Grand Traverse Herald, August 02, 1900

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Grand Traverse Herald, August 02, 1900


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


Craii^r^e Utoliii,
TRATMaE cmr, oraxh traverse county, kichioan AUGUSTS. 1900.

O. P. Carver

ns LB&OtHO

Merchant Tailor Real
ud Me U» eliKVit MW li>e of
Kpriaf StrlM or WeoloM MW
M Ml*. whk)i will b« Mde sp




neh Low PrloM MwUI Buprtoa

•OMULl.LHMIK.ifpMi|.« LI^

no BLUFF! tss\..
at 9IS Front Street




- THot. a. SPRAOUC A Sen,

» wmatod
d tbem
0 <S7 rrcat
... dkemay aod BeioaUb
It. they ^Uad
tot 1 wm. iyiar, HwBkCDU.

^ll7 to^a’ilSMMl

withoat one. We have them Cor temperalure, for dairy' ufle, for ster*
iliuni; pnrpoMri, and for tbennonietere.
Brink' IWriiitions BDd Family, Recipes to ns We fill tbe|p
right, with druga that are-rigbt. at prices Uiat ate right.




a ahowtd ' ,i. ■

r th«T bid^t- i Si'sen, ilo'ee M Md‘MeB°Ja/r^?dr‘ !
red before,
Thva ■aa I ciaaped oae <aed be did e.erjttiuc pmaible tb pn- |
be Isddera at the bottom it twoagJveB
«f«a Ue »*»*»* 1


Lott in a C^per I


Send ur joar addnsi Bed
we will ebow
to DukcS3 a day alwolstel;
we (urBlth (he wort: Bud
teach you free; rou work in ilic iocaJHr where yoo live. Send
addnsH and we will ezidalo the
fullr; rrineiulier we puaranteea
clear pmQt of »3 for every day'a wort,
■bwilutely Bure. Write at onco.

raavEasE city,


Brosch’s Meat Market

H’o'wl In. Season.


Fresh. Salt and Smoked Meats, Sausages Etc.

Pual Bdffl Cured Utem.


Talephoae 4.



CMO StaM lli IN m.

v'€^i^rs^. la

*i*Kla__Money to Lpftn



F. BB080H ft 80NB.

Wc carry a line line of canned mcatfi and fish and a
larfje variety of table delicacies and relishes, fancy crack­
ers and cakes. Everything necessary for a tjuick and de­
licious lunch.

J-. O'. BBEZI3ST-A.*S,
Browita Block.

948 Front StrMt

\^ISHES J O ANNOUNCI-: that he is back in his
VV store, at 217 Frtim strefit, which has been re­
paired since tRe fire, and will be pleased to meet his

A Fine Stock Of
Watches and Jewelry on Hand.
Some rare bargains. resnkinB from the fire. Large
line of Sewing Machines and Machine Supplies. Call
and look over the stock.

a. B.cnAMB.P(M.





fn ffUDUD HYESniR CO.,

Farms for Sale

Mt. PlMMBt, OVOMO. »M4
■aw.Baj Oftj, DntroiLHow.

•U. Aan AAer. Telode nad
pelatn But nad Beath. CleM
ooBBoetlpan At Oopeatokwltta
•MiPMi AAfc-WatBdB.

/*>^ I ■ 5Srsfaagsr.."A.M
til pyMist..

T. F. Hntn,


Hack, Bus and Baggage Transfer Line
M>fM^C.B w.a. A B.4 ua-4 R. B.aM B)

Best Uvery Id Northeni Miefaisaa.

Telephone TO

I wee*, over to the abaft, therefore.; If,itfun.,, .V.-,r |-,.ri
aad aroaod It, tbiakiac that perbaaa 1 i

L.~'/ “fi**heaai. -'tMZJwuSi
If. dmayctwaa rvebeea arnaMdaMarml Urns for rolaf Into hallway* balore dayii(ht. aad oaea I |oi a bia»a
ea 1 call.
_____ wbcM haelB^ It I* la
railed eorkeaad wboHeald to mahs



friends, old and new.

Carpet Cleaning Works

Tbe Keweeaaw peoinii
Uiebican t> adblnclof
. .......
mlacB. at preaenl tbe deepeal la the
wcrid. one of them baviar reached tbe
eatreme depth of aearly a mile.
five yearel bad nude lerular moathly'
iripaiDtctheeouBIry.MlIiBe llaur for
a MiDDcapolis lEili.Btr uompasy. bi
had never cuae aown .alo one of U
OpporlUDllin, were clfered a
at varioui limee by tniainy caplail
with whom 1 bad iircemr well a
uiy tripe
................... .......... —
--pi Clilf
Ibeti 00c nf the uaderrrousd captaiuk
of Ibe.Uuiciy copper atiac, kinilljrof
fered to ULc lae -below. ' at it i* call­
ed, aail l-c my yuidr through the dark

qaerr occapal
ed by a ataa •>
Ula I
ben are t

r iHt of^o^iu^''sST
litky. ehampagac aad miaanl
here lied a drift1 leadi
leadiar u above. |; ^«»^biuauof Swedea whoeaaaffrwd tbe whiti
r tmukei reladeer e
---------O'k* Ibrouga a Bambae ot amwat diaapooioied.
d. aad
plovea asd tetU them to the firm that
obarrved that wm-------- -------------------,.
- mean bone cut them
la them at geaaiee
■r with my candle
It waa faaming ' '*
on on
reindull another odd baalaem It that of
<w. llrmoviag my baU I foand that I
do ool kaewtbed.fferwihjMt going out.
'*■' aecrelary of agrieuliofe 4 an e«ti tide firm which 4 down la the
hooki aeas "ejecLmeat roaipaay." "nm
,B py, ig I killed fur food eoo-vuiaplioa. and ar firm dor-, oolhing aneeplgol Hd Of las■ait been huodrodaof cayeacr p.-'nirr. which do
-..................................... tbecompaay mya
below ba.1
e( darkdark-i*”
a fordlipn......... lag
that I would be la aU<{
damage to
the laadi. that the cbief
lotl'^d LMU^woui
icoauu are n. > paTmeal of ml. had
.other minute. The Ihonght
I’ofllaod. (Ire.
Ireo Said be "Wa had
ileaaaai Id a mioale I wa« '*'‘‘P^
if^cdrB the eecrelary be babluaad eblldi
weat tide latl
lhal erai
k. Tbes 1 tat down U> xgii. uaa>e enriout to h«ow wbal became of
Of Uiad.
... — .aplaio
Half aa hour louU
K' ><aro«d that before tbe
have pamed. aad 1 could bear aolhing .
v*l«ried It wae talted. and
bullbetkip pauiog aod water drop »t»rj^ Sweden it wv. kmoked un»bie lopay Ye'^reov'”^e ha^To
atlcep. barrel
pipg is tbe abaft llarlag that lime l'“'d *• rvodeer =eal ataotad treat berwitb * great deal ooreoasreck aad tbafl houee
■ideraUoa thao 4 niaal. for sbe ertid a
- te tborooghly chilled by cold air
ilaBG(k'k aad Bouehtoa caa be eeca
nog dowa the abaft ao that -a}-!
known lo the went, the grant deal, bat sbe flaaliy eoataalad 10
bafciBCtbe rocky tlope*. with a liar
ebattered. 1 thouted. but re.
asiiual walgblBg i leaee without legal aetloa "
rpoetlroadway. ae*r Flfly-ra*ewlh
row river like lake between them.
celued only a ringing echo lo reply. ; »«mul ?"■' poupd* and lleea aim, elrael. it e men wbaae haelBeie It U to
It vra> on a cold gray morning ia
it do komelhlBg 10 keep luyeelf i''““’''f
Maay of
off dogt' lalla
He ray* iheaBlrebraary that wr made ready for Ihr
•matleatl shoul.l 1 climb bp or
°‘d * day.....................................
it a delicate flarar** Coe^
■ mmt br of ao age at whUh tMlr
At tbe coinpaay'i cilice tbe
. Will be tender He doesa'i bellsee
capUin tliud me out wUb a auHof either" Toere tlill
rhich ‘*»d»ofthewc*l
knife, bereuae every d<«k toll bra
miner'i clothe* of light oiled ttuff, aad derv above me. Ki
wing whi
trm In ft. and the only way to re­
a hat well covered with clay and drop
frequeoviy It bev-u.r> .....■mij 10
aW light. 1 a
fealing t
piagk of caedie tallow from former way ap.
•boot “■*«
lately, howeeer. a oaw move it U to bite the uli off lie Mse
; ?<>oo‘
ueage. Acromtherokl fromUteoflice
epraag ap. aod at I’ort of eil thcd4e*eeeotdcw«l» thU wen*,
Slowly 1 moved upward.teaitag every ' |0“«*trr
haa eprupg
Tbe man had a deety. dlagy
waa a large tioae building, aad to tbit round at 1 advance,1.
adeance.1. The few matchea i‘‘“J
1‘‘“d li.exr Iiomee .lomBaod about »'. he addt
plaecac-*- '---------'------ ■—*
ough tbe abarp. fr.wly I bad were eooc epeai. lookiag for “«>> "tea eold ,n Ibu ol louori
! Ai reindeer meal beiag*
bring* a high
high price
or miMing ro,undi.
Here wat
• a
_ profii
engice tor opetaliag a
BditioD of the lad-'-Swedeo there '- large
'-----— fw
wretched cos
forcipg air dowa into dert. tbi- ioky
engaged in the trade At al! tbit
, blacki
.. loeaaall abouLkhe
ine. and a1-o to aupply power for •udden roariag*
I ilU ialdal tbe. arri
lariug- of tbe paceiBg ■
I raUnral drptrtmeat tl
_____ •chine drilit. and for a taeidting aad...................
the people of
the hollow droppir
- of water,
plant to lift the broken nrek to the ear■oral
rrnal, Sere f**t , I ttal-. couat^ cooe
j whawwer aalew It
la aa addliioa at one end of the
haaelrat. Oraat woald have oaraeied
k-ii-;— ..------waa a prieaiuve "a
J mi*reoftt?BtaUon.-r'<.i..Mi^^l"ba
d ihindaDd d<
a higher Mdraul had be ramalMTat
efirai 1..-IJII feet do
the head ‘of the 1
to go dowa aad meet the capiale.
. .T the parpeae of loe
Uarfield both dl
maie riaiet and
wait had become imtlM
Hwaiiowrrt Hit UetUnauon.
lag the ininen aad brloging them up
for ibclr tame,
____ _ ;__________totbeacociuA qirveltoder who 4 jstl back from grinding naan
from the mine.
Thii e;
engiae eoaablod •ion
. on that I bad pasted
tbe right Jerri
a trlp^to Waetalogtoo tan that marh few. if aay, ba
- Of i.|oare tin
'1 liace
long 'betoi
brohas tv the
e feet apart mod each
Tbe.WblU lloaaa
The firai meb waa patted (acce**- at be wat imprttaed by Uie beauty aad
loaaa haa toss
graadearef the naUoaal eapiui and
;tod with iron coupliDgi ao that
00 the •eeond. wbll.
are eocUnuontI for tbe whole
foot from
o joia iu tBi-oandlBg*. tbe thing be will reI poBlheve limber, were {*-■.- the lower, tbe roqad broke,
milk, aad UarrUos from a esU eow
Phe tail
__________ one of
DSlI. boHtoBlal uepa. placed teB nearly wrenched Yne from my
traeled by riding bareheaded la a enow
r baed
the baadtome boa
that make dally storm op tbe sreau* from the eaplle)
feel apart, aed a bsed rall.Dg 00 the
•— thoroughly frigblaoed by
trip* up and down
oauide, aad the limbert ibemMivet tbe tboek and
tbe day of bit laavsi-tloo.
a regai
regaiaed my footiag at
plerode epoB imeki that r»a npoa abort
Polk was the only p
sickly a* piwtible.
•tretebe* of irwek
combed to the warn
- jade myaelf to try again.
toru that dot the beakior tbe bk office HtdM
About the mouib of tbe ebaft. aad
... Jl«Ml. let*, throe
Cllmbiag back to thepLalforw aberr, aitto ..... ... Uke treigl
.................................................. rbl ebipdrives by eteam power, we-, a large I aai down to iblnh. I'erbap* 1 ran Id-1_______
Iibt after Ihe
'Ifi I meat! to aad from Waebiagu .
walklag-Lao. at the eadi 0'
ily early age el M-So(*wiag mytelt lain tbe « it darted
ro .ofllhetbiageehippM from one of
were suaclied tbe loogllBiv
op and ride to tbe tarface. Hat tben.jdou,
town* on tbe boat
beie. VViibeaebeLTokeoftbcwalkiag- I woBid
be damped
with the rock aevelaader i^e
,ooe tide west ap aod the other aad rua a chaace of baviqg-broken
' Id China.
lae sen that defigbu'' tbe ^wage
I. aod bttbe momcBtof atop tbe bone*
However, almoel anythlar
Tbe Chiaeac bolUrela sariy rW«.
nrpe ware oppouile each other.
Tbe would be belter than Ibit blaekaraa imall boy. The aevcUadrr wa* wandcriag aboal the boaL iaterested ia the aad beglB thalr work-day aovraal bsofi
alBer. therefore, who.wiehed to dw
nd the rickety, tUmy ladder*, ana I
between tbe Felomac River aarlier lhaa Barapaaas or Arnsrlara
'-01 totlgrtg fromoec tide
In tbit particaUr Urn high fifficiilaeto
boat aad the Lake Erie craft
r ht the loriaat when the
A^bdjngly 1 climbed oeer to the which be wat famllUr.
good example, for they bold asdiopposite, to make bit Be.
ebaft anaSraked down, then ap Ah' tkod tbe colored
ed daekbaad
I coald vee (hr faint, gray light of day. slant molloalc*. berore the goal,
After waWblag the meebaaiam .. .
Tee aarlaee raald not be far. My
ale a few miBuua. aad aeclog ibr mle- heart gave a great boasd of hope', a which wa* tied lo oa* of tbe eapportt
at all boar* of tbs day
_ _
of the upper deck. He wa* •ereUMag
en disappear cse after asolber. I told
sew IRe crept law my vela*, a new bis head aad apparealiy we* rery vinefa aad bad become wcU.aablletod imlthe capialo tba-. I thoogbt ayielf safe •nergy lelo my body.
Ladder after perj'ed.
intioe. aevaral ,tbeo)itod yraia bcdcra
spOBii. aad eteppad ootancrbioi
ladder wa* ecaled. keeping my feel
the Aaarieaa owl-roelaarMt
' Wbav* tbe matur'* t
waa sacceaafcl aad atap by step
eloae to the end on the worn and bro er naked of the deektoad.
thoaV^t of.—Erraoitvr. '
ken round*.
There were tifiyormore ■
Altboagb tbe maralr* in my leg*
Jevaaa** bridao, darieg tto mrrlags
dr goal doae'i
madlBg at the Ume. aod o«wlita- ached and knelled from fatigae. aad
madlBgihe great attesUoB that (be my back teemed aearly broken, aad
The goal had elaply chewed apaad groom
cbaiwiBg perrormaace demaadad. 1 my aloatseh"erarad lor food, ibere wat
• wallewri the tag oo which ww the
could not help admiring the row of
no atep or tare back bow—I matt go
twinkllag »tar-iike lighu of tbeeaaon Snrely tbare watanend.asd if no
twestyeU to UMy-elght tsol.
dlea. each oa tbr hat of a mlaer, ae be
befell me 1 weald betived et
la Ol
lercwat light, there was freaFreak Fenn*.
tiiloB of moUoB
ipaay of«oldiet>____
tecs hudrto yean aga
, Tbe Udden w.
... kboBt ball way doert ..._______
BobWag grave, is (to saly erlM
Aardsr to climb. ‘
tered powder tmoke from blattiog be­
Uw for which the tbW
Ulae. with tbe et_____ ______________
low that nearly aickeaed me. aad < face, bad made a froal oa tbem toat nbbiu end frogs.- Hraau Eale.
may be JaaUy klUed oo Utc epoiby
waaobllgcdio rearboverto the other greatly hindered me and ebUled mv New Ul
Mj one flndiag bim oot.
tide tor the railiag. lettiag it t'.ip
devoted w l^ig and' breedisg - la tbe lowsa of Obill aost stope ara
UroBgh my band aatil I eoold etep
Home tell tor esaaeb ae
over la this way I wae gettlag along
quite wall I thoagbt. wbea. tbroagh
ctaala. tbey an loekad ap.
eataletaacm. 1 m ated my atep aad rode
Olfwitb myboola to obtain a tooling
ap loiletd of dowD. There were oaar Ereo tlandiBg npoo tbe Iced platformt
. mile away 4 a leeeb farm
It 4 - The Ewialmaax give tbe doHra Ue
ly a* many miaai* above nie at below. wat new dJfli.-aU
onty ooe In the country, and the inI wm eo near totbe
tarface ibai the light bed become qalic dostiy 4 carried on ia moca filled veu.
etroog .a the tbafl. and the three Ud The oTigiaal leechee came from iVer- araslltotbcImaUy
P tbe maB above ealteU oat:
fiert which 1 could tee abore me ware
Tbe daadwleb Ulaadcra ara co leM
-Bello, there' ^at'e tbe matter? "
like three lameoce icicle*. Tbe sight
rabbit (ara ot of tto ana that they acMaUy (each
Tbkyear to ibelr eblldiM to ewim 1cm badora
ot It almctl appalled me.
Already 1 wa* eblllcd Uroagh aad expects to raise I.O(W.<IOO robbita.' T
they ara able lo wala. The Uniat
Ihroogb asd my haadt ached with the meet 4 edible, the pelu ere Is graM jHa^ca—inwMrawoUMtover bi___
cold. Tbe tack before me looked the
A laagfa am .
-impcoaible - I eoald almoel feel Uc a^d sv pete. From the hair eroeb bsu
> along ap tbeli
Whee a dog torts at aigbt Is 4apam
black ralla of death tlghteoing aboal
be owner la amaud aafl aasMseto a
I big akaek farm* la Islork a yasr tor the aekrkbtsi wtoa
diMO. where the little aslaaU are
i again—1
laabera aay tora koan dlMahto.
Iteppad over with me. 1aad 1 rather nose
ol eteppad
raised by the tbeetead*.
Ttolr pelm
loae came.
I the sitaalloB afters few m
The light abore wat ow fast (1
MllfratroBlI MwCapiaee.
Tto rate at which Zal
conld thee hang on lo hli_.___
Mark Biegcr ha* a iargk peppermint aa ciicrgcaey 4 act,
agi by my wateb I era
farmin 8l J.---------------------- -------------------- wiU cover a* ateb a. ______________
Holm have e
lira all I
bom right alia 04 boa Mas MV
After geuieg below the emokt
farm oa tbe Mlefalgas-li____________
withls 1
the air became better, aod the ride the feet of the aarface?
BBl tfoaUah aoUea 4 to aniTto Japoaca addaa ihsir IMIa* to
net of the way dowa with the atiara
Uen walraaoldM. Tto laravras aaeranatal.
ly perframiag an oporotioo on
aahefon. M aaawer Afi
On raaehlag the bottom the captaU want at ^ Uddra* with mewed deiaaratlng a ootloc fste.wUefa
ri^r._tto_»araa^^ Ito naabra. asd
took me over 10 the left tbroagh a drift termlaatkm tot with laet talUag
to the boktlag ahatL when I raw a atnagth. It wa* dark whra I pat 1^
Utc atral skip filled with rock oe its ebealdera throvb the email hot# at
way to (he aarface.
Tbe-rcatof the ttoaorf
- sorfara. Jaet bow i elisbod that
laet lad r hae alweya baas a myatacy

= Choicest Meats, Poultry and Game.



Its raoNT sraaBT.

JO. r. B. Ai


Cliff wMrbad-M;MB-~ ni

Is Ihf IrU; iMt.
lU. I u, nr.-lr.op.iit tol.
Olr. U'.ju.l IIP.. It... BlHtrdar.
ir.oi.4f. Ib.


tmkee. dimMaemd
..-■f . .? • ?*™*“Mclo.»ioYard tit*ome park ia Uraoklya

-o-.b JV''

Mteorikp b.upn.ppv-


I had a <411 OMO tram m.

feet III

den It ib iopoebible to daeribe the toll ' Tbev ooU-kIr
of it The oem^tmiion fairly Jeaked Jew for me. aad pet
lUiay my u—j. i
cockromeb hfller laado hie
oat of me.
Sere'rml time* I
V. 1 -ma drmwal^^ ,,
rnl a momemL wbra I wosld leao orer
old wml: afdr i-eoaml^ ' 'ua^'dM^
iBto tbe bhati eloec by aad watch the
•kip a* lipaued upanddewo with a
deep. Ibaadet-Uke roar.
Hot I could
“»y ypywat^whea y^ ^
btopoely a few mlaetebalm lime bclhxlroae
Core I became cBillod mad reatIcM the man
ap I climbed, wooTcTi'^d
woadrr i oid Imddi
I pmad o^ld'lmw’
lidded lar thlT ^ bi^lT^"

Traverse OttT. Mich.

d to Uioir Dee sod )od

After w





viir>.4r.<lPiMU .UP.M4 Ib

Wor» OnaC iMk Bldr-, DKTSOtX

Md PtMUe^ SateloM o( H

WM too noth li •^oBld'^rT'Mo?'

I w*. b.verw] Ihdden________
• plBlBMd OBtof.lcfaL
Hebh 1 BO*
•oeat me ro. 1 thnrb-..
IboarbU Bltboarh
1 otll
ed to him. for be wse thlkiax with oe.
of tbe______
the BWB B. 1 lefi
The Bir wse very
.. ul after the blML
btaeL end it ww. not
' re 1 wb
loer before
* ddrlpplBC wlib per.
•plr»lioB mod oat ot btralh.
tired o( folnc bloi^. aed ap
aadoa I west____ _____ ,___________
It Wkb a loac climb, mad

Plata Olaaa, StaaRi Boiler and Accident Inenrenoe.

ohnaoD Bk>ck, Pbune 73


1 bM»Bc rBUlni loaf befon
WBb rtody to (n to the Mrfwee
UelBf 4 veer f4t B4h be loUod »ad
d BP ibo dimt BIB iBddon very
M»o wor/ied me I there •
d tojitep 4b«Bd Btibe
IT me
mob w*li tor ollfiBt
•r the awa



Funeral Director


dlffen.t piBM.


Monei/ to Loan on Improved Rea! Estate Only.


Buamess Cards.



l« U» Uteot airlM. Md. «t

w4Ml>a.WIU*la. Fl«t.CB.Bw<
AUorwTi M L««.

Ib lUi wmr tkne bou« pMed.
wbenwcdMlded to fo to tMoBrCBcB.
t ctmM
a*BelBiM.Uo Corawk BWn BTB Mr
etalB.w, _
k»MU>e aen *oei>bl« of psopir. ud ot^.«»«Tcr
• ■dltOTcr

It will aooD U- spring and yvn will miai a gotxl bargain it you
don't bny one uf my tarma.
25aen«oD Long Uku rond. joat bnck of Ibeasylnm; all V___
ed. with a nice on-hard. gi>nl framo tiouan, ni«v spring brot* runuing
fall langtb of ih.- farm; this is a very .Winible place L>r gardening or
iny one who wants a hmuc
hrwj.- near the city. Price tl,fiUU.
CO coonly Unc, on<- mile west of city Usiils: no bnildiaga;
a nice pench urcluttd of fifty braring
bearing trees; abont
abMt fifty apple trees;
some tamber; » nice place for frail or itoUtosn; ^ood soil; pri.v SoOO.
•• from

20 acres two miles
town, onsionrth mils from Knitochi
vtllelirswery; besvyaoil; all cleared; antall honse; goud spring of
cold wnWr; priee $400.
f ««
80 acres lour miles west of the village of Lake Ann. 20 arriw
cleared; nraall frame boose; small frame bora; a good farm; .^entj of
timber on the place; price $500.
' 40 acres two miles north of I^e Ann, 20 acres cle«t«d; sraal)
frame house; log bnra; small orchard good sized trees: cbeap, $200.
40 am one mile fram
Ann. HO acres cleared; good beavy
sotUlev^: good water; smaU orchard; frame boose and ban; A Ko.
o^small farm. Price, $aOa
of Wexford in Grant;
------e;%bnrn; 40nerssdenred, fresfrara atompn; noil orchnrd;
good wMsr; 40 nerss good limber, GO M tost of Bn. PukotfUno.


ops UU aidant, aad darteT^tot

.SiffStl's.-lls.-.v’.Kfit; s-ir




When I coald leek abooLte ay groat
we elowly dein traffic betweea the Ualled fflatea asd
as U the face. Mar as 1 mw was to thin coaajry CM reeolve poraUc a
toeh me diraeUy to the lewra the eolra werU. 1 wa eUU ehst In main bare M days beCors rata
It ae eSsetaally as e aan weU wlibvat the ptyaeot of any doUa
Poraerty tto limit wae Hght day*/ It
• anatoU Chroagfa which 1 tod chiefly aOcea iramc oagagW la ia^
____ jot wMootside Ihe abaft hem. mg ora oat of BOMsa to Ar&CM aalol
OnoMsUe^tto pUak trail of tto

- “~-“UP3,rvs


WMnpchUd dUi isGraalifli tto

4tthadirtrfet toaatlar at tbd t. O.
O. T.
ialrtolh. to* (ollowlBf a

B*e.. rior Tkwb*ia; a M*r.,H*)ibl
Trm., a J. Umdw.
Ihad 1* o*b*.
HMat. talh^KlruM
OSei*] beliw hM bM* iOT*i**d kr
«MlBlkaiiUautU namOf. tu n■ml wmm iMmta
u4 Hr. JflkaK B*^*iofth*d«*th»t Plav
tadmrba aemfimai torUuU U M Ble Barraaha. Oaba. of U* m.
krlbarB. BaaUax Troop Q, BamU
Ik* tarn HwMmnariamaiptiaa.
CBTolrr. U. 8. 4. i>rt*ata

OeU Uak« u am Bam^
wMlIloIrawaak. parwlek
■ air toito* will b* ffTMir
■alfoTarbalactka earn oil kto dMlb.
iaaMtkl^MWIa Ik* «■iltetad atTrararoaair laat faU,
giiwiit oftk* (**or(t* keottWi
laarlBf baraa^tohibar
I mmi tk*7 will b* parttnlarlr
4 abort Uau a^ bte p<
■todiakaowlBCtkMtXB. D*r.
BlaliarfroahlaataUarlhat ha waa
laika bMt of health aad woaU ha
boaMtooatThankacirlafdlaaar with
laa. and Ua oowa el hte daath cobm
*4 aad Hr. Dar kaapa It la 40od obape
I a terrible abe^.
wall iwtmUad aad local
Bla bodr arill U broacht to tk<
■oUmBlglittBdwiMworlkr talasl
UalUd State* br ike BonroMat. aad
wear tatkal pari of UiaUaaa aaoBtr
Hr. Haablaa ha* writtea the aathorl.
itea to hare It aaat ^ far barial.
laraatad a Ula Boat.
Daath BolL
U, a Haro. Ik* laTootor of ika >o■rr lUa heal which waa laiaodad to
fata Ika Parte aapoalUea lo nura
Makteaow IwChkM loralac acteek
eeuaar to BBaaWra Ika craft.
•a aad*
MdH waa BihIHIad hare
afo. aad aharM ware aold to aararal
Tnramatr paapla- Tba f^ora of
Hare to tot pear to Parte with hia^heat
■aaad aaar of the aharahidden

tortharaallnUca efproBi Mtba


w. 0*bl« a V. T.. Fraak
IteAb Mb* 1‘ixxanaI hare w
caaianp Irture from tedir* who w
cored by Lrciib E’ “

laate H-Htoaraod wUaof Spriw
BaU. HI., era rwilas htealala^. Mia.
B. a Ban** at tWeeatoR,

C W. Piwe* cd CUaaco. arrlrad oa
itaU aad jolaed hte
Wife aad daafktorat
ral! to* Baal
Or.aadMra. 4adrawaaod daachtor
dCWaaco. hare raotod tk* aaUat*
'Braeap Plaae' aad wUl bajaiaad later
aaBall baa ***** r«

aa}ep*d aa toa -abare of tot rirar la
froaiof rmUamaa at Teaah Friadrieh
Tbatadap. Oaa at toe
had toe atefartaae to tell tram toa
feaeketaadlt railed lato toa
drowaed. bet the other aarrad to*
4 Jellp
UBawataeJ^bpall. Th* leltow-

Tb* ateteUr* arc aalr aad will he
•alteTteaTelB aader

Cbarlotte Priadrieh. Caeate Whltlac.

."JiTTwX’ .V .-

fiah War<m-a DllaBuaaD«alr e*M aad Pteh Warden Owl'
aad brother* aad ^ra a larre eirda
tor craat erar lato Laalaaaa aeaair
of frfaad*.
The raulaa war*
le raatla UahIhaatatotaewaad flah law*. Hateaad

..,Prd.r^“""“= ""

B—arofTbomMKraaee wae damolkiaatm. If paai* eld. wb* killed
thrrackUdrrawera lejmai Urn
Oakdoniaeliy hdl ami' Pri,l;$tertea
toareb were wracked.
adamaerteerDpa te t^al- Ball
lap aetaral iaeh« thick on lb* cr—ad.
Prom Cammtec* rrporB-ebu that
ermndrieewero wrecked, barm
tarerd aoJ etedi killed
JamccteWB. Prrtilc. Htea.aad Lake
Park. Htea.. alra report a etern of the
■me aainre.

toap aa ba cent to Tie* tub
tot aareb of toe teUroatteBal
CDlaaa aa to* ealaeUal dtp.
•* aow a caar of dipleaaep be■ Chtea aad toe power* Tbalapalal roraraMlte thoroacblp tr>(l
aaad aad daelrat te acre Pebia tre

'aDaOearaap-Oarria Eaaaap.JeUlapadoto dialer ma of to*
•rt. Meade Oeaptoa, HOdroth
I rim a meat ddirbtfal aaleal
Doekerap. Howard Ooekarap, Clara BteteMt* aafr with toe lateraet
aad read lar of rarp kirk Barit bp Hn.
torta* at Tlea Tate, or ae war*hi|teat
Rctaer aad Bertha Eellep.
BarUa Haaaoa of Ghiearo. aad etoan
Taka. The teaae ha* coee bepoad tha
UI.BffleWl..atef Baaaoala aad
ofJalpU.fortoabaaelafelp ol the alaUtera^ed Chiaa
flt of too OearraralWaal ehareh belU
wUI not be allowed tebreak off her rt
iradap te Baaaoaia aad atel’red laUoo* with toe oalsida world aad robare Pridap aa tbair waddter toai
taratohad old aacteaioe. The ai
Thebrideteaateterof WUl Wl
aaat be allowed W reaaii
r tha bardwar* dcpartiaaat of toe Pakte and their aafetp bb*i be arc
J«tBla B Newlaad. rcalolar at W
lercaatUe Oa.. aad te well ksewi
WaablartoB airaak died Jalp «< at» a.
Tnrecae atp. hariac baaa ceaaa
altfa troopa.
tar a tine with the’ drtM maktec deTha chance of aultede ha* not been
I*) larafel....................................OUrar Eiar partBanl of toa Boatoa Store. She aaawlftaalt aap appear- The altaa.pent to* aaBBar her* with t^ Ucs be* bere cbanctec errr. ciaec tor.
dip of Par bretbte. The eoapte laedpt el toe Coacer dpber mraeace.
■eUo>e.bat bore bar alekai
I make a tear of northara Hiehicao that wae followed tor dap after bp
rerr paliaotlr. The feaeral waa be
aad after Septaaber let will h
at the raaldeae* Wadaeadar aflaraoi
Mteteter WO propoelUoa te aead U.ehose la Harioa. lad., where tb^
att p.
Bet. KeaaedraadaUacteter Coacer te Tlea Tate Thar two
BeaiUfal flowm were farateked bp
coBTteeed th* eabioet that
klad frleadt aad aelrhboia. aadalarta
toe alnlater* were cafe.
boxof flowenwaeeeet bf toe roaac
Th* power* will not enter late aap
at toe power hoaee of to* S
a Sarah D. Bair»l
ataaBIrerOa:. when bar father.B. D.
know toe btetorp of IVkIo
ireel. Tba afteraooa wae eaj
nos to*. Tbii fdreraarnt is not
LL^r^^ld. Babp -at koaU*-* B^om hacclp.aod* Jiek Botmt Pie
lertef demand* of other power*.

<ito>o.ct> Tram ----- dbP.btaaUccwtetofHaprlU* aad
b.*rth. ho.b4.rp Itea of
• aad Tram aOBaUr*. atcalcht
^ -tody toroach Trdll. acra. th*
Bad rirar tete Mtebaiote whara n .pin
la.two pam. H,„ Oatedod*. toe

Ontered t
from »m 1
Ctask* .K..10-. Eck-kport
lad . sk-pl.

■ Dob;i triBc whh then,
a Ttke Scon's EowUmii m
; once. It soMhes, bealt,
• Bi«i cure*. ,

<enc«aa—elaimad the Ilf* of Etef
llnmbaet who w— shot aad «1bM
I—taatlp killed bar* ■Saadap menteff '
by Aacelo Hraml of Prato, Taaeaap.
At toe kteff wMeeteriBcblaaarTla^
the a—aialp drad tor— ahou. aadh cm* of which look effect in toe body ted Ua
msjraip. one pierolac hia bsM He
dM alraost lasteatip. Braesi ■w— Uamcdlaielp arreated aadoalp Mr—oa—
eiorlte—of toe ffaarda —b—aUd him
from becMBiac a rietiB to toe aarRod

Weehinfteo. Jalp i> -Srtmal baUecteBonichtaniUerp hate been orderad
te Chin*. 4* pet tbr orcani/siteot
bate aot bees arlceied. bat wUl.'coc! cee» rert Arreacr
brine made to seed a
aiocc tottery from Fort Rilrp on toe
‘tramrr llrlcten k'lac
N*r«r*'- ■ '
Tee aataaate'* name liThrioealp Civ—
Toearriralof tor iranaport I.-aoi
at Kobr. Japan, with taorsrt for tbr wAacelowad iiaetaoUraBi. Ha wbewQ In I'latote iMr^aite i* a w—v—.
Slato catalrp. wa* rrparteo
Be eom<* A«mka where be had
depanmral lodap. The C
i-rdrd In I'timoa, N. J.

f.-riiii.-. and Mr.. 1'u.kb.m-frnoi h. r
It will lake hor*ei and maUa
wkt kS|.-rn-oa-.» tnr.iius-.(.-B
fromSeaulrto Taka The Hancock.
r3uclvr>.« ..l.Hv thaty..u
San Francisco, was loaded today
with four latleric* of licht artillery
will probably
ua Aucoat 1 the Head
—e bstt^ioB
. ...
Kitteeath intaotry, the toted squadroB
ol toe Third earairp sad uoe ecu
ol enciorer.
sail tomorrow,

It ha* Dol chanced Ite poUep. 'It doer
went China** terrltorp. Bet It
will not Bake aap acreement with the ceuiocte^’toc7i“'’
iBparial 'corrremrot aa te a acltle rectioe. aitooncb tor
aant aaUI Coacer I* arate. la


No Cunce in Alrican War.

Uc-y. hr bar^oo -complle»ta
commuted'tor crime beteateol hte
balri;i of iBuearehi—I I—tiiatia— He
r—efaed Hoars Jalp r: from Milaa.
where be bad atepnd a few depi.
Rome. July M-Unler* have ta* telRrapbod to all prcriaclal oSleial* te
take steps to preveel po—ibie revolBUooarp moveoreau. Tbe ktep will —
dlatoly oa hia ratara here
I'ari*. Juipso—A dUpatoh to Ta——
from Rome —ys toe aner—mte have
decided to asmari-to foer Rerop-a

London. Jolp
tsatioD le South Africa ti somewhat
cicarM up bp Lord RoberU'dispslefa
ofpeatetdap. He la morinc east with
bis rastamary rapidilp aed has scatter
ed llotoa'a fore— before him. bulbs-,
wool k*e bronefat maep menafeclam* hero oaabic to coma ielo action. wb>.c
into the markrl atkioc tera* Cotton
men's saScrincs
Improved slicbtlp nad more but! from expman and toe crcai mortalitp
era* hte cecnrrrd In cotton «ood*
tea—port aaimali which is likrip to
crease in ceometeica: proernsoc m
Simiterlp In iron, there wa* a drpm
•ion which retailed in heeiutioe and proportion to tbe Icoctb and spe^ of
fear in other iodnaLrira, but the tier b the mareh c>r<* rise to f—rs that Rob
tbataecountwlli be unable to
belter. In the Pitubarc dntricttiir
Billabarr booked* ilnr of fair order* path toe pntinit to a dcBeite reaull.
in bar* and plates Jobbers in luou .M—nwhUctoe llJcrs hare datn^ed
asdahoe* are drmeadinc prompt de- tbe rallwap betweeo Bronkborst Spruit
tod it Is reported that all
lirety on old orders, but new businww
eommaodor* bare be— ordered to at
I wbrstdc tack onip small partim

corrv*paud—t saps that to* 4-trtaa
Meadep niebt a jollp partp of p
aotoorliira.marn«d toe Iteliaa fovera.
aople.eoapMtectoeO. N O. blcpda
m—t Juno :’■> that toe d—to of Ham
dob. took a hap ride to the w-riH
It will act with toe other power* uatil
brrl bad b—o detcrmln^ epoo bp the
rcaortoothebap chore. Tbep had
China te eompetled te adopt rim/rd
anerehisit At a r—ultof the waraltE
moat dallchtfal tlae. abocl •« laktef
aetood*. It will not chance ita order*
police Ruard aronad to* kiaRwas
the trip, after ridiac aroaod to*
teUaaaial Chaffee to march 00 I'rkte
locr—eed Tb* kin* objoeted a»d mOd
foraaboar. 4t to* raeort, toa rwre anUI It know* from Coacer jut what
he desired a ravarsloo to to* old order
waa pretUIp lifhted with dapi
icoreromrel liet aeffrroltbinra
laoten*. le addiUoB to the •
ed throarb him. or what U toe easdiUome, Jalp 1
tlM te Prkla promtelnc aafetp lo Am
Kiac Victor Emaa—I III
erlcaa* wbomapatlll be toereor bare
announce, toe droto at Ktef Uambart.
been drlrea awap. It i< reparded as a
Tbe proclamutloo orr- tbe aaUe* to
tba taeurp oakmo mCa;'. Kresra.
natter ol priaciple. Uial wilhocl a
ntand flrralp round tor new UiaR. P—Tte that t
itete of war. wbleb the Imperial gotreciord— pnrails everpwbera. Ula
Hn. WUl Lore a
ud M. -.ral.
b* paid till toe creaaarr te aet ap
denirs. asd what it be* no
not known wbrn KluR Victor wlUar.
tea apandioc a week at Yaba aad raaBdlat^wraltoo. Thaa half
rivF A •>|u*dron cuamanded bp Ad­
tarii tedap. Uertec her abaanee Hr*. ricbl lo drop, oor micliter tor riebt to ;
ahara I* to be paid, the rat papaUa la took diruMT at toa Park Place.
immnhleale with the prt
i't (hrenta. Mr aad Mr*, doha Hemiral llokr •!»*»! k-Rr>ueta Bant
le at Tabs.
Report* from Sbaochai of prrparaDoaald of Ynha hare baae ateplnc
■tae to Oaeaa tur toa aamaar.
Tba MW H. B. ekareh at Yaha .will
dlBoatallof toa laadlar b
teraacr Rlrer State llewet
ont for war art not belierrd. neltbrr
ba dadkwtod eo Baadap. 4ap. »ik. ■aa aad faraata of the rielaitp hare
with a larcar force than w— oricioallp
W. H. Cerep of Uoaor rra* la toe d|p te toe report from tor eemr soorcc of
apto hteeotUce at Ooaaa.
BwTtea*bBflaatlOc’datoa.Bb Bat. thhea ahara* le the aalarpriae. Th* Hat
lupposed. tooucb nronclp p—ted near
toe edict decteriac that tor mloUten
pcBtenUp oa beateaaa.
D. J. Hoarb aad wifepaaead toreach
H. D. OamI of tote clip. triU hate the* far iBdadaa Dr. Prmlleh. Slaalap
held a* bostacc* The ateir dc crop conditiors arc eo Rcneraiip aatl*. Riirrille, tesaid to be readp to aurr—
H. Thoaea waal u Qiaad B^lda
aharfaof toa aarrlet*. Uteaxpaetod 4 .VOBBC. d. Brow. Uxa. Price, U toa dtp paaterdap on their wap to Ne-, pesterdap 00 baatecM.
rcUaoce in tfar prcM fartorp as toaaiare abundanre for all der on certain terms, but Roborte iathat Bar. 4. P. Haen efOrid. wbe waa Brlttoa, Jai. Doaa. Wa. Uwte. 4daa ab-te-waabt_________________
ited that thr aorrender abould be on
Sbanebai. becanw home rrqalrrmrnu, aod the nsnal
-lump name and on bebaltof tba
Hr. UaanllaU of Blk Baplds te te the
lartllip aldaref thi*dtetrtetaBaaber Sbeoek. Cbaa. ^tiller. Pratao Daeriar.
tbep bare from the berinsioc brrn amuuet for export. Thr bomp moorp nonJillonal. Ilrwel. bowerrr, ibaaRb Ameriran people. I offer to pour aajSodal Erasta.
*« pM am wm ba ptmataad pioaab Williaa anatlnmc. li W. William*. L.
often' routed” bp Mrlhueo and sur­ calp and to tor Itellae nation alaear*
mrational and ridicnloiul* ooir*e.
4UeaCaapp. who ha* baaa toe
eampinr panp mnatetlnr «f UIk* toatBlai aanoa. Bar. 4.J. Bl- Nephew. 4. L. Utaadr, Waller L.
rounded bp nrynerou* ceoerala' force*, condolrace lo Ibto boar oldaap ^
Tien Taio. Julp r~. noon. riaCiioroo.
BaatofbiaaiiBt.Hr*. H P. Northrap
Stfaibaadfaailp. Mr*. Oleaaoa aad
drad Bad Bat. 3. W. UlUer, faraar pat- 411*0. 9pra* Harrla, W. B. Cork. 4. d.
has shown each skill in rradincrrcrp rravi-ment.
p'.irsof each with which to bc«io
Jalp M. aad hbaoebai. Jalp lu.
for two week*, left for
daBrfateia.Oaotre4*baiidHla Hi
MiB wona ptamt aad hara a pan la Thombarr. Joka BaataaRar. Joha
m.-Tbr Uritteband Americati irooia crop motem—t .Slock market opeia- one that until be i* acusllp trapped or
■■Wllllaai MeEtalv.~
faleaco paterdep.
Backer, ralaraad from a weak'* oaUac
ttaaarrto*. 411 fnar paatot* are la- BrirbV WUI Bricht. Chaa- Boroapb.
tioni arc small, w
will be pul
Hr* L H. BeaBettaadchlldrae.Uoa are in ahape for an advaser 00
atCterpIdk* Pridapairkb Their camp
dtodtob* praaaat. Tba aartiea lo
WB* called Chap Ticar aad the week aad Uotslle; rrlaraad teat alcht from
.Sonirtolnc over l.too dnfft have IICar* Caaaad TroabI*.
toe atMliH williberla at T e-eloek with
extended rlalt in.
censea to live ia SsRlnaw.
The baWl of Itorlar railroad cara waa apaat with pleaeaat rcereatioa tad
a HOC awriea. followed bp a aaraea
Iwwis Ty Irr of Old*. 1—I ii ah—p bp
a. Tbep ware aeceapaaled bp 4den teeordiac to leformtilon rrcrlred bp bopinc which wa* missed Jolp 1. ‘Inand eoriaaa In aoefa a paallioa a* to le'hpeMoftoe rlaitlBr alateta*.
duslrlaU hare licnrrd most in toe dealRaaaiaoa aod Japanror, the Chincae
a stroke Of llRhtnteR.
Reported iteaih ol Tuan
Mkedtea at Tab* feal proad of their tarfero with trafic on
4 Jallp partp of 1< from tola citr
a of U -M. preparinc to rrabl
I.ODdon. Julp l-»-Tbe lUlip Kipro-' . Hen R*»drr, of T-liaoU. had eoBrcaattiiir in
toank aad It te proooaaead bp all who
jofai the dap Pridap flabiacat Carp
•Foreico commerce at this port in­ Sfaaiiclial eormpoa.l—I Ikaps that a pteledaltetof bit boaaebold prapt^tp
Waahiecteo. duly lio-Thc aerrrterp
)aip of aoQte ladla* wb
: aa* It toaMeftbadBaat
Ukr. <nMip eharured Hr Boacbep'a
W. Salto ha* nteraed from el ttete baa recritrd a ditpaieb from dicate* another br*Ty belanee in taro: larce srslion ol II itrrs rcruited acalixl with a riew to havioR taaaraa— '
lac palardap. Tbep
Hltoiffao. Tha pobl
paebt "Bebacca*' atiha imrt at Poach. Yeba. where he haa jaat completed a
Fowler. Amerieaa consul at Ch'c- of tor koited Slate* for Jolp. Feilur— I'rroccTuan. A detperalr halUeloI
placed npoa I', aad bod j—t —Id lo a
Morraa. aad waredrit' rlMd toattaodaad o
aenl te Foaetala Petet, where ffoe balldlni- for the Matoedtet ehareh foo. dated praterdap. aapinci
tor toe week are .'ll tcaiaat K.l Itat lowtsl and yhe prioer was killed.
neljbbor. '-Well. I Ruw I'll ro aad
iar aa Slate alraat. appreachlar the O.
tbep ate toelr laaeb. Then tbep
there. He te aow araeUac a mideaee Ur from tor Orrman lacali—. dated
Wu ton cht admlte be li—two *e> aWat ray lasDraa-.*' wb— .* bop
a. A t. railroad traek. Oaa ol to* coal
toa atunoee flahlnf. aad made ■
New York, Julp fT—Hradsireel'e re diapetebe* from thin*, but dediacu
» Harrteon Speer at Sommlt Clip.
Jalp t-1. ha* bma reecited atTiea Ttio.
ram* ranniaR te tell blm hto be—a
aan of toe eoapaap. and a locomUre.
catch, teadlac aboot 10 black, baa,
art of the klaic'ol trade tomorrow make litem pobiic just uow.
Uerman Ic— waa tec dead and
watoB Arc. Mr. Eeader vain- th*
Be*. S.8. Clark*.p*aterof toe leadweraeteadlar panlaUp In the etreeu
iaeoftheabdaf larTeOBi
list, Bl prea—l. ebieSp ta a taa—to.
lac dmrchol 41paaa.wlto hte wile, twelre wonadad. Tbe Cmneie eeaani will sip
WaablnfflOB. Julp r7-Tbe ffraT.
IhaAuBrber read breast a Utt* Theaidewalk wae eaUrelpehat eSoa
Meal of toe partp drat* back to the aretbecaeelaof Hr. aad Mr*. H.
toe attack oo Jalp Ki Von Kettelrr *
Importent ebanceo In trade apeca anspieioo seal—l tor Chleesr cover
of "totaRs -lhal have been Mt ar*
aoa eld*, and toe earlae reached to toe
dtp te toe eraalaf. toe pooar
bodpwaateld to be cafe TheAst- laUon are noteblp lackUc this week, meotiacTroted bp t'rllable Inferma.
ecBter of the drirewap.
eoalac on their wbaela. Tboae who
in tarioD* Uoe that Yuan Sbi Kal. Chrern
tmboppera are makteRRi—t hated
C. Bare of YpeUaall and Loate
Iriaa. Italian. Duteh aod Spuiah lecaTtee herae which tba todtei war*
oaed toe eoapaap ware Hr. and Barr of Monroe are epeodlDC their ra- taont bad barn dralroped and the
• lead rather n
Sbantnoc. and Sta—c. dirreter of pmia JB Kraoeb *—alp Plelda of elov-,
drirlBC. wae frichteaad bp the eariae.
Mra. Ueorct Bopt aad danebter. Hr. eatlODtetoeeltp.toe caad* of tbdr Pmeh partly. A latter from tbr Jeptbr se^d crop aow ta UetaoB. are
In a few boars, (lai 4*14*
tat amtadtet * a-daek Tteatadap. aad
rae apaet a^tSTp daaarad.'!^
Cteapball, Mlat« Bdith and Eatella Ura* aad friaad* te tha dtp.
atHeoTeln on Jalp » T«n beital- fatorabl* featmee eallinc eolier arc Mteteter CtecRcr teat up Mteteter Wu. era alao alteckad aad to* Rraia rntaod.
brathiabaailMBiemiater '
ladtea were tordWa oat PiwtaOrria E FranUte of Yptlteati. North lonaofChlhrte ebelled tor IrcaUont toe practical assurance* of an'lmmenae also toe oontoau. even to toe
Tbe dreaded worm pmt that to affl krt
*a*BBt aaeUoa arHtad at
Pridap aatelpaoae aoa were aaar at bead, Holcomb, deha Sboekep. Chiral Bate,
tr—a In vario— ptaaed
toe beree wai etoppedln Uaeto
4adcr*OB. 41b*rt EpMlka and Earaai tteter. Mr*. Oao W. Imrdla.
toacoaairpb— miBe lu -frnraara
d oa Jalp r. but map rrnrw. porlt from thr srclidni oow merkcliec
—teteacc of
iwareat aap eettoneinjarp to the ledia.
larce winter wheat crop, adrrcct of perlal Rtvoram—land toe bcmraip of mCalhocn coualp. Tba worm paaasamp were dacreaalnc TheUertotoair Btaeat eaparltp, aombalBr
B. ttllaoB ha* rameto HarqaalU
Theta hare baaa aaap eoaplalau
Boaatea. ABcrieaa. Briiitb aod
tnu* toetmaller braMh-of tea-.
tocTlaaR Li Vameo
It ha*
toned Bwap far lade of aaOdaat ae- that toe Q. R. 4 I. eaplepae hare etUa
Pridap araslBC a plwat rMeptloa
halt ol tor Japanea* and French Ire*
draiiopcd hope for toe safety of toe —Is Itt wap w toa beartaad abterb*
imawltlltaa Tate woaU hare beta thulaterterad with toe free trarelof waarimat the borne of toe Hlaar*
reUll belttc defended. Tbr
mioitien aod revired the worat
s* Um —UtaR tod '
uMotbat fa toeetraate apdlarcdred paMnbpis Chapla, te Be*, and Mr*. C. W.
St. Iraae.
branch off
tnp tbep bate food for six
tk* tael that aaap of tha toartata w
lea da4er, beaUw aaaslar Oreea. wbe are praateeat worker*
Herbert HoaUffae and Oeorfe Bine
WaahiaRioa, Jalp :T—The fanewtaR
toMkpMnda wheleaktoaaat oa
white* of retnraed laataemlac from Oraad dap*, bat tiule amaDlllon. The cm
llti* qeaBBptrat are reported te be
apatefa has b—p r—elred at tbe ateu
totoair haaaa.
raa befor* the eoaocU at_________ Tanaaaaar. Hia. Oraaa I* the daaebter Beplda, where they atteaded toe taralrsa—U and Art era liRhte w
at Pakte.
department from Comal Ueseral tteodaaditte probable that tbep will feel of Bar. and Hr*. Tmple of tola dtp.
tnreexpeaitloe, aad
Tba WUUar had aboat to. aaap
boyinc fdr rxpirt
now, dated SbaoRhai. Jalp rt --oriclBl •tallad. TbeecMof werbw—Ali.WO.
4 rarp plaatant aodal Ume wae a
While Fred NaBsel of Pralrierille
aow like Uktef earn rer^ dadaite
for tamadlau abipm—i to toe Menma
An order t- oaemllll— —anieled
•as at work on a new bsro * chain qeirp for raw wool by manataelarera , lelcRram ra—Ived here oo tb*
doped dartnc toe entire eraatec- Mode UteOa.
laaHakadaaarip aa aqaal aai
•■The nataioraUe elemeou le trada said that all forelRner* and man;
—rvy—mb bandim ku j-lbtaa ptaead
apteaeaat fcatoia, aad taapttec
whUaalMatahaa^petBp at to*
Toap .Vorataj and Sea Ilea apenl w—ed r—ad two beams on wbleb
Baa Over bp tae Cara
work toe dap ffthtef near Maptold p«tted*T. wae workiac broke and he fell 31 feel. Bed the chief and crealesi expositioa tier cbrisUaiw were killed at' tteo' with toe Ctertier EaamalloRCe. of LadPark Ptaaa. Hall* aad parldr* war*
in the iron and •teei bull
Newt naehed tote dtp Thandap of that toa—two BOMtete
luRten. and to tald lo b* tb* laiRtM
Tine, toe miMloDt were baraed. Aaer
BDad with eat bade la the dlBaraat
Oeoiffe Bopt b toktec a two week*' teralBC eeraral eoBorstnlto eo r—te
tor death of W. W. '
■Trade Indr
In dry c*ods seems backward, team: S4>cax family. Taylor. Pekin, eteRle order of lU kted ever rIv—.
aradoiaraBOBcto* peorwt eiaat ol taealkm from hb datba ta WUhela 4d biaaktec a iwo-teeh plank. Sine
a clearer realiution of topeot- toa Htetea Ocnld asd Moerll.
r—anfeewro of the— l.aM.MA
ofSaowfLake, aear Ceatral Lak^ whita te the raato. a
Bro* ■ tterr.
iterlp DO b—<a were broken, tbe only
to prlraM boardLi« hooaei tor '
teeteota situ
silutlon. Bank clcarinc*
from a terrible aerideat that oeearred
"TneentloB olllv report* dtetarb- headlm will occupy a*ar(p a pear, aad
Bet.J, 4.Prpa, formarlp of thb dtp iBjnrpbeiecaeatbaad and a eerere
are the aStejles
ileil for
xrauume more than lOD.Ooo feotaf
aaces st Vunntn-peteerdap.”
TaaedapaVt. Hr. Johaaoe bad baaa
ad new of Eateteatao. caae teatwl^t ehaklec bpT»* Haaao* ol le to 1.
hardwood lambar. Th* Roods ara
taOeatral Uke doriar toa dap aad
-nw reenter aaetteff of the Llaeola toratewdapa'atap. Be b toe ff—at
TteateUawlac Maf aaaaarTof to* waaretarelat to hte home aloar tha
.ted bp* larrejobblDR eoaeacadC
of E J. FaIrhBB.
Hleila. Jalp r—Rrporuoftoe mll- f—ed. but te Riven oci exaetip — reaahliaiatot* of to* Bopat.licaB ad- railroad track la the emlac whan ba Utararp toeteip wa* haU Satardap
-Ived bp the war departm—l. It Bariae. Wl. wblfcb axpaete to ta*
itarp operations f— Uik —si
Bart Palfrey, a— of Hanacer Pdfrep
—laratthahcmof EdwteChapmao
>toiBtelratiao aad tkadaarar aaaaead
elrack bp toe amlh tMad Para
probably meaim ihM toe Aamriri— r—dp maika^ for the artielm bp roa-a
Fillpia— killed aed 'll
t Oamaa lae, eame to tot dtp yeater— Nteth slirat. Anaceauete war*
hp to* le to I taUa9.
fna Pitaidaat Harqaette IraiB aad both l^a
waraaow bataRwacad
inrtE AmoaR fiic priaoecr*
daptoBeata partpet it— theAna And the d<
HaElalajte apaaeb at aaaeplaao
aarared from hi* faodp.
> man-or woman aemed Thp- ladiffcraat eoaniri— aad the cometabt oeiccty, Pifipaix rIBm
Arbor axeaid— teat-nlrbt. wb* w|ll work
t nmdto
•ran «o eaty, '
dU aet leaow of toa aeeidept aad Johaitoer named Piikl*. and the qaeaUp laiRc aamber of —vairp bon—
tell ber wbmabcmtr as she 1
cetetoelDD tedap.
coaSaested <n ihcaamr lime of tot
‘•B larUt wbleb prtMaeta 4aariaa: ace WB* Irtl bptoaaidr of the traek all
ABcrii»prtca..wenF killed ana tour,
Hr. and Mn. Dote, who hate been
Kbaraod ladatrp aad prorlda aapi* airht Bot-belar able to aakr aapau
ac*ie orerffowed bo happy lija. An-l
da—rtmeat toteka th*
tie Mlea Balepon Whealoek of
mn woneded.
dtinc their danrbter. Mb* Hand* DOW the can budlv keep op. Ho hrul
Itoaoato ha* baaa wrlttoa la paUlc hear hte ertae.
itefft— etraet. ealebratad bar fffto Salto, toa peat few aspt. teteraad tc pate*, ber back
Tee cam—IRO dattaR the I—t —v— te the dip—tab mea— Pitota, of wl
tow. W* bar* lower latorraa aad
4t6e'eladi la toe aoralBr he wia Wrtbdap Saurdep afuroeon with
teqelrics have b—a re—ived et
dapa tlevelopod acvcrdlatubborn flRbu..
todrhome'at Rooteo. Mieb..p»terdap
teecrered bp a aaa
rat Tao' TtaR to probtorp pteaaaBl party. The encate wi
ebtedp te toe mortauin* Early in the tbe dept
Hb* EacetTOB. who baa bate tbit ter? Tbe —ota■ aaortrwte. Th* world'* aarkete kar*
T fat PanlioR. wHch
. herowdeolleeted. (teorrleite Eboer. Boitlte
Pearl, teff her reteUta* la thU dtp. reteraed
wees Colonel Edward liocwin with ably aa
bilitp is tou toe
kaaa apaaad to 4a*rieaa ptodaea
waoutow—tof Pekta.
bath Patcbln. Utedp* and Joha te Chlearo praterdap.
auroarii is dmurCom—np 1. Fortieth ^lucteer infan about::
. whtebBo aowwhar* toepbara aart
try. eonrcTcd bp toe Ruab—1 Callao,
Mr. ahd Hre. L-ls ,Pratt aad Him dertd. toe Itrar ia
taMkateaa W* hare pamdtraa
d tha. ffhaaUp w
GoehUa aad Beatrice Barber.
oenpied oroqeita, le Mtodanao. witoLate Pratt —am te — to* ax—rd—
tool teaalaitoa bood-paplac naiioa
BpbteUoa of btoh leca
loan waa apenl ta ptepiaff Came* froa Ohio teat alcht aad are carat* of
oet rastetaaee. All the tehabiuau proposition te suspend mUlterp o
wa teabatira
Jahnaoa i»UI*d later. aaSeteat
— toe lawn, aad teurdatetp nfraah Mr. Pratlbabter. Uro B—j. Eat
scataal HnkiB ta ratara for tot
dc-rted toe town, bet on the tceond
Iri-epte to* tell that b* had hoard toe trate. tot
delirerp at Tten IkUi of to* foralRn
dtp of toe Amerieaa «c—pation
B—. Staat— aad O. E Oorhte of
Nte aearpIraitraBtaarto eate^
• nbeaa able te cetrootofto*
rabela. Bestip bolom-. Bade a —vtRC
Bite O. ar* entetaef Mr. aad Hi*,
a Bo—tUte Saadap aebool picale

iw;tram —InroadIdlabom leproBe WB* a bard driakar at «<—
attack ee toe amall Rarrteoe. Tbep
tahteatatepmak Tb* pahUe MU aad It I* tooacht that ha wa* ao latexlavmpatop with toe Boier* Thto aten. ilced after leainR
Tbetawtre SI ehUdi«e baaidteothar
tab*- hdd; pnUteeita ta ton
naaaal—erop te tba c
tMB C—Cd —d
that b* had teat powm to proparlleRjatormaU—toe—tetaad loan ad
killed teaIde the town. Tbe Aaers
ThI* Wte tha tat pieaie dtetricta *-toea*t 'of B«l
■ateWlaiil- Wa hate BPaparltp at
tircnRlhcBcd. |
{hi* danrar. Ba llrad.
dltional pan of Rtar Admiral Katnpff't
— W—two killed aad tor— w—:
alaea lb* Saadap aebool baa be—
bwaaid pnaUff* abroad, t'afertn
denUy dcattead te be i taUaiB tome te liable ta
report, which h—
l I
Tb* aeb—I
atalp. to* tor—t of laat ta >«t baaa
The dratdad ■*!— net tei
Ii'te’believcd toe '
folan aaaaal affair.
te aU eaeti—> of th* dlotrtet. taocht
Aeonmar'ajtrpTlewedto* rimalra
totapetaeauj—of oU
lowlaR thr trail of toe nbcl Reai
—tBadlepaaearad to* ric from Mr. - bp toe a-eammaMe rate*. It I.
aad adioaraad te Beat Moodap. JohntarmaU— which It a
Brodhac—. Tb* aebool b floark
JBatedtoe dtp
B— Itete* a fbBllp. Ba2waa ab—t
latter acicctod aad fortlBed a bill i
Thf fiiH-si baia and bicnn rneaU
U leer te teed* from toe rarpaaia old aad wa* postmaaiar at Saow
anrcaBfnllp- retieted toe ABcric
ni.i'lf .miU and tk-lkalc flavor.
Kajw «h-W made a for
■d a dediacaac*-of
:i(>f»r.jv»al b)' the Untied Slale
IBR bp the aao—a—meat l
charRc aader a er—a fire Tb* a—
:oBacb <
•date*, to toalaiB Bad tedaatep.
Barry Smith I* a wia* pooaf chap
—for saJt Iry tb«
nod. It—c^thstood their Rronad aatil to* Aserlea—
—mUaet aooad aerrabcp mra rallptec aad Ttep hmd af tba ^rla. la mrdar Odd Fauow* ban. tw*
ti.ll.roin«Tran.T!u: Chyrk-alcrs
aakmaad .ttalr lamUte* ware peraawt
wltoia ss yards, wb— they Stabi aneapl theChiBe—offer te tar*
tbair aaattermi foroap TW pmrfU
deE XWiybeltfaad HO kilted. Th* over the fe—iRa mletetera to toe taurlaaddiU—lo tot othar plteBarat
toaate—a mew* aalte aad orar
dan army oBaalteic—alTteoTbiata coaaldol tot er—tec. they d aeaaaad to*
lots wMo—kQtad aad aeveat aad tetilbaki
tllalba waa a
rtaa ato cake.
— appla tree et th* Kuttheca Apr eariSt relax tbair -iicj aatil to* t
neraltteff oBtet.
BRataal Hekla. A leoR —bleriam w—
Ip. and natil rce—tip waa eappeaod te
Bad Collmoa.
toe plrU rW
lebcd today JO Admiral Robcp at
atof toaPtrat
adead. hariac pat—I Dotearaa.*ad
AaoBearpataateptehte a—■ U. E Sandap aeboel Wte fflm
aod It to belmvad that thto ta.a-------------terse porthm of to* bark bariac telletwioatwoMeetite cara thto afie- aUueticD w— laid ap— him
I* bp lockiac biB ap at Uraad tortpal to* hem of Hia-OrlBa —
— off, 4 tew dap* ate—‘te b-aoM
xia —thaDapt—A Xaala tracskw
. da far traadateat bm of tto aai* State atraatTharadap after——.
Mwito bk—oMaad pea*—ta a
<t «M> (««< aad b* wlU to bald te await toe
tear 0|i*ad Porho. E
n* t—Ohara, Mr*. QriBa and Mitel
irapptaiaaet.wlih—la laat —
— te a—w wwo- pfckably fatally. Allth* p
-'^^efthpffraad jary.
a ar— of 100 oqoan I
Eidiad.«afaaabtedBpHlte ra%bm
• aMtattoped whdM.
atakarwaa aoMd Daekar who
all«adtohara takas toh oader th*
aba daaltoatod br Uw. Mr. dooltor
took Daekar lato eoatodr aad alao took
.............. leftkaflah, Tb*r atarad at
Qlaa4rb(Worwalffbt. lataadiat to re
toLatoadth* aaat Bonipr wbaraa
tormi aetoplalal weald be lodfad
MOlMt OaAar. Bat wbaa Ooaltrr
aroM th* east aaoralat b* foead that
the Bah Ud baea atolaa. lUa of eoatae
talarttohd toatartaUr with the proaeaattote of Ika aaaa. aad altkoach the
■aa WM lakto to Ldaad for 1^ preailitoia thm waa aothlac to do bat


■apieuir la to Bare BeteaBaty. 4i*l$l.oooef toereqolrad pl.eM laal- Eaatatop Ball...............................
^ Hr*. BarUa Haaaoe
Btof toe
te la elfhV
Mr. Palt. aoBoapaated bp 4. i.
to be ewaed I7
•apeaad eatlralr of
eWrUtna Hlisw and JsmM L. Ubaaa
faretat* aad baalaeta awa of Uapla
Otr aad TielnUr. No eo* te allowed
Ibaaoaa ahara, to* par
ralnaof which wlllbaPlOO.

Tired out






Jacob Furtsch
F>ank Brosch
sjohn Highland

------- -

fS^r^SSS m ‘JiSaSr^

i jrta aro t-idta. of Xata

Ssrift EDd CompRiij

i HBBau). ATOuara. laos

traverse Herald
MM kMwkt Mn /Mite Ote «<

SlaiMod tgwmkir jielwte. eMf^a

ate- eaMMabwayeeMdayMatf
/eta MesM aad r. ■■ DaeUaea.
adeaasa a( -* Wise Weava", anfr


aad Bbaafhal. Jaly Heiwleber there lemilai a yap ofamiy
tl, «:U a.
(Si bUm to bo bent to ealto Sarepe
aad ladla.
(raw PeklB today wUb

TbaMkaesHeecaBaadlhalr nee


last law dare



A widower wHhais Andrea aad
widow wlU aeraa were receatly bbi
i were boaa
rted la a Peaeeylraale towB. attar hat
aatPehle of
lay^ee^<vedaB soieUaiaaesef aboat
ted Uerwias

“Whk* raaedms ytm Aa Rktet**
aabad Aemardit. "licWiwaate••Saoad.” nplled Ae oew hoy.
*-Na WlUiaca tbe>-s am Ae
■Mwer. Bicbl Mcbee M firm. Uyea
WMAa bate plerte artewnyoS.
yM’ll ase tbe dramate
‘ tA
' dram
» bit

AO tA Ueed bi yam kte PM
•n I was Mill .pmty yrara
--------■■«.“ A said. “1 war ml 1
ftelaca<M>Ut/a(h«Tlee troi
Ay l-y tA presid0i of a My
fnataoMSuter. aaa Umj p)«d
Aat did a yreat dral '
iboardorbcallbot Bobohec. K.
Tbe Mewh-U-waata ceebeetra airlral
scMoy iQ
dhiyrrr' asd
‘Urrd that per■ BBdeaa ordlaaaec rcqelrl^
n*te*^«TU«e iMt la M«a of aataedar Mralac- U eoasiats tbb roboraled prrrieu reporM.
th* la ^ lory tt«D I,
». K rarr aod feand L.a a maa of 3fi ,w Ibrrrwbuot
b ih
aad rrry eSaldr. Ur raid A vBetrd to
IteUadtf Sh^M Saadar- tto «H rmtct Banr W. Beat, flnt MBdells;
The seorler site reiterated tbe statc- poeple wbobecperowlaycoeki iathalr said that uMially U l» ooiy a .
me as aa .t(w*t la'reyard to lUamorate Aalwe bad bm bteiag
ahall be BOI
Ikaa *5. Aseordlovly Mania B. Vetdiet. eeeead auaddiB.
•eeta as to tbe bad eoadltieo of tbe back yard! to pay a |i llcease tre for tlBu^ wire the oUtuetr )anr 1> ballwd
dmya tAt oield abo« Ae amr {nmara f« Ae lam (m
(he all I WM nqwi «e Mr*s aad aad Oari Palaar. rallar. Itwaaplaaladi to Pekia aad tbe awbere of each. Thb tala thelBtamtofpeeee
yaMaaodwoaldn'i m it for Ae orxs
A <u.d as a Mirt of trad.maib
tbit war deetdfdly
the MB tf »(.
ta"—VrmbinyiM Aat.
bteaes wbe llaed tbe way. Cearer la BBd qeiet.
01 to uy tnc>' ." be cmilaBrd. -hap- cUr~-< rf rd>. TA dedys <A
le Bote to CoDsol Heredaleeaye:
A deeitloo of the raprcmecoart of ------'ialoeaaUauibr--------------------*
Kidney treobls.
lanthr ri bi.lUoe lo'Ctu. My fatlwr waa itae
"Siaee the ictb by ayreeaiMt there
beart beatr. and r
laeaaebeaciu ia to iherffert that the lodrr. n>' l<.-li.T|.d in jarbr doii^ Uw
lam j. ai>l 1____
they Ad bean irr
u baea BO Briof. We bare prorieiOM bkyele le a machiM ratbor lhaa a card to rr- Ufa plant becaotoil L almtelmpoml• Ih.y wore •.-l.-^ed (.> do. aad ratriy su^n-d »br« I •r u>d A waeird
for aereral WMkt bet little aamaolbleUkiU it or anrpurlicBcdiL Wbmi poucAd tOoU tbrimb^m'tA’krSSr'
•MSlac that WM tar Bcn
to idro a leaf i» ral.df aadhony op Igraatiiny.
''Thu ws, a i.iiirvlrr IriaL Tk- rirtlm lran>-d I- kiMis lAi
tioa. If tbeyeMtiaor to tbell at at they
lissrdto Aceate^iauoalr mMr
thaa vlaaaaal. Tbs an
was a Arail-rr Hemen. wA bad uvej Uty >t with unr y..d.
II mdi ool wbilr. Uinodlikr toots.
WM bald Satarda/ sad wm tberoacbl/ hare doae we eaaoot hold oat loar.aad
Ad U-si «
np a few A-tnued .I.eUars wbkb he kc j.c think
teieaMlaclaeathe atea
gatAea Bkustnpe froca tA air aa-l A
iplete BBStarre will foilow. 1
r4d cHd nad.T hU brd. Tbr arousal you c« u].,' -|. .
bfe. aad be aleod ea the desk MtU eejerad br all.
giaa to prow nrw Irarcw Lren wAm
. ..
hope relief eaa coae eooa. We were
SB m, , a irarriine nat.Aiakrr. porttwlir said 1. - .
Um boat easa alo^ilda 'ibae be
Bc-aus-irawol and parked away in a btea A'e i
- ..
Acamri him csn arrayed an csi-rKicm- ■ttby do you s-tV
plsdtobcar of tbe
e rictory i
eeaataaUr balnf taraed
leafed M (be leww deck, bat U
ally suvi^ rssc vf rircnmsiaatial erl- caar.- 1 nplwsl. 1‘wl-uW .•.rtsiulj tar>o
Ibla. bat reyret the■ terrible
n redrawn l-y s nn.- «SOT|»-t. nt irtist '
ebaaeid tbalhia bead etraek tbs lep away.
safe aad well."
-Thr prteief'r rooaCrl did A* bnd A Ite-d riiTwi*. J. 'tVhy a-r A iciuiird.
edthafawwa/aadbafall badtwanU
Tbcyeaat people bad a tea<ea«tbe
Ayoaayyiri la Hissoari wMUkea A
1 aaswm-d
Tbii last refert to CoByer e family.
iBtolbswmter. Tbearh bii bead wm aad of Beware Harbor Friday SMelBf.
dstAblyAm A a.
Ir Beben Hart imperUi BariUmc aa ioeaae aijlam tbe oAer day. saSer' wcadteulciaasafibem.
badlr bralaad aad laaafataH. be did aot
woold I... Tt.- f..r.rasn ef f '

Meaday erealed MM HaeBdertof
nifaiialooer of eeiioae. aeet.word to lay from Ae remarkalde delaskm Aat tbr owm-r i.r the prianical
a aad ewtuelaf to
ty of 14 at
•be U compellA tosit ea a red boteloee
Drew aad
■ -sul lln.(1w-r IM.hrr. .k_
-Aa ' -7 “
sad peel potatoee. She bai bees work nnm. Il war Uic in Ibt- aft<
sAff Aat heaod tale fUBlIy were
iBMi..*i .-r a--' la d^ ^ oeai Adeoe-dollarstj-^^^^
U a J-ost. ! - Y.oir l-u-:ie
dclos diy .>f lb.- trUI wl
lay la a Aul kiiebea.
A-<tkiii I f.-r fw.. ixi.'os—<
A ut-1 c-l-lk. -t-ol I
nurtrd I" -Mileralr upna j
Mlmioaanee report A«t all ol
cobli.' As tesraod t.. Leo.
PsAcr Usry. a CaAolic prifet at
“Ibr spr.,j,.>„ lincmd
d la th- ronrt- f
Bad be baaa etaaeed bj tbs eeAUea
n I s-il -h- oa.r-; cut il you Are bidacr or btedcr SnaUs.
Hekla sod Taayebow Americaor ead CApmaa. Mt.. has raised a flae polet
lA rndkt _
be- I l«.-nd to r.Min li 13 ib.-,aJ' W.ll, |
wUb tbs tM of the faarwa/. be ralcbt
on.- -Ut UudeJ HraiicntbispafnwAawn-dayOr. Ktem
also Ae Walken. CbapAm, SmIAs. wUb reyard to Ar doy tax. Ueeaye fore snpp« time.' It wm ta^A somawr.'
base drewaed befoM help eeald hare
and lA w.-atArWM4ntrasoly he. rLii-I*'-'! 'b.- l.-.u-.; but. co m> dis- At dot A .kc». ap.V w. mm-h unm-T k Ce.. BlnyAtea. H. Y.
i- Foede. wltaaed eao Meol Ae Wyekoffe, %’erilya. UnPart, Terry aad hU dry waUAs fslAfaliy aroepd the
in d.. ra.v dot now to-'d luiter ifuoo------- rt------•_____
roaebadhlw. Aa it was. U bad a ewp
pMt wsA at (A resort.
saartaary. aad tb^ore is cboieb
aarrew aaaafa. aad will earr7 a hnlaad
property, exempt by SAA law.
Away Aa reeeat arriralt at Ae ho.
bead tar eaMtlM
^ I-.w I As d.- fa.v I.T C3|| I.II a
tdanHr.ead Mm. Beraaa Goepper. ^Terry has preoloosly beea re
I aairUv ar p*olJ.-.
i »f‘kinc abuci 1 .(A ar.-nu.- w ith a lady.
Cbcealier TreoUoore. a scalpur of
MAMaiyOeeppir. HA BorAaJeaWesblayioa.has been awardA the cobBrlUboai-lal* decllae U> cl
Tbsaareiei la tbe Flret MetbodM aey. Hte. W. a. Umoa. Dr. A. W.
tract for ercetiay aCT.oOo atoaumeai
Asreb Saaday eraalay itm a a
JAasM. FMtM Uamm aad
MA Sir Qaade McDxaald'B n-miyr, eayiay
SI.A .
*• cai»u.aiffii ts-irar
It is elmller A Aat from lae Japsoese to tbe OuBfAerau deA. tAl will be
able eaa, the booaa belay paAA to
S fllybee. all of aaeABStl
- s Jarr WOU1. MyfaiArdrnud »‘dlftu-..,t was he, ..wa
miaiaMr yesterday. The Ucrmse mca(bt doore to baar Bee. W. A. Frye. Ae Charisi a gelBlaa of Cbicayo; Hm. A
Icy thr Jery for ‘T"' .**■;
Mdday al-.«
saye U of Ae same tcaor aad adds that
I tiwauiuUlrr.«<liic
leraer pMtor of tbe AarA bateD. Speanaa aad aoa of EraMtoa; Mr
la a Ter- ■ ^t**wl»rui..^i.AeChiaeseerr Aepioy Hialster Voe
iarr^' ^ and
aadMm. JaatatEMeyaad MAAbbIo
a prwul
wbrn -ymi erutf- «(i to A
dirtKelAler's Ady.
S Wtsien Kaplwfwrd. .
U. Oarrol of Fllad O. Udd. HA Udd
liykt days parsed, an-l it Ayan In I
"■I fcj-i
Loodoa. Jaly 31—A speclsi dlsAtob rBilroad employee la Butte.
tbat Variun war tA map who wsi
-- o«. tbst I- e-astJmd a Trty fl
aad HA Baad of Hilwaakoe: Hie aad
-I wuoMbY ha
ell.- Vas'W
■ -■committee for Ae Improre-'
■ecioas of
of .flnu.-sr
.anu.-cU- art."
art." said tA r
omTieaThlp today AT>: "A Hekla
" >e out for the sroeittal rf tA prisHA KyebM of WyoBlay. Obla
ThU.was coalirai-d on tA ninib
, .
eeaaye dated July zi.reAru Iasi Ae mentofyoueymea."
net Mad to wlA lA ebaeal aUo
-And »ky Ui.iy
wpp. atrd f.. break-s^|sar.d^f..r
““••• r’"!
What ;• belierA A A a Vikiay day when tA jorors
'Cbas,-1.1 hci.- I. always A makln'
SratOBUIdeaews reached tAre Jaly
fast. Tlr-r- mra. »>d.- I > .d.-.
Mr. aad Hm. Walt* oT BarUord.
*0}-«' ui.«b.-rs sa>
The tellare of Ae rellet cxpedllioo corpaebaa beop day op la a peat Ay at
Attar Iba doM of (bo aaoUay. It
itein!-'j'c^'.> poirS!'
tad..ara apaadloy Ae arasM a
le Ae etee far more perilodi. Ua Dameadorf. la AhUawiy. aad plaeA
- aa^ad tbattbc mUm wgiM
rsjkrd «li.or in **1^’
botdofHii. Uvra StaA m FrMi
Jaae IV AeTeany Li Yemea broke off io the Kiel Maeeom. It was well pre' "'i'e-U- il •»pUu>.- wUt bar J.oic Ae
drawn l.-ainnw. .VI l
JaaeSu Calas declared aerred aad bA red Air. it waa elAAd CDoal. lAolbtT JupttS
lo.'iiij -la.i-L I d-.i.'i j.fof.~s
red Mm. Thc-y •
Baioe Vea Kelteler ead Fraacls ; la eoane woolen material wlA aabdaU. forvs.l tbi--sLoriff t.r prot-kb.- a wirtrata *“
lU.h 111..Ill hft low aL.ul null
Oread Bapide paraad Areoyb
toi^ mat tors.
lot If i
Ae fret Kiel experU Alok It waa teU,-f-w-hlm. Aufti-rward w» tuuuj
. aa Baylisb profosAr.
At tbe e«Miay eereiee. Mr. Oorbii
yAAday m Adr way A
Aat Varnuu sir•.duooiay in-irtyd u
More Aaa 430 aoncomAt- AriA Kioo yean ayo.
aad Her. Btaatoa, tteyaaea of B. C
(A Inn.s.'u.v -I I
wbenAeywlUspead Ae TMt of the
aate oceepied Ae Uritiib leyatAo.
II. Maya
May a beaalUal daal. “Tba WmTbe Cslombiao coetalyeoatal Ai
•“•I tnn'i t.-ll y. .. whyl^MSto-. -b«
aadeistand Aat coaverU are boldl
cclrA a cable asDoaneioy Aat UriA .................................-i tAt man did not kUl'
A AnisaA AaAro preripiuuly abaadooA by
Ksr.BlaatM praaebst
t.aoAr, •
retayea oeeupiei tbepsiAc .of Hrioee Orcaaa. weo it Aioy parspA by r.c
■aiata is Ua aoralay (bat was
Mow Vork. Jaly tl—Jobs Clarii BU
buJm- lirtii.
AlreeeAyaa oa July IT. afwr troops.
ISBedtewlAyiMtlalaMtbya li
".Ml ibU tlme.lho
X days uf Srree awnli. Uae alyht
• nc-rtn, end L.-allb of tlie. lorr-! r'’*®
U^paubrs from Rome say tAt Ac
mm suff. r.s! uloler tA straio. ■Vurtmm
Ae Aelllay was oBletcrrapted-for tii
it yreat fear of a rerolatioe la Italy as fell Ae ra.iiae mc«t ..fSIl. lI.- wa, aa! *"1""
today at Ae PrMbyl
ta.-k.srii.s m..|ArT la ratal and
Aeresallof IbeklA's mar
Ptm aMetaer BmrC.
AMdly.BlUmpta were mtee A Arc Ae
AlierA Aat tbe astateai
Obarlaa (Aasa aad Mally ara eiall^
From As EloadlkeUriAh Icyatiss. Twaattaeks rraulled
Art of a plan A cAaye Ar lystem Ar jiirj was ouL TA Juiler trfute to
"Tluif. lul.i." apjip.yioxly reJ.dDed
layW8.aallOly> ,
VAorla. Jaly M-Sbayoaa papon la Ae raia of Ae Bao Lla. tbe Cbii
aU-.a tb..yathcr to l.ol Aes-m fatvwwBS,
A.' ti-a.b.r. 4'hH'axo Trilmiw.
"Oa til- iL'BIb day .lA i-leven jnrjrHr. A. 0. Wyahoop' of Osdar Baa. eay Aat thlinnAte of gold ep Ae Ya- aatiooa! esUeye. Tbee»wardlceef Ae ofyoreramrat.
pwUiy diri
PsrtlTslan Of Ae ernpCra ofMouat win fatorrd p Topii.c
WMiatbaoUyrMerdayM bedaaaa.
Chlaeee prereated eoecMtfcI rosbuiy
lhi-uw-1..- iui,.'r.-lay> cad ocdiw-i.
A-T.Besitaad sm Barry ofAaa
"The AAlkiUA or dead b. Geraaas.
to allaik Varomn by cmiiaaal etguiij
.Vllni - .-stal.-. proAAa. ara dtltlay (baIrralaUeM
orieaul papers Sofarap TVlilc t«- orE'i.d a.tb
DaaBAwhieh reached here At alytat
, Japaaess fu, Freacb IT. BrlU«b
3 kAtei'd. auioouis
slept., liay an I i.iahl i ■f kill it
known. Tte pertaos were killA i
(badlyfrom Skayeay bn a repmt from Daw.
iseiaas 4, Amerieau
afiowin- Ac ni.Ll.rd n 111 L ' Sllsf
Her. W.H. BUaAeeab of UA View aesAowlayAata smallpox apidemi coerrrte 3, aibI.-wiA wouaded. ‘jl.
many baadreds were InjarA.
lE'nxtais b-ii.Ts and paicsplu from tb. it abort- i id ns.rnfol epa Israsr naidrat of AM oily, la elall1-xwith
-f pnldishing
aow preralUay Aero, aad we
lU. .Vorrieoo. Ueid aad
l...^ni.-iU|drs^ Hr M}
M}« •Ilk
ay frieadi berate a kw days'n braeyht tram sp Ae rirer. Up A Jaly Temealyarc ill. At least t.oouCblaeae CapU Nicol from BTtUrdam. Hay
Um saw ed Abb Arber. le the IT foer eane had dereloped:
bare bora killed. Tbe Amerlcpas oc- Tor Kiac Cbaa. wheace sbe was A i
^^uiisli lY<wtd-ni M.'Kialcy
yasateof trisBde A Aedty before yw
apy a Btraay paeilioa oa tbr city wall torHonland. Ore-. yroaodA at Sai
♦w-oldweanuc uji'ol tA ■.hltolb'Cci.tly a r.-siu .if s..
Mloblyaa-S War Hooey.
Jaly TT. aA became a AtsI lirtipi
. of tA jury rural. Var- tVlute MiHis.. p.ildes. h.. h.ts
till safliiiea'. ud hotWaAlaytoo. Jaly M-Of Ae PliT.OOO
.I. nsi l-yf|i|s I.bysii'ton lu walk
rawmcni. Ms brad
wreck. Tbirteen of bar ct
pilal arraayemeau are exocllcal.
K Oct him .>i..rtd
Hr. aad Hra. J. H. Slowert rataraed whieb la claimed by Ae site of HlebU mybody U maeh extaaiuted by Ae eoa. drownA
mm. VVcys.uid u -i war ih.-ir w.
Atbdrhowlaniat yealarday. after yaa tor expeaeta iaearrad A lA war
At Dodye City. Kaa , «i M. floorer but thric gwiofcs Is
wh* Ary- >
ar Vojl w aiifs a -salon."
w)tb>ipalB< teS.Stl hae-Aea allow.
a TAt wlA Hre Stawanb mt
and t>. T. CiayAa hare loe* eiyfauco
iliot^ 111.. dJff.Trut art
Hie. D. & TUat.
>d a ebeck for Ae. emoaot bee
"Ha'ddfaly Vaniur
bspcl nf!
State Myws turns
all nn1tr-r*s] in c*b.’.aioi
AAofcattlr Tbeir berdof 3o<lbroke attAjiiryni . llltAe^se.rc
nano Ooterspcjnayree by
nt.- joint rxhlMlHWs ,
Hears sad wild eau are iiaiu nomer- iPAAe KitDr com field, and Wer
raised uArc bit 1and
tb tAdw iookiat ap Us pollUaal aaotery. BalpbBbw «>>o >>»
buns eiuuliiis sL-iiM-r*. __ .
OMlB the PorAeia ecoBties of the Acre At. more Aaa fifteen mloutei
tor a mcatb. atralyfatealay ool
comrtnwloo. I'rrlly s—o Ae alsT
- pealneols- maay Arrim plcken
A# aaooaata wlA a
Uailed states
frou It.e conrtAosc.’ |..-Ibc b.iiil
. Hr. aad Hre OA
Mswahte '
leetay lAm.
aadlter of Iba wAr deyartp>aBt.
Id Hr. aad Hre. P. C. B
Near Vaemr Claode Hiller, ayed
but A-rc Wire l.«i> penpl.. Jaininid in'
Ae tattle p.iinm-m. Vartnim ltd lu tA
alee yean, eoa of W. J. Mdler. a farmwsM dated Jaly i

vilktkeMMtlarof trslt traa Fiaak

■ tenwa. tvr

mm msm




I-.,, .'"r

fc'ir r::.

...... ■ •


= r ur.-r.!-.' rK?-;

™Sr,;iv* “


“T ■


. . . .'lhi^«rr‘th‘^jk2\ru^



or.’AUebA a rope A falmaclf. Ac,
oAercod AioytiA A a cow. Ti
aa aad drayyA bim tbtpolb
HortM of AAa. an Aa caaak of Bor. OMSiel Primloo. wlA 9.000 Boenel Prlaaloo. aoeonllay A Lord teoee. breaklay the lA'c Beck-;
Heaeb orcArds la Ae riciaity
Hie. OrorarofrOarrlUr. ii Usyaaat Bdbana’ report, wm winiay A
r oernTtUayapMOMdlUM Aat Fair Plain, near HeaAa Harbbr, are
at kr. aad His. Fiaak SOaby.
Hie. AlbMtOaaAsId of FUarrille. le
dditeMr.aioTtretPeAaaaia towa- aUp.
Hr.aadHfeC HtUeraad Hr. ead
HB.rrad8BadsrlaadaBdABrht« of
Beweik. OkteatfeWtei (A family
Hia. B. L. Hante aad Harry aad

rate yeaiea;
■d Ama aad Aat Aey A trn A renA Aalr bemaa. Lord Boberts'
meat adds:
••t itelad (bat Ae aarraader aicat
Aat all
mfitAyiie^aad i

■AdBiahMofOMkrtmrc. Ohio, ara
yeamiotB.tfMaA kmlly ofStala

SOO Chiasm Billed.
Mr.aadHre.Wm. klUar aadaMot
PelwAry. Jaly U-Ia a dleBawwk.sadHr.aad>Mra. A. Patrick
dalod EAbarorak, Jaly fI. Opa■ad daaybA af Ontebeiy, Ohio, ara
•relOtodaboS reporti Aat Ae Yale
rWUayB. B. Uekeya£s.te
rallay bM beea oeeapisd aad pleaderid by ClhlBSM troopa He deaeribm
email aayacemeats faotwMD Asm aad
BmAm- TAlatA blew ad three
powder mayaslam aad'-triJAd SOO
HlmBteUaBalaombarHeadk Ae
CUaamM., TA Bateaus lost Mrea
killed apdalybtwoaaded.
a *Hlt wiA talatlTet.
AaoAar report eutee Aat Ae- Cbl
atM attacked Aaodraaee yoatd of
Ftesrday from PeAekey. where aA
Brteaa Moiwollaa Alaebmnt at Fort
anaadeda aocdal party ThBiBday'etM Bebabal were raised with yiml
*^L. OartleofFifA atrMt. Is oatar.
(Plate Him BAalOarttsaad Him Fere
HlmmBdlAaad AUse Oeedriebof
•t Uala. Ha. ara rUllay MmAs Id
T.J. BaadareM leUraed tetalybt
kom a baalasM trip aaeA m (A tee
^EM. Baaeaaad MADeoyhartyafBkBapidaware la Aadlyy...
.^(itday aad took dlaaar at tA Park
' Dr- Freak P. Bammy of Bapid Oty,
WM ban M batlaem ymteiday.
A. J. DtVrlss of WUUamebeiy. wmi
ffaam at Ae IBhUte peMorday.
/. L. Oraaa e bealasm maa of Boaor.
HMtApark Pisea
Will A. Hsoaa. fetmariy of tkkdty,
amr of Battle Oraaa, la Bbakte haadi
wUh eld triaada
Dr. sad Hre 8. A. JAwma aad
AaayhA. were la tA elly yaatarday


•< ik.


Aira. Ae deadly eeemy of tbat Tsriety
A frail. The kaowlcdye of It «aa
tbU tioable tbat caaaA the deatraepeaeh treei o
former rUiUUon some TO ymia a|6.
JoecDb «
imneekaak bm, aAasfesi .Bi Ae
.tte they will A killed eod
seat A marAt aad told lor their hidea.
Barem will «ro loA lA baelDom
larye scale. TbU win A ou A
Ae few larye skaek farms In Ae
eooatty. aad will proAbly A a psylay
M Ae bide of Ae odorifibnlmal briogia' big price from
Ae farriers.

ArAnr Williams. proprUtor of a Hnrr
Oak Urery. aad George Stebbine hare
DAdeA np-tc-date electloe bn. If
Bryan Is elected Williams U w Apport
tebblBe- moAcr-U-Uw daring- tbe
rwnaladerof ArnaAral life, bbonld
Meh'leley by elected SUbblni
pledged A pnbllc'.y twist Ae taU of a
St. PetaroAry. Jaly fC — Geaa
«t male Alaagiag
kehoroS eablae aader daA of Jaly
a day for Area wccm, or nntil
tbciwUter U pcnasae^iily disabled.
UaaAl ThefareiiM fled,
Tbe argnmeel U backed by e forfeit.
railway rtard of son at Sbarblo ai
I. Soy Waterbary
wwn enmnadad by AniaaA
aad B. D. DcOams of OteUad conoiy.
ma aad Are beaa aaalbUaled.
Aiak they Are toaad aeoioUoo ol
Ae graaeboppnr peat which ol Uie
LoodM. Jaly SI—Lwd Boberts
yearn bM bees a great Agree of fear
trapAUewakoSee: "BnatCTreporU MwellM e lorn A termern of Aat
Prlaelao. Vallimn aad OrotrAer
AfUr agreeldesl of experltea. horaee aad rifles nrrud
yMtarday. Tbe iteot Ae men wb
keroaeae oil sprinkled on tA growing
wl i dpire Ac gramboppm
It U applied Ae same ae parlt
green end waur U eppUed A poAAce
Uly aadtrUl A kill boge. For bcooe Ac oil U di­
ned wlA water.
>e Aat orsiy rlA U (Irea ap "
Alfred a Allen of HeAskey. bee
Prsterio, Jaly U. 1:99 p. m.—Prlasloo
BenmUeiag eUce lestMoate. aad
WlA .9.000 men and IT gnos bat o«tm. feel play le eetpeclad. Hoaday'moradwad A BaBlar. This marks Aa sol- lagHr- AUsBweatA work at Ae mUl
otAewar U Ae aorAeMlora eeaeoal. Later be drew bu pay. aad
portlM of Ae Ftm State. Dewel
A company wtA b>s wife and Hist
BaUaborg. bot It U Icaowa that Us rreuof Grand BspMs. whowepTisUMrgban are fljAlte atter cor
tradte” He'utt^tbeMim.^yUg A
ekm. TbkwMadmlUad byblibroA-

■Aieg new In' Ae spiu fenee
folly il beporlcd from EiifsAlh. .S'. J , hU fS'v Worn under kaitlpl A-a*.
whereas oatbreak of riraleat dipb" ‘Votir,' Acaa Vsnmni. YUi
' nrrve. An rent list token
Aerisio a family ii altribateo by Ac
v.wUcb uekes It imAuiUe. raUeadlag pbysieUa A Ae dampness
c Ae man's Tolrr'sank. an.l bu away.
naed in tbe bao-sr by a fenee nearly
.Ml attendant ca»rd him bsck in hit
Veraum moti.<noJ tu ib- man next
feet long aed at oac point 9>i feel
iwcidl W At A eonU u-t.
high, tallt by'aaexldooroeigbbsr.
" Th.- r..aton. yoBr bunor. wby we ennAt Ae NaUosailsi Amoniiratioa pot peer.' said Ili,-riutor. Is A-au»e tA
forenun bss just V-M «• that Ae murAid 1
Apt c.f tbe Ovrnian u aa bU s-is.'
Tbi-r.- was a Andenionlum ip ik
liting for Ae BritUh army and
turtruuni. Varni;ffl
tokcb bume ra<
ig with brain f. rer. Hu Ad tulJ tA Jo
nrging ibal. ae Eaglaad'e army was
'■dUcomfoTAd" in Hootb Africa. lymcn that bU soa bad twi-n surpri-sd la
tA .act of roUiae ihe Crrtnai: and had
tA time wee ripe for eo Irish rcAl- killed him. Aflrraard A aencht hit fa
rjiafcsrtd. i'rfdeibdBn-d ibeold
k-s-p Ae secret and
iwrodt iA
lod iwro.
I opm U wal.hmi
IS drswj -in the Jury, A
lated not refttse lu set , At L.- d.-trrnined
SA *iciBlly. A few weeA ego eirabc“ilefora yoanc Varooi
traweled throngb tA eenetry,
ed be Was killcl in m
entiog themsdres as deotiite
Ues of tA war. Thi
wstAniakcT was ran ■
end iaji^.l »-> badly
faUaicclb. They proposed A extract
died stsm afUTwcPl. ItrtoiV b<- dW
tAmolara ot-pcraoni aeediag
iceA and tnrnlsb Ac new acu^i
A eocresMd tAt A bad kill'd thi- <i<-ratcly. Ac peuwns payleg ball
man and wbetr A had biddci
price io adranee aad tbe otAr half oa gold. He Ad ti-.t dated tu r.-torn t
.When leateb was made. Ac gold
dellrery of tbe teeU. Maay orders fotrefl.
re takee. toe tecA were drawn, aad
"iii.1 man Varnam was rfrarly In
tAstrengera dieaprsredwiA Aeeasb. wbi-o hc faitenfd .tkecrin"- up-n hi* s-.sTA uij.-sl of Ar Jury room ba.i wtcckij
They bsve not reArord.
Ua taiod."—rhiiaduiphia N-rth Am.-rlFii« years ago. wnen hu wife died.
'. E Bertirtl. an old cobfedrrete ret
Bet DC Was Hoc.
ran ia Ororgla. seemed prostrated and
“Georxe. dcir"—
for a long UiM sengbt scclMkm la the
"Don't Is.Arr im. Uiin. 1 am m
.'si rather read tAn talk y
forrsu. PlnaUy be began Ac'erection'

btad! Ad <vr-rt elR<*v ».Tr dte.d si


ol a tomAtone errr her grare. adding
An Anr draxx~l Us way Inl- <hito it from time to time (ill at present
ilsty past, cud tb- T..ic»*f Mr..I',
the followlngarliclcecompeae tA pUei
on ws. brard lalliax l^y:
"Uera. bow mneb btagur Asir I
porceiala bowie. i: china pilebtrs. ID
glam |iiicb«rr. a wheel from a toy wag­ breo ready wn brar ag--" '
on, 1 griadsioar-r-. oyster Aeilc. 3 quart
"It war. IScom." r,-spo»te Mrr,
from Ac dining ewm., 'That
bslUes, > pint Aults, i'. Arry Vowla
wAt I wenria t-. t.l! p,T. At yon .liJa't
r. 3 ult ^llart, 1 pepper Aa. I
ant to boar m- itib. Wo Arc all ftnpister. c^psaadsancers. a Gi
Ad. en-l ryrtybln* i. o.l.f. At »on
ger bowl aad ienamenblc biu of c.-lo:teat wsii enotbec minoto if yon sraat
Rr diurr."-lymdue Tit-Rita
A glais. Tbe old man. In spite of Ae
fact Aat A baa remarried, ei
«>r*wr am Bairn.
Blightaighteoaeoterer Ae
It I* a wrU-knuwn fact lAt Meragrare-______________________
pbis atr’tila'ora sib-k to Hie boylag
side of the stock uiarkct as a ycAral
>. iYwncbaw, a former resident
TAIate M'Wt* Kimball of J
Qipbls. At DOW of <!'blcaga. os
inagct A Aat city, .was to utetteiag being aaked a« to the rraMo for tbie
by bis brotber x sta->rt lime eeo. tecbarm-tcT. For man.r yrars bis ambi

A marrr, l«t tbe pciiti
• Wby. tAfs eisy eiionyb. TAir
took kitollyio hisasteaWAnAwas aa aldmnaa be­ ButtArs eurtrd t Am otn tp Ae world
fore rbewsr. AT.iied sod rprdiv agatiMt WiA •By-Bj'r-ai.y By-Ily,' and U
Are simply tioeii keeping jip Als
of wlj muAcrly atlrkw all U



results of the past season's trade have
^ been verymore than we ex-,
peeled—but there remains as usual many odds
and ends and broken lots. I'hcse wc do not
wish to carry over, and we are not goinx to if
prices will take them from us. -We don't want
ail)' profit on them^-w* clon't even ask the
cost jirice. Jl will be to your interest to investisrate—and act. if in need -of any Summer
.Merchandise in our lines..




Sr-ooto Sio.oo Patterns for--.-:.................$5.98
S.;.oo to <s-(» 1 fats', our make, for............ Su>H
-Allthher Mats, our make, for................ ..
Si to $,f Walking Hats and Sailors........ .. fjgc
All Other Walking Hats and Sailors 48 and 25c


All our.waists. no matter w hat they cost—
have been divided into three 4ol
50tb 75 cent Waists go at........
.■^Sc to Sixjo Waists go at........
Si.j.S to S3.00 Waists go at......... .....................79c
Best makes, latest and most desiirable patterns.

2.A dozen men's fancy Co lored Shins—
good materials, well Hundred, 1latest patterns,
a large variety of shad'es and dttsigns to Klect
from—$i and §1.25 -values for 0 nly S9c.

107 pairs Men's Dress Pants, broken lots,
going at V big sacrifice.
Cotton Pints. S5C and Si values, for......... 69c
50c qualify Overalls for......... ...................... 39c
TweBty-five per cent, off on all Boys'
Summer Weight Clothing.
56 and 7« Summer Caps all go at 39c—
Straw Hals all go below cost.

(3.B. U98, $9.98

A large, assortment of. medium priced
Clothing, comprising many .light and heavy
weights in dark checks and stripes, suitable tor
. To
5 andwill sell them at $3.98.
i.—------ ----- ----------S4.98 and S^-qS- All these suits are worth
I to Sicboa

Take comfort tn cyeling-the balance of our BIO SBDU0T1OV8 XM PBICB8
Blerele Snlti are golag at $3A0

m the "Dear'pdk;

nUlbadtr ndordap.

^wm8SMC«tr>u. *r


net ledh; oea elacle latae
•ranraer b; the DereeermUe parT;
that le more tbaa two jeara old.
■akloc tbit tlatWMBt the rimweatlr

ffaae abeat oix meki

old. aaploded it to Uaer; wee i
ad epoo b; Mr. Bryaa, or be “wnld
■etplo;.’-aad Belt wee oate.
Aad It

B. Fntar ef Aldn. wae U the

IM to tba Itoe M «< Iha WB^

tlte ehoald, Ur. Bty:
lithe mwai leW
M eo-eaUed ■•treat''

riter; aad iedaaaee of tbe Ualtad
a Tbe Dtmoerau hare alwapa.
erne ■•paramoaat" laaae; For a da-





EEi ^:;:
T9« DuBoentle TwMt
dte '
( hr M kM
B* ta> » CMi Mudlat iB DkirolL
tte DmboobM (m •»; Oaaeenti
mam tb«r » th* eolr OMt «be Bn
iMMUdMBU) IkmrkOBttkBMBl*
. MMHilB tka wmi el DMreiUn lar
U. bMMM <mM* ct ttaet eitj Mr.
«raa4 TievvM eeeeV M' eea«Ummmi br tk« nUetlee el Jedr*
■MilillMthe cudldauiw IWslumtgmmmm. WlUwqt nord to i»rIgrUMi tko paepto of ttte •enloBof
ttoMMavUleoeretelMUM Jedc*The ■«aau> Md U» Jedfe'e other
bMi la OtMd TisTone wooU hen
hMplaaaadtoieeklaikeed the tickat. bat taih eeeU haidl;be axpaeted
m the Jedte ba» oaly been a De»ae»t
atoee the CeaM Oil; egaraatloa ~
lenMhawae.ethwell kee»B.»Bed irlth tbe I


leiAkk oBelall; aotUed

M with the keeMtai
^nliMne c< whet itm

an. e( the

natlOB at DurolL
Hra Ohartae Bdmtooa of Be; atrael
to aetortaialac ber etotar. Mra BUi
worth esark of Ithaoa
A. K. Falrbaoka ef Habel. to i
Him CoroaUai aad her aeatotaat
I; ill. aad hto eea wae aammooed from
wrat to Haatotoe
tbepwiUootodoetaeoekUff dan au Uto dly patterdap.
rarieaeeudidain will be ehiftad to
Hln Bopee of Port Baree. aad Hto*
thaoeoraalloa. The eooleati
Hra tori T. PoBaUff Um to rtolUiW YUloo ql Detroit, who hare beee
taTaralwardafordeUffalea wan aplrffantoet MratHaaaeB at Uea*p'.i
rlaade at Maple at;.
llad aad fa orary ward tha
>t UapU at;, wii loll pnterdap :iar CHwkUaw wh
U*p wilt taka a boaWor a Uke trip

aed bard-lo-h^iealUad Scare
Loraaffor bellone ha caa cDBBt CO to
ttt.lPS.Mt. Of Ule aeeoaat
pvte wwa t4.tM.479.Ti4. U It aa;
thatlethetaee of
OTBrUtfaoSeeood ward Baperr
baa dropped, the Darrow had It all hie owa wa; aad
laaolid dalMratiea to eappert
for jddfft af prohau. Boaldei Ihaoa
Demoeratle part; cried ‘ Doat;” the Hr. Damw^e frteade elUm that bo
apablleaa pert; did-aed with the wiUbenanaddlUoaaleliewlBff U the
■alu cbowa.
elt; wbealtoomeato a ebow.dowa.
Fcr a decade or aura followlac the Tbaamleritpof iBaBMOod ward dela.
■•rraeabeeb'- eraat ef len. tbe Uamm iratlee 1i eoeeadad to HareUe ter
: part; railed the cOetr qaeatloa. eboriff, altbeoffb Aabtoaelalma fear or
aatU la lt«o it woe ma^ the •
TbeniatwardtoeaidiebtnUd ter
feat of tbe part; OB ibSe laeaa le a mat Leraaffar and la that ward Aabteo balar of Tcr; raeaet Utter;.
Uorat be wUl ffat tea or oUtob oat of
Aad ao. odeV oae. the "paramoaef the thlrtooa, wbUa HareUo-to aald to
heact rUead bjlbe DemoeiaUe «artj
fortyyeate hare beM met ^*tbe
mUtho Third <
porg of Uboit; aad profteea. aad oae iBffaad tba i
b; oae tbeae Iwaea ban boea dropped throofffa aa detlffBod b; 111 makwa.
b; the -Dim't" part;, aaUl aoir tbe It aald that Lotoaffer wlU aaeere
eol; qanttai ef DemoeiaUc ‘
lartemolorlt; of the deleraUea for
Jadffa of probate. wUIe Hareble
moaat" Importaaee la eoe Ibai
beta railed wfthla thelaettwo ]
bare a eara maiarit; ler ibariff.
Tba FoarU ward doralopad eqaal tot to haBdle.jMl ai
mtaadlltoBald that Aabtoa aad
aa^ ‘Wamoai
Lonaffcr wUI pnetkall; ban aO of


Id the laaallaff eatil aearl; ;

m<Tf HeEUla;wlth
Iwt alffbl that Aabtoe
LerBafferatoed tba beet ebow t
Few elaiw wen made U tba dtp
forHeeroe.altboaffhltto doelared that
be will eaeura aaoaffb tram the warde
raeeatl; t Imadee. Bafflaad. wiU ba to>dd to hto atraaffth U the eooBtr; to
flna at
Itenramil; Utenatlaff ter hto

Mr. atlk. wiadew* trlmmor tor J
ibart. hariac eharra of'ibla work,
baeatfew la thie ftaat erlefe of ear iBwUeh ke hai doaehlmaelf eredlt.
aaMaaalbletaryte etaad lor aad am- Memban of other Budearor aoeletlai
had; pcMplea that eheoldbaAlMe to ta the dtp bare baaa tarlted, had a Sat
■ad. FollewlDf Uxba
theb^rtofere; imertme worth; dl

Saciac. -Ood atre tte ifaato.i

idlvorertba tot from the bentK the Ufa' of eae daak totaaffh Uw woU of tb* walk
earn Falllaffat tbe tot of Ito
to anrtetkm that mUW la aa a
. mer. tbe lltUeoaewat pUkadap
tndii ......... .to nJ^thoffro
with oal; a laaermled limb. Tbe «*iic
•ell Bod aawSaa It witUa pwe
rrat a atoe of Pmldnt Otaham of the
haatUaa. Itrrap amarnl ttol Ua
UtUo owe waewot erathad to deal
iSatIha ocMnl a
the tontn atw of tha walktoff h

Hra Wametel^t. Lock, to rtoltlac
at U* bane of Mim Harp Hoatromecy
oa Elmwood anaea.
O. a Hoffatl'hH retaraed Ip U*
dty hem a eampiaff trip to Ue Jordaa
Hra O. C HoSait aad ehileree are
baek from a rtoit to OeaUal Lake.
Mr. aed Mr*. J.1 PhUlpe. who bare
baaa lo.Ueeilp ter a few ewaUe, hare
aiendto Hllwaakee. where Ue; will
J U. BoaJamlD eame up tram Urasd
Baplde yntenfap.
Charlea MebatoeatcitalnUffbtoasot
ticm IlliaaU
Mra.WiUUmDeWiU left peetarday
for MeaomUec. Wli. to rtoit be
Wpatt aad daafffater. Uir Sbaler.
Hr* Will Wlaaa* aad child left ptetcrdapforB»MBUaad Ue;'will be

If Saving Dollars is a Hobby
of Yours, Come In And See
These Vainoo
Matting. .Also r.‘?cand 50c
Ingrain Carpet at some

for choice of late
“A'^stj'les in I-adies\\ aists that w ere 75c and
S5 cents.

1 Krt for toadies' Black
*^'«'Cape .May Sun
Hats—ji'st the thine for
this warm weather.

on all lladie^ and Child­
ren's Straw Hats—sec

WAISTS, all new. but 1

and 2 of a kind—value
Si.25. Si 50. $1.75-


\y OFF. on all Men’s
'4 Sfraw Hals <l,owest
goods excepted). All ate
new this season.

for Boys'Cotton SwiAtcr—regu'.ahi' . .■'1,25 and .‘'

Till; V.^Ll l'IS \VK .AKi; NOW lll.Ti;KL\U I.S

Men’s Suits

4.76 6.76 a?6


that arc worth

to $15.0}. iiiikss you set* them.

v<n c.\.\ TMiss s.vnsi .AtTli.N,iliiy
• - '

' . anil i|uanities in-errtainties.


MOt^ Harket.

Ocan-ai New*.


o&eenot'tbe Ureal SortUtn and .
I** l**! "f^e Onplnff and ee V .
Htoc OelU Uader.
Dr. 8. P. TetUaof 81. Looto. Mleb. followed lomorraw bp Hi. WIbbiu. KorU.raPn.fie rail.a;* iT^leaffo ;
------------------to U tha dtp tbe rant of 1. H. Blakn- wbe wiUepead btorantional hto old' hare been loHractod toaeod r.o0ii mra [erw Clip:
to Ue aortbweet to help in Ihr.barreet 1
Dr. Tattle to a STadaaU of I
borne WiU bto lamilp.
field* Uborer. arc rifc*.
cleerVork TbW ww
UalTtnlt; of Mtehlcaa aad bn
Eer J P. WhUeof Maple Clip, at­
l',U*b«fff i»ro;iinff rail* for thin*.' cim. Pork ^r to
praettoalaSt. Loato. bat to eoohlaff
tended the trial at Jaellce Uaffe'e
LeoSalomoa aad daBffbtar Betfel
............ Co Beet.... Flour. H L. A O. Be.
Llffoaler. led., arrired In the eilp
W. H. HebbaUof Kawadlaaad Hra
H L A IV l«»t.
aiffbt for a ebon eupPon Atkin- fV - H I- * t-o- Heel
A.SUUofMlaaaaoUwara tba ffanle
Hin ElU StelBhcrff aad her rant.
et their brotbar. B. W. Babbell,. BaaMin MarUa Betoatbal. apeat peeUr
dap. Hr. Babbell ^bn aet Mwa ^
dap alOmeua.
Htoe Blffff* will leare today tor Tc
ledotoapeed berraeaUoe.
Hra N. K. Uerffcraad daaKbler Miu
Ad* are U* |enreu of Hr. t
B.S. Hell.
Bar. B. Balaber; baa
B. & Bell 1
o Toledo .
Braaffaltoal camp OMatlaff at Bead

........... '........I.;,*::;::

at; aad will ;paitl
Hr. asd uii* Pratt moara the lee*
HraaUloaBiebar<toaad tea Ctorl. el tbclr lefaat daaffbter who
bo hare beoa TWtiaff U 'MUIlafftee. Wednndap ereeloff. del; TSU. at their
Lake ABB.
Hlehlffaa. rotaraed to ttaair borne U*l
roa Tbrr^ex'r Iterer*
to Pomara; of RalamaMO. ^ re
Hln Jenale Harrey ba* letonitil
taraed-to bar borne after a two week*'
tim a week'* rUll at Imnaiar and lieTldt with .Mtoa Oartrode Moataffae.
Hra J. W. Boorar aad daaffbtor tralk
Mra dame* Slack of Petookep. to
olaaef EaaneCitp. Ho. ar* ffanle
Hr. aad Hr*. 4
of B. HooUffoa
Band a Bread; arriredU the dtp Be*bee.
Ur. Frallrii aad wife of Maple Crtp.
Int onalaff tram AlbUe eoUeffe.
Place petlerdtp
Lae; Kdla; weat to BelUlraynlorHearp .MeCfmberof VelwOB, It rto
da; to a Ttoit witbJraUtlnt aad ber
' Jella rotaraed from the tame lUoffC. d. Lslaad.' '
pUee after rtottUff raUtira*.
W. B, Kalla; wei
Mra 8. & Wriffht of Haakeffoa to
ddllaff the Umll; ofiB. H. Wrlffbt ea
bet Biffbib iinot.
John F. Oti waet:u OUeaffo oa batlBoward Irtohnaad bto mothar ra>
taraod Batarda; Uchl from a rtoit ea
Hra. L. T..Paaaiafftoe hat rataraad
ham a rtoit with hind* at Maple

dly ynterday.
Ue BoFabUna aJ^toatuTteulIir
Ttoea Bone aad Bartto aoaa ___
d.B.Dnffbnty of Elk Sapid* wae
rataiwed tran Tblade aad an rtatU^ pt Ua Park PUo* peatordap.
WDUamlln af Cedar, ww at U*
Hra. r. HartUah aad ohUdm of
Ben Jmdaa. an Ua ffBocto ef the UrnW. r. Warabaiff of Onad Baplto. It
Upotd. N. Martlaefeea Btototo
u 3. W. Oiddt^
Hte. r. D. Kellecraf Honav.Hkto.
to Uoi
to ddtloff her atoto. Hia. L.'Boaa


tfi.»5d;p^i,otnccd Ucbrelto Uc | S^SiTrar^r^ bw:;;;;^


ber. A. O. 1900.
I ffasolinr tuke ciploded *
of Ue M-kci factory al Ltwwn. bers-|whnl. ^'b^(wi>
ioff pan of the honte and »erleo»ly I (tou. Ho. l. perbe .


bnrainffUearmtandtacr-nfMr. ttey-| ?^JeS'n^b*‘" '
n ild> and two oUer women.
^ Bye. per' bm - ;!!! I i
department ha>
kn I Pti^. fw^to..............
order for a ffcnenll elralion in Cub* on ***••
xbeUird S*lurd»p in Beptouiber to
elect deleffkU-* to ■ csoteoilan to be bcld in iUrac* w Ue fl»t Monday In.
Norember: Tbi* coorraiion will adopt
lor tbe people of Cuba.

onknown r*od*l.1 ba* rerenebed
Hra Wm. L . Krarre aed daaffbter Ue be*d from Ur iitcco's
EUwick p*rk. HrecoUc. Knffl*nd.
Aaffaeta ef rib etieek left peetordep
Tbe poiiee-ibink It wai inr work of a
feraecxtoadedmitla Hew York.
crank wbo*c mind ba*'been eneettled
M U HeUle Lardie ha* ffOM to Hertble Bcaamination of Kmff iinspert, to rtoit friend*.
Leoe Stainberff reloroad ^terdap
An attempt to aeiamisale
lleiBoee from a tbm week*' rtoit to
of Pertla rra* made during hi*
Pelotkep aad Sk iffoaee.
Ue eipcalMon Mend*;
Mie* Btolo Eaaeof Haatotoe. arrired
Wiu a drawn 4*ff*er ffol clcoe to Ue
lit enalaff tor e abort«ItU le tbe oUp
abkb. The police elaried to eaptore
Hrad. B. MkrtlD aad Hi* d '
blm. bat Ue mto fird down Ue ArrPatehia went to Ann Arbor peeterdap.
Eipc»lUon, perrned by Ue crowd;
deba WUbdm. who woat to Aei
Be wt* habwHuentlyarraHed.
rbor recoaUp for ireatmeat for hod
A.ffeteral rentlot of tbe bliod wbe
ehlroabU.1* tmprertoff mod a cam
pUto loeonrp to pramtoed.
bare been edouted It MKbiffan eince
Bor. J. S. Eaem. who mlffped bii IM), and’ Ueir teacher* and olbcr
pattonte hare rteeallr. he* accepted fneno* willcMrene at Ue Holel Buta almilar poalUoa to tbe Pint CbrtoUan Ur In Lanalnff. on Monday. Sepl. 3. for
a Uree dap*' eoofrrence a^ Imporcbereb of New PblladelphU.
Uni practical quetiloa* pefUintoff to
Thto to eoe of the eldntebarehn

.. ................................



Lot dae lacludaa


;<. 111 mej’s and ladles' Taa Shoes aid Oriords, lie* Tws. {

Her lasts, mrstiilish-. 10 pir ceil. ofl.

C. A. Ortn; aed
lat Min Olln Orany ef BpUaa.
d.’A. FBaaiafftoe otUke Abb. wee
U the dty onr SoBday.
Jack Ben et StaaloB. arrirad U Ue
Be wUl locate
Jobe Wilhelm he^ ecu to
tbe *uta.
Walter TrambaU ef Old Htoeloi
^dobn Fowle ha* retaraed from a r
to tbe Dorthera reaorta.
Htoe Oertiade Heatoffat to back
Mra U. B. Tatmae. who bat bee a
■em a trip to CUeaffa.
racy low with blood potoMlaff. to bet­
HtoiF. O.K*Uoffffof Horeeeytotha tor asd eoemi oa Ue wap to a epeedp
eeetefherctoter. Hra. L. Beam.
Hie. r. Hartlaek aad tamUy
aad Hra Darid MeOaleu
dd.Ua>UatomUyotf. K- HarUaak. Haatotoe. are rklttoff .Mra McUeii
Htoe Clare Btyamor rotaraed
paranto. Mr. aad Mra dacob Eller.
eieulBfftramawaeak rtoit rrtu Htoe
Hra Fred Bodffn. Mim Bodye* aad
BelMof BerdiekrilU.
Him BUacbe Kellop of HapQeld.
Hie. W. A. Eapoutod ef SeUon adUraaffbtba'dtppratordapoB Ueir
Bap. to a ffontjol btendatokhe dtp.
wap to Etcmaaba
Htoa EUa StoUberff to wUrtaUUff
Editor W.C.KetooB aed wife et LeHtoe Hartha^BoteaUaliof Bpraeaia. B. laad. bare tetarsed hem a rtolf

explalalac that hto
oel; reana lor dealrtaff to fo wae to
farther the eaadidae; ofBebort Belkirk
thto Unib wen
irattha aartt
bhawafa. ThepeepU matt «oa
bat two omituta. the iamatalaff doloffmtn briar aaeud b; aerUmaHca.
aMe whether the; wOlfeea the read Wopdr by Wa poalcr.
at booM aad beeer UB(lB;^'•SlaBd ap, Btaad ap.terJaWblU aamoroai aed Tariod elalmi
abtaal or wheihw the; wiu tora their
aih belBff mada' b; tbo toplraato ter
haetaee whet bee bate deee la the Paper, "Bowwo Started-laU la^aaV
aart three aad a qaaiter peaia. thareta
aaiil ■

fheafflaff the eeaatr; late aa abm ef
erar. that tbe co
■deei;. had what la went, ehame.
'Wbe wn Then" (aU tbe creal cpeak- warm oae tofo
‘‘We here a rifbt to apaeal aet eel;
The lollowUff are the deleffatn h
.enaadthedelcffBloa bomtbadif.
beheaaMkeae, bat to
hanrarml warda:
-faraatoaaatrlatl-H. B. Bella;,
HMtarwhat ellethia the;ban bad lociaf. ■■All Ball tbe Power ef lean-.
J. A. Heeia. S. Oariaad, C A. Bamto the feet aad Mk them <m the leeerd
leed. J. L. Smith. Horraid Irtob. EdNaeae."
lilliet MeXlBle; tethe peat -Wbat Wo 8aw.7 (dateripUoo of Alax' maad Walk B. B. HeOe;. Holeolm WUthree ymn aad the etrevth of the
ale. M. B. BaikaU. B. F. Beaffto
W. Patehia, B. L. Baooom. A. W. Eleketot-Chaa. M.’tAoeaotor. '
Bfittt; aoow dope aco, to eland ■■AdeoDoe Eadoaror.- TBxtraeti trea
thMUwloaboaldertedofaada preaB. W. OrdUek. A. B. Beaaatk
Hr. Baerh addraee. aad Dr. Clarfc^)
pntfy aanr batne aWalaed by oa aad
lam barrow. Joa KUaeoa. Joa. 7.1m-OIlrOT Watpn.
•hread u plaae the AmariwHi Sac eo a SUe. ^'rU Off Whore Yea Waat He to
Kolph Haetlaff*. Fraak
laoBl oo wbieb It baa aoTM balm« beeo
B. 0. Jopak Joe. OUlaU. Charln
Go.’ (from Detroit pn«Tam)-Hta.
Charlec BoenUal to U Oitoffo ea
C. E. Berek
itbr tbaaa noaeoe we ban tbe rf^i
Haaimh, A. B. Oeeh. A.
■What We Beard- (Brlffht thooffhla'
la look Inward to a eirdtol aaxt BoHra. Il Orahh^ aad daaffbtor Haode
fnaathe addrwm of the ffreaf L. Baehaak Frod Boaffhop. Dan Coe,
Bombm.wd tooMoU loataadleraa
are Ue ffantoof
epeaben of thaeemreatioal-Bert
Beamaaa. W. W. Ooaa, Ftad Croat, M. Utaep.
idhert J. Flemtaff1i UlclU toaclU‘Where We Weal," (The ride' trlpr
at hto bUelmmlU
Ooo. W. Urdto. U. A. Wnlfate. F.
after tbe ocarntlOB mad aU ether
ThaDoBT Party.
pleem of latorcetl-Ura. C. J. Bb> a Hatria. B. F. Howhoin. B. B. Pape.
Bbr nare tbaa balTa eeator; tba
UtoaMohm.whobnbaeatba i
C M. PraU.
IMaeewatte part; baabaoaa oocatlre
B C. Bnm. Ooo. P. OarTtaeo. Oca.
fMip. a bat baaa tbe party Of tlaate. BlBfflBff. "Blatl be tbe Tie that Blade."
tohn bomal.U Qraad Sapid*pnier.
M. a BoUay. eeeratary' of tbe llth A. Steara*. W. W. Fairddld. .
B hM etoed fa tba wap of procram aad
3. Beam. F. Viuor. Wm. M.
Irid. hat a fall eolleetlMoltba
«(BhMly. It bee oppeoed erary lor- dMrieU
W. HoEwaaaadwlfaet Batioll.
IppaparaefLoadda pabltobad dmr4smli
Mhid moeanaotla the binary ef tbe daU;
nadlaff a raaaUes at UeWUP
theaoeTeetkm,aBd ef tboeOdil
ftottodSlalm. U the early dope ef the laff tbeaoertetk)a,aBd
OHhefyUwto the part; of aipaaakm badffta aad otbar .aoarmilfa ef the
IIBtberiaff. whSeb will be exUUtNdtolfTtoa- a farcrad aver; moreMr. aadHiaTemVllaadriof Meotwad toOktood the territory aad Ito adforlhebeaalt of theee wbe attaad taal, nanaiia. are the ffoeato et their
iMtBOaaaed the aatloa. Itwoeledby
tor. Boary Bpni aad wUc et
tor* on EneU ood abaria.'Ctoak AlMff mn. bcUay mn. pedUee mn.
bortl neap *d hem odU Uchainaad
Thw moB panad aw*;—oo did the
a. B. Boater aad deaffhto Harp htatoetuaaboaad* to UriUtaff
rrOltonte Bpoaear. HtoUffoa, to^Ba'e'm j amadto tht way of preerw. Moada; oatboatnnar HUwaok
J. Selkirk of WllUambarff, to la
tt waa a draff a^oa aetry forward
I to Ctaleace, U which a s pn


Jeha Foiatha of MapU at;, war i
Ue WUlUff partmiap.
Dt.C.J. Hr. Barriaoeof Ue Siocra-Sarrtooa Co.
of Palanriile. O.Uo moetaaloatire
eraerymoB U Uat Hate.
Mra Pee. biar hae rataraad Ubv
erne U KiandUe. Oalario. after
■piillBff Um waoka wiU
Joaaph aadBerbort Shier of Utoeltp.
Hr. aad Mrv A. W..palae .will leare
today tor Udr.booM U Albaap. K
Hr. aad Hra. Banor HeLaod of Haatea. wntat Ue mtUff feetorday
AoffaH Baamoa bn ffeae to Chleaffo
to oBio; a wnkto neaUea.
Bob. 0. C. Ooroll weat to Uraod
Baidd. ynterda;.
OeoTfe B. Cron to oatartaUleff bie
aatiA B. A. Cram of HUtoe. M.

daror; aad toda; the part; that opaad tbe
•rkoU aatloa beeort the Immortal Uacote..
•■Uoat-maddle witb tbeeaered laetltaUoBofalaeerf^- Bel tbe Bapablkma
part; did maddle. aed toda; a
aatlea it clod. So tbi*' “paraa
wat met b; tbe part; of
ace MUUr ba* rettoaod
proteewnke' rtoit with frUade
The ehlaf letomt eealond areaad UCharUTolc.
tlee Miff wee lolqBlIoae aad weald be
t* to tbebBelDtte lelereele of the eaadldatea for aberiff aad Jodfft of
Mtos Haaaab
itiy. Tbeer;woolop"Doe'f ptetaale. allbeoffb tba eaatimae
pniorda; tram a Tirit with the Mi
Cbe BepsbUM part; dU do 11. ffardlac tbe Utter to reSaetod toaear- BUale; of Haele Qt;taU ealODt U the eowteat tor eoaaty
Aaffaat Belioa aad daaffbtor, AllU.
left Uat alffbl for a trip to Bmai
The racalt of the eaaeotn laat aiffbt aad other appor poalnala poUta
a la pniUoo to obmUU IhU policy.
■hooe where tha Bffht to ffoloff
Sheriff hdam Belltaffw ef Maple
Tbe Milan tariff aelaad lU dto- eadtbe ffreataet elalM are mado by Citp, wo* a Trareraa Qt; rtolier peeterAahloa far eheriff aad Leraeffar hr
aetroea effeeie are toe ..
Mra tbaa tbia brief retaraeee. Under Jadffa of peobatc. Altar ttc aauke bad
tore Ueerita. Hia Wotdea. Hra.
Ue UeKloIey act tbe fore«B trade of cleared away ton alffbl both ‘
Wtlaoe. Hra Bbowermaa aed two
tbe Uafted tuatae bai eo tar
eblldrao. Hn Wood aad Min Haiabal.
iratalta. AahWa clatw » Of
aaytblar •*« betae kaowa la tbe hieaU'of YpallaaU. ere tba rent* ef
tbe aatloa that tbe whole ell; doUffaUo. whUe the trieada of Fraak B. Baraam aad lamlt;.
aMerehU clUmMfor thdr Ur.
world k»(» ea >a
HIn Ethel Doaa ef Oalea (traev bee
total ermimmee for the year eedlaf ita. Tbaekar. Solkirfc aad Chaadln rotaraed tram File Uka where eba
Jaaa M, t»00, reeohed the aeermoaa
toherediUd with a taw U the
■poat tbe leal weak, tbe rant o

«e Min be deae to eeeeia the raele
idriiiiiiiiiiiriiiiij II III III! It hai


Bra EUMOolonaaeCOadUtoctolU
ffaeri of Mooda U the rif;.

Fraak Oooorich laft laol aiffbt for
Obkaffo aad HUwaohn ea boriaoea
WUUam Barln hae (BBo ea a bailaarntriptoBeheoleraftMaper Friadrfek hai rMoraad from

Mr r
' fw«;tkei
tfieeiipig at Home. Beeer Abroad.

> HeBtreUaad i

m. Mra. Vtotor

TbcatODiir* of cable eemmnnii
tiOAln Ue fnilippinee. w*» Uipoed
Cbiaa Wednndap. wbert Ue loltqd
Sutee wtT. opento la eoanec
oUcr power* in eolablUhiec
*y*um eonsecUaff Ue
baeeol6bi0CMoperaUoo*eiUer with
Sbanffhal. Port Artbar. Yokohama or
other point Ihronffh which
Ip commanUatiOh can be had wiu
tbe oouide

tbe borfflara Tbe botfflar*
'adtworU aed fraaddaafffator. cec^ied. bat a potee Hartod to pun
Vue*- of Harbor Polak •
Teddy HaU. Ue Loedes epellat.
TtoUtoff Ua family ef W. K. Wriffbk
eompletodhto taekof Hdiaff MO B
Hr. aad Hra W. B. Llitoll of Braiil. daily, except (tondap*.-for a pear,
lad., atetpesdtoffafee week* remirt- larpe crowd walebed Ue-rlder flaiab at
lairtoTranracCitp. Ihep are *top- Ue Bolbora viadaek Stole haeriddea
ptoffrriU Hr. aad Hra ttompbeU ea
lAba areaaa
Tha Utoan Vaoo aod Ireoc Botoe et total of hi* dtotaace* to *!.4T». breakrcccBt record made bp Ceorffc,
otBopaeatywenffento et Mr. aed
iWldpbto epeltok A phytUtoD
Hra FiMh Seed the pad rraak. Hto*
bead him enfferrotoo aaeaied aem So* kodak eUwa of
nt of the bean. He
ha mao; toUreottoff plaen to Uc

**rHr.B.A.Ba«KBWKBr6t Bopae Otp

- ° —— r----- to Ep

Lot Two IncludM




Lot Tour



IWpurr^woiiiPii't lac«ab.l bullon thora now.. ... .............<■« pair ]
liO jmirf. yoatba Ua lace iliora n'rw...,


Sf'J pdirt mitora' and cljildn-n'a r.!ioeo..50.


mod S-'ic pair {

U-tdmt:Siioe™-of Xorthsm .Mii-li


Ir* SUR-M PM Sral 1


^Is loaded with good thingi for the '
Summer trade-are cooBtantl; increas­
ing oor assortment of prettj and n^
fui articles in our






BOOK and stationery
• '
arc continnallj adding the Newest
Books, the Latest Styles in station*
ery and the prettiest articles m the
Sonvenirline for Traverse Citytb be
fonnd anywhere

town. We will try End make \\. ^LaMant for yon,

BeraU Cenutry Cook Beeto.
The Bmutm.Oattary Oeek Bookie
lU ffl«ra to ok ■atocTta* rUe pay
M deltor to ad«aae* for tim Ptoor.
Id OBtoeribac* irim POP to faU t^aaitT tok IML wBl oW lOBdta the


til nor fficrcle tl.SO, $3.09 aid $3.50 nadasClosiis Price,$l.08.

Be rare and eail «n ns wben^
iBColUaf tbeirtc

Md. UL. to •pa^lW th* aanni

I 111 mei's and ladles’ Taa Shoes aad Otfoids-Senral d
stylas-25 pn ceal off.
.' ♦


kslldlI tbe'Bank of Aniwtn
in., wa* blown wiU dpaamitr earl;
Tnatdap^ Tbe aplotion tmeked Ue
eatire .btiidiaff aad the btrfflara
Mr. aad Hre. B 8- Pratt ban retai
InHUelr lireeto Ueraln*. 1
ad from a trip to CUeaffa
lOt tbe eeploelee araoied tbe
Editor B. C Sproffoe of tbe Etffle rllUffm. abe
west to Eeed at; peeUrdap to atieed
Ue Demoeratle Coeffreeaioaal co
d batUe entaed Utween them

Hra William Urdto. rrbe haa' taea
rfdltoff hn braUtr. Joha Chapb*!l oo
Lako aroBoa for tb* paal tn
ha*ia*oito*d<rlUh*rfeareUldraa to
bn hototo at Pert Wap^-iad.




Bmm isponuit ehaacM tril! be m»dt
iBtbe dUTereot bslldtar*- Ineladl
d«rUbd bddUioM lo tbt 0i« prot
of Maple dtp. os tbe ebarpe of
Cb4b*«*iU be Bbde Is the
pipes se tbst sU ivts of tit bBlldis(s keeplap s aaloos witboat legal toads,
d Is Jaatloa Gspe-e eoart Tsrsemooa. J. W. Pslebls appearisp,
frmstad s Tnpsdy.
people asd Trad B. Pratt tor^ T.mrlpioformslloaplranMfaOrorre
The old MeJdssBi store baUdlsroo
■ ' ■ ' iSSSSST’
tbe defease.
Lust, of New biraiueUle. (laio. ured
Blee.stnek sdJaimlBc Moblo's p
Hr. PrattatrsaaeatlpobJaetsdloMr. two lltca. A fripbtful eoMb bad loa<
r>^ fsUetT. bss bees raoted to ost Depatp on laspeetor Fraah Frtedtom her awake erery alpbi Sbe bad
oltowapsAlsB to. be Mod as seed
rleh retaraad Sstardsp fro* a foor Patetais aetlsp far ,tbe people, battbe tried Base medics sad doctors bsl
band tore sad Mcpde tapair shop.
daps' trip throaph LssUoss eoaatp. objectioB was oeeniled.
deadilp rrew worse dbUI urged u irp
Osip three witoeMe were ezaalsed. Dr. Kiups New l>.seo>ery. Use tolUe,
KissEltUe Bara, who bss basa doto^ Be b after esreleaa dealera to oil wiib Coastp Treatarsr Itasla F. HozsSe of Whollp cured her. aad abe writer thia
eeeelderable eicor asd bee alreadp
marre.oDS medicine also cured Mr.
read the riot act to acme wbo.hare oep- Lelasd trsUaed tbat he held Kneera's f.uopotsserereattaclcof roeamonla.
eeted to cosplp with the lea-' compel- hood St a ealooB keeper. Jobs B. Sseb cures are pcsllies proof of its
ssratareadfera'eaaatlea. Sbs
lap tbe labellop of rasa eoslsisiog febssoo teaUfled to the porebsse of power to cure all throat, cheat sad
itora abeat the wlddle of Aan»K
Osip Me aad tf. Uuarsome
rasollae. At Selloas Bap he toood sis
aaieed. Trial bottles lOc at S. E
Work was beraa Frtdar ea the
lead be pare eossidermbte dap of Jaae, sad Ellsworth Bpkar WsU-s aad Ju ii, Jobaaon's drop
taridaaeaefHta User Bates, oa
force to bis iastraelioas repardiop the
dolpbsttesvtbeplaas far which
law aad sasarwl tbeoffeadera tbat a
Harala Csacury CooB Book
draws bp W. A. Oaaa. Tboaas I
rapetlUon of tbe eepleet would be fol­ wiisetau was etou ezamlacd. bat Hr.
I'ratt went iaio tbe crou examlealloD
s tbs eoetraet ter tbe esrpi
lowed bp aspleaiant eonsegoeaer..
of Bpker with elpor. but could sot la cfpriaa. Addr£
Cosrt Trararae No 'Sa of tbe lode■iapetooad Kaears orer i
a at the t
peadeat Order of foraelem. bare made oast urm of eircalt court, is
That Tbnbhiap B^aabe
for the prodcetloB
of Stoo. which it WM net ^ irult to
bees leeaiad at Platawell bp tbe
It you Bsed
elUan sarabai
drams Id fiee acts. Tbe
prorM their
the mstcb
Opsrs of PowBstsa.<« mem lor Sick
Mesdpot Ml Aopait with a cast of r.o local
lick aad Nerroas
Arrsapemeau were completed cea- acbm. They make pure blood aad :
petole Ose of tbe featares
terdsy for tbe ptedsetloa of the otorm. biiiid ---------np your health”'.
... oulyi'Scenis
Clrculitlqn this week 2.300 Ualasan hotel at Oaeaa will be offer­ represcotod bp too littleVlrls
‘PowhsUn" at the City Opera Boose. Mooep back if aol cured
E WallaodJsr. ■ Jobasac. druggists |
ed for [sale asst aoaUi- As effort The drama will be cader tbe direc AupulliandU. BBder tbe aupieu
Ladiu Oulld of Grace ebureb.
wlU ba aaads to.cffaet thepaletepar- UOB of llarrp KImmel. as cxpvrleaced
tlaa la tUs dtp.
somedlaa. director bod' deaenptire. Toe csit hsi been ssletted. C. Fred
taaaaal WUbala sad Umllj are
aaaarlraDbpSt* aisper.
Him Alice Eoberu will sing the part
. raatisaUic at Loaf taka.
Fraads acdMol FaMdap eras a rerp
Kollowiag is tbe com­
plete <uk
Tbs water worha beads are ail eejopable oaraslM aad attaoded
tbapoewt people had a splesdid for some time oecr the ssle'.p of Mrs. PowhaUa.........................Fred Beater
atrasd. mad were dsUrarad Tsatardaf.
oatinc and a plsasaat dap added to the Kittle Woodbury, danpbter of fter'. l^hoatas............Hiu Alice Boberu pUbsaraa of the trip OB the Oolambla. aad Mrs. J. W. Miller, aad for leeeral Unghiap S'
years a mbaiooarp la Cblns. Tbrp Caplaia Bolfe
had ael beard from her for some Capt. John Smiib ...... Wm. A. Bsker Sv»lii HiM;
trsto to Mr. Frad B. Booear of Eassas moBlhs. asd were beeoiolsp eery as- HediciaeMaa...................Leoa ritas
dtp. Mo.' The marrlapa will beaol- easplcsiabe bad perished io tbe Chiorueworld.
presented reuatlp at
emaliad 'tba latter part of tbte mom Btae aslroelties. bat Mr. Millerbas
at tbe MeptapBehomaoB htate atcas Jut rccelred a letter from bar. suiiop
OurSaViofUi DepartmeBt'
tbat sbe bad lied from Cbiaa and takeo Parks, formerly of Ibis city, hsriap
Him Olire H. Klrklaad. who bat
the laadlop role--ft will bo here,
nodia tto eapaeltp ofatalros
as it was there, noder the peraoaai
tiller, who Is at:
bepberd 1^1 at OHeet eotlere. fot the
directionof William A. Baber of Cal
F. B Walkar baa eoapletad pi
heiduaooau i
past M paara. has baas obliged to rtcapo.
ler a MW tear room brick tobool b
aipB her poalUoD oa aceoaat of Ul
There are to be Pi roieu in the
baaith. Hiss KifUand Is wall ksoi
Two Good Horsed.
eborut, wbieb will b; a fiur futare of
tbe old rapideau of Trmearae dtp
Nora 8abd Dspwood.tbe iwoTraeene the opera A rebearul was held lut sum Unail Bna u nt u I in lit At
cap bor
I foeodm'V I
tbst ate doiap tbe Ohio erealop. aad eery satiiCartory work
lit. ■aremabUp a eerp credi'
Blear^Vwar boBse Fridsp. Ihst WUl elrcsK.
Oastat BprkMT haa aarhalad MO Lore dadarad was at least six feet ia sfaowmp^KmsIderibp that Uiep -were
M^Mjotatoosot.tba BmIj Okie
mbaal sod eat into three plee& wbleh after teseblap Laacsster. Nora 8 took
foartb moaep io tbe ::it trot, tbe
Tbs irkDCiW Bart Barais daarad Iheamplopei of the alaetrk companp
tolnpaaisbedia J:s:. DagwOod took
Tassdsp for Maaltowos with a load tdeeed Isptbar. makiBp the-six feat. third moaep la tbe .C:lr paae. a race
with a 6eld of . else that icqelred
' Br«»k W. BsssoiBa *a»d Miat
>tan buu to ffaUb. ooe of wbieb
is what younp mothers do by
Bslharlss B. Voleaarato be married
-eat la
.liapwood took tbe
giyinjr them medicines not pre­
at Hartbpert salt Hmidap.
scribed by a comjictent phTsicnoth boraes are raelop at Warres.
ian or pharmacist. The cheiiiOhio, this week.



Ulm . In,,Acts W.U AU 4. IV.

?VVV the uctqtu&V 50e '\SaieVe uoo \5t.
?tV\ the ortqVuat 15c ADatsts uoa 29c.
■ 3Vt 0^ the St.OO ADatets amo ASc.
itVV the St.fS aad St.50 ASatata 16c.

Sa.\«t ADatsAs'


l.ifh; colore. bMujir.l o,o„i„c

StWt ADatsAs

-I hi, „-ais, „|j

ADAttAe "Pwpie
AVehavr placed all the AVhifr i’lipieon the-center table will Ut sold
?A\ ib
ctTtA. &AscotutA Yrolv TcvkAar brAtp.

"Bresa Sooiis "R.emttattAs
All the short ends from the dress ^oods stock have l«fcn measured i.i,

em\. l&axM Is lri«« tnrn tstUst sHtt.


W»T Csntls. ts« t.rtsms ssi -URsira SVslts setus.


Poisoning Her Child.

Tbe aafaesHr Jam left this pert
Tksradap lor Mawaakos with us
■I bark, shaped bp Ike Wlnala.
Tbesn^rmwlMasd flsb sapper
odlMBoadap aehaid elam^of <V J’■bMT will eacar this araelsp.
' DtsMeiBo-aotAamstewMb^hM
iMparakased W mw seats of tbs
<laad MaQiU Sad Mbs Oara Patd

bars iwrrbSsid cme of the Sse Pw
Oaorpa BUols of this dtp. aad Mra
■srah J. BUew at TtatMi Lake, ware
^ladUmatTl>fa^:;j4^ by Jt
Tbs kargs W. a Oto^imsa alaarad
from the dock of Jobs F. ou A Oe.
■atardapwUhaloadot haMwood ter




J.«. Batm satBiMd Batardaj al^l
bom GtaadBapida. where ba baabaaa
bieplar roods for bb store hare aad


A Pretty Park.
WartbaifVii: profaablp be the Deaio- Tbesurrepof tbe Lskeaeebse park
etatle eaiididala.lpr abarfff. -a«lru Jim was made Toesdap bp City Bopisecr
Harebia aheoid pet-tte Bepeblican Watson, sad tbe plans were draws yeaterdap. Aetlee work will be begoa at
itomlaathm. la that eeaat It to
ee to make abis o
bUBllfal tpots la the clip,
lateatioo of tbe park eommUtec to
Mtoa Qt>ea aeeaUBd of Ooldwaler. ratoe tbe leeel of tbe ealin park, tbea
Mmairlod Wadaaidap to Esble O. to sod it. Walks will be put in. and a
awis of Blk Baplds. She to well foutaia will oeeaop tbe sealer of tbe
ksowB as a former Macbar ia the city plot of proamh
wyuMs care, sa
aad a hut of triaads will The soli required to raise tbe lee^ dt
wtoh her all bai
■a. Mr. sod Mia. tba park will be faratohed bp the Per©
IS attar Anpost it. Harqaette. aad it to axpesied that
irala load will be receired at once,
to tbe lateotloD of the committee
Mra. JofaB Hifhi».i[i aalartalmd her set oat a large aambar of trees H
elamottoys la the First' Metbodtot tsU.sotbat next summer tbe psrk
Baaday aeheol rmy plaasaaUy Tues- srlll bascTirtaallpaU '
dByAttaraaoB at her home oa I
will Deed to be done > gat It ieto
shape for the psblic.
The park eommiuee of the eouell
hart in view sereral other spou tbat
tarsad.tosHtiabthe bops did ampU aieasallable for psrk patpoaes. aad
thepwUlendueartoaacarcma optb
BtopW. A. Frye of Kalamaios. fotm- on them lor the elty.
ariypaatoref the Kim H. E. eban^
Cbsllaagad lor Cep
bma retaraad Totaday from Boloa
Cbarlerolx haa been beard from.
sAara ba aeaompaatod F. A. Clary OB a
Canit retreat flihtBg. trip. They brooght bock
aserysattolaclafyutck. Mr. Frye to
aa dMaat aagltr aad to aaror hairier
IbaawkMwUpplBgtha Oiaad Tree
— itraams.'
t msmbeta^ofl 1
Fegalkom^ K. .

leealag. preeldad by tbe MCial
A Urge aambar srete
■1 H. Breufp. wbo to p
piueBt. A flae program had beaa artoi the week of the Bpwortb Laapae. mw«d sad tbe eesalag wu tboroophmUl tpmk at the Ftoat‘Mathodtot lyaoJsyadbyUL.
abatab Baaday aetoUgA eery pleoaaat aeuiaa 'wm tbs
tafUatkm aad baaqaat of the Salbbeme
Mstaei. A lairs aamber were pr«

C.ooci. as Ihe bpoae aloee was
A Mystic aoeiai will be bald Friday worth aboatil,MO. Tba property
•rsMag.Aagwt lo. at tba homsol latsrsd fsr Bt.toe Is the Fsrmura'
Mia. Coopar at BUeer Imks ebarek,

HtoanoreauTbo^m ofthaelam
M IMO of Ms Traeatu City Hlf^ aabool
bos baoB Bwardad the OUrat OoUm*
Mhalai^ for thaoqmlag year.
Wm.8mia of Ibis
aad Mtoa
Unto Marabal of Oraad Sapl^ wars
marriod Friday OfaalM by Bee. W. T.
Wsodheeaa. at tbs Bapttot paiMoags.
a Dag of Tolade. aad a B. Vaadtosort. Jamsa Cbiaa. Artbar McMaaas.
L.F. Perkau aadJu Parkstt of tbto
aw wfli spoada few daytaablMai
TbsLadtoaAldSaaBWetiha Ualtad
ehorcb of Marthport. wUl
gitaaptooto la Otoea Oroea Baaday.
AiW.A AUUadsofrofrmikmaalswlU

I: ?

aauHa.Sof tba BaaemS Malbodtot
AmahaoJoytoa eery plaaaaat *
MgatlbabsMot Mtoa MUa Ball
oi Bamolpb wo^aat atrbt lu
ymaaduks ^l■^llud%e a isrgs

rlTsa in Bonhers Hiebipse.
loesi orpanUtUoa bus usorsBecs that
from Petoakep. East Jordan.
Bsllaire and Ccatrtf Lake wUi be
largslp repreaeeted and that misnp
expert msrksmea from Klspslep,
Isplds. MaekiDSw. 8v Ipsaec
ether points will be present to coe
for prises.
Tbarsdsp, Anputt t>. is tbe dslr set
fw tbe tonreameat end in the i;
time Baap laprorcmeau will be made
OB the local proasds sad prorlsions
made for sctommodstioa of a Urge
crowd of specutors. Xhemembei
tbe TesTeru City elob propose lo ;
Itextramelpolcassst tor the Tiiiiinp
furatob a aori
ereau with pri/m of s^eleni
to make it worth wbUe to eater tbe
eUtioa. The priis to excite tbe
rbralty of enrse wiU be the
aUear cap. and Charleroix will make
deaperats effort to win It beck. East
Jacdu. BsUalre. Central' i.ake ai
olberclabe wiUgd Into tbe eOBUst i
win also and It to assured that tl
wiUbaatteodedbp exeii

O.E.11..U chsrpa et Wm.
r. who wlU rest him sp s few
dayssHi Ibsa gies an exhIbiUemat
Leap Brat
When next board
tram be w
ptepla ol Trae;pssCity.
Blato Dairy and Food Commtos___
ElUott O. QraarmHC airlead la tba city
Moaday aceeatnatod by bto lamUj.
TkoymlUpolo Bortbport when they
wUl ba aatanataad by Depaty Dairy
*^mSdas tbe cap (
sltbetewil! be
aad Food lavaetorOao. M. Dam
wbieb indlridoal
faw dayi wMe Ur.Onnsaor wlU i«tanaad bto famUy wlUataya short caa salsr tor ealaable prlun nod ceeryOMwhoepathool
be sltplble
-Imeat tbs WaakaMP.
OmtnlLakabas eaapkt tba shoot
rOBDdlag eonatry lo dtopUy thalr skUl
with tbe pan aad It Is nlisadp amarad
Bapfa sat tbma will be s Urge eatry. .
mrpom Seraeal prtoss wUI be sesrarfbated bp
Mbl basiaaai mes aad ae effort wtU
eaparadle make tbs cstmtaUiMA
ottbs^terssndsste ^BtaU tbs
aUea of tbe city ter bsspitoilly.'TfSisriSrss'FS:


ica] action of dnij^.s is entirely
th&ir properties. Either gel
physician's prescription which
wc wiH Gil to the letti
itec with
pure, fresh druprv. or we will
Rive you the benvGt of our

■Wai-t’s ID3?-a.g: Stx33?e.
KVKRV B.ABY born in I'.tOOvan have a pair of nice, rof; lit-i
kid dlioee iiwdt' frir. if brooght lo our sioK- to U' niciwur.-tl

....IN riUCES OF....

The special prices we have made during the past two
weeks have greatly reduced the amount of our Summer
Footwear—but there's too much here yet. F'all Goods
will soon commence to come in. \Ve art- determined
to have our stock all cleaned of Summer Shoes in a
short time. I’rices are again reduced in many lines.
Present .proGts are r.ot considered—now-is the time to
shoe up the family.





Worth DP t
only *1.00.

$2 00, sow

Worth np to
•ome rtyl«.»1.00.


•••Oc ‘t-V, 75e-bls<i and
Un. Uw and'
a hall more.


ChoeoUle kid. li.rtips. kid
, topt, only *1 2.V

A------ -----



for j-our good books would
soon go lo bow-wows. Listen lo prices:
An (»ak Book Case. 5 sbclrcs.

. Other prices.SIO.25. 512. Sl(e25
Tbe Finest Bookcase on the
market is the Guffn Sectional
Bookcase, made in units, each un­
it tbe heighth of a bookr has a
glass door that raises and pushes
back out of sight. These units
are easily adjusted and'uew ones
can be added at suy lime, so your
bookca^ is always Gllcd: yet nev­
er complc'te«l. The base, top and
four.'uuits sell for $16.75. This
must be seen to be thoroughly ap­
preciated. Call and look it over.


Wc call them so. because they
do their own Ulking. Tesla. Bell
or Kdison couldn't have deyiaed
neckwear to outclass the goods
we’re selling.
We arc selling the English.
S.juares. to be worn with • iiegligee.shirU. They're 50c The
narrow Ponr-in h4eds. in wash­
able silk anU in>ihe light colors,
arc popular. They cost SOc The
silk and linen Imperials arc beanties, -You can own one for half a
dollar. The silk and linen Teck
arc swell goods. They’re mark^ 50c. Then yon should see our
two big show cases of nothing
but liSc neckwear. Strings, bows^
and tecks. We are the leiulers in
this line of furnishings.

SKUeuMipMUi Ilid.-


for girls and young ladies.
Made in Chihuahua. Me.vico. and
shipped direct. They are in 3
prices. The 50c grades are the
plain straw; tbe 75c have .silver
braid decorations.
Tbe SI .00
hats ark made in different colored
straw. ■ These are made of a
softer, more durable stfaw than
the American baL Can be used
in the roughest manner, and still
retain their pecniiar ^ape and

Perhaps yon don’t own a
awheel? Then don't go another
day without one. Tbe chance of .
a life time to get the wheels that
are known for their lasting qual­
ities. The Kambler is known the
world aitraSd. We sell it now for
830. Tbe Ajax will stand lots of
hard nsage, tbat sells now for
The Iranboe for flS-SO-.
Come and see hs^toace




Ag»QgT«, 1»00.
W.M.naoM aoAdaolytafcao Mak

Grand Traverse Begion.

_____ Mwaaatarriaary, It an
katera they aealdBaka two t__________ UUlaad raeiaxty aad Iwtadkla^y
atlaika ■■■wuig they lapaiiad
lata Waaklactae. Tbalaataftha
larkteaaaof tba laad haraleaha
It bad kaaa Maly ■eaad. Oaa
thiv k avtaia. it aaaor atM laralad. I
caa awnUawallot tkaX-it laoka raa'dt Batarkaa IbrytTy U. ahaka woridk yooda. aad Ml hla t
— Araat Awarliraa Oaaartcff oa
raid jab at hoBttktMer
*ad. Whaxxbayaa date ika aa. thatk xbioariBy dta la oar'a fa
aekeelrilan kata laai weak.
S-COrtryaeketMaakleehat thiyaakialadkyMr. Baxaa.
Mta.r. Datakarkfatkaraad_______
.tdacarloadot bk bly tayylv arkeek
tataraad to tkMr kesa la Otaad Ladya
taWUliaat. A^l.. eetayata lo tka
taya: "Attaryoaim ot aakary aad aaSaraaw A Maaklaa Leaber Co., who
Ooolaytta^. wkolaaow
lay. attar tfTlaybaaaaMytkiaw. Cklaaibtrlay a laiyc tract
at OmmI Laka. area bM laat a
Amaauox aaauox.
^ aoaetakk aad yolay to Utaad
B. Baotb ot Detroit
bat Jatl had
Hr. Oala aWxad CtaUtaa Wtdaaday
Baplda ta lakatpaela] tieatmeatefaae
ot tka leadiay pbyaieaat tbere. thaa
lalkaiataattof Ut aaaployan. Statk dta. Butlayxoa.
belay taken to tko boaplta! and trow lloolb Irfl ChMyo tboal
Skket TMdlay. Him. Hoaey.
JekaBaralBaeU kiata
•k... While
Rarilatioc by bteUa Baker.
tor a uly ta tkr BorkitA
dlab- L®**®**
d ool lire Ira dtyt er
••Pa|M. -Ta.
at OukX.'
lay Moaat Taeoot.
Tacoma, be
be tUpiwd
tlipyad lata
lata aa.
oae [ wortoao* «ALX-Oi»*n.t atna.
arat taaalbi at
tt the aery
any lawat,
Itictt. far
ProL Aadanoaot Elayalar wm U
tba city yaatataay looM^ ta a naiAtalKhi aoiwa tkrewo tiea tka
taak aaar Baaan' tall ——j w tka


"vx.'tavrr-- “

~3i=2H.?Krjs a

Oar ataei

Mia.'W. D-Bteodfood la TWUat ka. aMta. Mr. aad Mrs. laua.
Mto UUm PMnoe at Hattkyart
Mr. Dawalav ct Haaaaieaa aiaeavMkwttkfrteadahm 8Mvd«r*ai yotad Mi. Hana «e tka owaaklag aaralaaa kara Basday.
Mtaa MolUa BUlaa aad Batka BUoU a Barka Oroah rlaltad Mia Laa
BUua aod Uta Skoda BUMi kan yort
ol laal iroak.
Mta Lak Son*, irbo aiMBt laat vaok
U Tiaraaaa a»y. nuroad boa Mao-

Mb. Heya fknilya >■ oa tka akfe Uat:
wahoyafahavaady laaowy

aaaa ttoa, kaa rataroad kOM lo miMM. MkaFlaia Merrlaeo. kla ataa.
AaM. SakaickMto ka A
Wiu ka taaoiad wllk a Wya areiad
tba ftay will ka laa. ai Xka yaoyla
werkadae ttallWally aad kard «o 1
aadi a alee c______ _____ ____ , _
man tkaa a yataay aotta. Be
Bart la yarxtalar kaa bean rary tallb-

ax It oMWk.



“?E. GaiMlaA taOhtace Sooday

aa Uayhl by Hr. IHiMa.
Warlay. r
Oatrio BoTxa, Praa.
Ubacc 6IJUBT, Sti-y.

Adaapylaen waaaatl arar thaaU-

-anlUa«>.^..»aok —
•t«h* M. a ahank MWUlkubus.
•or. r. J. Brju aeodaoUaf tba a^-

Btbol tank, wka kaa boae os tka
lay* era patUay dowa a wall
UaoBak of Bataa.
Artl(E«wB aad Bobart BartlaUaia
laadlof aaaw wood can lar (ke B(k
Mr. Batl Kn. o. W. Motaa ad Baykia Iroe OoBpasy.
ii^Mt nanii watka ktattot Mr.
Cbaa. DBBtar kaa a
sh baU playlac.
A. 0 raifbaaka waa
tnicB TraTaraa City aa a
UlaaaaolUitalkar.A. E

Mta. Brack rtallad trtaadi kara Saa- E"an^ to Aaa Arbor fat liaala
UUla eiaa Skatar waa i
ha talwrapbad ter hit wlfa aad

kla brother. WOUa
k aka la baMMa he
ibaathat kk


■arrlad at Ulaad
Uallaannkwef yeoyte
arrlaad Tkaraday alykt la *
Mm. J. TBBkerhadthataetertaMQf
belay UuvwB from awa-lekwBida
’-------mad breaklay bar collar
Dr. FraAlta ftiiwta weatka riacirlta
krtaOaMa HadlOlM Oo. to tk
^ k^ tka aMOt Tolaa tioa
Hi*. Or. Bata aad MIm Imadac raOr. Van Slekla aad Dr. Baidaworth
wwc belk eallad la aoeaaliatta '
lUX Aa ka laavary old aaa i
doabt b aalartalead aa lo kla raoa<
.. _ Jkaur aad B. V. Cl
A. Eatar. who kaa beaa la Kawayyo
eoBBty tor two ar tkrea Boatba naa* baee hoayhl oat Ua dray bi_______ _______ ayaat Ssaday with kk family
from B. B. Falay aad Dr. Bata. Tbay
ntaraad a taw'dayi ayo with a wUa.
ta tba baalacw at tba mma latbkpltaL
Oao. Bcwwa k rJalUay taU aea Arckla
Hrt. B. E. Cbta left f_______ , „
S$M«l£*wrlkir'^^a?a kSt bwalawdayt.
bar boma la n*rana Oily attar apaadliL B-V. Caryeotar Mtthk:
taMMpIdBrtMia tor ttaata e aad T.
layaftwdayi with bar daaybtar M ra
lay ter Qtletyo. wkara aka azpt
Olaa Parka.
a 1. Oartta wmi lo Bay Ckir tkla
atlaad tka sarriace of km aktar.
Mta Melik lordla ot Ttaetna
Piaak L. Skatar wat ayyalatad yestlattar to CU the meaacy that wat
■tdabytartayattloaef B.B. Foley. thkidacL
Dkirlet Ladya ef tba L 0. 0. T. w
Hn. B. Colt tad toa at TrararteCity
-rarklUay Mr. and Mrt. PblUp bat.aOartia'rtaAal c«daaka«^ Mid at thatal bare JalylS. Art
mmk kauar ^aaatara, alaoa_ka
aartato tba rklUay dalaaad Ml*. CkarlMCnnyol Ti*i■Ota tbtm late bk oaw a
iobaWUto. of Solan. Hkb.. apoat
arat City rkllad km akXm. Mil BUM. tataral dayi in :hk ylaee on batlaaaL
poMotaalaatamma oota
' Jm. EktUaa will flakb worklay tor of Pitatt BUI lait'
ha kaolt ayaat for aa atlai of LatlaB. P. Otrlaad tkk waak, hariay botlt
Mil Bayaaa Fkkor aad UtUa tea aa* Ooaaty, wfalah ka k dallrarlay
a weadabed aad n-Biad the ban Ull drara dawa to Bhalda-i Sttoiday atxtr thioayb tka eooatry.
IBa map aatd Bol wvk ao hard BOW. aawltk eoa ot. tka mni aUraaUra harhaabaad.
H. StalBe of deralaad____ ________
■ ItahSktam hMCBl thayialsaad haoHny bam oattba PaalateU.
Hr. Vae Uaw went lo k
.mlaem ritUor la tkk place Wadaaa■ta thorn the ttoablL
MtL Umk Znleh k rrorkiac Rir arday. raiknlay today.
day aad Tbanday.
MMLBbkud Lalaad Baawmef Hn. Bobl. Uarlaad.
Bemar Selby aad family
Dr. Sawyer ntarnad Satarday to Ma
Tmmm CIW tatat Batorday aad 8uMil Aaa BaU Bawklat died at bar
borne la Traiane Oty attar apendlay
at ttair aatab. Bn Doiyv
bema hme Jsly st. of otaaar. hariay
Hn. John Tobia ot Bmpln rkilad aanral day* In Mortkpan.
Bw Malar aad Mmlly of aiyh Polat. baaoeeniaUloherbad toreiar Urar
her daayfatar. Mrt. Baaaett. laM waak.
Ba*. Wm r
Hank (kroUaa. bare ntoraad to thalr yaaiL • Bba wat a taltbtnl tarkxlaa
Mil TnmboU ef Penal BUI. attar Hoadai aad
" '
'a. Hlakiyaa k tba bait woomL lota aad raapaetal by aU who
Bnaw bar.
Thoayb ataorlay tta ■aadlay twe weak* with bar daayhtar. Hortbport.
Mr* BMe. aad other triaodL ntanad
Mta WioB
_______________ idlaktkyatXlBf lobe
bar boma Satarday.
laraad from - ..
a taarIM yaaort ter a ynat maay.
la tM taffarar. Altkoayb lb laralld
Hr. and HrL Llaqnm
tor yaaiLikewUI be «d>y mltted by Ualr boon aad let to Uoa
Mil C. B. Enkl aod ehUdlaa ntnra
frlaadt and relaUroL . 8ba leant a merad lo Maakta
with frlaadt




Mr. ata Mm. a a. Tayta ad Tiar■taOtywar* the neat* of Hr. aad

A. SUtMbaayooateLaU to
Dtlayatm from the Uata Sabbalk

- “ Satoiday
are Mr.
aad MfL B dUlae aad Mta MyrUe
Mm. Imcae ot Barber Syrlay* k Wolhy.
Tb* worst On that hn hoaa at er
g^a taart Itaa tan wUb bar
Mo. Bi________________ ________ _______ belay the boralay ot B. Mipb boa
aad barn aad acariy all tta eoatai
aaffO. Elrby-thos** aad barn aad COB-

_________ ‘S'


QadUlae. Mub.
•0.000 baabalt. end »» per eeax. k
.—Jd catt of the Caacadea.
yood lor ibt Ureal Amerteaa Oemrtl
It woald be a yood tbiay it yon bad
two or three lilUe detertt like that
oat then lb MIebtyaa whan they tbisk
tber do well ta rata 10.000.000 bubeli
of whaat la oae eeaaaa.
I wkfa tome
UruMl Ttarerae maa woeld coma oat

wbat ho mw.

be brld la Ma^iatw Anyeet .-f.
mitteetareatwork arrenyfoy
yiam. r


Her J. U. Fulta of the Wetimlc
tier Preabyterian cboi
Eapidt will elan tbit week for

Bata btytt ttatt wriyh- Malbetoa ot tbe Fred Haeey cemyanr
end tfb two will tpea^ a rrry Urge
parlof the tix weekt oa Uieir wheeU.
trsrellny by rail or tapmer oaly when
Mtl Clara lUpbardtoa
who it ipeodiay tbe.turn
r at her
ocariy 100.000 paid admtatoea
Not *cplltye. neaKsL Jotepb. waa ttved
reiy Bad Lasdi wbrn they rake laeb from drownlny by her pet day. a biMernard. While. i.wimminy tbe be
came cthtatted.' Tbe dog retpooded
to her calli for help aod pulled her
roadt bare a facnlty ot fc
nriaat and OLnyont. aad a___ _ ...
Ty aetioo fan opeaed
qslla deep, la fact yon would btVbAo
look twlae to tee the top of the rockV in tbe Dppe' psalnoU aod people arc
08 either eide. To tbe trareler it k all Wog to the bciTT plaiai literally
moaalala*. whUe np abort tbe roekt t^tboneaad* .to pick'
.mall but
an n)ot lenl prariec tbtl will prodoce
tatty frail. Tbetelliny
almckt erorylBlay.
I wyol to tebool two week* abont » berriat will arerayell.M* baohel, aod
yean ayo pod I tUdladan old yeccraftmiiieaare making a> blyfa at
that had eorred IIdc* all orer the »1U t dty. Where the birrie» are plen
M. C Paanoo. Inrallay ter Uao. B.
• ot tbe roiled SttteLlo-!
lifol t butller ctB pick teu butbeU
day.' The btrrie*
s ttaippei 1
f Dakou. aad irali^
Tataay aad Wadaeaday la II
■ •• a claimed lb*r
OBDiy't oldetl
Ida a I
7 Uaytdoo. i
two toyatber aad tboi
•kin apeon embroidered
B Bymaa and bey wan Mankpmn


HfLaaBaakyMeatk* eta
Mta raank Tttayan k at Fife
Vida SkaJaaala Scott
Hr. and Hn. Fnd Bdta oUad an

Spokaaa.daly ?Sik. IMM.

wj**^ Wjrrtnn^'y *tlarBOOB.

talk hM^MaJa*lkirM lalx

MataL Prta aod Clark of ladkaa dmth. The faaer*] wu bald »t the
an fiykliriil at BHlou'i keuL
H. S. eharak hen Taeaday moraiay.
Amm Etanady of OrialX paattd Tb* eackat wm eonrod with baaaUlal
ta*> offariayi from lorlay frlaadt.
Bar. Btatb oSleUtad.
lb* fnaar*]
WM la ektrye ot W. a Aadanoe. A
Uoydhttaad family of AraUa
laryaprecomloB followed tkeremalat
fWtnt ax kk (aihwk la tkk ylaca

A Worn from WathlayioL

BctTvia Baati.t>:—I wot nrnrltad oe
rtadloy la tka BsatLD of Joly l.'ik a
ltUarwrUtatayu.A.Briybam. Whey
hataldoayataay tfcrowbtkt wmtam
haaltk. waa bmrty. lotat
portta of Wkeeaala they mdaally
myyraaebadUMdroatk itrtekas aortb
weat. from wbat 1 iklak ha wat
taa^dr^ Blwa Mm^. T^t^- eenaet. Bat wbea ka ladadad matara
WaaklBfta be wat decidedly mb '
Bar. Mr. Wyaa oSelaXiay. The aom- aa.
aiaalty taaklkal we harelaat ayood
lack an thk U tbe btaatr year
> tbe atau of Waablayta. We bare
• ^eaty of raia and aerar before

I outtae. When Mr
' wn everr witbasl
witbaVl help
lime 1 wat. etUcked
attacked by
t pl<
bayo. and r—•----------nearly errrr -bamaaflatb ..
itbrlrxa, i
hopelamwnck. .
_t then I_______
ctntnU I>t. Ouman
SXB7 ef * SltTt
tbefl^oftea m Urdical laitiintr
. of MatkeyoB Mich, whorti.fbe
To be baaod band aad f
eoald not yntiao er me a cure
by tbe ckalat of dtaatr
bat adrtad me 1 Tiny a uiai i ..
form of tlarcry lleorye
meat, aad if bit n trcio prodoerd tbe
dealred effect, be won Id knew whet be
eonld do for mr At t rt<.nli I can
irotbfnlly tty I think I aa rrry nearly A^f etiay two taUm of BiacDfc ^
well aad that ft k entirety dae ta tb
tkiU ot Dr Ouman. wbcm 1 wool
(ladly recommend to may oar nredia
medical treatment I will gladly at
er anj eorntyoedraer


d imootb. Ckbtac* tt liiye
----------- Ub, wolybed 60 ponadt. Twe
ty4>aaea ylyplat that welybed
i. yean that yo* eoald oaly a
on a plate: tlayle boaeket ..


1 bar* .a traolartkip
Dxkmy't Hatlnrm Collage,
ts weekt' iatinetioc in toy <

A Complete Variety
Summer. Jiap Bobes and Dusters.

‘ISJ-__ _____

Saath Maaita. Mr* Brut k ou ot
IkaytaaanoftkkplaoL Btaalaaomyaay talk tar bcetbar, ThoetM Ellehea.blaoOaercaBay. WUUam BoMlek.
Bnamn MnUaad thalr famUta cam*
ban tnm Ohio lams. Shewn marrtad km* and morad ta Soalh Maaita.
Ska hat alaoa made a trip to Baylaad
rialten Taeaday.
aadbaek toTklt hareldboau.
E.B. Woolley of CU_____________ _____
Gapt. CarltOB of Mortb Maaita with
lereral day* of iMt week la Norttaport.
Jobo Staffoid apanl Snaday at Cbarle
a tar of tko laka ta the latarmt Of bk redx.
OSOL aod Prod Samatftea. North HaaOUnta WlltOB mad* a trip to CbarleItaliybtbouekaapar. Bdwmid Pkbar rolz Saaday. ntaralac beau Monday.
at tb* L 4.. B. and Cedar Sbarlff HerMta Harriet DeLoay hM ntaraed
mtae aaboet^
tin Browa at Lelaad,
' '
Dr. Todd. from Sattat Bay when abc a
the taoken laaUUU at that pli
Hr. aad Mra O. Bobae left Tbnraday
tor thalr boma la Lydlayta after*
-i^dmolber, Mn. Bolxa>d, weal with Tklt
iltlt with relaUret
relaUree and frieaila la tbk
Lm few a few waakc' rklt with blm plaeL

Tbk k tta firat week in Aagail. yeaarally

An entire uew line of lilted; goods al very

lowest prices.

in all styles, colors and designs. A
good one for 76C.

15*1 Front Street


Traverse City. Mich.

week lo the farnllore baaiacM. but I am ybfay lo offer you

MPOiM bafor. I b.n to

... i. ort!. to dt.,»K ol tbom ..It. I oil,, yo. Mti.



MfL omatiB Sat-

Mm lanaakaad Hn. B'Tr,


i «Jn (Hd SMtlam maal acBFfriday.
/»m BalUayarkmerlayVnifM


Ual Paaalayta ot Ttaram aty

•>St.“ V-

llinini; Room Chairs, the com­
mon bow back chain. 0 ^ §0

Largo arm Rockers, high em­
bossed back, nice a
' nice comforuiblr rocker J 65

I have some fihe uphoUtered
rockers that are a little shop worn '
that 1 ix-ill close out at less than
first cost. There are two or three
that sold at 56.oo will go now at
S.VS5. On^ that sold for Si’.00
will go at S7.85. and a few others
at the same reduction.

Hodroom .Suits. Iron and Wlood
beds. Springs. Cots. Mattresses.
I’illows. yiiilts. and all kinds of
house furnishing goods. 1 hpvc a
large stock and will give you sonie
prices now that you cannot dupli­

Odd Dressers. 1 have a large
line in all finishes, commencing at.
a solid oak for Ss.r5. S^-7,S. and so
on up. Some high grade quarter
sawed Pak'and white-enamcfdress,ers that I will give you some big .
bargains in.

In Sideboards i have altogeth­
er loo many high grade sideboards
for this time of >-ear. and if you arc
thinking of bujing one within live
years it would pay you to buy now.
1 will self you a first-class fine side­
board for about the same price that
you would have to iiay|for a com­
mon one, and you havea large line
to select from.
• \


wm JMkmrn. W.\B OOMtot


m aad Art WMrly ar. tar H

Baa Walk caUad ba Iriaadt at tbk
auwaley train ...____________ ________
place Satarday aad Snaday.
ta hM^peaiUoa with tta EaUmaiee
ItaC, HwU
la riaMin'---------------

lau. -

Am* AmUta and family htra ■
hta* aad wUl oaanfy tta Bany
MfL mad by B. 0. BaUlWar.
«g Him Baanak ItaeJayta. who bm
taMtaH^ ttan fertkaaaalwMh.
Hm. TramaU aad wife of Ttarane
aw talae ea friondt bara yaalaHarW* an *«7 aaeb la aaad ef a meal
taikal ata a Utay. Oa* anald do
mta hmm wlxk a amaU Urair, ata a

NTta^S?^”"’^ **" ^
- Hn-rnUabkoaitaakk Ikl.
IW Stataera at tta Okary Btaamm;
O^LTitata^j^klUac a|.«k

Hr. Ptaalayta ata wU* of Ttarmi
aWMvtdttftaklBlwaad Staalayk.
•ta AmJdea morta late bk a*
Bmlta Hataar. •

Ik. PiBlkk tan a alak hena
■max of TXaiain ba* baao e*t I

Ml. ata HiL Carrot Bmpfra aallta
ta ttadr panala laet erataw.
Tka ynaam raylalmta at tta halal
arttafMtwsnksraMtenowa; Prod

Mn. itae Bow«a k boma from Tearan. City.
____________ ... jllJLt WUlamtUta Veata Benta. who bM baaaW
baiy Friday-^
lUay frlaadt han tba patt t»o <ra*kL
MfL B. Baaalfe bw araryaiweb
rataniad aa th* Haaday taoni^ trala
aataad tram belay pokoaad by *|
aealb to bar bom* at sioeam.
lag trait tram.
Arthur Bolta of Wesfetd k rkltlay
Hn. WricbtotTnTanaaty. aa
kk eeotloL Hr. aod Mra. Ota Maitaa.
tkk weak.
Hr. aad Mil Wm. Jarrou of TrararTuaday.
arm City apeal Snaday with Hr. ata
Miu Bheda SllXm k worklay far Hn. Mil Q. B. BaldwlL Mil Jarrail wUl
, ramala bar* a few daya
Mil U SUXm k rklUay W. H. SUta
Mil Q. F. Hayaard ata Uula daayb•1 Mmlly.
tar ofTrarow aty rkltad Hr. aad
Hn. Elmar Sharmaa laat weak.
BvamcanLLL ..
TtaW. CT. U. wlU meat with Ura.
Flora Shcrmak. aort Wodotaay.aX t
Uka Mtrysrab BUta of Eeawood
amwtiwt Satarday la BardlekrUlL
U Winy, who rmtaUy
MkaMaiy Edita ata*
art earn* an tta Snaday i
ram Obleayn Satarday aa
aaaat tta day with kk
No tat mast foryet the Old Settlan' Wloy. of Ulaad.
Flame Friday.
Tta W. C T. D. yar* a Oaapel T«mBreryoae wat eaddeaed by ike death .trsaee msatlay at tka tebool koiM
efUule Marika SmltbUraanmac. Sh* Uat Monday arealay. aided al tta
WM atldt only a few boon, aad bm yea by Him Btata ef Sleeam.
u aaeapaend aad cedd
B. A. Slarrew leal a rtlaabla M
___ . .raa one year aad tec mom
latt w*ek. canaod tram lajarlm no
Bar wlnmac aad brtat way* had woa ad oa a barbed wire taacL
Bar. C H. Babeoek ata Mr. ata Hn.
Ob'! Carpoatar altadad ta
tta PrahlM
- •
tlancw^cenraollan IraX Wadaataay
Mkt dais WllUamt called han Manay.
Earl WIdrif of H<
Nat Baldrek home tram Ohieaye far
B^S^clam bleak
Mra. JohaHoerakqaila toattkk aaar fawn.
>* Ba
' Mta
Barry tallad kora
e^^fa^lhst k
Mk* Clara Saymoar of TrarmCity
want a week rkiliay
_ Ntaak Balm
ata ntarnad to bar bom
home Monday,
of Olaa Arber rkltad
Hn. Jobmaa Utt waa^
Mr. i.lploa aai tamUy of
, imnl xbeoayh bora Moaday
to thalr eoMay* at ta Karrewi
Mlmm Mu aad DaUa SL________
Drawn bare baaa rklUay ataay palaH f
pt Ulereat thranAont tkk eeylon. '
FradJadklBLwhe kao
0 ta Oraad Bapidm apoat 6
kk pnraau.
latter a rklt at Glon Arbor. Oraad Bapid* are rWUay_____
Mk* Oara Saymoar aad HaaBl*
to B. B. Loop, wta hot bean at
•••■waMiaBnnKw weoBtaeay.
uraad Baplda for
lor i
Barry DambrUI w**t Satarday alybl >«tarata laat weak,
han wUk IrletaL
Wlaata Bara
ma el Maakta
HkamMartaata Haryarat Boldtn baabta tayamlef Hki Haad* Bar

-Vka Haiyaiet ttaa itoaL vba ba*
baoa rkltta tta famU m of a C WU-

Ooed Road*, for Laaiaaaa ConatyBsiToa Bxati.K.
DaurSir—Wa ow* Frank
oartaorty thaakt tor hk yi_________
Hen tor yood roadt tkraeyhoet ta
Oread Trarana Bayten, aad . wt era
yita to tea tat ta yood read* coaraaUoMwblekare belay k-'^ l' a T
by b
aad etar eUiiaat aad ta read qnceUaa k balay paid tpaelal alteatiqn to.
W* are eertalaly U need ot yood readL
’• •------- ■----------- at qeeation yet
HleUiaa. Good
toada make a etattryb ^ayr**L T

iddUu- •



■ ta read* U tkk aaeUen. It k oar
A*ty, ata to anr keaaai to aaile ear
BOW ata Imprere ta read* ata pat
tamUaeehayoodeoodltian tat ta
trarallar pakUe wfll dralato amoa
■ wlthoat rkk 0...................................
htata. AtanawtetaytnllemaBtta
tare kaaalytran
ytron ta Battarlty toli^
readL anehaapathma
twiah toiay. deyoardaty ata aampUta tantawerk early Utaaommar. ata dent let It ml aatU ta Ut­
ter pan of ta Maui*, at km heea ta
lay to EalkaataT
habit of ear nalkmailm* tor al
Wawonldtaytta tataar from
CadUlac to SomhWdtaTu^


i n,i Wtk*

kFim.yJyK. ita*"

. ;

In Rockef^ 1 have ^00 differ­
ent styles.
A nice latge high
emboss^ back,lirace arm ladies'


A MI line o( Breikfau and
Kitchen TaUes. Kitchen Cabinets,
Cupboards, etc .

, (

A good solid canr seat chair,

. 1-36

r3."u, ■

Zook EbakaU wm


— ------------- a ctmaty eiUtat. aadm-

Mra Job
eallad bare iMt Tamday.
Hr. Dark k aampUy eat by ta lahn


___n admlttad lo ta Uaka later aa.
ata It aeamt almoat M taoyb thorn
who tare ta power aad aatarlty bare
- -.......... - Mtoeetadm aaeh aqua-

I rasstiisrcss'ys

- Oka Arber: W. B. Oraa.

iSkIMtanaaty; BmtStaLW. E.

thMboiiariBaueayo. ap*at*Wedam*
day la Nortbport.
Bar. aad Mra V. E. Wbitmaa ratarata Satarday tram Bay view when they
her* beaa tpaadlay teraral waalm.
Hkt AaaU Naltea yare adeUybtfnI
afuraeoa party at bar bomn Wedotaday. Oamm ot rarlou klod* fnrakbad
-------------eat te ta yonay praplt aad
a aad cake wat terrad. ■
* auabar at Udlm aad yeatlak a boat-ridt to OatTyloc Pmat

lay arealay. aad aejsyed a

These are the finest rocken made.

- Dining Tahlra. I have a very lanre
line. Since I poi the Worzlrarg Wore
il bop given me room to plncr eeren dif.
farent Atylea on my tinor that I did not
have room for beforv. That give* you
S4 different *lyi« ot oxtenaion UMra
ranging in price from tJ.~5 np, lo aelrcl
from. Oat of tlioae there are ^nt
ten etyiea I want to claw uoU Some of
theoeareiiice qnarter aawad. poliabed
oak Ublra. worth $2t. will go fortlff.To.

DeMpv«>vu«NUSM for aaawlay maakta; U ye* do yo^ ampaylay SU to III lar
aallU teyen. Tan aaa eoma han ta taatan aaff-tav oae JmtMyota far SILTS Md •».

tcamtoireralaii^ ata k

J. W. Slater’s Exclusive Hoiisa Fumishiiig Store

X18 S'XOXL^ 8‘

Tam-wnejoe Oit^, Jt£±ob.


aRdWnmaTBiM miBaia. APSbbtb. isos


-Cca. erra to tW aSra. .VorTta." amid

TMc Fwtrr dwatma flowers.

~“£s.“~r t



am iM mmFi • dw H«.


Jia> Norata looked rantasrir a_____
asd wa. tfrait for a atoarat. Tbra fala
mttara <T« fril os Itateralre Bradtac'a
rata. fare.
bra ros thtak H wonb whU..“
■SB Norrli. wHh a knotrioc look. “I
—1 ran 1.11 you .ainlj wbrav"—
‘Whai: Whair-...rfaburd lltadiDc.
"Wbrr. at thli Tray boar tb. loet
pr^^ta^ said JlBt. otawlr raspbaiittac

ooBOrara traaraara'm^M

«SrSrSPVkM^ »U
<M>«W b
V« *Mv>
WBU* to <M*t IM> <9

I The SfoTen Prince I


k. dnradr. a. he arfcaowMMd tb.
iia’e sraettac. "W.
■itbooi Iwtac dlnarbrd.'
“No. so: aot ta roar_____ __________
cnat. brar. Vr. Uca«M. Tta receircd ar Ittecramr


“V-bal'i IhalT’ ctM tb. dMenlrr, l.kic • etiT sram aad Lnrarine •osw acl-'

t'.S.r"'''* ~



1 »11( Ml I.. *b.t.

ir 111.

>■« WMtIi wd (• aukt (rrqont TarMo te tUt tun fv codoo ration (faa
»olico ■BtMUn M traaUn of tfaftr

Si ^

A bricfat rad tcIth rarpn waa uaroUed
ad rauTSd upoa tb« pUtfraa at tb. rail•ar autlaa and so amacod aa to rraira
t. BUraiUas of lb. aortac crowd.
Tb. bcraO of tb. laapnton wcra |»li^
1 to alaost aa eaaatural dqcra. of
rlfblena. while Ibe facn of tb. Illtl.

as ■ cmr. as4 oaUor protUr mt* sot
frtraJBr diosond toaartl ibe alow otUpa
wkM raaw la. OSn* of bK trim bi *
to U Bwdr. «ad otni IhU foiM aoa
iBt caie Blsbt rail ek-aa.
tiara to Mac ibo tnnlli waoitd. U
tbra words' tbariSf CAaa outdid
Sidra, the oblp proplo wnc sol iBoUsad
ptf hit Wocra wbni I? s lilUe abrawd itordf Coder.
•TVTtaf. opr aaked ssk nU-M «»plarc* of atMtber.
la Uu UUlo Utmnu «bUi floDriiM
"Boyaltr.” br aoewered obortlr—“r
akac tW train frost poor asfottouU >l>r colac'iaa lb. eoailaraL I wtak
4rrU> wura drnmd asd caimlnl sboord
eoaW Ck aaaaewbere." be nattered d
■ I Bldit to wakr ap trUb »ic
■• rdcfclM bra
The Srot speaker wUitled a patriotic
air asd looked cAkaltr a. be ahnined
«aaUr catbcrad U lk« ana. bat
tslsi on and to prafrr wUtc a
ii drepprd soararbat aftra a
7BBW pmchra
bad bi
canMI to Bi. Pclrrabsic.
lit _____ _
1. Esflaod racesOr. I>ld roa.bear
ta boBo aoBtbi Itira of Ui odm- aboot It
ata.ul the affair, to Il.r drlit-'
tsra. wbrai bit faaUr aad frtrad* had
“I serra bear asrtblac.'' autrerad
glrra hla m * ' ' ~
otbra eioplarra UI bmaorcdlr. “I b


Ibe— imi'dirat'-l.'iind, in fan.^/nbrrnrw

JlBBlks a. to lb. raua. of hi. bdac H
Mihaasbai raowdao


arai a captalo of_______
SB tiadoest tripo asd who wiII eonaider««tba snat bralal mas Ibat
n,. aallrd a
It orra
Mp. He serra hired k crew becaasa
<ber«ll kanr klm loe welL asd be
bi bad lo
ahaata hla nutoma la oedra to keep a
^ *00^ am. But the raerolta had lo
-anp ataaerad
lod ahlrend aa
A Stan wbo BOwaa drtac. The
Boat fellow. klDed bj drink, auctraed In.
fa tba Wren a<ata aad died. Two mea
■eaaMarttI the swiftest Ibiopa ksowo
We Is the ahss«bal-lM Noe saw tbr,
-*----------- * a few dollan. asd the body
ales. Tbe bod eaptaii


brar me." rapW the utb.r. sol at all dta-

do J ’" r"*'*
AViihool nwt.rinc DrcrralTr Rrailiug and to a man uh« bad
keif ta tbr iba.i.iu at a dinamv.

tta^.iaiii.o I

luan, J•.Tkins••''br'Ivtl'”i?.d t’bi^
krepliimin iwai.idr f->r abuut unr bn
«tar him a data
iwn in ibv n.u


•tl'brbsulbr. _
Ure of the rmbaatr.
“JtHrdir. Bradinc.” aaid Norris «
TbeTount priiKs wbo wao < iprated
a erk-rwl air. “i» ifai. ibr uar >'i>r'—
-ViWTls” taid III.-drtcstlir. tL..
>m lioTer
vabtftl to rhl UiDdoo^
r Btricteat
lorutoIlQ. and
trbh tbtt'bl. arriral
r ai-mivl ..r lu.. r..r
ral be wit
or aad dstratailuo.
and ..r tuv.“ a.r,sui.-d N„rri. taUr OBdra Ibe large doc* so wrU
r. -nfirr oil I iin.r I-.W Joti:
Ilf ObarlBc Crara, M.ltaa need
iiiL-o (iriuiv irarrh and U alutwo -loro la raraeai enOTrasatioD.
nn- Olid gitp awar iii.r
rr. and Ibrn yim >pisk <.f o i-und .it


^lUt!?XuTlh“i!il?j“ Whjfold

wbra. cuai :pBi oomrwbat la. tatge fur
lua>. waa iwal.-d c, tbr Ua. In the t.41.
dr wg| ao cdiiaaUr •tniud r>wuc man
“That a b.-: H.t-him .« tiu- UitlThafa
Bob l^eomu; do and uj lo him ibac tba
priurr wUI i«J.«Urdlr la- in tbr Ural
arh on ihr Irala. I wUl idl the pr..|de


U^fi^ “F." motweed Jim Norria

■MdIki aanboda ais srat bras for cottaa. With tb. dtaappraraara of the
aaOw enti tkera b Uttie

“What tbrr »iU bare U £IO.OOOl“ re-

Korda did



S. S S Utbc


le roou asd bcriTta^r^irhi^'




SCTufuta and utfarf
j-OB are interrstad

ni.v HiinUcw «ui 1
blarkiiisa u|iuu tl
tbr iialu.
“Tbr u1iarrvc-r

«bo Aatbortly o> r.
nil tWiiitlmi.,
. Srhuvniiigrr rreraillygsTe .utittinuT c,f bit trval1 to a r-imwiKinditif of Tlii- rib
si-tSaK-It.-: ••£.! ai Juu.-h at von
pleaM- At ufn-a aa yoa '
mochatann-al. IWul
- ■
• • gcud
moal. Wb<w thirsty, drink
araatrti wairr. triili a f. wdrnp. of l.-moa or oranifu juin- ..ior.i«i ini.i it, bat
«Bly »a boor b.-fon.' ..r an lionr after
Yon may alto tukr a lilllnwliiio
r ridrr that it ii.ii .Wf-t or now
and tbeii a mp of l- .-1, Imt'iu'vrr cuffre.
Smoko a lictlr aii.l iiiilolge with luqda ill Ui«...lli.T litilr luxorira to
yno bar.. U-, n arctmtoun-tl.
hr citlrn. bal .lo nid Wet Ihr m-

“U be WIU enlr krwp
'Uag Mum. irar teame
•klinc le himaetr. br conUud.-d: “tVo
WIU folkra blB in a
Plaa. tan'l lb Jlinr
*Tbat’a right.



,— -rw»~—tTunars neattn and Wit aalS a. ts^

: -S-".v.-ii-s:di:rrsrd: s'


tallaga harboi and ib. nmati


AUhongbanok by l.iealraaol Hobwn
a polat whore aarigallon wat sol
-ioM^y ielerfercd with. tb. Herr:-

&m'z.... ■«
!n even- town
.Till vill.l-,40
tll.iv tu-l'l.ui,
i the


blisdleg lath of
clcctrUlly followed by a rlond of
smoke sad erioa of tajarad pameagsis

-/.FB 'uUr.ll


aa they-umblnl into tbe street-at
traeied the attention of plated pase
1 by. Jatl fa
out wit
la.lanily Gilrd with the lurid'
Uaohnof l^.-ibule olactrie flnid. and
erira uf pala and aaloaiabmcot were
followed by men And women falling
over each other to got-mi^.Uie car
llardock lllood Ritura glrraawanal
leer brar'. an aatiro hraio. aalrnng.bin. HI for tbr I


will M grsvMO at all iMsssMas-

tlial ni.Tkvs. your
iiorscs ybd.


BBcoming a | H

^^Moflier m





a'ny.-y!!; ^t'^r.ri.ou <‘i ^


The nary depor

lull burying erc-unda In'
by |•tly<lriim> tvbi>
ciw>th..ald l-mwnl
Uri.l,T 1.1 iiuik.- X 1
|,h..ul.urb.ofSai.du»Sj.t..,re ui W; rr
sitloii O'--fi.-n a> .|H-s<il,1i
pailriita «]..> nm 1 lorAlKI's tvb.-rr tnaiu Mandms or iimui:
into city parkt. The boats of ?'
cl Bin. wliu tiarg beca burled
sbt'irl.'lix fruni ai
long ai a liuiu iiur
I nearly ball a
ini.. It..t-utl.r
1. Tak.. y..or i 1. .-ll- al^nhff^Z^'Tl.-fliiilu-mt irt.v..t>, kik N.wris" stU tb. d-ji
d loaomrata.r
; frum .\.-n V.
.v.-ryday, N*.
iimivr fn.ib ILtdlaiid Vat I in on
1 n.-tal.ta'.MnS
honti.. bat wbru-T. r
iw-ru-i.g.-r uno.; l.. .-uii
sodiral bin.-. •tliL offolr naudt Ibli It U. !.■>> .■.iH.4or..*'.^a^
tablrpulon »br
by tnrnlbinliiS tamlaii
wl.'h Id. "c^mf.""i,,s'‘All y?il'hair l“dd
I1...S-..1. tbi- a ph.Tul.
a meal, drink wli< in ..ry.m.r.o!.iraty.
B> wr Ln.-«c- 111 liiiir |.I bate Ik,- i.rin.e
lirtl.s .-at a -duz-11
......... , .....
bsre lb., train nl fai.n-m nn.1 ...miorraload y-.ur « ni iwo or tbr.
duicklns 111.' pail.-iii ]i
boavYiiftjahnrTau: int.-rraK Ti.iii.
Ibeir tturOilrai lalrra OB tbeir mrrita.
cat Ibu oaniu anii'l.- .4 f.t.I tin ofiuu.
bill, kidnat>-d
kidnaprd and am fa-ddy»ur bin.
prr* likr lu.»^'“J. 'bcok'MUOT th7m
tae ta Ilaili .Ititd ta IKt.ei..-,- Vi-ron,
•luitUy I!
TakeuiilyJirWIU'a W.lcU liarrl Sairr.
Cnmiug City Hall |inrk .uiv flay St
■01 It-ib-i
Urarc^|i.;..aoo all akin dlarara*. K
partsT raw an Italian I-.t -u.) .l-uly U
-tVhair! rabtl N-rri.. rtelinca.,.1 airik
flat on ilia bark .ni thi. imi. ni.
Kciriua, i.jiu brad, hit
tac bit Iv-ad nlib 111. W-k of bit baud
er«l'coinpaui..nj instantly kiiti-b-piMini
‘ic skio of ary sort InaUiDlly rrl
Tb.- dctxe takr U:"—Trtit.-.lal.-d Fin
alapping ihr juli
two lltib- pun u In fituil.Biid
.'f lita
br Ui-ramn For Wnwt Sl.iri.e.
- niM-iiiB .............
l.i. /a. . Ttay
So llirn. Tlita
t At any drug store.
ill UugliiDs tltt lunr-b. ami aflt-r
ly alnirk: wi. nnintl wlib n {.-w f.v(
Tirwiala and tbr SlatTs.
•k IbortaT
wliv and a hu.Ly d-kband
^Thrae ta^ n.j d..ol,i in^.i.r mi.i.yhot
rr inianl.u
tbr c-raiik, tb;- . l.t-lrl.- Ilglit
anypnrr tbuwe
p>w>>-<l nil
bad I.-.-11 b-fc fne I-. sub- tbit qnoii.
-♦■ti'.iis. .-in-rlBllT -.iwtirri ita-y noli li.-n.-lr, by .l.-siv.-t atl <h.- ilavi . b.-rvl.-ri.n.l.
taaiij.aralii-i. Ilwa«)
napepll . uteri u. alarrr
' ; bar.- l«-.s i-niain-iist-'J tiinl. r wi-r
I. .......... . -1.111 ..r t Ipiribia that tlir Famo man wac w.-Ui-iiiug <b
kudji dyrprpalaCurrdi
pr.-ri-i.e,.. t|„.^ ,
Th'. iloinc Ibv s
grinding nf Ib.- rrai.k; lb- vail.
grain what you
)u ral
rai aari allows yon to
an.l rnUbitis l.wk.ti .mt
ahoit nf k.t-|.i
ealall Uegood food yuu Man . iirad
ciHImt w*tuM ban' In-.n abi.lim;, ao
taiigla<if.hairnii.l <fKutntlat irally currs siomarh troubles.
F r.
rrlla <-r m-miirtirri-n Imd ii-'v.-r le
t'T a litllu
Klan-ry ua. Iri|.».-.I di>.ii Virclo
anu- s.-ti,.ns mpiin.
Ritalau-b Le|.i ui-m-biT by ihi- atl
At ItalroU .Sandsy mornii.f ll.iffslc
In bta Itu.k. -T-mi» rai.- Ctill-; a I'hiWiiftt In til- s’aoi-:-" Uki n-piwter Simlii." Mr. Siulib aakttlan.-it'.bnywltawaaal-.waieluog.
ill's Wild Wr^l Show train war ran
aui.T-.. Virginia rpad>- n-fasl.
if Ibr 8r..tltali'ltali..r.v Inianl ita.w. ibc
'Tb-ni kidt ic prariViu a fak-.''in. ialo by a switch eeglne sad oar of the
traaiiit •«.. tl.T Ibr ilavr trad, and
lo al.ditb alariTT ni 'on ii.tiiiutton. and iluiual imib.'ll.' hlrut-Blr ..f Idgb c-nl- rrplivd.
•lerpiogears wreckrd. Tbr Tt mra ta
um wlib ImrluirL-m lu aoutln-m t'Ullr.
wr gin- it a. ui.r d.Jil.-rai.- opiiii.w that
"A fal-rr'
Uircar wrrr all mere or Jrat iDlarril.
rn-n If tb. iv bod tam no war Ibrie .UkUriuijs IhiUiiMU .-an bn.l tlir |ia«•Snp-. barinefii. fw<wk BUTS Any aimay erriously. and oar woman mil
.1 bar.. I.en nr ular.s l.-day i
c-ngrru Is 111.- ml.I.i .,f Uli-raU.r Hathguy tnki- pity ..II a kid will .lu liu
<-f Vlraliita.—UiHiiooad Tiiara
eiui f.m-ali, thrminb
I CiT« biiii a nirkrl Su-y-N-w



Itajurain, uiK. luv. n

»«“• ''tew

•-b-i'lrlr I'lili- ii



WWW wwMMmw m^mPVp




“OoiiL- aaid hla coopaalon. “1 wUl
krtw mr rr. ua Bob frraD... You ran
I as AlIutA famllr. bad aak^f^^3S^ gire roue alirstiun tv Ute tad'a otrs carvsstad. CbJoa act forth arrared Ufco na-


■c baa bran eeaugb of a menacv' to
abipa psaalog la aad oat of the harbor
to make it adrlaablr to remorp faer.
.. bealtb.
At Toledo, tl. too person, were iawhich bu did n f.-w rbapirm cm. and at
jurod in a alrm car ac.-idroi late Aaa-!
tfaotmmu timnat thi-uiclin thouarrl
raoorrmil w alMi did bit b« .onij- day olghi, oar taully lojuretl aad two
mraiul dansht.T —Krw Y.wkOirpairlL mlbera eery lermaily Tbr secidral
Uar of -tbe loogDETAILS OF_SCHW£NIN0ERISbl.
beli e»ia bad ioat reached Twrolj See-

rwtir oBdra lb.

•imlatta Jim tboucblfully.
tat ^ said, list wbn ^ pot back u
Ibw'l r»B know. .Sorrit? IUt. yon
usnaraao aona noatba Inra aad heard
rr takra pan la a dral Ilk. tbb! I
M tb. taka be wu fi*btlot Bad uid ratand to tab. aablaeta from Cbarlastoe banUy lUak anrtbtag

tab., sad Urr

Orisf doei sot kfU. sDd U la 1^
Tsfy scldam tfaal baaty nwraw —~
dralb tosnr<Be«d>eii iaabinhbTcn.
ditten li Is bowesra, sraj oftmi tba
indirect csaie of death, dttaw br brlapIscdlaraaetoaelimaa <w
“Tbr ralnluwa." oav. Ur. Wrtcbt
tbe ntflerrauKire liable toitaattsek. If
fbe of Full.bill... •i.-lb-v.ol
a man la renTisoM that bbgn'rf la
>or wbiid Uai'. In pitauin ihai i
Bosthab be can brar. tbom wbo hare
woriil .ball nrrrr seals I«- dralroT
t>T Boul ar. M nHunaai that pruluMr
tbe fewer of bit own Imagtannes. tbs
IftvwQ p.r-o.u I
will aRaally die (rum a ‘ twoku
SOP rvory } car of bi« I
-Foetraw. srr of r
Kaptdecti was kllM by as
Tla-a. wrdnl apnarliinoi of tb.- foeo nialcenal duciu. bat It U aaniuMi tbnl
cor, w. far a. I know. 1b rasiitrl
woald not baac taeu fatal had not
bordi-HsE on Iht- aeanail.
i fpinu tat-n »o •}r)]ntLto<l Ihrooglf
“niTtvilr nrar Lot .\usvb-t I -aw
il.asdfb'fvar. William Fits Itar «loot ivinarLabli- f.« babt td »hi.
w. ii said to Jiavo diiA tram a “hro.
B Idra ta ch-.j, i-r tta-’lllr
Bhuasfrane.l l-rbii enat gn.l at
tialkio. 1 bad .dUuU-d lo'ibi-1..]. of
Ibo failure of bir rhi riibttl liopm and
l-mi :-ai mlMtudo. ol.-tt- o
AiKlibiT. brar boni reaii.T.tbci
crytlilnc u-imv iti» wa< Id
rarh Inttaiim. in (Lit raautTT. When
Ibh'k iiixIiiUlInc foe Ilial iiiri.vl ov.
pUgsm am ragiug la n l-wu. atatitiira
Ibon-untr} llkoa r.liU.-oa T!
ahuw that an tuanj- ibr fr>im tni.-ht aad
imasuiarr ranar* s.i from il:v r-al . pidemir, so gm-al a li-dil bu lb. frar of
death on Minr p.-oidn.
if smaait ctai.lrmoed totu.hoe, it
aa cdD-ti aoraiTrd 'that la thu sraml
h.- bai .lr>f.pud llMtaw. altboagfa.
through occid-iit nr dmigti, no ballet
boa 111 realiiT I,ft Urn guo.
Tbrru it a qo.tT tm tmn-rord<*«.
niuR Ihu .tan«ht<-r csl a r.-lcbrat.A
aoTili.t. win. traa dtsply iaKT.-ulrf in
emo <d b.T (atlirr'i atoricn. It appt-arol
ialnatallim-sbs nnd tbr ht-roino wa. mf•
ferine fairaiopUtab A* Ibo girl

rmTia*!**’' ’“"'"’''•'bm. -if jim

Bob LcraBo uyi a i. a, .q^. a, if j.,
bad alrvadr had inWMi io bii*p«-krt."
_______ bit
^_^p traa lo aaU Ibe sen noralw. aakt Ihc- taller cM.r. baikios iol.nilr ac a
saacptabk whb tb. npOM
• atswid air
Aon.* raid lb.
nsdTM nut M
Vaka him for 90 b
W^lrfltbe abip.
WboB thatlnc wu ap, the ci



Cusulniim anil Eiawiatiu Free and Siricili Caifiiniiil..

li. K. OTTM.XN, M. D.

hgiheidenlofllie(ntiDuleiUiflIttU|gte(h.,liiti«n,liik V/
‘ i-v
MX ns AT


Xa?a-worMo Oity,

OaceaosnfrDm'OA.m.to8p.m. Dae day oaly MahMootb.


dagr fn.iti tbr rmbaaar waa ddroil v(‘tbr4ilaUurB.
Tbr trata-airaaii-d orrr the bridge and
i'«-t wtn-« nml tl. tbr Im- 1II..W uf
•biwlr Into tb. ataUoo. Krvn rr•s Kauael of ^ rb-ar .loy an amtl troman ii arm
fl.-crapbb- ali-l t.'»nloadi otmalard tbr paaraagera. Tl»
baudy. Na-1
■alLiuE U-sblr a tall, tbin yrane nun.
-,.igv matins rufard with trunks Ta­
albm mtli baiiil.-l. wbirb II.- w. vital Bitct rt.-amir»w.ut dotru to City
Point ................ ally, dutiifg tb- war.
w's. batfauxra and alramn rags bar- bat tat-ti aap|>-.I by dla-iir. Hit airtn aianf..rlUc-travrb-r- .At lu tbi-1
pladM ihrm with tbdr uwnen in ar.' itaw and .oraanm.!; bit hand, on- ulBt. wb.i ar,. ainiskllng i.. ib-s> tbs I ^
10 rtriiaugi-. A. lh.-ra
- rab.nnJf«f«brrlras
Tell drraacti rvuiig mas with tbr rtaaprd.^luhiud^ bit bark. TIm- womaa
blofl td Trrul's la-ach.
Tlisf. why all
IK-rprtunl 1*111.1 Sir. riuilIU glriw tlml"'^. IHtuy’.
■a Wileh Iftxs)
ib. riHSit o.faX'uoH>”nd' pta"U*ui^in BVat Ptarr for tbrifi, rbrrrfnln.-as and i “2
Thry look I k .'
Ibr grouiul tb.- y-.iiue tnao tv mat
rioks. t >u oil., orrasnai two ls..v< wi-ru
Fstebtag lateatlr ih* arniaU Boddralr.
Instrad of ibr.aU hr.
rtn... ..tW.r^.rth<«i
rnnralgB from City I'wini, f.ctunal.-ly
hr Bi>|>nurbrd asd addnsslogrcrt ............... .1 luanufEcturiDg witii no ra-< iigiTN wli.-u on. ..f ibrni
skin aid
I icrgatio aiul iuiuii-.lial.-l]- w
allgbtral fr
pflr., 1..
:n ordiiiaty anl- iqpias nf iu<utb.-ni CLllo. In tb.- IlrltA U«c w-iit fi..„i |J„.
aud w*
l.r Ix-ri.pilA-a rimm fu
[tvat dly.-Nrw
-Inlrra aad raafoar with U
sedgeouler ll-tVin
ratbrr than maiirr
• F P< n
Iptl liii-tiuoaryiii
You Will opera Oi.d aar otlirr pills ao<
Ibr taut buoaid. '
-'Both Mrn walked
if the
prrmpi aad so pleasant ai llrtViUs:
I Tbr <wm-.|«S>d.-ut of tbr
and rairred .. _____ ... Tb. Tbs Orth I of thr Opal* cjrcaala
L.fle Kirly Bls.-r,
F. C. Th'ymnoon.
Ttbs i^njoii Tin.iw'iv(wrts Xn lutriwtlng thouBht br bad ta lzsti a life prrs.wr.s
Bob Crranio drorr
Wt tba eU tsstlemaa taalated tbaL 0.^.y
‘dbKvrrry Jn llir talau.l. Hr. tirabliam. —XrwYorkX>i»ir.ub _ %
; Of Charing. Croa. auUon.
• liivratigafir. Ilea dlar.iv.-n-.l a
mra. who had opokrt.
M >thr
r It. rblldrrn likr ll.
Bplllrrs" ronin. tl
-Ordur of thaW.
Many Crippled Cieiwun IT fraiin
(ly sriib
itarial imu.i|uli.> 111
OM folk,
Wr refer to Oar Mia
Opab- .otw»ni7ati.mde«lfin.Tl
* aptani. naMlyTnlr. a lu
air Goui
All Aiuisiran in (i.nuauywat rai
It will qalrkly care
foUuWrd Ibr rai^n wiib an -iprenloB to chi
luag troubles
/. r
■Duudlag lu Ibol •li-Irruilii.-'l by Majur prised lu find a lionitar .4 cripple
■fartkiB on Ihrir f
Thr ImiKirtauif ..f tlita dlptrovrry Among the evtabratrd cuIU-t'.iiir'disMWi
nsrir eTu;; f
prinra Inn
‘TUs” said the dir Bun wbo had (MU- juds-l fruiu tbe mm wbveu high standard uf I.wruui
ritcaatoib.TclDbaofitikiud Itmrvta
6 II sarptlsr yea lo rgperieaee a«'
MM taiMac, -Ihla la mr berbariam.r KlUCTIun Imapllkl mak<wthrmfauiniulb>-wiirlil-nrr. Uu
t"'l “**
"**'"■ • '*'*
. •y*
»ta tumra beu
Berlin prufrosor Iswiitvlrd iulo 1«
ihr^riiw f^ ibe
rare p-ua t-wry day, and itarv ar
Ksriy Kiu
others similaily. tbouBh. for tin- m»
Them peer
Iroi pAinfall;
pAinfallT. affiirtod. This i
iUAr»hrs-t«-i«rr.-n Klnganm eiMl Fiun- part..Irai
-OhIAbd alst yes gola 'to bolld M
Bolni;Ai>dr.unl..g.oa Friday and epill. iibelm. Id
jak T-XII. Ibal it was tunil.U-ri-d aub doe partly to tintag oali. It IS II.d said that Ita-r break
nermaa troops Atoal b
rldr f..r n nl.ltr man ti> rrniiirr near militarr rctrimr is lirraian.T. wIk-i
ail for Cbina'TbaK.«iSas4ada:aBdactastlfloTTeAtaMtcrfAUDtaa
minora srtih drlilwation. but iiyl '
boy la dtaBnallfird or tbi- army, hr is
thrm aft.T dark or U-f..iv auuriir.
RremrrbsTrn. ta sai
wbod.«-i birrak a lairrorii hridiu^Biea^
tnlot^ for ^mr. or tbe law.—New tham to spare nobody 1
AidaBc of Ibr Intpraton. “but wbras it eoMd.-ration It ilir utbra mmibcrs
OuuMt Draft la «•
York World.
arras so that for I.iin yeAralocume no
The opal i. Ibo bmlgr of mrmUTrUip
cblaaraaawoold dare to look askance
and i. pat fortb on all oocaaiaos It ir (, .ornivd by Mr
bo fint Iruii^ stnet
AtanyKerman. and to ukcoo prtaoBorBi-.L l...n.-vra, !hataUthi»e.-fronito *i mrans
Tbr brat Ifalsg to do," I - taid. tnra- OTpnhtow aapreatiiiao fail of Ibrir pur- ' ptum-riv ji
'**" P" '“‘F*
sweeL you knewf
1^* "d
loitT at tb. ^-.^luiuunrb at ill Jack cmnnoi bu la-. mto a .Vtaino>V- omm- ' «“
' ISSO the rJHiiv r. utral rtiitr
aa. bark at
The rlnn. nt of cbABro U al»!dntrly
tbi- firs »®“«polia was that itlamiin
Tba sealaa Med la wrighUg dia____
falls Atl
KtltasarccM. Aa iidiliom favor
Alomrnt t.> In is the prido and
The qaicker you stop a eoagb or celd
iS wltlrtbc f
plraaarr pKwt lut^ilr tako iii ibuir «b
Ur lessdABger tbrrr will brof fatal
pmiiiioa. A aop.-tt.iiiiou luan acintu
Bag traablr
Use M.aatr Coogb Cure
ruUiJciaa lunrlllr
ta tbe oaly barmlcoi
la UMiwaypf sdT.rtisL-nmi Isouly 1cm
In- -aid lo.tb.
-Hr ta aot Iheesr hr rrlrd. “.V.
Two rauitidsira oldigrd b> by plowTaloablrlbanUic.ioraofb.-r>rwela To
etaairr si isnr dsrt sM su otara syi spraw i
1:11. wb- |.Ut ll
^Priarr aorbta rslrabs. stTttr.1.
toe sit amw for Us .vratFrilsy.
other prorlcaopcrJtlitousanMd Imporbi.p-.-r'
*“4 rmstaly ditopiwsawb tABce in fpi-iog piqBanry to biocrat*W- acknowbyk.- two .brerfal nibiiylblui: erung.
Writ, ymi may base mr If br IF ta Ical Botlces an.l ak.iu-hn .if rharaotra
scrlpiloni from pr<-4wviin- cssdidairt
(Tttria* < rm. sisHaa.- maitrrrd Ibr taI-. v-r.v 1aada
BOW so pcqmJar in rwm-til.worUira.
yrdrrdey. Thu I-a rampalga of edm
food, la Amerlea. tbe laad of pimily.
Mtloo. ond w.- lIuBk tiu,] ibat *.
dsUy iwiuTi tasurd rslns that
mADyauffra and die bqeanss tbsTcaa■I Ut sbr A erbaoltusairr.
day with bradlmrs la tbr tarm-st tyiw:
AM digest the food they rav
“A Priarr Ki-^., A Buipcy.d AnS*.
nyspepala Core digaauwbat yoe e
- lu.fb.Kk!
-I'm very
dared, -I ain't laklu' no d.Ira la tlita
•Itart 1 dU
dk .nirfa
airfa Ibrr." wret cm 0
rar yrllh I'bliia. I .InnT esh- trbl.-b
if thta rt^.^rdtasr^yuuo m.-dltsll
«d m-UI tin- TTurst uf-K.'*MMTlTn!T*OVBMD. Praale »mt
« pat ted,
kusys BM wbo brttaTM that tbe
“Why. sarrly .Tea lunot iw touyrrt- d..llar f-r j.m
at rbrry
m rradras gstbrml ta grtuipa
<1 in tbr a|irvsd of t-nllcbtninM'iil. In .TOO l-ool.l l.wt
_____ _
lO-y-aitadd bey ta b u IS now bsUIhr rebbrar. rrcirdlrra v( uslihr n-W'Ur of tlir bratb-o ftem <UHc- Kr gu ildlsg sgata tumonun'
_Vt bomaa uurrr to aympaibUe
cw tbr psrintalBg or tbr
ta llH- Ptwcitw. «r—- .
wia tbr uodra dt*-tnkM JOB Ur. cr-raOng swraprra Tbr or
urtrsboyi wrrr
-.Vo. I dini l Ink.- no li.trrrst la nans
• brt ve. Ibr tup-oar.
Iwitrgrd Ob Ibr hmpi. ta
•oT ibi-ni iblufft. If ■-tth.-r aklr wpi
b-K-ta. Ibr miiiBBC priacr was tbr uahV n.iib-s 1 miglic. bal ibry alD'lrSo
ta emdra la oaresvd m a potiurni or-Yr*. air.- oai.l itw maa with II
psn.ins A in.uDrni to -ukr 1
a-.ftansad katepe
1 _■=—=rT-;T^T;T~r^^^^^^meaMa<
ral.jrri of ruoTraaaUun.wbUr ta highred ptaiM-. “wr hav.- aa ulmrir «ndrink of wati-r, "wr roqjr Bow to tb
■irrirs no c-ihrr topir us. allowrd.
ear sysi.-m la our town, to.1 I a
Do not bay land on whi.-h tbrdnra
ly 10 o'rlork Ibat aigbi Chartag tVura
.Ru lUBUcT buw bulgodgraat s mao
proud of tbr fan that a. abb-raus
Itafi wa. desratrd. Aim II .. clurk
—• ‘t. la- Bniily l^tss Ibal Lii auIprd lo Secure It. "
ilerrapiftl a- pwring sadltur.
grotrih. Yob wUI mv that nim who
Af WIU Mur^ br irragniarcL
‘Aad—ABd wriT no
wbo fidlvwrd tbr prtocT ta a bana.rai cab SIT r»prrlriirrd-ln l-a.ilug fsrmlni
ort.ol tbr orator.
Askrdr qaerlrd thr di____
ItraeopoB tbr rattaaob
-tjerdlos* abom.erfiatr
tbirkly cu\.-ra.l
hrrrrd f..t firr mluatra. I tbr^grraj
'Wby. abnot bow macb boodle ««eh
gvud Isa
Bd oTrawhdmUg caAfa lott of tbs
and AM
idTcd for hM


l^nto*Ma*Jil"r*^''u.. USSn



•Tn»t do >oQ maaa br taM





t:xss^ “ ^


hotel- h'r ‘'c^ttai^'!'




ST. bTK^.'S.'-—


‘ K “SE


Pw Ikfuti U CUU


ni lU Yn bn Unft Ih|M



ATOPet 8. i>oa



—-lated te uaurdaeotBlon. Bi
------- to ba peeallarip apprapriate

• the food More defidon «Mf M

white, ptok e^ Mat wnm to riac
marrp “food moratef" to at tkat bclp
W flra tea dapA food atari.
Haatrrtef eold atew or talad of tap
IfaykaaS^ottkMko kted. nalaat ooe baa a baadtoma BtedUlk eouaa arterial. ^1 aakteaakad bowl lead taw of a eaa afford cat).
eatSrm. ripa lomaMaa te two.aeeoe
--------M. akaaoa atea-----------------llalaf. eld BatUa or laaa eartalaai tap- oot tea «nun. All witb aalad. aad
ataad ee a plate or platter teat baa
‘ ' 1 bate eorered witb ertep laUaea
___-n. Wbal dteerated ebtea aosld
fire toeb prettp eoterlafi. or add a
of atoet white BBtUn la lira el a jack tearm eqaal te^thtev Tf P^mrad,
akasdU woaldttrre tkaB-aa wrap- attm^plBf al Blfkl- KaUra Cbriatiaa womrntwi.y lAe
ea aod liula rlrla wear aklrta with
.. mere
oftea larfe,
plate barn of Ika thirt material at top raieo. I ■tilt iwt or
mtte from near ttt
iai bouoa. tad maa; aaeb ooM be rtfalar CAbtaafc laarta
mada Bnadtee of reneasu ehoald be oalBlde. lap te water u
tddad to UM pareeU lor ankiacJackaU bbUI wuted, teen arraafe . ..
or foor of Uem. aecordlaf to
. tbalr
tta. aad
• rapteb
No dec**^<OuroC eteteiar. aa bate, beaBate. orated eblai eaa eqaal__
dean walata, jaekeu tad mra'e wear- ebapa or delicate eolortef prodaec. ._
tell wap wltbout eapaoae. If a few
ewoat-pea or aattoriian bloaaome aad
tkatla. bUakala tad <|«IIU art fraattp Itaret are laid oe tee platter beaeatb
aatdad. Wbaa tbaae are mada of oaw tbe learn, tee effect U hetebteaed.
te aerrlaf eold or eaeaad mtau, tbe
■aatarial tbap akoold ba thraa pardt la
laaftb. aed from I k ta I ^ farde la platter tbould Artt be eorered with
i^th. aa each will aaawer for dap aa iettoee loam, tbaa oa the laarn
wall aa Blfbt wear. Tbaamall ameaet aroead tee edfe map be added tsoarea,
beet pleklm. or
that maap a praair rlrl tpeadi wllkte
a moBlk for raadp would aaSea to bap hard-boilad ecnoot te tbla tllcm. tba
material for a rail aod eklrt foreima poldea circle eorroaadad bp tbs trorp
wblurlac beluf te prattp eoatraet to
pear Hledo womaB. Tbe CBmeaU
tbaw............... ...
ae alBpIp made ibtt «rea a ablld eo
Naelurtlom learm. wbleb are oftea
tacamplU tbe work, aod if the w
eted Id selade aad taadwUbea. map '
alao to Bark ber aama oo tbe borda
for iettboe learae la te
' .fawbrlcht bl
edee of tbe plat•■AmStmeaU bare beta oompleud
wharabp tba foodi will be forwarded tar with beaotilnl effect.
Bot mrate anp be^ tenad^^te t^
tree of ehart# from UbMu. tCaap
Uoaraadeof farsaate are Mtekaaat
te l^U^^h^yra, whkb will parmlap laa< t. a few of which map be
mb out at It Ie tarred, aad
attracUre tbaa a decorated
IteTlBf^ ateUBBk-"’''*0»oWlbB“uou! of
elotkter Iren Aa
Stamped II
ated tkroorb mte
aad oatliae ambralderp la to quieklp
rial will U recel
laeaer. aad aatilp done, teat tap hoBteueepar
in Temple Cbort, ... Dearbora Bl. ■hoold be able to hart a aambar of
Cbleare. 111., or bp Hn. J. O. Baoaar. prettp doillM for ber table. If tbep be
worked te Atlalle waeb ambrelderT
at DAwara, Ohio, aod will ba_______
atelp ackDowiadftd.
All paekacei. tUkt. the Aowere map be doae te aataaatt be marked^U Ballaf.' aod ei- nl eolon. aad be laoadered ae oftea aa
witeout fadlat'—-Vlmr,!
prate ehanMamaat be prepaid. Ilmap
ba more eoBTaalrat for tome to eoBtribeta mosep. daeb flfu will ba forOomplealoe
wardadtoledia to purebaM elotklap
far womeo. wbo wear taru. a atefla
hard problem. A Mear rad aad white
wiBpptefof from Are toterea parde.
akla looks out of place
te eammer time
•■a* ioj of tka people la raaelrlap
impttible with out oftba rarawBU kiadip dooated bp ladlaa
_______plrl dees
. weal
la BBiflaad aad Aaicria dorlep the
........................Imoaltedellwith aim
temtea three pcan tfo waa Baboaad- te braome
ber face ba­
ad. Old maa aad womea.MweU at

_______ ____________ Maadofter.
Tka rail akouU ba a pMa caL .
W Ih* terkw t* Molar dtxn.

OrteiwawBr ffoa Iba world ware,
Mr a«d IU Ika roAtmg Aalr.

•aa. wkara tka Art k«a flow aad
nmy{L Urtla e( tka ahadetrUBdi

TtaM, wkara ika nlmw la fUaelBt
■ aUMMlweool tad aUll:


wladow Mil-

lath alow, man Blow,
alow. la Ika daakr

AdMa^tka fata aadakaaf at tka
Aad^a^oaU raak Ikrea^

r of teat dowB tka

OaBBt taek to tar waltiaf aar.

far wtat b a ter wMkott a dor.
Or a 4ar wltkoai a hart
■ataUtetfmra aekokadaac atlll.
Tk ttedaer t waadarlat CTaop:
«hara. aadar tka aopia tnr, dewa

WNfcbwwoaad Man. tka wkUa


Tai Ikat tka rata kaa frowa

Iha^tof ornwofe.
tliM, wltkoat tea. tkaU akow..Hok not ka boiaa tkat li kard l
Kaak aaiatka-fttaB awir tkat It am

n tiM aroU'B a tala of Man.
■Bfia tU latabewa aaaa lU
te'tkl tea fra tkat lUaoadon
OMar ttete ataada to laa It.


Sdojyfcr^MUka______ _
Wklla Ub^ aaak laker. Ilka a tkraad


Aai aaakew taaater fcy weald do ao
Awftaa ma afward Itn. aadfo tkftr

tea dlfktm raitoaMd

OfMpaad VtedaMi li^MaaUtkt
»Xka Mka witk tkaa ta tka twiU^t

' W a^ tka oraa-

aii vmta abMa arUh
that, a

Ms- atedlt P. tallb of Hart
•aadatea Baaau> Baaamaai ptofor
tea halpadtka wnMiaat oaraw
ter tea ralMt oftba tealaa aaffaroa
aMMf tbawenmetladla. WklU tka
ralaa bavaat laateent. ikaaafolaf
wOlka toralaaf tiaaffaal.
hoalraadfkaaa dam la tUa eoaatrr,
kat tkm la reea ter aU that aaa ba
inaa mil la TramMatf tmeka

sS- ^j2r"teSas7.o;‘’:‘^x

Soeuaar Food.
Bauaraar ckbkaia.
TbOMahoaU bawaU mmM. 1
I an maeb bauar te bM waatear If e
; ad tea Blfbt baton cad aarrad ica
. leold
aad make tba moat
» terltaUaat


an ao Bear the nadalde tin more tkaa
cUiw^ abMld ba Iqti aa a wteter
w 1 bare aaaa a' waarp wheal
half apoUmetlrallp at
Darter tea hot daps of Jalp and
id alt down ttfeool af. ft ii Anfuitdo aotaprtekle tetfnaaatll
If aarte--------------te tap etoek Uwekte aotedead. quite teu 1a tea aflenteOB.
aad there It ao fraee betwete oar pard " 'te teamotBlw UtbooldM '
a^ tbe po bile road. We aaffer ne «a- — .taaAraaadtteo'eloek. .
Ufbt teadpaoU icqalm mm
daa tetrulOB <m this aeraoBt. ae oan
ie a quiet eooBtrp road, aad we fladlp uetioe tron dreofbt tbaa a eteoMP
offer tka kludlp abkdt of our door pard toU. For tea foraar tee clteptef mnlte
BBd tka eeptel of eold -water to tba be- la Imporiaat: bet <m tea latter It freqaaaUp don more harm teae rood.
aalsml patatr-bp who oaade II.
te aatte of moat mown ta ^ta. daa
Oftea te tba Boratef w, coma to tba
ammeek or the eaateei ebair to aball terralp to a lack ef potoah aad phraAtetba toll Mwallta todamparptataad peel oar poteteca.aad la
tee beat traatmoat la to raka eear
ba aftarBOOB we ell with ear -rawidf
-------MThlF aad applp borat lime at
r books.
BeiitteeTralwr wbleb ao.aai* tka apol te all.
Frltade aad tba nu of two reed baedfeU to tea
Bened tbe fellowtef
DMrtbin father from far aad acar; aqaara pard.
md plap.whUt
wWt tka old- aprtef. aad do aat fall to ooa tea mlaarat ferUlUar te Aafaat.-lfuiMft,


: Sri£“S#lS

ii gSSEsaS



“Itbatbeeaalortlp dap.'taid
Ip. ae tbadittrlbaud bar W fill,
aerer bod asp proerau to fire awap
ta^. andl tel*,Wrttd.p. araj.l


rji.srfssisii.'s-.' Ute tlMte__ Seltciol


To« HAYoSWip. Bra«fat. .Bd which haa bairn
fra rara SO
hat borne the oifnatai?^

»Aod hat been ntadc nnJrr hit perr
All roontcrfdla, Iiultetiont ntid Halmtltutra arc bat Ks.
porimrnU that trltio with amd endanfer the Iwwllb vf
luEanu ASMl CUlIdrcb-IItpriH.-im- OBBlart .Exprrtatettfc

What is CASTORIA - , '
CnxtoriB It A tnixlllule for <'n.l.>r OH, I*nre»»>rto. IMum'
' and huothlof Ktmps. It F« ihirtnli--.> aud 1‘lrwsAnt. It’
wnt^nm Britli.-p 0|Hnm, M.^i.hlne
iu>r «s«,ii-r
trilier \ArWllo
MSI,,- SIS?,
aal^ora. lu air., l. it. cuirai.K-e. It
and allApu Fci-eritlmr«v It ciinw lMarrli<i-» and Wiud
Culle. It rdipvn Tcethliijr Tr.HilIw t-urtw-ruuntlimlliMi
and naluuitoj. It amltulUt,,* ll..- I'.k-I. PrB«lat« tta«

Bl'Inif Iteom.}' .md tuiluna aleqi.
The UiUdren's l*anar,-.i_Tlii‘ MMlbrr't>'rl<-uds


'Houltwenip Are timea la a day.

»<>•" »* •!» 'roaod

The Kind You Haie Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.

Asd papa and
be reads jatt
ji - at lonf at tbc'aablr.
And teen
teen fnllt atlnep In ber chair.
And ebe alu there and eleepa in ber
- flaieee.
And pea don't know how fnaap

io we

To tee tbioft well in ber dreamt

Harjorie nertr crier wbea asp li'
mitbap befallt bar and bat beea kno
B witeoul abaddlof a tear tr
>umpe teat bare rapidip acquired

dap Araminia. her dearly lo
teoderlp cberirbed doll, fell ioto tbr
opes frale and raceired a eontution of
tbe note wbleb wat moti unpleattni to
• te. Marjorie winked rerp
few iiiinniet. and then, run
ber injured Anmlnla lo brr
cblldrea bad
___Iber. rbe barird her bead in ber Itp
brotean worked wilb
“i>ti. mamma. I done want to
Bitten helped ber mother
crp. but my le
Hollp waihed
fatleood"-- i:j.
ditbee. tcoored
le knitet, fed ___
irraadi for tee lemA Sorel 8or|>eni.
mmer boarden beflplD*d“au“lb
Some Ume Bfo in tbe dltlrlel school
ao old .Sew Kof land town, tec icdiol()o<
Carp, was
■ollp ahell peas one morar an eaeb bad to read a rene Is thi
ble erery moroinf. line day tbe
tef. aad i InklBf teal aheu
reno to be read wat. “Now ibe terpent
deal ol t
was more eublle than top beast of tee
_iallp tbe aald:
“How old are poa. I’ollp'.'"
Imtfloo the turprlae of tbe teacher
“Serao." I’ollp answered.
“Yon'ra almoel elfbl." tald ber wbeo be betril the bop read. “Now tbe
serpent war more tlubiallcd Uianall
■•When It bar blnbdapr- MittCary tbe bcatuof tee ..................................





Carriages, Cutters, Sleighs, Etc.


tome Ume—tee terenteente—pee.
aereateeate ol Jalp, I declare,
bare forfottea all about It if peu
hadn't aapokr." Aed Mn. Jones rreat
her work tfala.
lo wilb hi

-ace-amk■d what a

When abe went dewa to breakfaal
be nest atorainf, Uln Oorp met Follp
a tee hall. aad. patUaf a little silk
lane late ber hand, eald klodlp,
"Hera. FoUp, ta aometblBf for poa to
bop blrtedap preaeau with."
Fellr opeeed tee little bar- aad
found io it eifblbrifbtallrerquariera:
and abe
9 at fail me abe coald te
her moteer.
“Lead tekea.. eouo:
ebUd:“ oer
her motaer
aald: “teal'eteo
9 maeb moaep far poo
AT Bare
aai IL liwlU bap
^ a ra>r of I boat and a warm bond



Horsesboeing and General Repairing Dona

Re-Painting and Upholstering.

aid the kse
t. “You mtp

‘‘•^Wbp. Follp." esclalmad Mitt Carp,
' it one who piece
“don't rou know? It's tee aaolrana
of old onet" iSbc
rp of tee dtp poo ware bora Didn't mpant e dreas-maker Jpoa erer bare a blrtedap praieat,
“Now. Tjmmp." tald bn mother, o^
*^No.'' taid Fetip. lookiof pnrrled.
Chrltlmar morolofr. “pou mail remem­
“We aerer bare maeb time tor tbne ber that 11 It more bleared lo fire than
to recelre.'
“Yet. 1 know, mamma." replied Tom
mp. -nnl I ain't t bit-aelAtb."
“Clara, afed fogr.'went into a drnt
store tee other day. aod ttepplsf up u
tbe proprietor said, in a half wtaitgter;
-Sappoaiof a Hllle flrl bais't aa]
moBOp. bow.much ebewisf fuln wculd
pou fire her for a cent?'

SUte St., near Dnion.

CiiDd EipMi t IHIui R)


"P NRDtmn l i.


"Sap. Mamma." aaid 4-pear-ald FlotMe. wbo bad ealCB i^mperatolpof Ibt
tt dinner, “inp..............
tub it Joit like
tbe window tub "
'•Wbp it It. dra-?“' atked U._________
tee n
“HecaiBc li'i all around tee. pafo.'
replied Flotiie
“Isook. mmmt.-'Mid tirear-old Nat-

with Mart: but.«t ber_______
her to help “pot the broaktaat on."
Pollp took tbe plate of mufliae into tbe snD. esciai.
dlotef room. Him Carp aotiead
ad bit door:
wat Itehte. and maid. -Urt. Jo
we tel Follp fo dor
blf rate intte parloi
>p and tpend her bli
an? " aald Tomtop.
. "1 tbosia tpaWk whoerer did It." aald
garni. So. after tbe bad pat tbt
aalee^ Pollp waa allowed tefo_____ Mn. Hank*, ft' Ibf aaraaelp at ber littUTA which wat a food two mllca
“Well. teen, pon d britcr .kafia lo,
aw'ap: bet toe hapop lltUe flrl woald
bare wllllairtr wafnad Are mllei te fet up pour mntcle,'' tald Tommp fleafullp. ' era papt'e broken IL"
spaed ber preeioat two dollair.

bard te the baode to remore the
riaeu. Drate tearoofklp. Place
rated bowl two cope of cold
His with teem tee
iloct. leatoi with ealtaad
poor orer team two Mbit- the came back, aad tee faearden i
loaoflDf abrat. walUaf for Ue topper
ef aafar and a aeaat
at eapfol ot rioofar. belltoriBf. Tbep all tmllad at tee
lltUa Afara toUinf ap tee road, with
wUh ate^rare^^tkataffMTlTrm her armt faU of boadua FoUpamlled
aadtUemof hard boUad acp aad let- radiaaUp tkroofb tee datt teal cor.
laarea.—Dorwir .Vw.
redberroandlltge faeeae mb
iHtaCkip “Ob' Irefotn
r tetep. Pleara come late te
1 and era "
“No. it's too worm tbera." Mitt Carp
Vtrp Uw pernoai raa oat tba while
of a bard boiled rff with tap defree aald. “Come tnte tea eerier where It'e
otoomfon Efft are Ufhip nalriUom tool: aad we etc oee all."
So teap weal Into tee boat
Ip commtDotd to unwrap ber paektfTt
exhibit her pnrcbitet
rbara." the tald. n the tore tbe pa­
bolUBf raodeta the rolk aOlt ^ per from a queer abapad bandle. “tbit

deparilBf for aleafteaned abtenee^
to Mke care of mamma.
leai» mabmia." aald tba oal
!BL “Id pour cbaifa.'' That Blfl
m the poenf bopelal kaelL u wi
cnttoB. bp bit mdther'a knee. I

tu sit. Jut* liU, **t Wit. Jtir wt aU IM.
Abxb*i W. ttt Itit. 0*M U.4tu> SM au CM
On. ■•■*. Trtit* irair »!■■»«»» ntr • JU t
tmwt4Bte.*i~ li-n;» a.; bar* Pstmtt

«rii <7?4^:r',T9*'iT
a*t.u*r M anwrttIt Buaoyt,

’*“l‘latae. Lord, blew fraadmamma
aad take care of ber: blew tatbar aad

Inf to take care of ber."

II Ita. m. UBit tt* ttair rtr ta G?uc
lURira r » t a. wait tt* ti.Rn ptrui? rar
isCtirtar- < Str •> WB t** ttetirra .*


poWle Prtiee It PnbUo Proiwrtp
Trarerte Clip Pecple Map Prolit bp Loieai Espenenea
Gralafnl people will talk. Tell ibMr
___ brardtn leokad at rack oteer te asperleaeca for tbe peUlc food Trutaipriaa. bat Pollp urn'MO batp te aodtp eltlteoi pralra Doaa'e Kida«p
iee. Ska Ulrlp baamad te abe bald ap Fills. Kidney taffereiamppreciato teh.
. fraat freea fUta-aadrUe pte far Ic- They Aad ralmf for ererp kldaep ill.
apacthm. “laa't it Mrelp'.'" abe aald.
Bead wbnt tela eilliee atjt:
“IU tor pa. ne he ii wear a cellar like
“Mr. E LpoB. Draler io Chain Fmma waau him to. Of ooetoe. be'll want
te wear aaeb ae citfaat pla: aad tew Up Greeariea. 44» E Freot ttreet. aapt:
ball bare to wrar h Ua.Aad tkaa ba'll “i wte eowldcrablp Imblad with mp
bate and tbonfbl ll wu from tea kidare to urear a colter “
■Thit Mat MBCb." aba eeatlaami. aapt u tbe pale wu abrat wbora tkeu
orraoa are loeaiad. I read aboal aed
pwtefatmaa haadte. “oelparmula
Icaew pareoer wbo bad uod Doan's
Kidnep PIIU. aod tehlndaead me to
^^rardc^tedrad oTiT***
be batp UUlt Aaftn a_____ _____ try team They atralfbUBcd me ap la
ttri^ Noowakaewwbateeruteack a abort time, asd tee aeilcm of tbe kid.
sep ueraUont wu rasdered refular
penal Some lima afurwardt 1
" lunTw^arfol whatK urenld bap.
Bad aot aIcBBfe that tea Hula firi had fait a atlfbl rararreace aad tfala reaaaat a wbaU ball dap ahepptef. ------- -- to Doaa'e Kldaep Pilta bat net
After teU exp
------------u iBB
Tkart was a blaa Ue fad bmkar Cea la rale
aad a ptek eaa tor Tim. a paUow halr- fled to adrite tbalr eu to eteara ia
rlbboB tor alaMr Uada. aont brati hair aaad el a food kldaep nadkiaa ’

SSp pIttertela"MriI!rlp betora'rte

Ck^ matt Ira



It* br*: trm ai a*M tMiaaW *1 It, Bt.* •• bM

Pepe Marquette

Jaraa aaatd bit wife: “Wh/ la a hattad Ilka daafhr- Ha aaatelad aba opiBid IU
“Tbla H tba aloaai ot aU. Deant. Bad taka m
waald flra It ap aad thn m wm fo- aad IM tor pea.'aba tald. n aha headto tall bar It It ■-Btaaraa bit wife
paMMkim'- Bal tba taU it M “Ba1:2=1
oana kata bard to fat aff krabB '
A aUgkl Booteaaa toUow^

t^t«tirait»\«raMi^,<,g;ri ...... .. tM

Trt,m> Oil. **4 it-r
B t*r Itw* t*

* «ii

For taU. bp aJl dealaia.
Prlea U
- - ef powdarad aatar- ptettorfTaadma.aamaU baulaeteetefat terJaka. tea “blrad u.' aad aowM par.beiFoatar-MUbara Oe..



' Bean the Sigaature of

Lad tbe eallt them ber -tpeet'' i
the'i worn them
For erer asd erer to loof.
lad when tbtfau tenrafb with 1
Sbe carefallp puM teem awap. '
iBd teai'r wby i bare to help Sad




_____ ItUa browB-wlaped birds
Bara ehoiee to (atbioa their dwelltef
Aad utter tetir lortaf wordi:
All dap tear are potef aad eomlaf
Oa erraadi frtqaaat aad Aeetc
Hat trarbltef orer and orar.
“Swoelett. sweat, awaet, 0 aweat"

And ehattte aad dean and Aatur. .
And acrape rrlth tbalr Uep feat.
TelliBf me orar aad orer. . .
raliob. BOl bartaf tap partlealar antrl.
-■SwMMtt. awaal. tweet. 0 tweei:"
Ura ruloa. A aAlad map oombtea a reip
tebataatlal Hat ot atatarialt for a maaf.
Senmar aalada of eooraa. are Ilfbur.
daboald beaaptelnf te tec
la water-proof taiu of browa.
Itaec. water ertat, o
Ibep aerer mope aor laafulab. aa. baaat. etc : aad •
Nor marmar at atbrm or brat.
Fraoob drculaf ol
Juice tbep arc aot oalp tcmotlaf to tbe Boa tap, wbaterar tbe wealber.
"Sweeteai twtei. eweev O twm
palate, but bare ralaa from a bprlaalc
Wbaa chiekea, lokatar or
llad U aarrad with la rich
ulad"^'l If, te bot waatear. ao ethJalp list. l«Oii.
ar food ot
Your prnldnt la folaf to nil tela
breao aad butter
Bald be aerred.
A rerp taaipttef aoatmer
“raeailoe Satardip" aad Just be lar.p
uleal oaa ta at It oMp ba aad not area rlilt with ber Suobeamt.
_________ from lafto'
aed Biapbe
Sbe loTca poo all. jatt tee eaine,
rarlad aecordtef to r<
teoofb, aad hopaa poo are all bappp,
aatadeat follows:
wberarar poo an. Aooteer week wr
will bare a food talk.
IfpoB bare a eaeambar, oaa or ti
Meaawblle bare Isa food awrp for
UmaUte. a few radUbn. a cap
poo. SaelT pndoa't tbiak i'ollpbad
tret teat 1
a Bice birtbdap:
e bpcDlUof
___________________________ jntetotabca.
addlaf tee strtet beau mod ralalaf
Pollp was a dear little flrl wbo Ured
with Ficaeh dramtef.
Serra oa a Aat on a alee larpe farm with pleaip of
salad diafa teppramid form: farelab chlckaot. cows aad bortea; but KoUp
with tea Ultaoeabredded aad tetradteonrbt mocb bow nice all tbne
tor ber tatber aod mother were





whp all wm oo mtluT

cloteca. aad a card eaptef. “For Follp.
on mp blrtedap. from Imaa fterp,''
wbleb. bp ter trap, immediplelp '
eambtea doll's name.
Aad Him Carr was not tee oolp oar
wbocaofbt Pollp'e ideaof ablrtbdap;
tor tee rcat of tbe boarden rvmembarTouATDCt Aira rucau.
ad Follj'i areteau. aed itaroofb tea
pear, aa each oae't blrtedap came. Fol­
Tbalr aeekt araehaafafcl aad ahlalaf. lp reealred a fill to de'.ifbt b
Btoara for food tkat froin raadp cook­
Tbalr epea are like lirtef paB*oar Hula bearu
ed. otall teeweedreae fruluof tea Aad all dap leaf tbep are bot/
' Wbae tee aeraBteeolb of Jalp_____
earth, tee paaeb aad tomato are aol laQatecctef atraun aad ttoau.
aroaad aft'o- tboufb Him Carp waa
Ual aad ftetem aad Krann.
not at tbe farm, tbe aeat Follp a little
And half tarfuiUof to eat.
tilu baf with Blneellrerqaarim ia it.
Yet aerer laUtef to warble.
•^^FMlp aUH^tbiakt “Mrtbda]
“Swaeteat. awaet. aweet, O aweel!"
eooktef. Klpaaadteteetau
sir pertaeUaa'tkap art both . .. I Mtlar erumbt oa tee doorutep.
Grandma's irlatte
aad driak aad madleiaa aa well. If we
And AlDf ibam seme damp tbraadt .
re to oooaldcr ear food te tacb Ilfbt

eblldrae teafbad aad wept, dastod aeo
tboated IB BdmlnUoB aod fraUtnde.
Uae-htll boztol of fatetlo,
te tba s<
Haar lattera hare
Foar offo. batten esparatolp
bias but attrar
BlBteaarite aod Eefllabwaielali wilb
Foot lerel leatpoealuls of ra
the other band a amootb
.1 of daiiMobtec aaceBBit of the dukrlbaoae enpfal of aofar.
eaUtea It qaltetbe proper thtefaDd
Ika farmeau aad tbei
Soak the falalte te tee milk for half
dirocUp la keeptef with the aoi
raUtode '
an boor. Then potltoa tbe Bra tea
. t ootteft eel orbleb It
boiler: brat tee polka ef tbe
It erideac^.
ecta and tbe tnfar tofather. aad when
tbit preatal temteo tbe seed U teafold
“ It
‘ mistake I
tee Bilk U bolltef alir tee efft ia aad
treater tkaa tbne paare ifa"
' iBtll It.befteau telckea.
wteter fapetiee befia It b
if effa rerp llfbU and aUr
Ito tba mlatare when llletakae off
» Are: Aaror aad pour Into tea mold
The alhletk firl. If abe ti wiae. will j > seek. Beat tee wbitn well Into the
practice dltereUoB, and aaoiot ber tkla
For Saodap dinner tbit eaa be prerrilb tome taarmleta tetloa or uofueat.
0 the moal b
wbleb will protect baroomplezloa from parad oa Satardap aad placed la tbe
ditp of.^ lad
uodlraalroat eSecte oad pet batble lae bot or eallar w aet for tbe a
bar te participate la all coreted epnrlt. dap.-.scle«rd._______________
"i^joYlal old mteltter remarked reibora dlffara oalp te defrae from
An Unpromlsinf Record
eratlp. “Tbe room we nee eommoalp la
- other bora. The oil aed aataral
the oalp room te the k-------------- -•
litare of the akla !• aetaallp dried
He urn a food-aaUrad bachelor of
did aet dalfB to look a
up. Tbit firet rite te the drp. parched tee famUp. aod. belaf tbe cblldb
epeel tbe dap wiib u
feellBf ezparieaeed after loaf eipot- ooelA wu left ie ebarft of tba babp
faUea late a wap of ealltef
tlltef al^plp nre. The DonrltbaieDt it all wltb- forma boar oae dap. Hetef a method­
drawB from tbe akla. aad naleat tap­ ical man be aet dorra tea rarioot
I bare oftea rtBcolad apon tba tnitb
telDfateat the ebUd did 1a tbe lima.
of tkat ebaoee remark, llad oar frimd
Ooe. cried Alieen mlaatee
kited ae a tew wralrn later be mlfbt
erptrolp bare tald, 'Tbeeslp rooBi
poaof facet.
U^eel^lHoto tbebwthaad tpoUad
I roar bosee leoaUlde of It “
ir ttalrtpci
hit white drw: fear, crawled aader
OBdet.tbe epreadtef btaoebaa
the aota. aad. at be waa too fat to be
pie trete tbe bammoek ewlefi from
.. . - '...l Are te railed oat. tbe aota was lifted from
maatef oatli blfbt; chain. roaUc
tbla roaaoe a food him: Arts marked tee waU with tba
aeattaadpUlewe audefor roofh aw
abrald be
are left cml tbe whole time, oalp bammother aad fell
amollleat oaad bp__ ^
,______ ___
a member of dee abeorptkm of tbe aataral oil of tba tet froal tUra aad atlll bituaeledet^tuiUpB^MaapIrlUd
------- ,---------daebfortbe
tbie, wbleb it tbecaoteol
ATte teal he la a prodlfp.—Srin-inl.
I the chain orar ao that tbe Iteea. te maap eatea.-/i<m,r
ir .tfiml'ilji.
— drala off. aad laarm them
Prataad Chloaen.
te that bamble alUtade to tb<
To Eaep a Itewa te Oooo CoadlUoa.
Drtat. elaaa and cat ap a foar-ponai
of tbe wealber.
Tka chain a
Pat te a auw raa with tw>
The eblaf poteU for tetarlaf a rood fowl.
atnmclp baUl. aad fmlsud Ire
lawB are carafel faedtef aad refoter tllem earrolt. two alloaa ealoat. two
ao tka^tbep itaad ibia bard

bit of bap leaf,
leal a
eutltef. Uraaa. like other Aeld
’^ro of o«r rdatle aeau are well reqolraa pleat food. and. at iu rt..
tal of pepptreor
Carer with bolliof
worth epeeialmwttea. Soma Portlaad tarn te tomewbat tballow. tea pleat.
iwlp aaUI tee meat
aoppUad a
belaablfblparallN. Wbaa bait ee
.. barrel. able form.
kardraadtetilldxjoe te tbe barrel.
Bemore eblckea aad chop L___,
WMeaallp ramored. tawed aeroat the
Strate liqaor aad redeea to teree-<|aaroralar. and behold, two atamp traU tprtef aod earlp aomme
tenMarap. Oeol. ranorefataaa add
that wUI teat tor eratcrlaa
Another Btore all tea fnm ellpploft: bat wbra
efoar aeanta aieel stamp or seelioa tea hot loa boau opoa It dortef Jalp
... Irad te two Mbleapoootala ol
Tbcae ere fronped at tbe and Aofoat Irave tea ellppterioa tea tef water, add to chiekea aad t
of a laife trae. aad to oar partial fraattoaarre atamalcb. TbtetemapaaanartlaticaBwelltajaifal. Tbep paelallp tne for aaelteat tabjacl te a


are all
tetef teat we flra

Tbe Best moalb. after Mlot Carp had
raM>aed to tea .Itp. abe bade birte

. wlibtnthfrBltbaapadabeut


Hlnu to Farm Womea.
■m to darkaBte. ae, bdfhteat to
lUrbV .Kora baauUfal tkaa tap
iM art U tka teiuteeapt bafeae at: weald-trp to It
tepart a wgadarfally laffa -------- rtbaa tap apkeltterp tbe ralral
kaa kaaa rabtd.
Bat aiUl
tten Ja lean aad U aay of Boat added bp ffowerlBC riaet aed plaatt
Ie aetoalablDf how maapaa-,
mralp, bat tee while beeomm toofb
I eBBBOl but tklDk that tkli elate eaentarp teteft we do. I tetek It la aad tadifteUblc. aad aboold ba dHOaaaak'nadanteal that tear taa terI aeperideaeeot tedelaaee toroac mioi —l-nd-o- Uomu J..yima>.
ttar ae tka feed wete, ft wUl kt a eernmnalob with naure oe ose head,
trp to lifbUB bar work. Let at
and haartp feod-fallowiblp with
kind of tbeothtr. te aaktef
bktef osr aanattetaaenAetefbaalte.
itte^ tetbt
do Iota el work tbep aaaUp eeald arolA
a with sa- Tbo time cared coald rarp p^ublp
ba tpaal bp tk«a te teatroeltef aod
tare te bar bapplmt
'■Bmdfadaof Iheaaaadiel tka ten
tntetef tbalr eblUraa- Bat teap werir
tm mtaran hare eot ae naeb ta a
aaUl Und oat. Tbaa tera era cron palto ef two am allfhtlp baatea.'two
pM« flt temlla ter tbalr aatin watdn for tba taktef.— aad rlraa to aeoldtef. kaaplv tba lltatea. Kata aa kaa kata tkalr kaaftr.
Ua OMt te a atato of fear aad trambltef. 11 we woald rlre more Ume te aad eoa-toarte el a cap ef rtBafartettroettef tee ekU&ee teerc wooM Ooak orar beUlaf water, ttlriv raaBrolUac Btaaet
befewvdaUpaptleteteheoL Itaratp tiaallp BBlll tee mlstara telteaae:
maent write atMM a^
IB bad a rood waabtef maebtee 11
1 tara labor aad prebablp doewrt'
P^ lor brolll^ te that eem^.
Ripe enrraar Pm
Get a ^ atool aad all at tea
teterlaaaUdAkow ftedUwaaUI:
alwajt warm^ Mtora Ikap
a with a food e
ateVM aat oU aatra Maailtei of
do tee iraetef alwlaf. Dkb uwMa aa^V^l^mlxM:' Om
Obb rapf.i
-----------irair aaror.
aad tneb tetertatad oalp ba teldad. at ripa craobod carroaM. ooa rapfal
plaaad os tbe eoaU Ibcpr ofM
oftea_______ Whu pan ro lato tea eallar tbtek of
... ------------------_
teoretaad Mthe
the0 oetelda M all pea Bead tearate ter teaaualaite
brtef ttoatateae trip, teat arakdtef
MBMte-m tekri tad a teadar o rail.
DBBaeataarp atopa.-FVrr--------


IU branutal, PaUp, dear."

The taaUemea looked oat ol tea —
down, oad MUa Carp pat ber i____
arooad Pollp aad kined tea bet. dnUp







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