <lMg<r*poloW ' We are^oa the bor0 egg U
waaeookad far Scr.' hr wbiapered.
"Urt off at the
d bang U
h '.uesa I
meaa at tbe moaated eaap
tjtcnlaled Ucacon nrbbauil-naod hnmp yourae f Her*
t in hi. .ren l.ulber d
t tbe V le Veaksan mid --aaBU^
m-tiry eocufb to take you toMontrra
BOl aolie<
uasdiog at i
aorry to ear that we wart
greeting "Hal
aaip to tbe otber aide from mere. I
unable to gel all emr ratua ta baaf to­
to aee you
look after iheoidfolki aod tell ttc
day pad bad (ouba part of lUa beeatwith Charley a fi
year job look ybu to the Moodike. i
■ Ma‘'came Uiroagi
kitebea door sb-ria
fleab. Tala wbicb 1 amcaralag la btef:
Mind you. I'm not d
, with anowr
tbe bone la at tbe other cad, and nay—aawrel little old
11 ■ hat and left tl
eka aad miia blue eyea
one who pre/era It cao belp blmaalf.'
balr. plak cheei
■ ■ ’.Ti“
fluatered at the auddea Ced a-aake. pull yoa^lf
Nobody did prefer It. aad ae tbar all
yoaraelf logelh«
look the iron
ate beef aad made a good d aoar. Wbaa
afrent of ao amarilydreaatd ariai
they bad Salabed Peakmao taddaaly
im a timid bow, aaked. aa .poordoiag adirty deed agair aobelp
latry bruae'wlfe woeld I ^e Hod., I'll follow you to tbe eoda ol '""'th Bg^iL
eaclalmed ' Hy Jor.' geaUamaa. I Bad
re fell 0? woalatila a t-ii
made amlaMka la tbajaiaU;
rre ba.f )'
rarib and abool you aa 1 wi
be rake weak
ih. bonrHaab aad tbt otbar la
Hr. »ayi
. Here we are «iil'
Ibe beef ' It waa juit a dodgt oTbla (0
. tow.'aad Ibr go. d Oeacou.
Von'd better go lautfaehoeae.taa" get them a
aald Lather ' II I cold oat here '
inVcrmoui."ttnlber«p5riof Hr Jack
Nn one bad beea Ib^acbtfal of her
^aye <o bla Aiello tbecaae of Cba-lry -before
Matbemallea at Oalora.
ilmr. aad Iretllia
Uolari. waned ter burglary, '.'but far eouide'tnudriaai
The four were preeerily .rated at hadgiren mr Pbealip Von aey tbe place rcteraad tbr rake .be aaked bim to let ihowattaedwp ■aillea Of Oaf^ tomrd
:acr .a Ihegrratcor: kitcbro. Tbr
tttaemaua. "adoawbebi '
He carried her bt
igbt be'.f a.
• atsialtaa
ble waa bearr wlifa goed tba^
She ar»- horrifi
'rt.,3Mlad the bookaall
glaa bla a
oieceof^per lor tba gtrpjja^

IU at a II
baoda and at
"liid yen aee
.Id tbu u







t: ss


•\\/;iSHES TO -ANNOU-NCK that he is back in his
VV store, at 217 l-ront street, which has Ixiirn re­
paired since the lire, and wilt br iiteasrd to meet bis
friends, old amt new.

A Fine Stock of
Watches and Jewelry on Hand.
Some rare bargains, rcsnlling from the lire. 1-arge
line of Sewing Machines and Machinr Sni'idies.
and took over the stock.




Farms for Sale


Homestead Rights

.......... SfiijK'SMs:''' ■■■





«’d%bea^be >



‘’l^A^o^a'^’wed biaheadand bla'cameit

' IW rn.i.< nuiMwi lae .mr.w„.i <• Mie

C. tniCUA Gmni.;Sllg^§^

Hack, Busarid^aggage Transferline


M a »o«i} laivAR) If yod
It 1_______
don't boy one of niy forata.
Acr» OB Lonu Uk,* ««1. jnat h*ck of
M.vlom; ill’clenred. with a nicr orcltAtil, ao.-k\ frame hoiiee. niue »prin« brtx>k_ rnnninif
foil l«n»;th rf the fArni; tbU a eery .Wimble place f<

“ismeh other themereyaad long-I la •
abow u
:baot looked ap.
tufferiDg «
■'VTbat do roe want'"
' '" bem
■'l_waaia job if you'ee
'.-Ob. do yoa .' " roared tbe mrrcbaai
wAt are yon 1 9 aeeb a burr
idfSt^lbat'bebind'tbalealm. Impe- , -n-ell.

ao a re* OB ttinmy line, on.- mlW meet of city limiU;-----building*;
------- . I
"‘,';VrKJ,“4S'S're;; ^ “^'’.e go.
kbarp niapoBae
"I left aciaol ystei
A oicw peaoh orvliATil of fifty begrinc (wn; about tifly w'*
• Embrr; a nicr piaor for Iroit or potatoda: good aoil; pru-r $«).
a”t»* IMeenally-t?JVb, he , barM't^
. 1u .. w.
tne, II jo% eaa't«wii, onr-fonr^ milr frum Kraloch- decided, apd beariUy .had'l^ordt^w
aar ao aad I'il go.
apring ol
detail- to aodb a
vlUr bravery'1 bcavv «oil: all demntd: amall no
cold wairr; p.eitv $W0.
IO aeiac four tniW *.*t rf tba vill*Kc- of Elba Ann. 20 acrea
be aaked.
flemrrd; aniAll frauia booaei rawll fmmr bam; a good fami: planty-ul aorteoa wminlaler to bla wa.u aad j "IdaBt
replied tbe

aad I'd
timber on tbe place; prUv $500.
i. foa bad
40 Bciaa two mlbw north of Lnkf Anji. 20 acra# cleAtwl; raall
fitroggled tbroBgb dla*
aa bear later be woe at iL aad
IniDwiioage; 1<^ bnru: amall orcbAttl good aLeed treea; eb'eap, $200.

mile fonn Lake Ann.:» aerw cleared: good heajT
L-r: MDoll orchard: frame booae and baraS^ No­
rtec. S'u3a
Livery in Northern ^Michigan.
, #M< mad BaU BtaUa IB OedaMtloa.
K)acna?oariijaag »-t of Werfoid in Grant: amall tnmt
-u—u; log bam; 40 acre* clearad, irea from atwpa; nmU
Telephone 76 sand VBteri 40 Acm good tiabar, 50 Mfwt of Elm. PriovtUOO.

bc'a likely
the amoke oa tbe |
90'! hisdly aad^t
lag queatloBt, -------, -rary hard to parry
Eat ib.
the arretehcd_altarBOao

r cat b a
I a yawl-

, boma agaio.
ber da t. rnly

knew It won d
and >l gare «



Are yon a aolilier, and. did yon
i k-w than
If eo, I will pay you $2.0) per
•en-Tor faalaii(<e of claim.


led at tbaiE in w jadrraad
Lulhrr looke

'*** ** ^
kaUeal aalmal


d that
.....It waa
. aa eaay m
.iorccteaeuaea for aeelag bet. and
mm'.:, aome bme in tbe wiaur be aak
1 brr to fear aod urmhilag If the
told be Mra. l.ulber Wku.aaAtflral the waa afraid it woa.d net
be right to abaadon ber brother a eblldrea. but her acruplea melted away
befert tba warmth of bia clO‘|aeaee.

aVoTly' add^thM
the abortar aaetbod
eaeJikdbyi. "Daari
tbedoa. "raally that la
.moat iagealooa-"—f-rt
The Dabaaemeot ol Taa. '
Take a baodtal of ordiaary taa. pUaa
I IB likewarm watar. aad wbaa (ba
earaa arc iboroughlyaaUarated. ag*i

^BoeT^ i^aU, ^ artU* ■—*a
laaaUty of a(rawberT7. Uadaa. m*e
,oda(ber learea La IbeeoUaeUda. Ba(
boald It b9 fouud that all of tba loadaa
ire of o-.brf fo'ka. aod -t will leem beloog to the lea plahl. that wUl be aa
proof (bat adalteratloa baa aet takaa
k« b-atea lu bare aome one to take
place, for the elerrr Cblome harp a
el ealag tha old learea of baaa—
"^°t bappeaad that Io lawa ibaa a
laa for the export Wade.—r'..and Oear the letter to Hf» Leiher
J T t'kOA.____________


......... ........................._..h 1 hadaodog
d hare prereated yoar gettiag I:
tore." Lather aaid.
"Wby. lu oothfagbutaa adrartiee
eat of aome new preparmtioe oi
."abeaaid.----------Lather looked blank
-t eea bow It la." ahe aaid. aflei
Bomeol'a thonght
"They aeal to t
'Ifferealgroeera fm-liala of tbeir«a
unoara aod then aeal theee mrealara to

What a Oood Crop HoaM.
The greateat wheal maty ta Kaaaaa
>• wamaer. wUeh baa aboal MOM
aerm. Tbe aaaUaot eeuaty. or mmttf
eo. la tbe ataU la (bat of Kiea, bat «ma>
half of (be araa of (bla eoeaty H aaalM
wbeatBeld A crop of arbmt ta (Ua,
ipty. aeeb aa UpromM aow iartba-

‘‘'-’'■^“keeoit.-aaB Lather..
rtaah- 'BtaUahfaadlabarfcWafw '
beea ter that—'
-If it hadaKV
- I> IV" aald UtiUa. TBm--*rai: batabah gtra 4m mmf
“Tea. weTl

nnnu4, uoa


A Mcbttal ——— eeaaH*
Tbacaday attarMoa whkfe
rMlled la the laatoat dm
Oaerte BeUable. Be ww we
OB D B. Dapb riiUwty at OkB
Lake, wbaa be wee eaarbt aadar
roUn(l(«a. Bk bady wat urrlbty
embed and hk death wet
Seblebk ww (0
nd aed laa*M a wUa aad aea aad
daarbta. Be Head et Boaer. The
deaibtorlleat et BUk. bet the wtan- a Mm. MmkhmmA. JHbp
fta* Bad AeeidaBt
' At eiM Artnr a aerioai aeal- abeali of tbe aoe ere aetkeowa.
4wt wm Banvirtr awwd Fridar at Dr. PcallekolHapleOlty. waa eea
Ihhv>B mOL WtoD U>e aaclsav eeed bet hk prelenloaal eer^
trMtodn tbcbellm'la tAa BMnlaK
pnrmnterj to tta day» raa tta paafa



h WM faaad-tkat U« water bad been TbaeleoppMbt Ksyiabh. ewaed by
lataaledIbabalUrdaHHr tka DlrM. i. A. HoBtecae. wet (Ina ber trial
Ultopaafabad waked tberaweold trip tteadey. aad proeed to be all that
AeaMbwhaeakeaea lenriWa axplatespeetad of ber ia tbe way ot
im. MeeBMteaatlfMdtartba dead
wboMi. tpred. eoafort cbo eaetaut la nawed that it eabrbi have
hiaeM. wbkb k laylec e (oed
baaeOewetk ot twe (aplepea who deal, for li waa expected that
wan dtabeixed tbe pneioM dap.
d be tbe Bseat aallley eratt ie tbk
pert of tbe autr. Tbe eeaie! k
d. B. WllllaaMae aed Dr. Cook of lalepyiboeerall. aad tv feet
(.line, wlib 11 feet bean. Ber
Cfekaie aad Ospalp Warden Mack draft wlihooi 0>t
Orawbara jatt>rataraed (r«w i
n .k 1.100 i<isare
that Mark deelam rntmer eeald not feet, aad ber tail
feet. UerIceelballaetSU
etSUt4Mead her
barta^aa ae>0eBt ol aoacp eoald tnide btlletl posada.
par ter. Tbe partr weat to tbe (orta Tae eebin le It feel load asd bee C
atthekcacdwaaat OebbC eaaip. and feet bead rooir Tbe eodrpU k It feet
•aataddewa. Harkiaa eaoaaa i
lony aad • feet wide. Tbiere are eleep
aad tba atbar twe oa a ratk
HtaeooaBodatieet for etyht la tbe
Ttap tad BO ead o( a treed Uaw. tbla.
«aa«ht a aka lot et tceat. aad eejired Hr. Moelacee will atort ea bk
akrlpttatth^wm aeeer forpet. It aeal ernke tborliy after the Foerth of
li a aatta el caeord that tban
Jaly oeiebcatioa bare, and
■era tbaa oaa aplU ialo tbe water, bat worry ebaat (ola( aaywhera be llhce.
aU ad ibaa an (lad ttar weat.
laalBoetaBy weather. Be wee preeeelM with a haadaone yacht «ati(B
Le<Ka Eieotioa.
Tta toUewlaj oaeeri bare been by hk frieade.
taaatad lar HaaDah Tcaple ol tbe TheeaUre boat
belli by V. d. Moata(Bc. and k at 6ae
BaIbbgM 6kun:
aapeeUaea of yaebt baildlaf aa
P. a-Mia. DeU Oaaptea.
weald wkbloeaa.
m. B. C.-Kn. Cler» Dees.
B. (.-afn. JaUe Beuaean.
Id (atUa( oet of tbe river talo tbe hay.
B. J.-Mre. B. B. Kaapp.
Bar draft Wat eorreat-that for a loa(
M. ad T.-HcB. Ma((U Prebart
tisa ehr eosld aot crow ibt aboal. Tbe
K. el B. C-Bca. Mary Mane.
Oomet ease to hereiektaaee Brat, tbee
U. «d r.-Mn. Oeorttaaaa Oerdoi
(he Hax!Bd.PiB( Ibrethar
P. «d T.-Hca. djaaia Bead.
baetedredyed ecbeaacl. werklac from
Omi* el T-Hn. Nlaa Wwlfate.
9 Uraad Teaple- t o'clock tni T to eecospUtb iu add (et
the Ktycabk law opca wetor. ^
WoBkCB-a Clsb.
I apeet at

BeaMb Ttapde. Baibbaae SMera.
wflltaid ibeir ■aeUataat K.el P.
toUea Meadararaalaceleaebwaak.

>•41 *a earir bear tblB aetBlDi
Uad. pMler of tbe Swedkb Latheraa
abBta at Taetia. died. Be had
Bek Man Mat wiaur. taelBc eaa«
••BeacytUaf poaalble wat dcae to
■atabtaeair. aa U waakaewafer
IBM time Ibel be eeald not tw
Bh death baebeea espeeted lor
MMaad tberaiore eery UtUeearprlee
wee ■eaUeeted tbk aoralad wbaa
wwaaaaaaeed ttat he bed eeeeed

Be*. Idsd ww bl^r RBpeeted la
^litai €Ur. when bk aaerfelk aad
in-|-I------- work for tbe dwedkb
T*aa«ra OUr Jden'e Dleeppeereaoe
JeaT. Baradea.wbo wUl be temaiebMdtaMBreia foraerrectdeotol
tak al^. bat
Mtada taee ae kaewlcdfa of bk
whnabeale. doe k bedlp crippled
■Mb (be rtaaMUa«.ead ceeeatlr
iitii-lir 1 WM tahea la tbk eUj.
wUh AUarM QarttaB at tbe bead el
awataM hiBleeblaU catraaeete
IbaBt Meryb bee^lel ia Oraad Baptawtarata wMUrisf. nearer
waerakad.aad It wat aappeaed that
doawBila IbabaapltaL
Bataatlj AldecMa 0
ItatMIp.aad waaue tbe beapUal to
■ate. Mr.OefTkae leeraedthethe
tadfota tolbabeapUel tbortirafler
ftaaeaer waa Mat. tad waited aU
(aptotae adaetor aad had not
antad. aad that Bea*eaia( draw ca.
t hae^ aad drete awapMbtatatla ealB.aad darlarbk
alarttan Mr. OaiTtae waeaaabUto
tedltaallchtaattraeaefBlw. Whath
■ ta threw htaaelf iatotba rirar. or
Wt ita aUp aad hai (eae witbeat
kaelaca«r awa weed, aeowaaea
A Seddea Death.
The—*■*— aad alaaet irarlc death
abaatl Cdeek Prid«r airht «f DaaW
«adD« WM a abeta to hk i
BiUnj weawaplayadaeabarteeder
at ^ Lka Balaea. where be hae
PMtata. «kan be wertad la
Mta taftaity ter Jacob Om.
trttay eeeciliw be WM lelkler eb
ItfpwUbtaewairrksdalBtbe tolOMi
^ left the teew tar eatoweat. A tew
MMBtaletaaoMofthe Beabeard
a (laaa la the little aate reeo betweea
ttatarreMaaittapalw cardto ead
aalaitotttalke chewed Iket Oodtrey
tadeataedeeloaed when be bad tad
aaaAdtoattedc el com eart. Opee
llllfiif (be door Oodtrey wm Cemad
to be anwwUy eaeeaiekai aad
atalBMibaR a wbata tban e
iMMcd: bta la e ■BHiiet be bed
tewahk Ian bnatb. Ot. WUbelw

cs the prasras waa by Mra. E. B.
Mlaot. ber aebjeel belay Asericaa
aad text book writera. Sbe
rave a very fioe paper, deroUar
Ot ber ttae to tbe life and worbeof tbe
dee (Teat Aserieea hkluriaxe. Baa>
Cleft. Preeoott. Motley. Parkmes aad
Pkke. She t^dy reviewed tbelr Hvm
aad dcaerlbed tbe bktorlei which have
rivaathes a repatelioo exealled by
ae other hkurlaae of the preaaat time.
Bba >ako cp^
errltera ot text b(
varklyand (eacval exeelleaoe of tbe
aooke bow la aee In tbe eel
of tbe I’altad Sutee.
A delIrhtiBl vioUx Bolo by Mn. Bobk
Price, wiu pleao aceospaoU
Mra. T. H. Staersaa followed.
A brief tkelch of Ueorye W. fkbU
ead daaerlpUoa ot takereole euriae wat
rlvea by His Bata, and Mra. J. C.
Hocyaa followed with aa eaterialaley
inttracUve bloyfaphy of
Cbarlee Dadley Waraer. Bbedcaeribed
hknrly life aad varied experlei
fa hk reeoyeltloB at
et tbe bst knowe aatoyku. pees aad
kkU of tbe prseot yeaeratioe
eoaeladed with a dellybUsl b(t
frew hit lltUe book eaUUed -8aaat

■ taatbar.TtawM Godfrey ot Hidwe

A woman
0mn9m Im thim aommtryt


gvwry mmtflitorrnlmmmt
tutmmimliy Mm

Terrible Sew MUl AoMdaat.
Tbk city wei borrilad tatarday by
tbeaewBofUe terriUe dtaatar that
oeearrtd ia tbe early ■eraiay
Fife Lake.
Tbe horribU aeeMeattook place tat­
arday Boraleywt 1 o'elcek. aad naalted
la tbe laaiaat death ot Alfred Qslt. the
death wliblB twe boera of MtlvUle
emlth aad the aerioat aad parbcf
fatal Injery of Cbarta Oaob. 'Ibe
bailer la tbe nw mill of C F. Bead,
litaeled dee mUea wst of Fife Uke.
exploded ball aa bear after the mUl
elartod in the moralay, demoUeUay
the mUl. blawlay Us boHer to Ule aad
iDjariByrncnor laaeeenoaely dn ana
Tbe Bill bed beea etertad ia i
moralay. ead bed beea raa for belt
boar, wbeeeayloeerJoba Bawtborae
■tepped tcOB the balldley for a time.
ealUay Albert Oola tbe dier aad yealapariateadeet of Uia fotea.
can for tbe eoylae. There wae at that

Wltbla e few mlaatae. jact ai Bawtborae wae rataralay to the Bill, be
beard tbe eteameaeaplay threayb the
Bfety valve, aad jaet Ihea a terrible
no. eeeerrod. which eoBpletely
la the air. aad tall ever the mUl
yard, baryloy evetytblay la debria.
The work of raaeee wae bayaa at
aee by the workers to tbe yard
boae wbe bed eaeaped from tbe
wltboBt aerioat lajery. Bmltb. tbe
adyar. waa tekea from tbe wrack to ea
neloae eoadlUoe, aed waa fnad

I. Be wet tekea to hk boas,
when bk wife aad take wen walltoy.
aad eared for at bnt eoald be
Lcaevar reyatood coaeeloaeaee
lad ia leae tbee two boon
ObarlsOoob. tbeoettor oa ib
riaye. wee toned wltbbk body eraehod
aadar the felUaydebrk of ttae ratoed
mUl. aad bk bead heoylay froB wbet
BBsber OB tbe tooyras waa a btoyra- had beea an apeuUe wtodow. The
pby of Mta Harfrae. better known blood wae poviay from hk moatb to
aadar bar BOBsede poise of Cbeflee
fvaat etfecB. bat be BaBayad to tay
BybwtOreddock. Tbk
the balpen who wnt trytay to raieaae him: “t ea ae yeod at deed. beye.
of tbe other Mlo<
I reieeead from tbe 1
wUltayivea by the eaUdrea of tbe
et them beley very eorioaely to*
' seaberi. The axeeatln eos Jared, tbooyb tban were tew wbe aaBlUaewILl seat aext Hoaday iefur. eapad witboat com hart.
at t:iOo-eleek with Mra. S. C.
aoMtlme the reaeaeiaAld an
loaeteUsbodyof Gala, wbe bed be
tocherye el tbe aaytoa. Ftoaliy.
Hidlaad'e aew tree rsilinf roMi waa the wrarir of the eayiae reon. they
epeaed to tbe pablie tbk weak withe toned eae of bk feat, whleh tad baaei
fall Ikt of weekly periodkmk oa tbe tora off balwan tbe kaae aad aaUa.
tebis for peraael. Tbk project hat Tbaa tbe body wae aoaa lytoy .boat
beca aadar way for ease Use. tbe t» feat from tbe place wbsa Cola had
a tor carrylay It aa belay farakb- beeaeieadtoy. Then wae aot e
Uye efcletblay left apm ble bodv
edeyabpof Hldlaadb eatarpi
the axeepUoB of bktboB aad
eltixeaa. ''
a body, aad
re lytoy etaoat tea feet away. Tbe
iHwaaeraahed la. (be riba wen
brakea aed protradad from Us body,
• traMrane ia ataeal
boos. Bs wbal a welcome be aad every hair stood atcaiybt oo ead.
dueled with berror. aed
tbe body wae a horriUc nlybt. Cola
baa a wife livtor at File which
place tbe body
At aooe ae tbe exploiioe bed oeear.
red. mea harried to Fife Labe ead
room for the
aoe of Etoyelay. a»d Dr. Helten of
whole Ifcjter.
wbiA tecoeak a
Fife Uke. eaBC at oaer Kewieftta
sot>- of fifuea
sr raacbed tbk city, ead Dr
MMooeaBd CF. Bead, the owaeref
by tbe aee of
tbe BiU. etartod at eaee to the aaaee
'three baOta
afUetrayady. Cole ead Smith were
dead, bat tban wieetillbopeotaavtoy
the life of Oaok. ead Or Mooe yen
him pcempt etlaatloe diaaetoy hs
woBBdeaad seklay him eeiscDferto.
WeaepoBibto. Deriay tbkayaratiBa
Oaekdkptoyadttanme aemtbatta




Mewl awTkn wen aot n«alrad. ee
•adfray wad deed.
Aa laqakytaw (tacaaee at death
attkatal Oedfrep wm held tatMtap.
•pewaiwItBfaiawan CMlaed ^
taewed (bat aodtrey bad bees to ee^'
panbaelUltoaaMttae. Dr. Thonr•tawtawcawaallac bln. aeld that
ka eeald an ban Dead lost- Be waa
■BlitU with Ikto tfoeble wblA bad
•aaed dtepv- aad tbk U lard had beahhkwBtlj
Tta ewalilaltba Boroaul Jerywia
Bta tail waa tahao to Petoekcy

•teM# tkmt mhm t
M mrrn.

Onk «M btata*! Ml tbk etiy aata^
taFBiybvaadlataatotbabDMaf Mr.
•aad. ewMT ed the Bill, when aU that
lerhiB. Bk
knttar Baraeat who WM to (ta Bill at
aad Dr. Hoeak cUll
AtBdda^t bewM renttaceq
it k ihaayhl that ta bee aa
far hk Ule. If yrit win paB
blB Ihiaayb. ta wUl aaraly caeover.
Eaowltoa-of tbk etty wm eppnaebtoyttaam a* the UBcefUa
axploalca ead bad a perfect ^pertealtytoeMtbeeeridMt. Be wm <F!tbu
iMitbaBebBBdredyardt ef tbe bUI
taerp whktle.
nd aad the air
WM Hall of flylta debria. The
aek WM blowa toto tbe e
aymeamottbe boUcv flew to alt dl.
sUoM. Tbe back ead ef (be
MblowatoedlneaM el iri yt<de
am tbe plcM when It bad tuod
)•(«. SUJ fcair differott rhvsiMr Kaowltoa baitoaad to tie bU ,
OfM ead askt la the removal of tbe
liJrt Cure, a:
lajarec from the wreck. There .— try Dr. Mile
aot a pieee ot tbe boiler left to abow
a it had beea Ko pari of tbe mi:i
left ntaadlDy. Tbe two whecU
blowa fraa tbe eewclest cert, bnt
tbe borne wae aot tojarrd.
time dracytoy tbe
Bead le all broken ap ae a rMnlt
of the aecldeov WbUe It U a a
flaaoetol lorn to blm. be doM not
to tbtok of that fact, bnt to remember
oaly tbe mea wbo were lajured or
tbelr Uece to the ^kMter. U ai
tmview tatarday aiybt be epoke with
macb feeltoy of the bravmy aad taltb
tatoree of the mea wbo sren kiUad aad Or. HIkf Hedkal Cospeey. Elkhart, lad.
of Cook, wbo k now at Hr. Bead'e

So Hopo

Dewey day
S. Eellopc will me
Haaktoc coaaty. tom<
Wlllk Miller, editor
Xuv.t.cUsetralit'r. Mra A. T P«ek
ol Waebtoyioa street Mra Mllleraed
deufh*.er w,ra ,a roate Bvme fram at•.rndiat toeius W.C. T. f, eoi
•.ioatPetotkry. ^
Jiihii Ycai.b hat removed u-^^^ul>lt7■io^r tom <
I D.- -! II Matt:i. WM railed to
|d>o*.r«wrdtt l.v tswroftoe'
Uauvl l.yo«sctt brotow Daniel, 1



Geoiye Miller vrrol to «bar' »;x
■ns bUI WM paiebaead by Mr. Bead yvttrrday
Beery Tbaeker of IVuliameLo-s'. '
to the city.

poaade wbilt to as oa tbe boat.
Owlay to the wracked. coadlUoB to
wbleb tbe mUl U left by tbe exploeioe.
It k very bard to Mtimalc tbe lea. aad Grand Bapide
Hr. Bead asba ao attempt et prceeat
to do ao Haeb ef tbe lorn will be dae
to part to tbe feet that there an
etal baaared tboumnd feel ol
already eat iaUmlaoelkm. whlebeaaMrt E L dprayae -rat to Grt-.a
DCtbanaadaeUl Ut mUl k rabailt.
bleb will prabebiy be done aooe
ItktboBybttbettbeaxptoaioe may
ave beea Maaad by tbe stopplay vf Cbarli^ ntutuihal
utbal went to
tbe eoytoc mo eaddealy for Us '
,y to wiw«-. i:-. li.
eaedboUer Tbe bell bed raa of toe diy nlcbralioo
oato pulley, aad wbea Cole weat
MatSiilre. HH. A?n« Ilf-ep tbe eaytoe. toe auam raked fMtor
SB toa boltor eeald etaad.
Both Cook aad Cole bad eude applteattoa lor aerideat iMaraaea the day
before tbe dimator oecerrad. ead
IM wen to have tekee el
yeeurday aooa.__________
Bapoleoo Kaptoa ef EeyalOaka,a



wiK have charye of ’.U. dc.'.i.-i’ - g

Mr, ead Mn. W. L BcMcn aed




Tl-y -..i

It «-i!I be J your luoyt and
give you rich bkwd it. ;.uratiKT as in winio. IiV cod
liver oil nude ..iv.

Tedctoker Aaderton a.ih •■'tj
fleldoaprofi-.tioBalbo.-re-- :c.-..-fC--i ;
HisKvallcti.' (V!»n -

del TdatoelrMt.
M. SlimaoB returai from Ublo
Beary ToBaalsr aed wUe era ii
Bpatoa Barber.
Dr. Hartia waa in Ktoyelay yeetet
Mayor Friedrieb bae rataraed after a
oatoM Ulp to Grand Baplda.
Mta Btoel Oaalek aad Frank DaalaklaralaOraad Uavea fer a
wuijjiabia. lata
waaks- vial(
Hra. Lydia A. Faller k vb
trieode to Oraad Bapide. Hn. Fuller, AlleaSmiU. -W leave ito, ................. ?
wbe k M yaata ot aye. made toe trip
W. W. FalrebUd aad A. W Piteber
ef Qtaad BapHi. went to Olea Bavea
yeaterday. Hr. Pilcher k dktriet wentto MaySrId. oa a tirbiuy trip ycr
ayaat fer toe Standard OU Compaay.
H. M Wall, earveyor yaneral et tbe
Mr. Will Sbasb of Cbatirvo.x t
KaUeaal LambermiB'e Aaeoeii

Our big sale of last week has left us with a
great many odd lots and broken lines on our
hands. In such cases, and where our stock is
still too heavy we have again slashed the prices.
This is not a continuation of last weekVsale
but a selection of all our broken lines and rem­
nants all over the house, which we price exceed­
ingly low to interest the bargain seekers.
If you visited us last week you well know
that what you see in our advertisements you
also see in our store, and in making these offer­
ings we mean that every article enumerated will
go at true

Dress Goods and Silks.
furViM- tnor.: w<-ck.

i;.>H <i,x>ds



M. Llusy arrlradtoetalykttniB
Jeaepb whan be parehaaed a flae to
madealarretalcofcatoot. fra:e 1.,.;
et drlvtoy herne
Dr. Uaaatlett wm ealled to I
Bapide Friday oa profaeabmal bari-


Mra. G. M D. QaasBlof MapIcCity.
WM la toe city yMUrday.
Mra 0 Batter bM yoae

B*v. aad Ur,

Ladled’ Fancy Neckwear

W. K Wrigfc.

Bev. c T. Stoat rataraed yeaterday
from atuadlax toe Bpieeopal ebareb
eeaveatloo at Maekeyoe.
Mioet Ida Peat and Hank Umpea
drore to Elk Bapide yMterday after
Booe aad will apand today with frieodi
Mra. 0 B Besot and ctaildrrn weat
> KalkMka yatorday Imorntoy to acr
ber tatocr wbo ti very aidi.
Hn. Oeorye Biybec aad daaybicr
Marcb era TsiUay Mr.aadMn Walter
OeWltt of Fenwood.

. Cbcelar Gora aad daayhter Btra rataraed trea a weeh'c vkit at
Uoaroc. vlialph Oeae. Oevls Wya- Fite Labe ead Ktoyal^.
kaep. Wtaey Sparltoy.
Hr. and Hra Cbaa Jeffrkc have yi
a a vkit to Oaroel aad Weatdeid. |i
HtaSMB DorfMof Cbleaya. an
ad to toeelty yMUrday teepead tbe
MwUb ba bratoa.F. U. DarAaatb from a koiler csplaaloe.
BkOaeato, Ueiawyar. waeleaed
to ta aoBCwhat aaakted. bat aat tc
aennly. M k tboaykv at to aatatato
bklUa. Ed Price kad a amlp weaad
aadtawM mhaata
Dr. W. A Hcaa a<ti

CMllars. all colors. *76C


im- I'.and Bow Tiw. were

and Summer S^ng
I i-s, iormcriy told at

AlESlI l« te Millter, Dspi.

B1 Beery eB
city oaklay i
I for that
ipaey-e a
Mkt Marioa Pratt left yalcvday for
or hose to Feewa. She wn aetatadlcd by M>et Btoel TbooM. wbe
wm be ber |aat for Mse Use.
Mta Vao Don. wbo bM bMo e
» Moe use. bM relaraed heac.
Mti John Prebert wiU yo to' Oi
BepideMekdey fer e^vkU wltober
daeyhtor. Star will Mtberale eajoy
toe Wy Dewpy Dey aad Meecatae pa-

® Ti.\Emn«aiLO*<a.'x.


foimrrly owned by Petay 'WusbotK. and afler this dale nH hnrir
will be fiMuid at ny barn, nil
State atrrwt.
Said hone will Iw bere Thun* .
daye, l^tdeye and SatnrtUyB.
* b> Monday* at Bottoms lUy. and
on Turedaye and W,-dao»Uya at
Monro- iVnter.



aad acav.beCity

Don’t Stop I
.xkiiiy Scott's Eaiultioo beexuto iff warm tti ether.
Krrp Ukhty s» until you Xr«


VVer have
have ili-riileH
derided to niaU-i. a rlwan
____ ca-ww

on our I'utlcrn Hals and offer them
at tbe sanfe
per cent, reductions
(or ihi^. week- Special reductions on
shapes and flowers.
ii re^jular >’.(0 hat. for •

Gents Clothing

We still have a lartfc line of Men s Suits
at Si-tjS. Sj.<>8. S5-<^s aod S6.50. At
these prices they tare extraordinary
Our S7-S0.!SiOA»,Si2«>and S15 lints are
beauties—(lood enough for anybody,
and will
sold at the above prices
while they last. These suits arc
strictly tailor made, in Worsteds.
Cassimeres and X’icunas. Kif; assort­
ment still on hand.
The bib' ^le of last week has broken the
sizes in* many of our lines, and^these
we have placed on a special tabic,
and at prices still lower than ever.
Prices ^shed pieces on Sprini;
^0 Children's Suits with sailor collars,
sizes from 5 to 8 years, good mater­
ials, regular $3.00and S4.00 2 QQ
Lig line of Children's Suits, with coat
collar, double breasted, ages 5 lo S

The style of some of these are a little off.
but if you are looking lor a hrst-class
article for wear, come in and see

Men’s Regular S2.50 and S3.00 Brown
Stiff Hats for SB cents.
China Hatting for lOe; Klondike BroMele Carpet at 86c;
AU Wool Ingrain Carpet at 89e; Velvet Bniseele at 69c.
Nearly 60 per cent off on ladies’ Tailor Suite.
Kememher tbe grand clean-up of broken lots.


14» t9M




M aMte lta?irfuS a law ArM
«». wHh^SWlha.
6«ma«nUkM bMhb aaw b


thatamn lhlrt«a aUan aadnll
* Traww CItj
T«anb la alfht fnn h« a*, two
■tollMd BnfhkWCVM MOidv e’alaah laat Friday.
Bs> tp TOk te Hn. B. AltSM.
Mr. IlMltfa folka anaatehlar nor#
Hln l^Ulha Walb tei Htaraad <roa «ih tbaa Ibay did aarliar la the taaaee.
MOhyMr. taaaa aac Ua Wlaaa doiked
lanter ter Hr. OIU all latt.we(k. aad
.w^haraalahot doebter Had wood
UW. aftnjWK


ItadMW^ AraMtrat'»a»U<terft

Ithaabataaowiady lalaly that Hr
Ghahaafaeoeldaetlib with bbabore

Tbaalaaai baife Areadia wa* loaded
alMr.Olll’edoektbedmof laat week
•Uh aapla ^aah to the aseaat of
Tb* L*diM' Aid mM with Hn. Wa. m.TiT (aaa.
The nil eanal J. V. Taylor loaded a>
~«»«ar iMi VMdPT. Tb«
umh Pier tact week with bealoek
i kt Nn.
i>r wtn be w........................
Prid*7. •JmM
M W«lku>d aUkdc Brwh
D. mier et . .
trlipai »l Ifeto P>M* Uav w

Kthiahart Brea hare a tail eeiail.
thaOaalda ol Mllwaekae. loadloc at
aUdna-i D*7 «m obnmdkt tbk OUlh Ptar with wood.
Tba Bill BOB. with a (ewcaeoptioai.
ylaa* IUn.k7. We tbiek ibe ehlldna
pnke far Omr work, kleo
tteM wbo drUled the ckUdraamBd v»k Orara oa Friday ImI. Be^ o!
•e Mcb Sklae in kmaciu the Sewen ed to eajoy tl.
•ad dcoerkUaC Um efeareta
Mta BUbbeUa ndedowa troa Oedar
HMmlkUasded ^ party BkUrdej eahb Bowwboel oar day Uel week
•ecalw. wUefa waeWld la Ibarron.
All report aa as>ayaUe Ucar.
aadteetnanat the
aad lOeaaU
te*ti cnaa. Brcrybiidy> b oordlally
lartted loavtead.
___ la Use.
Briar year diae
Aad hate a j Illy It
Hr. aetoroi aad Hr. Johnaoa
Traeene raiiore laat Hobday.
Mba Vidoriae Itaalblar b worklar
M tbeboul aoe.
Baida tiertbrwaibeIpBr Hn Cknaat bet were.
Ujear Cbtecr fate bcea palatlar the
OeacT«raii.toal chareb.
Hra T TFralckot Coonab)!wbtted at tbr i>r '■ lael week aad Orpba
aaeoapaaled ber koau f >r a two w

f Kellorr paialed tbe Beat market
laat weak.

.. i taw Bill here wad oblired to
that down Utt Thandty, the rcaalt ol
a broken bell.
aoaa eery

caddeely qelte reeratly.
‘ one la ihret

larboya. bat abkraed aed dird tery
aaddaely. Tbe boral took pit'.- la
the eemetary at HoBemoaedwIlh tic
aaaal crreBopim.
Tbe Itel larpe lift M- Cbeuuntf*
made altb Uaset ha toteayeaty ibne
alee deb. iacladlateoBe floe picberel
e. HeaiT Kemei
------------------ Mrm


Hr. laataa hae porehated a aier new
donbia batty. Be made tbe parctiaer
at Satloee Hay el Hr. koctr. tb: bard
ware dealer than.
Loattbore callere laat doadaywere
Mr and Hrr Berahardi. Hn. lemao
aad William Btrnbardt
Mn. CbebiiBta pua^ hercoaa rblt
amoat friaadt lotky.

i^al kaoday with frbade boro.
Dr. Fnak milck ol MorUipart rbit
ad aUU. W. Fraliok-e laat Friday aad
Jobs JohaaOB hae toae to.Uoed Bar­
ber to work aiace iba Norl^port Bill
We bad a leealy raU laat Wad
and It bae doae worUt of toed.
T. F. Toonr b aoSariac with rbeasSylnM Htobm waa orar riewlat
hb aew parebaaa, the aebaoaar Fitch.
Tbe B. M.aDdetyboUan loe on
Laa Wlaaa baa porebaaed a oew
ooeialat Clemeat'e newatere UM...
day Bltht- Allbeiitb U wht ratber bona take of Hr. Uill. He will aow
•ooi for lea cioam. than waaaabe amkekvwblletkeemihiaee. neleee
It niaa
The htte nlaa hare pnt eat tbe toreat fine aronad hem. treatly to tbe
Oeeralne dollara.
B. A. Adame and E. R Dc Pnaoe relief of aeme of the people wbo were
Sato^^frOB tbolr trip is warned orer iu naar prosimRy lo

Hn. C^^trf^Empln a^l kaep be

». oBw Oar Uua4rr4ttonam Beward (<

the ktata Normal lo Yptllasti. where
her BOB aad fab wile wUl mduu
son wark.
HnAtoea Habs eUllad at Dr. FnUekb Friday and datorday et laat


Tbe Teapenoee Uakm met with
MnCerk Uttweek U plaee et -tin
KbWk. oe aeotasl el ae taw belac able
te BO ■) far. Tbe remaioder of tbe
oHama wan elected, which are w follom: Oor.aec-y. M'e-r-I‘arke:aBp(
of pofalteBBetlixa Mba Oaddur - wtlb Uta Dale aiaelcyat aaal..
•ep-tof BoS>en'aadtlBca.Hn.O
Sap-t el Bowor Bimfam work. Him
Boaa Btasby: kap't of efariaUaaeUi-


Oaa saw BMBbrrBalbid. Nora Cork,
^^BgAley A Yeast haya a talaphaai la


Biread tualey asl wile ebited bb
HWar. Hn HaaderaoB. at
yaaTba I'skm will mael the saxt time
arith Hn. Mewmaa. on Tbtraday, Jaae
1. IsMaad ol Friday.
Friday, oo aeeoeat of the
iMt day at eehool.
a F. Besb aad i
ebnad at Fred
AlBbt aad Aasday.
eOla laat Taaraday. Oee Schalbla.
eaUm. Hb brother. Frod Sebalbleol
(«k flIU camttan. He laaToaadaBtbtar l« yaare oM aal a aaa of 1» to
Dr. Fnliak attaaded Uo open at
Tkeearae City Batnrday etaaist.
OUldraa-a Day axonbia at iba
FHnda ebareb yeitarday paaaad oB
Tary^natatly, AlAoath the moraInrwMnlaytbe-eharcbwatBllad to
Ba owftew. aad the daemotbn were
Tbe teUawlstare the r«ele nfl*'
Icrad at tbe hotel lor Un paat aeeb:
A. L Bmabaetaer. A. Prteral. C. U.
FoawBoa. C B BaaBoad. Trarene
W. Vaarba. Hilaa; H U Hoody. Iab
Walian. katioat Uay^ Cba>.
BB«. B W. Blwcn CbbsTO; B
Oartb. Laaistwa; P. B Welhenpooe.
Baatea Harbor: C H. HbaBta aad
vita. Haabtac. Fred triialUe. Owemo;
A. r. iariay aad wttr. Baipira.

b wrHtot alsanll
Hbam Flonaer aad Llliaa alaa
______ _Uarobardu
-robardu rbl'u
rbited with Hrt.
W laae one eresiaa laat w
_______r Hr. om.i oe a plaataal call iMl keaday.
aeptaia Potere. wbo bat bean vary
afak. bablc tobt eboatacaia.
The cat worme bare aol bane w bad
•n tevcral aeneooe ae they are tbb
If aoy one baowiaaare jasady for
the UUlo black loralp-fly. win th.y
Uadly report tbrootb tbe eolaact oi
the efaui.t.r Wood aebee atd laem-l
powder calyamB to whet tboirappe
tbee for more "(ardra aaa»
Wiidalrawbrrriea arc ripe'. Ibfiatn It

rJSTSi istK.'Sv;;

atoB to be laet ae food a* they ar-

Meri cleaadletbe Glib Pirr db
IrMlaBt Friday, aad tbe waeber aad
pppib tB'kbP^kX ^ beaer of tbe
amilia. There were a rood aieay
nowataadall npona rood Ubc
HfP Uaaa aad Hn. Bmpbard___
bll thslr littla oom atleaded Ue plcalc


■aJI'r Uaaarra Carr la takra lalmaili.. anlaa mrwtir sym tWWaeJ^d awM gyia-

•■Onr KBiaary Talar. ToAay aad Y-catarday." tatbaopaatat artiele is the
Jaae Tabla Talk. It b the aeeoad pa
par oa Ibb aabjaet by Non Arcbihald
dmlth. Um well kaown writ
writer on jnraTbe
ails lopln Tbeartlel*
iswrest BOtben wbo hare the adi
Uoaal waltare of
tbelr ehlldrea _.
It firm tbeUtlea aad deeeripUn of proper bpeba for tbes to road.
eat paru of kooth Africa, tmamiot
that tbe aaiiiit war will rmiiU In die­
tary for Ibh Brittbfa trae. aadwroio to
dolaralaa. wiUidae retard totbediyartoloMnaBlDeolred, "Hew KetUod
Sbeald Treat the Vaaqalahed Beer." In
tbe Kertb Amerteaa Eerbw for Jaae.

,'^K! ss:
Jaeua H. Aaftfl of the Uolemlty of

HieUtaa. ^ OtpV AUrod T. Maoaa.
Oapl. kltab)# lalAlea as adveotere oo
tbaCebaaeeBBV la tbeaaye-'befoieibe
war.- Praaldaai Aatall dbeotace Uie
qeaatloa wbelher tbare arc too many
eoUife Bea. aad Otal. Mahan lelb
aeoie BtarteeW tbe boyWtd of Admiral
Farratot. Aaotber (ntare^tbe Jane
daBbera. lo bo oeblbbcd la tbe beee
otJaaeMst. wUl be "Tbe Firet t»aB«
of Baae-ball.- by J. U. keen
troorth of aoBBar renru te tbb coeeiry. BattbaoUer plaeea bare bade
iaeideota Otdbmr laaeption and hbtory
wUl bo pabllabad la tbe Jaly Imdim'
Heme Joeraal. nader tbe bcadiot
"FaabioMble komawr BeMris et tbe
Oaatar,.Mr. Baalin Oarlsad'e Beet nceat
tbb brilUasI story he dnwa a n
ably ainmt Pletare et tbe ademi
life la eowteABa aad Bialat aetUawUJ berlB la Tbt Salarday Bresint
Pott tor Jaae P.. aad no throath iba
nssar Baaben of tbe Batazlne

Jacob Purtich r
Frank BroKh j
John H^hland ■


g oKisYfsssrsarss

.—.------------------leh aebareeaMc


JULY 3rd and 4th. 1

eunru IF niH

The >'ational Festival will 1)0 celcln-attHl tliis year by tho <^»ueen City of tlic North in a bla/.i* of patriotism ami glory.
Uegimiing on July ord, there will be no Ift-up until the whol^ thing-is over. Coine eiivly on the 3rd and he right in it all the
time. If yon OAu’t eome carl}’, eoine UN early aa y<m can—but COjilEi

There, will hr A GRAND ILLUMINATED MASQUE CARNIVAL PARADE «ith a spir.uihi display of su-wt and
mid-air ryTOtechnies. This Parade will snrj)ass anything of tlie kiml i*ver seen in NoiThern Michigan 'Phe streets and buildiugs will be profusely decoi-ated with the National Co’ors, and ablaze with Elet-tric lights, Coloivd Fire ami Flashing Hockets,
while Military and Mai tial ibuuls will awake the echoes with soul-stirring National. Airs. Everybody Avho i*an do so should
be here OH the afternoon ami evening of the Third and stay right through,
The Fourth will be n continuous celebration f) i>in early until late. Every train ami boatWill be met b}*^ ba^ids of music
and the crowds escorleil to ceutial points. Street Games, Hicyclo Ptaces and Novelties will form interesting fealiires. There

will be Good Music and plenty of it throughout the entire celebration.

THE TRAVERSE CITY DRIVING PARK ASSOCIATION will give a Series of Paces on tlie afternoon
of three tlays, July 3d, 4th and 5lli. The usual gate f«‘<! will be <-harged to tliesi* races. This Association has eutiiely rebuilt
the tiack at the old Fair Grounds, and it is jiow one of the bosr bulbmile tiacks in the Slate.

An interesting feature will be tbe Great Farm(>rs’ Race on the afteinoon of the Fouitli, walk half mile, trot half mile for
a imiso of S25. Another feature will be the exhibition by tin* horse TOMMY M, ‘‘TilK Gl'IDELESS W.ONUEU.”



Will consist of IToats rcjirfst-minn every phase of Comnu-rce. Industry. Mamif icturei, .
Trades Unions. Militar>-and Ci.
R.. Ort;ani/ci! Civic and iTaleriiat Smietn s Niimerous Miliur>- and Mania! Uand< Calithiimpians and Horribles, and many uihrr .at­
tractive and novel features. I’rominCTt in the paradc'tvill be Battalions of Chihlrcn
carrying the National Colors. Children from the surrounding; towns andcodntry ancordially invited to join in this parade. To each one a I'laj; will lie uiv-ti wliii h is to
be kept and taken home. ^.\ conspicuous feature in the I’aradc will l>c the Street Pa­
geant of Silver Bros.' tireat Nowlty Show and Trained .Animal Kxhiliitinn.
will be headed by the Silver Bros.' Band in and magnificent tioid. an»l Mir
ror Chariot, followed by the Trained MonkeYs.-Ponies and Dogs.

\\ ill give a show on thi- '.rd ami jih. I hK show has lM«:n greatly enlarged and has
now connected with it ti.iin>;d ponies, traim.-d monkeys, trained dogs, and many at­
tractive new noteliie--. There will be the usual entrance fees to this show.

Immediately after the parade on the afternoon of the 1 ourth. This will be atiractira
to young and old. These Day I'ireworks assume all manner of forms and shapes in
mid air. Human I'tgiires. .Animals. Dragons and many odd and grotesque forms.
It will be a curious and interesting exhibition.

On the evening of the Fourth ever scon in Nortlicm Michigan. This will be largely a luid-air exhibition, there will bea
Itain of Fiix; from Ugckets, Immense Homha, and a great %ariely of Mid-air Pyroteclmies such as has never been witnessed
in this part of the state.
Details of this monster program and particulars of this great ccicbiation can be h»d through tlTe press noUces and program announcements. Remember that tfie ciiildren
arc especially in\ ited and a,re requested to join in Ihc children s part of the parade, get a flag fiw to carry home aad witness the Day Time Fireworks.

Trarwaa City Promt.. oeAUoMaai.


Tba da


TtaWiMy waa tabaa aU day la tba
atta «d Baaaaa Kaatlar aa Ba
Bcobm. Piad Wartbarg, Jaba Baa
aad Bd laalatr. Tba ftlaicwy
tba plalaUE tt aat yat la. aad wEI ael
tbroiMb la CM aad two i
ba far aoMi UUU Uaa. UUla hat
btaa daralapad
tkaa waa atotad


--r----------i- aabteU
■■■imi H«tdv »<

let J. Sac U. T » N. B
paaybiatM have baM oa a tbna
E W. ElaoUM gMid.. tea E Maitoato aad tbe aew latee are i
r aaabw al tba beard of eapar. ratoad Uat the obarge ter Ibioa .la- Mead E ElleaiM. iotl.toaU.T
W M, B 10 W~«II It
rta piMaal al ttt apadal aai
wUI ba ttoMM M IbeeUia
baa Cbalraaa Walbar rapped ar law The .laata niat apply
walt:M Maadayaftaraeca.

BP boa

•Mfpt Wna daCBltt th»m M tba
■ ■Wftlinblor— lb* llu tnmmi
1ht*Mt*U*«fOprptok*tbn»fbC«iMrrftU «»«Mhlp. er«niaK Ibc Bkmvt
M rririT— umi naslac mr to tatMm Bir. WhUo liuU M vlM* c

abrtdga ever tbaatnaw
a ad)taaal to the will of
JohB P. OU A Oa. Tbit wat Ukaa ap
apoa laealpt el tba lortnel aaaaUaa Of tba rillroad 'eaayaay
aaklDftar a

to Mj oat BtlraeUTt Knaadt oo tba
atanofCbrp laba at thatpoUtaad alttae oe rooda aad bridg.. with
a tba labt iBttraetlMa ta raport Tataday aftereee at I o'aloek.
a plBBMat dB7
Tba laforaal oeoaldaratloa el the aafor tba bBBBtU ol Traaam OtT
aloafftba Uaa
• of ttba road aaBMt rola eeetploo tka
taatlaa el the beard ter ae bear, whaa
la batb dlfBBtiBM BsU
ba datraMa Bad
aa wte labaa aeUI Taaaday
nd. PUu ba*a a1- lag far aeaaltlet work.
Tba raaalt of the aaaaaaaaata la tba
taadr baaa diavB tor tba tbailloa. bat
It b prebaUa
iwi wbataoaaof tba lax a
tlaa. Tba leul laaaad valaeUea of
tbeeatlroeooaly la r.ftsi.OTC, aa lafBmuOean.
a ef •l.4a«.U!i over Uel y.i
Iba Jaaa tara of alnalt aoort
tetalfoaltyia tt.TPS.lal. aa lai
ad Haadar •nib Jedf* ItaTBt ee tba of pl.eio.tic Tba tetal pataeoai velaaaaab. Tbaaalaadar a a aaryllcbt alteo to p::.I»6.fl9S. aa laaodea ef tlcaa.aaMla1ar bat two aiatlaal aaaa. tU.m
Tbaae flger. are probably
( ' ybadalaataayMa Wart of Waxferd
•trxaeptalto Beet Bey.
Buy ba ebaagad allgbUy wba
AttbalBletMBlraadlatoltbaaaloe roU to toelad eotapUlely. which will ba
1 darttro aaaa wart dliriiid of aad
Boraibg. TbtUblarIvaa taarala
will paobaUr ba triad. Tbay
I tbcNeaparalive flgarw
art tba Mat of BUia L-Adtaantba
tipMbl daloa bad HatloMl lataraaaa
Co.,aad tbal of OalMOaC Taabary
M. Bartv MarrMea



KarrTtaoiblaraa daoab IcMt. bUl
toaaaal aarrMca
MMtaM E CroMar ta Btwaal I. OrM-


Cbariat OUo at RaAaal Otto, ditorar.
dfatbaWTfMtaa Horaoa Wnaai


MBbCortrial. Edward Orata. wbo
------------ a flM of cailtf atibalaat
MfM. aaaa fate aeart aad wai rMaaaa
Vdb ttd bWdl dt
aad eoau.
OarMa Wart wot arralraad oe
abMfO e< alolaUea of tbaUqaarlaw.
■oMtwod a plaa of irmiltr aeoDt
ab^a. aad MalMat bM aot rat baaa
Ifil Oa tba olbar Aarga bala
MW batar triad. l>roaaeaUac AttarMg Piatt UbaadUac tba oaiatortba
pMVia. wUU P. & OUbart la carlag
tar tba Ulanata el tba amiad.

HafttraMlaat by Haallw.


gotawwibapaalaaala. aa waa atlarwwdaUacaad. Tba aart avaalag ba
MMMthtoaUgbadgetea tba ovteIW Pwa Marqaatte irala far tba aeath.
Iltli Had to go tc Oravd'PapIdr
AttbadopotObW of PeUaaBaaalo.

■dele. ralaUea to i
•e a paper Itol mad itU teal aHva,
kde awake aad detan
aura aaargtot to the wi
waa dtoeaaato aad aala gedoaby'P^
Harold. toBMaadrae
er wltb a bMlse. ml__ _
torenooa ■■■laa. Tbs losor a
tbea dellghlad bv dalleieae ■_____
swaleIrtMi largetoekeuasd heteelfse taretobad by tbaladlMot Blaghaat.
----------------------' ■tlaglag--BlaMed
> of prayer for the alva
IT work. A very letofoatlag

TH.\T BIO SUIT SALE become.-^ greater as it becomes older. Those who
have already lK.ughl at this sale have spread the news of the big saving to l»c
had. ami conscMuently crowds kei?p on increasing. For the coming week we have
added many suits to the lots al the prieCs mentioned l>e!ow.


W::: 2S

PP:. =

suits, and fashion-

vsonh S-.. >: .s;.io.

^ “ “"a.,


tto paiaaaaJ lai
have lor bto p
la fact
whole paper waa a Blae of lalorwlalor
Uea. the rittwaaf wUeb ao toaday
aebaol teaebar
teeeber aboald
bava '

•'Wbat rreoldet tbeo bava tee to do.~
waa Ua eabfaet of Mtoe Laara Ltadlayto
. ...............................................dalag
paper, aad tto aaiertalalag aad
laatraeuve way ta wbleb aha dealt




Tmla win Ifavs Traveras City at t:M
a. B. Utva Charlevoix Tatarolag at
t«)p. B. Beta. II. Tfakele win alio
be eeld at eae fare rale oa Jase tor
aad not. good to retora the tied.

\, !:c-::llilrx! S.x !clv.

B. F. UuBtxsa.
_______ AetlogO. P. A.


dt'NDAY.)L.'NE tl.

B. P. O. E Oeevaatla. Jaly 10. II.
ll^uaiasdose-third laroea '


r. I'Dlveratlict. ...
Botarall. Oao tare.

Gawp Haatlag aad AMembly.
JalyOfalv Betsra Aagai- '




l-iV .•.If,

Piclure Framing Department


iking wi-.'.

U>rk r:rvTX!=>*»!>'.*oL§ ’
IV rai-l tVu’arv Cx.’U B
..-ntury took Book U
>r;l>er< who t*y'
(•' for tl



Probihitfae OoavMUoo. toll Jaaa
»tr. Betara, lO. Om tare plae :s




^MhwM added fa tto Dleaeare
tto WtofMlIrto by tto waif dttirar

Trwde aad Lala Bril
ct oowvaoUoa be_____

tgala- aad a prayer by Bav. Batb.
Mea BoMrrx Doaata, asoralaiy.

Jfto* It! ^*jTb'j?i#-

Claraaee tollivaa.
yeaag tarMr ut WllUaMlea.
drewaad wbUe bathlagla tto rlvar.


................ ........aeaaw. Ba Mid: -BvCtdlpca Beaaka. toU Jaae liter,
ary mwibI^ that hM dasMad far a
dietritt attool hM dawaad far a tos- -stars M. Oao (are. BsMaalea '
Jaly M If dMlrsE

dartag Iba whole
aad W darlaf
perttoa of tbe year. tboM mttIb
partoflbcyaarlahoradil? aeatto*
iiagau oqaal
RaalBatau Traastera.
to a fall yaartoWDib fer IJT
The loUawlfar era tbe raal e
Maall of tbttr labora.
iraaalan raaetdad tma Jaae
Saaday acbeola ware orgaala
Jaaa i: laelaaiva. u faratobad by
Utate plaeak bariag
BeSaU, Mopriefar el Oraad TtavetM
aad ttoolan; 1)1 w^a rai
with U.M4 auttlm; tbara wara thM
t.tM aehaato aat Is eparatk. that
Aafaa BMMaadwUafa(BM.BdaetlBcatotaDcaaeayaaragOi aid waa
ghoB fpr the Brat Um M s.cr7
Ooo. B
wltb m.ait .taiWti while vtoito
were ude Is T.ias oaee to eoboetojpR- PIM
rleaily reperlad. torlag ttt.Mt auabera.

to waato tba dafttoaala
IjMMta pat ap that
Das Martta. a far awr aged aboat M,
h. ftoylaa Wart bbm bttaro iadga Urlag aaar ParkvUla. weal oat fa faad
U. atoap daoday ovoalag aad wat
AtoaaadMtoaMaatlar ta Me. Ur ■trask ky llfbtalag aad iMfaaUy
Ul)aE Be iMv. a widow aad OM
^ftadf.^ HMd

btk t. E L. A Oeb sih add-wn,aa Oe. fa LUllaa K. BerwV.Aaell.T tsB.Bll

Wb U. V
Old Mfato
Aadltor______tl fa CBm. P. I
ewkifaaM.TM a. B 0 w—Bsi.ft

:.^^to^Ja^l4. li. 10.


ni Jaly I asd 4. Betara 8. O;
> betiraM all poiato la Hfahigi
fa pafato la Okie, ladfaaa aad U
aot evor POO bUh frea eallli

Sfeinber|[’s Grand
Opera Houm.

^We Doo’t Let Ttiem
Undersell Us


I^weknowlt Compare quality and you will be cod- /
▼Ineed tbat onr price* are as low a* t he so-culled epee- d
latealeor 1-4-offpriceemade in tblscity. Ourmotto i
ie-*'Not How Cheap. bntJHowiaood."
Onr ehOM are made by makers of Reliable Foot f
wear only.
Yon take no chances when you buy of ua. We
have Bold ehoae the paet^lS years in tbie city, and still
lead and let others follow. Make no mistake. '

We have told you of our imm.nw'siock of Wall l‘a|>cr
And now wish to caU yo'uraueuii.m to our great Picture
l-riiintngDeparimem. We arc receiving by steamer
this week a line atsortinem of the newest andlattrsl
styles of Mouldings.
Hring in your pictures, have
them framed'and beautify your rooms with them it
won't cost you much. ' A thing of Iw.-iuiy is a joy

Stores at Big Rapids anil Tiatarse ,Cilj.

The Old Reliable Shoo Han
Onr new store ie now at !f42^roni Street.
V.B.—Babies born In 1800 we shoo free-Otbere do
also. We lead others follow 8£hl '


Saturday, June 16tli


A Complete Variety
Summer Lap Robes and Dusters.

PopltlTbly tM MoM Origtaal,
SOTAl Asd Most BxpnoAlT*
50 -AU White Stare- 50
4O-»10.000 Band-40
06—Concert Orchestra—56
16-Fine Siogere-16

An entire new line of ilu -<• good-i al very

lowest prices.

in all .styles, colors and designs.'


good one for 75c.

159 Front Street

You Needn’t Pay

Traverse City. Mich.

6—Star Comedians—9





Unique Battleship
Firtt Put.

Cfiltf iNiMkite PirKL
Note the Date.
MprerbetcretbM lowprin»S.50^

rWM aau 1

Real Estate. Loans, Insurance and
V JKuonlc Block,

Traverse City, Wlch.



House CleaningTiine


. rtb Leagwe AMawbly.

___eeitocla Oefabar. tto a_______
fa be daoUad as by the oOeatt
Metfaa Mde asd oarrM that
aadl ■aatlfaT ba bald at Bla^aa.
Kettoa Mda aad Mrrled that i
■eretarr eead a rvpcrt of lUeeeaa
OB fa the OaxsD TaxrxaM Basj
ad toaday debeol Advasto
A ooUeettea ef aighly-dva OMto v
tsbM. dflj OMto allowee te fafstl
prograaei aad the halaM.oaMt_
of tbs aoBraatlea. tanad ever fa tbe
eeety trMai. of Basday eeheeto,




n^idc u|. of the Ik-si fabrics
m .lark .iml light, In-autiliil
patierpis worth



E Y. P. I'.OoaveatloB. tollJaly lo
fau. Betara toly II. QMfara. KxuaaloafaAagaaai tOUdaalrad.

the toaday


/' N. m '■'~v w -m ~r



bMttod bylW i

V I *«70 su.ts,s|.|eodidlv
iaiiori.-d- .A magniiicem asMjriment' of this s.-ason's
neatest (.aiiernsrworth Sio.
•'■1 J. and uj. to .''15.

Bepablloaa Ws.d aeaeatc*.

Tials wMI iMva Travacaa QW at •
tord i
aad Amp
tbeogbt Bto sabjeet tree -A T.ebw’e a. B. Lmvs Bey View t p. a . toloekey. t;10. Bate, tl._________
M It
"duty.' With a groat
lUlaad the leaebsrb ■
- —r-- of tbe -

t ae<,.8MU.Tn



RepobUeaa Coesiy Cobtvqi;.>

a pretty
all aeu_____________
better aad larger Baato"aeL...The aowdatlna waa e
by tbe pratldaat. Hra. L
10:M aa&
aad the
tto Brat
drat ky.a aaag wm" Ws
PrmlM Thaa.OOod." Bar. Mr. Baib

Tba drat paper waa read by Bar.
Bath ee *'U tto doBUy Betoel Oaellatag.- la whieb ha elaarly oaUlaad tba
growth aad laflaeaea of tto Boaday



■alt per bb
auaadaaee waa aot very large la Iba Bras parte

h. Bari«.e.

le addltioa to lUe roat werk of aewitb toad WaiTboig aad Bdvatd LoaV
UbUtolagaed aidtagaeaday aeboedt.
•..b^atalkarlib hi.aadba«Mo«
tbe Mat abaadaat bieMlaga tote leiIba Mate teaattlaaaM aataUaaa
lowed tbe avaagalielk Isbau of tbe
bttdMBlaat hi. by Warxba^
Tbara bava beea
laperta uda ol t.iltbapafal eoaverbabad hatew aattla kto aaaaaat
aloaaaa toviagoecarrad ta eeaaaetloa
toMMtadoM laavlBC tba oily.
with Iba
Be tapiad oaar aboat dll to Edward
Tbayalaetaada Ul.ort vtolta fa
faaMir far Braaw, aad did aot laava
ftBiltoaldr ratlgiiM^eeavarMUaeaad
tbatttg- Aftarwarda he bcoagblaoll
prayer, gave la.VM eMiaM aad ad: B^tott Btaa. Iw tOM ■oaay tbat ba
draafat. aad dialribatad it.m Blbto
Matoad tod btaa daaUsavw
Ttoorgialiattoa of
^to two MM too. OarMaay. aad gat a
W. A BiLLU. topi..
17C Baelld Ava..

u!>lLt .rf •


These emc u
Pereale End Uwn.
is both
luosi oi
b light
h(rht sou
and uatk
dark coiorE
cotora. Most
of them are with
-cnch pleated back—beaotifol
back-------the Krcnch
futteros. —
They ;
p to sell for 75c and
made up
SSc. We have placed Ih.,...
i-pccial counters for FORTY-NINE CENTS.
on two special

■M. awt . tf ■Sfl'WI ■.•il >T1.F <Sr

EC aoi^^

Mta. Pall raad a
avikot ttoe

caa daaday Bebocd Ualee la the year
elaalag Pataraary ta. IMO^ waa
with mt ra«ar«abte aalargeBuet
Tbe BBMDt reeatvad fe* the tappert
E Oraj. J- E Danrv ef tta atoatcaarp work ivbi dUl.TM.
t. EC Bjaa. aaarca tgalaat dttl.Oia for the previe. ymz.
Tbara bava baaa la tba AaU
OoBB. 0. C
aapleyad. ef who. lOt vara at arork

tE« IMt tba aid aaaatrT to BOMB bara
MMOwdalaatbatEroM owad Ua
■■BMaav.aadbacarabla aebaab

Boaday BebM) Aseociattea


**"•“•* re* •‘eWEwir.l rvwm.vM- II.

Tbloonb Metiagel tba Blaweod
aad Blagbaa dtaday ifaboal AMclatlea iraa bald at iba Blagbaa oharok

M "Wtot wealdet


TMTUHIalaaUaeerwat b


la aeMfaewv vttt IW rMvUoi


tbaletlawlariaiT la aattiagaatba
mb: ChBa.tebatt.Ctaa.arait.A A.
BawMHt. IL E HMkall. Bdmd Wta.
tm. Moifbr. DarU dwalaatea. I
Tba aoneet figai. f^ Uw
AWtaoed, Tbaa Eawltaft, Aalalaa KpUBI la Boat toy lawaaUp era r.1.
Bara BaaMtv Oaocfi Uaila;.
•l«MI0: paweBil. «».USi total. Bot..
«ba tital a< tba aaaa raaaltad lar
dlMtwiMiit. tba )ai7 bakat oat
TbtoMkae the eerraet dgar. for
ttdhttaan. Tba ballai Mood ^
IbaeoaalT ae telleoa:
tolforaaqalUal freM tbdi wiipatMBel. dl.isa.tMi U

PlTBa,E a

Wtor* the old rata WM ?te tba
rata trill to Ite par toaata; when
iddtata WMtte theaev rale wlUto M. Tt?K, BIO w-drrs.«.
Myioa & Breweaee aad wUetovUItelereMBlaate aadse fMeaobaddlUeatl
lbeae.paay bM adopted a Ualag
W. B. HePart^ aad wife 10 I
M tba
eaa B. Baaea, Me la btk M. Ul
for eorraetly toeerdlat tba ttoa aa tto ---------- -WM.
lESbapard aad wUcteCBM.

Oraad Be^ W eaato for aaa toaUr.
aad 9 caala far each addltfaaal itlaato.
Other raise are aa lolloaa: Elsgiley
aad Old MtoloB. fro. IS omI
thiaa ■laalee la 10 eeaU fort wlBofat;
Bead City. fro. U eaato to It caa
eeetolaeu. aad io eeata taread
dlUeaal Blaatc; Delroll. tSMto far
aaetoiaate: Laaelag. MeeaUb
BlaaUi Barqoetu. to omU fv oaa
BlaaU. etc. Bperitl bait ralee 1
bean Mda tor Bight earvlar. Thai
rale tab. aflect

arty of Jaba P. Ott A Co- to a polot oppoalta tba roar el 3. E Heologaa'l
hardiw atore.'tbaaee orar.a brldga
ero«iagtbe atnow aaar Iba
atriklag tb« aoaU abore of tba river at
tba Uaa of tba EaaaabA Lay preparty
vUhlkBBlBw of fsUlar «> *
adjotalaf T. T. Bout' lot.
MrtraibBPBeea a* po-lWt. I
Ai'tospoanat tbs reqaattwa
taMOfvIha tarrtiMT bstora
dkposM M IklBh laninUr of tba pni- UUee trea l-afTy Haaaab. J. A. MooMgaa.T.T. Bitot. Jobs F. OttA Oo..
Joha T. Btadla. C K. Back. B d. Pratt
Thk It Bot Uu «ol7 laptet
aad 3. W. HUIlkaa. aaklag tbat tba reBtaMBipUlbl br tba H. * It. E
d paralaaloB ba givaa.

: TbhtmUopM op B
Bad aCord b aaeb b<
Mbbm BabbBlI ba*

dhafaUeirtMaddltlaaal eaaa
biMid BM>b iha ealaadar:
■artba KMr. P«iU«B tor aato «l


AtowT to£rMdrE*?BMM^

la tba BaooaD yaatarday.

I>4m^ Tba rmll te. ttat CUaf

A hse line of Ladiea' black asd tan
................................................■........................................ $1.50


beerdi vriU Mr. BtUay ead tto horaas
I Ue bats Uere. aed driv*
by Mr. Bttll ter Je* B*ele.
Bftllhedtedeeeol the bsrase oat
lobluhUmU Ue w^fca. expsell^
that Ue other bmsi w*ld Mlow ee
. HatUebettowtottoUe bsrwkkh Ue ffsto wee kept ter
toad, aad was eettot frem Ue bstrsi
wh* Bttll came ep tobtod klm. Be
ptstobly etrs* tto balmel, wkl*
klekad him. Ue eelk os the shoe
striklet Sftll seer the aed ef Ue
~ > ease WM Utoasd ead
bratoad for elmoet lu mUre lastU.
sod the Bwh tors from the
aaktetevery agty woead.
Bttll W* kao*ad mbssIm. ud tor a
time it wu fesfed Usl br woeU sever

leaatol memorial
Kaithtoof FrUiaelwUl
day to StetotonrbOnod Optra Hooee,
1 e-etek p m. All Kalrkia ef
everybody to iavited to etUed Ue terrie* Tto Hemeriel add roes will to
dellverad by B
Be*. W. T. Woedh
Bepttot *ar*
Ool. B.A.8miU wu to Ue city Tkandeyoe bto way to Meehto-areeie to
fot Us hotel to rcedtoem for lu formsl
itot aboat Ueioto of UamoeU.
is foetly pisesed wlU Ue ptee>
peeUfer Ue cimtoreeeeoa. A1
I are already eefaffed for tbe
ead three Umee ee ami

to tbe haadi of tbatr ettoraey. sad that
they will make edeflalto deetelce
lew day*._______________
*B A Oe. of Detroit here
NSB* dry foode, feaia'teratobtof* ead aoUcae atera at C
Hr. 9araaeba will be there hlmaell lor
twoor torn waah>.eBd Ue brother,
A. S. Beraeeha. wiU reamto to H


Circutatioii this i.eek 2.300
Tte aebMacr Arthmr ®J Toledo l«»

^ to^toflWPtar tor Todiih^d* toi

W«. B«lU»n________ '
»W7M7 »bo*U prepire to d»ec
nto •tobOfMBlf «» Use IhW ,«Kl
tovto of <«ly,___________
HtaOton Foud kM fcMs added to’
tke toultr of Uir 8*001 of «■*•. « »
ttottorot tbo psQMo.
UMo'd WH brekea MandOT lor ibo
brick black to b> creeUd bf L a.
raltar ob rrooftreok
Willie- U. BreoorrofUrBBd &Bpldi.
•adSaBitSireiuvof Ub eUj^refO
thiMirl to Bhorry yOBUrdBf.
OterlM HdBiotoB hM aold bl* fom
OB Ub VcBlMlB BBd bu oarebM* B
hot Bad tot OB tbowoBX^
TbeplBn.hBr«Jatl btoa caoi'plttod
r. E. WBiker lor % f roBideoe*
«o bo belU »t Detroit tor Leo Bart.
Two orowded eoeehei toft Toeeder
oatbe Wro MBrqBOtle lor Uto Odd
fblle«i eriehrmtioB et Elk EepUcOOb«lPo«lleoBofthe J*eetoeoU ii
•aeatthe int to brief ripe Omod
Tnrerto eirmwberrio. toto tbe ellp tht*

Tbe Umber orae raeeleed Tboradey
oter the U. &. A L raUtoad for T. D.
MeHaaoe. to be aasd to plUef the
At Ur meetiaf ol the CoegreteUaBal
rlTcr oe the ne* Bide Bleat *a
Ilae. edjuMl to the leuetHr. Me- Home Uiteknary eodety
Detroit toe*, we*, at wbl*'
Meeee Tbe beak will to Oiled to
aotable dirtore from ell parte
the do* Ilae.
ofUeeoaotry, Be* W. O. Peddefoot
wae oee of the lomkere ead rceclred
for bl* eblllty.
Hr. Peddefooto to well remembered
TterereeCHyto Ue oae Umeputorof
Ue Cootrof
tbe Om jelat Dr. Usroer did
etetedUstbe bujest reUraed Item
8. Q Paalto le the meaaterof Ue
sew toe compaay whl*
Aaooel Heettog
ctore at lit Beet Frost ttteetead whkb
he aaeaal meetlat of Ue Ltdtot'
will op* la aboat two weeks. Tbe Aid eoeiety ol Ue Bepttot ebareb yeeeompeay wUl to Bailed Tbe Mew York torday Ue foliewlat eflisers were
Tm Oo. Hr. PeoUa le ea expert toe eleetod.
ead eeffee beadier.________
Ptmid*l—Hrm. Broadloei.'
Viee PreeideaU-Hra. C 1. (lerant
Tbeetereb leetory bee *et dowe
aUI Ue fell crop ol potolomeoaee
eaUeB>erhel.BBlM Itto daelAed to
• ereawooraator* to aboata
Retort Kotm.
iU.aHat Ue
.twemer Oolambia yuUrday
Ibyy win toy i
look nc puaeacen ou Uc exnrtioa
re potetoca aeUI11 fall.
to MorUporv Tbe Wekesoo is bow
ep* aad reedy for tammer fauU esd
cfBieato the cooetr oeareeUeo will Btdtoaer Tsrnday from Traverto City
be held to Use Tertoei werde Pridey
Dr. aad Mrs E. L. Asbtoa mac
oreeief. The eoaety eoBveattoe will foareoos; l>f. B. D Aaht*:C. A. Hebe bold next Totode; to *eet dcl^la CoUer. Abb Areor. Semoel Birdwrll.
leiete. eoBffeeeloBil, eeeBtortot Terre Beale ead two ledier.
eproeeatetlre ooereottoBt.
Tboee wb9 have tabu rooms lor e
ImeereMr. sodHra. D. A. Ward *d
two *Udren of Uread Bepide eed U
BawerUoi Bit Bepidt
IreaTnteree atp who ealleied Uet
IbII. nereere bo pBrltoolerm o!
dee* bat It 1* Bold tbet be die

A pretW weddlat oceerred at 8
Freaeto *ercb Heeds.* mereiot ■
Bee. Fr. Baser afleiettot. Tl
eettot perttos were Him 0»
Otokey aed Hr. Philip . Hide, boU
BUey Bweer. will biflB er«tttof bto of whom are popeUryoaat peepleof
aowbOBBece Ewt Slfb* otreel Isw
« ei^. where they wUI i
4totaly. The p1eo» wrr* draws by F. B Ueir iBlerehome.________
‘ Welker.
PgetmaeUr Baff has rtceired word
from Ue peatafllce' deparlm*t at
ttotUB Uet a aew earrier bad
aUowed ter Ule city, to b^to hto
Chertee C. Foltor, e awyer to e mill
at Lall. aeer Aides, bed the mielor eppototoe. Hit rooto bat sol yet been
tsaetolmehtohBadbr too etoeeeos• taet with s eew.__________
Tbitoeeloiop el atrewberriee ere
epFmrtof oa the market to qaeaUtlee time aco. reteraad Wedaeadey emlaf.
Tbs trait » »«7 dae. sod as lameaM Tbnradey she cloeed a deal for a s*t
oaUewoet side sad hae decided
khe her permeaeot ebedc bere to
W. B. Ftotoher sod femUj heee pme
to Fraltport. Mi*., whore Mr. Fletch­
er hae a feed pottles a» mssscer el e
L.F. PerkeUtatTeeadey ea ms cxtoadto trip. Be wUI *toit Ladiactos.
ncator bty raadeae toto atobtof tbe CbtoBfO sad OieaO Bey. r*)t from
to Mew York. ..................
eartoto towae stoat tbc*areelterBBtoly with tbe CreecBBt. erery dey.
Fred 8ml;!
Ttowi el tbewre*
FUs Lake, sad they tod
wle. Bebee a torceeamberef them

l^byB«r.W..K Wrifht. Teey
& ABOpelead 8. Ode^ both el Hs- retorstotlas to sppeei
raas, Oebe, were et the Perk Ptoee UlrAwad foarU of Jaly.
last of tbe we*. They repctoeat
stage eefor ptoetettoe sad e mabef.
Bertort Hoaiecaan
» Uelast
bay lambw Atto of tbd tetoad
Ue we* from Detroit where be
etiaad* tto eoBael atsellat of Ue
HtobicSB WboUiala OroeerB- a*HleUoB. Be atsles Uet tat year oaly
ibaM^ot U« whblMlc Bei
' tat that Uto year every
B to Ue state wat repIt will aot to loo aoM to bepiB to rateaied at Ue meetlat.
prapere'toryosrFoerUof Jely deeor
altofUtowt*. Breiyeseebeeld aee Heay of ti
I et Urmad Bspids
^ltg|auerc to ptoBty
eety of toeUaf
lay were *rprtoad wk* Ue pa
‘ ead flVr* head ter Ur I
rede tgm pemtof to me a famlUar flfere eceapylat Ue drleer;«_>«i
UtoaaaoBBCsdUetUr mlllolC. P.
Deivcy's . prlflte-oorriefr. At flret
Basd. demcoyed Hesdey by Ur rx
ptatee. will br retollt tooB betwe* they ooeld ecmrcaly toltove Ueir eyee.
Pile Lake ead -tVelloti oa ater Uke
Hr. Bead eUll bu larfr Irecto^e! Um­
ber to Uet seetloB.
cards SIT oot a
|co( Him BliubeU
UtaBS. toarbter of Mr ead Mrs.
WBlmm LoDdoB. to Dr. Oscar R Chase
Tto eteot will ooesr at Ue beetr of
thebri^Jeea It-________

Coy. formerly ofUtofaly
Tto Hlehicaa Teh
leCe. haeiml
reeelved by way of Ue PereHsiiieattc.
twolostoolpota all Uc stay from
ttoalUe. W*h. Tto Ireitbt ctorges
alosrwere 8MS. Tto poles will to
Bsed Is Uc reeontreetlM of tto task

atoald bsfto B9W to prepare for Ue Ue p*i sow is ate Is the bsmlsme
bit tradm ritoplsy for Ue FoerU of part of Ue city will
Jely. IttototoBdedby Ue
The work et
WiU be toraa Is a lew daya
HetoesUoreofOldMImtoe aad Him
Amelia Bodfs of Tieveru City.
meTTltl by Be*. W. BaeU ttsterday
BfUroooe at Ue home of Berner Uere.
aser (lid Htoetoe. Tbt ktoPT peir es pest to rmide et Tieveree Ctty.
•isty-two tickets srera eold tor Ue
Pare Mai^eeUe es*raleB wkieh left
tot Oraad Baplde Teeeday mMlag
A toete Bsmbor of thate wh^wmn
wto wUl attota Ue

sl«kt. They told UebcM
fot Uto olty. tot wma to have
atOrawa. They fovgst le tall the e*'.aadvrecemleto '
Ue trmla p*wd Orawa Tbey
bere and wiUmt
Landlord auien too* Uam to tto
BUlankaaMaBdearadtar UamL.bbd
they were tak* to Urawa n tto



\t to aVV, tor eoorgjbodh



AXdtesst SmU right

. W. A. Blwrn ef Msacb«V
ito of hie slm*t mtrsealo*
___ a*U*ys: -'Bxpoearesftei____
ta tsdoeed eviom lug tmblc. whi*
laCtanmptta 1 ^1 f^eul
_ sal rosgbed Bight
■Igfal aad
II my doeters epld I most tom
Dr.Usrecrwu eeJled. aad dreaeedldey. A^
It wouads et Ue tojored &ee. It __ -MO Ibegu to a* Or Ki
Mow DIpODvety which wholly cared
u foead Uet tto ikaU wu aot ftac Baadreds have aeed "------Ured, w wu et Aral leered, esd Effll aad all aay in
will rtoorer. tbowrb be will to leld ap Ctoatud Laag trooMea-Bvalareise
501 aad It.00 Trial heltta hi S. B.
Wait aad J. <i Jebnem's

0*tb o! Jobs Cemill
Bocakl Cmtary Co* Boob
Jobh Censll. tbe owber of b fesen
A Umi&d aambrr lor ule at ft euta
oreoaBot KlfbU ttrcel. dtoAet
o'clock Taeadsy maratac atUeafeef WUI to nmilad.p«tagc paid.* receipt
years Be bad be* very loo for e

Travcfuaij. Hi*.
Tto taoerel wu told from 81 Preselt
Uto moralatai » o'clock,
aad tto body will to temporarily
tarred at OUsrood cemetery. Li
__ errvrs. Biucta aad
Ue remetoe will be remored to Ue
r. Kl^' Krw t’illi
eertaie care- lirsi la the
home at Uultowoc. WIs. Ihc poll
ra .were O P. Carver. Kraak
Bowela Oely i erou. at S E Wait
Deau, Ueo. W. Ksff. iobo Barry. Wm. abdJ.
U. Johia I's Drug btorer.
Jaeka*. Joliu Baellmaalei.
All Ur cblldrea were prccratattbe
teaeraL They are M im Mabel Chrroll
~ UlDfUa. D. C.. Mrs. W. C X.
BnU. of Cbleato. Htau MelUe aad
HieaieCsrroUof Ulseliy.
borne life vru a parttoelarly
toeeUfal oat- Br vru devoted to hto
daatblers aad bto life wu rae mb-



riNif CiNtll.
Garroll bad been a eaffercr lor
aeerlyayur. At Chrtotmu Umr oil
iBBtyear, braaSered a elr*r of per-|
alysir. from Ue elleete of wbkh to;
rreevered. AmoeUacehe eaffrred aaolber slrokr. ead rullilat
Ihsl Ue rod wu arsr. br had arraafcd
all of hto affelrs jut u hr duired

Our Savings Departmeat

Carroll wu bora of Irish par*
n Lmd*. Eaglsad. i ' pun ago
U Oolf Course
Tht toll (oartebu buatradiloally Uc came to Ule coaaU}' wb* e yonag
u Ml 111 roll* (St
Klacymnagohcume to UU.kl«f»«llll
sproved oatil it Is aow le aplr
of Uetreeu city, where he bu eiacc engaged la p e a.i..
the grocery bulates Bk yoaageet
dsughlan. Hianie ud Mtllle. will
protobly emUaee the tocieMe
nil of Ur dob for msioteaaoce of Ue
ids ead fauu of Ur hotel will
bare Ur prlviletr of Ue coarse opoa
sw of Ue aeeeanry Uekett.
Park Plaae is Ur *Iy rourcr from
which ttokeis eao b« procarrd. uide
VtTI Tmi MRt UMiaiS, ar.> tlyilu;
membtn. It to expected that
arouuil now luuhiiij: for a ;;<xjd wool, i
pstrais of Ue betel will find Ur ooeru
wn or fur 0*110 your brat winter I
favorite retort darlot Uc samm
uveri-ust or fur tsp--. 'V.. Lavr- . v.-ryJ iliint: uiv-eaesry witb wliirh tw r^pi'l
nof tfar t
~ ^Uie sdvsDce of tbe invader riT CsniBallsra] Oo. to extend Ueir tide track
pUor fsnin. Tar Camplior Ball^ NajiUe koerdmaa river by briagr at
tlisHov FUkr. Boyal Inaer-t Dratruy*
Uelstbooaio! Joba P. OU A Co's
er. sort' death to all insvi'U, and
rusidrtiatoed by Ur board ef
Mark's Sk.<eWiz^T is a Kiin-arb-nivj
itoors Tneadav sfieraora after a
lirely diteuaioD pro sad coo.
t'l thi- stticki* of raiiprjaitora.
After a eoatiaoed ssimatrd ils*t
lOB. oa Biotioe ef Mr. Wllbclm. Uc
report of Ue eommitt* sros referred
taa* to Ue eommJUec to to prcauicd
at Ue fall mutlat of tto board
AtUe marslat eeaskm Ue board
BBUorised Ur committee* baUdlsn
aad troBsds to proceed wiU tto c<nJoo of eemest walks aroaad
To every baby born in liiOO. Not a penny do yon have to p
.___ ^dsasd loumpleteibe terraeiat
olUetrosBdsabMt Ur aew toUd

aiteer Bros Dr*t Morelty Show ead
Tratoed Aatoaat ttoblMttos
Ue Mmtar nasos at Elk Bapide^Ttoedsy. Tbe attraeUea to Ue beat ever
pates ttoroed by Ue SUten sad it m


ru banad ever to Ua etaalt cm
bs earn of (too.
TtojaryteiladU agm* tto ea*
that has ]ulbe* triad toUaclreait
, aad Ua pmnt cna will i
aWy to triad at Ua aaxt term et aaart.
Tto arresi * this charge le de
UefsOareloenviet latbaeaud__. ,
lag him sriuktepisg bteoslonepn
besdsy. Juasiy tl.


It 'aog msTd oood o&tat aoioi
mlVl IVnA ftvOTvVtm



J cw-vs**"*"'



ife m z
5l Vs twA oa svicVaV otestVoas oaVrj VVvaV oae teV\ ^oods
cVieat- tJva mVVV tVaiVlvem so eoerj daij Va VVve ^eav,
aad oar &vec\a\ Sales are "BAaV GttorVaaVVVes tor
ijoa, aad WAV yas 90a Vo keet maVek ot as aVV Vive VVrne



"Wax-t’s IDomi® S-toi«.


The board ai
■ Jcllst
aad accepted aa levUatira
Slelabert to att*d Ue |
aadvHucuue pradaetiota ol “Fioed
Tide' by Ur Altman Dramatic
____________ _ •
D*U Roa
AstelBr Hat«*c. an old Uerman wl
bu be* la Uc e*aty boose tor
l*t time, died Tbottoay. Tto faaenl
onirad FridBy.
e-elo* Thntaday aftcrao* at I
beam of her daachlar. Hra W.
Aatntiiie. 3U FroMitreet. She «
r: yean old.
Tto Uree y*r old child of Hr. and
Hra Alfred Lladcll died H*day
meralsf of diphtheria, and was beried
Uc stMrsoM. Tbe fooeral
idaetrd by Ibomas F. Bsatcr.
Bdaa. wife of
H*day moralayI at 1 o'clock s'. Ueir
near Hayfleld. aced
wassbcaad her batbaad that got be
wildcred aed were oot lo Ue woods sli
oirbt osar Mayfield *ly a'lewwer
aderukrr Aadere* drove
Mayfield Hoadey moraiar ud prt
Ue bodyand Ulpprd it to Bred
aty.Ur home of Hr.ud Mn Biebaidt'
WilUsm Scriptarr. *Iv an of Mr.
ud Hrr. J*B beripterr. dM at
tatrmlsf aged year*. Hr tares
wiltud Uree small ebildrer.-the
eldmt tot fire r«rs o*_Bk brother
Joba died jail le mntto ago today.
Tto laaeral will oenr tomorrow at
men at « o'clock from Ue *orch at
sue.ud«rttodiraelin of WUI 8
taoe of Hr. asd Hra Wiltmm
lie, will to H'laved to tara of Uc
d*U«l Ueir daagkta.Imla. wbo died
Tbareday afleraa* ef eeagmUcUe bnda. agto II mnUa Tto fei
Ue Besaic a*orl
boaeaiioo'ctah Ustorday ^nlag.
Asale laumu. Wife ot Uosta Kill,
mu. who lives w«tof Ue eUy. died
Tbxredey mecnlag of laflaausalory
rkmmaliem.Mttoage«dMy*ra She
eight Uildcna.

Swell Shoes«
Shrunken Priens


..WIy.b.p.J.,.ow$l.25 i

XW Sjirini; Slii
• srverbl K-te broken in si
to clam- at




We Still-go on angling for orders and flehlng for busidese;
all line fishing, too. and rattling good lines tbey are. It won't
be our tault if you don’t buy them. We fairly dredge the market
for bargains of every description which we are constantly ragaged in netting for the fisbing population and the Traverse
City public. No better fishing can be found in ifiehigim than
.m-ound Traverse City. See bow the officials of all Uie great rail'
roads of the^nited States come our way. No better store to
tradethah "THE COMPANT'S.” Wantsome fishing goods?
Jointed Poles


•rom 20c to 40C. Si -fx>- up 10 the hn«i
combination steel at S5.00.

A big stock to sclea from, selling from
S cents each to 40 cents.

Bamboo Poles

Fish Saskets

Good quality, and sell for H. 10 and 12
cents each.

Li^i^CWo^ black kid. pstent tipK bran new

.. 75c
. 65c


Kif* and little, oblont; or crescent shaiied—COM 15 and 20 cents.

A. stock ^ond to none. All sizes, nil
kinds of patent arrangements. Sell from
29 cents the one up to $500.


$i .00
Boyf* Bicycle SboM $1.86 and $liXX

It slwsya

Fly Spoons
A big stock of these important articles
—price 15 cents each.

A most complete assortment, from :
cenu each to Si.00.

Fly Books
No ontht complete without one.
from 60 cents to

to trade here and mart people bsre'foond it oat


Phantom Minnows
The ' Famed" brand.
cents upwards.

Men's fauvseSbo*, leather poim

Prices run

Bait Boxes

For cidier iroui or bass- fishini;. Sell
from 55 Ants to 05 cents the do/en..


The very- best of goods.
from >1430 to Si.75.

Sell from 40

Brass Idne Swivels
line of all sizes.
cints the dozen up.

Sell from M

. All manner of shapes, that .will cost
you anywhere from 10 cents to 60 cents

Plain little hooks at 3 cents the dozen
up to Ing ones at 5 cents each.

f-'rom S cents the dozen to the patent
kind that snap on the line at 3 eents each.

Minnow Pails
The patent doatiog or sinking rtyfe.
Sells at Si.25-

Line Ouides
Sells at 20 cents tbe one.

. Prog Spears
.Different sizes, sell from 20 cents the
one up.

The Hannah & La; Mercantile Co.

Jobs Panyaaa latl Baadad
taaetor, III., lo rtait lalatlsaa.
Tbs ililvar Bna. fast a ehaw bare
Mr. Mi Mi*. Om. Bo4ra dro*« sw
Iasi melac aad tedarAlartadeattor
a«r iMt «mK.
aaberttrty. Ttaa abew to all richi.
Ml*. Uara Walah aad daafbtar
Iraaa weet w Tratana City Saaday.
Jaha Hanlato bariacbta boaMravaialed.
Iiilllitat Ito------------------------- ma Parryaiaa latl leal aw

"• “-rsriiTi.Ku'’*


... .................... vMalM
•■rtoirir to>md
bM bMS Mkaa M
Vrantw oVr ter vwtaMsL

lUlt ullaar Heaia. wha wt
waak. ta batlar
W. M. ailtas ta palatl^ bta haata

The ladaa e( IbeBraoBt ratatty ef
hM )aM anm Mom ite MM-Ham. the M. H itaareb teead taemaamaad
‘ Ba'Ste‘SffXJT flESliSS*
Tba paP^ at Byb hall tetaiday lake Taraday atMaf at tfaa tew. ■ ** ****^*?f*"-*^ aaijtbtly Pimpte. ’ Jsm^. wTs eeeta. aid SSlSlSaS;
Oaa Bara. --------- ,
w bm
M%^sM^bal7!^ "tv
Ml mm aeeemmaditi te aata at team. da^te. came eeartem SoS HmTba Bead tarn la tbta aftema te
a lead ad lambw from tba Oa* deab.
tsetaabos Cara]
ft waa Mm. H. B. aot Mr. B. B.
&B. Hall aad AO
Mn. P. B. Whll
a diayytata. Powder, whwh la dielAted. la the dpWbiridei, tram wham a latte waa ra-


“ ‘^teadJTta'

CB. Kahlaad wUera
Headay eeaalac^tram a

iBf te the heme aad btabai
iac the abraara af bta wife
Hie. Darwla aad darter. Mn
ly. aad little (raatea of Port C
ware bare today ealllat ea friaad
ball aad wUl rl*a a daaelv party

mMat Traeane CI9 ta
I ^K* ^
rt U tbe iateeatef tfaa Boaaltbt la tewa.
am told ha had a aab A Imy Mercaatne Oa
<1. H. Beejtela ettedad the aloMPl
crowd of aaarly a haadrad araaad him
'ta*aMataM^ attbsaorwar by Bayb hall, withtaiab baaqaet oa Wadataday ceealaf, Rtaraiac Friday to bU home laTiaeene
Hia. MMbew Sehalt. bite Q
Sebalt aad WUUam' Hera of Ckle

Artbar Stltai
slek wltk tfaa a
tbta writiac.

“The Roaid

Hnnai. Mich,

ymM, oiontlil)-.
pic ropica

.'d),- ,ar

Scad for iHU-

Every tovneliip of-

" •tlab.
•••bare it
eeaalac •e'uite way to Vtal't LaUad.
etaUdcaa-a Day I

efamrek Saaday
M Ooafrar^

Mn. J« P
did aat Itn
hT■d Hn. Ortrar ot Cbiaafo b»*« ■aatBarkat bwa
•rHfai M md AtklMaal mbMr n last la akebaaya bta bom aad lot aaar
dart, tkv ai« tha AfM raaortan
Bar. BMbatdTararUUcaref Kawifc
It the raaat of Bar. Oae. Baltfa.
Mrs C Ooek bta yeaa to Bar aty ea
Uar trlaads are Is boats ska
- &aaaUwt«?l ba
al tba Wai­ a riali.
will be iBpiorad la faaallfa by Um
ted aehaol to«a aracr taadarat
8ba has aol facco >0!! alaea
thlhtk. AllacaiarltadWMMad.
>. lABSOB it aboQl lbs aama.
____ abaa ladtea teat bar tost
wbkh abe ww able lo esjsy.
Hr. aad Mia. A. B. Caitta. Mia. Lyee
t. W. Blaabart waet to TiBraraa Oilr aad Hr. aad Mia. Btaaffar harm foaa 10
Oread BaakU. Mra.Hieattrlaok Mla.



“ rrri.s.'s.'raJSsc

MtaJMlaBrirhl ran
truK a Traalti *4all la Tra<
cnrPaaH lUai laapaadlarawaakvlU)

CaUdrae't Day was o
10. Oarlay
[. K. Haaday tebool Ji
> tbs rala tbal ptfal
1 In talllB*
Mr. sad Mta. Cbaa. Maba and lamltr
Md Hta. •. WiBlan aad aoa Barm atalt Beat of tbs day. tbara was aat a rary
crowd, bnt tfaoae tbat atveaded
ad M D. M. Brlgbia raiaraiac te Trar
wart hlrhly dalirbtad wllb tba prorraw.

Mall Horraa It able te faa aroai
ChafUa ■Milk Abated alaataria* U«i bfaie after two waakt' illem
Hr. aad Hia. B. Mawtied drere
LakeAaa t
ridt Ualr atau
HrMIMMiaarbi^ aatbaPreab? Hri. Peaaie
Htaa Uartba rWled U Bait Kami
ar.aadwill bailaady lo eat year cra>a
(Mrthe taaebn^ of No t.
ICBdarinncaa OQ. ________ __
AM HaMaM. arbe la werhiBC far eroalitfot Jaae TV. Tba payUt^era
A-Taalib. mml Ic fata faoM at MapMaa as hta wbaal Saaday.
oraolaf. Pbe proaaedt are lo fo U
Mta. A.M. ItaHb draaatoTrav



Cblldraa't Day wra ebairandtet
aad la tba M. B. ehaceb at?:M.
... M. B. eaareb bald appsapi
Htai Uiaet M. Haaaid cam------------- ObUdree-t Day eaerataet Saaday a
.eaeodi. wbara aha it taaefaiaf aMxd.
tad 3
aad apeat Staday with hv
City ea Teeaday el latl week.
Seeacal from Mortbport
Bat. Btreat, farmer pattor
Old Seulen-ptaBleat Old
plaea. aad daachtar are apaadU
days wits friaadt bore.

~ Satarday eeealar Him Laallt Pst
safe •Btetalaad a tew frleadi st ber
rotad to reealrlnt
at 10.10 tbe dean
a ol tba aablblt
pabllc for tba '
Mri. Jtyeox rataraed Friday to Ber
work wklek bad base does by the earl- borne la Loralas. Obki, after speodlnr
oetraomi It waa eary alee aadabewad sareral weeks la Mortbport. ---------------Kieat piutiam la
' tbs taal year. At MO ol bsrtuur. Hra H. K Ullt.
all retired te tbe park wWo a tkon
t la liiiealaf to eeafi
la Trararte <b«y.
. which had beea preptc
Tbe aaaaal reeenUee sad baaqi
«ladaaUar esere laea
tbe Mortbport bifb '
' ftsdi
wbieb took alaee Wt
etanl.—. —
Id a^qamUrmdulaeet.........................................
it aojoytble aoclal treat ol
are Anas U Uoraell. Mary B. Park, mad
Aaat P Lewis. Prof, ttea of Trarccea
imad wttb flowers. Tbe ta
Dtr delirartd tba addram. which wat
enjoyed by all. Satarday arealac foltelar nUttr. cUmwsre sad doi
lowlac tbe pant rrad '
' *
e laid for forty, that i
fradtam leadtred t
tsBL AlUe cooels..
" • leeeraami^d
. the prmidea-.-t addr
wat Flrea by .Mtat Ealbarlat Veiee
TtaefollewlBf watts were tbearirae:
raet or Oemmoo Seoee. by Virrmin
Dere Bottaie left Wedateday for . Gacaoe.
cUlt with Maadt la Oterlaeola. before
ThaOomlBr Woman, by JaliaAffol
la Dalath.
Fred Smith, a popalar talcaaaa ef ''weleomc. by HyrDe Joba.
A Yoany Friead. LltUs Ml
lilwaakcewaata NortbportTamday.
■e alaatal eraortallon, held on TbanPrsa.—Artbar
Vtat proa.—Mrrtla .
Sec.—Frtd ASolter.

.jCUwtata aarr »aariy. witfalitUa
. Baa. Bart Ulad fata aweiata

A^nolo^'Mta^Vi*>aur^mrM coa
claded tbe 1
^ orebmM pU^ threayboel the
taaaqoet aad alao raadersd nc<
aambma oa tbs proir'am. wbieb
maebanjoyed. At tbe elans of
qaot tbe ramit patead to lbs
low. where tbe remainder of t
lay wat npaat lo the anjoymeat of
IddUknwl CerrmpewLour putfc.l

Otoflru Kevt

Hamiltn ClgPiie Co.


AMhaaah H talaad qaila ban

artS^Mlw atOtTHtaTta

Mr.'Cbaafty of Elacalay waa la tewa
Arab OIbbe. Saei'l Haey. Hr. BoekItrtaB and~lilla
WlUla Oibha

a City rUuca last
Tba laditt of tbta plaea who cate aa
-Btartalaiatet bare a aho- tina
- ate
OrawB WadeattlBcalay Saturday

'*** o'Vaniiaiion to make thorou«h1y C.ood Clmhi«E.
. * s .‘^!1
Vo.i may not it.
but the bulk of ready made clothing is made outside the premiWof most

Mbs Bearing Our OuaranteB. Hbibw, ani TaiM aa
the Premises by Expert Workmen
.\i>d an- sul.jfci.-d to tin- same i.nwf-st ai the highest pricfil custom tiilor.-.l

1 ht reason tJiat they can l>r void at half custom tailors' prio-s js

that the business is comlucl.-d upon so vast a scale that the cost ol pro.luc
lia\ i< n-diiccil to a minimum.

Whether It’s Five Dollars
or Ten Dollars.-^mto'
Kcvi«t tbinict ill

SOc per Suit.

Suit> sold by us have gained a
I for elegance of ht and
perfection of style that has ma^e our trade today what it isi We. have
exceptionally strong line of ijje new and |>opular wool w^tr^ds for Jumu «: i)romise yon will be happily disap
r ple-iso you in ritlier Men's. Youth's or Children's Clothing.

Hamilton Clothing Co.
aoOFroial Sti eel

Traverse City, Mioh


Smith that be diad as hour latar. wltboat ratalslBC oeeartoMstBi. Ctaarlla
Cook wat also teriOBaly hart mod
‘------- 1»ely tekes to Trararae CTty.
_.a WUl Oaa, artth bar d_^____
ha la balat ireatad
At tbt laat
MOdrad aad WUaa. cf Blk Ufaa. la ---------- ita there wtt bet lltQe hope of
•MHa^ paieata. Mr. a»l Mn. W hit reearary. .Vr. Cala wat well knows
tbit place. barlBC worked b«a wrMm. J. 1. Brtab *111 a_ad tfaa ta aral rears Is tba mtlla. Be Isarm a
^le In Fife Uht aad ralatlrat in Bit
Bapldt. and tbs bcarttelt tyapatby of
all it with them la Ibalr treat ^cn4w.

I have too large a stock ol ihi- following goods, and in order to move them 1 am going to give you

A Pew PrioOT tor Aa ZlloBtrBtlea:

m> l-rotit.





Vary aiaa wMlfaer.

----------------------wUa iBlaad te taka
> ewtalua te Utaad Ba^da.
K. fafa-baaka aad arlta wai
telfaa OddraUew eel

LOTlo* K%Uiutan' Daali li^^

aal aa aaaeaat I

viel Eld S3 aad Si ebom. eltee

aad 1 ealy. job




The W. C T. V. wUI.m
with Hm-tialaeatsp. a
.Mm. While sad Him N

- “ - ea.^


Beetlea of oH-.


«. Blabardb UtalayMta M*.<D
«•> Mai waa <alM May.
■r. aad Hft. Swiahtart rtaM ta

lA OPP OB Imdwa' Jackets, Skirto and Cbikhra’s B««fm
Th* bHUnes of Ui* ICcHBiBBrB.Wtatooa Bluw Stock
Bolow OOBt.


to |unc 15. I will gne nuc fnurt!-. ut!.

9o not wail until the last day.

Nou <lo not have lo have the

16 different styles of sideboards from
$12.76 up to $76 PO.
21 different styles of Combination
Book Cases and Writing Desks from $6.76
to $86.00.
7 different styles of China Closets from
$12.76 to $38.76.
36 different styles of Dining Tables
fr^m$4.76 to $24,00.
87 different styles of Bedroom Suite
from $X8.00 to $60.

17 different atyles of Library Tables
from $4.26 upto$ie.76.
60 different styles of Odd Dressers
from $ 10.76 to $36.00.
A large line of Chiffonieres.
A large line of Parlor Suits.
A large line of Xorris Chairs.
A large line of Baby Carriages and Go
A large line of Bicycles.
A large line of Stoyes aad Steel Ranges.

Oh all of these goods I will give you a discount of .15 per cent, or one-fourth off the regular price. Here is a
chance for you to gel some lirst-class goods for less money than you would have lo pay regular for cheap goods.
They are strictly up-to-date spring styles andtinish. There will be nothing reserved for f must unload, and I will
give you the epportuaity just when you need the goods. My stock is all compile. 1 have ,;qp different styles of
Rockers and am offering some bargains in them that cannot be duplicated.


paadmelbcr, Mrs Bwmrthott.
^JMwaa adaaaa at W. Wetd^
^A.B.Ptv_baa,a,a. AaaMa bam


tMla^Bay (Hinr to plaat oataaorefaard.
DeVriea left oaa trip
Bapldt yetlacday.
Palreblld of Oread Bi
la tbt Barv te a law

A. e. VaMaaM aad acw waat a
B«Mt tfaa 11th.



raeatles.'aTtcr auaadliic tebool —
Tiarartt City darlat tbe srteipr aad
^lof lenat.,
— ____-

Oao Selkirk ta aalfariac from the.
~'*d^ Mnike of paralyata reeair^
tbe a^h_________
Tbateday. delirartay


One-Fourth Off on the Following:

ItraM fiineinatitii.
iu* It
Mia LwlB Ctarpular. who hat Wa

Lataw BabfaaD ta balUlv a saw
Srraralof'oarrlUatori weal to Etk
Bapldt to atlaad tba Odd Fallawt' oelklHhaa: ha baa It •all aadar way.
abratiee today.


c.ish: .1 little doun ;uiii the balance in payments is just as goml.

bacia verb CB J. B. Wlatarb
atnwOlbaaa Tbatadv aif
vaak. aftv ^ayer aa^.
Udiaa- AU aaaia *ltfa Mta. B.


It WiirTast Just Ten Days!


faw faraata. Mr. aad Him. Chaa Wbaat


Fornitore and House Fnrnisliing Goods.

«a%£ Baaik te aUaad tfaa Maua





eewt saw Ital ttaterday of tba asM->Mra-fite* baA«etaa toatatt
ttaiaf_tl» tadler of Mr. Baed'a alii

TTii*!!, 'm.a





NotEvsni ManuMirer
of Clothing

—am from Dr D- B. Cbryile. ef
rt aad ehadiae of
Ttaera will be a fcatkat pleale la___ Waablta. 1. T. Be write: “Bleelrle Bit
at Saaday'
llf-t rrere noath ef towa ea Jaly 4th.
Brewer otamolsls,
-.................... ...........
CraaArraaceeMals are belac made tor a wbieh had ceased ber yreal loSerisi
dall at mirhu ttateiday.
ay ealeyahle day.
After dlaaer a
tra TnrriWe 1
•• '
.Vr. tod Mrs. C B. Taylor of Trar04 proriaB wlU be rlna. Brenbedy
ber bead aad face, aad Ue best
sordid larltad loaUeadaad help deetom eoald
lid ylra
yl' ee belo: bat bow ber
healtb ta aseeUeeb'' Bleetric Blueia li
-Mr. eed Mta. Ota. BaiSbk aad Hia
beat blood parlder kaowa. It's the
wfl] haaa Cbll^
Oort Uerdaar drare lo Trararte City
4Wa Pay aataitaia am Ji

rnmaj Baabaatta faarlarfwtef fata
mm aadaaaafav aivy < "




37 Different Styles of Chairs.
Large Line of Porch Goods. Lawn Chairs, Hammocks, Etc., Etc.

J. W. Slater’s Exclusive House Fnmistiing Store

120 S'SOTL« e«z«e«

TJMb-viej.’se Oltare AAlola.


I Traverse Herald
t^erHiWi—eTvoebleI ^elwMd te Ihe toeidf» cUploBeU
Sira pieMsee of Urfe forMf*
M». a» ae^ U eenaat be 0BI7 lor
•eoteeuoo of tb* l^Mkai; ihej
•to mil; Ibe nteUishMBi ol<k rvriM ta the apltai or :
fiMlfelele. TM Ai
MPulbMChoevM deMrejed Jaee

eeeUty at Pakla. of wUah Mtoatomriat
Harto aad Gaxxawall. the algaar*,
ebxrg*. A eopy waa UOBedialaly
It to ProaldaBl HeElaUy.
lUag the cable' aamge to t
peat the
the foUowlag: "Thto Bcaae tbal oar
pe^e are la groat peril aad greatly
Bead aacb prolaeUoa aa ear gorarv

laUirex bu Seellj ceeeeii opersUoBa.
Tiao Tbio. Jew v-rner Cboo eUUsa. aear Pekle. M reporud berster at
thanealt of ibe Boxer rmid.
pelattomaeD son aerloac eoadtolea
yartrierolacfroml>chls aad Uaited la the aortbero Free Bute tbaa baa
Slalaalfknbtar CoB«r bee ordered
beeaaeppaaedtoextot. Lord Boberu'
■areb to tbe eetor. It to feared
alDce Wedaeaday aad ea Tbaraday
Taac Cboo ebrtoUaae wBl b« me
wboUbbatiallea ofBlliiary cacxnprd
a^. Tbe iBprrUl edict toeeed todej at Bcodoral. wat eaptared by Berra
daeerfbs tbe Boxer* aa boacat bat atiaraAfblla wbicb the Kri toh leal
allfbUf Bto(eb<td paUloU
aeriueni-Bf* and
TbeObleeae UMoedUpael
the Boxen, are
roioc to
Tethreaxtwaa) of Booderal.
*1%* CxiBW (eci r*! N.C.'* tj
teaBllr* loatb of aeUbroo. <Jrocr*l

tba people at
ban lor a U
tiBedcItthaIrtoeUttoa aad they i
gatUbg Wnry of il- They an deter
lead byeoBeBnacto gat eoooeetl
bpraU with tbe eaUida world.
eflart to balag Bade cow te ladaee the
M. A S. a aad tbe T WUee Laaber
Oa. te Bake asiae aort of oooaaetloa
tkat rxllrood taemuxe can bi aecarrd
looalaldepolau. Tbe latter
bee ia operotioB a ^ort lloa Ihroagb
tbrir large UBber tiocU trlbatary to
tkoBairir* LamberCo.'i pleat asd
to belieeoda
ioryto both <
lex aad to Empire. .Tbto Tillage to
of the BOit tbriring la Leelaaao o
ty aad there eboold be a betur metbod
of loaebiag there tbaa by xlagc. II U
as iapertoat p^lal lor Trarerxe
aad railway eraiwctloa woald briog
tbe toiTcc\>ver totbebaxincB b
ef tbto city. vVbUe the roi.roxd ferer
to prr.a'ent B Bpireexanot be biased
for gcllircir, .-.uck of itand Troeerae,
to tee the dextrex of
that locality rralltrd.
They list ooly need ibc road, bnl dc-

Blood TrooMes:

B. Dr. Mdea. to a CBrladtr
way. ,For the pact two
year* Uapatoe bat bean Me<ri:3.»blw
like IbrM
Ubc* that aaBberetbeau per Biaatr.
Tbe doctor la so year* old. aad the only
w*y ba oaa aeeeaat fee tbe alow irorklag of kit bean to that Itto the rexslt
-back and rarrlage riding
during bi* fifty year*' practice.

tant tbat ti I

n^lbc blood fom witbo^Umw^^lte akin by efamcynMe. cc

At Uiteolt while walking froB tbe
Fellowerat* Dnb to bar carriage Mrx
Orwey leat a star peedaat aet with
alxiy dtoBOPdx aad ralard atf'.uo.
picked ap troa the gnucr by a
llulc enlored boy. Tbe lea xbowed the
jewel to xome byatandrr* aad ia
way Ibc driectiet*. when Ibrr '
notlBrd of tbe leax. Iraer'd tbe rainable
otaaBeat and reeoieexd

other bk»d dtaeese. can be
XI xppewnf oe Ibc *1

•yM r-..q- rWB. CU 4m w XSMV X. D. B*X

be treiunrct
nt do much lu

Tbe Aioraegoremoert bx* b.en nfermed that It will be held riaejoi.b'.e
for Ihreragrily of Frsnsb e.tlseii. bet
' Lccexxary France will protec. ihrm.
Widow N'xocy Wxxhlngton. eliricted
•Oman midlng ip Bsxtor. hx> jnt
eelebrxied .her one hundre<i »-n Bfib
birthday. Site tax been marrlrdx'xl


r aiam^’lnotber
__ _ another poiion
S. S S , Nxlute'* own_______
roou xnd brrtw. aUxeks the dtoeair
tbr l4nod. xntldolc* a>. 1 force, out a
rs. mxk« wext, thin Ueod nch. •tioi
xnd hrxltby, and at the *xinc tune
Ids un tbe Kcnei*! hexith S S S istbroo
purely vegnslile Iduid pnrihre ko
I. xnd the onlv our tbs', can rr^b tkcp-mxlv
UoDcl troulilo*. .V recixit of yo re
of sacceexrul curt* frovex il to be x rrbxUe.
lUdmlmg xpecifle for all hlon-l soil skinI anH.*.!—

.... »




Contest Notice.
lisessrsBit-.r Tbi isrt*ma,i
ii'siTxi. Nrsrs* txsbUrria, >
lsr., Bu-mxxo. xv'll 11. IBB i
A ..e.ruot
xaxsMi bx.uw bora
------- r

Ceasultaliaa aal Eianaaiioa Free aed Sirielly Caefldeetii!. S'-gEHtls'SiSM

B. E. OTTMAN, M. 0.
»PTri*ti*i.Form*Tl| ol he* torn.

PresideQt of theOltraaE Kedicil lustitote Co,, Moskegon, Mieb

Notice fori^ublicatiOTi.


X^atrerw Oit3r,

- JULY 12,1900.
ra from 0 a. B. to 8 p


-liTr'"'''’—»' «ulra.“


«. Hl.hMOO


u wSTebara

Our day only aacb aaonth.

•■* 7rr..r'

IIIB time, aad for a
! BUee^thml ofCapac whUeawell witbonl light, aed ,
wbee dog onl.

rnm Lorcet> Mar , , Tbe eearclty of doBBllr help eocrcally beqaa to aee Ertiger, waa reeeir'ed
One large boardlag
tordap. Taeamidenlaat amoking.Jf-^ “
r up laat week on ae
L Be
fie laeked
leaked worried
loog pipeoftbe intblilty of tbe landlady
Bmmto. JaoeT-Dr.
Leyde. tb*i~“
snSelent help for tb« kilchea
Tnaaeial diplaaatle afeet. xa'-d todining room
dayttattbeeadof th«Tbe oreberd* of Cx*a eonnty preaent
fora loeg time, allboogh tote
leoeoD on tbe beDeSi* of
eharaeler of tbe flgbUag *nmld be'”
ehaqgBd. Be admitted that If Btfberu lapraylng. Taoce wbleb were bot
itprayed tbtoaprlegxbow the eSeetoof
all the Boer* la the
of tbe worm*, la maay eaee*
looking a* Ibongb flrr bad
iaalaeBtiawept tbrond^i 'hem. O.-i tbe other
at decidedly impnbab'a
head tbe tree* which were xpreyed are
,ia floe eocditlos


Report, xhow thatorar flftoBB baared 1 cr* hare boco sxrrd
of One
of IhcTC were c.
pippr. ervap.
wboopine coegi
«>*» prcrmlx
C. Thompxon.



F^larTatico oerrr yet cared dyipcp*:*.
I’riaoiM witb Indigralion Ore already
half xUrred.
Tbry eecd plenty of
wbeliwnBB food.
Kodol Dy*prpaia
Cnrcdigexu wtpt you ratio (be body
cas be nour.iHrd while tbe worn out
organ* xrr being retocstracted.
the only pewpixati-* kaown tbat will
lutantiy rcllrreand completely cm*
all sioBaeb irocblrs Try It if yon are
enff'ring from indigritioo. It will err.
F. % Tbompaoe.
I copper laialy do yon good

u Bftngea from Kemplf it to
I Haie City, one of the
sappoaea there arc at leait :i.o BOW oa
boom tows* ia
Cblaeee aoQ. BeerctaiT Hay natborixn
reeleet-iapopsUUon of leax Uaa
a deeWl of tbe report* that UcArtber
to beltored torn
I takes 13 sxlooox to keep tb
hatbeesaxkeitoialoMi tbe.gorem.
the death from tbe egploatoa of gs* ie
r troopa
mlaeX-> : will nambar a!x or eight.,.
Fhmpplaaabe win be abU to fararxb U Allen of Partoand
sox occirred during
!alor Vice Commxadi
fortatTieeia Cblaa. Ko cash ta<iBt7
ba spread-i Friday nvbt Pour bandred minera
1 of Uraed Sapidx
be* been made. Unrelary Bar *xyx.
and Ti'dagta uf | are oat of empleyBent.
lalof Vice Command
etaUto prohibit by ordiaasea the
-----------of Wyandotte
f. eeisoB wonedt and ail
Boet"ef'tuflAt giant or araamltr Sreeraeker*
J Oineterother accidental inii-Ira mar be qaicktaxon
. ,
ontbeeomiag Fcartb of July, if the
ly eve^ by oriug UeWUi’a Witch Bsrel
Chaplala-B.C White of RoBjeo.
daadly'loy esenoo would also brin- Sairr. It 1* atoo a certain care lea
TheUdUaeftbeO A B. elected tbe eieded io the prohlbluon tbr If t of ac.
xkisdiraasra Take no other.
agala today td tbe efeet that the Poo followingoffiecr*:
cidMix in tbenrwipiprr* ofibceCib
TI>gFaBtod0BariB*r*«* nf* ap tc
Prmidaal. H». Mary A. Jamaxea of ' woaid be grratoy skorieaed.
the ^neciG that tte CbiaeM goreraarlnr City, rertocied: araior rlee
p.m fully drrMoped extra of a:
■aat bax teat troopa there aad bad .rtaldeoi. Mb Mary .RChrtotlaa.eoprp,r.„Bo- reported in tbe fxm

-rc P..-

DrPBdRapkto; j.nkir Tloe fwatldent.
Mra Martha Falmtr rf SL Joaimb;
Mra.43eliaBarWor 0amrule; ebopUia. Mn. Lon BrndrU of

ixaox It Ml >*M bx

Tiaieise City, Nich p

Beth PhD aes 43


Mlatolar Ceager aad Admiral KeBpff
bare been glrse a eery free rein aa to
tb* partieipatioe of Americaa toreax la
preleetiag Arnmexe aad other terclga
Intmetoandto wbaterer acliea that
■ay be aecmaaiy to brlag
BBcy Uahad Siatax Bariaex aad aea■aaareaaborc toaot kaowabere. bat


Cor. Cass aim Stale Streets.


aSeet baa baas reeelead

Vx'I.4*ujBlTto«r.yi" of

which wc will sell at a large discount for
cash or good bankable paper for the next
thirty days. You cannot afford to let this
chance go by

pUR Exca

The correapondeU of iK DaUy


r.- <'u. M4

^ tTu"r,“V

at tbe aetloa rieed


We have two car loads of BUGGIES of the
very latest styles, also a complete line of

* Farming Implements i

otKaapSlaaaediag ■

. x-iw^weg-l.,

xtU .kin di>exmt fwr****"s«ri?T“sKCirw'M ABu^ S'’


haL aad It f • aappiBad xbe bat
TSofUem 00 board for •boteaerttoe


uvun. *h.. hi.T moj.
Cimugiou* m<xri
ni«ri I'oUon.Cxnccr.SK-toiulo.
Kbeuctstmm. Kcaemx.xnf'UlStxe'.ancet,
mmiUr hkiod Uoable. write ibem fully for advice shoot
WccijU-nochurLV for Uu> aerricc. BoukunUoodx

Becaoxe be feared
* inabilirr'to
Strie* ol Soclolx
Metbaea to reported to ^*« bacx
bi* wife in properxlylr.
Tbe exper.ecce uciolx wb.cb w
itlog Friday, optarcovlj la an ef
.aitled ■utcide at hi*
i\o reach Celrille. wbo wax .nppot gieea b; the memberx of St. Franc.*
wedding moraing at S; l.^uto.
eo to be at tom last named ploer aad
bride wx« trying on ber wed
aeamlagly la acedofiapplica. ax Kelly will be ettrU-d by Hr* B U. Snltotmr;
who will glee n lawn party on the afi- finrry when tbe learerd of Ibe li
Keaoy lelegropbed Saeday
amoonx and eraaiog* of Joae ivib and cal end of berjfope*.
Bloeatfoalela that Melbsea wbea lear
znb, at and la tbe grate oppcallc ber
At nenerr. tomByxterionxdcalb .
fag Uadley bad takea
mldenee. eoTBar Wayne and MedtoOB Chlaete at ei. Anthonyb bcapltal early | m
aapplie* both for faloBair and
alreelx. All tbe dxlatie* of tbe c
Einodxy Borelng epread abroad * r. *
will be aerre'd oa Ublei tellable
port among tbeae wte baadied tbe ; *
Tbe laferaaeetobedrown trem tbeae
partit* large or xmall The grnre will body that death wxxdneto.tbe bebark Iw
reporto to that the Boera won le I
be B-ell lighted and good bmU will be pleagae. Corooer UcUowern doe* not-^
Kany KeBBy appean to hare btlirted
9 oiteadance.
aay to what death trat d ee ona refoiod A
TberewUlalio beahabyabow. All to gtoc a barial eerltl cate

dayt bad paned wbee be aeet tbe du
briagyonr bableaand try for the ^le.
Tbe city antboritiec of bi
patebwUboat reealrlef oewa of tbe
B ge-Brt which, throngb borgfaxTereaolred loraiie a
reenlta. It le^ aa If Uiey bad
irtexyofMr. Taylor, will be ex­ ts.ucn.oco nibiB ltll,t*t.o»i<
It to aolelyorrioyiothe fact that do beaa fteerabla to tbe BHltob. Boiler
hibited at tbe newt xiaad. There to a pnrpcce of reballdisg, repairing asd
toreporlad. to bare paabed bto'oay
chance for all. and the baby getUng
taprorlBglbebcildiDg.itreeli.bridgec.. .
ttreay^rakaaebarr Boeatalee aad to
mbigbeai Bomber
the Jeaeltoe
of tbeclly by tfacf0
bs at Iba
of Uxo. Viel aed
xe latky oee.
aalfae. (bat aetloa baa bees paraljaed KUp riear la tbe Free btate. n mllea
year 1903. wbea tbe two bundredih as
Many other omnacBeato will be fnr- oireraary o! the foJndallon
aatiloely xb
Vrede. Tbare are a obba'abtd axd *
of fore, trill eoir bo adeqeaic.
Peterabng will becalebraiad.
ber of aoaitlonc atlll betweea him aad
WaahlactoB. Jooe-»—All Baropcao Ltiac* Mek where. If tbe Biere rtaolee
I'ckla c
Dewey in (Jrancl fUplOi.
DOBenarelookliwr to Watblactoe for to make a etasd. be may hare troable.
Tiaex,telegTapblag bundxy. *xyT:"Ti.p ! 4^
a aiys ax to the pari tbto corcremaat
irxBdiUpid*. Jnae II—Tbe Idol of
A cerlooa Itpa of sews from Hocr
' Americao Bixeion balldiugt at Tar..- | V
to wllJiay to ptoy la China Is tbe poaalioreec to that Ibe Brittoh eolama to Aoerls to in tbto cUy and bu rcceired
a. IS Bllnfram Fexin. which were I iff
Wltyotasliaatioauaiapendoa. tbe BOrtag toward the Ti
xneb a reoeplioe ax tiroad Uapidx neter abandoned
gare bj aay one before. Tbe hero of beenlootcc
Manila ha*been trareling throagh a
daatfaiiaBaat delicate aad dilfleolt
xoldiety who were xeai to protect ibeic.
daty before him laxe dlrecUey Mlato
. ax tbeh*ic aox of admirer* ceer tlnee hla tpectol VVittaiD tbraeda^TS catireChrtotian*.
tB-Ooaceraad oar axeal oSeeta la alag of ^ war that aaUre te-ri(ary, tram palled into tbb city.
well kaown men. whs bad been trabOhlaaae wxtare that tbay will Ulie each a* BMototoiM aad BwaxUaad.
Tbe admiral asd bto wife were greeied for yean by Amrrlean mtoxloaarir*.
meat cBeeUre meaax of protectiay woald not be aiade the aceoe of boad. a* tbe train palled in, with an adb*en Btxixerel Dear Tang Com
ABarlcaa lalaraila <a Ohlaa witboat UUUea.
Bifal’e*alotoof !' gnni They were Jlany of ibim were barned alire '
md. ttaroxgh a perfect jta of
-olrlaf Uu coeersueal le oalaae
ireata in the Traatraal there hu
(laramaaaea with other power*,
bxea BO latoraatloa wbaterer tor eer- cheering people, to Ibeir nrriage, aod
ha plaaadia a
a to Ibc Horton tloaxc, where a
eml day*, bat It to ladiroctly learael
te aay act of anroatoe toward tbe that tbe Bam arc maklag large par- ttill denier throng awaited, cheering.
They look a pr.rxi* drire abonl the
ebatea of aaod bag Balerial at Lareaeo
TteaTkle. Jaaa n—Tbe Ulbd tralo' tfarqaea'tortortldeatlOD* aieakaowa city tbto afternoon, and are reeling
Hncb a««dcd rain bax fallen tbroogbalerted lor Pekin Ual aJrbt bearing poiata. bUaaUBM tbe polltiral alu- preparatory to tbe big parade and
auradlagfBneliaD* lomomrw.
oni aluiisi entire couihcrn Bnasia. and
UO Oenaaa. so Briltob atod 70 Prearb atloa la Gape Coloay appear* }o be
there are i^ow qxcBllent proepceix for
Mae Ixeketo aad Bariaea.
growing Bare eoBplieated.
State Mew* Uemx.
tbe plQUrand xenmercrops.
Sbaagbal. daaa ll-Pear (hontaad
Hog. n M Ferry box made aaecond
Baaalaa troope aad so gen* bare been
TbcCtaiomr ask "I
"how is yoerliTcr"
doBotlon of <soo for eonUnolug tbe l>.
laadad at PmI Taibeaad are Baicbirg
ioxicxilof "bow do roe do.*" fur wbcD
" Ferry Rolanleal Fcllowxbip at tbe the li><r to aclirc tbr health to good
, toPeUa. Tbe eBpreie has lied to the troai LeachABke Utoaridcal Itaai af
Dewitt's Little ftorlyEiser* arc famon*
other ladixa oprimg to threaten^ i'Blrernlty of Mlcblgao.
r and bowel*
Marqaette loeoete which were jlUe pin* tar the I
g. Jear II—AcUe re- aad earioai reanlu may fc!IAw'uD)a«
C. Tbompaon.
pre.lonxiy naknown there hare made
-ir appear!
ipcaraoceaBd are flying abonl
$ ala aad tbe other powerxa dltpatch
Xegirrt is tbe abort xlep
} hex baea xeet te Port Artbi
le eotxump
Tlic Bxtly c»e of Oor-MinauA ptrty of Cb
ilgranli bare Hoc.
>e BecaUa garrtoan held la raUemfor aoae Use aad wbee w
Coogta Carr pr. rent* conwmpUon. it
directly with tbewhitea b
o go to Ttee Tbla wbea tbe
aetued at bi. Jame». Uexeer tolaad.
only harmlrM remedy that g.vo.
L Bawld
Jlbers will tallow aad tbe popaUtlon
dixte rexult*. ICcarruall’
Tbto Utaxt troable w< * eUrlcd by ef ikr tolasd will rapidly iBcreme.
and In
roublrx- Cbildrrn a I iikr i'
WaxblogioD. Jaae U—Oo rralptof
and IT
reebdunvit. AC
Oaway Tay Uooee. who
At Cbarlotle tleorgc I'acliard. e year*
agency ’and asaoaaeed
to the
fiEempfr. Sxeretary Laag aeat tbefolId. froBOllert. died inabaek Fridcy
I ioertagdl^tehioBear AdBlral Bmary broTB tbat he waa the Meniah. Tbe
iCRPOg while waiting fora train to
Mmcow bax the largaal botp!t*l ir
|MMaailx: BaodbrtbeSelaeetaae- fellow won tbe goad will of Bxey of beukea icAnn Arbor uj andergoan Eoropr. with r.oivi beds. i*berc arc s'
ttaeladlbb*. trbo arilh foil coafidebee operation for appeBdieitia
I AMWy trite all dtopaleb to KempS. 100
pbyxicixD* and Pisi nnrxc*. aed about
In blB.lcft the ogcaey Mo ciroag bad
I Wirlaw. amagiag if praetlnale Ibat
..cxxi paliesu an* Inkrn care of ercry
Tbr Beat Jordan A Sootbrni railroad
iped OE tiqxaw poisl. Captain
I after laadlag tbe Bolaee abaU eeatlaae
ac oeen extended arooad te Sontb
r, Urn Ibdlaa agent.' aeeat^
whoBewardtroyagea* prerk
hnn. and Uie &>ntb Arm Lember com­
troable and bad tiaway Toy Uoeee
a pile* will be
pany rereieed Ity 6r*t conilgnmentof glad to learn
>rWitVx Witch
placed aader airacl. Tbe baUsce of
ThadtopaMi from Admiia! KeapS
Jog* by rail lati week.
Haxrl NalTc wi'l girr them iniMat aed
the aprtocra wore letf oa tbe.pMoi and,
aralaalollowi; -'To^rkc. J«a» II—
aancormirf. It will core ccfma
■Id to be gnwiag agly and Ait- •tx. w«i Miehlgaa Snnery com­
an skin’dixenxea. Beware of eoac
Faraaa laiMad by ditaraat aaUeax an
ae Claire, bax the largext
eeatealed they thraaien dlnaterto
eiu. F. C. Tbompaox.
epealag eoBBaaieatioa with PeUa.
thaiababUaata. aad ax there are do ^eh orefaard in tbr xlate. aad expect*
barrext bnxbeU of aei
i'oirM foodtodigexted qakkly it will
I at tbe Bgesey the altoatloa to
mgoaA -Kempfl.'retinent and irritate tbextomaet. - Aft
tbia year.
erBXchmexI take a tpaxpoonfal of Kcdel Dytppsia Cure It digmlx wbat yon
■at^ that the gaaboat UcBoeaci
r xafely Intbeeity.
aad Etlaa M etb of Oarletoa were Uken eatandwlil allowyon tn rat xtlyou
had left Bbaagtaai for Taka, la aeeer
Tialently ill with Irlcblaa potoonlag. peed of wbat you like
’ daaaa with order, to proraad tbefa ia
Baaaqaanan ea a Cat.
r Itae wonlraxetof dr*prpx« It
A doctor era* eammoaed and after fonr
ntatoei Bar Adariral Keapff.
ixxnt is take.
F- C. TbompxonLaDdoa.laBa. —Tbe cxeeaU*e of- bear*' bard work, managed to get tbea
■GBBiiaii wai aatboriiad to draw oe
i«f tbe
the Ocagaa. CMllaa aad Vorktowa for
toaedOD. Jane »-(laLOUre*ted 'Go('
Itobaad B*rof«*B opioloo le rapidly
cryalal c ed le (avjrof forcibly dep;*
lof tbedi'AacerUa>iirea>of CbinaaBd
tbe reaionUoB uf ibc eBperor by (he
eesUaed foreea of Ue poireiaaa tbe
ealy aoletloe of tbe Caloeu crtole.:
Tbe moat alfnlfleaet tatare of tbla
|kB1^ la ibat ttproeldea for a eoapMa
taatolBaiaia'a alieerity. Urara
pMoaa are directed afaleai Baatia'a
aearat mollraa aad ber telatloDa trllb
tbe iatenal troablee Id Cblaa woeld
be ampt a^y If abe woald rtntlo reavradly erltb tbe other Datlosa i

^ Blood Poimoa,
e.^^ Cbronio Utoorm.

M*ib*w Vandirar cl Kew Braton.
Jod^, mraUag. and p.bile gatbrringi
bare been dosed by tbe xiata board of

- to lmp»to!>'.« at tb* Beatoa Barber.
epidemic perraito among a cer­
. ■—* to bM aa^lor*l«B foceea
tain variety of fixb in tbe lake* ef ttoxa
i| frmPaaiBtoPxaTi^r.
Waxhlagiao. Ji
Mr. OcogefadeahtM te tb* peraaI Baaceof ChioeaeabUlty toproioet Bli
aftaraoee-' HcBben hare already be- rf them hare burn haoM away troB
^ ataoB to In liae with bto orrrioa. rx- gna lolaare Wtablagtoa. aad a large tbe xborc. of the Ixaea.
r prxaakB* of opIakB. iBdicxUag tbe b.of Uoee who are Repablina . From xaefa Infnrmatoon at wc ba«e
< Itof la bto Bind that tbe few Coiaeac ddegatia will raaraenible tooa at tbe gathered from oar trait groweta xnd
wok who are dlipoxcd to proteet PbUadelphla eaoreetlonfa.*Brr*. we e»peet a fair crop of fraU
the fBcigaer. ore te be oerreoB* by
Tbe RepabUuanx an well eatided in IbisTirlaity Apples are uaid to be
the atomict 01 U* CUaeae coon which wUh the work of tbto araaloc. and aay of execllrciproBtoe.eberrira aad pram
■ laeorobto to the Boxat*.
afldeat they caa ga
wUlgireagood yield, while ttae* «rUi
Maw Tone. Jaaa ll-Tba faltowiag
tbtoraeardvUb be probably a third ofe fall «p<M
■ at the pellet plame. Pataabay Maeagd.


Homes for Millions
ffB molt iri


Tbr w*w wtXrIjabX fararatitr sxww. eprsnii.t le ii
rwx-asUr .SUl xxC ss.WfxJ ..ter*, ir lb. Ixseci
-.xixi;cii*o«lc.iimivoi-».»iu»*DeBt>sJD ir-rx—

BotirdAy. tb. 2*d day of Jaxo. IPOO,
M : kri.sMU. lotraiu..<iswXm. 11 iraeta

u. ix.

.ssar—/ 'Xii-u ;r tSo-i.xbe. »? cxm Uisi sxt
pncii.scM brtta xs*>
I.W..' s>.u»rrj r-^r .*3 w.fXi sxw bwe rrawraC Is ..rteei srxllS bs.* rmt. i.ISi- txsri . .*>lp.':x
UIPOXXABTTO LADUta -DLOmaN slur yexF. c* .iprnrarr.bax XJ
a,,xv.'>.>. ■srwxlwxll Cisrxsss prci.llxr u. IB. ..i r.sixl. CuraBM pasiow


SuduUn ifTNcton.

tTxuDOPniK noaE. w

"h'SilmF^irAJP FoamvB oogz

Free faims of ISO acres

tor IXsxvrctrerru.tcxr'r rtw XSC Ibr Cb
■ ■.**1 erlls tbx! folio, u. i-.s irxls.





^ Far Istanu and CStiUnt.


•XOlltXW, toiCH

'Bocoming a

PUAlllVRLT OBKMD gowx> wrak xo*boCf^xXttfx* taow tor orady. mOtti
eooo xod all dotioxw eloorCrr. orcolior to wEXmoc*.

s^Esr“^orT.Si?SciJs:?r, ^


rvrm. ox* cxwr ow bet • .hsAow ol glooui UwS mnaw be

Motbor ?^^g||||of|ier»s

tase*** eui b* gramira ^'amSISb
‘pTora exx raratra aaw

wnofiFiiL (SMS

SL1. & oinuv. icnaaov. lasB



True Economy
The difference of cost between a ,
good and a poor baking powder
would not amount for a family’s
supply to one dollar a year.
The poor powder would cost
many times this In doctors’ bills.
Royal Baking Powder may cost a little
more per can, but it insures perfect,
wholesome food. 1-n fact, it is more
economical in the end, because it goes
further in leavening and never spoils
the loo4.
Royal Raking Powder used always
in makuig the biscuit and cake saves,
both health and money.
toe otoaof, II tuu raioe vono mraim, enure

brll )CIU Hut uhns <u loud b |aaMJOou&

HM.H.E.C. BAta. Editor.

Oae aclr aad yolk of aaathw.
■racaa -aaaU
Two eopa floor.
. '».ri,ai. raaeTTB
Ooaeap brows eovar.
ta Mrl^^ae MMd hMwa

(araad wide.

While of eaa o«V'
BoU thaoafbr aad rlaacar. Uno add
the a0 hoataa to a aoa froth.
Ha*. Um- Coi.a.
a •treMBATioi Mn-in
Oottava Padte-Ooa eaOaa eap of
war. eM-balf eoSaa eap of milk, oaa

(all thklaapnnalBl of bailor, oaa «vta IMm who MwUa, thoaa who Wl. eaaaadoac-balt cape of alflad Boer,
of bakhur
^powder. Bake it patty Uas or ataaa
laeopa A alse rarlalloa b to ptia
nih taa ta Boear wowaa rtrUs!
tewf Ol of Miter ia tbe boUoa of tha
.^■aat Writbt tea Qod kao
OBW ****“
4ad Mta Uaoi Mr BHlBl Ufc.


Hh. O. ». Tirra.
■eta IhoraypaU with Bow



.......... tai HMk. aai jUkam. srttk

■aacaa to lha d
tala tha aw..

toUnpeoarf rnaad atornta

BIX two rood iHipefcfale ot htaar
MaMtaal «U taa.—
powdar. Itoat tM whlue of ta ayi*
m tata bUh Hap dbaolta la hot
wte. EaapfkM wail etlrtaap with
• tafcaM whoa tawatrekaUa dip It
Bbl pat M tea aold or wmrot aada
Do thb IhrMAlreea. By tab Ubi yoar
M^lid^ rcap*af'flaaly
ante week wOlM door aad year
adellroa. Hlaafoadtablaapooa
teMtitay lorlaaa. ifaoMOf tha ot floor with tM toall ta allr thb la
elate an tM dirty to pat la wua the laatef aU.MatiBVMall. IftMeakH
are liked darkar. Hflacpiay be paMtP
teta OM pat tM AMHat oaH Id
UMd lor the BlIk.^BahTto-taUl te
tat ta IM olhan after tM water hot aad treat with plaia raaiUa Irixf. If
kaaoehaatad. Caap thaw weU atirrad.
taataata para. waM tadte te t»b Mte Bofw'frcS th^^kJ


. wMatanllad lard erdt^piafi-Mi
Data fatty Cake»-Mix oaa-Uiirdot
■PM Mad taoa teioattaata a eap ol soft batter with oae ta oac■m to tM 'taUa hot: baUar IMa thlrd eopa o! broera sofar. WhM partmixed. tartak
tk ia twoena
two ana aad beat
Wvelbar Ull llylit. Add oao-balf eap
btaPH—ryto oHakaaate of eweet aOk aad eaa aad tbrae-foartM
-psof aifted floor ia which hw beoa
«to brtaor bbeait. Spread
r mIM laMtta pMbUl «
laUU taa
half uaapooafBl Meh
riaaaaoa ta
ta bteit oat ed tM paa aod ear* BBtBMV loatofaUaddooe-halfpoBad
data wta bare ban otooad aad eat
toteaa Beat hard br two Blaflta.
Pipar ••• ta
** **‘^ *■ ■ ***'
iaxomll patw tlH la a aederau
TMae eaaU caMaare BObt
Hte It Bfrt with a raw
■ Boortaeta walor.taradtnooth
ta tUa OBoavk to aprta toolly with
Brown Dnp OaMa—Hlx eat exp
tak ta M ta crMdla a Hoete te
ptaa. top eo OH alda ta tare. tM
tatate tifbtow aaab dab ot BHi
Atatadbtpraote hddnatMtbb
■MhH Hbda paoeakH thb way.
tat hM qaUl with a atrip of cloth
MU apta wideat eoata. ta altet pot that aad toward the bead.
VtaHtaaoBOtaUeaB be ripped off


____ _____ “.eaesi;
■nTrtifclbadli^ ^iiblibi
'' WkM pnalM or wwllk a<
__________ i rlpaaad fiillMi tt* M4iar.
jd imrn twatbad ttal potat la mj w»
la«i wear tba daliffeu ot a fartM

Ita aha la
with pMTOr MoeUiciafW tridw.

beaae. nfat. Ilwaaaiea. Bafliei_____

' — ' • -

•■Wkal-t tha
• • aar- I

OB^Schk hair to earl.

Bite Deo to tha (aaura.

IroaUa waa, M I rada alcaf^ <•*
■iUa tarlM aad a plala old ttmmm
Kbool beaae. drab la color, eaaa iaio .
flew. Wbalaeboar)', brlrbt.oldptaea
It waa.
Tbara wara moao abada at
Iba wiadowB with pralty wUU Mth

of albftoa. tec-tHte <d


BaaBlar wbererar acat,


Jaaa ». isoo.
It b tine wa b^aa to ioo^anarear
r beda with wlra '
BirdLorera’daballtUe. Tbaae Jaaa
troea" aboat a foot bi^aroaad
Tbe graee wae rakad tea aod_____
t few traae jmX eoBlac laBlBClev. tholr pretty waya with lhair
baby birde aad aU tbalr woodartal
... .. ..... aadabrlcL.______________ wlat^Ula.
What b It to be a bird low. do yoa
fare Ibcm a aod aad asUa ae aha
eloaad tbe door. Sba waa rlalbU ooly aabr

£.‘St, 1

For Inlknts had ChDdm.

TN Kind Yoa Have
/Uways Bought

M 1 hara learoad botaerrllulc
wm. 1 here arerjalea plaw to ttsy
lor a nldiar.
Hjaalf aad sy
paaloB or the boapUal eorpe bare oar
■ Hlpo beta I .bdd yoo aboat. W
U b to be aard
(araboaplunt erreawry. bet at pree
at wa bare no at eoriaaaly i
b a rery food/Oized boeae
a of It
aad haa two boaA Aoeri. wbicS b rrry
there are four otbrre
arlthasonaad walkiot split baisbou.
% we bare, bat they ar.- jeel
■ which can br eerered by aplii
eercred with tbatefa. whes
There are eo boaaae bare with
ther of pearl window,, u
oalytba wealthy wboeaa afford arc
a laaory. Tbe i-boreb haa colored rlase
wladowa aad each a
MIS a aiaaU fortaae.
Tbara an lou el cbkkeae brrr aod
they eaa be boarbt qalu cheap—absui
eeau caeh or lew. Theoatlrr

AvM orwratfor
aadealt witbWt
raoavb water to fora
wbea the eiore b cold.
r erw way of a_____ .
Krb It torab^^ rlbew a
the car.
year frit__ ta yoari. rary ligbUy iacraaetae the
eceode to iu


•2rdV *

“hthl be

Beats the

OwfNofpUw oor tiacfaL


l.aaniiav T

You Have
Always Bought.

Soihinvcin ber»od for eerryihiav.
nag cor iblag well hriav, eucrw
■arVKidar.r I’
I’.lii do oo.-ttaieg ooly.
Trarrrec Cay «idmi
droec topro.e It.
Hr. WiB 8 Larrabeeof : I tVeWter

For ycere I wa, aaeoyod
ilh a wcakoea, of the k..jeryt I did i
cblekeaab"ltlBoek.'' Thao's yoa
Why It b jaal to tear tha dm baoati01 beer murh haehache.boi tbe aettoa
b “relaBat;” water, -tablf.’ 1 doc't ofthckidory arcrtlioae w" ---------hair aad the^ioM of wild Sowm la fal thlafa. to watA their haMH aad
waya, tolaata thair aaw aad all era kaow. ”aai bote.- Brn are ralird and aBBoyiog.
IE. ErratlT lieturblBE aiy
Uoao-» Ku try l’;:ie ban
kaow wbat aUa tMl olhar arhool <OB aboat thaa. Aod ibaa. lat a talk "^lA"
KoUea Ue elmUarity to
:»trouble Bad I '
beaac!- Tha tiat bad ootte Pkmm- aboat thea bare la ear SaaaiBa eer- oar Bavlleh. The tame thisc b cc
D Bay aay
aat la Ua aarroaadlava. It bad aaiUead la the wbtd eof-’c-iev. ’ Fui>thar wlBdow ahadv aor ahatMe. aa. By tbe way. did yea read that
aothiav to keep oat the Sarea aoatkara
liar paea la Uat weakk Hoaa ey laa(aavr, bo't Ur At eoop as I
i< Bsyoor auslej ajBhoulB mrd.
taa. BOt a tree or akrab of aay
K. by Hn. Voorbab. called Elder vet bold ol a pretty piece of -
dcacripUoo. Ibe yard waa aatUy with NookT How prettily abe writa about cloth I will aead raearh to sake you
bare aod tharc a laaty beHoek.
dreaa aad yoar not
aad a ptia of aaboi ie «ee eoraar theblrda.aad bowabe lora Ihaa: I
added aotblac to Iw haaaty. At I thlak. rifttat here, we’ll aaka bar flat
eoaipared Ihatwealaeae I laid to my- rkepraatdaatef oarBird Loraa’elnb. tea methar Of pearl.
Loiird Ktetr, ft.-.n.-uber tbr aane '■
eelf t’lJ veU thb to the Wooma’a Ueoan- tad tbaa ahewiU baraietaU M bird
ta’e. aod las.- v, nihrr

k erary wmi W ai ’
atorlatUa aaaatar, aad all Ibeotbar
11 Bsei elCBc. There a ao poalcmoc
la oar ^Udi
Irao atlttd aebool m
itUol. Lot'
not pomlbie
It U earned. asaaiaoMly.
ity aad the bclpfalaeae ol teaaet SbUr Voorbab. yea will ptnM taka elamp. to, as t pot ay iMt tiaap ob a
ooadlaca. 1 ballora they ew vrow
letter to yoar papa.*l will Larciownc
ta chair aod tcU ae a otory.
iBte better mn aad
tbb tlaapIcM. I seed my br,’. lev.
WewUlall dolboHOie jastM
iBlellaetaal. lanrar
laniar kaartad.
_____ _ -T aad traar la erary way, lor.
» we oaa—BOt lake the alee ptm! aad kbece to Seoele. Uertrude. H<o
tbr lore of tha bmUfal
_____ _________________________
Ifal ealU- dHt’e ehalr. Mt toll a atoiy. wi
Holt asd yoamlf l.err to niemuu
rated' la thrlr
tbrlr hearta
baarta It aaoma
aaaab to Be
pepa Write me ae ufLca a, yothe nbalHi of bnaty b loo litUa as- BOt? How I BMt tell yoD that

dLossor Sleep.

finnd Rtpidt k iBdiut Sj.


darataed ta far loo little apptaeiated. aol kaow rery Back aboat birde ayUieHBBBb eaaler to Mfood wMe •elf. me we will otody tkes Ufatber.
' do lore taB ao. my door,! ~
while we etrlra to
. ...
laetai ...
late ear
.irMUMU- alcbtofoaeof tabHotlfal erMlarH
ol roodBHa aad troth, flaahlar tbroovb the air. or area the
rt H BOt forvet that
thatbaaatytabappl■wlft shadow of ou oa the I
BM are mat Mloa aad bars aU of the Urd Hire by erarhaad. their
OU p0HTblr.-<’hartoerTHJ«i.e.
talr pretty ways. Bile n>y wbels soal
Froxaa Aapal Food
with a joy 1 HBBOt put lato words to
Bnt tha wUtn of tear a
tell yoa. lac
Ik- Well,!
told latwc- .
tony that BOW. or I ahoald
d aafar, the whip
a a little Bore thaa a qaart of talk all day. bst someUiss 1 wUl My IL
. ...B, aad flaeer wUb oaa ta a halt
Hew write os. Bird Lorsts. -we are
teaepoeaeefeaaUUta oaelHipona- all bird torero. I beqw aad toll
fel of ermava extract.
tblacyoo hara eoaa asoafta birds
Tbe eraaa ahoeld M ol the ooHbt
aacy kaowa ae tha atnwbarry ereaB, thb apriav. or an bow amay differaad ahoald be whipped with tM rava- esl blade ol birds yoo hare acre asd
lar whip charo. wbista b epHatod by a
MtalraaBtea IfacneeBe
Ilfht Bpwmrd aad qslak dowaward toll M
Aaval toad b maeh nero aaaUy fru- will toll yoa aext wMk ab»t a sew
SB thaa in cma or teMla. aa ta bird I hare foaad tbb Imi work—tat
eraakol the froinar b ta oaad. Tha b. It b new to ate
Brixtora ahoald ha patad late Boldt H
LUIas SMley of Klaftlcy. Boaa BarHltb Bade.
A pretty way to
>waof Waxtord.aad Edoa HeCaabe
... . It b to plan It la toar kahlav
powder aaaa. plan than la tM traeiar of Bartlett here wriiua that tay
filled with Hit ta IH. com otar with wut to M Bird Loreie Thattb flood.
a thick cloth, ta lat atta aboat two
beata Whaa iMwrad H will M ablllad
Voa wpra Mkad a while are to lot m
latetMH-althoorh aotHbardMlH
ertan. Anaava thaa oo aa Ih
kaow wbaa jMr birtbdaye ’
r. aad lay a
Amoafl tbno who bars Mst li
MS, or twioa a bl
■read lt.-ifruea>^
Vera larsjaaas of Cadar Haa
Pretty Oowoa
boro Dse. t, 1S'j2. aad her brother
TbaaewiblaEOwat. aad Hpaelally
oe W.. April to, left
Llllaa Sec
dbalty. Bhow tha bh of aartow black
toyb b Dee. oth: aM WM alseyoan eld
aalnl ribboa for a flebk
ebh ea IM rafflob
a wito whits plB loot Oeeamber: bar sbtor Hlaa wm m?
H ta Utb of HMob: bar brother Eebtarta baek la reran erar a «Mt aad en WM Bre the Jaaaary tth. aad her
yoke am4e of aarrew haadi of the
abWlylria two Sapteabor ftih.

~ Hh?'

ra. Howard Oeold b the aatoDihc
dofer^pladehlldiaa.-.\ctr rent

TMttortaM b^to ladoleaeo. ei
aaioav bchi. b Mtablbbed by a clreo
etaoee that eeesrred oe ta olbw a
"Ayote woaaoof ttbefltold ea;
lato a tetaao ta promptly baaud ap
a eeaattT heasa, wbore ta playad ta
roleef Aotolalae tota
to bar own tee ot ta earl.
mm of bar eU-U^ trioado
toeeehH.tata eo

ad ta rttltom who* te


tbib Mill rope with a
Utok. ta stir weU Ibid ta hattsr.
Thee. )aet ta Ma tte teso Mb
A two oa each elde.
Haax.aarh>as aad aoral Blfbu hare ,afl.ta.ta^totaw^wte
BOS aaoa la the aeaato. bat ta
eba aare oare tar that aaaoyMH HUM daadraC. Tala allcMly eatalMotbwday. Ataeac tM rbit
ere IB ta aaBaW rallary wm a MM- BS^U^
Mapad takli^iaiafal of aalpbar iaa aetay dtaaaed Udy.___________
pta WatawatH. ta h tab oeor
year d^her armaboasUtal mX. It
Hayouates dnsolar aar M kcb. ..
fl-«w ta wH ta aealp e.a.7 day

tata^te^lSi M^TlIfctMte


B> your lerlBfl eeck.
ArebisUibbtof Bark«'eCreck.wrv.r
tv blmtclf aadhb livtie sister. I.;.:e
M foltowe: ”I am a litUe boy cis.yearsold. 1 barea little eleierenrt.
year, old. 1 bare ooi wr.ltes t-j -.b.
.U’ for a loofl time.''so I tbrujibi
woald writs. 1 aa to the fourth cr,
ay etodlce ve readlof. snUmnli;. Ki,
lory, flcovraphy, pbysiolucy. laaruaEC
Uav aad epalllofl.
>1, tieur I, >o
first flradt. bpr tludire are rcedicir
and eeabexs Oar toaebrre osme
Hra K L Tripp Our .choal
oi "
Taeeday. IVt or* eoiafl to her,
pleale diaarr aear Beusd Lake if u
pretty day; wrrspret to barea Urn:
Wo read la tbe Hhu.i.i abooi
UtSeDahlse Uob. eowe both wouiil

1)0 THK \V« iRK TO 1>KRFECTI(,).V. SOLD (iN






"Haaoe.’' said little s rrai 3
ay. ’’dooely flood-little- btyi
bMreo? ' ”Vce, rnydrai ’ rep
“W*M '* UAWtlAnjwt • h* .

the care
rathe-smrse op Uierr."




127 State Street

Tbe Pm lirtutte BiM'
hern, tern

Traver»e City, Mich.

“What Isa Iskr-’ sekrd the teavhrr.
A brtflLt Irish boy raised
-Well. Hikey. wbsile It
s hole la Ue kittle, asin ’
Tbe dosfhsat eseu to
BstUatesabe raUered e<
Us year.

IPOIi « AT.-mi

Why Is Ue B|ore f like a peacock
It Is DoUlac wlUeat Its tail.
Albert <afad elereei—-Ta. five
Pa leererelyi—Doe't you ibiok
top'd tto .psfl
. fora
AlMrt lalti
iltir rrSKtIODi —"Tbsl'e i
Pa, fltre as a

sss. '■tzz^zis:^

A reaark i
I for
Hannate o
_ ... saluraJ
rscellof eesh
itostoa Id his esisU alud.
... ..
it Hosad
_____ d aasteuiest to the by
Tbe hOBM Ie wbicb he bed £rei re
he Ilfht of day had breo tore down
aaks rose lor a wider streei. asd i
little bey. heldlofl fnt to tale ftthvr s
hand, riswod Ur reins with (rJ
aseatatVby. papa’" be ortrd, eorrowloi y
why, pan I waso’i bva aeywbrrr

Inquire at ^averse City of

m Vorfc Life ln,or-

is isr52«:=K;
15 IS hSiliit.*,

H. D. CAMPBELL. iiil
.. .j

Oas day Toamy accvapaslcd hi,
aoUv OB i^^tapplsfl espedltjor.
(e Hody seaa eiasds

A Doctors


SeveYi^! hundred acres of valuable farming V! tr*
land^part timber and part under ctiltivatlon; L.arx.r;s.
well watered, good soil and desirable for fruit,
potatoes, grain; or grassland; well located for' .^cxixxi
convenience of markets, echoola, etc.; good______
roads and all the conveniences of an old set-.iuiRB un Mimimn r i
tied country. Will be sold in twenty^acre lots
or larger for cash or on any length ot time de­
sired by purchaser.

iis i! “Tsr.’j"




•!* a H a
.11 SB ta


II. r vi KA-iKOhAh, ASML Travrew atp

Carriages, Cotters, Sleighs, Etc.

luBay beutelniM » a ff I. X.

BBCe Contpa&y, Bofielo,
K. Y-, a*ya:
/ «t MHws Sr a



■t AUu/wMlrAepli

Horseshoeing and General Repairinj Done

re ere. WMl / S


Or. WHIiaiiis’ Pink Pills
for Pale People

Re-Painting and .Upholstering.

Mt. Ptoi
•U. Am Arbor, Yolodo Md
polBto XoM Md Besth. Clew

MUMdleu dt Oopffwidiivfca


SUtt SL, Mir Duct
Abar. stIaebH to whta wmb tlae U Hflklly saatod to fltoM lore.
o a Ihla fte
kmcm >aka learrdd abala. Ilbn loov ban ta
teb ywar eU te aatU tap loeh HM te ladta to carry pet dova. Mt
ta appearaaea dt a eat aa a ttaalaa
BOW.—Jtorp A. Ctara. prrry.

'I :

iTsr li’etbeckiofl."
I dolls of alae. as
putUsa rlflhtubed
s’t bare a little pesee.”

Choryoaa rewpivirir
WbM acts ora te to ta toMktast
psiwBia ta way of addta IMh to
Bcra Boar wtU be nqalrad, the •MMtsv ateaU ta diffvams to
at depHdlav epee ta alae of iMWldwlthtM Ucbiaanta tailasteml ot kMte
pnB. TboH cakaareaM-toMfioat-

^--------------------- Ills-----------

■Like to tbe world sbo
Abd if we did oudety.
It aifl^t be feU of ior

"1 wUI BOW srrlM ay Bret letter to
yea ta I maat to joto Us tleaabtoo
iaserUea ta Mate araooe of ta. Qab. I aa rolav to tehool ta am la
toatoTM of the aew thiB SdVBi. Tbay,
■d raoder. Vy uaeber's aanks
are my abort, of ooaiM. aol Baeb
b HM BMBO ta I Ilka hor rory moeh
a wldo baad. with ih
■ ofU ■
........................................ OH bftatr. For
aaoftrikbHtoaotta. TboappModfo, ay petti hare fear kliuae aad Utm
flebbtd Ilka tM toww oaa. with a Uay
. We bare ay oaele's baby bars
lanfriU.oaklaMtMyoka-A'nr*- '
I Mip ukeeareof hla. ta M b
rsryqetot. B It uae U Uerlle Lardte.
OeoiPAaialaHia. Thoodoro ThOBM dorota aacb Be b oae ynr old. I aa eiflbt ynn
.1 Mr Umo to tM Boyb AaU-CnuUy
Kra. BohaylarVaaBi
Bte HaaodB hM bad aoetar toUor
rt Hbooli for beys i
trea Mr Uatls Mte. who b la tbe
PhUllpplBa Itlaada This ta bM kladIp «Ls baan ta bralM of tbe A awrioaa ly flireh ae to prtot Id oar departmrat
Yoa wUl Bhd It iBtorMttofl.
HM Leary for aU year, hM Vim
Cahwe. telta ot Vaaay. P. I. »
two dayt a wnk to —*-.-f little hal­
loa ebUdraa of tM OMt tldo.
IM HbBM Bowitt, cnaddaafhtaa
of Polar Oeepor, deeeto maeh time ta
at Uoat toai-flfta of I*
. .oanaehoobofOeopH
Him- W. n. Stoaao'oepstaeMriVb
•tocalty boapltal

loqaaetly. -ia owr peelUoa It taH acewaary far them to do ce.*'—.Sdccud.

iPPHdaat WM aBBOthiar Atai—
— 1^/vw



.oaeroaea thna aidtt. Webad wblired br the <an« aha rew .am
totfbloarwa; throafb tbe hllla lor larva paapIclataaaavthaaerBahaefc
three dar* to cat hara. aad two o
were abol.
Oaa poor faUw
aod bey

Wnaihili wblag aiaiw


maroM half eap of betlortaadd
ft oaa eap of ^olatod aafar. A'
.aaiee nik* of fooroRttaa.

nmgi4« i9og

*V»“1 I Ml-Ml
fMthaM I sa aot wta* I MS wbas Is beat e( II «ritk
I wiMs jvm iMk M mm »w»y «p al Mala# am
MolkVMd o( tk* MM
tied baUad »•.*Tkat It. we arc oa t

«yky. !!■»■>

taeoo-halfeapwf battor waibid ..
Vetbar. eae Mp ot atrawfcerrtaa Mota
laatpooafti atatlM. If Mat
rM ia loro aad tratt. fate It wlU aaparata Uiaapitaoi
UobOBld taparale. Bake la ecrtloe throRh wbta blaoh t_____
to a bet ease
ribboa b raa trlta HBC of tbe eolotad
Ji’ue D. Bnxixe
^OH ta a dalaty while Bwta b
profBMly dHorata
wflh ai
rate of HHB IBH. Low-Di
Thm Uttb CakH






teffffta-tat. ToMe

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